8751W Technical
6751W technical 6751W technical
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EN TECHNICAL MANUAL Handsfree door entry phone Mini 6750W, Mini 6751W Passion.Technology. Design. Table of contents Warning Description........................................................................................ 3 Art. 6750W..................................................................................................3 Art. 6751W..................................................................................................4 Technical characteristics................................................................. 5 Wall-mounted.................................................................................... 6 Connections...................................................................................... 8 Connection to the video entry riser and the floor door call button......8 Branched connection to the video entry system riser from the internal video unit...................................................................................................8 Connection to the door entry riser and the floor door call button.......8 Touch-sensitive buttons.................................................................. 9 Description................................................................................................9 Indicator LED.............................................................................................9 Answering an incoming call.....................................................................9 Activation / deactivation of Automatic answer mode...........................9 Configuration.................................................................................. 10 Touch-sensitive buttons.........................................................................10 Legend...............................................................................................10 Basic configuration.................................................................................10 Advanced configuration.........................................................................11 Warning..............................................................................................11 Intercom calls: introduction...............................................................11 Selective intercom address: programming/cancellation....................11 Intercom call: button programming...................................................12 Intercom call: direct programming ....................................................13 Generic actuator, Addressable actuator: button programming.........14 Other functions..................................................................................15 Programming range................................................................................16 Changing the ringtone............................................................................16 Programming reset.................................................................................17 System performance and layouts................................................. 17 2 Description Art. 6750W • Mini series handsfree door entry phone with full-duplex audio and integrated magnetic induction audio amplification system. With 5 touch sensitive buttons for audio key, lock release, actuator, switchboard call and Privacy functions, and door status indicator LED. Floor door call management as standard. Equipped with branch terminal art. 1214/2C. • For use in SimpleBusTop audio/video systems with mixer art. 4888C, Building Kit systems with power supply unit art. 1210 or Audio/Video Kits with power supply unit art. 1209. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. 3. 9. 4. 1. Loudspeaker volume control ff turn clockwise to increase the value 2. Speaker and audio activation button 3. Touch-sensitive buttons 4. Call volume adjustment (high - medium - low) 5. Trimmer - Factory setting DO NOT CHANGE! 6. S1 Microswitches for setting the user code (see addressing table) 7. S2 Microswitches for programming keys and functions DIP 1-2-3-4 for button function programming DIP 5-6 access to programming DIP 7-8 not utilised 8. Trimmer - Factory setting DO NOT CHANGE! 9. Pin for securing terminal block Terminal block for system connection LL Bus line connection terminals CFP1 CFP2 Floor door call input 3 Art. 6751W • Mini series door entry phone with full-duplex audio. With 5 touch sensitive buttons for audio key, lock release, actuator, switchboard call and Privacy functions, and door status indicator LED. Floor door call management as standard. • For use in SimpleBus2 audio systems with power supply unit art. 1210. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. 3. 9. 4. 1. Loudspeaker volume control ff turn clockwise to increase the value 2. Speaker and audio activation button 3. Touch-sensitive buttons 4. Call volume adjustment (high - medium - low) 5. Trimmer - Factory setting DO NOT CHANGE! 6. S1 Microswitches for setting the user code (see addressing table) 7. S2 Microswitches for programming keys and functions DIP 1-2-3-4 for button function programming DIP 5-6 access to programming DIP 7-8 not utilised 8. Trimmer - Factory setting DO NOT CHANGE! 9. Pin for securing terminal block Terminal block for system connection LL Bus line connection terminals CFP1 CFP2 Floor door call input 4 Technical characteristics Art. 6750W Art. 6751W MAIN SPECIFICATIONS SimpleBus 2 audio system Yes Yes SimpleBus Top audio/video system Yes NO Building Kit audio/video system Yes NO Audio/Video kit Yes NO Induction Loop system Yes NO Branch terminal provided Yes NO Wall-mounted Yes Yes Full-duplex audio Yes Yes White White Yes Yes 5 5 NO NO 3 3 Actuator control functio Yes Yes Switchboard call Yes Yes Panic call Yes Yes Product colour Sensitive Touch technology Total buttons Additional buttons LED signaling (No.) FUNCTIONS Intercom function Yes Yes Selective intercom call Yes Yes Call to multiple addresses Yes Yes Privacy mode Yes Yes Doctor Yes Yes Floor door call function Yes Yes Electronic bell Yes Yes Customisable ringtone Yes Yes Yes Yes Loudspeaker volume control Yes Yes Microphone volume control NO NO Ringtone volume control Yes Yes Product height (mm) 105 105 Product width (mm) 105 105 Product depth (mm) 20 20 22-35 Vdc 22-35 Vdc 2 2 130 130 30 30 -5 +40 -5 +40 HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS Removable terminals SETTINGS GENERAL INFO TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Power supply voltage Absorption in standby (mA) Maximum current absorption (mA) IP Rating Operating temperature (°C) Relative humidity for operation (%) Product weight (g) Terminals 25-75 25-75 0,15 0,15 LL CFP1 CFP2 LL CFP1 CFP2 5 Wall-mounted optional 4 1A 1B 1C 1D 2 3 CLACK! 1 3 6 4 »» REMOVAL 2 Terminal removal 2 1 3 Terminal installation 1 L 2 L 1 FP C 2 FP C 3 7 Connections Connection to the video entry riser and the floor door call button 6750W VIDEO ENTRY SYSTEM RISER L L L OUT OUT L C C F1 F 2 P P 1214/2C LM L L LM IN IN FLOOR DOOR CALL 1209 / 1210 /4888C Branched connection to the video entry system riser from the internal video unit VIDEO ENTRY SYSTEM RISER L L C C F1 F2 P P L 6721W 6700W 6721W/BM 6701W L C C F 1 F2 P P L 6750W L C C F 1 F2 P P 6750W 6701B 1214/2C L L OUT OUT FLOOR DOOR CALL LM L L LM IN IN 1214/2C L L OUT OUT LM L L LM IN IN 1209 / 1210 /4888C Connection to the door entry riser and the floor door call button Audio only systems 6751W AUDIO ENTRY SYSTEM RISER L 1210 L C C F1 F 2 P P FLOOR DOOR CALL * 20 m MAX - Use shielded cable for the connection and do not route the cables in the vicinity of heavy inductive loads or power supply cables (230V/400V). Where multiple door-entry phones or monitor backplates have the same user code, connect the CFP button on one only; all the devices will ring simultaneously. 8 Touch-sensitive buttons Description Audio activation [programmable] Lock release [programmable] Actuator function [programmable] Secondary switchboard [programmable] Privacy Mode [not programmable] ff Press the desired button once to activate the associated function. Wait for approximately 1 sec. before pressing the same button again. Pressing the same button several times in quick succession will cancel the command. Indicator LED Audio LED steady on (in call): communication in progress steady on (in stand-by): Automatic answer mode activated continuous flashing: incoming call Lock release LED slow flashing: door open 1 flash after pressing button: door open confirmed continuous flashing: incoming call Privacy LED (red) steady on: Privacy mode activated 3 flashes (every 5 sec): Doctor function activated continuous flashing: device in programming mode 4 flashes: system engaged Answering an incoming call Press the touch-sensitive audio activation button to answer the incoming call. Activation / deactivation of Automatic answer mode ff Long press (5 sec) the button »» ACTIVATION: + LED STEADY ON »» DEACTIVATION: + LED OFF 9 Configuration Touch-sensitive buttons Legend Audio Lock-release Privacy mode ACT Actuator CCP Call to main switchboard CCS Call to secondary switchboard K Caretaker door-entry phone call D Doctor (Automatic door opening on receipt of call) PAN Panic INT General or selective programmable intercom. Default: single-family call INTb General or selective programmable intercom. Default: two-family call NULL No function Programmed functions, see "Advanced configuration". With these DIP-switch settings, the buttons control the programmed functions; PROG. The NON-programmed buttons control the functions on line 0000 *(Default). Basic configuration S2 DIP 1 DIP 2 DIP 3 DIP 4 0 0 0 0 ACT CCS 1 0 0 0 ACT INT 0 1 0 0 INT D 1 1 0 0 ACT CCP 0 0 1 0 ACT ACT 1 0 1 0 ACT K 0 1 1 0 ACT D 1 1 1 0 INTb INT 0 0 0 1 CCS PAN 1 0 0 1 K CCS 0 1 0 1 CCP K 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 NULL 1 1 1 1 PROG * Default 10 BUTTON PROGRAMMING ACT PAN CCP INTb INT PAN INT Advanced configuration Warning If the default settings (Table "Basic configuration") do not reflect requirements, the buttons can be programmed differently by carrying out the steps below. After programming, set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 1111. With these DIP-switch settings, the buttons control the programmed functions. The NON-programmed buttons control the basic configuration functions 0000. To restore the user code setting on S1, see “addressing table” Intercom calls: introduction General and selective intercoms CANNOT be used together on the same riser. General intercom: call from one internal unit to one or more internal units identified by the same call address as used by the external unit. Selective intercom: call from an internal unit to one or more internal units identified by a dedicated call address (see "TABLE B") which is different from the call addressed used by the external unit. Selective intercom address: programming/cancellation Take note of the S2, S1 settings and restore on completion of programming 1) 2) DIP OFF Programming; set code, "TABLE B" S2 DIP 3) S2 1 2 3 4 5 6 S1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Cancellation S2 DIP DIP ON S2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 S1 Selective intercom addresses You must set the intercom address on all the riser’s internal units. You can assign the same intercom address to a maximum of 3 internal units. For group calls, select the desired intercom codes simultaneously (max. 3). TABLE B Codice DIP switch ON 1 S1 Codice DIP switch ON 1 5 5 2 2 6 6 3 3 7 7 4 4 8 8 S1 11 Intercom call: button programming 1. To enter programming mode, set S2 DIP-switch 6 to combination 1 »» the Privacy LED flashes S2 DIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 S2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2. Refer to the table Basic configuration and select a combination in which the intercom function is listed for the buttons you wish to program. Example S2 BUTTON PROGRAMMING DIP 1 DIP 2 DIP 3 DIP 4 1 0 1 1 INT INT General intercom Example programming of button 1 single-family general intercom, and button 2 general intercom to address 9, of a device with user code 5. (Button = INT) Set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 1 0 1 1, set S1 with address 5 in accordance with the addressing table. Proceed with programming from point 3. (Button = INT) Set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 1 0 1 1, set S1 with address 9 in accordance with addressing table. Proceed with programming from point 3. Selective intercom Example programming of button 1 selective intercom to address 2 and button 2 selective intercom to address 3, of a device with user code 1 and intercom address 1. (Button = INT) Set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 1 0 1 1, set S1 with address 2 in accordance with TABLE B .Proceed with programming from point 3. (Button = INT) Set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination1 0 1 1, set S1 with address 3 in accordance with TABLE B. Proceed with programming from point 3. 3. Press and release the button to be associated with the function »» Correct procedure indication: the Lock release LED flashes for a few seconds and a confirmation tone sounds »» Procedure error indication: the Audio LED flashes for few seconds and an error tone sounds 4. To exit programming mode, set S2 DIP switch 6 to the combination 0 »» the Privacy LED switches off 5. After programming, set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 1111. Restore the user code setting on S1 (see addressing table. 12 Intercom call: direct programming Allows direct programming of intercom call via the internal units. √√ Requires 2 operators Step 1: enter programming mode Operator 1 and Operator 2 carry out the following procedures on 2 internal units: 1. Set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 1111 2. Press the Audio button 3. Press and hold the Privacy and Lock release buttons for 3 sec. »» The internal unit emits 1 tone. »» The Privacy LED flashes »» The internal unit enters audio mode. »» At this point the 2 operators are in communication with each other. Step 2: intercom call programming Operator 1: ff Press the button you want to program to call operator 2 (e.g. 2). »» The internal unit manned by operator 1 emits a confirmation tone. Operator 2: ff Press the button you want to program to call operator 1 (e.g. 1). »» The internal unit manned by operator 2 emits a confirmation tone. Operator 1/Operator 2: ff Press the Audio button »» The internal unit emits 1 tone. »» Programming of the 2 internal units is now complete. To program another internal unit, go to STEP 3. Step 3: programming other internal units Operator 1/Operator 2: 1. Once the new station has been reached, carry out step 1 to begin communication. 2. Repeat step 2. N.B. If a call is received during programming, it must be answered and the programming procedure resumed afterwards. 13 Generic actuator, Addressable actuator: button programming Take note of the DIP-switch settings. 1. To enter programming mode, set S2 DIP switch 6 to combination 1 »» the Privacy LED flashes S2 DIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 S2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2. Refer to the table "Basic configuration" and select a combination in which the actuator function (ACT) is listed for the buttons you wish to program. Example S2 BUTTON PROGRAMMING DIP 1 DIP 2 DIP 3 DIP 4 0 0 1 0 ACT ACT ACT Example programming of button 1 generic actuator, and button 2 addressable actuator to code 125 (Button = ACT) Set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 0 0 1 0, Set S1 DIP switches to the combination 11111111. (Button = ACT) Set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 0 0 1 0, set S1 with address 125 in accordance with addressing table. 3. Press and release the button to be associated with the function »» Correct procedure indication: the Lock release LED flashes for a few seconds and a confirmation tone sounds »» Procedure error indication: the Audio LED flashes for few seconds and an error tone sounds 4. To exit programming mode, set S2 DIP switch 6 to the combination 0 »» the Privacy LED switches off 5. After programming, set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 1111. Restore the user code setting on S1, see addressing table. 14 Other functions 1. To enter programming mode, set S2 DIP switch 6 to combination 1 »» the Privacy LED flashes S2 DIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 S2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2. Refer to the table "Basic configuration" and select a combination in which the desired/necessary functions are listed for the buttons you wish to program. S2 BUTTON PROGRAMMING DIP 1 DIP 2 DIP 3 DIP 4 0 0 0 0 CCS 0 1 0 0 D 1 1 0 0 CCP 1 0 1 0 K 0 1 1 0 D 0 0 0 1 CCS PAN 1 0 0 1 K CCS 0 1 0 1 CCP K 1 1 0 1 PAN CCP 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 NULL 1 1 1 1 PROG PAN Example programming of button 1 Call to secondary switchboard and button 2 Panic. (Button = CCS, Button = PAN) Set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 0 0 0 1. 3. Press and release the buttons to which you wish to assign the functions »» Correct procedure indication: the Lock release LED flashes for a few seconds and a confirmation tone sounds »» Procedure error indication: the Audio LED flashes for few seconds and an error tone sounds 4. To exit programming mode, set S2 DIP switch 6 to the combination 0 »» the Privacy LED switches off 5. After programming, set S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 to the combination 1111. 15 Programming range Take note of the S2, S1 settings and restore on completion of programming Carry out steps 1 to 4 1) 2) 3) 4) S2 DIP Range minimum address 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 S1 Range maximum address set code, addressing table S2 Enable range S2 DIP OFF Disable range S2 DIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 0 Deleting the range DIP ON S1 S2 2 sec Changing the ringtone 1. Press and hold for 6 sec. »» a confirmation tone will sound »» the Privacy LED will flash to indicate "programming" mode. √√ the procedure can only take place while the system is in standby; otherwise the Privacy LED will flash 4 times to inform the user that the system is engaged. 2. Press and release Once (1 confirmation tone is emitted) to change the ringtone for calls from the external unit. Twice (2 confirmation tones emitted) to change the switchboard call tone 3 times (3 confirmation tones are emitted) to change the ringtone for intercom calls made from the internal unit. 4 times (4 confirmation tones are emitted) to change the floor door call ringtone. Any further presses of button 3. Press and release 4. Press will repeat the sequence described above. to scroll through the various available ringtones in sequence. to confirm selection of the last ringtone heard and to exit change monitor ringtone mode. »» one confirmation tone is emitted »» the Privacy LED switches off Repeat steps 1 to 4 to change the other ringtones. 16 Programming reset Factory settings • Button functions for the S2 DIP switches 1-2-3-4 combination • Intercom address absent • Range function and min./max. addresses absent • Ringtone reset DIP OFF Take note of the S2, S1 settings and restore on completion of programming 1) DIP ON S1 2) S2 DIP 3) S2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 sec System performance and layouts For further information of system performance and to view installation layouts, click on the system type that best meets your requirements: • Audio/video kit for the creation of audio-video systems for individual residences • Building Kit audio/video system for the creation of audio-video systems for small apartment blocks • SBTOP audio/video system for the creation of audio-video systems for residential complexes • SB2 audio system for the creation of audio systems for residential complexes 17 1ª edizione 09/2017 cod. 2G40001880 CERTIFIED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS w w w.comelitgroup.com Via Don Arrigoni, 5 - 24020 Rovetta (BG) - Italy
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