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STANDARD EDP REPORTS An Information Service for the Electronic Data Processing Field Prepared & Edited by AUERBACH CORPORATION Philadelphia, Penna. Printed and Distributed by BNA Incorporated· WASHINGTON, D. C. 3 STANDARD EDP REPORTS PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The information contained herein has been obtained from reliable sources and has been evaluated by technical teams with extensive working experience in computer design, selection and application. The information, however, is not guaranteed. Acknowledgement is made of the inspiration and guidance provided by the Information Systems Branch of Office of Naval Research which has supported data gathering activity by Auerbach Corporation in fields similar to some covered in these reports. The data contained and formats used in STANDARD EDP REPORTS were not prepared under any contract with the U. S. Government; and they are the exclusive property of the copyright holders. .--~ GE 115 General Electric Company / AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. GE 115 General Electric Company AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 310:011.010 GE-115 Summary Repart SUMMARY REPORT: GE-115 _01 INTRODUCTION The GE-115, announced in March, 1965, is designed primarily as a replacement for conventional punched-card tabulating equipment and as a remote terminal for GE'S larger computer systems (the GE-400 Series and the GE-600 Series). The GE-115 represents the first joint development effort by General Electric (USA), Bull-GE (France) and Olivetti-GE (Italy). All of its components have been developed by one of these three organizations. The design is based principally upon the Olivetti 4035 ,computer. The contributions to the system by GE (USA) are the CR-10 Card Reader, the DS-12 Removable Disc Storage Unit, and portions of the software. Initially, all GE-115 systems will be manufactured in Italy; future plans call for GE-115 systems to be manufactured in France and the USA as well. Because of the problems involved in maintaining a widespread service force for a system with such a small margin of profit, the initial marketing effort in the USA will be directed toward current users of other GE computer equipment. A GE-115 system with a card reader, printer, and communications adapter (a typical remote terminal configuration) can be rented for as little as $1,240 per month. Typical card system rentals will be in the $1,340 to $2,300 range. First system delivery is scheduled for early 1966, and the current delivery schedule is 11 to 14 months for most components. Significant features of the GE-115, and the paragraphs where they are described in this Summary Report, include: • Up to 8,192 eight-bit character positions of 8-microsecond core storage (Paragraph . 041) . Over one million characters of on-line random-access storage using the DS-12 Disc Storage Unit (paragraph. 042). • • • • . 02 Card reading speeds of 300 or 600 cards per minute, and three programselectable stackers (paragraphs . 071 and . 072). Economical 300-card per-minute photoelectric card reader (Paragraph .073). Card punching speeds of up to 300 cards per minute (paragraphs. 074 and .075). Punched paper tape reading at 400 characters per second and punching at 100 characters per second (paragraphs. 076 and. 077). • • Printing at speeds of 300 or 600 lines per minute (paragraphs .081 and .082). • Ability to perform two I/O data transfer operations simultaneously (paragraph .11). • Software that includes a basic assembler, service routines, a program for simulating tabulating equipment, and a remote terminal program (paragraph .15) . Adaptors that permit communication with a remote computer system (Paragraph .101). DATA STRUCTURE The basic unit of data storage is a "character" consisting of eight data bits plus a parity bit. Each character position can contain one alphanumeric character, two decimal digits (packed), a one-decimal-digit arithmetic operand, or an 8-bit binary operand. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-11S 310:011.020 ,02 DATA STRUCTURE (contd..) Decimal arithmetic is performed on unsigned 4-bit BCD digits (Qllil. digit per character position); the remaining four bits of each character are ignored. Most GE-1l5 instructions can process operands from 1 to 16 characters long; the code translation -and editing instructions can operate on fields of up to 256 characters. GE-1l5 instructions are two, four, or six characters in length and specify zero, one, or two core storage addresses, respectively. Note that there is no direct compatibility between the GE-1l5 and the IBM System/360, although both systems use 8-bit character codes . . 03 SYSTEMCONFIGURATION Every GE-1l5 computer system has a GE-1l5 Central Processor with a built.,in console and 4,096 or 8,192 locations of core storage. One printer and one card reader can be connected direcUy to a GE-1l5 Central Processor. Two other peripheral devices can be connected through the GE-100 Standard Interface. Alternatively, one (but not both) of the peripheral devices connected through the Standard Interface can be replaced either by a direcUy-connected communications terminal or by up to 64 peripheral devices operating through synchronizers connected to the Standard Interface. Peripheral devices available include line printers, card readers, card punches, a paper tape reader, a paper tape punch, and a removable disc storage unit. The peripheral devices are described in subsequent paragraphs. A typical configuration that could be used to replace a unit record accounting machine is presented in Paragraph. 031. Paragraph. 032 illustrates a GE-115 configuration suitable for use as a remote terminal for a GE-400 or GE-600 Series computer system . . 031 Typical Card System; Standard Configuration J Equipment 1 1 1 1 - GE-1l5 Central Processor with 8,192 characters of core storage PR-ll Printer; 600 lpm CR-12 Card Reader; 600 lpm CP-21 Card Punch; 300 cpm Total Rental $ 700 650 250 575 $2,175 .032 Typical Remote Terminal System Equipment Rental 1 1 1 1 $ - GE-1l5 Central Processor with 4,096 characters of core storage - PR-10 Printer; 300 lpm -CR-10 Card Reader; 300 cpm - DATANET-10 or DATANET-ll Communications Terminal* Total Rental 500 415 125 200 $1,240 * Does not include cost of the necessary digital subset. NOTE: A DS-12 Removable Disc Storage Unit can be added to provide 1,179,645 characters of on-line random-access storage. Total rental of the above system with one DS-12 unit (two disc handlers and controller) would be $1,890 . . 04 INTERNAL STORAGE .041 Core Storage A GE-1l5 Central Processor can contain 4,096 or 8,192 locations of core storage. Each location holds one character of 8 information bits plus a parity bit. Cycle time per one-character access is eight microseconds. The maximum effective internal transfer rate is 62,000 characters per second (124,000 digits per second when transferring packed decimal data). (Contd.) 5/65 310:011.042 SUMMARY REPORT .042 DS-12 Removable Disc Storage Unit This unit, developed by the General Electric Computer Department in Phoenix, Arizona, provides an economical, low-capacity, random-access storage device for GE-1l5 systems. Two disc handlers and the controller are housed in a single cabinet. Additional disc handlers are available in pairs. The controller can control a total of six disc handlers. Each disc handler contains one access mechanism capable of accessing all positions of one side of the single-disc cartridge. The disc cartridge must be physically removed, turned over, and replaced to gain access to the information recorded on the other side. Storage capacity is 589,824 characters per surface. Thus, each DS-12 subsystem provides up to 3.5 million characters of on-line storage. The average random access to any sector of data is 445 milliseconds, including rotational delay. The peak data transfer rate is 95,040 characters per second . . 05 CENTRAL PROCESSOR The GE-115 Central Processor is basically a character-oriented, variable-'wordlength, two-address, sequential processor. All addressing is in the binary mode and is direct; i. e., no indexing or other automatic adrlress modification facilities are provided. The basic instruction format is: Part: F C IA IB Size in bits: 8 8 16 16 Reduced formats of two or four 8-bit characters are used for some instructions which require no reference, or only one reference, to memory. The operation code is represented by F; the high-order two bits of this word specify the format of the instruction. The C character can represent an operand length for logical instructions (up to 256 characters), the length of two operands for arithmetic instructions (up to 16 digits each), an 8-bit literal, an I/o device specification, or the complement of the operation code, depending upon the particular instruction. The 16-bit fields IA and IB, when present, represent the addresses of the operands. A total of 25 instructions provide facilities for decimal addition and subtraction, binary addition and subtraction, decimal and binary comparison, editing, branching based upon the status of indicators set by compare operations, and the Boolean operations Inclusive OR, AND, and Exclusive OR. Literal operands can be used only in a one-character store and a one-character compare operation. Several interesting and potentially valuable instructions are included in the GE-1l5 repertoire. Among these are the Transcode instruction for translating between any two 8-bit codes; the Pack and Unpack instructions for converting decimal data between the tWo-digits-per-location packed format and the one-digit-per-Iocation format required for arithmetic instructions; and search instructions for locating a specified character within a field. Note that all decimal arithmetic instructions operate on unsigned fields. A subroutine is required to obtain the conventional algebraic type of arithmetic operations. The only interrupt facility is the capability for recognizing a request from a DATANET-10 or DATANET-ll terminal. Probable execution times for decimal arithmetic are as follows, where B represents the operand length'in 8-bit characters and D represents the operand length in decimal digits. Note that these times are for unsigned fields; additional time must be allowed if signed, algebraic-type operations are desired. Time, Microseconds For random addresses 96 + 40D. c = a + b: . • . • . . • . • . . . . . . • • • . • • • . . . . . • • . • . • . . 48 + 20D. b = a + b: • • • • • . . . . . . . . . • • . • • • . . • • . . . • • • . . . . . (48 + 20D)N. Sum N items: . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . c = ab: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . • . . • • . . . • • • . • • . . ? * c = alb: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • • . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . . . ?* For arrays of data ci = ai + bj: . . . . . . . " . . . • . . . : • . . • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . bj = ai + bF' . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . • . . . • . . . • . • . Sum N items: . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c = c + aibj: " . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . '.' •..•... 372 + 40D. 234 + 20D. (216 + 20D)N. Moving data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . ' . . . . • . . . . . 48 + 16B. * ? * subroutines are required for multiplication and division; execution times are not available to date. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE·115 310:011.051 . 051 Compatibility There is no direct program compatibility between the GE-1l5 and any of GElS other computer systems (the 200 Series, 400 Series and the 600 Series). Neither is there any direct compatibility with the IBM System/360. However, through use of the Transcode instruction, data files on punched cards and paper tape from almost any other system can be utilized . . 06 CONSOLE A control panel built into the central processor cabinet provides the switches, keys, and lights required for manual control of the system. No provision for keyboard input or console typewriter output has been announced to date . . 07 PUNCHED CARD AND PAPER TAPE INPUT-OUTPUT .071 CR-12 Card Reader This unit, developed by Olivetti-GE, reads standard 80-column punched cards at a peak speed of 600 cards per minute. The effective speed will normally be very close to the peak speed because this unit has an infinite clutch, so a complete cycle is not lost when the processing time exceeds the time available between cards. A l200-card hopper and three 500-card stackers are provided. Cards can be directed to any of the three stackers under program control. The CR-12 card reader can be equipped to read and translate the IBM, ISO, or Bull card code. Alternatively, cards can be read in a column binary mode without translation. The card reader can operate concurrently with any other peripheral device connected to the other data channel. However, only the time between cards is available for internal processing. This time depends on the number of characters read from the card and is a minimum of 20 milliseconds per card when all 80 columns are being read at the peak, 600 cpm speed. ,/ .072 CR-ll Card Reader This unit is virtually the same as the CR-12 except that its peak speed is 300 cards per minute . . 073 CR-lO Card Reader The CR-lO, developed by GE (USA), is a low-cost model similar to the CR-ll but without multiple stackers. A 500-card hopper and one 500-card stacker are provided . . 074 CP-ll Card Punch This unit, developed by Bull-GE, punches standard 80 column cards serially by column at 100 columns per second. The peak punching speed varies from 60 cards per minute when punching 80 columns per card to a maximum of 200 cards per minute. The CP-ll is equipped with one l500-card hopper and one 1500-card stacker . . 075 CP- 21 Card Punch This OOit is a version of the CP-20 Card Punch developed by GE for the GE-400 and GE-600 Series computer systems. The CP-2l Card Punch punches standard 80column cards at a peak rate of 300 cards per minute. This unit has a l200-card hopper, one l200-card output stacker, and one 100-card reject stacker. The characteristics of the CP-2l are similar to those of the CP-20 Card Punch described in Section 330:072 of the GE-400 Series report . . 076 TR-lO Punched Tape Reader The TR-lO was developed by Olivetti-GE and operates entirely under program control. It can read punched paper tape at a peak speed of 400 characters per second. Either square-hole (Olivetti) or conventional round-hole 5-, 6-, 7-, and 8-level tapes can be read. Reading can be done in either direction, and the device can stop on a single character. Even or odd parity checking is used with conventional round-hole tapes. When reading square-hole tapes, checking is accomplished by a second reading station and a ,comparison of the characters read by the first and second heads. (Contd.) 5/65 310:011.077 SUMMARY REPORT .077 TP-10 Punched Paper Tape Punch The TP-10 was also developed by Olivetti-GE and is capable' of punching standard 5-, 6-, 7, and 8-level tapes at a peak speed of 100 characters per second. Another version of this unit is available to punch square-hole (Olivetti) tape. ; 08 PRINTERS .081 PR-ll Line Printer The PR-ll Printer is an asynchronous line printer developed by Olivetti-GE. Skipping is initiated immediately following the last printed character of a line. Some of the more important characteristics of this printer are: • 104, 120, or 136 printing positions. • 10 characters per inch horizontal spacing. • 6 lines per inch vertical spacing. • 64 printable characters (GE standard character set). • 12 inches per second continuous skipping speed. The PR-ll will accept continuous forms from 3 to 22 inches in width. An optional feature allows form skipping at 64 inches per second. The maximum printing rate utilizing the full 64-character set is 600 single-spaced lines per minute . . 082 PR-10 Line Printer The PR-10 Printer is a slowed-down version of the PR-ll Printer described in the previous paragraph. The maximum printing rate of the PR-ll is 300 single-spaced lines per minute when using the full 64-character set. Other characteristics of the PR-ll Printer are similar to those of the PR-10, except that the high-speed skip option is not available for the PR-ll . . 09 MAGNETIC TAPE No provisions for magnetic tape input-output have been announced to date for the GE-1l5 . . 10 OTHER INPUT-OUTPUT EQUIPMENT .101 DATANET-10 and DATANET-ll These two devices enable a GE-1l5 system to be connected to a remote GE-400 Series or GE-600 Series computer system via a second DATANET (any model) at the remote site and a dial-Up or private-line communication circuit. The DATANET-10 allows the GE-1l5 to be connected to the Bell System DSS201A, a 2, OOO-baud circuit. The DATANET-ll allows connection to the Bell System DSS201B, a 2,400-baud private-line circuit. Typical transmission rates between a GE-400 or GE-600 Series computer system and the GE-1l5 are shown in Table I. These rates are based on record lengths of 80 characters per card or 120 characters per print line. Reduced record lengths can increase the transmission rates up to the peak rates of the individual peripheral devices. TABEL I: TYPICAL GE-1l5 REMOTE TERMINAL PERFORMANCE Peripheral Device Card Reader (any model) CP-21 Card Punch Printer (any model) © Rate 125 cards/min 85 cards/min 95 lines/min 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 310:011.110 GE-11S .11 SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS The GE-115 Central Processor has two data channels and four outlets for connecting peripheriu devices,' Under program control, the data channels can be switched to service different outlets. Data Channell can service outlets 1 and 2. Data Channel 2 can service outlets 2, 3, and 4. Only a printer can be connected to outlet 1; only a card reader can be connected to outlet 2. One peripheral device with controller can be connected to outlet 3 and one to outlet 4 through the GE-100 Standard Interface. Alternatively, a communications device can be connected directly to outlet 4, and a total of up to 64 peripheral devices with controllers can be attached to outlet 3 via Synchronizers. Data transfers on both channels can take place concurrently through time-sharing of the core storage accesses required by each peripheral device. The processor, however, is locked out during every peripheral operation from the initiation of the data transfer until all data for that operation has been transferred. Thus, the time between card columns is not available for internal processing, but the time between successive cards is. In general, the processor delay is dependent upon the number of characters transferred in a peripheral operation (see Table II) . The Sychronizer (or "Channel Expander") enables four peripheral controllers to be connected to one outlet. Each outlet of the sychronizer can be Similarly expanded, and up to three levels of Synchronizers can be cascaded in this manner. Thus, up to 64 peripheral controllers can be connected to outlet 3. Each controller is addressed individually. Two peripheral devices connected to the same outlet via Sychronizers cannot tranRfer data simultaneously. Table n summarizes the delays imposed upon central processor operations by most of the GE-1l5 input-output devices. TABLE II: PROCESSOR DELAYS DURING I/O OPERATIONS Cycle Time, msec Maximum Processor Delay, msec 300cpm 300 cpm 600 cpm 200 200 100 108 108 80 CP-10 CP-21 100 col/sec 300 cpm 300 min. 200 Printing PR-10 PR-ll 300lpm 600lpm 200 100 160 80 Paper Tape Reading and Punching TR-10 TP-10 400 cps 100 cps * * ? ? Disc Storage Reading or Writing DS-12 95,040 cps * ? Function Device Peak Speed Card Reading CR-10 CR-ll CR-12 Card Punching * . 15 * ? ? Varies with number of characters read, punched, or written . SOFTWARE GE has announced a limited amount of software to be available for the GE-1l5 by June, 1965. The software will include a basic one-for-one assembler; a macro assembler for disc systems; a library of subroutines, debugging aids, and utility routines; a group of routines to aid in conversion from unit record tabulating equipment; and.a remote terminal program. Detailed specifications for these routines are not available to date. 5/65 ./-- 310:221.101 GE-115 Price Data PRICE DATA IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS No. Name PRICES Monthly Rental Monthly Maintenance $ CENTRAL PROCESSOR INTERNAL STORAGE $ 4,096 characters 8,192 characters 500 700 ? ? 24,000 33,600 650 400 - ? ? ? 31,200 19,200 260 125 160 250 ? ? ? 6,000 7,680 12,000 Core storage is included in the GE-115 Central Processor above. RDC115 ASU115 ADS115 INPUT.oUTPUT Purchase GE-115 Central Processor 115-04 115-08 RANDOM ACCESS STORAGE $ CRZ100 CRZ110 CRZ120 DS-12 Removable Disc Storage and Controller (2 disc handlers); 1 million words Additional 2 Disc Handlers Additional Disc Cartridge CR-10 Card Reader; 300 cpm CR-11 Card Reader; 300 cpm . CR-12 Card Reader; 600 cpm CPZ101 CPZ103 CP-11 Card Punch; 60 to 200 cpm CP-21 Card Punch; 300 cpm 300 575 ? ? 14,400 27,600 PRT100 OPT075 OPT076 PR-10 Printer; 300 lpm: With 104 print positions With 120 print positions With 136 print positions 415 450 485 ? ? ? 21,600 23,280 29,040 PRT110 OPT077 OPT078 PR-11 Printer; 600 lpm: With 104 print positions With 120 print positions With 136 print positions 605 650 695 ? ? ? 29,040 31,200 33,360 OPT079 Fast Skip Option (for PR-11) 70 ? 3,360 PTR100 PTP100 Paper Tape Reader; 400 cps Paper Tape Punch; 100 cps 110 120 ? ? 5,280 5,760 CLIlOO CLIl10 DATANET-10; 2,000 baud DATANET-11; 2,40G baud 200 200 ? ? 9.600 9,600 SYN115 Synchronizer (four outlets) 70 ? 3,360 © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE 215 General Electric Company AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. GE 215 General Electric Company AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 320:001.001 GE 215 CC!ntents CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Introduction;..... Data Structure • . • System Configuration I Typical Card System II 4-Tape Business System III 6-Tape Business System • V 6-Tape Auxiliary Storage System. VI 6-Tape Business/Scientific System Internal Storage Core Storage • . • . . . • . . . • Mass Random Access Data Storage Central Processors Central Processor. . . . Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit Console Console (part of Central Processor) . Console Typewriter . . . . • . Input-Output; Punched Tape and Card Card Reader (400 cards/minute) Card Reader (1,000 cards/minute) Card Punch (100 cards/minute) Card Punch (300 cards/minute) Paper Tape Reader Paper Tape Punch . . . . . . Input-Output; Printers High Speed Printer (On-Line) . Input-Output; Magnetic Tape Dual Magnetic Tape Handler (15KC) • Input-Output; Other Magnetic Ink Document Handler. DATANET-15 • • . Sim ultaneous Operations. . • . Controller Selector • . Priority Access Control Instruction List. . Coding Specimens GAP • . . GECOM . GECOM Report Writer. TABSOL • WIZ-II . ZOOM. Data Codes Internal BCD and Printer . Magnetic Tape (BCD Mode) • Punched Cards . . Collating Sequence . . . . * Refer to 320:011 320:021 320:031. 1 320:031. 2 320:031. 3 320:031. 5 320:031. 6 320:041 320:042 320:051 320:051. 12 320:061 320:061. 13 320:071 320:072 320:073 320:073 320:074 320:075 320:081 320:091 320:101 320:102 320:111 320:111.1 320:111.1 321:121 * 321:131 * 321:132 * 321:133 * 321:134 * 321:135 * 321:136 * 321:141 321:142 321:143 321:144 * * * * indicated section of GE 225 report; all GE 225 software is directly usable on the GE 215. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE 215 320:001.002 CONTENTS (Contd.) 15. 16. 17. Problem Oriented Facilities IBM 650 Simulator. LGP-30 Simulator. FORWARD Sort/Merge Generator. GECOM Report Writer. • Card Program Generator. BRIDGE II Service System Mathematical Routines. . BANKPAC . . . . . . . Electric Utility Routines '. PRONTO . . . . . . . Critical Path Method. . . TRIM . . . . . . . . • Assembly Line Balancing. Permuted Index Program Package Process Oriented Languages GECOM •. TABSOL . . FORTRAN II WIZ-II . . . Machine Oriented Languages GAP • • • . 18. ZOOM • • . Program Translators GAP •• 19. 20. 21. 22. GECOM . . WIZ • . • . Operating Environment BRIDGE II Service System System Performance • • • • . • Generalized File Processing •• Sorting • • • . . Matrix Inversion Physical Characteristics Price Data •..•.. * Refer to indicated section of GE GE 215. 7/63 321:151.11 * 321:151. 11 * 321:151. 13 * 321:151. 14 * 321:151. 14 * 321:151.15 * 321:151.17 * 321:151. 17 * 321:151. 17 * 321:151. 17 * 321:151. 17 * 321:151. 17 * 321:151. 17 * 321:151. 17 * 321:161 * 321:161. 14 321:162 * 321:163 * * * 321:171 321:172 * 321:181 321:182 321:183 * * * 321:191 * 320:201.001 320:201.1 320:201. 2 320:201. 3 321:211 * 320:221 225 report; all GE 225 software is directly usable on the 320:011.100 STANDARD REPORTS GE 215 Introduction INTRODUCTION §Oll. The GE 215 is a small scale, solid-state data processing system that is adaptable to a wide range of business and scientific applications. System rentals can range from approximately $2,600 to over $18,000 per month, but most installations will probably fall within the $4,000 to $12,000 range. The GE 215 was announced in February, 1963, and initial customer deliveries are scheduled for the fourth quarter of 1963. Compatibility The GE 215 is the smallest member of General Electric Computer Department's recently expanded line of general purpose digital computers. The more powerful GE 225 and GE 235 systems (Computer System Reports 321 and 323) are fully program -compatible with the GE 215 and offer essentially the same line of peripheral equipment. Internal processing speeds of the GE 225 and 235 systems are approximately twice as fast and six times as fast, respectively, as those of the GE 215, offering the potential for upward expansion without reprogramming as the user's computer needs grow. (The GE 215 central processor is, in fact, a slowed-down GE 225 central processor.) The principal differences between the GE 215 system and the earlier GE 225 can be summarized as follows: • Core storage cycle time is 36 microseconds in the GE 215, versus 18 microseconds in the GE 225. • Maximum GE 215 core storage size is 8,192 words, versus 16,384 words in the GE 225. • Maximum magnetic tape speed is 15,000 characters per second in the GE 215; a 41,667 character per second handler is available for the GE 225. • The high speed printer has a rated speed of 450 alphameric lines per minute in GE 215 systems, versus 900 lines per minute in GE 225 systems. • The total number of controllers for magnetic tape, disc storage, high speed printers, magnetic ink document handlers, data communication terminals, and the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit is limited to three in the GE 215, versus up to eight in the GE 225. • Only one magnetic tape controller can be used in aGE 215 system, versus up to eight in a GE 225. • Only one disc storage controller can be used in a GE 215 system, versus up to eight in a GE 225. Hardware Core storage in the GE 215 can consist of 4, 096 or 8,192 word locations. Each 20-bit location can hold a one-address instruction, a binary data word of 19 bits plus sign, or 3 alphameric characters in 6-bit BCD representation. Core storage cycle time is 36 microseconds. A parity check is performed upon all internal transfer operations. The central processor provides complete arithmetic facilities for single word-length binary operands. Loading, storing, addition, and subtraction of double-length binary data items can also be performed. An optional feature permits addition and subtraction (but not multiplication or division) of single- or double-length data items in BCD form. This feature © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporoted 7/63 GE 215 320:011.101 INTRODUCTION (Contd.) §01I. Hardware (Contd.) can significantly reduce the number of time-consuming radix conversions requireq in business data processing, but will seldom eliminate the problem completely. Three index registers and a fourth location that serves as a convenient counter register are standard. An optional feature makes 31 additional 4-word groups in core storage available as index registers or counters. Only one group, selected by a special instruction, can be active at a time. Other optional features for the central processor are a Move Command (which expedites internal block transfer operations), Three-Way Compare, Automatic Priority Interrupt, and a Real-Time Clock. Instructions are executed at the rate of about 10,000 pet" second in typical GE 215 routines. The Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit can perform double-length arithmetic in either fixed or floating point mode under control of the central processor. This optional unit greatly increases the 215's internal processing speeds on scientific problems. Standard 80-column punched cards can be read at 400 or 1,000 cards per minute and punched at 100 or 300 cards per minute. Paper tape can be read at 250 or 1,000 characters per second and punched at 110 characters per second. A console typewriter provides typed output at 10 characters per second. Input via the console typewriter is an optional feature. All peripheral devices except those mentioned-above are connected to the central processor through a three-way multiplexing device called the Controller Selector, which gives the GE 215 capabilities for simultaneous operations that rival more costly systems. Up to three controllers for magnetic tape units, disc storage units, printers, magnetic document handlers, data communication equipment, and the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit can be connected to the Controller Selector. One peripheral unit on each controller can operate Simultaneously with internal processing and card reading and punching. Accesses to core storage are automatically allocated among the operating units by a straightforward priority system. Maximum gruss data transfer rate for the system is 27,800 words per second. The printer has a peak speed of 450 alphameric lines per minute and a skipping speed of 25 inches per second. The printer controller provides automatic editing and format control. The magnetic tape nandler has a peak data transfer rate of 15,000 characters per second at a recording density of 200 rows per inch. The tape format is compatible with the IBM 727, 729, and 7330 Magnetic Tape Units at low density. Two tape handlers are mounted in a single cabinet, one above the other. Up to eight tape handlers can be connected to the tape controller, but only one tape read or write operation can occur at a time. Each Mass Random Access Data Storage (MRADS) unit provides disc storage for approximately 18.87 million alphameric characters in 98,304 fixed record locations of 64 words (or 192 characters) each. The average total waiting time for access to a randomlyplaced record is 225 milliseconds. Up to 294,912 characters per MRADS unit can be transferred without repoSitioning any of the 16 access arms. A maximum of four MRADS file units can be connected to the MRADS controller. Only one MRADS read or write operation can occur at a time. Magnetically encoded paper documents can be read and sorted at a peak speed of 1,200 documents per minute. Two document handlers can be connected to each controller. The DATANET-15 controls the transmission and reception of digital data over telephone and telegraph lines and two-wire cables at speeds ranging from 60 to 2,400 bits per second. Up to 15 data transmission lines and a paper tape reader and punch can be connected to a DATANET-15 , butlit can control only one data transfer operation at a time. 7/63 / 320:011.102 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION (Contd.) §Oll. Hardware (Contd.) GE'S line of data communications equipment also includes: • The DATANET-30 programmed data communication system. • The DATANET-600 paper tape terminal. • The DATANET-90 magnetic-tape-to-computer terminal. • The DATANET-91 off-line magnetic-tape-to-magnetic-tape terminal. • A variety of special digital input-output devices. GE'S MOSE (Modification of Standard Equipment) group offers a variety of specialpurpose hardware for use with the 215 system, such as peripheral device switching controllers, printer plotting option, plotter interface units, etc. Software All of the programs and programming systems that have been developed for the GE 225 are directly usable on Similarly equipped GE 215 systems. The available software is summarized below and described in detail in the GE 225 report, Sections 321:151 through 321:191. The General Assembly Program (GAP) is the basic symbolic assembly system for the GE 215. It permits full utilization of the hardware facilities, is relatively easy to learn and use, but provides few refinements. GAP-coded programs can be assembled on GE 215 systems with punched card, paper tape, or magnetic tape input-output equipment. ZOOM is a "macro assembly system" designed to facilitate machine oriented programming by reducing the amount of detailed coding required While retaining high object program effiCiencies. The ZOOM programmer uses a combination of pseudo- English statements, algebraic expressions, and GAP symbolic statements. These are translated into an all-GAP program which if' then assembled in the normal manner. Magnetic tape is not required, but can be utilized to facilitate the translation process. GECOM is offered as an all- purpose process oriented language. The bas ic language structure is similar to that of COBOL-61 but is not compatible with it. (A COBOL-61 to GECOM translator will be provided.) GECOM also handles algebraic expressions and mathematical functions, and includes a report writer and TABSOL, a system that permits decision logic to be expressed in a concise tabular format. At least four magnetic tape handlers and 8,192 core storage locations are required for GECOM compilations. WIZ is a one-pass algebraic compiler for use on punched card or paper tape systems with at least 8,192 core storage locations. WIZ is less powerful than the FORTRAN or ALGOL language, but it is easy to learn and provides high compilation speeds. FORTRAN II is available for GE 215 systems with at least 8,192 core storage locations and 4 magnetic tape units. Arrays are limited to two dimensions, and Boolean, complex, and double precision statements are not permitted. On the other hand, several useful extensions of the FORTRAN II language have been incorporated. BRIDGE II is a tape file maintenance and run sequencing program whose functions are directed by control cards. FORWARD is a generalized sort/merge generator. Simulation programs are available for simulating the operations of mM 650 and General Precision LGP30 computers on the GE 215. The Card Program Generator simplifies the programming of existing punched card tabulator and calculator runs for the GE 215. An adequate library of generalized input-output, diagnostic, and mathematical routines are available, as are speCial-purpose packages for the banking and electric utility industries, numerical tool control, inventory management, assembly line balancing, critical path scheduling, and information retrieval. 7/63 © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 320:021.100 GE 215 Doto Structure DATA STRUCTURE § .2 021. .1 STORAGE LOCATIONS Name of Location Size Purpose or Use + parity basic addressable Word: 20 bits Sector: 64 words Band: 8 or 16 sectors Disc: 512 bands location. Mass Random Access Data Storage record location. Mass Random Access Data Storage. Mass Random Access Data Storage. © 1963 INFORMATION FORMATS Type of Information Representation Numeral (BCD): three 6-bit characters per word. three 6-bit characters per word. one or two 3-character words. one or two 20-bit words. two words (30 bits + sign for mantissa; 8 bits + sign for exponent). one word (two words for certain input-output instructions. Letter (BCD): . Number (BCD): . . . .. Number (binary): . . . Number (floating point): Instruction: . . . . . . by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 320:031.100 GE 215 System Configuration SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 031. .1 TYPICAL CARD SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION I) core storage is 75% larger. card punch is 50% faster. printer is 55% slower. 2 more simultaneous data transfer operations are possible. . 2 more index registers. Equipment Rental Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . Core Storage: 4, 096 words } ~,WO Central Processor, Console, & Typewriter Card Reader & Controller: 1,000 cards/min. 810 Card Punch & Controller: 300 cards/min. 825 Controller Selector o Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Printer & Controller: 450 lines/min. Move command. Three-way compare. Decimal addition & subtraction. Additional address modification groups. TOTAL. © 1963 by Auerbach Carporation and BNA Incorporated 775 75 ) 200 $4,885 7/63 GE 215 320:031.200 § 031. .2 4-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION II) Deviations from Standard Configuration:. . . . . . core storage is 75% larger. card reader is 20% slower. 3 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer operations are possible. 3 index registers, console typewriter, and multiply-divide are standard. Equipment Core Storage: 4,096 words Rental j $2,200 Central Processor, Console, & Typewriter Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector Printer & Controller: 450 lines/min. Magnetic Tape Units (4) & Controller: 15,000 char/sec. Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775 2,500 none. TOTAL. . . • . . . . . . . . . .. $6,250 ( .------:-c~ 7/63 I AUERBACH I @Il 320:031.300 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 031. .3 6-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION III) Deviations from Standard Configuration:. . . . . . card reader is 20% slower. magnetic tape is 50% slower. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer oper!ltions are possible. Equipment Core Storage: 4,096 words Central Processor, Console, Typewriter I---~-----IO Rental .) $2,200 Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch.& Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector Printer &. Controller: 450 lines/min. 775 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 char/sec. Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Move Command. Three-way compare. Decimal addition & subtraction. Additional address modification groups. TOTAL. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 3,350 1 75 200 $7,375 7/63 GE 215 320:031.500 § 031. .5 6-TAPE AUXILIARY STORAGE SYSTEM (CONFIGUR"-r::ION V) Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . • . . . . . . . .• card reader is 20% slower. magnetic tape is 50% slower. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer operations are possible. Equipment Rental Mass Random Access (Disc) Storage & Controller: 18,874,368 characters $2,625 Core Storage: 4,096 words 2,200 Central Processor, Console, & Typewriter 1---OII~t----O ----,0 I--'-~ Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. 775 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15, 000 char/sec. Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Move Command. Three- Way Compare Decimal Addition & Subtraction. Additional Address Modification Groups. Automatic Interrupt. TOTAL . . • . . . . . 7/63 I AUERBACH I ,$] 3,350 1 75 200 75 $10,075 320:031.600 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 031. .6 6-TAPE BUSINESS/SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION VI) Deviations from Standard Configuration:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 56% smaller. card reader is 20% slower. magnetic tape is 50% slower. 2 more simultaneous non-tape transfer operations are possible. Equipment Rental Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit $ 650 Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, & Typewriter } 2,500 Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector Printer & Controller: 450 lines/min. Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 char/sec. Optional Features Included: . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Move Command. Three- Way Compare. } Decimal Addition & Subtraction. Additional Address Modification Groups. TOTAL. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 775 3,350 75 200 $8,325 7/63 320:041.100 GE 215 Internal Storage Core Storage INTERNAL STORAGE: CORE STORAGE § 041. · 29 Potential Transfer Rates .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: Core Storage. CA215A (4,096 locations). CB215A (8,192 locations). .292 Peak data rates Unit of data: Conversion factor: Cycling rate: . Data rate: . . . .12 Basic Use: . working storage. .3 DATA CAPACITY • 13 Description · 31 Module and System Sizes Core Storage is housed in the Central Processor cabinet and may consist of 4,096 or 8,192 locations. The corresponding processor model numbers are listed above. Each storage location consists of twenty data bits and one parity bit and can hold a single-address instruction, a binary data word of nineteen bits plus sign, or three BCD characters. Single or double word-length load and store operations are possible in the basic processor; and internal block transfers of any length are possible with the optional Move Command, at a maximum effective rate of 13,900 words per second. 1 word. 20 bits per word. 27,800 cycles/second. 27,800 words/second. Identity: . . Words: •.• Characters: Instructions: . Modules: . • . • 32 Minimum Storage Maximum Storage CA215A 4,096 12,288 4,096 CB215A. 8,192. 24,576. 8,192. 1. 1 Rules for Combining Modules: . . . . . . all configurations are shown above. .. 14 Availability: . . 8 months as of March, 1963. •4 CONTROLLER: . 15 First Delivery: late 1963 . .5 ACCESS TIMING .16 Reserved Storage .51 Arrangement of Heads: .52 Simultaneous Operatlons:. . . . . . none. .53 Access Time Parameters and Variations Purpose Index registers and counters: . . . . Arith registers: . Logic registers: . I/O control: . . . No. of Locations 4 (128 optional) none. none. none. none. PHYSICAL FORM · 21 Storage Medium: . magnetic core. · 22 Physical Dimensions: not available. • 23 Storage Phenomenon: direction of magnetization . • 24 Recording Permanence .531 For uniform access Access time: . . Cycle time:. . . For data unit of: .6 · 28 CHANGEABLE STORAGE: . . .7 PERFORMANCE · 71 Data Transfer 18 J.Lsec. 36 J.Lsec. 1 word. . . no. Pairs of storage units possibilities yes. no. yes (usually retained). no. no. With self: . . . . • With Mass Random Access File: . . . .72 .... coincident current . uniform. © 1963 yes. yes (see Section 320:042). Transfer Load Size With self: Access Techniques • 281 Recording method:. • 283 Type of access: . . one access device per system. Locks •2 .241 Data erasable by program: . . . . 242 Data regenerated constantly: ••.• · 243 Data volatile: • 244 Data permanent: . • 245 Storage changeable: none. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 1 or 2 words; or, with optional Move Command, 1 to N words, where N is limited by storage capacity. 7/63 320:041.730 GE 215 .8 § 041. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error .73 Effective Transfer Rate With self, using indexed loop: . . . . . 4,000 words/second. With self, using optional Move Command: . . . . . . 13,900 words/second. 7/63 Invalid address: Receipt of data: Dispatch of data: Conflicting. commands: Recovety of data: Recording of data: Check or Interlock none. parity check send parity bit. Action indicator & alarm; optional stop. not possible. parity check indicator & alarm; optional stop. record parity bit. 320:042.100 • STANDARD EDP • REroRTS GE 215 Internal Storage MRADS INTERNAL STORAGE: MASS RANDOM ACCESS DATA STORAGE § · 13 042. .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . 13 . . . . . . . Mass Random Access Data Storage. M640A. MRADS. Description (Contd. ) Access Controller. Only one head positioning operation at a time may occur in each MRADS unit, or up to four at a time per controller. . 14 Availability: •. 1 month as of March, 1963• · 15 First Deiivery: 1963 . .16 Reserved Storage: . no addressable locations reserved. ·2 PHYSICAL FORM • 21 Storage Medium: . · 22 PhYSical Dimensions Description Each Mass Random Access file unit consists of sixteen data discs and two checking discs on a common vertical axis. Up to four files can be connected to one MRADS Controller, which occupies one of the three "hubs" on the Controller Selector. Each disc surface is divided into 256 bands. The outer 128 bands contain sixteen sectors each and the inner 128 bands contain eight sectors each. One 64word block of data (192 alphameric characters) can be stored in each sector, and from one to siXteen sectors can be transferred between disc storage and core storage in a single MRADS read or write operation. Total capacity of each MRADS unit is 98,304 sectors, 6.29 million words, 18.87 million characters, or about 34.6 million decimal digits. Each disc is served by an individual positioning arm containing eight read-write heads. Four heads serve the top disc surface and the other four serve the bottom surface, so only sixty-four arm positions are required to cover all the bands on a disc. Arm positioning time ranges from 70 to 305 milliseconds, and the average total waiting time for random accessing is 225 milliseconds. Up to 98,304 words per file unit can be transferred without moving any of the positioning arms. Peak transfer rate is 23,700 words per second for data recorded on the outer bands and 11,850 words per second for the inner bands. An effective bulk transfer rate of 20,000 words per second can be obtained with optimum data placement. A parity bit is recorded and checked for each word. In addition, the sixty-fifth word recorded in each sector is composed of one longitudinal parity check bit for each of the twenty bit positions of the sixtyfour data words. This two-way parity check makes it possible to locate and correct, by means of a subroutine, a single-bit error occurring anywhere in a sector. The address of each sector is permanently recorded in a "header" word and used for sector identification and band address confirmation. Three instructions words are required for each disc seek, read, or write operation. The first word selects the proper controller and transfers to it the next two words, which specify the exact operation and the addresses involved. Simultaneous read or write operations are limited to one per Mass Random © 1963 . multiple discs. .222 Disc Diameter: . . . . . . 31 inches. Thickness or length: . thin. 18 discs (16 for data). Number on shaft: . . .23 Storage Phenomenon: .24 Recording Permanence .241 Data erasable by program: . . . . • 242 Data regenerated constantly: . . . • 243 Data volatile: . . 244 Data permanent: • . 245 Storage changeable: . .25 direction of magnetization. yes . no . no . no . no. Data Volume per Band of 1 Track . Words: . · Characters: Digits: . ·. Instructions: . Sectors: · .. 1,024 (outer) or 512 (inner). 3,072 (outer) or 1,536 (inner). 5,632 (outer) or 2,816 (inner). 1,024 (outer) or 512 (inner). 16 (outer) or 8 (inner). .26 Bands per Physical Unit: 512 (256 per disc surface). • 27 Interleaving Levels: . .28 Access Techniques .281 Recording method: . .283 Types of access Description of stage Move head to selected band: Wait for start of selected sector: Transfer data: .. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 1. moving heads. Possible starting stage if new band is selected. if head movement is unnecessary. no. 7/63 320:042.290 § GE 215 042. · 29 .445 Synchronization: . . . Potential Transfer Rates .291 Peak bit rates Cycling rates: Bits/inch/track: . Bit rate per track: · 292 Peak data rates Unit of data: . Conversion factor: . Gain factor: Data rate: . . . . . .3 DATA CAPACITY · 31 Module and System Sizes Minimum Storage Identity: Discs: Words: Characters: Instructions: Digits: Sectors: Modules: · 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONTROLLER . 41 Identity: . . . . · 42 word. 20 data bits /word. 1. 23,700 (outer) or 11,850 (inner) words/sec. M640A 16 6.29 x 18.87 x 6.29 x 34.60 x 98,304 1 106 106 106 106 Maximum Storage per Controller and per System M640A (4 units) 64 25.2 x 106 75.5 x 106 25.2 x 106 138.4 x 106 393,216 4 ..... . .422 Off-line: . . . . . . . MRADS Controller • M225B. 1 per system; requires lof the 3 Controller Selector hubs. none. Data Transfer Control .442 Input-output area: • 443 Input-output area access: . . . . . • 444 Input-output area lockout: . . . . 7/63 .51 Arrangement of Heads .511 Number of stacks Stacks per system:. Stacks per module: . Stacks per yoke: . . Yokes per module: . .512 Stack movement: . . . . 513 Stacks that can access any particular location: . . . . . . .514 Accessible locations By single stack With no movement: . With all movement:. By all stacks With no movement: . 128 to 512 per controller. 128. 8. 16 (one for each disc). in horizontal plane only. 1. 16 or 8 sectors. 1,024 or 512 sectors. 1,536 per module. 6,144 per controller. 49, 152 per system. .515 Relationship between stacks and locations:. least significant 7 bits of MRADS address specify stack and sector. • 52 Simultaneous Operations C: D: waiting for access to specified location. reading. recording. a + c + d = at most 1 per MRADS unit. c +d = at most 1 per system. Connection to Device · 441 Size of Load: • ACCESS TIMING A: .431 Devices per controller: 4. .432 Restrictions:. . . . . . none. .44 .5 up to 4 MRADS units per controller; 1 controller per system. Connection to System .421 On-line: · 43 1,200 rpm. 400 maximum. 500, 000 or 250, 000 bits/sec/track. Single MRADS Unit Rules for Combining Modules: •. .4 .447 Table control: . . . . · 448 Testable conditions: . automatic during a read or write operation none. MRADS ready, controller ready. 1 to 16 sectors of 64 words each. core storage. each word. none. .53 Access Time Parameters and Variations .532 Variation in access time Stage Variation, msec Move head to selected band: . 0 or 70 to 305 Wait for start of selected sector: • 0 to 52 Transfer 1 sector of data: . . 3. 1 or 6. 2 Total: . . . . 3. 1 to 363. 2 .6 CHANGEABLE STORAGE: . . .7 AUXILIARY STORAGE PERFORMANCE • 71 Data Transfer no . Pair of storage units possibilities With self:. . . . . . no . With core storage: . . yes. Example, msec 199 (avg.) 26 (avg.) 3.1. 328.1 320:042.720 INTERNAL STORAGE: MASS RANDOM ACCESS DATA STORAGE .8 § 042 • . 72 Transfer Load Size With core storage: . .73 ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION 1 to 16 sectors of 64 words each. Effective Transfer Rate With core storage:. . . 20,000 words/sec or 60,000 char/sec. © 1963 Error Check or Interlock Invalid address: Receipt of data: Dispatch of data: Conflicting commands: Recovery of data: Wrong record selected: Recording of data: check pariry send parity bit. check word & sector parity address comparison generate parity word. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Action indicator. Indicator. indicator. indicator. indicator. 7/63 320:051.100 • STANDARD EDP • GE 215 REPORTS Central Pracessar CENTRAL PROCESSOR . 12 § OSlo .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: . Central Processor. CA215, CB215. Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. X225A. AAU. . 12 Description (Contd. ) circuitry in the printer controller; this reduces time demands upon the Central Processor while permitting a high degree of flexibility in the printed output. Conditional branch instructions result in execution of the next sequential instruction (which will normally be an unconditional branch) if the tested condition is true; otherwise, the next sequential instruction is ·skipped • Description The GE 215 is completely program-compatible with the larger GE 225 and GE 235 systems. Its effective core storage cycle time is 36 microseconds ( or twice as long as that of the GE 225), and it is more restricted in the number of peripheral devices that can be connected. The 215 is a single-address, fixed word-length, sequential processor. The main arithmetic and control circuitry, core storage, and console controls are housed in the processor cabinet. The two models differ only in the amount of core storage they contain. Word length of core memory locations and control registers is twenty bits • .one location may contain an instruction, a binary data word consisting of a sign bit and nineteen data bits, or an alphameric data word consisting of three six-bit BCD-coded characters. Complete arithmetic facilities for single word-length binary data are built in. Because the twenty-bit word is too short for many data processing and scientific applications, standard instructions are provided for double word -length addition, subtraction, and data transfers. In these cases, the combined A and Q Registers serve as a double-length accumulator. In the standard processor, subroutines must be used for double-length binary multiplication and division and for all decimal and floating point arithmetic operations. Optional hardware which can provide many of these arithmetic facilities is described below. Three index registers and a fourth location that serves as a convenient counter register are standard, and special instructions facilitate incrementing and testing them. A variety of instructions is provided for inter-register transfers, shifting, normalizing, and complementing. These instructions do not require an operand address, so bits 7 through 19, which would normally contain the address, are used to define the exact operation to be performed. Through various combinations of these thirteen bits, the advanced programmer can create many special instructions in addition to those in the standard GE-defined repertoire. This technique is termed "micro-programming". There are no table look-up facilities, and multiword internal transfers require the optional Move Command. Editing is accomplished by format control © 1963 Optional Features Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit (AAU): This independent unit provides complete hardware facilities for double word-length binary arithmetic in either fixed or floating point mode. Data can be transferred directly between the forty-bit AAU accumulator register and core storage, and Central Processor operations can continue while an arithmetic operation is in progress in the AAU. The AAU is connected to the Processor through the Controller Selector. Like the other peripheral devices, it can be tested for "ready" or "not ready" status and for various error conditions; unlike the others, only one instruction word is required for any AAU operation. A floating point data item is represented by thirty bits plus sign for the mantissa and eight bits plus sign for the exponent. This is the equivalent of 9 decimal digits of precision and an exponent range of 10- 76 to 10+ 76 . Decimal Addition and Subtraction: This feature enables the Central Processor to perform single and double-length addition and subtraction on decimal data stored in the six-bit BCD form. A carry indicator facilitates the coding of additions or subtractions of fields more than six characters long, but negative BCD numbers must be stored in the inconvenient ten's complement form. Instructions are provided to shift between the decimal and binary arithmetic modes. Additional Address Modification Word Groups: This makes a total of thirty-two four-word groups (core storage locations 0000-0127) available as index registers or counters. Only one group, selected by a special instruction, may be active at a time, and only three of the four words are usable for address modification. Three-Way Compare: Permits branching to the first, second, or third sequential instruction depending upon whether the contents of a specified single or doublelength core storage location are greater than, equal to, or less than the contents of the accumulator. Move Command: Provides a single instruction to transfer any number of successive words from one core storage area to another. The A and Q registers must contain, respectively, the new initial address and the number of words to be moved. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 320:051.120 GE 215 .217 Edit format § OSlo .12 Description (Contd. ) Automatic Priority Interrupt: Provides automatic storing'of the sequence counter contents and a transfer of control to core storage location 0132 whenever any selected peripheral controller switches from "not ready" to "ready" status. Interruption from the console is not possible. The interrupt feature is especially useful for overlapping data transcription operations with independent processing routines. Availability: 8 months as of March, 1963. • 14 First Delivery: late 1963 . .2 PROCESSING FACILITIES . 21 Operations and Operands Radix Size binalY (decimal with option) lor 2 words. binalY 1 word (2 .211 Fixed point Add-Subtract: automatic Multiply Short: Long: automatic non~. with AAU). Divide No remainder: Remainder: none. automatic binalY with AAU). .212 Floating pOint Add-Subtract: Multiply: Divide: 1 word (2 subroutine binalY or AAU subroutine binalY orAAU subroutine binalY or AAU 30 & 8 bits (2 words). 30 & 8 bits (2 words). 30 & 8 bits (2 words). none. } automatic binalY automatic 1 word. • 213 Boolean AND: Inclusive OR: Extract: • 214 Comparison 1 word. subtract & test Numbers: none. Absolute: 1 word. Letters: subtract & test 1 word. Mixed: subtract & test Collating sequence: 0 - 9. A - Z; special characters interspersed among letters; see 321:144. 100. Direct high-low. equal comparisons on 1 or 2 Comment: words of numeric or alpha data are possible with optional Three-Way Compare. .215 Code translation Provision From subroutine paper tape subroutine internal . 216 Radix conversion Provision From subroutine BCD subroutine binary 7/63 To iiit'ernal. paper tape . To binary. BCD. Comment biliary Size lor 2 words. Decimal mode shift: automatic with optional Decimal AddSubtract only. l's complement: automatic binary 1 word. 2's complement: automatic binary 1 word. Select index group: automatic optional 1 of 32 groups. . 22 Operation and Variation Provision Provision automatic Normalize: Real Time Clock: Provides a nineteen-bit binary clock counter that measures time in sixths of seconds from zero to 24 hours. The clock can be set by the stored program or the operator and can be interrogated by the program through a special instruction. .13 Provision Size automatic automatic automatic up to 120 char. automatic automatic automatic none. none. . . . no provision. Alter size: Suppress zero: Round off: Insert point: Insert spaces: Insert any char: Float $: Protection: .218 Table lookup: .219 Others Special Cases of Operands .221 Negative numbers:. . . 2's complement (10's complement with Decimal Add - Subtract. .222 Zero: . . . . . one form; 0 in all bit positions . . 223 Operand size determination: fixed. ..... .23 Instruction Formats .231 Instruction structure: 1 word (3 words for certain input-output operations). .232 Instruction layout: I Part lop I Size (bits) I 5 IX I 2 Addr or Op' 13 .233 Instruction parts Name Op: . Purpose operation code. X: •• index register specification . Addr: operand address. Op': • extension of operation code in instructions with no operand address . .234 Basic address structure: 1 + O. .235 Literals Arithmetic: . . . . none. Comparisons and • tests: . . . . up to 8,192 on index registers only. Incrementing modifiers: . up to 8,192. . 236 Directly address operands .2361 Internal Minimum Maximum Volume storage type size size Accessible Core: 1 word 2 words * 8,192 words. Disc: 64 words 1,024 total words capacity. * or total capacity with Move Command. .2362 Increased address capaCity: . . . . . . none. ==--- CENTRAL PROCESSOR 320:051.237 §051. · 237 Address indexing · 2371 Nwnber of methods: . 2372 Names: . . . . . • . · 2373 Indexing rule:. . . . .2374 Index specification:. .331 Possible causes In-out units: . 1. indexing. addition, modulo 32, 768. bits 5 & 6 of instruction to be modified. · 2375 Nwnber of potential indexers: . . . . . 3 (96 optional). . 2376 Addresses which can be indexed: . . . . . operand addresses in arithmetic, load, store, and unconditional branch instructions . • 2377 Cwnulative indexing: . none. · 2378 Combined index and step: . . . . . none. none. · 238 Indirect addressing: . index registers. · 239 Stepping: . . . . . · 2391 Specification of increment: . . in stepping instI'\lction. • 23.92 Increment sign:. always positive. .2393 Size of increment: I to 8,192, .2394 End value: • . . . specified in test instruction. • 2395 Combined step and test: . . . . . . . no. · 24 Special Processor Storage In-out controllers: . Storage access: Processor errors: Other: . . . . . . · 332 Program control Individual control: Method: . . . . . . · 333 · 334 · 335 · 336 . 241 Category of storage Number of Size in bits Program usage locations Category '20 upper accumulator, A. Central Processor: 1 lower accumulator, Q. 20 Central Processor: 1 instruction register, I. 20 Central Processor: 1 sequence counter. P. Central Processor: 1 15 single char, buffer, N. 6 Central Processor: 1 memory buffer, M. 20 Central Processor: 1 arithmetic buffer, B. 20 Central Processor: 1 40 upper accumulator, AX. Aux. Arith. Unit: 1 40 lower accumulator, QX. Aux. Arith. Unit: 1 20 index' registers. 3 (96 with Core Storage: option) indirectly, through controller status. change in status of peripheral controller from "not ready" to "ready". indirectly, through controller status. no. none . .34 peripheral controllers. "Priority Set" instruction permits selected controller(s) to interrupt. Operator control: . . . physical switch for each controller permits or locks out interruption by that controller. Interruption conditions: 1) in "Priority Set" mode. 2) not in priority routine. 3) change in status of any selected controller. Interruption process Disabling interruption: automatic. Registers saved: sequence" counter automatic; others by own coding. Destination: .• fixed jwnp to location 0132. Control methods Determine cause: own coding; must test selected controllers • Enable interruption: own coding; "Priority Set" instruction. Multi-running: . . . . . limited capability with Automatic Priority Interrupt feature. .341 Method of control: . .342 Maximwn nwnber of programs: . . . .343 Precedence rules: .344 Program protection .242 Category of storage Storage: Total Number Physical Access time, Cycle time, In - out units: Category Central Processor: Aux. Arith. Unit: Core Storage: locations 7 2 3 (96 with form register register p. sec core 18.0 P. sec 36. 36. 36. option) .3 SEQUENCE CONTROL FEATURES .31 Instruction Sequencing ,311 Nwnber of sequence control facilities: . .314 Special sub-sequence counters: . . . . · 315 Sequence control step size: . . . .316 Accessibility to program: . . . own coding. 2 is practical limit. own coding. .. none. none . .35 Multi - sequencin~: none. .4 PROCESSOR SPEEDS .41 Instruction Times in /Lsec • .411 Fixed point Double Precision Double PrecWon. With AAU 72 90 216 to 468 504 to 558 108 126 4, 550 (SR) 5,250 (SR) 148. 148. 341 to 778. 1,071 to 1,217. none none none 10,620 (SR) 11,304 (SR) 28,267 (SR) 162 to 709. 297 to I, 062. 837 to I, 231. Single ~ Add: Subtract: Multiply: Divide: 1. none. .412 Floating point 1 word. can be stored in an index register . Add -subtract: Multiply: Divide: . 317 Permanent or optional modifier: . . . . . . . no. .413 Additional allowance for .32 .33 Look-Ahead:. Interruption:. Single Precision none. with optional Automatic Priority Interrupt only. © 1963 Indexing: Re-complementing: Double Precision -36--- -36--- none nORe by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Double Precision, withAAU 36. none. 7/63 320:051.414 § GE 215 051. .414 Control Compare (with Three-Way Compare: Branch: Test & branch: 90 to 108 36. 90. 90 to 144. · 415 Counter control Step: Step & test: Test; 108. 198. 90. . 416 Edit: . . o (done in Printer Controller). · 417 Convert BCD to binary: Binary to BCD: 220 + 525D (SR). 698 to 9,415 (SR, for D = 6, with Decimal AddSubtract). 1, 750 + 1, 400D (SR, without Decimal Add-Subtract) . . 418 Shift:. . . . . . . . .. 60 + 12B (approximate, for shift of B bits). Note: SR indicates that a programmed subroutine is used. D is field length in decimal digits. .42 Processor Performance in ,."sec • 421 For random addresses Fixed point, single precision 216 216 72N 594 675 c = a +b: • . . b =a +b: . . . Sum N items: . c =ab: . . . . c = alb: . . . . . 422 For arrays of data ci = ai + bf. . 684 bj = ai + bj:. . 684 Sum N items: . 504N c = c + aibj= . 1,098 .423 Branch based on comparison Without Three-Way Compare Numeric data (19-bit precision): 720 Alphabetic data (3-char precision): . 720 • 424 Sw itching Unchecked: . 288. Checked: . . 720. List search: 108 + 54ON. 7/63 Floating point, with AAU (average) 724. 724. 436N. 1,068. 1,322. 1,192 1,192. 1,012N. 1,936. With Three-Way Compare 666. 666. .425 Format control per character Unpack Without radix conversion: . 40. Including BCD-tobinary conversion: 595 (approx.). Compose Without radix conversion: • 36. Including binary-toBCD conversion: . 1,225 (approx., without Decimal Add-Subtract). 700 (approx. , with Decimal Add-Subtract). .426 Table look up per comparison (single precision) Without With Three-Way Three-Way Compare Compare For a match:. . . . . 540 504. For least or greatest: 568 532. For interpolation point: . . . . . . 540 504 • . 427 Bit indicators Set bit in separate location: . • . • 144. Set bit in pattern: 180. Test bit in separate location: . . . . . 288. Test bit in pattern: . 288. Test AND for B bits: . 648 (B~ 19). Test OR for B bits: . 720 (B.~ 19). .428 Moving data Single word: • . . . 144. Double-length word: 216. N words, using programmed loop: 72 + 252N. N words, using optional MC: . . . 252 + 72N . .8 ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Overflow: Underflow: Zero divisor: Invalid data: Invalid opera don: Arithmetic error: Invalid address: Receipt of data: check check (AAU only) overflow check none. all codes used. none. none • parity check Dispatch of data: parity check Action indicator & alarm. indicator & alarm. indicator & alarm. indicator & alarm. optional stop. indicator & alarm. optional stop. 320:061.100 GE 215 Console CONSOLE § 061. .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: . .12 .13 Associated Units:. . 22 Connections:...... none. .23 Stops and Restarts contained in 215 Central Processor cabinet. Console Typewriter and 400 card per minute Card Reader (if used) stand upon the console desk. (A free-standing 400 cpm card reader is also available.) The console control panel is mounted vertically at desk-top level on the narrower face of the Central Processor cabinet. A wide, L-shaped desk is placed dir/lctly in front of the control panel and provides ample working space. The unusual shape of the combined processor cabinet and console desk may make it difficult to arrange the system components for operating convenience in a small room, particularly since the printer and magnetic tape controllers and the Arithmetic Auxiliary Unit all contain alarm and condition lights which are clearly visible only at close range. The control panel contains a fairly typical complement of register displays, alarm lights, and control buttons; these are fully described below. . 25 . 28 Power Name Power on: Power off: Form button. button. © 1963 2-position switch 2-position switch when ON. system halts on all parity Name Form Comment Start: button initiates a single step if Auto- Manual switch is in MANU AL position. errors. Stepping 2-position selects steps of one machine cycle or switch one full instruction. switch inhibits normal advance of the sequence counter (P Register). so same instruction is repeated. Resets ~ Console Typewriter Input: Permits using the Console Typewriter as an input device. In the input mode, one BCD character is transmitted to the N register when a typewriter key is activated. The character then may be shifted to the A register and used in any manner desired. .21 Auto- Manual: initiates automatic operation if Auto-Manual switch is in AUTO position. halts automatic operation when switched to MANU AL. Save P: Optional Feature: CONTROLS Comment button Word-Instruction: The Console Typewriter is a modified mM electric model that stands on the right-hand wing of the console desk. Data cannot be entered into the system .26 from the typewriter keyboard; the unit is used for output only, at 10 characters per second. Data to be typed, in BCD form, is sent to the unit via the 6bit N Register, one character at a time. The typewriter character set includes only the 26 letters, 10 numerals, and the special symbols / • J $ - and space. Other BCD codes cause the unit to "hang up" • . 27 .2 Form Start: Stop on Parity Alarm: .24 Description: Name Form Comment Reset Alarm: Reset P: button button Reset A: button resets all alarms and error indicators. clears sequence counter. to location 0000. clears accumulator (A Register). Name Form Comment Load Card: button reads one binary card into Core Storage starting at location 0000. Loading Sense Switches Name Form Bit Switches: 20 3-p0at - used to place 1 bits into any desired sition cen - positions in the A register (when ter-off raised): and to set patterns that can toggle be read into the A register under switches program control (when lowered) to control program branching • Comment SpeCial Name Form Comment A_I button XAQ button transfers contents of the A (accumulator) Register into the I (instructioljl Register. interchanges contents of the A and Q Registers. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 320:061.300 § GE 215 061 • .3 DISPLAY .31 Alarms .32 Name Form Condition Indicated Parity: Overflow: Card Reader: Card Punch: Echo: light light light light light parity error. arithmetic overflow. error involving Card Reader. error involving Card Punch. peripheral controller unable to respond when addressed. Storage: . . . . . . . . no direct display available. .4 ENTRY OF DATA .41 Into Control Registers: . 42 Into Storage Conditions Name Form Condition Indicated Priority: light loss of priority by Central Processor to a peripheral controller, alarm condition, or automanual switch in manual mode, reader available for input. punch a vailable for output. N Register available for paper tape or typewriter operation. processor in priority interrupt routine. index register group in use. Central Processor operating in deCimal mode. Card Reader Ready: light Card Punch Ready: light light N Register Ready: . 33 .34 AIM: light IX Group: Decimal Mode: 5 lights light Control Reg!sters 7/63 Name Form Comment P Register: 15 lights I Register: 20 lights A Register: 20 lights binary display of sequence counter contents. binary display of next instruction to be executed. binary display of accumulator contents; pressing X AQ will displa y Q Register contents. 20 Bit Switches permit direct data entry into A Register only; A _ I and XAQ buttons permit loading of I and Q Regi "!rs from A Register. 1. Set Auto- Manual switch to MANUAL. 2. Set "Store A Register" instruction, with desired Core Storage location as operand address, in Bit Switches. 3. Depress A _ I button to load the instruction. 4. Set Bit Switches to desired data value. 5. Depress Start button. .5 CONVENIENCES .51 Communication: none. .52 Clock: . . . none . . 53 De sk Space: ample free work space is provided on the console desk. .54 View: Central Processor cabinet, 32 inches wide by 76 inches high, is directly in front of seated operator; view in other directions is unobstructed. 320:071.100 GE 215 Input-Output Card Reader INPUT-OUTPUT: CARD READER (400CPM) § 071. .22 Sensing and Recording Systems . 221 Recording system: . .222 Sensing system: • 11 . 12 Identity: Card Reader . D225B Description: This is the English- built Elliott reader for standard eighty-column punched cards, extensively modified and improved by GE. The rated 400 card per minute speed is achieved when reading continuously into alternating input areas in core storage. When feeding one card at a time upon demand, the maximum speed is 360 cards per minute. The unit is extremely compact "and usually stands upon the console desk; an optional base converts it into a free-standing unit. It provides none of the usual checks upon card reading accuracy such as dual reading stations or hole count checks. Programmed tests can be made to insure only that proper read synchronization was achieved; i. e., that each column was read once and only once. After every card is read, the photocells are checked to ensure that they are working. . 23 Multiele Coeies: . .24 Arrangement of Heads Use of station:. Stacks: . Heads/ stack: Methods of use: .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage .311 Medium: . 312 Phenomenon: .32 Column decimal; data in each card column is translated automatically into one internal BCD character, and three characters are stored in each core storage location. Ten-row binary; data in two successive card columns fills one twenty bit core storage location. . 321 Serial by: . .324 Track use Data: Total: . .325 Row use Data: .33 Coding: .34 Format Comeatibility Twelve-row binary; data in each card column fills the twelve least significant bit positions of one core storage location. (Continuous feeding is not possible in this mode. ) The automatic reading of data from successive cards into alternating core storage areas in the column decimal and ten-row binary modes can save Central Processor time through the elimination of internal transfers before the input data is processed. .13 Availability: 3 months as of March, 1963. .14 First Delivery: March, 1961. .2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Drive Mechanism .211 Drive past the head: .212 Reservoirs: pinch roller friction. none. © 1963 reading. 1. 12. 80 columns per card, one at a time. standard 80-column cards . rectangular holes. Positional Arrangement . 322 Parallel by: . Cards are read serially by column, and the input instruction selects one of three data formats: none. 80 columns at standard spacing. 12 rows at standard spacing. 80. 80. 12 (lO for lO-row binary data). Decimal: column code as in Data Code Table No.3. lO- Row Binary: 2 card columns per 20- bit core storage word. 12- Row Binary: 1 card column per core storage word, into the 12 least significant bit positions. Other device or system Code translation All devices using standard 80column cards: . .35 Physical Dimensions: .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity': by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated not required. standard 80-column cards. Card Reader Controller. (housed in Central Processor). 7/63 320:071.420 § GE 215 .56 071. • 42 . 43 1. none. Connection to Device .431 Devices per controller: 1. .432 Restrictions: . • . • . • cannot be used in same system with 1. 000card-per-minute reader. .44 Disabled:. . . . . . Busy device:. . . . Nearlyexhausted:. . . Busy controller:.. End of medium marks: . Hopper empty: . Stacker full: ... Connection to System .421 On-line: . 422 Off-line: Data Transfer Control .441 Size of load: 1 to N cards of 80 columns per card. core storage; address of first location filled must be a multiple of 128 and less than 2048. .442 Input-output areas: . 443 Input-output area access: . .444 Input-output area lockout: . 445 Table control: . .446 Synchronization: • . each word. none. · none . . ' automatic within a card; by program for successive cards. Testable Conditions .6 PERFORMANCE .61 Conditions: .62 Speeds yes . yes. no. no . no. yes . yes . . . . none. .621 Nominal or peak speed: 400 cards/minute. asynchronous; reading rate .623 Overhead: . . . . is controlled by program. .624 Effective speeds: . . . 400 cards/min. when feeding continuously. 360 cards/min. maximum if "halt card reader" instruction is given after each card (demand feeding) . · 63 Demands on System Component m. sec per card. Core Storage: .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE · 71 Adjustments: . . none • • 51 mocks · 72 Other Controls: none . · 73 Loading and Unloading .52 • 1 card • · fixed. . 525 . 526 · 53 Code Translation: .54 Format Control:. . · 55 Control Operations Disable: . • • . . Request interrupt: Offset card: .• Select stacker: Select format: Select code: 7/63 Capacity Storage • . . . . . . . 1 to N cards forward; cards are read continuously until "halt card reader" command is given. none. Output: . Stepping: none. Skipping: none . Marking: none • none. Searching: • 522 • 523 • 524 .731 Volumes handled Input-Output Operations · 521 Input: automatic. by processor: column decimal to internal BCD; or 10- or 12row binary to internal binary. none. no. yes. with automatic Priority Interrupt. no. no. no. yes. in "read" command. Percentage 2.0 •5 . 511 Size of block: .512 mock demarcation Input: . • . . . . or 3.0 Hopper: . . . . . Stacker: . . • . . • 732 Replenishment time: . .733 Adjustment time: . .734 Optimum reloading period: . • . . . .8 600 cards. 600 cards. 0.25 to 0.50 mins . reader doe s not need to be stopped. none. 1. 5 mins . ERRORS. CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Reading: Input area overflow: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: TimIng conflicts: Misfeed: Stacker full: Synchronization: none. none. check. check none. none. check check check Action stop reader; alarm. stop reader; alarm. stop reader; alarm. set bit indieator in core storage. 320:072.100 • STANDARD EDP • GE 215 Input-Output Card Reader REPORTS INPUT-OUTPUT: CARD READER (1,000 CPM) § . 32 072. .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: . .12 Description Card Reader. D225C, D225D. . 13 Availabilitl: . . 9 months as of March, 1963. .14 First Delivery: March, 1962. .2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Drive Mechanism • 211 Drive past the head: . .22 .. .24 Multiple Copies: . .322 Parallel by: .324 Track use Data: • Total: • .325 Row use Data: . . 33 Coding:......... Decimal: column code as in Data Code Table No.3. lO-Row Binary: 2 card columns per 20- bit core storage word. 12-Row Binary: 1 card column per core storage word, into the 12 least significant bit positions. Read Card Intermixed option permits reading cards in decimal and binary modes intermixed (on Model D225D only). .34 Format Compatibili!¥ moving belt friction. none . none. photoelectric (solarcells) . none. . 35 Physical Dimensions: .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identitl: .42 Connection to Slstem .421 On-line: .422 Off-line: .43 . 12 (10 for lO-row binary data). . Arrangement of Heads Use of station: . Stacks: . . Heads/stack: . Method of use: . 80. 80. Other device or system Code translation All devices using standard 80-column not required. cards: • . . . · . Sensing and Recording Systems . 221 Recording system: . . 222 Sensing system: . . 23 80 columns at standard spacing. 12 rows at standard spacing. .321 Serial by: • This unit has been developed by GE to provide high speed punched card input to the 215 system. Currently rated at 1,500 cards per minute when feeding continuously, it is said to be capable of higher speeds. When cards are fed singly on demand, the rated maximum speed drops to 890 cards per minute. A character validity check (on decimal coded data only) and a read error check provide checks on reading accuracy. The unit reads standard eighty-column cards only, and the hopper and single stacker have capacities of 2,000 cards each. Cards are fed singly by a vacuum pick-off and transported by a moving belt past the photoelectric read heads. Input instructions, card data formats, and code translation facilities are identical to those for the slower reader, so there is a high degree of upward compatibility between the two units. .212 Reservoirs: Positional Arrangement reading. 1. 12. 80 columns per card, one at a time. ... Card Reader Controller (housed in Central Processor). .. ·. .... Connection to Device ·. Data Transfer Control .3 EXTERNAl. STORAGE . 441 Size of load: . . . . .31 Form of Storage .442 Input-output areas: standard 80-column cards . rectangular holes . © 1963 1. none . .431 Devices per controller: 1. cannot be used in same .432 Restrictions:. . . system with 400-cardper-minute reader. .44 . 311 Medium: .. . 312 Phenomenon: . standard 80-column cards . by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 1 to N cards of 80 columns per card. core storage; address of first location filled must be a mUltiple of 128 and less than 2048. 7/63 320:072.443 § GE 2lS 072. .443 Input-output area access: . . . . . .444 Input-output area lockout: . . . . . .445 Table control: • . . 446 Synchronization: . none. none . automatic within a card; by program for successive cards. PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 Blocks . .52 · 61 Conditions: . .62 Speeds . 522 .523 . 524 . 525 . 526 Output: . . Stepping: . Skipping: . Marking: . Searching: . 53 Code Translation: .54 Format Control: . .55 Control Operations Disable: Request interrupt: . Offset card: Select stacker: . Select format: Select code: Unload: . 1 card . · 63 fixed . 7/63 Demands on System Component msec per card or Percentage Core Storage: 1 to N cards forward; cards are read continuously until ''halt card reader" command is given. none. none. none . none. none. automatic, by processor: column decimal to internal BCD; or 10- or 12-row binary to internal binary. · 73 none. no. yes, with Automatic Priority Interrupt. no. no. no. yes, in "read" command. no. Testable Conditions Disabled: . . . . . Busy device: . . . Nearly exhausted: Busy controller: . End of medium marks: Hopper empty: .. Stacker full: . . . End of file:. . . . Invalid character (Hollerith): . . . . . . none. .621 Nominal or peak speed: 1,000 cards/minute nominal. asynchronous; reading rate .623 Overhead: • . . . is controlled by program. 1,500 cards/min. when · 624 Effective speeds: feeding continuously. 890 cards/min. maximum if ''halt card reader" instruction is given after each card (demand feeding). Input-Output Operations . 521 Input: . . 56 PERFORMANCE each word. .5 .511 Size of block: . 512 Block demarcation Input: . .6 yes. yes. no. no. no. yes. yes. yes. yes. 3.0 7.5 max. .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments:...... none. .72 Other Controls Function Form Clear-read error: button End of file: button resets error alarms . sets bit indicator when last card is read . Loading and Unloading .731 Volumes handled Storage Hopper: . . . . Stacker: • . . . .732 Replenishment time: . .733 Adjustment time: . .734 Optimum reloading period: • • . . . . .8 Comment Capacity 2, 000 cards. 2,000 cards. 0.25 to 0.50 minutes. reader does not need to be stopped. none. 1. 3 minutes. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Reading: Input area overflow: Invalid code: Exhausted mediwn: Imperfect medium: Timing conflicts: Misfeed: Stacker full: End of file: Synchronization: read check none • check (BCD data only) check none. none. check check check check set bit 18. set bit 17. set bit 19. stop reader. set bit 16. set bit 1. set bit pattern. Note: "Set bit" denotes that the indicated bit in the "synchronization word" (first, second, or fourth core location after the last word read from the card) is set to 0 if the associated error occurs and to 1 if it does not. The bit configoration of this word must be tested by the program. 320:073.100 • STANDARD EDP • GE 215 REl'ORTS Input-Output CARD PUNCH INPUT-OUTPUT: CARD PUNCH § 073 . .24 .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity:....... .12 Card Punch. E225K (100 cards/min.). E225M (300 cards/min.). Description: Designed and built by General Electric, these units punch standard 80-column cards at peak speeds of 100 and 300 cards per minute. They are compatible with the mM Model 523 and 544 punches that were used in early GE 225 systems. Cards can be .3 punched in column decimal code from alphameric data stored in the BCD form, orin ten-row or twelve- .31 row binary modes. The output instruction specifies .311 the mode to be used. The starting core storage address of the data to be punched must be a multiple of .312 128 and less than 2,048. The only available check on punched output of the 100 card per minute model is a plugboard-wired check for double punches and blank columns; it can check up to 30 columns and is effective only on decimalcoded numeric data. Check sums are usually punched into binary cards to make possible a programmed check on punching and reading accuracy when the data is re-entered. The 300 card per minute model checks the complete card by the read-after-punch technique, by counting the holes in each card row. .13 Availability: . . • . • .32 Arrangement of Heads Use of station: . Stacks: . . . . . Heads/stack: . Method of use: . punching. 1. 80. one row at a time. Use of station: . Stacks: . . . . . Heads/stack:. . Method of use: . checking. 1. 80. one row at a time. EXTERNAL STORAGE Form of Storage Medium: . . . Phenomenon: Positional Arrangement .321 Serial by: .322 Parallel by: . 324 Track use:. .325 Row use: .33 10-Row Binary: 12- Row Binary: .14 First Delivery E225K . . . • E225M . • . .2 • 21 Drive Mechanism .211 Drive past the head:. .212 Reservoirs: . . . . . . 22 April, 1962. September, 1963. .34 PHYSICAL FORM .221 Recording system: .222 Sensing system: . . 223 Common system: die punch. brush . no. .23 none. Multiple Copies:. © 1963 column code as in Data Code Table No.3. 2 card columns per 20- bit core storage word. 1 card column per core storage word, from the 12 least significant bit positions. Format Compatibility Other device or system Code translation All devices using standard 80-column cards: •. . . . . not required. pinch roller friction. none . Sensing and Recording Systems 12 rows at standard spacing. 80 columns at standard spacing• all for data. all for data. Coding Decimal: . Model E225K: 3 months as of March, 1963. Model E225M: 12 months as of March, 1963. standard 80-column punch cards. rectangular holes. . 35 Physical Dimensions: .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity:.... by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated standard 80-column cards . Card Punch Controller. (housed in Central Processor). 7/63 320:073.420 § GE 215 073. · 42 .56 Connection to System . 421 On-line: . .422 Off-line:. . 43 Testable Conditions 1. usable for independent gang-punching. Connection to Device . 431 Devices per controller: 1. .432 Restrictions: . . . . . none. .6 PERFORMANCE .44 .61 Conditions Data Transfer Control .441 Size of load: . . . . .442 Input-output areas: . 443 Input-output area access: . . . . . . 444 Input-output area lockout: . . . . . .445 Table control: . . .446 Synchronization:. 1 card of BO columns. core storage; address of first word punched must be a multiple of 12B and less than 2, 04B • each word. none. none. automatic. .5 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 mocks .511 Size of block: . 512 mock demarcation: 1 card. fixed size . .52 Input- Output Operations . 521 . 522 · 523 . 524 . 525 · 526 Input: . . . Output: .. Stepping: Skipping: Marking: Searching: . none . 1 card forward. none . none . none. none. .53 Code Translation: . automatic; internal BCD to column decimal or internal binary to 10- or 12-row binary. . 54 Format Control Control: . . . . Format alternatives: Rearrangement: . Suppress zeros: . Insert point: . . . Insert spaces: . . Section sizes: . Select columns to be checked: . . . . . .55 yes (on 100 card per minute model only). Control Operations Disable: . . . . . • Request interrupt: . Offset card: •• Select stacker: Select format: Select code: Unload: 7/63 plugboard; seldom used. undefined. yes. no. yes. yes. no. no. yes, with Automatic Program Interrupt. no. no. no. yes, in "punch" command. no. yes. yes . no. no. no. yes. yes . Disabled: " . . . Busy device: . • . . Nearly exhausted: • Busy controller: . . End of medium marks: Hopper empty:. Stacker full: . . • .I : II: .62 Model E225K Card Punch. Model E225M Card Punch. Speeds · 621 Nominal or peak speed I: • . . . • . • . •. II: . . . . . . . . . . .622 Important parameters Clutch cycle I : II: .623 Overhead Clutch points per cycle I: . . . . . . II: . . . . . .624 Effective speeds: . " · 63 Condition Core Storage: 14. 1. peak speeds are maintained if "punch" instruction occurs within 10 m. sec after punching of previous card is completed . m. sec per card, or 34.6 34.6 I n Percentage 5.B. 17.3. EXTERNAL FACILITIES • 71 Adjustments: .72 Other Controls .... Function Reset: .73 600 msec. 200 msec . Demands on System Component .. 7 100 cards/minute • 300 cardS/minute. Form button none • Comment resets error alarms. Loading and Unloading .731 Volumes handled Storage Hopper: Stacker: .732 Replenishment time:. . 733 Adjustment time: .734 Optimum reloading period I : II: Condition I Condition II BOO cards. 3.500 cards. BOO cards. 3.500 cards. 0.25 to 0.50 mins. punch does not need to be stopped. none. B.O mins. 11.3 mins. 320:073.800 INPUT-OUTPUT: CARD PUNCH .8 ERRORS, CHECKS AND AGrION Error Check or Interlock Action Recording (Model E225K): Recording (Model E225M): Output block size: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: Timing conflicts: Misfeed: Stacker full: double punch. blank column e read after punch stop punch; alarm. fIXed. all codes valid. check none. check check check stop punch; alarm. stop punch; alarm. stop punch; alarm. stop punch; alarm. stop punch; alarm. • For decimal-coded numeric data only; checks up to 30 columns on E225K. © 1963 by .Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporoted 7/63 320:074.100 GE 215 Input-Output Paper Tape Reader INPUT-OUTPUT: PAPER TAPE READER § 074. •1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: •. .12 Description . Paper Tape System (Reader only). The Paper Tape System is a free-standing unit housmg a reader, punch, and control circuitry for perforated tape input-output. Individual reader and punch units also are available. The reader and punch are mechanically independent of one another and are covered in separate sections of this report. The reader offers a choice of speeds of 250 or 1,000 characters per second on five-, six-, seven -, or eight-track tape. At 250 characters per second, it can stop on a single character and handle spooled tape. At the higher speed, only un spooled strips can be handled, and one additional character is read after a "halt reader" instruction is given. Data from five or six tracks is read continuously into the six-bi.t N .Register, one character at a time. Synchrolllzatlon and code translation must be provided by the stored program. Input parity checks are made on seven- and eight-track codes, but the parity bit is not transmitted to the processor. The Paper Tape Reader may not be turned on at the same lime as either the Paper Tape Punch or the Console Typewriter, since they all use the same input-output instructions. A delay of 200 milliseconds must be programmed between the "reader on" instruction and the first paper tape input instruction. .222 Sensing system: . · photoelectric • .23 MUltiple Copies: . · none • .24 Arrangement of Heads Use of station:. Stacks: • . . . . Heads/ stack: . Method of use: .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage .311 Medium: . . . . 312 Phenomenon: .32 . 13 Availability: . .14 First Delivery: .2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Drive Mechanism . 211 Drive past the head: . .212 Reservoirs Number: Form: Capacity: • . 213 Feed drive: . 214 Take-up drive:. . .22 Positional Arrangement . 324 Track use Data: . . . Redundancy check: Timing: . . . . Control signals: Total: . . 325 Row use: • 1 to N rows at 10 per inch • • 5, 6, 7, or 8 tracks at standard spacing . · 5 or 6 (up to 8 with EightBit N Register option). · 1 (1- & 8-track tape only). .1 (sprocket holes). · 1 (8-track tape only). · 5 to 8 plus sprocket track . · all for data (I-row interblock gaps required for reading at 1,000 char / sec). .33 Coding: . . . . . . . . . any 5, 6, 7 or 8-track code with up to 6 data tracks (up to 8 with Eight-Bit N Register option) can be read. .34 Format Compatibility . 3 months as of March 1963. Other device or system Code translation All devices using standard 5-,6-,7-, or 8-track paper tape: . • • . . • . . . programmed . October, 1962. . 35 pinch roller friction. . . . . paper tape • . . . . punched holes. .321 Serial by: • . 322 Parallel by: Optional Feature Eight-Bit N Register provides two additional bits in the N Register, enabling data from as many as eight tracks to be read into the Central Processor . · reading. · 1. .8. · one row at a time. Physical Dimensions .351 Overall width: • .352 Length: . • . . .11/16, 7/8, or 1 inch. · up to 1,000 feet per reel. 2. swinging arm. 12 inches • motor. motor. .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity:.... .42 Connection to System . . built into Paper Tape System • Sensing and Recording Systems .421 On-line: • .422 Off-line:. . 221 Recording system: ••• none. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated · 1• • none. 7/63 320:074.430 § GE 215 074. •43 .62 Connection to Device .431 Devices per controller: 1. .432 Restrictions: • . • . . . none. • 44 Data Transfer Control ... .441 Size of load: .442 Input-output areas: · 1 to N characters. • N register, a single- character I/O buffer. • 443 Input-outPUt area access: .. . . · contents can be shifted into A register only. .444 Input-output area lockout: • none . • 445 Table control:. • . •. none. .446 Synchronization: · by program. • 447 Synchronizing aids: • • test for "N Register ready" .. .. .5 PROGRAM F ACl'LITIES AVAILABLE .51 Blocks At 100 inches/sec.: • • 1,000N char/sec. (N + 2) where N: number of characters per block. .63 Demands on System · 1 to N characters. · ..... Input-Output .521 Input: .621 Nominal or peak speed: 250 or 1,000 chllr/sec . (higher speed usable on tape strips only.) .622 Important parameters Tape speed: • . • . . • 25 or 100 inches/sec • Maximum stop distance At 25 inches / sec. :. . 0.025 inch. At 100 inches/sec.: . 0.150 inch. Start time (to first char.) At 25 inches/sec.: .• 1.5 m.sec. At 100 inches/sec.: . 0.5 m.sec • .624 Effective Speeds At 25 inches/ sec.: • · 250N char/sec. (N+l) , Component .511 Size of block: .512 Block demarcation Input: .52 Speeds Central Processor: · any selected character, or programmed counter. .523 .524 .525 •526 Stepping: Skipping: Marking: Searching: • • read forward continuously until halted by program command. · see Paper Tape Punch section, 320:075. • none. • none. · none. · none. .53 Code Translation: · programmed. .73 .54 Format Control: · none. .731 Volumes handled .55 Control Operations .522 Output: · . Disable: . . . . . • Request interrupt: Select format: Select code: • Rewind: . . . • .56 yes. no. no. no. no. .6 PERFORMANCE . 61 Conditions: EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments Adjustment Number of tracks: rotary switch Comment 5,6,7, or 8 tracks. Loading and Unloading Capacity Reel: .732 Replenisliment time: .733 Adjustment time: •. Optimum reloading period: • . . • . • • · · · · yes. no. no. no. no. · yes. · yes. .8 · 1,000 feet, or up to 120,000 char. · 1.0 to 1.5 mins; r~ader needs to be stopped' • 1.5 to 2.0 mins. · none . • 8.0 minutes ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Reading: parity (7 - or 8-track tape) none. none. check none. none. indicator & alarm. Input area overflow: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: Timing conflicts: .------,-, 7/63 Method ~734 Testable Conditions Disabled: Busy device:. Nearly exhausted:. Busy controller:. End of medium marks: Busy I/O register: Exhausted: .7 Storage · · · · • 5.4 or 21.6 0.216 Comment: This is the time required to test "N Register ready" and shift the six data bits from N to A Register; code translation time is not included. Operation~ · ....... m.sec per char or Percentage I AUERBACH I .@ will remain "busy·. 320:075.100 STANDARD • EDP R~~S • GE 215 Input-Output Paper Tape Punch INPUT-OUTPUT: PAPER TAPE PUNCH § 075. .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: .12 Description: .32 This is the Teletype 1l0-character-per-second punch, housed in the Paper Tape System cabinet along with the reader and control circuitry. Individual reader and punch units also are available. Paper tape with five, six, seven, or eight tracks can be punched. One punch model is available for punching 5 track tape only; another model permits punching 6, 7, or 8 track tape codes only. Tape codes to be punched are set up by the program in the Central Processor's six-bit N Register, and odd parity bits are generated automatically for seven or eight-track codes. Each paper tape output instruction causes a single character to be punched. The punch cannot be turned on at the same time as either the Paper Tape Reader or the Console Typewriter, and a delay of five hundred milliseconds must be programmed between the "punch on" instruction and the first paper tape output instruction. • 321 Serial by: • .322 Parallel by: .33 Coding:.. • • • • • • any 5, 6, 7, or 8-track code with up to 6 data tracks. Optional Feature .34 Format Compatibility . · Paper Tape System (Punch only). • 311 Medium: . . • 312 Phenomenon: • 1 row at 10 per inch • · 5, 6, 7, or 8 tracks at standard spacing. Redundancy check: Timing: • • • • Control signals: Total: • .325 Row use: • . • • Availability: .14 First Delivery: • • . . October, 1962. • 351 Overall width: . • 352 Length: • .2 PHYSICAL FORM .4 CONTROLLER .21 Drive Mechanism .41 Identity: .42 Connection to System .22 Sensing and Recording: • sprocket drive. · none. S~stems • 221 Recording system: . • 222 Sensing system: . • die punches. · none. • 23 Multiple Copies: • · none. • 24 Arrangement of Heads Use of station:. Stacks: . . . • Heads/stack: • Method of use: • . • • • 5 or 6 (up to 8 with EightBit N Register option). · 1 (1 & 8 track tape only). • 1 (sprocket holes). • 1 (8 track tape only). • 5 to 8 plus sprocket track. · all for data (1- row interblock gaps required if tape is to be read at 1,000 char/sec). Other device or system Code translation All devices using standard 5, 6, 7, or 8-track paper tape: • programmed. .13 .211 Drive past the head: .212 Reservoirs: • 3 months as of March, 1963. Positional Arrangement .324 Track use Data: •. Eight-bit N Register provides two additional bits in the N Register, enabling data to be punched in up to eight tracks. · paper tape • • punched holes . .35 Physical Dimensions .. . .421 On-line: .422 Off-line: .43 · 11/16, 7/8, or 1 inch. • up to 1,000 feet per reel. · built into Paper Tape System. .1. • none. Connection to Device .431 Devices per controller:. 1 • . 432 Restrictions: . • • • • none . punching. 1. 8. one row at a time. © 1963 .44 Data Transfer Control .441 Size of load:. . . . • 1 character • .442 Input-output areas: • • • N register, a Single-character I/O buffer. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE 215 320:075.443 § 075. .62 • 443 Input-output area access: • • • • .444 Input-output area lockout: • • . • .445 Table control:. • • 446 Synchronization:. • 447 Synchronizing aids: • loaded by shift from A register only. • · • • none. nOne. by program • test for "N Register ready". Speeds .621 Nominal or peak speed: .622 Important parameters Tape speed: • • .624 Effective speeds: •• • 63 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 mocks .511 Size of block: • 5 i2 mock demarcation Output: . • • • • .52 Central Processor: or Percentage 0.216 2.4 Comment: This is the Processor time required to test"N Register ready", shift the six data bits from A to N Register, and punch a row; code translation is not included • · 1 to N characters. • as programmed. .522 • 523 • 524 • 525 • 526 Output: Stepping: Skipping: Marking: Searching: • see Paper Tape Reader section, 320:074. · punch 1 row forward • • none • • none . • none • • none. .53 Code Translation: • programmed. .54 Form'at Control: • • none. .55 Control Operations Disable: Request interrupt: Select format: • Select code: • Rewind:. . • • • • • yes. no. no. no. no • • • • • • • · no. no. no. no. no. yes. yes. Testable Conditions Disabled: • • • • Busy device: Nearly exhausted: Busy controller: • • • End of medium marks: Busy I/O register: Exhausted: • . . .6 PERFORMANCE • 61 Conditions: • • . • . • none. .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments Adjustment Number of tracks: .72 .73 Method rotary switch Comment for 6, 7, or 8 tracks only. Form 6 switches Comment set up bit pattern for manual punching. Other Controls Function Simulator switches: Loading and Unloading .731 Volumes handled Storage Reel: .732 Replenishment time: .733 Adjustment time: • 734 Optimum reloading period: . • • . . .8 ,--_ _ _ A 7/63 m. sec per char, Input-Output Operations .521 Input: .56 11 inches/sec. 110 char/sec. if not more than 9 m. secs. elapse between successive "punch" instructions • Demands on System Component .5 110 char/sec • Capacity • 1,000 feet, or up to 120,000 characters. .2.0 to 3.0 mins. punch needs to be stopped. .3.0 to 4.0 mins • .18.1 minutes. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock -Recording: Output block size: InvaUd code: Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: Timing conflicts: none. none. all codes punched • check. none • none. I AUERBACH I @Il Action will remain "busy". 320:081.100 GE 215 Input-Output Printer INPUT-OUTPUT: PRINTER § 081 . .22 .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .12 Description . 221 Recording system: . · High Speed Printer. P215E. One printer and its controller can be attached to any of the three hubs on the Controller Selector. The controller includes automatic format control circuitry which uses a block of format words in Core Storage to control zero suppression, insertion of any desired format characters, and deletion of data characters in any desired positions. Dollar field editing is automatic, but no automatic provision is made for check protection or for floating dollar, plus, or minus signs. Each printer output operation requires three instruction words. The first word selects the approximate Controller Selector hub and causes the next two words to be transferred to the Printer Controller, which then assumes control of the operation. It causes from one to forty BCD-coded data words and the corresponding format words to be transferred from Core Storage, performs the specified editing functions, and causes the line to be printed. This system minimizes time demands upon the Central Processor during printing. The Printer Controller includes a manual control button that initiates an octal dump of the entire contents of Core Storage. A parity check is made on data received by the controller for printing, and a print cycle check detects synchronization errors. Availability: .14 First Delivery: .2 PHYSICAL FORM . 21 Drive Mechanism .211 Drive past the head: . 212 Reservoirs: .222 Sensing system: .23 The High Speed Printer utilizes the well-known Anelex Series 4 drum printing mechanism, with a rated peak speed of 450 alphameric lines per minute at single spacing. There are 120 printing positions and 50 printable characters. Skipping speed is 25 inches per second, and the print instruction may include a skip to any of 8 channels in the paper tape control loop or a step of zero to 63 lines. .13 Sensing and Recording System s 6 months as of March, 1963. · March, 1963. sprocket drive - paper punched both sides. · none. © 1963 • on-the-fly hammer stroke against engraved drum . • none Multiple Copies .231 Maximum number Interleaved carbon: • · 5. .233 Types of master Multilith: · yes. Xerox: · yes. Spirit: · yes. .24 Arrangement of Heads Use of station: Stacks: . . . . Head/stack: . . Method of use: .25 printing. 1. 120. prints 1 full line at a time. Range of Symbols Numerals: Letters: Special: Alternatives: FORTRAN set: Req. COBOL set: Total: . • • . . .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage .311 Medium: . . • • .312 Phenomenon: .32 • · · · 10 26 14 0-9 A - Z +. - $'" % / =, [I # any character set can be requested as a standard modification. optional. by request. • 50 and blank. @ · continuous fan-fold sprocket-punched stationery. • printing. Positional Arrangement .321 Serial by: .322 Parallel by: .324 Track use Data: Total: • . 325 Row use: . • 33 Coding: . . 34 Format Compatibility: by Auerbach Corporation and RNA Incorporated 1 line at 6 per inch (6 or 8 lines/inch available as an option). 120 columns at 10 per inch. 120 120· all for data. · engraved character font • (Internal coding as in Data Code Table No.1) . none . 7/63 320:081.350 § GE 215 081. .35 Code Translation: .54 Format Control . 352 Length: . .353 Maximum margins: Left: Right: • .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identi~: . 42 Connection to System .422 Off-line: • 3.5 to 19.5 inches by ve1'l1ier. · up to 22.0 inches per sheet, by 1/6-inch increments. . . Control: Format alternatives: Rearrangement: . Suppress zeros: . Insert point: . Insert spaces: • Section sizes: . · 3,875 inches. · 3, 875 inches. • Printer Controller. .421 On-line: • 55 · up to 3; each requires 1 of the 3 Controller Selector hubs. · none (Off/On-Line Printer and Controller are available). .56 Data Transfer Control . 442 Input-output areas: .443 Input-output area access: .444 Input-output area lookout: • .445 Table control: . • 446 Synchronization: . · 1 line of 3 to 120 characters . • core storage. . · each word. • none • • none. • automatic. .5 PROORAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 Blocks .511 Size of block: .512 Block demarcation Output: .52 1 line of 3 to 120 characters. I-bit in sign position of last word to be printed. (not required when full 40-word line is printed). • 524 .525 . 526 7/63 . PERFORMANCE • 61 Conditions: · no . yes, with optional Automatic Priority Interrupt . • yes. · no. · yes . · • · · · · yes yes. no. yes. no. yes . . • • none. .62 Speeds .621 Nominal or peak speed: 450 lines/min. .622 Important parameters Skipping speed: · 25 inches/sec. .623 Overhead: . . • • • 6. 7 msec per single line step • .624 Effective speeds Average spacing, Effective speed, inches lines/min. .450 1/6: 2/6: .429 .410 3/6: 1: • 360 2: 290 3: 243 4: 209 5: 184 .63 Demands on System Basis: Printing full lines with automatic format control' at single spacing • • 521 Input:. .522 Output: • .523 Select format: . Select code: . Select controller: Testable Conditions .6 Input-Output Operations · none. • 1 line forward, with automatic format control optional. Stepping: • step 0 to 63 lines; may be combined in "print then step" • Skipping: • . . . • . • skip to 1 of 8 channels in paper tape loop; may be combined in "print then skip" • Marking: • • none. Searching: · none. · program or automatic, usin£ format words. • unlimited. • by program only. • yes. • yes. • yes. · yes • O~rations Disabled: . Busy device: Nearly exhausted: Busy controller: • End of medium marks: Exhausted medium: Connection to Device .441 Size of load: . Control Disable: Request interrupt: . • 431 Devices per controller: 1. .432 Restrictions: · none. . 44 · automatic, by controller (from internal BCD code only). Physical Dimensions .351 Overall width: • .43 .53 Component Core Storage: msec per line, 3.0 .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments Adjustment Forms width: Vertical forms positioning: . • . . • Forms tension: Penetration control: or Percentage 2.25 Method sliding forms tractors. knob . ~ob . knob. 320:081.720 INPUT-OUTPUT: PRINTER § 081. . 72 Other Controls Fllllction On or off-line: Skip to top of page: Memory dump: Manual clear: . 73 .734 Optimum reloading period: Basis: • . . . • . Form Comment button. button. button prints entire Core Storage contents in octal form. button halts printer operation. .8 . 124 minutes. 2-part forms, 17 inches long, at I-inch line spacing. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Recording: none. Output block size: automatic cut-off. Invalid code: none Exhausted medium :check Loading and Unloading .731 Volumes handled Capacity Storage Hopper: . . . . · 3D-inch stack. Stacker: · 30- inch stack. • 732 Replenishment time: • · 1 to 2 minutes . Printer needs to be stopped. . 733 Adjustment time: . · 3 to 5 minutes. © 1963 hnperfect medium: none Timing conflicts: check Receipt of data: parity Hammer fuses: check Synchronization: print cycle check by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated print space. indicator and alarm • stop printer. indicator and alarm . indicator and alarm. stop printer • 7/63 320:091.100 • STANDARD EDP • REPORTS GE 215 Input-Output Magnetic Tape INPUT-OUTPUT: MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS § 091. .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .22 . 12 motor . motor . .213 Feed drive: . . . 214 Take-up drive: Magnetic Tape Handler . MTH680 (dual 15, 000 char/sec unit). Sensing and Recording Systems magnetic head. magnetic head. two-gap head provides read-after-write checking. . 221 Recording system: . . 222 Sensing system: . .223 Common system: Description Each dual Magnetic Tape Handler consists of two modified Ampex digital tape transports mounted one above the other in a single cabinet. Tape speed is 75 inches per second and recording density is 200 rows per inch, providing a peak data transfer rate of 15, 000 characters per second. There is full tape format compatibility with GE 225 and 235 systems and with ffiM 727, 729, and 7330 Magnetic Tape Units - all at low density only. Block lengths are variable, and tape can be read backward as well as forward. Only one Magnetic Tape Controller can be used in a GE 215 system. It is connected to one of the three Controller Selector hubs, and can control up to eight tape transports (i. e., four dual tape handlers). Only one magnetic tape input or output operation can occur at a time, but tape operations are fully overlapped with internal processing and other inputoutput operations. Checking features include lateral and longitudinal parity checks on both reading and recording (i. e., "read-after-write" checking), and checks for loss of data due to timing errors. Data can be recorded in any of three modes: 1. BCD - three tape rows per GE 215 word (sign and "1" bit are ignored, and some internal codes are converted to achieve IBM compatibility). 2. Binary - four tape rows per word (zeros are inserted into four excess bit positions in the fourth row). This mode must be used when a record contains both BCD and binary data. 3. Special binary - three tape rows per word (sign and "1" bit are ignored). . 13 Availability:. 3 months as of March, 1963. . 14 First Delivery: MaI"ch, 1961. .2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Drive Mechanism . 23 Multiele copies: . .24 Arrangement of Heads Use of station:. Stacks: . Heads/ stack: Method of use: pinch roller friction. 2 per transport. vacuum pocket. about 8 inches each. © 1963 . Use of station:. Stacks: . Heads/ stack: Method of use: .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage .311 Medium: .312 Phenomenon: . 32 recording. 1. 7. one row at a time. sensing. 1. 7. one row at a time. plastic tape with magnetizable surface. magnetization. Positional Arrangement .321 Serial by:. . . . . . . 3 to N rows at 200 rows/inch; N limited by available core storage. . 322 Parallel by:. • . • . 324 Track use Data: . . . . . . Redundancy check: Timing: . . . . Control signals: Unused: • Total: . 325 Row use Data: . Redundancy check: Timing: . • . . Control signals: Unused: . Gap: . . • . . .33 .211 Drive past the head: . 212 Reservoirs Number: Form: Capacity: none. 7 tracks . 6. 1. a (self-clocking). O. O. 7. 3 to N. 1 per block. O. O. o. O. 75 inch inter- block; 3.75 inch end of file . Coding: . . . . . . . . BCD Mode: one tape row per character, as in Data Code Table No.2. Binary mode: 4 tape rows per 20- bit word . Special Binary mode: 3 tape rows per word; sign bit and highest-order data bit are ignored. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 320:091.340 GE 215 §091. . 34 Format Com~atibili!y Other device or system Code translation IBM 727. 729. 7330 tape units at 200 rows/inch: . generally not required. GE 225/235 systems: . not required. . 35 .53 Code Translation: • automatic, by controller . .54 Format Control: • • none • •55 Control Operations Disable: Request interrupt: Select format: • Select code: • Rewind: . . • • Unload: • • • • Select density: Physical Dimensions . 351 Overall width: . . 352 Length: . .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: 0.50 inch. 2. 400 feet per reel. .56 . 42 Magnetic Tape Controller. MTC680. . 43 . 1 controller; requires 1 of the 3 Controller Selector hubs. none • . 422 Off-line: Connection to Device Testable Conditions Disabled: • Busy device: • Output lock: • Nearly exhausted: Busy controller: • End of medium marks: End of file mark: Any tape rewinding: Connection to System . 421 On-line: • yes. • yes, with optional Automatic Priority Interrupt. • no. • yes, in I/O instruction • • yes • • no • • no. • yes • • yes • • no. • no • • yes. · yes. • yes'• • yes. .6 PERFORMANCE .431 Devices per controller: 4 dual handlers (8 tape transports) • . 432 Restrictions: . • . • none. .61 Conditions: .62 Speeds . 44 .621 Nominal or peak speed:. 15,000 char/sec • .622 Important parameters Tape speed: • •. • 75 inches/sec • Start + stop time:. • 12.0 m.sec. Full rewind time:. • 2.5 minutes • Inter-block gap: • 0.75 inch. End-of-file gap:. • 3.75 inches. .623 Overhead: • 12.0 m.sec/block • .624 Effective speed: • . • '. 15,OOON/(N+180)char/sec. where N = char/block • (See also Graph 320:091. 801. ) Data Transfer Control . 441 Size of load: . 442 Input-output areas:. . 443 Input-output area access: . • . . . 444 Input-output area lockout: • • • . . 445 Table control:. • .446 Synchronization:. 1 to N words. lim ited by available core storage. core storage • each word. none. none. automatic . .5 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 Blqcks .511 Size of block: .512 Block demarcation Input: . . Output: . 52 .63 1 to N words; 3 or 4 tape rows per word. gap on tape; maximum N specified in "read" instruction. N specified in "write" instruction. • • • none. Demands on System Com[!onent m. sec E!:r block, or Core Storage: 0.108 Tape Controller: 12.0 +0. 06'lN + o. 012N Percenta ge of data transfer time 18.0 100.0 where N is number of characters per block • .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments: • . • • • none . .72 Other Controls Input-Output Operations .521 Input: .522 . 523 . 524 .525 .526 7/63 1 block forward or backward. Output: . 1 block forward • Stepping: none . Skipping: 1 block backward (backspace). Marking: inter- block gap. O. 75 inch long. end-of-file character and 3. 75-inch gap. Searching: • • . • . . none. Function Form Comment Address selection: rotary switch File protection: ring on reel addresses 0 7. ring permits writing. Rewind: Manual transport control: button. 3 buttons forward/reverse/stop. INPUT -OUTPUT: MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS § .8 091. .73 320:091.730 Loading and Unloacling .731 Volumes handled Storage Reel: • . . . . Capacity 2,400 feet; 5, ODD, 000 characters for 1,000char blocks. . 732 Replenishment time: • • 0.5 to 1.0 minute • tape unit needs to be stopped. .734 Optimum reloading 6.4 minutes. period: • . • . • ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Recording: lateral & longitudinal parity lateral & longitudinal parity check preset all codes valid. reflective spot on tape none I/O register exhaust or overflow check indicator & alarm. Reading: Input area overflow: Output block size: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: Timing conflicts: Incorrect number of characters per word: © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated modUlo 3 or 4 check indicator & alarm. stop transfer; set bit. indicator & alarm. indica tor & alarm. indicator & alarm. 7/63 320:091.801 GE 215 EFFECTIVE SPEED: MTH 680 10,000,000 7 4 2 1,000,000 7 4 2 100,000 7 Characters Per Second 4 2 L,.- .... 10,000 7 /' V 4 V V 2 / 1,000 / 7 4 2 100 2 10 4 7 4 2 '1)0 , 7/63 2 1,000 Characters Per Block A-U-ER-BA-CH-L"""~ '-1 7 4 7 10,000 320: 10 1. 100 _STANDARD EDP • REPORTS GE 215 Input-Output Magnetic Ink Document Handler INPUT-OUTPUT: DOCUMENT HANDLER § 101. .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . .12 Magnetic Ink Document Handler. SI2B, Sl2C. Description The Docwnent Handler reads and sorts magnetically encoded paper documents at a peak rate of 1, 200 documJnts per minute .. It can operate on-line with the GE 215 system or off-line as a sorter only. One Document Handler can be connected to a single Controller Selector hub through a Document Handler Adapter. The unit will feed, transport, and stack documents of intermixed sizes within the foi!owing ranges: Length: . . Width: . . Thickness: . 14 First Delivery: .2 PHYSICAL FORM · 21 Drive Mechanism moving belt fri~tion; document feeding and pocket selection by "vacuum pickup. " .212 Reservoirs: . . . . . . none. · 211 Drive past the head: . · 22 magnetic heads. .23 Multiple Copies: none. · 24 Arrangement of Heads Use of station: Stacks: . . . . Heads/stack: • Method of use: · 25 It reads a single line of magnetic ink characters printed in Font E-13B (adopted as standard by the American Bankers' Association). Recognizable characters are limited to the ten numerals and four cue characters. When operating off-line. the Document Handler is controlled by the manual control panel and a wired plugboard. The plugboard can define the format of up to twelve sort fields, each containing up to ten digits. The desired field and digit position for sorting are selected by push buttons. A "Zero Suppression" feature eliminates repeated handling of documents which are already properly sorted by routing them to the Special pocket. The alternative "Multiple Digit Selection" feature causes documents which contain a field of up to ten characters whose value is equal to a corresponding field defined by plugboard wiring to be sent to the Special pocket. .13 Availability: . . . . . . 10 months as of March, 1963. © 1963 Sensing and Recording Systems · 222 Sensing system: 5.75 to 8.75 inches 2.50 to 3.75 inches O. 0027 to O. 0070 inches In on-line operation, data read from the document is stored as one BCD character per core storage location, in the six low-order bit positions. Invalid or unrecognizable characters cause an indicator to be set and an asterisk to be transmitted to storage. One of the twelve stacker pockets must be selected by the stored program. To achieve the peak rate, documents must be fed continuously and synchronization controlled by the program. When documents are fed singly upon demand, the maximum rate drops to six hundred documents per minute. Three instruction words are required to initiate each Document Handler input or control operation. . . . March, 1962. Range of Symbols Nwnerals: Letters: Special: . Alternatives: . Total: . . . . .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage .311 Medium: . . .312 Phenomenon: . .32 reading. 1. ? ? 10 0 - 9. none. 4 amount, dash, transit, on-us. none. 14 • paper documents. magnetic ink imprinting. Positional Arrangement .321 Serial by: .322 Parallel by: .323 Bands: ... .324 Track use: . .325 Row use: . .33 Coding: . .34 Format Compatibility character; up to 64 characters per document. ? tracks. one, consisting of visually readable imprinted characters. all for data. all for data. Font E-13B magnetic ink characters. Other device or system Code translation All equipment using Font E-13B characters in standard A. B. A. format: . . . . . . . . none required. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE 215 320:101.350 § 101. . 35 Physical Dimensions · 351 Overall width: . . . . 352 Length: . . . . . . . · 353 Maximum margins Distance of leading edge of first symbol from edge of document: .. .4 CONTROLLER . 41 Identity: . 42 Connection to System .421 On-line: .53 Code Translation: • • . automatic by controller • · 54 Format Control 2. 50 to 3. 75 inches. 5.75 to 8.75 inches . 0.3125 Control: . . . . Format alternatives: Rearrangement: Suppress zeros: Insert point: . Insert spaces: . Section sizes: . Select fields for off-line sorting: ± O. 0625 inches. Document Handler Adapter • SA225. · 55 1; requires 1 of the 3 Controller Selector hubs. · 56 Connection to Device . 441 Size of load: . . . . 1 document. .442 Input-output areas: . . core storage; base address, M, must be a multiple of 64; one character is read into the least significant 6 bits of each location, starting at M + 63 and continuing downward. . 443 Input-output area access: . . . . . each word. .444 Input-output area lockout: . . . . . none. .445 Table control: . . none. .446 Synchronization: . automatic within a document; by program for successive documents. .447 Synchronizing aids: .. tests for sorter ready, sorter feeding, late pocket decision. •5 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE • 51 Blods . 512 Block demarcation Input: . • . . . . . up to 64 characters per document . Testable Conditions Disabled:. . . . . Busy device: . . . Nearly exhausted: Busy controller: . Feeding documents: Late pocket decision: Invalid character read: Hopper empty: • Stacker full: . . . Data Transfer Control .511 Size of block: Control Operations no • yes, with Automatic Priority Interrupt. Select stacker: . yes. Select format: . no . no. Select code: . . Halt continuous feeding: yes. .431 Devices per controller: 1 per SA225 Adapter. . 432 Restrictions:. . . . . . none. . 44 .6 PERFORMANCE .61 Conditions: . .62 Speeds · 63 Component .521 Input:. • . . . . . . . . read 1 document and halt; or read 1 document and continue feeding next document . . 522 Output: • . none. none. · 523 Stepping: . none . .524 Skipping:. none. • 525 Marking:. none. · 526 Searching: 7/63 . . . none . Demands on System plugboard wiring. Input-Output Operations yes . yes. no . yes. yes • yes. yes. yes. no. • 621 Nominal or peak speed: 1,200 documents/minute. .622 Important parameters Space between documents: . . variable (synchronous feed). Time for pocket selection: . . . 47 msecs max. after completion of reading. · 624 Effective speeds: 1,200 documents/minute when feeding continuously. 600 documents/minute maximum when feeding on demand ("read 1 document and halt") . Core storage: · 52 plugboard and control panel. Disable: . . . . . . Request interrupt: . . 422 Off-line Associated equipment Use Document sorting: . none. .43 plugboard and program. undefined. by program. by program. no. no. plugboard. msec per character . 0.036. .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES • 71 Adjustments:.....: none required (feeds intermixed documents of varying sizes). .72 Other Controls Function Form Comment Sort field selection: 12 buttons for off-line sorting only. rnpUT-OUTPUT: DOCUMENT HANDLER § 320: 101.730 101. . 73 .8 ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Loading and Unloading Error .731 Volwnes handled Storage Feed hopper: . Stackers (12): ... • 732 Replenishment time:. Capacity 12 inch stack (approx. 2,500 documents). 10 inch stack each. 0.5 to 1.0 minutes. reader needs to be stopped. . 734 Optimwn reloading period: . . . . . . . . 2 minutes. © 1963 Reading: Check or Interlock Input area overflow: Invalid code: see "Invalid code." none. validity check Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: Timing conflict: Full stacker: Misfeed: Late pocket selection: check none. none. check check check by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Action transmit • to storage & set indicator. indicator & alarm• halt reader • halt reader. indicator & alarm. 7/63 • ~~EDP • 320: 102.100 ,[PORTS GE 215 Input-Output DATANET -15 INPUT-OUTPUT: DATANET-15 § 102. . 12 .1 GENERAL .11 Identity:. . 12 Description Description (Contd. ) transmit mode, only five bits are transferred to the DATANET-15; therefore, the message must be programmed so the letter or numeric shift code is inserted into the proper position within the message . . . DATANET-15. The DATANET-15 links telecommunication terminals to the GE 215 Central Processor via the Controller Selector. The Automatic Priority Interrupt feature is required on all GE 215s using the DATANET-15. This feature permits the DATANET-15 to operate concurrently with and time-share the core storage facilities with other peripheral devices and internal processing. The manufacturer estimates that less than 4 per cent of the central processor time will be used for normal communications storage accesses. The basic DATANET-15 controller receives and sends digital data over a maximum of two teletype or telephone grade transmission facilities. Therefore, the basic model is called a "two-channel" controller, even though data can be transferred over only one of the two connected transmission facilities at a time. Optional features, described below, permit connection of up to 15 transmission units and 1 Paper Tape Unit, with the same restriction to 1 data transfer operation into core storage at a time. Transmission speeds of 75, 110, or 1,050 bits per second are the standard options, but any transmission speed between 60 and 2,400 bits per second is available upon request. The transmission speed is controlled by a timing plug which emits a pulse to coincide with each bit. The transmission speed of a facility can be changed at any time by replacing the existing timing plug with one corresponding to the speed desired. Only one speed, for all of the channels on a DATANET-15. is possible at one time. Any serial five-. six-. seven-. or eight-bit data code using start-stop bits to indicate the beginning and end of each transmitted or received character will be accepted by the DATANET-15. The start-stop bits are stripped off and added by the DATANET-15 for each character as needed. Data are transferred serially by character and in parallel by bit between the DATANET-15 and the GE 215 computer and between the DATANET-15 and the Paper Tape Unit. Data transfers are serial by bit, using start-stop bits, between the DATANET-15 and remote units. Each character is represented in core storage in the five, six, or seven least Significant bits of a GE 215 word, depending on the code used. There is no automatic code conversion, but a plugboard allows rearrangement of the bit structure in anY'way desired, thus effectively allowing conversion to any desired character code. When using the five-bit character code for receiving data, a bit is automatically generated in the sixth bit position to indicate that the character is either a letter or a numeral. In the © 1963 The DATANET-15 has two modes of operation: the Receive mode and the Transmit mode. In the Receive mode, a request-for-access signal from a remote station is stored in a flip-flop indicator for that station. Once every 300 microseconds, a scanner within the DATANET-15 interrogates the status of the flip-flop indicators for each channel until either a request-for-access signal is detected, a branch select is executed, or the computer initiates a transmission. When a request-for-access signal is detected, the scanner stops on the requesting channel, causes an automatic program interrupt to service it, and locks out all other channels. After servicing the request, scanning is resumed by a start-scanning instruction. After a scan instruction has been executed, a total of 250 milliseconds elapses and the controller is interlocked before the scanning operation is resumed, unless the previous instruction was a scan instruction. A 250 millisecond delay is encountered whenever the mode of the DATANET-15 is changed, allowing time for the communication channel to change modes. The transmit mode is entered when a transmit instruction is executed. In this mode, the scanner is positioned on the channel specified in the instruction, enabling data to be transmitted character by character from core storage to the remote station via the DATANET15. The instructions required to activate the DATANET15 are identical in format for either mode and consist of three instruction words which contain the address of the remote station, the core storage address, and the character count of the message. The character count is placed in the character counter, which provides a means for controlling the length of each message transferred between core storage and the DATANET-15. The counter can count up to 2,048 characters. When the specified number of characters has been counted, the character counter automatically terminates data transfer between the DATANET-15 and core storage until a new command is executed. Messages can also be terminated by sensing an end of message or end of trlnsmission character. It is possible to transmit messages longer than 2, 048 characters by breaking the message down into blocks of fewer than 2,048 characters each. Reception of messages containing more than 2,048 characters can occur without the loss of a character by issuing another receive instruction within half the time required to receive a bit. (When transmitting at a rate of 75 bits per second, the new receive instruction must be issued within 6.7 milliseconds after the indication of the character counter overflow. ) by Auerbach Carporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE 215 320: 102.120 § 102. . 12 .12 Description (Contd.) Description (Contd.) 110-Baud Data Speed Plug: Permits transmission and reception of data at 110 bits per second. Odd parity checks are automatically performed by the DATANET-15 on all input data which contains provisions for an odd parity bit. If this parity bit is in error, the DATANET-15 corrects the parity and sets a program -testable indicator. 1, 050-Baud Data Speed Plug: Permits transmission and reception of data at 1,050 bits per second. Optional Features Five-Channel Operation: Permits serial five-bit data codes with start and stop bits to be received or transmitted. Six-, Seven-, or Eight-Channel Operation: Permits any single serial six-, seven-, or eight-bit data code with start and stop bits to be received or transmitted. 75-Baud Data Speed Plug: Permits transmission and reception of data at 75 bits per second. 7/63 Special Data Speed Plug: Permits transmission and reception of data at any other single bit rate between 60 and 2, 400 bits per second. Paper Tape Adapter: Provides the capacity to connect and control a GE free-standing Paper Tape Unit. Four Additional Channels: Provides the capacity for accommodating up to six transmission f:;tcilities. Thirteen Additional Channels: Provides the capacity for accommodating up to 15 transmission facilities. Interface Adapter: Adapts the controller voltage and current levels to those needed for low-speed telegraphic operation. I AUERBAC~~ 320: 111.1 00 _STANDARD EDP • REPORTS GE 215 Simultaneous Operations SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS § 111. .12 .1 SPECIAL UNITS • 11 Identity: . . . . . • 12 Description (Contd. ) 1. Card Reader (Channell). Controller Selector • Priority Access Control. (Both are standard in all GE 215 systems). 2. Controller Selector (Channels 2-4). a. b. c. d. e. f. Description There are six input-output channels in the GE 215 system. The card reader is connected to Channel 1 and requires one access to core storage for each column read (80 accesses per card). The card punch is connected to Channel 5 through an 80- bit shift register and requires 960 accesses to core storage for each card punched. Synchronization of data transfers between the card input-output units and core storage is automatic, and card reading and punching can always be overlapped with internal processing. 3. Card Punch (Channel 5). 4. Central Processor, with paper tape and typewriter input-output (Channel 6). The criteria for establishing this priority order are the repetition rate of memory access demands and the consequences of not gaining access in time; the central processor can wait indefinitely without danger of error or loss of information. Priority order for the devices attached to the Controller Selector is determined by the numbers of the hubs to which they are attached and can be changed to meet changing system requirements. The console typewriter and paper tape reader and punch are connected to the 6-bit N Register in the Central Processor, which forms the sixth inputoutput channel. Only one character is transferred at a time, and synchronization must be controlled by the stored program. These three units share the same power supply, and" only one can be operated at a time. This method of handling simultaneous operations is straightforward and powerful. When several highspeed peripheral units are operating simultaneously it is pos~ible, though unlikely, that requests for memory access will occur faster than the processor can serve them, reSUlting in loss of data. There are error indicators in the magnetic tape and Mass Random Access Data Storage controllers to detect this condition; the other input-output units will "hang up" if they are not granted access in time. All other peripheral devices must be connected to Channels 2 through 4. These three channels are called the Controller Selector. Controller Selector: This unit, housed in the Central Processor cabinet, serves as a common control and data transfer point between the processor and the controllers for data transmission, printers, magnetic tape units, Magnetic Document Handlers, Mass Random Access Data Storage, and the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. The Controller Selector contains three ''hubs.'' One peripheral controller can be plugged into each hub and assumes the address of that hub. The Controller Selector automatically controls the time-sharing of core storage accesses among all of the attached peripheral devices. One device on each peripheral controller can therefore operate simultaneously. Data is transferred through the Controller Selector at the rate of 27, 800 words per second. Requests for access to core storage are automatically served by the Priority Access Control according to the following priority order. The unit with the highest priority is listed first. © 1963 Mass Random Access File Controller. Magnetic Tape Controller. Magnetic Document Handler Adapter • Data Transmission Controller. High Speed Printer(s). Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. .2 CONFIGURATION CONDITIONS: . . . none. .4 RULES A total of three Controllers (or two if the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit is installed) are permitted in a system. The types of controllers will dictate the number of simultaneous operations possible, as detailed below, since each controller is capable of only one data transfer operation at any time. -The central processor has a maximum transfer rate of 27,800 words per second, or approximately 83,400 characters per second. It is possible for various combinations of the operations listed below to exceed this capacity, reSUlting in a loss of data that will be Signalled. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE 215 320: 111.400 § 111. .4 .4 RULES (Contd.) RULES (Contd.) "'One magnetic tape input or output operation. "'One Mass Random Access Data Storage input or output operation. Any or all of the following can be in operation simultaneously. except that the total number of operations preceded by '" cannot exceed three: Up to four Mass Random Access Data Storage seek operations. "'One DATANET-lS input or output operation. Internal processing. "'One Magnetic Ink Document Handler input operation. Read card. "'Processing in Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. Punch card. And any "'Print.a line or advance forms on printer (one per printer controller). of the following: Type on console typewriter. Read paper tape. Punch paper tape. Any number of magnetic tape rewind operations. I 7/63 ~ @ .-,A-UE-RS-AC-H-, 320: 20 1. 001 GE 215 System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE §201. GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING (320:201.1) These problems involve updating a master file from information in a detail file and producing a printed record of each transaction. This application is one of the most typical of commercial data processing jobs and is fully described in Section 4:200.1 of the Users' Guide. The GE 215 is basically a fixed word-length, binary processor, although an optional feature (included in Standard Configurations I and III) enables it to perform decimal addition and subtraction. To minimize time-consuming radix conversion and unpacking operations, records in the magnetic tape master file are organized in an unpacked format, with individual fields in either binary or alphameric form depending upon their usage. Each master file record, whose nominal length is 108 characters, occupies 37 GE 215 word locations or 148 magnetic tape rows. (Magnetic tape files containing mixed alphameric and binary data must be read and recorded in the binary mode, in which each computer word occupies four tape rows.) Standard Configuration I has no magnetic tape units. Therefore, it is assumed that both the master and detail files are on punched cards, in alphameric format, and that the two files have been collated off-line so that each detail card follows its associated master record cards. Since master records with no activity (i.e., no corresponding detail cards) would, in most cases, be removed from the file before the computer run, only the times at an activity factor of 1. 0 are plotted for Standard Configuration I. The relatively low speed of the card punch (300 cards per minute) in producing the updated Master File makes the over-all processing time for Configuration I much higher than for Configurations II and III, which utilize magnetic tape for the master file. It should be noted that the master record length for Standard File Problem A is 108 characters, which necessitates the use of two 80-column cards for each master file record. In Standard Configurations II and III, the master file is on magnetic tape, the detail file is on punched cards, and the report file is produced by the on: line printer. Standard Configuration II is a "stripped-down" magnetic tape system which includes none of the optional features that improve the GE 215's proceSSing capabilities. Because of the lack of automatic facilities for decimal arithmetic, block transfers, and three-way comparisons, internal processing times for Configuration II are nearly twice as high as for Configuration III. Even so, throughput at the lower activity ratios is limited by the effective speed of the 15KC magnetic tape units rather than by the central processor (except in File Problem B), as indicated by the horizontal segment of each File Processing performance curve for Configuration II. At higher activity ratios, the central processor or the on-line printer becomes the limiting factor. It is Significant to note that the GE 215, unlike most computers in its price class, can keep its card reader, card punch, printer, and one magnetic tape unit operating simultaneously at their maximum effective transfer rates - even in a "minimum" configuration such as this one. Standard Configuration III includes the optional facilities for decimal arithmetic, block transfers, and three-way comparisions which are lacking in Configuration II. As a result, © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE 215" 320:201.002 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE (Contd.) §201. GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING (Contd.) central processor speeds are significantly higher and overall processing times are reduced at all except the lowest activity factors. where magnetic tape time is still the limiting factor. SORTING (320:201. 2) The standard estimate for sorting 80-character records by straightforward merging on magnetic tape was developed from the time for Standard File Problem A by the method explained in Paragraph 4:200.213 of the Users' Guide. A two-way merge was used in Configuration II (which has only four magnetic tape units) and a three-way merge in Configuration III. The results are shown in Graph 320:201.214. MATRIX INVERSION (320:201.3) In matrix inversion, the object is to measure central processor speed on the straightforward inversion of a non-symmetric, non-Singular matrix. No input-output operations are involved. The standard estimate is based on the time to perform cumulative tllUltiplication (c = c + aibj ) in eight-digit precision floating pOint, using both standard subroutines and the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit (see Paragraph 320:051.422). The results are shown in Graph 320:201.313. It can be seen that the inversion speeds are about ten times as high when the floating point arithmetic is performed by the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit as when floating point subroutines are used. This is a reasonable indication of the value of the AAU for engineering and scientific applications. 7/63 320:201.011 GE 215 System Performance GE 215 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 320:201.012 GE215 GE 215 SYSTEM PERFORMA"NCE 1 WORKSHEET DATA TABLE Configuration Worksheet 1 Input. Output Times Reference Item Char/block I 1/ 1/1 (File 1) 18.5 words 370 words 370 words (File 1) 0.5 10 10 111 111 Records/block K msec/block File 1:: File 2 msec/switch 1 = 60; = 200 2 File 3 60 150 150 File 4 171 171 171 File 1 = File 4:200.112 2 File 3 File 4 msec/penalty 2 Central Processor Times 3 File 1 = File 2 2 = 34.6 17.8 17.8 3.0 3.0 3.0 File 4 3.0 3.0 3.0 maec/block al 1.368 1.368 1.368 maec/record a2 6.156 13.968 6.156 msec/detail b6 20.392 20.392 20.392 maec/work b5 +b9 8.676 8.676 8.676 maec/report b7 +b8 45.544 112.544 45.544 msec/block for C.P. and dominant column. al 1.4 1.4 1.4 a2 K 3.1 139.7 61.6 a3 K 37.3 1,416.1 746.1 File 1 Master In 3.0 17.8 17.8 1-7.8 17.8 30.0 4:200.1132 4:200.114 File 2 Master Out F = 1.0 Unit of measure 200.0 34.6 File 3 Details 1.6 30.0 File 4 Reports 1.6 30.0 1,710.0 30.0 1,710.0 1,652.8 1,710.0 904.7 1,710.0 Total 82.6 200.0 (words) 699 1,119 1,119 4 4 4 3 (Blocks 1 to 23) 150 171 159 6 (Blocks 24 to 48) 780 840 780 Files 350 1,614 1,614 50 50 50 2,003 3,798 3,726 Std. routines Fixed Standard Problem A Space = 3.0; File 3 Standard Problem A 4 1 4:200.1151 Working Total I AUERBACH 1'.$-1 320:201.100 • STANDARD EDP • GE 215 REPORTS System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE § 201. .112 Computation: .113 Timing basis: .1 GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING .11 Standard File Problem A .111 Record sizes Master file: • Detail file: Report file: . standard. using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.113. see graph below • • 114 Graph: • • • • • • • • . • 115 Storage space required Configuration I: • 2,003 words. 3, 798 words. Configuration II: • Configuration III:. • • 3, 726 words. • 108 characters. • 1 card. · 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 2 Master File Records ./ 10.0 .., 7 / 4 / .., ~ L 2 1.0 7 4 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals. denote standard System Configurations.) © 1963 by Auerbach Carporatian and BNA Incorporated 7/63 320:201.120 § GE215 201. • 12 • 122 Computation: .123 Timing basis: standard • using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.12 • .124 Graph: • • • • • • • • • see graph below • Standard File Problem B • 121 Record sizes Master file: • Detail file: Report file: • 54 characters. 1 card. 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 4 ~ Time in Minutes t() Process 10,000 Master File Records 2 \\ ~\\ ~ 10.0 .- .- 7 I!I"". 4 / / L 1/ / I I--f 1.0 7 4 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 ActiVity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) 7/63 1.0 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE § 320:201.130 201. .13 .132 Computation: .133 Timing basis: standard. using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.13 • .134 Graph: • • • • • • ••• see graph below. Standard File Problem C • 131 Record sizes Master file: Detail file: Report file: 216 characters. 1 card. 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 II 100.0 7 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10, 000 Master File Records 2 ~ 10.0 ~ 7 4 2 1.0 7 4 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor .Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) © 1963 by Auerbach Carporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 320:201.140 § GE 215 201. .14 .142 Computation: • 143 Timing basis: trebled • using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.14 • • 144 Graph: • • • • • • • • • see graph below. Standard File Problem D • 141 Record sizes Master file: • • Detail file: • Report file: • 108 characters. 1 card. 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 2 Master FHe Records y 10.0 7 , 4 , -----------~ - "" ./ L 2 1.0 7 4 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote, standard System Configurations.) 7/63 1.0 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE § 320:201.200 201. .212 Key size: •• • 213 Timing basis: .2 SORTING .21 Standard Problem Estimates • 211 Record size: • • • •• 8 characters. using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.213 • 214 Graph: • . • • • • • • . see graph below • 80 characters. 1,000.0 7 4 ~ 2 ~ 100.0 V ~~ ~ , , 7 " // 4 L Time in Minutes to Put Records 2 Into Required Order II 1I'I1I If' 1/ , , 10.0 7 .~ /. V / 4 ~ II~ // '/ 2 II 1.0 II ~ 1.1 II , 7 " " ~ 4 / V // 2 / O. 1 2 4 100 7 2. 4 1,000 7 2 10,000 4 7 100,000 Number of Records © 1963 by Auerbach Corporationclnd BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE 215 320:201.300 § .312 Timing basis: • • • •• using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.312 • •313 Graph: • • • • • • • •. see graph below • .314 Maximum matrix sizes 4,096 core storage locations: 40. 8,192 core storage locations: 60 • 201. .3 MATRIX INVERSION •31 Standard Problem Estimates .311 Basic parameters: ••• general, non-symmetric matrices, using floating point to at least 8 decimal digits. 100.0 7 I 4 2 I / J WITiiOUT AAU 10.0 7 I I 4 I Time in Minutes 2 for Complete Inversion I I(WITII AAU J L 1,0 7 If J I 4 I J J 2 I V 0.1 / c~-, 7 J 4 2 0.0 1 I IJ J I 2 I 4 7 2 4 Size of Matrix 7/63 7 2 100 10 I AUERBACH I tJ • 7 1,000 320:221.101 .SIANDIRD EDP • REPORTS GE 215 Price Data PRICE DATA § 221. PRICES IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS No. Central Processor X225A InputOutput Controllers Monthly Rental Monthly Maintenance Purchase $ $ $ Central Processor, Console, and Typewriter (including 3-hub Controller Selector) CA2l5A CB215A Internal Storage Name With 4, 096 core storage locations With 8, 192 core storage locations 2,200 2,500 140,650 169,200 Optional Features Move Command Automatic Priority Interrupt Three- Way Compare, Decimal Addition and Subtraction, and Additional Address Modification Groups Real Time Clock Console Typewriter Input 75 75 3,300 3,800 200 75 200 4,410 3,600 9,600 Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit· 650 32,500 1, 725 76,000 Core Storage: Included in Central Processor M640A Mass Random Access Data Storage Unit GA651A GA651B Paper Tape Punch & Reader With Spooler Without Spooler 490 440 22,000 19,800 D225B D225C Card Reader & Controller 400 cards/minute 1,500 cards/minute 375 810 18,350 32,400 E225K E225M Card Punch & Controller 100 cards/minute 300 cards/minute 400 825 21,460 41,150 P215E High Speed (450 LPM) Printer and Controller 775 60,000 MTH680 Dual Magnetic Tape Handler (15,000 char/sec) 850 33,000 S12B Magnetic Ink Document Handler 1,750 87,500 DTC901 DATANET-15 690 30,000 M225B Mass Random Access Data Storage Controller 900 46,250 MTC680 Magnetic Tape Controller 800 37,500 SA225A Magnetic Ink Document Handler Adapter (For 1 Handler) 540 21,600 © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE225 General Electric Company AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. GE 225 General Electric Company AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 321:001.001 GE 225 Contents CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Introduction • • 321:011 Revised Data Structure • ••• 321:021 System Configuration Revised · 321:031 I Typical Card System • • 321:031.1 II 4- Tape Business System •••• • 321:031.2 III 6- Tape Business System • • • • • • • 321:031.3 IV 12- Tape Business System • • • • • • • • • 321:031.4 V 6- Tape Auxiliary Storage System • • • • • • • 321:031.5 VI 6-Tape Business/Scientific System. • • 321:031.6 Internal Storage Core Storage • • • • • • • • • • • 321:041 Mass Random Access Data Storage • • 321:042 Revised Central Processors Central Processor • • • • • • ••• • 321:051 Revised Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit • • • • • • • • 321:051.12 Console Console (part of Central Processor) • 321:061 Revised Console Typewriter • • • • • • • • • 321:061.13 Input- Output; Punched Tape and Card Card Reader (400 cards/minute) • • • • • • • 321:071 Card Reader (1,000 cards/minute) •• • • • •• 321:072 Revised Card Punch (100 cards/minute) • • 321:073 Card Punch (300 cards/minute) • 321:073 Paper Tape Reader • • • 321:074 Paper Tape Punch • • • • • • • • • • • • 321:075 Input- Output; Printers High Sp~ed Printer (On- Line) • 321:081 Revised High Speed Printer (Off/On- Line) • 321:081.12 Low Speed Printer (150 lines/minute) • • • • 321:082 Input-Output; Magnetic Tape Dual Magnetic'Tape Handler (15KC) • Revised • 321:091 • • • • • 321:091 Dual Magnetic Tape Handler (15/41. 6KC) Input- Output; Other Magnetic Ink Document Handler • • 321:101 DATANET-15 • • • • • 321:102 Simultaneous Operations • • • • • • Revised • •• 321:111 Controller Selector • 321: 111.1 Priority Access Control • 321:111.1 Instruction List • • Revised • •• 321: 121 Coding Specimens GAP • • • • • • • 321: 131 GBCOM Revised • 321:132 GBCOM Report Writer • • • • 321:133 TABSOL • •• 321:134 WIZ-II • •• 321:135 ZOOM. • • • • • • • 321: 136 © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321 :001.002 GE225 CONTENTS (Contd.) 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 7/63 Data Codes Internal BCD and Printer Magnetic Tape (BCD Mode) Punched Cards • • • • Collating Sequence ~ • • • • • • • • Problem Oriented Facilities IDM 650 Simulator • • • • • LGP-30 Simulator • • •••• FORWARD Sort/Merge Generator GECOM Report Writer • • Card Program Generator • BRIDGE II Service System Mathematical Routines • • BANKPAC • • • • • • • Electric Utility Routines PRONTO • • . • • • • Critical Path Method . . TRIM . . . . • . . . . Assembly Line Balancing Permuted Index Program Package. Process Oriented Languages GECOM TABSOL FORTRAN II WIZ-II ••• Machine Oriented Languages GAP • • • • ZOOM • • • Program Translators GAP •• GECOM WIZ-II •• Operating Environment BRIDGE II Service System System Performance ••••••• Worksheet Data • • • • • Generalized File Processing Sorting • • • • • Matrix Inversion Physical Characteristics Price Data • • • • • • • • Revised • •• 321:141 • 321:142 • 321: 143 • • 321:144 Revised · 321:151 • • • • • • • • • 321: 151.11 • • • 321: 151.11 • • • • • • 321: 151.13 • 321:151.14 • • • • 321: 151.14 • •• 321:151.15 • • .321: 151.17 • • • 321: 151.17 • 321:151.17 • 321: 151.17 .321:151.17 · 321:151.17 · 321:151.17 · 321:151.17 Revised • • 321:161 • • • 321: 161.14 • 321: 162 • 321:163 • • • • 321:171 • •• 321:172 Revised • • • • 321:181 • •• 321:182 • •• 321:183 Revised Revised • • • · · • • • • 321:191 Revised 321:201.001 321:201.011 321:201.1 Revised 321:201.2 Revised 321:201.3 321:211 Revised 321:221 Revised 321:011.100 GE 225 Introduction INTRODUCTION §Oll. The GE 225 is a small to medium scale, solid-state data processing system that is adaptable to a wide range of business and scientific applications. System rentals can range from approximately $2,400 to over $30,000 per month, but most installations fall within the $4,000 to $18,000 range. First customer deliveries of the GE 225 were made in March, 1961, and more than 100 have been installed to date. Compatibility The GE 225 line was expanded early in 1963 by the announcement of the GE 215 and GE 235 systems. Both the new systems are fully program -compatible with the GE 225 and offer essentially the same line of peripheral equipment. The GE 215 (described in Computer System Report 320) has internal processing speeds approximately half as high as the GE 225 and decreased capabilities for simultaneous operations. The GE 235 (described in Computer System Report 323) has internal processing speeds at least three times as high as the GE 225. Hardware Core storage in the GE 225 can consist of 4,096, 8,192, or 16,384 word locations. Each 20-bit location can hold a one-address instruction, a binary data word of 19 bits plus sign, or 3 alphameric characters in 6-bit BCD representation. Core storage cycle time is 18 microseconds. A parity check is performed upon all internal transfer operations. The central processor provides complete arithmetic facilities for single word-length binary operands. Loading, storing, addition, and subtraction of double-length binary data items can also be performed. An optional feature permits addition and subtraction (but not multiplication or division) of single- or double-length data items in BCD form. This feature can significantly reduce the number of time-consuming radix conversions required in business data processing, but will seldom eliminate the problem completely. Three index register~ and a fourth location that serves as a convenient counter register are standard. An optional feature makes 31 additional 4-word groups in core storage available as index registers or counters. Only one group, selected by a special instruction, can be active at a time. Other optional features for the central processor are a Move Command (which expedites internal block transfer operations), Three-Way Compare, Automatic Priority Interrupt, and a Real-Time Clock. Instructions are executed at the rate of about 20,000 per second in typical GE 225 routines. The Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit can perform double-length arithmetic in either fixed or floating point mode under control of the central processor. This optional unit greatly increases the 225' s internal processing speeds on scientific problems. Standard 80-column punched cards can be read at 400 or 1,000 cards per minute and punched at 100 or 300 cards per minute. Paper tape can be read at 250 or 1,000 characters per second and punched at 110 characters per second. A console typewriter provides typed output at 10 characters per second. Input via the console typewriter is an optional feature. All peripheral devices except those mentioned above are connected to the central processor through an eight-way multiplexing device called the Controller Selector, which gives the GE 225 capabilities for simultaneous operations that rival far more costly systems. Up to eight c~mtrollers for magnetic tape units, disc storage units, printers, magnetic document handlers, data communication equipment, and the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit can be connected to the Controller Selector. One peripheral unit on each controller can operate simultaneously with internal processing and card reading and punching. Accesses to core © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321:011.101 GE 225 INTRODUCTION (Contd.) §Oll. Hardware (Contd.) storage are automatically allocated among the operating units by a straightforward priority system. Maximum gross data transfer rate for the system is 55,600 words per second. The printer has a peak speed of 900 alphameric lines per minute and a skipping speed of 25 inches per second. The printer controller provides automatic editing and format control. Special models of the high speed printer are available for use either on-line or for independent off-line tape-to-printer data transcriptions. Another printer with a peak speed of 150 alphameric lines per minute and no automatic format control is offered for use where output volume is relatively low. Two magnetic tape handler models are available. One has a peak data transfer rate of 15,000 characters per second at a recording density of 200 rows per inch. The other model offers a choice of 200 or 556 rows per inch, with corresponding peak speeds of 15,000 or 41,667 characters per second. The tape format is compatible with the mM 727, 729, and 7330 Magnetic Tape Units. Two tape handlers are mounted in a single cabinet, one above the other. Up to eight tape handlers can be connected to each tape controller. No more than two 41.6KC tape read or write operations can occur at a time, but the number of simultaneous 15KC tape operations is limited only by the number of tape controllers in the system. Each Mass Random Access Data Storage (MRADS) unit provides disc storage for approximately 18.87 million alphameric characters in 98,304 fixed record locations of 64 words (or 192 characters) each. The average total waiting time for access to a randomly-placed record is 225 milliseconds. Up to 294,912 characters per MRADS unit can be transferred without repositioning any of the 16 access arms. A maximum of four MRADS file units can be connected to each MRADS controller, and up to eight controllers can be used in a GE 225 system. Only one MRADS read or write operation can occur at a time. Magnetically encoded paper documents can be read and sorted at a peak speed of 1,200 documents per minute. Two document handlers can be connected to each controller, providing a peak sorting speed of 2,400 documents per minute. The DATANET-15 controls the transmission and reception of digital data over telephone and telegraph lines and two-wire cables at speeds ranging from 60 to 2,400 bits per second. Up to 15 data transmission lines and a paper tape reader and punch can be connected to a DATANET-15, but it can control only one data transfer operation at a time. GE'S line of data communications equipment also includes: ,/ • The DATANET-30 programmed data communication system. • The DATANET-600 paper tape terminal. • The DATANET-90 magnetic-tape-to-computer terminal. • The DATANET-91 off-line magnetic-tape-to-magnetic-tape terminal. • A variety of special digital input-output devices. GE'S MOSE (Modification of Standard Equipment) group offers a variety of specialpurpose hardware for use with the 225 system, such as peripheral device switching controllers, printer plotting option, plotter interface units, etc. 7/63 Revised INTRODUCTION 321:011.102 INTRODUCTION (Contd.) § OIl. Software The General Assembly Program (GAP) is the basic symbolic assembly system for the GE 225. It permits full utilization of the hardware facilities, is relatively easy to learn and use, but provides few refinements. GAP-coded programs can be assembled on GE 225 systems with punched card, paper tape, or magnetic tape input-output equipment. ZOOM is a "macro assembly system" designed to facilitate machine oriented programming by reducing the amount of detailed coding required while retaining high object program efficiencies. The ZOOM programmer uses a combination of pseudo-English statements, algebraic expressions, and GAP symbolic statements. These are translated into an all- GAP program which is then assembled in the normal manner. Magnetic tape is not required, but can be utilized to facilitate the translation process. GECOM is offered as an all-purpose process oriented language. The basic language structure is similar to that of COBOL-61 but is not compatible with it. (A COBOL-61 to GECOM translator will be provided.) GECOM also handles algebraic expressions and mathematical functions, and includes a report writer and TABSOL, a system that permits decision logic to be expressed in a concise tabular format. At least four magnetic tape handlers and 8,192 core storage locations are required for GECOM compilations. WIZ is a one-pass algebraic compiler for use on punched card or paper tape systems with at least 8,192 core storage locations. WIZ is less powerful than the FORTRAN or ALGOL language, but it is easy to learn and provides high compilation speeds. FORTRAN II is available for GE 225 systems with at least 8,192 core storage locations and 4 magnetic tape units. Arrays are limited to two dimensions, and Boolean, complex, and double precision statements are not permitted. On the other hand, several useful extensions of the FORTRAN II language have-been incorporated. BRIDGE II is a tape file maintenance and run sequencing program whose functions are directed by control cards. FORWARD is a generaUzed sort/merge generator. Simulation programs are available for simulating the operations of IBM 650 and General Precision LGP-30 computers on the GE 225. The Card Program Generator simplifies the programming of existing punched card tabulator and calculator runs for the GE 225. An adequate library of generalized input-output, diagnostic, and mathematical routines are available, as are special-purpose packages for the banking and electric utility industries, numerical tool control, inventory management, assembly line balancing, critical path scheduling, and information retrieval. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321:021.100 • STANDARD EDP _ - REPORTS '- GE 225 Data Structure DATA STRUCTURE § 021. .1 .2 Type of Information STORAGE LOCATIONS Name of Location Size Word: Sector: Band: Disc: INFORMATION FORMATS Representation Numeral (BCD): Purpose or Use 20 bits +parity basic addressable location. 64 words Mass Random Access Data Storage record location. 8 or 16 sectors Mass Random Access Data Storage. 512 bands Mass Random Access Data Storage. © 1963 three 6-bit characters per word. Letter (BCD): . three 6-bit characters per word. Number (BCD): . one or two 3-character words. Number (binary): one or two 20-bit words. Number (floating point): two words (30 bits + sign for mantissa; 8 bits + sign for exponent). Instruction: . . . . • . one word (two words for certain input-output instructions ). by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Reprinted 7/63 321:031.100 • STAnDARD EDP • GE 225 R£PORTS System Configuration SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 031. .1 TYPICAL CARD SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION I) . core storage is 75% larger. card punch is 50% faster. 2 more simultaneous data transfer operations are possible. 2 more index registers. Deviations from Standard Configuration: Equipment Rental Core Storage: 4.096 words Central Processor. Console & Typewriter 1 Card Reader & Controller: 1.000 cards/min. 810 Card Punch & Controller: 300 cards/min. 825 Controller Selector (special I-channel model) o Optional Features Included: 30 1.275 Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. Move command. Three-way compare. Decimal addition & subtraction. . Additional address modification groups. TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 1963 $1.900 by Auerbach Corporation ani:! BNA Incorporated 75 } 200 $5.115 Revised 7/63 321:031.200 § GE 225 031. .2 4-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION ll) Deviations from Standard Configuration:. . . • . . core storage is 75% larger. card reader is 20% slower. printer is 80% faster. 3 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer operations are possible. 3 index registers, console typewriter, and multiply-divide are standard. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 4,096 words $2,900 Central Processor, Console, & Typewriter Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. Magnetic Tape Units (4) & Controller: 15,000 char/sec. Optional Features Included: .••••.•.•...••••... 2,500 none. TOTAL. . • • • • • • • • • . . . 7/63 Revised 1,275 $7,450 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 321:031.300 031. .3 6"TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION Ill) Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . card reader is 20% slower. printer is 80% faster. magnetic tape is 39% faster. 2 more simultaneous non"tape data transfer operations are possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 4, 096 words ) Central Processor, Console & Typewriter ~,900 Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. 1,275 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4.930 Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Move Command. Three-way compare. Decimal addition & subtraction. Additional address modification groups. TOTAL. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 75 } 200 $10,155 Revised 7/63 321:031.400 § GE 225 031. .4 12-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION IV) Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . card punch is 50% faster. magnetic tape is 30% slower. 1 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer operation is possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 8, 192 words Central Processor, Console & Typewriter Card Reader & Controller: 1, 000 cards/min. 810 Card Punch & Controller: 300 cards/min. 825 Controller Selector Optional Features Included: . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. 1,275 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,930 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,930 Move Command. Three- Way Compare. } Decimal Addition & Subtraction. Additional Address Modification Groups. Automatic Interrupt. TOTAL . . . . • . • • 7/63 Revised 75 200 75 • $16,620 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 321:031.500 031. .5 6-TAPE AUXILIARY STORAGE SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION V) Deviations from Standard Configuration:. . . . . . . . . . . .. card reader is 20% slower. printer is 80% faster. magnetic tape is 39% faster. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer operations are possible. Equipment Rental Mass Random Access (Disc) Storage & Controller: 18, 874,368 characters $2,625 Core Storage: 4, 096 words Central Processor, Console & Typewriter I----.~I-----IO ---10 I------...-~ } 2,900 Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector Optional Features Included:. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. 1,275 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,930 Move Command. Three- Way Compare. Decimal Addition & Subtraction. Additional Address Modification Groups. Automatic Interrupt. TOTAL . . . . . . . . © 1963 by Auerbach, Corporation and BNA Incorporated 75 } 200 75 $12,855 Revised 7/63 321:031.600 § GE 225 031. .6 6-TAPB BUSINESS/SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION VI) Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . card reader is 20% slower. printer is 80% faster. magnetic tape is 39% faster. 2 more, simultaneous non-tape data transfer operations are possible. Equipment Rental Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit $ 650 Core Storage: 16,384 words Central Processor, Console & Typewriter ' } ',900 Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector Optional Features Included: • . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . • . . . . Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. 1,275 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,930 Move Command. Three- Way Compare. } Decimal Addition & Subtraction. Additional Address Modification Groups. TOTAL: . 7/63 Revised 75 200 $12,805 321:041.100 .srINIl\RO II EDP REPORTS GE 225 Internal Storage Core Storage INTERNAL STORAGE: CORE STORAGE § 041. .28 .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: .. .281 Recording method: .283 Type of access: . . · Core Storage. CA225B or CA225C (4,096 locations) . CB225C or CB225D (8, 192 locations) . CC225A or CC225B (16, 384 locations) . CS. . 12 Basic Use: . . · 13 Description: · working storage. Core Storage is housed in the Central Processor cabinet and may consist of 4,096, 8,192, or 16,384 locations. The corresponding processor model numbers are listed above; the first number in each pair is for the processor with the optional Controller Selector installed. Each storage location consists of twenty data bits and one parity bit and can hold a single -address instruction, a binary data word of nineteen bits plus sign, or three BCD characters . Single or double word -length load and store operations are possible in the basic processor; and internal block transfers of any length are possible with the optional Move Command at a maximum effective rate of 27, 800 words per second. . · 14 Availability: .. .15 First Delivery: · 16 Reserved Storage Purpose Index registers and counters: Arith registers: Logic registers: 1-0 control: , Access Techniques . 29 Locks none. none. none. none. Potential Transfer Rates . .292 Peak data rates Unit of data: . Conversion factor:. Cycling rate:. Data rate: . . . . .3 DATA CAPACITY .31 Module and S~stem .32 Rules for Combining Modules: . . . . . . CONTROLLER: . Arrangement of Heads: . one access device per system. .52 Simultaneous Operations: . . . . . . none. .53 Access Time Parameters and Variations . 21 Storage Medium: · magnetic core. .531 For uniform access Access time: . . . Cycle time: • . . For data unit of:. . 22 Physical Dimensions: · not available . .6 . 23 Storage Phenomenon: · direction of magnetization. .24 Recording Permanence © 1963 · all configurations are shown above. ACCESS TIMING PHYSICAL FORM .. CB225CorD 8.192 24,576 8,192 1 Maximum Storage CC225A or B. 16,384. 49,152. 16,384. 1. · none. .2 .241 Data erasable by program:. · yes . .242 Data regenerated constantly:. . . .no . . 243 Data volatile: · yes (usually retained). . 244 Data permanent: . .no. . 245 Storage changeable: .. · no. .1 word. · 20 bits per word. .55,600 cycles/second. • 55,600 words/second . Sizes Minimum Storage Identity: CA225B or C 4,096 Words: Characters: 12,288 Instructions: 4,096 1 Modules: · 3 months as of March, 1963. .4 .5 · March, 1961. .51 No. of Locations 4 (128 with AAM) · coincident current . · uniform . CHANGEABLE STORAGE:.. .7 PERFORMANCE . 71 Data Transfer • 91J. sec. • 181J. sec. .1 word. . . • . no . Pairs of storage units possibilities With self: . . . . . With Mass Random Access File:. . . by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated • yes . · yes (see Mass Random Access Data Storage section). Reprinted 7/63 321 :041.720 § GE225 041. . 72 .8 Transfer Load Size With self: . . . . • . 73 lor 2 words; or, with optional Move Command, 1 to N words, where N is limited by storage capacity. Effective Transfer Rate With self, using indexed loop:. . With self, using optional MC:. . 7/63 Reprinted .8,000 words/second. .27,800 words/second. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check o:r Interlock Invalid address: Receipt of data: none. parity check Dispatch of data: send parity bit. Conflicting commands: not possible • Recovery of data: parity check Recording of data: record parity bit. Action indicator & alarm; optional stop. indicator & alarm; optional stop. 321 :042.100 .SlANOARO EDP """15 • GE 225 Internal Storage MRADS INTERNAL STORAGE: MASS-RANDOM ACCESS DATA STORAGE § .13 042. .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .13 Description Mass Random Access Data Storage. M640A. MRADS. Disk Storage Unit. Each Mass Random Access file unit consists of sixteen data discs and two checking discs on a common vertical axis. Up to four files can be connected to one MRADS Controller, which occupies one of the eight "hubs" on the Controller Selector. If no other peripheral units were connected into the Controller Selector, it would be possible to connect up to 32 MRADS units for a system capacity of about six hundred million characters or over one billion decimal digits. Each disc surface is divided into 256 bands. The outer 128 bands contain sixteen sectors each and the inner 128 bands contain eight sectors each. One 64word block of data (192 alphameric characters) can be stored in each sector, and from one to sixteen sectors can be transferred between disc storage and core storage in a single MR!\DS read or write operation. Total capacity of each MRADS unit is 98,304 sectors, 6.29 million words, 18.87 million characters, or about 34.6 million decimal digits. Each disc is served by an individual positioning arm containing eight read-write heads. Four heads serve the top disc surface and the other four serve the bottom surface, so only sixty-four arm positions are required to cover all the bands on a disc. Arm positioning time ranges from 70 to 305 milliseconds, and the average total waiting time for random accessing is 225 milliseconds. Up to 98,304 words per file unit can be transferred without moving any of the positioning arms. Peak transfer rate is 23,700 words' per second for data recorded on the outer bands and 11, 850 words per second for the inner bands. An effective bulk transfer rate of 20, 000 words per second can be obtained with optimum data placement. A parity bit is recorded and checked for each word. In addition, the sixty-fifth word recorded in each sector is composed of one longitudinal parity check bit for each of the twenty bit positions of the sixtyfour data words. This two-way parity check makes it possible to locate and correct, by means of a subroutine, a single-bit error occurring anywhere in a sector. The address of each sector is permanently recorded in a "header" word and used for sector identification and band address confirmation. © 1963 Description (Contd.) Three instruction words are required for each disc seek, read, or write operation. The first word selects the proper controller and transfers to it the next two words, which specify the exact operation and the addresses involved. Simultaneous read or write operations are limited to one per Mass Random Access Controller. Only one head positioning operation at a time may occur in each MRADS unit, or up to four at a time per controller. .14 Availability:. . . . . . . 1 month as of March, 1963. . 15 First Delivery: . June, 1962 . .16 Reserved Storage: . . no addressable locations reserved. .2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Storage Medium: . . . • multiple discs. .22 Physical Dimensions .222 Disc Diameter: . . . . • . . 31 inches. Thickness or length: . . thin. Number on shaft:. . 18 discs (16 for data). ,23 Storage Phenomenon: . . direction of magnetization. .24 Recording Permanence .241 Data erasable by program:. . . . · 24r Data regenerated constantly:. . . · 243 Data volatile: . . .244 Data permanent:. · 245 Storage changeable: . · 25 . yes. . no. . no. . no. . no. Data volume per band of 1 track Words: •. Characters: Digits: . . . Instructions: . . Sectors: . . . . · 1,024 (outer) or 512 (inner). .3,072 (outer) or 1,536 (inner). • 5,632 (outer) or 2,816 (inner). · 1,024 (outer) or 512 (inner). • 16 (outer) or 8 (inner). .26 Bands per physical unit:. 512 (256 per disc surface). .27 Interleaving Levels:. . . 1. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321 :042.280 § GE 225 042. .28 .44 • 441 Size of Load:.. Access Techniques . 281 Recording method:. .283 Types of access · moving heads . Description of stage Possible starting stage Move head to selected band~ • if new band is selected. Wait for start of selected sector: if head movement is unnecessary. Transfer data: • • • • • • • • • no. .29 Potential Transfer Rates . 291 Peak bit rates Cycling rates: Bits/inch/track: . . Bit rate per track: . .1,200 rpm. · 400 maximum. .500,000 or 250,000 bits/ sec/track. .292 Peak data rates Unit of data: . . word. Conversion factor:. · 20 data bits/word. Gain factor: .1. Data rate: . . . . . . 23,700 (outer) or 11,850 (inner) words/sec. .3 DATA CAPACITY .31 Module and System Sizes (See table below) . 32 Rules for Combining Modules: • . . . . . .4 CONTROLLER . 41 Identity:.... .42 Connection to System Data Transfer Control · up to 4 MRADS units per controller; up to 8 controllers per system. · MRADS Controller. M225B. .442 Input-Output area:. .443 Input-Output area access: . • . . . . .444 Input-Output area lockout: . 445 Synchronization:. . . ... . 447 Table control:. . . .448 Testable conditions: . .5 ACCESS TIMING .51 Arrangement of Heads .511 Number of stacks Stacks per system: Stacks per module: Stacks per yoke:. . Yokes per module:. .512 Stack movement: . . .513 Stacks that can access any particular location: . . . . . . . A: C: D: . 43 a c Connection to Device .431 Devices per controller: 4. • 432 Restrictions: . . . . . . none. 7/63 Revised 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 · each word. · none. · automatic during a read or write operation. . none. · MRADS ready, controller ready . · 128 to 512 per controller. .128. .8. · 16 (one for each disc). · in horizontal plane only • .1. Simultaneous Operations .421 On-line: . . . . . . . . • up to 8; each requires 1 of the 8 Controller Selector hubs. .422 Off-line:. . • . . . . . none. Identity: Discs: Words: Characters: Instructions: Digits: Sectors: Modules: · 1 to 16 sectors of 64 words each . · core storage . .514 Accessible locations By single stack With no movement: . . 16 or 8 sectors. With all movement: .. 1,024 or 512 sectors . By all stacks With no movement: . . 1,536 per module. 6,144 per controller. 49,152 per system . . 515 Relationship between stacks and locations: .. least significant 7 bits of MRADS address specify stack and sector . .52 Minimum Storage .. · waiting for access to specified location. • reading. · recording. + c + d = at most 1 per MRADS unit . +d =at most 1 per MRADS Control. Note: A maximum of one MRADS controller can transfer data at a time. Single MRADS file Maximum Storage per Controller Maximum Storage per System M640A 16 6.29x 18.87 x 6.29 x 34.60 x 98,304 1 M640A 64 25.2x 1O~ 75.5 x 10 6 25.2x 10 138.4 x 10 6 393,216 4 M640A. 512. 6 210 x 10 6 . 604 x 10 6 , 201 x 106 . 1,107 x 10 . 3,145,728. 32. 10 6 1O~ 10 10 6 321 :042.530 INTERNAL STORAGE: MASS.RANSOM ACCESS DATA STORAGE § 042. .53 .72 Access Time Parameters and Variations Transfer Load Size . 1 to 16 sectors of 64 words each . With core storage: . 532 Variation in access time .73 Variation. m. sec Move head to selected band: 0 or 70 to 305 Wait for start of selected sector: o to 52 Transfer 1 sector of data: 3.2 or 6.4 3.2 to 363.4 Total: Effective Transfer Rate Example. m. sec. With core storage: . . . 20, 000 words/sec or 60, 000 char/sec. 199 (avg.) 26 (avg.) 3.2. 328.2. .8 ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Check or Error Interlock lnvalid address: Receipt of data: Dispatch of data: Conflicting commands: Recovery of data: Wrong record selected: Recording of data: •6 CHANGEABLE STORAGE: . . . . . • . no. .7 AUXIUARY STORAGE PERFORMANCE .71 Data Transfer check parity send parity bit. check word & sector parity address comparison generate parity word • Action indicator. indicator. indicator. indicator • indicator. Pair of storage units possibilities With self: . . . . . With core storage: . no. . yes. © 1963 by Auerboch Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321 :051.100 GE 225 Central Processor CENTRAL PROCESSOR § .12 OSl. .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . . . . . . . Central Processor. CA22sB, CB22sC, CB22sA, CA225C, CB22sD, CC225B. Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. X225A. AAU. . 12 Description (Contd.) output. Conditional branch instructions result in execution of the next sequential instruction (which will normally be an unconditional branch) if the tested condition is true; otherwise, the next sequential instruction is skipped. Since only thirteen operand address bits are contained in an instruction, the top 8, 192 words of a 16, 384-word core memory can be addressed only through the use of index registers. Program instructions rather than data will normally be loaded into the upper storage bank, since the instruction address counter uses fifteen bits and can address up to 32,768 . Description The 225 is a single-address, fixed word-length, sequential processor. The main arithmetic and control circuitry, core storage, and console controls are housed in the processor cabinet. The six models differ only in the amount of core storage they contain and whether or not the Controller Selector is included. Word length of core memory locations and control registers is twenty bits. One location may contain an instruction, a binary data word consisting of a sign bit and nineteen data bits, or an alphameric data word consisting of three six- bit BCD-coded characters. Complete arithmetic facilities for single word-length binary data are built in. Because the twenty-bit word is too short for many data processing and scientific applications, standard instructions are provided .for double wordlength addition, subtraction, .and data transfers. In these cases, the combined A and Q Registers serve as a double-length accumulator. In the standard processor, subroutines must be used for doublelength binary multiplication and division and for all decimal and floating point arithmetic operations. Optional hardware which can provide many of these arithmetic facilities is described below. Optional Features: Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit (AAU): This independent unit provides complete hardware facilities for double word-length binary arithmetic in either fixed or floating point mode. Data can be transferred directly between the forty-bit AAU accumulator register and core storage, and Central Processor operations can continue while an arithmetic operation is in progress in the AAU. The AAU is connected to the Processor through the Controller Selector. Like the other peripheral devices, it can be tested for "ready" or "not ready" status and for various error conditions; unlike the others, only one instruction word is required for any AAU operation. A floating point data item is represented by thirty bits plus sign for the mantissa and eight bits plus sign for the exponent. This is the equivalent of 9 decimal digits of precision and an exponent range of 10- 76 to 10+76 . Decimal Addition and Subtraction: This feature enables the Central Processor to perform single and double-length addition and subtraction on decimal data stored in the six-bit BCD form. A carry indicator facilitates the coding of additions or subtractions of fields more than six characters long, but negative BCD numbers must be stored in the inconvenient ten's complement form. Instructions are provided to shift between the decimal and binary arithmetic modes. Three index registers and a fourth location that serves as a convenient counter register are standard, and special instructions facilitate incrementing and testing them. A variety of instructions is provided for inter-register transfers, shifting, normalizing, and complementing. These instructions do not require an operand address, so bits 7 through 19, which would normally contain the address, are used to define the exact operation to be performed. Through various combinations of these thirteen bits, the advanced programmer can create many special instructions in addition to those in the standard GE-defined repertoire. This technique is termed "micro-programming". Additional Address Modification Word Groups: This makes a total of thirty-two four-word groups (core storage locations 0000-0127) available as index registers or counters. Only one group, selected by a special instruction, may be active at a time, and only three of the four words are usable for address modification. There are no table look-up facilities, and multiword internal transfers require the optional Move Command. Editing is accomplished by format control circuitry in the printer ~ontroller; this reduces time demands upon the Central Processor while permitting a high degree of flexibility in the printed Three-Way Compare: Permits branching to the first, second, or third sequential instruction depending upon whether the contents of a specified single or double-length core storage location are greater than, equal to, or less than the contents of the accumulator. CD 1963 by Auerbach Corporation ond BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321 :051.120 § GE 225 .214 051. • 12 Numbers: subtract & test 1 word. Absolute: none • subtract & test 1 word. Letters: 1 word. Mixed: subtract & test Collating sequence: 0-9. A-Z; special characters Interspersed among letters. See 321: 144. 100. Comment: Direct high-law-equal comparisons on 1 or 2 words of numeric or alpha data are possible with optional Three-Way Compare. Description (Contd.) Optional Features (Contd.) Move Command: Provides a single instruction to transfer any number' of successive words from one core storage area to another. The A and Q registers must contain, respectively, the new initial address and the number of words to be moved. Automatic Priority Interrupt: Provides automatic storing of the sequence counter contents and a transfer of control to core storage location 0132 whenever any selected peripheral controller switches from "not ready" to "ready" status. Interruption from the console is not possible. The interrupt feature is especially useful for overlapping data transcription operations with independent processing routines. .215 .14 Availability: . . . . . . 6 months as of March, 1962. .217 .218 . 219 Alter size: Suppress zero: Round off: Insert point: Insert spaces: Insert any char: Float $: Protection: Table look-up: Others .216 March, 1961. First Delivery: .2 PROCESSING FACILITIES .21 Operations and 0Eerands Operation and Variation .211 Multiply Short: Long: Divide No remainder: Remainder: .212 .213 Provision Radix Size automatic binary (decimal with option) lor 2 words. binary 1 word (2 with AAU). none. automatic none. automatic binary Add-Subtract: subroutine or AAU binary MUltiply: subrou tine or AAU binary Divide: subroutine or AAU binary AND: lncl usi ve OR: Extract: 7/63 Revised none. automatic automatic l J To paper tape internal internal. paper tape. From BCD binary To binary. BCD. Normalize: Provision Comment Size automatic binary lor 2 words. Decimal mode shift: automatic optional automatic binary automatic binary 1 word. 1 word. automatic optional 1 of 32 groups. .22 Special Cases of Operands .221 Negative numbers: . . . 2's complement (lO's complement with Decimal Add -S ubtract) • .222 .223 Zero:. . . . . . . . . . one form; 0 in all bit positions. Operand size determination: . . . . . . . . . fixed. .23 Instruction Formats 30 & 8 bits (2 words). 30 & 8 bits (2 words). 30 & 8 bits (2 words). .231 Instruction structure: .232 Instruction layout: Part binary Provision Size automatic automatic automatic automatic up to 120 char. automatic automatic none. none. no provision . 1 word (2 with AAU) Floating point Boolean From 1 's complement: 2's complement: Select index group: Fixed point Add-Subtract: Code translation Provision subroutine subroutine Radix conversion Provision subroutine subroutine Edit format Real Time Clock: Provides a nineteen-bit binary clock counter that measures time in sixths of seconds from zero to 24 hours. The clock can be set by the stored program or the operator and can be interrogated by the program through a special instruction. . 13 Comparison 1 word. AUERBACH / Size (bits) RNA Op X 5 2 1 word (3 words for certain input-output operations) . Addr or Op' 13 CENTRAL PROCESSOR § 321 :051.233 .241 Category of Storage (Contd.) 051. .233 .234 .235 Number of Size in locations bits Instruction parts Name Op: X: . . Purpose operation code. index register specification. Addr: operand address. Op': extension of operation code in instructions with no operand address. Basic address structure: 1+ O. Literals Arithmetic: . Comparisons and tests: . . . . . . Central Processor: Central Processor: Aux. Arith. Unit: Aux. Arith. Unit: Core Storage: .242 Incrementing modifiers: . . . . . . , up to 8, 192. .236 Directly addressed operands .2361 Internal storage Minimum Maximum Volume size Accessible type size 2 words* 8, 192 Core: 1 word words. 64 words 1, 024 total caDisc: words pacity. * or total capacity with Move Command. .2362 Increased address capacity Method Volume accessible Indexing: . 16,384 words (core). .237 Address indexing .2371 Number of methods: 1. . 2372 Names: . . . . . . . indexing . addition, modulo 32,768. .2373 Indexing rule: bits 5 & 6 of instruction to Index specification: .2374 be modified. .2375 Number of potential indexers: . . . . . 3 (96 optional). . 2376 Addresses which can be indexed: . . . . . operand addresses in arithmetic, load, store, and unconditional branch instructions. . 2377 Cumulative indexing: . none. .2378 Combined index and step: . . . . . . . none. . 238 Indirect addressing: . none. index registers. . 239 Stepping: . . . . . . . Specification of incre.2391 ment: . . . . . . in stepping instruction. always positive. .2392 Increment sign: .2393 Size of increment: 1 to 8, 192. specified in test instruc.2394 End value: . . . . tion. .2395 Combined step and test: . . . . . . . . no. Special Processor Storage .241 Category of Storage Central Processor: Central Processor: Central Processor: Central Processor: Central Processor: 1 1 Size in Program usage bits 20 20 20 15 6 upper accumulator, A. lower accumulator, O. instruction register, I. sequence counter. p. single char. buffer, N. memory buffer, M. arithmetic buffer, B. upper accumulator, AX. lower accumulator, OX. index registers. Category of Storage 2 register register 3 (96 core 2.25 2.25 9.00 18. 18. 18. with AAM) .3 SEQUENCE CONTROL FEATURES .31 Instruction Seguencing: .311 Number of sequence control facilities: Special sub- sequence counters: . Sequence control step size: Accessibility to program: . .314 .315 .316 .317 Permanent or optional modifier: . 1. none. 1 word. can be stored in an index register. no. . 32 Look- Ahead: . . . . . . none . .33 Interruption: . . . . . . with optional Automatic Priority Interrupt only . .331 Possible causes In-out units: . In-out controllers: Storage access: .332 .333 . 334 Number of loea tions 1 3 (96 with option) Central Processor: Aux. Arith. Unit: Core Storage: up to 8, 192, on index registers only. 20 20 40 40 20 Total Number Physical Access time, Cycle time, locations form f.L sec f.L sec none. .24 1 Program usage .335 Processor errors: Other: . . . . . . Program control Individual control: Method: . . . . . . indirectly, through controller status. change in status of peripheral controller from "not ready" to "ready". indirectly, through controller status. no. none. peripheral controllers. "Priority Set" instruction permits selected controller(s) to interrupt. Operator control: . . . physical switch for each controller permits or locks out interruption by that controller. Interruption conditions: 1) in "Priority Set" mode . 2) not in priority routine. 3) change in status of any selected controller. Interruption process Disabling interruption: automatic. Registers saved: . . . sequence counter automatic; others by own coding. Destination: fixed jump to location 0132. (('1 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321 :051.336 § GE 225 051. . 336 Control methods Determine cause: Enable interruption: . 34 . 341 .342 Multi-running:: . limited capability with Automatic Priority Interrupt feature. 2 is practical limit. own coding. .35 Multi - seguencing:: none. .4 PROCESSOR SPEEDS .41 Instruction Times in J.£ secs . 411 Fixed point Single Precision Double Pre- Double Precision. .412 .424 . 417 .41B with AAU .425 94. 94. 287 to 724. 1,017 to I, 163. 36 54 162 to 414 468 to 522 54 90 2.600 (SR) 3,000 (SR) none none none 162 to 709. 5,310 (SR) 297 to I, 062. 5,652 (SR) 14,131 (SR) 837 to 1,231. 18 18 18. none none none. •426 54 to 72 18. 54. 54. 108. 54. Edit: . . 342 342 252N 666 Branch based on com- Without parison Three-Way Compare B14. 814 . 724N. 1,526. With Three-Way Compare Numeric data (19-bit precision): 450 396. Alphabetic data (3-char precision): 450 396. Switching Unchecked: . 144. 360. Checked: . . List search: 54 + 270N . Format control per character Unpack Without radix conversion: . 20. Including BCD-tobinary conversion: 340 (approx). Compose Without radix conversion: . lB. Including binary"toBCD conversion: • 700 (approx, without Decimal Add-Subtract). 400 (approx, with Decimal Add-Subtract) . Table look up per comparison (single precision) With Three-Way Compare 54 to 90. .427 o(done in Printer Controller) . Convert BCD to binary: Binary to BCD: 126 + 300 D (SR), 398 to 5,438 (SR, for D = 6, with Decimal AddSubtract). 1, 000 + BOOD (SR, without Decimal Add-Subtract). Shift: . • . • • • • . • • 30 + 6B (approximate, for shift of B bits), Note: SR indicates that a programmed subroutine is used. D is field length in decimal· digits • 7/63 Revised Fixed pOint, Floating point, single withAAU precision (average) lOB 580. 108 580. 36N 436N. 414 B74 • 567 1,178. Without Three-Way Compare Counter control Step: Step & test: Test: . 416 .423 none. none. Control Compare (with Three-Way Compare). Branch: Test & branch: .415 .422 c = a + b: b = a+ b: Sum N items: c =ab c = alb For arrays of data ci = ai + bf bj = ai + bf sum N items: c =c+ aibf Additional allowance for Indexing: Re-complementing: .414 For random addresses Floating point Add-subtract: Multiply: Dlvide: .413 .421 own coding. cision Add: Subttact: Multiply: Divide: Processor Performance in J.£ secs own coding; must test selected controllers. own coding; "Priority Set" instruction. Method of control: . Maximum number of programs: Precedence rules: Progtam protection Storage: In-out units: .343 .344 .42 .428 For a match: . . . . . For least or greatest: For interpolation point: . . . . . . Bit indicators Set bit in separate location: . . . . Set bit in pattern: Test bit in separate location: . . . . . Test bit in pattern: . Test AND for B bits: . Test OR for B bits: ... Moving data Single word: . . . . Double-length word: N words, using programmed loop: . . N words, using optional Move Command: 270 252. 2B4 266. 270 252. 72. 90. 144. 144. 324 (B < 19). 360 (B < 19). 72. 108. 36+ 126N. 126 + 36N. 321 :051.800 CENTRAL PROCESSOR § 051. .8 ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Overflow: Underflow: Zero divisor: Invalid data: Invalid operation: Arithmetic error: Invalid address: Receipt of data: check check (AAU only) overflow check none. all codes used. none. none. parity check indicator & alarm. indicator & alarm. indicator & alarm. Dispatch of data: parity check indicator & alarm. optional stop. indicator & alarm. optional stop. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321 :061.100 • STANDARD EDP • GE 225 REFORTS Console CONSOLE § . 23 061. .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .12 Associated Units: contained in 225 Central Processor cabinet. Name Form Stan: initiates automatic operation if AutoManual switch is in AUTO position. 2-position halts automatic operation when switch switched to MANUAL Auto-Manual: . . Console Typewriter and 400 card per minute Card Reader (if used) stand upon the console desk. (A free-standing 400 cpm reader is also available. ) Stop on Parity Alarm: . 24 • 13 Stops and Restarts Comment button 2-position when ON, system halts on all parity switch errors. Stepping Description The console control panel is mounted vertically at desktop level on the narrower face of the Central Processor cabinet. A wide, L-shaped desk is placed directly in front of the control panel and provides ample working space. The unusual shape of the combined processor cabinet and console desk may make it difficult to arrange the system components for operating convenience in a small room, particularly since the printer and magnetic tape controllers and the Arithmetic Auxiliary Unit all contain alarm and condition lights which are clearly visible only at close range. The control panel contains a fairly typical complement of register displays, alarm lights, and control buttons; these are fully described below. The Cons"le Typewriter is a modifed IBM electric model that stands on the right-hand wing of the console desk. Data cannot be entered into the system from the typewriter keyboard; the unit is used for output only, at 10 characters per second. Data to be typed, in BCD form, is sent to the unit via the 6-bit N Register, one character at a time. The typewriter character set includes only the 26 letters, 10 numerals, and the special symbols /. , $ - and space. Other BCD codes cause the unit to "hang up". Name Form Start: button Word-Instruction: Save P: .25 .26 .27 Comment initiates a single step if Auto-Manual switch is in MANUAL pOSition. 2-position selects steps of one machine cycle or swirch one full instruction. inhibits normal advance of the seswitch quence counter (P Register), so same instruction is repeated. Resets Name Form Comment Reset Alarm: Reset P: button button Reset A: button resets all alarms and error indicators. clears sequence counter to location 0000. clears accumulator (A Register). Name Form Comment Load Card: button reads one binary card into Core Storage starting at location 0000. Name Form Comment Bit Switches: 203- used to place 1 bits into any desired positions in the A register (when raised); and to set patterns that can be read into the A register under program control (when lowered) to control program branching. Loading Sense Switches Optional Features Console Typewriter Input: Permits using the Console Typewriter as an input device. In the input mode, one BCD character is transmitted to the N register when a typewriter key is activated. The character then may be shifted to the A register and used in any manner desired. .2 CONTROLS .21 Power • 22 position centeroff toggle switches .28 Special Name Name Power on:. Power off: Form button. button. Connections: none. XAQ © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Form Comment button transfers contents of the A (accumulator) Register into the I (instruction) Register. interchanges contents of the A and Q Registers. button Revised 7/63 GE 225 321 :061.300 § 061. •3 DISPLAY .31 Alanns • 32 Name Fonn Condition Indicated Parity: Overflow: Card Reader: Card Punch: Echo: light light light light light parity error. arithmetic overflow. error involYing Card Reader. error involving Card Punch. peripheral controller unable to respond when addressed • Conditions Name Fonn Condition Indicated Priority: light loss of priority by Central Processor to a peripheral controller, alarm condition, or auto-manual switch in manual mode. reader available for input. punch available for output. N Register available for paper tape or typewriter operation. processor in priority interrupt routine. index register group in use. Central Processor operating in decimal mode. indicates 16K processor is operating in upper BK. Card Reader Ready: light Card Punch Ready: light N Register Ready: light AIM: Decimal Mode: light 5 lights light SK: light IX Group: • 33 Control Registers Name Fonn Comment P Register: 15 lights I Register: 20 lights A Register: 20 lights binaty display of sequence counter contents. binaty display of next instruction to be executed. binary display of accumulator contents; pressing XAQ will display Q Register contents. ,34 Storage:........ no direct display available . .4 ENTRY OF DATA .41 Into Control Registers: .42 Into Storage 1. Set Auto-Manual switch to MANUAL. 2. Set "Store A Register" instruction, with desired Core Storage location as operand address, in Bit Switches. 3. Depress A -+.1 button to load the instruction. 4. Set Bit Switches to desired data value. 5. Depress Start button. .5 CONVENIENCES .51 Communication: none. • 52 Clock: . . . none . .53 Desk Space: ample free work space is provided on the console desk. .54 View:. Central Processor cabinet, 32 inches wide by 76 inches high, is directly in front of seated operator; view in other directions is unobstructed. I 7/63 Revised 20 Bit Switches pennit direct data entry into A Register only; A I and XAQ buttons pennit loading of I and Q Registers from A Register. I AUERBACH I ® 321:071.100 _STANDARD EDP • GE 225 Input Output Card Reader REPORTS INPUT-OUTPUT: CARD READER (400 CPM) § 071. . 222 Sensing system: . .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .12 Description: Card Reader. D225B. This is the English-built Elliott reader for standard eighty-column punched cards, extensively modified and improved by GE. The rated four hundred cards per minute speed is achieved when reading continuously into alternating input areas in core storage. When feeding one card at a time upon demand, the maximum speed is 360 cards per minute. The unit is extremely compact and usually stands upon the console desk; an optional base converts it into a free-standing unit. It provides none of the usual checks upon card reading accuracy such as dual reading stations or hole count checks. Programmed tests can be made to insure only that proper read synchronization was achieved; i. e., that each column was read once and only once. After every card read, the photocells are checked to ensure that they are working. Cards are read serially by column, and the input instruction selects one of three data formats: Column decimal; data in each card column is translated automatically into one internal BCD character, and three characters are stored in each core storage location. ~ .23 Multiple Copies: .24 Arrangement of Heads Use of station: Stacks: . Heads / stack: Method of use: . .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage . 311 Medium: . 312 Phenomenon: .32 . · photoelectric. • none. · reading. 1. 12. 80 columns per card, one at a time. standard 80-column cards • rectangular holes • Positional Arrangement .321 Serial by: .322 Parallel by: . 324 Track use Data: . Total: . .325 Row use Data: . 80 columns at standard spacing. 12 rows at standard spacing . 80. 80. 12 (10 for lO-row binary data). .33 Coding: . • . • . . • . Decimal: column code as in Data Code Table No.3. 10- Row Binary: 2 card columns per 20-bit core storage word. l2-Row Binary: 1 card column per core storage word, into the 12 least significant bit positions. .34 Format Compatibility Ten-row binary; data in two successive card columns fills one twenty bit core storage location. Twelve-row binary; data in each card column fills the twelve least significant bit positions of one core storage location. (Continuous feeding is not possible in this mode.) The automatic reading of data from successive cards into alternating core storage areas in the column decimal and ten-row binary modes can save Central Processor time through the elimination of internal transfers before the input data is processed. Other device or system Code translation. All devices using standard 80-column cards: •• not required • . 13 Availability:. . 3 months as of March, 1963 . . 35 . 14 First Delivery: . March, 1961. .2 PHYSICAL FORM . 21 Drive Mechanism Physical Dimensions: . • standard 80-column cards • .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: .42 Connection to System Card Reader Controller • (housed in Central Processor) • . 211 Drive past the head:. . pinch roller friction • . 212 Reservoirs: . . . . . none. .22 Sensing and Recording Systems .421 On-line: .422 Off-line: .221 Recording system:. . . none.(A), execute next instruction; = (A), skip next instruction; < (A), skip next two instructions. Data Transfer LDA STA OLD DST LQA LAQ XAQ M M M M STO STX LDX MOY M X X MAQ - 7/63 - Y Y Y Y - Y Y Y Y Revised 00 ..... 03 ..... 10 ..... 13 ..... 2504004 2504001 2504005 2504006 27 ..... 17 ..... 06 ..... 24 ..... (Y) -A. (A)-Y. (Y & Y+ 1) -+A & Q. (A & Q) _ Y & Y + 1. (A)-Q. (Q)-+A. Interchange (A) and (Q). (A)-Q; O-A. (A) - + Y; operand address (bits 7-19) only. (X) .:.-. Y. (Y)-X. Move N words starting with (Y) to new location starting at Z, where Z is in A Register and - N is in Q Register. (Available with optional MC only.) . @ ~/ Ir-A--UE---RB--AC-H .. ! , INSTRUCTION LIST § 321: 121.1 03 121. INSTRUCTION LIST-Contd. OPERATION INSTRUCTION Op. X Addr. Octal Code RCS 2500011 TON BNR BNN TYP OFF 2500007 2514005 2516005 2500006 2500005 Input-Output: Console Place a 1 bit in A wherever the corresponding console control switch is on (down). Turn on console typewriter power and turn off power for PTR & PTP. Branch if N Register is ready for input-output. Branch if N Register is not ready for input-output. Type the 6- bit coded character in N Register. Turn off power for typewriter, PTR, & PTP. RON RPT 2500014 2500006 2500016 2500015 2500006 2514005 2516005 Input-Output: Punched Tape Turn on PTR power and turn off power for PTP and typewriter. Read continuously from punched tape into N Register. Halt PTR. Turn on PTP power and turn off power for PTR and typewriter. Punchthe 6- bit coded character in N Register. Branch if N register is ready. Branch if N register is not ready. HPT PON WPT BNR BNN Input-Output: Punched Cards Read decimal cards continuously, storing data in BCD form as follows: 1st card into Y through Y + 26; 2nd card into Y + 32 through Y + 58; 3rd card into Y + 64 through Y + 90; 4th card into Y + 96 through Y + 122; 5th card into Y through Y + 26; etc. Read lO-row binary cards continuously: 1st card into Y through Y + 39; 2nd card into Y + 64 through Y + 103; 3rd card into Y through Y + 39 ; etc. Read one 12-row binary card into the 12 least significant bit positions of Y through Y + 79. RCD M Y 25 OyyOO RCB M Y 250yy01 RCF M Y 25 Oyy 10 HCR - - 2500004 Halt card reader. BCR BCN - - 2514006 2516006 Branch if card reader is ready. Branch if card reader is not ready. Note: For all punched card instructions Y must be a multiple 128 and less than 2048. Y 250yy02 250yy03 25Oyy17 Punch one decimal card from BCD data in Y through Y + 26. Punch one lO-row binary card from data in Y through Y + 39. Punch one 12-row binary card from the 12 least significant bit positions in Y through Y + 79. - 2514007 2516007 Branch if card punch is ready. Branch if card punch is not ready. P 2500P20 BER 2514P27 2516P27 WCD WCB WCF M Y M Y M BPR BPN - SELP BCS BCS P P o~ BNE Input-Output: Controller Selector Select peripheral controller p, transmit contents of next 2 locations to it, and reset its error indicator (0 ~ P ~ 7). The SEL P instruction must immediately precede all Printer, Magnetic Tape, Magnetic Ink Document Handler, and Mass Random Access File instructions except conditional branches. Branch if any error condition in controller P. Branch if no error condition in controller P. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321: 121.1 04 § GE 225 INSTRUCTION LIST -Contd. 121. INSTRUCTION Op. X Addr. OPERATION Octal Code Inl2ut-Outl2ut: Printer WPL C Y 2600000 01yyyyy } Print 1 line of BCD data starting from CS location Y. C M Y 36mmmmm 01yyyyy } Print 1 line of BCD data starting from CS location Y according to format words starting in CS location M. data is all numeric. C= N: C = blank: data is alphameric. SLW - N 0600000 nnOOOOO } Step paper N lines (0 SLT - N OxOOOOO xxOOOOO } Skip to punch in track N of paper tape loop. BCS BCS BCS BCS P P P P BPN BPR BOP BNP 2516P20 2514P20 2514P22 2516P22 WTD T M N 02mmmmm} Write N BCD words, starting from CS location M, on tape unit T. ttnnnnn WTB T M N 03mmmmm} Write N binary words, starting from CS location M, on tape unit T. ttnnnnn WTS T M N 23mmmmm ttnnnnn } Write N words in "special binary" mode, starting from CS location M, on tape Unit T. RTD T M N 04mmmmm ttnnnnn } Read a maximum of N Decimal words on tape unit T into CS starting at M. RTB T M N 05mmmmm ttnnnnn } Read a maximum of N binary words on tape unit T into CS starting at M. RTS T M N 25mmmmm ttnnnnn } Read a maximum of N "special binary" words on tape unit T into CS starting at M. RBD T M N 14mmmmm ttnnnnn } Read N decimal words backward on tape unit T into CS locations M, M-1, M- 2, etc. M N 15mmmmm ttnnnnn } Read N binary words backward on tape unit T into CS locations, M, M-1, M-2, etc. WFL Branch Branch Branch Branch if if if if printer printer printer printer ~ N ~ 63). controller P is not ready. controller P is ready. is out of paper. is not out of paper. Inl2ut-Outl2ut: Magnetic Tal2e - - - - - - - RBB - T - RBS T - M N 35mmmmm ttnnnnn } Read N "special binary" words backward on tape unit T into CS locations M, M-l, M-2, etc. RWD T - 2000000 ttOOOOO } Rewind tape unit T. WEF T - 0200000 ttOOOOO } Write end-of-file character and gap on tape unit T. BKW T - 1600000 ttOOOOO } Backspace tape unit T 1 block and position head for writing. BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS P P P P P P BTN BTR BEF BNF BET BNT 2516P20 2514P20 2514P21 2516P21 2514P22 2516P22 - 7/63 - Revised Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch if tape controller P is not ready. if tape controller P is ready. if end-of-file indicator is on. if end-of-file indicator is off. if end-of-tape indicator is on. if end-of-tape indicator is off. I.-------;-,~ AUERBACH I @tl 321: 121.1 05 INSTRUCTION LIST § 121. INSTRUCTION LIST -Contd. INSTRUCTION Op. X Addr. BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS P P P P P P P P BRW BNR BPE BPC BIO BIC BME BNM OPERATION Octal Code 2514P23 2516P23 2514P24 2516P24 2514P25 2516P25 2514P26 2516P26 Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch if any tape unit on P is rewinding. if no tape unit on P is rewinding. if parity error indicator is on. if parity error indicator is off. if I/O buffer error indicator is on. if I/O buffer error indicator is off. if mod 3 or 4 error indicator is on. if mod 3 or 4 error indicator is off. Input-Output: Magnetic Ink Document Handler RSD D M 0020000 OOmmmOO RDC D M 0040000 OOmmmOO } Read 1 document as above and continue feeding next document. PKT D S 0060000 OOOOOss } Route document read by MDH unit D to stacker S. HLT D M 0100000 OOmmmOO } Halt MDH unit D and read last document into CS locations M+ 63, M+ 62, etc. ERB D 0120000 0000000 } Reset MDH to ready condition after halt. BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS P P P P P P P SKN SKR NPK PDK FSK NFK ICK VCK SKE SKC } Read 1 document on MDH unit D into CS locations M+ 63, M+ 62, etc.; halt MDH. 2516P20 2514P20 2514P22 2516P22 2514P24 2516P24 2514P26 2516P26 2514P30 2516P30 Branch if MDH unit K is not ready. Branch if MDH unit K is ready. Branch if stacker was not selected within required time. Branch if stacker was selected within reqUired time. Branch if MDH unit K is feeding. Branch if MDH unit K is not feeding. Branch if invalid character indicator is on. Branch if invalid character indicator is off. Branch if any error condition in MDH unit K. Branch if no error condition in MDH unit K. Note: In the above instructions, D or K may be 1 or 2; all octal codes shown are for MDH unit 1 and will differ for unit 2. BCS P BCS P BCS P PRF OCT F - z zzzzzzz Internal Storage: Mass Random Access File } Position access mechanism on MRAF unit F at address Z (0'::;; F .::;; 3). RRF F N 12f00nn OOmmmmm } Read N 64-word sectors from MRAF unit F into CS starting at location M( 1 .::;; N .::;; 16). 37fOOnn OOmmmmm J M WRF BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS F P P P P P P P P N BRN BRR FKR FKN BIO BIC RPE RPC 25fOOOO 2516P20 2514P20 2514P2K 2516P2K 2514P25 2516P25 2514P26 2516P26 © 1963 ~ Write N 64-word sectors starting from CS location Minto MRAF unit F (l :::; N .::;; 16). Branch if MRADS Branch if MRADS Branch if MRADS Branch if MRADS Branch if MRADS Branch if MRADS Branch if MRADS Branch if MRADS controller P is not ready. controller P is ready. unit K is ready (0 .::;; K :::; 3). unit K is not ready. I/O error indicator is on. I/O error indicator is off. parity error indicator is on. parity error indicator is off. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321:121.106, § GE 225 INSTRUCTION LIST - Contd. 121. INSTRUCTION Cp. X Addr. Octal Code OPERATION InEut-Ou!Eut: DATANET-15 100CCCS OOYYYYY 200CCCS OOyyyyy 120CCCO OOyyyyy 21OCCCO OOYYYYY 1400000 SCN C y C y C y C y 0 BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS P P P P P RCR RCN RNT RTD RAH 2514020 2516020 2516021 2516021 2514022 BCS P RNA 2516022 BCS BCS P P REC RDP 2514023 2514024 BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS P P P P P RND RCP RNP RSP RSN 2516024 2514025 2516025 2514026 2516026 BCS P RAE 2514027 BCS P RNE 2516027 BCS P REM 2514030 BCS P RNM 2516030 BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS BCS P P P P REX RNX 2514031 2516031 2514032 2516032 2514033 2516033 2514034 2516034 RRM WRM RRT WRT 7/63 RPH RPI' p p ROV RNO P RAI p RNI Revised Read Remote Message into core storage starting at (Y) address from (S) station for (C) maximum number of characters. Write Remote Me~sage from core storage starting at (Y) address to (S) station for (C) maximum number of characters. Read Paper Tape fiito- core storage starting at location (Y) for a maximum of (C) characters. Punch Paper Tape from core storage location starting at (Y) and stopping when an End of Transmission code is encountered. Start the scanning logic and cause the controller to be set in the receive mode. Branch if DATANET-15 is ready. Branch if DATANET-15 is not ready. Branch if DATANET -15 N second Delay did not occur. Branch and interrupt if DATANET-15 second delay occurred. Branch when a command word parity error causes an alert halt condition. Branch if no command word parity error alert halt condition occurs. Branch if preselect DATANET-15 error code is not detected. Branch if data parity error is detected on data received by the DATANET-15 from either core storage or the Paper Tape Reader. Branch if no parity error is detected. Branch if a command word parity error is detected. Branch if a command word parity error is not detected. Branch if scanner is positioned on station requesting access. Branch if DATANET-15 scanner is not positioned on station requesting 'access. Branch on DATANET-15 any error if any error code is detected. Branch on DATANET-15 any error if no error code is detected. Branch if an end-of-message code is received during a receive command.' Branch if no end-of-message code is received during a receive command. Branch if an end of transmission code is detected. Branch if an end of transmiSSion code is not detected. Branch when Paper Tape unit is halted. Branch when Paper Tape unit is not halted. Branch if DATANET-15 character counter has overflowed. Branch if DATANET-15 character counter has not overflowed. Branch if DATANET -15 caused an automatic priority interrupt. Branch if DATANET-15 did not cause an automatic priority interrupt. INSTRUCTION LIST 321: 121.107 § 121. INSTRUCTION LIST NOMENCLATURE Symbol Definition A: A Register, or upper accumulator. Additional Address Modification Groups (optional). Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. Operand address. Automatic Interrupt feature (optional). AX Register in Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. AAM: . AAU: Addr: AI: . AX: C:. CS: Designator for ali-numeric data to be printed. Core Storage. D:. DAS: Magnetic Ink Document Handler unit number. Decimal Addition and Subtraction (optional). F:. Mass Random Access File unit number. G:. Address Modification Word group number. I: Instruction Register. J: Bits 7-19 of an instruction used to increment or test an index register. K:. (1) Length of a shiftin bit positions. (2) Unit number of a peripheral device. M: . . . . . . . (1) When in column X, denotes that the instruction may be modified by indexing. (2) A Core Storage location. MDH: .. MRADS:. Magnetic Ink Document Handler. Mass Random Access Data Storage. N: . . . . (1) N Register, a 6-bit I/O buffer. (2) Counter .for number of words, lines, records, etc. Op: Mnemonic operation code. P: . (P): PTP: PTR: Unit number of a peripheral controller attached to the Controller Selector. Contents of instruction address sequence counter (P Register). Paper Tape Punch. . Paper Tape Reader. Q:. Q Register, or lower accumulator. QX: QX Register in Auxiliary Arit:hmetic Unit. S: . Number of selected stacker on Magnetic Ink Document Handler. T:. Magnetic Tape Unit number. TWC: . Three- Way Compare Feature (optional). X: . . . (1) Bits 5 and 6 of instruction codes. "M" in column X denotes that the instruction may be indexed; otherwise, modification is not permitted or will produce improper results. (2) Index register number (0, I, 2, or 3) . Y:. . A Core Storage location. Z:. A Mass Random Access File sector address. ( ): The contents of a register or Core Storage location; e ..g., (Y) means "contents of location Y" }: Denotes that these two instruction words are transmitted to a peripheral controller and must be preceded by the SEL P instruction to select the appropriate controller. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321:131.100 • STANDARD _EDP .,... RffiJRTS GE 225 Coding Specimen GAP CODING SPECIMEN: GAP § 131 • .1 CODING SHEET 225 CODING SHEET PROBLEM: Reqn Cost & Labor Pricing WRITTEN BY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Symbol 11 I I I I I I I Opr 16 81 110 121 EIXIT ZIEIRIOI I I I L L I I I I I I I BIRIU DI I X 119 2022 I I I I I I I CARD CODE 1 I I I IINIX -12181 I I 3 I I I I I SIPIB BICIDI IBIIIN 1 I I I I DIEIC 41 1 1 I I I DIEIC 2181 I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONVERT AREA TO BINARY I I I I I I I I I BIRIU EIRIRIOIRI I I I I I I I LIAIQ I I I SIUIB TIAIBI I I I I MOVE QTO A I I I I I I I 3 I I I I I BINIZ I I I I I BIR U TIEISIT L t I I I IINIX 11 I I I I I I 3 3 I I I I I I I I I I I B XIL 1111 I I I" I I I I BIRIU HI I I RELATIVE RATE ADDRESS MAINTAINED IN MODIFICATION WORD 3 I BIRIU EIRIRIOIRI I I I SIPIB BICIDI IBIIINI I I I I DIEIC 41 I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I ILL TL U FOR CORRECT AREA TIEISITI I I I I I I I I I I DEC 3 I I ZERO MODIFICATION WORD 3 80 I I I I I I I I HI I I I I I I I 75761 CARD CODE ZERO OR ONE? I I I I I I l! Sequence Remarks Operand I I I I I I BINIZ PAGEiof I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I Ll~~ Reprinted from GE 225 Programming Manual. p. 118. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Reprinted 7/63 321: 132.100 GE 225 Coding Specimen GECOM CODING SPECIMEN: GECOM § 132 . .1 SOURCE LISTING GECOM LISTING OF JTS PAGE 001 GE CODER JUL 17 SOU R C E L r S T r N G 1000 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 PROGRAM ID. AUTHOR.DATE COMPILED. INSTALLATION. REMARKS. 2000 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 JTS. GE CODER. JUL 17. GE COMPUTER DEPARTMENT IPC PHOENIX ARIZONA. SAMPLE PROBLEM OBJECT COMPUTER, 225, MEMORY SIZE 2 MODULES, ASSIGN OBJECT_PROGRAM TO-CARD READER. FILE CONTROL, SELECT JOB FILE ASSIGN TO CARD READER BUFFER, SELECT SUMMARY FILE ASSIGN TO CARD PUNCH BUFFER, SELECT DMH_REPORT ASSIGN TO HSP ON PLUG 6. 3000 PROCEDURE DIVISION. 3001 3005 3010 3015 3020 3025 3030 3035 3040 3045 3050 3055 3060 3065 3070 3075 3080 3085 3090 3095 3100 3105 3107 3110 31T5 3120 3125 3130 3135 3140 GO TO S3055 WPH SECTI ON. BEGIN. ADVANCE DMH REPORT TO TOP OF PAGE. ADD 1 TO PAGE COUNT. ADVANCE DMH REPORT 4 LINES. WRITE RPT TITLE. ADVANCE DMH REPORT 3 LINES. WRITE COL TITLES. ADVANCE DMH REPORT 2 LINES. END WPH SECTION. S3055. OPEN ALL FILES. MOVE 0 TO pAGE COUNT. PERFORM WPH SECTION. MOVE #ZZ# TO LAST DEPT. S3075. READ JOB FILE RECORD IF END FILE GO TO S3180. IF DEPT OF JOB TICKET EQUALS LAST DEPT GO TO S3125. SW3085. GO TO S3090. S3090. ALTER SW3085 TO PROCEED TO S3100. GO TO S3115. S3100. TOTAL HRS = ACC REG HRS + ACC OT HRS. WRITCSUMMARY CARD. - SW3107. GO TO S3110. S3110. ALTER SW3150 TO PROCEED TO S3155. MOVE DEPT OF JOB TICKET TO LAST DEPT, DEPT OF WS. S3115 MAN COUNT = ACC REG HRS = ACC oT HRS = O. - S3125. ADD-l TO MAN COUNT.ADD REG HRS TO ACC REG HRS. ADD OT HRS TO ACC OT HRS. IF LINE_COUNT EQUALS-51 GO TO S3170. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 0080 0090 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 0180 0190 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0260 0270 0280 0290 0300 Revised 7/63 321:132.101 § GE 225 132 . .1 SOURCE LISTING (CON'ID.) GECOM LISTING OF JTS PAGE 002 GE CODER JUL 17 SOU R C ELI S TIN G (e 0 N T. ) 3145 3150 315,5 3160 3165 3170 3175 3180 3181 3182 3185 S3145. WRITE DETAIL RECORD. SW3150. GO TO S3155. S3155. MOVE SPACES TO DEPT OF WS. ALTER SW3150 TO PROCEED TO S3075. GO TO S3075. S3170. PERFORM WPH SECTION. GO TO S3145. S3180. ALTER SW3107 TO PROCEED TO S3182. GO TO S3100. S3182. CLOSE JOB FILE, SUMMARY FILE. STOP RUN #JTS#. 4000 DATA DIVISION. (SEQ GAP T DATA NAME QUALIFIER 4005. FILE SECTION 4010 OUTPUT FILES. 4015 OODFD SUMMARY FILE. 4020 000 R SUMMARY-CARD 4021 F LAST DEPT 4022 F MAN COUNT 4023 F ACCREG HRS F Ace-OT "FiRS 4024 F TOTAL "FiRS 4025 4100 001FD DMH REPORT. 4105 000 R RPT-TITLE L 4110 4115 4120 L 4125 F PAGE COUNT 4130 001 R COL TITLES L 4135 4140 4145 L 4150 002 R DETAIL ws F DEPT 4155 4160 F MAN NBR F NAME 4165 F JOB CODE 4170 4175 F REG-HRS 4180 F OT "FiRS 4500 INPUT FILES. 4505 002FD JOB FILE. 4510 000 R JOB-TICKET F MAN-NBR 4515 4520 OOJ F DEPT F NAME 4525 F JOB CODE 4530 4535 05A F REG-HRS 7/63 Revised 0310 0320 0330 0340 0350 0360 0370 0380 0390 0400 0410 F RPT B J E MS LS DATA IMAGE) P XX B(5) 999 B( 29) 9(6)V9 B(4) 9999V9 B(5) 9(nV9 B( 12) P BBB #DEPARTMENT MAN HOUR R EPORT# B( 42) #PAGE# B ZZZ9 B(7) #DEPT MAN NUMBER NAME # B(18) #JOB REG-HRS OT-HRS# P XX BBB B(6) A( 21)B XX BB ZZZ.9 BBB B(n X(5) Zl.9 P X(5) XX BB A( 21) XXB(n· 999V9 321:132.200 CODING SPECIMEN: GECOM § 132 . .2 OBJECT LISTING AND TABLES GECOM LISTING OF JTS PAGE 004 JUL 17 GE CODER REF E R E N C E T A B L E S PROCEDURE NAME TO GAP SYMBOL (GAP AOI AD3 A07 A08 All A09 A05 A15 AI3 A14 A04 AI6 A06 AIO A12 A02 PROCEDURE NAME) S3055 S3075 S3090 S3100 S3110, S3115 S3125 S3145 S3155 S3170 S3180 S3182 SW3085 SW3107 SW3150 WPH /'lAMES OF SUB-ROUTINES REQUIRED (GAP SECTION NAME) ADV FLX FXP RCS RLC TYP ZAM ZBN ZCB ZED ZNB ZNN ZOT ZSC ZSG ZUA GAP SYMBOLIC TO OCTAL LOCATION (GAP OCTAL OOA OOV OOZOO OIU OlW GAP OCTAL GAP OCTAL GAP OCTAL GAP OCTAL GAP OCTAL) 01363 00J01402 005 01110 OOTCP 01713 OOTXT 01712 OOU 01646 01714 OOWOO 01664 OOWE 01675 OOW 01664 OOX 01406 OOY 01406 02040 OIA 01366 OIJ 01403 01501120 01TCP 02006 OITXT 02005 01737 OIV 02007 OIWOO 02032 OIWOI 02034 0lW02 02036 01WE 01772 01755 OIX 01406 OIZOO 02076 OIZOI 02120 01Z02 02133 02A 01370 © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321:132.201 § GE 225 132. .2 OBJECT LISTING AND TABLES (CaNTO.) PAGE 006 GECOM LISTING OF JTS GE CODER a B J E C T 3001 JUL 17 LIS T I N G GO TO S3055. 01144 0010 2601204 BRU AOl 3005WPH SECTION. 0020 3010 BEGIN. 0030 01145 01146 01147 1420001 0000001 2701203 A02 l~X LOA STO 1 1 A02#/@ ADVANCE DMH REPORT TO TOP OF PAGE. 3015 01150 01151 01152 01153 3020 0721142 01142 2000006 0000252 0301405 ADV SPB EQU OCT LOA STA 0040 ADV TV2-02 2000006 ZER PC6 ADD 1 TO PAGE COUNT. 0050 - 01154 01155 01156 0001363 0101442 0301363 LOA ADD STA OOA OJO OOA ADVANCE DMH REPORT 4 LINES. 3025 01157 01160 01161. 01162 01163 01164 0001444 0721142 0000006 0001444 0101405 0301405 LOA SPB OCT LDA ADD STA 0060 OJI ADV 0000006 OJI PC6 PC6 WRITE RPT TITLE. 3030 01165 0722032 0070 SPB 01WOO ADVANCE DMH_REPORT 3 LINES. 3035 01166 01167 01170 01171 01172 01173 3040 0001446 0721142 0000006 0001446 0101405 0301405 LOA SPB OCT LOA ADD STA 0080 OJ2 ADV 0000006 OJ2 PC6 PC6 WRITE COL_TITLES. 01174 304S 0722034 0090 SPB 01WOl ADVANCE DMH REPORT 2 LINES. 0100 pp. 60-64. 7/63 Revised ..... COl ..... t.:l t.:l til GENERAL,. ELECTRIC COMPUTER DEPARTMENT GENERAL COMPILER REPORT DESCRIPTION FORM § :;0 a tI1 "tI :;0 ~ -~ :;0 en 't:l 0 @ ~; til en '< ...o· c> 0 c.> 0- (1) CD n ::r n o .:ao o·~ :J D :J 0 = ~ ...... n 0 0 Z c;l '" "U m n ~ m z c;l m n 0 ~ a. :;:0 ""Z ""CI > :J 8 .:ao Q iii a. III -... 0 ~ ::: III c;lnc;l mom n!: O=N ~IQ :;:o~ III III o n_. "CI ::.; . -....J ~= 0- ::: ........ t.:l !! N VI -w N w ~ 0 0 .::::! 0- I-.) .... .... c.l c.l c.l til ~ ...... w N W W N 0 0 t"' PAGE 28 WEEKLY-PAYROLL REPORT 12-01-61 ORG CODE PAY NUMBER 5484 0671 0983 1201 1452 2352 :::a CD "0 I-j ~p. l:t ....~ & 8. s:: ....... i 1 ~ ~ 0 0 l:I J JONES A JOHNSON B SMITH SCHROEDER C BROWN COUNT OF EMPLOYEES 5484 5485 EMPLOYEE NAME 0108 0112 1389 1545 1547 1999 2103 SEX JOB CLASS REGULAR HOURS OVERTIME HOURS MALE MALE FEMALE MALE MALE BOl Al0 C50 DA2 011 40.0 37.5 40.0 32.0 40.0 10.0 .4 T23.44 184.01 148.02 84.66 105.19 189.5 18.4 645.32 40.0 35.2 40.0 40.0 38.2 40.0 40.0 8.0 12.0 2.2 1.8 100.01 115.55 72.06 123.11 182.78 78.23 101. 11 05 MALE FEMALE FEMALE MALE MALE FEMALE MALE R EDWARDS P SMYTHE A ANDREWS R MICHELSON J BERG A McMILLAN J GWYNN 080 Bll BOl Al0 SOl C09 BOl 8.0 GROSS EARNINGS $ g 5485 COUNT OF EMPLOYEES 07 273.4 24.0 842.85 ~ 5480 COUNl OF EMPLOYEES 12 4~2.9 42.4 1,388.16 0 5400 COUNT OF EMPLOYEES 33 1302.1 108.0 4,125.29 l.l E:: ~ "0 "? c.l ~ 5501 0133 0134 0222 2102 2359 C STEVENSEN L ELLISON H MURPHY J OZER A AMBERCROMBIE MALE MALE FEMALE MALE MALE E22 A09 C53 BOl Bl1 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 Ii 0 I~ 138.06 149.55 99.99 123.02 154.84 c.l ~ Cl m N ~ ./ .... ~ CO> .... w ~ n tIl ~ o @ ~ GENERAL. ELECTRIC GENERAL COMPILER SENTENCE FORM COIPUTEROfPUTIIEMT,PHDEHIX,U1Z0IU. PROGIU @ ~ 0W " "< > c: "aC n :r n 0 -il0 ag. "c "c.. '"z > :;- a :0 (!) '0 I-j ...S· P. ::r (!) 0 S ~ I-j 8. ...l'5 g' ... 0 (;) tIl n ~ -il0 '? c.. w ';0 aiD IDATE SAMPLE DECISION TABLE PROCiRAUER IPACE ICDIIPUTER SEQUENCe MUllllflt '1'1'1'1'1- , '1'1"1" ululullS ,,!r7!1I!"!U!Zll uI1l114I zs ul271 nlnllO 1111 nlnlHln 1I117[lIIltlul·,ln[ulu/u 4'lnln[" 1501511511'154155 561571511,,16°161162 6l1'~u ,-;r6~,~,;r7;r;;p;r;;r~7-;r7~r.ftT1Q Ip.IHH· l.,nTU; IF. . n. T.V. I.". 1.0.N 10PEr> I N PUT MAS TER-FI.LE. RKAD 1\1 AS T RR_ F I L.E R.EC.O.R n I F .RNn F I L.E IG.o T.O .E,N.n- IRTIN GET- IRFcr IRn IT. F . ~ IRMAT.E G.O T o G.ET-R EC.C IRD _ V.R-.RM.P.T ioV.F.n IRx.~R IR.I.RN ...,.R ,6.1 .P.R,F Iv",Rx.p .5 1 0 1 5 20 .2.5 n o c z c;') V> 30 T.ABL IE I T..R~ IRT. .F 10. 6 7 IA g, 3 5 40 45 5.n 5,5 60 10 65 3 C OND I T IONS EXPERIEN CE E 2 E.Q 3, .r..R. ~. .G.R G.R. 4 4 2 .AC T I ON S 5 -a m ROWS. T T T L.R PROGRA ME.R PROG.RA.l'o 'MER .OR ANA ILYS T .A.N.A .LV." .'1 .ANA. L.V,S .'T .n.R ,S.R .A.N.A ILV.S.T. SR .ANAL ~ST I I .. 2 .4 5 o ~ 10 '1'.0 PE-OUT " m z -i »- " " " C:J V> o r GO T o G.ET-R.EC.( RD. l'I'vP.);' ,".TT'T' .WR. T.'I'." .n. Ip.AR'I'.MR.N'I' .1\ ~M.".. 'I'.I.'I'.r..R . "V.RT.r;;,x,p,E IRLE,Ne.Kn.1Il: ITo.'I'A "I. T. \ - .T.0,1 IA.I. .1. I \ 1 . GO T 10 GE'I:-RECO RD. lEND,... IRII.N .r..T..o. S. F. MA S T ER-F I L.E IWR.T.'T' I., .'1' O.'I'.A.T. (.1 .'I'.O'l'.A.T. I.?. 1 TOT.AL( 3.\. T lo.'I'AL, (.4,) T,e TAL,I,5,), ON STOP "END .RUN" • 70 .75 80 85 .0 !l 9 5 ,1, E.}( AM.PL E. J ,1,lulll 1211]1141'5 161171111,,12~21lnluI2,lu uiululniulnlnju/HllS uil7jlli"l.oI4lIul.llulu ,,1&11,,149[50151152151 s.\u 51151151\511101'1112 ul,Ju I....VU"''''UT",'''D TY PEW.R r.'I'.ER ,J,~lur:l7GIJJJ:IJ~r,J;J-,Ju -inc;') »-om C:J~ V>::IN N oca r ~ 0\ W ..... V> n 3' lO ::I Ut -W N w f"- 0 0 321: 135.100 GE 225 Coding Specimen WIZ-II CODING SPECIMEN: WIZ-II § 135 . .1 SOURCE PROGRAM GENERAL~ ELECTRIC C~/II,PUTER DEPARTMENT PHOENIX. UllOM ... WIZ COMPILER SENTENCE FORM DAT.~MA~y~,~1~96~2~______________ CURRENT IN AN A.C. SERIES CIRCUIT PROGR II AI PROGRAI",,,ER I" 8 E l DIi.U EN CE NU BER . . 7 ____~~_____ .,_~2"___ _ W. It BRANSON 10 a STATeMENT .. TlPE 12 It .. . 0020 $ SERIES CIRCUIT 0030 $ lV. 1. BRANSON D IARRAY(1000) $ARRAY DIHENSION 0050 D SRCH. (5) $SEARCH ROUTINE 0060 I 0070 READ CRD PI(3.14159265) VOLTS OHHS III ... - + 0 CI~ 7> tASE " " 77 " $INITIAL PI FARADS IFREQUENCY 0090 J=l 0100 FREQUENCY= IFREQUENCY nlln SL X HENRYS FFREQUENCY 0080 mCREHENT $ARRAY SUBSCRIPT FIN CURRENT IN AN A.C. SERIES CIRCUIT lVIlli X FREQUENCY VARIED lV.I. BRANSON MAY, 1962 0120 0130 PV INPUT PARAMETERS 0140 PL 0150 PVL 0160 PVL IFREQUENCY PL l 0180 DIms VOLTS FARADS FFREQUENCY HENRYS INCREHENT ICALCUlATED RESULTS ; PV i, 0190 XC-l/ (2)''Pli'FREQUENCY'''FARADS) I 0200 $CAPACITIVE REACTANCE XL=2>"PI"'FREQUENCY>"HENRYS 0210 $INDUCTlVE REACTANCE 0220 I 0230 REACTANCE=XC-XL o?<;n I I IMPEDANCE= SORT. (OHMS,"OHMS+ REACTA.'lCE'~ 0240 X REACTANCE) , I IARRAY (J)=ANPERES=VOLTS /DlPEDANCE , .T=.T+1 n?7(l PVI FREQUENCY, A}lPERES 0280 0290 0300 ellS MAY, 1962 0040 0260 Cl4 61 $ PROGRAM TO COMPUTE CURRENT m AN A.C. 0010 0170 60 -+ 0 C 1"11 A A N C H (FREQUENCY=FREQUENCY+INCRIl&'"'NT) - i i FFREQUENCY X 'I, ..'( SRCH Reprinted from WIZ System Reference Manual, pp. E-3, 4. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE 225 321: 135.101 § 135 . .1 SOURCE PROGRAM (CONTD.) 8 R .II N C H SEOUENCE STATEMENT 1. ... 8 E L NUMBER . , D T 't 7 10 11 0310 EI U~ FREQUENCY PVL :.$ SRCH 0340 0350 e. GIS e8 - + 0 GD 72 77 " READ K=J-1 SSAVE NO. OF LARGEST *1: J=J-1 $ DO NOT REPLACE REDUCE 5 $ELEMENT NO LARGEAMPERES-rARRAY(J).$COMPARE 5 * FREOUENCY= IFREOUENCY+K'·'INCREMENT .0410 0420 SFIND FREOUENCY THEN RETURN • $ END OF SEARCH ROUTINE FIN PL 0440 END OF $ END END PROGRAl'l LOAD NEXT JOB . : _L._ , ,., 7/63 '" CASE " 7S J=J-1 0390 0430 +- 0 Of LARGEAMPERES LARGEA,'1PERES- rARRAY (J) $REPLACE LARGER 0380 0400 ~o SEARCH FOR LARGEST CURREh'T CALCULATEr '!: 0360 0370 c eD III PV 0320 0330 P 12 "lib': 321:136.100 GE 225 Coding Specimen ZOOM CODING SPECIMEN: ZOOM § 136 . .1 SOURCE AND OBJECT LISTING .1 NT I?RQBLEM. TO READ A CARl) AND PRINT THE CARD If ANYIH.lIiG PUNCHED IN THE FIRST SIX COLUMNS OTHERWISE NOT INPUT - ZOOM ORG 128. CARD. ASS 40. BEGIN, BCN *. RCD CARD. HCR. BCN Z IF D CARD EQ SPACE GO BEGIN. PT 6 CARD. GO BEGIN. G *. ZED. NT NEED A CHECK PRINT ROUTTNF, OUTPUT - GAp CARD ElI;;;GIl!l QB~ BSS El~~ 1Z8 40 * RCD CARD !::H:R BCN * OLD CARD DSU SPACE 6Z!; XAQ BZE LOA BRU SEL WP!,. BRU ZERO DOC SPACE ALF ALF ONE DEC QEC IWO THREE DEC FOUR DEC FIVE DEC SIX DEC SEVEN DEC EIGHT DEC NINE DEC TEN DEC XX XXXX OCT EQU TRUE FALSE EQU XXXXYl DOC END BEGIN * CKPRNT 6 CARD BEGIN 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2777777 ZERO ONE 0 BEGIN Reprinted from ZOOM, a Macro Assembler, p. C-l. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated ·7/63 321:141.100 .STAI 8-b 0 - A B C D E F G H I T K L M N 0 P Q R - / S T U V W X y Z , % r 1 IS-I © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Reprinted 7/63 321:144.100 _STANDARD EDP • GE 225 REPORTS Data Code Table Collating Sequence DATA CODE TABLE NO.4 § 144. internal collating sequence. .1 USE OF CODE: .2 STRUCTURE OF CODE In ascending sequence: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # @ J K L M N 0 P Q R -0 $ * blank + A B C D E F G H I +0 / S T U V W X y Z . % [ 1 © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 321:151.100 • STANDARD EDP • GE 225 REPORlS Problem Oriented Facilities PROBLEM ORIENTED FACILITIES § 151. .11 Simulators of Other Computers (Contd.) .1 UTILITY Description: (Contd.) .11 Simulators of Other Computers instructions in subroutine form. Upon receiving an LGP-30 instruction, the simulator program decodes the operation and transfers control to the appropriate subroutine for simulation of the operating functions of the LGP-30. IBM 650 Reference: Date available: • Programming Manual for the Interpretive Simulation of the mM 650 on the GE 225-:-- --simulator for basic 650, November, 1961. The GE 225 minimum hardware configuration requirements are: • 8,192- or 16, 384-word core storage • Paper Tape Reader • Card Reader (optional) • Console Typewriter • Paper Tape Punch (optional). Description: This routine enables a GE 225 with at least 8, 192 words of core storage, card reader, card punch, and console typewriter to simulate an IBM 650 with 2,000 words of drum storage, one 533 card reader and punch, magnetic tapes, core storage, index registers, and floating point arithmetic. Two words of GE 225 core storage are used to represent each ten-digit 650 word, and all internal operations are carried out interpretively in double precision. Plugboard wiring on the 650 is simulated by parameter cards. The routine is designed for fast execution of production programs; the 650 console controls and displays are not fully simulated. A trace option is provided, and a typeout of the 650' s register contents occurs whenever the program stops. Average speed for internal proces,sing is about 1 to 2 times as fast as that of the original 650 program. Royal Precision LGP-30 GE 225 Interpretive SimuReference: • • lation of the Royal McBee I:GP=""3G. - Date available: - - --- March, 1962. Description: Two separate LGP-30 simulator programs are available. CD25511.001 is for use with GE 225 systems having 8, 192 words of core storage; CD225Il.005 is for use with GE 225 systems having 16,384 words. The only difference between the two programs is that the l6,384-word version simulates any LGP-30 program without restriction upon program length, and the 8, 192-word version requires an LGP-3o program layout to determine the equivalent GE 225 core storage requirement. Inputs to both simulator programs can be in the form of punched paper tape and/or punched cards. Punched paper tape can be coded in either decimal or hexadecimal. Both simulator programs are in GE 225 machine language and simulate each of the 16 basic LGP-30 © 1963 • 12 Simulation by Other Computers:. • • • • none. .13 Data Sorting and Merging FORWARD Sort/Merge Generator Reference: FORWARD Sort/Merge Generator Manual, Edition 1. Record size: • 1 to 999 words. Block size: 1 to 999 words. Key size: • • • 1 to 99 words. File size: • • 1 reel at a time for sorts; up to 999 reels for merges. Number of tapes:. 3 to 8. Date available: September, 1961. Description: FORWARD is a generalized tape sorting and merging routine that can be run on a 225 with the minimum 4,096 words of core storage and from three to eight magnetic tape handlers of any speed. It uses the "polyphase" merge technique, wherein the pre-sort generates strings in such a way that the input tapes for the merge process will be exhausted one at a time, and the merge order is always one less than the number of tape handlers used. Parameters for each sort are punched into control cards and used to initialize the generalized routine. Record sizes, key sizes, and blocking factors are pre-set by the parameter cards, but user-coding elements in GAP language may be inserted to handle varying input and output formats or media, to combine or eliminate records having the same control key, or to use non-standard collating sequences. Memory dumps are written at the beginning of each merge phase to facilitate restarts. To avoid complicated tape changing, input to the polyphase sort is limited to one reel at a time. Straightforward merges may be generated to collate from two to 999 input files into a multi-reel output file. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321: 151.140 § GE 225 151 • • 14 .15 Report Writing Dita Transcription (Contd.) Description: GECOM Report Writer Reference: • Introduction to GECOM, pp. 33-35. Date Available: • • June, 1962. Description: 0 • BRIDGE n is a system of service routines to perform such tasks as the following: • 1. Convert binary instruction cards to program tapes. 2. Copy and correct binary tapes. 3. Convert binary or decimal data cards to magnetic tape. 4. Write or check tape labels. 5. Construct and maintain binary program systems tapes. 6. Maintain files containing symbolic source programs or binary object programs. 7. Sequence runs, collect programs, and provide run-to-run linkage. (See also Section 321:191.) The Report Writer will be usable in two ways: as an independent routine and as an extension of the GECOM system. When ,used within a GECOM program, the Report Writer functions primarily as an output subroutine. The Data Division is expanded to include a Report Section made up of detailed specifications for each report to be produced by the object program. A special Report Description Form must be used. In the "nonprocedural" mode of operation (report writing only), the source program may consist of an Environment Division, a File Section containing the input file descriptions, and a Report Section; no other entries are required. While reports can be described in the basic GECOM language, the Report Writer will facilitate report preparation and provide better documentation. Minimum system configuration is 8,192 words of core storage, card reader, printer, console typewriter, and two magnetic tape units (one for the BRIDGE system tape and one work tape). Operation is controlled by Major Command Cards, which cause the required routines to be loaded, and Minor Command Cards, which provide the parameters for the specific jobs to be done. All data transcription operations are straightforward media conversions with little or no provision for format control or editing. GE 225 Card Program Generator Reference: • • • • • GE 225 Card Program Generator for IBM 407 and IBM 604 Type Equipment. Date available: currently available. .16 File Maintenance: .17 Other •• See BRIDGE n, above. Description: The GE 225 Card Program Generator is designed to generate an object program froI11 a set of input parameter cards. The basic design of this program facilitates converting existing plugboard programs for IBM 407 tabulators and IBM 604 calculators into GE 225 programs that produce printed or punched reports from data on punched cards or magnetic tape. Two versions of the Card Program Generator are available. Program number CD225Gl.004 requires a minimum system configuration of 4,096 words of core storage, a card punch, a card reader, and an on-line printer. This program has facilities for card input only. Program number CD225GI.005 requires the same peripheral devices as the previous program plus 8,192 words of core storage. This version provides fadlities for magnetic tape input. Both versions provide facilities for format control, data movement, data conversion, insertion of "owncoding" routines, calling subroutines which are available to "own-coding" portions of program, and card and/or printer output. o 15 All of the following routines are available now or will become available during 1963. 1. Routines for solution of simultaneous equations, matrix algebra, linear programming, roots of a polynomial, least squares polynomial fitting, bessel functions, and gamma functions. 2. BANKPAC: A series of generalized routines to handle the demand deposit accounting, installment loan, savings account, personal trust, and transit item functions of a commercial bank. AGE 225 system with at least 8,192 core stqrage locations, four magnetic tape transports, document handler, printer, card reader, and console typewriter is required. 3. Electric Utility Routines: A series of routines to perform calculations of electrical load flows, opt1malloading of a power system, load durations, loading conditions resulting from circuit failures, transient stability, and flows and pressures in a gas system. Required are 8,192 core storage locations, 2 to 5 magnetic tape transports, card reader, punch, and printer. Data Transcription BRIDGE n Service System Reference: • • GE 225 Bridge Service System, CD225Jl.00l. Date available: •• ' • BRIDGE I, December, 1961. BRIDGE n, July, 1963. 7/63 Revised 4. PRONTO: A routine for numerical control of machine tools, designed to control two-dimensional spindle movement of the tool. PRONTO requires a 225 with 8,192 core storage locations, card reader, paper tape punch, card punch, and 4 magnetic tape transports. 321:151.170 PROBLEM ORIENTED FACILITIES § 151 • . 17 .17 Other (Contd.) Other (Contd.) 5. Critical Path Method (CPM): A routine (similar to PERT) for analyzing the scheduling of a complex project. 8,192 core storage locations, four tape transports, card reader, and printer are required. Capacity is 2,100 activities and 1, 000 events. The Project Monitoring and Control Method (PROMOCOM) uses the CPM network model to analyze project performance data, provide up-dated schedules, and identify slippages and bottlenecks. 6. TRIM (Test Rules for Inventory Management): A simulation program for analysis of existing or proposed decision rules for inventory control. The computer model, programmed in T ABSOL decision table form, can process demands, estimate future requirements, place and receive replenishment orders, and publish a series of inventory system performance reports. TRIM requires at least 8,192 core storage locations, a card reader, and a printer or card punch. 7. Assembly Line Balancing Program: A routine to balance assembly lines through work element assignment. Adhering to specified constraints upon cycle time, precedence, and . zoning, the most efficient balance with a specifled number of operators is produced. Up to 225 work elements within up to 19 work zones .2 can be analyzed. Required are 8,192 core storage locations, card reader, and printer. © 1963 8. Permuted Index Program Package: A routine to produce an alphabetical index to a body of text, using for indexing purposes only the significant words contained within the text itself; i.e., the Key Word In Context (KWIC) method. The input text must be punched into cards, preferably after manual editing to eliminate indexing difficulties due to punctuation,. initials, numerals, etc. An "exclusion dictionary" stores up to 1,494 terms which are considered non-significant and are therefore screened out during the permuting process. The FORWARD Sort/Merge Generator, described in Paragraph .13, is used to arrange the permuted index entries in alphabetical sequence. The output is a list of significant words, with each word shown in context with the line of text (or portion thereof) in which it is found. The present version limits the input to the sort phase to one reel of tape, which will accommodate approximately 5,000 cards of input text. Hardware requirements are 8,192 core storage locations, four magnetic tape transports, card reader, and printer. A card'punch is required if punched card output is desired. PROBLEM ORIENTED LANGUAGES:. • • • none. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321:161.100 • STANDARD EDP • REPORTS GE 225 Process Oriented Language GECOM PROCESS ORI ENTED LANGUAGE: GECOM § .14 161. .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . .12 Origin: . . . . . . . . General Electric Computer Dept. .13 Reference: . . . . . . GE 225 GECOM - II Reference Manual. .14 Description: sists of one or more conditions on the left side and, on the right side, one or more actions to be taken if the specified conditions are true. If the specified conditions are not satisfied, the next line of the table is evaluated. A condition may be a relational or logical expression or a true-false variable, and arithmetic expressions may be used as operands in the relations. Actions may be value assignments or GO TO, PERFORM, STOP, READ, WRITE, OPEN, or CLOSE statements. General Compiler Language GECOM. GECOM is a pseudo-English process oriented language designed to handle scientific problems as well as general business data processing. The basic Ian guage structure is quite similar to that of COBOL 61. Capabilities to evaluate complex equations, Boolean expressions, and mathematical functions and to perform computations in floating pOint arithmetic have been added to the COBOL framework to facilitate the coding of scientific programs. A COBOL 61 to GECOM translator is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 1963. GECOM differs from COBOL 61 primarily in the areas of data description and procedural organization. GECOM requires all data entities (files, records, groups, fields, and elements) to be described in a fixed format on a standard Data Division form whereas COBOL uses English -language entries for data descriptions. The form of all GECOM fields is defined in the Data Image columns in a manner simi1ar to COBOL's optional PICTURE clause. GECOM permits only five levels of data, whereas up to 51 levels may be defined in COBOL. The valuable COPY, RENAMES, and REDEFINES facilities of Re.l qui red COBOL 61 are not provided in the GECOM language. In addition to COBOL's File, WorkingStorage, and Constant Sections, the Data Division of a GECOM program utilizing the scientific facilities will usually require Array, Integer, True-False, and Common -Storage Sections. The Procedure Division of a GECOM source program consists of a body of sentences called the main program. The Division may include other groups of sentences called Sections, which are executed as closed subroutines. The PERFORM verb in GECOM can be used only to execute independent Sections, whereas the same verb in COBOL permits execution of any number of consecutive paragraphs or· sections according to a variety of criteria. The COBOL verb EXAMINE, which replaces and/or tallies the occurrences of a given character in a data item, is not provided in GECOM. The ENTER verb permits the insertion of GAP symbolic coding into the GECOM source program. Facilities for TABSOL and report generation are included in the GECOM language. TABSOL is a system for expressing decision logic in a straightforward, tabular form. Each line in a table con- © Description (Contd.) Use of the TABSOL format should simplify and systematize the coding of many problems in both the business and scientific areas. See Special Report 23:030 for a general discussion of the formulation and application of decision tables. A sample TABSOL table is sllown in Section 321:134. The GECOM Report Writer facilitates the preparation of priIited reports as an integral part of GECOMcoded programs. The GECOM Data Division is 'expanded to include a Report Sec.tion made up of de·· tailed specifications for each report. A special Report Description Form must be used. The facilities of the GECOM Report Writer are described in Section 321: 151.14, and a sample Report Description Form and the resulting printed report are shown 41 Section 321: 133. " 15 Publication Date: .2 PROGRAM STRUCTURE .21 Divisions Identification: . Environment: . Data: . . . . Procedure:. • . . . .22 · initial language specifications: December, 1961 GECOM-II Reference Man. ual: October, 1962 - - • name of author; name and date of program. · describes target computer, assigns I/O units to files, and specifies computation mode. · describes the data items and shows the structure of records, files, working storage and constants. · describes the procedures in an imperative form. Procedure Entities Procedure Division: . Main Program: Section: . Sentence: Segment: 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorparated · main program plus sections. · sentences. · sentences, performed as a subroutine. · GECOM words. • sentences~ performed as a separately-compiled subprogram. Revised 7/63 321: 161 :230 GE 225 § 161. • 23 Data Entities File: ••• Record: • Group: •• Field: •• Element: • • • . • • Number of data levels: .24 • records. • groups. • fields. • elements. • characters. .5, as listed above. .3 DATA DESCRIPTION FACIllTIES .31 Methods of Direct Data Description .311 Concise item picture: • · mandatory for each field; DATA IMAGE is Similar to COBOL picture. .312 Ust by kind:. . • . . · yes, for integers, arrays, and true-false variables. .313 Qualify by adjective: · no . • 314 Qualify by phrase: •. · no. .315 Qualify by code: .• • yes; format, justification, radix, etc. .316 Hierarchy by list: • .no. .317 Level by indenting: • no. • 318 Level by coding:. • mandatory; TYPE • Names .241 Simple name formation Alphabet: • . • . • . • • A to Z, 0 to 9, and hyphen. Size: . • • • . • • • . . 12 characters max. Avoid key words:. '. . . yes. Formation rule: . • . • at least one letter; no hy.32 phen as first or last char- .321 acter; may not be all num·· erals and letter E. (Procedure names may be all numeric). .322 • 242 Designators Procedures PROCEDURE • • fixed name. DIVISION: .• Section: • word "section" is part of name .33 Sentence: · one word, followed by .331 period. •332 Data: .••• • none. .333 Equipment:. • fixed names or abbreviations for all devices. .334 Comments:. •• begin with· key word NOTE. Translator control: • none. .335 .336 .25 Structure of Data Names .337 • 338 .339 .251 QualWed names Example: .••• · TOTAL OF MASTER. .34 Multiple qualifiers: . • yes. Complete sequence: . • optional. .341 Broken sequence: . • yes. .342 ,.252 Subscripts Number per item: . .0 to 3. Applicable to: ••• • fields. groups. Class may be Special index variable: . . .no. .343 Any variable:. · yes. Literal: • . . • • yes. .344 Expression: . • yes. Form may be Integer only: . • no; also fixed or floating point numbers. Signed: • . . . • yes; plus or minus. .345 Truncated fraction: • yes. Rounded fraction: · no. . 253 Synonyms: • . • • . · none. .346 . 348 • essentially unlimited. .26 Number of Names: .27 Region of Meaning of Names .271 Universal names: . • only those data names listed in Common-Storage Section. • 272 Local names: • . • • • · all other data names local to main program. section, or segment. 7/63 Revised Files and Reels Pile labels Variable layout: ~ • Control totals:. • Identity control: . Multi-reel: . • . Reel sentinels Variable layout: . Block count: ••. Multi-files: . . . Records and Blocks · preset; always 24 words long. · automatic. · description. Variable record size:. • preset. Variable block size:. · preset . • limited only by core storage Record size range: size. Block size range: . • · limited only by core storage size. Choice of record size: · description. Choice of block size: • description. Sequence control: • • . none. In-out error control: • automatic . BlOCking control: . • • automatic. Data Items Designation of class: Possible classes Integer:• . . . . Fixed point: . . Floating point: . Alphabetic: . . Alphameric: •. Choice of external radix: . . . . . Possible radices Decimal: • • . . . Binary:. • • . Special binary Justification:. • 'n • description. · yes. · yes. • yes. • yes. · yes. • description. • normal, unless binary is indicated. . • . alternative. (18 bit): alternative. • . • • . description, or automatic left for alpha and right for BCD numeric. • . none . Choice of code: Item size Variable size: . Designation: . . Range Fixed point numeric: FlOating point numeric: •• Alphameric: • . • 349 Sign provision: I AUERBACH I · preset; always 24 words long. · own coding. • description. · description. • preset. • picture. . . I to 11 char. (2 words). • 1 to 9 char mantissa; 1 to 2 char characteristic (2 words) • .1 to 83 char. • optional • PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: GECOM 321: 161.350 § 161. .35 Data Values .351 Constants Possible sizes Integer: . . . Fixed point: Floating point: . Alphabetic: • Alphameric: Subscriptable: . Sign provision: . 352 Literals: . . . • . lt05char. . 1 to 11 char. · 1 to 9 char mantissa. · 1 to 120 char. .1 to 120 char. · no. · optional. · same as Constants, except alphabetics and alphamerics may not exceed 30 characters in Procedure Division literals. . 353 Figuratives Examples: . • ZERO(S), SPA CE(S), ONE(S), TWO(S) , NINE(S). . 354 Conditional variables: . . yes. .36 Special Description Facilities .361 Duplicate format: . . 362 Re-definition: . • . • 363 Table description Subscription:. '. • Multi-subscripts: Level of item: . . Implied subscript at lower level: • . 364 Other subscriptable entities: . . . . . . • yes. • partial. · mandatory; preset size. · maximum of 3. · group or field. · none. OPERATION REPERTOIRE .41 Formulae x = -x: . * / .. ** . SIN: . COS: . ATAN: . SQRT: EXP: . LOG:. LN: ABS: .412 Operands allowed Classes: . . . . Mixed scaling: . Mixed classes: = -x. .42 .x=x+l. · x =4.7 *,y. • x = 5 * 10 ** 7 + y ** 2. · YIDNFICA = YTJ)NFICA + (ClJRRNFICA = GROSS"" PAY * 0.3). X = -B+SQRT (B * B - 4.0 * A * C). Operations on Arrays:. . none; own coding required . .43 Other Computation .431 Operator list ADD: •••• SUBTRACT: MULTIPLY: DIVIDE: ••• .432 Operands allowed Mixed scaling: Mixed classes: Mixed radices: Literals: . . Restrictions: · addition, to . · subtraction, from. · unrouncted multiplication, by. · unrounded division, into. · · · · · yes . yes . no. yes. must be pure numeric data; maximum size is 11 digits. · no . · no. · none. • no. · last named' operand. · optional ROUNDED in procedures; else t:J:Uncated~ . 435 Special cases x = -x: . 411 Operator List + .. ·x x=x+l:. x = 4.7 y: •.•. x = 5 x 107 + Y2: • .416 Typical examples: • .433 Statement Mixed verbs:. Multi -results: . Size limits:. • . Multi -operand: . Implied results: . ,434 Rounding of results: . .no. .4 . 413 Statement structure (Contd.) Parentheses (Contd.) · maximum of 50 operators Size limit: . . . . . and/or functions per expreSSion. Multi -results: . . • · yes; e.g. X=Y=Z=AtB. .414 Rounding of results:. • truncated . .415 Special cases · addition. • subtraction. · multiplication. · division. · exponentiation. • sine. • cosine. · arctangent. · square root. · exponential. · common logarithm. · natural logarithm. · absolute value. · is replaced by. · all numeric. · yes. · no; computation mode is fixed point unless floating is specified. • yes. · yes • Mixed radices: . . Literals: . . . . . . .413 Statement structure Parentheses a - b - c means: • • • (a-b) - c. . a+(bxc). a + b x c means: . a / b / c means: · (a/b) /c. abc means: . . . . · «a)b)c. © 1963 x =x+ 1: x =x+y: x = x + y: x =xy: x =.remainder x .;. y: .436 Typical cases x =y +z: . . . .44 • SUBTRACT X FROM 0 GIVING X• • ADD 1 TOX. · ADD Y TO X. • DIVIDE Y INTO X. · MULTIPLY Y BY X. · DIVIDE Y INTO X GIVING Z. MULTIPLY Y BY Z. SUBTRACT Z FROM X. • ADD Y AND Z GIVING X. Data Movement and Format .441 Data copy example: . . 442 Levels possible:. . 443 Multiple results: .444 Missing operands:. .445 Size of operands Exact match: •. Alignment rule Numbers:. Alpha: . . Filler rule: Numbers:. Alpha: . . Truncating rule Numbers:. Alpha: . . . • by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated .MOVE X · elements, records, .MOVE X · none. TO Y . fields, groups, arrays . TO Y, Z . · only groups and records. · decimal point aligned. · left justified. · zeros. · spaces . · at each end. · at right. Revised 7/63 321:161.446 § GE 225 16l. .446 Editing possible Change class: · description. Change radix: . • yes. Delete editing symbols: . . . . no. Insert editing symbols Actual point: . .. • description. Suppress zeroes:. • description. Insert: . . • . $, . * + - 0 blank. Float: . . . . . $ +-. . 447 Special moves: • • none. . 448 Code translation: • none. . 449 Character manipulation: . • indirect. .45 File Manipulation Open:. . . . . . . Close: . . • . . . Advance to next record: . . • . • Step back a record: .' Set restart point: • Restart: . . . . . Start new reel: . Start new block: . Search on key:. Rewind: Unload: .46 . OPEN. · CLOSE. · READ, WRITE. . none. · specified in Environment. • no. · no. .no. · READ file -name UNTIL condition. · automatic with CLOSE file. . none. Operating Communication .461 Log of progress: • • • • WRITE ... ON TYPEWRITER • .462 Messages to operator: .. WRITE ... ON TYPEWRITER. . 463 Offer options: . . . • . . own GECOM coding using WRITE ... ON TYPEWRITER and READ . ~ . FROM CONSOLE SWITCHES • . 464 Accept option:. . • • . • READ . .. FROM CONSOLE SWITCHES .47 Object Program Errors Special Actions Overflow: IF SIZE ERROR In-out: automatic own GEGOM coding. automatic. followed by own GEGOM coding if error persists. .5 PROCEDURE SEQUENCE CONTROL .51 Jumps • 511 Destinations allowed: . 512 Unconditional jump:. .513 Switch: . . . . . . . 514 Setting a switch:. .515 Switch on data: . 7/63 Revised · sentences, TARSOL tables and table roWl!l • .GO TO X. · sentence, named Y, containing only GO TO X. · ALTER Y TO PROCEED TOZ. · GO TO X, Y, Z depending onW. .52 Conditional Procedures .521 DeSignators Condition: . . . • • IF. Procedure:. . . . • implied. .522 Simple Conditions ExpreSSion v Expression: yes. Expression v Variable: • yes. Expression v Literal: . yes. Expression v Figurative:. no. yes. Expression v Condition: Variable v Variable: • . yes. yes • Variable v Literal: . . no • Variable v Figurative:. yes • Variable v Condition: yes. Conditional value: . . . . . .523 Conditional relations Equal: • . • . · IS (NOT) EQUAL TO; EQ; NEQ. Greater than: · IS (NOT) GREATER THAN; GR;NGR. Less than: •. · IS (NOT) LESS THAN; LS; NLS. Greater than or equal:. IS NOT LESS THAN; NLS. Less than or equal: . IS NOT GREATER THAN; NGR . .524 Variable conditions:. • IS (NOT) POSITIVE. IS (NOT) NEGATIVE. IS (NOT) ZERO. .525 Compound Conditionals IF x AND y: . . unlimited; may be mixed with OR. IF x OR y:. . . unlimited; may be mixed with AND. IF xDOa ANDy DOb: . . . . . .no. IFxDOaORy DOb: . . . . . • • · no . . 526 Alternative deSignator: · none; go to next sentence if condition is false. .527 Condition on alternative: · no . · 528 Typical examples:. · IF X EQ Y GO TO Z. IF X IS LESS THAN Y GO TO A, IF EQUAl:. GO TO B, IF GREATER GO TO C. IF X GR 10 AND «A OR B NGR 50) AND C LS D) AND E NEQ F GO TO Z. · 53 Subroutines · 531 Designation Single statement: Set of statements First:. Last: . . . . . . .532 Possible subroutines: .533 Use in-line in program: • . . . . . · none. · section-name SECTION. · END section-name SECTION. · sections, segments. · optional copy of section as open subroutine . . 534 Mechanism Cue with parameters: • PERFORM section-name SECTION USING ... GIVING ... Number of parameters: · essentially unlimited. Cue without parameter: · PERFORM section -name SECTION . Formal return: · END section -name SECTION. Alternative :r:eturn: · none. PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: GECOM § 321: 161.535 161. . 535 Names Parameter call by value: • . . . . • • Parameter call by name: . . • . . • . Non -local names: Local names: Preserved local variables: . . • 536 Nesting limit: . • .537 Automatic recursion allowed: • . . . . . · 54 . 543 Mechanism Cue: ••. Formal return: • PERFORM section-name SECTION ~ING name1, name-2, •.• GIVING name-3, name-4~ ••. • those listed in CommonStorage Section. · all others. . none. · X = SIN (y + Z). · automatic · 56 Loop Control . 564 . 565 .566 . 567 . 568 .6 .A. VARY B FROM CBYD UNTIL condition. (Set of one or more sentences) EXIT A . • no. · none. · VARY B FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL B EQ 5. Step: . . . • . · any variable. Criteria: . . . · any conditional expression. Multiple parameters: · no . Control by condition Example: " . . . · UNTIL Combined with step:. · mandatory . Control by list: . . .no. Nesting limit: . . . · unlimited. Jump out allowed: · yes . Control variable exit status:. . . · available always. EXTENSION OF THE LANGUAGE: .. .7 LIBRARY FACILITIES · 71 Identity:...... . 72 Kinds of Libraries .721 Fixed master:. . . . .722 Expandable master:. . 723 Private: . . . . . . . Varieties of Contents: . . math functions, input-output control routines, radix conversion routines, floating point arithmetic routines. .75 Mechanism .751 Insertion of new item: . . no. . 76 Types of Routine: . .8 TRANSLATOR CONTROL .81 Transfer to Another Language: . . . . . · closed . . standard library functions only . Operand Definition by Procedure: • . • none. . 562 Control by count: · 563 Control by step Parameter Special index: Any variable: .74 .753 Method of call:. . . . . . functions by name; routines by PERFORM routinename or automatically as required by procedures or data descriptions. . none. • no limit • .55 .561 Designation of loop: . Storage Form: . . . • • . magnetic tape . · none. Function Definition by Procedure . 542 Level of procedure: . .73 .82 .Optimizing Information Statements: . . • . . . none. . 83 Translator Environment: . by control card entries. .84 Target Computer Environment: • . . . . specified in Environment Division. .85 Program Documentation Control: . . . . . . . by console switches. .9 TARGET COMPUTER ALLOCATION CONTROL .91 Choice of Storage Level: . . • . . . . none . .92 Address Allocation: · only via Common-Storage assignments. .93 Arrangement of Items in words in Unpacked Form: . . . . . . . U in Format column of Data Division . .94 Assignment of InputOutput Devices: •. · none. . GECOM . .95 Input-Output Areas: . . yes. . no. . no. © 1963 · ENTER GAP permits insertion of GAP coding in GECOM source program. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated . Environment Division . . block length in Data Division; alternate areas (BUFFER) in Environment Division . Revised 7/63 321:162.100 GE 225 Process Oriented Language FORTRAN PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: FORTRAN § .14 162. .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: GE 225 F.oRTRAN . .12 .origin: . Computer Techniques Operation. General Electric Missile and Space Vehicle Division, Valley Forge, Pa. .13 Reference: . . . . . . . The General Electric 225 'F.oRTRAN System. .14 Description The GE 225 F.oRTRAN language is a restricted but useful version of F.oRTRAN II, the most widely accepted process oriented language for scientific applications. For a general description of the F.oRTRAN II language, see Section 408:161. The principal restrictions on the GE 225 F.oRTRAN language are the limitation of arrays to two dimensions rather than three and the lack of Boolean, complex, and double precision arithmetic. .other restrictions of the GE 225 version relative to IBM 709/7090 F.oRTRAN II are listed in Paragraph. 142 below. Because of the use of two consecutive 20-bit GE 225 words to represent a floating point number (30 bits plus sign for the fraction and 8 bits plus sign for the exponent), a wider range of numeric magnitudes call be accommodated in the GE 225 than in the IBM 7090. A precision of approximately nine decimal digits is maintained. GE 225 F.oRTRAN includes a number of other useful extensions to the F.oRTRAN II language. All are described in Paragraph. 143 below. The minimum equipment configuration for compilation and execution of GE 225 F.oRTRAN programs is: Central Processor with 8,192 core storage locations and typewriter. 1 Card Reader. 1 Card Punch. 1 On-Line Printer. 1 Magnetic Tape Controller. 4 Magnetic Tape Transports (i. e., 2 Dual Tape Handlers. Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. Move Command. Decimal Addition and Subtraction. Three-Way Compare. Additional Address Modification Groups. .object programs can be executed on smaller systems (e. g., no magnetic tape or printer) if certain language facilities are not utilized. If a 16,384-word core store is available, the upper 8,192 locations can be used for data storage but not for object program instructions or subroutines. © Description (Contd. ) In the original version of GE 225 FORTRAN, source programs are read from punched cards and converted into VFAP, an assembly language also developed by GE's Missile and Space Vehicle Division. The VFAP program is then assembled into GE 225 machine language. The object program listing is in both VFAP and absolute octal form. The entire translation process is automatic. The GE 225 F.oRTRAN system will be modified by the GE Computer Department to use the GAP assembly language (Section 321:171) as an intermediate in place of VFAP. (A punched card F.oRTRAN II compiler for GE 225 systems without magnetic tape is being developed, but details are not yet available. ) .object programs produced by the GE 225 F.oRTRAN Compiler differ in two ways from those produced by the 709/7090 F.oRTRAN II Compiler: arrays are stored "forward" (in increasing storage locations) in the 225, and there are no "in-line" functions in GE 225 F.oRTRAN. All function references in the source program cause the generation of links to closed subroutines. These compiler differences generally need not concern the F.oRTRAN programmer. .141 Availability: . . . . • . March, 1963. . 142 Restrictions (1) The following statements are not permitted: Assigned GO T.o ASSIGN SENSE LIGHT IF (SENSE LIGHT) IF QUOTIENT .oVERFLOW READ DRUM WRITE DRUM. (2) Boolean, complex, and double precision operations are not permitted. (3) Arrays are limited to two dimensions (709/7090 F.oRTRAN II permits three). (4) The following statements may be included in the source program, but will be ignor~: IF ACCUMULAT.oR .oVERFLOW IF DIVIDE CHECK FREQUENCY. (5) F.oRMAT specifications cannot be read in at object program execution time . (6) Alphameric characters are not permitted as arguments in a CALL statement. (7) Subroutine names are not permitted as arguments in a CALL or SUBR.oUTINE statement. 1963 by Auerbach Carparatian and BNA Incarparated 7/63 321: 162.142 § GE 225 162. .143 Extensions (Contd.) .142 Restrictions (Contd.) (8) Arithmetic statement functions are not permitted. (9) The only permissible carriage control characters are blank (for single space), 0 (double space), and 1 (skip to hole in channell of printer format tape). These control characters may be used only in PRINT statements, whereas 709/7090 FORTRAN II permits their use in WRITE OUTPUT TAPE statements as well. (10) In the FORMAT "pecification Aw, the maximum number of significant alphameric characters per item is three (versus six in 709/7090 FORTRAN II). (11) In the FORMAT specification Ow, the maximum number of significant octal digits per item is seven (versus twelve,in 709/7090 FORTRAN II). (12) The CHAIN feature, which permits programs too large to fit into core storage to be executed as a series of independen.t "links, " has not been implemented. (2) Whereas a single statement cannot occupy more than 10 cards in 709/7090 FORTRAN II, there is essentially no limit in GE 225 F.ORTRAN. (3) Statement numbers up to 99999 are permitted; the limit is 32767 in 709/7090 FORTRAN II. (4) Statements in the VFAP assembly language (also developed by the GE Missile and Space Vehicle Division) can be included in the source program. VFAP cards are identified by a nV" punched in column 1. (5) The abbreviations WOT and RIPT can be substituted for the FORTRAN statements WRITE OUTPUT TAPE and READ INPUT TAPE, respectively. (6) The statement RCD reads input data from punched cards in a free field format. Fields may be of variable length and are separated by commas. F or X preceding a number denotes conversion to floating or fixed point internal form, respectively. . 143 Extensions (1) Larger ranges of numeric magnitudes can be accommodated, as shown in the following table: Floating Point GE 225: 10- 76 to 10+76 IBM 709/7090: 10- 38 to 10+ 38 7/63 Fixed Point 1 to 524,287. 1 to 131,071. (7) The COMMON storage area always starts at octal location 17766 and extends downward. In GE 225 systems with 16K core stores, there is another storage area, called "KOMMON," which extends downward from octal location 37766 and is referenced by the added specification statement KOMMON. 321: 163.100 • STANDARD :EDP • REfI>RTS GE 225 Process Oriented Language WIZ-II PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: WIZ-II § 163. .14 .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: • 12 Origin: . . . . . . . . . General Electric Computer Department, Phoenix, Arizona. . . . . . . . GE 225 WIZ System. WIZ-lI. .13 Reference: . . . . . . . GE 225 WIZ System Reference Manual. .14 Description WIZ is a one-pass algebraic compiler for scientific problems. WIZ-coded programs can be compiled and executed on aGE 225 with 8,192 core storage locations and punched card or paper tape input-output. Magnetic tape can be utilized, when available, in either the compilation or execution phase. The WIZ-lI translator is described in Section 321:183. The WIZ language is relatively easy to learn and use, but its capabilities are considerably less extensive than those of FORTRAN or ALGOL. Arithmetic operations are expressed in an "equation" form nearly identical to that of FORTRAN. The left-hand side of every equation is a variable, whose value is determined by evaluating the arithmetic expression on the right side,pf the equal sign. The WIZ arithmetic operators, the sequence of operations, and the meaning of parentheses are the same as in FORTRAN. Unlike FORTRAN, WIZ permits the use of more than one equal sign (=) in a statement; e. g. A =B =J + (K = K + 1). This means "increment the current value of K by 1, add J, and store the result in both Band A. " Description (Contd.) Columns Columns Columns Columns Column Columns 1-6: 7-10: 12-14: 15-59: 60: 61-80: Sequence Number (optional) Statement Label Statement Type StatementStatement-Continuation Branch Fields Statement labels are usually 2-digit numbers; they may alternatively be alphameric labels of up to 4 characters or strings of 1 to 4 asterisks, in which case special rules of usage apply. If a statement is not referenced as a branch destination, it need not be labeled. The Statement Type field is left blank for ordinary arithmetic statements. Eleveq other statement types, designated by symbols of one to three characters, are provided for control of data input and output, specification of array dimensions, assignment of initial values, and translator control. The Statement field defines the operation(s) to be performed. It can contain several statements separated by commas, or a single statement can be continued over an "unlimited" number of lines by inserting any non-blank character except $ into Column 60 of each line except the last. The Branch Fields are the most novel feature of the WIZ language. There are five 4-column Branch Fields, labeled "zero, " "non-zero, " "plus, " "minus, " and "any case." A statement label placed in any of these Branch Fields causes a branch to the specified statement if the result of the last expression evaluated satisfies the specified condition. The Branch Fields are examined in sequence, from left to right. The "any case" field denotes an unconditional transfer of control. If all of the Branch Fields are blank, or if none of the specified conditions is true, the next statement in sequence is executed. Arithmetic is performed in either the floating point or integer mode, depending upon the form of the operands in an expression. Whenever mixed mode operands are encountered, the computation is performed in the floating point mode. Two GE 225 word locations are used to represent each variable and constant, providing a floating point precision of 30 binary bits (or about 9 decimal digits) and a range of 10- 76 to 10+ 76• Floating point arithmetic is performed by the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit when it is available; if not,· standard subroutines are used. WIZ provides no facilities for complex or extended precision arithmetic or for Boolean operations ., Symbolic "Label Equivalents" can be written in the Branch Fields as well as actual statement labels. A Label Equivalent is a variable whose value at the time the Branch Field is examined is considered a numeric statement label. This provides a capability for switches and multi-way transfers of control, as in the Assigned GO TO and Computed GO TO statements of FORTRAN. WIZ provides no explicit facility for initialization and control of loops (such as the DO statement of FORTRAN), but these operations can easily be coded through proper use of the WIZ Branch Fields. WIZ source programs are written on fixed-format coding sheets (shown on page 321:135.100) that have the following layout: Closed subroutines (called "procedures ") can be coded in WIZ and compiled along with the main program or separately. The subroutines are usually © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and RNA Incorporated 7/63 321: 163.140 § GE 225 163. .14 .24 Description (Contd. ) used as functions, inwhich case up to 49 parameters can be transmitted to the subroutine and a single result is returned to the main program. A library of 10 stand8.rd function subroutines is included in WIZPAC, the WIZ object program execution package. GAP-assembled machine language subroutines can be utilized in WIZ programs if they are coded in a prescribed form to utilize the WIZ-generated linkages. Data input to the WIZ object program is via punched cards or paper tape. Only numeric data in decimal form can be read in. The data can be punched in a free-field format. Each number can be expressed in fixed or floating point form and can be up to 12 characters long. A blank column is used to separate consecutive items. The FORTRAN facility for implied 00 loops in input-output statements is not provided in WIZ. Output from WIZ object programs can be on the printer, the console typewriter, or the card or tape punch, as specified by console switch settings. Magnetic tape input-output can be used as an option. Each data item is normally printed or punched into a IS-character "value block." If desired, the label of each variable can be printed in the value block immediately follOWing its numeric value. Alphameric constants can also be printed to provide titles and column headings. WIZ-produced output data on punched cards can be re-entered as input data to any WIZ-compiled program. • 15 Publication Date:. . . • November 1961; revised in June and December, 1962. .2 PROGRAM STRUCTURE • 21 Divisions: . • . . . . . no formal divisions • .22 Procedure Entities Program: .• Procedure: . Statement: • .23 composed of statements and (optional) procedures. composed of statements. composed of statement label, statement type, statement body, and branch designators; all parts except statement body may be omitted. Names .241 Simple name formation (for variables and arrays) Alphabet: . letters A-Z and numerals 0-9. Size: . . . unlimited; first 30 characters must be unique. not applicable. Avoid key words:. Formation rule:. first character must be alphabetic; no punctuation marks allowed; blanks are ignored. • 242 Designators Procedures must begin with letter, conProcedure names: tain maximum of 4 characters, and be followed by a period; e. g., SQRT. Statement labels: •• maximum of 4 characters (usually 2-digit numbers from 10- 99), or 1 to 4 asterisks, or blank if not referenced in procedures. Data: • • . . no designators. not named. Equipment: . begin with $ anywhere in Comments: • statement field. statement type symbols, Translator control: composed of I to 3.1etters. • 25 Structure of Data Names .251 Qualified names: . . .252 Subscripts Number per item: Applicable to: . Class may be Any variable: . Literal: . • . Expression: • Form may be Integer only: not permitted. .26 Number of Names:. depends upon size of each name used; approximately 250 4-character names can be handled. • 27 Region of Meaning of Names: . . . . • • • Variable: . . . 7/63 yes. yes. yes. Il'!commended for maximum efficiency. Signed: ••. must be non-negative. Truncated fraction: • no. Rounded fraction: • yes. • 253 Synonyms Preset: . • • . . . yes, using EQU statement. Dynamically set: • no. Data Entities a named one-word fixed point or two-word floating point quantity whose value can be changed through com putation. Array: • . . . . . . • . a one-dimensional set of related variables,· referenced by means of the array name followed by a subscript. 1. any variable . all WIZ names are universal, except for numeric and asterisk statement labels, which are local to the procedure or main program in which they are defined. .3 DATA DESCRIPTION FACILITIES .31 Methods of Direct Data Description: none. Files and Reels: . • programmer-provided. · 32 321: 163.330 PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: WIZ-II § 163. • 33 • 34 .411 Operator list (Contd. ) Functions Records and Blocks: . programmer-provided; no facilities in WIZ language. SIN. (E): .• COS. (E): . . ATAN. (E): • SQRT. (E): Data Items LN. (E): • 341 Designation of class: . 342 Possible classes Integer: . . . . Fixed point: Floating point: Alphabetic: . Alphameric: • 343 Choice of external radix: . . . . • 345 Justification: . . . . implied by procedures, choice is made automatically at execution time. INT. (E): . SWT. (E):. yes. no. yes. no. no. MODE. (E):. no; always decimal. automatic right justification for integers. automatic. • 346 Choice of code: . . • 347 Possible external codes Input: . column-decimal card code. Output: . . . . . column-decimal card code, or printed results in decimal form. · 348 Internal item size Variable size: fixed; 1 word per integer and 2 words per floating point item. Range Fixed point numeric: -99,999 to +99,999 (integer only). Floating point 10- 76 to 10+ 76 . numeric: .349 Sign provision:. optional. . 35 EXP. (E): • ABS. (E): • .412 Operands allowed Classes: • . . . Mixed scaling: . Mixed classes: • Mixed radices: . Literals: . . . . . .413 Statement structure Parentheses a - b - c means: a + b x c means: .alb/c means: . . Size limit: ... Multi - results: .414 Rounding of results: . . 415 Special cases x = -x: . . . . . x=x+1: . . . . x = 4. 7y: • . . . x =5 x 107 +y2: x = y integer part: .416 Typical examples: . . 351 Constants Possible sizes Integer: . . . 1 to 5 decimal digits with no decimal point or exponent. none. Fixed point:. 1 to 8 decimal digits with Floating point: decimal point and lor decimal exponent, in range 10- 76 to 10+ 76 . Alphameric: for output only, 1 line of up to 120 chars or 1 card of up to 80 characters. Sign provision: . • . optional. .352 Literals: . • . . . . . . same as constants. . 353 Figuratives: • .. .. none. .354 Conditional variables: . none. .36 Special Description Facilities: . . . . . none. .4 OPERATION REPERTOIRE . 41 Formulae . 411 Operator list Arithmetic *. I:. ** . = :. numeric only. yes . yes; conversion is automatic. no . yes . (a - b) - c. + (b x c) • (alb)/c. not specified. no. truncated . a x = -X. X=X+1. X =4.7 * Y. X = 5.T7 +Y*Y. X =INT. (y). X = (-B+SQRT. (B*B-4.0 ... A * C»/(2. 0 * A) • X = Y = K + = J + 1)• a Data Values +:. sine of E. cosine of E. arctangent of E. square root of E. natural log of E. exponential: e E . absolute value of E. truncate E to an integer • test console switch E, where 0'::: E'::: 19. select printer, card punch, or typewriter for compiler output. add. subtract (may be unary). multiply. divide. exponentiation. is replaced by. © . 42 Operations on Arrays:. by own WIZ coding; no automatic facilities. .43 Other Computation: . • none. .44 Data Movement and Format .441 . 442 .443 .444 .445 Data copy example: Levels possible: . . Multiple results:. Missing operands: • Size of operands: . .446 Editing possible Change class: Change radix: Delete editing symbols: . . Insert editing symbols Actual point: . . . Suppress zeroes: . Insert: • . . Float: . . . • . 447 Special moves: • • 448 Code translation: .449 Character manipulation:. . .45 File Manipulation: • 1963 by Auerbach Carparation and BNA Inco'lDorated Y =X. data items only. yes; Z = Y =X. not possible. fixed for internal and output operations; variable for input data • automatic. automatic. automatic. automatic. automatic; on integer output only. no. no . none • automatic. none. none. 7/63 321:163.460 § GE 225 163. .46 .534 Mechanism Cue with parameters: Operating Communication .461 Log of progress:. . • . printer or typewriter messages. .462 Messages to operator: • printer or typewriter messages. .463 Offer options: printer or typewriter messages. .464 Accept option: test console switch settings. .47 Object Program Errors Error Discovery Special Actions Overflow: automatic set result to 10+ 76 and continue (no message). type message and halt. type message, substitute 10+76 for the bad data, and continue. set result to zero and continue (no message). In-out: automatic Invalid data: automatic Underflow: automatic Cue without parameter: . ..... Formal return: . . . Alternative return: • .535 Names Parameter call by value: • . . . . • Parameter call by name: •••. Local names.:. • . Non -local names: .536 Nesting limit: • 537 Automatic recursion: ...... .54 PROCEDURE SEQUENCE CONTROL • 51 Jumps .511 Destinations allowed: any named statement or procedure. .512 Unconditional jump: to destination specified in columns 77 - 80 of any executable statement. .513 Switch:. • . . . . • . . effected by use of a variable' "Label Equivalent" in columns 77-80 in place of an absolute statement label. . 52 .53 Last: • 542 Level of procedure: .543 Mechanism Cue: ............. .544 Names Parameter call by value: • • . . • . Parameter call by name: • . . . Local names:. . . .55 procedure name in Label field. Last: . . . . . . . END. or next procedure name • • 532 Possible subroutines: any number of statements. • 533 Use in":line in.program: no. Operand Definition by ProceiIure: . .56 Loop Control: .6 EXTENSION OF THE LANGUAGE: Subroutines .531 Designation Single statement:. 7/63 Set of statements First: • Conditional Procedures .521 Designators: • . • . . • WIZ has no explicit conditional statements. The 5 Bra,nch Designator fields in columns 61-80 can cause Jumps to specified statements or procedures if the result of the last expression is: zero non-zero positive negative any case. procedure name without terminal period in a branch field. period in a branch field. none. no. no. .only statement labels compOsed of 2 decimal digits or 1 to 4 asterisks. all other names. no restriction. no. Function Definition by Procedure .541 Designation Single statement:. .5 not possible for subroutines; see Paragraph. 543 for functions. procedure name in Label field. procedure name in Label field • END, or next procedure name. any number of statements • procedure name followed by 1 to 4 parameters enclosed in parentheses; e.g., VOL. (TEMP, PRESS). yes. no. only statement labels composed of 2 decimal digits or 1 to 4 asterisks • none. WIZ has no explicit loop control facilities (such as DO, FOR,PERFORM, or VARY). but the Branch Designator fields (paragraph. 521) permit effective loop control by count. by step. or by condition. no facilities provided. .7 LIBRARY FACIllTIES • 71 Identity: ............ WIZ Function Library • .72 Kinds of Libraries: fixed master. .73 Stora~ punched cards or paper tape. Form: • PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: WIZ-II § 321:163.740 163. . 74 . 75 .82 Varieties of Contents:. 10 standard function subroutines. .83 Optimizing Information Statements: . .. Translator Environment: . console switches are used to select output device . Mechanism • 751 Insertion of new item:. no provisions. . 753 Method of call:. . . . . all standard function subroutines are included in WIZPAC and are always present at execution time. . 76 Types of Routine: . . . closed only . .8 TRANSLATOR CONTROL .81 Transfer to Another Language: . . . . . . no. .84 Target CompiIter Environment: •• console switches are used to select output device. .85 Program Documentation Control: . . . by console switches • .9 TARGET COMPUTER ALLOCATION CONTROL: . . . . .. . © 1963 none . by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated none . 7/63 321: 171.1 00 GE 225 M. O. Language GAP MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: GAP § 171. .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .12 · GE 225 General Assembly Program. GAP. · General Electric Computer Department. . 13 Reference: .14 Description • GE 225 Programming Reference Manual, CPB 252. The General Assembly Program is the basic machine oriented language for the GE 225. It is a straightforward symbolic assembly system that permits full utilization of the system's capabilities but provides few refinements. No macro-instructions are provided, and literals are available only for incrementing and testing index registers. Twenty-three pseudo-operations define constants, name and reserve areas, control address allocation, and cause transfer control cards to be punched by the translator. Constants may be written in decimal form for conversion by the translator to floating point or single or double word-length fixed pOint form. The three-letter mnemonic operation codes are easy to remember, and operand addresses may be either actual (in decimal notation) or symbolic. .23 Corrections: .24 Special Conventions · leaving gaps in sequence numbers permits insertions. .241 Compound addresses: . · up to 8 characters of sums and differences of symbois, decimal numbers and/or asterisks. .242 Multi -addresses: · none . .243 Literals:. . . . . · available only for incrementing and testing index registers. . 244 Special coded addresses: * refers to "this address" . .245 Other Actual core storage addresses: . . . . · decimal numbers positioned anywhere in operand field. .3 LABELS .. 31 General . 311 Maximum number of labels: .. .312 Common label formation rule: . . 313 Reserved labels: . . 314 Other restrictions: • .315 Designators: . . . . 316 Synonyms permitted: I, 200 with 8K core storage. yes . none . .15 Publication Date:. . . . original specifications: March, 1961. .2 LANGUAGE FORMAT .21 Diagram: . .22 Legend .32 SYMBOL: .321 Labels for procedures Existence: . · mandatory if referenced by other instructions. Formation rule: First character: · any alphameric except +, -, or *. Others: .. · any alphameric.except +, -, or *. Number of characters: . . . · 1 to 6; at least one must be non -numeric. .322 Labels for library routines: · same as Procedures. .323 Labels for constants: · same as Procedures. .324 Labels for files:. · none. .325 Labels for records: . · none . . 326 Labels for va:r:iables: · same as Procedures. refer to GE 225 Coding Sheet, 321:171.820. · label for a core storage location. OPR: · mnemonic operation code for an instruction or pseudo-instruction. OPERAND: · actUal (decimal) or symbolic address of data to be operated upon, including specification of relative addressing if used. X: · number of an index register (if address modification is to be performed) or of a peripheral unit. REMARKS: . . . . . . · explanatory comments to be listed but not trans1ated. SEQUENCE: . number for sequencing of the source deck. © .33 none. none . yes. Universal Labels Local Labels: . . . 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated . none. Revised 7/63 GE 225 321:171.400 171. § .4 DATA .41 Constants .411 Maximum size constants Integer Decimal: . . . . . . · 6 digits for single ~ length constant; 12 for doublelength, on 2 lines. Octal: . . . . .7 digits. Hexadecimal: · not used. Fixed numeric Decimal: .8 chars/line; may be continued. Octal: . . .7 digits. Hexadecimal: . · not used. Floating numeric Decimal: .8 chars/line; may be continued. Octal:. . . . . . not used. Hexadecimal: . not used. Alphabetic:. . . .45 chars/line. Alphameric: . . . . . . 45 chars/line. .412 Maximum size literals: 8,192; for incrementing and testing index registers only. .42 Title phrase: . • . . . Input-Output Areas .431 Data layout: . .432 Data type: . . .433 Copy layout:. . . .5 PROCEDURES .51 Direct Operation Codes .61 Special Arithmetic .611 Facilities:. . . . . . double length multiply and divide, floating point arithmetic, complex floating arithmetic, matrix arithmetic. .612 Method of call: . . . . . . insert in deck and assemble with source program. · 62 Special Functions .621 Facilities:. . . . · mandatory. . 278. · ADD: (A)+(Y)-A. · not used in GAP . .52 Macro-Codes: · none. .53 Interludes: · none. .54 Translator Control .541 Method of control Allocation counter: Label adjustment: Annotation:. . . . 54'2 Allocation counter Set to absolute: Set to label: . Step forward: Step backward: Reserve area: 7/63 Revised . 622 Method of call: .63 Overlar Control: .64 Data Editing Code translation: .642 Format control: . 643 Method of call:. . . .511 Mnemonic Existence: Number: . Example: .512 Absolute: • "Remarks" columns of any card. • REM pseudo. SPECIAL ROUTINES AVAILABLE .641 Radix conversion: . · specified in program. · tabulated in program . .no. · EQU pseudo . · EQU pseudo. · no . •6 Working Areas .421 Data layout Implied by use: · no. Specified in program: yes. .422 Data type: .. . · tabulated in program. .423 Redefinition: · yell; EQU pseudo. .43 · 543 Label adjustment Set labels equal: . Set absolute value:. Clear label table: · 544 Annotation Comment phrase: . 65 In~t-Output .651 .652 .653 .654 .655 File labels: Reel labels: . Blocking: . . . Error control: Method of call: · 66 Sorting: · log, exponential, square root, and common trigonometric functions in single-length, doublelength, and floating point modes . · insert in deck and assemble with source program. · none . · BCD-to-binary and binaryto-BCD. · paper tape I/O routines. · none; normally handled by Printer Controller circuitry . · insert in deck and assemble with source program . Control · Symbolic Tape I/O System. · Symbolic Tape I/O System . · Symbolic Tape I/O System. · Symbolic Tape I/O System. · insert I/O routine and parameter lists behind symbolic deck before assembly. .661 Facilities:. · pseudo-operations. · pseudo-operations. · pseudo-operations. · ORG (decimal) or LOC (octal) pseudo. · ORG pseudo. · ORG pseudo with * in operand. · ORG pseudo with * in operand. · BSS .pseudo. · Short List Internal Sort sequences records of 1 to 50 words. • 662 Method of call: . . . . . insert in deck and assemble with source program. .67 Diagnostics .671 Dumps: . . · selective core storage dumps available for either Console Typewriter or Printer. MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: GAP 321: 171. 672 171. .672 Tracers:. .82 § · TRACE lists, after executing each instruction' the location, instruction, and contents of A, Q, P, I, and index registers. . 673 Snapshots:. . . . . . . · Typewriter Memory Dump subroutines permit selective printouts at any point in program. .7 LIDRAR Y FACILITIES . 71 Identity:...... .72 Kinds of Libraries · GE 225 Programming Library. .721 Fixed master:. . . . 722 Expandable master: . .723 Private: . . . . · no. · yes. · yes. . 73 Storage Form: · cards (can be converted to magnetic tape by the BRIDGE Service System). • 74 Varieties of Contents: . · input-output, math, and service routines and numerous problemoriented routines are available or being develop': ed. Mechanism .75 .751 Insertion of new item: .. file in card library. ,752 Language of new item:. . generally GAP. .753 Method of call: . . . . insert in deck. .76 Insertion in Program .761 Open routines exist:. . yes. .762 Closed routines exist:. . ~s. . 763 Open -closed is optional: . . . . . . . . no. ".764 Closed routines appear once: . . . . . . . . . yes. •8 MACRO AND PSEUDO TABLES . 81 Macros:......... none. . 82 Pseudos Code Description ALF: . stores a 3-character alphameric constant in BCD form. reserves a block of core storage. stores a decimal number as a single precision binary constant. BSS: . DEC: . © 1963 Pseudos (Contd.) Code DOC: Description · . . . . . · . · stores a decimal number as a double precision binary constant. END: .. . · indicates end of program to be assembled, and punches a transfer control card. EQO: · specifies the octal address to be as signed to a symbol: EQU: · specifies the decimal or symbolic address to be assigned to a symbol. FOC: · stores a decimal number · as a two -word floating pOint constant. LOC: · sets allocation counter to specified octal address . ORG: · sets allocation counter to specified decimal or symbolic address . NAL: · stores 2's complement of 3 -character alphameric constant. OCT: · stores an octal number as a single precision binary constant. REM: · .. · · denotes remarks to be listed but ignored in the assembly. TCD: · · punches a card to transfer control to the specified address. MAL: . . . . . . . . . . enters alphameric data into as many as 15 consecutive storage locations. PAL: • . . . . . . . . . same as MAL, except minus sign is entered into last alphameric word • SBR: . • • . . . • . . • obtains specified subroutine from the GAP II Master Tape. EjT: advances printer paper to top of next page . SEQ: checks sequence numbers on source program cards • NAM:. prints name or title on each page of GAP listing. inhibits printer listing of NLS: GAP assembly. initiates printer listing of LST: GAP assembly after NLS pseudo. Z(xx): • . • . . . • • • sets operation bits of an assembled instruction 'to any specified configuration. .·. ...... · . · .... ·. . .. · .. . .. · .... by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 "" ,.... -..J '0\ w -..J ,.... GENERAL :::a ~ .... ELECTR I C en PROGRAMMER Symbol ,12101 4 PROGRAM Opr Operand X 1_1 6 6 I • I ,0 121'01141'"1 '61 17 1'81'. 20 N 0 I (l) p.. ex. 225 GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROGRAM CODING SHEET COMPUTER DEPARTMENT, PHOENIX, ARIZONA I I PAGE • DATE OF I Sequence REMARKS 31 I~........ 75 ,. I" I ,. I'· 180 -:, I 2 , 3 4 !it , , 6 7 8 ~1 rn ::0 ~ i- 9 ; 10 " 12 13 14 1S 16 I 17 , , 18 19 20 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 2S CK-34 (1/62) COl. m N N VI 321: 172.100 • STANDARD EDP • GE 225 Machine Oriented Language ZOOM REPORTS MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: ZOOM § 172. .14 •1 GENERAL · 11 Identity: ZOOM Macro Assembler. .12 Origin:. General Electric Computer Department. .13 Reference: • GE 225 ZOOM: A Macro Assembler, revised May, 1962. · 14 Description (Contd.) therefore be referenced by field-names and generated by means of GAP pseudo instructions. The Z mode includes sentences and expressions which are quite similar in structure and effect to those of the GECOM language, but more abbreviated in format; e. g.: GECOM - ALTER SEN....1 TO PROCEED TO SEN-2. ZOOM Description - AT SEN-1 SEN-2. ZOOM is a pre-GAP macro assembly system designed to facilitate machine oriented programming of the GE 225. Input consists of punched cards containing combinations of GAP symbolic coding (described in Section 321:171) and ZOOM statements. Output consists of GAP statements on punched cards or magnetic tape, -which serve as direct input to the GAP translator (Section 321:181). A printer listing is optional. There is a ZOOM statement analogous to each GECOM statement, except that READ, WRITE, and the ability to handle multi-dimensional arrays are not provided in ZOOM. Printing and typing can be executed in the Z mode. Other input-output operations are usually handled by standard GE 225 utility subroutines or by specialized, user-coded subroutines. The Z mode sentence types are listed and briefly described in Paragraph. 16, below. The ZOOM system is an unusual compromise between the generalized, process oriented approach of compiler systems (such as GECOM and WIZ) and the straightforward but time-consuming approach of simple symbolic assembly systems (such as GAP). The objective is to minimize the detail work associated with assembly-level coding while retaining its characteristically high object program efficiencies. The S, F, and A modes are used to code algebraic expressions. S designates fixed point single precision operations, F designates two-word floating point using subroutines, and A designates two-word floating point using the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. The normal rules of algebra are followed. Unlike FORTRAN, ALGOL, and GECOM, however, the value of the expression on the left side of the equal sign replaces the single variable on the right side; e.g. : The ZOOM language is made of up a combination of pseudo-English statements, algebraic expressions, and symbolic machine coding. ZOOM was designed primarily to simplify the coding of these types of operations: • • • • Algebraic expressions Logical decisions Subscripting of field names Data input and output. The ZOOM source program is punched into 80column cards. The first six columns can hold an optional sequence number. Column 7 designates one of 5 sentence modes (Z, G, S, F, or A) which are described below. Columns 8 through 80 are used for the ZOOM sentence itself. Sentence-names and field-names consist of one to six alphameric characters. A sentence can be up to 100 words in length, spread over any number of cards and terminated by a period. Each name and each special character (e. g., period, comma, parenthesis) counts as one word. Any field-name or sentence-name can be "tagged" with a 1, 2, or 3 to designate indexing by one of the three index registers. Except in a few special cases, numeric literals cannot be used in ZOOM statements. Constant numeric values must © 1963 F SIN(A 2/C + J)*B=J=I 2. In this example, the expression on the left is evaluated and stored in symbolic address J and in the address developed by adding the contents of index register 2 to symbolic address I. Variable A is also subscripted by index register 2. The index register "tags" are the only permissible subscripts in ZOOM, so the evaluation of complex and/or multi-dimensional subscripts is not automatic (as in FORTRAN), but must be coded in detail. Function linkages can be generated by preceding the argument with the name of the function, as in the above example. The corresponding subroutine must be manually inserted into the object deck. A maximum of twelve pairs of parentheses can be used in a sentence. The G mode permits the use of GAP assembly language coding at any point in the ZOOM source program. All of the facilities of the GAP language can be utilized. The GAP coding must be written in a free-field format in ZOOM programs, whereas a fixed format (page 321:171. 820) is required for direct input to the GAP translator. GAP fields are separated by commas or blanks, each GAP instruction is by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 7/63 GE225 321:172.140 § 172. . i4 . 16 Z Mode Sentence Types (Contd.) Description (Contd.) AS: . terminated by a period, and more than one instruction can be punched on a card. The G mode cards pass through the ZOOM macro assembly process without translation. AT:. The ZOOM -to-GAP translation may require one or two passes. The second pass is required only if user-defined macro instructions are referenced in the source program. The macro instructions must be defined in GAP coding, either within the ZOOM source program or on separate cards which are read in during the second pass. Wherever a user-defined macro is referenced in the source program, the associated GAP coding is inserted in -line during the second pass. The second pass, when used, also scans the object program in an effort to eliminate excess COding. There are three versions of the ZOOM translator. The 8K version (program CD225F1. 002) requires a GE 225 with 8, 192 core storage locations, a card reader, and a card punch. Use of one magnetic tape drive reduces card handling when the two-pass translation process is required. Four magnetic tape drives permit automatic ZOOM -to-GAP and GAP-tomachine-language translations without operator intervention. BG: . CA:. DE: . . . . . . . . . . • 00:. DX:. ED:. EN:. ER:. GO: . . . . . . . . . • . IF: • . • . • . • . • . . Two different versions of the ZOOM translator are available for 4K GE 225 systems. Program CD225F 1. 004 uses subroutines for all floating point arithmetic operations, whereas Program CD225F1. 005 assembles coding for the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit. Because of the limited core storage space, the following restrictions apply to both 4K versions: • The AB, EX, DX, and DO sentence types are not permitted. • Required constants are not generated automatically; they must be supplied by the user. • User-defined macro instructions cannot be used. • No error typeouts are produced during the translation. • There are minor limitations on G mode (GAP) coding. .15 • 16 Publication Date:. February 1962; revised May 1962. MO: • . . • • . • . . • NT: • . . . • • . . . . . PR: . . . . . • . . . . . PT: . sc: . SN: • ST: . SW:. SX: . TY:. VA:. Z Mode Sentence Types . . . . . . • • • . . takes the absolute value of a single or double precision field; e. g., AB S A. AD: • • . • . • • • • . • denotes double precision addition and/or subtraction; e. g., AD A + B - F AB~ =G =H. AL: 7/63 denotes a string of alphameric characters to be typed or printed. ·S or *D: . • . • . • . . /S or /D: . . . . • • . . denotes single precision addition and/or subtraction. sets a switch; analogous to the ALTER verb of COBOL. begins a ZOOM program. performs a three-way comparison of two single or double precision fields, and transfers control accordingly. analogous to the "00 TO . DEPENDING ON . . . " conditional transfer of COBOL. controls the execution of a loop, as in FORTRAN. exchanges two double precision fields. ends a ZOOM program and causes a string of constants to be written. ends a ZOOM program; no constants are written. transfers control to deSignated sentence upon arithmetic overflow. transfers control unconditionally to the designated sentence. performs logical comparisons and tests; e. g., IF S VAL-l GR VAI:--2 00 SEN.,..!. moves a block of 1 to 999 consecutive words from one core storage area to another. designates a note, which will not be reproduced on the GAP output. causes a section of coding (see SN) to be performed, after which control is returned to the main program. prints a line; control by.a format line is optional. advances printer paper to specified channel. designates a section of coding, performed by a PR sentence. causes a processor halt. advances printer paper the specified number of lines. exchanges ~o single precision fields • types an alphameric message. controls the execution of a loop; less specific and less efficient than 00. denotes multiplication of two single precision fields; S or D denotes single or double precision result. denotes division; divisor and quotient must be single precision; S or D denotes single or double precision dividend. 321: 181.100 .,STANDARO EDP • REPORTS GE 225 Program Translator GAP PROGRAM TRANSLATOR: GAP § 181. · 232 Maximum size source statements: • •1 GENERAL .11 Identity: · 12 Description GE 225 General Assembly Program. GAP. This translator converts GAP source programs into GE 225 machine language form. Minimum configuration for operation of the translator includes 4,096 words of core storage, console typewriter, and punched card or paper tape input-output units. Three card passes are required to produce a packed (38 instructions per card) binary object program deck. A high speed printer, if available, can be used for on-line listings of the symbolic and machine-language instructions and error indications. Systems with four or more magnetic tape units can utilize the GAP Systems Tape for automatic assemblies without intermediate card handling operations. There is a general one-to-one correspondence between GAP statements and machine-language instructions, except for pseudo-operations, double-length constants, and some input-output and conditional branching operations which require two computer words. All hardware facilities in the target computer can be fully utilized. . 13 Originator:. . . . • 14 Maintainer: as above . .15 Availability: March, 1961. .2 INPUT • 21 Language .212 Exemptions: OUTPUT .31 Object Program .311 Language name: .312 Language style: · 313 Output media: · 32 · 321 Standard inclusions: • .322 Compatible with: . . . · 33 • 222 Obligatory ordering: . · 223 Obligatory grouping: • · 231 Maximum number of source statements:. • limited by target computer storage size. © Provision listing. listing. listing (label table). none. listing and typewriter message. TRANSLATING PROCEDURE .41 Phases and Passes Pass 1: • Pass 2: . · 42 Optional Modes .421 .422 .423 .424 Translate: •.• Translate and run: . Check only: Patching:. · 43 Size Limitations none. BRIDGE II Service System; see Section 321:191. .4 • 425 Up-dating: • none. GE 225 machine language. binary; choice of absolute or relocatable form. punched cards" 38 instructions per card, or paper tape; when Systems Tape is used, output may be cards, binary'magnetic tape, or paper tape. Documentation Subject Source program: • Object program: . Storage map:.. . Restart point list: Language errors: GE 225 General Assembly Language (GAP); see Section 321:171. none. punched cards, paper tape, or magnetic tape. according to coding sheet sequence numbers. total of 1, 200 labels with 8K core storage. Conventions Pass 0: . . • . . . . Form .221 Input media: · 23 .3 . . General Electric Computer Department, Phoenix, Arizona. • 211 Name: . 22 . 233 Maximum number of data items: one card containing one instruction or constant . processes mnemonics and analyzes all symbolic labels. assigns Rtorage locations to symbolic labels. processes operands and pre-, pares 'object deck and listing. yes. no. no. no; must alter object deck or reassemble . no. Special Features .431 Alter to check only: . 432 Fast unoptimized translate: . . . • . 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated no . no. Revised 7/63 321: 181.433 § GE 225 · 54 181. · 433 Short translate on restricted program: no. .44 Bulk Translating: • . no. .45 Program Diagnostics: none. .46 Translator Library .461 Identity: . . . . . . . 462 User restrictions: • .463 Form Storage medium: . Organization: • · 464 Contents:. . . · 465 Ltbrarianship Insertion:. . .. Amendment: Call Procedures: • COMPUTER CONFIGURATIONS .61 Translating Computer GAP Library • general. magnetic tape or cards. relocatable binary form. as incorporated by user. .612 Larger configuration advantages:. . . . . BRIDGE Service System. BRIDGE Service System. SBR statement calls routine from library tape and forms linkage. .5 TRANSLATOR PERFORMANCE • 51 Object Program Space .511 Fixed Overhead Name Space Symbolic Tape I/O System: 868 words Comment optional inclusion . • 62 .7 Translation Time • 521 Normal translating Card version: • . .53 7/63 Revised .8 Central Processor with 4, 096 words of core storage, card or paper tape reader and punch, and console typewriter. printer provides on -line listings; one magnetic tape unit permits use of GAP Systems Tape; four or more tape units permit automatic assembly. Target Computer • 621 Minimum configuration: · 622 Usable extra facilities:. . . . 512 Space required for each input-output file: . . . variable . . 513 Approximate expansion of procedures: . slightly over 1. O. O. 0l7S minutes for 900statement program, including card handling time. Magnetic tape version: O. OOSS minutes for 2,500statement program, using 15,OOD-char/sec. tape units. Optimizing Data:. none. unaffected; i. e., same as hand coding. .6 • 611 Minimum configuration: Note: No translator library for paper tape version; required routines must be manually inserted into object program. . 52 Object Program Performance: . any GE 225 system • all . ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Missing entries: Unsequenced entries: Duplicate names: Improper format: Incomplete entries: Target computer overflow: Inconsistent program: Undefined names: Illegal operations: Symbol table overflow: none. optional check check limited checks limited checks none. none. check check check ALTERNATIVE TRANSLATORS: . . . none. Action noted noted noted noted in listing. in listing• in listing. in listing• noted in listing. noted in listing. type message and stop. 321: 182.100 GE 225 Program Translator GECOM PROGRAM TRANSLATOR: GECOM § .12 182. .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .12 Description: General Compiler. GECOM. The General Compiler translates programs written in the GECOM language (described in Section 321:161) into relocatable GE 225 machine language object programs. The minimum equipment requirements for GECOM compilations are 8,192 core storage locations, console typewriter, card reader, card punch, printer, and at least 4 magnetic tape transports (i. e., 2 dual tape handlers). One or two additional tape' transports can be utilized if available for source program input and/or object program output. GECOM object programs can be executed on any GE 225 system that has the equipment required by the programs themselves. Paper tape input-output and the Three-Way Compare and Decimal Add-Subtract features cannot be utilized. The compilation process is automatic and consists of four distinct phases: o Transformer Phase - translates the source program into an intermediate internal language; lists the Identification and Environment Divisions; groups, organizes, and checks the Data and Procedure Divisions; prints error messages on the console typewriter; screens out unnessential words; and initiates preparation of the object program. • Reformer Phase - calls in and initiates execution of the routines that are reqUired to produce the object program from the generator library on the GECOM master tape. • Assembler Phase - translates the object program from the intermediate language to GE 225 machine language and outputs it on punched cards or magnetic tape. • Editor Phase - produces the program documentation, consisting of: a source program listing; reference tables showing the GAP symbol assigned to each programmer-named sentence, the names of all required subroutines, and the octal address assigned to each GAP symbol; and an object program listing in both absolute octal and GAP symbolic form, with source statements interspersed (see Section 321:131). The GECOM Master Tape includes a library of closed subroutines that are referenced when certain language facilities are used. When the object program is written on magnetic tape, the required © 1963 Description (Contd. ) library subroutines are included automatically. When the object program is on punched cards, the required subroutines can be punched as part of the program deck or added manually at load time. Input-output operations are controlled by standard closed subroutines. The characteristics of each file are defined by a "file table," which occupies 44 to 48 words of core storage per magnetic tape file and 8 words per card reader, card punch, and printer file. Any input item that is referenced by a procedural sentence other than MOVE, EXCHANGE, or WRITE is automatically placed in Process Storage, a compiler-generated extension of the Working Storage Section, when it is read in by the object program. At the same time, mode and radix conversions and unpacking are performed as necessary to insure efficient Procedure Division data manipulation. Two word locations are assigned to each numeric item. If the Computation Mode sentence in the Environment Division specifies the floating point mode, all numerics except integers and true-false variables are stored in floating point binary form; otherwise, all numerics are stored in two-word fixed point binary form. Alphameric fields in Process Storage are in unpacked, left-justified, BCD form. When the object program executes a WRITE sentence, the output record is assembled by means of moves from input records, Process Storage, and Working Storage. All necessary radix conversions, editing, and packing are performed to achieve the specified output format. The fact that all GECOM computations are performed in the binary mode upon unpacked, fixed-length items makes it essential for the GECOM programmer to follow certain conventions in laying out the Data Division in order to produce efficient object programs: • Items used in arithmetic computations should be kept in binary form from run to run and converted to decimal form only upon final output. Computational items in master files should be in binary form. Non-computational items should be described as alphameric. • Items which are moved from input to output without Procedure Division references should be combined into alphameric "throughput strings, " which can be moved with maximum efficiency. • Items of high activity should be kept in unpacked form from run to run. • Items which are combined in arithmetic operations should be kept at the same binary or decimal scale to minimize scaling operations. Translation of a 250-card source program for a typical business application required 11 minutes by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321: 182.120 § GE 225 182. .12 • 33 Description (Contd.) Subject and generated about 2,000 lines of object coding (listed in GAP symbolic form) exclusive of required library routines. GE asserts that an average program that fills an 8, 192-word memory will not require more than 25 minutes for the whole translation process. Data on object program efficiencies is not yet available. Design objectives call for over-all efficiencies of 90 percent on running time and 85 to 90 percent on storage requirements. .13 Originator:. General Electric Computer Dept., Phoenix, Arizona. · 14 Maintainer:. as above. · 15 Availability: initial version released in March, 1962. •2 INPUT · 21 Language . 211 Name: . 212 Exemptions. . 22 GECOM . use of paper tape I/O, Three-Way Compare, Decimal Add-Subtract. Form . 221 Input media: . punched cards, magnetic tape. · 222 Obligatory ordering: . Identification Division. Environment Division. Data Division. Procedure Division. · 223 Obligatory grouping: . • by division and section. .23 Size Limitations .231 Maximum number of source statements: . · 232 Maximum size source statements: . . 233 Maximum number of data items: .3 OUTPUT .31 Object Program .311 Language name: . .313 Output media: . .32 . 322 Compatible with:. 7/63 limited by target computer storage; overlays can be utilized. unlimited. essentially unlimited. GE 225 machine language. . punched cards or magnetic tape. Conventions . 321 Standard inclusions: Revised Documentation loader; other routines as required. BRIDGE II Service System . Source prograni: . Object program: . Storage map:. Restart point list: Language errors:. Provision listing. listing (in GAP symbolic form). listing (symbolic label table). listing. listing and/or typewriter message. .4 TRANSLATING PROCEDURE .41 Phases and passes: .42 Optional Modes .421 • 422 . 423 • 424 .425 Translate: Translate and run: . Check only: • Patching: . Up-dating: .43 Special Features .431 Alter to check only: .432 Fast unoptimized translate: ... · 433 Short translate on restricted program: twelve passes, divided into Transformer, Reformer, Assembler, and Editor phases. See Description, Paragraph . 12. · yes • • no . · yes . can translate by segment. · no . no. no . no . .44 Bulk Translating: .45 Program Diagnostics: . none. · 46 Translator Library .461 Identity: . 462 User restriction: . 463 Form Storage medium: . Organization: .464 Contents Routines: Functions: . Data descriptions: . 465 Librarianship . Insertion: Amendment: . Call procedure: . yes. GECOM Library . general . magnetic tape. ? closed. absolute, square root, log, exponential, trig. none . BRIDGE Service System. BRIDGE Service System. functions by name; standard service routines inserted automatically when required . .5 TRANSLATOR PERFORMANCE .51 Object Program Space .511 Fixed overhead: . 576 locations, including buffered card read and punch areas. PROGRAM TRANSLATOR: GECOM § 321:182.512 . 62 182 . . 512 Space required for each input- output file:. . . alternate areas only if specified in Environment Divisions . . 513 Approximate expansion of procedures:. . . . 8 for typical business routine, exclusive of library subroutines. . 52 Target Computer .621 Minimum configuration: . 622 Usable extra facilities: Translation Time .521 Normal translating: not more than 25 minutes for average 8, 192-word memory load, according to GE . . 53 Optimizing Data: none. . 54 Object Program Performance .7 90 percent. 85 to 90 percent. .6 COMPUTER CONFIGURATIONS .61 Translating computer .611 Minimum configuration: 8, 192-word core storage, 4 magnetic tape drives, card reader, card punch, and printer . . 612 Advantages of larger configurations: . . . source and/or object program s can be on magnetic tape. © 1963 .8 up to 16, 384 core storage locations. 15KC and 15/41. 7KC magnetic tape drives, disc storage, off-line printer, Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit, Move Command, Automatic Priority Interrupt. ERRORS, CHECKS, AND ACTION Error Check or Action Interlock Missing entries: Unsequenced entries: Duplicate names: Improper format: Incomplete entries: Target computer overflow: Inconsistent program: Undefined names: Illegal operations: Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Design objectives (not necessarily achieved in all cases) Time:. Space:. any GE 225 system with punched card inputoutput . noted in listing. noted in listing. noted in listing. noted in listing. noted in listing. noted in listing. noted in listing. noted in listing. noted in listing. .ALTERNATIVE TRANSALTORS: . . . none. by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321: 183.100 GE 225 Program T ransl ator WIZ -II PROGRAM TRANSLATOR: WIZ-II § 183. .2 INPUT Language .1 General .21 .11 Identity: • • • • • • • GE 225 WIZ System. WIZ-II. .211 Name: • • 12 .212 Exemptions: • 22 Description The WIZ-II Compiler program converts source programs coded in the WIZ algebraic language (Section 321:163) into GE 225 machine language object programs in a single pass. Two versions are available, for GE 225 systems with either punched card or paper tape input-output devices. Magnetic tape can be utilized to facilitate both the compilation and execution of WIZ-coded programs. AGE 225 with at least 8,192 core storage locations is required for both the compilation and execution phases. Use of a GE 225 with 16,384 core storage locations perniits immediate execution of WIZ-compiled programs. The object program is stored in the upper 8,192 core locations as it is compiled; then it is moved to the lower 8,192 locations for execution. . WIZ-II, described in Section 321:163. none • . Form .221 Input media: • • • • • punched cards or paper tape. .222 Obligatory ordering: • dimension statements, initial value statements, executable statements (in correct sequence), procedures, END. .23 Size Limitations .231 Maximum number of source statements: • • • • • . limited by target computer core storage capacity. .232 Maximum size source statements:. • • • • unlimited. .233 Maximum number of data items: • • • • • • • limited by target computer The main feature of the WIZ. system is the rapid comstorage. pilation it provides. Object programs are compiled .234 Others and punched into binary cards at the rate of about Maximum number of 1,600 instructions per minute. If the object pro90 numeric plus approx. statement labels:. gram is listed on the on-line printer, the over-all 200 alphameric. rate is about 600 to 700 instructions per minute. Maximum number of procedure names: limited by target computer An object program package called W1ZPAC must be storage. loaded in order to execute WIZ-compiled programs. W1ZPAC occupies about 3, 000 core storage locations OUTPUT .3 and contains standard input-output, floating point arithmetic, and library function subroutines. The .31 Object Program Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit can be used, if available, for automatic floating point operations. Use of • 311 Language name: GE 225 machine language • the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit in place of the floating • 312 Language style: binary, non - relocatable • point arithmetic subroutines can increase object • 313 Output media: punched cards or paper tape • program execution speeds by a factor of up to four. .32 Conventions The principal advantages of the W1Z-II system over its predecessor, WIZ-I, are the reduction of WIZPAC .321 Standard Inclusions:. • none. storage requirements from 4,000 to 3,000 locations .322 Compatible with: • • • WIZPAC object program and an average reduction of 40 to 50 per cent in package, containing object program execution times. I:J:1 addition, sucinput-output, floating cessive compilations have been facilitated by a short point arithmetic, and Re-Initialize deck that makes it unnecessary to reload standard function subthe entire compiler program; the "compile and exroutines. ecute" capability has been provided for 16K systems; the exponentiation operator has been added; and the .33 Documentation data output facilities have been expanded. Provision Originator: General Electric Computer Department, Phoenix, Source program: • optional listing. Arizona. Object program: • • • optional listing. Storage map:. • • optional listing of . as above • Maintainer: • symbol and constant tables. Language errors:. • • typewriter messages, plus Availability: . . . • . WIZ-I: November, 1961 • flagging of source proWIZ-II: December, 1962. gram listing. . . .13 • 14 • 15 © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incarporated 7/63 321: 183.400 GE 225 183. § •4 TRANSLATlNGPROCEDURE .41 Phases and Passes: • • one-pass compiler. .42 Optional Mode .421 Translate: • • • 422 Translate and run: .423 Check: only: .424 Patching: .425 Updating: .43 yes. optional, with 16K core storage only. yes, by suppressing all output except error messages. selective recompilation is possible. no. .513 Approximate expansion of procedures:. .52 Translation Time .521 Normal translating:. • 0.8 + 0.016S minutes, where S is number of source program statements, including printed object program listing (**) • (*'!') Estimate by the Editorial Staff, based on data for typical cases and probably reliable. .53 Optimizing Data: .54 Object Program Performance: • Special Features .431 Alter to check: only:. • see .423, above. .432 Fast unoptimized translate: . • . . . . . . no. .433 Short translate on restricted program no. Bulk Translating: • • • no,· but successive compilations are facilitated by a Re-lnitialize deck: which is smaller and can be loaded more rapidly than the WIZ-II Compiler deck:. .44 • 45 Program DiagnOl3ticB • 451 Tracers: .452 Snapshots: .453 Dumps: • . . . . none none. an octal dump of the A and Q registers and the 4 index registers can be initiated manually, or automatically upon detection of object program errors. Standard console dump program is used if a full core storage listing is required. 10 (**) • • none. advertised overall efficiency is 50 to 70 per cent with respect to storage space and 70 to 90 per cent with respect to execution time, compared to good hand-coded routines using the same subroutine package. .6 COMPUTER CONFIGURATIONS .61 Translating Computex: .611 Minimum configuration: GE 225 with 8,192 core storage locations • Card or paper tape reader. Card or paper tape punch. Typewriter • .612 Larger configuration advantages:. • • • • Printer permits on-line listings. 16K core storage permits "compile and execute" operation. .62 Target Computer .621 Minimum configuration: GE 225 with 8,192 core storage locations. Card or paper tape reader. Translator Library:,•• none (WIZ-coded subroutines' Typewriter • can be added to the source .622 Usable extra facilities: Card or paper tape punch. deck: and compiled with the Printer. program. GAP-coded subAuxiliary Arithmetic Unit. routines in the proper Magnetic Tape Units. format can be assembled separately and loaded into .7 ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION the storage locations assigned by the WIZ-II Error Check or Action Compiler). Interlock: • 46 •5 TRANSLATOR PERFORMANCE • 51 Object Program Space •511 Fixed overhead Name: • • • Space: •• Contents: •• WIZPAC. 3, 000 words. input-output, floating point a:rrithmetic, and standard function subroutines. .512 Space required for each input-output fife: ':. • contained in WIZPAC. 7/63 Missing entries: none • none. Unsequenced entries: Target computer overflow: check Input-output error: check Dimension error: ' check Syntactical error: check illegal statement typt;: check Illegal character: check Symbol table overflow: check check Sentence label error: .8 ALTERNATIVE TRANSLATORs: • • • none. note type type type type type type type and type message at end • message and halt. message • message. message. message. message. message. 321: 191.100 .STAI X24 X32 76 X35 X 3.2 42 X 176 X28 850 670 875 2,255 Printer Controller IDENTITY Model Number Height X width X depth, inches Weight, Rounds PHYSICAL 850 Maximum cable lengths --- ------- --- 0-120 0-120 0-120 Humidity, '7. 10-90 10-90 Temperature, of. 65-85 Humidity, '7. ----- ? ? ? ? --- --- --- 0-120 0-130 0-130 -20-135 10-90 10-90 10-90 10-90 10-95 65-85 65-85 65-85 65-85 65-85 65-85 40-60 40-60 40-60 40-60 40-60 40-60 40-60 1,810 3,380 5,955 3,875 4.4911 5,260 22,572 0 300 0 300 300 300 0 208 or 240 120 208 Or 240 208 or 240 208 or 240 208 or 240 208 or 240 ±10'7. ± 10'7. ± 10'7. ± 10'7. ± 10'7. ± 10'7. ± 10'7. 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 +0.5 -1.5 +0.5-1.5 +0.5-1.5 +0.5-1.5 +0.5-1.5 +0.5-1.5 +0.5-1.5 3cp,4-wire 3cp.4-wire 3cp,4-wire acp, 4-wlre 3cp,4-wire 3cp,4-wire 3cp,4-wire 0.9 1.4 4.8 Included in Printer 2.0 3.0 7.5 To Indicated Unit ? ? Storage Ranges ATMOS. PHERE Working Ranges Heat diasipated, BTU/hr. Air now, cfm. Nominal Voltage Tolerance ELECTRI. Nominal Cycles CAL Tolerance Phases and lines LoadKVA NOTES © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 321:211.104 GE 225 GE 225 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Contd.) Mas. Random Acces. Data Storage (Electronics) Unit Name IDENTITY Mass Random Access Data Storage (Controller) DATANET-15 Data T ran ami asian Controller Magnetic Ink Document Handler Controller Model Number Height X Width X Depth, in. Weight, lbs. PHYSICAL GE 235 Central Processor GE 235 Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit CA235 AAU235 76x40x32 76x40x32 76x40x32 76x38X32 76x32x75 76x40x32 700 450 858 910 1,600 800 --- ? Maximum Cable Lengths To Processor To Power Receptacle To Indicated Unit ? ? ? --- ? ? ? --- 35' to digital sub-sets and Interlace Ladapters. ? ? --- --- Temperature, OF. 0-120 0-120 ? 20-135 0-120 0-120 Humldity, '7. 0-98 0-98 ? 10-95 0-98 0-98 65-85 65-85 60-85 65-85 65-85 65-85 40-60 40-60 40-60 40-60 40-60 40-60 2,220 4,235 3,800 4,250 ? 4,406 300 300 300 300 1540 660 Nomlnal 208 208 208 208 208 or 240 Tolerance ± lQ'r. ±10% ±10% ±10% ±1Q'r. ± lQ'r. Nominal 60 60 60 60 60 60 Tolerance ±l ±1 ±l ±1 +0.5-1.5 +0.5 -1.5 Storage Ranges Temperature, OF. ATMOSPHERE Working Ranges Humldlty, or. Heat Dissipated, BTU/hr. Air Flow, clm.. 208 or 240 Voltage ELECTRICAL Cycles Phases and Lines LoadKVA NOTES 7/63 Revised 31>,4-wire 31>,4-wire 31>,4-wire 31>,4-wire 31>,4-wire 3cp,4-wire .9 2.0 1.3 2.0 5.3 3.6 321:221.101 • STANDARD EDP • GE 225 REPORTS Price Data PRICE DATA § 221. IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS No. Central Processor CA225C CB225D CC225B CA225B CB225C CC225A X225A Storage InputOutput Central Processor, Console and Typewriter Without Controller Selector 4, 096 words of core storage 8,192 words of core storage 16,384 words of core storage With Controller Selector 4,096 words of core storage 8,192 words of core storage 16,384 words of core storage Optional Features Move Command Automatic Interrupt Three- Way Compare, Decimal Addition and Subtraction, and Additional Address Modification Gtoups Real Time Clock Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit 1,900 2,500 3,900 135,000 165,000 221, 000 2,900 3,500 4,900 145,000 175,000 231,000 75 75 3,300 3,800 200 75 4,410 3,600 650 32,500 1,725 76,000 Core Storage: included in Central Processor M640A Mass Random Access File GA651A GA651B Paper Tape Punch & Reader With Spooler Without Spooler 490 440 22,000 19,800 D225B D225C Card Reader & Controller 400 cards/min model 1,000 cards/min model 375 810 18,350 32,400 E225K E225M Card Punch & Controller 100 cards/min model 300 cards/min model 400 825 21, 460 41, 150 1,275 1,295 2,950 61,500 61,950 137,250 3,500 700 157,500 33,000 P225D High Speed Printer and Contr-oller Standard On-Line On- Line with FORTRAN character set On/Off-Line, for 200 char/inch tape On/Off- Line, for 200 or 556 char/inch tape On- Line 150 LPM Printer MTH680 MTH69 0 DTC':IOl Magnetic Tape Handlers Dual 15,000 char/sec. Dual 15,000/41,600 char/sec. lJATANET-15 850 1,300 b':lU 33,000 47,850 30,000 SI2B Magnetic Ink Document Handler -1,750 87,500 M225B 900 46,250 MTC680 MTC69 0 Mass Random Access Controller Magnetic Tape Controller For 15,000 char/sec. For 15,000/41,600 char/sec. 800 1,030 37,500 46,350 SA225A SA225B Magnetic Ink Document Handler Adapters For 1 Handler For 2 Handlers 540 680 21,600 27,200 P225A P225C PA690A PA690B Controllers Name PRICES (see note below) Monthly Monthly Rental Maintenance Purchase $ $ $ Note: These are believed to be the current rental and purchase prices for the GE 225 system components; the manufacturer has neither confirmed nor denied them. © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Revised 7/63 GE 235 General Electric Company AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. GE 235 General Electric Company AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 323:001.001 • STANDARD EDP • GE 235 REPORTS Contents CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lO. 11. 12. 13. 14. * Introduction Data Structure System Configuration III 6- Tape Business System IV 12-Tape Business System V 6- Tape Auxiliary Storage System VI 6- Tape Business/Scientific System Internal Storage Core Storage . • . •• .••• Mass Random Access Data Storage Central Processors Central Processor . .. Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit Console Console (part of Central Processor) Console Typewriter • • Input-Output; Punched Tape and Card Card Reader (400 cards/minute) Card Reader (1,000 cards/minute) Card Punch (100 cards/minute) Card Punch (300 cards/minute) Paper Tape Reader Paper Tape Punch Input-Output; Printers High Speed Printer (On- Line) High Speed Printer (Off/On-Line) Low Speed Printer (150 lines/minute) Input-Output; Magnetic Tape Dual Magnetic Tape Handle:t: Input-Output; Other Magnetic Ink Document Handler. DATANET-15 • . • Simultaneous Operations • • • . Controller Selector • Priority Access Control Instruction List . Coding Specimens GAP GECOM GECOM Report Writer TABSOL WIZ-II ZOOM Data Codes Internal BCD and Printer Magnetic Tape (BCD Mode) 323:011 323:021 323:031.3 323:031.4 323:031.5 323:031.6 323:041 323:042 323:051 323:051.12 323:061 323:061.13 323:071 323:072 323:073 323:073 323:074 323:075 323:081 323:081.12 323:082 323:091 323:lOl 323:lO2 323:111 323: 111.1 323:111.1 321:121 * 321: 131 321:132 321:133 321:134 321:135 321:136 * * 321: 141 321:142 * * * * * * Refer to indicated section of GE 225 report; all GE 225 software is directly usable on the GE 235. © 1963 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 8/63 323:001.002 GE 235 CONTENTS (Contd.) 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. * 8/63 Data Codes (Contd.,) 321:143 321:144 Punched Cards Collating Sequence • Problem Oriented Facilities mM 650 Simulator • LGP- 30 Simulator .• FORWARD Sort/Merge Generator GECOM Report Writer • Card Program Generator BRIDGE II Service System . Mathematical Routines • BANKPAC •• • •• Electric Utility Routines PRONTO • • . .. Critical Path Method TRIM. • • •• . Assembly Line Balancing Permuted Index Program Package Process Oriented Languages GECOM. TABSOL. FORTRAN II. WIZ-II. •• Machine Oriented Languages GAP. • • ZOOM • • Program Translators GAP. GECOM .• WIZ. •• • Operating Environment BRIDGE II Service System System Performance Generalized File Processing • Sorting. • •• • •••.. Matrix Inversion . Physical Characteristics. • Price Data. •••. 321: 151.11 321:151.11 321: 151.13 321:151.14 321: 151.14 321:151.15 321:151.17 321: 151.17 321:151.17 321:151.17 321: 151.17 321:151.17 321:151.17 321: 151.17 321:161 321: 161.14 321:162 321:163 ® * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 321:181 321:182 321:183 * 321:191 * Refer to indicated section of GE 225 report; all GE 225 software is directly usable on the GE 235. A * 321:171 321:172 323:201.1 323:201.2 323:201.3 321:211 323:221 AUERBACH * * * * * 323:011.100 GE 235 Introduction INTRODUCTION § OIl. The GE 235 is a medium scale, solid- state data processing systeri' 'at is adaptable to a wide range of business and scientific applications. System rentals can range from approximately $4,000 to over $40,000 per month, but most installations will probably fall within the $6,000 to $20,000 range. The GE 235 was announced in May, 1963, and initial customer deliveries are scheduled for mid-1964. Compatibility The GE 235 is the largest member of General Electric Computer Department's recently expanded line of general purpose digital computers. The GE 235 is fully programcompatible with the smaller GE 215 and GE 225 systems (Computer System Reports 320 and 321) and offers the same line of peripheral equipment. The central processor and core storage used in the GE 225 have been re-engineered to achieve more than a three-fold increase in internal processing speeds. Scientific problems that utilize the Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit for floating point arithmetic operations may run up to 18 times as fast on the GE 235 as on the 225. The GE 235 thus provides upward expansion without reprogramming for users of the GE 215 and 225 systems. (Because the GE 235 uses the same peripheral equipment as the GE 225, there will obviously be no improvement in the execution times for runs which are limited by the speeds of specific input-output devices.) The principal differences between the GE 235 and the GE 225 can be summarized as follows: • Core storage cycle time is 6 microseconds, versus 18 microseconds in the GE 225. • Execution times for all central processor operations are decreased by a factor of at least three. • Execution times for Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit operations are decreased by a factor of from 3 to 20. • Keyboard input via the console typewriter is standard in the GE 235 and optional in the GE 225. • The optional Dual Access Controller Selector (not available for the GE 225) doubles the potential input-output data transfer rate. Hardware Core storage in the GE 235 can consist of 4,096, 8, 192, or 16,384 word locations. Each 20-bit location can hold a one-address instruction, a binary data word of 19 bits plus sign, or 3 alphameric characters in 6-bit BCD representation. Core storage cycle time is 6 microseconds. A parity check is performed upon all internal transfer operations. The central processor provides complete arithmetic facilities for single word-length binary operands. Loading. storing, addition, and subtraction of double-length binary data items can also be performed. An optional feature permits addition and subtraction (but not multiplication or division) of single- or double-length data items in BCD form. This feature can significantly reduce the number of time-consuming radix conversions required in business data processing. but will seldom eliminate the problem completely. Three index registers and a fourth location that serves as a convenient counter register are standard. An optional feature makes 31 additional 4-word groups in core storage © 1963 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 8/63 GE 235 323:011.101 INTRODUCTION (Contd.) § all. available as index registers or counters. Only one group, selected by a special instruction, can be active at a time. Other optional features for the central processor are a Move Command (which expedites internal block transfer operations), Three- Way Compare, Automatic Priority Interrupt, and a Real- Time Clock. Instructions are executed at the rate of about 75, 000 per second in typical GE 235 routines. The Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit can perform double-length arithmetic in either fixed or floating point mode under control of the central processor. This optional unit greatly increases the 235's internal processing speeds on scientific problems. Standard 80-column punched cards can be read at 400 or .1, 000 cards per minute and punched at 100 or 300 cards per minute. Paper tape can be read at 250 or 1, 000 characters per second and punched at 110 characters per second. A console typewriter provides keyboard input and typed output at 15 characters per second. All peripheral devices except those mentioned above are connected to the central processor through a seven-way multiplexing device called the Controller Selector, which gives the GE 235 impressive capabilities for simultaneous operations. Up to seven controllers for magnetic tape units, disc storage units, printers, data communication equipment, and magnetic document handlers can be connected to the Controller Selector. One peripheral unit on each controller can operate simultaneously with internal processing and card reading and punching. Accesses to core storage are automatically allocated among the operating units by a straightforward priority system. Maximum gross data transfer rate through the standard Controller Selector is 55,600 words per second; an optional Dual Access Controller Selector increases the maximum rate to 111, 000 words (or 333, 000 characters) per second. The printer has a peak speed of 900 alphameric lines per minute and a skipping speed of 25 inches per second. The printer controller provides automatic editing and format control. Special models of the high speed printer are available for use either on-line or for independent off-line tape-to-printer data transcriptions. Another printer with a peak speed of 150 alphameric lines per minute and no automatic format control is offered for use where output volume is relatively low. Two magnetic tape handlers models are available. One has a peak data transfer rate of 15, 000 characters per second at a recording density Of 200 rows per inch. The other model offers a choice of 200 or 556 rows per inch, with corresponding peak speeds of 15, 000 or 41,667 characters per second. The tape format is compatible with the IBM 727, 729, and 7330 Magnetic Tape Units. Two tape handlers are mounted in a single cabinet, one above the other. Up to eight tape handlers can be connected to each tape controller. The number of simultaneous 15KC tape read or write operations is limited only by the number of tape controllers in the system, but the number of simultaneous 41.6KC tape operations cannot exceed two (or four with the Dual Access Controller Selector). Each Mass Random Access Data Storage (MRADS) unit provides disc storage for approximately 18.87 million alphameric characters in 98,304 fixed record locations of 64 words (or 192 characters) each. The average total waiting time for access to a randomlyplaced record is 225 milliseconds. Up to 294,912 characters per MRADS unit can be transferred without repositioning any of the 16 access arms. A maximum of four MRADS file units can be connected to each MRADS controller, and up to eight controllers can be used in aGE 225 system. Only one MRADS read or write operation can occur at a time. Magnetically encoded paper documents can be read or sorted at a peak speed of 1,200 documents per minute. Two document handlers can be connected to each controller, providing a peak sorting speed of 2,400 documents per minute. The DATANET-15 controls the transmission and reception of digital data over telehone and telegraph lines and two-wire cables at speeds ranging from 60 to 2,400 bits per second. Up to 15 data transmission lines and a paper tape reader and punch can be connected to a DATANET-15, but it can control only one data transfer operation at a time. 8/63 A AUERBACH ® 323:011.102 INTRODUCTION § INTRODUCTION (Contd.) all. GE's line of data communications equipment also includes: • The DATANET-30 programmed data communication system. • The DATANET-600 paper tape terminal. • The DATANET-90 magnetic-tape-to-computer terminal. • The DATANET-91 off-line magnetic-tape-to-magnetic-tape terminal. • A variety of special digital input-output devices. GE's MOSE (Modification of Standard Equipment) group offers a variety of specialpurpose hardware for use with the 235 system, such as peripheral device switching controllers, printer plotting option, plotter interface units, etc. Software All of the programs and programming systems that have been developed for the GE 225 are directly usable on similarly equipped G5 235 systems. The available software is summarized below and described in detail in the GE 225 report, Sections 321: 151 through 321:191. The General Assembly Program (GAP) is the basic symbolic assembly system for the GE 235. It permits full utilization of the hardware facilities, is relatively easy to learn and use, but provides few refinements. GAP-coded programs can be assembled on GE 235 systems with punched card, paper tape, or magnetic tape input-output equipment. ZOOM is a "macro assembly system" designed to facilitate machine oriented programming by reducing the amount of detailed coding required while retaining high object program efficiencies. The ZOOM programmer uses a combination of pseudo- English statements, algebraic expressions, and GAP symbolic statements. These are translated into an all- GAP program which is then assembled in the normal manner. Magnetic tape is not required, but can be utilized to facilitate the translation process. GECOM is offered as an all-purpose process oriented language. The basic language structure is similar to that of COBOL- 61 but is not compatible with it. (A COBOL- 61 to GECOM translator will be provided.) GECOM also handles algebraic expressions and mathematical functions, and includes a report writer and TASSOL, a system that permits decision logic to be expressed in a concise tabular format. At least four magnetic tape han.ilers and 8,192 core storage locations are required for GECOM compilations. WIZ is a one-pass algebraic compiler for use on punched card or paper tape s~ stems with at least 8, 192 core storage locations. WIZ is less powerful than the FORTRAN -fr ALGOL language, but is easy to learn and provides high compilation speeds. FORTRAN II is available for GE 235 systems with at least 8,192 core storage locations and 4 magnetic tape units. Arrays are limited to two dimensions, and Boolean, complex, and double precision statements are not permitted. On the other hand, several useful extensions of the FORTRAN II language have been incorporated. I \ BRIDGE II is a tape file maintenance and run sequencing program whose functions are directed by control cards. FOR WARD is a generalized sort/merge generator. Simulation programs are available for simulating the operations of IDM 650 and General Precision LGP- 30 computers on the GE 235. The Card Program Generator simplifies the programming of existing punched card tabulator and calculator runs for the GE 235. An adequate library of generalized input-output, diagnostic, and mathematical routines are available, as are special-purpose packages for the banking and electric utility industries, numerical tool control, inventory management, assembly line balancing, critical path scheduling, and information retrieval. © 1963 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc:. 8/63 323:021.100 GE 235 Data Structure OAT A STRUCTURE § 021. .1 .2 INFORMATION FORMATS Type of Information STORAGE LOCATIONS Representation Numeral (BCD): Name of Location Size Purpose or Use Word: 20 bits + parity Sector: 64 words Band: 8 or 16 sectors Disc: 512 bands basic addressable location. Mass Random Access Data Storage record location. Mass Random Access Data Storage. Mass Random Access Data Storage. © 1963 three 6- bit characters per word. Letter (BCD): . three 6-bit characters per word. Number (BCD): . . one or two 3-character words. Number (binary): . one or two 20- bit words. Number (floating point): two words (30 bits + sign for mantissa; 8 bits + sign for exponent). Instruction: .. . . . . one word (two words for certain input-output instructions ). Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 8/63 323:031.300 • STANDARD _EDP ." GE 235 R[PORTS System Configuration SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 031. .3 6-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION III) Deviations from Standard Configuration:. . . . . . card reader is 20% slower. printer is 80% faster. magnetic tape is 39% faster. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer operations are possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 4,096 words Central Processor, Console, & Typewriter Optional Features Included: . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. ~.5W Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector 1,000 Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. 1,275 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,930 Move Command. Three-way compare. Decimal addition & subtraction. Additional address modification groups. TOTAL. © 1963 } Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 95 ) 245 $11,870 8/63 323:031.400 § GE 235 03!. .4 12-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION IV) Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . card punch is 50% faster. magnetic tape is 30% slower. 1 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer operation is possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 8, 192 words ~.l~ } Central Processor, Console, &: Typewriter Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• Card -Reader &: Controller: 1,000 cards/min. 810 Card Punch &: Controller: 300 cards/min. 825 Controller Selector 1,000 Printer &: Controller: 900 lines/min. 1,275 Magnetic Tape Units (6) &. Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,930 Magnetic Tape Units (6) &. Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,930 Move Command. Three- Way Compare. Decimal Addition &: Subtraction. Additional Address Modification Groups. Automatic Interrupt. TOTAL • • • • . . . . 8/63 A AUERBACH ® l 95 245 $18,385 323:031.500 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 031. .5 6-TAPE AUXlUARY STORAGE SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION V) Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . card reader is 20% slower. printer is 80% faster. magnetic tape is 39% faster. 2 more. simultaneous non-tape data transfer operations are possible. Equipment Rental Mass Random Access (Disc) Storage & Controller: 18,874,368 characters $2,625 Core Storage: 4, 096 words } 3,550 Central Processor, Console, & Typewriter 1----4~f----0 ---10 I----.-~ Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Card Reader & Controller: 400 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 100 cards/min. 400 Controller Selector 1,000 Printer & Controller: 900 lines/min. 1,275 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15,000 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,930 Move Command. Three- Way Compare. Decimal Addition & Subtraction. Additional Address Modification Groups. Automatic Interrupt. TOTAL . . . . . • . . © 1963 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 95 ) 245 95 $14,590 8/63 323:031.600 § GE 235 .031 . •6 6-TAPE BUSINESS/SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM (CONFIGURATION VJ) Deviations from Standard . nfiguration: . • . . • • • . • • • • • • card reader is 2.0% slower. printer is 80% faster. magnetic tape is 39% faster. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer operations are possible. Equipment Rental Auxiliary Arithmetic Unit $1,5.0.0 Core Storage: 16,384 words Central Processor, Console, & Typewriter Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . • . • •• • • • • • . •. A AUERBACH I!!l 5,3.0.0 Card Reader & Controller: 40.0 cards/min. 375 Card Punch & Controller: 10.0 cards/min. 4.0.0 Controller Selector 1,.0.0.0 Printer & Controller: 9.0.0 lines/min. 1,275 Magnetic Tape Units (6) & Controller: 15, .0.0.0 or 41,667 char/sec. 4,93.0 Move Command. Three- Way Compare. } Decimal Addition & Subtraction. Additional Address Modification Groups. TOTAL .• 8/63 } 95 245 $15,12.0 323:041.100 _STANDARD EDP • GE 235 R£PORTS Internal Storage Core Storage INTERNAL STORAGE: CORE STORAGE § 041. · 29 .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . 12 Basic Use: . · 13 Description . . . . . . . Core Storage. MM235A (4,096 locations). MM235B (8,192 locations). MM235C (16,384 locations). working storage. Core Storage is housed in the Central Processor cabinet and may consist of 4,096, 8,192, or 16,384 locations. Each storage location consists of twenty data bits and one parity bit and can hold a singleaddress instruction, a binary data word of nineteen bits plus sign, or three BCD characters. Single or double word -length load and store operations are possible in the basic processor; and internal block transfers of any length are possible with the optional Move Command, at a maximum effective rate of 83,333 words per second. · 14 15 months as of March, 1963. Availability: ... · 15 First Delivery: . . 16 Reserved Storage Purpose Index registers and counters: Arith registers: Logic registers: I/O control: 1964. No. of Locations Locks 4 (128 with option) none. PHYSICAL FORM · 21 Storage Medium: . magnetic core. · 22 Physical Dimensions: not available. . 23 Storage Phenomenon: direction of magnetization . · 24 Recording Permanence • 28 .3 DATA CAPACITY • 31 Module and System Sizes Identity: Words: Characters: Instructions: Modules: .32 1 word. 20 bits per word. 166,667 cycles/second. 166,667 words/second. Minimum Storage MM235A 4,096 12,288 4,096 1 Rules for Combining Modules: . . . . . . MM235B 8,192 24,576 8,192 1 Maximum Storage MM235C. 16,384. 49,152. 16,384. 1. all configurations are shown above. .4 CONTROLLER: . .5 ACCESS TIMING · 51 Arrangement of Heads: .52 Simultaneous Operations:. . . . . . none. .53 Access Time Parameters and Variations none. one access device per system . 3 iJ.sec. 6 iJ.sec. 1 word. .6 CHANGEABLE STORAGE: . . . . . . no. .7 AUXILIARY STORAGE PERFORMANCE • 71 Data Transfer Pairs of storage units possibilities yes. no. yes (usually retained) . no. no. With self: . . . . . . With Mass Random Access File: . . • 72 coincident current . uniform. © 1963 yes. yes (see Section 323:042). Transfer Load Size With self: . . . . . Access Techniques . 281 Recording method: . · 283 Type of access: . . .. 292 Peak data rates Unit of data: . Conversion factor: . Cycling rate: . . Data rate: . . . .531 For uniform access Access time: . . Cycle time:· .... For data unit of: none. none. ·2 .241 Data erasable by program: . . . . · ~42 Data regenerated constantly: . . . . 243 Data volatile: . . . 244 Data permanent: . • 245 Storage changeable: Potential Transfer Rates Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 1 or.2 words; or, with optional Move Command, 1 to N words, where N is limited by storage capacity. 8/63 323:041.730 § 041. .73 GE 235 .8 Effective Transfer Rate ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Invalid address: Receipt of data: Dispatch of data: Conflicting commands: Recovery of data: Recording of data: With self, using indexed loop: . • • •• 28,000 words/second. With self, using optional Move Command: • . . . . . 83,333 words/second. Check or Interlock Action none. parity check send parity bit. indicator & alarm: optional stop. not possible. parity check record parity bit. indicator & alarm; optional stop. / 8/63 A AUERBACH ® 323:042.100 _STANOARO _EDP IIJA GE 235 REPORTS Internal Storage MRADS INTERNAL STORAGE: MASS RANDOM ACCESS DATA STORAGE § 042. · 13 .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . .13 Description: Three instruction words are required for each disc seek, read, or write operation. The first word selects the proper controller and transfers to it the next two words, which specify the exact operation and the addresses involved. Simultaneous read or write operations are limited to one per Mass Random A~cess Controller. Only one head positioning operation at a time may occur in each MRADS unit, or up to four at a time per controller. Mass Random Access Data Storage. M640A. MRADS. Each Mass Random Access file unit consists of sixteen data discs and two checking discs on a common vertical axis. Up to four files can be connected to one MRADS Controller, which occupies one of the seven "hubs" on the Controller Selector. If no other peripheral units were connected into the Controller Selector, it would be possible to connect up to 28 .MR,ADS Units for a system capacity of over five hundred million characters. Each disc surface is divided into 256 bands. The .:,uter 128 bands contain sixteen sectors each and the i.,mf.!r !28 bands contain eight sectors each. One 64,,'c'd block of data (192 alphameric characters) can be sto ':f.;U in each s~ctor, and from one to sixteen sectors can be t!"ansferred between disc storage and core slC~age ill a single MRADS reae: or write operation. Total capacity of each MRADS unit is 98,304 < 6-8 001110 12-6-8 011110 "- 12-7-8 011111 • 11-0 100000 ~ 0-2-8 111010 ] 12-4-8 011100 I 11-7-8 101111 ( 12-5-8 011101 ) 11-5-8 101101 = 0-5-8 111101 ! 0-7-8 111111 ? 7-8 001111 Reprinted from PR-20 Printer Reference Manual, page V-15. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 330: 151.100 GE-400 Series Problem Oriented Facilities PROBLEM ORIENTED FACILITIES .1 UTILITY ROUTINES .11 Simulators of Other Computers There are several other restrictions on IBM 1401 programs to be simulated. These include the following: 1401 Simulator • The product resulting from a Multiply instruction is restricted to a length of 80 digits. If this length is exceeded, a message will be typed on the console typewriter, the fields adjusted to produce the high-order 80 characters of the product, and the program continued. • The dividend and divisor of a Divide instruction cannot exceed 16 digits. The simulation routine uses only the loworder 16 digits of each field, and the results developed could be erroneous. This condition is not flagged in any way. • The combined lengths of all magnetic tape blocks specified on the control card must not exceed: Availability: . . . . . . . currently in use. Description: The 1401 Simulator program is designed to enable a GE-400 Series computer system to execute directly, without need for translation or other alteration, certain programs written for an IBM 1401 computer system. The maximum 1401 configuration that can be simulated is: • 16,000 character positions of core storage. • Six magnetic tape handlers (any model except 7340 Hypertape). • One 1402 Card Read Punch. • One 1403 Printer. All standard instructions can be simulated except stacker select and those dealing with peripheral devices not listed above. The Stacker Select instruction will be accepted but ignored. The 1401 collating sequence is simulated, so the results of comparisons in the simulation mode will be the same as in the 1401. The following 1401 specialfeatures can be simulated: Multiply-Divide (with field-length restrictions). Additional Print Control. Expanded Print Edit. Indexing. Store Address Register. Move Record. High-Low-Equal Compare. Sense Switches. The Start Read Feed and Start Punch Feed instructions, which require a 1401 Special Feature, are accepted but ignored. The branch option for these instructions is treated as an unconditional branch. In general, GE states that no difficulty is encountered in simulating 1401 programs making use of these special features on a GE-400 Series system. The following 1401 special features cannot be simulated and cause unpredictable results when encountered: Compressed Tape Operations. Column Binary (except Branch on Bit Equal). Numerical Print. Interchangeable Chain Cartridge Adaptor. Processing Overlap. All "RPQ" (Request Price Quotation) features and peripheral devices. 2,500 characters for an 8K GE-400. 16,600 characters for a 16K GE-400, or 49,920 characters for a 32K GE-400. If these limits are exceeded, a message is typed on the console typewriter and the job is halted. • The Branch on Channel 9 instruction is simulated the same as the Branch on Channel 12 instruction. Simulation of an IBM 1401 program on a GE-400 Series computer having the required complement of peripheral devices requires only the 1401 object program deck, including clear storage and loader cards, a vertical format control loop for the printer, the 1401 Simulator deck, and one control card. The control card specifies the maximum block lengths for each magnetic tape file, the initial sense switch settings, the channel assignments for the peripheral devices, and the maximum number of characters per line to be typed on the console typewriter. All operating instructions used when running a program on a 1401 apply when simulating it on a GE-400 Series system. The current settings of sense switches can be printed out on the console typewriter, and the settings can be changed by means of the keyboard. Programmed halts in a 1401 program cause the current I, A, and B addresses to be typed out in decimal form on the console typewriter. The 1401 Simulator contains a built-in core storage dump routine that is available to the operator. When using the dump routine, all of core storage is output to the printer in two formats. The core storage area outside the simulated 1401 program area © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-400 SERIES 330: 151.110 • 11 Simulators of Other Computers (Contd.) is dumped in a format similar to that of the standard GEPost-Mortem Memory Dump Routine. The simulated 1401 memory area is dumped in a format similar to that produced by 1401 machine-language core dump programs; i. e., two lines are printed per 100 simulated 1401 characters. The first line contains the 1401 address of the low-order memory location on that line and 100 BCD characters; the secondline contains the octal simulator address of the low-order memory location and a "1" under each character which has a word mark associated with it. This dump routine is not available when a 1401 program using magnetic tape is simulated on a GE-400 Series system with only 8, 192 words of core storage. A 1401 machine-language core dump program can be used in this situation to dump the simulated 1401 memory area. The core storage capacity of the GE-400 Series computer must be approximately eight times the size of the program to be simulated; e.g., a 1401 program requiring 4, 000 character positions of core storage would require a GE-400 Series core storage capacity of approximately 32,000 characters, or 8, 000 words. The simulation technique is similar to that used in the 1401 Compatibility Option Program described later in this section. The 1401 Simulator program is not compatible with the operating systems available for the GE-400 Series computers. Thus, when alternating between simulated 1401 programs and regular GE-400 Series programs, the operating system must be reinitialized each time. The impact of the 1401 Simulator program on the problem of converting from an IBM 1401 to a GE-400 Series computer system is discussed in Section 330:131, "Compatibility with the IBM 1401." GE estimates that the total run time of an IBM 1401 program on a GE-400 Series computer system will typically be one to four times longer than on the 1401. For 'additional information on the performance of a GE-400 Series computer system when simulating an IBM 1401, see Section 330:131. The maximum IBM 1401 configuration that can be simulated by a GE-400 Series system using the Compatibility Option is as follows: • 12,000 characters of core storage. • Six magnetic tape handlers (any model except 7340 Hypertape). • One 1402 Card Read Punch. • One 1403 Printer. All standard instructions can be simulated except those dealing with peripheral devices not listed above. In the case of the Stacker Select instruction, the user has the option of ignoring the instruction or of writing a routine that outputs the selected unit records on magnetic tape for later punching and collation. The normal 1401 collating sequence is simulated and used to determine the results of compare operations. The following 1401 special features can be simulated by the 1401 Compatibility Option: Advanced Programming (includes Indexing, Store A Address, Store B Address, and Move Record) . Bit Test. High- Low- Equal Compare. Multiply-Divide. Processing Overlap. Sense Switches. Read Punch Release. Early Card Read. Expanded Print Edit. Additional Print Control. Print Storage. Space Suppression. 800 CPI Feature. Tape Intermix. The following 1401 special features cannot be simulated by the 1401 Compatibility Option: Column Binary. 51-Column Feed Adapter. Punch Feed Read Control. Selective Tape Listing Feature. Interchangeable Chain Cartridge. Compressed Tape. All "RPQ" (Request Price Quotation) features and peripheral devices. IBM 1401 Compatibility Option Program Availability: . . . . . . . currently in use. Description: The Compatibility Option Program is a simulation program that is used in conjunction with the Compatibility Option hardware features described in Paragraph 330:051.12 to simulate an IBM 1401 on a GE-400 Series computer system. Briefly, these features provide an alternate mode of operation, the compatibility mode. In this mode, one 4, 096-word segment of a GE-400 Series core storage unit is addressed as a 12, 288-character block of 8-bit characters, and one I/O channel, assigned to a magnetic tape controller, is used to transfer data between magnetic tape and the modified segment of core storage in the modified format. 5/65 The 1401 Compatibility Program occupies the loworder 4,096 words of core storage. Space is reserved in this area for input and output areas for the card reader, card punch, and printer. Card reading, card punching, and printing proceed independently of the 1401 program to permit maximum use of the simultaneity of I/O operations in a GE400 Series computer system. Card and print line images are transferred to and from the 1401 program area upon demand by the program. Magnetic tape records are transferred directly between the character-addressable core storage area holding the 1401 program and the tape handlers. The processor is delayed for the entire duration of all magnetic tape operations except rewinds. (Contd.) 330: 151.111 PROBLEM ORIENTED FACILITIES • 11 Write characters from memory . Branch. Rewind magnetic tape. Backspace magnetic tape. Simulators of Other Computers (Contd.) The simulation technique includes establishing pseudo-registers for the A address, B address, I address, d modifier, etc. Once the Compatibility Option Program and the IBM 1401 program have been loaded, the pseudo-I-address register is loaded with the starting address of the 1401 program. Each 1401 instruction is examined character by character to isolate the operation code, addresses, and d modifier. The address fields, if any, are converted into the equivalent addresses in the character-addressable memory and are modified if called for. A branch is then made to a subroutine that simulates the specified 1401 operation code. There is approximately one subroutine for each 1401 function. The desired operation is carried out on the 1401 data fields through execution of GE-400 instructions in the compatibility mode. Several service and diagnostic routines are contained within the 1401 Compatibility Option and are available to the operator. These include: Memory dump (including edited 1401 memory). Initiate trace. Halt trace. The 1401 Compatibility Option provides the capability to simulate the 1401 Systems Tape Operation and its associated software. GE indicates that Autocoder assemblies and other 1401 software functions can be simulated if a program requires changes that cannot be handled by patching at object level. Autocoder assemblies take from two to three times as long as on the 1401. The 1401 Compatibility Option requires the use of the Basic Input/Output Supervisor to provide I/O control for the card reader, card punch, and printer. The minimum configuration of a GE-400 Series computer system for simulation of an IBM 1401 via the 1401 Compatibility Option is: • GE estimates that, in a typical installation, about 90% of the programs can be simulated directly without any alterations, and that execution of the simulated programs will typically take from about the same time to twice the time they required on a 1401. GE-400 Series processor with 8,192 words of core storage and the 1401 qompatibility Option. • One card reader. • One card punch. • One printer. • Magnetic Tape Handlers as required by the IBM 1401 program being simulated. The above system is limited to the use of the Card Operating System (see Paragraph 330:191.12). If the Tape Operating System is to be used, one additional tape handler must be available to accommodate the System Tape. The 1401 Compatibility Option Program interfaces with the standard GE-400 Series Operating Systems and can be loaded via a card reader or from the System Tape. The 1401 program can also be loaded from cards or magnetic tape. The Operating System provides run-to-run supervision, permitting 1401 programs to be interspersed with regular GE-400 programs with minimum set-up time. All operating instructions used when running a program on a 1401 apply when simulating it on a GE-400 Series system. The initial settings of the sense switches are specified on a control record, and the current settings can be printed out or changed by means of the console typewriter. All usual displays normally found on an IBM 1401 are simulated by printouts on the console typewriter whenever a Halt instruction is encountered in the 1401 program. In addition, the following 1401 console operations can be initiated by typing the appropriate control code: Tape selection. Load card or load tape. Move characters to memory. Load characters to memory. The impact of the 1401 Compatibility Option on the problem of converting from an IBM 1401 to a GE-400 Series computer system is discussed in Section 330:131, Compatibility with the IBM 1401. .12 Simulation by Other Computers: . . . . . . . none. .13 Data Sorting and Merging GE 400 Series Sort Generator Reference: .. Record size: . Block size: . Key size: . File size: .. · Reference Manual CPB-356. · 4 to 512 words. .4 to N words. · 1 to 2, 048 characters. · 1. 25 reels (unlimited if Merge is used afterwards). Number of merge tapes: . . . . . . .3 to 8. Data available: . . . . June, 1964. Description: The Sort Generator can be run on a GE-400 Series system with a minimum of 8,192 words of core storage, 4 magnetic tape units, a card reader, and a printer. The Sort routine generates an object program that sorts data files according to descriptive parameters specified in punched cards. It can accept either basic (BAL) or macro (MAP) assembly coding prepared by the user for inclusion in the Sort object program. The user's coding can be us ed to preprocess input files, to combine or eliminate duplicate records, and to process output data. Each generated sort routine is tailoredfora specific job, and each of the following factors can reduce the overall time required for the sort: • Higher tape speed and/or density. • More tape units. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE·400 SERIES 330: 151.130 . 13 Data Sorting and Merging (Contd.) • More core storage. • Smaller key size. • Smaller record size. • Larger input-output blocking factors. • Dual-channel tape controller. GE 400 Series Merge Generator Reference: . . . .. Reference Manual CPB-357. Record size: . . .. 4 to 512 words. Block size: . . .. 4 to N words. Key size: . . . . .. . 1 to 2,048 characters. File size: . . . . .. . unlimited. Number of tapes:. .4 to 16. Data available: . June, 1964. Description: Count selected input records and/or detail conditions. • Emit literal values. • Bypass the printing of a line. • Provide multiple insert points for manuallycoded routines supplied by the user. • Provide group indication in detail lines. • Assign certain records or lines to alternative or additional output devices. • Assign multiple reports to a single tape for selective deferred printing or punching. Input data records can be from a file on a card reader or magnetic tape. Output records can be assigned to the printer, card punch, or to magnetic tape for later media conversion. The Report Program Generator is integrated with the Macro Assembly Program. The source program contains Identification, Environment, and Data Divisions as in the Macro Assembly Program. An added Report Division specifies the report layout, line definitions, control breaks, and line or item print control. The source program is read from cards or tape by the generator, which uses the Macro Assembly Program to assemble the object program from the generated macros. Object program output can be on tape (for immediate execution) or cards. The Merge Generator is a generalized routine that produces merge programs tailored to specific applications on the GE-400 Series systems. Merge, which complements the Sort Generator's functions, generates object programs that merge data files according to descriptive parameters. It can accept either basic or macro language symbolic coding prepared as separate segments by the user for inclusion in the Merge object program. The output of the Merge generator is symbolic. Merge calls in the Macro Assembly Program to process the symbolic output and produce an object program. Minimum configuration requirements for the Merge Generator are 8,192 words of core memory, 4 magnetic tape handlers, 1 card reader, 1 printer, and 1 card punch. • Four magnetic tape units, 8,192 core storage locations, 1 card reader, 1 card punch, and 1 printer are required for report program generation. .15 Data Transcription Media Conversion Service Routines .14 Report Writing Reference: ... Report Program Generator Reference: ... Date available: Description: . GE-425 System Manual, CPB-309. . June, 1964. Date available: Description: . GE-425 System Mannual, CPB-309. . June, 1964. The Media Conversion package will include routines to perform the following operations: The machine language programs created by the Report Program Generator can perform the following functions: • Card to tape • Tape to card • Print a variable number of heading, control, detail, total, and footing lines. • Tape to printer • System Output Tape to printer. • Maintain page overflow control. • Card to Input Stack Tape. • Provide page numbering. • Provide up to nine levels of total lines plus final totals. • Provide data editing. • Accumulate input field values. Blocking and unblocking of files can be specified by parameters. Editing of fields, including selecting and eliminating specified fields, can be performed by user-coded inclusions. There are' no current provisions for running media conversion routines concurrently with other programs; but see Paragraph 330:091.12, Operating Environment. (Contd. ) 5/65 330: 151.160 PROBLEM ORIENTED FACILITIES .16 File Maintenance • First-In/First-Out (FIFO) -- A new record is added to a chain by inserting it at the end of the chain, just prior to the master record. • Last-In/First-Out (LIFO) - A new record is added to a chain by inserting it immediately after the master, making it the first detail record in the chain. Librarian Reference: Date available: Description: · GE-425 System Manual, CPB-309. · June, 1964. The Librarian service routine provides for run collection on magnetic tape and for creation and maintenance of System Tapes and Master Instruction Tapes. General Purpose Service Routines Reference: ... Date available: Description: · GE-425 System Manual, CPB-309. · June, 1964. The General Purpose Service Routines include programs such as Disc Unload to Tape, Disc Load from Tape, Disc Dump to Tape or Printer, Tape Compare, and Tape Copy. Integrated Data Store (1-D-S) Reference: ... Data available: Description: · Introduction to Integrated Data Store. · third quarter, 1965. I-D-S is a GE-developed technique for the organization and manipulation of files for disc storage devices. Files are organized into a series of chains of logical records, one chain for each major type of record. Each chain contains one master record and one or more detail records. Each logical record, as stored on the magnetic disc unit, can optionally contain links to the master record or prior detail record, and will always contain a link to the next detail record. The chains are closed loops - the last detail record references the master record as the next record. Any record can be either a detail or master type and can be linked into any number of chains; however, there can be only one master record per chain. Information common to all detail records of a chain can be stored in the master record of that chain. The effect of this organization is to minimize the amount of information that needs to be stored in duplicate. A set of Data Description entries defines each record. Information specified in these entries includes symbolic names for the record and individual fields, the symbolic name of each chain with which the record is to be linked, the relationship of the record to each chain (master or detail) , the prime chain for the record, and various control fields required for record retrieval. All chains are ordered in one of three methods specfied in the control fields ofthe Data Description entries. • Sorted - The detail records in a sorted chain are arranged in sequence based on one or more keys specified in the Data Description entries. Each key can be treated in either ascending or descending sequence. © Individual records can be members of different chains using different sequencing methods. The logical records are packed automatically into blocks (based on prime chains) for storage. Data is retrieved by blocks and transferred to buffers in core storage; individual records are then moved to working areas. Only the records in the working area are accessible to a programmer. Multiple blocks of data are maintained in core storage, based upon the amount of core storage available and the frequency of use of the data blocks. Each time a new block of data is called into core storage, the block that had the least previous usage is returned to the disc unit, provided any of the records it contains has been modified. Only record fields that have been modified are rewritten on the disc unit. Working areas for each type of" record are maintained, and records become unavailable only when another record of the same type (name) has been called. Four macro-instructions, in a format similar to COBOL verbs, are provided for manipulation of disc records: • STORE - Links new records into a chain in accordance with its Data Description. • RETRIEVE - Retrieves a record and unpacks it into a working area. • MODIFY - Uses the contents of specified fields in a working storage area to modify (add to or subtract from only) or to replace the corresponding fields of a record. • DELETE - Causes a record to be deleted from a file and the links to be reformed. In general, when a master record is deleted, all the associated detail records are also deleted. If one of these detail records happens to be a master record for a second chain, the details in the second chain are also eliminated. This process continues until all dependent detail records have been deleted. If desired, the records deleted can be printed out, or the deletion process can be aborted with no resultant deletions if a specified detail record is encountered. Except for the STORE command, the record involved can be specified to be the current, next, previous, or master record of a chain. Conditional phrases are provided, permitting a transfer to a program step or the performance of a series of program steps out of the normal sequence with return to the step immediately following the branch, based on the record name of the record accessed. Other control phrases permit the processing of alternate records if retrieved, execution of subroutines, and error checking. 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-400 SERIES 330: 151.161 . 16 File Maintenance (Contd.) I-D-S provides mass storage facilities for GE-400 Series COBOL programs, although it does not follow the format of the ASA COBOL preliminary standard for mass storage facilities as stated in ASA X-3.4 COBOL Information Bulletin #4. I-D-S cannot be used with the other GE-400 Series programming languages. The minimum system configuration capable of using I-D-S is as follows: • 16,384 words of core storage. • Disc Storage Subsystem (DS-20, DS-15, or DS-25). Input to the loader must be from a single source; binary segments from a library tape may be included, however, The loader allows the processing of a program which contains overlays with a minimum amount of instruction from the programmer. Debugging Aids Reference: . . . . ; Date available: Description: . . GE-425 System Manual, CPB-309. .. June, 1964. The following debugging aids are provided: . 17 5/65 • Dynamic Debugging Aids - selective memory dump and selective trace (executed during object program testing). • Post-Mortem Debugging Aids - post mortem memory dump and tape dump (executed upon conclusion of object program testing) . GE-400 Series Loader • Test Data Dispersion - creates magnetic tape files containing data for testing programs. Reference: . . . . . . . . Reference Manual CPB-354. Data available: . . . . . June, 1964. Description: • Debug Segment - inserts exits to selective dump or trace routines into programs being tested. The GE-400 Series Loader is designed to operate within an operating system environment or independently. It has a modular construction. • Checkpoint Recovery - permits restarting of interrupted production runs. • 4 magnetic tape handlers. • 1 card reader, 1 card punch, and 1 printer. Other 330: 161.100 GE·400 Series Problem Oriented Language COBOL/400 PROBLEM ORIENTED LANGUAGE: COBOL/400 can alternatively be expressed as: .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .12 Origin: . . . . . . . . . . GE Computer Dept. . 13 Reference: . . . . . . . . GE Advance Publication CPA-1001. .14 Description COMPUTE X=(A-B)/C . . . . . . . . . . COBOL/400. COBOL-61 is the most widely implemented pseudoEnglish common language for business applications. The COBOL/400 language for GE-400 Series computer systems consists of Required COBOL-61, except for a few exceptions and extensions listed below, and most of the features of Elective COBOL-61. Neither the SORT nor Report Writer extensions to COBOL-61 have been implemented. Mass storage facilities have been implemented, although in a nonstandard way. (See the description of I-D-S in Paragraph 330:151.16.) Several interesting extensions to COBOL-61 are provided in COBOL/400. One option of the NOTE clause allows a limited range of diagnostic statements to be inserted into the program when compiling in the Object Program Debug Mode. When compiling in the Normal Compilation Mode, these diagnostic statements appear only on the listing. Facilities available in this option of the NOTE clause include the ADD, SUBTRACT, DISPLAY, and MOVE verbs. A special verb usable only in this format is PRINT, which causes the values of a list of variables to be printed on a specified line printer. Another extension, the PACKING and UNPACKING TECHNIQUE options of the I-O-Control clause, can ease the problem of efficiently storing information on magnetic tape or punched card files, which is often encountered on fixed word-length computers. The flexible scatter-gather I/O facilities of the GE400 Series computer are used to eliminate nonsignificant portions of data words. This technique can be used only with files containing a single type of data record. The DCW EXCHANGE TECHNIQUE option of the I-O-Control clause allows input and output areas to be alternated by switching the Data Control Words. This eliminates the necessity to move data from an input area to an output area. The files involved in this operation must have the same record length and blocking factor. Other electives of COBOL-61 that are provided include the ENTER verb, which permits the inclusion of BAP symbolic language anywhere in a COBOL source program, and rerun facilities. The most important COBOL-61 electives not currently implemented are the INCL UDE verb, which would permit the use of program libraries, and the Segmentation feature, which would provide techniques for handling programs too large to fit into core storage at one time. Segmentation facilities are being developed by GE for COBOL/400, but they will not follow the standard of COBOL-61. Detailed lists of the restrictions, extensions, and electives provided in COBOL/400 are included at the end of this description. COBOL/400 programs are compiled and run under the control of the Tape Operating System (see Section 330:191). Section 330:182 describes the COBOL compiler for the GE-400 Series computer systems, which accepts source programs written in the language described here. .141 Availability Language (COBOL/400): April, 1964. Compiler:. . . . . . . .. May, 1965. .142 Deficiencies with Respect to Required COBOL-61 (1) .143 Extensions to COBOL-61 (1) One option of the NOTE clause provides the optional capability to compile diagnostic statements. (2) The PACKING and UNPACKING TECHNIQUE options of the I-O-Control clause permit the information in files containing records of the same data type to be efficiently packed by omitting the non-significant portions of data words. (3) The DCW EXCHANGE TECHNIQUE option of the I-O-Controlclause can eliminate movement of data from an input area to an output area if the respective files have the same record length and blocking factor. (4) The I-D-S technique (Paragraph 330:151.16) provides mass storage facilities for COBOL/ 400 programs, though not in accordance with COBOL-61 Extended. The COMPUTE verb is a valuable COBOL-61 elective that is included in COBOL/400. This verb permits arithmetic operations to be expressed in a concise formula notation similar to that of FORTRAN. For example, the COBOL operations: SUBTRACT B FROM A GIVING T DIVIDE C INTO T GIVING X Only one dividend or multiplicand can be specified in a single DIVIDE or MULTIPLY clause. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE·400 SERIES 330: 161.144 .144 COBOL-61 Electives Implemented (see Paragraph 4:161. 3 in Users' Guide) Key No. Elective Comments Characters and Words 1 2 3 4 Formula characters Relationship characters Semicolon Long literals Formulas are allowed. The symbols <, >, = are allowed. A semicolon is in the character set. The maximum size is 132 characters. File Description 8 9 11 BLOCK CONTAINS FILE CONTAINS SEQUENCED ON* A range of block sizes can be given. The approximate size of the file can be shown. Key fields can be listed for documentation only. Record DescriEtion 13 16 17 Table-length RANGE IS RENAMES 20 21 Conditional ranges Label handling Lengths of tables and arrays may vary. Value range of items can be shown. Alternative groupings of elementary items can be specified. VALUES can be ascribed to conditionals. Special label procedures may be used. Verbs 22 24 26 COMPUTE ENTER USE Algebraic formulas may be used. BAP symbolic language can be used in a program. Non-standard auxiliary I/O error-handling or label-handling routines can be inserted. Verb Options 27 28 LOCK MOVE CORRESPONDING 30 31 ADVANCING STOP provision 32 33 34 Formulas Operand size Relationship 35 36 37 38 39 Tests Conditionals Complex conditionals Complex conditionals Conditional statements A rewound tape can be optionally locked. Commonly-named items in a group can be handled together. Specific paper advance instructions can be given. Information can be printed on the Console Typewriter. Algebraic formulas may be used. Operands can be up to 16 digits in length. IS EQUAL TO, EQUALS, EXCEEDS relationships are allowed. IF x IS NOT ZERO test is allowed. Implied subjects with implied objects are allowed. ANDs and ORs may be intermixed. Nested conditionals are permitted. IF, SIZE .ERROR, AT END, ELSE (OTHERWISE) may follow an imperative statement. Environment Division 40 41 44 46 SOURCE-COMPUTER OBJECT-COMPUTER PRIORITY IS I-O-CONTROL Computer description can be given. Computer description can be given. Priorities can be assigned to files. A full range of rerun techniques is available. Identification Division 47 DATE-COMPILED The current date is inserted automatically. Special Features 49 * Segmentation Facilities will be provided later, but in a non-standard manner. The compiler will accept but ignore this clause. (Contd.) 5/65 330: 161.145 PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: COBOLl400 .145 COBOL-61 Electives Not Implemented Key No. Elective Comments Characters and Words 5 6 7 Figurative constants Figurative constants Computer-name File HIGH or LOW BOUND(S) are not available. HIGH or LOW VALUE(S) are not available. No alternative object computers. Descri~tion 10 Label formats 12 HASHED Labels must be standard, omitted, or completely programmed. Hash totals cannot be created. Record Description 14 15 18 21 Item-length BITS option SIGN IS Label handling Variable length items cannot be specified. Items cannot be specified in binary. No separate signs allowed. Only standard labels (or none) may be used. Verbs 23 25 DEFINE INCLUDE The user cannot define new verbs. No library routines available automatically. Environment Division 42 SPECIAL-NAMES 43 FILE-CONTROL 45 I-a-CONTROL Hardware devices, and their status conditions, cannot be given special names by the program. File naming and description of desired control method cannot be taken from the library. Input-Output control cannot be taken from the library. SEecial Features 48 \ Library Library facilities for the procedure division are not available. '. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 330: 162.100 GE-400 Series Problem Oriented Language Basic FORTRAN IV PROBLEM ORIENTED LANGUAGE: BASIC FORTRAN IV .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity: · 12 Origin: . . . . . . . . . . GE Computer Dept. · 13 Reference: . . . . . . . . GE Advanced Information Publication #CPB-1086, January, 1965. . 14 . . . . . . . . . GE-400 Series Basic FORTRAN IV. .141 Restrictions Relative to IBM 7 090/7094 FORTRAN IV (1) The following statements are not provided: BLOCK DATA DATA IF (t)s . Description GE-400 Series Basic FORTRAN IV is an implementation of the Basic FORTRAN language as proposed by the X.3.4.3 FORTRAN Group of the American Standards Association, and as published in the Communications of the ACM, October, 1964. A few extensions have been included from the full FORTRAN language as proposed by the same A. S. A. group and published side-by-side with the Basic FORTRAN specifications. The extensions include the appropriate parts of Paragraphs 7. 1. 1. 3,,,,,, and of the published document referenced above. The facilities provided by these extensions include: the Assigned GO TO, EXTERNAL, and TYPE statements; the capability to specify the line spacing by the first character (non-printing) of a record to be printed; the capability to specify scale factors for FORMAT statements; and the capability to specify an array name in an input-output list. In essence, the GE-400 Series Basic FORTRAN IV language is a restricted version of the FORTRAN IV language as implemented for the IBM 7090/7094. A general description of the IBM 7090/7094 FORTRAN IV language is presented in Section 408:162. The principal restrictions upon the GE400 Series FORTRAN IV language are the lack of double precision, complex, and logical capabilities, and the inability to modify programs at object time. The restrictions and extensions of the GE400 Series version relative to IBM 7090/7094 FOR TRAN IV are listed in Paragraphs . 141 and .142, respectively. 5/65 See Section 330:183 for a description of the GE-400 Series Basic FORTRAN IV Translator, which compiles programs written in the language described in this section. . (2) No facilities are provided for COMPLEX, DOUBLE PRECISION, or LOGICAL operations. (3) The maximum size of integer constants is 223_1 in GE-400 FORTRAN IV as compared to 235 _1 in 7090/7094 FORTRAN. (4) FORMAT statements cannot be read at object time. (5) Variables cannot appear as subscripts in DIMENSION statements; i. e., adjustable dimensions are not allowed. (6) Block names are not permitted in ,COMMON statements. " (7) In the FORMAT specification Aw, the maximum number of significant alphameric characters per item is four (versus six in 7090/7094 FORTRAN IV) . .142 Extensions Relative to IBM 7090/7094 FORTRAN IV (1) Variables can have up to three levels of subscripting in EQUIVALENCE statements. (2) Type statements can be used to dimension variables. (3) The range of REAL numbers in G E-400 Series FORTRAN IV is 10 :!-127 versus 10± 35 in IBM FORTRAN IV. (Precision is the same: 8 digits. ) 330: 171.100 GE-400 Series Machine Oriented Language Basic Assembly Language MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: BASIC ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . . GE-400 Series Basic Assembly Lanugage. BAL. . 12 Origin: ... .13 Reference: . . . . . . . . GE-400 Series Reference Manual CPB-351. . 14 Description Programs written in the Basic Assembly Language can use the Basic Input/Output Supervisor, (see Paragraph 330:191.12), which is a set of routines, constants, and tables that are in core memory during the execution of each program. In general, the main program communicates with the I/O system by constructing a file parameter list for each device and executing a Store Program Counter and Branch (PXB) instruction whenever an I/O operation is required. . . . . . GE Computer Dept. , Phoenix, Arizona. The Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is a subset of the more powerful and versatile Macro Assembly Program (MAP) Language (Section 330:172), and is translateiI by the Macro Assembly Program (Section 330:181). Although BAL can be used to code an entire program, it will usually be combined with the more flexible MAP language, within which all BAL facilities are available. .15 Publication Date: . . . . December, 1963 . .2 LANGUAGE FORMAT .21 Diagram: . refer to coding form, Page 330:171. 820. .22 Sequence: . . .. sequence numbers; checked using GE 400 series collating sequence (optional). Type:. . . . . . . . .. . indicates a comments line. Reference Symbol:. . enables assignment of symbols to instructions, cons tants, etc. Operation: . . . . . . .. mnemonic or absolute code indicating machine or pseudo operations. Operation Parameters: parameters needed to complete the function (symbolic or absolute address, an expression, a literal, or a value) and comments. Indentification: . . . . . identifies the program on the printed assembly listings. The Basic Assembly Language was designed to provide: • A symbolic representation of the entire GE-400 Series instruction repertoire. • A set of pseudo-operations for the reservation of memory areas, for the handling of decimal and octal constants, and for program segmentation. • The optional capability of referencing a program in a subroutine library. • Compatibility with the Macro Assembly Program Language. . 23 Corrections: . . . . . . . no special provisions . • A symbol analyzer at the termination of the assembly. .24 Special Conventions • A convenient coding form identical to that used for the Macro Assembly Program language. .241 Compound addresses: . expression - a series of symbols and/or integers connected by +, -, * and /. Featured in BAL is a program segmentation facility that allows individual operations to be tested separately, simplifies debugging, and permits overlaying of areas in core memory. Segments are assembled with relocatable addresses and communicate with the main program or other segments by means of global symbols. There are two types of global symbols: internal and external. A global symbol is "internal" to the segment in which it is defined and "external" any segment in which it is referenced except that segment in which it is defined. Global symbols are indicated by means of pseudooperations. Symbols which are referenced only within the segment in which they are defined are called local labels. .242 Multi-addresses: . . . . two lines are used for the machine instructions that require 2 addresses . . 243 Literals: . . . . . . . . . preceded by #, #0, #B, #S, #F, or " and followed by #, blank, comma, or" (see Paragraph .412). . 244 Special coded addresses: * refers to the current value of the location .245 Othercounter. Immediate Value Literals: . . . . . . value of literal is placed in the address portion of the instruction itself. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-400 SERIES 330:171.245 .245 Other (Contd.) Complementary Instruction Words: .. special mnemonic codes to set up counters, list pointers, data control words, address modification, second addresses, and input-output control. .3 LABELS . 31 General .311 Maximum number of labels: . . . . . . . . . . 1,200. .312 Common label formation ruIe: . . . . . . yes. .313 Reserved labels: . . . . special characters are used for standard routines. . 314 Other restriCtions: ... at least one character must be alphabetic. .315 Designators: . . . . . . . none . . 316 Synonyms permitted: . yes; EQU pseudo. .32 Univeral (Global) Labels: . . . . . . . indicated by pseudo operations; see Paragraph .12 above. .321 Labels for procedures ...,. Existence: . . . . . . . mandatory if referenced in another segment (internal) or if defined in another segment and referenced by current segment (external) . Formation ruIe First character: . alphanumeric; A-Z, 0-9. Others: . . . . . . . . same. Number of characters: . . . . . . . . . 1 to 8 characters; at least one must be alphabetic. (Note: blanks are deleted.) . 322 Labels for library routines: . . . • . . . . same as procedures . . 323 Labels for constants: . same as procedures. .324 Labels for files: . . . . sam.e as procedures . . 325 Labels for records: .. same as procedures. . 326 Labels for variables: . same as procedures. .327 Labels for Basic I/O subroutines Existence: . . . . . . . mandatory if Basic I/O System is used. Formation ruIe First two characters: . . . . . . . . B%. Other: . . . . . . . . . alphanumeric; A-Z, 0-9. Number of characters: . . • . . . . . . 1 to 8. . 33 Local Labels .331 Region: . . . . . . . . . . local to segments in which they are defined. . 332 Labels for procedures Existence: . . . . . . . mandatory if referenced within the segment. Formation ruIe First character: .. alphanumeric A-Z, 0.,9. Others: . . . . . . . . same. 5/65 . 334 .335 • 336 .337 Number of characters: . . . . . . . . . 1 to 8 characters; at least one must be alphabetic. (Note: blanks are deleted.) Labels for library routines: . . . . .. . see Universal Labels, above . Labels for constants: . same as procedures. Labels for files: . . . . same as procedures . Labels for records: .. same as procedures . Labels for variables: . same as procedures . .4 DATA .41 Constants .333 .411 Maximum size constants Integer: Decimal: . . . . . . . 16 digits plus sign . Octal: . . . . . . . . . 32 octal digits. Fixed numeric: . . . . own coding (octal). Floating numeric: .. 8 decimal digits for fraction and 3 for exponent; exponent must be less than 128 . Alphabetic: . . . . . . . 13 words (52 characters). Alphameric: . . . . . . 13 words (52 characters). .412 Maximum size literals Integer: Decimal: . . . . . . . 16 digits plus sign (preceded by # and followed by #, comma, or a blank). Binary: . . . . . . . . decimal integer from 0 to 16, 777, 215 (preceded by #B and followed by #, blank, or a comma). Octal: . . . . . . . . . 32 octal digits (preceded by #0 and followed by #, two blanks, or a comma). Fixed numeric: ... no provision. Floating numeric: . 8 decimal digits for fraction, 3 for exponent; exponent must be less than 128; (preceded by #F and followed by #, two blanks, or a comma). Alphabetic: . . . . . . 16 characters (preceded and followed by ") . Alphameric: . . . • . 16 characters (preceded and followed by "). .5 PROCEDURES . 51 Direct Operation Codes . 511 MnemonicExistence: . . • . . . . Number: . . . . . . . . • Example: . . . . . . . . Comment: . . . . . . . . alternative. 247. ADS = Add Decimal Single. 119 of the 247 are twoaddress instructions . . 512 AbsoluteExistence: . . . . alternative. Number: . . . . . . . . . 67 (octal) . Example: . . . . . . . . 50 = Add Decimal Single. .52 Macro-Codes: . . . • . . none in BAL (see MAP language, Section 330:172). (Contd.) 330:171.530 MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: BASIC ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE .53 Interludes: . . . . . . . . none. · 54 Translator Control . 541 Method of control Allocation counter: .. pseudo-operation. Label adjustment: .. pseudo-operation. Annotation: . . . . . . . pseudo-operation, special cards, and notes. · 542 Allocation counter Set to Absolute: . . . . ORG, ORGO, SGMT. Set to label: . . . . . . ORG. Step forward: ..•.• ORG. Step backward: ...• ORG. Reserve area: . . . . BSS, BSSL, BPS, BPSL, LSB, LSBL, ACUM, ARP, ARPL. • 543 Label adjustment Set labels equal: ..• EQU, EQUG. Set abs.olute value: .. EQU, EQUG, EQUO. Clear label table: .•. none. · 544 AnnotationComment phrase: .•. special card or notes after instruction line. Title phrase: . . . . . . TTL, pseudo. .545 Other: . . . . . . . . . . . see table of pseudos, Paragraph.82. .6 SPECIAL ROUTINES AVAILABLE · 61 Special Arithmetic .611 Facilities: . . . . . . . . single and double precision fixed-point multiply and divide; normalized floating-point add, subtract, inverse subtract, multiply, divide, and inverse divide; un-normalized floating-point add, subtract, and multiply. .612 Method of call: . . . . . CALL, INCL, or INCS pseudo-instructions. .62 Special Functions: ..• see Basic Input/Output Supervisor, Paragraph .14 . . 63 Overlay Control: .•.. provided by Basic Input/ Output Supervisor. · 64 Data Editing . 641 Radix conversion: ... BCD-to-binary and binaryto-BCD. Code translation: .•.. none to date (ASA standard character codes are used). · 642 Format control Zero suppression: .. hardware Edit instruction. Size control: . . . . . . hardware Edit instruction. Sign control: . . . . . . hardware Edit instruction. Special characters: . hardware Edit instruction. . 65 Input-Output Control .651 . 652 .653 . 654 File labels: . . . . . . . . Reel labels: . . . . . . . Blocking: . . . . . . . . . Error control: . . . . . . * none. * none. * none. * Basic I/O System. These are functions of the Extended I/O Supervisor, described in Paragraph 330:091.12. © .655 Method of call: . . . . . PXB (Program Counter to Index and Branch) to appropriate Basic I/O routine . . 66 Sorting: . . . . . . . . . . GE-400 Series Sort and Merge Generators (see Section 330 :151). .67 Diagnostics .671 Dumps: . . . . . . . . . . post-mortem memory dumps and tape dump. .672 Tracers: . . • . . • . . . selective trace. .673 Snapshots: . . . . • . . . selective memory dump. .7 LIBRARY FACILITIES .71 Identity: . 72 Kinds of Libraries: .. expandable master . .73 Storage Form: . . . . . . magnetic tape. .74 Varieties of Contents:. routines, subroutines, and macro generators . .75 Mechanism . Service Routines Library on Systems Tape or separate Library Tape. .751 Insertion of new item:. Librarian routine . . 752 Language of new item: machine or assembly language. .753 Method of call: . . . . . CALL, INCL, or INCS . ps eudo- ins tructions . .76 Insertion in Program .761 Open routines exist: .. .762 Closed routines exist:. .763 Open-closed is optional: . . . . . . . . . .764 Closed routines appear once: . . . . . . . . . . . yes. yes. no. yes. .8 MACRO AND PSEUDO TABLES .81 Macros: . . . . . . . . . . none in BAL (see Macro Assembly Program Language, Section 330:172) . .82 Pseudos Description SGMT: . . . . . . . . . . . indicates name and address of segment. DIG: . . . . . . . . . . . . indicates symbolic global reference in the segment. DXG: ..••.•••.•.. indicates symbolic external global symbols in a segment. segment . DGRX: . . . . . . • . . . . helps to reduce number of global symbols by "chaining" . DGRE: . . . . . . . . . . . ends definition of global symbols defined by DGRX . DGR: . . . . . . . . . . . . indicates beginning of common storage in a segment. 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 330: 171.820 .82 GE-400 SERIES Pseudos (Contd.) Description Code Description FILL: EQUG: . . . . . . • . . . . equates a local symbol to an external global symbol. CALL: . . . . . . • . • . . indicates that segments are needed which are on a library tape. INCL: •••.•.•.... indicates that segments are needed and must be supplied at assembly time. INCS: . . . . . • . • • . . indicates that segments are needed and must be supplied and listed at assembly time. BSSL, BPSL, LSBL, ARPL: . . . . . . . . . . allows allocation of storage that is occupied by the loader. BSS: . • • . • . . . . . • . reserves a block of consecutive memory locations and defines a tag as the first location. BPS: . . . . . . • . . . . . reserves a block of memory and defines a tag as the location which immediately precedes the block. LSB: ..••.••••... reserves a block of consecutive locations and assigns a tag to the last location. ARP: . . . . • . . . . . . insures that those symbols used as accumulator references are defined as locations which are evenly divisible by 4. FDEC: . . . . • • • . . . . defines a floating point decimal constant. SBIN: ..•.•.••.•.. defines a signed binary constant. RMT: . . . . . . . • . . . . causes subsequent instructions to be assembled out of the normal sequence. NRMT: . . . • • . • . • . . terminates the remote function initiated by RMT. RMTL: . . . . . . . . . • . causes previously unpro cessed blocks of instructions defined by an RMT to be assembled immediately. The TLI, TLD, and END pseUdo-instructions also have this function. ACUM: . . . . . . . • . . establishes a working accumulator and assigns a tag. . specifies the contents of Fill words produced by the assembler during processing of ARP or ACUM. DECS, DECD, DECT, DECQ: . . . . . . . . . . defines decimal constants. AN: . . . . . . • . . . . . . defines an alphanumeric constant. LSAN: . . . • • • . . . . . defines an alphanumeric constant with tag assigned to the last location. OCTS, OCTD, OCTT, OCTQ: . . . . • • . . . . defines an octal constant. TTL: . . . . . . . • . • . . specifies the heading line printed at the top of each subsequent page in the listing. EJT: . . . . • . . . . . . . causes the assembler to skip to the top of the next page. IDEN: . . . . . . . . . . . specifies the identification, in columns 77-80, on the binary output cards. FULL: . . . . • • . . . . . causes assembler to produce cards in full binary mode (40 instructions per card). LORG: . . . . . . . . . . . specifies the beginning of a literal table in the object program. ORG: . . . . • . . . . . . . sets the location counter to a specific value. ORGO: . . • . . • . . . . . sets the location counter to a specific octal number. EQU: . . . . . . . . . . . . equates a symbol to a value. EQUO: . . . . . . . . . . . equates a symbol to an octal number. PRFX: . . • • . . . . . . . specifies a unique prefix for a region of a segment. TLI: . . . . . . . . • . . . permits interruption in loading process to execute some instructions and then return control. TLD: . . . . . . • . . . . . terminates the assembly of a segment and prepares a TLD transfer card for the loader. END: . . . . . . . . . • . . terminates assembly of segment and prepares a transfer card for the loader. GE 400 SERIES PROGRAMMING FORM GENERAL. ELECTRIC ,.......... ":QuaNell _ : •• D ... T .. N .... " 11 17 tl"f. u ..... U "-It Z .. / 5/65 330: 172.100 GE·400 Series Machine Oriented Language Macro Assembly Program MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: MACRO ASSEMBLY PROGRAM .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . . . . . . . . GE-400 Series Macro Assembly Program Language. MAP Language. GE Computer Dept. Phoenix, Arizona. • 12 Origin: . . . • . . . • . .13 Reference: . . . . . . • • GE-400 Series Reference Manual CPB-351. .14 Description The Macro Assembly Program Language is an extension of the Basic Assembly Language (Section 330:171) and is the recommended language for machine oriented programming of GE-400 series systems. Input is divided into four divisions closely resembling those of COBOL: Identification, Environment, Data, and Procedure. In the ProcedureDivision, both Basic Assembly Language instructions and pseudo-instructions and Macro Assembly Program language statements can be used. The Macro Assembly Program (Section 330:181) converts source programs written in the Macro Assembly Language into machine language object programs. The MAP system is an unusual compromise between the generalized, process oriented approach of compiler systems (such as COBOL) and the straightforward but time-consuming approach of simple symbolic assembly systems (such as the Basic Assembly Language). The objective is to minimize the detail work associated with assemblylevel coding while retaining its characteristically high object program efficiencies. The Macro Assembly Program Language was designed primarily to simplify the coding of these types of operations: • Input-output. • Arithmetic. • Data movement. • Basic Input-Output Supervisor for execution of the object program, and specifies the method for including a subroutine. Procedure control. The four divisions in a MAP language program have the following functions: • The Identification Division identifies the source program, labels the output from the assembly, and specifies an absolute or relocatable assembly. • The Environment Division indicates the characteristics of the object computer, specifies the major control routines required by the Extended Input-Output System or the • The Data Division, which consists of a File Section and a Working Storage Section, describes the input and output files to be processed and allocates memory for inputoutput buffers, intermediate work areas, file parameter tables, indexes, switches, and constants. Information such as data name, level number, picture, value, synchronization, redefinition, usage, and occurs must be supplied by the programmer. Special columns on the coding form are provided for this purpose. • The Procedure Division contains macroinstructions or Basic Assembly Language symbolic instructions and pseudo-operations which define the functions to be performed. The Macro Assembly Language is designed to operate with the Extended Input/Output System and the Basic Input-Output Supervisor (see Paragraph 330: 191. 12) . • 15 Publication Date: •.•• December, 1963 • .2 LANGUAGE FORMAT .21 Diagram: .22 Legend refer to coding form, Page 330:171. 820. Data Division Sequence: ••••.•••• provides a sequence number check for cards in the source deck. Type: •••••..•.•• describes the use of the line. Data name: .•••••.• indicates name assigned to an entry. Level: • • • • . • • • . • • defines the various levels of a logical record and indicates related and unrelated items in working storage. Sync (Synchronization): . • • . . • . • . specifies the positioning of elementary items within a computer word or words. Use: ., ••••••..•• specifies how a data item is to be used in memory. Picture: .•.•••.••• describes the mode, size, decimal point location, and editing characteristics of the named entry. Occurs: ••••.••••• indicates the number of times an item is to be repeated. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-400 SERIES 330: 172.220 .22 Legend (Contd.) Value: • . . . . . . . . . . specifies an initial value for a data item in the Working Storage Section. Ident (Identification): • associates the individual card with a source program deck. Procedure Division Sequence: ••.•...•. same use as in Data Division. Type: . . . . . . . . . . . . indicates a comment or continuation line. Reference Symbol: ... assigns symbols to the instructions and pseudo instructions in the Procedure Division. Operation: . . . . • . . . a mnemonic code: a macro instruction, machine instruction, or pseudo operation. Operation Parameters: supply information needed to complete the operation function. Ident (Identification): . same use as in Data Division. . 23 Corrections: . • . . . . . no special prOvisions. .24 SEecial Conventions .322 .323 . 324 .325 . 326 .327 .33 Formation rule First character: alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9). others: ., • . . . . . same. Number of characters: . . . . . 1 to 8 characters; at least one must be alphabetic. Imbedded blanks are not allowed. Labels for library routines: . . . . • • . . same as procedures. Labels for constants: same as procedures. Labels for files: ..•. same as procedures. Labels for records: . . same as procedures. Labels for variables: same as procedures . Labels for Basic I/O Supervisor routines Existence: •...•. supplied when referenced by Extended I/O System or main program. Formation rule First two characters: B%. Others: ...•••.. alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9). Number of cha:r:acters: . . . • . . . . . 1 to 8. Local Labels .3 LABELS .331 Region: . . . . . • . . . • local to segments in which they are defined • ' • 332 Labels for procedures Existence: . . • . . . . mandatory if referenced within the segment. Formation ruleFirst character: alphanumeric: A-Z, 0-9. Others: ....•.•• same as first character. Number of characters: ...•••••• 1 to 8 characters; at least one must be alphabetic. Imbedded blanks are not permitted. · 333 Labels for library routines: ..•..•.• library routine labels are universal. • 334 Labels for constants: same as procedures . • 335 Labels for files: ...• same as procedures . . 336 Labels for records: .. same as procedures . · 337 Labels for variables: same as procedures. .31 General .4 DATA · 41 Constants .241 Compound addresses: reference symbol parameters ± decimal integer. .242 Multi-addresses: . . . . standard in many macro instructions. .243 Literals: non-numeric literals are enclosed in quotation marks. .244 Special coded addresses: . . . . • . . * refers to "this address. " .245 OtherOperation parameters: .••.•..• consist of operands, choices, options, key words. ......... .311 Maximum number of labels: .•.•..•.•. 1,200 for 8K memory . . 312 Common label formation rule: •..•.. yes. ) .313 Reserved labels: •••. names of standard library routines (begin with B%) . • 314 other restrictions: ..• at least one character must be alphabetic. Imbedded blanks are not allowed. .316 Synonyms permitted: yes; EQU, EQUO, and EQUG pseudos in BAL. . 32 Universal (Global) Labels • 321 Labels for proceduresExistence: .•...•. mandatory if referenced in another segment (internal) or if defined in another segment and referenced by current segment (external) • . 411 Maximum size constantsInteger: Decimal: " .•..• 16 digits plus sign. Octal: ..••.••.. 32 octal digits . Fixed numeric: Decimal: .• . . . . • 16 digits plus sign. Floating numeric: .. 8 decimal digits for fraction, 3 for exponent; exponent must be less than 128 . Alphabetic: .•.••.• no restriction. Alphameric: .•••.. no restriction. .412 Maximum size literals Integer: Decimal: . . . . . . . 16 digits plus optional sign. Fixed numeric: Decimal: ....•.• 16 digits plus sign and/or decimal point. (Contd. ) 5/65 330: 172.412 MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: MACRO ASSEMBLY PROGRAM .412 Maximum size literals (Contd.) Floating numeric: .. 8 decimal digits for fraction, 3 for exponent; exponent must be less than 128. Alphameric: . . . . . . 40 characters, enclosed in quotes. .42 Working Areas .421 Data layout: •.•••.• specified in program. • 422 Data type: •••.•.••• tabulated in program • • 423 Redefinition: ••••••• yes. • 43 · 65 Input-Output Control .651 .652 .653 • 654 File labels: •••••.•• Reel labels: •••.••. Blocking: •.••••••. Error control:. . • • • . .66 Sorting Extended I/O System. Extended I/O System. Extended I/O System. Basic I/O and Extended I/O Systems. • 655 Method of call: . . • . • Basic I/O: Automatic & macros. Extended I/O: macros and file parameter tables . Input-Output Areas · 431 Data. layout: ., . . • • . explicit layout. .432 Data type:. . • • • • • • . specified in program. . 433 Copy layout: •••••.• yes. .661 Facilities: · 67 .5 PROCEDURES .51 Direct Operation Codes: ••••.•.•.. all facilities of the Basic Assembly Language are usable (see Paragraph 330:171.51) . · 52 Macro-Codes .521 Number availableInput-output: •.•..• Arithmetic: ••••.•• Math functions: •..• Error control: ••.•. Restarts: ••.....• Data movement: . . . . Procedure control:. • .522 ExamplesSimple: ••••••••• Elaborate: ••.•••• .523 New Macros: •••.••• 1. 1. 3. 7. MOVE A; B. IF A EQ B GOTO PLACE. no special provision. Diagnostics .671 Dumps: •••••••••• post-mortem memory dump and various tape dumps. . 672 Tracers: .•••.•... selective trace • . 673 Snapshots: .•.••.•• selective memory dump • .7 LIBRARY FACILITIES .71 Identity: . . . • . . • . . • Service Routines library on System Tape or separate Library Tape. .72 Kinds of Libraries: •• expandable master. .73 Storage Form: .•..•. magnetic tape. .74 Varieties of Contents: routines, subroutines, and macro generators. • 75 Mechanism 12. 8. O. GE-400 Series Sort and Merge Generators (see Section 330 :151) • • 53 Interludes: ••.••.•• none. .54 Translator Control: .. see Basic Assembly Language (Paragraph 330:171.54). .751 Insertion of new item: Librarian routine . .752 Language of new item: machine or assembly language. • 753 Method of call: . • • • • CALL, INCL, or INCS pseudo instructions • .6 SPECIAL ROUTINES AVAILABLE • 76 .61 Special Arithmetic .761 Open routines exist: .. .762 Closed routines exist: • 763 Open-closed is optional: ••••••••• .764 Closed routines appear once: ••.•••••••• .611 Facilities: ' " .612 Method of call: and divide. ..... multiply ..... CALL, INCS, or INCL pseudo instructions. Insertion in Program yes. yes . no. yes. • 62 Special Functions: .•• none to date. .8 MACRO AND PSEUDO TABLES . 63 Overlay Control: •.•• provided by Loader. .81 Macros .64 Data Editing Code .641 Radix conversion: BCD-to-binary and binaryto-BCD. .642 Code translation: •••• none to date (ASA standard character codes are used). .643 Format controlZero suppression: .• implemented by hardware. Size control: • • • • • • implemented by hardware. Sign control: ••..•• implemented by hardware. Special characters: implemented by hardware. © Description MOVE: .•.•••••••• transfers data from one item to another conforming to the description of the receiving item. LOAD: • • • • . . • • • • • transfers data to the standard accumulator. UNLOAD: ••.•.•.•. transfers contents of standard accumulator to a data area. 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 330: 172.810 • 81 GE-400 SERIES Macros (Contd.) Code Description COMPARE: compares the contents of two data areas and transfers control to one of three symbols based on the result of that comparison (>, =, < ). IF: .•••••••••••• branches to a symbol or continues in-line coding based upon the existence of a specified condition (>,<, =, not >, not <, of, +, -, zero, not zero, ON, OFF). SETSW: •.•••••.•• sets a programmerspecified switch to an on or off condition. GOTO: •.••••••.•• transfers control to a specified reference symbol. GOTO ••• DEPENDING ON: .••••..• transfers control to one of n specified reference symbols based upon the value of a specified data name. HALT: •••.••••••• halts the object program after ensuring that all critical computer operations have terminated. EOJ: •••••••••... terminates processing by the object program. ABORT: ••••••.••• terminates processing by the object program under error conditions and causes a memory dump. ADDR: •••.••..•.• adds two numeric items and places the rounded result in the second item (or a third item, if specified) . ADDT: .••.•••••.• same as above except that result is truncated. 5/65 Code Description SUBR: • . • • • • • • • . . SUBT: ••••.•.••.• MPYR: ••.••••••.• MPYT: .••••.••••• DIVR: •. • . • • • • • • • DIVT: • . • • • • • • • . • subtract and round. subtract and truncate. multiply and round. multiply and truncate. divide and round. divide and truncate. Extended Input-Output System Macros Code Description READ: • . . • • • • • .. obtains the next logical record from an input file. releases a record to an output file. releases a record without internal movement of the data record. prepares input or output files for processing by input-output macro instructions. terminates the processing of input-output files. performs requested typewriter input-output operations in alphanumeric or octal. forward-space to tape mark. back-space to tape mark. back-space N blocks. rewinds tape. writes tape mark. writes checkpoint dump. forces immediate end-ofreel processing. causes next READ or WRITE macro to reference start of new block. WRITE: ..•••••••• WRITEX: • • • • • • • . • OPEN: .••••••••.• CLOSE: • • • . • • • • . • TYPE: ••••••••..• FSTM: .••••••••• BSTM: .••..••..• BSNBLK: ..•.••••• REWIND: ••••••••• WRITETM: ..•••..• CKPT: •..••••••• FORCE: ...••••••• RELEASE: •••••••• .82 Pseudos: ••.••••.. see Basic Assembly Language (Paragraph 330: 171. 82). 339: 181.100 GE-400 Series Program Translator Macro Assembly Progrom PROGRAM TRANSLATOR: MACRO ASSEMBLY PROGRAM .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .. _12 Description Macro Assembly Program. MAP. The Macro Assembly Program (MAP) is used to convert programs written in the Basic Assembly Language, the Macro Assembly Language, or (most commonly) a combination of the two into GE-400 Series machine language. Minimum requirements for MAP are 8,192 words of memory, 4 magnetic tape handlers, printer, card reader, and punch. Additional tape units permit tape to be used in place of the card equipment and the printer. .232 Maximum size source statements: . . . . . 1 card (Basic statements). no limit (Macro procedure statements) . .233 Maximum number of data items: . • • • . approximately 1,200 with 8K core memory. .3 OUTPUT .31 Object Program .311 Language name: . 312 Language style: .313 Output media: .32 MAP is a three-phase translator. The second phase is bypassed when the program being assembled contains only the Basic Assembly Language. The Translator phase reads and processes the source program. The Selector phase links macro calls with required generators. The final phase, the Assembler, assembles the generated and source Basic Assembly Language instructions and produces an object program deck and listing. Originator: GE Computer Department. .14 Maintainer: GE Computer Department. . 15 Availability: June, 1964 . .2 INPUT .21 Language .211 Name: .212 Exemptions: .22 Extended I/O System. .322 Compatible with:. . . Basic I/o Supervisor, Program Monitor, Loader, Sort Generator, Merge Generator, and Report Program Generator. • 222 Obligatory ordering: .223 Obligatory grouping: \ . 23 Documentation Subject Source Program: . Object Program: . Storage map:.. • Restart point list: Language errors:. Symbol analysis: . punched cards or magnetic tape. Control and Option Cards . Identification Division. Environment Division (optional) . Data Division (optional). Procedure Division. End of Transfer Card. list of subroutines required, data description, procedures. TRANSLATING PROCEDURE .41 Phases and Passes Translator phase:. Selector phase: • . . Assembler phase: . . Size Limitations . 231 Maximum number of source statements: no limit. © Provision listing. listing. none. none. listing. listing (optional). .4 Form .221 Input Media: ( Macro Assembly Program Language and Basic Assembly Language. none. Conventions .321 standard inclusions: • .33 .13 GE -400 Series relocatable binary. machine • punched cards or magnetic tape. 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. reads and processes the source program; produces a tape with macro-calls and Basic Assembly Language links macro-calls with their required generators and produces a tape of generated and input Basic Assembly Language instructions . assembles the Basic Assembly Language instructions and produces the assembly listing and object deck. Note: When source deck contains only Basic Assembly Language instructions, phase 2 is bypassed. 5/65 GE-400 SERIES 330: 181.420 · 42 Optional Mode .421 Translate: · 422 Translate and run: · 423 Check only: · 424 Patching: . · 425 Up-dating: · 43 yes yes, under control of Program Monitor (Section 330:191) . yes .. no special provisions. no special provisions. Special Features · 431 Alter to check only: . 432 Fast unoptimized translate:. ... . 433 Short translate on restricted program: yes . no . phase 2 is by-passed when no macros are used. . 44 Bulk Translating:. . . yes, under control of Program Monitor. · 45 Program Diagnostics Selective Trace subroutine . Selective Memory Dump subroutine. ABORT macro, post-mortem memory dump, and tape dump subroutines. . 451 Tracers: . .452 Snapshots: .453 Dumps:, . · 46 Translator Library .461 Identity: . . .462 User restriction: .463 FormStorage medium: Organization: . · 464 ContentsRoutines: Data descriptions: Macro generators: . 465 LibrarianshipInsertion: . . . . Amendment: Call procedure: CALL: !NCS and INCL: .512 Space required for each input-output file: . . . . . . . . alternate input-output areas are optional. .513 Approximate expansion of procedures Basic Assembly Language: . . 1 to 1. Maco Assembly 7 to 1 (average, estimated Language: by GE). Systems Tape (and Library Tape). none. .52 Translation Time: no data available to date. .53 Optimizing Data: data fields can be unpacked during input, and packed during output . \ .54 COMPUTER CONFIGURATIONS .61 Translating Computer .611 Minimum configuration: .. open and closed utility routines, diagnostics, generators. none. yes . · 612 Larger configuration advantages: yes. yes. · 62 loaded at execution time. included at assembly time. · 621 Minimum configuration: · 622 Usable extra facilities: TRANSLATOR PERFORMANCE .51 Object Program Space .7 .511 Fixed overhead Comment none Basic I/O Supervisor: 1,280 words. Extended I/O System: variable may specify the subroutines needed. Loader: none special area definition pseudos allow overlay of the loader area. 5/65 Duplicate names: Improper format: Incomplete entries: Target computer overflow: .8 16K and 32K core storage provides faster translations and handles more data item names. any GE-400 Series system. all . ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Missing entries: Unsequenced entries: read in when needed. GE-400 Series central processor with 8,192 core storage locations. 4 magnetic tape handlers (1 tape control unit). 1 printer. 1 card reader. 1 card punch. Target Computer Error Name unaffected for Basic Assembly Language coding (i. e., same as hand coding); somewhat less efficient with respect to both space and time when macros are used extensively. .6 magnetic tape. software packages and subroutine library, with Program Monitor between each program. .5 Program Monitor: Object Program Performance: Check or Interlock Action check flagged in listing. optional check check check flagged in listing. flagged in listing. flagged in listing. check flagged in listing. check flagged in listing. ALTERNATIVE TRANSnone. LATORS: 330: 182.100 GE-400 Series Program Translator COBOL PROGRAM TRANSLATOR: COBOL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .12 Description .22 . GE-400 Series COBOL Compiler. The GE-400 Series COBOL Compiler accepts COBOL/400 source programs (see Section 330:161) from punched cards or magnetic tape and converts the source statements into equivalent BAP symbolic coding. The standard MAP translator (see Section 330:181) is used to generate relocatable binary object coding on either punched cards or magnetic tape. Translation is continuous from the loading of the source program through the production of the object program and listing. The translating GE-400 Series computer must have a minimum of 8, 192 words of core storage, 4 magnetic tape handlers, one printer, one card reader, and one card punch. An additional tape handler allows an object program to be executed immediately after compilation (i. e., "compile and run" operation). Any GE-400 Series system can compile programs to be run on a different GE-400 system. All COBOL source programs are compiled under control of the Tape Operating System (see Section 330:191). COBOL object programs require the Tape or Card Operating System to provide I/O control and run-to-run supervision. Extensive checking is performed on both the source coding and the generated symbolic coding for syntax errors and for consistency. A listing of the source coding, the generated coding, and the errors can be printed on-line or written on magnetic tape for subsequent transcription by a media conversion routine. . 13 Originator: .14 Maintainer: . 15 Availability: .2 INPUT .21 Language .. Computer Division, General Electric Company. Form · 221 Input media: . . . . . . punched cards or magnetic tape. .222 Obligatory ordering: .. Identification Division. Environment Division. Data Division. Procedure Division. .223 Obligatory grouping: .. by division, section, and paragraph. · 23 Size Limitations .231 Maximum number of source statements: .. no practical limit. · 232 Maximum size source statements: . . . . . . . 96 syntactical entries or 288 operands per statement. · 233 Maximum number of labeled data items: .. · 234 Maximum number of files: . . . . . . . . . . . 15. .3 OUTPUT .31 Object Program .311 Language name: . . 312 Language style: .313 Output media: . · 32 Conventions .321 Standard inclusions: . Basic Input/Output Supervisor, Extended Input/Output System, and Standard subroutines. · 322 Compatible with: . . .. Tape or Card Operating Systems (see Section 330:191) . · 33 Documentation . as above. Provision Source program: . . . optional listing on printer or magnetic tape. Object program: · optional listing. Storage map: · listing at load time. Restart point list: · none. Language errors: . · listing. . . . . . . May, 1965 . .... GE-400 Series COBOL, (COBOL/400; see Section 330:161) . . 212 Exemptions: . . . . . . . see "Deficiencies with Respect to Required COBOL-61" in Paragraph 330:161.142. · . Basic Assembly Program (BAP). · . 1-to-1 symbolic language . · punched cards or magnetic tape. .4 TRANS LA TING PROCEDURE .41 Phases and Passes .211 Name: Phase 1: © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. · . reads the source program from cards or magnetic tape; checks source statements for validity and 5/65 GE-400 SERIES 330: 182.410 . 41 Phases and Passes (Contd.) Phase 2: Phase 3: consistency; creates DCW lists for each file; analyzes syntax and creates table of generator calls; creates symbol table; lists diagnostic messages. . _. . . . . . . . generates Basic Assembly Language (BAP) symbolic instructions based on generator call table created in Phase I. .... . . . . . translates BAP coding into machine-language object coding using MAP translator (see Section .52 Translation Time: ... no data available to date . .53 02timizing Data: .... none. . 54 Object Program Performance: . . . . . no data available to date. .6 COMPUTER CONFIGURATIONS .61 Translating Com2uter .611 Minimum configuration: . 8, 192 words of core storage. 1 printer. 1 card reader. 1 card punch. 4 magnetic tape handlers. 330:181). .42 02tional Mode .421 . 422 .423 .424 .425 Translate: . . · . yes . Translate and run: . · . yes. Check only: · . no. Patching: · no. Updating: . . . · . no . .43 S2ecial Features .612 Larger configuration advantages: .62 · no. translate: .433 Short translate on restricted program: . . . . . . · no. . . · . no . configuration: Bulk Translating: .45 Program Diagnostics . 622 Usable extra · . yes. .451 Tracers: . .452 Snapshots: · no provisions. · can be incorporated using options of the NOTE . clause; deletion requires recompilation. .453 Dumps: . . . . . . .... provided by standard operating systems. Translator Library: .7 . The only library available is the standard relocatable library, which contains all subroutines. .5 TRANSLATOR PERFORMANCE .51 Object Program S2ace . all additional memory and conventional peripheral devices. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action MiSSing entries: check print error message. * Unsequenced entries: check Duplicate names: check Improper format: check print error message. * print error message. * print error message. * Incomplete entries: check Target computer overflow: Inconsistent program: .511 Fixed overhead (for supervisor, etc) Name Basic I/O Supervisor: · 1,280 words. Extended I/O System: .... · .2,400 words. .512 Space required for each input-output file: . . . . . . . . . . . . ? .513 Approximate expansion of procedures: .... averages between 4.5 and 7 to 1 (GE estimate). .. 8, 192 words of core storage. 1 magnetic tape handler or card reader for loading program . facilities: .. .44 5/65 Target Com2uter .621 Minimum .431 Alter to check only: .432 Fast unoptimized .46 . . . . . . additional memory permits larger internal tables. additional tape unit allows "compile and run" operation. print error message. * none. check print error message. '" *Error messages can be printed on the printer or written on magnetic tape. The normal action is to delete the erroneous entry and continue the translation. .8 ALTERNATIVE TRANSLATORS: . .. none. 330: 183.100 GE-400 Series Program Translator Basic FORTRAN IV PROGRAM TRANSLATOR: BASIC FORTRAN IV .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .12 Description . . . . . . . . . GE-400 Series Basic FORTRAN IV Translator. The GE-400 Series Basic FORTRAN IV Translator is used to translate programs written in the Basic FORTRAN IV language into Basic Assembly Language (BAL; see Section 330:171). The BALcoding is then translated into GE-400 Series machine language by the Macro Assembly Program (MAP; see section 330:181). Translation is continuous from the loading of the source program through the production of the object program and listing, and is under control of the Tape Operating System (Section 330:191). The generated object program requires the use of the Tape or Card Operating System in the target computer to furnish I/O control and run-to-run supervision. Minimum requirements for use of the Basic FORTRAN IV Translator are 8,192 words of core storage, 4 magnetic tape handlers, a card reader, a printer, and a card purich. Any GE-400 Series computer system can generate an object program for any other member of the series that has the required memory and peripheral complement. · 232 Maximum size source statements: . . . . . . . no practical limit. .233 Maximum number of data items: . . . . . approximately 300 data items and statement numbers with an 8K memory. .3 OUTPUT .31 Object Program .311 Language name: . . . . Basic Assembly Language. .312 Language style: . . . . . 1-to-1 symbolic assembly language. .313 Output media: . . . . . . punched card or magnetic tape, and/or printer. · 32 Conventions .321 Standard inclusions: .. Basic I/O Supervisor, and desired subroutines and built-in functions. .322 Compatible with: . . . . Tape Operating System. · 33 Documentation Provision Source program: . . . . listing . Object program: . . . . optional listing in Basic Assembly Language. Storage map: . . . . . . provided by Basic Assembly Program and Loader. Restart point list: ... none. Language errors: ... printer listing . . . . GE Computer Department, Phoenix, Arizona. .13 Originator: .14 Maintainer: . 15 Availabili~: .2 INPUT .4 TRANSLATING PROCEDURE .21 Language .41 Phases and Passes . . same as above. . . . . . . June, 1965 . .212 Name: .. . 213 Exemptions:, ... .22 .. GE-400 Series Basic FORTRAN IV; see Section 330:162. . none. Phase 2: Form · 221 Input media: . . . . . . . punched card or magnetic tape . . 222 Obligatory ordering: .. yes; e. g., a DIMENSION statement for an array must precede the first appearance of an array name in an executable statement. · 223 Obligatory grouping: . . none. · 23 Phase 1: . . . . . . . read source statements and generate assemblylanguage coding . . . . . . . . . . process above into object coding using Macro Assembly Program. · 42 Optional Mode .421 .422 .423 .424 .425 Translate: . . . . . . . . Translate and run: ... Check only: . . . . . . . . Patching: . . . . . . . . . Updating: . . . .. . .. .43 SpeCial Features yes. yes. no. no special provisions. handled by GE-400 Series Librarian. Size Limitations .231 Maximum number of source statements: .. no practical limit. .431 Alter to check only: .. no . . 432 Fast unoptimized translate: .. no. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE·4pO SERIES 330: 183.433 . 433 Short translate on restricted program: . . . . . . . . . . no. . 44 Bulk Translating: . 45 Program Diagnostics .513 Approximate expansion of procedures: ? .52 Translation Time: ... no data available to date . .53 Dptimizing Data: . 54 Dbject Program Performance: . . . . . no data available to date . .6 COMPUTER CDNFIGURA TIONS .61 Translating Computer ... yes. .451 Tracers: . . . . . . . . . standard subroutine. . 452 Snapshots: . . . . . . . . . standard subroutine . .453 Dumps: . . . . . . . . . . two subroutines, DUMP and PDUMP, enable selected segments of core storage to be dumped in octal floating point, integer, or octal with mnemonic format. The DUMP routine causes the program to be terminated and control transferred to the Program Monitor after dumping. With the PDUMP routine, the program is continued after dumping. .611 Minimum configuration: .464 . 465 . . . . . . . . . GE-400 Relocatable Library. User restriction: . . . . none . Form Storage medium: .. magnetic tape. Drganization: " .. relocatable binary. Contents Routines: . . . . . . . . open. Functions: . . . . . . . yes; standard and user. coded. Data Descriptions: .. no . Librarianship: . . . . . . handled by GE-400 Librarian. .5 TRANS LA TDR PERFDRMANCE .51 Dbject Program Space .621 Minimum configuration: . 622 Usable extra facilities: .7 . 511 Fixed overhead (for supervisor, etc.) Name Basic Input/Dutput Supervisor: . . . . . Input/Output areas: .. Floating-point subroutines: . . . . . .512 Space required for each input-output file: . . . • . . . . . . . 5/65 Target Computer Translator Library .461 Identity: .462 . 463 . 4 magnetic tape handlers. Card reader. Card punch. Printer. 8,192 words of core storage . . 612 Larger configuration advantages: . . . . . . additional core storage permits more symbols. .62 .46 .. , none . · .. any GE-400 Series computer system with at least 8, 192 words of core storage, an input device, and an output device . · . . additional memory and I/O. devices. Floating Point Dption. ERRDRS, CHECKS AND ACTIDN Error Check Missing entries: Unsequenced entries Duplicate names: Improper format: yes no yes yes Incomplete entries: Target computer overflow: Inconsistent program: yes Approximate Space 1,300 words. 1,000 words. 300 words. .8 contained in I/O. areas. no limited checking ALTERNATIVE TRANSLATDRS: · .. none. Action print error message on printer. 330: 191. 100 GE-400 Series Operating Environment Tape Operating System OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: TAPE OPERATING SYSTEM .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .. GE-400 Series Tape Operating System. GE-400 Series Card Operating System . 12 Description The Tape Operating System is a group of related routines for controlling the execution of programs and for handling run-to-run control. There are three major routines: Loader Basic Input·-Output Supervisor. Program Monitor. The Loader is described in Paragraph 330:151.17, Problem Oriented Facilities. The Basic Input-Output Supervisor resides in core storage at all times and performs the following functions: Execution of all basic input-output commands. Input-output error analysis. Standard procedures for equipment error correction or recovery. Input-output simultaneity control. Typewriter input-output control. Control of processor channel interrupts due to: Arithmetic overflow. Invalid operation. Invalid address. Operator interrupt. Standard job termination routine. Link to post-mortem memory dump routine. Translation of logical to actual input-output channel and device numbers. Core image loading routine. Control of magnetic tape dual channel usage. Monitor linkage. Additional I/O facilities can be incorporated in programs at assembly or compile time through the use of the Extended Input-Output System. Communication with the system is performed by macro-instructions and file parameters; the appropriate coding is generated and becomes an integral part of a program. Facilities provided by the Extended I/o System include: Fixed- and variable-length logical record processing. Blocking and unblocking of logical data records. Input-output buffer alternation. Extended error recovery procedures. Input-output buffer scheduling, based upon Automatic Program Interrupt logic design. Tape label checking. © End-of-reel tape alternation. Block count and block serial number checking. Checkpoints and restarts. Modular design for maximum flexibility and core utilization. The Program Monitor assists in the handling of assembly, debugging, and production runs by providing run-to-run control and reducing setup time between runs. In the assembly and debugging stage, the Program Monitor uses the System Tape as the operating tape. The Monitor can load the appropriate translator, read in symbolic programs, assemble them, and execute them. The System Tape contains all the major software packages: the Program Monitor itself, the Loader, the Librarian, the Sort and Merge Generators, the Report Program Generator, the Macro Assembly Program, the COBOL Compiler, the FORTRAN compiler, and a library of standard subroutines. The operating tape for the production function of the monitor is a Master Instruction Tape containing production programs and the Program Monitor itself. These programs are usually in the highspeed (non-relocatable) core load format, although a relocatable format can also be used. The Librarian routine is used to create and maintain the System and Master Instruction Tapes. The Program Monitor is automatically called into core storage from tape at the end of each run. It receives "next job" or "next run" information from "control records, " which can be entered via the card reader, console typewriter, or magnetic tape. The monitor then locates and loads the next program to be run. The monitor need not be present in core storage during the run, so there is no reduction in available storage space. All system functions are performed in the sequence specified by the control records. The sequence can be altered at run time by the operator or by the programs themselves. The Tape Operating System described above is available now. In its present form it does not provide any multiprogramming facilities. Also currently available is a Card Operating System that includes all the facilities of the present Tape Operating System except the capability for handling language translations. Use of the Card Operating System makes one additional magnetic tape handler available to the program. A new version of the Operating System is being developed to enable several programs to be run concurrently in a multiprogramming mode. This version is scheduled to become available in the second quarter of 1966. The multiprogramming version will require the Direct Access 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-400 SERIES 330:191.120 .12 · 13 Description (Contd.) · 32 Option (see Paragraph 330:051.12). Versions using disc storage units for system storage will be available with the delivery of the new disc storage units. .321 Initial assignment: . 322 Alternation: .. · 323 Reassignment: , ... Availability .4 RUNNING SUPERVISION .41 Simultaneous Working: as incorporated in user's program. .42 Multiprogramming: present versions lack multiprogramming capabilities; a multiprogramming version is being developed. .43 Multi-sequencing: .. no provisions. · 44 Errors, Checks, and Action Tape Operating System No multiprogramming capabilities: Multiprogramming version: . . . . . Card Operating System: currently in use. second quarter, 1966. currently available. · 14 Originator: .. GE Computer Dept. . 15 Maintainer: .. GE Computer Dept . ·2 PROGRAM LOADING · 21 Source of Programs Error .211 Programs from on- Loading input error: Allocation impossible: In-out error single: In-out error persistent: Storage overflow: Invalid instructions: line libraries: . . . from system tape, library tape, or previously prepared master instruction tape, directed by control records entered via cards, magnetic tape or keyboard. .212 Independent programs: from punched cards or magnetic tape, directed by control records. .213 Data: . . . . . . . . as incorporated in user's program. .214 Master routines: from System Tape or Master Instruction Tape. .22 · 23 .3 • 31 Library Subroutines: Loading Sequence: HARDWARE ALLOCATION: Program conflicts: Arithmetic overflow: from System Tape or separate Library Tape. as specified by control records; sequence can be established while collecting programs to form Master Instruction Tape or Input Stack Tapes (independent programs), and can be altered at execution time when necessary. Underflow: Invalid operation: as incorporated in user's program . Storage standard assignment. control records . control records. Check or Interlock Action check operator alert. check operator alert. check automatic recovery. check operator alert. check operator alert. check alert and optional recovery. none. check alert and optional recovery. none. check alert and optional recovery. Invalid address: check alert and optional recovery. Reference to forbidden area: none. Note: "Alert" means that operator's attention is required. .45 .311 Sequencing of program for movement between levels: . . . . Input-Output Units Restarts .451 Establishing restart incorporated in program if in high-speed core format; otherwise in relocatable form and assigned by loader . points: . . . . . . . . . . 452 Restarting process: ·5 PROGRAM DIAGNOSTICS .51 Dynamic . 312 Occupation of working storage: . . . . . . . . . programs and overlay segments can be in either absolute or relocatable form. handled by Extended I/O System. via control records . · 511 Tracing:. . . . . . . .. .512 Snapshots:..... . .. via control records. via control records. (Contd. ) 5/65 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: TAPE OPERATING SYSTEM .52 Post Mortem: . . . .. operator or program can transfer to ABORT routine. which writes a core dump on magnetic tape and then returns control to the monitor. 330: 191. 520 ·8 PERFORMANCE · 81 System Requirements · 811 Minimum config- uration: . . . . . . . . 8, 192 core storage loca- tions. 1 card reader . .6 OPERATOR CONTROL . 61 Signals to Operator .611 Decision required by operator: . . . . . .. console typewriter. .612 Action required by operator: . . . . . .. console typewriter. .613 Reporting progress of run: . . . . . . . . . .. all control records are typed as they are executed; typing of "last run", "next run", and time of day is optional. .62 Operator's Decisions: via console typewriter. . 63 Operator's Signals . 631 Inquiry: . . . . . . . . · 632 Change of normal progress: . . . . . . via console typewriter . console typewriter permits operator to assume control and type in control records to direct monitor functions. •7 LOGGING · 71 Operator Signals: . console typewriter. · 72 Operator Decisions: console typewriter. .73 Run Progress: . . . . console typewriter. .74 Errors:......... console typewriter. · 75 Running Times: optional typeouts. 5 magnetic tape handlers. 1 console typewriter . Note: The card reader replaces one magnetic tape handler when the Card Operating System is used. An addi tional magnetic tape handler permits program execution immediately after translation ("compile and run'~. .812 Usable extra facilities: . . . . . . . . .. all Library Tapes, 2 scratch tapes, Input Stack tape (control data). .813 Reserved equipment: 1,280 locations are reserved for fixed words and the Basic I/o Supervisor; monitor uses core storage and equipment only between runs . .82 System Overhead .821 Loading time: ... .822 Reloading frequency: · 83 · 84 .85 Program Space Available: ... Program Loading Time: . . . . . . . insignificant; loaded from tape. monitor is reloaded automatically upon termination of each job. all except 1,280 words mentioned in .813 . limited by speed of input device. Program Performance: no running overhead other than normal I/O control; the Program Monitor only handles run-to-run linkages. No performance information is available to date for the multiprogramming version. ( \ "- © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 330:201.100 GE-400 Series System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE The overall perfonnance of a GE-400 Series computer system varies with the speed of the core storage unit and the peripheral equipment incorporated. The performance of each of the current members of the GE-400 Series on the AUERBACH Standard EDP Reports benchmark measures of system perfonnance has been analyzed separately. For performance curves, summary worksheets, and analyses of the results, turn to the System Performance sections of the individual subreports, as listed below: GE-415 GE-425 GE-435 © . 332:201. .333:201. . 334:201. 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 330:211. 10 1 GE·400 Series Physical Characteristics PHYSICAL c::HARACTERISTICS Width, inches Depth, inches Height, inches Weight, pounds 64 69 76 1,500 3.85 7,800 78 78 76 1,900 4.2 9,800 78 26 41 309 0.11 380 CR- 21 Card Reader CP-11 Card Punch CP-20 Card Punch TS-20 Paper Tape Reader/Punch PR-21 Printer ML-20 Multiple Tape Lister 42 47 28 61 33 33 63 26 47 49 60 68 600 700 1,300 770 3.2 1.5 2.3 1. 63 9,850 2,540 6,450 5,400 76 52 34 38 58 57 1,470 1,500 5.4 2.1 11,000 5,360 MT-24, MT-26 Magnetic Tape Unit MT-17, MT-19, MT-21, MT-23 Magnetic ~ape Unit Magnetic Tape Controller (single-channel) Magnetic Tape Controller (dual- channel) MR-20 MICR ReaderSorter 29 32.5 72 750 2.0 5,500 24 32.5 72 540 1.5 4,400 56 32.5 72 785 1. 56 4,600 56 32.5 72 890 1.9 5,600 176 28 45 2,000 9.95 25,000 Unit 415 and 425 Central Processors (includes core storage) 435 Central Processor (includes core storage) Console Power, KVA DS-15 Removable Disc Storage Unit (includes space for two disc drives) DS-15 Disc Cartridge DS-15 Controller 50 24 61 ? ? ? 19.1 41 16.5 29 1.4 72 ? ? 0 0 ? ? DS-20 Disc File Unit DS-20 Controller DS-20 File Electronics 71 61 40 38 26 32 63 68 76 2,500 870 390 3.95 1.9 1.9 DS-25 Disc Storage Unit DS-25 Controller DS-25 File Electronics 71 91 91 38 34 34 76.5 72 72 4,000 ? ? ? MS-40 Mass Storage Unit MS- 20 Controller 68.5 41 50.5 29 60 72 1,950 DATANET-20 DATANET-21 DATANET-25 DATANET-30 DATANET-70 } Manual Peripheral Switch Console (includes space for 16 switching units) General ReqUlrements ? ? ? 8.7 ? 7,560 6,180 2,220 ? ? ? 19,500 ? Located in Central Processor Cabinet. 117 44 32 34 76 70.4 39 25 67 2,200 ? 400 9.6 2.0 2,200 0.7 1,965 Temperature: •••....•.••..••.••. 65 to 85°F. Relative Humidity: ••••.•..•...•.••• 40 to 60%. Power: ••••..••...••••..•..••••. 208/120 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire, 60-cycle source. 5/65 BTU per hr. ? 330:221.101 GE-400 Series Price Data PRICE DATA IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS No. Name PRICES Monthly Rental Monthly Purchase * Maintenancet $ CENTRAL PROCESSOR $ Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, eight I/O Channels (excluding High Speed Channels) and Core Storage: 415-04 415-08 415-16 415-32 GE-415 4,096 words of core storage 8,192 " I I ' " " 16,384 " " " " 32,768 " " " " 1,750 2,050 3,250 4,450 155 166 230 338 108,192 120,528 186,295 244,608 425-08 425-16 425-32 GE-425 8,192 words of core storage 16,384 " " " " 32,768 " " " " 3,000 4,100 5,500 178 238 345 154,560 195,400 257,510 435-08 435-16 435-32 GE-435 8,192 words of core storage 16,384 " " " " 32,768 " " " " 5,500 7,000 8,800 ? 305 455 221,130 280,800 354,240 CM6050 TC6011 PS6010 OQtional Features IBM 1401 Compatibility Time of Day Clock Programmed Peripheral Switch 300 110 500 30 5 55 12,000 4,900 24,000 350 450 550 300 30 30 30 16,800 21,600 26,400 14,500 125 65 250 - 8 6,000 3,120 12,000 Removable Disc Storage Unit (7. 8 million characters) Controller for DS-15 (includes High Speed 1/0 Channel) Second Channel Option Block Count/File Protect Disc Cartridge 450 45 21,600 700 50 33,600 175 50 15 - 10 8,400 2,400 400 Disc Storage Unit with 4 Discs (5.9 million char) Controller for DS-20 1,125 350 53,000 1,475 45 86,400 OPT140 OPT141 OPT142 DAP930 OPT504 OPT072 OPT506 INTERNAL STORAGE $ DS-15 DPC600 OPT137 OPT136 OPT135 DS-20 DSC200 Floating Point Option: For GE-415 For GE-425 For GE-435 Direct Access option, including: Memory Protect, SecondLevel Interrupt, Interval Timer, Non-Stop Mode, Symbol Controlled Mode, and Channel Expansion (four additional I/O channels, ex-eluding High Speed Channels) Channel Expansion Symbol-Controlled Move High Speed Channel (400 KC) - * Purchase price includes installatlOn. t Maintenance rates shown here are for 0-36 months; maintenance rates for older equipment are slightly higher. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-400 SERIES 330:221. 102 IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS Name No. PRICES Monthly Rental $ INTERNAL STORAGE (Contd.) OPT201 OPT202 OPT203 OPT204 OPT205 4 Additional Discs (5.9 million char) 8 Additional Discs (11.8 million char) 12 Additional Discs (1. 7 million char) Fast Access I (4 Discs) Fast Access n (8 Discs) Note: Maximum of 16 discs per DS-20 unit; maximum of 8 Fast Access discs per Monthly Purchase* Maintenance t $ $ 200 - 8,000 400 - 16,000 4,700 300 225,000 1,250 67 60,000 1,900 100 91,000 1,100 52 50,000 2,200 102 100,000 - 14,500 2,800 475 136,500 1,100 175 58 10 52,800 8,400 350 125 15 6,000 40 275 4 50 1,920 6,750 650 35 500 825 1,400 90 80 69 5 69 115 247 1,700 285 30,000 1,680 22,500 41,150 64,800 3,000 3,200 150 81,600 600 300 400 23,000 15,000 20,000 unit. DS-25 DSC-250 DSC-25 OPT601 OPT602 OPT604 MS-40 DCA60~ OPT130 OPT620 INPUTOUTPUT PC6011 PS6011 PC6011 CR-21 OPT150 CP-I0 CP-20 PR-21 ML-20 Disc Storage Unit with 16 discs (100 million char) Controller for DS:-25 (single channel) Controller for DS-25 (dual channel) 3 Additional Discs (50 million char) 16 Additional Discs (100 million char) Additional Data Channel (maximum of 3; only 1 per GE400 Series Processor) Data Cell Drive (533 million char) Controller for MS-40 Second Channel Option Data Cell Cartridge Peripheral Switch Console with 1 Switch Unit (contains space for a total of 16 Switch Units) Switch Unit Plotter Interface Unit Punched Card Units and Printer Card Reader (900 cpm) 51-Column Card Option Card Punch (100 cpm) Card Punch (300 cpm) Printer (1200 lpm) Custom Print Segments Code Wheel Change Extra Code Wheel Multiple Tape Lister (6 lists; 2,000Ipm) 300 - - - - - 5 TR-20 TP-20 TS-20 Punched TaEe Units Punched Tape Reader (500 cps) Punched Tape Punch (150 cps) Punched Tape Reader and Punct 500 560 950 75 75 78 22,500 25,200 45,600 MR-20 MICR Equipment MICR Reader 7Sorter (1,200 dpm) 2,000 300 90.000 * Purchase price includes installation. t Maintenance rates shown here are for 0-36 months; maintenance rates for older equipment are slightly higher. (Contd.) 5/65 330:221.103 PRICE DATA IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS No. Name PRICES Monthly Rental Monthly Purchase* Maintenancet $ INPUTOUTPUT (Contd.) Endorser Option OPTll $ 100 - $ 450 MT-17 MT-19 MT-21 MT-23 MT-24 MT-26 Magnetic Tape 7-Track Magnetic 20,900 char/sec 30,000 char/sec 42,000 char/sec 60,000 char/sec 83,000 char/sec 120,000 char/sec Tape Units: max. max. max. max. max. max. 290 400 485 590 700 900 80 100 150 180 200 200 13,920 19,200 23,280 28,320 31,500 40,500 MT-17 MT-19 MT-21 MR-23 MT-24 MT-26 9-Track 28,000 40,000 56,000 80,000 11,000 160,000 Tape Units: max. max. max. max. max. max. 385 430 575 635 850 990 85 110 160 165 210 225 18,500 20,640 27,600 30,408 38,250 44,550 900 30 43,200 1,380 50 66,240 970 40 46,560 1,485 60 71,280 200 30 9,600 200 30 9,600 290 15 11,600 720 10 60 50 20 175 60 2 6 5 3 17 34,600 480 2,880 2,400 960 8,400 MTC-71 MTC-72 MTC-91 MTC-92 OPT033 OPT034 SC60ll MLC200 OPT120 OPT121 OPT122 OPT123 OPT124 Magnetic char/sec char/sec char/sec char/sec char/sec char/sec 7-Track Magnetic Tape Controllers: Single-Channel; up to 8 tape units, any combination Dual Channel; up to 16 tape units, any combination 9-Track Magnetic Tape Controllers: Single-Channel; up to 8 tape units, any combination Dual-Channel; up to 16 tape units, any combination Communications EguiJ2ment DATANET-20 (asynchronous single-line controller) DATANET-21 (synchronous single-line controller) DATANET-25 (multi-processor adaptor) DATANET-70 Teletype Buffer Voice Line Buffer (Asynchronou~ Voice Line Buffer (Synchronous) Automatic Calling Unit Adaptor Telpak A Buffer * Purchase price includes installation. t Maintenance rates shown here are for 0-36 months; maintenance rates for older equipment are slightly higher. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 ~- GE 415 '",--- . General Electric Company ( ',,-- ( "'--AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. GE 415 General Electric Company / AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 332:011.101 GE-41S Introduction INTRODUCTION The GE-415 is characterized by the cycle time of its core storage unit microseconds for each access of one 24-bit word. 5.8 This report concentrates upon the performance of the GE-415 in particular. All general characteristics of the GE-400 Series hardware and software are described in Computer System Report 330: GE-400 Series - General. The System Configuration section which follows shows the GE-415 in the following standard configurations: I: II: III: IV: V: VIlA: Typical Card System 4-Tape Business System 6-Tape Business System 12-Tape Business System 6- Tape Auxiliary Storage System 10-Tape General System (Integrated). These configurations were selected to illustrate the versatility of the GE-415 computer system. Note that while configuration VIlA is very similar to Configuration IV, it incorporates the optional floating-point hardware. The system configurations are arranged according to the rules in the Users' Guide, page 4:030.120, and any significant deviations from the standard specifications are listed. Section 332:051 presents detailed central processor timing data for the GE-415. See Section 330:051 for the other characteristics of the GE-400 Series Central Processors. The software provided for all GE-400 Series systems is described in Sections 330:151 through 330:191 of the general report. A detailed analysis of the overall System Performance of the GE-415 on our standard benchmark problems is presented in Section 332:201. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 / 332:031.100 GE-415 System Configuration SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .1 TYPICAL CARD SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION I Deviations from Standard Configurations: . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 100% larger. card punch is 50% faster. 5 more index registers and console I/O typewriter are included. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 4,096 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels CR-21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. CP-20 Card Punch: 300 cards/min. PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. TOTAL RENTAL: $ 1,750 650 825 1,400 $ 4,625 For overall configuration rules for GE-400 Series -systems, please refer to Section 330:031. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation'_~nd AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 (iE-415 332:031.200 .2 4-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION IT Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 100% larger. magnetic tape units are 39% faster. printer is at least 80% faster . . card reader is 80% faster. 6 index registers, console I/o typewriter, and multiplydivide are standard. any or all I/O operations can be performed simultaneously with internal processing. Equipment Core Storage: 4,096 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels CR- 21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-10 Card Punch: 100 cards/min. 500 PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. MT-17 Magnetic Tape Handlers (4) and Controller: 20,900 characters/sec. TOTAL RENTAL: Note: $ 1,750 1,400 2,060 $ 6,360 GE states that tape configurations will normally contain at least 8, 192 words of core storage because most of the tape-oriented software requires 8K; this would increase the system rental by $300 per month. (Contd.) 5/65 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .3 332:031.300 6-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION III Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 100% larger. printer is at least 80% faster. card reader is 80% faster. 3 more index registers and console typewriter input are included. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfers are possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels CR-2l Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-10 Card Punch: 100 cards/min. 500 PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. MT-19 Magnetic Tape Handlers (6) .and Controller: 30,000 characters/sec. TOTAL RENTAL: © $ 2,050 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 1,400 3,300 $ 7,900 5/65 332:031.400 .4 GE-415 12-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION IV Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . card punch is 50% faster. console typewriter input included. 1 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer is possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels $ 2,050 CR-21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-20 Card Punch: 300 cards/min. 825 PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min, MT-23 Magnetic Tape Handers (12) and Dual Channel Controller: 60, 000 characters/sec. TOTA-L RENTAL: 1,400 8,460 $13,385 (Contd. ) 5/65 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .5 332:031.500 6-TAPE AUXILIARY STORAGE SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION V Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 100% larger. printer is at least 80% faster. card reader is 80% faster. 3 more index registers and console typewriter input are included. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfers are possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels (except High Speed Channel) $ 2,050 CR-21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-I0 Card Punch: 100 cards/min 500 PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. 1,400 MT-19 Magnetic Tape Handlers (6) and Controller: 30,000 characters/sec. 3,300 DS-15 Removable Disc Storage Units (3), Controller, and High Speed I/O Channel: 23.4 million characters TOTAL RENTAL: 2,050* $ 9,950 * Does not include $15 per month rental for each Disc Cartridge. ." \ © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 332:031.600 .6 GE-415 10-TAPE GENERAL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED); CONFIGURATION VIlA Deviations from Standard Configurations: . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 25% larger. printer is at least 80% faster. card reader is 80% faster. 1 more simultaneous non-tape transfer is possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 32,768 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels CR- 21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-10 Card Punch: 100 cards/min 500 PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. MT-23 Magnetic Tape Handlers (10) and Dual Channel Controller: 60,000 characters/sec. Optional Features Included: $ 4,450 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floating Point Option TOTAL RENTAL: 1,400 7,280 350 $14,630 / ,/ 5/65 332:051.100 GE-415 Central Processor CENTRAL PROCESSOR .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . .12 Description · GE-400 Series Central Processor with GE-415 Core Storage Unit. See Section 330:051 for a comprehensive presentation of the capabilities of the GE-400 Series Central Processor. .415 Counter control (step and test) Fixed-word counter:. 13.5 Any-word counter: .. 19.3 .416 Edit .With suppression: .. 6.4 + 44. 8W average. Without suppression: 5.8+ 27. 6W average. . 417 Convert:. . . . . . . . . . none . .418 Shift Character: . . . . . . 8.9 to 165.8 Binary: . . . . . . . . 17.6to55.5 .42 The Instruction Times and Processor Performance Times for the GE-415 system are listed below. This system now has a 5. 8-microsecond core storage cycle. See Paragraphs 4:050.41 and 4:050.42 of the Users' Guide for the definitions of these standard measures of central processor performance. .4 Instruction Times in Microseconds .411 Fixed point Add-subtract: Multiply: ... Divide: . . . . . . . .5.8 + 11.6W · 62. 2 + 2. 1M (M = value of the single multiplier digit) . · 131. 3 + 2. 1Q (Q = value of the single quotient digit) . . 412 Floating point* These times are based on no address modification in the succeeding instruction. See Paragraph 330:051. 4 for a general presentation of the floatingpoint execution times. Add- subtract: . . . . . 17.4 Multiply: . . . . . . . . 21. 8 Divide: . . . . . . . . . 31. 7 . 413 Additional allowance for Indexing: . . . . . . . . 5.8 per sequence step. Indirect addressing: . 5.8 per level. Recomplementing: .. 7. 7W (1. 0 when W = 1). .414 ControlCompare: . . . . . . . . 5.8 + 11. 6W Branch: . . . . . . . . . 5.8 (11.6 for Branch on Minus or Zero). * D = number of digits in multiplier or quotient. Note that in some tasks additional time may be required to properly position the product or quotient. .421 For random addresses - PROCESSOR SPEEDS Note: W = number of 24-bit words in operand. .41 Processor Performance in Microseconds With Floating Point Option. © Fixed point Floating point* c=a+b:... ..17.4+23.2W b = a + b: . . . . . 11. 6 + 11. 6W Sum N items: . . . . (5.8 + 11. 6W)N c = ab: . . . . . . . . . . 54.1 + 85. 2D c = alb: . . . . . . . . . 77.3 + 154.3D .422 For arrays of data c i = ai + b j : . . . . . . . 75.3 + 23.2W b. =a. +b.: . . . . . . . 63.7 + 11.6W S~m iteths: . . . . . (38.6 + 11. 6W)N c = c + aibr . . . . . . 133.3 + 91D N 70.6 70.6 17.4N 74.0 83.9 127.5 127.5 85. ON 143.5 .423 Branch based on comparison (numeric or alphanumeric information):. . . .72.4 + 11.6W. .424 SwitchingUnchecked:. .17.4 Checked: . . . 58. 0 List search: . 38.6 + 61. 8N (N = number of comparisons) . . 425 Format control, per character Unpack: . . . . . . . . . O. 58 . Compose: . . . . . . . . 12.3 . . 426 Table look-up, per comparison For a match: . . . . . . 44.4+ 11. 6W For least or greatest:50. 2 + 11. 6W For interpolation point: . . . . . . . . . . 44.4 + 11. 6W. .428 Moving: . . . . . . . . . . 29.4 + 11. 6W. * With Floating Point Option. 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 332:201.001 GE-415 System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING (332:201.100) These problems involve updating a master file from transaction data in a detail file and producing a printed record of the results of each transaction. This type of run is one of the most common commercial data processing jobs (e. g., in payroll, billing, and inventory control applications). The Standard File Problems are fully described in Section 4:200.1 of the Users' Guide. In all of the GE-415 Standard Configurations (shown in Section 332:031), the detail file is assigned to the on-line card reader and the report file to the on-line printer. The master file is on punched cards in Configuration I and on magnetic tape in all the other Standard Configurations. Because of the GE-415's powerful scatter-read, gather-write facilities (described in Section 330:111), the master file can be packed very efficiently on magnetic tape and held to a record size of 108 characters - the same tape record size as in characteroriented systems such as the IBM 1400 line. The file processing performance of Standard Configuration I, which has no magnetic tape units and uses punched cards for the master file, is limited by the 300-cards-per-minute output speed of the CP-20 Card Punch. Standard Configurations II, ill, IV, and VIlA are progressively more powerful and more expensive, but the following general comments apply to the performance of all four configurations of all four of the Standard File Problems. At low activity (i. e., low ratios of transaction records to master records), magnetic tape time for reading the master file and writing the updated master file is the limiting factor, as shown by the horizontal lines at the left side of Graphs 332:201.100 through 332:201.140. At higher activities, the speed of the online printer (665 lines per minute at the required I-inch average line spacing) becomes the limiting factor in all cases. The GE-415 central processor is sufficiently fast so that at no time does internal processing speed become the limiting factor on system performance on these problems. SORTING (332:201. 200) The standard estimates for sorting 80-character records by straightforward merging on magnetic tape (Graph 332:201. 200) were developed from the processing times for Standard File Problem A according to the method explained in the Users' Guide, Paragraph 4:200. 213. MATRIX INVERSION (332: 201.300) The standard estimate for inverting a non-symmetric, non-singular matrix was computed, by the simple method described in Paragraph 4:200. 312 of the Users' Guide, for Standard Configuration VIlA, which includes the Floating Point Option. Computation is performed in the floating-point format (l1-digit precision). GENERALIZED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING (332:201.400) Standard Mathematical Problem A is an application in which there is one stream of input data, a fixed computation to be performed, and one stream of output results. Two variables are introduced to demonstrate how the time for a job varies with different proportions of input, computation, and output. The factor C shows the effect of variations in the amount of computation per input record. The factor R indicates the ratio of input records to output records. The procedure used to evaluate performance on the Standard Mathematical Problem is fully described in Paragraph 4:200.2 of the Users' Guide. For the GE-415, this problem was evaluated for Standard Configuration VIlA, which includes the Floating Point Option. Computation is performed in the floating-point format (11digit precision). As a result of the high cost of performing the radix conversions between the BCD format of the input and output and the internal floating-point binary format, the central processor is the limiting factor for all conditions evaluated. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 332:201.011 GE·41S WORKSHEET DATA TABLE 1 (STANDARD FILE PROBLEM A) CONFIGURATION ITEM 1 InputOutput Times 8.0 (File 1) Char/block =-- - - - - - (File 1) Recorda/hlock K mscc/block ~1 = File ~3_ _ _. _ ill 1. 080 1.080 1,080 10 10 10 0.5 --~- ----~- - _ _ _O __ ~1=File.~ msec/switch ~1= ____ o~_ File 2 _ ~---2 msec/block ~---.- msec/record ~--.- ~---.- msec/detail ~9 _ _ _. msec/work _ b7 + b8 msec/report C.P. - - - - - - - -1.13 -- 3.17 3.17 1.13 ----- - - - - -1. 61 1. 61 0.29 0.29 0.29 - - - -----o:2ii - f---- --- 0.28 0.28 ---0.18 1 - - - - - . -f - - - - - - - f - - ___O_.1~ I- _ _ _ _.O~ Punch -"=----2.~ - - a3 K Printer C.P. 0 ----0- --0 f----- - -=----f---o~ --a2 K msec/block ~---- 3.17 ----- 0.29 4:200.112 0 0 2.75 _ _ _ _2_.7_5_ _ f - - _ _2_._75_ 1------1. 67 1. 67 1. 67 al for C.P. and -,-- --s6.7 - 0 1. 61 ____ 0.1_8_ _ 3 Standard File Problem A F = 1. 0 0 1. 61 0.29 ------_ _ _0_.2_8_ _ 29.0 56.9 ---66.:r-- - - - - - - - -- - - - -0 _ _ _1._13_ _ _ _ _ _1_.13_ File 4 Central Processor Times --i ---- - - ' - - - 0- 0 File 4 C.P. v.29 ~o-1 - - -1--2 :80 r - i--f---- ~.90 45.90 - ---1. 67 Printer 0.29 ~ 45.~ ----- 3.17 3.17 column. 4:200.1132 2.75 C.P. Printer 0.29 ------ - 3.17 File 1: Master In I - -1 - - - I--- -3.17- - - - - -0.70- 200 ---3.17 3.17 File 2: Master Out _o.~ I - -I - - -- - - - 0.56 - - 11.30 11. 30 11.30 File 3: Details ---f---goz 902'--lii'.lQ -90~ ~10 File 4: Reports 0.80 dominant REFERENCE - - - - - -- - -90.2 - - --90:290.2 0 ~3_ _ _. _ msec penalty 72.5 66.7/200 90.2 File 4 IV & VilA II I 4:200.114 ~- 4 200 5.49 Total 82.73 82.73 902 902 82.73 902 Unit of measure (word') 952 952 952 952 Std. routines - - -72- - - ' - - - -72- - - - - - - - - 7 - 2 - - - - -72- ---.---Fixed - - - --i2 0 - - ---12-0-- - - - - r 2 0 - - - - - r n 3 (Blocks 1 to 23) Standard File ProblemA Space !- ~--....,..,.,... - - 7 - 3 - 2 - - ~---73-2-- 6 (Blocks 24 to 48) --'----'884 Files ---125---Working 2,885 Total ----- - - " ' 7 3 2 -- - - - 7 3 2 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 1,796 ----- -"I:796 1,796 - - - u s - ---rn-- - - - r 2 5 3,922 3,922 4:200.1151 3.922 '" 1 word = 4 characters. WORKSHEET DATA TABLE 2 (STANDARD MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM A) CONFIGURATION ITEM 5 VIlA Floating point Fixed/floating point CR-21 Card Reader input Unit name 1----- Size of record f---=:---. - output input Standard Mathematical Problem A output input msec/block Tl UtT2 - I--;jp input msec penalty msec/record REFERENCE TS f--=:-.-output T4 --- --- - - --- PR-21 Printer 80 char - - - --- - - --_.130 char 4:200.413 66.7 --- - - --- --- 90.2 1.1 - - - -1.5- - - - 100.00 T5 --- --------- T6 - - - - -------- -maec/report ' - - - --- ----T7 1. 01 ~'--- maec/5 loops ~5-8-- (Contd.) 5/65 332:201.100 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE .1 GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING . 11 Standard File Problem A . 111 Record sizes Master file: . . . . • . Detail file: . . . . . . . Report file: . . . . . . . . 112 Computation: . . . . . . . .113 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.113 . .114 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below . . 115 Storage space required Configuration I: . . . . 2,885 words . Configuration II: ... 3,922 words. Configuration m: ... 3, 922 words. Configuration IV: •.. 3,922 words. Configuration VIlA: . 3, 922 words . 108 characters. 1 card. 1Une. standard. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 I 4 Time in Minutes to 2 Process 10,000 Master File Records 10.0 7 ", ./' 4 , ffJ /' II 2 1.0 7 - t-IIT - f-f-I " -- ~l,~ vu]>.. - ./ / t-~. , I 4 ~ 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 332:201.120 . 12 GE·415 .122 Computation: . . . . . . . standard . Standard File Problem B .123 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users I Guide, . 121 Record sizes Master file: . . . . . . 54 characters. Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. 4:200.12 • . 124 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. 1,000.0 7 4 ! 2 100.0 7 4 (:) Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 Master File Records 2 10.0 7 ",- JIll"" 4 ' - ./ / 2 ~/ 1.0 7 - 4 - 2 -- IV \Tn}. .-E' 111.:.. I If' r; ~- J 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) (Contd. ) 5/65 332:201.130 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE . 13 .132 Computation: . . . . . . . standard . .133 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide • 4:200.13 . . 134 Graph: .. , . . . . . . . . see graph below. Standard File Problem C . 131 Record sizes -:Master file: . . . . . . 216 characters. Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 I 7 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 Master File Records 2 - --n. 10.0 7 - ~II 4 - -IT! .JI' ./' * I III. IV. vnA " ~' 2 1.0 7 4 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 332:201.140 .14 GE·41S Standard File Problem D . 142 Computation: . . . . . . . trebled . . 143 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.14 . . 144 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. .141 Record sizes Master file: . . . . . . 108 characters. Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 I 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 Master File Records 2 TIl IV VIIA_ 10.0 7 ./ 4 II 2 1.0 7 / /' " - ~' / - f--1lI - f-A~ - ~, 'L ~ I 4 ~ 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor A verage Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) (Contd.) 5/65 332:201.200 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE .2 SORTING .21 Standard Problem Estimates ,213 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.213 .. Two-way merge is used in Standard Configuration II, and three-way merge in Configurations III, IV, and VilA . . 214 Graph:. . .. . .. . . ..... see graph below. .211 Record size: . . . . . . . 80 characters. .212 Key size: . . . . . . . . . 8 characters. 1,000 7 4 I 2 V~ ~ 100 If 7 L II" / 4 / / 2 Time in Minutes to put Records into Required Order 10 / ~ / V~ / / V / Y / 2 ~ 1 I }/ / II V I ~~~ ., f 7 V f , / / 4 ~ / f 7 ~Y / / 4 / / 2 0.1 / / v/ 100 ~ /~ / ;' / II ~ 2 4 7 2 4 7 1,000 2 4 10,000 7 100,000 Number of Records (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 332:201.300 GE~415 .3 MATRIX INV'ERSION .31 Standard Problem Estimates .312 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200. :312, and Floating . Point Option . . 313 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below . . 311 Basic parameters: ... general, non-symmetric matrices, using floating point to at least 8 decimal digits. 100 7 4 I I . II 2 J 10 7 I 4 II 2 Time in Minutes for Complete Inversion I 1 i I I 4 I 1/ 1 0.1 " 7 1 I I 4 I 2 I 0.01 1 2 4 7 10 2 4 7 2 100 4 7 1,000 Size of Matrix (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) (Contd.) 5/65 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 332:201.400 .4 GENERALIZED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING .41 Standard Mathematical Problem A Estimates .412 Computation: . . . . . . . 5 fifth-order polynomials, 5 divisions, and 1 square root; computation is in floating-point mode (l1-digit precision) . .413 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.413 . . 414 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. .411 Record sizes: . . . . . . 10 signed numbers; avg. size 5 digits, max. size 8 digits. 100,000 7 4 2 10,000 7 4 2 I~ Time in 1,000 Milliseconds per Input Record 7 , ./ 4 -- 2 100 7 ~~ '- ff~ ~ ""'~'l \l' I.'\'\.' 4 2 10 2 0.1 4 7 2 1.0 4 7 2 4 10.0 7 100.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record (Roman numeral denotes standard System Configuration. R = Number of output records per input record. ) I \ © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE 425 General Electric Company I ) / ( '----- -- I/'--~' i -,,--- AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED U U. S. A. GE 425 General Electric Company / ! AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 333:011.101 , GE-425 " Introduction INTRODUCTION The GE-425 is characterized by the cycle time of its core storage unit - 3.9 microseconds for each access of one 24-bit word. This report concentrates upon the performance of the GE-425 in particular. All general characteristics of the GE-400 Series hardware and software are described in Computer System Report 330: GE-400 Series - General. The System Configuration section which follows shows the GE-425 in the following standard configurations: I: II: ill: IV: V: VIIA: Typical Card System 4-Tape Business System 6-Tape Business System 12-Tape Business System 6-Tape Auxiliary Storage System 10- Tape General System (Integrated). These configurations were selected to illustrate the versatility of the GE-425 computer system. Note that while Configuration VlIA is very similar to Configuration IV, it incorporates the optional floating-point hardware. The system configurations are arranged according to the rules in the Users' Guide, page 4:030.120, and any significant deviations from the standard specifications are listed. Section 333:051 presents detailed central processor timing data for the GE-425. See Section 330:051 for the other characteristics of the GE-400 Series Central Processors. The software provided for all GE-400 Series systems is described in Sections 330:151 through 330:191 of the general report. A detailed analysis of the overall System Performance of the GE-425 on our standard benchmark problems is presented in Section 333:201. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 333:031.100 GE-425 System Configuration SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .1 TYPICAL CARD SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION I Deviations from Standard Configurations: . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 300% larger. card punch is 50% faster. 5 more index registers and console I/O typewriter are included. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels $ 3,000 CR-21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-20 Card Punch: 300 cards/min. 825 \ PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. TOTAL RENTAL: 1,400 $ 5,875 For overall configuration rules for GE-400 Series systems, please refer to Section 330:031. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-425 333:031.200 .2 4-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION II Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 100% larger. magnetic tape units are 39% faster. printer is at least 80% faster. card reader is 80% faster. 6 index registers, console I/o typewriter, and multiplydivide are standard. any or all I/O operations can be performed simultaneously with internal processing. Equipment Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels $ 3,000 CR-21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-10 Card Punch: 100 cards/min. 500 PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. MT-17 Magnetic Tape Handlers (4) and Controller: 20,.900 characters/sec. TOTAL RENTAL: 1,400 2,060 $ 7,610 / (Contd.) 5/65 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .3 333:031.300 6-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM; CONfIGURATION III Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 100% larger. printer is at least 80% faster. card reader is 80% faster. magnetic tape is 39% faster. 3 more index registers and console typewriter input are included. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfers are possible. Equipment Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, I/O Typewriter, and I/O Channels CR-21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-10 Card Punch: 100 cards/min. 500 PR- 21 Printer: 1.200 lines/min. MT-19 Magnetic Tape Handlers (6) and Controller: 30,000 characters/sec. TOTAL RENTAL: © $ 3,000 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc, 1,400 3,300 $ 8,850 5/65 . GE-425 333:031.400 .4 12-TAPE BUSINESS SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION IV Deviations from Standard Configuration: . . . . . . . , . . . . . card reader is 10% slower. card punch is 50% faster. console typewriter input included. 1 more simultaneous non-tape data transfer is possible. Equipment Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, 1/0 Typewriter, and 1/0 Channels $ 3,000 CR- 21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP- 20 Card Punch: 300 cards 1m in. 825 PR-·21 Printer: 1,200 lineS/min. MT-23 Magnetic Tape Handlers (12) and Dual Channel Controller: 60,000 cha,racters/sec. TOTAL RENTAL: 1,400 8,460 $14,335 ,/ (Contd.) 5/65 333:031.500 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .5 6-TAPE AUXILIARY STORAGE SYSTEM; CONFIGURATION V Deviations from Standard Configuration: core storage is 100% larger. printer is at least 80% faster. card reader is 80% faster. 3 more index registers and console typewriter input are included. 2 more simultaneous non-tape data transfers are possible. Equipment Rental Core Storage: 8,192 words Central Processor, Console, I/o Typewriter, and I/o Channels (except High Speed Channel) $ 3,000 CR-21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-I0 Card Punch: 100 cards/min. 500 PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. MT-19 Magnetic Tape Handlers (6) and Controller: 30,000 characters/sec. DS-15 Removable Disc Storage Units (3), Controller, and High Speed Data Channel: ,23.4 million characters TOTAL RENTAL: 1,400 3,300 2,050* $10,900 * Does not include $15 per month rental for each Disc Cartridge. i \. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-425 333;031.600 .6 IO-TAPE GENERAL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED); CONFIGURATION VIlA Deviations from Standard Configurations; . . . . . . . . . . . . core storage is 25% larger. printer is at least 80% faster. card reader is 80% faster. 1 more simultaneous non-tape transfer is possible. Equipment Core Storage: 32,768 words Central Processor, Console, I/o Typewriter, and I/O Channels CR-21 Card Reader: 900 cards/min. 650 CP-10 Card Punch: 100 cards/min. 500 PR-21 Printer: 1,200 lines/min. MT- 23 Magnetic Tape Handlers (10) and Dual Channel Tape Controller: 60,000 characters/sec. Optional Features Included: I $ 5,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floating Point Option TOTAL RENTAL: 1,400 7,280 450 $15,780 / 5/65 333:051.100 GE-425 Central Processor CENTRAL PROCESSOR .1 GENERAL .11 Identity:.......... GE-400 Series Central Processor with GE-425 Core Storage Unit. . 12 Description See Section 330:051 for a comprehensive presentation of the capabilities of the GE-400 Series Central Processor. .415 Counter control (step and test) Fixed-word counter:. 9.7 Any-word counter: .. 13.6 .416 EditWith suppression: .. 39. 7W - 2.7 average. Without suppression: 19.9W + 3.9 average . . 417 Convert: . . . . . . . . . . none . .41S ShiftCharacter: . . . . . • . 12.9 to 92.1 Binary: . . . . . . . . . 12.9 to 43. S .42 The Instruction Times and Processor Performance Times for the GE-425 system are listed below. This system uses a 3. 9-microsecond core storage unit. See Paragraphs 4:050.41 and 4:050.42 of the Users' Guide for the definitions of these standard measures of central processor performance. Processor Performance in Microseconds D = number of digits in multiplier or quotient. Note that in some tasks additional time may be required to properly position the product or quotient. .421 For random addresses .4 PROCESSOR SPEEDS Note: W .41 Fixed point = number of words in operand. Instruction Times in Microseconds .411 Fixed point Add-Subtract: ..•.• 3. 9 + 7. SW Multiply: ••..•.•. 4S. 0 + 2.1M (M = value of the single multiplier digit). Divide: . . . . . . . . . . 100. S + 2.1Q (Q = value of the single quotient digit). .412 Floating pOint* These times are based on no address modification in succeeding instruction. See Paragraph 330:051.4 for a general presentation of the floatingpoint execution times. Add-Subtract: . • . . . 11. S Multiply: . . • . . . . . IS. 0 Divide: . • . . . . . . . . 27.9 .413 Additional allowance for Indexing: . . . • . . . . 3.9 per sequence step. Indirect addressing: . 3.9 per level. Recomplementing: .• 5. SW (1. 9 when W = 1). .414 ControlCompare: . . . . . . . . 3.9 + 7. SW Branch: . . • • . . . • . 3. 9 (7. S for Branch on Minus or Zero). * With Floating Point Option. © .422 .423 .424 .425 .426 .42S Floating pOint* 47.2 c = a + b: . . . . . . 11. 7 + 15. 6W b = a + b: . . . . . . 7. S + 7. SW 47.2 Sum N items: . . . (3.9 + 7. SW)N I1.SN c = ab: . . . . . . . . 36.5 + 6S.2D 53.4 c = alb: . . . . . . . 52.1 + 121.0D 63.3 For arrays of data ci = ai + br . . . . . 52.5 + 15. 6W SS.O bj = ai + bj: . . . . . 43.7 + 7. SW SS.O Sum N items: . . . (27.2 + 7. SW)N 5S.7N c = c + aibj= . . . . 91. 5 + 72.1D 9S.2 Branch based on comparison (numeric or alphanumeric information): . . . . . . . • . 50 + 7. SW Switching Unchecked: . . . . . . . 11. 7 Checked: . . • . . . . . 39.0 List search: . . . . . . 27.2 + 42. SN (N = number of comparisons). Format control, per character Unpack: . . . . . . . . . 0.39 Compose: . . . . . . . . 9.9 Table look-up, per comparison For a match: . . . . . . 31.1 + 7. SW For least or greatest: • • . . . . . 33. 0 + 7. SW For interpolation point: . . . . • . • . . . 31.1 + 7. SW Moving: . . . . . . . . . . 21. S + 7. SW * With Floating Point Option. 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 333:201. 00 1 GE-425 System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING (333:201.100) These problems involve updating a master file from transaction data in a detail file and producing a printed record of the results of each transaction. Thi;3 type of run is one of the most common commercial data processing jobs (e. g., in payroll, billing, and inventory control applications). The Standard File Problems are fully described in Section 4:200.1 of the Users' Guide. In all of the GE-425 Standard Configurations (shown in Section 333:031), the detail file is assigned to the on-line card reader and the report file to the on-line printer. The master file is on punched cards in Configuration I and on magnetic tape in all the other Standard Configurations. Because of the GE-425's powerful scatter-read, gather-write facilities (described in Section 330:111). the master file can be packed very efficiently on magnetic tape and held to a record size of 108 characters - the same tape record size as in characteroriented systems such as the IBM 1400 line. The file processing performance of Standard Configuration I, which has no magnetic tape units and uses punched cards for the master file, is limited by the 300-cards-per-minute output speed of the card punch. Standard Configurations II, III, IV, and VIlA are progressively more powerful and more expensive, but the following general comments apply to the performance of all four configurations on all four of the Standard File Problems. At low activities (i. e., low ratios of transaction records to master records), magnetic tape time for reading the master file and writing the updated master file is the limiting factor, as shown by the horizontal lines at the left side of Graphs 333:201.100 through 333:201.140. At higher activities, the speed of the online printer (665 lines per minute at the required I-inch average line spacing) becomes the limiting factor in all cases. The GE-425 central processor is sufficiently fast so that at no time does internal processing speed become the limiting factor on system performance on these problems. SORTING (333:201. 200) The standard estimates for sorting 80-character records by straightforward merging on magnetic tape (Graph 333:201. 200) were developed from the processing times for Standard File Problem A according to the method explained in the Users' Guide, Paragraph 4:200.213. MATRIX INVERSION (333:201. 300) The standard estimate for inverting a non-symmetric, non-singular matrix was computed, by the simple method described in Paragraph 4:200.312 of the Users' Guide, for Standard Configuration VilA, which includes the Floating Point Option. Computation is performed in the floating-point format (11-digit precision). GENERALIZED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING (333:201.400) Standard Mathematical Problem A is an application in which there is one stream of input data, a fixed computation to be performed, and one stream of output results. Two variables are introduced to demonstrate how the time for a job varies with different proportions of input, computation, and output. The factor C shows the effect of variations in the amount of computation per input record. The factor R indicates the ratio of input records to output records. The procedure used to evaluate performance on the Standard Mathematical Problem is fully described in Paragraph 4:200.2 of the Users' Guide. For the GE-425, this problem was evaluated for Standard Configuration VIlA, which includes the Floating Point Option. Computation is performed in the floating-point format (ll-digit precision). As a result of the high cost of performing the radix conversions between the BCD format of the input and output and the internal floating-point, binary format, the central processor is the limiting factor for all conditions evaluated except at low computational loads (C less than 0.8) when R = 1. Under these conditions, the printer is the limiting factor. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 333:201.011 GE·425 WORKSHEET DATA TABLE 1 (STANDARD FILE PROBLEM A) CONFIGURATION ITEM 1 (File 1) Char/block K Records/block maec/block IoputOutput Times IV & VIlA 1. 080 10 29.0 72.5 56.9 - _6ii':'7- f---~- 1 - - - - - -66.7 -- ~-4--'- ---~- 1-----9~- - - ----s6.'7 - 1 - - - - - - - 9Q."290.2 4:200.112 0 1------0 1 - - - -0- -1 - - - - - 0 - 0 0 - - - -00 _ . -1------_.1--------0 0 - - - 0 - - -1 - - - - 0 ~-4--'- File 1 = File 2 0.51 2.29 2.29 File 4 1.16 1.16 1.16 /"~ 2.29 ~3---'- 1 - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - -1 - - - - - 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -1 - - - - -1 - - - - - - - 0.20 al 1-----_.- f - - - - 0.19 maec/block 0.20 1------ 0.19 - - - -1.16 -- 0.20 1----0.19 ~--- 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - -1 - - - - - - - 0.12 I-- ___O.~_1 - - - I- _ _ _ _O~ --- ~---.- msec/detail b5 + b9 I--- - - - - b7 + b8 msee/work 2.05 1-------1. 22 . C.P. 3 0.20 Punch ~---- I-- o:lO a2 K 1--=-=--- 1-- 1-:70 1 - - - msec/block for C.P. and --- a3 K File 1: Master In column. C.P. '--=----- '-- :58 f - - - - File 4: Reports Total Unit of measure 200 4:200.1132 C.P. Printer Printer C.P. Printer ~O- f---- --.,. ------ t-----a3 .90 1 - - - - ~:*- I-- 1--2.~1 - - ~.~ 1 - - - 4:200.114 - 8.30 - 8.30 1---11. -60- ~- -U.60 t-002 - 'l:i.60 902 8.30 60.48 902 60.48 60.48 902 902 (word') ~ Standard File Problem A Space 4.02 ---~- 0.20 0.20 I - -1 - - - -I--- O~ ~-1 - 1. 90 1. 90 2.29 .42 0.20 ----- - -0.19 -- 2.05 2.05 2.05 1 - - - - - - -I--- ---1-.-22-1 - - - - 1. 22 1. 22 1 - - - - - - I--~ 1 - - - - - - I - - - - ---':'::'" I--- 2.29 File 2: Master Ou ---.:.29 1 - - - - - - I--~ f-~ 1---- dominant File 3: Details 4 10 66.7/200 File 3 msee/report Standard File Problem A F = 1.0 1.080 10 File 1 = File 2 f-ru.,-3--· - 1------- maee/record Central Processor Times 1. 080 0.5 File 1 = File 2 msee/switch msee penalty 2 54 (File 1) REFERENCE m IT I routines_ _ Fixed 1-----3 (Blocks 1 to 23) f--'-'-- - - ~ ~ocks24to~ - - -952 - - - I---~- ---~- -~____ 72_ _ 72 72 72 ---- --------- - -1 - - -120 _ _ _ _120 120 ----_.1 - - - - - - -~f--- _ _ 732_ _ _ I--~-- ---~- -~-~- _ _ _1.~_ I- ___ 884_ _ _._ Files I---~1------250 250 125 Working 2.885 Total 3.922 3.922 4:200.1151 250 .3.922 WORKSHEET DATA TABLE 2 (STANDARD MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM A) CONFIGURATION VIlA ITEM 5 REFERENCE Floating point Fixed/floating point Unit name CR- 21 Card Reader 1-------- 1---- ---- --------PR- 21 Printer output Si~e 1 - - - - _ . - 1 - - - - - ~ha-r---- - input 80 char input Standard Mathematical Problem A of record output input T1 66.7 output T2 90.2 msec/block f------.- 1----- - - - ---. - msee penalty input T3 1 - - - - - _ . - 1-"------output T4 msec/record T5 msec/report T7 4:200.413 ~ ---- 1. 07 80.0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - . - 1------- - - - - - - -----14.4 ~C/5100PS _ _ _ ~ __ I-- - - - - - - - - - / 0.83 (Contd. ) 5/65 -- 333:201.100 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE .1 GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING . 11 Standard File Problem A . 111 Record sizesMaster file: . . . . . . Detail file: . . . • . . • Report file: . . . . . . . . 112 Computation: . . . . . • . .113 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.113 . . 114 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below . . 115 Storage space requiredConfiguration I: . . . . 2,885 words . Configuration II: ... 3,922 words. Configuration III: ... 3, 922 words. Configuration IV: ... 3,922 words . Configuration VIIA: . 3, 922 words. 108 characters. 1 card. 1 line. standard. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 I 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 Master File Records 2 10.0 7 l/" ./ 4 1-11 2 - ./ ,, 7 /" / I-III 1.0 - ~ \T'Ut. I / I 4 - iV, VIIA 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 333:201.120 . 12 GE-425 .122 Computation: . • . . . . . standard . .123 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure Standard File Problem B outlined in Users' Guide, .121 Record sizes - 4:200.12. . 124 Graph: . . . . . . . • . • . see graph below. Master file: . . . . . . 54 characters. Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10, 000 Master File Records 1 ITEM REFERENCE VIlA 5 Floating point Fixed/floating point ~t_ _ _. _ Unit name Size of record S~ndard Mathematical Problem A maee penalty ~/record ~ec/5 ~t --_.- t - - - - - - ~h~ _ /" 120 char output T1 1------ ~ - - - ---. 90.2 T2 output 0.67 ---- - - - - - - ---0.96 ~tT3 output T4 _ _ _ _ _ _TL- _ _ _ _ loops _ _ _ _ _ _T6_ msec/report 1-:---- - - - - - PR-21 Printer output ~ msec/block CR-21 Card Reader T7 ~O 4:200.413. ____ ----~---0.69 (Contd.) 5/65 334:201.100 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE •1 GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING • 11 Standard File Problem A .112 Computation: ••••••• standard • .113 Timing basis: •••••• using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.113 • • 114 Graph:.... . • • . • • . see graph below • . 115 Storage space requirerl Configuration III: . . • 3, 922 words. Configuration IV: •.. 3,922 words. Configuration VIIA: • 3,922 words. • 111 Record sizes Master file: ••.••• 108 characters. Detail file: ••••••• 1 card. Report file: ••.•••. 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10, 000 Master File Records 2 10.0 7 ~ /" 4 2 1.0 7 /' - / - I-ITI - r-ffiI-- - 111.J-V,.:!}Ji'. I I-~' r-, 'I I 4 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-435 334:201.120 . 12 • 122 Computation:....... standard • .123 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.12. . 124 Graph:...... • • • . • see graph below. Standard File Problem B .121 Record sizesMaster file: . . . . • . 54 characters. Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: •.•..•. 1 line. 1,000.0 .. - .- 7 4 2 100.0 7 4 Time in Minutes to 2 Process 10,000 Master File Records 10.0 7 ."" ~ 4 /' 2 1.0 - In! 7 - 4 - 2 / -- -vnA. .-J!k1V.!.. - / W! ~ 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) (Contd.) 5/65 334:201.130 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE . 13 .132 Computation: ....••. standard . .133 Timing basis: • . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.13. • 134 Graph:.. . • . . . . . . . see graph below. Standard File Problem C .131 Record sizesMaster file: . . . • . . 216 characters. Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: ..•..•• 11ine. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10, 000 Master File Records 2 10.0 .- 7 ~ 4 - --- Ill, IV, VlIA /" -ill / , ~y 2 ~/ 1.0 7 4 2 0.1 o. 1 0.0 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-435 334:201.140 • 14 Standard File Problem D • 142 Computation:....... trebled . • 143 Timing basis: ••.•.. using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.14. • 144 Graph:. . . • • . • . . • • see graph below. . 141 Record sizes Master file: •.••.. 108 characters. Detail file: ••..•.. 1 card. Report file: •.•...• 1 line. 1,000.0 7 4 2 100.0 7 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 Master File Records 2 - 11I., tv , \T11A. 10.0 7 ", .- .- - ~ 4 / III 2 ffJ 1.0 ~. /' V I 7 I I 4 ~ 2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations. ) (Contd.) 5/65· 334:201.200 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE .2 SORTING • 21 Standard Problem Estimates .213 Timing basis: •••••. using estimating procedure, outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.213 • Three-way merge is used in Configuration ill, IV. and VIlA . .214 Graph: . • . . . • . . • . • see graph below • • 211 Record size: .••..•• 80 characters. • 212 Key size: •••••..•. 8 characters. 1,000 7 4 2 ; 100 ~ 7 ~ 4 / V /V 2 Y Time in Minutes to put Records into Required Order 10 I .:o.~/ V ~; 7 ,/ / 4 V / V 2 / 1 I )1 I f 7 / / -I 4 / / 2 /~ / / 0.1 100 2 4 ~~ 7 1,000 2 4 7 10,000 2 4 7 100,000 Number of Records (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) i \ © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 GE-435 334:201.300 . _3 MA TRIX INVERSION .31 Standard Problem Estimates _312 Timing basis: _ •••.• using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.312, and Floating Point Option • • 313 Graph:.... • • • • • • • see graph below • • 311 Basic parameters: ••• general, non-symmetric matrices, using floating point to at least 8 decimal digits. 10 7 4 /- J I / 2 1 7 4 1/ II 2 II Time in Minutes for Complete 0.1 Inversion 7 I I I 4 ;:s !j 2 / 0.01 I 7 I I 4 I I / 2 If 0.001 2 1 4 7 2 4 10 2 7 4 100 7 1,000 Size of Matrix (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) (Contd.) 5/65 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 334:201.400 .4 GENERALIZED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING . 41 Standard Mathematical Problem A Estimates root; computation is in floating-point mode (11digit precision) • .411 Record sizes: •••••• 10 signed numbers; avg. size 5 digits, max. size 8 digits. • 412 Computation: •••.. 5 fifth-order polynomials, 5 divisions, and 1 square .413 Timing basis: •••••. using estimating procedure outlined in Users I Guide, 4:200.413 • .414 Graph: ••.••.•••.. see graph below. 100,000 7 4 2 10,000 7 4 2 Time in 1,000 Milliseconds per Input Record 7 4 ~ 2 100 7 - -R ~ R-O.01,0.1 v ,. ~ ;~ - 1.0 V 4 2 10 2 0.1 4 7 2 1.0 4 2 7 4 10.0 7 100.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record (Roman numeral denotes standard System Configuration. R = Number of output records per input record.) © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/65 /. ~- GE 600 SERIES General Electric Company l ( AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. :,I ,', ',I"~,' .~ " ": <1:'" " :,~, , ;! GE 600 SERIES General Electric Company / AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 340:001.001 GE-600 Series Contents CONTENTS Report 340: GE-600 Series - General \ Introduction . . . . . . . . . . Data Structure . . . . . . . . . System Configuration (general) Internal Storage Core Storage. . . . . . . DS-20 Disc Storage Unit MDS 200 Magnetic Drum 340:011 340:021 340:031 Central Processor Module (general) Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input-Output: Punched Card and Tape CR-20 Card Reader . . . . . . . CP-10 and CP-20 Card Punches TS-20 Punched Tape Unit Input-Output: Printers PR-20 Printer . . . . . Input-Output: Magnetic Tape 7-Track Magnetic Tape Handlers: MT-17, MT-19, MT-21, MT-24, MT-26 . . . . . 9-Track Magnetic Tape Handlers; MT-17A, MT-19A, MT-21A, MT-24A, MT-26A Input-Output: Other Datanet-30 ..... Simultaneous Operations Input/Output Control. Demands on System Instruction List Data Codes . . . . . . . Problem Oriented Facilities Sort/Merge Data Transcription IDS ....... . GIFT . . . . . . . . Process Oriented Languages COBOL . . . . . . . . . FORTRAN IV . . . . . . Machine Oriented Language: GEM Operating Environment GECOS . GEIOS . . . . . GEFRC . . . . . General Loader GERTS . . . . . System Performance (general) Physical Characteristics Price Data . . . . . . . . . . 340:051 340:061 340:041 340:042 340:044 340:071 340:072 340:073 340:081 340:091 340:092 340: 101 340:111 340:111 340:121 340:141 340:151. 340:151. 340:151. 340:151. 13 15 16 17 340:161 340:162 340:171 340:191 340:191. 340: 191. 340:191. 340:191. 340:201 340:211 340:221 122 123 124 125 Report 343: GE-625 Introduction System Configuration Central Processor . System Performance Comments Generalized File Processing Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . Matrix Inversion .... . Generalized Mathematical Processing © 1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 343:011 343:031 343:051 343:201. 001 343:201. 100 343:201. 200 343:201. 300 343:201. 400 12/64 GE-600 SERIES 340:001.002 Report 344: GE-635 Introduction System Configuration Central Processor . System Performance Comments . . . . Generalized File Processing Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . Matrix Inversion .... . Generalized Mathematical Processing 344:011 344:031 344:051 344:201. 001 344:201. 100 344:201. 200 344:201. 300 344:201. 400 GE-625 COMPUTER SYSTEM (Photo courtesy of General Electric Computer Department) ./ 12/64 340:011.1 00 GE-600 Series I ntroducti on INTRODUCTION The GE-600 Series represents the General Electric Computer Department's first entry into the large-scale computer field. Emphasis in the design of the GE-600 Series has been to incorporate the better features of existing computer systems rather than to blaze new trails in hardware development. The series was developed primarily to supersede the many IBM 7090/7094 installations within the General Electric organization. It appears to be a well-engineered and well-coordinated, although cautious, entry into the large-scale computer market. Two members of the series, the GE-625 and GE-635, were announced for commercial sale in May 1964, with rumors of more to come. Already announced is a corresponding line of computers for military procurement. This line includes, along with the above systems: the militarized M-625; the M-605, which is similar to the M-625 but lacks floating-point and doubleprecision hardware; and the A-605, which is a miniaturized version for aerospace applications. The GE-625 and GE-635 share all components except core storage, and their performance is quite similar. First delivery of a commercial GE-600 Series computer system is scheduled for the first quarter of 1965. Typical rentals for a single-processor GE-635 system range from approximately $40, 000 to $65,000 per month. GE-625 systems with 32K words of core storage will rent· for $3,000 less than the corresponding GE-635 systems. There is no direct program compatibility between the GE-600 Series and other GE computer systems (the GE-400 Series and the GE-200 Series), although the 600 and 400 Series do share the same peripheral devices. More important is the question of compatibility between the GE-600 Series and the IBM 7090 and 7094 systems. Present compatibility is limited to the follOWing: o Software - The GE-600 Series. FORTRAN IV compiler will accept and compile source programs written in FORTRAN IV for an IBM 7090/94. The General Internal FORTRAN Translator (GIFT) will accept source programs written in FORTRAN II for an IBM 7090/94 and translate them to FORTRAN IV language. The restrictions for GIFT are the same as for SIFT, the Share Internal FORTRAN Translator. o Hardware - The GE-600 Series Magnetic Tape Handlers are codecompatible (except for a few special characters) with IBM 729 Magnetic Tape Units in both the binary and BCD modes. The compatibility outlook for the future is more promising. General Electric is developing a combination hardware-software system that will enable an IBM 7090/94 object program to be run on a GE-600 Series computer system with few, if any, changes. The hardware for this purpose will be a "black box" containing the same number and size of accumulators and registers as in the simulated computer, and some control logic. The software will consist of extensions to the operating system (GECOS) to provide the necessary interrupt actions and I/O interface; i. e. , the 7090/94 input-output operations will be simulated. GE indicates that the object programs run on a GE-600 Series computer system will duplicate the results (precision, truncation, etc.) obtained on the simulated computer, and that it will be possible to run a 7090/94 program in a multiprogramming mode with other GE-600 Series programs. Typical scientific program run times are expected to be at least as fast as on the IBM systems. The 7090/94 simulator facilities are scheduled for release about the third quarter of 1965. In order to emphasize the similarities of the current members of the GE-600 Series and to prepare for future additions to the line, the AUERBACH Standard EDP Reports analysis of the GE-600 Series is organized in a manner similar to the IBM System/360 report. The main body of general description and analysis is presented in this Computer System Report (340:\. with subreports (343: for the GE-625 and 344: for the GE-635) providing detailed information about the performance of the individual systems. In the general report (340:), where differences exist, the specifications are presented for both systems. Otherwise, all remarks apply to both the GE-625 and GE-635. The GE-600 Series Computer systems can be characterized by three major topics: the modularity of the hardware, the comprehensive line of software, and the emphaSis upon multiprogrammed operation. Each of these topics is discussed in the paragraphs that follow. ©1964 Auerbach Corporotion and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE-600 SERIES 340:011.1 01 HARDWARE A GE-600 Series computer system includes four major types of components: • Memory Modules • Processor Modules • Input/Output Controller Modules • Peripheral devices. Memory Module The two currently-announced members of the GE-600 Series, the GE-625 and the GE635, differ only in the speed of their core storage units. The GE-625 uses a co-re memory with a cycle time of 2 microseconds; the GE-635 uses a unit with a I-microsecond cycle time. Each access, in both systems, is for a word-pair (two 36-bit-plus-parity words). Up to 262,144 36-bit words of core storage can be incorporated in a single-processor GE-600 Series system, in modules of 32,768 words. One40, 960-word module can be substituted for a 32K module in systems containing less than the maximum capacity. The Memory Module is the .heart of every GE-600 Series system. Each Memory Module is composed of a System Controller and one or two 32K modules of core storage (or possibly one 32K and one 40K module), and is an independent unit capable of being accessed simultaneously with other Memory Modules. The System Controller performs many of the priority and control functions in a GE-600 Series system. Among these functions are: • Control of communication between memory and the central processor and between memory and the I/O Controller. • Control of input-output interrupts for multiprocessor jobs, system programs, and peripheral devices. • Switching of control· signals, addresses, and data to and from the Memory Module. Each System Controller has eight "memory ports" (channels) for connection to Processor Modules, I/O Controller Modules, or non-standard peripheral devices. Processor Module The GE-600 Series Processor Module uses a single-address instruction format and has a wide range of address modification capabilities, including various combinations of indexing and indirect addressing. There are two basic modes of processor operation: master mode and slave mode. Control programs will normally be executed in the master mode, and the user's object programs in the slave mode. Programs running in the master mode have access to the entire core memory, can initiate peripheral and internal control functions, and do not have base address relocation applied. Programs running in the slave mode have access to a limited portion of the memory (as specified by the Base Address Register), cannot initiate peripheral control instructions, and have the contents of the Base Address Register added to all relative memory addresses of the object program. The processor is automatically put into the master mode of operation when the Master Mode Indicator is set or when any interrupt is recognized. In a system having multiple Processor Modules, one is designated the control processor. Only the control processor, operating in the master mode, can initiate input-output operations. Instructions are fetched in pairs - an even word and the successive odd word. Address modification, operand fetching; instruction execution, and fetching of the next pair of instructions are overlapped to increase processor performance wherever possible. Indexing does not increase the instruction execution times, but indirect addressing does. Processor registers include a timer register, eight index registers, an indicator register, an instruction counter, a 72-bit accumulator (which can also be used as two independent accumulators or four independent index registers), an exponent register for floating point operations, and the Base Address Register mentioned above. A total of 170 basic instructions are available, most of which will be familiar to programmers of other large-scale binary computers. The instruction repertoire includes comparisoris (logical, algebraic, magnitude, masked, and between limits), loading, storing, Boolean operations, branching, and shifting instructions. Provision is made for the use of half-word, Single-word, or double-word operands in many operations. 12/64 ,/ INTRODUCTION 340:011.1 02 Floating-point operations include single or double precision loading, storing, comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Floating-point numbers are represented by a mantissa of 28 bits (single precision) or 64 bits (double precision) and a binary exponent of 8 bits. Both the exponent and mantissa are represented in two's complement notation. Single precision is equivalent to about 8 decimal digits, and double precision to 19 decimal digits. Several special instructions can reduce programming effort and increase efficiency by facilitating the processing of lists of data and the coding of routines that require multi-word precision. There are, however, no editing instructions, no code translation instructions other than Gray to binary, and no radix conversion instructions other than a one-digit-at-a-time binary to BCD instruction. A powerful, nine-level interrupt system is incorporated into the GE-600 Series processors. The interrupt levels fall into two broad classifications: • Fault interrupts - five level of interrupts caused by detection of faults or special conditions within the Processor Module. • Program interrupts - four levels of interrupts, all dealing with input-output conditions. Handling of the interrupts and error conditions is normally a function of GECOS, the standard supervisory routine, but the programmer can specify the use of his own routines for many conditions. Input/Output Controller Module The I/O Controller is a small processor containing the necessary logic circuits for independent handling of all I/O operations once a connection to a Memory Module has been established. The I/O Controller uses information from the supervisory area of core memory to indicate the input or output area of memory. It also performs an address check to prevent an I/O operation from either reading or writing in an area outside the proper program area. An I/O Controller can have up to 16 input-output channels: 10 standard-speed (up to 25,000 characters per second) and 6-high-speed (up to 400,000 ·characters per second). Each I/O Controller can access up to four Memory Modules, and each Memory Module can be connected to up to four I/O Controllers, providing the capability for connecting a large number of peripherals on-line to a GE-600 Series computer system. Peripheral Devices A limited number of conventional peripheral devices have been announced to date; they are listed in Table I, along with the number of high-speed (type HS) or standard-speed (type SC) input-output channels required for each subsystem. System Configuration Configuration rules for the GE-600 Series components can be summarized as follows: • • • Each Processor Module can be connected to 1 to 4 Memory Modules. Each Memory Module can be connected to a total of up to 8 Processor Modules, I/o Controller Modules, and non-standard input-output devices. Up to 262, 144 words of core storage can be incorporated in a singleprocessor system. Each I/O Controller Module can be connected to 1 to 4 Memory Modules and can have from 3 to 6 high-speed input-output channels and from 5 to 10 standard-speed input-output channels. Software General Electric is providing a well-integrated line of software for the 600 Series that includes: • General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor (GECOS) - This is a master control routine, and all activities of a GE-600 Series computer system are normally carried out under its control. GECOS has provisions for receiving job programs from a card reader or from a program library, scheduling, allocation of peripherals and memory, and communication with the operator. It can control the execution of up to eight programs concurrently in a multiprogramming mode. Scheduling is based on priority and peripheral availability. Communication with GECOS is @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340:011.103 GE-600 SERIES handled through control cards or the console typewriter. A version of GECOS that will handle multi-sequencing (multiple Processor Modules) is scheduled for mid-1965. • General File Record Control (GEFRC) - This is the control routine that will usually be used by programmers specifying input-output operations. It permits all input-output data to be regarded by the programmer in terms of files, and frees the programmer from tedious coding of input-output operations. File Specifications in the user's programs specify record sizes, blocking, and other information. (They are produced automatically by the COBOL and FORTRAN compilers.) The device assigned to each file at execution time depends upon the content of the File Control Card submitted at load time, providing a degree of freedom from the need for specific types of peripheral devices. • General Loader - The functions of the General Loader include: (1) loading programs from the magnetic drum (or disc) into core storage when they have been scheduled to run; (2) relocating subprograms into a contiguous area of memory and setting the required linkages; and (3) loading overlay segments and setting up the required linkages. The General Loader can also cause debugging facilities to be incorporated at load time. • General Remote Terminal Supervisor (GERTS) - GERTS is the control program for handling jobs from remote terminals. It accepts jobs, stores them on the magnetic drum (or disc), and submits them to GECOS for execution based on a priority transmitted with the job. • Macro Assembler (GEM) - GEM is the symbolic assembly language for the GE-600 Series. The prime feature of GEM is its extensive macro capabilities. • COBOL - GE-600 Series COBOL incorporates all of Required COBOL-61, most of Elective COBOL-61, and the SORT and Report Writer facilities of Extended COBOL-61. The implemented features of Elective COBOL-61 include the CORRESPONDING option of the MOVE verb and the COMPUTE, ENTER, and USE verbs. • FORTRAN - This is a standard implementation of the mM 7090/94 FORTRAN IV language, with a few extensions. Capabilities for debugging and variable-field input and output are featured. • SORT/MERGE - The GE-600 Series Sort/Merge routine accepts input from magnetic drum, disc, or tape and will produce output to any of the same devices. Sorts can be performed on numeric or alphanumeric keys, with the individual fields of a key in either ascending or descending order. • Bulk Media Conversion - The Bulk Media Conversion routine' is contained in the system library and can be called by control cards. Conversion capabilities include punched card to magnetic tape or magnetic disc; perforated tape to magnetic disc; magnetic tape to printer, punched card, or remote terminal; and magnetic disc to punched card, remote terminal, or magnetic tape. • Mathematical Routines - An extensive library of mathematical routines includes trigometric, exponential, and logrithmic function evaluation, matrix manipulation, curve fitting, and polynomial root determination. • • 12/64 Service Routines - An integrated set of service routines is provided for file maintenance, software maintenance (updating of system or user's compilers or programs), and diagnostics. Integrated Data Store (I-D-S) - This routine provides the capability for organizing files on a disc storage unit in a non-sequential manner. Individual detail records are linked together to form chains. A record can belong to more than one chain, effectively eliminating the need to store duplicate information. Macro operations are provided for obtaining a record to be processed, for storing and linking a processed record, and for deleting a record. I-D-S can be used to provide mass storage facilities for COBOL or assembly-language programs for any GE-600 Series computer system that includes a disc storage unit. ./ /' 340:011.104 INTRODUCTION Use of GECOS, the standard supervisory control routine, requires 8,192 words of core storage and the following complement of peripheral equipment: one magnetic drum or disc file, three magnetic tape units, card reader, card punch, and printer. In addition, the system compilers, such as COBOL and FORTRAN, require three additional files which can be held on three more tape units or one drum or disc file. The success of the GE-600 Series will be largely dependent upon the quality of the software provided. Most of the GE-600 Series software was developed by individual GE departments that are experienced users of large-scale computers, and GE is emphasizing the benefits of this "user-developed" software. MULTIPROGRAMMING The general considerations for successful multiprogramming are examined at length in the IBM System/360 report, Paragraph 420:011. 52. In the GE-600 Series systems, scheduling of programs to be run is a function of GECOS, based on availability of peripherals and userdefined priorities. Precautions have been taken to prevent a program from being locked out due to a large requirement for peripherals and to prevent a compute-bound program from "hogging" the processor. Switching from one program to another program is normally a result of the initiation of an I/O operation that would delay the program from actively using the processor. Control is given to another program selected on the basis of priority and ability to use the processor immediately (i. e., no I/O operation in process). There appears to be little a user can do to influence the mix of programs being run at any given time in any way other than through judicious assignment of priorities. The operator can alter priorities to permit the inclusion of a "crash" program. It is impossible, without modification of the standard control routines, for one program to access any area outside the program limits set at load time. This applies to input-output operations as well as internal processing, and should provide adequate protection against interference between concurrently running programs. Because multi-programming will probably be the normal mode of operation for GE-600 Series computer systems, their performance on the Standard File Processing Problems and the Standard Mathematical Processing Problem has been evaluated with this in mind. Input and output files are considered to be on tape for the main processing runs, and the times for the input and output data transcription runs are shown separately. TABLE I: GE-600 SERIES PERIPHERAL SUBSYSTEMS I/O Channels Type Subsystem Reference No. 1 se CR-20 Card Reader - 900 cpm 340:071 1 SC CP-10 Card Punch - 100 cpm 340:072 1 SC CP-20 Card Punch - 300 cpm 340:072 1 SC PR-20 Printer - 1200 lpm 340:081 1 SC TP-20 Perforated Tape Punch - llO char/sec 340:073 1 SC TR-20 Perforated Tape Reader - 500 char/sec 340:073 1 SC TS:"20 Perforated Tape Reader/Punch 340:073 1 HS Single-Channel Magnetic Tape Subsystem - 1 to 16 7track or 9-track magnetic tape units, from 7,500 to 160,000 char/sec 340:091, 340:092 2 HS Dual-Channel Magnetic Tape Subsystem - 1 to 16 7track or 9-track magnetic tape units, from 7,500 to 160,000 char/sec 340:091, 340:092 1 HS MDS 200 Magnetic Drum Unit - 786,432 words, 17 msec average access time 340:044 1 HS DS-20 Disc Storage Unit - 4 to 16 discs, 245,760 words per diSC, 225 msec average access time 340:042 1 SC DATANET-30 Data Communications Processor 340:101 1 SC Console with Typewriter 340:061 © 1964 Auerbach Carporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340:021.100 GE-600 Series Data Structure DATA STRUCTURE .1 .2 STORAGE LOCATIONS Name of Location Size Purpose or Use Word: 36 bits + parity bit basic addressable storage unit; holds 6 characters or one single-precision fixedpoint or floating-point binary operand. basic unit transferred from core storage in each access; holds one double-precision fixed-point or floating-point binary operand. holds 1 character. Disc Storage record location. Disc Storage. Magnetic Drum . Word pair (Double-word): 2 words Row (magnetic tape): Sector (Disc Storage): Track (Disc Storage): Band (Magnetic Drum): 6 or 8 data bits + parity bit 40 words 8 or 16 sectors 6,144 words INFORMATION FORMATS Type of Information Alphanumeric character: . . . . . . . . . Fixed-point binary operand (short): . . . Fixed-point binary operand (long): . . . . . . Floating-point binary operand (short): ... Representation 6-bit portion of a word. 1 word. 2 words. 1 word; 28-bit fraction and 8-bit binary exponent. Floating-point binary operand (long): . . . . 2 words; 64-bit fraction and 8-bit binary exponent. Instruction:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 word. 12/64 / 340:031.100 GE-600 Series System Configuration SYSTEM CONFIGURATION A GE-600 Series computer system is a highly flexible system capable of almost unlimited expansion. Each GE-600 system consists of: • Processor Module(s). • Main Memory Module(s) and associated System Controller(s) • Input-Output Controller Module(s). • Various peripheral sUbsystems. • Magnetic drum or magnetic disc unit(s). Processor Module Only one Processor Module, Model CP 8030, has been announced to date for GE-600 Series computer systems. Each processor in a system can have up to four Processor Ports, each connected to a different System Controller. Each processor can thus directly address up to 262,144 words of core storage. Main Memory The core storage modules offered with the GE-625 system are: • Model MM 8031 - System Controller and 32,768 words. • Model MM 8032 - System Controller and 40, 960 words. • Model OPT 804 - 32,768 words. The GE-625 core storage units are characterized by a cycle time of 2 microseconds per access of two 36-bit words. The core storage modules offered with the GE-635 system are: • Model MM 8030 - System Controller and 32,768 words. • Model MM 8033 - System Controller and 40, 960 words. • Model OPT 801 - 32,768 words. The GE-635 core storage units are characterized by a cycle time of 1 microsecond per access of two 36-bit words. The rules for combining core storage modules are the same for both systems. A Memory Module is composed of a System Controller and 32K, 40K, 64K, or 72K words of memory; however, only one 40K or 72K unit is allowed per system. The maximum core storage for a "single computer system" is 262,144 words. (Such a system can actually have more than one Processor Module - one processor acts as control processor with the otl:lers acting as slave processors. >" The maximum core storage for a "multi-computer system" (independent processors sharing one or more core storage units) depends upon the number of processors incorporated in the system. Each System Controller can have up to eight Memory Ports, each connected to a Processor Module, an Input-Output Controller Module, or a non-standard input-output device. Input-Output Controller Module Each Input-Output Controller can have from 3 to 6 high-performance (400,000 characters per second) and from 5 to 10 standard-performance (25,000 characters per second) input-output channels. The maximum data transfer rate between an I/O Controller and a System Controller is 1. 6 million characters per second. Each I/O Controller can have up to four IOC Ports, each connected to a different System Controller. Peripheral Subsystems The number and type of channels required for each GE-600 Series peripheral SUbsystem are shown in Table I. . HS refers to a high-speed input-output channel, BC to a standard-speed channel. The Reference column defines the report section where additional information can be found concerning each subsystem. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE~600 340:031.101 TABLE I: GE-600 SERIES PERIPHERAL SUBSYSTEMS I/O Channels No. Type Reference Subsystem 1 SC CR-20 Card Reader - 900 cpm 340:071 1 SC CP-I0 Card Punch - 100 cpm 340:072 1 SC CP-20Card Punch - 300 cpm 340:072 1 SC PR-20 Printer - 1200 lpm 340:081 1 SC TP-20 Perforated Tape Punch - 110 char/sec 340:073 1 SC TR-20 Perforated Tape Reader- 500 char/sec 340:073 1 SC TS-20 Perforated Tape Reader/Punch 340:073 1 HS Single-channel Magnetic Tape Subsystem - 1 to 16 magnetic tape units, 7,500 to 160,000 char/sec 340:091, 340:092 2 .HS Dual-channel Magnetic Tape.8ubsystem - 1 to 16 magnetic tape units, 7,500 to 160,000 char/sec 340:091, 340:092 1 HS MDS 200 Magnetic Drum Unit - 786,432 words, 17 msec average access time 340:044 1 HS DS-20 Disc Storage Unit - 4 to 16 discs, 245,760 words per disc, 225 msec average access time 340:042 1 SC DATANET-30 Data Communications Processor 340:101 1 SC Console with Typewriter 340:061 Summary of General Configuration ·Rules • Each Processor Module can be connected to 1 to 4 Memory Modules. • Each Memory Module can be connected to a total of 8 Processor Modules, I/O Controller Modules, and non-standard input-output devices. Up to 262, 144 words of core storage can be incorporated in a single-computer system. • Each I/O Controller Module can be connected to 1 to 4 Memory Modules and can have from 3 to 6 high-speed input-output channels and from 5 to 10 standard-speed input-output channels. Minimum Configuration Use of the standard supervisory program, GECOS, requires the following peripherals: • Magnetic drum unit or disc storage unit; • 3 magnetic tape units; • Card reader; • Card punch; • Printer. In addition, the system compilers, s!1ch as COBOL or FORTRAN, require three files for compilation. These files can be implemented with three magnetic tape units or a single magnetic drum or disc storage unit (in addition to the magnetic tape units, magnetic drum, or disc file for GECOS). Standard Configurations Representative standard configurations (as defined in Section 4:030, System Configuration, of the Users' Guide) are shown in the individual system sub-reports: GE-625: GE':'635: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/64 Section 343:031. Section 344:031. SERIES 340:041.100 GE-600 Series Internal Storage Core Storage INTERNAL STORAGE: CORE STORAGE .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . . ..... o Switching of control signals, addresses, and data to and from the Memory Module. MM 8031 2-f-tsec Memory Module (includes 32,768 words and System Controller). MM 8032 2-f-tsec Memory Module (includes 40,960 words and System Controller). OPT 804 2-f-tsec additional module (32,768 words). Contained in the System Controller are four registers which aid in controlling the movement of data within a GE-600 Series system: o Execute Interrupt Register - a 32-bit register that specifies, on a priority basis, which of 8 ports and which of 4 conditions caused a program (I/O) interrupt (see Paragraphs 340:951.125 and 340:051.33). MM 8030 1-f-tsec Memory Module (includes 32,768 words and System Controller). MM 8033 1-f-tsec Memory Module (includes 40,960 words and System Controller). OPT 801 1-f-tsec additional module (32,768 words). .12 Basic Use: .13 Description . . ... e Execute Interrupt Mask Register - a 32-bit register that can be set to prevent the corresponding positions of the Execute Interrupt Register from causing an interrupt. o Memory Port Lockout Mask - an 8-bit register that can be set to prevent access to the devices connected to one or more of the eight ports of a System Controller. o Control-Processor-Designation Register .- indicates (in a multiprocessor system) which processor can alter the contents of the above special registers or can initiate an I/O operation. working storage. The two currently-announced members of the GE600 Series, the GE-625 and the GE-635, differ only in the speed of their core storage units. The GE625 uses a core storage unit with a cycle time of 2 microseconds; the GE-635, a unit with a I-microsecond cycle time. Each access, in both systems, is for a word-pair (two 36-bit-plus-parity words). Where differences exist, such as in data transfer rates, entries are given for each unit; otherwise, all remarks in this section apply to both GE-625 and GE-635 core storage units. The first three of the above special registers are program -accessible by the processor designated as control processor when it is operating in the master mode. Any attempt to access these registers under other conditions results in a fault interrupt. The last register, the Control-Processor-Designation Register, is set by external switches on the Core Storage Unit Cabinet. Other switches permit the assignment of Memory Modules to continuous segments of memory. Up to 262,144 36-bit words of core storage can be incorporated in a single-processor system, in modules of 32,768 words. One 40, 960-word module can be substituted for a 32K module in systems containing less than the maximum capacity. Each System Controller has eight memory ports (channels) for connection to Processor Modules, I/O Controller Modules, or non-standard I/O de-. vices. These ports are assigned priorities to facilitate the servicing of demands on memory in an order ly manner. Each Memory Module is composed of a System Controller and one or two 32K modules (or possibly one 32K and one 40K module) and is an independent unit capable of being accessed simultaneously with other Memory Modules. .14 Availability: . . . . ? . 15 First Delivery: . 1st quarter, 1965. .16 Reserved Storage: 8, 192 words of core storage are normally reserved for the operating system (GECOS). This includes areas for I/O control, multiprogramming control, etc. .2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Storage Medium: . 23 Storage Phenomenon: . direction of magnetization. The System Controller performs many of the priorityand control functions in a GE-600 Series system. Among these functions are: • Control of communication between memory and the Processor Module and between memory and the I/O Controller. • Control of program (I/O) interrupts for multiprocessor jobs, system programs, and peripheral devices. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. magnetic core. 12/64 340:041.240 .24 GE-600 SERIES Recording Permanence .241 Data erasable by instructions: .242 Data regenerated constantly: . 243 Data volatile: • .244 Data permanent: . 245 Storage changeable: • .28 Connection to Device: .5 ACCESS TIMING .52 Simultaneous Operations: . .. . . all Memory Modules can be accessed simultaneously. .53 Access Time Parameters and Variations yes. no. no. no. no. Access Technigues .281 Recording method: .. coincident current . . 283 Type of access: . . . . uniform. . 29 .43 .531 For uniform access - Potential Transfer Rates . 292 Peak data rates GE-625 Cycling rates (cycles/ second) 2 500,000 1,000,000 36 36 Conversion factor (bits/word) Data rate (words/ sec) GE-635 2 Unit of data (words/ access) 1,000,000* 2,000,000* DATA CAPACITY . 31 Module and System Sizes (See table below. ) .32 Rules for Combining Modules GE-625 GE-635 Access time (microseconds) ? ? Cycle time (microseconds) 2.0 1.0 Unit of data (words/access) 2 2 .7 PERFORMANCE .72 Transfer Load Size * Effective cycle can be somewhat faster through overlapped accessing of two Memory Modules. .3 With self: .73 1 or 2 words (up to 1024 words can be transferred by one Repeat Double loop) . Effective Transfer Rate (wit.1-t self, using Repeat Double loop) 400,000 words/second (2,400,000 char/second). 556,000 words/second (3,330,000 char/second). GE-625: . A Memory Module is composed of a System Controller and one or two 32K modules. (One 40K module can be incorporated in a system except when the total storage connected to a processor would be greater than 262K.) GE-635: . 8 ERRORS, CHECKS, AND ACTION A maximum of 262,144words, or eight 32Kmodules, of core storage can be addressed by anyone Processor Module . .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: . 42 Connection to System: 1 to 4 System Controllers can be connected to any one Processor Module. A total of 8 processors and/or I/O Controllers can be connected to any one System Controller. .31 . . . . each System Controller controls one 32K, 40K, 64K, or 72K core storage unit. System Controller. Check or Interlock Invalid address: Invalid code: Receipt of data: Recording of data: Recovery of data: Dispatch of data: Reference to protected* area: check all codes valid. parity check record parity bit . parity check . send parity bit. interrupt. check interrupt. *Area outside of program limits. Module and System Sizes Minimum Storage Identity: Words: Characters: Instructions: Modules: 32K Memory Module 32,768 196,608 32,768 1 Maximum Storage** 40K Memory Module 40,960 245,760 40,960 1 64K Memory Module 65,536 393,216 65,536 2 ** Maximum storage addressable by anyone Processor Module. 12/64 72K Memory Module 73,728 442,368 73,728 2 262,144 1,572,864 262,144 8 interrupt. interrupt. 340:042.100 GE-600 Series Internal Storage Disc Starage Unit INTERNAL STORAGE: DISC STORAGE UNIT .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: •. . 12 Basic U!;le: . 13 Description .. DS-20 Disc Storage Unit. DSC-20 Disc Storage Controller. auxiliary storage . The DS-20 Disc Storage Unit consists of up to 16 data discs (32 recording surfaces) capable of storing up to 23.5 million characters. From 1 to 4 of these units can be connected to the DSC-20 Disc Storage Controller to provide a total random access storage capacity of 94 million characters per controller. The combination DS-20 and DSC-20 is referred to by the manufacturer as the Disc Storage Subsystem and requires one high-speed input-output channel of an Input-Output Controller Module. There is no practical limit upon the total number of Disc Storage Units that can be connected on-line to a GE-600 Series system (see Section 340:031, System Configuration). Each disc surface is divided into two 128-track parts called the outer and inner zones. Each circumferential track is, in turn, divided into a number of addressable sectors; 16 sectors per outerzone track and 8 per inner-zone track. This arrangement yields a total of 3, 072 fixed addressable sector positions on each disc surface at which the reading or writing of data can begin. A sector has a fixed capacity of 240 six-bit characters plus a six-bit modulo-64 check character. Each disc is served by an individual positioning arm containing 8 read-write heads (4 per surface) so that only 64 arm positions are required to cover all the tracks on a disc. Arm positioning time ranges fro 70 to 305 milliseconds, and the total average waiting time for random accessing is 225 milliseconds. Up to 368,000 characters per Disc Storage Unit can be transferred with no movement of the access arms. Peak data transfer rate is 41,700 (inner zone) or 83,400 (outer zone) characters per second. An effective bulk transfer rate of 69,500 characters per second can be obtained with optimum data placement. The DSC-20 Controller contains a 1, 024-character addressable buffer which facilitates the serial-toparallel conversion process between the Disc Storage Unit and core storage. The buffer arrangement also permits the simultaneous transfer of data between core storage and one section of the buffer, and between another section of the buffer and any one Disc Storage Unit., Under program control, information written onto the discs can be read back and a character-by-character comparison made with the data image as it appears in the controller buffer. Thus a verification check can be made to insure that data was recorded correctly. The 1, 024-character addressable core buffer can hold up to four 240-character disc records (sectors) at a time. This feature, coupled with the system's scatter-read, gather-write capabilities, lets the user transfer only the fields he needs for updating into and out of core memory, without moving the whole record. This can result in faster file updating operations and reduced core memory space requirements . The ability to search up to 32 consecutive disc sectors with one instruction makes it possible to locate the desired sector on the basis of its content rather than its specific address. This capability can save processing time by reducing or eliminating the need to pre-sort input records that would normally require separate disc look-up operations. A parity check is made on each word transferred to or from the controller buffer. In addition, each 240-character sector has an associated check character to help increase reading and writing accuracy. The detection of a parity error results in the termination of the disc operation. The address of each sector is permanently recorded in a "header" word and used for sector identification and track address confirmation. The follOwing disc file instructions are used by current GE-600 Series systems: o Seek File. o Read File Continuous and Release Seek. o Write File Continuous and Release Seek. o Write File Continuous, Verify, and Release Seek. The Disc Storage Unit will be available with 4, 8, 12, or 16 discs. A Fast Access option provides high-speed (26 milliseconds average) access to high-priority data for program overlay routines, address dictionaries, subroutines, tables, and key data for fast record updating. It is estimated that use of Fast Access storage for tables and subroutines can reduce unit-record update-cycle times by 50% or more. The high-speed access is provided by locking the read-write arms on 4 or 8 discs, eliminating positioning and track verification time. Access time is thus only the disc latency time (an average of 26 milliseconds). Storage capacity of each fast Access disc is 96 sectors (23,040 characters). The total number of discs (standard plus Fast Access) in a DS-20 Disc Storage Unit cannot exceed 16. Data can be simultaneously transferred between the central processor and the disc file buffer, and between the buffer and anyone Disc Storage Unit. The number of Disc Storage SUbsystems that can operate Simultaneously depends on the number of @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340:042.130 · 13 GE 600 SERIES Description (Contd. ) · 283 Type of access - other operating peripherals connected to the same I/O Controller Module (see Section 340:111, Simultaneous Operations). Speclal conditions (such as successful completion of an operation, invalid command, etc.) cause the setting of the appropriate bit in the execute-interrupt register of the System Controller. Subsequent action by a supervisor program (normally GECOS) can determine the particular condition by interpreting a requested Status Return. Normally a GE-600 Series programmer does not program input-output operations in detail; this is usually handled by the operating system (GECOS) on a file-specification basis. A detailed description of the input-output process is presented in Section 430:111, Simultaneous Operations. Accessing of the Disc Storage Unit can be overlapped with other input-output operations and with processing. Detailed considerations for simultaneity, including time demands on the system, are also presented in the Simultaneous Operations section. · 15 First Delivery: .16 Reserved Storage: ·2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Storage Medium: . · 22 Physical Dimensions April, 1964 (with GE-400 Series systems). Storage Phenomenon: · 24 Recording Permanence .241 Data erasable by instructions: · 242 Data regenerated constantly: . 243 Data volatile: . . · 244 Data permanent: . . 245 Storage changeable: .25 320 1,920 1,920 480 640. 3,840. 3,840. 960. 16. 8 Module and System Sizes .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: .42 Connection to System .431 Devices per controller: . . 432 Restrictions:. . . . . · 28 Access Technigues · 443 Input-output area access: . .444 Input-output area lockout: . . . . .445 Synchronization: . 447 Table control: moving heads. , AU ER BACH Maximum Storage DS-20 1 module DS-20 4 units. 64. 15,700,000. 94,000,000. 23,500,000. 393,216. 4 983,000 5,898,000 1,466,000 24,576 DSC-20 Disc Storage Controller. up to 6 controllers per I/O Controller Module. none. up to 4 Disc Storage Units . none. Data Transfer Control .442 Input-output area: 1. Minimum Storage Connection to Device .441 Size of load: Interleaving Levels: character. 6 bits/char. 41, 700 (inner zone) or 83,400 (outer zone) char/sec. .31 · 44 . 27 1,170 rpm. 250,000 or 500,000 bits/ sec/track. DATA CAPACITY · 43 Outer Zone 0usly selected. no. .3 .422 Off-line: 512 (256 per disc surface). 12/64 · 292 Peak data rates Unit of data: . . Conversion factor: Data rate: no . no. no . no. Tracks per Physical Unit: .281 Recording method: . .291 Peak bit rates Cycling rate: . Bit rate per track: .421 On-line: Iilner Zone if same track was previ- Potential Transfer Rates yes. Words: Characters: Digits: Instructions: Sectors: .26 .29 Identity: Storage Units: Discs: Words: Characters: Instructions: Sectors: Data Volume per Band of 1 track if new track is selected. Transfer data: multiple discs. direction of magnetization. Possible Starting Stage Move head to selected track: ... Wait for start of selected sector:. none. .222 DiscDiameter: . . . . . 31 inches. Thickness or length: 0.158 inch. Number on shaft: . 16. .23 Description of Stage 1 to 32 sectors of 240 characters each. core storage, via addressable 1, 024-character buffer. each word. none . automatic . yes; scatter-read and gatherwrite are available at programmer's option. INTERNAL STORAGE: DISC STORAGE UNIT 340:042.448 device-controller ready; device busy; error condition. .448 Testable conditions: .5 ACCESS TIMING .51 Arrangement of Heads file buffer, and between the buffer and anyone Disc Storage Unit. .53 .511 Number of Stacks Stacks per system: . Stacks per unit: Stacks per yoke: Yokes per unit: . . 512 Stack movement: . .513 Stacks that can access any particular location. .514 Accessible locations By single stackWith no movement: With all movement: By all stacks With no movement: .532 Variation in access time 128 to 512 per controller. 128. 8. 16 (one for each disc). horizontal only. Simultaneous Operations: . Average Variation {msec) {msec) Stage Move head to selected track: o or 70 to 305 Wait for selected sector: o to 52 Transfer 1 sector: 3.2 or 6.4 Total: 3.2to363.4 1. 8 or 16 sectors. 512 or 1,024 sectors. .6 1,536 sectors per unit. 6,144 sectors per controller. .7 AUXIliARY STORAGE PERFORMANCE .72 Transfer Load Size .515 Relationship between stacks and locations: least significant 7 bits of disc address specify stack and sector. . 52 Access Time Parameters and Variations With core storage: . . 73 data can be simultaneously transferred between the I/O Controller and disc .8 CHANGEABLE STORAGE: 199. 26. 3.2 228.2 none. 1 to 32 sectors; maximum of 240 characters per sectors . Effective Transfer Rate With core storage:.. 69,500 characters/sec or 17,375 words/sec. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Invalid address: Invalid code: Receipt of data: Recording of data: check check parity check generate check character. character and sector parity check send parity bit. check interrupt. interrupt. interrupt. Recovery of data: Dispatch of data: Timing conflicts: Wrong record selected: address comparison interrupt. interrupt. interrupt. i \. @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. 12/64 340:044.100 GE-600 Series Internal Storage Magnetic Drum INTERNAL STORAGE: MAGNETIC DRUM .1 GENERAL .12 Identity: . . . . . 13 Basic Use: .. . 14 Description . . . . MDS 200 Magnetic Drum and Controller (UNIVAC FH880 Drum). .. auxiliary storage. Use of the GE-600 Series supervisory program, GECOS, requires either a magnetic drum or disc storage unit. Initial deliveries of systems using a magnetic drum will incorporate the UNIVAC FH880 Drum, designated the MDS 200 by GE. This unit is described in detail in the Computer System Report on the UNIVAC 1107, page 784:043.100. A summary of the characteristics of the FH-880 Drum and special considerations for its use in GE-600 Series systems are presented below. • One drum and one drum controller comprise a Magnetic Drum Subsystem. • Each drum controller is attached to one highspeed input-output channel of a GE-600 Series I/O Controller Module; there are six high-speed channels available on each I/O Controller. • The storage capacity of each drum is 786,432 words (36 bits each). • The maximum potential storage capacity is 786,432 words per subsystem and 4, 718, 592 words per I/O Controller . • Average access time is 17 milliseconds. • Up to 262,144 words can be transferred by means of a single command. • Peak data transfer rate is approximately 62,000 words (372,000 characters) per second. • Each character transferred is checked for parity. • Only one data transfer operation (read or write) can take place at a time per Magnetic Drum Subsystem. Normally a GE-600 Series programmer does not program input-output operations in detail; this is usually handled by the operating system (GECOS) on a file-specification basis. A detailed description of the input-output process is presented in Section 430:111, Simultaneous Operations. Transfer of data to or from a Magnetic Drum Subsystem can be overlapped with other input-output operations and with processing. Detailed considerations for simultaneity, including time demands on the system, are also presented in the Simultaneous Operations section. ,/ 12/64 340:051.100 GE-600 Series Central Processor CENTRAL PROCESSOR .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .12 Description . Model CP S030 Processor Module. . 121 Basic Design GE-625 and GE-635 systems use the same central processor, the Model CP S030 Processor Module, which insures program compatibility between the two systems. Differences in their processor performance are a result of using core storage units with different cycle times: the GE-625 uses a 2microsecond memory, and the GE-635 uses a 1microsecond memory. (See Section 340:041, Core Storage, for a discussion of the different core storage ·units. ) The Processor Module uses a single-address instruction format with a wide range of address modification capabilities (see Paragraph .123, Addressing). There are two basic modes of processor operation: master mode and slave mode. Control programs will normally be executed in the master mode, and object programs in the slave mode. Programs running in the master mode have access to the entire core memory, can initiate peripheral and internal control functions, and do not have base-address relocation applied. Programs running in the slave mode have access to only a limited portion of core memory (as speCified by the Base Address Register), cannot initiate peripheral control instructions, and have the contents of the Base Address Register added to all relative memory addresses of the object program. The processor is automatically switched into the master mode of operation when the Master Mode Indicator is set or when any interrupt is recognized. All input-output operations are initiated by a single instruction, Connect, which can be executed only in the master mode. This instruction establishes a connection between core memory and the appropriate I/o Controller and then sends the necessary information to the controller to initiate the input or output operation. After execution of the Connect instruction, the input or output operation is under control of the I/o Controller, and the central processor is not involved again until a program (I/O) interrupt occurs. Section 340:111, Simultaneous Operations, presents a detailed description of the input-output process. A scatter-gather facility allows blocks of up to 4, 096 words of data to be read into non-contiguous segments of core storage. This facility can reduce the time required to move data from place to place in memory. A 24-bit Timer Register is available (accessible only in the master mode), which is decremented by one every 15.625 microseconds. The timer is used by the standard executive routine, GECOS, for automatic job termination, to prevent a job from monopolizing a processor, and to provide accounting information by monitoring processing and input-output elapsed time . Instructions are fetched in pairs (an even word and the SuccEl.ssive odd word). Address modification, operand fetching, instruction execution, and the fetc_hing of the next pair of instructions are overlapped to increase processor performance wherever possible. Certain operations, such as indirect addressing, transferring control from an even location, or transferring control to an odd location, cannot take full advantage of this overlapping capability. .122 Registers The Base Address Register (BAR) is an IS-bit register located in the Processor Module. The first nine bits of the BAR (the ninth bit is permanently set to zero) are used as the base address and are added to the first nine bits of a program address to form an actual address. Each reference to core storage made by a program running in the slave mode is indexed by the contents of the BAR prior to any other specified address modifications. The last nine bits of the BAR (again the ninth bit is permanently set to zero) are used as the program limit to check an actual address prior to acceSSing core storage but after performing all address modification. The first nine bits of the actual address are subtracted from the program limit, with a fault interrupt resulting if the result is zero or negative. This address translation and checking occurs only when the processor is in the slave mode. Allocation of memory to a program is in blocks of 1024 words. The Base Address Register can be loaded only in the master mode, but its contents can be stored in either mode. The other registers provided include a timer register, eight index registers, an indicator register, an instruction counter, a 72-bit accumulator (which can also be used as two independent accumulators or four independent index registers), and an exponent register for floating point operations. These registers are described in Paragraph. 241. . 123 Addressing A wide range of address modification capabilities is provided. All addresses in the slave mode are ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE-600 SERIES 340:051.123 .123 Addressing (Contd.) indexed by the contents of the BAR (as described above) prior to other address modification. The general format of the instructions is shown below. Address Name: Symbol: y Bits 18 (See Paragraph .232) 12 Tag field t"" I td 2 I 4 Initial modification is specified by the tag field of the instruction. The field ~ specifies one of four types of address modification: R RI IR IT - indexing. indexing, then indirect. indirect, then indexing. indirect, then tally. . 124 Instruction Repertoire For types R, RI, and IR, the field td specifies the register to be used for indexing (see Paragraph. 2375 for a listing of the possible registers that can be used), or that no indexing is to take place. In addition, for type R only, the field td can specify that the 18-bit address field specified in the instruction is to be used as the upper or lower half of a literal operand, the remaining bits being treated as zeros. For "indirect, then tally" (IT) address modifications, the field td specifies the type of tally operation. The format of the indirect word is shown below. Name Bits: Address 18 I Tally field 12 I Tag field 6 There are nine possible tally deSignators that specify how the indirect word to be fetched is modified or used, as listed in Table I. Address modifications can be chained, with the chain generally ending when a type R or IT modification is encountered. Register modification (type R) is straight indexing. For type RI modifications the address specified in the instruction (or indirect word), modified according to the register speCified in the tag field, is used to fetch an indirect word. The tag field of the indirect word is analyzed, and further modifications can be of any type. For type IR modifications an indirect word is fetched first from the location specified by the address in the instruction (or another indirect word). Further modification is based on an analysis of the tag field of the indirect word and can only be of type R, RI, or IR. The register specified by the last IR modification encountered is used to index the developed address after all other modifications have taken place. The various possibilities for type IT modifications are shown in Table I. Indexing takes no extra execution time due to the overlapping of functions in the processor. Indirect addreSSing does require extra time: Time per indirect cycle which does not modify the indirect word: Time per indirect cycle which modifies the indirect word: 12/64 The SC and CI variations of the "indirect, then tally" (IT) type of address modification can be used with single-precision load, store, add, subtract, Boolean, divide, and compare instructions, permitting extensive operations to be performed on individual characters of a BCD field. The SC variation permits stepping, character-by-character, through a whole field. This capability is important because no automatic code translation (except Gray to binary) or decimal arithmetic facilities are provided, and only a one-digit-at-a-time radix conversion facility (binary to BCD only) is provided. GE-625 GE-635 2.0 JLsec 1. 7 JLsec 3.5 JLsec 2.5 JLsec A total of 170 basic instructions are available in the CP 8030 Processor, and most of them will be familiar to programmers of other large-scale binary computers. The instruction repertoire is shown in the Instruction List (page 340:121.100) and includes instructions which perform comparisons (logical, algebraic, magnitude, masked, and between limits), loading, storing, Boolean operations, branching, and shifting. Provision is made for the use of half-word, single-word, or double-word operands in many operations. All shifts, regardless of length, take essentially the same length of time (2.0 microseconds in the GE-625 and 1. 8 microseconds in the GE-635). This is worthy of notice because many applications of large-scale binary computers require a large number of shifts, particularly where automatic editing facilities are not provided. The format for fixed-point binary numbers is two's complement notation. Fixed point addition or subtraction can be performed with either single-word (36-bit) or double-word (72-bit) operands, and the result can appear in either the accumulator (A, Q, or AQ) or in core storage. Fixed-point multiplication and division are provided for singleword operands in both fractional (result leftjustified) or integer (result right-justified) form. Floating-point numbers are represented by 11 mantissa of 28 bits (single precision) or 64 bits (double precision) and a binary exponent of 8 bits. Both the exponent and mantissa are represented in the two's-complement notation. Single precision is equivalent to 8 decimal digits, and double precision to 19 decimal digits. Floating-point operations include single or double precision loading, storing, comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The AQ register holds the mantissa and the exponent register holds the exponent for all floating-point operations. Floating-point multiplication, addition, and subtraction can be either normalized or unnormalized. There is one important consideration for all double-word operations. Core storage is organized in 72-bit word-pairs (although there is a parity bit for each word). The first word of each pair is in an even location and the second is in the following odd location (e. g., locations 1102 and 1103). Each request by the processor results in the System Controller in the appropriate Memory Module sending a word-pair to the processor, CENTRAL PROCESSOR 340:051.124 TABLE I: EFFECTS OF THE TALLY DESIGNATORS IN TYPE IT MODIFICATION Tally designator, td (symbolic) Next item fetched and address Indirect word modification* I Operand is fetched from the address specified by the indirect word. No modification takes place. DI Operand is fetched from the address specified by the indirect word after modification. Address field is decremented by one; tally field is incremented by one. ID Operand is fetched from the address specified by the indirect word before modification. Address field is incremented by one; tally field is decremented by one. DIC Depends on the tag field of the indirect word. All references use the address .specified in the indirect word after modification. Address field is decremented by one; tally field is incremented by one. IDC Depends on the tag field of the indirect word. All references use the address specified in the indirect word before modification. Address field is incremented by one; tally field is decremented by one. AD Operand is fetched from the address specified in the indirect word before - - - modification. Address field is incremented by the contents of the tag field in the indirect word; tally field is decremented by one. CI A six-bit segment specified by the tag field of the indirect word is fetched from the location specified by the address in the indirect word. No modification takes place. SC Same as for CI (using the address specified in the indirect word before modification). Tag field is incremented by one; if the result is greater than six, the address field is incremented by one and the tag field is reset to zero; tally field is decremented by one. F None. A fault interrupt occurs when this tag is recognized. * When the tally field reaches zero during modification, the tally run-out indicator is set to one; no interrupt is generated. .124 Instruction Repertoire (Contd.) regardless of whether the even word or the odd word was addressed. For single-word operations, internal circuitry selects the proper word of the word-pair. For double-word operations, the complete word-pair is used, thus requiring the first word of every double-word operand to be in an even location. This consideration is taken into account in the standard software, but it could cause problems in debugging and patching of machine-language programs. Program-testable indicators provide information about the result of an operation and permit program control through the use of branch-on-condition instructions. The negative and zero indicators are affected each time the contents of a register. or adder are altered (e. g., through operations such as load, add, add to store, multiply, compare, shifts, etc.). In addition, a carry indicator is set when a carry is generated out of the left-most bit position during left shift, addition, subtraction, and compare operations. Two tests, involving the negative, zero, and carry indicators, are required to distinguish between equal, greater than, and less than conditions. A single test can distinguish between the condition "equal to or greater than" and the condition "equal to or less than." Overflow indicators are included for indicating arithmetic overflow, exponent overflow, and exponent underflow. Normally an overflow also generates a fault interrupt, but an overflow mask bit can be set that prevents the interrupt, but does not affect the setting, testing, or storing of the ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340:051.1241 . 124 Instruction Repertoire (Contd.) three overflow indicators. The parity error indicator is set when a parity error ·is detected during a reference to a core storage unit. As with the overflow indicators, setting of this indicator normally causes a fault interrupt, but the interrupt can be masked out without affecting the setting, testing, or storing of the indicator. The tally-run-out indicator is set when the tally field associated with an indirect-then-tally (IT) address modification, or with a Repeat, Repeat Double, or Repeat Link instruction, reaches zero. There are several noticeable omissions from the GE-600 Series instruction repertoire: • No editing instructions. • No code translation instructions other than Gray to binary. • No radix conversion instructions other than a one-digit-at-a-time binary to BCD instruction. Estimates by the editorial staff indicate that formation of a typical 120-character line of print (including radix conversions), such as that for the Standard File Processing Problem (see page 4:200.1112 of the Users' Guide), takes approximately 2.2 milliseconds for the GE-625 and 1. 7 milliseconds for the GE-635. Several useful instructions are provided that can reduce programming effort and increase program efficiency. Three repeat instructions, Repeat (RPT) , Repeat Double (RPD) , and Repeat Link (RPL), are useful for processing lists of data. The RPT and RPD instructions permit the execution of the next one or two instructions a speCified number of times (up to 256) with or without indexing. Index registers can be automatically stepped by an increment specified in the RPT or RPD instruction. The loop may be terminated when the specified number of executions has been performed or when one or more specified indicators are ON or OFF. The address of the operand causing the termination, if any, as well as the indicator specifying the condition, are available for program use. The most frequent use of the RPT instruction will probably be with comparison instructions for list searching. The RPD instruction (with the Load Double and Store Double instructions) is the most efficient method for mass movement of data within core storage. Using this loop, the GE-625 can transfer data within core storage at an effective rate of 400, 000 words per second (2,400, 000 characters per second), and the GE-635 at 556,000 words per second (3,333,000 characters per second). The RPL instruction is similar to the other repeat instructions except that each word in the list contains an IS-bit operand and an IS-bit address of the next word in the list; no indexing is allowed except to specify the first word in the list. Special addition and subtraction instructions are provided that are useful for programming in multiword precision. These instructions automatically add or subtract one from the least Significant position of the accumulator if the carry indicator is ON at the beginning of the instruction. 12/64 GE-600 SERIES . 125 Interrupt System A powerful, nine-level interrupt system is incorporated in the GE-600 Series processor. The interrupt levels fall into two broad classifications: • Fault interrupt - five levels of interrupts for faults or special conditions within the Processor Module. • Program interrupt - four levels of interrupts, all dealing with input-output conditions. Detailed information about the interrupt system is presented in Paragraph. 33 of this report section. In general, each fault interrupt causes a transfer to one of 16 locations (one for each type of fault interrupt) in the area allocated to the executive routine. Program interrupts cause a specific bit in the Execute-Interrupt Request Register in the appropriate core storage System Controller to be set. This register has 32 bit positions, 16 of which are not used at present. There is one bit for each of four conditions for each of four I/O controllers. At the same time that the request interrupt bit is being set, a status word containing information about the channel, device, and particular condition is stored in a queue in the executive area. The Execute-Interrupt Register is scanned between instruction fetches unless the scan is inhibited by an inhibit specification in the instruction or by a branch instruction. The highest priority interrupt active at the time of the scan is serviced. Additional information about program interrupts with respect to the Input/Output Controller is presented in Section 340.111, Simultaneous Operations. Handling of the interrupts and error conditions is normally under the direction of the executive routine, but the programmer can specify his own routines for many conditions. Information about how the interrupt system is incorporated in the software is included in the section on the standard executive routine, GECOS (page 340:191.100). .126 Multiprogramming Facilities The capability to run more than one program at a time requires effective solutions to two major hardware problems. These are the sequencing problem (Le., prov;.ding automatic switching between programs) and the safety problem (i. e. , safeguarding each program from interference by all the others). In the GE-600 Series computer systems, the necessary functions are performed by an executive routine in conjunction with the interrupt system and several special registers. An interrupt, or the execution of one of two special instructions (Master Mode Entry, MME, or Detail, DRL) , causes a transfer to the executive routine area and causes the processor to enter the master mode. While in the master mode, the contents of the Base Address Register, the Timer Register, the Memory Controller Mask Register, and the Memory Controller Interrupt Register can be altered and I/O operations can be initiated. The usual mode of multiprogramming permits switching from program to program based upon I/o demands; i. e., if the processor would be / CENTRAL PROCESSOR 340:051.126 .126 Multiprogramming Facilities (Contd.) delayed to await the completion of an I/o operation in one program, control will be switched to another program. Provision has been made in the executive routine to limit a program to no more than 16 milliseconds of processor time without recognizing a program (I/O) interrupt. This effectively prevents a processor-bound program from "hogging" the processor. A special mode of multiprogramming, Courtesy Call, is primarily for use by data transcription programs. In this mode, control is returned to a program for a short length of time (400 microseconds for the GE-625, 200 microseconds for the GE-635) as soon as the I/o operation requested by that program is completed. Exceeding this time causes the program to be aborted. Normally, once aprogram has relinquished control, it does not resume control until the program following it and all higher-priority programs have been serviced. Program protection is accomplished through checking of each address prior to referencing memory, both by the processor when fetching operands and instructions, and by the I/O Controller when reading data in or out. Although it is possible for a program to destroy one of its own files, it cannot read or write in the area assigned to another program. It is difficult to estimate the amount of time used by the executive routine in controlling multiprogrammed operation, since this will vary with the particular types of programs being run together. The time occupied in switching from one program to another must include the time required for safe-storing all registers used by the present program and for loading the registers for the next program. Currently this must be done one register at a time because there is no instruction for storing multiple registers in a single operation. .2 PROCESSING FACILITIES . 21 Operations and Operands ~ration and Variation . 211 Fixed point* Add-subtract: Multiply. I \ Provision automatic automatic Divide: No remainder: none. Remainder: automatic Operation and Variation binary full word (fullword quotient and full-word remainder) . * Both and integer. ---- · 212 Floating point Add-subtract:** automatic Multiply:** automatic Divide: automatic Radix Size binary 27 & 7 bits (short). 63 & 7 bits (long) . binary 27 & 7 bits (short). 63 & 7 bits (long) . binary 27 & 7 bits (short). 63 & 7 bits (long) . ** Both normalized and un-normalized. .213 BooleanAND: automatic binary half-word, fullword, or double-word. Inclusive OR: automatic binary half-word, fullword, or double-word. Exclusive OR: automatic binary half-word, fullword, or double-word. automatic binary half-word, fullword, or double-word. Absolute: automatic binary half-word, fullword, or double-word. Letters (in binary form only): automatic .214 Comparison Numbers: 1, 3, 6, or 12 characters. Collating sequence: ... numbers, then letters, with special characters interspersed (see Data Code Table, Page 340.141.100) . Radix Size binary half-word, full-word, or double-word. binary full word (7 Obit product + sign). Provision · 215 Code translation: · 216 Radix conversion: Provision From To automatic Gray binary 1 word. automatic binary BCD 1 decimal digit. .217 Edit format: . . . . . . . no hardware facilities other than the capability of addressing individual 6-bit characters within a word. Editing subroutines will be provided that meet the requirements of COBOL. .218 Table lookup: . . . . . . . none (but see Repeat instruction, Paragraph .219). ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE 600 SERIES 340:051.219 Provision Comments automatic circular, logical, and arithmetic; 1 to 127 bit positions. Execute and Execute Double: automatic causes one or two outof sequence instructions to be executed. Repeat and Repeat Double: automatic causes one or two sequential instructions to be repeated a specific number of times or until a specified condition occurs. Index registers can be automatically stepped in any increment up to 127. similar to Repeat, except address of next operand is specified in the upper portion of this operand. Thus, nonordered lists can be processed. . 219 OthersShifts: Repeat Link: automatic .232 Instruction layout (general) I~~r:(bits): IIs I OP'9 Code I ~ I i . 233 Instruction parts Name Purpose y: . . . • . . . . . ..• sRecifies relative operand address, address of indirect word, or shift count; or holds an 18-bit literal operand. Op. Code: . . . . . . . specifies operation code. i: . . . . . . . . . . . specifies interrupts (Group V and I/O - see Paragraph .331) to be delayed (see Paragraph .334). tm: . . . . . . . . . . . specifies type of address modification. ld: ............ specifies the register to be used for indexing or the type of indirect addressing. z: . . . . . . . . . . . . . must be zero. . 234 Basic address structure: 1 + O. .235 LiteralsArithmetic: . . . . . • . . 18 bits. Comparisons and tests: 18 bits. Incrementing modifiers: . . . • . . . . 18 bits. . 236 Directly addressed operands Internal storage Minimum ~ size Core storage: Registers: 12/64 6 bits 8 bits Maximum size . 237 Address indexing .2371 Number of methods: ... 2 . .2372 Names: . . . . . . . . . . . (1) base address register (automatic in the slave mode). (2) register. .2373 Indexing rule: . . . . . . . addition; addresses generated beyond program limits (while processor is in .slave mode) or beyond limits of existing core storage result in a fault interrupt. .2374 Index specification: ... addresses are always indexed by contents of BAR when processor is in the slave mode; further indexing is specified by contents of tag field (bits 30 through 35) of the instruction word. .2375 Number of potential indexers: . . . . . . . . . 14; 8 index registers, 4 18-bit sections of AQ register, BAR, and instruction counter. .2376 Addresses which can be indexed: . . . . . . . . . . all core storage addresses, .2377 Cumulative indexing: ... none, but see Paragraph .2384. .2378 Combined index and step: . , . . . . . , , ... none, except for Repeat and Repeat Double Instructions (see Paragraph. 219), ,238 Indirect addressing .2381 Recursive: . . . . . . . . . yes. ,2382 Designation:. , . . . . . . tag field (bits 30 through 35) of instruction word . . 2383 Control: ... , . . . . . . the last indirect word is marked by contents of the tag field (bits 30 through 35) of the indirect word. • 2384 Indexing with indirect addressing: . . . . , ... yes; indexing can take place before starting indirect cycles (RI), after completion of indirect cycles OR), or before or after each indirect cycle (IT) . .239 Stepping .2391 Specification of increment: ... , .•.. in the Repeat or Repeat Double instruction. ,2392 Increment sign: . . . . • always positive. .2393 Size of increment: ... 0 to 127 . Volume accessible double-word 262,144 words. double-word 1 8-bit register (exponent register), 8 18-bit registers (index registers and instruction counter) and 1 72-bit register (can be used as 72-bit accumulator, 2 independent 36-bit accumulators, or 4 independent 18-bit index registers) . / CENTRAL PROCESSOR 340:051.2394 .2394 End value: . . . . . . . . when the tally count (number of repeats yet to be performed) reaches zero or when a specified condition (the status of one or more indicators) is met . . 2395 Combined step and test: . . . . . . . . . . yes . . 24 Special Processor Storage . 241 Category of storage Program usage Number of Size in locations bits Accumulator register 1 72 Index register: 8 18 Exponent register: 1 8 Base Address register: 1 18 Indicator register: Timer register: 1 1 18 24 stores the status of the various indicators. decremented by 1 each 15.625 IJ.sec; causes a fault interrupt when its contents reach zero (can be program-set only in the master mode). Instruction Counter register: 1 18 contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. serves as mantissa register for floating-point operations, as operand register for double-precision fixed-point operations (each half can be used independently for Single-precision fixed-point operations), or as four independent 18-bit index registers. serves as index register or as operand register for half-precision fixed-point operands. hold exponent for all floating-point operations. stores the base address and memory allocation for an object program. .3 SEQUENCE CONTROL FEATURES . 33 .31 Instruction Sequencing: sequential. .331 Possible causes - .311. Number of sequence FAULT INTERRUPTS control facilities: ... 1 - instruction counter . . 312 Arrangement: . . . . . . in central processor. .314 Special sub-sequence counters: . . . . . • . . index register XO holds tally field for Repeat instructions. .315 Sequence control step size: . . . . . . . 1 word. .316 Accessibility to routines: ... . instruction counter can be stored at any location in core storage. .32 Interruption Look-Ahead: . . . . . . . instructions are fetched in pairs while the previous operation is being executed. Address indexing and operation fetching are also overlapped. Time savings are lost if a transfer instruction, or the location transferred to, is the second word of an instruction pair. Classification (in descending priority) Interrupt Number (octal) Cause 17 activation of Execute switch on maintenance panel. power applied to the system. address outside the limits of existing core storage; an operation was not completed by processor or system Controller. an interrupt inhibit has existed for more than 64 msec. divide check. fixed-point overflow or floatingpoint overflow or underflow. 14 II 13 7 III @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 16 15 12/64 340:051.331 GE-600 SERIES .332 Control by routine Individual control: .331 Possible causes (Contd.) F AU LT INTERRUPTS (Contd.) Classification in descending Eriority) IV Interrupt Number (octal) 12 11 6 5 3 2 1 v 10 4 o Cause attempted execution of an invalid operation code (all zeros). parity error in core storage acess. execution of a Derail ins truction. attempt to issue in the slave mode an instruction reserved for master mode, or attempt to use a memory channel that has been . masked off. recognition of a Fault Tag in an indirect word. execution of a Master Mode Entry instruction. program referenced an address that was outside physical memory or outside program boundaries. execution of a Connect instruction. Timer register reached zero. power removed from system. PROGRAM (I/O) INTERRUPTS Classification (in descending priority) C 04 S 14 I 24 T 34 Note: 12/64 Interrupt cell no. (octal) Cause failure to access Data Control Word and duplicate without parity errors. occurrence of special conditions (completion of magnetic tape rewind, device ready, etc.). failure to initiate an I/O operation. termination of a channel busy status. The interrupt cell numbers shown are for the first I/O Controller Module. The numbers for the next module would be 05, 15, 25, 35, etc. Priority is by interrupt cell number, with the lowest cell number having the highest priority. · I/o interrupts from each I/O Controller can be generated or inhibited by classification (see Paragraph. 331). parity and overflow interrupts can be inhibited. I/O and group V interrupts can be delayed (see Paragraph .334); all other interrupts are granted, automatically, based on priority. Method: . . . . . . . . . · setting of specific bit in appropriate register or instruction word. .333 Operator control: . . . . · operator can only request interrupt via the console typewriter and the I/o Interrupt Register in the System Controller. .334 Interruption conditions General: . . . . . . . . . . only one interrupt within a priority group (except I/o interrupts) can be active at anyone time. Group I and II: . . • . . . interrupt will be processed immediately without completing present operation. Group III and IV: . . . . interrupt will be processed follOWing completion of present operation. Group V and I/O interrupts: . . . . • . . . . • . interrupt procedure will be carried out as soon as an instruction from an odd memory location has been executed that: (1) did not have bit position 28 set to a 1, (2) did not cause an actual transfer of control, and (3) was not an Execute or Execute Double instruction (the second instruction in an Execute Double instruction will be executed prior to allowing the interrupt in any case). .335 Interruption process Interruption action: ... forced transfer to a location within the supervisor area determined by the classification of the interrupt. Registers saved: ..•. none of the registers is stored automatically; however, the operating system (see GECOS, page 340:191.100) normally stores the contents of the Instruction Counter and Indicator register prior to executing an interrupt routine, and will / CENTRAL PROCESSOR 340:051.335 .335 Interruption process Registers saved (Contd.) save the contents of all registers if a transfer to another program is made. . 335 Control methods Determine cause: Group I through V: . fixed-point overflow and floating-point overflow and underflow can be distinguished by an analysis of the Indicator register; each of the 16 conditions mentioned in Paragraph. 331 causes a transfer to a unique location; except for overflow conditions, no further analysis is possible. I/O interrupts: ... analysis of the device status word, which is stored in an interrupt queue in memory at the same time the execute request register is set. Each status word specifies the device, channel, and condition causing an interrupt. Enable interruption: . automatically enabled once the condition is' serviced, or enabled by resetting the masks. . 34 .35 .4 boundaries causes the program to be aborted. In-out units: . . . . . . the I/O controller performs an address check on all input or output areas. If the areas are outside the program boundaries, the program is aborted. Multi-sequencing: ... handled by software (due to be available in mid1965). PROCESSOR SPEEDS The processor speeds for each GE-600 Series system are presented in the following individual sub- reports: GE-625: . . . . . . . • ' •. page 343:051.100 GE-635: . . . . . . . . . . page 344:051.100 .5 ERRORS, CHECKS, AND ACTION Error Overflow (fixed or floatingpoint): Underflow (fl0 atingpoint): Zero divisor: Unavailable operation: Check or Interlock Action check * check check * check instruction acts as No Operation or forced transfer to a fixed location, depending on the instruction. Multiprogramming (Multiprogramming is the process of intermingling instructions from several different independent programs.) .341 Method of control: ... handled by the operating system, GECOS (see page 340: 191. 100) . . 342 Maximum number of programs: . . . . . . . . 8. .343 Precedence rules: ... priority list. • 344 Program protection Storage: . . . . . . . . . program base address and program boundaries are stored in the Base Address Register (BAR). Any attempt by a program in the slave mode to reference an address outside the Invalid operation: check Operation not completed: check Invalid address: check Receipt of data: parity check by System Controller Dispatch of data: none . Lock-up (continuous inhibition of interrupts for more than 64 msec): check * * * * * * * Forced transfer to a fixed location in core storage. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340.072. 100 GE-600 Series Input-Output Card Punches INPUT-OUTPUT: CARD PUNCHES .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .. . 12 Some important characteristics of the card punches ?e: . . . . CP-10 Card Punch (100 cards per minute). CP-20 Card Punch (300 cards per minute). Description (0) An SO-bit buffer (CP-10) or a full-card-image buffer (CP-20) internal to the card punch. () SOO-card input hopper and output stacker capacity in the CP-10; 3500-card hopper and 3000-card stacker in the CP-20. CP-10 o Only one output stacker. The CP-10 Card Punch is the same unit offered with the GE-400 Series computer systems. The peak punching speed of the CP-10 is 100 cards per minute. A new punch instruction must be received within 43 milliseconds after the completion of the previous cycle to maintain the maximum rate of punching. The rate of punching drops 7 cards per minute for each 43-millisecond period (or fraction thereof) of delay after the initial one. Q Punches SO-column cards row-by-row. () Loading and unloading can be done during operation. \) Accepts either square- or round-cornered cards (can be intermixed). o Column binary punching capability. o Post-punch row parity check. \) Parity check on data received for punching. CP-20 The CP-20 Card Punch is a new unit, developed by GE. Its peak punching speed is 300 cards per minute. A new punch command must be received within 10 milliseconds after the completion of the previous cycle to maintain the maximum rate of punching. If the 10-millisecond period is exceeded, the rate of punching drops to 150 cards per minute. Characteristics There is virtually no limit to the number of card punches that can be connected on-line (see Section 340:031; System Configuration). Models can be intermixed in the same GE-600 system. The number of card punches that can operate Simultaneously depends on the number of other operating peripherals connected to the same I/O controller module (see Section 340:111, Simultaneous Operations). Special conditions (such as successful completion of an operation, full output stacker, card jam, invalid command, etc.) cause the setting of a bit for the appropriate channel in the execute-interrupt register of the System Controller in the Memory Module. Subsequent action by a supervisor program (normally GECOS) can determine the particular condition by interpreting a requested Status Return. Normally a programmer does not program inputoutput operations in detail; this is usually handled by the operating system (GECOS) on a filespecification basis. A detailed description of the input-output process is presented in Section 430:111, Simultaneous Operations. Card punching can be overlapped with other input-output operations and with processing. Detailed considerations for simultaneity, including time demands on the system, are also presented in the section on Simultaneous Operations. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. 12/64 340:073.100 GE-600 Series Input-Output Punched Tape Equipment INPUT-OUTPUT: PUNCHED TAPE EQUIPMENT .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . . TS-20 Perforated Tape Reader /Punch. . 12 Description The TS-20 Tape Reader/Punch, a free-standing unit housing a reader, punch, and control circuitry for punched tape input and output, is the same unit offered for the GE-400 Series computer systems. The reader and punch are mechanically independent, and the user may order the reader and its spooler mechanisms only (Model TR-20) or the punch and its spooler only (Model TP-20). Punched tape with standard or special 5-, 6-, 7-, 8-level character code configurations can be read or punched. The Tape Reader/Punch can also be used off-line for duplicating or verifying tapes. The reader operates at a peak speed of 500 characters per second, using standard paper or plastic tape with fully-punched holes. Reading is by means of photoelectric diodes. There is only one reader command, which causes continuous feeding and reading of tape in a channel mode established by the removable plugboard. The plugboard has provisions for recognizing stop or end-of-file characters. The bit configuration of these characters is determined by plugboard wiring and can be either single characters or groups. The plugboard also controls parity checking (odd, even, or none) and deletion of plugboard-specified characters. In addition, a plugboard identification configuration (6 bits) can be wired and is part of the normal Subsystem Ready Status Return. The plugboard must be in place prior to initiating a punched tape read instruction. Characters can be transmitted to storage either in their tape format or in a format rearranged by plugboard wiring. Each 36-bit word in storage can hold up to six characters of a 5- or 6-level tape code or three characters of a 7- or 8-level tape code. Conversion to the internal BCD character code, when necessary, must be accomplished by programming through the use of a translating routine and suitable translation tables. The punch has a peak speed of 150 characters per second, and the on-line operating modes are under program control at all times. The following instructions are available: 12/64 • Punch - feed and punch 7-channel tape with odd parity punched in channel 5. Each word in storage produces 6 tape characters . • Punch Edited - same as Punch, except delete any Ignore characters in the output data . • Punch Single - feed and punch 5- or 6-channel tape with no parity bit punched. Each word in storage produces 6 tape characters. • Punch Double - feed and punch 7- or 8-channel tape with no parity bit punched. Each word in storage produces 3 tape characters. Accuracy control consists of a parity check on each character received from core memory and a transfer timing check which detects an error if a data character is not received within 10 milliseconds of the time for activating the punch pins. Either of these errors results in terminating the current operation and in transmitting a "data alert" signal to the I/o Controller. Configuration and Simultaneity There is virtually no limit to the number of punched tape subsystems that can be connected on-line (see Section 340:031, System Configuration). The number that can operate Simultaneously depends on the number of other operating peripherals connected to the same I/O controller module (see Section 340:111, Simultaneous Operations). Punched tape reading and punching cannot occur simultaneously in the same unit, but either reading or punching can be overlapped with other input-output operations and with processing. Special conditions (such as successful completion of an operation, out-of-tape, invalid command, etc.) cause the setting of a bit for the appropriate channel in the execute-interrupt register of the System Controller in the Memory Module. Subsequent action by a supervisor program (normally GECOS) can determine the particular condition by interpreting a requested Status Return. Normally a programmer does not program inputoutput operations in detail; this is usually handled by the operating system (GECOS) on a file-specification basis. A detailed description of the input-output process is presented in Section 430:111, Simultaneous Operations. Detailed considerations for Simultaneity, including time demands on the system, are also presented in the section on Simultaneous Operations. 340:081.1 00 GE-600 Series Input-Output Printer INPUT-OUTPUT: PRINTER .1 GENERAL .11 Identity:.. . 12 Description • . . . . . . PR-20 Printer. .. Vertical spacing can be 6 or 8 lines per inch at the option of the operator . • Special controls, in conjunction with a standard subroutine, enable the operator to reprint, space forward or backspace by line or page, and perform some operations on the input devices to the printer (magnetic tape or disc/drum). The PR-20 Printer is the same unit offered for GE-400 series computer systems, but with a slightly different selection of special characters (see Table 2 of this section and page 324:141. 100, Data Code Table for the GE-425). The maximum rate of printing single-spaced lines is 1,200 lines per minute using any contiguous 46-character set and 949 lines per minute using the full 64-character set. The 46 "most common" characters are arranged in a contiguous set. (Table 2 shows the arrangement of the characters on the print drum.) Effective printing rates for multiline spacings are shown in Table 1, for both a 46-character set and the full 64-character set. There is virtually no limit to the number of printers that can be connected on-line (see Section 340:031, System Configuration). The number of printers that can be operated simultaneously depends on the number of other operating peripheral units connected to the same I/O controller module (see Section 340:111, Simultaneous Operations). Some important characteristics of the PR-20 Printer are as follows: 6) The printer is fully buffered. o Printing is done by pressing the ribbon and paper against the rotating drum by an on-the-fly hammer stroke. Continuous skipping is at the rate of 27.5 inches per second after the first two lines, which take 14 milliseconds and 6 milliseconds, respectively. Automatic skipping can be initiated and stopped by appropriate punches in the Vertical Format Control (VFU) tape. Single spacing, double spacing, or skipping to the top of a page can be initiated by programmed commands. Alternatively, a skip of up to 15 lines following the printing of a line can be specified by the inclusion of special "slew characters" in the formation of the print line. Other editing characters can cause deletion of a character, printing of an editing character, skipping to a particular point on the vertical format control (VFU) tape, skipping to the top of a page, insertion of one blank in the print line, or insertion of up to 120 blanks (in multiples of 8) in the print line. Two modes of printing are available. In the edit mode, the special editing characters cause the actions described above, but, in general, are not printed. In the nonedit mode, the print line is printed just as it is received by the printer buffer; the special characters are printed according to their bit configuration but do not cause any special actions to take place. Special conditions (such as successful completion of an operation, out-of-paper condition, parity error, invalid command, top-of-page Signal, etc.) cause the setting of a bit for the appropriate channel in the execute-interrupt register of the System Controller .. 64 printable characters (excluding space). .. 136 print positions. III Paper stock can be from 3 to 19 inches in width. Up to 6 copies plus original can be made. TABLE I: EFFECTIVE SPEED OF PR-20 PRINTER Lines Advanced per Line Printed (6 lines per inch) Printed Lines per Minute Using 46-Character Set Printed Lines per Minute Using 64-Character Set 1 2 3 4 5 1200 900 800 800 720 949 864 800 746 700 665 485 400 320 275 655 485 380 315 270 6 12 18 24 30 (1 (2 (3 (4 (5 inch) inches) inches) inches) inches) ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. 12/64 GE-600 SERIES 340:081.120 12 Description (Contd. ) in the Memory Module. Subsequent action by a supervisor program (normally GECOS) can determine the particular condition by interrogating the printer controller. Normally a programmer does not program inputoutput operations in detail; this usually is handled by the operating system (GECOS) on a file...: specification basis. A detailed description of the input-output process is presented in Section 430:111, Simultaneous Operations. Printing can be overlapped with other input-output operations and with processing. Detailed considerations for simultaneity, including time demands on the system, are given in the section on Simultaneous Operations. TABLE II: CHARACTER SET OF PR-20 PRINTER Relative Position on Print Drum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Character + / & 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c , % $ * A B C D E F G H I J K L Relative Position on Print Drum 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 /- Character " M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z +J ( < "- 1 ) ,, = "! > ? J6 # @ : ,/ 12/64 340:091.100 GE-6oo Series Input-Output 7-Track Magnetic Tape Handlers INPUT -OUTPUT: 7-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . . . . . . • . . . 7-Track Magnetic Tape Handlers: MT-17 (20.9 KC) MT-19 (30 KC) MT-21 (4:': KC) MT-23 (60 KC) MT-24 (83 KC) MT-26 (120 KC). 7-Track Magnetic Tape Controllers: MTC-71 (Single Channel) MTC-72 (Dual Channel). • 12 Description General Electric currently offers three families of magnetic tape units (12 models in all) for its computer systems. All of these models are available for the GE-600 Series systems. Each family is based on one tape handler; the differences are in recording densities and the number of data tracks. Both 7-track and 9-track models are available in each family. The characteristics and performance of each 7-track tape handler are presented in this section. For information about the 9-track handlers, see Section 340:092. All 7-track tape handlers described in this section are compatible with the tape units used in previous GE systems and with the IBM 729 and 7330 Magnetic Tape Units. .121 MT-17 and MT-19 The MT-17 and MT-19 Magnetic Tape Handlers are improved versions of the GE-developed economy-model magnetic tape handlers first introduced as the MTH-200 and MTH-300, respectively. Forward tape speed has been increased to 37. 5 inches per second (36 inches per second previously), and rewind speed has been increased to 300 inches per second (110 inches per second previously). The most significant difference between the MT-17 and MT-19 is that the MT-19 can read and write at a density of 800 characters per inch in addition to the 200 and 556 characters-per-inch densities available in the MT-17. Peak data transfer rate for the MT-17 is 20,900 characters per second; peak data transfer rate for the MT-19 is 30,000 characters per second. .122 MT-21 and MT-23 The MT-21 and MT-23 are two versions of a new GE-developed magnetic tape handler designed to supplant the Ampex units (MTH-201 and MTH-301) formerly used as the medium-speed magnetic tape units in the GE line. Mechanical design is similar to that of the MT-17 and MT-19 mentioned above . Forward tape speed is 75 inches per second and rewind speed is 300 inches per second. The most significant difference between the two models is that the MT-23.can read and write at a density of 800 characters per inch in addition to the 200 and 556 characters per inch densities available in the MT-21. Peak data transfer rate is 42,000 characters per second for the MT-21 and 60,000 characters per second for the MT-23. . 123 MT-24 and MT-26 The MT-24 Magnetic Tape Handler was first introduced as the MTH-202, with recording densities of 200 and 556 characters per inch. The MT-26 is the same basic unit with an additional recording density of 800 characters per inch. These two magnetic tape units feature: o Photoelectrically controlled tape bins (approximately 30 feet of tape) instead of the usual vacuum columns; o 150 inches per second forward tape speed; o 300 inches per second rewind speed; o Tape drive by means of four vacuum capstans. o Permanent, quick-connect tape leader Peak data transfer rate is 83,000 characters per second for the MT-24 and 120,000 characters per second for the MT-26. . 124 Controllers Two controllers are available for the magnetic tape units: a single-channel model and a dualchannel model. Either can control up to 16 tape units. Each Single-channel controller fully occupies one high-speed channel of the I/o Controller module; each dual-channel controller fully occupies two. There is no practical limit upon the total number of magnetic tape units that can be connected on-line (see Section 340:031, System Configuration). A dual-channel controller can permit simultaneous read-read, read-write, or write-write operations by any two magnetic tape units connected to the same controller, or it can permit either of two computer systems access to all tape units connected to that controller. Simultaneous operations can also be performed utilizing two tape units connected to different single-channel controllers. Any combination of the tape units described in this section can be connected to the same controller. @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340:091.125 . 125 Programming Characteristics GE-600 SERIES · 24 Use of station: .. · Stacks: . . . . . . . · Heads/ stack: .. . · Method of use: ... . · All of the magnetic tape units described in this section are functionally identical; i. e., it makes no difference to the programmer which model tape unit is being used (except for the 800-characters per-inch feature of the MT-19, MT-21, andMT-26). Instructions are available for reading or writing one block (forward only) in either BCD or binary mode, spacing backward or forward over either 1 to 63 logical records or one file, selecting high or low density, rewinding, writing' an end-of-file character, and erasing 8. 5 inches forward. The ·contents of each 36-bit word are written as six tape rows in both the BCD and binary modes. In the binary mode, the data is written on tape exactly as it appears in storagE!; in the BCD mode, an automatic code translation is performed between GE-600 internal code and the IBM BCD tape code as used in IBM 7090/7094 systems. A dual-gap head provides read-after-writechecking; both lateral (row) and longitudinal (block) parity are checked. A check is also made for loss of data due to timing errors. Normally, a GE-600 Series programmer does not program input-output operations in detail; this is usually handled by the operating system (GECOS) on a file-specification basis. A detailed description of the input-output process is presented in Section 430:111, Simultaneous Operations. Magnetic tape operations can be overlapped with other inputoutput operations and with processing. Detailed considerations for simultaneity, including time demands on the system, are also presented in the Simultaneous Operations Section. . 14 I'irst Delivery: . . . . . March, 1965. .2 PHySICAL FORM . 21 Drive Mechanism .211 Drive past the head: .. vacuum capstan (MT-24 and MT-26 use 4 vacuum capstans). .212 Reservoirs.2. Number: . . . . . Form: . . . . . . . vacuum columns (MT-24 and MT-26 use photoelectrically controlled tape bins). Capacity: . . . . .. about 10 inches (MT-24 and MT-26: about 30 feet). . proportional servo motor. .213 Feed drive: ... .214 Take-up drive: . . . . . . proportional servo motor. . 22 . 23 Multiple Copies: . . . . none. 12/64 . recording. . 1. .7. . 1 row at a time. Use of station: . . . . . . Distance: . . . . . . . . . Stacks: . . . . . . . . . . . Heads/ stack: . . . . . . . Method of use: . . . . . . .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage reading. 0.3 inch. 1. 7. 1 row at a time. .311 Medium:. . . . . .. .. plastic tape with magneticable surface. .312 Phenomenon: . . . . . . . magnetization. .32 Positional Arrangement .321 Serial by: . . . . . . . . . 1 to N rows at 200, 556, or (in some models) 800 rOWS/inch; N is limited only by available core storage . . 322 Parallel by: . . . . . . . . 7 tracks. · 324 Track use Data: . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Redundancy check: . . . 1. Timing: . . . . . . . . . . O. Control signals: . . . . . O. Unused: . . . . . . . . . . O. Total: . . . . . . . . . . . 7. .325 Row use Data: . . . . . . . . . . . . Redundancy check: ... Timing: . . . . . . . . . . Control signals: . . . . . Unused: " .. Gap:. . . . 1 to N. 1 per block. O• O. 4. 0.75 inch inter-block; 3 . 78 inches end- of-file . . . . . 1 tape row per character, or 6 tape rows per GE600 word. Automatic translation between IBM BCD tape code and GE-600 internal code in BCD mode; no translation in binary mode. .33 Coding: .34 Format Compatibility Other device or system Code translation IBM 729 and 7330 tape units: . . . . . . . . not required,. except for a few special characters . GE-200 or 400 Series systems using 7track tape units: ••• not required . Sensing and Recording Systems .221 Recording system: ... magnetic head. . 222 Sensing system: . . . . . magnetic head . . 223 Common system: . . . . two-gap head provides read-after-write parity check. Arrangement of Heads .35 Physical Dimensions .351 Overall width: . . . . . . 0.50 inch . · 352 Length: . . . . . . . . . . 2,400 feet per reel. ./ ./ INPUT-OUTPUT: 7- TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS .4 CONTROLLER . 41 Identity: . 42 Connection to System . 55 .56 yes. yes. yes . yes (1200 inches from physical end) . Busy controller: . . . . . yes. End-of-file marks: ... yes . End-of-medium marks: . . . . . . . . . . yes . Connection to Device Data Transfer Control .441 Size of load: . . . . . . . .442 Input-output areas: ... . 443 Input-output area access: . . . . . . . . · . .444 Input-output area lockout: ... · . .445 Table control: . . . . · . 1 to N words. core storage . each word. none. yes; scatter-read and gather-write are available at programmer's option, as described in Section 340:111, Simultaneous Operations. .446 Synchronization: . . . . . automatic. .5 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE . 51 Blocks .52 · 525 .526 PERFORMANCE .62 Speeds · . read 1 block forward. · write 1 block forward. write end-of-file record. erase 8.5 inches forward. Stepping: .. . · none . Skipping: .. . · . forward or backward space: one file or 1 to 63 logical records. Marking: . . . . . . . · . inter-block gap. end-of-file character and gap. 1 to 62 multi-purpose block delimiters. Searching: . . . . . . . . . none. . 53 Code Translation: . . . . automatic in BCD mode. no translation in binary mode. .54 Format Control: . . . . none. · · · · . . . . .621 Nominal or peak speed: . . . . . . . . . . see Table I. .622 Important parameters: see Table I. .623 Overhead:. . . . . . . see Interblock Gap Lengths, Table I. .624 Effective speeds: .. see Table I and graphs. .63 Demands on System: .. see Section 340:111, Simul taneous Operations. .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments .72 Function Form Address selection: rotary switch assign logical address (0 through 15). push button. ring on reel absence of ring inhibits writing. Rewind: File protection: .73 · . recording density . · . switch . Other Controls Input-Output Operations · 521 Input:: . . .. .522 Output: . . . . · 523 . 524 .6 Adjustment: Method: ... . 511 Size of block: . . . . . . . 1 to N words. .512 Block demarcation Input: . . . . · gap on tape or exhausted Data Control List. Output: ... · Data Control List specifies number, length, and core locations of data fields comprising a tape block (see Section 340: 111). yes . yes. yes. yes . yes. yes . Testable Conditions Disabled: .. . Busy device: ... . Output lock:. . . . . Nearly exhausted:. . 431 Devices per controller: 1 to 16. .432 Restrictions: . . . . . . . none. . 44 Control Operations Disable: . . . . . . . . . . Request interrupt: . . . Select density: . . . ... Select code: . . . . . . . . Rewind: . . . . . . . . . . . Unload: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MTC-71 (single channel). MTC-72 (dual channel). . 421 On-line: . . . . . . . . . . maximum of 6 singlechannel controllers or 3 dual-channel controllers per I/o Control Module. (See Section 340:031, System Configuration.) . 422 Off-line: . . . . . . . . . . none. . 43 340: 091. 400 Comment Loading and Unloading .731 Volumes handled Capacity per 2, 400-foot reel (for lOOO-character blocks): . . . . . . . . . 5 million characters at 200 rows/inch. 11. 3 million characters at 556 rows/inch. 14.4 million characters at 800 rows/inch. .732 Replenishment time: .. 0.5 to 1. 0 minute (approximately 0.3 minute for MT-24 and MT-26); tape unit needs to be stopped . .734 Optimum reloading period: . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 to 12.8 minutes to read or write a full reel at peak speed, depending upon model. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. 12/64 GE-600 SERIES 340:091.800 .8 ERRORS, CHECKS, AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Recording: read-after-write parity check lateral and longitudinal parity check * * check * Reading: Input area overflow: Output block size: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: preset. all codes valid. reflective marker on tape hnperfect medium: * * / none, but read and write parity checks will pick up many imperfections. Occurrence of these and other abnormal conditions causes an interrupt and a branch to a specified location in the supervisor (GECOS) area. Information as to the channel, device, and particular condition is contained in a status word which is stored in a specified location in memory and is available to GECOS for examination. TABLE I: CHARACTERISTICS OF 7-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS Interblock Gap Lengths Tape Speed, inches per sec Recording Density, bits per inch Peak Speed, char per sec MT-17 37.5 200 556 MT-19 37.5 MT-21 75 Model No. Efficiency, %(3) 1,000char blocks Rewind Speed, inches per sec Rated Start + Stop Time, msec 38.9 18.6 86.4 69.6 300 <10 inches msec (1) 100-char chars (2) blocks 7,500 20,900 0.75 0.75 21 21 157 437 800(4) 20,000 0.75 21 629 13.7 61.4 300 <10 200 556 15,000 42,000 0.75 0.75 11 11 165 459 37.8 17.9 85. 8 68.5 300 <10 MT-23 75 800(5) 60,000 0.75 11 660 13.2 60.2 300 <10 MT-24 150 200 556 30,000 83,000 0.75 0.75 5.3 5.3 159 441 38.6 18.5 86.2 69.4 300 3 MT-26 150 800(6) 120,000 0.75 5.3 636 13.6 61.2 300 3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Time in milliseconds to traverse each interblock gap when reading or writing consecutive blocks. Number of character positions occupied by each interblock gap. Effective speed at the indicated block size, expressed as a percentage of peak speed. Performance of the MT-19 at 200 and 556 bits per inch density is the same as that of the MT-17. Performance of the MT-23 at 200 and 556 bits per inch density is the same as that of the MT-21. Performance of the MT-26 at 200 and 556 bits per inch density is the same as that of the MT-24. / 12/64 INPUT-OUTPUT: 7-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS 340: 091. 900 EFFECTIVE SPEED: 7-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS (556 bits per inch) 1,000,000 7 4 2 100,000 7 io"" ". 4 Effective Speed char/sec. I........ ~ 2 V ........ ~ .~ 7 ". V "",,,,,, -- ~ --r I II ML1~ , IJT~~J f-"'" J 1/ 1,000 ,.... M'kd1 , I J-t-12k V 4 2 V ,/ 10,000 i-"" - MT 24, MT 26 V L / (;I' / / 1/ " / !.7 ./ ",II' V , 7 1/ 4 2 100 2 10 4 7 2 4 7 100 2 1,000 4 7 10,000 Characters Per Block ! \ ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340:091.901 GE-600 SERIES EFFECTIVE SPEED: 7-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS (800 bits per inch) 4~---+~/~-+~~~~V~--+--+-+~~HH----+--+-+~~HH II' V , 7 I' 4 2 100 2 10 4 7 2 4 100 Characters Per Block 12/64 7 2 1,000 4 7 10,000 340: 092. 100 GE-600 Series Input-Output 9-Track Magnetic Tape Handlers INPUT-OUTPUT: 9-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: · 12 .213 Feed drive: . . . . . . . . proportional servo motor. .214 Take-up drive: . . . . . . proportional servo motor. · . 9- Track Magnetic Tape Handlers: MT-17 A (28 KC) MT-19A (40 KC) MT-21A (56 KC) MT-23A (80 KC) MT-24A (111 KC) MT-26A (160 KC). 9- Track Magnetic Tape Controllers: MTC-91 (Single Channel) MTC-92 (Dual Channel). Description .22 .221 Recording system: ... magnetic head. .222 Sensing system: . . . . . magnetic head. .223 Common system: . . . . two-gap head provides read- after-write parity check. .23 Multiple Copies: . . . . . none. · 24 Arrangement of Heads General Electric offers a 9-track version of each 7-track magnetic tape handler described in Section 340:091 (including the models having a maximum recording density of 556 bits per inch). The basic characteristics of corresponding models are similar. Some of the more Significant differences between the 7 -track and 9-track magnetic tape units are: • • In the 9-track units, two 36-bit words are recorded on nine rows of tape exactly as they appear in core storage. Interblock and end-of-file gaps are both reduced to O. 6 inch. .. A cyclic parity check is made by the 9-track controller in addition to lateral and longitudinal parity checks, permitting the automatic correction of Single-track errors. .14 First Delivery: . . . . . September, 1965. ·2 PHYSICAL FORM . 21 Drive Mechanism . 211 Drive past the head: · 212 ReservoirsNumber: . . . . . . Form: . . . . . . . I "'. . vacuum capstan (MT-24A and MT-26A use 4 vacuum capstans). . 2. · . vacuum columns (MT - 24A and MT-26A use photoelectrically controlled bins). Capacity: . . . . . . · . about 10 inches (MT-24A and MT-26A: about 30 feet). Use of station: . . . . . . Stacks: . . . . . . . . . . . Heads/stack: . . . . . . . Method of use: . . . . . . recording. 1. 9. 1 row at a time. Use of station: . . . . Distance: . . . . . . . Stacks: . . . . . . . . . . . Heads/stack: . . . . . Method of use: . . . . . . reading. 0.15 inch. 1. 9. 1 row at a time. .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage .311 Medium: . . . . . . . . . . plastic tape with magnetizable surface. .312 Phenomenon: . . . . . . . magnetization. .32 The 9-track tape units are compatible with the IBM 2400 Series units. Any combination of 9track and/or 7-track GE-600 Series tape handlers can be connected to a single 9-track controller. (Nine-track tape units, however, cannot be connected to a 7 - track controller.) Sensing and Recording Systems Positional Arrangement .321 Serial by: ... . . . . . . 1 to N rows at 200, 556, or (in some models) /l00 rows/inch; N is limited only by available core storage . . 322 Parallel by: . . . . . . . . 9 tracks. .324 Track useData: . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Redundancy check: . . . 1. Timing: . . . . . . . . . . O. Control signals: . . . . . O• Unused: . . . . O. Total:. . . . . .. 9 . · 325 Row use Data: . . . . . .. 1 to N. Redundancy check: .. 2 per block. Timing: . . . . . . . . O• Control signals:.. .. O. Unused: .. 6. Gap: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6 inch inter-block; 0.6 inch end-of-file. · 33 Coding: . . . . . . . . . . 9 tape rows per two 36bit words. © 1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340: 092. 340 . 34 GE-600 SERIES Format Compatibility Other device or 'system Code translation IBM 2400 Series tape units: . . . . . . . not required. GE-200 or 400 Series systems using 9track tape units: ••• not required. .35 Physical Dimensions . 351 Overall width: . . . . . . 0.50 inch . . 352 Len~h: . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400 feet per reel. .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: . . . . . . . 42 .. MTC-91 (single channel) MTC-92 (dual channel). .522 Output: . • . . . . . . . . . write 1 block forward . write end-of-file record. erase 8.5 inches forward. .•. none . · 523 Stepping: .. . . . . forward or backward · 524 Skipping: .. . space: one file or 1 to 63 logical records. .525 Marking: . . . . . . . . . . inter-block gap. end-of-file character and gap. 1 to 62 multi-purpose block delimiters . . 526 Searching: . . . . . . . . . none . .53 Code Translation: ... none . . 54 Format Control: . . . . . none . · 55 Control Operations Disable: . . . . . . . . . . Request interrupt: ... Select density: . . . . . . Select code: . . . . . . . . Rewind: . . . . . . . . . . Unload: . . . . . . . . . . . Connection to System . 421 On-line: . . . . . . . . . . maximum of 6 singlechannel controllers or 3 dual-channel controllers per I/O Control Module. (See Section 340:031, System Configuration.) . 422 Off-line: . . . . . . . . . . none. .56 yes . yes. yes . yes (1200 inches from physical end) . Busy controller: . . . . . yes. End-of-file marks: ... yes . End-of-medium marks: yes . . 431 Devices per controller: . . . . . . . . . . l to 16. . 432 Restrictions: . . . . . . . none. . 44 Testable Conditions Disable: . . . . . Busy device: .. Output lock:. . ... Nearly exhausted: . . . . Connection to Device . 43 yes. yes . yes. yes . yes. yes. Data Transfer Control .441 Size of load: . . . . . . . .442 Input-output areas: ... . 443 Input-output area access: . . . . . . . . . . .444 Input-output area lockout: . . . . . . . . . . . . .445 Table control: . . . . . . 1 to N words. core storage . each word. none . yes; scatter-read and gather-write are available at programmer's option, as described in Section 340:111, Simultaneous Operations. . 446 Synchronization: . . . . • automatic. .5 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 Blocks . 511 Size of block: . . . . . . . 1 to N words . . 512 Block demarcation Input: . . . . . . . . . . • gap on tape or exhausted Data Control List. Output: . . . . . . . . . . Data Control List specifies number, length, and core locations of data fields comprising a tape block (see Section 340:111). . 52 Input-Output Operations .521 Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . read 1 block forward. 12/64 .6 PERFORMANCE .62 Speeds .621 Nominal or peak speed: . . . . . . . . . . see Table I. .622 Important parameters: see Table 1. .623 Overhead: . . . . . . . . . see Interblock Gap Lengths, Table I. .624 Effective speeds: . . . . see Table I and graph. .63 Demands on Systems: . see Section 340:111, Simultaneous Operations . .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments Adjustment: . . . . . . . . recording density. Method: . . . . . switch . .72 Other Controls Function Form Comment Address selection: rotary switch aSSign logical address (0 through 15). Rewind: File protection: push button . ring on reel absence of ring inhibits writing. INPUT-OUTPUT: 9-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS 340:092.730 TABLE I: CHARACTERISTICS OF 9-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS Model No. MT-17A Recording Density, bits per inch Interblock Gap Lengths Efficiency, % (3) Peak Speed, char 100-char 1,000char per sec inch msec chars blocks blocks (1) (2) Rewind Speed, inches per sec Rated Start + Stop Time, msec 82.7 63.1 300 <10 37.5 200 556 10,000 28,000 0.6 0.6 21 210 583 MT-19A 37.5 800(4) 40,000 0.6 21 839 10.7 54.4 300 <10 MT-21A 75 200 556 20,000 56,000 0.6 0.6 11 220 612 31. 3 14.0 82.0 62.0 300 <10 MT-23A 75 800(5) 80,000 0.6 880 10.2 53.1 300 <10 MT-24A 150 200 556 40,000 111,000 0.6 0.6 5.3 212 589 32.0 14.5 82.3 62.9 300 3 MT-26A 150 800(6) 160,000 0.6 5.3 848 10.5 54.1 300 3 NOTE: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .73 Tape Speed, inches per sec 32.3 14.7 All references in this table refer to 6-bit characters. Time in milliseconds to traverse each interblock gap when reading or writing consecutive blocks. Number of character positions occupied by each interblock gap. Effective speed at the indicated block size, expressed as a percentage of peak speed. Performance of the MT-19A at 200 and 556 bits per inch density is the same as that of the MT-17A. Performance of the MT-23A at 200 and 556.bits per inch density is the same as that of the MT-21A. Performance of the MT-26A at 200 and 556 bits per inch density is the same as that of the MT-24A. Loading and Unloading .8 .731 Volumes handled Capacity per 2, 400-foot reel (for 1000-character blocks): 9-track ASCII: ... 5 million characters at 200 rows/inch. 11. 3 million characters at 556 rows/inch. 14.4 million characters at 800 rows/inch. 9-track non-ASCII: . 6.4 million characters at 200 rows/inch. 13.7 million characters at 556 rows/inch. 17. 1 million characters at 800 rows/inch. .732 Replenishment time: .. 0.5 to 1. 0 minute (approximately 0.3 minute for MT-24A and MT-26A); tape unit needs to be stopped. .734 Optimum reloading period: . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 to 12.8 minutes to read or write a full reel at peak speed, depending upon model. ERRORS, CHECKS, AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Recording: read-after-write parity check lateral, longitudinal, and cyclic parity checkt Reading: Action * * Input area overflow: check * Output block size: preset. Invalid code: all codes valid. Exhausted medium: reflective marker on * tape Imperfect medium: none, but read and write parity checks will pick up many inperfections. * Occurrence of these and other abnormal conditions cause an interrupt and a branch to a specified location in the supervisor (GECOS) area. Information as to the channel, device, and particular condition is contained in a status word which is stored in a specified location in memory and is available to the supervisor for examination. The 9-track controllers provide single-track error correction. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. 12/64 340:092.900 GE-600 SERIES EFFECTNE SPEED: 9-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE HANDLERS (800 bits per inch) 1,000,000 MT-26A --- r-i 100,000 ~L MT-23A ~ V Effective Speed char/sec. ~ 10,000 " / / V V V 1,000 1,.;1"" I~ V -" 1/ ~ I I I I MT-19A - .... ",,1"" / 17" 1/ ,/ / / ~ .-""" .J' 1/ ~ V "I.;' io' ~ ~ ~ )1 ~ ~" " 1/ 100 10 100 1,000 10,000 Characters Per Block NOTE: 12/64 The effective speed is shown here in terms of 6-bit characters. Performance using 8-bit characters is the same as shown in the graph on page 340:091. 901. 340: 1OLl 00 GE-600 Series Input-Output Datanet-30 INPUT-OUTPUT: DATANET-30 .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . .12 Description Datanet-30 Data Communications Pr·ocessor. The Datanet-30 is a stored program data communications processor that can be used independently or connected on-line to any GE 200, 400 or 600 series computer. It is particularly useful for message switching, data collection and distribution, and integrated information handling systems. The Datanet-30 can scan up to 128 communication lines, receive and temporarily store data, evaluate it for priority, and then send it on to the proper destination. The Datanet-30's principal components and their functions are summarized below. The Processor The Datanet-30 processor controls the flow of input and output data and manipulates the data as directed by the stored program. There are over 78 basic instructions, some of which offer many variations. The instructions can be classified into the following groups: load, store, arithmetic, logical, register transfer, branch, speCial, Buffer Selector (to service the input-output buffers), and Controller Selector (to control computer peripheral devices). Arithmetic capabilities are limited to nine different binary addition instructions and a "subtract one" instruction. Logical AND, inclusive OR, and exclusive OR instructions are available. The register transfer instructions permit the contents of up to six specified registers to be "ORed" together, manipulated in one of several ways, and transferred to any combination of up to four specific registers. Each instruction is one 18-bit word in length. Six different modes of addressing are available; three of these modes use direct addresses (contained in the instructions), and the other three use indirect addresses (contained in the memory locations specified in the instructions). All instructions that specify memory addresses use 6 bits for the operation code, 3 bits to specify the addressing mode, and 9 bits to specify the memory address itself. A symbolic assembly program is available to simplify the coding of Datanet-30 programs. Core Memory The Datanet-30 can contain 4,096, 8,192, or 16,384 word locations of magnetic core memory. Memory cycle time is 6.94 microseconds for each access of one I8-bit word. Each word location can hold one instruction, three 6-bit alphanumeric characters, or a numeric data word in the form of an 18-bit binary integer. Negative numbers are represented in two's complement form. Eight-level transmission codes can be stored conveniently in memory in the form of 6-bit character codes because special instructions are provided to strip off and check the parity and control bits when a character is received, and to regenerate and insert these two bits when the character is to be transmitted. Input-Output Buffers The Datanet-30 can address a total of 128 buffers. Each buffer is connected to a digital subset or teletype line relay which changes signals to or from the form required for the communications facilities being used. Four standard types of buffers are available: o Bit Buffer Channel - buffers one bit at a time between the Datanet-30 and one full duplex, half duplex, or simplex transmission line. The Bit Buffer Channel is used on low-speed teletype lines at standard transmission speeds of 45 to 150 bits per second. Codes of 5, 6, 7, or 8 levels with stop-start bits can be accommodated. The program must store away each individual bit of received data before the next bit arrives. The maximum number of lines that can operate simultaneously varies with transmission speed, message volume, and a number of other factors. o Character Buffer Channel - buffers one character of 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits at a time between the Datanet-30 and one half-duplex transmission line. The Character Buffer Channel is required by system timing considerations on lines operating at or above 300 bits per second; it can accommodate speeds up to 2,400 bits per second. o Word Buffer Channel - buffers one 20-bit Datanet-30 word (18 data bits plus start and stop bits) to permit communication between two Datanet-30's via a half-duplex transmission line. Transmission speeds of 300 to 2,400 bits per second can be accommodated. o Receive Parallel Unit - provides buffering, in the input direction only, for one character in any code of up to 14 bits, where all bits comprising the character are transmitted in parallel on individual lines. The Receive Parallel Unit is particularly useful for handling the input from a local Datanet-3101 Data Accumulation System. Operation is asynchronous and timed by the transmitting device. ©1964 Auerbach Corporotion and Info, Inc. 12/64 340:101.120 .12 Description (Contd.) Controller Selector Unit (CSU) The CSU permits connection of standard GE computer peripheral devices to a Datanet-30. Peripheral units on up to eight channels can operate simultaneously through time-shared accesses to the Datanet-30's core memory. Disc storage units, magnetic tape subsystems, and other peripheral devices can be connected. Computer Interface Unit (CIU) The CIU is an IS-bit buffer that provides the connecting link between a GE 600 series computer system and an on-line Datanet-30. The CIU is housed within the Datanet-30, where it is addressed as an input- output buffer, and is connected to a standard capacity input-output channel of the I/o 12/64 GE-600 SERIES Controller. Data transfer rate is determined by the Datanet-30 program and can be up to 43, 200 characters per second. Both the Datanet-30 and the GE 600 series computer can execute independent programs while data is being transferred between them in either direction. Data transfers between the Datanet-30 and the CIU are parallel by IS-bit word, with no parity bit. Data transfers between the crn and the GE 600 series computer are parallel by character, with each character consisting of 6 data bits plus an odd parity bit. The CIU performs the necessary conversions between the word and character modes, adding or deleting parity bits as required. Data received from the 600 series computer is checked for proper parity. Status indicators can be interrogated by either the Datanet-30 or the 600 series computer for the following conditions: ready, intermediate, channel busy, data alert, and command reject. 340. lll.l 00 GE-600 Series Simultaneous Operations SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS .1 GENERAL a card punch operation or a multiple-record non-data-transfer operation (e. g., backspace N records on magnetic tape). The Input/Output Controller Module (lOC) is in effect a small processor containing four permanentlywired programs: rio • Connect Sequence - initiates the proper operation. • Data Service Sequence - performs the data transfer between core storage and a peripheral device. • Terminate Interrupt Sequence - stores the necessary termination information in core storage and sets the appropriate bit in the Interrupt Register of the System Controller. • Special Interrupt Sequence - handles the occurrence of special conditions, such as completion of magnetic tape rewind and printer becoming ready after operator attention. The Connect I/O Channel instruction (CIOC) is the only input-output instruction in the GE-600 Series computer system repertoire, and it can be executed only in the master mode. In a multi-processor system, this instruction can be executed only by the module designated as control processor. Execution of the CIOC instruction causes a connection to be made between core storage and an laC, and the initiation of a Connect Sequence in the laC. Once the peripheral device has accepted a command, control is transferred to the Data Service Sequence (except for operations that are performed off-line, such as magnetic tape rewind). Control is transferred to the Terminate Interrupt Sequence upon successful completion of data transfer or upon non-completion of a command accepted by the peripheral. If a peripheral device is not successfully started, an initiation interrupt occurs; the Terminate Interrupt Sequence is not entered. Once the Processor Module has relinquished control to the laC via the CIOC instruction, the processor is not again involved until the I/o operation is completed or until an error or malfunction is detected, at which time an interrupt signal is generated. There are four types of input-output interrupts (listed in descending priority): • Counter Parity Interrupt - results if both the queue table counter word and its duplicate cannot be read without parity errors. • Special Interrupt - results from special conditions arising in a peripheral device (e. g. , completion of a magnetic tape reWind). \" ( "- • CiI Initiation Interrupt - results from: (1) a parity error in reading the Primary Mailbox, (2) the unsuccessful start-up of a peripheral device, (3) a Request status or Reset status of Terminate Interrupt - results when a peripheral device has accepted a data transfer command and the data transfer is completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully, or the data address is invalid. An laC can be connected to up to four Memory Modules, providing a direct addreSSing capability of up to 262, 144 words. However, only one of the associated System Controllers can control the laC. Located in that System Controller is a 16bit Execute Interrupt Register; one bit for each of the interrupt types for each of four laC's (A second 16-bit register is optional.) A priority arrangement allows orderly servicing of the needs of the separate laC's. The occurrence of an interrupt condition results in the setting of the appropriate bit of this register. The register is scanned between instruction fetches (if the scan is not inhibited by an inhibit interrupt specification in the instruction or by a transfer instruction). The highest-priority interrupt active at the time of the scan is serviced. Associated with each laC is a 256-word block in the area of core storage allodated to the supervisory program (GECOS). Currently 120 of these locations are used for "mailboxes" (65 words), interrupt queue tables (48 words), queue table counters and duplicates (6 words), and a counter parity interrupt cell (1 word). In addition, a variable number of locations in program storage are used for Data Control Words. The function of each of these entries is explained in the follOWing paragraphs. .11 Connect Sequence When the Connect Sequence is initiated-, the laC reads the Primary Mailbox (one word), which contains the specific device command, the device address (for multiple device subsystems such as magnetic tape), the input-output channel to be used, a "lockout" bit, the laC command, and a record count. The lockout bit is initially set to zero, and it is set to one after the Primary Mailbox has been read by the laC, permitting a control program to determine whether the previous command has been processed. There are four basic laC commands: • Unit Record Transfer - reads or writes one record. • Single- Character Record - writes a singlecharacter record (specified in word 1 to the secondary mailbox) for file markers. • Continuous Non-Data-Transfer - used to initiate non-data-transfer operations such as backspacing © 1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE-600 SERIES 340: 111.11 0 or rewinding a magnetic tape unit, or requesting or resetting status. • The Data Service Sequence automatically handles all data transfers between core storage and a peripheral device and includes the follOWing functions: Card Punch - initiates a card punch operation (record count must be 12 initially). In addition, there is a fifth command, initiated from switches on the lac test panel, that is used to load the control program; it requires no information from the mailboxes in memory. The record count specifies the number of files to be backspaced or forward-spaced. . 12 • Fetch current Dew. (The DCW is kept in the IOC for a High-Speed Channel and in core storage for a Standard-Speed Channel.) • Transfer data between core storage (as specified in the Dew) and the buffer unit of the IOC. • Update DCW (includes incrementing the data address or character counter and decrementing the word count). • Fetch new DCW or set End Data Transfer bit, depending on the action code of the current Dew. • Store new or updated DCW. Data Service Sequence The Data Service Sequence controls the transfer of data between core storage and the laC, and between the lac and peripheral devices. Associated with each of the 16 input-output channels are four words stored in system memory called the Secondary Mailbox, and a variable number of words stored in program memory called Data Control Words (DCW). There is one DCW for each block of data to be transferred by an I/O operation. Each block can contain up to 4,096 words (24,576 characters), and multiple blocks can be transferred by a single I/O command, effectively permitting scatter-read and gather-write operations. A DCW contains the data address (which normally specifies the location of a data word to be transferred), character counter (for Standard-Speed Channels), action code, and the number of words remaining to be transferred. There are four action codes: • Data Transfer and Stop - instructs the lac to process the current DCW and then stop. • Data Transfer and Proceed - instructs the laC to process the current DCW and then proceed to the next sequential DCW. • DCW Branch - instructs the IOC to obtain a DCW from the address specified by the data address and proceed. • No Data Transfer and Proceed - instructs the lac to send space characters if writing and not to transfer data to memory if reading. The first word of the four-word Secondary Mailbox for an input-output channel contains the Dew currently being processed. The second word contains the address of the next DCW to be processed and the upper and lower address limits of the program (used to check the atfdress of data areas prior to transfer). The third word is an exact image of the Primary Mailbox. The fourth word contains the address of the first DCW (necessary for card punch operations), lac status (codes specifying particular error conditions), and a record count residue. The mailboxes must be loaded initially by the program, prior to the issuance of the CIOC instruction. Since the mailboxes are located in the area of memory assigned to the supervisory program and are normally inaccessible to the programmer, the input-output control program, GEIOS, or alternatively the record and file control program, GEFRC, must be used to initiate I/O operations. Paragraphs . 122 and . 123 of the Operating Environment (Section 340:191) present more information about the services performed by these control routines 12/64 Data is transferred between core storage and the peripheral device in two steps through the buffer unit of the laC. Transfers between core storage and the buffer are 36 bits in parallel (one word) for a High-Speed Channel and 6 bits in parallel (one character) for a Standard-Speed Channel. Transfers between the buffer unit and a peripheral device are six bits in parallel (one character). The buffer unit contains two buffers, used alternately, for each input-output channel. For a High-Speed Channel, each buffer consists of 36 data bits, a modulo-6 counter, and an End Data Transfer bit. Each buffer for a Standard-Speed Channel consists of six data bits and an End Data Transfer bit. . 13 Interrupt Queue Table Associated with each of the three lower-priority interrupts are a 16-word queue table and a queue table counter. The fourth type of interrupt the Counter Parity Interrupt - has the highest priority and hence does not require a queue list. A single word is reserved to record the occurrence of a counter parity error. The causes for each type of interrupt are presented earlier in this section. An entry in an interrupt queue contains information indicating whether the power to a peripheral subsystem is on or off; one of nine peripheral conditions such as channel/peripheral subsystem ready, device busy, end-of-file, or device data alert; additional information about the status of a subsystem; the channel to which a peripheral subsystem is connected; and a Sync Bit which is set to one When information is stored in a queue table entry. There is a counter (four bits of a word) associated with each queue table, which specifies the location within the table of the last entry made of each type. The interrupts are serviced on a last-in first-out basis. Each counter has a duplicate; if neither a counter nor its duplicate can be read without parity error, a Counter Parity Interrupt results. . 14 Terminate Interrupt Sequence Most requests for an I/O operation will normally be terminated by this sequence. After the Terminate Interrupt information is stored in the Secondary Mailbox, and the queue tables and the queue table counter are adjusted, the appropriate bit in the Execute Interrupt Register is set. . SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS .2 340: 111.200 DEMANDS ON SYSTEM .3 The only direct demand on the Processor Module is for the execution of the CIOC instruction and for the servicing of the interrupts. The processor will also be delayed if both the laC and the processor request access to the same Memory Module simultaneously, since the laC is given priority. In systems with multiple Memory Modules, this delay can be reduced since different Memory Modules can be accessed simultaneously. The reduction cannot be predicted when the standard software is used, because program and data areas are contiguous and program bounds change during the course of execution due to the termination of other jobs. SIMU L T ANEITY The following considerations govern simultaneity of operations: Each data transfer I/O operation requires the IOC to execute: (1) a Connect Sequence, (2) a Data Service Sequence for each word transferred to a High-Speed Channel or for each character transferred to a Standard-Speed Channel, and (3) a Terminate Interrupt Sequence. A Connect Sequence requires three core storage accesses. Each Data Service Sequence requires one core storage access for a High-Speed Channel and three accesses for a Standard-Speed Channel. A Terminate Interrupt Sequence requires one core storage access. Some typical demands on the lac and on core storage during I/O operations using the various peripheral devices are presented in Table I. • Any I/O operation can be overlapped with central processor operations. • Multiple accesses to core storage can be made Simultaneously if there is more than one System Controller (and its associated Memory Module) incorporated in the system - one access per System Controller. • The total data transfer rate of all peripheral devices operating simultaneously and connected to the same I/o Controller cannot exceed 1. 0 million characters per second. • As many simultaneous magnetic tape read or write operations can occur as there are channels connected to the tape controllers; e. g., a system having two dual-channel controllers connected to an I/O Controller can have four simultaneous tape operations. • Reading and punching of paper tape cannot be done simultaneously by one TS-20 Punched Paper Tape unit. TABLE I: SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS Device Cycle Timt;!, msee Type of Channel Peak Data Rate. I/O Controller, % Demand on Core Storage, % char/sec. GE-625 GE-635 GE-625 GE-635 0.73 0.66 0.72 0.36 0.97 0.88 0.96 0.48 0.22 0.24 0.12 Demand on 67 SC ~unchb 600 SC - CP-20 Card Punch b 200 SC - 0.24 PR-20 Printer C (64 character set) 64 +6LS SC - 1.3 1.2 1.3 0.64 HS HS HS HS HS HS 120,000 83,300 60,000 42,000 30,000 20,900 12.1 8.4 6.1 4.2 3.0 2.1 11.0 7.6 5.5 3.8 2,7 1.9 4.0 2.8 2.0 1.4 1.0 0.7 2.0 1.4 1.0 0.70 0.50 0.35 -- HS HS HS HS HS HS 160,000 111,000 80,000 56,000 40,000 28,000 16.2 11. 2 8.0 5.6 4.1 2.9 14.7 10.2 7.3 5.1 3.7 2.6 5.4 3.8 2.6 1.9 1.3 0.94 2.7 1.9 1.3 0.93 0.67 0.47 TS- 20 Punched Tape System: Reading Punching -- SC SC 500 110 0.30 0.07 0.27 0.06 0.30 0.07 0.15 0.03 Console - SC 15 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 DS-20 Disc Storage Unit - HS 83,400 8.4 7.6 2.8 1.4 - HS 372,000 37.5 34.1 12.4 6.2 SC 400 CR-20 Card Reader a CP-10 Card Magnetic Tape: 7-track MT-26 MT-24 MT-23 MT-21 MT-19 MT-17 9-track - d MT-26A MT-24A MT-23A MT-21A MT-19A MT-17A MDS 200 Magnetic Drum Datanet-30 - - - -- aDem ands based on reading 80 coiums per card. b Demands based on punching 80 columns per card. (CP-IO requires all 80 characters to be transferred for each of the 12 rows; CP-20 has a full card-image buffer.) C Demands based on printing single-spacea l36-character line. d HS LS SC 0.24 0.22 0.24 0.12 9-track magnetic tape operating in non-ASCII mode. High-Speed Channel. Number of lines skipped between successive printed lines. Standard-Speed Channel. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340: 121.1 00 GE-600 Series Instruction List INSTRUCTION LIST Mnemonic Code Description I ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS, FIXED POINT ADA ADQ ADAQ ADXn ADLA ADLQ ADLAQ ADLXn ADL ASA ASQ ASXn AWCA AWCQ AOS SBA SBQ SBAQ SBXn SBLA SBLQ SBLAQ SBLXn SSA SSQ sSXn SWCA SWCQ NEG NEGL MPY MPF DIV DVF Add to A Add toQ Add to AQ Add to Xn Add Logic to A Add Logic to Q Add Logic to AQ Add Logic to Xn Add Low to AQ Add Stored to A Add Stored to Q Add Stored to Xn Add with Carry to A Add with Carry to Q Add One to Storage Subtract from A Subtract from Q Subtract from AQ Subtract from Xn Subtract Logic from A Subtract Logic from Q Subtract Logic from AQ Subtract Logic from Xn Subtract Stored from A Subtract Stored from Q Subtract Stored from Xn Subtract with Carry from A Subtract with Carry from Q Negate Negate Long Multiply Integer Multiply Fraction Divide Integer Divide Fraction ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS, FLOA TING- POINT FAD UFA DFAD DUFA FSB UFS DFSB DUFS FMP UFM DFMP ·DUFM FDV DFDV FDI 12/64 Floating Add Unnormalized Floating Add Double-Precision Floating Add Double-Precision Unnormalized Floating Add Floating Subtract Unnormalized Floating Subtract Double-Precision Floating Subtract Double-Precision Unnormalized Floating Subtract Floating Multiply Unnormalized Floating Mul tipJ.y Double-Precision Floating Multiply Double-Precision Unnormalized Floating Multiply Floating Divide Double-Precision Floating Divide Floating Divide Inverted Mnemonic Code Description ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS, FLOATING-POINT (Contd.) DFDI FNEG FNO ADE Double-Precision Floating Divide Inverted Floating Negate Floating Normalize Add to Exponent Register SHIFTING INSTRUCTIONS ALS ARS ARL QLS QRL QRS LLS LRL LRS ALR QLR LLR A Left Shift A Right Shift A Right Logic Q Left Shift Q Right Logic Q Right Shift Long Left Shift Long Right Logic Long Right Shift A Left Rotate Q Left Rotate Long Left Rotate LOGIC INSTRUCTIONS ANA ANQ ANAQ ANXn ANSA ANSQ ANSXn ORA ORQ ORAQ ORXn ORSA ORSQ ORSXn ERA ERQ ERAQ ERXn ERSA ERSQ ERSXn AND to A AND to Q AND to AQ AND to Xn AND to Storage A AND to Storage Q AND to Storage Xn OR to A OR to Q OR to AQ OR to Xn OR to Storage A OR to Storage Q OR to Storage Xn Exclusive OR to A Exclusive OR to Q Exclusive OR to AQ Exclusive OR to Xn Exclusive OR to Storage A Exclusive OR to Storage Q Exclusive OR to Storage Xn COMPARE INSTRUCTIONS CMG CMPA CMPQ CMPAQ CMPXn CANA CANQ CANAQ Compare Magnitude Compare with A Compare with Q Compare with AQ Compare with Xn Comparative AND with A Comparative AND with Q Comparative AND with AQ ,,-----", 340: 121.1 01 INSTRUCTION LIST Mnemonic Code Mnemonic Code Description SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS COMPARE INSTRUCTIONS (Contd. ) CANXn CNAA CNAQ CNAAQ CNAXn CMK CWL Comparative AND with Xn Comparative Not AND with A Comparative Not AND with Q Comparative Not AND with AQ Comparative Not AND with Xn Compare Masked Compare with Limits COMPARE INSTRUCTIONS, FLOATING-POINT FCMP DFCMP FCMG DFCMG FSZN Floating Compare Double-PreQision Floating Compare Floating Compare Magnitude Double-Precision Floating Compare Magnitude Floating Set Zero and Negative Compare from Memory CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS EAA EAQ EAXn RET TSXn TSS MME DRL TRA TOV TQO TZE TNZ TMI TPL TRC TNC TTF TEO TEU XEC XED NOP DIS SZN Description Effective Address A Effective Address Q Effective Address to Xn Return Transfer and Set Xn Transfer and Set Slave Mode Master Mode Entry Derail Transfer Unconditionally Transfer on Overflow Transfer on Quotient Overflow Transfer on Zero Transfer on Not- Zero Transfer on Minus Transfer on Plus Transfer on Carry Transfer on No Carry Transfer on Tally Run-out Indicator OFF Transfer on Exponent Overflow Transfer on Exponent Underflow Execute Execute Double No Operation Delay until Interrupt Signal Set Zero and Negative Indicator from Memory BCD GTB RPT RPD RPL Binary to Binary-Coded-Decimal Gray to Binary Repeat Repeat Double Repeat Link EXTERNAL CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS RMCM* RMFP* SMCM* SMFP* SMIC* CIOC* STT LDT** Read Memory Controller Mask Registers Read Memory File Protect Register Set Memory Controller Mask Registers Set Memory File Protect Register Set Memory Controller Interrupt Cells Connect I/O Channel Store Timer Register Load Timer Register DATA MOVEMENT INSTRUCTIONS LDA LDQ LDXn LDAQ LCA LCQ LCAQ LCXn LDI LBAR** STA STQ STXn STAQ STC1 STC2 STZ STI SBAR STCA STCQ Load A LoadQ Load Xn Load AQ Load Complement A Load Complement Q Load Complement AQ Load Complement Xn Load Indicator Register Load Base Address Register Store A Store Q Store Xn Store AQ Store Instruction Counter Plus 1 Store Instruction Counter Plus 2 Store Zero Store Indicator Register Store Base Address Register Store Characters of A Store Characters of Q DATA MOVEMENT INSTRUCTIONS, FLOA TING- POINT FLD DFLD FST DFST LDE STE Floating Load Double-Precision Floating Load Floating Store Double-Precision Floating Store Load Exponent Register Store Exponent Register * Causes fault command if executed in slave mode. ** Functions as NOP in slave mode. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 340:141.100 GE-600 Series Data Codes DATA CODES Standard Character Set GE Internal Code 00 00 00 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 6 7 8 9 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 OlIO 0111 1000 1001 00 1010 00 1011 r. if @ : > ? tl A B C 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 1100 1101 1110 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 l.1l0 0100 01 0101 D E F G H I (. ] ( < \ \ llli. Octal Code 00 01 02 03 Hollerith Card Code 0 Standard Character Set • 1 2 J K :1 ,07 7 L 1>1 N 0 P 10 8 Q 11 9 R 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 .# O~· 4 06 5 6 as 7~8 (blank) 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 12 12-3-8 12-4-8 12-5-8 12-6"8 12-7-8 -$ ) ; I + / S T U V W X y Z ..... , 'i', = " ! GE Internal Machine Code 10 0000 10 0001 10 0010 10 0011 10 0100 10 0101 10 0110 10 0111 10 1000 10 1001 10 1010 10 1011 10 llOO 10 llOl 10 lll0 10 llli 11 0000 11 0001 II 0010 11 0011 11 0100 11 0101 11 0110 11 0111 11 1000 11 1001 11 1010 11 1011 11 1100 11 1101 11 1110 11 1111 Octal Code Hollerith Card Code tlO ll-O l~l 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 ll. 11-3-8 11-4-8 11-5-8 11-6-8 11-7-8 12-0 0-1 0-2 0-3 0"4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-2-E' 0-3-8 0-4-8 0-5-8 0-6-8 0-7-8 Reproduced from GE-635 System MalRlal, CPB 371A. Note: The GE Internal Machine Code represents the internal collating sequence and the codes recognized by the printer and written on magnetic tape units operating in the binary mode. ,/ 12/64 340:151. 100 GE-600 Series Problem Oriented Facilities PROBLEM ORIENTED FACILITIES .1 UTILITY ROUTINES . 15 .11 Simulators of Other Computers: .. none announced to date. .12 Simulation by Other Computers: . . . . . . . none. . 13 Data Sorting and Merging Reference: . Record size: Block size: Key size: .. GE publication CPB-1005. 1 to 4, 189 words. 1 to 4, 192 words. 1 to 99 fields of 1 to 99 bits or 1 to 99 characters each. File size: . . . . . . . . · dependent upon number of collation tape units provided. Number of tapes: · 3 to 16 (for collation files). Date available:. · available with first system delivery. Description: · · · · The SORT/MERGE program is a generalized program that can perform three separate functions: o Sort a disordered file. o Sort a disordered file and merge with a wellordered file. G Merge 2 to 16 well-ordered files. The sorting technique is polyphase. When more than five collation tape units are available, a refinement of the polyphase technique which GE calls the "standby" technique is used. SORT/MERGE is accessed through the Macro Assembler (GEM) by a macro call. Own-coding in GEM symbolic language may be incorporated and can be used to pre-process input data, to change the collation sequence, to combine or eliminate duplicate records, and to process output data. A typical tape sort with no own-coding can be described in as few as two GEM statements. The normal mode of operation is magnetic tape input and output, but own-coding can be used to allow any devices (including magnetic drum or disc) to be used for input or output. Memory and peripheral allocations are specified by control cards at load time. Ranges can be specified for both, and the SORT/MERGE program will automatically adjust itself to fit the available memory space and peripheral devices at execution time. . 14 File Maintenance Integrated Data Store (I-D-S) Reference: ... Date available:. Description: The only report writing facility provided is the Report Writer feature of COBOL, described on page 340:161.100. . Introduction to Integrated Data Store. . Second quarter, 1965. I-D-S is a GE-developed technique for the organization and manipulation of files for disc storage devices. Files are organized into a series of chains of logical records, one chain for each major type of record. Each chain contains one master record and one or more detail records. Each logical record, as stored on the magnetic disc unit, can optionally contain links to the master record or prior detail record, and will always contain a link to the next detail record. The chains are closed loops - the last detail record references the master record as the next record. Any record can be either a detail or master type and can be linked into any number of chains; however, there can be only one master record per chain. Information common to all detail records of a chain can be stored in the master record of that chain. The effect of this organization is to minimize the amount of information that needs to be stored in duplicate. A set of Data Description entries defines each record. Information specified in these entries includes symbolic names for the record and individual fields, the symbolic name of each chain with which the record is to be linked, the relationship of the record to each chain (master or detail), the prime chain for the record, and various control fields required for record retrieval. All chains are ordered in one of three methods specified in the control fields of the Data Description entries: o Sorted - The detail records in a sorted chain are arranged in sequence based on one or more keys specified in the Data Description entries. Each key can be treated in either ascending or descending sequence. • First-In/First-Out (FIFO) - A new record is added to a chain by inserting it at the end of the chain, just prior to the master record . • Last-In/First-Out (LIFO) - A new record is added to a chain by inserting it immediately after the master, making it the first detail record in the chain. Report Writing I '\ General Electric will provide a Bulk Media Conversion Program for conversions between any two peripheral devices. The program will be in the system library and will be called by means of control cards. Details on this program are not available to date . . 16 GE-600 Series SORT/MERGE Data Transcription ©1964 Auerbach Corporotion ond Info, Inc. 12/64 340: 151.160 .16 GE-600 SERIES Other file maintenance routines will be made available; however, details are not available to date. File Maintenance (Contd.) Individual records can be members of different chains using different sequencing methods. The logical records are packed automatically into blocks (based on prime chains) for storage. Data is retrieved by blocks and transferred to buffers in core storage; individual records are then moved to working areas. Only the records in the working area are accessible to a programmer. Multiple blocks of data are maintained in core storage, based upon the amount of core storage available and the frequency of use of the data blocks. Each time a new block of data is called into core storage, .the block that had the least previous usage is returned to the disc unit, provided any of the records it contains has been modified. Only record fields that have been modified are rewritten on the disc unit. Working areas for each type of record are maintained, and records become unavailable only when another record of the same type (name) has been called. Four macro-instructions, in a format similar to COBOL verbs, are provided for manipulation of disc records: • STORE - Links new records into a chain in accordance with its Data Description. • RETRIEVE - Retrieves a record and unpacks it into a working area. • • MODIFY - Uses the contents of specified fields in a working storage area to modify (add to or subtract from only) or to replace the corresponding fields of a record. DELETE - Causes a record to be deleted from a file and the links to be reformed. In general, when a master record is deleted, all the associated detail records are also deleted. If one of t!lese detail records happens to be a master record for a second chain, the details in the second chain are also eliminated. This process continues until all dependent detail records have been deleted. If deSired, the records deleted can be printed out, or the deletion process can be aborted with no resultant deletions if a specified detail record is encountered. Except for the STORE command, the record involved can be specified to be the current, next, previous, or master record of a chain. Conditional phrases are provided, permitting a transfer to a program step or the performance of a series of prograrr. steps out of the normal sequence with return to the step immediately following the branch, based on the record name of the record accessed. Other control phrases permit the processing of alternate records if retrieved, execution of subroutines, and error checking. I-D-S is intended primarily to provide mass storage facilities for COBOL programs, although it does not follow the format of the ASA COBOL preliminary standard for mass storage facilities as stated in ASA X-3. 4· COBOL Information Bulletin #4. I-D-S- can also be used independently for incorporation into assembly-language source programs, and can be used with any GE-600 Series computer system having a disc storage unit. 12/64 .17 Other General Internal FORTRAN Translator (GIFT) Reference: ... Date available:. . GIFT, General Internal FORTRAN Translator. . available with first system delivery. Description: GIFT is the GE Computer Department's version of the SHARE Internal FORTRAN Translator (SIFT). GIFT is a program written in FORTRAN IV and GEM that is deSigned to translate a FORTRAN II source program into a FORTRAN IV source program by reconciling most of the differences between the two languages. These differences are pOinted out in the analysis of IBM 7090/7094 FORTRAN IV, Paragraph 408:162.141. GIFT is oriented primarily toward the translation of programs written in FORTRAN II for the IBM 7000 Series computer systems; it cannot accept the extensions to FORTRAN II that were implemented in GE's FORTRAN compiler for the GE-200 Series computer systems. (See Paragraph 321:162. 142 for a list of these extensions.) Some of the important restrictions and other considerations to be kept in mind when using GIFT are listed below. • A FORTRAN II subprogram to be translated by GIFT on a GE-600 Series computer system must be capable of being compiled successfully by an IBM 7000 Series computer system. If this condition is not met, an incorrect translation may result, because little diagnostic checking is performed by GIFT. • Restrictions are placed upon the total number of COMMON, DIMENSION, EQUIVALENCE, double-precision, and complex variables in a single program or subprogram. • Inconsistencies due to forced assignment (through the EQUIVALENCE statement) of the most Significant part of a double-precision variable or the real part of a complex variable to an odd memory location must be resolved manually. When GIFT detects such an occurrence, a diagnostic message is printed. • Subprograms written in FAP (FORTRAN Assembly Program) are ignored by GIFT. • CHAIN jobs require manual changes before they can be translated by GIFT. • Some conflicts between the names of the FORTRAN IT programs' subroutines and functions and new FORTRAN IV function names must be resolved manually. The configuration requirements for the use of GIFT are the same as fer the GE-600 Series FORTRAN IV compiler; i. e., 3 files (magnetic tape, drum, or disc) in addition to the GECOS requirem ents . r· 340:161.100 GE-600 Series Process Oriented Languages COBOL PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGES: COBOL can alternatively be expressed as: .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity:. GE-600 Series COBOL . . 12 Origin: General Electric Company . .13 References: . 14 Description . GE Publication CPB-1007. COBOL-61 is the most widely implemented pseudoEnglish common language for business applications. The GE-600 Series COBOL language consists of all of Required COBOL-61, a majority of the features of Elective COBOL-61, and the SORT and Report Writer extensions to COBOL-61. Probably the most important elective not implemented is the INCLUDE verb, which would permit the use of program libraries. The Segmentation feature, which provides more efficient use of core storage through overlay techniques, has been implemented in a non-standard manner. The concept of section priorities has not been implemented. Segments are compiled (and debugged) as separate programs. Referencing, or calling, of an outside segment is accomplished by using an option of the ENTER verb. Layout of segments is specified by control cards at load time to the General Loader, which forms the necessary linkages for communication between segments for data files, working storage areas, and procedures. Detailed lists of the extensions of the COBOL language and the electives provided in GE-600 Series COBOL are included at the end of this description. The COMPUTE verb is a valuable elective incorporated into GE-600 Series COBOL. This verb permits arithmetic operations to be expressed in a concise formula notation similar to that of FORTRAN. For example, the COBOL operations: SUBTRACT B FROM A GIVING T DIVIDE C INTO T GIVING X COMPUTE X = (A - B)/C. GE-600 Series COBOL provides the complete SORT feature of COBOL-61 Extended. This facility can be used to process data prior to sorting, to procesf it further after sorting, and to sort intermediate files . The Report Writer is implemented as specified in COBOL-61 Extended, except that RESET and SIGNED clauses are not provided. Other electives of COBOL-61 that are provided include the ENTER verb (which permits the inclusion of GEM symbolic language in a program and the ability to call subroutines in languages other than COBOL), the SOURCE-COMPUTER and OBJECTCOMPUTER clauses of the Environment Division, and rerun facilities. GE-600 Series COBOL programs are compiled and run under the control of GECOS, the standard supervisory routine (see Section 340:191). Programs are translated from COBOL source statements to GEM assembly language and then to machine coding. GECOS handles the intermediate translation automatically and needs no attention from the operator. Programs written in COBOL can be run concurrently with other programs in a multiprogramming mode. .141 Availability Language (GE-600 Series version):. . . 1964. Compiler:. . . . . ? .142 Deficiencies with Respect to Required COBOL-61: . . . . • none. .143 Extensions to COBOL-61 Extensions to COBOL-61 include SORT facilities and Report Writer facilities. Mass storage facilities will be provided but have not been defined to date. Tele-communication facilities have not been announced to date. © 1964 Auerbach Carporation and Infa, Inc. 1/65 340:161.144 GE-600 SERIES .144 COBOL-61 Electives Implemented (see Paragraph 4:161. 3 in Users' Guide) Key No. Elective Comments Characters and Words 1 2 3 4 5 6 Formula characters Relationship characters Semicolon Long literals Figurative constants Figurative constants Formulas are allowed. The symbols < , >, = are allowed. A semicolon is in the character set. The maximum size is 132 characters. HIGH or LOW BOUND(S) are available. HIGH or LOW VALUES(S) are available. File Descrij2tion 8 9 BLOCK CONTAINS FILE CONTAINS A range of block sizes can be given. The approximate size of the file can be shown. Record Descrij2tion 13 15 16 17 Table -length BITS option RANGE IS RENAMES 18 19 20 21 SIGN IS SIZE clause Conditional ranges Label handling Lengths of tables and arrays may vary. Items can be specified in binary. Value range of items can be shown. Alternative groupings of elementary items can be specified. Separate signs are allowed. Variable-length items can be specified. VALUES can be ascribed to conditionals. Special label procedures may be used. Verbs 22 24 26 COMPUTE ENTER USE Algebraic formulas may be used. Non-COBOL languages can be used in a program. Non-standard auxiliary I/O error-handling or label-handling routines can be inserted. Verb OJ?1;ions 27 28 LOCK MOVE CORRESPONDING 30 32 33 34 ADVANCING Formulas Operand size Relationship 35 36 37 38 39 Tests Conditionals Complex conditionals Complex conditionals Conditional statements A rewound tape can be optionally locked. Commonly-named items in a group can be handled together. Specific paper advance instructions can be given. Algebraic formulas may be used. Operands are not restricted to 10 digits. IS EQUAL TO, EQUALS, EXCEEDS relationships are allowed. IF x IS NOT ZERO test is allowed. Implied subjects with implied objects are allowed. ANDs and ORs may be intermixed. Nested conditionals are permitted. IF, SIZE ERROR, AT END, ELSE (OTHERWISE) may follow an imperative statement. Environment Division 40 41 46 SOURCE-COMPUTER OBJECT-COMPUTER I-O-CONTROL Computer description can be given. Computer description can be given. A full range of rerun techniques is available. Identification Division 47 DATE-COMPILED The current date is inserted automatically. Sj2ecial Features 49 1/65 Segmentation Segmentation of programs is allowed, but in a nonstandard manner. PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: COBOL 340: 161.145 .145 COBOL-61 Electives Not Implemented (see Paragraph 4:161.3 in Users' Guide) Key No. Comments Elective Characters and Words 7 Computer-name No alternative object computers. File Description 10 11 12 Label formats SEQUENCED ON HASHED Labels must be standard or omitted. No key fields can be used for sequencing. Hash totals cannot be created. * Record Description 14 Item-length Variable-length items cannot be specified. Verbs 23 25 DEFINE INCLUDE The user cannot define new verbs. No library routines are available automatically. Verb Options 29 31 OPEN REVERSED STOP prOvisions Tapes cannot be read backward. No special numeric-coded alphabetic displays. Environment Division 42 SPECIAL-NAMES 43 FILE-CONTROL 44 45 PRIORITY IS I-O-CONTROL Hardware devices, and their status conditions, cannot be given special names by the program. File naming and description of desired control method cannot be taken from the library. Priorities cannot be given. Input-output control cannot be taken from the library. Special Features 48 * Library Library facilities for the Procedure Division are not available. The compiler will accept, but ignore, this clause. @1964 Auerbach Corporation ond Info, Inc. 12/64 340: 162.100 GE-600 Series Process Oriented Longuages FORTRAN IV PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGES: FORTRAN IV .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: GE-600 Series FORTRAN IV. .12 Origin: . GE Computer Department. .13 Reference: . 14 Description .. GE-600 Series FORTRAN IV Reference Manual (CPB1006). The translating computer for both FORTRAN IV and GIFT must have facilities for three files in addition to the requirements for GECOS. These files may be held on magnetic tape, drum, or disc. Restrictions and extensions of the GE-600 Series FORTRAN IV language relative to IBM 7090/7094 FORTRAN IV (as described in Section 408:162) are summarized below. .141 Availability The GE-600 Series FORTRAN IV Language is virtually identical to IBM 7090/7094. FORTRAN IV (as described in Section 408:162 of the IBM 7090 report) with a few extensions. In general, a program written for an IBM 7090/7094 in FORTRAN IV can be compiled on a GE-600 Series system, with few if any changes necessary. General Electric also intends to make GE-600 Series FORTRAN IV as compatible as possible with IBM System/360 FORTRAN IV. The only exception curr.ently known is that the specification statements (COMMON, EQUIV ALENCE, etc.) must come first in a GE-600 Series FORTRAN IV source program. Language specifications: . . . . . September 1964. Compiler: . . . . . . . . . available with first system delivery. .142 Restrictions Relative to IBM 7090/7094 FORTRAN IV (1) Physical sense switches and sense lights are not provided in GE-600 Series systems. Instead, particular bit positions of a word reflect the settings or conditions of the logical sense switches and lights. Sense switches are set by control cards. .143 Extensions Relative to IBM 7090/7094 FORTRAN IV The principal extensions are the NAMELlST and DEBUG statements. These two statements are described in Paragraph .143, along with other extensions. (1) The capability for specifying logical field types (True or False) in the FORMAT statement is provided. (2) The NAMELlST statement provides facilities for reading, writing, and conversion of data without using a list in the input-output statement or reference to a FORMAT statement. The NAMELlST statement is incorporated in the body of the program and specifies the name of the list and the variables belonging to that list. Input-output statements reference only the logical file number and the name of the list. Variable names and data are specified on the data records. Partial lists and partial arrays may be input or output. (3) The DEBUG statement (written within the body of the program) permits the output of a list of variables in a fixed format each time (or at specified times) a designated statement is executed. The output can be made conditional upon the value of an algebraic or logical expression. (4) The COMMON statement can designate two types of common block storage - labeled and blank. The GE-600 series FORTRAN IV compiler works under control of the GECOS operating system and translates the source program written in FORTRAN IV language into assembly language. This is automatically assembled by the GEM assembler, and the resulting machine-language program is ready for immediate execution. Files can be assigned to any deVice physically present. Assignment is made at10ad time by means of control cards. FORTRAN IV is the only version of FORTRAN to be implemented for GE-600 Series computer systems; however, the General Internal FORTRAN Translator (GIFT) will convert source programs in FORTRAN II language into FORTRAN IV language. GIFT operates under control of the GECOS operating system and will accept FORTRAN II programs that can be compiled on an IBM 7090/7094. Paragraph 340:151.17 contains a description of GIFT and a brief listing of its limitations. 12/64 340: 171. 100 GE-600 Series Machine Oriented Language GEM MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: GEM .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: sive and complex hardware addreSSing facilities . . GE-600 Series Symbolic Macro Assembler Language (GEM). o Provision of a large number of pseudooperations (65) providing many useful features such as: selection of assembly listing printout options, absolute or relocatable output, multiple instruction counters, storage allocation options, and control of the RPT, RPD, and RPL instructions. . GE Computer Dept. , Phoenix, Arizona. . 12 Origin: . . . .13 Reference: . . . . . . . . GE-600 Series Programming Reference Manual, CPB-1004. . 14 Description o All the input-output operations in a symbolic-language program are handled by GECOS, either through GEFRC (see Paragraph 340:191.123) on a subroutine call and file parameter specification basis, or directly through GEIOS (See Paragraph 340:191.122). Overlay control and diagnostic routines (such as memory dumps and snapshot facilities) are provided by the General Loader. Any number of libraries of user-coded subroutines recorded on any medium can be used. The GE-600 Series Symbolic Macro Assembler Language (GEM) is the language provided for machine-oriented programming of GE-600 Series systems. It is a fairly straightforward symbolic assembly language with facilities for the definition and use of macro instructions. Some of the principle features of GEM are: o Provision for the use of algebraic and Boolean expressions (in a format similar to FORTRAN expressions) for addresses. o Use of symbolic tags to specify address modification, which simplifies the use of the exten- Facilities for user-defined macro instructions . .15 Publication Date: . . . . July, 1964. .2 LANGUAGE FORMAT .21 Diagram: . . . . . . . . . see Table 1. TABLE I: GE-600 SERIES MACRO ASSEMBLER CODING FORM GENERAL. ELECTRIC SYMBOLIC CODING FORMS PROBLEM 1 , E 0 I. IOATE PROGRAMMER L.OCATIO~ A.DDRESS, MODIFIER OPERA.TIO~ OF n. COMMENTS IDENTlFICATION 7273 6 ., - -"_.- .. - -- i----- r-r-c----- '-'--- r---I--i----i----i----- I--1--I--I--- I--I--I--CE-1OB(lo....6J) Reprinted from GE-600 Series Programming Reference Manual, CPB-1004. © 1 964 Auerbach Corporation and info, Inc. 12/64 340: 171.220 .22 Legend Location: · may be blank or may contain a symbolic tag; has special use for some pseudo-operations. E/O: . . . . . . . . . . . · specifies whether the instruction will be placed in an odd or even location or in the next available location. Operation: . . . . . . . . . contains a mnemonic instruction code, a pseudooperation, or a special macro call or operation code. Address, Modifier (Variable Field):. .. contains one or more subfields in free form separated by commas. These subfields may be an address and mnemonic modification tag for a machine instruction, substitutable arguments for macro-operations, special entries for pseudo-operations, or literals. The field is terminated by space, except for Hollerith literals. Comments: . . . . . . . . comments follow the terminating space of the Address, Modifier field; they are printed in the output listing but cause no action to be taken by the assembler. Identification: . . . . . . usad for instruction identification and sequencing, and is optional. · 23 Corrections .231 Insertions: . · new source program statements can be inserted though the use of the AL TER control card at load time. .232 Deletions: . . . . . . . . · source program statements can be deleted at load time through the use of the ALTER control card. .233 Alterations: . . . . . . · erase and correct. · 24 Special Conventions .241 Compound addresses: · any valid algebraic expression; these expressions are written and evaluated in a manner similar to integer FORTRAN expressions. · 242 Multi-addresses: · none. · 243 Literals: . . . . · literals are designated by "=" in column 16. · 244 Special coded addresses: . · * refers to "this address." 12/64 GE-600 SERIES .245 Other Address modification: indexing and/or indirect modifications are indicated by a symbolic tag following the absolute, compound, or symbolic address, or by a twodigit octal number. .3 LABELS .31 General · 311 Maximum number of labels: . . . . . . .312 Common label formation rule: .313 Reserved labels: · 314 other restrictions: . · no practical limit. · yes. · none. · at least one non-numeric character must appear in a label; imbedded blanks are allowed. · 316 Synonyms permitted:. · yes; EQU pseudo-operation. .32 Universal Labels .321 Labels for procedures Existence: ... , .. . mandatory if referenced by other instructions. Formation rule First character:. · numeric, alphabetic, or period. Other: . . . . . . . · same. Number of characters: . . . . .. . 1 to 6 characters; at least one must be alphabetic; imbedded blanks are not allowed. .322 Labels for library routines: . . . . . . · same as procedures. .323 Labels for constants: · same as procedures. . 324 Labels for files: . . . . · same as procedures . . 325 Labels for records: . · same as procedures . .326 Labels for variables: · same as procedures. .33 Local Labels Local labels defined for subroutines follow the formation rules for the corresponding universal labels. Labels defined in a subroutine and used externally to the subroutine must be listed in a SYMDEF pseudo-operation. Labels defined externally to a subroutine and used within the subroutine must be listed in a SYMREF pseudooperation. The CALL pseudo-operation is used to enter a subroutine, and it automatically provides the SYMREF reference for the label assigned to the subroutine. Local labels can be created automatically for different sections of a program through the use of the HEAD pseudo-operation. These labels (must be 5 or fewer characters) are automatically prefixed with the one-character "heading" for the section in which they appear. Six-character labels are not affected by the HEAD pseudooperation. Local labels defined by the HEAD operation can be referenced by other sections by prefixing the appropriate heading character and the $ symbol. 340: 171. 400 MACfllNE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: GEM .4 DATA .5 PROCEDURES .41 Constants . 51 Direct Operation Codes .411 Maximum size constants Machine form Integer Decimal:. Binary: .. Coding sheet· form . none. 11 decimal digits or 12 octal digits. Fixed numeric Decimal:. . . none . Binary: . . . . . . . . decimal value, decimal exponent, and decimal scale factor (can be either single or double precision) . .511 MnemonicExistence:. Number: .. Example: . Comments: .512 Absolute: ... .52 Alphameric: . . . . . 54 characters. .412 Maximum size constants written as literals - A macro is called by coding the macro name in the operation field and from 1 to 63 substitutable arguments, separated by commas, in the variable field. The arguments can be literals, symbols, or expressions. The arguments are substituted sequentially for the argument pointers within the body of the macro definition, which are indicated as #=1, #2, etc. The argument pointers can be used for symbols, operation codes, portions of the operation codes, or any other desirable purpose. Coding sheet form Integer Decimal:. Binary:. . . . none. . . 11 decimal digits or 12 octal digits. Fixed numeric: .. same as fixed numeric, paragraph.411. Floating numeric: .. same as floating numeric, paragraph .411. Alphameric: . 53 characters. Instructions: . any symbolic operation code and associated variable field, preceded by the character M. Variable field: . . . . any number of fields of up to 36 bits each, packed into words. .413 Maximum size machine literals Binary (first 18 bits of the instruction): ... the upper or lower portion of a one-word literal can be placed in the address field of the instruction, depending upon the type of literal. This action is designated by a tag following the literal. .42 Working Areas: . .. . implied by use. .43 Input-Output Areas: . normally handled by General File and Record Control (GEFRC; see Paragraph 340:191. 123); otherwise, data layout must be explicitly indicated by proper Data Control Words. Macro-Codes There are no explicit macro-codes within GEM, but the user may define any number. The user.:. defined macro-codes may appear directly in a source program, or they can be put into a library for future use. The definition of a macro-operation can contain any processor instruction, most pseudo-operations, and any macro defined previous to call time. Up to 63 levels of macronesting are permitted within a macro. Macro names are formed in the same manner as labels (see Paragraph. 32). Floating numeric Decimal:. . . none. Binary:. . . . . ... rational decimal value, decimal point, and decimal exponent (either decimal point or decimal exponent can be omitted, but not both). Machine form · . mandatory. · . 170 plus variations. · . ADA = Add to A. · the above number includes many entries to control routines through the MME instruction. · none. The conditional pseudo-operations described in Paragraph. 531 can be used to control the incorporation or deletion of sections of coding. An iterative facility, IDRP, will cause a section of coding to be repeated once for each occurrence in the macro call line of the argument specified by the IDRP pseudo-operation. Multiple arguments for the same argument pointers are set off by parentheses or brackets. IDRP is limited to use only within a macro definition and cannot be nested. . 53 Interludes .531 Possible roles Direct translator:. · four conditional pseudooperations direct the translator to assemble or to bypass the next N cards, based on the results of a comparison of two specified expressions. .532 Example: . . . . . . . . . IFE 4* ALPHA-7, 15, 7 (The next 7 cards are assembled only if (4* ALPHA-7) is equal to 15). ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE-600 SERIES 340: 171. 540 · 54 · 541 Method of control Allocation counter: .. pseudo-operation. Label adjustment: ... pseudo-operation. Annotion: . . . . . . . . pseudo-operation, special cards, and notes. · 542 Allocation counter Set to absolute: . . . . ABS Set to label: . . . . . . . ORG. Step forward: . . . . . . ORG. Step backward: . . . . . ORG. Reserve area: . . . . . BSS, BFS. Define multiple symbolic allocation counters: . . . . . . . USE. Set symbolic allocation counter to absolute or label: .. BEGIN. .543 Label adjustment Set labels equal: . . . . EQU, SET. Set absolute value: .. EQU, SET. Clear label table: ... none. · 544 AnnotationComment phrase: ... REM, special cards or notes after instruction line. Title phrase: . . . . . . TTL, TTLS (two levels of titles) . .6 contains the I/O command, the peripheral file concerned, and the first of a list of words specifying data locations (scatter/gather list). Inputoutput control is handled in this manner to insure security in a multiprogramming environment. Translator Control .66 The SORT/MERGE routine described in Paragraph 340:151.13 can incorporate pre-sort and post-sort sections written in the assembly language. . 67 .7 SPECIAL ROUTINES AVAILABLE The Loader program locates and loads the routines and forms the required linkages. The user's libraries are made known to the Loader by a LIBRARY control card, and they are searched for each subroutine in turn prior to searching the systems libraries. The libraries are searched on the basis of undefined SYMREF symbols (see Paragraph . 33). If a subroutine is not found in the available libraries, the run is terminated if the OPTION control card specified GO (execute if no loading errors) or NOGO (do not execute after loading). If the CONGO (execute regardless of errors) option is specified, a MME GEBORT instruction is inserted in place of references to the undefined symbol, aborting the activity when executed. Overlay Control Data Editing General Electric will provide, as routines, the same editing facilities for symbolic-language programmers as are provided in COBOL. Complete definition of these routines is not available to date. .65 Programs, data, and/or control cards can be stored on the magnetic disc or drum in standard system format by the disc or drum maintenance program. The programmer can recall this information at a later time by the use of a SELECT control card. Control cards can be changed when recalled, allowing changes in file assignments. Input-Output Control I/O control is normally handled by the General File Record Control routine (see Paragraph 340:191. 123, GEFRC). Programmers wishing to program their own input-output cannot directly address any input-output devices, but must use the I/O control routines of the GEIOS section of GECOS. Entry to these routines is by a MME GEIOS instruction followed by a sequence of 3 or 5 words (depending upon the peripheral) which 12/64 LIBRARY FACILITIES A systems library containing the more commonlyused library routines is available to the General Loader. These routines, written in relocatable text in the same format as produced by the Assembler, are blocked and recorded in the file by a system edit program. The file is normally found in system-committed storage (the disc, drum, or magnetic tape units assigned to GECOS) . In addition, a user can have any number of private libraries of subroutines recorded on any medium in the same manner as the system library. Overlay control is accomplished by user coding or by the General Loader at load time, through the use of control cards specifying which segments are to be in core storage at the same time. .64 Diagnostics There are no separate diagnostic facilities presently incorporated within the GEM language, although the macro-definition capabilities will facilitate their definition and use. See Paragraph 340:191. 5 for a description of the diagnostic facilities provided by GECOS for any program. General Electric will provide a number of mathematical routines as part of the system library. Facilities will include common function evaluation (e.g., sines, cosines, exponentials, and logarithms), matrix manipulation, curve fitting, and polynomial root determination. These routines can be called by the pseudo-operation CALL in the same manner as user-defined macros. · 63 Sorting .8 MACRO AND PSEUDO TABLES .81 Macros No explicit macro-operations are provided (but see Paragraph. 52 for a description of the facilities for user-defined macros). 340: 171.820 MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE: GEM .82 Pseudos Functional Group Control: Location counter: Number 17 4 Symbol defining: 10 Data generating: 5 Storage allocation: 4 Special: 2 Macro: 4 Condi tional: 4 Program linkage: 4 Address, tally: 3 Repeat mode coding formats: 8 Principal Uses Selection of printout options for the assembly listing, direction of punchout of absolute/ relocatable binary program decks, selection of format for the absolute binary deck. Programmer control of single or multiple instruction counters. Definition of Assembler source program symbols by means other than appearance in the location field of the coding form. Production of binary data words for the assembly program. Provision of programmer control for the use of memory. Generation of zero operation code instructions, of binary words divided into two 18-bit fields, and of continued subfields for selected pseudooperations. Begin and end macro prototypes; assembler generation of macro argument symbols, and repeated substitution of arguments within macro prototypes. Conditional assembly of variable numbers of input words, based upon the subfield entries of these pseudo-operations. Macro generation of standard system subroutine calling sequences and return (exit) linkages. Control of automatic address, tally, and character incrementing/decrementing. Control of the repeat mode of instruction execution (coding of RPT, RPD, and RPL instructions. ) © 1 964 Auerbach Corporation and info, inc. 12/64 340: 191.1 00 GE-600 Series Operating Environment GECOS OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: GECOS .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . 12 General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor (GECOS). General Input/Output Supervisor (GEIOS). General File Record Control (GEFRC). General Loader. General Remote Terminal Supervisor (G ER TS) . Description All activities of a GE-600 Series computer system are normally carried out under control of the General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor (GECOS) and the following related control programs: General Input/Output Supervisor (GElDS), General File Record Control (GEFRC), General Loader, and General Remote Terminal Supervisor (GERTS). Together these routines form a comprehensive operating environment for the scheduling and running of programs. Up to eight programs can be contained in core storage simultaneously and can be run together in a multiprogramming mode. Scheduling is based primarily on priority and availability of peripherals. .121 GECOS GECOS is composed of five sections: (1) (2) Input Media Conversion - This section reads the job from the on-line card reader, interprets all control cards, generates tables to be used by the allocation section, and records the job on the magnetic drum (or disc). A "job" consists of one or more dependent "activities" (programs). The control cards can specify the use of programs contained in libraries. Allocation - This section assigns peripherals and a memory area to an activity to be executed, based on the tables set up by the Input Media Conversion section. Each job is assigned an "urgency" (priority) by a control card at load time. The activities of the jobs are considered for scheduling based upon their urgencies and peripheral requirements. The activities of a given job are executed sequentially in the order they are submitted, and two activities of the same job cannot be in core storage at the same time. Whenever an activity is bypassed due to insufficient peripheral availability, the urgency of that activity (but not the urgency of other activities of the same job) is increased. The eighteen "most urgent" jobs are considered for scheduling at anyone time, and 12/64 up to eight activities can reside in core storage simultaneously. Allocation of peripherals is made several programs in advance, giving the operator an opportunity to mount tape reels or perform other preparatory functions while prior programs are being executed. The operator can change the priority of a job, delete a job from the schedule either before or after allocation, and add a top-priority program which will be allocated and executed before any other program . (3) Monitor - This section oversees the execution of each activity. Its functions include processing of fault interrupts, control of all other control programs, calling of the leastused system routines from a magnetic drum (or disc) into the overlay area of system memory, loading and control of system compilers (COBOL and FORTRAN), and control of communications to and from the operator via the console typewriter. (4) Termination - Termination of an individual activity or a complete job, due to completion or to detection of an error by GECOS, is initiated by the Monitor section (described above). The Termination section performs these functions: • Provides a post-mortem dump for programs terminated because of an error. Gil Communicates to the operator (through the Monitor section and console typewriter) the need for removal of files. o Summarizes the output file information for the Output Media Conversion section (described below). o Provides an accounting record of the processor and peripheral times on the system output file. Gil Closes the system output file. • "De-allocates" peripherals. • Removes references to the terminated program from other control routines. • Compacts areas allocated to other programs into contiguous segments in high -order memory. • Transfers control to the Allocation section for possible reassignment of released peripherals and memory. / 340: 191. 121 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: GECOS .121 GECOS (Contd.) (5) Output Media Conversion - Output from programs can be on two types of files. The system output file contains accounting information, error notations, and other information about all programs being run; it can also contain, for low-volume output, multiple interspersed records from one or more programs. Large-volume reports are stored on discrete files. The Output Media Conversion section processes the system output file for output to a standard peripheral device, such as a printer or card punch, as specified in the file. Bulk media conversion routines are available for transcribing the larger discrete files. Either type of output file can be blocked as specified in the file description. No editing or radix conversions can be performed by the Output Media Conversion section. . 122 GEIOS The General Input/Output Supervisor is the control program that services input-output requests for all programs. A programmer cannot directly address a peripheral device; he must use GEIOS. Each time a program yields control to GECOS because it is waiting for an input or output operation to be completed, the Dispatcher section of G EIOS controls the switching to another program that can make use of the central processor. Every program is considered (up to seven other programs can be in core storage waiting for service), and control is given to that program which: (1) has the highest urgency (priority), (2) is actively seeking use of the processor, and (3) is not waiting for an input or output operation to be completed. The Dispatcher section considers all GECOS control routines to have a higher priority than any job program. Between two programs that both meet the above requirements, control is given to the one that was allocated first. Programs are not presently guaranteed a turn at the processor - a succession of high-priority programs can effectively block a low-priority program. However, General Electric is planning to remedy this situation. There are three methods by which job programs can relinquish control to GEIOS: • conversion routine for a maximum of 200 microseconds in the GE-635 or 400 microseconds in the GE-625. If the routine does not yield control to GECOS within the specified time, that routine is automatically terminated. The Courtesy Call facilitates effective utilization of peripheral devices such as card readers and printers by making it possible to keep them operating at their peak speeds. Roadblock - This is the normal entry for most input-output operations. After initiation of the input or output operation, the program relinquishes control if another program can make use of the processor. Control is not normally returned to the "roadblocked" program immediately upon completion of the operation; the Dispatcher section returns control as specified in previous paragraphs. Courtesy Call - This entry is used primarily for such programs as bulk media conversion routines. Immediately after completion of each requested input-output operation, control is returned to the o Forced Relinquish - This entry prevents a compute-bound job program or a symbolic or machine-coded program not using the above two entries from retaining control for more than a specified period of time. The time limit can be defined by the installation, but is 62.5 milliseconds originally. The timer is set upon entry to a job program, and control is transferred to the Dispatcher section if the specified time limit is exceeded. Control is not returned to the compute-bound program until another program has had a turn . When control is transferred from one job program to another job program, the contents of the processor registers are automatically safe-stored, freeing the programmer of this responsibility. GEIOS keeps track of the time used by each program on the central processor and the peripheral devices separately. The full facilities of GEIOS are available to the symbolic-language programmer. However, he can alternatively make use of the General File Record Control (GEFRC) routine, described below, and regard all input-output data as being composed of records and files. .123 GEFRC Use of the General File Record Control (GEFRC) routine will probably be the most common method of accomplishing input-output operations. All compilers (COBOL and FORTRAN) and job programs generated by compilers access the inputoutput control routines (GEIOS) through GEFRC. Programmers using symbolic language can also use GEFRC. A "file control block" must be written for each file to be used. This is produced automatically by the compilers, but must be written by the programmer for symbolic-language programs. This file control block contains such information as record length, block length, file name, file code, etc. At load time, control cards referencing the file by file code specify the type of device to which the file is to be assigned. GEFRC will automatically handle blocking or deblocking of records, buffer alternation, label processing, unit swapping, and movement of records between buffers and working areas. . 124 General Loader The General Loader is used to transfer programs from temporary drum (or disc) storage to core ©1964 Auerbach Corporalion and Info, Inc. 12/64 340: 191. 124 GE-600 SERIES .124 General Loader (Contd.) . 23 Loading Sequence: storage when they have been scheduled for execution. It will also perform the following functions: • Relocate subprograms into one contiguous program and establish the required linkages. • Store and establish the required linkages for overlay segments. • Provide debug facilities. Debug statement cards are read at load time, and snapshot printouts of specific locations within a program are made at execution time. .125 GERTS The General Remote Terminal Supervisor supervises the reception of job programs from remote terminals, submits them to GECOS for processing, and returns the desired output to the remote terminal submitting the program. . 13 Availability GECOS: GEIOS: GEFRC: GERTS: General Loader: . Initial Final 12/64 12/64 2/65. 2/65. 12/64. 4/65. 12/64. 1/65 .14 Originator: GE Computer Department, Phoenix, Arizona. . 15 Maintainer: . . . . . . . same as above. ·2 PROGRAM LOADING · 21 Source of Programs .211 Programs from online libraries: ..•. multiple users' libraries can be assembled in various media, forms, and languages (absolute, relocatable, GEM, COBOL, or FORTRAN). Loading and allocation are directed by control cards . . 212 Independent programs: magnetic drum, disc, or tape; system card reader. .213 Data: . . . . . . . . . • • from any available input device, as specified in the program; or data can be loaded immediately following the program. .214 Master routines: ... contained in the 8, 192 words of core storage allotted to GECOS, and on magnetic drum or disc. · 22 12/64 jobs, consisting of one or more programs, compilations, assemblies, etc. are assigned pri0rities and are loaded onto the magnetic drum (or disc storage unit) assigned to GECOS. Scheduling of jobs is based on priority and peripheral requirements. The eighteen most urgent jobs are considered for allocation at any time. If a job is bypassed due to insufficient peripheral units being available, its priority is increased, finally reaching the level where no other jobs will be scheduled until the requirements for the delayed job are met and that job is scheduled for execution . Library Subroutines:. loaded from system library (on drum or disc) or from users' libraries at load time. .3 HARDWARE ALLOCATION .31 Storage . 311 Sequencing of program for movement between levels: . . . . . the program is segmented by the programmer, and individual segments are assembled or compiled individually. Loading and execution are as described in the following paragraph. .312 Occupation of working storage: . . . . . . . . LINK control cards specify the starting location of a segment. At load time the segments are written on a drum (or disc) file and the necessary linkages are set up. Segments are loaded into the area of core storage specified in the control cards by a CALL macro within the calling program. .32 Input-Output Units .321 Initial assignment: all references to inputoutput devices must be symbolic; the required facilities are defined by control cards, and actual assignments are made automatically by GECOS when scheduling a job. These assignments are normally made several programs in advance and are communicated to the operator by means of the console typewriter. ./ OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: GECOS .322 Alternation: ..•••• .323 Reassignment:. . . .. 340: 191.322 two tape units can be assigned to the same file, and are automatically swapped upon recognition of end-of-reel condition. same as initial assignment; GECOS can release assigned facilities for use by another program. .4 RUNNING SUPERVISION .41 Simultaneous Working: GECOS controls all inputoutput operations and attempts to maximize utilization of the available peripheral devices. .42 Multiprogramming:.. .44 Check or Interlock up to eight programs can reside in core storage simultaneously. Switching techniques are described in Paragraph. 122. .43 Multi -sequencing: .44 Errors, Checks and Action no provisions to date. (A multi -processor version of GECOS is to be available in mid-1965.) Allocation impossible: In-out error single: In-out error persistent: Time limit violated: \\ print message; continue, skipping incorrect card images, or terminate program, depending on loading mode and type of error. check Floating point underflow: print message; set flag; return largest magnitude; continue. * check Invalid operation: check Invalid address: check print message; set flag; return zero; continue. * print message and terminate program. * print message and terminate program. * Reference to forbidden area: check Restarts .451 Establishing restart points: . . . . . . . . . .452 Restarting process: . user can specify any number of restart points on magnetic tape file, but only one on a magnetic drum or disc file, and that one must be the first entry on the file. the restart routine call is specified by the user; if the routine is entered at execution time, a message is printed and the operator has the option of restarting or terminating the program. increase priority and delay; select another program. check try again. .5 PROGRAM DIAGNOSTICS check print message and offer options. .51 Dynamic check wait until processor is in slave mode and terminate program. * check print message and terminate program. * print message and terminate program. * The action specified is that normally taken by GECOS. The programmer has the option of specifying his own error routine for individual conditions. The message is normally written on the system tape for later print-out. Normal action that causes a program to be terminated due to an error also includes a post-mortem dump. check Invalid instructions (in slave mode): check Arithmetic overflow: \" .45 check Floating point overflow: * Check or Interlock Loading input error or improper format: Errors, Checks and Action (Contd.) . 511 Tracing: . . . . . . . .512 Snapshots: . . . . . . none. DEBUG control cards cause printout of specified locations (can be symbolic) at execution time. The printout can be controlled by a count specification and/or a simple conditional. .52 normally included when standard software response to an error results in terminating a program. Post-Mortem: print message; set flag; continue.* ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and info, inc. 12/64 GE-600 SERIES 340: 191. 600 .6 OPERATOR CONTROL .8 PERFORMANCE .61 Signals to OQerator .81 System Reguirements .611 Decision required by operator: · ...... console printer messages, under control of GECOS or user's program. .811 Minimum configuration: ..••.•. . 612 Action required by same as .61l. operator: .613 Reporting progress of run: .• , . . . . • • . . recorded on system tape for later print-out. · ..... .62 .63 OQerator's Decisions: .812 Usable extra facilities: .. .813 Reserved equipment: . . . . . . . . . . OQerator's Signals · ........ · ...... .631 Inquiry: .632 Change of normal progress: .7 keyboard entry or, in some cases, by placing peripheral equipment in ready condition. LOGGING: ....... ? ? .82 all logging facilities are provided by GECOS and are controlled by program parameters where needed. .71 OQerator Signals: on console typewriter. .72 OQerator Decisions: on console typewriter. • 73 Run Progress: . . . . on system tape. .74 Errors: • 75 Running Times: . . . . on system tape. .76 MultiQrogramming Status: none. · ........ .. · ........ Program SQace Available: on console printer or systern tape. .84 .85 all. .,,---. " 8,192 words of core storage. console and typewriter. 3 magnetic tape units. 786,000 words of drum or disc storage. System Overhead .821 Loading time: .822 Reloading frequency: .83 CP 8030 Processor Module. 32,768 words of core storage . 1 console with typewriter. 3 magnetic tape units. 1 card reader. 1 magnetic drum (786,000 words) or equivalent amount of disc storage. Program Loading Time: ......... Program Performance: ......... ? resident portions of GECOS remain in core storage; other portions are called in automatically from drum (or disc) as required. all of core storage except the 8,192 words mentioned in Paragraph. 813. ? no estimate is available from GE to date. /' 12/64 ' 340:201.1 00 GE-600 Series System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE The overall performance of a GE-600 Series computer system varies with the speed of the Memory Module and the peripheral equipment incorporated. The performance of the currently-announced members of the GE-600 Series on the AUERBACH Standard EDP Reports benchmark measures of system performance has been analyzed separately. For performance curves, summary worksheets, and analyses of the results, turn to the System Performance sections of the individual subreports, as listed below: GE-625: GE-635: Section 343: 20 1 Section 344: 201 \., \ "---. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. 12/64 GE-600 Physi cal Characteristics PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Width inches Depth, inches Height, inches 38.9 78.3 38.9 Weight, pounds Power, KVA 77.5 2,200 2.6 7,400 78.3 77.5 1,800 3.7 12,300 38.9 78.3 77.5 2,200 3.7 12,700 40 36 48 360 0.6 1,700 47 47 28 76 33 33 60 34 40 48 60 58 475 700 1,300 1,460 4.08 3.0 2.2 5.4 11,900 4,400 4,400 11,000 MT-24, MT-26 Magnetic Tape Unit MT-17, MT-19, MT-21, MT-23 Magnetic Tape Unit 29 26 67 400 3.0 2,500 56 26 67 400 1. 69 4, 100 Magnetic Tape Controller (single-channel) Magnetic Tape Controller (dual-channel) 56 26 67 840 1. 56 4,600 56 26 67 840 1.9 5,560 TS-20 Paper Tape Reader /Punch 61 26 68 700 1. 63 5,400 DS-20 Disc File Unit DSC-20 Disc File Controller 71 61 38 26 63 68 2,390 870 5.94 3.3 9,700 9,560 MDS 200 Magnetic Drum Magnetic Drum Controller 53.9 61. 0 36.5 26.0 78.6 67.0 1,580 800 1.5 2.0 5,500 3,600 MG 8030 Motor-Generator Set (31. 3 KVA) MT 8031 Motor-Generator Set (62.5 KVA) 26.6 64.1 37.8 1,830 31.3 30,000 32.5 71. 8 42.1 2,700 62.5 46,000 Unit CP 8030 Central Processor Memory Module - A-11 (includes one or two core storage modules and System Controller) Input/Output Controller Module Console CR-20 CP-10 CP-20 PR-20 Card Reader Card Punch Card Punch Printer General Requirements Temperature: . . . Relative Humidity: Power: . . . . . . 12/64 65 to 85° F. 40 to 60%. 208/120 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire, 60-cycle source. BTU per hr. , ,.; 340:221.101 GE-600 Series Price Data PRICE DATA IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS CENTRAL PROCESSOR No. CP 8030 OPT809 CORE STORAGE MM8031 MM8032 OPT 804 MM8030 MM8033 OPT 801 OPT802 RANDOM ACCESS STORAGE Name Central Processor Module (includes 1 CPU port) Additional Processor Module (includes 1 CPU port) CPU Port (maximum of four per Processor Module) GE-625 32K Core Storage Module and System Controlle'r (includes 2 Memory Ports) GE-625 40K Core Storage Module and System Controller (includes 2 Memory Parts) GE-625 32K Core Storage Module (includes 2 Memory Ports) GE-635 32K Core Storage Module and System Controller (includes 2 Memory Ports) GE-635 40K Core Storage Module and System Controller (includes 2 Memory Ports) GE-635 32K Core Storage Module PRICES Monthly Rental * Monthly Purchase Maintenancet $ $ $ 16,000 1,140 624,000 8,900 620 256,000 70 5 3,080 6,500 489 279,500 7,500 591 337,500 4,300 301 193,000 9,500 715 408,500 10,600 835 477,000 6,700 469 301,500 80 6 3,520 1,125 350 53,000 - 8,000 16,000 23,000 15,000 20,000 1,475 45 86,400 3,300 433 148,500 Memory Port (maximum of 8 per System Controller) Disc Storage DS-20 Disc Storage Unit (includes 4 discs) OPT 201 OPT202 OPT 203 OPT 204 OPT 205 4 Additional Discs 8 Additional Discs 12 Additional Discs Fast Access I (4 Discs) Fast Access II (8 Discs) 200 400 600 300 400 Note: Maximum of 16 discs total per unit; maximum of 8 fast access discs per unit. DSU-20 DSU Controller Maggetic Drum Unit MDS200 * t Magnetic Drum and Controller (786K words) Rentals shown are for unlimited usage. Maintenance rates shown apply only for the first 36 months after installation, and are somewhat higher thereafter. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation ond Info, Inc. 12/64 .'~ ~~\ .. GE-600 SERIES 340:221.1 02 IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS Name No. PRICES Monthly Rental $ INPUTOUTPUT DC 8030 OPT 808 OPT 807 OPT 806 CO 8030 CO 8031 Input/Output Controller (includes one IOC Port, three 400KC Channels, and five 25KC Channels) IOC Port (maximum of 4 per I/O Controller 400KC Channel (maximum of 6 per I/O Controller) 25KC Channel (maximum of 10 per I/O Controller) Console (includes typewriter) Auxiliary Console (includes typewriter) * Monthly Purchase Maintenance t $ $ 5,400 288 190,000 80 6 3,520 100 8 4,400 50 4 2,250 400 375 32 32 18,400 18,300 650 500 825 1,400 69 69 115 247 30,000 22,500 41,150 64,800 500 560 75 75 22,500 25,200 950 78 45,600 290 400 485 590 700 900 80 100 150 180 200 200 13,920 19,200 23,280 28,320 31,500 40,500 900 1,380 30 50 43,200 66,240 385 430 575 635 850 990 85 110 160 165 210 225 18,500 20,640 27,600 30,408 38,250 44,550 970 1,485 40 60 46,560 71,280 270 19 11,000 320 23 13,000 Punched Card and Printer CR-20 CP-10 CP-20 PR-20 Card Reader (900 cpm) Card Punch (100 cpm) Card Punch (300 cpm) Printer (1200 lpm) Punched Tape TR-20 TP-20 TS-20 Perforated Tape Reader Perforated Tape Punch Perforated Tape Subsystem (includes reader and punch) Magnetic Tape OTHER MT-17 MT-19 MT-21 MT-23 MT-24 MT-26 7-channel Magnetic Tape Units: 20,900 char/sec max. 30,000 char/sec max. 42,000 char/sec max. 60,000 char/sec max. 83,000 char/sec max. 120,000 char/sec max. MTC-71 MTC-72 7-channel Magnetic Tape Controller s: Single-channel, 16 units Dual-channel, 16 units MT-17A MT-19A MT-21A MT-23A MT-24A MT-26A 9-channel Magnetic Tape Units: 28,000 char/sec max. 40,000 char/sec max. 56,000 char/sec max. 80,000 char/sec max. 111,000 char/sec max. 160,000 char/sec max. MTC-91 MTC-92 9-channel Magnetic Tape Controllers: Single-channel, 16 units Dual-channel, 16 units MG8030 MG8031 * t 12/64 Motor-Generator Set 31. 3 KVA with SEQ. Motor-Generator Set 62.6 KVA with SEQ. Rentals shown are for unlimited usage. Maintenance rates shown apply only for the first 36 months after installation, and are somewhat higher thereafter. GE 625 General Electric Company AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. GE 625 General Electric Company / / ,/ AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 343:011.1 00 GE-625 I ',,- Introdu eti on INTRODUCTION The GE-625 is characterized by the cycle time of its core storage unit seconds for each access of two 36-bit words. two micro- This report concentrates upon the performance of the GE-625 in particular. All general characteristics of the GE-600 Series hardware and software are described in Computer System Report 340: GE-600 Series - General. The System Configuration section which follows shows the GE-625 in the following standard configurations: VITA: 10-Tape General System (Integrated) VIIIA: 20-Tape General System (Integrated) These configurations were selected because multiprogramming is a featured capability of the GE-625. The main processing runs and the input and output data transcription runs are assumed to be running in parallel on the main-frame, so no off-line data transcription facilities are required. The system configurations are arranged according to the rules in the Users' Guide, page 4:030.120, and any significant deviations from the standard specifications are listed. The main deviation is the inclusion of random access storage; this is necessary to permit use of the standard supervisory routine, GECOS. Section 343:051 provides detailed central processor timing data for the GE-625. See Section 340:051 for all the other characteristics of the program-compatible GE-600 Series processors. The software that is provided for all GE-600 Series systems is described in Sections 340: 151 through 340: 191. A detailed analysis of the GE-625's overall System Performance is provided in Section 343:201. ( \. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. 12/64 / 343: 031.1 00 GE-625 System Confi gu rati on SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .1 10-TAPE GENERAL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED); CONFIGURATION VITA Deviations from Standard Configuration: .. Magnetic drum is required for GECOS. Core storage is 60% larger. Printer is up to 140% faster. Card reader is 40% faster. Equipment Rental MM 8031 - 32K Memory Module and System Controller (includes 32K words of storage and 2 memory ports) $ 6,500 CP 8030 Central Processor (includes 1 processor port) I/O Controller Module (includes 5 standard and 3 high-performance channels and 1 IOC port) He Console and Typewriter: PR-20 Printer: prints 1200 lines per minute ----- 16,000 5,400 400 1,400 CR-20 Card Reader: reads 900 cards per minute 650 CP-10 Card Punch: punches 100 cards per minute 500 Dual Channel Tape Controller 1,380 10 MT-23 Magnetic Tape Units: up to 60,000 characters per second 5,900 MDS 200 Magnetic Drum and Control (786,000 words) 3,300 , "- Motor-Generator Set TOTAL: ©1964 Auerbach Corporotion and Info,lnc. 270 $41,700 12/64 343:031.200 GE-625 .2 20-TAPE GENERAL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED): CONFIGURATION VIlIA Deviations from Standard Configuration: Magnetic Drum is required for GECOS. Card punch is 50% faster. Equipment MM 8032 - 40K Memory Module and System Controller (includes 40K words of storage and 2 memory ports) Rental $ 7,500 / CP 8030 Central Processor (includes 1 processor port) He I/O Controller Module (includes 5 standard and 6 high-performance channels and 1 IOC port) Console and Typewriter: PR-20 Printer: prints 1200 lines per minute 5,700 400 1,400 CR-20 Card Reader: reads 900 cards per minute 650 CP-20 Card Punch: punches 300 cards per minute 825 2 Dual Channel Tape Controllers 2,760 1 Single Channel Tape Controller 900 20 MT-26 Magnetic Tape Units: up to 120,000 characters per second 18,000 MDS 200 Magnetic Drum and Control (786, 000 words) 3,300 Motor-Generator Set TOTAL: 12/64 16,000 270 $57,705 343:051.100 GE-625 Central Processor CENTRAL PROCESSOR Fixed point .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . . . • . . . . • CP 8030 Processor Module. .12 Description See Section 340:051 for a comprehensive description of the Model CP 8030 Processor Module. The Instruction Times and Processor Performance times for the GE-625 system are listed below. See Paragraphs 4:050.41 and 4:050.42 of the Users' Guide for the definitions of these standard measures of central processor performance. PROCESSOR SPEEDS .41 Instruction Times in Microseconds Short Long (1 word) (2 words) .411 Fixed point Add- subtract: To accumulator: ..••.. 3.0 3.0 To storage: . . • . . . . . . . 4.0 Multiply: • . . . . • . . • . . . 7.0 Divide: . • • . . . . . . . • • . . 14.5 .412 Floating point 3.0 Add-subtract: . . . . . • . • • 3.0 12.0 Multiply: . . • • . . . • . • . • 6.0 23.5 Divide: . . • • . . . . . • . • . 14.5 .413 Additional allowance for Indexing: . • . . . . . . . . . . . O. Indirect addressing: 2.0 (3.5 if indirect word is modified) Re-complementing: ..•.• O. • 414 CompareFixed point (short or long): 3.0 Floating point (short or long): • • . . • • • . . • . . • .. 3.0 With limits: • . . . • . . • . . 3.0 Masked: . . . . . • . • . • . . 3. 0 Branch: . . • • . . • . . • • •• 2.0 · 415 Counter control (indirect addressing) Step:.. • • • . . . • . . . • .. 3.5 Step and test: . • . • . . . . . 3. 5 • 416 Edit: . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . no direct hardware facilities. .417 Convert: . • . . • • . . . . • . . 4.0 (basic I-digit conversion). .418 Shift: ••••.••.•..•..• , 2.0 ( \. Processor Performance in Microseconds . 421 For random addresses c = a + b: . . . . . . . . . . . . c = alb: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. 0 (short) .4 .42 .421 For random addresses (Contd.) b = a + b: . . • • . . . . . • .. 9.5 (long) 7.0 (short) Sum N items (long or short): . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0N 13.5 c = ab: (short) Fixed point Floating point 9.5 (long) 9.5 (short) 10.0 (long) 9.5 (short) .422 For arrays of data ci = ai + br • . . • . . . . • . . 18. 0 (long) 18.0 (short) bj = ai + bj: . . . . • . . • • . 18.0 (long) 16.0 (short) Sum N items: . • . • . . . . . 12. ON (long or short) * c=c+aibj: . . . . . . . • • • 22.5 (long) Floating point 10.0 (long) 9.5 (short) 3.0N 19.0 (long) 12.5 (short) 30.5 (long) 21. 0 (short) 18.5 (long) 18.0 (short) 18.5 (long) 18.0 (short) 12. ON (long or short) * 30.5 (long) 24.0 (short) .423 Branch based on comparison Numeric data: . . . . 14.5N Alphabetic data: . . . 14. 5N .424 Switching Unchecked: • • . • . . 7. 0 Checked: •.•..•• 13.0 List search: .. . • • 8. 5 + 16. 5N* .425 Format control, per characterUnpack: Without radix conversion: . . . • . 1. 33 With radix conversion: . . . • . 59.7 Compose: . . . . . . . 18.6 .426 Table lookup, per comparison For a match: . • . . . 16.5* For least or greatest: . . • . . . . 15 to 18. For interpolation point: . • . . . • . . . 16.5* .428 Moving: . . . . . . . . . 2.5 per word (using Repeat Double loop) . *These times could possibly be improved with loops using the Repeat instructions, but the timing information is not available to date. @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 ./ 343:201.001 GE-625 System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING (343:201. 100) These problems involve updating a master file from information in a detail file and producing a printed record of each transaction. This application is one of the most common commercial data processing jobs and is fully described in Section 4:200.1 of the Users' Guide. Standard File Problems A, B, and C show the effects of varying record sizes in the master file. Standard Problem D increases the amount of computation performed upon each transaction. Each problem is estimated for activity factors (ratios of number of detail records to number of master records) of zero to unity. In all cases a uniform distribution of activity is assumed. Because multiprogramming is a featured capability of the GE-625, the central processor time requirements are shown on all of the graphs in addition to the usual curves of elapsed time (i. e., total processing time). The difference between the curves of elapsed time and central processor time represents the amount of central processor time that is potentially available for concurrent processing of other programs. In designing the master file layout for the GE-600 Series, alignment of data items in core storage was carefully considered. Double-word boundaries were observed throughout in order to make use of the various double-word instructions to improve performance efficiency. Penalties due to placement of transfer instructions in even locations and transfers to instructions in odd locations were taken into account; i. e., half were placed in favorable locations and half in unfavorable locations. As there is only one Memory Module in both of our Standard Configurations, no advantage could be taken of simultaneous accesses to core storage. The scatter-gather method of tape reading and writing was not used extensively; instead, individual records were moved by means of the high-speed Repeat Double, Load Double, Store Double loop transfer method. In the multiprogramming mode of operation, we assume that two programs are run Simultaneously. One program, the Processing Run, performs all of the proceSSing prescribed for the Generalized File Processing Problem with the master, detail, and report files all assigned to magnetic tape. The second program is a data Transcription routine that converts magnetic tape records to printed records (the report file) and Simultaneously converts records on punched cards (the detail file) to magnetic tape records. Detailed information is not available to date about the standard Bulk Media Conversion Routines. Consequently, the detail file and report file records on magnetic tape are assumed to be unblocked; i. e., only one record per block. Also, the Central Processor times for the data transcription routine do not include the time for I/O control, because the timing data was not available. The controlling factor at all activities in all problems for Configuration VIlA is a combination of one master file tape and the report file tape. An average of 80% of the central processor's time is available to process other programs. Additional tape channels and faster tape units reduce the overall elapsed times for Configuration VIllA, while the Central Processor times remain the same as for Configuration VIlA. The controlling factor at moderate and high activities is the report file tape; at low activities, it is one master file tape. In Configuration VIllA, an average of 50% of the central processor's time is available to process other problems. In both configurations a large portion of the central processor's time is occupied with editing and radix conversions since there are no automatic hardware provisions for these operations. Elapsed times for the data transcription routine are controlled by the printer at all activities. The amount of central processor time required for this routine is quite small. SORTING (343:201. 200) The standard estimate for sorting 80-character records by straightforward merging on magnetic tape was developed from the time for Standard File Problem A by the method explained in Paragraph 4:200.213 of the Users' Guide. A three-way merge is used in all system configurations for the GE-625. The results are shown in Graph 343:201. 200. @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE-625 343: 201.002 MATRIX INVERSION (343:201. 300) The standard estimate for inverting a non-symmetric, non-singular matrix was computed by the simple method described in Paragraph 4:200.312 of the Users' Guide. Computation is performed in single-precision floating-point format (8-digit precision) . GENERALIZED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING (343:201.400) The Standard Mathematical Problem A is an application in which there is one stream of input data, a fixed computation to be performed, and one stream of output results. Two variables are introduced to demonstrate how the time for a job varies with different proportions of input, computation, and output. The factor C is used to vary the amount of computation per input record. The factor R is used to vary the ratio of input records to output records. The procedure used for the Standard Mathematical Problem is fully described in Section 4:200.2 of the Users' Guide. Computations are performed in single-precision floating-point arithmetic, which provides the minimum 8-digit precision prescribed in the Users' Guide. Again, because multiprogramming is featured in the GE-625, the curves show the central processor time as well as total elapsed time. The performance for both Configurations VIlA and VIllA is assessed for the multiprogramming mode of operation. The graphs show the time for the main Processing run, in which the input and output are on magnetic tape and in which all of the prescribed internal processing is performed (including editing and radix conversions). The table beneath the chart shows the times for the corresponding data Transcription run, in which the card-to-tape (input) and tape-to-printer. (output) transcriptions are assumed to run simultaneously. . Graph 343:201.400 shows the results for Configuration VIlA with two curves. The curve marked R = 1. 0 is for the case in which one output record is written for each input record. The other curve is for the case in which one output record is written for every tenth (R = 0.1) and every hundredth (R = 0.01) input record. (There is no effective difference between the two cases, R = 0.1 and R = 0.01.) For R = 1. 0, the output tape is the controlling factor for amounts of computation up to about 4 times the standard (i. e., C = 4). The input tape is the controlling factor for up to about 6 times the standard amount of computation (i. e. , C = 6) for R = 0.1 and R = 0.01. The results for Configuration VIllA are shown in a similar manner on graph 343:201. 415. Because of the faster tapes, the output tape is the controlling factor for only up to about 1. 5 times the standard computation (C = 1. 5) for R = 1. 0, and the input tape is the controlling factor for only up to about 2.5 times the standard computation for R = 0.1 and R = 0.01. 12/64 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 343:201.011 WORKSHEET DATA TABLE 1 (STANDARD FILE PROBLEM A) CONFIGURATION ITEM 1 Char/block r-- Rt'cords/block K (File 1) 960 960 (File 1) 10 10 15.3 a - - - - - - - - - , . . - - - - - -r - - - - - 2B. File 1 " File 2 mscc/block 13.3' File 3 r-------InputOutput Times HEFEHENCE VlIIA VIlA File 1 " File 2 1------File 3 lUsec! switch 8. 0* ~----- 1-----8.3* 14. O' File 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 - - - - - - -r - - - - - - - - 4:200.112 1 - - - - - - i - - - - - . -i - - - - - File 4 0.33 O. :l3 File 1 File 2 1 - - - - - - -r - - - - - - - -i - - - - - - - . 0.03 0.03 File 3 msec penalty 1 - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - -f - - - - - - File 4 2 Central Processor Times msec/"lock "2 f----=---"5 + b 9 ~--- msec/report 3 F ~ f-----l~- 1 - - - U 4 - - - ~--- I----O~- - msec/detall msec/work System P crforlnancc at 0.14 f-----o~ - I-- ----0:15--0.14 f------=- - - - msec/ record 0.05 0.05 a1 "7 ./ "S Tapes --;;;K--- - 0.14 I-~ ----=--;, - - - r-35.7l "1 domituUlt column. a3 K 1. 0 File 1 Master In -----2.30 r----·2.~- C.P. msec/block forC.P. aJld C.P. --_.---.- Tapes 0.14 ~5o- r---- 35.7~ 1---- 2B.0 0.33 4:200.1132 ----0.23 - - - 4:200.114 O.~3 - 0.33 - - I - - - - -0.33 - - I--- f--I---fo::l4 ~ 3 Detail;---o.3~ I- """"0:48 ~- ----O:4S- r-~ File 4 Reports 38.83 83.2 38.83 168. a Total --=:---.---;::--' File 2 Master Ou ~---- 4 Unit of measure: words Std. routines - - - - - - - r - - - 3-t2- - t ------32 ---::-:--- -:c r-- ---zI3- - - - --_.----213 3(Blocks 1 to 23) ---:-::- - _ . --::- t - ----r;42-2- - - T,422--6(l3locks 24 to 48) - - - _ . -1---- ---- -710--710 Files - - - -1 - - - - - -- - - - Fixed Storage Space Required Working - 50 50 2,427 Total * Files 3 and 4 are on magnetic tape for the' main Processing 4:200.1151 t 2,427 t l'un. t Does not include 8, 192 words required for standard supervisory routine. GECOS. WORKSHEET DATA TABLE 2 (STANDAH.D MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM A) CONFIGURATION REFEHENCE ITEM VIlA 5 Fixed/Floating point Unit name Standard Mathematical Problem A Floating point input --'---- output Size of record input ~---- output msec/block msec/record input Floating point Tape Model MT-26 Tape - Model - -MT-23 - - . ---'-- f - - - - - '---Model MT-23 Tape Model MT-26 Tape SO char. 80 char. - - - - _ . -1 - - - - - _ . 130 char. ~t-.2l. _ _ output 1'2 msec penalty VIIIA 13.3 130 char. S.O 1-----8.4 ------14.2 1'3 O. 03 1'5 3.23 4:200.413 0.03 ------ - - -0:05 - - -10.05 output 1'4 - - - - - _ . - f3.23 -------1.45 c----- - - - - - - - -1.45 - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - ~--------- msec/5 loops 1'6 msee/report 1'7 2.78 2.78 @1 964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 \, 343:201.100 GE-625 System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE .1 GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING .11 Standard File Problem A 4:200.113; see also the explanation on page 343:201. 001. . 114 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below . . 115 Storage space required Configuration VIlA and VIllA: . . . . . . . 2,427 words. * . 111 Record sizes Master file:. . . . 108 data characters (16 words). Detail file: . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. .112 Computation: . . . . . . . standard. .113 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, * Does not include 8,.192 words required for the standard supervisory routine, GECOS. All I/O control routines, editing routines, radix conversion routines, etc., are within GECOS. 10.0 "\j\\i.~ 7 <;!\\~,,,,,,,,, "/ 4 / 1.0 7 -=' / / ~ ~ ~ '1\\\1\_ 11- .,r I It ,,~ ./ -~ -' i ' - l' .------ l' '1\\~ ~ /~ '1iJl\,;,. "\j~1: ., 7 L L ./" If 1'- '1\\1\, .... ...." O. 1 4 ~ I 4 2 ---- - n;./ 2 Time in Minutes to Process 10, 000 Master File Records - 1: -- ---- .- ""","-=- 1- /" 1.1' /' 2 0.01 o I 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record LEGEND / I \, --------- - P T P --T - - Elapsed time for main ProceSSing run. Elapsed time for data Transcription runs. Central Processor time for main ProceSSing run. Central Processor time for data Transcription runs. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 343:201.120 . 12 GE-625 .122 Computation: . . . . . . . standard . . 123 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide 4:200.12; See also the explanation on page 343:201. 001. . 124 Graph: . see graph below . Standard File Problem B .121 Record sizes Master file: . . . . . . . 54 data characters (8 words). Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1Une. 100.0 7 4 ---- 2 10.0 "\l\\\~~'\: 7 "\l\\~'/'"' .... ./ 4 '\:/ / 2 / Time in Minutes to 1.0 Process 10, 000 Master File Records 7 "\l\\f'. l' ..., "\l\\\~- ./' I 4 V io' i/ /'" ~ - T /"?- ~"?- -- , 2 0.01 \I\~ \I\\f'.~ /' If I l' - .;'\: / 0.0 - 4_ f 4 ---------- - -- - '\:---- --- \I\\\f'. \I \\f'. , - " . - - V- 0.1 7 _ l' .., I I I 2 ~1'--- V /' I' 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record LEGEND ------___ -- P T P ___ T - - Elapsed time for main Processing run. Elapsed time for data Transcription runs. Central Processor time for main Processing run. Central Processor time for data Transcription runs. / (Roman numerals denote standard System Confignrations.) 12/64 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE . 13 343:201.130 .132 Computation: . . . . . . . standard . .133 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users I Guide, 4:200.13. .134 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. Standard File Problem C .131 Record sizes Master file: . . . . . . 216 data characters (32 words). Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. 100.0 7 4 2 ~ 10.0 ·\r\\\I'>~'I 7 ~\\I'>'...,...,.. ..",.' 4 ...... /"" /«:. 2 Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 Master File Records J. 1.0 /___ 1'--- ~ 'l111A. ...- P 4 -~~ lJ\ .",..- 2 7 V 0.01 /" ="""'" 'l~~.3'- ""'" ..,--""'" 1'/ -VII!'>' ,-' -V~- 'I - - - - - ~ ........ «:. /' 4 2 ...=- = -VI,.,J> H 0.1 ----- l' 8 _8_ 7 ..--1'- 'lIlA. I,. , / / 0.0 0.1 1.0 0.33 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record LEGEND ---- P T -- P --- - - T ~-~ -~-= Elapsed time for main Processing run. Elapsed time for data Transcription runs. Central Processor time for main Processing run. Central Processor time for data Transcription runs. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 343:201.140 . 14 GE-625 .142 Computation:. .143 Timing basis: . . trebled . .. using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.14. . 144 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. Standard File Problem D .141 Record sizes Master file:. . ... 108 data characters (16 words). Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. 100.0 7 4 2 10.0 -------- 't '-l\~!.. 7 '-l\\~ ~~ 4 / /"" 2 Time in Minutes to Process 10, 000 Master File Records J 1.0 .-"""" .-1' I I 7 ~1' V '-li.~!,.. .Y "/ 4 ..., I ~1" T /~ 2 -<;> ,. l' ~i.~ ---- ~ - --- ...;. ... , 7 ',Ji.i.i.J\ _ ',Ji.i.,~'t /' 0.1 ..,... .-" V --------- ... / ~/ 4 '/ 1/ I 2 /' 0.01 0.0 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record LEGEND - P Elapsed time for main Processing run. T Elapsed time for data Transcription runs. - P - - - Central Processor time for main Processing run. - - T - - - Central Processor time for data Transcription runs. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) 12/64 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 343: 201.200 .2 SORTING .21 Standard Problem Estimates .212 Key size: . . . . . . . . . 8 characters . .213 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.213 . . 214 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below . . 211 Record size: . . . . . . . 80 characters. 1,000 7 4 2 100 7 4 II~ 2 Time in Minutes to Put Records Into Required Order 1 II~ / 10 / I 7 / / 4 / ~~ ~~"'I 2 L / " ~ 1/ ~~""'~ 1 ~ 7 " ,"" I' / 4 / / 2 ~I 0.1 2 100 4 lI iI / / / 7 2 4 1,000 7 2 10,000 4 7 100,000 Number of Records (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 1/65 343:201.300 GE-625 .3 MATRIX INVERSION .31 Standard Problem Estimates point to at least 8 decimal digits (single-precision) . . 312 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.312 . .313 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. . 311 Basic parameters: . . . general, non-symmetric matrices, using floating 100 7 4 I I 2 10 , 7 / I I I 4 'I $/ 2 Time in Minutes for Complete Inversion f::,. it 1 ,, 7 I 4 2 ~ II o. 1 7 J 4 I J 2 V 0.01 2 1 4 7 10 2 4 7 2 4 100 Size of Matrix (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) 1/65 7 1.000 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 343:201.400 .4 GENERALIZ ED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING .41 Standard Mathematical Problem A Estimates single-precision floatingpoint mode (8-digit precision) . . 413 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:2UO.413. .414 Graph, Configuration VIlA: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below . .415 Graph, Configuration VIllA: . . . . . . . . . . . see next page. .411 Record sizes: . . . . . . 10 signed numbers, avg. size 5 digits, max. size 8 digits. . 412 Computation: . . . . . . . 5 fifth-order polynomials, 5 divisions, and 1 square root; computation is in MAIN PROCESSING RUN, CONFIGURATION VIlA 1,000 7 4 2 100 7 Time in Milliseconds per Input Record ./ -" 4 ~ ~' ~ \). \))., \). 2 ,.,.~ R=1.0 R - 0.01, 0.1 10 . Cl' 7 -~ R=(i 4 It '" 0.01. I I ..... ..... '" V~"" i-' C1' ,..",. "''1' 0.1. 2 1 2 4 7 2 2 7 4 1.0 0.1 10.0 4 7 100.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record DATA TRANSCRIPTION RUN, CONFIGURATION VIlA Milliseconds per Input Record R = 0.01 R = 0.1 R = 1. 0 Elapsed time Input (card to tape) Output (tape to printer) 67 0.90 67 9 67 90 Central Processor time Input* Output* 0.55 0.01 0.55 0.09 0.55 0.89 *Does not include the time for the I/O control routines. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations. R = Number of output records per input record. ) ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 343:201.415 GE-625 MAIN PROCESSING RUN, CONFIGURATION VIIIA Time in Milliseconds per Input Record \. 4 +--+-cp ,--~.J,.._.I' -- ~ __ (). ()\., (). ---1\1 ,....--'--.L-.L-'-~+t----+--t--+-+-t-++1-I ~ - ,. 2 4 R 7 0.1 = O. 01, O. 1 4 7 2 1.0 2 7 4 100.0 10.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record DATA TRANSCRIPTION RUN, CONFIGURATION VIIIA R Milliseconds per Input Record R = 0.1 R = 1. 0 = 0.01 Elaspsed time Input (card to tape) Output (tape to printer) 67 0.90 67 9 67 90 Central Processor time Input* Output* 0.55 0.01 0.55 0.09 0.55 0.89 *Does not include the time for the I/O control routines. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations. R = Number of output records per input record. ) 12/64 GE 635 General Electric Company ( ( \ AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. GE 635 General Electric Company / / AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 344:011.100 GE-635 Introducti on INTRODUCTION The GE-635 is characterized by the cycle time of its core storage unit - one microsecond for each access of two 36-bit words. This report concentrates upon the performance of the GE-635 in particular. All general characteristics of the GE-600 Series hardware and software are described in Computer System Report 340: GE-600 Series - General. The System Configuration section which follows shows the GE-635 in the following standard configurations: VlIA: 10-Tape General System (Integrated) VIlIA: 20-Tape General System (Integrated) These configurations were selected because multiprogramming is a featured capability of the GE-635. The main processing runs and the input and output data transcription runs are assumed to be running in parallel on the main-frame, so no off-line data transcription facilities are required. The system configurations are arranged according to the rules in the Users' Guide, page 4:030. 120, and any significant deviations from the standard specifications are listed. The main deviation is the inclusion of random access storage; this is necessary to permit use of the standard supervisory routine, GECOS. Section 344:051 provides detailed central processor timing data for the GE-635. See Section 340:051 for all the other characteristics of the program-compatible GE-600 Series processors. The software that is provided for all GE-600 Series systems is described in Sections 340:151 through 340:191. A detailed analysis of the GE-635's overall System Performance is provided in Section 344:201. / ( © 1 964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 344:031.100 GE-635 System Configuration SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .1 10-TAPE GENERAL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED); CONFIGURATION VIlA Deviations from Standard Configuration: Magnetic drum is required for GECOS. Core storage is 60% larger. Printer is up to 140% faster. Card reader is 40% faster. Equipment MM 8030 - 32K Memory Module and System Controller (includes 32K words of storage and 2 memory ports) CP 8030 Central Processor (includes 1 processor port) He I/O Controller Module (includes 5 standard and 3 high -perform ance channels and 1 IOC port) Console and Typewriter: PR-20 Printer: prints 1200 lines per minute L-..• •~----- Rental $ 9,500 16,000 5,400 400 1,400 CR-20 Card Reader: reads 900 cards per minute 650 CP-10 Card Punch: punches 100 cards per minute 500 Dual Channel Tape Controller 1,380 10 MT-23 Magnetic Tape Units: up to 60,000 characters per second 5,900 MDS 200 Magnetic Drum and Control (786,000 words) 3,300 Motor-Generator Set TOTAL: ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info,lnc. 270 $44,700 12/64 344: 031.200 GE-635 .2 20-TAPE GENERAL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED): CONFIGURATION VillA Deviations from Standard Configuration: Magnetic Drum is required for GECOS. Card punch is 50% faster. Eguipment MM 8033 - 40K Memory Module and System Controller (includes 40K words of storage and 2 memory ports)' CP 8030 Central Processor (includes 1 processor port) He I/O Controller Module (includes 5 standard and 6 high -perform ance channels and 1 IOC port) Console and Typewriter: PR-20 Printer: prints 1200 lines per minute I - . . -........~----- 16,000 5,700 400 1,400 CR-20 Card Reader: reads 900 cards per minute 650 CP-20 Card Punch: punches 300 cards per minute 825 2 Dual Channel Tape Controllers 3,000 1 Single Channel Tape Controller 900 20 MT-26 Magnetic Tape Units: up to 120,000 characters per second MDS 200 Magnetic Drum and Control (786,000 words) Motor-Generator Set TOTAL: 12/64 Rental $10,600 18,000 3,300 270 $61,045 344: 051.1 00 GE-635 Central Processor CENTRAL PROCESSOR .1 GENERAL .417 Convert to decimal: . .11 Identity: . . . . . . . • CP 8030 Processor Module. . 12 Description • 418 Shift: .42 .••.•.. 3.4 (basic I-digit conversion) . 1. 8 Processor Performance in Microseconds Fixed point See Section 340:051 for a comprehensive description of the Model CP 8030 Processor Module. The Instruction Times and Processor Performance times for the GE-635 system are listed below. See Paragraphs 4:050.41 and 4:050.42 of the Users' Guide for the definitions of these standard measures of central processor performance. .421 For random addresses c = a + b: . 6.8 (long) 6.1 (short) b = a +b:. 6.8 (long) 4.6 (short) Sum N items:. 1. 9N (long) 1. 8N (short) c = ab: 11.3 (short) c .4 PROCESSOR SPEEDS .41 Instruction Times in Microseconds Short (1 word) = alb: .422 For arrays of data ci = ~ + b j :. Long (2 words) .411 Fixed point Add-subtract: To accumulator: 1.8 1.9 2.8 To storage:. . . Multiply: . . . . . . . 7.0 Divide: 14.2 .412 Floating point Add-subtract: 2.7 Normalized: 2.7 2.5 Un-normalized: 2.5 Multiply: Normalized: 5.9 11.7 Un-normalized: 5.7 11. 5 Divide: 14.2 23.2 .413 Additional allowance for Indexing: . . . O. Indirect addressing: 1. 7 (2.5 if indirect word is modified). Re-complementing: O. .414 Compare Fixed point (short): 1. 8 Fixed pOint (long): . 1. 9 Floating point (short or long): .. 2.1 With limits: ... 2.2 Masked: . . . . •. 2. 2 .415 Counter control (indirect addressing) Step:.. . . 2.5 Step and test: 2. 5 .416 Edit: . . • . . no direct hardware facilities. bj =~ +bf. Sum N items: 18. 5 (short) 12.8 (long) 12.1 (short) 12.8 (long) 11.1 (short) 8.2N (long)* 8.1N (short)* 17. 6 (short) Floating point 7.6 (long) 7.0 (short) 7.6 (long) 7.0 (short) 2.7N (long) 2.7N (short) 16.6 (long) 10. 2 (short) 28.1 (long) 18. 5 (short) 13.6 (long) 13. 0 (short) 13.6 (long) 13. 0 (short) 9. ON (long or short) * 25.3 (long) 18 . 9 (short) .423 Branch based on comparison Numeric data: • 10.3N Alphabetic data: 10.3N • 424 SwitchingUnchecked: 5.2 Checked: 9.3 List search: 5.8 + 12. 6N* .425 Format control, per character Unpack: Without radix conversion: . 1. 04 With radix conversion: . 43.2 Compose: . . . 14. ;I. . 426 Table lookup, per comparison For a match: 12.6* For least or greatest: . 9 to 12. For interpolation point: 12.6* .428 Moving: . . . .. 1. 8 per word (using Repeat Double loop). * These times could possibly be improved with loops using the Repeat instructions, but the timing information is not available to date. ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 344:201.001 GE-635 System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING (343:201. 100) These problems involve updating a master file from information in a detail file and producing a printed record of each transaction. This application is one of the most common commercial data proceSSing jobs and is fully described in Section 4:200.1 of the Users' Guide. Standard File Problems A, B, and C show the effects of varying record sizes in the master file. Standard Problem D increases the amount of computation performed upon each transaction. Each problem is estimated for activity factors (ratios of number of detail records to number of master records) of zero to unity. In all cases a uniform distribution of activity is assumed. Because multiprogramming is a featured capability of the GE-635, the central processor time requirements are shown on all of the graphs in addition to the usual curves of elapsed time (i. e., total processing time). The difference between the curves of elapsed time and central processor time represents the amount of central processor time that is potentially available for concurrent processing of other programs. In designing the master file layout for the GE-600 Series, alignment of data items in core storage was carefully considered. Double-word boundaries were observed throughout in order to make use of the various double-word instructions to improve performance efficiency. Penalties due to placement of transfer instructions in even locations and transfers to instructions in odd locations were taken into account; i. e., half were placed in favorable locations and half in unfavorable locations. As there is only one Memory Module in both of our Standard Configurations, no advantage could be taken of simultaneous accesses to core storage. The scatter-gather method of tape reading and writing was not used extensively; instead, individual records were moved by means of the high-speed Repeat Double, Load Double, Store Double loop transfer method. In the multiprogramming mode of operation, we assume that two programs are run simultaneously. One program, the Processing Run, performs all of the processing prescribed for the Generalized File Processing Problem with the master, detail, and report files all assigned to magnetic tape. The second program is a data Transcription routine that converts magnetic tape records to printed records (the report file) and Simultaneously converts records on punched cards (the detail file) to magnetic tape records. Detailed information is not available to date about the standard Bulk Media Conversion Routines. Consequently, the detail file and report file records on magnetic tape are assumed to be unblocked; i. e., only one record per block. Also, the Central Processor times for the data transcription routine do not include the time for I/O control, because the timing data was not available. The controlling factor at all activities in all problems for Configuration VIlA is a combination of one master file tape and the report file tape. An average of 85% of the central processor's time is available to process other programs. Additional tape channels and faster tape units reduce the overall elapsed times for Configuration VIIIA, while the Central Processor times remain the same as for Configuration VIlA. The controlling factor at moderate and high activities is the report file tape; at low activities, it is one master file tape. In Configuration VIllA, an average of 65% of the central processor's time is available to process other problems. In both configurations a large portion of the central processor's time is occupied with editing and radix conversions since there are no automatic hardware provisions for these operations. activities. Elapsed times for the data transcription routine are controlled by the printer at all The amount of central processor time required for this routine is quite small. SORTING (344:201. 200) The standard estimate for sorting 80-character records by straightforward merging on magnetic tape was developed from the time for Standard File Problem A by the method explained in Paragraph 4:200.213 of the Users' Guide. A three-way merge is used in all system configurations for the GE-635. The results are shown in Graph 344:201. 200. © 1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 344: 201.002 MATRIX INVERSION (344:201. 300 The standard extimate for inverting a non-symmetric, non-singular matrix was computed by the simple method described in Paragraph 4:200. 312 of the Users' Guide. Computation is performed in single-precision floating-point format (8-digit precision). GENERALIZED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING (344:201.400) The Standard Mathematical Problem A is an application in which there is one stream of input data, a fixed computation to be performed, and one stream of output results. Two variables are introduced to demonstrate how the time for a job varies with different proportions of input, computation, and output. The factor C is used to vary the amount of computation per input record. The factor R is used to vary the ratio of input records to output records. The procedure used for the Standard Mathematical Problem is fully described in Section 4:200.2 of the Users' Guide. Computations are performed in single-precision floating-point arithmetic, which provides the minimum 8-digit precision prescribed in the Users' Guide. Again, because multiprogramming is featured in the GE-635, the curves show the central processor time as well as total elapsed time. The performance for both Configurations VIlA and VIllA is assessed for the multiprogramming mode of operation. The graphs show the time for the main processing run in which the input and output are on magnetic tape and in which all of the prescribed internal processing is performed (including editing and radix conversions) . The table beneath the chart shows the times for the corresponding data Transcription run, in which the card-to-tape (input) and tape-to-printer (output) transcriptions are assumed to run simultaneously. Graph 344:201. 400 shows the results for Configuration VIlA with two curves. The curve marked R = 1. 0 is for the case in which one output record is written for each input record. The other curve is for the case in which one output record is written for every tenth (R = 0.1) and every hundredth (R = 0.01) input record. (There is no effective difference between the two cases, R = 0.1 and R = 0.01.) For R = 1. 0, the output tape is the controlling factor for amounts of computation up to about 8.5 times the standard (i. e., C = 8.5). The input tape is the controlling factor for up to about 9 times the standard amount of computation (i. e., C = 9) for R = 0.1 and R = 0.01. The results for Configuration VIllA are shown in a similar manner on graph 344:201.415. Because of the faster tapes, the output tape is the controlling factor for only up to about 3.5 times the standard computation (C = 3.5) for R = 1. 0, and the input tape is the controlling factor for only up to about 5 times the standard computation for R = 0.1 and R = 0.01. 12/64 GE-635 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 344:201 .011 WORSlIEET DATA TABLE 1 (STANDAHD FILE PROBLEM A) CONFIGURATION ITEM VIlA 1 InputOutput Times (File 1) 960 960 (File 1) 10 10 ~ File 2 2S.0 ~ File 2 0 ~ File 2 0.16 Char/block Records/bloc~ K msee/block File 1 File 1 15.3 - - . - 1----1~- ,-- ---S. 0-'--File 3 - - - -1 - - - - - -- - - - - 14. O' S.3' File 4 msec/ switch 0 File 4 File 1 - - - - - c----- - - - 0.02 File 3 --- - - - 1 - - -0.02 File 4 msee/bloek a1 --'=----- msee/record 0.02 0.09 0.09 1 - - - - - - - - I--- - - - 0 . 1 0 - 0.10 1. 75 c.P. 0.09 1. 75 Tapes msec/block ~---- - - - for C.P. a2 K 1. 03 and dominant 1 - - - " - - - 26.51 a3 K column. File 1 Master In 0.16 C.P. 4:200.1132 Tape 0.09 - - - -f - - -1 - - - - 1. 03 ---f---- - - - - - f26.51 1-----File 2 Master Out 1-------File 3 Details t--:----File 4 Reports Total Unit of measure: --- - -28.0-1 -0.16 --- 0.17 - - - -~1~ 0.17 f--- ---- 0.24 -- 140.0 0.24 83.2 --- 4:200.114 0.16 2S.36 16S.0 28.36 83.2 words t Std. rou tine s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t - - 32 32 Fixed - - - - - - - - ----_.213 213 3(Blocks 1 to 23) ---_ . - - - -1,422 -----------1 422 24 to 4S) - - - ----6(Blocks . -------710 710 Files - - - - - --------- - - - - Storage Space Required Working 4:200.1151 50 50 2,427 t Total * 1------- ~--.- 1 - - - - - - -I - - -o:l7 - - 0.17 b5 + b9 1 - - - - - - - - - f - - - - - - - - I-----W--b 7 ;. b S 1. 73 msee/work msec/report 4 0.16 1----- - - 0.02 ~---- 1 - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - msec/detail 3 System Performance at F ~ 1. 0 4:200.112 0 - - - - r - - - - - - - c----- - - - 0 File 3 0 ----,---- r - - O- - - f - - - - - - - msee penalty 2 Central Processor Times REFEHENCE VIllA 2,427t Files 3 and 4 are on magnetic tape for the main ProceSSing run. t Does not include 8,192 words required for standard supervisory routine, GECOS. WORKSHEET DATA TABLE 2 (STANDAHD MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM A) CONFIGURA TION REFERENCE ITEM 5 Fixed/Floating point Unit name Size of record Standard Mathematical Problem A VIlA Floating point msec penalty Floating- point input Model MT-23 Tape ~deIMT-26~ output Model MT-23 Tape input SO char. c---:--1----"--_. output msec/block VIllA _ ~------ 130 char. 130 char. ~t~_ c-----!.3_.3_ _ _ _ _ output '1'2 14.2 input Model MT-26 Tape _80 char. T3 0.02 output '1'4 0.03 1-----'--- - 1 - - - - - - 4:200.413 ~---S.4 0.02 --- --0.03 msec/ record - - - - --- - -T5- - r -2.33 - - - - - - - ~---~ee/5 loop_s_ _ _ _ _ --'!lL _ 1. 10 ~._10_ _ --_.1------- - - - msee/report '1'7 2.01 @1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 2.01 12/64 344:201.1 00 GE-635 System Performance SYSTEM PERFORMANCE .1 GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING . 11 Standard File Problem A .113 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlined inUsers' Guide, 4:200.113; see also the explanation on page 344:201. 001. . 114 Graph: . . . . . . . . . .. see graph below. . 115 Storage space required Configuration VIIA and VIllA . . . . . . . . . . 2,427 words. * . 111 Record sizes Master file: . . . . . . . 108 data characters (16 words) Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . 1 line . . 112 Computation: . . . . . . . standard. * Does not include 8,192 words required for the standard supervisory routine, GECOS. All I/O control routines, editing routines, radix conversion routines, etc., are within GECOS. 2 ..__'1'- 10.0 - \1\\\l'>_ '-1\\l'>,-- 7 ~ .." 4 /' /",,-' 2 I 1.0 l?- ~ .- I 7 Time in Minutes to Process 10,000 Master File Records V I \1\\\l'> ;,- ..Y 4 ..." ""I I s,' " 2 - \111J\, ~ .... - ~l?-- ./l?/ 0.1 7 4 -" I" P , \1\~ / \1111J\ -- '1' -p- ------ ----- - ,.", I /' If ",,-' ~ 2 J 0.01 o / 0.1 0.33 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record LEGEND 1.0 ----- P Elapsed time for main Processing run. ----- T Elapsed time for data Transcription runs. - - - P - - - Central Processor time for main Processing run. - - - T - - - Central Processor time for data Transcription runs. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE-635 344: 201. 120 . 12 . 122 Computation: . .123 Timing Basis: .. standard. .. using estimating procedure outlined in Users I Guide, 4:200.12; see also the explanation on page 344:201. 001. . 124 Graph: . . . . . . . . ... see graph below . Standard File Problem B .121 Record sizes Master file: . . . . . . . 54 data characters (8 words). . . . . 1 card. Detail file: . . . . . 1 line. Report file: . 100.0 7 4 2 _ _T - 10.0 - <,J\\\P'- 7 <,J\\~'~ ,/ 4 Time in Minutes to Process 10, 000 Master File Records /' /~' 2 1.0 , 7 J ~p---<,J\\P'- / I ./ P .- <,J\\\P'-~ 'Jt' I 4 io'" ~ ./ ~'?-" 2 '" V ./ O. 1 <,J\\~' / '.L" L ----- ----T <,J\\~' ~ 4 <,J\~1'- ,," , :\! 7 - P -------- <,J\1\P'- - .- 10" ./ ~, ~ 2 V 0.01 o 1.0 0.33 0.1 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record LEGEND ----------- - P T P -- T --- Elapsed time for main Processing run. Elapsed time for data Transcription runs. Central Processor time for main Processing run. Central Processor time for data Transcription runs. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) 12/64 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE . 13 344:201. 130 .132 Computation: . . . . . . . standard . .133 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure outlines irr Users' Guide, 4:200.13. . 134 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. Standard File Problem C . 131 Record sizes Master file: . . . . . . . 216 data characters (32 words). Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. 100.0 7 4 2 10.0 't - - - - - - 'l'111t'>_ 'l'11t'>,- 7 ~ Time in Minutes to Process 10, 000 Master File Records - ./ 4 /' /"'..41' 2 ..). 1.0 t:-- ~ p --- - p 'l'11~- I 7 ----p- I P I 4 I 'l'llt'>, ~1'---- :';"-"" 2 /1'/ 10"""" 't- 0.1 7 4 ,--- , / 2 f 'l'111t'> 'l'11t'> ;;.-", - ,., " "" - .-"'..' V' /' 0,01 o 0.1 0.33 1.0 Activity Factor Average Number of Detail Records Per Master Record LEGEND --------- - - P T P T - Elapsed time for main Processing run. Elapsed time for data Transcription runs. - - Central Processor time for main Processing - Central Processor time for data Transcriptio (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations.) ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 GE-635 344:201.140 . 14 .142 Computation: . . . • . . . trebled . . 143 Timing basis: . . . . . . using estimating procedure Standard File Problem D outlined in Users' Guide . . 141 Record sizes - 4:200.14 . -Master file: . . . . . . . 108 data characters (16 words). Detail file: . . . . . . . 1 card. Report file: . . . . . . . 1 line. . 144 Graph: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. 100.0 ., - 7 4 2 10.0 't " I:\'\.' 1:\' , ... ...... 1:\ I" A / --/ 1 0.1 2 4 7 1.0 2 4 7 10.0 2 4 7 100.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record DATA TRANSCRIPTION RUN, CONFIGURATION VIlA Milliseconds per Input Record R=O.Ol R=O.l R=1. 0 Elapsed time Input (card to tape) Output (tape to printer) 67 0.90 67 9.0 67 90 Central Processor time Input* Output* 0.55 0.01 0.55 0.09 0.55 0.89 * Does not include the time for the I/O control routines. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations; R = Number of output records per input record.) ©1964 Auerbach Corporation and Info, Inc. 12/64 344:201. 415 GE-635 .415 Graph, Configuration VITIA: . . . . . . . . . . . see graph below. 1,000 7 4 2 100 7 /. /, "I' 4 \) Time in Milliseconds per Input Record ~ 2 10 7 4 ~ \). \)"\.' ~\)' - L..ooj,;~ I-R - I-R 1.0 0.01, 0.1 I I CP ~ - I-R = \ I. 0 ..L--; ..... CP 2 '" V - ~~.Ol, ..- -~ " ~ ./ ... .". 0.1 1 0.1 2 4 7 1.0 2 4 7 10.0 2 C, Number of computations per Input Record DATA TRANSCRIPTION RUN, CONFIGURATION VITIA Milliseconds per Input Record Elapsed time Input (card to tape) Output (tape to printer) Central Processor time Input* Output* R=O.O. R=O.l R=1. 0 67 67 9.0 67 0.90 0.55 0.01 0.55 0.09 0.55 0.89 90 *Does not include the time for the I/O control routines. (Roman numerals denote standard System Configurations; R = Number of output records per input record.) 12/64 4 7 100.0 l' RPC 4000· General Precision, Inc. AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN u.s, A, RPC 4000 General Precision, Inc. AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 351:001.001 STANDARD RPC-4000 REPORTS Table of Contents CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11 . 12. 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17 . 18. 19. Introduction . . . . . Data Structure . . . . System Configuration IX Desk Sized Scientific System . X Punched Tape- Scientific System Internal Storage Drum Storage Central Processor Computer .. 4010 Console. . . . . . . ...•.. Input-Output; Punched Tape and Card 4430, 4431 Reader/Punch 4410 Photo Reader . 4440 High Speed Punch. 4500, 4600 Tape Typewriter System. Input-Output; Printers Typewriter . . . . 4480 Input-Output; Other Tape-Typewriter 4700 (Off-line) Simultaneous Operations . Instruction List . . . . . . Coding Specimens Assembly Language Data Codes Paper Tape, Typewriter. Internal . . . . . . . Problem Oriented Facilities Simulation of General Precision LGP-30 . Process Oriented Languages COMPACT Machine Oriented Languages ROAR. 21. 22. 031.101 031.102 041 051 061 071 072 073 074 081 101 III 121 131 141 142 151.11 161 171 PINT 172 COMPACT ROAR . . 181 182 General. 191 192 Program Translators Operating Environment PINT . . 20. 011 021 System Performance Notes on System Performance Matrix Inversion . . . . . . . Generalized Mathematical Processing Generalized Statistical Processing. Physical Characteristics. Price Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 201.001 201.3 201.4 201.5 211 221 8/62 351:011.100 \ RPC-4000 Introduction "'--- INTRODUCTION I '",The RPC-4000 is a desk size data processing system suitable for a wide range of complex but relatively low-volume engineering and scientific problems, and for certain business applications where high input-output speeds are not essential. It is an expanded and improved version oi the earlier LGP-30 of the same manufacturer, providing solid state circuits, doubled storage, and one-pIus-one instruction addressing. The standard configuration is the 4010 Computer and the 4500 Tape Typewriter Systern, which consists of a reader/punch unit for paper tape, and a typewriter used for input with hard copy and for output. Optional units available are additional Tape Typewriter Systerns, a 500 character per second paper tape reader, and a 300 character per second tape punch. If input-output radix conversion is required, the speeds of these fast devices are reduced sharply from their peak speeds. Each word location can hold either a one-pIus-one address instruction, a data word 31 bits long (equivalent to 9 decimal digits), five alphanumeric characters in six-bit form, or eight hexadecimal characters. Access time to a location varies from 0.26 to 16.7 milliseconds. Words are stored in bit serial form on 125 main bands and on one fast-access band of the drum storage, for a total of 8,008 words. Each main band stores 64 words and has a cycle time of 16.7 milliseconds. Two of the main storage bands provide access at two points to the stored data, reducing access time. A set of 32 instructions and one index register are provided for arithmetic, logic, and input-output operations. When instructions and operands are in optimum locations, instructions may be executed at an approximate rate oil, 000 per second. Multiply and divide operations are carried out at an approximate rate of 60 per second. The repertoire includes a Repeat instruction which provides an execution phase at consecutive word times. This function has value in block transfers (maximum of eight words), table comparisons (64 usable comparisons), and summing of values (64 locations). Output instructions punch or type one character per instruction, and overlap punching and typing with computation. Single character mode input operations overlap paper advance with computation. However, input and output are generally performed by subroutines which handle a number of digits and perform radix conversion and editing. Parity checking is provided when reading from paper tape, but there is no parity check on words in storage. Programming may be done in machine language or in the symbolic ROAR language. The ROAR translator produces reasonably optimized machine language programs. Floating point operations may be performed by routines assembled by ROAR or by COMPACT, or by using the PINT interpretive system developed by Purdue University. COMPACT is an algebraic compiler which accepts FORTRAN II language and additional COMPACT statements. Problem -oriented facilities are oriented toward floating point arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions. There are a few diagnostic routines such as trace, dump, and program checkout. Utility routines provide for the interpretive execution of LGP-30 machine code tapes and interpretive language tapes. These provide access to the more than 200 subroutines and utility routines available from the manufacturer and from POOL, the LGP-30 and RPC-4000 Users' Organization. POOL has established an unusually effective system for review and evaluation of submitted routines, and only those routines which meet all of its standards are distributed. CD 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351 :021.1 00 • STANDARD EDP • RPC·4000 REPORTS Data Structure DATA STRUCTURE § .1 .2 021. Type of Data STORAGE LOCATIONS Name of Location Sector: Register: Branch Control: DATA FORMATS Purpose or Use 32 bits 1 or 8 sectors 1 bit working storage. computer registers. overflow indicator. © Numeral: Hexadecimal Character: Letter or Symbol: Word: Number: instruction: 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Representation 6 bits + parity bit, on paper tape row. 4 bits + parity bit on paper tape row. 6 bits + parity bit on paper tape row. 32 bits in processor. word of 31 bits + sign. word of 32 bits. 8/62 351 :031.101 • STANDARD II REPOR1S ED P RPC·4000 System Configuration SYSTEM CONFIGURATION § 031. IX • DESK SIZE SCIENTIFIC Deviations from Standard Configuration: reader is 50 char/sec faster. punch is 30 char/sec faster. Rentals: $1,750 per month. Drum Storage: 8,008 words. Processor and Console. Typewriter and Controller. Paper Tape Reader and Controller. Paper Tape Punch and Controller. Optional Features Included: . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 1 index register. © 1962 by Auerbach Carporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351 :031.102 § RPC·4000 031. X. PUNCHED TAPE SCIENTIFIC Deviations: no floating point hardware. only 1 input/output channel. Rental: $2,450 per month. Drum Storage: 8,008 words. / Processor and Console. Typewriter and Controller. Paper Tape Reader (60 char/sec.) * and Controller. Paper Tape Reader (500 char/sec.) and Controller. Paper Tape Punch (30 char/sec.) and Controller. * Paper Tape Punch (300 char/sec.) and Controller. * 8/62 These are supplied as standard equipment. 351 :041.100 • II STANDARD EDP RPC-4000 REPORTS Internal Storage Magnetic Drum INTERNAL STORAGE: § 041. .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . magnetic drum . . 12 Basic Use: . working storage . .13 Description: The Magnetic Drum provides the working storage for, and is a part of, the 4010 Computer. The drum contains storage locations for 8,008 words; each location is individually addressable and has 32 bit positions. The word may be interpreted as a 31- bit word (binary equivalent of 9 decimal digits) with a sign bit, or a 32-bit instruction. There is no parity bit in the word. In addition to the working storage, the drum provides storage space for the four computer registers. MA~NETIC .2 PHYSICAL FORM . 21 Storage Medium: .23 Storage Phenomenon: .24 Recording Permanence .241 Data erasable by instructions: . .242 Data regenerated constantly: • .243 Data volatile: .244 Data permanent: . 245 Storage changeable: . The drum includes a timing track used for sector identification and for general timing purposes. Data on the drum may be protected from being erased. Toggle switches are provided to prevent recording on groups of bands, 16 bands to a group. All bands may be so protected, permitting reading, b~t not recording. .14 Availability:. . .60 days. .15 First Delivery: • October, 1960. .16 Reserved Storage: . none. · magnetic drum . .222 Drum Diameter: . . . . . .? Thickness or length: . ? Number on shaft: . 1. Rotation speed of the drum is 3, 600 revolutions per .25 minute, providing a maximum waiting time for a word of 16.667 milliseconds. Basic storage consists of 123 bands of 64 words or sectors each, with word transfer time of 0.260 milliseconds. Two additional bands are dual-access bands, with two read/record heads on each band. on one of the dual-access ban~s the heads are separated by 16 word times, and on the other, by 24 word times. Each head is sepa.26 rately addressed in an instruction. Thus the general access to a word in a dual access band is unaffected, but a second access to the same word can be made in one-quarter or three-eighths of a revolution. A third additional band stores only eight words, allow- .27 ing reading of a given word every eight word times, or a maximum of 2.08 milliseconds waiting time. .28 Each of the eight words has eight sector addresses around a band, and the proper sector address must .281 be given to obtain the desired word in minimum .283 time. The drum includes a timing track used for sector identification and for general timing purposes. All data transfers to or from drum storage are made via the computer registers. DRUM . 29 . magnetization. · yes. · · · · no. no. no. no. Data Volume Per Band of 1 Track Words: Bits: . . Digits: . Instructions: · 64. 2,048. 576 equivalent decimal digits in binary form. 64. Bands Per Physical Unit: 126, plus 4 additional bands for central processor registers, plus one clock track. Interleaving Levels: 1. Access Techniques Recording method: · fixed heads. Type of access Description of stage Possible starting stage Wait for start of addressed word . · yes. Transfer data: . . . · no. Potential Transfer Rates .291 Peak bit rates Cycling rates Track/head speed:. Bits/inch/track: . . Bit rate per track: . .292 Peak data rates Cycling rate: . . . . Unit of data: . . . . Conversion factor:. Gain factor: Loss factor: Data rate: . .3,600 rpm. · ? inches/sec. •? · 123,000 bits/sec/track. .60 cycles/sec. · word. 32 bits/word. 1. 1. 3,840 words/sec. \ © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Inc.... poraled 8/62 351:041.300 § RPC-4000 041. .53 .3 DATA CAPACITY .31 Module and System Sizes Access Time Parameters and Variations .532 For variable access Stage Drums: . . . . Words: . . . . Instructions: . Decimal digits (in binary equivalent): Modules:. . . . . • Wait for start of addressed word Main storage: Dual access track, 1st access: Dual access track, 2nd access: l. 8,008. 8,008. 72,072. 1. High speed access track: Transfer data: .4 CONTROLLER:. • • • • none . Time, p. sec. Example, p. sec. o to 16, 667 8,333. o to 16, 667 8, 333. 4, 160 to 6, 240, depending on track used. o to 2,080 260 .6 CHANGEABLE STORAGE: none . .7 PERFORMANCE . 71 Data Transfer 1,040. 260. ./ .5 ACCESS TIMING .51 Arran~ment Pair of storage units possibilities With self: . . . . . . . yes, programmed via computer control registers. of Heads .72 Transfer Load Size: . . 1 word normally; can be 1 to 8 words in Repeat Mode. .73 Effective Transfer Rate .511 Number of Stacks Stacks per system: Stacks per module: Stacks per yoke:. .512 Stack movement: .513 Stacks that can access any particular location ........ .514 Accessible locations By single stack: By all stacks: .515 Relationship between stacks and locations. . 52 8/62 128. 128. 1, on 124 tracks; 2, on 2 tracks. . none. 1 on 124 tracks; 2 on 2 tracks. 64 words on 125 tracks; 8 words on 1 track. 8, 008 words. 3 most significant digits of 5-digit decimal address. Simultaneous Operations: • • • . . . . . . none. With self: . . . . . . . approx. 4 words/drum revolution; 240 words/ second; in words of 32 bits. .8 ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Check or· Interlock Invalid address: Invalid code: Receipt of data: Recording of data: Recovery of data: Dispatch of data: Timing conflicts: Reference to locked area: none. none. none. programmed re-read only. none. none • interlock none. Action wait. 351 :051.1 00 • II STANDARD EDP RPC-4000 Central Processor 4010 Computer REPORTS CENTRAL PROCESSOR § 051. .12 .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . 12 Description peated 8 times around the drum and therefore has 8 separate sector addresses. To obtain a particular fast-access word in the minimum time, the proper address of its 8 sector addresses must be specified. This requirement may reduce the effectiveness of the fast-access band in some applications . . Computer. Model 4010. The RPC -4000 Central Processor is a serial binary unit, operating on signed 3I-bit words (2's complement). The word size is equivalent to nine decimal digits. A one-plus-one address instruction is used. Fully-optimized programming can be performed at the rate of 1,000 instructions per second. Operand addresses can be indexed, using the single index register. Input commands can read in one of two modes; either a character, or a block of characters terminated by a stop code. The input mode is set by a manual switch. The output command transfers one six- bit character while input characters may be four or six bits in size, selected by the program. Multiple-character input and output transfer subroutines are available. Generally input, output and computation are performed sequentially. The processor has four one-word serial registers; upper, lower, index, and instruction, each with a cycle time of 260 microseconds. The processor contains a useful set of instructions, including the shift, normalize, and logic (Boolean) operations. Multiply and divide instructions are part of the standard instruction repertoire. Convert and floating point operations, however, are performed by subroutines. The processor has two additional facilities: Repeat Mode, and Lengthened Accumulator Mode. Repeat Mode causes the instruction being repeated to perform its execution phase on successive words of storage. The program specifies the number of repeats to occur, up to a maximum of 127 times. The words used as operands are from one track only, therefore, if the repeat specified is greater than 63 (first operation followed by 63 repeats) some words will be accessed two times. The instruction is useful in the operations of table look-up, comparison, and block transfer (a maximum of eight words to or from the lengthened lower accumulator). In the Lengthened Accumulator Mode, the lower accumulator is extended to a length of eight words. The extended length is useful in block transfers and in receiving input data. In this mode input data can be 64 hexadecimal characters or 72 six-bit characters in length. Description (Contd.) Programs may be optimized by programmers when hand~coded, or by the ROAR Assembler, when coded in assembly language. . 13 Availability:.. 60 days . . 14 ·First Delivery: October, 1960 . .2 PROCESSING FACILITIES .21 Operations and Operands Operation and Variation Provision Radix Size automatic binary 31 bits (1 word). none. automatic binary 31 bits (1 word). automatic automatic binary binary 31 bits. 31 bits. subroutine subroutine subroutine binary binary binary 9 & 2: 2 words. 9 & 2: 2 words. 9 & 2: 2 words. binary 31 bits (1 word). binary 31 bits(1 word). .211 Fixed point Add-subtract Multiply Short: Long: Divide No remainder: Remainder I-word dividend: 2-word dividend: none. .212 Floating point Add-subtract: Multiply: Divide: .213 . Boolean The instructions provide for operating on one-word automatic AND: length operands. The result of a multiplication is Inclusive OR: none. two words in length, and the dividend for a divide automatic Masked Merge: operation may also be two words in length. An overL = (UAM)V (DAM)· flow condition results in the setting of a testable indicator, and the processor continues with the next • See MML on Instruction List. instruction. Six manually-set sense switches are .214 Comparison available to the program. NumberS: automatic The 8-word fast-access band is useful in reducing access time to certain instructions or operands. Each of the 8 words in the fast access band is re- © Absolute: Letters: Mixed: Collating sequence: 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporoted none. treated as binary word treated as binary word o to 9, A to Z, specials. 1 to 31 bits. 1 to 31 bits. 1 to 31 bits. 8/62 351 :051.215 RPC-4000 §051. • 215 Code translation Provision; • • • • • • • none. . 216 Radix conversion Provision 'SiibrOiitiiie· subroutine- From To BCD fixed or hlnary floating floa ting point point binary fl. pt. BCD fl. pt. Size 9 BCD digits. 8 or 9 dec. digits. * during input-output operations only. •217 Edit format Provision: • • • none. .218 Table look-up Provision Size automati~ TOO 64 words. automati~ 1 to 64 words. Equality: Greater than or equal: Greatest: Least: none. none. • When using Repeat Mode. . 219 Others . 22 execute 1 instr. up to 128 times • Special Cases of Operands . 221 Negative numbers: .222 Zero: . . . . . . . .23 Comment double length accumulator. double length accumulator. Provision automatic automatic automatic. automatic Normalize: Shift: Branch on sign: Repeat: .236 Directly addressed operands .2361 Internal storage . Type: . . . . . . . working storage. Size: . . . . . . . . 8,008 words. Volume accessjble: all. .2362 Increased address capacity:. . . . . . none. .237 Address indexing .2371 Number of methods: 1. index modification. . 2372 Name: . . . . .2373 Indexing rule: . . . . add operand address and contents of index register . Carry lost if overflow. . 2374 Index specification: . within instruction. .2375 Number of potential indexers: . . . . . 1. .2376 Addresses which can all operand addresses. be indexed: .2377 Cumulative indexing: none. .2378 Combined index and none. step: . . . . . . . none . .238 Indirect addressing: no automatic stepping of . 239 Stepping: . . . . . . index register contents. Program must change contents or add to contents. .24 2's complement form . positive ·zero. Special Processor Storage .241 Category of storage Instruction Fonnats computer register: .231 Instruction structure: . . I word. . 232 Instruction layout: Part Command Data Track Data Sector Next Track Next Sector Index Tag Size (bits) 5 7 6 7 6 I computer register: computer register: computer register: . 242 Category of storage U . 233 Instructions parts Name Command: . Data track: Data sector: Next track: Next sector: Index tag: . . 234 . 235 Basic address structure: . Literals Arithmetic: Comparisons and tests: . . . . . Load index register: Incrementing modifiers: . . . . Shift specification: Repeat count: . . . Char for. printing: . 8/62 Program usage Upper Accumulator (U). 1wordor Lower Accumulator 8 words (L) • 1 word Index Register (X). 1 word Command Register (C). 1 bit Branch Comrol Toggle (BC) • Total number Physical Cycle time locations form p. sec recirculating 1 260. word lor 8 reCirculating 260. or word 2,080. 1 recirculating 260. word recirculating 260. word 1 toggle. Number of locations Size computer register: 1 word L Purpose operation code. track address of operand. sector address of operand. track address of next instruction. sector address of next instruction. indicate whether operand address is to be incremented . X C Be 1 + 1. none. .3 SEQUENCE CONTROL FEATURES 13 bits, index register only. 13 bits. .31 Instrilction Seguencing: 1 + 1 addressing. .32 Look-Ahead: none. 13 bits, by indexing load index command. 31 bit positions. 7 bits. .33 Interruption: none. .34 Multi-running: none. 1 char. .35 Multi-sequencing: none. / CENTRAL PROCESSOR § 351:051.400 .424 Switching . 4241 Unchecked: . . 4242 Checked: . . List search: . 4243 05l. .4 PROCESSOR SPEEDS .41 Instruction Times in JJ. sees .411 Fixed point Conditions I: II: . .412 .413 .414 .415 . 416 .417 Add- subtract: Multiply: Divide: Floating point Add- subtract: Multiply: Divide: Additional allowance for Indexing: Re - com plementing: Control Compare: . Branch: . Counter control Step: Step and test: Test: Edit: Convert: . .418 Shift: .42 .421 .422 .423 .425 random data location. fully optimized data and instruction locations. I II 4, 700 1,040. 22,000 18,000. 22,000 18,000. 93,000 avo 72,000 avo 80,000 avo * Performed during output of previous char. Output limited by typewriter speed at 10 chari second. .426 no extra time required. no extra time required. 4, '750. 4,750. 17,700. 31,200 . 17,700 + 25, OOOT . T = no. of 64-word tracks in table. Format control per character Fixed point Floating point Unpack (by subroutine): . . . . . . . 57,000 92,000. Compose (by subroutine): . . . . . 20,000* 183,000. .427 1,080. none, 1,080 (no transfer). no edit facility . .428 500,000 dec to bin (1 word). 200,000 bin to dec (1 word). . 260 (7+B). B = no. bit positions shifted. Table look-up per comparison For a match: 390. For least or 33,300. greatest: . . For interpolation point: . . . . . 390. Bit indicators Set bit in pattern: 1,040. Test blt in pattern: 1,040. Test AND for B bits: 1,040. Test OR for B bits: 3,120. Moving 1 word: . . . . . . 1, 560 + 260S . S = no. sectors word moved: N words: . . . . . . 4, 180N. Processor Performance in JJ. secs For random addresses Fixed point 16, 700 c = a+ b: 26,000 b = a + b: Sum N items: 4,680 c = ab:. 23,400 c = alb: 23,400 For arrays of data Fixed point 66,700 ci = ai + bj: 66,700 bj = ai + b j : Sum N items: 522 100,000 C = C + aibj= . Branch based on comparison Numeric data: . 33,300. Alphabetic data: . 33,300. © Floating point 165,000. 165,000. 93,000. 145,000. 152,000. .5 ERRORS, CHECKS. AND ACTION Error Overflow: Floating point 165,000. 165,000. 93,000. 255,000. Underflow: Zero divisor: Invalid data: Invalid operation: Arithmetic error: Invalid address: Receipt of data: Dispatch of data: J 962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Check or Interlock check on addition, subtraction. division check see overflow. all data valid. Action Be toggle set. value taken as zero. none. none. all addresses valid. none. none. 8/62 351: 061.1 00 II • STANDARD EDP RPC-4000 REPO",S Console CONSOLE § 061. .25 .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . part of 4010 Computer cabinet. .12 Associated Units: none. .13 Description Name The Console is a small, simple unit which provides switches for operator control of the computer, and an oscilloscope for displaying the contents of the four computer registers. The Console does not contain facilities for manual entry of data, but data may be entered readily on the typewriter or paper tape reader adjacent to the computer. Switches on the 4430 Reader/Punch are used to set up connections to devices. A Start Compute putton is located on the Console and also 'on the 4430 Reader/Punch control panel. .2 CONTROLS .21 Power Name Power On: Power Off: Form Connections: . . 23 Stops and Restarts One Operation: , .24 Set Input: .26 indicating 2position switch Start Compute: momentary switch Form controls power to 4010 Computer. .27 Form One Operation: indicating 2-position switch turns off Branch Control (BC) toggle. Lit when BC is on. Comment Special Name Sense switches: Comment .3 DISPLAY .31 Alarms: . .32 Conditions Comment Form indicating 2 position switches six switches used in conjunction with sense instruction. . none; see individual units of Tape Typewriter system. Stepping Name computer must be in One Operation mode. Set Input causes Lower Accumulator to be cleared and the setting up of an input command The command is executed when Start Com pute is depressed. One operasee above. tion: Set Input: see above. Execute Lower Accumulator: indicating 2- transfers word in Lower Accumulator to Composition mand Register when switch Start Compute is depressed. controls power. to 4010 Computer. depressing switch stops computer after instruction is executed and next command is obtained. computer starts, using instruction in Command Register. momentary switch Loading Name .see controls on 4430 Reader/Punch . Form Comment Form Branch Conmomentary trol: indicating switch Comment indicating pushbutton indicating pushbutton .22 Name Resets Comment places computer in One Operation mode. Each depression of Start Compute switch executes one instruction and obtains next one. © Name Form Stop: static lamp Compute: static lamp 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated Condition Indicated on when computer is halted. on when instructions are being executed. 8/62 351:061.330 § RPC-4000 061. . 33 Into Storage: .5 CONVENIENCES .51 Communication: none. .52 Clock: none. .53 Desk Space: .54 View: . approx. 32"x27" next to 4480 Typewriter; approx. 46"x6'/ on 4010 Computer; at height of 30" . operator sits convenient to 4500 Tape Typewriter System and 4010 Computer. .6 INPUT -OUTPUT UNIT Control Registers Name Oscilloscope: L-Display: Comment Form cathode ray tube face selector switch . 34 Storage: . . . . . .4 ENTRY OF DATA .41 Into Control Registers Method Use of One Operation, Set Input, and Execute Lower Accumu!afor switch: . . . . 8/62 only by programmed transfer from L to storage . .42 displays binary contents of U, L, X, and C re~sters. selects 1 of 8 words of L when in 8 -word condition. none. Quantity of Data 1 word, into L and then C via input device. Model 4480 Typewriter, of the Tape Typewriter System, is used for manual input. The typewriter is not directly part of 4010 Computer console, and is described in section .081. II 351 :071.100 STANDARD _EDP IIFAI RPC-4000 Input-Output 4430, 4431 Reader/Punch REPOR~ INPUT-OUTPUT: PAPER TAPE READER/PUNCH § 071. .12 .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . .12 Description In off-line reading and punching, reading may be stopped, under switch selection, by either a stop code or by a stop-read button. Paper Tape Reader/Punch. Models 4430, 4431. On-line punching is accomplished by a computer instruction which punches a single character. This instruction must be followed by an instruction routine which sets up the next character to be punched. Other computation may be performed, ending in a punch instruction. Approximately 85 percent of the time required to punch a group of characters is available for other computation, when punching hexadecimal tapes. Models 4430 Reader/Punch and 4431 Auxiliary Reader/Punch are almost identical units which are used for reading and punching paper tape. Each model contains separate and independent reader and punch units. For both models, the reading speed is 60 characters per second and punching speed is 30 characters per second. Characters are recorded on tape as six data bits and an even parity bit; packing density is ten rows per inch. Both models of the 'Reader/Punch are used to form a Tape Typewriter System. Model 4430 is combined with a Model 4480 Typewriter to form a Model 4500 Tape Typewriter System, and Model 4431 is combined with a' 4480 Typewriter to form a Model 4600 Auxiliary Tape Typewriter System. Both Reader/Punch models contain identical control panels, called Tape Typewriter Control, for control of the reader, punch and typewriter. Model 4430, however, contains a system control panel called Master Input-Output Control. The description of this panel is contained in section. 074, Tape Typewriter System. The Tape Typewriter Control panel has the facility to connect the reader and the punch to the system for use under program control (on-line), or to disconnect them for off-line use. In this manner a tape could be duplicated off-line, and then the reader or the punch, or both, can be reconnected to the system. The Reader/Punch has the ability to read tape, and simultaneously punch a copy of the tape. The devices are interlocked so that they operate at the rate of the slower one. Parity checking can be performed during on-line read operations; this operation may be over-ridden by a switch. In off-line reading parity is not checked. During punch operations, a parity bit is punched on tape, but no check on recording is made. Reading may be performed in two different modes: "block"; or Single Character, under operator control. In the block mode, characters are accepted until the reader senses a stop code, and then a "start" signal is sent to the computer. In Single Character Mode, a "start" signal is sent to the computer after each character is read. Thus, the computer executes its next instruction in sequence after reading a character, and must later give a new input command to receive a new character. © Description (cont'd) When data is transferred in hexadecimal form (4-bit codes), the reader and punch operate at or near rated speeds. When using standard input-output subroutines, speeds will be 10 to 50 percent of rated speeds. If individual input-output routines are writt~n, speeds will be a function of the routine, and may approach rated speeds. . 13 Avai1abili~: .. .60 days. . 14 First Deliver¥:: . .April 1961. .2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Drive Mechanism .211 Drive past the head: .212 Reservoirs: .22 · sprocket drive. . none. Sensing: and Recording S¥:stems .221 Recording system: . 222 Sensing system: . . 223 Common system: · die punches. .brush . .no. .23 Multiple Copies: . none. .24 Arrangement of Heads .3 31 Use of station: Stacks: . Heads/stack: Method of use: . sensing. .1. .7. .1 row at a time. Use of station: Stacks: Heads/ stack: . Method of use: . punching. .1. .7. · 1 row at a time EXTERNAL STORAGE Form of Storage .311 Medium:. . . . . 312 Phenomenon:. . 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated · paper tape . .fully punched holes (chad tape); in-line sprocket. 8/62 351 :071.320 § RPC-4000 071. .32 Reader .444 Input-output area lockout: Positional Arrangement .321 Serial by: . . 322 Parallel by: .324 Track use Data: ..... Redundancy check: Timing: . . . . Control signals:. Unused: Total: . 325 Row use: . 33 Coding: . .34 Format Compatibility .row, at 10 rows/inch. . 7 tracks at standard spacing. .6. .1. .0. .0. .0. .445 Table control: . . 446 Synchronization: .5 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 Blocks .511 Size of block: . • 7 plus sprocket. . all for data. as in Data Code Table 1. . 512 Block demarcation: Other device or system Code translation yes, except in Single Char Mode • no . automatic. .52 .351 Overall width: . 352 Length: Reel: Strips: .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: .42 Connection to System 1.000+ 0.003 inch. 1,000 feet on 8 inch diam. reel. ./ feet. .522 .523 . 524 . 525 .526 Output Stepping: Skipping: Marking: Searching: · input forward until stop code sensed. input forward until program determines end-of-block. · output 1 char/instruction . · none . · none . · no . · no. .53 Code Translation: · matched codes. .54 Format Control Control: Format alternatives: no separate controller; Reader/Punch can operate either directly with 4010 Computer or with Tape Typewriter System. .55 .421 On-line: . . . . . . . 422 Off-line Use Duplicating tapes: . .44 . 442 Input-output areas:. . 443 Input-output area access: . . . . . .56 Reader Punch 1 to 64 hex char, 1 char. or 1 to 42 6-bit .6 char . . computer regis- computers; Lower, or ter reg- .61 Upper and Lower ister. accumulator s . 1 word. Punch none Control Operations Select code: . Rewind: Unload: Associated equipment Reader/Punch only. 1 word. Reader program 2; either 4 or 6 bits of each char on tape is read into computer register. Disable: Request interrupt: Select format: Data Transfer Control .441 Size of load: . . . . 8/62 22 input and 23 output devices may be connected to system; no restrictions on number of Reader/ Punch units up to max. Each Reader/Punch counts as one input and one output device . no. automatic. Input-Output Operations .521 Input: . Physical Dimensions none. 1 to 64 hex depends on prochar, or 1 gram . to 42 6-bit char . stop code, or pro- depends on gram control. program. All devices using standard 7 -level paper tape: . . . . . programmed. . 35 Punch no. no. reader only; 4 or 6-bit input. no. no. no. Testable Conditions Disabled: Busy device: Output lock: Nearly exhausted: End of medium marks: Exhausted: can test for condition of "no input device selected. " yes. no. no. no. no. PERFORMANCE Conditions I: II: III: reading, "block" mode. reading, single char mode. punching. /' 351 :071.620 INPUT-OUTPUT: PA PER TAPE READER/PUNCH § 071. .62 .72 Speeds Function .621 Nominal or peak speed: Reader Punch 10/inch lO/inch. 6 in/sec. 3 in/sec. Reader (I) - 60 N/(N+ 2) char/sec. Reader (II) - depends on program. Punch - depends on program. N is No. char transferred Char density: Tape speed: .624 Effective speeds: Demands on System Component Computer: Computer: Computer: Form Start reading, off -line: . Reader (I); 60 char/sec. Reader (II); 60 char/sec. Punch; 30 char/sec. .622 Important parameters .63 Other Controls (Contd.) m.sec PercenCondition per char or tage Reader (I) 16.7 or 100. Reader (II) depends on program. Punch 4.5* or 13.5* . *Allows time for shifting of bits in computer reg"" ister to form next character, punching hex tape. .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments: . 72 Other Controls Place reader on -line: Place punch on -line: Reader conditional stop when operating off-line: Feeds tape: Place reader off-line: Place punch off-line: Single char mode selection, off-line: Master Reset to all devices: Character display .73 Form .733 Adjustment time: . 734 Optimum reloading period: . . . . . momentary switch two-position switch spring return switch two-position switch two-position switch CD connects reader to computer; switch lights when reader addressed by computer. connects punch to computer; switch lights when reader addressed by computer. stops reader only when stop code sensed. feeds tape, punching sprocket holes. removes reader connection to computer. removes punch connection to computer. starts reader • two position switch causes reader to stop after each char read. momentary switch 7 lamps de -selects all devices; on Model 4430 only. display bit configuration of character under reader brushes. stops reader. Capacity 1, 000 feet. '1 feet. 2 to 3 mins; unit needs to be stopped. none . 2 mins. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Recording: Reading: none. parity check if desired, can be used only online none. none (one char normal size). none. interlock Comment momentary switch momentary switch momentary switch Loading and Unloading .731 Volumes handled Storage Reel: . . . . Box of strip tape: . .732 Replenishment time: .8 . . . . none . Function Stop reading, off -line: Comment Input area overflow: Output block size: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: system halts; alarm. Imperfect medium: Timing conflicts Reader or punch paper tape j am: interlock system halts; alarm. Device off-line when addressed by computer: interlock alarm; computer halts on next input or print instruction. 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated none. interlock system halts; alarm. wait. 8/62 351:072.100 • II STANDARD EDP R[PORTS RPC-4000 Input-Output 4410 Photo Reader INPUT-OUTPUT: PHOTO READER § 072. · 24 Arrangement of Heads .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity: · 12 Description: .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE The Model 4410 Photoelectric Reader is a high speed input device for the 4010 Computer. It is capable of reading fully-punched paper tape at a peak speed of 500 characters per second. This reader, packaged in its own cabinet, supplements the 4430 Reader/Punch, which has a maximum reading speed of 60 characters per second. The Photo Reader is manufactured by Digitronics Corporation. · 31 Form of Storage Use of station: •• Stacks:. •• Heads/stack: Method of use: • · Photo Reader. Mode1441O. The most effective use of the Photo Reader is in transferring four- or six- bit data from paper tape to storage, without radix conversion. Use of standard input subroutines, which include radix conversion, greatly reduces the peak speed of the reader. The effective speed when reading hexadecimal data is approximately 300 characters per second. Tape may be sensed in the forward or reverse direction under program control. The reader is capable of searching for a specified character, independent of computer operations. Seven-track paper tape is used; six for data and one for even parity. Under program control, either four or six of the data bits are selected for reading into the computer, where they are placed in the Lower, or Upper and Lower accumulators without translation. Parity is checked by the reader, and failure of the parity check halts the system. Input may occur in Single Character mode, or in block mode. In block mode, an input command may read a maximum of 16 hexadecimal characters. Reels of 1,000 feet of tape can be handled by the reader. . 13 Availability: • • 60 days • • 14 First Delivery: • March 1961. .311 Medium: .312 Phenomenon: •• · 32 • paper tape. • fully punched holes (chad tape); in-line sprocket. Positional Arrangement · 321 Serial by: . .322 Parallel by: • row, at lO/inch. • 7 tracks at standard spacing. .324 Track use Data: Redundancy check: Timing: . • • • Control signals: Unused: Total: . 325 Row use: .6. •. 1. • O. • O. • O. • 7 + sprocket track. · all for data • • 33 Coding:. • as in Data Code Table 1. .34 Format Compatibility . · 35 · any device using standard punched paper tape. Physical Dimensions · 1. 000 + O. 003 inch. • 1,000 feet stored on 8-inch reel. .351 Overall width: . • 352 Length:. • .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: .43 Connection to Device .4010 Computer • .431 Devices per controller • • 22 max; one selected for input at a time . • 22 max input devices to the system; including all types. • 432 Restrictions: •2 PHYSICAL FORM · 21 Drive Mechanism .211 .212 • 221 . 222 Drive past the head: Reservoirs:. •• Recording system: • Sensing system: . • • · · .23 Multiple Copies: • • none. .44 pinch roller friction. none. none. photoelectric. © • sensing• • 1. • 7 + sprocket. • 1 row at a time. Data Transfer Control .441 Size of load: . • .442 Input-output areas: • 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated · 1 to 64 hex char, or 1 to 42 6-bit char. • computer registers; Lower, or Upper and Lower accumulator. 8/62 351:072.443 § RPC-4000 .62 072. . 443 Input- output area access: . • • • . 444 Input- output area lockout: • . • . .445 Table control:. . . 446 Synchronization: • • word. • in block mode. • none • • • automatic. •5 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 Blocks · up to 16 hex char or 10 6-bit char, in block mode; any length in Single Character mode. · stop code (asterisk) on tape, or 1 char at a time. m. sec per char or .. ercentage 3.3· or 100. • Computer: • allows time for shifting of bits in accumulator to store hex character. • input 1 block forward or backward • · none. • none • • none. • moves tape forward or backward stopping at a predetermined code. . 523 Stepping: .524 Skipping: • 525 Marking: . 526 Se~rching: • .53 Code Translation: .54 Format Control .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments: • . . • . none • • 72 Other Controls Function • matched codes. Standby: Power: Select-Reset Forward -Reverse: Form Comment 2-pos. switch for loading tape. 2 -pos. switch. momentary switch. momentary switch; Control: • program. Format alternatives: • • 2; either 4 or 6 bits of each row on tape is read into computer register. .73 Control Operations .731 Volumes handled:. . . 1,000 feet on 8-inch reel • Disable: Request interrupt: Select format: • Select code: • Rewind:. Unload: • • no. ' • no. • yes, 4- or 6-bit input. · no. • using search mode. • no . Testable Conditions · Busy device: . . Nearly exhausted: · · Loading and Unloading .732 Replenishment time: • • • • • can test for condition of "no input device selected". • yes • • no. End of medium marks • no. Exhausted: • no. . •6 PERFORMANCE '. 61 Conditions: . . . . . . none. . 0.5 min., unit needs to be stopped. .734 Optimum reloading period: • • • • . .8 .4 mins. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Disabled: 8/62 • lO/inch. .50 inch/sec. .3 m. sec. .2 m. sec. · overhead is the sum of the following factors. • 20 m. sec/inch of blank tape. ' .5 m. sec. · approx. 300 char/sec in either mode, without radix conversion. Demands on System Component Input-Output Operations .521 Input: • 56 • 500 char/sec. start-stop time: .624 Effective speeds:. · 63 .512 Block demarcation Input: . 55 • 621 Nominal or peak speed: · 622 Important parameters Char density:_ Tape speed: Start time: • Stop time: · 623 Overhead: . pass gap: .511 Size of block: .52 Speeds Error Check or Interlock Reading: parity check by reader Input area overflow: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: Timing conflict: none • aU valid • interlock none. interlock Action reader and computer halt; alarm at reader. Stop lamp at computer. halt computer. alarm. wait. 351:073.100 II • STANDARD EDP RPC.4000 Input.Output 4440 High Speed Punch RE!'ORlS INPUT·OUTPUT: HIGH SPEED PUNCH § • 24 073. .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: • 12 Use of station: Stacks: Heads/stack: • Method of use: High Speed Punch • Mode14440 • Description: The Model 4440 High Speed Punch is an optional output device that is capable of punching fully punched paper tape at 300 characters per second. This punch, used as an on -line device under control of the computer, supplements the 4430 Reader/Punch which has a maximum punching speed of 30 characters per second. The High Speed Punch is manufactured by Soroban Engineering, Inc. The most effective use of the High Speed Punch is in transferring hexadecimal data from storage to paper' tape for intermediate storage or for later hexadecimal listing. Otherwise, standard output routines greatly reduce the peak speed of the punch. Hand coded routines will prove of value for specific cases if radix conversion is required. Seven-track paper tape is punched while moving in the forward direction; six for data and one for even parity. The parity channel is generated and added to the six- bit data character transferred from the computer. The instruction can specify four or six bits to be taken from the accumulator. Initiation of a punch command inhibits execution of a second punch command until the first is finished. Reels of 1, 000 feet of tape are handled by the punch. • 13 Availability: • .14 First Delivery: . .3 EXTERNAL STORAGE .31 Form of Storage • 311 Medium:. .312 Phenomenon: • 32 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Drive Mechanism • 211 Drive past the head:. .212 Reservoirs:. •• • 22 sprocket drive . none. 7. 1 row at a time. paper tape. fully punched holes (chad tape); in-line sprocket. row, at lO/inch. 7 tracks at standard spacing. .324 Track use Data:. Redundancy check:. Timing: Control signals: • Unused: Total: .325 Row use:. 7 plus sprocket. all for data. • 33 Coding: as in Data Code Table 2 • .34 Format Compatibility 6. 1. O. O. O. Other device or system: all devices using standard 7-track paper tape. Code translation: • programmed. .35 Physical Dimensions • 351 Overall width: .352 Length: • .2 punching. 1. Positional Arrangement · 321 Serial by: • 322 Parallel by: 90 days . September, 1961. Arrangement of Heads ,.4 1.000 + 0.003 inch. 1,000 feet stored on 8 -inch reel. CONTROLLER • 41 Identity: • .43 Connection to Device 4010 Computer . Sensing and Recording Systems .221 Recording system: • 222 Sensing system: die punches. none. • 23 none. Multiple Copies: • 431 Devices per controller: .432 Restrictions:.. • 23 max• 23 max. output devices in system, counting all types. I '". © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351:073.440 § RPC-4000 073. .44 .62 Data Transfer Control · . .441 Size of load: • 442 Input-output areas: .443 Input-output area access: .444 Input-output area lockout: .445 Table control: • 446 Synchronization: · 1 char. computer register. 1 word. none. no. automatic . .5 PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .51 Blocks .63 Demands on Slstem • 522 .523 .524 • 525 .526 Output: Stepping: Skipping: Marking: Searching: output 1 char/instruetion . none. none • no. no. • 53 Code Translation:. matched codes • • 54 Format Control: • none. .55 Control Operations Disable: • • • • • Request interrupt: Select format: Select code: Rewind: Unload: •• no. no. no. no. no. no. Testable Conditions Disabled: Busy device: Output lock: Nearly exhausted: • End of medium marks: Exhausted: . ·· .6 PERFORMANCE .61 Conditions: • ··.. none. percentage or .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments:. . • • • none. .72 Other Controls Function Feed tape manually: Form button Select .73 button Comment advance tape. punching any presjlt code. connects punch to computer • Loading and Unloading .731 Volumes handled Storage Reel: • . • . .732 Replenishment time: .734 Optimum reloading period: • • • • • .8 no. yes. no. no. no. no. or • allows time for shifting of bits in accumulator to form next hex character. depends on program • Input-Output Operations m. sec per char Computer: depends on program . .52 8/62 .621 Nominal or peak speed: 300 rows/sec. .622 Important parameters Char -density: lO/inch. Tape speed: 30 in/sec . .623 Overhead: 0.26 m. sec to transmit char to punch. .624 Effective speeds: 300 dlar/sec if not more than 3. 33 m. sec elapse between char supplied to unit by program. Component • 511 Size of block:. .512 Block demarcation Output: • • • • • .56 Speeds Capacity I, 000 feet, or up to 120, 000 char. 0.5 minute. unit needs to be stopped. 6.7 mins. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Recording: output block size: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: Timing conflicts Broken tape: Tape nearly exhausted: none. 1 char/instruction. all codes valid. interlock none. interlock interlock stop computer. alarm. interlock stop computer. alarm. wait. stop computer. alarm. / 351:074.100 .STANOARD _EDP ." RPC-4000 REPORTS Input-Output Tape Typewriter System INPUT-OUTPUT: TAPE TYPEWRITER SYSTEM § 074. .12 .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . acter read or typed produces a start signal to the computer. Otherwise, input proceeds until a stop code is sensed. Tape Typewriter System. Model 4500. Basic speed of the punch unit is 30 characters per second. The reader, which is a completely independent unit, can read 60 characters per second. Typewriter speed is 10 characters per second . Auxiliary Tape Typewriter System. Model 4600. . 12 Description The basic input-output unit of the RPC-4000 is the Model 4500 Tape Typewriter System. This unit, combined with the Model 4(110 Computer, forms a basic RPC-4000 system. Several Tape Typewriter Systems may be used in which each additional system is a Model 4600. This model differs from Model 4500 in that it does not contain the Master InputOutput Control panel which the Model 4500 contains. A Model 4500 Tape Typewriter System contains a Model 4430 Reader/Punch for reading and perforating 7-level punched paper tape and a Model 4480 Typewriter. The Model 4600 Auxiliary Tape Typewriter System contains a Model 4431 Reader/Punch and a Model 4480 Typewriter. Each system may have an Auxiliary Typewriter, also Model 4480, for on-line use when the main typewriter is being used off-line. Each Tape Typewriter System has a manual facility for connecting any or all of its devices to the 4010 Computer. The computer may, under program control, select and de-select any of the devices for input and output of data. Only one input device may be in the selected state at anyone time; however, any or all of the output devices may be in the selected state at one time. An output command will result in punching and/or printing (typing) on all output devices presently selected. This is called multiple output. The Tape Typewriter System can disconnect any or all devices from the 4010 Computer. All devices off line on each Tape Typewriter System are automatically interconnected. A Master Reset button on Model 4500 will de-select all system devices simultaneously, including the Photo Reader and High Speed Punch, which may be connected to the Computer. Units may also be simultaneously deselected under program control. Input data may be punched or typed on all selected output devices while being read. This is called the Copy Mode and is accomplished under program control or operator control using the Input Duplication switch on Model 4500 console. The operator may start internal computation from the Model 4500 console. Input devices may operate in a Single Character Mode, selected by the operator, in which each char- © Description (Contd. ) .13 Availability: . . 60 days. .14 First Delivery: April, 1961. .2 PHYSICAL FORM: Model 4480 or 4481 Typewriter placed on desk next to Model 4430 or 4431 Reader/Punch cabinet. .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: . . . . .42 Connection to System . no separate controller. .421 On-line Several Tape Typewriter Systems may be connected to the 4010 Computer, subject to the restrictions of 22 input and 23 output devices, maximum. Each Tape Typewriter System constitutes two input and two output devices. Specific implementation of connections and addressing structure must be made by manufacturer. One Tape Typewriter System must be Model 4500, and the others must be Model 4600. Auxiliary Tape Typewriter System. .422 Off-line Use Associated equipment Perforate tape (and type): . . Tape Typewriter System alone. Typewrite: . . . . . Tape Typewriter System alone. Typewrite from tape: Tape Typewriter System alone. Duplicate tape: . . Tape Typewriter System alone. .43 Con,nection to Device Each Tape Typewriter System is an independent group of devices when operating off-line. When devices are on-line, all devices may be considered as operating directly with the 4010 Computer, subject to certain manual switch settings on the Master Input-Output Control panel of Model 4500, and on the Tape Typewriter Control panels of all Tape Typewriter Systems (Model 4500 and all Models 4600). 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351 :074.430 § RPC-4000 074. .43 .72 Function Connection to Device (Contd.) Turn on Input Duplication (CoPy) Mode Of all input devices connected to the system, only one may be selected (addressed) by the computer at anyone ti)1le. All output devices remain selected once they have been selected, unless specifically reset. Thus, an output load is reproduced on all output devices selected at anyone time. This is known as mUltiple output. Reset Input Duplication (Copy) Mode Stop reading tape Start reading tape Start computing The master reset switch located on the Model 4500 Master Input-Output Control panel resets or deselects all devices in the system, including those in Model 4600 systems, and all devices connected directly to the 4010 Computer. .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES . 72 Other Controls Inhibit parity check on reader Reset parity error toggle Master reset 8/62 2-pos. switch 2-pos. indicating switch this mode causes start signal to be sent to computer after each char read or typed. disables parity checking when on line. momentary switch with indicator lights when parity error occurs. momentary switch de-selects all input-output devices in system. Form Comment momentary switch causes all input data to be copied on all selected output devices. momentary momentary momentary momentary switch. switch stops the reader. switch re-starts the reader. switch starts computer operation. On Tape Typewriter Control panel of Models 4500 and 4600 (See paragraph. 72 on Model 4430/4431 Reader/ Punch, and Model 4480 Typewriter. ) .8 On Master Input-Output Control panel of Model 4500 Function Form Comment Single Char Mode selection Other Controls (Contd.) ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION (see also sections on Reader/Punch and Typewriter) Error Reading: Check or Interlock reader parity check if desired, on-line only Device selected online while switched off-line: interlock Reader or punch paper exhausted: interlock Reader or punch paper tape jam: interlock Action halt computer, alarm. halt computer, alarm. halt computer, alarm. halt com puter, alarm. 351 :081.1 00 • STANDARD EDP _ REPORTS RPC-4000 Input-Output 4480 Typewriter INPUT-OUTPUT: 4480 TYPEWRITER § 081. .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity:. . 12 Descript~on Typewriter . Model 4480 . .2 PHYSICAL FORM .21 Drive Mechanism . 211 Drive past the head: .212 Reservoirs: .22 The RPC-4480 Typewriter may be used as an online or off-line input/output device, or as a conventional typewriter. It functions as a part o~ the 4500 or 4600 Tape Typewriter System, along WIth Models 4430 and 4431 Reader/Punch, respectively. The Reader/Punch and the Tape Typewriter System are described in sections .071 and .074. One or two typewriters are used with the Tape Typewriter System as main and auxiliary typewriters. The auxilia;Y unit may be used only on-line; its purpose is to provide on -line input if the main typewriter is being used off-line. Type style is double case Manifold Pica Gothic. A Model 4480 Typewriter may be used to type data into the computer or print computer output. As an' input device it may operate in the Single Character Mode or in a normal block mode. .223 Common system: . 24 • 25 .3 ( .14 depends on stationery. yes. yes. yes. Arrangement of Heads Use of station: Stacks: Heads/stack: . Method of use: printing. Use of station: Stacks: Heads/stack: Method of use: keyboard input. 1. 44. 1 key at a time. 1. 1. 1 char at a time. Range of Symbols Numerals: Letters: Special: 10 26 20* Alternatives: . FORTRAN set: Basic COBOL set: Total: 56. 0-9. A-Z. as in Data Code Table 1. none. yes. yes. *A number of these are only in the form of electrical codes for control operations to be punched on paper tape. When the typewriter ,is used as an output device, each output instruction transfers one character. Processing time is available be1;Ween successive characters_ . 13 engra ved hammers . typewriter keyboard for manual input. no. Multiple Copies .231 Maximum number Interleaved carbon: . .233 Types of master Multilith: . Zerox: Spirit: The Single Character Mode causes the computer to accept a character and start processing; the next character may be typed when a subsequent input command is reached by the program. This is indicated to the operator when the RPC emblem on the typewriter lights. In the block mode, all characters are transmitted to the computer registers until a .. stop" code is typed; processing is then automatically initiate,d. If t:he capacity of the registers is exceeded, the earhest data received is lost. Block input may transfer a useful load of two or eight computer words. The larger amount is equivalent to 64 4-bit characters or 42 6-bit characters. The selection of 4 or 6 bits of each 6-bit character is governed by the program. Selection of the mode is controlled by the operator. Sensing and Recording Systems . 221 Recording system: ,222 Sensing system: , .,23 . friction drive . . none. The typewriter can be used for off-line production of .31 paper tape, or for typing from paper tape, using ~e reader section of the Reader/Punch. When preparmg .311 paper tape, the typewriter has the facility for backspacing the carriage and the tape together, and .312 punching a delete code while typing an X over the character in error. .32 Availability: 60 days . .321 First Delivery: . October 1960. EXTERNAL STORAGE Form of Storage Medium:. Phenomenon: continuous fanfold stationery . key impression. Positional Arrangement Serial by: character and line of characters. \ © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351 :081.324 § RPC-4000 081. .324 Track use Datil: . 325 Row use: . 10 char/inch up to width of paper. all for data. .33 Coding: as in Data Code Table 1. . 34 Format Compatibility: .. none . .35 Physical Dimensions .351 Overall width: . 352 Length: . 353 Maximum margins: .522 . 523 . 524 • 525 .526 Output: Stepping: . Skipping: . Marking: . Searching: 1 char of 6 bits. single line feed. none. stop code, end-of-block. none. .53 Code Translation: matched codes. .54 Format Control: none. .55 Control Operations Disable: . Request interrupt: Select format: Select code: 14, 16, or 20 inch carriage. no limitations. no limitations . .56 .4 CONTROLLER .41 Identity: .42 Connection to System . 421 On-line: . .422 Off-line Use Print from paper tape: . 1 or 2 typewriters with each Tape Typewriter System. . 442 Input-output areas: .443 Input-output area access: . .444 Input-output area lockout: . .445 Table control: .446 Synchronization: Blocks 8/62 .63 10 char/sec. Demands on System Component Computer: I char, or up to 64 4-bit char. (max. useable no. of char in a single input operation. ) stop code if reading block. I char only. Input-Output Operations .521 Input: Speeds .621 Nominal or peak speed: in block mode. none. automatic . . 51 .52 computer-to-typewriter. typewriter-to -computer, Single Char Mode. typewriter-to -computer, block mode. I: .62 yes. yes. no. no. no. m. sec Condition per char I '? 1 word. PROGRAM FACILITIES AVAILABLE .512 Block demarcation Input: Output: . Conditions 1II: block of characters or single char. computer registers . .5 .511 Size of block: .61 . Model 4430 or 4431 Reader/Punch. Data Transfer Control .441 Size of load: PERFORMANCE II: Punch paper tape and print (optionally): . Model 4430 or 4431 Reader/Punch. .44 .6 Associated equipment / Testable Conditions Disabled: Busy device: Output lock: Nearly exhausted: End of medium marks: no separate controller, a 1though switching is con trolled by Tape Typewriter System described in section .074. no. no. yes (4-or 6-bit char input). no . AUERBACH Computer: II 'l depends on operator and rate of instructions . Computer: III depends on operator 100. .7 EXTERNAL FACILITIES .71 Adjustments 1 char or block of char, under operator control; each char 4 or 6 bits, selected by program. I BNA + operator response time or Percentage depends on rate of print instructions. Adjustment Line spacing: Method levet Margin set: Tab setting: key. key. Comment skip 1 or 2 lines. 351:081.720 INPUT-OUTPUT: 4480 TYPEWRITER § 081. .72 .72 Other Controls (on Reader/Punch control panels) Function Single Char Mode select Master reset Typewriter to Computer Aux. Typewriter to Computer Computer to Typewriter Computer to Aux. Typewriter Typewriter select Single Char Mode select Form 2-position switch Other Controls (Contd.) Function Delete code Comment momentary switch selects norl1lal or Single Char Mode, for on-line operation. deselects all previously selected units. momentary switch connects typewriter to computer. momentary switch connects auxiliary typewriter to computer. momentary switch connects computer to typewriter. momentary switch 2-position switch connects computer to auxiliary typewriter. places typewriter off-line. 2-position switch selects normal or Single Char Mode, for off-line use. .73 Form typewriter Special bar Loading and Unloading .731 Volumes handled:. . . © .8 Comment with Special bar held down, the back-space key backspaces tape and carriage. Striking the X key then punches a delete char on tape. depends on feed facilities. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Check or Interlock Action Recording: interlock on addressed type bar computer keeps trying same char. Reading: Input area overflow: Output block size: Invalid code: Exhausted medium: Imperfect medium: Timing conflicts: Computer selection of off-line unit: none. none. 1 char only. ilone. none. none. interlock 1962 by Auerbach Corporotion and BNA Incorporated interlock wait. alarm, system halts. 8/62 ,/ 351: 101.1 DO • STANDARD EJDP • RPC-4000 4700 Tap.e Typewriter RE!'ORTS OFF-LINE TAPE TYPEWRITER §lOl. .12 .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . .12 Description (Contd.) -chad (fully-punched) paper tape for input to the RPC-4000 system. Type style is Pica Gothic. . Tape Typewriter. Model 4700. Its reader, punch, and typewriter units each operate at 10 characters per second. It is capable of printing 43 characters, and of punching three function codes. Description: The Model 4700 Tape Typewriter is an off-line device, having the general characteristics of a Flexowriter, which operates in the RPC-4000 system code. It is designed to prepare hard copy from manual typing or from punched paper tape, and to prepare .13 Availability: . . . 30 days. .14 First Delivery: . May, 1961. \ © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351: 111.100 • STANDARD EDP • RPC-4000 Simultaneous Operations REPORTS, SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS .12 § 111. ·1 SPECIAL UNITS • 11 Identity: . · 12 Description . no special units for simultaneous operations. The central processor is used to initiate and control input-output operations. The only simultaneity that can be obtained must be programmed by the interlacing of appropriate instructions. Input- output operations are usually controlled by standard routines, in which case no simultaneity is available. There are two modes of input-output: block and single character. A block mode' transfer, only available on input, reads a series of characters into the combined Upper and Lower Accumulators or the eight-word Lower Accumulator until a stop code is read. Use of the block mode means that no simultaneity is possible. A single character mode transfer either inputs one character to the combined Description (Contd.) accumulators or th~ eight-word Lower Accumulator or outputs one character from the Upper Accumula tor or from the instruction itself. Any input-output instruction waits until a transfer can occur, after which the Processor is free to move on to the next instruction. Careful timing is required to make maximum use of overlapping operations. The most convenient interlacing possible is some computation with either output or input in single character mode. Although a number of input devices may be connected on line to the computer, only one may be addressed at a given time. When output is performed, all output devices which have been selected by the computer print or punch the output character. This is called mUltiple device operation. After selection a'T output device remains selected until a master reset' occurs. In the case of Input Duplication (Copy Mode), selected by the operator, output devices copy the information being entered into the computer. I \ '. © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351:121.101 • STANDARD EDP • REPORTS RPC-4000 Instruction List INSTRUCTION LIST § 121. INSTRUCTION Mnemonic op-code OPERATION D N I MPY MPT D D D D D value N N N N N N Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ADU ADL SBU SBL D D D D N N N N Yes Yes Yes Yes HLT SNS 000 value N N Yes Yes CXE value N Yes EXC value N Yes EXT MML CME D D D N N N Yes Yes Yes CMG D N Yes TMI TBC D D N N Yes Yes SAU MST D D N N Yes Yes LOC D N No LDX value N Yes SRL value N Yes Arithmetic RAU RAL DVU DIV I \, © (D) -U. (D) - L . (U) + (D). Quotient - U. Remainder - - L. (U+L) + (D). Quotient - U. Remainder - L. (D) X (U) (U+L). (U) X decimal 10, 8, 2, or 0 (L) X decimal 10, 8, 2, or 0 (D) + (U) - U. U depending on value in D field. L depending on value in D field. (D) + (L) L. (U) - (D) -U. (L) - (D) - - L. Logic Computer halts. Turns on Branch Control Toggle if sense switch(es) depressed, or if selected I/O device not ready, or if no input device is selected. Compares value in instruction with (I). Turns on Branch Control Toggle if equal. Performs functions listed below under control of bits 6-11 in instruction: bit 6 = 1; L set to I-word length. bit 7 = 1; L set to 8-word length. bits 6 and 7 = 1; L length changed from present state. bit 8 = 1; (I) - U. bit 9 = 1; (U) - I. bit 10 = 1; (L) - U. bit 11 = 1; (U) - L . bit 8 and 10 = 1; (I) LOGICAL OR (L) - U. I,.ogical product of (U) and (D) - U. Where (U)=O, (L) - L. Where (U)=I, (D) --+ L. Compares (D) with (U) where (L)=I. If all selected bits match, Branch Control indicator turned on. In Repeat Mode, address of successful comparison - I. Compares (D) with (U) where (L)=1. If selected (D) ~ selected (U), Branch Control indicator turned on. In Repeat Mode, address of first successful comparison - - I. Jump to D Address if (U) negative. Otherwise, go to N address. Jump to D address if Branch Control indicator is on and turn Branch Control off. Otherwise, go to N address. Data Transfer Moves address portion, bits 5-17, of U to storage. Bits in D replaced by corresponding bits in L wherever mask bits in U = 1. Moves bits 18-24 of D into bits 18-24 of I. Next instruction is repeated, controlled by value of these bits. Move bits 5-17 of instruction into I. Bits 5-17 added to I if instruction is indexed. (U+L) shifted right controlled by bits 12-17 of instruction, if D track is 000. Low order bits are lost. (U+L) shifted left controlled by bits 12-17 of instruction, if D track is 001. High order bits are lost. 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351: 121.102 § RPC·4000 121. INSTRUCTION lIC;T -CoRtd. INSTRUCTION Mnemonic oD-code OPERATION 0 N I SLC -- N Yes STU STL CLU CLL 0 0 0 0 N N N N Yes Yes Yes Yes INP value N Yes PRO value N Yes Data Transfer (Coned. ) (Ui-L) shifted to left until bit position 1 contains a I, or until 0 sector value plus number of shifts = 64. 0 sector value plus number of shifts - L, in bit positions 12-17. Indexing may be used to create initial 0 sector value. (U)-O. (L)-O. (U) -D. Zero (L) - O. Zero - U. L. Input-Output Reads 4-bit chars inro accumularor(s) if 0 track =000. Reads 6-bit chars, into accumularor(s) if 0 track = OM. If L set at 1 word length, chars go into combined U and L. If L set at 8 word length, chars go into L only. If 0 track value indexed, result should be 000 or 064, otherwise data becomes garbled. Prints one char from 0 track field of Instruction Word, or, depending on value, selects input and/or output devices or modes as shown in list. Value of O-track field of Instruction Word Model 064 065 4500 4500 066 4500 067 4500 068 069 4500 4500 070 4500 071 4500 072 4410 073 4410 074 075 076-094 4410 4410 095 096 097 098 099 4500 4500 4500 100 101 102 103 4500 4500 4500 104, 105 106 4440 107-124 8/62 Input/Output Selection Codes Reader input. Reader input, Punch output. Reader input, Typewriter output. Reader input, Punch and Typewriter output. Typewriter input. Typewriter input, Punch output. Typewriter input, Typewriter output. Typewriter input, Typewriter and Punch output. Phoro-reader, Forward and Search. Phoro-reader, Reverse and Search. Phoro-reader, Forward. Phoro-reader, Reverse. available for additional units. master reset (disconnects all units). available for additional unit. Punch output. Typewriter output. Punch and Typewriter output. available for additional unit. Punch output. Typewriter output. Punch and Typewriter output. Search Mode. High Speed Punch. available for additional units. INSTRUCTION LIST § 351: 121.103 INSTRUCTION LIST -Contd. 121. INSTRUCTION Mnemonic op-Code D OPERATION N I Input-Output (Cont'd. ) Value of D-track field of Instruction Word Model 125 126 127 Input/Output Selection Codes Copy Mode on. Copy Mode off. reset output units. Notes 1. Selection of new input device resets previous input device selection. Only one input device selected in system at a time. Master Reset deselects input device also. 2. Any combination of output devices may be in system at one time. May be reset by output reset command, or by Master Reset command. PRU value N Yes © Prints 1 char from U, or U and instruction word bits, depending on value in D-track. 1962 by Auerbac~ Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351: 131.1 00 .ST"'OARO II REPORTS ED P RPC·4000 Coding Specimen CODING SPECIMEN: ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE § 131 . .1 CODING SPECIMEN EXAMPLE 1 - LINEAR INTERPOLATION LOCATION ORDER I"'rE~ LDX .. ~ DATA ADDRESS xoooOI RAL II,E. C K ---1...bP C NEXT ADDRESS M,A o C ~ K ¥" ,6-,0 r,B,C ,e.K,c J(003~1 - F e l v / f l P )(', iN8r FIJlLND £., /2 .e 0 /2. ,e,I/,EeK MASK. ;(31 I Z 71 b,:3 I 2 Z, b .3 C 0 V /VIr 0 eRROR ,60,0 T H L T 0 C!LV D, [J,ItI,P £XC ,fIJI 8 SD,A HOLD 5,Il,L 5LBj V E,}(,T I I .3 I DSEC1 RIGHT n?V N.EXr 77Z1'JCK· iJlAye WJ£ £J(a;EDE-&> THE.. nlBL£ roB,/; 0 IIfII>E.><: ReG-/:>Tepz.. TAstE UJPK UP oN' bREIITER OR. I!:QVzIIL . r /00 - 5e!, UP REPEAT e;OVNr. 0 ;([,0)( APP££'5S &II£CK M/7:5/C" POR. C;O#PA,tZ/soA/'. UN,T XCMG COMMENTS 6300 ? rA8£~ .EKe;.e.eDE. D. - IIL.L 15. COt/NT OF 63. .5rIJP InTH X fN IIUPHPLI9TP/i? P O,U,'" D £.~rr WITH 0 UPPeR. X-V .. V-i-. SroR.E FQVI'o'P ,RACK. INtirE" ::.eC;TP,e .,. L 7'D K£.6'P D 'SeCTOR OF AOll 5 Au H,O LD XL AOO£ESS s8l) s,A,U $,A V DSE.el ,X,S 1 l/l-pp.eE-:'s D i/o OP U. SHIFTeD X wu..V.E. o f XL. of X::.. )('S2 Reprinted from ROAR Programming Manual. © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 / 351:141.100 _STANDARD II EDP RPC-4000 Data Code Table mORIS DATA CODE TABLE NO. 1 § 141. .23 .1 USE OF CODE: .2 STRUCTURE OF CODE .21 Character Size: . . . . 22 Character Structure paper tape, typewriter. 7 bits;.6 data, 1 even parity. Character Codes LESS SIGNIFICANT PATTERN 0 1 2 . 221 More significant pattern: . . . . .222 Less significant pattern 2 zone bits; 32, 16. 3 4 numeric bits; 8, 4, 2, 1. 4 5 6 MORE SIONIFICANT PATTERN 16 48 0 32 Tape feed 0 ) $I; G wW Carr. 1 0 h H ret x X Tab 2 .. Back- space 3 # 4 Upper case Lower case Line feed *Stop code 5 i I j J y Y z , $ k K "" I L 6 @ mM z = : l ; I % 7 & , 8 n N 9 ( p P a A q Q + ? b B r R - - 12 c C s S 13 End of block d D t T space 14 e E u U / 15 f F v V Delete code 7 8 9 10 11 Photo eader o 0 .;- Note: 1. Both upper and lower case symbols shown in each box. © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351: 142.100 • STANDARD II REPORTS EDP RPC-4000 Data Code Table DATA CODE TABLE NO.2 § .232 6-bit. 142. USE OF CODE: . .2 STRUCTURE OF CODE .21 Character Size:. .22 LESS SIGNIFICANT PATTERN internal.' .1 ... 4 least significant bits of paper tape code (hexadecimal) or 6 significant bits of paper tape code; selected by program. Character Structure .221 More significant pat. tern: 2 zone bits; 32, 16. .222 Less significant pattern: 4 bits; .... . .23 ~, 4, 2, 1. Character Codes . 231 4- bit hexadecimal. Numeric pattern Symbol 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 binary binary binary binary binary binary © MORE ,SIGNIFICANT PATTERN 32 48 16 0 0 ) g G w W 1 1 0 h H x X 2 2 .. i I Y y 3 3 # j J z Z 4 4 k K , $ 5 5 t. 1 L = : 6 6 @ mM [ ; 7 7 & n N 1% 8 8 o 0 9 9 ( p P 10 a A q Q + 11 b B r R - - 12 c C s S 13 d D t T space 14 e E u U / 15 f F v . ? V Note: 1. Both upper and Tower case of special symbol codes shown in each box. 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 / 351: 1S1.1 DO ~M~D • EDP • RPC-4DDD P.O. Facilities REPORTS PROBLEM ORIENTED FACILITIES § 151. ·1 UTILITY ROUTINES . 11 Simulators of Other Computers LGP-30 (machine language) Reference: . . . . . LGP-30 to RPC-4000 Interpreter 2, P~ogram HI-01.0. Date available:. '1· Description: With this routine, the RPC-4000 reads LGP-30 machine language program tapes and executes the LGP-30 routines interpretively. Execution time on the RPC -4000 is 3 to 8 times as long as on the LGP-30. LGP-30 (24.0 interpretive language) Reference: . . . . . Flirt I, Program HI-24.0. Date available: . . . '1 Description: Flirt 1 reads and executes routines coded in the LGP-30 24.0 Floating Point Interpretive language Execution time on the RPC-4000 is 20 to 50 percent.of the time required for the same routines on the LGP-30. · 12 · 13 Simulation by Other Computers: Data Sorting and Merging: .14 Report Writing: none. ; 15 Data Transcription: • none; punched tape is the only important inputoutput medium . .16 File Maintenance: none. .17 Other Listed below are the major categories of problem oriented facilities and the number of routines c,urrently available in each. .171 All LGP-30 Floating Point Interpretive routines, which may be used by the RPC-4000 Flirt 1, described in paragraph . 11 . 12 . . 172 Input-Output: . . . Arithmetic: 12. Mathematical func10. tions: . • Interpretive routines: . 2. Assembly routines: 1. Compilers: . . • 1. Diagnostics: . 6. Demonstration routines: . . . 3. . none. magnetic tape cannot be used; no sorting routines are available. .2 PROBLEM ORIENTED LANGUAGES: • . . • . none. ( "'-. ® 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351: 161.100 RPC·4000 Process Oriented Language COMPACT PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: COMPACT '.14 § 161. .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: Origin: • . . • . . . . . Commercial Computer Division' General Precision, Inc. • 13 Reference: . . • . . . . Compact Operating Procedure, Prelim inary Description. . 14 (6) FREQUENCY statements are ignored by the COMPACT translator. . • . . • . . COMPACT (Compatible Algebraic Compiler and Translator for the ape. 4000). Program H3-01.0. . 12 (7) Boolean operations, complex operations, double precision floating point arithmetic, and use of symbolic language entries in the source pro~am are not permitted . Extensions: (1) Statement names may be alphameric as well as numeric . (2) Arrays may have up to 32 dimensions (FORTRAN allows only three) . Description (3) Any expression that does not contain a function call may be used as a subscript. A subscript may itself contain subscripted variables, with a nesting limit of 16. COMPACT is based upon and is largely compatible with the FORTRAN II language as implemented for the mM 7090. Certain restrictions must be observed, primarily because of RPC -4000 hardware limitations . On the other hand, many useful extensions to the FORTRAN II language have been included. The significant limitations and extensions of the COMPACT language relative to mM 7090 FORTRAN II are summarized below. If the user has any intention of recompiling and running his COMPACT programs on a different system for which a FORTRAN compiler exists, he should avoid the language extensions and restrict himself to proper FORTRAN coding. Complete specifications of the COMPACT language have not been published to date although the compiler is already in use. (4) DO loop parameters may be any expression in either fixed or floating mode. (5) The transfer index of a computed GO TO may be any expression in either fixed or floating mode. (6) Each parameter in a subroutine CALL may be any expression in either fixed or floating mode. (7) Mixed mode arithmetic expressions can be written. They will be performed in the floating mode, and fixed point items will be floated prior to execution. Restrictions (8) More than one ."=" operator can be used in an arithmetic statement. The "=" operator can also appear in IF, DO, and computed GO TO statements. (1) Names may contain a maximum of five characters. (2) A name may appear only once in an EQUIVALENcE statement. (9) Array names without subscripts can be used as arguments in a FUNCTION statement. (3) IF ACCUMULATOR OVERFLOW, IF QUOTIENT OVERFLOW, and IF DIVIDE CHECK all interrogate the single Branch Control indicator. These statements should appear immediately after the arithmetic statement to be tested, since the Branch Control is turned off when a computed GO TO or a DO loop test is executed. , \ (10) Many of the syntax requirements of the FORTRAN language have been relaxed; the use of commas and parentheses has been made optional wherever possible. (11) The READ INPUT TAPE and WRITE OUTPUT TAPE statements may specify the use of any available input-output device. (4) All COMMON, DIMENSION, and EQUIVALENCE statements must appear before the first executable statement in a program. (5) The following FORTRAN II statements are not permitted: READ TAPE, READ DRUM, WRITE TAPE, WRITE DRUM, END FILE, REWIND, BACKSPACE. © Restrictions (Contd.) . 15 Publication Date: . . . .1961; no formal language specification has been published to date. 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351: 161.200 § RPC-4000 161. .242 Designators (Contd.) .2 PROGRAM STRUCTURE .21 Divisions Comments: . Procedure Statements: . algebraic formulae. comparisons and jumps. input and output. Data Statements: . . •• FORMAT: describes the layout, size, scaling and code of input-output data. EQUIVALENCE: used to cause two variables to have a common location or to specify synonyms. COMMON: used to cause a name to be common to more than one segment rather than local to each. DIMENSION: describes the elements in each dimen·sion of an array or set of arrays. .22 Procedure Entities Program: Subroutine: Function: Statement: • .23 variables. floating point variables or constants. integer variables or constants. Hollerith items. alphameric items. Names .241 Simple name formation Alpha~t: . Size: Avoid key words: Formation rule: . .242 Designators Procedures Statement: Function: Data Integer variables: Real variables: Equipment Typewriter output: Paper tape reader: Paper tape punch: A to Z, 0 to 9. 1 to 5 char. no. first char must be a letter. Structure of Data Names .251 Qualified names: . 252 Subscripts Number per item: Applicable to: . Class may be Any variable: Literal: Expression: • . 253 Synonyms Preset: . Dynamically set: .26 Number of Names: .27 Reg:ion of Meaning: of Names:. 32. all variable s . yes. yes. yes; any expression that does not contain a function name; result is truncated . EQUIVALENCE statement. yes. limited to 2, 048 named entities by symbol table in ROAR translator. all names are considered local to the program, subroutine, or function in which they are defined unless specified in a COMMON statement. DATA DESCRIPTION FACILITIES .31 Methods of Direct Data Description .311 .312 . 313 •314 . 315 Concise item picture: List by kind: . Qualify by adjective: Qualify by phrase: Qualify by code: .316 . 317 .318 . 319 Hierarchy by list: Level by indenting: Level by coding: Others (examples) Array size: . Four-digit integer: Four-digit integers, 5: Floating point items: initial I, J, K, L, M or N. any other initial letter. implied by verb PRINT . implied by verb READ. implied by verb PUNCH. none • .3 unsigned integer or alphameric name. same as variable being defined; name ends in F and is 4 or 5 chars long. Note: READ INPUT TAPE and WRITE OUTPUT TAPE allow specification of input or output via any available device. 8/62 .25 Data Entities Arrays: Items: .24 statements. subroutines. functions. statements. statements. characters. any non-zero character in left-most field of input form. Translator Control: • key words EQUIVALENCE, COMMON, DIMENSION. .32 Files and Reels: .33 Records and Blocks .331 .332 .333 ..334 Variable record size: Variable block size: Record size range: Block size range: . yes; FORMAT statement. no . no . no . yes; initia1letter designates floating or integer mode. no . no. no . DIMENSION ARRAY (5, 4, 3, 2). FORMAT (14). FORMAT (514). FORMAT (F8.3, ElO.4) for +999. 999 and +.9999E+99. own coding. dynamiC. dynamiC. no limit. no limit. PROCESS. ORIENTED LANGUAGE: COMPACT § .364 Other sub scriptable entities: 161. . 335 Choice of record size: . 336 Choice of block size: . 337 Sequence control: . . 34 . 346 Choice of external code: . 347 Possible external codes Decimal: . Octal: Alphameric: .348 Internal item size: . 349 Sign provision: .35 . 36 .4 OPERATION REPERTOIRE initial letter of name. .41 Formulae yes. no. yes. yes. yes. .411 Operator list +: . *. /: **. FORMAT statement. yes. yes . alpha automatic left justified. integers automatic right justified. FORMAT and READ, WRITE statements. yes. yes. yes. fixed; 1 word per numeric item. optional. Data Values . 351 Constants Possible sizes Integer: . Fixed point: Floating point: Alphameric: . Sub scriptable : Sign provision: . 352 Literals Possible sizes Integer: Fixed point: . Floating point: . Alphameric: Designation: . Sign provision: . 353 Figuratives: .354 Conditional variables: . . 362 Redefinition: . .363 Table description Subscription: Multi - subscripts: Level of item: . =: ABSF ( ): XABSF ( ): INTF ( ): XINTF ( ): MODF (A, B): XMODF (A, B): MAX (A, ... ): • XMAX (A, ••• ): MIN (A, ., .): XMlN (A, ... ): • DIMF (A, B): XDIMF (A, B): LOGF ( ): . SINF ( ) COSF ( ): . EXPF ( ): . SQRTF ( ): ATANF ( ): TANHF ( ): FLOTF ( ); XFIXF ( ): addition; also unary. subtraction; also unary . multiplication. division. exponentiation . is set equal to. absolute value . absolute value. entire value. entire value. remainder A -; B. remainder A ~ B. max. value. max. value. min. value. min. value. diminish A by B. diminish A by B. natural log. sine. cosine. exponential. square root. arctangent. hyperbolic tangent . float. fix . Note: Initial X denotes fixed point function. 31 o to 2 none. 10-3 8 to lW38. no limit. yes. optional. o to 231. none. 10- 38 to lW38. none. implied for numerics. optional . own coding; e.g., ZERO = 10. yes; computed GO TO. Special Description Facilities .361 Duplicate format: . none . READ, WRITE, and FORMAT statements . as above . own coding . Data Items .341 Designation of class: .342 Possible classes Integer: Fixed point: Floating point: Alphabetic: Alphameric: . 343 Choice of external radix: . 344 Possible external radices Decimal: . Octal: . 345 Internal justification: . 351:161.335 by multiple references to a single FORMAT statement . COMMON and EQUIVALENCE statements. yes. yes; up to 32. variable. © .412 Operands allowed Classes: . Mixed scaling: Mixed classes: Mixed radices: Literals: . .413 Statement structure Parentheses a - b - c means: a + b x c means: a / b / c means: · all numeric. · yes. · yes; mixed expressions are evaluated in floating mode. · no . · yes. · (a - b) - c. · a + (b x c). · (a ~ b) ~ c. abC means: · illegal; parentheses must be used. · 300 entities (names plus Size limit: operators) . Multi -results: · yes . . 414 Rounding of results: · truncation of integers at each step in expression. Floating .415 Special cases Fixed X= -X x = -x: . K = -K X =X+1.0 x = x + 1: • • • K = K+1 x = 4.7 y:._ • • K;' 47*1.110 X= 4.7*Y X = 5.E7+Y**2 x = 5 x 107 K = 50000000 +L**2 .416 Typical examples:. ." X = (-B+SQRTF(B*B-4.0*A *C»/ ~2. 0* A) . +..; 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351:161.420 § RpC·4000 161. .42 .47 Operations on Arrays Object Program Errors Error Overflow: .421 Matrix operations:. . 422 Logical Clperations: .423 Scanning: • . • . . • none. . none. . none. In-out: .43 Other Computation: . none. Invalid data: • 44 Data Movement and Format .441 Data copy example: . • 442 Levels possible: . •443 Multiple results: • . 444 Missing operands: .445 Size of operands Exact match: . Alignment rule Numbers: Alpha: Filler rule Numbers: Alpha: • 446 Editing possible Change class: . Change radix: . Delete editing symbols: . • Insert editing symbols Actual point:. . . Suppress ·zeroes: .447 Special moves: . . . . 448 Code translation: • . .449 Character manipula· tion: ..... .45 integers right justified. left justifie<1. zeros. blanks. yes; fix, float. yes; binary-decimal and binary-octal conversions. automatic. automatic. automatic. none. automatic. none. not required. not required. READ, PUNCH, PR~. not possible. none. none. none. automatic. none. none. none. Operating: Communications .461 Log of progress: . 462 Messages to operator: • 463 Offer options: . .464 Accept option: 8/62 implied, except in alpha or input-output. File Manipulation Open: . . . . . Close: . . . . . Advance to next record: . . . . . Step back a record: Set restart point: Restart: . . . . Start new reel: . Start new block: . Search on key: Rewind: . . • . Unload: • . . . . . 46 y= X . items (unsubscripted array name on left side causes value on right side to be copied into every element of the array). yes; e.g., Y=Z=X. not possible • PRINT uses on-line typewriter . same as log . PAUSE and hexadecimal display. IF SENSE SWITCH n, or test data entered from keyboard. Discovery Special Actions IF clauses test own COMPACT coding . Brax.cll Control hardware parity check. range check print message & halt . .5 PROCEDURE SEQUENCE CONTROL .51 Jumps .511 Destinations allowed:. .512 Unconditional jump: .513 Switch:. • • . . named statement. GO TO START. GO TO M, (ALPHA, BETA, .514 Setting a switch:. .515 Switch on data: • 37) • ASSIGN ALPHA TO M. GO TO (START, 10, 20, END) K+M/4. .52 Conditional Procedures .521 Designators Condition: IF . .Procedure: implied. . 522 Slmple conditions Expression v Expression: yes . Expression v Variable:.. yes. Expression v Literal: . . yes. Expression v Figurative:. yes. Expression v Condition:.. no. Variable '" Variable:.. yes. Variable v Literal: . . yes. Variable v Figurative:. yes. Variable v Condition: no. Conditional value: . positive, zero, or negl!.tive . . 523 Conditional relations Equal: . . . . . '} tested jointly in each Greater than: IF statement . Less than: . . . Greater than or equal: • . . . . indirect. Less than or equal: indirect. .524 Variable conditions:. zero. .525 Compound conditionals: . . • . . no. .528 Typical examples: IF (X**2.0-3.0) START, 20, END means go to statement START, 20, or END defending upon whether X -3 is less than, equal to, or greater than zero . .53 Subroutines .531 Designation Single statement: . Set of statements First: Last: . .532 Possible subroutines: .533 Use in-line in program: · not used. · SUBROUTINE. · END . · any number of statements. no. 351 :161.534 PROCESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE: COMPACT § 161. • 534 Mechanism Cue with parameters: Number of parameters: Cue without parameters: Formal return: Alternative return: •535 Names Parameter call by value: . Parameter call by name:. Non-local names: Local names: • Preserved local variables: .536 Nesting limit: .537 Automatic recursion allowed: · .. · ... · .... .. .567 Jump out allowed: . . 568 Control variable exit status: - · CALL XXX (A, L). .6 · no limit. · CALL XXX. · RETURN at least once . · none . .7 LffiRARY FACILITIES • 71 Identity: . .72 Kinds of Libraries yes. use COMMON. all. all. no limit. no. yes. yes. .73 Storage Form: punched tape. .74 Varieties of Contents: subroutines and functions. no. 75 Mechanism not used. .751 Insertion of new item: . file tape in library. .752 Language of new item:. ROAR or COMPACT. .753 Method of call: . assemble along with user's program. FUNCTION. END. any number of statements. .76 by name in expression. RETURN. Operand Definition by Procedure: . 562 Control by count: . 563 Control by step Parameter: Step: Criteria: Multiple parameters: • . 564 Control by condition: . 565 Control by list: . . 566 Nesting limit: no . yes . .8 TRANSLATOR CONTROL .82 Optimizing Information Statements: none. ,83 Translator Environment: none. Target Computer Environment: none. Program Documentation Control: none in source language, none. yes. use COMMON. all. all. none. Loop Control .561 Designation of loop Single procedure: First and last procedures: . Types of Routine .761 Open routines exist: •762 Closed routines exist: ,85 , COMPACT library. .721 Fixed master: • 722 Expandable master: . .723 Private: ,84 .56 can write new libr~ry functions and subroutines. Function Definition bi:: Procedure .541 Designation Single statement: Set of statements First: Last: . .542 Level of procedure: .543 Mechanism Cue: Formal return: . 544 Names Parameter call by value: Parameter call by name: Non -local names: Local names: Preserved local variables: . .55 available always . none. 1. .54 EXTENSION OF THE LANGUAGE: yes . .9 none. current place to named end; .91 e,g., DO 173 I = 1, N, 2 DO ALPHA, I = A+K, .92 B*L/2. no . .93 any variable or expression. any variable or expression. greater than. .94 no . no . no. .95 no limit. © TARGET COMPUTER ALLOCATION CONTROL Choice of Storage Level: none. Address Allocation: none in source language . Arrangement of Items in Words in Unpacked Form: standard. Assignment of InputOutput Devices: . Input-Output Areas: . 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated specified in input-output statements. automatic. 8/62 351:171.100 .ST~_ II RPC·4000 REPORTS EDP M. O. Language MACHINE·ORIENTED LANGUAGE: ROAR § 171. .22 .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: •• Legend (Contd.) Next Address: • RPC-4000 Optimizer and Assembly Routine. ROAR. • 12 Origin: General Precision, Inc. .13 Reference: ROAR Program Description Manual, program H2-01.0. ROAR n, program H2-0l.1. .14 Description Comments: .23 Corrections: • .24 Special Conventions .241 Compound addresses: ROAR is the basic machine oriented language for the RPC-4000. It is a straightforward symbolic assembly system which provides no macros, and uses literals only for controlling the index register, shifting, etc.·, as in the machine codes, and in the Print a Character pseudo, PRC. The coding sheets are .242 Multi -addresses: punched on paper tape for entry into the assembler. .243 Literals: nUmeric or symbolic address of next instruction in object program. explanatory comments to be listed but not translated. no special provisions; any changes are re-written and paper tape changed accordingly. an unassigned address may be placed a specified distance past normally assigned optimum address, in Data or Next Address column (SKIP). none. in SKIP. Also PRC pseudo for printing 1 char. .15 Addressing conventions allow control of optimization while still retaining the use of symbolic addresses. .244 Special coded D-Address may be assigned The TAG pseudo allows differentiation of otherwise addresses: • identical labels , but the tag is not printed when the to N-Address column. blank; assigned to convenprogram is listed. Operation codes and address may ient or optimum location. be in numeric or symbolic form. .245 Other Constants may be entered as 6-bit or 4-bit characRegion:. • • • • • • 1 letter or symbol. ters; the pseudo DEC allows the entry of a signed 1 specific address number with decimal point and binal "q" (binal point region char followed by 5 within a region: location) specification. There are 18 pseudos in the dec digits, specifying language, including one to initialize at the start of a relative position in region. translating run, and one to stop the translator, ready Start of standard for restart. The latter may be used at the end of subroutine: • • 1 followed by 4 digits. tape. RECRClto RECRC8. 8-word band: •• Dual-access bands: • DBISYM to DB4SYM (SYM Publication Date: • • • ? may be any 3 characters) • .~ LANGUAGE FORMAT .21 Diagram: • 22 Legend refer to RPC-4000 Coding. Sheet • address of instruction in symbolic or numeric coding. Order: • • • • • • • • mnemonic or decimal code for instruction or pseudoinstruction, and flag for indexing. Data Address: • • • . numeric or symbolic address of operand; or, value for control of instruction. .3 LABELS .31 General Location: © .311 Maximum number of labels: : .312 Common label formation rule: • .313 Reserved labels: .314 Other restrictions: .315 Designators: • • 316 Synonyms permitted: ..··· · ·· · ·· · · . .. 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 2,048 yes. none. none. none. EQR, EQV pseudos. 8/62 351:171.320 § RPC-4000 171. .32 Universal Labels .321 Labels for procedures Existence: • • F ormation rule First character: Last character: Others: • • • Number of characters: optional, in Location column. letter, number, or symbol. letter, number, or symbol. letter, number, or symbol. • 323 .324 . 325 • 326 2 to 5 total, including at least 1 non-numeric char. Labels for library routines Existence: • • mandatory, used for start of standard subroutines. Formation rule First character: ]. Others: • • • 4 numerics. Number of characters: 5. Labels for constants: same as procedures • Labels for files: • none • Labels for records: • none • Labels for variables: same as procedures. .• 33 Local Labels: .322 .4 DATA • 41 Constants •• .411 Maximum size constants Integer Decimal: • Octal: Hexadecimal: Binary:. • none. none. none. 8 hex digit. 9 dec digit and "q" with total accuracy; up to 14 dec digit with sign and point, truncated at 9. same as integer. none. 5 alpha char • 5 alpha char. Fixed numeric: Floating numeric: Alphabetic:. • • Alphameric: • .412 Maximum size literals Integer: • • •• • limited groups of decimal digits for index register control, shift control, etc. See paragraph .235 of Central Processor for details. Fixed numeric: • • • none. Floating numeric: • none. 1 char for printing. Alphabetic: • • 1 char for printing. Alphameric: • .42 Worldng Areas .421 Data layout Implied by use: no. Specified in program. yes. " .422 Data type: always numeric. .43 8/62 Input-Output Areas: • computer registers or fastaccess band. .5 PROCEDURES .51 Direct Operation Codes .511 Mnemonic Existence: Number: • Example: • .512 Absolute Existence: Number: • Example: • optional. 32. ADU; (S) + (U)-U. S = storage, U = Upper Accumulator. optional. 32. 28; (S) + (U) - U . S =storage, U =Upper Accumulator. .52 Macro-Codes: none. .53 Interludes:.. none. .54 Translator Control .541 Method of control Allocation counter: Label adjustment: Annotation: • • • .542 Allocation counter Set to absolute: • Set to label:. Step forward.: • Step backward: Reserve area: • •543 Label adjustment Set labels equal:. Set absolute value: • Clear label table: .544 Annotation Comment phrase: Title phrase: .545 Other RES: • AVL:. NEW: SKIP:. D-ADDR: by assembler and by pseudo operations. by pseudo operations. automatic • see .543. see .543. none. none. REG pseudo. EQR, EQV pseudos. EQR, EQV pseudos. CLS pseudo. tagged field, ignored by translator, and copied to output. no title phrase. make locations unavailable. make locations available. initialize for new program. assign location beyond first optimum". make value of N-Address equal to value of D-Address. Numeric address, main memory sector specification' for use with 8-word Lower Accumulator assign next sector 0-7 90 to 97: mbdulo 8. assign first optimum sector. 98: assign same sector as in 99: instruction location. .6 SPECIAL ROUTINES AVAlLABLE .61 Special Arithmetic .611 Facilities: • • • • •612 Method of call: • • • 2-word floating point add, subtract, multiply, divide, fixed to floating point conversions • assemble with program. MACHINE-ORIENTED LANGUAGE: ROAR § 351: 171.620 .7 171. .62 Special Functions .622 Method of call: • 2-word floating point square root, sine-cosine, arctan, arcsin, log, exponential. assemble with program. .63 Overlay Control: none. .64 Data Editing .621 Facilities: . . • . Editing is normally performed as a function of the input-output subroutines which accomplish the input and output of data and provide radix conversion. Output may be provided in alphanumeric form on a character-by-character basis from data previously composed and stored in the Upper Accumulator, or in the print instructions. The Floating Point input routine Data Input 2, truncates input digits past the ninth non-zero digit, converts the number to normalized binary form, and calculates the exponent of the number, taking the location of the actual decimal point into account. The resulting number is stored as two words; fixed part and exponent. The numeric input routine, Data Input 1, truncates as above. The number is converted to one -word binary form and scaled according to the position of the decimal point, and a specified binal point, "q". Floating Point output subroutines, Data Output 2, 3, output a number with minus sign or space, decimal point, and 8 or 9 decimal digits; followed by the letter E, a minus sign or space, and a two digit decimal exponent. A numeric output number is output (Data Output 1) as a minus sign or space followed by its integral value, decimal pOint, and fractional value, up to 10 digits total. Non-significant leading zeros are output as spaces, and one space follows the last digit. The routine allows specification of the "q" of the binary number, and the number of digits to follow the decimal point. These routines are entered through calling sequences to specified symbolic addresses. . 66 Sorting:. . . . . . . none. . 67 Diagnostics . 671 Dumps: . .672 Tracers:. .673 Snapshots: .7 memory print. ? none. LIBRARY FACILITIES The library consists of a number of subroutines written in symbolic language and stored on paper LIDRARY FACILITIES (Contd.) tape. Each subroutine has its entry point, which is the first instruction, specified as a unique symbolic address. Tapes are assembled by ROAR. A calling sequence in the source program specifies the subroutine desired and also specifies an exit location. The types of routines included are: input-output, floating-point input-output, floating-point arithmetic; and trigonometric fUnctions, fixed-to-floating-point conversion and the reverse, miscellaneous interpreters, powers of 10 table, trace and dump routines, program checkout, and demonstration routines. .8 MACRO AND PSEUDO TABLES .81 Macros:....... .82 Pseudos none. Code REG:. EQR:. Description reserve a region. set label to absolute; reserve. EQV:. set label to absolute; don't reserve. RES: • make locations unavailable. AVL:. make locations available. PAY: . punch availability table in hex code. PPA: . punch and print availability table; punch hex code, print decimal code. RAV: . . . . . . • . read availability table (automatically punched when PAY, PPA used). HEX:. input literal in hex (4-bit) codes. ALF:. input literal in alpha (6bit) codes. DEC:. store decimal literal with specified "q", in binary • TAG:. tag all following symbolic addresses with literal. PRC: . print char, or control typewriter, as specified in data address field. stop computer during NIX: • • • • • • • • translation; allow restart. end of program; punch END: • • • • • • • • final checksum and set up transfer to specified address . NEW: initialize to process a new program. CLS: • clear label table. COM: copy remarks contained in this pseudo on output devices connected to system. , I ',,--© 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351:171.820 § RPC-4000 171. FIGURE 2 RPC-4000 CODING SHEET DATE _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PASE _ _ _ _ OF _ _ PROBLEM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SECTION _ _ _ _ _ __ 0.I0B ND. _ _ _ _ _ PROS. NO. _ _ _ _ _ PPEP. BY _ _ _ _ _ CH'D. BY _ _ _ __ Ul I- Z 11.1 :2 :2 0 0 Ul I-Ul X 11.1 11.111: zg ntrolled by Sense Switch settings; suppression of the typed listing significantly increases the translation speed. The COMPACT Object Program Package occupies 44 tracks of drum storage and must be loaded whenever a COMPACT object program is executed. It contains the FORTRAN II library functions plus the subroutines for floating point arithmetic and inputoutput operations. Because subroutines must be used for floating point operations, most COMPACT object programs consist largely of subroutine linkages. Errors in the Package subroutines caused serious difficulties with early versions of the COMPACT system. According to the manufacturer, corrected versions are now available. Data input to the object program is performed in the Single Character Mode. As in FORTRAN, FORMAT statements are executed interpretively at run This provides very flexible data formats, but input and output speeds are significantly reduced. . 13 Originator: '. . 14 Maintainer: . · 15 Availability;. .2 INPUT · 21 Language .211 Name: • 212 Exemptions: .23 Size Limitations .231 Maximum number of source statements: .232 .Maximum size source statements: .233 Maximum number of data items: .3 OUTPUT .31 Object Program .311 Language name: .312 Language style: . 313 Output media: .32 300 entities (names plus operators) . 2,048 (limited by ROAR symbol table). ROAR. symbolic . punched tape. none . COMPACT Object Program Package, which must be loaded at execution time. Documentation Subject Source program: Object program: Storage map: Restart point list: Language errors: Commercial Computer Division, General Precision, Inc. limited by target computer storage capacity Conventions .321 Standard inclusions: . 322 Compatible with: .33 punched tape or typewriter keyboard. specification statements, arithmetic function definitions' executable statements • none. Provision typed listing (optional). typed listing (optional) • none. none. typed messages . . as above . generally issued late in 1961, but not fully documented to date. COMPACT none; COMPACT is the FORTRAN II language with extensions and restrictions as listed in 351:161.14. © .4 TRANSLATING PROCEDURE .41 Phases and Passes: . .42 Optional Mode .421 . 422 . 423 . 424 425 Translate: . Translate and run: Check only: Patching:. Up-dating: . 1962 by Aueroach Corporation and BNA Incorporated . one-pass compiler; but output from this translator must be converted to machine language form by the ROAR translator. yes . no . no . no. no. 8/62 351: 181.430 § RPC-4000 IsL .43 .54 Special Features .431 Alter to check only: .432 Fast unoptimized translate: .433 Short translate on restricted program: • 44 Bulk Translating: • 045 Program Diagnostics Type no. no. yes. no . no . no. .46 .Translator Library:. none; required library routines other tha~ those in the Object Program Package must be assembled along with the output from this translator. .5 TRANSLATOR PERFORMANCE .51 Object Program Overlapping operations: greatly increased increased. not possible. .61 Translating Computer · 612 Larger configuration advantages: . RPC-4000 Computer and Tape Typewriter System. Photo Reader and High Speed Punch speed trans1ation . Target Computer S~ace . 511 Fixed overhead: Object Program Package contains all library functions plus routines for input-output and floating point arithmetic; it requires 2, S16 storage locations . .621 Minimum configuration: . . . . . . . • 622 Usable extra facilities: . . . . . . .7 • 512 Space required for each input-output file: single I/O area serves all files. .513 Approximate expansion of procedures: S to 10 (**). Missing entries: Unsequenced entries: Improper format: Incomplete entries: Target computer overflow: Inconsistent program: "Inscrutable statement: .. generates about 1,300 symbolic instructions per hour (**). Optimizing Data: . • • .none (the ROAR translator assigns optimum drum storage locations whenever possible~. .S RPC-4000 Computer and Tape Typewriter System. all input-output devices. ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Error Translation Time .521 Normal translating: 8/62 unaffected. increased. increased. increased. increased. COMPUTER CONFIGURATIONS .611 Minimum configuration: ..... Space unaffected· increased increased increased increased .6 · 62 • 53 ~***) Time Elementary algebra: Complex formulae: Deep nesting: Heavy branching: Complex subscripts: Data editing (FORMAT): no. .451 Tracers: . 452 Snapshots: . 453 Dumps: . . 52 Object Program Performance Check or Interlock Action check check check check print print print print message & halt. message & halt. message & halt• message & halt. ROAR translator check. check print message & halt. check ALTERNATIVE TRANSLATORS: . . . none. print message & halt. 351: 182.100 STAND.a.RD • EDP • RPC-4000 REfIlRTS Program Translator ROAR PROGRAM TRANSLATOR: ROAR § .23 182. .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . .12 Description .231 Maximum number of source statements: RPC-4000 Optimizer and Assembly Routine. ROAR. The ROAR assembly language translator is a onepass assembler which accepts symbolic or machine code source language and symbolic subroutines on punched paper tape, and produces a relocatable hexadecimal punched paper tape as output. The object program is in RPC-4000 machine language. The output tape consists of: a short bootstrap; an input loading routine; groups of machine language instruction and data words with their locations; and hash total error control words ("checksum words"). The modifier for assignment of relocatable tape addresses is inserted by the operator at object time, prior to initiating the entry of the input routine. De·· termination of the need for a modifier is done by the bootstrap, using the setting of a sense switch on the 4010 Console. The source and object programs and the comments of the programmer may be listed on the typewriter; instructions are typed in decimal form. Also accepte.d by the assembler is the output of the algebraic compiler, COMPACT. The translator reads one symbolic instruction at a time and assigns absolute addresses, allocating them to optimum locations using the RPC-4000 "1 + 1" addressing structure. The instruction generated is punched out as four hexadecimal location characters and eight hexadecimal instruction or constant word characters. Typing is optional as noted above. Input pseudo instructions initiate end of program control, symbol table clearing, and initialization of the translator for accepting another input program. No provision is made for printing the label table. ',--. .13 Originator: General Precision, Inc. .14 Maintainer: General Precision, Inc. .15 Availability: released in 1961. .2 INPUT .21 Language .211 Name: • 212 Exemptions: . 22 ROAR . none . Form .221 Input media: .222 Obligatory ordering: .223 Obligatory grouping: Size Limitations punched tape; keyboard. none. none. © .232 Maximum size source statements: . . . . . 233 Maximum number of data items: .3 OUTPUT .31 Object Program .311 Language name: . 312 Language style: .313 Output media: .32 fixed at 1 symbolic instruction . 2,048 symbolic labels. . RPC -4000 machine code with storage address . . utilizes complete language. paper tape; typewriter . listing normal but not mandatory. Conventions .321 Standard inclusions: .33 no limit; assembly performed 1 symbolic instruction at a time. checksum words for error control; bootstrap and input program for loading program into object computer. Documentation Subject Source program: Object program: Storage map: . . Restart point list: Language errors: Availability table: Provision listing of codes, comments. listing. none. none. typed messages. punched and/or printed listing of uDq,ssigned storage locations. .4 TRANSLATING PROCEDURE .41 Phases and Passes: one-pass assembler. .42 Optional Mode: . . no optional modes. .43 Special Features: • none. .44 Bulk Translating: yes. 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62. 351:182.450 § RPC-4000 182. .45 . 46 . . 54 Program Diagnostics: ..... Translator Library: diagnostic routines are either assembled as subroutines for source program, or are called manually. See Operating Environment section for description . library subroutines can be stored on a single punched tape, which is searched in both directions by the translator to incorporate the subroutines called by the source program. Object Program Performance: unaffected; i. e ., same as carefully optimized hand coded routines except that double access bands and fast access band cannot be utilized as efficiently. .6 COMPUTER CONFIGURATIONS .61 Translating Computer .611 Minimum configuration: . .612 Larger configuration advantages: . • 62 TRANSLATOR PERFORMANCE .51 Object Program Space .622 Usable extra facilities: • 511 Fixed overhead Name Loader: Space 1 track .7 Error Missing entries: Unsequenced entries: Duplicate names: Improper format: Incomplete entries: Target computer overflow: Label table full: Invalid operation code: Inconsistent program: Checksum error: . 512 Space required for each input-output file:.. own coding. . 513 Approximate expansion of procedures: 1. . 52 Translation Time . 521 Normal translating: .522 Checking only: . 523 Unoptimized translating: • 53 8/62 Optimizing Data: 7 to 10 instructions/minute with full on-line listing; 4 times as fast if listing is omitted (**) not done. Input parity error: not done. special addressing conventions; see: 171.24. .8 same as Translating Computer • 4410 Photo Reader. 4440 High Speed Punch . ERRORS, CHECKS AND ACTION Comment space can be used for object program data. fast input of data and faster output when translating speed allows it, if Photo Reader and High Speed Punch are used . Target Computer .621 Minimum configuration: •5 4010 Central Processor. 4500 Tape Typewriter System. ALTERNATIVE TRANSLATORS: I AUERBACH I .$J Check or Interlock Action check print message & halt. none• ? check check print message & halt• print message & halt, check check print message & halt• print message & halt check none. program input routine check print message & halt• check none. accepted convention is to type out "ERROR" and halt system • halt computer; alarm • / 351: 191.1 00 • STANDARD ED:!? _ REPORTS RPC-4000 Operating Environment OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: GENERAL § 191. .32 .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . 12 Description: no integrated supervisor available . The input loading routine may be loaded automatically by a bootstrap incorporated on the ROAR output tape, or may be left in the computer. .13 Availability: . . . . . .alllibrary routines mentioned in this section are currently available. .14 Originator: Maintainer: . 16 First Use: .2 PROGRAM LOADING . 21 Source of Programs .211 Programs from online libraries: .212 Independent programs: .213 Data: . ( by programmer, or manually by_ operator. by operator. .323 Reassignment: .4 RUNNING SUPERVISION .41 Simultaneous Working: . · not possible. .42 Multi -running: . · not possible. .43 Multi - sequencing: · not possible. .44 Errors, Checks and Action Check or Error Interlock Action Loading input error: Allocation impossible: In -out error single: Commercial Computer Department, General Precision, Inc. In-out error persistent: Storage overflow: Invalid instruc- as above. optional checksum programmed; printout. ? optional hardware pari ty check stop computer. alarm. none. none • tions: ? Arithmetic-overflow: hardware check Underflow: hardware check Be toggle set. number treated as zero • Invalid operation: Improper format: none. hexadecimal punched tapes, supplied directly, or assembled by ROAR from symbolic tapes. punched tape or keyboard. .22 Library Subroutines: . . 23 Loading Sequence: . . . manually controlled. Sequence not important. punched tapes, loaded by input routine . .3 HARDWARE ALLOCATION .31 Storage I. '" Units . 321 Initial assignment: . No comprehensive supervisor routine has been announced for the RPC -4000 system. The facilities covered in this section, therefore, must be provided by the incorporation in each program of specific routines, where available, or by individual coding. . 15 InEut-Ou~ut .. 311 Sequencing of program for movement between levels: . . . . . . . not possible. . 312 Occupation of working storage: . . . . . . specified manually when entering relocatable tape. Invalid address: Reference to forbidden area: various input program checks on invalid char ac ter or on device all addresses valid. halt. printout. ? .45 Restarts:. .5 PROGRAM DIAGNOSTICS .51 Dynamic · as incorporated in user's program. .511 Tracing: TRACE 2; program KI-01.1. Entered manually and traces between defined addresses. Type-out optional. Contents of computer registers, operand, and instruction location may be printed. Time required is about 6.9 seconds per instruction when typing and 1.2 seconds per instruction when not typing. .512 Snapshots: . . . . . . none. "© 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351: 191.520 § RPC·4000 191. .52 .7 Post Mortem: MEMORY PRINT 1; program K2-01.0. Entered manually and types list of instructions in order of execution, listing opcode, data address, and next address. Time required is 1.9 seconds per instruction. MEMORY PRINT 2; program K2-02.0. Entered manually and types storage contents in sector order. Time required per instruction is 1.2 seconds in hexadecimal format and 2. 2 seconds in instruction format. PROGRAM CHECKOUT 1; program K9-01.0; A debugging routine entered manually, performing functions of MEMORY PRINT land 2, and several additional functions. These include in part, reading a relocatable decimal tape, inserting temporary program stops, searching storage, and clearing storage to a specified bit configuration. Clearing each address to its own address, for example, requires 4. 5 seconds. .6 8/62 .8 .81 .83 .84 OPERATOR CONTROL: as incorporated in user's program; also,. printouts controlled by subroutines when operator action required. • @ ~IA-U-ER-BA-CH-' LOGGING: . . . . . . as incorporated in user's program, or written by operator . PERFORMANCE System Requirements: Program Space Available: . . . . . . . all routines described here are useable on any RPC4000 system. Photo reader and high -speed punch can decrease input-output time. (:&D) less than or equal to 8, 000 words. (8 words of fast-access band reserved for temporary storage.) I includes all diagnostic and utility programs in storage. Program Loading Time: function of input routine checking and addresses of instructions being stored. Each ins true tion read includes a 4digit location. Estimated speed is 3 instructions , per second for 60 chari sec reader, and 12 instructions per second on photo reader. (* ~ * ) 351: 192.1 00 • STANDARD EDP • RPC-4000 REPORTS Operating Environment PINT OP~.RATING ENVIRONMENT: PINT § 192. .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . 12 . Pu.rdue Floating Point Interpretive System. Program HI-02. O. PINT Description This routine interprets and executes programs written in the PINT language. It requir~s only the basic RPC-4000 Computer and Tape Typewriter System. The PINT system is unusual in that part of the interpretation is done during program loading instead of at run time:. each PINT mnemonic oper-ation code is converted to a transfer address to a particular interpretive subroutine, and each PINT operand address is converted and stored as an absolute macnine address. A total of only 1, 666 PINT instructions and data items can be stored internally, and only 1,000 of the locations can be addressed deCimally; alphameric addresses must be used for the other 666 locations. PINT routines can be coded in relocatable form and loaded into any available section of PINT storage. The PINT master program occupies 2,184 drum storage locations (including the double access and high speed bands), and 3,332 machine locations are reserved for PINT storage. The remaining 2,492 RPC-40O,O storage locations are not used by PINT and are available for machine language coding. Mter the master program has been loaded, the write heads on the first 32 tracks can be manually disabled to protect it from destruction. The PINT loading routine checks the validity of each operation code, operand address, and nllmeric constant. If a detectable coding or data range error is encountered during execution of a PINT-coded routine, the computer will halt and print a "post mortem." This consists of all index registers and PINT storage locations that have been altered during execution of the routine. A dump routine prints or punches the contents of specified areas of PINT storage under manual control. Instructions and data values are printed in PINT format. Output from the dump routine can be punched in "compatible" form for direct re-entry into the system. PINT instructions are executed at the rate of approximately 15 per second (exclusive of input-output operations). Average execution times for the PINT instructions are listed in paragraph :172.83, and standardized performance measures are tabulated in paragraph .85 of this section. . 13 Availability: all facilities were made available in 1961. © School of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University . .14 Originator: . 15 Maintainer: · as above . .16 First Use: .1961. .2 PROGRAM LOADING .21 Source of Programs .211 Programs from online libraries: . 212 Independent programs: .213 Data: . · none . · punched tape. · punched tape or keyboard, in decimal form; listing is optional. · punched tape. .214 Master routines: . .22 Library Subroutines: · punched tape, in re10catable form. .23 Loading Sequence: · manually controlled. .24 Interpreter Input . 241 Language Name: . Exemptions: . 242 Form: · PINT. · none . · punched tape or keyboard. .3 HARDWARE ALLOCATION .31 Storage: .32 Input-Output Units: . . . selected by manual switches at run time, .4 RUNNING SUPERVISION .41 Simultaneous Work~. · routines can be coded in re10catab1e form and assigned to any available storage area at loading time. · none. .42 Multi -running: · none . .43 Multi -sequencing: · none. 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351 :192 .440 § RPC-4000 192. .44 Errors, Checks, and Action Check or Error Interlock Action Loading input error: parity check. In -out error: parity check. Storage over'1 flow: Program conflicts: checks print post mortem. Arithmetic overflow: hardware set Branch Control. check Underflow: none. Invalid operation: check print message and continue loading. Improper format: check print message and continue loading. Invalid print message and address: check continue loading. Reference to forbidden manual diswrite instructions area: abling of are ignored. write heads Restarts:. . . . .5 PROGRAM DIAGNOSTICS .51 Dynamic LOGGING: .8 PERFORMANCE .81 System Requirements .811 Minimum configuration: .812 Usable extra facilities: .813 Reserved equipment: .82 .822 Reloading frequency: .84 . 511 Tracing: • . . . . . . all PINT-coded routines can be traced by depressing Sense Switch 1; each active jump instruction, its location, and contents of Accumulator are printed. . 512 Snapshots: . none. .52 Post Mortem: .6 OPERATOR CONTROL . 61 Signals to Operator: . . 62 Operator's Decisions: . automatic Post Mortem follows all errors detected by the system during execution; an error message and contents of all altered index registers and storage locations are printed. DUMP code word causes printout in decimal form of contents of specified storage areas. type message. . keyboard data entry, or setting of Sense Switch 2. .85 Program Space Available: . . Program Loading Time: .857 Data output per item (typed): . . • . . ~ · RPC-4000 with Tape Typewriter System. · Photo Reader, High Speed Punch. · 2, 184 drum storage locations (tracks 00 through 31 and 123 through 127) are required for the PINT interpretive routine. · 12 minutes using 4430 Reader (***). · can be maintained in working storage, and is protected from destruction by leaving write heads disabled. · 1+ D must be less than 1,667 (addresses above 999 require use of alphabetic characters) . .2 instructions/second using 4430 Reader (***) • Program Performance in /J. secs .851 Conditions: . . • 852 For random addresses c = a+ b: b = a+ b: Sum N items: c= ab: c = alb: • b = y"ii: . b = log a: b= e a b = sin a: . . . .853 For arrays of data ci = ai + bj : . c = c + aibi: . . . .854 Branch basea on comparison: . . . . 855 Moving, per data item Using loop: Using straight-line coding: . . . .856 Data input per item: . . . . r-----,- 8/62 · typed record of all inputoutput operations is optional. System Overhead .821 Loading time: .83 own coding . .45 .7 I AUERBACHJ...~ · none . · 170,000. .170,000 . · 68,000. · 170,000. .170,000. .255,000. .357,000. .289,000 . . 340,000. .323,000. .374,000. .459,000. .187,000 . .102,000 . • O. 8 second + character reading time (***). .1.8 seconds (***). / 351 :201.001 _STANDARD EDP • RPC-4000 REPORTS System Performance NOTES ON SYSTEM PERFORMANCE § 201 . . 1 GENERALIZED FILE PROCESSING Because the RPC-4000's output speed is low on punching and typing alphanumeric data, it was considered unsuitable for this type of data processing application at this time. (Where the master file is small enough to be held in internal storage, the RPC-4000 can be quite useful. ) .2 SORTING Magnetic tape cannot be used with the RPC-4000 system . . 3 MATRIX INVERSION The standard problem estimate of the Users' Guide was used, which is based on the time for floating point cumulative multiplication. No routines for matrix inversion are available in the manufacturer's program library . . 4 GENERALIZED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING Fixed point computations are coded in machine language, with instructions and operands optimized, as would be done by ROAR. Input and output timing is based on the use of subroutines written for the job at hand. Results are printed on the on-line typewriter for Configuration IX, and punched on the high-speed punch for Configuration X . . 5 GENERALIZED STATISTICAL PROCESSING Fixed point machine coding is used, optimized as above. Input routines are as in the preceding paragraph. Input is read by the reader of the Tape Typewriter System for Configuration IX, and by the photoelectric reader for Configuration X. \ " © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE § 351:201.300 . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.312 • • 313 Graph: • • • • • • • • see graph below • 201. .312 Timing basis: .3 MA TRIX INVERSION • 31 Standard Problem Estimates .311 Basic parameters: . . . general, non-symmetric matrices, using floating point to at least 8 decimal digits. 100.00 7 I 1 II 4 2 / 10.00 7 , 4 I 2 Time in Minutes for Complete Inversion / I I 1.00 7 I I 'I 4 I / 2 'I I 0.10 I 7 I .I 4 I 2 0.01 1 2 4 7 10 2 4 7 100 2 4 7 1,000 Size of Matrix @ 1962 by Auerbach Corporalion and BNA Incorporaled 8/62 RPC-4000 351:201.400 § 5 fifth-order polynomials . 5 divisions. 1 square root • using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide, 4:200.413 Configuration IX~ Typewriter output, fixed point • . 412 Computation: 201. .4 GENERALIZED MATHEMATICAL PROCESSING .41 Standard Mathematical Problem A Estimates .413 Timing basis: .414 Graph: . . . . 411 Record sizes: •. 10 signed numbers, avg. size 5 digits, max. size 8 digits. Configuration IX; Single Length (8 digit precision); Fixed Point. R=Number of Output Records per Input Record 1;000,000 7 4 2 100,000 7 ~ 4 -- --- I-- f-. Time in Milliseconds per Input Record ~ -I-'" R=l 2 1/ - 10,000 R",O.l 7 R",O.Ol .... ~~ ~ ~ ,- "I ~, , 4 2 1,000 7 4 2 100 0.1 2 4 7 1.0 2 4 7 10.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record 8/62 2 4 7 100.0 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE § 351:201. 415 201 • .415 Graph: Configuration IX, Typewriter output; floatiilg point using subroutines. Configuration IX; Single Length (B digit precision); Floating Point. R = Number of Output Records per Input Record 1,000,000 7 , 4 l/~ 2 ~~ 100,000 -'I 7 "I '" .... 1' ~ 4 ./ :.;- ~~ ~ .A ~ 2 Time in Milliseconds per Input Record ~ i-oi-' 10,000 ~ ~'" ~ Cl~\ 7 4 2 1,000 7 4 2 100 0.1 2 4 7 1.0 2 4 7 10.0 2 4 7 100.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62·· 351:201.416 § RPC-4000 201 • •416 Graph: Configuration X, Paper Tape output; fixed pOint. Configuration X; Single Length (8 digit precision); Fixed Point. R = Number of Output Records per Input Record 1,000,000 7 4 2 100,000 7 ,.. A~ 4 A It' ~-, 2 Time in Milliseconds per Input Record R~l :'-1~ I""'" 7 R 0.1 4 ~ - 10,000 ,,- R=O.Ol 2 1,000 7 4 2 100 0.1 2 4 7 1.0 2 4 7 10.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record 8/62 2 4 7 100 . 0 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE § 351:201.417 201. .417 Graph: Configuration X, Paper Tape output; floating point using subroutines. Configuration X; Single Length (8 digit precision); Floating Point. R ~ Number of Output Records Per Input Record 1,000,000 7 4 I-'~ 1I~ 2 100,000 ,,, 7 ~ ~ I'" V 4 1/ ~~ ~ 2 Time in Milliseconds per Input Record 10,000 7 V ==R_O.l ~ ;I' ~ 10" -R=O.Ol 4 2 1,000 7 4 2 100 0.1 2 4 7 1.0 2 4 7 10.0 2 4 7 100.0 C, Number of Computations per Input Record © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 351:701.500 RPC·4000 §20l. .5 GENERALIZED STATISTICAL PROCESSING • 51 Standard Statistical Problem A Estimates .512 Computation: • • augment T elements in crosstabulation tables . • 513 Timing basis: . using estimating procedure outlined in Users' Guide. 4:200.513 • .514 Graph:. • • •• see below • . 511 Record size: • . thirty 2-digit integral numbers. 1,000,000 7 4 2 100,000 7 ~ ~ 4 2 Time in Milliseconds per Record V 10,000 V ~ 7 ~ \~ . / 4 2 1,000 io""'.,,'" 10-"'./ 10' - i""" ~ 10- ... ~ 7 4 2 100 2 4 7 10 2 4 7 100 T, Number of Augmented Elements. Roman numerals denote Standard Configurations. 8/62 2 7 1,000 II II 351 :211.101 "'AR!) ST EDP REPORTS RPC·4000 Physical Characteristics RPC·4000 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS © 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA incorporated 8/62 .RPC·4000 351:211.102 RPC 4000 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unit Name Computer Reader/ Punch Tape Typewriter High Speed Paper Tape Reader High Speed Paper Tape Punch Typewriter Desk Off.line Tape Typewriter 4010 4430; 4431 4480 4410 4440 ---- 4700 35X47X27 31X23X28 l1X14X21 32 X23 X28 42 X23 X22 30X47X28 10 X 18 X 20 498 263 100 244 298 131 115 IDENTITY Model Number Height X Width XDepth, in. Weight, Ibs. PHYSICAL Maximum Cable Lengths, ---- feet 12 12 Computer 10 Power 10 Power 12 Computer 12 Computer ---10 ? ? ? ? ? ---- ---- Less than dew pt. Less than dew pt. ? ? ? ---- ---- 85 max. ? ? ? ? ---- ---- Less than dew pt. Less than dew pt. ? ? ? ---- ---- 1,175 785 195 2,350 2,745 ---- 890 Air Flow, cfm. ? ? ? ? ? ---- ---- Internal Filters Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ---- No 115 115V. ae 115 115 ---- 115 V. ae ±10'7. ± 10'7. ± 10'7. ± 10'7. ± 10'7. ---- ± 10'7. Nominal 60 60 60 60 60 ---- 60 Tolerance ±'h ±'h ±'h ±'h ±'h ---- ±'h 193 wire 193 wire 193 wire 193 wire 193 wire ---- 193 wire 60 690 805 ---- 265 Storage Ranges Temperature, of. Humidity, '7. Temperature, of. ATMOS. PHERE 10 Power Working Ranges Humidi ty, '7. Hest Dissipated, BTU/hr. Nominal Voltage Tolerance ELEC. TRICAL Cycles Phases and Lines Load KVA NOTES 8/62 345 230 351 :221.101 • STANDARD EDP _ REPORTS RPC·4000 Price List PRICE DATA § 221. PRICES IDENTITY OF UNIT CLASS Name No. Monthly Rental $1/ Central Processor InputOutput * ** 1/ ~/ 4010 4500 RPC-4000 Computer System, including Computer with Storage Drum Tape Typewriter System 4600 4480 4430 4431 4410 4440 4700 Auxiliary Tape Typewriter System Tape Typewriter * Reader/Punch ** Auxiliary Reader/PuIlch High Speed Paper Tape Reader High Speed Paper Tape Punch Off- Line Tape Typewriter Annual Maintenance $2/ Purchase $ 1,750 4,375 87,500 150 75 375 187 5,000 2,500 75 300 400 170 187 750 1,000 425 2,500 15,000 20,000 4,000 Used with 4500, or 4600 as Auxiliary Tape Typewriter. Part of 4500 Tape Typewriter System. Includes maintenance. After first year, on purchased system. " ',,- CD 1962 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 8/62 lGP 30 General Precision, Inc. /' ( '- /" / \ AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. lGP 30 .~. General Precision, Inc. AUERBACH INFO, INC. PRINTED IN U. S. A. 352:001.001 LGP-30 Contents CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Introduction... • Data Structure.. • System Configuration IX Desk Size Scientific System •• X Punched Tape Scientific System Internal Storage Drum Storage . Central Processor 301 LGP-30 Computer Console. • • Input-Output; Punched Tape and Card 360 Tape Typewriter (Reader) 360 Tape Typewriter (Punch) 341 High -Speed Reader . • 342 High -Speed Reader/Punch (Reader) 342 High -Speed Reader/Punch (Punch) • 321 Punched Card Input Control Unit Input-Output; Printers 360 Tape Typewriter (Printer) . Simultaneous Operations Instruction List Coding Specimens Machine Language . 'Floating Point Interpretive System 1 (24.0) . ACTm Data Codes Input-Output Problem Oriented Facilities Simulation on RPC -4000 Simulation on GE 225 Internal Sorting • Program Library Analysis Process Oriented Languages ACTm. • Machine Oriented Languages Floating Point Interpretive System 1 (24.0) Floating Point Interpretive System 3 (24.2) . DICTATOR Program Translators ACTm Operating Environment General Program Input Routine Fixed Point Tracing Subroutine Decimal Memory Printout Hexadecimal Punch Search for Address • Floating Point Interpretive System 1 (24.0). • Floating Point Interpretive System 3 (24. 2) . DICTATOR. • • • • . © 1963 by Auerbach Corporation and BNA Incorporated 011 021 031.101 031.102 041 051 061 071 072 073 073 074 075 081 111 121 131 132 133 141 151.12 151.12 151.13 151.17 161 171 172 173 181 191 191 191:511 191:52 191:52 191:52 192 193 194 5/63 352:001.002 LGP·30 CONTENTS (Contd.) 20 21 22 5/63 System Performance • . . . • • • • • . • • • Matrix Inversion. • • . • • • . • • Generalized Mathematical Processing Generalized Statistical Processing • Physical Characteristics. Price Data • • . • . . . . . • • • . . . . • 201.001 201.3 201.4 201.5 211 221 352:011.100 ST/,NDARD LGP-30 Introduction R[PDRTS INTRODUCTION The LGP-30 is a desk size data processing system that is suitable for a wide range of complex but relatively low-volume engineering and scientific problems, and for certain business applications where high input-output speeds are not essential. '" Approximately 500 LGP-30's were built between 1956 and 1961. The system is no longer is production but is still being actively marketed. Internal circuitry is of the vacuum tube and diode type, and power consumption at full load is 1,500 watts. There are no builtin error checks on input, output, or internal operations except for an automatic processor halt when arithmetic overflow occurs. A magnetic drum provides 4, 096 word locations of working storage. Each location can hold a one-address instruction, a binary data word of 30 bits plus sign, or five alphameric characters in six -bit BCD form. Access time varies from 0.26 to 16.7 milliseconds. Complete arithmetic facilities are provided for single word-length, fixed point binary data. Because there are only 16 basic instructions and no index registers, the number of machine instructions required to solve a given problem is relatively high. On the other hand, machine-language coding is unusually easy to learn. The coder uses a single letter to specify the operation code and a 4-digit decimal address for the drum storage location. These instructions are converted to the required internal binary format during program loading. '---- .. Whereas the instruction format of most drum computers includes the address of the next instruction, the one-address LGP-30 executes instructions in sequential fashion. An interlaced pattern of sector numbering around the drum's circumference enables the sophisticated coder to assign "optimum" operand addresses and thereby significantly decrease the rotational delay tim e in most routines. Program execution speed for typical nonoptimized, user-coded routines will be about 50 instructions per second. The standard subroutines, which in most cases are highly optimized, may run several times as fast. The basic input-output unit for the LGP-30 is a modified Flexowriter that reads and punches six-track punched tape at a peak speed of ten characters per second. A typed record is produced of all data that is read or punched. Data can also be entered directly from the keyboard, and the Flexowriter can be used independently of the computer for tape preparation and listing. The High Speed Reader/Punch provides, in a single cabinet, a photoelectric punched tape reader rated at 200 characters per second and a mechanical punch rated at 20 characters per second. The photoelectric reader removes the LGP-30 from the "input-bound" class and greatly expands its scope of practical applications. The 20 character-per-second punch is the fastest available output device, so the LGP-30 is not well suited for applications requiring voluminous output. Because of the simplicity of machine language coding, little attention has been paid to symbolic assembly systems for the LGP-30. None of the existing assembly routines is capable of assigning optimum addresses. Floating point arithmetic hardware is not available for the LGP-30, so floating point interpretive systems are widely used. Interpretive routines using pseudo-machine languages are available for both one- and two-word data formats. DICATOR is a three-address system that is similar to the Bell Interpretive System for the IBM 650. Use of any of the floating point interpreters results in roughly a ten-fold increase in running time over a nonoptimized machine-language routine. ACT III is an ALGOL-like algebraic compiler that has been designed to facilitate changes to its vocabulary and syntax. Compiling speed is low, but reasonably efficient object programs are produced. EGKEE. POL"NOI'-/I./lL ~ PROGRAM INPUT CODES 0 f- ;000/000 /000/000 , 'M I ~ cti S 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 Booz.s' 0 6 Moo-z.6 0 7 A[ 0 8 rl O~C1Z 5 ' 0 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 Hoo1.5' BPLO~07 ,A:O 0 l -z. )(,2.;00.00 ' XI> , bOO' 1 9 ,X~OOOO 2 0 X-r08,OO L 2 1 VOOOO L 2 2 I ~ I 2 4 2 5 2 6 I I 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 WOR.f<"ING WORkiNG 1 AOO32. [ ~T"R...1r-;i-.- APD nTH COEFF. CJ· == 0 $TOK.ft6£ @ INCREMENT ADDRESS CA~f:'AGF- R.ETWUJ.. ,'IX! PRINT DELAY sr~fVNL~.s.s ~E~~. POJN' S W. IS ow- , , REA/.) I @q,=2::J Xl!: 0 00 I AOo 2.7 ' ~ A (La) 2 13 To 0 fiJ q = 0 YOoo7 11) FLAG SOO7..4 , A 0032. l~ror FI::lf('E"P"* ,TO,OoS' L.U;!ITlE E'. r"TE. /VI Rr=:SULT FINAL -,Boo 25' ,X,R;1 &, 1,2 ' 2<1 f,:rEI'lNSF J? To PA7A ol/TPVT N0tA I=/N ,_ R.< )}/T.~'tf7/''#f cf§~l XU 1,4010 ' 8 ~ IN fTfALI ZE: "ADD" I N':::7 p._ , Xzoool ' !Xl A (002.7 +N+ 7 ~- 'r l>ATI"1. ::;FT W(7KKI './t;;: 570.v..--/t-;,r , A [ooz7-1-N 1 --L AOOZ7 , X @ 1--= 0 , XIAh@~"'O 6 L /I NL> .sTOK~ ' X! A 0017 I -~ I ~ f 0 SC/1LE" , 1 I -' w II: 1 .L Ii U 0 4 0 ~ ,X,VO 5'00 B0023 COlO 0 7 / , ) 5 ., II: x X R 05'.08 0 IN IOC. 1000. SET /'10[)IFI [-ere. TC' /000. } n(..4Nsrrp ~ t;..~"! IA[f;VT N", I ' pour/IVE' ~ t> "Nt/ERT. 1 J NOTES OF ADDRESS III 1 LI -.,;:; c:ou f- ADDRESS , L z I .11 L3 ~. II) II) OPERATION CONTENTS 0 eE{;//'J LO~t /NG 0 U ~ INSTRUCTION LOCATION III ...0ctt " 0. > ...0 ~ I K£V- {,/l6~ /'-1EL J('-4YE PROBLEM: I:: 0 / , A (Lf+l) J ', , A3 , IX! A4~ , >-CONSTANTS FLAGS WO~/NG X 'IX! , Ao , AI ,Az. FORM LP_IO fL101?~ DATA = ANI> STo/!:/lGE ) I >- DATA STO!t:A';E @q,==O , .J 1IO"t'A&. "-.'&. .I131141a CARRIAGE RETURN CONDITIONAL STOP CODE Reprinted from LGP- 30 Subroutine Manual. p. 4. , 0 0 ~ ~ ADDRESS 0 0 > 0 l ,YE. T jV10DIF ~ER TO ~ ~ OPERATION 'N L .....8 POL y,ll/oNIA L BEGIN LO/] !PING IN LOC. /000. -' , ,, j)EG~EE INSTRUCTION ~ 0- I TRACK EVALUATIO/lj ..'" . / / PROBLEM: !::: OF PAGE 24.0 INTE/:Pk'ETlV,:::- .:..;'y::,' 7 E/'1 lEST FOR FIN/51-} NOT ~IP,OPOO I~ XEOOOO XI~O,OO 0 X,UOOOO FINISHED PRINT RESULT I EXIT FROM , 24.0 STOP IN 'HCHAtJ'k~:G1fCVM. AND MULT. ;;; T£R. I IV I 'lXl I I , ,'>
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