Business Manager Manual
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STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Business Manager Manual University of Rochester Students’ Association 2017-2018 CJ Van Huben – Treasurer – Robert Gerami – Deputy Treasurer – Students’ Association · 101 F/G Wilson Commons · P.O. Box 270281 · Rochester, NY 14627-0281 · 585.275.3236 Table of Contents 1. Position of Business Manager ............................................................................................................................................ 3 i. Overview of SAAC (Students’ Association Appropriations Committee) ..................................................................... 3 ii. Student Accountants ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. SAAC Request Form .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 iii. Purchase Orders (PO).................................................................................................................................................... 5 iv. Wal Mart, Wegmans, Target, Gas Cards, BJ’s, and A.C. Moore................................................................................... 6 v. Requisitions................................................................................................................................................................... 6 vi. Auto Payment ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 vii. Copy Center .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 viii. Co-sponsorships ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 ix. 1. 3. Deposit Slip................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Income at Evening Events ........................................................................................................................................ 7 x. Check Requests ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 xi. Checks for Deposit........................................................................................................................................................ 7 xii. Contracts ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 xiii. Monthly Statements .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Supplemental Funding ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 xiv. How does it work? .................................................................................................................................................... 9 xv. Program and Travel Supplemental Funding .............................................................................................................. 9 xvi. Equipment Supplemental Funding.......................................................................................................................... 10 xvii. New Club Sports Supplemental .............................................................................................................................. 10 xviii. Conference Supplemental Funding ........................................................................................................................ 10 4. USEED............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 5. Budgeting ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 6. Coaching Documents ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 7. 8. 9. xix. Hiring A Coach ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 xx. Officiating .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 Club Sports ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 xxi. Funding and Dues ................................................................................................................................................... 11 xxii. General Rules ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 1. Recreational Club Sports Rules .............................................................................................................................. 12 2. Competitive Club Sports Rules .............................................................................................................................. 12 Appendix A – Do’s & Don’ts for Business Managers ..................................................................................................... 13 xxiii. Do’s ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 xxiv. DONT’s .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Appendix B – Student’s Association “Glossary” ............................................................................................................. 14 Page 2 1. Position of Business Manager As a Business Manager, you have responsibilities to your group and to the Students’ Association Appropriations Committee (SAAC). Your most obvious responsibility is to keep track of the financial situation of your group. You are the person in the group who is “most informed” about your group’s financial situation. Thus, in this position, it is important to keep your books and account information up to date. Even though your Student Accountant is keeping track of your club’s income and expenses, you must do the same; this will allow you to answer your group members’ questions about your account, such as the amount remaining. It will also help you remain within your group’s budget limits when requesting money from your account. Once you request money, you are responsible for what your group does with this money. Please read the guidelines in this manual to familiarize yourself with the proper and improper use of funds. It is important to be involved in your group’s activities so you know that the money is being spent properly. Here is a brief list of your responsibilities as Business Manager: • Keeping track of all group expenditures and income. Any deviations from the submitted budget must be approved by your Student Accountant and/or the Appropriations Committee. Failure to do so (e.g., spending beyond the amount allocated to your group) will result in the appropriate actions being taken as outlined within the SAAC bylaws. • Maintaining the respected name of the Students’ Association of the University of Rochester by properly handling credit, promptly paying bills, and using courtesy and common sense. • Keeping complete and accurate records of your group’s finances. • Planning and presenting a budget to the Appropriations Committee (with the exception of groups with agency accounts*) • Keeping your Student Accountant aware of all planned activities well before their planned implementation. • There is a 2-3 business day turn around on all submitted requests, so plan ahead. *Agency Accounts are organizations that receive no money from the Students’ Association but which bank with the Students’ Association. They have the same responsibilities as other groups. Agency accounts are afforded the protection of the Appropriations Committee’s services, so their Business Managers must adhere strictly to the SAAC guidelines as outlined in the bylaws. i. Overview of SAAC (Students’ Association Appropriations Committee) The Students’ Association Appropriations Committee (SAAC) is in charge of managing the finances of the Students’ Association in a way that is both fiscally responsible and in the best interest of the University of Rochester student body. The Students’ Association budget is funded entirely by the Student Activities Fee that each student contributes as part of their tuition. For this reason, it is vitally important to keep vibrant student life as our top priority. SAAC is made up of the Students’ Association Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Student Accountants, Staff Accountant, SA Senators and the SAAC Advisor (Associate Dean of Students). In addition to the daily tasks of monitoring a group’s budget, the committee meets on Tuesday nights at 8:00 PM to hear requests by student groups for supplemental funding. These requests are limited to new programs or equipment purchases that were not originally outlined in a group’s budget. Each spring, the committee reviews budget requests and allocates funds to each student group for the upcoming year. Budgets are available for use starting on Upperclassmen move in date each academic year, unless pre-arranged with SAAC. The SAAC office is located in the Ruth Merrill Center in Wilson Commons room 101E. The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. In the event that the SAAC office is closed due to unforeseen circumstances, please email the SA Treasurer or SA Staff Accountant for assistance. ii. Student Accountants Each Student Accountant is a student who is selected by the Appropriations Committee and is responsible for keeping track of groups’ income and expenditures, filling out necessary paperwork, and signing off on checks. At the beginning of the spring semester, Student Accountants work closely with Business Managers to help them draft a preliminary budget to be presented to the Senate. For those who may be interested in becoming a Student Accountant, selections are open to the entire student body, and include an application and interview process. This process will be publicized well in advance throughout campus, and applications are available online. Student Accountants hold regular office hours throughout the year to help groups manage their accounts. Typically, accountants hold office hours 3 days per week for one hour at a time, but can also make appointments to meet Page 3 outside of these hours. Office hours for each accountant will be posted on the SAAC office door. If you have questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact your Student Accountant, the Appropriations Office Accountant, or the Treasurer. We are here to help you and want your group’s activities and events to run smoothly. Page 4 2. SAAC Request Form Nearly every transaction should begin with the SAAC Fund Request Form. These slips are located on the business manager desk in the SAAC office. A blank copy can be seen below. When you need to request funds of any kind for your group, fill out one of these slips and file it into the ‘Drop Off Folders,’ placing it in the folder with your corresponding category. Your Student Accountant will pick it up when they hold their office hours and fill out the corresponding paperwork for you. You can then pick up the completed paperwork after two to three business days from the ‘Pick Up’ set of category folders. Make sure you include the type of form you need (purchase order, requisition, Facilities/Catering, copy center, credit card, or apt for online order), your group’s name, the vendor, a “do not exceed” amount, the purpose of the expenditure, the date by which you need the form, and your signature. Please be explicit about the purpose of the request; vague comments will only delay processing of your request. If you are vague, your Student Accountant will return the request form (or email you) and ask for information. iii. Purchase Orders (PO) Purchase Orders are the most common type of form to be requested. (Always make sure the business you are soliciting a service form accepts purchase orders prior to filling out the necessary paperwork.) To request a Purchase Order, the business manager can pick up the fund request form shown above from the SAAC office. Prior to filling out the paperwork, the business manager must bring in a quote for the goods they are purchasing (i.e., one cannot make-up a number based on what they think the goods will cost.) Fill out the form with the appropriate information, and place within the ‘Drop Off Folder’ for your student accountant to sign off on—the request should be ready within 2-3 business days. Upon picking up the Purchase Order, you will be given the white and yellow copies to take to the business, and pink copies will stay with the SAAC office. You must bring in the invoice (or a copy via email) as soon as it is received so the office can pay the amount. (If you would like to email the invoice, it should go to Page 5 iv. Wal Mart, Wegmans, Target, Gas Cards, BJ’s, and A.C. Moore Cards may be requested for use at certain locations in the community at which the SA has made special arrangements. In order to use a shopping card, the Business Manager must fill out the appropriate fields within the SAAC Fund Request Form, and sign with a “do not exceed” amount. As with other requests, please allow 2-3 business days for your request to be processed by your Student Accountant. After this time, only the Business Manager is allowed to pick up the card from the SAAC office, as signature is required. The card must then be returned by the end of business on the following day. When returning the card, please provide the receipt for goods purchased and the amount will be paid off. v. Requisitions Requisitions are to be requested when soliciting a service from within the University (e.g., facilities.) To request a requisition, fill out the appropriate information within the SAAC Fund Request Form. Make sure to bring the accompanying invoice (if provided) when filling out the form, and place it all within the ‘Drop Off Folders’ for your student accountant to pick up. Please leave 2-3 business days before picking up the form. Upon picking up the form, the business manager is required to sign as the requester. The business manager will receive the blue copy to take to the place of business, and must come back with either an invoice or receipt. The SAAC office will keep the yellow copy. vi. Auto Payment Auto Payments are to be used as a means to pay the following groups: SA Vans, Charters, Graphic Arts, and Campus Times. If you solicit services from the following groups, the invoice will automatically be paid via the SAAC office once you request the service from the group. Please note, any request made must be outlined in your budget—failure to adhere to the budget (i.e., requesting a service that was not approved within your budget) will result in the appropriate action being taken, as outlined in the SAAC bylaws. vii. Copy Center Copy Center forms are used for the University Copy Center located on the bottom floor of Meliora. On the request form, provide a description of what specifically the copy center is being used for and in the “Amount” field place a do not exceed amount. Same as before. Except 50 copies or less that are black and white can be done in the SAAC office. viii. Co-sponsorships Groups can agree to co-sponsor each other’s events, however a minimum of $50 is required to be committed. Either group can come in to pick up the document (i.e., the payer or payee) however, both groups as well as the adviser must fill out the entire form before it can be submitted to the SAAC Office to be signed off by the student accountant. Page 6 ix. Deposit Slip The Deposit Slip is the other most commonly used form after the SAAC Fund Request Form. This form is to be used to deposit any income made from events. Income is to be deposited to the SAAC office within 3 business days of the event. Different information is included on the form depending on which type of transaction you need to perform. 1. Income at Evening Events Money collected at Evening Events should be brought to Common Connections and given to a Building Manager. Funds can be retrieved the following business day from WC 101H and brought to the SAAC Office. x. Check Requests Check Requests are usually used for payment for services or travel expenses. If at any time payment is made without approval, reimbursements are not the responsibility of the SAAC office. All check requests must be accompanied by the appropriate documentation, i.e. a receipt, bill, contest personnel report, etc. No checks will be cut without this documentation. Checks are cut on Wednesdays and Fridays, so please plan ahead. When using Check Requests, use full names of the people or businesses to whom checks are to be made payable. DO NOT USE NICKNAMES. Be sure to fill in correctly the complete address. If you wish to pick up the check yourself, mark 'pick up' in place of an address. The SAAC office cannot mail checks to students. The club Business Manager must pick up the check in the SAAC office. xi. Checks for Deposit Have checks made out to you the University of Rochester. Traveler’s checks and money orders are treated the same as checks. Review checks carefully. Make sure they are signed and not postdated. You will be responsible for collecting NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) checks, returned by the bank for one reason or another. We are charged a fee for every check we deposit that is NSF and that charge will be passed along to the organization that received the check. It is the responsibility of the Business Manager to collect the principle as well as the service charge. If this procedure is not followed and does not result in a satisfactory conclusion, the organization will lose its privilege to accept checks as payment. xii. Contracts A contract is used for all performers, speakers, coaches, instructors, etc. You can pick up a blank contract from your primary advisor. After filling in the necessary information, give it to the artist to sign, and then bring it to your primary adviser to obtain a signature from the Associate Dean of Students. You may also need to have the performer Page 7 complete a W9 if the payment is being received by an individual. All contracts must have original signatures. Faxed or photocopied documents will not be accepted; however, we do accept them via email. When the contract has the proper signatures, bring the contract to the SAAC office and fill out a check request. Remember to check the pick-up box if you are delivering the check to the performer! If you want the check to be mailed, we will mail it to the performer after the event. Once a contract is signed, it is binding. Therefore, if your group signs into a contract, the group is legally responsible to pay the performer. All contracts must be signed by the Associate Dean of Students (through your WCSA primary adviser). Business Managers are not permitted to sign contracts. xiii. Monthly Statements Monthly statements will be compiled and submitted to the Google Drive found on the SAAC website with the reconciliation at the end of each month. This statement gives the financial status of your group as of the first of the month indicated on the statement. It lists the total expenditures and incomes of your accounts, as well as details of each transaction. If there are any questions or concerns, an appointment can be set up with the Treasurer or Staff Accountant. Requests for mid-month statements can be made, however, the business manager should be keeping track of the group’s expenses on the google doc. Page 8 3. Supplemental Funding A sum of money is set aside during budgeting each year that will be distributed to SA groups by Committee Action. This money is intended for use by groups for expenditures that were not included in the budget request submitted during the previous year. This may include unexpected equipment needs, new programs, or attendance at a conference. Supplemental funding cannot be requested for an event that has already occurred. Money obtained through supplemental funding requests must be used within all SAAC guidelines. Only SA recognized student organizations are eligible for supplemental funding. SAAC will hear up to 2 requests (excluding conference and post-season) per academic year or grant up to $4000 per academic year per group, whichever happens first. xiv. How does it work? In order to obtain supplemental funding for your group, it is required for you to meet with your respective group’s primary advisor and student accountant. They will have a good understanding of the guidelines for supplemental funding. This should be done as far in advance as possible before your group requires the funding. Once you have met with your Student Accountant, you will need to complete the appropriate supplemental request form and obtain the necessary “online-signatures”. Please be very specific when answering the questions asked on the request forms. Vague description of program details, funding needs, or other specifics will delay the process and does not make a very strong case for your request in front of the Committee. When the request forms are completed, you will need to attend a SAAC meeting on Tuesday night in the Stackel Room of Wilson Commons. At this meeting, you will sit before the committee, have a chance to explain your request, and then field questions. The committee will decide at the meeting whether they will grant you the requested amount, or an amount less than your request. SAAC hears supplemental funding requests on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM. This form must be completed by no later than the Monday at Noon - 1 week prior to the SAAC meeting that you wish to attend and at least two weeks prior to your event. This is a firm deadline and no exceptions will be made. Requests that miss the deadline must wait an extra week until the next SAAC meeting. The extra time is required for all committee members to look over the request and to send it to a Senate meeting if the Treasurer feels it is necessary. If a group is granted supplemental funding at a SAAC meeting, the members in attendance at the meeting will be responsible for completing a supplemental assessment form via the CCC. This form is to be filled out after the event is held and must be returned directly to the SA Treasurer no later than two (2) weeks after completion of the event. The purpose of this report is to allow SAAC to evaluate the use of Supplemental Funding and to ensure that the program was successful. A program for which Supplemental Funding is granted can be viewed as an investment for the Appropriations Committee, so the feedback tells us whether it was a good use of our money. Failure to complete this assessment form will result in the forfeit of a second allotted supplemental funding opportunity, or can negatively affect your organization at budgeting time. Each type of Supplemental Funding is outlined in the following sections, and request forms can be found in the appendices of this manual. xv. Program and Travel Supplemental Funding Program and Travel Supplemental Funding is used to obtain funding for group programs that meet all SA guidelines as described in this manual. On the supplemental request form, provide a detailed response for each field. Meliora Weekend Reunion Year funds come through the program and travel supplemental. Budgeted & Flat Funded groups that have their 0th and 5th year reunion (as per the Alumni Advancement Office) will be eligible to request up to $200 through the Programming & Travel Supplemental to spend on a reception. These funds will be exempt from the food restriction. Club Sports is not eligible for Conference Supplemental. Page 9 xvi. Equipment Supplemental Funding The equipment supplemental fund is designed for long-term equipment purchases which are not possible through the annual budgeting process. One-year purchases and recurring equipment purchases should be conducted through the budgeting process and not the equipment supplemental fund. Uniforms may not be purchased through Equipment Supplemental. xvii. New Club Sports Supplemental A new unbudgeted Club Sport may apply for the New Club Sports Supplemental fund. This is to be used a maximum one time per academic year with a maximum of $1000 rewarded to a new Club Sport. xviii. Conference Supplemental Funding We understand the value in allowing members of your SA group to have the opportunity to attend conferences. However, there is a limited amount of funding available for this use. For this reason, a few guidelines have been set in place to ensure that all SA groups have equal opportunity to participate in conferences and that our limited funding is distributed fairly. Club Sports is not eligible for Conference Supplemental. The following criteria must be met in order for a group to be eligible to submit a request for Conference Supplemental Funding: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. The conference may have a maximum of 4 attendees from the same SA group. a. An SA group may send more attendees given that the attendees cover their own costs. Registration fees will be covered up to $100 per person. a. Note: Supplemental funding will only cover registration fees of $100 per person. If registration fees exceed this amount, the SA group may pay the difference in cost out of their budget with approval of their Student Accountant and/or the SA Treasurer. The same SA group may only receive Supplemental Funding for Conferences once every other year. Could receive partial supplemental for reasonable travel and lodging expenses. USEED USEED is the University preferred crowdfunding platform. Donors receive tax exempt status and donor credit for all donations. Please work with your primary advisor to establish your campaign. Use of other crowdfunding platforms will result in the forfeit of a supplemental funding opportunity. 5. Budgeting More detailed information regarding budgeting will be available at the mandatory Budgeting Workshop for business managers in January. Business Managers are responsible for preparing a budget request for submission to SAAC. The committee examines each budget separately and makes a recommendation for approval by the Senate. Business Managers will be notified of the date and time of this meeting as it draws near. 6. Coaching Documents xix. • • Hiring A Coach Setup a meeting to discuss the need for a coach with the club sports adviser prior to telling an individual that they will be hired. o The Club Sports Adviser will discuss the validity of the request and the financial aspects of hiring a coach. Once approval has been granted by the Club Sports Adviser, a job opening must be created. o To start the process, type up a job description and submit to the Club Sports Adviser for review. o Once a coach has been selected, the club business manager or president should worth with the coach to complete the COACH APPLICATION FORM online. The form will require the job description and an upload of the potential hires resume. The club sport must also designate a timekeeper for their coach’s hours and notify the SAAC Accountant at the time of hiring (these are reported on a bi-weekly basis). Page 10 • • • • The Club Sports Adviser will work with the SAAC Accountant to process the hiring of your coach. Please note that the entire process from start to finish can take up to 2 months, so the process should be started well in advance of the requested start date. Once the position has been opened and HR has approved the rate of pay, the SAAC Accountant will contact the club to notify them that they may extend an offer to the candidate. The candidate must then follow up with and complete all legal requirements through HR. If the Club would like to replace their coach, notification must be received by the Club Sport Adviser and SAAC Accountant ASAP so that we can work to hire a new coach. xx. Officiating All payment of officials for club sports contests must be made from monies allocated to clubs by the Club Sports Program budget. Any individual who is paid from the Club Sports Program budget for officiating a club sport contest must complete a CONTEST PERSONNEL/W-9 FORM and submit it to the Club Sports Council Business Manager. All paid officials should be paid in a timely manner after competition. 7. Club Sports The Department of Athletics & Recreation and the Students’ Association administer the Club Sports Program at the University of Rochester. While Club Sports must follow the same rules that every organization is subjected to, there are some additional responsibilities and exceptions. All members of Club Sports are required to fill out rosters and personal liability waivers before they can participate. The due date for these waivers is at the discretion of the Club Sports Advisor. If an organization fails to submit the required forms by the due date, transactions will be halted until these forms are completed. Additional penalties may be incurred at the discretion of the Administration & Rules Committee including the loss of field and space reservations. xxi. Funding and Dues SAAC will match up to $1 of subsidy for every $1 of dues contributed. Dues can be set to a minimum of $0, and a maximum of 75 percent of the Student Activities Fee. Club sports must bring in at least half of their dues to the SAAC office by the first Friday of October. The remaining dues must be brought in by the last Friday of February. Club Sports cannot put fundraising or other sources of income in their budget. If a Club Sport would like to fundraise to generate income, they can host the fundraiser and submit and income to the SAAC office as dues. This can, in effect, lower the dues charged per member. They must still adhere to the dues deadline. The order of consumption of funds is: income, subsidy, rollover. The maximum rollover is $1000, and rollover must be completely exhausted to apply for supplemental funding. Clubs must maintain a positive balance throughout the year. Any negative balances will rollover with the Club Sports group. Clubs with negative balances must meet with the Club Sports Program staff. To obtain a yearly allocation from the Students’ Association budget allocation, Clubs must submit a yearly Budget Proposal to the Club Sports Council Business Manager. Clubs will not be considered for funding if a budget is not submitted. Any leftover income under $1000 at the end of the academic year will rollover into the club’s account for the following year; these funds may be used as the club sees fit; these funds do not count towards income requirement. Each request is reviewed and analyzed by the Club Sports Council and SAAC Leadership. Factors such as: required meeting attendance, timeliness with forms and participation figures, and the degree of cooperation demonstrated by the club officers are all considered when making final allocation determinations. xxii. General Rules • • Club sports can receive funding for travel up to a 400-mile radius from the University of Rochester. All travel must remain within the United States. Page 11 • • • 1. SAAC will subsidize half the cost of one coach and the club sport will cover all remaining coach expenses. SAAC will not consider funding secondary teams. SAAC will not consider funding individual fees. Recreational Club Sports Rules • 2. SAAC will consider funding travel and lodging for up to 2 events per academic year, and at least half of the club must attend each event. Competitive Club Sports Rules • • Club sports in a league can receive funding for all league events and up to 2 events outside of league play. Club sports not in a league can receive funding up to 7 events. Page 12 8. Appendix A – Do’s & Don’ts for Business Managers xxiii. Do’s • • • • • • • • xxiv. Do form a good relationship with your Student Accountant and Primary Advisor. Do read your Business Manager’s manual. Do pick up your mail regularly and process all invoices you receive promptly. Do help maintain our good credit rating. Do review your monthly statement right away and check any discrepancies with either your Student Accountant or the SAAC staff accountant. Do keep your organization informed of their financial status. Do turn in receipts or have other documents for all check requests. Do train your successor and give them accurate records of your group’s finances DONT’s • • • • • • • • • Don’t let anyone else pick up your mail and/or completed forms. Don’t expect to have a check processed the day you turn in the request. Allow at least 3 days’ notice for all check requests. Don’t use nicknames when ordering checks; use the proper legal name. Don’t keep the invoice. Turn in all copies with the check request. The original will be to file for your inspection at any time. Don’t pay taxes of any kind. We are exempt from state and local taxes. Don’t charge a fee for admission to an event without going through the ticket service. All events using tickets for admission must be handled through the WCSA/Common Market. Don’t plan any events during the reading period or finals week. Talk to your Student Accountant if you do plan an event such as a study break, as they do not hold normal office hours during these periods. Don’t expect the Student Accountant or Accountant to complete requests the same day. Always allow at least three working days. Don’t ever hesitate to contact the Treasurer in emergencies. Page 13 9. Appendix B – Student’s Association “Glossary” Advertising - There must be sufficient campus-wide publicity for all activities. All organizations that receive funds from SA must include the following statement in their advertising “ is a SA funded organization”. This statement should be printed in an appropriate size font, at least 14 point, so that it is clearly visible. Agency Account Organizations - The SA recognizes the fact that agency accounts do not derive any funds from the SA activity fees. Due to this, there are exceptions to the SAAC policies for the agency accounts. Please discuss these with your Student Accountant. Even with the exceptions, agency accounts must maintain proper accounting of all funds. Approval of Events – Any event not budgeted for must be approved by SAAC for supplemental funding. Supplemental requests must be presented before the committee two (2) weeks in advance of the event. Assessment Period – If a SA group is not adhering to the SAAC policies, the Student Accountant and Treasurer may place the group in an assessment period for a semester. During this period, the group must provide monthly reports to their Student Accountant about their activities, how many people are attending their meetings, and any other information the Student Accountant deems necessary. During the assessment period, SA groups may only present a request for supplemental funding to SAAC with the approval of their Student Accountant, Primary advisor, and the Treasurer. Furthermore, groups may only receive a budget equal to or less than their previous budget during the assessment period. Banking – All banking must go through the SAAC office, even if it is an event we do not fund. Business Managers - Business managers are responsible for all financial transactions of their organization. Only the business manager is authorized to work with SAAC. Business Manager’s Meeting – All Business Managers must attend this meeting in the fall. If you fail to do so, your group’s funds will be frozen until you speak with the Treasurer. Charitable & Fundraising Events – Charitable or fundraising events will not be subsidized as students may object to their money going to sponsor an event for a charity of which they disapprove. However, supplemental can be used to cover the cost of advertising the event (Max $100), and the committee will fund $30 for Sanitation Permits. If a group would like to hold a charitable or fundraising event, they must first meet their expenses with income, and any further proceeds may be donated or used to purchase items for fundraising. All publicity must include a statement of, “Proceeds to benefit ”, and there must be a sign prominently displayed at the door of the event with such a notice. The Business Manager should consult with their Student Accountant before such an event is planned. Community Service Network, whose mission is community service, is the only exception to this rule. Coaches and Instructors – The SA will cover ½ of the coaching and instruction fees. Please note that the Club Sport Council policies may differ from this. Conferences – If members of your organization are interested in attending a conference, please speak to your Primary advisor. Please note that a few requirements must be met to obtain supplemental funding for a conference. See the Conference Supplemental Funding section of this manual. Contracts – Contracts will always be required for an organization to retain any paid speaker. Any contract must be approved by your Primary advisor and signed by the Associate Dean of Students. No payment will be made without a completed contract with original signatures. Drugs – The SA does not, under any circumstances, fund the purchase of drugs, including but not limited to alcohol and tobacco. Page 14 Entrance Fees – Events that cost more than $1,000 are expected to charge an entrance fee to the public, which must be more than the charge to students. However, exceptions can be made during a supplemental funding hearing or upon request, especially for educational or cultural requests. The committee can decide to waive this rule for a student group. Exclusive & Discriminatory Organizations – Exclusive and discriminatory organizations are not eligible for a Budget. Furthermore, because every undergraduate pays the Activity Fee, all SA funded activities, meetings, and events must be open to all undergraduates. Food – The SA will not fund food for the exclusive consumption of group members. Income will be collected in advance and the moneys dispensed shall not exceed the income brought in. The following are guidelines, which shall be strictly enforced: • • Interest meetings – The sum of $40 shall be allotted for each interest meeting, one per semester. Speakers – The SA will only pay the cost of the speaker’s meals. Any SA members accompanying the guest shall be responsible for their own expenses. • Reception – Receptions will only be funded for special events, such as speakers and exhibitions, with prior approval by the group’s Student Accountant, the Treasurer, and in some instances, SAAC. Meliora Weekend – Reunion Year Event • Films – All films shown by SA organizations must be approved beforehand by the WCSA in order to avoid scheduling conflicts. Gifts – The Appropriations Committee does not fund gifts, including gift certificates. Money for this purpose must be raised by the group’s members (in addition to income). Intercollegiate Teams – These teams are budgeted following the same formula that Club Sports uses. SAAC will pay up to ½ of their expenses, and the group must fundraise the rest. Inventory Lists – All equipment in the possession of a SA organization belongs to the Students’ Association. However, the responsibility falls upon the individual organization to maintain accurate inventory lists of all property in this possession. Inventory lists must be submitted with each new budget request. No organizations will be considered for budgeting until an inventory list is submitted to the Student Accountant. Meliora Weekend – Reunion Year – Budgeted & Flat Funded groups that have their 0th or 5th year reunion (as per the Alumni Advancement Office) will be eligible to request up to $200 through the Programming & Travel Supplemental to spend on a reception. These funds will exempt from the food restriction. Membership Dues – Minimum dues are set at $0 / academic year, with a maximum of 75% of the Student Activities Fee. New Groups – The SA will not reimburse any expenses of a new group prior to SA approval for funding. There is a small group fund available for interest meetings through the Student Activities Office, and new groups may apply for Supplemental Funding. Off-Campus Events – The SA generally does not fund events held off-campus because of their inaccessibility to students. However, the Appropriations Committee will consider individual requests by organizations. Paying Students – Students are not paid for their services relating to the normal functioning of their activity. Students are expected to donate their time and work to their SA organization. Performance Groups – Each group may receive up to $15 per member for a max of 20 members for costumes, and the SA only funds costuming for two major shows. Costumes can only be worn for rehearsals or performances and must be able to be reused from year to year. Pre-professional and Academic Groups – Each pre-professional and academic group receives $200 each year. These groups must adhere to the SAAC guidelines. Page 15 Prizes and Awards – The SA will not subsidize trophies or any similar type of prize, except for the SA Teaching Award. Publications - Only publications of organizations whose sole purpose is that publication shall receive funding unless SAAC approves a one-time project. Newsletters of organizations will not be funded. Each publication group is funded for two issues per year, to be distributed by November 15th and April 15th. Reimbursement – Only under special circumstances will the SA reimburse any student or SA organization. Any organization which incurs expenses upon the SA without prior approval will have their funds frozen until the amount is repaid in full. Requests for Committee Action – SAAC hears supplemental funding requests on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM. This form must be completed by no later than the Monday at Noon - 1 week prior to the SAAC meeting that you wish to attend and at least two weeks prior to your event. This is a firm deadline and no exceptions will be made. Requests that miss the deadline must wait an extra week until the next SAAC meeting. Testing and Certification – The SA will not pay any costs relating to testing or certification of group members, including travel costs. Tickets – All tickets are to be sold through the Wilson Commons Ticket Service. The procedures and guidelines for tickets can be obtained from the WCSA office. Tickets should be sold with the lowest price for UR undergraduates and a higher price for all others. If there is to be a different price at the door, this must be advertised. All events in which cash will be exchanged at the door must have prior approval of the Student Accountant. All tickets, including collected stubs and unused tickets, shall be retained for a period of 7 years following the date of the event. All organizational income (and expenditures) should have complete documentation to support each income or expense posting to your organization’s monthly statement, thus providing a complete audit trail. For all events in which SA funds are used tickets must be first made available only to the UR campus community (students, staff, and faculty) for a period of 8 hours. After that period tickets may be sold to the public as well. T-shirts – The SA does not fund T-shirt sales as fundraisers or as promotion or publicity for the group. Groups hoping to purchase t-shirts must raise the funds (that will be in addition to their income) to cover the expenses. Travel – When approved, the SA will pay up to ½ of the total cost of travel expenses for trips within a four hundred (400) mile radius. This covers gas, but does not include food. Mileage is paid out at the rate of $0.20 / mile. SAAC will consider the funding for the full amount of lodging. All organizations must have pre-approval to travel before they are allowed to transact (every event). Travel waivers must be approved by Sam Lovejoy in Wilson Commons 101i. All students traveling must be on the roster, and have personal waivers completed (completed each year). Page 16
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