B6059 Course Guide

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Course Guide

IBM Cognos Analytics:
Author Reports Advanced (v11.0)
Course code B6059 ERC 2.0

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE

IBM Training


April, 2016
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This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Preface................................................................................................................. P-1
Contents ............................................................................................................. P-3
Course overview................................................................................................. P-7
Optional configuration for the
IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0 course environment .............................................. P-9
Document conventions ..................................................................................... P-12
Exercises.......................................................................................................... P-13
Additional training resources ............................................................................ P-14
IBM product help .............................................................................................. P-15
Create query models............................................................................. 1-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... 1-3
Create queries manually..................................................................................... 1-4
Add calculated data items to queries .................................................................. 1-5
Demonstration 1: Build a query and connect it to a report .................................. 1-9
Create custom queries using SQL .................................................................... 1-14
Demonstration 2: Create a report using a SQL statement ................................ 1-15
Filter query data against data in a separate query ............................................ 1-23
Demonstration 3: Answer a business question by referencing data
in a separate query ......................................................................................... 1-24
Unit summary ................................................................................................... 1-32
Exercise 1: Filter data using the query model ................................................... 1-33
Create reports based on query relationships ..................................... 2-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... 2-3
Create join relationships between queries .......................................................... 2-4
Demonstration 1: Analyze product sales by joining two queries ......................... 2-6
Create a report within a report .......................................................................... 2-12
Demonstration 2: Create a revenue report using a Master-detail relationship... 2-13
Unit summary ................................................................................................... 2-19
Exercise 1: Create a report comparing quantity sold in different order years .... 2-20
Create advanced dynamic reports ....................................................... 3-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... 3-3
Filter reports using query macros ....................................................................... 3-4
Demonstration 1: Control report output using a query macro.............................. 3-5
Use a table of contents to navigate reports in a report book ............................. 3-12
Set up drill through to different locations in a report .......................................... 3-13
Demonstration 2: Create a table of contents for a report book,
and add bookmarks for navigation .................................................................. 3-14
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Create dynamic data items and titles ................................................................ 3-25
Demonstration 3: Create a dynamic revenue growth report .............................. 3-26
Create a customer invoice report ...................................................................... 3-34
Unit summary ................................................................................................... 3-35
Exercise 1: Create a customer invoice report (Optional) ................................... 3-36
Design effective prompts ..................................................................... 4-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... 4-3
Let users specify criteria used to highlight exceptional data ............................... 4-4
Demonstration 1: Create a prompt that lets users select
conditional formatting values ............................................................................ 4-5
Let users choose how to filter report data ......................................................... 4-13
Demonstration 2: Create a prompt to let users choose
between different filters .................................................................................. 4-14
Let users choose how to sort data .................................................................... 4-19
Demonstration 3: Create a prompt to let users choose how to
sort list columns.............................................................................................. 4-21
Let users choose which objects appear in reports ............................................ 4-27
Demonstration 4: Create a prompt to let users select a display type ................ 4-28
Unit summary ................................................................................................... 4-34
Exercise 1: Create a prompt to let users choose the revenue sort order .......... 4-35
Create additional advanced reports .................................................... 5-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... 5-3
Display summary data before detailed data ........................................................ 5-4
Demonstration 1: Create a report that displays summary data
before detailed data .......................................................................................... 5-5
Highlight alternate rows .................................................................................... 5-15
Demonstration 2: Highlight alternate rows in a list report .................................. 5-17
Display single data values outside of report data objects ................................. 5-23
Demonstration 3: Use singletons to summarize information in a report ............ 5-24
Use external data ............................................................................................. 5-29
Process to use external data ............................................................................ 5-30
Demonstration 4: Create a report and add external data .................................. 5-31
Unit summary ................................................................................................... 5-38
Exercise 1: Create a report with alternating sections of color ........................... 5-39
Examine the report specification ......................................................... 6-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... 6-3
Work with the report specification ....................................................................... 6-4
Describe the report specification flow ................................................................. 6-5
Describe the report specification structure .......................................................... 6-6
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Demonstration 1: Examine a report specification and copy it to the clipboard .... 6-7
Considerations when modifying a report specification ...................................... 6-12
Demonstration 2: Modify a report specification ................................................. 6-13
Create custom toolbox and template objects .................................................... 6-17
Specify how a custom toolbox object will appear in a report ............................. 6-18
Specify how custom objects will appear on the toolbox tab .............................. 6-19
Examine existing templates .............................................................................. 6-20
Specify the custom template contents .............................................................. 6-21
Unit summary ................................................................................................... 6-22
Exercise 1: Update a report layout by importing new specification code ........... 6-23
Distribute reports through bursting .................................................... 7-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... 7-3
Burst reports ....................................................................................................... 7-4
Configure IBM Cognos Analytics to perform bursting ......................................... 7-5
Add burst recipients ............................................................................................ 7-6
Set burst options in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting....................................... 7-7
Enable burst reports in IBM Cognos Analytics portal .......................................... 7-8
Demonstration 1: Burst a report to email recipients using a data item ................ 7-9
Examine a burst table ....................................................................................... 7-17
Examine a mixed recipient list .......................................................................... 7-18
Obtain burst recipient values for LDAP namespaces ........................................ 7-19
Access a burst table in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting ............................... 7-20
Considerations when bursting to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal ................... 7-21
Demonstration 2: Burst a crosstab report to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal
using a burst table .......................................................................................... 7-22
Burst a dimensional container .......................................................................... 7-28
Demonstration 3: Burst a crosstab report to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal
using a burst table and a master detail relationship ........................................ 7-29
Unit summary ................................................................................................... 7-38
Exercise 1: Create and burst a sales report to email and
IBM Cognos Analytics portal........................................................................... 7-39
Enhance user interaction with HTML .................................................. 8-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... 8-3
Create interactive reports using HTML ............................................................... 8-4
Include additional information with tooltips ......................................................... 8-5
Demonstration 1: Add tooltips to a report ........................................................... 8-6
Send emails using links in a report ................................................................... 8-12
Unit summary ................................................................................................... 8-13
Exercise 1: Send emails using links in a report................................................. 8-14
This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



End-to-end exercise (optional) ............................................................. 9-1
End-to-end exercise ........................................................................................... 9-3
Explore the Prompt API ........................................................................ A-1
Unit objectives .................................................................................................... A-3
What is the Prompt API? .................................................................................... A-4
Describe the uses of the Prompt API .................................................................. A-5
Demonstration 1: Run two Prompt API samples to introduce
enhanced prompt functionality .......................................................................... A-6
Who uses the Prompt API? .............................................................................. A-10
What is JavaScript? .......................................................................................... A-11
Demonstration 2: Display user-selected prompt values .................................... A-12
Use objects with the Prompt API ...................................................................... A-16
Describe the report object ................................................................................ A-17
Use report actions ............................................................................................ A-18
Tips for report action use .................................................................................. A-19
Describe the prompt collection ......................................................................... A-20
Describe the prompt object ............................................................................... A-21
Demonstration 3: Clear prompt selections ........................................................ A-22
Prompt object methods..................................................................................... A-31
Use prompt values ........................................................................................... A-32
Use prompt object methods .............................................................................. A-33
Explore the getValues method with a prompt ................................................... A-34
Validate type-in values ..................................................................................... A-35
Validate objects ................................................................................................ A-36
Use regular expressions ................................................................................... A-37
Demonstration 4: Validate type-in values ......................................................... A-38
Use the product samples to enhance reports ................................................... A-45
Prompt API tips ................................................................................................ A-46
Unit summary ................................................................................................... A-47
Exercise 1: Limit user selection to three items .................................................. A-48

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Course overview
Preface overview
This course teaches Professional Report Authors about advanced report building
techniques using relational data models, and ways of enhancing, customizing, and
managing professional reports. The course builds on topics presented in the
Fundamentals course. Attendees will participate in interactive demonstrations and
exercises that illustrate key concepts while learning how to use advanced features in
the product builds on topics learned in the Fundamentals course.

Intended audience
Report authors

Topics covered
Topics covered in this course include:
• Create query models
• Create reports based on query relationships
• Create advanced dynamic reports
• Design Effective Prompts
• Create additional advanced reports
• Examine the report specification
• Distribute reports through bursting
• Enhance user interaction with HTML
• Explore the Prompt API (Optional)

Course prerequisites
Participants should have:
• knowledge of business requirements
• completed B6088: IBM Cognos Analytics for Consumers (v11.0) - eLearning
• completed B6058: IBM Cognos Analytics: Report Studio: Author Reports
Fundamentals (v11.0)

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Course Environment
The environment provided in this course requires the following services to be started
before you begin performing demonstrations and exercises:
• Apache Directory Server
• DB2 -DB2COPY 1 - DB2
• IBM Cognos
• Lotus Domino Server (CProgramFilesx86IBMLotusDominodata)
• World Wide Web Publishing Service
To review the services, on the Taskbar of your environment, click the Services icon,
and ensure that the above services are running. If you have closed your image and
launched it again, it is a best practice to review the status of the services before
continuing with your demonstrations and exercises.
If the Apache Directory Server or DB2 -DB2COPY 1 - DB2 service have stopped, you
will need to stop the IBM Cognos service, start the stopped service(s), and then start
the IBM Cognos service once the previously stopped service(s) has (have) started
successfully. You can start and stop a specific service by double-clicking the service to
open the Properties dialog box, and then clicking the Stop or Start buttons.
Note that it may take 15 minutes or more for the IBM Cognos service to start.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Optional configuration for the IBM Cognos Analytics
11.0 course environment
The environment provided has been configured and tested to work with the
demonstrations and exercises in this course. For instructors teaching in an ILT or
ILO environment, or for students in a Self-paced Virtual Classroom (SPVC)
environment, there is an optional configuration that can be performed. This
configuration provides access to a wide range of templates that can be used to
create reports in the new IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting environment. For the
course environment, this change impacts the IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
user interface and the initial steps used to create reports.
When creating a report in the current environment (as per the course set up tasks),
the user interface and dialog box for choosing a report type (List, Crosstab, Chart,
etc.) appears as follows:

The dialog box is a legacy component from the IBM Cognos BI 10.2.2 version of the
product. It is available, by default, when performing the "Custom" installation of IBM
Cognos Analytics 11.0. The "Custom" installation was chosen for the set up of the
course environment. Note: steps in demonstrations and exercises are currently
scripted to use this dialog box for creating reports.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



The optional configuration includes the deployment of the Templates.zip
deployment archive. This can be performed using the following steps in the course
In Internet Explorer, log on to IBM Cognos Analytics as
On the side panel (left pane), click Manage, and then click Administration
Click the Configuration tab, and then click Content Administration.
On the toolbar, click New Import.
On the Select a deployment archive page, select the Templates archive,
and then click Next.
On the Specify name and description page, click Next.
On the Public folders, directory and library content page, select the
Templates check box, and then click Next.
On the Specify the general options page, click Next.
On the Review the summary page, click Next.
10. On the Select an action page, ensure Save and run once is selected, and
then click Finish.
11. On the Run with options page, ensure Now is selected, click Run, and
then click OK.
12. Close the IBM Cognos Administration tab.
Once this configuration has been performed, use the following steps to create a
Follow the steps from the demonstration or exercise to log on as a user
with the ability to create reports.
From the side panel (left pane), click New.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.






Click Report.
The user interface now appears as follows:

You are presented with a list of templates to choose from.
Select a template. Note: there are various layouts to choose from. In most
instances, you will be successful with current steps using the "1 column"
option (1st column, 2nd row). If issues are encountered, the "Blank" option
is also available.
In the report layout on the right, click +, and then choose the report type
(List, Crosstab, Chart), or object (Table, Text item, Block)
Continue creating the report as scripted in the demonstration or exercise.
Note: some screen captures may appear different than what is presented in
the demonstration or exercise.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Document conventions
Conventions used in this guide follow Microsoft Windows application standards, where
applicable. As well, the following conventions are observed:
• Bold: Bold style is used in demonstration and exercise step-by-step solutions to
indicate a user interface element that is actively selected or text that must be
typed by the participant.
• Italic: Used to reference book titles.
• CAPITALIZATION: All file names, table names, column names, and folder names
appear in this guide exactly as they appear in the application.
To keep capitalization consistent with this guide, type text exactly as shown.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Exercise format
Exercises are designed to allow you to work according to your own pace. Content
contained in an exercise is not fully scripted out to provide an additional challenge.
Refer back to demonstrations if you need assistance with a particular task. The
exercises are structured as follows:

The business question section
This section presents a business-type question followed by a series of tasks. These
tasks provide additional information to help guide you through the exercise. Within
each task, there may be numbered questions relating to the task. Complete the
tasks by using the skills you learned in the unit. If you need more assistance, you
can refer to the Task and Results section for more detailed instruction.

The task and results section
This section provides a task based set of instructions that presents the question as
a series of numbered tasks to be accomplished. The information in the tasks
expands on the business case, providing more details on how to accomplish a task.
Screen captures are also provided at the end of some tasks and at the end of the
exercise to show the expected results.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



Additional training resources
• Visit IBM Analytics Product Training and Certification on the IBM website for
details on:
• Instructor-led training in a classroom or online
• Self-paced training that fits your needs and schedule
• Comprehensive curricula and training paths that help you identify the courses
that are right for you
• IBM Analytics Certification program
• Other resources that will enhance your success with IBM Analytics Software
• For the URL relevant to your training requirements outlined above, bookmark:
• Information Management portfolio:
• Predictive and BI/Performance Management/Risk portfolio:

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



IBM product help
Help type

When to use



You are working in the product and IBM Product - Help link
you need specific task-oriented help.

Books for

You want to use search engines to
find information. You can then print
out selected pages, a section, or the
whole book.
Use Step-by-Step online books
(.pdf) if you want to know how to
complete a task but prefer to read
about it in a book.
The Step-by-Step online books
contain the same information as the
online help, but the method of
presentation is different.

IBM on the

You want to access any of the
• IBM - Training and Certification

• http://www-01.ibm.com/

• Online support

• http://www-947.ibm.com/

• IBM Web site

• http://www.ibm.com

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.



This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Create query models

Create query models

IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0)
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of IBM.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE

Unit 1 Create query models

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Unit 1 Create query models

Unit objectives

• Build query models and then connect them to the report layout
• Edit an SQL statement to author custom queries
• Add filters and prompts to a report using the query model

Create query models

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Unit objectives

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Unit 1 Create query models

Create queries manually

Process to create a query manually and
then create reports using the query

Create a query
and link it to
objects in the
report layout

Add data items
from the query
to report
layout objects

Create query models

Group and
format data in
the report

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Create queries manually

When building queries manually, you can:
• add data items to specify the data a query extracts from the data source
• specify data item properties
• add filters and slicers to exclude unnecessary data from the query and specify
filter and slicer properties
• specify how a query will retrieve data by customizing its SQL or MDX statement
• combine results from different queries
It is a matter of personal preference whether the report author works in Page Explorer
to create a report, or if they work in Query Explorer by first creating the query and then
later applying the data items and calculations to the report layout.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Unit 1 Create query models

Add calculated data items to queries

• If the package you are using does not contain the data you require,
you can create a calculated data item that will retrieve the required
Process to Add a Calculated Data Item to a Query

Add a Data Item
object to the
Data Items

Specify the
expression used to
retrieve data for the
data item.

Create query models

Name the data item
and specify any other
required properties
for the data item.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Add calculated data items to queries

When you add a calculated data item using Query Explorer, the item is added directly
to the query and you can then choose whether you want to add it to the report layout.
If you are working with many calculated data items, giving the items meaningful names
helps you keep track of which data items contain which data.
It is useful to give a meaningful name the calculated data item because if the data item
appears in the report layout, its name is used as the title (for example, the column or
row title) where the data item appears.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Unit 1 Create query models

Demonstration and exercise start point information
Before you begin the steps of a demonstration or exercise, you will see information to
help you set your environment for the tasks that you will perform. The format appears
as follows:
User/Password: brettonf/Education1
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Report Type:
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)
This information provides you with a unique starting point for that demonstration
or exercise. It tells how you will access the IBM Cognos Analytics portal through
a browser, the user ID and password, the package to use, the report type to
start with, and within the data source, the folder and namespace for items to be
used in your report as you build it. Use this to set your environment before
beginning the first task.
If your demonstration provided the start point information above, you would do
the following eleven steps before beginning the demonstration tasks (if you
perform these steps, you will be ready to start Demonstration 1 of this module,
as it uses the same start point provided in this example):


From the Windows taskbar, click the Services icon
, click the
IBM Cognos service, and then click Start.
It may take 15 or more minutes to start.
Once the IBM Cognos service has started, close the Services window.
From the Start menu, click All Programs\Internet Explorer to launch a
browser session.
In the Address box, type the portal address http://vclassbase:9300/bi, and
then press Enter.
The Sign in for the IBM Cognos Analytics portal window appears in a browser
tab, with a Sign in dialog box prompting for a User ID and Password. You will
sign in with the credentials listed in the start point information.
This section describes in detail how to use the start point information included
with the demonstrations and exercises in this course. It is particularly important
for students in a self-paced learning environment to review this information
before proceeding with the course.

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Unit 1 Create query models





In the User ID box, type brettonf, in the Password box, type Education1, and
then click OK.
The IBM Cognos Analytics portal page displays the applications that your user
has permissions for. For example, New
allows the user to launch a new
Dashboard, Report, or Data module.
Click New, and then click Report.
The New dialog box appears. This dialog box allows you to choose a data
package and a report template. In the start point information example, you are
going to work with the Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse
(query) package.
In the New dialog window, under Package, click the ellipsis, navigate to
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query), and then click
From the available report templates, click Blank, and then click OK.

9. From the Side panel, click Data
10. From the Source tab, expand the Sales and Marketing (query) folder.
The expanded folder displays the namespaces that are available to you in this
package. The starting point information in this example will work with the
Sales (query) namespace.
11. Expand the Sales (query) namespace.
You have completed the start point preparation for the demonstration example
provided, and you are now ready to begin the tasks. You will work with the
metadata of query subjects, query items, and facts within this namespace
unless otherwise mentioned.
Follow the start point information carefully, as there will be different logins,
packages, report types, and namespaces used for each demonstration and
exercise in this course.
If you have performed the steps for the example start point here, then you are
ready to begin the tasks in Demonstration 1, as the start point for
Demonstration 1 was used in this example.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Unit 1 Create query models

The environment provided in this course requires the following services to be started
before you begin performing demonstrations and exercises:
• Apache Directory Server
• DB2 -DB2COPY 1 - DB2
• IBM Cognos
• Lotus Domino Server (CProgramFilesx86IBMLotusDominodata)
• World Wide Web Publishing Service
To review the services, on the Taskbar of your environment, click the Services icon,
and ensure that the above services are running. If you have closed your image and
launched it again, it is a best practice to review the status of the services before
continuing with your demonstrations and exercises.
If the Apache Directory Server or DB2 -DB2COPY 1 - DB2 service have stopped, you
will need to stop the IBM Cognos service, start the stopped service(s), and then start
the IBM Cognos service once the previously stopped service(s) has (have) started
successfully. You can start and stop a specific service by double-clicking the service to
open the Properties dialog box, and then clicking the Stop or Start buttons.
Note that it may take 15 minutes or more for the IBM Cognos service to start.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Unit 1 Create query models

Demonstration 1
Build a query and connect it to a report

Create query models

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 1: Build a query and connect it to a report

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Unit 1 Create query models

Demonstration 1:
Build a query and connect it to a report
Management wants to compare revenue generated by each product line. They
also want to examine information about how much revenue each product line
will generate if revenue increases by 7%. You will create a query that retrieves
this data and then add data from the query to the report layout.
In the interest of time, most demonstrations and exercises in this course will not
specifically instruct you to save the report. You are able to save your reports from
demonstrations and exercises if you would like. A good place to save reports would be
in My content, or in the Team content\B6059 folder of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.
Report Type:

Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Clear the Automatic group and summary behavior for

On the Application bar, click More
, and then click Options.
Click the Report tab, and then clear the Automatic group and summary
behavior for lists check box.
Click OK.

Task 2. Create a query.
By starting with a blank report, IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting has not
created a query for this report. You will begin by adding a query to this report,
and then add data to the query.

On the Side panel, click Navigate
then click Queries.

, click the Query explorer tab

, and


On the Side panel, click Toolbox
, and then drag a Query object to the
work area.
In the work area, double-click Query1.


On the Side panel, click Data


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Unit 1 Create query models


Expand the Products query subject.
Click Product line, Ctrl+click Product type, and then drag both the Data Items
7. On the Source tab, expand Sales fact, and then drag Revenue to the
Data Items pane.
To display projected revenue generated if revenue increases by 7%, you will
add a calculated data item to the query that retrieves Revenue multiplied by
8. Click Toolbox, and then drag a Data Item object to the Data Items pane.
9. In the Name box, replace Data Item1 with Projected Revenue.
You want to use the Revenue data item that is already in the query, rather than
the Revenue item from the source, so you will add Revenue to the expression
from the Data Items tab.
10. In the Data item expression dialog box, create and validate the following
11. Click OK to close the Data item expression dialog box.
You have added the required data items to the query. Before linking this query
to the report layout, you want to view the data this query will retrieve.
12. Click Navigate on the Side panel, right-click Query1, and then click
View Tabular Data.
You can view the data that the items in the query retrieve.
A section of the results appear as follows:

13. Close the rendered report tab.

Task 3. Name this query, and then link this query to a list

In Query explorer, click the Queries folder, and then in the work area, click


From the Application bar, click Show properties


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Unit 1 Create query models



In the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, change the
Name property from Query1 to Projected Revenue for Product Line and
On the Navigate tab, click Page explorer, and then click Page1.
From the center of the work area, click Add
, click List, and then click OK.
On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab.
Notice that the report now contains two queries: Projected Revenue for
Product Line and Type and Query1.
When you added the list object to this report, IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
automatically created a second query for this object.
You will proceed in Page explorer.


On the Navigate tab, click Page explorer
, and then click Page1.
On the Side panel, click Data, and then click the Data items tab.
Under Projected Revenue for Product Line and Type, drag Product line to
the list data object.
An error message appears explaining that IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
cannot insert this data item into the list report because the query context
"Query1" is not the same as the data items query "Projected Revenue for
Product Line and Type".
Before you can add items from the first query to the list report, you must link the
first query to the list object.
10. Click OK to close the message box.
11. Click the list data container's Select List1 button
to select the entire list
data container.
In the Properties pane, under the DATA section, notice that Query1 appears in
the Query property. This means that the list is linked to Query1. When you link
this list to the first query which you renamed, IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
will then delete Query1 from the report.
12. In the Properties pane, in the DATA section, click the Query property, and
then from the list, select Projected Revenue for Product Line and Type.
13. On the Navigate tab, click Query explorer.
Observe that the report now contains only the Projected Revenue for Product
Line and Type query.

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Unit 1 Create query models

Task 4. Add data to the list report.


On the Data items tab, click the first item to select it, Shift+click the last item to
select all the items in Projected Revenue for Product Line and Type, and
then drag them all to the list report.
In the list data container, click the  list column body, and then


from the On-demand toolbar, click Group / Ungroup
The list is grouped by Product line.
Click the  list column body, from the On-demand toolbar, click



, and then click Total.
Click the  list column body, from the On-demand toolbar,
click Summarize, and then click Total.
Summary footers are included in the list for the selected columns.
On the Application bar, click Run options
A section of the result appears as follows:

, and then click Run HTML.


IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting retrieves the data you specified in the query
model for the Projected Revenue for Product Line and Type query, and displays
it in the list report.
Close the rendered report tab.
On the Application bar, to the right of the New* report title, click the down


arrow to open the currently active report list, and then click Remove
(to the right of New*) to close the report.
Click OK to continue without saving.
Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.

You built a query containing Product line, Product type, and Revenue items.
You added a calculated data item to determine values for a 7% increase in
revenue and then linked this query to a list report. You grouped the data in the
list report, added aggregate data, and then ran the report.
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Unit 1 Create query models

Create custom queries using SQL

• You can create a SQL query statement that retrieves the data you

• You must specify the data source from which the query will retrieve

Process to Create a Custom Query Using SQL or MDX

Add an SQL
object to a query
and link the SQL
statement to a
data source.

Enter the required
statement in the
SQL object to
create the query.

Create query models

Modify the query
object's properties
(optional) and add
query data to the
report layout.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Create custom queries using SQL

To edit the SQL code used to create a query, first convert the query to SQL, and then
edit the query statement.
You can only add new data items to the query by editing the SQL statement to retrieve
the item.
If you convert a query to SQL and then modify the query statement, you cannot convert
the modified statement back to an IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting query object.

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Unit 1 Create query models

Demonstration 2
Create a report using a SQL statement

Create query models

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 2: Create a report using a SQL statement

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Unit 1 Create query models

Demonstration 2:
Create a report using a SQL statement
You have been asked to create a report using an SQL statement that displays
the production cost of each product. The report should also display the
average production costs for all products in each product type.
You will convert a query to SQL, and then you will use the SQL in a report to
retrieve the necessary data in the report.
As a report author, by default you will not have the capabilities to execute this report
from SQL. The administrator must grant capabilities to execute the specification and to
execute user-defined SQL. This capability has been configured by the administrator for
authors in your environment.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Product forecast (query)

Task 1. Create a query, and then convert the query to SQL.

Open a new List report template using the GO data warehouse (query)
From the Data\Source tab, add the following query items to the list data
container from the Product forecast (query):
• Time: Year
• Products: Product type, Product
• Product forecast fact: Forecast unit cost

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Unit 1 Create query models


From the Navigate tab, right-click Report, and then click
Show Generated SQL/MDX.
The results are displayed in the Generated SQL dialog box. The default format
is Native SQL.
4. Under Generated SQL/MDX, change Native SQL to IBM Cognos SQL.
Notice the different presentation format of the code. You will work with the
Native SQL in this demonstration.
5. In the list, change IBM Cognos SQL to Native SQL.
6. Click anywhere in the code, press Ctrl+A to select all of the code, and then
press Ctrl+C to copy the selection to the clipboard.
7. From the Windows Start menu, click All Programs, click Accessories, and
then click Notepad.
8. Press Ctrl+V to paste the code into Notepad, and then save this file to the
C:\Training\B6059 directory as Create Query Models SQL.txt.
9. In IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, close the Generated SQL dialog box.
10. On the Application bar, to the right of New*, click the down arrow, and then
click Remove to close the report.
This removes the report from the currently active report list.
11. Click OK to continue without saving.

Task 2. Create a list report, add an SQL object, and specify a
data source.


Open a new List report template using the GO data warehouse (query)
On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click the Queries
You have the SQL needed to retrieve the data for this report, so you will add an
SQL object to Query1 and then paste the SQL statement into the SQL object.
From the Toolbox tab, drag an SQL object to the right of Query1.
The result appears as follows:

The SQL code that you have saved in Task 1 is native to the data source you
will be retrieving data from, so you will leave the SQL Syntax property for the
SQL object set to Native.
You need to specify that you will be retrieving data from the
great_outdoors_warehouse database.
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Unit 1 Create query models


With the new SQL object selected, on the Application bar, click
Show properties to open the Properties pane.
In the Properties pane, double-click the Data source property.
In the Data source dialog box, click great_outdoors_warehouse, and then
click OK.

Task 3. Add an SQL statement, modify it, and then view the
data retrieved.

You will copy the SQL statement from Task 1 to the clipboard.
Switch to Notepad, where the Create Query Models SQL.txt code is
From the Edit menu, click Select All, and then from the Edit menu, click Copy.
In IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, in the work area, double-click the SQL
Right-click in the work area of the SQL dialog box, and then click Paste.
Examine the SQL and observe that near the beginning, this code specifies that
the query retrieves four data items aliased as "Year0", "Product_type",
"Product", and "Forecast_unit_cost" from the data source.
You want to modify the way this statement names the data items to make the
final report easier to read.
Adding an SQL object breaks the link to the package. To do this, build a report
from a package in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting and look at the query
object as there will be no SQL object. Package contents are available in the
Source tab. From Query properties, open the Generated SQL, click Convert
button and add one space at the end of the statement. Although the SQL has
not changed, the addition of the space breaks the connection to the package.
This also means that you cannot upgraded the report.
When you add an SQL statement to a report, the report is using custom SQL
and it can no longer be supported by IBM Cognos Customer Support.
Database administrators may be concerned with the performance of standard
reports and may provide report authors with the SQL statements to use to
create reports if they are concerned about the size or complexity of reports.
In the Insertable Objects pane, you will not be able to take advantage of any
relationships or other modeling data modelers have set up before publishing the

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Unit 1 Create query models



In the statement, make the following changes to the alias names
(not the data item names):
• "Year0" to "Year"
• "Product_type" to "Product Type"
• "Product" to "Product Name"
• "Forecast_unit_cost" to "Average Forecasted Cost"
A section of the code appears as follows:

These changes specify that the four data items in the query be named Year,
Product Type, Product Name, and Average Forecasted Cost.
At the end of the code, delete the following text:



In the SQL dialog box, click Validate, and then once IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting has validated the data, click OK to close the SQL dialog box.
In the work area, double-click Query1.
The four data items retrieved by the data source appear in the Data Items pane
for Query1. The data items are named as you specified in the SQL statement.

You will now rename the query.
In then Properties pane, in the MISCELLANEOUS section, change the Name
property from Query1 to Product Type Forecasted Costs.
You will now add data from the Product Type Forecasted Costs query to the
list report.

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Unit 1 Create query models

Task 4. Add data to the report.





On the Navigate tab, click Page explorer, and then click Page1.
Click the data container's Select List1 button to select the entire list.

Notice in the Properties pane that this list object is linked to the
Product Type Forecasted Costs query, which means that you can add data
from the query to this report.
On the Data\Source tab, expand Sales and Marketing (query)\Product
forecast (query)\Products query subject, and then drag Product line query
item to the list report.
A warning message appears. Because the query was sourced from SQL and
not from the associated package, you cannot add query items from the Source
Click OK to close the message, and then click the Data items tab.
The Product Type Forecasted Costs query, and the data items that you added
to the query using the SQL statement, appear in the pane.
Under Product Type Forecasted Costs, click the first data item, Shift+click the
last data item to select all of the items, and then drag the selected items to the
In the list data container, click the  list column body, and then from the

On-demand toolbar, click Section / unsection
You have sectioned the report by year.
7. From the Application bar, click More, and then click Locked to unlock the list
data container.
8. In the section header click on , and then from the Properties pane,
under DATA, double-click Data format.
9. In the Format type list, click Number to select it, set the
Use thousands separator property to No, and then click OK to close the
Data Format dialog box.
10. From the Application bar, click More, and then click Unlocked to lock the list
data container.

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Unit 1 Create query models

11. In the list, click , and then from the On-demand toolbar, click
Group / Ungroup.
The list is grouped by Product Type.

Task 5. Modify data item aggregation properties, and then run
the report.




You will include data about the average production cost for all products in each
product type and the average production cost for all product types.
In the list, click the  list column body, from the
On-demand toolbar click Summarize, and then click Average.
Notice that only one aggregate row appears at the bottom of the report. You
also want the report to include aggregate rows for each product type. To
accomplish this, you will need to change the Aggregate Function property for
the Product Name data item.
From the Application toolbar, click Undo
On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, click the
Product Type Forecasted Costs query, and then in the Data Items pane, click
Product Name.
In the Properties pane, notice that the Detail aggregation property is set to
Default. To achieve the results you want in this report, you will set this property
to None.
In the Properties pane, in the DATA ITEM section, click the
Detail aggregation property, and then in the list, click None.
Click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1.

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Unit 1 Create query models


In the list, click the  list column body, from the
On-demand toolbar click Summarize, and then click Average.
Summary rows appear for each Product Type and a summary row appears at
the bottom of the report for all the Product Types.
A section of the result appears as follows:


Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

The data items that you added using SQL are displayed, and the grouping and
aggregation you specified in the report layout is applied.
8. Close the rendered report tab.
9. Remove the report from the active report list without saving.
10. Leave IBM Cognos Analytics open for the next demonstration.
You used an SQL statement to create a report that displays the production
cost of each product. You modified the SQL statement to change the way data
items are named and then added query data to the report layout. You
sectioned, grouped, and formatted the data using the report layout and added
aggregate data to the report to display the average production costs of all
products in each product type and the average production cost of all product
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Unit 1 Create query models

Filter query data against data in a separate query


Data items: Order date,
Product, Revenue
Filter: Include only sales
made in December 2012.


Data items: Product, Revenue
Filter: Include only products
that have generated over
$10,000,000 in revenue.

Filter Query1 against Query2 so that Query1
includes only products retrieved by Query2

Create query models

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Filter query data against data in a separate query

When you filter Query1 against data in a second query, each query retrieves a separate
set of data.
According to the filter you create, Query1 will only retrieve data retrieved by the second

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Unit 1 Create query models

Demonstration 3
Answer a business question by referencing data in a separate query

Create query models

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 3: Answer a business question by referencing data in a separate query

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Unit 1 Create query models

Demonstration 3:
Answer a business question by referencing data in a
separate query
For any given month, management wants to know which products were
ordered that have lifetime revenues exceeding a specified amount. You will
create a report to answer this question.
For example, management could use the report to view data for products
ordered during December 2012 that have generated lifetime revenue of at
least $150 million.
To create this report, you will create one query containing prompts for the
order month and year, and create a second query containing a prompt for
lifetime revenue. You will then filter the first query against the data retrieved
by the second query.
User/Password: brettonf/Education1
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Report Type:
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a list report containing data about orders and
add prompts.

Open a new List report template, using the GO data warehouse (query)
From the Data\Source tab, add the following query items to the list data
• Sales order: Order number
• Time: Year, Month (numeric)
• Products: Product
• Sales fact: Revenue, Quantity

You will create a prompt for users to select a year to view data for.
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Unit 1 Create query models





From the On-demand toolbar, click Filters, and then click Edit Filters.
In the Filters dialog box, ensure that the Detail Filters tab is selected, and then
click Add.
You want to create a simple filter condition based on only one data item, so you
could use the option of Custom based on data item, and select Year. However,
the prompt that is displayed from this option offers the user the opportunity to
select more than one year, so you will create an advanced filter to control this.
Select Advanced, and then click OK.
Create and validate the following expression:
Hint: validate using 2012 when prompted.
Click OK to close the validation window, and then click OK again to close the
Detail filter expression dialog box.
In the Filters dialog box, repeat steps 4 through 7, to create another detail filter
for Month (numeric):
[Month (numeric)]=?Month?
Provide 12 as the value for month number, when validating the expression.
You now have two filters.

Click OK to close the Filters dialog box.

Task 2. Format and then test the report.


In the list data container, click the  list column body, Shift-click
the  list column body, and then click Group / Ungroup.
In the list data container, click the  list column body, from the
On-demand toolbar click Summarize, and then click Total.
In the list data container, click the  column body, from the
On-demand toolbar click Summarize, and then click Total.
A section of the result appears as follows:

You will test the report by viewing data for December 2012.
Run the report in HTML.

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Unit 1 Create query models


Ensure that the number in the Month (numeric) prompt is 12, and the number
in the Year prompt is 2012, and then click OK.
A section of the result appears as follows:


In the report, click Bottom, and then scroll to the end of the report.
You can see the total revenue generated by orders made in December and the
total quantity of products sold.
Close the rendered report tab.


Task 3. Add a third filter to prompt for a minimum lifetime
revenue amount.



You want this report to display only data for orders that have life-to-date
revenues of a minimum specified amount, selected using a prompt at run time.
You will add a filter to the report to achieve this result.
Click anywhere on the report, from the On-demand toolbar click Filters, click
Edit Filters, and then click Add.
Select Advanced, and then click OK.
Create and validate the following expression:
[Revenue]>=?Minimum revenue?
Hint: Drag Revenue from the Data items tab.
Validate the expression, providing 150000000 (150 million) as the minimum
revenue prompt.
Click OK to close the Detail filter expression dialog box.

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Unit 1 Create query models


In the Filters dialog box, with the Revenue filter still selected, in the Application
section, click After auto aggregation, and then click OK.
You will test this prompt by viewing data for products sold in December 2012
that generated lifetime revenue of at least 150 million dollars.
6. Run the report in HTML, ensure that 2012 is the Year, 12 is the
Month (numeric), 150000000 (150 million) is the Minimum revenue, and then
click OK.
The report contains no data since all filters combined eliminated all data from
the query.
To retrieve the data you require, you will remove the third filter from Query1 and
will create a second query containing this filter. You will then create a query
reference from the first query. You will first give Query1 a more meaningful
7. Close the rendered report tab.
8. On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click Query1.
9. Open the Properties pane, and then in the MISCELLANEOUS section, change
the Name property to Selected month.
10. In the Detail Filters pane, click the [Revenue]>=?Minimum revenue? filter,
and then press Delete.

Task 4. Add a second query containing a filter to prompt for a
minimum lifetime revenue amount.



On the Query explorer tab, click Queries to view of all queries in the report.
On the Toolbox tab, drag a Query object below the Selected month query in
the work area, and then double-click the newly added Query1.
In the Properties pane, in the MISCELLANEOUS section, change the Name
property to Minimum revenue.
You will add items to your query.
On the Data\Source tab, under the Products query subject, double-click
Product, and then under the Sales fact query subject, double-click Revenue to add them to the Data Items pane.
You will add a filter to this report to prompt users to select a minimum lifetime
revenue for all products retrieved by the query.
From the Data Items pane, drag Revenue into the Detail Filters pane.
Create and validate the following expression:
[Revenue]>=?Minimum revenue?
You want to apply this filter to all revenue generated by a product rather than
the revenue generated by individual orders.
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Unit 1 Create query models



Click OK.
With the filter you just created still selected, in the Properties pane, under the
GENERAL section, click the Application property, and then from the list click
After Auto Aggregation.
You will preview these results to see which products have a life-to-date revenue
of at least 150 million.
From the Navigate tab, right-click the Minimum revenue query, click
View Tabular Data, ensure 150000000 (150 million) appears in the
Minimum revenue box, and then click OK.
The result appears as follows:

You can see that two products, Star Lite and Zone, generated lifetime revenue
of at least one hundred and fifty million dollars.
10. Close the rendered report tab.

Task 5. Filter the first query by referencing data in the
second query.




You will specify that only products that meet the conditions of the Minimum
revenue filter should be included in the Year to date query.
On the Navigate tab, on the Query explorer tab, click the Selected month
You will filter the Product name data item in the Selected month query, against
the Product name data items retrieved by the Minimum revenue query.
From the Data Items pane, drag Product to the Detail Filters pane.
At the end of the expression, type IN (, and then in the Available Components
pane, click the Queries
From the Available Components pane, under Minimum revenue, drag
Product to the end of the expression.
At the end of the expression, type ).
The final expression appears as follows:
[Product] IN ([Minimum revenue].[Product])
Validate the expression, and then click OK to close the Detail filter expression
dialog box.
Run the report in HTML.
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Unit 1 Create query models



Ensure that 150000000 (150 million) is the Minimum revenue, 2012 is the
Year, 12 is the Month (numeric), and then click OK.
A section of the result appears as follows:

The report contains data for the orders in December 2012 of the two products
that have lifetime revenue of at least 150 million dollars (Star Lite and Zone).
Close the rendered report tab.

Task 6. Format the report.




You do not need to include the Year and Month columns in the list report, as the
user is filtering on a specific year and month.
On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1.
Click the  list column body, Ctrl+click the  column
body, and then from the On-demand toolbar, under More, click Cut.
You have cut the data items from the report layout, but they are still in the query,
as you did not delete them.
In the list, delete the  and  summary rows, as they
are no longer needed.
The results appear as follows:

Run the report in HTML, with 150000000 as the Minimum revenue, 2012 as
the Order year, and 12 as the Month (numeric).

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Unit 1 Create query models


In rendered report tab, click Bottom, and then scroll down.
A section of the result appears as follows:

You can see that for December 2012, 165,443 units of these two products were
sold and they generated 9,451,826.18 in revenue.
6. Close the rendered report tab.
7. Remove the current report without saving.
Database administrators may be concerned with the performance of standard
reports and may provide report authors with the SQL statements to use to
create reports if they are concerned about the size or complexity of reports.
In the package, you will not be able to take advantage of any relationships or
other modeling data modelers have set up before publishing the package.
8. Leave IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting open for the Exercise.
By filtering one query against another, you created a report that lets users
choose to view order data for a specified month for products whose lifetime
revenue exceeds a specified amount.

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Unit 1 Create query models

Unit summary

• Build query models and then connect them to the report layout
• Edit an SQL statement to author custom queries
• Add filters and prompts to a report using the query model

Create query models

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Unit summary

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Unit 1 Create query models

Exercise 1
Filter data using the query model

Create query models

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Exercise 1: Filter data using the query model

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Unit 1 Create query models

Exercise 1: Filter data using the query model
As Frank Bretton, a report author, you have been asked to create a report that displays
revenue data for 2011 for orders by retailer. The report must have the ability to show
the retailers that generated revenues less than $100000 for orders that generated
revenues more than $10000.
To accomplish this:
• Create a list report using the GO data warehouse (query) package, Sales and
Marketing (query) folder, Sales (query) namespace, with the following query
• Retailers: Retailer name
• Products: Product
• Sales fact: Revenue
• Group Retailer name and display Revenue totals.
• Add a detail filter for individual orders that generated more than $10,000 in
• Add a summary filter to include retailers who generated less than $100,000 in
total revenue.
• Add a prompt to let users view data from a particular year.
For more information about where to work and the Exercise results, refer to the Tasks
and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer
to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps.

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Unit 1 Create query models

Exercise 1: Tasks and results
Task 1. Create a list report and add filters to the query.
• Side panel: Open a new List report template using the
GO data warehouse (query) package.
• Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Retailers,
and then add Retailer name to the list report object.
• Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Products,
and the add Product to the list report object.
• Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Sales
fact, and then add Revenue to the list report object.
The results appear as follows:

• On-demand toolbar:
• Group the  list column body.
• Summarize the  list column body by Total.
• Navigate tab: Click the Query explorer tab, and then click Query1.
• Data Items pane:
• Create and validate a detail filter expression that will filter on revenue greater
than 10,000.
• Create and validate a summary filter expression that will filter revenue totals
less than 100,000.
• Properties pane: Set the scope property for the summary filter to Retailer name.

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Unit 1 Create query models

• Application bar: Run the report in HTML.
A section of the report appears as follows:

• Close the rendered report tab.

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Unit 1 Create query models

Task 2. Add a prompt that references a data item.
• Source tab: Create and validate a detail parameterized filter expression on Year.
Validate using the year 2011 if prompted.
• Application bar: Run the report in HTML.
• Year Prompt: Type 2011.
A section of the results appear as follows:

Notice that the report contains different retailer names than when you ran it for all years.
This is because in 2011, different retailers meet the filter conditions that you specified
for this report.
You have created a report that displays revenue data for 2011 for orders by retailer.
The report shows the retailers that generated revenues less than $100,000 for
orders that generated revenues more than $10,000.
• Close the rendered report tab.
• Remove the report without saving.
• Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.
• Close the web browser.

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Unit 1 Create query models

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Create reports based on query relationships

Create reports based on
query relationships

IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0)
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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Unit objectives

• Create reports by joining queries
• Combine data containers based on relationships from different queries

Create reports based on query relationships

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Unit objectives

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Create join relationships between queries (1 of 2)

• Create join relationships between queries when you need to create a
relationship between data in separate queries to answer a specific
business question.


Order number



Product name

Order number
Filter: Product name=?pn?

Order date

Create reports based on query relationships

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Create join relationships between queries

You can create join relationships when working with relational or dimensionally
modeled relational data.
If you want to edit the expression used to create a join relationship, you can convert the
join relationship to an expression and then make the required changes.
Join objects let you create both inner joins and outer joins between queries.
An outer join retrieves all rows returned by an inner join (matching rows) as well as all
the rows from one table that do not match any row from the other table. Outer joins can
be left, right, or full joins.
You can create a join relationship if you want to create a list report displaying sales
target data for each month, but there is no relationship between the tables in which the
Month and Sales Target query items are contained in the model you are using.
After creating the join, you can add both the Month and the Sales target query items to
the joined query, and can then link the joined query to a List data container and add the
two query items to the list.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Create join relationships between queries (2 of 2)

• To retrieve the data you require, you can join a query or create multiple
joined queries.



joined data from
Query3 and Query4

Create reports based on query relationships

joined data from
Query1 and Query2


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

When working with multiple joined queries, it is useful to view the relationships that exist
among queries in the report.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Demonstration 1
Analyze product sales by joining two queries

Create reports based on query relationships

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 1: Analyze product sales by joining two queries

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Demonstration 1:
Analyze product sales by joining two queries
To help the sales department understand purchasing trends, you have been
asked to create a report displaying products that were purchased in orders
that included a specific product, selected by users at run time. To achieve this
result, you will create a join relationship between two queries.
The environment provided in this course requires the following services to be started
before you begin performing demonstrations and exercises:
• Apache Directory Server
• DB2 -DB2COPY 1 - DB2
• IBM Cognos
• Lotus Domino Server (CProgramFilesx86IBMLotusDominodata)
• World Wide Web Publishing Service
To review the services, on the Taskbar of your environment, click the Services icon,
and ensure that the above services are running. If you have closed your image and
launched it again, it is a best practice to review the status of the services before
continuing with your demonstrations and exercises.
If the Apache Directory Server or DB2 -DB2COPY 1 - DB2 service have stopped, you
will need to stop the IBM Cognos service, start the stopped service(s), and then start
the IBM Cognos service once the previously stopped service(s) has (have) started
successfully. You can start and stop a specific service by double-clicking the service to
open the Properties dialog box, and then clicking the Stop or Start buttons.
Note that it may take 15 minutes or more for the IBM Cognos service to start.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Report Type:

Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Add queries to a list report.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click Queries.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Join object to the right of Query1.
Two drop zones appear to the right of the Join object.


From the Toolbox tab, drag a Query object to each of the two drop zones.
Query2 and Query3 display in the work area and shortcuts to each query
appear in the drop zones to the right of the Join object. You will add data to
each of these queries and then join the results.

Task 2. Add data to the queries.


In the work area, double-click Query2 (not the linked shortcut).
On the Data\Source tab, expand the Sales and Marketing (query) folder and
the Sales (query) namespace.
From the Sales order query subject, drag Order number to the Data Items
You want this query to include only orders that contained a specific product
selected at run time.
From the Products query subject, drag Product to the Detail Filters pane.
Create and validate the following filter expression:
[Sales (query)].[Products].[Product]= ?Product?
Click OK to close the Detail filter expression dialog box.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships


On the Application bar, click Show properties to open the Properties pane.
With the Product detail filter selected, in the Properties pane under the
GENERAL section, change the Application property to
After Auto Aggregation.
9. On the Navigate tab, click Query2, in the Properties pane under the
MISCELLANEOUS section, rename the query to Order number by product.
You will add data to Query3.
10. On the Navigate tab, click Query3, and then add the following data items from
the Data\Source tab, to the Data Items pane:
• Sales order: Order number
• Time: Date
• Products: Product
• Sales fact: Quantity, Revenue
11. On the Navigate tab, click Query3, in the Properties pane, under the
MISCELLANEOUS section, rename the query as Product quantity and
12. On the Navigate tab, click Queries.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Task 3. Create a join relationship between the two named
queries, and then add data items to Query1.



In the work area, double-click the Join object.
In the Join relationships dialog box, click New Link.
You want to specify that the joined query will only contain order numbers that
appear in both of the named queries.
Ensure that Order number is selected in both the Order number by product
query list and the Product quantity and revenue query list, and that the
Cardinality on the left and the right is 1..n.

Click OK to close the Join relationships dialog box, and then on the
Query explorer tab, click Query1.
From the Data/Data items tab, click and drag the
Product quantity and revenue query to the Data Items pane.
On the Navigate tab, on the Query explorer tab, click Query1.
In the Properties pane, in the MISCELLANEOUS section, rename the query as
Select product quantity and revenue by order number.
From the Data/Data Items tab, in the Data Items pane, click Product, and then
on the Properties pane, change the Pre-sort property to Sort ascending.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Task 4. Add data to the list, and then run the report.



On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1.
On the Data tab, click the Data Items tab.
Under Select product quantity and revenue by order number, click the first
item, Shift+click the last item to select all of the data items, and then drag them
to the list report.
Do not drag the query to the report data container, as this will create a list inside
of the list.
In the list data container, click the  list column body, Ctrl+click
the  list column body, and then from the On-demand toolbar, click
Group / Ungroup.
Click the  list column body, from the On-demand toolbar, click
Summarize, and then click Total.
Click the  list column body, from the On-demand toolbar, click
Summarize, and then click Total.
Run the report in HTML.
In the Product value box, select Bear Edge, and then click OK.
A section of the result appears similar to the following:


Click Page down and observe that only orders that included the Bear Edge
product appear in the report.
10. Close the rendered report tab.
11. Remove the report from the active report list, without saving.
12. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.
To help your sales department understand purchasing trends, you created a
report displaying products that were purchased in orders that included a
specific product, selected by users at run time. You created a join relationship
between two queries to ensure that the final report only displayed information
for products sold in orders that included the product users selected in the
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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Create a report within a report

• You can create a report that delivers information that would otherwise
require two or more reports.

Product line


Camping Equipment


Mountaineering Equipment


Personal Accessories


Master list

Create reports based on query relationships

Product line Sales Trends

Detail chart inside a list

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Create a report within a report

By using master-detail relationships, you ensure that the detail data container only
displays information relevant for the row in which it appears in the master data
The master and the detail report containers each have their own separate queries. You
must create a relationship between the queries based on a data item that is common to
both queries.
The common data item used to create the link does not need to appear in both reports
but must be included in both of the underlying queries.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Demonstration 2
Create a revenue report using a Master-detail relationship

Create reports based on query relationships

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 2: Create a revenue report using a Master-detail relationship

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Demonstration 2:
Create a revenue report using a Master-detail relationship
Management wants a report that shows planned revenue and actual revenue
for 2012. They would also like to see the generated revenue broken out by
quarters for each sales rep in each city. To do this, you will create a masterdetail relationship on Country between a list and a crosstab.
Report Type:

Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a list report.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data\Source tab, expand Sales and Marketing (query) folder, and
then expand Sales (query) namespace.
Add the following query items to the list data container:
• Employee by region: Country
• Sales fact: Planned revenue, Revenue


In the list data container, click the  list column body, and then from
the On-demand toolbar, click Group / Ungroup.
With Country still selected, click Sort, and then click Ascending.
From the On-demand toolbar, click Filters, and then click Edit Filters.
Click Add, click Advanced, and then click OK.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships


In the Available Components pane, expand the Sales and Marketing (query)
folder, the Sales (query) namespace, and the Time query subject.
9. Drag Year to the Expression Definition pane.
10. Create and validate the following detail filter expression:
[Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=2012
11. Click OK to close the Detail filter expression dialog box, and then click OK to
close the Filters dialog box.

Task 2. Add a crosstab to the list.


From the Toolbox tab, drag a Crosstab object to the last column of the list data
In the Query Name box, replace the Query2 text with Employee revenue, and
then click OK.
A section of the result appears as follows:

From the Data\Source tab, add the following query items to the crosstab:
• Rows:
• Employee by region: City, Employee name(nested as a child of City)
• Columns:
• Time: Quarter
• Measures:
• Sales fact: Revenue

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships


Click the <#Quarter#> column header, from the On-demand toolbar click Sort,
and then click Ascending.
Click the <#Employee name#> row header, from the On-demand toolbar click
Sort, and then click Ascending.
On the Application bar, click Show properties to open the Properties pane.
Click the <#Quarter#> column header, from the On-demand toolbar click
Summarize, and then click Total.
Click the Total column header, in the Properties pane, under the
TEXT SOURCE section, change the following properties:
• Source Type: Text
• Text: 2012 Total

9. From the On-demand toolbar, click Filters, and then click Edit Filters.
10. Click Add, click Advanced, and then click OK.
11. Create and validate the following detail filter expression:
[Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=2012

Source tab - Time/Year.

You have created the same filter as in the list container so that the report only
shows data from 2012.
12. Click OK to close the Detail filter expression dialog box, and then click OK to
close the Filters dialog box.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Task 3. Create a Master-detail relationship, and name the





Although Country is not shown in the crosstab, you need to add it to the query
so that a link can be created on Country between both data containers.
On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click the
Employee revenue query.
From the Data/Source tab, under the Employee by region query subject, drag
Country to the Data Items pane.
A section of the result appears as follows:

On the Navigate tab, on the Query explorer tab, click Query1, and then in the
Properties pane under the MISCELLANEOUS section, rename the query as
Country planned revenue.
On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1.
Click anywhere in the crosstab, and then from the On-demand toolbar, click
More, and then click Master Detail Relationships.
The Master Detail Relationships menu option is only active when you have
clicked inside the detail report object.
Click New Link, and then click Country in each query list.
A section of the result appears as follows:

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships


Click OK to close the Master detail relationships dialog box.
In the list data container, double-click the Crosstab column header, change the
text to Revenue by Quarter, and then click OK.
9. Change the report title to Revenue by Country in 2012.
10. Run the report in HTML.
A section of the results appears as follows:

You can see the details of the revenue generated in each quarter, by each sales
rep, for each country.
11. Close the rendered report tab.
12. Remove the report without saving.
13. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the exercise.
You created a revenue report using Master-detail relationships. You linked the
master list with the detailed crosstab by using Country, which is a data item
common to both queries.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Unit summary

• Create reports by joining queries
• Combine data containers based on relationships from different queries

Create reports based on query relationships

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Unit summary

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Exercise 1
Create a report comparing quantity sold in different order years

Create reports based on query relationships

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Exercise 1: Create a report comparing quantity sold in different order years

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Exercise 1:
Create a report comparing quantity sold in different
order years
As Frank Bretton, a report author, you have been asked to create a report
comparing the percentage change in quantity sold by different order methods
between 2010 and 2011, and between 2011 and 2012.
To accomplish this you will:
• Create a list report using the GO data warehouse (query) package, Sales and
Marketing (query) folder, Sales (query) namespace.
• Create three queries, each containing the Order method type data item and a
data item for quantity sold in one of the three order years
(2010, 2011, and 2012).
• Filter each query for the appropriate year.
• Give each Quantity data item a descriptive name and label.
• Use joins to present this data in a single query.
• Add the data from the joined query to the list report.
• Add columns to the report (using query calculations) to display the percentage
change in quantity sold from 2010 to 2011, and from 2011 to 2012.
• Format the two query calculation columns to display data as a percentage with
two decimal places and then run the report.
Below is a high-level view of the query layout that you will use in this report:



For more information about where to work and the workshop results, refer to the Tasks
and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer
to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps.
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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Exercise 1: Tasks and results
Report Type:

Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Add data and a filter to three queries to show quantity
sold by each order method in 2010, 2011, and 2012.
• Side bar: Open a new list report template using the GO data warehouse (query)
• Navigate tab:
• Click the Query explorer tab.
• Click Queries.
• Toolbox tab:
• Drag two Query objects to the work area.
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

• Work area: Double-click Query1.
• Data\Source tab: Add the following query items to the Data Items pane:
• Order method: Order method type
• Sales fact: Quantity
• Detail Filters pane: Create and validate the following detail filter:
[Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=2010
• Data Items pane: Change the Name and Label properties of the Quantity data
item, to Quantity 2010.
• Navigate tab: Click Query2.
• Data\Source tab: Add the following query items to the Data Items pane:
• Order method: Order method type
• Sales fact: Quantity
• Detail Filters pane: Create and validate the following detail filter :
[Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=2011
• Data Items pane: Change the Name and Label properties of Quantity to
Quantity 2011.
• Navigate tab: Click Query3.
• Data\Source tab: Add the following query items to the Data Items pane:
• Order method: Order method type
• Sales fact: Quantity
• Detail Filters pane: Create and validate the following detail filter :
[Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=2012
• Data Items pane: Change the Name and Label properties of Quantity to
Quantity 2012.
• Navigate tab.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

• Properties pane: Rename the queries as follows:
• Query1: Order Method Quantity 2010
• Query2: Order Method Quantity 2011
• Query3: Order Method Quantity 2012
• Query explorer tab: Click Queries
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Task 2. Combine data from the Order Method Quantity 2010
query and the Order Method Quantity 2011 query
using a join relationship, and then add data to a new
• Toolbox tab: Drag a Join object to the work area below the three queries.
• Work area: Drag the Order Method Quantity 2010 query and the Order
Method Quantity 2011 query to the two drop zones.
The results appear as follows:

• Double-click the Join object.
• Join Relationships dialog box: Click New Link, and then ensure a link is created
between the Order method type items in both query lists.
• Set the left and right Cardinality lists to 1..1, and ensure that the Operator is
set to =.
A section of the result appears as follows:

• Click OK to close the Join Relationships dialog box.
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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

• Work area: Double-click Query1
• Data\Source tab: Click the Data items tab.
• From the Order Method Quantity 2010 query, drag Order method type and
Quantity 2010 to the Data Items pane.
• From the Order Method Quantity 2011 query, drag Quantity 2011 to the
Data Items pane.
A section of the result appears as follows:

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Task 3. Combine data from the Order Method Quantity 2012
query and the Query1 query using a join relationship,
and then add data to Query2.
• Navigate tab: Click Queries.
• Toolbox tab: Drag a Join object to the work area below the queries.
• Properties pane: Rename Query1 as Combined Order Method Quantity
• Work area: Drag the Order Method Quantity 2012 query and the Combined
Order Method Quantity 2010/2011 query to the two drop zones.
• Right-click a blank section of the work area, and then click
Expand References.
A section of the result appears as follows:

• Double-click the Join object to the right of Query2.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

• Join Relationships dialog box: click New Link.
• Ensure a link is created between the Order method type items in both query
• Set the left and right Cardinality lists to 1..1, and ensure that the Operator is
set to =.
A section of the result appears as follows:

• Click OK to close the Join relationships dialog box.
• Work area: double-click Query2.
• Data/Data items tab:
• From the Combined Order Method Quantity 2010/2011 query, drag the
Order method type, Quantity 2010 and Quantity 2011 items to the
Data Items pane.
• From the Order Method Quantity 2012 query, drag the Quantity 2012 item
to the Data Items pane.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

• Navigate tab: Click Queries.
• Work area: Rename Query2 as Combined Order Method Quantity
The results appear as follows:

Task 4. Add data from the final joined query to the list report.
• Navigate tab: Click the Page explorer tab.
• Click Page1.
• List data container: Click the list Container Selector to select the entire list.
• Properties pane: From the DATA section, change the Query property to
Combined Order Method Quantity 2010/2011/2012.
• Data/Data Items tab: From the Combined Order Method Quantity
2010/2011/2012 query, click the first item, Shift+click the last item, and then drag
all items to the list.
A section of the results appear as follows:

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Task 5. Add query calculations displaying the percentage
change in quantity sold between 2010 and 2011 and
between 2011 and 2012.
• Toolbox tab: Expand TEXTUAL.
• Drag a Query calculation object to the right of the Quantity 2010 column in the
• Data Item expression dialog box:
• In the Name box, type the name of the calculation as
% Change (2010 - 2011).
• Create and validate the following query calculation expression, using items
from the Source tab:
([Combined Order Method Quantity 2010/2011].[Quantity 2011][Combined Order Method Quantity 2010/2011].[Quantity
2010])/[Combined Order Method Quantity 2010/2011].[Quantity 2010]
• Click OK.
• Toolbox tab: Drag a Query Calculation object to the right of the Quantity 2011
column in the list.
• Data Item expression dialog box:
• In the Name box, type the name of the calculation as
% Change (2011 - 2012).
• Create and validate the following query calculation expression, using items
from the Source tab:
([Order Method Quantity 2012].[Quantity 2012]-[Combined Order Method
Quantity 2010/2011].[Quantity 2011])/[Combined Order Method Quantity
2010/2011].[Quantity 2011]
A section of the result appears as follows:

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

Task 6. Format the two calculated columns to display data as
a percentage, and then run the report.
• Work area: Click the <% Change (2010 - 2011)> list column body, and then
Ctrl+click <% Change (2011 - 2012)> list column body.
• Properties pane:
• Double-click Data format.
• Format type: Percent.
• Change Number of decimal places to 2.
• Click OK.
• Click the Order method type list column body, from the On demand toolbar, click
Sort, and then click Ascending.
• Run the report in HTML.
The results appear as follows:

You have created a report comparing the percentage change in quantity sold by
different order methods between 2010 and 2011, and between 2011 and 2012.
• Close the rendered report tab.
• Remove the report without saving
• Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.
• Close the web browser.

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Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships

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Create advanced dynamic reports

Create advanced
dynamic reports

IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0)
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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Unit objectives


Filter reports on session parameter values
Navigate a briefing book using a table of contents
Create dynamic headers and titles that reflect report data
Create a customer invoice report

Create advanced dynamic reports

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Unit objectives

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Filter reports using query macros

• A query macro is an expression that is embedded directly in the SQL
of a query and dynamically alters the SQL at runtime.

[Sales rep] = #sq($account.defaultName)#

This macro gets the name of the
user currently logged into IBM
Cognos Analytics to filter the data

Create advanced dynamic reports

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Filter reports using query macros

Query macros can be included anywhere in an SQL statement as long as the resulting
expression is valid. You can add macros to report objects that pass expressions to the
query model, such as filters and calculated query items.
Session parameters are made available to you through your authentication source.
Depending on your authentication source, different session parameters are available.
Query macros can be used both in native SQL and Cognos SQL.
Examples of different authentication sources include NTLM, LDAP, or Siteminder.
In this example, you create a filter that takes the name of the person who has logged
into IBM Cognos BI, and displays only that person's results to them. The same result as
in this example could be achieved through bursting.
While it is better practice to place macros into the Framework Manager model, they are
useful in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, especially where the Framework Manager
project cannot be modified or the development-time model is not available.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Demonstration 1
Control report output using a query macro

Create advanced dynamic reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 1: Control report output using a query macro

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Demonstration 1:
Control report output using a query macro
Management wants to see a report that outlines the total revenue produced by
all product lines for each sales representative. They would like sales
representatives in the field to be able to generate this report as needed to
view their latest figures, but each rep should be able to see only their own
data. You will create a report that includes revenue figures for every sales rep
but filters on the current user's identity and displays only data appropriate to
Before performing demonstrations in this unit, on the taskbar, click Services, and
then ensure that the following services are started:
• Apache Directory Server - default (start this service first, if it is not already started)
• DB2 - DB2COPY1 - DB2
• Lotus Domino Server (CProgramFilesx86IBMLotusDominodata)
User/Password: brettonf/Education1
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Report Type:
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a report with revenue by sales rep.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, expand the Sales and Marketing (query) folder
and the Sales (query) namespace.
Add the following query items to the list data container:
• Employee by region: Employee name
• Products: Product line, Product type
• Sales fact: Revenue

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports





In the list, click , Ctrl+click  list column body,
and then from the toolbar click Group / Ungroup.
You can use Ctrl-click or Shift-click methods to select multiple columns.
You want to include a footer for the employee name in your list, and then
summarize the revenue column.
Click the  list column body, on the toolbar click
Headers & footers, and then click Create footer.
Click the  list column body, on the toolbar click Summarize, and
then click Total.
A section of the result appears as follows:

Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

This report displays revenue figures for every available employee who is a sales
rep. You will filter on the Employee name to include only data for the user that is
currently logged into IBM Cognos Analytics.
Close the rendered report tab.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 2. Create a filter that uses a query macro.



Click anywhere on the list data container, from the On demand toolbar click
Filters, and then click Edit Filters.
Click Add, click Advanced, and then click OK.
Create and validate the following expression:
[Employee name]=#sq($account.defaultName)#.
Hint: Drag Employee name from the Data Items tab.
The pound symbols (#) enclose the query macro expression. The variable
account.defaultName retrieves the defaultName session parameter from the
current IBM Cognos session. The sq expression encloses the variable in single
quotes. The expression is case sensitive.
Notice that there is a Macros tab available, for you to make use of some
common macros, but you are using a session parameter that is not available in
this list. IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting does not have access to session
parameters. The Framework Manager modeler can provide a list of these
Click OK to close each open dialog box.
Run the report in HTML.
The report displays no data. You are logged in as a report author (Frank
Bretton), not as a sales rep, so you do not see any corresponding sales data.
You need to log in to IBM Cognos using one of the sales rep accounts.
Close the rendered report tab, and then save the report in the
Team content\B6059 folder as Sales Rep Revenue.
On the Application bar, click Frank Bretton, and then click Sign out.
Sign in using smythed/Education1, and then click Sign in.
On the IBM Cognos Analytics portal page, navigate to Team content/B6059.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

10. Click Sales Rep Revenue, to run the report.
A section of the result appears as follows:

The report now only displays sales data for Dave Smythe.
11. Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.
Since the report is designed to display data for only one sales rep at a time,
there is no need to include the Employee name column. You can now log back
in to IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting as the report author and perform this
and other formatting functions.

Task 3. Format the report.



On the Sign in page, sign in as brettonf/Education1.
On the IBM Cognos Analytics portal page, navigate to Team content\B6059,
click the More button of the Sales Rep Revenue report, and then click
Edit report.
In the list data container, click the  list column body, and
then from the On demand toolbar, under More, click Cut.
Click the  summary row (not the text item), and then click
A section of the result appears as follows:

Click the list Container Selector to select the entire list.
From the Application bar, click Show properties to open the Properties pane.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports




From the Properties pane, in the DATA section, double-click Properties,
select Employee name to make Employee name a property of the query, and
then click OK.
Double-click the title text in the page header, change the title to
Sales Information for, press the space bar, and then click OK.
Click any column in the list, in the Properties pane, click Select Ancestor, and
then click Page.
In the Properties pane, in the DATA section, change the Query property to
On the Toolbox tab, expand TEXTUAL, and then drag a Layout calculation
object to the end of the report title.
In the Report expression dialog box, drag Employee name to the Expression
Definition pane.
The expression appears as [Query1].[Employee name].
Click Validate, and then click OK.

14. Click the report title, and then on the toolbar, click Pick up style
15. Click the <% [Query1].[Em… %> calculation in the title, and then on the toolbar
click Apply style
16. Click to the left of the title to select the header box, and then from the toolbar,
click Left
to left align the title.
17. Save the report, and then sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.

Task 4. View the report for various sales reps.

On the Sign in page, sign in as smythed/Education1.
On the IBM Cognos Analytics portal page, navigate to the
Team content/B6059 folder.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports


Click Sales Rep Revenue to run the report.
A section of the result appears as follows:


Sign out of IBM Cognos Analytics, sign in as scottb/Education1, and then
run the report again.
A section of the results appear as follows:


The query changes each time the report is run by a different user.
Sign out, and then sign in as brettonf/Education1.
Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.

You created a report that outlines the total revenue produced by all product
lines for each sales rep. You then filtered this report using a query macro to
display sales data for the user currently signed into IBM Cognos Analytics.
After viewing the report while signed in as a particular sales rep, you
formatted the report layout to include the name of the sales rep in the header.
Finally, you examined this new report from the perspective of two different
sales reps.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Use a table of contents to navigate reports in a report book

Dynamic links
for navigation

Table of Contents

Different levels of

1 Americas Quarterly Sales


2 Europe Quarterly Sales


2.1 Northern Europe


2.2 Central Europe


2.3 Southern Europe
3 Asia Pacific

Create advanced dynamic reports


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Use a table of contents to navigate reports in a report book

You can create a table of contents to quickly navigate reports with:
• sectioned items
• grouped items
• multiple pages

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Set up drill through to different locations in a report

• You can let users navigate to bookmarks in
PDF or HTML report outputs.
Page A

Use bookmarks to
let users navigate
to different pages
in a report using
an interactive
navigation table

Navigation Table
Drill through link A

Page B

Drill through link B
Drill through link C

Page C

Create advanced dynamic reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Set up drill through to different locations in a report

Set up drill-through access to bookmarks to let users navigate:
• to related information within the same report
• from one report to the relevant section of a second report, without filtering the
second report
Drill-through access to bookmarks will work only with saved report outputs such as
An example of drill-through access to bookmarks is to let users drill through from a list
containing images of products to more details about each product contained in another
location in the report.
An example of setting up drill-through access for a package to bookmarks in a target
report: Your target report displays sales made using different order methods and has a
bookmark in the heading where each new order method begins in the report. The
source type for this bookmark is data item values. You could set up drill-through access
to this report so that data item values are passed to the bookmarks in the target report.
If someone drilled through from Fax, for example, they would be taken to the location in
the target report where data about Fax orders begins.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Demonstration 2
Create a table of contents for a report book, and add bookmarks for

Create advanced dynamic reports

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Demonstration 2: Create a table of contents for a report book, and add bookmarks for

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Demonstration 2:
Create a table of contents for a report book, and add
bookmarks for navigation
You have been asked to create a report book that contains the following
reports: quantity by product line and order method, quantity by product line
and country, and quantity by product line and retailer type. This report needs
to be distributed in PDF format. You will create a table of contents and add
bookmarks to let users navigate quickly to the desired report page and
information within the report.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create three list report pages.
You will copy the first list report page to two other pages so that they will have a header,
footer and list already on them. You will then add data and a name to each report page
to represent what is on the report.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
On the Navigate tab, click Report pages.
Ctrl+click and drag Page1 below Page1 to create a copy.
Repeat step 3 so that you have three pages.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports


On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
For each page, in the Report pages pane, click the page to select it, and then
in the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, change the
Name property as follows:
• Page1: Quantity by Product Line and Order Method
• Page2: Quantity by Product Line and Country
• Page3: Quantity by Product Line and Retailer Type

Task 2. Populate the list report on each page.


Double-click the Quantity by Product Line and Order Method page, and
then in the report header, double-click the title and change the title to
Quantity by Product Line and Order Method.
Click to the left of the title to select the header box, and then click Left.
From the Data/Source tab, expand Sales and Marketing (query) folder and
the Sales (query) namespace.
Drag the following query items to the list:
• Products: Product line
• Order method: Order method type
• Sales fact: Quantity


Group the  list column body.
The results appear as follows:


On the Navigate tab, click the Quantity by Product Line and Country page,
and then in the report header, change the title to Quantity by Product Line
and Country.
Left align the title header.


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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports


On the Data/Data items tab, drag the following query items to the list:
• Product line
• Quantity


On the Data/Source tab, from the Retailers query subject, drag
Retailer country between the Product line column and the Quantity column.
10. Group the  list column body.
The results appear as follows:

11. On the Navigate tab, click the Quantity by Product Line and Retailer Type
page, change the title to Quantity by Product Line and Retailer Type, and
then left align the title header.
12. On the Data/Data items tab, drag the following query items to the list:
• Product line
• Quantity
13. On the Data/Source tab, from the Retailer type query subject, drag
Retailer type between the Product line column and the Quantity column.
14. Group the  list column body.
A section of the result appears as follows:

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 3. Create a table of contents page.
You will create a page for the table of contents by copying one of the existing pages,
renaming the page and title, and deleting the list object. You will then create a table of
contents on the page.


On the Navigate tab, click Report pages.
In the Report pages pane, Ctrl+click and drag Quantity by Product Line and
Order Method to the top of the list, to create a copy.
In the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, change the
Name property to TOC.
The Report Pages pane displays the four named pages.

On the Navigate tab, click TOC.
Click the list Container Selector, and then on the toolbar, under More, click
Change the title in the header to Table of Contents.
On the Toolbox tab, expand ADVANCED, and then drag a Table of contents
object to the work area.

Task 4. Add a Table of Contents Entry to the report pages.

On the Navigate tab, click the Quantity by Product Line and Order Method
From the Toolbox tab, expand ADVANCED, and then drag a
Table of contents entry object to the top left corner of the page, above the title
in the header.
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports


Repeat steps 1 and 2 to include a Table of Contents Entry object on the
Quantity by Product Line and Country and the Quantity by Product Line
and Retailer Type pages.
4. On the Navigate tab, click TOC.
The TOC itself is constructed of TOC entries, each of which is a 3 cell table
constructed with text, dashed lines and page numbers.
You have the choice of typing the name of the page, or you can change the text
to a report expression to include the PageName. If you type the page name,
you have to maintain the page name manually if the pages are re-ordered. If
you use PageName, then the page name will be updated dynamically even if
you re-order the page.
You will use the PageName method in the next few steps.
5. Click the first text item, and then in the Properties pane under TEXT SOURCE,
change the Source type property from Text to Report expression.
6. In the Properties pane, under TEXT SOURCE, click the Report expression
property, and then click the ellipsis.
7. On the Functions tab, expand Report Functions, double-click PageName,
and then click OK to close the Report expression dialog box.
8. Click the <%PageName()%> text that you have just created, Ctrl+click and drag
a copy of the function to each row of the table just in front of the the text.
9. Delete Double-click to edit text from each row.
10. Run the report in PDF.
Table of Contents works only for reports produced in PDF and non-interactive
HTML format (when viewing saved report outputs).
The result appears as follows:

Three things to note:
• The PageName now appears in the Table of Contents. This is the page
name that you see in Page explorer.
• The page numbers reflect the actual starting page of the item so as more or
less data appears in the report, the page numbers will always be correct.
• When you move the mouse cursor over each item, it changes shape to
indicate a live link. You can click the link to go to that section of the report.
11. Close the rendered report tab.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 5. Add numbering to the Table of Contents.
You will format the Table of Contents to have numbers for each entry.

On the TOC page, from the Toolbox tab, expand TEXTUAL, and then drag a
Layout calculation object into the TOC, before the first <%PageName()%>, as


In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following


TOCHeadingCount is on the Functions tab, in the Report Functions
folder. You may also type the function expression, but be careful of

The value 1 represents the Heading level property found on a Table of contents
entry. When you create the Table of contents entry, you can choose which level
the entry will be accounted for in the table of contents.
The functionality of the Heading level property will be more clearly understood
after a second level of numbering is added to the TOC.
Click OK to close the Report expression dialog box.
Click the new layout expression, and then Ctrl+click and drag a copy into each
of the rows.
With the first <%PageName ()%> item selected, Ctrl+click the other
<%PageName ()%> items to select multiple items, in the Properties pane,
under the BOX section, change the Padding property to Left padding of 5 px,
and then click OK.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports




Run the report in PDF.
The result appears as follows:

The TOCHeadingCount () function returns the TOC1 entry count. Since you
added three TOC entries, each belonging to Table of Contents 1, there are
three entries that display on this page.
On the right, click page 3.
You are brought to the Quantity by Product Line and Country report on page 3,
as indicated in the Table of Contents.
Close the rendered report tab.

Task 6. Add data driven TOC entries to the Table of Contents

On the Navigate tab, click the Quantity by Product Line and Country page.
On the Application bar, under More, click Locked to unlock the report.
On the Toolbox tab, expand ADVANCED, and then drag a Table of contents
entry object into the list, before .
The result appears as follows:

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports



Run the report in PDF.
The table of contents now displays the data values that are in the report.
The results appear as follows:

The Product line entries do not yet have an explicit number at the start, because
you will add a second level of numbering to the table of contents, and indent the
Product line entries.
Close the rendered report tab.

Task 7. Add a second level of numbering and indent the
product line on the Table of Contents page.
You will build a second level of numbering based on, (.
). For example: 2.1 Camping Equipment.
1. With the report still unlocked, click the Table of contents entry beside
2. In the Properties pane, under GENERAL, change the Heading level property
to 2.
3. On the Application bar, under More, click Unlocked to lock the report.
4. On the Navigate tab, click TOC.
5. From the Toolbox tab, expand TEXTUAL, and then insert a Layout
calculation in front of the  entry.
6. In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
7. Click OK.
8. From the Toolbox tab, insert a Text item in front of the new layout calculation,
type a period (.) and then click OK to close the Text dialog box.
9. Insert a Layout calculation in front of the text item you just added.
10. In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

11. Click OK.
12. With this last layout calculation selected (<%TOCHeadingCo…%>), in the
Properties pane, under the BOX section, set the Left padding property to
20px, and then click OK.
13. Click , and then set Left padding to 5px.
A section of the report layout appears as follows:

14. Run the report in PDF.
The result appears as follows:

The second level of numbering appears and the entries are indented.
15. Close the rendered report tab.

Task 8. Add a Top link and a bookmark for better navigation.
You want to create a text item at the bottom of the list that will have a drill-through
definition for users to return to a bookmark the beginning of the list.

On the Navigate tab, click Quantity by Product Line and Order Method.
On the Toolbox tab, drag a Text item outside of the list, to the right of the list.
In the Text dialog box, type Top, and then click OK.
Click the Top text item, from the On demand toolbar, under More, click
Drill-Through Definitions.


Click New Drill-Through Definition
, and then click the Bookmark tab.
In the Source type list, select Text, and then to the right of the Text box, click
the ellipsis.
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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports


Type Top of Product Line and Order Method, click OK to close the Text
dialog box, and then click OK to close the Drill-through definitions dialog box.
Hint: If you copy the text from the Text dialog box while it is open, you can paste
it instead of typing it again at step 9.
The bookmark that you referenced in the drill-through definition does not yet
exist. You will create the bookmark of the top of the report.
8. On the Toolbox tab, under ADVANCED, drag a Bookmark to the right of the
Table of contents entry object, in the header.
9. With the Bookmark item selected, in the Properties pane, under the
BOOKMARK SOURCE section, change the Label property to Top of Product
Line and Order Method.
10. Click OK.
A section of the report layout appears as follows:


Optionally, repeat steps 1 through 10 on the pages that you would like to have
this Top navigation functionality, changing the bookmark and drill-through
definitions to have unique names, such as Top of Product Line and Country and
Top of Product Line and Retailer Type.
Run the report in PDF.
Navigate through the report using the table of contents and using bookmark
navigation to return to the top of a page.
Close the rendered report, then remove the report without saving
Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.

You created a report book with a table of contents and bookmarks for users to
quickly navigate to the desired report. You added numbering and data driven
table of content entries that used a second level of numbering.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Create dynamic data items and titles

• Use calculated data items to:

create dynamic column titles and report titles


display user prompt selections

Dynamic titles set by a prompt


Create advanced dynamic reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Create dynamic data items and titles

To create a dynamic column header:
1. Create a calculated data item in the query that will display the title you want.
2. Change the column title Source type property to Data item value.
3. Change the column title Data item value property to the calculated item.
For report titles, follow the same steps, but set the Source type property to Report
Expression (not Data Item), and set the value of the report expression to the calculated
By default, a List column title displays the name (label) of the data item it is associated
with. In the Properties pane, you can change the Content property of the List Column
Title to Value, and the column title will display the first data value retrieved by the data
item. In crosstabs, column and row titles display the data values returned by the data
item associated with it. For both lists and crosstabs, you can associate the column or
row title with a different data item (and also change the content to Label or Value) to
display different information in the title. You can associate the title with any data item in
the query.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Demonstration 3
Create a dynamic revenue growth report

Create advanced dynamic reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 3: Create a dynamic revenue growth report

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Demonstration 3:
Create a dynamic revenue growth report
Management wants to see a report that outlines the total revenue generated
for each product in any given year. The report should also show the
percentage growth in revenue between the year of interest and the prior year.
To do this, you will use calculated data items to retrieve and derive data
based on the year chosen by the user, and to name the column headers and
report title accordingly.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a query.
You will create a query containing the date you require and a parameter users can use
to select an order year at runtime.


Open a new List template, using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
On the Navigate/Query explorer tab, click Query1.
On the Data/Source tab, expand the Sales and Marketing (query) folder, and
the Sales (query) namespace.
Add the following data item to the Data Items pane: Products: Product.
You will add a parameter for users to select an order year to view data when
they run the report.
On the Toolbox tab, drag a Data Item to the Data Items pane.
In the Data item expression dialog box, update the Name field to
Order year_prompt.
In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
?Order year?

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports


Click OK to close the Data item expression dialog box.
You will add a data item that can be used to return only data for the year that
the user selects in the prompt.
9. From the Toolbox tab, drag a Data Item to the Data Items pane.
10. In the Data item expression dialog box, update the Name field to
Y2 Revenue.
11. In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
if ([Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=[Order year_prompt]) then ([Sales
(query)].[Sales fact].[Revenue]) else (0)
• Source tab: Time: Year
• Data items tab: Order year_prompt
• Source tab: Sales fact: Revenue
This data item will retrieve every record from the Time dimension query subject
and examine the year of each one. If the year is equal to that specified in the
prompt, then the Revenue data is retrieved and aggregated, otherwise the
number 0 is added to the running Revenue total.
12. Click OK to close the Data item expression dialog box.

Task 2. Add additional data to the query.


You will add a second data item to retrieve data for revenue of the previous
In the Data Items pane, double-click the Y2 Revenue data item, copy the
expression in the Expression Definition pane, and then click OK.
From the Toolbox tab drag a Data Item to the Data Items pane.
In the Data item expression dialog box, in the Name field, type Y1 Revenue.
In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
if ([Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=[Order year_prompt]-1) then ([Sales
(query)].[Sales fact].[Revenue]) else (0)
Hint: At the end of [Order year_prompt], type -1.
This expression is the same as the one you created earlier except it will retrieve
revenue for the previous order year.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports


Click OK to close the Data item expression dialog box.
Four data items are currently in the query.

Task 3. Add calculated items and a filter to the query.




You will create a calculated item for the percentage growth over the previous
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Data Item object to the Data Items pane.
In the Data item expression dialog box, in the Name field, type Growth.
In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
([Y2 Revenue]-[Y1 Revenue])/[Y1 Revenue]
Hint: Use the Data items tab for the data items in the expression.
This data item uses the aggregated Revenue totals calculated by the query to
determine the percentage change in total revenue between the year specified in
the prompt and the previous year.
Click OK to close the Data item expression dialog box.
From the Data/Source tab, from the Time query subject, drag Year to the
Detail Filters pane, and then create the following expression:
[Sales (query)].[Time].[Year] between ?Order year?-1 and ?Order year?
This filter is not necessary for this report to function properly, but it makes the
query more efficient. By having the filter, the IF-THEN-ELSE statements on
Y1 Revenue and Y2 Revenue will not have to evaluate all four years in the
database. Instead, it will only have to evaluate one year.
Click Validate, and then click OK.
The work area appears as follows:

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 4. Build the report layout.

On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1.
On the Data/Data items tab, click Product, Ctrl+click Y2 Revenue and
Growth, and then drag the selected items to the list.
3. In the list data container, click the  list column body, from the
On demand toolbar click Sort, and then click Ascending.
4. On the Application bar, open Properties.
5. Click the  list column body, and then in the Properties pane, under
the DATA section, double-click the Data format property.
The Data format dialog box appears.
6. In the Format type list, select Percent, and then under Properties, set
Number of Decimal Places to 2.
7. Scroll down, change the Missing value characters property to
*** no prior data ***, and then click OK to close the Data format dialog box.
8. Click the  list column body, and then in the Properties pane,
under the DATA section, double-click the Data format property.
9. In the Format type list, select Currency, and then in the Properties pane,
change the Currency property to $ (USD) - United States of America, dollar.
10. Click OK, and then run the report in HTML.
11. In the Year prompt box, type 2012, and then click OK.
A section of the result appears as follows:

Since the report displays data for only the year chosen in the prompt, you will
add a dynamic column header and report title that will always reflect the data
being displayed.
12. Close the rendered report tab.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 5. Create a dynamic column header.





In the list data container, click the Y2 Revenue column header, and then in the
Properties pane, under the TEXT SOURCE section, change the Source type
property to Report expression.
In the Properties pane, under the TEXT SOURCE section, double-click the
Report expression property, and create and validate the following expression:
ParamDisplayValue('Order year')
Hint: Drag Order year for the Parameters tab, and then validate with 2012.
Click OK to close the Report Expression dialog box.
In the Properties pane, the TEXT SOURCE section appears as follows:

On the Application bar, under More, click Locked to unlock the report.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Text item to the end of the Y2 Revenue column
header, press the spacebar, type Revenue, and then click OK.
On the Application bar, under More, click Unlocked to lock the report
Run the report in HTML. In the Year prompt box type 2012, and then click OK.
A section of the report appears as follows:

The title for the revenue column now reflects the data in the report. You will now
create a dynamic title for the report that also references the selected order year.
Close the rendered report tab.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 6. Create a dynamic report title.

Double-click the report title text, type Summary of, press the spacebar, and
then click OK to close the Text dialog box.
2. From the Toolbox tab, under TEXTUAL, drag a Layout calculation object to
the end of the report title.
3. In the Available Components pane, on the Parameters tab, drag the
Order year parameter to the Expression Definition pane.
The expression appears as follows:
ParamDisplayValue('Order year')
4. Click OK to close the Report expression dialog box.
5. From the Toolbox tab, drag a Text item object to the end of the report title,
press the spacebar, type Product Sales and Growth, and then click OK.
6. In the title, click Summary of, and then on the toolbar, click Pick up Style.
7. Click the layout calculation, and then from the On demand toolbar, click
Apply Style.
8. Click Product Sales and Growth, and then from the On demand toolbar, click
Apply Style.
9. Click the title text block to select it, and then on the toolbar, click Left.
10. Run the report in HTML, when prompted for a year, type 2012, and then
click OK.
A section of the report appears as follows:

Now both the revenue column header and the report title reflect the data in the
report, based on the year specified in the prompt.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

11. Close the rendered report tab.
12. Remove the report without saving it.
13. Leave IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the exercise.
You created a revenue and growth report that uses calculated data items to
retrieve data based on the year selected in the prompt. You then formatted a
column title and the report title using data items that incorporated the order
year specified by the user.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Create a customer invoice report

• You can create a professional invoice report using various layout
features and objects, such as page headers and footers, blocks and

Create advanced dynamic reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Create a customer invoice report

The important part of laying out a complex report is performing the translation of a
desired layout to the layout objects (for example, blocks or lists) that
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting provides for you.
Plan the layout objects according to page header, body, and footer. Think about
horizontal bands and vertical bands of information. The process is iterative and will be
refined over time.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Unit summary


Filter reports on session parameter values
Navigate a briefing book using a table of contents
Create dynamic headers and titles that reflect report data
Create a customer invoice report

Create advanced dynamic reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Unit summary

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Exercise 1
Create a customer invoice report (Optional)

Create advanced dynamic reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Exercise 1: Create a customer invoice report (Optional)

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Exercise 1:
Create a customer invoice report (Optional)
As a report author for The Sample Outdoors Company, you have been asked to
create a standardized invoice that can be sent to customers whenever an order is
processed. You will use the query items from the GO data warehouse (query)
package\Sales and Marketing (query) folder\Sales (query) namespace.
To build this report you will:
• start with a blank report, and build a query, named OrderNumber, based on the
Order number data item
• create a prompt page with two value prompts; one to select the customer
(Retailer name from Retailers) and one to select sales representative
(Employee name from Employee by region)
• Rename the queries as follows:
• Query 1: Retailer Name Query
• Query2: Sales Rep query
• specify that the data for each order should be on a new page by defining a page
set associated with the OrderNumber query, grouping by order number, and
defining a detail page associated with the OrderNumber query
• create a page header with the company logo (logo.jpg) and address:
• The Sample Outdoors Company
3755 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 4K9
• add invoice information to the header, for example: Invoice number, Date, and
• create the top portion of the page body with general information about the order,
for example: Customer Name, Sales Person, Order Method, Ship Date and
• add a list report to the page body with the following columns: Order number,
Product number, Product, Description, Unit Sale Price, Quantity and Revenue
• combine the product and description into a single column and change the title of
the product number column to Item Number
• using a block and a table, add the order number group footer, tax calculation, and
closing information
For more information about where to work and the workshop results, refer to the
Tasks and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a
task, refer to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps.
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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Exercise 1: Tasks and results
Task 1. Add data and prompts to the query.
• IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Open a new Blank report template, using the
GO data warehouse (query) package.
• Navigate/Query explorer tab: Click Queries.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Query object to the work area.
• Properties pane: Change the new query's Name property to OrderNumber.
• Work area: Open the OrderNumber query.
• Data/Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/
Sales order.
• Add the Order number query item to the Data Items pane.
• Navigate tab: Navigate to the Page explorer tab, Prompt pages.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Page object to the Prompt pages work area.
• Work area: Open Prompt page1.
• Toolbox tab: Under PROMPTING, add a Value prompt to the work area.
• Prompt Wizard: Create a new parameter named Retailer name, click Next.
• For the Package item, add Retailer name from Sales and
Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Retailers.
• Verify the values in the Populate control pane, and then click Finish.
• Toolbox tab: Add another Value prompt to the work area.
• Prompt Wizard: Create a new parameter named SalesRep, based on the
following query item: Sales and Marketing (query)/
Sales (query)/Employee by region/Employee name.
• Verify that the OrderNumber query is selected in the Apply filter pane, and
then click Next.
• Verify the values in the Populate control pane, and then click Finish.
• Navigate tab: Click the Query explorer tab, and then click Queries.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

• Properties pane: Rename the queries.
• Query1 to Retailer Name Query.
• Query2 to Sales Rep Query.
The results appear as follows:

Task 2. Specify that data for each order will begin on a new
• Navigate tab: Click Page explorer.
• Click Report pages.
• Toolbox tab: Drag a Page set object to the Report pages pane.
• Properties pane: Change the Query property for Page set1 to OrderNumber.
• From the Grouping & sorting property, add Order number to the Groups
• Report pages pane: Drag Page1 onto the Detail Pages folder.
• Properties pane: Change the Query property for Page 1 to OrderNumber.
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 3. Create a page header with the company logo and
• Navigate tab: Click Page1.
• Work area: Add a Table object onto the work area using the default settings.
• Add an additional Table object into the left table cell with 1 column and 5 rows.
• Toolbox tab: Under LAYOUT, drag an Image object into the top table cell.
• Image object: Double-click the image, and then click Browse.
(Set the image Server URL to http://vclassbase:88/images if necessary)
• Double-click logo.jpg.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Text item object to the table cell below the logo table cell.
• Text box: Type The Sample Outdoors Company.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Text Item object to the table cell below the previous table
• Text box: Type 3755 Riverside Drive.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Text Item object to the table cell below the previous table
• Text box: Type Ottawa, Ontario K1G 4K9.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Text Item object to the table cell below the previous table
• Text box: Type 613-555-1440.
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 4. Add invoice information to the header.
• Toolbox tab: Add another Table object into the right table cell with 1 column and
4 rows.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Text Item object to the top table cell of the table that you
have just added.
• Text box: Type INVOICE.
• Toolbar: Format the INVOICE text as Arial, 24 pt, Bold.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Text item object to the table cell below the previous table
• Text box: Type: INVOICE NUMBER: and then press the spacebar.
• Toolbar: Format the INVOICE NUMBER: text as Arial, 10 pt, Bold.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Text item object to the table cell below the previous table
• Text box: Type DATE: and then press the spacebar.
• Toolbar: Format the DATE: text as Arial, 10 pt, Bold.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Text item object to the table cell below the previous table
• Text box: Type PAGE: and then press the spacebar.
• Toolbar: Format the PAGE: text as Arial, 10 pt, Bold.
• Toolbox tab: Under TEXTUAL, add a Date object to the right of the DATE: text
• Add a Page number object to the right of the PAGE: text item.
• Data/Data items tab: Add the Order number data item to the right of the
INVOICE NUMBER: text item.
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 5. Add a border and padding to the page header.
• Properties pane: Changer the Border property for the outer table as follows:
Solid line, 1 pt, and then click Apply Bottom Border


• Work area: Click the white space directly under the PAGE: cell to select the
outer table cell.

Properties pane: Change the Bottom padding property to 10.
The results appear as follows:

Task 6. Create the top portion of the page body.
• Toolbox tab: Add two Block objects to the body of the report, under the page
The results appear as follows:

• Add a Table into the first (upper) empty block with 5 columns and 2 rows.
• Properties pane: For the new table block, change the Padding property to 20px
for the Top padding.
• Toolbox tab: Create the following headers in the top row of cells:
Customer Name, Sales Person, Order Method, Ship Date, and Terms.
• Properties pane: Apply All Borders, with 1 pt, solid line border to entire table.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

• Table: Ctrl+click each cell and center them.
• For the top table row, set the font Weight to Bold, and the
Background Color to Silver.
The results appear as follows:

Task 7. Add data to the page body.
• Data/Source tab: Populate the first four cells of the second row of table cells as
follows: Retailer name, Employee name, Order method type,
Date (ship date).
• Toolbox tab: Add the following text item to the Terms column, Net 30.
The results appear as follows:

Task 8. Add details to the report and format the list.
• Properties pane: For the empty block, change the Padding property to 20px of
Top padding.
• Toolbox tab: Add a List data container to the empty block.
• Properties pane: For the List data container, change the Query property to
• Data/Data items tab: Add Order number to the list report object.
• Data/Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales
• add the Product number query item to the list report object:
• Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Products.
• Add the Product and Product description query items to the list report

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

• Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Sales fact.
• Add Unit sale price, Quantity, and Revenue facts to the list report object.
A section of the results appear as follows:

• Toolbar: Group the  list column body.
• Properties pane: Click the List columns title ttyle from the Select Ancestor list
for any column header in the current list report object.
• Toolbar: Set the Background Color to Silver,

Change the font Weight to Bold.

A section of the result appears as follows:

Task 9. Combine columns and change column titles.
• Application bar: Unlock the report.
• Toolbox tab: Add two Block objects to the left of 
(not the heading).
A section of the result appears as follows:

• List data container: Drag the  data item from the Product column
into the first empty block in the Product description column.
• Drag the  data item from the Product description
column into the second empty block.
• Application bar: Lock the report.
• Delete the empty Product column.
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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

• Properties pane: For the Product number list column title (header cell), change
the Source type property to Text.

Change the Text property to Item Number.

• For the Revenue list column title, change the Source type property to Text.
• Change the Text property to Price.
• Toolbar: Summarize the  list column body by Total.
• Clear the Overall footer check box from List headers & footers.
• Properties pane: For the list data container, under the DATA section,
double-click the Properties option, and then select the Order number properties
check box.
• On demand toolbar: Cut the  list column body.
The results appear as follows:

Task 10. Add text and data to the report.
• Toolbox tab: Drag a Block object below the list data container, within the existing
• Drag a Table object into the new block with 3 columns and 3 rows.
• Properties pane: With the new block selected, add Top padding of 20px.
• Table: Add the following text to the each row of the first column:
• 1. NO RETURNS without RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization).
• 2. 15% restocking charge will be applied to returned merchandise.
• 3. 18% interest per annum will be charged on overdue accounts.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

• Table: Add the following text to each row of the second column:
• Table: Right-justify the SUBTOTAL, TAX, and TOTAL cells.
• Properties pane: Ctrl+click all of the text items that you have just added.
• Change the font to Arial, 10pt, and Bold.
• On demand toolbar: With the first cell of the first row of the table selected, under
More, click Insert.
• Click Rows above.
• Change the number of rows to 2 and then click OK.
• On demand toolbar: With each of the new first row cells selected, click
Merge Cells.
• Merge all of the cells in the second row.
• Toolbox tab: Add the following Text items to the new rows:
• Please make check payable to: THE SAMPLE OUTDOORS COMPANY.
• Tax Exempt # 5386576
• On demand toolbar: Ctrl+click the two text items that you have just added.
• Change the font to Arial, 10pt, and Bold.
• Set the background color of each row to Silver.
• On demand toolbar: With the first cell of the last row of the table selected, under
More, click Insert.
• Click Rows below, and then click OK to accept the default value.
• On demand toolbar: With each of the new row cells selected, click Merge Cells.
• Toolbox tab: Add the following Text Item to the new row:
• Thank you for your business!

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

• Toolbar: Format the new text, Arial, 18 pt, Bold, Italic, and Centered.
The results appear as follows:

Task 11. Add additional data, and tax and total calculations.
• Data/Data items: Drag Total(Revenue) to the empty cell to the right of
• Toolbox tab: Under TEXTUAL, create and validate the following
Query calculation expression, named TAX, for the empty cell to the right of the
TAX cell: [Sales (query)].[Sales fact].[Revenue]*.08
• Validate with Action Factory and Agnes Ramos, if required.
• Create and validate the following Query Calculation expression, named
TOTAL, for the empty cell to the right of the TOTAL cell:
• Toolbar: Set the , , and  calculations font
Weight to Bold, and then right justify.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

Task 12. Add additional formatting, and then run the report.
• Properties pane: With the , , and 
calculations selected, change the Data format property to Currency,
$ (USD) - United States of America, dollar, with 2 decimal places.
• Application bar: Unlock the report.
• Delete the "- "and "Total" text items in the same summary row cell to the right
of .
• Toolbox tab: Drag a Text item object to the left of .
• Type Order Number, press the spacebar, and then click OK.
• On demand toolbar: Ctrl+click both the Order Number text item and the
 data item, and then set the format to Arial, 10pt. and Bold.
• Application bar: Lock the report.
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

• Run the report in HTML, using Action Factory for the Retailer name prompt,
and Agnes Ramos for the Employee name prompt.
The results appear as follows:

Spacing may differ due to screen resolution.
As a report author for The Sample Outdoors Company, you have created a
standardized invoice that can be sent to customers whenever an order is
• Close the rendered report tab.
• Sign out of IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting.
• Close the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.

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Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports

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Design effective prompts

Design effective prompts

IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0)
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of IBM.

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE

Unit 4 Design effective prompts

This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE
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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Unit objectives


Control report displays using prompts
Specify conditional formatting values using prompts
Specify conditional rendering of objects based on prompt selection
Create sorted and filtered reports based on prompt selection

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Unit objectives

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Let users specify criteria used to highlight exceptional data

• You can let users specify the criteria used to conditionally highlight
report data by applying conditional formatting that uses prompted


Parameter value

data item values

If ([Gross profit] < ?Low gross profit?) then (1) else (2)
Use this calculated data item to conditionally format data in a report depending
on the Low gross profit parameter value a user specifies at run time.

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Let users specify criteria used to highlight exceptional data

By setting up conditional formatting using prompted values, you can create a report that
does not need to be modified when company benchmark values change.
If you do not want the calculated data item to appear in the report, you can either:
• add the calculated data item to the report to test conditional formatting, and then
cut the calculated data item from the report layout, or
• add the calculated data item to the query in Query explorer but not to the report
When applying conditional formatting, you cannot use parameters directly in a variable
expression, but you can reference data items that use parameters.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Demonstration 1
Create a prompt that lets users select conditional formatting values

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 1: Create a prompt that lets users select conditional formatting values

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Demonstration 1:
Create a prompt that lets users select conditional formatting
Management has requested a report that lets them identify the total revenue
and gross profit generated in every country by each product type. They want
to be able to customize this report by highlighting high and low gross profit
values based on changing benchmark levels. You will create a report that
formats gross profit to appear in different colors if gross profit is
exceptionally low or exceptionally high. This formatting will be based on high
and low gross profit values users select using prompts at run time.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a report with product sales information.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the new list data
• Employee by region: Country
• Products: Product line, Product type
• Sales fact: Revenue, Gross profit


In the list data container, click the  list column body, Ctrl+click the
 list column body, and then on the toolbar click
Group / Ungroup.
Click the  list column body, on the toolbar click Sort, and then
click Ascending.


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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Task 2. Add a calculated data item with an expression that
uses parameter values, and then run the report.




You will add a calculated data item that compares the gross profit values to
those selected in two prompts: Low gross profit and High gross profit. This
calculated data item will then assign a value: 1 for gross profit less than the Low
gross profit value, 2 for gross profit values greater than the Low gross profit
value but less than the High gross profit value, and 3 for gross profit greater
than the High gross profit value.
From the Toolbox tab, expand TEXTUAL, and then drag a Query calculation
object to the end of the list.
In the Data item expression dialog box, in the Name field, type LowMedHigh.
Create and validate the following expression:
if ([Gross profit] < ?Low gross profit?) then (1) else if ([Gross profit] <
?High gross profit?) then (2) else (3)
Hint: Data Items tab: Gross profit.
Validate using:
• Low gross profit: 600000 (600,000)
• High gross profit: 3000000 (3 million)
This calculation retrieves the prompt values the user specifies at run time and
assigns a value of 1, 2, or 3 to each row depending on their gross profit values.
Click OK to close any open dialog box.
Run the report in HTML.
When prompted for values, ensure that Low gross profit is 600000,
High gross profit is 3000000, and then click OK.
The LowMedHigh column displays a value for each row based on the values
that you supplied using the prompts. Product types generating below $600,000
have a value of 1, product types generating between $600,000 and $3 million
have a value of 2, and product types generating over $3 million in gross profit
have a value of 3.
A section of the result appears as follows:

Close the rendered report tab.
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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Task 3. Create a variable based on the calculation.





You will create a string variable that you can use to conditionally format the
Gross profit column of the report. You will use the LowMedHigh query
calculation to specify the conditions for this variable.
On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
In the list data container, click the  list column body, in the
Properties pane, under the CONDITIONAL section, double-click the
Style variable property, and then in the Variable list, select
In the Name box, type LowMedHigh, and then click Add.
Since you want to apply conditional formatting only to high and low gross profit
values, you will add two values (1 and 3) for which you will be able to apply
conditional formatting.
In the Add box, type 1, and then click OK.
Repeat the previous step to add 3, and then click OK.
A section of the result appears as follows:

Click OK to close the New variable dialog box.
In the Report expression dialog box, on the Queries tab, drag the
LowMedHigh item to the Expression Definition pane.
Click Validate, and then after the expression is validated without any errors,
click OK to close any open dialog box.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Task 4. Apply conditional formatting based on the
LowMedHigh variable, and then run the report.



With the  list column body still selected, on the Navigate tab,
click the Condition explorer
tab, and then click 1.
You want low gross profit values to have a red background, white foreground,
and bold weight font.
From the On demand toolbar, under More, point to Style, and then click
Background color.
Click Red, and then click OK.
On the Conditional explorer pane, verify that 1 is still selected.
From the On demand toolbar, under More, point to Style, and then click Font.
Click Foreground color, click White, and then click OK.
Under Weight, click Bold, and then click OK.
You want high gross profit values to have a green background, of a different
color tone value than the red, in case the report is printed on a non-color printer.
With the  list column body still selected, on the
Condition explorer, click 3.
From the On demand toolbar, under More, point to Style, and then click
Background color.
Click the Custom color tab, type 77FF00 into the #RGB box, and then click
On the Conditional explorer pane, verify that 3 is still selected.
On the Properties pane, under the FONT & TEXT section, double-click the
Font property, under Weight click Bold, and then click OK.
On the Conditional explorer tab, click LowMedHigh to clear the conditional

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

14. Run the report in HTML.
15. Ensure that High gross profit prompt value is 3000000, Low gross profit
prompt value is 600000, and then click OK.
The results appear as follows:

In the Gross profit column, values of less than six-hundred thousand dollars are
highlighted in red, while values of greater than three million dollars are
highlighted in green.
16. Close the rendered report tab.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Task 5. Cut the calculated column, and then run the report.



You do not want to see the LowMedHigh column in the list report, as the
conditional formatting has been applied in another column.
On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1.
In the list report, click the  column body, then from the On
demand toolbar, under More, click Cut.
To let the string variable use the LowMedHigh data item values for each row in
the report, you need to make the LowMedHigh data item a property of the List
Click the list Container Selector to select the entire list.
In the Properties pane, under the DATA section, double-click the Properties
option, click the LowMedHigh check box to select it, and then click OK.
Run the report in HTML.
Ensure that the Low gross profit prompt value is 600000, the
High gross profit prompt value is 3000000, and then click OK.
A section of the result appears as follows:

The conditional formatting is now applied to the Gross profit column, even
though the LowMedHigh column no longer appears in the report.
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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


Close the rendered report tab.
Remove the report without saving it.
Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.

You created a report that identifies the total revenue and gross profit
generated in every country by each product type. You added prompts to let
users customize this report by selecting high and low gross profit values to
highlight data.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Let users choose how to filter report data
Query Macro

#prompt ('choose date', 'token', '[Order date] BETWEEN
2012-01-01 00:00:00 AND 2012-12-31 23:59:59')#
Static Choices for Query
Macro Prompt



[Order date] BETWEEN 2012-01-01
00:00:00 AND 2012-01-01 23:59:59

All orders in 2012

Cast([Order date]),date)=2012-09-30

Last day 3rd quarter

[Order date] in_range ?date_range?

Date range

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Let users choose how to filter report data

A macro is a fragment of code that you can insert into the Select statement of a query
or into an expression. Query macro prompts return different values to a query
depending on the prompt option users select.
In query macro prompts, everything between the # signs is replaced with the Use value
returned when a user selects a prompt option. You can use query macro prompts when
working with relational data or dimensionally-modeled relational data.
Static choices present the user with prompt options that are not found in the data
source. Refer to IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Version 11.0.0 IBM Cognos
Analytics - Reporting User Guide: Using Query Macros, for more information on using
query macro prompts.
It is important to know your database when creating the Use values. In the Let users
choose how to filter report data slide example, the second static choice casts Order
date as a 'date' data type because in the database, the Order date item is stored as a
Date & Time data type. If you do not cast it as 'date', you must specify the exact date
and time of the order in the static choice.
The Name parameter, which is mandatory, specifies the name of the query macro
Be sure to use straight quotes, you may need to turn off Microsoft Word's Smart quotes.
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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Demonstration 2
Create a prompt to let users choose between different filters

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 2: Create a prompt to let users choose between different filters

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Demonstration 2:
Create a prompt to let users choose between different filters
You have been asked to create a report showing the order date, order number,
and revenue for sales to all retailers. The report should let users choose
entire year of 2012, a specific date of high retail activity in 2012, or any date
range of interest to the user. To provide users with these options, you will add
a query macro prompt so users can choose which filter to apply to the report.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Add items and a filter containing a query macro

Open a new List template using GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the new list data
• Time: Date
• Sales order: Order number
• Retailers: Retailer name
• Sales fact: Revenue


In the list data container, click the  list column body, on the toolbar click
Sort, and then click Ascending.
On the Navigate tab, click Query explorer, and then click Query1.
On the Application tab, open the Properties pane.
In the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, change the
Name property to DateQuery.


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Unit 4 Design effective prompts




From the Toolbox tab, drag a Filter object to the Detail Filters pane.
You will create a query macro prompt that includes the name of the parameter
(choose date), the data type (token), and a default prompt value ([Order date]
between 2012-01-01 00:00:00 and 2012-12-31 23:59:59).
You can add parameter maps, session parameters, and macro functions to
expressions. In the expression editor, to add a macro, on the Macros tab
double-click the parameter maps, session parameters, or macro functions that
you want to add to the macro expression.
You can use the Insert macro block to get you started with creating the macro
expression. Insert macro block inserts number signs in the expression. Ensure
that the macro expression you create is between the number signs.
In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
#prompt ('choose date', 'token', '[Date] between 2012-01-01 00:00:00 and
2012-12-31 23:59:59')#
• Macros tab: Insert macro block, Macro Functions folder\prompt.
• Data Items tab: Date.
Click OK to close the Detail filter expression dialog box.
You will create a prompt page with a value prompt that uses the 'choose date'
parameter you just created. You will create static choices for the prompt where
the Use values are the SQL statements that are passed to the parameter.

Task 2. Create a prompt with static choices.


On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, click Prompt pages, and
then from the Toolbox tab, drag a Page object to the Prompt pages pane.
Double-click Prompt page1, from the Toolbox tab, expand PROMPTING, and
then drag a Value prompt object to the work area.
In the Prompt Wizard, click Use existing parameter, from the list select
choose date, and then click Finish.
On the prompt page layout, click the Value prompt object to select it, and then
in the Properties pane, under the DATA section, double-click the
Static choices property.
In the Static choices dialog box, click Add.
In the Use box type [Date] between 2012-01-01 00:00:00 and 2012-12-31
23:59:59, in the Display box type All Orders in 2012, and then click OK.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add the following two static choices for the prompt:



December 15, 2012

[Date] in_range ?date_range?

Date Range

In the second option, you cast [Date] as a 'date' data type because in the
GO data warehouse database, the Date information is stored as 'date and time'.
By converting this to 'date', you will retrieve every order made on December
15th, 2012 - regardless of what time the order was placed.


Click OK to close the Static choices dialog box.

Task 3. Add a Date & time prompt and test the prompt.





You will add a Date & time prompt object to the prompt page, so that users can
enter specific dates if they choose the Date range option in the value prompt.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Date & time prompt object to the right of the
Value prompt object in the work area.
In the Create a new parameter box, type date_range, and then click Finish.
On the prompt page, click the Date & time prompt object to select it, and then
in the Properties pane, under the GENERAL section, change the Range
property to Yes.
You will test the prompt to see whether the default date range you specified for
this prompt (between 2012-01-01 00:00:00 and 2012-12-31 23:59:59) is used if
you do not select a prompt value.
Run the report in HTML.
On the prompt page, in the choose date prompt list, select All Orders in 2012,
and then click Finish.
The report runs. The first dates displayed are early January 2012.
In the report, click Bottom.
The last dates contained in the report are near the end of December 2012. The
query prompt macro is using the default prompt value that you specified.
You will now test the prompt by selecting one of the other prompt options.
From the rendered report tab, click Run Report to run the report again.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


In the value prompt list, click December 15, 2012, and then click Finish.
The report runs and appears on the rendered report tab. The report displays
data for December 15, 2012, as expected.
You will test the prompt by selecting a different prompt option.
9. On the rendered report tab, click Run Report, to run the report again.
10. In the choose date prompt list, click Date Range.
11. In the From prompt, select May 1, 2012, and then in the To prompt, select
May 31, 2012.
12. Click Finish.
You may get a second prompting for a date range. This is expected.
A section of the results appear similar to the following:


The beginning of the report contains data for early in May 2012.
(The rows may not be in the same order as shown)
On the report, click Bottom.
The end of the report displays data for the end of May 2012.
Close the rendered report tab.
Remove the report without saving.
Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.

You created a report displaying the order date, order number, and revenue for
sales to all retailers. You used a query macro prompt to let users choose to
view orders for the entire year of 2012, for December 15th, 2012, or for any
date range of interest to the user.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Let users choose how to sort data (1 of 2)
Calculated Data Item Used to Sort Report Data

#prompt('sort by', 'token', ‘[Sales(query)].[Time].[Day of the week]’)#

Static Prompt Choices for the Sort by Parameter
Created by this Calculated Data Item



[Sales(query)].[Sales order].[Order number]

Order number

[Sales(query)].[Time].[Day of Week]

Order day

[Sales(query)].[Employee by region].[Employee name]

Sales rep

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Let users choose how to sort data

You can create prompts that let users choose which data item to use to sort a report. If
you want to let users choose how to sort data, ensure none of the columns are sorted in
the report layout.
You can use the fully qualified path name of the data item as the Use Value property in
the prompt, or if the item is associated with the report, you can use an alias.
If users can select only one data item to sort data with, create one calculated data item.
For multiple data items, create a calculated data item for each option.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Let users choose how to sort data (2 of 2)








Add a Sort Key
calculated data item

Create a prompt with

Sort the Revenue
column in ascending

static choices

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

To create a prompt that lets users choose whether numerical values are sorted in
ascending or descending order, add a prompt to the report with two static choices:
1 and -1.
Add a calculated data item that multiplies the numerical values in the column you want
to sort by either 1 or -1, depending on the prompt option users select.
Sort this calculated data item in ascending order.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Demonstration 3
Create a prompt to let users choose how to sort list columns

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 3: Create a prompt to let users choose how to sort list columns

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Demonstration 3:
Create a prompt to let users choose how to sort list columns
A manager wants to view information about individual sales orders. The
manager wants to easily locate sales based on either order number, order
date, or the sales representative who made the sale. You will create a list
report with a prompt on the report page so that the manager can choose the
column to sort the report with.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a list with a prompt on the report page.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the list report
• Time: Day of the week
• Sales order: Order number
• Employee by region: Employee name
• Sales fact: Revenue

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts



On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
In the list data container, click the  list column body, in the
Properties pane, under the DATA ITEM section, change both the Name
property and the Label property to Sales Rep.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Block object to the left of the list, to add a block
object above the list object.
From the Toolbox tab, under PROMPTING, drag a Value prompt object into
the block that you just added.
In the Prompt Wizard, in the Create a new parameter box, type Sort by, and
then click Finish.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Text item object to the left of the value prompt,
within the block.
Type Please choose a column to sort by:, press the spacebar, and then click
A section of the report layout appears as follows:

Task 2. Add choices to the prompt.



You will add static choices for the Sort by prompt to let users choose to sort
report data by order number, order date, or sales representative name.
In the work area, click the Value prompt object, and then in the Properties
pane, under the DATA section, double-click the Static choices property.
In the Static choices dialog box, click Add, in the Use box type
[Order number], and then in the Display box type Order number.
You could also have used the fully qualified path
([Sales (query)].[Sales order].[Order number]) to the employee name as the Use
value property, however in this report, all of the columns are members of the
report, so you can use the alias as the Use value property here.
Click OK to close the Edit dialog box.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


Repeat steps 2 and 3 to create the following two options:


[Day of the week]

Order day

[Sales Rep]

Sales Rep

A section of the result appears as follows:



Click OK to close the Static choices dialog box.
With the Value prompt object still selected, in the Properties pane, under the
GENERAL section, double-click the Default selections property.
Click the Add button, type [Day of the week], and then click OK to close any
open dialog boxes.
You want to make this prompt optional.
With the Value prompt object still selected, set the following properties, under
the GENERAL section:
• Required: No
• Auto-submit: Yes
• Select UI: Radio button group
Once a user selects a prompt option you want the prompt to automatically
submit the parameter value.
You will add a calculated data item to the query to retrieve and sort data based
on the sort option that a user selects.

Task 3. Add a calculated data item to the query.

On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click Query1.
In the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, rename Query1
to Sales Rep Order number Query.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Data Item object to the Data Items pane.
In the Data item expression dialog box, in the Name field, type Sort Key.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts



In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
#prompt('Sort by', 'token', '[Day of the week]')#
You could have used the fully qualified path for the data item, rather than the
Day of the week is the default column to sort on.
• Macros tab: Report Parameters folder\Sort by
• Data Items tab: Day of the week
Click OK to close the dialog box.

Task 4. Name and sort the calculated data item, add the data
item as a property of the list, and then test the


With the Sort Key data item selected, in the Properties pane, under the
DATA ITEM section, change the Pre-sort property to Sort ascending.
To use the Sort Key data item to determine how data is sorted in the report
layout, you must make the Sort Key data item a property of the list object.
On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1.
Click the list Container Selector to select the entire list.
In the Properties pane, under the DATA section, double-click the Properties
property, select the Sort Key check box, and then click OK.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

The Day of the week column is sorted in ascending order because this is
specified in the Sort Key expression as the default column on which to sort.
6. Click on the Sales Rep radio button, and examine the results; click the
Order number radio button, and examine the results.
The report is sorted by Sales Rep and Order number respectively.
7. Close the rendered report tab.
8. Remove the report without saving.
9. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.
You created a list report with a prompt on the report page that lets users
choose the column that they want to use to sort the report.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Let users choose which objects appear in reports


Static Choices

Display Options

Crosstab Crosstab

Boolean variable applied to the conditional block:
?Display Options?='Crosstab'

When block value = 'Yes', drag
Crosstab to conditional block

When block value = 'No', drag
Chart to conditional block

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Let users choose which objects appear in reports

Create a list of custom options that will appear at runtime by creating static choices for
the prompt.
In this example, the user is prompted to choose Crosstab or Chart to view the report.
Static choices represent a list of prompt options presented to the user. A conditional
block is created with values that depend on the static choices the user selects in the
prompt. Static Choices only apply to Search & Select and Value prompts.
When the report is being created, the block value is set to Yes and the crosstab object
is dragged to the conditional block. The block value is then set to No and the chart
object is dragged to the conditional block.
If you want to give users the option to select one of two choices, use a Boolean
variable. If you want to give users more than two choices, use a string variable.
After creating a report with a conditional block, to view the objects contained in the
conditional block for different values, view the page structure for the report page. To do
this, from the Application bar, click Page views, and then click Page structure.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Demonstration 4
Create a prompt to let users select a display type

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 4: Create a prompt to let users select a display type

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Demonstration 4:
Create a prompt to let users select a display type
The Marketing department has requested a report that shows the revenue
generated for each product line by each order method. Some members of the
department prefer a visual representation of the data, and some have
requested the data in crosstab format. You will create a report that lets users
choose the format that they prefer.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Add a crosstab and a chart to the report.


Open a new Crosstab template using the GO data warehouse (query)
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the crosstab data
• Rows:
• Order method: Order method type
• Columns:
• Products: Product line
• Measures:
• Sales fact: Revenue

From the Toolbox tab, drag a Chart object to the right of the crosstab, and then
click the Clustered Column chart option.
This should be the first chart option displayed in the Column chart options. You
want to add the same data that is in the crosstab to the chart.
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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


With the Insert chart dialog box still open, click the Fill with data from radio
button to select it, ensure that Crosstab1 (the current object in the report layout)
is selected in the list, and then click OK.
You could also have manually added the chart, modified the chart object to use
the Query1 association, and then added the data items from Query1 into the
chart as follows:
• Default measure (y-axis): Revenue
• Series (primary axis): Order method type
• Categories (x-axis): Product line
The results appear as follows:

Task 2. Add a prompt to the report and add static choices for
the prompt.



At run time, you want users to choose either a crosstab or a chart, so you will
create a value prompt that gives users two display options.
On the Navigate tab, click Prompt pages.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Page object to the Prompt pages pane.
Double-click Prompt page1, and then from the Toolbox tab, under
PROMPTING, drag a Value prompt object onto the prompt page.
The Prompt Wizard opens and loads any parameters contained in the report. In
this case, the report has no parameters. You will create a parameter for this
In the Create a new parameter box, type Display Options, and then click
You will add two static choices for the prompt (Crosstab and Chart) to let users
select a format in which to view data.
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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
In the work area, click the value prompt object to select it, and then in the
Properties pane, under the DATA section, double-click the Static choices
7. In the Static choices dialog box, click Add.
8. In the Use and Display boxes, type Crosstab, and then click OK.
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to add a second static choice, with Chart for the Use and
Display values.
10. Click OK to close the Static choices dialog box.
11. On the Properties pane, under GENERAL, change Auto-submit to Yes.

Task 3. Add a conditional block and create a
Boolean variable.




You will add a Conditional blocks object and apply conditional formatting to this
object to determine whether it will contain the chart or the crosstab when the
report is run.
On the Navigate tab, click Page1.
From the Toolbox tab, under ADVANCED, drag a Conditional blocks object
to the right of the chart to add it below the chart.
Click the Conditional blocks object (that you just added) to select it, and then
in the Properties pane, under the CONDITIONAL section, double-click the
Block variable property.
You will create a Boolean variable that uses the Display Options parameter so
that the block displays differently depending on whether the user selects the
Crosstab or the Chart prompt option.
In the Variable list, select , in the Name box type
DisplayVariable, and then click OK.
You will create an expression that specifies that when users select the Crosstab
prompt option, the Yes condition from the Boolean variable is applied to the
conditional block.
Create and validate the following expression:
ParamDisplayValue('Display Options')='Crosstab'
Hint: Parameters tab: Display Options.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


Click OK to close any open dialog box.
You can conditionally render many objects, including Blocks, Text Items, Lists,
List columns, Crosstabs, Charts, Tables, Repeaters, Repeater Tables,
Repeater Table Cells, and images. For a complete list, see the IBM Cognos
Analytics - Reporting Object and Property Reference section of the IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence Version 11.0.0 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting User

Task 4. Specify how the conditional block values will display.



Ensure that the Conditional blocks object is selected, in the Properties pane,
under the CONDITIONAL section, change the Current block property to Yes.
In task 3, you specified that when users select the Crosstab prompt option, the
Yes value is applied to the Conditional blocks object. Therefore, with the Yes
value selected, you will drag the Crosstab object to the Conditional block.
Click the crosstab Container Selector to select the entire crosstab.
Drag the crosstab to the Conditional block object.
Click the Conditional blocks object to select it, in the Properties pane, under
the CONDITIONAL section, change the Current block property to No.
In task 3, you specified that when users select the Chart prompt option, the No
value is applied to the Conditional Block object. Therefore, with the No value
selected, you will drag the Chart object to the Conditional Block.
Click the chart background to select the Combination chart object, and then
drag the chart in to the Conditional blocks object.
Run the report in HTML.
In the Display Options prompt, select Crosstab.
The results appear as follows:

Only the crosstab appears in the report.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts


On the rendered report tab, click Run Report.
In the Display Options list, select Chart.
The results appear as follows:

10. Close the rendered report tab.
11. Remove the report without saving.
12. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the exercise.
You created a report that lets users choose whether to view data in chart or
crosstab format. To create this report, you added a prompt to the report,
added static choices for this prompt, and then added a Conditional block
object to the report. You created a variable for the Conditional block object
with values that depend on the static prompt choice that users select. You
specified that different report objects display in the Conditional block object
depending on the value applied.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Unit summary


Control report displays using prompts
Specify conditional formatting values using prompts
Specify conditional rendering of objects based on prompt selection
Create sorted and filtered reports based on prompt selection

Design effective prompts

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Unit summary

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Exercise 1
Create a prompt to let users choose the revenue sort order

Design effective prompts

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Exercise 1: Create a prompt to let users choose the revenue sort order

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Exercise 1:
Create a prompt to let users choose the revenue sort order
As report author, Frank Bretton, you have been requested to create a report by the
marketing manager. The report needs to show the sales revenue generated for
each retailer. The marketing manager wants to be able to quickly display either the
retailers who generate the most or the least revenue so that she can create specific
marketing campaigns for each. You will create a list report that contains a prompt
that lets users choose to sort revenue values in either ascending or descending
To accomplish this:
• Create a list report using the GO data warehouse (query) package,
Sales and Marketing (query), Sales (query) with retailer and revenue displayed.
• Add a value prompt to the Revenue column heading and name the parameter
• Create static choices for the value prompt for Ascending (use: 1) and Descending
(use: -1).
• Change prompt properties to not Required, Auto-submit and Hide adornments.
Add a Default selection of 1, for Ascending.
• Add a calculated Data item named sort, with Pre-sort set to Ascending. Add the
sort item as a property of the list object.
• Run the report, and then view the default ascending results.
• Run the report, select Descending, and then view the descending results.
For more information about where to work and the exercise results, refer to the Tasks
and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer
to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Exercise 1: Tasks and results
Task 1. Create a list with a prompt on the report page.
• Side panel: Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query)
• Source tab: Add the following query item to the List data container:
• Sales and Marketing (Query)/Sales (Query)/Retailers/Retailer name
• Add the following query item to the list data container:
Sales and Marketing (Query)/Sales (Query)/Sales fact: Revenue
The results appear as follows:

• Application bar/More: Unlock the report.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Block object to the Revenue list column title cell to the right
of the Revenue text.
The results appear as follows:

• Add a Value prompt object, named Sort, to the block object that you just
added, click Next, and then click Finish.
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Task 2. Create static choices for the prompt.
• Properties pane: Add the following static choices for the value prompt:






• Change the Required property to No; change the Auto-submit property to
Yes, and the Hide adornments property to Yes.
• Add a Default selections property of 1.
• Application bar/More: Lock the report.

Task 3. Add a calculated data item to the query, and then add
this item as a property of the list object.
• Navigate tab: Navigate to Query1.
• Properties pane: Rename Query1 to Retailer Revenue Query.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Data Item object to the Data Items pane.
• Expression Definition pane: Rename Data Item 1 to Sort Key.
• Create and validate the following expression:
• Properties pane:

Change the Pre-sort property to Sort ascending.

• Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1.
• Properties pane: Add the Sort Key property to the list.
• Properties pane: Format the  list column body to
$ (USD) - United States of America, dollar.
• Change the Number of decimal places property to 2.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

Task 4. Test the prompt.
• Application bar: Run the report in HTML.
• Sort Prompt: Select Descending.
A section of the results appear as follows:

• Close the rendered report tab.
• Close the report, without saving changes.
• Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.
• Close the web browser.
You have created a report that shows the sales revenue generated for each retailer.
You included a prompt that lets users choose to sort revenue values in either ascending
or descending order.

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Unit 4 Design effective prompts

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Create additional advanced reports

Create additional
advanced reports

IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0)
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Unit objectives


Create a report that displays summarized data before detailed data
Highlight alternate rows in a list report
Create a report using an external data file
Use single data items to summarize report information

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Unit objectives

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Display summary data before detailed data

• To let users quickly locate key data, you can create a report that
displays summarized information before detailed data.

These rows display
summarized data
about sales of all
products in this
product line and
product type

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Display summary data before detailed data

You can display summary data before the details when it would be useful to know the
summarized values before reviewing the detailed values.
In the slide example, to display the number of orders in the header row title cells, the
author added a calculated column that counts the number of individual Quantity entries
retrieved from the data source. Since each record in the data source represents one
order and each order contains a Quantity value, by counting the individual instances of
Quantity the query retrieves, the calculation indicates the number of orders made. Any
other data item that would be part of each order record (such as Order number,
Revenue, and so on) could be used instead of Quantity.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Demonstration 1
Create a report that displays summary data before detailed data

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 1: Create a report that displays summary data before detailed data

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Demonstration 1:
Create a report that displays summary data before
detailed data
Management wants a report that lets them focus on summary data about total
orders made, total quantity sold, and total revenue generated for each product
line and product type. You will create a report where totals appear before the
details. This report will have group headers that display summary data. To add
additional context, below the report title, you will display the total quantity
sold and total revenue generated by all products included in the report.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a list report and add a Count column.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the list data
• Products: Product line, Product type, Product
• Sales fact: Quantity, Revenue

You want the Product line and Product type headers to display the total number
of orders made for each Product line and Product type.
To obtain this data, you will add a calculated column that counts the number of
individual Quantity entries retrieved from the data source. Since each record in
the data source represents one order and each order contains a Quantity value,
by counting the individual instances of Quantity the query retrieves, you can
determine how many orders were made.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports


From the Toolbox tab, under TEXTUAL, drag a Query calculation object to
the end of the list.
4. In the Data item expression dialog box, in the Name field, type Count Orders.
5. In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
• Data Items tab: Quantity.
• You can get the count() function from the Functions tab, in the Summaries
folder, if you prefer to not type the function.
6. Click OK.
Although you chose to use the Quantity measure in the calculation in this task,
this was not the only possible choice. For example, you could have used the
Revenue measure in the calculation and obtained the same result.
You will now name the query.
7. Click the  list column body, from the On demand toolbar, under
More, click Go to query.
8. On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
9. In the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, change the
Name property from Query1 to Product Quantity and Revenue.
10. From the Navigate tab, click Page1.

Task 2. Group and summarize items and add headers.

In the list data container, group the  and 
Click the  list column body, and then summarize by Total.
Repeat step 2 for  and .
Click the  list column body, from the On demand toolbar click
Headers & footers, and then click Create header.
With the  list column body still selected, from the On demand
toolbar, under More, click Delete to remove the redundant column from the list
data container.
The header for  remains in the report.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports


Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create a  header and remove the
A section of the result appears as follows:

Task 3. Move summary data from footers to header tables.
You want to add summary data to table cells in the header rows, so you will
need to unlock the report.
1. On the Application bar, under More, click Locked to unlock the report.
2. From the Toolbox tab, drag a Table object to the right of the 
3. Set the Table to 3 columns and 1 row and then clear the Maximize width
check box.
4. Click the Select Table button in the top left corner of the table, to select the
entire table.
5. On the Properties pane, set the table font to Arial, 8pt, Bold, and a
Foreground color of White.
6. Click OK to close all open dialog boxes.
7. Ctrl+click and then drag a copy of the table to the right of the 
8. Ensure the new table is the only one selected, and then change the
Foreground color to Black.
9. Click and drag the  header into the first cell of the table right next
to it.
10. From the  - Total footer row at the bottom of the list, click and
drag the  item to the empty cell to the right of the
 header cell at the top of the list.
11. Click and drag the  item to the empty cell to the right of the
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

12. Click and drag the  item to the right of 
in the first cell.
A section of the results appear as follows:

13. Repeat steps 9 through 12 to move the  header, and then the
, , and  items from
the  - Total footer row to the  header.
14. From the Application bar, under More, click Unlocked to lock the report.
A section of the result appears as follows:

You no longer require the empty footers, so you will delete them from this
15. Click the  list column body in the list data container, from the On
demand toolbar click Headers & footers, click List headers & footers, clear
the Product type (footer), Product line (footer), and Overall footer check
boxes, and then click OK.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

16. Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

The total quantity sold, revenue generated, and the total number of orders for
each product line and product type appears in the headers.
17. Close the rendered report tab.

Task 4. Format the report.




You will now format the headers to be more readable and informative.
From the Application bar, under More, click Locked to unlock the report.
From Toolbox tab, drag a Text item object between  and
, in the Product line header.
In the Text dialog box, press the spacebar, type (Orders:, press the spacebar
again, and then click OK.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Text item object to the right of the
 item (in the header), in the Text dialog box type ), and
then click OK.
From Toolbox tab, drag a Text item object to the left of the 
item (in the header), in the Text dialog box press the space bar 3 times, type
Total Quantity:, press the space again, and then click OK.
Repeat step 5 to create a text item, Total Revenue:, for .
Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add text items to the  header row.
A section of the result appears as follows:

Click , and on the Application bar, under More, click Unlocked.
You no longer require the Count Orders column in the report layout.
Click the Count Orders column header, and then from the On demand toolbar,
under More, click Delete.
To make this report easier to read, you want to indent the  and
the  items in the Product column body.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

10. In the list data container, click the  header cell, and then press
the Tab key.
11. With the cell still selected, in the Properties pane, under the BOX section,
double-click the Padding property.
Notice that because you pressed the Tab key, the Left padding is now set to
20 pixels.
12. Click OK to close the Padding dialog box.
13. In the report, click a  cell, and then press the Tab key twice.
In the Properties pane, under the BOX section, observe that the Padding
property for the Left padding has changed to 40 pixels.

Task 5. Add a report title and add quantity and revenue
summary labels below the report title.


You will add data to the report title displaying the total revenue generated and
quantity sold by all product lines included in the report.
In the report, change the report title text to Product Orders.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Table object (1 column, 2 rows) to the right of the
report title block.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Text item object to the top row of the table that
you just added.
In the Text dialog box, type Total Quantity Sold:, press the spacebar, and then
click OK.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Text Item object to the bottom row of the table.
In the Text dialog box, type Total Revenue:, press the spacebar, and then click
A section of the result appears as follows:

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Task 6. Add quantity and revenue summary data using a



You need to add a query calculation to display the total quantity sold by all
records retrieved by the query. To do this, you need to set the Product Quantity
and Revenue query as a property of the Page object.
From the Toolbox tab, under DATA CONTAINER, drag a Singleton object to
the right of the Total Quantity Sold: text in the report header.
Singletons will be discussed in more detail, later in this unit.
From the Object and query name dialog box, in the Query Name list, select
Product Quantity and Revenue, and then click OK.
With the Singleton selected, from the Data/Source tab, drag Quantity onto the
singleton object in the report.
With the Singleton still selected, from the On demand toolbar, under More,
click Go to query.
In the Data Items pane, double-click Quantity1.
Update and validate the existing expression as follows:
total([Sales (query)].[Sales fact].[Quantity]for report)
Click OK.
Navigate to Page1, and then repeat steps 1 through 7 to create the summary
total for Total Revenue:, using Revenue.
Navigate to Page1.
A section of the report layout appears as follows:

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Task 7. Format the quantity and revenue summary





In the table of the report title header, click the top row, Ctrl+click the second row,
and then in the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section,
double-click the Classes property.
In the Global classes list, double-click Report title area to add it to the
Selected classes pane, and then click OK.
You applied the formatting of the Report title area, but want to change the font
size and weight for these items.
With the two rows still selected, on the Properties pane, change the Font Size
to 10 pt, and then click OK.
Click the  singleton, and then in the Properties pane, under the
DATA section, change the Data format property to Format type of Currency,
the Currency property to $ (USD) - United States of America, dollar, and
then click OK to close the Data format dialog box.
Click anywhere on the page below the list data container to select the page
body, then from the On demand toolbar, click Center.
Click the list Container Selector to select the entire list, and then in the
Properties pane, under GENERAL, change the Column titles property to
At start of details.
Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

The text under the report title displays the total quantity sold and total revenue
generated by all product lines.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

8. Close the rendered report tab.
9. Remove the report without saving it.
10. Leave IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting open for the next demonstration.
You created a report that lets users quickly locate total quantity sold, total
revenue generated, and total orders made for each product type and product
line. To give additional context, you added report summary totals for quantity
and revenue below the report title.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Highlight alternate rows

Product name




TrailChef Cup




TrailChef Kettle




Star Gazer 2




Star Peg




TrailChef Utensils

$268, 084



Firefly Lite




Use an expression to control the
conditional formatting of alternating rows

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Highlight alternate rows

To make a report easier to read, you can format a list so that rows appear in two
alternating colors. To highlight alternate rows in a report, create a calculated data item
that returns 0 for even rows and 1 for odd rows. Then, apply conditional formatting
based on the report data.
You may want to leave the calculated column in the report for testing purposes. The
calculated column need not appear in the final report, although the calculated data item
must be a property of the List object.
The mod operator, used in an expression such as in the Highlight Alternate Rows slide
example, works as follows:
• If you ask the mod function to return the remainder of 1 divided by 2, since the
remainder would not be a whole number, the mod function will return the
numerator (1).
• 2/2 will have a remainder of 0
• 3/2 will have a remainder of 1
• 4/2 will have remainder of 0, etc.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Because you use the running-count summary function to assign a sequential number to
every row, this technique can only be used on list reports, and is not recommended for
A quick way to apply identical conditional formatting to all columns in a list report is to
apply it to the List Columns Body Style. This saves time, and will also apply the
formatting to any future columns you may add to the report.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Demonstration 2
Highlight alternate rows in a list report

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 2: Highlight alternate rows in a list report

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Demonstration 2:
Highlight alternate rows in a list report
The Human Resources department has requested a report showing bonus and
salary data for each member of the sales staff. To make the report easier to
read, every other row must be highlighted in blue. You will create a calculated
item that returns 0 for even rows and 1 for odd rows, and will then
conditionally format every other row to be highlighted in blue.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
HR (query)
Employee summary (query)

Task 1. Create a list report.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the HR (query) folder\Employee summary (query) namespace, add the
following items to the list data container, and then sort the Employee name
column in ascending order:
• Employee by region: Employee name
• Employee summary fact: Salary, Bonus value


Run the Report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:


To make this report easier to read, you want to highlight every other row in blue.
You will create a calculated data item that will return zeros for even rows and
ones for odd rows. You can then apply conditional formatting to the report
based on this calculated item.
Close the rendered report tab.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Task 2. Add a calculated data item.



On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click Query1.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Data Item object to the Data Items pane.
You will create a calculation that counts each row in the report that contains a
Salary data item value. The calculation will then divide the row number by two
and return the remainder. The remainder for even rows will be 0 and the
remainder for odd rows will be 1.
In the Data item expression dialog, in the Name field, type EvenOdd.
Create and validate the following expression:
mod(running-count([Employee name]),2)
• Function tab: mod() is in the Common Functions folder\M-Q folder; runningcount() is in the Summaries folder.
• Data Items tab: Employee name.
You are using the Employee name because of the possibility that Salary and
Bonus may have $0.00 rows that will not be counted. This would cause a
duplication of a highlighted row. Since the Employee name row will always have
a value, its rows will always have alternate highlighting.
Click OK.
On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
On the Navigate tab, click Query1, and then, on the Properties pane, rename
the query to Employee Salary Information.

Task 3. Add the calculated item to the report and then create
a conditional variable.


You will add the EvenOdd data item to the list to see the values returned in the
Navigate to Page1.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports


From the Data/Data items tab, drag the EvenOdd item to the end of the list,
and then run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

In even rows, the EvenOdd value is 0 and in odd rows the value is 1. These
values will be used to apply conditional formatting to alternating rows in the
You do not want to display the calculated data item in the report layout,
however, you need to make this calculated item a property of the list object.
3. Close the rendered report tab.
4. In the list, click the  list column body, on the Properties pane, click
Select Ancestor, and then click List column.
5. In the Properties pane, under the CONDITIONAL section, change the Render
property to No.
This maintains the EvenOdd column as a property of the list but does not render
it at run time.
You will create a Boolean variable that will let you apply formatting to alternate
rows depending on whether the EvenOdd calculation is value is 1 or 0.
6. On the Navigate tab, click the Condition explorer tab, click Variables, and
then on the Toolbox tab, double-click Boolean Variable.
7. In the Report expression dialog box, create and validate the following
[Employee Salary Information].[EvenOdd]=0
Hint: Drag EvenOdd from the Available Components pane.
8. Click OK to close the Report expression dialog box.
You created a Boolean variable because there are only two possible choices:
the EvenOdd value can be 1 or 0. You can now apply this variable to the report
so if the value is Yes (because the row is even and the EvenOdd value equals
0), the row will be highlighted in blue.
9. With the variable still selected, in the Properties pane, under the
MISCELLANEOUS section, change the Name property to EvenRows.
10. Navigate to Page1.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Task 4. Apply conditional formatting and run the report.



In the list data container, click any list column body in the list, in the Properties
pane, click Select Ancestor, and then click List columns body style.
In the Properties pane, under the CONDITIONAL section, double-click the
Style variable property.
From the Variable list, select EvenRows, and then click OK.
You will now specify that even rows be highlighted in blue.
On the Navigate tab, click the Condition explorer tab, and then from under
EvenRows, click Yes.
A green message box indicates that conditional formatting is turned on and that
the EvenRows variable is set to 1.
On the Properties pane, under COLOR & BACKGROUND, double-click
Background color, and then click the Color swatch tab.
Click the blue (#99CCFF) box, located five rows from the bottom and seven
columns in from the right, and then click OK.
The list columns are highlighted in blue.
On the Conditional explorer tab, click the EvenRows variable to turn off
conditional formatting mode.
Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

Even rows in the list report are highlighted in blue.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

9. Close the rendered report tab.
10. Remove the report without saving.
11. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.
You created a report in which every other row is highlighted in blue. To do
this, you created a calculated item that returned 0 for even rows and 1 for odd
rows. You then applied conditional formatting to the list columns so that every
other row was highlighted in blue.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Display single data values outside of report data objects

Singleton (Query2)

The singleton is in a table,
on a report page with no
associated query.

List (Query 1)

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Display single data values outside of report data objects

Singletons allow you to display single data values in a report without having to set the
page-query association or join unrelated queries. You cannot sort singleton queries,
since only one row is returned. You also cannot set 'no data' options on a singleton
When you drop a singleton item into a report, it creates a query that retrieves only the
first row value.
Singleton queries are not supported when producing report output in CSV format.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Demonstration 3
Use singletons to summarize information in a report

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Demonstration 3: Use singletons to summarize information in a report

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Demonstration 3:
Use singletons to summarize information in a report
You want to create a list report showing the revenue generated by each sales
rep for each year. You then want to create a table using singletons to show
the top sales representative for the year 2013. This table will be in the header,
so as to be seen on every page, to make it easier for managers to compare
results of their sales representatives to the top sales representative of 2013.
User/Password: brettonf/Education1
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Report Type:
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a list report with a title and table in the

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
On the Data/Source tab, add the following items to the list data container:
• Time: Year
• Employee by region: Country, Employee name
• Sales fact: Revenue


In the list, click Year, from the On demand toolbar, under More, click
Go to query.
From the Data Items pane, drag Year to the Detail Filters pane, and then
create and validate the following expression:
Click OK to close the Detail filter expression dialog box.



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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports



Navigate to Page1, click the  list column body to select it, and then from
the On demand toolbar, under More, click Cut.
You have removed Year from the report layout, but it remains in the query.
Double-click the report title text, change the title to Sales Results 2013, and
then left align the title block.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Block object below the title text, and then drag a
Table object into the new block.
Accept the default number of columns (2) and rows (1), clear the
Maximize width check box, and then click OK.
A section of the result appears as follows:

Task 2. Add a singleton to a table.


From the Toolbox tab, drag a Text item into the left table cell, type
Top Sales Rep:, press the spacebar, and then click OK.
On the Data/Source tab, from Employee by region, drag Employee name to
the right of the new text item in the left table cell.
Click OK to accept the new singleton.
On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
From the Navigate/Query explorer tab, click Queries.
Click Query2, and then change the query name to Top Sales Rep.
Run the report in HTML to view the table.
A section of the results appear as follows:
This is not the actual top sales rep that you want in the table. When you drop a
singleton item into a report, it creates a query that retrieves only the first row
value. You need to customize the query to display the correct value.
Close the rendered report tab.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Task 3. Customize the query.




Navigate back to Page1.
In the work area, click the  singleton, and then from the On
demand toolbar, under More, click Go to query.
On the Data/Source tab, from Sales fact, drag Revenue to the Data Items
Double-click Revenue to open the Data item expression dialog box.
Edit and validate the expression as follows:
total([Sales (query)].[Sales fact].[Revenue] for [Employee name])
Hint: Data Items tab: Employee name.
Click OK to close the Data item expression dialog box.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Data Item into the Data Items pane.
In the Name field, type Maximum Sales Rep Revenue.
Create and validate the following expression:
maximum ([Revenue] for report)
Hint: Data Items tab: Revenue.
Click OK.
From the Data Items pane, drag Revenue into the Detail Filters pane.
Create and validate the following expression:
[Revenue]=[Maximum Sales Rep Revenue]
Hint: Data Items tab: Maximum Sales Rep Revenue.
Click OK.
On the Data/ Source tab, from the Time query subject, drag Year into the
Detail Filters pane.
Create and validate the following expression:
[Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=2013
Click OK to close the dialog box.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Task 4. Add a singleton to the table and format the table



Navigate to Page1, and then from the Data tab, click the Data items tab.
You now have new items available to include in your table. You want to include
the new Maximum Sales Rep Revenue item in your header table.
From the Data items tab, drag Maximum Sales Rep Revenue to the right
table cell, and then click OK to accept the singleton.
Click the  singleton in the table, in the
Properties pane, click Select Ancestor, and then click Table cell.
In the Properties pane, under the BOX section, change the Padding property
to apply 15 pixels of left padding.
In the table, click , Ctrl-click
, and then from the On demand toolbar,
change the font Weight to Bold.
Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

As managers review the pages of the report, they can easily compare their
sales rep results with the results of the top sales rep of 2013.
7. Close the rendered report tab.
8. Remove the report without saving.
9. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.
You created a list report showing the revenue generated by each sales rep for
each year. You then created a table in the page header to display the top sales
representative for the year 2013.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Use external data

• External data:

is data that is not in the query database


extends existing packages with new query subjects
− Microsoft®

Excel (.xls)

− tab-delimited

text (.txt)

− comma-separated



Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Use external data

Many times report authors need to add external data to IBM Cognos content to meet
report requirements. In many cases, the authors are unable to merge the data from
external data sources without intervention from IT. The objective of the External Data
functionality is to provide this capability to the report author. This allows the author to do
basic data modeling, including creating relationships between the data items and
setting cardinality.
External data extends an existing package definition with new query subjects that are in
the external data file. The definition involves two steps:

Identifying columns from the external data file to become new query subjects.


Defining how the External Data file will be related to the existing IBM Cognos

At least one query subject in the report must be mapped to a data item from their data.
The mapping creates joins (or relationships) between external data and enterprise data.
This will ensure that the data is integrated smoothly.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Process to use external data
Prepare external data file for

Import and link external data
with enterprise data

Create reports with external data

Determine if report needs to be

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Process to use external data

External data extends an existing package definition by adding new query subjects from
the external data source. As you prepare to import, identify which columns of the
external data will become new query subjects, and then define how the external data
will relate to the existing IBM Cognos content.
To work with external data:

Ensure the external data file matches your enterprise data. It is necessary to link
at least one column of external data with your enterprise data source.
Import your external data file using the wizard.
Create reports. After imported and linked, the data appears in the data tree
under the Source tab.
Determine if you want to share the reports that use your external data.

Before external data can be imported by a user, the IBM Cognos administrator must
grant permission for the Allow External Data capability.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Demonstration 4
Create a report and add external data

Create additional advanced reports

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Demonstration 4: Create a report and add external data

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Demonstration 4:
Create a report and add external data
You have received a .csv file from the Human Resources manager, which
includes updated city and country locations for all employees. You want to
create a report that will include the employee details (name, employee code,
and sales target numbers) from the corporate data, with the updated
employee location information in the external file. To do this, you will create a
report using the enterprise data, and then add the external data to the
package. This will allow you to create a report that displays the sales targets
and current employee location information.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO sales (query)
Sales target (query)

Task 1. Create a list report.

Open a new List template using the GO sales (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the list data
• Sales staff: Staff name, Sales staff code
• Sales target: Sales target


Run the report in HTML.
A section of the results appear similar to the following:


Close the rendered report tab, and then save the report to
Team content\B6059, as Staff Sales Targets.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Task 2. Identify the external data file and columns for the





Click Manage external data
, above the Source data list.
The External data wizard opens, to guide you through the process of identifying
and mapping the external data. The process begins with selecting the external
In the External data file section, click Browse, navigate to
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\cognos\c10\webcontent\samples\
datasources\cubes\PowerCubes\EN\great_outdoors_sales_en, click
sales_reg.csv, and then click Open.
Scroll through the list of selected items to review the file.
You will bring in all columns at this time. You could clear check boxes for any
columns that you do not require.
Select the Allow the server to automatically load the file check box.
If you share this report, this option allows other users to run your report using
their own version of the external data file. If they use their own version, the file
must contain the same columns as the original external data file that you used
to import the data and create the report. If you always want the report to run
using your version of the external data file, then you should select the Allow the
server to automatically load the file check box.
Notice the Namespace for the external data box displays the default
namespace that will be assigned. The namespace provides a unique name to
associate with the data items that you import. The namespace appears in the
data tree of the Source tab and is used to organize the data items. By default,
the namespace is the imported file name without the extension. If you change
the default name for the namespace, you are prompted to select the external
data file each time you run the report. To avoid this, select the Allow the server
to automatically load the file check box.
Click Next to proceed to the Data Mapping page.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Task 3. Map the external data file with the existing data.







On the Data Mapping page, click the ellipsis under
Existing query subject / report, and then click Choose Query Subject.
Under the Sales target (query) namespace, click the Sales staff query subject,
and then click OK.
The Existing query subject pane is populated with the available query items.
You will now define the relationships between the query items in the external
data and the query items in the corporate data of the existing query subject.
Click New Link.
A line appears between the panes, defaulting to the first item in each list. You
will define the relationship by selecting the items for the new link.
In the External data list click EMPLOYEE_CODE, and then in the
Existing query subject list click Sales staff code.
A section of the result appears as follows:

You have defined a link.
Click New Link again, then in the External data list click COUNTRY_CODE,
and then in the Existing query subject list click Country code.
You have identified joins between the two sources of data.
Click Next to define the attributes of the external data.
Data item attributes can be modified on this page, if needed. You do not need to
modify any attributes for this demonstration.
Click Next to define your mappings.
A summary of the items is displayed. You will accept the default handling of
values in the data source and in the report results.
Click Finish.
The External Data wizard closes and the Manage external data dialog box
displays the new package name. The default name uses the original package
name, and appends External data.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports


Once you are satisfied with the package name, click Publish.
The new package will be automatically saved in My content.
10. Click Yes if prompted to replace the existing package.
The system updates the model metadata, and validates the currently open
report against the new package.
11. Click OK after the report is validated.
Notice that the report itself has not changed, but notice that the Source tab has
updated to the newly created package that includes the new external data.
The results appear as follows:

12. On the middle of the Application bar, click the down arrow to the right of the
Staff Sales Targets, to show the currently active list, and then click Welcome.
13. Click the My content tab to see the package.

Task 4. Use the external data file in a report.


On the Side panel, click New, and then click Report.
Under Package, click the ellipsis, navigate to My content, click
GO sales (query) External data, and then click Open.
Double-click List.
On the Data/Source tab, expand the sales_reg namespace.
Expand the sales_reg query subject, click COUNTRY_EN, Ctrl+click CITY, and
then drag them to the list.
Expand the go_sales namespace, expand the Sales targets (query), and then
from Sales staff, drag Staff name and Sales staff code to the list data
From Sales target, drag Sales target to the end of the list.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports



In the list data container, group the  list column body and the
 list column body.
On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
Click the  list column body, and then on the Properties pane,
under the DATA section, double-click Data format.
In the Format type list, select Currency, and then set the following properties:
• Currency: $ (USD) - United States of America, dollar
• Use Thousands Separator: Yes
Click OK to close the Data format dialog box.
With the  list column body still selected, from the On demand
toolbar, click Summarize, and then click Total.
A section of the report layout appears as follows:

14. Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears similar to the following:

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

15. Close the rendered report tab.
16. Close the report without saving.
17. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the exercise.
You received a .csv file from the Human Resources manager, which included
updated city and country locations for all employees. You created a report
with employee details using the updated employee location information in the
external file.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Unit summary


Create a report that displays summarized data before detailed data
Highlight alternate rows in a list report
Create a report using an external data file
Use single data items to summarize report information

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Unit summary

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Exercise 1
Create a report with alternating sections of color

Create additional advanced reports

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Exercise 1: Create a report with alternating sections of color

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Exercise 1:
Create a report with alternating section of color
The Human Resources department wants Frank Bretton, report author, to develop a
report containing contact information for each employee, found in the Team
content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query) package using the Sales and
Marketing (query)\Sales (query) namespace. To make this report easier to read, the
department wants the report to contain alternating sections of green and white rows in
the resulting list.
To accomplish this:
• Populate a new list report with contact information for employees by region,
including first name, last name, work phone, extension, fax, and email.
• Add a calculated column to the report that lets you conditionally format alternating
groups of rows to appear with a green background.
• Name the calculated item Green or White, add the calculated item to the report,
and run the report to see the data generated in the calculated column.
• Conditionally format the list columns so every other five rows are highlighted in
light green.
• Modify the report so the Green or White column does not appear in the report.
• Run the report.
For more information about where to work and the exercise results, refer to the Tasks
and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer
to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

Exercise 1: Tasks and results
Task 1. Create a list report with a calculated column.
• Side panel: Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query)
• Source tab: Add the following query items to the list data container:
• Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query):
• Employee by region: First name, Last name, Work phone, Extension,
Fax, and Email

• Navigate tab: Navigate to Query1.
• Properties pane: Rename Query1 to Contact Information.
• Toolbox tab: Add a Data Item object to the Data Items pane.
• Data item expression - Data Item1 dialog box:
• In the Name field, type Green or White.
• Create and validate the following expression:
mod(running-count([First name]),10)
• Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1.
• Data/Data items tab: Add the Green or White data item to the end of the list
data container.
• Application bar: Run the report in HTML.
A section of the results appear as follows:

• Close the rendered report tab.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

• Data item expression - Green or White dialog box: Modify and validate the
expression for  as follows:
if (mod(running-count([First name]),10)<=4) then ('Green') else ('White')
• Application bar: Run the report in HTML.
A section of the results appear as follows:

• Close the rendered report tab.

Task 2. Create a conditional variable.
• Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1.
• List data container: Click First name list column body.
• Properties pane: For the List columns body, open the Style variable property
• Style variable dialog box: Add a new string variable named RowColor.
• Conditionally author for these values box: Add a new value named Green.
• Expression Definition dialog: Create and validate the following expression:
[Contact Information].[Green or White].

Task 3. Apply conditional formatting, and then run the report.
• Properties pane: From the Select Ancestor button click
List columns body style.
• From the CONDITIONAL section, double-click Style variable.
• Under Variable, select RowColor from the list.

Condition explorer: Click the Green value.

• Properties pane: Set the Background color to #CCFFCC
(Color Swatch tab, three rows up, in the second column from the right).
• Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1.
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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

• On demand toolbar/More: Cut the  list column body.
• Click the list Container selector to select the entire list.
• Properties pane: Add the Green or White data item to the DATA/Properties
• Application bar: Run the report in HTML.
The results appear as follows:

You have developed a report containing contact information for each employee.
You accomplished this by alternating sections of green and white rows in the
resulting list.
• Close the rendered report tab.
• Remove the report without saving it.
• Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.
• Close the web browser.

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Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports

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Examine the report specification

Examine the
report specification

IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0)
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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Unit objectives

• Examine the report specification structure
• Modify a report specification
• Add custom toolbox objects and custom template options

Examine the report specification

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Unit objectives

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Work with the report specification

• Reports consist of report specifications created in XML.
• the report specification defines the report contents:

queries and filters used to retrieve data


data containers (lists, crosstabs, and so on) used to display data


other objects in the report layout and the styles used to format these objects

Examine the report specification

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Work with the report specification

When you create a report, you are actually creating a report specification. The report
specification defines the queries and prompts that are used to retrieve data and the
layouts and styles used to present the data.
You can use the specification for a report to:
• view the XML code to better understand report contents
• modify a report by editing the XML code in the report specification
• share report specifications with report authors working in different environments
• copy the specification code for a specific report object such as an image or a
page header and then reuse this code to add this object to other specification files
You can create a report specification entirely in XML, independent of the user interface
and then open the report in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting. While the report
specification can appear complex, It is possible to work with and modify the code with a
basic understanding of how it works.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Describe the report specification flow
Save and open reports

Run reports

IBM Cognos
Analytics portal

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Content Manager



and data







Examine the report specification

Report Service





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Describe the report specification flow

When you create a report, the specification is created on the local client machine. When
you save a report, IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting sends the specification to Content
Manager. Content Manager then stores the specification in the content store.
When you run a report, the request is sent in two parts:
1. To the Content Manager to retrieve the report specification from the content store.
2. To the database to retrieve the report data.
Once data is returned from the database, and the report specification (or report spec) is
returned from Content Manager, the two are displayed in IBM Cognos Viewer by the
report service.
If you edit a previously-saved report, changes to the report specification are applied
only on your client machine until you save the report. Once saved, the specification is
updated in the content store.
When you run a report in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, Content Manager does not
retrieve the specification. Because the specification is already open, IBM Cognos
Analytics - Reporting can send the specification.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Describe the report specification structure

• A report specification has four main sections:

header section


queries section


layouts section


report variables section

Examine the report specification

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Describe the report specification structure

Depending on the report, the report specification may not include all of these sections.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Demonstration 1
Examine a report specification and copy it to the clipboard

Examine the report specification

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Demonstration 1: Examine a report specification and copy it to the clipboard

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Demonstration 1:
Examine a report specification and copy it to the clipboard
To learn more about report specifications, you want to create a simple list
report and view the XML specification. You will copy this report specification
to the clipboard, and then re-open the specification in IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a list report.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the list data
• Order method: Order method type
• Sales fact: Revenue


Run the Report in HTML.
The result appears as follows:


Close the rendered report tab.
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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Task 2. View the report specification.


On the Navigate tab, right-click Report, and then click Show Specification.
The Report Specification for the report displays in XML. The browser window
includes controls to open and close the XML elements. IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting does not let you copy the code displayed in this window.
This report specification contains multiple sections: the specification header
section, the queries section, the layouts section, and the XMLAttributes section.
The header section specifies the namespace the report uses as well as the
language and package.

The queries section contains information about the query used to retrieve data
for the list report (as seen in the  section).
The layouts section describes the objects that appear on Page1 of the report
(as seen in the  section).
The XMLAttributes section provides additional information about the XML
elements used in the report specification.
In the specification, click the - to the left of , to collapse the
The window within the dialog does not allow direct copy and paste of its content,
however, the dialog box does allows you to copy the entire content via the
Copy to clipboard button

, found in the bottom left corner.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification


Scroll down to the  section.
The specification for the Order method type column body displays.
The details of the Order method type column body specify that this object is
formatted using the "lc" style (list column) and that the data source for this
column body is the Order method type data item.


Close the Report specification XML window.

Task 3. Copy the report specification and open the report
from the clipboard.

From the Page explorer tab, right-click Report, and then click
Copy Report to Clipboard.
From the Side panel, click New, and then click Report.
Double-click Crosstab, and then click OK without identifying a report package.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification


From the Page explorer tab, right-click Report, and then click
Open Report from Clipboard.
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting uses the specification you copied to the
clipboard, to open the report you created earlier in this demonstration.
A section of the result appears as follows:


Remove any reports created during this demonstration, without saving.
Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.

You created a simple list report and viewed its XML specification. You then
copied the report specification to the clipboard and re-opened it in IBM
Cognos Analytics - Reporting.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Considerations when modifying a report specification

• Ensure the XML code creates a valid specification.
• For example:

close all tags with 


ensure XML syntax for each tag is correct


preserve the hierarchy of tags (for example:

Examine the report specification

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Considerations when modifying a report specification

Because some XML editors, such as Notepad, do not validate the report specification, it
is important to use the correct syntax. Otherwise, when you edit a report specification
and then run the report in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, you will receive an error
The error message describes the problems that were identified and need to be
If the report specification is written in a language that is not ANSI-supported, you should
save the specification file with UTF-8 encoding.
To edit a report in an environment that lets you validate report syntax and structure, edit
the report in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting instead of working directly with the
report specification.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Demonstration 2
Modify a report specification

Examine the report specification

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Demonstration 2: Modify a report specification

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Demonstration 2:
Modify a report specification
You want to update a report header to reflect new branding changes. To do
this most efficiently, you will modify the report specification.
User/Password: brettonf/Education1
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting

Task 1. Open a report and copy the report specification.


From the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, navigate to Team content\ Legacy
Samples\Samples\Models\GO Data Warehouse (query)\Report Studio
Report Samples.
Point to the Bursted Sales Performance Report to expose the More button.
Click the More button, and then click Edit report.
On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
Click on the far right space of the title table, from the Properties pane, click
Select Ancestor, and then click Table.
On the Properties pane, under BOX, double-click Border.
Set the Width to 2¼, the Color to Red, click Apply All Borders, and then click
Repeat steps 6 and 7 to apply a border to the logo cell.
The results appear as follows:

Management has decided that the orange found in the list is more in line with
corporate colors and would like you to change the border accordingly. You
could select each object change the color manually, but we will explore how to
change both objects at one time by modifying the report specification with this
change. You will copy the report specification to the clipboard, and paste it into
a text editor to make the changes.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification


From the Navigate tab, right-click Report, and then click
Copy Report to Clipboard.
10. From the Windows Start menu, launch Notepad.
If Notepad is not available directly from the Start menu, click All
Programs\Accessories, and then click Notepad.
11. From the Edit menu, click Paste, to paste the report specification from your
12. Press Ctrl+Home to place the cursor at the beginning of the specification.

Task 2. Modify the report specification.




You want to replace the red with orange (F78E06). There is no other red in the
report, so you can replace all occurrences of red in your specification. If there
were some instances of red to remain in the report, you could do a search for
each instance and decide what to change, based on the element in the report
From the Edit menu, click Replace.
In the Find what box, type red, in the Replace with box type #F78E06, and
then click Replace All.
#F78E06 is the hex code for the color used in the report.
Close the Replace dialog box.
If you had further modifications to the report specification, you could do them
now, such as changing the header text or other elements. Ensure that the
replacement syntax that you use is valid. At this time, you will incorporate only
the change from red borders to orange borders.
From the Edit menu, click Select All, and then with the specification selected,
from the Edit menu, click Copy.
The modified specification is copied to your clipboard.

Task 3. Open the updated specification from the clipboard.

From the Page explorer tab, right-click Report, and then click Open Report
from Clipboard.
Do not save changes to the currently open report if prompted.
The report opens, with the updated border color on the objects in the header.

You modified the report specification to efficiently update the report.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification


Close Notepad without saving changes.
Remove the report without saving it.
Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the exercise.

You updated a report header to reflect new branding changes by modifying
the report specification.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Create custom toolbox and template objects

• If you have access to the XML configuration files for the IBM Cognos
Analytics server, you can customize the objects that appear in the IBM
Cognos Analytics - Reporting user interface.

• This can make it easier to create reports that meet your organization's
business requirements.

Examine the report specification

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Create custom toolbox and template objects

Once added to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, custom templates and toolbox objects
are available to all users with access to IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting.
Authors might not have been granted access to the server-side configuration XML files
used to create custom objects, and therefore may need to collaborate with the server
administrator to implement this functionality.
Because you add custom objects by manually editing server-side configuration files,
your changes may not be preserved during maintenance or version upgrades.
It is recommended that you back up these configuration files before and after you edit
Examples of customization:
• if the IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Toolbox tab does not contain the objects
you require, you can add or customize the objects available on this tab
• if the existing IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting template options do not meet
your requirements, you can add or customize the template options available
when creating new reports

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Specify how a custom toolbox object will appear in a report

• To add a new toolbox object, you must first add XML code to the
ToolboxControls.xml file.

• This code specifies how the object will appear and behave once it is
added to a report from the Toolbox tab.

Code specifying the
appearance and
behavior of the List
and Image objects

Examine the report specification

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Specify how a custom toolbox object will appear in a report

When you create the object in the ToolboxControls.xml file, specify object properties
such as the CSS styles used to format the object and data sources used to create the
To obtain the XML code used to create an object, you can create the object in IBM
Cognos Analytics - Reporting and then copy the specification for this object to the
In the slide example:
• the class attribute in the list tag uses list styles from the GlobalReportStyles.css
file (\Program
Files\IBM\cognos\Analytics\bin) to format this object
• the specification for the Image object indicates that a static value specified by the
user will act as a data source for the image
• The XML files are found at \Program Files\IBM\cognos\analytics\webcontent\pat\res

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Specify how custom objects will appear on the toolbox tab

• To inform IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting where to find the definition
for the new toolbox object, you must add XML code to the Toolbox.xml

• This code will point to the object definition you added to the
ToolboxControls.xml file.
Reference to the Text Item object defined in the ToolboxControls.xml file

Examine the report specification

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Specify how custom objects will appear on the toolbox tab

The Toolbox.xml file references the various toolbox objects. It also specifies how the
object will appear on the toolbox tab, through properties such as the label, the tooltip,
and the icon image.
The Toolbox.xml file has different sections. Each section specifies the toolbox objects
that appear for a specific toolbox view in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting.
In the Toolbox.xml file, use a controlRef attribute to point to the object definition you
added to the ToolboxControls.xml file; the attribute must be named the same in both
The id attributes for each Toolbox.xml view are predetermined. You cannot add your
own view id attributes.
It is important to add this code to the appropriate section of the Toolbox file so that the
object appears in the appropriate toolbox view.
For example, the objects listed in the LayoutView section of the Toolbox.xml file will
appear on the Toolbox tab only when report authors are working on the layout of report
Re-sorting the Toolbox and Template icons can be done by manually changing the
order in the respective XML files.
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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Examine existing templates

• When you create a report in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, you
can choose from a variety of existing templates.

• If the default options that appear in the New dialog box do not meet
your requirements, you can add additional template options to this
dialog box.

Examine the report specification

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Examine existing templates

To add a new template option to the dialog box:
• specify the contents of the template
• point to this specification
• add a graphic that will represent this template option
• add a label for the template

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Specify the custom template contents

• To add a template:

add XML code defining the template to the templates.xml file


add code to the Resources.xml file to identify the template to
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting

Code used to define
the Blank Template in
the templates.xml file

Examine the report specification

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Specify the custom template contents

The templates defined in the templates.xml file are report specifications.
For best results, create the template you require in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting,
and then copy the XML specification for the report and paste it into the templates.xml

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Unit summary

• Examine the report specification structure
• Modify a report specification
• Add custom toolbox objects and custom template options

Examine the report specification

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Unit summary

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Exercise 1
Update a report layout by importing new specification code

Examine the report specification

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Exercise 1: Update a report layout by importing new specification code

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Exercise 1:
Update a report layout by importing new specification code
Note: Use the Edit menu when copying or pasting in Notepad.
As Frank Bretton, a report author, you have been asked to create a new basic report
template for The Sample Outdoors Company that authors can use to standardize
specific report headers.
In the report specification, the sections of code that describe the page header and
footer are grouped together. Therefore, authors can copy the necessary block of
code from the new standard template specification and replace the old header
and/or footer code in the report specification to update their own report layouts.
You will test the new template on a report you are creating for the sales manager on
sales rep performance, by introducing the header from the template report
specification into the sales report specification.
To accomplish this:
• Create a blank report using the GO data warehouse (query) package, with a
header that has a two column, 1 row table. Insert a company graphic
(go_logo_small.jpg) in the right cell, aligned to the right with a height of 50 pixels.
Include a text block in the left table cell with the company name The Samples
Outdoor Company in size 24 pt. font that is bold and green. Review the report
• Save the report as a template in the portal in the B6059 folder, so that other
authors can access it. Review the report specification again to ensure that
template has been included in the code.
• Create a new list report called Sales Rep Performance with the following items:
• Employee by region: Country, City, Last name, First name, Position name
• Sales fact: Revenue
• Group the Country and City columns and display Revenue totals. Save the report
as Sales Rep Performance in the B6059 folder, and then run the report to view
the results. Copy the report specification to the clipboard, and paste it in a text
editor, and then review the code, specifically the header and footer sections.
• In IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, open the corporate template, and copy the
report to the clipboard.
• Open a new instance of a text editor (note: use the Edit menu when copying or
pasting in Notepad.), and paste the contents into it. Select the code for the header,
copy it to the clipboard, and then close this instance of the text editor without saving
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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

• Open the first instance of the text editor, and replace the header section with the
header section in the clipboard to add the corporate template header into your
report specification. Modify the title in the header to include the report title, Sales
Rep Performance, after the company header text. Select the entire report
specification, and then copy it to the clipboard.
• In IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, open the report from the clipboard, and
review the results.
For more information about where to work and the exercise results, refer to the Tasks
and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer
to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Exercise 1: Tasks and results
Task 1. Create a report and review the report specification.
• Side panel: Open a new List report template using the package.
GO data warehouse (query)
• Page Header: Click the Header block and then delete.
• Work area: Select the entire list data container and then delete it.
• Page Header: Click the Add button and then click Table.
• Click OK to add a table with the current defaults.
• Toolbox tab: Under LAYOUT, add an Image into the right table cell, using
Set the URL address to http://vclassbase:88/images/ if necessary.
• Properties pane: For the right cell, set the horizontal alignment to Right and the
Size & vverflow/Height to 50px.
• Toolbox tab: Add the following Text item object to the left table cell:
The Sample Outdoors Company.
• On demand toolbar: Apply the following formatting to the text:
• Font size: 24 pt.
• Weight: Bold
• Foreground color: Green
The results appear as follows:

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

• Page explorer tab: Show the report specification.
A section of the result appears as follows.

• Close the Report Specification dialog box.

Task 2. Save the report as a template.
• Application bar\Save menu: Save the report as a Query Studio template.
• Page explorer tab: Show the report specification XML.
A section of the result appears as follows. Note the addition of the

• Close the Report specification XML dialog box.
• Save menu: Save the template in Team content\B6059 as
Corporate Template - Green.

Task 3. Create a report, and review the report specification.
• Side panel: Open a new List report template using the
GO data warehouse (query) package.
• Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query) and then
add the following query items to the list data container:
• Employee by region: Country, City, Last name, First name, and
Position name.
• Sales fact: Revenue.
• On demand toolbar: Group the  and  list column bodies.
• Summarize the< Revenue> list column body by Total.
• Work area: Create the following report title: Sales Rep Performance

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

• On demand toolbar: Left justify the title block object.
• Save the report in Team content\B6059 as Sales Rep Performance.
• Run the report in HTML.
A section of the report appears as follows:

• Close the rendered report tab.
• Navigate tab: Copy the report to the clipboard.
• Desktop: Launch Notepad.
• Notepad: Paste the contents of the clipboard to the work area, and then examine
the report specification.

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

Task 4. Replace the header in the report specification.
• Application tab: Click Edit.
• Side panel: click Team content/B6059.
• Corporate Template - Green: Under More, click Edit report
• Navigate tab: Copy the report to the clipboard.
• Desktop: Launch another session of Notepad.
• Notepad/Edit menu: Paste the contents of the clipboard to the work area, and
then examine the report specification.
• Notepad - Corporate Template Green/Edit menu: Select and copy the text from
 to  (including these two tags).
• Close this instance of Notepad without saving changes.
• Notepad/Edit menu: Select the text from  to 
(including these two tags), and then paste from the clipboard.
• In the pageHeader code, after The Sample Outdoors Company text, add a
space, and then type: Sales Rep Performance.
• Notepad/Edit menu: Click Select All.
• Click Copy.
• IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Navigate tab: Open the report from the
• Application bar: Run the report in HTML.
A section of the results appear as follows:

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Unit 6 Examine the report specification

• Close the rendered report tab
• Close any reports without saving.
• Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.
• Close the web browser.
• Close all open Notepad instances without saving.

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Distribute reports through bursting

Distribute reports
through bursting

IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0)
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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Unit objectives


Distribute reports using bursting
Create burst keys
Identify report recipients and data items using burst tables
Distribute reports using email and the IBM Cognos Analytics portal

Distribute reports through bursting

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Unit objectives

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Burst reports

• When you burst a report, you run a report once and divide the results
for distribution to multiple recipients.

• Each report recipient will only see the subset of data to which they
have access to.

Revenue by

Revenue by

Revenue by

Group A

Group B

Group C

Distribute reports through bursting

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Burst reports

While authoring a report, you can choose to burst to email addresses or to a directory
(in the Burst options). IBM Cognos Analytics leverages the existing security
infrastructure in the namespace to dynamically obtain email addresses. Your company
may have sales people in different regions who require the sales target for each
country; you can use burst reports to send each salesperson the information that they
Just as with regular reports, burst reports can be distributed in multiple formats (for
example, PDF, XML, XLS and CSV).

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Configure IBM Cognos Analytics to perform bursting

• To burst report data, you need to:

add burst recipients in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting


set burst options in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting


run the report in IBM Cognos Analytics Portal with bursting enabled

Distribute reports through bursting

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Configure IBM Cognos Analytics to perform bursting

The burst recipient is a data item in your report that determines who will receive the
burst reports.
The data source can be an existing employee table or a custom burst table that you
In order to burst a report, you must add a data item to the report that tells
IBM Cognos Analytics who the intended recipients are and how you intend to distribute
the reports. A burst table maps recipients or groups of recipients to specific data that
they are allowed to see and can be a separate table in your data source.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Add burst recipients

• You must specify a burst recipient to define who will receive the report.
• You can choose to burst to directories or email addresses or both.

Distribute reports through bursting

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Add burst recipients

Burst recipients can be users, groups, roles, email contacts, or email distribution lists.
When you burst a report to e-mail, you can:
• reference the e-mail address in the authentication source
• use the e-mail address as it is stored in your data source
• supply the e-mail address in the report itself by creating a calculated field
• reference the appropriate burst table column
If the authentication provider does not contain email information, the email address can
be manually entered in the IBM Cognos Analytics portal in the user's personal
information. Privileges are set differently at each organization. By default, a report
author does not have the necessary rights to make changes to the personal information
of other users, in which case your administrator may need to do this for you.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Set burst options in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting


Group the report on the data item to burst on
Burst groups define how the data should be separated
Burst recipient determines who receives the subset of data
Burst key defines
how the report is
burst to its recipients

Distribute reports through bursting

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Set burst options in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting

If you burst on a query item that is not a part of the layout, the same report will be
distributed to all the burst recipients. This allows you to use the burst functionality to
limit who receives the report, even when everyone who has access to the report sees
the same thing. This is similar to drilling through with no parameters in the target.
If you only want to e-mail the report to various recipients and not burst to the portal,
your burst recipient must be an email address. If you want the report to be emailed as
well as burst to the portal, you must specify your Burst Recipient Type to be Directory
The Label field in the Burst options dialog box determines how the reports are labeled
in the IBM Cognos Analytics portal. For example, if you use a country data item as the
label, the report will be named after the appropriate country. If you choose the burst
key, the report will be named after the burst key value, such as CAMID(":Australia"). If
no label is set, the default label is the data item that is being grouped.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Enable burst reports in IBM Cognos Analytics portal

• You can burst the report by running it from the IBM Cognos Analytics

Distribute reports through bursting

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Enable burst reports in IBM Cognos Analytics portal

You can burst the report immediately or schedule it to run at a later date and time. If you
intend to email the reports, you must select the Send the report by email option as well.
When emailing the report, you have the option of sending the report as an attachment,
sending a link to the report, or both.
To burst the report, run the report with options in IBM Cognos Analytics portal. In the
advanced options, select the Burst the report check box. This box is only available if the
report has the check box selected for Make available for bursting.
IBM Cognos lets administrators disable the ability to send reports as email attachments
to ensure that only approved users receive reports. If this is the case, you may still send
links to reports. Because these links are accessed through the IBM Cognos system,
users must log on to IBM Cognos Analytics portal to access a report.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Demonstration 1
Burst a report to email recipients using a data item

Distribute reports through bursting

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Demonstration 1: Burst a report to email recipients using a data item

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Demonstration 1:
Burst a report to email recipients using a data item
Three sales representatives at The Sample Outdoors Company need to know
the total number of items that they have sold of each product line and type.
However, employees need to see only data pertaining to their own sales. You
will burst a product sales report so that each sales representative will see
only his or her sales totals.
Note: In this demonstration, you will dynamically build an email burst key rather than
reference a burst table.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a report with product sales information.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the list data
• Employee by region: Employee name
• Products: Product line, Product type, Product
• Sales fact: Quantity, Revenue


Select the ,  and  list
column bodies, and then from the On demand toolbar, click Group / Ungroup.
You can use Ctrl+click or Shift+click methods to select multiple columns.
Click the  list column body, from the On demand toolbar
click Headers & footers, and then click Create header.
With the  column body still selected in the list, from the On
demand toolbar, under More, click Delete to remove the redundant column.


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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting



Click the  list column body, from the On demand toolbar, click
Summarize, and then click Total.
A section of the result appears as follows:

To include only the data for the three sales reps that need to know what they
have sold, you will filter the report.
From the On demand toolbar, click Filters, Edit Filters, and then click Add.
Click Advanced, and then click OK.
Create and validate the following expression:
[Sales (query)].[Employee by region].[Last name] in ('Scott', 'Sinden',
Hint: Source tab: Employee by region: Last name.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

10. Click OK to close each open dialog box, and then run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

11. Click Page down to scroll through the report, and view the other reps.
The report is filtered to only include sales made by Alessandra Torta, Bart Scott,
and John Sinden.
12. Close the rendered report tab, and save the report in Team content\B6059 as
Product Sales Report by Sales Rep.
You will now create a burst key data item that will let you distribute this report to
the sales reps using their email addresses.

Task 2. Create a burst key.


You will create a dynamic email data item that combines the sales
representative's first and last name and the domain name. The email data item
will be used as a burst key for burst recipients.
In this example participants could use the Email query item in the model.
However, a company can change its domain name, before having the email
addresses updated yet. To get these reports delivered right away, you can
create your own burst key - to send these reports to the new accounts. The
steps in this task show how to create the field if it is not a part of the data
On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click Query1.
On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
In the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, rename the
query to DynamicEmail.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting


From the Toolbox tab, drag a Data Item to the Data Items pane.
In the Data item expression dialog box, change the Name field to
In the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following
lower(substring([Sales (query)].[Employee by region].[First name],1,1) +
[Sales (query)].[Employee by region].[Last name]) + '@grtd123.com'


Source tab: Employee by region: First name, Last name.

The lower function returns the string with all text in lowercase. The substring
function returns the first initial of the first word in the [First name]. If a person's
name is Jean Marc, the substring function will return J.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, click Page1, and then select
the entire list.
From the Properties pane, under the DATA section, double-click Properties
then select the Burst_Key_Email check box, and then click OK.
You are making this data item a part of the list.

Task 3. Set the Burst options.


From the Properties pane, on the Select Ancestor list, click Report.
On the Properties pane, under RUNNING & VALIDATING, double-click
Burst options.
Click the Make report available for bursting check box to select it.
This check box sets a flag for IBM Cognos Analytics portal to allow bursting.
In the Burst Groups section, from the Query list, select DynamicEmail.
You will not enter a value for the Label, because you will use the default label,
Employee name.
Below Groups, click Edit, double-click Employee name to add it to the Groups
folder, and then click OK to close the Grouping & sorting dialog box.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting



In the Burst Recipient section, from the Query list, select DynamicEmail, from
the Data Item list, select Burst_Key_Email, and then from the Type list, select
Email addresses.
A section of the result appears as follows:

With these options, the report will be distributed by email (Type) to the email
address specified in Burst Key. The report is grouped by Employee name, and
each employee only receives the report with their data.
By selecting Email addresses (in the Burst options dialog box), you are
indicating that the email address is available in the Burst_Key_Email data item.
Click OK.
On the Application bar, click Save.
On the Application bar, from the currently active report list, select Welcome to
return to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.

Task 4. Burst the report and view the results.


The mail server must be started before continuing with this task.
From Internet Explorer, open a new Internet Explorer tab.
In the address window type the following address
http://localhost/mail/aperson.nsf and then press Enter.
You are now acting as an administrator, Admin Person, to access the mail
server and the administrator email account.
If prompted, log in as Admin Person/Education1.
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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting


In the left pane, click Mail
In Internet Explorer, return to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal tab, and
navigate to Team content\B6059.
6. For the Product Sales Report by Sales Rep report, click More, and then click
Run as.
7. Click the Run in background button to enable it (should show a checkmark on
the toggle switch), and then expand Advanced.
8. Click the Burst the report check box to select it.
9. Expand the Delivery section, click the Send this report by email check box to
select it, and then click Done.
10. Click Run.
11. After a couple of minutes (to allow the report versions to render), click the
Team content\B6059 page, click the More button of the Product Sales Report
by Sales Rep report, and then click View versions.
12. In the Versions flyout, click the most recent timestamp.
The output versions appear similar to the following:

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

13. On the Side panel, click Team content to close the open panels.
14. In Internet Explorer, click the Inbox tab, type the following address
http://localhost/mail/atorta.nsf, and then press Enter.
15. Click Mail.
If prompted for credentials, use Alessandra Torta/Education1.
The burst report appears in the Inbox.
16. Open the email from FBretton (Frank Bretton, the report author), and then click
the report link.
The report renders, and a section of the data to Alessandra Torta appears as

17. Scroll to the end of the report to see total revenue generated.
18. Close the rendered report tab.
19. Repeat steps 14 through 18 for:
• Bart Scott, http://localhost/mail/bscott.nsf
• John Sinden, http://localhost/mail/jsinden.nsf
20. Return to IBM Cognos Analytics portal, and leave it open for the next
By creating a burst key and setting the appropriate Burst options in IBM
Cognos Analytics - Reporting, you were able to burst product sales report to
sales reps. Each sales rep received only the data specific to them.
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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Examine a burst table

• The burst table maps recipients or groups of recipients to specific data
that they are allowed to see.

• The burst table typically contains a list of recipients and the data item
you will burst on.







Distribute reports through bursting

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Examine a burst table

CAMID (Cognos Access Manager ID) is an internal path to users, groups, roles,
contacts or distribution lists.
The list of recipients can be either a CAMID, or it could be the alternate search path
The burst table must also include the data item you intend to burst on. In the slide
example, these values are in the CountryCode column. This column will be used to
create the appropriate relationship in Framework Manager.
Burst tables are typically created by the Database Administrator (DBA), and the
recipient values are provided to the DBA by the report author.
After the DBA creates the burst table in the source database, the metadata modeler
must import the table's metadata into Framework Manager. The modeler must create a
relationship between the burst table query subject and the query subject containing the
item that you, the report author, are bursting on.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Examine a mixed recipient list

• You can mix the recipient types in your burst table for greater flexibility
in your distribution methods.





CAMID(":"/contact[@name='John Sinden'])


CAMID(":"/distributionList[@name="European Partners)


CAMID("Local NT ID:u=S-1-5-21-1434109735-



Distribute reports through bursting


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Examine a mixed recipient list

In a mixed recipient list scenario, you should not mix email address recipients and
alternate search path recipients. If you are using the alternate search path syntax, you
must set this option to Directory entries. This is because the syntax contains the @
symbol which will be mistaken for an e-mail address.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Obtain burst recipient values for LDAP namespaces

Alternate Search Path Syntax:
Distribute reports through bursting

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Obtain burst recipient values for LDAP namespaces

You can obtain values for burst recipients by examining their properties in
IBM Cognos Administration.
You can copy the CAMID, or use an alternate search path syntax that supports userfriendly IDs, into the burst recipient expression.
You can burst to both directory and the user’s email address if your authentication
provider contains the users' email address, or if you enter it manually in
IBM Cognos Analytics portal for each user.
The CAMID is accessed from the Properties page of any object. The CAMID is similar
to the Member Unique Name (MUN), in that it uniquely identifies objects. The double
forward slash preceding the account element indicates that you are searching all
accounts under the specified namespace.
If you are using an NTLM or a Series 7 namespace, the user IDs are alphanumeric or
numeric. You can create an alternative search path that dynamically generates user IDs
based on users' names and not alphanumeric or numeric IDs. Using this CAMID
syntax, you can substitute a static user ID (such as brettonf in the slide example) with a
dynamically generated user ID when creating your burst key.
The search path for NTLM namespace is of the form: CAMID("Local NT ID: u=S-1-521-1004336348-688789844-682003330-1134").
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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Access a burst table in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting

The database
creates the table in
the database

In Framework
Manager, the metadata
modeler adds the table
to the model and
publishes it

Distribute reports through bursting

In IBM Cognos
Analytics, he report
author has the burst
table available in
IBM Cognos Analytics
- Reporting

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Access a burst table in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting

The metadata modeler can set access permissions so that only specific report authors
can see the burst table.
Burst tables can be built independently of IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting or
IBM Cognos Analytics using user account information from external authentication
providers. This information is extracted from the namespace, arranged to fit the
structure of CAMIDs, and then added to a table in a data source.
Burst tables will often be created programmatically since typing each individual record
into a database table would be very time consuming.
Most popular programming languages can incorporate libraries that allow them to
interact with security software in this way. For example, LDAP security information can
be accessed using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) libraries.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Considerations when bursting to the
IBM Cognos Analytics portal
• You can burst the report to Team content in the IBM Cognos Analytics

• Bursting the report generates report outputs that are specific to the
user that is currently logged in.

Distribute reports through bursting

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Considerations when bursting to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal

To ensure that a report is burst to the Team content in IBM Cognos Analytics portal,
you must specify that you want to burst to Directory entries in the Burst options dialog
box in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting.
If the Send the report by email option is also selected on the Run with advanced
options page, and the email addresses for the recipients are accessible by IBM
Cognos Analytics, recipients will also receive the report by email.
After a report is burst, each user will see the data subset specific to them.
To view output versions for a report, you can click the View output versions icon in
Team content. Administrators have permission to view all output versions of the report
in the Schedule Management tool of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Demonstration 2
Burst a crosstab report to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal using a burst

Distribute reports through bursting

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Demonstration 2: Burst a crosstab report to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal using a burst

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Demonstration 2:
Burst a crosstab report to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal
using a burst table
You want sales reps to see product revenue that was generated by their
country. For example, sales reps from Italy should only see report outputs
that contain Italian sales data. To accomplish this, you will use the data in a
burst table to burst a report to Team content.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Task 1. Create a report that displays product revenue by

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the list report
• Employee by region: Country
• Products: Product line, Product type
• Sales fact: Revenue


Select the  and  list column bodies, and then from
the On demand toolbar, click Group / Ungroup.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting


Click the  list column body, from the On demand toolbar, click
Summarize, and then click Total.
A section of the result appears as follows:


On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click Query1.
On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
In the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, rename the
query to Product Revenue by Country.
8. On the Data/Source tab, expand the Burst table by country query subject,
and then drag Recipients to the Data Items pane.
The Burst table by country table includes the Country CAMID Recipients and
the Country Code for each user.
9. Navigate to Page1, and then select the entire list.
10. From the Properties pane, under DATA, double-click Properties, and then
select the Recipients data item check box to make it a property of the list.
11. Click OK.

Task 2. Set Burst options.


Click the Select Ancestor button, and then click Report.
On the Properties pane, under RUNNING & VALIDATING, double-click
Burst options, and then select Make report available for bursting.
In the Burst Groups section, in the Query list, select
Product Revenue by Country, and then in the Label list, select Recipients.
The label identifies the text that appears in the report name when burst to the
Below Groups, click Edit, double-click Country to add it to the Groups folder,
and then click OK to close the Grouping & sorting dialog box.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting



In the Burst Recipient section, in the Query list, select Product Revenue by
Country, in the Data Item list, select Recipients, and then in the Type list,
select Directory entries.
A section of the result appears as follows:

A report will be generated for each country, as indicated by the Groups, and will
be distributed to each burst recipient - in this case, country. Each report will be
labeled by the Recipients, which is the CAMID of a country.
Click OK to close the Burst options dialog box.
Save the report in Team content\B6059 as Sales by Country, and then
remove the IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting report.

Task 3. Burst the report.

From IBM Cognos Analytics portal, navigate to Team content\B6059.
Under More for the Sales by Country entry, click Run as.
Enable Run in background, and then expand Advanced.
Click the Burst the report check box to select it, and then click Run.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting


Navigate to Team content\B6059, and then under More for the
Sales by Country report, click View versions.
Click the most recent timestamp item to expand.
A section of the result appears similar to the following:

Three output versions were created for this report: one each for Australia, Italy,
and United States. Because you are logged in as Frank Bretton, a report author,
you can see all three output versions.
7. On the Application bar, click Frank Bretton, and then click Sign out.
8. Sign in as scottb\Education1, and then click OK.
9. Navigate to Team content\B6059, and then, under More for the
Sales by Country report, click View versions.
10. Click the most recent timestamp to expand.
A section of the result appears similar to the following:

Only one output version is shown, because Bart Scott belongs to the US group.
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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

11. Click the HTML
A section of the report appears as follows:

12. Sign out, and then sign in as brettonf\Education1.
13. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration.
The report that you created shows how much revenue each country generated
by product type. You added a burst key to the report, set the Burst options,
and burst the report to the Web.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Burst a dimensional container

• You can only add a burst key to a data container with one dimension,
such as a list report.

• If you want to burst a data container with multiple dimensions, such as
a chart or a crosstab:

create a master detail relationship between this query and a single
dimensional query
add the burst key to the single dimensional query.

Distribute reports through bursting

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Burst a dimensional container

An easy way to create a master detail relationship for a dimensional data container is
1. Create a list report with the item that you want bursting to group on as your first
column. This will be the master list.
2. Insert your chart or crosstab as the second column of the list. This automatically
creates a second query, which will be the detail query.
3. Add the item that you will group on to your chart or crosstab.
In the list, create a section with the item that you want to group.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Demonstration 3
Burst a crosstab report to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal using a burst
table and a master detail Relationship

Distribute reports through bursting

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Demonstration 3: Burst a crosstab report to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal using a burst
table and a master detail relationship

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Demonstration 3:
Burst a crosstab report to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal
using a burst table and a master detail relationship
You want sales reps to view a crosstab report of the revenue generated by
their country by product line and year. For example, sales reps from Italy will
see a report that contains Italian sales data by product line and year. To burst
reports to Team content in IBM Cognos Analytics portal, you will use the data
in a burst table and create a master detail relationship.
Report Type:

IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query)
Sales and Marketing (query)
Sales (query)

Note: It is not possible to burst a crosstab directly. In order to burst a crosstab, you
need to create a master detail relationship between the crosstab and a single
dimensional query.

Task 1. Create a crosstab within a list report.

Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package.
From the Data/Source tab, add the Country query item, from the
Employee by region query subject, to the list data container.
From the Toolbox tab, drag a Crosstab to the last column of the list data
container. (inside the list data container).
From the Object and query name dialog box, rename Query2 to
Product line Revenue Query, and then click OK.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting


From the Data/Source tab, populate the crosstab with the following query
• Rows:
• Products: Product line
• Columns:
• Time: Year
• Measures:
• Sales fact: Revenue
The result appears as follows:


Click the Country list column body, and then from the On demand toolbar, click
Section / unsection.
On the Application bar, open the Properties pane.
Click the Crosstab list column title, and then in the Properties pane, under the
BOX section, change the Box type property to None.
In the Crosstab, sort <#Product line#> and <#Year#> in Ascending order.


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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

10. Run the report in HTML.
A section of the result appears as follows:

Notice that each of the countries has identical data. This is because there is no
relationship between the list and the crosstab, so you see data for all countries.
You will add query items to both queries and then create a master detail
relationship to link the queries, which will make the results more meaningful.
11. Close the rendered report tab.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Task 2. Add a query item to the queries.


On the Navigate tab, click Query explorer, and then click Query1.
From the Properties pane, under MISCELLANEOUS, rename Query1 to
Country Query.
From the Data/Source tab, add the following items to the Data Items pane:
• Employee by region: Codes: Country code
• Burst table by country: Recipients
On the Navigate tab, click Product Line Revenue Query.
From the Data/Source tab, add Country code from
Employee by region\Codes.
On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1.

Task 3. Create a master detail relationship and set burst


Click any cell in the crosstab, and then from the On demand toolbar, under
More, click Master Detail Relationships.
In the Master detail relationships dialog box, click New Link.
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting creates a link between the first items; the
Country data item in Country Query and the Product line data item in Product
Line Revenue Query. You need to link Country code in Country Query to
Country Code in Product Line Revenue Query. You will create the link on
Country code instead of Country because Country code is indexed in the
database and the queries will run faster.
In the Master: Country Query pane, click Country code.
In the Detail: Product Line Revenue Query pane, click Country code.
Click OK to close the Master detail relationships dialog box.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting


Run the report in HTML.
Note that each crosstab is different now, due to the master detail relationship.


Close the rendered report tab.
In the Properties pane, click the Select Ancestor button, and then click
Under RUNNING & VALIDATING, double-click Burst options.
Click the Make report available for bursting check box to select it.
In the Burst Groups section, in the Query list, select Country Query, and then
in the Label list, select Country.
Country Query references the list with only one dimension.
Below Groups, click Edit, double-click Country to add it to the Groups folder,
and then click OK to close the Grouping & sorting dialog box.
In the Burst Recipient section, in the Query list, select Country Query.
In the Data Item list, select Recipients.



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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

15. In the Type list, select Directory entries.
A section of the result appears as follows:

16. Click OK, and then save the report as Country Product line Revenue Bursted
Report in Team content\B6059.
You are ready to burst the report.

Task 4. Burst the report and view the results.

Remove the report, and then in the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, navigate to
Team content\B6059.
Under More, for the Country Product Line Revenue Bursted Report entry,
click Run as.
Enable Run in background, and then expand Advanced.
Click the Burst the report check box to select it, and then click Run.
Navigate to Team content/B6059, and then under More for the Country
Product Line Revenue Bursted Report entry, click View versions.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting




Click the most recent timestamp to open it.
A section of the result appears similar to the following:

Three report output versions were created: one each for Australia, Italy, and
United States. Because you are logged in as Frank Bretton, the report author,
you can see all three output versions. You will now log on as a different user.
On the Application bar, sign out, and then sign in as sindenj/Education1.
On the IBM Cognos Analytics portal navigate to Team content\B6059, and
then under More for the Country Product Line Revenue Bursted Report
entry, click View versions.
Click the most current timestamp to open it.
Only one output version, for Australia, is displayed.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

10. Open the HTML report.
The results appear as follows:

This output version contains only Australian data, as you specified in the Burst
11. Sign out of IBM Cognos Analytics, and then sign in as brettonf/Education1
12. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the exercise.
Sales reps can view a crosstab report of the revenue generated in their
country by product line and year. To accomplish this, you used the data in a
burst table and a master-detail relationship to burst reports to Team content.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Unit summary


Distribute reports using bursting
Create burst keys
Identify report recipients and data items using burst tables
Distribute reports using email and IBM Cognos Analytics Portal

Distribute reports through bursting

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Unit summary

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Exercise 1
Create and burst a sales report to email and IBM Cognos Analytics portal

Distribute reports through bursting

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Exercise 1: Create and burst a sales report to email and IBM Cognos Analytics portal

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Exercise 1:
Create and burst a sales report to email and
IBM Cognos Analytics portal
Some country-based sales reps at the Sample Outdoors Company want to be
aware of how the product lines are selling.
Your assignment as Frank Bretton, report author, is to create a report that outlines
sales, and then burst it to various country-based sales reps through the web, in
Team content, and through email.
Once you burst the report, you will see product line reports for the following
country-based sales reps:
• John Sinden, Australia
• Bart Scott, United States
• Alessandra Torta, Italy
To accomplish this:
• Sign in as Frank Bretton, and then using the GO data warehouse (query)
package, Sales and Marketing (query) folder, Sales (query) namespace.
• Create a list report with Country (from Employee by region), Product line,
Product type, Product (from Products), and Revenue (from Sales fact).
• Group on Country, Product line, and Product type, and summarize Revenue.
• Section on Country.
• From the Burst table by country query subject, add Recipients to the query as
a data item.
• From the Employee by region\Codes query subject, add Country code to the
query as a data item.
• Set Recipients as a property of the list object. \
• Set Burst options, labeling the report by Country, and then save the report in
the Team content\B6059 folder as Product Line by Country Revenue Bursted

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

• Burst the report and then view the report outputs in IBM Cognos Analytics portal,
logged on as brettonf, sindenj, tortaa, and scottb (all with password Education1).
• Open the resulting emails in Lotus iNotes, as each of the following users:
• (http://localhost/mail/bscott.nsf
• http://localhost/mail/jsinden.nsf
• http://localhost/mail/atorta.nsf)
Note: Email addresses for the users exist in the IBM Cognos Analytics properties
for each user.
For more information about where to work and the exercise results, refer to the Tasks
and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer
to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Exercise 1: Tasks and results
Task 1. Create a list report.
• Side panel: Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query)
• Data/Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales
(query)/Employee by region, and then add Country to the list data container:
• From Products, add the following query items to the list data container:
Product line, Product type, Product.
• From Sales fact, add Revenue to the list report object
• On demand toolbar: Group the , , and
 list column bodies.
• Summarize the  list column body by Total.
• Section the < Country> list column body.
A section of the results appear as follows:

Task 2. Add query items to the query.
• Navigate tab: Navigate to Query1.
• Properties pane: Rename Query1 to Country Burst Query.
• Source tab:
• Navigate to Employee by region/Codes, and then add
Country code to the Data Items pane.
• Navigate to Burst table by country, and then add Recipients to the
Data Items pane.
• Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1.
• Work area: Select the entire list data container.
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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

• Properties pane: From Select Ancestors, click Report.
• Burst options: Set the following Burst options:
• Select Make report available for bursting.
• In the Burst Groups section, use Country Burst Query.
• Label it Country.
• Group it on Country.
• In the Burst Recipient section, use Country Burst Query.
• Use Recipients to identify the Data Item.
• Set the Type list to Directory entries.
The results appear as follows:

• Application bar: Save the report as Product line by Country Bursted Report
in Team content\B6059.
• Remove the report.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Task 3. Burst the report and view the results.
• Navigate to Team content/B6059.
• Product Line by Country Bursted Report: Click More.
• More: click Run as.
• Run as: enable Run in background.
• Expand Advanced.
• Advanced: Burst the report, and send the report by email.
• Run the report.
• IBM Cognos Analytics portal: View the versions for this report.
The results appear similar to the following:

• Sign out as Frank Bretton.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

Task 4. Log on as different users to review the results.
• Sign in window: Log on as sindenj/Education1.
• IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Navigate to Team content\B6059.
• Product Line by Country Bursted Report: View the versions for the report.
The results appear as follows:

• Versions pane: Click HTML to run the report.
• Sign out as John Sinden.
• Sign in window: Log on as tortaa/Education1.
• IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Navigate to Team content\B6059.
• Product Line by Country Bursted Report: View the versions for the report.
The results appear as follows:

• Versions pane: Click HTML to run the report.
• Sign out as Alessandra Torta.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

• Sign on window: Sign on as Bart Scott using the following credentials:
• IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Navigate to Team content\B6059.
• Product Line by Country Bursted Report: View the versions for the report.
The results appear as follows:

• Versions pane: Click the HTML to run the report.
• Sign out as Bart Scott.

Task 5. Log on to the mail server as different users to review
the results.
• Internet Explorer: Open a new tab and navigate to
If prompted to login, use Admin Person\Education1 credentials.
• IBM Lotus iNotes: Open Mail.
• Mail-inbox window: Open Product Line by Country Revenue Bursted Report
A section of the results appear as follows:

You see the link for the HTML report.

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

• Internet Explorer: Change the address to: http://localhost/mail/jsinden.nsf
• IBM Lotus iNotes: Navigate to the mail-inbox window.
• Mail-inbox window: Open Product Line by Country Revenue Bursted Report
A section of the results appear as follows:

You see the link for the HTML report.
• Internet Explorer: Change the address to: http://localhost/mail/atorta.nsf
• IBM Lotus iNotes: Navigate to the mail-inbox window.
• Mail-inbox window: Open Product Line by Country Revenue Bursted Report
A section of the results appear as follows:

You see the link for the HTML report.
• Close the IBM Lotus iNotes tab.
• Close the web browser

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Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting

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Enhance user interaction with HTML

Enhance user interaction
with HTML

IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0)
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U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L

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U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L

Unit objectives

• Create tooltips that clarify report data
• Send emails using links in a report

Enhance user interaction with HTML

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Unit objectives

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U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L

Create interactive reports using HTML

• Add HTML items to your report to control the behavior of elements of
the report.

• HTML items allow report authors to restrict the selections that users
can make.

Enhance user interaction with HTML

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Create interactive reports using HTML

An HTML item adds a container in which you can insert HTML code, such as a link to a
multimedia file, or JavaScript.
It is important to consider your audience and how the report will be rendered, as HTML
items will only work when the report is rendered in HTML.
If you want to use HTML items with other report outputs (such as PDF), you can use a
Rich text Item.
Functionality for the HTML item can be controlled using Capabilities\Report
Studio\HTML Items in Report found on the Administration console.
An HTML layout object can be anything your browser will execute, such as links,
images, multimedia or JavaScript.
The Appendix A - Explore the Prompt API optional unit demonstrates how you can
expand report functionality using HTML items and JavaScript.

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U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L

Include additional information with tooltips

• You can embed HTML code in your report that will create tooltips in
selected areas of your layout.

• Tooltips can link to query data and display information not included in
the layout.

Enhance user interaction with HTML

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Include additional information with tooltips

You can create a tooltip when you want users to have access to detail that you do not
want to display directly in the report layout.
You can create a generic tooltip creation function that accepts a string of text as a
parameter and uses it to create the tooltip. This lets you create HTML code out of report
expressions and embed tooltips in the report data.
A tooltip is a small window of text that appears beside the mouse pointer when it is held
over a specific area of the screen.
It is also possible to create tooltips using the 

tags in HTML, though it is not possible to apply any formatting to the tooltip window. tags are also supported with Rich text items. Tooltips are already available on charts by setting the Tooltips property to Yes, however, the technique illustrated here, would be suitable for list and crosstab reports. Depending on the content of your HTML item, set the appropriate source type. For example, for a static HTML item, use Text. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-5 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Demonstration 1 Add tooltips to a report Enhance user interaction with HTML © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Demonstration 1: Add tooltips to a report This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-6 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Demonstration 1: Add tooltips to a report Purpose: Management would like a product revenue report to include additional information such as product descriptions and the years included in the revenue value displayed. This information is only supplementary, however, and should not be added directly to the report layout. You will achieve this by including this information in tooltips, which will display at the appropriate points in the report. Portal: User/Password: Application: Package: Folder: Namespace: http://localhost:9300/bi brettonf/Education1 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query) Sales and Marketing (query) Sales (query) Task 1. Create the report. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package. From the Data/Source tab, add the following query items to the list data container: • Products: Product • Sales fact: Revenue • Time: Year Group the column, and then cut the column from the list. You do not want the year displayed in the rows for each product, but you want to keep Year in the query. Run the report in HTML. Note that as you hover your mouse cursor over the Product and the Revenue headers and cells, there is no additional information provided to the user. Close the rendered report tab. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-7 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Task 2. Create a static text tooltip. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. You will add a tooltip to the revenue header, to inform users that the revenue displayed is for all years, otherwise they may assume that it is the current year revenue. On the Application bar, under More, click Locked to unlock the cells of the report. From the Toolbox tab, under ADVANCED, drag an HTML item to the left of the Revenue column header title, and then drag another HTML tem to the right of the Revenue column header title. The Revenue column header title appears between two < HTML item > objects. Double-click the left < HTML item >, and then type the following HTML code in the text box: Click OK, and then double-click the right < HTML item >. In the HTML dialog box, type , and then click OK. Run the report in HTML. Note that as you hover your mouse cursor over the Revenue column header, that the tooltip which you created appears beside the mouse cursor, as follows: Close the rendered report tab. Task 3. Create a tooltip from a report expression. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You will create a tooltip that displays the appropriate product description when the mouse cursor hovers over a product. You need to add the Description query item to the list, and then create an HTML Item that uses a report expression to reference the required data from the query. On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click Query1. On the Application bar, open the Properties pane. In the Properties pane, under the MISCELLANEOUS section, rename the query as Product Revenue Query. On the Data/Source tab, from the Products query subject, drag Product description to the Data Items pane. On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1. Click the list Container selector to select the entire list. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-8 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L 7. 8. In the Properties pane, under the DATA section, update the Properties option to include Product description. From the Toolbox tab, under ADVANCED, drag an HTML item to the left of an item in the column body, and then drag an HTML item to the right of an item in the column body. An < HTML Item > object appears on each side of each data item. 9. Click an < HTML item > object to the left of a item, to select it. 10. In the Properties pane, under the HTML SOURCE section, change the Source type property to Report expression, and then double-click the Report expression property. 11. In the Expression Definition box, create and validate the following code: '' The first "' is a double quote followed by a single quote, and the last '" is a single quote followed by a double quote. 12. Click OK to close the Report expression dialog box. 13. Double-click an < HTML item > object to the right of a item, in the HTML dialog box, type , and then click OK. HTML items are not case sensitive. Task 4. Test the tooltip. 1. Run the report in HTML, and point to the Aloe Relief product to see the tooltip that you created. A section of the results appear as follows: 2. Point to another product. The tooltip now displays the description for this product. When IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting created the HTML version of this report, it created a copy of the tooltip code for every row in the Product column. Each instance of the code passes the Description query item related to the Product to the generic tooltip function. Close the rendered report tab. 3. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-9 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Task 5. Create a tooltip from a data item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. While the Revenue column header tooltip indicates that the values in that column are based on revenue for all years, not all years contain the same products. Some products are discontinued, and new products are introduced in different years. You will create another tooltip in the Revenue column to display the years that the revenue is based on On the Navigate tab, click the Query explorer tab, and then click Product Revenue Query. From the Toolbox tab, drag a Data Item into the Data Items pane. In the Data item expression dialog box, in the Name field, type Revenue ToolTip. the Expression Definition pane, create and validate the following HTML code: ' ' Hints: • Data Items tab: [Year]. • Functions tab: • Common Functions: A-C: cast • Summaries: minimum, maximum This data item references the year data, and for all the years with revenue data for a product, it will determine what the earliest year is, and what the latest year is. The minimum() function will determine the minimum year, maximum() function determines the maximum year, and the cast() function coverts the data expression to a string of 4 characters. Click OK to close the Data item expression dialog box. On the Navigate tab, click the Page explorer tab, and then click Page1. From the Toolbox tab, under ADVANCED, drag an HTML item to the left of an item in the column body, and then drag an HTML item to the right of an item in the column body. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-10 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L 8. Click the < HTML item > to the left of a list column body item, in the Properties pane in the HTML SOURCE section, change the Source type property to Data item value, and then change the Data item value property to Revenue ToolTip. 9. Double-click the < HTML item > to the right of a column body item, in the HTML dialog box, type , and then click OK. 10. On the Application bar, under More, click Unlocked to lock the cells of the report. Task 6. Test the tooltip. 1. Run the report in HTML, and then hover the mouse cursor over the revenue for Aloe Relief in the first row of the Revenue column. A custom tooltip is displayed to indicate the revenue is derived from sales from 2010 through 2013. 2. Hover the mouse cursor over the revenue for Astro Pilot. The tooltip now displays the years used in this revenue value for this specific product. When IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting created the HTML version of this report, it created a copy of the tooltip code for every row in the Revenue column. Each instance of the code referenced the Revenue ToolTip data item and passed the content of this item to the generic tooltip function. Hover the mouse cursor over Auto Pilot to see the years included in the revenue value. Close the rendered report tab. Remove the report without saving it. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the exercise. 3. 4. 5. 6. Results: You created tooltips in your report using HTML items. Your tooltips described the revenue column, both in terms of the general statement for the revenue column that was displayed, details of the years included in the revenue values for each product, as well as a tooltip that displayed descriptions for each product. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-11 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Send emails using links in a report • You can replace a data item with an HTML item in order to create a hyperlink that opens an email when you click the data item in the report. Email address Text that appears as a link in the report '' + [Employee name] + '' Enhance user interaction with HTML © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Send emails using links in a report The query must include the item you want to appear as a link in the report (such as Employee name), and the query item containing the email addresses of the recipients. Unlock the report, cut the Employee name query item out of the column, and then add an HTML Item to the column instead. Modify the Report Expression of the HTML to create a "mailto" link Item to open an email window, specify what to display in the To box of the email, and what item will appear as a link in the report. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-12 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Unit summary • Create tooltips that clarify report data • Send emails using links in a report Enhance user interaction with HTML © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Unit summary This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-13 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Exercise 1 Send emails using links in a report Enhance user interaction with HTML © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Exercise 1: Send emails using links in a report This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-14 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Exercise 1: Send emails using links in a report Management has requested an employee contact list. They would like to be able to contact employees by email easily. To facilitate this, as report author Frank Bretton, you will create a list report where the employee names are hyperlinks that will launch a new blank email populated with the address of that employee. To accomplish this: • Create a list report with using the GO data warehouse (query) package, Sales and Marketing (query), Sales (query) with Employee name, Position name, Work phone, Extension, and Email displayed. • Make the Email and Employee name data items properties of the report. • Cut the Email column and the Employee name data item (not the column title) from the report. • Rename the query as Employee Contact Information Query. • Drag an HTML Item to the top cell of the Employee name column, and make it a report expression. • Type the report expression as follows: '' + [Employee Contact Information Query].[Employee name] + ''. • Type the title of the report: Employee Contact Information. Run the report and click Abel Antunes. If prompted to log in to email, accept the default account and use the password Education1. For more information about where to work and the IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting results, refer to the Tasks and Results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer to previous content and demonstrations for detailed steps. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-15 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Exercise 1: Tasks and Results Task 1. Create a list report containing HTML item objects. • Side panel: Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package. • Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Employee by region, and add the following query items to the list data container: • Employee name • Position name • Work phone • Extension • Email. The results appear as follows: • Properties pane: For the list, add the Employee name and Email to the Properties option. • On demand toolbar: Cut the list column body. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Query1. • Properties pane: Rename the query as Employee Contact Information Query. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1. • Application bar: Unlock the report. • On demand toolbar: Cut the list column body. The results appear as follows: • Toolbox tab: Add an HTML item into the top, empty cell of the Employee name list column body. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-16 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L Task 2. Define the HTML item and format the report. • Properties pane: For the < HTML item >, change the Source type property to Report expression. • Open the Report expression property, and then create and validate the following expression: '' + [Employee Contact Information Query].[Employee name] + '' • Work area: Add the following title to the header block: Employee Contact Information. • Toolbar: Align the header block left. • Application bar: Lock the report. • Navigate tab: Navigate to the Employee Contact Information Query. • Properties pane: For the Employee name data item, change the Pre-sort property to Sort ascending. • Application bar: Run the report in HTML. A section of the report appears as follows: • Employee Contact Information report: Click Abel Atunes. • Lotus Notes authentication window: accept the default User name, type the password Education1, and then click Log In. You may need to maximize IBM Lotus Notes from the taskbar, and then click the New Message tab. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-17 U n i t 8 E n h a n c e u s e r i n t e r a c t i o n wi t h H T M L • New Message tab: Review the generated email. The e-mail is addressed to AAntunes@grtd123.com, and will be sent by your currently logged-in account. The results appear as follows: • Close the e-mail without sending or saving it. • Close IBM Lotus Notes. • Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal. • Close the web browser. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 8-18 End-to-end exercise (optional) End-to-end exercise (optional) IBM Cognos Analytics (v11.0) © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of IBM. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-2 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e End-to-end exercise • Various managers have requested a number of reports to answer business questions pertaining to their areas of interest. • You have been provided with the requirements for each report. • You must create and deliver these reports by the end of the day. End-to-end workshop (optional) © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 End-to-end exercise In this exercise, you will: • create reports to meet various business requirements • reinforce concepts learned throughout the course This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-3 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Report 1: Burst a sales report by country User\Password: brettonf\Education1 Optionally, you may name the queries. Sales managers want to review details about sales in 2012. They want to view a list displaying revenue generated and quantity sold for sales for each retailer type. Within this list, they want to view a pie chart showing revenue generated by each product line for each retailer type. All of this information has to be displayed for each country, and then burst to the Web so that users can only see data for their country. For example, if a sales rep from Australia logs into IBM Cognos Analytics portal, they must be able to view a report containing only Australian data. To accomplish this: • Create a list report using the GO data warehouse (query) package, Sales and Marketing (query) folder. • Add the following query items from the Sales (query) namespace: • Employee by region\Country • Retailers\Retailer type • Sales fact\Quantity and Revenue • Group Country, and then make Country a header instead of a column. Add totals for Quantity and Revenue. • Filter the list to only include data for orders placed in 2012. • Verify that legacy chart authoring is turned off, add a pie chart with 3-D Effects and Rounded Bevel chart to the list, and have it display Revenue by Product line. Filter the chart to only show data for orders placed in 2012. • Add the recipients from the Burst table by country query subject and country code from the Employee by region query subject to Query1, and then make these data items properties of the list. • Add the retailer type from the Retailers query subject and country code from Employee by region query subject to Query2. • Create a master-detail relationship with two links between the two queries, so that the country code in the list matches country code in the chart and retailer type matches retailer type. • Change the report title to "2012 Sales Report by Retailer Type and Product line", and make the Country item in the list header 12 pt, bold, and italic. • Set up the burst options to burst on country and to distribute the report to recipients as directory entries. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-4 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e • Save the report as Report1. • Burst the Report1 report to generate three outputs: one each for United States, Australia, and Italy. • Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, sign on as scottb\Education1 from the United States, and view the data in the report. • Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, sign on as sindenj\Education1 from Australia, and view the data in the report. • Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal. For more information about where to work and the exercise results, refer to the Tasks and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-5 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Report 1: Tasks and results Portal: User/Password: Application: Package: Folder: Namespace: http://vclassbase:9300/bi brettonf/Education1 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query) Sales and Marketing (query) Sales (query) Task 1. Create a list report that displays country sales by retailer. • Side panel: Open a new List template, using the GO data warehouse (query) package. • Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query) / Sales (query) • Employee by region: Add the Country query item to the list. • Retailers: Add the Retailer type query item to the list. • Sales fact: Add the Quantity and Revenue query items to the list. The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-6 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e • Toolbar: Group the list column body. • Create a header for . • Delete the redundant list column body. • Summarize and for Total. • Create and validate the following advanced detail filter: [Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=2012. The results appear as follows: • Run the report in HTML. A section of the results appear as follows: • Close the rendered report tab. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-7 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 2. Add a pie chart to the list. • Application bar/More/Options: Verify that the Use legacy chart authoring check box is cleared. • Toolbox tab: Create a Pie chart with 3-D Effects and Rounded Bevel, based on Query2, and place it to the right of the list column body in the list data container. • Source tab: • From Sales fact, add Revenue as the Default measure. • From Products, add Product line to the Series (pie slices) drop zone. • On demand toolbar: Create and validate the following advanced detail filter for Query2: [Sales (query)].[Time].[Year]=2012 The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-8 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 3. Add Recipients and Country code to Query1. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Query1. • Source tab: • Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Burst table by country, and then add the Recipients query item to the Data Items pane. • Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Employee by region/Codes, and then add the Country code query item to the Data Items pane. The results appear as follows: • Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1. • Properties pane: Make the Recipients and Country code data items properties of the list. Task 4. Add Retailer type and Country code to Query2. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Query2. • Source tab: • Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Retailers, and then add the Retailer type query item to the Data Items pane. • Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query)/Employee by region/Codes, and then add the Country code query item to the Data Items pane. The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-9 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 5. Create a master detail relationship between the queries, add a title, and format the header. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1. • Select the Pie chart. • On demand toolbar/More: • Create a new master detail relationship link between the Country code data items in each query. • Create a new link between the Retailer type data items in each query. The results appear as follows: • Report Header: Add the following title: 2012 Sales Report by Retailer type and Product line. • On demand toolbar: • Set the title font to 18 pt, Bold. • Left-justify the title block. A section of the results appears as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-10 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 6. Set the burst options for the report. • Properties pane/Report: With the list selected, set the following burst options: • Burst options: Make the report available for bursting. • Burst Groups: • Query: Query1 • Label: Country • Groups: Country • Burst Recipient: • Query: Query1 • Data Item: Recipients • Type: Directory entries • Application bar: Save the report in the Team content/B6059 folder as Report1. • Remove the IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting report. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-11 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 7. Set the burst options for the report and test. • IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Navigate to Team content/B6059. • Report1/More: Click Run as, set the following advanced options: • Run in background. • Burst the report. • Application bar: Sign out. • Sign in window: Sign in as: scottb\Education1 • IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Navigate to the B6059 folder. • Run the Report1 report. A section of the results appears as follows: • Application bar: Sign out as Bart Scott. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-12 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e • Sign in window: Sign in as sindenj\Education1. • IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Navigate to the B6059 folder. • Run the Report1 report. A section of the results appear as follows: • Application bar: Sign out. • Sign in as brettonf/Education1 • Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next report. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-13 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Report 2: Create a report letting users choose top and bottom 'N' product types User\Password: brettonf\Education1 Optionally, you may name the queries. Marketing wants to know how the company's product types are performing based on gross profit. You have been asked to create a report that shows the top-performing and bottom-performing product types. At runtime, the managers want to be able to select the number of top-performing product types and the number of bottomperforming product types that will appear in the report. To accomplish this: • Create a list report using the GO data warehouse (query) package, Sales and Marketing (query) folder, Sales (query) namespace that includes Product line, Product type, and Gross profit. • Add a calculated column called Rank1 (Label: Rank) that ranks the gross profit generated by each product type. • Add a table with one column and two rows, move the existing list report to the top cell, and then add a new list to the bottom cell. • Add Product line, Product type, and Gross profit to the bottom list. • Add a calculated data item called NegGP to the query used to create the second list. This data item multiplies the gross profit generated by each product type by negative one. • Add a calculated column called Rank2 (Label: Rank) to the bottom list that ranks the values in the NegGP column. • Filter the top list to only show product types whose gross profit rank is less than or equal to the rank number provided by the user, and then do the same for the bottom list. • Add a dynamic title that changes depending on the value entered using the prompt. The title appears as follows: Topperforming and Bottom-performing Product Types. • Format the entire title so all the text looks the same. • Add text before the top list and before the bottom list describing their contents. Make this text dynamic so that it reflects the number of products users select using the prompt. • Make all explanatory text above the list reports bold. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-14 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e • Create space between the two lists by adding 20 pixels of padding to the top of the cell holding the bottom list report. • Sort the Rank columns in both lists in ascending order. • Create a prompt page that lets users provide the number of top and bottom product types to view. Include instructions above the prompt asking for the number of top and bottom product types to view. • Run the report and enter 5 as the prompt value. For more information about where to work and the exercise results, refer to the Tasks and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-15 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Report 2: Tasks and results Portal: User/Password: Application: Package: Folder: Namespace: http://vclassbase:9300/bi brettonf/Education1 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query) Sales and Marketing (query) Sales (query) Task 1. Create a list report that ranks product types by how much gross profit they generate. • IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Open a new List template using the GO data warehouse (query) package. • Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query) • Products: Add Product line and Product type query items to the list report. • Sales fact: Add the Gross profit measure to the list report. • Toolbox tab/TEXTUAL: Add a query calculation to the end of the list data container called Rank1, and create and validate the following expression: rank([Gross profit]) • Properties pane: Rename the column label to Rank. The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-16 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 2. Add a table and a second list for bottom-performing product types. • Toolbox tab: Add a table object to the report layout below the list, with 1 column and 2 rows. • Work area: Move the list to the top cell of the table. • Toolbox tab: Add a second list report object to the bottom cell. • Source tab: Navigate Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query) • Products: Add Product line and Product type query items to the new list report object. • Sales fact: Add the Gross profit measure to the list report object. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Query2. • Toolbox tab: Add a query calculation called NegGP, and then create and validate the following expression: [Gross profit] * -1 • Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1. • Properties pane: Make NegGP a property of the Query2 list. • Create and validate an additional query calculation, placed at the end of the new list report object, called Rank2, using the following expression: rank([NegGP]). • Properties pane: Rename the column label to Rank. The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-17 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 3. Filter both lists so that users can choose the number of top-performing and bottom-performing product types to view. • On demand toolbar: Create and validate an advanced detail filter, for the top list, using the following expression: [Rank1]<=?RankNumber?. (Validate using the number 1 if required.) • Filters - Query1 pane: Set filter application to After auto aggregation. • On demand toolbar: Create and validate an advanced detail filter, for the bottom list, using the following expression: [Rank2]<=?RankNumber?. • Filters - Query2 pane: Set filter application to After auto aggregation. Task 4. Add an explanatory report title. • Report header block: Create the following report title: press the spacebar, and then type: Top-Performing and Bottom-Performing Product types. • Toolbox tab: Add a Layout calculation to the beginning of the report title text using the RankNumber parameter as the report expression. • Header: Format the layout calculation text with same format as the title. • Left-justify the header block. The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-18 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 5. Format the report and add explanatory text above the reports. • Toolbox tab: Add the following Text item object to the left of the top list data container, inside the top table cell: Press the spacebar and then type Topperforming Product types. • Add a Layout calculation to the left of the text item that you have just added. • Report expression: Use the RankNumber parameter for the report expression. • Toolbox tab: Add the following Text item object to the left of the bottom list report object, inside the top table cell: Press the spacebar and then type Bottomperforming Product types. • Add a Layout calculation to the left of the text item that you have just added. • Report expression: Use the RankNumber parameter for the report expression. • Toolbar: Format both of text items and layout calculations to Bold. • Properties pane: Add padding (20px) to the top of the bottom table cell. • On demand toolbar: • Sort the list column body in Ascending order. • Sort the list column body in Ascending order. The results appear similar to the following: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-19 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 6. Add a prompt page • Navigate tab: Navigate to Prompt pages. • Toolbox tab: Add a Page object to the Prompt pages pane. • Prompt pages: Open Prompt page1. • Toolbox tab: Add a Table object to the Work area with 1 column 2 rows. • Add a Text box prompt to the bottom cell using the RankNumber parameter. • Add the following Text Item to the top cell: Select the number of topperforming and bottom-performing product types to view: • On demand toolbar: Make the newly added text Bold. • Run the report in HTML. • Prompt: Set the prompt value to 5. The results appear as follows: • Close the rendered report tab. • Remove the report without saving it. • Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next report. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-20 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Report 3: Let users choose a chart type to display with a crosstab User\Password: brettonf\Education1 Optionally, you may name the queries. For an upcoming presentation, management has requested a report comparing the volume of sales of each product line in each sales territory. The report must show data in crosstab format and must show the same data in a graphical display. Depending on their preferences, users should be able to view the data graphically in a column, line, or gauge chart. To accomplish this: • Create a column chart, using the GO data warehouse (query) package, Sales and Marketing (query) folder, Sales (query) namespace, that displays the quantity of each product line sold in each sales territory. • Add a clustered line with markers chart to the report using the same query, and add the same items as you did for the column chart. • Add a gauge chart with bevelled border to the report using the same query, and add the same items you did for the column chart. • Hide the horizontal axis titles on all of the charts. • Add a prompt page with a value prompt and create a new parameter for the prompt called "DisplayOptions". • Add three static choices for the prompt that let users choose to view a column chart, line chart, or gauge chart, and add explanatory text to let users know how to use the prompt. • Add a Conditional blocks object to the report page below the three charts. Use a string variable to conditionally format this block to display the chart type that users select from the prompt at run time, and set the property of the conditional block object to associate each chart with the conditional block, with the gauge chart set as (Other). • Add a crosstab to the bottom of the report and populate it using the same query and data that you added to the charts. • Run the report for each of the prompt options. • Save the report in the B6059 folder as Report3. For more information about where to work and the exercise results, refer to the Tasks and Results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-21 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Report 3: Tasks and results Portal: User/Password: Application: Package: Folder: Namespace: http://vclassbase:9300/bi brettonf/Education1 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Team content\Samples\Models\GO data warehouse (query) Sales and Marketing (query) Sales (query) Task 1. Create a chart report containing three display types. • Side panel: Open a Clustered Column chart report using the GO data warehouse (query) package. • Source tab: Navigate to Sales and Marketing (query)/Sales (query) • Sales fact: Quantity to Default measure (y-axis) drop zone. • Products: Product line to Series (primary axis) drop zone. • Retailers: Region to Categories (x-axis) drop zone. • Toolbox tab: • Add a new Clustered Line with Markers chart object, using the same query and data as the first chart. • Add a new Gauge chart with bevelled border chart object, using the same query and data. • Properties pane/GENERAL: Change the Axis titles/Default titles values to No for the column, line, and gauge charts. The results appear similar to the following: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-22 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 2. Add a prompt with static choices. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Prompt Pages. • Toolbox tab: Add a new Page object. • Prompt pages pane: Open Prompt page1. • Toolbox tab/PROMPTING: Add a Value prompt object to the Work area. • Prompt Wizard: Create a new parameter called DisplayOptions. • Properties pane: Create the following static choices for the value prompt parameter: Use Display Column Column Line Line Gauge Gauge • Toolbox tab: Add a Table object with 1 column and 2 rows. • Add the following Text item object to top table cell: Please select a chart type:. • Drag the Value prompt to the bottom table cell. • On demand toolbar: Make the text bold. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-23 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 3. Add a conditional block and apply conditional formatting to this conditional block. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Page1. • Toolbox tab/ADVANCED: Add a Conditional blocks object to the Work area, below the charts. • Properties pane: Create a new Block variable (string) called Chart. • New Variable pane: Add the following two variables: Column, and Line. • Expression Definition pane: Create and validate the following expression: ParamDisplayValue('DisplayOptions'). • Properties pane: For the Conditional block object, set the Current block property to Column. • Work area: Drag the Column chart into the Conditional block object. • Properties pane: For the Conditional Block object, set the Current block property to Line. • Work area: Drag the Line chart into the Conditional block object. • Properties pane: For the Conditional block object, set the Current block property to (Other). • Work area: Drag the Gauge chart into the Conditional block object. • Properties pane: Validate by changing the current block to the different options. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-24 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e Task 4. Add a crosstab to the report, and then run the report. • Toolbox tab: Add a Crosstab object below the Conditional block object. • Object and query name dialog box: Click Query1 from the Query Name field list. • Data/Data items/Query1: • Add the Region data item to the Rows. • Add the Product line data item to the Columns. • Add the Quantity data item to the Measures area. • Application bar: Run the report in HTML. • Prompt: Choose Line. The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-25 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e • Rendered report tab: Run the report. • Prompt: Choose Gauge. The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-26 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e • Rendered report tab: Run the report. • Prompt: Choose Column. The results appear as follows: • Close the rendered report tab. • Close the report without saving it.. • Sign out of the IBM Cognos Analytics portal. • Close the web browser. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-27 U n i t 9 E n d - t o - e n d e xe r c i s e This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 9-28 Explore the Prompt API Explore the Prompt API IBM Cognos Analysis (v11.0) © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of IBM. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-2 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Unit objectives • Describe the Prompt API • Describe the uses of the Prompt API • Describe the primary objects, methods and properties used in the Prompt API • Review prompt values • Explore the enhancement of prompts in reports with the Prompt API Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Unit objectives This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-3 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I What is the Prompt API? • API: application programming interface • the Prompt API is documented and supported to interact with Report Studio prompts Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 What is the Prompt API? An API is an interface that allows an application program that is written in a high-level language to use specific data or functions of the operating system or another program. Using the Prompt API, you can extend or replace prompts in IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting. This gives you the flexibility to enhance your prompts without requesting formal product enhancements. The Prompt API is supported in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting for authoring and IBM Cognos Viewer for consumption. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-4 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Describe the uses of the Prompt API • Customize standard prompt functionality in Report Studio • Query and set user selections • Use patterns to validate typed-in values Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Describe the uses of the Prompt API For the prompts in your report, you can use the Prompt API to set a prompt value, read a prompt value, or delete a prompt value. You can also validate prompt values that are typed in by a user, to ensure that the value matches the required pattern for the prompt. For example, you may require that the user submit a value with specific alpha-numeric ordering, such as a catalog number format of AA1234. With the Prompt API you can also set default values using expressions or query data. For example, you can ensure if a user selects a prompt value of a specific tent model, that the selection of tent colors selection to the user in another prompt will only include the colors applicable to the selected tent model. Sample reports exist to demonstrate various usage scenarios of the Prompt API. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-5 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Demonstration 1 Run two Prompt API samples to introduce enhanced prompt functionality Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Demonstration 1: Run two Prompt API samples to introduce enhanced prompt functionality This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-6 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Demonstration 1: Run two Prompt API samples to introduce enhanced prompt functionality Purpose: You want to run a couple of Prompt API sample reports to see how prompt functionality can be enhanced with the Prompt API in IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting. This demonstration is optional, as it is to merely run a couple of reports and show one example of Prompt API functionality. This demonstration does not go in to detail about how the specific JavaScript code would be used, but instead, is more of a quick peek before diving in to the Prompt API detail. Portal: User/Password: Application: Package: Report location: Report: http://vclassbase:9300/bi brettonf/Education1 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query) Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query) Personal Default Prompt Selections - Set Selections Task 1. Run the sample report. 1. 2. 3. Sign in to the IBM Cognos Analytics portal with brettonf/Education1 credentials. From the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, navigate to Team content\ Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query). A list of sample reports that use the Prompt API are available for your reference. Click the Personal Default Prompt Selections - Set Selections report to run it. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-7 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Task 2. Review the contents of the report in IBM Cognos Viewer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The report is commented with instructions to help you understand how it works. The instructions are to help select prompt values that you (as a report consumer) would use most often, and then the option to save your selections using the Save Prompt Values button. The values will be saved to your browser cookies. You will follow the steps to make some prompt selections, and then you will open another Prompt API sample report which uses this functionality, to ensure that your prompt selections were saved. In the Product Line prompt on the left, click Outdoor Protection. In the Order Method prompt, click Fax. Click the Save Prompt Values button. A message notifies you that your personal default prompt selections have been saved. Click OK to close the message, and then on the Application bar, remove the report from the currently active list (if you don't see the arrow to drop down, click the report name - the option to Remove will appear). From the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, navigate to Team content\ Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query). Click the Personal Default Prompt Selections - Use Selections to run a different report. A prompt page is displayed with a message that informs you that your personal default prompt selections have been loaded. A section of the prompt page appears as follows: This report displays the prompts that you selected in the first report. The prompts in this report use the Prompt API enhancement to populate the prompt values from the cookie settings in the browser. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-8 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 7. 8. Click OK to the alert message box. On the Application bar, remove the report from the currently active list. In this Unit, you will be learning in greater detail how the Prompt API can be used in reports. This demonstration was intended to introduce you to some Prompt API functionality. When you have completed this Unit, you are encouraged to look again at these two reports and the JavaScript code in them, for implementation into your own reports. Results: You ran a couple of Prompt API sample reports to see how prompt functionality can be enhanced with the Prompt API in IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-9 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Who uses the Prompt API? • Report authors Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Who uses the Prompt API? With the Prompt API, report authors can write JavaScript applications to customize the standard prompt functionality available in IBM Cognos IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting. To do this, you can use the IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting HTML object to embed HTML/JavaScript into the report page or prompt page. JavaScript interacts with prompt objects through the Prompt API. Note: The user developing and running these reports must have the assigned capability to use the 'HTML Items in Report' layout element. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-10 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I What is JavaScript? • Web scripting language used in browsers and on Web servers  scripting languages are interpreted in real-time, rather than compiled ahead of time Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 What is JavaScript? Using JavaScript, in a browser that supports it, can enhance the functionality of Web pages. The reports that you create in IBM Cognos IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, when they are run as HTML, are Web pages. Therefore, you can add JavaScript to the HTML coding of your reports using tags and JavaScript syntax. JavaScript runs locally, so user interaction to the scripted application is very fast. Use JavaScript to customize standard prompt functionality. Be aware that some browsers may not support JavaScript. This module is intended to introduce you to JavaScript in the Prompt API in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting. It is not intended that this module will teach JavaScript. Many people confuse Java with JavaScript. Although there are similarities, there are significant differences. One difference is that Java is compiled by bytecode ahead of being executed, whereas JavaScript is executed in real-time. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-11 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Demonstration 2 Display user-selected prompt values Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Demonstration 2: Display user-selected prompt values This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-12 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Demonstration 2: Display user-selected prompt values Purpose: You want to explore a sample report that demonstrates how to display userselected prompt values. You will do this to learn about the Prompt API and how you can use JavaScript in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting. Portal: User/Password: Application: Package: Report location: Report: http://vclassbase:9300/bi brettonf/Education1 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query) Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query) Display User Selected Prompt Values Task 1. Run the sample report. 1. 2. In the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, navigate to Team content\ Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query). A list of sample reports that use the Prompt API are available for your reference. Click Display User Selected Prompt Values to run the report. Task 2. Review the contents of the report. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The report is commented with instructions to help you understand how it works. The instructions are to select prompt values and then click the Display Prompt Details button. In the Product line prompt, on the left, click Outdoor Protection, and then Ctrl+click Golf Equipment. In the Order method type prompt, click Web. In the From prompt, click inside the text box, and then type 4. Click the Insert button. In the Choices prompt box, click between 1 and 3, and then click the Remove button. The Choices box appears as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-13 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 6. Click the Finish button. Below the Finish button, the list is populated with data that satisfies the user prompt selections. 7. Click the Display Prompt Details button. A summary of the prompt values that were selected by the user are displayed. The product line prompt had two values selected (Outdoor Protection, Golf Equipment), the order method type prompt had one value (Web) selected, and the order method code prompt had one value selected (greater than or equal to 4). All prompts had use and display properties defined. The result is as follows: There are 3 prompts on this report page. The prompt promptProdLine has 2 value(s) selected. Use: 994 Display: Outdoor Protection Use: 995 Display: Golf Equipment The prompt promptOrderMethodType has 1 value(s) selected. Use: 5 Display: Web The prompt promptOrderMethodCode has 1 value(s) selected. Start-use: 4 Start-display: 4 You will look at the report layout to explore the code that was used. Task 3. Edit the report in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting. 1. 2. 3. On the Application bar, click Edit, and then open the Properties pane. Click the first value prompt, and then in the Properties pane, review the properties of the prompt, taking notice of properties such as: Use value, Display value, Multi-select, and Auto-submit. Review the properties for each of the prompts in the report layout. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-14 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 4. In the report layout, double-click the < HTML item > object. The code reveals JavaScript coding between the tags. The following actions are coded: • var xxxx = { }; is to attach the functions to an object to mimic a namespace and ensure the name uniqueness. JavaScript does not support namespaces, so this is a mechanism to mimic one. There are other techniques that you could potentially use; this one is a simple technique. As you develop your own JavaScript code, you could try creating an object with an unlikely name and attach functions to it; it is the object name that provides the uniqueness. • xxxx.hookEventHandler = function() associates the displayButton button with the iterateThroughPrompts() function. • iterateThroughPrompts() function loops through the prompt objects, displaying the selected values; notice that the code will handle both range and non-range values. • xxxx.cancelBubble = function(eventObject) helps to avoid odd behavior in some browsers with the onClick event. 5. 6. 7. You can use snippets of this code to enhance your reports. In the HTML dialog box, click Cancel. Remove the report from the currently active list. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the next demonstration. Results: You explored a sample report that displayed user-selected prompt values, to learn about how you can use JavaScript in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-15 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Use objects with the Prompt API Report object Prompt Prompt collection Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Use objects with the Prompt API Objects that you can use with the Prompt API include report object, prompt collection and prompt. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-16 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Describe the report object • Contains the prompt collection • Methods to invoke button actions • Declare a report object var oCR= cognos.Report.getReport("_THIS_"); _THIS_ is replaced by report context at run time Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Describe the report object The report object contains the prompt collection and the methods for button actions. The slide provides an example of the code to declare a report object. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-17 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Use report actions • Report actions send an action request equivalent to clicking a prompt button: oCR.sendRequest(constant); • Constants:      cognos.Report.Action.BACK cognos.Report.Action.CANCEL cognos.Report.Action.FINISH cognos.Report.Action.NEXT cognos.Report.Action.REPROMPT Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Use report actions An example of an action request would be: oCR.sendRequest(cognos.Report.Action.FINISH); Use a report action when replacing a standard prompt button with a custom button. For example, replace a standard button that allows validation when the Finish button is clicked, with a custom Finish button that will validate prompt values and then call the Finish action. This example of code could include the following: validateSelection() { var oCR = cognos.Report.getReport('_THIS_'); … oCR.sendRequest(cognos.Report.Action.FINISH); } This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-18 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Tips for report action use • Style custom buttons to match default buttons • Add time delay before calling, to avoid timing issues • SetTimeout function executes code after defined wait period (ms) Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Tips for report action use For a consistent appearance in your reports, it is recommended that you style your custom buttons to match default buttons elsewhere in the report. Refer to the .buttonStyle properties of default buttons to maintain padding, color, border, and other properties consistently in your reports. You may consider adding a time delay, to avoid timing issues. An example of the setTimeout function: validateSelection() { … setTimeout(sendFinishAction, 100); } sendFinishAction = function() { var oCR = cognos.Report.getReport('_THIS_'); oCR.sendRequest(cognos.Report.Action.FINISH); } This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-19 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Describe the prompt collection • Contains prompt objects  on current page  an array addressable by index or prompt name Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Describe the prompt collection To get a specific prompt object by name: var myPrompt = oCR.prompt.getControlByName(“promptName”); To get an array of prompt controls: var myPromptArray oCR.prompt.getControls( ); for (var i = 0; i < myPromptArray.length; i++) { … myPromptArray[i]… } This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-20 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Describe the prompt object • Represents the prompt control in the report • Uses methods to interact with prompt values • Has a name property Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Describe the prompt object Prompt object methods include a method to delete or deselect all prompt values with the .clearValues() function. An example of this method is as follows: aPromptControls[i].clearValues(); This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-21 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Demonstration 3 • Clear prompt selections Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Demonstration 3: Clear prompt selections This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-22 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Demonstration 3: Clear prompt selections Purpose: You want to enhance a report to include a button that will clear multiple prompt selections. You will use existing JavaScript code from a sample report, and incorporate it into your report. Then you will customize the script to provide a more descriptive label and match formatting with the existing prompt button. Portal: User/Password: Application: Package: Report location: Report: http://vclassbase:9300/bi brettonf/Education1 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query) Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query) Clear Prompt Selections Task 1. Review the sample report and then run it. 1. 2. 3. In the IBM Cognos Analytics portal, navigate to Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query), and then click Clear Prompt Selections. The report layout displays two value prompts and a date prompt. The description explains the benefit of the enhancement by offering a method to clear all prompt selections with the click of the Clear button. In the Product line prompt, click Camping Equipment, and then in the Order method type prompt, click Sales visit. In the From prompt select Jan 1, 2012, in the To prompt select Aug 31, 2012, and then click Finish. The list is populated with data from this range, for the selected product line and order method. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-23 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 4. Click the Clear button. All prompts return to their initial state. This is convenient for the user, instead of clearing each prompt separately. The results appear similar to the following: 5. On the Application bar, click Edit. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-24 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Task 2. Review the code. 1. In the Clear Prompt Selections report, double-click the < HTML item > object in the report layout. The item is defined as the clearPromptsBtn, which is associated with the clearValues() function. The clearValues() function creates a report object, creates an array of prompts controls, then loops through the prompt controls on the page, clearing selections from each prompt. xfdf.clearValues = function(eventObject) { // Create the report object var oCR= cognos.Report.getReport("_THIS_"); // Create an array of prompts controls var aPromptControls = oCR.prompt.getControls( ); // Loop through the prompt controls on this page for(var i=0; i object. Switch to the Notepad session that you left open in Task 2. From the Edit menu, click Select All, and then click Copy to copy the text to the clipboard. Switch to the IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting report, paste the clipboard contents into the HTML dialog box pane, and then click OK to close the HTML dialog box. Click on the block object that contains the table, and then, on the Properties pane, under BOX, change the bottom padding to 10px A section of the report layout appears as follows: Click the list data container, then on the Properties pane, from the Select Ancestor button, click Report, and then change the Run with full interactivity setting to No. This is very important, the copied HTML code will not function in full interactivity mode. Run the report in HTML. The report opens with the default options displayed in the prompts (2013, March, Auto Pilot). Tip: If you were prompted to enter a product before the full report is displayed, then you have not created the p_Product prompt correctly. Return to Task 3 and recreate the prompt as per the table details in step 9. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-28 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 9. To test your Clear button functionality, change the prompt values to 2010, May, and Bella, and then click the Clear button. All prompt values are cleared. The list report displays data for the initially selected default values when the report was run, and will only be updated when new values are submitted. Task 5. Customize the JavaScript code and run the report. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. You would like to customize the button that you have added, so that the label is more descriptive, and the button format matches the current Finish button in your report. You will review the properties of the Finish button, and update the JavaScript code to include this. You will also change the button label to Clear Prompts. Close the rendered report tab. On the Navigate tab, click Page1. Click the Finish button, and then review the properties. Notice that the Finish button is assigned to the Prompt button class, which defines the formatting of the object when the report is run. On the Properties pane, under POSITIONING, change the Size & overflow property to a height of 25px. The font and text in your custom button appear the same but the border and the height are slightly different. Double-click the < HTML item > object. Resize it to view the entire first line. In the HTML dialog box, modify the top line to reflect the following: (The text that is bolded in the above step needs to be added or modified). Click OK to close the HTML dialog box. You have modified the label on your custom button. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-29 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 8. 9. Run the report in HTML. The button labels have been customized to have a similar appearance, and the Clear button now has a more descriptive label. Click Clear Prompts. The prompt values are cleared. 10. Close the rendered report tab. 11. On the toolbar, click Save. You will use this report in the next demonstration. 12. Close Notepad without saving. Results: You enhanced a report using JavaScript code, and customized the script to provide a more descriptive label and match formatting with an existing prompt button. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-30 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Prompt object methods • .getName() • .getValues() Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Prompt object methods getName() returns the prompt name, and if one was not created by the author, then an arbitrary name will be assigned at run-time. getValues() returns an array of prompt values. (Sample reports…) This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-31 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Use prompt values • Type-in or Date prompts • Value prompts Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Use prompt values Type-in or date prompts allow the user to enter the value(s), and can be single value or can include multiple values. Value prompts allow the user to select pre-defined values. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-32 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Use prompt object methods • .setValues() • .addValues() • .getValues() Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Use prompt object methods Use .setValues() to add or select prompt values, or delete existing values. This method uses JSON encoded values. JSON is JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight datainterchange format that is based on the object-literal notation of JavaScript. JSON is programming-language neutral but uses conventions from languages that include C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python. Use .addValues() to add or select prompt values without affecting existing values. This method also uses JSON encoded values. Use .getValues() to return an array of values. The array may be no value (empty length array), a single value, multiple values, ranges, multiple ranges, or any combination of these. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-33 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Explore the getValues method with a prompt • cognos.Prompt.Control.getValues [{use: "Smith", display: "Smith"}] [{use: "CAN", display: "Canada"}, {use: "JPN", display: "Japan"}] #[{use: "[Americas].[Canada]", display: "Canada"}, {use: "[Asia].[Japan]", display: "Japan"}] Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Explore the getValues method with a prompt Using the cognos.Prompt.Control.getValues method will return an array, even if only one value is selected. For example, using the method on a text box prompt with a single value, an array of one item, with the use value and the display value presented, is returned. Using the method on a prompt where multiple values can be selected will return an array of all items that the user selected at the prompt, and will include the use value and the display value of all items. When the method is used on a tree prompt, where multiple items can be selected, the array returns an expanded use value (such as [Americas].[Canada]) and the basic display value of each item. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-34 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Validate type-in values Assign function to prompt Function is called with each character typed User-entered value is passed to validation function 1 Explore the Prompt API 0 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Validate type-in values When validating type-in values, you will assign (bind) a function such as promptControl.setValidator(validatorFunction); to the prompt. The function is called with each character that the user types, unless a character repeat such as holding down a key on the keyboard occurs. This user entered values is passed to the validation function and is returned as an array of one or zero individual or range values. One is returned if there is user input (promptValue.length == 1). Zero value is returned if the user has deleted all the characters in the prompt, or if the value fails the prompt validation. For example, if a non-numeric character is typed in a prompt expecting numbers only, this would return promptValue.length == 0. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-35 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Validate objects • cognos.Prompt.Control.setValidator • textBox.setValidator Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Validate objects Using the cognos.Prompt.Control.setValidator method will allow the default validations function of a control to be defined by the user. When the function returns a value of false, the UI element associated with the control indicates that a validation error occurred. If this method is used in a multi-select control for example, the Insert button is disabled. This method can also be used with the text box object, such as when a user must type an entry. The setValidator method can be used to ensure a valid postal code is provided in the form A1A 1A1 for example. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-36 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Use regular expressions • Regular expression (regex or regexp) is a mechanism for selecting specific strings from a set of character strings (pattern matching) Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Use regular expressions More information on using regular expressions is available on the Web at the time of this publication: • Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression • Tutorials and Syntax: http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html • Use of in JavaScript: http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/re.shtml • Expression Tester: http://www.regular-expressions.info/javascriptexample.html This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-37 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Demonstration 4 Validate type-in values Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Demonstration 4: Validate type-in values This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-38 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Demonstration 4: Validate type-in values Before beginning this demonstration, ensure that you have performed Demonstration 3: Clear prompt selections, as the report created in that demonstration will be used in this demonstration. Purpose: You want to ensure that typed-in prompt values are valid before being passed to the query. To do this you will use JavaScript code to validate the values as numeric, and ensure that the numbers are in an acceptable range. Portal: User/Password: Application: Package: Report location: Report: http://vclassbase:9300/bi brettonf/Education1 IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query) Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query) Validate Type-In ProductLine Code Task 1. Review the sample report and then run it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. On the Application bar, open the currently active reports list, and then click Welcome. On the Side panel, navigate to Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query), Point to Validate Type-In ProductLine Code to expose the More button, click the More button, and then click Edit report. Read the descriptive text which explains how the code works. As the user types values in the prompt, the values must be within a number range. You can use this code for your year prompt. You will run the report to see how the validation works. Run the report in HTML. In the prompt box, type 1. The Finish button is disabled, as the first character of the value must be a 9. All product line codes start with a 9, as indicated in the Product line code column. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-39 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 7. 8. 9. Delete the 1, and type 990. This invalid entry also disables the Finish button. 990 is not within the range of acceptable product line codes. Delete the 0 and type 4, to enter a value of 994. The Finish button is enabled. Click Finish. The list displays data for product line code 994. A section of the result appears as follows: 10. Close the rendered report tab. Task 2. Review the code. 1. In the Validate Type-In Product Line Code report, double-click the < HTML item > object in the report layout. Review the validation function. Notice the following line: * This function will associate a validation function with the prompt control called promptProductLineCode You will have to customize this code to reflect a valid prompt name in your report. Notice the following comment: // Make sure we have a valid Product Line Code of 3 numeric digits 2. 3. Your prompt value criteria will be slightly different. Read through the description of the function describing that it is set to numeric values only, and the description below that stating that the filter in the example report will only accept numeric values. You will have to do the same in your report. You will copy the code to use it in another report, and modify to suit your business requirements. Click the mouse cursor in the HTML dialog box pane, press Ctrl+A to select all of the code, press Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard, and then paste it into a new Notepad document. Leave Notepad open, but minimize it, to use in a later task. In IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, click Cancel to close the HTML dialog box. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-40 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 4. 5. 6. On the Application bar, open the Properties pane. In the report layout, click the text box prompt object to select it, and then in the Properties pane, under the GENERAL section, notice that the Numbers only property is set to Yes. Under the MISCELLANEOUS section, notice that the name of the object is promptProductLineCode. This name is referred to in the JavaScript code that you copied. Task 3. Open a report with prompts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Application bar, open the currently active reports list, and then click Product Revenue (Prompted). This report was saved in Demonstration 3 of this Unit. You must complete that demonstration before you can continue with the remainder of this demonstration. Click the Year prompt to select it. In the Properties pane, under the GENERAL section, change the Numbers only property to Yes. Under the MISCELLANEOUS section, change the Name property to promptYear. On the Toolbox tab, under ADVANCED, drag an HTML item to the right of the list data container in the report layout, and then double-click this < HTML item > object. Task 4. Customize the JavaScript code. 1. 2. Switch to the Notepad session that you left open in Task 2, Step 2. You will replace the sample prompt reference to your prompt reference. Change the following lines of code (see all bolded items for the changes): • * This function will associate a validation function with the prompt control called promptProductLineCode changes to: * This function will associate a validation function with the prompt control called promptYear • asdf.promptControlProdLineCode = oCR.prompt.getControlByName("promptProductLineCode"); changes to: asdf.promptControlyear = oCR.prompt.getControlByName("promptYear"); This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-41 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I • // Make sure we have a valid Product Line Code of 3 numeric digits changes to: // Make sure we have a valid Year of 4 numeric digits • asdf.promptControlProdLineCode.setValidator(asdf.prodLineCodeValidator); change to: asdf.promptControlyear.setValidator(asdf.yearValidator); • * value is 3 digits long - between 100 and 999. changes to: * value is 4 digits long - between 2010 and 2013. • asdf.prodLineCodeValidator = function(promptValue) changes to: asdf.yearValidator = function(promptValue) • // Is value between 991 and 995?? changes to: // Is value between 2010 and 2013?? • if (promptValue[0].use >=991 && promptValue[0].use <=995 ) changes to if (promptValue[0].use >=2010 && promptValue[0].use <=2013 ) 3. These changes define a range of years acceptable in the prompts. Copy all lines of code to the clipboard, switch to IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting, paste the clipboard contents into the HTML dialog box pane, and then click OK to close the HTML dialog box. Task 5. Test the code. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Run the report in HTML. In the year prompt, type 6. The Finish button is immediately disabled, as the validation process has determined that the first digit in a year cannot be anything but 2. In the year prompt, delete the 6 and then type 2012. Upon typing the final digit, the validation process accepts the entry and the Finish button is enabled. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-42 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 6. Ensure that the month is March, select the Bella product, and then click Finish. A section of the report appears as follows: 7. 8. Close the rendered report tab. Save the report. Task 6. Review a different validation sample report for comparison. (Optional) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. On the Application bar, open the currently active reports list, and then click Welcome. Navigate to Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\GO Sales (query). Point to the Validate Type-In Postal Code Value report, and then under More, click Edit report. Read the descriptive text which explains how the code works. As the user types values in the prompt, the values must match a specific alphanumeric pattern such as M2M 4K8. This is an example of a pattern that is used in Canada for postal codes. You will run the report to see how the validation works. Run the report in HTML. In the prompt box, type 1. Descriptive text is displayed at the top of the report to indicate examples of valid postal codes. All postal codes must start with an alphabetic character (nonnumeric). The Finish button is disabled, as the first character of the value must not be a number. Typing any combination of letters and numbers that will match the pattern A#A #A# will not necessarily result in an enabled Finish button. For example, if you type T2P 3Z0, it is a valid code - and the Finish button is enabled. Unless you completely type either of the example postal codes shown in the list below, there will be no data returned, so you cannot click Finish. You will review the code to learn how the pattern matching for the text box prompt was achieved. Close the rendered report tab, and then in the report layout, double-click the < HTML item > object. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-43 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Review the code. Click Cancel to close the HTML dialog box. Remove all IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting reports, without saving. Close Notepad without saving. Leave the IBM Cognos Analytics portal open for the exercise. Results: You used JavaScript to ensure that typed-in prompt values are valid before being passed to the query. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-44 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Use the product samples to enhance reports • Each sample is independent of others • Developed to be re-useable • Use namespace technique to avoid name collisions // Attach functions to an arbitrarily named object to mimic a namespace var qwerty = { }; qwerty.myFunction = function ( ) { … }; Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Use the product samples to enhance reports Prompt API samples are available, to allow you to explore the code to use in your own reports. Each time you re-use the code, rename the object and all references, to ensure that there are no name collisions. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-45 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Prompt API tips • Events are managed differently in different browsers myButtonAction(eventObject) { // YOUR CODE GOES HERE // Call a function to stop the onClick event from propagating to other controls cancelBubble(eventObject); // Return false, also in an effort to stop the onClick event return false; }; cancelBubble (currentEvent) { if (!currentEvent) var currentEvent = window.event; if (currentEvent.cancelBubble) currentEvent.cancelBubble = true; if (currentEvent.stopPropagation) currentEvent.stopPropagation(); }; Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Prompt API tips With bubbling or cascading events especially, you may find that code may work in one browser, yet fail in another browser. One example is with onClick cascade. The samples that are provided use a standard technique to avoid issues. In the slide is an example of a technique that you may use to stop the onClick event from propagating to other controls. Refer to product documentation for browsers that have been tested with the Prompt API. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-46 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Unit summary • Describe the Prompt API • Describe the uses of the Prompt API • Describe the primary objects, methods and properties used in the Prompt API • Review prompt values • Explore the enhancement of prompts in reports with the Prompt API Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Unit summary This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-47 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Exercise 1 Limit user selection to three items Explore the Prompt API © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 Exercise 1: Limit user selection to three items This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-48 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Exercise 1: Limit user selection to three items As report author Frank Bretton, you have been asked to create a report with a prompt that limits the user selections to three retailer countries. To accomplish this you will: • Open a sample Prompt API report (Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\ GO Sales (query)\Limit User Selection to Two Items) that limits the number of user selections, review the descriptive text, and then run it to test the functionality. You will review the contents of the < HTML item > object which contains the sample JavaScript code, and copy this code into a text editor. You will then review the properties of the value prompt code in the report. • Open an existing report (Team content\Samples\Models\Go data warehouse (query)\IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting Report Samples\Total Revenue by Country) in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting and then run the report, selecting three items in the list. Save this report as Team content\B6059\Total Revenue by Country (Select 3). • Review the prompt page of the report, and the value prompt properties. Change the Select UI property to check boxes, to make multiple selections easier for the user. Change the object name to something appropriate for Retailer countries. Drag an HTML item into the layout. • Customize the JavaScript code in the text editor to use the correct prompt references and number of items to be selected. Copy the contents to the clipboard, and then paste into the HTML item object in the prompt layout. Delete the unnecessary Finish button. • Run the report and test the prompt to ensure that it runs successfully. For more information about where to work and the exercise results, refer to the Tasks and results section that follows. If you need more information to complete a task, refer to earlier demonstrations for detailed steps. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-49 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Exercise 1: Tasks and results Task 1. Review the sample report and then run it. • IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Navigate to Team content\Samples_Prompt_API\ GO Sales (query) • Point to the Limit User Selection to Two Items report, and then click Edit report. • Work area: Read descriptive text. • Application bar: Run the report in HTML. • Rendered report tab: Click Finish. • Close the message. • Select check boxes for only two items, and then click Finish. • Close the rendered report tab. Task 2. Review the code. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Prompt Page1. • Work area footer: Double-click the < HTML item > object. • HTML dialog box: Review the validateSelection() function. • Copy the entire code to the clipboard. • Close the HTML dialog box. • Desktop: Open Notepad. • Notepad: Paste the code from the clipboard. • Prompt Page1 - Properties pane: Review the properties of the value prompt. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-50 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Task 3. Open a report with a prompt. • Application bar: Open the currently active reports list. • Click Welcome. • IBM Cognos Analytics portal: Navigate to the following report: Team content\Legacy Samples\Samples\Models\Go Data Warehouse (query)\Report Studio Report Samples. • Point to the Total Revenue by Country report to expose the More button. • Click the More button. • Click Edit report. • Application bar: Run the report in HTML. • Prompt screen: Select three items in the list, and then click Finish. • Close the rendered report tab. • Application bar: Save the report as Team content\B6059 as Total Revenue by Country (Select 3). Task 4. Update the value prompt and add an HTML object. • Navigate tab: Navigate to Prompt Page1. • Work area: Select the value prompt object. • Properties pane: Change the GENERAL / Select UI property to Check box group. • Change the Name property to RC. • Toolbox tab: Add an HTML item object to the right of the Finish prompt button, at the bottom of the page. • Double-click the < HTML item > object. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-51 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I Task 5. Customize the JavaScript code and run the report. • Notepad: Customize the JavaScript code for this report as follows: • Click Ctrl+Home to return to the top of the code. • Replace: PL; Replace with: RC (do not replace all instances, as there are some valid PL instances; only replace instances of PL that refer to product line instances. For example, do not replace "Sample" to be "SamRCe".) Always start the search at the top of the code. • Replace: productLine; Replace with: RC • Replace: 2 Product lines; Replace with: 3 retailer countries • Replace: two; Replace with: three • Replace: length > 2; Replace with: length > 3 The results appear as follows: This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-53 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I • Edit menu: Select all of the text. • Copy the text to the clipboard. • HTML dialog box: Paste the clipboard contents into the HTML dialog box. • On demand toolbar: Delete the Finish button. • Properties pane: With the prompt block selected, click Report form the Select Ancestor button. • Verify that the Run with full interactivity property is set to No. • Application bar: Run the report in HTML. • Rendered report tab: Test HTML object by selecting four items in the list, and then click Finish. • Close the message. • Select three items in the list, and then click Finish. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-54 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I A section of the results appear similar to the following: • Close the rendered report tab. • Sign out as Frank Bretton without saving the report. • Close the web browser. • Close Notepad without saving changes. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-55 U n i t A E xp l o r e t h e P r o m p t A P I This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2016 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. A-56 This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE IBM Training ® © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016. All Rights Reserved. This material is meant for IBM Academic Initiative use only. NOT FOR RESALE

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