SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Coursework Instructions

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MODULE: CM1202 Developing Quality Software
DATE SET: Thursday 1st March 2018
SUBMISSION DATES: Get one team member to submit the code, and completed test cases
to Learning Central by 9.30 am on Tuesday 24th April 2018. ALL team members should
demonstrate their part of the prototype in your allocated session on Tuesday 24th April 2018.
Draft Test Cases, one submission per team, can be submitted via email to by 9:30am on Wednesday 21st March 2018.
Finish your implementation and upload all of your team’s .Java files to Learning
Central by 9:30am on Tuesday 24th April 2018.
Your team should also upload all of your test cases complete with their test results
in a single document to Learning Central by 9:30am on Tuesday 24th April 2018.
Make sure your prototype can be accessed and will run successfully in the PC labs
before the demonstration Tuesday 24th April 2018.
One member of the team should upload the following files to Learning Central by 9:30 am on
Tuesday 24th April 2018:
Code from all team
,pdf files or .java files
[filename].java or [filename].pdf
Set of Test Cases
(Containing one test case
for each participating
team member)
One .docx or .pdf file
tests_team[team number].docx or
tests_team[team number].pdf
If you have any problems with submission on Learning Central then email Helen Phillips
( before the deadline.
TITLE: Implementation and Test
This coursework is worth 30% of the total marks available for this module. The penalty for late
or non-submission is an award of zero marks. You are reminded of the need to comply with
Cardiff University’s Student Guide to Academic Integrity.
Understand the importance of basic Software Engineering concepts, principles and
Show an understanding of how to plan and manage a project through the effective use of
a variety of tools and techniques
Develop a set of test cases to demonstrate how the system can be validated
Create a prototype system to demonstrate how the main requirements can be implemented
Professionally record and document the results of Software Engineering development work
Your team needs to develop a working prototype system in Java and a set of test cases to
validate that your system has met these main requirements.
Main Requirements
It is essential that your team can demonstrate functionality that meets the main requirements
for the initial scenario. Therefore, your team should demonstrate that the prototype can provide
a suitable basic flow for the following (alternative flows do not need to be demonstrated):
All Teams
Task 1 - The prototype must:
Enable visitors to take part in a quiz. (The questionnaire should be multiple choice, the quiz
should be able to include text and picture question, following the entry of an answer, the visitor must
receive immediate feedback on their answer. Each visitor can select to restart the quiz and if the
visitor completed the entire quiz they should at the end be presented with a summary of their
Allow the COMSC engagement team to amend current questions.
Allow the COMSC engagement team to view statistics about visitors overall performance on the
quiz. (For example; percentage of time a question is answered correctly, the question most often
answered incorrectly, and percentage of people who gave up at that question.)
Enable the Engagement team to enter information about the schools attending an event
Most teams will also be expected to provide extra functionality to extend the prototype. This will
depend on team size:
Teams of five or more: The Engagement team can select a particular topic for the quiz
Teams of six: or more must also: Provide one additional interesting extension to your functionality.
These should be clearly stated in your demonstration.
Teams of Seven must also: Provide a second additional interesting extensions to your
functionality. These should be clearly stated in your demonstration.
Task 2 Test Cases
You also need to develop a test case for EACH of the requirements stated above to validate
that your prototype meets each of these main requirements. (One Test case per team member)
Implementation of Prototype
Teams need to make sure that EACH team member is assigned specific responsibility for
developing code for a particular part of the prototype (see advice below). However, if a team
member does not complete their part of the implementation we do not expect other team
members to take over their task.
Each team member should also provide three examples in their implementation that
demonstrates that they know how to produce quality code that enhances different quality
criteria (e.g. usability, reliability, maintainability). This will be discussed in your individual
reports. Note credit will be given for fully tested basic features over impressive but limited tested
The team should ensure their application has a consistent look and feel. Don’t forget to get one
member of your team to upload your .java files on Learning Central by 9:30am on Tuesday 24th
Developing Test Cases
Your team needs to create a set of test cases that a user can follow to validate that your
prototype meets the Main Requirements. EACH member of the team should be assigned
responsibility for developing a test case for ONE of these main requirements. You need to
ensure each member covers a different requirement so that you will be able to validate all of
the requirements stated for the size of your team.
Each requirement stated in the Task section will need a separate test case with a clear
procedure that can be followed by a user to carry out the essential steps for the basic flow and
a clear indication of the outputs that your prototype should give in response to the user’s actions
(alternative flows do not need to be tested). Each test case should include appropriate test
We will need to see your interfaces when checking and marking the test cases. The interfaces
will help determine if you have sufficient information in your test cases to cover the essential
steps of the basic flow for each requirement. You can either provide a drawing of the design of
your interface (neat hand-drawn sketches are acceptable) or a screen shot if the interface is
complete. Please ensure that all information presented in the interface is readable.
Each test case should be presented using a test case template which will be available on
Learning Central. Once your prototype is complete you should use your test cases to validate
your prototype. You need to provide test results to clearly show what steps in the basic flow
passed or failed. Make sure to include a screen shot of the interface that has been tested with
your test case.
It is good practice to get someone other than the author of the test case to carry out the testing
and fill in the test results.
Don’t forget to get one of your team members to upload your completed test cases with the
test results and the interfaces on Learning Central by 9:30am on Tuesday 24th April.
Demonstration of Prototype
In your demonstration your team will need to clearly show that the functionality of your prototype
meets all the main requirements appropriate to the size of your team.
Each team member will need to demonstrate their own code by running through the range of
functionality and highlighting any extra features or interesting functionality that they have
successfully implemented.
If team members have worked together on a requirement with more complex functionality then
they can demonstrate their code together but they must clearly state what each person has
1. Prototype
2. Test cases
Some important advice:
Your team will need to split up the system into appropriate modules which can be allocated to
team members to develop. Requirements that need more complicated functionality or complex
interfaces can be split into several modules so these can be developed by two or more team
members simultaneously. However, each team member is responsible for developing and
testing the code for their own modules.
Make sure your team manages the dependencies. If core functionality is required which is
needed by other parts of the prototype ensure this is developed first. If several modules are
needed to deliver functionality ensure each team member is clear what they are developing
and how this relates to the work of others.
You need to demonstrate working software. We recommend that you develop your code in
small chunks and test this frequently, so you don’t have too much code to check through if it
stops working. Frequently backup your working code as you go along. You can always revert
to the latest backup if you really make a mess of the code you are working on. Team members
should frequently integrate any new working code into the system. This way if there are
problems there is not too much code to check and you can make sure you have correctly
managed your dependencies. Make sure all team members have copies of the current working
system. Don’t leave the integration to the end and hope it will work.
Don’t be too ambitious. You do not have to include all the functionality described in the use
case descriptions that your team provided for your design presentation. Focus on main
requirements as stated in this assignment brief. For real projects clients will expect to see
functionality working before they will agree that a requirement is met. You therefore need to
ensure all essential functionality is working before trying to exceed the requirements. Note
credit will be given for fully tested basic features over impressive but limited tested features.
Assessment Criteria
Your coursework will assessed on the following:
Comprehensiveness of prototype in covering the basic steps for all of the main
Fully tested functionality in meeting the main requirements
Appreciation of Quality criteria
Consistency of the look and feel of your prototype
Test Cases:
Clarity of Instructions
Relevance of steps in meeting the requirements
Validation of the test cases
Feedback and suggestions for improvement
Feedback on your Draft’s will be provided via learning central (email) during the first week of
the Easter Break.
Feedback on your coursework will address the above criteria. Work will be returned along
with written feedback by the end of week 12.

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