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LED LIGHTING & CONTROLS BUYERS’ GUIDE COLUMBIA LIGHTING ALERA LIGHTING PRESCOLITE HUBBELL BUILDING AUTOMATION HUBBELL INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING HUBBELL OUTDOOR LIGHTING SPAULDING LIGHTING STERNER LIGHTING DEVINE LIGHTING KIM LIGHTING ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING BEACON PRODUCTS DUAL-LITE COMPASS PRODUCTS Leadership In Innovation A Legacy of Innovation Making the ordinary extraordinary for over 125 years is how Hubbell Lighting continues to provide the marketplace with reliable innovation. Performance, quality and ease of use culminate in solutions that save energy and deliver proven return on investment regardless of the application. Hu Hubbell Ligh Li ghting’s investment in solid-state lighting and energy saving controls is helping create the e next ne ext g generat atio ion of leading edge lighting products that will help users save money, reduce main ma inte tenanc nce e co costs an nd improve our environment while never losing sight of the understanding as to how lighting ng iiss us used ed b by our cu customers. We’ll never sacrifice quality and we’ll leverage our lighting expe ex perience to assu ure that ha at ea e se off us use, trouble free performance and beautiful illumination remain h lllmarks of o ha our u offering. g. In o onl nlyy three years, Hubbe bellll Light htin ing g ma manage ged d to earrn more than 90 awards and recognitions for exce cellen ence ce,, pe ce erf rfor orma or m nc ma n e and pr pres e en nta tati t on n. In the e llas ast five ye year ars, the IES Progress Report called our name na me mor ore th than an any other err lum lum u inaire re man anuf ufac acturer’’s. s Thi Thiss ye y ar alo one ne,, we received 10 Architectural Solid d-S at d-St ate e Li Ligh ghti ting n Product Inn nov ovatio on award ds. Fo Forr Hu Hubb b el elll Li L gh ghting, in inno novative excellence is a way of life, a cha aract ctterr tra ait ttha h t you can n ta take to the bank. A era Li Al Ligh g ting Hubb bbel elll In Ind dustrial Lig ight h ing A ch Ar hit itec e tu ura r l Area Lighttin ng Hubbel ell Ou Outd t oor Lighting Be B eac a on Pro rodu uct cts s Kim Li Lig ghtiing C lu Co umb mbia Lig ght hting Kurt Ku rt V Versen Comp Co mp pa as ss Pr Prod od duc ucts t Prescolite Devi vine eL Lig ight ig htting in ng S aulding Liigh Sp ghtti tin ting ng g Dual-L -Lit ite it te Sp por o ts t liter So olu uti tion on ons ns Hu ubbel bb bel ell B Bu uilld diing g Auttomation Ster errne nerr Li Ligh ghti ting ti n ng i Thoughtful Design - End to End Control Our integrated approa ach to solid-state lighting design is supported by a worlld class tea am of mechanical, electrical and optical engineers workin ng in harmon ny with our NVLAP certified solid-state laboratories to maximize luminaire efficiencies and minimize field maintenance assuring dependable performa ance and value. Hubb Hubb b el e l Li L gh ghtiing eng ngin inee eers rs leve le vera rage ge S SSL SL e exp xper erti tise se w wit ith h re real al lilife fe a app pplilica cati tion on k kno nowl wled edge ge to assu as sure re tha hatt fo form rm, pe erf rfor o mance, re elilabilit ab b itty an nd ea ease s of fu f ture re main ma inte tena nanc nce e wo work rk ttog oget ethe herr seam se amle less s ly tto ss o pr p ov ovid id de an exce ex cept ptio tio ona n l us user er exp per erie enc nce. e. ii EndE d to-E -End d Man nuf u ac ctu turi ring ng With Wi th a d dee eep p in inve vest stme ment nt iin n SMT SM T as asse semb mbly ly,, CO COB B an and d manu ma nufa fact ctur urin ing g te tech chno nolo logi gies es,w ,we e o timi op m ze e LED sys ystem inte telligence, fo orm and perf pe rfor o mance fo or ou o r lumina n ir i es whilile wh e ti tigh ghtl tlyy co cont ntro rollllin ng th the e manu ma nu ufa fact c ur ct u in ing g pr p oc oces esss to assu as sure re con consi sist sten ency cy.. High Per H Perfo form rman ance ce Powe Po werr Su Supp ppli lies es We vver erti tica callllyy in inte tegr grat ate e LE LED D powe po werr su supp pply ly dev evel elop opme ment nt and an d ap appl ply Hu H bbell Lighting n solutions ac a ross our luminaire o ferings to improve quality of cont co ntro roll and lilfe performance in appl ap plic icat atio ion. n Assuring the highest quality and value, Hubbell Lighting has the capability to internally develop and manufacture virtually every element of the LED luminaire short of the actual discrete LED, where we select only the highest quality LEDs among the top component suppliers in the industrry. Leading Edge Optics Our custom designed optical solutions are developed to precisely control LED illumination and provide powerful consistent task efficiency while minimizing glare and optimizing uniformity. Thermal Optimization The maintenance benefits provided by LED technology are predicated on driving heat away from LED and power supply components. Through the use of advanced materials and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, Hubbell Lighting continues to break the boundaries of light output and luminaire life. Quality Our NVLAP certified labs validate design performance and subject new products to robust reliability testing prior to release. They establish the benchmarks of quality control that our operations teams use in manufacturing. Every Hubbell Lighting SSL luminaire is tested in manufacturing and goes through a dedicated burnin process that has resulted miniscule defect rates that support years of trouble-free operation. iii ADVANTA The Hubbell Advantage Stay on the leading edge of technology by selecting from Hubbell Lighting’s portfolio of solid-state lighting products. Complete Solutions From beautiful commercial environments to complex industrial applications, Hubbell Lighting provides high performance solutions across virtually every industry application. Architectural Industrial Harsh/Hazardous Ambient Outdoor Downlighting Energy Savings By optimizing the LED, optics, drivers and controls into integrated fixture configurations, Hubbell Lighting has broken the technology barriers to create cost effective, high performance LED luminaires that can save up to 70% in applications, replacing less efficient technologies such as HID or fluorescent. 400 460 49% 69% SAVINGS NGS SAVINGS S 300 200 235 5 100 169 0 400-Watt Metal Halide iv Fluorescent T5 HO LED AGES Reducing Maintenance Energy savings is only part of the story. New Solid-state LED solutions from Hubbell Lighting last up to 3 times longer than Metal Halide or Fluorescent sources and up to 60 times longer than incandescent sources, dramatically reducing maintenance costs. LAMP TYPE LIFE IN HOURS REQUIRED RELAMPS vs. LED Incandescent 1,000 Compact Fluorescent 10,000 Metal Halide 20,000 Linear Fluorescent 20,000 LED 60,000 60 6 3 3 0 Control In Application Hubbell LED solutions provide instant restrike performance, that when combined with factory integrated Hubbell controls, reduce energy usage by as much as 80% in application. It’s another innovative way we help meet fast evolving codes and standards. Easy Install, Easy Maintenance Hubbell LED luminaires are designed with installation and maintenance ease in mind. Our products offer easy access to electrical components that will reduce installation time and costs while making maintenance quick and efficient. Electronic Tracking In the fast evolving LED space, component performance upgrades are ongoing. To provide best in class field support, we’re integrating electronic tagging technology across our product lines giving us a record of all the spec details of your luminaire. Years after installation a quick scan will reveal all of the critical specification details our teams will need to provide superior service and support. Environmentally Friendly With no mercury, like HID or fluorescent technologies, Hubbell Lighting LED luminaries require no lamp recycling and dramatically reduce CO2 emissions when replacing legacy technologies. Rebate Program Approved Utility rebate programs, where available usually require products to be Design Lights Consortium or Energy Star qualified. Hubbell Lighting maintains one of the more extensive collections of DLC and Energy Star qualified products available to reduced project costs and quicken payback. For a complete listing, visit v LED Standards: Testing Performance for Reliability and Quality Every LED lumin naire produced by Hubbell Lightin ng is subjected to a rigorous design and d evaluatio on process, supported by industry standards to ensure our pro oductts perform as s promised. When you order solid d-sta ate luminaires from us, you can be confide ent that they’rre safe, relia able and will produce years of ex xce ellent light quality. We’vve put tog geth herr a brie ef ovvervview of the ind dustry stand dards to design and d prod duce the produ ucts which bear the Hub bbell Lighting na ame: IESNA LM-80--08: It st starts with the LED. LM-80 is th he Illu Illuminating Engineering Society of Nort orth America (IESNA) approved standard d for for m suring lumen maintenance mea e of LE L D light sources. LM-80 provides the lig he framew fra mework for the reliable measureme ement n of lu lumen e maintenance and color-po point int stabil sta bility ity of LEDs, at the component lev evel. l. Te Testi sting g under LM-80 is typically conducted ed fo forr several thousand hours (ex e : 6,00 ,000-1 0-10,0 0,000 00 hours), the results of which are e furth further e eva v luated under IES TM-21-11 to pr provi o de insights into lumen maintenan ance ce und under operating conditions with hin the he lu luminaire. IIESNA TM-21-11: 11: Ut Utili ilizin zing data collected under LM-80 co 0, TMM-21 is the IIlluminating Enginee erin ring g Society S of Nor North th Ame A rica (IESNA) NA) ap appro proved standa ard for f projecting lon ong-t g-term erm lumen ma maintenance of LED light so rces. The re sou r sults of this standar dard d provides the pro e fr fram amework under whic hich h Hubb Hub bell Lightin ing g reports r LED source ce liffeti etime me. Under th this is sta standa ndard, the LED D dr drive v currentt and LE LED D operati o a ng temper pera atures are util tilize ized along with a corresp espond o ing LM M-80 data set to calcul ulate ate the expe p ct LED LE lumen deprecation n and a lifetime e. vi IESN LM-82-12: LED Light engines IESNA are ev evalu a ated under LM-82, which is the e IlIllum luminating Engineering Society of Nor North Ame Americ rica (IESNA) approved method forr dete determi r ning photometric properties ass a fu fun nction on of temperature e for LED light engi ngines nes and integral lamps. IES IESNA LM-79-08: Hi Histo storic ricall allyy the th lighti lig ting n industry has used rel relati a ve v photom pho tometry to evaluat u e the the pho photom tometric c perfor orma mance c of luminaires. Si Since nce th the e light emi emitte tted from an LED luminai naire re is a functio ion no off a n number of variables, es some of whic ch include the operating ng temperatu a re and dr drive current of o the LEDs, an abs bsolu olute te tes te ting standard, which provides con configuration-specific performance, is ut utili ilized z . LM-79 is the Illuminating Engiineerin ring g Society of North America ca (I (IESN ESNA) A) approved method, whic h h desc d cribes es the procedures and precauti utions ons fo forr perfor orming reproducible mea measur sureme ements nts of total luminous flux, electrical al po power wer,, luminous intensity distribution and lum chrom chr omaticity of solid-state lighting g (S (SSL) SL) produc pro ducts for illumination purposes under und e sta standa d rd conditions. In Sit Situ u Temp Tempera eratur u e Measu urre em men en nt Testt (IST Tes (ISTMT) MT): In Siitu Temperatu tu ure r Measur Mea surem ement Tes Te ts are used to measur mea sure the operational temperatu ures res e o luminaire of r co c mponents (LEDs, optica opt i l mate a rials, power e supplies, etc tc.), .) un under the range of ambient tem mper pe atures the product is rated for. These hese measurements are utilized in conjun co uncti c on with other test standards (LM-8(LM - , TM-2 M-21) 1 to determine the expectted luminaire, and component, exp liffeti etime m under operating conditions. vii LED Understanding LED Technology The market continues to evolve along with solid-state (SSL) technology. What was once only a bright idea for low-power applications is now revolutionizing the entire lighting industry. For efficiency, striking illumination and low cost of ownership turn to Hubbell Lighting’s broad offering of LED luminaires. Yes, LED technology is coming soon to an application near you. LED luminaires use light emitting diodes to produce light more efficiently than other white-light sources. The movement of electrons through a semiconductor material produces photons as electrons and holes combine. LEDs generate less heat than legacy sources, but the heat that is produced must be managed and drawn away from the LED through a heat sink to maximize efficacy and lifetime. A light emitting diode or LED light is in its simplest form is comprised of two semiconductor materials. When a voltage potential is applied between these materials, blue light is produced and is converted to a full-spectrum white light source through a phosphor layer. By addressing the unique properties and requirements of LED technology, Hubbell Lighting continues to unlock the value of LED and the promise of efficiency, reliability and sustainability. LED lighting is fundamentally different from conventional light sources such as incandescent, fluorescent, and gas-discharge lamps. An LED uses no mercury, no lead, no gas or filament, it has no fragile glass components and it has no failure-prone moving parts. Lens Cathode Lead Silicone Encapsulment Semiconductor Chip Solder Connection Gold Wire Heatsink viii Silicon Sub-mount Chip AMBIENT INDOOR 1-15 ARCHITECTURAL AMBIENT INDOOR 16-21 ARCHITECTURAL DOWNLIGHTS PENDANTS & TRACK 22-61 LIGHTING CONTROLS 62-89 INDUSTRIAL/EXTREME 90-99 OUTDOOR 100-159 EXTRUDED SITE AND PRECISION FLOODLIGHTING 160-161 ARCHITECTURAL, STEP LIGHTS & SURFACE MOUNT 162-163 ARCHITECTURAL OUTDOOR 164-205 ARCHITECTURAL OUTDOOR 206-227 ARCHITECTURAL OUTDOOR 228-267 LIFE SAFETY 268-287 i AMBIENT INDOOR Brand Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 LED RECESSED ARCHITECTURAL LEPC EsPOC® LED Full Distribution Luminaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 LTRE LSER Serrano® LED Architectural Luminaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Transition® Enclosed LED High Efficiency Architectural Lensed . . . . . .6 LED LENSED TROFFERS LLT LED Lensed Troffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 LJT LED Troffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 LED WRAPS LAW Low Profile LED Wraparound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 LRO LED Corridor Wraparound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 LPT Premium LED Corridor Wraparound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 LWC Specification Grade LED Wraparound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 LED STRIPLIGHTS LCS LED Striplight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 LED INDUSTRIALS LLHV LED Versabay® High Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 LLHP LED Linear High Bay Premium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 LXEM LED Extreme Enclosed and Gasketed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 ARCHITECTURAL AMBIENT INDOOR Brand Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 LED RECESSED ARCHITECTURAL LM6R Micro6 LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Application Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 ARCHITECTURAL DOWNLIGHTS, PENDANTS & TRACK LED Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Ceiling Height Crossover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 ARCHITECTURAL Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 LF4SQLED 4" LiteFrame Square LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 D2LED 2" LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 LF6SQLED 8" LiteFrame Square LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 A2LED 2" LED Adjustable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 MD8LED 8" High Lumen LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 LF4LED 4" LiteFrame LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Integral Emergency/Dimming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 LF6LED 6" LiteFrame LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Decorative Trims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 LF8LED 8" LiteFrame LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 x ARCHITECTURAL DOWNLIGHTS, PENDANTS & TRACK (CONTINUED) COMMERCIAL Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 LC6LED 6" LiteFrame Commercial LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 LIGHT COMMERCIAL Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 BX4QL/IBX4QL/RMN4QL 120 4" LED QuickLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 FT6QLIC/LB6LEDA 6" FireTight LED QuickLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 LB6LEDA 6" LED Trims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 LB4LEDA 4" LED Trims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 DBXQL 6" LED QuickLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 RETROFIT Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 LC6LED 6" LiteFrame Commercial LED Downlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 CYLINDERS, STEPLIGHTS, & TRACK Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 93 LED Recessed High-Output Steplight LED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 LED Cylinders 4" & 6" LED Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 AKT6LED LED Track Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Pendalum LED Pendant LED Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 AKTSLED LED Track Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 LBC6 6" LED Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 System Components Track Accessories for Architrak® . . . . . . . . .60 SLLED LED Steplights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 LIGHTING CONTROLS Introduction and Table of Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 WIHUBB WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS wiHUBB Wireless Lighting Controls System Introduction . . . . . .65 WIH-SP wiHUBB Smart Pack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 wiHUBB Wireless Lighting Controls Quick Reference Guide . . . .68 WIH-SW wiHUBB Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 WIH-AP wiHUBB Access Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 WIH-OS wiHUBB Occupancy Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 WIH-OM wiHUBB On-Fixture Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 WIH-DS wiHUBB Daylight Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 WIH-IM wiHUBB In-Fixture Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 WASP2 DIMMING OUTDOOR OCCUPANCY SENSOR WASP2 Dimming Product Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 WSP WASP2 Dimming Outdoor Occupancy Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 CXDIMMING LIGHTING CONTROL PANELS System Introduction and Quick Reference Quide . . . . . . . . . . .79 CXR CX Relays Dimming Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 CX CX Dimming Lighting Control Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 ZONE5 DAYLIGHTING HARVESTING CONTROLS System Introduction and Quick Reference Quide . . . . . . . . . . .83 Z5-OS Zone5 Occupancy Sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Z5-CM Zone5 Daylighting Control Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Z5-DS Zone5 Switch Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Z5-DS Zone5 Daylight Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 OTHER LED CONTROL OPTIONS Occupancy/Vacancy Sensors, LX Networked Lighting Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 xi INDUSTRIAL/EXTREME HBL HBL Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 LUN LunaBay Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 HBLH HBLH Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 HLEML HLEML Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 HBLHA HBLHA Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 VL LED Vaportite Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 KSL KEMLUX III LED SERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 DOK Dokstar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 LWL Lightwatt LED Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 OUTDOOR LED Products Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 SCP Controls Guide Sedona luminaire with passive infrared motion Floodlighting and Building Mount Selection Guides . . . . . . . .105 sensor control option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 FSL Decorative Floodlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 RM LED Roadway RM30 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 FML Decorative Floodlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 RL LED Roadway RL60 Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 MHS Miniliter® Series Floodlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108 VBGG/VWGG Wet Location Vaportites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 MLED Magnuliter Floodlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 DDL Multipurpose Dusk-to-Dawn Luminaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 LFS Laramie compact decorative Flood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 TL-XX Tulip, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 ALF Architectural Architectural Floodlight/Wall Mount . . . . . . . . . . .111 CO-XX Cone, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 309 LED Lampholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 GN-XX Greenville, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 Photocontrols Photocontrols - Button, thread and twist lock . . . .113 MS-XX Mission, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 Mounting Accessories Trunnion, wall, pole, bullhorns and brackets SA-XX Saturn, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-115 RD-XX Reidville, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 LNC Laredo LNC Compact Wallpacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116 SS-XX Seashell, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 LNC2 Laredo LNC2 Compact Wallpacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117 EL-XX Eylid, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 LCC Laredo LCC Compact Wallpack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 RE-XX Recessed, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 LMC Laredo LMC Medium Wallpack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 FL-XX Flood, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 QSPC/TRPC/RDIC Compact Architectural Sconces . . . . . . . . . . .120 LVT56 Transformer, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . 132-133 TRP/QSP/TRP/RDI Architectural Wallpacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 CB-XX Cable, 12V LED Lightscaper® System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 NRG®312 Perimaliter Wallpack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Solar Lighting Hubbell Outdoor & Spaulding Solar Lighting . . . . .134 PGM3/PVL3 Perimaliter® Glass and Polycarbonate Wallpacks . . .123 LCC Solar Laredo LCC Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 ® BRLU Euroluxe Decorative Wall/Ceiling Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 BRLD Solar Euroluxe® Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 HVS Hercules® Decorative Vandal Resistant Luminaires . . . . . . . . .124 LFS Solar Compact Solar Flood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 ® NRG 4000 Lumasquare II High Performance Indoor/Outdoor RMCT Solar Roadway Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 Lowbay Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 CR1D Solar Cimarron Solar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 SCP Sedona – Surface/Ceiling/Garage Luminaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 TMR/TMS Solar Solar Bollards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 ® ® OUTDOOR xii LED Area/site Design Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144-147 VA Vandalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 CL1S Cimarron CL1S Pedestrian Scale Series . . . . . . . . . . . . 148-149 TMR/TMS Tempe Round and Square Bollards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 CL1 Cimarron CL1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150-151 FN1/FN2 Fresno Round and Square Bollards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 BC Backlight Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 BOLR/BOLS LED Round and Square Retrofit Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 PT Peachtree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Mounting Accessories Cimarron CL1S and CL1 Accessories . . .157 PTR Peachtree Retrofit Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Poles Poles Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158-159 EXTRUDED SITE AND PRECISION FLOODLIGHTING EXEC RT21/RT25 Executive Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 EXPD Executive Series LED Retrofit Power Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 ARCHITECTURAL, STEP LIGHTS SURFACE MOUNT & CYLINDERS LMS100 LMS 100 Series Rectangular Steplight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 LMS400 LMS 400 Series Circular Steplight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 ARCHITECTURAL OUTDOOR SITE / ROADWAY ALT Altitude™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168 ® LE Era® Lantern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 WP9 WARP9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 CC/CCS Curvilinear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176 AR/SAR The Archetype® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 MX Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178 SRS1 Solitaire® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 SET/ET The Entablature® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179 BNS1/BNM Bounce/MiniBounce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 STS/STL Structural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 ® RA Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 SOLAR Solar Powered Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181 AE/BE Era® Acorn/Era® Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174 PARKING STRUCTURE PGL7 LED Parking Garage Luminaires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 ARCHITECTURAL FLOODLIGHTS CFL Compact Floodlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 WALL MOUNTED WF Wall Forms® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184 WD Wall Director® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 ® SW Site Wallforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 LOW LEVEL GEM GEM® Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187 VRB/VSB Vandal Resistant Bollards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190 BNB Bounce Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188 CB Compact Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 LE Era® Lantern Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189 SL Site Lightforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192 IN-GRADE LTV Lightvault® 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 LANDSCAPE 12V/120V Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 xiii ARCHITECTURAL OUTDOOR PERIOD PROS/PRSC/PROB Providence® Small/Sconce/Bollard . . . . . . . .210 PKWS/PKWM/PKWB ™ Parkway Square Small/Medium/Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208 ® PROL/PROV Providence Large/Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 PRMN/PRMS/PRMD Promenade™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 FGS/FGL Federal Globe™ Small/Large. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 CONTEMPORARY SLVT Largent™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 ™ INDA/INDF/INDC Indirect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 ™ SP1/SP2/SPB Spectra Large/Small/Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215 UCS/UCB Universe® Small/Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217 FH Flex™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 FM miniFlex™. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219 ® UCM/UCL Universe Medium/Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216 WALL SCONCES ES/ME eSconce®/mini-eSconce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 STEPLIGHTS ASL7/ASL10 Steplights Small/Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 FLOODLIGHTS ON/OS Oculus® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 BOLLARDS FCB5 Fair Oak™ Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 CB9/CB12/CB16/CB18 TRD/TSQ Traditional Concrete Bollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Concrete Bollard 9", 12", 16", 18" Round/Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225 POLES, ARMS, ACCESSORIES Premium Poles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 Arms/Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227 ARCHITECTURAL OUTDOOR Intro Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 Traverse Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 Into Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229 Endura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242 App Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230 Aurora Garage/Canopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 Ceileo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244 Small Viper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Slide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245 Large Viper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233 Seti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246 Genesis Site/Roadway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 Mediterranean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247 Cruzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 London Decorative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248 Urban Small. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Brighton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 Urban Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237 Monaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250 Alpha Floodlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 Park Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 Cadet Floodlight Floodlighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 La Jolla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252 FL-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 Windsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253 xiv ARCHITECTURAL OUTDOOR (CONTINUED) Waterford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254 LRK-3D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261 Tivoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255 LC5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262 Traditional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256 Metro Bollards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263 Bostonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257 Bristol Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264 Pierwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .258 Longitude Handrail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265 Magna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .259 Poles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266 LRK-2V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267 LIFE SAFETY EV EV Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269 PG PG Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274 EVC EVC Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .270 LE LE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275 EVE EVE Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271 UFO-LED25 UFO-LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276 EVO EVO Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272 LG LG - LiteGear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .277 PGN PGN Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .273 COMPASS EMERGENCY LIGHTING Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278 CELS1RNE CELS1RNE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 Compass Emergency Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279 CELS1GNE CELS1GNE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 CU2WG CU2WG Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279 CELR2RNE CELR2RNE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 CU2WB CU2WB Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279 CELR2GNE CELR2GNE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 CU2RC CU2RC Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280 CELR1RNE CELR1RNE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 CU2 CU2 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280 CELR1GNE CELR1GNE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 Compass Remotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281 CEGRC CEGRC Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286 CORS CORS Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281 CEG CEG Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286 CORD CORD Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281 CCRRC CCRRC Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287 CIRS CIRS Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .282 CCR CCR Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287 CIRD CIRD Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .282 CCGRC CCGRC Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287 Compass Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 CCG CCG Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287 CEWSRE CEWSRE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284 CCESRE CCESRE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 CEWSGE CEWSGE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284 CCESR CCESR Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 CEWDRE CEWDRE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284 CCESGE CCESGE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 CEWDGE CEWDGE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284 CCESG CCESG Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 CERRC CERRC Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286 CCEDRE CCEDRE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 CER CER Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286 CCEDR CCEDR Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 CELS2RNE CELS2RNE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 CCEDGE CCEDGE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 CELS2GNE CELS2GNE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 CCEDG CCEDG Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 xv xvi ambient indoor brand profile • Founded in 1897 in Spokane, WA • Serves the industrial, commercial, healthcare, educational, and retail markets • Columbia offers a wide array of specification and commodity grade commercial and industrial LED lighting products ambient indoor LEPC 4 LSER 5 LTRE 6 LLT 7 LJT 8 LAW 9 LPT 10 LRO 11 LWC 12 LCS 13 LLHV/LXEM 14 LLHP 15 LEPC LED RECESSED ARCHITECTURAL iU«V® ÊÕÊÃÌÀLÕÌÊÕ>ÀiÊÜÌ `Û>Vi`Ê-`Ê-Ì>ÌiÊ/iV }Þ FEATURES t )JHIQFSGPSNBODF-&%MVNJOBJSF t -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU- MVNFONBJOUFOBODF SFEVDFMJGFDZDMF NBJOUFOBODFDPTUT t 6OJRVFGSBNFMFTTPQUJDBMTZTUFNBOENPEVMBS FMFDUSJDBMTZTUFNBMMPXGPSFBTZ-&%NPEVMFPS ESJWFSSFQMBDFNFOUGSPNCFMPXUIFDFJMJOH t %FTJHO-JHIUT $POTPSUJVN¥RVBMJmFE TFFXXXEFTJHOMJHIUTPSH t .PTUDPOmHVSBUJPOTQSPEVDFMPX8GUUPNFFU UIFNPTUSFTUSJDUJWFMJHIUJOHQPXFSEFOTJUZDPEFT t 4VQFSJPSDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZUPBTUFQ.BD"EBN FMMJQTFBOE$3* t "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZ QSFJOTUBMMFE t 'VMMEJTUSJCVUJPOQSPWJEFTDPOUSPMMFEIJHIBOHMF MJHIUGPSWJTVBMDPNGPSU t 'JWFZFBSXBSSBOUZ 5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOT"QQMZ t -FOTEFTJHOBOENBUFSJBMTQSPWJEFVOJGPSN BQQFBSBODFXJUIPVUQJYJMBUJPO t 645SBOTGPSNFE ORDERING INFORMATION LEPC – MODEL LEPC etQPD¥ -&%'VMM %JTUSJCVUJPO -VNJOBJSF SIZE 14 hYh 22 hYh 24 hYh – COLOR TEMP 30 , 35 , 40 , CEILING TYPE G (SJE1 SM 4VSGBDF LL SHIELDING LL -PX-BNQ*NBHF U – AIR FUNCTION Blank 4UBUJD A "JS3FUVSO .PVOU CM $BCMF .PVOU 4JEF4MPUT /"Y DRIVER ESD 'JYFE0VUQVU 4UFQ%JNNJOH ED 7%JNNJOH 4FF1SPEVDU"WBJMBCJMJUZ 5BCMFCFMPX 'PSESZXBMM PSEFS(XJUI'MBOHF,JU"DDFTTPSZ 0SEFSIBOHFSBDDFTTPSJFTTFQBSBUFMZ $BOCFDPOWFSUFEUPmYFEPVUQVUCZUZJOHIPUMFBETUPHFUIFS 'PSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUI%VBM-JUF-JUF(FBS¥JOWFSUFSTJOMJFVPGJOTUBMMFE#BUUFSZ1BDL DPOUBDU)VCCFMM-JHIUJOH3FQSFTFOUBUJWF /PUBWBJMBCMFXJUIY4.PS$.DFJMJOHUZQF *O'JYUVSF.PEVMF"OUFOOBBEETUPPWFSBMMmYUVSFIFJHIUBUQPXFSGFFEMPDBUJPO /PUBWBJMBCMFXJUI4VSGBDF.PVOUDFJMJOHUZQFT 1SPWJEFTFOETXJUIXJSJOHBDDFTTGPSDPOUJOVPVTSPXNPVOUJOH %BNQ-BCFMTUBOEBSE 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY &NFSHFODZ#BUUFSZ1BDL POMZBWBJMBCMFGPSI[ 'BTU#MPX'VTF /:$$PNQMJBOU /:$$PNQMJBOU 6OJPO-BCFM XJ)6##&OBCMFE &OEPG3PX 4.$.POMZ *OUFSNFEJBUF 4.$.POMZ ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) FK14 hYh4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FK22 h¨h4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FK24 hYh4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FKCR 'MBOHF,JU3PX"EBQUPS CM48Y1SC3F-KIT $BCMF.PVOU,JUGPS hXJEF$.DFJMJOHUZQF 8JSF'FFE$PSE CM48Y2SC3F-KIT $BCMF.PVOU,JUGPS hXJEF$.DFJMJOHUZQF 8JSF'FFE$PSE PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 33⁄8" 12" 24" LEPC14 LEPC22 SIZE LUMEN PACKAGE NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS -8 )- -8 )- -8 )- 33⁄8" 24" LEPC24 4 OPTIONS C388 C488 C588 EL GLR NYC VOLTAGE U 77 NYCU WIH EOR INT LUMEN OUTPUT LW -PX8BUU HL )JHI-VNFO 33⁄8" – 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T - , ® -iÀÀ>®Ê ÊÀV ÌiVÌÕÀ>ÊÕ>Ài ÜÌ Ê`Û>Vi`Ê-`Ê-Ì>ÌiÊ/iV }Þ LED RECESSED ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES t )JHIFñDBDZ TVTUBJOBCMF-&%EFTJHO t -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-SFEVDFMJGF DZDMFNBJOUFOBODFDPTUT t 'PVSMVNFOQBDLBHFTGPSEFTJHOnFYJCJMJUZ t 5ISFF-&%DPMPSDIPJDFT t 4VQFSJPSDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZXJUIJOBTUFQ .BD"EBNFMMJQTFBOEHSFBUFSUIBO$3* t -FOTEFTJHOBOENBUFSJBMTQSPWJEFVOJGPSN BQQFBSBODFXJUIPVUQJYJMBUJPO t )JOHFEPQUJDBMTZTUFNBMMPXTFBTZBDDFTTUP-&% CPBSETBOEESJWFSTGSPNCFMPX t 5XPPQUJPOBMMFOTBFTUIFUJDT t t t t t "SDIJUFDUVSBMMZFOIBODFEUSJQMFMFOTEFTJHO -FOTFTJOUFSMPDLGPSTUSVDUVSBMJOUFHSJUZ Y Y PSY 3FDFTTFE 4VSGBDF PS$BCMF.PVOU .PTUDPOmHVSBUJPOTQSPEVDFMPX8GUUPNFFU UIFNPTUSFTUSJDUJWFMJHIUJOHQPXFSEFOTJUZDPEFT t 'PS%-$2VBMJmDBUJPOQMFBTFSFGFSUP XXXEFTJHOMJHIUTPSH t "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZ QSFJOTUBMMFE t 'JWFZFBSXBSSBOUZ 5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOT"QQMZ ORDERING INFORMATION LSER – MODEL LSER Serrano®-&% "SDIJUFDUVSBM -VNJOBJSF – COLOR TEMP 30 , 35 , 40 , CEILING TYPE G (SJE1 SM 4VSGBDF U – SHIELDING C $POUPVS R 3BJM DRIVER E 'JYFE0VUQVU ESD 'JYFE0VUQVU VOLTAGE U 77 .PVOU 4UFQ%JNNJOH CM $BCMF ED 7%JNNJOH .PVOU – OPTIONS C388 8JSF'MFY ELL14 &NFSHFODZ#BUUFSZ1BDL -VNFOT GLR 'BTU#MPX'VTF NYC /:$$PNQMJBOU G1 4JOHMF(BTLFU EPPSUPIPVTJOH SIZE G2 %PVCMF(BTLFUJOH LUMEN OUTPUT LW -PX8BUU ML .FEJVN-VNFO HL )JHI-VNFO VL 7FSZ)JHI-VNFO 14 hYh 22 hYh 24 hYh (BOEMFOTUPEPPS G3 5SJQMF(BTLFUJOH (BOEIPVTJOHUPDFJMJOH WIH XJ)6##&OBCMFE EOR &OEPG3PX 4.$.POMZ INT *OUFSNFEJBUF 4.$.POMZ 4FF1SPEVDU"WBJMBCJMJUZ 5BCMFCFMPX 'PSESZXBMM PSEFS(XJUI'MBOHF,JU"DDFTTPSZ 0SEFSIBOHFSBDDFTTPSJFTTFQBSBUFMZ $BOCFDPOWFSUFEUPmYFEPVUQVUCZUZJOHIPUMFBETUPHFUIFS 'PSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUI%VBM-JUF-JUF(FBS¥JOWFSUFSTJOMJFVPGJOTUBMMFE#BUUFSZ1BDL DPOUBDU)VCCFMM-JHIUJOH3FQSFTFOUBUJWF /PUBWBJMBCMFXJUIY4.PS$.DFJMJOHUZQF *O'JYUVSF.PEVMF"OUFOOBBEETUPPWFSBMMmYUVSFIFJHIUBUQPXFSGFFEMPDBUJPO /PUBWBJMBCMFXJUI4VSGBDF.PVOUDFJMJOHUZQFT 1SPWJEFTFOETXJUIXJSJOHBDDFTTGPSDPOUJOVPVTSPXNPVOUJOH %BNQ-BCFMTUBOEBSE ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) FK14 hYh4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FK22 h¨h4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FK24 hYh4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FKCR 'MBOHF,JU3PX"EBQUPS CM48Y1SC3F-KIT $BCMF.PVOU,JUGPS hXJEF$.DFJMJOHUZQF 8JSF'FFE$PSE CM48Y2SC3F-KIT $BCMF.PVOU,JUGPS hXJEF$.DFJMJOHUZQF 8JSF'FFE$PSE PRODUCT AVAILABILITY SIZE LUMEN PACKAGE -8 .- )- NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS 7- -8 .- )- 7- -8 .- 7- 53⁄8" 45⁄16" 45⁄16" 12" 24" 24" LSER14 LSER22 LSER24 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T 5 /, LED RECESSED ARCHITECTURAL /À>ÃÌ®Ê VÃi`Ê Ê} Ê vwViVÞÊÀV ÌiVÌÕÀ>ÊiÃi` FEATURES t t t t t t t &ODMPTFEIJHIFñDJFODZMFOTGFBUVSFTMJOFBS QSJTNBDSZMJDGPSIJHIQFSGPSNBODFXJUIPVU QJYFMBUJPO "QQSPQSJBUFGPSTDIPPMT NFEJDBM EJOJOHBSFBT MPDLFSSPPNT BOEQVCMJDTQBDFT &ODMPTFEMFOTSFTJTUTJOUSVTJPOPGDPOUBNJOBOUT )JHIQFSGPSNBODFNBUUFXIJUFQBJOUTUBOEBSE 0QUJPOBMBOUJNJDSPCJBMQBJOU ".PQUJPO SFTJTUT CBDUFSJBMHSPXUIPOFYQPTFEQBJOUFETVSGBDFT 0QUJPOBMMFOTHBTLFUTVSSPVOETMBNQDBWJUZ 8FU-PDBUJPOMJTUJOHBWBJMBCMF t t t t t t t -POH-JGF IPVS-&%TBU-SFEVDFMJGF DZDMFNBJOUFOBODFDPTUT 5ISFFDPMPSDIPJDFTXJUIFYDFMMFOUDPMPS DPOTJTUFODZBOE$3* -&%NPEVMFTBOEFMFDUSJDBMBDDFTTJCMFGSPNCFMPX 2VBMJUZBTTVSBODFXJUI23DPEF %FTJHO-JHIUT$POTPSUJVN¥ %-$ RVBMJmFE TFFXXXEFTJHOMJHIUTPSH "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZ QSFJOTUBMMFE 'JWFZFBSXBSSBOUZ 5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOT"QQMZ ORDERING INFORMATION LTRE MODEL LTRE 5SBOTJUJPO¥ -&%&ODMPTFE )JHI &ñDJFODZ "SDIJUFDUVSBM -FOTFE SIZE 22 h¨h 24 h¨h – COLOR TEMPERATURE 30 , 35 , 40 , – RFA U – CEILING TYPE G (SJE-BZJO1 SM 4VSGBDF DRIVER E 'JYFE0VUQVU ESD 'JYFE0VUQVU SHIELDING RFA 3JCCFE LUMEN OUTPUT LW -PX8BUU ML .FEJVN-VNFO HL )JHI-VNFO VL 7FSZ)JHI-VNFO OPTIONS ELL14 &NFSHFODZ#BUUFSZ1BDL 4UFQ%JNNJOH ED 7%JNNJOH .PVOU CM $BCMF 4VTQFOEFE .PVOU VOLTAGE U 77 'SPTUFE "DSZMJD 4FF1SPEVDU"WBJMBCJMJUZ 5BCMFCFMPX 1 'PSESZXBMMPSEFS',PS',BDDFTTPSJFTTFQBSBUFMZ 0SEFSIBOHFSBDDFTTPSJFTTFQBSBUFMZ $BOCFDPOWFSUFEUPmYFEPVUQVUCZUZJOHIPUMFBETUPHFUIFS 'PSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUI%VBM-JUF-JUF(FBS¥JOWFSUFST DPOUBDU)VCCFMM-JHIUJOH3FQSFTFOUBUJWF /PUBWBJMBCMFPOY4.PS$.DFJMJOHUZQFT 0QUJPOBMBOUJNJDSPCJBMQBJOU ".PQUJPO SFTJTUTCBDUFSJBMHSPXUIPOFYQPTFEQBJOUFETVSGBDFT *O'JYUVSF.PEVMF"OUFOOBBEETwUPPWFSBMMmYUVSFIFJHIUBUQPXFSGFFEMPDBUJPO /PUBWBJMBCMFPO4VSGBDF.PVOU$FJMJOH5ZQFT – -VNFOT 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY 'BTU#MPX'VTF "OUJNJDSPCJBM1BJOU -FOT(BTLFUJOH 8FU-BCFM /:$$PNQMJBOU /:$$PNQMJBOU 6OJPO-BCFM XJ)6##&OBCMFE &OEPG3PX 4.BOE$.POMZ1SPWJEFTFOEXJSJOH BDDFTTGPSDPOUJOVPVTSPXNPVOUJOH INT *OUFSNFEJBUF 4.BOE$.POMZ1SPWJEFTFOEXJSJOH BDDFTTGPSDPOUJOVPVTSPXNPVOUJOH C388 C488 C588 GLR AM G1 WL NYC NYCU WIH EOR ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) FK22 h¨h'MBOHF,JU FK24 h¨h'MBOHF,JU CM48Y2SC3F-KIT w$BCMF.PVOU ,JUGPSXJEF $BCMF.PVOU mYUVSFT 8JSF 'PSRVFTUJPOTBCPVUDPOmHVSBUJPOPQUJPOT DPOUBDU)VCCFMM3FQSFTFOUBUJWF PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 4¾" 24" SIZE LUMEN PACKAGE NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS -8 .- )- 7- -8 .- LTRE22, 24 LED Grid 53⁄16" 25" LTRE22, 24 LED Surface Mount 6 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T / ÊiÃi`Ê/ÀvviÀÊÜÌ `Û>Vi`Ê-`Ê-Ì>ÌiÊ/iV }Þ FEATURES t t t t t t 'VMMEJTUSJCVUJPOQSPWJEFTDPOUSPMMFEIJHIBOHMF MJHIUGPSWJTVBMDPNGPSU -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-SFEVDFMJGF DZDMFNBJOUFOBODFDPTUT -FOTEFTJHOBOENBUFSJBMTQSPWJEFVOJGPSN BQQFBSBODFXJUIPVUQJYJMBUJPO $IPJDFPGUXPMFOTPQUJPOT $IPJDFPGUISFFEPPSGSBNFPQUJPOT 5ISFFDPMPSDIPJDFTXJUIFYDFMMFOUDPMPS DPOTJTUFODZBOE$3* 'JYFEPVUQVU TUFQEJNNJOH PS7EJNNJOH ESJWFSTBWBJMBCMF t t t t t t )JOHFEPQUJDBMTZTUFNBMMPXTFBTZBDDFTTUP-&% NPEVMFTBOEFMFDUSJDBMGSPNCFMPXUIFDFJMJOH -PX8GUSBUJPUZQJDBMMZNFFUTUIFNPTU SFTUSJDUJWFMJHIUJOHQPXFSEFOTJUZDPEFT 5ZQJDBMMZRVBMJmFTGPS&1"$5UBYEFEVDUJPOT %FTJHO-JHIUT$POTPSUJVN¥ %-$ RVBMJmFE TFFXXXEFTJHOMJHIUTPSH "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZ QSFJOTUBMMFE 'JWFZFBSXBSSBOUZ 5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOT"QQMZ LED LENSED TROFFERS t ORDERING INFORMATION LLT – MODEL LLT -&%-FOTFE – COLOR TEMP 30 , 35 , 40 , 5SPðFS SIZE 14 hYh 22 hYh 24 hYh SHIELDING A12F 1BUUFSO CEILING TYPE G (SJE1 SM 4VSGBDF 'SPTUFE"DSZMJD -FOT A19F 1BUUFSO 'SPTUFE"DSZMJD -FOT .PVOU CM $BCMF .PVOU LUMEN OUTPUT LW -PX8BUU ML .FEJVN-VNFO HL )JHI-VNFO VL 7FSZ)JHI-VNFO 4FF1SPEVDU"WBJMBCJMJUZ 5BCMFCFMPX 1 U – DRIVER E 'JYFE0VUQVU ESD 4UFQ%JNNJOH ED 7%JNNJOH VOLTAGE U 77 4UFFM G2 FA 8IJUF'MVTI 'PSESZXBMMPSEFS'MBOHF,JUBDDFTTPSJFTTFQBSBUFMZ 0SEFSIBOHFSBDDFTTPSJFTTFQBSBUFMZ $BOCFDPOWFSUFEUPmYFEPVUQVUCZUZJOHIPUMFBETUPHFUIFS 'PSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUI%VBM-JUF-JUF(FBS¥JOWFSUFST DPOUBDU)VCCFMM -JHIUJOH3FQSFTFOUBUJWF /PUBWBJMBCMFPOY4.PS$.DFJMJOHUZQFT *O'JYUVSF.PEVMF"OUFOOBBEETwUPPWFSBMMmYUVSFIFJHIUBUQPXFSGFFEMPDBUJPO /PUBWBJMBCMFPO4VSGBDF.PVOU$FJMJOH5ZQFT 1SPWJEFTFOETXJUIXJSJOHBDDFTTGPSDPOUJOVPVTSPXNPVOUJOH 'PSRVFTUJPOTBCPVUDPOmHVSBUJPOPQUJPOT DPOUBDU)VCCFMM3FQSFTFOUBUJWF OPTIONS C388 C488 C588 ELL14 GLR NYC G1 DOOR FS 8IJUF'MVTI "MVNJOVN RA 8IJUF 3FHSFTTFE "MVNJOVN 'PSNPSFEPPS PQUJPOTDPOUBDU GBDUPSZ – G3 ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) FK14 hYh4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FK22 h¨h4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FK24 hYh4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FKCR 'MBOHF,JU3PX"EBQUPS CM48Y1SC3F-KIT $BCMF.PVOU,JUGPS WIH SLL EOR INT 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY &NFSHFODZ#BUUFSZ1BDL -VNFOT 'BTU#MPX'VTF /:$$PNQMJBOU 4JOHMF(BTLFU %PPSUP)PVTJOH %PVCMF(BTLFUJOH (BOE-FOTUP%PPS 5SJQMF(BTLFUJOH (BOE)PVTJOHUP$FJMJOH XJ)6## 4QSJOH-PBEFE-BUDIFT &OEPG3PX 4.$.POMZ *OUFSNFEJBUF 4.$.POMZ hXJEF$.DFJMJOHUZQF 8JSF'FFE$PSE CM48Y2SC3F-KIT $BCMF.PVOU,JUGPS hXJEF$.DFJMJOHUZQF 8JSF'FFE$PSE PRODUCT AVAILABILITY LUMEN PACKAGE -8 .- )- 7- -8 .- )- 24" 7- LLT24 -8 .- NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS 43⁄8" SIZE 4¼" 24" 12" LLT22 LLT14 4¼" 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T 7 / Ê/ÀvviÀÊÜÌ `Û>Vi`Ê-`Ê-Ì>ÌiÊ/iV }Þ FEATURES LED LENSED TROFFERS t t t t t t t t 'VMMEJTUSJCVUJPO-&%USPðFS %JSFDUSFQMBDFNFOUGPSYBOEYnVPSFTDFOU -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-SFEVDFMJGF DZDMFNBJOUFOBODFDPTUT $IPJDFPGTJYMFOTPQUJPOT $IPJDFPGUXPEPPSGSBNFPQUJPOT 5ISFFDPMPSDIPJDFTXJUIFYDFMMFOUDPMPS DPOTJTUFODZBOE$3* 'JYFEPVUQVU TUFQEJNNJOH PS7EJNNJOH ESJWFSTBWBJMBCMF )JOHFEPQUJDBMTZTUFNBMMPXTFBTZBDDFTTUP-&% NPEVMFTBOEFMFDUSJDBMGSPNCFMPXUIFDFJMJOH t t t t t t .FUBMUPNFUBMMJHIUMFBLQSPUFDUJPOPOBMMTJEFT PGTIJFMEJOHGSBNF 3FDFTTFE TVSGBDF PSDBCMFNPVOU -PX8GUSBUJPUZQJDBMMZNFFUTUIFNPTU SFTUSJDUJWFMJHIUJOHQPXFSEFOTJUZDPEFT %FTJHO-JHIUT$POTPSUJVN¥ %-$ RVBMJmFE TFFXXXEFTJHOMJHIUTPSH "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZ QSFJOTUBMMFE 'JWFZFBSXBSSBOUZ 5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOT"QQMZ ORDERING INFORMATION LJT – MODEL LJT -&%-FOTFE 5SPðFS – COLOR TEMP 30 , 35 , 40 , SHIELDING A12 1BUUFSO CEILING TYPE G (SJE1 SM 4VSGBDF "DSZMJD-FOT A12125 1BUUFSO .PVOU CM $BCMF .PVOU A12F SIZE 22 hYh 24 hYh LUMEN OUTPUT LW -PX8BUU YPOMZ ML .FEJVN-VNFO HL )JHI-VNFO YPOMZ A12125F 4FF1SPEVDU"WBJMBCJMJUZUBCMFCFMPX A19 DOOR FS 8IJUF'MVTI 4UFFM FA 8IJUF'MVTI "MVNJOVN 'PSNPSFEPPS PQUJPOTDPOUBDU GBDUPSZ 1 U – A19F "DSZMJD -FOT /PNJOBM 1BUUFSO 'SPTUFE"DSZMJD -FOT 1BUUFSO 'SPTUFE"DSZMJD -FOT /PNJOBM 1BUUFSO "DSZMJD -FOT /PNJOBM 1BUUFSO 'SPTUFE"DSZMJD -FOT DRIVER E 'JYFE0VUQVU ESD 4UFQ%JNNJOH ED 7%JNNJOH VOLTAGE U 77 OPTIONS C388 C488 C588 ELL14 GLR G1 G2 G3 WIH SLL EOR INT "MM4J[FT CM48Y2SC3F-KIT $BCMF.PVOU,JUGPS h8JEF$.$FJMJOH5ZQF 8JSF'FFE$PSE %BNQ-BCFMTUBOEBSE 24" LJT24 24" LJT22 25" 25" 45⁄8" LJT22 SM or CM 8 PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 31⁄8" 4¼" SIZE LUMEN PACKAGE .- )- -8 .- 33⁄4" LJT24 SM or CM 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY &NFSHFODZ#BUUFSZ1BDL *OTUBMMFE -VNFO 'BTU#MPX'VTF 4JOHMF(BTLFUJOH %PPSUP)PVTJOH %PVCMF(BTLFUJOH (BOE-FOTUP%PPS 5SJQMF(BTLFUJOH (BOE)PVTJOHUP$FJMJOH XJ)6## 4QSJOH-PBEFE-BUDIFT 4UEPO'"%PPS &OEPG3PX 4.$.POMZ *OUFSNFEJBUF 4.$.POMZ ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) FK22 h¨h4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FK24 hYh4JOHMF'MBOHF,JU FKCR 'MBOHF,JU3PX"EBQUPS 'PSIBSEDFJMJOHTVTFnBOHFLJUBDDFTTPSZ 0SEFSIBOHFSBDDFTTPSJFTTFQBSBUFMZ 'PSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUI%VBM-JUF-JUF(FBS¥JOWFSUFSTJOMJFVPG&-#BUUFSZ1BDL DPOUBDU)VCCFMM-JHIUJOH3FQSFTFOUBUJWF /PUBWBJMBCMFXJUIY4VSGBDFPS$BCMF.PVOU /PUBWBJMBCMFXJUI4VSGBDF.PVOUDFJMJOHUZQFT *O'JYUVSF.PEVMF"OUFOOBBEETUPPWFSBMMmYUVSFIFJHIUBUQPXFSGFFEMPDBUJPO 1SPWJEFTFOETXJUIXJSJOHBDDFTTGPSDPOUJOVPVTSPXNPVOUJOH – NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T LAW Low Profile LED Wraparound FEATURES -&%8SBQBSPVOE t )JOHFTGSPNFJUIFSTJEF t -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-GPSSFEVDFE NBJOUFOBODF t -&%MJHIUFOHJOFBDDFTTJCMFGPSGVUVSF NBJOUFOBODFPSVQHSBEFT t $IPJDFPGUXP-&%DPMPSUFNQFSBUVSFT t t "WBJMBCMFJOhPShMFOHUIT t $IPJDFPGUXPMVNFOQBDLBHFT %FTJHO-JHIUT$POTPSUJVN¥ %-$ RVBMJmDBUJPO QFOEJOHTFFXXXEFTJHOMJHIUTPSH 4VSGBDF.PVOUPS4VTQFOEFE t 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&--OPUBWBJMBCMFXJUI)-PS7-MVNFOQBDLBHFT 43⁄16" PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 47⁄16" End 413⁄16" 6" End 63⁄4" SIZE LUMEN PACKAGE NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS h -8 .- HL 61 7- 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T 10 LRO LED Corridor Wraparound FEATURES -&%$PSSJEPS8SBQBSPVOE t .BUDIFT-"8 -&% JOBQQFBSBODF t -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-GPSSFEVDFE NBJOUFOBODF t $IPJDFPGUXP-&%DPMPSUFNQFSBUVSFT t "WBJMBCMFJOhMFOHUIT t $IPJDFPGGPVSMVNFOQBDLBHFT t )FBWZHBVHFTUFFMIPVTJOH EJFFNCPTTFEGPS DPPMFSPQFSBUJPOBOEMPOHFSMJGF t $MFBSQSJTNBUJDEJðVTFSXJUInBUCPUUPNBOE WFSUJDBMTJEFT t )JOHFTGSPNFJUIFSTJEF t -&%CPBSETBOEESJWFSBDDFTTJCMFGPSGVUVSF NBJOUFOBODFPSVQHSBEFT t 4VSGBDF.PVOUPS4VTQFOEFE t ZFBSXBSSBOUZ LED WRAPS t ORDERING INFORMATION LRO 4 MODEL LRO -&%$PSSJEPS SIZE 4 h 8SBQBSPVOE – – COLOR TEMP 35 , 40 , LUMEN OUTPUT LW -PX8BUU ML .FEJVN-VNFO HL )JHI-VNFO VL 7FSZ)JHI-VNFO – U DRIVER E 'JYFE0VUQVU ESD 4UFQ%JNNJOH ED 7%JNNJOH 4FF1SPEVDU"WBJMBCJMJUZ 5BCMFCFMPX VOLTAGE U 77 OPTIONS ELL14 &NFSHFODZ#BUUFSZ 1BDL -VNFOT GLR 'BTU#MPX'VTF PAF 1BJOU"GUFS'BCSJDBUJPO NYC /:$$PNQMJBOU ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) 1 'PSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUI%VBM-JUF-JUF(FBS¥JOWFSUFSTJOMJFVPGJOTUBMMFE#BUUFSZ1BDL DPOUBDU)VCCFMM-JHIUJOH3FQSFTFOUBUJWF &--OPUBWBJMBCMFXJUI)-PS7-MVNFOQBDLBHFT PRODUCT AVAILABILITY ITB4 5#BS)BOHFS S18 4UFN $BOPQZ SS18 4XJWFM4UFN¡4XJWFM 43⁄16" SIZE LUMEN PACKAGE NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS h -8 .- HL 61 7- 47⁄16" 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T 6" 11 LWC Specification Grade LED Wraparound FEATURES t LED WRAPS t t t t t t 1SFNJVN-&%$PSSJEPS8SBQBSPVOE -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-GPSSFEVDFE NBJOUFOBODF $IPJDFPGUXP-&%DPMPSUFNQFSBUVSFT $IPJDFPGUXPMVNFOQBDLBHFT "WBJMBCMFJOhPShMFOHUIT )FBWZHBVHFTUFFMIPVTJOH EJFFNCPTTFEGPS NBYJNVNSJHJEJUZ *OKFDUJPONPMEFEFOETTPOJDBMMZXFMEFEUP QSJTNBUJDMFOTFYUSVTJPO t t t t t %JðVTFSGFBUVSFTnBUCPUUPNBOEWFSUJDBMTJEFT -&%CPBSETBOEESJWFSBDDFTTJCMFGPSGVUVSF NBJOUFOBODFPSVQHSBEFT 'PSOBSSPXDPNQBOJPOVTF-15DPSSJEPS XSBQBSPVOE 4VSGBDF.PVOUPS4VTQFOEFE ZFBSXBSSBOUZ ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL LWC -&%1SFNJVN 4QFDJmDBUJPO (SBEF 8SBQBSPVOE – – LWC SIZE 2 h 4 h COLOR TEMP 35 , 40 , LUMEN OUTPUT LW -PX8BUU ML .FEJVN-VNFO 4FF1SPEVDU"WBJMBCJMJUZ 5BCMFCFMPX U DRIVER E 'JYFE0VUQVU ESD 4UFQ%JNNJOH ED 7%JNNJOH VOLTAGE U 77 – OPTIONS ELL14 &NFSHFODZ#BUUFSZ 1BDL -VNFOT1 GLR 'BTU#MPX'VTF PAF 1BJOU"GUFS'BCSJDBUJPO DR %3$POUFOU $MFBS1SJTNBUJD"DSZMJD NYC /:$$PNQMJBOU ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) 1 ITB4 5#BS)BOHFS S18 4UFN $BOPQZ SS18 4XJWFM4UFN¡4XJWFM 'PSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUI%VBM-JUF-JUF(FBS¥JOWFSUFSTJOMJFVPGJOTUBMMFE#BUUFSZ1BDL DPOUBDU)VCCFMM-JHIUJOH3FQSFTFOUBUJWF 3⁄32" PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 21⁄2" End 215⁄16" 227⁄32" 9" End 10" Shielding SIZE LUMEN PACKAGE NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS h -8 .- -8 .- h 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T 12 LCS LED Striplight FEATURES -&%4USJQMJHIU t $IBOOFMFOETTOBQPOGPSFBTZJOTUBMMBUJPO t -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-GPSSFEVDFE NBJOUFOBODF t -&%CPBSETBOEESJWFSBDDFTTJCMFGPSGVUVSF NBJOUFOBODFPSVQHSBEFT t 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KNOCKOUT NOMINAL WATTS HL VOLTAGE U 77 113⁄16" 47⁄16" 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T 13 6 Ê6iÀÃ>L>Þ¥Ê} Ê >Þ FEATURES t t LED INDUSTRIALS t t t t t -&%7FSTBCBZ¥)JHI#BZ -PXQSPmMFGPSFBTZIBOEMJOHBOESFEVDFE DPODFSOBCPVUPCTUSVDUJPOT -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-GPSSFEVDFE NBJOUFOBODF $IPJDFPG-&%DPMPSUFNQFSBUVSFT $IPJDFPGMVNFOQBDLBHFT "WBJMBCMFJOhMFOHUIT -&%CPBSETBOEESJWFSBDDFTTJCMFGSPNCFMPX LXEM Ê ÝÌÀiiÊ VÃi`Ê>`Ê>ÃiÌi` FEATURES t t LED INDUSTRIALS t t t t t t t 14 -&%&YUSFNF&ODMPTFEBOE(BTLFUFE -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-GPSSFEVDFE NBJOUFOBODF $IPJDFPG-&%DPMPSUFNQFSBUVSFT $IPJDFPGMVNFOQBDLBHFT "WBJMBCMFJOhBOEhMFOHUIT 'JCFSHMBTTIPVTJOHXJUI'XFBUIFSBCJMJUZSBUJOH TUBOEBSE "DSZMJDEJðVTFSIFMEJOQMBDFXJUIUBNQFS SFTJTUBODFSFBEZQPMZDBSCPOBUFMBUDIFT hMFOHUI 4UBJOMFTTTUFFMMBUDIJOHPQUJPOBM 'JWFZFBSXBSSBOUZ 5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOTBQQMZ * Êi>ÀÊ} Ê >ÞÊ*ÀiÕ FEATURES t 0QUJPOBMPDDVQBODZTFOTPSTJUTTFDVSFMZXJUIJO UIFIPVTJOHGSBNF t 'JYFEPVUQVUPS7EJNNJOHBWBJMBCMF t 0QUJPOBMGBDUPSZJOTUBMMFEXJSFHVBSE t 1SPEVDUEFTJHOFEGPSRVJDLBOEFBTZ TVTQFOTJPONPVOUJOHXJUIBJSDSBGUDBCMJOH t $4"MJTUFEBOETVJUBCMFGPSEBNQMPDBUJPOT t %FTJHO-JHIUT$POTPSUJVN¥ %-$ RVBMJmFE TFFXXXEFTJHOMJHIUTPSH t "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZ QSFJOTUBMMFE LED INDUSTRIALS t )JHIMZFñDJFOU-&%TQSPWJEFVQUPMVNFOT QFSXBUUBU$3* t *OEJWJEVBMPQUJDTGPSFBDI-&%BMMPXGPS QSFDJTFDPOUSPMPGMJHIUEJTUSJCVUJPO t 0QFSBUFTJOBNCJFOUUFNQFSBUVSFTGSPN ˚$˚'EPXOUP–˚$–˚' ˚$˚F XJUI0DDVQBODZ4FOTPS t -POHMJGF IPVS-&%TBU-SFEVDFMJGF DZDMFNBJOUFOBODFDPTUT t "JTMF .FEJVN PS8JEFEJTUSJCVUJPOPQUJPOT t &YUSVEFEBMVNJOVNIPVTJOHBDUTBTIFBUTJOL EPXOXBSETMPQJOHmOTNJOJNJ[FEFCSJTCVJMEVQ ORDERING INFORMATION LLHP 2 MODEL LLHP -&% SIZE 2 h -JOFBS )JHI #BZ – – COLOR TEMP 40 , 50 , LUMEN OUTPUT L -PX-VNFO H )JHI-VNFO 4FF1SPEVDU"WBJMBCJMJUZ 5BCMFCFMPX – DISTRIBUTION A "JTMF M .FEJVN W 8JEF – DRIVER E 'JYFE VOLTAGE U 7 0VUQVU 7 ED 7 120 7 277 7 %JNNJOH OPTIONS F3C5 F3C10 F3C15 C6TL15 C6TL20 WIH WG OS1 $POEVDUPS$PSEh $POEVDUPS$PSEh $POEVDUPS$PSEh h$PSEBOE5XJTU-PDL 1MVH" "EE7PMU h$PSEBOE5XJTU-PDL 1MVH" "EE7PMU XJ)6##&OBCMFE1 8JSF(VBSE GBDUPSZJOTUBMMFE 0DDVQBODZ4FOTPS 4JOHMF3FMBZ ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) CP6TL15 h$PSEBOE5XJTU-PDL1MVH " "EE7PMU CP6TL20 h$PSEBOE5XJTU-PDL1MVH " "EE7PMU LHVQM5 "JSDSBGU$BCMFh1BJS LHVQM10 "JSDSBGU$BCMFh1BJS LHVQM15 "JSDSBGU$BCMFh1BJS 1 *O'JYUVSF.PEVMF"OUFOOBBEETUPPWFSBMMmYUVSFIFJHIUBUTQFDJmDMPDBUJPO 113⁄8 PRODUCT AVAILABILITY DISTRIBUTION "JTMF .FEJVN 8JEF LUMEN PACKAGE NOMINAL LUMENS (3500K) NOMINAL WATTS - H - H - H 1⁄8 113⁄8 5⁄16 'PSFYBDUMVNFOTBOEXBUUTTFFTQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDUFTU T 15 architectural ambient indoor brand profile • Founded in 2000 in Spokane, WA • Serves the indoor commercial, educational, retail, health care, and institutional marketplaces • Exceptional array of architectural and specialty linear products means energy efficiency and control-compatibility for sustainable design architectural ambient indoor MICRO6 20 LM6R Micro6 LED LED RECESSED FEATURES t YhOBSSPXSFDFTTFEBSDIJUFDUVSBMMVNJOBJSF t t -POH IPVSMJGF-&%BU-SFEVDFTMJGF DZDMFNBJOUFOBODFDPTUT $PNQBUJCMFXJUI5FDI;POFPS64(-PHJY DFJMJOHTZTUFNT t 'JWFZFBSXBSSBOUZ 5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOT"QQMZ t $IPJDFPGUISFF-&%DPMPSUFNQFSBUVSFT t 4JOHMFmYUVSFT hMFOHUIT t $3*BOETUFQ.BD"EBNFMMJQTFDPMPS DPOTJTUFODZ t -&%NPEVMFTSFQMBDFBCMFGSPNCFMPX t "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZ QSFJOTUBMMFE 8*)PQUJPO t $IPJDFPGGPVS-&%MVNFOQBDLBHFT t 'MVTIPS3FHSFTTFEMFOT 0QBM"DSZMJDPS )JHI&ñDJFODZ t $PNQBUJCMFXJUIHSJE TMPUHSJE PS ESZXBMMDFJMJOHT ORDERING INFORMATION LM6R 4 – MODEL LM6R -&%.JDSP 3FDFTTFE – – LED COLOR 30 , 35 , 40 , – LED LUMEN PACKAGE LW -PX8BUU ML .FEJVN – – VOLTAGE 120 7 277 7 BALLAST E 'JYFE0VUQVU ESD 4UFQ SHIELDING TRIM PROFILE FA 'MVTI"MVNJOVN RA 3FHSFTTFE"OHMFE HL )JHI -VNFO VL 7FSZ )JHI -VNFO ROW LENGTH 4 h MOUNTING METHOD G (SJE1 SG 4MPU(SJE F 'MBOHF OPTIONS ELL14 &NFSHFODZ#BUUFSZ1BDL -VNFOT 0OF&NFSHFODZ$JSDVJU /JHIU-JHIU$JSDVJU 'BTU#MPX'VTF 5#BS$MJQT 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY 8JSF'MFY /:$$PNQMJBOU /:$$PNQMJBOU 6OJPO -BCFM WIH XJ)6##&OBCMFE EMC NLC GLR 4TB C388 C488 C588 NYC NYCU %JNNJOH ED 7 %JNNJOH "MVNJOVN -VNFO – SHIELDING OA 0QBM"DSZMJD HE )JHI&ñDJFODZ LUMEN PACKAGE OPTIONS Catalog Logic -8 .HL VL 1 "MTPDPNQBUJCMFXJUI9⁄16GMBU5CBSHSJE /PUBWBJMBCMFXJUIBMMDPOmHVSBUJPOTTPNFMJNJUBUJPOTBQQMZ$POUBDUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT 'PSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUI%VBM-JUF-JUF(FBS¥JOWFSUFSTJOMJFVPGJOTUBMMFE#BUUFSZ1BDL DPOUBDU)VCCFMM-JHIUJOH3FQSFTFOUBUJWF XJ)6##BWBJMBCMFPO(BOE4(POMZ *O'JYUVSF.PEVMF"OUFOOBBEETUPPWFSBMMmYUVSFIFJHIUBUQPXFSGFFEMPDBUJPO Nominal Lumens &ñDBDJFTVQUPMVNFOTQFSXBUU4FF TQFDJmDQIPUPNFUSJDSFQPSUTGPSEFUBJMT Data above based on 3500 Kelvin color temp. CROSS SECTIONS 5¼" 5¼" 9¾" 5¼" 5¾" 5½" 5½" 5½" 59⁄16" 31⁄4"–45⁄8" Min/Max 4½" 6" 1⅝" 4½" 6" Cut Out 6¾" 4½" 6" 15⁄16(SJE'MVTI -&% 4½" 6" 9⁄16(SJE'MVTI -&% 4MPU(SJE'MVTI -&% 'MBOHF'MVTI -&% 5¼" 5¼" 5¼" 9¾" 5½" 4" 6" 15⁄16(SJE3FHSFTTFE -&% 5½" 4" 6" 9⁄16" Grid Regressed, LED 5½" 4" 6" 4MPU(SJE3FHSFTTFE -&% ½" K.O. 2X 59⁄16" 31⁄4"–45⁄8" Min/Max 4" 6" Cut Out 6¾" 'MBOHF3FHSFTTFE -&% 8FJHIUQPVOET 20 A P P L I C AT I O N P H OTO S 21 II N N TT RR O OD DU U CC TT II O ON N Prescolite is a major manufacturer of downlights, surface and track lighting solutions that challenge paradigms in energy efficiency and highly aesthetic design for architectural, commercial, light commercial and retrofit installations. For nearly 70 years, the company has maintained its status as industry leader by taking advantage of rapidly changing technology to bring new product innovations to the marketplace. In turn, Prescolite has received awards and recognition by industry peers for its groundbreaking product design and offering. Recent honors include: s0RESCOLITES!,%$WASNAMEDh0RODUCTOFTHE9EARvBY%#--AGAZINEIN s2ECENTLY)%3.!ANNOUNCEDTHERECIPIENTSOFTHE0ROGRESS2EPORTLABELACOVETEDSYMBOLOFARTAND SCIENCEINTHELIGHTINGINDUSTRY0RESCOLITES$,%$WALLWASHAND!,%$WEREAMONGTHERECOGNIZEDPRODUCTS PRODUCT OFFERING Patented technologies and designs that offer energy efficient and energy saving options for commercial and high-end RESIDENTIALMARKETSAREINCLUDEDIN0RESCOLITESIMPRESSIVEPRODUCTOFFERING +NOWNFORINTRODUCINGTHElRSTmUORESCENTDOWNLIGHTINTHE53nASWELLASTHElRST()$DOWNLIGHTnTHELIGHTINGBRANDHAS CONTINUEDTOEVOLVEITSPRODUCTOFFERINGINTHEDOWNLIGHTCATEGORY-OSTRECENTLY0RESCOLITEADDEDTHREEHIGHPERFORMANCE ,%$DOWNLIGHTSTOITSEXTENSIVEPRODUCTLINE4HEMANUFACTURERALSOINTRODUCEDTHElRSTLUMENRECESSED,%$ downlight, which features multiple configurations and unique thermal management for high ceiling applications. (IGHEFlCIENCYASWELLASEXCEPTIONALLIGHTOUTPUTEFlCACYANDCOLORCONSISTENCYARESTANDARDSINALL0RESCOLITEDOWNLIGHTS 4HEBRANDCONTINUESTOEVALUATETHENEEDSOFLIGHTINGSPECIlERSENGINEERSENDUSERSANDARCHITECTSnTODEVELOPPRODUCT LINESTHATEXCEEDEXPECTATIONS NEW APP SHOTS IIN NTTRRO OD DU UCCTTIIO ON N BRAND PROFILE II N N TT RR O OD DU U CC TT II O ON N ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ARCHITECTURAL ).42/$5#4)/. $,%$ !,%$ ,&,%$ ,&,%$ ,&,%$ ,&31,%$ ,&31,%$ -$,%$ ).4%'2!,%-%2$)--).' $%#/2!4)6%42)-3 ...................................................................................... ................................................................... v,%$!DJUSTABLE ................................................................... ,ITE&RAME,%$$OWNLIGHTS ....................................................... v,ITE&RAME,%$$OWNLIGHTS ....................................................... v,ITE&RAME,%$$OWNLIGHTS ....................................................... ,ITE&RAME3QUARE,%$$OWNLIGHTS ................................................ v,ITE&RAME3QUARE,%$$OWNLIGHTS ................................................ 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"81,)"81,2-.1, ,",%$! $"81, ...................................................................................... &IRE4IGHT,%$1UICK,INK .......................................................... ,%$4RIMS ........................................................................ ,%$1UICK,INK .................................................................... ,%$4RIMS ........................................................................ ,%$1UICK,INK .................................................................... RETROFIT ).42/$5#4)/. 2,&,%$2,&,%$ 2,#,%$ ...................................................................................... ,%$$OWNLIGHTS ............................................................. ,%$2ETROlT$OWNLIGHTS .......................................................... CYLINDERS, STEPLIGHTS, & TRACK ).42/$5#4)/. ,%$#9,).$%23 0%.$!,5-,%$ ,"# 3,,%$ ,%$ !+4,%$ !+43,%$ 3934%-#/-0/.%.43 ...................................................................................... ,%$#YLINDERS ............................................................... 0ENDANT,%$3ERIES .................................................................. ,%$#YLINDER...................................................................... ,%$3TEPLIGHTS....................................................................... 2ECESSED(IGH /UTPUT3TEPLIGHT,%$ ................................................ ,%$4RACK(EAD ...................................................................... ,%$4RACK(EAD ...................................................................... 4RACK!CCESSORIESFOR!RCHITRAK .................................................... IIN NTTRRO OD DU UCCTTIIO ON N ,%$).42/$5#4)/. #%),).'(%)'(4#2/33/6%2 II N N TT RR O OD DU U CC TT II O ON N CEILING HEIGHT CROSSOVER LED CEILING HEIGHT LED LEGACY Commercial 40’ & Above 250W MH 30-40’ MD8 12L MD8 9L 150W MH 500W T4 20-30’ MD8 6L 100W MH 250W T4 10-20’ 32W/42W CFL Twin 26W 6CFL MD8 3L D2LED12L LF6LED8 LF6LED7 LC6LED7 LC6LED6 D2LED9L LF6LED5 LC6LED5 10-20’ 26W CFL LB6LEDA10L 8-10’ 18W CFL 75W INC LB6LEDA LB4LEDA CATALOG # D2LED A2LED APERTURE 2” round EQUIVALENCY 50W MR16 26W CFL CCT VOLTAGE DIMMING WET ENERGY STAR LOCATION 120/277 0-10V Standard Optional: HDM 1% Yes 2700K 3000K 3500K 4000K 5000K 120/277 0-10 Standard Optional: HDM 1%; Leading Edge 1% Yes with Lens 3000K 3500K 4000K 120/277 0-10 Standard Optional: HDM 1% Yes Yes 2700K 3000K 3500K 4000K 120V or 277V 0-10V optional Yes Yes 120V Triac/ELV Yes 2700K 3000K 3500K 4000K 30W CFL 50W MH MD8LED3L MD8LED6L 8” round MD8LED9L (2) 70W CFL 500W T4 100W MH (2) 70W CFL 500W T4 150W MH MD8LED12L 250W MH LED 26W CFL LF6LED-6LFLED5 LF6LED-6LFLED7 4”/6”/8” round & 4”/6” square 42W CFL (2) 26W CFL 50W MH 70W CFL LF6LED8-6LFLED8 Commercial 26W CFL LC6LED-6LCLED5 LC6LED-6LCLED6 6” round 42W CFL (2) 26W CFL LC6LED-6LCLED7 LB4LEDA LB6LEDA8L LB6LEDA10L 32W CFL 4”/6” round 50W R20 3000K 65W BR30 18W CFL 3000K 3500K 75W PAR30/P38 26W CFL 3000K 3500K Yes IIN NTTRRO OD DU UCCTTIIO ON N PRODUCT IMAGE ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECTURAL Architectural interiors – convention centers, banquet halls, grand lobbies and theatres – require lighting solutions that contribute aesthetically to a clean design, while also delivering precise optical control, efficient thermal management and ease of maintenance benefits. Prescolite addresses the unique challenges these spaces have to offer with a comprehensive product line. MD8LED is an 8” LED high-output downlight delivering more than 12,000 lumens suitable for the large commercial and architectural interiors. UP TO 12,000 LUMENS. COLOR CONSISTENCY 3 SCDM UP TO 75 LUMENS PER WATT LIGHT ENGINE WITH INTEGRAL HEAT SINK PROVIDES EXCELLENT THERMAL MANAGEMENT AND 70% AVERAGE LUMEN MAINTENANCE AT 50,000 HOURS 28 D2LED 2" LED Downlight & Wall Wash 120V or 277V High Output Xicato XSM LED Module ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES t-JHIU&OHJOFXJUIJOUFHSBMIFBUTJOLQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUUIFSNBMNBOBHFNFOUBOEB NJOJNVNPG IPVSTBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODF t6UJMJ[FT9JDBUP94.3FNPUF1IPTQIPS-&%NPEVMF$PMPSDPOTJTUFODZ4$%. t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOT t1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t0VUQVUDPNQBSFEUPBXBUU$'-PSXBUU.3)BMPHFO t$PNQMFUFMZBDDFTTJCMFGSPNCFMPXUIFDFJMJOH t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" D2LED ORDERING INFORMATION D2LED EXAMPLE: D2LED277V-2D9LEDHDM9L30K8MD25 2D9LED J-TUBE ASSEMBLY 30K LIGHT ENGINE LED COLOR 2D9LED 0QFO 27K ,FMWJO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU &OHJOF "TTFNCMZ D2LED +5VCF "TTFNCMZ XJUI %JNNJOH TUBOEBSE 30K ,FMWJO 35K ,FMWJO 40K VOLTAGE ,FMWJO Blank 7 OPTIONS 277 7 Blank 4UBOEBSE 7 EJNNJOH HDM5 -VUSPO 4FSJFT" %SJWFS )J-VNF XJSFPS &DP4ZTUFN EJNNJOH UP OUTPUT 8 MD25 BEAM ANGLE WFL45 4QVO"MVNJOVN SFnFDUPSXJUIB XJEFnPPE EJTUSJCVUJPO MD25 4QVO"MVNJOVN SFnFDUPSXJUI BNFEJVN EJTUSJCVUJPO FL35 4QVO"MVNJOVN SFnFDUPSXJUIB nPPEEJTUSJCVUJPO WW 8BMM8BTI REFLECTOR COLORS REFLECTOR OPTIONS Blank $MFBS"M[BL CG $IBNQBHOF WT 8IJUFUSJN ACCESSORIES LG1S3 %VBM-JUF7" (PME"M[BL LG1R3 WE 8IFBU"M[BL LW -JHIU8IFBU "M[BL PW 1FXUFS"M[BL BL #MBDL"M[BL WH1 8IJUFQBJOU LG1T3 9L2 LG2S3 %FMJWFSFE -VNFOT 12L2,5 %FMJWFSFE -VNFOT CRI REFLECTOR FINISH 82 /PNJOBM$3* 92,5 /PNJOBM$3* Blank 4QFDVMBS SS 4FNJTQFDVMBS MFC "NFSJDBO D2FRM4 .BUUF D2ICAT4,5 4VSGBDF.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 3FDFTTFE.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 3FDFTTFE$FJMJOH 5(SJE.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 4VSGBDF.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS 0QUJPOBM.PVOUJOH 'SBNFGPS%-&% mYUVSF 0QUJPOBM*$3BUFE "JS5JHIUIPVTJOH GPSUIF%-&% NOTES 1 Requires WT option 2 See spec sheet for specific lumens per module and raw lumens See spec sheet or for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix See spec sheet for line art 3 $MFBS 1FXUFS #MBDL 4 5 $IBNQBHOF(PME 8IFBU ICAT not available with 95 CRI, HDM, or 12L -JHIU8IFBU 2-3/4" 5" A" REFLECTOR 2-7/8" CEILING CUTOUT* 2-1/2" 0-10V DIMMING KNOCK-OUT 6-3/4" 2-1/4" 3-1/8" *Note: The accuracy of the 2-7/8" ceiling cutout is critical to the proper fit of the A2LED. For installation hints see page (3) of spec sheet or download the instruction sheet from LINE VOLTAGE CONDUIT OPENING A WFL45 5-7/8" FL35 6-3/4" MD25 7-1/2" WW 7" 29 A2LED 2" LED Adjustable FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL t - JHIU&OHJOFXJUIJOUFHSBMIFBUTJOLQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUUIFSNBMNBOBHFNFOUBOEBNJOJNVNPG IPVSTBU MVNFONBJOUFOBODF t6UJMJ[FT9JDBUP94.3FNPUF1IPTQIPS-&%NPEVMF$PMPSDPOTJTUFODZ4$%. t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSEBNQMPDBUJPOT t1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t0VUQVUDPNQBSBCMFUPBXBUU.3)BMPHFO t$PNQMFUFMZBDDFTTJCMFGSPNCFMPXUIFDFJMJOH t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" A2LED ORDERING INFORMATION A2LED EXAMPLE: A2LED277VHDM-2A9LED9L30K8FL35WCWT 2A9LED J-TUBE ASSEMBLY 30K 8 LIGHT ENGINE LED COLOR 2A9LED 0QFO 27K "TTFNCMZ XJUI %JNNJOH TUBOEBSE BEAM ANGLE FL35 4QVO"MVNJOVN SFnFDUPSXJUI BnPPE EJTUSJCVUJPO ,FMWJO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU &OHJOF "TTFNCMZ A2LED +5VCF FL35 30K ,FMWJO LOWER REFLECTOR6 COLORS LOWER REFLECTOR OPTIONS Blank $MFBS"M[BL CG $IBNQBHOF Blank4,5 CT4 WT4 BT4 (PME"M[BL WE 8IFBU"M[BL LW -JHIU8IFBU 35K ,FMWJO "M[BL 40K VOLTAGE PW 1FXUFS"M[BL BL #MBDL"M[BL BC4 #MBDL1BJOUFE ,FMWJO Blank 7 277 7 $POF WC4 8IJUF1BJOUFE OPTIONS OUTPUT Blank 4UBOEBSE 1 9L 7 EJNNJOH HDM -VUSPO4FSJFT "%SJWFS)J -VNFXJSF PS&DP4ZTUFN EJNNJOH UP 12L1 %FMJWFSFE -VNFOT %FMJWFSFE -VNFOT $POF CRI 81 /PNJOBM$3* 91 /PNJOBM$3* LOWER REFLECTOR6 FINISH Blank 4QFDVMBS SS 4FNJTQFDVMBS MFC "NFSJDBO 1FXUFS 8IFBU LOWER REFLECTOR ANGLE CUT Blank 4UBOEBSE4MPU LG1T2 UPBDDPNPEBUF BJNJOH AC15 4MPUUP BDDPNPEBUF BJNJOH FC 'VMMDVUGPS WFSUJDBMBJNJOH POMZ LG2S2 D2FRM3 NOTES 1 See spec sheet for specific lumen per module and raw lumens 2 See spec sheet page 3 or for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix See spec sheet for line art 4 Either CT, WT, or BT must be specified with a painted cone 5 With Alzak finishes, flange will match the trim finish. WT or BT may be specified as needed. Upper reflector is always specular clear alzak #MBDL 6 $IBNQBHOF(PME LG1R2 4VSGBDF.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 3FDFTTFE.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 3FDFTTFE$FJMJOH 5(SJE.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 4VSGBDF.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS 0QUJPOBM.PVOUJOH 'SBNFGPS"-&% %-&%mYUVSF .BUUF 3 $MFBS "OPEJ[FEUSJN $MFBSUSJN 8IJUFUSJN #MBDLUSJN ACCESSORIES LG1S2 %VBM-JUF7" -JHIU8IFBU 2-3/4" 7-3/4" 7-3/4" HDM: 16-1/4 HDM: 16-1/4" 0-10V DIMMING KNOCK-OUT 6-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-7/8" CEILING CUTOUT* 9-1/2" 9-1/2" HDM: 18" 2-1/4" 3-1/8" 30° 30 5-1/4" HDM: 18” *Note: The accuracy of the 2-7/8" ceiling cutout is critical to the proper fit of the A2LED. For installation hints see page (3) of spec sheet or download the instruction sheet from LINE VOLTAGE CONDUIT OPENING LF4LED 4" LiteFrame LED Downlights Remote phosphor LED system in 3000K, 3500K, 4000K FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL t -JHIU&OHJOFVUJMJ[FT1IJMJQT'PSUJNPSFNPUFQIPTQIPSUFDIOPMPHZGPSDPOUSPMMFEDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZmYUVSFUPmYUVSF t 6OJWFSTBM7IJHIFñDJFODZ-&%ESJWFSXJUI7EJNNJOHTUBOEBSE t -VNFOTQFSXBUUEFMJWFSFE t (MBSFGSFFPQUJDBMDPOUSPM t 4IJQQFEXJUIQSFJOTUBMMFE-JHIU$PNNFSDJBMCBSIBOHFST 4FFCFMPXGPSPQUJPOBM$PNNFSDJBMHSBEFCBSIBOHFST t&/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFE t .JOJNVN IPVSBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFTZTUFNMJGF t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH %BNQMPDBUJPOGPS&. LF4LED t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: LF4LED-4LFLED730K WHWT - LF4LED HOUSING VOLTAGE OPTIONS LF4LED w)JHI Blank EMR #PEJOF &ñDBDZ-&% )PVTJOH XJUI7 %JNNJOHUP TRIM 4LFLED51 0QFO #4-$$ #BUUFSZ 1BDLXJUI SFNPUFUFTU TXJUDIBOE JOEJDBUPS MJHIU WIH XJ)6##¥ &OBCMFE HDM5 -VUSPO 4FSJFT" %SJWFS )J-VNF XJSFPS &DP4ZTUFN EJNNJOH UP 7 7 1205 2775 7 LF4LED55 w-&% LF4LED75 4LFLED7 )PVTJOHGPS VTFXJUI -'-&% USJNBOE )%.ESJWFS w-&% )PVTJOHGPS VTFXJUI -'-&% USJNBOE )%.ESJWFS 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ /PNJOBM XBUUBOE MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ /PNJOBM XBUUBOE MVNFONPEVMF 4LFLED72 30K WH WT REFLECTOR OPTIONS LED COLOR TEMP REFLECTOR COLORS 30K Blank $MFBS"M[BL CG $IBNQBHOF ,FMWJO $3* 35K ,FMWJO $3* 40K ,FMWJO $3* WT 8IJUF5SJN TRG 5SJN3JOH (BTLFU GBDUPSZ JOTUBMMFE WW 8BMM8BTI (PME"M[BL BL #MBDL"M[BL WE 8IFBU"M[BL LW -JHIU8IFBU "M[BL PW 1FXUFS"M[BL WH4 8IJUF1BJOU REFLECTOR FINISH Blank "M[BL 4FNJ %JðVTF ACCESSORIES B24 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOH FSTGPS5CBS DFJMJOHT B6 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOHFSTGPS DFJMJOHKPJTUVQ UPDFOUFST LG1S3 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS LG2S3 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS NOTES 1 Philips Fortimo 1100Lm LED module 2 Philips Fortimo 2000Lm LED module 3 See for LiteGear Compatibility 4 Requires WT options 5 LED5/7 housing and voltage must be specified with HDM option. LF4LEDEMR LF4LEDWW 11-3/4" 11-3/4" 15-3/8" 15-3/8" 9-3/8" 14-1/2" 7-1/2" 7-1/2" 4 4" 53 4 5-1/4" 1 1/2"2 9-3/8" 9-3/8" 31 LF6LED 6" LiteFrame LED Downlights Remote phosphor LED system in 3000K, 3500K, 4000K FEATURES t -JHIU&OHJOFVUJMJ[FT1IJMJQT'PSUJNPSFNPUFQIPTQIPSUFDIOPMPHZGPSDPOUSPMMFEDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZmYUVSFUPmYUVSF ARCHITECTURAL t -VNFOTQFSXBUUEFMJWFSFE t (MBSFGSFFPQUJDBMDPOUSPM t 4IJQQFEXJUIQSFJOTUBMMFE-JHIU$PNNFSDJBMCBSIBOHFST 4FFCFMPXGPSPQUJPOBM$PNNFSDJBMHSBEFCBSIBOHFST t .JOJNVN IPVSBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFTZTUFNMJGF t&/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFE LF6LED t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH %BNQMPDBUJPOGPS&. t "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZQSFJOTUBMMFE t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: LF6LED-6LFLED5 30K WHWT - LF6LED HOUSING LF6LED )JHI&ñDBDZ LF6LED513 LF6LED713 7,12,13 LF6LED8 -&%)PVTJOHXJUI 7%JNNJOH UP GPS PS-VNFO NPEVMF w-&%)PVTJOH GPSVTFXJUI -'-&%USJNBOE )%.ESJWFS w-&%)PVTJOH GPSVTFXJUI -'-&%USJNBOE )%.ESJWFS )JHI&ñDBDZ -&%)PVTJOHXJUI 7%JNNJOH UP GPS -VNFONPEVMF OPTIONS WW2,7 8BMM8BTI EM3,6,9 &NFSHFODZ #BUUFSZ1BDL XJUIJOUFHSBM UFTUTXJUDIBOE JOEJDBUPSMJHIU WIH XJ)6##¥ &OBCMFE HDM13 -VUSPO4FSJFT" %SJWFS)J-VNF XJSFPS&DP 4ZTUFNEJNNJOH UP VOLTAGE Blank11 7 12012,13 7 27712,13 7 30K 6LFLED5 TRIM 6LFLED54 0QFO 6LFLED75 6LFLED87,10 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFO NPEVMF 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFO NPEVMF 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ BOE MVNFO NPEVMF WH LED COLOR TEMP REFLECTOR COLORS 30K Blank $MFBS"M[BL CG $IBNQBHOF ,FMWJO $3* 35K ,FMWJO $3* 40K ,FMWJO $3* WT REFLECTOR OPTIONS WT 8IJUF5SJN TRG 5SJN3JOH (BTLFU GBDUPSZ JOTUBMMFE 2,7 8BMM8BTI WW 3,6,9 &NFSHFODZ EM #BUUFSZ 1BDLXJUI JOUFHSBM UFTU TXJUDIBOE JOEJDBUPS MJHIU WF 8JEF 'MBOHF (PME"M[BL BL #MBDL"M[BL WE 8IFBU"M[BL LW -JHIU8IFBU "M[BL PW 1FXUFS"M[BL WH1 8IJUF1BJOU REFLECTOR FINISH Blank "M[BL 4FNJ %JðVTF NOTES WALL WASH VERSION *Please refer to specification sheet for wall wash or EM line art. 1 Requires WT option 2 WW option must be on both the housing and the trim 3 Not compatible with WW 4 Philips Fortimo 1100Lm LED module, use LF6LED housing 5 Philips Fortimo 2000Lm LED module, use LF6LED housing 6 EM option must be on both the housing and the trim 7 Not compatible with EM 8 See spec sheet or for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix 9 Not available with LED8 10 Philips Fortimo 2800Lm module, use LF6LED8 housing 11 Leave blank for LF6LED 12 120 or 277 must be selected for LF6LED8 13 LED5/7 housing and voltage must be specified with HDM option ACCESSORIES B24 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOH FSTGPS5CBS DFJMJOHT B6 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOHFSTGPS DFJMJOHKPJTUVQ UPDFOUFST 3,7 SFnFDUPS LFSC6 TDSFXDPWFS LFSC6EM3 SFnFDUPS TDSFXDPWFS GPS&. 7,8 %VBM-JUF LG1S 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS LG2S7,8 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS SCA6D_ 4MPQFE$FJMJOH "EBQUFS Signos6 "SDIJUFDUVSBM (MBTT&MFNFOUT ! LF6LED 32 ! ,&,%$ ,&,%$ v 4FFTQFDTIFFUGPSXBMMXBTIBOE&.EJNFOTJPOBMEFUBJMT ,&,%$ LF8LED 8" LiteFrame LED Downlights Remote phosphor LED system in 3000K, 3500K, 4000K FEATURES t - JHIU&OHJOFVUJMJ[FT1IJMJQT'PSUJNPSFNPUFQIPTQIPSUFDIOPMPHZGPSDPOUSPMMFEDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZ mYUVSFUPmYUVSF ARCHITECTURAL t -VNFOTQFSXBUUEFMJWFSFE t (MBSFGSFFPQUJDBMDPOUSPM t 4 IJQQFEXJUIQSFJOTUBMMFE-JHIU$PNNFSDJBMCBSIBOHFST 4FFCFMPXGPSPQUJPOBM$PNNFSDJBMHSBEFCBS IBOHFST t .JOJNVN IPVSBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFTZTUFNMJGF t&/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFE LF8LED t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH %BNQMPDBUJPOGPS&. t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: LF8LED-8LFLED5 30K WHWT - LF8LED HOUSING OPTIONS LF8LED )JHI &ñDBDZ-&% )PVTJOH XJUI7 %JNNJOH UP GPS PS -VNFO NPEVMF LF8LED510,11 w-&% LF8LED710,11 LF8LED84,10,11 EM3,7 #PEJOF #4-$$ #BUUFSZ1BDL XJUIJOEJDBUPS MJHIUBOEUFTU TXJUDI WIH 8J)6##¥ &OBCMFE HDM11 -VUSPO4FSJFT" %SJWFS)J-VNF XJSFPS&DP 4ZTUFNEJNNJOH UP )PVTJOHGPS VTFXJUI -'-&% USJNBOE )%.ESJWFS VOLTAGE w-&% )PVTJOHGPS Blank9 7 VTFXJUI -'-&% 12010,11 7 USJNBOE 10,11 7 )%.ESJWFS 277 )JHI &ñDBDZ-&% )PVTJOH XJUI7 %JNNJOH UP GPS -VNFO NPEVMF 30K 8LFLED5 TRIM 8LFLED51 0QFO 8LFLED72 8LFLED88 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF w0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF WH LED COLOR TEMP REFLECTOR COLORS 30K Blank $MFBS"M[BL CG $IBNQBHOF ,FMWJO $3* 35K ,FMWJO $3* 40K ,FMWJO $3* (PME"M[BL BL #MBDL"M[BL WE 8IFBU"M[BL LW -JHIU8IFBU "M[BL PW 1FXUFS"M[BL WH6 8IJUF1BJOU REFLECTOR FINISH Blank "M[BL 4FNJ %JðVTF WT ACCESSORIES REFLECTOR OPTIONS B24 4FUPGUXP WT 8IJUF5SJN TRG 5SJN3JOH (BTLFU GBDUPSZ JOTUBMMFE EM3,7 #PEJOF #4-$$ #BUUFSZ 1BDLXJUI JOEJDBUPS MJHIUBOE UFTUTXJUDI $POTVMU GBDUPSZGPS BWBJMBCJMJUZ WF 8JEF'MBOHF B6 LFSC84 LFSC8EM LG1S4,5 LG2S4,5 NOTES 1 Philips Fortimo 1100Lm LED module, use LF8LED housing 2 Philips Fortimo 2000Lm LED module, use LF8LED housing 3 EM option must be on both the housing and the trim 4 Not compatible with EM 5 See spec sheet or for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix 6 Requires WT option 7 Not available with LED8 8 Philips Fortimo 2800 Lm module, use LF8LED8 housing 9 Leave blank for LF8LED SCA8D_ Signos8 10 120 or 277 must be specified for LF8LED5, LF8LED7 or LF8LED8 11 LED5/7 housing and voltage must be specified with HDM option CBSIBOH FSTGPS5CBS DFJMJOHT 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOHFSTGPS DFJMJOHKPJTUVQ UPDFOUFST SFnFDUPS TDSFXDPWFS SFnFDUPS TDSFXDPWFS GPS&. %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS 4MPQFE$FJMJOH "EBQUFS "SDIJUFDUVSBM (MBTT&MFNFOUT A 9-1/8" A 12-3/4" 7-3/4" 9" 8LFLED5 8-7/8" 8LFLED7 9-7/8" 8LFLED8 9-7/8" 1-1/4" 5" 14" 33 LF4SQLED 4" LiteFrame Square LED Downlights Remote phosphor LED system in 3000K, 3500K, 4000K FEATURES t -JHIU&OHJOFVUJMJ[FT1IJMJQT'PSUJNPSFNPUFQIPTQIPSUFDIOPMPHZGPSDPOUSPMMFEDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZmYUVSFUPmYUVSF ARCHITECTURAL t 6OJWFSTBM7IJHIFñDJFODZ-&%ESJWFSXJUI7EJNNJOHTUBOEBSE t 4IJQQFEXJUIQSFJOTUBMMFE-JHIU$PNNFSDJBMCBSIBOHFST 4FFCFMPXGPSPQUJPOBM$PNNFSDJBMHSBEFCBSIBOHFST t .JOJNVN IPVSBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFTZTUFNMJGF t&/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFE t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH &.3JTEBNQMPDBUJPO 64POMZ t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" LF4SQLED ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: LF4SQLED-4SQLED5 30K WHWT - LF4SQLED HOUSING LF4SQLED )JHI &ñDBDZ -&% )PVTJOH XJUI 7 %JNNJOH UP LF4SQLED58 w-&% 8 LF4SQLED7 )PVTJOH GPSVTF XJUI 42-&% USJNBOE )%. ESJWFS w-&% )PVTJOH GPSVTF XJUI 42-&% USJNBOE )%. ESJWFS 4SQLED5 TRIM OPTIONS 4SQLED53 0QFO WW2,7 8BMM8BTI EMR6 &NFSHFODZ #BUUFSZ1BDL XJUISFNPUF UFTUTXJUDIBOE JOEJDBUPSMJHIU WIH 8J)6##¥ &OBCMFE HDM8 -VUSPO4FSJFT" %SJWFS)J-VNF XJSFPS&DP 4ZTUFNEJNNJOH UP 4SQLED74 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 30K WH LED COLOR TEMP REFLECTOR COLORS 30K Blank $MFBS"M[BL CG $IBNQBHOF ,FMWJO $3* 35K ,FMWJO $3* 40K ,FMWJO $3* (PME"M[BL BL #MBDL"M[BL WE 8IFBU"M[BL LW -JHIU8IFBU "M[BL PW 1FXUFS"M[BL WH1 8IJUF1BJOU WT VOLTAGE CL 3FHSFTTFE DMFBSMFOT PL 3FHSFTTFE QSJTNBUJD MFOT DL 3FHSFTTFE EJðVTF MFOT WT 8IJUF5SJN 2,7 8BMM8BTI WW Blank "M[BL 4FNJ %JðVTF 7 7 ACCESSORIES REFLECTOR OPTIONS REFLECTOR FINISH Blank - 1208 2778 7 B24 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOH FSTGPS5CBS DFJMJOHT B6 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOHFSTGPS DFJMJOHKPJTUVQ UPDFOUFST LG1S5,9 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS LG2S5,9 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS NOTES 1 Requires WT option 2 WW option must be on both the housing and the trim 3 Philips Fortimo 1100Lm LED module 4 Philips Fortimo 2000Lm LED module 5 See spec sheet or for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix 6 Damp location listed 7 Comes standard with diffuse lens 8 LF4SQLED5/7 and voltage must be specified with HDM option 9 Not compatible with EMR *Please refer to specification sheet for wall wash line art. 14" 14" 9-1/8" 9-1/8" 12-3/4" 12-3/4" 7-7/16" 7-7/8" 4-7/16" 4-7/16" SQ 5-3/4" SQ 5" 34 1-1/4" 1-1/4" LF6SQLED 6" LiteFrame Square LED Downlights Remote phosphor LED system in 3000K, 3500K, 4000K FEATURES t -JHIU&OHJOFVUJMJ[FT1IJMJQT'PSUJNPSFNPUFQIPTQIPSUFDIOPMPHZGPSDPOUSPMMFEDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZmYUVSFUPmYUVSF ARCHITECTURAL t 6OJWFSTBM7IJHIFñDJFODZ-&%ESJWFSXJUI7EJNNJOHTUBOEBSE t 4IJQQFEXJUIQSFJOTUBMMFE-JHIU$PNNFSDJBMCBSIBOHFST 4FFCFMPXGPSPQUJPOBM$PNNFSDJBMHSBEFCBSIBOHFST t .JOJNVN IPVSBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFTZTUFNMJGF t&/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFE t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH %BNQMPDBUJPO 64POMZGPS&. t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: LF6SQLED-6SQLED5 30K WHWT - LF6SQLED HOUSING OPTIONS LF6SQLED )JHI WW2 8BMM8BTI EMR6,11 &NFSHFODZ &ñDBDZ-&% )PVTJOH XJUI7 %JNNJOH UP 'PS PS -VNFO NPEVMF #BUUFSZ1BDL XJUISFNPUF UFTUTXJUDIBOE JOEJDBUPSMJHIU 6,9,10,11 &NFSHFODZ EM #BDL6QXJUI *OUFHSBM4XJUDI WIH 8J)6##¥ &OBCMFE HDM16 -VUSPO4FSJFT" %SJWFS)J-VNF XJSFPS&DP 4ZTUFNEJNNJOH UP LF6SQLED57,16 w-&% LF6SQLED77,16 LF6SQLED87 )PVTJOHGPS VTFXJUI 42-&% USJNBOE )%.ESJWFS w-&% )PVTJOHGPS VTFXJUI 42-&% USJNBOE )%.ESJWFS )JHI &ñDBDZ-&% )PVTJOH XJUI7 %JNNJOH UP 'PS -VNFO NPEVMF LF6SQLED 6SQLED5 30K TRIM 6SQLED74 6SQLED812 30K ,FMWJO Blank $MFBS"M[BL CG $IBNQBHOF (PME"M[BL BL #MBDL"M[BL WE 8IFBU"M[BL LW -JHIU8IFBU "M[BL PW 1FXUFS"M[BL WH1 8IJUF1BJOU REFLECTOR FINISH Blank "M[BL4FNJ %JðVTF NOTES VOLTAGE 1 Requires WT option Blank13 2 7 7 WW option must be on both the housing and the trim 3 Philips Fortimo 1100Lm LED module, use LF6SQLED housing 4 Philips Fortimo 2000Lm LED module, use LF6SQLED housing 5 See spec sheet or for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix 6 Damp location listed 7 120 or 277 must be selected for LF6SQLED8 8 Comes standard with diffuse lens 9 Not for use with wall wash or lensed trims. Use EM trims only. 7,16 120 2777,16 7 *Please refer to specification sheet for wall wash line art. 10 EM option must be on both the housing and trim 11 Not available with LED8 12 Philips Fortimo 2800Lm module, use LF6SQLED8 housing 13 Leave blank for LF6SQLED 14 Not available with EM option 15 Not available with EMR option 16 LF6SQLED5/7 housing and voltage must be specified with HDM option ACCESSORIES REFLECTOR OPTIONS REFLECTOR COLORS $3* 35K ,FMWJO $3* 40K ,FMWJO $3* - WT LED COLOR TEMP 6SQLED53 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF WH CL 3FHSFTTFE DMFBSMFOT PL 3FHSFTTFE QSJTNBUJD MFOT DL 3FHSFTTFE EJðVTF MFOT WT 8IJUF5SJN 2,8,14 8BMM8BTI WW EM10,11 &NFSHFODZ #BDL 6QXJUI *OUFHSBM 4XJUDI B24 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOH FSTGPS5CBS DFJMJOHT B6 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOHFSTGPS DFJMJOHKPJTUVQ UPDFOUFST LG1S5,15 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS LG2S5,15 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS 14" 14" “A” 9-1/8" 9-1/8" 12-3/4" 12-3/4" LF6SQLED5 7-1/8” LF6SQLED7 8-1/8” LF6SQLED8 8-1/8” "A" "A" 6" 6"SQ 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 7-1/4" SQ 5" 35 MD8LED 8" High Lumen LED Downlight 120V-277V High Output FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL t - JHIU&OHJOFXJUIJOUFHSBMIFBUTJOLQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUUIFSNBMNBOBHNFOUBOEBNJOJNVNPG IPVSTBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODF t 6UJMJ[FT/JDIJB-&%T$PMPSDPOTJTUFODZ4$%. t 6QUP$ ' "NCJFOU$POEJUJPOT t #FBN4QSFBET t 6QUPMVNFOTQFSXBUU t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" MD8LED ORDERING INFORMATION 12L MD8LED HOUSING MD8LED )JHI 0VUQVU -&% )PVTJOH OUTPUT 3L2 6L2 9L2 12L2 $IBNQBHOF(PME – 8 35K LED COLOR TEMP 27K CRI 8 $3* 30K VOLTAGE Blank 7 35K %FMJWFSFE 40K -VNFOT 50K %FMJWFSFE -VNFOT %FMJWFSFE -VNFOT %FMJWFSFE -VNFOT $MFBS EXAMPLE: MD8LED12L 35K8- 8MD12LWFL45WCCL-B24 ,FMWJO ,FMWJO ,FMWJO ,FMWJO ,FMWJO 7 OPTIONS Blank 4UBOEBSE 7EJN NJOH HDM -VUSPO 4FSJFT" 8JSF &DP4ZTUFN %JNNJOH 2DM -VUSPO 4FSJFT" 5SBJMJOH &EHF %JNNJOH W POMZ WIH 8J)6## FOBCMFE 8MD TRIM APERTURE 8MD "M[BL 3FnFD UPS OUTPUT 3L2 4VJUBCMF 6L2 9L2 12L2 1FXUFS 12L GPS -VNFO )PVTJOH 4VJUBCMF GPS -VNFO )PVTJOH 4VJUBCMF GPS -VNFO )PVTJOH 4VJUBCMF GPS -VNFO )PVTJOH WFL45 WC BEAM ANGLE MD25 /PNJOBM REFLECTOR COLORS Blank $MFBS %FHSFF $VUPð FL35 /PNJOBM %FHSFF $VUPð WFL45 /PNJOBM %FHSFF $VUPð XFL55 /PNJOBM %FHSFF $VUPð REFLECTOR FINISH Blank 4QFDVMBS SS 4FNJ TQFDVMBS MFC "NFSJ WE LW PW BC1 WC1 DBO .BUUF #MBDL 8IFBU "M[BL CG $IBN BL QBHOF (PME"M[BL #MBDL "M[BL 8IFBU "M[BL -JHIU 8IFBU "M[BL 1FXUFS "M[BL 1BJOUFE #MBDL $POF 1BJOUFE 8IJUF $POF NOTES -JHIU8IFBU 1 Must specify either WT or BT for painted cone 2 Housing and reflector output must be consistent – CL B24 REFLECTOR OPTIONS CL $MFBS-FOT PWFS-&%T XFUMPDB UJPO SL 4PMJUF 4PGUFOJOH -FOTPWFS -&%T XFU MPDBUJPO WT 1BJOUFE 8IJUF 'MBOHF BT 1BJOUFE #MBDL 'MBOHF ACCESSORIES B24 4FUPG UXP CBS IBOHFST GPS5CBS DFJMJOHT B6 4FUPGUXP CBS IBOHFST GPSDFJMJOH KPJTUVQ UP DFOUFST SCA8D_ 4MPQFE DFJMJOH BEBQUFS 20-3/4" REFLECTOR* 25° 35° 45° 55° "A"** 12" 13-1/4"** 11-3/4" 15-3/8" 7-3/4" 9" 36 REFLECTOR* HEIGHT (A) HEIGHT (A) 18" 15" 11" 10" *WITH LENS ASSEMBLY **Dimension “A” may or may not be ůŝŵŝƟŶŐǀĞƌƟĐĂůĚŝŵĞŶƐŝŽŶĚĞƉĞŶĚŝŶŐ ƵƉŽŶĐŚŽƐĞŶƌĞŇĞĐƚŽƌ͘ INTEGRAL EMER/DIMMING Integral Emergency s 3PECIFY%-OPTIONFORINTEGRAL,%$SWITCHOR%-2FORREMOTE,%$SWITCHON select Prescolite downlights s 0REMIUMSEALEDNICKELCADMIUMBATTERYWITHALIFEEXPECTANCYOF YEARS ARCHITECTURAL s 0ROVIDESMINUTESOFBACKUPPOWER s 4WO FOOTCONDUITENCLOSEDLEADSPROVIDED s GAUGESTEELHOUSING s 5,,ISTEDnDAMPLOCATION s %XCEEDS.%#AND.&0!REQUIREMENTS s $UALVOLTAGE6AND6 s HOURCHARGETIME EM Features s #OMPATIBLEWITH,ITE&RAME,%$3ERIES$OWNLIGHTS sAND,UMEN-ODULE s Dimming Options: Prescolite offers a variety of dimming options for easy specification and system flexibility. These options are preengineered as standard options using the catalog number suffixes indicated below. Additional dimming choices on other products are also available on an engineered-to-order basis (contact quotations for an ETO quote request). DM 'ENERAL$IMMING TO WIRE 6CONTROL 6OR6 BLACK (HOT) WHITE (NEUTRAL) VIOLET (CONTROL +) GRAY (CONTROL -) GREEN (GROUND) HDM ,UTRON®(I ,UME TO WIRELINEVOLTAGE control 3PECIFY6OR6 BLACK (HOT) ORANGE (DIMMED HOT) WHITE (NEUTRAL) GREEN (GROUND) ,UTRON%CO3YSTEM $IGITAL$IMMING TO BLACK (HOT) WHITE (NEUTRAL) GREEN (GROUND) PURPLE(E1) PURPLE(E1) 2DM ,UTRON®4U 7IRE TO WIRELINEVOLTAGE control 6 BLACK (DIMMED HOT) WHITE (NEUTRAL) GREEN (GROUND) *Prescolite reserves the right to change ballast providers at any time 37 6" DECORATIVE TRIMS 6" Round Architectural Elements One and Two Level Architectural Elements Designed for LED and Recessed Downlights ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES s / PENDESIGNMEETSTHEREQUIREMENTOFAMBIENTLIGHTING without sacrificing illumination levels. s 'LASSELEMENTSANDACRYLICCOLORACCENTSCANBEMIXEDANDMATCHEDTOCREATE thousands of unique combinations. s 3TURDYMOUNTINGmANGEISCONSTRUCTEDOFALUMINUMPAINTEDINBLACKWHITE BRONZEBRASSORBRUSHEDALUMINUM s &ORUSEWITH0RESCOLITE,ITE&RAME,%$$OWNLIGHTS s 3IGNOSISAFULLYCUSTOMIZABLEPRODUCTLINE#ONTACTYOUR0RESCOLITEREPRESENTATIVEFORMORE information. s 2EFERTOWWWPRESCOLITECOMFORADDITIONALOPTIONSANDACCESSORIES SR6010 SR6045 EXAMPLE: LF6LED-6LFLED735K-B6-SR6060 ORDERING INFORMATION n SR6060 LF6LED-6LFLED735K-B6 ELEMENTS SR6010 SR6030 SR6045NF SR6055NF SR6060 SR6070 SR6075 SR6080NF SR6090 SR6095 SR6100NF SR6105 SR6110NF SR6115NF SR6120 3TANDARD brushed aluminum foundation flange with glass ring. 3TANDARDBRUSHED and painted brass foundation flange and frosted glass dome. 3TANDARDBRUSHED aluminum foundation flange, cobalt blue acrylic ring, and frosted glass ring with cobalt blue acrylic disk. 3MALLWHITE foundation flange, and white perforated aluminum ring with white caming rings. 3TANDARDWHITE foundation flange, cobalt acrylic ring with frosted glass ring, brass finials and armature with cobalt blue glass cone. 3TANDARDBRUSHED aluminum foundation flange, clear glass disc with frosted center and a aluminum caming ring. 3MALLBRUSHED aluminum foundation flange and two frosted glass rings. 3TANDARDBRUSHED and painted brass foundation flange, frosted glass ring, and cobalt blue acrylic ring. 3TANDARDBRUSHED and painted brass foundation flange and frosted glass flag and architectural armature. 3MALLBRUSHED aluminum foundation flange with two brushed aluminum rings. 3TANDARDWHITE foundation flange, frosted glass ring with ruby red acrylic ring, and white architectural armature. 3MALLBRUSHED aluminum foundation flange and clear glass disc with frosted center. 3MALLBRUSHED aluminum foundation flange and clear glass with aluminum camming rings. 3TANDARDBRUSHED aluminum foundation flange, and perforated aluminum ring with aluminum caming rings. 3TANDARDBRUSHED aluminum foundation flange and clear glass ring. NOTES Signos® trims should be attached after the downlights have been installed and ceilings finished Special configurations are available. Contact your sales agent or Prescolite representative. SR6075 Overall Height: 2-1/2" Flange Diameter: 9-1/8" INSTALLATION FEATURES 3KYTWISTMOUNTINGBRACKETSSNAPONTO0RESCOLITEPLASTERmANGEFOREASYTRIMMOUNTING"RACKETSAREEQUIPPEDWITHSAFETYWIRETO SECURETRIMTOHOUSING4RIMSAFETYWIREALLOWSPRODUCTTOBERELAMPEDWITHOUTHAVINGTOREMOVETRIMFROMCEILING-OUNTINGBRACKETS can be installed from below ceiling. SR6090 Overall Height: 2" Flange Diameter: 9-1/8" Dimensions Aperture: Nominal 6" 38 Sky Twist Mounting Brackets 1 "RACKETSSNAPONTOPLASter flange for easy trim mounting 2 3AFETYWIRE keeps trim secure to housing 3 4WISTTOLOCKIN place 8" DECORATIVE TRIMS 8" Round Architectural Elements One and Two Level Architectural Elements Designed for LED and Recessed Downlights FEATURES ORDERING INFORMATION LF8LED8-8LFLED8-B24 ARCHITECTURAL s / PENDESIGNMEETSTHEREQUIREMENTOFAMBIENTLIGHTING without sacrificing illumination levels. s 'LASSELEMENTSANDACRYLICCOLORACCENTSCANBEMIXEDANDMATCHEDTOCREATE thousands of unique combinations. s 3TURDYMOUNTINGmANGEISCONSTRUCTEDOFALUMINUMPAINTEDINBLACKWHITEBRONZEBRASS or brushed aluminum. s &ORUSEWITH0RESCOLITE,ITE&RAME,%$DOWNLIGHTS s 3IGNOSISAFULLYCUSTOMIZABLEPRODUCTLINE#ONTACTYOUR0RESCOLITE representative for more information. s 2EFERTOWWWPRESCOLITECOMFORADDITIONALOPTIONSANDACCESSORIES SR1060 EXAMPLE: LF8LED8-8LFLED8-B24-SR1010 n SR1010 ELEMENTS SR1005 "LACK foundation flange, frosted glass ring and short spacers. SR1010 "RUSHEDALUMINUM foundation flange, with frosted glass ring and long spacers. SR1015 SR1020 SR1025 7HITEFOUNDATION flange with sloped frosted glass ring. 7HITEFOUNDATION flange and cobalt blue acrylic accent ring with sloped frosted glass ring. "RUSHEDANDPAINTED brass foundation flange and a green acrylic disk with sloped frosted glass ring. SR1030 SR1035 SR1040 SR1045 SR1055 SR1060 SR1065 SR1070 SR1085 SR1090 "RUSHEDAND painted brass foundation flange with frosted acrylic dome. "RUSHEDAND painted brass foundation flange, frosted glass ring, and a cobalt blue acrylic ring with a frosted glass ring. "LACKFOUNDATION flange with cobalt blue acrylic cut dome. "RONZEFOUNDATION flange, frosted glass ring, emerald green acrylic ring with a frosted glass ring and architectural armature "RUSHEDAND painted brass foundation flange, sloped glass ring, and dropped armature with frosted cone. "RUSHEDALUMINUM foundation flange with cobalt blue acrylic ring, and frosted glass ring with a cobalt blue acrylic disk. "RUSHED aluminum foundation flange with two frosted glass rings. "RUSHEDALUMINUM foundation flange, frosted glass ring, cobalt blue acrylic disk with a frosted glass ring and architectural armature. "LACKFOUNDATION flange, black aluminum ring, and architectural armature. 7HITEFOUNDATION flange, frosted glass ring with red acrylic ring and architectural armature. NOTES Signos® trims should be attached after the downlights have been installed and ceilings finished Special configurations are available. Contact your sales agent or Prescolite representative. Dimensions Aperture: Nominal 8" SR1065 Overall Height: 3-7/8" Flange Dimension: 12" 39 COMMERCIAL #/--%2#)!, Lighting in commercial buildings is responsible for a large part of electricity consumption. Energy efficiency, performance and long-life are features that end users, architects and lighting specifiers look for when designing and maintaining a variety of commercial environments – and Prescolite’s products are designed to meet these needs. LC6LED is the newest addition to the LiteFrame family and provides the energy efficiency, performance, and long life of our high quality LED downlights at a price comparable to equivalent compact fluorescent fixtures. This LiteFrame Commercial LED uses either 36, 54, or 72 low power Nichia LEDs - allowing optimal thermal management by effectively spreading heat over a larger area and eliminating hot spots. 0-10V DIMMING AVAILABLE ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED COMPATIBLE WITH PRESCOLITE SLOPED CEILING ADAPTERS 1000-1600 LUMENS DELIVERED PRE-WIRED J-BOX WITH SNAP-ON COVER FOR EASY ACCESS AND INSTALLATION 40 LC6LED 6" LiteFrame Commercial LED Downlights LED system in 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4000K FEATURES t -JHIU&OHJOFVUJMJ[FT/JDIJB-&%TGPSDPOUSPMMFEDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZmYUVSFUPmYUVSF t -VNFOTEFMJWFSFE COMMERCIAL t (MBSFGSFFPQUJDBMDPOUSPM t 4IJQQFEXJUIQSFJOTUBMMFE-JHIU$PNNFSDJBMCBSIBOHFST 4FFCFMPXGPSPQUJPOBM$PNNFSDJBMHSBEFCBSIBOHFST t&/&3(:45"32VBMJmFE t .JOJNVN IPVSBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFTZTUFNMJGF t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHICSBODIXJSJOH LC6LED t "WBJMBCMFXJUIFYDMVTJWFXJ)6##UFDIOPMPHZQSFJOTUBMMFE t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" ORDERING INFORMATION LC6LED EXAMPLE: LC6LED120-6LCLED735K8WHWT - 120 VOLTAGE HOUSING LC6LED -&%)PVTJOH 120 7 277 7 7 6LCLED TRIM 6LCLED 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ HOUSING OPTION OUTPUT Blank /P%JNNJOH DM 7EJNNJOH 5 /PNJOBM MVNFOT EFMJWFSFE 6 /PNJOBM MVNFOT EFMJWFSFE 7 /PNJOBM MVNFOT EFMJWFSFE UP WIH XJ)6##¥ &OBCMFE 35K LED COLOR TEMP 27K ,FMWJO 30K ,FMWJO 35K ,FMWJO 40K ,FMWJO WH 8 WT REFLECTOR COLORS CRI 8 $3* WH1 8IJUF1BJOU REFLECTOR FINISH Blank "M[BL 4FNJ %JðVTF REFLECTOR OPTIONS NOTES WT 8IJUF5SJN 1 Requires WT option 2 See spec sheet or for LiteGear Compatibility 14" - ACCESSORIES B24 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOH FSTGPS5CBS DFJMJOHT B6 4FUPGUXP CBSIBOHFSTGPS DFJMJOHKPJTUVQ UPDFOUFST LG1S2 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS LG1R2 %VBM-JUF 7"3FDFTTFE .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS LG1T2 %VBM-JUF 7"3FDFTTFE $FJMJOH5(SJE .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS LG2S2 %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS SCA6D_ 4MPQFEDFJMJOH BEBQUFS 14" 14" 5-3/4" ⁄4 5-3/4" ⁄4 1-1/4" 4 ⁄ 7" 12-3/4" ⁄4 9-1/8" ⁄ -&%-&% 12-3/4" 4 ⁄ 9-1/8" ⁄ 6-1/4" 4 ⁄ -&% -&%-&% 5-3/4" ⁄4 1-1/4" ⁄4 7" -&% 41 LIGHT COMMERCIAL ,)'(4#/--%2#)!, Prescolite’s extensive lighting line includes products that are ideal for residential and light commercial applications for both new construction and retrofitting opportunities. Theses innovative solutions offer excellent glare control and optical cutoff, color quality and warm white temperatures to increase visual comfort in these interior settings. With up to 1000 delivered lumens, using less than 12 watts of power. LB6LEDA features excellent glare control and optical cutoff, color quality and a warm white color temperature. DIMMABLE TO 15% WITH MOST STANDARD DIMMERS INTEGRAL ALUMINUM HEAT SINK TO MAXIMIZE LIFE EXPECTANCY AND LUMEN OUTPUT ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED RETROFIT APPLICATIONS WITH COMPATIBLE 6” HOUSINGS FROM PRESCOLITE OR OTHERS USING THE UNIVERSAL SCREW BASE ADAPTER 42 FT6QLIC/LB6LEDA 6" FireTight LED QuickLink California Title 24 Compliant & IC Rated FEATURES ORDERING INFORMATION FT6QLIC HOUSING FT6QLIC w 'JSF5JHIU SBUFE *$-&% IPVTJOH GPSmSF SBUFEOFX DPOTUSVD UJPOT LIGHT COMMERCIAL t6-$MBTTJmFEUPNBJOUBJOmSFSBUJOHTPGPOFIPVSPSMFTTGPSBMM6-1BOE1TFSJFTmSFSBUFEDFJMJOH nPPSBTTFNCMJFT t6-$MBTTJmFEUPNBJOUBJOmSFSBUJOHTPGUXPIPVSTPSMFTTJOBMM6-- % ( % BOE- TFSJFTmSFSBUFEDFJMJOHnPPSBTTFNCMJFT t &OFSHZTBWJOH-&%MJHIUFOHJOFXJUIXBUUJOQVUQPXFS t $BMJGPSOJB5JUMFDPNQMJBOU2VJDL-JOLDPOOFDUPSTPOIPVTJOHTBOEUSJNT t - VNFOPVUQVUBOEEJTUSJCVUJPODPNQBSBCMFVQUP81"3JODBOEFTDFOUMBNQ t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t IPVSMJGFBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFQFS5. t )FBUTJOLUPNBYJNJ[FMJGFFYQFDUBODZBOEMVNFOPVUQVU t &YDFMMFOUHMBSFDPOUSPMBOEPQUJDBMDVUPð t %JNNBCMFUPXJUINPTUTUBOEBSEEJNNFST t 4VJUBCMFGPSUISPVHIXJSJOH*$/PO*$ "JS4IJFMESBUFE8FUMPDBUJPOXJUI-#-&%" FT6QLIC LB6LEDA EXAMPLE: FT6QLIC-LB6LEDA8L30K WH WH LB6LEDA8L 30K TRIM LB6LEDA8L1 -VNFO LED COLOR TEMP 30K LB6LEDA10L 1 -&%NPEVMFXJUI EJNNJOHUP -VNFO -&%NPEVMFXJUI EJNNJOHUP 35K2 CRI Blank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ee trim dimensions on page 26 2 Not available with LB6LEDA8L * See for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix TDSFXTIFMMTPDLFU*EFBMGPSSFTJEFOUJBMBOEMJHIUDPNNFSDJBM OFXDPOTUSVDUJPOBQQMJDBUJPOTXIFSFUIFVTFPGTDSFXTIFMM TPDLFUTJTSFTUSJDUFE5IF-#-&%"USJNJTDPNQBUJCMFXJUICPUI BO&EJTPO#BTFBOE2-CBTFIPVTJOH $FJMJOH$VU0VU FT6QLIC 43 LB4LEDA 4" LED Trims LIGHT COMMERCIAL FEATURES t &OFSHZTBWJOH-&%MJHIUFOHJOFXJUIXBUUJOQVUQPXFS t - VNFOPVUQVUBOEEJTUSJCVUJPODPNQBSBCMFUPB83JODBOEFTDFOUMBNQ t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /FXDPOTUSVDUJPOXJUI#92- $BMJGPSOJB5JUMFDPNQMJBOU t 3FUSPmUBQQMJDBUJPOTXJUIDPNQBUJCMFIPVTJOHTVTJOHUIFVOJWFSTBMTDSFXCBTFBEBQUFS t %JNNBCMFUPXJUINPTUTUBOEBSE GPSXBSEPSSFWFSTFQIBTF EJNNFST t &BTZJOTUBMMBUJPOXJUI GSJDUJPOTQSJOHDMJQTBOEEJðVTFBDSZMJDMFOTDPOUSPMTEJSFDUHMBSF t IPVSTMJGFBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFQFS5. t )FBUTJOLUPNBYJNJ[FMJGFFYQFDUBODZBOEMVNFOPVUQVU t &/&3(:45"3 ¥2VBMJmFE t *$/PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOT t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- LB4LEDA ORDERING INFORMATION LB4LEDA TRIM LB4LEDA 7,%$ module with dimming to 6 EXAMPLE: LB4LEDA30K WH – 30K LED COLOR TEMP 30K CRI Blank $3* WH TRIM COLOR WH 8IJUF ,FMWJO ACCESSORIES BX4QL-120 MJOFWPMUBHF /PO*$IPVTJOHOFX DPOTUSVDUJPOBQQMJDB UJPOT IBX4QL-120 MJOFWPMUBHF*$ SBUFEIPVTJOH/FX DPOTUSVDUJPOBQQMJDB UJPOT"JS4IJFMESBUFE RMN4QL-120 MJOFWPMUBHF/PO *$IPVTJOH3FNPEFM BQQMJDBUJPOT 3 3/4 " 3 7/8 " 2 7/8 " REFERENCE INF 5 1/16 " LB4LEDA 44 BX4QL/IBX4QL/RMN4QL 120 4" LED QuickLink California Title 24 Compliant ÊÊ,ÊÊ FEATURES LIGHT COMMERCIAL t * EFBMGPSSFTJEFOUJBMBOEMJHIUDPNNFSDJBMMJHIUJOHQSPKFDUTUIBUSFRVJSFBTNBMM DPODFBMFEMJOFWPMUBHF TPVSDF t 3./2-SFNPEFMIPVTJOHBMMPXTGPSRVJDLBOEFBTZJOTUBMMBUJPOJOUPFYJTUJOHDFJMJOHT t /BJMJODMVEFEPOCBSIBOHFST t 4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH t -VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" Ê -Ê ÊÊ ÊÊ IBX4QL-120 ORDERING INFORMATION BX4QL-120 EXAMPLE: BX4QL-120-LB4LEDA30K WH – HOUSING BX4QL-120 MJOFWPMU BHF/PO*$ IPVTJOH OFX DPOTUSVDUJPO BQQMJDBUJPOT IBX4QL-120 MJOFWPMU BHF*$IPVT JOH OFX DPOTUSVDUJPO BQQMJDBUJPOT "JS4IJFME SBUFE RMN4QL-120 MJOFWPMU BHF/PO*$ IPVTJOH 3FNPEFMBQ QMJDBUJPOT TRIM LB4LEDA1 -&% WH 30K LB4LEDA 2VJDL-JOL USJN LED COLOR TEMP 30K CRI Blank $3* TRIM COLOR WH 8IJUF ACCESSORIES G4 $FJMJOHHBTLFUGPSUIFMJOF WPMUBHFIPVTJOHT4FBMTIPVTJOH UPESZXBMMPQFOJOH ICBOX 3FDFTTFEFODMPTVSFGPS/PO*$ IPVTJOHJO*$BQQMJDBUJPOT4FF QBHF ,FMWJO 2VJDL-JOL$BMJGPSOJB5JUMF$PNQMJBOU$POOFDUPST NOTES 26*$,-*/,USJNTDPNQMZXJUIUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTPG$BMJGPSOJB 5JUMFCZQSPWJEJOHBQMVHJOQPXFSDPOOFDUPSJOQMBDFPGB TDSFXTIFMMTPDLFU*EFBMGPSSFTJEFOUJBMBOEMJHIUDPNNFSDJBM OFXDPOTUSVDUJPOBQQMJDBUJPOTXIFSFUIFVTFPGTDSFXTIFMM 1 See trim dimensions on page 24 2 IBX4QL-120 only TPDLFUTJTSFTUSJDUFE5IF-#-&%"USJNJTDPNQBUJCMFXJUICPUI BO&EJTPO#BTFBOE2-CBTFIPVTJOH 4 11 ⁄3/4" 10 3/4 77/8 59/16" ⁄ 5 1/2 441/8" ⁄ 4413/16" ⁄ $FJMJOH$VU0VU .BYJNVN$FJMJOH5IJDLOFTT BX4QL-120 $FJMJOH$VU0VU .BYJNVN$FJMJOH5IJDLOFTT IBX4QL-120 $FJMJOH$VU0VU .BYJNVN$FJMJOH5IJDLOFTT RMN4QL-120 45 LB6LEDA 6" LED Trims FEATURES LIGHT COMMERCIAL t &OFSHZTBWJOH-&%MJHIUFOHJOFXJUIXBUUJOQVUQPXFS t - VNFOPVUQVUBOEEJTUSJCVUJPODPNQBSBCMFVQUP81"3JODBOEFTDFOUMBNQ t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /FXDPOTUSVDUJPOXJUI%#92- $BMJGPSOJB5JUMFDPNQMJBOU t 3FUSPmUBQQMJDBUJPOTXJUIDPNQBUJCMFIPVTJOHTVTJOHUIFVOJWFSTBMTDSFXCBTFBEBQUFS TFFCFMPX t %JNNBCMFUPXJUINPTUTUBOEBSEEJNNFST t &BTZJOTUBMMBUJPOXJUI GSJDUJPOTQSJOHDMJQTBOEEJðVTFBDSZMJDMFOTDPOUSPMTEJSFDUHMBSF t IPVSTMJGFBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFQFS5. t )FBUTJOLUPNBYJNJ[FMJGFFYQFDUBODZBOEMVNFOPVUQVU t &/&3(:45"3 ¥2VBMJmFE t *$/PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOT t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" LB6LEDA ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: LB6LEDA30K WH LB6LEDA8L 30K TRIM LB6LEDA8L LED COLOR TEMP 30K ,FMWJO 35K1 ,FMWJO ,UMEN,%$ module with dimming to 6 LB6LEDA10L ,UMEN,%$ module with dimming to 6 – WH TRIM COLOR CRI Blank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anufacturer NOTES 1 * Not available with LB6LEDA8L $BQSJ $PNNFSDJBM&MFDUSJD &MDP Dimmable using most 3-wire low voltage electronic switches or 2-wire circuits &NFSBME See spec sheet or www. for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix +JNXBZ )BMP *OUFOTF +VOP -JUIPOJB -VNB1SP -VNJOBJSF /PSB 1SPHSFTT 4FB(VMM 8"$ 'PSDPNQMFUFMJTUPGDPNQFUJUPSQBSUOVNCFST TFF TQFDTIFFUBUXXX1SFTDPMJUFDPN 44 55/8 /8"" 6 611/8 /8"" 2233/4 / "" 4 7 733/4 / "" 4 LB6LEDA 46 DBXQL 6" LED QuickLink California Title 24 Compliant ÊÊ,ÊÊ FEATURES ORDERING INFORMATION DBXQL HOUSING DBXQL -&% 2VJDL-JOL IPVTJOH – Ê -Ê ÊÊ ÊÊ DBXQL LIGHT COMMERCIAL t &OFSHZTBWJOH-&%MJHIUFOHJOFXJUIXBUUJOQVUQPXFS t $BMJGPSOJB5JUMFDPNQMJBOU2VJDL-JOLDPOOFDUPSTPOIPVTJOHTBOEUSJNT t - VNFOPVUQVUBOEEJTUSJCVUJPODPNQBSBCMFVQUP81"3JODBOEFTDFOUMBNQ t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t IPVSMJGFBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFQFS5. t )FBUTJOLUPNBYJNJ[FMJGFFYQFDUBODZBOEMVNFOPVUQVU t &YDFMMFOUHMBSFDPOUSPMBOEPQUJDBMDVUPð t %JNNBCMFUPXJUINPTUTUBOEBSEEJNNFST t *$/PO*$ "JS4IJFMESBUFE8FUMPDBUJPOXJUI-#-&%" t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" EXAMPLE: DBXQL-LB6LEDA30K WH TRIM LB6LEDA8L1 LB6LEDA10L1 WH 30K LB6LEDA8L -VNFO -&% 2VJDL-JOL USJN -VNFO -&% 2VJDL-JOL USJN LED COLOR TEMP 30K CRI Blank $3* ,FMWJO 35K ,FMWJO TRIM COLOR WH 8IJUF BL #MBDL Z ;FU BA #SVTIFE "MVNJOVN BZ #SPO[F 2VJDL-JOL$BMJGPSOJB5JUMF$PNQMJBOU$POOFDUPST 26*$,-*/,USJNTDPNQMZXJUIUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTPG$BMJGPSOJB 5JUMFCZQSPWJEJOHBQMVHJOQPXFSDPOOFDUPSJOQMBDFPGB TDSFXTIFMMTPDLFU*EFBMGPSSFTJEFOUJBMBOEMJHIUDPNNFSDJBM OFXDPOTUSVDUJPOBQQMJDBUJPOTXIFSFUIFVTFPGTDSFXTIFMM TPDLFUTJTSFTUSJDUFE5IF-#-&%"USJNJTDPNQBUJCMFXJUICPUI NOTES BO&EJTPO#BTFBOE2-CBTFIPVTJOH 1 See trim dimensions on page 26 * See spec sheet or www. for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix "A" "A" $FJMJOH$VU0VU .BYJNVN$FJMJOH5IJDLOFTT DBXQL D 47 RETROFIT RETROFIT The current marketplace offers a huge potential for commercial retrofit projects. Prescolite offers unique and simple energy efficient solutions that serve as an easy, cost effective way to upgrade competitive commercial housing to more energy efficient sources in existing spaces. RLF6LED is a 6” Remote Phosphor LED Retrofit Downlight. Retroficient is designed specifically to retrofit into ceilings with existing recessed downlight fixtures. EASY INSTALLATION FROM BELOW THE CEILING. PERFECT FOR RETROFITTING INTO DRYWALL CEILING APPLICATIONS ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED LIGHT ENGINE UTILIZES REMOTE PHOSPHOR TECHNOLOGY FOR CONTROLLED COLOR CONSISTENCY FIXTURE TO FIXTURE 48 RLF6LED/RLF8LED 6" & 8" LED Downlights Remote phosphor LED system in 3000K, 3500K, 4000K ORDERING INFORMATION - 30K 6LFLED5 HOUSING VOLTAGE TRIM RLF6LED )JHI&ñDBDZ Blank6 6LFLED53 0QFO3FnFDUPS -&%)PVTJOHXJUI 7%JNNJOHUP 'PSPS -VNFONPEVMF RLF6LED5 w-&%)PVTJOHGPS VTFXJUI-'-&% USJNBOE)%.ESJWFS 7 1207,8 7 2777,8 6LFLED85 HSG. OPTIONS VTFXJUI-'-&% USJNBOE)%.ESJWFS SD1 4NBMM RLF6LED87 )JHI&ñDBDZ -&%)PVTJOHXJUI 7%JNNJOH UP'PS -VNFONPEVMF 6LFLED74 7 RLF6LED77,8 w-&%)PVTJOHGPS %JBNFUFS WIH XJ)6##¥ &OBCMFE HDM8 -VUSPO 4FSJFT" %SJWFS )J-VNF XJSFPS &DP4ZTUFN EJNNJOH UP RLF8LED )JHI&ñDBDZ -&%)PVTJOHXJUI 7%JNNJOHUP 'PSPS -VNFONPEVMF RLF8LED57,8 w-&%)PVTJOHGPS 8LFLED53 8LFLED74 8LFLED85 -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF 0QFO3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ MVNFONPEVMF VTFXJUI-'-&% USJNBOE)%.ESJWFS 7,8 RLF8LED7 RLF6LED EXAMPLE: RLF6LED-6LFLED5 30K WHWT RLF6LED 7,8 RETROFIT FEATURES t -JHIU&OHJOFVUJMJ[FT1IJMJQT'PSUJNPSFNPUFQIPTQIPSUFDIOPMPHZGPSDPOUSPMMFEDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZ mYUVSFUPmYUVSF t 6OJWFSTBMEFTJHOJTDPNQBUJCMFXJUINPTUDPNNFSDJBMPSBSDIJUFDUVSBM3FDFTTFE %PXOMJHIUT t &BTZJOTUBMMBUJPOGSPNCFMPXUIFDFJMJOH1FSGFDUGPSSFUSPmUUJOHJOUPESZXBMMDFJMJOHBQQMJDBUJPOT t /PCBSIBOHFSTSFRVJSFE t .JOJNVN IPVSBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFTZTUFNMJGF PWFSMVNFOTXBUUEFMJWFSFE t&/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFE t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" w-&%)PVTJOHGPS VTFXJUI-'-&% USJNBOE)%.ESJWFS "A"* RLF8LED87 )JHI&ñDBDZ -&%)PVTJOHXJUI 7%JNNJOH UP'PS -VNFONPEVMF "B"* WH WT REFLECTOR COLORS REFLECTOR FINISH Blank $MFBS"M[BL CG $IBNQBHOF Blank "M[BL 4FNJ %JðVTF (PME"M[BL BL #MBDL"M[BL WE 8IFBU"M[BL LW -JHIU8IFBU LED COLOR TEMP 30K ,FMWJO $3* REFLECTOR OPTIONS WT 8IJUF 5SJN WF 8JEF 'MBOHF RWD81 "M[BL 35K ,FMWJO $3* LFSC6 PW 1FXUFS"M[BL WH2 8IJUF1BJOU 40K ,FMWJO $3* LFSC8 NOTES LG1S 1 See housing capability guide for hole diameter compatibility. 2 Requires WT option 3 Philips Fortimo 1100Lm LED module, use RLF6LED or RLF8LED housing 4 Philips Fortimo 2000Lm LED module, use RLF6LED or RLF8LED housing 5 Philips Fortimo 2800Lm module, use RLF6LED8 or RLF8LED8 housing 6 Leave blank for RLF6LED/RLF8LED 7 120 or 277 must be specified for RLF6/8LED5, 7, or 8. 8 RLFLED5/7 housing and voltage must be specified with HDM option * See spec sheet or for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix "C"* "D"* "E"* ACCESSORIES RWD61 3FUSPmU8JEF "F"* LG1R LG1T "G"* RLF6 6LFLED5 RLF8 8LFLED5 RLF6LED 6LFLED7/8 RLF8LED 8LFLED7/8 LG2S %JBNFUFS )PVTJOH,JU 3FUSPmU8JEF %JBNFUFS )PVTJOH,JU SFnFDUPS TDSFXDPWFS SFnFDUPS TDSFXDPWFS %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF 7"3FDFTTFE .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF 7"3FDFTTFE $FJMJOH5(SJE .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS $IMENSIONSSHOWNAREFORRANGEOFADJUSTABILITY AA HOUSING COMPATIBILITY GUIDE 0Ąö÷ĄûĀù (ćûö÷þûĀ÷ą dzûĀõú ǵûĀõú ÿûĀ max ÿûĀ max DzǮDzǮdz dzǮǵ ǴǮDzǮdz ǵǮǵ "þþ4ĆóĀöóĄö)āćąûĀùą dzǮǵ dzǮǯ ǵǮǵ ǵǰDZ 3÷ăćûĄ÷ą38%,ûĆ "õõ÷ąąāĄċå8'3÷øþ÷õĆāĄ 0ĂĆûāĀ dzǮǯ dzǴǵ ǵǰDZ ǶǮǵ 3÷ăćûĄ÷ą4%)āćąûĀù 0ĂĆûāĀ %JNFOTJPOTTIPXOBSFGPSUIF EJBNFUFSPGUIFGSBNFnBOHFBU JUhTOBSSPXFTUQPJOU CC G G FF BB E D D E 49 RLC6LED 6" LED Retrofit Downlights LED system in 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4000K FEATURES t -JHIU&OHJOFVUJMJ[FT/JDIJB-&%TGPSDPOUSPMMFEDPMPSDPOTJTUFODZmYUVSFUPmYUVSF t-VNFOTEFMJWFSFE RETROFIT t(MBSFGSFFPQUJDBMDPOUSPM t 6OJWFSTBMEFTJHOJTDPNQBUJCMFXJUINPTUDPNNFSDJBMPSBSDIJUFDUVSBM3FDFTTFE%PXOMJHIUT t &BTZJOTUBMMBUJPOGSPNCFMPXUIFDFJMJOH1FSGFDUGPSSFUSPmUUJOHJOUPESZXBMMDFJMJOHBQQMJDBUJPOT t /PCBSIBOHFSTSFRVJSFE t&/&3(:45"32VBMJmFE t .JOJNVN IPVSBUMVNFONBJOUFOBODFTZTUFNMJGF PWFSMVNFOTXBUUEFMJWFSFE t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH RLC6LED t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" ORDERING INFORMATION RLC6LED EXAMPLE: RLC6LED120-6LCLED735K8WHWT - 120 VOLTAGE HOUSING TRIM 120 7 277 7 RLC6LED -&%)PVTJOH 35K 7 6LCLED LED COLOR TEMP 6LCLED 0QFO 3FnFDUPS -JHIU&OHJOF "TTFNCMZ HOUSING OPTION OUTPUT Blank /P%JNNJOH DM 7EJNNJOH 5 /PNJOBM UP SD 4NBMM%JBNFUFS 27K ,FMWJO 30K ,FMWJO 35K ,FMWJO 40K ,FMWJO MVNFOT EFMJWFSFE 6 /PNJOBM MVNFOT EFMJWFSFE 7 /PNJOBM MVNFOT EFMJWFSFE WH 8 8 $3* RWD62 3FUSPmU8JEF WH1 8IJUF1BJOU LG1S3 REFLECTOR FINISH LG1R3 Blank "M[BL 4FNJ %JðVTF REFLECTOR OPTIONS LG1T3 WT 8IJUF5SJN WF 8JEF'MBOHF dzûĀõú ÿûĀ max DzǮDzǮdz dzǮǵ "þþ4ĆóĀöóĄö)āćąûĀùą dzǮǵ dzǮǯ 3÷ăćûĄ÷ą38%,ûĆ "õõ÷ąąāĄċå8'3÷øþ÷õĆāĄ 0ĂĆûāĀ dzǮǯ dzǴǵ 3÷ăćûĄ÷ą4%)āćąûĀù 0ĂĆûāĀ - ACCESSORIES REFLECTOR COLORS CRI HOUSING COMPATIBILITY GUIDE 0Ąö÷ĄûĀù (ćûö÷þûĀ÷ą WT LG2S3 Dimensions shown are for the diameter of the frame flange at it's narrowest point %JBNFUFS)PVT JOH,JU %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF 7"3FDFTTFE .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF 7"3FDFTTFE $FJMJOH5(SJE .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF 7"4VSGBDF .PVOU-JUF(FBS &NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH *OWFSUFS NOTES 1 Requires WT option 2 See housing compatibility guide for hole diameter compatibility 3 See for LiteGear Compatibility $ " ' ( $& & ' % ⁄4 " B% 50 B $ % & ' 3-$-&% ww ww w ww ww w 3-$-&% ww ww w ww ww w RETROFIT 51 CYLINDERS #9,).$%2334%0,)'(43 42!#+ Prescolite rounds out its comprehensive lighting offering with LED, CFL and HID cylinders, LED and CFL steplights and track lighting solutions in a variety of sources. Prescolite’s 6” LED cylinders provide an innovative way to achieve illumination patterns on vertical surfaces and paths of regress. Available in wall, pendant, and surface mount with housings in a variety of finishes. WALL, SURFACE OR PENDANT MOUNTED SUITABLE FOR A VARIETY OF APPLICATIONS WET LISTED UNIQUE LIGHT ENGINE OPTICS PRODUCE UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION AND 45º CUTOFF USING PRESCOLITE’S PATENTED AMERICAN MATTE™ FINISH HIGH EFFICIENCY ELECTRONIC LED DRIVER WITH 50,000 HOUR LIFE EXPECTANCY 52 LED CYLINDERS 4" & 6" LED Cylinders LED Array with (6) or (10) high-brightness LEDs 4" FEATURES 6" FEATURES CYLINDERS s 3URFACE0ENDANTAND7ALL-OUNT7DOWNAND7UP7DOWNOPTICSMEETAVARIETYOFAPPLICATIONS s 0HOTOMETRICSTESTEDPER)%3.! ,- STANDARDS s %XTRUDEDALUMINUMHOUSINGAVAILABLEINSMOOTHORlNNEDWALLMOUNTONLY s 3UITABLEFORWETLOCATIONSFULLYGASKETED s-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" CBX s 5 NIQUELIGHTENGINEDESIGNTOPRODUCEUNIFORMDISTRIBUTIONBYUSING0RESCOLITEgS0ATENTED530ATENT.O !MERICAN-ATTE©lNISH s 0ROVIDESSUPERIORBRIGHTNESSCONTROL s 3UITABLEFORWETLOCATIONS LD4SS LD6LED3D s-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" LD4 ORDERING INFORMATION LD4SP EXAMPLE: LD4SUDWZ LD4 S UD W Z HOUSING HOUSING STYLE MOUNTING/ DISTRIBUTION LED COLOR W 7HITE CYLINDER FINISH LD4 ,%$ cylinder S 3MOOTH F1 Finned D 7ALLMOUNT- B "LUE BL "LACK UD 7ALLMOUNT R Red BZ "RONZE WH 7HITE $OWN 5P$OWN C #YAN P Pendant G 'REEN S 3URFACE LD6LED ORDERING INFORMATION 3 LD6LED HOUSING LD6LED ,%$ cylinder P LED GENERATION LED COLOR TEMP 7 ,UMENS ,%$ 27K 3 4 7 ,UMENS ,%$ MOUNTING/ DISTRIBUTION Special 3EEPAGES Finishes 8 CRI 8 .OMINAL #2) Kelvin DM REFLECTOR FINISH DM 6 Blank 3PECU- dimming to Kelvin lar SS 3EMI VOLTAGE 40K Kelvin Kelvin BEAM ANGLE P Pendant Zet painted faceplate MD25 ,ENSEDOPTICWITHMEDIUMDISTRIBUTION and Zet painted faceplate FL35 ,ENSEDOPTICWITHWIDEDISTRIBUTION and Zet painted faceplate LED COLOR W 7HITE 2 Custom stem lengths available in 1/2" increments Z REFLECTOR COLOR Blank #LEAR!LZAK CYLINDER FINISH BL "LACK WH 7HITE CG #HAMPAGNE 'OLD!LZAK Z :ET-ETALLIC WE 7HEAT!LZAK SILVER BA "RUSHED !LUMINUM LW ,IGHT7HEAT 277V 6OLT Blank 6ACUUMMETALIZEDREmECTORWITHCUTOFF SP18 ,ENSEDOPTICWITHSPOTDISTRIBUTIONAND Pendant Mount $IAX /! $IAX /! 3PECUlar Blank 6 50K D 7ALLMOUNT- S 3URFACE Not available with pendant or surface mount BL SS HOUSING OPTION 35K $OWN 1 EXAMPLE: LD6LED3PW35K8DMSSBLZ 35K W A !MBER NOTES Z :ET-ETALLICSILVER Down Wall Mount $IAX (X$ $IAX(X $ Up/Down Wall Mount $IAX(X$ BZ "RONZE PW 0EWTER!LZAK Special 3EEPAGES Finishes NOTES BL "LACK!LZAK 1 WH 7HITE0AINT LD6LED3 120V only (consult technical support for availability) Ceiling Mount $IAX ( $IAX( 53 PENDALUM LED Pendant LED Series LED Array with (10) high-brightness LEDs in 2700K, 3500K, 4000K, or 5000K FEATURES PEN LDA E DN T S t -JHIU&OHJOFXJUIJOUFHSBMIFBUTJOLQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUUIFSNBMNBOBHFNFOUBOEBNJOJNVNPG IPVSTBUBWFSBHFMVNFONBJOUFOBODF t 6OJRVFMJHIUFOHJOFSFnFDUPSPQUJDTQSPWJEFDVUPðBOEVOJGPSNEJTUSJCVUJPOVTJOH1SFTDPMJUFhT 1BUFOUFE"NFSJDBO.BUUFmOJTI 641BUFOU/P t -JHIU&OHJOFFRVJQQFEXJUIUBNQFSSFTJTUBOUIBSEXBSFTUBOEBSE t )JHIFñDJFODZ FMFDUSPOJD-&%ESJWFSXJUI IPVSMJGFFYQFDUBODZ t 1SPWJEFEXJUIBIBOHTUSBJHIUQFOEBOUDBOPQZ t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t /PO*$SBUFE4VJUBCMFGPSEBNQMPDBUJPOBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH SFDFTTFENPVOU t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" SDPS6LED ORDERING INFORMATION RDPS6LED HOUSING SDPS6LED 4VSGBDF NPVOU RDPS6LED 3FDFTTFE NPVOU EXAMPLE: RDPS6LED335K8277VSS Z 35K 3 LED GENERATION 3 8 -VNFO-JHIU &OHJOF 8 277V CRI SS VOLTAGE 8 /PNJOBM $3* EJNNJOH UP REFLECTOR FINISH Blank 4QFDVMBS SS 4FNJ BEAM ANGLE LED COLOR TEMP 4QFDVMBS Blank 7BDVVNNFUBMJ[FE ,FMWJO 35K ,FMWJO 40K ,FMWJO 50K ,FMWJO ACCESSORIES B24 4FUPG CBS IBOHFSTGPS5CBS DFJMJOHT BL #MBDL WH 8IJUF Z ;FU "M[BL CG $IBN QBHOF (PME "M[BL BL #MBDL "M[BL B6 4FUPGUXPCBS IBOHFSTGPSDFJMJOH KPJTUTVQUP DFOUFST .FUBMMJD 4JMWFS Special 4FFQBHFT Finishes WE 8IFBU "M[BL LW -JHIU SFnFDUPSXJUIDVUPð SP18 -FOTFEPQUJDXJUI TQPUEJTUSJCVUJPOBOE;FU QBJOUFEGBDFQMBUF MD25 -FOTFEPQUJDXJUI NFEJVNEJTUSJCVUJPOBOE ;FUQBJOUFEGBDFQMBUF FL35 -FOTFEPQUJDXJUI XJEFEJTUSJCVUJPOBOE;FU QBJOUFEGBDFQMBUF 27K CYLINDER FINISH Blank $MFBS DM1 7 7PMU 4 8 -VNFO-JHIU &OHJOF REFLECTOR COLOR HOUSING OPTION Blank 7PMU 277V Z 8IFBU "M[BL PW 1FXUFS "M[BL NOTES 1 120V only For special finish colors see page 296-297 SDPS comes standard with 1/2" x 17-7/8" stem, RDPS comes standard with 1/2" x 181/4" stem. Custom stem lengths available in 1/2" increments. Contact Technical Support. 1 3 16 1.282 14.400 #MBDL$ZMJOEFS 'JOJTI 17 7 8 29 3 4 18.246 11.500 15.024 27.093 87 8 8IJUF$ZMJOEFS 'JOJTI 8.847 Wheat Alzak 5.750 5.750 RDPS6LED 54 SDPS6LED ;FU$ZMJOEFS 'JOJTI LBC6 6” LED Cylinder 120V FEATURES 4 FBNMFTTTQVOBMVNJOVNIPVTJOHT %VSBCMFQPXEFSDPBUmOJTI $FJMJOH QFOEBOU BOEDPSENPVOUNPEFMTBSFEBNQMPDBUJPOMJTUFE 8BMMNPVOUNPEFMTBSFXFUMPDBUJPOMJTUFE 'BDJMJUBUFT5JUMFDPNQMJBODFXIFOVTFEXJUI-#-&%"USJN TIJQTTFQBSBUFMZ -VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" CYLINDERS t t t t t t LBC6 ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: LBC6WWH-LB6LEDA8L 30K WH W WH MOUNTING W 8BMM FINISH OPTIONS WH 8IJUF BL #MBDL Z ;FU BA #SVTIFE LBC6 HOUSING LBC6 wDZMJOEFS .PVOU %PXO P1,2 1FOEBOU .PVOU S 4VSGBDF .PVOU CM3 $PSE .PVOU IPVTJOH – LB6LEDA8L 30K TRIM LB6LEDA8L w LED COLOR TEMP 30K ,FMWJO 35K4 ,FMWJO -VNFO-&% NPEVMF XJUIEJN NJOHUP 7 LB6LEDA10L w -VNFO-&% NPEVMF XJUIEJN NJOHUP 7 "MVNJOVN BZ #SPO[F WH CRI Blank $3* TRIM COLOR WH 8IJUF BL #MBDL Z ;FU BA #SVTIFE "MVNJOVN BZ #SPO[F NOTES 1 Comes standard with 1/2”x 15” stem. 2 Custom stem lengths available in 1/2” increments. Contact technical support. 3 8’ cord standard. Other lengths available black or white cord only. 4 Not available with LB6LEDA8L 2VJDL-JOL$BMJGPSOJB5JUMF$PNQMJBOU$POOFDUPST 26*$,-*/,USJNTDPNQMZXJUIUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTPG$BMJGPSOJB 5JUMFCZQSPWJEJOHBQMVHJOQPXFSDPOOFDUPSJOQMBDFPGB TDSFXTIFMMTPDLFU*EFBMGPSSFTJEFOUJBMBOEMJHIUDPNNFSDJBM OFXDPOTUSVDUJPOBQQMJDBUJPOTXIFSFUIFVTFPGTDSFXTIFMM TPDLFUTJTSFTUSJDUFE5IF-#-&%"USJNJTDPNQBUJCMFXJUICPUI BO&EJTPO#BTFBOE2-CBTFIPVTJOH 5 1/4 1 1 7/8 5 1/4 ADJUSTABLE PER CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS 7 3/8 4 1/2 25” OAH (CUSTOM LENGTHS AVAILABLE IN 1/2" INCREMENTS) 7 3/8 7 7/8 10 3/4 WALL MOUNT 7 3/8 7 7/8 CEILING MOUNT 7 3/8 7 7/8 CORD MOUNT 7 7/8 PENDANT MOUNT 55 SLLED LED Steplights STEP LIGHTS FEATURES t IPVSNJOJNVNBOUJDJQBUFEMBNQMJGF t % JF$BTUBMVNJOVN4PMJUFMFOTGPSPQUJNBMMJHIUEJðVTJPO4JMJDPOFHBTLFUPOUSJNBOEMFOT t 'PVSDPMPSPQUJPOT#MBDL 8IJUF ;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS BOE#SPO[F t "QQSPWFEGPSFYUFSJPSBOEJOUFSJPSJOTUBMMBUJPOT t *$SBUFE t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t 4--&%JT*1SBUFE t 4--&%JT*1SBUFE t 4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEDPODSFUFQPVS t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" SLLED1 SLLED2 SLLED3 ORDERING INFORMATION SLLED135KBL SLLED 35K BL HOUSING SLLED1 (IGHOUTPUT7 LED COLOR TEMP 35K ,FMWJO 50K ,FMWJO HOUSING FINISH WH 8IJUF BL #MBDL Z ;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS BZ #SPO[F ,%$STEPLIGHT SLLED2 2ECESSED7,%$ step light SLLED3 2ESIDENTIAL7,%$ HOUSING ACCESSORIES SLMB %SZXBMMCBSIBOHFS HOUSING OPTION Blank 7 277 7 JOTUBMMBUJPOLJU SLD12CMB $PODSFUFNPVOUJOH SLD3CMB step light LG1S LG1R LG1T LG2S CPY4--&%BOE 4--&% $PODSFUFNPVOUJOH CPY4--&% %VBM-JUF7" 4VSGBDF.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 3FDFTTFE.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 3FDFTTFE$FJMJOH 5(SJE.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS %VBM-JUF7" 4VSGBDF.PVOU -JUF(FBS&NFSHFODZ -JHIUJOH*OWFSUFS NOTES * 9 3/8 8 3/4 8 1/4 4 1/2 3 3/4 9 3/8 8 3/4 8 1/4 See spec sheet or for LiteGear Compatibility Matrix 3 3" 3 1/2 3 3 1/2 3 3/4 4 1/2 SLLED1 56 SLLED2 SLLED3 93 LED Recessed High-Output Step Light LED FEATURES STEP LIGHTS t 'PVSmOJTIPQUJPOT;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS CMBDL CSPO[F PSXIJUF t %JFDBTUBMVNJOVNIPVTJOHXJUITFBMFE UFNQFSFEHMBTT t 4VJUBCMFGPSDPODSFUFQPVS t 4VJUBCMFGPSXFUMPDBUJPOTBOEUISPVHIXJSJOH t-VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" 93047LED ORDERING INFORMATION 93047LED30KC7 120V Z 93047LED 30K HOUSING 93047LED -&%BSSBZ/PO*$ LED COLOR TEMP 30K ,DPMPS 40K ,DPMPS 50K ,DPMPS SFDFTTFETUFQ MJHIU 77 93047LEDR -&%"SSBZ/PO*$ SFDFTTFESFUSPmU TUFQMJHIU 77 JODMVEFTBMM DPNQPOFOUT FYDFQUCBDL CPYUPSFUSPmU FYJTUJOH)*%PS$'- -JUF4UFQT Z 7 FINISHES CRI 7 /PNJOBM BL BZ Z WH $3* #MBDL #SPO[F ;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS 8IJUF 87/8” 12” /32” 13 111/8” 29/16” 4” 47/8” 93/4” 57 AKT6LED LED Track Head Track, Bus or J-Box Mounted T R AC K FEATURES t %JFDBTUBMVNJOVNmYUVSF t 3PUBUFTIPSJ[POUBMMZBOEWFSUJDBMMZ t &RVJQQFEXJUI XBUUXIJUF-&%TXJUIJOUFHSBMIFBUTJOLUIBUXJMMQSPWJEFB NJOJNVNPG IPVSTBUBWFSBHFMVNFONBJOUFOBODF t 1IPUPNFUSJDTUFTUFEUP*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t 'BDUPSZDPOmHVSBCMFPQUJDTBMMPXGPSDIBOHFTJOCFBNTQSFBEBQQSPQSJBUFGPS QBSUJDVMBSBQQMJDBUJPOT t "WBJMBCMFGPS1SFTDPMJUFBOEPUIFSTUBOEBSEUSBDLBEBQUFST t -VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" AKT6LED3 ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: AKT6LED335K8SP1826JPSBL 35K 3 AKT6LED FIXTURE AKT6LED 8 5SBDL NPVOU FE-&% 7 7 COLOR 27K ,FMWJO 8 SP18 26 CRI 8 /PNJOBM BEAM SPREAD SP18 4QPU OVERALL FIXTURE LENGTH Blank /PTUFN $3* 35K MD25 .FEJVN 40K FL35 'MPPE ,FMWJO ,FMWJO 50K ,FMWJO LED GENERATION 3 -VNFO OPNJOBM 18 /PNJOBM 26 /PNJOBM XX1 .BLFUP PSEFS MFOHUI J MOUNTING Blank 1SFTDPMJUF"SDIJ5SBL¥ CT GE GHT GX -&%NPEVMF GT "EBQUFS NBYmYUVSFMFOHUI $BQSJ$54FSJFT7 NBY mYUVSFMFOHUI (MPCBM5SBL¥&$0PS)BMP¥ -BOE-4FSJFT DPNQBUJCMFBEBQUFS PS DJSDVJU OPTUFNBMMPXFE (MPCBM5SBL¥)5&,DJSDVJU NBYmYUVSFMFOHUI (MPCBM5SBD¥130DJSDVJU NBYmYUVSFMFOHUI (MPCBM5SBD¥5&,DJSDVJU NBYmYUVSFMFOHUI +#PY 90DUBHPOBM PS BL SHADE PS 1FSGP FINISH BL #MBDL WH 8IJUF Z ;FU .F SBUFE 4IBEF SS 4PMJE 4IBEF UBMMJD 4JMWFS J UN +VOP5SBD.BTUFS¥4FSJFT DPNQBUJCMFBEBQUFSPS DJSDVJU NBYmYUVSFMFOHUI SI -JHIUJOH4FSWJDFT *OD 4VSGBDF74FSJFTBEBQUFS PSDJSDVJU NBYmYUVSF MFOHUI LR -JHIUPMJFS-ZUFTQBO¥4FSJFT DPNQBUJCMFBEBQUFSPS DJSDVJU NBYmYUVSFMFOHUI B 6OJWFSTBM4UBSMJOF#VT .PVOU *1"'XJUI GVTF QPMF NBYmYUVSF MFOHUI NOTES 1 Please specify the length in inches for made to order fixture length. See mounting type for additonal information NO STEM 6QUP :594 58 AKTSLED LED Track Head Track or Bus Mount ORDERING INFORMATION AKTSLED3 T R AC K FEATURES t 8-VNFO ",54-&% BOE8-VNFO ",54-&% -&% t 4QPU .FEJVN BOE'MPPECFBNTQSFBE t %JFDBTUBMVNJOVNmYUVSF t &RVJQQFEXJUIJOUFHSBMIFBUTJOLUIBUXJMMQSPWJEFBNJOJNVNPG IPVSTBU MVNFONBJOUFOBODF t 1IPUPNFUSJDBMMZUFTUFEQFS*&4/"-.TUBOEBSET t :FBS8BSSBOUZ t -VNJOBJSFTBSFDFSUJmFECZB/BUJPOBM3FDPHOJ[FE5FTUJOH-BC /35- FJUIFS6-PS$4" EXAMPLE: AKTSLED335K8SP18SSBL 3 FIXTURE AKTSLED 5SBDL NPVOUFE -&% 35K COLOR 27K ,FMWJO 8 SP18 CRI 8 /PNJOBM BEAM SPREAD SP18 4QPU º MD25 .FEJVN º FL35 'MPPE º $3* 35K ,FMWJO 40K SS MOUNTING Blank1 1SFTDPMJUF 5SBDL CT $BQSJ$54FSJFT 75SBDL PSDJSDVJU BL SHADE PS 1FSGPSBUFE 4IBEF SS 4PMJE 4IBEF ,FMWJO 50K ,FMWJO FINISH BL #MBDL WH 8IJUF Z ;FU .FUBMMJD 4JMWFS LED GENERATION 3 -VNFO-&% NPEVMF 4 -VNFO-&% NPEVMF NOTES 1 Contact Technical Support for other compatible track options. NBY 59 System Components Track Accessories for Architrak® FEATURES T R AC K t )FBWZHBVHFFYUSVEFEBMVNJOVNSBJMTQSPWJEFPOFPSUXPDJSDVJUPQFSBUJPO t 5SBDLSBJMTDPOUBJOUXP"DJSDVJUTSBUFEGPS7 t &BDIDJSDVJUIBTEFEJDBUFEOFVUSBMTGPSDPOUSPMJTPMBUJPO t 4VQQMJFEXJUIPOFFOEDBQBOEUPHHMFCPMUTGPSTIFFUSPDL PSQMBTUFSDFJMJOHNPVOUJOH t 3BJMTDBOCFDVUUPBNJOJNVNPG t.VMUJQMFXJSJOHPQUJPOT POFDJSDVJUXJUIUXPXJSFT UXPDJSDVJUXJUIUISFFXJSFT PS UXPDJSDVJUXJUIGPVSXJSFT t 5ISFFmOJTIPQUJPOT;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS CMBDL PSXIJUF ORDERING INFORMATION: AKTCLS11 WH – – AKTCLS11 FEEDS & JOINERS AKTEF -JWFFOE'FFE AKTIL 4USBJHIU.JOJ+PJOFS AKTSL 4USBJHIU-'FFE+PJOFS AKTT 5'FFE+PJOFS AKTX 9'FFE+PJOFS AKTF 'MFY+PJOFS AKTCF $POEVJU&OE'FFE AKTCC2 -JWFFOE'FFEXJUIDPSE ACCCESSORIES MOUNTING ACCESSORIES AKTTBC1 5#BS.PVOUJOH$MJQT AKTWC6 8JSFXBZ$PWFS AKTPFCC 0VUMFU#PY$PWFS1MBUF AKTPFC 1PXFS'FFE$PWFS AKTEC &OE$BQ CURRENT LIMITERS AKTCLS1_2,5 $VSSFOU-JNJUFS%FWJDF AKTFF AKTMP AKTPA2 AKTSPA BOEQMVH 'MPBUJOH'FFE AKTCLS3_2,5 $VSSFOU-JNJUFS%FWJDF .POPQPJOU"EBQUFS AKTCLS6_2,5 $VSSFOU-JNJUFS%FWJDF RAILS AKT2 GU3BJM AKT4 GU3BJM AKT6 GU3BJM AKT8 GU3BJM AKT12 GU3BJM TUFNLJU AKTTSK4 5#BSNPVOU TUFNLJU WANDS AKTW12 AKTW24 AKTW36 AKTW48 AKTCLS9_2,5 FINISH BL #MBDL WH 8IJUF Z ;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS SBUFEGPS8 PS" $VSSFOU-JNJUFS%FWJDF SBUFEGPS8 PS" FINISH BL #MBDL WH 8IJUF Z ;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS FINISH BL #MBDL WH 8IJUF Z ;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS NOTES 1 Do not specify finish, Zet (Metallic Silver) only 2 Black and White only 3 Contact technical support for custom lengths (2) Stems per box Must specify (1) or (2) for desired number of switches White only Order rails and connectors as separate line items 4 5 6 AKTEF AKTIL AKTSL !¡ AKTT AKTTBC AKTCC AKTCLS 4FF-FOHUIT STEM KITS WANDS AKTPFCC 60 AKTCF 4UBOEBSE AKTWC AKTF AKTX FYUFOTJPOXBOE FYUFOTJPOXBOE FYUFOTJPOXBOE FYUFOTJPOXBOE SBUFEGPS8 PS" 4MPQFE$FJMJOH"EBQUFS ,JU TUFNOPUJODMVEFE BL #MBDL WH 8IJUF Z ;FU .FUBMMJD4JMWFS STEM KITS & WANDS STEM KITS3 AKTCSK4 DBOPQZNPVOU SBUFEGPS8 PS" 1FOEBOU"EBQUFS'FFE FINISH – WH AKTFF AKTMP AKTPA AKTPFC AKTEC AKTSPA 4 #862 61 Innovative, Integrated, Simple. 62 Hubbell Building Automation ZONE5 DAYLIGHT HARVESTING FEATURES Table of Contents Hubbell Building Automation Hubbell Building Automation, Inc. (HBA) – headquartered in Austin, wiHUBB Wireless Lighting Controls Quick Reference Guide 64 68 WASP2 Dimming 76 CXDimming Lighting Control Panels Quick Reference Guide 79 79 Zone5 Daylight Harvesting Controls Quick Reference Guide 83 83 Other LED Control Options 88 Texas – is a subsidiary of Hubbell Incorporated, a Delaware company and established leader in the electrical industry. HBA is a strong proponent of innovative, integrated, and simple energy-saving lighting controls. Industry Leading technology – Proven Quality. In 1888 Harvey Hubbell, founder of Hubbell Incorporated, invented what could arguably be called the world’s first lighting control device, the pull chain switch. Some 100+ years later, HBA continues this tradition of invention and innovation in lighting controls. From the industry’s first self-adaptive occupancy sensor to wiHUBB® an intelligent wireless mesh networked family of lighting fixtures and lighting control products, HBA sets the standards for applying technology to the business of energy-saving lighting controls. HBA provides innovative, integrated and simple lighting control through its networked lighting controls, occupancy sensors, daylighting controls, high bay controls and wireless lighting controls. Energy Saving Solutions One of the simplest ways for facility managers and building owners to lower cost is by reducing the energy consumed by their buildings. HBA’s suite of energy saving lighting control solutions lets you do just that. With solutions covering the full range of energy saving strategies and industry leading technology, it could not be easier. Let HBA help you get control of your energy costs. Money Saving Convenience With HBA’s lighting control solutions, you will never have to think about turning out the lights again. Whether you choose occupancy sensing, daylight harvesting, time-based scheduling or a complete networked lighting control solution, you will never again have to worry whether the lights are on or off. You can rest assured that lighting will be on when required, and off when not required, providing you both energy savings and peace of mind. Now that’s convenient. 63 64 wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES Wireless Comes To Light® The use of wireless controls is one of the most exciting frontiers in lighting control, offering significant benefits over traditional wired solutions for both existing buildings and new construction. In a typical wired lighting control system, control signals are sent using low-voltage communications wires. In a wireless system, devices communicate through the air utilizing radio frequency (RF) waves – eliminating the need for expensive dedicated control communications wiring. Hubbell Building Automation’s wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Control System provides wireless controls for both indoor and outdoor lighting applications. Intelligent, Integrated Indoor Lighting Control Has Arrived Wireless indoor lighting control has never been easier. Over the past decade, major advancements have been made in wireless technology which has significantly improved the reliability of wireless communications of all kinds. By integrating wireless controls into indoor lighting applications, you can easily add full range or step-dimming, daylight harvesting and occupancy sensing to renovations, remodels and new construction. Overcoming the Outdoor Lighting Control Obstacles As the cost of energy continues to escalate, the value of outdoor lighting solutions which capitalize on both energy efficient lighting technologies and aggressive energy saving control strategies will continue to grow. The use of wireless control strategies in outdoor lighting applications will enable building owners and facility managers to overcome barriers related to hard wired control systems. System Features wiHUBB Wireless Lighting Controls provide the following features: • Indoor and/or Outdoor Applications • Individual Fixture or Zone Control • No Rewiring or Trenching Required • Easy System Access from Local Network or Internet • Switching, Occupancy, Daylighting, or Scheduled Control • New Construction or Retrofit • Conforms with UL916 and Certified to CAN/CSA C22.2 • Five-year warranty 65 wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES Appl ic at ions Area/Site Lighting • In-Fixture or On-Fixture Modules installed in or on lighting fixtures • Access Point for scheduling of On/Off and dimmed levels • Demand Response ready Parking Garage Lighting ORDERING INFORMATION • In-Fixture Modules installed in lighting fixtures • Time-based scheduling of On/Off and dimming levels • Access Point for scheduling of On/Off and dimmed levels • Demand Response ready Interior Facility Lighting • In-Fixture Modules installed in lighting fixtures • Smart Pack installed controlling lighting circuits • Access Point for scheduling and device management • Switch Stations for Manual On/Off control • Occupancy/Vacancy sensors for Auto/Manual On, Auto Off control • Daylight sensor for daylight harvesting applications 66 wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls The wiHUBB® System WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES Hubbell Building Automation’s wiHUBB® Wireless Distributed Lighting Control System is a secure peer-to-peer, self-organizing and self-healing mesh network of fixture modules, occupancy/vacancy sensors, daylight harvesting sensors and switch stations designed specifically for lighting applications. Long-Range Radio Coverage The wiHUBB devices communicate with each other on the robust and reliable 900MHz (902MHz-928MHz) ISM band. In comparison to wireless networks that use 2.4 GHz devices, 900MHz devices have a longer range and are less affected by propagation losses and physical obstructions (penetrating, diffraction and reflection). Secured Messaging All messages within the wiHUBB network are secure. When transmitting over the air, each wireless wiHUBB device uses AES-128 (Advanced Encryption Standard) security. AES is a powerful and secure encryption method used in many data security applications. It is the same encryption used by the U.S. Government for secure transmissions. The wiHUBB system also uses the secure HTTPS/SSL protocol when users access the wiHUBB network via an internet browser. Intelligent SmartPORTs The wiHUBB system features SmartPORTs that provide plug-and-play support for wiHUBB occupancy sensors and switch stations. When devices are plugged into the SmartPORTs, wiHUBB automatically and intelligently responds to the plugged-in devices, providing the most energy-efficient operation. Access the wiHUBB Network from Anywhere, Anytime The wiHUBB network can be accessed from your local network or the Internet using any standard internet browser – no special client side PC software required! The intuitive, easy-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides users the ability to schedule and control individual wiHUBB devices or groups of devices. wiHUBB meets or exceeds energy conservation codes: • • • • ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Title 24 USGBC LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 67 wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS Quick Reference Guide wiHUBB® Access Point Page ge 69 wiHUBB® Switches Page 73 WIH-AP Access Point wiHUBB® On-Fixture Module Page 70 WIH-SW Switches wiHUBB® Occupancy Sensors Page 74 WIH-OM On-Fixture Module wiHUBB® In-Fixture Modu Module Page 71 wiHUBB® Daylight Sensor Page 75 WIH-IM In-Fixture Module wiHUBB® HUBB Smart Pack Page ge 772 WIH-SP Smart Pack 68 WIH-OS Occupancy Sensors WIH-DS Daylight Sensor WIH-AP wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls – Access Point • Web-based commissioning and monitoring of the wiHUBB lighting control system • Integrated web server provides connection via standard web browsers • Easy system access from the local network or internet • Intuitive and easy to use Graphical User Interface (GUI) • Ability to schedule wiHUBB-enabled devices or groups of devices • Provides On/Off and dimming control of wiHUBB-enabled devices and groups of devices WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • View power consumption from each device • Robust & reliable 900Mhz wireless self-organizing and self-healing mesh network • FCC certified • Five year limited warranty ORDERING INFORMATION WIH-AP WIH-AP MODEL wiHUBB Access Point OVERVIEW The wiHUBB® Access Point is a user friendly, web-based device for commissioning and monitoring devices within the wiHUBB wireless mesh network. The intuitive and easy to use Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides building owners and facility managers with the ability to schedule and control individual wiHUBB-enabled devices or groups of devices. The wiHUBB Access Point communicates securely over wired TCP/IP connections using HTTPS/SSL and 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) when transmitting over the 900 MHz radio frequency to other devices within the wiHUBB wireless self-healing mesh network. 69 WIH-OM wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls – On-Fixture Module WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • On/Off outdoor lighting control • Compatible with all lighting loads including LED • Integrated daylight sensor • Schedules are held in the devices themselves –no need for a master scheduling device • Monitors, measures, and records energy consumption and runtime data • Retains data during power outages • Robust & reliable 900Mhz wireless self-organizing and self-healing mesh network • Future Proof design – firmware updateable over the air • FCC certified • Five year limited warranty ORDERING INFORMATION WIH-OM MODEL WIH-OM UNV INPUT VOLTAGE UNV 120/277/347VAC OVERVIEW The wiHUBB® On-Fixture Module (OFM) is a self-contained intelligent wireless control module that provides On/Off lighting control for outdoor fixtures. Each OFM contains an integrated daylight sensor that can be used to turn lighting ON or OFF based on the amount of natural light available. Each wiHUBB On-Fixture Module can be individually controlled or grouped with other wiHUBB devices. The wiHUBB OFM communicates securely via 900 MHz radio frequency to other devices within the wiHUBB wireless self healing mesh network. 70 WIH-IM wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls – In-Fixture Module • Single or dual relay versions for On/Off or Bi-level control • 0 – 10VDC control for dimmable ballasts • Device intelligently responds to sensors and switches in the most energy efficient manner automatically • Schedules are held in the devices themselves – no need for a master scheduling device • Monitors, measures, and records energy consumption and runtime data • Retains data during power outages • Robust & reliable 900Mhz wireless self-organizing and self-healing mesh network WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • Future Proof design – firmware updateable over the air • Optional antenna extension cable available for mounting to fixture housing • FCC certified • Five year limited warranty ORDERING INFORMATION WIH-IM MODEL WIH-IM OUTPUT 1R 1 SPST Output (or 1 DPST Output on 480VAC model) INPUT VOLTAGE 1277 120/277VAC 347 347VAC 1RD 1 SPST (or 1 DPST Output on 480VAC model), 0-10VDC Dimming Output 2R 2 SPST Outputs 2RD 2 SPST Outputs, 0-10VDC Dimming Output WIH-IM MODEL WIH-IM ADAPTER OUTPUT ADAPTER In-Fixture Module J-Box Mounting Adapter OVERVIEW The wiHUBB® In-Fixture Module (IFM) is a self-contained intelligent wireless control module. It contains either one or two independently controlled outputs. The two output version can be used for Hi/Low or alternate ballast switching. An optional 0-10 VDC output is also available for controlling dimmable ballasts and LED drivers. Each wiHUBB In-Fixture Module can control one or more fixtures and can be individually controlled or grouped with other wiHUBB devices. The wiHUBB IFM communicates securely via 900 MHz radio frequency to other devices within the wiHUBB wireless self-organizing and self-healing mesh network. 71 WIH-SP wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls – Smart Pack WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • Single or dual relay versions for On/Off or Bi-level control • 0 – 10VDC control for dimmable ballasts • Plug and play support for wiHUBB occupancy sensors, daylight sensors and switches • Device intelligently responds to sensors and switches in the most energy efficient manner automatically • Schedules are held in the devices themselves – no need for a master scheduling device • Monitors, measures, and records energy consumption and runtime data • Retains data during power outages • Robust & reliable 900Mhz wireless self-organizing and self-healing mesh network • Future Proof design – firmware updateable over the air • FCC certified • Five year limited warranty ORDERING INFORMATION WIH-SP MODEL WIH-SP OUTPUT 1R 1 SPST Output (or 1 DPST Output on 480VAC model) INPUT VOLTAGE 1277 120/277VAC 347 347VAC 1RD 1 SPST (or 1 DPST Output on 480VAC model), 0-10VDC Dimming Output 2R 2 SPST Outputs 2RD 2 SPST Outputs, 0-10VDC Dimming Output OVERVIEW The wiHUBB® Smart Pack (SP) is a self-contained intelligent wireless power pack. It contains either one or two independently controlled outputs. The two output version can be used for Hi/Low or alternate circuit switching. An optional 0-10 VDC output is also available for controlling dimmable ballasts and LED drivers. Each wiHUBB Smart Pack can control one or more circuits and can be individually controlled or grouped with other wiHUBB devices. The wiHUBB Smart Pack also features plug and play support for wiHUBB occupancy sensors, daylight sensors and switch stations. The wiHUBB SP communicates securely via 900 MHz radio frequency to other devices within the wiHUBB wireless self organizing and self-healing mesh network. 72 WIH-SW wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls – Switches WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • Attractive, architecturally pleasing decorator style design • Multiple switch options available • All switches mount to standard single or multi-gang wall boxes • Plug and play integration with wiHUBB Smart Pack • Five year limited warranty ORDERING INFORMATION WIH-SW MODEL WIH-SW COLOR SWITCH TYPE 00 GAV HLO ORLO RL TO PRESET On/Off Switch General – A/V Mode Switch High/Low/Off Switch On/Raise/Lower/Off Raise/Lower Switch Timed On Switch Preset Switch (4-button) WH IV LA GY BK White Ivory Light Almond Gray Black OVERVIEW The wiHUBB® Switches provide manual control of the wiHUBB System. The wiHUBB Switches include an On/Off switch, a General–A/V switch that enables users to switch between General Lighting and Audio/Visual Lighting, a High/Low/Off switch for bi-level lighting control, an On/Raise/ Lower/Off switch, a Raise/Lower switch, a Timed On switch and a 4-button Preset switch. All wiHUBB Switches provide plug and play integration with the wiHUBB Smart Pack. 73 WIH-OS wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls – Occupancy Sensors WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • IntelliDAPT® self-adaptive technology – no manual adjustment required • All-digital dual technology (ultrasonic [US] and passive infrared [PIR] sensor) • Non-volatile memory for sensor settings • 1,600 and 2,000 square-foot coverage area • Form C relay with NO/NC outputs • Plug and play integration with wiHUBB Smart Pack • Five year limited warranty ORDERING INFORMATION WIH-OS MODEL WIH-OS SENSOR TYPE OMDT2RP Ceiling Mount, PIR and Ultrasonic, Form C Relay, 2000 Sq. Ft. LODTRP Wall Mount, PIR and Ultrasonic, Form C Relay, 1600 Sq. Ft. OVERVIEW The wiHUBB® Ceiling Mount and Wall Mount Occupancy Sensors combine ultrasonic (US) and passive infrared (PIR) technologies to turn lighting on and off based on occupancy. These dual technology sensors provide accurate turn-on while virtually eliminating false-offs. The sensors feature Hubbell Building Automation’s patented IntelliDAPT® technology, which makes all the sensor adjustments automatically. Throughout the product’s lifespan, smart software analyzes the controlled area and makes digital adjustments to sensitivity and timer settings. Occupancy sensors with IntelliDAPT provide a maintenance-free “Install and Forget” operation. 74 WIH-DS wiHUBB® Wireless Lighting Controls – Daylight Sensor WIRELESS LIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • Open loop operation • Mounts vertically or horizontally • Architecturally attractive design • Plug and play integration with wiHUBB Smart Pack • Five year limited warranty ORDERING INFORMATION WIH-DS SENSOR TYPE WIH-DS wiHUBB Daylight Sensor OVERVIEW The wiHUBB® Daylight Sensor provides the necessary daylight-level information to the wiHUBB Smart Pack. Using a photodiode element, the daylight sensor continuously measures daylight levels and sends the information to the Smart Pack which then performs daylight switching or dimming functionality based on the amount of natural light in the area. 75 WASP2 Dimming FEATURES Outdoor Dimming By Occupancy The HBA WASP2 Dimming Outdoor Occupancy Sensor is specifically designed to provide 0-10VDC (Class 1) output for the control of dimmable LED, fluorescent, and HID fixtures. Easy to use dip switches allow the user to set unoccupied and occupied dimming levels. The sensor is available in end mount and surface mount versions in both line and low voltage options. Interchangeable twist-on lenses eliminate need for field masking. All WASP2 sensors feature a daylight sensor for ON/OFF control of fixtures when there is sufficient natural light. The gasketed design of the enclosure makes it impervious to dust and able to withstand water ingress making it an ideal sensor for outdoor and wet, arduous locations including those with temperatures down to -40° F/C. System Features WASP2 Dimming Lighting Control Panels provide the following features: • Digital Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor • Supports mounting heights up to 45 ft. • Controls 0-10VDC dimmable ballasts and drivers • User controlled dimming presets • Built-in daylight sensor • End mount and surface mount versions • Interchangeable lenses for High/Low area detection • Low voltage and line voltage models available • Low temperature (-40°C)/water-tight/indoor-outdoor • UL and cUL listed • Five-year warranty 76 WASP2 Dimming Outdoor Occupancy cup Sensor FEATURES • Supports mounting heights up to 45 ft. • Controls 0-10VDC dimmable ballasts • Interchangeable lenses for High/Low WASP2 DIMMING SENSOR • Digital Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor area detection • Low voltage and line voltage models available and drivers • User defined dimming presets • Built-in daylight sensor • End mount and surface mount versions • Low temperature (-40°C)/water-tight/ indoor-outdoor • UL and cUL listed ORDERING INFORMATION LWO WSP MODEL WSP MOUNTING EM End Mount SM Surface Mount INPUT VOLTAGE 24V 24VDC (Low voltage) UNV 120/277/347VAC 208 208/240VAC 480 480VAC OUTDOOR LWO Low-Temp/ Water Tight/ Indoor Outdoor D DIMMING OPTION D Dimming Enabled COLOR BLANK White BK Black GY Gray WIRING DIAGRAMS 24V WASP2 Dimming Sensor diagram 120/277/347VAC WASP2 with Dimming diagram 77 78 CXDimming Lighting Control Panels CXDIMMING CONTROL PANELS FEATURES quick reference guide Save Energy, Reduce Cost, and Increase Control CXDimming Panels Page 80 The Hubbell Building Automation CX Commercial Lighting Control Panels CXDimming Lighting Control Panels 4, 8, 16, & 24 Relay Spaces/DimmingChannels provide feature rich and cost effective lighting control for maximum energy savings. The LCD User interface is located in the door and utilized simple and intuitive scrolling menus to program, check status or update the panel. The easy to use Pre-Programmed Scenarios Menu makes project commissioning simple and fast. The CX Panels can save up to 50% in labor and materials when used in place of conventional time clock and contactor combinations. The use of the astronomical clock instead of roof mounted photocells increases cost savings, lowers maintenance, and improves reliability. CX Relays Page 81 CCX R R Relays for CX Series Panels System Features CXDimming Lighting Control Panels provide the following features: • 4, 8, 16, and 24 Relay Spaces / Dimming Channels • Primary and secondary panel configurations on 8, 16, & 24 relay panels • LCD user interface with keypad • 365 day programming with 64 schedules • Astronomical and real time clock • Programmable dry contact inputs • Selectable pre-programmed scenarios • Programmable inputs accept low voltage switches, photocells, or motion sensors • Two low-voltage dry contact output relays • Program uploads via removable SD memory card • Listed to UL916, UL924 and cUL • Five-year warranty 79 CXDimming CXDimming Lighting Control Panels CXDIMMING CONTROL PANELS FEATURES • 4, 8, 16, and 24 Relay Spaces / Dimming Channels • Selectable pre-programmed scenarios • Programmable inputs accept low • Primary and secondary panel configurations on 8, 16, & 24 voltage switches, photocells, or motion sensors • LCD user interface with keypad • Low-voltage dry contact output relays • 365 day programming with • Program uploads via removable SD 64 schedules memory card • Astronomical and real time clock • Listed to UL916, UL924 and cUL • Programmable dry contact inputs • Five-year warranty ORDERING INFORMATION CX MODEL CX CX Control Panel SPACES 04 4 Relay Spaces 08 8 Relay Spaces 16 16 Relay Spaces INPUT VOLTAGE 2 120/277 Dual Tap 3 347/480 Dual ENCLOSURE S NEMA 1 RELAY QUANTITY 00 No Relays - Spaces Surface Only (See Note 5) 04 4 Relays Installed Tap 24 24 Relay (See Note 4) 08 8 Relays Installed (See Note 4) Spaces 16 16 Relays Installed (See Note 4) 24 24 Relays Installed (See Note 4) RELAY TYPE SP Space Only 2N 20A Electrically Held NO 120277V 3L Latching 120277-347V TN 20A Electrically Held NO 480V TC 20A Electrically Held NC 480V OPTIONS N Stand Alone Panel (See Note 1) M Master Panel (See Note 2) S Secondary Panel (See Note 2 and Note 6) NOTES: 1. Required for CX04 Series Panels. Not Available for CX08. 2. Not available for CX04. 3. 2-Pole relays take the same amount of space as 1-Pole relays. 4. Installed relays must be all of the same type. Relay Type TC is not available in fully populated panels 5. “00” option has no relays, all must be installed in the field 6. Secondary panel includes (2) master/secondary panel interface cards DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION 4 & 8 RELAY PANEL DIMENSIONS – 17”H X 14.5”W X 4”D 80 16 & 24 RELAY PANEL DIMENSIONS – 17”H X 14.5”W X 4”D CX Relays & Dimming Card For Use with CXDimming Control Panels • • • • • Relays are mounted to individual relay cards Five types of relays – 20A/1P 20A/2P, NO, NC and 30A 1P latching Smart Relay card self-identifies type automatically to Panel Each Relay includes 1 programmable input for low voltage switches, photocells, or motion sensors Relay cards include a manual override control button and LED status indication • • • • Panels are ordered fully populated with the same relay type or with space only for field installation of relay combinations Relay cards include a plugging connector to panel mother board and a single screw to secure it to the panel enclosure Listed to UL916 standard Warranty – 5 Years CXDIMMING CONTROL PANELS FEATURES CXR3L 30A/1P Relay ADDITIONAL IMAGES ORDERING INFORMATION CXR MODEL CXR RELAY TYPE 2N 3L TN TC 20A 1-Pole Electrically Held NO 120-277V 30A 1-Pole Latching 120-277-347V 20A 2-Pole Electrically Held NO 480V 20A 2-Pole Electrically Held NC 480V CXR2N 20A/1P Relay CXRTN & CXRTC 20A/2P Relays CX PANEL DIMMING CONTROLLER CARD For ordering information, please contact your local HBA Representative or visit our website at 81 82 Zone5 Daylight Harvesting Controls Daylighting Makes A Difference Daylighting controls have a real impact on energy budgets. By harnessing ZONE5 DAYLIGHT HARVESTING FEATURES quick reference guide Z5-CM Zone5 Control Module Page 84 the power of the sun, Zone5™ can reduce energy consumption as much as Z5-CM Zone5 Control Module, 1-4 Rows 50% compared to traditional systems. Zone5 offers 1-4 rows of daylight switching, step dimming or full range dimming combined with occupancy sensing and manual control for a full room lighting control solution. A fifth area of control is added for dedicated whiteboard lighting. Color coded plug and play installation and innovative SD Card programming take the guesswork out of start-up. System Features Z5-DS Zone5 Daylight Sensor Page 85 Zone 5 daylight harvesting control systems provide the following Z5-DS Zone5 Daylight Sensor features: • Supports up to 4 zones of lighting control plus a 5th zone for whiteboard control • Daylight switching, stepped dimming or continuous dimming per zone • Controls both General and A/V lighting • Intuitive menu driven LCD user interface • SD card interface for saving and loading system settings Z5-OS Zone5 Occupancy Sensor Page 86 • Event logging ZZ5-OMDT 2000RP ZZone5 Ceiling Mount Occupancy Sensor ZZ5-LODTR P ZZone5 Wall Mount Occupancy Sensor • Daylight Simulator • System Test and Status • Contractor friendly, color coded plug and play installation • UL and cUL listed • Five-year warranty Z5-SW Zone5 Switches Page 87 Z5-SW-GA V Zone5 General-A/V Mode Switch Z5-SW-AVD Zone5 General-A/V Dimming Switch Z5-SW-ST Zone5 Study Time Switch Z5-SW-WB Zone5 Whiteboard Switch Z5-SW-MC Zone5 Master On/Off Switch Z5-SW-RCR1 Zone5 Row 1 Control Switch Z5-SW-RCR2 Zone5 Row 2 Control Switch Z5-SW-RCR3 Zone5 Row 3 Control Switch Z5-SW-RCR4 Zone5 Row 4 Control Switch 83 Z5-CM Zone5™ Daylighting Control Module ZONE5 DAYLIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • Supports up to 4 zones of lighting control • SD card interface for saving and loading system settings • Daylight switching, stepped dimming or continuous dimming – per zone • Event logging • Controls both General and A/V lighting • Contractor friendly, color coded plug and play installation • Whiteboard lighting control • UL and cUL listed • Intuitive menu driven LCD user interface • Five-year warranty • Seamless integration with Zone5 sensors and lighting control switches ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS Physical Electrical MODEL Z5-CM Zone5 Control Module Certifications Memory • 4” W x 12” H x 15” D (110mm x 310mm x 385mm) • Each Zone (1-4) • 1 relay: general lighting • 1 relay: A/V lighting • Dimming: 0-10VDC, capable of controlling up to 50 low voltage, 2-wire, 0-10v dimming ballasts • Additional relay for whiteboard lighting • Switched output per relay • 15A tungsten (120v only,) 20A magnetic ballast, 16A electronic ballast • Maximum combined output not to exceed 20A • UL and cUL listed • Nonvolatile program storage OVERVIEW The HBA Zone5 Daylight Harvesting System features specialized controls tailored to the specific and demanding needs of daylight harvesting applications. The HBA Zone5 Control Module (ZCM) is the central controller of the system. It accurately analyzes and interprets signals from Zone5 plug and play components, including occupancy sensors, daylight sensors and low voltage switches, to control both General and A/V lighting. The ZCM supports up to 4 zones of lighting that can be individually programmed for either daylight switching, stepped dimming or continuous dimming. A fifth zone for standard ON/OFF control of whiteboard lighting is also supported. The Zone5 Control Module features an intuitive menu driven LCD user interface to program system settings, view system/device status, and perform system diagnostics and testing. The ZCM also features an SD card interface that can be used to save system settings and copy them to another controller – thus cutting down on the time required to commission multiple systems. Each contractor friendly Zone5 input device is equipped with a color coded plug and play connectors which snaps into the corresponding color-code port on the Zone5 Control Module. 84 Z5-DS Zone5™ Daylight Sensor • Daylight sensor for Zone5 Daylight Harvesting System • Open loop operation ZONE5 DAYLIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • Color coded, plug and play installation • UL and cUL listed • 5-Year Warranty • Foot-candle range: 3-6,000 fc • Mounts vertically or horizontally • Architecturally attractive design ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL Z5DS Zone5 Daylight Sensor OVERVIEW The HBA Zone5 Daylight Sensor provides the necessary daylight-level information to the Zone5 Control Module (ZCM). Using a photodiode element, this sensor continuously measures daylight levels and sends the information to the ZCM for daylight harvesting with lighting in the General (GEN) lighting mode. The daylight sensor supports multiple foot-candle ranges which can be used in normal, skylight or atrium lighting applications. 85 Z5-OS Zone5™ Occupancy Sensors ZONE5 DAYLIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • Occupancy Sensors for Zone5 Daylight Harvesting System • 1600 and 2,000 square-foot coverage area • IntelliDAPT® self-adaptive technology – no manual adjustment required • Form C relay with NO/NC outputs • All-digital dual technology (ultrasonic [US] and passive infrared [PIR] sensor) • Non-volatile memory for sensor settings • Color coded, plug and play cables available separately • UL and cUL listed • 5-year warranty ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL Z5-OS-OMDT 2000RP Zone5 Occupancy Sensor, Ceiling Mount, PIR and Ultrasonic, Form C Relay, 2000 Sq. Ft. Z5-OS-LODTR P Zone5 Occupancy Sensor, Wall Mount, PIR and Ultrasonic, Form C Relay, 1600 Sq. Ft. OVERVIEW The HBA Zone5 Ceiling Mount and Wall Mount Occupancy Sensors combine ultrasonic (US) and passive infrared (PIR) technologies to turn lighting on and off based on occupancy. This dual technology provides accurate turn-ons while virtually eliminating false-offs. These sensors feature Hubbell Building Automation’s patented IntelliDAPT technology, which makes all the sensor adjustments automatically. Throughout the product’s lifespan, smart software analyzes the controlled area and makes digital adjustments to sensitivity and timer settings. Occupancy sensors with IntelliDAPT provide a maintenance-free install-and-forget operation. 86 Z5-DS Zone5™ 4XJUDI4UBUJPOT • Attractive, architecturally pleasing design • All switches mount to standard single or multi-gang wall boxes • General – A/V lighting control with optional dimming control • Multi-gang wall plates available ZONE5 DAYLIGHTING CONTROLS FEATURES • Five-year warranty • Whiteboard lighting control • Master and individual row ON/OFF control • Color coded, plug and play cables available separately ORDERING INFORMATION Z5-SW-GA V Z5-SW-AVD Z5-SW-ST Z5-SW-WB Z5-SW-MC Z5-SW-RCR1 Z5-SW-RCR2 Z5-SW-RCR3 Z5-SW-RCR4 MODEL Zone5 General-A/V Mode Switch Zone5 General-A/V Dimming Switch Zone5 Study Time Switch Zone5 Whiteboard Switch Zone5 Master On/Off Switch Zone5 Row 1 Control Switch Zone5 Row 2 Control Switch Zone5 Row 3 Control Switch Zone5 Row 4 Control Switch OVERVIEW The HBA Zone5 Low Voltage Wall Switches provide manual control of the HBA Zone5 Daylight Harvesting System. The Zone5 system consists of two types of switches – Lighting Control Switches and Master/Row Control Switches. The Lighting Control Switches include a General – A/V switch that enables users to switch between General Lighting and Audio Visual Lighting, a General – A/V lighting dimming switch that raises and lowers light levels in both modes, a whiteboard lighting switch that can control up to two independent whiteboard lights, and a Study Time switch that provides uninterrupted lighting during periods of low activity. The Master/Row Control Switches include a Master ON/OFF switch that turns all lighting ON or OFF, and individual Row (1 – 4) ON/OFF switches that control each row of lighting individually. All Zone5 switches are color coded and provide CAT5 plug and play installation to the Zone5 Control Module. 87 Dimming or Switching? Alternatives While dimming is a wonderful way to guarantee additional energy savings from the already low power draw of LED fixtures, entirely shutting them off when not needed can result in even more savings. Hubbell Building Automation’s lighting controls are extremely capable and flexible, allowing for multiple solutions to any given situation. The following are non-dimming control options for shutting off all types of fixtures, including LED. Occupancy Sensors HBA has a long history of leading the way in the development of innovative occupancy sensing technologies. Today, HBA produces the most comprehensive line of occupancy sensor products on the market – bar none. With infrared, ultrasonic and dual technology sensors, HBA has a product for virtually any lighting control application. LX Networked Lighting Controls Designed to control the lighting for your entire building as one integrated system, the LX Series provides the ultimate in harmony of technology and simplicity. Capable functional lighting control systems don’t have to be difficult to use or install. As lighting control systems and devices have evolved, their capabilities and functionality have grown immensely. The LX Lighting Control system delivers all of the function and features needed to get your lighting energy cost under control in a simple approach that removes the complexities. With it’s self-powered, topology free, polarity insensitive network and a easy to use graphic user interface, the LX Lighting Control System delivers the energy saving technologies you need without the complexities you don’t. 88 Other LED Control Options Occupancy | Vacancy Sensors OTHER DAYLIGHT LED CONTROL OPTIONS ZONE5 HARVESTING FEATURES LX Networked Lighting Controls Industry-Leading Technology The LX Networked Lighting Control System provides complete Hubbell Building Automation (HBA) sets the standards for energy- integrated control of building lighting systems for maximum saving lighting control technology. Our line of passive infrared (PIR), energy savings. The use of a simple and easy to understand ultrasonic (US), and dual technology occupancy sensors use our handheld Graphic User Interface makes programming and patented IntelliDAPT® technology, designed specifically to save you system changes easy. The LX System utilizes a Lonworks® based energy and money. operating system that connects via a simple two wire network. All of the intelligent panels and system devices hold their own IntelliDAPT Technology programming allowing for trouble-free communications. The Traditional occupancy sensors need manual adjustment throughout LX Control Panels are available as relay only panels or as fully the year when seasons, airflow, furniture layout, or occupancy bussed circuit breaker relay panels. A wide variety of network patterns change. If sensors are not constantly monitored and system devices including Dual Technology Motion Sensors, adjusted, energy savings will not reach their potential. The Photocell Control Modules, Switch Stations and Dry Contact key to maximizing energy savings for every building is HBA’s Interface Modules are available for any lighting control scenario. patented IntelliDAPT technology for occupancy sensors. The digital microprocessor makes all the sensor adjustment decisions Key Features automatically. Throughout the product’s lifespan, smart software The LX networked lighting controls provide the following analyzes the controlled area and makes digital adjustments to features: sensitivity and timer settings. Occupancy sensors with IntelliDAPT • Unique handheld touch screen GUI provide maintenance-free “Install and Forget” operation. • 20 Amp 1-pole or 2-pole mechanically latching relays • Multiple size Relay Panels available Passive Infrared Technology For major-motion detection, passive infrared (PIR) sensors provide the best solution. These sensors use a specially designed lens to divide the space of an area into zones. When a person moves between zones, the sensor promptly turns on the lights. PIR sensors are perfect for small enclosed areas with frequent occupant movement. (4, 8, 16, 32, and 48 relays) • Circuit Breaker Relay Panels available (12, 18, 30, and 42 spaces) • Powered, topology-free, polarity-insensitive, 2-wire communication • LonWorks® “open system” architecture • LonMark® certified Ultrasonic Technology For superior detection of minor-motion activity (e.g. typing), • Seamless integration with major building protocols, such as LON, BACNET® and MODBUS® ultrasonic (US) sensors provide the best solution. These sensors • Web server based real-time programming capability emit silent sound waves into an area. Movement in the area causes • 99 global schedules, presets and groups frequency shifts between the emitted and reflected waves. This is • 365-day time clock interpreted as occupancy. US sensors do not require a clear line of • Automatic daylight savings time and leap year sight and are ideal for offices with cubicles and restrooms with stalls. compensation • Built-in astronomical time clock for sunrise and sunset Dual Technology programming For maximum reliability, dual technology sensors combine PIR and US • UL and cUL listed technologies. Both technologies must detect occupancy to activate • 2-year warranty lighting, but only one technology must detect occupancy for lighting to remain active. Dual technology sensors are the best solution for most applications. 89 HUBBELL INDUSTRIAL Hubbell Industrial Lighting provides products and systems for varied applications, from vast warehouses, complex machinery and large mass merchandisers, to a wide range of process and assembly industries. 90 HBL LED Highbay Series The LED Highbay offers nine unique fixture versions for a wide variety of applications. The LED Highbay is DesignLights Consortium® qualified for general highbay fixtures. The total wattage ranges from 112-169 watts with a lumen output ranging from 10,000 to almost 17,000 lumens. The LED Highbay comes standard with 0-10v dimmable, universal voltage LED drivers with input from 120v to 277v at 50hz or 60 hz. Surge protection is included as standard. Complete fixture assembly is IP56. DLC Approved. H I G H BAY The LED Highbay Series is designed to efficiently light any large interior space with its high performance LED design and delivery of up to 100 lumens per watt of 5000 deg K light. The unique radial design with fins of durable cast aluminum allow it to operate in -40˚C to 55˚C ambient environments and keeps the LEDs cool resulting in an estimated 100,000 hours of life at L70. ORDERING INFORMATION HBL 070 SERIES A Pendant C Cone S Straight stancheon X Ceiling Y Yoke NUMBER OF LEDS 48L 48 High brightness LEDs 60L 60 High brightness LEDs 72L 72 High brightness LEDs Note: -72L configurations must be mounted at least 24” below the finished ceiling for proper thermal performance. -48L and -60L configurations are approved for all available mounting configurations. Mounting restrictions are not applicable when the fixture is used in a cooler or freezer. LG2S DISTRIBUTION COLORS N Narrow W Wide A Aisle BL Black GR Gray WH White VOLTAGE U 120 - 277V 1 120V 2 208V 3 240V 4 277V 5 480V Notes: Voltage must be specified for Fusing and Occupancy Sensor compatibility. Refer to product spec sheet for 480V specification requirements Accessories - Order Separately Catalog Number HOOK/LOOP BLA-C4HLPX HUB 2 3/4” Hub Available with A, C, X and Y Mount 3 1” Hub Available with A, C, X Mount 4 1 1/4” Hub 5 1 1/2” Hub Available with S Mount MOUNT HBL LED Highbay DRIVE CURRENT 070 700 MA COLOR TEMPERATURE 27K 2700K 3K 3000K 35K 3500K 4K 4000K 5K 5000K Note: Refer to product spec sheet for more details Description Fixture Mountin Hook Cord and Plug Set DUAL-LITE 250 VA LiteGear Emergency Lighting Inverter OPTIONS Fx Fusing (Replace “x” with voltage - Refer to spec sheet for more info.) ENCA Acrylic Protective Lens ENCG Glass Protective Lens OCS(X) Occupancy Sensor WG Bottom Wire Gaurd WIHUBB Wireless Control System Notes: 1. OCS unavailable with ENCA or ENCG options 2. OCS and WIHUBB options can not be specified together Note: One (1) LED Highbay per LG2S A LED SYSTEM INFORMATION Input Watts LEDs CRI Total Lumens HBL-48LU-5K-N-070-WH 112 48 5000˚K 68 11206 100 55˚C HBL-48LU-5K-W-070-WH 112 HBL-48LU-5K-A-070-WH 112 48 5000˚K 68 10778 96 55˚C 48 5000˚K 68 10213 91 55˚C HBL-60LU-5K-N-070-WH HBL-60LU-5K-W-070-WH 139 60 5000˚K 68 14007 101 50˚C 139 60 5000˚K 68 13472 97 50˚C HBL-60LU-5K-A-070-WH 139 60 5000˚K 68 12776 92 50˚C HBL-72LU-5K-N-070-WH 169 72 5000˚K 68 16808 99 45˚C HBL-72LU-5K-W-070-WH 169 72 5000˚K 68 16166 96 45˚C HBL-72LU-5K-A-070-WH 169 72 5000˚K 68 15319 91 45˚C Catalog Number Color Temperature Lumens per Watt Ambient Temperature A B C A 18” 457 mm B 11” 288 mm C 6” 152 mm 91 HBLH Hazardous LED Highbay H I G H BAY The HBLH Series Hazardous LED Highbay is designed to efficiently light classified areas in heavy industrial settings and warehouses with its high performance LED design and delivery of up to 100 lumens per watt of 5000 deg K light. The unique radial design with fins of durable cast aluminum allow it to operate in -40˚C to 55˚C ambient environments and keeps the LEDs cool resulting in an estimated 100,000 hours of life at L70. The HBLH Series offers nine unique fixture versions for a wide variety of applications. The total wattage ranges from 112-169 watts with a lumen output ranging from 10,000 to almost 17,000 lumens. The HBLH Series comes standard with 0-10v dimmable, universal voltage LED drivers with input from 120v to 277v at 50hz or 60 hz. Surge protection is included as standard. Complete fixture assembly is IP56. ORDERING INFORMATION HBLH U SERIES 070 HUB DISTRIBUTION COLORS 2 3/4” Hub Available with A, C, X and Y Mount 3 1” Hub Available with A, C, X Mount 4 1 1/4” Hub 5 1 1/2” Hub Available with S Mount N Narrow W Wide A Aisle TN Tan MOUNT HBLH Hazardous LED Highbay A Pendant C Cone S Straight stancheon X Ceiling Y Yoke NUMBER OF LEDS 48L 48 High brightness LEDs 60L 60 High brightness LEDs 72L 72 High brightness LEDs VOLTAGE U 120 - 277V TN DRIVE CURRENT 070 700 MA OPTIONS ENCA Acrylic Protective Lens ENCG Glass Protective Lens WG Bottom Wire Gaurd COLOR TEMPERATURE 27K 2700K 3K 3000K 35K 3500K 4K 4000K 5K 5000K Note: Refer to product spec sheet for more details LED SYSTEM INFORMATION Catalog Number Input Watts Color Temperature CRI Total Lumens Lumens per Watt Temperature Code HBLH-48LU-5K-N-070-WH 112 48 5000˚K 68 11206 100 T5 HBLH-48LU-5K-W-070-WH 112 48 5000˚K 68 10778 96 T5 HBLH-48LU-5K-A-070-WH 112 48 5000˚K 68 10213 91 T5 HBLH-60LU-5K-N-070-WH 139 60 5000˚K 68 14007 101 T5 HBLH-60LU-5K-W-070-WH 139 60 5000˚K 68 13472 97 T5 HBLH-60LU-5K-A-070-WH 139 60 5000˚K 68 12776 92 T5 HBLH-72LU-5K-N-070-WH 169 72 5000˚K 68 16808 99 T5 HBLH-72LU-5K-W-070-WH 169 72 5000˚K 68 16166 96 T5 HBLH-72LU-5K-A-070-WH 169 72 5000˚K 68 15319 91 T5 A 18” 457 mm 92 LEDs B 11” 288 mm C 6” 152 mm A B C A HBLHA Severe Location LED Fixture HBLHA LED highbay is a LED highbay designed to be used in higher temperature environments. It is rated for usage in up to 65°C environments. This fixture builds from the solid platform of the HBL LED highbay and maintains all of the performance features. It has up to 100 lumens per watt from the unique Hubbell designed optics. These optics allow three different lighting distributions of narrow, wide and aisle. The HBLHA also maintains the three LED counts of 48, 60 and 72 to allow three SEALED different light levels. The HBLHA is die cast from low copper aluminum < .04% CU) for corrosion resistance. It is then powder coated in our high quality polyester paint. The top casting is offered in five different mounting styles for application flexibility. The important specification on the fixture include 100K hours at L70, sealed IP56 rating, 68 CRI and it is listed to the UL 1598 standard as a wet location fixture. ORDERING INFORMATION HBLHA 070 SERIES HBLHA Highbay COLOR TEMP MOUNT HBL Series # OF LEDS1 48L 48 High Performance LEDs 60L 60 High Performance LEDs 72L 72 High Performance LEDs 2700° Kelvin 3000° Kelvin 3500° Kelvin 4000° Kelvin 5000° Kelvin DRIVE CURRENT U 1 2 3 4 HUB Universal 120v 208v 240v 277v 2 3 4 5 1 2 6” below the finished ceiling for proper thermal pancy Sensor compatibility. performance. -48L and -60L configurations are ap- 3 ¾” (available with A, C, X, and Y mount) 1” (available with A, C, and X mount) 1¼” 1½” (available with S mount) WIRE GUARD 070 700MA WG Bottom Wire Guard COLORS DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE2 -72L configurations must be mounted at least 27K 3K 35K 4K 5K A Pendant C Cone S Straight Stanchion X Ceiling Y Yoke BL Black GR Grey WH White N Narrow W Wide A Aisle F(x) ENCA ENCG OCS(x) WG OPTIONS3 Fusing (replace “x” with voltage) Acrylic Protective Lens Glass Protective Lens Occupancy Sensor Bottom Wire Guard Voltage must be specified for Fusing and Occu- 1.OCS unavailable with ENCA or ENCG2.OCS proved for all available mounting configurations. Mounting restrictions are not applicable when the fixture is used in a cooler or freezer. A B C A A B C 18” 11” 6” 93 KEMLUX III LED Severe Location LED Fixture SEALED The Kemlux III LED Series Hazardous fixture is designed to efficiently light severe, corrosive and harsh applications with its high performance LED design while delivering up to 105 lumens per watt of 5000 deg K light. The unique radial design with fins of durable copper-free, cast aluminum allow it to operate in -40˚C to 40˚C ambient environments and keeps the LEDs cool resulting in an estimated 100,000 hours of life at L70. The Kemlux III LED Series offers a modular design with 6 mounting options for 54 fixture versions for a wide variety of applications. The total wattage ranges from 43-86 watts with a lumen output ranging from 4405 to 9004 lumens. The Kemlux III LED Series comes standard with universal voltage LED drivers with input from 120v to 277v at 50hz or 60 hz. Surge protection is included as standard. Complete fixture assembly is IP56. ORDERING INFORMATION KSL U 5K SERIES WATTAGE KSL Severe Location 18L 18 High performance LEDs 24L 24 High performance LEDs 36L 36 High performance LEDs U 1 2 3 4 5 F VOLTAGE 120 - 277V 120V 208V 240V 277V 480V 347V ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number WG COLOR TEMP. 43 43 watts, 18 LEDs 57 57 watts, 24 LEDs 86 86 watts, 36 LEDs NUMBER OF LEDS TN 5K 5000˚ Kelvin OPTICS 5M Type V Square 5R Type V Rectangle N Narrow MOUNT A B C D N S X Pendant Wall Bracket Cone Stanchion 25˚ None (Mount Ordered Separately) Straight stanchion Ceiling Description Wire Guard Input Watts 18 24 36 94 Input Watts 43 STD. (700 MA) COLORS HUB 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” TN Tan OPTIONS WIH Wireless Control System wiHUBB SC70 70% light output when dimmed/ 30% energy savings SC50 50% light output when dimmed/ 50% energy savings SC30 30% light output when dimmed/ 70% energy savings SC0 No light output when dimmed/ On/Off control F(x) P1 P2 P3 Notes: 1. Fusing 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V, 6-347V 2. Must specify voltage on order LED SYSTEM INFORMATION Catalog Number 2 3 4 5 57 86 Input Watts Total Lumens Per Watt 4410 103 4323 101 4405 102 5988 105 5712 100 5896 103 9004 105 8473 99 8747 102 HID Equivalent 100w HID A B A C 175w HID 250w HID A 14.5” 368.3 mm B 11” 279.4 mm C 6” 152 mm LIGHTWATT LED Severe Location LED Fixture The Lightwatt LED luminaire provides comfortable, high efficiency illumination on vertical and horizontal surfaces. Ideal for warehouses, shipping docks, stairwells, and especially for low ceiling areas. The Lightwatt® LED refractor provides a spacing to mounting height up to 1.3:1 and projects light into, underneath and between industrial obstructions like HVAC ducts and electrical raceways. Lightwatt’s photometric distribution provides over 7% uplight to soften the brightness SEALED difference between the luminaire and the surrounding areas and provide a three dimensional luminous environment. This sealed refractor based fixture produces about 75 lumens per watt of low glare, high quality LED light. The Lightwatt LED Housing is 99% copper free aluminum with white Lektrocote® finish. Refractor is injection molded of high performance acrylic. Up to 45°C ambient. ORDERING INFORMATION LWL 30 L U SERIES # OF LEDS VOLTAGE COLOR LWL 30 30 LEDS (71 watts) U Universal Voltage (120-277V 50/60 Hz) WH White (standard) GR Grey (optional) MOUNT J P C B S J-Box (damp location) Balanced Pendant (wet location) ceiliing Thru-Wire (wet location) Pipe Wall Bracket (wet location) Stanchion/Davit (wet location) REFRACTOR A Acrylic P Polycarbonate SOURCE L LED OPTIONS C(X)HL2 Cord, Hook/Loop F(X)1 Fusing (“X” indicates Voltage) FP National Sanitation Foundation LA Latched Refractor LTP Tamper Resistant Screws NOTE: Fast-Lock J-Box mounting-recessed J-Box requires installation of the included 11/2” extension ring (supplied). 1 For voltage, replace second X with 1 - 120V, 2 - 208V, 3 - 240V, 4 - 277V. 2 For cord length by the foot, replace X with 2 - 2’, 4 - 4’, 6 - 6’, 8 - 8’, 10 - 10’, 12 - 12’. PROJECTED LUMAN MAINTENANCE AMBIENT TEMP 25°C/77°F 0 1.00 OPERATING HOURS TM-21-11 25,000 50,000 L98 60,000 0.97 0.95 0.95 100,000 0.92 L70 (HOURS) >539,000 ELECTRICAL DATA DRIVE CURRENT INPUT (MA) VOLTAGE 120 700 mA 277 # OF LEDS 30 J-BOX MOUNTING CURRENT (AMPS) 0.60 0.30 SYSTEM POWER (W) 70.00 PENDANT MOUNTING CEILING THRU-WIRE TOP VIEW A A B B A 12¼” 311mm A B 14¾” 357mm A 14” 356mm B 14¾” 357mm B A 14¼” 362mm B 14¾” 357mm 95 LUNABAY Severe Location LED Fixture SEALED The Lunabay is a unique, patented LED highbay for use in lighting large interior spaces such as retail stores and light industrial facilities. It can also be used for gyms and multipurpose rooms in schools. A key feature of the Lunabay is the up light component. This lights and defines the ceiling helping to eliminate the “cave” effect. The Lunabay’s unique optical system mixes the light of all 56 LEDs to produce color correct, low glare illumination. The clear WA22 and the translucent WW22 optics both have an up light component. Four universal 120v to 277v LED drivers power 56 high-output LEDs giving system flexibility. Total system wattage for the Lunabay is 125 watts. The top cylinder can be painted any of seven colors to match interior accents. Custom colors are available. Contact factory for details. ORDERING INFORMATION 56 LBX L SERIES U 1 2 3 4 # LEDS 56 56 LEDs VOLTAGE 120 - 277V 120V 208V 240V 277V SOURCE L High Power LED COLOR MOUNT/HUB A2 Pendant 3/4” COLOR TEMP 5K 5000˚ Kelvin 27K 2700˚ Kelvin 3K 3000˚ Kelvin 35K 3500˚ Kelvin 4K 4000˚ Kelvin BL DB FG GR OPTICS WA22 22” wide acrylic reflector WW22 22” wide translucent acrylic reflector Input Watts 56 125 Drive MA 700 MA Color CRI 5000˚K 68 B A C D 96 PS Platinum Silver RD Red WH White OPTIONS WIH Wireless Control System wiHUBB SC0 No light output when dimmed/ On/Off control SC50 50% light output when dimmed/ 50% energy savings WG23 Wire Guard LED SYSTEM INFORMATION LEDs Black Dark Bronze Forest Green Grey A B C D 22” 8” 14” 23” HLEML Hazardous LED Fixture and dockside installations, tank farms, pipeline pumping stations and marine loading and fuel transfer terminals. CLASS 1 DIVISION 1 HLEML LED Series fixtures are designed for installations where moisture, dirt, dust, corrosion and vibration may be present, or NEMA 3 and 4x areas where wind, water, snow or high ambients can be expected. They can be used in locations made hazardous due to the presence of flammable or explosive gases, vapors and combustible dusts as defined by the NEC. Applications include classified areas such as paint manufacturing plants, ammunition facilities, oil and gas producing and refining plants, off-shore HLEMI LED fixture provides 2,900 lumens (Clear Globe) while using less than 50W of power. It is factory sealed - no external seal required. Simply wire mounting cap and thread in fixture to install. Ambient suitability is -40ºC to +55ºC. ORDERING INFORMATION 30 SERIES WATTAGE HLEMLC Tank w/ Clear Globe HLEML Tank w/ Fluted Globe 45 45 Watts VOLTAGE MOUNT 30 120 - 277V 50/60Hz A2 A3 X2 X3 B2 B3 D4 COMPONENTS Catalog Number Description Mounting Adapters Guard Dome Reflector Angle Reflector C1D1 C2D1 N4X Photocell 120Vac C1D1 C2D1 N4X Photocell 208-277Vac Replacement Fluted Globe & Support Replacement Clear Globe & Support EMG21 ERSD302 ERA302 VMHKPC1 VMHKPCC2 EMGS3 EMGS2 1 2 GUARD 3/4” Pendant 1” Pendant 3/4” Ceiling 1” Ceiling 3/4” Bracket 1” Bracket 1 1/4” / 1 1/2” Stanchion ASSEMBLED AN Assembled G Guard ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number ERSD30 ERA30 Description Dome Reflector Angle Reflector Guards are cast of copper-free aluminum with electrostatically applied epoxy/polyester Reflectors are aluminum with white finish TEMPERATURE CODES Class I, Division 1 & 2 HLEMI and HLEBF Series Hazardous Location Application Data Catalog Number Ambient EML(C)4530 EML(C)4530 3/ " OR 1" 4 NPT CONDUIT 40˚C 55˚C C1D1/ C1Z1 T6 T5 C2D1 L70 Supply Wire T4A (EFG) T4 (EFG) 55,000 HRS 50,000 HRS 75˚C 90˚C 3/ " OR 1" 4 NPT CONDUIT FOUR SIDES 41/ 2" (114) 31/ 32" (25) 4" (102) 4" (102) B B A A D D C C PENDANT A B C D 15 15/16” 15 1/16” 8 13/16” 11 15/16” CEILING A B C D 14 5/16” 13 11/16” 7 7/16” 10 5/16” 97 LED V Series Energy Efficient LED Vaportite Enclosed & Gasketed SEALED The LED V Series fixture is constructed of an extruded aluminum heat sink and a die-cast socket body containing LED light engine with Cree high output LEDs. LED V Series fixtures are offered in pendant, ceiling, wall outlet and stanchion mounts, common with the incandescent Vaportite. LED V Series fixture features: • Long LED life, up to 50,000 hrs • Very low energy use – only 18.7w per fixture • Rated for ambient temperature of 40˚C • Can be retrofitted to existing Hubbell Vaportite fixtures • 120-277V universal power supply • Listed to UL1598 for use in wet locations • Frosted glass globe or acrylic flat lens • Die-cast aluminum mounts: pendant, ceiling, wall outlet, stanchion ORDERING INFORMATION (COMPLETE CATALOG NUMBERS AND COMPONENTS) DIMENSIONS Component Catalog Numbers 3.50" (88mm) Complete Catalog Numbers Hub Size Mount Body Optic V8LU15 VL15LG Pendant Globe VL15P1G 1/2" VP-1 5.20" 5.14" 5.56" (132mm) (130mm) VL15P2G 3/4" VP-2 V8LU15 (141mm) VL15LG Pendant Acrylic 9.131" (232mm) VL15P1A 1/2" VP-1 V8LU15 VL15A 3.74" (95mm) VL15P2A 3/4" VP-2 V8LU15 VL15A Ceiling Globe VL15X1G 1/2" VX-1/VAP V8LU15 VL15LG VL15X2G 3/4" VX-2/VAP V8LU15 VL15LG Ceiling Acrylic VL15X1A 1/2" VX-1/VAP V8LU15 VL15A VL15X2A 3/4" VX-2/VAP V8LU15 VL15A Wall Outlet Globe VL15W1G 1/2" VW-1/VX-1 V8LU15 VL15LG VL15W2G 3/4" VW-1/VX-2 V8LU15 VL15LG COMPONENT CATALOG NUMBERS Catalog Number VP1 VP2 VX1 & VAP VX2 & VAP VAP VW1 & VX1 VW1 & VX2 VW1 VD4 Mounts Pendant mount 1/2" Hub Pendant mount 3/4" Hub Ceiling outlet box and adapter plate, hub Ceiling outlet box and adapter plate, hub Ceiling plate adapter only Wall arm outlet box, hub 1/2" Wall arm outlet box, hub 3/4" Wall arm mount only Stanchion mount, hub 1-1/4" Wall Outlet Acrylic VL15W1A 1/2" VW-1/VX-1 V8LU15 VL15A VL15W2A 3/4" VW-1/VX-2 V8LU15 VL15A V8LU15 VL15LG V8LU15 VL15A Stanchion Globe 1 1/4" VD-4 Stanchion Acrylic 1 1/4" 1 VD-4 Catalog Number V8LU15 Bodies Small LED body Catalog Number VL15A VL15LG Optics Flat acrylic lens, frosted Frosted glass globe Catalog Number VCG-151 VRSD-151 Guards Cast aluminum reflectors guard White poly-pro Not for use with flat acrylic lens VL15A 98 VL15LG VCG-151 VRSD15 DOKSTAR ™ LED Loading Dock Light Dokstar™ Series LED loading dock lights require 97% less electricity, far less energy than traditional fixtures while accomplishing the same lighting task. Dokstar™ Series LED dock lights combine energy savings with maintenance free longevity and quality. quartz or metal halide fixtures traditionally used in loading dock applications. Low maintenance costs coupled with our advanced thermal management techniques ensure the Dokstar™ will perform over time where many competing offerings will not. Dokstar™ Series LED Loading Dock Lights deliver high quality superior light over incandescent, DOCK LIGHT • Dokstar™ fixtures are perfect for industrial, manufacturing and warehousing • Designed to illuminate tractor trailers up to 53’ for loading and unloading • Excellent for any application requiring long life and low maintenance costs • 100,000 hrs LED life (L70) • Listed to UL1598 for use in wet locations • IP66 ORDERING INFORMATION DOK L SERIES U 5K SOURCE DOK Dokstar™ LED Loading Dock Light OPTICS SP 12 Degree spot (standard) FL 32 Degree flood (special order) L LED VOLTAGE U 120 - 277V COLOR TEMPERATURE NUMBER OF LEDS 5K 5000K (All other color temperatures are special order) 6 LED (6 Chip) 12 LED (12 Chip) 18 LED (18 Chip) 1 2 CORD C61 6' cord C6715P1 6' cord with 15 amp NEMA twist loc plug C6515P1 6' cord with 15A straight blade plug C3C13P1,2 3' cord with IEC plug LENS PC Polycarbonate lens SWITCH IRS2 In-line rocker switch All Dokstars™ require a cord option If an arm (DL40 or DSDL40) is required the C3C13P cord & IRS in-line rocker switch are also required OPTION DL402 40" Double strut dock arm DSDL402 40" Double strut swing arm DIMENSIONS B E A D C A 5 9/16” 141 mm B 7/8” 22 mm C 5 5/16” 134 mm D 4 13/16” 106 mm E 6 1/4” 158 mm Dokstar™ with optional Dock Arm – DSDL40 99 hubbell outdoor brand profile • Founded in 1963 Hubbell Outdoor Lighting established its position as the high quality producer of outdoor lighting serving the full range of commercial, institutional and industrial outdoor applications. With an in-depth knowledge of the electrical distributor and contractor markets, Hubbell Outdoor Lighting has consistently combined innovative energy-saving technology, practical lighting solutions and service-oriented performance. product offering Hubbell Outdoor Lighting provides energy-efficient LED lighting solutions for a wide variety of outdoor applications including: floodlighting, wallpacks, landscape, parking garage, roadway, dusk-to-dawn, solar and vaportites. Hubbell Outdoor Lighting brands’ luminaires integrate the latest LED advancements and deliver optical performance better than historical HID fixtures with higher lumen packages. By leveraging the advantages of solid state technology, our versatile portfolio delivers ideal outdoor lighting solutions with longer life, more visual acuity, better uniformity and reduced energy usage. All these attributes provide value-oriented, energy-saving, environmentally friendly luminaires. 102 hubbell outdoor LED FLOODLIGHTING LED PRODUCTS GUIDE LED Products Guide/ FSL Floodlighting and Building Floodlight Mount Selection Guides pages 106 pages 104-105 FML Floodlight pages 107 Miniliter MHS Floodlight pages 108 Magnuliter MLED Floodlights page 109 Laramie LFS Floodlight page 110 ALF Floodlights page 111 TRP Wallpacks page 121 Floodlighting Photocontrols page 113 Floodlighting Mounting/Accessories page 114-115 Laredo LNC Wallpack Family page 116 Laredo LNC2 Wallpack Family page 117 Laredo LCC Wallpack page 118 Laredo LMC Wallpack page 119 Laredo LMC BOC Wallpack page 119 TRPC/QSPC/RDIC Compact Wallpacks page 120 QSP Wallpacks page 121 RDI Wallpacks page 121 RTP Wallpacks page 121 NRG®312 Series Perimeter Wallpack page 122 Perimaliter® PGM3 Glass Wallpack page 123 Perimaliter® PVL3 Polycarbonate Wallpack page 123 309 LED Lampholder page 112 WALLPACKS CEILING/SURFACE/CANOPY/GARAGE LED CONTROLS LED CONTROLS GUIDE Euroluxe® BRLU Decorative Wall/Ceiling page 124 Lumasquare® II NRG®4000 page 125 Sedona SCP Surface/Ceiling/Garage page 126 Sedona SCP Controls Surface/Ceiling/Garage page 127 VAPORTITES DUSK-TO-DAWN LANDSCAPE RL Series Roadway page 129 VBGG/VWGG Vaportites page 130 DDL Multipurpose Luminaire page 131 12V LED Lightscaper® family page 132-133 Laredo LCC DC Solar Wallpack page 135 Euroluxe® BRLU Solar Wall/Ceiling page 135 Laramie LFS Solar Floodlight page 136 RMCT Series Solar Roadway page 137 Hercules® HVS/HVL Vandal Resistant Series page 124 ROADWAY RM Series Roadway page 128 SOLAR LIGHTING SOLAR LIGHTING GUIDE 12V DC Solar Lighting page 134 CR1D Series Solar Area/Site page 138 TMR/TMS Series Solar Tempe Bollards page 139 103 Hubbell Outdoor and Spaulding Lighting brands provide energy-efficient LED lighting solutions for a wide variety of outdoor applications from area/site, floodlighting, landscape and low level pedestrian to wallpacks. Hubbell Outdoor Lighting brands’ luminaires integrate the latest LED advancements and deliver optical performance that can perform as well as, and in most cases, better than historical HID fixtures with higher lumen packages. By leveraging the advantages of solid state technology, our versatile portfolio delivers ideal outdoor lighting solutions with longer life, more visual acuity, better uniformity and reduced energy usage. There are many factors to consider when choosing LED lighting. As leading experts in this field, we have developed performance information for each product below the ordering nomeclature. This resource will help guide you in your luminaire selection process. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Each product in this guide includes complete product information in easy to read modules. Information specific to energy-efficiency, LED performance, traditional luminaire source equivalency, CCT and application is outlined below. Percentage of energy savings over traditional light sources Equivalent traditional light sources Equivalency Total watts consumed by luminaire Suggested application Voltage range options LED Product Partner MH HPS CFL Delivered Lumens System Watts Lumens Per Watt Mounting Height CCT Voltage Drivers/ Current 1% LLMC-30L 71 250w 250w 2x42w 6,023 70 86 15-18 ft. 5100K 120-277V 2@700mA % LLMC-30L-035 7% 77 150w+ 150w+ 2x42w 3,448 35 99 12-15 ft. 5100K 120-277V 1@350mA Series Number * SAVINGS! Industry listings, energyefficient qualifications and environmental qualifications * SAVINGS! Number of LEDs Maximum lumens produced by luminaire Luminaire efficiency (CCT) Correlated Color Temperature Number of drivers and drive current L lus P EDnce s! ADrmaving GRerfo Sa UPED P Cost ADDITIONAL LED LIGHTING RESOURCES Hubbell Outdoor Lighting brands offer additional on-line and printed resources providing information on energy-efficient LED lighting solutions for a variety of outdoor applications from area/site, floodlighting, landscape and low level pedestrian to wallpacks. CASE STUDY AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP DIE-CAST ARCHITECTURAL LUMINAIRE COMPANY: Lee Toyota/Scion Dealership LOCATION: Topsham, Maine Guide to Energy Efficient Lighting Designs ns for Parking Areas PRODUCT: Cimarron LED, Providence LED Lee Toyota of Topsham, Maine recently completed the construction of its auto dealership, specified with industry leading LED fixtures from Spaulding Lighting and Architectural Area Lighting. The project merges energy-efficiency, performance and styling to the automotive dealership market where lighting is critical for display of automobiles, high visibility and attraction of customers. LED RESOURCES: s LED building mount selection guide s LED floodlighting selection guide s Cimarron LED – Guide to energy efficient parking lot lighting designs s Cimarron LED – Auto dealership case study Why were LED fixtures specified for this project? Floodlight Selection Guide uiide The architect, Frank Cushing of F.A. Cushing, Inc. design philosophy was to build a project as environmentally responsible and community friendly as possible. Utilizing LED fixtures for performance and energyefficiency helped achieve his goal. What other types of fixtures were considered for this automotive dealership? At the start of the project, Mr. Cushing’s initial thought was to use a metal halide light source. From their experience it was the only way to achieve the desired light levels in the product display areas. Adam Lee, the dealership owner, directed a ‘green approach’ to all aspects of the site design. With that directive, the site was designed with LED for the reduced power consumption and maintenance costs. Originally the front row of fixtures and poles were specified the same as the interior fixtures. During the planning, the board agreed to change the front row fixtures to the AAL Providence LED in order to match the site lighting at the Municipal Center in Topsham. This maintained the community’s vision for the future of their Main Street. Did the LED fixtures provide the desired performance for automotive dealership lighting? The performance of the LED luminaires and job was quite successful. While the traditional light levels for dealerships remained elusive, the uniformity and distribution of the LED lighting installed was far beyond anything that could have been achieved with HID light sources. In addition to the exceptional uniformity and distribution, the ‘brighter’ higher Kelvin value of the LED and the lack of ambient light from off-site light sources adequately compensated for higher traditional HID illumination levels. (See HID/LED comparison information on reverse side) 0 THE RESULTS 0 0 0 WIDE B EAM MEDIUM BEAM MHS-30LU-M LFS-12LU-M MLED-80LU-W MHS-30LU-W MLED-40LU-W MLED DDL-9L* LAREDO LMC-30L See reverse side for fixture data *EXPRESSLINE LFS-12LU-N PGM3 00 0.0 0...0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.1 0.1 1 0...9 0 9 0..4 0 0.4 4 1.0 0 0.4 0 4 09 0.9 06 0.6 0.9 0 9 0.5 0 .5 0.7 0.7 7 1.1 05 0.5 05 0.5 0.8 0 8 1..1 1 13 1.3 1.3 1.5 1 5 2 2. 2.7 3.1 3.1 1 2.3 2.3 2 2.3 2 3 2.6 2 6 2..8 2. 8 52 5.2 1.8 1 8 1.9 1 9 6..8 8 5 5.0 8.7 7 133 7.1 3.0 2.9 1 1.9 1 1.6 2 2.2 3.1 3.1 3.2 2 2.5 2.1 3.3 7 7.7 7.5 58 43 23 17 27 49 60 51 30 19 22 25 30 1.9 9 1.2 2 25 2.5 2.5 2 5 3.0 53 2.0 1...2 1 2 2.5 2 .5 5 2.3 3 2.3 31 1.8 13 1.3 28 2.8 2 2. 2.2 1.6 . 17 1.9 11 1.1 2.6 1 1.9 1.5 14 1 1.8 11 1.1 1.7 . 1.5 .5 5 1.6 6 15 1. 1.5 1.2 1 2 2.3 2.3 1.7 .7 2. 2.2 1.5 . 1..0 1 0 2.1 2 2. 1 1.2 4 4.6 13 1.3 1.0 1..4 1.4 4 0.8 0 8 1 1.7 4.8 10 7 10 7 3 1 1.1 0.8 0 8 1.5 1 1. 5 08 0.8 1 1.8 2.2 31 1.1 08 0.8 05 0.5 1.4 13 1.1 07 0.7 0.6 6 1.0 0 09 05 0.5 07 0.7 0.5 0.5 5 0.6 06 0.1 0.4 0 4 0.5 0.5 0.1 02 0.0 01 0.1 01 0.1 0.0 LIGHTING L IGHT HT LAREDO LMC-30L-035 RDI TRPC QSP RDIC ALFW-6LU* EUROLUXE NRG-312LU* LAREDO LCC Hubbell Outdoor and Spaulding Lighting offer sustainable solar powered lighting solutions for area/site, roadway, floodlighting, pathway and wall ceiling applications using the most popular luminaires. The available products include: Roadway LED, Cimarron area/site LED, Laramie LFS flood LED, Euroluxe® LED, Laredo LED wallpack and Tempe LED bollards. These solar powered lighting solutions offer an environmentally friendly “clean energy” solution to lighting with the potential benefits of receiving special incentives for renewable projects. WALL WALL/CEILING QSPC LAREDO LNC 7L* LAREDO LNC 5L* Solar power p is an aabundant bundantt source sour sou urce rce ce of o eenergy ne nerg ne erg rg g thatt ccan gy caan nb be e cconverted onverted onve nverted t d directly di tl iinto nto t electricity l t i ity usi using ing g photovoltaics ph t lt i (P (PV). ( V). V)) The Th energy gy off the h sun (solar ( l rradiation) adiation) di i ) is is captured captur captu ed d by b so olar pa anels, nels, els, an array rray ay of solar cells. cells With the adv advancements ancements in solar technology gy coupled solar panels, with the improvements improvements in solid-state solid state lighting, lighti l ing, commercial co ommercial and industrial applications can now realize the benefits of solar powered lighting. lighting Hubbell Lighting is committed to providing innovative and sustainable lighting solutions which offset the rise in energy costs and our impact on the environment. RTP LAREDO LNC 9L* Visit or for the most up-to-date information. SOLAR POWERED LIGHTING FEATURES AND BENEFITS : Solar powered lighting offers an environmentally friendly solution to lighting : Security, navigation and identification lighting for areas where grid tied power may be inaccessable, unreliable or too costly : No trenching : No wires : No electric bills : Funding may exist in certain areas for renewable projects : Solar powered lighting system can be portable Hubbell Lighting is pleased to partner with Solar Electric Power Company (SEPCO) to provide the most energy efficient and sustainable solar lighting solutions in the market. Contact your Hubbell Lighting representative for details. *EXPRESSLINE See reverse side for fixture data 104 PVL3 TRP LAREDO LNC2 18L LAREDO LNC2 12L* 10 - 12 ft MHS-30LU-N Building Mount Mou M oun ntt S Selection electi eelec lecttion ion Guide Gui G Guid uide de 175-250w HID FML-14* FML MLED-80LU-N 70-150w HID FSL-7* MLED-40LU-N EQUILVALENT HID/CFL WATTAGES Solar lighting solutions LFS-12LU-W MLED-80LU-M 26-42w CFL s 00 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 Outdoor tdoor Lighting Architectural Area Lighting Providence LED mounted at 17 ft. XXXTQBVMEJOHMJHIUJOHDPNtXXXBBMOFU3FW ALF-12LU* 2LU* 15 - 20 ft Roadway LED retrofit case study NARROW ROW BEAM BEA B EA AM AM Spaulding Lighting Cimarron LED fixtures, mounted at 26 ft. ALF-6LU* 12 - 15 ft Cimarron LED – TD convention center case study s 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 C1 MLED-40LU-M s 00 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 0 0 0 UP TO 10 ft HUBBELL OUTDOOR LED Products Guide )VCCFMM0VUEPPS4QBVMEJOH-JHIUJOHt.JMMFOOJVN#PVMFWBSEt(SFFOWJMMF 4$t Due to our continued efforts to improve our products, product specifications are subject to change without notice For more information visit our web site: or LED Selection Guides Floodlighting Selection Guide HUBBELL OUTDOOR WIDE BEAM ALF-6LU* MEDIUM BEAM ALF-12LU* MLED-40LU-M LFS-12LU-W FSL-7* MLED-40LU-W MLED-40LU-N MLED-80LU-M MLED-80LU-N FML-14* MHS-30LU-M MHS-30LU-W NARROW BEAM LFS-12LU-M LFS-12LU-N MHS-30LU-N MLED-80LU-W PVL3* PVL PV V 3* TRP RTP RDI QSP 70-150w HID LAR LAREDO AREDO LMC-30L-035 L CLM C-3 C-30 3 EQUILVALENT HID/CFL WATTAGES 10 - 12 ft PGM3* PGM3 PGM GM3* G LAREDO LNC2 18L LAREDO LNC2 12L* UP TO 10 ft LAREDO LMC-30L 175-250w HID DDL DL-9L DL L-9L* -9L 9L L* DDL-9L* LAREDO LLAR AREDO AR DO LNC LN L C 9L* TRPC TRP R C RP RDIC RDI DICC QSPC 26-42w CFL 12 - 15 ft 15 - 20 ft Building Mount Selection Guide LAR LAREDO AREDO ED LNC LN 7L* LN LAR LAREDO AREDO LNC LNC 5L* LA LAR LAREDO A EDO O LCC LCC ALFW-6LU* EUROLUXE NRG 31 NRG-312LU* 312 *EXPRESSLINE PRODUCTS 105 FSL LED FLOOD Decorative Flood FLOODLIGHTING s5LTRA COMPACTSIZEMEASURINGONLYX X s7IDEmOOD.%-!XDISTRIBUTIONFOR general purpose flood and facade lighting s4RADITIONALvX.03THREADEDADJUST able knuckle mounting s 6OPERATION0#VERSION6ONLY s2UGGEDDIE CASTALUMINUMHOUSINGWITH DARKBRONZElNISH s(IGHIMPACT56STABILIZEDACRYLICOUTERLENS protects LEDs and allows for cleaning and debris removal s)0LISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWET locations s&OURCOLORMULTI LANGUAGEMERCHANDISING carton with application details s6ISORANDVANDALSHIELDAVAILABLE s6ENTEDHOUSINGISOLATES,%$MODULEFROM DRIVERMAXIMIZINGPRODUCTLIFEAND performance ORDERING INFORMATION Mount Beam Pattern Wattage Drive Current Voltage Color Temperature Lumens LPW Weight lbs. (kg) FSL-7 THREAD Wide 26.5 1050mA 120-277V 5100K 2040 77 6 (2.7) FSL-7-PC1 THREAD Wide 26.5 1050mA 120V 5100K 2040 77 6 (2.7) Catalog Number PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Series Number 82ING%S! FSL-7 82ING%S! FSL-7-PC1 SAV SAV * * MH HPS CFL Delivered Lumens System Watts Lumens Per Watt Max Candle Power Beam Pattern CCT Voltage Drivers/ Current 100w 100w 42w 2040 26.5 77 1450 Wide 5100K 120-277V 1@1050mA ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number Description Polycarbonate shield/lens (Replaces existing acrylic lens) FSL-SPC Top/Bottom visor (Tap holes in lens frame for field installation) FSL-VISOR DIMENSIONS B A 106 C A v 114 mm B v 190 mm C v 102 mm LED FLOOD FML Decorative Flood s(IGHIMPACT56STABILIZEDACRYLICOUTERLENS protects LEDs and allows for cleaning and debris removal s)0LISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWET locations s&OURCOLORMULTI LANGUAGEMERCHANDISING carton with application details s6ISORANDVANDALSHIELDAVAILABLE s6ENTEDHOUSINGISOLATES,%$MODULEFROM DRIVERMAXIMIZINGPRODUCTLIFEAND performance FLOODLIGHTING s#OMPACTSIZEMEASURINGONLYX X s7IDEmOOD.%-!XDISTRIBUTIONFOR general purpose flood and facade lighting s4RADITIONALvX.03THREADEDADJUST able knuckle mounting s 6OPERATION0#VERSION6ONLY s2UGGEDDIE CASTALUMINUMHOUSINGWITH DARKBRONZElNISH ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number Mount Beam Pattern Wattage Drive Current Voltage Color Temperature Lumens LPW Weight lbs. (kg) FML-14 THREAD Wide 53 1050mA 120-277V 5100K 4285 81 8.5 (3.8) FML-14-PC1 THREAD Wide 53 1050mA 120V 5100K 4285 81 8.5 (3.8) PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Series Number % 8% 78 INGS! FML-14 % 8% 78 INGS! FML-14-PC1 SAV SAV * * MH HPS CFL Delivered Lumens System Watts Lumens Per Watt Max Candle Power Beam Pattern CCT Voltage Drivers/ Current 150w 150w 2x42w 4285 53 81 2805 Wide 5100K 120-277V 1@1050mA ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number Description Polycarbonate shield/lens (Replaces existing acrylic lens) FML-SPC Top/Bottom visor (Tap holes in lens frame to field install) FML-VISOR DIMENSIONS B A C A v 169 mm B v 244 mm C v 115 mm 107 MHS Miniliter® LED Series Energy-efficient LED floodlight for sign, facade, area, accent and general security lighting s Up to 97 LPW, 3000K, 4200K, and 5100K CCT s3ILICONELENSDOORGASKETPROVIDESPOSITIVE seal s%LECTRONICDRIVERWSYSTEM!-03MAX 6(Z 6DIMMING s&LATGLASSLENSPROTECTS,%$SANDALLOWS debris removal s Steel yoke (MHS-Y) with three-hole pattern allows versatile mounting s#ASTALUMINUMknuckle (MHS-K) slip-fits v/$TENONSPIPEprovides concealed wiring for appearance and safety sListed to UL 1598 for use in wet locations s5NITSMEET!22!LEVEL FLOODLIGHTING s Die-cast aluminum housing and door, rugged, corrosion resistant and compact s4EMPEREDIMPACTRESISTANTGLASSLENS s4OOL FREEENTRYFOREASYMAINTENANCEnTWIN stainless steel latches s0ROTECTIVEDARKBRONZEPOWDERPAINTFINISH s%FFECTIVE0ROJECTED!REA%0! ISSQFT s30 high powered LEDs deliver up to 6800 lumens at 700mA sDifferent lenses offer a variety of beam spreads – N (2x2), M (4x4), RM (5x3) and W (6x6) s 10KA surge protection included MHS YOKE MOUNT ORDERING INFORMATION MHS FAMILY MHS 30L MOUNTING # LEDS VOLTAGE Y Yoke 30L U 120V-277V 3K1 3000K, 1 120V 4K1 4200K, 80 CRI M 4x4 2 208V 70 CRI 5K1 5100K, 67 CRI RM 5x3 K Knuckle 3 240V CCT BEAM N DRIVE CURRENT 2x2 FIXTURE COLOR BLANK 700mA BZ "RONZE BL Black WH White W 6x6 GR Gray 4 277V PL Platinum CC Custom 1 Nominal CCT Color PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Series Number Equivalency PC PC(X) Photo Control (replace X with voltage: 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V, 5-480V, 6-347V) OPTIONS F(X) Fusing (replace X with voltage: 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V, 5-480V, 6-347V) System Watts Lumens Per Watt Max Candle Power Beam Pattern Voltage HPS Delivered Lumens CCT MH Drivers/ Current % 1% 71 INGS! * MHS-X-30LU-3K-N 250w 250w 4500 71 64 34958 2X2 3000K 120-277V 1@700mA 71% MHS-X-30LU-3K-M 250w 250w 4632 71 65 19018 4X4 3000K 120-277V 1@700mA % 1% 71 INGS! * MHS-X-30LU3K-RM 250w 250w 4079 71 58 7146 5X3 3000K 120-277V 1@700mA 71% MHS-X-30LU-3K-W 250w 250w 4468 71 63 3755 6X6 3000K 120-277V 1@700mA % 1% 71 INGS! * MHS-X-30LU-4K-N 250w 250w 5530 71 79 43674 2X2 4200K 120-277V 1@700mA 71% MHS-X-30LU-4K-M 250w 250w 5996 71 93 23391 4X4 4200K 120-277V 1@700mA 71ING%S! MHS-X-30LU-4K-RM 250w 250w 5163 71 74 9514 5X3 4200K 120-277V 1@700mA 71% MHS-X-30LU-4K-W 250w 250w 5792 71 82 4538 6X6 4200K 120-277V 1@700mA 77% MHS-X-30LU-5K-N 250w 250w 6045 71 85 45341 2X2 5100K 120-277V 1@700mA 77ING%S! MHS-X-30LU-5K-M 250w 250w 6798 71 96 59331 4X4 5100K 120-277V 1@700mA 77% MHS-X-30LU-5K-RM 250w 250w 5575 71 79 9246 5X3 5100K 120-277V 1@700mA 77% MHS-X-30LU-5K-W 250w 250w 6164 71 87 4559 6X6 5100K 120-277V 1@700mA SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! SAV * * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! DIMENSIONS Weight A B C D E F G H I v v v v v v v v v 20 lbs. 165 mm 368 mm 305 mm 251 mm 413 mm 79 mm 14 mm 22 mm 432 mm (9.1) kgs. B E D C A I G H F 108 MHS KNUCKLE MOUNT MHS YOKE MOUNT MLED Magnuliter LED Floodlights The family includes two LED assemblies, an 80 LED engine that produces a nominal 11,000 lumens and a 40 LED engine with 5,500 lumens. Each engine is featured with three NEMA beam spreads (3x3, 5x5, 7x7) TOALLOWTHEBESTUTILIZATIONOFTHELUMENS and reduce spill light. The light engine is protected from the elements by the sealed tempered molded glass outer lens. s ,%$DRIVERSAREUNIVERSAL 6 (Z s,%$mOODSW 6 s,%$mOODSW 6 s4HELENSDOORISSEALEDWITHFOURSTAINLESS steel screws and features a convex molded glass protective lens sealed with silicone gaskets MLED-80LU-5K-N s!HEAVYGAUGESTEELFULLYOKEWITHAIMING angle increments provided along with locking washers and stars for vibration resistance MLED-80LU-5K-W IP65 MLED-80LU-5K-M s ,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS IP65 rated ORDERING INFORMATION MLED U SERIES NUMBER OF LEDS VOLTAGE MLED Magnuliter 40L 40 LEDs U 120-277V LED Series 80L 80 LEDs 5K CCT 5K 4800K nominal BEAM SPREAD FINISH OPTIONS W Wide 7x7 Standard PRU Photocontrol M Medium 5x5 BZ "RONZE N Narrow 3x3 Optional BL Black receptacle 120-277V SP Surge protection GR Gray PERFORMANCE INFORMATION WH White Equivalency System Watts Lumens Per Watt Max Candle Power Beam Pattern Voltage HPS Delivered Lumens CCT MH Drivers/ Current * SAVINGS! 58% MLED-40LU-W 250w 250w 5,326 106 50 1,938 7X7 4800K 120-277V 1@625mA 48% MLED-80LU-W 400w 400w 9,874 176 55 3,585 7X7 4800K 120-277V 2@525mA 58% MLED-40LU-M 250w 250w 6,731 107 59 9,531 5X5 4800K 120-277V 1@625mA 48% MLED-80LU-M 400w 400w 11,226 178 62 17,648 5X5 4800K 120-277V 2@525mA 58% MLED-40LU-N 250w 250w 6,469 107 60 36,306 3X3 4800K 120-277V 1@625mA 48% MLED-80LU-N 400w 400w 11,532 179 64 61,540 3X3 4800K 120-277V 2@525mA Series Number * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number Description v/$SLIPlTTERFORYOKEUNITSn"RONZE 4024C (EAVY DUTYCASTIRONCROSSARMlTTINGFORHORIZONTALTRUNNION"RONZE,EKTROCOTE 4090 DIMENSIONS A B D C A 406 mm B 476 mm C 108 mm D EPA Weight 2.0 ft² 20 lbs. 534 mm 0.06 m² 9.09 kg 109 FLOODLIGHTING The MLED family is a large area LED floodlight designed to provide multiple NEMA DISTRIBUTIONSFORBESTBEAMUTILIZATIONON your application. Typical uses are area lighting for safety and security, build façade illumination, flag lighting, large sign or statuary accent. Laramie LFS Compact Decorative Flood FLOODLIGHTING The LFS Series is the wide, uniform beam lighting solution for sign, façade and general lighting of smaller areas. The die-cast construction is not only rugged but has new styling that matches the larger Laramie 400 and other fixtures. powder paint system is baked on for long life and minimum color change due to UV exposure. Button photocontrols for dusk-to-dawn energy savings. sSWIVELKNUCKLEALLOWSUNIVERSAL AIMINGFROMSTANDARDJUNCTIONBOXESAND adapeters s ,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS These LED systems allow the designer a wide range in lumen, energy and maintenance considerations. ,%$DISTRIBUTIONSPROVIDEOPTIMIZEDLIGHTING solution options. s530ATENT.O Cataloged in five standard finishes, the LFS fixture can be ordered to blend or contrast with most architectural elements. The Lektrocote ORDERING INFORMATION LFS 12 SERIES 5K NUMBER OF LEDS/VOLTAGE LFS Laramie LED COLOR BEAM 5K 5000K 12 12 LEDs, Universal voltage 120-277V Flood Small OPTIONS FINISH W 6x6 M 4x4 BZ "RONZE P(1) 120V button photocontrol BL Black P(2)1 208V button photocontrol N 1x1 GR Gray P(3)1 240V button photocontrol WH White P(4)1 277V button photocontrol 1 P(6) 347V button photocontrol PS Platinum #HANGE,5TO,FOR6,FOR6 12L3 for 240V or 12L4 for 277V PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency CFL System Watts Lumens Per Watt Max Candle Power Beam Pattern Voltage HPS Delivered Lumens CCT MH Drivers/ Current * SAVINGS! 81% LFS-12LU-W 70w 70w 26w 937 13 72 494 6X6 5000K 120-277V 1@700mA 81% LFS-12LU-M 70w 70w – 948 13 72 2,001 4X4 5000K 120-277V 1@700mA 81% LFS-12LU-N 70w 70w – 961 13 73 28,939 1X1 5000K 120-277V 1@700mA Series Number * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! REPLACEMENT PARTS ACCESSORIES - Order Separately, Field Installed Catalog Number 1031-3 LFP-JB-BZ LFS-SPC LFS-GS MIC-TB NM-BC PBT-1 PBT-234 S-302-M51 S-302-M52 S-302 S329B Description 0ORTABLESPIKEWITHvTOPHUBANDFTCORDSETPLATINUMGRAYlNISH 2OUNDPOLE SIDEJUNCTIONBOXWITHHARDWAREvCOVERANDBOTTOMHUBBRONZE Polycarbonate shield Glare shield, black (ALFYOKEWIRINGBOXBRONZE Non-metallic box and cover burial box with cable connectors Button photocontrol 120V Button photocontrol 208, 240, 277V vPIPEv/$ SLIP lTTERWITHvTOPHUBFOR,&3,&0BRONZE vPIPEv/$ SLIP lTTERWITHvTOPHUBFOR,&3,&0WHITE vPIPEv/$ SLIP lTTERWITHvTOPHUBFOR,&3,&0PLATINUMGRAY 7ETLOCATIONSURFACEBOXWITHCOVER SIDEAND COVERvHUBNATALUM DIMENSIONS A A v LFS 260 mm B v 165 mm C v 203 mm D v 102 mm E v 63.5 C Catalog Number 93004823 207-5011-0264 Typical weight: 12 lbs. EPA: 0.7 sq.ft. B D E 110 Description Replacement lens "RONZEKNUCKLE ALF Architectural LED Floodlight/Wall Mount s 5NIVERSALVOLTAGEDRIVERIS 6 (ZWITHORINPUTWATTS s 4EMPEREDANDIMPACTRESISTANTGLASSLENS with decorative silk screen seals to housing with silicone gaskets s $ARKBRONZEPOWDERPAINTFINISH provides durable and lasting appearance s 3IXOR4WELVEW,%$SPRODUCEOR 1655 lumens at 5100K s7IDEDEGREELATERALSPREADCOVERS three times the set back distance with uniform light s,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS FLOODLIGHTING sALF is excellent for small floodlighting applications such as signs, façade, land scape accent or small area illumination s 4HECOMPACTLOWPROFILESIZEALLOWSTHE flood to be easily hidden or blend into the landscape environment. s+NUCKLEMOUNT5NIVERSALvSWIVEL knuckle has serrated teeth for sure aiming s7ALLMOUNT#ASTALUMINUMCOVERQUICK mount plate and universal adapter allows EASYINSTALLATIONTOORvSTANDARD JUNCTIONBOXES4ILTFORINCREASEDFOWARD throw ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number 1 Wattage Voltage1 Number of LEDs Lumens TM-21-11 L70 Kelvin Weight lbs. (kg) ALF-6LU-5K-BZ 10.7w 6 1/2" Knuckle Mount 120-277V 905 60,000hrs 5100K 4.0 (1.8) ALF-12LU-5K-BZ 21.5w 12 120-277V 1910 60,000hrs 5100K 8.0 (3.6) Wall Mount 120-277V 905 60,000hrs 5100K 4.5 (2.0) 905 60,000hrs 5100K 4.5 (2.0) ALFW-6LU-5K-BZ 10.7w 6 ALFW-6LU-5K-BZ-PC 10.7w 6 120V Unit should not be used above 240V in Canada PERFORMANCE INFORMATION – ALF 6 & 12 FLOODS Equivalency CFL System Watts Lumens Per Watt Max Candle Power Beam Pattern Voltage HPS Delivered Lumens CCT MH Drivers/ Current Series Number * SAVINGS! 85% ALF-6LU 70w 70w 26w 905 10.7 85 621 6X5 5100K 120-277V 1@470mA 80% ALF-12LU 100w 100w 42w 1910 21.5 89 1208 6X5 5100K 120-277V 2@470mA * SAVINGS! PERFORMANCE INFORMATION – ALF 6 WALLMOUNT Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height MH Drivers/ Current 70w 70w 26w 905 10.7 89 Up to 10 ft. 5100K 120-277V 1@470mA Series Number 58% * SAVINGS! ALFW-6LU DIMENSIONS B B A A B A D D C C C A 305/609.6 mm B 89 mm C 38 mm D D 89 mm A 139 mm B 165 mm C 28 mm D 54 mm 111 309 LED Lampholder FLOODLIGHTING s$ECORATIVEDARKBRONZElNISH sW NOMINALLUMENS sDie-cast aluminum housing sTempered glass lens s,ARGEvSWIVELKNUCKLEUNIVERSALAIM s120-277V operation sCSA certified to UL 1598, CSA 22.2 No. 250.0-00, Suitable for wet locations sDeep shield, wire guard accessories available s+COLORTEMPERATURE s5SES!&&LOWERKNUCKLE ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number Description Finish Weight lbs. (kg) LED - Wet Location Listed - Universal Aiming LED bullet flood "RONZE 30910LEDML 5 (2.2) PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Series Number 70% 30910LEDML * SAVINGS! MH HPS CFL 50w – 26w Delivered Lumens System Watts Lumens Per Watt Beam Pattern CCT Voltage Drivers/ Current 255 14.9 17 5X5 3500K 120-277V 1@350mA DIMENSIONS C B A v 127 mm A 112 B v 251 mm C v 136 mm Photocontrols ORDERING INFORMATION Voltage Max. Watts Incand. 1200 1200 400 400 250 250 .125 (0.1) .125 (0.1) PTA-16 PTA-86 PTA-56 Photocontrol - 1/2” Thread Mount2 120 120-277 480 2000 2000 2000 1000 1000 1000 400 400 400 .25 (0.1) .25 (0.1) .25 (0.1) PTL-16 Photocontrol - Twist-Lock® Cell3 120 1800 1000 400 .25 (0.1) PTL-86 120-277 1800 1000 400 .25 (0.1) PTL-5 480 1800 1000 400 .25 (0.1) PTL-66 347 1800 1000 400 .25 (0.1) 1800 1000 400 .5 (0.2) ® 2 3 4 5 6 Weight lbs. (kg) Photocontrol - Button Type1 120 208/240/277 PBT-16 PBT-2346 1 Max. Watts HID HPF NPF FLOODLIGHTING Catalog Number 4 PRR Receptacle - Remote Twist-Lock Cell with Bracket 120-480 PSC Shorting Cap - Twist-Lock® Mount5 Completes circuit - Eliminates PCR .25 (0.1) -INIATUREPHOTOCONTROLSEALEDINASTURDYPLASTICHOUSINGvXvXvWITHvNIPPLELENGTHNIPPLEDIAISPIPETHREADnOUTSIDEDIAMETER lTSTAPPEDHUBS5SEINANYSUITABLEENCLOSEDBOXORLUMINAIRE!GASKETANDLOCKNUTPROVIDEWEATHERTIGHTSEALATEXITPOINT 7EATHERPROOFPHOTOCONTROLINAPOLYCARBONATEHOUSINGWITHlELDADJUSTABLELIGHTSENSITIVITYLEVELFEATUREvXvXvHOUSINGWITHvNIPPLELENGTH 7EATHERPROOF4WIST ,OCKPHOTOCELLENCLOSEDINAHIGHBUTYRATEPROTECTIVEHOUSING-EETS%%) .%-!STANDARDS&ORUSEWITH4WIST ,OCKRECEPTACLES0#2 2EMOTERECEPTACLEFOR04,4WIST ,OCKCELL)NCLUDESALUMINUMANGLEBRACKETANDCOLORCODEDLEADS"OLTSTOWOODPOLESCROSSARMSWALLSORANYmATSURFACE 7EATHERPROOFSHORTINGCAPTOCOMPLETECIRCUITANDALLOWlXTURETOOPERATEWHEN4WIST ,OCKPHOTOCONTROL04, ISNOTUSED&ORUSEWITH 4WIST ,OCKRECEPTACLES0#2 CSA certified 113 Mounting Accessories Accessories: Trunnion Mount Fittings ORDERING INFORMATION FLOODLIGHTING Catalog Number HID Floodlights 3TEELSLIPlTTERFORPIPE/$YOKEMOUNTBRONZElNISH Also available in gray: 4024CM53, black: 4024CM50ANDGALVANIZED4024CM38 (consult factory for adders) (EAVY DUTYCASTIRONCROSSARMlTTINGFORHORIZONTALTRUNNION"RONZE,EKTROCOTE 3AFETYRETAINERCOMPLETEWITHCRIMPCLAMPANDLONGSTRANDEDMETALCABLE 4024C 4090 LR-301 1 Weight lbs. (kg) Description 4 (1.8) 3 (1.4) .3 (0.1) For yoke (trunnion) mounted units only A B 4090 B vDIA 14 mm C vSLOT 8 mm D vDIA 21 mm D C 4024C A v 79 mm 4090 LR-30 Accessories: Wall and Pole Mount Brackets ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number 4040 4041 241-C-XX TWK-11 TCB-1 TCB-2 TCB-3 TPR-21 TPR-32 TPR-43 Note: 1 2 3 Description For Use With Crossarm Fittings (EAVY DUTYSTEELWALLPOLEBRACKETBRONZE,EKTROCOTE For Use With Slipfitter Fittings (EAVY DUTYSTEELWALLPOLEBRACKETPIPE/$ TENONlTTINGFORUSEWITHSLIPlTTERUNITS OR#BRONZE,EKTROCOTE Flat surface bracket - 900 HORNSTEEL/$ 7ALLBRACKETWITHSPLICECOMPARTMENTFORTHRU WIRINGWITHPIPE/$ TENON 7OODPOLECLAMPONBRACKETWITHPIPE/$ TENON#LAMPSTODIAMETER 7OODPOLECLAMPONBRACKETWITHPIPE/$ TENON4WOTENONSATªCLAMPSTO DIAMETER 7OODPOLECLAMPONBRACKETWITHPIPE/$ TENON4HREETENONSATªCLAMPSTO DIAMETER Tenon Reducers TOPIPESIZETENONREDUCER TOPIPESIZETENONREDUCER TOPIPESIZETENONREDUCER Weight lbs. (kg) Maximum Loading Weight 5.5 (2.5) 90 (40.8) 7 (3.2) 90 (40.8) 16 (7.3) 15 (6.8) 16 (7.3) 70 (30.7) 90 (40.8) 70 (31.7) 20 (9.1) 140 (63.4) 28 (12.7) 210 (95.1) 6 (2.7) 8 (3.6) 9 (4.1) 105 (47.6) 105 (47.6) 105 (47.6) "RONZECOLORSTANDARDFOROTHERCOLORSADDSUFlXTOCATALOGNUMBER -BLACKlNISH -WHITElNISH -GRAYlNISH "RACKET)$ "RACKET)$ "RACKET)$ 12" 23/8" OD 6.75" sq. D B 11" 8" (152 mm) B 241-C C A A C 4040 C 4040/4041 114 A v 210 mm TCB-2 TCB-1 TWK-11 4041 B v 241 mm C v 279 mm D v 203 mm E vDIA 17 mm TCB-3 TPR Mounting Accessories Accessories: Steel Bullhorns 3TEELhBULLHORNvmOODLIGHTBRACKETS&IXTUREMOUNTINGPIPEORTENONSARE3/8/$ANDBRACKETSMOUNTON3/8/$POLETENONS Stainless steel set screws and thru-bolts included. Finishes as shown below. FLOODLIGHTING ORDERING INFORMATION Maximum Loading Fixture Qty. Weight lbs (kg) 2 210 (95.3) 2 210 (95.3) 3 315 (142.9) 3 315 (142.9) 4 420 (190.5) 4 420 (190.5) Catalog Number THB-21 THB-21-M53 THB-31 THB-32 THB-41 THB-43 Description 4WOTENONSATª 4WOTENONSATª 4HREETENONSATª 4HREETENONSATª &OURTENONSATª &OURTENONSATª B Weight lbs. (kg) 17 (7.7) 17 (7.7) 30 (13.6) 23 (10.4) 43 (19.5) 29 (13.1) Finish "RONZE Gray "RONZE "RONZE "RONZE "RONZE EPA ft² (m²) .9 (0.1) .9 (0.1) 1.5 (0.1) 1.2 (0.1) 2.2 (0.2) 1.3 (0.1) C (arm - arm) B B B A A THB-21 THB-31 B A (ht) THB-43 (ar D marm B ) A v 431 mm A A (ht) THB-41 THB-32 B v 762 mm C v 539 mm D v 660 mm Accessories: Square Steel Brackets (Project finishes available) $ECORATIVESTEELmOODLIGHTBRACKETSSQUARETUBINGWITH3/8/$lXTURETENONS3QUAREBOTTOMWITH1/2)$INTERNALADAPTERFOR standard round tenons. Available in multiple finishes as shown. Use with SSS series poles. Catalog Number Description 4WINª 4RIPLEª 1UADª 1UADª SSB-21-M51 SSB-31-M51 SSB-41-M51 SSB-43-M51 Note: Maximum Weight Per Tenon lbs. (kg) 60 (27.2) 60 (27.2) 60 (27.2) 60 (27.2) ft² 1.2 2.3 3.4 2.8 EPA (m²) (0.1) (0.2) (0.3) (0.3) Weight lbs. (kg) 24 (10.9) 44 (19.9) 64 (29) 46 (20.8) Bronze color standard, for others, add suffix to catalog number: -M50 - Black finish; -M52 - White finish; -M53 - Gray finish. A A B C SSB-21 SSB-31 A v 610 mm B v 762 mm C v 1372 mm D v 1981 mm E v 762 mm E A D SSB-41 SSB-43 115 Laredo LNC WA L L PAC K S Compact LED Wallpack LNC-5LU The compact Laredo LED LNC is designed for perimeter illumination, available in 3 lumen packages for safety, security and identity. 4HISCOMPACTlXTUREHASZEROUPLIGHT neighbor friendly. Typical mounting height up to 12 feet with 40ft fixture spacing (without acrylic diffuser) and 30ft spacing with acrylic diffuser installed. Photocontrol option is available. LNC-7LU APPLICATIONS Zero uplight, IDA compliant entry/perimeter lighting. Listed to UL1598 for use in wet locations. Features long-life (60,000hr L90 rated) high CRI 5000K LEDs, quick mount adapter and designed for both recessed box or surface conduit wiring. DesignLights Consortium (DLC) qualified. Additional CCT/CRI options available in the larger lumen packages. LNC-9LU s)%30ROGRESS!WARD7INNER LED Product Partner ORDERING INFORMATION - LNC 5L LNC-5LU-5K 12.6w 5 120-277V 967 TM-21-11 L702 60,000hrs 5000K WEIGHT LBS. (KG) 4.0 (1.8) LNC-5LU-5K-PC 12.6w 5 120V 967 60,000hrs 5000K 4.0 (1.8) IES DISTRIBUTION FINISH CATALOG NUMBER 1 2 WATTAGE NUMBER OF LEDS VOLTAGE LUMENS1 CCT Type III distribution. When using acrylic diffuser accessory lumen output is 650 with increased uniformity 0ROJECTEDPER)%3.!4- ORDERING INFORMATION - LNC 7L/9L LNC SERIES NUMBER OF LEDS/SOURCE/VOLTAGE 7LU 7 LEDs, Universal voltage LNC Laredo 120-277V Cut-off CCT 3K 3000K nominal, 80 CRI 9LU 9 LEDs, Universal voltage 4K 4200K nominal, 120-277V 3 Type III 1 "RONZE 4 Type IV 2 Black OPTIONS PC(X)1 Button photo- 3 Gray 70 CRI 4 White 5K 5000K nominal, 67 CRI 5 Platinum control, replace X with voltage, specify 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V AM Amber (590 μm available for “Turtle &RIENDLYvOBSERVATORY APPLICATIONS consult factory 2 1 2 When PC is ordered, input must match PC voltage Amber LEDs are 035mA drive current PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height MH Drivers/ Current Series Number * SAVINGS! 85% LNC-5L 50w 50w 42w 967 12.8 75.5 up to 10 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@700mA 85% LNC-7L 70w 70w 42w 1,389 16.4 80 up to 11 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@700mA 85% LNC-9L 100w 100w 42w 1,745 21.9 80 10-12 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@700mA * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! DIMENSIONS A D B 116 C A 122 mm B 39 mm C 209 mm D 133 mm Laredo LNC2 Compact LED Wallpack APPLICATIONS Zero uplight, IDA compliant entry/perimeter lighting. Listed to UL1598 for use in wet locations. Features long-life (60,000hr L96 rated), high CRI, 3000K, 4200K, and 5100K LEDs. Single SKU designed for both recessed box or surface conduit wiring, includes quick-mount adapter for ease of installation. DesignLights Consortium (DLC) qualified. Acrylic diffuser softens high angle output for use at entrances or pedestrian pathways. WA L L PAC K S The compact Laredo LED LNC2 is designed for perimeter illumination for safety, security and identity. Slightly larger than the LNC, the Laredo LNC2 has greater lumens and increased performance. The LNC2 achieves up to 85% energy savings over traditional metal halide. This compact fixture has no uplight and is neighbor friendly with typical mounting height up to 15 feet and 60ft fixture spacing (without acrylic diffuser) and 40ft spacing with acrylic diffuser installed. Fixtures have protective polyester finish in four color choices. LNC2-12LU LNC2-18LU s)%30ROGRESS!WARD7INNER LED Product Partner ORDERING INFORMATION LNC2 SERIES LNC2 Laredo NUMBER OF LEDS/SOURCE/VOLTAGE 12LU 12 LEDs, Universal voltage 120-277V LNC2 CCT IES DISTRIBUTION 3K 3000K nominal 80 CRI 18LU2 18 LEDs, Universal 1 "RONZE 4 Type IV 2 Black OPTIONS PC(X)1 Button photo- 3 Gray 4K 4200K nominal voltage 120-277V FINISH 3 Type III 70 CRI 4 White 5K 5100K nominal 5 Platinum control, replace X with voltage, specify 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V 67 CRI AM2 Amber (590 μm available for “Turtle FriendLYvOBSERVATORY applications, M!CONSULT factory 1 When PC is ordered, input must match PC voltage 2 Amber LEDs only available on 18LU configurations, 350 mA only. Universal Voltage 120V-277V PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height MH Drivers/ Current 80% LNC2-12LU-5K-3-1 150w 150w 2x42w 2,420 28.6 85 Up to 15 ft. 5100K 120-277V 1@700mA 85% LNC2-18LU-5K-3-1 150w+ 150w+ 2x42w+ 3,311 42.3 78 Up to 15 ft. 5100K 120-277V 2@700mA Series Number * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! DIMENSIONS A C D A B C D 158.7 mm 40.2 mm 260.4 mm 142.2 mm Weight 7.0 lbs. 3.2 kg B 117 Laredo LCC Compact Wallpack WA L L PAC K S The compact Laredo is designed for entrance and single story perimeter lighting, 6-12 foot applications. Energy-saving LED featuring die-cast aluminum housing and door. Protective lens is tempered glass. All units have no uplight and are IDA compliant, neighbor friendly, so light trespass and glare will not be an issue after installation. APPLICATIONS Zero uplight, IDA compliant entry or perimeter lighting. Listed to UL1598 for use in wet locations. s&EATURESEXCLUSIVEWI(5""TECHNOLOGY - Wireless system for On/Off and 0-10VDC full range dimming control - Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING INFORMATION LCC 12LU 5K NUMBER OF LEDS/VOLTAGE SERIES CCT 12LU 12 LEDs, Universal voltage LCC Laredo 1 "RONZE 5K 5000K nominal, 67 CRI 6(Z Compact Cut-off OPTIONS FINISH PHOTOCONTROL 2 Black PC1 120V button photocontrol 3 Gray PC2 208V button photocontrol 4 White PC3 240V button photocontrol 5 Platinum PC4 277V button photocontrol WIH1 In fixture wireless control module 1 Consult factory for availability PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height MH Drivers/ Current 50w 50w 42w 820 12.4 65 Up to 10 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@350mA Series Number 82% LCC-12LU-5K * SAVINGS! ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number LCC-SPC PBT-1 PBT-2341 PTA-1 PTA-8 REPLACEMENT PARTS Description Polycarbonate shield 120V button photocontrol 208/240/277V button photocontrol External 120V photocontrol (use for 70w) External 120-277V photocontrol (use for 70w) Catalog Number 93012460 DIMENSIONS A B C 118 A v 229 mm B v 241 mm C v 183 mm Description Replacement lens all others Laredo LMC Medium-Size Medium Size Wal Wallpack ,AREDO,%$MEDIUMSIZEWALLPACKOFFERSBOTH wide spacing and excellent uniformity. The 30 LED unit is available in lumen packages ideal for MOUNTINGHEIGHTSFROMTOFEETPROVIDING spacings of up to five times the mounting height. The 30 LED unit is available in a wide Type III or forward throw Type IV beam. The fixture is constructed of durable die-cast aluminum housing and door. The Laredo features a quick-mount adapter that allows installation without ever opening the fixture. Save on installation time, fixture maintenance and energy! WA L L PAC K S LMC-30LU Egress Wallpack: Designed to meet strict 1fc minimum requirements. At 12ft mounting height 1fc covers 16x16ft area, well beyond the 10x10ft standard. 43.5w - 350mA drives 30LEDs at 2700 lumens at full power/ 2046 average lumens in battery mode. Outer clear impact resistant glass lens protects LED lenses. No uplight, external test button quick mount, wet location listed. APPLICATIONS Zero uplight, IDA compliant perimeter lighting. Listed to UL1598 for use in wet locations when mounted aimed down. LED Product Partner ORDERING INFORMATION - STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS LMC SERIES LMC Laredo Medium Cut-off NUMBER OF LEDS/SOURCE/VOLTAGE CCT 30LU 30 LEDs, Universal voltage 120-277V 30LF 30 LEDs, 347V 4K 4200K nominal, 70 CRI IES DISTRIBUTION 3 Type III DRIVE CURRENT BLANK Std. is 700mA 4 Type IV 5K 5100K 035 350mA nominal, 67 CRI 1 PC(X) Replace X with 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V FINISH 1 "RONZE 2 Black OPTIONS PC(X)1 Photocontrol WIH In fixture wireless control module 3 Gray 4 White 5 Platinum PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency MH HPS CFL Delivered Lumens System Watts Lumens Per Watt Mounting Height CCT Voltage Drivers/ Current 71% LLMC-30L 250w 250w 2x42w+ 6,023 71.7 84 15-18 ft. 5100K 120-277V 2@700mA 77% LMC-30L-035 150w+ 150w+ 2x42w+ 3,448 35.4 97.4 12-15 ft. 5100K 120-277V 1@350mA Series Number * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number LMC-SPC PBT-1 PBT-234 Description Polycarbonate shield 120V button photocontrol 208/240/277V button photocontrol ORDERING INFORMATION - EGRESS LAREDO LMC LMC SERIES LMC Laredo Medium Cut-off 30LU NUMBER OF LEDS/SOURCE/VOLTAGE 30LU 30 LEDs, Universal voltage 120-277V 3 CCT 035 IES DISTRIBUTION 4K 4200K 3 Type III nominal DRIVE CURRENT 1 "RONZE 035 350mA 2 Black 5K 5100K FINISH 3 Gray nominal 4 White 5 Platinum A LMC-30LU BBU/BOC B A 406 mm OPTIONS BBU2772 Intergral battery for 120277V, rated for -20˚ C ambient B0C2772 Intergral battery for 120277V, rated for 0˚ C ambient PC(X)2 Photocontrol B 308 mm C 229 mm C 2 2,046 lumens at 10w for 5K CCT in battery mode 119 QSPC/TRPC/RDIC WA L L PAC K S Compact Architectural Sconces s #OMPACT'EOMETRICWALL sconce series – QSP, TRP, RDI s ,%$WLUMEN+ energy saving system, universal voltage 6(Z s 0ROVIDESEXCELLENTILLUMINATIONAND uniformity s :EROUPLIGHTDARKSKYNEIGHBORFRIENDLY s 2$)#HASREMOVABLEINTERNALPANELALLOWing conversion to up/down output s $URABLEDIE CASTALUMINUMCONSTRUCTION TRPC QSPC RDIC s "RONZEPOWDERCOATSTANDARDlNISHES s ,%$HASCONTROLLEDOPTICSWITHPROTECTIVE tempered glass outer lens for uniform distribution s ,AMPSINCLUDED s 1UICK MOUNTADAPTERFOREASYINSTALLATION on recessed J-boxes s ,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS ORDERING INFORMATION 13LU-5K SERIES BZ #LEDS/SOURCE/VOLTAGE 13LU-5K 13 LEDs, 120-277V QSPC Quarter FINISH1 BZ "RONZE Sphere Compact Wallpack TRPC 4RAPEZOID Compact Wallpack RDIC Radius Compact Wallpack !VAILABLEIN"RONZElNISHONLY PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height MH Drivers/ Current * SAVINGS! 67% QQSPC-13LU-5K 50w 50w 42w 1,184 23 51 10-12 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@470mA 67% RRDIC-13LU-5K 50w 50w 42w 1,184 23 51 10-12 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@470mA 67% TTRPC-13LU-5K 50w 50w 42w 1,184 23 51 10-12 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@470mA Series Number * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! DIMENSIONS QSPC TRPC 6.69" (170 mm) 6.25" (158 mm) 7.25" (184 mm) 120 RDIC 12.875" (327 mm) 6.25" (158 mm) 7.875" (200 mm) 11.375" (288 mm) 8.25" (209 mm) 11.375" (288 mm) TRP/QSP/TRP/RDI Architectural Wallpacks s 1UICK MOUNTADAPTERFORJ BOXESAND integral bubble level for easy installation s ,%$COLORTEMPERATURENOMINAL s ,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWET locations s:EROUPLIGHTDARKSKYNEIGHBOR friendly s&IVEYEARLIMITEDWARRANTY TRP QSP RDI RTP WA A L L PAC K S s !RCHITECTURALWALLPACKINFOURSTYLISH shapes with contours to accentuate building architecture s 0ROVIDESEXCELLENTILLUMINATIONAND uniformity s $URABLEDIE CASTALUMINUMCONSTRUCtion s %NERGY EFlCIENT,%$WSYSTEM produces 2500 lumens with 70 LPW efficacy s 4YPE))DISTRIBUTION ORDERING INFORMATION 20LU SERIES 5K CCT #LEDS/SOURCE/VOLTAGE 20LU TRP 4RAPEZIOD RDI Radius 5K 4700K 20 LEDs, 120-277V 2 DISTRIBUTION 2 FINISH DB "RONZE Type II nominal OPTIONS PC(X) BL Black RTP 2ADIUS4RAPEZIOD GR Gray QSP Quarter Sphere WH White Button photocontrol, specify voltage 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V PS Platinum PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height MH Drivers/ Current Series Number 76% TRP-20LU-5K 150w 150w 2x42w 2,466 35.5 68 12-15 ft. 4700K 120-277V 1@333mA 76% RDI-20LU-5K 150w 150w 2x42w 2,558 35.5 71 12-15 ft. 4700K 120-277V 1@333mA 76% RTP-20LU-5K 150w 150w 2x42w 2,509 35.5 70 12-15 ft. 4700K 120-277V 1@333mA 76% QSP-20LU-5K 150w 150w 2x42w 2,591 35.5 72 12-15 ft. 4700K 120-277V 1@333mA * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! DIMENSIONS 14” (355 mm) 7.13” (180 mm) TRP Weight: 13.2 lbs 5.98 kg 9.25” (235 mm) QSP 9.13” (230 mm) Weight: 11.6 lbs 5.26 kg 9.13” (230 mm) 16.5” (420 mm) 18.13” (460 mm) 6.79” (172 mm) 8.47” (215 mm) RTP 9.06” (230 mm) 9.06” (230 mm) Weight: 13.2 lbs 5.98 kg 18.11” (460 mm) RDI 7.13” (180 mm) Weight: 13.1 lbs 5.94 kg 9.25” (235 mm) 18.13” (450 mm) 121 NRG 312 ® Perimeter meter Wallpack WA L L PAC K S s&ULLPOLYCARBONATEFRONTPROVIDESVANDAL resistance and uniform light distribuTION)NTERNALLYPAINTEDBRONZElNISHFOR lasting appearance s,%$UNITPROVIDESLONG LIFEWITHLOW energy consumption, a perfect upgrade for older units s2UGGEDCASTALUMINUMBACKHOUSINGFOR RIGIDMOUNTING"OTTOMvCONDUIT knockout for surface conduit wiring s"ACKHUBALLOWSACCESSTORECESSEDWIRING BOXES4WOPOINTMOUNTING s5NITSAVAILABLEWITHORWITHOUT6 button photocontrol, see ordering information s,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWET locations s4AMPERRESISTANTCENTERPIN4ORX hardware included ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number1 Without Photocontrol Voltage 12 LED – 1120 Lumens – 5000K – 73 CRI 18w 120-277V (-PC120) NRG-312LU-5K-BZ-PC1 NRG-312LU-5K-BZ 1 Wattage With Photocontrol Color Weight lbs. (kg) "RONZE 6 (2.7) 120V only when ordered with photocontrol PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height MH Drivers/ Current 50w 50w 42w 1120 18 63 Up to 10 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@350mA Series Number 73% * SAVINGS! NRG-312LU ACCESSORIES - Order Separately PBT-1 Catalog Number Description Button photocontrol, 120V PBT-234 Button photocontrol, 208, 240, 277V REPLACEMENT PART Catalog Number SM352-COVER Description 0OLYCARBONATEFRONTCOVER"RONZE DIMENSIONS A C B 122 A 137 mm B 280 mm C 175 mm Perimaliter® LED Wallpacks PGM3 Glass and PVL3 Polycarbonate s LEDs with CCT of 5100K, 4200K and 3000K are available s Two door options are available: A cast aluminum with prismatic borosilicate glass assembly and an all polycarbonate, one-piece, vandal resistant door s Typical mounting heights of 12-15 FEET4HELATERALSPREADALLOWSTYPICAL spacing of three to four times the mounting height with excellent uniformity s Available in two lumen outputs s,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS WA L L PAC K S s 0erimeter lighting for safety, security and identity - LED units provide 60-70% energy savings over typical pulse start wallpacks. Uses include office buildings, shopping centers, restaurants, schools, warehouses, parking garages and other commercial applications s The die-cast aluminum housing provides firm MOUNTINGOVERRECESSEDJUNCTIONBOXESv SIDEHUBSFORSURFACECONDUITWIRING(OUSing includes a top hub for use with button PHOTOCONTROLSFORDUSK TO DAWNCONTROL The construction not only provides a rigid mount but an excellent heat sink for the LED system, allowing proper operating temperature for optimum performance and long life (50,000hr) PVL3 PGM3 LED Product Partner ORDERING INFORMATION Construction Wattage Drive Current Voltage Color Temperature Lumens LPW Weight lbs. (kg) PGM3-30LU-3K-BZ Glass refractor 71 700ma 120-277V 3000K 3932 56 16 PGM3-30LU-3K-035-BZ Glass refractor 34 350ma 120-277V 3000K 2338 69 15 PGM3-30LU-4K-BZ Glass refractor 69 700ma 120-277V 4200K 5157 69 16 PGM3-30LU-4K-035-BZ Glass refractor 34 350ma 120-277V 4200K 2955 88 15 PGM3-30LU-5K-BZ Glass refractor 69 700ma 120-277V 5100K 5678 82 16 PGM3-30LU-5K-035-BZ Glass refractor 34 350ma 120-277V 5100K 3209 96 15 PVL3-30LU-3K-BZ Polycarbonate refractor 71 700ma 120-277V 3000K 3490 49 11 PVL3-30LU-3K-035-BZ Polycarbonate refractor 34 350ma 120-277v 3000K 2089 62 10 PVL3-30LU-4K-BZ Polycarbonate refractor 69 700ma 120-277V 4200K 4505 66 11 PVL3-30LU-4K-035-BZ Polycarbonate refractor 34 350ma 120-277V 4200K 2614 78 10 PVL3-30LU-5K-BZ Polycarbonate refractor 69 700ma 120-277V 5100K 4873 69 11 PVL3-30LU-5K-035-BZ Polycarbonate refractor 34 350ma 120-277V 5100K 2757 81 10 Catalog Number .OTES 5NITSAREUNIVERSALVOLTAGEHZ#HANGEh5vTOVORVFORTHOSEVOLTAGEOPTIONSOn PGM3, for other finishes, change BZ to BL-Black, WH-White, GR-Gray, PS-Platinum Silver PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height MH Drivers/ Current Series Number 72% PGM3-30LU 250w 250w – 5,678 69 82 15-18 ft. 5100K 120-277V 1@700mA 54% PVL3-30LU 250w 250w – 4,873 69 71 15-18 ft. 5100K 120-277V 1@700mA * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! REPLACEMENT PARTS - Order Separately Catalog Number 200-0180-9904 Description Replacement lens/door PVL3 80033990104 Replacement lens/door PGM3 DIMENSIONS A C C A B B D PGM3 A v 378 mm B v 381 mm C v 203 mm D v 173 mm D PVL3 A v 378 mm B v 381 mm C v 203 mm D v 189 mm 123 BRLU Euroluxe® Decorative Wall/Ceiling Series WA L L / S U R FAC E s5SEFORWALLORCEILINGAPPLICATIONSAT entrances, stairs, corridors or single story building accent s"OROSILICATEGLASSLENSWITHSILICONEGASKET3HIELDSTHELAMPANDSOFTLYSPREADS the light in a symmetrical distribution s Die-cast aluminum housing and face TRIMS4WOPOINTMOUNTTORECESSEDWIRINGBOXESNOSIDECONDUITFEEDS 4WIN stainless steel screws secure the trims and lens to the housing sBRLU LED unit available in 15w, 120-277V, 830 lumens, 5000K, (Z s&INISHESINDARKBRONZEWHITEANDBLACK s Listed to UL1598 for use in wet locations ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number BRLU-01 BRLU-04 Shape Finish Wattage Volts Round Round "RONZE White 15w 15w 120-277V 120-277V 1 B REPLACEMENT PARTS ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number BR-GX1 BR-SX1 Weight lbs. (kg) 6.0 (2.7) 6.0 (2.7) Description Cast aluminum guard for round fixture Cast aluminum shield for round fixture A Catalog Number Description BR replacement lens 266-0067-9904 C A B C v v v BRLU 140 mm 241 mm 257 mm &INISHMUSTBESPECIlEDSUBSTITUTE8FOR BRONZE BLACK WHITE HVS Hercules ercules® Decorative Va Vandal Resistant Luminaires s/PALPOLYCARBONATELENSRETAINED with cast aluminum door/trim frame ANDGASKETEDTOHOUSING!LLENHEAD tamper-resistant screws standard s4WOSIZES(63(6, FORPROPERSCALE Cast aluminum housing with lag mount FORDURABILITY#ASTTRIMSPROVIDESTYLING and added protection s Opal lens provides a soft uniform Type V DISTRIBUTION7ATTAGESOURCESELECTIONS allow the designer to select the desired footcandle level s Powder paint finishes accent building TRIMANDPROTECTYOURINVESTMENT 3TANDARDCOLORISDARKBRONZE s Listed to UL 1598 for use in wet locations ORDERING INFORMATION: HVS COMPACT SERIES Catalog Number HVSO-6LU-5K-1 Style Opal Lens Wattage 15w Source LED Voltage 120-277V Finish "RONZE HVSG-6LU-5K-1 Guard 15w LED 120-277V "RONZE HVSH-6LU-5K-1 Hood 15w LED 120-277V "RONZE REPLACEMENT PART Catalog Number 264-0400-9903 Description Replacement lens only for HVS units PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency 84% 124 BRLU/HVS B A v HVSO 257 mm v All Others 257 mm B v 127 mm v 140 mm Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Mounting Height INC Drivers/ Current 100w 50w 28w 830 15.2 55 Up to 10 ft. 5000K 120-277V 1@700mA Series Number * SAVINGS! A NRG® 4000 LED Series Lumasquare® II High Performance LED Indoor/Outdoor r/Outdoor Lowbay Series s4200K CCT (70 CRI) nominal and 5100K CCT (67 CRI) nominal s/NE PIECEINJECTION MOLDEDCLEAR prismatic acrylic refractor enhances SPACEWITHUPLIGHTHigh temperature acrylic for reduced yellowing, uniform light distribution and low glareHigh transmittance acrylic featuring 82-84% efficiencies plus three times impact strength of standard acrylic s,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCAtions sFive year limited warranty s+!SURGEPROTECTORSTANDARD C E I L I N G / S U R FAC E s$ESIGNEDFORILLUMINATIONOFCOMMERCIAL indoor/outdoor lowbay applications including: mechanical rooms, retail, covered loading docks and utility areas sRugged, die-cast housing has a durable Lektrocote finish available in BRONZEWHITEBLACKANDGRAYMounts over recessed J-box and features two CONVENIENTvSIDEHUBSFORSURFACE conduit mounting sStainless steel vandal-resistant screws standard sFully gasketed for weatherproof/bugproof integrity ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number 1 NRG4-30LU-4K-035-BZ Mounting Ceiling/conduit Wattage 35 Voltage 120-277V Lumens 3355 Drive Current 350mA NRG4-30LU-4K-BZ Ceiling/conduit 70 120-277V 5872 700mA NRG4-30LU-5K-035-BZ Ceiling/conduit 35 120-277V 3543 350mA NRG4-30LU-5K-BZ Ceiling/conduit 70 120-277V 6122 700mA For alternate housing finish change BZ to WH-White, BL-Black, GR-Gray PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency IND System Watts Lumens Per Watt Mounting Height Voltage HPS Number of LEDs Delivered Lumens MH Drivers/ Current Series Number 65% NRG4-30LU-4K-035-BZ 70w 70w 70w 30 3355 35 96 up to 16 ft. 120-277V 1@350mA 53% NRG4-30LU-4K-BZ 100w 100w 85w 30 5872 70 84 up to 16 ft. 120-277V 1@700mA 65% NRG4-30LU-5K-035-BZ 70w 70w 70w 30 3543 35 101 up to 16 ft. 120-277V 1@350mA 53ING%S! NRG4-30LU-5K-BZ 100w 100w 85w 30 6122 70 87 up to 16 ft. 120-277V 1@700mA * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! * SAV REPLACEMENT PART Catalog Number Description Replacement refractor kit 800-3289-0100 DIMENSIONS A C B A vSQ 356 mm B v 206 mm C v 121 mm Weight 13.9 lbs. 6.3 kg 125 SCP Sedona – Surface/Ceiling/Garage Luminaire C E I L I N G / S U R FAC E / G A R AG E sFor ceiling mount, parking garage, tunnel sThe SCP’s hexagonal LED cluster design provides optical flexibility and light level and walkway applications from an 8-18 scalability from a compact luminaire FOOTMOUNTINGHEIGHT!WIDERANGEOFLU men packages and optical distributions are s ,UMENPACKAGESRANGINGFROMn available making the SCP Series luminaire 8,600 with 18-36 LEDs both versatile and functional s%NERGY EFFICIENT LUMENSPERWATT sVertically finned cast aluminum housing s )0 LUMINAIRERATING for maximum heat dissipation ensuring s #HOICEOFPOWDERPAINTGRAYBRONZE long component life and luminaire black, white or platinum provides durable performance and lasting appearance s Choice of symmetric and asymmetric s,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS distributions for layout flexibility LED Product Partner s Dimming driver standard, 0-10V sOccupancy, photocell, and wiHUBB wireless controls available for complete on/off and dimming operation ORDERING INFORMATION SCP SERIES VOLTAGE NUMBER OF LEDS SCP Sedona surface/ ceiling/garage luminaire CCT IES DISTRIBUTION 18L 18 LEDs, 43w input U 120-277V 4K 4200K 24L 24 LEDs, 57w input 1 120V 36L 36 LEDs, 86w input 2 208V nominal, 70 CRI 5K 5100K nominal, 67 CRI 3 240V 4 277V DB "RONZE 5R Type V rectangle 4 Type IV BL Black WH White PS Platinum Silver GR Gray 5 480V OPTIONS PC(X) Button photocontrol, replace X with voltage, specify 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V, 6-347V F(X) Fusing 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V, 6-347V WIH In fixture wireless control, consult factory F 347V ACCESSORIES - ORDER SEPARATELY Catalog Number SCP-SPC SCP-BS FINISH 5M Type V square MOTION CONTROL OPTIONS Description Vandal shield Bird shield SC0 On/Off control - No light output when no motion detected SCP High/Low control – user programmable low settings of 70, 60, 50, 20% OFPOWER&ACTORYDEFAULT is 50% A B A 123.19 mm B 355.6 mm Weight 16lbs. 7.27 kg PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Delivered Lumens 5100K System Watts Lumens Per Watt Mounting Height Voltage 4200K Drivers/ Current MH HPS IND Number of LEDs 57ING%S! SCP-18LU-5R SAV 70w 70w 70w 18 4020 4298 43 100 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 2@700mA 62% SCP-24LU-5R 100w 100w 85w 24 5375 5750 57 100 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 2@700mA 43ING%S! SCP-36LU-5R SAV 150w 150w 100w 36 8030 8596 86 100 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 3@700mA 57% SCP-18LU-5M 70w 70w 70w 18 3835 4102 43 95 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 2@700mA 62ING%S! SSCP-24LU-5M SAV 100w 100w 85w 24 5110 5469 57 96 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 2@700mA 43% SSCP-36LU-5M 150w 150w 100w 36 7670 8204 86 95 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 3@700mA 57ING%S! SSCP-18LU-4 SAV 70w 70w 70w 18 3725 3981 43 92 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 2@700mA 62% SSCP-24LU-4 100w 100w 85w 24 5020 5369 57 94 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 2@700mA 43% SSCP-36LU-4 150w 150w 100w 36 7445 7962 86 92 8 - 16 ft. 120-277V 3@700mA Series Number * * SAVINGS! * * SAVINGS! * * SAVINGS! * * SAVINGS! * SAVINGS! 126 SCP Controls Sedona LED luminaire with passive infrared motion sensor control option (individual luminaire control) C E I L I N G / S U R FAC E / G A R AG E Sedona LED luminaires with motion sensor option can be configured to illuminate from low to high power or off to on when motion is detected. Luminaire will return to off or low when motion is no longer detected. s Digital Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor with dual element pyrometer and spherical fresnel lens for detection of MAJORHUMANMOTIONACTIVITY/BJECTSINPATHOFSENSORLINE of sight can limit coverage s Two versions available – high/low or on/off s5SERPROGRAMMABLELOWSETTINGSOFPERCENTOFPOWER Factory default is 50% of power sªSENSORRANGE s 12 ft. maximum mounting height indoors (wide lens standard) s,OWTEMPERATURE ª#TOª#MAXIMUM INDOOR OUTDOORSENSORS s User programmable sensor setting mode (test/normal) s4IMEOUTDELAYISlELDADJUSTABLE5SERPROGRAMMABLESETTINGSOF MIN&ACTORYDEFAULTSETTINGISMINUTES s All units equipped with daylight harvesting which can be user ENABLED&ACTORYDEFAULTSETTINGISDISABLED!MBIENTLIGHTRANGE ISUSERSELECTABLEFROM &#$AYLIGHTHARVESTINGFEATUREHAS precedence over motion control turning fixture completely on or off s Sensor conforms to UL Standard 508, UL Standard 244A & IP65 s Conforms to California Title 24/ASRAE 90.1/CBEA Design Considerations s Vehicle detection is possible however less reliable than human DETECTION6EHICLEDETECTIONISDEPENDENTUPONTHEFOLLOWING rate of speed, mounting height of luminaire and vehicle background temperature (see sensor range diagram below) s Start up delay from initial motion detection to fixture illumination is approximately 1-2 seconds Not to scale Sedona Luminaire with passive infrared sensor control High 100% light output Sensor Range Mounting Height 12' Max (wide lens standard) Low light output Ordering Information Sedona luminaire offers the following motion sensor options: SC0 – On/Off control - No light output when no motion detected Reference Sedona specification page for additional ordering information SCP – High/Low control – user programmable settings of 70, 60, OFPOWER&ACTORYDEFAULTIS 1.4 x Mounting Height 2.8 x Mounting Height Examples Luminaires installed at a 12 ft mounting height results in a 11 ft detection radius (22 ft. diameter). A vehicle moving 10 mph travels a distance of 15 ft per second. As a result illumination would not occur until vehicle is beneath luminaire. Luminaires installed at a 12 ft mounting height results in an 11 ft detection radius (22 ft. diameter). A pedestrian moving 3 mph travels a distance of 4.5 ft per second. As a result illumination would occur when pedestrian is within 6-8 ft of the luminaire. 127 RM LED Roadway RM30 Series R OA D WAY sDesigned for roadway, parking, area ANDPERIMETERLIGHTING4HESEVERSATILE Roadway luminaires are designed to replace existing cobra-head style fixtures from 70-150w while saving up to 50% in ENERGY,%$LUMINAIRESFEATUREOPTIMUM uniformity, elimination of 'hot spots' and ZEROUPLIGHT sLUMENSATM!ORLUMENS at 700 mA s,%$LIGHTENGINE s3TANDARD)%3DISTRIBUTIONSOF4YPE))))) IV, V with up to 111 LPW efficiency s 66ELECTRONICDIMMING drivers, 2 at 700 mA, 1 at 350 mA s$IE CASTALUMINUMHOUSING s,EKTROCOTElNISHINSTANDARDAND custom colors sIP65 LED light engine assembly and drivers s+!SURGEPROTECTORSTANDARD s$ESIGN,IGHTS#ONSORTIUMQUALIlED ORDERING INFORMATION RM 30L SERIES RM Zero NUMBER OF LEDS 30L 30 LEDs CCT VOLTAGE U 120-277V uplight medium Roadway IES DISTRIBUTION 3K 3000K nominal, 80 CRI 4K 4200K nominal, 70 CRI 5K 5100K nominal, 67 CRI 5 480V 2 Type II DRIVE CURRENT BLANK 700 mA PHOTOCONTROL RECEPTACLE OPTIONS F(X) Fusing, replace X with voltage, specify: 1-120V 2-208V 3-240V 4-277V 5-480V 6-347V 2 None 035 350 mA 3 Type III 3 Yes 4 Type IV 5M Type V Equivalency Delivered Lumens 30 70 70 65 3000K 2@700mA 5840 30 70 70 83 4200K 2@700mA 6718 30 70 70 95 5100K 2@700mA 175w 150w 4612 4632 53ING%S! RM-30LU-4K R SAV 250w 250w 5844 60ING%S! RM-30LU-5K R SAV 250w 250w 6712 DIMENSIONS C B A 128 C 756 mm EPA 0.6 ft.2 .05 m2 Weight 14.20 lbs. 6.44 kg. System Watts Drivers/ Current 65ING%S! RM-30LU-3K R SAV B 330 mm Silver CCT Type 3 A 171 mm PS Platinum Lumens Per Watt Type 2 * Color (Reference RAL#) GR Gray 347V-480V HPS * "RONZE CC Custom 120V-277V MH * DB Dark WH White PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Series Number FINISH BK Black Number of LEDs RL LED Roadway y RL60 Series sDesigned for roadway, parking, area and PERIMETERLIGHTING4HESEVERSATILE2OADway luminaires replace existing cobra-head style fixtures from 200-400w while saving UPTOINENERGY,%$LUMINAIRES feature optimum uniformity, elimination of gHOTSPOTSgANDZEROUPLIGHT sLUMENSATM! s3TANDARD)%3DISTRIBUTIONSOF4YPE))))) IV, V with up to 86 LPW efficiency s4WO,%$LIGHTENGINES s 66ELECTRONICDIMMING drivers (4) standard R OA D WAY s$IE CASTALUMINUMHOUSING s,EKTROCOTElNISHINSTANDARDAND custom colors s)0,%$LIGHTENGINEASSEMBLYANDDRIVERS s+!SURGEPROTECTORSTANDARD s$ESIGN,IGHTS#ONSORTIUMQUALIlED ORDERING INFORMATION RL 60L SERIES NUMBER OF LEDS 60L 60 LEDs RL Zero VOLTAGE uplight large Roadway 5 480V F 347V IES DISTRIBUTION CCT U 120-277V 3K 3000K nominal, 80 CRI 4K 4200K nominal, 70 CRI 5K 5100K nominal, 67 CRI DRIVE CURRENT PHOTOCONTROL RECEPTACLE BLANK 700 mA (141w) 2 Type II OPTIONS F(X) Fusing, replace X with voltage, specify: 1-120V 2-208V 3-240V 4-277V 5-480V 6-347V 2 None 3 Type III 3 Yes 4 Type IV 5M Type V FINISH BK Black DB Dark "RONZE CC Custom Color (Reference RAL#) GR Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Delivered Lumens System Watts HPS Type 2 Type 3 Number of LEDs 120V-277V 347V-480V Lumens Per Watt CCT MH Drivers/ Current 31ING%S! RL-60LU-3K SAV 250w 150w 8833 8694 60 141 141 63 3000K 4@700mA 56ING%S! RL-60LU-4K SAV 320w 400w 11044 11062 60 141 141 79 4200K 4@700mA 56ING%S! RL-60LU-5K SAV 320w 400w 11759 12058 60 141 141 85 5100K 4@700mA Series Number * * * DIMENSIONS C B A A 210 mm B 400 mm C 933 mm EPA 1.0 ft.2 0.1 m2 Weight 28 lbs. 12.7 kg. 129 VBGL/VWGL LED Series Wet Location LED Vaportites VA P O RT I T E S s#OMPACTSIZEMEASURINGONLYX WALLMOUNTVERSIONSLIGHTLY larger) s LUMENSWSYSTEM,07 s &ROSTEDGLASSLENSDISTRIBUTESLIGHTEVENLY without any LED brightness or glare s 0ENDANTMOUNTVERSIONACCOMMODATES TRADITIONALvX.03THREADED conduit s 6OPERATION(Z s 2UGGEDDIE CASTALUMINUMHOUSINGWITH removable cast aluminum guard with vandal resistant set screws included, gray finish s )0LISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWET locations (unit is not rated for use in HAZARDOUSLOCATIONS s &OURCOLORMULTI LANGUAGEMERCHANDISING carton with application details ORDERING INFORMATION Construction Mount Wattage Drive Current Voltage Color Temperature Lumens LPW Weight lbs. (kg) VBGL-1 Globe refractor Ceiling/Pendant 11 250mA 120-277V 4000K 757 70 3.4 (1.54) VWGL-1 Globe refractor Wall 11 250mA 120-277V 4000K 757 70 3.6 (1.63) Catalog Number PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Series Number INC CFL Delivered Lumens System Watts Lumens Per Watt Beam Pattern CCT Voltage Drivers 88ING%S! VBGL-1 150w 32w 757 11 70 Symmetric 4000K 120-277V 1 88ING%S! VWGL-1 150w 32w 757 11 70 Symmetric 4000K 120-277V 1 SAV SAV * * REPLACEMENT GLOBES Catalog Number Description Amber Blue Blue, tempered Clear, tempered #LEARTEMPEREDW4UFFSKINCOATING Frosted globe Guard with set screws Clear, standard Blue Green Blue Green, tempered Purple Ruby Ruby, tempered Ruby Green VAMG-100 VBG-100 VBGP-100 VCGP-100 VCGPT-100 VGL-FG VGL-GUARD VG-15 VGG-100 VGGP-100 VPG-100 VRG-100 VRGP-100 VRGP-100 VRSG-100 DIMENSIONS A A B VBGL-1 130 B C VBGL-1 VWGL-1 VWGL-1 A v 132 mm v 186 mm B v 263 mm v 280 mm C – – v 132 mm DDL Dusk-to-Dawn Multi-purpose LED Luminaire s 6TWIST LOCKSTYLEPHOTOCONTROL included s 2UGGEDDIE CASTALUMINUMHOUSINGWITH BOTH v v/$MASTARM mount capability as well as direct wall/ surface mounting s 4EXTUREDGRAYPOWDERPAINTlNISH s &OURCOLORMULTI LANGUAGEMERCHANDISING carton with application details sPROJECTION ARMINCLUDED D U S K - TO - DAW N s:EROUPLIGHTDESIGNFORENVIRONMENTALLY friendly installations s2EFRACTORPROVIDESENHANCEDSECURITY lighting and LED brightness control s WSYSTEMWITHUPTOLUMENSAND 86 LPW s3YMMETRICLENSINSTALLEDSTANDARD s&IELDROTATABLEASYMMETRICLENSINCLUDED s 6OPERATION ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number DDL-9L1 Construction Mount Wattage Drive Current Voltage Color Temperature Lumens LPW Weight lbs. (kg) Die-cast aluminum Arm/Wall/Surface 40 1280mA 120V 5100K 3437 86 6.8 (3.08) PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Equivalency Series Number MH HPS CFL Delivered Lumens System Watts Lumens Per Watt Mounting Height CCT Voltage Drivers/ Current 75ING%S! DDL-9L1 (Symmetric lens) 100w 100w 85w 3437 40 86 up to 20 ft. 5100K 120V 1@1280mA 75ING%S! DDL-9L1 (Asymmetric lens) 100w 100w 85w 3246 40 81 up to 20 ft. 5100K 120V 1@1280mA SAV SAV * * Sh ith acrylic li refractor f t attached tt h d Shown with DIMENSIONS A K B C I E J D G H A B C 754 mm 152 mm 209 mm D E 411 mm 240 mm F G F H I J K 406 mm 92 mm 115 mm 69 mm 84 mm 3.5mm 131 12V LED Lightscaper System ® Long Life Life, e, Eas Easy to Install, No Maintenance Lighting System LANDSCAPE s ,%$LANDSCAPElXTURESLONGLIFELOW energy consumption, no maintenance, three-year limited warranty s $IE CASTALUMINUMCONSTRUCTION professional grade, built to perform with durable design s 0OWDERCOATPOLYESTEREPOXYlNISH maintains lasting beauty sWPATHlXTURESINSTYLESW mOODANDRECESSEDUPLIGHT+##4 s 0ATHANDmOODlXTURESARECOMPLETE WITHSTAKEglXTURECABLEANDv3MART #ONNECTvTOOL FREECONNECTOR&LAT surface deck adapter included s #ONTROLCENTERIS5,LISTEDFORWET locations and features non-metallic housing, grounded cord set, photocontrol, and easy cable connect A simple system, easy to install and maintain, with low energy consumption for safety, security and property enhancement. Go Green with Hubbell Lightscaper LED products! ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number Finish Description Weight TULIP TL-AB TL-AG !NTIQUE"RONZE 4HEPLANTLOVERSFAVORITE3WEEPINGSTEMTULIPTALLWITHDECORATIVELEAVES5SEALONGPATHSWALKSORTO Antique Green accent special plantings. Creates a 6' pool of light to the front. Needs little or no watering! 2.25 lbs !NTIQUE"RONZE #REATEATROPICALIMAGE4HEBASICDIACONESHAPESITSHIGHANDCREATESAgLIGHTEDAREAWITHSOFT Antique Green indirect shielded light. Excellent for subtle illumination of plants or walkways. 2.0 lbs !NTIQUE"RONZE !STATELYAPPEARANCEWITHCLASSICSHAPE3TANDSTALLWITHDIAHEAD&ROSTEDLENSPROVIDESSOFTLIGHTINGOF taller surrounding plantings with 5' coverage. Use along walkways, steps. Typical spacing 8'-12'. Pewter 2.75 lbs !NTIQUE"RONZE 4RADITIONALANDCLASSIC#OMPLEMENTSAWIDEVARIETYOFARCHITECTURE3OFTGLOWTOSIDEANDGROUND3TANDS Antique Green TALLWITHSQUAREHEAD4YPICALSPACINGg g 3.25 lbs !NTIQUE"RONZE Modern and distinctive. Shepherd’s crook arm supports copper-top head with cone shape lens. Lighting covers gCIRCLEWITHAMPLEVERTICALILLUMINATIONFORTALLERPLANTINGS!DJUSTABLEARM-AKEASTATEMENTWITH3ATURN Pewter 2.75 lbs !NTIQUE"RONZE Bell-shaped head supported by decorative arm and sturdy staff. Full cut-off pattern provides 5' light pool on ground with no glare. Perfect for highlighting walkways, flowers and specimen plants. Typical spacing 8'-10'. Pewter 3.25 lbs !NTIQUE"RONZE ,ARGESEASHELLWITHADJUSTABLEKNUCKLE5SEASFULLCUT OFFORTILTUPªMAX FORLARGERAREACOVERAGE Antique Green A powerful and flexible luminaire for lighting large flower beds or building perimeter plantings. 2.0 lbs !NTIQUE"RONZE Round eyelid for deck post or steplighting. Can be surface mounted or semi-recessed. Use for accent or small area illumination of perimeters or stairways. 2' mounting height provides soft coverage 5' w, 2' forward. 6' fixture cable. Pewter 1.0 lbs CONE CO-AB CO-AG GREENVILLE GN-AB GN-PT MISSION MS-AB MS-AG SATURN SA-AB SA-PT REIDVILLE RD-AB RD-PT SEASHELL SS-AB SS-AG EYELID EL-AB EL-PT RECESSED RE-PT 2OUNDRECESSEDUPLIGHTFORACCENTLIGHTINGOFTREESCOLUMNSANDBUILDINGFACADES0OWERFULW,%$PROJECTION beam. Provides hidden light source. 1.5 lbs !NTIQUE"RONZE 0OWERFULW,%$PROJECTIONmOODWITHADJUSTABLEKNUCKLEFORVERSATILEAIMING5SEFORACCENTLIGHTINGOFBUILDING facades, small signs or address numbers, columns, trees and residential flags to 20'. 2.0 lbs Pewter FLOODLIGHT FL-AB CONTROL CENTER LVT56 Black Non-metallic case protects timer controls and 120V to 12V transformer. Surge protected with grounded cord/ PLUGSETANDEASY6CABLEATTACHMENT0HOTOCONTROLTRIGGERShTIMEONvELIMINATINGSEASONALADJUSTMENT UL and cETL certified. 56w capacity. 4.0 lbs CABLE CB-75 Black CB-150 Black Low voltage #14 cable runs from LVT56 transformer down path of lighting. UV protected, burial is not required, hide with mulch if desired. Perfect fit with fixture connectors for easy installation (150' is the max. run distance from transformer location to assure best fixture operation). 4.0 lbs 6.0 lbs ./4% !LLlXTURESARECOMPLETEWITH,%$LIGHTENGINEgMINIMUMlXTURECABLEANDv3MART#ONNECTvTOOL FREECONNECTOR0ATHLIGHTSANDmOODS also include ground stake and a deck mount adapter for flat surfaces. When you purchase Lightscaper, you get it all! 132 Lightscaper® Fixtures 12V LED Tulip Cone Greenville Mission Saturn FLO L AONDDL SI GCHATPIEN G TL-AB TL-AG CO-AB CO-AG Reidville GN-AB Seashell GN-PT MS-AG MS-AB Eyelid SA-AB Recessed SA-PT Floodlight EL-PT RD-AB RD-PT SS-AB SS-AG Control Center RE-PT EL-AB Cable LVT56 FL-AB Included Accessories CB-75 CB-150 "SMART CONNECT" FLAT SURFACE CONNECTOR STAKE 7.0" DIMENSIONS (178.0mm) 6.5" 7.0" (165.0mm) (241.2mm) 4.5" (114.5mm) 7.0" (177.2mm) 6.3" 5.1" (160.0mm) (130.0mm) 6.9" 4.9" 4.7" (165.0mm) (581.5mm) 22.9" REIDVILLE 22.1" (561.0mm) 17.6" SATURN SEASHELL 14.9" 6.5" (448.0mm) MISSION (120.0mm) (429.5mm) 17.5" GREENVILLE 16.9" (445.0mm) 16.6" CONE 7.1" 8.7" (421.0mm) 19.9" (506.0mm) TULIP (179.5mm) (221.5mm) 3.0" (76.0mm) 10.2" (260.0mm) (10 4.2" 5.5m m) (124.0mm) (378.0mm) (176.0mm) FLOODLIGHT 5.0" (128.0mm) RECESSED 3.9" (100.0mm) 4.1" (105.0mm) 2.9" (74.0mm) EYELID 133 SOLAR SOLAR LIGHTING Solar power is an abundant source of energy that can be converted directly into electricity using photovoltaics (PV). The energy of the sun (solar radiation) is captured by solar panels, an array of solar cells. With the advancements in solar technology coupled with the improvements in solid-state lighting, commercial and INDUSTRIALAPPLICATIONSCANNOWREALIZETHEBENElTSOF solar powered lighting. Hubbell Lighting is committed to providing innovative and sustainable lighting solutions which offset the rise in energy costs and our impact on the environment. Hubbell Outdoor and Spaulding Lighting offer sustainable solar powered lighting solutions for area/site, roadway, floodlighting, pathway and wall ceiling applications using the most popular luminaires. The available products include: Roadway LED, Cimarron AREASITE,%$,ARAMIE,&3mOOD,%$%UROLUXE,%$,AREDO,%$WALLPACKAND4EMPE,%$BOLLARDS4HESESOLARPOWEREDLIGHTING SOLUTIONSOFFERANENVIRONMENTALLYFRIENDLYhCLEANENERGYvSOLUTIONTOLIGHTINGWITHTHEPOTENTIALBENElTSOFRECEIVINGSPECIAL INCENTIVESFORRENEWABLEPROJECTS SOLAR POWERED LIGHTING FEATURES AND BENEFITS : Solar powered lighting offers an environmentally friendly solution to lighting : Security, navigation and identification lighting for areas where grid tied power may be inaccessable, unreliable or too costly : No trenching : No wires : No electric bills : &UNDINGMAYEXISTINCERTAINAREASFORRENEWABLEPROJECTS : Solar powered lighting system can be portable THE SYSTEM – INTEGRATED SOLAR ELECTRIC POWER ASSEMBLIES + Energy-efficient solid state lighting fixture for variety of applications + Solar panel with selfcontained electrical power assemblies – 5 to 340w = Round Straight Steel (RSS) and Round Straight Aluminum (RSA) construction poles available Complete solar lighting solution with instant sustainable off-grid power source Hubbell Lighting is pleased to partner with Solar Electric Power Company (SEPCO) to provide the most energy efficient and sustainable solar lighting solutions in the market. Contact your Hubbell Lighting representative for details or visit 134 LCC Laredo LCC Solar s,%$SYSTEMDELIVERSLUMENSAT 12.8w for 64 lumens per watt efficiency, 5000K CCT, 12V DC system s$ESIGNEDFORMOUNTINGOVERSTANDARD RECESSEDJUNCTIONBOXESORFORWIRINGWITH SURFACECONDUITvHUBSWITHPLUGS provided on top and sides for versatile access s)$!COMPLIANTENTRYORPERIMETERLIGHTING s3IXTOTWELVEFOOTTYPICALMOUNTINGHEIGHTS s3UITABLEFORUSEINWETLOCATIONS SOLAR sThe LCC solar unit is used with Hubbell Lighting solar lighting package s$ECORATIVEDIE CASTALUMINUMHOUSINGAND DOOR2UGGEDDESIGNPROTECTSINTERNAL components and provides excellent thermal management for long life s&LATTEMPEREDIMPACT RESISTANTGLASSLENS protects optics sPowder paint finishes provide lasting appearance and are available in STANDARDlNISHES$ARK"RONZE"LACK White, Gray and Platinum s 4WO POINTLAGMOUNTSECURELYHOLDSHOUSING TOSURFACE-OUNTINGTEMPLATEISPROVIDED ORDERING INFORMATION (Must be ordered with Hubbell Lighting solar power assembly, see specification sheets for detailed information) LCC 12LD 5K A SERIES LCC Laredo Compact Zero uplight Catalog Number LCC-SPC NUMBER OF LEDS/SOURCE/VOLTAGE 12LD 12 LEDs, 12V DC CCT FINISH 5K 5000K 1 "RONZE nominal B C 2 Black 3 Gray A 229 mm 4 White Description Polycarbonate shield 5 Platinum B 241 mm C 183 mm BRLD Euroluxe® Solar sThe Euroluxe solar luminaire is used with (UBBELL,IGHTING3OLAR0ACKAGE5SING Euroluxe’s two finishes and accessory trims, various styles can be created for use in both interior or exterior applications such as entry, stairwells, perimeter walls, corRIDORS5NITSCANBEWALLORCEILINGMOUNTED sBorosilicate glass lens sealed to housing by silicone gasket and stainless steel philips head screwsRibbed lens uniformly spreads light for a symmetrical, soft distribution sDie-cast aluminum housing and face trims s$ARKBRONZEANDWhite finishes are offered standard s3UITABLEFORUSEINWETLOCATIONS s6 LEDs, 15w, 12V DC, 834 lumens, 5000K, 61.5 lumens per watt efficiency sUnits are designed to operate from -35˚ C to 40˚ C ambient s 4WOPOINTLAGORHICKEYMOUNTTORECESSED JUNCTIONBOX ORDERING INFORMATION (Must be ordered with Hubbell Lighting solar power assembly, see specification sheets for detailed information) Weight Catalog Number Shape Finish Wattage lbs. (kg) Round "RONZE 15w 6.0 (2.7) BRLD-01 Round White 15w 6.0 (2.7) BRLD-04 ACCESSORIES - Order Separately Catalog Number Description 1 BR-GX Cast aluminum guard for round fixture BR-SX1 Cast aluminum shield for round fixture &INISHMUSTBESPECIFIEDBRONZEANDWHITEARESTOCKSUBSTITUTEX for: 1 BRONZE4-white B A A 150 mm B 241 mm C 257 mm C 135 LFS Compact Solar Flood s The compact LED solar flood is used with SOLAR (UBBELL,IGHTINGSOLARPACKAGE,ARAMIE LFS is suited for illuminating signs, facades, small area illumination, flag poles and landscape accent s Decorative die-cast aluminum construction s Silicone gasketing for positive seal, v threaded knuckle for use with accessories or mounting by others s Five standard polyester powder protective finishes plus custom color capability are offered s Narrow beam (NEMA 1x1) provides a spot for flags, columns and accent lighting s Medium beam (NEMA 4x4) delivers mid-range beam punch s Wide beam (NEMA 6x6) with uniform distribution – great for close setbacks s LED units offer long life with little main- tenance and low energy consumption 12 LEDs, 15w, 12VDC, 936-954 lumens, 5000K CCT, 64 lumens per watt efficiency s3UITABLEFORUSEINWETLOCATIONS ORDERING INFORMATION (Must be ordered with Hubbell Lighting solar power assembly, see specification sheets for detailed information) LFS SERIES LFS Laramie Flood Small #OFLEDS/SOURCE/VOLTAGE/CCT/BEAM FINISH BZ "RONZE 12LD-5K-W 15w 12V DC, 6x6 12LD-5K-M 15w 12V DC, 4x4 BL Black GR Gray 12LD-5K-N 15w 12V DC, 1x1 WH White PS Platinum ACCESSORIES - Order Separately, Field Installed Catalog Number Description 0ORTABLESPIKEWITHvTOPHUBANDFTCORDSETPLATINUMGRAYlNISH 1031-3 Glare shield, black LFS-GS 2OUNDPOLE SIDEJUNCTIONBOXWITHHARDWAREvCOVERANDBOTTOMHUBBRONZE LFP-JB-BZ Polycarbonate shield LFS-SPC (ALFYOKEWIRINGBOXBRONZE MIC-TB Non-metallic box and cover burial box with cable connectors NM-BC vPIPEv/$ SLIP lTTERWITHvTOPHUBFOR,&3,&0BRONZE S-302-M51 vPIPEv/$ SLIP lTTERWITHvTOPHUBFOR,&3,&0WHITE S-302-M52 vPIPEv/$ SLIP lTTERWITHvTOPHUBFOR,&3,&0PLATINUMGRAY S-302 7ETLOCATIONSURFACEBOXWITHCOVER SIDEAND COVERvHUBNATALUM S329B DIMENSIONS A C B D E 136 A v LFS 260 mm B v 165 mm C v 203 mm D v 102 mm E v 63.5 REPLACEMENT PARTS Catalog Number 93004823 207-5011-0264 Description Replacement lens "RONZEKNUCKLE ROADWAY DC RMCT Solar LED Roadway s %ACH,%$HASINDIVIDUALOPTICALLENSSO every source contributes to the same IES pattern s IP-65 LED light engine assembly and driver(s) s Lektrocote finish with 2 standard and custom colors available s Fixture feature a twin clamp mounting TOEITHERv/$ORv/$PIPE! center fulcrum allows leveling of +or- 5 DEGREESBYCLAMPADJUSTMENT s !@BIRDSHIELDISINCLUDEDONALLlXTURES Fixtures are capable of 3G installations. SOLAR s 4HE,%$2-UNITISUSEDWITH(UBBELL ,IGHTINGSSOLARLIGHTINGPACKAGE4HIS$# unit is powered by the solar panel and bat tery that is custom designed for your loca TION4YPICALAPPLICATIONSINCLUDEROADWAY parking, area and perimeter lighting s Units are available in 35w, 50w, and 70w CONlGURATIONS6$#INPUTCURRENT s Die-cast aluminum housing and doors provide light weight, yet durable protection, A driver door allows easy access for both mounting and wiring s A 30LED light engine provides standard IES distributions of Type II, III, IV, V square with up to 86 LPW efficiency s )$!lXTURESEALOFAPPROVAL s 3UITABLEFORUSEINWETLOCATIONS ORDERING INFORMATION (Must be ordered with Hubbell Lighting solar power assembly, see specification sheets for detailed information) RMCT 30L SERIES NUMBER OF LEDS 30L 30 LEDs RMCT Zero D VOLTAGE CCT D 12V DC 4K 4200K IES DISTRIBUTION 2 Type II nominal uplight medium solar Roadway 5K 5100K nominal 3 Type III 4 Type IV 5 Type V DRIVE CURRENT 035 350 mA (35w) 052 525 mA FINISH M51 "RONZE M53 Gray (50w) 070 700 mA (71w) DIMENSIONS C A B A 171 mm B 330 mm C 756 mm 137 CR1D Cimarron Solar FLOODLIGHTING sThe LED CR1 unit is used with Hubbell ,IGHTINGSSOLARLIGHTINGPACKAGE4HIS$# unit is powered by the solar panel and battery that is custom designed for your locaTION4YPICALAPPLICATIONSINCLUDEROADWAY parking, area and perimeter lighting sDie-cast aluminum housing provides light WEIGHTYETDURABLEPROTECTION!CCESSTO driver from two screws and hinged door for both mounting and wiring s !,%$LIGHTENGINEPROVIDESSTANDARD)%3 distributions of Type II, III, IV, V square with up to 86 LPW efficiency s %ACH,%$HASINDIVIDUALOPTICALLENSSO every source contributes to the same IES pattern s 5NITSAREAVAILABLEINWWANDW CONlGURATIONS6$#INPUTCURRENT s #2lXTURESFEATURESTRAIGHTARMMOUNTING OROPTIONALMASTARMlTTERTOv/$ pipe s IP-65 LED light engine assembly and driver(s) s Units are designed to operate from -35˚ C to 40˚ C ambient s 3UITABLEFORUSEINWETLOCATIONS ORDERING INFORMATION (Must be ordered with Hubbell Lighting solar power assembly, see specification sheets for detailed information) CR1D 30LD SERIES MOUNTING CR1D Solar A !RMMOUNTv Cimarron CCT NUMBER OF LEDS/VOLTAGE 30LD 30 LEDs, 12V DC straight rigid arm included & acceptable for 90˚ configurations) 4K 4200K 2 Type II nominal 5K 5100K nominal 3 Type III FORv/$ HORIZONTALARM DIMENSIONS 16.0" 406.4 mm 21.75" 522.5 mm 6.75" 171.5 mm 6.0" 152.4 mm 2.50 5.59 3.40 1.95 1.95 3.89 STRAIGHT ARM 138 4 Type IV 5 Type V MAF Mast arm fitter 5.625" 143.9 mm IES DISTRIBUTION 1.16 5.62 MAST ARM FITTER OPTION DRIVE CURRENT 035 350 mA (35w) 052 525 mA (50w) 070 700 mA (71w) FINISH DB $ARK"RONZE GR Gray TMR/TMS Solar LED Bollards s 12 LED light engine, 31w, asymmetric distribution,3500K or 5000K color temperature s 24 LED light engine, 62w, symmetric distribution, 3500K or 5000K s 3EALEDONE PIECECLEARACRYLICLENS 3PECULARANODIZEDALUMINUMOPTICAL systems s #ONCEALEDGALVANIZEDSTEELANCHORBASE Four 1⁄ vXvANCHORBOLTS FLOODLIGHTING s 4HE4EMPESQUAREANDROUNDBOLLARDSARE used with Hubbell Lighting’s solar lighting PACKAGE4HESE$#UNITSare designed to illuminate walkways and courtyards s Extruded aluminum square or round housing, WITHTAMPERRESISTANTHARDWARESingle screw ACCESSFORTOPRELAMPINGDecorative Southwestseries cast top s Durable Lektrocote TGIC thermoset polyes ter powder coat paint finish assures long life and maintenance-free service s Units are available in 31w and 62w configurations,12V DC input current s3UITABLEFORUSEINWETLOCATIONS TEMPE ROUND TEMPE SQUARE ORDERING INFORMATION (Must be ordered with Hubbell Lighting solar power assembly, see specification sheets for detailed information) D SERIES TMR Tempe NUMBER OF LEDS/CCT VOLTAGE 12LU-3K 12 LEDs, 31w, D 12V DC asymmetric distribution, 3500K Round TMS Tempe Square FINISH DB "RONZE BL Gray WH White 12LU-5K 12 LEDs, 31w, GR Gray asymmetric distribution, 5000K 24LU-3K 24 LEDs, 62w, symmetric distribution, 3500K 24LU-5K 24 LEDs, 62w, symmetric distribution, 5000K PS Platinum Silver DIMENSIONS C B D A A A DIA TMR 178 mm DIA TMS 171 mm B 1054 mm 1054 mm C 140 mm 140 mm D 102 mm 102 mm Weight 41 lbs. 18.6 kg 41 lbs. 18.6 kg LED - 24LU optics 139 spaulding lighting brand profile • Founded in 1955 Complete offering of outdoor area/site and pedestrian-level luminaires and poles for the commercial and institutional markets including parking areas, automotive dealerships, commercial developments, walkways and decorative roadway applications. product offering LED architectural area/site, post top, and bollard luminaires designed for the mid-specification and design-build markets, addressing their need for energy-savings, performance, delivery and value. 142 spaulding lighting AREA/SITE LIGHTING LED DESIGN GUIDE LED Area/site Design Guide pages 144-147 Cimarron CL1S Series pages 148-149 Cimarron CL1 Series pages 150-151 Cimarron ECL1PSE backlight control pages 151 POST TOPS Peachtree PT Series pages 152 Vandalia VA Series pages 153 BOLLARDS Tempe TMR/TMS Series pages 154 Fresno FN1/FN2 Series pages 155 LED Retrofit Kit BOLR/BOLS Series pages 156 MOUNTING ACCESSORIES & POLES Cimarron Accessories CL1/CL1S Series pages 157 Poles FN1/FN2 Series pages 158-159 143 LED Design Guide LED Optical Performance for Area/Site Lighting AREA/SITE DESIGN GUIDE LIGHTING SOLUTIONS UTILIZING LED SYSTEMS Lighting decisions for today’s commercial, retail and industrial property owners are rapidly changing. Today’s lighting environment often requires businesses to look for innovative ways to dramatically reduce their overall energy costs, greenhouse gas emissions and overall operating risk. With the advancement of technology and rapidly changing criteria, business owners are often tasked with making tough decisions regarding the use of traditional light sources vs. an LED alternative solution. Spaulding Lighting understands the importance of providing customers with the proper analysis and key data required to assist in their decision making process. THE INNOVATIVE OPTICS OF THE SPAULDING CIMARRON LED SERIES LUMINAIRES: s Utilize precise LED optical design and directional lens placement to maximize light delivery where it is needed s Enable fewer fixtures to be used to deliver comparable light levels for significant energy savings s Provide one solution to address the need to conserve natural resources without compromising safety and security s Redistribute the light away from unwanted areas and place it where it can be better utilized s Employ individual optics designed for maximum performance with very little wasted energy s Offer enhanced uniformity for greater visibility BEFORE 464w HPS AFTER 216w LED 144 For complete LED area/site information visit: LED Design Guide LED Optical Performance for Area/Site Lighting LED ADVANCEMENTS AND OPTICAL PERFORMANCE AREA/SITE DESIGN GUIDE With the rapid advancements of LED technology, visual acuity and better uniformity can be achieved while using less energy. Spaulding’s Cimarron LED fixtures integrate the latest LED advancements and deliver optical performance that can perform as well as, and in most cases, better than historical HID fixtures with higher lumen packages. Advancements in solid state technology have brought about the use of light sources such as LED that provide more energy efficiency and long life, and help protect the environment. The Cimarron LED series delivers the following advantages: s Delivers wider spacing and increased forward throw s Improves overall uniformity s Uses up to 50% less energy of an equivalent HID fixture at full brightness s Bi-level control and continuous dimming options offer additional energy-savings s Potential to reduce pole count s Enables mounting heights from 15 ft. to over 35 ft. s Performs virtually maintenance-free (L90 at 60,000 hours, projected per IESNA TM-21-11) s Saves energy and reduces annual maintenance costs FOR OUTDOOR PARKING APPLICATIONS, CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE MADE FOR THE FOLLOWING: s Illuminance - minimum and uniformity requirements s Energy savings s Luminaire layout s Maintenance s s s s Optical control Performance Environmental friendliness Total cost of ownership Minimum Horizontal Uniformity Illuminance Maximum: Minimum Lighting Zone 0 Wilderness areas, parks and preserves, and undeveloped rural areas N/A N/A Lighting Zone 1 Rural and low density residential areas N/A N/A Lighting Zone 2 Light commercial business districts and high density or mixed use residential districts 0.50 fc 10:1 Lighting Zone 3 Large cities’ business districts 0.75 fc 10:1 Lighting Zone 4 High intensity business or industrial zone districts 1.00 fc 10:1 CBEA Lighting Guidelines (Commercial Building Energy Alliance) The table above is taken from Commercial Building Energy Alliance Site Lighting Performance Specification for Exterior Parking Lots. LIGHTING CONTROLS The wiHUBB® control systems from HBA (Hubbell Building Automation) allow programmable control of site/ parking luminaires for maximum energy savings. In-Fixture Modules feature full-range dimming capabilities into LED luminaires. Additionally, wiHUBB® Smart Pack and Preset Switch can be included for manual override control further maximizing savings (see Hubbell Building Automation pages 64 for more information) WIHUBB® CONTROLS FEATURES AND BENEFITS s Energy savings s Programmable control of site luminaires wiHUBB® devices communicate utilizing the most advanced radio RF technology s Fixture scheduling for On/Off and dimmed levels of illumination s Lower installation costs, no additional wiring s No rewiring or trenching on retrofit applications s Factory installed wireless modules s Expandable/scalable system grows as your facility and lighting needs grow For complete LED area/site information visit: 145 LED Design Guide AREA/SITE DESIGN GUIDE LED Optical Performance for Area/Site Lighting APPLICATION BASED SOLUTIONS Examples show a photometric layout designed to the Commercial Building Energy Alliances (CBEA) Lighting Zone 4 minimum horizontal luminance of 1 foot candle utilizing LED. The advantages and cost savings with LED are summarized below. It is also important to consider current IESNA recommended RP20 guidelines for designing fixed lighting for parking facilities. IESNA recommendations only apply to the design of new lighting systems for parking facilities. The lighting recommendations given here are for the reasonably safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in parking facilities. These values should be considered a minimum guideline, which are subject to changes based on sound engineering judgment. Considerations on illuminance requirements of a parking facility are affected by layout, opera- tion, and vehicular traffic safety issues, plus the visibility and security needs of pedestrians walking to or from their vehicles. More commonly, parking lots are illuminated to higher levels for safety and security reasons. IESNA RP 20 recommended maintained illuminance values for parking lots Basic Enhanced Minimum horizontal illuminance 0.2 fc 0.5 fc Uniformity ratio, (max/min) 20:1 15:1 TECHNOLOGY COMPARISON EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE 2 HYDROFORMED EXAMPLE 3 HYDROFORMED SEGMENTED HYDROFORMED CIMARRON LED Traditional HID HID Segmented Reflectors LED – Cimarron The large area of excessive lumens in the center of the diagram above provides a visual representation of wasted energy. The diagram above illustrates how segmented reflectors redirect light where it is needed in comparison to hydroformed optics. The diagram above illustrates the performance of the Type IV Cimarron LED. Note the absence of excessive lumens directly under the fixture. HID shoeboxes typically use a lamp in the horizontal position, emitting most of the light straight down at 0 degrees. The excessive lumens gather directly underneath the fixture resulting in: The use of segmented reflectors: Each LED optical configuration is designed for maximum performance. The advantages of Cimarron LED include: s Bright, hot spot s Increase in overall average footcandle levels for poor uniformity s Reduces the hot spot s Enhances overall visual acuity s Improves lumen distribution and uniformity Depending on certain criteria, it is even possible to: s Reduce the overall fixture count s Save money during initial installation s Energy-efficiency s Better uniformity s Reduced pole and fixture count s Long life s Money savings during installation s Virtually maintenance free (no re-lamping) s Consume less energy throughout the year For complete LED area/site information visit: 146 LED Design Guide Large Parking Area Layout with Cimarron LED LUMINAIRES: 90 LEDS, MOUNTED AT 34 FT. AREA/SITE DESIGN GUIDE 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.7 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.9 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0 3.0 2.4 2.7 2.8 2.6 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.0 2.3 2.2 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.8 1.5 1.3 2.3 1.9 1.7 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.5 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total installed cost* 2.0 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.4 3.2 .90 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.9 2.1 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.4 2.4 Light Loss Factor 2.1 2.2 2.3 1.7 1.6 2.1 1.3 2.1 2.1 1.4 1.1 1.2 2.9 Quantity of luminaires/poles 1.8 2.4 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.6 2.2 2.2 1.3 1.4 3.0 2.5 .95 1.4 2.0 2.2 1.9 2.1 1.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.3 1.6 2.1 2.1 1.6 2.1 1.9 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.9 1.3 1.8 2.0 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.2 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.2 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.1 2.2 1.8 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 2.3 2.0 1.5 1.6 1.6 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.1 1.5 1.5 1.6 2.3 1.6 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.0 1.2 2.1 2.1 1.3 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.0 1.4 1.2 1.2 2.9 2.4 Luminaire Dirt Depreciation 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.4 2.9 2.4 For complete LED area/site information visit: 0.0 0.0 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.4 2.2 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.5 2.4 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.4 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.9 1.5 1.2 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.7 1.4 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.9 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.8 2.1 1.7 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 2.1 1.6 1.8 2.3 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.6 2.6 2.2 1.0 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.5 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.9 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.5 2.1 1.6 1.4 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.5 2.2 2.2 1.5 2.3 1.9 2.1 1.5 2.1 2.5 1.5 2.3 2.3 2.4 1.6 2.0 2.4 1.6 2.1 2.3 2.3 3.0 2.5 Total site annual KWH 35017 Annual energy costs @ $0.10 per KWH $3,407 Avg/Min: 2.39 0.1 1.3 1.6 1.7 2.0 1.7 1.8 2.1 1.9 2.9 2.4 Maximum: 7.1 fc 4015 Annual hrs per fixture @ 11 hrs/day Max/Min: 7.1 0.1 1.1 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.6 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.7 2.1 1.6 2.9 2.5 Cimarron LED cost analysis example 336 Input watts per fixture Average: 2.39 fc 0.1 0.2 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.7 2.1 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.2 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.0 2.5 1.8 2.0 1.7 2.5 2.4 1.3 2.6 1.9 2.2 1.4 2.3 2.7 1.6 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.0 1.8 2.9 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.0 1.4 1.4 3.0 1.0 2.1 2.2 2.9 0.3 1.2 2.4 0.4 2.8 0.4 1.7 1.9 0.4 0.3 0.3 2.6 2.6 1.8 0.3 2.2 2.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.2 2.9 1.2 1.3 2.9 1.8 2.0 1.7 3.0 2.5 2.1 3.1 2.6 2.2 3.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.6 2.2 1.9 2.6 2.2 1.3 2.5 2.2 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L A R L U M I N A I R E S FEATURES s 3TYLISHVERTICALLYlNNEDDIE CASTSOLID TOPHOUSINGANDLOWERHEATSINKOPTIMIZE HEATDISSIPATION s $ECORATIVEINTEGRALARMHOUSESTWOSTAGE HINGEMECHANISM s &EATURESQUICK MOUNTPLATEANDQUICK CONNECTWIRINGFOREASYINSTALLATION s $RIVERSHAVEGREATERTHANPOWER FACTORANDLESSTHAN4($ s /PTIONAL 6$#CONTINUOUSDIMMING TO s !UTOMATICTHERMALSELFPROTECTION s 3URGEPROTECTIONSTANDARD s DEG#TODEG#AMBIENTOPERATION s ,EKTROCOTE4')#POLYESTERPOWDERCOATlNISH s 3TAINLESSSTEELBEZELMECHANICALLYCOMPRESSES GASKETEDLIGHTENGINEFOR)0RATING LED Product Partner ORDERING INFORMATION CL1S A VOLTAGE SERIES NO. OF LEDS CL1S #IMARRON,%$ 16L (IGHBRIGHTNESS,%$S 0EDESTRIAN 3CALE 32L (IGHBRIGHTNESS,%$S 48L (IGHBRIGHTNESS,%$S MOUNTING CCT U3 5NIVERSAL6 3 4K +#2) 5K +#2) AM6,9 !MBER 21 6 6 COMPLETEWITHQUICK MOUNTPLATE ,EAVEBLANKFOR M!STANDARD 035 M!!MBER «MAVAIL ABLEFORh4URTLE &RIENDLYvOBSERVA TORYAPPLICATIONS CONSULTFACTORY «MAVAILABLE FORh4URTLE &RIENDLYv APPLICATIONS CONSULT FACTORY 41 6 5 6(Z F 6(Z E4 6(Z BC5 "ACKLIGHTCONTROL CD2,7 #ONTINUOUSDIMMING F(X)3,4 &USINGREPLACE 8WITHVOLTAGE 6 6 6 6 6 6 RPA3 v2OUNDPOLEADAPTER COLOR RPA4 v2OUNDPOLEADAPTER DB $ARK"RONZE DISTRIBUTION BL "LACK WH 7HITE 2 4YPE)) 3 4YPE))) TB 4ERMINALBLOCK WB 7ALLBRACKET WHB 7HITE,%$BEZEL PR(X)2 .%-!0HOTOCELL GR 'RAY 4 4YPE)6 RECEPTACLEREPLACE8 WITHVOLTAGE 5 PS 0LATINUM3ILVER 5S 4YPE63HORT RD 2ED 5M 4YPE6-EDIUM PREMIUMCOLOR 5W 4YPE67IDE FG &OREST'REEN WIH2,8 )N lXTUREWIRELESS CC #USTOM#OLOR MOTION CONTROL OPTIONS PREMIUMCOLOR 2L 4YPE))ROTATEDLEFT 3L 4YPE))ROTATEDLEFT CONTROLMODULE SC0 .OLIGHTOUTPUTWHENNO 4L 4YPE)6ROTATEDLEFT ACCESSORIES SEE PAGE: 157 MOTIONDETECTED/N /FFCONTROL SCP (IGHLOWCONTROLnUSER PROGRAMMABLESETTINGS OFOF POWER&ACTORYDEFAULT IS 2R 4YPE))ROTATEDRIGHT 3R 4YPE)))ROTATEDRIGHT Notes: 1 - Select only when using voltage specific options F, WIH 2 - WIH cannot be combined CD or PR(X) options 3 - Fuse option not available with U voltage 4 - Select F3 fusing option for 220V 5 - Not recommended for Type 5S, 5M or 5W 6 - 350mA required with amber CCT 7 - Dimming leads accessible for connection to third party dimming systems 8 - Available with120V, 277V, 347V or 480V 9 - Amber option only available in 48L configuration 4R 4YPE)6ROTATEDRIGHT B F D D E OPTIONS DRIVE CURRENT 3K +#2) 6(Z 11 6 1 A STRAIGHTARMATTACHEDTOHOUSING DIMENSIONS C s .OMINAL+#2)+#2) +#2) s #HOICEOFHIGHBRIGHTNESS,%$CON lGURATIONSWITHINDIVIDUALACRYLICLENSES AIMEDTOPRODUCE)%3TYPE))))))6 AND6DISTRIBUTIONS s"ACKLIGHTCONTROLOPTIONREDUCESSPILL LIGHTBEHINDPOLEBYDOESNgT CHANGElXTUREAPPEARANCEOR%0! s&EATURESEXCLUSIVEWI(5""TECHNOLOGY 7IRELESSSYSTEMFOR/N/FFAND 6$# CONTINUOUSDIMMINGCONTROLTO LIGHTOUTPUT 0ROGRAMMABLEAUTONOMOUSOPERATION s$ESIGN,IGHTS#ONSORTIUMQUALIlED s ,ISTEDTO5,AND#3!# FORWETLOCATIONS s .EWTURTLEFRIENDLY!MBERAVAILABLE s )%30ROGRESS!WARD7INNERn A E A G G H E CL1S 148 C B A 12" 305 mm B 16.312" 414 mm C 4" 102 mm D 4.5" 114 mm E 3" 76 mm F 20.312" 515 mm G 4.13" 105 mm H 4.13" 105 mm Weight 19 lbs. 8.62 kg CL1S Cimarron LED Pedestrian Scale Series Equivalency Delivered Lumens System Watts Lumens Per Watt CCT Drivers/ Current 39 71 3000K 1@700mA 76 76 71 3000K 2@700mA 9,662 111 111 72 3000K 3@700mA 3,484 3,160 39 39 89 4200K 1@700mA 6,782 6,841 6,206 76 76 90 4200K 2@700mA 9,309 10,250 10,339 9,379 111 111 93 4200K 3@700mA 3,075 3,113 3,731 3,457 3,166 39 39 96 5100K 1@700mA 6,527 6,574 6,654 7,327 7,391 6,704 76 76 96 5100K 2@700mA 9,864 9,935 10,056 11,073 11,169 10,132 111 111 101 5100K 3@700mA Catalog Number MH HPS Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5M Type 5S Type 5W 120V277V 45ING%S! CL1S-16L-3K C SAV 70w 50w 2,438 2,456 2,486 2,737 2,761 2,725 39 % CL1S-32L-3K 4% 24 C SAVINGS! 100w 70w 4,788 4,823 4,881 5,375 5,422 4,918 % CL1S-48L-3K 6% 26 C SAVINGS! 150w 100w 7,236 7,288 7,377 8,123 8,193 * SAVINGS! 61% CL1S-16L-4K 100w 70w 3,077 3,099 3,136 3,454 50ING%S! CL1S-32L-4K C SAV 150w 100w 6,042 6,085 6,159 37% CL1S-48L-4K C 175w 150w 9,131 9,593 61ING%S! CL1S-16L-5K C SAV 100w 70w 3,053 0% CL1S-32L-5K 50 C 150w 100w 37ING%S! CL1S-48L-5K C SAV 175w 150w * * * * * SAVINGS! * * SAVINGS! * 347V480V QUICK MOUNT INSTALLATION .579 For installation video scan this code or visit link below: The Cimarron CL1S installation features: 1 Quick-mount plate attaches to pole with two 1/2” bolts .875 2 4 - slot hex 1/4” captured screws secure luminaire door to top 4.962 3 Safety-latch holds luminaire door to prevent “free swing” door 4.962 4 Two stage hinge mechanism built into integral arm 5 Quick-connect wiring for a simplified, hassle-free installation 1 2.625 2 QUICK-MOUNT PLATE 3 4 5 FIXTURE MOUNTING – FACTORY ROTATED OPTICS For proper light distribution and performance, rotated 2L Type II rotated 90˚ left optics must be mounted as referenced in illustration. 3L Type III rotated 90˚ left 4L Type IV rotated 90˚ left Consult instruction sheet included when mounting. 2R 3R 4R Type II rotated 90˚ right Type III rotated 90˚ right Type IV rotated 90˚ right 149 R E C TA N G U L A R L U M I N A I R E S PERFORMANCE INFORMATION CL1 LED Cimarron LE LED ED S Series eries R E C TA N G U L A R L U M I N A I R E S FEATURES s 3TYLISHVERTICALLYlNNEDDIE CASTSOLID TOPHOUSINGANDLOWERHEATSINKOPTIMIZE HEATDISSIPATION s )SOLATEDELECTRICALCOMPARTMENTWITH INTEGRALHEATSINKINGFORCOOLER OPERATIONANDLONGERDRIVERLIFE s $RIVERSHAVEGREATERTHANPOWER FACTORANDLESSTHAN4($ s /PTIONALCONTINUOUSDIMMINGTOOR DUALCIRCUITRYAVAILABLE s !UTOMATICTHERMALSELFPROTECTION s 3URGEPROTECTIONSTANDARD s HOURSLIFE, # s 3HIPPEDWITHUPSWEPTORSTRAIGHTARM FORUNIFORMLOOKANDEASEOFINSTALLATION s DEG#TODEG#AMBIENTOPERATION s ,EKTROCOTE4')#POLYESTERPOWDERCOATlNISH s +#2)+#2)+#2) LED Product Partner ORDERING INFORMATION s .EWSTAINLESSSTEELBEZEL$EC s #HOICEOFHIGHBRIGHTNESS,%$CON lGURATIONSWITHINDIVIDUALACRYLICLENSES AIMEDTOPRODUCE)%3TYPE))))))6 AND6DISTRIBUTIONS s"ACKLIGHTCONTROLOPTIONREDUCESSPILL LIGHTBEHINDPOLEBYDOESNgT CHANGElXTUREAPPEARANCEOR%0! s&EATURESEXCLUSIVEWI(5""TECHNOLOGY 7IRELESSSYSTEMFOR/N/FFAND 6$# CONTINUOUSDIMMINGCONTROLTO LIGHTOUTPUT 0ROGRAMMABLEAUTONOMOUSOPERATION s$ESIGN,IGHTS#ONSORTIUMQUALIlED s )0 s ,ISTEDTO5,AND #3!# FORWETLOCATIONS s)NCREASEDLUMENOUPUTWITHUSE OFM!DRIVER,ONLY s .EWTURTLEFRIENDLY!MBERAVAILABLE CL1 SERIES NO. OF LEDS VOLTAGE CCT CL1 #IMARRON,%$ 90L (IGHBRIGHTNESS,%$S U3 5NIVERSAL6 6 3K +#2) 60L (IGHBRIGHTNESS,%$S 30L (IGHBRIGHTNESS,%$S 7 1 (Z 4K +#2) 6 5K +#2) 27 6 MOUNTING A !RMMOUNTCONSTRUCTIONvSTRAIGHT «MAVAILABLE FORh4URTLE &RIENDLYv APPLICATIONS CONSULT FACTORY 47 6 RIGIDARMINCLUDEDACCEPTABLEFOR ªCONFIGURATIONS 5 6(Z AD $ECORATIVEARMMOUNTCONSTvDECO F 6(Z RATIVEUPSWEPTARMINCLACCEPTABLE FORªCONFIGURATIONS ,EAVEBLANKFOR M!STANDARD 035 M!!MBER «MAVAILABLEFOR h4URTLE&RIENDLYv OBSERVATORYAPPLICA TIONSCONSULTFACTORY AM !MBER 37 6 OPTIONS DRIVE CURRENT 105 M!USEWITH ,ONLYFORHIGHER LUMENOUTPUT E4 6(Z MAF -ASTARMlTTERFORMOUNTINGTO BL1,2,5 "I LEVELCONTROL CD2 #ONTINUOUSDIMMING WB 7ALLBRACKET RPA3 v2OUNDPOLEADAPTER RPA4 v2OUNDPOLEADAPTER RPA5 v2OUNDPOLEADAPTER RPA6 v2OUNDPOLEADAPTER F(X)3,4 &USINGREPLACE8 WITHVOLTAGE 6 6 6 6 6 6 DISTRIBUTION STANDARDMASTARMBRACKET INCLUDESSTRAIGHTRIGIDARM 2 4YPE)) 3 4YPE))) .OTES &OR",OPTION,AND,.!66 ",#$ANDOR7)(CANNOTBECOMBINED &USEOPTIONNOTAVAILABLEWITHUNIVERSALVOLTAGE 3ELECT&FUSINGOPTIONFOR6 0HOTOCELLRECEPTACLENOTAVAILABLEWITH",OR7)(OPTIONS 2ECOMMENDEDFOR4YPE)))))OR4YPE)6DISTRIBUTIONSONLY 2EPLACE88WITHCOLORDESIGNATIONSEEBELOW $IRECTPOLEMOUNTONLYNOTCOMPATIBLEWITHTENONADAPTERS "EZELCHANGEDTOSTAINLESSSTEELASSTANDARD$EC COLOR DB $ARK"RONZE SSB9 3TAINLESSSTEEL,%$BEZEL BL "LACK VG 6ANDALGUARD 5S 4YPE63HORT WH 7HITE PR(X)5 .%-!0HOTOCELL 5M 4YPE6 GR 'RAY 4 4YPE)6 -EDIUM 5W 4YPE67IDE RECEPTACLEREPLACE8 WITHVOLTAGE5 PS 0LATINUM3ILVER RD 2ED PREMIUMCOLOR FG &OREST'REEN PREMIUMCOLOR ENERGY DATA 0OWER&ACTOR 4OTAL(ARMONIC$ISTORTION BC6 "ACKLIGHTCONTROL CC #USTOM#OLOR WIH2,5,7 )N lXTUREWIRELESS CONTROLMODULE 6 MOTION CONTROL OPTIONS SC0 .OLIGHTOUTPUTWHENNO MOTIONDETECTED/N /FFCONTROL SCP (IGHLOWCONTROLnUSER PROGRAMMABLESETTINGS OFOF POWER&ACTORYDEFAULT IS ACCESSORIES SEE PAGE: 157 *Projected per IESNA TM-21-11 NOTE: All poles to be drilled with #2 pattern DIMENSIONS Straight Arm Upswept Arm E G F A A D B A CL1 MM 150 B MM C MM B C D MM E MM F MM G MM EPA FT§ M§ Weight !PPROXLBS !PPROXKG CL1 LED Cimarron LED Series Equivalency Delivered Lumens System Watts Series Number Drivers/ Current Type 3 60ING%S! CL1-30L-3K C SAV 175w 150w 4,606 4,668 4,686 4,858 4,902 4,601 70 87 70 3000K 2@700mA 44ING%S! CCL1-60L-3K SAV 250w 150w 9,013 9,175 9,216 9,409 9,461 8,844 140 157 68 3000K 4@700mA 35ING%S! CL1-90L-3K C SAV 320w 200w 13,360 13,601 13,575 13,923 14,004 13,902 210 227 66 3000K 6@700mA % CCL1-90L-3K-105 6% 16 SAVINGS! 400w 250w 17,645 17,612 17,469 17,950 18,271 17,330 336 363 54 3000K 6@1050mA 72ING%S! CCL1-30L-4K SAV 250w 250w 6,089 6,109 6,104 6,417 6,439 6,046 70 87 92 4200K 2@700mA 56% CCL1-60L-4K 320w 400w 11,583 11,468 12,036 12,038 12,581 11,807 ;140 157 95 4200K 4@700mA 46ING%S! CCL1-90L-4K SAV 400w 400w 17,143 16,973 17,648 18,521 20,220 17,394 210 227 98 4200K 6@700mA 72% CCL1-90L-4K-105 750w 750w 23,896 23,912 24,199 24,583 25,357 23,128 336 363 80 4200K 6@1050mA 72ING%S! CL1-30L-5K C SAV 250w 250w 6,384 6,164 6,641 7,108 6,999 6,619 70 87 101 5100K 2@700mA 56% CL1-60L-5K C 320w 400w 13,300 12,842 13,125 13,185 13,675 12,954 140 157 95 5100K 4@700mA 46ING%S! CL1-90L-5K C SAV 400w 400w 19,684 19,006 19,202 20,592 19,610 18,973 210 227 98 5100K 6@700mA 55% CL1-90L-5K-105 C 750w 750w 26974 25,351 26,548 25,793 27,445 25,195 336 363 80 5100K 6@1050mA * * * SAVINGS! * * SAVINGS! * * SAVINGS! * * SAVINGS! Type 5W CCT Type 2 * Type 5S Lumens Per Watt HPS * Type 5M 347V480V MH * Type 4 120V277V ECL1PSE Backlight Control For those LED projects that require minimal light behind the pole, Spaulding Lighting has a solution – ECL1PSE Backlight Control. This unique system, designed specifically for LED lighting, will virtually eliminate the light spill behind the pole and is available on Cimarron LED CL1 and CL1S models. (See CL1 and CL1S page(s) for ordering information) Type IV with Backlight Control Type IV without Backlight Control s Reduce light 85% behind the pole – industry leading performance s No change to fixture appearance or EPA s Achieves impressive Backlight-Uplight-Glare (BUG) rating s Neighbor-friendly lighting s 2012 IES Progress Report Award winner ORDERING INFORMATION – SEE CIMMARON CL1 AND CL1S ORDERING OPTIONS OPTIONS BC Backlight control 151 R E C TA N G U L A R L U M I N A I R E S PERFORMANCE INFORMATION PT Peachtree chtree e P O S T TO P S s Spun aluminum hood, hinges up for relamping s Cast aluminum base and slipfitter with steel rods to secure lens and hood s "OROSILICATEGLASSREFRACTORSPROVIDE4YPE III or V round light patterns; Polycarbonate refractor provides Type V round light pattern s Cast aluminum fitters for 3” OD pole top or 2.375” OD tenon; secured by set screws in fitter s 28 high brightness LEDs at 700mA delivers symmetric distribution at 64w, providing up to 4010 delivered lumens; 4200K and 5100K color temperatures s0,000 hour LED rating L70 at 25˚C s 5NIVERSALVOLTAGEDRIVER 6 WITH 10% tolerance, starting temperature rate -20˚F s Durable Lektrocote® TGIC thermoset polyester powder coat paint finish assures long life and maintenance-free service s ,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS ORDERING RING INFORMATION PT SERIES MOUNT SOURCE/WATTAGE/CCT LENS PT Peachtree 2F Post-top mount (2 3/8" tenon) F45 Internal fitter (4 1/2" round pole) 28-LU-4K 28 LEDs, 64w symmetric distribution, 120-277V, 50/60Hz, 4200K, 70 CRI 28-LU-5K 28 LEDs, 64w symmetric distribution, 120-277V, 50/60Hz, 5100K, 67 CRI VP Type 5 polycarbonate refractor VG Type 5 glass refractor (standard) 3G Type 3 glass refractor DIMENSIONS OPTIONS COLOR DB Dark Bronze BL Black WH GR PS RD White P(X) Photo button (replace X with voltage: 1-120, 2-208, 3-240, 4-277) Gray Platinum Silver Red (premium color) FG Forest Green (premium color) CC Custom Color (consult factory) B-dia. A PT A 24” 610 mm B 23 1/4” 591 mm EPA 2.4 ft² 0.2 m² Weight 30 lbs. 13.6 kg PTR - Peachtree Retrofit module ORDERING INFORMATION s Retrofits existing Peachtree HID/HPS systems s 28 high brightness LEDs at 700mA delivers symmetric distribution at 64w, providing up to 4010 delivered lumens; 4200K and 5100K color temperatures sLong life 50,000 hour LED rating L70 at 25˚C s5NIVERSALVOLTAGEDRIVER 6 WITH 10% tolerance, starting temperature rate -20˚F 152 PTR SERIES PTR Peachtree LED Retrofit SOURCE 28-LU-4K 28 LEDs, 64w symmetric distribution, 120-277V, 50/60Hz, 4200K 28-LU-5K 28 LEDs, 64w symmetric distribution, 120-277V, 50/60Hz, 5100K VA Vandalia Vand s HIGHBRIGHTNESS,%$SATM!DELIVER SYMMETRICDISTRIBUTIONATWPROVIDINGUP TODELIVEREDLUMENS sHOUR,%$RATING,AT# s5NIVERSALVOLTAGEDRIVER 6 WITH TOLERANCESTARTINGTEMPERATURERATED & s $URABLE,EKTROCOTE®4')#THERMOSETPOLYESTERPOWDERCOATPAINTlNISHASSURESLONGLIFE ANDMAINTENANCE FREESERVICE s ,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS P O S T TO P S s #ASTALUMINUMRIBBEDFRAMEANDlTTERASSEMBLY3PUNALUMINUMTOPCOVER WITHSINGLESCREWACCESSTORE LAMP s 0OLYCARBONATEREFRACTORPROVIDES4YPE6ROUND LIGHTPATTERN s #ASTALUMINUMlTTERSINTERNALMOUNTFOR v/$POLESECUREDBYINTERNAL CASTEXPANSIONlTTERSLIPlTTERMOUNTFOR v/$TENONSECUREDBYSET SCREWSINlTTER s ,%$n+OR+COLORTEMPERATURE ORDERING INFORMATION VA SERIES MOUNT VA 6ANDALIA 2F 0OST TOPMOUNT TENON F45 )NTERNALlTTER ROUND POLE SOURCE/WATTAGE/CCT 42-LU-4K ,%$SW 6HZ +#2) 42-LU-5K ,%$SW 6HZ +#2) COLOR LENS VP 4YPE POLYCARBONATE REFRACTOR IIP 4YPE POLYCARBONATE REFRACTOR DB BL WH GR PS RD $ARK"RONZE "LACK 7HITE OPTIONS P(X) 0HOTOBUTTONREPLACE 8WITHVOLTAGE 'RAY 0LATINUM3ILVER 2ED PREMIUMCOLOR FG &OREST'REEN PREMIUMCOLOR CC #USTOM#OLOR CONSULTFACTORY DIMENSIONS B-dia. A A v VA MM B v MM EPA FT§ M§ Weight LBS KG 153 TM Tempe Bollards BOLLARDS s2OTATABLE,%$ASSEMBLYADJUSTMENTFORIDEAL PLACEMENTANDAIMINGOFASYMMETRICLIGHT PATTERN s HIGHBRIGHTNESS,%$SATM!DELIVERSYMMETRICDISTRIBUTIONATW s HIGHBRIGHTNESS,%$SATM!DELIVER ASYMMETRICDISTRIBUTIONATW s !VAILABLEINTWODIFFERENTCOLORCORRELATED TEMPERATURES+AND+ s HOUR,RATEDAT# s %XTRUDEDALUMINUMHOUSINGWITHSINGLESCREW ACCESSFORTOPRELAMPING$ECORATIVECASTTOP WITHTAMPERRESISTANTHARDWARE TEMPE ROUND s 3EALEDONE PIECECLEARACRYLICLENS s$URABLE,EKTROCOTE®4')#THERMOSETPOLYESTER POWDERCOATPAINTlNISHASSURESLONGLIFEAND MAINTENANCE FREESERVICE s #ONCEALEDGALVANIZEDSTEELANCHORBASE&OUR bvXvANCHORBOLTSONvDIAMETERBOLT circle s,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS s YEARLIMITEDSYSTEMWARRANTY TEMPE SQUARE ORDERING INFORMATION SERIES TMR Tempe Round TMS Tempe Square SOURCE/WATTAGE/LED COLOR 12-LU-3K ,%$SW DB BL WH GR PS RD ASYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION+ 6(Z 12-LU-5K ,%$SW ASYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION+ 6(Z OPTIONS $ARK"RONZE F(X) &USINGREPLACE8 WITHVOLTAGE 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V "LACK 7HITE 'RAY P(X) 0HOTOBUTTON REPLACE8 WITHVOLTAGE 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V 0LATINUM3ILVER Red PREMIUMCOLOR FG &OREST'REEN PREMIUMCOLOR CC #USTOM#OLOR CONSULTFACTORY 24-LU-3K ,%$SW SYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION+ 6(Z 24 vLUMINAREHEIGHT 30 vLUMINAIREHEIGHT 36 vLUMINAIREHEIGHT CD #ONTINUOUSDIMMING PAB 0RE SHIPANCHORBOLTS 24-LU-5K ,%$SW SYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION+ 6(Z Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Distribution MH Drivers/ Current Series Number 57ING%S! * TMR-12LU-3K W W W 1,080 30 36 !SYMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 57% TMR-12LU-5K W W W 1,543 30 51 !SYMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 54ING%S! * TMR-24LU-3K W W W 1,720 46 37 3YMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 54% TMR-24LU-5K W W W 2,622 46 51 3YMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 57ING%S! * TMS-12LU-3K W W W 1,010 30 35 !SYMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 57% TMS-12LU-5K W W W 30 36 !SYMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 54ING%S! * TMS-24LU-3K W W W 1,644 46 36 3YMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 54% TMS-24LU-5K W W W 46 42 3YMMETRIC + 120-277V M! SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * SAVINGS! DIMENSIONS C B 154 D A A A 7" dia. TMR 178 mm 6 3/4" dia. TMS 171 mm B 41 1/2" 1054 mm 41 1/2" 1054 mm C 5 1/2" 140 mm 5 1/2" 140 mm D 4" 102 mm 4" 102 mm Weight 41 lbs. 18.6 kg 41 lbs. 18.6 kg FN Fresno Bollards s 3EALEDONE PIECECLEARACRYLICLENS s$URABLE,EKTROCOTE®4')#THERMOSETPOLYESTER POWDERCOATPAINTlNISHASSURESLONGLIFEAND MAINTENANCE FREESERVICE s #ONCEALEDGALVANIZEDSTEELANCHORBASE&OUR bvXvANCHORBOLTSONvDIAMETERBOLT circle s,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS s YEARLIMITEDSYSTEMWARRANTY BOLLARDS s2OTATABLE,%$ASSEMBLYADJUSTMENTFORIDEAL PLACEMENTANDAIMINGOFASYMMETRICLIGHT PATTERN s HIGHBRIGHTNESS,%$SATM!DELIVERSYMMETRICDISTRIBUTIONATW s HIGHBRIGHTNESS,%$SATM!DELIVER ASYMMETRICDISTRIBUTIONATW s !VAILABLEINTWODIFFERENTCOLORCORRELATED TEMPERATURES+AND+ s HOUR,RATEDAT# s %XTRUDEDALUMINUMHOUSINGWITHSINGLESCREW ACCESSFORTOPRELAMPING$ECORATIVECASTTOP WITHTAMPERRESISTANTHARDWARE FRESNO SQUARE FRESNO ROUND ORDERING INFORMATION SOURCE/WATTAGE/LED SERIES COLOR 12-LU-3K ,%$SW FN1 Fresno Square ASYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION+ 6(Z FN2 Fresno Round 12-LU-5K ,%$SW ASYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION+ 6(Z 24-LU-3K ,%$SW SYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION+ 6(Z DB BL WH GR PS RD OPTIONS $ARK"RONZE F(X) &USINGREPLACE8 WITHVOLTAGE 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V "LACK 7HITE 'RAY P(X) 0HOTOBUTTON REPLACE8 WITHVOLTAGE 1-120V, 2-208V, 3-240V, 4-277V 0LATINUM3ILVER Red PREMIUMCOLOR FG &OREST'REEN PREMIUMCOLOR CC #USTOM#OLOR CONSULTFACTORY 24 vLUMINAREHEIGHT 30 vLUMINAIREHEIGHT 36 vLUMINAIREHEIGHT CD #ONTINUOUSDIMMING PAB 0RE SHIPANCHORBOLTS 24-LU-5K ,%$SW SYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION+ 6(Z Equivalency Lumens Per Watt Voltage CFL System Watts CCT HPS Delivered Lumens Distribution MH Drivers/ Current Series Number 57ING%S! * FN1-12LU-3K W W W 1,080 30 36 !SYMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 57% FN1-12LU-5K W W W 1,543 30 51 !SYMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 54ING%S! * FN1-24LU-3K W W W 1,720 46 37 3YMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 54% FN1-24LU-5K W W W 2,622 46 51 3YMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 54ING%S! * FN2-12LU-3K W W W 1,010 30 35 !SYMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 54% FN2-12LU-5K W W W 30 36 !SYMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 57ING%S! * FN2-24LU-3K W W W 1,644 46 36 3YMMETRIC + 120-277V M! 7% 57 FN2-24LU-5K W W W 46 42 3YMMETRIC + 120-277V M! SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * SAVINGS! SAV * SAVINGS! DIMENSIONS C B D A A A 6 3/4” sq. FN1 171 mm 7” dia. FN2 178 mm B 42” 1067 mm 42” 1067 mm C 6” 152 mm 6” 152 mm D 4” 102 mm 4” 102 mm Weight 41 lbs. 18.6 kg 41 lbs. 18.6 kg 155 BOLR/BOLS BOLLARDS LED Retrofit Kit s,%$RETROlTKITlTS&RESNO-ODESTOOR Tempe bollards s,%$SYSTEMM!SYMMETRIC distribution 46w s%ASYINSTALLATIONPROCESSRETROlTEXISTing HID or CFL systems in 10 minutes or less sHR,RATEDAT# s/PTIONALCONTINUOUSDIMMINGTO (0-10V) s&EATURESORHIGHBRIGHTNESS energy-efficient LEDs s!VAILABLEINTWODIFFERENTCOLORCORRElated temperatures (3500K and 5100K) s,%$SYSTEMM!ASYMMETRIC distribution, 31w ORDERING INFORMATION SERIES BOLR LED Retrofit LED PLATFORM VOLTAGE 24L 24 LEDs, 46w, U Universal symmetric distribution, 120-277V, 50/60 Hz Kit - Round BOLS LED Retrofit Kit - Square 12L 12 LEDs, 31w, asymmetric distribution, 120-277V, 50/60 Hz 1 2 3K 3500K 120 - 277V, 50/60 Hz 5K 5100K 1 120V ACCESSORIES OPTIONS CCT F1 Fusing - 120V F2 Fusing - 208V F3 Fusing - 240V BOLR-LENS1 Round replacement lens BOLS-LENS1 Square replacement lens F4 Fusing - 277V CD2 Continuous 2 208V 3 240V dimming 4 277V Required for Modesto bollard Dimming control by others For installation video scan this code or visit link below: DIMENSIONS BOLR BOLS A A 6.25 6.31 B B 2.61 2.61 C C 7.38 7.25 D 17.48 156 A BOLR 6.25" dia. 158 mm BOLS 6.31" dia. 160 mm D 17.48 B 2.61" 66 mm 2.61" 66 mm C 7.25" 184 mm 7.38" 187 mm D 17.48" 444 mm 17.48" 444 mm Weight 5.35 lbs. 2.43 kg 5.35 lbs. 2.43 kg Mounting Accessories CIMARRON LED CL1 FIXTURE MOUNTING – SQUARE & ROUND CIMARRON CL1 ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) Catalog Number CR-RPA3-XX1 CR-RPA4-XX1 CR-RPA5-XX1 CR-RPA6-XX1 CRD-RPA2-XX1 CRD-RPA3-XX1 CRD-RPA4-XX1 CRD-RPA5-XX1 CRD-RPA6-XX1 WB-CR-XX1 TPLB-XX1 MAF-CL-XX2 MAF POLE COVER FIXTURE Description Round pole adapter for straight arm (31⁄4 - 33⁄4”) Round pole adapter for straight arm (37⁄8 - 41⁄2”) Round pole adapter for straight arm (5”) Round pole adapter for straight arm (6”) Round pole adapter for upswept arm (23⁄4 - 31⁄8”) Round pole adapter for upswept arm (31⁄4 - 33⁄4”) Round pole adapter for upswept arm (37⁄8 - 41⁄2”) Round pole adapter for upswept arm (5”) Round pole adapter for upswept arm (6”) Wall bracket Twin parallel luminaire bracket Horizontal mast arm fitter for 2 3/8” OD arm. Mounts to standard 6” arm (ordered with fixture) M O U N T I N G AC C E S S O R I E S CR-RPAX-XX POLE COVER CAST ARM NUT PLATE ROUND POLE CAST ADAPTER NUT PLATE SQUARE POLE SCREW UPSWEPT ARM MOUNT SQUARE & ROUND POLES COVER POLE TOP ARM-CL-K-S-XX 2.25 ARM-CL-TK-TA-XX ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING ARMS Adjusts in 4° increments Adjusts in 4° increments EPA Weight Catalog Number Description ft2 (m2) lbs. (kg) — 5 (2.3) ARM-CL-K-TA-XX1 2 3/8” OD tenon slipfitter for single fixture — 7 (3.2) ARM-CL-TK-TA-XX1 2 3/8” OD tenon slipfitter for twin fixture (180°) 0.5 (0.05) 5.75 (2.6) ARM-CL-K-S-XX1 10” Adjustable arm .875 2.50 3.40 1.95 SETA-XX1 RETA-XX1 TETA-XX1 Description 4" Square pole top tenon adapter 2 3/8" OD slipfitter for max. four fixtures (90˚) 4" Round pole top tenon adapter 2 3/8" OD slipfitter for max. four fixtures (90˚) Three sided pole top tenon adapter 2 3/8" OD slipfitter for max. four fixtures (120˚) SETA-XX #2 DRILL PATTERN FOR POLES (CL1 AND CL1S) CIMARRON LED CL1S FIXTURE MOUNTING – SQUARE & ROUND EPA ft2 (m2) 0.4 ft1 (.04 m2) Weight lbs. (kg) 20 lbs. 9 kgs. 0.2 ft1 (.02 m2) 20 lbs. 9 kgs. 0.2 ft1 (.02 m2) 20 lbs. 9 kgs. POLE COVER FIXTURE CAST ARM POLE COVER MOUNTING BOLTS NUT PLATE ROUND POLE CAST ADAPTER NUT PLATE SET SCREW TETA-XX RETA-XX 5.62 MAF – HORIZONTAL MAST ARM FITTER (CL1 ONLY) TENON TOP POLE BRACKET ACCESSORIES CL1 AND CL1S (ORDER SEPARATELY) Ø .563 2 HOLES Ø .875 HOLE 1.16 1.95 3.89 Replace XX with color designation: DB - Dark Bronze, BL - Black, WH - White, GR - Gray, PS - Platinum Silver, RD - Red (Premium Color), FG - Forest Green (Premium Color), CC - Custom Color (consult factory) Catalog Number 3.5 5.59 SQUARE POLE QUICK-MOUNT PLATE 9.5" 4" ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) 9.5" 9.5" 4" CIMARRON CL1S ACCESSORIES (ORDER SEPARATELY) CL1S-RPAX-XX 5.5" Catalog Number PTL-1 PTL-8 PTL-5 PTL-6 PSC Description Photocontrol - twist-lock cell (120V) Photocontrol - twist-lock cell (120-277V) Photocontrol - twist-lock cell (480V) Photocontrol - twist-lock cell (347V) Shorting cap - twist-lock Catalog Number Description CL1S-RPA3AAC-XX1 Round pole adapter for straight arm (31⁄4 - 33⁄4”) CL1S-RPA4AAC-XX1 Round pole adapter for straight arm (37⁄8 - 5”) Wall bracket WB-CR-XX1 1 Replace XX with color choice, eg.: DB for Dark Bronze 157 Poles strict guidelines for quality, strength, and finish. Protecting your investment is our Lektrocote paint or galvanized finish. Both guarantee your investment for years. From shaft cutting through painting, quality control inspections are conducted throughout a highly automated process. POLES Spaulding’s complete line of poles offers simple solutions for all your lighting needs from 8 to 60 feet in height. Pole applications include general floodlighting, sports lighting, auto dealerships commercial site lighting, and roadways. Mounting configurations include tenon top, side mount, pad mount, or open top models to match any luminiare style. Lastly, to ensure the finish is not damaged during shipment, all poles are protected with a durable yet easily removed material. Constructed with exacting standards, both our aluminum and steel poles meet ORDERING INFORMATION CROSS SECTION NOMINAL LENGTH STYLE NOMINAL SHAFT DIMENSIONS LUMINAIRE MOUNTING TYPE S Straight 08 8 Feet R Round T Tapered 10 10 Feet 302 3 Inch H Hinged (square 12 12 Feet 40 4 Inch steel only) 14 14 Feet 452 4.5 Inch CX Side - double at 180° DX4 Side - triple at 90° 15 15 Feet 50 5 Inch EX4 Side - triple at 120° 552 5.5 Inch Q265 1/2” coupling 16 16 Feet FX4 Side - quad at 90° MATERIAL 60 6 Inch Q275 3/4” coupling 18 18 Feet P1 Pad mount - spider type S Steel 653 6.5 Inch Q305 2” coupling 20 20 Feet P2 Pad mount - yoke type A Aluminum 703 7 Inch Q325 Mid-pole luminaire 25 25 Feet P3 Pad mount - yoke type 27 27 Feet 803 8 Inch 30 30 Feet 853 8.5 Inch 35 35 Feet 391 39 Feet 90 3 45 45 Feet 113 11 Inch 50 50 Feet 123 12 Inch damper (2 3/8 x 4 1/4) Q42 Second mode vibration damper TA Tenon (2 3/8” OD) TB Tenon (2 7/8” OD) Q456 Square base cover OT Open top (for post top Q467 Round base cover luminaires) LAB Less anchor bolts CSA8 CSA Certified CD Concord top (use with Concord luminaires only) 1 Steel - Standard 6 7 8 9 bracket Q41 Fast mode vibration TR9 Removable tenon SHAFT THICKNESS Round tapered steel poles only Round Straight Poles only Tapered Poles only DRILL PATTERNS: Consult specific pole pages Specify option location using logic found in pole introduction pages; The location of all options must start a minimum of six inches above the hand hole and be located one foot apart from one another; Consult factory for any exceptions Optional base cover only needed when not provided as standard Optional round base cover SSS & RSS poles only Removable tenon used in conjunction with side arm mounting on SSS series poles; First specify desired arm configuration followed by “TR” notation Example: SSS-25-40-7-C6-TR-DB receptacle and cover Q225 Extra hand hole (Proformer XL only) 9 Inch 103 10 Inch Q185 15A GFCI 4 953 9.5 Inch 40 40 Feet (Hubbell seal) BX4 Side - double at 90° 60 60 Feet 1 2 3 4 5 OPTIONS Q55 Internal coating AX4 Side - single S Square (11 GA / .119) 7 Steel - Heavy (7 GA / .179) 3 Steel - Extra heavy (3 GA / .226 - .250) A Aluminum - Standard (.125) B Aluminum - Heavy (.188) C Aluminum - Extra heavy (.220 - .250) (consult factory) FINISH DB Dark Bronze BL Black WH White GR Gray PS Platinum Silver RD Red (premium color) FG Forest Green (premium color) CC Custom Color (consult factory) PR Primer Only GL Hot Dip Galvanized NA Natural Aluminum (aluminum poles only) This pole logic is for reference use only. The appropriate pole table should be used when sizing and ordering poles. Please visit for complete pole information including EPA, wind maps and AASHTO ratings 158 Poles LUMINAIRE MOUNTING SIDE MOUNTING LOCATIONS Pad Mount Tenon Top B C D E F POLES Side Mount A Open Top Denotes handhole location ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL BASE DIAGRAM OPTION ORIENTATION Follow the logic below when ordering location specific options. Round Straight and Tapered Poles (All excluding RTA Group 1 (RTA Group 1 & & RTS Group 2) RTS Group 2) Straight Square and Tapered Poles Anchor Bolt Location in Relation to Shaft Rotation Anchor Bolt Location in Relation to Shaft Rotation Handhole Handhole For each option, include its orientation (in degrees) and its height (in feet). Example: Option Q26 should be ordered as: SSS-20-40-1-A1-DB-Q26-0-15 (1/2” coupling on the hand hole/arm side of pole, 15 feet up from the pole base) 180° Height of option (in feet) Anchor Rod Hex Nut Plain Washer 90° Base Plate Bolt Projection Grout Finish Grade Plain Washer Hex Nut Grout after pole is set and plumbed 0° Engineering of footing by others Foundation Level Bolt Square Bolt Circle STANDARD ANCHOR BOLTS (Included with pole purchase) 1/2 x 15 x 3” (Non-galvanized) qty: 4 3/4 x 17 x 3” (Galvanized) qty: 3 3/4 x 30 x 3” (Galvanized) qty: 4 1 x 36 x 4” (Galvanized) qty: 4 1 1/4 x 42 x 6” (Galvanized) qty: 4 TAB-15 TAB-17-M38 TAB-30-M38 TAB-36-M38 TAB-42-M38 REPLACEMENT NUT/WASHER KIT 80033249902 80033259902 80036599903 Note 270° 3/4” TAB30 Set 1” TAB36 Set 1 1/4” TAB42 Set Fabricated from high tensile steel, each anchor bolt has two nuts and two washers; Galvanized anchor bolts are hot dipped; (Galvanizing includes threaded portion plus six inches minimum); Anchor bolt template included with pole purchase Hand hole at 0˚ orientation POLE BASE COVERS Catalog Number Description Pole Base Covers for Square Poles 10 1/2” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 4” sq poles) SBC-4-XX1 12 1/4” Sq x 5” Deep (use 4” sq poles) SBC-4L-XX1 12 1/4” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 5” sq poles) SBC-5-XX1 12 1/4” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 6” sq poles) SBC-6-XX1 Pole Base Covers for Round Poles 9” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 3” round poles) SBC-3R-XX1 10 1/2” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 4” round poles) SBC-4R-XX1 10 1/2” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 4 1/2” round poles) SBC-45R-XX1 10 1/2” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 5” round poles) SBC-5R-XX1 10 1/2” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 6” round poles) SBC-6R-XX1 10.91” Dia. x 5” Deep (use on 4” round poles) RBC-4R-XX1 14.35” Dia. x 5” Deep (use on 4” round poles) RBC-4RL-XX1 10.91” Dia. x 5” Deep (use on 4 1/2” round poles) RBC-45R-XX1 14.35” Dia. x 5” Deep (use on 4 1/2” round poles) RBC-45RL-XX1 11.91” Dia. x 5” Deep (use on 5” round poles) RBC-5R-XX1 14.35” Dia. x 5” Deep (use on 5” round poles) RBC-5RL-XX1 11.91” Dia. x 5” Deep (use on 6” round poles) RBC-6R-XX1 14.35” Dia. x 5” Deep (use on 6” round poles) RBC-6RL-XX1 RTS-2065-XX -Q451 13” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 6 1/2” round poles) RTS-2570-XX -Q451 13” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 7” round poles) RTS-3080-XX -Q451 13” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 8” round poles) RTS-3585-XX -Q451 13” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 8 1/2” round poles) RTS-3990-XX -Q451 13” Sq x 5” Deep (use on 9” round poles) 1 Replace XX with color choice, eg.: DB for Dark Bronze 159 sterner brand profile • Founded in 1961. A leader in designing and manufacturing a wide selection of performance optical lighting systems, Sterner Lighting is recognized worldwide for the highest quality architectural lighting products. product offering Sterner Lighting has developed a wide range of specification grade extruded area/site, steel and aluminum poles, instrumentation-quality floodlighting, airport apron, and indoor sports/arena products for the architectural lighting market. Sterner Lighting is committed to providing innovative product and design solutions that are responsive to our customers’ most specific needs. The combination of unique reflector systems with superior mechanical engineering allows Sterner to offer products that meet the most stringent of requirements. PRECISION LED SITE LIGHTING EXEC-Executive LED page 161 160 EXEC RT21/RT25 - LED Executive Se Series TOOL-LESS ACCESS s &ULLYACCESSIBLEBYAFRONTTOOL LESSPUSHBUTton—an Executive trademark PRIMARY ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT s !LLPOWERISTERMINATEDASSOONASTHEDOOROPENS s &ULLYSERVICEABLEWITHOUTNEEDINGTOSHUTDOWN power to the entire circuit; No exposed live connections ON THE DOOR SERVICEABILITY s "OTHTHE,%$SANDDRIVERTRAYASSEMBLIESMOUNT directly to the extruded doorframe s 2EMOVETHEENTIREDOOROREACHASSEMBLY without tools to service; Fully rotatable reflector hinges on door for easy re-lampingg PRECISION LED SITE LIGHTING Extruded LED aluminum site/ area lighter with 8" straight extruded arm. FULLY SEALED OPTICS s !LLOPTICALSYSTEMSAREFULLYSEALEDFROM exterior contaminants to ensure great performance year round; Full cut-off OPTIONAL ANODIZED FINISHES D s !lNISHTHATCANNOTPEELmAKEORFADEAND is resistant to corrosive and harsh climates WIRELESS ACCESSORY s &EATURESEXCLUSIVEWI(5""TECHNOLOGY - On/Off programmable accessory ORDERING INFORMATION - ORDERING EXAMPLE: EXEC-RT21-30L-U-3K-120-C-10-N-N-BZ-STR EXEC HOUSING VOLTAGE STYLE/SIZE RT21 21" RT25 25" EXEC QUANTITY/MOUNTING U Universal 120V-277V, 10 50/60Hz 11 120V 28 21 208V 29 1 3 N Not required WM Wall mount VF Vertical slip fitter (23/8" O.D. tenon) 240V 41 277V 324 HF Horizontal slip fitter 39 EXI2 Extruded arm insert (23/8" O.D. tenon) 5 480V, 60Hz F 347V, 60Hz POWER DOOR OPTIONS 49 NUMBER OF LEDS 30L 30 High brightness LEDS 60L 60 High brightness LEDS CCT a COMPLETE FIXTURE OPTIONS3 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K b Note: first digit denotes fixture quantity per assembly c FL Fuse luminaire BC Backlight control EXEC-RT21 EPA: 1.6 WT: 36 lbs. Dimensions: a = 16" b = 21" c = 6.75" Arm: 2" x 4" x 8" EXEC-RT25 EPA: 2.2 WT: 64 lbs. Dimensions: a = 20" b = 25" c = 8.75" Arm: 2" x 4" x 8" 1 Specify voltage (120, 208, 240, 277V) only when FL (Fuse) option selected –otherwise use "U" voltage (120-277V) 2 Color for extruded arm brushed aluminum unless specified otherwise 3 Not required for replacement power door 4 32 Mounting (3@120) available with round pole only Type II Type III Type IV Type V Medium Type V Short Type V Wide POWDER BK Black BZ Dark Bronze WH White POLE SECTION3 STR Square Straight C30 3.0" dia Round C35 3.5" dia Round AL Natural Aluminum C40 4.0" dia Round ANODIZED LBZ Light Bronze MBZ Medium Bronze DBZ Dark Bronze ABK Black C45 4.5" dia Round C50 5.0" dia Round C60 6.0" dia Round AAL Natural Aluminum NS Non-standard EXTRUDED ARM2,3 INSERT FINISH (provide color Use HOUSING FINISH chip) ordering nomenclature CONTROL OPTIONS DISTRIBUTION 2 3 4 5M 5S 5W HOUSING FINISH3 SCO Motion control, no light output, On/Off control SCP High/low control – user programmable settings of 70, 60, 50, 20% of power; Factory default is 50% PR(X)3 NEMA Photo cell receptacle (replace X with voltage: U=120-277, 5=480, 6 =347) WIH In-fixture wireless control module (120, 277, 347 & 480V) EXPD - EXEC Retrofit power door ORDERING INFORMATION STYLE/SIZE EXPD RT21 21" EXPD RT25 25" NUMBER OF LEDS 30L 30 High brightness LEDS 60L 60 High brightness LEDS VOLTAGE U Universal 120V-277V, 50/60Hz 5 480V, 60Hz CCT 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K DISTRIBUTION 2 3 4 5M F 347V, 60Hz 5S 5W Type II Type III Type IV Type V Medium Type V Short Type V Wide POWER DOOR OPTIONS FL Fuse luminaire BC Backlight control CONTROL OPTIONS SCO Motion control, no light output, On/Off control SCP High/low control – user programmable settings of 70, 60, 50, 20% of power; Factory default is 50% WIH In-fixture wireless control module (120, 277, 347 & 480V) 161 devine lighting brand profile • Founded in 1933. With on-building and surface mounted outdoor luminaires, Devine Lighting has been a mainstay in the specification and architectural community. product offering With a product offering featuring a variety of steplights, including energy efficient LED technology, induction parking garage luminaires as well as wall packs and pole mounted fixtures, Devine Lighting will meet your specification needs. The entire line of products strongly emphasizes durability, performance and quality. Manufacturing capabilities are located in Christiansburg, VA in a modern 330,000 square foot manufacturing facility where implementation of lean manufacturing techniques maximizes efficiency, quality control, and customer service. ARCHITECTURAL STEPLIGHTS LMS 100 LED, Rugged Cast Design page 163 162 LMS 400 LED, Rugged Architectural Cut-Off page 163 LMS 100/400 Steplight FEATURES s W,%$LUMENS+##46 M!DRIVECURRENT s 2UGGEDCASTALUMINUMHOUSINGANDFACE s #ONCRETEPOURANDDRYWALLDESIGNSMUST SPECIFY s CONDUITHUBSINEXTERNALWIRING COMPARTMENT s 4EMPEREDFROSTEDGLASSFORSOFTEVEN DISTRIBUTION'ASKETEDFORWETLOCATIONS STEPLIGHTS s3TAINLESS STEELALLEN HEADSCREWSARE standard s 3TANDARDlNISHESINCLUDEDARKBRONZE BLACKWHITEANDPLATINUM"RUSHEDlNISH ONOPTIONALCASTBRONZEFACE#USTOM COLORSAVAILABLECONSULTFACTORY s,ISTEDTO5,FORUSEINWETLOCATIONS ORDERING INFORMATION SERIES WATTAGE/SOURCE LMS 100 SERIES 5L2 W,%$ LMS100 LMS 100 Series VOLTAGE 120 6 BLK "LACK WHT White -USTSELECTDRYWALLORCONCRETEPOUR 6ONLYLUMENS+##4 OPTIONS DW1 $RYWALL CP1 #ONCRETEPOUR JBTW *UNCTIONBOXTHROUGHWIRE SAL 0LATINUM A A B 87/16" 37/8" 3" 214 mm 98 mm 76 mm LMS100 B FINISH DB $ARK"RONZE Depth FEATURES s W,%$LUMENS+##46 M!DRIVECURRENT s 2UGGED$EVINEDESIGNCASTALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION s (OUSINGDESIGNSFORCONCRETEPOURAND DRYWALLINSTALLATIONS s WIRINGBOXHUBS s 3TAINLESSSTEELALLEN HEADTAMPER RESISTANT HARDWARE s 5NITSDESIGNEDFORUSEINWETLOCATIONS s #LEARTEMPEREDGLASSLENSISMOUNTEDFOR CUT OFFDISTRIBUTION$ECORATIVEGLOWFROM LOWERFACEADDSARCHITECTURALELEMENT s 3TANDARDlNISHESAREDARKBRONZE BLACKWHITEANDPLATINUM ORDERING INFORMATION SERIES WATTAGE/SOURCE LMS400 LMS 400 Series LMS 400 SERIES 5L2 W,%$ VOLTAGE 120 6 FINISH DB $ARK"RONZE BLK "LACK WHT White -USTSELECTDRYWALLORCONCRETEPOUR 6ONLYLUMENS+##4 OPTIONS DW1 $RYWALL CP1 #ONCRETEPOUR SAL 0LATINUM A LMS400 A B 71/4" 35/8" Depth 4" 184 mm 92 mm 102 mm B 163 outdoor lighting brand profile • Founded in 1934. • A leading designer and manufacturer of quality, architecturally relevant, high-performance outdoor architectural and landscape lighting products. • Leading the industry in the development of outdoor, high performance LED products. • Patented PicoPrism™ optics. product offering Site, roadway, pedestrian, low-level, landscape and building-mounted solutions for contemporary or traditional commercial, industrial and institutional applications. 166 outdoor lighting SITE / ROADWAY ALT WP9 AR/SAR SRS1 BNS1/BNM RA AE/BE LE CC/CCS MX SET/ET STS/STL SOLAR Altitude™ ................................................................................ 168 WARP9® .................................................................................. 169 The Archetype® ........................................................................ 170 Solitaire® ................................................................................ 171 Bounce®/MiniBounce ................................................................ 172 Era® ....................................................................................... 173 Era® Acorn/Era® Bell .................................................................. 174 Era® Lantern ............................................................................ 175 Curvilinear .............................................................................. 176 Matrix .................................................................................... 178 The Entablature® ...................................................................... 179 Structural ............................................................................... 180 Solar Powered Lighting ............................................................. 181 PARKING STRUCTURE PGL7 LED Parking Garage Luminaires ................................................... 182 ARCHITECTURAL FLOODLIGHTS CFL Compact Floodlights ................................................................. 183 WALL MOUNTED WF SW WD Wall Forms® ............................................................................ 184 Site Wallforms® ........................................................................ 185 Wall Director® .......................................................................... 186 LOW LEVEL GEM BNB LE VRB/VSB CB SL GEM® Bollard ........................................................................... 187 Bounce Bollard ........................................................................ 188 Era® Lantern Bollard ................................................................. 189 Vandal Resistant Bollards .......................................................... 190 Compact Bollard ...................................................................... 191 Site Lightforms ........................................................................ 192 IN-GRADE LTV Lightvault® 8 ........................................................................... 193 LANDSCAPE 12V/120V Landscape............................................................................... 199 167 ALTITUDE ™ ALT60, ALT96, ALT120, ALT180, ALT240, ALT300 LED Luminaire ALT300 FEATURES S I T E / R OA D WAY ALT240 ALT180 ALT120 • The ultimate in LED luminaire design featuring innovative engineering, thermal management and unique patented1 PicoPrism™ optics • Proportional and scalable aesthetic housing, available in six sizes to cover more environments than ever before • WiHUBB features on/off/variable and step dimming control, SNAP protocol mesh network, AES-128 encryption detection, occupancy sensor interface and intuitive, user-friendly software ALT96 ALT60 ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 1SA 120L5K277 ALT3P35 EPA MOUNTING 1SA 2SB 2SL 3ST 3SY* 4SC 1W ALT60 ALT120 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.17 1.28 1.44 2 Arm Side Mt. 0.91 0.97 1.05 3 Arm Side Mt. 1.50 1.61 1.77 3 Arm Side Mt. 1.50 1.61 1.77 4 Arm Side Mt. 1.66 1.78 1.93 n/a Source 60L 60 LEDs 96L 96 LEDs 120L 120 LEDs 180L 180 LEDs 240L 240 LEDs 300L 300 LEDs2 Color Temperature3 2K 580nm4 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Voltages 120 120V 208 208V 240 240V 277 277V 347 347V5 480 480V5 n/a *Available round poles only. EPA is for Fixture only FIXTURE FINISH SG Stealth Gray BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 350 Milliamp ALT1P35 Type I 700 Milliamp ALT1P70 Type I ALT2P35 Type II ALT3P35 Type III ALT4P35 Type IV ALT2P70 Type II ALT3P70 Type III ALT4P70 Type IV ALT5P35 Type V ALTRP35 Type R, Right ALTLP35 Type L, Left ALT5P70 Type V ALTRP70 Type R, Right ALTLP70 Type L, Left PRA20-4188SA/WH FIXTURE OPTIONS 1SW Wall Mounting SF 120 Volt Single Fuse DF 208 Volt Double Fuse DF 240 Volt Double Fuse SF 277 Volt Single Fuse SF 347 Volt Single Fuse DF 480 Volt Double Fuse A26 Photocell Receptacle FGL Flat Glass Lens FPL Flat Polycarbonate Lens6 NFO Type III or IV ELECTRICAL MODULE ALT96 1 Arm Side Mt. 0.58 0.64 0.72 Single Wall Mt. n/a WH SF/A26 Neighbor Friendly Optic WIH-IM In-Fixture wireless control module (197 mm) TOP (248 mm) TOP (51 mm) Speed Mount Adapter 168 2 fixtures side mt. 180° 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° 4B" FRONT 3E" (98 mm) TOP 9L" ALT180/ALT240/ALT300 ALT300 – Approx. Wt. = 67 lbs. 42L" 4B" (1086 mm) (105 mm) 25" 25" (51 mm) Speed Mount Adapter 4 fixtures side mt. 90° (432 mm) (248 mm) (635 mm) 2" 3 fixtures side mt. 120°5 SIDE (933 mm) 25" (635 mm) 2" 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 17" ALT240 – Approx. Wt. = 55 lbs. 36L" 9L" (826 mm) 2 fixtures side mt. 90° (105 mm) 2" (51 mm) Speed Mount Adapter SIDE SIDE 2 fixtures side mt. 180° ALT60/ALT96/ALT120 (768 mm) (432 mm) 2" (51 mm) Speed Mount Adapter ALT180 – Approx. Wt. = 49 lbs. 32K" 9L" (248 mm) ALT120 – Approx. Wt. = 34 lbs. 30J" 7L" (197 mm) 17" 17" 4” Round, Standard Fixtures 1 fixture side mt. VSF-1SA VSF-2SB VSF-2SL VSF-3ST VSF-3SY VSF-4SC HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. (680 mm) (432 mm) 2" (51 mm) Speed Mount Adapter SLIPFITTER MOUNTING OPTIONS HORIZONTAL HSF Horizontal Slipfitter Mount VERTICAL SVSF-2SB SVSF-2SL SVSF-3ST SVSF-4SC *Consult representative ALT96 – Approx. Wt. = 30 lbs. 7L" 26L" (197 mm) (591 mm) POLE See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. 4” Square, Standard Fixtures SVSF-1SA 1 fixture side mt. US Patent No. D674,965 S. Other patents pending. 300L available in 350mA only. For custom optics and color temperature configurations, contact factory. Turtle friendly 347V & 480V currents may be supplied with step-down transformer. Use only when vandalism is anticipated to be high. Required only for vandal protection in locations where fixtures can be reached by unauthorized persons. ALT60 – Approx. Wt. = 27 lbs. 23J" 7L" — (635 mm) 2" FRONT 3E" (98 mm) (51 mm) Speed Mount Adapter TOP TOP TOP SIDE SIDE SIDE WARP9 with PicoPrism ™ ™ Small & Large Luminaire FEATURES WP9LP-LED LED Picoprism™ technology with up to 150% boost in lumen output • Patented design, incorporating visual stealth technology • Sealed optical chamber, IP-66 rated S I T E / R OA D WAY • WP9SP-LED P9SP-LED Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system with a 0 - 10V dimming interface with a dimming range of 10 - 100% ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 1SA WP9S1P70 MOUNTING 1SA 2SB 2SL 3ST 3SY1 4SC 1W* FIXTURE WP9S1P70 Type I EPA WP9SP WP9LP 1 Arm Side Mt. 0.52 0.95 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.04 1.9 2 Arm Side Mt. 0.82 1.47 3 Arm Side Mt. 1.3 2.5 3 Arm Side Mt. 1.3 2.5 60L5K120 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* WP9S2P70 Type II WP9S3P70 Type III WP9S4P70 Type IV 4 Arm Side Mt. 1.5 2.7 WP9S5P70 Type V WP9SRP70 Type R Right Single Wall Mt. n/a n/a WP9SLP70 Type L Left SG *Consult representative WP9L1P70 Type I *Wall Mounting: A cast-aluminum mounting plate is mounted to the wall with four bolts (by others). Fixture and arm are mounted to the cast aluminum cover plate before attaching to the wall mounting plate. NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only PRA12-5125SA/SG SF/A-25 FIXTURE OPTIONS 1W Wall Mounting SF 120 Volt Single Fuse DF 208 Volt Double Fuse DF 240 Volt Double Fuse SF 277 Volt Single Fuse SF 347 Volt Single Fuse DF 480 Volt Double Fuse A-25 Photocell Receptacle WIH-IM In-Fixture wireless POLE See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. SLIPFITTER MOUNTING OPTIONS HORIZONTAL HSF Horizontal Slipfitter Mount VERTICAL 4” Round, Standard Fixtures 1 fixture side mt. WP9L2P70 Type II control module WP9L3P70 Type III WP9L4P70 Type IV NFO Neighbor Friendly Optic VSF-1SA VSF-2SB VSF-2SL VSF-3ST VSF-3SY VSF-4SC WP9lP70 Type V WP9LRP70 Type R Right 2 fixtures side mt. 180° 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 120° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° 4” Square, Standard Fixtures SVSF-1SA 1 fixture side mt. WP9LLP70 Type L Left SVSF-2SB SVSF-2SL SVSF-3ST SVSF-4SC ELECTRICAL MODULE Source 60L 60 LEDs, 131W For WP9SP 120L 120 LEDs, 270W For WP9LP 1 — 3Y only available on round slipfitter. Color Temperature 2K 580nm580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K WP9SP Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V 480V 120 208 240 277 347 480 2 fixtures side mt. 180° 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. WP9LP TOP TOP 26I" 5A" 8I" (227 mm) SIDE (892 mm) (175 mm) 5N" 1" 35B" 6E" (684 mm) (129 mm) 8I" 10M" (262 mm) 10M" (227 mm) (262 mm) SIDE (141 mm) 1" 5I" (151 mm) (25 mm) (25 mm) 1K" 1I" (38 mm) 4G" FRONT (113 mm) 15" (49 mm) 5B" FRONT (130 mm) 20" (381 mm) (508 mm) BOTTOM BOTTOM 169 The Archetype ® SAR Small and AR Large Luminaire FEATURES S I T E / R OA D WAY AR LED • Efficient, effective downward control of light with full uplight cutoff • IES Type II, III, IV, V, and One-Way L or R distribution patterns • Easy-access, tool-less latches for lower maintenance • LED models incorporating patent pending LED MicroEmitter technology SAR LED Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 1SA SAR3 EPA MOUNTING 1SA 2SB 2SL 3ST 3SY1 4SC 1W2 60L5K120 SAR LED 1.2 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.4 2.4 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.2 2.0 3 Arm Side Mt. 1.9 3.2 3 Arm Side Mt. 1.9 3.2 4 Arm Side Mt. 2.5 3.9 Single Wall Mt. n/a n/a *Consult representative NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only FIXTURE SAR2 SAR3 SAR4 SAR5 SARR SARL AR2 AR3 AR4 AR5 ARR ARL 1 2 3 4 ELECTRICAL MODULE Type II Full Cutoff Source Color Temperature Type III Full Cutoff 60L 60 LEDs, 73W 2K 580nm For SAR LED 3K 3000K Type IV Full Cutoff 120L 120 LEDs, 140W 4K 4200K Type V Full Cutoff For AR LED 5K 5100K Type R Full Cutoff Type L Full Cutoff VSF-1SA A-30 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* AR LED 1 Arm Side Mt. 0.7 SG Voltages 120 120V 208 208V 240 240V 277 277V 347 347V3 480 480V3 FIXTURE OPTIONS A-30 120 Volt photocell A-30 120 Volt photocell A-31 208 Volt photocell A-32 240 Volt photocell A-33 277 Volt photocell A-34 480 Volt photocell A-35 347 Volt Photocell CGL Convex Glass Lens LS Polycarbonate Lens TL Tamper Resistant Latch4 AF Air Filter WIH-IM In-Fixture wireless POLE / POLE ARM See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. SLIPFITTER MOUNTING OPTIONS VERTICAL 4” Round, Standard Fixtures VSF-1SA 1 fixture side mt. VSF-2SB VSF-2SL VSF-3ST VSF-3SY VSF-4SC control module 2 fixtures side mt. 180° 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 120° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° 4” Square, Standard Fixtures SVSF-1SA 1 fixture side mt. SVSF-2SB SVSF-2SL SVSF-3ST SVSF-4SC Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Full Cutoff 2 fixtures side mt. 180° 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° Type R Full Cutoff HORIZONTAL Type L Full Cutoff HSF for Pole Davit Arm 3Y only available on round slipfitter. Junction box in wall must provide adequate fixture support. Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. Required only for vandal protection in locations where fixtures can be reached by unauthorized persons. HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. THE ARCHETYPE AR LARGE THE ARCHETYPE SAR SMALL TOP TOP 5" 8" 6" (203 mm) (152 mm) FRONT 8" (203 mm) (127 mm) SIDE 17B" (432 mm) 1L" (25 mm) 4J" (102 mm) FRONT SIDE 22K" ARM CROSS-SECTION (559 mm) 16" 12" (406 mm) (305 mm) BOTTOM 170 PRA12-5125SA/SG BOTTOM 2" (51 mm) 6" (152 mm) ARM CROSS-SECTION Solitaire SRS1 Clear Acrylic Lens, Die-Cast Aluminum Top FEATURES LED models incorporating patent pending LED MicroEmitter® technology • Solitaire is a classic, yet relevant to current architecture styles • IES Type II, III, IV, V, and One-Way L or R distribution patterns • Sealed optical chamber, IP-66 rated SRS1 LED S I T E / R OA D WAY • Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) FM 60L5K120 SRS1H3 EPA MOUNTING FM Flush Mnt. 4" O.D. 1.5 Poles only PT Pole Tenon Mnt. 1.5 2" Pipe-size Tenon 2SB Twin Mnt. 4" or 5" 4.25 O.D. Poles only n/a 1W Single Wall Mt. NOTE: EPA is for arm & Fixture DB FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE SRS1H1 SRS1H2 SRS1H3 SRS1H4 SRS1H5 SRS1HR SRS1HL A-30 Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V Type R Right Type L Left *Consult representative PRA12-4125FM/DB FIXTURE OPTIONS A-30 120 Volt photocell A-31 208 Volt photocell A-32 240 Volt photocell A-33 277 Volt photocell A-34 480 Volt photocell A-35 347 Volt Photocell WA White Acrylic Lens CP Clear Polycarbonate POLE See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. Lens2 WP White Polycarbonate Lens2 ELECTRICAL MODULE Source Color Temperature 60L 60 LEDs, 2K 580nm 73W 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K 1 Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. 2 Voltages 120 120V 208 208V 240 240V 277 277V 347 347V1 480 480V1 WIH-IM In-Fixture wireless SF DF DF SF SF DF control module 120 Volt Single Fuse 208 Volt Double Fuse 240 Volt Double Fuse 277 Volt Single Fuse 347 Volt Single Fuse 480 Volt Double Fuse CAUTION: Use only when vandalism is anticipated to be high. Useful life of lens is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. 18C" DIA. (467 mm) 15C" DIA. (391 mm) 8" FM (203 mm) 3N" (91 mm) 4" O.D. extruded aluminum pole 8" (203 mm) 18" (457 mm) 26" (660 mm) 8B" (206 mm) Solitaire shown on HA32S arm. See p. 763 for other support arm options. PT Pole with 2" pipe-size tenon (2C" O.D. x 4K" min. length) 5J" DIA. (133 mm) 171 Bounce & MiniBounce ® ® Pole and Wall Mounted Luminaires FEATURES BNM S I T E / R OA D WAY BNS1 LED • LED models incorporating patented MicroEmitter® technology • Ideal for traditional or contemporary architecture requiring a European accent • MiniBounce is a smaller version of the popular Bounce Series for pole or wall mounting at lower mounting heights • Sealed optical chamber, IP-66 rated Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) BNS1H5 FM MOUNTING FM PT 2SB 1W EPA Bounce Flush Mnt. 4" O.D. Poles only Pole Tenon Mnt. 2" Pipe-size Tenon Twin Mnt. 4" or 5" O.D. Poles only Single Wall Mt. Mini-Bounce FM Flush Mount PT Pole Tenon Mt. 60L5K120 BL ELECTRICAL MODULE Bounce 1.2 1.2 3.6 Source Color Temperature 60L 60 LEDs, 2K 580nm 580nm 73W 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K n/a Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 3471 480V1 120 208 240 277 347 480 1.0 2B Twin Mount 4C Quad Mount 1W Single Wall Mt. 3.0 4.5 n/a Color Temperature Source 18L 18 LEDs 2K 580nm 27L 27 LEDs 3K 3000K 36L 36 LEDs 4K 4200K 5K 5100K FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* Voltages UV Universal Voltage from 120 to 277V with a ±10% tolerance Bounce A-30 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 CGL CP FIXTURE Bounce BNS1H1 Type I BNS1H2 Type II BNS1H3 Type III BNS1H4 Type IV Forward Throw Mini-Bounce 3 480 Volt photocell 347 Volt photocell 15B" DIA. 13B" 4O" (333 mm) 23O" (122 mm) (605 mm) (343 mm) Pole with 2" pipe-size tenon (2C" O.D. x 4K" min. length) 8C" (213 mm) POST TOP TENON MOUNT 8L" (222 mm) MOUNTING PLATE 18H" (475 mm) (626 mm) 13K" (216 mm) (84 mm) Reflective White Ballast Cover (418 mm) 24D" 480 Volt Double Fuse (113 mm) 8K" DIA. 3M" (216 mm) 16G" 31J" 347 Volt Single Fuse 4G" (305 mm) 8K" DIA. (84 mm) (165 mm) (794 mm) 277 Volt Single Fuse DF 240 Volt Double Fuse SF 277 Volt Single Fuse SF 347 Volt Single Fuse 12" DIA. (305 mm) 3M" 6K" 240 Volt Double Fuse Convex Glass Lens (384 mm) (406 mm) 208 Volt Double Fuse Wall Mount Bollard also available. See p. 188 HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. 12" DIA. 16" DIA. 172 277 Volt photocell For full-cutoff distributions. Use with Black or Dark Bronze fixtures only. (787 mm) 13B" 240 Volt photocell MINIBOUNCE 31" DIA. (333 mm) 208 Volt photocell Black Ballast Cover Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. CAUTION: Use only when vandalism is anticipated to be high. Useful life of lens is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. 5" DIA. (127 mm) 120 Volt photocell BBC Dark-Sky compliant BNM Round Type V BOUNCE Black Ballast Cover3 120 Volt Single Fuse BBC SF DF DF SF SF DF 120 Volt photocell Flat Polycarbonate Lens2 Mini-Bounce SF 120 Volt Single Fuse HS Houseside Shield DF 208 Volt Double Fuse TG Textured Glass Lens BNS1H5 Type V Square 2 POLE See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. FIXTURE OPTIONS NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only 1 PRA12-5125FM/BL *Consult representative Mini-Bounce 1.0 A-30 13B" (333 mm) 5" 8C" (127 mm) (213 mm) C L J-Box 3C" DIA. (86 mm) 9F" (233 mm) WALL MOUNTED 9G" 9G" (240 mm) (240 mm) ARM SECTION Era ® RA17 Small & RA25 Large Luminaire FEATURES RA25 LED LED models incorporating patented LED MicroEmitter technology • Era offers an alternative to rectilinear designs without compromising illumination performance • Sealed optical chamber, IP-66 rated SSIITTEE // RROA OADDWAY WAY • RA17 LED Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 1A MOUNTING 1A 2B 3Y 4C 1W RA175 EPA RA17 1 Arm Side Mt. 0.8 RA25 1.5 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.6 3.0 3 Arm Side Mt. 2.4 4.5 4 Arm Side Mt. 2.8 5.2 Single Wall Mt. n/a n/a NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only FIXTURE RA171 RA172 RA173 RA174 RA175 RA17R RA17L RA251 RA252 RA253 RA254 RA255 RA25R RA25L 1 2 60L5K120 WH A-30 HSAF16-64188A-HA02S/WH Volt photocell A-30 120OPTIONS FIXTURE A-30 120 Volt photocell SF 120 Volt Single Fuse A-31 208 Volt photocell DF 208 Volt Double Fuse A-32 240 Volt photocell DF 240 Volt Double Fuse A-33 277 Volt photocell SF 277 Volt Single Fuse A-34 480 Volt photocell SF 347 Volt Single Fuse A-35 347 Volt Photocell DF 480 Volt Double Fuse CGL Convex Glass Lens WIH-IM In-Fixture wireless control module LS Polycarbonate Lens2 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* *Consult representative POLE / POLE ARM See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. 1W Wall Mount arm not included and must be ordered separately. Type I Full Cutoff Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff ELECTRICAL MODULE Type IV Full Cutoff Source 60L 60 LEDs, 68W Type V Square Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff Type L Left Full Cutoff Color Temperature 2K 580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K For RA17 120L 120 LEDs, 134.5W For RA25 Type I Full Cutoff Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V1 480V1 120 208 240 277 347 480 Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Square Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff Type L Left Full Cutoff Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. Use only in high-vandalism situations. Useful life is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. ERA RA17 ERA RA25 8" 6" 6" 22" 16K" (203 mm) 22" (559 mm) 16K" (419 mm) 8" (203 mm) (152 mm) (152 mm) (559 mm) (419 mm) 17" (432 mm) 1L" (46 mm) 17" (432 mm) RA17 LED WITH CONVEX LENS 25" 25" (635 mm) 2K" (64 mm) (635 mm) RA25 LED WITH CONVEX LENS 173 Era Acorn /Era Bell ® ® AE/BE17 Small & AE/BE21 Large Luminaire S I T E / R OA D WAY FEATURES • LED models incorporating patent pending LED MicroEmitter technology • The Era Acorn retains the classic acorn-shaped enclosure, but in a clear material that allows full optical performance with very low brightness • The Era Bell utilizes a flat glass lens for full-cutoff performance, satisfying the most demanding light control specifications BE LED Features exclusive wiHUBB technology AE LED • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) AE171 1A EPA MOUNTING 1A 2B 3Y 4C 1W 60L5K120 WH ELECTRICAL MODULE AE/BE17 AE/BE21 1 Arm Side Mt. 0.6 0.8 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.2 1.6 3 Arm Side Mt. 1.8 2.4 4 Arm Side Mt. 2.1 2.8 Single Wall Mt. n/a n/a Source Color Temperature 2K 580nm 60L 60 LEDs, 68.1W For AE/BE17 3K 3000K 120L 120 LEDs, 134.5W 4K 4200K For AE/BE21 5K 5100K NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only Voltages 120 120V 208 208V 240 240V 277 277V 347 347V1 480 480V1 A-30 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* HSAS14-534188SA-HA11S/WH POLE / POLE ARM See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. 1W Wall Mount arm not included and must be ordered separately. *Consult representative FIXTURE AE171 AE172 AE173 AE174 AE175 AE17R AE17L AE211 AE212 AE213 AE214 AE215 AE21R AE21L 1 Era Acorn Type I Full Cutoff 120 OPTIONS Volt photocell A-30 FIXTURE A-30 120 Volt photocell SF 120 Volt Single Fuse A-31 208 Volt photocell DF 208 Volt Double Fuse A-32 240 Volt photocell DF 240 Volt Double Fuse A-33 277 Volt photocell SF 277 Volt Single Fuse A-34 480 Volt photocell SF 347 Volt Single Fuse A-35 347 Volt Photocell DF 480 Volt Double Fuse CGL Convex Glass Lens2 WIH-IM In-Fixture wireless control module LS Polycarbonate Lens3 Era Bell Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Square Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff Type L Left Full Cutoff Type I Full Cutoff Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Square Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff Type L Left Full Cutoff BE171 BE172 BE173 BE174 BE175 BE17R BE17L BE211 BE212 BE213 BE214 BE215 BE21R BE21L Type I Full Cutoff Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Square Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff Type L Left Full Cutoff Type I Full Cutoff Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Square Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff Type L Left Full Cutoff HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. For BE Era Bell only. Use only in high-vandalism situations. Useful life is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. 2 3 17" ERA ACORN 15C" 17" ERA BELL 15C" (391 mm) 19M" 15C" 15C" (391 mm) 21" ERA BELL 21" ERA ACORN 19M" 19M" (490 mm) 19M" (490 mm) (490 mm) (490 mm) (391 mm) (391 mm) 21K" 17B" (546 mm) (435 mm) 22E" 22E" (582 mm) (582 mm) 17J" (438 mm) 17J" (438 mm) 17J" (438 mm) Era Acorn with optional LS polycarbonate lens 174 17J" (438 mm) Era Bell with optional polycarbonate lens or CGL convex glass lens 28H" 28H" 21" (728 mm) (728 mm) 21" (533 mm) (533 mm) 21" (533 mm) Era Acorn with optional LS polycarbonate lens 21" (533 mm) Era Bell with optional CGL convex glass lens Era Lantern LED ® 19” & 26” Bottom or Top Mount Luminaire FEATURES LED models incorporating patented LED MicroEmitter® technology • Heritage style meets modern performance • Three arm options; Single Straight, Single Curved, and Double Curved • Three decorative accent options; medallion with DC Arm, leaflets with SS Arm, and top housing finial LET LED LEB LED LEB LED Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 1A LET EPA EPA 19" 26" 1.0 1.5 MOUNTING FM PT 1A 2B 3Y 4C 1W Flush Mt. Pipe Tenon Mt. 1.0 1.5 1 Arm Side Mt. 0.7 1.0 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.4 2.0 3 Arm Side Mt. 2.1 3.0 4 Arm Side Mt. 2.4 3.5 19 SS SIZE 19 19” Dia. 26 26” Dia. LET Top Mt. LEAF/A-30 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* Type I Full Cutoff Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff Type L Left Full Cutoff *Consult representative FIXTURE ARM NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only WH REFLECTOR 1 2 3 4 5 R L SUPPORT LEB Bottom Mt. Single Wall Mt. n/a n/a 60L5K120 3 SS Single Straight Arm SC Single Curved Arm DC Double Curved Arm Source 60L 60 LEDs, Color Temperature 2K 580nm 73W 3K 3000K 120L 120 LEDs, 4K 4200K 140W 5K 5100K 1 POLE / POLE ARM See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at www. for pole EPA & ordering. 1W Wall Mount arm not included and must be ordered separately. FIXTURE OPTIONS LEAF Leaflets, top & bottom of arm (SS only) MDL Medallions, top of arm (DC only) TF Finial (bottom mt. fixture only) CGL Convex glass lens A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 ELECTRICAL MODULE Voltages 120 120V 208 208V 240 240V 277 277V 347 347V1 480 480V1 HSAS14-534188SA-HA11S/WH 120 Volt Single Fuse 208 Volt Double Fuse 240 Volt Double Fuse 277 Volt Single Fuse 347 Volt Single Fuse 480 Volt Double Fuse 120 Volt photocell 208 Volt photocell 240 Volt photocell 277 Volt photocell 480 Volt photocell 347 Volt Photocell Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. 19" ERA LANTERN SF DF DF SF SF DF HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. 26" ERA LANTERN 19" DIA. 26" (483 mm) (660 mm) 1011⁄32" L" L" (262 mm) 3K" 14J" (362 mm) (89 mm) (19 mm) (19 mm) 15⁄32" 15⁄32" (637 mm) 12K" 12K" (318 mm) 11" 12K" (318 mm) (318 mm) (279 mm) (902 mm) DC ARM 17F" 17F" 17F" SC ARM (122 mm) 35K" (436 mm) (437 mm) (437 mm) SS ARM 4O" (29 mm) (29 mm) 25A" 15" (381 mm) 4J" 3L" (108 mm) (95 mm) 9" SS ARM (229 mm) 6J" (159 mm) SC ARM DC ARM 5K" 12C" (149 mm) (314 mm) 175 S I T E / R OA D WAY • Curvilinear CC/CCS17 & CC/CCS21 LED Post Top Mount FEATURES CCS S I T E / R OA D WAY • Classic, curvilinear style luminaire for architectural relevance and reduced wind loads • LED models incorporating patented LED MicroEmitter technology • Dark-Sky compliant, full-cutoff optics with flat glass lens Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) CC17P3 FM FM Flush Mount EPA 17" 21" 0.7 1.0 PT Post Tenon Mount 0.7 1.0 DM Direct Mount — 1.0 MOUNTING NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only DB 60L5K120 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* *Consult representative FIXTURE - POST TOP MOUNT CCS-17" CC-21" CCS-21" Type I CC17P1 CCS17P1 CC21P1 CCS21P1 Type II CC17P2 CCS17P2 CC21P2 CCS21P2 Type III CC17P3 CCS17P3 CC21P3 CCS21P3 Type IV CC17P4 CCS17P4 CC21P4 CCS21P4 Type V CC17P5 CCS17P5 CC21P5 CCS21P5 Type R CC17PR CCS17PR CC21PR CCS21PR Type L CC17PL CCS17PL CC21PL CCS21PL 2 3 FIXTURE OPTIONS 1W Wall Mounting2 A-30 120 Volt photocell A-30 120 Volt photocell A-31 208 Volt photocell A-32 240 Volt photocell A-33 277 Volt photocell A-34 480 Volt photocell A-35 347 Volt Photocell Source 60L 60 LEDs Color Temperature LK Amber 68.1W 3K 3000K 120L 120 LEDs 4K 4000K 134.5W 5K 5000K Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. Junction box in wall must provide adequate fixture support. Use only in high-vandalism situations. Useful life is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. CC21P 17" DIA. 21" DIA. (533 mm) (432 mm) 8" 10" (203 mm) (254 mm) 9" (229 mm) 9K" (241 mm) 5K" DIA. (140 mm) CCS17P 176 Convex Glass Lens Polycarbonate Lens3 Accent Reveals (CC only) See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. In-Fixture wireless control module CCS21P Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V1 480V1 120 208 240 277 347 480 HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. CURVILINEAR CUTOFF CC17P POLE / POLE ARM CGL L17F REV WIH-IM ELECTRICAL MODULE CC-17" 1 PRA12-5125FM/DB A-30 6L" DIA. (172 mm) Curvilinear CC17 & CC21 LED Arm Mount FEATURES CC/CCS Classic, curvilinear style luminaire for architectural relevance and reduced wind loads • LED models incorporating patented LED MicroEmitter technology • Dark-Sky compliant, full-cutoff optics with flat glass lens S I T E / R OA D WAY • Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) CC17A3 1A DB 60L5K120 1A 1 Arm Side Mt. EPA 17" 0.9 EPA 21" 1.2 2B 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.8 2.4 2L 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.6 2.2 3T 3 Arm Side Mt. 2.5 3.4 3Y 3 Arm Side Mt. 2.5 3.4 4C 4 Arm Side Mt. 2.8 3.9 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* 1W Single Wall Mt. — — *Consult representative MOUNTING A-30 — FIXTURE OPTIONS 1W Wall Mounting2 A-30 120 Volt photocell A-31 208 Volt photocell A-32 240 Volt photocell A-33 277 Volt photocell A-34 480 Volt photocell A-35 347 Volt Photocell PRA12-5125A/DB POLE / POLE ARM CGL L17F REV WIH-IM Convex Glass Lens Polycarbonate Lens3 Accent Reveals (CC only) See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering. In-Fixture wireless control module SLIPFITTER MOUNTING OPTIONS HORIZONTAL HSF for Pole Davit Arm VERTICAL NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only FIXTURE - ARM MOUNT CC-17" CCS-17" ELECTRICAL MODULE CC-21" CCS-21" Type I CC17A1 CCS17A1 CC21A1 CCS21A1 Type II CC17A2 CCS17A2 CC21A2 CCS21A2 Type III CC17A3 CCS21A3 CC21A3 CCS21A3 Type IV CC21A4 CCS21A4 CC21A4 CCS21A4 Type V CC21A5 CCS21A5 CC21A5 CCS21A5 Type R CC21AR CCS21AR CC21AR CCS21AR Type L CC21AL CCS21AL CC21AL CCS21AL 1 2 3 4” Round, Standard Fixtures VSF-1SA 1 fixture side mt. Source 60L 60 LEDs Color Temperature 2K Amber 68.1W 3K 3000K 120L 120 LEDs 4K 4000K 134.5W 5K 5000K VSF-2SB VSF-2SL VSF-3ST VSF-3SY VSF-4SC Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V1 480V1 120 208 240 277 347 480 2 fixtures side mt. 180° 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 120° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° 4” Square, Standard Fixtures SVSF-1SA 1 fixture side mt. SVSF-2SB SVSF-2SL SVSF-3ST SVSF-4SC Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. Junction box in wall must provide adequate fixture support. Use only in high-vandalism situations. Useful life is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. 2 fixtures side mt. 180° 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. CC17A 6" 6" CC21A (152 mm) (152 mm) 17" DIA. (432 mm) 4K" (114 mm) m) 21" DIA. 2" (533 mm) (51 mm) 8" (203 mm) CCS17A Arm Cross - Section typical for all sizes 10" (254 mm) 4K" (114 mm) 2" (51 mm) Arm Cross - Section typical for all sizes CCS21A 177 Matrix LED 21” Arm Mounted & Post Top Luminaire FEATURES S I T E / R OA D WAY MX21P LED MX21A LED • LED models incorporating patent pending LED MicroEmitter® technology • Symmetric, square style luminaire for pedestrian and area lighting applications • Dark-Sky compliant, full cut-off with flat glass lens • Sealed optical chamber, IP-66 rated Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 2B 120L5K120 MX21A3 MOUNTING FM Flush Mt. PT Pole Tenon Mt. 1A 1 Arm Side Mt. 2B 2 Arm Side Mt. 2L 2 Arm Side Mt. 3T 3 Arm Side Mt. 4C 4 Arm Side Mt. 1W Single Wall Mt. EPA 1.7 WH 6.0 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* — *Consult representative 1.7 2.1 4.2 3.8 5.1 A-25/SF — 120OPTIONS Volt photocell A-30 FIXTURE A-25 Photocell Control CGL Convex Glass Lens LS Polycarbonate Lens2 PSA14-4188B/WH POLE / POLE ARM SF DF DF SF SF DF 120 Volt Single Fuse 208 Volt Double Fuse 240 Volt Double Fuse See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at for pole EPA & ordering.. 277 Volt Single Fuse 347 Volt Single Fuse 480 Volt Double Fuse SLIPFITTER MOUNTING OPTIONS HORIZONTAL HSF For Pole Davit Arm NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only VERTICAL FIXTURE ELECTRICAL MODULE Source Color Temperature 120L 120 LEDs, 2K 580nm 140W 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Matrix-Post - Horizontal MX21P1 Type I Full Cutoff MX21P2 MX21P3 MX21P4 MX21P5 MX21PR MX21PL Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff 4” Round, Standard Fixtures VSF-1A 1 fixture side mt. Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V1 480V1 VSF-2B VSF-2L VSF-3T VSF-4C 120 208 240 277 347 480 1 SVSF-2B SVSF-2L SVSF-3T SVSF-4C 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° 2 fixtures side mt. 180° 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 4 fixtures side mt. 90° Type II Full Cutoff Type III Full Cutoff Type IV Full Cutoff Type V Full Cutoff Type R Right Full Cutoff Type L Left Full Cutoff Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. 2 MX21A 20K" (521 mm) 1E" (48 mm) (48 mm) (521 mm) 20K" (521 mm) 10" (254 mm) (521 mm) 11J" 11J" (286 mm) 18J" 7L" (521 mm) 1E" 20K" 20K" (286 mm) 20K" HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. CAUTION: Use only when vandalism is anticipated to be high. Useful life of lens is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. MX21P 7L" (464 mm) 20D" (197 mm) (524 mm) 18J" (197 mm) 20K" 2" (521 mm) (464 mm) (51 mm) 1F" 1F" 6" (30 mm) (30 mm) TOP 178 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 4” Square, Standard Fixtures SVSF-1A 1 fixture side mt. Type L Left Full Cutoff Matrix-Arm - Horizontal MX21A1 Type I Full Cutoff MX21A2 MX21A3 MX21A4 MX21A5 MX21AR MX21AL 2 fixtures side mt. 180° SIDE (152 mm) TOP Arm Section SIDE The Entablature LED ® Small & Large Luminaire ET LED FEATURES LED models incorporating patent pending LED MicroEmitter® technology • SET Entablature is designed for mounting heights of 10’ to 16’. ET is designed for mounting heights of 20’ to 30’ • Sealed optical chamber, IP-66 rated S I T E / R OA D WAY • SET LED Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 1SA 60L5K120 SET3 MOUNTING - SMALL 1SA 1 Arm Side Mt. 2SB 2 Arm Side Mt. 2SL 2 Arm Side Mt. 3ST 3 Arm Side Mt. 3SY 3 Arm Side Mt. 4SC 4 Arm Side Mt. 1SW Single Wall Mt. DB A-30/LS — A5/LG PSA14-4188SA/DB Volt photocell SLIPFITTER MOUNTING OPTIONS A-30 120OPTIONS POLE / POLE ARM FIXTURE See Arms & Poles Selection A-30 120 Volt photocell VERTICAL Guide at 4” Round, Standard Fixtures A-31 208 Volt photocell for pole EPA & ordering. 1 fixture side mt. VSF-1SA A-32 240 Volt photocell VSF-2SB 2 fixtures side mt. 180° A-33 277 Volt photocell VSF-2SL 2 fixtures side mt. 90° A-34 480 Volt photocell OPTIONAL ENTABLATURES VSF-3ST 3 fixtures side mt. 90° A-35 347 Volt Photocell Arched Entablature* 2 VSF-3SY 3 fixtures side mt. 120° 1SW Wall Mounting Arch A1 4 fixtures side mt. 90° VSF-4SC *Consult representative CGL Convex Glass Lens Broken Arch A2 3 4” Square, Standard Fixtures LS Polycarbonate Lens A3 Stepped Arch SVSF-1SA 1 fixture side mt. ELECTRICAL MODULE A4 Stepped Broken SVSF-2SB 2 fixtures side mt. 180° Source Color Temperature Voltages Arch SVSF-2SL 2 fixtures side mt. 90° 60L 60 LEDs, 2K 580nm 120 120V Standard A5 73W SVSF-3ST 3 fixtures side mt. 90° 3K 3000K 208 208V Peaked Entablature* SVSF-4SC 4 fixtures side mt. 90° 4K 4200K 240 240V 96L 96 LEDs, P1 Peak 108W 5K 5100K 277 277V HORIZONTAL P2 Broken Peak 347 347V1 HSF for Pole Davit Arm P3 Stepped Peak 1 480 480V P4 Stepped Broken EPA 1.0 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* 2.0 1.5 2.4 2.4 2.7 --- EPA MOUNTING - LARGE 1A 1 Arm Side Mt. 1.8 2B 2 Arm Side Mt. 3.6 2L 2 Arm Side Mt. 2.6 3T 3 Arm Side Mt. 4.1 3Y 3 Arm Side Mt. 4.1 4C 4 Arm Side Mt. 4.7 1W Single Wall Mt. — NOTE: EPA is for Fixture only Peak FIXTURE SET1 Type I Full Cutoff SET2 Type II Full Cutoff SET3 Type III Full Cutoff SET4 Type IV Full Cutoff SET5 Type V Full Cutoff SETL Type L Left Full Cutoff SETR Type R Right Full Cutoff 1 ET1 Horizontal Type I ET2 Horizontal Type II ET3 ET4 ET5 ETL ETR Horizontal Type III 2 3 Horizontal Type IV Horizontal Type V Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. Junction box in wall must provide adequate fixture support. CAUTION: Use only when vandalism is anticipated to be high. Useful life of lens is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. P5 Stepped *Specify finish Type L Left Full Cutoff HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. Type R Right Full Cutoff SET 10E" (276 mm) 12" 3H" E" (305 mm) (94 mm) (22 mm) 1O" (445 mm) 6" 5" (127 mm) 1L" (45 mm) 4J" (152 mm) (108 mm) 4K" (46 mm) TOP 17K" 1K" (38 mm) (114 mm) FRONT SIDE ET 14 K" (368 mm) 16" (406 mm) 5" 1 J" (127 mm) (32 mm) 2" (51 mm) TOP 23" 2" (584 mm) (51 mm) (203 mm) 2" (51 mm) 8" (203 mm) 6 F" 6" ( 157 m m ) FRONT 8" (152 mm) SIDE 179 Structural LED STS Small & STL Large Structural LED FEATURES S I T E / R OA D WAY STS LED ED STL LED E ED • Elegant form and optional structural elements complement architectural design • Structural combines state-of-the-art optics, materials and ergonomics to create glare free low maintenance lighting solutions • IES Type II, III, IV, V, and One-Way L or R distribution patterns Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 1A STL3 120L5K208 MOUNTING - SMALL EPA 1SA 1 Arm Side Mt. 1.1 2SB 2 Arm Side Mt. 2.2 2SL 2 Arm Side Mt. 1.5 3ST 3 Arm Side Mt. 2.6 3SY 3 Arm Side Mt. 2.6 4SC 4 Arm Side Mt. 2.7 1SW Single Wall Mt. — MOUNTING - LARGE EPA 1A 1 Arm Side Mt. 2.2 2B 2 Arm Side Mt. 4.4 2L 2 Arm Side Mt. 2.8 3T 3 Arm Side Mt. 5.0 3Y 3 Arm Side Mt. 5.0 4C 4 Arm Side Mt. 5.3 1W Single Wall Mt. — NOTES: EPA is for Fixture only. 3Y ony available on round slipfitter WH A25 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE OPTIONS 1W A-25 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-35 A-34 *Consult representative CGL LS TB AF WIH-IM Color Temperature 60L 60 LEDs, 73W 2K Amber For STS 3K 3000K 120L 120 LEDs, 140W 4K 4200K For STL 5K 5100K STS Voltages 120 120V 208 208V 240 240V 277 277V 347 347V 480 480V LARGE STL2 Type III Full-Cutoff STL3 Type IV Full-Cutoff STL4 Type V Square Full-Cutoff STL5 Type R Right Full-Cutoff STLR Type L Left Full-Cutoff STLL 7" 6" 5K" Type II Full-Cutoff Type III Full-Cutoff Type IV Full-Cutoff Type V Square Full-Cutoff Type R Right Full-Cutoff Type L Left Full-Cutoff SLIPFITTER MOUNT OPTIONS (51 mm) 12" (305 mm) 8" 7J" (184 mm) 2J" (57 mm) ARM CROSS-SECTION 180 Upsweep Solid Arm Upsweep Hollow Arm GS-W Gusset HORIZONTAL 4” Round, Structural Option HSF for Pole Davit Arm STRF-1A 1 fixture side mt. STRF-2B 2 fixtures side mt. 180° STRF-2L 2 fixtures side mt. 90° POLE STRF-3T 3 fixtures side mt. 90° See Arms & Poles STRF-3Y 3 fixtures side mt. 120° Selection Guide at www.kimlighting. STRF-4C 4 fixtures side mt. 90° com for pole EPA & 4” Square, Structural Option ordering. STSF-1A 1 fixture side mt. STSF-2B 2 fixtures side mt. 180° STSF-2L 2 fixtures side mt. 90° STSF-3T 3 fixtures side mt. 90° STSF-4C 4 fixtures side mt. 90° HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. Double Tension Truss Gusset WALL MOUNTED STRUCTURAL OPTIONS 9K" 26" nickel plated clevis Double Tension TDP-W Rod & clevis match fixture paint TDN-W Stainless steel rod, nickel plated clevis TR-W Truss POLE MOUNTED STRUCTURAL OPTIONS Single Tension (241 mm) (660 mm) fixture paint TSN-W Stainless steel rod, Swept Hollow (499 mm) 16" Single Tension TSP-W Rod & clevis match VERTICAL 4” Round, Standard Fixtures VSF-1A 1 fixture side mt. VSF-2B 2 fixtures side mt. 180° VSF-2L 2 fixtures side mt. 90° VSF-3T 3 fixtures side mt. 90° VSF-3Y 3 fixtures side mt. 120° VSF-4C 4 fixtures side mt. 90° 4” Square, Standard Fixtures SVSF-1A 1 fixture side mt. SVSF-2B 2 fixtures side mt. 180° SVSF-SL 2 fixtures side mt. 90° SVSF-3T 3 fixtures side mt. 90° SVSF-4C 4 fixtures side mt. 90° 19D" (406 mm) WALL MOUNTED GS Gusset Upsweep Solid (203 mm) Single Tension TSP Rod & clevis match fixture paint TSN Stainless steel rod, nickel plated clevis Double Tension TDP Rod & clevis match fixture paint TDN Stainless steel rod, nickel plated clevis TR Truss Uplift Adjustable Aluminum Arm AA11 Uplift Adjustable Steel Arm See Arms & Poles Selection Guide at www. for fixture & arm EPA Swept Solid ARM CROSS-SECTION STL POLE MOUNTED Swept Hollow Arm SUPPORT ARM OPTIONS Horizontal Slipfitter Mount (140 mm) STRUCTURAL OPTIONS Swept Solid Arm (178 mm) (152 mm) 2" AA01 AA03 AA05 AA07 AA09 PRA20-5125A/WH SLIPFITTER MOUNTING OPTIONS Source FIXTURE Type II Full-Cutoff — AA01 SUPPORT ARM OPTIONS Wall Mount Photocell Receptacle 120V Photocell 208V Photocell 240V Photocell 277V Photocell 347V Photocell 480V Photocell Convex Glass Lens Polycarbonate Lens Terminal Block Air Filter for ventilation In-Fixture wireless control module ELECTRICAL MODULE SMALL STS2 STS3 STS4 STS5 STSR STSL VSF-1A 4" Round 4" Square 4" Round 4" Square Vertical Slipfitter Mount for Standard Fixtures Vertical Slipfitter Mount for Fixtures with Structural Options Uplift Adjustable Aluminum Uplift Adjustable Steel Upsweep Hollow Single Tension Double Tension Truss Gusset Solar Powered Lighting HARNESS THE POWER OF THE SUN S I T E / R OA D WAY Solar power is an abundant source of energy that can be converted directly into electricity using photovoltaics. With the advancements in solar technology coupled with the improvements in solid-state lighting, commercial and industrial applications can now realize the benefits of solar lighting. Kim Lighting is committed to providing innovative and sustainable lighting solutions which offset the rise in energy costs and our impact on the environment. Kim Lighting offers solar powered lighting solutions for site/roadway, floodlighting, and pathway applications using the most popular luminaires. Available products include: ALTITUDE™, WARP9© LED, ERA© LED, BOUNCE© LED, VRB LED, and THE ARCHETYPE© LED. These solar powered lighting solutions offer an environmentally friendly “clean energy” solution to lighting with the potential benefits of receiving special incentives for renewable projects. SOLAR POWERED LIGHTING FEATURES AND BENEFITS • • • • • • • Solar powered lighting offers an environmentally friendly solution to lighting Security, navigation and identification lighting for areas where grid tied power may be inaccessible, unreliable or too costly No trenching No wires No electric bills Funding may exist in certain areas for renewable projects Solar powered lighting system can be portable Kim Lighting is pleased to partner with Solar Electric Power Company (SEPCO) to provide the most energy efficient and sustainable solar lighting solutions in the market. Contact factory for additional information. ALTITUDEE WARP9 RP9 LED ERA LED The ultimate in n luminaire design t a unique balance th innovation with of form, engineering and unique e eering ptics. ALTITUDE’s PicoPrism™ optics. aesthetic housing sing is proportional w six sizes and scalable, with to cover more pedestrian and site/roadway environments e ore. than ever before. Typical al site lighting attempts to embellish, bellish, decorate, or adorn,, often beyond the original al architectural intent. WARP9 9 was designed to disappear pear from the site, camouflage uflage itself within its surroundings, rroundings, and avoid tion from daytime detection visual perception. Era® is a transitionally styledd luminaire that complements both traditional and contemporary architecture. Available with Kim’s exclusivee MicroEmitter® LED technology. y. Era LED Type 3 and Type 5 (5100K) is DLC approved. BOUNCE LED VRB LED THE ARCHETYPE LED Bounce features a subtle indirect component that addresses the growing concern for control of glare are and light trespass, with a unique visual presence both day and night. Low level luminaires can be subject to vandalism in unsecured areas. Vandal Resistant Bollards are engineered for superior strength with extra thick components and base-to-grade connections to withstand considerable force. Modern architecture often integrates curvilinear, rectilinear, classical, and neoclassical styles into a single structure. The eclectic shape of The Archetype readily adapts to and complements contemporary architectural design. 181 PGL7 with PicoEmitter ™ PGL7 Parking garage Luminaire PA R K I N G S T R U C T U R E FEATURES PG PGL7 GL7 • LED models incorporating patented PicoEmitter LED technology • 75% increased lumen output at an affordable price point • The PGL7 offers wide or narrow optics in two distribution patterns Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) E35 PGL71N LED FIXTURE Narrow Cat. Nos. PGL71 Series PGL71N PGL74 Series PGL74N 60L3K277 FIXTURE FINISH PS Platinum Silver CURRENT E35 350mA Wide PGL71W PGL74W WH 66 System Watts (Standard) E45 450mA WH White CC Custom Color* 84 System Watts LS SCP FIXTURE OPTIONS NFO Neighbor Friendly Optics LS Polycarbonate Refractor Lens ASOL Acrylic Semi-Diffused CONTROL OPTIONS2 SCO On/Off Control – Refractor Lens *Consult representative ELECTRICAL MODULE Color Temperature Source 2K 580nm 60L 60 LED’s 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K 1 2 Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. PGL7 driver is a 0-10V dimming interface. For more information, refer to PGL7 Product Specification Sheet at Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V1 480V1 120 208 240 277 347 480 LSOL Polycarbonate Semi-Diffused SF DF DF SF SF DF PB2PS Refractor Lens 120 Volt Single Fuse 208 Volt Double Fuse 240 Volt Double Fuse 277 Volt Single Fuse 347 Volt Single Fuse 480 Volt Double Fuse Balanced Pendant J-Box and Bird Shroud (Platinum Silver) WIH-IM In-Fixture wireless control module PGL7 DISTRIBUTIONS PGL71W Type V Square PGL74W Type III Down Light Down Light Driving Direction Driving Direction PGL71N Type V Square PGL74N Type III Down Light Down Light Driving Direction Driving Direction PGL7 with Optional Balanced Pendant J-Box and Bird Shroud (PB2PS) 10" DIA. 4J" (254 mm) PGL7 18" DIA. (457 mm) 4" (108 mm) 3F" (76 mm) (102 mm) 7K" (191 mm) 3K" (89 mm) 182 PGL7 with Control Option 8J" (210 mm) 11L" (299 mm) 4C" (299 mm) provided No light output when no motion detected SCP High/Low Control – User programmable settings of 70, 60, 50, 20% of power. Factory default is 50% Compact Floodlight CFL1 - LED ARCHITECTURAL FLOODLIGHTS FEATURES • 27 energy efficient LED diodes configured in a rectangular array for directional illumination • Designed for a wide beam spread while maintaining excellent uniformity • Die-cast housing with integral cooling ribs design to dissipate heat allowing electrical components to operate within their allowable limits • A variety of mounting options and standard heavy duty swivel allows flexibility for fine-tuning projects on the job site ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 27L5KUV CFL1 FIXTURE CFL1 Wide Flood BL JBR-21 BD-CFL FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE ACCESSORIES BD-CFL Barn Doors1,2 FH-CFL Fixed hood1 FS-CFL Full Shield1,3 MOUNTING OPTIONS JBR-2 Brass in-grade Architectural JBR-3 JBR-21 JBR-24 *Consult representative JBR-30 JBR-32 J-box, (2) K" NPT in bottom4,5 Brass in-grade Architectural J-box, (2) L" NPT in bottom4,5 Brass in-grade Architectural J-box, (2) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom4,5 Brass In-grade Architectural J-box, (4) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom4,5 Brass in-grade staked J-box6 Brass in-grade staked J-box with cord5 Stanchion Mount1 SM18 J-27N JW EP17 JB1 J-25N Surface Mount1,7 Architectural Wall Mount1 Landscape Light Post Mount8 Architectural J-box1,9 Portable spear mount ELECTRICAL MODULE Source Color Temperature 27L 27 LEDs 2K 580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K 1 2 3 4 Voltage UV Universal Voltage from 120 to 277V with a ±10% tolerance Specify finish, BL - Black, DB - Dark Bronze, LG - Light Gray, SG - Stealth Gray, PS - Platinum Silver, WH - White. CAUTION: Not recommended for ground mounted fixtures in vandal prone areas. CAUTION: Do not use where leaves and trash can collect inside shield. All side taps provided with plugs. 5 6 7 CAUTION: Fixture stem and swivel must not contact soil or standing water. Provide drainage away from J-box. May also be used to hard mount low voltage fixtures. Surface mount can be connected to conduit or outdoor cord with waterproof cord seal (by others). 8 9 Should be used with a UL listed fixture and grounding means (i.e., third wire) suitable for use in wet locations. CAUTION: J-box must be installed high enough to avoid contact with soil or standing water. 5B" (130 mm) 9" MAX. 7D" (194 mm) (229 mm) 6" (152.4 mm) 2J" (57 mm) 2N" (65 mm) SIDE 10K" (267 mm) 10G" (265 mm) 59 64" (131 mm) at max. back tilt 3" TYPICAL (76 mm) 0o Vertical 30o 145o 3K" (89 mm) 4C" (111 mm) 10G" (265 mm) 3K" (89 mm) 4C" (111 mm) K" NPSM FRONT AIMING RANGE BD-CFL BARN DOORS FH-CFL FIXED HOOD FS-CFL FULL SHIELD 183 Wall Forms ® WF Wall Forms Round FEATURES WA L L M O U N T E D WF21 • Energy efficient LED diodes available in 15 watt and 30 watt systems • Four optical configurations for architectural accent lighting applications • Three mounting configurations: surface, recessed hollow wall mount, and recessed concrete mount • Molded, internal prismed or heat-treated smooth glass lens options • Available LED Color temperatures include 3000K, 4200K, 5100K, and 580nm ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) WF22 18L3K120 FIXTURE Surface Mount Smooth Internal Prismed Cat. Nos. Configuration Lens Full Face WF20 S Half Face S WF21 Cutoff Face — WF22 Shallow — WF23 P P — — Cutoff Face SF BL FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE OPTIONS 120 Volt Single Fuse SF DF 208 Volt Single Fuse DF 240 Volt Single Fuse 277 Volt Single Fuse SF *Consult representative Recessed Concrete Mount Smooth Internal Prismed Cat. Nos. Configuration Lens Full Face WF30C S Half Face S WF31C Cutoff Face — WF32C Shallow — WF33C P P — — ELECTRICAL MODULE Source Color Temperature 9L 9 LEDs 2K 580nm 18L 18 LEDs 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 120 208 120 277 Cutoff Face Recessed Hollow Wall Mount Full Face S WF30H Half Face S WF31H Cutoff Face — WF32H Shallow — WF33H P P — — Cutoff Face WALL FORMS - ROUND FULL FACE HALF FACE Junction box In wall by others 6E"(152 mm) SEMI RECESSED 1L" 8D" (203 mm) (25 mm) 5B"(127 mm) FULLY RECESSED WF21 10K" 10E" (203 mm) (254 mm) 5"(127 mm) 5E"(127 mm) WF20 184 CUTOFF FACE RECESSED HOUSING REAR VIEW WF30C WF30H WF22 WF31C WF31H BACK WF32C WF32H SHALLOW CUTOFF FACE L" NPT Conduit Taps: C - Concrete Wall Model 2 in sides, 2 in bottom H - Hollow Wall Models 2 in bottom Only 7J" 5K"(127 mm) SEMI RECESSED 3L" (76 mm) FULLY RECESSED ADA compliant when fully recessed WF23 WF33C WF33H Site Wallforms ® ® SW1/SW3 Site Wallforms FEATURES Energy efficient LED systems available with 18 or 36 diodes • Round and triangular geometric shapes provide design flexibility for architectural accent lighting applications • Die-cast aluminum housing designed for full-cutoff classification, reducing spill light and nighttime glow • LED Color temperatures include 3000K, 4200K, 5100K, and 580nm SW1 36L3K120 FIXTURE Site Wallforms SW1 Site Wallforms SW3 SW1 SW3 WA L L M O U N T E D • TG DB FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE OPTIONS TG Textured Glass Lens *Consult representative ELECTRICAL MODULE Source Color Temperature 18L 18 LEDs 2K 580nm 36L 36W LEDs 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 120 208 240 277 SW1 LED SW3 LED 8" 12J" (203 mm) (305 mm) 4K" (102 mm) 4" Octagonal J-box in wall (by others) Mounting Plate, Gasket, and Rope Caulk by Kim 8" 12J" (203 mm) (305 mm) 5J" (127 mm) Mounting Pla Gasket, and Rope Caulk by Kim 4" Octagonal J-box in wall (by others) 185 Wall Director ® Small WD14 & Large WD18 Wall Director WD14 WA L L - M O U N T E D FEATURES WD18 • Small & large scale LED uplight and downlight luminance for architectural accent lighting • IES Type II, III, and IV distribution patterns • Dark-Sky compliant, full cut-off luminaire (down position only) • High 95% reflector reflectivity for optimal performance Features exclusive wiHUBB technology • Wireless system for 0-10VDC full range dimming control • Programmable autonomous operation ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) WD14-D2 60L5K120 WH FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE - 14” SMALL WD14" - UP WD14-U2 UP Type II WD14-U3 UP Type III WD14-U4 UP Type IV WD14" - DOWN WD14-D2 UP Type II WD14-D3 UP Type III WD14-D4 UP Type IV A-30 FIXTURE OPTIONS A-30 120 Volt photocell A-31 208 Volt photocell A-32 240 Volt photocell A-33 277 Volt photocell A-34 480 Volt photocell A-35 347 Volt Photocell *Consult representative FIXTURE - 18” LARGE Color Temperature Source 2K Amber 60L 60 LEDs, 73W For WD14 3K 3000K 120L 120 LEDs, 140W 4K 4000K For WD18 5K 5000K WD18" - UP WD18" - DOWN WD18-D2 UP Type II WD18-D3 UP Type III WD18-D4 UP Type IV 2 3 Lexan Enclosure2 Wire Guard Surface Conduit Mt. UP3 SCM14D Surface Conduit Mt. DOWN3 WIH-IM In-Fixture wireless control module 4L" DIA. Bolt Circle 7C" 6L" (172 mm) 8E" 6F" (225 mm) (157 mm) 4K" (114 mm) 5J" (133 mm) To J-box center 3K" DIA. Bolt Circle 14D" (372 mm) WD18 Mounting Plate Attaches directly to any standard 4" J-box (by others) 8L" 7K" (222 mm) (191 mm) 7L" (432 mm) 6K" (197 mm) 11L" (165 mm) (299 mm) 8J" (210 mm) 6B" (156 mm) To J-box center 18" (457 mm) 186 240 Volt Double Fuse 277 Volt Single Fuse 347 Volt Single Fuse 480 Volt Double Fuse HID to LED Upgrade Kits available. Contact factory. (187 mm) 17" 208 Volt Double Fuse Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V1 480V1 WD14 13" 120 Volt Single Fuse 120 208 240 277 347 480 Due to current unavailability of 347V and 480V drivers, specification of these voltages may feature an integral step-down transformer. Use only when vandalism is anticipated to be high Useful life limited by UV discoloration from sunlight. A program of regular inspection and periodic replacement is highly recommended to maintain optimum fixture performance. Must be securely mounted to all surface. (330 mm) SF DF DF SF SF DF ELECTRICAL MODULE WD18-U2 UP Type II WD18-U3 UP Type III WD18-U4 UP Type IV 1 5˚ Shield 5DS14 LS WG14 SCM14U 5H" (145 mm) Mounting Plate Must be securely attached to wall outside the J-box perimeter. Low Level Luminaires GEM Performance Bollards ™ FEATURES • The GEM is designed to produce high levels of illuminance and an attractive lens presence. The visible lens produces a point of interest and attracts attention Designed for lighting walkways, entrances, courtyards, and landscaped areas where fixtures are viewable from all directions • New energy efficient LED modules, up to 36 LEDs, are now available for all GEM Bollard models • The GEM lighted head is constructed of die-cast aluminum, with a molded glass refractor GEM1C M1C L OW L E V E L • GEM1 ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) GEM1 18L5K120 — DB LUMINAIRE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE WITH ALUMINUM SHAFT GEM1 Fixture WITH CONCRETE SHAFT GEM1C Fixture HS OPTIONS CONCRETE FINISH BR-C Brown CH-C Charcoal NG-C Natural Gray WH-C White HS Houseside Shield DR Duplex Receptacle DR-GFI Duplex Receptacle w/ Ground Fault Interruptor Available colors integral in concrete mix *Consult representative ELECTRICAL MODULE LED Source 18L 18 LEDs Type 1 27L 27 LEDs Type 3 36L 36 LEDs Color Temperature 2K 580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 120 208 240 277 Type 5 GEM1 Maximum weight: 28 lb 5" (127 mm) GEM1C Maximum weight: 114 lb 9K" DIA. (241 mm) 5" (127 mm) 9K" DIA. (241 mm) 8" DIA. (203 mm) 9K" 9K" (241 mm) (241 mm) 3L" 37K" (95 mm) CONDUIT OPENING (953 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT 42K"* (1080 mm) 8" DIA. (203 mm) 1K" (38 mm) ANCHOR BOLT PROJ. 5" (127 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. BASE PLAN GEM ALUMINUM SHAFT *30" OR 36" OVERALL HEIGHT 42K" (1080 mm) MAXIMUM HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 8" DIA. (203 mm) 3C" (775 mm) MINIMUM HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 9K" (241 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 8" DIA. (203 mm) 16" (406 mm) MAXIMUM BURIAL DEPTH 5K" (140 mm) 3K" (89 mm) (86 mm) CONDUIT OPENING 30K" OPTIONAL HOUSESIDE SHIELD BASE PLAN GEM CONCRETE SHAFT AVAILABLE - CONTACT KIM REPRESENTATIVE (27K" ABSOLUTE MINIMUM) 187 Low Level Luminaires BNB Bounce Bollards L OW L E V E L FEATURES BNB1 BNB2 BNB3 BNB4 BNB5 • Kim Lighting’s Bounce Bollard LED series is perfect for pedestrian zones, pathways, perimeters, or other lower-mount and landscape applications, and is ideal for traditional or contemporary architecture requiring a striking European accent • Kim Lighting’s exclusive Bounce Bollard series has been broadened to include several new shaft styles and design details to further complement Kim Lighting’s extensive Bounce® series of area, pedestrian scale, and wall-mounted luminaires BNB6 ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) BNB1 18L3K120 WH ELECTRICAL MODULE LED Source 18L 18 LEDs Color Temperature 2K 580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Type 1 27L 27 LEDs Type 3 36L 36 LEDs Voltages 120V 208V 240V 277V 120 208 240 277 Type 5 HS LUMINAIRE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* *Consult representative FIXTURE BNB1 BNB2 BNB3 BNB4 BNB5 BNB6 Straight Shaft OPTIONS Fluted Shaft HS SF DF DF SF SF DF BBC Traditional Shaft Straight Shaft Fluted Shaft Traditional Shaft Houseside Shield 120 Volt Single Fuse 208 Volt Double Fuse 240 Volt Double Fuse 277 Volt Single Fuse 347 Volt Single Fuse 480 Volt Double Fuse Dark-Sky compliant Matte Black Body Cap BOUNCE BOLLARD 12" DIA. (305 mm) 3C" (86 mm) 12" DIA. (305 mm) 11" 12B" 28" 28" 28" (711 mm) (711 mm) (132 mm) BNB 4/5/6 Fixtures shown at different scale than shafts (238 mm) (238 mm) 2G" x 3O" CONDUIT OPENING 5" BOLT 8N" DIA. (218 mm) CIRCLE DIA. Straight - BNB 1/4 10L" DIA. (273 mm) 9C" DIA. 9C" DIA. 5" DIA. (127 mm) 5F" DIA. 188 (127 mm) (279 mm) (308 mm) BNB 1/2/3 (127 mm) (711 mm) 5" DIA. 5" DIA. (127 mm) 5" DIA. 3C" (86 mm) 2G" x 3O" CONDUIT OPENING 5" BOLT 8N" DIA. (218 mm) CIRCLE DIA. Fluted - BNB 2/5 3L" x 1L" CONDUIT OPENING 5" BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 10B" DIA. (257 mm) Traditional - BNB 3/6 Low Level Luminaires LE Era Lantern Bollards ® FEATURES Timeless, high performance historical lighting integration throughout the site is now possible with Kim Lighting’s Era Lantern luminaire collection, which now includes a bollard to round out the Era Lantern offering. • New energy efficient LED modules, up to 36 LEDs are now available for Era Lantern Bollard models L OW L E V E LY • Smooth LE1 Fluted LE2 Traditional LE3 ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) LE1 18L3K120 HS WH ELECTRICAL MODULE PMH OPTIONS LED Source 18L 18 LEDs Type 1 27L 27 LEDs Type 3 36L 36 LEDs Type 5 HS SF DF DF SF SF DF LS Color Temperature Voltages 2K 580nm 120 120V 3K 3000K 277 277V 4K 4200K 5K 5100K FIXTURE 120 Volt Single Fuse 208 Volt Double Fuse 240 Volt Double Fuse 277 Volt Single Fuse 347 Volt Single Fuse 480 Volt Double Fuse Polycarbonate Lantern Enclosure A Acrylic Lantern Enclosure LUMINAIRE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* LE1 Smooth Shaft LE2 Fluted Shaft LE3 Traditional Shaft Houseside Shield *Consult representative ERA LANTERN BOLLARD 5" DIA. (127 mm) 5" DIA. (127 mm) 5" DIA. (127 mm) 11K" DIA. (292 mm) 4N" (116 mm) 28" 28" (711 mm) 28" (711 mm) (711 mm) 9D" (245 mm) 5B" DIA. 9C" DIA. (130 mm) LE 1/2/3 2G" x 3O" CONDUIT OPENING 5" BOLT (273 mm) (238 mm) 8N" DIA. (218 mm) CIRCLE DIA. Fixture shown at different scale than shafts 10L" DIA. 9C" DIA. (238 mm) Smooth - LE1 2G" x 3O" CONDUIT OPENING 5" BOLT 8N" DIA. 3L" x 1L" CONDUIT OPENING (218 mm) 5" BOLT CIRCLE DIA. CIRCLE DIA. Fluted - LE2 10B" DIA. (257.2 mm) Traditional - LE3 189 Low Level Luminaires VRB1 / VRB2 / VRB3 / VRB4 / VSB1 / VSB2 Vandal Resistant Bollards FEATURES VRB2 VRB3 VRB4 VSB1 VSB2 L OW- L E V E L VRB1 • VRB1, VRB3 and VSB1 horizontal louvers provide 360° of down-lighting with total lamp source cutoff above 90° horizontal • VRB2, VRB4 and VSB2 horizontal louvers provide 210° of cutoff down-lighting and vertical louvers provide 150° of non-cutoff accent lighting • Designed for lighting walkways, entrances, courtyards, and landscaped areas where fixtures are viewable from all directions ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) VRB1 10L2K ELECTRICAL MODULE FIXTURE VRB1 Domed Round, VRB2 VRB3 VRB4 VSB1 VSB2 VRB1 Domed Top Source 10L IES Type 1 LED 15L IES Type 3 LED 20L IES Type 5 LED For concrete shaft or unlighted concrete bollard, contact factory. VRB3 Flat Top (229 mm) 42"* (1067 mm) (38 mm) ANCHOR BOLT PROJ. 5" (127 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. VRB4 Flat Top (86 mm) CONDUIT OPENING 43" (203 mm) 5" (127 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. BASE PLAN VSB ALUMINUM SHAFT (38 mm) ANCHOR BOLT PROJ. *30" OR 36" OVERALL HEIGHT AVAILABLE - CONTACT KIM REPRESENTATIVE (27K" ABSOLUTE MINIMUM) VANDAL RESISTANT SQUARE BOLLARD VSB2 - Dual Function Luminaire (Aluminum Shaft) Maximum weight: 35 lb 8" DIA. (203 mm) 3L" (95mm) CONDUIT OPENING 42"* (1067 mm) 1K" (38 mm) ANCHOR BOLT PROJ. 190 3C" 1K" 9" (229 mm) 36" (914 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT (203 mm) (914 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT *30" OR 36" OVERALL HEIGHT AVAILABLE CONTACT KIM REPRESENTATIVE (27K" ABSOLUTE MINIMUM) (203 mm) 6" 8" 10" (254 mm) 36" BASE PLAN VRB ALUMINUM SHAFT VRB2 - Dual Function Luminaire (Aluminum Shaft) Maximum weight: 30 lb 8" DIA. 8" DIA. (152 mm) (203 mm) (178 mm) (1092 mm) 1K" VRB2 Domed Top 3L" (95mm) CONDUIT OPENING (914.4 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT 8" DIA. 7" 9" 36" VANDAL RESISTANT SQUARE BOLLARD VSB1 - Single Function Luminaire (Aluminum Shaft) Maximum weight: 35 lb (203 mm) (203 mm) (152 mm) HS Houseside Shield *Consult representative VANDAL RESISTANT BOLLARD VRB1 - Single Function Luminaire (Aluminum Shaft) Maximum weight: 30 lb 8" DIA. 8" DIA. 6" Voltages 120 120V 277 277V Color Temperature 2K Amber 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K OPTIONS LUMINAIRE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* LED 360° downlighting Domed Round, 210° downlighting, 150° accent lighting Flat Round, 360° downlighting Flat Round, 210° downlighting, 150° accent lighting Square, 360° downlighting Square, 210° downlighting, 150° accent lighting HS BL 5" (127 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. BASE PLAN VRB ALUMINUM SHAFT *30" OR 36" OVERALL HEIGHT AVAILABLE CONTACT KIM REPRESENTATIVE (27K" ABSOLUTE MINIMUM) 7" (178 mm) 8" (203 mm) 10" 3C" (254 mm) (86 mm) CONDUIT OPENING 36" (914 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT 43" (1092 mm) 1K" (38 mm) ANCHOR BOLT PROJ. 5" (127 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. BASE PLAN VSB ALUMINUM SHAFT *30" OR 36" OVERALL HEIGHT AVAILABLE - CONTACT KIM REPRESENTATIVE (27K" ABSOLUTE MINIMUM) Low Level Luminaires CB Compact Bollard FEATURES • Kim’s Compact LED Bollard features full overlapping louvers to provide total light cutoff above horizontal A completely gasketed glass globe utilizes prismatics to optimize and control the light. With recommended coated lamps, a smooth wash of light is achieved with no shadows from the vertical supports • Battery back-up, cold-pack emergency battery pack and houseside shield options available L OW- L E V E L • CB24 ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) CB24 30L2K HS WH FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* FIXTURE CB24 Compact Bollard, 24" height CB32 Compact Bollard, 32" height OPTIONS HS Houseside Shield *Consult representative ELECTRICAL MODULE LED Source 10L IES Type 1 LED 15L IES Type 3 LED 20L IES Color Temperature 2K 580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Voltages 120 120V 277 277V Type 5 LED HID to LED Replacement Kit available. Contact factory. CB COMPACT BOLLARDS CB24 Maximum weight: 17 lb CB32 Maximum weight: 20 lb 6" DIA. (152 mm) 6" DIA. (152 mm) 5" DIA. (127 mm) 6" (152 mm) 6" (152 mm) 18" (457 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT 5" DIA. (127 mm) 1L" DIA. 26" 24" (660 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT (610 mm) 2K"MIN. (64 mm) (45 mm) CONDUIT OPENING 32" (813 mm) 2E" (73.0 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. BASE PLAN CB 5" DIA. (127 mm) 2K" MIN. (63.5 mm) 191 Low Level Luminaires ® SL1 / SL3 / SL5 Site Lightforms Bollards FEATURES SL1 • SL fixtures are specifically designed and engineered to combine contemporary form with rugged vandal resistant construction • New energy efficient LED modules, up to 36 LEDs, are now available for Site Lightforms Bollard models • SL1 and SL3 offer path lighting with full-cutoff optics. SL5 offers path lighting with semi cutoff optics • One-piece extruded aluminum shafts for a clean sharp cornered appearance with superior strength L OW- L E V E L SL3 SL5 SL L5 ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) SL1 18L3K120 WH ELECTRICAL MODULE FIXTURE SL1 Site Lightforms SL3 Site Lightforms SL5 Site Lightforms LED 18L 18 LEDs5 36L 36 LEDs5 Color Temperature 2K Amber 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Voltages 120V 208V 277V 277V 120 208 240 277 FIXTURE FINISH BL Black DB Dark Bronze LG Light Gray SG Stealth Gray PS Platinum Silver WH White CC Custom Color* *Consult representative SL1 SITE LIGHTFORMS Maximum 8" weight: 37 lb (203 mm) 8"8E" 3B" (225 mm) (203 mm) 8E" (79 mm) (225 mm) 8" (203 mm) 4K" 9D" (114 mm) (245 mm) 37K" (953 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT 42"* (1067 mm) 8K" (216 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 3B" (80 mm) *36" OVERALL HEIGHT BASE PLAN SL1 AVAILABLE - CONTACT KIM REPRESENTATIVE FRONT SL3 SITE LIGHTFORMS Maximum 8" weight: 39 lb (203 mm) SIDE 8E" SL5 SITE LIGHTFORMS Maximum 8" weight: 37 lb 3B" (225 mm) (79 mm) (203 mm) 4J" 4J" (108 mm) (108 mm) 8" 8" 9" (203 mm) (203 mm) (229 mm) 5J" (133 mm) 9D" 9D" (245 mm) (245 mm) 37K" (953 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT 42L"* (1086 mm) 8K" (216 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 3B" (80 mm) *36L" OVERALL HEIGHT (838 mm) LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT BASE PLAN SL3 192 BASE PLAN SL5 *36" OVERALL HEIGHT AVAILABLE - CONTACT KIM REPRESENTATIVE FRONT 8K" (216 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 33" 42"* (1067 mm) AVAILABLE - CONTACT KIM REPRESENTATIVE SIDE FRONT SIDE Lightvault ® LTV81FF / LTV82FF / LTV83FF Flat Frame Lens Ring FEATURES Composite pour boxes ship ahead to simplify installation • Sealed light engine prevents ingress of moisture and/or debris (IP66 compatibility pending) • Bluetooth enabled field-aiming allows for wireless adjustment and dimming • Available in spot, wall-wash, and narrow flood distributions • 3000K, 4200K, and 5100K CCT • Optional Slip Resistant Lens, Hex Cell Louver, Prismatic Lens LTV83FF A DDEWAY S I T EI N/- GR ROA • LTV82FF LTV81FF ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) LTV81FF/SP PL/RCA81 36L5KUV ELECTRICAL MODULE Source Color Temperature 3K 3000K 36L 36 LEDs 4K 4200K 5K 5100K FIXTURE With Flat Frame Lens Ring LTV81FF/SP Spot1,2 LTV81FF/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV81FF/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV82FF/SP Spot1,2 Voltage UV Universal Voltage FIXTURE OPTIONS1 SR Slip-Resistant Lens HL Hex Cell Louver. SP or NF only. Best with spot optics3 PL Prismatic Lens softens lamp distribution. 18L 18 LEDs Best with flood lamps3 LTV82FF/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV82FF/WW Wall Wash1,2 RCA81 Rebar cage anchor 16L 16 LEDs 12L 12 LEDs LTV83FF/SP Spot1,2 for RCA81 RCA82 Rebar cage anchor for RCA82 LTV83FF/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV83FF/WW Wall Wash 1 2 3 RCA83 Rebar cage anchor 1,2 for RCA83 All lens options are integral parts of component module and must be installed at factory. Opening of Component Module on site will void warranty. Not recommended for Wall Wash distribution. Pour Box rough-in housing ships separately and as a quick-ship if requested. LTV81FF LTV83FF 13" DIA. 4" (332 mm) 2" (102 mm) (51 mm) 2" 7I" DIA. 1" 1" (25 mm) 8J" (26 mm) 10" (26 mm) 1" (51 mm) (202 mm) (210 mm) (254 mm) 2 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP SIDE BOTTOM 3 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP SIDE BOTTOM LTV82FF DEBRIS SHIELDS 4" 10C" DIA. 2" (102 mm) (263 mm) (51 mm) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (2 PLCS) 22.5° 1" 1.00 (2 PLCS) 9E" (26 mm) 2.00 (2 PLCS) 2.00 (2 PLCS) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) (250 mm) 3 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) SIDE LTV81 LTV82 LTV83 BOTTOM 193 Lightvault ® LTV81SS / LTV82SS / LTV83SS Stainless Steel Lens Ring S I T EI N/- G R OA R A D EWAY FEATURES • Composite pour boxes ship ahead to simplify installation • Sealed light engine prevents ingress of moisture and/or debris (IP66 compatibility pending) • Bluetooth enabled field-aiming allows for wireless adjustment and dimming • Available in spot, wall-wash, and narrow flood distributions • 3000K, 4200K, and 5000K CCT • Optional Slip Resistant Lens, Hex Cell Louver, Prismatic Lens LTV82SS LTV83SS LTV81SS ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) LTV81SS/SP PL/RCA81 36L5KUV ELECTRICAL MODULE Source 36L 36 LEDs FIXTURE With Flat Frame Lens Ring LTV81SS/SP Spot1,2 LTV81SS/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV81SS/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV82SS/SP Spot1,2 Color Temperature 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K FIXTURE OPTIONS1 SR Slip-Resistant Lens HL Hex Cell Louver. Voltage UV Universal Voltage SP or NF only. Best with spot optics3 PL Prismatic Lens softens lamp distribution. 18L 18 LEDs Best with flood lamps3 LTV82SS/NF Narrow Flood1,2 RCA81 Rebar cage anchor 16L 16 LEDs 12L 12 LEDs LTV82SS/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV83SS/SP Spot1,2 for RCA81 RCA82 Rebar cage anchor for RCA82 LTV83SS/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV83SS/WW Wall Wash 1 2 3 RCA83 Rebar cage anchor 1,2 for RCA83 All lens options are integral parts of component module and must be installed at factory. Opening of Component Module on site will void warranty. Not recommended for Wall Wash distribution. Pour Box rough-in housing ships separately and as a quick-ship if requested. LTV83SS LTV81SS 13" DIA. (332 mm) 4" (102 mm) 2" 7I" DIA. 2" (202 mm) (25 mm) 8J" 1" (210 mm) (26 mm) 10" 1" 1" (51 mm) (51 mm) (254 mm) (26 mm) 2 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP SIDE BOTTOM 3 NPT Pipe Plugs SIDE TOP BOTTOM LTV82SS DEBRIS SHIELDS 4" 10C" DIA. 2" (102 mm) (51 mm) (263 mm) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (2 PLCS) 22.5° 1.00 (2 PLCS) 1" 2.00 (2 PLCS) 9E" (26 mm) 194 2.00 (2 PLCS) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) (250 mm) 3 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) SIDE BOTTOM LTV81 LTV82 LTV83 Lightvault ® LTV81RG / LTV82RG / LTV83RG Rock Guard Lens Ring FEATURES Composite pour boxes ship ahead to simplify installation • Sealed light engine prevents ingress of moisture and/or debris (IP66 compatibility pending) • Bluetooth enabled field-aiming allows for wireless adjustment and dimming • Available in spot, wall-wash, and narrow flood distributions • 3000K, 4200K, and 5100K CCT • Rock guard for lens protection LTV83RG R A D EWAY S I T EI N/- G R OA • LTV82RG LTV81RG ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) LTV81RG/SP PL/RCA81 36L5KUV ELECTRICAL MODULE Source 36L 36 LEDs FIXTURE With Flat Frame Lens Ring LTV81RG/SP Spot1,2 LTV81RG/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV81RG/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV82RG/SP Spot1,2 Color Temperature 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K FIXTURE OPTIONS1 SR Slip-Resistant Lens HL Hex Cell Louver. Voltage UV Universal Voltage SP or NF only. Best with spot optics3 PL Prismatic Lens softens lamp distribution. 18L 18 LEDs Best with flood lamps3 LTV82RG/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV82RG/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV83RG/SP Spot1,2 RCA81 Rebar cage anchor 16L 16 LEDs 12L 12 LEDs for RCA81 RCA82 Rebar cage anchor for RCA82 LTV83RG/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV83RG/WW Wall Wash 1 2 3 RCA83 Rebar cage anchor 1,2 for RCA83 All lens options are integral parts of component module and must be installed at factory. Opening of Component Module on site will void warranty. Not recommended for Wall Wash distribution. Pour Box rough-in housing ships separately and as a quick-ship if requested. LTV81RG LTV83RG 13" DIA. (332 mm) 1G" 4" (37 mm) (102 mm) 2" (51 mm) E" 7I" DIA. (22 mm) (202 mm) 1" 10" 1" 1" (25 mm) 8J" (26 mm) (254 mm) (26 mm) 2" (51 mm) (210 mm) 3 NPT Pipe Plugs 3 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP SIDE TOP SIDE BOTTOM BOTTOM LTV82RG DEBRIS SHIELDS 4" 1B" 10C" DIA. 2" (29 mm) (102 mm) (264 mm) (51 mm) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (2 PLCS) 22.5° 1.00 (2 PLCS) 1" 2.00 (2 PLCS) 9E" (26 mm) 2.00 (2 PLCS) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) (250 mm) 3 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) SIDE LTV81 LTV82 LTV83 BOTTOM 195 Lightvault ® LTV81HS / LTV82HS / LTV83HS Half Shield Lens Ring S I T EI N/- GR ROA A DDEWAY FEATURES • Composite pour boxes ship ahead to simplify installation • Sealed light engine prevents ingress of moisture and/or debris (IP66 compatibility pending) • Bluetooth enabled field-aiming allows for wireless adjustment and dimming • Available in spot, wall-wash, and narrow flood distributions • 3000K, 4200K, and 5100K CCT • Half shield provides glare protection LTV83HS LTV81HS LTV82HS ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) LTV81HS/SP PL/RCA81 36L5KUV ELECTRICAL MODULE Source Color Temperature 3K 3000K 36L 36 LEDs 4K 4200K 5K 5100K FIXTURE With Flat Frame Lens Ring LTV81HS/SP Spot1,2 LTV81HS/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV81HS/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV82HS/SP Spot1,2 FIXTURE OPTIONS1 SR Slip-Resistant Lens HL Hex Cell Louver. Voltage UV Universal Voltage SP or NF only. Best with spot optics3 PL Prismatic Lens softens lamp distribution. 18L 18 LEDs Best with flood lamps3 LTV82HS/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV82HS/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV83HS/SP Spot1,2 RCA81 Rebar cage anchor 16L 16 LEDs 12L 12 LEDs for RCA81 RCA82 Rebar cage anchor for RCA82 LTV83HS/NF Narrow Flood1,2 RCA83 Rebar cage anchor LTV83HS/WW Wall Wash1,2 1 2 3 for RCA83 All lens options are integral parts of component module and must be installed at factory. Opening of Component Module on site will void warranty. Not recommended for Wall Wash distribution. Pour Box rough-in housing ships separately and as a quick-ship if requested. LTV81HS LTV83HS 4A" (103 mm) 13" DIA. (332 mm) 4" (102 mm) 24° 3 NPT Pipe Plugs 2K" 7I" DIA. (64 mm) (202 mm) 24° 1" 1" (26 mm) (210 mm) 2" (254 mm) (51 mm) 2" TOP (51 mm) SIDE TOP 2 NPT Pipe Plugs 8J" (26 mm) 10" 1" (25 mm) SIDE BOTTOM BOTTOM LTV82HS DEBRIS SHIELDS 3B" (79 mm) 9E" DIA. (250 mm) 24° 4" 3 NPT Pipe Plugs (102 mm) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (2 PLCS) 22.5° 1.00 (2 PLCS) 2.00 (2 PLCS) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) (250 mm) LTV81 2" (51 mm) 196 2.00 (2 PLCS) 9E" 1" (26 mm) TOP 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) SIDE BOTTOM LTV82 LTV83 Lightvault ® LTV81EB / LTV82EB / LTV83EB Eyeball Lens Ring FEATURES Composite pour boxes ship ahead to simplify installation • Sealed light engine prevents ingress of moisture and/or debris (IP66 compatibility pending) S I T EI N/ - G R OA R A D WAY E • LTV83EB • Bluetooth enabled field-aiming allows for wireless adjustment and dimming • Available in spot, wall-wash, and narrow flood distributions • 3000K, 4200K, and 5100K CCT • For applications that require lamp tilt LTV82EB LTV81EB ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) LTV81EB/SP PL/RCA81 36L5KUV ELECTRICAL MODULE Source 18L 18 LEDs FIXTURE With Flat Frame Lens Ring LTV81EB/SP Spot1,2 LTV81EB/NF Narrow Flood1,2 LTV81EB/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV82EB/SP Spot1,2 16L 16 LEDs 12L 12 LEDs Color Temperature 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K Voltage UV Universal Voltage FIXTURE OPTIONS1 SR Slip-Resistant Lens HL Hex Cell Louver. SP or NF only. Best with spot optics3 PL Prismatic Lens softens lamp distribution. Best with flood lamps3 LTV82EB/NF Narrow Flood1,2 RCA81 Rebar cage anchor LTV82EB/WW Wall Wash1,2 LTV83EB/SP Spot1,2 for RCA81 8L 8 LEDs RCA82 Rebar cage anchor for RCA82 LTV83EB/NF Narrow Flood1,2 RCA83 Rebar cage anchor LTV83EB/WW Wall Wash1,2 1 2 3 for RCA83 All lens options are integral parts of component module and must be installed at factory. Opening of Component Module on site will void warranty. Not recommended for Wall Wash distribution. Pour Box rough-in housing ships separately and as a quick-ship if requested. 30° 15° LTV81EB LTV83EB 3E" 2F" (98 mm) 15° 13" DIA. 4" (332 mm) (102 mm) 3 NPT Pipe Plugs 30° 15° (56 mm) 7G" DIA. (189 mm) 15° 2" 2 NPT Pipe Plugs (51 mm) 1" 8J" 1" 10" (26 mm) (210 mm) (26 mm) (254 mm) 1" (25 mm) 2" (51 mm) SIDE TOP LTV82EB 2O" SIDE BOTTOM DEBRIS SHIELDS 30° 15° (72 mm) 9E" DIA. (250 mm) TOP BOTTOM 3 NPT Pipe Plugs 15° 4" (102 mm) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (2 PLCS) 22.5° 1.00 (2 PLCS) 2.00 (2 PLCS) 1" 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) 2.00 (2 PLCS) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) 9E" (26 mm) (250 mm) LTV81 2" LTV82 LTV83 (51 mm) TOP SIDE BOTTOM 197 Lightvault ® LTV81DM / LTV82DM / LTV83DM Directional Marker A DDEWAY S I T EI N/- GR ROA FEATURES LTV83DM • Composite pour boxes ship ahead to simplify installation • Sealed light engine prevents ingress of moisture and/or debris (IP66 compatibility pending) • Bluetooth enabled field-aiming allows for wireless dimming • 3000K, 4200K, and 5100K CCT • Directional marker for drive way applications or path finding LTV82DM LTV81DM ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) LTV81DM/SP ELECTRICAL MODULE Source FIXTURE Directional Marker LTV81DMF Full1,2 24L 12L 18L 9L LTV81DMH Half1,2 LTV82DF Full1,2 LTV82DH Half1,2 1 2 PL/RCA81 36L5KUV 24 LEDs 12 LEDs Color Temperature 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K FIXTURE OPTIONS1 RCA81 Rebar cage anchor Voltage for RCA81 UV Universal RCA82 Rebar cage anchor Voltage for RCA82 18 LEDs RCA83 Rebar cage anchor 9 LEDs for RCA83 LTV83DMF Full1,2 12L 12 LEDs LTV83DMH Half1,2 6L 6 LEDs All lens options are integral parts of component module and must be installed at factory. Opening of Component Module on site will void warranty Pour Box rough-in housing ships separately and as a quick-ship if requested. LTV83DM LTV81DM 13" DIA. 1G" (332 mm) 4" (37 mm) (102 mm) (51 mm) E" 7I" DIA. (22 mm) (202 mm) (254 mm) (25 mm) 2 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP 3 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP 1" (210 mm) (26 mm) 10" 2" (51 mm) 8J" 1" 1" (26 mm) 2" SIDE (Typical for LTV81DM & LTV81DMH) SIDE (Typical for LTV83DMF & LTV83DMH) BOTTOM BOTTOM LTV82DM DEBRIS SHIELDS 1B" 10C" DIA. 4" 2" (29 mm) (102 mm) (264 mm) (51 mm) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (2 PLCS) 22.5° 1.00 (2 PLCS) 1" (26 mm) 9E" 2.00 (2 PLCS) 198 2.00 (2 PLCS) 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) (250 mm) 3 NPT Pipe Plugs TOP 1-11.5" NPT IN BOTTOM (3 PLCS) SIDE (Typical for LTV82DMF & LTV82DMH) BOTTOM LTV81 LTV82 LTV83 Minivault In-grade Lighting FEATURES Designed to be exposed to the most abusive environment of all lighting systems • Introducing 3 diode energy efficient LED models • In-grade and above grade components are solid heavy cast bronze • Seals are engineered to perform flawlessly, sealing tight after relamping • Available options include hex cell louver and prismatic spread lens IN-GRADE • KLV360 KLV361 KLV365 KLV366 ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) KLV361 12 VOLT LED KLV361 LED KLV366 LED 3L5K DB ELECTRICAL MODULE FIXTURE FINISH 12 VOLT LED ONLY Source 3L 3 LEDs Color Temperature 2K 580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K PL73 ALUMINUM BL Black FIXTURE OPTIONS HL73 Hex Cell Louver for brightness control3 DB Dark Bronze GR Verde Green PL73 Prismatic Spread Lens softens lamp distribution. Best with flood lamps SL73 Spread Lens creates oval beam pattern. Best with spot lamps L12 Hex Cell Louver clips to MR16 lamp4 KLV360/KLV361/KLV365/KLV366 MINIVAULT 15˚ 6" DIA. (152 mm) 19 32" 15˚ 19 32" (15 mm) (15 mm) 517 32" 517 32" 15˚ 15˚ 3" (76 mm) (141 mm) 340° Optical Adjustment TOP 2B" DIA (54.0 mm (141 mm) Low Voltage Cable Exit 1" (25 mm) L12 MR16 LAMP ONLY 6J" DIA. 6J" DIA. (159 mm) (159 mm) KLV360 KLV365 199 Micro-Flood Accent Lighting FEATURES LANDSCAPE EL218 • Unique swivel mount provides superior aiming without loosening over time • Available in die-cast aluminum with powder coat paint finish for excellent value and rugged service • Energy efficient LED module is now available in 12 volt and 120 thru 277 volts ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) EL218S3 EL218S3 EL218F3 EL218S5 EL218F5 UV 8L3K BL BD215 FIXTURE FIXTURE FINISH 350mA Spot ALUMINUM BL Black 350mA Narrow Flood 550mA Spot MOUNTING OPTIONS EP17 Landscape Light Post Mount JB1 Architectural J-box3 J-25N Portable Spear Mount3 JBR-2 Brass In-grade J-box DB Dark Bronze GR Verde Green 550mA Narrow Flood EP17 JBR-21 Brass In-grade J-box (2) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom JBR-24 Brass In-grade J-box (4) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom JBR-30 Brass In-grade Staked J-box (2) K" NPT in bottom JBR-3 Brass In-grade J-box (2) L" NPT in bottom ELECTRICAL MODULE Source Color Temperature 8L 8 LEDs, 10W 3K 3000K For 350mA 4K 4200K 8 LEDs, 16W 5K 5100K 2 Extruded aluminum, fully adjustable. Provides beam and glare control. Formed .062 thick aluminum. Provides glare control. 3 with cord FIXTURE OPTIONS BD215 Optional Barn Doors1 FH215 Optional Fixed Hood2 VOLTAGE SM18 Stanchion Mount3 J-27N Surface Mount3 JW Architectural Wall Mount3 Voltage UV Universal Voltage from 120 to 277V with a ±10% tolerance For 550mA 1 JBR-32 Brass In-grade Staked J-box Specify finish, BL - Black, DB - Dark Bronze, GR - Verde Green. MICRO-FLOOD ACCENT LIGHTING 5K" (140 mm) 1C" 3" (35 mm) (76 mm) 116° 64° 5K" (140 mm) 3L" 4B" (95 mm) (105 mm) 1L" 6J" (45 mm) (159 mm) K" NPT 2B" (54 mm) SIDE 200 FRONT BD215 BARN DOOR FH215 FIXED HOOD Scarab ™ Accent Lighting FEATURES C700/9L LED light sources with sealed light engine • Spot illumination for dramatic lighting, narrow flood distributions for accent lighting • The Scarab series combines integrated design and application flexibility to produce a landscape accent system that meets the broadest range of illumination needs • Unique swivel mount provides superior aiming without loosening over time • Available in aluminum finish for excellent value and rugged service, or brass offering long life and natural weathering that blends into the landscape EL700/12L EL700/1 EL700/7L EL7 /7L ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) C700S3 – 7L3K BRASS FIXTURE C700S3 350mA Spot C700F3 350mA Narrow Flood ALUMINUM FIXTURE EL700S3 350mA Spot EL700F3 350mA Narrow Flood VG AGS73 JBR-2 FIXTURE FINISH FIXTURE OPTIONS BRASS NB Natural Brass VG Verde Green Patina ALUMINUM BL Black 7 LED AGS72 Adjustable Glare Shield1,2 FGS72 Full Glare Shield1,2 DS72 Debris Screen for Full Glare Shield DB Dark Bronze GR Verde Green AGS73 Adjustable Glare Shield1,2 FGS73 Full Glare Shield1,2 DS73 Debris Screen for MOUNTING OPTIONS 120 VOLT MOUNTING OPTIONS EP17 Landscape Light Post Mount JB1 Architectural J-box2 J-25N JBR-2 9 LED JBR-3 JBR-21 Full Glare Shield 12 LED JBR-24 Brass in-grade J-box (4) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom JBR-30 Brass in-grade staked Portable Spear Mount2 J-box Brass in-grade J-box JBR-32 Brass in-grade staked (2) K" NPT in bottom J-box Brass in-grade J-box with cord (2) L" NPT in bottom SM18 Stanchion Mount2 Brass in-grade J-box J-27N Surface Mount2 (2) K" NPT in sides, JWBR Brass Architectural (2) K" NPT in bottom Wall Mount2 AGS74 Adjustable Glare Shield1,2 FGS74 Full Glare Shield1,2 DS74 Debris Screen for Full Glare Shield ELECTRICAL MODULE VOLTAGE UV Universal Voltage from 120 to Source Color Temperature 7L 7 LEDs, 9W 3K 3000K 9L 9 LEDs, 11W 4K 4200K 12L 12 LEDs, 14W 5K 5100K 1 277V with a ±10% tolerance 2 Replaces standard lens ring/hood on fixture. Finish to match fixture. Specify finish, BL - Black, DB - Dark Bronze, GR - Verde Green. SCARAB ACCENT LIGHTING C700/7L EL700/7L C700/9L EL700/9L 6D"r. (203 mm) 5A" (168 mm) 4M" 7K" (110 mm) (191 mm) (130 mm) 4F" DIA. 3D" (143 mm) (143 mm) (110 mm) 2B" (54 mm) AGS73 K" NPT 6D" (168 mm) C700/7L EL700/7L 3G" DIA. (87 mm) FGS72 2B" (54 mm) AGS74 8L" K" NPT C700/9L EL700/9L (222 mm) K" NPT C700/12L EL700/12L 5N" DIA. 4A" DIA. (141 mm) (103 mm) 31° cutoff 5D" (145 mm) 2B" (54 mm) 5D" (165 mm) 5H" DIA. 4M" (106 mm) (92 mm) AGS72 (262 mm) 6K" 5B" 4K" (91 mm) 10M" 6L" (229 mm) (114 mm) 3N" DIA. (241 mm) (172 mm) 9" (129 mm) 9K"r. C700/12L EL700/12L 8"r. FGS74 DS72 Debris screen for FGS Full Glare Shield only 31.5$ cutoff FGS73 DS73 Debris screen for FGS Full Glare Shield only 32$ cutoff FGS74 DS74 Debris screen for FGS Full Glare Shield only 201 LANDSCAPE • Traditional Path Lighting FEATURES LANDSCAPE Mushroom Hood Cone Hood • Kim was one of the first producers of quality path lighters. These classic products have been totally redesigned in die-cast brass and aluminum • Under-hood reflector increases efficiency. The solid hood support also allows access for lamp maintenance without the use of a single tool • Because of a wide selection of hood designs, stem lengths and finishes, selecting the combination of features that best suits a specific application is easy Cone Hood Pagoda Hood ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) KLV188 UV 3L3K BL ALUMINUM FIXTURE FIXTURE FINISH 12 VOLT1 KLV188 8" stem ht. LED KLV190 13" stem ht. ALUMINUM BL Black DB Dark Bronze GR Verde Green KLV195 20" stem ht. 120 VOLT EL188 8" stem ht. LED EL190 13" stem ht. VOLTAGE 120 VOLT LED ONLY Voltage UV Universal Voltage from 120 to 277V with a ±10% tolerance EL195 20" stem ht. BRA BRASS FIXTURE SS 12 VOLT1 KLV189 8" stem ht. LED KLV192 13" stem ht. KLV197 20" stem ht. 120 VOLT BN189 8" stem ht. LED BN192 13" stem ht. ELECTRICAL MODULE BN197 20" stem ht. 12/120 VOLT LED ONLY Source 3L 3 LEDs 1 2 H60BL JBR-2 HOODS MOUNTING OPTIONS ALUMINUM H60BL Pagoda, Black H60DB Pagoda, Dark Bronze H60GR H70BL H70DB H70GR H80BL H80DB H80GR 12 VOLT EP17 Landscape Light Post Mount KLV400 Spear Mount2 Pagoda, Verde Green Mushroom, Black Mushroom, Dark Bronze Mushroom, Verde Green Cone, Black EP17 JB1 J-25N JBR-2 Cone, Dark Bronze Cone, Verde Green JBR-3 COPPER H60NB Pagoda, Natural H60VG Pagoda, Verde Green Patina JBR-21 H70NB H70VG H80NB H80VG Mushroom, Natural Mushroom, Verde Green Patina Cone, Natural JBR-24 120 VOLT Landscape Light Post Mount Architectural J-box2 Portable Spear Mount In-grade J-box (2) K" NPT in bottom In-grade J-box (2) L" NPT in bottom In-grade J-box (2) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom In-grade J-box (4) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom Brass in-grade staked J-box JBR-30 JBR-32 Brass in-grade staked J-box with cord Cone, Verde Green Patina Color Temperature L2K 580nm L3K 3000K L4K 4200K L5K 5100K Remote transformer required. Specify finish, BL - Black, DB - Dark Bronze, GR - Verde Green. 7G" DIA. (189 mm) 16B" DIA. 12C" DIA. (410 mm) 17F" (8" stem) 14O" (8" stem) (437 mm) 8" stem (203 mm) 13" stem 29F" (20" stem) (741 mm) (330 mm) (203 mm) 13" stem (508 mm) Pagoda Hood 202 8" stem 20" stem (508 mm) (360 mm) 19O" (13" stem) (330 mm) 20" stem 14F" (8" stem) (376 mm) 22F" (13" stem) (564 mm) (314 mm) Mushroom Hood (503 mm) 26O" (20" stem) (681 mm) 19F" (13" stem) 8" stem (487 mm) 13" stem (665 mm) 26F" (20" stem) (203 mm) (330 mm) 20" stem (508 mm) Cone Hood Ravenna ™ Highlighter & Lowlighter FEATURES • Available in both 12 volt and 120 volt, the Ravenna Highlighter and Lowlighter companions are highly adaptable to a range of landscape accent and path lighting solutions Elegance and style in leaf-like design with slender body that blends into natural surroundings • 120 volt option includes integrated electronic stepdown transformer when distance between fixtures and power source make 12 volt distribution impractical LANDSCAPE • Ravenna Highlighter Ravenna Lowlighter ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) UV BN176 3L5K HIGHLIGHTER FIXTURE ELECTRICAL MODULE FIXTURE FINISH FIXTURE OPTIONS 12/120 VOLT LED ONLY BRASS NB Natural Brass VG Verde Green Patina ALUMINUM BL Black HL Hex Cell Louver for 12 VOLT1 LED KLV176 Brass KLV171 Aluminum 120 VOLT LED BN176 Brass EL171 Aluminum LOWLIGHTER FIXTURE 12 VOLT1 LED KLV276 Brass Source Color Temperature 3L 3 LEDs L2K 580nm L3K 3000K L4K 4200K L5K 5100K L2K L3K L4K L5K = = = = 580nm LED 3000 Kelvin LED 4200 Kelvin LED 5100 Kelvin LED KLV271 Aluminum VG DB Dark Bronze GR Verde Green VOLTAGE 120 VOLT 120 VOLT LED ONLY Voltage UV Universal Voltage from 120 to 277V with a ±10% tolerance LED BN276 Brass EL271 Aluminum HL EP17 MOUNTING OPTIONS EP17 Landscape Light Post Mount, 12V & 120V brightness control2 KLV400 Spear Mount, 12V3 PL Prismatic Spread Lens J-25N Portable Spear Mount, 120V, Lowlighter only softens lamp distribution. Best w/ flood2 KLV405 Surface Mount, 12V, Lowlighter only1 SL Linear Spread Lens KLV415 Extension Mount, 12V, Lowlighter only3 creates oval beam pattern. JB1 Architectural J-box, 12V & 120V3 Best w/ spot2 JBR-2 In-grade J-box (2) K" NPT in bottom, 12V & 120V JBR-3 In-grade J-box (2) L" NPT in bottom, 12V & 120V JBR-21 In-grade J-box (2) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom, 12V & 120V JBR-24 In-grade J-box (4) K" NPT in sides, (2) K" NPT in bottom, 12V & 120V JBR-30 Brass in-grade staked J-box, 12V & 120V JBR-32 Brass in-grade staked J-box with cord, 120V SM18 Stanchion Mount, 12V & 120V3 J-27N Surface Mount, 120V, Lowlighter only JWBR Brass Architectural Wall Mount, 120V, Lowlighter only4 1 2 3 Remote transformer required. Inserts behind lens. Specify finish, BL - Black, DB - Dark Bronze, GR - Verde Green. 4 JW Architectural Wall Mount, 120V, Specify finish, NB - Natural Brass, VG - Verde Green Patina. Lowlighter only RAVENNA HIGHLIGHTER RAVENNA LOWLIGHTER 5M" 3D" (135 mm) 5M" 3D" (135 mm) Electronic Stepdown Transformer in base 120 Volt only (92 mm) (92 mm) 8E" (225 mm) 23L" (603 mm) K" NPSM Electronic Stepdown Transformer in base 120 Volt only K" NPSM 203 Step Light Path Lighting FEATURES LANDSCAPE KLV810/KLV817 EL810/EL817 EL815/EL816 KLV800/KLV807 EL800/EL805 EL806/EL807 • Low level, unobtrusive directional lighting that is ideal for installation in concrete, brick and masonry stairways • Available in 12 volt, 120 volt thru 277 volt options • New energy efficient 3 and 9 diode LEDs available in Universal Voltage 120 to 277V • The Step Light’s die-cast, low copper alloy aluminum housing and tempered prismatic glass is designed for long life ORDERING. INFORMATION (Example) 3L5K UV ELECTRICAL MODULE 12 VOLT LED KLV807 Rectangular KLV817 Round 120/277 VOLT LED BL VOLTAGE 12 VOLT LED Source 3L 3 LEDs Color Temperature 2K 580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K 120/277 VOLT LED Source EL807 Rectangular 3L 3 LEDs EL817 Round 9L 9 LEDs Color Temperature 2K 580nm 3K 3000K 4K 4200K 5K 5100K 120/277 VOLT LED Voltage UV Universal Voltage from 120 to 277V with a ±10% tolerance FIXTURE FINISH ALUMINUM BL Black DB Dark Bronze GR Verde Green RECTANGULAR ROUND L" (19 mm) L" (19.1 mm) 9C" O" 3L" (21 mm) (95 mm) L" (238 mm) 1M" 6" DIA. (152 mm) (19 mm) (33 mm) 3K" K" NPT 2D" (67 mm) 5L" (146 mm) 4K" (114 mm) 7B" 204 2M" (58 mm) 4B" (105 mm) 4" (102 mm) K" NPT (89 mm) (181 mm) 5" (127 mm) D" (16 mm) Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina This is The Next Revolution in LED Outdoor Lighting. This is Kim Lighting. brand profile Architectural Area Lighting (AAL) is a leading provider of architectural outdoor fixtures designed and manufactured to meet the elegant aesthetic and superior performance needs of its audiences. AAL offers a broad range of products including period and contemporary area lighting, floodlights, steplights, wall sconces, bollards, decorative poles and arms. product offering AAL’s product series are scaled in multiple sizes for use at varied elevations throughout a site and employ different materials to expand the specifier’s choice in complementing architectural design themes. The light sources employed in AAL’s products are the most efficient sources commercially available, including AAL’s exclusive MicroCore™ LED technology. AAL’s highly engineered, quality lighting products, can be specified for use in mixed-use retail, commercial, educational, residential developments, municipal and downtown renovations. 206 ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING PERIOD PKWS, PKWM, PKWB PROV, PROL PROS, PRSC, PROB PRMN, PRMS, PRMD FGS, FGL Parkway Square™ Small, Medium, Bollard .................208 Providence® Medium, Large ...................................209 Providence® Small, Sconce, Bollard .........................210 Promenade™ ..................................................... 211 Federal Globe™ Small, Large ..................................212 CONTEMPORARY SLVT INDA/INDF/INDC SP1, SP2, SPB UCM, UCL UCS, UCB FH FM Largent™ ............................................................213 Indirect™- Cubic Indirect ..................................... 214 Spectra™ Large, Small, Bollard ...............................215 Universe® Medium, Large ......................................216 Universe® Small, Bollard .......................................217 Flex™ ................................................................218 miniFlex™ ......................................................... 219 WALL SCONCES ES/ME eSconce® – mini-eSconce ......................................220 STEPLIGHTS ASL7/ASL10 Steplights Small, Large .........................................221 FLOODLIGHTS ON, OS Oculus® Nano, Small ............................................222 BOLLARDS FCB5 TRD/TSQ CB9, CB12, CB16/CB18 Fair Oaks™ Collection ..........................................223 Traditional Concrete ........................................... 224 Concrete ............................................................225 POLES, ARMS, ACCESSORIES Premium Poles Arms/Accessories ....................................................................... 226 ........................................................................227 207 PKWS/PKWM/PKWB PERIOD Parkway Square™ Small/Medium/Bollard • Three hood styles and six decorative screen options • IP65 rated for horizontal configurations, and IP66 rated for vertical configurations • Custom mounting options, including new 3" square pole • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • Tool-less access • Cast aluminum struts • Full cutoff options ORDERING INFORMATION PKWS/PKWM – – – MODEL Slips over a 3" open top pole. PKWS Small Scale PKWM Medium Scale PKWB Bollard HOODS ANG STR IND DBL Angled hood Straight hood Indirect hood Double hood OPTICS Horizontal LED - Available with ANG hood and LEDs only. Flat glass lens. T1 IES Type 1 distribution. PKWS & PKWB only. T2 IES Type 2 distribution. PKWM only. T3 IES Type 3 distribution T4 IES Type 4 distribution PKWM only. T5 IES Type 5 distribution Vertical LED GLA Frosted glass diffuser PKWS only. VL3 Asymmetric distribution PKWM only. VL5 Symmetric distribution PKWM only. DIMENSIONS SMALL 21" SQ x 21.75" H - Vertical 14" SQ x 23" H - Horizontal MEDIUM 29.75" SQ x 30.5" H - Vertical 23" SQ x 30.5" H - Horizontal BOLLARD 14" SQ x 42" H 208 – LAMP/BALLAST PKWS 9LED-WW 9LED-NW 9LED-BW 18LED-WW 18LED-NW 9 LED array. Warm white (3000K). GLA only. 9 LED array. Neutral white (4200K). GLA only. 9 LED array. Bright white (5100K). GLA only. 18 LED array. Warm white (3000K). GLA only. 18 LED array. Neutral white (4200K). GLA only. 18LED-BW 18 LED array. Bright white (5100K). GLA only. 36LED-WW 36 LED array. Warm white (3000K). 36LED-NW 36 LED array. Neutral white (4200K). 36LED-BW 36 LED array. Bright white (5100K). PKWM 55LED-BW 42 light emitting diode array. Bright white (5000K). VL3 & VL5 only. 60LED-WW MicroEmitter™ 60 light emitting diode array. Warm white (3000K). Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt. Horizontal LED only. 60LED-NW MicroEmitter™ 60 light emitting diode array. Neutral white (4000K). Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt. Horizontal LED only. 60LED-BW MicroEmitter™ 60 light emitting diode array. Bright white (5000K). Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt. Horizontal LED only. PKWB 6LED-WW 6 LED array. Warm white (3000K). GLA only. 6LED-NW 6 LED array. Neutral white (4200K). GLA only. 6LED-BW 6 LED array. Bright white (5100K). GLA only. 12LED-WW 12 LED array. Warm white (3000K). GLA only. 12LED-NW 12 LED array. Neutral white (4200K). GLA only. 12LED-BW 12 LED array. Bright white (5100K). GLA only. 36LED-WW 36 LED array. Warm white (3000K). Class 2, 120 thru 277 volt. Horizontal LED only. 36LED-NW 36 LED array. Neutral white (4200K). Class 2, 120 thru 277 volt. Horizontal LED only. 36LED-BW 36 LED array. Bright white (5100K). Class 2, 120 thru 277 volt. Horizontal LED only. – – DECORATIVE SCREENS (OPTIONAL) Painted to match fixture. Also available in stainless steel or copper. Not available with horizontal or horizontal LED optics. DSIN Infinity design DSOF DSWH DSTR DSSH DSCS Offset design Wheat design Trio design Shutter design Custom design (Contact factory) OPTIONS ULS Upper lens shield. Reduces light above hood. TEN 2 3/8" O.D. x 4" long tenon. Required for all poles, except for PS4. GLA only. TEN23 Tenon adaptor slips over a 2 3/8" O.D. x 4" long tenon. Required for poles by others or used in conjunction with the TEN pole option by AAL. GLA only. LDL Lightly diffused lens COP Brushed copper hood STS Stainless steel hood SSP Screen in brushed stainless steel CPR Screen in brushed copper – – COLORS AWT BLK MTB DGN DBZ WRZ BRM VBL CRT MAL MDG ATG LGY RAL/ PREMIUM COLOR CUSTOM COLOR Arctic White Black Matte Black Dark Green Dark Bronze Weathered Bronze Metallic Bronze Verde Blue Corten Matte Aluminum Medium Grey Antique Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number Please provide color chip for matching MOUNTING Wall Mount - Mounting plate provided. Hardware by others. PSWM-TU Fixture above with arm mounted up. PSWM-TD Fixture above with arm mounted down. PSWM-BU Fixture below with arm mounted up. PSWM-BD Fixture below with arm mounted down. Pole Mount - Arm mounts to side of a 4" O.D. pole. PSA-TU Fixture above with arm mounted up. PSA-TD Fixture above with arm mounted down. PSA-BU Fixture below with arm mounted up. PSA-BD Fixture below with arm mounted down. PM Pier mout (PKWB only) PROL/PROV Providence® Large and Medium LED • IP65 constructed • DLC pending • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer PERIOD • MicroCore® technology • Canted design provides even illumination with less glare • Upgrade kits available • 0-10v dimming ready • DLC pending • Surge protection included • Type 2, 3, 4, 5, Custom, Left & Right distributions ORDERING INFORMATION PROV/PROL – MICROCORE LED (Class 2, 120 thru 277 volt) PROV (32 light emitting diode array, 75 watts) Warm White (3000K) T2-32LED-3K-700 T3-32LED-3K-700 T4-32LED-3K-700 T5-32LED-3K-700 TL-32LED-3K-700 TR-32LED-3K-700 IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution Neutral White (4200K) T2-32LED-4K-700 T3-32LED-4K-700 T4-32LED-4K-700 T5-32LED-4K-700 TL-32LED-4K-700 TR-32LED-4K-700 IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution Bright White (5100K) T2-32LED-5K-700 T3-32LED-5K-700 T4-32LED-5K-700 T5-32LED-5K-700 TL-32LED-5K-700 TR-32LED-5K-700 IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution PROL (56 light emitting diode array, 132 watts) Warm White (3000K) T2-56LED-3K-700 T3-56LED-3K-700 T4-56LED-3K-700 T5-56LED-3K-700 TL-56LED-3K-700 TR-56LED-3K-700 IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution Neutral White (4200K) T2-56LED-4K-700 T3-56LED-4K-700 T4-56LED-4K-700 T5-56LED-4K-700 TL-56LED-4K-700 TR-56LED-4K-700 IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution – MICROEMITTERLED (Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt, 350mA) PROL (108 light emitting diode array, 124 watts) Warm White (3000K) PROL-T2-108LED-WW PROL-T3-108LED-WW PROL-T4-108LED-WW PROL-T5-108LED-WW Neutral White (4200K) PROL-T2-108LED-WW PROL-T3-108LED-WW PROL-T4-108LED-WW PROL-T5-108LED-WW Bright White (5100K) PROL-T2-108LED-BW PROL-T3-108LED-BW PROL-T4-108LED-BW PROL-T5-108LED-BW IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution Comes complete with LEDs and driver. Class 1, 350mA drive current. 23.6"/599 / mm 23.6" 18 7 in 18.7 18.7" 475 mm 8.95" 38.95" 89 mm m SPK Decorative cast aluminum PFN BPS IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution LDL spikes on the top and bottom of the four vertical struts. Cast aluminum finial painted a brass color. Cast aluminum struts painted a brass color - spikes also painted brass if option SPK chosen Lightly diffused lens. Frosted, flat tempered glass lens has a lightly diffused finish to minimize the lamp and reflector brightness Clear flat lens CLR HSS House side shield. MicroCore only. PT4 Post top fitter for a 4"/100mm O.D. pole. PROL only. PCA-T Rotatable photocell housing COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered BRM VBL CRT MAL Bronze Metallic Bronze Verde Blue Corten Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique Green LGY Light Grey RAL/PREMIUM Provide a RAL COLOR 4 digit color Bright White (5100K) T2-56LED-5K-700 T3-56LED-5K-700 T4-56LED-5K-700 T5-56LED-5K-700 TL-56LED-5K-700 TR-56LED-5K-700 OPTIONS WIH In fixture wireless control module. MicroCore only. IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution PROV (60 light emitting diode array, 65 watts) Warm White (3000K) PROV-T2-60LED-WW PROV-T3-60LED-WW PROV-T4-60LED-WW PROV-T5-60LED-WW Neutral White (4200K) PROV-T2-60LED-WW PROV-T3-60LED-WW PROV-T4-60LED-WW PROV-T5-60LED-WW Bright White (5100K) PROV-T2-60LED-BW PROV-T3-60LED-BW PROV-T4-60LED-BW PROV-T5-60LED-BW – 31 5 iin 31.5 31.5" 800 mm number m CUSTOM COLOR Please provide a color chip for matching Please visit for mounting options. WT : 47 lbs. EPA 1.33 WEIGHT: EIGHT: 29 lbs EPA: 0.96 209 PROS/PRSC/PROB Providence® Small, Sconce, Bollard PERIOD • Available with highly efficient LEDs – Available in Type 1, 3 or 5 distribution patterns – Warm white (3000K), neutral white (4000K), bright white (5000K) • Die cast aluminum construction for reliability, robust construction and corrosion resistance • Tool-less access and removal of lamp and ballast • The sconce available with downlight single source; uplight/downlight with single source; or uplight/downlight with dual source; also available with R111 as secondary opposing output source • IP55 constructed • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer ORDERING INFORMATION PROS/PRSC/PROB – MODEL PROS-X Horizontal LED. Full cutoff. PRSC-X Horizontal LED PROB Symmetric horizontal optical system – LAMP/BALLAST PROS (120 thru 277 volt) 18 light emitting diode array, 16.4 watts. 18LED-WW 18LED-NW 18LED-BW IES Type 1. Warm white (3000K) IES Type 1. Neutral white (4200K) IES Type 1. Bright white (5100K) 27 light emitting diode array, 33.6 watts. 27LED-WW IES Type 3. Warm white (3000K) DIMENSIONS 27LED-NW 27LED-BW 11.52"/293 11.52"mm IES Type 3. Neutral white (4200K) IES Type 3. Bright white (5100K) 36 light emitting diode array, 32.7 watts. 36LED-WW IES Type 5. Warm white (3000K) IES Type 5. Neutral white (4200K) 36LED-NW IES Type 5. Bright white (5100K) 36LED-BW PRSC (36 light emitting diode array, 37 watts. 120 thru 19.44" 19.44" 494 mm 277 volt) WT: 9 lbs EPA: 0.46 18.125" 14.125" 36LED-WW Warm white (3000K) Neutral white (4200K) 36LED-NW Bright white (5100K) 36LED-BW PROB (120 thru 277 volt) 18LED-WW 18 light emitting diode array. 19 watts. 18LED-NW 20.75" 18LED-BW WT : 29 lbs. 27LED-WW 27LED-NW 11.43" 27LED-BW 36LED-WW 16.83" 36LED-NW 36LED-BW 42.44" Warm white (3000K). Type 1. 18 light emitting diode array 19 watts. Neutral white (4200K). Type 1. 18 light emitting diode array (19 watt). Bright white (5100K). IES Type 1. 27 light emitting diode array (29 watt). Warm white (3000K). IES Type 3. 27 light emitting diode array (29 watt). Neutral white (4200K). IES Type 3. 27 light emitting diode array (29 watt). Bright white (5100K). IES Type 3. 36 light emitting diode array (37 watt). Warm white (3000K). IES Type 5. 36 light emitting diode array (37 watt). Neutral white (4200K). IES Type 5. 36 light emitting diode array (37 watt). Bright white (5100K). IES Type 5. OPTIONS PROS SPK Decorative cast aluminum spikes on the top and bottom of the four vertical struts PFN Cast aluminum finial painted a brass color BPS Cast Aluminum Struts painted a brass color spikes also painted brass if option SPK chosen. PRSC DSB Dome spikes painted brass color DSP Dome spikes painted to match fixture color. SCB Surface conduit box. 1/2" NPT inlets on each side. Gasketed bottom cover for wire access. Standard finish is white. PROB LDL PFC BPS DSC Lightly diffused lens Painted brass finial cap Painted brass struts Dark sky cap. Matte black body cap COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique Green LGY Light Grey RAL/PREMIUM Provide a RAL 4 COLOR digit color number CUSTOM COLOR Please provide a color chip for matching WT: 27 lbs. W BOTTOM VIEW 210 – – – MOUNTING PROS - Pole Mount One piece cast aluminum arms are prewired with quick disconnects. Wall mounted arms do not include wall mounting hardware. Pole mounted arms use 3/8-16 hex head bolts for attaching to the pole. TRA59D Cast scroll arm 4" O.D. Side mount below arm TRA59U Cast scroll arm 4" O.D. Side mount above arm PROS - Wall Mount WMA59D Cast scroll arm wall mount below arm WMA59U Cast scroll arm Wall mount above arm PROB FL 42" overall height x 5" dia, extruded fluted body RD 42" overall height x 5" dia, extruded smooth body PM Semi recessed pier mount PRMN/PRMS/PRMD Promenade™ • All cast aluminum construction and stainless steel hardware • IP66 • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer PERIOD • Features highly efficient, exclusive MicroEmitter™ technology • Upgrade kits available • DLC approved (Type 3 and 5, 5100K) • Features exclusive LifeShield™ Protection System • 0-10v dimming capabilities *48LED-3K-700, 48LED-4K-700, 48LED-5K-700 will be available in September, 2013 ORDERING INFORMATION PRMN/PRMS/PRMD MODEL PRMN 60 light emitting diode array (65 watts). 120 thru 277 volt. Warm White (3000K) PRMN-T2-60LED-WW IES Type 2 PRMN-T3-60LED-WW IES Type 3 PRMN-T4-60LED-WW IES Type 4 PRMN-T5-60LED-WW IES Type 5 Neutral White (4200K) PRMN-T2-60LED-NW IES Type 2 PRMN-T3-60LED-NW IES Type 3 PRMN-T4-60LED-NW IES Type 4 PRMN-T5-60LED-NW IES Type 5 Bright White (5100K) PRMN-T2-60LED-BW IES Type 2 PRMN-T3-60LED-BW IES Type 3 distribution. PRMN-T4-60LED-BW IES Type 4 PRMN-T5-60LED-BW IES Type 5 PRMS 60 light emitting diode array ((73 watts). 120 thru 277 volt. Warm White (3000K) PRMS-T2-60LED-WW IES Type 2 PRMS-T3-60LED-WW IES Type 3 PRMS-T4-60LED-WW IES Type 4 PRMS-T5-60LED-WW IES Type 5 Neutral White (4200K) PRMS-T2-60LED-NW IES Type 2 PRMS-T3-60LED-NW IES Type 3 PRMS-T4-60LED-NW IES Type 4 PRMS-T5-60LED-NW IES Type 5 Bright White (5100K) PRMS-T2-60LED-BW IES Type 2 PRMS-T3-60LED-BW IES Type 3 PRMS-T4-60LED-BW IES Type 4 PRMS-T5-60LED-BW IES Type 5 – – PRMD 60 light emitting diode array (65 watts). 120 thru 277 volt. Warm White (3000K) PRMD-T2-60LED-WW IES Type 2 PRMD-T3-60LED-WW IES Type 3 PRMD-T4-60LED-WW IES Type 4 PRMD-T5-60LED-WW IES Type 5 Neutral White (4200K) PRMD-T2-60LED-NW IES Type 2 PRMD-T3-60LED-NW IES Type 3 PRMD-T4-60LED-NW IES Type 4 distribution. PRMD-T5-60LED-NW IES Type 5 distribution. Bright White (5100K) PRMD-T2-60LED-BW IES Type 2 distribution. PRMD-T3-60LED-BW IES Type 3 distribution. PRMD-T4-60LED-BW IES Type 4 distribution. PRMD-T5-60LED-BW IES Type 5 distribution. COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered BRM VBL CRT MAL MDG ATG LGY RAL/ PREMIUM COLOR CUSTOM COLOR Bronze Metallic Bronze OPTIONS CHC Copper hood cover BHC Brass hood cover. PRMS & PRMN only. BPS Brass color painted struts. PRMS & PRMN only. CHM Glass chimney, with brass holder. LDL Lightly diffused lens Verde Blue PT5 Post top adaptor for a Corten 5" O.D. pole. PRMS & PRMN only. MAT Cast adapter to mount to a 2 3/8” O.D. mast arm (PRMD only) FTG Flat glass lens in replacement of standard acrylic drop lens. PRMD only. Matte Aluminum Medium Grey Antique Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number Please provide a color chip for matching 19" 19" 19" 19" DIMENSIONS 36" 36" PRMN 36" 36" WT: 38 lbs. EPA: 2.75 IP: 66 Slip over 4" O.D. pole PRMS WT: 38 lbs. EPA 2.75 36” x 19” DIA PRMD WT: 34 lbs EPA: 2.10 211 FGS/FGL Federal Globe™ Small/Large Scale PERIOD • Two fitter designs to accommodate architectural requirements • Available with highly efficient LEDs - IES Type 2, 3, 4 or 5 distribution - Three standard color temperatures: 3K, 4K or 5K • Cutoff shield available to reduce uplight • Integrated hinged capital offers tool-less access to lamp and ballast compartments • IP66 rated (SAL) IP55 rated (all others) • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer ORDERING INFORMATION FGS/FGL – – MODEL FGS Federal Globe GLOBE STYLE LL3 Lindy® Lens Globe, Type 3 LL5 Lindy® Lens Globe, Type 5 SAL Standard Acorn Globe. Small. Post top mount. Slips over a 4" O.D. pole. FGL Federal Globe Large. Post top mount. Slips over a 5" O.D. pole. One- piece. PA3 Prismatic Acorn Globe, Type 3 (FGL) PA5 Prismatic Acorn Globe, Type 5 (FGL) DECORATIVE STYLE RB Rib Fitter Design LF Leaf Fitter Design – – Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 OPTICAL SYSTEM Type 2 distribution. Type 3 distribution. Type 4 distribution. Type 5 distribution. LAMP/BALLAST FGS (Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt) 32 LED array. Warm white (3000K). 32LED-3K-550 32 LED array. Neutral white (4200K). 32LED-4K-550 32 LED array. Bright white (5100K). 32LED-5K-550 42 LED array. (32.9 watts). Bright white (5100K). 35LED-BW FGL (Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt) 32 LED array. Warm white (3000K). 32LED-3K-700 32 LED array. Neutral white (4200K). 32LED-4K-700 32 LED array. Bright white (5100K). 32LED-5K-700 42 LED array. (52.4 watts). Bright white (5000K). 55LED-BW DIMENSIONS 14"/356 / mm FGS WT: 34 lbs. EPA: 1.32 (LL3/5) 1.47 (PA3/5) 1.41 (SLG) 1.40 (SAL) RB 13.625in 346mm Rib Design SAL 212 RB (fuse by others) FS2 Double Fuse Holder (fuse by others) TA3 Tenon adaptor slips over a 3" O.D. by 4" long. Secures to the pole with four stainless steel set screws. TA23 Tenon adaptor slips over a 2 3/8" O.D. by 4" long. Secures to the pole with four stainless steel set screws. AD5 Adaptor to slip over a 5"/125mm O.D. pole and is 4"/100mm long. Secures to the pole with four stainless steel set screws. ALF Cast filigree basket. reduces uplight. Factory installed. PHC Photo control kit. Specify line voltage when ordering this option. 17.5" 42in 1067mm OPTIONS FS1 Single Fuse Holder COS Cut off shield - S FGL – For SAL globe only. WT: 25 lbs. EPA: 1.2 (LL3/5) 0.99 (SAL) 36"/914 mm 11.2" 285 mm m – LF – COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique LGY RAL/ PREMIUM COLOR Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number CUSTOM Please COLOR provide a color chip for matching MOUNTING (FGS) Wall Mount WMA1M WMA1L WMA55 Pole Mount TRA1M TRA1L TRA55 WMA56 WMA57 TRA56 TRA57 SLVT Largent • IP65 constructed • MicroCore® technology EM PO RY CC OO NN T ET M PO RR AA RY • DLC pending • Canted design provides even illumination with less glare • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • 0-10v dimming ready • DLC pending • Surge protection included • Type 2, 3, 4, 5, Custom, Left & Right distributions ORDERING INFORMATION SLVT – MICROCORE LED (Class 2, 120 thru 277 volt) 56 light emitting diode array, 129 watts. Warm White (3000K) IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution T2-56LED-3K-700 T3-56LED-3K-700 T4-56LED-3K-700 T5-56LED-3K-700 TL-56LED-3K-700 TR-56LED-3K-700 Neutral White (4200K) IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution T2-56LED-4K-700 T3-56LED-4K-700 T4-56LED-4K-700 T5-56LED-4K-700 TL-56LED-4K-700 TR-56LED-4K-700 Bright White (5100K) IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES 45º Left distribution IES 45º Right distribution T2-56LED-5K-700 T3-56LED-5K-700 T4-56LED-5K-700 T5-56LED-5K-700 TL-56LED-5K-700 TR-56LED-5K-700 MICROEMITTER LED (Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt) 60 light emitting diode array, 65 watts. Warm White (3000K) SLVT-T2-60LED-WW SLVT-T3-60LED-WW SLVT-T4-60LED-WW SLVT-T5-60LED-WW Neutral White (4200K) SLVT-T2-60LED-NW SLVT-T3-60LED-NW SLVT-T4-60LED-NW SLVT-T5-60LED-NW Bright White (5100K) SLVT-T2-60LED-BW SLVT-T3-60LED-BW IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution – OPTIONS (Microcore only) WIH Integral HBA w iHUBB IFM transceiver and antenna CLR Clear flat lens. Not available with LDL or HSS LDL Lightly diffused lens. Not available with CLR or HSS HSS House side shield. Not available with CLR or LDL IES Type 4 distribution IES Type 5 distribution IES Type 2 distribution IES Type 3 distribution SLVT-T4-60LED-BW IES Type 4 distribution SLVT-T5-60LED-BW IES Type 5 distribution Comes complete with LEDs and driver. Class 1, 350mA drive current. COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered BRM VBL CRT MAL MDG ATG LGY RAL/REMIUM COLOR Bronze Metallic Bronze Verde Blue Corten Matte Aluminum Medium Grey Antique Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number CUSTOM COLOR Please provide a color chip for matching DIMENSIONS Wt: 32 lbs EPA: 2.15 IP= 54 20 in 25.5 in Please visit for mounting options. 213 INDA/INDF/INDC C O N T E M P O R A RY Indirect™ • Integral driver assembly for easy installation • Reflector tilts and locks at 0, 15 or 30 degrees • Lightweight aluminum composite upper reflector minimizes pole stress • IP66 constructed • Stainless steel vertical struts • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • Round or square upper reflectors available INDA INDF INDC ORDERING INFORMATION INDA/INDF/INDC – – – – LAMP/BALLAST INDA/INDF (30 light emitting diode array, 33 watts. 120 MODEL INDA Adjustable head. Slips over a 5" O.D. pole. INDF Fixed head. Slips over a 5" O.D. pole. INDC Square straight, fixed head. Post top mount slips over a 2 3/8 " O.D. tenon (5" square pole) or 4" square pole. – COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered MOUNTING WMA Wall mounted arm, 10 lbs. EPA: 0.68 thru 277 volt) 30LED-WW Warm white (3000K) 30LED-NW Neutral white (4200K) Bright white (5100K) 30LED-BW INDC (30 light emitting diode array, 33 watts. 120 thru 277 PMAT Twin pole mount arm, slips over a 4" O.D. pole or tenon, 14 lbs. EPA: 0.83 volt) 30LED-WW 30LED-NW 30LED-BW Warm white (3000K) Neutral white (4200K) Bright white (5100K) OPTIONS REFLECTOR-UPPER RD 30" Round INDA/INDF CFH Color filter holder attached to the fixture. upper reflector SQ 30" Square upper reflector Factory installed. INDA only. SR Two aluminum rings attached to the fixture. Factory installed. INDA only. CDC Center deflector cone for round reflector. Provides a wider light distribution. AD5 Cast aluminum adapter for the PMAT arm to slip over a 5" O.D. pole. DIMENSIONS 30" INDC WT: 45.9 lbs EPA: INDC-SQ Sail: 0° = 1.70 15° = 3.27 30° = 5.01 INDC-RD Sail: 0° = 1.46 15° = 2.89 30° = 4.28 41.4" 24.0 BRM VBL CRT MAL MDG ATG LGY RAL/ PREMIUM COLOR CUSTOM COLOR Bronze Metallic Bronze Verde Blue Corten Matte Aluminum Medium Grey Antique Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number Please provide a color chip for matching INDC CDC Center deflector cone for round reflector. Provides a wider light distribution. SR Two aluminum rings attached to the fixture. Factory installed. CFH Color filter holder attached to the fixture includes solid rings. Factory installed. 24" INDC 28.4 in 28.4" 720mm INDA 214 32 in 32" 815mm INDF INDA WT: 32.5 lbs EPA: INDA-SQ Sail: 0° = 0.85 15° = 2.42 30° = 4.16 INDF WT: 31.5 lbs EPA: INDF-SQ Sail: 0° = 0.93 15° = 2.50 30° = 4.24 INDA-RD Sail: 0° = 0.61 15° = 2.04 30° = 3.43 INDF-RD Sail: 0° = .69 15° = 2.12 30° = 3.51 SP1/SP2/SPB Spectra™ – Large/Small/Bollard • Stainless steel struts • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer C O N T E M P O R A RY • Four hood styles (except indirect) and four lens elements to configure a look in harmony with your architecture • Symmetric or asymmetric distribution • Post-top, wall mount arm, or pole mount arm options ORDERING INFORMATION SP1/SP2 MODEL Large Scale- Slips over a 4" O.D. pole SP1 Spectra Large Scale Small ScaleSlips over a 3" O.D. pole SP2 Spectra Small Scale Bollard SPB Spectra Bollard with painted shade HOOD Angled hood Flared hood Straight hood Double hood LENS ELEMENT GLA Frosted glass diffuser. Type 5 Light Pattern. For SP2 only. DIMENSIONS – LAMP/BALLAST SP1 (32 LED array, 58 watts. 120 thru 277 volt) Y2-32LED-3K-550 Warm white (3000K). Type 2. Y3-32LED-3K-550 Warm white (3000K). Type 3. Y4-32LED-3K-550 Warm white (3000K). Type 4. Y5-32LED-3K-550 Warm white (3000K). Type 5. Y2-32LED-4K-550 Neutral white (4200K). Type 2. Y3-32LED-4K-550 Neutral white (4200K). Type 3. Y4-32LED-4K-550 Neutral white (4200K). Type 4. Y5-32LED-4K-550 Neutral white (4200K). Type 5. Y2-32LED-5K-550 Bright white (5100K). Type 2. Y3-32LED-5K-550 Bright white (5100K). Type 3. Y4-32LED-5K-550 Bright white (5100K). Type 4. Y5-32LED-5K-550 Bright white (5100K). Type 5. SP1 (42 LED array, 53.8 watts. 120 thru 277 volt) SP2 18 LED array, 20.9 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. 18LED-BW Bright white (5100K). Symmetric distribution. 18LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). Symmetric distribution. 18LED-WW Warm white (3000K). Symmetric distribution. 9 LED array, 12.2 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. 9LED-BW Bright white (5100K). Asymmetric distribution. 9LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). Asymmetric distribution. 9LED-WW Warm white (3000K). Asymmetric distribution. SP1 SPB LAR LARGE EPA = 1.11 WT: 41.5 lbs 12 LED array, 14.8 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. 12LED-BW Bright white (5100K). Symmetric distribution. 12LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). Symmetric distribution. 12LED-WW Warm white (3000K). Symmetric distribution. – – HOOD FINISH (OPTIONAL) OPTIONS ULS Upper lens shield. Not available with FCO option Reduces light above hood. For Indirect models only. AD5 Adaptor for SP1, slips over a 5"O.D. pole. AD4 Adaptor for SP2, slips over a 4"O.D. pole. LDL Lightly diffused lens. STS Stainless steel COP Natural copper For indirect, all hoods have the underside finished in high reflectance white. COLORS AWT BLK MTB DGN DBZ WRZ BRM VBL CRT MAL MDG ATG LGY RAL/ PREMIUM COLOR CUSTOM COLOR MOUNTING SP1 AWM1 Wall mount arm SAP1 Arm mount. Arctic White Black Matte Black Designed to slip over a 4" dia O.D. pole. TAP1 Twin arm mount. Designed to slip over a 4" dia O.D. pole. Dark Green Dark Bronze Weathered Bronze Metallic Bronze Verde Blue Corten SP2 AWM2 Wall mounted arm SAP2 Arm mount. Matte Aluminum Medium Grey Antique Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number BOLLARD OAH: 42" Hood diameter: 12.75" Bolts: 0.5" x 10" Wt: 28.5 lbs IP: 65 6LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). Asymmetric distribution. 6LED-WW Warm white (3000K). Asymmetric distribution. Part number location SMALL EPA = 0.68 WT: 22.5 lbs Designed to slip over a 4" dia pole. TAP2 Twin arm mount. Designed to slip over a 4" dia pole. Please provide a color chip for matching 6 LED array, 8.0 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. 6LED-BW Bright white (5100K). Asymmetric distribution. SP2 – – A ANG FLR STR DBL – – 3 1/2" B.C. 5 03 50 R .312 R .587 A R 2062 Top View 215 UCM/UCL C O N T E M P O R A RY Universe Collection® – Medium/Large Scale • MicroCore® technology • IP65 constructed • DLC pending • DLC pending • First decorative, modular system with • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer precise LED aiming capabilities • Surge protection included • 0-10v dimming ready ORDERING INFORMATION UCM/UCL – MODEL UCM Universe Medium UCL Universe Large LUMINOUS ELEMENTS WND 4 luminous windows SR Solid rings VSL Vertical slots LUM Luminous rings – – HOOD ANG BEL FLR STR SKB Angled hood Bell hood Flared hood Straight hood Skirted bell hood MICROEMITTER LED (Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt. 350mA drive current) UCM 60 light emitting diode array, 72 watts. Warm White (3000K) IES Type 2 distribution T2-60LED-WW IES Type 3 distribution T3-60LED-WW IES Type 4 distribution T4-60LED-WW IES Type 5 distribution T5-60LED-WW Neutral White (4200K) IES Type 2 distribution T2-60LED-NW IES Type 3 distribution T3-60LED-NW IES Type 4 distribution T4-60LED-NW IES Type 5 distribution T5-60LED-NW Bright White (5100K) IES Type 2 distribution T2-60LED-BW IES Type 3 distribution T3-60LED-BW IES Type 4 distribution T4-60LED-BW IES Type 5 distribution T5-60LED-BW UCL 120 light emitting diode array, 124 watts. Warm White (3000K) IES Type 2 distribution T2-120LED-WW IES Type 3 distribution T3-120LED-WW IES Type 4 distribution T4-120LED-WW IES Type 5 distribution T5-120LED-WW Neutral White (4200K) IES Type 2 distribution T2-120LED-NW IES Type 3 distribution T3-120LED-NW IES Type 4 distribution T4-120LED-NW IES Type 5 distribution T5-120LED-NW Bright White (5100K) IES Type 2 distribution T2-120LED-BW IES Type 3 distribution T3-120LED-BW IES Type 4 distribution T4-120LED-BW IES Type 5 distribution T5-120LED-BW 216 – MICROCORE LED (Class 2, 120 thru 277 volt) UCM (32 light emitting diode array, 75 watts) IES Type 2 distribution. IES Type 3 distribution. IES Type 4 distribution. IES Type 5 distribution. IES 45º Left distribution. IES 45º Right distribution. Bronze SLC Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue IES Type 2 distribution. IES Type 3 distribution. IES Type 4 distribution. IES Type 5 distribution. IES 45º Left distribution. IES 45º Right distribution. MDG Medium FLD Grey ATG Antique Green LGY Light Grey SAG UCL (56 light emitting diode array, 132 watts) CRT Corten MAL Matte IES Type 2 distribution. IES Type 3 distribution. IES Type 4 distribution. IES Type 5 distribution. IES 45º Left distribution. IES 45º Right distribution. FTG Aluminum RAL/ Provide PREMIUM a RAL 4 COLOR digit color number Warm White (3000K) T2-56LED-3K-700 T3-56LED-3K-700 T4-56LED-3K-700 T5-56LED-3K-700 TL-56LED-3K-700 TR-56LED-3K-700 Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark OPTIONS OPTIONS - HOOD Copper COP Stainless Steel STS OPTIONS Integral HBA WIH IES Type 2 distribution. IES Type 3 distribution. IES Type 4 distribution. IES Type 5 distribution. IES 45º Left distribution. IES 45º Right distribution. Bright White (5100K) T2-32LED-5K-700 T3-32LED-5K-700 T4-32LED-5K-700 T5-32LED-5K-700 TL-32LED-5K-700 TR-32LED-5K-700 BLK Black MTB Matte WRZ Weathered Neutral White (4200K) T2-32LED-4K-700 T3-32LED-4K-700 T4-32LED-4K-700 T5-32LED-4K-700 TL-32LED-4K-700 TR-32LED-4K-700 COLORS AWT Arctic White Warm White (3000K) T2-32LED-3K-700 T3-32LED-3K-700 T4-32LED-3K-700 T5-32LED-3K-700 TL-32LED-3K-700 TR-32LED-3K-700 – RCK wiHUBB IFM transceiver and antenna Luminous element remains unlit during normal operation Flat glass lens. MicroEmitter only. Lightly diffused finish on flat glass lens Clear sag glass lens. UCM MicroCore only. Rock guard painted black. UCM only. CUSTOM Please COLOR provide a color chip for matching Neutral White (4200K) T2-56LED-4K-700 T3-56LED-4K-700 T4-56LED-4K-700 T5-56LED-4K-700 TL-56LED-4K-700 TR-56LED-4K-700 IES Type 2 distribution. IES Type 3 distribution. IES Type 4 distribution. IES Type 5 distribution. IES 45º Left distribution. IES 45º Right distribution. Bright White (5100K) T2-56LED-5K-700 T3-56LED-5K-700 T4-56LED-5K-700 T5-56LED-5K-700 TL-56LED-5K-700 TR-56LED-5K-700 IES Type 2 distribution. IES Type 3 distribution. IES Type 4 distribution. IES Type 5 distribution. IES 45º Left distribution. IES 45º Right distribution. Please visit for options, mounting, dimensions, weight & EPA UCS/UCB Universe® – Small Scale/Bollard • Now available with highly efficient LED technology - IES Type 5 distribution - Three color temperatures, 3K, 4K and 5K • Available with full cutoff option C O N T E M P O R A RY • IP65 constructed • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • Modular system with various luminous and hood options • Pole, wall, or pendant mount options • Opal glass lens, Type 5 distribution for soft, general lighting ORDERING INFORMATION – UCS/UCB – – MODEL UCS Universe – – Small Scale 120 thru 277 volt. 700mA drive current.) 12LED-WW Warm white (3000K). Bollard 12LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). 12LED-BW Bright white (5100K). UCB (12 light emitting diode array. 32 watts. LUMINOUS ELEMENTS WND 4 luminous 120 thru 277 volt. 700mA drive current.) 12LED-WW Warm white (3000K). windows SR Solid rings VSL Vertical slots 12LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). 12LED-BW Bright white (5100K). LUM Luminous rings HOOD Angled hood (Not for UCB) Bell hood (Not for UCB) Flared hood Straight hood Skirted bell hood (Not for UCB) HOOD OPTIONS COP Copper STS Stainless steel The natural copper hood is unfinished to develop a patina over time. AWT BLK MTB DGN DBZ WRZ BRM VBL CRT MAL MDG ATG LGY RAL/ PREMIUM COLOR CUSTOM COLOR Matte Black Dark Green Dark Bronze Weathered Bronze Metallic Bronze Corten Matte Aluminum Medium Grey Antique Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number Please provide a color chip for matching MOUNTING PCVS PCVT WCV WST PMS 6"/150mm 6 " "/15 50m 5 mm 42"/1070mm 42" 42” OAH Note: Addition of a 34.25"/870mm m luminous element will increase the overall height by 2.75" to 44.75" WT: 27 lbs. IP: 55 SLC Full cutoff shield. Replaces luminous elements Internal sleeve to block light from the lens when a luminous element is chosen: WND, SR, VSL or LUM Verde Blue 3" 15"/381mm 5" "/38 8 81m mm m FCO Black DIMENSIONS 7.75"/1 OPTIONS Arctic White PSTS PSTT 15" – COLORS LAMP/BALLAST UCS (12 light emitting diode array. 32 watts. UCB Universe ANG BEL FLR STR SKB – SBE Single curved arm, fits over a 3" O.D. pole. Twin curved arm, fits over a 4" O.D. pole. The top 6" of the pole top shall have an open,clear unobstructed area for the ballast assembly. Single straight arm, fits over a 3" O.D. pole. Twin straight arm, fits over a 4" O.D. pole. The top 6" of the pole top shall have an open, clear unobstructed area for the ballast assembly. Wall mount curved arm, integral ballast. Uses the mounting plate with a prewired ballast. Wall mount straight arm, integral ballast. Uses the mounting plate with a prewired ballast. Pendant mount with 48" stem and swivel fits over a standard octagonal j-box. Remote ballast required. Pendant mount with 48" stem and surface mounted ballast enclosure. Please visit for UCS dimensions, weight and EPA. 6" 217 FH Flex™ • MicroCore® technology C O N T E M P O R A RY • Canted design provides even illumination with less glare • Type 2, 3, 4, 5, Custom, Left & Right distributions • IP65 constructed • 0-10v dimming ready • DLC pending • DLC pending • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • Surge protection included ORDERING INFORMATION FH – MICROEMITTER LED (Class 1, 120 thru 277 volt. 350mA drive current.) 99 LED, 112 watts. Warm White (3000K) FH-T2-99LED-WW Type 2. FH-T3-99LED-WW Type 3. FH-T4-99LED-WW Type 4. FH-T5-99LED-WW Type 5. Neutral White (4200K) FH-T2-99LED-NW Type 2. FH-T3-99LED-NW Type 3. FH-T4-99LED-NW Type 4. FH-T5-99LED-NW Type 5. Bright White (5100K) FH-T2-99LED-BW Type 2. FH-T3-99LED-BW Type 3.. FH-T4-99LED-BW Type 4. FH-T5-99LED-BW Type 5.. MICROCORE LED (Class 2, 120 – COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique Green LGY Light Grey RAL/ Provide a RAL PREMIUM 4 digit color COLOR number CUSTOM Please provide COLOR a color chip for matching OPTIONS WIH Integral HBA thru 277 volt) 56 LED, 132 watts. Warm White (3000K) T2-56LED-3K-700 T3-56LED-3K-700 T4-56LED-3K-700 T5-56LED-3K-700 TL-56LED-3K-700 TR-56LED-3K-700 Type 2. Type 3. Type 4. Type 5. 45º Left. 45º Right. LDL CLR LPC12 Neutral White (4200K) T2-56LED-4K-700 T3-56LED-4K-700 T4-56LED-4K-700 T5-56LED-4K-700 TL-56LED-4K-700 TR-56LED-4K-700 Type 2. Type 3. Type 4. Type 5. 45º Left. 45º Right. LPC27 wiHUBB IFM transceiver and antenna. MicroCore only. Lightly diffused lens Clear flat lens. MicroCore only. Photocell with adjustable swivel for aiming. 120 volt. Photocell with adjustable swivel for aiming. 208/240/277 volt – FIXED ARMS MOUNTING–REQUIRED OPTION FA4 Attaches to the FA5 Attaches to the side of a 5" pole side of a 4" pole Two individual arms can be mounted to a pole at a 180° orientation. SHORT STRAIGHT ARMS (4" pole) SS4/SS5 Short straight arm extended post TSS4/TSS5 Twin PSS4/PSS5 3-way - T configuration QSS4/QSS5 4-way, horizontal TSS4XP/ TSS5XP Twin PSS4XP/ PSS5XP 3-way - T configuration QSS4XP/QSS5XP 4-way, horizontal position only position only LONG STRAIGHT ARMS (4"/5" pole) LS4/LS5 Long straight arm LONG STRAIGHT ARMS WITH EXTENSION (4"/5" pole) LS4XP/ LS5XP Long straight arm, with an extended post TLS4/TLS5 Twin PLS4/PLS5 3-way - T configuration, horizontal position only. QLS4/QLS5 4-way, horizontal position TLS4XP/TLS5XP Twin PLS4XP/PLS5XP 3-way - T configuration, horizontal position only. QLS4XP/QLS5XP 4-way, horizontal position SHORT CURVED ARMS (4"/5" pole) SC4/ SC5 Short curved arm SHORT CURVED ARMS WITH EXTENSION (4"/5" pole) SC4XP/ SC5XP Short curved arm with an TSC4/ TSC5 Twin PSC4/ PSC5 3-way-T configuration QSC4/ QSC5 4-way LONG CURVED ARMS (4"/5" pole) LC4/ LC5 Long curved arm TSC4XP/ TSC5XP Twin PSC4XP/ PSC5XP 3-way-T configuration QSC4XP/ QSC5XP 4-way LONG CURVED ARMS WITH EXTENSION (4"/5" pole) LC4XP/ LC5XP Long curved arm with an TLC4/ TLC5 Twin PLC4/ PLC5 3-way-T configuration QLC4/ QLC5 4-way WALL MOUNT ARMS WVSS Very short straight arm TLC4XP/ TLC5XP Twin PLC4XP/ PLC5XP 3-way-T configuration QLC4XP/ QLC5XP 4-way WALL MOUNT ARMS WITH EXTENSION WSSER Short straight arm with extension extended post extended post rods and wall plate WSS Short straight arm WLSER Long straight arm with extension WLS Long straight arm WSCER Short curved arm with extension WSC Short curved arm WLCER Long curved arm with extension rods and wall plate rods and wall plate Bright White (5100K) T2-56LED-5K-700 T3-56LED-5K-700 T4-56LED-5K-700 T5-56LED-5K-700 TL-56LED-5K-700 TR-56LED-5K-700 SHORT STRAIGHT ARMS WITH EXTENSION (4" pole) SS4XP/SS5XP Short straight arm with an Type 2. Type 3. Type 4. Type 5. 45º Left. 45º Right. WLC Long curved arm rods and wall plate Hardware for properly mounting the arm and wall plate (for extension rods) provided by others. Please visit for mounting, dimensions, weight and EPA. 218 FM miniFlex™ • Wall or pole mounting options • Features highly efficient LEDs • Wide variety of options available • IP65 constructed C O N T E M P O R A RY • Die cast aluminum construction for corrosion resistance • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • Full cutoff classification (without uplight options) ORDERING INFORMATION FM – MODEL WALL MOUNTED Remote Ballast FMR Short arm. Not available with LED Integral Ballast FMSS Short straight arm FMSC Short curved arm FMLS Long straight arm FMLC Long curved arm FMLSX Long straight arm & extension FMLCX Long curved arm & extension POLE MOUNTED FMSS4 Single, short straight arm FMTSS4 Twin, short straight arm FMSC4 Single, short curved arm FMTSC4 Twin, short curved arm FMLS4 Single, long straight arm FMLS4XP Single, long FMTLS4 FMTLS4XP FMLC4 FMLC4XP FMTLC4 FMTLC4XP straight arm with extension Twin, long straight arm Twin, long straight arm with extension Single, long curved arm Single, long curved arm with extension Twin, long curved arm Twin, long curved arm with extension – – LAMP/BALLAST 30 light emitting diode array, 32 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. Uplight or downlight only. Specify desired output option. 30LED-WW Warm white (3000K) 30LED-NW Neutral white (4200K) 30LED-BW Bright white (5100K) LED OUTPUT Must select one when LED option is chosen LO-U LED light output upper LO-L LED light output lower EXTERNAL OPTIONS EXTERNAL OPTIONS Conical Glass–Molded, tempered, frosted glass lens. Upper CGL-U Lower CGL-L Solid Rings–Two cast aluminum rings. Upper SR-U Lower SR-L Domed Cover–Spun aluminum dome mimics the design of the Flex. Upper DMC-U Lower DMC-L Angled Shade–12.75” Dia x 2.50” Ht Spun aluminum shade with hemmed edge. Painted the same color as the fixture. Upper ANG-U Lower ANG-L Spun copper shade with hemmed edge–Unfinished, will patina over time. Upper ANGCOP-U Lower ANGCOP-L Spun stainless steel shade with hemmed edge–Brushed finish. Upper ANGSTS-U Lower ANGSTS-L Flared Shade–12.87” Dia x 2.75” Ht. Spun aluminum shade with rolled edge. Painted the same color as the fixture. Upper FLR-U Lower FLR-L Spun copper shade with rolled edge– Unfinished, will patina over time. Upper FLRCOP-U Lower FLRCOP-L Spun stainless steel shade with rolled edge–Brushed finish. Upper FLRSTS-U Lower FLRSTS-L Flared Cone–3.4” Ht Spun aluminum cone. Painted the same color as the fixture. Upper CON-U Lower CON-L Spun copper cone–Unfinished, will patina over time. Upper CONCOP-U Lower CONCOP-L Spun stainless steel cone–Brushed finish. Upper CONSTS-U Lower CONSTS-L – COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique Green LGY Light Grey RAL/PREMIUM Provide a RAL 4 COLOR digit color number CUSTOM Please provide COLOR a color chip for matching Please visit for mounting, dimensions, weight and EPA. 219 ES/ME WA L L S C O N C E S eSconce®/ mini-eSconce • Precision die-cast aluminum construction (ES) • One-piece memory retentive molded silicone gaskets • Now available with highly efficient LEDs • IP65 constructed • Four precise optical systems for MH or HPS lamps • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • Optional fascia panels • Emergency lighting options ORDERING INFORMATION ES/ME – – MODEL ES – Light Emitting Diode (LED) – LEDs and driver included COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Up or down light, 36 light emitting diode array, 37 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. Warm white (3000K) ES3-36LED-WW Neutral white (4200K) ES3-36LED-NW Bright white (5100K) ES3-36LED-BW Up and down light. Primary output 36 LEDs, 37 watts. Secondary output 18 LEDs, 18 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. 60% primary - 40% secondary light distribution. ES3-54LED-WWX Warm white (3000K) ES3-54LED-NWX Neutral white (4200K) ES3-54LED-BWX Bright white (5100K) ME – Uplight OR Downlight — Uplight AND Downlight. (3LED array, 5 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. ME-3LED-WW Warm White (3000K) ME-3LED-NW Neutral White (4200K) ME-3LED-BW Bright White (5100K) Comes complete with LEDs and driver. 350mA drive current. – – OPTIONS (ME only) PC12 120 volt swivel type photocell. Factory wired. PC27 208/240/277 volt swivel type photocell. Factory wired at 277 volt. SCB Surface conduit box. 1/2" NPT inlets on each side. Gasketed front cover for wire access. Standard finish is white. LDL Lightly diffused glass lens. Primary lens only. GFH Gel filter holder to add color to the luminous front lens. Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique LGY RAL/ PREMIUM COLOR CUSTOM COLOR Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number (painted the same color as the fixture) SMP Perforated SM4 4 Squares SMB Blank cover Full Panel with a Perforated Center FPP Painted Finish FPS Brushed Stainless Steel FPC Natural Copper Full Panel with a 4 Square Center F4P Painted Finish F4S Brushed Stainless Steel F4C Natural Copper ME Full Fascia Panel Overlay Painted 9SO 9 Square open center (painted) BLN 9 Square blank (painted) Perforated Center FPP Painted aluminum FPS Brushed #4 stainless steel FPC Natural copper 4 Squares F4P Painted aluminum F4S Brushed #4 stainless steel F4C Natural copper SMB DIMENSIONS ME F4P FPP fits over the front lens. Small Center Panel The fascia panels are factory installed Please provide a color chip for matching LAG FASCIA OPTIONS ES Luminous Acrylic Ribs LAG Edge lit acrylic grill assembly 3.9 in/99 mm deep The stainless steel fascia panels have a #4 brushed finish with a horizontal grain direction. The copper will age and patina over time. 9 in/230 mm square 4 in/102 mm 9SO BLN Perforated center Please visit for dimensions and weight. 220 4 squares ASL7/ASL10 Steplights — Small/Large • Composite backbox housing for harsh enviroments • Spun, anodized aluminum parabolic reflector with a lamp shield reflector • IP66 constructed STEPLIGHTS • All stainless steel internal hardware • EISA compliant • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • Ballast is mounted on a prewired tray with a quick disconnect plug and can be removed by pulling out of the housing ORDERING INFORMATION INFORMATION ORDERING ASL7/ASL10 MODEL Round-ASL7 ASL7-RD-FR Frosted lens ASL7-RD-LS Linear ASL7-RD-CROSS-FR ASL7-RD-CROSS-LS ASL7-RD-EYE Square-ASL7 ASL7-SQ-FR ASL7-SQ-LS spread lens Frosted lens Spread lens Eyelid Frosted lens – – BALLAST ASL7 (3LED array, 5 watts. 120 thru 277 volt) 3LED-WW Warm White (3000K) 3LED-NW Neutral White (4200K) 3LED-BW Bright White (5100K) ASL10 (3LED array, 5 watts. 120 thru 277 volt) 9LED-WW Warm White (3000K) 9LED-NW Neutral White (4200K) 9LED-BW Bright White (5100K) COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Bronze OPTIONS GLOW Cast acrylic ring with a SEMI BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Linear spread lens ASL7-SQ-CROSS-FR Frosted lens ASL7-SQ-CROSS-LS Spread lens Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique Green LGY Light Warm ASL7-SQ-EYE Eyelid Round-ASL10 ASL10-RD-FR Frosted lens ASL10-RD-LS Linear ASL10-RD-CROSS-FR ASL10-RD-CROSS-LS ASL10-RD-EYE Square-ASL10 ASL-SQ-FR ASL10-SQ-LS – SURF Grey RAL/PREMIUM Provide a RAL COLOR 4 digit color spread lens Frosted lens number Spread lens CUSTOM COLOR Cast aluminum fascia with another AAL color or a custom color in a powder coat finish BRASS Cast brass fascia unfinished – will patina over time Eyelid Frosted lens Linear spread lens ASL10-SQ-CROSS-FR Frosted lens ASL10-SQ-CROSS-LS Spread lens ASL10-SQ-EYE Eyelid ASL7 RBX BSA FS1 FS2 frosted finish. Adds a soft backlit glow around the perimeter of the fascia. Increases the projection of the fascia by ½" For standard flush mount. Recessed back box only. Semi recessed for wall or ceiling mounting. Includes an extruded aluminum sleeve and cast aluminum back plate. ADA compliant. Available only in a painted finish. 70 watt max for ceiling mount. Round only. Surface mounting for wall or ceiling installations. Includes an extruded aluminum sleeve and cast aluminum back plate. ADA compliant. Available only in a painted finish. 70 watt max for ceiling mount. Round only. Recessed ceiling mounting includes a rough in box and wiring compartment. Minimum 5" clearance above the ceiling. ASL7 only. Housing ahead option back box with strap only for standard flush mounting. Single Fuse Holder. ASL10 only. Double Fuse Holder. Available for ASL10 only. DIM: SQ: 7.25" SQ RD: 7.25" Dia PROJECTION FROM WALL: PLAIN AND CROSS: 1.0" EYELID: 2.75" ASL10 DIM: SQ: 10.5" SQ RD:10.5" Dia PROJECTION FROM WALL: PLAIN AND CROSS: 1.31" EYELID: 3.75" ASL7 BACK BOX STRAP: 1.50" × 13" 2 conduit holes opposite sides .92" Dia RD-FR RD-LS Frosted lens Linear spread lens RD-CROSS-FR Frosted lens 5.62" 3.60" 6.95" 8.50" 10.2" RD-CROSS-LS Linear spread lens RD-EYE Eyelid y ASL10 BACK BOX BO STRAP: 1.50" × 17.5" ho opposite sides .92" Dia 2 conduit holes 6.10" 221 ON/OS FLOODLIGHTS Oculus® – Nano/Small Scale • High intensity axial beam optics • IP66 constructed • Available with highly efficient LED optics • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer • 10° spot to 52° flood beam angle. Field adjustable through lamp or reflector changes. ORDERING INFORMATION ON/OS MODEL ON Oculus Nano OS Oculus Small – – LAMP/BALLAST ON (18 light emitting diode array. 120 thru 277 volt) ON-18LED-WW Warm white (3000K). 22.2 watts. ON-18LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). 21.1 watts. ON-18LED-BW Bright white (5100K). 21.1 watts. OS (30 light emitting diode array. 120 thru 277 volt) OS-30LED-WW Warm white (3000K). 34.2 watts. OS-30LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). 34.8 watt. OS-30LED-BW Bright white (5100K). 34.8 watt. COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique Green LGY Light Grey RAL/ Provide a RAL 4 digit PREMIUM COLOR color number CUSTOM COLOR Please provide a color DIMENSIONS chip for matching OPTIONS ON Internal Options NLN Linear spread lens NWA Wide angle spread lens NRL Concentric ring louver NHX Black hexcell louver Only one internal option per fixture. External Options The hoods are aluminum with stainless steel hardware. NCM Color filter holder. Use a round glass filter* NAH Angled hood shield NFH Full hood shield NRG Rock guard *Dichroic filters are available from FX Corporation. www. (reference AAL-ON). OS Internal Options The accessories mount internally between the glass and reflector. SLN Linear spread lens SWA Wide angle spread lens SRL Concentric ring louver SHX Black hexcell louver 45° cutoff Only one internal option per fixture. External Options The hoods are aluminum with stainless steel hardware. SCM Color filter media holder. Use a round glass filter* SAH Angled hood shield SFH Full hood shield SRG Rock guard 7.63 in/194mm 7.75" 7 75" 197mm 9.63" 14.38" " 365mm mm m 3.13"/79 /79 79 ON WT: 7.9 lbs. EPA: 0.45 IP: 66 222 – 7 05" 7.05 179mm OS WT: 14 lbs. EPA: 0.80 *Dichroic filters are available from FX Corporation. www. (reference AAL-OS). – MOUNTING NST 18" tall cast stanchion mount with a 3" O.D. post. Cast collar slips over the post and is secured by 3 stainless steel set screws NPS 4N Cast saddle mounts to the side of a 4" O.D. round pole NTE Cast tenon mount slips over a 3" O.D. round post and is secured with 3 stainless steel set screws MTW Cast twin arm and tenon slips over a 4" O.D. pole and secured with 6 stainless steel set screws. FCB5 Fair OaksTM Collection • Heavy duty cast aluminum for corrosion resistance • Clear of frosted one-piece formed acrylic or polycarbonate lens BOLLARDS • Features energy efficient LEDs • Features glass refractors in IES Type 3 or type 5 • Internal or external louvers provide IES Type 5 distribution • Decorative, unlit version available • Powder coat finish in 13 standard colors with a polymer primer sealer ORDERING INFORMATION FCB – MODEL FCB5-LED Decorative bollard with acrylic clear lens, indirect LED. Type 5 distribution. – LAMP/BALLAST 24 light emitting diode array (53 watt). 120 thru 277 volt. Drive current 700 mA. 24LED-WW Warm white (3000K) 24LED-NW Neutral white (4200K) 24LED-BW Bright white (5100K) DIMENSIONS 7" – COLORS AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique Green LGY Light Grey RAL/PREMIUM Provide a RAL 4 digit COLOR color number CUSTOM COLOR Please provide a color chip for matching 42" OPTIONS 90S House side shield, 90° 180S House side shield, 180° FS1 Single weatherproof fuse 10.5" FCB5 GFI CE1 CE2 UB6 holder. Fuse by others. Ground fault interrupter Chain eyes, single Chain eyes, double 6" ball finial. Only available with unlit bollard. 223 TRD/TSQ BOLLARDS Traditional Concrete Bollard • Available with highly efficient LEDs - Type 5 distribution pattern - Warm white (3000K), neutral white (4000K) or bright white (5000K) • Inner clear or opal acrylic lens is sealed to the grill frame • Body and caps are composed of precast concrete reinforced with an internal cage structure of steel • Grill features TGIC polyester powder coat finish with choice of 13 standard colors • Grills are cast aluminum with stainless steel hardware • IP54 constructed • Electrical module is silicone gasketed for weather tight operations ORDERING INFORMATION TRD/TSQ – MODEL Round Bollard TRD-OL Opal acrylic lens TRD-DC Decorative cast – – LAMP/BALLAST GRILL COLORS 36 light emitting diode array, 37 watts. 120 thru 277 volt. 36LED-WW Warm white (3000K). IES Type 5. Colors are for grills only. Standard concrete finish is lehigh white. No special colors are available. 36LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). IES Type 5. 36LED-BW Bright white (5100K). IES Type 5. grill, opal acrylic lens TRD-VR Vandal resistant cast grill, opal acrylic lens TRD-UN Unlit bollard with no cast grill section AWT BLK MTB DGN DBZ WRZ BRM VBL CRT MAL MDG ATG LGY RAL/PREMIUM COLOR Square Bollard TSQ-OL Opal acrylic lens TSQ-DC Decorative cast grill, opal acrylic lens TSQ-VR Vandal resistant cast grill, opal acrylic lens TSQ-UN Unlit bollard with no cast grill section. Standard concrete finish is lehigh white. No special colors are available. Arctic White OPTIONS 90S 90 degree shield, field installed. 180S 180 degree shield, field installed. Black Matte Black Dark Green Dark Bronze Weathered Bronze Metallic Bronze Verde Blue Corten Matte Aluminum Medium Grey Antique Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number CUSTOM COLOR Please provide a color chip for matching DIMENSIONS DECORATIVE 12.5" 42" 42" 16" 224 OPAL 10" 12.5" 42" 42" 12.5" VANDAL RESISTANT 10" 16" 12.5" 42" 42" 12.5" 10" 16" 12.5" CB9/CB12/CB16/CB18 Concrete Bollard – 9"/12"/16"/18" Round/Square • Available with highly efficient LEDs - Type 5 distribution pattern - Warm white (3000K), neutral white (4000K) or bright white (5000K) • Inner clear or opal acrylic lens is sealed to the grill frame • Body and cap are composed of precast concrete reinforced with an internal cage structure of steel BOLLARDS • Electrical module is silicone gasketed for weather tight operations • Grill features TGIC polyester powder coat finish with choice of 13 standard colors • Grills are cast aluminum with stainless steel hardware ORDERING INFORMATION CB9/CB12/CB16/CB18 – MODEL CB9R 9" Round CB9S 9" Square CB12R 12" Round CB12S 12" Square CB16S 16" Square CB18R 18" Round – – – TOP STYLE CB9R GRILL LAMP/BALLAST CB9 (27 light emitting diode array, 28 watts. 120 Flat Top Dome Top Cutoff Cutoff thru 277 volt. IES Type 5) 27LED-WW Warm white (3000K) Cutoff Cutoff 27LED-NW Neutral white (4200K) 27LED-BW Bright white (5100K) CB12 (36 light emitting diode array, 37 watts. CB9S Flat Top Pyrm Top CB9R Flat Top Dome Top 24", 36", 42" 24", 36", 42" CB12S 24", 36", 42" 24", 36", 42" CB16S CB9S Flat Top Pyrm Top Flat Top Pyrm Top Cutoff Cutoff 36LED-NW Neutral white (4200K) 36LED-BW Bright white (5100K) CB16 (54 light emitting diode array, 55 watts. Cutoff Cutoff Flat Top Pyrm Top Cutoff Cutoff 24", 36", 41" CB18R 24", 37", 42" Flat Top 26", 38", 43" Dome Top 24", 26", 37", 39", 42", 44" Cutoff Cutoff CB12R Flat Top INT Dome Top EXT Flat Top INT Dome Top EXT Flat Top Dome Top – 120 thru 277 volt. IES Type 5) 54LED-WW Warm white (3000K). 54LED-NW Neutral white (4200K). 54LED-BW Bright white (5100K). CB18 (72 light emitting diode array, 74 watts. – FINISH MSB Medium sandblast finish AGR Exposed aggregate finish MSB Medium sandblast finish (CB12) AGR Exposed aggregate finish (CB12) 120 thru 277 volt. IES Type 5) 36LED-WW Warm white (3000K) CB12R OAH – OPTIONS Colored Based on Concrete Davis colors. 120 thru 277 volt. IES Type 5) 72LED-WW Warm white (3000K) Customer must provide aggregate, sand and colorant. 72LED-NW Neutral white (4200K) 72LED-BW Bright white (5100K) GRILL COLOR AWT Arctic White BLK Black MTB Matte Black DGN Dark Green DBZ Dark Bronze WRZ Weathered Bronze BRM Metallic Bronze VBL Verde Blue CRT Corten MAL Matte Aluminum MDG Medium Grey ATG Antique LGY RAL/ PREMIUM COLOR CB12S 24", 36", 42" 24", 36", 42" Flat Top Pyrm Top – Green Light Grey Provide a RAL 4 digit color number CB16S 24", 36", 42" 24", 36", 42" Flat Top Pyrm Top CB18R 23", 25", 35", 37", 40", 42" Dome Top EXT 23", 25", 36", 38", 41", 43" 27", 29", 39", Flat Top INT 41", 44", 46" Dome Top EXT 27", 29", 40", 42", 45", 47" MOUNTING EXT External INT Internal Flat Top INT 9" OAH 24" OAH 36" 42" Internal Mounting External Mounting OAH OAH 4" typical 3" typical conduit by others grout underr base DIMENSIONS 3" on CB9R and CB9S conduit by others grout underr base 225 PREMIUM POLES P O L E S / A R M S / AC C E S S O R I E S FEATURES AAL poles are designed for maximum strength to resist wind loads and perform with a wide variety of fixtures, arms and accessories. Whether the pole is ten feet or twenty five feet tall, the same robust design and structural integrity is built into every pole. At AAL, we design and manufacture aluminum poles for the best balance of strength, corrosion resistance, and longevity. OAH 2 x 4 inch reinforced hand hole PR4 & PR5 no hand hole available on the PR3 ROUND ALUMINUM POLES SQUARE ALUMINUM POLES CATALOG NUMBER POLE HEIGHT(S) BASE DIAMETER POLE DIAMETER CATALOG NUMBER PS3 PS4 PS5 POLE HEIGHT(S) 8' to 10' 8' to 20' 10' to 20' BASE DIAMETER 7" square 9" square 14" square POLE DIAMETER 3" 4" 5" PR3 PR4 PR5 8' to 10' 8' to 20' 10' to 25' 9" 9" 12.5" 3" 4" 5" Fixture must be grounded in accordance with local codes or the National Electric Code. Failure to do so may result in serious personal injury. Poles should never be erected without the luminaire installed. 12" ORDERING INFORMATION bolt projection projectio Warranty is voided if the pole is erected without the luminaire. Adequate drainage must be provided in concrete foundation or in the grout. Please visit for complete pole specifications grout under entire base DECORATIVE BASE COVERS BC1 BC5 BC6 BC7 12.75" x 8.25"– Onepiece For a 4" or 5" pole 14" x 24"– Two-piece For a 4" or 5" pole 17" x 13"– Two-piece For a 4" or 5" pole 18" x 30"– Two-piece For a 4" or 5" pole DECORATIVE POLES BC8 12" x 36"– Twopiece For a 4" pole ACBCR 14" x 18"– One-piece For a 4" round pole ACBCS 14" x 18"– One-piece For a 4" square pole MULTI POST POLES 1 2 3 4 DB1 1 2 3 4 34” 12” 8' to 16' 4” DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 51" 20” 10' to 25' 5” 30” 18” 8' to 25' 4”or 5" 42” 18” 8' to 25' 4”or 5" 17” 14” 8' to 16' 4” DB6 36” 15” 8' to 16' 4” DB8 DB9 DB10 DB12 44” 12” 8' to 16' 4” 27” 12” 8' to 16' 4” 48” 18” 10' to 25' 5” 39” 16” 8' to 16' 4” 2P — 12” 8’ to 20’ (2) 3” 3P — 12” 8’ to 20’ (3) 2” REFERENCE 1 BASE HEIGHT 2 BASE DIAMETER 3 POLE HEIGHT(S) 4 POLE DIAMETER Visit for complete details on weight and load limits as well as windloading information. Decorative poles are available with smooth round or fluted shafts. 226 1 2 3 4 C4P T4P — — 12.5” 8’ to 20’ (4) 2” 16” 8’ to 20’ (4) 2” ARMS 16 in 16" 406mm 5.5 in 25.5" 140mm 20 20"in 508 mm 6 in 1526"mm 6 in6" 152 mm 16 in 16" 406 mm 25.5 in 648 mm 25.5" 24.0 24"in 610 mm 16 in 16" 406 mm 25.5 in 648 25.5" mm 5.5 in 5.5" 140mm 20.0 in 20" 500 mm 8 in 8" 203 mm 8 in 8" 203 mm WMA 3 Weight: 17 lbs. WMA 1M ORDERING INFORMATION Weight: 12 lbs. WMA 8 Weight: 10 lbs. Traditional Arms 19 in 19" 483 mm 17 in 17" 432 mm 18" 17 in 17" 432 mm 21 in 21" 533 mm 18 in 457mm 19 in 19" 483 mm TRA 1L Bolts to pole. Weight: 9 lbs. EPA: .75 TRA 5D Bolts to pole. Weight: 9 lbs. EPA: .62 TRA 3 Bolts to pole. Weight: 14 lbs. EPA: .90 Contemporary Arms Strap painted to match 40.0 40"in fixture color. 1015 mm 41.0 in 41" 1040 mm 54" 54.0 in 1375mm 47" 47.0 in 1195 mm 30.0 in 97030" mm 24.0 24"in 610 mm 27.6 in 27.6" 700 mm SLA 7 Slips over 4” pole. Weight: 9 lbs. EPA: 1.34 SLA 4 Slips over 4” pole. Weight: 14 lbs. EPA: 1.39 26.0 in 660 26" mm SLA 16 Slips over 4” pole. Weight: 18 lbs. EPA: 2.88 SLA 17 Slips over 4” pole. Weight: 18 lbs. EPA: 1.50 Accessories EGRESS POST TOP ADAPTER BANNER ARMS REPLACEMENT COUPLING REPLACEMENT COUPLING 14.5” 12.375” 12,18, 24 or 30"in ARM LENGTH 12,18, 24 or 30"in ARM LENGTH 4.875” Contemporary Egress Adapter—EPA-C 5.375” BSQ BBS Traditional Egress Adapter—EPA-T 12,18, 24 or 30"in ARM LENGTH SIDE VIEW Please visit for a complete listing of our poles/arms/accessories 227 P O L E S / A R M S / AC C E S S O R I E S Wall Mounted BEACON PRODUCTS BRAND PROFILE Founded in 1979 Beacon Products designs and manufactures high quality, specification grade outdoor LED products that deliver industry-leading performance for the commercial, municipal and community development markets. Beacon’s focus specializes in providing the “complete solution” for the public space. Beacon’s offering includes the industry’s most diverse selection of site lighting and hardscape products in contemporary or period styles, and embodies the highest quality in construction, finishing, performance and design. Beacon is a ‘one-stop’ resource for Architects, Landscape Architects, Engineers and Lighting Designers. PRODUCT OFFERING A complete product offering is located on the website ( designed to guide the specifier. Products are grouped into the following categories for ease of selection: • Area & Roadway • Wall, Garage & Canopy • Floodlighting • Lighted Handrail • LED Retrofit Kits • Decorative Lighting • Bollards • Poles & Bases • Arms & Brackets • Site Furnishings BEACON PRODUCTS SITE/ROADWAY Small Viper page 232 Large Viper page 233 Genesis page 234 FLOODLIGHTING Alpha Floodlight page 238 Cruzer page 235 WALL Cadet Floodlight page 239 FL-1 page 240 Urban Small page 236 Urban Large page 237 GARAGE/CANOPY Traverse page 241 Endura page 242 Aurora page 243 Ceileo page 244 DECORATIVE Slide page 245 Seti page 246 Mediterranean page 247 London page 248 Brighton page 249 Monaco page 250 Park Lane page 251 La Jolla page 252 Windsor page 253 Waterford page 254 Tivoli page 255 Traditional page 256 Bostonian page 257 Pierwalk page 258 Magna page 259 LRK-2V page 260 LRK-3D page 261 BOLLARDS LC5 page 262 HANDRAIL Metro page 263 Bristol Park page 264 Longitude page 265 POLES Poles page 266 ARMS Arms page 267 231 VP-S Viper (Small) FEATURES S I T E / R OA D WAY • • The Beacon Viper luminaire is available in two sizes with a wide choice of different LED wattage configurations and optical distributions designed to replace HID lighting up to 1000W MH or HPS and with 5 different mounting options for application in a wide variety of new and existing installations. Each Viper luminaire is supplied with an one piece optical cartridge system consisting of an LED engine, LED lamps, optics, gasket and stainless steel bezel. • • A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. Aluminum thermal clad board with 0.062" thick aluminum base layer, thermally conductive dielectric layer, 0.0014" thick copper circuit layer circuit layer designed with copper pours to minimize thermal impedance across dielectric. ORDERING INFORMATION VP-S – MODEL VP-S Viper (Small) – – 2 3 T2 T3 T4 T5R T5QM T5W – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 22NB-50 50 Watts 22NB-70 70 Watts 30NB-70 70 Watts 30NB-90 90 Watts 1 – OPTICS Type II Type III Type IV Rectangular Sq. Medium Round Wide – – MOUNTING OPTIONS RA Rectangular Arm SF2 2⅜" OD Slipfitter PK2 2⅜" Adjustable Knuckle WB Wall Bracket ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap NP No Photocontrol 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 3 Dimming Drivers BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Not available 30NB-90 Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input DETAILS 22 3/4” 16 3/4” RA rectangular arm 11 1/4” A Accepts 2 3/8” OD tenon, min 4” long. S F2 Drill pattern 7 5 1/2 4” Suggested Distance From Top of Pole 1.25” Ø7 3/8 O.D. 2.50” Ø7 1/4 Ø5/8” 2X Ø5/16” WB wall bracket rectangular arm Front View 6 5/8” 4 1/8” Ø4 Pole Ø5 Pole Ø6 Pole weight: 15lbs 232 epa: 0.67 ft 2 18 3/4” PK2 2-3/8” adjustable knuckle VP-L Viper (Large) FEATURES • A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. Aluminum thermal clad board with 0.062" thick aluminum base layer, thermally conductive dielectric layer, 0.0014" thick copper circuit layer circuit layer designed with copper pours to minimize thermal impedance across dielectric. • • S I T E / R OA D WAY • The Beacon Viper luminaire is available in two sizes with a wide choice of different LED wattage configurations and optical distributions de- signed to replace HID lighting up to 1000W MH or HPS and with 5 different mounting options for application in a wide variety of new and existing installations. Luminaires are suitable for wet locations. Each Viper luminaire is supplied with an one piece optical cartridge system consisting of an LED engine, LED lamps, optics, gasket and stainless steel bezel. ORDERING INFORMATION VP-L – MODEL VP-L Viper (Large) – – 2 3 – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 64NB-135 135 Watts 64NB-190 190 Watts 80NB-180 180 Watts 80NB-235 235 Watts 96NB-220 220 Watts 96NB-280 280 Watts 1 – T2 T3 T4 T5R T5QM T5W OPTICS Type II Type III Type IV Rectangular Sq. Medium Round Wide – – – MOUNTING OPTIONS RA Rectangular Arm SF2 2⅜" OD Slipfitter PK2 2⅜" Adjustable Knuckle WB Wall Bracket ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap NP No Photocontrol 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 3 Dimming Drivers BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Not available 64NB-145 Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input DETAILS details 29 1/8" 29 (LG 1/8”VIPER) 24 3/16" (LG VIPER) 24 3/16” Acceptss 2 3/8” OD tenon, m min 4” long. S F2 14 1/4" (LG VIPER) 14 1/4” RA rectangular arm 7 5 1/2 Drill pattern 4” Suggested Distance From Top of Pole 1.25” Ø7 3/8 O.D. Ø7 1/4 2.50” Ø5/8” WB wall bracket 2X Ø5/16” rectangular arm Front View 6 5/8” 44 1/8" 1/8” 26 1/4” weight: 25lbs epa: 1 ft 2 Ø4 Pole Ø5 Pole Ø6 Pole PK2 2-3/8” adjustable knuckle 233 GEN Genesis FEATURES S I T E / R OA D WAY • • • Each Beacon Genesis luminaire is available with 2" slip fitter mounting or optional adjustable knuckle mount with field replaceable LED engine & optical bezel systems. Each Genesis luminaire is supplied with an Optical one piece cartridge system consisting of an LED engine, LED lamps, optics, gasket and stainless steel bezel. The Genesis’ monolithic housing design creates over 6.9ft2 of heat-sinking surface area per linear ft through the use of its patent-pending horizontally-opposed fin design. • • • Although the Genesis luminaire is designed to operate for many years without maintenance, accessibility is a key component in its design. When the tool less end cap is hinged open, the pullout component tray is revealed and may be simply removed without the use of tools. The luminaire shall bear a CSA label and be marked suitable for wet locations. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION – – MODEL GEN-C Genesis C GEN-F Genesis F 2 3 – T2 T3 T4 T5R T5QM T5W – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-27 27 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts 1 – OPTICS Type II Type III Type IV Rectangular Sq. Medium Round Wide SF2 PK2 WM YM – MOUNTING OPTIONS 2⅜" OD Slipfitter 2⅜" Adjustable Knuckle Wall Mount Yoke Mount ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap NP No Photocontrol 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 3 Dimming Drivers Not available 30NB-90 Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input GEN-C DETAILS GEN-F *length is based on light-engine 5” BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron WALL MOUNT *length is based on light-engine 24NB= 17” 24NB = 15” 36NB/48NB = 23” 36NB/48NB = 21” 60NB = 29” 5” 11.3” 60NB = 27” 11.3” Yoke Mount (YM) 5.5” 5.5” EPA: 1.81 sq. ft. 234 EPA: 1.81 sq. ft. CRZ Cruzer FEATURES • • • • • • Luminaires are equipped with an LED driver that accepts 100V through 277V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz (UNIV), or a driver that accepts 347V or 480V input. The onboard surge protector shall be a UL recognized component for the United States and Canada and have a surge current rating of 10,000 Amps using the industry standard 8/20 pSec wave. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. S I T E / R OA D WAY • The Beacon CRZ luminaire is a pole mounted luminaire with a field replaceable LED light engine & optical bezel system. The Beacon CRZ luminaire consists of a die cast aluminum two-piece housing. The rear housing (back plate) is designed with various bolt patterns for direct wall mounting or mounting to a recessed 4" junction box Beacon CRZ luminaires are available with an optional passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor capable of detecting motion within 24 feet of the sensor, 360° around the luminaire, when placed at an 8 foot mounting height. ORDERING INFORMATION CRZ – – MODEL CRZ Cruzer – CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-27 27 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts 1 2 3 – T2 T3 T4 T5R T5QM T5W OPTICS Type II Type III Type IV Rectangular Sq. Medium Round Wide Not available on 24NB-27 Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input MOB ORDERING INFORMATION: When ordering a fixture with the motion detection option (MOB), please specify the appropriate information. These settings are specified in the ordering as shown in the example below. CRZ - 48NB110 - T5SW - UNV - MOB - 1 to 30 min. - 33% or 50% - ?? - MT High to Dim Delay DETAILS Low Level – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V SF2 PK2 WB AM MOUNTING OPTIONS 2⅜" OD Slipfitter 2⅜" Adjustable Knuckle Wall Bracket Arm Mount ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photobutton Control (specify voltage) 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 MOB Motion Sensor w/ 33% or 50% Dimming (not available on 48NB-110 & 60NB-136) OCS Occupancy Sensor (on/off only) STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 3 Dimming Drivers Mounting Height (ft.) S F2 – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron PK2 2-3/8” adjustable knuckle 18 1/2 15 3/4 7 1/2 2 15 5 1/2 7 1/2 2 AM arm mount 18 1/2 WB wall bracket 18 1/2 7 1/2 2 7 1/2 2 235 CAP, MRDS, MAR Urban (Small) FEATURES S I T E / R OA D WAY • • • The drivers shall be lo- cated in the top cast housing and shall be accessible without tools by hinging the lower shade assembly. The driver and all electrical components shall be on a tray. The lower shade shall be made from a one-piece aluminum spinning. Each Beacon luminaire is supplied with an Optical one piece cartridge system consisting of an LED engine, LED lamps, optics, gasket and stainless steel bezel. The onboard surge protector shall be a UL recognized component for the United States and Canada and have a surge current rating • • of 10,000 Amps using the industry standard 8/20 pSec wave. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. The luminaire shall bear a CSA label and be marked suitable for wet locations. ORDERING INFORMATION – – MODEL CAP-21 Capitol 21 MRDS-21 Miramar Deep Shade 21 MAR-21 Maritas 21 – 2 3 T2 T3 T4 T5R T5QM T5W – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-27 27 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 1 – OPTICS Type II Type III Type IV Rectangular Sq. Medium Round Wide – – MOUNTING OPTIONS NRNW No Rings 3RNW Three Cast Rings ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Button Photocell (specify voltage) 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 3 Dimming Drivers BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Not available 24NB-27 Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input DETAILS CAP MAR 21” - CAP 26” - CAP 21” - MAR H: 18.75" EPA: 1.04 ft 35 lbs H: 21.75" EPA: 1.39 ft 40 lbs H: 18.9" EPA: 1.00 ft 35 lbs 2 2 H: 21.3" EPA: 1.25 ft 40 lbs 2 MRSS 21” - MRDS H: 17.9" EPA: 1.00 ft 35 lbs 26” - MRDS 2 H: 21" EPA: 1.25 ft 40 lbs 26” - MRSS 2 shown with optional 3RNW rings 236 2 shown with optional 3RNW rings shown with optional 3RNW rings MRDS 26” - MAR H: 18" EPA: 1.17 ft 40 lbs 2 shown with optional 3RNW rings CAP, MRSS, MRDS, MAR Urban (Large) FEATURES • • • • of 10,000 Amps using the industry standard 8/20 pSec wave. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. The luminaire shall bear a CSA label and be marked suitable for wet locations. S I T E / R OA D WAY • The drivers shall be located in the top cast housing and shall be accessible without tools by hinging the lower shade assembly. The driver and all electrical components shall be on a tray. The lower shade shall be made from a one-piece aluminum spinning. Each Beacon luminaire is supplied with an Optical one piece cartridge system consisting of an LED engine, LED lamps, optics, gasket and stainless steel bezel. The onboard surge protector shall be a UL recognized component for the United States and Canada and have a surge current rating ORDERING INFORMATION – – MODEL CAP-26 Capitol 26 MRSS-26 Miramar Shallow Shade 26 MRDS-26 Miramar Deep Shade 26 MAR-26 Maritas 26 – 2 3 T2 T3 T4 T5R T5QM T5W – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-27 27 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts 1 – OPTICS Type II Type III Type IV Rectangular Sq. Medium Round Wide – – MOUNTING OPTIONS NRNW No Rings 3RNW Three Cast Rings ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Button Photocell (specify voltage) 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 3 Dimming Drivers BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Not available 24NB-27 Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input DETAILS CAP MAR 21” - CAP 26” - CAP 21” - MAR H: 18.75" EPA: 1.04 ft 35 lbs H: 21.75" EPA: 1.39 ft 40 lbs H: 18.9" EPA: 1.00 ft 35 lbs 2 2 2 H: 21.3" EPA: 1.25 ft 40 lbs 2 shown with optional 3RNW rings shown with optional 3RNW rings MRDS 26” - MAR MRSS 21” - MRDS H: 17.9" EPA: 1.00 ft 35 lbs 26” - MRDS 2 H: 21" EPA: 1.25 ft 40 lbs 26” - MRSS 2 shown with optional 3RNW rings H: 18" EPA: 1.17 ft 40 lbs 2 shown with optional 3RNW rings 237 AL Alpha Floodlight FEATURES FLOODLIGHTING • • • • The Alpha Luminaire is a high performance “LED” energy and maintenance lighting solution, designed with optical versatility. The housing, electrical compartment and fitter are made from die cast aluminum that is pre-treated and powder-coated to meet the most rugged industry standards. The adjustable knuckle is designed to slip fit 2⅜" to 3" O.D. tenon. The fixture electrical compartment shall contain all LED driver components and shall be provided with an internal terminal block for AC power connections. • • • The Alpha luminaire provides the best combination of vertical and horizontal illumination while reducing light behind the poles. Luminaires are equipped with an LED driver that accepts 100V through 277V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz (UNV), or a driver that accepts 347V or 480V input. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION – – MODEL AL-D Down (below horizon) AL-U Up (above horizon) 2 3 4 – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-90 90 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts 72NB-170 170 Watts 72NB-220 220 Watts 1 – BEAM (10% MAX.) 2×2 Narrow Spot 4×4 Narrow Flood 5×5 Medium Flood 6×6 Wide Flood 5×3 Horizontal Flood 3×5 Vertical Flood – – MOUNTING OPTIONS WM Wall Mount PM 3" Pier Mount STANDARD MOUNTING SF3 2⅜" OD Tenon – SHIELD OPTIONS FL Full Louver FV Full Visor HL Half Louver HV Half Visor PCL Protective Lens 4 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photobutton Control PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap NP No Photocontrol 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 3 Dimming Drivers BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL Available 24NB-55, 72NB-170, and 72NB-220 only Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input Required for AL-U COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron 20” DETAILS 9.334 16.371 13" Wall Mount (WM) 14 1/2" 11.625 14.600 26 1/2" Ø7 1/4" Standard SF3 mount Slips 2 3/8" to 3" O.D. Tenon Full Louver Full Visor Half Louver Half Visor EPA: 1.32 ft 2 WEIGHT: 27 lbs. 238 CDT Cadet Floodlight FEATURES • • • is corrosion resistant to meet ASTM B-117, resists cracking or loss of adhesion per ASTM D522, resists surface impacts of up to 160 inch-pound. All external hardware is corrosion resistant. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. The Luminaire shall bear a CSA label and be marked suitable for wet locations. FLOODLIGHTING • The Cadet Luminaire is a high performance LED energy and maintenance lighting solution, designed with optical versatility. Markets Include: Flags, Columns, Statues, Security, Building Flood-lighting, Landscapes. The Cadet LED Luminaire is intended to be used to reduce energy and maintenance associated with legacy HID lighting technology. The housing and electrical compartment are made from die cast aluminum that is pre-treated and powder-coated to meet the most rug- ged industry standards. The finish ORDERING INFORMATION CDT MODEL CDT Cadet – 24NB-55 – CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts – – 2×2 4×4 5×5 6×6 5×3 3×5 OPTICS Narrow Spot Narrow Flood Medium Flood Wide Flood Horizontal Flood Vertical Flood UNV – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V YK AJ BX WA GS PA TS 12NA 34NA – ACCESSORIES HV Half Visor FV Full Visor MOUNTING OPTIONS Yoke Mount (std.) Architectural Junction Box Brass Junction Box Wall & Ceiling Adaptor Ground Stake Cast Post-Top Adaptor Tree Strap ½" NPT Adaptor (std.) ¾" NPT Adaptor (std.) BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron DETAILS 9 3/8” 7 1/2” 12 1/4” 11 5/8” Front Side Top 239 FL-1 FL-1 FEATURES FLOODLIGHTING • • • Die cast aluminum body designed for maximum heat dissipation. All extruded aluminum components shall be alloy 6061T6, 6063-T5 or equal. Luminaire is designed to mount to both horizontal and vertical surfaces through a number of mounting accessories. The electrical assembly shall be comprised of an electronic LED driver designed to operate the integral 6 or 12-LED light emitting diode light engine (LED source). • • The luminaires shall be UL listed and suitable for wet locations. II aluminum components shall be subjected to a 5-stage chrome-free pre-treatment process by immersion. ORDERING INFORMATION FL-1 MODEL FL-1 FL-1 DETAILS 240 – 12NB-25 ENGINE-WATTS 12NB-25 25 Watts – – 2×2 4×4 5×5 6×6 5×3 3×5 OPTICS Narrow Spot Narrow Flood Medium Flood Wide Flood Horizontal Flood Vertical Flood – YK AJ BX WA GS PA TS 12NA 34NA MOUNTING Yoke Mount (std.) Architectural Junction Box Brass Junction Box Wall & Ceiling Adaptor Ground Stake Cast Post-Top Adaptor Tree Strap ½" NPT Adaptor (standard) ¾" NPT Adaptor – ACCESSORIES VS Visor COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured OWI Old World Iron _RAL BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT TRV Traverse FEATURES • • • The rear housing (back plate) is designed with various bolt patterns for direct wall mounting or mounting to a recessed 4" junction box The rear housing has three integral ¾" NPT power feed locations (bottom and each side) for surface mounted conduit applications. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. WA L L • The Beacon TRV luminaire is a wall surface mounted luminaire with a field replaceable LED light engine & optical bezel system. Internal components are totally enclosed in rain-tight and corrosion-resistant die cast aluminum housing. The TRV Luminaire is,suitable for wet locations. The Beacon TRV luminaire consists of a die cast aluminum two-piece housing. The die cast main (thermal) housing provides direct heat exchange between the LED light engine and the cool outdoor air by drawing heat through integral heat channels and out to the sculptured and functional luminaire surface. ORDERING INFORMATION – MODEL TRV-D Traverse Down-light TRV-U Traverse Up-light (indoor use only) – CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-27 27 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts 1 2 3 – – OPTICS T2 Type II T3 Type III T4 Type IV T5R Rectangular FLOOD OPTICS 2×2 Narrow Spot 5×5 Medium Flood – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Button Photocell (specify voltage) MOB Motion Sensor w/ 33% or 50% Dimming (not available on 48NB110 & 60NB-136) 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 BPC Cold Weather Battery Pack 3 OCS Occupancy Sensor (on/off only) STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 3 Dimming Drivers COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured OWI Old World Iron _RAL BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT Not available 24NB-27 Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input DETAILS 12.5” 7.25” for indoor up-lighting applications, select the T RV-U model 14” for down-lighting applications select the T RV-D model 241 EDR Endura FEATURES G A R AG E / C A N O P Y • • • • The Beacon EDR luminaire is a ceiling surface mounted or pendant mounted parking structure luminaire with a field replaceable LED lightengine & optical bezel system. The Beacon EDR luminaire consists of a die cast aluminum two-piece housing. The top housing is designed with various bolt patterns for mounting to a recessed, surface or rigid-pendant hung 4" junction box junction box and rigid stem provided by others). Each Endura luminaire is supplied with an Optical one piece cartridge system consisting of an LED • • engine, LED lamps, optics, gasket and stainless steel bezel. Luminaires are equipped with an LED driver that accepts 100V through 277V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz (UNIV), or a driver that accepts 347V or 480V input. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION EDR – – MODEL EDR Endura – CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-27 27 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts 1 2 3 – OPTICS 5×5 Aisle Lighter T5R Rectangular T5QM Sq. Medium T5QN Sq. Narrow T5W Round Wide HIGHER MOUNTING APPLICATIONS 2×2 Narrow Spot 4×4 Narrow Flood 5×5 Medium Flood 5×3 Horizontal Flood Not available on 24NB-27 Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input MOB ORDERING INFORMATION: When ordering a fixture with the motion detection option (MOB), please specify the appropriate information. These settings are specified in the ordering as shown in the example below. CRZ - 48NB110 - T5SW - UNV - MOB - 1 to 30 min. - 33% or 50% - ?? - MT High to Dim Delay Low Level Mounting Height (ft.) DETAILS 12” sq. 5.5” 242 – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photobutton Control (specify voltage) 2PF Dual Power Feed 1, 2 MOB Motion Sensor w/ 33% or 50% Dimming (not available on 48NB-110) OCS Occupancy Sensor (on/off only) BPC Cold Weather Battery Pack (can only be used with the 36NB-80) STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 1 Dimming Drivers – COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured OWI Old World Iron _RAL BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT AUR Aurora FEATURES • • • • • Luminaires are equipped with an LED driver that accepts 100V through 277V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz (UNV), or a driver that accepts 347V or 480V input. The luminaire shall bear a CSA label and be marked suitable for damp locations. Luminaire may be specified for wet locations. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. G A R AG E / C A N O P Y • Each Beacon Aurora luminaire is available with chain or cable hanging option or yoke mount with field replaceable LED engine & optical bezel systems. Each Aurora luminaire is supplied with up to three LED optical cartridge systems consisting of an LED engine, LED lamps, optics, gasket and stainless steel bezel. The Aurora’s mono- lithic housing design creates over 6.9ft2 of heat-sinking surface area per linear ft through the use of its patent-pending horizontally-opposed fin design. ORDERING INFORMATION – – MODEL AUR2 Aurora 2 AUR3 Aurora 3 CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K ENGINE-WATTS 72NB-160 160 Watts 120NB-275 275 Watts 180NB-410 410 Watts 1 – – 2×2 4×4 5×5 5×3 6×6 T5R T5QN T5QM BL – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V OPTICS Narrow Beam Beam Aisle Lighter Beam Beam Rectangular Sq. Narrow Sq. Medium Bare Lamp – MOUNTING OPTIONS CH Chain or Cable Hung CM Custom Mount ELECTRICAL OPTIONS JBX Junction Box MDD Motion Dimming Detector (hi/lo) OCS Occupancy Sensor (on/off) STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 1 Dimming Drivers COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured OWI Old World Iron _RAL BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT Not available @ 347V input DETAILS 26 26 38 38 TBD TBD ® HANGER GRIPPLE CABLE Gripple Cable (OPTIONAL) Hanger (optional) 66 3/4 4040 3/4 3/8 663/8 Occupancy Sensor (optional) 243 CLO Ceileo FEATURES G A R AG E / C A N O P Y • • Ceileo is a commercial grade LED Canopy downlight that utilizes high powered LED’s utilizing precise efficient optical control and on board wattage and lumen choices. Ceileo is designed to replace up to 175w and 250 watt HID lamps, and at the same time reduce maintenance by delivery over 200,000 hours of projected life. The Beacon Ceileo luminaire consists of a cast aluminum external housing. The cast aluminum housing provides direct-heat exchange between the LED light engine and the cool outdoor air by drawing heat • • through integral heat channels and out to the sculptured and functional luminaire sur- face. LED drivers are thermally isolated from the main housing. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. The Ceileo Luminaire is CSA listed and suitable for wet locations. ORDERING INFORMATION CLO MODEL CLO Ceileo 24NB-55 – ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K – OPTICS 5×5 Aisle Lighter T5R Type V, Rectangular T5QM Type V, Sq. Medium T5QN Type V, Sq. Narrow T5W Type V, Round Wide – VOLTAGE UNV 120277V 347 347V 480 480V – STYLE OPTIONS RD Round SQ Square BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron DETAILS ROUND DIMENSIONS SQUARE DIMENSIONS 6 3/4” 8 1/4” 14” 9 1/3” Ø14” Ø7 1/8” + DFT. 1 7/16” 15/16” 3 5/8” 0” TO 2” ADJUSTABLE 244 1/4” 9 3/16” 8 15/16” R2” 4 PLC. SLD Slide FEATURES • • • • Luminaires are equipped with an LED driver that accepts 100V through 277V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz (UNIV), or a driver that accepts 347V or 480V input. Power factor is .92 at full load. The luminaire shall bear a CSA label and be marked suitable for wet locations. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. D E C O R AT I V E • All cast aluminum parts for the Beacon Slide luminaire shall be ASTM 356 marine grade alloy. The large upper shade shall be made from a one-piece aluminum spinning. The small top shade shall be removable for wiring ac- cess to the LED engine. The large upper shade provides direct-heat exchange between the LED light engine and the cool outdoor air. Each Beacon Slide luminaire is supplied with an Optical one piece cartridge system consisting of an LED engine, LED lamps, optics, gasket and stamped stainless steel bezel. ORDERING INFORMATION SLD – – MODEL SLD Slide 2 3 4 5 – ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-27 27 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 1 48NB-110 110 Watts 1 LENS MATERIAL / FINISH AC Acrylic, Clear AF Acrylic, Frosted PC Polycarbonate, Clear PF Polycarbonate, Frosted NN No Lens 1 – – T2 T3 T4 T5R T5QM CCT-COLOR TEMP T5W 5K 5000º K (std.) IND5 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K OPTICS Type II Type III Type IV Rectangular Sq. Medium Round Wide Indirect T5 2 – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V – TOP FLT Flat Top DOM Dome 2, 5 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Button Photocell (specify voltage) 2PF Dual Power Feed 3 STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 1 Dimming Drivers Not available with lens option 24NB-55 max Not available @ 347/480V input Not available @ 347V input Requires lens DETAILS 25 1/2” 24 1/4” 25 1/2” 24 1/4” 27 15/16” SHADE FTS Flat STS Slope CTS Curved COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron 25 1/2” 24 1/4” 25 1/2” dome top BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL – 25 1/2” 27 15/16” dome top / sloped shade 25 1/2” 27 15/16” dome top / curved shade 245 SETI Seti FEATURES D E C O R AT I V E • • • • The upper shade shall be a one piece aluminum plate. The underside of the shade shall be painted with a reflective white paint when a dark color is specified. Al! cast aluminum parts shall be ASTM356 marine grade alloy. The Indirect upper shade can be tilted 15 to 45 degrees for an asymmetrical light distribution. The reflector shall be enclosed in cast aluminum housing. The front cover is secured with four cap screws for re-lamping and internal access. The front glass element is clear, tempered glass. The • • front cover and electrical module are sealed with memory retentive, molded silicone gaskets. The onboard surge protector shall be a UL recognized component for the United States and Canada and have a surge current rating of 10,000 Amps using the industry standard 8/20 pSec wave. A thermal circuit, LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION SETI MODEL SETI Seti 1 – – ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-27 27 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V PEC – 30RD 40RD 30SQ 40SQ CRS SHADE 30" Round 40" Round 30" Square 40" Square Curved Rectangle Shade – ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photobutton Control (specify voltage) STANDARD ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Lifeshield™ Thermal Protection 20K-Surge Protection 1 Dimming Drivers BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Not available on 24NB-27 Note: The underside of the shade shall be painted white when other colors are specified. DETAILS 30" Round Shade (30RD) 40” Round Shade (40RD) 30" x 36" Curved Shade 30" Square Shade (30S Q) 40” Square Shade (40 S Q) 40" SQ. 30" 30" 40° 35 7/8" -0004 CLM-SE 39 1/8" 26 7/16" 246 (CR S ) T1 Mediterranean FEATURES • • • The heavy spun aluminum dome shall be topped with a decorative cast aluminum finial (except Brighton). The dome shall be mechanically attached to the lens. The acrylic lens material shall be UV stabilized and impact resistant. An LED Bezel, is a one piece cartridge with, LEDs, optics, gasket and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. D E C O R AT I V E • The Village series is a unique collection of traditional acorn style luminaires that set the architectural tone for many of our cities today. This luminaire is made up of fully interchangeable components. For specification, select a MODEL, a LENS OPTION, followed by a CAGE, and finally a HOUSING, and finish with the lighting performance details specific to your project requirements. All cast aluminum components shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum components shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. All spun components shall be alloy 1070, 3002 or 1100. ORDERING INFORMATION T1 – – – MODEL T1 Mediterranean LENS OPTIONS AC Acrylic, Clear AF Acrylic, Frosted 1 2 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 NC – – HOUSING Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton CAGE Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton No Cage 1 CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K SOURCE 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS ELECTRICAL OPTIONS DPS PEC Photocell, Button GNT PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock 2 MST PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap 2 MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron 55 Watts max H2 only DETAILS 247 T2 London FEATURES D E C O R AT I V E • • The Village series is a unique collection of traditional acorn style luminaires that set the architectural tone for many of our cities today. This luminaire is made up of fully interchangeable components. Specify a MODEL, a LENS OPTION, followed by a CAGE, and finally a HOUSING, and finish with the lighting performance details specific to project requirements. All cast aluminum components shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum components shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. All spun components shall be alloy 1070, 3002 or 1100. • • The heavy spun aluminum dome shall be topped with a decorative cast aluminum finial (except Brighton). The dome shall be mechanically attached to the lens. The acrylic lens material shall be UV stabilized and impact resistant. An LED Bezel, is a one piece cartridge with, LEDs, optics, gasket and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION T2 – – – MODEL T2 London LENS OPTIONS AC Acrylic, Clear AF Acrylic, Frosted 1 2 55 Watts max H2 only DETAILS 248 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 NC – – HOUSING Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton CAGE Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton No Cage 1 CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K SOURCE 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS ELECTRICAL OPTIONS DPS PEC Photocell, Button GNT PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock 2 MST PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap 2 MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron T5 Brighton FEATURES • • • with a decorative cast aluminum finial (except Brighton). The dome shall be mechanically attached to the lens. The acrylic lens material shall be UV stabilized and impact resistant. An LED Bezel, is a one piece cartridge with, LEDs, optics, gasket and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. D E C O R AT I V E • The Village series is a unique collection of traditional acorn style luminaires that set the architectural tone for many of our cities today. This luminaire is made up of fully interchangeable components. Specify a MODEL, a LENS OPTION, followed by a CAGE, and finally a HOUSING, and finish with the lighting performance details specific to project requirements. All cast aluminum components shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum components shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. All spun components shall be alloy 1070, 3002 or 1100. The heavy spun aluminum dome shall be topped ORDERING INFORMATION T5 – – – MODEL T5 Brighton LENS OPTIONS AC Acrylic, Clear AF Acrylic, Frosted 1 2 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 NC – – HOUSING Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton CAGE Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton No Cage 1 CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K SOURCE 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS ELECTRICAL OPTIONS DPS PEC Photocell, Button GNT PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock 2 MST PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap 2 MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron 55 Watts max H2 only DETAILS 249 T3 Monaco FEATURES D E C O R AT I V E • • The Village series is a unique collection of traditional acorn style luminaires that set the architectural tone for many of our cities today. This luminaire is made up of fully interchangeable components. Specify a MODEL, a LENS OPTION, followed by a CAGE, and finally a HOUSING, and finish with the lighting performance details specific to project requirements. All cast aluminum components shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum components shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. All spun components shall be alloy 1070, 3002 or 1100. • • The heavy spun aluminum dome shall be topped with a decorative cast aluminum finial (except Brighton). The dome shall be mechanically attached to the lens. The acrylic lens material shall be UV stabilized and impact resistant. An LED Bezel, is a one piece cartridge with, LEDs, optics, gasket and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION T3 – – – MODEL T3 Monaco LENS OPTIONS AC Acrylic, Clear AF Acrylic, Frosted 1 2 55 Watts max H2 only DETAILS 250 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 NC – – HOUSING Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton CAGE Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton No Cage 1 CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K SOURCE 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS ELECTRICAL OPTIONS DPS PEC Photocell, Button GNT PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock 2 MST PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap 2 MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron T4 Park Lane FEATURES • • • The heavy spun aluminum dome shall be topped with a decorative cast aluminum finial (except Brighton). The dome shall be mechanically attached to the lens. The acrylic lens material shall be UV stabilized and impact resistant. An LED Bezel, is a one piece cartridge with, LEDs, optics, gasket and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. D E C O R AT I V E • The Village series is a unique collection of traditional acorn style luminaires that set the architectural tone for many of our cities today. This luminaire is made up of fully interchangeable components. Specify a MODEL, then a LENS OPTION, followed by a CAGE, and finally a HOUSING, and finish with the lighting performance details specific to project requirements. All cast aluminum components shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum components shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. All spun components shall be alloy 1070, 3002 or 1100. ORDERING INFORMATION T4 – – – MODEL T5 Park Lane LENS OPTIONS AC Acrylic, Clear AF Acrylic, Frosted 1 2 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 NC – – HOUSING Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton CAGE Mediterranean London Monaco Park Lane Brighton No Cage 1 CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K SOURCE 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS ELECTRICAL OPTIONS DPS PEC Photocell, Button GNT PCR-TL Photocell, Twist-lock 2 MST PCR-SC Photocell, Shorting Cap 2 MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron 55 Watts max H2 only DETAILS 251 LAJ30 La Jolla FEATURES D E C O R AT I V E • The cast 6-sided cage shall accommodate UV stabilized acrylic or polycarbonate lenses (side panels) which shall be sealed for weather tight operation. All cast aluminum parts shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum parts shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. The upper chamber/lid shall be topped by a decorative cast aluminum finial/cap and mechanically fastened to the optical chamber. The electrical chamber/fitter shall be aluminum, decorative fitter shall mount to 3"OD x 3" H tenon and secured by three stainless steel set screws. • Each luminaire is supplied with an optical one piece LED Bezel, with LEDs, optics, gaskets and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION LAJ30 – MODEL LAJ30 La Jolla 30" AC AF AS AW PC PF 1 – ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts LENS OPTIONS Acrylic, Clear Acrylic, Frosted Acrylic, Seeded Acrylic, White Polycarbonate, Clear Polycarbonate, Frosted – – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K DIR2 DIR3 DIR4 DIR5 VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V – OPTICS Direct, Type II Direct, Type III Direct, Type IV Direct, Type V PEC – – MOUNTING OPTIONS PT Post Top PM Pendant Mount 1 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL Consult factory DETAILS MOUNTING OPTIONS 1 252 COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron WIN40 40" Windsor FEATURES • • to 3"OD x 3"H tenon and secured by three stainless steel set screws. Each luminaire is supplied with an optical one piece LED Bezel, with LEDs, optics, gaskets and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. D E C O R AT I V E The cast 8-sided cage shall accommodate UV stabilized acrylic or polycarbonate lenses (side panels) which shall be sealed for weather tight operation. All cast aluminum parts shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum parts shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. The upper chamber/lid shall be topped by a decorative cast aluminum finial/cap and mechanically fastened to the optical chamber. The electrical chamber/fitter shall be an aluminum, decorative fitter and shall mount ORDERING INFORMATION WIN40 – MODEL WIN40 Windsor 40" LENS OPTIONS No Lens Acrylic, Clear Acrylic, Frosted Acrylic, Seeded Acrylic, White Polycarbonate, Clear PF Polycarbonate, Frosted NN AC AF AS AW PC 1 – – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts – – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V PEC – – MOUNTING OPTIONS PT Post Top PM Pendant Mount 1 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button STYLE OPTIONS SPK Spikes – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Consult factory DETAILS 1 Mounting Options 253 WAT44 44" Waterford FEATURES D E C O R AT I V E • The cast 6-sided cage shall accommodate UV stabilized acrylic or polycarbonate lenses (side panels) which shall be sealed for weather tight operation. All cast aluminum parts shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum parts shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. The upper chamber/lid shall be topped by a decorative cast aluminum finial/cap and mechanically fastened to the optical chamber. The electrical chamber/fitter shall be an aluminum, decorative fitter shall mount to 3”OD x 3”H tenon and secured by three stainless steel set screws. • Each luminaire is supplied with an optical one piece LED Bezel, with LEDs, optics, gaskets and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION WAT44 – MODEL WAT44 Waterford 44" AC AF AS PC PF 1 – – ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K LENS OPTIONS Acrylic, Clear Acrylic, Frosted Acrylic, Seeded Polycarbonate, Clear Polycarbonate, Frosted – – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V PEC – MOUNTING OPTIONS PT Post Top PM Pendant Mount 1 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button Consult factory DETAILS 1 Mounting Options Dimensions 254 – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron TIV37 37" Tivoli FEATURES • D E C O R AT I V E • temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. All cast aluminum parts shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum parts shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. The fixture housing shall be a one piece casting. The interior shall be sealed for weather tight operation. Each luminaire is supplied with an optical one piece LED Bezel, with LEDs, optics, gaskets and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive ORDERING INFORMATION TIV37 – MODEL TIV37 Tivoli 37" LENS OPTIONS Acrylic, Clear Acrylic, Frosted Acrylic, Seeded Acrylic, White Polycarbonate, Clear PF Polycarbonate, Frosted AC AF AS AW PC 1 – – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K ENGINE-WATTS 12NB-25 25 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts – – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V PEC – STYLE OPTIONS LVS Scrolls TRF Traditional Fitter FLF Frog Leg Fitter ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Consult factory DETAILS 1 Mounting Options Dimensions 255 TRA30 30" Traditional FEATURES D E C O R AT I V E • The cast 4-sided cage shall accommodate UV stabilized acrylic or polycarbonate lenses (side panels) which shall be sealed for weather tight operation. All cast aluminum parts shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum parts shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. The upper chamber/lid shall be topped by a decorative cast aluminum finial/cap and mechanically fastened to the optical chamber. The electrical chamber/fitter shall be an aluminum, decorative filter designed to accommodate the ballast assembly • and shall mount to 3"OD x 3"H tenon and secured by three stainless steel set screws. Each luminaire is supplied with an optical one piece LED Bezel, with LEDs, optics, gaskets and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION TRA30 – MODEL TRA30 Traditional 30" LENS OPTIONS Acrylic, Clear Acrylic, Frosted Acrylic, Seeded Acrylic, White Polycarbonate, Clear PF Polycarbonate, Frosted AC AF AS AW PC 1 – – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K ENGINE-WATTS 12NB-25 25 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 48NB-110 110 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts – – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V PEC – – MOUNTING OPTIONS PT Post Top PM Pendant Mount 1 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button STYLE OPTIONS NF No Finial Consult factory DETAILS Mounting Options Dimensions 256 – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron BOS40 Bostonian FEATURES • D E C O R AT I V E • shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. The cast 4-sided cage shall accommodate UV stabilized acrylic or polycarbonate lenses (side panels) which shall be sealed for weather tight operation. The bottom housing / fitter shall be a cast aluminum, decorative fitter. The housing shall hinge open and allow access to the trayed electrical assembly and removable optical plug. Each luminaire is supplied with an optical one piece LED Bezel, with LEDs, optics, gaskets and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, ORDERING INFORMATION BOS40 – MODEL BOS40 Bostonian 40" LENS OPTIONS Acrylic, Clear Acrylic, Frosted Acrylic, Seeded Acrylic, White Polycarbonate, Clear PF Polycarbonate, Frosted AC AF AS AW PC 1 – – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts 60NB-136 136 Watts – – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V PEC – – – MOUNTING OPTIONS PT Post Top PM Pendant Mount 1 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL STYLE OPTIONS TRF Traditional Fitter FLF Frog Leg Fitter COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Consult factory DETAILS 1 Mounting Options Dimensions 257 PIE31 31" Pierwalk FEATURES D E C O R AT I V E • • temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. All cast aluminum parts shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum parts shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. The fixture ballast housing shall be a one piece casting. The decorative shade and disc elements shall be mechanically fastened to the cage assembly. The interior shall be sealed for weather-tight operation. Each luminaire is supplied with an optical one piece LED Bezel, with LEDs, optics, gaskets and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive ORDERING INFORMATION PIE31 – – 24NB55 MODEL PIE31 Pierwalk 31" LENS OPTIONS PBC Polycarbonate Bullet, Clear PBF Polycarbonate Bullet, Frosted 1 – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts – – OPTICS DIR2 Type II DIR3 Type III DIR4 Type IV DIR5 Type V VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V PEC – PM – MOUNTING OPTIONS PM Pendant Mount ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button UQS EQS SS UQD STYLE OPTIONS Unequal Shades Equal Shades Single Shade Unequal Discs Consult factory DETAILS 26 1/2” Style Options 258 – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron MAG32 32" Magna FEATURES • • be a cast aluminum, decorative fitter designed to accommodate the led driver and shall mount to a 3"OD x 4"H tenon and be secured by eight stainless steel set screws.. Each luminaire is supplied with an optical one piece LED Bezel, with LEDs, optics, gaskets and stainless steel face-plate. A thermal circuit, called LIFESHIELD™, shall protect the luminaire from excessive temperature by interfacing with the 0-10V dimmable drivers to reduce drive current as necessary. D E C O R AT I V E • All cast aluminum parts shall be low copper alloy A356. All extruded aluminum parts shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. The upper chamber/ lid shall be topped by a decorative cast aluminum finial/cap and connected to the optical chamber by means of a hinge and locking mechanism for quick and easy lamp service for post top version The lamp source for the pendant mount version is accessible through tool-less thumbscrews at the bottom housing. The cast 4-sided cage shall accommodate UV stabilized acrylic or polycarbonate lenses (side panels) which shall be sealed for weather tight operation. The electrical chamber/fitter shall ORDERING INFORMATION MAG32 – MODEL MAG32 Magna 32" AC AF AS AW PC PF 1 – ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts 36NB-80 80 Watts LENS OPTIONS Acrylic, Clear Acrylic, Frosted Acrylic, Seeded Acrylic, White Polycarbonate, Clear Polycarbonate, Frosted – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V – DIR2 DIR3 DIR4 DIR5 OPTICS Direct, Type II Direct, Type III Direct, Type IV Direct, Type V PEC – – MOUNTING OPTIONS PT Post Top PM Pendant Mount 1 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron Consult factory DETAILS Style Options 259 LRK-2V LRK Tower LED Retrofit Kit FEATURES D E C O R AT I V E • Designed to accommodate a textured, tinted, or frosted acorn style luminaires. Housing shall be designed to accommodate all electrical and optical components. Access to the optical components shall be made by removing (4) stainless steel fasteners located on the front of the luminaire. Access to the electrical assembly shall be made by removing (4) stainless steel fasteners located on the back of the luminaire housing. • The luminaires shall be UL listed and suitable for wet locations. The optical chamber shall be designed to meet IP66 standards. ORDERING INFORMATION LRK-2V – MODEL LRK-2V LRK Tower LED Retrofit Kit – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K (std.) ENGINE-WATTS 35W 35 Watts 55W 55 Watts – – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V NUMBER OF BOLTS 2 Two Bolts 3 Three Bolts 4 Four Bolts – – MOUNTING PLATE Ø SPECIFY – – BOLT LENGTH SPECIFY – BOLT CIRCLE Ø SPECIFY BOLT PATTERN 45 45º Bolt Pattern 90 90º Bolt Pattern 120 120º Bolt Pattern 180 180º Bolt Pattern OTHER DETAILS Bolt Circle Plate 260 BOLT SIZE SPECIFY LRK-3D LRK Direct LED Retrofit Kit FEATURES • • removing (4) stainless steel fasteners located on the back of the luminaire housing. The luminaires shall be UL listed and suitable for wet locations. The optical chamber shall be designed to meet IP66 standards. D E C O R AT I V E Designed to accommodate a clear or prismatic tempered glass or prismatic plastic lens which are utilized in acorn style luminaires. Die cast aluminum body designed for maximum heat dissipation. All extruded aluminum components shall be alloy 6061-T6, 6063-T5 or equal. The heavy aluminum flood housing shall be designed to accommodate all electrical and optical components. Access to the optical components shall be made by removing (4) stainless steel fasteners located on the front of the luminaire. Access to the electrical assembly shall be made by ORDERING INFORMATION LRK-3D – MODEL LRK-3D LRK Direct LED Retrofit Kit – – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K (std.) ENGINE-WATTS 12NB-25 25 Watts 24NB-55 55 Watts – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V DIR2 DIR3 DIR4 DIR5R DIR5W OPTICS Type II Type III Type IV Type V, Rectangular Type V, Round Wide – NUMBER OF BOLTS 2 Two Bolts 3 Three Bolts 4 Four Bolts – – MOUNTING PLATE Ø SPECIFY BOLT PATTERN 45 45º Bolt Pattern 90 90º Bolt Pattern 120 120º Bolt Pattern 180 180º Bolt Pattern OTHER – – BOLT CIRCLE Ø SPECIFY BOLT LENGTH SPECIFY BOLT SIZE SPECIFY DETAILS Bolt Circle Plate 261 LC5 LC5 Light Column - 5" FEATURES BOLLARDS • Each Beacon LIGHT COLUMN is an extruded aluminum body with a one piece translucent white acrylic outer tube. The top dome is removable cast aluminum and secures the acrylic lens to the aluminum body. The lens shall be 5" diameter, .125" wall translucent white, impact resistant, UV Stabilized, acrylic with a nominal length of 2' or 4'. The lower body Shall be 5” diameter, .125" wall 6063-T5 extruded aluminum tube that is welded to a round cast aluminum vandal resistant base. The length of the lower tube will produce a light column with nominal lengths of 6', 8', 10', 12', or 14'. • Luminaires are equipped with LED driver(s) that accept 120 through 277 VAC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz (UNIV). Power factor is .92 at full load. All electrical components are rated at 50,000 hours at full load and 25°C ambient conditions per MIL-217F Notice 2. Plug disconnects are listed by UL for use at 600 VAC, 15A or higher. ORDERING INFORMATION LC5 – – MODEL LC5 Light Column - 5" HEIGHT 6 6 Feet 8 8 Feet 10 10 Feet 12 12 Feet 14 14 Feet 1 2 AW – LENS TYPE AW Acrylic, White – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K LENS LENGTH-WATTAGE 24-13W 13 Watts 24-25W 25 Watts 48-25W 25 Watts 1 48-50W 50 Watts 1 – UNV VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V – – PEC ELECTRICAL OPTIONS PEC Photocell, Button MOUNTING AB Anchor Base DBE Direct Burial Extension 2 WM Wall Mount – BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron 48" length requires minimum 8' length for column and 6' for wall mount applications Consult factory DETAILS MOUNTING INFORMATION 262 MTB Metro LED Bollard FEATURES • • • • mounted on a removable plate and protected by a 10,000 amp transient surge protector. Luminaires are equipped with LED drivers that accepts 100V through 277V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz (UNIV), or a driver that accepts 347V or 480V input. Power factor is .92 at full load. The luminaire shall bear a CSA label and be marked suitable for wet locations. BOLLARDS • Each Beacon Metro Bollard is a luminaire with an LED heat sink and an LED engine containing 24 high powered indirect LEDs. Die cast louvers are optional. The LED engine is concealed in shaft to eliminate glare. The optics are narrow beams designed to provide glare free indirect lighting. A die cast aluminum dome top secures to a one-piece die cast aluminum top assembly with concealed tamper resistant screws. Beacon LED Bollards feature The LED module and heat sink shall be removable and upgradable. The drivers shall be ORDERING INFORMATION – – MODEL MTB-F Flat Top MTB-D Domed Top LENS FINISH AC Acrylic, Clear AF Acrylic, Frosted – 24NB-55 – ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts HEIGHT (OVERALL) 42 42" __ Custom 1 – CCT-COLOR TEMP 5K 5000º K (std.) 4K 4000º K 3K 3000º K – VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V __ Other – – OPTIONS HSS-120 Housing Side Shield 120º HSS-180 Housing Side Shield 180º OCS-BI Microwave Motion Sensor 1 OPTICS IND5 Indirect Type V (360º standard) BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron OCS-BI motion sensor time delay operates ½ LEDs & half power DETAILS MTB-D MTB-F Ø8 7/16 Ø8 7/16 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Ø 6 ” B.C. 42 42 (4) 1/2” - 13 x 6” long hot dip galvanized steel anchor bolts, 1 1/2” projection. 263 BRP42 Bristol Park Bollard FEATURES BOLLARDS • • • The BRISTOL PARK Bollard is a luminaire with an LED heat sink and an LED engine containing 24 high powered indirect LEDs. The LED engine is concealed in shaft and pointed upwards into an indirect reflector to eliminate glare. The optics are narrow beams designed to provide glare free indirect lighting. The Upper Housing is a die cast aluminum dome top secured to a one-piece die cast aluminum top assembly with concealed tamper resistant screws and is available with either a flat top or domed top. The Lower Housing is 8"’ IN DIAMETER and constructed of .125" wall 6063-T5 extruded aluminum which connects to the top of the • • mounting tenon with internal bolts, inaccessible after installation. Lens & Optical System: Beacon LED Bollards feature an LED module and heat sink which shall be removable and upgradeable. The drivers shall be mounted on a removable plate and protected by a 10,000 amp transient surge protector. The heat sink shall be 356 cast aluminum and be tested with 24 LEDs at 60 Watts maximum and be provided with 12 degree wide beam Type V lenses. Each LED shall have one optical lens. ORDERING INFORMATION BRP42 – MODEL BRP42 Bristol Park LENS OPTIONS FINISH AC Acrylic, Clear AF Acrylic, Frosted – 24NB-55 – – CCT-COLOR TEMP 3K 3000º K 4K 4000º K 5K 5000º K (std.) ENGINE-WATTS 24NB-55 55 Watts – IND5 VOLTAGE UNV 120-277V 347 347V 480 480V OPTICS IND5 Indirect Type V 360º (std.) – AB – – STYLE OPTIONS CES Chain Eye, Single CED Chain Eye, Double MOUNTING OPTIONS AB Anchor Base BBT BMT WHT MBT BZT GYS DPS GNT MST MTT OWI _RAL DETAILS 7 3/4” 9 15/16” OCT. 3’ - 6 5/16” BOLT PATTERN Ø7 1/2” B.C. 264 COLOR Basic Black Textured Black Matte Textured White Textured Metallic Bronze Textured Bronze Textured Gray Smooth Dark Platinum Smooth Green Textured Metallic Silver Textured Metallic Titanium Textured Old World Iron LON Longitude FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • Increases security, reduces liability Available in 2.8 watts per foot Aperture and aiming customizations available IP65 rated, resistant to moisture, insects, dust Vandal resistant design HANDRAIL • Stainless Steel LED handrail Designed for modularity, easy to service, the longitude will be the answer for any lighted handrail project. Its vandal resistant, IP65, customized aperture and aiming concepts makes it the most adapted lighted handrail of the market. High performance, low maintenance Emergency egress lighting solutions Eliminates need for steplights + back boxes Meets ADA requirements ORDERING INFORMATION LON MODEL LON Longitude – – VOLTAGE 120V 120V 208V 208V 240V 240V 277V 277V – COLOR TEMP 3000K 3000º K 3500K 3500º K 4100K 4100º K 5700K 5700º K – APERTURE ORIENTATION STA Standard 40 40º 90 90º (standard) RT Right 120 120º LT Left _OTHER _SPECIFY DETAILS sample wall mount sample 265 POLES POLES Complete ordering details are available at 266 ARMS ARMS Complete ordering details are available at 267 DUAL-LITE Dual-Lite Serves the architectural, commercial and industrial market place since 1940. Recognized for innovative designs and quality life safety products. Dual-Lite offers LED Emergency lighting units, exit signs, battery packs and central lighting inverters. 268 EV Series Architectural LED Emergency Light FEATURES • • • • • • • Architectural LED based emergency light for wall or ceiling commercial application High impact, flame rated and UV stable white thermoplastic housing Fully adjustable high output LED lamp-heads Environmentally Friendly Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Includes top mount conduit entry Temperature Range: 20°C to 30°C(68°F to 86°F), damp: 10°C to 40°C(50°F to 104°F) UL924 Listed(optional damp location listed) US Patents Pending EMERGENCY LIGHTING • ORDERING INFORMATION EV MODEL EV RATING Blank Standard Model D Damp Location CAPACITY 2 (2) 1 W LED heads 4 (4) 1W LED heads1 SELF DIAGNOSTICS Blank None I Spectron® Listing2 OPTIONS B Black Finish -24K 220-240VAC Self-diagnostic 60Hz with Spectron®3 1 Capacity to run 2 head remote EV2 available with or with-out damp listing, all other models include damp 3 -24K option only available with damp plus Spectron® 2 ELECTRONICS EV4D EV2 EV2D POWER CONSUMPTION AC VOLTAGE HZ. AMPS. WATTS POWER FACTOR 120 240 277 120 240 277 60 60 60 60 60 60 0.015 0.009 0.008 0.022 0.015 0.014 1.10 1.43 1.45 2.00 2.51 2.75 0.61 0.62 0.62 0.73 0.65 0.63 • • • • 120/277VAC input with Intelligent 2 wire connection AC lockout and Low Voltage disconnect Battery re-charge within 24 hours Optional Self-Test/Self-Diagnostic circuitry MATCHING INDOOR REMOTE FIXTURES WHITE SINGLE BLACK SINGLE EVR2 EVR2B • The EV Series meets proposed California Energy Commission(CEC) requirements for limits on power consumption in maintenance mode with less than 0.5 watts. ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION VRS3 Vandal resistant shield WGLZ Wire Guard 5" MULTI-UNIT SPACING S 8.5" 2.19" PW 1 FC AVERAGE 1 FC MINIMUM PATH WIDTH (PW) SPACING (S) PATH WIDTH (PW) SPACING (S) 3’ 27’ 3’ 14’ 6’ 20’ 6’ 10’ Meets Life Safety Code minimum illuminance of 0.1 fc and average illuminance of 1.0 fc. Assumes open space with no obstructions, mounting height of 7.5', ceiling height of 9' and reflectances of 80/50/20. Photometry files available on the Dual-Lite web site ( 269 EVC Series Architectural LED Combination EXIT/Emergency Light FEATURES • EXIT SIGNS • • • • • • • • Compact, Architectural LED based combination EXIT/emergency light for wall, ceiling or end mounting High impact, flame rated and UV stable thermoplastic housing Dual-ratcheting design for full range LED lamp-head positioning Bright and even EXIT panel illumination Environmentally friendly, long life-cycle Lithium Iron Phosphate battery Includes top mount conduit entry Temperature Range: 20°C to 30°C(68°F to 86°F), damp: 10°C to 40°C(50°F to 104°F) UL924 Listed(optional damp location listed) US Patents Pending ORDERING INFORMATION EVC MODEL EVC FACES U Universal Face LETTER COLOR R Red G Green FINISH W White B Black 7 APPLICATION Blank Standard Model D4 2 LED Remote SELF DIAGNOSTICS Blank None I Spectron® Self-diagnostic 6 Capacity 1 Can only be specified with Spectron® Self-Diagnostics and remote capacity Damp Location Listed not available with EVCURW and EVCUGW base models, standard with all other models 3 No-head option only available on the EVC with remote capacity 4 -24K option only available with Spectron® Self-Diagnostic and remote capacity 5 FAP, FM or AF options may not be specified together 6 Spectron® Self-Diagnostics only available with damp 7 Black finish only available with damp option D Damp Listed 2 2 POWER CONSUMPTION No Lamp-heads 3 Fire Alarm Panel 1,5 Flasher Module 1,5 Audible Flasher 1,5 220-240VAC 50,60Hz with Spectron® 4 SINGLE UNIT COVERAGE AC VOLTAGE HZ. AMPS. WATTS POWER FACTOR 120 277 60 60 0.021 0.017 1.65 2.42 0.65 0.52 1 FC AVERAGE PATH DEPTH (D) PATH WIDTH (W) 16’ 10’ MATCHING REMOTE FIXTURES MODEL DESCRIPTION EVR2 EVO EVR2B VRS3 OPTIONS -0 -FAP -FM -AF -24K 1 FC MINIMUM D 2 LED indoor remote Single or Double head outdoor remote 2 LED Remote with Black Finish Vandal Resistant Shield PATH DEPTH (D) PATH WIDTH (W) 6’ 10’ W ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION VRS3 Vandal resistant shield Meets Life Safety Code minimum illuminance of 0.1 fc and average illuminance of 1.0 fc. Assumes open space with no obstructions, mounting height of 7.5', ceiling height of 9' and reflectances of 80/50/20. Photometry files available on the Dual-Lite web site ( ELECTRONICS • • • • 120/277VAC input AC lockout and Low Voltage disconnect Battery re-charge within 24 hours Optional Self-Test/Self-Diagnostic circuitry 9" 12" Overall height with Canopy is 9.8” 270 2.55" EVE Series LED Exit Sign FEATURES • • • • • • • EXIT SIGNS Compact, Architectural LED based EXIT sign for wall, ceiling or end mounting Matching Family Appearance Bright and even EXIT panel illumination AC only or 90 minute panel illumination in the event of power outage Environmentally friendly, long life-cycle Nickel Metal Hydride battery UL924 Listed Damp Location Standard Long-Life LED’s • ORDERING INFORMATION EVE MODEL EVE FACES U Universal Face LETTER COLOR R Red G Green FINISH W White B Black 7 OPERATION Blank Standard Model E Emergency SELF DIAGNOSTICS Blank None I Spectron® Self-diagnostic 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 For use with Spectron self-diagnostic models only For use with AC models only Operates with 24 volt AC or DC fire alarm panels For emergency illumination of sign from remote 6-24 VDC power source -DC option may not be specified with -2C or -FAP options - AF,-FM and -FAP options may not be specified together OPTIONS -2C -FAP -FM -AF -DC -24K 2 circuit operation 2, 5 Fire Alarm Panel 1,3,5,6 Flasher Module 1,6 Audible Flasher 1,6 Remote DC Operation 2,4,6 220-240VAC 50,60Hz with Spectron® MATCHING FAMILY FIXTURES 5 1/4 MODEL DESCRIPTION EV Unit 2 LED Indoor Emergency Light EVC Exit Sign/ LED Emergency Light ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION WGLX WGLXC Wire Guard (Wall Mount) 9 5/8 Wire Guard (Ceiling Mount) 11 1/2 1 1/2 271 EVO Outdoor LED Remote FEATURES • • R E M OT E • • • • • Matching LED remote for the Evolution family High performance LEDs Architectural remote specifically for the Evolution family Durable Die-Cast Construction Fully gasketed, waterproof construction Single or Double Lamp-heads Corrosion resistant Black or White finish ORDERING INFORMATION EVO MODEL EVO S Single HEADS OPTIONS B Black D Double W White CAUTION: The EVO remote can only accept input power from the EV4D or EV4DI emergency light. The EVO will not work with any other emergency units. INPUT POWER REQUIREMENTS • 4.8Vdc at 1 watt per head provided exclusively from an EV4D or EV4DI emergency light with remote capacity SPECIFIC LED INFORMATION • • • • Lamp color: Cool white Total lamp output: 88 lumens per head System Efficacy: 80 Lumens per LED Rated LED Lamplife: Greater than 100,000 hrs. 4.8" 7.3" DIMENSIONAL NOTE Dimensions reflect maximum fixture width and depth. 272 4.2" PGN High Performance LED Sconce FEATURES • • • • • • • • Normally-on sconce for indoor/outdoor architectural applications Compatible with remote DC input for emergency operation on same circuit Sturdy, ADA compliant, vandal-resistant, die-cast aluminum construction Four long-life, 4000K, high-output LEDs configured in redundant pairs Wide area illumination pattern with no heads to aim Dark sky compliant with use of supplied full cutoff shield Temperature range: -30°C to 50°C (-22°F to 122°F) UL 924 Wet location Listed U.S. Patent No. D627,916. EMERGENCY LIGHTING • ORDERING ORDERING INFORMATION INFORMATION PGN MODEL PGN FINISH W White Z Dark Bronze P Platinum Silver B Black ELECTRONICS POWER CONSUMPTION AC • DC 120 VAC 17 Watts 6 VDC 12 Watts 277 VAC 17 Watts 12 VDC 12.5 Watts • • • 120/277 60 Hz VAC operation Compatible with switched circuits Transformer isolation, surge, and transient protection Short circuit protection Power factor, average: .80 (lagging) SINGLE UNIT COVERAGE MULTIPLE UNIT SPACING Mounting Height: 9' Outdoor Reflectance: 0/30/10 Indoor Reflectance: 80/50/20 Mounting Height: 9' Illuminated Path Depth: 6’ Outdoor Reflectance: 0/30/10 Indoor Reflectance: 80/50/20 D W INDOOR OUTDOOR 1 FC Average (W x D) 35' X 10' 29' X 10' 1 FC Minimum (W x D) 11' X 10' 10' X 10' INDOOR OUTDOOR 1 FC Average 49' 37' 1 FC Minimum 19' 16' 273 PG Emergency LED Sconce FEATURES EMERGENCY LIGHTING • • • • • • • • Emergency unit for indoor/outdoor architectural applications Sturdy, ADA compliant, vandal-resistant, die-cast aluminum construction Four long-life, 6350K, high-output LEDs configured in redundant pairs Wide area illumination pattern with no heads to aim Maintenance-free nickel-cadmium battery with fully automatic charger Temperature range: 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F), w/heater: -30°C to 50°C (-22°F to 122°F ) UL 924 Wet location Listed Patents Pending and U.S. Patent No. D627,916. ORDERING INFORMATION PG MODEL PG FINISH W White Z Dark Bronze P Platinum OPTIONS HTR Battery Heater Add suffix to model Silver B Black ELECTRONICS • • • • • POWER CONSUMPTION 120/277 60 Hz VAC operation, test switch and LED AC-On indicator light Spectron® self-test/self-diagnostic circuitry Transformer isolation, surge, transient and low voltage disconnect protection Standard electrical box and conduit entry provisions Reverse polarity, short circuit and AC lockout protection MODEL WITHOUT HEATER MODELS WITH HEATER 120VAC 2.78 Watts 120VAC 15.2 Watts 277VAC 2.88 Watts 277 VAC 15.7 Watts Power factor, average: .60 (lagging) Power factor, average: .97 (lagging) SINGLE UNIT COVERAGE MULTIPLE UNIT SPACING Mounting Height: 9' Outdoor Reflectance: 0/30/10 Indoor Reflectance: 80/50/20 Mounting Height: 9' Illuminated Path Depth: 6’ Outdoor Reflectance: 0/30/10 Indoor Reflectance: 80/50/20 D W INDOOR OUTDOOR 1 FC Average (W x D) 33' X 10' 27' X 10' 1 FC Minimum (W x D) 10' X 10' 9' X 10' 7" 11" 274 INDOOR OUTDOOR 1 FC Average 44' 33' 1 FC Minimum 16' 15' 33⁄16" LE Recessed Mounting Edge-Lit LED Exit Sign FEATURES • • • • • • • • • EXIT SIGNS • Edgelit exit sign for recessed mounted architectural and commercial applications Clear, injection molded, dual plaque acrylic with clear, white or mirror backgrounds High strength, extruded aluminum housing in multiple finishes Energy saving, long-life LED lamps exceeds brightness and uniformity requirements Custom printed, silk screened chevron arrows; 6" letters with ¾" stroke End/ceiling/wall mount and included die-cast aluminum canopy Maintenance-free nickel-cadmium battery with fully automatic charger Temperature range: 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F) UL 924 Listed Special Worded signs certified to UL48-Electric Signs ORDERING INFORMATION LE MODEL LE MOUNTING C Ceiling mount W Wall mount E End mount FACES S Single D Double* *Not for use with wall mounted models. LETTER COLOR R Red G Green DIRECTIONAL ARROWS No arrows EXIT Right arrow* EXIT> Left arrow*C L/R arrows** X R L D *Not for use with double face models. Use “C” L/R arrow designator ** Double face models only. Provides reversible right or left arrow indicator OPTIONS W C B S Z Aluminum White Chrome Black Satin brass Dark Bronze ACCESSORIES MODEL SW 2C FAP FM AF DC 24K XK W M 8L TRIM/HOUSING FINISH N Satin DESCRIPTION 12 Special Wording 2-circuit operation 2,5 Fire alarm panel interface 3,5,6 Flasher module 1,6 Audible/Flasher module 1,6 Remote DC Operation 2,4,5 220-240VAC, 60 Hz. operation 9 Recessed mount exit sign less rough-in kit 7,9 White plaque background Mirror plaque background 8 8 inch letter plaque (red letters only) 10,11 OPTIONS See “Options” section SELF-DIAGNOSTIC Blank None I Spectron self-testing/ self-diagnostic electronics* *For use with emergency models only. POWER CONSUMPTION MODEL DESCRIPTION URK Universal rough-in kit URK2C Universal 2-circuit rough-in kit a,b,c a For use with AC models only. Rough-in kit may not be ordered separately on models specified with -24K option. c Must be ordered in conjunction with -2C option on exit sign. b To Order Rough-In Kit Separately To order rough-in kit only for early installation, add “-XK” option suffix to exit model number and order “URK” or “URK2C” kit separately. 1 ELECTRONICS 2 • For use with emergency models only. For use with AC models only. 3 Operates with 24-volt AC or DC fire alarm panels. 4 For emergency illumination of sign from remote 6-24 VDC power sources. 5 -DC option may not be specified with -2C or -FAP options. 6 -AF, -FM and -FAP options may not be specified together. 7 Allows ordering of rough-in kit separately for recessed mount (LE) models. See “Accessories”. 8 For use with single face models only. Standard on double face models. 9 Rough-in kit may not be ordered separately on models specified with -24K option. 10 LE exit models with 8" plaques registered under NYC-BEC Calendar Number 42135 for use in New York City. 11 Single face LE exit signs specified with the -8L option are supplied without backgrounds. Double face models specified with the -8L option are supplied with mirror backgrounds. 12 Enter Special Wording choice from page 963: example: SW41. Special wording option not available with 8" letter plaque. Some special wording signs not available with directional arrows. OPERATION A AC only E Emergency • • • Red AC Only Models Green AC Only Models Red Emergency Models Green Emergency Models SINGLE FACE DOUBLE FACE 2.2W 2.5W 3.3W 3.6W 3.7W 4.4W 4.7W 5.2W Wattage figures include LED lamps, transformers and electronics power requirements. Power factor, average: .80 (lagging) Transformer isolation, surge, transient, and low voltage disconnect protection 90 minute emergency operation Reverse polarity, short circuit and AC-lockout protection 120/277VAC 60Hz operation, test switch and LED AC-On indicator light 275 UFO-LED LED Battery Pack FEATURES • BAT T E RY PAC K S • • • • • • Battery pack with 120/277 VAC 60Hz inverter output to power driver for a LED luminaire Sealed nickel-cadmium battery; powers driver/LED at full lumen output for 90 minutes Can be used with switched or unswitched luminaires Installation may be within, or remote from the luminaire; indoor installation for indoor or outdoor luminaires 120/277 VAC 60 Hz input operation, remote test switch with AC-On indicator light Temperature range: 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 122°F); 20VA/W only for 45°-50°C (113°-122°F) UL 924 Damp Location Listed ORDERING INFORMATION UFO-LED 25 MODEL UFO-LED OUTPUT VA/W 25 ACCESSORIES SPECIFICATIONS MODEL DESCRIPTION SPRTS Remote test switch /charge indicator module1 CATALOG NUMBER INPUT WATTAGE MAX. LOAD VA/W F LAMP TYPE UFO-LED25 9.5 25 LED 1 Fits single-gang box SPRTS (included remote test switch with charging indicator) UFO-LED25 2.85" 2.8" 16.6" 276 LG Single-Phase Central Lighting Inverter 100 - 250 VA/W FEATURES • • • • • • I N V E RT E R S • AC output provides full lumen output for emergency lighting loads in commercial or industrial applications Compatible with incandescent, LED, compact and linear fluorescent lamps White painted steel enclosure Offline operation for greater efficiency Maintenance-free lead-calcium batteries Temperature range: 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F) UL 924 Listed LG2S ORDERING INFORMATION LG MODEL LG CAPACITY 1 100 VA/W 2 250 VA/W2 MOUNTING S Surface Wall Mounting T Recessed Ceiling Mounting1 R Recessed Wall Mounting1 SELF DIAGNOSTICS Blank None I Spectron Self-test/Selfdiagnostic Electronics3 1 Only available on 100 VA/W models Housing (LG2SLB) and batteries (0120935) ship in separate cartons 3 Only available on 250 VA/W models 2 LG1R LG1T LG1S ELECTRONICS • • • • • • Interruptible design; automatically transfers in 2 seconds or less Load can be up to 1,000 feet away Temperature compensated battery charger Operates with normally-on, normally-off and switched loads LVD, AC lockout, short circuit, current limiting, overload and brownout protection LED status indicator and push button test switch SPECIFICATIONS BASE CATALOG NUMBER FORM AND FIT WEIGHT (LB) WITH BATTERIES POWER RATING(VA/W) POWER FACTOR MAXIMUM INPUT CURRENT (A) SYSTEM DC VOLTAGE RECHARGE TIME(HR) LG1S Wall Mount Surface 43 100 0.8 lead to 0.75 lag 120 VAC: 1.02 A 277 VAC: 0.47 A 12 48 LG1R Wall Mount Recessed 41 100 0.8 lead to 0.75 lag 120 VAC: 1.02 A 277 VAC: 0.47 A 12 48 LG1T Ceiling Mount Recessed T-grid 45 100 0.8 lead to 0.75 lag 120 VAC: 1.02 A 277 VAC: 0.47 A 12 48 LG2S Wall Mount Surface 78 250 0.8 lead to 0.7 lag 120 VAC: 2.5 A 277 VAC: 1.1 A 24 72 ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION WGTW Wire Guard for LG1S RTSLG Remote Test Switch for LG2S 277 COMPASS Compass Offers products such as emergency lighting units and exit signs for the commercial and institutional market place. Compass provides value engineered product without sacrificing performance. 278 CU2W Wet Location LED Emergency Light FEATURES • • • • • • • EMERGENCY • LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Quick installation Dual-voltage 120 or 277V AC input Includes long-life 9.6VDC Nickel Cadmium battery for UL recognized 90 minute operation Remote capacity or extended runtime standard Wet Location Listed(0°C to 50°C) Fully adjustable lamp-heads Provided with water-proof test switch and AC-On indicator ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER DESCRIPTION CU2WG Dual-Head Fully Adjustable, Grey Finish, Wet Location listed, Remote Capacity, 120/277 Input, 1.875 watts CU2WB Dual-Head Fully Adjustable, Black Finish, Wet Location listed, Remote Capacity, 120/277 Input, 1.875 watts Note: Unit will only power 1 each Compass CWRD or 2 each CWRS remotes CWR S MATCHING REMOTE FIXTURES MODEL DESCRIPTION CWRS LED Outdoor Remote, Single CWRD LED Outdoor Remote, Double ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION WGEL Wireguard- 8” H X 20” W X 8” D ELECTRONICS • • 90 minute emergency operation with 1 double or 2 single remotes Test switch and LED AC-on indicator light 4.5” 4.5” Single Carton Weight: 7.5 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 4 each 2.6” 4.25” 10” 4.5” 4.25” 7” 0.9” 7” 0.9” 279 CU2 LED Emergency Light FEATURES • EMERGENCY • • • • • • • LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Quick installation Dual-voltage 120 or 277V AC input Includes long-life Nickel Cadmium battery for UL recognized 90 minute emergency lighting Remote capacity or extended runtime option Damp Location Listed Fully adjustable lamp-heads Provided with test switch and AC-On indicator ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER CU2 DESCRIPTION Dual LED Head Emergency Light , 120/277 Input , Damp Location Listed, 3 VDC, 1 Watt CU2RC Dual LED Head Emergency Light, 120/277 Input, Damp Location Listed, Remote Capacity, 3 VDC, 1 Watt N ote: Remote Ca pa city U n it wi l l o n l y p o wer t h e Co mp as s I n d o o r a n d O u t d o o r R e m o t e ( C I R a n d C O R S e r i e s) MATCHING REMOTE FIXTURES MODEL DESCRIPTION CIR LED Indoor Remote Heads COR LED Outdoor Remote Heads ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION WGLZ Wireguard- 6.25” H X 14” W X 4” D ELECTRONICS • • 90 minute emergency operation Test switch and LED AC-on indicator light Single Carton Weight: 1 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 12 each C IRD CIRS C 0RS C0 RD 280 COR LED Outdoor Remote FEATURES • • • • R E M OT E • Single or Double lamp-head remote with base LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Quick installation Fully adjustable lamp-heads Fully gasketed for application in wet environment ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER CORS CORD DESCRIPTION LED Outdoor Remote, Single, Mounting Base, 3 VDC, 1 Watt LED Outdoor Remote, Double, Mounting Base ,3 VDC, 1 Watt N ote: P owere d by Co mp as s Ex i t , Co mb o o r Emer g en c y L i g h t w i t h R e m o t e C a p a c i t y CORS CORD Single Remote Carton Weight: 1 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 20 each Double Remote Carton Weight: 1.2 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 20 each 281 CIR LED Indoor Remote FEATURES • • R E M OT E • • • • Single or Double lamp-head remote with base-plate LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Quick installation Dual-voltage 120 or 277V AC input Damp Location Listed Fully adjustable lamp-heads ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER CIRS CIRD DESCRIPTION LED Remote, Single, Mounting Base, 3 VDC, 1 Watt LED Remote, Double Mounting Base, 3 VDC ,1 Watt N ote: Po we red by the C om p as s Ex i t , Co mb o o r Emer g en cy L i g h t w i t h R e m o t e C a p a c i t y CIRS CIRD Single Remote Carton Weight: 1 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 20 each Double Remote Carton Weight: 1.2 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 20 each 282 CEL Edge-Lit LED Emergency Exit FEATURES • • • • • • • EXIT SIGNS • Superior panel illumination with Red or Green letters LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Dual-voltage 120 or 277V AC input Includes long-life Nickel Cadmium battery for UL recognized 90 minute emergency lighting Field installed directional arrow indicators with template Mirror divider on single and double-face models Provided with test switch and AC-On indicator Canopy included for surface mount model ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER CELS1RNE DESCRIPTION Surface Mount Single Face Red Letters Brushed Aluminum Battery CELS1GNE Surface Mount Single Face Green Letters Brushed Aluminum Battery CELS2RNE Surface Mount Double Face Red Letters Brushed Aluminum Battery CELS2GNE Surface Mount Double Face Green Letters Brushed Aluminum Battery CELR1RNE Recessed Mount Single Face Red Letters Brushed Aluminum Battery CELR1GNE Recessed Mount Single Face Green Letters Brushed Aluminum Battery CELR2RNE Recessed Mount Double Face Red Letters Brushed Aluminum Battery CELR2GNE Recessed Mount Double Face Green Letters Brushed Aluminum Battery ELECTRONICS • • 90 minute emergency operation with 1 double or 2 single remotes Test switch and LED AC-on indicator light ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS Surface Mount Recessed Wall Recessed Ceiling DIMENSIONS 283 CEW Wet Location LED Emergency Exit FEATURES • • EXIT EXIT SIGNS • • • • • LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Dual-voltage 120 or 277V AC input Emergency models include long-life 4.8VDC Nickel Cadmium battery for UL recognized 90 minute operation Wet Location Listed(-20°C to 50°C) Provided with test switch and AC-On indicator Canopy Included 24hr. Re-charge ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER CEWSRE DESCRIPTION Wet Location, Single-Face, Red Letters, Emergency CEWDRE Wet Location, Double-Face, Red Letters, Emergency CEWSGE Wet Location, Single-Face, Green Letters, Emergency CEWDGE Wet Location, Double-Face, Green Letters, Emergency ELECTRONICS • • 4.4” 90 minute emergency operation Test switch and LED AC-on indicator light 5.5” 9.3” 8.5” 12.5” 2.5” Single Carton Weight: 4.3 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 6 each 284 CCE Thin Die-Cast LED Emergency Exit FEATURES • • • • • • • EXIT SIGNS • LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Molded-in template for Quick installation Dual-voltage 120 or 277V AC input Emergency models include long-life 2.4VDC Nickel Cadmium battery for UL recognized 90 minute operation Damp Location Listed(0° to 50°C) Provided with test switch and AC-On indicator Canopy Included 24hr. Re-charge ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER CCESRE DESCRIPTION Brushed Face, Black Housing, Single-Face, Red Letters, Emergency CCEDRE Brushed Face, Black Housing, Double-Face, Red Letters, Emergency CCESGE Brushed Face, Black Housing, Single-Face, Green Letters, Emergency CCEDGE Brushed Face, Black Housing, Double-Face, Green Letters, Emergency CCESR Brushed Face, Black Housing, Single-Face, Red Letters, AC CCEDR Brushed Face, Black Housing, Double-Face, Red Letters, AC CCESG Brushed Face, Black Housing, Single-Face, Green Letters, AC CCEDG Brushed Face, Black Housing, Double-Face, Green Letters, AC ELECTRONICS • • • 90 minute emergency operation AC or Emergency operation Test switch and LED AC-on indicator light Single Carton Weight: 2.8 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 8 each 285 CE LED Emergency Exit FEATURES • EXIT SIGNS • • • • • • • LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Molded-in template for Quick installation Dual-voltage 120 or 277V AC input Includes long-life Nickel Cadmium battery for UL recognized 90 minute emergency lighting Remote capacity or extended runtime option Damp Location Listed Provided with test switch and AC-On indicator Canopy included ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER CER DESCRIPTION Universal Face,Red LED Emergency Exit, NiCad Battery, Damp Listed CEG Universal Face, Green LED Emergency Exit, NiCad Battery, Damp Listed CERRC Universal Face, Red LED Emergency Exit, NiCad Battery, Damp Listed, Remote Capacity CEGRC Universal Face, Green LED Emergency Exit, NiCad Battery, Damp Listed, Remote Capacity N ote: Re mote C apac ity U n it wi l l o n l y p o wer t h e Co mp as s I n d o o r a n d O u t d o o r R e m o t e ( C I R a n d C O R S e r i e s) MATCHING REMOTE FIXTURES MODEL DESCRIPTION CIR LED Indoor Remote Heads COR LED Outdoor Remote Heads ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION WGLX Wall Mount Wireguard- 10” H X 14” W X 2.25” D ELECTRONICS • • 90 minute emergency operation with 1 double or 2 single remotes Test switch and LED AC-on indicator light C IRD CIRS C 0RS C0 RD 286 Single Carton Weight: 2 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 6 each CC Combination LED Exit/Light FEATURES • • • • • • • LED life-cycle of more than 10 years Molded-in template for Quick installation Dual-voltage 120 or 277V AC input Includes long-life Nickel Cadmium battery for UL recognized 90 minute emergency lighting Remote capacity or extended runtime option Damp Location Listed Provided with test switch and AC-On indicator Lamp-heads are fully adjustable EXIT SIGNS • ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER DESCRIPTION CCR Combination Exit/Emergency Light, Universal Face, Red Letters, NiCad battery, Damp listed CCG Combination Exit/Emergency Light , Universal Face, Green Letters, NiCad battery, Damp Listed CCRRC Combination Exit/Emergency Light, Universal Face, Red Letters, NiCad battery, Remote Capacity, Damp Listed CCGRC Combination Exit/Emergency Light, Universal Face, Green Letters, NiCad battery, Remote Capacity, Damp Listed N ote : Re mote C apacit y U n i t wil l o n l y p o wer t h e Co m p a ss I n d o o r a n d O u t d o o r R e m o t e ( C I R a n d C O R S e r i e s) MATCHING REMOTE FIXTURES MODEL DESCRIPTION CIR LED Indoor Remote Heads COR LED Outdoor Remote Heads ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION WGEL Wall Mount Wireguard- 8” H X 20” W X 8” D ELECTRONICS • • 90 minute emergency operation with 1 double or 2 single remotes Test switch and LED AC-on indicator light Single Carton Weight: 2.5 lbs. Master Carton Quantity: 6 each C IRD CIR S C O RS C O RD 287 Glossary :V\YJLZVM[LYTKLÄUP[PVUZ!;OL5H[PVUHS3PNO[PUN7YVK\J[0UMVYTH[PVU7YVNYHT53707H[9LUZZLSHLY7VS`[LJOUPJ0UZ[P[\[L»Z 3PNO[PUN9LZLHYJO*LU[LY39* ANSI code American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code that indicates the electrical operating designation of the lamp, which must match that of the ballast. aperture The diameter in the opening of a downlight, in inches (in.). Sometimes manufacturers will round up to the next whole-inch increment. average rated life The number of hours at which half of a large group of product samples fail under standard test conditions. Rated life is a median value; any lamp or group of lamps may vary from the published rated life. beam angle The angle at which luminous intensity is 50 percent of the maximum intensity. beam appearance The description of the beam’s image on a wall as determined by subjective visual evaluations of each lamp. The descriptive categories used are smooth, cloud, two-contour, ripple, and variegated. beam spread The width of a light beam, expressed in degrees. The beam of light from a reflector-type lamp (PAR, R, ER, or MR) can be thought of as a cone. The beam spread is the angular width of the cone. Common beam spreads are known as spot, narrow, narrow flood, and flood. 288 bi-level switching Control of light source intensity at two discrete levels in addition to off. bin To sort or classify light sources (such as light emitting diodes) into groups according to their luminous intensity or color appearance. blackbody radiator A temperature radiator of uniform temperature whose radiant output in all parts of the spectrum is the maximum obtainable from any temperature radiator at the same temperature. Such a radiator is called a blackbody because it absorbs all the radiant energy that falls upon it. All other temperature radiators can be classed as non-blackbodies. Nonblackbodies radiate less in some or all wavelength intervals than a blackbody of the same size and the same temperature. Brewster’s angle The incident angle of light on the surface of a medium for which the reflected and transmitted light are perpendicular to each other. This angle depends on the refractive index of the medium. It defines the angle of maximum polarization for a medium. candela The Systeme International d’Unities (SI) of luminous intensity. One candela is one lumen per steradian. Formerly, candle. capacitor A device used in electric circuitry to temporarily store electrical charge in the form of an electrostatic field. In lighting, a capacitor is used to smooth out alternating current from the power supply. center beam candlepower (CBCP Center beam candlepower is the luminous intensity at the center of a beam, expressed in candelas (cd). chromaticity The dominant or complementary wavelength and purity aspects of the color taken together, or of the aspects specified by the chromaticity coordinates of the color taken together. It describes the properties of light related to hue and saturation, but not luminance (brightness). coefficient of utilization (CU) Coefficient of utilization is the ratio of the luminous flux (lumens) received on a plane to the light output (lumens) of the lamps. Coefficient of utilization depends on luminaire efficiency, distribution of light from the luminaire, size and shape of the room, and reflectances of surfaces in the room. Specifiers use the coefficient of utilization to evaluate how effectively a luminaire delivers light to a workplane. color appearance The resultant color perception that includes the effects of spectrum, background contrast, chromatic adaptation, color constancy, brightness, size and saturation. color consistency The measure of how close in color appearance random samples of a lamp or source tend to be. color matching The action of making a color appear the same as a given color. Often used as a method of evaluating the ability of a light source to render colors faithfully. color rendering index (CRI) A rating index commonly used to represent how well a light source renders the colors of objects that it illuminates. For a CRI value of 100, the maximum value, the colors of objects can be expected to be seen as they would appear under an incandescent or daylight spectrum of the same correlated color temperature (CCT). Sources with CRI values less than 50 are generally regarded as rendering colors poorly, that is, colors may appear unnatural. color shift The change in a lamp’s correlated color temperature (CCT) at 40% of the lamp’s rated life, in kelvin (K). color stability The ability of a lamp or light source to maintain its color rendering and color appearance properties over its life. The color properties of some discharge light sources may tend to shift over the life of the lamp. conduction The process of removing heat from an object via physical contact with other objects or materials, usually metals. continuous dimming Control of a light source’s intensity to practically any value within a given operating range. continuously variable signal A signal that communicates data that can have a theoretically unlimited number of possible values between two end points. Examples include voltage, temperature, and illuminance. contrast Also known as luminance contrast, it is the relationship between the luminances of an object and its immediate background. correlated color temperature (CCT) A specification for white light sources used to describe the dominant color tone along the dimension from warm (yellows and reds) to cool (blue). Lamps with a CCT rating below 3200 K are usually considered warm sources, whereas those with a CCT above 4000 K usually considered cool in appearance. Temperatures in between are considered neutral in appearance. Technically, CCT extends the practice of using temperature, in kelvins (K), for specifying the spectrum of light sources other than blackbody radiators. Incandescent lamps and daylight closely approximate the spectra of black body radiators at different temperatures and can be designated by the corresponding temperature of a blackbody radiator. The spectra of fluorescent and LED sources, however, differ substantially from black body radiators yet they can have a color appearance similar to a blackbody radiator of a particular temperature as given by CCT. cutoff classification The classification system of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) that describes the light distribution of anoutdoor luminiare. Cutoff classifications define the luminous intensity limits in two illumination zones that occur within the range of 80° to 180° above nadir. North America (IESNA) that describes the light distribution of an outdoor luminaire. Cutoff classifications define the luminous intensity limits in two illumination zones that occur within the range of 80° to 180° above nadir. cutoff luminaire IESNA classification that describes a luminaire having a light distribution in which the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25 (2.5%) at or above an angle of 90° above nadir, and 100 (10%) at or above a vertical angle of 80° above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. degree of polarization A measure of the amount of light polarization ranging from 0 to 100 percent. dichroic coating (dichroic filter) A multi-layer coating that transmits certain wavelengths and reflects those not transmitted. diffuser material Diffusers scatter the light from a luminaire in all directions. Most diffusers in commodity residential-grade luminaires are made of plastic, usually acrylic or polycarbonate. Other materials include glass and alabaster. direct digital control (DDC) The technology used by the components of a distributed control system. Direct digital control modules exchange digitally encoded signals with each other, indicating the status of devices connected to the network and executing commands when appropriate. Each module contains a programmable microprocessor, hardware for at least one type of network connection, and some means of detecting or changing a device’s status. direct luminaire A luminaire that emits light in the general direction of the task to be illuminated. The term usually refers to luminaires that emit light in a downward direction. disability glare A type of glare that causes a loss of visibility from stray light being scattered within the eye. discomfort glare The sensation of annoyance or even pain induced by overly bright sources. 289 distributed control system A control system in which the computing hardware and software are contained in a network of control modules or multicircuit control panels physically distributed throughout the facility. driver For light emitting diodes, a device that regulates the voltage and current powering the source. dynamic outdoor lighting Outdoor lighting that varies light level or other characteristics automatically and precisely in response to factors such as vacancy or the type of use of an outdoor location. efficacy The ratio of light output (in lumens) to input power (in watts), expressed as lumens per watt (LPW). electromagnetic interference (EMI) The interference of unwanted electromagnetic signals with desirable signals. Electromagnetic interference may be transmitted in two ways: radiated through space or conducted by wiring. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) sets electromagnetic interference limits on fluorescent lighting systems in FCC Part 18. electromagnetic wave A wave composed of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields. The wave propagates in a direction perpendicular to both fields. emergency options Refers to options available when exit signs are operated on a non-utility power supply such as a generator, a central battery unit that operates several exit signs, or an individual rechargeable battery. Options include whether or not the exit sign increases the brightness of the light source if the utilitysupplied power fails. 290 field of view The area covered by an occupancy sensor, often reported (for wall-mounted sensors) as a horizontal field of view or (for ceiling-mounted sensors) as the solid angle of the cone-shaped coverage area. filter A device that allows currents at certain frequencies to pass while those at other frequencies are blocked. Filters reduce conducted electromagnetic waves by grounding the current or by increasing the impedance to a specific frequency. fixture A complete lighting unit consisting of lamp or lamps and the parts designed to distribute the light, position and protect the lamp(s), and connect the lamp(s) to the power supply. (Also referred to as luminaire.) footcandle (fc) A measure of illuminance in lumens per square foot. One footcandle equals 10.76 lux, although for convenience 10 lux commonly is used as the equivalent. full cutoff luminaire IESNA classification that describes a luminaire having a light distribution in which zero candela intensity occurs at or above an angle of 90° above nadir. Additionally, the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100 (10%) at or above a vertical angle of 80° above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. full-spectrum color index (FSCI) A mathematical transformation of full-spectrum index into a zero to 100 scale, where the resulting values are directly comparable to color rendering index. An equal energy spectrum is defined as having an FSCI value of 100, a “standard warm white” fluorescent lamp has an FSCI value of 50, and a monochromatic light source (e.g., low pressure sodium) has an FSCI value of 0. full-spectrum index (FSI) A mathematical measure of how much a light source’s spectrum deviates from an equal energy spectrum, based on the slope of its cumulative spectrum. fully shielded luminaire A luminaire that emits no direct uplight, but which has no limitation on the intensity in the region between 80° and 90°. glare The sensation produced by luminances within the visual field that are sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are adapted, which causes annoyance, discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility. glow current The flow of electrons away from a rapid-start lamp’s electrodes during preheating. The higher the glow current, the faster the electrodes’ emissive coating degrades, increasing lamp-end darkening and reducing lamp life. grid The combination of electric power plants and transmission lines operated by an electric utility. grounded A circuit or metal object that is connected to the earth at one or more points. Done mostly for safety, grounding also reduces electromagnetic waves. heat sinking Adding a material, usually metal, adjacent to an object in order to cool it through conduction. hue The attribute of a light source or illuminated object that determines whether it is red, yellow, green, blue, or the like. illuminance The density of luminous flux incident upon a surface. Illuminance is measured in footcandles (lumens/square foot) or lux (lumens/square meter). One footcandle equals 10.76 lux. impedance A measure of the total opposition to current flow in an alternating current circuit. The unit of impedance is the ohm 1 . incident angle The angle between a ray of light reaching a surface and a line normal (perpendicular) to that surface. indirect lighting Light arriving at a surface after reflecting from one or more surfaces (usually walls and/or ceilings) that are not part of the luminaire. infrared radiation Any radiant energy within the wavelength range of 770 to 106 nanometers is considered infrared energy. (1 nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter, or 1 X 10-9 m). initial light output A lamp’s light output, in lumens, after 100 hours of seasoning. interoperability The ability to communicate such information as temperature, illuminance levels, status of security devices, and occupancy among building systems and their controls. inverter Also known as “power inverter.” A device used to convert direct current (dc) electricity into alternating (ac) current. isotemperature A set of coordinates within which all points have the same temperature. In a color space diagram, isotemperature lines represent lights with identical correlated color temperatures. junction temperature For light emitting diodes, the temperature of the light-emitting portion of the device (see PN junction), which is inversely correlated with its light output. Kelvin Color temperature is measured in degrees Kelvin, which indicate the hue of a specific type of light source. Higher temperatures indicate whiter, “cooler” colors, while lower temperatures indicate yellower, “warmer” colors. light loss The reduced light output caused by a circuit-level power reducer expressed as a percentage of the light output without the circuitlevel power reducer. (Full system output minus reduced output with a lighting-circuit power reducer divided by the full system output times 100.) light pollution An unwanted consequence of outdoor lighting that includes such effects as sky glow, light trespass, and glare. light power density (LPD) Sometimes referred to as power density. A measurement of the ratio of light output in an area and the electric power used to produce that light. LPD is determined by dividing the total light output by the total wattage consumed and is measured in lumens per watt. light trespass A undesirable condition in which exterior light is cast where it is not wanted. light-emitting diode (LED) A solid-state electronic device formed by a junction of P- and N-type semiconductor material that emits light when electric current passes through it. LED commonly refers to either the semiconductor by itself, i.e. the chip, or the entire lamp package including the chip, electrical leads, optics and encasement. line voltage The voltage supplied by the electric power infrastructure, typically 110-120 Vac at 60 Hz for homes in North America. lumen (lm) A unit measurement of the rate at which a lamp produces light. A lamp’s light output rating expresses the total amount of light emitted in all directions per unit time. Ratings of initial light output provided by manufacturers express the total light output after 100 hours of operation. lumen depreciation The decrease in lumen output that occurs as a lamp is operated, until failure. Also referred to as lamp lumen depreciation (LLD). lumen maintenance The ability of a lamp to retain its light output over time. Greater lumen maintenance means a lamp will remain brighter longer. The opposite of lumen maintenance is lumen depreciation, which represents the reduction of lumen output over time. Lamp lumen depreciation factor (LLD) is commonly used as a multiplier to the initial lumen rating in illuminance calculations to compensate for the lumen depreciation. The LLD factor is a dimensionless value between 0 and 1. luminaire A complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps and the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamp(s), and to connect the lamp(s) to the power supply. (Also referred to as fixture.) luminaire efficacy The ratio of the measured light output of a luminaire to its active power, expressed in lumens per watt (LPW). luminaire efficiency The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the light output of a luminaire to the light output of the luminaire’s lamp(s). Luminaire efficiency accounts for the optical and thermal effects that occur within the luminaire under standard test conditions. 291 luminance The photometric quantity most closely associated with the perception of brightness, measured in units of luminous intensity (candelas) per unit area (square feet or square meter). luminance contrast Luminance contrast quantifies the relative brightness of an object against its background. It can range from zero and one. The closer the luminance contrast is to one, the greater the relative brightness of the object against its background. luminous flux Luminous radiant power, measured in lumens. The overall light output of a lamp or luminaire. luminous intensity The luminous flux on a small surface centered on and normal to the direction divided by the solid angle (in steradians) that the surface subtends at the source. Luminous intensity can be expressed in candelas or in lumens per steradian. lux (lx) A measure of illuminance in lumens per square meter. One lux equals 0.093 footcandle. MacAdam ellipse Researcher David L. MacAdam showed that a just noticeable difference (JD) in the colors of two lights placed side-byside was about three times the standard deviation associated with making color matches between a reference light and a test light ) MacAdam 1942, Wyszecki and Stiles 1982). These JNDs form an elliptical pattern of “constant discriminability” in a chromaticity space, centered on the chromaticity of a reference light, known as MacAdam ellipse. mean light output Light output typically evaluated at 40% of rated lamp life. In combination with initial light output, mean light output may be used to estimate lamp lumen depreciation. 292 metamers Lights of the same color but of different spectral power distribution. nadir In the lighting discipline, nadir is the angle pointing directly downward from the luminaire, or 0°. Nadir is opposite the zenith. noncutoff luminaire IESNA classification that describes a luminaire light distribution in which there is no candela limitation in the zone above maximum candela. (See also cutoff classification and cutoff angle.) phase displacement The extent to which voltage and current waveforms are out of synchronous phase with one another. Current lags or leads voltage, depending on whether the current waveform crosses a reference point after or before the voltage waveform, respectively. Phase displacement can be expressed as a unit of time, as a fraction of the period, or as an angle in degrees with one period corresponding to 360 degrees. When voltage and current are synchronized, phase displacement is zero. phosphors Materials used in a light source to produce or modify its spectral emission distribution. In fluorescent and high intensity discharge lamps, the phosphors fluoresce (emit visible light) when excited by ultraviolet radiation produced by mercury vapor inside the lamp when energized by an electric arc. In a light emitting diode, phosphors convert short-wavelength light or ultraviolet radiation produced by a semiconductor die into longer-wavelength light, usually with the goal of producing white illumination. photon A small bundle or quantum of electromagnetic energy, including light. photopic Vision mediated essentially or exclusively by the cones. It is generally associated with adaptation to a luminance of at least 3.4 cd/m2. photosensor A device used to integrate an electric lighting system with a daylighting system so lights operate only when daylighting is insufficient. photovoltaic (PV) Photovoltaic (PV) cells produce electric current from light energy (photons). PV cells are joined to make PV panels. PN junction For light emitting diodes, the portion of the device where positive and negative charges combine to produce light. polarized light Light whose vibrations are oriented in (or around, for partially polarized light) a specific plane. power The power used by a device to produce useful work (also called input power or active power). In lighting, it is the system input power for a lamp and ballast or driver combination. Power is typically reported in the SI units of watts. power line carrier (PLC) A system that transmits highfrequency (50 to 500 kHz) analog or digital signals via the power lines of a building. These signals control devices such as luminaires or contain voice transmissions such as intercom messages. Some commercial and residential energy management systems also use power line carrier systems. power quality The degree to which current and voltage wave forms conform to a sinusoidal shape and are in synchronous phase with each other. Poor power quality results when the wave forms are distorted and/or out of phase and can interfere with data communications, cause inefficient operation or failure of other electrical equipment on the same supply line, and result in excessive current in electrical distribution lines. prismatic lens An optical component of a luminaire that is used to distribute the emitted light. It is usually a sheet of plastic with a pattern of pyramid-shaped refracting prisms on one side. Most ceiling-mounted luminaires in commercial buildings use prismatic lenses. rated lumen Also referred to as rated light output from lamp in lumens. Lumen refers to a unit measurement of the rate at which a lamp produces light. A lamp’s light output rating expresses the total amount of light emitted in all directions per unit time. Manufacturers rate their lamps’ initial light output after 100 hours of operation. RE70 Designation referring to lamps that use rare-earth phosphors and have color-rendering index values of 70-79. RE80 Designation referring to lamps that use rare-earth phosphors and have color-rendering index values of 80-89. RE80 HLO, LL An RE80 lamp with additional enhancements of high light output (HLO) and/or long life (LL). RE90 Designation referring to lamps that use rare-earth phosphors and have color-rendering index values equal to or greater than 90. relative system efficacy The ratio of relative light output (RLO) to system active power. For each lamp type, relative system efficacy is normalized to the highest value at the maximum light output level, which is assigned a relative system efficacy value of 100%. system efficacy Also referred to as relative system efficacy, system efficacy is a measurement of a system’’s ability to convert electricity into light. Measured in lumens per watt (LPW), system efficacy is the ratio of the light output (in lumens) to the active power (in watts). rms current Root-mean-square current, a value that quantifies the magnitude of a current that varies with time (as in ac circuits). Rms current is calculated as the square root of the squared values of current over one complete cycle. Rms current delivers the same power to a resistive load as an equivalent steady dc current. tri-level switching Control of light source intensity at three discrete levels in addition to off. root-mean-square (rms) The effective average value of a periodic quantity such as an alternating current or voltage wave, calculated by averaging the squared values of the amplitude over one period and taking the square root of that average. semiconductor A material whose electrical conductivity is between that of a conductor and an insulator; the conductivity of most semiconductors is temperature dependent. semicutoff luminaire IESNA classification that describes a luminaire light distribution in which the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 50 (5%) at or above an angle of 90° above nadir, and 200 (20%) at or above a vertical angle of 80° above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. specular reflection Light incident on a surface that is redirected at the specular angle. Glossy or shiny surfaces exhibit a high degree of specular reflection. steradian (sr) A unit of measure equal to the solid angle subtended at the center of a sphere by an area on the surface of the sphere equal to the square of the sphere radius. tri-phosphor A mixture of three phosphors to convert ultraviolet radiation to visible light in fluorescent lamps; each of the phosphors emits light that is blue, green or red in appearance with the combination producing white light. uniformity The degree of variation of illuminance over a given plane. Greater uniformity means less variation of illuminance. The uniformity ratio of illuminance is a measure of that variation expressed as either the ratio of the minimum to the maximum illuminance or the ratio of the minimum to the average illuminance. visual performance The quantitative assessment of the performance of a visual task, taking into consideration speed and accuracy. voltage drop The difference between the voltages at the transmitting and receiving ends of a feeder, main, or service. voltage regulation The change in output voltage that occurs when the load (at a specified power factor) is reduced from rated value to zero, with the primary impressed terminal voltage maintained constant. wavelength The distance between two corresponding points of a given wave. Wavelengths of light are measured in nanometers (1 nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter, or 1 X 10-9 m) 9LUZZLSHLY7VS`[LJOUPJ0UZ[P[\[L;YV`5@<:((SSYPNO[ZYLZLY]LK 293 Index 0–9 Product Page Brand ALT2P35 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALT2P70 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting 241-C-XX . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting 2DM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite 309 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting 4024C . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting 4040 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting 4041 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting 4090 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting 80033249902 . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding 80033259902 . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding 80036599903 . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding 93047LED . . . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite 93047LEDR. . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite ALT3P35 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALT3P70 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALT4P35 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALT4P70 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALT5P35 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALT5P70 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALTLP35 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALTLP70 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALTRP35. . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALTRP70. . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting APPLICATION PHOTOS 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alera AR2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AR3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting A–Z Product AR4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Page Brand AR5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting A2LED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite ARM-CL-K-S-XX . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding AE171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ARM-CL-K-TA-XX . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding AE172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ARM-CL-TK-TA-XX . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding AE173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon AE174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Arms/Accessories . . . . 227 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL AE175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ARR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AE17L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ASL10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL AE17R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ASL7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL AE211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AUR2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon AE212 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AUR3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon AE213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting BC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding AE214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting BE171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AE215 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting BE172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AE21L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting BE173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AE21R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting BE174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AKT6LED . . . . . . . . . . . 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite BE175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AKTSLED . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite BE17L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AL-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon BE17R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting AL-U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon BE211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALF/ALFW. . . . . . . . . . 111 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting BE212 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALT1P35 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting BE213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ALT1P70 . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting BE214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting 294 BE215 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17A4 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BE21L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17A5 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BE21R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17AL . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BN176. . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17AR . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BN189. . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17P1 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BN192. . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17P2 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BN197. . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17P3 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BN276. . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17P4 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNB1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17P5 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17PL . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNB3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS17PR . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNB4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21A1 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNB5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21A2 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNB6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21A3 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21A4 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNS1H1 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21A5 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNS1H2 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21AL . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNS1H3 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21AR . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNS1H4 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21P1 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BNS1H5 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CC/CCS21P2 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BOLR/BOLS . . . . . . . . 156 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding CC/CCS21P3 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BOS40 . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beacon CC/CCS21P4 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BRLD Solar . . . . . . . . . 135 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting CC/CCS21P5 . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BRLU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting CC/CCS21PL . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BRP42 . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beacon CC/CCS21PR . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Lighting BX4QL-120 . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite CCEDG . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass C700F3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CCEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . 285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass C700S3. . . . . . . . . . . . 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CCEDR . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CAP-21 . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beacon CCEDRE . . . . . . . . . . . 285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CAP-26 . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beacon CCESG . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CB-XX . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting CCESGE . . . . . . . . . . . 285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CB12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL CCESR . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CB16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL CCESRE . . . . . . . . . . . 285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CB18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL CCG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CB24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CCGRC. . . . . . . . . . . . 287 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CB32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CB9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL CCRRC . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CC/CCS17A1 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CDT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beacon CC/CCS17A2 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass CC/CCS17A3 . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CEGRC . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Compass 295 Index CELR1GNE . . . . . . . . . 283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass CX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79, 80 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation CELR1RNE . . . . . . . . . 283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass CXR. . . . . . . . . . . . . 79, 81 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation CELR2GNE . . . . . . . . . 283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass D2LED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite CELR2RNE . . . . . . . . . 283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass DBXQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite CELS1GNE . . . . . . . . . 283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass DDL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting CELS1RNE . . . . . . . . . 283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass DM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite CELS2GNE . . . . . . . . . 283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass DOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting CELS2RNE . . . . . . . . . 283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EDR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon CER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EL-XX . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting CERRC . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EL171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CEWDGE . . . . . . . . . . 284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EL188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CEWDRE. . . . . . . . . . . 284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EL190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CEWSGE. . . . . . . . . . . 284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EL195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CEWSRE. . . . . . . . . . . 284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EL218F3 . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CFL1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EL218F5 . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CIRD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EL218S3 . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CIRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EL218S5 . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CL1 . . . . . . . . . . . 150-151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EL271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CL1S. . . . . . . . . . 148-149 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EL700F3 . . . . . . . . . . . 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CL1S-RPA3-XX . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EL700S3 . . . . . . . . . . . 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CL1S-RPA4-XX . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EL807 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CLO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon EL817 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CO-XX. . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL CORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass ET1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass ET2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CR-RPA3-XX. . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding ET3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CR-RPA4-XX. . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding ET4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CR-RPA5-XX. . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding ET5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CR-RPA6-XX. . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding ETL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CR1D Solar . . . . . . . . . 138 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting ETR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting CRD-RPA2-XX . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CRD-RPA3-XX . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EV2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CRD-RPA4-XX . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EV2D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CRD-RPA5-XX . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EV2DB . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CRD-RPA6-XX . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding EV2DI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CRZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon EV2DI-24K . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CU2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EV4D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CU2RC . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EV4DB . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CU2WB. . . . . . . . . . . . 279 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EV4DI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite CU2WG. . . . . . . . . . . . 279 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compass EVC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite 296 EVCUGW . . . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite GEM1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVCUGWD4 . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite GEM1C . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVCUGWDI . . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite GEN-C . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon EVCURBD . . . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite GEN-F . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon EVCURBD4 . . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite GN-XX. . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting EVCURW. . . . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H60BL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVCURWD . . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H60DB . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVCURWD4 . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H60GR . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVCURWD4-0. . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H60NB . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVCURWD4I . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H60VG . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVCURWDI . . . . . . . . . 270 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H70BL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H70DB . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEUGBE . . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H70GR . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEUGW. . . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H70NB . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEUGWE. . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H70VG . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEUGWEI . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H80BL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEURB . . . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H80DB . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEURBE . . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H80GR . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEURW . . . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H80NB . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEURW-2C . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite H80VG . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting EVEURWE. . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite HBL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting EVEURWEI . . . . . . . . . 271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite HBLH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting EVO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite HBLHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting EVODB . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite HDM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite EVODW. . . . . . . . . . . . 272 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite HLEML . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting EVOSB . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite HVS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting EVOSW . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite IBX4QL-120 . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite EXEC RT21/RT25 . . . . 161 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sterner INDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL EXPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sterner INDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL FCB5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL INDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL FGL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL Kim Solar. . . . . . . . . . . 181 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL KLV171 . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL KLV188 . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FL-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon KLV189 . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FL-XX . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting KLV190 . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL KLV192 . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FML. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting KLV195 . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FN1/FN2 . . . . . . . . . . . 155 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding KLV197 . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting KLV271 . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting FT6QLIC . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite KLV276 . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting 297 Index KLV361 . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF6SQLED8 . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite KLV366 . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF8LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite KLV807 . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF8LED5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite KLV817 . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF8LED7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite KSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting LF8LED8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LAJ30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LFS Solar . . . . . . . . . . 136 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LB4LEDA . . . . . . . . . . . 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite LB6LEDA10L . . . . . . . . 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LG1R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite LB6LEDA8L . . . . . . . . . 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LG1S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite LBC6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LG1T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite LC5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LG2S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite LC6LED. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LG2SI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite LCC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LJT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LCC Solar . . . . . . . . . . 135 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LLHP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LCS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LLHV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LD4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LD6LED. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite LMS100 . . . . . . . . . . . 163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Devine LE1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LMS400 . . . . . . . . . . . 163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Devine LE2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LNC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LE3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LNC2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LEB19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LEB26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LEPC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LR-30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LET19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LRK-2V . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LET26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LRK-3D . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LF4LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LRO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LF4LED5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LSER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LF4LED7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LF4SQLED . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81DMF . . . . . . . . . 198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF4SQLED5 . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81DMH . . . . . . . . . 198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF4SQLED7 . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81EB/NF . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF6LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81EB/SP . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF6LED5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81EB/WW . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF6LED7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81FF/NF . . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF6LED8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81FF/SP . . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF6SQLED . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81FF/WW . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF6SQLED5 . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81HS/NF . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LF6SQLED7 . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV81HS/SP . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting 298 LTV81HS/WW . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83SS/WW . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV81RG/NF. . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LUN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting LTV81RG/SP. . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LVT56 . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LTV81RG/WW. . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LWC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LTV81SS/NF . . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LXEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia LTV81SS/SP . . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MAF-CL-XX . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding LTV81SS/WW . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MAG32 . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LTV82DF . . . . . . . . . . . 198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MAR-21. . . . . . . . . . . . 236 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LTV82DH . . . . . . . . . . 198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MRDS-21 . . . . . . . . . . 236 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LTV82EB/NF . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MD8LED . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite LTV82EB/SP . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL LTV82EB/WW . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LTV82FF/NF . . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MICRO6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alera LTV82FF/SP . . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MLED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LTV82FF/WW . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MRDS-21 . . . . . . . . . . 236 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LTV82HS/NF . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MRDS-26 . . . . . . . . . . 237 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LTV82HS/SP . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MRSS-26 . . . . . . . . . . 237 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LTV82HS/WW . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MS-XX. . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LTV82RG/NF. . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MTB-D . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LTV82RG/SP. . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MTB-F. . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon LTV82RG/WW. . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21A1 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV82SS/NF . . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21A2 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV82SS/SP . . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21A3 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV82SS/WW . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21A4 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83DMF . . . . . . . . . 198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21A5 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83DMH . . . . . . . . . 198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21AL . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83EB/NF . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21AR . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83EB/SP . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21P1 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83EB/WW . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21P2 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83FF/NF . . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21P3 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83FF/SP . . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21P4 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83FF/WW . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21P5 . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83HS/NF . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21PL . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83HS/SP . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting MX21PR . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting LTV83HS/WW . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting NRG® 4000 . . . . . . . . 125 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LTV83RG/NF. . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting NRG®312 . . . . . . . . . . 122 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LTV83RG/SP. . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL LTV83RG/WW. . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting OS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL LTV83SS/NF . . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PBT-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting LTV83SS/SP . . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PBT-234 . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting 299 Index PG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite PTL-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PGB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite PTL-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PGB-HTR . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite PTL-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PGL71N . . . . . . . . . . . 182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PTL-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PGL71W . . . . . . . . . . . 182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PTL-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PGL74N . . . . . . . . . . . 182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PTL-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PGL74W . . . . . . . . . . . 182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PTL-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PGM3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PTL-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite PTR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PGNB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite PVL3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PGNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite QSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PGNW. . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite QSPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PGNZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite RA171. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PGP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite RA172. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PGP-HTR . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite RA173. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PGW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite RA174. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PGW-HTR . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite RA175. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PGZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite RA17L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PGZ-HTR . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite RA17R . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PIE31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon RA251. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PKWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RA252. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PKWM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RA253. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PKWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RA254. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Poles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RA255. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting POLES . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon RA25L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PRMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RA25R . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting PRMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RBC-45R-XX . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PRMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RBC-45RL-XX . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PROB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RBC-4R-XX . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RBC-4RL-XX . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PROS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RBC-5R-XX . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PROV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RBC-5RL-XX . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PRR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting RBC-6R-XX . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PRSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RBC-6RL-XX . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding PSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting RD-XX . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding RDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding RDIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PTA-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting RDPS6LED . . . . . . . . . . 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite PTA-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting RE-XX . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting PTA-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting RETA-XX . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding 300 RL LED . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SET1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RLC6LED . . . . . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SET2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RLF6LED. . . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SET3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RLF6LED5. . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SET4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RLF6LED7. . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SET5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RLF6LED8. . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SETA-XX . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding RLF8LED. . . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SETI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon RLF8LED5. . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SETL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RLF8LED7. . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SETR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RLF8LED8. . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SL1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RM LED. . . . . . . . . . . . 128 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SL3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RMCT Solar. . . . . . . . . 137 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SL5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting RMN4QL-120 . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon RSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SLLED1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite RTA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SLLED2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite RTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SLLED3. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite RTS-2065-XX -Q45 . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SLVT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RTS-2570-XX -Q45 . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SP1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RTS-3080-XX -Q45 . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RTS-3585-XX -Q45 . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SPB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL RTS-3990-XX -Q45 . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR1005. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SA-XX . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SR1010. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SAR2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting SR1015. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SAR3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting SR1020. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SAR4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting SR1025. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SAR5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting SR1030. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SARL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting SR1035. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SARR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting SR1040. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-3R-XX . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR1045. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-4-XX . . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR1055. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-45R-XX . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR1060. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-4L-XX . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR1065. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-4R-XX . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR1070. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-5-XX . . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR1085. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-5R-XX . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR1090. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-6-XX . . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR6010. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SBC-6R-XX . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR6030. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SR6045NF . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SCP Controls Guide . . 127 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SR6055NF . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SDPS6LED . . . . . . . . . . 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite SR6060. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite 301 Index SR6070. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite T1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon SR6075. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite T2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon SR6080NF . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite T3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon SR6090. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite T4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon SR6095. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite T5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon SR6100NF . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite TAB-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR6105. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite TAB-17-M38 . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR6110NF . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite TAB-30-M38 . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR6115NF . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite TAB-36-M38 . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SR6120. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescolite TAB-42-M38 . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SRS1H1 . . . . . . . . . . . 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TCB-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SRS1H2 . . . . . . . . . . . 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TCB-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SRS1H3 . . . . . . . . . . . 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TCB-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SRS1H4 . . . . . . . . . . . 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TETA-XX . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding SRS1H5 . . . . . . . . . . . 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting THB-21 . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SRS1HL . . . . . . . . . . . 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting THB-21-M53 . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SRS1HR . . . . . . . . . . . 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting THB-31 . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SS-XX . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting THB-32 . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SSA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding THB-41 . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SSB-21-M51 . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting THB-43 . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SSB-31-M51 . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting TIV37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon SSB-41-M51 . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting TL-XX . . . . . . . . . 132-133 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SSB-43-M51 . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting TMR Solar . . . . . . . . . . 139 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting SSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding TMR/TMS . . . . . . . . . . 154 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding STA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding TMS Solar . . . . . . . . . . 139 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting STL2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TPLB-XX . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding STL3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TPR-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting STL4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TPR-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting STL5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TPR-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting STLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TRA30. . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon STLR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TRD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL STS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding TRP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting STS2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TRPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting STS3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TRV-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon STS4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TRV-U . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon STS5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TSQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL STSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting TWK-11. . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting STSR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting UCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL SW1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting UCL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL SW3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting UCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL 302 UCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL WF32C . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting UFO-LED25. . . . . . . . . 276 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dual-Lite WF32H . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting V8LU15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting WF33C . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting VA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding WF33H . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting VBGG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting WIH-AP . . . . . . . . . . 68, 69 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation VL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting WIH-DS. . . . . . . . . . 68, 75 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation VL15A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting WIH-IM . . . . . . . . . . 68, 71 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation VL15LG. . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 . . . . . . .Hubbell Industrial Lighting WIH-OM . . . . . . . . . 68, 70 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation VP-L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon WIH-OS. . . . . . . . . . 68, 74 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation VP-S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon WIH-SW . . . . . . . . . 68, 73 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation VRB1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WIN40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon VRB2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9L1P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting VRB3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9L2P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting VRB4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9L3P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting VSB1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9L4P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting VSB2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9LLP70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting VWGG. . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 . . . . . . . Hubbell Outdoor Lighting WP9lP70 . . . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WAT44 . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beacon WP9LRP70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WB-CR-XX . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding WP9S1P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WB-CR-XX . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaulding WP9S2P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WD14-D2 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9S3P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WD14-D3 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9S4P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WD14-D4 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9S5P70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WD14-U2 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9SLP70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WD14-U3 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WP9SRP70 . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WD14-U4 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting WSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WD18-D2 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-CM. . . . . . . . . . . 83, 84 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WD18-D3 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-DS . . . . . . . . . . . 83, 85 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WD18-D4 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-LODTR P . . . . . . 83, 86 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WD18-U2 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-OMNIDT2000RP 83, 86 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WD18-U3 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-AVD . . . . . . 83, 87 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WD18-U4 . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-GA V . . . . . . . . .83, . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WF20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-MC . . . . . . . 83, 87 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WF21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-RCR1 . . . . . 83, 87 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WF22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-RCR2 . . . . . 83, 87 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WF23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-RCR3 . . . . . 83, 87 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WF30C . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-RCR4 . . . . . 83, 87 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WF30H . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-ST . . . . . . . . 83, 87 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WF31C . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting Z5-SW-WB . . . . . . . 83, 87 . . . . .Hubbell Building Automation WF31H . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Lighting 303 Your Retrofit Lighting & Controls Headquarters Hubbell Lighting makes change easy with our comprehensive suite of createchange® tools and services available at that include audit tools, easy to use calculators to estimate energy savings and a wealth of additional information to support you and make your project a success. Ready to get started? For personal assistance, contact your local Hubbell Lighting representative and we’ll help guide you through improving your lighting system and creating change or email us at UP TO Interior 60% Controls ontrols ENERGY SAVINGS Exterior UP TO 70% UP TO 80% ENERGY SAVINGS ENERGY SAVINGS LJT LED Troffer Cimarron LED wiSTAR RETROFIT LIGHTING & CONTROLS SOLUTIONS Hubb Hu bbelllLig ght co om/ m/so so olu luti t on ons/ ns/ s re retr trofi fit/ t/ Calculato Cal ators rs Re R efere ence To Tools ols s Onl nlin ine Pr Propo oposall G Ge ene nerat ator HVA VAC C Impa Impact ct Cal C cul Ca culato atorr Mainte Mai nten nan ance ce Calcul Calculato atorr Pr duc Pro ductiv tivityy Ca alcu lculat lato lat tor or Financ Fin Fi anc ancing ncing ng C Calculat lator or Au A Audit u Toolss Wa eho War eh use/Ma /Manu nufact acturi uring n DLC D C Qu Quali alifi ali fied Pr fied Produ oduct ct Loo Lookup kup Com om mmer me cia ciall Buil ci Buildin d gs Ene En nergy rgy Star Loo okup Automo Aut omotive Dealership hi s Utility Rebate Finder Input Inp u Wat W t Finder Com ompare-I e In-T n-Thehe-Air Air Progr og am Cas Cas ash h Flow o Po P sitive ve Finan nancin cing g 701 Millennium Blvd. Greenville, SC 29607 HUBBELLLIGHTING.COM ALERA LIGHTING ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING BEACON PRODUCTS COLUMBIA LIGHTING COMPASS PRODUCTS DEVINE LIGHTING DUAL-LITE HUBBELL BUILDING AUTOMATION HUBBELL INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING HUBBELL OUTDOOR LIGHTING KIM LIGHTING KURT VERSEN PRESCOLITE PROGRESS LIGHTING SPAULDING SPORTSLITER SOLUTIONS STERNER LIGHTING HLI-0090 - 10/13 Copyright © 2013 Hubbell Lighting, Inc.
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