Assignment5 Instructions

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CMPT 277-3 E100 Software Engineering I
Fall 2017
Assignment 5 (9%) Version Three
Due date: See below
Note: This assignment requires everything required by assignment 3 and assignment 4, plus
the following.
A) Documentations and other deliverables:
Due: Mon Dec 4, 2017 17:00
1. Source code: A zip file contain the final release of all source code developed as part
of this project. [Zip file number 1]
2. Documents (see below): [Zip file Number 2]
3. Final PPT. [Zip file Number 2]
4. Movie: A short movie that showcase the operations and main feature of your
application. Pease submit your video to our class YouTube account and note:
a. Naming convention: 2017-3-GroupXX-ApplicationName (XX = 01 for group
1, XX = 10 for group 10, ApplicationName is the name of your application)
b. Please feel free to enter metadata about your group (e.g. member’s name,
description of the application).
c. Login name: mobileapplicationsdev
d. Password: TBD (project manager please contact the professor)
e. Let your creativity flow in this movie! =)
Submit two zip files to canvas:
1. [Zip file number 1] Source code in a zip file with name 2017-3-CMPT275-Group-
2. [Zip file number 2] The following documents in a zip file with name 2017-3- Document should be submit in two formats: MS
Word (or MS PPT) and PDF. File submitted should be in the following filename
a. Group-XX-Requirements.docx: Final updated version Requirement
Document (from assignment 3 & 4)
b. Group-XX-Design.docx: Final updated version Design Document (from
assignment 3 & 4)
c. Group-XX-QA.docx: Final updated version of the Quality Plan (from
assignment 3 & 4)
d. Group-XX-Presentation.ppt: The PPT of your presentation.
Special appreciation goes to Dr. Toby Donaldson for some of the description of this
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e. Group-XX-Tutorial.docx: An end-user "getting started" tutorial document
which show off the application. Reader should be able to understand the
operation of your app by reading this document. Include at least one of the
main usage scenarios. Please feel free to include screencast of the application
and make sure you document these figures.
f. Group-XX-Features_FulfllmentReq.docx: A summary of features and
fulfillment of requirement audit (use the following format in Table 1 and 2).
Be honest in your report. Table 1 should contain all features that you
promised in the proposal. It should be clear in the table that what was
promised and what is being delivered.
Table 1: Feature Summary and Delivery Schedule
Group: XX
Members: XX
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
All features
listed in the
proposal with
ed on
1.1 Feature 1
On schedule
1.2 Feature 2
On schedule
1.3 Feature 3
On schedule
2. Connection to Database
2.1 Feature 4
On schedule
2.2 Feature 5
Delay due to
purchase of
2.3 Feature 6
Did not deliver.
X = completed, red color = not delivered
Table 2: Fulfillment of Requirements
CMPT 275 Project Requirement
Fulfillment of
Justification of fulfillment
and explanation
(explain why your application
has fulfilled this requirement)
Data Input: Mechanism of input, manual or
read a dataset from a file, or from a web site
(e.g. User entered data, data from other
sensors, RSS feeds)
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
Archiving: Some of the information will be
saved in an archive form. For example: SQL
database (e.g., mySQL), flat file, or an online
data storage (search the Web)
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
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Analysis: The application will in some way
perform analysis function to the data
collected. For example, data search
(discovering specific services/products
among those available), sorting, regression
analysis, other statistical analysis, etc.
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
Display: Visualization of the analysis results
(perhaps using graphs and charts.)
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
Network components: The system must
have components that are accessible over the
Web, using a web browser or a specialized
application client (e.g. Wi-Fi and cellular
network connectivity)
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
Mobile feature: Utilizing at least one
feature of the particular mobile platform (in
additional to Wi-Fi and cellular network
connectivity), for example: accelerometer,
GPS location, camera, video recording, etc.
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
B) Final Presentation
Due: Mon Dec 4, 2017 during class
Your final presentation must be no longer than 9 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A (Total time
should not be longer than 11 minutes). Presentations that are too short or too long will be
penalized. All PPT and relevant files should be pre-loaded to the computer in the instructor’s
station. Use Microsoft PowerPoint and design your presentation to be interesting and
informative for both technical and non-technical audience members.
Before class, put your presentation and other relevant materials (e.g. video) on a USB stick.
Upload your materials to the computer provided in the lecture hall. Most likely it will be a
PC running MS Windows operating system. You are encouraged to try out the computer
before the presentation. You should be able to login to the computer when the class is not in
You must provide minimum the following:
A title slide should contain
o All member’s full name and email address
o Team’s name
o Name of the application
o URL to your team website.
o Date of the presentation
A clear and short summary of your system that ordinary non-technical users could
understand and find helpful.
Tell us what your system does in clear, non-technical language. What are its most
interesting features? Why should people download and use your application over
A system architectural diagram (not a class diagram of the software!!) of your
system. Summarize the basic system implementation details and design choices.
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[Example in our text book includes but not limited to Figures 6.11, 6.13, 13.3, 13.4]
A discussion of the quality assurance steps you followed. Don't bore us by listing
dozens of low-level test cases. Instead, summarize all the testing you have done, and
tell us why we should believe your system is error-free and works as promised.
How many known bugs do you have? Are there features you intended to implement
that you didn't?
List feedback --- good and bad --- from real users (i.e. people not on your team!) of
your system. If you had no real users, then say so.
Finally, give a post-mortem analysis of your team and project. The following are
some example questions you can consider. Keep this section brief and positive
since we often will have visitor for this presentation. Give a summary narrative
which should address the following questions. e.g.
o What project management techniques worked well, and what worked not so
o What were the major technical problems you encountered?
o What were the major "human" problems you encountered while working as a
o If you were to do the project over again, what would you do differently?
What would you have done the same? What advice would you give to next
year's students?
o What did you learn?
This is a formal presentation, and so it is expected to be substantially more polished than
your previous presentations. You are expected to dress up for this presentation as well.
Your group should do at least one practice run-through, and read general advice for
giving oral presentations, such as this (
talk.html) or perhaps this (
What to wear? Business casual. When in doubt, business attire will always work.
See and
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