730000_Sol_Systems_Manual_Jan1978 730000 Sol Systems Manual Jan1978
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Sol SYSTEMS MANUAL Processor Technology Corporation 7100 Johnson Industrial Drive Pleasanton, CA 94566 Telephone (415) 829-2600 Copyright (C) 1976, 1977, 1978, Processor Technology Corporation Fourth Printing, February, 1978 Manual No. 730000 PREFACE This new edition of the Sol Systems Manual contains many revisions and additions made to the third printing. Information which accumulated in the Updates Section was integrated into the text. Parts lists were revised to include Processor Technology parts numbers for all parts, and to include new alternate parts. Several new and revised drawings were included in Section X, which should make assembly even easier. The keyboard, previously a kit, is now supplied as a complete tested subassembly. Sol 10, which consisted of a Sol 20 without the backplane, and with a lighter power supply, has been discontinued. Assembly procedures have improved from the experience of thousands of kitbuilders. An overall parts list for the entire kit has been included to facilitate receiving inspection. Much effort has gone towards making this manual complete and accurate. The process of updating and revision always continues, however, and we invite your input. If you should find an error, or have suggestions for improving any of our manuals, please submit your suggestions in writing to our Technical Publications Department, and they will be given thorough consideration. The three-ring binder you are reading from is an "easel" binder. The cover is hinged from side to side, as well as down the spine, so that it may form into an "easel" stand. To use this feature, lay the manual open on a table. Bend the full width of the manual along the creased hinge, until a resistance to further bending is felt. Then set the manual up on the table, with the bottom of the pages down against the table, and the top inclining away from you. In this position your hands are free for building, making measurements, or troubleshooting. A binder set up in this manner is shown below. IMPORTANT The first part of this manual you should read is at the very end: the Updates Section. If updates sheets have been inserted in this section, make sure to integrate them before you begin building or using your Sol. REV A CONTENTS OUTLINE Detailed contents precede each section. I II III IV V VI INTRODUCTION and GENERAL INFORMATION Sol POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY and TEST Sol-PC ASSEMBLY and TEST PERSONALITY MODULE ASSEMBLY KEYBOARD ASSEMBLY Sol CABINET-CHASSIS ASSEMBLY VII OPERATING PROCEDURES VIII THEORY OF OPERATION IX SOFTWARE X DRAWINGS APPENDICES UPDATES PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMIN~L COMPUTER™ FIGURE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE TITLE 2-1 Sol-20 fan closure plate assembly . II-7 2-2 Coaxial cable preparation . . . . II-9 2-3 Aluminum heat sink installation . 1I-12 2-4 Partially assembled Sol-20 power supply subchassis assembly . . . . . . . . II-16 2-5 Sol-20 power supply subchassis assembly . . II-17 2-6 2-7 Sol-PC power connector and voltage measurements . II-21 Sol-20 power connector and voltage measurements . II-21 3-1 Identification of components . . III-8 3-2 Clock circuit waveforms . . . . III-18 3-3 Deleted 3-4 Coaxial cable preparation . . . . . III-21 3-5 Display section timing waveforms . . III-23 3-6 Bending selected pins on U42, 59 and 75 . III-25 3-7 U14 through U21 socket jumpers . . III-26 3-8 Display circuits test pattern . . III-27 3-8A Step 28A jumper installation . . . III-27 3-9 CPU Functional Test No. 1 display . III-32 3-10 CPU Functional Test No. 2 display. III-34 3-11 3-12 Personality module bracket/guide installation . III-34 Installation of vectored interrupt jumpers III-46 4-1 Handle bracket installation IV-6 6-1 VI-4 6-2 Types of screws used in Sol cabinet-chassis assembly • • . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . Brackets used in Sol cabinet-chassis assembly . . . . 6-3 Sol-20 with covers removed . . . . . . • . . . . . VI-IO 6-4 Sol-20 with covers removed. VI-IO 6-5 Sol-PC coaxial cable connector assembly . VI-13 6-6 Backplane board (Sol-BPB) installation VI-15 6-7 Backplane board (Sol-BPB) installation VI-16 6-8 Protective foot pad installation. . . . . VI-19 7-1 Connecting the basic Sol system VII-6 7-2 Sol control switch settings for terminal mode . VII-7 REV A . VI-4 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ ILLUSTRATIONS/TABLES TITLE FIGURE PAGE 7-3 Location of positioning adjustments, VRI and VR2. . . VII-8 7-4 Deleted Connecting Sol to two cassette recorders VII-29 Connecting Sol SDI to current loop device . . such as TTY VII-32 7-7 Connecting Sol SDI to VII-32 7-8 Connecting Sol PDI to 8-1 Clock Generator Timing 7-5 7-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · communications modern · · · · · parallel device . · · · . VII-33 8-2 · . VIII-II Example of uppercase character (I) display . . . . . . VIII-24 8-3 Example of lowercase character (p) display. . . • • . VIII-24 8-4 Video Display timing. . . . • . . . . . . . . • • • . VIII-27 8-5 8-6 6574 Character Generator ROM pattern. . · VIII-30 6575 Character Generator ROM pattern. . · VIII-31 TITLE TABLE PAGE 1-1 Sol-20 Kit Parts List . 1-5-13 1-2 Sol Systems Parts List. . 1-14,15 2-1 Sol Power Supply Parts List . 3-1 Sol~PC 4-1 PM2708/92l6 Personality Module Parts List IV-2 6-1 Sol-20 Cabinet-Chassis Parts List • • . • • VI-2,3 7-1 Sol Operating Controls and Their Functions. VII-2 7-2 Baud Rate Selection with Switch S3 . . VII-15 7-3 Word Length Selection with S4-2 & 3 • VII-15 7-4 Sol Keyboard Assignments. VII-18-2l 7-5 Control Character Symbols and Definitions . VII-23 8-1 Port Decoder (U35 & 36) Outputs and Their Functions . . .• • . . . . . . . . VIII-17 REV A Parts List . • . 11-2-4 111-2-7 I INTRODUCTION and GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction. I-I 1.1.1 1.1.2 I-I I-I To the Sol Kit Builder • . .•. To Factory Assembled Sol Owners. General Information . . • . I-2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1. 2.3 I-2 I-3 I-3 Sol-20 Description . Service. . . . . • Replacement Parts. Receiving Inspection . • • I-4 1.3.1 1.3.2 I-4 I-4 Sol Kits • • . . • • • • • Assembled Sol Kits . . 1.4 Section X Drawings . . • . I-17 1.5 Sol Kit Assembly Order • • I-17 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS 1.1 SECTION I INTRODUCTION This manual consists of nine separate sections presented in the preferred order of usage for the kit builder, a section of assembly drawings and schematics, appendices of useful information, and a section of updates. Integrate the update information into this manual before doing anything else. Then finish reading this section completely, following the suggestions provided and performing the specified inspections. Sections II, III, IV, V and X primarily supply assembly instructions and aids for the kit builder. The owner of a factory assembled unit, however, will find some of the test procedures and chassis-cabinet assembly instructions and drawings useful when servicing Sol. Operating Procedures (Section VII), Theory of Operation (Section VIII) and Software (Section IX) will be of interest to both the kit builder and assembled unit owner. Three special features are incorporated in this manual to make it easier and more efficient to use. They are 1) an "easel" binder to facilitate reading while you work with your Sol, 2) an instruction and component installation check-off format to minimize omitting procedural steps, and 3) foldout drawings printed on one side only. The third feature eliminates much page juggling since a drawing, when folded out, is not obscured by the text pages. 1.1.1 To the Sol Kit Builder For the Sol kit builder, this manual supplies the information needed to assemble, test and operate the Sol-PC Single Board Computer and the Sol-20 Terminal Computer Systems. As anxious as you are to assemble your kit, we suggest that you first take the time to read this section and scan the rest of the manual before making any inspections or starting assembly. (The time you take to "get on board Sol," so to speak, will be time well invested.) Then proceed with the receiving inspection and assembly. When assembling your kit, follow the instructions in the order given. Should you run into a problem during assembly, calIon us, or your Sol dealer, for help if necessary. If your completed kit does not work properly, recheck your assembly step by step. Most problems stern from poor soldering, failure to follow the instructions, backward installed components and/or installing the wrong component. OnCE your are satisfied that your Sol is correctly assembled, feel free to ask us, or your Sol dealer, for assistance if you still have trouble. 1.1.2 To Factory Assembled Sol Owners For those who purchased a factory assembled and tested unit, this manual supplies the information needed to start you on the way REV A I-I PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS SECTION I to using your Sol. It also contains information to help you understand how Sol works and how to service it. As anxious as you are to use Sol, we suggest that you first take the time to read this section and scan Sections ·VI!, VIII, IX and Appendices AVI and AVIII. (The time you take to "get on board with Sol," so to speak, will be time well invested.) Theh proceed with the receiving inspection, and~ using Section VII as your guide, connect the basic Sol system, place it into operation and get acquainted with Sol by putting it through some simple operations. When doing this, follow the instructions in the order given. Since your unit was factory assembled and tested before shipment, your Sol should operate correctly. If it doesn't, recheck your interconnect cabling. If a problem persists, feel free to ask us, or your Sol dealer, for assistance. 1.2 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.2.1 Sol-20 Description Except for the power supply and keyboard, the Sol-20 Terminal Computer electronics is contained on the Sol-PC. The Sol-20 is built around an 8080 microprocessor. Integral support circuitry permits full implementation of every 8080 function. Use of the popular S-lOOI. bus assures compatibility with a large variety of memory boards and peripheral devices. Sol-20 features an 85-key integral keyboard, both parallel and serial communications interfaces, an audio cassette tape interface, a video display generator, 1024 8-bit words of system RAM (random access memory), 1024 8-bit words of display RAM, and a plugin personality module with up to 2048 bytes of stored program on ROM (read only memory) . Parallel interfacing is eight bits each for input and output plus control handshaking signals, and the output bus is tri-stated TTL for bidirectional interfaces. The serial interface includes both asynchronous RS-232 and 20 rnA current loop provisions with transmission rates of 75 to 9600 Baud (switch selectable). The dual rate, 300 or 1200 bps (bits per second), audio cassette interface is program-controlled and self-clocking with a phaselock loop. It includes automatic level control. Recording is CUTS/ Byte Standard compatible, asynchronously Manchester coded at 1200/ 2400 Hz or 600/1200 Hz. Video display circuitry generates sixteen 64 character lines from data stored in the integral 1024 8-bit word display RAM. Alpha- . . . numeric and control characters (the full 128 upper and lower case plu. control ASCII character set) are displayed black on white or white on black (switch selectable). Multiple solid video inversion cursors, REV A 1-2 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS SECTION I with switch selectable blink, may be programmed. The display output is standard EIA, 1.0 to 2.5 V peak-to-peak with composite negative sync, and a nominal 7 MHz bandwidth. It can thus be used to drive any standard video monitor. (A monochrome TV, converted for video input, can also be used. See Appendix VI.) Included in the Sol are 1024 words of static, low power system RAM capable of full speed operation and a plug-in personality module that contains the software monitor, or control,program. Three personality modules are available for Sol: SOLOS--allows full stand-alone terminal/computer operation. It permits data storage and retrieval, control of electronic instruments and independent calculations. In general, SOLOS is the choice when the Sol system will be lion its own" operating independently of other computers. SOLOS is the standard personality module supplied with the Sol-20. PM2708--permits customized software with 2708 EPROMS (not supplied) for special applications. BOOTLOAD--same as SOLOS except that the SOLOS ITERMinal" command is replaced with a bootstrap loader program for use with the Helios II disk memory system. Your Sol Computer power is easily expanded since it is compatible with all S-IOO bus products. Sol-20 has a capacity for five expansion modules. Add-on memory and interface modules are available from Processor Technology as well as a host of software cassettes. Processor Technology also has a number of quality peripheral devices to work with Sol, including a TV monitor and cassette recorder. 1. 2.2 Service Service of all kinds is the responsibility of the dealer from whom you purchased your Sol-PC or Sol System. Contact the dealer if you have problems completing assembly and testing, or your Sol malfunctions and you cannot correct the problem. 1. 2.3 Replacement Parts Order replacement parts from Processor Technology or your Sol dealer. When ordering, specify our part number, component descriptiol (74LSI09 IC (integrated circuit), 2N2222 transistor, and 680 ohm, 1/4 watt, 5% resistor for example). Processor Technology part numbers for Sol components and assemblies are given in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. REV A I-3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS 1.3 RECEIVING INSPECTION 1. 3.1 Sol Kits SECTION I Examine the shipping container(s) for signs of possible damage to the contents during transit. Then inspect the contents for damage. (We suggest you save the shipping materials for use in returning the kit to Processor Technology should it become necessary to do so.) If your Sol kit is damaged, immediately contact the carrier, and please write us at once describing the condition so that we can take appropriate action. Then check all of the parts and components against Table 1-1 (Table 3-1 if you have a Sol-PC kit). Table 1-1 is a consolidated listing of the parts lists in Sections II, III, IV and VI. It lists the Processor Technology part number, description, alternate (if any), and minimum quantity for each part in the complete Sol-20 Terminal Computer kit. Note that some parts have alternates. An alternate is equivalent to its primary part and may be used in any location for which the primary part is specified. Where indicated in Table 1-1, alternates may be supplied with your kit in lieu of primary parts, and in some cases you may receive, for a given primary part, a combination of the primary and/or alternates. For examole,you co~ld receive one 8T97, two 8097 and two 74367 for the five 8T97's specified in Table 1-1; any of these may be used in any place that calls for an 8T97. (Also use Table 1-1 to find our part number for any replacement part you order.) Figure 3-1 in Section III, Figures 6-1 and 6-2 in Section VI and Drawings X-I through X-IO will help you identify unfamiliar parts. Should a part be missing, please contact us at once so that we can take appropriate action. 1. 3.2 Assembled Sol Units Examine the shipping container(s) for signs of possible damage to the contents during transit. Then inspect the contents for damage. (We suggest that you save the shipping materials for use in returning you Sol unit to Processor Technology should it become necessary to do so.) If your Sol unit is damaged, immediately contact the carrier, and write us at once describing the condition so that we can take appropriate action. Then check the contents against Table 1-2 to be sure you received everything. Table 1-2 identifies all Sol System assemblies and parts.and lists their quantity and Processor Technology part number. Should anything be missing, please contact us at once so that we can take appropriate action. If you need to order a replacement part or assembly sometime in the future, use the parts lists in SectiC'-II, III, IV and VI, in conjunction with Tables 1-1 and 1-2, to determine our part number and description. (Continued on Page 1-16.) REV A 1-4 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS SECTION I Table 1-1. Sol-20 Kit Parts List. DESCRIPTION PART NO. ALTERNATES MINIMUM QUANTITY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 701001 0026 75369 1 701013 1458 72558 3 701017 1489 75189 1 701053 4N26 701023 4001 14001 1 701027 4013 1413 2 701031 4019 701033 4023 14023 1 701035 4024 14024 1 701037 4027 14027 1 701039 4029 3 701041 4030 1 701045 4046 14046 2 701047 4049 14049 2 701051 4520 14520 1 701011 6011 1602,2017,1013 2 701007 6574 6575 1 701086 74HOO 1 701090 74LSOO 3 701092 74LS02 701094 74LS04 4 701088 74S04 1 701061 7406 2 701098 74LS08 1 701100 74LS10 2 701108 74LS20 3 701118 74LS86 1 701120 74LS109 8 701126 74LS136 1 REV A 1 1 9LS02 1-5 2 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-1. PART NO. SECTION I Sol-20 Kit Parts List. DESCRIPTION (Continued) ALTERNATES MINIMUM QUANTITY 701128 74LS138 3 701138 74LS157 3 701142 74LS163 701075 74166 701077 74173 701079 74175 701146 74LS175 701150 74LS253 4 701158 74LS367 7 701164 7812 1 701166 7912 1 701184 8T94 1 701186 8T97 8097, 74367 5 701178 8T380 8836 1 701170 8080A 9080, 8080 1 701019 91L02 2102, 21L02 726004 9216* (marked "SOLOS") 1* 701192 93L16 1 * 9216 25LS163 4 1 8TIO 2 1 25LS175 9 16 Personality Module only. TRANSISTORS 702016 TIP41 1 702002 2N2222 4 702004 2N2907 2 702010 2N4360 1 DIODES and BRIDGE RECTIFIERS 703001 IN270 1 703003 IN4001 6 703005 IN4148 REV A IN914 1-6 10 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-1. PART NO. SECTION I Sol-20 Kit Parts List. DESCRIPTION (Continued) ALTERNATES MINIMUM QUANTITY 703011 1N5231 2* 703029 101 1 703027 106-2 703031 970-1 1 703033 980-1 1 *4 if 10632 1 2708 Personality Module is supplied. RESISTORS 705002 0.1 ohm, wire wound, 5W 1 705005 6.8 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 2 705009 39 ohm, 2 W, 5% 1 705011 47 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 3 705013 68 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705015 75 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705017 100 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 705019 100 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 3 705018 130 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 2* 705023 200 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705026 270 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705025 330 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 15 705027 330 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 1 705031 470 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705033 470 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 2 705035 680 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 9 705041 1K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 705043 1. 5K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 705045 1.69K ohm, 1/4 W, 1% 1 705052 3.3K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705053 4.02K ohm, 1/4 W, 1% 1 * 2708 63 Personality Module Only. REV A 1-7 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-1. PART NO. SECTION I Sol-20 Kit Parts List. (Continued) ALTERNATES DESCRIPTION MINIMUM QUANTITY 705055 4.7K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705057 5.6K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 6 705061 10K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 705065 15K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 705071 39K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 705072 47K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 705073 50K ohm, variable 2 705075 56K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705081 lOOK ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 3 705074 lOOK ohm, variable 1 705083 150K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 705085 1M ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 705089 2.2M ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 705091 3.3M ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 ** 38** 39 i f 2708 Personality Module is supplied. CAPACITORS 707001 10 pf, Disc Ceramic 1 707005 330 pf, Disc Ceramic 1 707009 470 pf, Disc Ceramic 1 707011 680 pf, Disc Ceramic 3 707015 .001 llf, Disc Ceramic 6 707017 .001 llf, Mylar 2 707021 .01 llf, Mylar 2 707023 .047 llf, Disc Ceramic 39 707025 .1 llf, Disc Ceramic 14 707027 .1 llf, Mylar 1 707029 .68 llf, Mono Ceramic 1 707032 1 llf, Tantalum 2* 707036 15 llf, Tantalum 8 *5 if 2708 Personality Module is supplied. REV A 1-8 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-1. PART NO. SECTION I Sol-20 Kit Parts List. DESCRIPTION (Continued) J\.LTERNATES MINIMUM QUANTITY 707038 100 ]If, Aluminum 1 707041 2500 ]If, Aluminum 2 707047 18,000 ]If, 1 707049 54,000 ]If, Aluminum Aluminum 1 SOCKETS, CONNECTORS and HEADERS 713002 DIP, 8-pin 713004 DIP, l4-pin 30 713006 DIP, l6-pin 74 713012 DIP, 24-pin 2* 713014 DIP, 40-pin 3 717002 Header, Male, 20-pin 2 717019 Header, Male, 7-pin 1 717011 Socket, Female, 25-pin 1 717013 Socket, Male, 25-pin 1 717044 Socket, Phone Jack, Miniature 2 717045 Socket, Phone Jack, Subminiature 2 717042 Socket, Coax, 75 ohm 2 717043 Plug, Coax 75 ohm 1 717047 Sleeve, Adapter, Coax 1 719001 Connector, PC, 100-pin 1 719002 Connector, PC, 100-pin 6 719003 Connector, PC, 30-pin 1 724005 Commoning Block, 5 position 2 *3 2 if 2708 Personality Module is supplied. SWITCHES, RELAYS and HOLDERS 723002 Switch, DIP, 6 Section 2 723003 Switch, DIP, 8 Section 2 723005 Switch, AC Power 1 723010 Relay, DIP, 500 ohm Reed 2 724007 Holder, Fuse 1 REV A I-9 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-1. PART NO. SECTION I Sol-20 Kit Parts List. DESCRIPTION (Continued) ALTERNATES MINIMUM QUANTITY PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS 105010 Sol-REG 1 102002 Sol-PC 1 107001 2708/9216 Personality Module 1 103001 Backplane 1 WIRE, CABLE and CABLE ASSEMBLIES 716000 Wire, 24 AWG 7"* 716008 Wire, 24 AWG l' 716005 Cable, Coaxial, 75 ohm 4' 718002 Cable Assembly, Flat, 20-Wire 1 105012 Cable, Sol PC DC Power, 5-Wire 1 105007 Cable, Sol 20 DC Power, 4-Wire 1 718001 Cord, AC Power, 3-Wire 1 105013 Cable Assembly, C-8 1 105018 Cable Assembly, AC Connector 1 105024 Assembly, Fuse Lead, AC Switch 1 105025 Assembly, Neutral Lead, AC Switch 1 103003 Cable Assembly, Sol Backplane 1 *6" if 2708 Personality Module is not supplied. HANDLES, BRACKETS and CARD GUIDES 102004 Bracket, Mounting, Sol PC, 2" 2 101016 Bracket, Backplane, Right-Angle 2 101017 Bracket, Gusset, Left Side 1 101047 Bracket, Gusset, Right Side 1 101005 Bracket, Connecting 1 101006 Bracket, Keyboard Support 2 107009 Handle, Personality Module 1 722007 Card Guide, 2-1/2" 722009 Card Guide, 4" REV A 2 10 1-10 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION $01 SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-1. SECTION I Sol-20 Kit Parts List. DESCRIPTION PART NO. (Continued) ALTERNATES MINIMUM QUANTITY CHASSIS, COVERS and LABELS 101003 Chassis, Main 1 105019 Subchassis, Power Supply 1 101004 Subchassis, Expansion 1 101002 Cover, Keyboard 1 101020 Cover, Top 1 101015 Cover, Logo, P1exig1ass 1 105020 Plate, Fan Closure 1 101007 Assembly, Side Panel, Left 1 101008 Assembly, Side Panel, Right 1 101012 Label, Serial Number 1 101014* Label, Sol Logo* 1* 101032 Label, Connector 1 101019 Label, Fingerwe11, Black 2 * May be packaged under logo cover. HARDWARE 720074 Machine Screw, 2-56 x 3/16 2 720075 Lockwasher, Internal Tooth, #2 2 720002 Machine Screw, 4-40 x 1/4 4 720001 Machine Screw, 4-40 x 3/16 4 720003 Machine Screw, 4-40 x 5/16 22 720013 Machine Screw, 4-40 x 7/16 7 720014 Machine Screw, 4-40 x 5/8 9 720049 Spacer, 4-40 x 1/4 2 720038 Lockwasher, Internal Tooth, #4 720025 Lockwasher, Spring, #4 8 720040 Flat Washer, Nylon, #4 2 717051 Lug, #4 2 720010 Hex Nut, 4-40 REV A 36 32 I-II PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-1. PART NO. SECTION I Sol-20 Kit Parts List. DESCRIPTION (Continued) ALTERNATES MINIMUM QUANTITY 720020 Machine Screw, Metal, 6-32 x 1/2 24 720019 Machine Screw, Nylon, 6-32 x 1/2 2 720022 Machine Screw, 6-32 x 3/4 1 720023 Sheetmetal Screw, #6 x 1/4 32 720026 Self-tapping Screw, #6 x 5/16 5 720041 Lockwasher, Internal Tooth, #6 30 720067 Flat Washer, #6 18 720011 Hex Nut, 6-32 19 720032 Machine Screw, 8-32 x 1/2 3 720051 Lockwasher, Internal Tooth, #8 3 720012 Hex Nut, 8-32 3 720036 Machine Screw, 10-24 x 3/8 8 720079 Machine Screw, 10-24 x 1 2 717053 Lug, #10 2 720042 Screw, Quick Connect, Knurled 2 MISCELLANEOUS 709004 Crystal, 14.31818 MHz 1 105033 Fan Assembly 1 722003 Finger Guard, Fan 1 105028 Transformer, Sol 20 1 105034* Transformer, 220/240 V* 1* 104000 Keyboard Assembly, 85 Key 1 723018 Fuse, 3.2A, Slo-Bl0 1 105011 Heatsink 1 721004 Heatsink 1 721006 Heatsink 1 721000 Heatsink Compound 1 713018 Augat Pins 720060 Clamp, 1-1/2 15 1 *Sol 20/220 and Sol 20/240 only. REV A I-12 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-1. SECTION I Sol-20 Kit Parts List. DESCRIPTION PART NO. (Continued) ALTERNATES MINIMUM QUANTITY 720061 Clamp, 2-1/2" 1 720046 Washer, Mica, TO-220 2 720062 Washer, Mica 1 722011 Tie, Cable 5 716004 Tubing, PVC 3" 722017 Foot, Rubber, Adhesive 4 716001 Solder, 60/40, 20SWG 727000 Basic 5 Package 1 730000 Manual, Sol Systems 1 REV A 31' 1-13 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS SECTION I Table 1-2.· Sol Systems Parts List . . DESCRIPTION PART NO. QUANTITY Sol-20/8 101000-02 Sol-20 Terminal Computer 1 202000-01 8KRA Memory Module 1 723018 Fuse, 3.2A Slo-Bl0 .2 Cap, Fuse Holder 1 718001 Cord, AC Power, 3-Wire 1 727000 Basic 5 Package 1 730000 Manual, Sol Systems 1 730002 Manual, 8KRA 1 Sol-20/16 101000-02 Sol-20 Terminal Computer 1 203000-01 16KRA Memory Module 1 723018 Fuse, 3.2A Slo-Bl0 2 Cap, Fuse Holder 1 718001 Cord, AC Power, 3-Wire 1 727000 Basic 5 Package 1 730000 Manual, Sol Systems 1 730003 Manual, 16KRA 1 Sol System I 400400-01 Sol-20/8 Terminal Computer 1 722016 TV Monitor 1 722019 Cassette Recorder 1 718005 or 101034 Video Cable Assembly 1 718006 or 101041 Audio Cable Assembly 1 718007 or 101042 Motor Control Cable Assembly 1 REV A 1-14 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS Table 1-2. SECTION I Sol Systems Parts List. PART NO. (Continued) DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Sol System II 400500-01 Sol-20/16 Terminal Computer 1 722016 TV Monitor 1 722019 Cassette Recorder 1 718005 or 101034 Video Cable Assembly 1 718006 or 101041 Audio Cable Assembly 1 718007 or 101042 Motor Control Cable Assembly 1 Sol System III 400500-01 Sol-20/16 Terminal Computer 1 203100 32KRA Memory Module (or two 16KRA Memory Modules, PIN 203000-01) 1 300000-01 Helios II 1 722016 TV Monitor 1 718005 or 101034 Video Cable Assembly 1 727036 Extended Disk Basic Package 1 730009 Manual, Helios II 1 REV A 1-15 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS SECTION I Before applyirig power to your factory assembled Sol unit, use the following procedure to internally inspect the unit, and if required, install the memory module: CAUTION DO NOT TOUCH ANY OF THE Sol-PC COMPONENTS, OR Sol-20 INTERNAL COMPONENTS, UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO IN THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE. REV A 1. On the Sol-20, remove the two knurled quick connect screws (located on back of Sol) that hold the top cover in place. 2. On the Sol-20, refer to Drawing X-10 in Section X and carefully swing the top cover up, unhook it from the back edge of the keyboard cover, and set it to one side. 3. On the Sol-20, carefully swing keyboard cover up, unhook it from the front edge of the main chassis, and set it to one side. 4. On the Sol-20, touch the chassis to discharge any static electricity. (On the Sol-PC this may be accomplished by touching the ground trace along the edge of the board.) Visually inspect all IC's, the personality module and cable connectors to see if they are firmly seated. Secure any" loose cable connectors and push gently down on any loose IC's until they are fully seated in their socket. If the personality module is loose, push on its handle (see Drawing X-7 in Section X) to seat the module firmly in its socket. 5. On the Sol-20, install the memory module(s} in the expansion chassis (located in left rear corner of Sol as viewed from the front). You may install the module(s} in any of the five card slots. With the component side up, insert edge connector side of module in card guides and carefully slide the module in until the edge connector is fully seated in the backplane (the vertical circuit board on the front side of the expansion chassis) connector. 6. For the Sol-20, reassemble it by hooking the keyboard cover under the front edge of the main chassis and lowering it over the keyboard, hooking the top cover over the back edge of the keyboard cover and lowering it down into place over the rear of the unit, and installing the two knurled quick connect screws. 7. Insert a fuse in the fuse cap, push the assembly into the fuse post (see Figure 7-1 in Section VII), and turn cap one-quarter turn clockwise. 1-16 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS B. SECTION I With AC power cord hot plugged into a 110 V ac outlet, connect power cord to AC connector on Sol rear panel (see Figure 7-1). If you have a Sol-PC, it is now ready to use with a keyboard and TV monitor. If you have a Sol-20, you are now ready to simultaneously test the Sol functions and get acquainted with its operation. Information in Section VII ("Sol Operating Procedures") and IX ("Software") will guide you. Should you have any problem getting Sol to respond as described in Sections VII and IX, make sure that you faithfully followed all of the instructions. If that does not remedy the situation, feel free to seek help from us or your Sol dealer. 1.4 SECTION X DRAWINGS This overview of the drawings section in this manual (Section X) is intended to help you better utilize the drawings supplied therein. The first 10 drawings (X-l through X-lO) are assembly drawings which the kit builder will use to assemble his kit. They also provide information that will be useful when servicing the Sol-PC or Sol-20. Drawing X-II is a functional block diagram of the Sol-PC, the primary "horne" for the Sol electronics. This diagram includes a table that relates the functional blocks with the applicable schematic(s) and the IC's used. Drawings X-12 and 13 are schematics of the Sol Regulator and Power Supply, respectively. The Sol-PC schematic is separated by functional sections into five separate schematic drawings (X-14 through X-lB). Notes that apply to all five schematics are provided on Drawing X-lB. To assist you in relating the schematics to the block diagram, each schematic incorporates grey, identified blocks for each functional block on Drawing X-II. Drawing X-19 is the schematic for the 270B/92l6 Personality Module, and the remaining drawings (X-20 through X-23) pertain to the Keyboard Assembly. 1.S Sol KIT ASSEMBLY ORDER If you are building a Sol-PC, either start assembly with Section III (Sol-PC) or IV (Personality Module). The assembly of these two parts is inter-related, so you may begin with either one. The recommended assembly order for the Sol-20 is to first build the power supply. You then have the option of starting to build the Personality Module (Section IV) or the Sol-PC (Section III) since the assembly of these two parts is inter-related. Having REV A 1-17 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION r Sol SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS completed the power supply, Sol-PC and Personality Module, it is time to assemble the chassis-cabinet (Section VI) which includes building the expansion backplane board. Once your Sol is finished, you are ready to put it through some simple operations and functional tests as described in Section VII. REV A 1-18 II Sol POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY and TEST 2.1 Introduction • • . . . II-l 2.2 Parts and Components . . II-l 2.3 Assembly Tips • • . II-5 2.3.1 2.3.2 Electrical . • Mechanical. II-5 II-5 2.4 Assembly Precautions II-6 2.5 Required Tools, Equipment and Materials. . II-6 2.6 Orientation II-6 2.6.1 2.6.2 II-6 II-6 2.7 Sol-REG PC Board . . Fan Closure Plate. Assembly-Test. • . II-7 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 II-7 II-IO Fan Closure Plate Assembly • . . • . Sol-REG Assembly and Test . . . . • • . Power Supply Subchassis Assembly and Test . • . • • . II-14 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY 2.1 SECTION II INTRODUCTION The Sol power supply consists of a regulator board plus additional chassis-mounted components. This section covers assembly and test of the complete power supply. 2.2 PARTS AND COMPONENTS You will need the parts listed in Table 2-1 to assemble your Sol power supply. Select and separate the needed parts from those supplied with your Sol kit before starting assembly. If you have any difficulty in identifying any parts by sight, refer to Figure 3-1 in Section III, Figure 6-1 in Section VI and the "Standard Color Code for Resistors and Capacitors" chart in Appendix III. The assembly drawings in Section X will also be useful in identifying parts. To guide you in selecting and identifying parts, Table 2-1 lists each part, its description, quantity ~nd reference designation on the drawing(s) you will use in assembling the power supply. You will encounter two types of reference designators in Table 2-1 (and parts lists in Section III, IV and VI as well): alphanumeric and encircled numeric designators. Alphanumeric designators (Cl, R5, U3, D4, etc.) are used to identify electronic components such as capacitors, resistors, integrated circuits and diodes. Encircled desigHators (CD, ®, ®, etc. are used to identify the other parts used in the Sol (chassis, cables, screws, washers, covers, heat sinks, etc.). Two examples of how to use the information in Table 2-1 follow: REV B 1. Alphanumeric Designators. The first integrated circuit (IC) entry in Table 2-1 indicates its reference designator is U2 and that U2 will be installed using Drawing X-2 in Section X. In looking at Drawing X-2, we can see that U2 (a 1458) is an 8-pin dual inline package (DIP) IC that will be installed in the near center of the Sol-REG board. 2. Encircled Numeric Designators. The next to last entry in Table 2-1, a #10 lug, has a reference designator 12 and indicates that the two lugs will be installed using Drawing X-3 in Section X. In looking at Drawing X-3, we can see what these lugs look like and determine that they will be installed on resistor leads. 11-1 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY SECTION II Table 2-1. Sol Power Supply Parts List. REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Circuit Board Sol-REG 1 X-2 1 IC 1458 or 72558 1 X-2 U2 IC 7812 1 X-2 Ul IC 7912 1 X-2 U3 Transistor TIP41 1 X-2 Ql Transistor 2N2222 2 X-2 Q2&3 Diode IN270 1 X-2 D5 Diode IN4001 2 X-2 D3&4 Diode IN4148 or IN914 1 X-2 D2 Diode IN5231 1 X-2 Dl SCR 106-2 or 10632 1 X-2 SCRI Bridge Rect. 101 1 X-2 FWB2 Bridge Rect. 970-1 1 X-2 FWBI Bridge Rect. 980-1 1 X-3 FWB3 Resistor 0.1 ohm, Wire Wound, 5W 1 X-2 Rl Resistor 39 ohm, 2W, 5% 1 X-3 10 Resistor 68 ohm, 1/4W, 5% 1 X-2 R6 Resistor 100 ohm, 1/4W, 5% 1 X-2 R14 Resistor 330 ohm, 1/4W, 5% 2 X-2 R2&13 Resistor lK ohm, 1/4W, 5% 2 X-2 R5&8 Resistor 1690 ohm, 1/4W, 1% 1 X-2 Rl1 Resistor 4020 ohm, 1/4W, 1% 1 X-2 R12 Resistor 10K ohm, 1/4W, 5% 4 X-2 R3,4,7&10 Resistor 56K ohm, 1/4W, 5% 1 X-2 R9 Capacitor .047 ].If, Disc Ceramic 1 X-2 C8 Capacitor .1 ].If, Disc Ceramic 2 X-2 C2&3 Capacitor 15 ].If, Tantalum, 20V 3 X-2 C1,6&7 Capacitor 2500 ].If, Aluminum, 25V 2 X-2 C4&5 Capacitor 18,000 ].If, Aluminum, 10V 1 X-3 8 Capacitor 54,000 ].If, Aluminum, 15V 1 X-3 9 REV A 11-2 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY Table 2-1. SECTION II Sol Power Supply Parts List (Continued) REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Transformer Power, Sol T-2 1 X-3 6 Transformer* Power, Sol 220/240* 1* X-3 6 Fan Assembly Rotron 428056 or Peewee Boxer PWS2l07FL-2-M 1 X-5 5 Connector AC Power Receptacle 1 X-I 3 Socket Coax, 75 ohm 2 X-I 55 Holder Fuse 1 X-I 9 Switch AC Power, Alternate Action 1 X-I 4 Block Commoning, 5 position 2 X-I 10 Fuse 3.2A, Slo-Blo 1 Heat Sink Bar, For SCRl, Ql & FWBI 1 X-2 5 Heat Sink Rectangular, For Ul & U3 1 X-2 40 Heat Sink Circular, For Q2 1 X-2 41 Cable Coaxial, 75 ohm 15" X-I 2 Cable C8 Cable Assembly, 2-Wire 1 X-2 4 Cable Sol-PC Power, 4-Wire 1 X-2 2 Cable Sol 20 DC Power, 5-Wire 1 X-4 5 Cord AC Power, 3-Wire 1 X-IO 36 Lead Fuse Lead to AC Switch, 3" 1 X-I 7 Lead Neutral Lead, AC Switch, 3-1/4" 1 X-I 8 Guard Finger 1 X-I 6 Cable Tie Plastic 4 X-4 13 Clamp C-8, 1-1/2" 1 X-3 31 Clamp C-9, 2-1/2" 1 X-3 32 Insulator Mica Washer 1 X-2 20 Insulator Mica Washer, TO-220 2 X-2 19 Plate Fan Closure 1 X-I 1 Subchassis Power Supply 1 X-3 1 *Supplied REV A only with 220 and 240 Vac versions of Sol. II-3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY Table 2-1. SECTION II Sol Power Supply Parts List (Continued) REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Screw Machine, 4-40 x 3/16 2 X-3 20 Screw Machine, 4-40 x 5/16 6 X-I X-3 14 18 Screw Machine, 4-40 x 7/16 1 X-2 44 Screw Machine, 4-40 x 5/8 1 X-2 45 Spacer Tapped, 4-40 x 1/4 2 X-3 30 Lockwasher Internal Tooth, #4 9 X-I X-2 X-3 18 48 29 Hex Nut 4-40 6 X-I X-2 16 50 Lug #4 2 X-1 58 Machine, Metal, 6-32 x 1/2 16 X-I X-2 X-3 13 Screw 47 16 Screw Machine, Nylon, 6-32 x 1/2 2 X-2 46 Screw Machine, Metal, 6-32 x 3/4 1 X-3 19 Screw Self-tapping, #6 x 5/16 4 X-3 17 Lockwasher Internal Tooth, #6 22 X-I X-2 X-3 17 52 28 Hex Nut 6-32 22 X-I X-2 X-3 15 51 24 Screw Machine, Metal, 8-32 x 1/2 3 X-3 15 Lockwasher Internal Tooth, #8 3 X-3 27 Hex Nut 8-32 3 X-3 23 Lug #10 2 X-3 12 Compound Heats ink 1 Solder 60/40, 20 SWG REV A 11-4 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION II Sol POWER SUPPLY 2.3 ASSEMBLY TIPS 2.3.1 Electrical For the most part the assembly tips given in Paragraph 3.2 of Section III (Page III-I) apply to assembling the Sol regulator board and power supply. In addition, scan Section II completely before you start to assemble the power supply. 2.3.2 Mechanical 1. If you do not have the proper screwdrivers (see Paragraph 2.5), we recommend that you buy them rather than using a knife point, a blade screwdriver on a Phillips screw, and other makeshift means. Proper screwdrivers minimize the chances of stripping threads, disfiguring screw heads and marring decorative surfaces. 2. To assure a correct fit and tight assembly, be sure you use the screws specified in the instructions. 3. Lockwashers are widely used in the power supply assembly so that screws will not loosen when subjected to stress or vibration. Wnen a lockwasher is specified, do not omit it and make sure you install it correctly. . 4. Some instructions call for prethreading holes. This is done to make assembly easier by giving you maximum working space for installing relatively hard-to-drive sheet metal screws. If you bypass prethreading instructions you will only make subsequent cabinet-chassis assembly more difficult. To prethread a hole, insert specified screw in the hole and position it as straight as possible. While holding the screw in this position, drive it into the metal with the proper screwdriver. If started straight the screw will continue to go straight into the metal so that the head and sheet metal surfaces are in full contact. 5. The diameter of the shank (threaded portion) of a screw increases in relation to its number. For example, a 6-32 screw is larger in diameter than a 4-40 screw. Also, a #8 lockwasher is larger than a #4 lockwasher. 6. Heat sink compound is supplied with this kit in a small clear plastic package. It is a thick white substance which improves heat transfer between components and their heat sinks. To use the compound, pierce a small hole near the edge of the top surface of the plastic package, using a pin or sharp knife point. Squeezing the package will cause a small amount of the compound to ooze out - Rev B 1I-5 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION II Sol POWER SUPPLY out of the hole, which may then be applied with a toothpick or small screwdriver blade. Spread a thin film of the compound on the mating surfaces of both the heat-generating component and the heat sink surface which it will contact. Then assemble as directed. 2.4 ASSEMBLY PRECAUTIONS The precautions concerning soldering and the installation and removal of integrated circuits given in Paragraph 3.3 of Section III (Page 111-9) also apply to assembling the Sol regulator board. 2.5 REQUIRED TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The following tools, equipment and materials are recommended for assembling the Sol regulator board: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Needle nose pliers Diagonal cutters Sharp knife Screwdriver, thin 1/4" blade Screwdriver, #2 Phillips Controlled heat soldering iron, 25 watt volt-ohm meter Ruler 2.6 ORIENTATION 2.6.1 Sol-REG PC Board Location C5 (2500 ufd capacitor) will be located in the lower right-hand corner of the circuit board when locations SCRl, Ql and FWBI are positioned along the top of the board. In this position the component (front) side of the board is facing up and the horizontal legends will read from left to right; the other legends will read from bottom to top. Subsequent position references related to the Sol~REG board assume this orientation. 2.6.2 Fan Closure Plate The large circular cutout will be located in the upper right quadrant of the plate when the heavy gauge doubler plate is facing up. In this position the rectangular cutouts are on the left, the front side of the plate is facing down, the back side is facing up, and the-small circular cutout is at the bottom:- We suggest you label the two sides. REV C 11-6 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY SECTION II 2.7 ASSEMBLY-TEST 2.7.1 Fan Closure·Plate Assembly Refer to Assembly Drawings on Pages X-l and 4 in Section X. (Figure 2-1 shows a completed fan closure plate assembly.) Figure 2-1. () Step 1. Sol-20 fan closure plate assembly. (Top of plate in foreground.) Mount cooling fan and guard to fan closure plate. Insert four 6-32 x 1/2" binder or pan head screws from back side (side with doubler plate) of fan closure plate. (Use the holes positioned in each quadrant of the large circular cutout.) Slip fan guard over screws on front side of plate (side without doubler plate side). Position fan with motor support struts away from front side of closure plate and with its leads next to the rectangular cutouts in the plate. Place #6 lockwasher on each screw and secure with 6-32 hex nut. WARNING FAILURE TO INSTALL FAN GUARD MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE Sol AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY. () Step 2. Install power on-off switch in upper rectangular cutout in fan closure plate. (Step 2 continued on Page 11-8.) REV C II-7 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY SECTION II Bend four retainer tabs on switch in and position switch with terminals facing front side of fan closure plate. Push switch unit from back side of plate through mounting hole and bend retainer tabs outward if needed to hold switch in place. () Step 3. Install commoning blocks (Item 10 on drawing on Page X-I) on front side of fan closure plate, one on each side of on-off switch. position each block with terminal #1 at top and terminal #5 at bottom and attach each block to front side of fan closure plate with two 6-32 x 1/2 binder or pan head screws. Insert screws from back side of plate, place block over screws, on front side of plate, put #6 lockwasher on each screw and secure with 6-32 hex nut. () Step 4. Install fuse holder in mounting hole located between the two rectangular cutouts in the fan closure plate. Insert fuse holder from back side of plate, position large tab at top, next to on-off switch, and secure holder to plate with the large lockwasher and nut supplied with holder. () Step 5. Install AC Power cord receptacle on fan closure plate. position receptacle on front side of fan closure plate over the rectangular cutout below fuse holder. Orient receptacle with green lead at the bottom and align the receptacle and closure plate mounting holes. Insert two 6-32 x 1/2 binder or pan head screws from back side of plate through each mounting hole, put #6 lockwasher on each screw and secure with 6-32 hex nut. Be sure receptacle is properly seated in cutout before tightening to avoid damage. () Step 6. Install female coaxial connector on fan closure plate. Insert connector from front side of plate so that the threaded end projects through to the back side. Then insert four 4-40 x 5/16 binder or pan head screws from back side of plate through the four connector and plate mounting holes. Place #4 lockwasher on each screw except the upper one which is closest to the AC receptacle. Secure with 4-40 hex nuts. (Leave upper nu~closest to receptacle loose.) () Step 7. Prepare RG59/U coaxial cable. (See Figure 2-2.) Cut a 15" piece of coaxial cable from that supplied. Strip away 1-1/2 inch of the outer insulation at both ends to expose shield. Unbraid shield at one end and loosely twist it into a single lead. Do the same thing at the other end. Tin shield lead at each end and solder a #4 lug to each lead. Then remove one inch of the inner conductor insulation at both ends and cut inner conductor to 3/8" length. REV C II-8 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION II Sol POWER SUPPLY Figure 2-2. Coaxial cable preparation. ( ) Step 8. Connect coaxial cable to coaxial connector installed in Step 6. Solder inner conductor on one end to the pin of the connector. Remove hex nut on upper connector mounting screw closest to AC receptacle, place l.ug (coaxial shield) on screw and reinstall hex nut. ( ) Step 9. Connect fan closure plate wiring. (See Drawing X-4.) ( ) Install the 3" power switch-to-comrnoning block cable. Connect the female spade lug end to the upper terminal of the on-off switch and the comrnoning block lug end to the #1 terminal of the commoning block closest to the fan. NOTE: To install comrnoning block lugs, position lug with its open side facing away from the terminal numbers on the bloc~Then gently push lug into appropriate terminal receptacle until it is fully seated. ( ) Install the 3-1/4" fuse holder-to-power switch cable. (This cable has female spade lugs at both ends.) Connect one end to the bottom terminal of the on-off switch and the other to the longer male spade lug on the fuse holder. ( ) Connect the AC receptacle wire closest to the fan to the other fuse holder lug. NOTE: The green AC receptacle wire will be connected later. ( ) Connect other AC receptacle wire to terminal #4 on the comrnoning block furthest away from the fan (TB2). ( ) Connect upper wire of fan cord to terminal #3 of the comrnoning block closest to fan (TB1). ( ) Connect lower wire of fan cord to terminal #5 of comrnoning block furthest from fan. ( ) Put fan closure assembly aside. REV C 11-9 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY 2.7.2 SECTION II Sol-REG Assembly and Test Circuit references, values and outlines are printed on the component side of the board to assist in assembly. Also refer to Drawing X-2 in Section x. () Step 10. Visually check Sol-REG board for solder bridges (shorts) between traces, broken traces and similar defects. If visual inspection reveals any defects, return the board to Processor Technology for replacement. If the board is not defective, proceed to next paragraph. () Step 11. Install the following resistors in the indicated locations. Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. LOCATION Rl* R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 RIO Rll R12 *Mount VALUE (ohms) 330 10 10 1 68 10 1 56 10 1690 4020 .1, 3 watt , 5 watt K K K K K K K COLOR CODE none orange-orange-brown brown-black-orange " " " brown-black-red blue-gray-black brown-black-orange brown-black-red green-blue-orange brown-black-orange brown-blue-white-brown yellow-black-red-brown Rl approximately 0.15" from board surface. () Step 12. Install U2 (1458) in its location between C2 and C3. U2 is positioned with pin 1 in the lower left-hand corner and soldered into place. See "Loading DIP Devices" in Appendix IV. () Step 13. Install diodes Dl (lN5231), D2 (lN4148), D3 and D4 (lN4001). Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. BE SURE to position Dl with its cathode (dark band) to the left, D2 and D3 with their cathode at the bottom, and D4 with its cathode at the top. () Step 14. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value, type and orientation, if applicable, for each installation. Bend leads outward on solder (back) side of board, solder and trim. (See NOTE on Page II-II.) REV C 11-10 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION II Sol POWER SUPPLY Disc capacitor leads are usually coated with wax during the manufacturing process. After inserting leads through mounting holes, remove capacitor and clear the holes of' any wax. Reinsert and install. LOCATION ( ) ( ) ) ( ( ( ( ) ) cl C2 C3 c6 c7 VALUE~9.1 15 .1 .1 15 15 ORIENTATION TYPE Tantalum Disc Disc Tantalum Tantalum 11+11 lead bottom right None None 11+11 11+11 lead right lead left Ste2 15. Install 2500 ufd capacitors in locations C4 and C5. Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. Be sure to install c4 with its 11+11 lead to the right and C5 with its 11+11 lead to the left. ( ) Ste2 16. Install Q2 and Q3 (2N2222) in their locations. The emitter lead (closest to tab on can) of Q2 is oriented toward the left and the base lead toward the bottom. The emitter lead of Q3 is oriented toward the bottom and the base lead toward the right. ( ) Step 17. Read assembly tip 6, on page 11-5. Apply heat sink compound to the inside of the small black "starshaped" cooling fin, and install it, with the cylindrical grip down, on Q2 by slipping it down onto the can. Be sure heat sink does not touch any other component on the board. ( ) Step 18. Install bridge rectifier FWB 2 (101) in its location at the bottom of the board. Apply heat sink compound, per Assembly tip 6 on page 11-5. Position FWB2 with its "+" lead at the top and its "-" lead at the bottom, insert leads, solder and trim. ( ) Step 19. Install large heat sink, Ul and U3 in their locations on the bottom left corner of the circuit board. ( ) Position large black heat sink, (flat side to board) over the square foil area in the lower left corner of the PC board. Orient sink so that the two triangular cutouts in the sink are over the two triangles of mounting holes in the board. REV B ( ) Position Ul (7812) on heat sink and observe how leads must be bent to fit mounting holes. Note that the center lead must be bent down approximately 0.2 inches. II-II PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION II Sol POWER SUPPLY further from the body than the other two leads. Bend leads so that no contact is made with the heat sink when Ul is flat against the sink and its mounting hole is aligned with the holes in the sink and PC board. Apply heat 'sink compound per Assembly Tip 6, on page II-5. Fasten Ul and sink to board using a 6~32 x ~ metal screw, lockwasher and nut. Insert screw from back (solder) side of board and drive nut finger tight. () Position U3 (7912) on heat sink, determine how leads must be bent as you did for Ul, and bend leads. Place a rectangular mica insulator over the leads of U3 so that it fully covers the bottom side of the U3 package. Apply heat sink compound to U3, the heat sink, and both sides of the mica insulator. Bend the two outside leads of U3 slightly in toward the center lead, insert leads in mounting holes as you did for Ul, and fasten U3 to heat sink and PC board using a 6-32 x ~ Nylon screw, lockwasher and nut. Insert screw from back (solder) side of board and drive nut finger tight. ( ) Position heat sink, Ul and U3 as needed to obtain correct fit and tighten the Ul and U3 mounting screws. REMEMBER, NO LEADS CAN CONTACT THE SINK. Solder all leads and trim if required. ( ) Step 20. Install aluminum heat sink, SCRl, Ql and bridge rectifier FWBI. ( ) Position aluminum heat sink (see Figure 2-3) along top of PC board so that the three holes in one side of the sink are aligned with the SCRl, Ql and FWBI mounting holes in the PC board. ~~m~Lockwasher Heatsink Compound and J~ +- SCRI Mica Insulator~~~. .~t=~.w.c~ ~solder (back) Side x 7/16 Screw (Left end, cross-section view) Figure 2-3. Rev B Al~inum heat sink installation. II-12 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY SECTION II ( ) Position Ql (TlP4l), with component nomenclature up, on heat sink so hole in Ql package is aligned with the holes in sink and PC board. Observe how the leads of Ql must be bent down to fit the pads for Ql and bend them accordingly. Apply heat sink compound to Ql, the heat sink, and both sides of the rectangular mica insulator. Place mica insulator between heat sink and Ql, insert leads (emitter lead to right) and fasten Ql, insulator and heat sink to board with a 6-32 x 1/2 Nylon screw, lockwasher and nut. Insert screw from back (solder) side of board and drive nut finger tight. ( ) Position FWBI (970-1) , with "+" lead to the right, on heat sink, determine how leads must be bent as you did for Ql, and bend leads. Apply heat sink compound. Insert leads ("+" lead to right) and fasten FWBI and heat sink to PC board with a 4~40 x 5/8 screw, lockwasher and nut. Insert screw from back (solder) side of board and drive nut finger tight. ( ) Position SCRI (106-2 or 10632) on heat sink with component nomenclature up and prepare it for installation as you did Ql and FWBI. Apply heat sink compound to SCRl, the heat sink, and both sides of the circular mica insulator. Place the mica insulator between the heat sink and SCRl, insert leads and fasten SCRl, insulator and heat sink to PC board with a 4-40 x 7/16" screw, lockwasher anc nut. Insert screw from back (solder) side of board and drive nut finger tight. ( ) Check alignment of heat sink, SCRl, Ql and FWB2 and tightE the three mounting screws. Solder all leads and trim if required. Wipe off excess heat sink compound, if necessary. NOTE: The heat sink may have to be repositioned when you mount the Sol-REG on the power supply subchassis, This will require that you loosen the mounting screws for SCRl, Ql and FWB2 and retighten them after repositioning the heat sink. ( ) Step 20A. Install C8 (0.47 ufd disc capacitor), R14 (100 ohm 1/2 watt resistor, color code brown-black-brown), R13 (330 ohm, 1/4 watt resistor, color code orange-orange-brown) and diode D5 (lN270) as follows (see Drawing X-2 in Section X) : ( ) Connect C8 in parallel with R2 (330 ohm, 5 watt resistor installed in Step 11). Pass both C8 leads under the two leads of R2, bend leads of C8 around leads of R2 close to its body, solder and trim excess lead lengths. ( ) Wrap one lead of R14 around right-hand lead of SCRI and the other around the right-hand lead of R2. Dress R14 leads as shown on Drawing X-2. BE SURE R14 LEADS DO NOT SHORT TO OTHER LEADS OF SCRI OR LEAD OF Dl (lN523l). Solder ONLY the R14-SCRI connection and trim excess lead length. REV C 11-13 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY SECTION II ( ) Wrap one lead of R13 around right-hand lead of R2. Physically position R13 parallel to Dl as shown on Drawing X-2. Solder R13-R14-R2 connection and trim excess lead lengths. ( ) Wrap anode lead of D5 (lN270), the lead opposite the banded end lead, around anode lead of Dl (lead opposite banded end lead). Also wrap cathode lead (banded end) of D5 and loose lead of R13 together. Solder DI-D5 and D5-R13 connections and trim excess lead lengths. ( ) Check lead dress and inspect for possible shorts and/or solder bridges. ( ) Refer to Drawing X-2. On the solder (back) side of the board, the trace that connects R2 to the anode lead of Dl and the trace that connects the anode lead of Dl to the right-hand lead (as viewed from front (component) side of board) of SCRI should have been cut at the factory. If they were not, cut these two traces as follows: Using an Xacto knife or razor blade, make two cuts in· each trace approximately 1/8" apart, cutting across each trace down to the epoxy base. Insert blade tip beneath one of the cut sections and gently work it away from the board. Do the same with the other cut section. Be sure both "breaks" are free of solder. ( ) Step 21. See Detail A on Drawing X-4 in Section x. Connect two wire cable assembly (C8 to Regulator Board cable) to regulator. Tin ends without lugs and solder green-white (+ ) lead to pad X2 and white (-) lead to pad X3. () Step 22. Test Sol-REG for short circuits. Check for continuity between FWBI (970-1) mounting screw and the following points: (The resistance should be greater than 20 ohms in all cases.) X2 T2 Tl Ql, Emitter Ql, Ql, Dl, Rl, Base Collector right-hand lead left-hand lead D3, D4, *D3, *D4, top lead top lead bottom lead bottom lead *Resistance will be initially low due to C4 and C5, but it should increase to greater than 20 ohms after a few seconds. () 2.7.3 Step 23. Set Sol-REG to one side. Power Supply Subchassis Assembly and Test Refer to Drawings X-3 and X-4 in Section X. () REV C Step 24. Mount transformer T2 on power supply subchassis (L-shaped chassis) . 11-14 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY SECTION II Position transformer as shown in drawing on Page X-3 and attac it to the subchassis with three 8-32 x 1/2 binder or pan head screws, #8 lockwashers and 8-32 hex nuts. Insert screws from bottom and outer side of chassis as shown. Place lockwasher on each screw and secure loosely with hex nuts. Slide transformer as close as possible to the edge of the chassis and tighten nuts. NOTE Only one of the holes in the side wall is used. Use the one that lines up with the transformer mounting tab. () Step 25. () Prepare transformer leads. Twist two black leads (black and black-red leads and black-white and black-yellow leads on Sol 20/220 transformer, black and black-yellow leads and black-white and black-red leads on Sol 20/240 transformer) together except for the last two inches at the commoning block lug end. Twist the two green wires together for their full length. Twist the two yellow wires together for their full length Twist the two blue wires together for their full length. () Step 26. First check that wire color coding in Sol-PC power cable conforms with that shown in Figure 2-6 on Page 11-21. Then connect Sol-PC power cable (4-wire cable which connects to J10 on Sol-PC) to Sol-REG. Tin ends of cable and solder green lead to pad X9, white lead to pad Xl, red lead to pad X7 and white-yellow lead to pad X8. () Step 27. See Detail C on Drawing X-4. Connect Sol-20 DC power cable (5-wire) to Sol-REG. Tin ends of cable and soldel white lead to pad X10 (to right of T3), red-white lead to pad X5 (between C5 and FWB2) and yellow-white lead to pad x6 (left of C5) . () Step 28. () () REV C Connect transformer leads to Sol-REG. See Detail A on Drawing X-4. Solder green leads to pads Tl and T2, white-yellow lead to pad T3 and yellow leads to pads T4 and T5 on Sol-REG circuit board. Step 29. Prethread the three Sol-REG heat sink mounting hole~ in the power supply subchassis shown in drawing on page X-3 with #6 x 5/16 sheet metal screws. Remove screws. 11-15 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION II Sol POWER SUPPLY () Step 30. Place #4 lockwashers on two 4-40 x 3/16 binder or pan head screws. Insert these screws from the bottom side of the power supply subchassis through the two mounting holes located near the middle of the bottom of the power supply subchassis, one on each side. Drive each screw tightly into a 4-40 x 1/4 tapped spacer. () Step 31. Position Sol-REG PC board with top edge over the previously installed spacers. Place #4 lockwashers on two 4-40 x 5/16 binder or pan head screws and drive screws through Sol-REG board into spacers. () Step 32. Attach heat sink on Sol-REG to power supply subchassis as shown in drawing on Page X-3. At this point use only the two side screws which you used in Step 29 to prethread the hole~ (The middle screw will be installed later.) Place a #6 lockwasher on each screw before driving it through the sink into the subchassis. Figure 2-4 shows a partially assembled Sol-20 power supply subchassis. Figure 2-4. () Partially assembled Sol-20 power supply subchassis assembly. (Rear of subchassis at left.) Step 33. Install bridge rectifier FWB3 on power supply subchassis. (Step 33 continued on Page 11-17.) REV C 11-16 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION II Sol POWER SUPPLY Position FWB3 (980-1) on power supply subchassis as shown in drawing on Page X-3. BE SURE NEGATLVE (-) TEfu~INAL OF FWB3 is next to transformer. Insert a 6-32 x 3/4 binder or pan head screw from bottom of subchassis, place #6 lockwasher on screw and secure with 6-32 hex nut. Step 34. Connect blue transformer wires to nals of FWB3. ~arked termi- ( ) Step 35. Install large (2~") mounting ring for C9 (54,000 ufd capacitor) on side wall of power supply subchassis as shown in drawing on page X-3. position ring over the three mounting holes in the side wall of su~chassis so the clamping screw faces the bottom of subchassis and so it will be accessible from the Sol-REG end of the subchassis. Insert three 6-32 x ~ binder or pan head screws from outer side of side wall through the mounting holes. Place #6 lockwasher on each screw and secure with 6-32 hex nut. Figure 2-5 shows an assembled Sol-20 power supply subchassis. Figure 2-5. Sol-20 power supply subchassis assembly. (Rear of subchassis at left.) ( ) Step 36. Install small (l~") mounting ring for C8 (18,000 ufd capacitor) as shown in drawing on Page X-3. (Step 36 continued on Page II-18.) Rev C 11-17 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION II Sol POWER SUPPLY Position ring over the two mounting holes located between FWB3 and the Sol-REG So that the clamping screw is positioned between the transformer and FWB3. Insert two 6-32 x 1/2 binder or pan head screws from bottom side of chassis through the mounting holes. Place #6 lockwasher on each screw and secure with 6-32 hex nut. (Refer to Figure 2-4.) () Step 37. Route Sol-PC power cable between cs mounting ring and the transformer, mount cs in its mounting ring, and tighten clamping screw. (See Figure 2-4.) () Step 3S. See Detail A on Drawing X-4. Connect white wire of CS cable to negative (-) terminal of CS and green-white wire to positive (+) terminal of CS. (This cable was soldered to the Sol-REG when you assembled it.) Remove terminal screws and lockwashers, place cable lugs on screws and drive screws tightly into appropriate terminals. () Step 39. Mount C9 in its mounting ring with its n+n terminal slightly toward CS and tighten clamping screw. (See Figure 2-5. ) () Step 40. Prepare R13 (39 ohm 2 watt) for installation on C9. Solder a #10 lug to each lead of R13. Bend leads of R13 to fit the terminals of C9. (R13 should fit on C9 as shown in Figure 2-5.) () Step 41. First check that wire color coding in Sol-20 DC power cable conforms with that shown in Figure 2-7 on Page II-2l. See Figure 2-5. Connect Sol-20 DC power cable (5-wire) and R13 to C9. Route cable between CS and transformer. See Drawing X-3. Remove terminal screws from C9. Place lockwasher,terminal screw, blue lead of Sol-20 DC cable and one R13 lead on one terminal screw and drive it into the positive (+) terminal on C9. Attach lockwasher, white cable lead and other R13 lead to negative (-) terminal on C9 in the same manner. Tighten both capacitor terminals tightly. CAUTION LOOSE CONNECTIONS ON C9 CAN LEAD TO ARCING AND SUBSEQUENT POWER SUPPLY DAMAGE. () REV C Step 42. See Detail C on Drawing X-4. Connect blue pigtail of Sol-20 DC cable to positive (+) terminal of FWB3. (This pigtail has a spade lug at its free end and is connected to the lug you just attached to the positive terminal of C9.) Connect white pigtail of Sol-20 DC cable to negative (-) terminal of FWB3. (This pigtail has a spade lug at its free end and is connected to the lug you just attached to the negative terminal of C9.) II-IS PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY SECTION II () Step 43. Connect green lead from AC receptacle (mounted on fan closure plate) to power supply subchassis assembly. (Use the #6 x 5/16" sheet metal screw with which you prethreaded the middle Sol-REG heat sink mounting hole in Step 29.) Place lug on screw and drive screw into the middle Sol-REG heat sink mounting hole. () Step 44. Route transformer T2 primary leads along side wall of power supply subchassis out toward the Sol-REG heat sink. (See Figure 2-4.) If you ordered your Sol for 110 V ac operation, T2 will have two black primary leads. If you ordered your Sol for 220 or 240 V ac operation, T2 will have one black, one black-red, one black-yellow and one black-white lead. Connect the primary leads of T2 as follows: () () 110 V ac Operation. Refer to Detail Bl on Drawing X-4 in Section X. Connect one black lead of T2 to pin 2 of commoning block TBI (nearest to fan). Connect other black lead to pin 3 of other commoning block (TB2). () 220 V ac Operation. Refer to Detail B2 on Drawing X-4 in Section X. Connect black-yellow lead of T2 to pin 2 and black-white lead to pin 4 of commoning block TBI (nearest to fan). Connect black-red lead to pin 1 and black lead to pin 5 of other commoning block (TB2). () 240 V ac Operation. Refer to Detail B3 on Drawing X-4 in Section x. Connect black-red lead to pin 2 and blackwhite lead to pin 4 of commoning block TBI (nearest to fan). Connect black-yellow lead to pin 1 and black lead to pin 5 of other commoning block (TB2). Step 45. Install cable tie wraps. () Install one wrap around the wires that connect to Sol-REG pads Tl,2,3,X2 and X3 as shown in the Detail A Wiring portion of the drawing on Page X-4. () Install another wrap around the leads from C9 as shown in Detail C of drawing on Page X-4. Two other wraps are supplied with your kit. Use them as appropriate to make your power supply cabling neater. () Step 46. Using a #6 x 5/16 sheet metal screw, attach fan closure plate to power supply subchassis as shown in Drawing X-3. () Step 47. Push on-off switch in and out to determine the OFF position (switch mechanically out). With switch in OFF position, connect AC power cord to AC receptacle. REV C II-19 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY () Step 48. SECTION II Test power supply for proper operation. Make sure on-off switch is in OFF position. Install fuse in fuse holder. REMOVE FUSE WITH POWER ON. CAUTION: NEVER INSTALL OR ( ) Check connector on Sol-PC power cable (4-wire) to insure it is wired as shown in Figure 2-6. ( ) Check connector on Sol-20 power cable (5-wire) to insure it is wired as shown in Figure 2-7. ) Plug power cord into 110 V ac outlet. Turn on-off switch ON. Fan should start. Measure the voltages at the Sol-PC connector at the points indicated in Figure 2-6. The voltages must be as given in Figure 2-6. NOTE: Do not take voltage measurements at any other points in the power supply, even though they may be more accessible. It is important that the indicator voltages be available at the connector. () Measure the voltages at the Sol-20 connector at the poin indicated in Figure 2-7. The voltages must be within the ranges given in Figure 2-7. (See preceding NOTE.) () If the power supply fails any of the preceding tests, locate and correct the cause before proceeding. If the power supply is operating correctly, turn on-off switch OFF, disconnect power cord, set power supply to one side and go on to Section III. REV C 1I-20 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol POWER SUPPLY SECTION II 1----1----- Red 1----- White/Yellow 1----_.- ( 1------ Green ( White (Ground) Figure 2-6. f- - - - - Red/White -----' Blue ------ White (Gnd 1) ----- White (Gnd 2) 1----- REV B ~ , I +5 V de (+ .25 V) -12 V de (±. .6 V) +12 V de (+ .6 V) Sol-PC power connector and voltage measurements. Yellow/White Figure 2-7. ( I( E I : ~ -18 to -23 V de +18 to +23 V de ? I I +7.5 to 11 V de j Sol-20 power connector and voltage measurements. II-21 III Sol-PC ASSEMBLY and TEST 3.1 Parts and Components. III-l 3.2 Assembly Tips . • • . • . III-l 3.3 Assembly Precautions • . 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 .... Handling MOS Integrated Circuits . . . . . . Soldering . . • . . • . • • . . Power Connection (JlO) . • . . . • • . . • . Installing and Removing Integrated Circuits. Installing and Removing Personality Module . Use of Clip Leads. ••..•. . •. 1II-9 1II-9 1II-9 1II-9 1II-9 1II-9 III-IO 3.4 Required Tools, Equipment and Materials . III-IO 3.5 Orientation (Sol-PCB) III-IO 3.6 Sol-PC Assembly-Test Procedure • • III-IO 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 III-II III-12 III-12 3.7 . • Circuit Board Check. • • • • • . Personality Module Assembly . • . . . . . Sol-PCB AS,sembly and Test. .•...•. Options • . 3.7.1 3.7.2 REV A ". . • 625 Line Video, 50 Hz. . • • • • . . • • • • Vectored Interrupt .•..•. .•• 1II-43 1II-43 1II-44 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ 3.1 SECTION III PARTS AND COMPONENTS You will need the parts listed in Table 3-1 to assemble your Sol-PC. Select and separate the needed parts from those supplied with your Sol kit before starting assembly. If you have any difficulty in identifying any parts by sight, refer to Figure 3-1 and the "Standard Color Code for Resistors and Capacitors" chart in Appendix III. Table 3-1 lists each part, its description, quantity and reference designation on the drawing(s) you will use in assembling the Sol-PC. The assembly drawings in Section X will also prove useful in identifying parts. 3.2 ASSEMBLY TIPS 1. Scan Sections III and IV in their entirety before you start to assemble your Sol-PC kit. 2. In assembling your Sol-PC, you will be following an integrated assembly-test procedure. Such a procedure is designed to progressively insure that individual circuits and sections in the Sol-PC are operating correctly. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU FOLLOW THE STEP-BYSTEP INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORDER GIVEN. 3. Assembly steps and component installations are preceded by a set of parentheses. Check off each installation and step as you complete them. This will minimize the chances of omitting a step or component. 4. When installing components, make use of the assembly aids that are incorporated on the circuit boards and the assembly drawings. (These aids are designed to assist you in correctly installing the components.) a. The circuit reference (R3, CIO and U20, for example) for each component is silk screened on the PC boards near the location of its installation. b. Both the circuit reference and value or nomenclature (1.5K and 74HOO, for example) for each component are included on the assembly drawings near the location of its installation. 5. To simplify reading resistor values after installation, install resistors so that the color codes or imprints read from left to right .and top to bottom as appropriate (boards oriented as defined in Paragraph 3.5 on Page 111-10). 6. Unless specified otherwise, install components, especially disc capacitors, as close as possible to the boards. 7. Should you encounter any problem during assembly, calIon us for help if needed. REV A 111-1 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Table 3-1. SECTION III Sol-PC Parts List. REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Circuit Board Sol-PC 1 IC 0026 or 75369 1 X-5 UI04 IC 4N26 1 X-5 U39 IC 1458 at' 72558 2 X-5 U56&108 IC 1489 or 75189 1 X-5 U38 IC 4001 or 14001 1 X-5 UI02 IC 4013 or 1413 2 X-5 UI00&113 Ie 4019 1 X-5 Ull1 Ie 4023 or 14023 1 x-5 U98 IC 4024 or 14024 1 X-5 U86 IC 4027 or 14027 1 x-5 UI0l IC 4029 3 X-5 Ul,11&84 IC 4030 1 X-5 U99 IC 4046 or 14046 2 X-5 U85&110 IC 4049 or 14049 2 x-5 U88&109 IC 4520 or 14520 1 x-5 U112 IC 6011, 1602, 2017 or 1013 2 X-5 U51&69 IC 6574 or 6575 1 x-5 U25 IC 74HOO 1 X-5 U91 IC 74LSOO 3 x-5 U44,48&55 IC 74LS02 or 9LS02 2 X-5 U53&60 IC 74LS04 4 X-5 U24,45, 49&54 IC 74S04 1 X-5 U92 IC 7406 2 X-5 U57&87 IC 74LSI0 2 X-5 U47&61 IC 74LS20 3 X-5 U23,59&83 IC 74LS86 1 X-5 U74 IC 74LSI09 8 X-5 U43,52,63, 64,70,72, 73&75 REV A 1II-2 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Table 3-1. SECTION III Sol-PC Parts Lists. (Continued) REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator IC 74LS136 1 X-5 U22 IC 74LS138 3 X-5 U34,35&36 IC 74LS157 3 x-5 U12,30&32 IC 74LS163 or 25LS163 4 X-5 U28,31, 33&40 IC 74166 1 X-5 U41 IC 74173 or 8TI0 2 X-5 U95&96 IC 74175 1 x-5 U97 IC 74LS175 or 25LS175 9 X-5 U2,13,26,27, 42,-76,90, 93&106 IC 74LS253 4 X-5 IC 74LS367 7 x-5 U29,37,50, 71,89,94 &107 IC 8T94 1 X-5 U58 IC 8T97, 8097 or 74367 5 X-5 U67,68,77, 80&81 IC 8T380 or 8836 1 X-5 U46 IC 8080A, 9080 or 8080 1 X-5 UI05 IC 91L02, 2102 or 21L02 16 x-5 IC 93L16 1 X-5 U62 Transistor 2N2222 2 X-5 Q4&5 Transistor 2N2907 2 X-5 Ql&2 Transistor 2N4360 1 X-5 Q3 Diode IN4001 4 X-5 D2,12, 13&14 Diode IN4148 or IN914 9 X-5 Dl & D3 thru 10 Diode IN5231 1 X-5 Dll Crystal 14.31818 MHz 1 X-5 XTAL REV A 111-3 U65,66, 78&79 U3 thru 10 & 14 thru 21 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Table 3-1. SECTION III Sol-PC Parts Lists. (Continued) REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Relay DIP, 500 ohm Reed 2 X-5 Kl&2 Resistor 6.8 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 2 X-5 R155&156 Resistor 47 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 3 x-5 R137,138 &160 Resistor 75 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 X-5 R81 Resistor 100 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 x-5 R149 Resistor 100 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 3 X-5 RBI, 132&133 Resistor 200 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 X-5 R82 Resistor 270 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 X-5 R21 Resistor 330 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 13 X-5 R45,58, 64 thru 71, 87,133&134 Resistor 330 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 1 X-5 R80 Resistor 470 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 X-5 R150 Resistor 470 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 2 X-5 R22&23 Resistor 680 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 9 x-5 R72 thru 79&88 Resistor 1. 5K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 63 X-5 Rl thru 17, 19,20,24, 30 thru 38, 40 thru 44, 49 thru 57, 59 thru 61, 83,85,86, 89,90,93, 96,97,99, 101,105,106, 115,116,124 &125 Resistor 3.3K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 x-5 R128 Resistor 4.7K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 X-5 R27 Resistor 5.6K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 6 X-5 R39,46,62, 63,92&151 REV A 111-4 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Table 3-1. SECTION III Sol-PC Parts Lists. (Continued) REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Resistor 10K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 31 X-5 Resistor 15K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 X-5 R29&95 Resistor 39K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 X-5 R123&126 Resistor 47K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 X-5 R144&154 Resistor 50K ohm, Variable 2 X-5 VRl&2 Resistor lOOK ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 3 X-5 R120, 148&153 Resistor lOOK ohm, Variable 1 X-5 VR3 Resistor 150K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 X-5 R141&152 Resistor 1M ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 X-5 R139&143 Resistor 2.2M ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 1 x-5 R147 Resistor 3.3M ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 2 X-5 R84&102 Capacitor 10 pf, Disc Ceramic 1 X-5 C64 Capacitor 330 pf, Disc Ceramic 1 x-5 C30 Capacitor 470pf, Disc Ceramic 1 X-5 C74 Capacitor 680 pf, Disc Ceramic 3 X-5 C34,43 &44 Capacitor .001 ].1f, Disc Ceramic 6 x-5 C47,49, 54,55, 61&71 Capacitor .001 ].1f, Mylar 2 X-5 C52&72 Capacitor .01 ].1£, Mylar 2 X-5 C50&53 REV A 111-5 R18,25,26, 28,47,48,94, 98,100,104, 107 thru 114, 117 thru 119, 121,122,127, 129,135,136, 140,142, 145&146 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Table 3-1. SECTION III Sol-PC Parts Lists. (Continued) REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Capacitor .047 11f, Disc Ceramic 37 X-5 Cl thru 14, 16 thru 28, 33,38,41, 42,45,46, 48,56, 65&73 Capacitor .1 11f, Disc Ceramic 12 X-5 C29,32,36, 37,39,51,57, 63,66,68, 69&70 Capacitor .1 11f, Mylar 1 X-5 C35 Capacitor .68 11f, Mono Ceramic 1 X-5 C62 Capacitor 1 11f, Tantalum 1 X-5 C67 Capacitor 15 11f, Tantalum 5 X-5 Capacitor 100 11f, Aluminum 1 X-5 C31 Socket DIP, 8-pin 2 X-5 U56&108 Socket DIP, 14-pin 29 X-5 U22 thru 24, 38,44 thru 49, 53 thru 55, 57 thru 61, 74,83,86,87, 91,92,98 thru 100,102, &113 Socket DIP, 16-pin 74 X-5 Ul thru 21, 26 thru 37, 40 thru 43, 50,52 62 thru 68, 70 thru 73, 75 thru 81, 84,85, 88 thru 90, 93 thru 97, 101,106, 107 & 109 thru 112 REV A 111-6 C15,40 58,59&60 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Table 3-1. SECTION III Sol-PC Parts Lists. (Continued) REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Socket DIP, 24-pin 1 X-5 Socket DIP, 40-pin 3 X-5 U51,69&105 Socket Female, 25-pin 1 X-5 J1 Socket Male, 25-pin 1 X-5 J2 Socket Phone Jack, Miniature 2 X-5 J6&7 Socket Phone Jack, Subminiature 2 X-5 J8&9 Header Male, 20-pin 2 X-5 J3&4 Header Male, 7-pin 1 x-5 J10 Connector PC, 100-pin 1 x-5 J11 Connector PC, 30-pin 1 X-5 J5 Switch DIP, 6 Section 2 X-5 Sl&4 Switch DIP, 8 Section 2 X-5 S2&3 Cable Coax, 75 ohm 33" X-6 2 Cable Tie Plastic 1 X-6 129 Tubing PVC 3" Bracket Mounting, Sol-PC, 2" 2 X-6 4 Card Guide 2-1/2" 2 X-6 128 Pins Augat Screw Machine, 4-40 x 1/4 4 X-6 122 Screw Machine, 4-40 x 7/16 6 X-6 124 Screw Machine, 4-40 x 5/8 2 X-6 125 Washer Nylon, #4 2 X-6 127 Lockwasher Internal Tooth, #4 10 X-6 126 Hex Nut 4-40 10 X-6 123 Wire 24 AWG Solder 60/40, 20 SWG Power Supply Sol-20 1 Assembly Keyboard 1 Assembly* 2708/9216 Personality Modu1e* 1* *Not 15 1'6" needed until Step 50 of Sol-PC assembly. REV A U25 111-7 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III Monolythic (left) and Ceramic Disc Capacitors c " f C Transistor TO-18 Package (Metal Can) Transistor TO-92 Package (Plastic) Mylar Tubular Capacitor Dipped Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitor /l.s PowerRegulator IC or Transistor (TO-220) ~-,---~ ~ ~l Electrolytic Capacitor (vertical mount) Metal Film 1% Precision Resist=o;r~~~~~~~ lIIore.: PIN 1. t'Orw 9e: ,... c Carbon Film Resistor 5% (gold), l~~ (silver) Figure 3-1. euT-ou~ Dual Inline Package (DIP) IC (8,14,16,24 or 40 pins) Identification of components. 111-8 I~DICA't"'D CJ)""I.I~R. Do'1" e "" PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION III Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ 3.3 ASSEMBLY PRECAUTIONS 3.3.1 Handling MOS Integrated Circuits Many of the IC's used in the Sol-PC are MOS devices. They can be damaged by static electricity discharge. Always handle MOS IC's so tha·t no discharqe will flow throuqh the IC. Also, avoid unnecessary handling and wear cotton--rather than synthetic--clothing when you do handle these IC's. 3.3.2 Soldering 1. **IMPORTANT** Use a fine tip, low-wattage iron, 25 watts maximum. 2. DO NOT use excessive amounts of solder. and as quickly as possible. 3. Use only 60-40 rosin-core solder. solder or externally applied fluxes. DO solder neatly NEVER use acid-core 4. To prevent solder bridges, position iron tip so that it does not touch adjacent pins and/or traces simultaneously. 5. DO NOT press tip of iron on pad or trace. To do so can cause the pad or trace to "lift" off the board and permanently damage the board. 6. The Sol-PC uses circuit boards with plated-through holes. Solder flow through to the component (front) side of the board can produce solder bridges. Check for such bridges after you install each component. 7. The Sol-PC circuit boards have integral solder masks (a lacquer coating) that shield selected areas on the boards. This mask minimizes the chances of creating solder bridges during assembly. DO, however, check all solder joints for possible bridges. 8 •. Additional pointers on soldering are provided in Appendix IV of this manual. 3.3.3 Power Connection (JIO) NEVER connect the DC power cable to the Sol-PC when power supply is energized. To do so can damage the Sol-PC. 3.3.4 Installing and Removing Integrated Circuits NEVER install or remove integrated circuits when power is applied to the Sol-PC. To do so can damage the IC. 3.3.5 Installing and Removing Personality Module NEVER install or remove the plug-in personality module when power is applied to the Sol-PC. To do so can damage the module. Rev A 111- 9 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ 3.3.6 SECTION III Use of Clip Leads TAKE CARE when using a clip lead to establish a ground conn.ection when testing the Sol-PCB circuit board. Make sure that the clip makes contact only with the ground bus on the perimeter of the board. 3.4 REQUIRED TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The following tools, equipment and materials are recommeded for assembling and testing the Sol-PC: 3.5 1. Needle nose pliers 2. Diagonal cutters 3. Screwdriver 4. Sharp knife 5. Controlled heat soldering iron, 25 watt 6. Volt-ohm meter 7. Video monitor or monochrome TV converted for video input 8. IC test clip (optional) 9. Oscilloscope with calibrated time base ORIENTATION (Sol-PCB) Location J5 (personality plug-in module connector) will be located in the upper right-hand area of the circuit board when location JlO (power connector) is positioned at the bottom of the board. In this position the component (front) side of the board is facing up and all IC legends (Ul through UlO, U22 through U24, etc.) will read from left to right. Subsequent position references related to the Sol-PCB assume this orientation. 3.6 Sol-PC ASSEMBLY-TEST PROCEDURE The Sol-PC is assembled and tested in sections and/or circuits. You will first test the Sol-PCB circuit board for shorts (solder bridges) between the power buses and ground. After assembling REV A 111-10 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III the personality module (see Section IV), the clock and display control circuits are assembled. The bus, CPU, decoder and memory circuits are then assembled, followed by the parallel and serial input/output (I/O) and audio cassette I/O sections. CAUTION THE Sol-PC USES MANY MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. THEY CAN BE DAMAGED BY STATIC ELECTRICITY DISCHARGE. HANDLE THESE IC's SO THAT NO DISCHARGE FLOWS THROUGH THE IC. AVOID UNNECESSARY HANDLING AND WEAR COTTON, RATHER THAN SYNTHETIC, CLOTHING WHEN YOU DO HANDLE MOS IC's. (STATIC CHARGE PROBLEMS ARE MUCH WORSE IN LOW HUMIDITY CONDITIONS.) 3.6.1 Circuit Board Check Visually check Sol-PCB board for sold~r bridges (shorts) between traces, broken traces and similar defects. Check board to insure that the +5-volt-bus, +12 volt-bus and -12-volt bus are not shorted to each other or to ground. Using an ohmmeter, on "OHMS X lK" or "OHMS X 10K" scale, make the following measurements (refer to Sol-PC Assembly Drawing X-3) . ( ) +S-vo1t Bus Test. Measure between positive and negative mounting pads for CS8. There should be no continuity. (Meter reads close to "infinity" ohms.) ( ) +12-volt Bus Test. Measure between positive and negative mounting pads for CS9. There should be no continuity. ( ) -12-vo1t Bus Test. Measure between positive and negative mounting pads for C60. There should be no continuity. ( ) 5/12/(-12) Volt Bus Test. Measure between positive mounting pads for CS8 and. CS9, between positive pad for CS8 and negative pad for C60, and between positive pad for CS9 and negative pad for C60. You should measure no continuity in any of these measurements. If visual inspection reveals any defects, or you measure continuity in any of the preceding tests, return the board to Processor Technology for replacement. If the board is not defective, proceed to next paragraph. Rev A 111-11 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ 3.6.2 SECTION III Personality Module Assembly Since the personality module is required for testing the S01PC in the later stages of its assembly, we suggest that you assemble the personality module first. In so doing, your Sol-PC assembly will proceed uninterrupted. Assembly instructions for the personality module are provided in Section IV of this manual. If you wish to wait to assemble the personality module until it is needed, go on to Paragraph 3.6.3. 3.6.3 Sol-PCB Assembly and Test Refer to Sol-PC assembly drawings X-5 and X-6. ( ) Step 1. Install DIP sockets. Install each socket in the indicated location with its end rrotch oriented as shown Qg the circuit board ang assembly drawing. Take care not to create solder bridges between the pins and/or traces. (Refer to footnotes at end of this step before installing UIOS.) INSTALLATION TIP Insert socket pins into mounting pads of appropriate location. On solder (back) side of board, bend pins at opposite corners of socket (e.g., pins 1 and 9 on a 16-pin socket) outward until they are at a 45° angle to the board surface. This secures the socket until it is soldered. Repeat this procedure with each socket until all are secured to the board. Then solder the unbent pins on all sockets. Now straighten the bent pins to their original position and solder. LOCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Ul through 21 U22 through 24 U2S U26 through 37 U38 U39 U40 through 43 U44 through 49 USO uSl US2 US3 through 55 uS6 uS7 through 61 TYPE SOCKE±: 16 pin 14 pin 24 pin 16 pin 14 pin None 16 pin 14 pin 16 pin ·40 pin 16 pin 14 pin 8 pin 14 pin (Continued on Page 111-13. ) REV C TII-12 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL CO~PUTERTM SECTION III TYPE SOCKET LOCATIO~ ( ( ( ) U62 through 68 ) U69* ) U70 through 73 ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ) ) ( ( ( ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 16 pin 40 pin 16 pin U74 14 pin 16 pin U75 through 81 None# U82# 14 pin U83 U84,85 16 pin U86,87 14 pin U88 through 90 16 pin U91,92 14 pin 16 pin U93 through 97 14 pin U98 through 100 16 pin UIOI 14 pin Ul02 None # UI03# None UI04 UI05** 40 pin UI06,l07 16 pin UI08 8 pin Ul09 through 112 16 pin Ul13 14 pin *Especially make sure you solder pin 40. . #Spare locations, not used. **Note that UI05 notch is positioned at the top. ( ) Step 2. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value, type and orientation, if applicable, for each installation. Bend leads outward on solder (back) side of board, solder and trim. NOTE Disc capacitor leads are usually coated with wax during the manufacturin~ process. After inserting leads through mounting holes, remove capacitor and clear the holes of any wax. Reinsert and install. LOCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( REV A ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 VALUE (ufd) TYPE .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 Disc 111-13 ORIENTATION None PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ LOCATION ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ( ) ) ) ( CIO Cll C13 C14 C15 C16 VALUE (ufd) .047 .047 .047 .047 15 .047 SECTION III ORIENTATION Disc None " " " " " II Tantalum Disc "+" lead bottom None Step 3. Check for +5-volt bus to ground shorts. Using an ohmmeter, measure between positive and negative mounting pads for C58. There should be no continuity. If there is, find and correct the problem before proceeding to Step 4. ( ) Step 4. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value, type and orientation, if applicable, for each installation. Bend leads outward on solder (back) side of board, solder and trim. (refer to NOTE in Step 2.) LOCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( C19 C20 C21 C24 C25 C26 C33 C38 C40 C41 C42 C45 C56 C58 c59 C60 C65 VALUE (ufd) .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 15 .047 .047 .047 .047 15 15 15 .047 rYPE ORIENTATION Disc None " " " " " " " II II Tantalum Disc " " II II II 11+11 lead bottom None II II II II II II Tantalum Tantalum Tantalum Disc "+11 lead top 11+11 lead top 11+11 lead top None Step 5. Check for +5-volt bus to ground shorts. Using an ohmmeter, measure between the positive and negative leads of C58. You should measure at least 100 ohms. Less than 100 ohms indicates a short. If required, find and correct the problem before proceeding to Step 6. NOTE: In this and subsequent resistance measurements, any value greater than the minimum may normally occur, even much higher, unless otherwise indicated. ( ) Step 6. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value and type for each installation. Bend leads outward on solder (back) side of board, solder and trim. (Refer to NOTE in Step 2.) (Step 6 continued on Page 111-15.) Rev A 111-14 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION III Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ LOCATION VALUE (ufd) C9 Cl2 Cl7 Cl8 C22 C23 C27 C28 C46 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 TYPE ORIENTATION Disc None II II II II II II II II Step 7. Check for +S-volt bus to ground shorts. Using an ohmmeter, measure between the positive and negative leads of CS8. You should measure some resistance. Zero resistance indicates a short. If required, find and correct the problem before proceeding to Step 8. ( ) st~. Install diodes D8 (lN4148 or lN914), Dll (lNS231) and D12 (lN4001) in their locations (in the area below U90 through U92). Position D8 with its dark band (cathode) to the right, Dll with its band at the bottom, and D12 with its band at the top. ( ) step 9. Install the following resistors in the indicated locations. Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. LOCATION ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( RI04 RIOS RI06 R130 R131 R132 R133 R134 R13S R137 & & 136 138 VALUE (ohms) COLOR CODE 10 K 1.SK 1.SK 100, !z watt 100, !z watt 100, !z watt 330 330 10 K 47 brown-black-orange brown-green-red II II II brown-black-brown II II II II II II orange-orange-brown II II II brown-black-orange yellow-violet-black Step 10. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value and type for each installation. Bend leads outward on solder (back) side of board, solder and trim. (Refer to NOTE in Step 2.) REV A 111--15 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ LOCATION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SECTION III VALUE C39 C43 C44 C6l C62 C63 C64 TYPE .1 ufd pfd pfd .001 ufd .68 ufd .1 ufd 10 pfd Disc Monolythic or Disc Monolythic or Disc Disc Monolythic Disc Disc 680 680 ) Ste:Q 11. Install 14.318 MHz crystal in its location just above C6l. Insert leads and pull down until the case is 1/16 11 above .the front surface of the board. Solder quickly and trim. ( ) Step 12. Install male Molex connector in location JIO. Position connector so the locking clip is next to the crystal (XTAL), insert shorter pins in mounting holes and solder. ( ) Ste:Q 13. In the jumper area labeled CLK on the assembly drawing (between U90 and U9l), install Augat pins in mounting holes A,B,C,D and E. (Refer to IIInstalling Augat Pins ll in Appendix IV.) Using #24 bare wire, install a jumper between the A and B pins and another jumper between the D and E pins. DO NOT SOLDER JUMPERS TO AUGAT PINS. ( ) Step 14. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR ANY OF THESE IC's. Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin 1 of each IC. IC NO. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) U77 U90 U9l* U92* Ul04** TYPE 8T97 , 8097 or 74367 74LS175 or 25LS175 74HOO* 74S04* 0026 or 72558* *Take care not to interchange these. **Solder this Ie in its location. See IILoading DIP Devices" in Appendix IV. () Step 15. Connect power to power connector JlO. interconnection requirements are as follows: (Step 15 continued on Page 111-17.) REV A 111-16 Power and PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III CAUTION 1 WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A. CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. CAUTION 2 NEVER CONNECT POWER CABLE TO JIO WITH POWER SUPPLY ENERGIZED. CAUTION 3 MAKE SURE POWER CABLE CONNECTOR MATES EXACTLY WITH JIO. IF CONNECTOR AND JIO ARE OFFSET (e.g., PIN 2 CONNECTED TO PIN 1, 3 TO 2, ETC.), THE IC'S WILL "BLOW". JIO PIN NO. o 1°1 0 0 0 0 °1 2 345 6 7 (JI0, Top View) 1 2 and 6 3 and 5 4 7 POWER Ground +5 V dc +5%, 2 A max -12 V dc +5%, 300 rnA max +12 V dc +5%, 100 rnA max Ground NOTE Though not labeled on the connector, JlO pins are designated 1 through 7, reading from left to right. () Step 16. Check clock circuits. ( ) Using an oscilloscope, check for the waveforms given in Figure 3-2 on Page 111-18 at the indicated observation points and in the. order given. The waveforms shown in Figure 3-2 approximate actual waveforms. If any waveforms are incorrect, determine and correct the cause before proceeding with assembly. ( ) Turn off power supply and disconnect power connector. REV A l l t - 1 7 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ CHECK POINT SIGNAL ( ) U77, Pin 7 Oscillator Output ( ) U9l, Pin 6 Clock Divider Output ( ) U9l, Pin 11 SECTION III Clock Divider Output WAVEFORM (This is not 14.3 MHz square wave. a perfect square wave. It in fact more resembles a poor sine wave.) 4V U91, PIN 6 140"0 Ul04, Pin 7 CPU Clock 4V U91, PIN II I 210ns Ul04, Pin 5 CPU Clock ~2 Figure 3-2. REV A 280ns GND U104,PIN7 fin ( ) I 350ns GND 12V ( ) I 140"0 GND I 350ns 12VI U104,PIN5 210ns GND Clock circuit waveforms. 111-18 280ns I PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III ( ) Step 17. Install the following resistors in the indicated locations. Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. LOCATION VALUE (ohms) COLOR CODE ( ) Rl 1.5K brown-green-red ( ) R2 1.5K " ( ) R3 1.5K ( ) R4 1.5K ( ) R5 1.5K ( ) R6 1.5K ( ) R7 1.5K ( ) R8 1.5K ( ) R9 1.5K ( ) RIO 1.5K ( ) Rll 1.5K ( ) R16 1.5K ( ) R17 1.5K ( ) R19 1.5K " ( ) R30 1.5K " ( ) R80 330, ~ watt orange-orange-brown ( ) R81 75 violet-green-black 200 ( ) R82 red-black-brown ( ) R83 1.5K brown-green-red ( ) R84 3.3M orange-orange-green ( ) R85 1.5K brown-green-red ( ) R86 1.5K " " " ( ) R87 330 orange-orange-brown ( ) R88 680 blue-gray-brown ( ) R89 1.5K brown-green-red ( ) R90 1.5K " " " ( ) R96 1.5K " " " ( ) R97 1.5K " " " ( ) R98 10 K brown-black-orange 1.5K ( ) R99 brown-green-red ( ) RIOO 10 K brown-black-orange 1.5K ( ) RIOI brown-green-red ( ) RI02 3.3M orange-orange-green ( ) RI03. 1.5K brown-green-red ( ) R120 100 K brown-black-yellow 10 K ( ) R121 brown-black-orange ( ) R122 10 K " " " 39 K ( ) R123 orange-white-orange ( ) R124 1.5K brown-green-red ( ) R125 1.5K " " " ( ) R126 39 K orange-white-orange 10 K ( ) R127 brown-black-orang~ ( ) R128 3~3K orange~orange-red ( ) R129 10 K brown-black-orange Potentiometer 50 K ( ) VRI & VR2 REV B 111-19 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III . ( ) Step 18. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value and type for each installation. Bend leads outward on solder (back) side of board, solder and trim. (Refer to NOTE in Step 2.) CAUTION REFER TO FOOTNOTE AT END OF THIS STEP BEFORE INSTALLING C3l. LOCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) .() VALUE TYPE 100 Aluminum Electrolytic C3l* ufd C32 .1 ufd Disc C34 680 pfd Monolythic or Disc C35 Mylar Tubular .1 ufd C36 .1 ufd Disc C37 .1 ufd Disc C52 .001 ufd Mylar Tubular C53 .01 ufd Mylar Tubular C54 .001 ufd Disc C55 .001 ufd Disc C57 .1 ufd Disc *Install C31 with n+n lead at the top • Step 19. Install Q2 (2N2907) in its location below and to the right of U88. The emitter'lead (closest'to tab on can) is oriented toward the left of the board and the,bi3-se is oriented toward the bottom. Push straight down on transistor until it is stopped by the leads. Solder and trim. ( ) Step 20. Install diodes D9 and DIO (lN4l48 or lN9l4) in their locations below U88. Position D9 with its dark band (cathode) to the left and DIO with its band to the right. ( ) Step 21. Install remaining length of coaxial cable (33"), composite video, output. (See Figure 3-4 for details on how to prepare cable.) ( ) Strip away about 1-1/4 11 of the outer insulation to expose shield. Unbraid shield, gather and twist into a single lead. Then strip away the inner conductor insulation, leaving about 1/4" at the shield end. CAUTION WHEN PREPARING AND INSTALLING SHIELD, BE SURE BITS OF BRAID DO NOT FALL ONTO BOARD. SUCH DEBRIS CAN CREATE HARD-TO-FIND SHORT CIRCUITS. ( ) Insert inner conductor in mounting hole PI (left side of board), solder and trim. REV A 111-20 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III Insulation Inner Figure 3-4. Coaxial cable preparation. ( ) Refer to Detail E on Drawing X-6. Insert twisted shield in mounting hole P2, solder and trim. Using the two large holes to the right of VRI and VR2, tie cable to board with tie wrap (see CAUTION below) • CAUTION AFTER INSTALLATION, FINE BITS OF THE BRAID FROM THE SHIELD MAY WORK LOOSE AND FALL ONTO THE BOARD AND CREATE HARD-TO-FIND SHORT CIRCUITS. TO PREVENT THIS, COAT ALL EXPOSED BRAID WITH AN ADHESIVE AFTER SOLDERING AND TIEING. USE AN ADHESIVE SUCH AS SILICONE, CONTACT CEMENT OR FINGERNAIL POLISH. DO NOT USE WATER BASE ADHESIVES. ( ) Step 22. Install 6-position DIP switch in location Sl on left end of board. Position Switch No. 1 at the bottom. ( ) Step 23. Install 20-pin header in location J4 (video expansion connector) between U28 and U29. position header so pin I is in the lower right corner. (An arrow on the connector points to pin 1.) ( ) Step 24. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin I of each IC. IC NO. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) U28 U3l U33 U40 U43 U47 U49 TYPE 74LSl63 74LS163 74LS163 74LS163 74LSI09 74LSIO 74LS04 or or or or 25LSl63 25LS163 25LS163 25LS163 "- (Step 24 continued on Page 111-22 . ) REV A 111- 21 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC S.INGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ IC NO. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) U59 U60 U62 U74 U75 U87 U88* U102* *MOS device. SECTION III TYPE 74LS20 74LS02 or 9LS02 93L16 74LS86 74LS109 7406 4049 or 14049* 4001 or 14001* Refer to CAUTION on Page III-11. Step 25. Apply power to Sol-PC and check display section timing chain operation. CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. ( ) Using an oscilloscope, check for the waveforms given in Figure 3-5 at the indicated observation points and in the order given. The waveforms shown in Figure 3-5 approximate actual waveforms. If any waveforms are incorrect, determine and correct the cause before proceeding with assembly. ( ) Turn off power supply and disconnect power connector. ( ) Step 26. Check synchronization circuits. Set all Sl switches to OFF. Connect Sol-PC video output cable to video monitor. SEE CAUTION ON PAGE 1II-24 BEFORE CONNECTING MONITOR. (Step 26 continued on Page 1II-24.) REV A III-22 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ CHECK POINT SECTION III WAVEFORM ) U28, PIN 12 4VI 280ns 420ns GND ( ( ) U47, PIN 8 )U59,PIN8 '1: 600ns ) U43,PIN 9 13.3ms l ( ) U8a, PIN 10 --i\:=4)1S ) uaa, PIN 4 Figure 3-5. 64ps .1 839}Js .1 600ns ( ( REV B -I: nO. 7mS 1 13.3ms I 60,..s ·1 15.5ms .1 Display section timing waveforms. 111-23 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION . Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III CAUTION DO NOT CONNECT THE Sol-PC "VIDEO OUTPUT TO A MONITOR OR TV RECEIVER THAT IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH AN ISOLATION TRANSFORMER. (SEE PAGE AVI-7 IN APPENDIX VI.) ( ) Set VR2 (VERT) and VRI (HORIZ) on the Sol-PC to their midrange settings. Turn monitor on and apply power to the Sol-PC. " ( ) The display raster will be pulled in. Using the monitor ·Vertical Hold, you should be able to· obtain a slow roll (black horizontal bar moves slowly down the screen) and a stationary raster. Using the monitor Horizontal Hold, you should be able to adjust for an out of sync raster (numerous black lines cutting across the raster) and a stable raster. If yo~ c~nnot obtain these conditions, locate and correct the cause before proceeding. For a stable presentation, a few monitors (especially modified TV sets) may require a higher sync amplitude than that supplied by the Sol-PC. In such cases, increase sync amplitude by reducing the value of R80. DO NOT DECREASE R80 BELOW 225 OHMS. ( ) If the synchronization circuits are operating correctly, turn monitor and power supply off, disconnect the power cable and go on to Step 27. ( ) Step 27. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientat"ion. Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin I of each IC. (stet;) 27 continued on Page" 1II-25.;} III- 24 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ TYPE IC NO. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) SteQ 28. ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Ul* U2 Ull* U12 U13 U25* U26 U27 U29 U30 U32 U41 U42 U44 U61 U89 4029* 74LS175 4029* 74LS157 74LS175 6574 or 74LS175 74LS175 74LS367 74LS157 74LS157 74166 74LS175 74LSOO 74LSIO 74LS367 *MOS device. Refer to CAUTION on Page III-II. or 25LS175 or 25LS175 6575* or 25LS175 or 25LS175 or 25LS175 Check display circuits. ) Set Sl switches as follows: No. 1 through 5: No. 6: ( SECTION III OFF ON ) Remove U42 and bend pin 6 out 45° to its normal position. (See Figure 3-6. ) socket. Re-install U42 with pin 6 out of the Bend desired pin out 45° to vertical. Figure 3-6. Bending selected pins on U42, 59 and 75 (U59 shown). ( ) Remove u59 and bend pin 4 in same manner as U42. install U59 with pin 4 out of the socke~. (Step 28 continued on Page 111-26.) III-25 Re- PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III Remove U75 and bend pin 5 in same manner as U42. U75 with pin 5 out of the socket. Re-install Using #24 wire, NOT CLIPPED COMPONENT LEADS, install the following TEMPORARY jumpers in the sockets for U14 through U2l. Double check jumpers after installing for correctness. (See Figure 3-7.) IC SOCKET ( JUMPER ) U14 Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin ( ) U15 ( ) U16 ( ) U17 ( ( ( ( U14 ) U18 ) U19 ) U20 ) U2l U15 Figure 3-7. U16 U17 U18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 U19 to to to to to to to to 6 5 4 8 2 7 1 16 U20 U21 U14 through U2l socket jumpers. ( ) Turn monitor on and apply power to Sol-PC. CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. ( ) Momentarily ground pin 1 of U2 and pin 5 of U75. The display shown in Figure 3-8 should appear on the monitor screen. Adjust VRl and VR2 to center display if needed. If the display circuits do not pass this test, determine and correct the cause before proceeding with assembly. If the display circuits are operating correctly: Turn monitor and power supply off and disconnect the power cable. Remove jumpers from U14 through U2l sockets. Bend pin 6 on U42, pin 4 on U59 and pin 5 on U75 back to their normal position and re-install these three . IC's in their appropriate sockets. REV A 1II-26 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION III Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~; 1. ~ \ ~¥~~~~!L ~~~~~ ~~~tl~;~~~ !!-' 4:~.$ .' ,I i+, -. /VIZ;'.::67.59; : ": ;? "I rst'; ..~(~z(: n: 1: ~:iEIIt:r:;'I.TI:LMij(lP0RSTU'·/W~:l'Z[\JA- 'abcdef ~t~\\~Wt~Fr~\~\~\~UWk~WS\\~ !"t$%& 1 ()*+ 1 - .10123456789:; (:!! ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]A_'abcdef hi klmno rstuvwx~z{:} Figure 3-8. Display circuits test pattern with 6575 character generator as U25. 6574 is the same except graphic control characters are displayed. ( ) Step 28A. Install a permanent jumper (#24 insulated wire) on solder (back) side of board between pin 13 of UI07 and the feedthrough hole next to pin 21 of UI05. Solder jumper in place, check for solder bridges and trim wire ends if needed. The installed jumper is shown in Figure 3-8A. Install this jumper UI07--Solder side of board shown Figure 3-8A. Step 28A jumper installation. REV B 1II-27 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III ( ) Step 29. Install 91L02, 2102 or 2lL02 IC's in locations U14 through U21. Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board legendindicate - the locc..tion of pin 1 of each I.C.· ..' CAUTION IC's U14 THROUGH U2l ARE MOS bEVICES. REFER TO CAUTION ON PAGE III-II BEFORE YOU INSTALL THESE IC's. ( Install the following resi~tors in the indicated locations. Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. ) 3;t:eQ 30. LOCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) REV A R12 R18 R20 R3l R32 R33 R34 R3S R36 R4l RSO RSI RS2 RS3 RS4 RSS RS6 RS? RS8 RIO? Rl08 Rl09 RllO RIll Rl12 Rl13 Rl14 RllS VALUE (ohms) COLOR CODE 1.SK 10 K 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK I.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 1.SK 330 10 K 10 K 10 K 10 K 10 K 10 K 10 K 10 K 1.SK brown-green-red brown-black-orange brown-green-red 111-28 " " " orange-orange-brown brown-black-orange " " " " " " " " " " " " " " brown-green-red PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION III Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ ( ) Step 31. Install diode D7 (lN4l48 or lN9l4) in its location between U46 and U47. Position D7 with its dark band (cathode) at the bottom. ( ) Step 32. Install 20-pin header in location J3 (keyboard interconnect) between U64 and U65. Position header so pin 1 is in the upper left corner. (An arrow on the connector points to pin 1.) ( ) Step 33. In the jumper area labeled PHTM on the assembly drawing (below U64), install Augat pins in mounting holes F and G. (Refer to "Installing Augat Pins" in Appendix IV.) Using #24 bare wire, install a jumper between pins F and G. DO NOT SOLDER JUMPER TO AUGAT PINS. ( ) Step 34. In the jumper area labeled RST on the assembly drawing (between U76 and U77), install Augat pins in mounting holes Nand P. (Refer to "Installing Augat Pins" in Appendix IV.) Using #24 bare wire, install a jumper between pins N and P. DO NOT SOLDER JUMPER TO AUGAT PINS. ( ) Step 35. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. NOTE Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin 1 of each IC. IC NO. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( REV B ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) U45 U46 U48 U50 U54 U63 U64 U67 U68 U76 U93 U94 Ul06 Ul07 TYPE 74LS04 8T380 or 8836 74LSOO 74LS367 74LS04 74LSl09 74LSl09 8T97, 8097 or 74367 8T97, 8097 or 74367 74LS175 or 25LS175 74LS175 or 25LS175 74LS367 74LS175 or 25LS175 74LS367 ) Step 36. Apply power to Sol-PC and make the following voltage measurements: 1II-29 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. VOLTAGE * MEASUREMENT POINT Pin 11 of UI05 Socket Pin 20 of Ul05 Socket Pin 28 of Ul05 Socket -5 V dc + .25 V - .25 +5 V dc +V +12 V dc +" .6 V Pin Pin +5 V dc + .25 V -12 V dc + .6 V 1 of U5l 2 of U5l Socket Socket *All voltages referenced to ground. ) If any voltages are incorrect, locate and correct the cause before going on to Step 37. If voltages are correct, turn power supply off, disconnect power cable and go on to Step 37. ( ) Step 37. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin I of each ICo TYPE IC NO. U5l* Ul05* # *MOS device. 6011, 1602, 2017 or 1013* 8080,8080 or 9080*# Refer to CAUTION on Page III-II. #Note that pin 1 of this IC is in the upper left corner. ( ) Step 38. Perform Functional Test No. I of CPU circuits. ( ) Set Sl switches as follows: No. I through 5: No.6: OFF ON ( ) Turn monitor on and apply power to Sol-PC. REV B 111-30 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. ( ) Momentarily ground pin 1 of U2. You should see a full display (64 characters x 16 lines) on the monitor as shown in Figure 3-9. ( ) Momentarily ground pin 2 of U75. The display should blank while pin 2 of U75 is grounded. When you remove the ground, the display shown in Figure 3-9 should appear. The pattern shown in Figure 3-9 (delete characters) results from all bits of the DIO Bus being high. If you do not see the delete characters, one or more bits of the DIO bus are low. Consult the MCM6575 .or MCM6574 pattern, as appropriate, in Section VIII of this manual to determine which bits are low. ( ) If the test fails, determine and correct the cause before proceeding with assembly. ( ) If the Sol-PC passes this test, turn monitor and power supply off, disconnect power cable and proceed to Step 39. ( ) step 39. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. NOTE Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin 1 of each IC. IC NO. ( ) ( ) REV A TYPE U80 U81 8T97 , 8097 or 74367 8T97, 8097 or 74367 .111-31 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Figure 3-9. ( ) Step 40. SECTION III CPU Functional Test No.1 display, 6574 or 6575 character generator (U25). Perform Functional Test No. 2 of CPU circuits. Check that Sl switches are set as specified in Step 38. Turn monitor on and apply power to Sol-PC. CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. ( ) Momentarily ground pin 1 of U2 and pin 2 of U75. The display shown in Figure 3-10 on Page 1II-34 should appear on the monitor. If the test fails, determine and correct the cause before proceeding with assembly. ( ) If the Sol-PC passes this test, turn monitor and power supply off, disconnect power cable and proceed to Step 41. ( ) Step 41. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. REV B 1II-32 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III NOTE Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin I of each IC. IC NO. TYPE 74LS253 74LS253 74LS253 74LS253 74LSI09 U65 U66 U78 U79 U70 ( ) Step 42. Turn monitor on,apply power to Sol-PC and perform the test described in Step 40, except ground pin 5 of U75 instead of pin 2. You should get the same results. - - - - CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. ( ) If the test fails, determine and correct the cause before proceeding with assembly. ( ) If the Sol-PC passes this test, turn monitor and power supply off, disconnect power cable and proceed to Step 43. ( ) Step 43. Install the following resistors in the indicated locations. Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. LOCATION Rl3 Rl4 Rl5 R60 VALUE (ohms) 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K COLOR CODE brown-green-red II II II " II II " II " ( ) Step 44. See Detail A on Drawing X-6. Using two 4-40 x 5/8 binder head screws, two #4 insulating washers, two lockwashers and hex nuts, install 30-pin right-angle edge connector in location J5. Insert screws from back (solder) side of board and place an insulating washer on each screw on front (component) side of board. Position connector with socket side facing right, place over screws and seat pins in mounting holes. MAKE SURE ALL PINS ARE THROUGH HOLES. Then place lockwasher on each screw, start nuts and tighten. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. Solder pins to board. REV B 111-33 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III ( ) Step 45. See Detail D on Drawing X-6. Using 4-40 x 1/4 binder head screws, lockwashers and hex nuts, install two brackets for personality module in area to right of J5. Position brackets over the mounting holes as shown in Figure 3-11. Insert screws from front (component) side of board, place lockwasher on each screw on back (solder) side of board, start nuts and tighten. g~~~9~St.9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9t9t9~9~9~9u9~9~9~9~9,mt9~ 9~9~9~'3~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9'69~%9~9~9~9~9t9~9~9~9~9'69~9~9~9t9t9~9~9~ 9~9t9~9~9~'3~9~9~9~9~9~9~%9~9t9t9t9t9~9~9~9~9~9t9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~ 9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9t9~9~9~9~9t%9~9~9~9u9~%9~9~9~9~9~:3~9t9~9'6 9~9t'3t9~9~9~9~9~9~9t9u9t9t9t9t9t9t9~9t9~9~%%9~9~9t9~9~9~9t9~% 9~9~,,~9~9t9~9~9~9~9~9t9u%9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~%9~9¥'9~9u9lb'3t9t9o 9~9t9¥'9t9~9~9~9~9~9¥'9~9t9t9~9t9~9~9~%9~9~%9~9~9~9~9t.9~9~%9u9u 9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9t9~9t9u 9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9t9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9u9%9~ 9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9t9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9t9~9t9~ 9~9~9t9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~~9t~9~9~~9~9t9~9~ 9'69~9~9~9~9~9~9~9'69~9~9t9~9~9~9~9~%9~9~9~9~9~9'69'69~9~9~9t9~9~9~ 9~9~9'69~9'69'69'69'69'69'69'69~9'69~9~9'69t9t9~9~9~9t9t9t9~9t9~9~9~9t~9~ 9'69~9t9~9~9'69t9t9'69'69~9t9~9~9~9'69'69'69~9~9~9t9t9t9t9~9t9t9~9'6~9t 9t9~9~9'69~9'69t9t~9t9'69'69'69t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9'69t9t9'6%9~9'69~9~9~9t 9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9u9u9~9n9n9n9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~9~~~9~9~~9~9~~ Figure 3-10. CPU Functional Test No. 2 display, 6575 character generator (U25). 6574 displays: 9090 9D etc. ~ Bracket screw~ ,-----, sol-PCB~ ~ Lockwasher Solder Side Figure 3-11. REV A ~Hex Nut~ Top Edge .......... of Board,...... Personality module bracket/guide installation (Viewed from right end of Sol-PCB). 111-34 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III ( ) Step 46. Refer to Detail D on Drawing X-6. Attach plastic card guide to each of the brackets installed in Step 45. (See Figure 3-11.) Insert posts on guides into bracket holes and push in until they snap into place. Be sure open end of guide is ~way from connector J5. ( ) Step 47. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin 1 of each IC. IC NO. ( ) U3* ( ) U4* ( ) U5* ( ) U6* ( ) U7* ( ) U8* ( ) U9* ( ) UlO* ( ) U22 ( ) U23 ( ) U24 ( ) U34 ( ) U35 ( ) U36 ( ) U53 ( ) U7l ( ) u83 *MOS device. ( ) Step 48. TYPE 9lL02 , 2102 or 2lL02 9lL02 , 2102 or 2lL02 9lL02, 2102 or 21L02 9lL02 , 2102 or 21L02 9lL02 , 2102 or 21L02 9lL02 , 2102 or 2lL02 9lL02 , 2102 or 21L02 9lL02 , 2102 or 2lL02 74LS136 74LS20 74LS04 74LS138 74LS138 74LS138 74LS02 or 9LS02 74LS367 74LS20 Refer to CAUTION on Page III-II. Test memory and decoder circuits. ) Set Sl switches as specified in Step 38. ) Turn monitor on and apply power to Sol-PC. CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. REV B PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III ( ) Ground pin 1 of U2. You should see the same display as shown in Figure 3-10 on Page 111-34. In this case, however, there should be a vertical "flickering" movement with an apparent flicker rate of approximately three times per second. Turn Switch No. 1 of Sl to ON. The flicker should stop. If the test fails, determine and correct the cause before proceeding with assembly. ( ) If the Sol-PC passes this test, turn monitor and power supply off, disconnect power cable, set Switch No.1 of Sl to OFF and go on to Step 49. ( ) Step 49. Assemble personality module if you have not yet done (See Section IV.) If you have started assembly, go to so. Step 9 in Section IV and complete it. ( ) Step 50. Install the following resistors in the indicated locations. Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. LOCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R37 R38 R39 R40 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R59 R61 R62 R63 VALUE (ohms) 270 470, ~ watt 470, ~ watt 1.5K 10 K 10 K 4.7K 10 K 1.5K 1.5K 5.6K 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K 330 5.6K 10 K 10 K 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K 5.6K 5.6K (Step 50 continued on Page 111-37.) REV A 111-36 COLOR CODE red-violet-brown " " ,. " " " brown-green-red brown-black-orange " " " " " " " ".. ." .." yellow-violet-red brown-black-orange brown-green-red green-blue-red brown-green-red . .. orange-orange-brown green-blue-red brown-black-orange . " " " " ".. ".. " " brown-green-red green-blue-red " PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ LOCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 R76 R77 R78 R79 R92 R93 R94 R95 Rl16 SECTION III VALUE ( ohmS) COLOR CODE 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 5.6K 1.5K 10 K 15 K 1.5K orange-orange-brown blue-gray-brown green-blue-red brown-green-red brown-black-orange brown-green-orange brown-green-red ( ) Step 50A. Install R29, a 15K ohm, 1/4 watt resistor (color code brown-green-orange). Make right angle bend in one lead approximately 1/8" from resistor body. Insert bent lead in right-hand mounting hole (next to left mounting hole for 03) , solder and trim. Slip 0.9" length of insulation tubing over left-hand lead of R29. Cut lead 0.1" longer than tubing. Route lead as shown on Sol-PC assembly drawing X-5 in Section X, hook it around left-hand lead of R23 (470 ohm, 1/2 watt resistor), solder and trim. ( ) Step 51. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value and type for each installation. Bend leads outward on solder (back) side of board, solder and trim. (Refer to NOTE in Step 2.) LOCATION C29 C30 VALUE 330 .1 ufd pfd TYPE Disc Disc Step 52. Install diodes DI (lN4148 or lN914), D2 (lN4001) and D3 through D6 (lN4148 or IN914) in their locations in the area of U39. Position all diodes with their dark band (cathode) to the right. ( ) Step 53. Install the following DIP switches in the indicated locations. Take care to observe proper orientation. REV A 1II-37 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III TYPE LOCATION ) S2 ) S3 ) S4 ORIENTATION Switch No. 1 at top Switch No. 1 at top Switch No. 1 at top 8-position 8-position 6-position Step 54. Install Ql (2N2907) in its location between U55 and U56. The emitter lead (closest to tab on can) is oriented toward the bottom and the base lead toward the right. Push straight down on transistor until it is stopped by the leads. Solder and trim. ( ) Step 55. See Detail B on Drawing X-6. Using two 4-40 x 7/16 binder head screws, hex nuts and lockwashers, install 25-pin female connector in location Jl (serial I/O interface). Position connector with socket side facing right and insert pins into their holes in the circuit board. Insert screws from back (solder) side of board, place lockwasher on each screw, start nuts and tighten. Then solder connector pins to board. See Detail B on Drawing X-6. Using two 4~40 x 7/16 binder head screws, hex nuts and lockwashers, install 25-pin male connector in location J2 (parallel I/O interface). Install J2 in the same manner as you did Jl. Install Augat pins in mounting holes K, Land M. ( ) Step 57. (Refer to "Installing Augat Pins" in Appendix IV.) These holes are located between U85 and U86. No jumper will be installed. ( ) Step 58. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. ( ) Step 56. NOTE Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin 1 of each IC. TYPE IC NO. -- 74LS367 U37 1489 or 75189* U38* 4N26# U39# 74LSl09 U52 74LSOO U55 1458 or 72558 U56 7406 U57 8T94 U58 . 74LSl09 U72 74LSl09 U73 4029* US4* 4046 or 14046* US5* 4024 or 14024* US6* 74173 or STIO U95 74173 or 8TlO U96 74175 U97 CAUTION on Page III-II. Refer to *MOS device. #Solder this IC in its location. See "Loading DIP Devices" in Appendix IV. 111-38 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) REV B PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol~?C SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III ( ) Step 5SA. Install R160 (47 ohm resistor, color code yellowviolet-black) as follows: ( ) Wrap one R160 lead around pin 1 of U39 (4N26) and the other around the cathode lead (banded end) of D3 (lN414S), dressing the leads as shown on Drawing x-5 in Section x. ( ) Solder both R160 leads in place and trim excess lead lengths. ( ) Inspect for possible shorts or solder bridges, especially between pins 1 and 2 of U39. ( ) On the back (solder) side of the board, the trace that connects pin 1 of U39 to the cathode lead of D3 must be cut. Using an Xacto knife or a razor blade, make two cuts approximately l/S" apart, cutting across the trace down to the epoxy base. Insert blade tip beneath the cut section and gently work it away from the board. Be sure the "break" is free of solder. ( ) Step 59. Check input/output (I/O) circuits. NOTE The parallel I/O interface should be tested with the device you will be using. Refer to "I/O Interfacing" in Section VII. To check the serial I/O circuits, proceed as follows: () Set Set Set Set Sl S2 S3 S4 as in previous test, switches all OFF, switches all OFF, except S3-1 ON, switches all OFF Set all S4 switches to OFF. Connect Sol keyboard assembly to Sol-PC. Using the supplied 20-conductor ribbon cable, connect Jl on keyboard to J3 on Sol-PC as shown in Drawing X-IO in Section X. ( ) Connect Sol-PC video output cable to monitor, turn monitor on and apply power to Sol-PC. CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC AND KEYBOARD WHEN THEY ARE NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, THEY MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE~E SURE NEITHER ASSEMBLY IS PLACED ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. REV B 111-39 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Set Sol-PC to local by depressing LOCAL key on keyboard to turn keyboard indicator light on. Data entered from the keyboard should appear on the monitor. If the Sol-PC fails this test, locate and correct the cause before proceeding. If the Sol-PC passes this test, turn monitor and power supply off, disconnect power cable, video output cable, keyboard and go on to Step 60. ( ) Step 60. Install the following resistors in the indicated locations. Bend leads to fit distance between mounting holes, insert leads, pull down snug to board, solder and trim. LOCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) REV B Rl17 Rl18 Rl19 R139 R140 R141 R142 R143 R144 R145 R146 R147 R148 R149 R150 R151 R152 R153 R154 R155 R156 VR3 VALUE {ohms} 10 K 10 K 10 K 1.0M 10 K 150 K 10 K 1 M 47 K 10 K 10 K 2.2M 100 K 100 470 5.6K 150 K 100 K 47 K 6.8, ~ watt 6.8, ~ watt 100 K 111-40 COLOR CODE brown-black-orange " " " " " " brown-black-green brown-black-orange brown-green-yellow brown-black-orange brown-black-green yel10w-violet-orange brown-black-orange " " " red-red-green brown-black-yellow brown-black-brown yellow-violet-brown green-blue-red brown-green-yellow brown-black-yellow yellow-violet-orange blue-grey-gold blue-grey-gold Poten"tiometer PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTIO:::-J III ( ) Step 61. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value and type for each installation. Bend leads outward on solder (back) side of board, solder and trim. (Refer to NOTE in Step 2.) CAUTION REFER TO FOOTNOTE AT END OF THIS STEP BEFORE INSTALLING C67. LOCATION ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) VALUE (ufd) C47 .001 Disc II C48 .047 II C49 .001 CSO .01 Mylar Tubular CSI .1 Disc II C66 .1 C67* 1 Tantalum C68 .1 Disc II C69 .1 C70 .1 " II C71 .001 C72 .001 Mylar Tubular C73 .047 Disc C74 470 pfd " *Install C67 with "+" lead at top right. ( ) Step 62. Install miniature phone jacks in locations J6 and J7 located to the right of UIOI. Position J6 and J7 with jack facing right, insert pins in mounting holes and solder. ( ) Step 63. Install subminiature phone jacks in locations J8 and J9 in lower right corner of board. Install J8 and J9 as you did J6 and J7. ( ) Step 64. Install Q3 (2N4360) in its location to the left of C67. Install Q3 with its flat IIside ll at the bottom. Push straight down on transistor until it is stopped by the leads, solder and trim. CAUTION THE 2N4360 IS STATIC SENSITIVE. CAUTION ON PAGE III-II. REFER TO ( ) Step 65. Install Q4 and QS (2N2222) in their locations above and to the left of UI08. For both transistors, the emitter lead (closest to tab on can) is oriented toward the left and the base lead toward the right. Push straight down on transistor until it is stopped by the leads, solder and trim. III- 41 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III ( ) Step 66. Install diodes D13 and D14 (lN4001) in their locations in the lower right corner of the board. Position both diodes with their dark band (cathode) at the bottom. ( ) Step 67. Install DIP reed relays in locations Kl and K2 to the right of Ul13. Be sure to install Kl and K2 with their end notch at the bottom )pin 1 in lower right corner). These relays are soldered to the board. (Refer to "Loading DIP Devices" in Appendix IV.) ( ) Step 68. Install the following IC's in the indicated locations. Pay careful attention to the proper orientation. NOTE Dots on the assembly drawing and PC board indicate the location of pin 1 of each IC. IC NO. ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( U69* U98* U99* UIOO* UIOl* UI08 UI09* UIIO* Ulll* Ul12* ul13* *MOS device. ( TYPE 6011,1602,2017 or 1013* 4023 or 14023* 4030* 4013 or 1413* 4027 or 14027* 1458 or 72558 4049 or 14049* 4046 or 14046* 4019* 4520 or 14520* 4013 or 1413* Refer to CAUTION on Page III-II. ) step 69. Install Augat pins in mounting holes H, I and J (located to left of C70). (Refer to "Installing Augat Pins" in Appendix IV.) Using #24 bare wire, install a jumper between pins I and J. DO NOT SOLDER .TUMPER TO AUGAT PINS. ( ) Step 70. Adjust VR3. Ground ACI audio input (J7) on Sol-PC. Apply power to Sol-PC. CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN N0NCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. REV A 1II-42 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III ( ) Using an oscilloscope with a calibrated time base (a frequency counter is preferred) and a high-impedance probe, monitor the VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) frequency on pin 4 of UIIO. Adjust VR3 for a frequency of 14.0 KHz (71.4 usec period). Disconnect power and remove ACI audio input (J7) ground. ( ) Step 71. If your recorder has only a microphone input, remove the I-to-J jumper you installed in Step 69 and install a jumper (#24 bare wire is recommended) between the I and H pins. DO NOT SOLDER JUMPER TO AUGAT PINS. NOTE Microphone inputs are not recommended. Otherwise, leave the I-to-J jumper in and go on to Step 72. ( ) Step 72. See Detail C on Drawing X-6. Install lOa-pin edge connector, Jll. Using two 4-40 x 7/16 binder head screws, install lOa-pin edge connector in location Jll (center of PC board). Seat the pins in the mounting holes. Then thread screws from front (component) side of board into the threaded inserts that are pre-installed in the Jll mounting holes. Tighten screws and solder pins to board. 3.7 OPTIONS 3.7.1 625 Line Video, 50 Hz The European televisions standard defines a raster of 625 lines at a field rate of 50 Hz. The horizontal rate of the U.S. standard, 15,750 Hz., is maintained. Only the number of scan lines on the screen is increased. The Video Display Generator section may be modified for the 50 Hz. standard by following the additional steps below. The effect of the modification is to increase the modulus of the counter U62 to eight during-vDISP. This results in four extra character lines (52 scan lines) between the bottom and top of the display area, for a total of 312 scan lines per field and 624 scan lines per frame. The field rate should be close enough to 50 Hz. to reduce any swim effects to less than 0.1 Hz. Some difficulty may be encountered in obtaining centering of the display within the frame. This is because the stand-off time to VSYNC from the bottom of the display is unchanged from the 60 Hz. standard. If objectionable, increase the value of resistor RIOO which is in series with the VPOS control. REV B 1II-43 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III To convert for 50 Hz., perform these additional steps: ( ) Locate U62 on the component side legend. Find pin 5 of this Ie on the component (front) side of the board. Cut the "V"-shaped trace connecting pin 5 to the nearby pad designated "AF", using a sharp exacto blade or scribe, so that there is no continuity between these pads. ( ) Bend a small piece of bare wire, such as a resistor clipping, into a loop to form a jumper between pad "AF" , and the adjacent pad "AG". Insert the jumper, pull close to the board, solder, and trim the leads. If this modification is made, change the schematic, X-18, to show that pin 5 of U62 now connects to pin 4 (ground), instead of pin 6 as shown. 3.7.2 Vectored Interrupt Though the 8080A microprocessor used in the Sol Computer has the vectored interrupt capability, Processor Technology software for the Sol and S-lOO modules built by Processor Technology do not use it. A jumper arrangement in the Sol, however, is provided to implement vectored interrupt when the interrupt signal is made available on the S-lOO bus by a circuit board that is plugged into it. If you wish to use vectored interrupt, you must supply an interrupt controller card. To modify the Sol-PC for vectored interrupt, two jumpers (AB-to-AD and AC-to-AE) must be installed to enable the SINTA signal (interrupt acknowledge, S-lOO bus pin 96) to reach the memory decoder circuit. These jumpers may be added at any time, either during assembly or after the Sol-PC is completely assembled. NOTE Vectored interrupt jumpers may be left in place, even if no S-lOO board generates interrupts. S-lOO bus pin 96 (SINTA) may float with no interference. To install the two vectored interrupt jumpers, proceed as follows (see Figure 3-12): ( ) Cut two eight-inch lengths of #24 solid, insulated wire (not supplied). REV A 111-44 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III Strip 0.1" of insulation from both ends of each wire. From component (front) side of Sol-PC, insert one end of one wire into pad AC (to left of pin 9 of U58) and solder. Insert one end of other wire into pad AB (to left of pin 8 of U58) and solder. Check for solder bridges. Dress wires as shown in Figure 3-12. From component (front) side of Sol-PC, insert loose end of wire from pad AB into pad AD (to left of pin 11 of U35) and loose end of wire from pad AC into pad AE (to right of pin 96 of S-IOO bus, Jll). Solder and check for solder bridges. ( ) Fix long runs of wire to board with silicon compound or tape. REV A 111-45 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol-PC SINGLE BOARD TERMINAL COMPUTER™ SECTION III • .. • Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER © 1976 BY PROCf550R IECHNOLOGY CORP. J1 " .<) REV A 111-46 TM ~ IV PERSONALITY MODULE ASSEMBLY 4.1 Parts and Components . . • IV-l 4.2 Assembly Tips • • • . . · . IV-l 4.3 Assembly Precautions • • . 4.4 Required Tools, Equipment and Materials. 4.5 Orientation . . · IV-l 4.6 Assembly-Test • · IV-3 4.6.1 4.6.2 Circuit Board Check. . Assembly-Test Procedure. • • IV-l • • • • • IV-l · . IV-3 • • IV-3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 9216 AND 2708 PERSONALITY MODULES 4.1 SECTION IV PARTS AND COMPONENTS The standard Sol uses a Personality Module based on the 9216 masked ROM containing the SOLOS monitor program. The kit version is Part No. 107000-04, and the assembled version is Part No. 107000-02. If you are intending to use a monitor program other than SOLOS, you will have a Personality Module based on the 2708 EPROM (not supplied) which may be programmed to contain a custom monitor. The kit version of the 2708 module is Part No. 107000-03, and the assembled and testec module is 107000-01. All four of these modules use the same circuit board, designated ASSY 107001 in white on the component side of the board. You will need the parts listed in Table 4-1 to assemble your personality module. Select and separate the needed parts from those supplied with your Sol kit before starting assembly. (Note that several parts are not necessary for the 9216 module.) If you have any difficulty identifying any parts by sight, refer to Figure 3-1 in Section III and the "Standard Color Code for Resistors and Capacitors' chart in Appendix III. Table 4-1 lists each part, its description, quantity and reference designation on the drawing(s) you will use in assembling the perspnality module. The assembly drawings in Section} will also prove useful in identifying parts. 4.2 ASSEMBLY TIPS For the most part the assembly tips given in Paragraph 3.2 of Section III (Page III-I) apply to assembling the personality module. 4.3 ASSEMBLY PRECAUTIONS For the most part the assembly precautions given in Paragraph 3.3 in Section III (Page 111-9) apply. 4.4 REQUIRED TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The following tools, equipment and materials are recommended for assembling the personality module. l. Needle nose pliers 2. Diagonal cutters 3. Screwdriver 4. Soldering iron, 25 watt 5. Video monitor 4.5 ORIENTATION Capacitor location C2 will be located in the upper left-hand corner of the board when the edge connector is positioned at the REV B IV-l PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 9216 AND 2708 PERSONALITY MODULES Table 4-1. SECTION IV 2708/9216 Personality Module Parts List. QUANTITY PART DESCRIPTION 9216 PM REFERENCE 2708 PM Drawing No. Designator Circuit Board Personality Module 2708/9216 1 1 X-7 1 IC 74LS08 1 1 x-7 U3 IC 9216 ROM 1 0 X-7 Ul Diode lN523l 0 2 X-7 Zl&2 Resistor 130 ohm, 1/2 W, 5% 0 2 X-7 Rl&2 Resistor 10K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 3 X-7 R3,5&6 Resistor 10K ohm, 1/4 W, 5% 4 X-7 R3,4,5&6 Capacitor .047 '\1f, Disc Ceramic 1 X-7 C5 Capacitor 1 '\1£, Tantalum, 35V 4 X-7 Cl,2,3&4 Capacitor 1 '\1f, Tantalum, 35V 1 X-7 C2 Socket DIP, l4-pin 1 1 X-7 U3 Socket DIP, 24-pin 2 X-7 Socket DIP, 24-pin 1 Handle Personality Module Handle Bracket 1 1 X-7 2 Screw Machine, 2-56 x 3/16 2 2 X-7 13 Lockwasher Internal Tooth, #2 2 2 X-7 14 Assembly Keyboard 1 1 X-IO 3 Cable Flat, 20-wire 1 1 X-IO 23 Wire Bus, 24 AWG 0 1" X-7 15 Solder 60/40, 20 SWG Subassembly Sol Power Supply 1 1 Subassembly Sol-PC (assembled through Step 48) 1 1 REV B 1 IV-2 X-7 Ul&2 • Ul PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 9216 AND 2708 PERSONALITY MODULES SECTION IV left end of the board. In this position the component (front) side of the board is facing up. Subsequent position references related to the personality module circuit board assume this orientation. 4.6 ASSEI~LY-TEST 4.6.1 Circuit Board Check ( ) Visually check circuit board for broken traces, shorts (solder bridges) between traces and similar defects. ( ) Check circuit board to insure that the +5-volt bus, +12 volt bus and -12-volt bus are not shorted to each other or to ground. Using an ohmmenter, make the following measurements (refer to personality ,module assembly drawing in Section X) : ( ) +5 volt Bus Test. On Ul, measure between pin 12, (ground) and pin 24 (+5 volts). There should be no continuity. ( ) -5 volt Bus Test. On Ul and U2, measure between pin 12 (ground) and pin 21 (-5 volts). There should be no continuity. ( ) +12 volt Bus Test. Also on Ul, measure between pin 12 (ground) and the bottom edge connector pin on the component side of the board marked Al. ( ) Inter-bus Test. On Ul, measure between pins 12 and 21, then between edge connector pin Al and pins 21, then 12. There should be no continuity in any of these measurements. If visual inspection reveals any defect, or you measure continuity in any of the preceding tests, return the board to Processor Technology for replacement. If the board is not defective, proceed to next paragraph. 4.6.2 Assembly-Test Procedure Refer to personality module assembly drawing X-7 in Section X. CAUTION THE MEMORY IC'S USED ON THE PERSONALITY MODULE ARE MOS DEVICES. THEY CAN BE (CAUTION continued on Page IV-3) Rev D IV-3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 9216 AND. 2708 PERSONALITY MODULES SECTION IV DAMAGED BY STATIC ELECTRICITY DISCHARGE. HANDLE THESE IC's SO THAT NO DISCHARGE FLOWS THROUGH THE IC. AVOID UNNECESSARY HANDLING AND WEAR COTTON, RATHER THAN SYNTHETIC, CLOTHING WHEN HANDLIl-'J~ 1-10S IC's. (STATIC DISCHARGE PROBLEMS ARE MUCH WORSE IN LOW HUMIDITY CONDIT·IONS.) ( ) Step 1. Install DIP sockets. Install each socket in the indicated location with its end notch oriented as shown on the circuit board and assembry-drawing. Take care not tocreate solder bridges between the pins and/or traces. INSTALLATION TIP Insert socket pins into mounting pads of appropriate location. On back (solder) side of board, bend pins at opposite corners of socket (e.g. pins 1 and 9 on a l6-pin socket) outward until they are at a 45° angle to the board surface. This secures the socket until it is soldered. Repeat this procedure with each socket until all are secured to the board. Then solder the pins on all sockets. LOCATION ( ) ( ) ( ) TYPE SOCKET Ul U2* U3 *Used on 2708· 24 pin 24 pin* 14 pin version only. ( ) Step 2. Install the following resistors in the indicated locations. Install these resistors parallel with the board. Bend leads by using needle nose pliers to grip the resistor lead right next to the resistor body, and bend the portion of the lead on the other side of the pliers with· your finger. The bend must be the right distance from the resistor body for the resistor to fit easily into its two holes. Insert the leads into the two holes, and from the opposite side of the board pull the leads to bring the resistor body down to touch the board. Bend the leads outward on the solder (back) side of the board so the resistors do not slip out of position. Rev D IV- 4 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 9216 AND 2708 PERSONALITY MODULE VALUE LOCATION ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) SECTION IV 130 ohms 130 ohms 10K 10K 10K 10K Rl* R2* R3 R4* R5 R6 9216 *not used on COLOR CODE brown-orange-brown brown-orange-brown brown-black-orange brown-black-orange brown-black-orange brown-black-orange version ( ) Step 3. Install IN5231 Zener Diodes in locations Zl, and Z2 if you have the 2708 version. Form the leads as in Step 2. Insert the .diodes so that the white band on the diode is in the position indicated by the legend. Bend the leads outward to retain the diodes, then solder and trim the leads. ( ) Step 4. Install the following capacitors in the indicated locations. Take care to observe the proper value, type and orientation for each installation. On the dipped tantalum capacitors, the n+n lead is the one which is closest to the n+n marking on the body of the capacitor. Insert this lead in the hole marked n+n on the PC board legend. After inserting C5, remove it from the board before soldering to clear wax from the leads and holes. After inserting all capacitors, pull them close to the board and bend the leads outward to secure them. Solder and trim all leads. LOCATION ) ) ) ) ) VALUE (ufd) Cl* C2 \C3* C4* C5 1 1 1 1 .047 *not used on 92.16 TYPE Dipped Tantalum Dipped Tantalum Dipped Tantalum Dipped Tantalum Disc Ceramic version ( ) Step 5. Check for +5, +12, and -12 volt bus-to~ground shorts. Using an ohmmeter on OHMS times lK or OHMS times 10K scale, make the following measurements. A typical reading is 1 Megohm. A reading less than 10K indicates a short. Measure between edge connector pins A2 and A15. Measure between edge connector pins A14 and A15. Measure between edge connector pins Al and A15. If any measurement indicates a short, find and correct the problem before proceeding. Rev E ( ) Step 6. Using two 2-56 x 3/]6 n binder head screws, install IV- 5 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATlON 9216 AND 2708 PERSONALITY MODULE SECTION IV handle bracket. Position bracket on back (trace) side of board at the right end as shown in Figure 4-1. Align bracket holes with mounting holes in board, insert screws with lockwashers from back (solder) side of board and drive into bracket. No nuts are needed since the bracket holes are tapped. Figure 4-1. Handle bracket installation. () Step 7. If you have a 9216 version with the 9216 ROM (windowless), omit this step. If you have the 2708 version, find the area above the Ul socket where the legend reads "-5V 21 CO 19 +12V." This legend designates five PC pads in a row directly underneath. On the back (solder) side of the board, there is a small trace which connects the "CO" and "21" pad. Cut this trace with a sharp knife or scribe point so there is no longer continuity between these pads. Form the clipping from a resistor lead, or other small bare wire into a loop and insert this jumper between the "-5V" pad and the "21" pad. Solder and trim the leads. Next find the two pads between C2 and R6, with legend "-16" under the right pad of the pair. On the back (solder) side of the board, cut the trace which connects these pads. () Step 8. Stop assembly at this point if you are building a Sol kit and proceed with Sol-PC assembly and test up through Step 48. (See Section III.) Then go on to Step 9 of this . procedure. () Step 9. Plug personality module into J5 on Sol-PC, apply power to Sol-PC and make the following voltage measurements on the personality module, with respect to chassis ground: CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC WHEN IT IS NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, IT MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. DO NOT PLACE IT ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. REV E IV-6 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOG1 CORPORATION 9216 AND 2708 PERSONALITY MODULES SECTION IV MEASUREMENT POINT Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin * For () 24 of Ul, U2 14 of U3 21*of Ul, U2 12 of Ul, U2 7 of U3 +5 V dc ± 5% +5 V dc ± 5% -5 V dc ± 5% Ground Ground 2708 version only. () Measure between edge connector pin B14 and pin B15. You should measure more than 1M ohms. A reading less than 10 ohms indicates a short. () If any voltages are incorrect, locate and correct the cause before proceeding to Step 10. () If the voltages are correct, turn power off, disconnect power cable, unplug personality module and go on to Step 10. Step 10. Install IC's in the sockets numbered Ul through U3 as indicated in the table below. Make sure the dot or notch indicating pin 1 on the IC package is in the correct position as indicated on the PC board component legend and the assembly drawing X-7. Socket U2 is left empty on 9216 versions (9216 ROM with no window). 2708 EPROMs (not supplied) may be inserted in sockets Ul and U2. IC NO. TYPE 2708 version Ul* U2* U3 2708 2708 74LS.08 9216 version Ul* U2 U3 9216 Empty 74LS.08 *MOS devices. () VOLTAGE See CAUTION on pages IV- 3, 4. Step 11. Plug personality module into J5 on Sol-PC and connect Sol-PC video output cable to video monitor. (Refer to CAUTION on Page 111-24 in Section III.) ( ) Connect Sol keyboard assembly to Sol-PC. Using the supplied 20-conductor ribbon cable, connect Jl on keyboard to J3 on Sol-PC as shown in Drawing X-IO in Section X. REV E IV-7 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION IV 9216 AND 2708 PERSONALITY MODULES ( ) Set Sl switches on Sol-PC as follows: No. 1 through 4: ( No. 5: ON No. 6: OFF OFF ) Turn monitor on and apply power to Sol-PC. CAUTION WHENEVER POWER IS APPLIED TO THE Sol-PC AND KEYBOARD WHEN THEY ARE NOT INSTALLED IN THE CHASSIS, THEY MUST REST ON A CLEAN NONCONDUCTING SURFACE. BE SURE NEITHER ASSEMBLY IS PLACED ON TOP OF PIECES OF WIRE AND/OR SOLDER. ( ) With a SOLOS module, you should see the cursor, preceded by a prompt character, like this: J ( ) If you do not see a cursor, locate and correct the problem before proceeding. ( ) If a blinking cursor is present, the ENter and DUmp commands should operate as described in Section IX of this manual. ( ) If the ENter and DUmp commands do not operate correctly, locate and correct the problem before proceeding. ( ) If the personality module is operating correctly, turn the monitor and power off, disconnect power cable, video output cable and keyboard, and if you are building a Sol kit go on to Step 50 in Section III. (The personality module can be left plugged in.) REV D IV-8 v .REV.. ,)\.' KEYBOARD ASSEMBLY 5.1 Keyboard Assembly. V-I 5.2 Keyboard Installation . . V-I PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION V Sol KEYBOARD 5.1 KEYBOARD ASSEMBLY The Sol keyboard is now supplied pre-assembled and tested (Part No. 104000). Consequently, no assembly is required. An assembl~ drawing and a schematic (Drawings X-23 and 22 respectively in Section X) are provided, however, to facilitate maintenance and repair should they become necessary. 5.2 KEYBOARD INSTALLATION Installation instructions for the Sol keyboard are provided in Steps 37 through 42 in Section VI. The keyboard cannot be installed, however, before you complete Steps 1 through 36 in Section VI. (Note that use of the keyboard is made in Step 59 of the Sol-PC assembly procedure (Section III) and Step 11 of the personality module assembly procedure (Section IV). The keyboard need not be installed in the cabinet chassis for this purpose.) Having completed your Sol power supply, Sol-PC and personality module, you are now ready to assemble the Sol cabinet-chassis. Complete cabinet-chassis assembly instructions are given in Section VI. V-I VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS ASSEMBLY 6.1 Introduction. • • . . • • • VI-l 6.2 Parts and Components. · • • VI-l 6.3 Assembly Tips . . 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 · VI-l General. . . Electrical . Mechanical · • • VI-l · • • VI-l · • . VI-S 6.4 Required Tools, Equipment and Materials • • 6.5 Orientation . • 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.6 · VI-6 VI-6 Sol Backplane Board, Sol-BPB Sol Cabinet-Chassis . . • . Assembly-Test • • . • • • . . . ,. . • . . • VI-6 · • • VI-6 ... 6.6.1 Backplane Board (Sol-BPB) Assembly. 6.6.2 Sol Assembly . • • . . . • . . • . • . • VI-6 . . • • VI-6 • VI-9 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS 6.1 INTRODUCTION This section covers assembly of the Sol-20 chassis and cabinet. The instructions contained herein assume that you have already assembled the power supply and Sol-PC Single Board Terminal ComputerTM ... including the personality module. 6.2 PARTS AND COMPONENTS You will need the parts listed in Table 6-1 to assemble your Sol cabinet-chassis. At this point in assembly, Table 6-1 should reflect the remaining parts in your Sol kit. (Note that you may have been supplied extra pieces of some hardware items, so do not panic should-you have a few pieces of hardware ,left over after you have completed assembling your Sol-20.) If you have any difficulty in identifying individual pieces of hardware, refer to Figure 6-1 and 6-2. Table 6-1 lists each part, its description, quantity and reference designation on the drawing(s) you will use in assembling the cabinetchassis. The assembly drawings in Section X will also prove useful in identifying parts. 6.3 ASSEMBLY TIPS -6.3.1 General 1. Scan Section VI in its entirety before you start to assemble your Sol cabinet-chassis. 2. IT IS IMPORTANT that you follow the step-by-step instructions in the order given when assembling the Sol cabinetchassis if your assembly is to be done correctly and with minimum effort. 3. ' Assembly steps and component installations are pre'-' ceded by a set of parentheses. Check off each installation and step as you complete them. This will minimize the chances of omitting a step or component. 4. Should you encounter any problem during assembly, call on us for help if needed. 6.3.2 Electrical 1. Use a low-wattage soldering iron, 25 watts maximum, for all soldering. 2. Solder neatly and as quickly as possible. 3. Use only 60-40 rosin-core solder. solder or externally applied fluxes. REV C VI-l NEVER use acid-core PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS Table 6-1. Sol-20 Cabinet-Chassis Parts List. REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator Circuit Board Sol Backplane 1 X-8 4 Cable Assembly Sol Backplane, 3", 5-wire I X-IO 1 Connector PC, 100-pin 1 X-8 5 Connector PC, 100-pin 5 X-8 6 Plug Coax, 75 ohm 1 Fig. 6-5 Sect. VI Sleeve Coax Adapter 1 Fig. 6-5 Sect. VI Chassis Main 1 X-8 11 Subchassis Expansion 1 X-9 12 Bracket Connecting, Power Supply Subchassis 1 X-9 13 Bracket Keyboard Support 2 X-9 14 Bracket Backplane, Right Angle 2 X-8 16 Bracket Backplane, Left Gusset 1 X-8 17 Bracket Backplane, Right Gusset I X-8 18 Card Guide Plastic, 4" 10 X-8 34 Assembly Left Side Panel 1 X-9 5 Assembly Right Side Panel 1 X-9 6 Cover Keyboard 1 X-IO 10 Cover Top 1 X-IO 22 Cover Logo, Plexiglass 1 X-IO 20 Label* Sol Logo* 1* X-IO 21 Label Fingerwell, Black 2 X-9 28 Label Connector Identification 1 X-8 29 Label Serial Number 1 X-8 26 Foot Rubber, Adhesive 4 Fig. 6-8 Sect. VI Screw Machine, 4-40 x 3/16 2 X-8 44 Screw Machine, 4-40 x 5/16 16 X-8&9 39 Screw Machine, 4-40 x 5/8 X-8 38 6 *May be packaged under logo cover. REV C VI-2 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS Table 6-1. SECTION VI Sol-20 Cabinet-Chassis Parts List. (Continued) REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Drawing No. Designator 16 X-8&9 48 X-8 56 X-8&9 51 L0ckwasher Internal Tooth, #4 Lockwasher Spring, #4 Hex Nut 4-40 Screw Machine, metal, 6-32 x 1/2 8 X-9&lO 40 Screw Self-tapping, 6-32 x 5/16 1 X-9 43 Screw Sheetmetal, #6 x 1/4 X-8&9 45 Lockwasher Internal Tooth, #6 X-8&l0 49 Washer Flat, #6 X-8&9 56 Screw Machine, 10-24 x 3/8 8 X-9 42 Screw Machine, 10-24 x 1 2 X-9 41 Screw Quick Connect, Knurled 2 X-IO 33 Cable Flat, 20-wire 1 X-IO 23 Assembly Keyboard 1 X-IO 3 Cable AC Power, 3-wire 1 X-IO 36 Subassembly Sol Power Supply 1 X-9 1 Subassembly Sol-PC 1 X-IO 2 Subassembly 2708/9216 Personality Module 1 X-IO 8 REV C 8 16 32 8 18 VI-3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS (A) (B) (C) (D) "- Washer (A) Flat Head Wood Screw (B) Sheet Metal Screw Figure 6-1. (C) Binder or Pan Head Screw (D) Thumb Screw Types of screws used in Sol cabinet-chassis assembly • . . . . . . ---1 ...... I (J () 0 (B) (A) (C) (D) (A) Keyboard Bracket (B) Backplane Bracket, Right Angle (C) Gusset Bracket, Left (D) Gusset Bracket, Right (E) Power Supply Subchassis Bracket (E) Figure 6-2. Rev A Brackets used in Sol cabinet-chassis assembly. VI-4 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS 6.3.2 SECTION VI Electrical (continued) 4. DO NOT press the tip of the soldering iron on pads or traces when installing components and/or attaching leads to a PC board. To do so can cause the pad or trace to "lift" off the board and permanently damage it. 5. The Backplane PC board (Sol-BPB) has plated-through holes. Solder flow through to the component side of the board can produce solder bridges (shorts). Check for such bridges after you install each component or wire. 6. The Backplane PC board (Sol-BPB) has an integral solder mask (a lacquer coating) that shields selected areas on the board. This mask minimizes the chances of creating solder bridges during assembly. 6.3.3 Mechanical 1. If you do aot have the proper screwdrivers (see Paragraph 6.4), we recorrunend that you buy them rather than using a knife point, a blade screwdriver on a Phillips screw, and other makeshift means. Proper screwdrivers minimize the chances of stripping threads, disfiguring screw heads and marring decorative surfaces. 2. To assure a correct fit and tight assembly, be sure you use the screws specified in the instructions. 3. Lockwashers are widely used in the Sol cabinet-chassis assembly so that screws will not loosen when subjected to stress or vibration. When a lockwasher is specified, do not omit it and make sure you install it correctly. 4. Some instructions call for prethreading holes. This is done to :nake assembly easier by giving you maxi:num working space for installing relatively hard-to-drive sheet metal screws. If you bypass prethreading instructions yo~ will only make your cabinetchassis assembly more difficult. To prethread a hole, insert specified screw in the hole and position it as straight as possible. While holding the screw in this position, drive it into the metal with the proper screwdriver. If started straight the screw will continue to go straight into the metal so that the head and sheet metal surfaces are in full con"tac"t. 5. The diameter of the shank (threaded portion) of a screw increases in relation to its number. For example, a 6-32 screw is larger in diameter than a 4-40 screw. Also, a #8 lockwasher is larger than a #4 lockwasher. REV B VI-5 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS 6.4 SECTION VI REQUIRED TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The following tools, equipment and materials are recommended for assembling the Sol cabinet-chassis. (Unless indicated otherwise, none of the following items are supplied with your kit.) 1. Needle nose pliers 2. Diagonal cutters 3. Screwdriver, thin 1/4" blade 4. Screwdriver, #2 Phillips 5. Controlled heat soldering iron, 25 watt 6. Ohmeter 7. Masking tape 8. Transparent tape 9. Rubber mallet or small hammer 6.5 ORIENTATION 6.5.1 Sol Backplane Board, Sol-BPB When the side without the solder mask (no green lacquer) is facing you, the PC board identification (Sol-BPB) and revision level will be located in the upper left-hand corner of the board when the edge connector (gold contacts) is positioned at the bottom of the board. In this position, the component (front) side of the board (no solder mask) is facing up. Subsequent position references related to the Sol-BPB assume this orientation. 6.5.2 Sol Cabinet-Chassis Unless specified otherwise, all position references (e.g., left, right, front, back, bottom and top) in the cabinet-chassis assembly instructions assume the Sol cabinet is viewed from the front (keyboard) when it is sitting in its normal position (keyboard up) • 6.6 ASSEMBLY-TEST 6.6.1 Backplane Board (Sol-BPB) Assembly , Refer to Detail B on Drawing X-8 in Section X. REV C VI-6 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS SECTION VI ( ) Step 1. Visually inspect Sol-BPB PC board for obvious flaws such as solder bridges (shorts) between traces, broken traces and similar defects. If visual inspection reveals any defects, return the board to Processor Technology for replacement. If the board passes inspection, go on to Step 2. ( ) Step 2. Install lOa-pin edge connector (Item 5 on Drawing X-B) on top edge of PC board. (This edge has silver (not gold) contacts.) NOTE This connector is supplied as a troubleshooting aid. It is not critical to normal operation of the Sol-20. position connector on PC board so that its #1 trace is aligned with the #1 trace on the board, and push connector fully onto board. Bend the connector pins slightly so that both rows of pins are in light contact with the traces on the board. DO NOT CLOSE CONNECTOR PINS SO MUCH THAT YOU WILL DAMAGE THE TRACES WHEN PLACING THE CONNECTOR OVER THE EDGE OF THE BOARD. While holding the connector and board together, place board solder side down on a book, or other flat surface that is high than your work surface, so the connector extends ~ully over the edge. That is, the connector should not rest on the book. Reposition connector if needed to align the pins and traces. On the component (front) side of board, solder a pair of traces. On the component (front) side of board, solder a pair of pins at each end of the connector to their respective traces on the board. Then solder the remaining 46 pins on the component side to traces . . The connector must be perpendicular to the edge of the board. If it is not, bend the pins you just soldered to obtain the required alignment. Then solder the other 50 pins to the traces. ( ) Step 3. Install the other five lOa-pin edge connectors. Position connector on front side of board (the side without the green solder mask) and insert pins. On solder (back) side of board (the side with the green solder mask), solder pins at opposite corners-or-the connector to hold it in place while making sure the entire connector is seated firmly. Then solder the remaining 9B pins. ( ) Step 4. First check that wire color code in Sol backplane cable assembly (3" 5-wire cable) conforms with that given below and in Figure 2-7 on Page 11-21 in Section II. Then connect cable to circuit board to upper-most pads in top right corner: Insert wires from solder (back) side of board (green REV C VI-7 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS solder mask side) and solder on component (front) side of board. If a wire is too large for the mounting hole, snip off as many individual strands as needed to obtain a fit. Connect cable leads as follows: CABLE LEAD PAD White Ground (fifth hole from right) White Ground (fourth hole from right) Blue +8 V dc (third hole from right) Red-White +16 V dc (second hole from right) Yellow-White -16 V dc (first hole from right) NOTE Pad orientations given above are as viewed from component (front) side of circuit b'O'ard, the side without the green solder mask. ( ) Step 5. Fill feedthrough holes on right-hand side of board with solder. Fill only those that are exposed (not covered with green lacquer)-on-the solder mask (back) side. Fill these holes from the solder mask side so that no solder protrudes above the back of the board. ( ) Step 6. Check +8-volt, +16-volt and -16-volt buses to insure they are not shorted to each other or to ground. Using an ohmmeter, make the following measurements on one of the edge connectors: ( ) +8-volt Bus Test. Measure between pins 1 or 51 and 50 or 100. There should be no continuity (meter reads close to "infinity" ohms) . ( ) +16-volt Bus Test. Measure between pins 2 and 50 or 100. There should be no continuity. ( ) -16-volt Bus Test. Measure between pins 52 and 50 or 100. There should be no continuity. ( ) 8/16/(-16) Volt Bus Test. Measure between pins 1 or 51 and 2, between pins 1 or 51 and 52, and between pins 2 and 52. There should be no continuity in any of the three measurements. REV C VI-8 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS If you measure continuity (indication of a short) ~n any of the preceding tests, check your work for solder brldges. If you measure no continuity in any of the tests, you have completed the backplane board assembly. Set it to one side for later installation in the cabinet-chassis. NOTE Since the Sol right and left side panels are now supplied as pre-assembled units, Steps 7 through 12 have been eliminated. 6.6.2 Sol Assembly Refer to Drawings X-8 through X-IO in Section X. and 6-4 show complete Sol assemblies without covers. Figure 6-3 ( ) Step 13. Mount keyboard support bracket (heavy gauge right angle brackets) to each side of the main chassis as shown in Drawing X-9. These are mounted with the narrower side of the bracket at the top. Attach each bracket to main chassis with two 6-32 x ~ binder or pan head screws and #6 lockwashers. Place lockwasher on screw, insert screw from outer surface of main chassis side wall and drive into the threaded bracket mounting holes. ( ) Step 14. Attach power supply subchassis bracket (short leg "T" shaped bracket) to top front of power supply subchassis as shown in Drawing X-9. (Note that leg of "T" is closer to side wall of subchassis. This leg is for mounting a "power on" indicator light--not supplied.) Insert #6 x ~ sheet metal screw from right side of side wall and drive into bracket. . ( ) Step 15. To gain access to the rear area of the power supply subchassis side wall, remove the #6 x 5/16 sheet metal screw that attaches the fan closure plate to the subchassis. You should not have to disconnect the transformer (black wires) or AC receptacle ground (green wire) leads since they have sufficient slack to permit moving the closure plate out of the way. (Set screw to one side for use in re-installing the fan closure plate.) REV C VI-9 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS SECTION VI Figure 6-3. Sol-20 with covers removed. Front (or keyboard) is in foreground, power supply is in right rear corner, expansion chassis (with 8KRA Memory installed) is to left of power supply. The vertical board just behind white connector on left is the backplane board. Figure 6-4. Sol-20 with covers removed. Rear side of assembly is in foreground and Sol-PC is just visible at lower right rear of assembly. 8KRA Memory is installed in expansion chassis above Sol-PC. Rev A VI-IO PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS ( ) Step 16. Install power supply subchassis in main chassis as shown in Drawing X-9. Place subchassis over the right rear corner of main chassis and lower it almost vertically into position. Attach subchassis to main chassis using seven #6 x 1/4 and one #6 x 5/16 sheet metal screws and five #6 flat washers. Five #6 x 1/4 screws, fitted with #6 flat washers, are driven through the bottom of the main chassis into the subchassis. The #6 x 5/16 screw is driven through the rear hole in the right side of the main chassis into the subchassis. The remaining #6 x 1/4 screws are driven through the main chassis into the subchassis. ( ) Step 17. Place right side walnut-masonite assembly in proper position against right side of main chassis and outline the finger well on the chassis. Remove backing from one black finger well label and affix it to the right side of main chassis. Position label to cover the finger well outline you made. Be sure label extends beyond all edges of the outline. ( ) Step 18. Using five 10-24 x 3/8 binder or pan head screws, attach right side assembly to main chassis and power supply subchassis as shown in Drawing X-9. Insert screws from inside surface of chassis and drive into the plastic inserts. Note that the two front screws are driven through the main chassis, the two lower rear screws are driven through both the power supply subchassis and main chassis, and the upper rear screw is driven through the power supply subchassis. ( ) Step 19. Assemble expansion chassis ("U" shaped chassis). ( ) Prethread 12 mounting holes (six on each side) on expansion chassis side walls for backplane brackets with #6 x 1/4 sheet metal screws. Three of these holes on each side are located near the front edge of the main chassis. The remaining three holes on each side are about 1-1/2 to 2 inches behind the front three. Leave screws installed. ( ) Install female coaxial connector on the tab that extends out from the lower right front of the expansion chassis. Insert connector through tab so threaded end faces left as shown in Drawing X-9. Insert three 4-40 x 5/16 binder or pan head screws from left side of tab through the two front and lower rear mounting holes. Place #4 lockwasher on each and secure with 4-40 hex nuts. Insert another 4-40 x 5/16 binder or pan head screw through upper rear mounting hole and install 4-40 hex nut. (Leave this nut loose. ) ( ) See Details C and L on Drawing X-8. Install 10 plastic card guides (five on each side) on inside surface of both side walls of the expansion chassis. REV C VI-II PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS These are installed over the ventillation cutout with the gripper fingers pointing towards the backplane board. To install, simply insert posts on guide into appropriate mounting holes and push in until they snap into place. ( ) Step 20. Install expansion chassis on main chassis as shown in Drawing X-9. Position expansion chassis with coaxial connector at the front (near FWB3 on power supply subchassis) over left rear area of main chassis and lower into place. Attach expansion chassis to main chassis using nine #6 x 1/4 sheet metal screws and five #6 flat washers. Five screws, fitted with #6 flat washers, are driven through the bottom of the main chassis into the expansion chassis, three are driven through the left side of the main chassis into the expansion chassis, and one is driven through the lower left corner of the back side of the main chassis into the expansion chassis. ( ) Step 21. Attach left end of power supply subchassis bracket to expansion chassis as shown in Drawing X-9. Drive one 6 x 1/4 sheet metal screw through expansion chassis into bracket. ( ) Step 22. Route coaxial cable from connector on fan closure plate along left side of power supply subchassis to connector on expansion chassis. ( ) Step 23. Using the #6 x 1/4 sheet metal screw you removed in Step 15, re-attach fan closure plate to power supply subchassis. (Make sure side lip on plate is on right side of expansion chassis side wall. ( ) See Drawing X-9. Attach fan closure plate to expansion chassis with two #6 x 1/4 sheet metal screws. Drive screws through expansion chassis into fan closure plate. NOTE If lip on fan closure plate and expansion chassis are not in contact, insert one or two 1/2" flat washers as needed between the two surfaces. Place washers so screws pass through them. ( ) Step 25. Connect free end of coaxial cable from connector on fan closure plate to connector on expansion chassis. Solder inner conductor to pin of connector. Remove hex nut on upper rear connector mounting screw, place lug (coaxial shield) and #4 lockwasher on screw, in that order, and secure with nut. REV C VI-12 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS ( ) Step 26. Install male coaxial connector on free end of coaxial cable that is connected to Sol-PC (the composite video output cable). Install connector as follows (refer to Figure 6-5): !:i" 3/4" Q t Coupling Ring Adapter Figure 6-5. Braid Plug Subassembly Sol-PC coaxial cable connector assembly. ( ) Slide coupling ring and adapter on cable in that order and cut end of cable even. Remove one inch of outer insulation. Fan braid slightly and fold back over outer insulation as shown. ( ) Slide adapter fully up under braid and press braid down over adapter body. ( ) Trim braid so that it does not interfer with adapter threads. ( ) Remove 3/4" of inner conductor insulation and tin exposed conductor. ( ) Slide cable fully into plug subassembly and screw subassembly on adapter. ( ) Solder braid to plug subassembly shell through solder holes. (Use enough heat to create a good bond between braid and shell.) ( ) Solder center conductor to plug contact by filling contact with solder. Cut off excess conductor. ( ) Slide coupling ring over plug subassembly and screw it onto plug. Rev A VI-13 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS ( ) Step 27. SECTION VI Install Sol-PC in expansion chassis. Position Sol-PC on bottom of expansion chassis with Jl, J2 and J6 through J9 at the rear. Align threaded standoffs on bottom of Sol-PC with the oblong holes in the bottom of the main chassis. Attach Sol-PC board to chassis with two 4-40 x 3/16 and six 4-40 x 5/16 binder or pan head screws, eight #6 flat washers and eight #4 spring lockwashers as shown in Detail F on Drawing X-8 in Section X. (Note that the two shorter screws attach to the same standoffs to which SIOO connector, Jll, is attached.) Place lockwasher and flat washer on screw in that order and drive screw loosely into standoff from bottom of main chassis. Leave all eight screws loose. ( ) Step 28. Connect Sol-PC composite video output cable to expansion chassis coaxial connector. ( ) Step 29. Affix black finger well label to left side of main chassis in same manner as you did the right side. (See Step 17.) MAKE SURE LABEL DOES NOT OBSTRUCT COOLING CUTOUT. ( ) Step 30. Using three 10-24 x 3/8 and two 10-24 x 1 binder or pan head screws, attach left side assembly to main chassis as shown in Drawing X-9. Insert screws from inside surface of chassis and drive into plastic inserts. Note that the two front screws (10-24 x 3/8) are driven through the main chassis, the uppermost screw (10-24 x 3/8) is driven through the expansion chassis, and the two lower rear screws (10-24 x 1) are driven through both the expansion chassis and main chassis. ( ) Step 31. Install left and right backplane right angle brackets (light gauge brackets) on expansion chassis side walls. Refer to Figure 6-6 on Page VI-IS.) These two brackets are installed just to the front of the card guides and should be positioned as shown in Figure 6-6. Attach each bracket to the chassis with three #6 x 1/4 sheet metal screws. USE THE SCREWS YOU USED IN STEP 19 TO PRETHREAD THE HOLES. ( ) Step 32. See Detail B on Drawing X-8. Install backplane circuit board (Sol-BPB). The photograph in Figure 6-7 on Page VI-16 shows the backplane board installed. ( ) Position Sol-BPB with 100-pin male edge connector down and the five female edge connectors facing the card guides. The board should rest against the front face of the right angle brackets as shown in Figure 6-6. Adjust position of Sol-PC as needed so that you can plug the Sol-BPB edge connector into Jll on the Sol-PC. ( ) Align holes on left and right ends of Sol-BPB with those in right angle brackets. REV B (Step 32 continued on Page VI-16.) VI-14 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS SECTION VI Right Angle Bracket /SOl-BPB () + I" Left Gusset Bracket () +. """"" ~ Expansion Chassis (Front) Right / Gusset Bracket *#6 x ~ sheet metal screw +4-40 x 5/8 binder or pan head screw, #4 lockwasher and 4-40 hex nut Figure 6-6. Rev A Backplane board (Sol-BPB) installation. VI-15 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS Figure 6-7. SECTION VI Backplane board (Sol-BPB) installation. Rear of Sol is at bottom and Sol-BPB is to right of power supply subchassis in line with C8 and transformer. (Step 32 continued) ( ) See Detail E on Drawing X-S. Attach Sol-BPB to brackets with three 4-40 x 5/16 binder or pan head screws, #4 lockwashers and 4-40 hex nuts on each side. Insert screws from the back side of bracket through Sol-BPB, place lockwasher on eac-h--screw and secure each with nut. ( ) Step 33. Install left and right gusset brackets as shown in Figure 6~6 on Page VI-IS. ( ) Fit narrower gusset bracket on left side so that its flanges are flat against the expansion chassis side wall and the backplane board. (You may have to bend the flange slightly to obtain a proper fit.) ( ) Attach bracket to expansion chassis side wall with the three #6 x ~ sheet metal screws you used in Step 19 to pre thread the holes. **See WARNING on Page VI-17.** (Step 33 continued on Page VI-17.) REV B VI-16 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS (Step 33 continued.) WARNING IT IS QUITE EASY TO SCRATCH OR CUT YOUR HAND ON THE SOLDER SIDE OF THE BACKPLANE BOARD WHEN DRIVING THESE SCREWS. PLACE A SUITABLE PROTECTIVE BARRIER, SUCH AS CARDBOARD, AGAINST SOLDER SIDE OF BACKPLANE BOARD DURING INSTALLATION TO PREVENT SUCH INJURY. ( ) See Detail E on Drawing X-S. Attach bracket to backplane board with three 4-40 x 5/S binder or pan head screws, #4 lockwashers and 4-40 hex nuts. Insert screws from front side of bracket through Sol-BPB, place lockwasher on each screw and secure each with nut. ( ) Install wider gusset bracket on right side in the same manner as you did the left bracket. THE PRECEDING WARNING ALSO APPLIES TO INSTALLING THIS BRACKET. ( ) Step 34. Connect Sol-20 DC power cable from power supply subchassis to the Sol-BPB power cable you installed in Step 4. ( ) Step 35. Check that Sol-PC is in optimum position and tighten the eight screws holding the Sol-PC to the expansion-main chassis assembly. (See Step 27.) ( ) Step 36. Connect Sol-PC power cable (4-wire) to JIO on Sol-PC. CAUTION: Make sure cable connector mates exactly with JIO. ( ) Step 37. See Drawing X-IO. Position keyboard (Sok-KBD) near its mounting brackets and connect 20-conductor ribbon cable supplied with Sol keyboard between Jl on keyboard and J3 on Sol-PC. With the cable connected properly, the cable will run away from the keys from Jl on the keyboard, and towards the keys from J3 on Sol-PC. ( ) Step 3S. See Drawing X-IO. Attach keyboard to keyboard brackets with two 6-32 x 1/2 binder or pan head screws and #6 lockwashers on each side. Place washer on each screw and drive screws loosely into threaded holes in brackets. REV C VI-17 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol CABINET-CHASSIS SECTION VI ( ) Step 39. See Drawing X-IO. Remove protective cover from one side of Plexiglass strip and attach "Sol Terminal Computer" trim plate to Plexiglass with small pieces of transparent tape. Place trim plate with printed side against Plexiglass. ( ) Step 40. See Drawing X-IO. Remove protective cover from other side of Plexiglass and slide it into the channel above the keyboard cutout. NOTE A hole is provided in the sheet metal behind the trim plate. This may be used for a "power on" indicator light if desired. ( ) Step 41. Refer to Drawing X-IO. Install keyboard cover. Hook front of cover under front edge of main chassis and lower it over the keyboard. (A slight adjustment of the keyboard position may be needed to obtain a proper fit.) Position keyboard within cutout in cover if needed and tighten keyboard mounting screws. ( ) Step 42. Install top cover. ( ) Be sure power cord is not plugged into 110 V ac outlet and disconnect cord from fan closure plate receptacle. ( ) Remove fuse holder cap and fuse. CAUTION NEVER REMOVE OR INSTALL FUSE WITH POWER ON • . ( ) See Drawing X-IO. Hook top cover over back edge of key-' board cover and lower it down into place over the rear of the main chassis. Install the two thumb screws (one at the lower left corner and the other to the right of the fan closure plate coaxial connector) to attach cover to rear of main chassis. ( ) Step 43. Re-install fuse and plug power cord into receptacle. BE SURE POWER CORD IS NOT PLUGGED INTO 110 V ac OUTLET. See CAUTION on Page VI-19. REV B VI-18 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VI Sol CABINET-CHASSIS (Step 43 continued.) CAUTION NEVER REMOVE OR INSTALL FUSE WITH POWER ON. ( ) Step 44. Remove backing from connector identification label and affix it to rear of top cover. Position label just above Sol-PC connector opening in cover so that "J9" is aligned with left-most (as viewed from rear of Sol) subminiature phone jack and "Jl" is aligned with right-most 25-pin female connector. ( ) Step 45. See Detail A on Drawing X-B. Remove backing from serial number label and affix it to rear of top cover. Position label t right (as viewed from rear of Sol) of fan opening in cover. ( ) Step 46. Affix self-stick protective pads to bottom of Sol as shown in Figure 6-8. You have now completed assembly of your Sol Terminal Computer™. It is ready for use as a stand-alone computer or CRT terminal. Congratulations on a job well done. Proceed now to Section VII to test and learn to operate your Sol. Bottom of Sol ® Protective Pads Front Figure 6-8. REV B Protective foot pad installation. VI-19 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII, Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES PARAGRAPH CONTENTS TITLE 7.1 INTRODUCTION VII-l 7.2 THE OPERATING CONTROLS VII-l 7.3 BASIC OPERATING MODES • 7.3.1 COlnmand Mode • • 7.3.2 Terminal Mode . • • • • VII-l VII-I VII-4 7.4 GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH Sol . • 7.4.1 Monitor and Cassette Recorder Connections 7~4.2 Terminal Mode Operation 7.4.3 Command Mode Operation • . • • • • • • • VII-4 VII-S VII-10 OPERATING CONTROLS IN DEPTH • . VII-12 7.S 0 • • • • • • • • • 7.S.l 7.S.2 7.S.3 0 • ON-OFF Switch • . • • . • . • • • • Restart (RST) Switch, Sl-l • • Control Character Blanking (BLANK) Switch 81-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.S.4 Video Display (POLARITY) switch, Sl-4 • • • 7.S.S Cursor Selection (BLINK, SOLID) Switches, Sl-S & 6 • 7.S.6 Sense (SSW¢ - 7) Switches; S2 ..... lthrough S2-8 7.S.7 Baud Rate switches, S3-l·thrqugh S3-8 • • . 7.S.8 Parity (PS, PI) Switches, S4-L& S •.•• 7.S.9 Data Word Length (WLS-l & 2) Switches, S4-2& 3 . o • . ~ . . . . . . . . 7.S.l0 stop Bit Selection (SBS) Switch, S4-4 • . • 7.S.ll Full/Half Duplex (F/H) Switch, S4-6 • • • • • • • 7.S.l2 Keyboard • • .• • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • I 0 7.6 THE KEYBOARD, GENERAL DESCRIPTION ;; • 7.6.1 7.6 .. 2 7.7 • • • • • • • • 0 0 • 0 0 •• • Operating Features • . ..... Keyboard Indicators • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • 0·. • VII-4 VII-13 VII-13 VII-13 VII-13 VII-13 VII-13 VII-14 VII-14 VII-14 VII-14 VII-1S VII-16 VII-16 VII .... 16 VII-16 INDIVIDUAL KEY DESCRIPTIONS • • • • VII-17 7.7.1 .Alphanumeric-Punctuation"";Symbol Keys • • • • VII-17 7.7.2 Space Bar • • • . • • • • • • • VII-21 7.7.3 Arithmetic Pad Keys • • • • • • • • • • VII-2l 7.7.4 ESCAPE Key VII-22 7.7.5 BREAKK~y. VII-22 7.7.6 TAB Key • • • •••• • • • VII-22 7.7 .7 Control(CTRL):K~Y.. ••• o~o. o~. VII.-22 7.7..8 SHIF'J:Key and.SHIFTLqCK.:Key/In¢iic:~tor • . • VII-22 :7 ..tr.g· .' UPPER·C~SE Key/IndicatOr.··~.. .' /~.. •• ·"Y:l:I-22 . 7.T~lO LOCAL· Key/Indicator . .~;;::~ .... ;;;.;;. .• ,;. .. ~ .•.; ... ~.': ..··"II-24 .0 • .0 0 • • • • 0 • • • • • • • 0 0 • • •• ~f~k~1;,~!tq~~ ., .,. "'i\':*·;~~~~;,1;;;;~·i;~~~1~~~f41,~,t(Kii~~~~/,!,i·;.~:~~;i~L~l\.i . 11 7,.7.12 7 .7.13 ' K e y .. 7.7.14 REPEAT, Key'. • ,. • • 7.7.15 MODE SELECT Key '. • 7.7.16, CI..EAR Key • • . . ' . 7.7.17 Cursor Control (HOME 7.8 7.9 VII-24' • ~"',VII-24 • • • • • • VII-24 • • • .'. • •• •• VII-24 • • ., • • • • • • • • • VII-24 • ,. • ,. • • . . , . . . • • VII-24 CURSOR and Arrows) Keys VII-25 .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . BASIC OPERATIONS 7.8.1 switching From Terminal To Command Mode • • 7.8.2 Switching From Command To Terminal Mode 7.8.3 Entering Commands In The Command Mode • • • 7.8.4 Keyboard Restart • • • • • • • • • • • • VII-25 Sc>l,...PERIPHERA;L INTERFACING • •• • • • • • • • VII~26 Audio Cassette Recorders • • • • • • • • • • Recorder Selection • • • • . . . • • Operating Tips. • •. • Interconnect Reguirements. Write Operations "Read Operations . . VII-26 ~ 7.9~1 0 0 7~g~2 7.9.3 7.10 • .. • •• 0 • '0 0 • 0 • • • • 0 •• 0 • • •• • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • Serial Data Interface (SDI). • Parallel Data ltiterface (PDI). CHANGING THE FUSE . . • • • 0 0 • • 0 VII-25 VII-25 VII-25 VII-26 VII-2,6 V1I j 27 VII~27' vi'i';';2S, VII~28 VII-3d VII';:'3i: • VII....;J3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES 7.1 INTRODUCTION Information in this section will help YO¥Mto become familiar with the operation of your Sol Terminal Computer r. Following brief explanations of the operating controls and the two basic operating modes, you will put your Sol through some simple operations. This should sufficiently acquaint you with the keyboard and control switches so that you will feel at ease with your Sol. In addition, you will have performed functional tests of all Sol sections except the parallel data interface. Detailed descriptions of the control switches are also provided to allow you to gain greater proficiency in their use. For the same reason, individual keyboard key descriptions are also given. They are intended to be used along with the BASIC/5 and SOLOS Users' Manuals. The balance of this section supplies instructions for 1) connecting typical peripheral devices to the serial and parallel data interfaces (Jl and J2), 2) using audio cassette recorders, and 3) changing the fuse. 702 THE OPERATING CONTROLS Sol operating controls are identified and their functions briefly defined in Table 7-1 on Page VII-2. Unless noted otherwise, the location of each control is shown on the Sol-PC assembly drawing in Section X, Page X-So 7.3 BASIC OPERATING MODES 7.3.1 Command Mode In this mode Sol operates as a stand alone computer under control of the program (software) contained in the personality module and additional software that is stored in the Sol, stored either in a read only memory (ROM) that is plugged into the computer or the Sol random access memory (RAM). For a description of the SOLOS monitor program, refer to SOLOS/CUTER User's Manual respectively. with the SOLOS Personality Module installed, the computer is in the command mode when power is applied to the Sol. Command mode is a sort of "home base" from which excursions may be made into other programs. An analysis of three levels of programs will make the concept of command mode more understandable. At the lowest level of software are the instructions which the 8080 CPU (central processing- unit), the brains of the computer, REV A VII-l PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES Table 7-1. SECTION VII Sol Operating Controls and Their Functions. r----------------------r-----------------------------------------------------CONTROL FUNCTION ON-OFF Switch (See Figure 7-1) Connects and disconnects primary power to Sol. RST (Restart) Switch, Sl-l Permits manual restart of Sol without turning power off. (Useful for test purposes.) BLANK Switch, Sl-3 Determines if control characters are displayed or not. POLARITY Switch, Sl-4 Selects normal (white characters on black background) or reverse video display. BLINK-SOLID Switches, Sl-5 & 6 Selects blinking, nonblinking or no cursor. SSW¢ - 7 S2-l through 8 Permits direct data entry to processor. BAUD RATE Switches, S3-l through 8 Sets operating speed of serial data interface (SDI). PS & PI Switches S4-l & 5 Selects no parity, even parity or odd parity for SDI. WLS-l & 2 Switches, S4-2 & 3 Selects number of data bits in transmitted word for SDI. SBS Switch, S4-4 Determines number of stop bits in transmitted word for SDI. FIR Switch, S4-6 Keyboard (See Drawing X-20) Selects half or full duplex operation for SDI. Data entry, mode selection, command input and cursor control. can understand and run. All programs must ultimately be reduced to this basic level to be operated on by the computer. In the case of the 8080 microprocessor, the program is in an "object code" or "machine language", since the "machine" or 8080 CPU understands it. The SOLOS program contained in the personality module is stored in this machine language form, and the computer can therefore run directly from this program. Since the SOLOS program is contained in permanent ROM which is plugged directly into the computer, the SOLOS program is always available, and is automatically selected whenever the power switch of the Sol is turned on. There is also provision for returning at all times to the command mode of SOLOS. From the command mode other programs may be brought in for various operations or stored on cassette tape. The contents of the computer's memory may be displayed or changed. The command mode also performs "housekeeping" functions such as setting the rate at which data is read from tape, or the rate at which characters are displayed on the video'monitor. REV A VII-2 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES The command mode allows the introduction of the second level of software. This level includes higher-level language programs such as BASIC/5 or FOCAL in which complex application programs may be more easily written. These are called higher level languages because they permit the user to write programs in a form much closer to human languages such as English. However, programs written in these languages must be translated into the more basic machine language before they can be run. Besides higher level languages, this second level of software includes programs such as the TREK 80 and GAMEPAC video games and the ALS-8 program (a software package used for developing programs), all of which are offered by Processor Technology Corporation. Through the facilities of the command mode, these second level programs are transferred (loaded) into memory from cassette tape or other storage media, and then "executed" (used). These programs may also exist in ROM or EPROM (erasable programmable ROM) memory which is plugged into the computer to make them instantly available like the SOLOS program. All first and second level programs are stored in the computer as binary object code. Let us illustrate the concept of the second level of programs with an example, BASIC/5. Using the "XEQ" command available in the SOLOS cOlnmand mode, we load the BASIC/5 program into the computer's memory from cassette tape. With this command BASIC/5 is ready for use as soon as the tape has stopped moving. The control of the computer is now taken over by the BASIC/5 program now in memory, and SOLOS is no longer in command. All the features of BASIC/5 language are now available to us, with a new set of commands and rules. Since the CPU of the computer only understands the machine language of the first level of software, the BASIC/5 program must translate the commands and data we enter to this lower level. BASIC/5 does this as we go. While we are using BASIC/5, we still have access to some of the commands and features of SOLOS, although they may have a modified form while we are in BASIC/5. We will load and use BASIC/5 later in this section. The third level of software consists of programs written using the higher order languages of the second level programs. A program written in BASIC/5 is on this third level. This program only makes sense to the computer while the computer has BASIC/5 in memory and control has been transferred to the BASIC/5 program. Third level programs written in any high level language are often called "applications programs" since they are usually written in order to fit a specific application need. The ALS-8 Program Development System is another second level program. A program to be developed within ALS-8 would then be a third-level application program. The ALS-8 also includes an Assembler which takes a program written on the third level in "assemblyll language, and translates it to object code which the computer can run. The object code version then resides in memory and can be run in another operation. For a further discussion of types of software see the article "Your Personal Genie ll in-Appendix VIII of this manual VII-3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES 7.3.2 SECTION VII Terminal Mode Sol operates as a CRT terminal in this mode, capable of sending keyboard data to an output port and displaying data received at the serial input port on an external video monitor via the Sol video display circuitry. When Sol is "hard-wired" to another computer or connected to a modem, the terminal mode is used for data entry, data retrieval, inquiry/response and monitoring and control applications. SOLOS Personality Modules permit operation as a CRT terminal. SOLOS 1) enters the terminal mode when given the "TERM" (terminal) command and 2) sends keyboard data to any output port available with the "SET 0" (set out) command. 7.4 GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH Sol One of the best ways to get acquainted with your Sol is to use it. After connecting a cassette recorder and video monitor to your Sol, you will operate the system in the terminal mode to become familiar with the keyboard and the functions of the video display switches. You will then switch to the command mode and perform some of the basic computer operations. 7.4.1 Monitor and Cassette Recorder Connections The basic Sol system consists of the Sol, a video monitor for display (e.g., the Processor Technology PT-872 TV-Video Monitor by Panasonic) and a cassette recorder for external storage (e.g., the Panasonic Model RQ-4l3S or Realistic CTR-2l). NOTE Refer to Paragraph 7.9.1 on Page VII-26 before connecting your cassette recorder into the basic Sol system. To connect these three system components, you will need the following cables: Audio In & Out Cables--two cables of shielded wire fitted with miniature phone plugs at both ends. Motor 1 Cable--one cable pair, such as speaker wire, fitted with subminiature phone plugs at both ends. (An identical cable for Motor 2 is needed if you use two recorders.) Video Cable--one RG59/U coaxial cable fitted with a PL259 UHF male connector on one end and a monitor-compatible connector on the other. Connect the basic Sol system as follows on Page VII-6) : REV A VII-4 (refer to Figure 7-1 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES ) Step 1. Remove top and keyboard covers from Sol. Step 2. Plug one end of Audio In Cable into Audio IN jack (J7) on Sol rear panel, and plug other end into MONITOR or EARPHONE jack on recorder. ( ) Step 3. Plug one end of Audio Out Cable into Audio OUT jack (J6) on Sol rear panel, and plug other end into AUXILIARY jack on recorder. NOTE The use of the MICROPHONE input is no longer recommended. ( ) Step 4. Plug one end of Motor 1 Cable into Motor 1 jack (J8) on Sol rear panel, and plug other end into REMOTE jack on recorder. ( ) Step 5. Connect PL259 UHF connector on Video Cable to video output connector on Sol rear panel, and connect other end to video monitor input connector. ( ) Step 6. Make sure monitor, recorder and Sol power switches are in their OFF position. Then connect AC power cord to AC receptacle on Sol rear panel and connect Sol, monitor and recorder to appropriate power source. 7.4.2 Terminal Mode Operation The following procedure assumes your Sol is equipped with a SOLOS personality module. ( ) Step 7. Set Sol control switches as follows (see Figure 7-2 on Page VII-7): RST Switch (Sl-l): Sl-2 (spare): OFF OFF BLANK Switch (Sl-3): OFF (display control characters) POLARITY Switch (Sl-4): OFF (reverse video display) BLINK Switch (Sl-5): OFF (solid cursor) SOLID Switch (Sl-6): ON (solid cursor) (Step 7 continued on Page VII-7.) REV A VII-5 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES .... Left Sol REAR PANEL ~ D o / ON-OFF SWITCH ~FUSE AC RECEPTACLE VIDEO fQl r OUTPUT ~ ~L-__~~~~~~~(~~ J2 Parallel . Inter (A) PL259 UHF CONNECTOR ~ ~~~ /' (A) Subminiature Phone Plug (B) Miniature Phone Plug (C) Monitor-compatible Connector RG59/U Coax Cable ) Motor Cable (B) (A) o 0 0 REMOTE MONITOR AUX IN Require Seperate Power Source ~o Monitor Video Input Video Monitor Figure 7-1. Cassette Recorder Connecting the basic Sol system .. VII-6 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES 1 2 345 6 SECTION VIr 1 2 345 6 7 8 1 2 345 6 7 8 REAR OF Sol on 6 543 2 1 Figure 7-2. FRONT OF Sol Sol control switch settings for terminal mode. (Step 7 continued.) SSW Switches (S2-1 - 8): OFF BAUD RATE switches (S3-1 - 8): SDI Switches (S4-1 - 6): S3-4 ON, all others OFF (300 Baud) OFF (selects full duplex operation, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits and no parity) VII-7 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES Step 8. Turn Sol and monitor on. Step 9. If the monitor display raster is out of sync (black horizontal bar moves slowly down screen, numerous black lines cut across raster, or both), adjust monitor vertical and horizontal hold controls for a stable raster. ( ) Step 10. You should see a prompt character followed by the cursor ( )1) in the upper left corner of the screen. If you don't, adjust VRI and VR2 (see Figure 7-3) to move the prompt character and cursor onto the screen. Use VRI (horizontal position) and VR2 (vertical position) to center the display page (16 lines, 64 characters/line) on the screen. SOl-PC~ o~ PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES Table 7-4. Sol Keyboard Assignments. (Continued) HEXADECIMAL CODE/CHARACTER GENERATION KEY # STANDARD KEYS UNSHIFTED Symbol Hex. Displayed* Code 6574 6575 SHIFTED . Symbol. Displayed* Hex. Code 6574 6575 (Continued) P OF 10 B SI DL \ \ 00 None None 4Line Feed None CR Line Feed· None OD ~eturr Return Line Feed None Line Feed None None None None None SH 0 6F 0 0 4F 0 0 P 70 I\ P P 50 P 40 @ @ 60 RETURN LINE FEED OD OA 4Line Feed None CR Line Feed None @ CTRL SHIFT LOCK CONTROL Symbol Hex. .Displayed* Code 6574 6575 None OD OA None . None None OA None 0 None A None 61 a a 41 A A None 01 S 73 s s 53 S S 13 6) D3 D 64 d d 44 D D 04 ~ ET F 66 f f 46 F F 06 \/' ~ G 67 g g 47 G G 07 5t BL H 68 h h 48 H H 08 J 6A j j 4A J J OA Line Feed K 6B k k 4B K K OB L 6C 1 L L OC 3B I . 4C I+ I* . 1 t BS Line Feed VT I 2B + + OB 3A : : 2A * * OA 1- 7F None 5F None None None None None None None None None None None None None SHIFT None None None Z 7A z X 78 x z x C 63 c c ~ : DEL REPEAT CTRL UPPER CASE I ~. IF C9 FF VT Line Feed! U' S None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 5A None None None Z Z None lA 58 X X 18 X None SB CN 43 C C 03 -' Delete Delet.e *See notes at end of this table, Page VII-2l. VII-19 ~ ~ Llne Feed ~ Ex PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES Table 7-4. SECTION VII Sol Keyboard Assignments. (Continued) HEXADECIMAL CODE/CHARACTER GENERATION UNSHIFTED Symbol.. Hex. Displayed* Code 6574 6575 KEY # STANDARD KEYS SHIFTED Symbol Displayed* Hex. Code 6574 6575 CONTROL Symbol Hex. Displayed* Code 6574 6575 (Continued) n Sy V 76 v v 56 V V 16 B 62 b b 42 B B 02 l. Sx N 6E n n 4E N N OE @ So M 60 m m 40 M M OD 2C , , . 3E < > < > OC 2E . 3C . < > / ? 2F / / 3F ? None None None None None None None 20 None , SHIFT LOCAL Space Bar iReturn Ret u,rrr FF OE t @ ? OF 0 SI None None None None None None None None None None None None 20 None None 20 None None - 2D - 2D - - * 2A * * 2A * * / / 2F / / So ARITHMETIC PAD KEYS - 2D * 2A ·· 2F / / 2F 7 37 7 7 37 7 7 37 7 7 8 9 38 8 8 38 8 8 38 39 9 9 39 9 9 39 8 9 8 9 4 34 4 4 34 4 4 34 4 4 5 35 5 5 35 5 5 35 5 6 36 6 6 36 6 6 36 6 5 6 1 31 1 1 31 1 1 31 1 1 2 32 2 2 32 2 2 32 2 2 3 33 33 3 3 30 ¢ ¢ 2E . 2E . ¢ · . 30 3 ¢ 3 30 3 ¢ 33 ¢ 3 ¢ 2B + + 2B + + + * VII-20 . 2E . + 2B + . PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES Table 7-4. Sol Keyboard Assignments. (Continued) HEXADECIMAL CODE/CHARACTER GENERATION Sy~ol Hex. Code CONTROL SHIFTED UNSHIFTED KEY# Displayed* 6574 6575 Hex. Code Symbol Q.tsplayed* 6574 6575 Hex. Code Symbol r;>isplayed* 6574 6575 SPECIAL KEYS LOAD 8C None FF 8C None FF 8C None FF MODE SELECT 80 None None 80 None None None None 97 None None 97 None None 80 97 None None 81 None None 81 None None 81 None None 93 None None 93 None None 93 None None + None None 9A None None 9A None None HOME CURSOR 9A 8E None None 8E None None 8E None None CLEAR 8B None None 8B None None 8B None None t .~ #Vertical line between characters indicates dual character key. "None" *Character generated is displayable and transmittable. means no code is generated or no symbol is displayed. Return is _ defined in Section 7.7.11, and line feed in Section 7.7.12, on page VII-24. 7.7.2 Space Bar pressing the Space Bar, shifted or unshifted, generates the ASCII space code (2¢) and moves the cursor one space to the right. 7.7.3 Arithmetic Pad Keys Except for the division symbol key (:), these keys enter the applicable character into the Sol. The division symbol key enters a forward slash (/) character. SHIFT does not affect these keys. The arithmetic pad is useful for entering large amounts of numerical data. Each key in the pad duplicates its corresponding numeric, period (decimal point), dash (minus), plus (addition), asterisk (multiplication) and forward slash (division) key in the "typewriter ll group of keys. That is, pressing one of the pad keys does the same thing as pressing its corresponding key in the IItypewriter ll group. VII-21 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION·VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES 7.7.4 ESCAPE Key Pressing ESCAPE, shifted or unshifted, generates the ASCII escape character (lB). The character is displayed. 7.7.5 BREAK Key Pressing BREAK, shifted or unshifted, forces the SDI output line to a space level for as long as the key is depressed. No character is displayed. (Some communications systems use this feature.) 7.7.6 TAB Key Pressing TAB, shifted or unshifted, generates the ASCII hor,izontaltab character (¢9). The character is displayed. 7.7.7 Control (CTRL) Key CTRL, shif,ted or unshifted, is used with alphanumeric, punctuation and symbol keys to initiate functions or generate the characters defined in Table 7-4. Table 7-5 defines the ASCII control characters. The characters in Table 7-5 are not always displayed on the video monitor. A control sequence (e.g., CTRL plus J, which produces ASCII line feed) requires that CTRL be pressed first and held down while the other key or keys are pressed in sequence. 7.7.8 SHIFT Key and SHIFT LOCK Key/Indicator The SHIFT key generates no code and is thus not displayed. It is interpreted as a direct internal operation, and when pressed specifically shifts the keyboard from lower case to upper case and from the lower to upper character on dual character keys as on a typewriter. The keyboard remains in upper case as long as SHIFT is held down. Pressing SHIFT LOCK to turn the indicator light on electronically locks the SHIFT key in the upper case position. Again, no code is generated and no character is displayed. Pressing SHIFT returns the keyboard to lower case and causes the SHIFT LOCK indicator light to go out. 7.7.9 UPPER CASE Key/Indicator Pressing this key, shifted or unshifted, to turn the indicator light on activates the upper case keyboard function so that all alphabetic characters entered from the keyboard, regardless of SHIFT key status, are transmitted as upper case characters. (Dual character keys, however, do respond to the SHIFT key.) With the indicator light on, the Sol keyboard essentially simulates a teletype (TTY) keyboard. . Pressing UPPER CASE to turn the indicator light off returns the keyboard to normal SHIFT key operation. VII-22 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES Table 7-5. HEXADECIMAL CODE SECTION VII Control Character Symools and Dt2finitions. SYMBOL GENERATED BY 6574 Generator 6575 Generator 06 ~ AI< 07 08 18 5t BL DEFINITION Acknowledge Bell +y BS X CN Backspace Cancel OD 11 +(9 CR Dl Carriage Return Device Control 1 12 CD D2 13 14 6) E!) D3 D4 Device Control 2 Device Control 3 Device Control 4 ~ f2I B -I DL EB Delete Data Link Escape End of Transmission Block e EC Escape 05 jgI EM EQ End of Medium Enquiry 04 ~ .-J ET End of Transmission EX End of Text FF FS Form Feed File Separator GS Group Separator 7F 10 17 IB 19 03 OC , ~ ID eJ EiJ 09 OA -- lC 15 00 IE lA 01 OF -. LF '--\- D U3 , r @ 02 16 ® 1.. Il. IF '[9 OB t OE HT NK NU RS SB SH SI SO SX SY US VT VII-23 . Horizontal Tab Line Feed Negative Acknowledge Null Record Separator Substitute Start of Heading Shift In Shift Out Start of Text Synchronous Idle Unit Separator vertical Tab PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES 7.7.10 LOCAL Key/Indicator The LOCAL key internally connects the SDI output to the SDI input and disables serial transmission. No character is displayed. Pressing LOCAL, shifted or unshifted, to turn the indicator light on sets Sol for local operation. Keyboard entries are not transmitted, but they are "looped back" to the SDI input for display. That is, Sol is not on "line". Pressing LOCAL to turn the light off ends local operation. This corresponds to the local/line operation of a TTY. 7.7.11 RETURN Key Pressing RETURN, shifted or unshiftGd, generates the ASCII carriage return character (¢D) , which is not displayed, and moves the cursor to the start of the line on which it resided prior to RETURN being depressed. (This is the same action as a TTY carriage return.) RETURN also erases all data in the line to the right of the cursor. 7.7.12 LINE FEED Key Pressing LINE FEED, shifted or unshifted, generates the ASCII line feed character (¢A), which is not displayed, and moves the cursor vertically downward one line. (This is the same action as a TTY line feed.) Line feed action does not erase any data in the line to the right of the cursor. 7.7.13 LOAD Key The LOAD key character is displayed, but the key is nonfunctional with SOLOS. The code generated by this key is ac, and it may be used by a program to meet a specific need. 7.7.14 REPEAT Key The REPEAT key generates no character and is consequently not displayed. Pressing REPEAT, shifted or unshifted, and another key at the same time causes the other key to repeat at an approximate rate of 15 times per second as long as both keys are held down. Pressing REPEAT at the same time as UPPER CASE performs a restart. See Section 7.5.2 on page VII-13. 7.7.15 MODE SELECT Key Pressing this key, shifted or unshifted, generates the code 8¢ and causes Sol to enter the command mode. 7.7.16 CLEAR Key Pressing CLEAR, shifted or unshifted, erases the entire screen and moves the cursor to its "home" position (upper left corner of the screen) • REV A VII-24 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES 7.7.17 Cursor Control (HOME CURSOR and Arrows) Keys Five keys control basic cursor movement. They are HOME CURSOR and the four keys with arrows. None are affected by SHIFT status, and none are displayed or transmitted. Pressing HOME CURSOR moves the cursor to its home position-the first character position in the upper left corner of the screen. To move the cursor up, down, left or right, press the applicable "arrow" key. Each time you press a key the cursor moves one unit in the direction you wish--one space horizontally or one line vertically. These keys may be used with REPEAT. The cursor will not move across any margin of the screen with these four keys. 7.8 BASIC OPERATIONS 7.8.1 switching From Terminal To Command Mode To switch from terminal to command mode, simply press the MODE SELECT key. Sol enters the command mode, issues a prompt character and waits for a command input. (» 7.8.2 switching From Command To Terminal Mode To switch from command to terminal mode, press UPPER CASE, type TERM, and press RETURN in that order. Sol enters the terminal mode and all keyboard data will be sent to the SDI output and all data received (including "looped back" data) will appear on the screen. 7.8.3 Entering Commands in The Command Mode The various commands for SOLOS are described in the SOLOS/ CUTERS User's Manual. You can place more than one command on the screen. For each command, use the arrowed cursor control keys to position the cursor at the start of a new line and begin the new command line with a prompt character (». A command is executed when you press the RETURN key, and all characters on the line to the left of the cursor are interpreted as the command. This means that if more than one command line is on the screen, you can execute anyone of them as follows: position the cursor with the arrowed cursor control keys to the right of the desired command and press RETURN. Should you make a mistake when entering a command, there are two ways to correct it: (Paragraph 7.8.3 continued on Page VII-26.) REV A VII-25 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES 7.8.4 SECTION VII 1. If you see the error immediately (the error is to the immediate left 6f the cursor), press the DEL key (unshifted) to erase the mistake. Then make the correction. 2. If the error is more than one character position to the left of the cursor, use the arrowed cursor control keys to position the cursor over the mistake. Then make the correction. Keyboard Restart To perform a keyboard restart, press the UPPER CASE and REPEAT keys at the same time. This key combination performs the same function as a power on initialization or setting the RST switch to ON. Use the keyboard restart to return to SOLOS from 1) a program which does not recognize the MODE SELECT key or 2) a program that is stuck in an endless loop. 7.9 Sol-PERIPHERAL INTERFACING 7.9.1 Audio Cassette Recorders Recorder Selection. Not all audio cassette recorders are suitable for data storage use with the Sol. Two models, tested and approved by Processor Technology for such use, are the Panasonic RQ-4l3AS and Realistic CTR-2l. (Some users report unsuccessful results with the Panasonic RQ-309 and the J. C. Penney recorder, Catalog #851-0018.) Should you wish to use a different recorder than those approved by Processor Technology, it should have the following features: 1. Auxiliary Input. Though the Sol can be configured for use with the microphone input, such configuration is no longer recommended. 2. Digital (Tape) Counter. files on the tape. 3. Tone Control. The existence of a tone control is one indication of high quality electronics. The counter is needed to locate NOTE Even if a recorder has the preceding features, there is no guarantee it will work properly with the Sol. Recorders vary greatly in the quality of their electronics. When selecting a "non-approved" recorder, we suggest you test it before purchase, if possible, with a long file. Test it in both the record, or write, (SAVE) 'and playback, or read, (GET or XEQ) modes. If the recorder is unsatisfactory, you will either 1) get an error message in the read mode, 2) find differences, upon playback, in what you recorded in the write mode, or 3) both. REV A VII-26 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES SECTION VII Operating Tips. For best results when using audio cassette recorders with the Sol, observe these tips: 1. Use high quality brand-name tape. Cheap tape can wear down the recorder heads and give erratic results. 2. Bulk erase tapes before use. 3. Store cassettes in their protective plastic cases in a cool place when not in use. Cassettes are easily harmed by dirt, high temperatures, liquids and physical abuse. 4. Keep recorder heads cleaned and demagnetized in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 5. Keep the recorder at least a foot away from the Sol or any other equipment which can generate magnetic fields. The recorder can pick up hum which may cause errors. 6. Set volume control to about 2/3 full volume and the tone control at midrange. The Sol has automatic gain control that compensates for a wide range of levels, and operation in the middle of this range gives the most reliable results. Experiment to find the optimum setting for the volume and tone controls. Interconnect Requirements. Your Sol is capable of controlling one or two recorders. The interconnect requirements for one recorder were previously covered in Paragraph 7.4.1 in this section. Since the Sol has only one audio input and one audio output jack, however, the interconnect requirements for two recorders are somewhat different than for one. You will need two "Y" adapters, one to feed the single Sol audio output to the AUXILIARY input of two recorders and the other to feed the MONITOR output of two recorders to the single Sol audio input. (If you intend to use the Audio In and Out cables described in Paragraph 7.4.1 in this section, miniature phone jack-to-two miniature phone plug adapters are required.) Since the recorder outputs are most likely unbalanced, we also suggest that you incorporate 1000 ohm resistors in the MONITOR adapter as shown in Figure 7-5 on Page VII-29. Figure 7-5 also illustrates, in schematic form, how to connect two recorders to your Sol. When using two recorders you may read or write to both under program control as well as read one tape while writing on the other. If you intend to read one tape while writing on the other, however, you may have to disconnect the MONITOR plug from the write unit, with the need for disconnect being determined by the recorder design. The MONITOR disconnect must be made if the recorder has a REV A VII'"'"27 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES SECTION VII "monitor" output in the record mode. do, for example.) (Panasonic RQ-4l3S and RQ-309DS NOTE 1 Recorders on which the "monitor" jack is labeled MONITOR usually provide a monitor output in the record mode. If the jack is labeled EAR or EARPHONE, the recorder usually does not provide a monitor output in the record mode. NOTE 2 To determine if your recorder provides a monitor output in the record mode, install a blank tape, plug earphone into "monitor jack and microphone into MICROPHONE jack, set recorder controls to record, and speak into microphone while listening with the earphone. If you hear yourself through the earphone, your recorder does provide a monitor output in the· record mode. Write Operations. Other than placing the recorder(s) in the record mode, loading the cassette(s) and making sure that the head(s) is on tape (not leader), no m~nual operations are needed to write on tape. NOTE The MICROPHONE input can be live when recording through the AUXILIARY input on some recorders. Deactivate the MICROPHONE input according to the manufacturer's instructions. (In some cases this can be done by plugging a dummy plug into the MICROPHONE jack.) In the case of two recorders, however, Unit 1 and 2 must be specified in the SAVE command in order to select the desired recorder. A default selects Unit 1. Refer to your SOLOS User's Manual for instructions on how to use tape commands. When recording more than one file on a tape side, we suggest you record (SAVE) a special file after the files of interest. This file, which could be named END, lets you know when you have read the last file of interest. Also, rewind the tape after recording the last file on a side, set the tape counter to zero, and issue a CATalog command (see SOLOS/CUTER User's Manual). As each file header is displayed, make a note of the 1) tape counter reading, 2) exact file name, 3) load address and 4) file length. Then mark the cassette with this information to make file retrieval much easier. Read Operations. In order to read a specific file on tape, you must start the tape at least two seconds ahead of that file. This delay allows the Sol audio cassette interface circuitry and the recorder playback electronics to stabilize after power is turned on. Since all file searches are in the forward direction, the.simplest approach is to fully rewind the cassette(s) before a read operation unless you know REV A VII-28 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES SECTION VII Sol CONNECTIONS RECORDER CONNECTIONS CABLING t--~.AUXILIARY (J6) Input (Unit 1) (A) Audio~--~ ~~~~----------------------~~~ AUKILIARY Input (Unit 2) OUT Shielded Cable 1---"" MONITOR (A) (Unit 1) (J7) Audio __- - I IN I----,n MONITOR (Unit 2) (J8) (B) (B) REMOTE Motor a=flU=:::::========================================~::::u[J:::D (Uni t 1) 1 (J9) Motor 2 (B) Speaker Wire cx::O: : <. (B) : REMOTE [J::D (Unit 2) (A) Miniature Phone Plug (B) Subminiature Phone Plug Rl Figure 7-5. = R2 = 1000 ohms, ~ watt Connecting Sol to two cassette recorders. that the file of interest is advanced at least two seconds. (See Paragraph 7.4.3, Step 21 for instructions on how to rewind the tape.) For a read operation, proceed as follows: REV A 1. 2. Load cassette(s) as just described. If only one recorder is used, set its volume control at 2/3 full volume. With two recorders, set both volume controls slightly higher than 2/3 full volume. 3. Set recorder(s) tone control(s) at midrange. 4. Set PLAY control(s) for playback mode. 5. Give Sol the GET or "GET, then Execute" command as appropriate. (Refer to your SOLOS/CUTERS User's Manual for instructions on how to use tape commands.) VII-29 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES If you experience a read error, use the following procedure to isolate the problem: 7.9.2 1. Check recorder controls for proper settings and make sure you have followed all appropriate instructions and operating tips in Paragraph 7.9.1. 2. Check all interconnect cables for intermittent connections and shorts. 3. Note exact tape counter reading at the time of the error. 4. Rewind tape and again read the same part of the tape in which the error occurred. If there is no read error at the same point, the error was not recorded on the tape. If there is, the error was recorded on the tape. 5. Rewind tape and record a file on the same part of the tape in which the read error occurred. Then read this file. If there is no read error, the original error was generated during the initial recording process. If a read error occurs at the same point, the cassette is faulty. Serial Data Interface (SDI) The Sol Serial Data Interface (Jl) is capable of driving an RS-232 device, such as a modem, or a current loop device,. such as the ASR33 TTY. S3 (Baud Rate) and S4 (Parity, Word Length, Stop Bits and Full/Half Duplex) are used to select the various serial interface options as described in Paragraphs 7.5.7 through 7.5.11 in this section. REV A VII-30 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VII Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES Set S3 switches to select the Baud rate required by the modem or current loop device. (Standard 8-level TTY's 'operate at 110 Baud, S3-2 ON and all other S3 switches OFF.) For standard 8-level TTY's and most modems, set all S4 switches OFF. (This selects eight data bits, two stop bits, no parity bit and full duplex operation for the SDI. Figures 7-6 and 7-7 show examples of current loop and modem interconnections to the Sol SDI connector (Jl). The ASR33 TTY is used to illustrate a current loop interconnect, and the Bell 103 modem is used to illustrate a modem interconnect. When operating in the terminal mode and full duplex, Sol keyboard data is transmitted out on Pin 2 of Jl and date received on Pin 3 of Jl is displayed on the video monitor. In the command mode, SOLOS set in and out commands can be used to channel output data and input data through the SDI. (Refer to your SOLOS/CUTERS User's Manual for instructions on how to use the set commands.) In either mode, the LOCAL key directly controls the SDI. with the LOCAL indicator light on, received data is ignored and keyboard data is not transmitted. It is, however, looped back for display on the video monitor. with the LOCAL light off, received data is displayed and keyboard data is transmitted but not displayed unless it is echoed back. 7.9.3 Parallel Data Interface (PDI) The Sol Parallel Data Interface (J2) is used to drive parallel devices such as paper tape readers/punches and line printers. It provides eight output data lines, eight input data lines, four handshaking signals and three control signals. The latter allow up to four devices to share the PDI connector. (See Appendix VII for J2 pinouts.) The port address for parallel input and output data is FD (hexadecimal), and the control port address for the PDI is FA (hexadecimal). PXDR is available at bit 2 of port FA. When this bit is set to ¢, the external device is ready to receive a byte of data. PDR is available at bit 1 of port FA, with ¢ indicating the external device is ready to send a byte of data. Parallel unit Select (PUS) is controlled by bit 4 of port FA. The input and output enable lines are available for tri-stating an external two-way data bus. Use of the three control signals is optional and is unnecessary when only one device is connected to the PDI connector. (Paragraph 7.9.3 continued on Page 33.' REV A VII-31 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES SECTION VII (Jl) ASR33 TTY BARRIER STRIP (Right Rear) Sol SDI CONNECTOR 7 Signal Ground (SG) ~------~--------~~------------------~ Current Loop Output (CLO) r-+-----------------~--~----~--~------------_4 6 7 1~~==1- + ____ PRINT MECHANISM ~--~----~ ~------~ Loop Receiver 1 (LRl) ~~------L-O-O~p~-R-e-c-e-i-v-e-r--2--~(L-R--2~)------------------~~~____~ ~ LOOp Current Source (LCS) CAUTION: Figure 7-6. ~ PINS 1 AND 2 ON TTY BARRIER STRIP CARRY 120 V ac LINE VOLTAGE. Connecting Sol SDI to current loop device such as TTY. (Jl) Sol SDI CONNECTOR BELL 103 MODEM ~~.____T_r_a_n_s~m __ i_t_t_e_d__D_a_t~a__(~T_D~)___________________________________~ ~ Received Data (RD) ~ (2) Signal Ground (SG) (2) ~ Data Set Ready (DSR)* ~ ~ Data Terminal Ready (DTR)** ~ *Available at bit 1 of port F8. Terminal mode software (SOLOS et all does not use this signal and transmits data whether or not the modem is ready. **Sol is wired so that DTR indicates a ready condition whenever power is on. Figure 7-7. Rev A Connecting Sol SDI to communications modem. VII-32 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol OPERATING PROCEDURES SECTION VII In Figure 7-8, the Oliver OP80 Manual Paper Tape Reader is used to illustrate a typical PDI interconnect. 7.10 CHANGING THE FUSE Sol is protected with a 3.2 amp Slo-Blo fuse housed on the rear panel (see Figure 7-1 on Page VII-6). To remove the fuse, turn Soloff, disconnect power cord, turn fuse post cap one quarter turn counterclockwise, pull straight out and remove fuse from cap. To install a fuse, insert fuse in cap, push in and turn onequarter turn clockwise. (J2) Sol PDI CONNECTOR Rev D* Rev E* OLIVER OP80 TAPE READER ID~ ~@~------------------------- IDI C)--~~-------------------------@ 0 ID2 0 @ ~0~-------------------------0 ~Q3~------------------------- ID3 Q)--.~~------------------------ ID4 ID5 ~0~------------------------@ ID6 ~Q)--------------------------- ID7 ~ ~~----------------------------@ 0 1M ~0~----------------------- 0 DR Gr-0------------------------~ +5 V dc -I:U~~L~I+ ~~~.--------~ SG 0 0 ~0----------------------------0 NOTE: +5 V dc is not available at J2. The use of an external +5 V dc power supply with its ground connected to Pin I of J2 (Sol chassis ground) is recommended. *Sol-PC Board Figure 7-8. REV A Connecting Sol PDI to parallel device. VII-33 VIII THEORY OF OPERATION 8.1 INTRODUCTION • . VIII-l 8.2 OVERVIEW • . VIII-l 8.3 BLOCK DIAGRAM ANALYSIS, Sol-PC . VIII-3 8.3.1 8.3.2 Functional Elements And Their Relationships • . . . . . • Typical System Operation. . • . . • • . VIII-3 VIII-5 Keyboard Data Entry and Display SDI/UART Transfer and Display • • • . . • • VIII-5 VIII-6 8.4 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION • • • .. VIII-6 8.5 Sol-PC CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS • . VIII-8 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 8.5.5 VIII-8 VIII-14 VIII-18 VIII-22 VIII-33 8.6 CPU and Bus • • . • Memory and Decoder • . Input/Output. • ...•• • Display Section • • • . Audio Tape I/O KEYBOARD . . VIII-38 8.6.1 8.6.2 VIII-38 VIII-39 Block Diagram Analysis • • • • • Circuit Description . • • • • PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION 8.1 INTRODUCTION This section concerns itself with the hardware aspects of the Sol Terminal Co:nputer T.M.. It specifically deals with the operation of the power supply and the logic associated with the Sol-PC and keyboard. Descriptions of software and the operation of the circuitry contained in the multitude of integrated circuits (IC's) used in the Sol fall outside the scope of this section. In some cases, references to other publications or sections in this manual are provided when it is felt that additional information will contribute to a better und\~rstanding of how Sol operates. Should the reader wish to delve further into the operation of a specific IC, we suggest that he study the appropriate data sheet for that IC. The section begins with an oVerview of the Sol design. A block diagram analysis then provides the reader with an understanding of the relationship between the functional elements of the Sol-PC. This analysis sets the stage for detailed descriptions of the circuitry that makes up these elements. The section concludes with a block diagram analysis and circuit description of the keyboard. 8.2 OVERVIEW The Sol Terminal computer T .M ., as the name implies, is both a terminal and computer. It is designed around the S-lOO bus structure used in other 8080 microprocessor-based computers and incorporates all of the circuitry needed to perform either function. In essence, Sol combines a central processor unit (CPU) with several S-lOO peripheral modules--memory, keyboard input interface (including the keyboard), video display output interface plus audio cassette tape, parallel, and serial input/output (I/O) interfaces. Sol-20 also includes a five-slot backplane board for adding other memory and I/O modules that are compatible with the S-lOO bus~ An 8080 microprocessor (the CPU) is the "brain" of the Sol. It controls the functions performed by the other system components, obtains (fetches) instructions stored in memory (the program), accepts (inputs) data, manipulates (processes) data according to the instructions and communicates (outputs) the results to the outside world through an output port. (For information on 8080 operation, refer to the "Intel® 8080 Microcomputer Systems User's Manual. lI ) As shown in the Sol Simplified Block Diagram on Page X-24 in Section X, data and control signals travel between the CPU and the rest of the Sol over three buses: 1) a 16-line Address Bus, 2) an eight-line Bidirectional Data Bus, and 3) a 28-line Control Bus which is interfaced to the CPU with support logic circuitry. (Note that the use of a bidirectional data bus permits eight lines to do the work of 16, eight input and eight output.) These three buses account for the bulk of the S-lOO Bus which connects the Sol to expansion memory and I/O modules. VIII-l PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION In the Sol-20, the S-IOO Bus structure takes the form of a five-slot backplane board. It consists of a printed circuit board with 100 lines (50 on each side) and five edge connectors on which like-numbered pins are connected from one connector to another. Functionally, the Sol version of the S-IOO Bus is comprised of: 1. Sixteen output address lines from the CPU which are input to all external memory and I/O circuitry. (Direct memory access (DMA) devices must generate addresses on these lines for DMA transfers.) 2. Eight data input/output lines that transfer data between external memory and I/O devices and the CPU or DMA devices. (These eight lines are paralleled with eight other bus lines.) 3. Eight status output lines from the CPU support logic: Memory and I/O devices use status signals to obtain information concerning the nature of the CPU cycle. (DMA devices must generate these signals for DMA transfers.) 4. Nine processor command and control lines: Six of these are output signals from the CPU support logic; three of them are input signals to the CPU support logic from memory and I/O devices. (In a DMA transfer, the DMA device assumes control of these lines.) 5. Five disable lines: Four of these are supplied by a DMA device to disable the tri-state drivers on the CPU outputs during DMA transfers. The fifth is a derivative of the DBIN output from the CPU, and it is used to disable any memory addressed in Page ¢. Use of this disable is optional with a jumper. 6. Two input lines to the CPU support logic which are used for requesting a wait period. One is used by memory and I/O devices and the other by external devices. 7. Six power supply lines which supply power to expansion modules. 8. Three clock lines. 9. Four special purpose signal lines. 10. Thirty-one unused lines. Definitions for each S-IOO Bus line, as used in the Sol, are provided on Pages AVII-3 through AVII-6 in Appendix VII. In addition to the S-IOO Bus structure, Sol also uses an eight-line keyboard input port, an eight-line parallel input port, VIII-2 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION an eight-line parallel output port, an eight-line sense switch logic input port, and a unidirectional eight-line internal data bus. The use of a unidirectional (input) data bus accommodates Solis internal low-drive memory and I/O devices that do not meet the heavy drive requirement of the bidirectional data bus. The low-drive requirement of the internal bus also allows using the tri-state capabilities of the UARTls (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/rransmitter) in the serIal and audio cassette I/O circuits without additional drivers. All CPU data and address lines are buffered through tri-state drivers to support a larger array of memory and I/O d'3vices than would otherwise be possible with the 8080 output drive capability. Data input to the CPU is selected by a four-input multiplexer from the Keyboard Port, Parallel Port, Bidirectional Data Bus a~d Internal Data Bus. The Internal Data Bus is the source of all data input to the CPU from Solis internal memory, the serial interface and the cassette interface. The Bidirectional Data Bus is the source of all data fed to memory and I/O, both internal and external. It is also the source of data input to the CPU from eight internal sense switches as well as from external memory and I/O. 8.3 BLOCK DIAGRAM ANALYSIS, Sol-PC 8.3.1 Functional Elements And Their Relationships As can be seen in the Sol block diagram on Page X-II in Section X, timing signals for Sol are derived from a crystal controlled oscillator that produces a IIdot clock ll frequency of 14.31818 MHz. (This frequency, four times that of the NTSC color burst, provides compatibility with color graphics devices.) The dot clock is applied directly to the Video Display Generator circuit and divided in the Clock Generator to provide ¢l, ¢2 and CLOCK. CLOCK synchronizes all control inputs to the 8080; ¢l and ¢2 are the nonoverlapping, two phase clocks required by the 8080. Memory internal to the Sol is divided between 2K of ROM (Read Only Memory), lK of System RAM (Random Access Read/Write Memory) and lK of Display RAM. The ROM permanently stores the instructions that direct the CPUls activities. (To enhance Solis versatility, this particular memory is on a plug-in "personality module ll • Thus, Sol can be easily optimized for a particular application by plugging in a personality module that contains a software control program designed for the task. The CONSOL and SOLOS programs, which are described in section IX, are examples of such personality modules.) Display RAM stores data for display on a video monitor, and the System RAM provides temporary storage for programs and data. All memories are addressed on the Address Bus (ADR¢-15) and, except for the Display RAM, input data to the CPU on the Internal Data Bus (INT¢-7). Data entry into both RAMls is done on the Bidirectional Data Bus (DIO¢-7). REV A VIII-3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION As can be seen, Sol's internal memory consists of four contiguous 1024-byte pages. There are two pages (C¢ and C4, hexadecimal or hex) of ROM, with Page C¢ at hex addresses C¢¢¢ through C3FF and Page C4 at hex addresses C4¢¢ through C7FF. System RAM (Page C8) is at hex addresses C8¢¢ through CBFF, and Display RAM (Page CC) is at hex addresses CC¢¢ through CFFF. The six high order bits of the address are decoded in the Address Page and I/O Port Decoder to supply the required four memory page selection signals. The I/O Port Decoder portion of this circuit decodes the eight high order address bits to provide outputs that control Data Input Multiplexer switching, Data Bus Driver enablement and I/O port selection. The video display section consists of the Video Display Generator and Display RAM. The RAM is a two-port memory, with the CPU having the higher priority. Screen refresh circuitry in the Video Display Generator controls the second port to call up data as needed for conversion by a character generator ROM into video output signals. Other circuitry generates horizontal and vertical sync and blanking signals as well as cursor and video polarity options. A 1200 Hz signal, extracted from dot clock by a divider in the Video Display Generator, drives the Baud Rate Generator. This generator supplies the receive and transmit clocks for the serial data interface (SDI/UART) and provides all frequencies required for Baud rates between 75 and 9600. It also supplies clock signals to the Cassette Data Interface (CDI). A UART controls data flow through the Serial Data Interface (SDI/UART) and provides for compatibility between the Sol and a data communications system, be it RS-232 standard or a 20 rna current loop device. In the transmit mode, parallel data on the Bidirectional Data Bus is converted into serial form for transmission. Received serial data is converted in the receive mode into parallel form for entry into the CPU on the Internal Data Bus. SDI/UART status is also reported to the CPU on the Internal Data Bus. The SDI/UART channel is enabled by the port strobe from the Address Page and I/O Port Decoder. Circuitry within the CDI derives timing signals from clocks supplied by the Baud Rate Generator. The Cassette Data UART functions to 1) convert parallel data on the Bidirectional Data Bus into serial audio signals for recording on cassette tape, and 2) convert serial audio signals from a cassette recorder into parallel data for entry into the CPU from the Internal Data Bus. Note that Cassette Data UART status is also reported to the CPU on the Internal Data Bus. Again, a UART performs the necessary parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel conversions. Other CDI circuitry performs the needed digital-to-audio and audio-to-digital conversions and provides the signals that allow motor control for two recorders. As with the SDI/UART, the Cassette Data UART is enabled by a port strobe from the Address Page and I/O Port Decoder. VIII-4 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Output data from the CPU that is channeled through the Parallel Port (pp) is latched from the Bidirectional Data Bus by the parallel strobe from the Address Page and I/O Port Decoder. This data is made available at P2, the PP connector. Parallel input data (PID¢-7) on P2, however, is fed directly to the Data Input Multiplexer for entry into the CPU. As can be seen, keyboard data (IZBD¢-7) from J3 is also fed directly to the Data Input Multiplexer. The keyboard data ready flag, though, is input to the CPU on the internal data bus. The remaining internal source of data input to the CPU is the Sense Switch Logic, with the data being input on the Bidirectional Data Bus. This is an eight-switch Dual Inline Package (DIP) array that lets the CPU read an eight-bit word when it issues the sense switch strobe via the Address Page and I/O Port Decoder. The sense switch data source is available to interact with the user's software. CPU Support Logic accepts six control outputs from the CPU, status information from the CPU's data bus and control signals from the Control Bus. It controls traffic on the data buses by generating signals to 1) select the type of internal or external device (memory or I/O) that will have bus access and 2) assure that the device properly transfers data with the CPU. 8.3.2 Typical System Operation Basic Sol system operation is as follows: The CPU fetches an instruction and in accordance with that instruction issues an activity command on the Control Bus, outputs a binary code on the Address Bus to identify the memory location or I/O device that is to be involved in the activity, sends or receives data on the data bus with the selected memory location or I/O device, and upon completion of the activity issues the next activity command. Let's now look at some typical operating sequences. Keyboard Data Entry and Display. Assume the "A" and SHIFT keys on the keyboard are pressed. The keyboard circuitry converts the key closures into the 7-bit ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code for an "A" (l!1!1!1!1~!n) and sends a keyboard-data-ready status signal to the CPU on the Internal Data Bus. The monitor program in ROM repetitively "looks" for the status signal. When it finds this signal the program enters its keyboard routine and enables the transfer by switching the Data Input Multiplexer to the keyboard bus via the Address Page and I/O Port Decoder. Following program instructions, the CPU addresses the Display RAM on the Address Bus to determine where the next character is to appear on the screen. It then stores the ASCII code for the "All at the appropriate location in the Display RAM and adds one to the cursor position in readiness for the next character. (Addressing is VIII-5 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol THEORY OF OPERATION SECTION VIII done over the Address Bus~ cursor position and the "A" enter the Display RAM on the Bidirectional Data Bus.) The CPU is now finished with the transfer, and will issue the next activity command. When the refresh control circuitry calls up (addresses) the "A" from the Display RAM, the character generator ROM decodes the ASCII-coded "A" that is input from the Display RAM and generates the "A" dot pattern (see Figure 8-5 and 6) in parallel form. The ROM output is serialized into a video signal and combined with a composite sync signal to provide an Electronic Industries Association (EIA) composite video signal for display on an external video monitor. SDI/UART Transfer and Display. A data transfer through the SDI/UART is similar to a keyboard entry, but data can be transferred in either direction. Assume the SDI/UART wants to transfer an "A" from a modem to the CPU for display on a video monitor. The ASCII code for the "A", received in serial form from the modem on the serial data input of the SDI connector (Jl), is fed to the SDI/UART. In the receiver section of the UART the serial data is converted into parallel form and placed in the UART's output register. The UART also sends a "received data ready" status signal to the CPU on the Internal Data Bus. When the program in ROM checks and finds the status signal, the program enters the SDI routine, and enables the transfer by switching the Data Input Multiplexer to the Internal Data Bus. The "A" enters the CPU on the Internal Data Bus and is sent to the Display RAM on the Bidirectional Data Bus. Operations involved in displaying the "A" are identical to a keyboard entry. Now assume the CPU wants to send an "A" to the SDI/UART for transmission. The CPU, under program control, sends the SDI/UART status input port strobe via the Address Page and I/O Port Decoder to the UART. In turn, the UART responds with its status on the Internal Data Bus. Assuming the UART is ready to transmit, the CPU places the ASCII code for the "A" on the Bidirectional Data Bus and sends the SDI/UART data output port strobe which loads the Bidirectional Data Bus content into the UART's transmitter section. The "A" is serialized by the UART and sent out the transmitted data pin of Jl. 8.4 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Section Refer to the Sol-REG and Sol-20 Power Supply Schematics in x, Pages X-12 and 13. The Sol power supply consists of the Sol-REG regulator and the Sol-20 power supply components. REV A VIII-6 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol THEORY OF OPERATION SECTION VIII Fused primary power is applied through S5 to T2. FWB1, a fullwave bridge rectifier, is connected across the S-volt secondary (green leads). The rectified output is filtered by CS and applied to the collector of Ql. Ql, a pass transistor, is driven by Q2, with the two connected as a Darlington pair. The output of Ql is connected to Rl which serves as an overload current sensor. An overload current (approximately 4 amps) increases the voltage drop across RIo The difference is amplified in one-half of U2 (an operational amplifier) and the output on pin 7 turns Q3 on. Q3 in turn IIsteals ll current from QI-Q2 and diverts current from the output on pin 1 of U20 This in effect turns the supply off to reduce the current and voltage. Note that the circuit is not a constant current regulator since the current is IIfolded back ll by R6 and R8. The current is reduced to about 1 amp as the output voltage falls to zero. Divider network Rll and R12, which is returned to -12 volts, senses changes in the output voltage. If the output voltage is 5 volts, the input on pin 2 of U2 is at zero volts. U2 provides a positive output on pin 1 if pin 3 is more positive than pin 2 and a negative output for the opposite condition. When the output voltage falls below 5 volts, pin 2 of U2 goes more negative than pin 3. This means pin 1 of U2 goes positive to supply more current to the base of Ql. The resulting increase in current to the load causes the output voltage to rise until it stabilizes at 5 volts. Should the output voltage rise above 5 volts, the circuit operates in a reverse manner to lower the -voltage. Protection against a serious over-voltage condition (more than 6 volts) is provided by SCRl, Dl, D5, R2, R13, R14 and CS. Zener diode, (Dl), with a 5.1 zener voltage, is connected in series with R13 and R2. When the output voltage exceeds about 6 volts, the resulting voltage drop across R2 triggers SCRI to short the foldback current to ground. Since the overload current circuit is also working, the current through SCRl is about 1 amp. Once the current is removed, this circuit restores itself to its normal condition; that is, SCRl turns off. R13, R14, CS and D5 serve to slightly desensitize the circuit so that it will not respond to small transient voltage spikes. Bridge rectifier FWB2, connected across the other T2 secondary, supplies +12 and -12 V dc. The positive output of FWB2 is filtered by C5 and regulated by IC regulator Ul. The negative output is filtered by C4 and regulated by U3. Shunt diodes D3 and D4 protect Ul and U3 against discharge of C6 and C7 when power is turned off. (Note that should the -12 volt supply short to ground, the +5 volt supply turns off by the action of U2. REV A VIII-7 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Unregulated -16 and +16 V dc, at 1 amp, from the filtered outputs of FWB2 are made available on terminals X6 and XS. These are supplied to the backplane board to drive S-IOO Bus modules. Power transformer (T2) has an additional 8-volt secondary winding and a third bridge rectifier (FWB3) to supply +8 V dc at 8 amps. The output of FWB3 is filtered by C9 and controlled by bleeder resistor R13. Again, this voltage is supplied to the backplane board. The Sol power supply also includes a cooling fan powered by the AC line voltage. 8.5 Sol-PC CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 8.5.1 CPU and Bus Refer to the CPU and Bus Schematic in Section X, Page X-14. A crystal, two inverter sections in U92 and four D flip-flops (U90) and associated logic make up the Clock Generator. The two U92 sections function as a free-running oscillator that runs at the crystal frequency of 14.31818 MHz. R133 and R134 drive these two sections of U92 into their linear regions, and C6l and 64 provide the required feedback loop through the crystal. U77, a permanently enabled tri-state non-inverting buffer/amplifier, furnishes a high drive capability. This fundamental clock frequency is fed directly to the Video Display Generator and to the clock inputs of U90. U90 is a fourstage register connected as a ring counter that is reset to zero when power is applied to the Sol. This reset is accomplished with D8, Rl04 and C39. The bits contained in the ring counter shift one to the right with every positive-going clock transition, but the output of the last stage is inverted or "flipped" before being fed back to the input. In a simple four-stage "flip-tail" ring counter, the contents would progress from left to right as follows: 1!1!1!1, ll~~, lll~, 1111, ~lll, ~~ll, ~~~l, ~~~~--on the first through eighth clocks respectively. The hypothetical counter would go through eight states, dividing the clock by eight. The Sol counter, however, is a modified flip-tail ring counter that can be configured to divide by one of three divisors--S, 6 or 7. This is made possible by using a two-input NAND gate (U9l) in the feedback path and three jumper options (no jumper, D-to-C and D-to-E) to alter the feedback path. Let's see how it works. REV A VIII-8 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Sol is normally configured with the D-to-E jumper installed ·to meet the clock requirements of the 8080A CPU. with this jumper installed, the outputs of the third and fourth U90 stages are applied to pins 9 and 10 of U91. Assuming U90 is reset to zero, pin 8 of U91 is high, and on the first clock pulse the counter contents change to 19191¢. (Refer to 2.045 MHz Clocks portion of Figure 8-1 on Page VIII-II.) Pin 8 of U91 cannot change until the fourth state (1111), at which time it goes to zero. On the fifth clock pulse the counter changes to 91111. Again, pin 8 of U91 cannot change from zero until one of its inputs changes. As sho"wn in Figure 8-1, the third U90 stage (C) changes on the seventh clock. The counter now stands at ¢91¢l, and on the eighth clock the counter flips. to l¢9191 and the count cycle repeats. The pattern is thus l¢91¢, .1191¢, 11191 I 1111, ¢lll, 919111, 9191911. U90 consequently goes through seven states. We have a 3.5-stage counter that divides DOT CLOCK by seven to supply a 2.045 MHz output. With no jumper install~d, pin 10 of U91 is pulled high by RI05, and U91 operates as a simple inverter for feeding back the output of the third U90 stage. In effect we have a three-stage counter that operates in a similar manner to that described in the preceding paragraph. It goes through six states (l¢¢, 1191, Ill, ¢ll, ¢91l, 9191¢) to divide DOT CLOCK by six which produces a 2.386 MHz output. The timing for this option is also shown in Figure 8-1. Let's now put the D-to-C jumper in. The feedback in this case is the NAND combination of the outputs from the second (B) and third (C) U90 stages. This gives us a 2.5-stag.e counter that divides DOT CLOCK by five. As can be determined from the 2.863 MHz portion of Figure 8-1, the counter has five states with this option, and the count pattern is: 19191, 1191, Ill, 9111, 91911. Outputs from U90 are applied to the logic comprised of the remaining three sections in u91. This logic and the A-to-B jumper option permits extracting clock pulses of varying widths and relationships to each other from various points within the counter. We extract two clock signals: ¢l on pin 6 of u91 and ¢2 on pin 11 of U91. (The ability to select the frequency and pulse width for ¢l and ¢2 permits the use of either the 8080A, 8080A-l or 80aOA-2 CPU for UI05. The "A" version is the slowest speed unit, the "A-2" has an intermediate speed, and the "A-l" is the fastest.) Let's now see how the pulse width of ~l and ~2 are determined. ¢l on pin 6 of·NAND gate U91 is low only when its two inputs are high, and this happens only when there is a 1 in the second and fourth stages of U90. This occurs during the time between· the fourth and sixth fundamental clocks for 2.04 MHz operation~-the fourth and fifth clocks for 2.38 MHz and 2.86 MHz. Keeping in mind that the fundamental clock period is 70 nsec, it is readily seen that the low frequency pulse train on pin ·6 of U91 has a pulse width of 140 nsec and the two higher frequency pulse trains have a pulse width of 70 nsec. (Refer to Figure 8-1 on Page VIII-II.) VIII-9 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION The A-to-B jumper is installed when the 8080A or 8080A-l CPU is used in the Sol. Note that the output (¢2) on pin 11 of NAND gate U9l is low only when the output on pin 3 of NOR gate U9l is high. (This section in U9l is actually a two-input NAND gate which is functionally the same as a two-input NOR gate.) Pin 3 of U9l, with the A-to-B jumper in, is high when either the second (B) or third (C) U90 stage is at zero. As shown in Figure 8-1, this occurs between the sixth and tenth DOT CLOCKS, or 280 nsec (4 x 70 nsec) , for 2.04 MHz operation. For 2.863 MHz, it occurs between the fifth and eighth DOT CLOCKS for 210 nsec. The section of NAND gate U9l with its output on pin 11 inverts the output on pin 3 of u9l and introduces a slight delay to insure there is no overlap between ¢l and ¢2. with the A-to-B jumper out, pin 11 of U9l is low only when the second stage (B) of U90 is at zero. At 2.386 MHz, this occurs between the fifth and eighth DOT CLOCKS for 210 nsec. This configuration is used for the 8080A-2 CPU. In summary, we have two non-overlapping pulse trains which represent the ¢l and ¢2 clocks required by the 8080 CPU, and the pulse widths of these two clocks vary with frequency as follows: FREQUENCY ¢l PULSE WIDTH ¢2 PULSE WIDTH CPU 2.045 MHz 2.386 MHz 2.863 MHz 140 nsec 70 nsec 70 nsec 280 nsec 210 nsec 210 nsec 8080A 8080A-2 8080A-l ¢l and ¢2 are applied to S-lOOBus pins 25 and 24 respectively through inverters (U92) and bus drivers (U77). They are also capacitively coupled to pins 2 and 4 respectively of driver Ul04, the phase clock conditioner. An additional clock, called CLOCK, is taken from pin 8 of NAND gate U9l. It occurs 70 nsec after ¢2. It is used on the Sol-PC and is also made available on S-lOO Bus pin 49 as a general 2.04, 2.38 or 2.86 MHz clock signal. Three J-K flip-flops (U63 and 64) are used to synchronize the READY, RESET and HOLD inputs to the CPU. All three are connected as D-type flip-flops so that their outputs follow their inputs on the low-to-high transition of the clock. The READY flip-flop input on pins 2 and 3 of one section in U63 is either PRDY or XRDY from the S-lOO Bus~ these are normally pulled high by R34 and R12 respectively. S-lOO Bus signal PRESET, which is normally pulled high by R55, inputs the RESET flip-flop, the other section of U63. The HOLD flip-flop (U64) input is P HOLD, normally pulled high by R56, from the S·-lOO Bus. Pull up resistors R5l, R50 and R53 insure that the high states of these three flip-flops are adequate for the CPU. VIII-lO PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol THEORY OF OPERATION SECTION VIII 2 DOT CLOCK_~ 14.3 MHz I U9 O, PjlN 3 4 ~ : I I 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ~~: _ _ _--'~I~~±:=2=BO!::=ns===t4~9DI" :2",,1 U90, PINI5;0 01 =0-8 14 I I "'---+'---..... I L ------:--~ i----...; ------+----1 140ns 15 '--....;.-~---!r I I l~iC --------1 13 ,I ~70nsrI 12 ~---Tj-..;;;.35.;.;0;.,;.n;..;.s--~--J O2 =R - - - - - - - ; j210ns L...----TI--.;..--..... : 2BOns I ~OELAYEO =D-C - - - - - - - - - - ;1..._.....;2~IO~n.;.;.I_ __'1 2BOns 2.045 MHz CLOCKS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 DOT CLOCK 14.3 MHz -~ i---':'---:---j T' Pi :;: ____ I _-;bID'1 •: ...:....----I;-r- U90, PIN 15iO -----'--~~I 01 =0 0 8 , 10 nl - "":----:-, ! I I I -------~-....;..I--...... I I '---i--~---II I I , ~!---'---3-5~o-ns~-~--Jr--l...--~----~--_7- O2 =II :21OnIl I ;-1- :- :A21::0-,nS----;L...---..L______..... ..... I I 0 2 0ELAYEO =C 210n8 L 210ns 2.386 MHz CLOCKS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 I I i ~ L , I U90, PIN 15; 0 01 =0-8 02 e-;c = I ------~--!l I ___________~-....f7Or;1 ------j I , 280nl I , 140n8 210n8 140n8 210n8 I '" 0 2 0ELAYEO=8 o C - - - - - - ; I ---'_r-L r--l!-_ _ ~__~I 2.683 MHz CLOCKS Figure 8 -I. CLOCK GENERATOR TIMING I I r, r- I - - - _...... PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Diode D7, CIS and R18 make up the poe (power on clear)circuit. When power is applied, CIS starts to charge slowly until it reaches the threshold on pin 6 of U46, a Schmitt trigger. (By this time the logic and 5 volt supply have stabilized.) When the threshold is reached, pin 2 of U46 suddenly goes low. The resulting output on pin 8 of inverter U92 is initially low and then rapidly goes high. This signal is passed through a section of U77, a permanently enabled noninverting tri-state driver, as POC to S-lOO Bus pin 99. It is also inverted in a section of U45 to become POCo The output on pin 8 of U92 is also connected to pin 15 of U63. Thus, pin 9 (RESET) of u63 is high to start the CPU in the reset condition when the Sol is initially turned on. When POC goes high, the RESET flip-flop section of U63 is free to clock. Assuming PRESET is not active, it will change state on the first CLOCK transition. The resulting high on pins 10 and 5 of U63 cause pin 7 (READY) of U63 to go low to place the CPU in the not ready or wait state. This state is subsequently removed on the CLOCK transition following the transition which removed the low from pin 5 of U63. This helps prevent the CPU from starting in a crash condition. The HOLD flip-flop (U64), however, is not affected by the POC circuit, and was clocked to a low on pin 7 well before the RESET and READY signals became active. Operation of the POC circuit can also be initiated, without turning the power off, by a keyboard restart signal on pin 13 of J3 or by closing Sl-l if the N-P jumper is in. In either case, CIS is discharged through R58 and then allowed to recharge after KBD RESTART is removed or Sl-l is opened. POC als9 resets all stages of D flip-flop U76 (the phantom start-up circuit) to zero. On initial start-up, the CPU performs four fetch machine cycles (refer to Intel® ,8080 Microcomputer Systems User's Manual) in accordance with program instructions. For each fetch, the CPU outputs a DBIN on pin 17. U76, connected as a four-stage shift register, is clocked by the inverted DBIN signal on pin 3 of NOR gate U46. Thus, PHANTOM, on S-lOO Bus pin 67, is active low (assuming the F-to-G jumper is in) for the first four fetches or machine cycles. After the fourth DBIN, PHANTOM goes high. PHANTOM is used to 1) disable any memory addressed in Page ¢ that has Processor Technology's exclusive "Phantom Disable" feature and 2) cause the Sol program memory (ROM), which normally responds to Page C¢ (hex) to respond to Page ¢¢ (hex). The second function is discussed in Paragraph 8.5.2. REV A VIII-12 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION The inverted DBIN on pin 3 of U46 is also applied to pin 12 of NOR gate U46 and inverted to appear as PDBIN on S-lOO Bus pin 78. This section of U46 also allows DIGl (bus pin 57) to override DBIN. (DIGl is used when an external DMA device replaces the CPU in terms of writing into and reading from memory.) The other CPU control signals (SYNC, INTE, HLD~t WR and WAIT) are also fed to the S-lOO Bus pins as indicated. These, as well as DBIN o:c DIG1, are placed on the bus through tri-state drivers which are enabled by C/C DSB on S-lOO Bus pin 19. Note that this signal is normally pulled high by R20. The data lines of the CPU (D¢-7) are bidirectional and are used for several functions. One of these is to output status at the start of, each cycle which is marked by the SYNC output of the CPU. Status on D¢-7 is latched in U93 and U106 (each of which contains four D flip-flops) when pin 8 of inverter U45 goes high. Status information, as identified on the schematic, is then buffered through tri-state drivers u94 and U107 to the S-lOO Bus. The status latch strobe on pin 8 of U45 is extracted in the middle of the SYNC pulse by gating PSYNC and~ in NAND gate U44. STAT DSB on S-lOO Bus pin 18 is used to disable the U94 and ul07 buffers when a DMA device or another processor assumes control of the S-lOO Bus. A second function of D¢-7 is to output data from the CPU to the Bidirectional Data Bus. Data out of the CPU is placed on this bus through tri-state drivers (U80 and U8l). Note that these drivers are normally enabled unless this bus is in the input mode or an external device has control of the bus. In the latter case, DO DSB on S-lOO Bus pin 23 would be pulled low to make pin 8 of NOR gate U48 high. In the input mode pin 8 of U48 is high because OUT DSB is low. This signal is generated by decoding PAGE CC, MEM SEL, PORT IN FC, PORT IN FD, INT SEL to produce MPX ADR A and MPX ADR B on pins 3 and 11 respectively of two NOR gates in U48. MPX ADR A and MPX ADR Bare decoded with DBIN on pin 5 of NAND gate U47. The D¢-7 bus lines are also used to input data to the CPU. Data input to the CPU is multiplexed from four data buses with four 4-to-l line multiplexers (U65, 66, 70 and 79). These four buses are the: 1) Keyboard Data Bus, IZDB¢.-7, 2) Parallel Input Data Bus, PID¢-7, 3) Internal Data Bus, INT¢-7, and 4) Bidirectional Data Bus, DIO¢-7. These data multiplexers are tri-state devices, with their outputs pulled up by RI07 through Rl14 to a level that satisfies the input requirements of the CPU. Their outputs are active only when both their El and E2 (pins 1 and 15) are low. As can be seen, this occurs only when DBIN on pin 3 of NOR gate U46 is 10Wi that is, when the DBIN output of the CPU is active to indicate its data bus is in the input mode. VIII-13 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Input selection to the multiplexers is done with the A and B inputs to U6S, 66, 78 and 79. These two inputs are driven by MPX ADR A on pin 3 of NOR gate U48 and MPX ADR B on pin 11 of NOR gate U48. There are four possible states for the combination of MPX ADR A and B, and their relation to input selection is as follows: 1. If both are active (high), the multiplexers select the Bidirectional Data Bus. 2. When the keyboard is called up by the CPU, only PORT IN FC is active (low) to make MPX ADR A low. selects the Keyboard Data Bus. This 3. When the parallel port is called up by the CPU, only PORT IN FD is active (low) to make MPX ADR B low. This selects the Parallel Input Data Bus. 4. When the CPU selects any I/O port that uses the Internal Data Bus, only INT SEL (pin 2 of u47 and U61) is active. Thus, both MPX ADR A and B are low to select the Internal Data Bus. Two other conditions, defined by PAGE CC on pin 2 and MEM SEL on pin 1 of NAND gate U4~are possible. When any of the four memory pages in the Sol are accessed, MEM SEL goes high and an inversion in U44 (PAGE CC is normally high) appears as a low MPX ADR A and B to select the Internal Data Bus. Should Page CC (the Display RAM) be addressed, PAGE CC also goes active (low) to override MEM SEL. MPX ADR A and B are consequently high to select the Bidirectional Data Bus. These two conditions are required since the ROM and System RAM use the Internal Data Bus and the Display RAM uses the Bidirectional Data Bus. The address outputs of the CPU (A¢-lS) are placed on the Address Bus via tri-state drivers (U67, 68 and 81). These drivers are normally enabled since pin 3 of inverter u49 is pulled high by R36. ADn DSB on S-IOO Bus pin 22 is used to disable the address drivers when a DMA device or another CPU takes over the bus. A S.l volt. zener diode, Dll, and a divider network composed of R130, 131 and 132 derive -S V dc from the -12 V dc supply for use by the CPU. Diode D12 and the same divider supply -12 V dc to pin 3 of UI04, the phase clock conditioner. 8.S.2 X-IS. REV A Memory and Decoder Refer to the Memory and Decoder Schematic in Section X, Page VIII-14 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION The System RAM consists of eight lK by 1 bit static memory chips, U3 through UIO, and it is assigned addresses C8¢¢-CBFF (hex). When the CPU wants to write data into memory, it addresses the System RAM on ADR¢-15. ADR¢-4 select the row inside the RAM chips, ADR5-9 select the column, and ADRl¢-15 select the page (in this case Page C8, hex). Page selection enables the eight RAM chips on pin 13. For a read operation, MWRITE on S-IOO Bus pin 68 is low, and the resulting high on pin 3 (WE) of the RAM chips keeps them in the read mode. Thus, data on the Bidirectional Data Bus is read into the RAM's on their DI (pin 11) inputs. MWRITE is high, however, during the time the CPU wants to write data into memory. In this case, pin 3 of the RAM's is low to enable them to accept data from the Bidirectional Data Bus. The ROM is also addressed on ADR¢-15 as is the System RAM. Since there can be two pages, however, two enable lines (one for Page C¢, hex, and the other for C4, hex) are provided. The C¢ and C4 enables are connected to pins A6 and AS respectively of J5, the Personality Module connector. Unlike the RAM, the ROM can only read data into the CPU, so the previously discussed MWRITE signal is not needed. Data out of the ROM is output on the Internal Data Bus on pins A3, A4 and B5-1¢ of J5. ADRl¢-15 are input to the Address Page and Port Decoder (U34, 35, 36 and their associated logic). U34 (Address Page), U35 (Output Port) and U36 (Input Port) are 3-to-8 line decoders which have three enable inputs (Gl, G2A and G2B). Gl must be high and both G2A and B must be low in order to obtain an active output. Let's look at the Address Page Decoder, U34, first. It must be able to decode four pages: C¢ and C4 (ROM), C8 (System RAM) and CC (Display RAM). (Note that these are the hexadecimal digits of the six high order address bits, ADRl¢·-15). The high order four bits (ADR12-15) must be ll¢¢ (C, hex) in all cases by virtue of the U22 exclusive OR logic. If they are not, the Gl enable on U34 is low to disable that decoder. Bits ADRl¢ and 11 (The A and B inputs to U34) are the high order bits of the second hexadecimal digit which must be ¢¢ (¢, hex), ¢l (4, hex), l¢ (8, hex) or 11 (12, hex) if U34 is to have an active output. For C¢, pin 11 of U34 is active (low)~ for C4, pin l¢ is active: for C8 pin 9 is active~ and for CC pin 7 is active. These outputs are applied to the appropriate memories and also provide the MEM SEL signal on pin 6 of one section in U23. (This section is actually a 4-input NAND gate which is functionally the same as a 4-input NOR gate.) Note that the U22 logic input with ADR14 and 15 is also connected to PHANTOM. When this signal is active (low), the output on pins 3 and 11 will be low to disable U34 when ADR12-15 represent a C. If Page ¢ is addressed, however, pins 3 and 11 of U22 are high, and this, coupled with lows on ADRl¢-13, are decoded by U34 as an active output on pin 11. The ROM will consequently respond to addresses in Page ¢ and C¢ (hex) as long as PHANTOM is active. VIII-IS PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION The other two enables on U34 (G2A and G2B) are connected to SINP and SOUT. These two status signals indicate an input or output operation during the CPU cycle. U34 is therefore disabled during these operations. SINP and SOUT are also fed to pins 5 and 6 of NOR gate u53 which detects an input or output operation. Its output is inverted by u54 and applied to pin 9 of another U53 NOR gate. The other input (pin 8) to U53 is MEM SEL. So during a memory reference, input operation or output operation, pin 10 of U53 is active to enable the PRDY driver, U7l. The low on pin 10 of U53 is also clocked by ¢2 as a high to pin 7 of U70, a J-K flip-flop that is connected as a D flipflop. Note that the PSYNC • ~ signal on pin 5 of U70 forces U70 to set during the middle of PSYNC (refer to CPU and Bus discussion). U70 cannot clock until pin 5 is released, and this occurs simultaneously with thelow-to-high transition of ¢2. PRDY is thus low immediately after pin 10 of u53 goes low and remains in that state from the middle of PSYNC to the first positive-going ¢2 after PSYNC. This is the time the CPU tests the status of the ready lines (PRDY and XRDY). If either is low, the CPU enters a WAIT state. U53, 70 and 71 thus guarantees that the CPU enters one WAIT state during cycles in which an input, output or memory reference is made. U35 and 36, the Output and Input Port Decoders respectively, decode the higher order eight address bits (ADR8-15). All Sol ports have a hexadecimal F (1111) in their high order four bits (ADR12-l5 are l's). The second hexadecimal digit is also never less than eight. This means that ADRll is always I for a port address. These five address bits are thus NAND gated in U23 to provide one of the enables on U35 and 36. Note that the ADR14-15 combination is derived from the output on pins 3 and 11 of the U22 exclusive OR logic. This is permissible since no I/O operations are performed during the first four start-up cycles of the CPU. The A, B, and C inputs to U35 and 36 (ADR8, 9 and 10 respectively) specify the second hexadecimal digit in the port address and are decoded to supply the indicated outputs. These outputs and their functions are defined in Table 8-1. U36 is enabled to decode when PDBIN and SINP are active: that is, during an input operation. U35 is enabled when SOUT and PWR are active: that is, during an output operation. INT SEL on pin 8 of inverter U83 is the remaining signal generated by the Input Port Decoder circuit. This signal is active when either input port F8, F9, FA or FB is decoded by U36. Both the address page and input/output decoders can be disabled by SINTA (S-lOO Bus pin 96) when the AE-to-AC and AB-to-AD jumpers are installed. SINTA is active (high) when the CPU is responding to an interrupt. Should an external device issue addresses during this time, any memory response would interfere with the VIII-16 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Table 8-1. Port Decoder (U35 & U36) Outputs and Their Functions. PORT DECODER OUTPUT PORT OUT FE .----PORT OUT FD FUNCTION Loads starting row address and first display line position information from Bidirectional Data Bus into Video Display scroll circuit. Clocks data from Bidirectional Data Bus to output data pins of PP connector. PORT OUT FB Loads data from Bidirectional Data Bus into Cassette Data UART. PORT OUT FA Clocks PP and CDI control bits from Bidirectional Data Bus. PORT OUT F9 Loads data from Bidirectional Data Bus into SDI UART. PORT OUT F8 Clocks RTS (request to send) from bit 4 of Bidirectional Data Bus to pin 4 of SDI connector. PORT IN FF Permits CPU to read data byte entered from Sense Switches. PORT IN FE Places Video Display scroll timer and screen position status on bits ¢ and I of Bidirectional Data Bus. PORT IN FD Switches Data Input Multiplexer to input data pins of PP connector and resets PP at end of a transfer to ready it for another. PORT IN FC Switches Data Input Multiplexer to Keyboard Data Bus. PORT IN FB Strobes received data in CDI UART to Internal Data Bus. PORT IN FA Places PP, keyboard and CDI UART status on Internal Data Bus. PORT IN F9 Strobes received data in SDI UART to Internal Data Bus. -----PORT IN F8 Places SDI UART status on Internal Data Bus. VIII-17 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION interrupt op~ration. To prevent this, SINTA is inverted in u58 to 1) disable U34 on pin 6 and 2) force pin 8 of NAND gate U23 high to disable U35 and U36 on pin 5. (This feature is provided to enable future versions of Sol to operate with a vectored interrupt system.) 8.5.3 Input/Output Refer to the Input/Output Schematic In section X, Page X-16. This section in the Sol has five functional circuits: 1) Parallel I/O Logic, 2) Sense Switch Logic, 3) Keyboard Flag Logic, 4) SDI/UART ~nd 5) Baud Rate Generator. The PP uses U95 and 96 (4-bit D-type registers) and their related logic. Data output to the PP connector (J2) is latched from DIO¢-7 by U95 and U96. Data is strobed into these registers on the leading edge of an inverted active PORT OUT FD signal on pin 4 of inverter U54. This strobe is also applied to pin 2 of U73 which functions as a J-K flip-flop that is clocked by~. When the ~ goes from low to high 200 to 300 nsec after PORT OUT FD, pin 7 of U73 goes low to become POL on pin 17 of J2. (This delay allows U95 and 96 to stabilize.) U73 is reset in the middle of the following PSYNC which means POL is active for the balance of the cycle. The outputs of U95 and 96 are tri-state outputs that are enabled by a low on pin 2. In the absence of POE at pin 15 of J2, pin 2 of U95 and 96 are low by virtue of the output on pin 8 of inverter U550 Note that the input to U55 is normally pulled up through R63. The POE provision permits tri-stating an external bidirectional data bus. As discussed in Paragraph 8.5.1, parallel input data on J2 is fed directly to the Data Input Multiplexer (see Page X-IS). The strobe that indicates the presence of input data, PD.R on pin 4 of J2, is applied to pins 2 and 3 of one section in U72, a J-K flip-flop which is connected as a D flip-flop~ When PDR goes active (low), pin 7 of U72 will go high on the next low-to-high transition of ¢2 to toggle the following U72 stage. At this point pins 9 and 10 of the second section in U72 go high and low respectively. Pin 9 supplies PIAK on pin 5 of J2. When high, PIAK signals the external device that Sol has yet to complete acceptance of the data. The state of pin 10 of U72 is transmitted to INTI of the Internal Data Bus through a U7l tri-state noninverting buffer. U7l is enabled only for the duration of PORT IN FA (auxiliary status). During the time U7l is enabled, the CPU reads the Internal Data Bus. A high INTI indicates the parallel input data is not ready~ a low indicates the data is ready. . The second u72 flip-flop is preset by ~ORT IN FD or POC& is active to read data in from the PP: POC occurs only when Sol is restarted or power is turned on. Thus the PP is reset and ready for another transfer at the end of a transfer or when POC is active. ~P~O~R~T~·-IN~~F~D~ REV A VIII-18 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION PXDR on pin 16 of J2 is supplied by the external device. It indicates the device is ready to receive data. PXDR is buffered to INT2 and will effect the transfer of data to the Internal Data Bus during the status input to the cpu. PXDR is analogous to the previously discussed PIAK signal. Sense switches S2--1 through 8 are driven by PORT IN FF when it is low. Thus, the DIO lines connected to closed switches are driven low, and those connected to open switches are pulled high. U97 (a 4-bit D-type register) and one section of U52 (a J-K flip-flop connected as a D flip-flop) latch five bits of data on DI03-7 when PORT OUT FA goes active. These bits, which supply the indicated outputs, control conditions in both the PP and CDI. with respect to the PP, PIE enables parallel input, and PUS selects the parallel device for the transfer. The data in these two latches remains until either a new word is read out or POC goes active. Also during PORT OUT FA, the keyboard flag is reported. KEYBOARD DATA READY on pin 3 of J3 is a low going pulse 1 to 10 usec in duration. It is applied to pin 13 of J-K flip-flop U70. Some time after pin 13 of U70 goes low, but before 500 nseCj u70 is set by ¢2 and pin 10 goes low. 'J'his low is buffered through U71 to INT¢ to indicate the keyboard is ready to send data. Reset of U70 occurs with a POC or by PORT IN FC. The latter occurs when data is accepted from the keyboard. The other half of flip-flop U52, with its output on pin 6, latches one bit of status, DI04, when PORT OUT F8 is active. Its output is applied to pin 5 of one operational a~mplifier section in U56 to become the SRTS (request to send) signal on pin 4 of Jl, the SDI connector. The SDI/UART centers around a UART, U51. The UART transmission conditions (parity, word length and stop bits) are determined by the settings of S4-1 through 5. (Refer to Paragraphs 7.5.8 through 7.5.10 in Section VII for descriptions of the switch settings and their effect on transmission. Data destined to leave Sol through the SDI/UART enters the UART on its TIl-6 inputs from the Bidirectional Data Bus when TBRL (pin 23) is low~ that is, when PORT OUT F9 goes active. Circuitry within the UART serializes the input data, which is in parallel form, and outputs it on pin 25 at a rate determined by the clock on pin 40. The binary states at pin 25 are low for a zero and high for a one. Assuming Sol is not in local operation ("off line") ·the output on pin 25 of the UART is applied to pins 2 and 11 of Jl via two gates in U55 and the other half of U56. I VIII-19 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Data that enters Sol through the SDI/UART on pins 3, 12 or 13 of Jl is input to the SDI UART on pin 20 by way of U38, an inverting level converter that converts data levels of up to +25 volts to TTL levels. (Note that current loop data on pin 12 or 13 of Jl is first rectified before it is applied to U38.) The UART converts this serial data into parallel form and outputs it on ROI through R08 (pins 12 through 5 respectively) to the Internal Data Bus when ROD (pin 4) is low; that is, when PORT IN F9 goes active. The receive-transmit clock for the SDI UART is supplied by the Baud Rate Generator (U84, U85, U86 and their associated circuitry). U85 is a phase locked loop, U86 is a 7-stage binary counter and U84 is connected as a divide-by-ll counter. The 1200 Hz reference signal applied to pin 14 of U85 is supplied from the Video Display Generator. A phase comparator in U85 compares this signal to the output of a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) in U85. By feeding an output from U86 (in this case the 1200 Hz output on pin 3) back to the compare input (pin 3) of U85, the circuit acts as a frequency multiplier. The output (pin 4) of U85 remains locked, therefore, to a multiple of its input on pin 14. In this case we have a 128X multiplier to generate 153.6 KHz which is counted down in U86. Since U86 is a 7-stage binary counter, the first stage output (pin 12) is 76.8 KHz (one-halt' of 153.6 KHz, the clock for U86), the second stage output (pin 11) is 38.4 KHz (one-fourth of 153.6 KHz), the third stage output (pin 9) is 19.2 KHz (one-eighth of 153.6 KHz), and so on to the seventh stage output (pin 3) which is 1.2 KHz (1/128 of 153.6 KHz). Wi.th the exception of outputs on pins 12 and 9, the outputs of U86 are connected to S3, the Baud Rate Switch. The 19.2 KHz output on pin 9 is divided by 11 in U84 to supply 1745 Hz to S3-2. The 38.4 KHz on pin 12 can be connected to S3-8 instead of the 153.6 Hz clock by cutting the L-M connection and installing a jumper between K and M. Let's now translate the frequencies input to S3 into Baud rates. The Baud rate of a UART is 1/16 of its clock rate. Thus, a 1200 Hz clock equates to a 75 Baud transmission rate, a 1745 Hz clock equates to a 109.1 (110) Baud rate, etc. It is now readily seen that the Baud rate available with S3-8 is 9600 assuming the L-M connection is made (153.6 KHz 7 16 = 9600). (The L-M connection is default wired on the Sol-PC; that is, there is a trace between Land M on the circuit board.) If the L-M trace is cut and a jumper is installed between K and M, the Baud rate with S3-8 is 4800 (76.8 KHz : 16 = 4800) • We can thus select anyone of eight clock frequencies for the SDI UART with S3, with the highest being determined by the K, Land M jumper arrangement. The selected clock is applied to both the receive and transmit clock inputs (pins 17 and 40 respectively) of the UART. This means, of course, that the UART always receives and transmits at the same Baud Rate. VIII-20 PROCESSOR TECHl~OLOGY CORPORATION SEcrION VIII Sol 'rHEORY OF OPERATION Returning to the SDI UART, we seQ that its transmitter output on pin 25 is applied to pin 5 of U55, a tW'.)-input NAND gate that is functionally a ROR gate. It is normally enabled on pin 4 by pull-up resistor R44. A low on pin 5 represents a binary 50; a high represents a binary 1. The inverted output on pin 6 U55 is again inverted (assuming Sol is not operating in Local) by the following U55 NAND gate. One-half of operational amplifier u56, operating open loop, converts TTL levels to RS-232 levels (5 to 15 volts). Pin 3 of U56 is held at +2.5 V dc by the R47 and R48 divider network. When pin 2 is more negative than pin 3, the ou·tput on pin 1 of U56, which is fed to pin 2 of Jl, is at approximately +10 volts. For the opposite condition, pin 2 of Jl is about -10 volts. Thus, U56 also inverts, and a high or low on pin 2 of Jl represent a binary 1 and 50 respectively. 0= Two conditions can override transmitted data: a keyboard break (BRK) or local (KBD LOC) command. For a break com~and, BRK on pin 4 of J3 and pin 4 of NOR gate u55, is low to hold pin 6 of u55 high for the duratio::l of the BRK signal. This appears as a "space", or high level, on pin 2 of Jl. (A space, or break, condition requires that the space level exist for a period longer than the normal length of a character.) In the case of a KBD LOC command from the keyboard, pins 1 and 13 of the other two U55 sections are low. Thus, data cannot be transmitted to pin 3 of NAND gate U55, and pin 11 of NOR gate u55 is held high to enable tri-state driver U37 at pin 15. Data on pin 6 of u55 is consequently looped back by way of U37 and R21 to pin 12 of U38. Data on pin 12 of U38 overrides any data arriving at pin 13 of U38. In local operation, therefore, data from pin 25 of the UART does not appear at pin 2 of Jl, but it is looped back to the receiver input (pin 20) of the UART via U37, R21 and U38. Notice that data on pin 25 of the UART will also be looped back if S4-6 is closed (half duplex operation). But in this case, data from the UART is also fed to pin 2 of Jl. Serial data from the UART that appears at pin 1 of u56 also drives transistor Ql by way of R45 and R46 to supply the serial current loop output (SCLO) on pin 11 of Jl. Ql supplies 20 rna. (max.) current for a binary 1 and no current for a binary 50. Pin 23 of Jl (connected through R23 to +12 V dc) is the serial loop current source (SLCS). It can supply up to 20 rna of current to ground and is used when the external current loop device has no current source. Data received from a current loop device enters Solon pins 12 and 13 of Jl in the form of no current for a 50 and 20 rna of current for a 1. This input is rectified by bridge rectifier D3-D6 and applied to a light emitting diode (LED) in optical isolator U39. As its name implies, U39 electrically isolates the current loop circuit from the rest of the Sol. (This isolation permits a high offset voltage on pins 12 and 13 of Jl.) For a 1, the LED is energized, and V1II-21 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION the light is optically coupled to the base of a photo transistor in U39 to cause the transistor to conduct. Conduction translates to a low, or mark, level at the input (pin 13) of U38. Since both the current loop and RS-232 received data (SLR1/SLR2 and SRD respectively) share the input to U38, both should not be used simultaneously. There are five external control signals in the RS-232 section of the SDI/UART: two are sent to the external device (SRTS and SDTR), and three are received from the device (SCTS, SCD and SDSR). SRTS on pin 4 of Jl was discussed earlier. SDTR (serial data terminal ready) is simply tied to +12 V dc through R24. This indicates to the external device that Sol is connected to it. SCTS (serial clear to send), SCD (serial carrier detect) and SDSR (serial data set ready) indicate status of the external device. They enter Solon pins 5, 8 and 6 of Jl respectively, and all three are active high. Following level conversion and inversion in line receivers U38, data on these lines is gated through noninverting tristate buffers U37 to the Internal Data Bus when PORT IN F8 is active. PORT IN F8 also enables five bits of UART status to be reported over the Internal Data Bus. These are PE, FE, OE, DR and TBRE on pins 13, 14, 15, 19 and 22 respectively of the UART. They are defined as follows: 8.5.4 PE: Parity Error--received parity does not compare to that programmed. (Bit INT2) FE: Framing Error--valid stop bit not received when expected. (Bit INT3) OE: Overrun Error--CPU did not accept data before it was replaced with additional data. (Bit INT4) DR: Data Ready--data received by UART is available when requested. (Bit INT6) TBRE: Transmitter Buffer Register Empty--UART is ready to accept another word from the Bidirectional Data Bus. (Bit INT7) Display Section An understanding of how characters 'are formed on the video monitor will help you follow operation of tpe display section. The monitor screen can be thought of as a large matrix of small light elements, or dots, that can be turned on and off. In this context the overall video presentation consists of light and dark dots. VIII-22 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION In the Sol, the display format is 64 characters maximum per character row, with a maximum of 16 rows per frame (page). Thus, up to 1024 characters can be displayed per page. A 9 x 13 (columns by lines) dot area, or character position, is alloted on the monitor screen for each displayed character (see Figures 8-2 and 8-3 on Page VIII-24). Consequently, each character row consisting of sixty-four 9 x 13 dot areas requires 13 horizontal scan lines. To provide spacing between both characters and rows, only 1:> dot lines and seven dot columns within the 9 x 13 matrix are used for character display. Only nine of the available 12 dot lines, however, are used for any given character. Let's take a closer look at how the 9 x 13 dot matrix is used. The first seven dot columns are available for all character displays; the last two are used to provide a space between characters. The first dot line in a character row is always blank to provide a space between character rows. As shown in Figure 8-2, the second through tenth dot lines are available for all upper case (capital) and control characters, all symbol and punctuation marks (except the comma and semicolon), and all lower case characters (except the g, j, p, q and y). As shown in Figure 8-3, dot lines five through 13 are available to display characters that normally extend below the base line--lower case g, j, P, q and y plus the comma and semicolon. Now that we have a feeling for how characters are formed on the video monitor screen, we will move on to the circuit description. Refer to Display Section Schematic in Section X, Page X-17. The 14.31818 MHz DOT CLOCK, which defines the period of one dot (69.8 nsec) in a character display matrix, controls all timing in the Video Display Generator. DOT CLOCK is applied to pin 2 of U28, a four-bit binary counter that is preset to count from seven through 15 to divide DOT CLOCK by nine. Two 1.591 MHz outputs are supplied by U28: LOAD CLOCK on pin 11 and CHARACTER CLOCK on pin 12. Pin 11 is a low-active pulse of one DOT CLOCK duration. Pin 12 is high for five and low for four DOT 'CLOCK periods. Both the LOAD and CHARACTER CLOCK low-to-high transitions occur synchronously on the same DOT CLOCK. CHARACTER CLOCK, which defines the period of one character position (628 nsec) , is inverted in U49 to become CHARACTER CLOCK. It performs most of the clocking functions in the Video Display Generator and is made available on pin 4 of J4 for use by external graphic display devices. I \. CHARACTER CLOCK is in turn divided in U31 and U33, both of which are presettable four-bit binary counters. Both start at count 3 when pin 8 of NAND gate U47 is low, and together they count 102 CHARACTER CLOCKS to define horizontal timing at 64 usec (102 x 628 nsec = 64 usec). REV A VIII-23 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol THEORY OF OPERATION CHARACTER ADDRESS * 1001001 1001001 LINE ADDRESS 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 SECTION VIII SCAN LINE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 COLUMN NO. 123456789 000000000 0 • • • • • 000 000.00000 000.00000 000.00000 000,00000 000.00000 000.00000 000.00000 0 • • • • • 000 000000000 000000000 000000000 • = *7-bit ASCII code for I Figure 8-2. VIDEO INFORMATION BITS 000000000 (blank) 011111000 000100000 000100000 000100000 000100000 000100000 000100000 000100000 011111000 000000000 (blank) 000000000 (blank) 000000000 (blank) illuminated dot Example of uppercase character (I) display. \ CHARACTER ADDRESS* 1110000 1110000 LINE ADDRESS 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 SCAN LINE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 COLUMN NO. 123456789 000000000 0'0 00 00 00 a 000000000 000000000 . 0 • • • 0000 • • 000.000 ,0000.000 ,0000.000 .,000.000 . 0 • • • 0000 ,00000000 .00000000 .00000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 101110000 110001000 100001000 100001000 110001000 101110000 (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) ioobooooo 100000000 100000000 • = illuminated dot *7-bit ASCII code for p Figure 8-3. VIDEO INFORMATION BITS Example of lowercase character (p) display. VIII-24 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION As indicated in Figure 8-4 on Page VIII-27, Subgroup Counter U3l and Group Counter U33 are preset to a count of 3 at the. start of each horizontal scan line. U3l counts from 3 through lS (13 character positions) and enables U33 for one count. U3l then counts ¢ through lS and enables U33 for the second count. The sequence continues through four more groups of 16 character positions, and at this point U33 is at its sixth count (a binary 9). Thus, pins 11 and 14 are high at pins 10 and 11 of U47. U3l continues to count from ¢, and on the ninth count (a binary 8) pin 9 of U47 goes high. The resulting low on output pin 8 of U47 loads three into U3l and U33, and the cycle repeats. The U3l-U33 cycle, from preset, is then 13, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 and 9 character position counts for a total of 102. The QD output on pin 11 of U33 is SCAN ADV, and the QC output on pin 12 is HDISP. SCAN ADV is used to generate horizontal synchronization signals, and HDISP defines the start of the display portion of the horizontal scan line. Four o·,~~tputs from U3l and the two low order outputs of U33 (pins 13 and 14) are input to the Character Address Multiplexer, U30 and U32, which supplies the low order six address bits to the Display RAM (U14 through U2l). The second address source for the Display RAM is the Address Bus, bits ADR¢-S. Address source selection is controlled by the output on pin 7 of D flip-flop U7S. Pin 7 of U7S goes high when PAGE CC (the Display. RAM) is active and PSYNC • ~ goes high (which it does in the middle of PSYNC). Pin 7 of U7S remains high for the rest of the memory access cycle. The preset signal (pin 8 of U47) to U31 and U33 is applied to the Scan Counter (U40) via inverter U87. U40 counts the horizontal scan lines that make up a row of characters and supplies the line number to U2S, the Character Generator ROM. (This ROM is discussed later.) U40 is preset to a count of IS for the first scan line in the character row. It then counts from ¢ through 11. On count II, SCAN ENABLE on pin 8 of U47 is inverted in u87 to disable the Scan Counter. A decoder, comprised of NAND gates US9 and U60, decodes the 13th count (count 11) in U40 and SCAN ENABLE to supply a load pulse to pin 9 of U40. This resets U40 to a count of lS, and the cycle repeats. (Presetting the Scan Counter to a count of IS permits the Character Generator ROM to provide a blank spacer line between character rows since line IS in the ROM is always blank.) I "- The output on pin 8 of NAND gate US9, after inversion in U87, becomes the OVERFLOW LINE signal. This signal occurs after each character row and appears at pins 7 and 10 of Text Counter U62 to enable it to count. Thus, the Text Counter counts character rows. It resets itself with its c~rry output (pin IS) through another inverter in U87, with the reset count being determined by the state on pin 10 (VDISP) of J-K flip-flop U43. If VDISP is low, the Text Counter resets to a count of ¢i if VDISP is high, it resets to a count of 12. VIII-2S PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Assume VDISP is active (low), which it is during the vertical display portion of the displayable area on the screen. (Refer to Figure 8-4.) U62 is then preset to a count of ¢ and will count from ¢ through 15 (16 character rows). The resulting carry output on count 15 of the Text Counter causes the U43 VDISP flip-flop to toggle. It also appears as a low on the load. input of the Text Counter. The Text Counter is also enabled to reset by virtue of the OVERFLOW LINE going low after the reset of the Scan Counter. Since VDISP is now high, the Text Counter is reset to a count of 12 and will count 12 through 15 (four character rows). The carry output from the Text Counter then causes the U43 VDISP flip-flop to toggle, and the Text Counter is reset to a count of ¢. We can now see that the Text Counter counts 16 character rows when the display is active (VDISP is low) and four character rows when the display is blanked (VDISP is high). The total of 20 character rows represents a full display of 260 scan lines for 60 Hz operation (13 scan lines/row x 20 rows = 260 scan lines per page). Horizontal and vertical synchronization signals are generated by two one-shot multivibrators consisting of three two-input NOR gates in UI02. Horizontal sync is triggered by SCAN ADVANCE and vertical sync by VDISP. Both circuits generate fixed-length sync pulses with adjustable starting times. C52 determines the length of the horizontal sync pulse and C53 the length of the vertical sync pulse. The starting times, with respect to triggering, are variable with variable resistors VRI (HORIZ) and VR2 (VERT) to provide continuous adjustment of the display position on the screen. An exclusive OR gate in U74 combines the two sync pulses into a composite sync (COMP SYNC) signal. Note that the use of the exclusive OR inverts the horizontal sync pulses when the vertical sync pulse appears. Since vertical sync information is extracted in a monitor by an integrating, or averaging, process, this technique maintains horizontal synchronization during the vertical sync period. Two types of blanking are available: control character blanking and video blanking. The first blanks control characters and causes cursor information to be displayed in their place. Video blanking forces portions of the video display to a white or black level, depending on whether normal or reverse video is selected with Sl-4. Control character blanking, switch selectable with Sl-3, is accomplished with one NAND gate in U60 and one NAND gate in U6l. When a control character is present in the Data Latch (U26 and U27), pins 3 and 15 of U26 are high. Assuming the blanking option is selected (81-3 closed), the output of U60 (LOAD CLOCK) is gated with the control character bits by U61 to clear the video p,3.rallel-toserial converter, U41. U4l then loads all zeros instead of the character. Video blanking is initiated by the PRE BLANK or COMP BLANK (pin 14 of Blank Latch U42) inputs to U59, a three-input NOR gate. The third input, the video output on pin 6 of exclusive OR gate U74, is blanked when any of the two blanking inputs is active. VIII-26 HORIZONTAL f GROUP COUNTER (U33)COUNT"0011(3) SUBGROUP COUNTER(U31 )COUNT" 0011(3) CHARACTER CLOCKS (PIN 8, U47) t 0101(5) 0110(6) 0111(7) 1000(8) 1001(9) OOOO(fij) OOOO(fij) OOOO(fij) OOOO(fij) OOOO«(IJ) 1000(8) 0100(4) °i(fij) RETRACE t t t t 1001(9) f" f" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ij~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ 1111111~i~~ 1111111 ~ t~ 1111111 ~i ij~ 1111111 ~ ~ j~~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W~ ~ ~ ~~1 ~ ~ W :~H~~~n~:: :~H~~~!tl!:~:::::::c~~~r:lif:t:: :::::~HA~~r:lif:t: :::::~~A~A:ei:~~: : :p,.·0··:';;:;':I·Q·· Mid: :: .P..Gs.I:tI·O··N·· ·S·:: d:::: .P..r...~1·0··N·· ·S·::: ::c:f.f~~A~!tl!:~ ::~HAIt~f:ER :l: :::p..·0···S··J:;,;:nN··";:: :!::: :P... ;:,:S··1· :r;y:wS··: :1:: P'G.SrT. ·I;m.;.;: :: :";0··5··I·I:··I~iS· 11~1nmm~~~lm11!111~11HH~~~~n111~(~Hmmll~~~~H11 ~H~H~~~lllm~~m~ ~!11Hm~~~m0~~~ 1! HHmUrmm ~~mnnHrrm~ lml1111111]llml ullmll1111ll~ mllffillill!llffil1 nnnn~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ lHHHHH ::::::::::::::::::::: H H VDISP (PIN 10,U43) ACTIVE H I N -....J VERTICAL RETRACE AR EA' . 1 ON SGREEN .::::::::::::::::::::: .................... :::I::::::::::::f ··················'1 . lHHHHHH HHlH}{ . ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: MAXI MUM ................ ..... ..................... 1 ::::::::::::::::::::: ..................... HHHlHH ::::::::::::::::::::: 'DISPLAYA~LE :;::::::::::::::::::: <: 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~: jjjjjjjjjHHjjH ::::::::::::::::::: jjjjjjjjjjjljjjjjt ..................... ···1··········· ··E·. .::::::::::::::::::::: .................................... 1 , ::::::::::::::::::::: ..................... ljjjHHHHl ..................... ..................... ::::::::::::::::::::: ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... I (16 , ~INES 1 OF 64 CHARACT ~ RS) I ::::::::::::::::::::: :::I:::::::::::::~. ...................................... llllllllllljjlljlllll lljjlljjllllj~ljili" ....................................... ..................................... . ::::::::::::::::E:::::::'::::::::::::~: jjj ..... jH H ... .... H .... ..................................... . 11111111111~ 1111 ~1~1~11~1~11111 ~:~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~1~~~~:~ T HSYNC(PIN 10, US8) JELL H l HlHWHLlHl ::::::::::: :::: : U T~~ .... ~~~~ .... ... ..... m~TIT; fIT~ ITTI Hl ..... lH H ... .... H .... Hl Hl H HH ~! ~i :::::::I·::::::::::::~:: u rm HPOS(PIN 4,UI02) ~n~~~~~~uY~nn~. .y~~~~~~~ ..................................... : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ...................... ...................... :: ~Il.. ..il jl ..1l jl II II.. ~: ~: : ~rrr;~~m; ..ji H lHHiHHlHl. .lHHH ....................................... DlHHH H HHl@lHIlj H lHHiHEEHJj. .DEEHl ....................................... If:HlHll H HlHHjjjjHI lClHt tl HHlHHlHHl :.:::::::::::: :::: :::::::::;::::::::::: ::: ~i ..ji ~~ ~~ 1~ ; li ~i :; ~m;~mt~m~;rrr:~r: VSYNC(PIN 4,U88) SCAN ENABLE { (PIN 8, U47) ACTIVE HDISP (PIN 12, U33) ACTIVE n ~ I ::: ::::: :::: :::: VPOS (PIN 15,U88) ACTIVE ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::i VDISP(PIN 10, U43) SCAN COUNTER(U40) and TEXT COUNTER (U62) All Change On This Clock Edge. DISPLAYABLE PORTION OF SCREEN H~H BLANKED PORTION OF SCREEN PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION The PRE BLANK input provides "window shade" blanking which is analogous to pulling a window shade down from the top of the display. PRE BLANK is generated in one half of J-K flip-flop U43. U43 is reset by the TC output of First Screen position Counter, Ull, and set by VDISP. The output on pin 7 of Ull is generated by the scrolling circuitry (to be discussed later) and defines the character row for which the "window shade" ends. It may begin with any character row from zero through 14. The remaining video blanking function concerns the output on pin 14 of D flip-flop U42. This signal, COMP BLANK, is a composite of HDISP and VDISP. Since there is a two character time delay between Display RAM addressing and the corresponding video output on pin 6 of exclusive OR gate U74, the horizontal and vertical blanking signals must be delayed an equal amount. U42, connected as a two-stage shift register, functions to shift the blanking into synchronization with the video. Since U42 is clocked by LOAD CLOCK (which has a period equal to one character time), COMP BLANK is delayed two character times from the input on pin 4 of U42. COMP BLANK is active low during nondisplayable portions of the video scan to override any video input data on pins 1 and 2 of NOR gate U59. The display is thus blanked. The Display RAM consists of eight lK x 1 bit RAM (random access memory) chips, U14 through U28. All chips are held permanently enabled by connecting their CE (pin 13) inputs to ground. Memory addressing is provided through two-to-one multiplexers (U30, U32 and U12) which select one of two display address sources: 1) an external address on Address Bus bits ADR¢-9 and 2) an internal address supplied by the Subgroup Counter (U31), Group Counter (U33) and the Beginning Address Counter (Ul). The function of the address bits associated with each address source is as follows: 1. External address bits ADR¢-5 specify the character position (one of 64) in the character row. 2. External address bits ADR6-9 specify the character row position (one of 16) on the display screen. 3. Internal address bits, a total of six outputs from U31 and U33, specify the character position (one of 64) in the character row. 4. Internal address bits, the four outputs from Ul, specify the character row position (one of 16) on the display screen. VIII-28 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION Normally the internal display address is multiplexed to the Display RAM. When the CPU or a DMA device requests access (PAGE CC active), the multiplexers switch to the external address lines, ADR¢-9. Seven-bit ASCII-coded data is written into RAM chips U14 through U20 from bits DIO¢-6 of the Bidirectional Data Bus, and the cursor bit (DI07) is written into RAM chip U21. This writing occurs when the write enable (WE) input to the RAM chips is low. This occurs when the Display RAM is addressed (PAGE CC active low) and MWRITE on S-lOO Bus pin 68 is high. The enable is supplied on output pin 8 of NAND gate U44. Data is read out of the Display RAM when pin 8 of U44 is high. Data out of the Display RAM is placed on the Bidirectional Data Bus via tri-state drivers U29 and u89 when PAGE CC and PDBIN (S-lOO Bus pin 78) are active. U29 and u89 are enabled by a low output on pin 11 of another U44 NAND gate. Data out of the Display RAM is also strobed into Data Latches U26 and U27 by LOAD CLOCK. Seven outputs from these latches are used to address the Character Generator ROM, U25. Note that the output from RAM chip U19 is inverted in exclusive OR gate U74 before being applied to the C input (pin 13) of U26" and the complement (pin 14) of the QC output of U26 is used in addressing U25. This is done so that the Data latches will output the space code (¢l¢¢¢¢¢) to the Character Generator ROM when the latches are reset. These latches are reset each time PAGE CC is active by way of U75, a J-K flip-flop connected as a D flip-flop, and D flip-flop U42 (Q output pin 6). By outputting the space code on reset, the Data Latches insure a blank character position on the screen. The Character Generator ROM, U25, has seven character address inputs (Ai through A7), four scan line inputs (RSl through RS4) and seven data outputs (Bl through B7). It is programmed to generate seven bits (dots) of character information for the selected scan line of the character row. U25 also automatically blanks scan lines that are not a part of the character and shifts the g, j, p, q, y, comma and semicolon to the fifth through 13th scan lines in the dot matrix (refer to Figures 8-2 and 8-3 on Page VIII,..24). Complete patterns for the 6574 and 6575 Character Generator ROM's are provided in Figures 8-5 and 8-6 respectively. Note that the address bits A¢ through A6 in Figures 8-4 and 8-5 correspond to the Al through A7 inputs to U25 on the schematic, scan lines R¢ through R8 are specified by the RSl through RS4 inputs to U25 on the schematic, and the data output bits D¢ through D6 correspond to the Bl through B7 outputs from U25 on the schematic. Let's see how the Character Generator ROM produces a charac,... ter using an uppercase "C" and "TII as an example. In this example,,' these two characters are ,to be displayed in the first and second character positions respectively on the third character row of the display screen. Remember that the character position and row parameters are contained in the Display RAM since the' 7-bit ASCII-coded VIII-29 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION .............. • DOODDD .000000 aDOODDD .DOODDD • • • • 000 • • • • 000 .000000 WOOOllOO .000000 ••••••• .000000 • 000000 .000000 .DOODDD .000000 .000000 , . = Shifted character. The character is shifted three rows to R3 at the top of the font and Rl1 at the bottom, Figure 8-5. 6574 Character Generator ROM pattern. "c" and "T" were stored in the RAM in the proper character positions in the third character row. After the first two character rows have been displayed, the Scan Counter (U40) is reset to a binary count of 15 (llll) and the Character and Line Address Multiplexers (U30, U32 and U12) call up the "c" in the Display RAM. The Scan Counter output specifies line 15 in the Character Generator ROM on RSI through RS4. As previously mentioned, this line in the ROM is blank. Thus, the first scan line of the third character row is blank. The 7-bit ASCII code for the "c" (l¢¢¢¢ll) is input from the Display RAM to address the Character Generator ROM by way of the Data Latches (U26 and U27). This address is applied to ROM inputs A7 through Al (A6 through A¢ in Figures 8-5 and 8-6). The Scan Counter changes to a count of zero which specifies scan line R¢ in the Charac-, ter Generator ROM. As shown in Figures 8-5 and 8-6, the ROM in turn outputs a 7-bit word, ¢¢llll¢, on D6 through D~ respectively (B7 through Bl on the schematic). VIII-30 ,,' PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION ~ A6 .. A4 RO 000 AB AD 001 0000 DO DO DO DE; DO DO 06 ..• DO 06. .. 00 1110 DO. • DO 11" 06 .. DO 0 • • • 000 BDOODOD 0 • • 0000 0 • • • 000 aDOODDD 0 • • 0000 ODoaODO ODoaOOD •••0 ••0 000.00. 000.00. aoo.oo. 0000 • • 0 ••• 0 ••• OOODo.a 00000.0 00000.0 0000 • • • • • • CJO[JD .[]Oa[lO[l .0011000 .ooaoo;] • • • OOUG anCJ.CDrl .CJ::;.OO[J • • • OOOD .ClD.oon .0011000 lI[lD.oOO .11110000 IIDO.UoO .00.000 .oa.ooo 11 • • 0 • • 0 DOODeD. ooooa.o 000000. oooa • • o • • • ooon .00.000 .0011000 .00.000 • • • 00.0 0000 • • 0 000.0110 00 • • • 11. 00L:!00.[] .00.000 • • 0.000 . 0 • • 000 1I00.ODo .00.00. 000.0.0 000 • • 00 000.0.0 000.00. 0 • • • 000 lIr:lOoOOO 0 • • 0000 000.::0::::1 • • aooc • 00;].0.0 DODo.ac O::J:JO.OC DOOO.OD • • • • 000 .000000 • • • 0000 .000000 .......0 OOO.DO. 000 • • • 0 000.00. 000 • • • 0 0 • • • 000 .000000 .000000 .000000 0 • • • 000 000.00. 000 • • 011 000.0 • • 000.00. • • • • 000 .DOOODD • • • 0000 .DOOOOD • • • • 000 00.00011 00 • • 0 • • oo.o.oa 00.000. 0 • • • 000 .000000 c; • • 0000 000.000 ••••••0 000.00. 00011 • • 0 OOO.oOD 000 • • • C1 • • • • 000 11000000 • • • 0000 .000000 • • • • 000 0000 • • • 000.000 000.000 0000 • • • • • • • 0CID .000000 • • • 0000 .000000 .000 • • • oOODOoO ooooa.o 000000. oooa • • o 0 • • • 000 11000000 . 0 • • 000 .00.000 0 ••0 ••• oooaOOD OoOO.DO 00000011 000 • • • 0 • • • 0000 .0011000 • • • 0000 .0011000 aODO • • • 000.000 0000 • • 0 000000. 000 • • • 0 ~iiiir... 0000 • • 0 000000. 000 • • • 0 uoe.coo O.OOO.:JU .0.000. O.OQO.O [looOaO[1 oOD.OOO OOIlOOOD 0.000.0 .000.0. 00000.'" 0.11.000 .000.00 11000.00 0.0.000 00.0000 0.0.00. .ooo.ao .000a1lO 0 • • • 0011 000 • • 00 00011.00 000.000 00.0000 DOoOODO 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 UO[JO.oo :::)00.000 00.0000 00.0000 00.0000 00110000 00.0000 OOO.clOO OOoO.OIJ 00.0000 000.000 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 000.000 00.0000 ....... 000.000 000.000 ClOoaooo 0000000 0000000 :JDOOoOO 0000000 0000000 00 • • 000 00 • • 000 00.0000 0.00000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 • • • 11 • • • 0000000 0000000 0000000 OOOOOoCl 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 00 • • 000 00 • • 000 0000000 ooouooa oooooao ooooaoo 000.000 00.0000 0.00000 .000000 OOOOOO[] (JO • • • • O 0.00000 .OOOCOO DOOOOOO • • • • • ao .00000D .::JOOoO. .00000 • 0 •••••0 110000011 00000.0 0000.00 OOO.O:::lD OODOOOO 00.0000 00110000 OO.O!JOO 0 •••••0 DOOOOoa DOODOOa .00OOOa: 0 •••••0 .OOOOOD .00000. .00000. OaDDD.O 0 •••••0 aoooool:l .00ODOIl .0000011 DDOnO.O m::oooao aOo[]CiOO 11000000 11 • • • • 00 OOOOO.D 000000 • 000000 • DOOOO.C ~ • • • aor: oeeooo. oocooo. oco::m.c o • • aaoo OOOC100[J DO 0 lJO rJrJ 0000000 OO • • DO[J OO • • OOLl 0000000 00000[10 00 • • 000 OO.DOOn UO • • OOO [Jo.aooo ODODOOD 0000000 00 • • 000 00 • • 000 UOIIOOOO 0.00000 1]OOlJOOO OOoODOO 000.000 00.0000 0.00000 .OOOCOO 01100000 00.0000 000.000 0000.00 0000000 0000000 0000000 0 •••••0 0000000 o.D • • • O 0000000 0000000 0000000 00.0000 000.000 0000.00 00000.0 OOOoOOQ 00000.0 00001100 00011000 00.0000 00 • • • • 0 0110000. oaOOOOIl ooooooa 0000 • • 0 000.000 oooaooo 0000000 000.000 • • • • • 00 0.000110 oaoODOII oaooooll 011000011 01000011 ODOO:::Jo. G.ooo.o aaaaaoo aoooooo .000000 11000000 .aalloCJo .000000 11000000 aoooooo DD.llllaa UO • • • • O ollooooa .000000 11000000 11000000 1I001la.a IIOOOOOD o.ooooa lJO • • • DO .uooooa .00llOoll .00000. .0000011 a • • aDDIl .00000 • Doooooa 1100000. DOOooO. OD • • • • O 00011000 '-J00.000 00011000 00011000 oooaooo 0001il000 000.000 oall.aao 00 • • • • 0 0000.00 ooooaoo 0000.00 00001180 00001100 00001100 aooo.oo oaaaooo 1100000 • aoooo.o 11000.00 1100.000 110.0000 aaoaooo DOOODOo lIooooao 110000011 aooooo. DaOOo • • aOaO.oD .00.00. .eo.ooa DOOOOOQ 110000011 1100000. aooooo. 110000011 ..000Da lIo.oooa aooaDO. .000aOIl aDoooaa 1I000ooa lIoooooa aD 0000. uO.aDOO oaoooao .0000011 .oooooa .00000. 110000011 r:JOOODOIi oaoooao 001111.00 .00000. • oooooa ollOOODO ooaoaDD 000.000 ooaoaOD oaoooao aOOODO. 1I00oooa aooooo. Doooooa oaooo.o OODOIIOO OOODOoo oooaooo oooaooo oDoaooo oooaooo aaallaDa 000000 • [)OOOODO 00001100 000.000 ooaoooo oaooooo 11000000 DIIDllllaa O.DDDoO 01100000 ODOOOOO 01100000 oaooooo oaooooo oaooooo oaooooo o • • alloo 00 00 00 oooooao 00000011 0000000 Dmil~ OD.DIIOO ooooaoo 0000800 ooooaoo ooooaoo ooooaoo ooooaoo ooooaoo Dalla. 00 00011000 Do.oaoo 011000110 1I00oooa 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 OOOODOO aDllaaaa aoooooo 1:1000000 .000000 DooallOO DooaDOO aoaoooo lIaOIlOOO aoooaoo DOOOODO 00.11000 oooaooo OOODOOO 000.000 oooaooo 00011000 oooaooo oooaooo ooalll:llOO 0000000 0000000 0000000 IIDlloaDO Dooaooa aooaooa aOOIlOOD aOOIiOOIl DooaOOIl 0000000 0000000 0000000 aOllllDOD aDoooao aOOOODO 1:10000110 aooooao 110000110 0000000 0000000 0000000 oallaaoo 1100 DO aD DOODOIIO aoooollo 1:1000000 ODDDaoo oODaaoo 00110000 0000000 ooaoooo oaooooo 00110000 00.0000 00110000 oooalloo lJOllaooo 00001100 OODoaoo 00001100 oooooao ooooaoo OOoODOO OOooDDO OODaooo 011110000 DoOIIOOIl aoooaao 0000000 DOOOoOo 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 011001200 DooIIooa ooaOODO oaOOIlOo 1I00Clooa 00 aDo 110 oaOODOO DooaOOIl ooaooao l;U • • • • u o.u:.mu. D[lO • • O. A' ao.o.u. • 0 •••• 0 aocoCJor:: oaDODO:::; [JO.aaarl AD 11 • • • • • 0 A' OS 000.0.0 000.00. .~'.::J.O. : 06 ... 00 000.000 000.000 .OO.CD(J • • • ocarJ nooe •• o ••• o •• e ;;ClDaaa[J AD .. 00 0000.00 0000.00 LJooaooo 00.11000 olloaooo 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 A' DO 000.000 000.000 oaaaDatJ .00000. DooOO • • DoOO.O. .00.00. • 0.000. • • OOOOD DOOODoa oaa • • arl : DO 0000.00 0000.00 U.OO.OO 0.001100 [J.oo.oo OOCODOO DOoOOOO OOOOODO oootJoOO [Joonooo 0000000 A' 06 .. 000000. 000 • • • 0 OOO.OOD 00011000 0008000 000.000 0001100[1 0000000 0000000 00011000 000.000 AD 06. .. DO 000.000 000 • • • • ODC1f10oC) 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 DOOOOOC 000000[, OOOUCHILl 101 DO 1101 ooo.o.e 000.00. AD 100 DO. 1100 noo.o • • DODO • • • 0:J:J8:::.r] llfJOrm.n flO[Ju.a. AO DO 1011 0000.00 0000.00 DOD • • • • A' DO 1010 000.0.0 OO.2rJO. OOCIIOOll 011 DO 1001 000.0.0 OO.ODC. A' AD DO. 1000 011' 00.[100. DO.OoO. 000.00. o 0::::: DCJ.O u(lDO.DO DOw • • • • A' DO 0110 00.000. 000 • • • [1 • • • OOOD 010 DO. 0101 aooo.O(J U • • • COO ~; • • • OtJrl • • • • C,~C • • • • 000 • • • • 000 O • • llOUO ••• oeoo • • • 0000 aooaOOD aoooooo aoooaoo • • • • 000 0 • • • 000 .[mCC~lC .~=~[jo[Jn .n~.Jr;["J:lD aDOOODD aoooooo aDo aD DO aooaODD aooaooo aODaOOD aOOODDO aOOoaoo aOOODOD aDOOODD aOOODOO aODo.ao • • • 0000 aoooooo aoaoaoo rJ • • m,oo u •• tlCCO • • • 0eDO • • • 0000 • • • 0eOD • • • • OClO • • • 0000 ••• 0000 • • • • 000 • aoo •• oo DooaaOD O::J::Ja:::lOU 8uooeoo aoooooO .ODCODO aooaooo aOO_ODO aDOUODO aooaOOD • • • 000 Qaoam:m aoooooo BOOODOo aoaoaoa • • • 000 • • • • 000. •••• co • • • • • 000 • • • 0 • • 0 .00.00 • • • • 0000 • • • 0 • • • aoo.ooo DOD • • • • ooaoooo • 00 • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 ao.ooo. 00.000. Or:::.O.[1 rJ:Jo.o.o 00 • • • • • DOC.OO. ooa.o.o 000.000 oooaooo 00 • • • • • 000.000 00 • • • • • 000.000 000.00. 0000.00 000 • • • 0 0000.00 000 • • • 0 000 • • • 0 rJO.Ooo. 00 • • • • • DrJon.uc (]Ooo.on oooo.on 000.00. 000 • • 00 000.000 0000 • • 0 OOO.OUO 111 DO. 0100 0011 • • 00aOll DOo.oOO 110 0010 0001 • oaooo. 110000011 .OOOOOD aD.aa.o IIODOOOD 1I00oooe 1I0DOODO aooooon ....... ....... [JO.O.OO 00110.00 00110.00 00.0.00 00.0.00 oo.n.oo [JOIIO.OO o ••••• n 1I • • • a • • ,J • • • a.o DOOOOO. ::)00000. [JDOOoo. DOII.a.o 000000. 000000. • oonoo. [J • • • • • O UOII • • OO 0.000.0 • 00000. •••••• 0 C.OOllO. 0.0000 • 0.0000. oaDIIDDf] [l.rJOOO • 0.0000. o.OoCOIl a • • • • • Cl IJO • • • • O 0.0000. aoooooo .[]OGoOo 11000000 • 000000 11000000 0.0000. OOllllllao IID • • • • O ulI.a.ao 1100000. ....... DOOOOOD DOOOOO. 1100000. 1100000. aooooOD IJo • • aoo o.oooao aODOOOIl 1I0\J0~oa aoooooa tloc.ooa aooa.a. oaooollo ooa • • oa .r1~[J[J[J1I DD2C1C08 OC[JC1:Jau oc • • • orl O.L::10oQ aOOO:JGrJ .[JO:JD(J~.:: iJllllllaOO lJOOoO.[J LJaa.aao aoooollo 1I0ormao ODIIIIIIoa 1I00000D aOOClo[JO 0000000 DODaaOCl DaOOODD lIooooao 1I00O[laC IIII0ooao aoaaDOr. aoaa.oo IIlIoooao 110000.0 1I0000ao aaooollo .oaalloo 11000000 11000000 DOOOoOO LlDaaoao 1I000aao DOOOODO aOOOODO aOOOllllD oaaao.o oooooao oooooao oooooao OOOOo[]CJ oOO[JO(Jo 0000000 aODDaoo alloooao alDoo:Joo IIOOOOCID 11000000 aooooor. OOODCO~ .lE]CCOIl II:)OOOD. D •••••• 1IIIili aDo 000 ODD DO DO 000 ::Joeaooo cooaoo:] 110[1000. .00iJOo • aO:J200a aoooooa .oolloca aOLlIIOOII lIoaOlloa aaceoa. a O::JDO 011 uoaooon 0000000 lJOOOOoO Olillaaoo 1I00ooao 11000000 DODOOOO IIOOOODO oaaaDOO 00000110 00000110 oaoooao OllallOIlO Doooa.o 110000.0 110000110 DOOD • • O OllaDoao uoooooo 0000000 0000000 oaaaaoo aOODODO lIa.Daao aoooooo 11000000 oaaalloo oooa.o[1 OoDoO.O ooaoooo 00110000 all.a.oo ooaoooo 00 aDo 00 00.0000 ooaoooo O • • IIODC) 1I0oo.ac aoooollo aODoaao oaallollo OOODOIICl OO::JDOIIO 110000110 oa.IIDon 11000000 aoooooo 11000000 aOllgllOO DIIOOODO 00000110 oooooao aooooao aooooao "111111 OODaaoo 0000 • • 0 00000110 oooooao OOODoao OOODoae oooooao OOoOODO oaooollo ooaliaOD LJOOOUOO 0000000 ODOOOOO oaaaaoo aooooao OD.oOOO ooooaOD aooooao IJDaaaOrJ DOOOClOO iJDDOOOO OoODOoO 0000000 aoooolio aooooao aoooollO aonooao 1:I000a.c oaaarJllo 0000000 0000000 0000000 aOOOOOD dOOOoO. .0Doooa oDDDOIlO 001101100 OOODoOO 0000000 0000000 0000000 00000011 aoo.ooll aoollooa aOOIiOOD DOOIIooa 0.110 • • 0 0000000 0000000 0000000 1:I00ooao oaoo.oo ooaDOOO ooaaooo oaOOl:loo aOOOoDO DODooao DOoOOElO aooooao 1I0000ao aoooaao ODIIDOIIO 00000110 aOOooDO OBllllaoo OOODOOO 0000000 0000000 IIDuaaao 0000.00 oooaooo ooaoooo oaooooo lIaDDaao .0 oD 00 00 aD 011 l]{JUOCOD ::JOoCOOO ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 'illl! l~:":OlJ.w 'JOUU • • O :J:-"J[Jmc.o L::DIIC:J.O 01l::1DL.-:.0 .OCL:::J.O 0000000 000.000 000.000 000.000 1I0aouoD DOOoOOD DOOOOoD aOOOOOD lIoooooa DOO:lDoa aOODooa 1I00oooa ollll.aao .0000011 DOODooa 1I0COOOti a • • • • ao aoo.ooo a.ooo.oo mOOOODO .00000. OCJ • • OO[l 00 • • 000 00:J0000 OOOODOO oouoooo 0000000 oOOC:JOOO OOOOOOC 0000000 0 •••••• .00aCOD aOO.DlJO 0 ••••• 0 noollooa OOO.COIi •••••• 0 (Joo.con 000.000 "ii!m I~!~Ir OOa~OO[l oODOoOO aaaDDOO ooaoooo o[]aOODO ooaoooo ooaODllo DOOllaoO aOCODoa oaceoao UDOCJcao cODOBOC o~acaoo 00 00 00 00 DO DO DO 00 00 00 00 00 IIII! aD DO DOD DOD DOD DOD DO 00 0111111 00 0000000 DO DO DO DOD , . ". Shifted character. The character is shifted three rows to R3 at the top of the font and R 11 at the bottom. Figure 8-6. 6575 Character Generator ROM pattern. For the second character position the Character and Line Address Multiplexers call up the "T" in the Display RAM. The resulting ASCII code for a "T" ( ultimately appears on the address inputs to the Character Generator ROM. Since the Scan Counter is still at a count of zero, the ROM outputs 1111111. This process continues for the balance of the displayable portion of the video scan line. At the end of the horizontal scan line, the Scan Counter changes to a binary count of .0.0.01 which specifies scan line Rl in the Character Generator ROM. The "c" and "T" are again called up from the Display RAM for the first and second character position respectively. The ROM consequently outputs . and then . This sequence continues through scan line R8 when the Scan Counter is at a count of 8 ( to produce the "c" and "T". As discussed earlier, the Scan Counter cycles through 13 counts or scan lines. For the "c" and "T" in our example, the Scan Counter has counted ten lines (15, .0, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8). The remaining three scan lines are not used in forming the "c" or "T", so on counts 9, 10 and 11 of the Scan Counter the Character VIII-31 , PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol THEORY OF OPERATION SECTION VIII Generator ROM automatically outputs all zeros for these two character positions. After the last scan line in the third character row, the Scan Counter is reset to a count of 15 to start the fourth character row. The Character Generator ROM output is converted from parallel to serial form in an 8-bit shift register (U41) that is clocked by the rising edges of DOT CLOCK. Shift and load control is provided by LOAD CLOCK. Parallel input bit PH (pin 14) and serial input (pin 1) are connected to ground to generate the two horizont"al spacer dots between characters. Following the first seven data bits, the eighth DOT CLOCK shifts a zero from the grounded serial input into QH to supply the first spacer dot. The ninth DOT CLOCK, which arrives when LOAD CLOCK is low, loads the next parallel dot pattern. QH, however, remains low during the next DOT CLOCK period since PH is at ground, thus supplying the second spacer dot. LOAD CLOCK then goes high and the sequence repeats. A blink oscillator (two inverter sections in U88), a latch (one section in U42) and their associated components comprise the cursor circuit. The blink oscillator runs continuously at a rate set by R84 and C36. Its output has a nominal 0.5 sec period. If the blink option is selected with Sl-5, the blink signal is applied to one input of a gate in U60. The other input to this gate is provided by the blink latch, one section in U41. If the cursor bit QA out of Data Latch U26 is high, D flip-flop U42 sets for the time the ROM is active on the character and remains set during the period when video data is shifted out of U41. The output of U42 is gated high through NAND gate U60 when BLINK (pin 6 of U88) is low. BLINK is held low when the blink option is not selected. The output of U60 is in turn gated with the video output of U4l in U74, an exclusive OR gate. U74 thus inverts the video if the output of U60 is high, and no inversion takes place if the output of U60 is low. The video signal including the cursor, is gated to pin 9 of another U74 exclusive OR gate in the absence of any blanking signals at the other two inputs to NOR gate U59. If Sl-4 is open, U74 inverts the video signal to produce a reverse (black on white) display. Raw video on pin 8 of u74 is supplied to pin 15 of J4. Video out on pin 6 of inverter U87 is combined with COMP SYNC on pin 8 of another U87 inverter in a resistive mixer, R80-R82, to meet EIA composite video signal standards, and coupled to PI for use by a video monitor. This mixer has a 6l-ohm output impedance. Both Beginning Address Counter Ul and First Screen Position Counter Ull are enabled to advance their counts when pin 9 of J-K flipflop U75 is low, which it is for about 600 nsec following OVERFLOW LINE; that is, after the Scan Counter (U40) is loaded. This, of course, ~ccurs at the end of every scan line in the character row. The scroll circuit consists of Ul, Ull, Scroll Control Latch U2 and Screen Position Control Latch U13 and their associated circuitry. Jl and Ull are up and down counters respectively that are pre~EV A VIII-32 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION set to the outputs of latches U2 and 13. U2 latches the starting row address from DIO~-3 and U13 latches the data on DI04-7, with PORT OUT FE being the strobe. D~ta on DI04-7 specifies where the first line will be displayed. Thus, the number loaded into Ul is the address of the first displayable scan line, and the number loaded into Ull defines the character row (~ through 15). Ull is preset by VDISP from pin 9 of J-K flip-flop U43. This means Ull is forced to its preset condition from the end of the displayed text to the top of the next character row. During this time, pin 6 of another U43 J-K flip-flop is set high to preset Ul. If Ull is preset to ~, its TC output on pin 7 is low and pin 6 of U43 is reset to a low. This allows Ul to count with each horizontal scan line. If Ull is preset to any number other than ~, pin 6 of U43 cannot be reset low until Ull reaches zero. Assume Ull is preset to two. It must count down two character rows before Ul starts counting. During this time, pin 7 of U43 (PRE BLANK) is low, and as previously discussed, the display is blanked. We can now see that the PRE BLANK time, often called IIwindow shade II , is variable with the number loaded into Ull. Therefore, scrolling is performed by changing the numbers in U2 and U13 without the need to reposition the text within the Display RAM. The remaining circuit in the Display section consists of transistor Q2, one section of U87, 89 and 102. U88 and UI02 are connected as a one-shot 250 msec timer that is triggered when PORT OUT FE goes active (pin 1 of inverter U87 goes high). Thus, when data is loaded into U2 and U13, this timer starts. Tri-state driver U89, which is enabled by PORT IN FE, transmits the state of this timer to DIO~ on the Bidirectional Data Bus. The CPU can consequently test the timer status by looking for a high on DIO~. This timing allows a 250 msec scroll rate without the need for complex timing routines in the CPu. Q2, RI02 and C37 serve to speed up timer reset. 8.5.5 Audio Tape I/O Refer to Audio Tape I/O Schematic in Section X, Page X-lB. Timing for the Audio Tape I/O is derived from the 1200, 2400, 4800, 19,200 and 38,400 Hz signals received from the Baud Rate Generator in the Input/Output section of Sol. The first two are used by the write data synchronizer (UIOO) and the digital-to-audio converter (UIOl). The remaining a quad multiplexer or used to select clocks to the select inputs, select inputs must be REV A three signals are fed to two sections of Ulll, select gate. All four sections of Ulll are for low speed or high speed operation according pins 9 (A) and 14 (B). The states of these two complementary to each other in order to select VIII-33 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION the high or low speed clocks. Specifically, A must be high and Blow to select high speed clocks; the converse condition selects low speed clocks. The select inputs are supplied by TAPE HI SPEED and TAPE HI SPEED. The output of the second section on pin 11 of ulll is BYTE WRITE CLOCK, 4800 Hz on low speed and 19.2 KHz o~ high speed. The third section outputs a 19.2 KQz (high speed) or 38.4 KHz (low speed) timing signal to input pin 10 of binary up counter (Ul12). RECOVER CLOCK is produced by a phase locked loop (UIIO), another Ul12 binary up counter and the first and fourth sections of Ulll. The signal input (pin 14) to UIIO is supplied from output pin 1 of D flip-flop Ul13. It is a constant frequency, regardless of whether one. or two transitions are detected in the read data during the count out time (12 counts) of the Ul12 counter with outputs on pins 13 and 14. A phase comparator in ullO compares the signal input to the output of a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) in UIIO (pin 4). By feeding the VCO output through a counter (the other half of Ul12) before feeding the counter output back to the compare input (pin 3) of UIIO, the circuit acts as a frequency m~ltiplier. The output of this circuit remains locked, therefore, to a multiple of the signal input on pin 14 of UIIO. The output of UIIO is nominally 19.2 KHz. The actual output is determined by the signal input which in turn is a function of tape speed. In other words, the phase lock loop circuit tracks input frequency variations. And it will track such variations within its locking range which is determined by the setting of variable resistor VR3 (connected to pin 12 of UIIO). For high speed, the divide-by-four output of Ul12 (pin 4) is selected as RECOVER CLOCK. For low speed, the VCO output of UIIO is selected for RECOVER CLOCK. This clock serves as read clock for the CDI UART, U69. CDI control involves PORT IN FA, PORT IN FB, PORT OUT FB, TAPE CONTROL 1 and 2, poe (power on clear), TAPE HIGH SPEED and TAPE HI SPEED. The last two were previously explained in the discussion of Ulll. PORT IN FA strobes the CDI UART status (DR, TBRE, OE and FE~-refer to Page VIII-22 for definitions) to the Internal Data Bus, INT3-7. PORT-rN FB strobes received data on pins 5-12 of U69 to the Internal Data Bus, INT¢-7. PORT OUT FB loads data from the Bidirectional Data Bus (DIO¢-7) into U69. poe simply resets U69 whenever power is applied to the Sol. TAPE CONTROL 1 a~d 2 are used to turn one or two recorder motors on and off. An active low TAPE CON'rROL 1 energizes K1 to close its contacts and turn recorder #1 oni a high de-energizes Kl to turn the recorder off. TAPE CONTROL 2 does the same thing with K2 to control another recorder. Diodes D13 and 14, which shunt Kl and K2 VIII-34 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol THEORY OF OPERATION SECTION VIII respectively, prevent damage to the logic circuitry in the Input/ Output section due to inductive kickback. R155 and,156 are current limiters that keep the relay contacts from "welding" together. When the CDI is in the write mode, data is input to the UART (U69) under control of PORT OUT FB. Upon completion of this strobe, the transmit sequence is initiated within the UART, with the transmission rate being governed by BYTE WRITE CLOCK. The transmission sequence begins with a start bit, a low (data zero) on the UART's TO output. It is followed by eight data bits and two stop bits (high on the UART's TO output), with the number of bits being fixed by the connections to pins 34 through 39 of U69. The data from U69 is applied to the D input of D flip-flop UIOO which is clocked at 1200 Hz. Consequently, the output on pin 1 of UIOO follows the input data on pin 5 after the rising edge of the 1200 Hz clock. This output is connected to the reset (pin 4) of UIOl, so when the data out of the UART is high, the first section in UIOI is forced to a reset condition. In this condition the J and K inputs to the second stage of UIOI are held high which allows the flip-flop to change state on the rising edge of the clock. The clock for UIOI (OUTPUT CLOCK) is 2400 Hz in the high speed mode or 4800 Hz in the low speed mode. This clock is derived from 2400 Hz in conjunction with the lo~ speed select signal in NAND gate U98 and exclusive-OR gate U99. In the high speed mode, pins 12 and 13 of U98 are held low, thus holding pin 10 of U98 high. As a result the 2400 Hz signal is inverted in U99 to become the clock for UIOI. Pins 12 and 13 of U98 are held high, however, in the low speed mode to enable U98. In this case Rl17 and C47 provide a delay in the U98 gate. When the 2400 Hz signal on pin 2 of U99 changes state, so does pin 3 of U99. Also, C47 charges through Rl17 for several usec, at which point pin 10 of U98 is brought to the opposite polarity. The output from U99 then goes high. A series of positive pulses, with a pulse width approximately equal to the Rl17, C47 time constant (10 usec) and occuring at every transition of the 2400 Hz signal, appears on pin 3 of U99. This circuit thus operates as a frequency doubler in the low speed mode to provide a 4800Hz clock for UIOI. The 2400 Hz signal from '.vhich the UIOI clocks are derived also produces the 1200 Hz clock signal for UIOO. As a result the 1200 Hz signal changes state following a propagation delay after the 2400 Hz signal falls. VIII-35 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION As previously stated, the second stage of UIOI is allowed to change state on the positive going transitions of the OUTPUT CLOCK as long as the data out of the synchronizer is a 111". The end result is an output on pin 14 of UIOI that is one-half the clock frequency (1200 Hz and 2400 Hz in the high and low speed modes respectively). Assume the data stream out of the UART goes low (II ¢II ) • On the next rising edge of the 1200 Hz signal, UIOO will reset with Q low and Q high. A low reset on pin 4 of U10l enables the first UIOl stage to toggle on the next rising edge of the OUTPUT CLOCK which occurs 1/2400 second after the synchronizer output falls. Remember that OUTPUT CLOCK moves from a low to a high shortly before the 1200 Hz signal did. The reset on pin 4 of U10l is thus removed slightly after the OUTPUT CLOCK occurred. with the J and K inputs to the first UIOl stage high, its output will change state on each succeeding low to high transition of OUTPUT CLOCK. The second U10l stage in turn can only toggle on the positive going transition of OUTPUT CLOCK when its J and K inputs are high. Since the inputs are high at onehalf the clock rate, by virtue of the first U10l stage, the second UIOI stage toggles at one-fourth the OUTPUT CLOCK rate. The two sections of UIOl, therefore, operate as a frequency divider, dividing the OUTPUT CLOCK by two when the write data is a 11111 and by four when the data is a II ¢II.. Thus, in the low speed mode, four cycles of the 1200 Hz represent a "¢II and eight cycles of 2400 Hz represent a 11111. In the high speed mode, one cycle of 1200 Hz represents a 11111 and one-half cycle of 600 represents a II¢II. The output on pin 14 of UIOI is applied to one section in UI09 which provides sufficient current drive for the divider network. This divider and a jumper arrangement allqw selecting one of three outputs to be fed to the audio output jack J6. The I-to-J jumper selects a 500 mv signal for the auxiliary input to an audio recorder~ the I-to-H jumper selects a 50 mv signal for the microphone input to an audio recorder. When the CDI is in the read mode, data from the recorders enters on J7. This input is fed to the negative input (pin 6) of operational amplifier UI08. The first section of U108 is a high gain amplifier, with its gain (approximately 100) being determined by R142 and R143. The output from this amplifier is coupled to input pi.n 2 of the following U108 stage and the base of a Darlington pair (Q4 and Q5) which provides high current gain. Current into the base of transistor Q5 causes C67 to discharge. (C67 charges through R39 to 5 V dc.) The voltage on C67 in turn controls the gate of field effect transistor (FET) Q3. Q3 functions as a variable resistor which can be changed by its gate voltage. Since Q3 is connected between ground and the input network to the VIII-36 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION first UI08 stage, it serves as a variable shunt. A low gate voltage on Q3 decreases the shunt resistance and the input to UI08. In a like manner, a high voltage on C67 results in an increased input to UI08. Q3, Q4 and Q5 with their associated circuitry, therefore, serve as an automatic gain control (AGC) circuit which limits the input to the second UI08 stage to approximately a positive 2 volt peak signal. The second stage of UI08 is a comparator with hysteresis that performs the needed audio to digital conversion. Feedback resistor R147, in conjunction with R145, establishes the level on the positive input (pin 3) of UI08. This level, be it positive or negative, is the threshold voltage, ±50 mv, which the negative input (pin 2) must exceed in order for the output of UI08 to switch levels, positive to negative and the converse. Since the feedback loop is regenerative, UI08 switches at its maximum rate, and UI08 switches on each transition of the audio signal input. It is in this manner that UI08 performs the audio to digital conversion. The digital output of UI08 is inverted in one section of inverter UI09 and applied to pin 9 of exclusive OR gate U99 which is connected as a buffer without inversion. If the output of UI09 is low, the output on pin 10 of U99 is also low and the output on pin 4 of another U99 exclusive OR gate is high. The voltage across C49 under this condition is minimal. When the output of UI09 goes high, C49 starts to charge through Rl18 until pin 9 of U99 crosses the threshold of that gate. At this point pin 10 of U99 goes high, and since the two inputs to the second exclusive~OR gate are both high, pin 4 of U99 goes low. C49 now discharges because pins 9 and 10 of U99 are at the same level SO that the circuit can repeat the operation on the next high to low transition at pin 4 of UI09. Rl18, C49 and U99 consequently serve as a transition detector that produces a pulse less than one microsecond long for each transition of the output on pin 4 of UI09, regardless of the' polarity of the tran,sition. Transition pulses from U99 clock both D flip-flops in Ul13. A transition pulse clocks the top Ul13 at pin 3 which sets Q (pin 1) high and Q (pin 2) low to enable·up binary counter Ul12 on pin 15. Pin 1 is applied to the D input (pin 9) of the lower Ul13 and the circuit remains in this state until one of two things occurs: 1) a second transition pulse arrives before Ul12 reaches count 12 or 2) Ul12 reaches count 12. If a second transition pulse arrives before count 12, the bottom Ul13 stage is set and presents a "1" to the D input (pin 9) of flip-flop UIOO. This is clocked by the Q output on pin 2 of Ul13 as a low to pin 12 of UIOO. If a transit'ion pulse does not arrive before count 12, the bottom Ul13 stage outputs a n¢" to input pin 9 of UI00. On count 12, the C and Doutputs of Ul12 go high to reset Ul13 by way of U98 at pin 4. As a result the UIOO clock goes high, as does pin 12 of VIII-37 PROCESSOR TECI-mOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol TlffiORY OF OPERATION UI00. The output on pin 12 of UIOO is inverted by Ul09 and applied to the receive input (pin 20) of the UART. The Q output on pin 1 of Ul13, which occurs at the actual bit rate of the incoming data, is also used by the receive clock circuitry to reconstruct the receive clock from the data signal. Received data undergoes serial-to-parallel conversion in the UART and is placed on the ROl-8 data outputs of the UART when ROD (pin 4 of the UART) is Imv (PORT IN FB active) and onto INT¢-7. Four status outputs from the UART can also be enabled when SFD (pin 16) is low. These four bits are FE (framing grror), OE (overrun~rror), DR (data ready) and TBRE (transmitter buffer register empty). 8.6 KE'YBOARD 8.6.1 Block Diagram Analysis A simplified block diagram of the keyboard is provided on Page X-2l in Section X. The Clock Oscillator produces the basic timing signals for the keyboard, and they are distributed as indicated. At the heart of the keyboard is a Key Svlitch Capacitive Matrix \"hich can be vie\·ved as a 16 x 16 X-Y matrix, with X being the column and Y the row. Conceptually, a key depression increases the capacitance between the X and Y coordinates that uniquely define that key. The Column Scanner supplies a pulse train to the X lines in the matrix, with only one line being pulsed at any given point in time. When a key is depressed to increase the capacitance between the Column Scanner output and a Row Scanner input, the X-Y coordinates for that key are detected to provide an input to the Sense Circuit. The Sense Circuit in turn generates an input to the Sequence Detector \vhen a key closure occurs. This detector basically detects key closures and count cycles of the Row Scanner to discriminate against false key signals and insure that valid closures are serviced in order. In the absence of key closures, the Sequence Detector feeds PKD to the Sense Circuit to increase its threshold. This action serves to increase the circuit's noise immunity. On valid key closures, the PKD input is such as to decrease the Sense Circuit's threshold. When valid key closures exist, the Sequence Detector strobes data into the Output Latch. The low order four bits to this latch are supplied by the Row Scanner~ the high order four bits are REV A VIII-38 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION SECTION VIII Sol THEORY OF OPERATION supplied by the Encoding ROM, with the data being determined by inputs from the Column Scanner and Function Latch Decoder. This strobe (Data Out) also enables the Strobe Generator to outputs~T~R~O~B~E~, a 6 usec pulse that signals the Sol CPU that the Keyboard is ready to send data. Eight bits of keyboard data (I LAG 0191 ORA A JNZ ESCS IF NON ZERO GO PROCESS THE "REST OF" THF. SEOUF:NCE 0192 0193 • 0194 • A,B SAVE IN B... STRIP PARITY BEFORE SCREEN! 0195 CHPCK MOV ANI CLR PARITY TO LOCATE IN TBL 0196 7FH HOV B,A KEEP IT WIOUT PARITY IN R TOO 0197 JZ GOBK DO A QUICK EXIT IF A NULL 0198 LXI H, TBL POINT TO SPECIAL CHARACTER TARLE 0199 CALL 0200 TSRCH GO PROCESS 0201 • 0202 GOBACK CALL VDADD "GET SCREEN ADDRESS 0203 MOV A,M "GET PRESENT CURSOR CHARACTER 0204 ORI 80H MOV M,A CURSOR IS BACK ON 0205 0206 LHLD SPEED-l GET DELAY SPEED INR L MAKE "SURE IT IS NON-ZERO 0207 XRA A DELAY WILL END WHEN H=O 0208 0209 TIMER DCX H TIMER DELAYS HE~E CMP 0210 H DONE WITH DELAY YET •• SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C079 C07C C07D C07E C07F C2 77 co Cl 01 El C9 COBO 23 COBl 23 COB2 COB3 C084 C087 COBB C089 c08C C08D C090 C091 7E B7 CA B8 23 C2 E5 CD E3 C3 94 co 80 CO 36 Cl 27 C2 C094 78 C095 FE 7F C097 C8 C098 C098 CD lC Cl C09B 70 C09C C09F COAl COA4 COA7 COA9 3A FE DA 3A FE C2 08 3F Cl 09 OF Cl C8 COAC COAD COBO COBl COB4 AF 32 OB C8 4F CD 23 Cl AF CO CB CO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 0211 JNZ TIMER KEEP DELAYING POP 0212 GOBK B 0213 POP D RESTORE REGISTERS 0214 POP H 0215 RET EXIT FROM VDMOT 0216 • 0217 NEXT INX H H 0218 INX 0219 • 0220 • 0221· THIS ROUTINE SEARCHES THROUGH A SINGLE CHARACTER 0222 • TABLE FOR A MATCH TO THE CHARACTER IN "B". IF FOUND 0223 • A DISPATCH IS MADE TO THE ADDRESS FOLLOWING THE MATCHED 0224 • CHARACTER. IF NOT FOUND THE CHARACTER IS DISPLAYED ON 0225 • THE MONITOP.. 0226 • 0227 TSRCH MOV A,M GET CHR FROM TABLE 0228 ORA A 0229 JZ CHAR ZERO IS THE LAST 0230 CMP B TEST THE CHR 0231 INX POINT FORWARD H 0232 JNZ NEXT FOUND ONE ... SAVE ADDRESS 0233 PUSH H 0234 CALL CREM REMOVE CURSOR 0235 XTHL GET DISPATCH ADDRESS TO HL 0236 JMP DISPT DISPATCH NOW 0237 • PUT CHARACTER TO SCREEN 0238 • 0239 • 0240 CHAR MOV A,B GET CHARACTER 0241 CPI 7FH IS IT A DEL? 0242 RZ GO BACK IF SO 0243 • 0244 • 0245 • 0246 OCHAR EQU $ ACTUALLY PUT CHAR TO SCREEN NOW 0247 CALL VDADD GET SCREEN ADDRESS 0248 MOV M,B PUT CHR ON SCREEN 0249 • 0250 LDA NCHAR GET CHARACTER POSITION CPI 0251 END OF LINE? 63 JC 0252 OK LOA LINE 0253 0254 CPI END OF SCREEN? 15 JNZ 0255 OK 0256 • 0257· END OF SCREEN •.. ROLL UP ONE LINE 0258 • 0259 SCROLL XRA A 0260 STA NCHAR BACK TO FIRST CHAR POSITION 0261 SROL !!OV C,A 0262 CALL VDAD CALCULATE LINE TO BE BLANKED 0263 XRA A •• SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 COB5 COBB COBB COBC COBE CD 3A 3C E6 C3 COCl coc4 COC5 COC7 COCA 3A 08 3C E6 3F 32 08 CO COCB 3A 09 3C E6 OF 32 09 C9 COCB COCE COCF CODl COD4 FA CO OA C8 OF EE CO C8 C8 C8 C8 COD5 21 OO·CC CODB 36 AO CODA 23 CODB CODB 36 20 CODD 23 CODE 7C CODF FE DO COEl DA DB CO COE4 37 COES COE7 COEA COED 3E 00 32 09 C8 32 oB C8 DO COEE 03 FE COFO 32 OA C8 COF3 C9 COF4 COn COFA COFC COFD COFF Cl00 Cl0l CD 3A FE DO 36 23 3C C3 lC Cl 08 c8 40 20 FA CO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P. O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 .. PAGE 3 0264 CALL CLINl CLEAR IT 0265 LOA BOT 0266 INR A 0267 ANI OFH 0268 JMP ERAS3 0269 • 0270· INCREMENT LINE COUNTER IF NECESSARY 0271 • 0272 OK LOA NCHAR GET CHR POSITION 0273 INR A 0274 ANI MOD 64 AND WRAP 3FH 0275 STA NCHAR 0276 RNZ DIDN'T HIT END OF LINE, OK 0277 PDOWN EQU CURSOR DOWN ONE LINE HERE $ 0278 LOA LINE GET THE LINE COUNT INR 0279 A 0280 CURSC ANI OFH MOD 15 INCREMENT 0281 CUR STA LINE STORE THE NEW 0282 RET 0283 • ERASE SCREEN 0284 • 0285 • 0286 PERSE LXI H,VDMEM POINT TO SCREEN 0287 MVI M,80H+' THIS IS THE CURSOR 0288 • 0289 INX H BUMP 1ST 0290 ERASl EQU $ LOOPS HERE TO ERASE SCREEN 0291 MVI M, BLANK IT OUT 0292 INX H NEXT MOV 0293 A,H SEE IF END OF SCREEN YET 0294 CPI ODOH ? 0295 JC ERASl NO--KEEP BLANKING 0296 STC CARRY WILL SAY COMPLETE ERASE 0297 • 0298 PHOME MVI A,O RESET CURSOR--CARRY=ERASE, ELSE HOME 0299 STA LINE ZERO LINE 0300 STA NCHAR LEFT SIDE OF SCREEN 0301 RNC IF NO CARRY, WE ARE DONE WITH HOME 0302 • DSTAT RESET SCROLL PARAMETERS 0303 ERAS3 OUT 0304 STA BOT BEGINNING OF TEXT OFFSET 0305 RET 0306 • 0307 • VDADD GET CURRENT SCREEN ADDRESS 0308 CLINE CALL 0309 LOA NCHAR CURRENT CURSOR POSITION 64 0310 CLINl CPI NO MORE THAN 63 0311 RNC ALL DONE M, ' 0312 MVI ALL SPACED OUT INX H 0313 0314 INR A JMP CLINl LOOP TO END OF LINE 0315 0316 • •• SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) T977 CT04 3A 09 C8 CT07 3D CT08 C3 CF co CTOB 3A 08 C8 CTOE 3D CTOF CTOF E6 3F CTTT 32 08 C8 CTT4 C9 CTT5 3A 08 C8 cn8 3C CTT9 C3 OF CT CTTC CTTF CT20 CT23 CT24 CT27 CT28 CT29 C12A C12B CT2D C12F C130 C131 C133 3A 08 C8 ~F 3A 6F 3A 85 OF OF 6F E6 C6 67 7D E6 8T C 134 6F C135 C9 09 C8 OA C8 03 CC co C136 CD lC Cl CT39 7E C13A E6 7F PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM .. .. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94~02 0317 • 0318 • ROUTINE TO MOVE THE CURSOR UP ONE LtNE 0319 • LINE GET LINE COUNT 0320 PUP LDA DCR A 0321 JMP CURSC MERGE TO HANDLE CURSOR 0322 0323 • 0324. MOVE CURSOR LEFT ONE POSITION 0325 • NCHAR 0326 PLEFT LDA DCR A 0327 EQU CURSOR ON SAME LINE $ 0328 PCUR LET CURSOR WRAP ANI 0329 3FH NCHAR UPDATED CURSOR STA 0330 RET 0331 0332 • CURSOR RIGHT ONE POSITION 0333 • 0334 • NCHAR LDA 0335 PRIT INR A 0336 JMP PCUR 0337 0338 • 0339. ROUTINE TO CALCULATE SCREEN ADDRESS 0340 • ENTRY AT: RETURNS: 0341 0342 VDADD CURRENT SCREEN ADDRESS 0343 • ADDRESS OF CURRENT LINE, CHAR 'C' VDAD2 0344 • LINE 'A', CHARACTER POSITION 'C' VDAD 0345 • 0346 • NCHAR GET CHARACTER POSITION 0347 VDADD LDA 'C' KEEPS IT MOV C,A 0348 0349 VDAD2 LDA LINE LINE POSITION MOV L,A INTO 'L' 0350 VDAD LDA BOT GET TEXT OFFSET 0351 ADD IT TO THE LINE POSITION ADD L 0352 TIMES TWO RRC 0353 RRC MAKES FOUR 0354 MOV L,A L HAS IT 0355 MOD THREE FOR LATER ANI 0356 3 ADI RETURN A'BSOLUTE SCREEN ADDRESS 0443 • MOV 0444 ARE'!", B,H C,L' 0445 MOV PRESENT SCREEN ADDRESS TO" BC i'OR RETURN 0446 • 0447 ARETI POP H RETURN ADDRESS 0448 POP o OLD B 0449 PUSH B 0450 PUSH H 0451 'XRA A 0452 ARET2 STA ESCf'L 0453 RET 0454 • 0455 • RETURN PRESENT SCREEN PARAMETERS IN BC 0456 • 0457 • H,NCHAR 0458 CURET LXI 0459 MOV B,M CHARACTER POSITION H " 0460 INX 0461 C, M' 'LINE' POSITION MOV 0462 JMP ARETI 0463 • 0464 • START UP SYSTEM 0465 • 0466 • CLEAR SCREEN AND THE FIRST 256 BYTES OF GLOBAL RAM 0467 • 0468 • THEN ENTER THE COMMAND MODE. 0469 • 0470 STRTA XRA 0471 MOV C,A 0472 LXI H,SYSRAM CLEAR THE FIRST PAGE 0473 • 0474 CLERA 'MOV M,A 0475 INX H , C1A6 21 08 C8 C1A9 46 C1AA23 C lAB 4E CIAC C3 9D Cl •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 C1B6 OC C1B7 C2 B4 Cl CIBA C1BD CICO C1Cl C1C3 C1C6 31 FF CD 05 AF 03 FA 3207 32 06 C1C9 CICC C1CF ClOO C,lDl C1D4 C1D7 CIDA CIDB CIDE C1El 31 3A F5 AF 32 CD CD Fl 32 CD C3 C1E4 C1E7 CIEA CIEC ClEF CIFO C1F2 ClF5 C1F7 C1F8 CIFA C1FD CD CA E6 CA 47 FE CA FE C8 FE C2 06 CB CO C8 C8 FF CB 07 C8 07 C8 Fl C2 E4 Cl 07 C8 05 C2 C9 Cl , IF CO E4 Cl 7F CO Cl 00 F4 CO OA 7F FF Cl 5F CIFF CD 19 CO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY 'CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO., CA 94402 •• PAGE 5 0476 INR C JNZ CLERA 0477 0478 • LXI SP,SYSTP SET UP THE STACK FOR CALL 0479 0480 . CALL PERSE 0481 COMNI XRA A 0482 OUT STAPT BE SURE TAPES ARE OFF STA OPORT 0483 0484 STA IPORT 0485 • 0486 • 0487 • COMMAND HODE 0488 • 0489 • 0490 • THIS ROUTINE GETS AND PROCESSES COMMANDS 0491 • 0492 • 0493 COMND LXI SP;SYSTP SET STACK POINTER 0494 LDA OPORT GET PORT PUSH PSW 0495 0496 XRA A STA OPORT FORCE SCREEN OPERATIONS 0497 0498 CALL P,ROMPT PUT PROMPT ON SCREEN CALL 0499 GCLIN GET COMMAND LINE POP 0500 PSW 0501 STA OPORT RESTORE DEFAULT PORT CALL 0502 COPRC PROCESS THE LINE JMP COMND OVER AND OVER 0503 0504 • 0505 • 0506 • 0507 • ·THIS ROUTINE READS A COMMAND LINE FROM THE SYSTEM 0508 • KEYBOARD 0509 • 0510' CIR TERMINATES THE SEOUENCE ERASING ALL CHARS TO THE 0511 • RIGHT OF THE CURSOR 0512' LIF TERMINATES THE SEQUENCE 0513' MODE RESTARTS THE COMMAND LINE. 0514 • SINP 0515 OCLIN CALL READ INPU,T DEVICE 0516 JZ GCLIN ANI CLEAR PARITY BIT 0517 7FH 0518 JZ COMNI THIS WAS A MODE (OR EVEN CTL-@l MOV B,A 0519 CPI CR CARRIAGE RETURN 0520 0521 JZ CLINE YES--DONE WITH LINE CPI LINE FEED 0522 LF RZ YES--DONE WITH LINE, LEAVE AS IS 0523 CPI 0524 7FH DELETE CHR? JNZ CONT 0525 HVI 0526 B,BACKS REPLACE IT 0527 • CALL SOUT 0528 CONT •• PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRtGHT.(C) 1977 C202 C3 E4 C1 C205 C208 C20A C20D C20E C211 C212 C215 C218 CD OE CD EB 21 ES CD CA EB 36 C1 01 20 C1 00 CO 2E C3 80 c4 C219 11 4AC2 C21C CD 31 C2 C21F CC 2E C2 C222 C222 CA 81 C4 C225 13 C226 EB C227 7E 23 66 6F C22B C22B E3 C22C 1D C22D C9 C227 C228 C229 C22A C22E 11 3C C8 C231 C232 C233 C234 C235 C236 C237 1A 87 C8 E5 BE 13 C2 43 C2 .. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 0529 0530 0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 0550 0551 0552 0553 0554 0555 0556 0557 0558 0559 0560 0561 0562 0563 0564 0565 0566 0567 0568 0569 0570 0571 0572 0573 0574 0575 0576 0577 0578 0579 0580 0581 JMP • • • • COPRC • DIS PO GCLIN FIND AND PROCESS COMMAND CREM C,1 VDAD2 REMOVE THE CURSOR SET FOR CHARACTER POSITION GET SCREEN ADDRESS CALL MVI CALL XCHG LXI PUSH CALL JZ XCHG H,START MAKE SURE HL PT TO SOLOS START H SAVE IT FOR LATER DISPT SCHR SCAN PAST BLANKS ERR1 NO COMMAND? HL HAS FIRST CHR LXI CALL CZ EQU JZ INX XCHG D,COMTAB POINT TO COMMAND TABLE FDCOM SEE IF IN PRIMARY COMMAND TABL~ FDCOU IF NOT, TRY CUSTOM TABLE NEXT $ HERE TO SEE IF ERROR OR DISP ERR2 NOT VALID, ERROR o BUMP TO PTR OF RTN HL PT TO RTN ADDR • • • THIS IS THE DISPATCH ROUTINE. • HL PT TO RTN ADDRESS, HL WILL BE RESTORED FM STACK • SO THAT HL ARE RESTORED BEFORE DISPATCH. • OFF TO A ROUTINE DISPT EQU $ MOV A,M LO ADDR INX H MOV H,M HI ADDR HL NOW COMPLETE L,A MOV HERE TO GO OFF TO HL DISP1 EQU $ XCHG HL W/HL ON STACk XTHL MOV A,L ALSO COPY HERE FOR SETS RET AND GO OFF TO THE RTN • • THIS ROUTINE SEARCHES THROUGH A TABLE, POINTED TO • • BY 'DE', FOR A DOUBLE CHARACTER MATCH OF THE 'HL' • MEMORY CONTENT. IF NO MATCH IS FOUND THE SCAN ENDS • WITH HL POINTING TO ORIGINAL VALUE AND ZERO FLAG SET. • D,CUTAB HERE TO SCAN CUSTOM TBL ONLY FDCOU LXI • FDCOM LOU D TEST FOR TABLE END A ORA RZ NOT FOUND .• COMMAND ERROR SAVE START OF SCAN ADDRESS PUSH H TEST FIRST CHR CMP M INX D NCOM JNZ •• SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C23A C23B C23C C23D 23 1A BE C2 43 C2 C240 E1 C241 B7 C242 C9 C243 C244 C245 C246 C247 13 13 13 E1 C3 31 C2 C24A C24C C24E C250 C252 c254 C256 C258 C25A C25C C25E C260 c262 C264 C266 C268 C26A C26C C26E C270 C272 54 67 44 BF 45 23 45 5E 47 A7 53 E6 58 A6 43 2B 53 7A 43 BD 00 45 C3 55 C3 4E C4 58 C4 45 C4 41 C4 45 C4 41 C5 45 C5 55 C5 C273 OB C274 D5 CO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 •• PAGE 0582 • 0583 INX H 0584 LDAX D CMP 0585 NOW SECOND CHARACTER M 0586 JNZ NCOM GOODNESS 0587 • POP 0588 H RESTORE ORIGINAL SCAN ADDR ORA 0589 A SET NON-ZERO FLAG SAYING FOUND RET 0590 WITH NON-ZERO SET 0591 • 0592 • 0593 NCOM INX D GO TO NEXT ENTRY INX 0594 D INX 0595 D POP 0596 GET BACK ORIGINAL ADDRESS H JMP FDCOM CONTINUE SEARCH 0597 0598 • 0599 • COMMAND TABLE 0600 • 0601 • 0602. THIS TABLE DESCRIBES THE VALID COMMANDS FOR SOLOS 0603 • 'TE' 0604 COMTAB ASC TERMINAL MODE 0605 DW TERM 'DU' 0606 ASC DUMP 0607 DW DUMP 'EN' 0608 ASC ENTR 0609 OW ENTER 'EX' 0610 ASC EXEC 0611 DW EXEC 'GE' 0612 ASC GET A FILE 0613 DW TLOAD 'SA' 0614 ASC SAVE A FILE 0615 OW TSAVE 'XE' 0616 Ase XEQ (EXECUTE) A FILE 0617 DW TXEQ 'CA' 0618 ASC CATALOG OF FILES 0619 DW TLIST 'SE' 0620 ASC SET COMMAND 0621 DW SET 'CU' 0622 ASC CUSTOM COMMAND 0623 DW CUSET 0624 DB END OF TABLE MARK o 0625 • 0626 • DISPLAY DRIVER COMMAND TABLE 0627 • 0628 • THIS TABLE DEFINES THE CHARACTERS FOR SPECIAL 0629 • 0630 • PROCESSING. IF THE CHARACTER IS NOT IN THE TABLE IT 0631 • GOES TO THE SCREEN. 0632 • 0633 TBL DB CLEAR-80H SCREEN 0634 DW PERSE I •• Cl CO Cl Cl CO Cl Cl Cl Cl C292 54 CO C294 ~A CO C296 E6 C2 C298 D2 C2 C29A C29C C29E C2AO C2A2 C2A4 C2A6 C2A8 C2AA C2AC C2AE C2BO C2B2 C2B4 C2B6 C2B8 C2BA C2BC 2E 42 DD CB 54 8E 53 99 49 9D 4F A1 4E B5 43 A5 43 A9 CO CO C2 C2 ~1 C5 3D C5 3D C5 3D C5 3D C5 49 C5 4F C5 DB DW DB DW DB DW DB DW DB DW DB DW DB DW DB DW DB DW DB 0635 0636 0637 0638 0639 06~0 0641 0642 06~3 06~~ 06~5 06~6 0647 0648 0649 0650 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 0656 0657 0658 0659 0660 0661 0662 0663 0664 0665 0666 0667 0668 0669 0670 0671 0672 0673 067~ 0675 0676 0677 0678 0679 0680 0681 0682 0683 0684 0685 0686 0687 • • • • OTAB • • • • ITAB • • • • SETAB UP-80H CURSOR PUP DOWN-80H PDOWN LEFT-80H PLEFT RIGHT-80H PRIT HOME-80H PHOME CR CARRIAGE RETURN, PCR LF LINE FEED PLF BACKS BACK SPACE PBACK ESC ESCAPE KEY PESC 0 END OF TABLE OUTPUT DEVICE TABLE DW DW DW DW VDMOT SDROT PROUT ERROT •• •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 9~~02 SOLOS(TMl 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (Cl 1977 C276 17 C277 04 C279 lA C27A CB C27C 01 C27D OB C27F 13 C280 15 C282 OE C283 E5 C285 OD C286 ~7 C288 OA C289 ~D C28B.5F c28c 3E C28E lB C28F 59 C291 00 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM C2BE 58 ~5 C2CO Bl C5 C2C2 54 59 C2C~ AD C5 C2C6 ~3 52 C2C8 B9 C5 C2CA 00 C2CB E5 C2CC 2A 00 C8 C2CF C3 D6 C2 C2D2 C2D3 C2D6 C2D7 C2D8 C2DB C2DC E5 2A 02 C8 7D CA CO Cl E3 C9 C2DD C2DF C2EO C2E2 C2E3 C2E5 DB FA 2F E6 02 C8 DB FD C9 C2E6 C2E8 C2EA C2ED C2EE C2FO DB E6 C2 78 D3 C9 B~ VDM DRIVER SERIAL OUTPUT PARALLEL OUTPUT ERROR OR USER DRIVER HANDLER KSTAT KEYBOARD INPUT SSTAT SERIAL INPUT PASTAT PARALLEL INPUT ERRIT ERROR OR USER DRIVER HANDLER SECONDARY COMMAND TABLE FOR SET COMMAND ASC DW ASC DW ASC DW ASC DW ASC DW ASC DW ASC DW 'TA' TASPD 'S= ' DISPD '1= • SETIN '0= ' SETOT 'N= ' SETNU 'CI' SETCI 'CO' SETCO SET TAPE SPEED SET DISPLAY SPEED SET INPUT PORT SET OUTPUT PORT FA 04 E6 C2 FD NULLS SET CUSTOM DRIVER ADDRESS SET CUSTOM OUTPUT DRIVER ADDRESS C2Fl CD F9 C2 C2F4 06 3E .. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 9~~02 SOLOS(TMl 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (Cl 1977 INPUT DEVICE TABLE DW DW DW DW PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM 0688 0689 0690 0691 0692 0693 ASC DW ASC DW ASC DW DB 069~ 0695 0696 0697 0698 0699 0700 0701 0702 0703 0704 0705 0706 0707 0708 0709 0710 9999 0711 0712 0713 0714 0715 0716 0717 0718 0719 0720 0721 0722 0723 0724 077.5 0726 0727 0728 0729 0730 0731 0732 0733 073~ 0735 0736 0737 0738 0739 'XE' SETXQ 'TY' SETTY 'CR' SETCR 0 PAGE 7 SET HEADER XEQ ADDRESS SET HEADER TYPE SET CRC TO ALLOW IGNORING OF CRC ERRORS END OF TABLE MARK • SOLOS PORT ERROR HANDLER • SAVE HL ONCE AGAIN ERRIT PUSH H LHLD UIPRT GET USER INPUT PORT ADDRESS JMP ERROl AND GO PROCESS • ERROT PUSH H LHLD UOPRT GET USER OUTPUT PORT ADDRESS TEST HL FOR ZERO ERROl MOV A,L , ORA H JZ COMNl IF ZERO RETURN TO COMMAND MODE ADDRESS TO STACK ..• OLD HL TO HL XTHL GO TO THE DRIVER RET • -'2 OF 3 ...... SOLOS2/1 COPY • THIS ROUTINE IS THE PARALLEL DEVICE HANDLER • • NO PROVISION IS MADE FOR CONTROLLING THE PORT • CONTROL BIT. • • PARALLEL INPUT DRIVER • • PASTAT IN STAPT INVERT STATUS FLAGS CMA TEST BIT ANI PDR WITH FLAG SET RZ IN PDATA GET DATA RET • PARALLEL OUTPUT HANDLER • • STAPT GET STATUS PROUT IN TEST IF DEVICE IS READY ANI PXDR PROUT LOOP UNTIL SO JNZ MOV A,B OUT PDATA RET • • OUTPUT A CRLF FOLLOWED BY A PROMPT • • CRLF PROMPT CALL B, ')' THE PROMPT MVI •• SOLOS(TM) 11-03-21 COPYRIGHT (C) 1911 C2F6 C3 19 co C2F9 C2FB C2FE C300 06 CD 06 CD OA 19 CO OD 19 co C303 C306 C301 C308 C309 C30A C30D 3A 10 C8 4F OD F8 AF CD lF C4 C3 01 C3 C310 C313 C315 C316 C319 C31A CD lB C3 3E 01 C8 CD 40 C3 1D C9 C31B C31D C31E C320 C323 C324 C326 C329 C32A C32D OE lA FE CA 13 FE CA OD C2 C9 C32E C330 C331 C333 C334 c335 C336 OE OA lA FE 20 CO 13 OD C8 OC 20 2E C3 3D 2E c3 lD C3 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM .. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 PUT IT ON THE SCREEN JMP SOUT 0140 0141 • 0142 • B,LF LINE FEED 0143 CRLF MVI CALL SOUT 0144 B,CR CARRIAGE RETURN MVI 0145 CALL SOUT 0146 0141 • NOW OUTPUT THE NULLS NUCNT GET DESIRED COUNT 0148 LDA C,A STORE IN C MOV 0149 0150 NULOT DCR C RETURN W~EN PAST ZERO RM 0151 GET A NULL XRA A 0152 CALL OUTH 0153 JMP NULOT 0154 0155 • 0156 • SCAN OFF OPTIONAL PARAMETER. IF PRESENT RETURN WITH 0151 • 0158 • VALUE IN HL AND COPY OF "L" IN ~'A". IF NOT PRESENT 0159 • RETURN WITH A "1" IN "A" AND HL UNTOUCHED. 0160 • 0161 PSCAN CALL SBLK DEFAULT VALUE 0162 MVI A,l IF NONE 0163 RZ . 0164 CALL SHEX CONVERT VALUE GET LOWER HALF 0165 MOV A,L 0166 RET 0161 • 0168 • 0169. SCAN OVER UP TO 12 CHARACTERS LOOKING ~OR A RLAN~ 0110 • MAXIMUM COMMAND STRING MVI C,12 0111 SBLK 0112 SBLKl LDAX D CPI BLANK 0113 GOT A BLANK NOW SCAN PAST IT JZ SCHR 0114 INX D 0115 ALSO ALLOW AN EQUAL TO STOP US CPI 0116 JZ SCHR IF SO, PTR AT CHAR FOLLOWING 0117 NO MORE THAN TWELVE DCR C 0118 JNZ SBLKl 0119 GO BACK WITH ZERO FLAG SET RET 0180 0181 • 0182 •. SCAN PAST UP TO 10 BLANK POSITIONS LOOKING FOR 0183 • 0184 • A NON BLANK CHARACTER. 0185 • SCAN TO FIRST NON BLANK CHR WITHIN 10 MVI C,10 0186 SCHR GET NEXT CHARACTER 0181 SCHRl LDAX D 0188 CPI SPACE WE'RE PAST THEM RNZ 0189 NEXT SCAN ADDRESS INX D 0190 DCR C 0191 RZ COMMAND ERROR 0192 .. SOLOS(TM) 11-03-21 COPYRIGHT (C) 1911 C331 C3 30 C3 C33A CD lB C3 C33D CA 80 .C4 C340 C343 C344 C346 C341 C349 C34A C34C 21 lA FE C8 FE C8 FE C8 00 00 C34D C34E C34F C350 C351 C354 C351 C358 C359 C35A 29 29 29 29 CD 5D C3 D2 80 C4 85 6F 13 C3 43 C3 C35D C35F C361 C362 C364 C366 D6 FE D8 D6 FE C9 20 2F 3A 30 OA 01 10 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 •• PAGE 8 0193 JMf' SCHRl KEEP LOOPING 0194 • 0195 • THIS ROUTINE SCANS OVER CHARACTERS, PAST BLANKS AND 0796 • 0797 • CONVERTS THE FOLLOWING VALUE TO HEX. ERRORS RETURN TO THE ERROR HANDLER. 0798 • 0799 • 0800 SCONV CALL SBLK FIND IF VALUE IS PRESENT 0801 JZ ERRl ABORT TO ERROR IF NONE 0802 • 0803 • 0804· THIS ROUTINE CONVERTS ASCII DIGITS INTO BINARY FOLLOWING 0805 • A STANDARD HEX CONVERSION. THE SCAN STOPS WHEN AN ASCII 0806 • SPACE IS ENCOUNTERED. PARAMETER ERRORS REPLACE THE ERROR 0807 • CHARACTER ON THE SCREEN WITH A QUESTION MARK. 0808 • 0809 SHEX LXI H,O CLEAR H & L 0810 SHEl LDAX D GET CHARACTER 0811 CPI 20H IS IT A SPACE? RZ 0812 IF SO '/' CPI SLASH IS ALSO LEGAL 0813 0814 RZ CPI 0815 EVEN THE COLON IS ALLOWED 0816 RZ 0817 • 0818 HCONV DAD H MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW ONE 0819 DAD H 0820 DAD H 0821 DAD H 0822 CALL HCOVl DO THE CONVERSION 0823 JNC ERRl NOT VALID HEXIDECIMAL VALUE 0824 ADD L 0825 MOV MOVE IT IN L,A 0826 INX D BUMP THE POINTER 0827 JMP SHEl 0828 • 0829 HCOVl SUI 48 REMOVE ASCII BIAS CPI 0830 10 0831 RC IF LESS THAN 9 IT'S A LETTER SUI 0832 7 CPI 10H 0833 RET WITH TEST IN HAND 0834 0835 • 0836 • TERM COMMAND 0837 • 0838 • THIS ROUTINE GETS CHARACTERS FROM THE SYSTEM KEYBOARD 0839 • 0840 • AND OUTPUTS THEM TO THE SELECTED OUTPUT PORT. IT IS 0841 • INTENDED TO CONFIGURE THE Sol AS A STANDARD VIDEO 0842 • TERMINAL. COMMAND KEYS ARE NOT OUTPUT TO THE OUTPUT 0843 • PORT BUT ARE INTERPRETED AS DIRECT Sol COMMANDS. 0844 • THE MODE COMMAND, RECEIVED BY THE KEYBOARD, PUTS THE 0845 • Sol IN THE COMMAND MODE. / ( PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM II SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO,. CA 94402 SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C367 C36A C36D C370 C373 C376 C379 C37A C37C C37F C382 C38'5 C388 C38B C38E C391 C393 C396 C397 C399 C39C C39E C3A 1 C3A3 C3A6 C3A9 C3AA C3AD C3AE C3BO C3B3 C3B5 C3B8 CD 32 CD 32 CD CA 47 FE CA DA CD C3 10 06 10 07 C3 C8 C3 C8 2E CO 6B C3 80 CO 88 54 8B CD 19 CD IF CA 73 E6 7F CA 73 47 FE lB 02 B9 FE 00 CA B9 FE OA CA B9 3A OC B7 C2 B9 C5 06 lB CD 54 06 07 CD 54 .Cl C3B9 C3B9 CD 54 C3BC C3 73. Cl C3 CO C3 CO CO C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 CB C3 CO CO CO C3 II 0846 0847 0848 0849 0850 0851 0852 0853 0854 0855 0856 0857 0858 0859 0860 0861 0862 0863 0864 0865 0866 0867 0868 0869 0870 0871 0872 0873 OB74 0875 0876 0877 0878 0879 0880 0881 0882 0883 0884 0885 0886 0887 0888 0889 0890 0891 0892 0893 0894 0895 0896 0897 0898 I I CALL STA CALL STA PSCAN IPORT PSCAN OPORT FIND IF INPUT PARAMETER IS PRESENT SINP WILL USE THIS DRIVER (DEFAULT IS 1) NOW FOR THE OUTPUT DRIVER KSTAT IS THERE ONE WAITING? II' NOT SAVE IT IN B IS IT MODE YES--RESET AND QUIT TERM NON-.CURSOR KEY ---SEND TO TERM PORT PROCESS IT I TERMI CALL JZ MOV CPI JZ JC CALL JMP TIN B,A MODE COMNI TOUT VDMOT TIN I TOUT TIN TERM2 CALL CALL JZ ANI JZ MOV CPI JNC CPI JZ CPI JZ LOA ORA JNZ PUSH MVI CALL MVI CALL POP EQU CALL JMP SOUT SINP TERMI 7FH TERMI B,A lBH TERM2 CR TERM2 LF TERM2 ESCFL A TERM2 B B,ESC VDMOT B,7 VDMOT B $ VDMOT TERMI OUTPUT IT TO THE SERIAL PORT GET INPUT STATUS LOOP II' NOT NO HIGH BITS FROM HERE A NULL IS IGNORED IT"S OUTPUT FROM "B" IS IT A CONTROL CHAR TO BE IGNORED NO--TO VDM AS IS THEN CR OR LF ARE SPECIAL CASES THOUGH AND MUST BE PASSED STD MODE TO VDM DRIVER A CTL CHAR---ARE WE W/IN AN ESC SEQUENCE? IF YES, THEN OUTPUT CTL CHAR DIRECTLY TO VDM WE SURE ARE, LET VDM DRIVER HANDLE IT SAVE THE CHAR CTL CHAR TO VDM VIA ESC SEQUENCE SAY TO PUT OUT NEXT CHAR AS IS ALMOST READY RESTORE CHAR ALL .READY TO OUTPUT THE CHAR PUT IT ON THE SCREEN LOOP OVER AND OVER DUMP COMMAND THIS ROUTINE DUMPS CHARACTERS FROM MEMORY TO THE CURRENT OUTPUT DEVICE. ALL VALUES ARE DISPLAYED AS ASCII HEX. THE COMMAND FORM IS AS FOLLOWS: DUmp addrl addr2 C3BF C3C2 C3C3 C3C6 C3C7 CD 3A C3 E5 CD 10 C3 Dl EB C3C8 C3CB C3CE C3Dl CD CD CD OE C3D3 C3D4 C3D5 C3D8 C3D9 C3DA C3DB C3DC C3DF C3EO C3El C3E2 C3E5 7E C5 CD 70 93 7C 9A 02 Cl 23 OD C2 C3 1'9 C2 E8 C3 06 C4 10 ED C3 C9 Cl 03 C3 C8 C3 C3E8 7C C3E9 CD OB C4 C3EC 70 C3ED C3FO C3F3 C3F6 C3F8 C3FB C3FD C400 C403 C406 C408 C40B C40C C40D C40E CD CD CA E6 CA FE C2 CD CA 06 C3 4F OF OF OF OB IF 06 7F C9 20 06 IF 00 20 19 C4 CO c4 Cl C4 CO C4 CO II SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 I TERM PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM II 0899 0900 0901 0902 0903 0904 0905 0906 0907 0908 0909 0910 0911 0912 0913 0914 0915 0916 0917 0918 0919 0920 0921 0922 0923 0924 0925 0926 0927 0928 0929 0930 0931 0932 0933 0934 0935 0936 0937 0938 0939 0940 0941 0942 0943 0944 0945 0946 0947 0948 0949 0950 0951 I I I I PAGE 9 THE VALUES FROM AODRI TO ADDR2 ARE THEN OUTPUT TO THE OUTPUT DEVICE. IF ONLY ADDRI IS SPECIFIED THEN THE VALUE AT THAT ADDRESS IS OUTPUT. I DUMP • DLOOP CALL PUSH CALL POP XCHG SCONV PSCAN SCAN TO FIRST ADDRESS AND CONVERT IT SAVE THE VALUE SEE IF SECOND WAS GIVEN GET BACK START HL HAS START, DE HAS END CALL CALL CALL MVI CRLI' ADOUT BOUT C,16 OUTPUT ADDRESS ANOTHER SPACE TO KEEP IT PRETTY VALUES PER LINE H o I DLPI I MOV PUSH CALL MOV SUB MOV SBB JNC POP INX OCR JNZ JMP A,M B HBOUT A,L GET THE CHR SAVE VALUE COUNT SEND IT OUT WITH A RLANK COMPARE DE & HL E A,H o COMND B ALL OONE VALUES PER LINE H C DLPI OLOOP BUMP THE LINE COUNT NOT ZERO IF MORE FOR THIS LINE 00 A LFCR BEFORE THE NEXT OUTPUT HL AS HEX 16 BIT VALUE I ADOUT MOV CALL MOV A,H HEOUT A,L H FIRST CALL CALL JZ ANI JZ CPI JNZ CALL JZ MVI JMP HEOUT SINp· . SEE IF A CHAR WAITING BOUT NO 7FH CLR PARITY 1ST TKO COM NO EITHER MODE OR CTL-@ IS IT A SPACE BOUT NO--IGN THE CHAR SINP IF SPACE, WAIT UNTIL ANY OTHER KEY HIT WTLPI THIS ALLOWS LOOKING AT THE DISPLAY SOUT PUT IT OUT MOV RRC RRC RRC C,A GET THE CHARACTER THEN "L" FOLLOWED BY A SPACE I HBOUT WTLPI BOUT B, " I HEOUT MOVE THE HIGH FOUR DOWN .. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 CIiOF OF CillO CD lli Cli CII13 79 Cli14 C416 Cl118 Clll' C41D ClllF C420 E6 C6 FE Di C6 117 C3 OF 30 3A tr C4 07 19 CO C423 Cli26 CII27 CII28 CD 3A C3 E5 AF 32 07 C8 Cli2B C42E Cli30 Cli33 C436 Cli38 Cli3B CD 06 CD CD OE CD EB F9 3A FF 36 01 20 C2 Cl Cl Cl CII3C OE 03 Cli3E CD 30 C3 Clilil CA 2B Cli Cli44 C41i6 C449 CliljC CII4E C451 Cli52 Cli53 Cli54 Cli55 Cli56 FE CA CD FE CA 7D El 77 23 E5 C3 2F CO Cl 40 C3 3A 59 C4 3C C4 0952 0953 0951i 0955 0956 0957 0958 0959 0960 0961 0962 0963 0964 0965 0966 0967 0968 0969 0970 0971 0972 0973 0974 0975 0976 0977 0978 0979 0980 0981 0982 0983 0984 0985 0986 0987 0988 0989 0990 0991 0992 0993 0994 0995 0996 0997 0998 0999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 • HEOUl OUTH .. •• RRC CALL MOV HEOUl A,C PUT THEM OUT THIS TIME THE LOW FOUR ANI ADI CPI JC ADI MOV JMP OFH 48 58 OUTH 7 B,A SOUT FOUR ON THE FLOOR WE WOR~ WITH ASCII HERE 0-9? YUPI MA~ IT' A LETTER OUTPUT IT FROM REGISTER 'B' SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 Cli59 E3 Cli5A 13 Cli5B C3 3C Cli ENTR COMMAND THIS ROUTINE GETS VALUES FROM THE ~EYBOARD AND ENTERS THEM INTO MEMORY. THE INPUT VALUES ARE SCANNED FOLLOWING A STANDARD 'GCLIN' INPUT SO ON SCREEN EDITING MAY TAKE PLACE PRIOR TO THE LINE TERMINATOR. A BAC~ SLASH ',' ENDS THE ROUTINE AND RETURNS CONTROL TO THE COMMAND MODE. A COLON ',' SETS THE PREVIOUS VALUE AS A NEW ADDRESS FOR ENTER. ENTER • ENLOP • • ENLOl • • CALL PUSH XRA STA SCONV H A OPORT CALL MVI CALL CALL MVI CALL XCHG CRLF B, '.' . CONT CREM C,l VDAD2 MVI CALL JZ C,3 SCHRl ENLOP CPI JZ CALL CPI JZ MOV POP MOV INX PUSH JMP ',' COMNl SHE X ~ :' ENL03 A,L H M,A H H ENLOl Cli5E C461 C462 Cli65 CD 3A C3 E5 21 00 CO C9 SCAN OVER CHARS AND. GET ADDRESS SAVE ADDRESS ENTER VALUES TO SCREEN BUFFER GET LINE OF INPUT REMOVE THE CURSOR START SCAN GET ADDRESS ..•• TO DE NO MORE THAN THREE SPACES BETWEEN VALUES SCAN TO NEXT VALUE LAST ENTRY FOUND START NEW LINE COMMAND TERMINATOR? IF SO ••• RETURN TO STANDARD INPUT CONVERT VALUE ADDRESS TERMINATOR? GO PROCESS IF SO GET LOW PART AS CONVERTED GET MEMORY ADDRESS PUT IN THE VALUE BACK GOES THE ADDRESS CONTINUE THE SCAN Cli66 21 lC C8 C469 CD lB C3 C46C 06 06 C46E C46F C471 C474 Cli76 C479 Cli7A Cli7B C47C C47D lA FE CA FE CA 77 13 23 05 C2 20 86 C4 2F 86 Cli 6E C4 C480 EB C481 36 3F C483 C3 CO Cl PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 •• PAGE 10 1005 ENL03 XTHL PUT NEW ADDRESS ON STAC~ INX D 1006 MOVE SCAN PAST TERMINATOR JMP 1007 ENLOl 1008 1009 EXECUTE COMMAND 1010 1011 1012 THIS ROUTINE GETS THE FOLLOWING PARAMETER AND DOES A 1013 PROGRAM JUMP TO THE LOCATION GIVEN BY IT. IF PROPER 1014 STAC~ OPERATIONS ARE USED WITHIN THE EXTERNAL PROGRAM 1015 IT CAN DO A STANDARD 'RET'URN TO THE SOLOS COMMAND MODE, 1016 THE STARTING ADDRESS OF SOLOS IS PASSED TO THE PROGRAM 1017 IN REGISTER PAIR HL SO IT CAN ADJUST INTERNAL 'PARAMETERS 1018 FOR SOLOS OPERATION. 1019 1020 1021 EXEC CALL SCONV SCAN PAST BLAN~S AND GET PARAMETER 1022 EXECl PUSH H PUT GO ADDRESS ON STAC~ 1023 LXI H,START TELL THE PROGRAM WHERE WE CAME FROM 1024 RET AND DISPATCH TO IT 1025 • 1026 • 1027 • THIS ROUTINE GETS A NAME OF UP TO 5 CHARACTERS 1028 • FROM THE INPUT STRING. IF THE TERMINATOR IS A SLASH (') THEN THE CHARACTER FOLLOWING IS TA~EN 1029 • 1030 • AS THE CASSETTE UNIT SPECIFICATION. 1031 • 1032 • 1033 NAMES LXI H,THEAD POINT TO INTERNAL HEADER 1034 NAME CALL SBLK SCAN OVER TO FIRST CHRS 1035. MVI B,6 UP TO SIX ARE ACCEPTED 1036 • D 1037 NAMEl LDU GET CHARACTER 1038 CPI NO UNIT DELIMITER JZ NFIL 1039 1040 CPI UNIT DELIMITER 1041 JZ NFIL 1042 MOV M,A 1043 INX D BUMP THE SCAN POINTER 1044 H INX B 1045 DCR 1046 JNZ NAMEl FALL THROUGH TO ERRl IF TOO MANY CHRS IN NAME 1047 • 1048 • SOLOS ERROR HANDLER 1049 • 1050 • 1051 ERRl XCHG GET SCAN ADDRESS TO HL M '?' 1052 ERR2 MVI PUT QUESTION MARK ON SCREEN 1053 JMP COMNl AND RETURN TO COMMAND MODE 1054 • 1055 • 1056. HERE WE HAVE SCANNED OFF THE NAME. ZERO FILL FOR 1057· NAMES LESS THAN FIVE CHARACTERS. ',' (' .. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C486 C488 C489 C48A 36 00 23 05 C2 86 C4 C48D C48F C491 C494 C495 C498 FE 2F 3E 01 C2 9A C4 C49A C49C C49E C4A 1 C4A2 C4A5 1.3 CD 2E C3 D6 30 C49A E6 01 3E 80 C2 A2 C4 IF 32 54 C8 C9 C4A6 C4A7 C4A8 C4A9 C4AC C4AF C4B2 3E AF F5 21 CD 21 CD C4B5 C4B6 C4B9 C4BA C4BB C4BE C4C 1 C4C2 C4C5 C4C6 C4C9 EB 21 7E B7 C2 21 E5 CD El CD DA C4CC C4CF C4DO C4Dl C4D2 C4D5 C4D6 CD 50 C5 Fl B7 C8 3A 22 C8 B7 FA 14 C5 2C 69 00 10 C8 C4 00 C3 2C C8 Cl C4 lC C8 48 C5 CB c6 14 C5 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 • NFIL • • DEFLT STUNT MVI INX DCR JNZ CPI MVI JNZ INX CALL SUI EQU ANI MVI JNZ RAR STA RET M,O PUT IN AT LEAST ONE ZERO H B NFIL LOOP UNTIL B IS ZERO . I' IS THERE A UNIT SPECIFICATION? PRETEND NOT A,l DEFLT D SCHR '0' SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C4D9 C4DC C4DD C4EO C4E3 3A B7 C2 2A C3 21 C8 C4E6 C4E9 C4EC C4ED C4FO C4Fl C4F2 C4F5 CD CD E5 CD E3 E5 CD 22 C4F8 C4F9 C4FA C4FB C4FC C4FD C4FE C4FF C500 C501 C502 C505 El Dl E5 7B 95 6F 7A 9C 67 23 22 23 C8 E5 14 C5 27 C8 61 C4 MOVE PAST THE TERMINATOR GO GET UNIT SPEC REMOVE ASCII BIAS MOVE OVER TO INTERNAL REPRESENTATION 1 JUST BIT ZERO A,TAPEI ASSUME TAPE ONE STUNT IF NON-ZERO, ITS ONE $ FNUMF •• •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 SET IT IN • • • THIS ROUTINE PROCESSES THE XEO AND GET COMMANDS • • • TXEQ DB 3EH THIS BEGINS "MVI A,OAFH" TLOAD XRA A A=O MEANS TLOAD, ELSE TXEO PUSH PSW SAVE FLAG FOR LATER H,DHEAD PLACE DUMMY HEADER HERE LXI NAME SET IN NAME AND UNIT CALL H,O PRETEND NO SECOND VALUE LXI PSCAN GO GET THE ADDRESS (IF PRESENT) CALL • PUT ADDRESS IN DE TLOA2 XCHG H,DHEAD PT TO DUMMY HEADER WI NAME TO LOAD LXI A,M SEE IF A NAME WAS ENTERED MOV ORA A IS THERE A NAME? TLOA3 YES--SEARCH FOR IT JNZ H,THEAD NO NAME, LOAD 1ST FILE LXI H SAVE PTR TO NAME TO LOAD TLOA3 PUSH CALL ALOAD GET UNIT AND SPEED POP H RESTORE PTR TO HDR TO LOAD CALL RTAPE READ IN THE TAPE JC TAERR TAPE ERROR? • CALL NAOUT PUT OUT THE HEADER PARAMETER~ POP PSW RESTORE FLAG FROM ORIGINAL ENTRY ORA A AUTO XEO NOT WANTED RZ LDA HTYPE CHECK TYPE ORA A SET FLAGS JM TAERR TYPE IS NON XEO 66 C4 3A C3 3A C3 10 C3 25 C8 C506 CD 48 C5 C509 21 lC C8 C50C CD AF C7 C50F Dl C510 El C511 C3 90 C7 C514 C517 C519 C51C C51F C522 CD 16 21 CD CD C3 F9 06 25 6A 50 CO C2 C5 C5 C5 Cl PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 •• PAGE 11 1111 LDA THEAD+5 GET CHARACTER PAST NAME 1112 ORA A JNZ TAERR THE BYTE MUST BE ZERO FOR AUTO XEQ 1113 1114 LHLD XEQAD GET THE TAPE ADDRESS JMP EXEC! AND GO TO IT 1115 1116 • 1117 1118 GET -= 1119 • THIS ROUTINE IS USED TO SAVE PROGRAMS AND DATA ON 1120 • THE CASSETTE UNIT. 1121 • 1122 • 1123 • 1124 TSAVE CALL NAMES GET NAME AND UNIT 1125 CALL SCONV GET START ADDRESS 1126 PUSH USE THE STACK AS A REGISTER H CALL SCONV GET END ADDRESS 1127 XTHL 1128 PUT END ON STACK, GET BACK START PUSH 1129 H SAVE START ON TOP OF STACK 1130 CALL PSCAN SEE IF OPTIONAL HEADER ADDRESS WAS GIVEN 1131 SHLD LOADR PUT HEADER' ADDRESS IN PLACE 11'32 • POP H 1133 "FROM" ADDRESS TO HL POP 1134 D GET BACK "END" ADDRESS PUSH SAVE FROM AGAIN FOR LATER 1135 H 1136 MOV A,E NOW CALCULATE SIZE 1137 SUB L SIZE=END-START+l 1138 MOV L,A MOV 1139 A,D 1140 SBB H 1141 MOV H,A 1142 INX H SHLD BLOCK STORE THE SIZE 1143 1144 PUSH H SAVE IT FOR THE READ ALSO 1145 • 1146 CALL ALOAD GET UNIT AND SPEED 1147 LXI H,THEAD POINT TO HEADER 1148 CALL WHEAD AND WRITE IT OUT NOW WRITE OUT THE DATA 1149 • 1150 POP o GET SIZE TO DE 1151 POP H GET BACK "FROM" ADDRESS 1152 JMP WRLO! WRITE OUT THE DATA AND RETURN 1153 • 1154 • 1155' OUTPUT ERROR AND HEADER 1156 • 1157 TAERR CALL CRLF 1158 MVI D,6 LXI 1159 H,ERRM POINT TO ERROR MESSAGE 1160 CALL NLOOP OUTPUT ERROR 1161 CALL NAOUT THEN THE HEADER 1162 JMP COMN! AND BE SURE THE TAPE UNITS ARE OFF 1163 • •• PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX S260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C525 _5 52 52 52 20 C52B CD 66 C~ C52E CD F9 C2 C531 CD _8 CS C53_ 06 01 C536 CD EF C7 C539 CD 23 C7 C53C' DA co C1 C53F C2 39 C5 C5~2 CD 50 C5 C5~5 C3 39 CS C~_8 ~5_B :5~E C5~F CS50 C552 C555 C558 c55B C5SE C561 C564 C567 C56A C56B C56C C56F C571 CS74 21 S~ C8 3A OD c8 B6 C9 16 21 CD CD 2A CD 2A CD C3 08 lB 6A 06 25 E8 23 E8 F9 ~F 7E B7 C2 71 C5 3E 20 CD IF C4 23 !ERROR 116~ ERRM 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 117S 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 119S 1196 1197 • • THIS ROUTINE READS HEADERS FROM THE TAPE AND OUTPUTS • THEM TO THE OUTPUT DEVICE. IT CONTINUES UNTIL THE • MODE KEY IS DEPRESSED. • • NAMES SET UP UNIT IF GIVEN TLIST CALL CALL CRLF • • ALOAD LLIST CALL MVI B,I TURN ON THE TAPE CALL TON • RHEAD LISTI CALL COMNI TURN orF THE TAPE UNIT JC LISTI JNZ CALL NAOUT OUTPUT THE HEADER LISTI LOOP UNTIL MODE IS DEPRESSED JMP • • • THIS ROUTINE GETS THE CASSETTE UNIT NUMBER AND SPEED TO REGISTER "A" FOR THE TAPE CALLS • • H,FNUMF POINT TO THE UNIT SPECIFICATION ALOAD LXI TSPD GET THE TAPE SPEED LDA M PUT THEM TOGETHER ORA AND GO BACK RET • • THIS ROUTINE OUTPUTS THE NAME AND PARAMETERS OF • THEAD TO THE OUTPUT DEVICE. • • 119B • C8 C5 C4 C8 C3 C8 C3 C2 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 120B 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 NAOUT • • NLOOP CHRLI ASC .. •• MVI LXI CALL CALL LHLD CALL LHLD CALL JMP D,8 H,THEAD-l POINT TO THE HEADER NLOOP OUTPUT THE HEADER BOUT ANOTHER BLANK LOADR NOW THE LOAD ADDRESS ADOUT PUT IT OUT BLOCK AND THE BLOCK SIZE ADOUT CRLF DO THE CRLF AND RETURN MOV ORA JNZ MVI CALL INX A,M A CHRLI A, ' OUTH H GET CHARACTER CS7A C57D C580 CS81 CS84 CS85 C588 C58B C57A CD lB CA BO OS CD 3A E3 11 A2 CD 31 C3 22 CS8E CS8F C592 CS94 C597 B7 CA 94 CS 3E 20 32 OD c8 C9 C3 C4 C3 C2 C2 C2 C598 78 C599 32 DB' C8 C59C C9 CS9D C59D 32 06 C8 CSAO C9 IF IT ISN'T A ZERO OUTPUT CHAR NOW 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 C5A5 22 00 c8 C5AB C9 DCR JNZ RET PAGE 12 D NLOOP • • • • "SET" COMMAND • • THIS ROUTINE GETS THE ASSOCIATED PARAMETER AND • DISPATCHES TO THE PROPER ROUTINE FOR SETTING • GLOBAL VALUES, • • EQU SET THIS IS THE SET COMMAND $ CALL SBLK LOOK FOR SET NAME JZ ERRI MUST HAVE AT LEAST SOMETHING I I PUSH D SAVE SCAN 'ADDRESS CALL SCONV CONVERT FOLLOWING VALUE 123~ XTHL GET SCAN ADDRESS BACK •• SAVE VALUE ON STACK 1235 LXI D,SETAB SECONDARY COMMAND TABLE 1236 CALL FDCOM SEE IF IN TABLE JMP DISPO AND EITHER ERR OR OFF TO IT 1237 1238 • 1239 • 1240· THIS ROUTINE SETS THE TAPE SPEED 1241 • 1242 TASPD ORA A IS IT ZERO? 12~3 JZ SETSP YES--THAT'S A VALID SPEED 1244 MVI A,32 SET TO SLOW IF NON-ZERO 1245 SETSP STA TSPD SPEED IS STORED HERE 1246 RET 1247 • 1248 • 12119 STSPD MOV A,B ESCAPE COMES HERE TO SET SPEED 1250 DISPD STA SPEED SET DISPLAY SPEED 1251 RET 1252 • 1253· SET INPUT DRIVER 1254 • 1255 SETIN EQU $ 1256 STA IPORT 1257 RET 125B • C5Al C5Al 32 07 c8 C5A4 C9 .. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P,O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94~02 SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C575 15 C576 C2 6A C5 C579 C9 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM 1259· SET OUTPUT 1260 • 1261 SETOT EQU 1262 STA 1263 RET 1264 • SET USERS 1265 • 1266 • 1267 SETCI SHLD 1268 RET DRIVER $ OPORT CUSTOM INPUT DRIVER ADDRESS UIPRT I" •• SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C5A9 22 02 C8 C5AC C9 C5AD 32 22 C6 C5BO C9 C5Bl 22 27 C8 C5B4 C9 C5B5 32 10 C8 C5B8 C9 C5B9 C5B9 32 11 C8 C5BC C9 C5BD C5CO C5C3 C5C6 C5C7 C5CA C5CD C5DO C5Dl C5D3 C5D4 C5D.5, C5D6 C5D7 C5D8 C5D9 C5DA C5DB C5DC C5DD C5DE C5DF CD 21 CD E5 21 CD CA lB 36 7E 12, 13 23 7E 12 13 El EB 73 23 72 C9 66 C4 C9 Cl 10 C3 lC C8 2E C2 03 C5 00 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM .. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 1269 • 1270' SET USERS CUSTOM OUTPUT DRIVER ADDRESS 1271 • 1272 SETCO SHLD UOPRT 127.3 RET 1274 • 1275' SET TYPE BYTE INTO HEADER 1276 • 1277 SETTY STA HTYPE 1278 RET 1279 • 1280' SET EXECUTE ADDRESS INTO HEADER 1281 • 1282 SETXO SHLD XEQAD 1283 RET 1284 • 1285 • 1286 SETNU STA ,NUCNT SET THE NULL COUNT 1287 RET' THAT"S DONE 1288 • 1289 • 1290 SETCR EOU SET TO IGNORE CRC ERRORS $ 1291 STA IGNCR FF=IGNORE ERRORS, ELSE=NORMAL 1292 RET 1293 • 1294 • 1295 • CUSTOM COMMAND NAME AND ADDRESS INTO CUSTOM cnMMAND 1296 • 1297 • 1298 CUSET CALL NAMES CUSTOM COMMAND ENTRY/REMOVAL H,COMND DEFAULT ADDR IF NONE GIVEN 1299 LXI 1300 CALL PSCAN GET RTN ADDR 1301 PUSH H SAVE RTN ADDR 1302 LXI H,THEAD PT AT NAME TO SEARCH 1303 CALL FDCOU SEARCH IT IN CUSTOM TABLE 1304 JZ CUSE2 NOT IN TABLE--ENTER IT D IN TABLE, REMOVE IT 1305 DCX 1306 MVI M,O CHANGE NEW NAME TO BE ZERO 1307 CUSE2 MOV A,M GET 1ST CHAR OF NAME 1308' STAX D ENTER IT INTO TABLE 1309 INX o AND THE 2ND NAME 1310 INX H 1311 MOV A,M 1312 STAX 0 NAME NOW ENTERED D GET SET TO ENTER ADDRESS 1313 INX 1314 POP H RESTORE RTN ADDR 1315 XCHG 1316 MOV M,E SET ADDR IN NOW AND HI BYTE OF ADDR 1317 INX H. M,D 1318 MOV NAME IS NOW ENTERED OR CLEARED 1319 RET 1320 • 1,321 • -'- •• SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C5EO E5 C5El CD 33 c6 C5E4 C2 FA C5 C5E7 36 01 C5E9 23 C5EA 77 C5EB'23 C5EC 77 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 .. PAGE 13 9999 COpy SOLos3/1 3 nF 3 •••••• 1322 • 1323 • 1324 • 1325 • 1326' THE FOLLOWING ROUTINES PROVIDE "BYTE BY BYTE" ACCESS 1327' TO THE CASSETTE TAPES ON EITHER A READ OR WRITE BASIS. 1328 • 1329' THE TAPE IS READ ONE BLOCK AT A TIME AND INDIVIDUAL 1330' TRANSFERS OF DATA HANDLED BYHANAGING A BUFFER AREA. 1331 • 1332' THE BUFFER AREA IS CONTROLLED BY A FILE CONTROL BLOCK 1333 (FCB) WHOSE STRUCTURE IS: 1334 1335 • 1336 • 7 BYTES FOR EACH OF THE TWO FILES STRUCTURED AS 1337' FOLLOWS: 1338 • 00 IF CLOSED BYTE - ACCESS CONTROL 1339 • FF IF READING 1340 • FE IF WRITING 1341 • READ COUNTER 1 BYTE 1342 • BUFFER POSITION POINTER 1 BYTE 1343 • 2 BYTE - CONTROL HEADER ADDRESS 1344 • 2 BYTE - BUFFER LOCATION ADDRESS 1345 • 1346 • 1347 • 1348 • 1349 • THIS ROUTINE "OPENS" THE CASSETTE UNIT FOR ACCESS 1350 • 1351' ON ENTRY: A - HAS THE TAPE UNIT NUMBER (lOR 2) HL - HAS USER SUPPLIED HEADER FOR TAPE FILE 1352 • 1353 • 1354 • 1355' NORMAL RETURN: ALL REGISTERS ARE ALTERED 1356 • BLOCK IS READY FOR ACCESS 1357 • 1358' ERROR RETURN: CARRY BIT IS SET 1359 • 1360' ERRORS: BLOCK ALREADY OPEN 1361 • 1362 • H SAVE HEADER ADDRESS 1363 BOPEN PUSH CALL LFCB GET ADDRESS OF FILE CONTROL 1364 JNZ TERE2 FILE WAS ALREADY OPEN 1365 1366 MVI M,I NOW IT IS INX H POINT TO READ COUNT 1367 HOV M,A ZERO 1368 INX POINT TO BUFFER CURSOR H 1369 MOV M,A PUT IN THE ZERO COUNT 1370 1371 1372' ALLOCATE THE BUFFER 1373 • •• PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT·(C) 1977 C5ED 11 63 C8 C5FO 3A 5~ C8 C5F3 82 C5F~ 57 C5F5 Cl C5F6 87 C5F7 C3 B6 C6 C5FA C5FB C5FC C5FD C5FE C5FF C600 C601 C602 El Dl AF 37 C9 3D 37 Dl C9 .. •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 9~~02 137~ 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 .1380 1381 1382 1383 138~ 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 • UBUF LXI LDA ADD MOV D,FBUFI POINT TO BUFFER AREA FNUMF GET WHICH ONE WE ARE GOING TO USE D D,A 256 BIT ADD POP ORA JMP B A HEADER ADDRESS CLEAR CARRY AND RETURN AFTER STORINe; STORE THE VALUES PSTOR • GENERAL ERROR RETURN POINTS FOR STACK CONTROL • • TERE2 POP H D TEREI POP TEREO XRA A CLEAR ALL FLAGS STC SET ERROR RET • • EOFER 139~ 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 DCR STC POP RET A D SET MINUS FLAGS AND CARRY CLEAR THE STACK THE FLAGS TELL ALL C60D C60E C60F C610 c613 P.~RAMS 23 7E 7E CD 8F C6 C5 c61~ 21 07 00 c617 09 C618 87 C619 CA 2B C6 C61C C61D C61E C61F c621 C622 C623 E5 77 23 36 00 23 73 23 C62~ 72 C625 C626 C627 C62A 60 69 CD 7C C7 El l~Ol 1~02 1~o3 l~O~ 1~o5 1~06 1~o7 l~o8 1~09 ON ENTRY: A - HAS WHICH UNIT (lOR 2) ERROR RETURNS: C62B C62C c62D c62E C62F C630 1~12 1~13 1~1~ 1~15 1~16 1417 1~18 PC LOS • 1~19 • 1~20 C60C 23 ·1~21 1~22 1~23 1~2~ 1~25 1~26 1~30 1431 1432 1433 1~34 1~35 1436 • 1437 • 1~38 • 1439 14~0 1441 1442 1443 1444 1~45 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1~51 • • • • • • • CALL RZ ORA INR MVI RZ LFCB A A 77 1~55 FILE WASN"T OPEN M,O GET CONTROL BLOCK ADDRESS WASN"T OPEN, CARRY IS SET FROM LFCe CLEAR CARRY SET CONDITION FLAGS CLOSE THE CONTROL BYTE WE WERE READING •.• NOTHING MORE TO DO THE FILE OPERATIONS WERE "WRITES" PUT THE CURRENT BLOCK ON THE TAPE (EVEN IF ONLY ONE BYTE!!) THEN WRITE AN END OF FILE TO THE TAPE INX H 1~53 • 1~5~ 1~10 1~11 CD 33 C6 c8 87 3C 36 00 c8 1427 1428 1429 AF 23 77 El C3 7C C7 1456 1~57 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1~65 1466 1467 1~68 C633 C636 C637 c639 C63C C63F 21 55 c8 IF E6 01 32 5~ C8 CA ~2 C6 21 5C c8 C6~2 c6~3 c6~~ 7E 87 37 C6~2 •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SA.N MATEO, CA 94402 SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (Cl 1977 1~52· THIS ROUTINE CLOSES THE FILE BUFFER TO ALLOW ACCESS FOR A DIFFERENT CASSETTE OR PROGRAM. IF THE FILE OPERATIONS WERE "WRITE" THEN THE LAST RLOCK IS WRITTED OUT AND AN "END OF FILE" WRITTEN TO THE TAPE. IF THE OPERATIONS WERE "READS" THEN THE FILE IS JUST MADE READY FOR NEW USE. l~OO C603 C606 C607 C608 c609 C60B PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM 1469 1~70 1~71 1~72 1473 1474 1~75 1476 1~77 1478 1479 EOFW PAGE 14 INX MOV H CALL PUSH LXI DAD ORA JZ PLOAD BC GET HEADER ADDRESS, DE BUPFER ·ADDRESS B HEADER TO STACK H,BLKOF OFFSET TO BLOCK SIZE B A TEST COUNT EOFW NO BYTES ••• JUST WRITE EOF A,M GET CURSOR POSITION WRITE LAST BLOCK PUSH MOV INX MVI INX MOV INX MOV MOV MOV CALL POP H M,A H M,O H M,E SAVE BLOCK SIZE POINTER FOR EOF PUT IN COUNT ZERO THE HIGHER BYTE BUFFER ADDRESS H M,D H,B L,C WFBLK H PUT HEADER ADDRESS IN HL GO WRITE IT OUT BLOCK SIZE POINTER NOW WRITE END OF FILE TO CASSETTE XRA MOV INX MOV POP JMP A M,A PUT IN ZEROS FOR SIZE: EOF MARK IS ZERO BYT~ H M,A H WFBLK HEADER ADDRESS WRITE IT OUT AND RETURN • • • • • THIS ROUTINE LOCATES THE FILE CONTROL BLOCK POINTED TO BY REGISTER "A". ON RETURN HL POINT TO THE CONTROL BYT • AND REGISTER "A" HAS THE CONTROL WORD WITH THE FLAGS • • SET FOR IMMEDIATE CONDITION DECISIONS. • • LFCB LXI H,FCBAS POINT TO THE BASE OF IT RAR • MOVE THE 1 & 2 TO 0 & 1 LIKE COMPUTERS LIKE ANI 1 SMALL NUMBERS ARE THE RULE STA FNUMF CURRENT ACCESS FILE NUMBER JZ LFCBl UNIT ONE (VALUE OF ZERO) LXI H,FCBA2 UNIT TWO--PT TO ITS FCB LFCBl EQU $ HL PT TO PROPER FCB MOV A,M PICK UP FLAGS FM FCB ORA A SET FLAGS BASED ON CONTROL WORD STC SET CARRY IN CASE OF IMMEDIATE ERROR RETURN /., / •• SOLOS(TM) 11-03-21 COPYRIGHT (C) 1911 C645 C9 C646 C649 C64A C64B c64E C650 C651 C652 C653 C654 C651 C658 C659 C65C C65D C65E C65F c662 C665 C668 C669 C66A C66B c66E c66F C610 C612 C613 C614 CD C8 3C FA 36 23 1E E5 23 CD El B1 C2 D5 E5 23 CD CD DA El 1B B2 CA 13 23 36 2B 1B Dl 33 C6 FC C5 FF BF C6 15 C6 A6 C6 C8 C6 FA C5 FF C5 00 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM •• •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 1480 RET 1481 • 1482 • 1483 1484 READ TAPE BYTE ROUTINE 1485 1486 ENTRY: A - HAS FILE NUMBER 1481 1488 EXIT: NORMAL - A- HAS BYTE ERROR 1489 CARRY SET - IF FILE NOT OPEN OR 1490 PREVIOUS OPERATIONS WERE WRITE 1491 CARRY & MINUS - END OF FILE ENCOUNTERED 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 LFCB LOCATE THE FILE CONTROL BLOCK 1491 RTBYT CALL RZ FILE NOT OPEN 1498 TEST IF FF 1499 INR A JM 1500 TEREO ERROR WAS WRITING SET IT AS READ (IN CASE IT WAS JUST OPENF.D) MVI 1501 M,-1 H 1502 INX GET READ COUNT MOV A,M 1503 PUSH SAVE COUNT ADDRESS 1504 H INX H 1505 CALL PLOAD GET THE OTHER PARAMETERS 1506 POP H 1501 ORA 1508 A JNZ GTBYT IF NOT EMPTY GO GET BYTE 1509 1510 • _ 1511' CURSOR POSITION WAS ZERO ... READ A NEW BLOCK INTO 1512' THE BUFFER. 1513 • 1514 RDNBLK PUSH BUFFER POINTER D PUSH TABLE ADDRESS H 1515 1516 INX H CALL PHEAD PREPARE THE HEADER FOR READ 1511 1518 RFBLK READ IN THE BLOCK CALL JC TERE2 ERROR POP OFF STACK BEFORE RETURN 1519 1520 POP H 1521 MOV LOW BYTE OF COUNT (WILL BE ZERO IF 256) A,E SEE IF BOTH ARE ZERO 1522 ORA D JZ EOFER BYTE COUNT WAS ZERO •... END OF FILE 1523 MOV NEW COUNT ( ZERO IS 256 AT THIS POINT) 1524 M,E INX BUFFER LOCATION POINTER H 1525 1526 MVI M,O DCX H 1521 MOV COUNT TO A A,E 1528 POP GET BACK BUFFER ADDRESS D 1529 1530 • 1531 • 1532 • PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOLOS(TM) 11-03-21 COPYRIGHT (C) 1911 C615 C616 C611 C618 C619 3D 11 23 1E 34 C61A C61B C61C C61F C680 C681 C682 83 5F D2 80 C6 14 1A B1 C9 C683 C686 C681 c688 c689 C68B C68C C68D c68E C68F C690 C693 C694 C695 C696 c691 C69A C69B C69C C69D C69E CD 33 C6 C8 3C c8 36 FE 23 23 78 F5 E5 CD BF c6 El 7E 83 5F D2 9B c6 14 FI 12 B1 34 •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 1533 1534 1535 1536 1531 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1541 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1551 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1561 1568 1569 1570 1571 1512 1513 1574 1515 1516 1517 1518 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 PAGE 15 THIS ROUTINE GETS ONE BYTE FROM THE BUFFER • • AND RETURNS IT IN REGISTER "A". IF THE END OF THE BUFFER IS REACHED IT MOVES THE POINTER • • TO THE BEGINNING OF THE BUFFER FOR THE NEXT LOAD. • • GTBYT DCR A BUMP THE COUNT MOV M,A RESTORE IT INX H MOV A,M GET BUFFER POSITION INR M BUMP IT • ADD E MOV E,A DE NOW POINT TO CORRECT BUFFER POSITION JNC RTI INR D RTI LDAX D GET CHARACTER FROM BUFFER ORA A CLEAR CARRY RET ALL DONE THIS ROUTINE IS USED TO WRITE A BYTE TO THE FILE ON ENTRY: A - BTBYT • WTl CALL RZ INR RZ MVI INX INX MOV PUSH PUSH LFCB HAS FILE NUMBJ;;R HAS DATA BYTE GET CONTROL BLOCK FILE WASN °T OPEN A FILE WAS READ M,OFEH SET IT TO WRITE H H A,B GET CHARACTER PSW H SAVE CONTROL ADDRESS.2 NOW DO THE WRITE CALL POP MOV ADD MOV JNC INR POP STAX ORA INR PLOAD BC GETS HEADER ADDR, DE BUFFER ADDRESS H A,M COUNT BYTE E E,A WTl D PSW D A M CHARACTER PUT CHR IN BUFFER CLEAR FLAGS INCREMENT THE COUNT .. SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C69F CO C6AO CD A6 C6 C6A3 C3 7C C7 C6A6 C6A9 C6AA C6AD C6AE C6Bl CD C5 21 09 01 CD C6B~ El C6B5 C9 C6B6 C6B7 C6B8 C6B9 C6BA C6BB C6BC C6BD C6BE BF C6 06 00 00 01 B6 C6 23 71 23 70 23 73 23 72 C9 C6BF 23 C6CO ~E C6Cl 23 C6C2 ~6 C6C3 23 C6C~ 5E C6C5 23 C6C6 56 C6C7 C9 C6C8 CD DE C7 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM .. •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 9~~02 RNZ RETURN IF COUNT DIDN'T ROLL OVER 1586 1587 • 1588. THE BUFFER IS FULL. WRITE IT TO TAPE AND RESET 1589. CONTROL BLOCK. 1590 • PHEAD PREPARE THE HEADER CALL 1591 WFBLK WRITE IT OUT AND RETURN JMP 1592 1593 • 159~ • 1595 • 1596 • 1597. THIS ROUTINE PUTS THE BLOCK SIZE (256) A~D BUFFER 1598. ADDRESS IN THE FILE HEADER. 1599 • PLOAD GET HEADER AND BUFFER ADDRESSES 1600 PHEAD CALL 1601 PUSH B HEADER ADDRESS 1602 LXI H,BLKOF-l PSTOR DOES AN INCREMENT 1603 DAD B HL POINT TO BLOCKSIZE ENTRY 1604 LXI B,256 1605 CALL PSTOR 1606 POP HL RETURN WITH HEADER ADDRESS H 1607 RET 1608 • 1609 • H 1610 PSTOR INX MOV 1611 M,C 1612 INX H MOV M,B 1613 INX H 1614 MOV M,E 1615 INX 1616 H MOV M,D 1.617 1618 RET 1619 • 1620 • 1621 PLOAD INX H 1622 MOV C,M 1623 INX H 1624 MOV B,M 1625 INX H MOV E,M 1626 INX H 1627 MOV D,M 1628 RET 1629 1630 • 1631 • 1632 • 1633 • 1634 • 1635. THIS ROUTINE SETS THE CORRECT UNIT FOR SYSTEM READS 1636 RFBLK CALL GTUNT SET UP A.UNIT WITH SPEED 1637 • 1638 • SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 .. COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 C6CB C6CC C6CE C6Dl D5 06 03 CD EF C7 DB FB C6D3 E5 C6D~ CD 23 C7 C6D7 El C6D8 DA 06 C7 C6DB C2 03 c6 C6DE C6DF C6E2 C6E5 C6E6 E5 11 lC C8 CD D2 C7 El C2 03 C6 C6E9 C6EA C6EB C6EC C6EF Dl 7A B3 2A 23 C8 EB C6FO C2 F6 C6 C6F3 2A 25 C8 C6F6 D5 C6F7 C6F7 CD 15 C7 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP, P,O, BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94~02 •• PAGE 16 TAPE READ ROUTINES ON ENTRY: A HL DE HAS UNIT AND SPEED POINT TO HEADER BLOCK HAVE OPTIONAL PUT ADDRESS 16~7 ON EXIT: CARRY IS SET IF ERROR OCCUR ED 1648 .TAPE UNITS ARE OFF 1649 1650 1651 RTAPE PUSH 0 SAVE OPTIONAL ADDRESS MVI 1652 SHORT DELAY B,3 TON CALL 1653 IN TDATA CLEAR THE UART FLAGS 1654 1655 • 1656 PTAPI PUSH READER ADDRESS H CALL RHEAD GO READ HEADER 1657 1658 POP H 1659 JC TERR IF AN ERROR OR ESC WAS RECEIVED 1660 JNZ PTAPI IF VALID HEADER NOT FOUND 1661 • 1662· FOUND A VALID HEADER NOW DO COMPARE 1663 • 1664 PUSH H GET BACK AND RESAVE ADDRESS LXI D,THEAD 1665 CALL DHCMP COMPARE DE-HL HEADERS 1666 POP H 1667 PTAPI 1668 JNZ 1669 • 1670 • 1671 POP D OPTIONAL "PUT" ADDRESS MOV A,D 1672 ORA E SEE IF DE IS ZERO 1673 167~ LHLD BLOCK GET BLOCK SIZE XCHG ••• TO DE 1675 1676. DE HAS HBLOCK •.•• HL HAS USER OPTION 1677 JNZ RTAP IF DE WAS ZERO GET TAPE LOAD ADDRESS 1678 LHLD LOADR GET TAPE LOAD ADDRESS 1679 • 1680 • THIS ROUTINE READS "DE" BYTES FROM·THE TAPE 1681 • TO ADDRESS HL. THE BYTES· MUST BE FROM ONE 1682 • CONTIGUOUS PHYSICAL BLOCK ON THE TAPE. 1683 • 168~ • HL HAS "PUT" ADDRESS 1685 • DE HAS SIZE OF TAPE BLOCK 1686 • 1687 • 1688 RTAP PUSH 0 SAVE SIZE FOR RETURN TO CALLING PROGRAM 1689 • 1690 RTAP2 EQU $ HERE TO LOOP RDING RL~S 1691 CALL DCRCT DROP COUNT, R.LEN THIS BLK •• SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C6FA CA 10 C7 C6FD CD 44 C7 C700 DA 06 C7 c703 CA F7 C6 C706 AF C707 37 C70B C3 11 C7 C70B C70D C710 C711 C713 C714 C715 C716 C717 C71B C71B C71C C71D C71E C71F 06 01 CD Fl C7 AF D3 FA Dl C9 C715 AF 47 B2 C2 20 C7 B3 CB 43 5A C9 Cno cno 15 C721 B7 C722 C9 C723 C725 CnB C729 C72B 06 CD DB DB B7 CnC C2 C72F 05 C730 C2 OA 5D C7 FB 23 C7 25 C7 C733 CD 6F C7 C736 DB C737 FE 01 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTE~ •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 1692 JZ RTOFF ZERO=ALL DONE 1693 • CALL RHEDI READ THAT MANY BYTES 1694 JC 1695 TERR IF ERROR OR ESC JZ 1696 RTAP2 RD OK--READ SOME MORE 1697 • 169B· ERROR RETURN 1699 • 1700 TERR XRA A 1701 STC SET ERROR FLAGS 1702 JMP RTOFI 1703 • 1704 • 1705 TOFF MVI B,I 1706 CALL DELAY 1707 RTOFF XRA A 170B RTOF 1 OUT TAPPT POP 1709 o RETURN BYTE COUNT RET 1710 1711 • 1712 • 1713 DCRCT EQU $ COMMON RTN TO COUNT DOWN RL~ LENGTHS 1714 XRA A CLR FOR LATER TESTS 1715 MOV B,A SET THIS BLK LEN=256 1716 ORA D IS AMNT LEFT < 256 JNZ 1717 DCRC2 NO--REDUCE AMNT BY 256 1718 ORA E IS ENTIRE COUNT ZERO RZ 1719 ALL DONF--ZERO=THIS CONDITION 1720 MOV B,E SET THIS BLK LEN TO AMNT REMAINI~r. 1721 HOV E,D MAKE ENTIRE COUNT ZERO NOW 1722 RET ALL DONE (NON-ZERO FLAG) 1723 DCRC2 EQU $ REDUCE COUNT BY 256 1724 DCR D DROP BY 256 1725 ORA A FORCE NON-ZERO FLAG 1726 RET NON-ZERO=NOT DONE YET (BL~ LEN=256) 1727 • 1728 • 1729· READ THE HEADER 1730 • 1731 RHEAD MVI B,10 FIND 10 NULLS 1732 RHEA 1 CALL STAT RC 1733 IF ESCAPE 1734 IN TDATA IGNORE ERROR CONDITIONS ORA 1735 A ZERO? 1736 JNZ RHEAD DCR B 1737 1738 JNZ RHEA 1 LOOP UNTIL 10 IN A ROW 1739 1740 WAIT FOR THE START CHARACTER 1741 • 1742 SOHL CALL TAPIN 1743 RC ERROR OR ESCAPE 1744 CPI AT LEAST 10 NULLS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED RY AN 01 •• PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C739 DA 33 C7 C73C C2 23 C7 C73F 21 lC CB C742 06 10 C744 C744 OE 00 C746 C746 CD 6F C7 C749 DB C74A 77 C74B 23 C74C CD AB C7 C74F '05 C750 C2 46 C7 C753 C756 C757 C75B C75B C75C CD 6F C7 A9 CB 3A 11 CB 3C C9 C75D C75F C761 C762 C765 C768 C76A C76D C76E DB E6 CO CD CA E6 C2 37 C9 FA 40 IF CO 5D C7 7F 5D C7 C76F CD 5D C7 C772 D8 C773 DB FA C775 E6 18 C777 DB FB •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 17B7 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 JC JNZ • • • RHED2 PAnE 17 STILL A NULL, KEEP WAITING NON-ZERO, START SEQUENCE OVER AGAIN NOW GET THE HEADER LXI MVI • RHEDI SOHL RHEAD EQU MVI EQU CALL RC MOV INX CALL DCR JNZ H,THEAD POINT TO BUFFER B,HLEN LENGTH TO READ C,O $ TAPIN M,A H DOCRC B RHED2 RD A BLOCK INTO HL FOR B BYTES INIT THE CRC LOOP HERE GET A BYTE STORE IT INCREMENT ADDRESS GO COMPUTE THE CRC WHOLE HEADER YET? DO ALL THE BYTES THIS ROUTINE GETS THE NEXT BYTE AND COMPARES IT • TO THE VALUE IN REGISTER C. THE FLAGS ARE SET ON • RETURN. • CALL TAPIN GET CRC BYTE XRA C CLR -CARRY AND SET ZERO IF MATCH, ELSE NON-ZERO RZ CRC WAS FINE LDA IGNCR GET POSSIBLE OVERRIDE CRC ERROR FLAG INR A FF=IGNORE CRC ERRORS, ELSE PROCESS CRC ERROR RET • THIS ROUTINE GETS THE NEXT AVAILABLE BYTE FROM THE • • TAPE. WHILE WAITING FOR THE BYTE THE KEYBOARD IS TESTED • FOR AN ESC COMMAND. IF RECEIVED THE TAPE LOAD IS • TERMINATED AND A RETURN TO THE COMMAND MODE IS MADE. • STAT IN TAPPT TAPE STATUS PORT ANI TDR RNZ CALL SINP CHECK INPUT JZ NOTHING THERE YET STAT AlII CLR PARITY 1ST 7FH JNZ STAT NOT A MODE (OR EVEN CTL-@) STC SET ERROR FLAG RET AND RETURN • • • TAPIN CALL WAIT UNTIL A CHARACTER IS AVAILABLE STAT RC • TAPPT TAPE STATUS TREDY IN TFE+TOE DATA ERROR? ANI IN TDATA GET THE DATA •• SOLOS(TMl 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (Cl 1977 C779 C8 C77A 37 C77B C9 C77C CD DE C7 C77F C780 C783 C78# C787 C788 C789 C78A C78B C78C C78D C78E C78F C77F E5 CD AF C7 E1 11 07 00 19 5E 23 56 23 7E 23 66 6F" C790 C790 E5 C791 C791 CD 15 C794 CA DB C797 CD C3 C79A C3 91 C79D C79E C7AO C7A2 C7A.5 C7A6 F5 DB E6 CA F1 D3 C7 C7 C7 C7 FA 80 9E C7 FB C7A8 C7A8 91 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM •• •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 1798 RZ IF NO ERRORS 1799 STC SET ERROR FLAG 1800 RET 1801 • 1802 • 1803· THIS ROUTINE GETS THE CORRECT UNIT FOR SYSTEM WRITES 1804 WFBLK CALL GTUNT SET UP A WITH UNIT AND SPEED 1805 • 1806 • 1807 WRITE TAPE BLOCK ROUTINE 1808 1809 • 1810· ON ENTRY: A HAS UNIT AND SPEED 1811 • HL HAS POINTER TO HEADER 1812 • 1813 • 1814 WTAPE EQU $ HERE TO WRITE TAPE 1815 PUSH H SAVE HEADER ADDRESS 1816 CALL WHEAD TURN ON, THEN WRITE HDR. 1817 POP H" 1818 LXI D,BLKOF OFFSET TO BLOCK SIZE IN HEADER 1819 DAD D HL POINT TO BLOCK SIZE MOV E,M 1820 1821 INX H 1822 MOV D,M DE HAVE SIZE 1823 INX H 1824 MOV A,M 1825 INX H MOV H,M 1826 1827 MOV L,A HL HAVE STARTING ADDRESS 1828 • 1829 • THIS ROUTINE WRITES ONE PHYSICAL BLOCK ON THE 1830· TAPE "DE" BYTES LONG FROM ADDRESS "HL". 1831 • 1832 • 1833 WRL01 EQU $ HERE FOR THE EXTRA PUSH 1834 PUSH H A DUMMY PUSH FOR LATER EXIT 1835 WTAP2 EQU $ LOOP HERE UNTIL ENTIRE AMOUNT READ 1836 CALL DCRCT DROP COUNT IN DE AND SET UP B WILEN THIS BLK 1837 JZ TOFF RETURNS ZERO IF ALL DONE 1838 CALL WTBL WRITE BLOCK FOR BYTES IN B (256) 1839 JMP WTAP2 LOOP UNTIL ALL DONE 1840 • 1841 • 1842 WRTAP PUSH PSW 1843 WRWAT IN TAPPT TAPE STATUS 1844 ANI TTBE IS TAPE READY FOR A CHAR YET 1845 JZ WRWAT NO--WAIT 1846 POP PSW YES--RESTORE CHAR TO OUTPUT 1847 OUT TDATA SEND CHAR TO TAPE 1848 • 1849 DOCRC EQU $ A COMMON CRC COMPUTATION ROUTINP. 1850 SUB C SOLOS(TMl 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (Cl 1977 C7A9 C7AA C7AB C7AC C7AD C7AE 4F A9 2F 91 4F C9 C7AF C7B2 C7B4 C7B5 C7B8 C7B9 C7AF CD ED C7 16 32 AF CD 9D C7 15 C2 B4 C7 C7BC 3E 01 C7BE CD 9D C7 C7C1 06 10 C7C3 C7C5 C7C6 C7C9 C7CA C7CB C7CE C7CF OE 7E CD 05 23 C2 79 c3 00 C7D2 C7D4 C7D5 C7D6 C7D7 C7D8 C7D9 C7DA C7DB 06 05 1A BE CO 05 C8 23 13 C3 D4 C7 C7DE C7E1 C7E2 C7E5 C7E8 C7DE 3A 54 C8 B7 3A OD C8 C2 EA C7 C6 40 9D C7 C5 C7 9D C7 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P. O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 18"85 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 MOV XRA CMA SUB MOV RET •• PAGE 18 C,A" C C C,A ONE BYTE NOW WRITTEN • • THIS ROUTINE WRITES THE HEADER POINTED TO BY • • HL TO THE TAPE. • WHEAD EQU $ HERE TO 1ST TURN ON THE TAPE CALL WTON TURN IT ON, THEN WRITE HEADER MVI D,50 WRITE 50 ZEROS A" NULOP XRA CALL WRTAP "DCR D JNZ NULOP • MVI A,1 CALL WRTAP MVI B,HLEN LENGTR TO WRITE OUT • WTBL MVI C,O RESET eRC BYTE WLOOP MOV A,M GET CHARACTER CALL WRTAP WRITE IT TO THE TAPE DCR B INX R JNZ WLOOP MOV GET CRC A,C JMP WRTAP PUT IT ON TRE TAPE AND RETURN • • • THIS ROUTINE COMPARES THE HEADER IN TREAD TO THE USER SUPPLIED HEADER IN ADDRESS HL. • • ON RETURN IF ZERO IS SET THE TWO NAMES COMPARED • DHCMP MVI B,5 DHLOP LDAX D CMP M RNZ DCR B RZ IF ALL FIVE COMPARED INX H INX D JMP DHLOP • GTUNT EQU $ SET A=SPEED + UNIT LDA FNUMF GET UNIT ORA A SEE WHICH UNIT LDA TSPD BUT 1ST GET SPEED JNZ GTUN2 MAKE IT UNIT TWO ADI TAPE2 THIS ONCE=UNIT 2, TWICE=UNIT 1 •• SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 C7EA C6 40 C7EC C9 C7ED 06 04 C7EF C7EF D3 FA C7F1 C7F4 C7F5 C7F6 C7F7 C7FA C7FB C7FE 11 00 00 1B 7A B3 C2 F4 C7 05 C2 F1 C7 C9 CCOO 009A 0097 00B1 0093 OOBB OOBE OOBo 005F OOOA OOOD 0020 0020 0018 001B PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM 1904 1905 1906 1907 190B 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 191B 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 193B 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 194B 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 GTUN2 • WTON TON • DELAY DLOP1 ADI RET MVI EOU OUT LXI DCX MOV ORA JNZ DCR JNZ RET TAPE2 UNIT AND SPEED NOW SET IN A ALL DONE B,4 SET LOOP DELAY (BIT LONGER ON A WRITE) ijERE TO TURN A TAPE ON THEN DELAY GET TAPE MOVING, THEN DELAY $ TAPPT .. .. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 OOFA OOFB 00F9 OOFD OOFC OOFE OOFA OOFB OOFF D,O D A,D E DLOP1 B DELAY • • ••••• -- END OF PROGRAM-• • • • S Y S T E M EQUATES • • • VDM PARAMETERS • • VDMEM EOU OCCOOH VDM SCREEN MEMORY • • KEYBOARD SPECIAL KEY ASSIGNMENTS • • THESE DEFINITIONS ARE DESIGNED TO ALLOW • • COMPATABILITY WITH CUTER(TM). THESE ARE THE SAME KEYS WITH BIT 7 (X'BO') STRIPPED OFF. • • DOWN EOU 9AH CTL-Z UP EQU CTL-W 97H LEFT EQU B1H CTL-A RIGHT EOU 93H CTL-S CLEAR EOU BBH CTL-K HOME EQU BEH CTL-N MODE EOU BOH CTL-@ BACKS EOU 5FH BACKSPACE LF EQU 10 CR EQU ~3 BLANK EQU SPACE EQU BLANK CX EOU "X"-40H ESC EQU 1BH • PORT ASSIGNMENTS • • 0001 0002 0004 oooB 0010 0020 0040 OOBO 0001 0002 0004 OOOB 0010 0040 0080 0001 OOBO 0040 C800 C800 CBFF C800 C802 C804 C806 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 .. PAGE 19 OFAH STATUS PORT GENERAL 1957 STAPT EQU 1958 SERST EOU OF8H SERIAL STATUS PORT SERIAL DATA 1959 SDATA EOU OF9H 1960 PDATA EQU OFDH PARALLEL DATA 1961 KDATA EOU OFCH KEYBOARD DATA 1962 DSTAT EQU OFEH VPM CONTROL PORT 1963 TAPPT EQU OFAH TAPE STATUS PORT 1964 TDATA EQU OFBH TAPE DATA PORT 1965 SENSE EQU OFFH SENSE SWITCHES 1966 • 1967 • 1968 • BIT ASSIGNMENT MASKS 1969 • 1970 • 1971 SCD EQU 1 SERIAL CARRIER DETECT SERIAL DATA SET READY 1972 SDSR EQU 2 EQU 4 1973 SPE SERIAL PARITY ERROR EQU 1974 SFE 8 SERIAL FRAMING ERROR 1975 SOE SERIAL OVERRUN ERROR EQU 16 1976 SCTS EQU SERIAL CLEAR TO SEND 32 EQU 64 SERIAL DATA READY 1977 SDR SERIAL TRANSMITTER BUFFER EMPTY 1978 STBE EOU 12B 1979 • 1980 KDR 1 KEYBOARD DATA READY EOU PARALLEL DATA READY 1981 PDR EOU 2 PARALLEL DEVICE READY 4 1982 PXDR EOU 1983 TFE EOU B TAPE FRAMING ERROR 1984 TOE EOU 16 TAPE OVERFLOW ERROR 1985 TDR 64 EOU TAPE DATA READY 1986 TTBE EOU 128 TAPE TRANSMITTER BUFFER EMPTY 1987 • 19BB SOK SCROLL OK FLAG EOU 1989 • 1990 TAPE1 EOU BOH 1=TURN TAPE ONE ON 40H 1991 TAPE2 EOU 1=TURN TAPE TWO ON 1992 • 1993 • 1994 • 1995 • GLOBAL ARE A SYSTEM 1996 • 1997 • RAM STARTS JUST AFTER ROM 1998 ORG START+oBoOH 1999 • $ START OF SYSTEM RAM 2000 SYSRAM EQU 2001 SYSTP EQU SYSRAM+3FFH STACK WORKS FM TOP DOWN 2002 • 2003 • 2004. PARAMETERS STORED IN RAM 2005 • 2006 UIPRT DS 2 USER DEFINED INPUT RTN IF NON ZERO 2007 UOPRT DS USER DEFINED OUTPUT RTN IF NON ZERO 2 2008 DFLTS DS DEFAULT PSUEDO 1/0 PORTS (ALWAYS ZERO IN SOLOS) 2 2009 IPORT DS 1 CRNT INPUT PSUEDO PORT •• PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOLOS(TM) 77-03-27 COPYRIGHT (C) 1911 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 201B 2019 2020 2021 2022 C807 C808 CB09 cBOA CBOB C80C C80D CBOE CB10 C811 C812 •• •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 .SAN MATEO, CA 94402 OPORT NCHAR LINE BOT SPEED ESCFL TSPD INPTR NUCNT IGNCR • SOLOS(TM) 11-03-21 COPYRIGHT (C) 1911 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 CRNT OUTPUT PSUEDO PORT CURRENT CHARACTER POSITION CURRENT LINE POSITION BEGINNING OF TEXT DISPLACEMENT SPEED CONTROL BYTE ESCAPE FLAG CONTROL BYTE CURRENT TAPE SPEED FOR COMPATABILITY WI CUTER NUMBER OF NULLS AFTER CRLF FF=IGNORE CRC ERRORS, ELSE NORMAL DS 10 ROOM FOR FUTURE EXPANSION • 2023 • • • • I •S 2024 •• • • T• HIS ~ • • THE • • • • H• E• A• D• E• R• • LAY • • • 0 • U• T• • • 2025 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C81C C821 CB22 CB23 C825 C827 CB29 c82C 0010 0001 C83C C854 C855 C85C C863 CA63 ADOUT ARET Bl.ANK BOT CHRLI Cl.INE CONT CRLF CUSE2 CAB4 C3E8 Cl·9B 0020 C80A C511 COF4 C1FF C2F9 C5D3 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2031 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2041 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 AINP ARETl BLKOF BOUT CLEAR COMNl COPRC CUR CUSET, • THEAD HTYPE Bl.OCK LOADR XEQAD HSPR • HLEN BLKOF DHEAD • • CUTAB • • FNUMF FCBAS FCBA2 FBUFl NAME THIS BYTE MUST BE ZERO TYPE BLOCK SIZE LOAD ADDRESS AUTO EXECUTE ADDRESS SPARES DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 5 1 1 2 2 2 3 EQU EQU OS $-THEAD l.ENGTH OF HEADER Bl.OCK-THEAO OFFSET TO BLOCK SIZE A DUMMY HOR FOR COMPARES WHIl.E RDoING HLEN DS 6·4 ROOM FOR UP TO 6 CUSTOM USER COMMANDS FOR CURRENT FIl.E OPERATIONS DS 1 1ST FILE CONTROl. BLOCK DS 1 2ND FILE CONTROl. BLOCK DS 1 DS 2·256 SYSTEM FILE BUFFER BASE THIS IS AN AREA USED BY CUTER 81 DS START OF USER AREA USARE EQU $ REMEMBER THAT THE STACK WORKS ITS WAY DOWN FROM • THE END OF THIS lK RAM AREA. • • • _.- C022 C19D 0007 C406 008B C1CO C205 CODl C5BD ALOAD ARF.T2 Bl.OCK CHAR CLERA COMND CR CURET CUTAB C548 C1A2 C823 C094 C1B4· C1C9 OOOD C1Ao C83C AOUT BACKS . BOPEN CHPCK CLINl COHTA CREM CURse ex C01C 005F C'iEO C05E COFA C24A C136 COCF 0018 DCRC2 C120 DFLTS C804 DISPO C222 DLOOP C3C8 DOWN 009A ENL03 C459 EOFW C62B C481 ERR2 ERROT C2D2 ESCSP C168 FCBA2 CB5C FDCOU C22E GOBAC C06B GTUNT C7DE HEOUl C414 HSPR C829 INPTR CSOE KDATA OOFC LF OOOA LISTl C539 NAME C469 NCHAR CBoB NLOOP C56A OCHAR C09B C41F OUTH PC LOS C603 PDOWN COCB PHEAD C6A6 PLOAO C6BF PSCAN C310 PXDR 0004 C004 RETRN RHEDl C144 RTAP C6F6 RTOFl C111 SCD 0001 SCROL COAC SDROT C04A SERST 00F8 SETCO C5A9 SETOT C5A 1 SETXQ C5Bl . C340 SHEX SOK 0001 SPEED C80B START COOO STSPD C598 TAERR C514 TAPPT OOFA 0040 TDR TERM C361 TFE 0008 C52B TLIST DCRCT DHCMP DISPl DLOPl DSTAT ENLOP ERASl ERRIT ESC EXEC FCBAS FNUMF GOBK HBOUT HEOUT HTYPE IOPRC KDR l.FCB l.LIST NAMEl NCOM NUCNT OK OUTPR PCR PDR PHOME PRIT PSTOR ROBLK RFBLK RHED2 RTAP2 RTOFF SCHR SCTS SDSR SET SETCR SETSP SETY SINP SOUT SROL STAT STUNT TAPEl TASPD TEREO TERMl THEAD Tl.OA2 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT·SYSTEM •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 C115 C1D2 C22B C1F4 OOFE C42B CODB C2CB 001B C45E C855 C854 C07C C3ED C40B C822 CO?6 0001 C633 C531 C46E C243 c810 COCl C03B C141 0002 COE5 Cl15 C6B6 Con C6C8 C146 C6n C710 C32E 0020 0002 C51A C5B9 C594 C18C C01F C019 coBo C15D C4A2 0080 C58E C5FC C373 C81C C4B5 DEFLT C49A DHEAD C82C DISPD C599 DLPl C3D3 DUMP C3BF ENTER C423 COEE ERAS3 ERRM C525 ESCFL C80C EXECl c461 FCl.OS COOA FOPEN C001· GTBYT C615 HCONV C34D HLEN 0010 IGNCR C811 IPORT. C806 KSTAT C02E C642 l.FCBl l.OADR C825 NAMES C466 NEXT coBO NULOP C1B4 OPORT C801 PASTA C2DD . Cl0F PCUR PERSE COD5 PLEFT Cl0B PROMP C2Fl PTAPl c603 RDBYT COOD RHEAl C125 RIGHT 0093 RTAPE C6CB SBLK C31B SCHRl C330 SDATA 00F9 SECON C190 SETAB C2A2 SETIN C59D SETTY C5AD SFE 0008 SOE 0010 SPACE 0020 C042 SSTAT S·TBE 0080 SYSRA C800 TAPE2 0040 TBl. C273 TEREl C5FB TERM2 C3B9 TIMER C011 TLOA3 C4Cl DELAY C1Fl DHLOP C1D4 DISPT C221 DOCRC C1AB ENLOl C43C EOFER C5FF ERRl C480 ERROl C2D6 C15F ESCS FBUFl c863 FDCOM C231 GCLIN C1E4 GTUN2 C1EA HCOVl C35D HOME 008E INIT COOl ITAB· C29A LEFT 0081 LINE c809 MODE 0080 NAOUT C550 C4B6 NFlL NULOT C301 OTAB C292 PBACK C13E POATA OOFD PESC C159 C140 Pl.F PROUT C2E6 PUP Cl04 RDNBL C65C RHEAD C723 RTl C680 RTBYT C646 SBLKl C31D SCOIIV C33A SOR 0040 SENSE OOFF SETCI C5A5 SETNU C5B5 SETX. cl88 SHE·l C343 SOHl. C733 SPE 0004 STAPT . OOFA STRTA C1AF SYSTP CBFF TAPIN C16F TDATA OOFB TERE2 C5FA TERR C706 TIN C38R Tl.OAD e4A1 PAGE 20 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM II SOLOS(TMl 77-0J-27 COPYRIGHT (Cl 1977 TOE TREDY TTBE UOPRT VDAD2 WFBLK WRBYT WTl WTBYT 0010 C773 0080 CB02 C120 C77C COlO C69B C6B3 TOFI' TSAVE TXEQ UP VDADD WHEAD WRLOl WTAP2 WTLPl •• SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CORP. P.O. BOX 5260 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 C70B C4E6 C4A6 0091 CllC C7AF C790 C191 C400 TON TSPD UBUF USARE VDMEM WLOOP WRTAP WTAPE WTON C7EI' CBOD C5F5 CAB4 CCOO C7C5 C79D C77F C1ED TOUT TSRCH UIPRT VDAD VDMOT WRBLr( WRWAT WTBL XEQAD P~G~ C38B COB2 C800 C123 C054 C016 C79E C7C3 CBn 21 X DRAWINGS X-I X-2 X-3 X-4 X-S X-6 X-7 X-8 X-9 X-IO X-II X-12 X-13 X-14 X-IS X-16 'X:... 17 X-18 X-19 X-20 X-21 X-22 X-23 REV A Assembly, Fan Closure Assembly, PCB, Sol Regulator Assembly, Power Supply, Sol (Sheet 1 of 2) Assembly, Power Supply, Sol (Sheet 2 of 2) Assembly, PCB, Sol-PC (Sheet 2 of 2) Assembly, PCB, Sol-PC (Sheet 1 of 2) Assembly, PCB, Personality Module (2708/9216) Assembly, Top, Sol (Sheet 3 of 3) Assembly, Top, Sol (Sheet 2 of 3) Assembly, Top, Sol (Sheet 1 of 3) Sol-PC Block Diagram Sol Regulator Schematic Sol Power Supply Schematic Sol CPU and Bus Schematic Sol Memory and Decoder Schematic Sol Input/Output Schematic Sol Display Control Schematic Sol Audio Tape I/O Schematic Personality Module (2708/9216) Schematic Sol Keyboard Photo Sol Keyboard Block Diagram Sol Keyboard Schematic Assembly, Sol Keyboard X-1 7 o '''I' DISC;';.";';TlO=N--- ...., ' I OJ I 2 3 1 RE..VI$ION$ o o o D e.Ct.l \o'l4'l , 10244 Copyright 1976 D o X-2 By NOTSS: & cur 11-le..S.e. T~AC:::E.$ ';'IDE.. OF THE:: pc:::e. c ANC" z.. & cs A~ ON iHE. ";0L..t;)1iO.~ ~ r<1~ 11":14- At;)[;7 C $HO'w'N. -rHI~ I"; A ~ING.I,..e; 51D"'- ~OAIi.r.:> . coN",UCTolZ ~'I''I'E:r'':N M<:>lJN1 ;.1-/.:>",,1'01 1<;' ",r-J S"LD~rz. Sol"'!;. ONI.."'f'. ~I APF"I<""')(IMAT~~'( .IS F'f'/:0M 6oAftIi'Surz.FACil', E·E B wH'I' B D·D REF. DES. PART OR DWB, NO. PART DESCRIPTION ProcessorTechnology Ul-LESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES: TOLERANCES ARE: ~Ir'" DRAWN: DATE: CHECKED: A Cme FRACTIONS DECIMALS ANGLES ± - .xx ± - ± .xxx± - RELEASED: DATE:.. DATI: I{.. "'."'"~vf, ~_~I·. ~---------..J::;':;""'......i.':""::;L.=..":""':'-L..-~:""-';"::"~---1 A ssY J PC B) .sc?I R~GUL-A-rO~ SIZE I-N-EX-T-A-SS-V.-f----,US":":ED-QN--1 4 3 2 C DRAWING NO. 10.5008 1 REV. D A 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 ~ REVISIONS DESCRIPTION TR ECII 1024 Sl 101'19 ID244 LREbgAWIJ) X-3 D o c c 32 B B III ')( )( I o() ~ I ~ W RD!OES. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES: TOLERANCES ARE: A FRACTIONS DECIMALS ± - PART DESCRIPTION PART OR DWG. NO. Utl..ESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ProcessorTechnology ...-, 1-110 OATE: 11- ........, ANGLES DATI: .Xx ±- ±- A S-77 A.<> h_'l-'1 DATI: .XXX± - AS~YJPO~~ .s.UPPL.Y) 8 1010.,,,-)()( 1010""-,,,( NEXT ASS'( USED all I'SHDP GRAPHICSfACCU.R£SS IJ) RtoRDDI NO. Ml3" 7 6 5 i 4 3 .sol SIZE REV. 0 2 ~ 1 8 7 6 4 5 1 2 3 X-4 D D c c Oe:.1AIL c DG.IAIL.. A B B III )( X I o\) ~ I/"L.T~ WITH Sol t.o/u.o TRAN>Fo~Merc: (piN 105034) WITH Sol loo WIrz.e.D FOIZ. TRAN~foIZ.Me.12. (piN losoz.g) A D~-rAIL DG.TAI L 13> Z. DE:'-AIL 60, WI~eD foiZ- liS VoLT~ j(e;.f. 603 WIReD f'o~ 240 I/OL.TS WITH Sol aO/?40 IRAN!7FoIZ.Me.[t (piN 10&034) 22.0 5c:HeMAIIC 10.503$ lZ:!Sf. scHeMATIc A 10.s;o~.s; DRAWING NO. REV. IOS;OOI-XX 8 @ BISHOPIlRAPHICS/ACCUPRES!I AmllDER NO. Ml344 7 6 5 i 4 3 1 e: - J5 4.047) s ~ 0 U18 « '" 9 ~.... N ~ ~ 0 ® .. N N 0 S N N -of. .U88 CD C.:7.. ~ _ U8J.:H laKft~d ()'lOrD2~2907 ..: --~~~ ~g. .~ • •.-:.: ,'7: Ul07 :..il'--:':~:".J::~: ,~, ,~.Jjji~L "VE 8 DRAWING NO. REV. I(,'!.('.UU 7 5 1 II 8 7 6 5 2 3 4 1 REVISIONS ZONE DESCRIPTION - H E'eN 10Z.0;;3 X-6 o 'Z. PL 12.3 'Z.PL It" o IZ4 Z. PL 4pl. 12.3 IZ7 'Z. PL '2,PL ItS c c 4PL 1.24 DETAIL A MOUf-ITING OF J-S DETAIL B & MaUI,JTltJ6 OF J·I AtJD H. DETAIL C & i'<\OU4TING OF BACKPLANE CCt..lNI'CTOR 0'11) . f.JOTES: .1. & If-I .BLE GUT TfllS T~A'E DETAIL D PERSONALITY CARD GUIDE. ASSY. MODULE REF. DU. PART OR OWO. NO. ~=!',:*':,: A THE PA.RT DESCRIPTION ProcessorTechnology ~-,-::'-':",-==-+---L>"'<":"='-"---I TOLERANCES ARE: DEE.TAIL- F VIEVEP Ft':.oM ::;go $oLI7E.1:. .5oIPE. FRACTIONS DECIMALS ± - ANGLES DATE: ASS~MBLY, 10100 8 "'" BISHOP GRAI'HICS/ACCUPREII '08/ REORDER MD • .-..0344 tEXT ASSY. 7 6 5 i 4 3 GATE: I~" _ l J~ 7'? .xx ± - ± - t - - - - - - - - . L - - - ' - - - ' - ' - ' ' ' ' - - ' - - ' ' - - = - " ' - ' - - - t .xxx± - 101000 USED ~ SIZE o 2 PCB, Sol -Pc. DRAWING NO. lozoao 1 REV. H A 4 2 3 1 RE'JISIONS lONE L~ B DESCRIPTION Ec..N 10124, 10146 11-2-..,·7 o o c c ""f'-.-"",,-."I-----IZ ~H!r-4!~~HtHtt' (;i) : ,; ~ INSERT TUMPER WIRE, ITEM lSI BET\lJEE.N tI_SV" AND "2.,/".. GUT ANt) RE.MOVE TRACE. ON L&......re..... 2 ~ TI-IE SOLDER SIDE OF THe BOARD BE-TWEEN I~;' i'NO 'PADS» MARlc:'E..D "CO" A~D "21 'I 0"-1 TH E 2.708 YERS ION 0 f\J LY Ib. NOT USED ON 9216 VERSION. EPROMS NOT SUPPLIED WITH 2708 VERSION B B REF. DES. PART OR DWG. NO. PART DESCRIPTION ProcessorTechnology UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES: TOLERANCES ARE: A~. DRAWN: 11- 'Z.o-"17 DATE: CHECKED: DATE: L 1,0 RELEASED: ( .:; 1I-v N=:;;O;:_-~ v" 3 ...3' t- X-9 ~ ~ ~ ~ '- ~ "" I I I I I I EO @ @ ~ DE'TAIL. 1 I<:IGHT ~IDI< MOUNTINt:? "'II'TIID_-.'_..O__ UNLESS OTI-II:RWISE. S~E.CI FlED: PART I. ALL SCREWS A'K.E <2-c.N G Ec.N 101(", '1.21-1 R.,,,, @ & LABE.LS APPLIED TO OU,SIDE OF C~ASSIS WITHIN AREA BOUNDED BY 8ROI ~~~~~s To In Cassette Audio In Audio Out Recorder /213, .e14~ C!8 AIJ£J£D PE.€ ECO 10018 X-12 1':1 + 5>v + R~6i A1" ~A (~ IN4001 % RI2. 4t:?2.0/1"/" ... I:2.Vt:>c::. ~1i6. "'T.'sA (RSP) Tt:? ~"'I- pc:;.fllJ D41N40'::>1 - 12 VP? R(l:G. AT (VVH /Y~W) .5A 1.::> Gool - PC ~ r-------------~.x~------------------------------------------------------~ - IIlioVt:>c:; UNF1;~G. AT IA (!r>ol-;!O ONl-Y) ... I~Vt:>C:; UNRta60. AT IA (!r>ol~2.'::> ONl-Y) ::: PAIT 01 DWG. NO. NIXI ASST. USID ON DATil 6-'-11 "LI'''D.l.~EL~Sn:11t SCHEMATIC,SOI. RE,GULAl"O.R 105009 DIAWING NO. SHUI I OF LTR B R;NISlot.) REkl:ASEtl A<;' .REV B, DEoSC&lPTIOt.) (EGO 10003) C. EC.I-l D SCot...) \o\'ZA (DOc:.UMEtJTjI.,ilo", 10114- otvLY) If)- '7', (U~ f X-13 eel 70,04'7 ISOOO;<~ov SOL FA.t-I A'SIEoy.I05D"33-01 .1+ ~ -), Gol-TZ. \0502.6 TBI - (.)S" -:(3 'Ss ... sv (GI':E'E'N) i "L _ 6iNP ('vVHITI<-) 1./' X~l-------------~-4I-< ~~ >- "R~EN >>>>- GRE'[;'N XI ~ I I I I ,5",,\ - SL.I< I (iC'eVB) \OSOOB Z\C::'H~~~ I Rae:;;. PCB 1 o----t------l-<; I I "l l----------+--(." 1 (---, >14 04 BLK 10;01"2- XZr---------~ r-:=::-:-r--{T I CNEAR To FAt-}) A~sy aA SLo-BLO y~W ,------{1'4 >>- GND ~IO Pc. Dc.. POWI:R. '?OL I I I - GWO(WHITE) +IZV 1 / X7l-----!----,--,-----'---+-< I WH/YI.W 4 ~ f3l--I--('VV-H-=/-""-L-W-,-+-< '3 f-- (F(e;p) >- ,->-_Y.:.:~:..:.:W,---_-{1'.s ! -1:z.V ~~l----{;x~,}------J +1".5'1 -I':'.SV ASSYIO!)OD7 8LK 'l0 - 10 TB'2. (AVVAY FICOt4 FA\\!) /Sf-l Y~WIWH 6L-1J A II 4- ~ L......;..;;:....:....;..---'---------t-------+_( .--+------J.-<, 3 iOlo:S3 ___ +---_--_---El'-'L-U""Ii-----' '--~----__;I~" 'Z f ~ .. ~ /WH 1 ' ~MPA<;}80-1 >>~ - fWSl' >- C9 'Ac.. ElL-U - ~ I _ + 5400;7 I' ,0104-., 15V "> .( R 13 -'Oo:,~ C'9 3!Vz. W ,.-----------;~" I BA.c:::.KPLANE. OC. c.ABLE. SOL f- ""HIT!> ( 24-0V) BLK/RED / (220V~ I ... ... ( 115V)-< -< -< -< (0 V)--< NOTES: & OPTIO~ 2.20 VOLT HOOKUP: (AS SHOWN) TRANS FOI ~"':;:"';-;'fP:;.,.~';;N;J--=="JPl~:A;T~"'~A~P~P~P~ .5ae:. HIST,?RY riLE FOR I'""K.E'vloLl$ ~e.v. J II ( SM'MR) JII ~ 1" ~ ~ .111 ( ST"T ".9) JII X-14 J' JII JII 111 ~ JII 111 ( SST""" ) (rwo ) JII ~ 111 ("" J, I< ,"I:' ~SB JII ) JII ~,srA~T JII (!'SYNC) JII ®!ffD ~ JII 111 (""",. 111 (PWAIT) ) JII JII XII (p" .. ,.... ) 111 (M""'''';''.) 311 (E .. .,y. ) 311 (en: JII (Pr ~T our pORT OUT 11'8 TA"'O [pvvG. S) POf(" GltJl FA AU. CTRL("",6. POflt.'1' Cl'tJT 1"9 UAFtT (PW6.",) pa~1 au,. p~ CT!I:.\.. ',l» (PWG.",) INT $I>L-C",W"".I) JII PO~j (PDSIN p'a~T PQ~T POIII::T .nl ( AI7~ I¢ .11 (AO>F't g '" POllitT ,.."'~ POR"T POR'T IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN FF S'Ns.e:, SWI'fe;H F'~ FIS ~A F9 ,II (AD": !II (MVV",T'" ) JII ~ + I2.V ,II Gi'Ki0 -12.V 311 JII ) ~ (APF< ... ~ ~ ~ 311 (APR'" ) ( DIO '" 311 ~ 311 ( 1710 'NT INT INT INT INT J'I' ~ (D'" -4 INT INT ) JII ~ ,II ( <>'0 JII ~ , 0 "II ... ,NT ) JII . TA.PIi. ("WG ... ) (<>",,6.5) AUX STATUs> (O>VV6. ;» UA",T Co""c>. 3) p" SiA.,.US + SV ) -111 2- (r;1'VV"G.-+) ) "il111 JII PI,50PL-AY ,SP,CTION FO> PARAL.L.ji.~ (1:7"""60,1) FC I ..e) n ~--~~--~--+-----+------------------------------------~> ~, 'i:' ,-:/0. TAP" HI "'PE5'P (pw~,,) 1'..... n: C:::"N'(f('OL. I (OvVt;,50) X 16 _ T~rli CONTROl-'%.. (t:' ........ c..S) SI (DATA SliT ~5ADY·EIA) 5"5R (~vvc;. $0) r .... p't HI PUS ( ..A"AL.'.L. UNIT SP£iEP S!l-L..cr) 1'2, \ (r>w.:;,:z) PO~-r (r?'AlG.2) PORT G1UT FA (PWG.2.) (pwGr.Z) P'c::;t~"T II'l F'~ P'G'R'T IN FB (r:1\N~, I,~) JI (,;eRIAL. ""'01" ouT P!l p"c t N1" 7 (P"N~. I,l-/S) IN'" 6 (r:>"N$.I,2.,;) CU"".NT $OU"'v~)S"C5 C,..CEIVEP "'AT", - "'A) "RD JI INi !5 (P'IV~. INT 4 (r;vw;.I.2-.5) INi .3 (r:lWG.I.1-,.s) :~f f ','1,sl ?g~:: ~:i;~ INT ~ (I:'W~. 1,2/ ;) K@D L.OC .:ra .tl (SOI':I"''' J, (HI\'IAL. ""'''I'' "E"EIV~ I) $1-1'1 I .""'1' Re"~IV~ 3" (I<6-YEfOA~P :z.) *-:1( STD C'-I':AN"'Mln.. ", PA-rA-""A).11 ""',-1': (",ATA TO'RMINAl- R""",PY-O'IA,l.11 ';1-1<'1- E!5oRSAI()IS~1\ (pac. "RTS ("'O'<,?UO''''- TO ) ""1'1<> - ~IA) J I ,"N", .11 (pw",z) PG'Ri OUT rca CSiN!:> :1"1 ~ ~ ~ ~ SII JII JII III (pw.o,:>.) Po:::;IR'T JZ P"l' 7 POD" 32. ou,. I='L' F"OD S :Jz. POD 4 32- "Nt' Jt. GiNO 3t. ~ ~ ~ ~ :III JII JII ~" (P-W':;, z) P"RT POD" :11- POD Z :It. POD I JZ POD ¢ st IN ff 32. (PAR.......... !>AT.... ~py) ~ sz. (f"AR....... J .. OXT, ",.y, APY) PXC>R (p""",,, ,;) 2. ....0" H:t- (r:>"",,",') ("y.;", ,) -+""" I;L"''' H>t (A) (<'WC.,5) !Jc.oo Hz. H:t- (p""",,,,) 38tt:+·OO 11;t. (p""",,'J 192."" H1 P"~T IN Ft' ~ ("-w,,, ::) J~ 1(1"'&CIIAFliP P"'F 60 (py.,~. I) 14.31 (A"II: ". ) .111 ~ ~ ~II III CG'MP', VI t::J1!.O MH~ JII au,. J'4 ou" J4 OUT GiNe::> (AI''''''' ) .1"'1 C:::HAf':. API': rP .14 c::.HAro:. APR I .1"'1 "HAR.APR l :14 (.HAR. AI7R ~ JII ( MWR"~·) .til ( I"P"'N COMP'o SCAN ("",,~.,.l (~ti.I,Z., J) ~ PSYNC "'~C> .pz. "~ANK <>u~ J'4 AI7V· CI.-OCI< J4 J't GNP J4 GI' 34 PORT QiJT " peRT IN pS SCHI::MATIC, PC"B I Gol p~ DIG PLAY 5E.CTION H 102002 'MII,4 5 D see: sHT. I X-18 NoroS: *" t:'O NOT SLI!3SoTI'flJTE. 2. ~ aU$~16NAL..NAMe. 3. --<§] 5· 4. ~ ,50-100 5. ~ I/O CONNIiCTOfC'$ 6. @- I/O CONNe..Cio~c;.J P(?wEr;: .sUP'PL.Y, PE.p:SONAL..I1"( MOI'U\'-E. $-100 ,"0::::' eu$o PINS, sus PIN~ 7. -{> ON CA~C" t!J. IO 'N (»","G.") -II 'NT" PIO n 'NT 2 PIO ~II INT INT IN1" INT INT NG. I .... ,}) 'NT I PIO ;J 4 I' ~ 7 I poe (t;IO ...........O.I/'I) PO~ OUT FIS (,,""G. (",W6-. iJ) 9,"'''''' HZ ("'N... ~I 4,800 HZ. (",-.vs. ?II 19, ZOe:> HZ ("''''''',..3) "e ,I (,,"" ... !OJ l (""",G. I,'>.,,) j (,,""'G ... ) 400HZ TAP", til :>P5&P 1"APE HI :>J>.EP I,ZOO HZ. (A) 2,40" HZ AUDIO OUT J~ TAP~ 1"AP5 jre. MOTOiC 2. CONTRO~ TAn. CONTROl- 2. SCHE.MATIC, PCB J Sol PC AUDIO TAPE H 102002 r/o m ,-. I X *' RI 130n 1/2 W -12V ~ GND GND ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR 1* (4 IN?2- + IMF ,IB ~ ~ I 2 , I 4 I AI2 15 r-rr- 6 7 *ZI '" R2 130n 1/2W ~ AIO 'Ail ~ rsrr- 8 reT2 9 ...IDl. ~ PI ~ '*= J.... (, -r-+ I MF Z2~ IN?2,IB 12 8 PI A~VSS 7 6 AI 01 9 INT A2 02 10 INT 15 A, 0, II T INT 4 A4 04 I, T INT A? UI O?~1~4~__-+~~~~ ~ INT 2 A 6 2708 06 I? INT J A79216B07 16 INT 8,16E 17 2, INT A8 08~-r---+~4-~-+~~----J 22 A9 V - V , PR- 2I Lo ,.. -C; 20 '5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~+?y ((, OG ~~ R? (2 19124121 ~n19 10K I MF 1+12 PGM +11 )1 + 10K B, PGM ~I III I . (I + PGM B2 ~'I III I, ;;1IIMF I PGM BI 10K PI , ________ -T - 11 ==_1: R, + PI + ?V + ?V + 12Y Nlllllllilltl' 8 7 6 15 4 ~ 2 I 2, 22 20 C5 191241211 1'8I V V V V DO (( BB PRA~ OG 01 AI A2 02 A, U2 0, A4 04 A? 2708 015 A6 06 15 6 7 ~ I 2 3 9 10 II 1"3 14 I? 16 07 17 08 A7 A8 A9 (S VSS , 12 ~~F~I I , (~ I 2 , 4 EI Hili PI ~ A? +?V R6 10K -16 NOTE: (4 Ab I • -·01 (2708 EPROM VERSION) SHOWN. * =PART WHICH IS MISSING FROM 9216 MASKED ROM VERSION I REF. DES. I"" I PAIT 01 DWG. NO. NEXT ASST. 7 ""'". 1 I I II I I I PART DESCRIPTION L.ITO USED ON I '" .1 ENGI: I 1=1=, 10-20-1(, I • I DATE: DATE: C.EN !.l6lN 6·"'30-17 .. • __ IEUASID:C/I;~ DATE: b-30-77 SCH~MATIC, PE.f~SONAL.ITI MODUL-~ ? 705/c)Z/~ ~------+-------~I ~ lEV. I0700Z. I DIAWING NO. SCAU: SHEET NONe: B OF SIZE X-20 X-21 Sol - KEYBOARD BLOCK DIAGRAM - Rev. B, C Latch ~------------~~KBD¢ PKD SENSE CIRCUIT ~ Key Data PKD Key KTC, UI4 ~ Out Key out Rpt Stbe SEQUENCE DETECTOR UI6,U20,U25, U26,U27 Keyboard Data OUTPUT LATCH U I, U2,UI¢ I nhi bit Out Output ~---------------[=>KBD7 UIS DET ¢ DET I Low Order Count --------00.1 ~2 Key OUI ROW SCANNER U6, UI9,U22,U23 High Order Bit STROBE GENERATOR U3,UI¢,UII,U24 REPEAT COUNTER U9, UI3,UI6 Rpt St be Strobe '-------<0.1 Stbe init 1---41----------1 Count ~ ENB Count COLUMN SCANNER U4,U5,UI7, U21 FUNCTION LATCH. DECODER UI2, U 13,UI4, U 15,U 23,U24,U27 Brk /VI Rst CLOCK OSCI LLATOR U7, U4 US, U9 Loco J ~2 6 USEC r-,hI I Typical C Key-switch Detai I DETAIL Col urnn Line J I to J3 on Sol PC. Z D AIN US 3 7493 I~ elN A. eo c:: 'I" •"I " U4 IS 14 A 13 IJ ~ X-22 C' r l2.p at..!.. ~ I'" 5 74t..:SOO 1.2 c;:o A UI7 7442. c::. 6 r7 U21 7442. 1% ~ e JI II rS '"7 . 5V I 1110., )(2.---, II If," e;J.2.9 ae. 62. I <4 Bt. .59 :;I,.. I I .s 77 37 2.5 18 2.1 2.S x:z. ('7 I..... lila, t c:; I 7" '854 1)(2. '4, I S 7.ot 319 20 "-4- \3 " I I I ")lK x.4 2IOIT3 EJIT4 EIlTS IOIT'" !!lIT 7 Ul9 12. .5 4051 I.,. I xi'h ....S): I """ 1 IiJli I !Jlj tb .. ;"A,A1E. I ~X~::"",,,,,,-.;-'--++--t--t--+-+-t:z"'------r.D'+-t-lr3,,"f''''g+-j'~''ST--_9.. " I x:t I , 81 $5 z;Z. 5 S 1)(2. IOIT'" 15 2- ,,,, K.T.C. 17 SO 7S ~I '" n. fL4.,J1 ... 7 ,'' 4S 2~ z,f 41 51 ~'------tt~r-~I~~~9 De~s z (, ,"S S 5 147 I SS .... 14 4~ 70 I ... UZ2 .X4:::::.VlJIy-.-;.I_-I""~I_+_+-+."s'-l--t------+_+_f11,,~,..:::""t-t--r.~·+---"=-fz. ,. 40JlI X4 I X4 I': Xo4 I L~7 ~ h60 12. 71 .5984 (,J ~ ____ ~~ __ _ I 57 IS 13>.5,", 2- +SV I '914, <7 ROO 1.5K ~ SE.E:. DE:.TAIL A , I L~ J 9 xo XI 10 S 2. 1 : ~1 or-1 3 4 74L~IO Ula. R4 "'SK .SV ~,z ~SK 7-4L500 +~ I~~~ sv .A. /<'18 \1:1'3 10 OliT II:: ¢ J +sv G.2,s,tP, ...... C.12.,13 , ~ .041 rz-zo~ II~ T_ R'Z.Z 31< RII GI\'OUNO (5,".S.) ~ RIO 31:: Coli .0\ 14 ';'IO~ to J+SV 1I..--pfU 9 r---"" ~K UIS 741..57-+ "L.t"ML." Q~5 r '"ii""." IZC) :a. ~rG) 6 Uz.4 74'(;(;, LS" 3 MVS75Z /'!DIE.S: U\.lLESS 011-1,,-RvJl'E. Sf'ECIPIE D: I. ALL RE'SI<;,TOI4'> cs 4"70?F 1<2.4IK Al<.e 01 Wi::,,; '10 .... .u. '.1' DISCII.TlON ".1 CAPACITIVe. CiRCUIT . . . . .tA_ ... ~~ ... ~------+-------~.-- -SWITCI-I DcTcCTO~ c 104002. ...AIID'L. ~fUENsmM X-23 o o .- NOTES: 1. LEOS 1,2, & 3 ARE MV5752 2. Q1, Q2 & Q9 ARE 2N4274, Q3 - Q8 ARE 2N3640 Sol- KEYBOARD ASSEMBLY APPENDICES AI Deleted All 8080 Operating Codes AlII Standard Color Code AIV Loading DIP Devices, Soldering Tips, and Installing Augat Pins AV IC Pin Configurations AVI TV Interface AVII Pin-outs for Connectors S-lOO Bus Definitions, Switch Functions, and Bit Assignments AVIII IIYour Personal Genie," (An Article on Types of Software) .'6' 0 .~.' JUMP JMP JNZ JZ ,JNC JC JPO JPE JP JM PCHl C3 C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA E9 Adr MOVE IMMEDIATE MVI MVI MVI MVI MVI MVI MVI MVI 06 OE 16 lE 26 2E 36 3E 04 OC 14 1C '.:>4 2C 34 3C INR INR INR INR INR INR INR INR 03 13 23 33 INX INX INX INX ~ • ~ CD C4 CC 04 DC E4 EC F4 FC CALL CNZ CZ CNC CC CPO CPE CP CM Adr Ace IMMEDIATE* B. C. O. E. H. L. M. A. INCREMENT** 08 RETURN CALL C6 CE 06 08 DE E6 EE F6 FE AOI ACI SUI SBI ANI XRI ORI CPI 08 DECREMENT** C9 CO G8 DO 08 EO E8 FO F8 RET RNZ RZ RNC RC RPO RPE RP RM IMMEDIAT~ 01 11 21 31 LXI LXI LXI LXI ACCUMULATOR* C7 CF 07 OF E7 EF F7 FF 07 OF 17 IF 58 59 5A 5B 5C 50 5E 5F MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV E,B E,G E,D E,E E,H E,L E,M E,A 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD B C 0 E H L M A AB AC AD AE AF XRA B XRA C XRA 0 XRA E XRA H XRA L XRA M XRA A 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV H,B H,C H,D H,E H,H H,L H,M H,A 88 89 8A 8B 8C 80 8E BF ADC AOC AOC ADC AOC ADC AOC ADC B C 0 E H L M A BO Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA B G 0 E H L M A B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP B C 0 E H L M A RST 0 RST 1 RST 2 RST 3 RST 4 RST 5 RST 6 RST 7 H, sp, DOUBLE ADD! 09 DAD B 19 DAD 0 29 DAD H 39 DAD SP E5 F5 PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH B 0 H PSW C1 01 El Fl POP B POP 0 POP H POP PSW' E3 F9 XTHL SPHL SPECIALS B L M A OA lA 2A 3A LOA X lOAX LHLD LOA B D Adr Adr B 0 H SP OB lB 2B 3B OCX OCX OCX OCX B 0 H SP 02 12 22 32 STAX STAX SHLO STA B 0 Adr Adr C LOAD/STORE constant, or logicaliarithmetic expression that evaluates to an B bit data quantity. all Flags (C.l.S,P) affected RLC RRC RAL RAR CONTROL NOP HLT 01 EI STACK OPS B} C5 0, 016 05 25 20 35 3D H 10 MOVE (contI LOAD 0 E H L M A 05 OD 15 ROTATE+ 00 76 F3 FB OCR OCR OCR OCR OCR OCR OCR OCR B C 0 E RESTART EB 27 2F 37 3F XCHG OAA' CMA STCt CMC+ INPUT/OUTPUT 03 OUT DB DB IN 08 016 t MOVE 40 41 42. 43 44 45 46 47 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV B.B B,C B,D B,E B,H B,L B,M B,A 6B 69 6A 6B 6C 60' 6E 6F MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV L,B L,C L,D L,E L,H L,L L,M L,A 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB B C 0 E H L M A 48 49 4A 4B 4C 40 4E 4F MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV C,B C,C C,D C.E C,H C,L C,M 70 71 72 73 74 75 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV M,B M,C M,O M,E' M,H M,L GA 77 MOV MA 98 99 9A 9B 9C 90 9E 9F SBB SBB SBB SBS SBB SBB SBB SBB B C 0 E H L M A 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 MOV MOV MOV MGV MOV MOV MOV MOV O,B O,C 0,0 D,E O,H O,L O,M O,A 78 MOV A,B 79 MOV A,C 7A MOV A,O 7B MOV A,E 7C MOV A,H 70 MOV A,L 7E MOV A,M 7F MOV A,A AO Al A2 A3 ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA B C 0 E H L M A constant, or 10gicaVarithmetic expression that evaluates to a 16 bit data quantity. = only CARRY affected = APPENDIX II \ -------------- A4 A5 A6 A7 CONSTANT DEFINITION A8 A9 AA OBDH lAH f Hex 105D} . 105 Decimal 720} Octal 720 11011B} . 00110B Binary 'TEST' } 'A' 'B' ASCII OPERATORS +,- PSEUDO INSTRUCTION STANDARD SETS ORG Adr END EOU 016 A SET B SET C SET 0 SET E SET H SET L SET M SET SP SET PSWSET DS DB OW 016 DB [ 1 016 [ 1 ~ I 0 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 Adr = 16 bit address •• = all Flags except CARRY affected; (exception: INX & OCX affect no Flags) © Processor Technology Corp. \ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA DB OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 ·14 lS 16 17 18 19 1A lB lC NOP LXI STAX INX INR OCR MVI RLC 10 lE 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 08 = B,016 B B B B B.08 DAD LDAX OCX INR OCR MVI RRC B B B C C C.08 LXI STAX INX INR OCR MVI RAL 0.016 0 0 0 0 0.08 DAD LOAX OCX INR OCR MVI RAR 0 0 0 E LXI SHLO INX INR OCR MVI OAA H.016 Adr H H H H.08 E E.08 28 29 2A 2B 2C 20 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 40 4E 4F DAD LHLO OCX INR OCR MVI CMA H Adr H L L L,08 LXI STA INX INR OCR MVI STC SP,016 Adr SP M M M,08 DAD LOA OCX INR OCR Mill CMC MOV MOV MaV MOV MaV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MaV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV SP Adr SP A A A. 08 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 50 5E Si60 B,B B,C B,O B.E B,H B,L 8.M S,A C,B C,C C,O C.E C,H C,L C,M C,A 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 SA 68 6C 60 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV HLT MOV O,B O,C 0,0 O,E O,H O,L O,M O,A E,B E.C E,O E,E E,H E.L E,M E,A H.B H.C H.O H.E H.H H,L H.M H.A L,B L,C L,O L,E L,H L.L L,M L,A M,B M,C M.O M,E M.H M,L M,A constant, or logical/arithmetic expression that evaluates to an 8 bit data quantity. 78 MOV A,B 79 MOV A,C 7A MOV A,O 7B MOV A,E 7C MOV A,H 70 MOV A,L 7E MOV A,M 7F MOV A,A 80 ADD B 81 ADD C 82 ADD 0 83 ADD E 84 ADD H 85 ADD L 86 ADD M 87 ADD A 88 AOC B 89 AOC C 8A AOC 0 SB AOC E 8C AOC H 80 AOC L 8E AOC M 8F AOC A 90 SUB B 91 SUB C 92 SUB 0 93 SUB E 94 SUB H 95 SUB L 96 SUB M 97 SUS A 98 SBB B 99 SBB C 9A SBS 0 9B SSB E 9C SBB H 90 SBB L 9E SSB M 9F SSB A 016 = AO Al A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF BO Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BO BE SF CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA XRA XRA XRA XRA XRA XRA XRA XRA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP RNZ POP JNZ JMP CNZ PUSH AOI RST B C 0 E H L M A B C 0 E H L M A B C 0 E H L M A B C 0 E H L M A B Adr Adr Adr B 08 0 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA DB DC DO DE OF EO El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF RZ RET JZ CZ CALL ACI RST RNC POP JNC OUT CNC PUSH SUI RST RC Adr Adr 08 1 0 Adr 08 Adr 0 08 2 XRI RST CPI RST 08 7 08 HEX-ASCII TABLE 3 Non-Printing H Adr Adr H 08 4 Adr Adr 08 5 constant, or logical/arithmetic expression that evaluates to a 16 bit data quantity. APPENDIX II RP POP PSW JP Adr 01 CP Adr PUSH PSW ORI 08 RST 6 RM SPHL JM Adr EI Adr CM Adr 08 Adr JC IN CC SBI RST RPO POP JPO XTHL CPO PUSH ANI RST RPE PCHL JPE XCHG CPE FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF 00 07 09 OA OB OC 00 11' 12 13 14 lS 70 7F Adr NULL BELL TAB LF VT FORM CR X-ON TAPE X-OFF ESC ALT MODE RUB OUT = 16 bit address HEX-ASCII Printing 0 30 1 31 32 2 3 33 4 34 35 5 6 36 7 37 38 8 39 9 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 40 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A A B C 0 E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z TABLE Characters @ 40 space 20 21 ! 22 23 # 24 $ ~/o 25 26 & 27 28 29 2A 2B + 2C 20 2E 2F 3A 3B 3C < 3D 3E > ? 3F 5B 5G 50 5E (,~) 5F H PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ APPENDIX III STANDARD COLOR CODE FOR RESISTORS AND CAPACITORS COLOR Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Gray White Gold Silver No Color SIGNIFICANT FIGURE DECIMAL MULTIPLIER 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .g 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 1,000,000,000 0.1 0.01 - - --- *App1ies to capacitors only. AllI-1 TOLERANCE (%» VOLTAGE RATING* -- 5 10 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 gOO 1000 2000 500 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY. CORPORATION APPENDIX IV Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ LOADING DIP (DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE) DEVICES Most DIP devices have their leads spread so that they can not be dropped straight into the board. They must be "walked in" using the following procedure:. (1) Orient the device properly. Pin 1 isindlcated by a small embossed dot on the top surface of the device at one corner. Pins are numbered counterclockwise from pin 1. (2) Insert the pins on one side of the device into their holes on the printed circuit card. Do not press the pins all the way in, but stop when they are just starting to emerge from the opposite side of the card. (3) Exert a sideways pressure on the pins at the other side of the device by pressing against them where they are still wide below the bend. Bring this row of pins into alighrnent with its holes in the printed circuit card and insert them an equal distance, until they begin to emerge. (4) Press the device straight down until it seats on the points where the pins widen. (5) Turn the card over and select two pins at opposite corners of the device. Using a fingernail or a pair of long-nose pliers, push these pins outwards until they are bent at a 45° angle to the surface of the card. This will secure the device until it is soldered. SOLDERING TIPS (1) Use a low-wattage iron--25 watts is good. Larger irons run the risk of burning the printed-circuit board. Don't try to use a soldering gun, they are too hot. (2) Use a small pointed tip and keep it clean. Keep a damp piece of sponge by the iron and wipe the tip on it after each use. (3) Use 60-40 rosin-core solder ONLY. der or externally applied fluxes. solder you can get. NOTE: DO NOT use acid-core solUse the smallest diameter DO NOT press the top of the iron on the pad or trace. This will cause the trace to "liftll off of the board which will result in permanent damage. (4) In soldering, wipe the tip, apply a light coating of new solder to it, and apply the tip to both parts of the joint, that is, both the component lead and the printed-circuit pad. Apply the solder against the lead and pad being heated, but not directly to the tip of the iron. Thus, when the solder AIV-l PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ APPENDIX IV melts the rest of the joint will be hot enough for the solder to "take", (i.e., form a capillary film) . (5) Apply solder for a second or two, then remove the solder and keep the iron tip on the joint. The rosin will bubble out. Allow about three or four bubbles, but don't keep the tip applied for more than ten seconds. (6) Solder should follow the contours of the original joint. A blob or lump may well be a solder bridge, where enough solder has been built upon one conductor to overflow and "take" on the adjacent conductor. Due to capillary action, these solder bridges look very neat, but they are a constant source of trouble when boards of a high trace density are bing soldered. Inspect each integrated circuit and component after soldering for bridges. (7) To remove solder bridges, it is best to use a vacuum "solder puller" if one is available. If not, the bridge can be reheated with the iron and the excess solder "pulled" with the tip along the printed circuit traces until the lump of solder becomes thin enough to break the bridge. Braid-type solder remover, which causes the solder to "wick up" away from the joint when applied to melted solder, may also be used. INSTALLING AUGAT PINS Augat pins are normally supplied on carriers (e.g., 8-pin and 16-piri carriers). In many cases the PC board layout permits Augat pins to be installed while still attached to the carrier or a portion of the carrier. In other cases the pins must be installed singly. To install two or more pins that are still attached to the carrier, proceed as follows: NOTE It is perfectly alright to appropriately cut a carrier to accommodate the installation. For·example, an 8-pin carrier can be cut in half (4 pins each) across the short dimension to fit a 4-pin, 4corner layout. It may also be cut in half along the long dimension to fit a 4-pin, inline layout. (1) Insert pins in the mounting holes from the front (component) side of board. (The carrier will hold the pins p~rpendicu lar to the board~) (2) Solder all pins from back (solder) side of board so the solder "wicks up" to the front side. AIV-2 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ APPENDIX IV (3) Check for solder bridges. (4) Remove carrier. To install single pins, proceed as follows: (1) Hold board between two objects so that it stands on edge. (2) Insert pins in the mounting holes from front (component) side of board. (3) Solder pins from back (solder) side of board so the solder "wicks up" to the front side. (This will hold the pins firmly in place.) (4) Insert a component lead into one pin and reheat the solder. Using the component lead, adjust pin until it is perpendicular to board. Allow solder to cool while holding the pin as steady as possible. Remove component lead. Repeat this procedure with other pins. NOTE If cooled solder is mottled or crystallized, a "cold joint" is indicated, and the solder should be reheated. (5) Check each installation for cold joints and solder bridges. AIV-3 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ APPENDIX V O NeEiS NC r···· INPUT A 2 7 OUTPUT A Vee 3 6 Vee INPUT B 4 S OuTPUT B f,,·· ._- PI'" ANODl (..lTHOD( NC \;.~.-.. iMIrlfll COllfrTOR BAS! 555 Ground • ------- ---- . 8] Vee Trigger ,] Disl:harge Output ~] Threshold '1 COr'trol Reset ---_.._.- Vorti"g~ 1A 1Y 1A 2V 3A 3V GNO 8T97 or 74367 OUTPUT A 1 7 OUTPUT B INV. INPUT 2 6 INv. INPuT NON INV INPUT 3 .., + ,5 NON INV INPUT . _•. \....T"" --. Output 3 Response Control 3 Input 3 GND 21 ~4 20 R.\'J A1 Input 2 Response Control 4 22 A2 - - Output 2 Response Control 2 -.~ AD - 19 Cf PI(\, ",. A5 - 18 Of: e,·. A6 - 11 eu 16 DO,. AI - Output 1 Response Control 1 .- Vee AJ - 1 .• D!4 Gr<..O - 15 DI, - 14 O:JJ lJ OIJ I~ :)1:1 on: Input 1 n', " - AO LA. R " Ce- el- / 0(, :}. D(,: 1., OA Af.· ,- r-.,i' H . ..:. (>. 01.11, t) 0 ••' ... ~. I '" AV-l PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION APPENDIX V Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ 21L02 or 91L02 A' AS R/W " '7 A. ,." •• A, v.:c AI A. A, A, A, "'- A, Uti: A, lob" 1l DATA OUT A, PRUtiRAM A3 11 DATA IN Ao 0, •• 11 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "'s, 0, AI .2 AD I Vee GOD PIN NAMES CS"nE 'Ao A. ADDRESS INPUTS : 0, DB DATA OUTPUTS CHIP SELECT INPUTS cs ,. Voo SET, ' 0, • CLOCK, 3 RESET,4 SfT2 8 02 • CLOCIC2 It AV-2 . . 1 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION APPENDIX V Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ 4027 4024 Ne vF· 01 Ne Q2 12 13 1. 11 Ql Ne • 9 ,. SET, T.YOD .1 -....-r::: ':=H tj./FlC ~QI .'. --Ll .....- CLOCK, ., RESET, , f- SET Z '~:::::i 'z CLOCI(Z 1 2 INPUT PULSES 4 J 07 RESE",T S OS 0' , 04 --1. ~QI 1" -L rl--o z El;t 1: "T RESET Z Il.--Qz 55 .V"1 7 4030 4029 , ~~~~~..., • , , ·Jl~rl[ • •• • :1f-J~[ I 234 A ~"" ""'-] ,. . . ItNAIIYI ~ ~ C 8UFFU[D ~ OU"''U1'I ~ D Vss..!. ~ CUlCl< 2 ~VOD " H IZ G 10 , • F " M • E -----.. f!-~- .. -aEDI K-CeD L·.@' W' Gc.t>H Vss 4049 4046 A ~~\- 1. yeo c~.I.e I'~ZEN'. COMP,!,:ATOfL 5 14 J--SIGNAL IN D~"'D I: ~"-E .. f-....n"'ou~ OUT- 4 INHIBIT- , 12 J-- RZ 10 Vss Cl(11- • III--RI TO V'S C1l2t- 7 1Of-~TOR Vss- • G.l I~M'i IIJ--VOD ~=P-z ..!..(:>o-! ~L'~ ' VCC_'_ t t--YCO IN vss-"NC'II INC ett 4520 4051 rJ! . INIOI, f !~ q j~ COh"O' l Pl'lt. .... " C04C':: l l]'. CLOC~C ·'%'6 I-O'A 1-02A ! 1-03A ENABLE A ......... Oll"·" R I RESET A • I CL:~ r1_~-.. JI ENABLE 8 .!!!I;! .. ~ I-OIB +10/.16 1-028 C R RESET 8 AV-3 1-04A 1-038 1-04B PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ APPENDIX V 6011 v. I Vss VGG 2 39 VOO ROD 3 4 38 WLSl WLS2 ROS 5 36 SBS R07 ROO R05 6 7 8 35 PI 34 CRL TI8 R04 9 32 Tl7 R03 10 R02 11 31 30 Tl6 Tl5 I, R01 12 29 TI4 II •• PE 13 2S TI3 FE OE 14 15 27 26 Tl2 Til SFO 16 RC 17 25 24 TO TRE ORR 18 23 TBRL DR 19 RI 20 22 21 TBRE MR 24 Yll 21 ,[lWfR$AVER ' .. r-'tT,SEi'U"y "., 'R~)GRAII " .. A. A, • "o, .... I "., A, J A, I 11 A, I .... A" 10 1.". A. II v" IZ " A, 40 33 TC PS 6574 or 6575 GND VCC 12, 13 1 11 1°1 A0 A1 A2 -t - V~B RS3 24 2 VCC RS2 23 A3 A4- 3 VOO RS1 22 A5 4 A6 RSO 21 A6 A7 5 05 06 20 As 6 03 04 19 7 01 02 18 8 A5 00 17 9 A4 A1 16 10 N.C. AO 15 11 A3 N.C. 14 12 A2 VSS 13 CS 15 II- - RWOR CS 1 x DECODER 64 X 64 BIT PROM ARRAY Y·DECOOER v GATING CONTROL LOGIC SENSE AMPLIFIERS 3·STATE INPUT 'OUTPUT BUFFERS 14 • G 11 .- D4 A¢ Al A2 A3 A4 AV-4 24 23 22 21 20 A5 A6 A7 A8 D¢ 19 18 17 16 2 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 3 4 5 6 7 D6 D7 Db 8 9 PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ ,. ,. 1V ZA' 21 2V APPENDIX V tv GNO 1A .'A 1V 18 2" 2Y 2V 2A lA INPUTS r.. I" " " III "r. I. ~ . , , Vee ~ ~ l. __ I -~--: 2B 3V GND GND OUTPUTS '9'i-r 9 ~L 1+-l1 ." ,.. ttJJ [ _\;=--- liIT{hl{[~K~ . • . I' ~ . _~_.~_4__ ._5_~ OUTPUTS AV-5 GND PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ APPENDIX V 7474 7486 l 2 i~ft,j : ?~. 2~~Jfll J!I __~~__~Tt. , II~;:·~J~ lJl!IT5T~ 1 10 1 Cit 'PR 10 10 I I CiNO CLR " 7493 ,., " 1Y 74109 1 CLR 74132 1J ,1 1CK "A lQ 1Q GND 74136 18 IV 2A 21 2V GND 1A AV-6 18 1Y 2A 28 2Y GND PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ APPENDIX V 74155 74138 DATA OUTPUll r-________ __________ -'A~ A Y6 74163 or 93L16 74157 SELECT 1 A 2 INPUTS L ,. 3 OUTPUT lY • CLEAR LOAD CK OUTPUT 2V 7 CLEAR CLOCK AV-7 ABC 0 ENABLE GND ~p OATA INPUTS PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION APPENDIX V Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ 74173 74166 Oil r ,\ INI'UTS PARALLEL PARALLEL INPUTS SHIFl/ INPUT OUTPUT ~ VCC LOAD H 0H G F E CLEAR SERIAL INPUT SERIAL INPUT CLEAR ABC D CLOCK CLOCK GND ~ INHIBIT PARALLEL INPUTS ~C-..!!:~yr-~-~ OUTPUTS 74253 74175 ')U!,'UT CO'HROl Vee lG -is A OAIA I~';"UTS OtJi"i'Ol SElEeTr------A..- ---- ------, 2. -- 11_ 2C,- jolI '1- ,r- • II A ){ CLEAR 10 1D 10 20 20 2Q GNO 7812 and 7912 Pin 1 Input I Basal Pm 2 Output (Emitted Pin 3 Ground (Collector) Heat ,·nk 5urtaGe' connected 3 to pin AV-8 2J ,] PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ APPENDIX V 8080 8334 ~~."--'-'~" '-J~-'~' A IO O·c 1 40 _ .. ...0 All GND 0-- 2 39 38 Al4 A13 3 RESET ¢2 0--- .. INTE 0 DBIN 0.- 0. .. wi=! SYNC 0--+5V 4 37 5 36 o o AU AIS 6 35 7 34 8 9 33 10 31 11 30 12 29 13 28 A3 +12V 14 27 A2 15 26 Al AS o " , ., " 12 •• to 11 1M • A7 . A6 As o r- A4 , 1 AI Ao 16 25 17 19 WAIT 24 23 - - 0 READY 22 - - o ¢ l 20 21 18 " AS 32 ., •• I.. Al , • 00 D1 • Q' 1 OJ I' GND HLDA ...,--:-....-~-. 8574 MEMORY ENABLE SElECT A' OUTPUTS OUT 3 ~ ME 1 ME'Z 14 13 ~ " VI y, " 11 VJ - 1 A6 14 , 10 r- , J A4 4 AJ , AD • AI 1 A2 j' GMO GfliO SHECT AV-9 OUH OUT 1 IN.1A IN 11 lMIA lUI REPRINTED FROM OCTOBER 1975 BYTE WITH PERMISSION Interface Television Anyone with a bunch of memory circuits, control logic and a wire wrap gun can whip up a digital video generator with TTL output levels. The problem as I see it is to get that digital video signal into a form that the TV set can digest. The care and feeding of digital inputs to the TV set is the subject of Don Lancaster's contribution to BYTE 2 - an excerpt from his forthcoming book, TV Typewriter Cookbook, to be published by Howard W. Sams, Indianapolis, Indiana. ... CARL We can get between a TV typewriter and a television style display system either by an rf modulator or a direct video method. I n the rf modulator method, we build a miniature, low power, direct wired TV transmitter that clips onto the antenna terminals of the TV set. This has the big advantage of letting you use any old TV set and ending up with an essentially free display that can be used just about anywhere. No set modifications are needed, and you have the additional advantage of automatic safety isolation and freedom from hot chassis shock problems. There are two major restrictions to the rf modulator method. The first of these is that transmitters of this type must meet by Don Lancaster Box 1112 Parker AZ 85344 Fig. 1. Standard video interface levels. (Source impedance WHITE DOT- LEVEL certain exactly spelled out FCC regulations and that s y stem type approval is required. The second limitation is one of bandwidth. The best you can possibly hope for is 3.5 MHz for black and white and only 3 MHz for color, and many economy sets will provide far less. Thus, long character Ii ne lengths, sharp characters, and premium (lots of dots) character generators simply aren't compatible with clip-on rf entry. I n the direct video method, we enter the TV set immediately following its video detector but before sync is picked off. A few premium TV sets. and all monitors already have a video input directly available, but 'these are still expensive and rare. Thus, you usually have to modify your TV set, either = 72 or 100 Ohms.) - - - - - 2VOLTS (OPTIONAL GRAY) fl. OV BLACK LEVEL - - - - - - - - SYNC LEVEL--------- 0.5 VOLTS AVI-1 adding a video input and a selector switch or else dedicating the set to exclusive TV typewriter use. Direct video eliminates the bandwidth restrictions provided by the tuner, i-f strip, and video detector filter. Response can be further extended by removing or shorting the 4.5 MHz sou nd trap and by other modifications to provide us with longer line lengths and premiu m characters. No FCC approval is needed, and several sets or monitors are easily driven at once without complicated distribution problems. There are two limitations to the direct video technique. One is that the set has to be modified to provide direct video entry. A second, and far more severe, restriction, is that many television sets are "hot chassis" or ac-dc sets with one side of their chassis connected to the power line. These sets introduce a severe shock hazard and cannot be used as TV typewriter video entry displays unless some isolation technique is used with them. If the TV set has a power transformer, there is usually no hot chassis proble m. Transistor television sets and Ie sets using no vacuum tubes tend to have power transformers, as do older premiu m tube type sets. All others (around half the sets around today) do not. Direct Video Methods With either interface approach, we usually start by getting the dot matrix data, blanking, cursor, and sync signals together into one composite video signal whose form is useful to monitors and TV sets. A good set of standards is shown in Fig. 1. The signal is dc coupled and always positive going. Sync tips are grounded and blacker than black. The normal open circuit black level is positive by one-half a volt, and the white level is two volts positive. I n most TV camera systems, intermediate levels bet ween the half volt black level and the two volt white level will be some shade of gray, proportionately brighter with increasing positive voltage. With most TV typewriter systems, only the three states of zero volts (sync), half a volt (black), and two volts (white dot) would be used. One possible exception would be an additional one volt dot level for a dim but still visible portion of a message or a single word. The usual video source impedance is either 72 or 100 Ohms. Regardless of how far we travel with a composite video output, some sort of shielding is absolutely essential. For short runs from board to board or inside equipment, tightly twisted conductors should be OK, as should properly guarded PC runs. Fully shielded cables should be used for interconnections between the TVT and the monitor or TV set, along with other long runs. As long as the total cable capacitance is less than 500 pF or so (this is around 18 feet of RG178-U miniature coax), the receiving end of the cable need not be terminated in a 72 or 100 Ohm resistor. When terminated cable systems are in use for long line runs or mUltiple outputs, they should be arranged to deliver the signal levels of Fig. 1 at their output under termination. Generally, terminated cable systems should be avoided as they need extra in the way of drivers and supply power. The exact width of the horizontal and vertical sync' pulses isn't usually too important, so long as the shape and risetime of these pulses are independent of position control settings and power supply variations. One exception to this is when you're using a color receiver and a color display. Here, the horizontal sync pulse should be held closely to 5.1 microseconds, so the receiver's color burst sampling does in fact intercept a valid color burst. More on this later. Intentional Smear Fig. 2 shows us a typical composite video driver using a 4066 quad analog switch. It gives us al 00 Ohm output impedance and the proper signal levels. Capacitor Cl is used to purposely reduce the video rise and fall times. It is called a smearing capacitor. Why would we want to further reduce the bandwidth and response of a TV system that's already hurting to begin with? In the case of a quality video monitor, we wouldn't. But if we're using an ordinary run-of-the-mill TV set, particularly one using rf entry, this capacitor can Fig. 2. Analog switch combiner generates composite video. 1[+5 -5 H SYNC .JL+5 -5 CURSOR l..f+5 -5 V SYNC VIDEO DOTS +5KWHITE) -5 IK CI SMEARING CAPACITOR (SEE TEXT) 4066 (CMOS) ANALOG SWITCH 680 ~.--------~ VIDEO OUT 100 SYNC·OV 8LACK.0.4V WHITE·I.5V very much improve the display legibility and contrast. Why? Because we are interested in getting the most legible character of the highest contrast we can. This is not necessarily the one having the sharpest dot rise and fall times. Many things interact to determine the upper video response of a TV display. These include the tuner settings and the i-f response and alignment, the video detector response, video peaking, the sound trap setting, rf cable reflections, and a host of other responses. Many of these stages are underdamped and will ring if fed too sharp a risetime input, giving us a ghosted, AVI-2 shabby, or washed out character. By reducing the video bandwidth going into the system, we can move the dot matrix energy lower in frequency, resulting in cleaner characters of higher contrast. For most TV displays, intentional smearing will help the contrast, legibility, and overall appearance. The ultimate limit to this occurs when the dots overlap and become illegible. The Fig. 3. Block diagram of typical Band W television. ANTENNA SPEAKER optimum amount of intentional smear is usually the value of capacitance that is needed to just close the inside of a "W" presented to the display. I \--- Adding a Video Input Video inputs are easy to add to the average television set, provided you follow some reasonable cautions. First and foremost, you must have an accurate and complete schematic of the set to be modified, preferably a Sams Photofact or something similar. The first thing to check is the power supply on the set. If it has a power transformer and has the chassis properly safety isolated from the power line, it's a good choice for a TVT monitor. This is particularly true of recent small screen, solid state portable TV sets. On the other hand, if you have a hot chassis type with one side of the power line connected to the chassis, you should avoid its use if at all possible. If you must use this type of set, be absolutely certain to use one of the safety techniques outlined later in Fig. 8. A block diagram of a typical TV set appears in Fig. 3. UHF or VHF signals picked up by the tuner are downconverted in frequency to a video i-f frequency of 44 MHz and then filtered and amplified. The output of the video i-f is transformer coupled to a video detector, most often a small signal germanium diode. The video detector output is filtered to AVI-3 remove the carrier and then routed to a video amplifier made up of one or more tubes or transistors. At some point in the video amplification, the black and white signal is split three ways. First, a reduced bandwidth output routes sync pulses to the sync separator stage to lock the set's horizontal and vertical scanning to the video. A second bandpass output sharply filtered to 4.5 MHz extracts the FM sound sub carrier and routes this to a sound i-f amplifier for further processing. The third output is video, which is strongly amplified and then capacitively coupled to the cathode of the picture tube. The gain of the video amplifier sets the contrast of the display, while the bias setting on the cathode of the picture tube (with respect to its grounded control grid) sets the display brightness. Somewhere in the video amplifier, further rejection of the 4.5 MHz sound subcarrier is usually picked up to minimize picture interference. This is called a sound trap. Sound traps can be a series resonant circuit to ground, a parallel resonant circuit in the video signal path, or simply part of the transformer that is picking off the sound for more processing. the video detector output is usually around 2 volts peak, to peak and usually subtracts from a white level bias setting. The stronger the signal, the more negative the swing, and the blacker the picture. Sync tips are blacker than black, helping to blank the display during retrace times. and thus higher gain to high frequency video signals. Note particularly the biasing of the video driver. A bias network provides us with a stable source of 3 volts. In the absence of input video, this 3 volts sets the white level of the display, as well as establishing proper bias for both stages. As an increasing signal appears at the last video output transformer, it is negatively rectified by the video detector, thus lowering the 3 volts proportionately. The stronger the signal, the blacker the picture. Sync will be the strongest of all, giving us a blacker than black bias level of only one volt. The base of our video driver has the right sensitivity we need for video entry, Fi.g. 4 shows us the typical video circuitry of a transistor black and white television. Our basic circuit consists of a diode detector, a unity gain emitter follower, and a variable gain video output stage that is capacitively coupled to the picture tube. The cathode bias sets the brightness, while the video gai n sets the contrast. Amplified signals for sync and sound are removed from the collector of the video driver by way of a 4.5 MHz resonant transformer for the sound and a low pass filter for the sync. A parallel resonant trap set to 4.5 MHz eliminates sound interference. Peaking coils on each stage extend the bandwidth by providing hig~er impedances accepting a maximum of a 2 volt peak to peak signal. It also has the right polarity, for a positive going bias level means a whiter picture. But, an unmodified set is already biased to the white level, and if we want to enter our own video, this bias must be shifted to the black level. We have a choice in any TV of direct or ac coupling of our input video. Direct coupling is almost always better as it eliminates any Fig. 4. Typical video circuitry of transistor B and W TV set. +12V BRIGHTNESS ~ IK +80o---~~-----, .001 .. SYNC .-----4~- +150V 4.5MHz SOUND PICKOFF 3V(WHITE) I V(SYNC) LAST VIDEO I-F XFMR rSOUND lOOK 6800 5V~ VIDEO DETECTOR VIDEO DRIVER 5 (2.4V) +12V 250ILH (PEAKING) 1.5K 470 I 470 4.5MHz SOUND TRAP (3V) " BIAS SOURCE ~"2KV 47 .1~ CONTRAST AVI-4 PICTURE TUBE Fig. 5. Direct coupled video uses 1.2 volt offset of Darlington transistor as bias. +12 +12 shading effects or any change of background level as add i t ion al characters are added to the screen. Fig. 5 shows how we can direct couple our video into a transistor black and white set. We provide a video input, usually a BNC or a phono jack, and route this to a PNP Darlington transistor or transistor pair, borrowing around 5 mils from the set's +12 volt supply. This output is routed to the existing video driver stage through a SPDT switch that either picks the video input or the existing video detector and bias network. The two base-emitter diode drops in our Darlington transistor add up to a 1.2 volt positive going offset; so, in the absence of a video input or at the base of a sync tip, the video driver is biased to a blacker than black sync level of 1.2 volts. With a white video input of 2 volts, the video driver gets biased to its usual 3.2 volts of white level. Thus, our input transistor provides just the amount of offset we need to match the white and black bias levels of our video driver. Note that the old bias network is on the other side of the switch and does nothing in the video position. Two other ways to offset our video input are to use two ordinary transistors connected in the Darlington configuration, or to use one transistor and a series diode L EXISTING DETECTOR 8c BIAS NEW CIRCUITRY 2.2K ALTERNATE USING TWO REGULAR TRANSISTORS 1.2V (SYNC) RF 3.2V(WHITE) 2.2K VIDEO DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR PAIR MPSA65 VIDEO INPUT IN914 ALTERNATE USING TRANSISTOR AND DIODE to pick up the same amount of offset, as shown in Fig. 5. If more or less offset is needed, diodes or transistors can be stacked up further to pick up the right amount of offset. The important thing is that the video driver ends up with the same level for white bias and for black bias in either position of the switch. Ac or capacitively coupled video inputs should be avoided. Fig. 6 shows a typical circuit. The TV's ex i s ti ng bias network is lowered in voltage by adding a new parallel resistor to ground to give us a voltage that is 0.6 volts more positive than the blacker than black sync tip voltage. For instance, with a 3 volt white level, and Fig. 6. Ac coupled video needs shift of bias to black level plus a clamping diode. EXISTI'IG DETECTOR RFL ..P---.---t-l *' EXISTING VIDEO DRiVER VIDEO IN914 CLAMP * 1.5K (1.6V) 470 + 12 O--w...---+--4I>---4p'-'VVIt----, *470 0 """"--V-ID-oE~ ....... *New components. AVI-5 2 volt peak to peak video, the sync tip voltage would be 1 volt; the optimum bias is then 1.6 volts. Input video is capacitively coupled by a fairly large electrolytic capacitor in parallel with a good high frequency capacitor. This provides for a minimum of screen shading and still couples high frequency signals properly. A clamping diode constantly clamps the sync tips to their bias value, with the 0.6 volt drop of this diode being taken out by the extra 0.6 volts provided for in the bias network. This clamping diode automatically holds the sync tips to their proper value, regardless of the number of white dots in the picture. Additional bypassing of the bias network by a large electrolytic may be needed for proper operation of the clamping diode, as shown in Fig. 6. Note that our bias network is used in both switch positions - its level is shifted as needed for the direct video input. Tube type sets present about the same interface problems as the solid state versions do. Fig. 7 shows a typical direct coupled tube interface. In the unmodified Fig. 7. Direct coupled video added to tube type Band Wtelevision. +140 PEAKING ...----SYNC 4.7K IODxa VIDEO DETECTOR VIDEO-AMP ~----'VI/II---o+ CRT L..--nl.:.;..·I - _.. CATHODE CONTRAST VIDEO INPUT * IK NEW CATHODE SELF-BIAS SHIFTS TO SYNC LEIIEL IN VIDEO POSITION "'New components. circuit, the white level is zero volts and the sync tip black level is minus two volts. If we can find a negative supply (scarce in tube type circuits), we could offset our video in the negative direction by two volts to meet these bias levels. Instead of this, it is usually possible to self bias the video amplifier to a cathode voltage of +2 volts. This is done by breaking the cathode to ground connection and adding a small resistor (50 to 100 Ohms) between cathode and ground to get a cathode voltage of +2 volts. Once this value is found, a heavy electrolytic bypass of 100 microfarads or more is placed in parallel with the resistor. Switching then grounds the cathode in the normal rf mode and makes it +2 volts in the video entry mode. In the direct video mode, a sync tip grounded input presents zero volts to the grid, which is self biased minus two volts with respect to the cathode. A white level presents +2 volts to the grid, which equals zero volts grid to cathode. Should there already be a self bias network on the cathode, it is increased in value as needed to get the black rather than white level bias in the direct video mode. Hot Chassis Problems There is usually no shock hazard when we use c1ip-on rf entry or wh~n \;Ve use a direct video jackon a transformerpowered TV. A very severe . shock hazard can exist if we use di~ect video entry with a TV set having one side of the AVI-6 power line connected to the chassis. Depending on which way the line cord is plugged in, there is a 50-50 chance of the hot side of the power line being connected directly to the chassis. Hot chassis sets, particularly older, power hungry tube versions, should be avoided entirely for direct video entry. If one absolutely must be used, some of the suggestions of Fig. 8 may ease the hazard. These include using an isolation transformer, husky bac k-to-back filament tra nsfor me rs, three wire power systems, optical coupling of the video input, and total package isolation. Far and away the best route is simply never to attempt direct video entry onto a hot chassis TV. Making the Conversion Fig. 9 sums up how we modify a TV for direct video entry. Always have a complete schematic on hand, and use a transformer style TV set if at all possible. Late models, small screen, medium to high quality solid state sets are often the best· display choice. Avoid using junk sets, particularly very old ones. Direct coupling of video is far preferable to ac capacitor coupling. Either method has to maintain the black and white bias levels on the first video amplifier stage. A shift of the first stage quiescent bias from normally white to normally black is also a must. Use short, shielded leads between the video input jack and the rest of the circuit. If a changeover switch is used, keep it as close to the rest of the video circuitry as you possibly can. Extending Video and Display Bandwidth By using the direct video input route, we eliminate any bandwidth and response restrictions of an rf Fig. 8. Getting Around a Hot Chassis Problem. Hot chassis problems can be avoided entirely by using only transformer-powered TV circuits or by using clip-on rf entry. If a hot chassis set must be used, here are some possible ways around the problem: 1. Add an isolation transformer. modulator, the tuner, video i -f strip, and the video· detector filter. Direct video entry should bring us to a 3 MHz bandwidth for a color set and perhaps 3.5 MHz for a black and white model, unless we are using an extremely bad set. The resultant 6 to 7 million dot per second rate is adequate for short character lines of 32, 40, and possibly 48 characters per line. But the characters will smear and be illegible if we try to use longer line lengths and premium {lots of dots) character generators on an ordinary TV. Is there anything we can do to the set to extend the video bandwidth and display response for these longer line lengths? In the case of a color TV, the answer is probably no. The video response of a color set is limited by an essential delay line and an essential 3.58 MHz trap. Even if we were willing to totally separate the chrominance and luminance channels, we'd still be faced with an absolute limit set by the number of holes per horizontal line in the shadow mask of the tube. This explains why video color displays are so expensive and so rare. Later on, we'll look at What's involved in adding color to the shorter line lengths. With a black and white TV, there is often quite a bit A 110 volt to 110 volt isolation transformer whose wattage exceeds that of the set may be used. These are usually expensive, but a workable substitute can be made by placing two large surplus filament transformers back to back. For instance, a pair of 24 volt, 4 Amp transformers can handle arou nd 100 Watts of set. 2. Use a three wire system with a solid ground. Three prong plug wlrrng, properly polarized, will force the hot chassis connection to the cold side of the power line. This protection is useful only when three wire plugs are used in properly wired outlets. A severe shock hazard is reintroduced if a user elects to use an adaptor or plugs the system into an unknown or improperly wired outlet. The three wire system shou Id NOT be used if anyone but yourself is ever to use the system. 3. Optically couple the input video. Light emitting diode-photocell pairs are low in cost and can be used to optically couple direct video, completely isolating the video input from the hot chassis. Most of these optoelectronic couplers do not have enough bandwidth for direct video use; the Litronix IL-l00 is one exception. Probably the simplest route is to use two separate opto-isolators, one for video and one for sync, and then recombine the signals inside the TV on the hot side of the circuit. 4. Use a totally packaged and sealed system. AVI-7 If you are only interested in displaying messages and have no other input/output devices, you can run the entire circuit hot chassis, provided everything is sealed inside one case and has no chassis-to-peopleaccess. Interface to teletypes, cassettes, etc., cannot be done without additional isolation, and servicing the circuit presents the same shock hazards that servicing a hot chassis TV does. we can do to present long lines of characters, depending on what set you start. out with and how much you are willing to modify the set. The best test signal you can use for bandwidth extension is the dot matrix data you actually want to display, for the frequency response, time delay, ringing, and overshoot all get into the act. What we want to end up with is a combination that gives us reasonably legible characters. A good oscilloscope (15 MHz or better bandwidth) is very useful during bandwidth extension to show where the signal loses its response in the circuit. At any time during the modification process, there is usually one response bottleneck. This, of course, is what should be attacked first. Obviously the better a TV you start with, the easier will be the task. Tube type gutless wonders, particularly older ones, wi II be much more difficult to work with than with a modern, small screen, quality solid state portable. Several of the things we can do are watching the control settings, getting rid of the sound trap, minimizing circuit strays, optimizing spot size, controlling peaking, and shifting to higher current operation. Let's take a look at these in turn. Control Settings Always run a data display at the lowest possible contrast and using only as much brightness as you really need. In many circuits, low contrast means a lower video amplifier gain, and thus less of a gain-bandwidth restriction. Eliminate the Sound Trap The sound trap adds a notch at 4.5 MHz to the video response. If it is eliminated or switched out of the circuit, a wider video bandwidth automatically Fig. 9. How to Add a Direct Video Input to a TV Set. 1. Get an accurate and complete schematic of the set - either from the manufacturer's service data or a Photofact set. Do not try adding an input without this schematic! 2. Check the power supply to see if a power transformer is used. If it is, there will be no shock hazard, and the set is probably a good choice for direct video use. If the set has one side of the power line connected to the chassis, a severe shock hazard ex ists, and one of the techniques of Fig. 8 should be used. Avoid the use of hot chassis sets. 3. Find the input to the first video amplifier stage. Find out what the white level and sync level bias voltages are. The marked or quiescent voltage is usually the white level; sync is usually 2 volts less. A transistor TV will typically have a +3 volt white level and a +1 volt sync level. A tube type TV will typically have a zero volt white level and a -2 volt sync level. 4. Add a changeover switch using minimum possible lead lengths. Add an input connector, either a phono jack or the premiu m BNC type connector. Use shielded lead for interconnections exceeding three inches in length. 5. Select a circuit that couples the video and biases the first video amplifier stage so that the white and sync levels are preserved. For transistor sets, the direct coupled circuits of Fig. 5 may be used. For tube sets, the circuit of Fig. 7 is recommended. Avoid the use of ac coupled video inputs as they may introduce shading problems and changes of background as the screen is filled. 6. Check the operation. If problems with contrast or sync tearing crop up, recheck and adjust the white and sync input levels to match what the set uses during normal rf operation. Note that the first video stage must be biased to the white level during rf operation and to the sync level for direct video use. The white level is normally two volts more positive than the sync level. AVI-8 Fig. 10. Removing the sound trap can extend video bandwidth. (a) Response (b) Parallel resonant trap short or bypass. h L h ~F=~~UENCY WITH SOUND L-i: VIDEO OUTPUT 0UT FREQUENCY CONTRAST (d) Combined trap and pickoff - open or remove (series resonant); short or bypass (parallel (c) Series resonant trap open or remove. SOUND I-F resonant). 4.5MHz TRAP SOUND?~ I-F . results. Fig. 10 shows us the response changes and the several positions for this trap. G en erally, series resonant traps are opened and parallel resonant traps are shorted or bypassed through suitable switching or outright elimination. The trap has to go back into the circuit if the set is ever again used for ordinary program reception. Sometimes simply backing the slug on the trap all the way out will improve things enough to be useful. '-- . Minimizing Strays One of the limits of the video bandwidth is the stray capacitance both inside the video output stage and in the external circuitry. If the contrast control is directly in the signal path and if it has long leads going to it, it may be hurting the response. If you are using the TV set exclusively for data display, can you rearrange the control location and simplify and shorten the video output to picture tube interco nn ecti ons? 4.5 MHz Additional Peaking Most TV sets have two peaking networks. The first of these is at the video detector output and compensates for the vestigial sideband transmission signal that makes sync and other low frequency signals double the amplitude of the higher frequency ones. The second of these goes to the collector or plate of the video output stage and raises the circuit impedance and thus the effective gain for very high Fig. 11. Adjusting the peaking coil can extend video response. (a) Circuit. + PEAKING COIL COLLECTOR LOAD ~--------~---------'CRT VIDEO OUTPUT TOO MUCH L TOO LARGE (b) Response. ~____~~--~r-0PTIMUM AMPLITUDE TOO LITTLE L TOO SMALL FREQUENCY AVI-9 frequencies. Sometimes you can alter this second network to favor dot presentations. Fig. 11 shows a typical peaking network and the effects of too little or too much peaking. Note that the stray capacitance also enters into the peaking, along with the video amplifier output capacitance and the picture tub e' s input capacitance. Generally, too little peaking will give you low contrast dots, while too much will give you sharp dots, but will run dots together and shift the more continuous portions of the characters objectionably. Peaking is changed by increasing or decreasing the series inductor from its design value. Running Hot Sometimes increasing the operating current of the video output stage can increase the system bandwidth - IF this stage is in fact the limiting response, IF the power supply can handle the extra current, IF the stage isn't already parked at its gain-bandwidth peak, and IF the extra heat can be gotten rid of without burning anything up. Usually, you can try adding a resistor three times the plate or collector load resistor in parallel, and see if it increases bandwidth by 1/3. Generally, the higher the current, the wider the bandwidth, but watch carefu II y any dissipation ,limits. Be sure to provide ex tra ve ntilation and additional heatsinking, and check the power supply for unhappiness as well. For major changes in operating current, the emitter resistors and other biasing components should also be proportionately reduced in value. Spot Size Even with excellent video bandwidth, if you have an out-of-focus, blooming, or changing spot size, it can completely mask character sharpness. Spot size ends up the ultimate limit to resolution, regardless of video bandwidth. Once again, brightness and contrast settings will have a profound effect, with too much of either blooming the spot. Most sets have a focus jumper in which ground or a positive voltage is selected. You can try intermediate values of voltage for maximum sharpness. Extra power supply filtering can sometimes minimize hum and noise modulation of the spot. Anything that externally raises display contrast will let you run with a smaller beam current and a sharper spot. Using circularly polarized filters, graticule masks, or simple colored filters can Fig. 12. Contrast Enhancing Filter Materials. Circularly polarized filters: Polaroid Corp. Cambridge MA 02139 Anti·reflection filters: Panelgraphic Corp. 10 Henderson Dr. West Caldwell NJ 07006 Light control film: 3M Visual Products Div. 3M Center St. Paul MN 55101 Acrylic plexiglas filter sheets: Rohm and Haas Philadelphia PA 19105 Fig. 14. Television Picture Carrier Frequencies. Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Fig. 13. Standard rf interface levels. Impedance frequency per Fig. 14. ( ..•••.• 55.25 MHz •..•.•• 61.25 MHz .•..•.• 67.25 MHz •.••.•• 77.25 MHz .•••.•• 83.25 MHz 3 OOn. Carrier SYNC TIPS= 100 % AMPLITUDE 4mV RMS TYPICAL BLACK = . / 75 % AMPLITUDE 3 mV RMS TYPICAL o WHITE= 10% OR LESS AMPLITUDE .3mV RMS TYPICAL minimiZe display washout from ambient lighting. Fig. 12 lists several sources of material for contrast improvement. Much of this is rather expensive, with pricing from $10 to $25 per square foot being typical. Simply adding a hood and positioning the display away from room lighting will also help and is obviously much cheaper. Direct Rf Entry If we want the convenience of a "free" display, the freedom from hot chassis problems, and "use it anywhere" ability, direct rf entry is the obvious choice. Its two big limitations are the need for FCC type approval, and a limited video 'bandwidth that in turn limits the number of characters per line and the number of dots per character. An rf interface standard is shown in Fig. 13. It consists of an amplitude modulated carrier of one of the standard television channel video frequencies of Fig. 14. Channel 2 is most often used with a 55.250 MHz carrier frequency, except in areas where a local commercial Channel 2 broadcast is intolerably strong. Circuit cost, filtering problems, and stability problems tend to inc rease wi th increasing channel number. The sync tips are the strongest part of the signal, representing 100% modulation, often something around 4 millivolts rms across a 300 Ohm Ii ne. The black level is 75% of the sync level, or about 3 millivolts for 4 millivolt sync tips. White level is less than 10% of maximum. Note that the signal is weakest when white and strongest when sync. This is the exact opposite of the video interface of Fig. 1. Rf modulators suitable for c lip - 0 n r f entry TV typewriter use are called Class 1 TV Devices by the FCC. A Class 1 TV device is supposed to meet the rules and regulations summarized in Fig. 15. Fig. 16 shows us a block diagram of the essential parts of a TV modulator. We start AVI-IO Fig. 1 S. FCC Regulations on Class 1 TV Devices. More complete information appears in subpart H of Part 15 and su bpart F of Part 2 of the Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations. It is available at many large technical libraries. A Class 1 TV device generates a video modulated rf carrier of a standard television channel frequency. It is directly connected to the antenna terminals of the TV set. The maximum rms rf voltage must be less than 6 millivolts using a 300 Ohm output line. The maximum rf voltage on any frequency more than 3 MHz away from the operating channel must be more than 30 dB below the peak in-channel output voltage. An antenna disconnect switch of at least 60 dB attenuation must be provided. No user adjustments are permitted that would exceed any of the above specifications, Residual rf radiation from case, leads and cabinet must be less than 15 microvolts per meter. A Class 1 TV device must not interfere with TV reception. Type approval of the circuit is required. A filing fee of $50 and an acceptance fee of $250 is involved. Fig. 16. Block diagram of rf modulator. FROM ANTENNA o o--~-------------.I VIDEO INPUT , \ '--- with a stable oscillator tuned to one of the Fig. 14 frequencies. A crystal oscillator is a good choice, and low cost modules are widely available. The output of this oscillator is then amplitude modulated. This can be done by changing the bias current through a silicon small signal diode. One milliampere of bias current makes the diode show an ac and rf impedance of 26 Ohms. Half a mil will look like 52 Ohms, and so on. The diode acts as a variable resistance attenuator in the rf circuit, whose bias is set and changed by the video circuit. Since diode modulators are non-linear, we can't simply apply a standard video signal to them and get a standard rf signal out. A differential amplifier circuit called a video slicer may be used to compensate for this non-linearity. The video slicer provides three distinct currents to the diode modulator. One of these is almost zero for the white level, while the other two provide the black and sync levels. A contrast control that sets the slicing level lets you adjust the sync tip height with respect to the black level. The video slicer also minimizes rf getting back into the video. An attenuator to re d u ce the size of the modulated signal usually follows the diode modulator. An upper side band filter removes most of the lower sideband from the AM modulated output, giving us a vestigial sideband signal that stays inside the channel band limits. This same filter eliminates second harmonic effects and other spurious noise. The filter's output is usually routed to an antenna disconnect switch and the TV's antenna terminals. A special switch is needed to provide enough isolation. Some of the actual circuitry involved is shown in Fig. 17. The video slicer consists of a pair of high gain, small signal NPN transistors, while the oscillator is a ·commercially available module. Rf entry systems always must be direct coupled to the antenna terminals of the set and should never provide any more rf than is needed for a minimum snow-free picture. They should be permanently tuned to a single TV channel. Under no circumstances should an antenna or cable service hookup remain connected to the set during TVT use, nor should radiation rather than a direct rf cable connection ever be used. black and white video dot ra te is low enough in frequency to be attractively displayed on an ordinary color TV. Color may be used to emphasize portions of a message, to attract attention, as part of an electronic game, or as obvious added value to a graphics display. Color techniques work best on TV typewriter systems having a horizontal frequency very near 15,735 Hertz. All we basically have to do is generate a subcarrier sine wave to add to the video output. The phase of this subcarrier (or its time delay) is shifted with respect to what the phase was i mmedi ate I y after each horizontal sync pulse to generate the various colors. Fig. 18 shows us the differences between normal color and black and white operation. Black and white baseband video is some 4 MHz wide and has a narrow 4.5 MHz sound subcarrier. The video is amplitUde modulated, while the sound is narrow band frequency Fig. 17. Channel two oscillator, modulator, video slicer and attenuator. R sets output level. OX OSCILLATOR MODULE a EX CRYSTAL (INTERNATIONAL CRYSTAL) OR EQUIV 7T -1/4 in. DIA (NO SLUG J 2N3643 +5V~~~---'--------~~ ;t;.OI MPS6520 2N5129 2N4400 ETC +5V VIDEO INPUT 470 Color Techniques We can add a full color capability to a TV typewriter system fairly easily and cheaply - provided its usual AVI-ll . . . '1.: Fo~~T DIRECT COUPLE OUTPUT IN914 or 4.7K -5V Fig. 18. Differences between color and black and white spectra. (a) mack and white - baseband video. I SOUND VIDEO (I i 4.5MHz DC i SOUND VIDEO 54 55.25 59.75 60 MHz (b) mack and white - Channel two rf. (c) Color - baseband video. ! I LUMINANCE modulated. This translates up to a 6 MHz rf channel with a vestigial lower sideband as shown in Fig. 18(b). To generate color, we add a new pilot or subcarrier at a magic frequency of 3.579545 MHz - see Fig. 18(c). What was the video is now called the luminance,· and is the same as the brightness in a black and white system. The new subcarrier and its modulation is called the chrominance signal and determines what color gets displayed and how saturated the color is to be. Since the black and white information is a sampled data system that is scanned at the vertical and horizontal rates, there are lots of discrete holes in the video spectrum that aren't used. The color subcarrier is designed to stuff itself into these holes (exactly in a NSTC color system, and pretty much in a TVT display). Both chrominance and luminance signals use the CHROMINANCE ~O""~ o LUMINANCE CHROMINANCE II Zti,·" 3.58 4.5 MHz 54 55.25 58.82 60 MHz (d) Color - Channel two rf. same spectral space, with the one being where the other one isn't, overlapping comb style. The phase or relative delay of the chrominance signal with respect to a reference determines the instantaneous color, while the amplitude of this signal with respect to the luminance sets the saturation of the color. Low amplitudes generate white or pastel shades, while high amplitudes of the chrominance signal produce saturated and deep colors. At least eight cycles of a reference or burst color phase are transmitted immediately following each horizontal sync pulse as a timing reference, as shown in Fig. 19. The burst is around 25% of maximum amplitude, or about the peak to peak height of a sync pulse. The TV set has been trained at the factory to sort all this out. After video detection, the set splits out the ch rominance channel with a bandpass amplifier and then synchronously demodulates it with respect to an internal 3.58 MHz reference. The phase of this demodulation sets the color and the amplitude sets the saturation by setting the ratios of electron beam currents on the picture tube's red, blue and green guns. Meanwhile, the luminance channel gets amplified as brightness style video. It is delayed with a delay line to make up for the time delay involved in the narrower band color processing channel. It is then filtered with two traps the 4.5 MHz sound trap, and a new trap to get rid of any remaining 3.58 MHz color sub carrier that's left. The luminance output' sets the overall b rightness by modulating the cathodes of all th ree color guns simultaneously. Just after each horizontal sync pulse, the set looks for the reference burst and uses this reference in a phase Fig. 19 Adding a color reference burst to the back porch of the horizontal sync pulses. 8 CYCLES (MIN) OF 3.57945 MHz COLOR REFERENCE PHASE -::u BLACK .......1 (BLACK AVI-12 1-5.I,.SEC a WHITE) BLACK SYNC 1 --1 I -5.I,.SEC (COLOR) Fig. 20. Colors Are Generated by Delaying or Phase Shifting the Burst Frequency. Color Approximate Phase Approximate Delay 00 150 750 1350 1950 2550 3150 0 12 nanoseconds 58 nanoseconds 105 nanoseconds 151 nanoseconds 198 nanoseconds 244 nanoseconds Burst Yellow Red Magenta Blue Cyan Green detector circuit to keep its own 3.58 MHz reference locked to the version being transm itted. Fig. 20 shows us the phase angles related to each color with respect to the burst phase. It also shows us the equivalent amount of delay we need for a given phase angle. Since we usually want only a few discrete colors, it's far easier to digitally generate colors simply by delaying the reference through gates or buffers, rather than using complex and expensive analog phase shift methods. S tr ic tl y s peaking, we should control both the chrominance phase and amplitude to be able to do both pastel and strongly saturated colors. But simply keeping the subcarrier amplitude at the value we used for the burst - around 25% of video amplitude - is far simpler and will usually get us useful results. A circuit to add color to a TV typewriter is shown in Fig. 21. A 3.579545 MHz crystal oscillator drives a string of CMOS buffers that make up a digital delay line. The output delays caused by the propagation delay times in each buffer can be used as is, or can be trimmed to specific colors by varying the supply voltage. The reference phase and the delayed color outputs go to a one-of-eight data selector. The data selector picks either the reference or a selected color in response to a code presented digitally to the three select lines. The logic that is driving this selector must return to the wanted. The output chrominance signal is RC filtered to make it somewhat sinusoidal. It's then cut down in amplitUde to around one-quarter the maximum video white level and is capacitively coupled to the 100 Ohm video output of Fig. 2 or otherwise summed into the video or rf modulator circuitry. For truly dramatic color effects, the amplitude and delay of the chrominance signal can be changed in a more complex version of the same circuit. More information useful in solving television interface appears in the Television Engineering Handbook, by Donald Fink, and in various issues of the IEEE reference phase position (000) immediately before, during and for a' minimum of a few microseconds after each horizontal sync pulse. This gives the set a chance to lock and hold onto the reference color burst. The chrominance output from the data selector should be disabled for the duration of the sync pulses and any time a white screen display is Tran'sactions on Consumer Electronics. Fig. 21; Color subcarrier generator. Hex buffer used as delay line. Use supply voltage variation on 4050 to trim colors. 22K 4049 (CMOS) OSC. GREEN 22MEG REF PHASE H SYNC INPUT o o - - - - - - - - -.. . Idis abc COLOR SELECT INPUTS 4512 (CMOS) ONE-OF' EIGHT SELECTOR Inh OUT 330n 680pF MUST RETURN TO 000 (REFERENCE PHASE) DURING 8 AFTER H SYNC PULSE .----I~ I SET TO /'25% OF PEAK WHITE LEVEL M1W\A .01 1 VIDEO COMBINER (loon LOAD) AVI-13 Pinouts: Parallel Data Interface (PDI) as Sept. 30, 1976 used on Processor Tech. Sol System MASTER UNIT-Male connector J2 Pin # Signal Signal J2 pin# Signal Signal name nmemonic name nmemonic 1 CG Chassis Ground i4 US Unit Select 2 SG Signal Ground 15 OE Output Enable 3 IE Input Enable 16 XDR eXternal Device Ready 4 DR Data Ready 17 S IAK Input Acknowledge 18 OD7 Output Data,bit 7 6 ID7 Input Data, bit 7 19 OD6 Output Data, bit 6 7 ID6 Input Data, bit 6 20 ODS Output Data, bit S 8 IDS Input Data, bit S 21 OD4 Output Data, bit 4 9 ID4 Input Data, bit 4 22 OD3 Output Data, bit 3 10 ID3 Input Data, bit 3 23 OD2 Output Data, bit 2 11 ID2 Input Data, bit 2 24 ODI Output Data, bit 1 12 IDI Input Data, bit 1 25 ODO Output Data, bit 0 13 IDO Input Data, bit 0 Output Load Pinouts: Serial Data Interface tSDI) as used on Processor Tech. Sol System Female connector-DB2SS Jl pin# Signal Signal Jl pin# Signal Signal name nmemonic nmetnonic name 1 Carrier Detect CG Chassis Gro1.md CD 8 2 TD Transmit Data 11 CLO Current Loop Output 3 RD Receive Data 12 LRI Loop Receiver 1 4 RTS Request To Send 13 LR2 Loop Receiver 2 5 CTS Clear To Send 20 DTR Data Terminal Ready 6 DSR Data Set Ready 23 LCS Loop Current Source 7 SG Signal Ground Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: REV A Many pins not specified here are used in EIA RS-232C specification. USE THEM WITH CAUTION. Terminals output on pins 2,4 & 20 and input on pins 3,5 & 6 for EIA type hookups. Modems and computer mainframes output on pins 3,5 & 6 and input on pins 2,4 & 20. Current loop hookups are the same for terminals, modems,mainframes. AVII-l J3 Keyboard Connector (between U64 and U65) pin no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Signal name ground +5v Kbd Data Ready Break Kbd Data (D Kbd Data 1 Kbd Data 2 Kbd Data 3 +5v ground pin no. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sol-PC, Rev. 2,E 10/18/76 Signal name ground +5v Restart Local KBd Data 4 KBd Data 5 KBD Data 6 KBD Data 7 +5v ground J4 Display Expansion Connector (between U28, 29) no. Signal name ground N.C. Char. addr. 4 Character clock Char. addr. (D Char. addr. 1 Char. addr. 2 Char. addr. 3 N.C. ground 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 no. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Signal name ground N.C. Dot Clock, l4.3l8MHz Composite sync. out TTL Serial Data Out Composite blanking out Scan advance out Char. addr. 5 N.C. ground J5 Personality Module Edge Connector p~n B15 B14 B13 B12 Bll BIO B9 B8 B7 B6 BS B4 B3 B2 BI no. B 0 T T 0 1-1 R 0 /J P I -N- pin no. A15 A14 T A13 0 A12 p All AlO R A9 A8 0 A7 vJ A6 AS P A4 I A3 N A2 S Al Signal name Ground +5VDC Addr. 9 Addr. 8 Addr. 7 INT Bus (D INT Bus I INT Bus 2 INT Bus 3 INT Bus 4 INT Bus 5 Program 0 Program I Program 2 Program 3 Signal name Ground +5VDC Addr. (D Addr. 4 Addr. 3 Addr. 2 Addr. 1 Addr. 5 Addr. 6 C4 C(D INT Bus 6 INT Bus 7 -12VDC +12VDC J6 S Audio Out for CUTS Cassette Interface: J7 Audio In forCUTS Cassette Interface: J8 Tape Motor Control 1 : panel (See output port FA, bit 7) Sub-mini jack at rear J9 Tape Motor Control 2: panel (See output port FA, bit 6) Sub-mini jack at rear Mini-phone jack at rear panel Mini-phone jack at rear panel Rev A AVII-2 J10 DC Power Connector, Sol-PC 0 0 Ground +5VDC -12 VDC +12 VDC -12 VDC +5 VDC Ground 0 0 '0 0 0 S-100 Bus Definitions PIN NUMBER FUNCTION Unregulated voltage on bus, supplied to PC boards and regulated to 5V) supplied by Sol-20 supply Positive unregulated voltage supplied by +16 Volts Sol-20 power supply EXTER..1AL READY External ready input to CPU ready circuitry Vectored Interrupt Line 110 Vectored Interrupt Line IFl Vectored Interrupt Line 112 Ve.ctored Interrupt Line 113 Vectored Interrupt Line 1/4 Vectored Interrupt Line 115 Vectored Interrupt Line 116 Vectored Interrupt Line 117 EXTERNAL READY 112 not used by Sol-PC 1 SYMBOL +8V 2 +16V 3 XiRDY 4 VIO 5 VI1 6 VI2 7 VI3 8 VI4 9 VI5 10 VI6 11 VI7 12 13 to 17 XRDY2 TO BE DEFINED 18 STAT DSB STATUS DISABLE 19 C/C DSB COMMAND/CONTROL DISABLE 20 21 22 UNPROT SS ADD DSB UNPROTECT SINGLE STEP ADDRESS DISABLE 23 DO DSB DATA OUT DISABLE 24· 25 26 02 01 PHLDA PHASE 2 CLOCK PHASE 1 CLOCK HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE REV A NAME +8"Vo1ts AVII-3 -Allows the buffers for the 8 status lines to be tri-stated -Allows the buffers for the 6 output command/control lines to be tri-stated - not used by Sol-PC electronics - not used by Sol-PC -Allows the buffers for the 16 address lines to be tri-stated -Allows the buffers for the 8 data output lines to be tri-stated Processor command/control output signal that appears in response to the HOLD signal; indicates that the data and address bus will go to the high impedance state and processor will enter HOLD state after completion of the current machine cycle. S-100 Bus Definitions-continued PIN NUMBER 27 SYMBOL PWAIT 28 PINTE INTERRUPT ENABLE 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A5 A4 A3 A15 A12 A9 DIOI DI00 AIO DI04 DI05 DI06 DI02 DI03 DI07 SMI Address Line Addre s s Line Address Line Address Line Address Line 1112 Address Line 119 Data In/Out line Data In/Out line Address Line 1/10 Data In/Out Line Data In/Out Line Data In/Out Line Data In/Out Line Data In/Out Line Data In/Out Line MACHINE CYCLE 1 45 SOUT 46 SINP 47 SMEMR 48 SHLTA 49 50 51 CLOCK GND +8V 52 -16V REV A NAME WAIT FUNCTION -Processor command/control output signal that indicates the processor is in the wait state in response to a low READY signal or a HALT instruction. -Processor command/control output signal; indicates interrupts are enabled, as determined by the contents of the CPU internal interrupt flip-flop. When the flip-flop is set (Enable Interrupt instruction), interrupts are accepted by the CPU; when it is reset (Disable Interrupt instruction), interrupts are inhibited. 115 1/4 113 #15 (MSB) #1 #0 same as pin 94 same as pin 95 #4 same as pin 91 #5 same as pin 92 #6 same as pin 93 #2 same as pin 88 #3 same as p~n 89 same as pLn 90 #7 -Status output signal that indicates that the processor is in the fetch cycle for the first byte of an instruction -Status output signal that indicates OUTPUT the address bus contains the address of an output device and the data bus will cobtain the ouput data when PWR. is active -Status output signal that indicates INPUT the address bus contains the address of an input device and the input data should be placed on the data bus when PDBIN is active -Status output signal that indicates MEMORY READ the data bus will be used to read memory data HALT ACKNOWLEDGE - Status output signal that acknowledges a HALT instruction - Inverted output of the 02 CLOCK CLOCK GROUND Unregulated input to 5 volt +8 Volts regulators supplied by Sol-20 power supply Negative unregulated voltage Rupp1ied -16 Volts by Sol-20 power supply AVII-4 S-lOO Bus PIN NUMBER 53 54 55 SYMBOL SSWI EXT CLR RTC STSTB Def~nitions-continued NAME 57 i5ffi SENSE SWITCH INPUT EXTERNAL CLEAR REAL TIME CLOCK STATUS STROBE DATA INPUT GATE #1 58 59 FRDY FRONT PANEL READY 56 to TO BE DEFINED 64 65 MREQ MEMORY REQUEST 66 REF REFRESH 67 PHANTOM PHANTOM DISABLE 68 MWRITE MEMORY WRITE 69 70 71 72 Ps PROT RUN PRDY PROJECT STATUS PROTECT RUN PROCESSOR READY 73 PiNT INTERRUPT REQUEST 74 PHOLD 75 PRESET RESET 76 PSYNC SYNC 77 PWR WRITE 78 PDBIN DATA BUS Iij AVII-S FUNCTION not used by Sol not used by Sol-PC electronics not used by Sol-PC electronics not used by Sol When low forces PDBINS low and forces CPU input multiplexers to the DIO bus. During CPU DBIN cycle, disables CPU DIO bus drivers -When low disables MWRITE,driver - Z 80 signal not used by Sol-PC electronics - Z 80 signal not used by Sol-PC electronics -Output from CPU section used to disable RAM or ROM during power on initialization program execution -Indicates that the data present on the Data Out Bus is to be written into the memory location currently on the address bus -not used by Sol-PC electronics -not used by Sol-PC electronics - not used by Sol-PC electronics - Memory and I/O input to the CPU Board wait circuitry - The processor recognizes an interrupt request on this line at the end of the current instruction or while halted. If the processor is in the HOLD state or the Interrupt Enable flip:flop is reset, it will not honor the request. -Processor cOlmnand/ control input signal that requests the processor enter the HOLD state; allows an external device to gain control of address and data buses as soon as the processor has completed its use of these buses for the current machine cycle -Processor command/control input; while activated, the content of the program counter is cleared and the instruction register is set to 0 -Processor command/control output; provides a signal to indicate the beginning of each machine cycle . -Processor command/control output; used for memory write or I/O output control. Data on the da~a bus is stable while the PWR is active -Processor command/control output; indicates to external circuits that the data bus is in the input mode S-IOO Bus Definitions-continued PIN NUMBER 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 SYMBOL AO Al A2 A6 A7 A8 A13 A14 All DI02 DI03 DI07 DI04 DI05 DI06 DIOI DI00 SINTA 97 SWO 98 SSTACK 99 100 P6C GND NAME FUNCTION (LSB) Address Line 410 Address Line if! Address Line i,b2 Addres s Line ifo6 Addre s s Line in Address Line #8 Address Line ifo13 Address Line ifo14 Address Line if!l Data In/Out Line 412 same as pin 41 Data In/Out Line 413 same as pin 42 Data In/Out Line 417 same as pin 43 Data In/Out Line #4 same as pin 38 Data In/Out Line #5 same as pin 39 Data In/Out Line #6 same as pin 40 Data In/Out Line #1 same as p~n 35 Data In/Out Line #0 same as p1n 36 INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE -Status output signal; acknowledges signal for INTERRUPT request WRITE OUT -Status output signal; indicates that the operation in the current machine cycle will be a WRITE memory or output function STACK -Status output signal indicates that the address bus holds the pushdown stack address from the Stack Pointer POWER-ON CLEAR GROUND SWITCH FUNCTION DEFINITION Switch No. Sl-l Sl-2 Sl-3 Sl-4 Sl-5 S1-6 Mnemonic RST not used BLANK Polarity BLINK SOLID Display Ctrl---Schematic Drawing 414 Function ON OFF Restart to Zero RUN ( Dwg. 1f1) Blank Ctrl Characters Display Ctrl Char. Blinking cursor Solid cursor *Solid or NO cursor *Blinking or NO cursor *NO cursor if Sl-5 and Sl-6 are off at same time. Both switches should not be on at the same time. Drawing 413 -- Sense Switch Switch No. Mnemonic S2-l SSW0 S2-2thruS2-7 S2-8 SSW7 Function ON LSB, data bit etc. MSB data bit 7 AVII-6 ON OFF 0-LO LO LO I-HI HI HI SERIAL I/O BAUD RATE SWITCH -- Schematic Drawing #3 Function Mnemonic ON OFF Switch No. 75 S3-1 75 BAUD * Do not turn more than 110 BAUD one switch on at a time 11 S3-2 150 BAUD 15 S3-3 300 BAUD 30 S3-4 600 BAUD 60 S3-5 12 1200 BAUD S3-6 24/48 2400 or 4800(normally 2400 if not jumpered K to M) S3-7 9600 BAUD 96 S3-8 Schematic Drawing #3 SERIAL I/O CONTROL OFF Switch No. Mnemonic ON Parity even (if S4-5 on) PS S4-l Parity·odd WLS 1 Data word length 8bits 7bits 6bits 5bitS)· S4-2 ( Off WLS 2 S4-3 On Off On Off Off On On 2 stOD bits (1.5 if 5bits/word) S4-4 SBS 1 stop bit PI No parity S4-5 Parity Half duplex Full duplex S4-6 F/R MEMORY ALLOCATION: Hexidecimal Address c000 - C7FF C800 - CBFF CC00 - CFFF ON CARD Function Personality Module ROM or PROM (2048 words) System RAM (1024 words) Display RAM Memory (1024 characters) ON CARD INPUT PORT ALLOCATION Hexidecimal Port Address Fa F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF OUTPUT PORTS Hex Port Address F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF Function Status, Serial Comm. channel Serial Communicatio~ Channel Data Aux. Status, Cassette tape interface, parallel I/O, keyboard input Audio Cassette (CUTS) Data Keyboard Data (from J3) Parallel Port Data (from J2) Display Status Sense Switch (S2-l thru S2-8) .Function Control, Serial Comm. Channel Data, Serial Comm. Channel Control, Parallel I/O, CUTS Cassette I/O Data, CUTS audio cassette Interface Alarm (optional) Data, Parallel output Data channel Scroll control, Display Section not used in Sol-PC REV B AVII-7 STATUS PORT INPUT BIT ASSIGNMENTS PORT F8 (STATUS, SERIAL COMM. CHANNEL) FUNCTION SIGNAL NAME ¢ SCD Serial Carrier Detect (EIA) 1 SDSR Serial Data Set Ready (EIA) 2 SPE Serial Parity Error 3 SFE Serial Framing Error 4 SOE Serial Overrun Error 5 SCTS Serial Clear to Send (EIA) 6 SDR UART Serial Data Ready 7 STBE UART Serial Transmit Buffer Empty PORT FA (AUX. STATUS, CASSETTE TAPE INTERFACE, PARALLEL I/O, BIT SIGNAL NAME FUNCTION ¢ KDR PDR PXDR TFE TOE not used TDR TTBE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ACTIVE DIRECTION 1 carrier link ok 1 error 1 error 1 error ¢ clear 1 ready 11 empty KEYBOARD INPUT) ACTIVE DIRECTION ¢ Keyboard Data Ready Parallel Data Ready Parallel eXternal Device Ready Tape Framing Error Tape Overrun Error ¢ Tape Data Ready Tape Transmitter Buffer Empty 1 ready 1 empty PORT FE (DISPLAY STATUS) BIT SIGNAL NAME ¢ SOK Scroll OK~ scroll FUNCTION ~ sec timeout after CONTROL PORT OUTPUT BIT ASSIGNMENTS PORT F8 (CONTROL, SERIAL COMM. CHANNEL) SIGNAL NAME FUNCTION ready ¢ ready ¢ ready 1 error 1 error ACTIVE DIRECTION ¢ time complete ACTIVE DIRECTION 1 request 4 SRTS Serial Request to Send PORT FA (CONTROL, PARALLEL I/O, CUTS CASSETTE I/O) BIT SIGNAL NAME FUNCTION 3 PIE Parallel Input Enable 4 PUS Parallel unit Select 5 TBR Tape Baud Rate (300/1200) 6 TT2 Tape Transport 2 7 TTl Tape Transport 1 PORT FE (SCROLL CONTROL, DISPLAY SECTION) BIT FUNCTION SIGNAL NAME ACTIVE DIRECTION 1 pin 3 J2 low o pin 14 J2 low o 1200 Baud o run tape o run tape ¢ - ACTIVE DIRECTION 3 BDLA Beginning Display Line Absolute address 4-bit data nybble 4 - 7 FDSP First Displayed Line Screen Position 4-bit data nybble Jl J2 J3 J4 J5 CONNECTOR DESIGNATION Serial data J6 Parallel Data J7 Keyboard J8 J9 Display Expansion ROM Personality Module JIO Jll AVII-8 Cassette Tape Audio Out Cassette Tape Audio In Tape Motor 1 Tape Motor 2 PC Power S-IOO Bus Expansion Personal Computing Magazine, May/June 1977 Copyright @ 1977, Benwi11 Publishing Corp. Reprinted with permission. u by Tom Munnecke . It helps you with your income tax, then it takes you in the Starship Enterprise on an outer space crusade against the Klingons. It teaches you Boolean logic, then it becomes an opponent at checkers. It draws vivid pictures on your television set, then telephones a distant computer to calculate the value of your personal stock portfolio. What is this personal genie? How can it take on so many personalities? It is the personal computer, and its personali· ties are the unique products of its programmer. The computer is capable of nothing more, nothing less than the pro· grammer instructing it. For all the precision and rigidity associated with a computer, the programmer's work is still a uniquely personal reflection of himself. The fundamental connection between the programmer and the computer is the computer language. The increasing number and sophistication of computer languages bring the power of the personal computer to the non-professional. Computers are simple to deal with once certain fundamentals are understood. After that, learning becomes a trial and error experience. A person learning to walk does not need to understand each muscle, joint, and bone; he simply tries to walk and corrects his mistakes. So it is with computer programming. The novice programmer does not need to know the intricacies of the computer. He needs only: to know the fundamentals of the language, to know what his errors are and how to correct them, and to have time enough to try out his ideas. The personal computer is a tool - the most powerful tool ever put in the hands of the private individual. Its potential is limited only by its owner's capacity to apply it. This article provides a head start on learning any computer language, discussing the merits and drawbacks of many of the computer languages available to the personal computing enthusiast. What is a Computer Language? Computers operate in sequences of primitive decisions made in millionths of seconds. People think in terms bf vague concepts derived over days and months. The computer language is the means of linking these vague human concepts to the primitive computer decision. AVllI-1 k \,.... If you are going to /program your own computer, you need to . learn at least one lan';', guage. This is not as diffi: cult as it sounds, for com~ uter languages always have a ) .. very respectable teacher - the .:" computer itself. After you learn // one language, the second and third . are learned easily. It is not unusual for a professional programmer to use four or five languages regularly. Computers have a reputation for being rigid and inflexible in their ways. This may be so, but consider the poor language processor which has to try to interpret FORK=STOP when the programmer mean t FOR K=S TO P Most of the rigidity of the computer is there for a purpose. If you learn how they interpret things, some apparent inflexibility will fade away. In order for the computer and the programmer to communicate, they must have some common physical medium for communicating. Usually, this is a keyboard/printer or video display. The programmer enters his programs in whatever language he is using, .in his version of the language, known as the source language. He then asks a language processor to prepare it for the computer to process it. There are two types oflanguage processors - translators and interpreters. The translator accepts the source language and translates it to an object language, which is then loaded into the computer to be executed. Translators are further broken down into assemblers and compilers. The assembler is a means of manipulating machine-level operations for a specific.computer, while the compiler translates higher-level, or more human-oriented languages. Interpreters execute the source language directly without the intermediate process of translating to an object language. Languages are classified into two vaguely defined classifications: high-level and low-leveL A low-level language is one in which each of the source code instructions corresponds to a machine-level operation. Source code in a highlevel language may generate many machine-level instructions. Assemblers, Compilers, and Interpreters Each of the types oflanguage processors has its merits and drawbacks - assemblers give the programmer great power but require very detailed instructions; compilers support higher-level languages, but sacrifice machine efficiency; and interpreters are easy to use, but are not as efficient as compilers. Assemblers The assembler is the simplest form of computer language, It accepts source code and translates it one-for-one into machine-level instructions or object code. Thus, the programmer has detailed control (and responsibility) of each instruction. For example, the programmer might write a line in assembler such as: NEXT JSR INCHAR; Jump to subroutine to get a character. 'NEXT' is a label for the line. 'JSR' is a mnemonic for the Motorola 6800 instruction 'Jump to subroutine'. 'INCHAR' represents the address of the subroutine to be used. ';Jump .. .' is a comment inserted by the programmer to explain the instruction for documentation. The assembler (for th~ 6800) will assemble this instruction into the hexidecimal '8DXXXX' where '8D' is the operation code for branch to subroutine, and 'XXXX' is the address of subroutine INCHAR. See Fig. 1. Since the assembler may not know where the INCHAR subroutine is to be located when the program is executed, it must be resolved at a later time by the loader program. Compilers The compiler acts much like the assembler, but works with higher level languages. The compiler understands more AVIII-2 r-----------,. - - - - - - - - - - - - ' I Programmer's Instruction TOT=SUM+NUM Source Code 'JSR INCHAR' Action Taken Source Statement Action Taken high level source code is compiled into is assembled into 'SOXXXX' LOA ADD STA LOA AOC STA Object Code A SUM+l A NUM+l A TOT+l A SUM ANUM A TOT object code, which is either loaded or assembled which must be loaded into Main Memory 'SOEIAC' Fig. 1 Operation of an Assembler Fig. 3 Operation of a Compiler complex expressions, and does much more work than the assembler. Figure 2 illustrates a single high level language expression which would require 6 lines to write in assembler. TOT=SUM+NUM LOA ADD STA LOA AOC STA A A A A A A SUM+l NUM+l TOT+l SUM NUM TOT Add the right most bytes and store the result. Add the left most bytes and store the result. Comparison of the Methods: Each of the methods is used in the commercial computing world, indicating that there is sound economic need for each. The methods may intermingle, as in compilers that accept assemblerlanguage code, incremental compilers, which are a cross between interpreting and compiling, and compilers which produce interpretive object code. Fig. 5 illustrates many common considerations of the various language processors. Disadvantages of Assemblers Fig. 2 Comparison of high·level expression and its low· level language equivalent. :This is a simple example, but a more complex example, such as: TOT=( SUM + NUM/1.238 * COS (ARC/360» ** 2/7.32 could give the.assembler language programmer a tremendous amount of difficulty. Typically, a compiler produces assembly language code, which is then passed through the assembler. Interpreters The interpreteds a departure from the techniques of the assembler or compiler. While the translators create a program which must be loaded and executed later, the interpreter executes source instructions directly. The source remains in its original form. Many languages may be either compiled or interpreted, although some features of a language may make compilation difficult, if not impossible. The interpreted language can change its interpretation as it receives new data, while the compilt:: ·:loes not know what data the program will receive until after it has finished its work. Because the programmer must detail each operation of the computer, his workload is much greater than with higher level languages. His chances for making an error are much greater than in high-level languages. The programmer can easily become enmeshed in the maze of details he must remember. Modifying an intricate assembler language program may be very difficult, if not impossible. Assemblers are not usually interactive, requiring the entire program to be reassembled when an error is made. Advantages of Compilers The compiler is capable of supporting much higher level languages than assembler or macro assembler. The pro· grammer can work faster, make fewer errors, and learn the language faster than he can assembler. The compiler's object code may be executed much faster than an interpreter could execute the program (between 5 and 10 times faster). Programs written in the higher level language may be recompiled on a new type of computer, without modifying the program. /' Disadvantages of Compilers Compilers are usually large, complex programs which require some time to compile a program, in addition to a significant amount of off-line storage. Compilers are not AVIII-3 usually interactive, because they require an entire program to be recompiled when a single change must be made. Due to the internal workings of the compiler, data types must be fixed during compilation. This process, known as binding, reduces the program's ability to adapt to new data as the program is executed. An interpreter, however, does not bind its variables until execution. Disadvantages of the Interpreter Interpreters tend to be slower than compilers, between 5 and 10 times slower, as a rule of thumb. This slowness is due to the interpreter's need to analyze each statement every time it sees it, whereas the compiler need analyze it only once. The interpreter program must remain in memory for even a small program. Advantages of the Interpreter A Bit of History Since the interpreter executes its source code directly, the programmer may interact more directly with the computer. Usually, the inte,rpreter provides a direct mode, where the programmer may execute statements directly as he enters them, and an indirect mode, where his commands are stored in a program for later execution. The programmer can usually stop the program, examine variables, and resume execution. Some interpreters (such as APL and MUMPS) provide an EXECUTE command, which allows the program to execute a character string as if it were program text. Conversely, some interpreters (MUMPS) allow a program to treat its own text as data. Interpreters are useful for systems where the language processor needs to be 'built in' to the computer, as in intelligent terminals. Source Code is interpreted and executed immediately Fig. 4 Operation of an Interpreter Binding Time Off Ii ne Storage CPU Efficiency Programmer Efficiency Program Size Error Detection Language Interactive Debugging Language Processing Efficiency Compile much medium Execution little/none low Assembly much high medium large high medium low small machine source machine no yes no low medium high Fig 5 Comparison of the features of the various types of language processors. o Binding time - the point when the program's data types are fixed. o Offline Storage - the amount of storage such as floppy .disks, cassettes, etc, required for the language processor to work. _ CPU Efficiency - of the program being processed. • Programmer Efficiency - of the programmer writing the program to be processed. • Program Size - of the object code, or source code, in the case of the interpreter .• Error Detection Language - the language in which run time errors are detected. The first computers were large, expensive devices requiring a roomful of air conditioning just to keep them cool. Programming them was very difficult, and they ran quite slow: " ... the machine will then continue in operation hour after hour, completely checking its own results until either the problem is solved, or a breakdown occurs" (A Manual of Operation for the Automated Sequence Controlled Calculator, Harvard University, 1946). At that time, a computer cost millions of dollars, and a programmer cost a few hundred dollars per month. Today, a computer costs hundreds of dollars, and the programmer costs thousands of dollars per month. To put it in another way, in 1946 a computer cost the equivalent of 250 programmers, today the programmer costs the equivalent of 100 computers. Everyone agrees that computers should be used 'efficiently'. The problem is that people think of making the CPU efficient, not the person using it. The microcomputer has undermined the conventional wisdom of computer efficiency. The person who spends several month's rent on a personal computer wants to see it do something for him immediately, regardless of whether it uses the CPU 'efficiently'. Chances are he uses the computer only a few hours a day. On the other hand, the professional programmer who works as one of a score of programmers using a large computer must con tend with CPU efficiency in order to keep from overloading the computer. The microcomputer user needs to worry about CPU efficiency only when he reaches some limit - not enough memory response not fast enough, etc. Since no one else is waiting to use his computer, he does not have to worry about inefficiencies which do not force him beyond his limits. The large computer programmer, however, must constantly worry about sharing the computer with all the other users. Even if a program works fast enough for him, and uses little enough memory, it still must be made 'efficient' forthe other users of the system. As a result of this historical concern for CPU efficiency, people are fixated on "making the computer run efficiently". Language design has been heavily weighted in favor of making the computer efficient, not the programmer. The personal computing software scene was a completely unforeseen turn of events. None of the language designers ever thOUght that the programmer would be working alone on his own computer. As a result, the design tradeoffs were heavily slanted in favor of the commerical user. Which language is Best? "I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse". Charles V of France_ What is the best language? BASIC? Assembler? PL/M, AVIII-4 BLOCK LINE NUMBER COMMANDS ARGUMENTS Fig. 6 BASIC Program Elements LABEL OPERATION CODE OPERANDS Fig. 7 Assembler Program Elements STATEMENTS EXPRESSIONS Fig. 8 PLIM Program Elements PROGRAM WORKSPACE PROGRAM ROUTINE GROUP FUNCTION LINE LINE LABEL COMMAND ARGUMENTS Fig. 9 MUMPS Program Elements OPERATORS LITERALS FUNCTION REFERENCES Fig. 10 APL Program Elements MUMPS, APL, PASCAL, FORTRAN, SNOBOL, COBOL, USP, COMIT, MAD, or any of the hundreds of others? And after the best language is chosen, which dialect is best? Consider the dialects of BASIC: Tiny BASIC, Extended BASIC, BASIC Plus, Business BASIC, ANS BASIC ... Perhaps a good analogy could be drawn between computer languages and spoken languages. Which spoken language is best? English? French? Chinese? Italian? It all depends on what you want to do with it. If you are in Paris, French would be a good contender for the 'best' language. Suppose you are in Kansas, and believed Charles' statement above that Italian is best for speaking to women. Romantic pretentions aside, you would probably have better luck with English. The "best" computer language is not selected on the basis of its syntax or grammar. It is a very pragmatic decision based on what is available, what the programmer knows, whether it can perform the task at hand, and what programs are available to him from other sources. The selection of a computer language is an important decision to the personal programmer for many reasons beyond the above pragmatic ones. The language a programmer uses profoundly affects the way he sees a problem. As Whorf said, "We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native language". The APL programmer thinks in terms of vectors, the MUMPS programmer thinks in terms of data bases, and the Assembly language programmer thinks in terms of individual bytes of memory. Therefore, in reviewing each of the languages, the reader must apply them to his own needs. The following list is a sample of some of the languages available (or may be soon) to the micro-computer user. BASIC - (Beginner's All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). This is the most common high-level language used on personal computers. It is a very simple, easy to learn language. There is a large library of programs available, LINE NUMBER COMMAND ARGUMENTS Fig. 11 FOCAL Program Elements since BASIC is used in many universities and schools. Because it is a simple language, it is somewhat limited and difficult to use for some complex problems. BASIC is usually interpreted on microcomputers, although some compilers exist. Programs written in BASIC for one computer can often be run on another with only slight changes. Assembler - Assembler language is commonly used on personal computers. Since many personal computers have neither the memory or Input/Output capability to run an assembler, the programmer often manually assembles his program and enters it through the switches on the panel. Assembler language is unique to each computer, so program exchange is limited to one particular computer type. Assembler language is the common denominator of all programs - eventually, all programs are just a sequence of assembler-level instructions. Therefore, anyone wishing to really know how his computer works must learn at least a little Assembler. Often, a program is written in a high-level language which calls an Assembler language subroutine for difficult or critical portions of logic. This can be a very economical mix for programs which exceed the limits of a high-level language. PL/M - (A program name copyrighted by Intel Corp.) is a compiled language derived from IBM's PL/I. Versions exist for the 8080,6800, and Signetics 2650. Some high speed, mass storage (floppy disk, for example) is required. It is an alternative to assembler, producing slightly less efficient programs in much less programming time. A basic user would find PL/M difficult to use for simple problems, but easier to use for more complex problems. There is no extensive library of programs in PL/M as with BASIC. AVIII-5 MUMPS - (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility MultiProgramming System) is an interpretive language oriented towards interactive data management applications. MUMPS has many characteristics of BASIC, FOCAL, and IBM's PL/l. It differs from all these in that it has built-in data base capabilities for handling data on mass storage devices. Although not widely available on microcomputers now, the National Bureau of Standards published a standard version (NBS Handbook 118) which details how one would write an interpreter for MUMPS. FOCAL have similar syntaxes, but different semantics. With this background, you should be able to modify a simple program to make it do increasingly complex tasks. Each time you modify the program, use some new aspect of the language, being careful to add one aspect at a time. Then, try the new version to see if it does what you expect. Each step of the way, you will be informed of your mistakes by your friendly adversary, the computer. The Importance of Making Errors "Nine times out of ten, in the arts as well as life. there IS actually no truth to be discovered; there is only error to be exposed." H.L. Mencken MUMPS has extensive data handling capabilities, suited for applications such as personal accounting, word processing, and general information systems. Since the development of MUMPS was federally supported, much MUMPS software is in the public domain. APL - (A Programming Language) is a computer language derived from Iverson's elegant mathematical notation. It is a very powerful mathematical tool, having primitive functions for matrix inversion, inner products, sorting, and many other areas. Although initially developed for large scale computers, it is now available for portable commercial computers. APL is usually interpreted, and therefore well suited for interactive personal computing. FOCAL - (Formulating On-Line Calculations in Algebraic Language) is a language brought out as an early on-line language for calculations. Its syntax is similar to MUMPS, although its functions are closer to.BASIC. FOCAL is available on the 8080 and has a modest programming library. Making an error in a computer program is a fundamental source of learning. You tried something and the computer told you it didn't work. The programmer who proudly announces "my last program worked the first time without any bugs" is a programmer who probably did not learn anything new writing it. Integer (16 Bit) X Character String X X Floating Point X X Learning a Computer Language Your first task in learning a new language is to build up a basic understanding of the language. This can be gained from the reference manual for the language distributed with the software. Magazines such as Personal Computing carry many articles on the more popular languages. There is a variety of books available in libraries and computer stores, and more advertised in professional data processing magazines. When studying a language, it is helpful to divide the project into three areas: SYNT AX - How you say something SEMANTICS - What you mean PRAGMATICS - How you make the language do what you want Syntax. The syntax of the language is usually the quickest part to learn. How does the language distinguish between a number and a variable? Do you need a number before each line? What characters are allowed by the language? Semantics. The semantic aspects of the language are more difficult to learn, but you do not have to under-. stand everything to use the language. What are arithmetic functions in the language? How do you retrieve data from the terminal? How do you format output? Pragmatics. This is the most difficult portion to learn, yet it is the skill most easily carried over to other languages. How do you make the language solve your problem? How do you create, change, and delete programs? Can you stop the program while it is executing, examine the state of things, then resume execution? X Byte Logical X Labels X x x X X X X X X x x X Fig. 12 Cross Index of Data Element Types Assign· ment LET Read from Console INPUT READ Write to Console PRINT WRITE 0 +- These three classifications are very useful for comparing languages. For example, BASIC, FOCAL and FORTRAN have sirriilar semantics but different syntaxes. MUMPS and AVIII-6 SET +- SET +-0 ASK INPUT TYPE OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUT Fig. 13 Cross Index of Data Movement Unconditional Branch GOTO GOTO Conditional Branching IF IF Involation GO SUB DO Return from Involation RETURN QUIT Looping FORI NEXT FOR ~ GO GOTO GOTO ~ IF IF NAME DO ~O CALL IF CALL QUIT END RETURN FOR DO DO Fig. 14 Cross Index of Control of Flow And Or Not Greater Than Less Than Equal Not Equal Less Than Or Eq. Greater Than or ual The lesson is clear: When in doubt, try it. Let the computer tell you whether it will accept the statement. Many manuals are not reliable enough to trust anyway. The above advice flies directly in the face of conventional computer programming wisdom. In the past, there was considerable stigma attached to anyone found 'letting the computer do his debugging'. The theory was, that the computer is a valuable resource, and that a programmer should not waste computer time. Instead, he should carefully deskcheck his program before each submission. In the microcomputer world, this philosophy is radically altered. It makes no sense for the programmer to check his work on paper when his computer is waiting for him to enter it. & > > > < < < * <> <= < => Semantic errors These errors are also common in the early stages of learning a new language, but continue to plague the programmer throughout the use of the language. These errors are statements which are syntactically correct, but do not perform the function desired by the programmer. Some typical semantic errors are: a) Mode errors - the programmer tries to add a number to a character string, but the language does not handle the conversion. b) Binding errors - the programmer names the wrong variable, label or subroutine. c) Juxtaposition or sequencing errors. An end of a loop is placed too far down in the program, or a variable is used before it is initialized. Most of the same advice for syntax errors applies to grammatical errors. Sometimes, grammatical errors can slip through and only be detected by erratic program behavior. * > Fig. 15 Logical and Arithmetic Comparison Function *handled by I F statement structure. Addition Subtraction Divide Multiply Exponentiation Square root Cosine Tangent SINE eX Exponential Natural log Absolute Val Greatest Integer Random Number Signum Modulo Fig. + + + + + * * + t SQR COS TAN SIN EXP LOG ABS INT RND SGN X * *.5 20 30 10 * ® I p $R # ? X FExP FSQT FCOS FSIN EXP FLOG FABS FITR FRAN FSGN Pragmatic errors The pragmatic error is a statement which is syntactically and semantically correct, but does not do what the programmer wants it to. These cannot be caught by the language processor. Typical pragmatic errors are: a) wrong function or command - the programmer uses a sine function instead of cosine. b) an improper formula - the programmer thought that Interest was Principal divided gy Rate instead of Principal times Rate. Pragmatic errors tend to be the last errors in a program to be detected, if only because the programmer will not see them until he cleans up the syntax and semantic errors and the program executes. Pragmatic errors can be very difficult to detect, particularly in programs which are time dependent or involve much I 16 Cross Index of Arithmetic Functions The absence of an error when writing a program indicates only that a situation new to the programmer did not come up - not that the programmer has learned the language. There are generally four types of errors: syntax, semantic, pragmatic, and covert. Syntax errors The syntax error is the most common error which faces the beginning programmer. A syntax error is a statement that violates the language's basic rule for expression. Typically, they are caused by: a) typing errors - a finger Slips to the wrong key, a zero instead of the letter 0, etc. b) misunderstanding the syntax. The new programmer may not understand that he has to put a comma between variables in a print statement, or put apostrophes around literals. c) confusing the syntax. The programmer might confuse a colon and the comma, or, he might carryover some syntax from another language he knows. One thing in common with all these errors is that the computer can detect them. In most interpreters, the programmer may directly enter and execute any questionable statements. Concatenation Convert String to Number $ASCII Convert Number to String Length AVIII-7 $CHAR LEN$ Fig. 17 Cross Index String Functions logic. Pragmatic errors are generally discovered with what the computing world euphemistically calls "testing". "I'll test this program to make sure it won't blow up," is an often heard phrase. Unfortunately after he completes his testing, he all too often says "my program blew up". Testing can confirm the existence of an error, not that one doesn't exist. Just because 99 combinations of input data were tried does not guarantee that the hundreth combination will not fail. Covert errors When a program is tested and declared correct by the programmer, any remaining errors are by definition covert. These are insidious problems that appear only when events combine to form some previously untried condition. Some covert errors are: a) An angle in a trigonometric equation goes to zero, causing a zero divide error in a later division. b) Improper data is entered, which the program does not reject as invalid. Recently, a program sent out a letter to the Emmet County Jail, "Dear Emmet C. Jail, you are among a select group of persons ... " As the saying goes - garbage in, garbage out. c) The programmer leaves room for only 3 digits of a number, but the number grows past 999. Covert errors always have and always will exist in computer software. However, a great deal of attention in computer science circles has been given to writing programs which may be "proved" correct. These efforts, named "structured programming", "software engineering", and "composite design" will be covered in a future article. The fundamental principles common to these are: a) Break the big problem into clusters of independent little problems. b) link the clusters together in a hierarchical manner such that each cluster is independently testable. c) limit the number of paths the program may take. This is accomplished by limiting the use of the GOTO statement. The programmer should learn to improve his skills by analyzing the errors he makes. When he meets that benevolent dictator of linguistic purity - the error message - he should treat it asa means of learning a little more about the language. AVIII-8 \ UPDATES Sol TERMINAL COMPUTER™ Electronics is a very fast moving field. Development of new products, and improvements in the old products proceeds at an unprecedented rate. The continuing development of the Sol Terminal Computer is no exception. Better parts become available and are included, experience yields circuit improvements, and new circuitry is developed. This process generates changes much more frequently than this manual is reprinted. As a result, we include the improvements as blue update sheets, added to this section as they become available. Be sure to integrate this information into the body of the manual before beginning, by makrli:?~,.......~ndicated changes in the text, adding or replacing . J?'J,g'es, or making notes referring you to the update page. If you have a question as to the currency of a particular page of text, look in the lower left-hand corner of the page. The initial version of the page will have this corner blank. When the contents of the page have changed, the new version will have "REV A" in this corner; a third version will have "REV B," and so forth. When a whole new page and page number are added, the corner is blank.
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