Admin Panel Manual
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FuturumClix - descriptions of the functions present in the admin panel 1. Users tab ● View and edit Here you can view the list of registered users. You can search them according to the user name, e-mail address and other parameters visible on the sub-page. Remember that it is possible to search for fragments of names, e.g. a phrase “” in the -email field will show all users with the e-mail address ended with The users list can be sorted according to criteria provided for in the table heading. Single actions with each user are also possible, such as edit, suspend, activate or delete. Note, deletion of a user is irreversible! Bottom of the list offers a possibility to perform collective actions on checked users: activate, suspend, delete, ban access to forum or reinstate access to forum. ● Editing a single user You can choose 4 sub-pages in this tab: - Personal Data in the Personal s ection - you can edit all data related to a single user, their personal details, e-mail addresses, payment addresses and other. When saving the data, remember that the Signup IP and Last login IP cannot have repeatable values in relation to other users (if user A has the Last login IP with the value of, the user B cannot have the same IP). Referrals and Membership section: - Direct referrals is the number of direct referrals by a given user. - Rented referrals is the number of rented referrals by a given user. - Rented is the status of renting, if it is “No”, it means that the user has not been rented to anyone. - Rented expiry date is the date, when the renting period of that user ends. - Direct upline is a person, who referred the user to the service via a referral link - Rented upline is a person, who rented this user. If you ascribe a given user as a rented referral, you must always fill in the ending date for the renting period. Edit active membership section, here you can manage and ascribe various kinds of memberships in the service. We have a possibility to ascribe more than a single membership. If the membership periods overlap, the higher priority is ascribed to the one that was added (or purchased) later. The Degrade button reinstitutes the standard membership. Admin notes are internal notes made by an admin about the user. They are not used in any other place. - Earning and stats, here you can edit all earning of a user and the number of clicks done and completed by the referrals. You can also see a summary of deposits, purchases and the sum of expenditures in the service. - Groups, here you can select groups that the user can belong to. The Groups are used on the forum. You can select more than one group by holding the control or command key. - Actions are functions that you can choose: ❏ Suspend user, suspends the user. ❏ Delete user, deletes the user irreversibly. ❏ Unhook Direct Referrals disconnects all direct referrals. ❏ Unhook Rented Referrals disconnects all rented referrals (together with bots, if the bot plugin is installed). ❏ Reset login data erases the last login and last login IP fields.. ❏ Reset advertisements deletes the lock on the already seen advertisements from the PTC ads section. ❏ Unban from forum removes the ban on forum. ❏ Send e-mail opens a form for sending a message for a user. ● Add new user Here you can add a new user manually. Remember that the fields should contain unique content, if the value of a certain field is the same as the one in the existing user, the script will not allow to create a new user. ● Send message This functions allows to send e-mails to a single user or to all users. You can choose a type of a message - text or html code, sender field, reply field and mailing title. Text can include system variables, which are selected with keys above the e-mail content. They are automatically placed into the text and switched into proper data before the e-mail is sent. ● User cleanup The function of cleaning the database and collective actions on a user database. - Suspend inactive users, suspends such users, who logged in earlier that a given number of days. - Delete inactive users, deletes such users, who logged in earlier that a given number of days. - Delete suspended users, deletes such users, who are suspended and who logged in earlier that a given number of days. ● Manage admins This is the place where you manage the administrators, i.e. the persons with access to the administrator panel. While adding an administrator, you must provide his e-mail address, password (at least 7 characters) and provide IP addresses that can log in to the admin panel. Another addresses are added after a comma, without a space, i.e.:,; if you do not want to limit the possibility of login in into the account to a certain IP, leave the field blank. ● Manage groups, add groups Here you can add and manage groups. It is generally limited to adding a name to a group. Groups are used when determining access to particular parts of the forum. 2. Advertisements tab ● PTC Ads - Settings Paid to click ads settings: - Ad title length, is the advertisment’s title length, displayed on the upper bar of the ad box - Ad description length, is the advertisement’s description length, showed inside the ad box. - Auto approve ads - is this option is checked, each new advertisement added by users will be accepted automatically. In any other case, an administrator will need to accept the newly added or edited ads. - Check connection before new ad preview, if this option is checked, the script will be checking whether each new added ad actually loads, whether the advertised website works. Otherwise, the system will not verify correctness of operation of the advertised website. - Check connection timeout, time in seconds, after which the script stops trying to connect with the advertised website during its verification. - Preview time, time in seconds, for which the advertisement will be displayed to a person that adds it for acceptance. It is so-called verification of the advertisement, whether it works correctly, and whether is is displayed in iframe. ● PTC Ads - Categories Paid to click ads settings with a possibility to add categories. Here you can manage the already added categories or add new ones. Available settings for each category are: - Category details: ❏ Category name, name of the category that will be displayed on the website with a list of ads. ❏ Ad timer in seconds, time for which the ad will be displayed in a given category; after that time the ad is recognized as “checked” and the viewer gets the bonus ❏ Display description, whether to display description of the ad or not ❏ Allow geo-targetting, whether to allow geo-targeting in this category ❏ Allow earnings from referral clicks, whether earnings for referral clicks are possible in this category - Click values, here is the tab, where you determined remuneration for a single click: user, direct referral or rented referral. You set the values for each available membership in the system. - Click packages, here you set clicks packages to be purchased by the advertisers. You can choose packages of clicks or packages of days, for which the ad will be valid. ● PTC Ads - Categories order list, the order, in which particular categories are displayed on the ads list; the items can be switched with the drag & drop method. ● PTC Ads - Manage advertisements, here you can see a list of current paid to click ads available in the system. The table presents the most significant data of the advertisement, i.e. who is an advertiser, what category the ad falls into, what is its type, how many entries were recorded and how many entries/days are left till expiration. You can realize bulk activities with the list, activate, deactivate and delete advertisements. You can also carry out single actions on each ad: edit, activate, deactivate or remove it. ● PTC Ads - Add/Edit advertisement, a section, where you add new or edit the existing ads: - Advertiser, is the ads’ owner. It must be an existing user name. If you leave this field blank, the ads’ owner is a default system administrator. - Title is the ads’ title, which will be displayed on the upper bar of the ad box. - Description is the ads’ description, which will be displayed in the middle of the ad box. - URL is the ads address; a full link must be provided, with the http:// prefix - Category, you select a category, which the ad will be displayed in. - Expiry, you select whether the ad will be limited by time or the number of clicks, you select the number of days or clicks for expiration of the ad. - White Label Traffic, if you enable this option all the traffic directed to the advertised page will have no http referrer enabled, so the source of the traffic will be hidden. - Membership targetting, you select the memberships in the service that can view the ad. Select all means that all available memberships will be selected. - Country targetting, you can choose the countries, where the ad will be visible. Select all means that all available memberships will be selected. Remember that if you selected a category with geo-targetting switched off, this setting will not be considered. ● Featured Ads - Settings Featured ads are ad boxes, which display contextual advertisement with a title and with a description. These are advertisement that bring no income for the service user. The advertisements are displayed with a code, which is described in the documentation for creation of own themes for the script. The featured ads are displayed to all visitors to the website, whether they are logged in users or guests. You have two tabs at your disposal: - Details: ❏ Enable Featured Ads activates/deactivates ads on the website. ❏ Auto approve ads - is this option is checked, each new advertisement added by users will be accepted automatically. In any other case, an administrator will need to accept the newly added or edited ads. ❏ Amount of ads per box, a default number of ads displayed in a single ad box. This number can be overwritten in calling for the ads code. ❏ Maximum amount of chars for ad title, maximum number of characters that can be placed in an ad title. ❏ Maximum amount of chars for ad description, maximum number of characters that can be placed in an ad description. - Click packages, here you set clicks packages to be purchased by the advertisers. You can choose packages of days or packages of views, for which the ad will be valid. Remember that in case of views packages, all views are taken into account, not only the unique ones. ● Featured Ads - Manage Here you can access a list of current featured ads registered in the system. The table presents the most significant data of the advertisement, i.e. who is an advertiser, data of the ad, how many entries were recorded and how many entries/days are left till expiration. You can realize bulk activities with the list, activate, deactivate and delete advertisements. You can also carry out single actions on each ad: edit, activate, deactivate or remove it. ● Featured Ads - Add/Edit advertisement - Advertiser, is the ads’ owner. It must be an existing user name. If you leave this field blank, the ads’ owner is a default system administrator. - Title is the ads’ title, which will be displayed on the upper bar of the ad box. - Description is the ads’ description, which will be displayed in the middle of the ad box. - URL is the ads address; a full link must be provided, with the http:// prefix - Expiry, you select whether the ad will be limited by time, the number of clicks or the number of views, you select the number of days, clicks or views for expiration of the ad. ● Baners Ads are graphical advertisements. The principle of operation is identical with the Featured Ads, with one difference - the baners ad has a link to a graphical banner, which will be displayed instead of the ad content. All functions work in the same manner as in case of Featured Ads, with an exception that you must provide a default baner size in the settings of baners ads, which all images added in the advertisements will be scaled to. ● Login Ads are graphical advertisements operating in the same manner as the baner ads, with a difference that the Login Ads are displayed only in the ad box, showed while logging into the system. Also new stuff added by the administrator can be displayed in the box, discussed in the further part of the document. Packages that the Login Ads can be purchased in, are the packages of clicks and days. There are several settings that are different from the baner ads settings. - Max ads per box, specifies the maximum number of baners that will be displayed in a single ad box. - Maximum amount of chars for ad title, maximum number of characters that can be placed in an ad title. The title is not visible for the ad viewer, only for the advertiser. It is to facilitate ads management and differentiation. - Default banner size is a default size of the banner, which all images added to the ads will be scaled to. - Show login ads, there are 3 options to choose from: ❏ Never, never show an ad box wile logging in. ❏ On every login, shows an ad box on every user login. ❏ Once every 24 hour, shows an ad box once per 24 hours, on user login. ● Paid Offers is a section of paid tasks, records, sometimes called Paid to Sign Up. These ads consists in the fact that an advertiser sets a paid task, and demands a certain action in its content. The user fulfilling this task is obliged to confirm its completion through providing proper content while carrying out the task. Afterwards, the advertiser accepts or rejects such a task. ● Paid Offers - Settings You have 4 tabs at your disposal in the Paid Offers settings: - General settings: ❏ Enable Paid Offers is activation/deactivation of the Paid Offers section. ❏ Auto approve ads - is this option is checked, each new advertisement added by users will be accepted automatically. In any other case, an administrator will need to accept the newly added or edited ads. ❏ Ad title length, is the maximum length of the offer title. ❏ Ad description length, is the maximum length of the description of the offer to be realized. It is recommended to set a high value, so the advertiser can specify precisely what the task consists in. ❏ Ban members from Paid Offer, determines the number of applications rejected by the user, which will eliminate them from access to the Paid Offer section. ❏ Auto approve pending applications, determined the number of days, after which the pending applications will be accepted automatically. - Offer’s categories are the category names for Paid Offers. They play only an informative function. They are showed on the list of offers. - Offer’s values are values that the user can receive for completion of a given task. - Offer’s packages allow the administrator to set packages to be sold. You select value of a single offer, the umber of offer in the package and the price of a given package. ● Paid Offers - Manage Here you can access a list of current offers registered in the system. The table presents the most significant data of the advertisement, i.e. who is an advertiser, data of the ad, how many applications were recorded, how many application are pending, and how many applications are left till expiration. You can realize bulk activities with the list, activate, deactivate and delete advertisements. You can also carry out single actions on each ad: edit, activate, deactivate or remove it. ● Paid Offers - Add/Edit Paid Offer Adding and editing offers takes place similarly to other kinds of ads. In Paid Offers, the number of tasks to be realized is provided in the Slots field. One slot is one task. ● Paid Offers - Manage Applications Here you can manage all applications to Paid Offers. You can view, accept or reject them, individually or collectively. If the Paid Offer ad is owned by an administrator, and it has pending application, the administrator will be informed about this fact on the main page of the Work To Do section. If the administrator sets acceptance of added ads to a manual mode, then they will be informed about the ads pending for approval on the main page of the Work To Do section. ● Express Ads - Settings Express Ads are advertisements with no timer so they are suitable to advertise all frame breaking sites or sites which won’t work in iframe like YouTube, Facebook etc. They work in the same way like PTC ads but they lack of timer. Express Ads advertisement are shown on the same list as PTC Ads. General settings settings: - Enable, enable or disable availability of Express Ads. - Ad title length, is the advertisment’s title length, displayed on the upper bar of the ad box - Ad description length, is the advertisement’s description length, showed inside the ad box. - Auto approve ads - is this option is checked, each new advertisement added by users will be accepted automatically. In any other case, an administrator will need to accept the newly added or edited ads. - Display description, whether to display description of the ad or not - Allow geo-targetting, whether to allow geo-targeting in this category - Allow earnings from referral clicks, whether earnings for referral clicks are possible in this category ● Express Ads - Manage advertisements, here you can see a list of current express ads available in the system. The table presents the most significant data of the advertisement, i.e. who is an advertiser, what category the ad falls into, what is its type, how many entries were recorded and how many entries/days are left till expiration. You can realize bulk activities with the list, activate, deactivate and delete advertisements. You can also carry out single actions on each ad: edit, activate, deactivate or remove it. ● Express Ads - Add/Edit advertisement, a section, where you add new or edit the existing ads: - Advertiser, is the ads’ owner. It must be an existing user name. If you leave this field blank, the ads’ owner is a default system administrator. - Title is the ads’ title, which will be displayed on the upper bar of the ad box. - Description is the ads’ description, which will be displayed in the middle of the ad box. - URL is the ads address; a full link must be provided, with the http:// prefix - White Label Traffic, if you enable this option all the traffic directed to the advertised page will have no http referrer enabled, so the source of the traffic will be hidden. - Expiry, you select whether the ad will be limited by time or the number of clicks, you select the number of days or clicks for expiration of the ad. - Membership targetting, you select the memberships in the service that can view the ad. Select all means that all available memberships will be selected. - Geo-targetting, you can choose the countries, where the ad will be visible. Select all means that all available memberships will be selected. Remember that if you selected a category with geo-targetting switched off, this setting will not be considered. ● Explorer Ads - Settings Express Ads are advertisements with obligation to watch specified amount of subpages on advertised page. You can set unlimited amount of subpages to watch. This is great opportunity to increase interaction of user and advertiser’s page. You can only advertise pages which are working in iframe and their link opens in the same windows as advertised page. General settings settings: - Enable, enable or disable availability of Explorer Ads. - Ad title length, is the advertisment’s title length, displayed on the upper bar of the ad box - Ad description length, is the advertisement’s description length, showed inside the ad box. - Amount of subpages packages, amount of subpages packages available, so if you set for example 10 in here, you will get subpages packages from 1 to 10. - Preview subpages amount, how many subpages users is obliged to watch on advertised site while previewing advertisement for application. This is default value which can be overrided by user while entering ad details. - Preview time (one subpage), how many seconds user have to spend on one subpage while previewing advertisement. - Auto approve ads - is this option is checked, each new advertisement added by users will be accepted automatically. In any other case, an administrator will need to accept the newly added or edited ads. - Display description, whether to display description of the ad or not - Allow geo-targetting, whether to allow geo-targeting in this category - Allow earnings from referral clicks, whether earnings for referral clicks are possible in this category - One SubPageTimer in Seconds for X SubPage package, this is the timer between subpages in every package. ● Explorer Ads - Manage advertisements, here you can see a list of current express ads available in the system. The table presents the most significant data of the advertisement, i.e. who is an advertiser, what category the ad falls into, what is its type, how many entries were recorded and how many entries/days are left till expiration. You can realize bulk activities with the list, activate, deactivate and delete advertisements. You can also carry out single actions on each ad: edit, activate, deactivate or remove it. ● Explorer Ads - Add/Edit advertisement, a section, where you add new or edit the existing ads: - Advertiser, is the ads’ owner. It must be an existing user name. If you leave this field blank, the ads’ owner is a default system administrator. - Title is the ads’ title, which will be displayed on the upper bar of the ad box. - Description is the ads’ description, which will be displayed in the middle of the ad box. - URL is the ads address; a full link must be provided, with the http:// prefix - White Label Traffic, if you enable this option all the traffic directed to the advertised page will have no http referrer enabled, so the source of the traffic will be hidden. - Subpages, how many subpages has to be visited in this advertisement. Please note that you cannot set value higher than value set in Settings - A mount of subpages packages. - Expiry, you select whether the ad will be limited by time or the number of clicks, you select the number of days or clicks for expiration of the ad. - Membership targetting, you select the memberships in the service that can view the ad. Select all means that all available memberships will be selected. - Geo-targetting, you can choose the countries, where the ad will be visible. Select all means that all available memberships will be selected. Remember that if you selected a category with geo-targetting switched off, this setting will not be considered. 3. Finances tab ● Deposits This is a sub-page for management of payments from users. You can select several criteria for searching for a given operation, i.e. user name, details of the account, which the payment was made from, or the manner, which it was made in. Collective operations on the list are possible, namely: Delete deposit, which removes the entry from the list of deposits, but maintains the paid amount on the account, and Delete and remove cash, which will remove the entry from the list of deposits and remove the paid resources from the Purchase Balance. Note, if the user, whose entry you delete together with removal of resources does not have the sufficient amount on the Purchase Balance account, the operation will fail. The same operations are also possible to be carried out separately, with each deposit. Additionally, for deposits carried out for the PayPal system, there are Refund deposit button and Remove cash from purchase balance buttons available, which sends the money back to the person making the payment, to their PayPal account, and removes the payment from the account in the system. Here again, if there are not sufficient funds on the Purchase Balance account, the operation will fail. If any deposit has Pending status you can manually approve it. By doing this, money will be credited to user’s purchase balance. Mostly this option will be used with Manual PayPal gateway or if you want to manually approve BitCoin deposit. ● Add Deposits This is the sub-page where you can add a deposit to a given user manually. You need to fill in all necessary fields while making the deposit, i.e. user name that is ascribed with funds, the amount, the account, status of the transaction, the payment method, transaction ID and date. All deposits made in this manner will be credited on the Purchase Balance account. ● Purchases This is a sub-page for management of users’ purchases. You can select several criteria for searching for a given operation, i.e. user name, details of the account, which the payment was made from, or the item that was purchased. The only possible collective operation on the users purchase is removal of the entry with the purchase. Available single operations are removal of the entry or a refund of the purchase, i.e. returning the resources if the payment of the item was made via the Purchase Valance or PayPal accounts. Remember that while making the return the purchase is not “reversed”, e.g. is someone rented the referrals, and the return of money is made, the referrals remain on the user account. You also have an option to edit purchases, which you can use to approve pending purchases. While changing it’s status from Pending to Success please keep in mind, that all services bought with edited purchases will be added to user’s account. ● Commissions Commissions earned by users in the system. Commissions are determined individually for each kind of membership in the system. All commission are added to the Account Balance. It is possible to seek for commissions in details, e.g. through the user that is to receive such a commission, through selecting items, for which the commission is to be awarded, etc. We have a possibility to carry out collective operations: “Set as credited” changes the transaction status from “Pending” into “Credited”, and adds the commission sum to the account. “Delete” removes the entry from the database and “delete and remove cash” deletes the entry and withdraws the previously awarded money - this operation can be carried out solely on commission with the “Credited” status. As the operations are carried out on the Account Balance, in case of insufficient amount of money during removal of the commission, it will be withdrawn and the user account reaches a negative value. 4. Payouts tab ● Payout list Here you can see all orders of payouts in the system. The table presents all necessary information, who and when ordered the payout, to which account it will be credited, and what is the payout status. All new and not completed orders are displayed by default. To see other change the selected item from the Status list. Payouts orders enable collective operations: - Mark as paid marks the order as paid, but does not realize the transfer physically. - Mark as new changes the payout status for New, allowing to use the automatic payment for the order. - Delete request removes the payout order, not returning the resources to the commissioning user’s account. - Cancel request removes the payout order, returning the resources to the commissioning user’s account. - Automatically pay is an automatic order for transfer of money to the ordering user’s account, if the payment systems settings are configured properly and the payment system operates such payments. - Download masspay list downloads the list of payouts for a given payment system, to be used in the function of collective transfers. The lists are available only for the PayPal and Payza systems. Furthermore, there is a money symbol appearing at each order with a New status, with a description Pay this request; this function is identical with A utomatically pay from collective operations. In case of failure of this operation (no money on the account, which the transfer was send from or wrong settings of the payment systems), the resources from the payment will be credited back at the user account, and the payout status will be changed into F ailed. 5. Communication tab ● News It is the system for news management on the website The news can be seen on the main page, in the default page view. Each message can be also displayed in the Login Ads box. You need to mark the Include in login ads option while creating or editing the message. In the D isplay for how long in login ads field you can set the date and time, when the message stops being displayed in the L ogin Ads block. This date is not applicable in case of a separate page with messages, as it is always displayed there. You can edit the message with the TinyMCE editor, which allows easy and simple formatting of the message look. While managing the messages you can edit or delete them. ● Support system - Reports: The system for managing reports on irregularities in the system. Ads, forum posts or paid offers can be reported. The administrator will be informed about any new report on the Work To Do list on the main page. While managing the reports on the list, you can selected the option to remove the report, view or edit it. While editing, the administrator can write a comment to a given report, and solve it by selecting the Resolved option. the list of reports, and the reports editing page contain an active link to the item that was reported. It allows to identify any irregularities quickly. - Ticket settings: These are settings for the ticket system on the page. We have a possibility to turn them off, limit the availability only for the logged in users, and determine the minimum number of characters in the ticket, in order to avoid spam and empty inquiries. The D epartments tab allows to create individual departments, which have an informative function, and are selected by a person, who writes the report. - Canned responses: These are pre-defined answers, which can be defined quickly and easily, and utilized during operation of inquiries from the website users. While creating a defined answer you can use several systemic variables, i.e. the e-mail address, page name, etc. - Tickets: Here you can manage all inquiries sent by the support system on the website. The website administrator will be informed about new inquiries on the main page in the Work To Do section. While managing the reports on the list, you can remove the reports collectively and change the status into Closed and O pen. In case of single operations you can also view and answer the report. While answering to the report, you can see the whole history of answers. While writing the answer you can use the defined propositions, or you can do it manually. You also have systemic variables at your disposal. ● Forum - General settings: Here you have a possibility to switch the forum access on/off, or switch the forum and the last registered user statistics display on/off. When this function is switched on, the data can be seen on the bottom of the forum’s main page. - Forum orders: Here you arrange the order, which the categories are displayed on the forum. You set the order by dragging & dropping various items. Each lower level of the category will be displayed with a particular cut from left, in order to differentiate a category from a sub-category. - Forum ToS & Help: Here you can draw up the forum’s terms and conditions as well as the support section. The page is edited in the TinyMCE editor. These pages are linked in the forum menu. - Create & Manage forum: Management of the existing and creation of new categories on the forum. The list of existing categories allows to remove them collectively or edit, delete or delete the forum icon in a single operation. While editing a single category you have the following options: ❏ Parent is a category superior to the edited category. The N one setting causes that the edited category will be the main, superior one. ❏ Title is the name of the category. ❏ Slug is the name of the category that can be seen in the forum link. ❏ Description is the category description, which will be displayed on the category main page. ❏ Icon is a graphic that can be set for a given category. It will be displayed on the forum list. ❏ Status is a forum status, closed or open. ❏ Order is the order of display; you can use the option to arrange the order graphically or numerically for each category and sub-category separately. ❏ AutoLocking, is automatic locking of a given theme in this category, if no activity is recorded there within 21 (no new entries are provided). ❏ Topic count is the number of open topics in a given category. ❏ Post count is the number of responses in a given category. ❏ Access Read - here you select groups that can read the category. ❏ Access Post - the groups that can write responses in this category. ❏ Access Pool - the groups that can create surveys in this category. ❏ Access Reply - the groups that can respond in this category. - Add / Manage moderator: A place, where we add or edit the forum moderators. In order to add a moderator, write down the user name and select a category or sub-category that can be moderated. Selection of a superior category will cause that a moderator can moderate all sub-categories belonging to that category. 6. Settings tab ● Global settings - General settings. These are the main settings of the script, here you can set: - General settings: ❏ Site name, applicable to the whole portal. ❏ Site title, applicable for Internet browsers. ❏ Site url, is an address, under which the website with the http:// or https:// functions ❏ Site email, is an e-mail address, which will be used for communication with users. This is the address, which any system notifications will be sent from. ❏ Site email sender, name of the system e-mails sender. ❏ Site currency, selection of a currency applicable in the portal. When you select the currency that is not operated by any payment system, it will be disabled automatically. ❏ Currency symbol display mode, here you can select the side, on which the currency symbol is to be displayed on the website, and whether you add the space before (or after) or not. ❏ Display places after comma, the number of digits after the comma, which are to be displayed on the user page. The maximum possible value is 8. ❏ Cut trailing zeroes, if this option is marked, the script will “cut” the excessive digits while displaying amounts, e.g. With this options, the amount 0.001000 will be converted into 0.001. ❏ Remind user to update his profile, a reminder for every new user that they need to update their profiles with the birthdate and sex. The reminder is displayed to the logged in user in his panel. ❏ Theme, you can choose your current theme for front-end, if you have any other than default installed. ❏ Show online counter, enables counter of currently logged in users on the front page. ❏ Clear cache button, clears all the cache of the site, which is quite useful while for example designing your own theme. We also recommend to use it after every script update. - Double IP settings: ❏ Block same signup IPs, blocks entries from the same IP address of more than a single user. ❏ Block same login IPs, block log in from the same IP address of more than a single user. ❏ Allow to log in with the same IP if other user (with the same IP) logged in more than days ago, allows to log in with the same IP when the first user of that IP logged in earlier than an established number of days. ❏ Allow to signup with the same IP if other user (with the same IP) logged in more than days ago, allows to sign up with the same IP when the first user of that IP signed up earlier than an established number of days. - Advertisement watching settings: ❏ Focus setting, enables or disables the requirement to maintain the window active while watching the paid to click ads. ❏ Clear Visited Ads, here you set how your ptc advertisements will be resetting for users: ● Accurate, it means that every advertisement can be watched once every 24 hours, so if user clicks an ad at 12:00:00 PM then it will be available again at 12:00:00 PM the day after, every advertisement has it’s own reset time then. ● Daily, ads will reset at midnight of server time (usually when main cron is running). ● First, reset time will be constant for each user and will be taken from the time he clicked his first advertisement yesterday. ● Last, reset time will be constant for each user and will be taken from the time he clicked his last advertisement from all advertisements available at that time, yesterday. ● Constant, reset time will be constant forever, taken from the very first click of each user. ❏ Start ad timer settings, allows to control the start of the time counter, needed to count the watched ad. You can decide that the timer starts after a given number of seconds or instantly, if the advertised page is completely loaded, to start the count-down immediately after opening the ad, or when the advertised page is completely loaded. - Maintenance mode: ❏ Put the site into maintenance mode, allows to disabled the page for all persons temporarily. this function is very useful e.g. During installation of new plug-ins or works on the site. No operations in the portal are available in the maintenance mode to be carried out by the use, whose IP address is added in the Bypass IP mode. ❏ My IP, your IP address that can be pasted automatically in the Bypass IP field. ❏ Maintenance mode info, a message that appears to the user when the maintenance mode is active. ❏ Bypass IP, IP addresses that omit the maintenance mode, i.e. have full access to the portal front, when the maintenance mode is on. - Google Analytics: Allows to turn on the Google Analytics statistics easily. You need to activate its operation and provide the ID of the website in the UA-XXXXXXXX-X format. - SMTP Settings: Allows to send all system emails using SMTP server instead of php mail method. ● Global settings - Activity and security. Activity settings and the page security settings, you can choose: - Activity settings: ❏ How many ads user needs to click the day before to earn referral’s commission, how many ads must be viewed by a user on the previous day, to be awarded a commission for the clicks of their referrals. ❏ How many clicks user needs to be able to withdraw, how many ads must a user click to be able to use the money withdrawal option. ❏ After how many days of inactivity do you want to suspend users, how many days of inactivity must pass in order for the user to be suspended. ❏ After how many days of inactivity do you want to delete users, how many days of inactivity must pass in order for the user to be removed permanently. - Security settings: ❏ Email verification required, if this option is marked, after saving the user will need to confirm their e-mail address, through receiving an activation e-mail and clicking the link. Also while editing the e-mail address in the user profile the change will not be accepted until the activation e-mail is received and the change is confirmed. ❏ For how many hours block cashout after payment email change, how many hours can the possibility to withdraw payment be locked for is the user changed the payment e-mail address in their profile. ❏ Force SSL connection, forces a safe https protocol while viewing the website. In order for the option to work properly, the server must have the SSL certificate configured. This option can be disabled on sub-pages, where there is a possibility of a problem of mixed content, i.e. While viewing the paid to click ads. ❏ Disable SSL connection on forum, disables the safe https protocol on the forum. The option is needed where the forum includes graphics made available from external servers or graphical footnotes. ● Global settings - Captcha settings. Settings for captcha tests to protect from robots and bots. You can use three kinds of captcha: Sweet Captcha, reCaptcha oraz SolveMedia. All data for settings of a given mechanism can be found on websites of their producers. In the settings, you can use the system applicable on the website, as well as the captcha system that will be used while viewing the paid to click advertisements. You can also disable it. You can select three pages, which the captcha system must be turned on (the log in, registration and support page). ● Global settings - Cron settings. Here you can see the cron jobds, which must be added to the server settings so the script works properly. There are 2 scripts available in the system, one must be started once per 24 hours, while the other must be activated every 10 minutes. If there is any task that is not added, functionality of the script can be disturbed, and what is more the administrator will be informed about the fact on the main page of the administrator panel. In case of a new installation, it is possible to inform that the cron task has not been completed; the information disappears after its completion. This is the section, where additional cron jobs appear for the installed modules, if it is required to configure them. - Cron job settings: ❏ Delete ads if they are expired/inactive, deletes expired or inactive ads (of a given type) if a particular number of days passed from their modification (if e.g. they were not activated) or expiration. ❏ E-mails in one e-mail cron run, the number of e-mails that will be sent during a single cron job, for sending collective e-mails for users.. Set this value carefully, not to send to many e-mails at once, at it may burden the server and cause that they will be recognized as spam. The e-mails are sent together with cron job completion, which is activated every 10 minutes. ❏ Remove PTC ads statistics, deletes the paid to click ads statistics, if they are older than the established number of days. Putting a 0 here causes that no statistics will be removed. This setting is intended to secure the database from its burdening with an excessive amount of data. ❏ Remove unverified users, you can set after how many days you want to remove users which never verified their account. Put 0 if you don’t want to remove this users. ❏ Remove overfloated referrals when degrade user, removes the referrals of the user, who exceeded the limit of the referrals set for their membership in the service. Removal of the referrals takes place during expiration of the membership. ● Global settings - Promotional banners. The section of promotional banners for the service. Here you can added banners that will be visible for users in their panel. The banners are applied to promote the service on external websites. You can choose from 2 options of adding banners, from your own computer or external server; you need to provide a full link to the banner. By selecting the option Make this banner statistical, you enrich the banner with statistical data. You can choose from the following options: H ow much user got paid, displays how many payment the user promoting the banner got in the system, How much user earned, displays how much user promoting the banner earned in the system, and the last option, h um much site already paid, showing the total number of payments for the system users. After activation of the statistics option, you can select a font type, which will be showing the statistics. The fonts must be loaded to the catalog with the script: Media/Fonts, the system accepts fonts only in the ttf format. Afterwards, you select the font size, its color and location of the message with statistics. The font color must be selected in the RRGGBB format. In case of adding the animated banner in the gif format, and an attempt to supplement it with statistical data, the data will be added only to the first banner frame, and the banner itself will be transformed into a static one. ● Page content. Here you can edit 3 sub-pages that contain important information for the users, i.e. Terms Of Service, Privacy Policy and FAQ. The page is edited in the TinyMCE editor. You can also disable particular sub-pages. ● Memberships The place for creating and managing memberships in the service. The list allows to edit, activate, deactivate and remove a given membership. Standard membership is set by default and you cannot delete it. You can edit its terms and name. - Edit membership - Details: ❏ Membership name, visible at the purchase. ❏ Direct referrals limit, the limit of direct referrals. If the user achieves the limit value, the new referrals using their referral link will not be ascribed to them. ❏ Direct referrals delete cost, the cost of deleting a direct referral. ❏ Rented referrals limit, the limit of rented referrals. If a user reaches the limit, they cannot rent new referrals. ❏ Minimum payout, a minimum amount, from which a user can order a payout. You can use a single value here, but you can also set a gradual minimum limit, i.e. e.g. 2, 4, 6 what means that the minimum for the first order for payout is 2, for the second is 4 and for the third and any other is 6. The gradual values must be entered after a comma, without a space. You can also use decimal numbers like 2.2,4.4,6.6 etc. ❏ Payout waiting time, the waiting period (expressed in days) for the possibility of payout after the previous order. ❏ Allow more than one pending payout request, if you check this option, the user can order another payout, if the previously ordered one is not settled yet. ❏ Instant payouts, activates automatic payouts for a membership. Requires correct API settings for payment processors. ❏ Maximum withdraw amount, maximum amount that can be withdrawn at once. ❏ Results per page, the number of results on a single sub-page, e.g. on a list of direct or rented referrals. - Edit membership - Referrals settings: ❏ Time between renting, period (expressed in days) that the user must wait for to rent another referral. ❏ Available referrals pack, quantitative packages of referrals to be rented; you can set the available packages (entering figures after the comma, without a space). ❏ Referral recycle cost, the cost of replacement of a rented referral. ❏ Referral expire cost, the cost of expiration of a rented referral. ❏ Autorecycle time, the number of days of no activity of the rented referral, after which it is replaced automatically. Entering the value 0 in the field turns the function off. ❏ AutoPay trigger days, the number of days for expiration of the referral renting period, above which AutoPay will work. If the rented referral expires earlier than suggested by the provided value, AutoPay does not work. Important information: AutoPay extends the period of referral rental by one day, if the referral was active in that time. AutoPay, during its operation, tries to take resources from the Purchase Balance account, and if the user does not have sufficient funds, then the system tries to take the resources from the Account Balance. If this account also does not offer sufficient funds, AutoPay will not work. Examples of trigger days operation: If a user has a referral, who expires in 30 days, and has the AutoPay option on with the trigger days set for 20 days, then the referral will be extended by 1 day. If a user has a referral, who expires in 19 days with the trigger days set for 20 days, then the referral will not be extended and the AutoPay function will not work. - Edit membership - Referrals prices: Determination of price ranges for renting the referrals, as well as AutoPay prices for the established ranges. Remember that the last range must always end with the “infinite” value; the script will automatically add such a range at the very end. - Edit membership - Commissions and bonuses: ❏ Direct referral’s upgrade commission, an amount bonus that will be awarded for upgrade of the account by a direct referral. Please keep in mind that you have to also chose Membership item in Chose items which… setting if you want to enable upgrade commission. ❏ Direct referral’s fund purchase balance commission, a percentage bonus that will be awarded for topping-up of the Purchase Balance account by the direct referral. ❏ Direct referral's purchases commission, a percentage bonus, which will be awarded for purchases on the website done by the direct referral. ❏ Choose items which purchase will be commissioned, selection of items, for which the user will get the Direct referral’s purchases commission, if it has been activated. ❏ Count commission while transferring from Account Balance to purchase balance, activates the Direct referral’s fund purchase balance commission, also while topping-up the Purchase Balance account with resources from the Account Balance. ❏ Max purchase commission per referral, maximum commission level for a single referral. If the commission awarded for a single referral exceeds the limit set here, it will not be added to the user account anymore. Put 0 in this field, and there will be not limit of commission. ❏ Max purchase commission per transaction, maximum commission for a single purchase made by a direct referral. Put 0 in this field, and there will be not limit of commission for a single transaction. ❏ Add commission after, the number of days, after which commission from purchase by the direct referral will be added. When a given number of days, the commission changes its status from Pending into Credited, and the amount is added to the Account Balance or Purchase Balance accounts of the user (to be chosen in the payment settings). If you enter 0 in this field, the commission will be added immediately, without any delays. - Edit membership - prices and availability: Determination of prices and validity periods for the membership. You can choose the range between 1 and 12 months, which can be freely activated or deactivated. Note: Remember that after adding a new membership in the service you must set all other element related to the service membership again, e.g. ads targeting for memberships, because the ads that were configured before adding a new kind of membership will not be displayed for users, who purchase this membership. ● Referrals - Renting referrals: ❏ Enable renting referrals, activation of the renting referrals function. ❏ Renting option, selection between renting real users and bots, which act as real users. In order to activate the bots, you must purchase a proper plug-in. You cannot rent bots by default (without a bot module installed). ❏ Rental period, the period (expressed in days), for which a single referral is rented. ❏ Auto Renew days, you can set the number of days for expiration of a referral (after a comma, without a space), to be selected by the user for activation of the Auto Renew function. ❏ Auto Renew, the number of attempts for the Auto Renew function, which will be undertaken by the script for a single referral until it is marked as impossible for automatic renewal. If you enter 0 in the field, the Auto Renew function will be locked, while -1 set no limit for the number of attempts for automatic renewal. Important information: Auto Renew is an option of automatic renewal of the referrals. While activating this option, the user chooses a number of days that must pass until the referral expires, and the period for which it will be extended. Examples of operation: A user has a single referral that expires in 30 days. The user activates the Auto Renew option with the following settings: 30 days until expiration and extension for 60 days. In this case, while the Auto Renew option is active (once per 24 hours), the referral will be extended by another 60 days, as when the Auto Renew function was active the validity of the referral reached the Auto Renew days value. The cost of automatic extension is the same as of the manual mode (the cost is taken from the ranges determined for a given membership, held by the user), and it considers any potential discounts determined in the Extension Periods and Discounts table discussed below. - Renting referrals - Extension Periods and Discounts: Determination of the number of days, which rental of the referrals can be extended for, with a potential discount that can be set for each extension period. The ranges are determined here, and they are applicable for automatic or manual extension for the rental period of the referral. - Buying referrals: Settings for the direct referral buying option by the user. You can activate or deactivate this option. You can also set an activity filter: ❏ Active user which clicked at least last days, you sell only such users, who clicked at least 1 ad during an established number of days. ❏ Active user which clicked at least last, all users with an active status, and do not have a referral yet. ❏ All members with no upline (active and inactive), all users, regardless their activity status, who do not have a referral yet. Below, in the Referral Packs tab, you can set the number of referrals in a single package, as well as the price of this package. - Assign referrals: This sub-page serves for manual entering of new referrals. Here you can enter both direct and rented referrals. You need to enter the number of referrals to be rented, and in case of renting the referrals you also need to enter the period (expressed in days), for which we rent them, and then provide the user name, who you assign the referrals to. ● Payments settings The page for management systems of payment, charges, and options regarding the money flow in the system. - Payment processor settings - General settings: ❏ Choose payment processors for incoming payments, here we choose the payment processors that will serve for topping-up the accounts in the system and for purchasing. Here you can also activate the possibility to purchase services with the Purchase Balance account. ❏ Choose payment processors for cashouts, you choose the payment processors that can pay out the resources earned in the service. ❏ Allow to withdraw to all processors, ignore deposits, if you check this option, the user can choose any active processor during a pay-out ; the processor that the user made payments to or the height of the payments will not be considered. ❏ Allow to withdraw only to one processor from which most of deposits are made, if you check this option, the user, while paying the funds out, can choose only the payment processor, which they made the most pay-outs from. If the number of payments is different for more than one processor, the user can choose those, for which the sum of payments is equal. If there are no payments, the user can choose those processors that are active. ❏ Allow to withdraw unlimited amount to processor from which most of deposits are made, if you select this option, the user, during a pay-out, can choose only those processor, which he made the pay-out from, with an additional condition: the unlimited pay-outs can be made only to the processor, which the largest number of deposits was made from; in case of other processors, the sum of pay-out cannot exceed the deposits sum. ❏ Check, to enable transferring money from account balance to purchase balance, enables transfer of resources from the Account Balance to the Purchase Balance. ❏ Which balance do you want to credit with purchase commission, you select the account that the commissions from purchases made by the referrals are to be credited to, if it was set in the membership terms and conditions. ❏ Check, to allow upgrading from Purchase Balance, allows to purchase memberships with the Purchase Balance. ❏ From which balance do you want to take money for direct referral delete fee, you select the account, which the charges for removal of a direct referral are to be taken from. ❏ Automatically refund to user balance if autocashout failed, an automatic refund of funds coming from an attempt of automatic pay-out, if it fails. ❏ From which balance do you want to take money for rented referrals expiry, selection of the account that the charges for the referrals renting period expiration are to be taken from. ❏ Ignore Minimum Deposit Amounts for Purchases, if you enable this function users won’t be able to buy certain services with payment processor if it’s price is lower than minimum deposit amount set. ❏ Minimum / maximum transfer amount is a minimum and maximum amount of funds transfer from the Account Balance and Purchase Balance. - Payment processor settings - Fees and others: Here you can set the minimum pay-out amount for a given payment processor, as well as charges for payments and pay-outs from a given processor (amount and percentage). - Payment processor settings - Advcash: ❏ Account email - e-mail address, on which the Advcash account is established. ❏ Account number - account number for USD, EUR or Ruble, in the Y XXX XXX XXX format, where Y is the currency symbol, and X is the account number. Available after logging into the Advcash account. ❏ SCI Password - access password for the SCI. To get it, you need to access the Advcash account profile and click the option called API AND SCI FOR DEVELOPERS. Then click the CREATE NEW SCI option and fill in all the required fields. Fill in or generate a password in the Password field, and enter it in the same field in the server settings. ❏ Successful Transaction page, Failed Transaction page, Status Page - copy those 3 links and paste them while creating a new SCI in Advcash, selecting the POST method for each one. To enable automatic pay-outs via the Advcash system, fill in the AP section. Click the CREATE NEW API link in in the Advcash account: ❏ API Name - here you provide the name of the created API. ❏ Account email - e-mail address, on which the Advcash account is created. ❏ API Password - access password for the API. You generate it while creating a new API. ❏ Payment description - description of the transfer received by the user while making the automatic pay-out. While creating a new API you also need to enter the server’s IP number, where the script is installed, and check at least the Make Transactions option. - Payment processor settings - Neteller: You log into the Merchant Neteller account and move to the Developer tab. Afterwards, you click the Apps link and create a new app by filling in all fields, leaving the Redirect URL field blank. ❏ Client ID - you provide the value entered into the app on the Neteller account. ❏ Client Secret - as above. ❏ Payment subject - subject of the transfer received by the user while making the automatic pay-out. ❏ Payment description - description of the transfer received by the user while making the automatic pay-out. Afterwards you access the Developer - Webhooks tab, and enter the address from the script setting into the Webhook URL field, and set your own Webhook secret key, which must be enters in the script settings and in the Webhook tab. Then you check all the options in the Payment Events tab. - Payment processor settings - PayPal: ❏ PayPal email address - e-mail address of the PayPay account. ❏ Allow purchases from non verified accounts - this option allows non-verified account to purchase services on the website. If this option is not checked, each payment from a non-verified PayPal account will be rejected automatically. This option will work only when the API options are filled in correctly. Remember that in case of rejecting a payment, the service that has been paid for will be activated on the user account. ❏ API Username, Password i Signature - these values will be obtained from the PayPal - My Selling Tools - API Access - NVP/SOAP API integration preferences. ❏ Payment subject - subject of the transfer received by the user while making the automatic pay-out. ❏ Payment description - description of the transfer received by the user while making the automatic pay-out. - Payment processor settings - Payeer: You log into the Payeer account and move to the Merchant tab. Add a new Merchant account. During this actions, copy the Secret field and paste it into the Payeer Payment API Settings section in the script settings. When the new Merchant account is added, copy the ID to the script setting, and copy the three links from the Success URL, Fails URL and Status URL fields into the Merchant account settings. You will probably need to turn to the Payeer with a request to activate “direct payments” on your new Merchant account. To configure the automatic payments from the Payeer account, you need to move to the Mass Payments tab and add a new API user. Also copy the Secret Key to the script settings and add you server’s IP while creating the API user. Afterwards, copy the ID and provide the Payeer account number in the script settings, in the format of PXXXXXXX, where C is the account number preceded with a letter P. - Payment processor settings - Payza: You log into your Payza account and move to the Business - IPN Integration section. You create a new IPN by selecting the options subsequently: ❏ IPN Status - Enabled ❏ Enable IPN Version 2 - Enabled ❏ Allow Encrypted Payment Details - Disabled ❏ Alert URL - you copy the Alert URL field from the script settings or leave the field blank. ❏ Transaction update notifications - Enabled ❏ IPN Security Code - ignore this value ❏ Test Mode - Disabled. In the script settings: ❏ Payza email address - provide the e-mail address of the Paryza account. ❏ API Password - password for automatic payments; create it in the Account API Integration section. ❏ Payment description - description of the transfer received by the user while making the automatic pay-out. - Payment processor settings - PerfectMoney: ❏ Account UID - Perfect Money account number, e.g. for an account in dollars the number has a format of UXXXXXXX, where X is the account number. ❏ Alternate Passphrase - set it in the Perfect Money account settings, and copy into this field. ❏ Account ID - the Perfect Money account numbers, used while logging into the account. ❏ Account Password - a password for the Perfect Money account. Account ID and Account Password settings are required in order to start automatic payments for users. You need to activate the API function in the Perfect Money account security setting, providing the server’s IP number, where the script is installed. - Payment processor settings - SolidTrust Pay: ❏ Merchant account - name of the SolidTrust Pay account, used while logging into the account. ❏ Payment Button Name - to get it, create a payment button in the section. While creating the button, you also must copy 3 links from the script settings into the button settings. ❏ Payment Button Password - must be set in the Merchant Zone - Pyment Button Password. ❏ API Name & API Password - details necessary for automatic pay-outs from the SolidTrust Pay account. To get it, create API on the account, in the Merchant Zone - Remote Payments API section. Enter the data from the Notify URL field from the script settings into the field with the same name. - Payment processor settings - BlockChain: You can enable receiving BitCoins via There is only receiving payments integration done in the script, there are no automated cashouts for BlockChain. You can receive payments in several currencies, which are supported by BlockChain. If you set currency which is not supported, BlockChain will be disabled automatically. To be able to receive payments you need to request for API Key V2 on your BlockChain account. You can do that under that link: h ttps:// After your application will be approved, you have to copy your API Key to the settings. Your xPub can be taken from your BlockChain account in Settings, Addresses section, where you have xPub attached to every BTC Address on your account. You also have to set after how many confirmations you want to accept incoming payments (we recommend at least 3 of them). You have to also set Gap Limit which is the number of unused addresses before erroring out. - Payment processor settings - CoinPayments: You can enable receiving and sending BitCoins via Script also supports automatic withdrawals via BitCoin but only if your script currency is BitCoin. ❏ Merchant ID - to get it go to Account - Account settings on your CoinPayments account. ❏ Public API Key & Private API Key - go to Account - Api Keys and click Generate key for linking CoinPayment app and copy those values into your settings ❏ Secret, please set your secret in Account - Account settings - Merchant Settings. ❏ Autoconfirm cashouts, if you enable this option you will not need to confirm every automatic withdrawal from your site with email. ❏ IPN URL - copy this link into Account - Account settings - Merchant Settings - IPN URL field. - Payment processor settings - Manual PayPal: You can enable receiving money by PayPal without using their IPN system. In this case you only have to set your PayPal email address. If user chooses to pay with Manual PayPal option, he will get short instruction containing your payment address and sum for deposit. You have to keep in mind, that this deposits and purchases have to be manually approved by administrator in deposit list or in purchase list. - Payment processor settings - Skrill: To use Skrill payment system, you are required to have Skrill Merchant Account, you cannot use your regular Skrill account. ❏ E-mail - it is your Skrill’s account e-mail. ❏ Secret word - this is a secret word you have to set in your Settings - Developer Settings in Skrill account. ❏ Send e-mail notifications about IPN events - if you enable this option, you will get e-mail notification about any IPN event on your Skrill account. ❏ API Password - please set your API Password from Settings - Developer Settings - API section on your Skrill account. Make sure to set your server’s IP as well. - Payment processor settings - OKPAY: ❏ Successful, Failed and Status Page - you have to copy this links over to your OKPAY account settings in Integration Tab and make sure to enable IPN notifications. ❏ Your wallet - enter your wallet number in OKxxxxxxx format. ❏ API Key - you have to set our API key in Integration Tab (General Functions API) and set your password (key). - Promotion settings - Signup bonus: Bonus added to the user account for signing up to the program. A monetary amount can be ascribed as a bonus, awarded to the Main or Purchase Balance account, your choice. The second kind of bonus is to award a selected type of membership for a certain number of days. The bonus is activated manually, by ascribing the range of dates, on which it is to be valid. - Promotion settings - Deposit bonus: The bonus added to the user’s Purchase Balance account for payment to the Purchase Balance. The bonus is not added for e.g. purchase of services in the service, from payment processors, and for transfer of resources from the Account Balance to the Purchase Balance. The bonus is expressed in an amount or in percentage for each payment processor and membership separately. - System emails: Here you place the system e-mails content, sent to the user in case of special events: ❏ Account verification, content of the activation e-mail that is sent during the record, when the e-mail verification option is active in the script. ❏ Admin account verification, content of the activation e-mail, which is sent while adding a new admin. ❏ Password request, content of the e-mail that is sent while resetting the user password. This e-mail must include a link confirming generation of a password. ❏ New password, content of the e-mail that is sent after confirming the willingness to generate a new password. It includes a new, generated password. ❏ Succes cashout, content of the e-mail that is sent while the user pays-out the funds from the service successfully, or when the admin checks the pay-out order as completed. ❏ Cancelled cashout, content of the e-mail that is sent, where the automatic pay-out of funds fails, or when the admin rejects the pay-out order. ❏ Ad approve, content of the e-mail that is sent during acceptance of a pending ad, made by the admin. It refers to all available kinds of advertisements. ❏ Gateway notice, content of the e-mail that is sent while changing the payment address of one of the payment processes. ❏ E-mail change, content of the e-mail that is sent while changing the e-mail address in the user profile. The change is completed when the user clicks the link activating the modification. ❏ Open support ticket, content of the e-mail, which is sent as a confirmation of opening the report in support. ❏ New support ticket answer, content of the e-mail that informs the user about a new answer from the administrator in the report. ❏ Shared device detection, this e-mail is sent only when the “Evercookie - Send email to admin” option is active. It informs that more than one user logged into the system from the same device. ❏ New direct referrals, this is a notification of a user getting a new direct referral. System e-mails can be sent in a text and HTML format. For each e-mail, the admin can set any given subject, and use system variables in its content. 7. Anti-Cheat tab ● Blocking options Here you can set locks, divided into: - IP Blocking, allows to block the provided IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses. This kind of a lock does not allow a user to access the website; the user gets a message that their IP is blocked, and they are unable to move around the website. - E-mail Blocking, allows to block the provided e-mail addresses or whole subdomains. With a blocked e-mail address, the user will not be able to register themselves. You can use so-called jokers in this manner, i.e. “*” and “?”. The mark * means 0 or more characters, while ? means a single character. - Country Blocking, is a registration blockade for selected countries. - Username Blocking enables to block particular user names. The jokers mentioned above can be also applied in this lock. ● EverCookie It is an advanced system of cookies, which allows to identify users, who create more than one account from the same device. There are 3 verification options to choose from, Java, Silverlight and History. The more option you select, the more advanced is the searching process of double accounts. Note, is a website with the EverCookie option turned on causes problems and is slower, we recommend to deactivate the History option. You can also determine the actions to be undertaken by the script while identifying a user logging into more than one account from the same device: sending an e-mail with user details or automatic suspension of a user. If suspension is chose, the user receives a proper not in the Admin Notes section. ● Search for suspicious users It is a browser allowing identification of potential frauds, who create more than one account in the system. You can search them using: - Similar IP. The searching process takes place only for the users who logged in or signed up within last 7 days. - Similar usernames. - Username the same as email address, i.e. showing the users that have the same username as the first part of their e-mail address e.g. Username: admin and e-mail: a It is frequent manner of operation adopted by frauds and bots creating accounts. Remember that the search results do not automatically mean that someone is a fraud. Our mechanisms are based on long-standing experience with Get Paid To Click scripts, but remember to always carefully verify the user accounts listed in the search results, and made a decision on removing or suspending a user on your own.
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