D99 3705E 09_Nov1982 09 Nov1982
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o e ;iO D99-3705E-09 D99-3705E-08 e e o o o o o 'flU. :. IBM MAINTENANCE DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM IBM 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER e INTERNAL FUNCTIONAL TEST SYSTEM INDEXES o DATE: 11/11/82 o o o e e e e e o o o o o o o o o o IBM/TECHNICAL NEWSLETTER IBM MAINTENENCE DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM IBM 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER INTERNAL FUNCTIONAL TEST SYMPTOM INDEXES This TECHNICAL NEWSLETTER p~ov:des complete ~eplacement fo~ IBM 3705 Commumications Cont~olle~ Int~~nal Functional Test Symptom Indexes, DOC. NO. DCL-3705E-08, p~eviously ~eleased with OLT DIAGNOSTIC RELEASE 12.4. RELEASE 13.0. This change: Co~~ects the ~unning 2 of D99-3705E. desc~iption fo~ Adds ~outine (Rtn 55), ;n Adds comments Adds second o D99-3705E-09 fo~ ca~d foote~ titles a CHAPTERS 1 and new Type 4 Channel Chapte~ 8. Rtn X7A8 fo~ manual Adapte~ ;nte~vention call (A3D2) to Rtn X607, Remove D99 fo~ e~~o~ stops. stop OX01. Add DCL-3705E-(all levels) D99-3705E-09 COVER PAGE COVER PAGE PAGES (ALL) PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES PAGES - i iv 1.1 - 1.32 2.1 2.10 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.20 5.0.1 - 5.0.152 6.0.1 - 6.0.4 6.1.1 - 6.1.112 6.2.1 - 6.2.14 7.0.1 - 7.0.195 7.1.1 - 7.1.284 8.1 - 8.48 --- IBM, CURRENT MULRIPLEXOR ENGINEERING, DEPT. G32, P.O. Box 12195, Resea~ch T~;angle Pa~k, No~th Ca~ol;na, 27709 e e .~ ), ~; "- ) / / ./ ) o 1l99-37C5E-09 8 o o o o This manual contains the IBM 3705 Communications Ccntroller I~ternal Functional tests symptom indexes. This manual should be used with its companion manual I~~~~!nten~il~iagnss~i~~ogram ~-11~ £QmmgQi£~~!Q~1~Q!!~~IB1~~~1-!Yn£1i2B~1_I~§!_1Q~g~_~iagnQ§~£2nt~21~dule. Initia1-~tL-~ E~n~1-~ing-I§§iL 1l99-3705D. The compan2on manual provides guidance in using tbe symptom indexes. The symptom refers to a 'suspected' card or cards fer most error stops; these suspected cards have a high enough probability of caus2ng the error to be singled out. However, the indicated card may not be tbe actual cause of tbe error. TOe suspected card serves only as a guide to assist in getting into the failing area and not as a sure fix for errors. The material in this Dlanual 'was previously published in IBa lllintenance Diagn.2ll:!;;!&_Proqram...1.1Q2 D99-3105A-05, which bas been £Q!~i£~!i2n§~~Q!!~~n-1ine Tg§!§_~In1~~!yncti~1-Iests. replaced by; IlnL~illlgm!~9BQ§1ic_E~Qgram IM.2122-£2m.!!llni£~ions f2.!ll!;:Q!bL£!!~.M~ruL!nLU~ AU Lines Q&-Lin~I~§!gL D99-3705C. I~~lIainlg~B£e DiagBQ§1i£_f~Q~~~~.21Q2-£Q~~~liQng_£ontrQ!~!g~nctiopal Q!~q~§1i£-fontr~ggYl~_In!1i~I§§l~~_f~n~l_b!B~~lL D99-3105D. Te§t L~ I~~~illl~~B£lLlliqnQ§1k~~~!l!L~~lli2-£QmmYBlliliQ!lLf~!lll.!!L1nternal FnnctioM.!-Ig,§Uymptoli !~g~§L o o o 1l99-3705E. The symptom indexes are arranged in 1FT number order throughout tbis manual. companion lIanuals that should be referred to are: Chapters 7.0 tbrough 7.9 have beeu cbanged to include additional cards in the 'Suspected Card' column. Error stop OX70 has been added to routine 1118 in chapter 7.0. Chapter 5.2 bas been changed to iuclude a manual intervention wrap routine 16F2. This routine provides line se:: wrapping and modell wrapping with or without a wrap block. (!lodem wrap cannot be done without a wrap block.) ~c= Miscellaneous corrections have been made throughout this aanual. o This version of the manual was released as a DCL. type 4 chanuel adapters (4). Chapter 8 was changed to include support for multiple Chapter 1 vas changed to include support for RPQ 858911. o Chapcer 3 was changed to incorporate changes to routinE 2. o~ Chapter 6 was changed to incorporate error stops for several routines that were inadvertently left out the manua:. Support for line sets lT and lU is included iu this version. Chapter 7 was changed to incorporate error stops for EPQs HH4100 and 858912. and 1U is included in this version. Support for line sets lT Ttis edition incorporates DCL-370SE-04 and inclUdes changes cO support .odels J,K,L of the 3705. Support. for several BPQ' 5 has been added .. A ne~ erro= stop Support fo~ ha~beeu added to Chapter 4. line sets 1w and 1z is ~ncluded in th1S versioL. i 1370SEAA - JCA 'iii. ;'1 • Chapters 6 and .., have been changed to incorporate changes for the Type 3 High Speed Co.aunication Scanner and the 1.21 World Trade Line Interfaces. The 1.21 support includes 2 nev manual interven~ion routines IfPII and 17B"I. Chapter 7 has been changed to include symptom indexes for nev aanual intervention rou~ines I7P1 - I7P3 CICW Tests) and routines 17P4 - I7P6 (PDP Array Tests). In addition, section 7.1 has been changed fro. level 05 to level 06 vhich is the correct level. Chapter 8 has been changed to include symptoa indexes for Dev Type ~ Channel Adapter .anual interveution routines 1958 - 195C vhich enhance the diagnostic ability to isolate interaittent EB~ failures. Routine 1938 symptoa index vas changed and routiue %939 symptom index vas added to reflect changes in the EB" IPT's. ) "anual Intervention routine I6P6 added for RPQ S30254 on Type 2 scanner. Com.ents added to Type 3 scanner IPT rontine AB. Com.ents reworded in Type II Charnel adapter IPT routines IIC and liE. '" Reutine 55 added to provide an inbound data address test to an odd address in Type 4 channel adapter tests. Added card call for 'A3D2' 1n Type 2 Scanner Boutine 7 (%607), ERBOR CODE 0101. CEAPTERS 1 and 2 of D99-3705E had footer labels in error and are corrected in this release. Ccmment added for manual intervention stops in type 3 scanuer 1PT routine A8. Chapter 6.2 updated to correct column header alignment. ) X3705BAA - JCA i:. ",t' I o o o o o o o o Central Control Unit. _ • 1. 1 Stcrage 1FT Symptom lnjex. Type Channel Adapter 1FT Symptom Index :~. 1 3.1 Type 2 or Type 3 Channel Adapter 1FT Symptom Index • 4.1 Type :ommunication Scanner 1FT Symptom Index Part 1 aanual lnterven~ion Stop Codes. • 5.0.1 • 5.1.1 Type 2 Communications Scanner 1FT Symptom Index Notes • • • • • S ympt om Index Part 1. . . • • Symptom Index Common Subroutine and Level 1, 2, 3 StOP Codes. • • • • • • • • • ~anual Intervention Stop Codes And Examples • • Type 3 Communication Scanner !?T Symptom Index Part 1 • • S ym pt om In dex Par"t- 2. • Symptom Index common snbroutine and Level 1, 2, 3, Stop Codes •••••• Manual Intervention S~op Codes. Type 4 Channel Adapter 1FT Symp'om Index • 6.0.1 6.1_ 1 • 6.2.1 6.2.3 .7.0.1 • 7.1.1 7.1.275 7.1.277 8.1 o o iii X3705BAA - In D99-370SE-09 .) B10SBAA - JCA ) o I~~ ~~05 ~O"""IICATIORS COITBOLLER CENTRAL COHTROL Ulli 1FT STftPlOft INDEX D99-~7,)C!, :-, CHAPTER 1.0: CEITRAL COITROL OIIT 1FT STftPTOft IIDEX o o o BCUT. ERROB CODE TESTED ~UICTION EREOR DESCRIPTION SUSFE~~D C~E~ LOCATION Is) PROu eASK PE1LD PEr~~ PAGE PAGE CP007 CC007 6-:190 CO"ft~N1S 1102 If an error occurs in this routine, check bit 0.5 in Beg. x' ~9'. If: la) the 900 nanosecond ccn osc~lator is installed and bit 0.5 if off or, Ib) the 1.0 microsecond ccu oscillator is installed and bit 0.5 is on, then hardware bit 0.5 is in error. correct this fault and rerun ~be tes~. o~bervise. con~inQe as specified in the error s"t.ops. 010' Tbe interval tiaer level 3 Tbe Timer L3 irpt occurred in ~nterrupt should occur every less tban 97 ms. laO millseconds. This routine ~est for an accuracy of plus or .inns 1-B3L2 A-B3"15 OOFF ~ndicates percent of error. ~hree percen~. If Reg~.E.'ter X'15' equals 1'0004', tbe e=ror l.S fou::: percen't vb:' ct. means the 'time::irp_ occur;:e'l Did L3 'timer !rpt occur prior ";.0 o o 9'7 Reg X'lS' liS. a~ OX02 L3 ~i.er irpt occur a!ter 103 liS. ~id The tioer L3 irot occurred la~er than 103115. 1-B31.:;: A-B305 OO!?! CP007 CCOO" 6-090 9b 115. Reg. X'15' cODt:.ains pe:: cent of errc=. 1'0004' inc1ca~eE Ii percen't er~c=. tbe interrupt ~~ curred a~ 10411s. A ~imer L3 irpt did r.Ot occur witbin 110 liS. A-B3L2 A-B31J5 IVA CP007 ccOO" 6-090 Standard DC~ display doe, not apply. ftemory size test. :::npu't 1'70' ~s ':"s comva red vi ':.b -:.hE; Input 1'70' and CDS BS!! CO:lnt did no~ cOllpare A-BlIl!:2 If CDS coun~ is co=rec~ I/A Cft002 11-070 6-770 Reg X'14' = CDS BSII Count Feg X'1S' = Inpt:t X'70' converted ~n'":o BS!! COUI!': Reg X'le' = Inpu~ I' '0' 0101 Z bus par~'ty cbecke~ Byte X, 0, and 1 bit 7 are cOllplellented to forced bad parity. ~he CCU check register is tested for expected data. 30utine makes 256 aasses starting witb data" 00000 using an update value of X'10101' The actual CCO cbeck regis~er da~a is in error. Tbe Z bus parity cbecked failed to detect bad parity. CCO CUK Beg is input X'7D' See lIote 5 1-B3112 " A-B3G2 FFFP eK003 CQOOS 6-050 See note 1 OX02 ~id ~he force err~~ function produce the correct data Tbe actual data produced hy the A-B3S2 A-B3G2 force error functi.on did not compare with the expected. FFFFF CKOOI CQ005 6-050 Z bus parity checker BY'te I, 0, and 1 bit 6 are complemented to force bad parity. ~be CCU check registe= ~s tested for expected da~a. Routine makes 256 passes starting with data 00000 using an update value of X'10101' Tbe ac~ual CCO cbeck regiSter data is in error FFFF CK003 CQ005 6-050 ,id the force err3r function produce ~be correct data. Tbe ac~ual data produced by the A-83S2 force error func~ion did no" A-B3G2 cOllpare witb the expected. I'FFP! CKOOl CQOOS 6-050 OX03 Defaul~ !f an 'test - in~er~up~ ~~es no~ occur witb~n il0 ms ~his rout1oe vill hal~. 1'03 0101 'BS~ COUD~' con~ained !n the Confi9ura~ioL Da~a Se, to verify tDat tDe tvo agree. '10~ 1105 0101 0102 C::U IP': See 1Io~e 5 A-B3112 A-B3G2 See note 1 X3705BH 1.1 J' 3705 CO!!!'IONIC1.TI :J!f5 ::OliTF::LLEll CEBTllA1. CORT 90L IIIIIT ::1':- SYlll':rO~ IBDE! !Z~ ERROR. !'O"CTIOII TESTED ::00:; 1106 OX01 :; bas !Jari~l' checke:: Byte X, 0, and 1, b; - 5 a=e c;ompleaent.ed ~o f:::>rce. bad P:)U': .. L:q",- -1 ERROR DESCRIP'::IOII Tbe actual CCO cbeck register dat:" is in error. parity. '::he CCO cbeck regis~e= ~s tested for e:rpecte:! data. Rouu.ne aakes 256 passes star'ting wit.h data 0000(\ using an update value of X'10101' OX02 1107 OXOl SOSPECTED CAPt. LOCA'l'IOIi (s) See 1I0te 5 ,1.-113112 A-B3G2 PROr; r!. . A!.t1 IIASK PAr;~ I'I'l'l'F CI'003 CQOO': F£'H~!i 6-050 S.. ", n01f- " j '" p !be actual data produced by tbe force error fur.ction did no~ coapare with tbe expect:ei!. A-B3S2 A-B3G2 I'I'1'FI' CKOOl-2 CQ005 cbecker By~e I. 0, and 1, b"- 11 are co.ple.ent.ed "to force bad parit:y. ~he CCO check register is "'ested for expect:ed da-::a. 30utine aakes 256 passes starting witb dat:a 00000 using an update value of Tbe aC'tual CCO check reg':'ster dat:a is in error. See Rote 5 A-B3112 A-1I3G2 FFFI' Tbe actual dat:a produceel. by 1-B3S2 l-B3G2 FI'1'FF CK001 CQ005 6-0SJ CK003 COO 05 6-050 pari~y ) rOHP1En~r; Pl.:;:: !lid He force error :!'lnction produce tbe correc"t dat:a. Z hus -::If" f·· , ... .r CI'003-7 CQ005 SeE< no~e 1 See IJO+f;! 1 'r'lOl!)" 0102 11!}f 'Jid tbe force e=re= funct:!'o" produce ":he correc'!: da-:a. :: bus par::'t:y checlter The actual CCO check register da-::a is ir. error. see lIot:e A-B3N2 A-B3G2 0102 !lid -:b~ force er=or fnnctioI: produce 'the correc't. da"':a. Tbe actual data proel.uceel. by the force error fur.~t~on did no,:: compare viferce bad The actual CCO check regis":er da-:=a is in error .. See Iio"'e 5 A-B3112 A-B3G2 1'1'1'1' 6-050 See note 1 Xhe actual data produced by the force error £unc'tion did no~ compare with 'the e:rpe~ed. A-B3S2 l-B3G2 FFFFF CKOO' CODaS See note \lX(J1 BytE< 0 and 1 bi": 3 8::8 complemented -::0 f::>=ce bad parity. ::'he cell cbec~ reqis-:.e= 1S ,,:es~ed for expec-::eel. da-::a. '3ou'tine makes 256 passes starting "i~h da,:a 00000 using an updat:e value of X'1!)101' llJ~ ":he force error fur.ct~on el." no'": compare with 'the expec~ea. ~ 1'FFF CK003 COO05 par~ty. '::he CCO checlt regis~er is 'testea for e:rpe=ed da",a. ~outine .akes 256 passes starting witb data 00000 using an update value of X'10101' OX02 110A Did the force error function produce tbe correc~ dat:a. bus pari'!:y cbecke= Byte 0 and 1 bot. ... - 1 are cOllpleaente:! "':0 f:>::-ce bad parity. 0101 The CCO cheCK reg:l.s-:..e= 1S tested fol. expec-:=e3 da"'a. ~outine aakes 256 passes starting with data 00000 using at: upda'l:e value of X'10101' Tbe actual CCO check =eqister da-::a is i1: erroz. See No~e 5 l-B3112 l-B3G2 FFFF CK003 CODaS 6-050 0:[02 Did the force e:::-ror func'tl.oL. produce the co==ec~ da"::a. The actual data produceel. by t:be force error fUDc"tion did no'": compare with -::he expec";e~. l-B352 l-J3G2 1'FFFF CKOO' COOO5 6-05(' 1 ":I: :: bus pari".:y '3vte (. , checI;e::(j e=e an1 1 ti"; comple.en~ed ~o !o=-=e haC. p~=l.~y. 1.2 1:3 7058A1< CCU 1FT '\ - o o o o o If~ 3705 C~RTrAL CO~~URICATION5 CONTBOL DRIT 1FT BOOT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE OXOl ~he CCO check register is tested for expected data. 30utine makes 256 passes starting with data 00000 using an update value of X'10101' OX02 Did the force error function produce the correc. data. ERRor DESCRIPTION The actual CCO check register data is in error. The actual data produced by the force error function did not compare with the expected. SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) see Rate 5 A-B3N2 A-B3G2 PROG "ASK FFFF FEUD PAGE CK003 CQOOS FETII" A-B352 A-B3G2 FFFFF CKOOl COOOS 6-050 COIIIlENTS P~,GE 6-050 SEe note OXOl ~he CCO register is tested !or the expected data. Routine makes 256 passes starting with data 00000 using an update value of X'10101' The 'A' register parity Checker See Rate 5 failed to detect bad parity. A-B3R2 A-B3G2 FFF!' CKOO] COOOS 6-920 OX02 Did the force error function produce the correct data. The actual data produced by the force error function did not compare with the expec~ed. A-B352 A-B 3G2 3FFFF CKOO' CQOOS 6-920 See Bote 5 A-B3!r2 A-B3G2 FFFF CK003 CQOOS 6-920 A-B352 A-B3G2 FFFP!' CKOO' CQOOS 6-920 FFF? CKOOl CUO'3 CU013 6-920 Register X'1t' will COD't.al.Il the test data -:.hat was used ~o outpu~ to Reg X 'a'. FFFF CK001 C0013 6-920 Reg1ster X'16' will con"a1I, 't.he test data t.hat was ir. Reg X" A' when -:.he input from o '10D OXO, 'B' reg1s~er parity checker The 'B' register parity X'76' with mask X'0040' checker failed to detect bad ~s used to force bad pari~y. parity. ~he CCO check register is testee ~or the exoectea da~a. Outpu~ OX02 ~id the force error function produce ~he correct data. SDR reg1ster 110E ":es'7:. p~ri~y The ac~ual data produced by tbe !orce error function did no~ compare with the expec~ed. See note , See note 1 checke= ~ Outpu: X'~8', force CCO checks, with data X'0040' is used in conjunction vi~h 4 on~put ~Ds~ruc~10n ~o torce SDP errors. f.U,.,' o ~he ou~pu~ ~ns~iuc~ion forces Lhe error is Reg outpu~ to ~·1A·. Rout1ne maKes 256 passes star~ing with data 00000 nsing an update valoe of X'10'01' • ~ha~ ~'151 OXOl ~he CCU Check Regis~er is ~ested for the expec.ed Tbe actual CCD Check Register data is in error bits. error. See Note A-B3N2 A-B3S2 Ihe CCO Check Register is tested for the expected The actual CCU Cbeck Register data is in A-B3S2 A-B3N2 error bi'ts. error .. ~ndata pari~y cKecker tes~. OUtput X'7S'r f~rce ceu Cbecks, witb data %'0010' ~s used in conjunction with an iDPU~ ins~ruc~ion ~o force Indata Parity Errors. Bou~ine makes 256 passes starting witb data 00000 oS1ng an npdate value of 1101' e D99- 370SE-OQ 'A' register parity checker OUtput X'78' (force CCO checks) with mask X'0020' is used to force bad parity. 110C o o o CONTROLLER SY~PTOa IBDEX ~·101011. 0101 X'11' vas executed. 1'10 OXOl 5AE register par1"y cbecker "':.es'": .. c::n I!'T OU'C pu'": X' 78' (po=ce The SAR register parity checker See Note 7 failed to detect bad parity. A-B3N,2 FFFF CK003 DP993 ,6-920 See Late 1 X3705BA~ '.3 IEM 3705 ~ZNTRAL C0~AUNICATIOHS CONTROL1EP CONT30L UNIT 1FT SYHPTOa INDEX ROU:. ERROR FUIICTION TESTED CODE ERPOl! DESCRIPTIOII SUSPEC~ED CARD LOCATION(s) A-911G2 A-B4ft2 PROG IIASK The actual da~a produced by the force error funct10n did no~ compare with the expected. A-8352 l-B3G2 A-B3ft:< FFFF CK001 DP993 DII993 6-920 Level II interrupted by Level 3 The PCI L3 interrupt failed to via a PCI 13 irpt. occur. reg grp 2 (X'7F') is tested for a PCI L3 bit. A-B3G2 A-B3112 A-B3J2 PDFB COO05 CDOOl CU015 CP002 CA003 6-090 6-860 Prior to forcing the L3 irpt. the Lq CZ latches are set to CZ 10 on return to Lq ~he CZ latches are tested to ensure tha~ L3 did not alte= the prese~ LII CZ ltch. The level 4 CZ latches were affected by the PCI L3 irp-:. A-B3G2 0003 CZXXX 6-090 The PCI L3 irpt failed to l-B3G2 A-B3M2 A-B3J2 FDPB COO05 CDOOI CUOl5 CPOO2 Cl003 6-09C 6-860 CCU Checks) with mask X'OOqO' is used to force bad parity. The CCU Cbeck Register is ~ested for ~~e e=ror bits. OX02 Did the force error functioD da~a ~rpt OX02 = 1114 OX01 OX02 FETM~ CoeMFN~S PAGr DR993 expec~ed produce the co=rect "13 OX01 PEALt PAGI Levsl 4 is interrupted by Level 3 v:'a a PC! L3 ::.::pt. irpt reg g=p 2 (X' 7F 'J is tested for a PCI Lq b1t. occu= Prior to forcing the L3 irpt. the L4 CZ Itch are se~ CZ = 01, O~ return to L4 the CZ Itch are tested to ensure that L3 did not alte= the prese~ L4 CZ Itch. . The level 4 CZ Itch we:-e affected by the PCI L3 irp~. Level 2 masking and unmasking The Level 2 mask function failed to preven~ a L2 irpt. A-B3!!2 FDPB CP002 CDOOl COOOl 6-090 6-9qO The Level 2 un.ask function A-B 3112 FDFB CP002 CD001 COO01 6-090 6-95C l-B3112 FDFB CP002 6-860 0003 A-B3G2 (See R7N. 11131 6-090 CZXXX ~o "15 OX01 functions are ~ested. Level 2 is mask and theL an attempt to force a L2 irpt. V1a -41ag L2" function, is perfo::med. OX02 1'16 Level 2 is unmasked and a L2 ;rpt. ~s forced v~a "diag L2" _unct10D. failed Level II is interrupted by Level 2 via the "diag L2" function. OX01 Irp-: req g::p 2 (X'7F ') :'s tested for a "1iag L2 n bit. The Diag L2 1rpt failed to occur OX02 Prior to f~rcing the L2 irp~ the L4 CZ l~ch are se~ ~o CZ = 10. On return to L4 the CZ Itch are tested to ensure tba~ the L2 irp~ did not alter ~he Drese~ L4 CZ ltch. . The Level q CZ 10 Itch were affected by the diag L2 irpt. A-B3G2 0003 CZXXX 6-090 Level 4 is :interrup~ed by Level 2 via the "diag L2 n The Diag L2 irpt failed to occur. A-B3G2 FDFB CP002 6-090 (See P.TR. 1116) 1'17 OX 01 = !unction. = OX02 Prior to forcing the L2 irpt. the L4 CZ Itcc are set to C1 = 01. On returr to LII the CZ ltch are tested to ensure ~hat the L2 irpt did no~ alter the preset L4 CZ ltch. The Level 4 CZ 01 ltcb were affected by the diag L2 irpt. 1-B3G2 0003 CZXXX 6-090 111S OX01 Level 4 1S 1nte::rupted by a ~evel 1 irpt V1a a 1/0 check. T'~ utility Beg (X'79') is ~es~ed to verify tha~ L4 The ut1lity Beg did not contain l-B3112 the 'prog level q interrupted' 1-B3L2 bl. t. (Level 1 failed to irpt) 001'0 CPOOG 6-830 1. q X3705BAA Bypass troable shooting thl.s e=:o= un~il code 0002 ot error thl.S CCO IF'!: I ;I o o o o o o o o o o lEe 3705 CO~~OBICATIONS COB!ROLLES :!BTP.AL CONTBOL ON IT 1fT SYePTOe INDEX ROOT. ERROR FUBCTION TESTED CODE was interrupted. OX02 ~rpt ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSFECTED C;UI' tOCA TION (sl PROG PElLD PETKft KAS~ PIGE PIGE COI\IIENTS routJ.ne bas rut. without erlOor. reg grp 1 (X'7F') is for the "in/out ~estea D9 ~- 37 05E- 09 The in/out chec~ Ll bit did no~ RIA se~. A Level 1 irpt did not occur. FPPP CU01Q 6-850 The Level 4 CZ = 10 Itcb were affected by the Ll irpt. A-B3G2 0003 CZlXl 6-090 .1-B3L2 A-B3G2 001'0 COO,4 CP002 6-803 check t1" bit. OX03 Prior ~o forcing the Ll irpt, the t~ Cz l~ch are set to CZ 10. On return to LA the CZ Itch are tested to = ensure ~hat the Ll ~rpt did not alter the preset L4 CZ Itch. Level 4 is interrup~ed by a Level 1 irpt via a I/O check. 1119 OXOl The utility Beg (X'79') is tested to verify if L4 was interrupted. Level 1 failed to irpt. OX02 ~rpt The in/oot check L1 bit did not reg grp 1 (X'7F') is tested for the in/out check (see RTN • 1 118) 6-050 FPFF 5e,"=- .. Ll bit. OX03 11H Prior to forcing the Ll irp" the L4 CZ Itch are set to ::Z '" 01. The Level 4 C7 = 01 l~cb were affected by the Ll irp~. A-B3G2 0003 CZXXI 6-090 Level 3 is interrupted by Level 2 via diag L2 (See RTN. 1 113) ~unccior.. lXOl Since the DCe runs under Level 4, a L3 irp, is forced via pcr L3 to allow this =ou~ine Pretest error 6-940 to test while in Level 3. OXOl A L2 irp~ is force~ via diag 12. The irpt reg grp 2 (X'7E') is ~ested to verify that diag L2 bit vas set. The diag L2 irp~ failed to occur when running under Level 3. OX02 Prior to forcing ,he L2 i=pt, the L3 CZ Itch are set to CZ = 10. The Level 3 CZ 10 l~ch were affected by the L2 irpt. 111B lXOl o 6-830 = 0003 6-090 = OOO:? 6-630 (See BTN 11l~) Same as IXOl above. OXOI Same as OXOl above. OX02 Prior to forcing the L2 irpt, the L3 CZ Itch are set to CZ '" 01. ',1C FDFB The Level 3 CZ 01 Itch were affected by the L2 irpt. (See lITN. 1113) Level 3 is interrup~ed ty Level 1 via an in/ont check Ll. lXOl Since the Dce rnns under Level 4, a L3 irp~ is forced via PCI L3 to allow this routine to test while in Level 3. Pretest error. OXOI The utility Reg (X'79') is tested to verify tha~ The utility reg did not contain A-B362 t~e prog level 3 interrupted L3 vas iD~errupted. 6-940 001'0 C;P004 6-830. Bypass trouble sbooting this error b::.,. un~il error code 0002 of this routl.ne has run witbou~ OX02 The tl irpt is forced via in/out check L1. The in/out check L1 bit did not set. A Level 1 irpt dia no~ occor when =onning under Level 3. OX03 Prior to forcing the Ll Tbe Level 3 CZ C:::O 1FT = 10 Itch were PPFI' 6-050 0003 6-090 failure. (See !!TN 111 B) X3705BAA 1.5 IEP. 3705 C;H~RAL CO!~OHICATIONS CONTROLLER CONTSOL UNIT 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX BCUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTE~ COOE irpt, the Level 3 C2 l~ch are set to CZ = 10. On return ~o L3 the CZ itch are ~ested ~o ensu~e D99- 3705E- 0, ERSOB DESCRIPTION CARD LOCATION(s) SUSP~C=EO PROG ~ASK FEALD PAGE FET"P. PAGE CO"~ENT5 affected by the 11 irpt. ~ha~ the L1 ~rpt did not alter the preset L3 CZ ltch. 1110 1101 Saae as 1101 above under ::-ou';:ine '11C. 0101 Saae as OXOl above under routine "1 C. OX02 Saae as OX02 above under routine 1 I 1 C. OX03 Prior to forcing the Ll irpt, the L3 CZ ltch are set to CZ = 01. l11F ) = The Level 3 CZ 01 Itch were affected by the L1 irpt. 6-090 0003 '\ ) Level 2 ~s interrupted by Level 1 via an in/out check Ll. 6-050 (See RTN. "'6) '\ 'X02 Since the ocn runs under 1evel 4, a L2 irpt is forced V1a diag L2 irp';:. ~his will allow th1s routine to test while in Level 2. Pretest error. OXOI ~he utility Reg (X'79') is tested to verify that ~2 was 1nterrupted. The utility reg did not contain A-83M2 the prog level 2 interrupted b::.t. / 6-090 OOF~ CP004 6-830 Bypass trouble shoot::.ng -::h1S er=or un~~l erro= code 0002 of this rODtine bas run without failure. OX02 ~he Ll irpt is forced via an in/ou';: check Ll. irpt reg grp I (X'?E') is tested to verify. The 1n/oUt check L1 bi~ d1d not set. A level 1 irpt did no~ occur wben running under level 2. F!'FF 6-850 OX03 Prior to forcing the Ll irp~, the level 2 CZ ltch are set ~o CZ = 10. On retn=n LO L2, the CZ ltch are tested to ensure -::hat the Ll irpt did not alter the preset L2 CZ The level 2 CZ ='0) l~ch were affec~ed by the Ll irpt. 0002 6-090 (See RTN 1118) l~ch. '11F 'X02 Same as 1X02 above under routine HIE. (See RTli 17) OXOI Same as OXOI above under routine 11 IE. (see RTII 19) OX02 Same as OX02 above under routine IIIE. OX03 Prior to forcing the irpt, the level 2 CZ are set to CZ = 01. re~urn to L2, the CZ are tested. L1 itch On ltch = The level 3 CZ 01 Itch were affected by the Ll irpt. 0003 6-080 This routine does an !nterrupt Oaisy-Cha!n from L4 to L3 to L2 to Ll to L3 to L4. The CZ itch latches for L4, L3, and L2 are preset ~o a known s~ate prio= to forcing the uext irpt. Each is checked on return to its level. "20 lXOI ~evel 4 is interruDted by L3 via PCI L3. - Pretest error. ,)X02 Level 3 is interrupted ty 12 via Oia9 L2. Diag L2 irpt failed to occur. 1. E X3 70 SEAl 6-090 (See RTHS. '113-1'1F) 6-090 NIA 6-090 CCU IF':' o o left 3705 COftftUHICATIOHS COHTROLLER C!NTRAL COHTROL UWIT 1FT SY!PlO! IHDEI o RCUT. ERROR PUHCTIOR TESTED CODE 0101 Prior to forcing ~he L3 irp~, the level q CZ l~ch are set ~o CZ = 10. On return ~o LQ, ~he CZ ltch ar~ tested to ensure that the L3, L2, and L1 irpt did not al~er the prese~ Lq CZ ltch. o o o D9!'- 37 05E- 09 EBBOR DESCRIPTIOR The level Q CZ = 10 ltch vere affected by the L3, L2, and Ll irpt Daisy-Chain. SOSPECTED CARD LOCAUOJl(s) = PROG !ASIl 0003 FEUD PAGE FET811 OX02 Prior to forcing the L2 irp~, ~he level 3 CZ l~h are set ~o CZ = 01. On re~urn ~o L3, the CZ ltch are tested. The level 3 CZ 10 ltch vere affected by the L2 and Ll irpt Daisy-Chain. 0003 6-090 OX03 Prior to forcing the L1 irpt, the level 2 CZ ltch are set to CZ = 10. On return to L2, the CZ ltch are tested. The level 2 CZ = 10 ltch vere affected by the L1 irpt. 0003 6-090 1121 0101 o Level 4 masking and unmasking The level 4 mask function =unc~ions are tes~ed. failed ~o prevent a PCI LQ Since the DC8 runs under irpt from occurring. PCI L4, this routiue rese~s PCl L4 and wai~s for a level 3 interval ~imer L3 irpt. Level q is then masked and tested. l-B3112 A-B3L2 R/A CP002 CP006 6-090 6-9110 A-B382 II/A CP002 6-090 6-950 Level 3 masking and unmasking func~ions are ~es~ea. level 3 is masked, an attempt is made to force a L3 irpt via a set PCI L3 irp-:-.. The leVel 3 mask func~ion l-B3112 failed to preveD~ a PC! L3 i=pt from occurring. If the level 5 eask function is not active, erroneous errors aay occur. If so, run routine 1125 to test the level 5 mask function. 11/1. CP002 6-9QO 6-950 6-9qO Level 3 ~s unmasked. an attempt is made to force a L3 irpt via a se~ PCI L~ irpt. The level 3 unmask function failed. 1 PCI L3 irp~ did not occur. l-B 311 2 11/1 CP002 6-940 On the nex~ ~1.e= L3 COIlI!IHTS PAGE 6-090 irp~, level 4 is unmasked and tested. o e OX02 level q is unmasked and a PCI The level 4 uneask func~ion irpt is set while in failed. 1 PCI L4 irpt did Dot level 3. An exit from level 3 occur. is performed and level q should irpt via PCl L4. ~q 1122 0101 o 0102 1123 o This routine test for a level q service interrupt (SVC L4) when an exit from level 5 is performed. 0101 In order to reach level 5 the PCI LQ irpt must be reset and an exit from Lq is performed. Level 5 failed to become active or level Q failed to exi~ (previously tested). 1-83ft2 II/A CP003 6-090 0102 The exit from level 5 should svc Lq irpt. The irpt req grp 2 (X"?') vi11 be tested to verify. The level 5 exit failed to set svc L4 irpt bit. l-B3112 0001 C0015 6-860 0103 The level 4 svc L4 irpt 'vi11 be reset ~o verify that it svc Lq irpt failed to reset. A-B3!2 0001 COO 15 6-090 can be rese't:. OX05 0101 e e e e e A level 5 exit is performed. Level 5 failed to exit. 6-750 H/1 This routine tests ~hat level 5 can be interrupted by level 1. 1'24 0102 : co IF! Level 5 is interrupted by level 1 via an in/out check. ~rpt reg g=p , (X'7E') is ~es~ed to verify ~hat a Level 1 irpt did occur. utility reg (X'79') is fOI a Prog level 5 ~he ~ested The cbeck L1 bit did set. Level 1 irpt failed to occur. ~n/out FFFF C0014 6-850 001~ CPOOq 6-830 n~~ The Prog level 5 Interrupted bi~ failed ·to se~. A-B3112 X3705BAA 1.7 IEM 3705 CO~'~IIC.TJONS CONTROLLER CeNTRAL CONT"OL UNIT 1FT SY"PTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR ?UNCTIOV TESTED CODE interrupted bit. The Ll ~rpt should cause ~o utility ERBOR DESCRIPTION SOSFFCTED CAaD LOCA nOli (s) PROG IIASK FEALD PAG;; FETe" COftflFN7S PAG~ =eg to set the above mentioned bit" OX03 Prior to forcing ~he L1 irpt ~he L5 CZ Itch are set ~o CZ = 01. On return to level 5 the CZ Itch are tested. Tbe L5 CZ = 01 Itch vere affected by the Ll irp~. OXDQ Upon return to level q the saved u~ility ~eg is tested to verify t.bat the level 5 C and Z condition bits are correct. .. The CZ 01 bits of the utility reg are in er=or. OX05 Opon return to level 4 and and after the above test have been run, the utility reg is tested to verify that the exi~ from L2, L5, and ~he L4 ~rpt did not affecthe level 5 CZ = 01 latch. The C2 ~be masking and unmasking of level 5 is test.ed. Level 5 is masked and The LevelS .asking function failed. 1125 OXOI = U~~lit! = 01 bi~s 0003 A-B31!2 of the reg are in error. 6-090 0300 CPOOI! 6-090 0300 CPODI! 6-090 B/~ CP002 6-940 6-950 The L5 exit or svc L4 .irp't affected the L5 C1 latCh. 1I-B3112 instrnc«:.ion execution is halted on Level 4 and an ex~~ from L4 is performed. Th~s should allow Level 5 cO become active if tbe maskinq function failed. OX02 112A OXOl Level 5 ~s unmasked to allow level 5 to become ac~ive. The level 5 un.ask functior failed. :::nvalid input ~be reg~ster decode ~est.ing. ~nva~d iuput register failed to set in/ou~ check. An aT.~emp~ ~s made to input an invalid register. ~n in/on: check Ll irpt should result . Invalid register values are 6-950 8/1 l-B3L2 FFFF CKOO? CU01/! CQOOl CDOOl 6-120 6-120 6-850 3FFFF CSOOl 6-800 FFF? 6-120 6-850 1I-B31':2 A-B3H2 in a 'table .. Irpt reg g=p 1 (XI7Et) .lS ~es~ed for an ~n/ou~ check !. 1 b:l:' .. OX02 '1211 OXO, ~he LAG Register is tested to verify that the 11 irpt occurred at the inval~d ~est slo't.. !nvalid LAG Register failed to ~ract or ~he 11 irp~ cccurred at the wrong address. register decode ~e iuvalid outPUt register An attempt is made failed to set in/out check~ an invalid regis:er. An in/out check Ll irpt should ou~put 1-B3L2 ~estinq. ~o ou~pu't. result.. A-B3K2 A-B3H2 CKOO" COO 14 CQ007 CDOOl Invalid register values are in a table. Irpt reg glOp 1 (X' 7F') is tested for an in/out check lrpt reg grp , (X'7E') is Beg X'16' will con tail: t.he value of the input reqistE=r that produce the error. Errors ~n this RTN coula be external to tbe CCO. (CSB's CA's). Byte 0 Bit 0-3 and byte 1 bus 0-3 are the ';WD Bex values tha ~ define the register Reg X'16' will contai& the value of the outpu~ register that produced tbe error Byte 0 b~ts 0-3 and byte 1 bits 0-3 are the two Hex values tha-:. define the reg .. OX02 The LAG Req1ster is tested to verify chat the 11 ~rpt occurred at the invalid ~AG c= ~be Beqister failed ~be ~o track A-S31!2 3FFFF CSOOl 6-800 1-B312 FFFF 6-050 6-850 L1 irpt occurred at wrong address. test 510-:'. 112C :nvalid Op (lnstr~ct'''n) '!estin:J~ ox 01 ~n at:'tem pt. .is made to execu'te a half-word of code inval~dR 1.8 X3105BAA tha~ is Invall.d operations invalid oepration failed .0 set op check L1 ~he CU01Q Reg X'16' w::.ll con~alL valu~ ~hat the of the OP CCU 1FT o o o o o Ie~ 3705 CO~BUNICATIONS CONTROLLER C!NTRAL CONT30L UNIT IFT SYBPTOe INDEX BOUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE are in a ~able. Irpt req grp 1 (X'7l') is tested for a op Check Ll bit. OX02 The LAG register is tested verify that the tl irpt occurred at the invalid OX02 L1G register failed to ~rac~ • or -ehe L1 irpt occured at the wrong address. CU01" 6-050 6-850 The tAG register is tested. A-B3ft2 1'1'1'1' CSOOl 6-800 A-BlB2 1'1'1'1' CDOO" Sase as OX02 above nnder rou~ine 112D. OXOl Sase as OXOl aDove nnder roa~ine 112D ~his rOUt1ne sakes over 180 passes. OX02 Sase as OX02 above nnder routine 112D. LAG register failed to track or the L1 irpt occUrred at the "rang address. Sase as OXOl above under routine 112D ~his routine makes ove: 50 passes. Same as OX02 above nnder routine 112D. Test for a level 1 program check vhen an tPvalid OP ~s detected while in level 1. Since the DCft runs in level 4, aL invalid in/out check will be used to force this routine to ron in level 1. In/OUt Check failed to torce a L1 irp't (pretes1; error) OXOl Once level 1 is ac~ive, an invalid op check is forced. irpt reg qrp 1 (X'7E') is tested for an invalid op check. Tho invalid op failed to force an error when opera1;ing under le'lel 1. The invalid op in level 1 should set tl prog check and CCU check. CCU check reg (X'7D') is tested. The le'lel 1 invalid OP faile~ A-B3N2 to set the expected check bits. 1'1'1'F Test for a level 1 program check vhen an invalid in/ou~ check is detected while in level 1. ~ Since the DCft runs in level 4, an invalid in/ou~ check viII be nsed to f~rce this routinE to ru~ in level 1. Initial in/out check failed 1;0 force a L1 raPT. (pretest error) H/A Once level 1 is active, an ~n/ou~ check is forced. ~rp~ =eq q=p 1 (I'1E') is The in/out Check failed to force an error when operating under level 1 1'I'1'F 1132 1103 0101 ::CU IFT Reg X'16' viII contain the value of the invalid Op that produce the error. Same as OXOl above nnder rou~ine 112D. ~his ron~ine sakes over 600 passes. -, 1131 lX03 OX02 COBmENTS produce the error. 1'1'1']1' OX02 OX02 1'ETft! P1GE 1-B3:1.2 o 1130 OXOl 1'EAtD PAGE slo~. 112E OXOl nu PROG ftASK Invalid Op (instruction) The invalid operation failed Testing. 1n attespt is sade to set op check Ll to execute a half-vord of code that is invalid. The invalid Op's are forsed from table data or'ed with a varying data field. This routine sakes over 300 passes. Irpt reg grp l-ll'7!" is tested for a Op check L1 bit. o 112F SUSPECTED C1PD LOCATION(S) ll'l'FF 'test o EBFOB DESCRrPTIOB 1-B 3112 ~o 112D OXOl D99-3705l!-0~ 6-050 6-850 (See RTH 112C or' 12D) CK007 6-050 CU01Q X3705BAA 1.9 lEft 3705 COftftUBICATIONS COBTBOLLEB C!N~BAL COBT30L UNIT IPT SYBPTOft IBDE1 ROUl. ERBOR COOL ~OBCTIOB ~ested 0102 TESTED for an D99-3705E-O" ER30R DESCP.lPTIOB in/ou~ check. ~he in/out check in level should set t1 prog check and CCO check. CCO check reg (1'70') is SOSPZC=ED CA~D LOCATION Is) The level 1 in/oot check failed A-83B2 to set the expected check hits. PBOG BASK PE~LD PE~ft~ PAGE PAGE PPPF CK007 6-050 6-840 CO"ftEN~S ~ested~ 1133 Address exception test. ~his routine attespts to 10ad data fros the first ~nvalid address and expects an address exception check ~o occor. The address under test is then ~ncreased in incresents of 41 until the saxisos address is reached. ur01 OX02 '\I Y y 0040 '!est for address exception. lrpt req grp (X'7E') is ~ested for address exception check L1 bit. Address exception i'iled to occor. LAB is tested to verify it tracks and that address exception occorred at the expected LAP failed to track or address exception check ahove failed ~o occur. PP1'1' PCl L3 irpt failed to occor (don't care hits do care). PDP!! ~hat ~he l-BIIE2 A-83P2 CS002 CB003 6-050 6-850 Eegister X'13' will contain address under test. 6-800 " ;/ ~nstroction. 1'34 0101 PCI L3 interrup~ register unused hit testing. ~he data in reg X'11' is varied froa 0000 to PPPP ~o verify that the value of the data does not satter. COt R1, PCI L3 1135 Level 4 instruction interaction test. OX01 A given half-vord instruction Da~a expected did not agree. is inserted into an arithsetic Test instruction vas betveen sequence at three differen~ A 'LBR' and a 'OBB'. points to ~est fo= ar.y The test loop ~s repeate~ 48 tises with different half-vord instruc~ions. ~nterac~~on. , . 10 X3705B' A J PPPP Peg X'16' vill contair. the value of reg 1'1" vhen error occurred. 6-220 / Beg X'16' con1;.air.s the half-vord instruction t.hat caused tbe interaction. CCO IPT ) o o o o o 3705 COftMONICATIOBS CONTROLLER CENTRAL CONT~OL UNIT 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX IE~ ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE SPECHL NOT E: D99-370~E-Oq !RBOR DESCRIPTION LOCATIO~(sl LA 112,1'81121' LA BII,1'12118 LBR RII,RII .... ·TEST SLOT- ..---- ----. •• --------* OBB B2,BII STB H2,SAVEl LA R6,I'FFFl" ••*TEST ---------* 51.0'1'* ••---.. -----* o o " f~Lal sum of B2: BII: BII: 1000 0001 0001 0100 0010 0010 0010 0100 0100 FEALO PAGE FETft~ COftKENTS PAGE 0001 1000 1000 THE IISTBOCTIOJl ORDER TEST IS STOBl!D IN THIS SLOT B2= 1001 0110 0110 1001 SAVE 112 FOR ERROR CODE 0101 ANALYSIS B6" 1111 1111 1111 1111 THE IJISTRUCTION UNDER TEST IS STORED IN TnS SLOT R2: IHB H2,I15 STH R2,SAVE2 R5= 1001 0110 0110 1001 R2" 0000 0000 0000 0000 SAVE B2 FO~ EHROR CODE OX02 ANALYSIS 0110 1001 1001 The te2~ 0110 THE IJiSTRUCTIO. U.DER TEST IS STORED IN THIS SLOT 6-220 6-600 Data expected did not agree. ~h~ arithmetic sequence is tested. instruction vas Same as above. betveen a 'LA' and a 'IBB'. Level 3 instruction 1136 ~nteraction ~es~. This routine is the same as 1135 above except the tes~ ~s run under program level 3. o 0'. ~he PROG MASK IBR 1I2,B6 ••*TEST ---------* 5LO'l'* •• ---------* Ll R5,I'9669' OX02 SOSPECTED CARD The purpose of this ~es~ is to p~oduce a rando. sequence of inst~uc~ions to ve~ify auy inte~action that .ay exi~~. The folloving code is listed to ill~strate the technique used to detec. interac~io~. lXO 1 OXOl A PCI L3 irpt is used to force a level 3 irp~. PCI 13 irpt fa~led. I Pretes't e~ror) N/A Same as 0101 above unde" 1135. rou~ine OX02 1137 Same as OX02 above under routine 1135. Level 2 instruction interac~ion ~est. This rout~ne is the same as 1135 above except the test is run under program level 2. 1X02 Diaa L2 irpt is used to force a level 2 irpt. OX01 Sa.e as OXOl above under routine 1135. OX02 Same as OX02 above under routine 1135. 1138 Diag 1.2 irpt fai):ed. (Pretest error) II/A 6-090 Level 1 instruction ~nterac~ion ~es~. :his rou~ine is ~ne same as 1135 above excep~ the test ~s run under program level 1. lI03 An invalid output reg is used to force a Ll irpt. OXOl Same as 0101 above under routine 1135. OX02 Invalid outPUt reg failed to produce A Ll irpt. (Pretest e~rorl 1/1 6-090 SamE:: as 0102 above under rou":l.ne 1135 .. '139 OXOl 6-090 Level 5 ins.ruction ~nterac~ion tes~. ~his rou~~ne is the sa.e as 1135 13705BAA 1.11 IE~ 3705 COM"OHICATICN5 ~ONTEOLLEE CENrRAL CONTROL UNIT 1FT SY!PTO~ INDEX RCU!. ERRO~ FUNCTION TESTED D9 9- 3705E- 0' EEBOP DESCRIPTION C::lDE above under 3rror under OX02 113C SUSPECTED CASP LOCATION(s) PROG I!ASK FEA1.D PAGE FETAh COI!I!EN:rS PA~E except the test is run program level 5. is same as OXOl above routine 1135. Same as OX02 above under routine 1135. Verify correct inaication and operation of Beg X'7A'. !nput X ' 7A' byte 0 bit 0 not on - CU~ CDS defin~t10n indicates CUC installed, but ~llstrnction. hardware indica~or bi-: is off,. OX02 Input Y'?A' byte 0 bi~ 0 is on no CUC instruction. CDS indicates eu: no~ installed, but hardware bi~ is on OX03 Cycle O~ilization Counter value is not correct. Several passes are made using different values. OXOI A-BfI'!'2 Verify CDS defiti -:.ion in I!odel/?lag by'!:e. A-84'1'2 Verify I!odel/Flag byte of CDS. Reg X"4' conta1ns ac'!:ual cue value. Reg X'15' conta~nE bits in erro:- .. Feg X'16' conta1ns expected cue value. BSe CRC polynomial ~est. ~his routine viii test the hardware CRe circuitry to verify that the correct eRe character is developea. 113? OXOI Using input ~'7B' 1140 OXD' regis~er • 8-Bit CEC polynomial test The developed and expec~Ed CPC characte=s did not compare. A-B 352 The developed and expected CRe characters did nO~ A-B352 FFFF CBOOI-3 See commen": below to::Rout:..ne l1qO. FFFF eR001-3 compare. X'13' will contal.r. an address pointer to the data table. To determine the old CRC, da ta charaCter, ana expected new CRe display the following storagE addresses: Reg X' 13' Ad::-= old eRe Reg X'13' Ad::plus 2 = Data Reg X'13' Adr plus 4 = New CRe NOTE: Reg X'D' above impl::.es "the address con'!:ained Reg~ster in Reg X'13' 1141 1142 OXOI "-Bit CRC Polynoaial Tes-: eRe Polynomial Test for ALC RPQ t8:;8655 ALe CS3 regis~er =onti~e Should run only Test. The developed an3 expected eRC characters did no~ compare. A-B352 The developed and expected eRe charac~ers did not cOllpare. This routine should run onlv when BPQ 858655 is instal1edm If the fail~ng 3705 does no~ have RPQ 858655 ins~alled, check the CDS data. A-B3C2 l'FFF CR001-3 See commen~s for routl.ne 1140. FFFF See comment.s for routine 1140. Th~s whe~ ,PQ 858911 is ins-:alled. If the failing 3705 does no: 1.12 X 37 ():;BA A eeD IFT o o o !t~ 31ns :;:N·:P~.:. CO~~UNI=ATISN5 :;:NDEY EF?C? DESCEIPT1TjN S05FEC'Itt CAEt !A,CATION (S) have RPQ 858911 installed, cbeck the CDS ~a~~. OX01 :es,: bi':s fo:: llC'{IXmi': c'-ec,io~ ana all CCC b~~s iL ~nput and ou~pu~ registerz :":-75'. and OnTpu~ compare. lnpu~ no~ req~ X'~5' do T-'rl.Lr P~.GE FE TlH'\ N.t;"£ C:::HH1EWl: I~ 14 :: aa':a !'eaa. !roll inpu,,: reg x' "lC' F 15 = Bel:'B it! F 16 = Data ~ei:. 1D sto- QU'tpu-: reg 1"75' .. ALC ~ait ~es~. This rou"iLe should run only when RPQ 858911 is installed. If the !ailing 3105 does not have ~PQ 858911 installed, check ':.he CDS dao.a. OXOI ~est ALC L 1 hardware bv alt- e=ing one !ns~ruc~ion ir. ~he data processing 0102 OX03 Altered instruc':.ion £ailed to produce a Ll inrpt. Inpu':. reg I'1E' byte 1 b:'t 7 should be OIl to indicate ALe suppor-: Ll err. EOM remember vas e~pected but vas no~ detected. Bit ~es~ea ~s bY1:e 0 bit 1. R 111 = actual E0M =emember vas de~ected bu~ was not expected. Bi~ tes~ed is byte 0 bi": 1. Rll1 = ac~ual data. Rl0 = eipec,ed data. EOM vas expected but was DO~ detected. Bit tested is byte 0 bit 2. Rll! Rl(' expected EO~ vas detected but e~pec"ed. Bit tested Rll! R16 ac,,:ual expected seguenc~. ":'es"':. EOIl remembe:: ':es't i f expected. par~ 1. ":e5: ::OM remember part 2. Tes:' if de'tec'ted da~a. P 16 = Expec"ec data. :I OXOq o P,(iG liAS!\: error .. 0·" , SY~PTO~ CODE o o o o o :ONT?~LLER ::ONT30. "!lIT: :'T 0105 ':es-: !OM expec":ed. ':e5': EO~ de"Oected. vas is no~ by~e 0 ac~ual bio. 2. OX06 'lest end cha::ac~e:: counte::. ac~ual end char. cntr. does coepare vi~h the expected. Bi':.s tested are byte 0 bits 5, 6, and 7. Rll! = ac"Cual R15 = bi~s ir.. The no~ error R16 e~pec~ed OX07 Tes':; CCC. The act. cce does not compare vith ~b€ expec~ed. Bi~s tested are by~e 1 bi~s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Rlq ac,,:ual P15 bi~s !.!! error: R16 = expect-eo OX06 !est 1st 2 by":es of buffe::. First tvo bytes of buffer are in error .. 1113 = aJ!dr. o of buffer. Rll! = aCt. data fro. butfer R15 = bits in error OX09 Test 2nd 2 bytes of buffe::. Second tvo by~es of bu~fer are in error. P16 e~pec,ed F13 addr. of buffe= Il 11! = ac:.. data fro. buffe:: Il15 = bits ir. error expec"t-ed R16 01011 les': 3=d 2 by~es of buffe::. 7hird tva bytes of buffer are in er=or .. R13 add::. of buffe::: R14 ac~. data fro. buffe= P 15 = hits ~" = erro= Rlb ::: €:xpec"ted OXO~ ::::0 IF': ~e~: ALe Ll regnest bi~. ALe L1 regues~ bit no~ se~. Bit tested is Dy~e 1 bi~ 1 cf i~pu~ reg I'7E'. Reg X' 03' = contents c:::: i!lput reg. Xt ?"!!' X3705BAA 1.13 IE" 3705 CO~~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER C!NTRAL CONT~OL UNIT IFT SyftPTO! INDEX R~UT. ERROR ~UNCTION TESTED ;::OD£ OX OD !est for correc t L1 i:pt. address. OXOE 11115 Test reset of ALC L1 bit. reques~ D99-3705<.- Og ERP-OR DESCRIPTION Ac~ual irp~. CARD LOCATION Is) SUSPEC~ED no~ ~rpt. address does compare with expected address. PBOG !ASK FEALD PAGE FETft~ PAGE C08!EBTS LAP. should po~n-:: to irpt. add::. but does no,::. &eg X'Oq' = conteuts of LAP. Beg 1'05' = bl.ts l.n erro= Beg X'06' = expected irp-::. address. ALC L1 request bit did not reset. Bit tested is byte bi,:: 7. Reg 1'05' " contents of inpn':: reg 1'7£'. ALC receive test. Tbis rootioe shoold run only when EPQ 858911 is installed. If ~be failing 3705 does not have BPO 858911 installed, check the CDS da~a. OX01 Test ALC L1 hardware by Altering one instrnction in the data processing sequence. Al,::ered instruction failed to produce a L1 interrupt. Input req X'7£' byte 1 b~t 7 should be on to indicate ALC support L1 error OX02 Test EO I! remember par':: 1. Test i f expected. EOII remember vas expected bu~ was not detected. Bit tested is byte 0 bit 1. B14 actual B16 " expected ~est Test EOI! remember par'::. 2. i f de'tected. EOII remember detected but not expected. Bit tested is by'te 0 bit 1. Rll1 R16 ac,:;ual expected OXD4 '!est GA part 1. Tes't i f expected. GA expected but not detected. Bit tested is byte o bit 2. B14 B16 expected axos 'lest GA pa:t 2. Test i f detected. GA detected but not expected. Bit tested l.S byu 0 b1t 2. B14 B16 ac-::oal expected OX 06 'lest CCC remember expectea. CCC remember expected bot not detected. Bit tested is by':;e 0 bi-:: II. B14 B16 actual expec-::ed OX07 ~est CCC remember detected. CCC :emember detected bu~ no";. expected. Bit tested is bY'te 0 bi. II. B1q BH. ac,::ual expected OX08 Test end character counte::. The actual end char. CNTR. does not compare with the expected. Bits tested are byte 1 bits 5, 6, and 7. B111 actual B1S "" bi'ts iL erro:: B16 expected OX09 Test CCC. The actual CCC does not compare with the expected. Bits tested are byte 1 bits 2, 3, II, 5, 6, and 7. B111 actual B1S tits ir. error B16 expected OXOA Test f1rst tWo bytes of l::uffer. First two bytes of buffer: are in error. B13 addr. of buffer B111 " ac~. da-:;a from buffe:: B15 = bits ir. error B16 expectej OXOB ~est second two bytes o! buffe::. second two bytes of buffer are in error. R13 addr. of buffer 1'111 " act. da!:a frail buffe:: B1S = l::i":.s ~t OXD3 ac'toal erro!' B16 OX 0::: Tes':: third tWO byt:es of boffe::. 1.14 X3705BAA Third 'tvo bytes of buffer are in error. expected B13 " addr. of buffer B14 " ac-::. da':;a from buffe:: ceo iFT o Ie~ 3705 COftftURIC1TIONS CONTR~LLEB CENTRAL CONT~OL UNIT IPT SlftPTO" INDEX BOUT. ERROR PUBCTIOI TESTED CODE ;>9 q - 37 05E- 09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED C1RD LOCATION(s) PRO; ftASK PEALD PAGE PETft! PAGE COftftENTS = bits ir. e=ror P 15 R1G : expected OXOD ~est fourth buffer. ~wo bytes of Pou~th two bytes of buffer are in e::ror. R13 = addr. of buffer Rll1 acr.. ~ata froa buffe:: R15 = bits ~n = erro= R16 axOE ~est OXOP Test for correct L1 interrupt address. 1LC L1 request bi~. = expected X'03' = lLC L1 request bit did not set. Bit tested is byte 1 bi~ 7 of input reg X'7E'. Reg contents of :in- Actual irp~. addr. does not compare with expected irpt. add::. LAR sbould point to irpt addr but put reg X'7E' does no-:'. = Beg 1'04' contents of LU Beg X'05' Bits :'n error Peg 1'06' expected OX10 1146 OXOl Test reset of 1LC Ll request bit. ALC tl request b~t did not reset. Bit tested is by'!:e 1 bit 1. S~orage protect 'test Set all storage keys to 000. ~he storage keys are !irst set and then read and compared fo:: the correct key value. One of the storage block keys failed to set to 000. 0007 CVXIX 6-0110 See Note 2. 0007 CVIIX 6-0110 See Note 2. See \iote 3. 0007 CVXII 6-040 See Note 2. See Note 3. 0007 CVIIX 6-0110 See Note 2. See Note 3. Beg X'OS' contents of inpllt reg X'7E' ~he se~ting and reading of keys is perfor_ed by a major subroutine (S.skPT1). 1147 OXOl Set all storage keys to 001. One of the storage block keys failed to set to 001. 1148 OXOl Set all storage keys to 010. One of the storage block keys failed to set to 010. lll1q OXOl Set all storage keys to 011. One of the storage block keys failed to set to 011. 114A OXOl set all storage keys to 100. One of ~he storage block keys failed to set to 100. A-B4D2 0007 CVIIX 6-040 See Note 2. See Note 3. Set all storage keys 101. one of the storage block keys failed to set to 101. 1-B4D2 0007 CVIIX 6-040 ~o See \iote 2. See \iote 3. l111C OXOl Set all storage keys ~o 110. ODe of the storage block keys failed to set to 110. A-B4D2 0007 CVIX7. 6-0110 See Rote 2. See Note 3. 114D OXOl set all storage keys to 111. One of the storage block keys failed to set to 111. A-BIID2 0007 CVIIX 6-040 See Note 2. See \iote 3. l111E OXOl Storage protect test. Set all pro~ect keys to 000. One of the protect keys failed to set to 000. 1-B4D2 0007 CVIXX 6-040 See Note 2. See NolOe II. Set all protect keys 001. ODe of the protect keys failed to set to 001. 0007 CVXXX 6-040 ~o See Note 2. See Rote 4. Se'!: all protect keys 010. One of the protect keys failed to set to 010. A-BIID2 0007 CVXIX 6-040 ~o See Note 2. See Note 4. 1151 OXOl Set all protect keys to 011.- One o! the protect keys failed ~set to 011. l-BIID2 0007 CVXIX 6-040 See Note 2. See Note II. 1152 OXOl Set all protect key", one of the protect keys 1-1l4D2 0007 CVIXI 6-0110 See No"e 7 114B axOl l111P OXOl 1150 OXOl C::U IPT 1-511D2 X3705BAA 1.15 lEft 3705 COMIIUNICATIONS CONTROLLER CENTRAL CONTROL UIIT IPT SYBPTOe INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE " D99-3705:>-09 ERROR DESCRIPTIO. SUSPECTED CUD LOCATION IS) PROG BASK !"fALD PAGE FETII!! PAG': " COlldENTS J! '.:0 100. failed t.o set to 100. 1153 ala 1 Set all protect keys to 101. One of the prot.ect keys; failed to set to 101. 1I-BqD2 0007 C\fXXI 6-040 See Note 2. See Note 4. 1154 OXOl Set all protect keys One of t.he prot.ect keys failed to set to 110. 1-81102 0007 CYXXI 6-040 See Note 2. See Note 4. One of the protec~ keys failed to set to 111. l-B4D2 0007 CYXXI 6-040 See Note 2. See Note 4. 4-080 For 10op~Dg on error the DCft CE switcb shaold be ";0 1155 OXOl 110. Set all protect keys ";0 111. See Note 4. Special storage protect rout.ine for problem definition mode. 1156 This routine will run only if the problem definition mode and the mannal intervention CE sense switches are se~ or if a single ron tine is requested and tbe routine requested is 1156. If the poe sense switch is on, a manual int.ervention code vill be displayed. The CE should ~hen en~er the desired 'key' qata into switches 5, C, Dr and E (see Note 2 for layout oot 'set key' data - also note that by'.:e a bits 0-3 should be entered into switch S, etc). Tbe data entered viII determine if a storage key or protec~ key is set and/or read. This test ron~ uUler program level 4. £![I!Q!: Ensure ~ha~ the block under "est (for set~ing storage key) does not prevent this roo~ine or the DCM for executing instruct ions. 1'101' Manual intervention code - CE should enter the desired da~a into switches S, C, H/A N/1. ~r se't.. and E 0101 The 'key' se~ ~p ~hat verify with the 1.16 X3705B1.A If no~, routine viII .ake only one pass. is tested it agrees expec~ed Key failed to set to the desired val ue 0007 6-040 key. CCU IF~ o o o o IE" 3705 co~nUNICATIONS CONTROLLER CENTRAL CONT30L UNIT 1FT SY"PTOn IN DE! ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE D'l9-3705E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION Storage protection aechanism testing at proqram level 5. Sec~ion SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG MASK FEALD PAGE FETnM PAGE FFFF CVI!! 6-0110 6-850 COMMENTS 1. The following seven rou~ines ~es~ to verify ~hat, if the protec~ key and s~~rage key match, ~he user (level 5 is ~be user) is allowed to access storage for instruction execu't.ion. o o Since tbe protect keys for program levels " 2, 3, and 4 are fixed equal to 0, program level 5 is set up for the appropria~e protec~ key and the ac~ual test section of each routine is tested at program level 5. ~o 001 ~hat no storage protec~ e~rors occur, when an instruction execution is performed. o o Test that wben the storage key is egual to 001 and the protect key (level 5) is equal 1158 0!01 Irpt req grp 1 X ' 7E' is tested to verify that a protection cbeck did not occur. lXl1 1X21 Pretes~ Error Pretest Error A protection check di:l occur Tes~ ~hat when the s~orage key is engal to 010 and the protect key (level 5) is equal to 010 tha~ no storage pro~ect errors occur, when 1159 an instruc~ion exeCUt~on ~s performe:i. OXOl reg qrp 1 (!'7P') is to verify ~ha~ a protec~ion cheCK did ~rp~ ~ested f .• U A protection cbeck did occur A-B4D2 FFFF CVI!! 6-040 6-850 A protection cbeck did occur A-B4D2 FFFF CVIXX 6-040 6-850 A-B4D2 FFFF CVXX! 6-040 6-850 :not. occur lX12 Pretest Error 1122 Pretest Error 115A Test that when -che storage key is equal ~o 011 aDd the pro~ec~ key (level 5) is egual to 011 tha~ nc storage pro-r.ect erro::-s occur, whe!_ o an instruc~ion execution is performed. OXOl ~rpt reg grp 1 (!'7IC') ~ested to verify tbat is a protection check did not occur .. 1X13 1X23 1158 2retest error Pre~est error Test that when the storag~ key is egual to 100 and the protex~ key (levelS) is equal to 100 that no storage protec~ errors occur, when an instructior. execution is perf~r.ed. OXOl Irpt reg grp 1 (!'7E') is to verify ~hat a protection check did ~ested no"': 1X14 lX2~ 115C A pro~ectioD cbeck did occnr. OCCU1:* Pretest error Pretest error ~est that wher. the storage key is equal to 101 and the protect key (levelS) is equal ~o 101 tha~ no storage protec~ errors occur, when an ceo 1FT ins~ruction X3705BH 1.17 rEM 37 05 C~NTRAL ROUT. COM~UNJCA'!':rONS CONTnOL UNIT 1FT COIf'TRJJ.LER Sr~PTO~ INDEX ERROE FUNCTION TEST=D 0.01 ERROR DESCRIPTION SOSPEC'!ED CUU· LOCATION(s) FROG MASK FEtU PAGE Fl'n~ A-BIID2 FFFF ~VXlJ 6-04n 6-850 di~ A-B11D2 FFFF CVXXI 6-040 6-850 check aid A-BqD2 FFPF eVIIX 6-040 6-850 pe~f~rmed. execuLion is Irpt reg gep 1 (X'7!") is A protection check did ~ested occu:: .. to ve=ifv ~hat a pro~ec~ion check did no· :-L~MEN': ,; PA~P occur. lX 15 Pretest e!"ro!" lX25 ?retes~ 115D e=ro= ':'es't 'that vher.. "the storage key is equal 110 and ~0 ~be Key CLevel 5) is equal pro~ect ~o 110 that no s~orage protec~ errors occur,. "be:J an ~Ilst.l:uctio!', execution 1.5 performed. OXOl Irp~ reg geD 1 (X'7E') is ~e~~ed ~o ve~fy ~hat a protection check did no,. occur. 1X16 Pretes~ 1X 26 Pr. j~t:.es\: er-ro!:" 1 15~ ~e£~ key when equal key pro~ec~ '":.0 protec~ion check error ~hat ~s A occu:;:-. ~he storag~ 111 and the (levelS) is equal ~o 111 "that. DoC storage p:-!"J7.ec": errors occu~, ~teD an ~ns~ruc~~on extcu-:.ion is pe:=f'Jrmed. OIOl :::rp: ::eq grp 1 ~ested ~o (X'7~1) ve=~fY pro~ection check did A :'5 protec~iot a ~hat !IO: OCCUI.. 1X17 1X;7 Pretest Pretest e==o~ S~ordge p=o~ec~ion e~ro~ mechan~sm ~esting at program level 5. Se~ion 2~ teSL to verify tha:, if proteCt key ant s~oraqe key .a~ch 0:: ~f the storage key ~s 111 (unprotected storage). ~he use:: (levtl 5 is the user) is allowed ~o modify storage vithou~ ~he follov~n9 caus~n9 115F Tes~ eight rou~~~es p:-o-:.€c::.ion checks. ~hat when the sto~aqe key is equal ~o 001 and the key rlevel 5) is equal ":0 001 ~ha~ no s~"rage p::-otec~ errors occu~, when an a:tempt is made ~o .odify storage. p=o~ec~ 0101 1111 lX21 1160 :::ep~ reg grp 1 (X'7E') ~ested to ve=ify Lhat is a protecoion check did not occur .. check did A-B4D2 FFFF eVIXI 6-040 6-650 & protection check d:'d A-811D2 PFPF evxxI 6-0QO 6-85C A protec~ion occur. Pre~est e=::-o. Pretest erro= '!'est that whe!!. 'the st.orage key is equal ~~ 001 and ~he pro~ec~ Key (levelS) is equal ~o 010 ~ha~ nc storage p~otec~ errors occur, when an a~~emD~ is made ~o .odify storage. 0101 :rp~ ~s req g=p 1 (X'7E') :'est..ed ~ c ve=i.fy -:.ha t protection check did i:l occur. 30: occu=~ 1X12 1X22 1151 P~e~eE: e=ro~ ?retes~ e==~= Test tha~ whe~ ~be storaoe kev ~s equal ~o 011 a~d ~he proteCt key (level S) 2S equal 1.18 X3705BAA ecu IFT 0 0 0 e e e e e e ERROR DESCRIPTION ROOT. EBBOR PONCTION TESTED CODE ":0 011 'tha~ no storage protec": errors occur~ when an attempt is made to mod1fy storage. e e Irpt req qrpl (X'1E') is tested to verify ":hat a protection check did no": occur .. 1X13 1X23 Pretest error PBOG "ASIt PEUD PAGE F.E'!II11 PAGE A p:o~ection check diel occur. A-811D2 PPPP CVXX!: 6-040 6-850 A protectl.on check did occur. A-sqD2 PPPP evxxx 6-040 6-850 A protection check did occnr. A-B4D2 PFFP evxxx 6-040 6-850 A protection check did occur. 1-811D2 FPFP evxxy. 6-0110 6-850 A protection check did occur. "-B4D2 FFPP evxxx 6-040 6-850 COII"ER'rS Pretest error :est that when the storage key is equal to 100 and the protect key (level 5) is equal 'to 100 that no storage protec": errors occur. when an at~e.pt OXOI Irpt req grp I (X'7F') is ":ested to verify that a protection check did not occur. 1% 14 1X24 Pretest error !?'re'tes't. erro= Tes~ that when the storage key is equal to 101 and the p:otect key (level 5) is equal ';0 101 ":hat no storage protec~ errors occur, when an a';tempt is made to modify storage. 1163 OXOI :rpt req grp 1 (x'7F') is ":ested to verify that a protection check did not occur. 1115 1%25 Pretest error Pretest error Test that when the storage key is equal to 110 and the protect key (level 5) is equal ';0 lID that no storage protec": errors occur, when an attempt !s made to modify storage. 116~ OXOI I:pt reg grp I (l['7F') is ~ested to verify ~hat a protection check did no~ occur. 1%16 1X26 Pretest error Pretest error 1165 ~est that when the storaqe key is egu~l ~o 111 and the protect key (level 5) is equal ":0 111 tha~ no storage p=otec~ errors occur. when an a'tteupt is made to modif,\, storaqe. OXOI :rp1: reg grp 1 (X'7F') is tested to verify that a protection check did no": occur. 1%17 1X27 ceu Pretest e=ror Pretest. error ~est 1166 tha~ when the storage key is egual to 111 (unprotec-:ed storage) and the pro1:ec-: key [level 5) 15 some value o~her than 111 ( (101 for this test)) ~hat no s~orage protec~ errors occur, when an at~e.p~ is .ade to modify storage. e e e e e SOSPECTBD CAPD LOCATIOR (s) !s made to lIodify sto:age. e e e OXOI 1162 e 0 D9 51-37 05E-09 Ie! 3705 CO""ORICATIORS CONTROLLER CENTRAL CONTROL ONIT 1FT SJ"PTOP INDEX 1FT X3705BJlA 1.19 IE! 3705 C05ftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER CENTRAL CONTROL ONIT 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX D99-3705E-OQ ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE OXOl Irpt req grp 1 (X'7!') is ERROH DESCRIPTION A protectiou check did occur. to verify ~hat a protection check did no~ occur. ~ested 1115 1117 1127 SOSPECTED CUD LOC'.'1'IOIl (s) AB4D2 PROG USK FEALD P'-GE PET!!! PAGE 6-040 6-850 Pl'FF CnXI FFl'l' CVXXI 6-0QO 6-8SC l'l'FF CVXXX 6-040 6-850 1'F1'F CVXXX 6-040 CO!IIEHTS Pretest error Pretest error Pretest error Storage protection mechanism ~es~ing at program levelS. Section 3. The following four routines test~to verify tha~ if tbe protect key aud the storage key are not equal. the user (level 5 is the user) is not allowed to execute an instruction. In addition. protection cbeck should be set. Test that when the storage key is equal to 001 and the protect key (level S) is equal to 110 that storage protection checks vill occur. when an a~tempt is 1161 made to execute an OXOl 1r 11 1X 16 1r26 Irpt reg grp 1 (X'7E') is tested to verify ~bat a protection check did occur. 1 protection check did occur. no~ Pretest error Pretest error l'retest error when the storage key is equal to 110 and the protec~ key (level 5) is equal to 001 that storage pro~ection checks vill occur. when an attempt is made to execute an instruction. 1161' ~est ~hat OXOl 1111 1116 1121 lno A protection check dia occur. Irpt reg grp 1 (X'7E') 1S tested to verify ~bat a protection check did occur. A-BIID2 DO~ Pretest error Pretest error Pretest error Test that when the storage key ~s equal to 000 and the protect key (level S) is equal to 111 that storage protection checks vill occur. when an attempt is made to OIOl 1110 U17 lX21 execu~e an iDstrDc~ion. Irpt reg grp 1 (X'7E') is tested to verify ~hat a protection check did occur. 1 protection cbeck did no~ 6-850 occur. Pretest error l'retest error l'retest error Test that when the storage key is equal to 111 and the protect key (level 5) is equal to 000 that storage protection Checks vill occur. when an at~empt is made to execute an instruction. 1171 OXOl lXl0 1117 112C 1112 iDs~ruction. Irpt reg grp 1 (X'1F') is ~ested to verify ~hat a protection check did occur. A protection cbeck did no":. occur. A-B4D2 FFTl' CVXXX 6-0QO 6-850 Pretest error Pretest error ?retest error Test that when the 'storage key ~s equal to 110 and the protect key Ilevel 5) is equal to 111 1.20 X3705BH ceo 1FT o o lEft 3705 CO!ftURICATIORS CONTROLLER CEHTEAL CONTROL UNIT 1FT STftPTOft INDEX D99-3705E-04 ROUT. ERROP. FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG ftASK YEALD PAGB FETM" PAGE A pro~ection cbeck did not occur. A-3 11D2 TFFF CVXII 6-0110 6-850 A-BIID2 FFFF CVIXX 6-0110 6-850 A-BIID2 FFFF CVXXX 6-0110 storage protection checks will occur, wben an attempt is aade to aodify storage. ~hat o o OXOI Irpt req grp 1 (X'7E') is tested ~o verify that a protection check did occur. 1116 1117 1127 Pretest error COftftENTS Pretest error Pretest error S~orage protection aechanism testing at program level 5. Section II. ~he following six routines test to verify that, if the protect key and tbe ~orage key are not equal aud if the protect key is not equal to zero, tbe user (level 5) is not allowed to modify storage. In addition, protection cbeck should be set. Test tbat wben tbe storage key is equal to 100 and tbe protect key (level 5) is equal to 110 tbat storage protection cbecks viII occur, vhen an attempt is Dade to modify storage. 1173 o o o , · U OXOI lXl11 11 16 lX26 i' . A protection cbeck did no~ occur .. Pretest error !'reteSt error Pretest error ~est tbat when tbe storage key is equal to 001 and the protect key (level 5) is egual to 101 that storage protection checks viII occur. wben an attempt is aade to modify storage. 11711 ~.il Irpt reg grp 1 (X'7E') is ~ested to verify ~bat a protection cbeck did occur. OXOI , IXII lX15 1125 ~rpt req grp 1 (X'7E') ~ested to verify ~hat is a protection cbeck did occur. A protection cbeck did not occur. 6-850 !'re'test err,=,= Pretest erro= Pretest erro= ~est that when the storage key is equal to 000 and the protect key (level 5) is egual to 100 tba~ storage p~o~ection checks will occur, vben an a~temp~ is aade to modify storage. 1175 OXOl =rpt req grp I (X'7F') is tested ~o verify tbat a protection check did occur. lX 10 Pretest error Pretest error Pretest error lXl~ lX211 A protection cbeck did FFFF CVXXI FFFF CVXXX no'!. occur. 6-0QO 6-850 Test tbat wben the storage key is equal to 011 and tbe protect key (levelS) is equal to 010 tbat storage protection checks viII occur, when an a~te.p~ is made to modify storage .. 1177 OXOl lX12 lX13 ceu IFT ~rpt reg grp 1 (X'7E') ~ested to verify ~hat is a protection cbeck did occur. A protection cbeck did no~ occure l-BIID2 6-0QO 6-850 Pretest error Pretest error X3705BAA 1.21 IE~ 3705 COftftOBICATIOBS CO.TROLLER CzRTRAL COBT30L OBIT 1FT SYBPTOB IBDEI D!19-3705f-09 ERROR DESCRlPTlON RCOT. ERROR FONCTION TESTED CODE 1122 ?retest error LOC~TIQH(S) PBQG SASr. FE~LD FETII~ PAGE PAGE FF~F eVllx 6-040 6-850 FFFF CVXII 6-040 COIIIIEIl:rS Test that vhen the storage key is equal to 101 and the protect key (level 51 is equal ~o 001 that stcrage protectioc checks vill occu~, vhen ar atteapt is made to aodify storage. 1178 0101 !rpt req grp 1 (I'7E') is tested to verify that a protection check did occur. 1111 1115 1121 l'retest error Pretest error Pretest error A protection check did DO~ occur. that vher. the storage key is equal to 100 and the protect key (level 5) is equal to 111 that storage protection checks vill occur, vhen an attempt is .ade to aodify storage. ~est 1~79 OXOl 1114 1117 1127 1190 SUSPECTED CABP I'rpt req grp 1 (I'7!') is tested to verify that a protection check did occur. A protection check did occur. DOt. A-P"D2 1-040 Pretest error !>retest error !>retest error 1-040 The customer usage meter should run vhen an ~nstruct~on ~s executed at program levels 1, 2, 4, 5, and level 3 if 8 ms bas elansed since the ~nterval timer interrupt occurred or if an instruction is executed at level 3 and a non in~erval ti.e= ~n~errup~ has occurred. A ser~es of ins~=uc~ions ~o~aling 24 seconds vill be executed on eact. level for a total run time of 2 minutes (0.~34 run time o~ .eter) The CE vill he requested to read and enter the meLer a~ ~he s~a=~ o! the ~es~ and a~ the end. As a result, this routine viII run only if the aanual intervention CE sense switch is set. 1.22 I3705B~~ ceo J:n o o o o I2" 3705 C'ft~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER CENTRAL CONT30L UNIT 1FT SY!PTOft INDEX ROUT. ERPOR CODE FXOl FUHCTIO~ 119 9- 37 05E- 09 TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION ~anual in.ervention code - CI should enter meter reading per the ~ollowing procedure. !leter . .. . .. .. . . .. '" .... .. . .. •'" . " . .. • ••• • •..• • ..'" .'•" . •• • • • ... ••• ·.. * * ..* * • * 1 . • • .... .... .. .... .. '" * 5 2 '" 3 *6 .. SOSFECTEll CARll LOCATION(s) PROG "ASK PEALD PAGE .Data switches B I D I * '" C I I PAGE !l +---------- I I I I Readi&g 1£ ~housandth5 - for example at left the value would be 2 (must be 2. II, 6, 8, or 0) I t-----------Read1ng ~n hundredths - for 1- When this code 1s displayed, set the function switch to position COftftENTS FET~~ (prepare to enter data). example at left the value would be 6 (digit 6 from the left) 2- Set the seter reading in the data switches B, C, D, and E. (For exaaple, the above meter read1ng entered would be 11562. The thousandths posit~on should be rounded-off to the neI~ mark ~o reduce e=rors.) the s~art pushbu~ton. Press +-------------- Pead1ng of digit 5 t----------------- Reading of digit 4 3- After entering the first meter reading leave the function switch set to DositioD 5, watch for display code FX02 and observe the meter. Th1S meter value should then be entered into the data switches as outlined above. Press the sta~ pushbutton. 3101 Display code to ind1cate that this routine runninq (2 ain.). &/A \I/A ~s FI02 ftanual intervention code - CE should ente= the meter value observed under Ho. 3 above. 0101 The first meter reading is updated by 0.034 and compared with the second reading to verify ~hat the run t1ae is "/A 1-0110 II/A The seter fail to run correctly or seter reading were DOt consistent. A-e3 L2 A-B3 1!2 FFPF CPO~6 1-040 CPO~7 FXOl was lle~ween 9.966 and 9.999 1DCluS1V€ a false error viII be reporte~_ Rerm: tl;e te"" again. ~vo minutes (0.034 in teras of meter reading) • 1191 Warning: If meter reading ED't.ered unde:: Customer usage meter test 2 of 2 no other program levels are act1ve and a level 3 1-040 ~f ~nte=val ~1.er in~errup~ occurs, the customer usage meter should not run until atter 8 ms has elapsed. This rOUt1ne will mask off all execution except the ~nterval timer and update a real time type of count. ~be CUSLo.er usage .e~er should DOt ruT. dur1ng this =ou~ine. FXOl Same as FXOl above. 3102 Display code to ~b1S indica~e \1/:1. H/J. N/A rout1ne is running (1min.) . PX02 CCU 1FT Same as 1'X02 above. X3705BU 1.23 IBa 3705 COaaORIC1TIOJS COITROLLBR CORT30L DR IT 1FT S!8PlO~ IaDEI D99-370~£-09 C~7BlL ROOT. BRBOR POReTIOR ~BSTBD CODE: 0101 The firs~ aeter rea~~g is saved and c~apared witb the second siDce the me~er should DO~ run. the two aeter readiDgs should be equal. 1.24 13705511 EB!IOII Dl!:SCQPTIOIil The aeter raD or aeter readiDgs vere Dot cODsisteDt SDSH!;'!!D CAIID 1.0CA TIOR Is) 1-83 1.2 i-B3 112 PROG l!'ElLD 11151 PAGE CP006 CP007 PPJ'F Fnall PAGE 1-0QC COIIIIER'!'S ", ceo Il!'T Ie! 3705 C08!OIIC1TIORS CORTROLLER CENTRAL CORT!OL ORIT 1FT SfBPlOS IRDBX ROOT. ERROR FO.crIOR TBSTED CODE !~~iA! fRglg~t ~~g~ g2~!§ t!t9-3705E-09 BRBOB DB SCRIPTION 11k! SOS~CTED CABD LOC1TIOI(s) PROG BASK FEALD PAGE PETftt PAGE COSSEIlS The f0110vinq error codes define failures of functions previously tested by other rou~iDeS. Por each error code 1 cross reference viII be qiYen ~o pOint to the rou~ine ~at oriqina11y ~ested the. qiven function. n 1111 1101 Force a Level 3 interrupt via an oatpu~ 1'7C' to set PCI L3 Level 3 interrrupt failed to occur. I/A 6-940 Rout1ne 1113 previously tested this function. Request rout1ne '113 and verify if PCI L3 will force a L3 irpt. 1111 1102 Force a Level 2 interrupt via an output to set diaq ::'2 irpt. Level 2 interrupt failed to occur. I/A 6-900 The DCft set the Level 2 aask prior to 10ad1nq a qiven 1FT. As a result, Level 2 aust be una asked before for-ainq a Level 2 irpt. Routine 1115 test both the Onaaskinq of L2 irpt and aask1nq of L2 1rpt via an OUtPUt to set diag L2. 1111 1103 Force a Leyel 1 interrupt via a~ invalid output reqister 1'21". Level 1 in~errupt failed to occur. !I/A 6-050 ~outine 1116 previously ~ested ~his funct:'on. Request rou-::ine 1118 and ver:'fy :"f a Level , irpt can be. forCEd via .an :'n/ou':. check.. 1111 1110 Set a qiven Storaqe Key to 000. Key failed ~o I/A 6-0~O See notes 2 and 5. Eoutine 1146 previously tes~ed ~his function. Ban rouT.ine 1146 or 1156. set. 6-880 1111 lXl1 Set a qiven Storaqe Key to 001. Key failed to set. 1/1. 6-040 6-880 See notes 2 aaa 5. Routine 1147 previously tested this funcl::'on. Run routine 1147 0::: 1156. 1111 1112 Set a qiven Storaqe Key to 010. Key failed to set. 5/1 6-040 6-860 See notes 2 and 5. Fou~ine 11~8 tested T.his function. Bun rout1ne 1148 or 1156. 1111 1113 Se~ a qiven Storaqe Key to 011. Key failed to set. I/A 6-040 6-880 See notes 2 and 5. Rou':.ine 1149 previously tested ~h1S function . . Run routine 1149 or lISt.. 1111 111~ Set a qiven Storaqe Key to 100. Key failed to set. 8/A l11X 1115 Set a qiven Storaqe Ke! to 101. Key failed to set. I/A CCO 1FT 6-0ttO 6-880 See no~es ~ and 5. Rou~ine 114A previollsl y testeil this funct1on. Bun roul:ine 114A 0::: 1'56. 6-0~O See notes 2.and 5. Rout1ne 114B 6-880 :l:3705B11 1.25 -, I~B 3705 COBBUNICATIORS COJtBO~J5 C!:NT5AL COlITliOL UBIT IP'l' ~IIIPI' I/lIlJlI BOUT. ERBOB !'UJC'fIOJl TESTED CODE 099- 3705;;- 09 ~.BOB DB~B~~IOJ ,,5 ~!=TBIl ClID LOcl~IO\l Cal PIOG IIlSK FEALO PAGE FETIIII PAGE COBIIEBTS -- II'- -) prev~ously ~ested 'this fnnc"tJ..on. Boc rou~iDe lll1E or 1156. 1111 1116 Set a giyen storage "" ';0 110. llIX 1111 1117 ' Set a giYen Storaglt ley ~o 111. 1120 Set a giYen Protect Key •• , taile4 to ae~. R/l 6-0110 6-880 It., See notes 2 aDd S. P.ou~ine lHe previoosly ues;:e.:l this fooction. Bon roo tine nqe or 1156. to .et. B/A 6-0QO 6-880 See notes 2 and Bout1ne 11110 previoosly tes;:ed this function. Ron routine 11110 or 1156. See notes 2 and 5. BoutiDE l111E tested th1s fllnction. Run rou.tine l1JiE or 1156 fdle4 to aet. B/A 6-0110 6-880 ley failed to set.' B/A 6-0110 6-880 ~e, ";0 000. lUX 1121 Se~ ~o a given prOlle"" !l.ey ,fa~lllol 001. 5. See noues 2 and Routine 1111l' 5. previously tested this fonctior:.. BUll rou~iDe l111P or 1156. ,'XX 1122 Seu a 'liveD Protec;: ';0 010. Ie' 'Key faUed 1:0 JI/A se';l 6-0110 6-880 See noues 2 and Pootine 1150 previously uested this foncuion. 5. Run rou't.l.ne 1150 ll1X l11X 1123 lX211 or 1156. Sel: a given Prot4lC;t ley ";0 all. "lI, fa~llU1 to set. H/A Se't a given Prote::t. Ie, ley faUe~ to flet. ,leJ: failed 6-0110 6-880 See notes 2 and Rootine 1151 previoosly testeCi. ';bi.s fonction. Bon roo-::ine 1151 or 1156. H/A 6-0110 6-880 See noues 2 anil 5. Roouine 1152 previously tes;:ed this func't.~or,. Run routine 1152 0= 1156. B/A 6-0110 6-880 ";0 100. l1XI 1125 Set. a giYell ';0 101. Pro~ect "itT ~Q . . ~. 5. See notes 2 and Boutine 1153 previously ~es~ed 5. '!his fUDctioI!. Bun rou~iDe 1153 or 1156. lUX 1126 Set a given Proteot Key ~ey H/! failed tD se-::. 6-0110 llIX lUI 1X2"'1 2X 11 Set. a given ";0 111. RoutinE 11511 previoosly 'test.ed this fonction. !lon routin .. 11511 or 1156. Protect F,fIY Soo=oo-::ine -::0 b"nl1:l·e interrup-:.s. ~vel 1 level , l,nte=upt bas ocourred and ";bere are no CCO I!::.ts Oil :i.p e:'.hll;: cao ~heck ~lIte:;;rUpt reg See notes 2 and H/A ley faileol to Set. 1"711' 1'7F' 1.26 X 37 05B;';' See notes 2 ani! 5. ';0 110. 0= 11/-' B/A B/A Bou'!:ine 1155 previoosly 1:.ested this fonction. Son rout.ine 1155 or 1156. 6-880 5. 6-8110 6-850 bas Register 1'05' 8 du••! bits-in-error data 1'9999'. rell grp 1. cell 1FT ~ " IE" 370S COSBURICATIORS CORTEOLLER C!JTnL COITROL uaIT 1FT S!IIPTOII IBD~ 01 lOUT. ERIOI FURCTIOI TESTED CODE D99- 370SE- 09 EIBOE DESClIPTIOR All level 1 interrupts shOUld occur as a result of a CCU type error. 11Xl 2112 Subroutine to handle Leyel 1 !.nterrnpts. SDSPECTED CARt LOC1TIOR(s) PROG BASK A level 1 interrupt bas R/A occurred due to sooe bit in ei~ber interrupt req qrp 1 (X'7F) and/or adapter interrupt req qrp 1 & 2 (X'76' & X'77') The CCDIFT leyel 1 subroutine resets all forced Cco interrupt conditions and deter.ines that all bits cannot be rese-e. I/A FEA~D PIGE FETltIl PAGE COIIIIERTS 6-810 6-820 6-860 legl.ster X'OS' viII contain bl.ts thaD cannot be reset. If any adapter 21 bits are on, tbey .ust be • .anually reset before pressl.ng s~art to con~inQe. 11Xl 2113 Subroutine to handle Leftl 1 !.nterrapts. A level 1 interrupt bas occurred due to a CCU level 1 interrupt. Tbe CCOIFT leyel subroutine attempts to reset the level 1 interrupt conditions and determines tbat all bits cannot be reset. A-8312 l-B'JD2 I/A CPI)OS 6-090 Register X'OS' viII contain tbe 'or' of tbe CCD cblt req 1'7D' and irpt req grp 1 X17E' llXl 2Xl. Subroatine ~o handle Leyel interrup-es. A level 1 interrupt has occurred and tbe routine under test did not expec~ to force a Level 1 irpt. a/A 1/1 CK006 6-090 lIegister X'OS' viII contain the 'or' of ~e CCII chit req X'7D' and irpt reg grp 1 X'7!'. a/A a/A a/A 6-090 IlilE!gister X' 05' 6-810 bas a dnaay 6-820 -bits-in-error 6-860 data 1'9999' Display tbe folloving c.egisters to Tbe irpt occurred due to a CCU error. 1111 2X1S Subroutine ~o interrupu.. handl~ Level 1 A level 1 interrupt has occurred· and tbe routine under -eest did not e%pec-e to force a level 1 irp~. There is no~ any ceu error ~i~s on; as a resul~. ~he irpt DUst be due to ei~her a channel adapter 0= CS8 request. aeterlline 'the cause of the L1 -irpt: X'7P' irpt reg qrp 2 X'76' adpt req grp 1 X177' adpt req grp 2 If any adapter bits are on, tbey aust be manually reSct before pressing s-eart to -continue • .,.. . llXX 2121 lUI 2122 lUI 2123 1111 2X211 Subroutine to handle Level 2 interrupts. "Diag L2" irpt reg bit failed ~o reset A-83112 I/A CD01. 6-0S0 A level 2 interrupt bas occurred and tbe "diag L2" bi~ is not on in tbe interrupt reg grp 2 (X'7F') - vben running the CCUIPT's a!l level 2 interrupts sbould result froD Diag L2 bi~. II/A a/A R/A 6-8S0 Register 1'05' vill contain irpt req grp 2 X'7F' Subroutine to handle Leyel 2 interrupts. A level 2 interrupt bas a/A occurred and eitber tbe Type 1 eSB L2 and/or Type 2 CSB L2 bits are on in adapter req grp 2 IX'77') - The CCUIFT level 2 subroutine has atteop-eed to reset by resetting all forced CCU error conditions. R/A CX003 6-820 Register X'OS' viII contain adpt reg grp 2 X' 77' Subrou-eine to handle Level 2 A level 2 interrupt has occurred and the routine under test did not expect ~o force a level 2 irp~. I/A I/A 6-090 Ji,egister X'05' It'as a duaay Snbrou~ine interrupts. interrupts. CCO IF'! ~o haudle Levei 2 R/A b.i ts-in -err or data 1'9999'. X370SBAA 1.27 IE! 3705 CO~ftURICATJCIS CORrROLLYB CYlrPlL COBf30L UlIT IPT SYBPTOB ZIDEI ROUT. ERROR CODE ~OICTIOD TRSTED D9q- 37'l5E- O? EaRoa DESCRIPTIO. SOSP.!CTED CARD LOCAtIOI(s) PROG BASK FRALD PAGE FET!P. PAGE COBftEITS D1splay reg1sters: ll'77' adp-: reg grp 2 X'77' irp~ reg qrp 2 ~ 0 deteraine ~ be caUSE of ..t:he L2 up't. 1111 2131 Subroutine to handle Level 3 inte=upts. A level 3 interrnpt has A-5352 occurred via a PCI L3 interrupt (X "C'). The level subroutine atte.pts to' reset the PCI L3 inte=upt but fails B/A 1111 2%32 Subroutine to handle Level 3 interrupts. A level 3 interrupt has occurred and neither the PCI L3, timer L3, nor pushbutton L3 bits are on. All Level 3 interrupts that occur should result fro. one of the above conditions. 1/1 I/l 1 level 3 interrupt has occurred and either the Type I CA L3 and/or Type 2 CA L3 bits are on in adapter reg grp 2 (1'77') - The CCOIFT level 3 subroutine has atte.pted to reset by resetting all forced CCO error conditions. N/A lUX 2%33 Subroutine to handle Level 3 :'nterrup'tS • COOlS 6-940 Register X'OP' du ••y bits-in-error data X' 9999' bas a Register X'OE' contains adp"; reg grp 2 X'77'. II/A CP005 6-820 Reg1s~er X'OS' CCD'";.a:.r:. adpt req g=~ will 2 X'"77' If any aciap~er O~r bits are they .Us"; be manually rese~ before press::,n~ s't.a=~ "to cont:..nue~ l11X 2X34 Subroutine to handle level 3 interrupts. 1 level 3 interrupt has occurred and the routine under tes~ did not expect to force a L3 irpt. I/A II/I. P/I. 6-090 The timer L3 and pushbutton L3 interrupts are expected at all times. l1XX 21Ql Subroutine to handle Level II in~errupts reqister %'11' adpt reg gr~ 2 to determine if a channel adapter L3 irp-o reguest occurred. J PCI LII or SVC LQ irpt has occurred. The SLV4 atte.pts to Eese" either or both but determines that one or both canno~ Register X'OD' has CCO ~rp"; reg grp X'7!" loaded. Ir. addition d1splay II/A COOlS 6-090 be reset. Pegis~er X'lS' contaiL ~ne 1IP~ reg tha~ can:lc-: be rese" Byte 0 B~+ 7 Bl,~ 7 PCl Lq By~e t SVC L4 ttl! 2X42 Subroutine to handle Level II interrupu; 1 Level II irpt has occurred and neither the PCI L4 or SVC L4 bits are on in X'7F'. R/A II/A COOlS CP005 6-860 Begister X' 15' has a dUllay bi-oF1n-error da't.a. X'9999' • If any adap~e:: bits a=e 011, tiley .us":. be manuall y rese"": tefo~e sta~-: pzess;,ng "':.0 c02:.~inue. 1.2d 13705B1.1 CCO IF7 IEM 3705 COMn"Nl:~~rONS CONTROLLEF CrITp.AL CONT~OL ON IT IPT Sl!PTOM INDEX R~OT. EEROR PUNCTION TESTE~ ERROR DESCRIVTIOH SOSPECTE!; CARn LOCAtIOIi (5) CODE; 1UlI: 2XII3 Sni;>rontl.ne ~o hand.le Level 4 2nte==upts. 1 Level 4 ~n,e=ropt has occo==ed and the rou~'ne under tes~ did Dot expec~ ~o force a 111 iD~rpt. N/l. PBCG YEALD !'ET~I\ IIASK P&G" lin H/A T?AGE 6-090 CO~r.fll~ s Reg::.s-::er X"" nas a dummy L.l'":.51D- er:-or da t.a X'OOOl' • Display register 1'71'; ceo IF.P~ reg g=r 1. Byte 0 Bit 7 PCI L4 Byte 1 Bit 7 SVC LII n u :::U 1FT X3705B11 1.29 -----------~-- __ J IE~ 3705 COft~UNICATIOHS COHTROLLEB CENTRAL COHT~OL URIT 1FT SY8PTOft IN~EI D99-3705E-09 ROUT. ERROR ?UNCTION TESTED ERBOR DESCRIPTION CODE HOTE 1: Since the error forcing circuitry has not been previously of ~he same rou~ine has been run without failnre. NOTE 2: tes~d, SUS'ECTED CARD PROG FEALD FETaa COaaEBTS LOCATION Is) aASK PAGE PAGE bypass this error code until code 0002 For all of the above Storage Protect Testing routines. regis~er X'16' for error display has special mea~ng. i!g X'16' will contain the data that was used to output to i@9 X'73' (SET KEY). Th~s will allow the BLOCK Address to be displayed as ~lustrated below. See routine 1156 for set~in9 up a loop on a given storage or protect key. For storage size of 256k or less use Q!!TPUT_!.!.U!. ~he following chart. aL!ll BYTE 0, 0 SKA SKA SKA SKI SKA SKA SKA 1 2 3 II 5 6 7 BYTE 1, 0 BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT •• • • SBtECT 1 2 3 SET KEY KEY KBY II 5 6 7 • BYTE _ _BYTE _0_____ _ 0 --------------(G) 1 -----------~--(3) 2 --------------(J) 3 --------------(K) II or PKA BIT O--(L) 5 or PKA BIT 1--(!) 6 or PKA BIT 2--(1) _X_ o II GB JItLIIN--- 123 II 5 6 7 I I I I I I I I KEY - BIT 0 - BIT 1 - lIIT 2 1=SKA l=SET --,------012311567 I I I I I I I I Use this chart to convert block nuaber into address range and vice versa. EXp. ItBY ADlI BYTE 67 D=PItI If no key address bits are on. then the block nuaber in question is zero and covers the address range of 0-11097 bytes. For storage size greater than 256k use the following chart. BYTE 0, 0 1 2 3 4 5 SII:A BIT 0 --------------lIeserved SII:A BIT 1 --------------Reserved SItA BIT 2 -----------lIeserved SItA BIT 3 -------------(G) SItA BIT II or PItA BIT 0-- (B) SItA BIT 5 or PItl BIT 1-(J) SItl BIT 6 or PItA BIT 2-(K) SKA BIT 7 --------------(L) SItA BIT 8 --------------(8) SKA BIT 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - (N) SII:A BIT 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - (0) SELECT KEY ADR O=PKA '=SKA SET KEY l=SET KEY - BIT 0 KBY - BIT KEY BIT 2 6 ,, , 7 BYTE 0 2 3 II 5 6 7 BY!! • BYTE ___ 2.-_ _ _ _ X_ • 567 012311567 • III GBJ I I I II I I I KLIIIO--Dse I I I I I I I I tD conver~ Exp. If no key address bi~s are on, then the block nuaber iD question 1S zero and covers the address range of 0-11097 bytes. NOTE 3: The first two S~orage Block Keys are not changed but are allowed ~o reaa1n set to 000. Th1s yill allow the dire~ addressable areas. the DC! control module, and ~e CCUIFT interrupt and subroutine areas to be addressed without Protection checks. NOTE 4: Only NOTE 5: Use the following chart ~o determine the first suspected cardls). the failing bi~s in aEG X'1S' (Bi~s in error) • ~hree 012311567 block number in~o address range and vice versa. , - ~his char~ BYTE_______ _ _..1 of the ava1lable settable Protect Keys are currently used. %he table should be keyed off of BIT IN ERROR I PAILURE I PONCTION I CARD I LOGIC PAGE _IDllL!.!..l:i! _ _ _ 1 ________ L ___.!!::!H1ID..___ L...-_____L..--_ _ Byte 0, Bi~ 0 0, Bit 0 0, Bit 1 0, Bit 2 NOTE 6: I I I I I I By.e I 20 bit1 Byte 1 18,201 Byte 0 I Byte' I UU, ALU, ALU, ALU, ARBG, AREG, AREG, AREG, BREG BREG BREG BREG I 1 I I I A-B452 A-BIIJ2 &-BIIlC2 &-BU2 Use the folloYing chart ~o determine the first suspected card IS). in Reg X'lS' (bits in error). BIT IN BRROR PAILURE FONCTION CARD ___ .J.I ________ LI ____________ LI _____ I I I Byte 0, Bit 1 I Byte 0 I SDP. I I-B4~2 0, Bit 2 I By~e 1 I SDR I &-BII&2 _l!l;i..!.!.l~_' ROTt: 7: 1.3~ 13705BAA Use ~he following chart to determine the first suspecte1 card(s). in !leg X' '5' rbi~s in error). I I I 1 I DE976 DF976 DG976 DK976 Key off of the failing bits I ______ LOG~C PAGE _ ~_L 1 I I DP993 DR993 Key off of the failing bits CCU 1FT o o Ie! 3705 CO!ftOBICATIONS CONTHOLL!! CEITBAL COIT90L UNIT IPT ~t"prO! X.DEI BOUT. BBBOR PUBCTION TBSTED CODE BITS II BiROR D99-3705r-09 BiROB DESCRIPTIO. I PArLUB! I PUBCTIp. I SOSpeCTBD CAED paOG PE~LD LOCATIOB(s) BASK PAGE I LOGIC PAGE PET!! PAGE CO!!EN~S CABO __!J!LI!!2_'---...J.--_..-..__-L-___-r_--_l. __________ L _______ Byte 0, Bit 0 0, Bit 1 0, Bit 2 ceo 1PT I I I I Byt:e I Byte 0 Byte 1 I I I , Sll! SA9 SAl! I I I I l-BqD2 A-BqD2 A-BIIC2 I I I , CYOOl crOOl »5001 13705BAA 1.31 If" 3705 COBnUNICATIONS CONT30LLER C~TRAL CONTROL UNIT 1FT SYftPTOB INDEX RCUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 1.32 X3705BAA D9 9- 37 05 E- 09 EREOR DESCRIPTION ClED LOCATION(s) SUSPEC~ED FROG BASK FEALD FAGE FET!! PAGE COBBENTS CCU :r~ o lEft 3705 COftftU.rCATIONS COITROLtEB S~ORAGE 1FT SY!PTOB IIDEX D99-370!SE-09 CHAPTEI 2.0: STORAGE 1FT SYIPTOft INDEX Bon";ine 1: Reuti-ne Beutine Beutine Routine Beutine lou'!:ine Rontine lontine 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: Bout.ine Rontine Bout.ine Boutine Reutine Boutine 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Rentine 16: Reutine 17: Addressability (Bridge onlJl Address Analysis (Bridge onlJl Address capability (Bridge only) Address Exception (Bridge only) ~andoa Addressing (Bridge only) Coapleaent/lecoapleaent (Bridge only) Varied Tiaing Repetition (Bridge only) Balf SeleC'!: Repetit.ion (Bridge only) lorst. Case and Schaoo (Bridge only) (See Special Purpose Boutines) Single Bit Error Correction (FET only) Donble Bi'!: Error Detection (FET only) Bus OUt Parity Test (FET only) Address Exception (FET onlJl Double Bit Error Test (FET only) ~orst Card Analysis (FET only) (See Special Paspose Routines) Address Failure Analysis (FET only) Addressing Capability (FET only) SPECIAL PURPOSE ROUTINES DESCRIPTION Reutine 09: Can be used for schmoo teSt (Bridge only) Routine 15: ~orst card analys1s, problea definition (FET only) This description provides a reference to the 1FT routines that have special purpose. These rontines can be seleC'!:ed via a single routine request.; they caD also he selected in sequence with the other rout1&es by setting the CX Sense switcc to run the .anual intervention routine Crtn. 09), or problem definition Crtn 15). This description serves only as a guide into the .ore de'!:ailed symptom index and does not describe the error st.ops or Ranual in.i;erYelition stops for t.hese ron"tines. 1215 o ~outine 15 can be rnn by sett.ing the SSW for problea defin1tion, or by making a single routine request for 15, at IPT selec'!: time. This rt.n is designed to be run after rtn 14, when a double bit error was det.ected by rtn 14. This will cause only the 32K ie which the double bi'!: error resides to be tested. A , vorst card' in the address ranqe being tested will be indicated if a double bit error vas detected by rtn 14. This rou~iLe is for FET storage only. !.!!apte~ £!!!!§U!!n~ 3705 storage rou'!:~nes are executed independen'!:ly on each BS! (or adapter) except the BSB addressability routine which be execnted on all BS!s simultaneously for a valia test.. Errors are detected and displayed by the DCI as established by DCB-IFT convent.10ns. mus~ If FET storage is installed, t.he entire storage array 1S considered one BSB. ~~~~~~ !~~!I2!§ Because a printed list of errors is not available, ~he recoaaended failure analys~s procedure is '!:o record the erro~ cond~tions and cortinue to the nert error until a failing pattern is established, such as, Single data bit, BSB decod6, address decode, etc. Refer to page 1-010 in the FET!I, SY27-0107, to assist in relating failing pattern to component lccation. When FET is installed, errors i~ storage support circuit.s can appear an array card error is indicated by diagnostics, suggested procedure ru~ the same diagnostics again. If the error indicat.ions remain the support circuitry (FET!!, SY27-0107, page 7-260). Error indications Symptom Inder: Reg X'13' Reg X'1Q' ?eg X'15 1 !leg X'1E' as array card Errors when diagnostics are rnn. If is to swap the indicated card with another one and same, panel procedures should be used to test the are as follows unless eoted otherwise 1n the failirg Address actual da~a received failing data bits or expect.ed data All routines ercep~ worst case rou~~ne se~ bypass CCU check stop mode during the test ~o allow an error display ins~ead o~ a harastop. 1 wo=s~ case routine does not set. bypass C=U check stop because parity errors aust be detected by a CCP check rather than dat.a ver1fica'!:ion. Set the DIAGROSTIC CORTROt sW1tch to BYPASS CCU CHECK STOP position for ar e=ro= disrlay of data bi'!:s if des1red. S'rORAGE Il'T X3705CAA 2.1 3705 COftftUIICAT~ONS CONTROLLER STORAGE ~FT StftPTOft ~NDEX ~2ft ROUT. ERROR PURCTIOR TESTED CODE ~!il!1.22 D99-3705E-09 ERROR· DESCRIPTIOB SUSPECTED CARD LOCATIOR(s) PROG ftASK FEALD PAGE FET!ft PAGE COftftEBTS lUi The schmoo test is accoaplished by setting DIAGNOSTIC CONTROL sv!tch to BYPASS CCU CHECK STOP and set DCft sense sV1tches as follows: 1. 2. 3. Bypass Jew Error Stop Bypass Error Stop cycle on Request Byte 0, Bit 7 Byte 1, Bit 4 Byte 1, Bit 3 Errors can be detected by observing the CCU check 1ight on tbe control panel. X2Xl 1X01 ~nitialize snbrontine Provides inforaation needed in routine coaaunication table and verifies correct CDS storage configuratio~ on 1st execution after being loaded. Configuration data is nat equal to aachine data. Verify BSft count in CDS. CDS data should agree vith hardware ~nput X'70' storage size. 6-770 4-070 Reg X'14' = data derived from CDS. Reg X'16' '" data froa Input reg X'70'. i2XX 2X01 1.1 interrupt handler subrontine - Error 1 verifies that a level interrupt has been caused by address exception condition in the address exception routine. Unexpected 1.1 interrupt encountered. Address exception expected other interrupt bit(s) also on. Flag stored by the address exception Toutine should'" Input reg X'7!'. (Interrupt Request) , Definition of Unexpected bits: 1.0 - Address compare 1.2 - ~n/out check 1.3 - Protection check 1.4 Invalid op 1.6 IP1. level 1 reguest 6-090 Reg X'04' interrupt request bits froll Input Leve11 interrupt handler subroutine - Error 2 A leve11 address exception did not occu= at expected instruction in address exception routine. 6-050 X2XX 'X2XX 2102 2103 1.1 interrupt handler subroutine - Erro= 3 verifies that address exception condition can X'7!'. Bit 1.1 expected. Reg 1'06' = expected data. Reg X'O~' '" adr of in~ following the 'One causing the level 1 interrupt. Feg X'06' = adr of inst fo110ving the that should have caused in.terrupt. Address exception bit failed te reset after the expected address exception condition. 6-050 Beg X'7E' bit 0 vas set by address exception but could net be reset. BSft addressability Verifies that each 8Sft can be addressed properly. Coapleaent of the data is tested to provide a basic sense aaplifier test. This Boutiue runs on bridge storage only. Incorrect 85ft data in 1st ha1f-vord 'Of last fnll-verd address of BSft under test. BS! decede 'Or sense aaplifier failure. 8yte 0 number 'Of 8SKs in aachine and byte 1 BSft addressed. 7-010 Suspect the sense allp if errer OX02 does not occur, BSlI decode if errer OX02 occurs. BSft addressability Ref to error code OX01 Incorrect BSft coapleaent data at 1ast half-vord address of BS! addressed. BS! decode or sense aap1ifier fai1ure. 7-010 Byte 0 ~ compleaent 'Of number BS/!s in aach1ne. Byte 1 = cemp1eaent of BS/! addressed. be reset. X201 OX01 OX02 2.2 X3705CAA ODe = = STORAGE IF'! o o IBB 3705 COBBUNICATIONS CONTROLLER STORlGE 1FT SYBPTOft IBDEI D99-370SE-09 ROUT. ERROR PUBCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTIO. SUSPECTED CU.D PROG CODE LOCATIO. (s) BASK 1202 Address analysis test - solid address £ailure. This routine test the ability to store aud display each address. The failing address bits are saved to provide a £ailing address pattern. Use the diagram below to £orm the £ailing pattern from the indications in both error code 0101 and 0102 as follows: FEUD PAGE FE'l'ftB PAGE COft II EIlTS 0101 - Pailing pattern bits on are saved as l's in register X'1S'. 0102 Failing pattern bits of£ are saved as 1's in register X'1S'. 1 address bits that are not replaced in either error display vere not consisteutly on or off at the tiae of £ailure. Y bits in the diagraB do not affect the addressing within a 8Sft. This Routine runs on bridge storage only. L I - I ! LL.L! LL..l LL! LL! 1 I I I I I I I I I I 16K I I Select I I I 85ft Select I I I I I I I I I Low Y Decode I I I Low 1 I Decode I I Hi Y Hi 1 Decode Decode I I I Bot Dsed OXOl Address Analysis. Individual £ailures are not displayed, but the bits that were on at the ti.e of the failure are saved for a co.posite display of the co.mon bits that vere on in the failing address pattern. Solid address failure. Replace l's in the diagram vith 1's for the bits in register X'1S' that are on. Register X'lS' is a composite of the failing address. Ignore reginers X' 13' X'1Q', and 1'16'. OX02 Address analysis. Individual failures are not displayed, but the bits that vere off at the ti.e of the failnre are saved to form a composite display of the coamon bits that were off in the failing address pattern. Solid Address £ailure. Replace X's in the diagram with D's for the bits in register X'1S' that are on. Ignore the lov order bit in register X'1S'. Register X'1S' is a composite of the failing address. Ignore registers X'13'. X'1.', and X'16'. 1203 OXOl Addressing capability. Routine runs on bridge storage only. Address data is not equal to the address. can be data bit failure or address decode. Address decode failure causes au 'overlay' condition in vhich one of the affected addresses is not addressed. 7-010 7-030 Data sbould eqnal to 16 bit address. Establish pattern to determine whether data or address is failing. X20Q 0101 Address exception Verifies that address exception causes correct indications. ~his Rontine runs on bridge storage only. Pailed to cause program L1 check iuterrupt in address exception routine. A level interrupt sbould have occnrred because an attempt to store data a~ an invalid address. 6-050 The invalid address is in reg X'13'. X20S OX01 Random addressing Address is stored as data in non-sequential operation then verified. ~his Routine runs on bridge storage only. Address data not eqnal to the 16 bit address. 7-010 7-030 Data should equal to the low order 16 bits of its address. STORlG!! IPT This D105CAA 2.3 XEft 3705 C08ftDBXCATIONS CONTROLLER STORAGE XFT SyftPTOft INDEX BOOT. EBBOB FUNCTION TESTED CODE X206 OX01 COllplesent/recosplesent This Routine Runs on bridge storage only. ~07 X208 X209 D99-370SE-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION Data pattern failure. Pattern is stored then verified. Data in reg X'14' should eqoal pattern in reg X'16'. SUSPECTED CABD LOClTXOHls) PBOG ftASK FEALD PAGE COIIIIEHTS ), Y OX02 Coapleaent/recoapleaent Above pattern is coapleaented. stored. then verified. Ezpected data= coapleaent of pattern •• Coaplement pattern failure. R111=Beceived B1S-Bits in error Ji6=EJ:pected 7-030 OX03 Coaplement/recoaplement Above coapleaented pattern is re-coapleaented. stored. then verified. Shoold be eqoal to the pattern. Becoapleaent pattern failore. 1!' ...Received 1!1S=J!its in error Ji6=:!zpected 7-030 or01 Varied repetiton X'FFFF' is stored in the BSft being tested and varie~ after a 60~ aicro sec. delay_ This Rootine rons on bridge storage only. :tncorrect data-600 aicrosec delay after store. 7-030 OX02 Varied repetition Bef Error Code OX01 Incorrect data -- 3 sec delay after store. OX01 Continoed.repetition Addresses-are selected diagonakly in array to be beat 32 times with pattern. Balf selected cores on the saae X and ! drive lines as the selected addresses are tested. This Rootine rons on ~~idge storage only. :tncorrect data - X Drive Line. Increaenting Y drive address to test X drive line cores. X drive line sase as selected 'beat' address. 7-030 7-020 Refer to 7-010 for drive line relationship to failing addresses. OX02 Continoed repetition Bef error code OX01 Incorrect data - I Drive Line. Increaenting X drive address to test I drive line cores. I drive line same as selected 'beat' address. 7-020 Saae as error code OX01. OX01 Worst case. Generates 'worst case' pattern in core then verifies data. Pattern is reversed to change parity. ~est is ron in check·stop aode to detect parity bit failures. Xf DCft error codes are desired. set DIAGNOSTXC CONTROL Switch to BYPASS CCD CBECK STOP. For SCBftOO testing reference 1FT heading. This Routine runs on bridge storage only. Failed worst case pattern When CCU check occurs. set DXSPLAI/FUNCTIOB switch to STATOS to determine failing data byte. Coapare ezpected and actual data to deteraine failing bit. Note tha~ parity is not indicated. but can cause failure. 7-020 Worst case pattern is generated on a core pl.ane basis. Bits on a core pl.ane .. 11001100. coapl.ellented each 11096 bytes. Varioos data val.ues are osed to generate this pattern. 2.11 X3705CAA STOBAGE 1FT I o o o lEa 3705 coaaOIICATIONS COITROLLER STORAGE IPT SYSPTOe INDEI ROOT. ERROR POICTIOI TESTED CODE Single bit error correction D99-370,E-09 ERROR DESCRIPr~OI X210 SDSPECTED CAilD LOCATIO I (sl PROG SASI PEALD PAGE PEUS PAGE COSIIENTS 'tes~ ~his rontine tests the abili~y to detect and correct a single bit or check bit error in storage. An error is forced via the diagnostic register for each of the data bits and check bits in both the on and off condition. The results are tested to verify that the bit vas corrected. An error in this routine could be caused by storage support circuitry. See i l l 3705 £2!l!l1!];£!'UOIS 91!!1!Q1J.I!! THEORY IIAIITENANC~ SANDAL, SY27-0107. page 7-260. This routine runs on PET storage only. OXOl Single error correction. Pailed to correct single bit error. Error vas forced via the diagnostic register. 7-220 R11J=Actnal data R15=Bit in error 0102 single bit error correction. Failed to correct single bit error in co.ple.ent pattern. Error vas forced via the diagnostic register. 7-220 R14=Actnal data R15=Bit in error 0103 :lata bit error. !!rror(sl already exists in storage. Dnable to verify single bit error correction due ~o error(sl already existing in storage at several addresses. 7-220 R14=Actual data R15=Bit in error OX 011 Check bit error. Error(s) already exists in storage. Dnable to verify single hit error correction due to error(s) already existing in storage at several addresses. 7-220 Rll1=Actual data R15=Bit in error pailed to detect a double bit error. ceo cbeck register I'7D' should indicate SDR check. 7-220 R13=Data address R14=Actual b1ts frOB cel: check reg I'7D' R15=CCO cbeck reg. b1ts in error. R16=Data stored bi~ Double bit error detection 1211 'test This routine tests the ability to detect a don ble bi~ error and provide the correct error indications. Double bit errors are forced via the diagnostic register. This routine runs on FET storage only. 0101 STORAGE IPT !louble bit error detection. Problea aay be ECC card or other storage support logic. I3705CAA 2.5 IE! 3705 CO!3UNICATIOBS CORTROLLER STORAGE 1FT SY!PTO! IBDEI D99-3705E-09 ROUT. ERROR FUBcrIOR TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION CODE ][212 Bus out parity-store zero test ~his routine forces bad parity on CCU bas out via output reg. %'78' to verify that if a bus out check occurs, zeros are stored in storage and a double bit error condition is indicated 'to the CCO _hen that address is read. This routine runs on FET storage only. 0101 Bus out parity 0102 Bus out parity. 'SDR check not indicated. ,,;Stored data not equal to zero with forced bus out check. SUSPECTED CARD LOCAtION (s) PROG !ASK FEALD PAGE FET!! PAGE CO!!ENTS 7-220 R13=Test address R14=Data Bead from test address should=X' 0000' B1S=CCU check reg_ bits received should contain SDB check. R13=Test address R15=Beceived data should =1'0000' R6=Stored data Address exception test This routine tests ability to generate an address ,exception Ll interrupt or fold condition in which the data is stored in address zero. Flags are set to indicate to the Ll interrupt handler subroutine that an address exception Ll Interrupt is expected. The interrupt or fold should occur during an attempt to store into an invalid address. This routine runs on'FET storage only. 1213 0101 CDS.input 1'70' compare 0102 Address exception or fold For 6nK or 256K • • ax. addr. +2=addr. 0 or fold. For any other Storage size, max. addr. +2= addr. excep. 2.6 13705CAA Bumber of 32K increments derived from CDS and input 1'70' do not compare. Failed to indicate address exception or -·,,£old. Address exception should occur except for 6nK or 256K. in which cases the address should fold to zero. Rln=Bumber of 32~ increments. taken from CDS data. after one shift left and should compare with input X'70·. Ex: 611K in CDS=8200, after one shift left=OnOO_ 611K in 1nput 1'70=01100. B15=Bits in error. R16= Input X'70'. R13=ftaxi.um valid address determined from input X'70' • R111=Data Read fra. Address zero. Should be zero due to fold condition STORAGE IFT IB~ 3705 CONTROLLER IBDE! COft~UNICATIOIS STORAGE IFT SYBPTO~ D99-3705E-09 BOUT. ERROR PUICTIOB TESTED ERIOR DESCRIPTIO. CODE :1214 Double bit error pattern test. This routiue stores, loads and tests a pattern. its coapleaent aud its recoapleaent. ~vo patterns are used to proYide bit Yariation. 10 errors are forced y18 the diagnostic register. If a double bit error occurs. a test is aade to deteraine if both bits in error are on the saae card, in which case the card is identified. If the bits in error are on both cards of a pair, inforaation is sayed for worst card analysis routine '15. SUSPECTED CARD tOCATIOI(s) PROG aASl FEALD PAGE FET~B PAGE COB BENTS Pattern 1 = 5555/AAAA Pattern 2 = 8001/1PPE This Routine runs on PET storage only. OI01 Double bit error 1 double bit error has occurred and both errors haye been determined to be in a single array card as identified by reg X'15' displaceaent Yalue. 7-220 R13=Pailing addr. R1S=Displacement into worst card table (See note 1 rtn '15) OI02 Double bit error A double bit error has occurred, but cannot be isolated to a single array card. suggested procedure is to set DCB sense switch for 'Problem Definition' to cause rtn t1S to be run, or run RTI as a single Routine. A flag is set to cause rtn .15 to test only the failing array cards. 7-220 R13=Pailing Addr. at which the double bit error occurred. If rtn. 14 vas run as single rtn. reguest coutinue to termination and reguest rtn 15. If problem definition 551 was set at 1FT select, continue. If it was not, set 9101 iu data switches, function 1, and continue. o STORAGE IFT I3705CAA 2.7 ISB 3705 CO!!ONICATIONS CONTROLLER STORAGE IPT SlBPTO! INDEI BOOT. ERBOR YONCTION TESTED CODE Single bit error pattern X215 Test. D99-3705E-09 EBROF DESCBIPTION SOSPECTED ClRD LOCATION IS) PROG PElLD BASK 'PAGE PET!! PAGE CO!!EHTS ) Jote: This Boutine runs in 'Problea Definition' aode and requires either the DCB sense switch or to be run as a single routine reguest. This routine stores, loads and tests a pattern, its coapleaent and its recomple'aent. Two patterns are used to provide bit variation • •••Single Bit Error Forced ••• Pattern 1 Pattern 2 s s 5555/AAAA 8001/1PPE Boutine runs on PET storage only. ~his 0101 Vorst card analysis The 'vorst card' has been deterained. 7-220 R15s Displaceaent into vorst card table. See Hote 1. If Beg 15=X'10', vorst FET card= Pos. H2 0102 Vorst card analysis Worst Card=card vith greatest nuaber of single bit errors. Donble bit error detected in Rontine 14 has caased 'vorst card' within tbe range of addresses where the double bit error exists to be deterained. 7-220 R15=Displaceaent into worst card table. See Hote 1. If Beg 15=1'10', worst FET card= Pos. N2 Note 1: Array card identification: Praae 01 Gate 01S Address Displaceaent/Card 00000 08000 10000 18000 20000 28000 30000 38000 EOII 2.8 X3705Cll 07Pl'E OUPE 17PFE UPFE 27PFE 2UFE 37F!'E - 3!'!'!'E - 00/J2 0ll/K2 08/L2 OC/B2 10/H2 111/P2 18/02 1C/B2 02/J4 06/KII 01/LII OE/!II 12/HII 16/P1I l1/QII 1E/HII Praae 02 Gate 028 Address Displaceaent/Card 110000 118000 50000 58000 60000 68000 70000 78000 - 117!'!'E II!'!'!'E 57PPE 5PFPE 67P!'E 6FPFE 77FPE - 7!'!'!'E 20/J2 211/K2 28/L2 2C/!2 30/H2 311/P2 38/02 3c/R2 This code is displayed because rtn. 15 takes longer than 20 sec. to run. It indicates only that the rtn. is running and not in a l.oop. STOllAGE IPT 22/J4 26/KII 211'LII 2E/II4 32/1111 36/PII 31/011 3E/1I4 ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...J.-..~_ •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o D99-3705E- 09 IEB 3105 COBBUIICATIOBS CO.TIOLLII STOIAGI IPT STBPTOft IIDII o '£.1101 J)ESCIIXnXOI ROOT. IIIOB POlerIOI TISTED CaDI SDSPECTED CABD WCITXOI (s) PIOG l'EALD PET!!!! III Sit PAGE PIG!! COftBU':5 Address FaLlar. AaalysLa Thi. loatiae .tte.pt. to .aalyse a so11d .ddr••• iag f.ilare hy .toriag each addr.s. ~a it. ova locatioa •• aata. Pailare • • r •••••a for a co.po.it• •rror di.play_ fro. vhi~ cOD.l.t•• t addr... bits ca. be a.alysed. Pai11Dg ~ttar. caa be aet.r.iDea by co.hi.iag hits coaalsteat1y 01 fro. error coae OXOl ...a hits coa.i.teatly OFF fro. error code 0102. ~. ro~~ae raas Oa PET .torag. oaly." lit aefiD1tioas .re a. follow.: I:l16 IT!! I I I 5 6 1 00 o 0 1 :l l 000 0 • 1 1 Ll-ll LL..l 1 iii 1 I I I I I I Pra.e Select I o I 5 6 I I I I ,CST I ICSS 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 iii ! I I I I I sn lits 1 1 1 /I 561 I...L.! 1 I 1 I Daased I C.rd Pair Select 115aBits cODsisteatl, OM in all failures 0101 Address failure aaalysis Addre.s failare aaalysia P.rt 1 of 2 - Address failure - leplace bits ia addre.s layoat with a 1 for each bit oa ia leg '15',' Coatiaae to error code 0102 to co.plete failing pattera. 7-220 0102 lddress failare aaalyals Addre •• failure aa.lysis - Part 2 of 2 - lddre.siag failore leplace bits ia addres. layoot vith a 0 for each bit oa iD Reg 1'15'. Bits re.aiaiag I sfter error code 0101 aDd 0102 were not cOaalsteat ia the f.ilore •• 7-220: 1115a Bits CODSl-1>tently OPF in .~l Iddre.slDg f.llure. Co. pare expected aad .ctual data to aeter.iae addres. bit. ia error. 7-230 failnre. .s lddressiag capabillty 1217 This rootiae chects sddressiDg capability by storiag each locatioa vith ita ova sddres. as data aDd testing that the data vas stored correctly. This roatlae ruas oa FET storage oaly. 0001 I STORIG! 1FT lddressiag capability 113.F8iliD9 84.i.&s 11/1-Actllal data lIS-Bits in errer I"-Expect•• D'~ X3705CU 2.9 Ie8 3705 COM~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER STORAGE 1FT SYMPTO! INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 2.10 X3705CAA D99-3705E-09 ERROB DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG ftASK FEALD PAGE FETKK PAGE CO!ftEHTS STORAGE 1FT IBft 3705 COftftUIICATIOIS COITROLLER TYPE 1 CB111~L 1D1PTER IpT SYftPTOft IIDEX CBAPTER 3.0: ~YPE 1 CB~IIEL D99-370SE-09 AD~~ER SYftP~ft IIDEI The type .,. CA 1FT symptom index is a listing of error codes relating to failures occurring during the operation of tne IpT. A11 bits of the C~ registers vhich have both input and output capability are tested vith several patterns, including all ones, zeros, every other bit, groving-ones, and floating-zeros patterns. Interaction betveen these registers is also checked. In addition to verification of register operation, the function of program requested and suppress-out aonitor level 3 interrup~s are verified. Error codes are a1so given for unexpected and/or unknown level and level 3 interrupts and if the C1 interface vas not disabled. RTI ERROR FOICTIOI TESTED CODE 1301 0101 Disable CA 1302 OX02 CA Diagnostic Reset ~ype 1 interface ERROR DESCRIPTIOI SUSPECTED CABD LOCATIOI(S) PROG ftASK pEALD PAGE pETftft PAGE Channel interface was not disabled AIIP2 0008 RC103 Did not clear reg X'60' AIIL2 PPPP BCII02 8-130 PFFp RCII03 8-130 1302 OXO, CA Diagnostic Reset Did not clear reg %'62' 14L2 1302 0108 C1 Pia gnostic R.,set Did not AlIT 2 PPPP BC601 8-130 BC505 8-130 c~ear reg X'66' 1302 0109 C1 Diagnostic Reset Did not clear reg X'67' lIIK2 OOpF 1303 OX01 Set -reg X'63' to X'OOOO' Onable to set reg %'63' to X' 0000' A4ft2, A4P2 AIIK2 FPPP BCS02 8-100 13011 OXOB set reg X'63' to X'ppFF' Onabl~ to set reg %'63' to A4ft2, A4P2 lIIK2 FFPP BCS02 8-100 X'PPPP' PFFp BC502 8-100 PFFP RC502 8-100 pFFP BCS02 8-100 PFPP RCS02 8-100 BC502 8-110 1305 OXDe Set reg X'63' to %'5555' Unable to set reg X'63' to X'SSSS' 111ft2, 1llP2 1305 OIOD Set reg X'63' to X'lllA' Onable to set reg %'63' to X'11A1' A4ft2, 14P2 1 11K 2 ~IIK2 1306 OXOE set J:eg X'63' using floating' zeros pattern Onable to set reg X'63' using floating zeros pattern 1307 OXOP Set Reg X'63' using groving ODes pattern Unable to set reg X'63' using groving ones patteru 14ft2, A4P2 lIIK2 1308 0101 5et reg X'611' to X'OOOO' Unable to set reg X'611' to X'OOOO' 14ft2, 14P2 14K2 1309 OXOB Set reg X'611' to X'pFFp' Unable to set reg X'64' to X'PPPP' ~ 4ft2, AIIP2 AIIK2 PFPF BC502 8-110 130A OXOC set reg X'611' to x'5S5S' Unable to set reg X'64' to X'SSSS' 1IIft2. A4P2 lIIK2 PFPF BC502 8-110 1301 0I0D Set reg X'611' to X'1111' Unable to set reg X'64' to X'll11; 1 11ft 2, 1llP2 111K2 PFpP BCS02 8-110 130B OXOE Set reg X' 611' -using floating Zeros pattern Unable to set reg X'64' using floating zeros pattern A4ft2. AIIP2 AIIK2 FFPP BC502 8-110 130e OXOP set reg .X'64' using ones pattern On able to set reg %'64' using groving ones pattern Allft2. AIIP2 AIIK2 FFFP BC502 8-110 130D OI:OA Set reg X'65' to 7'0(100' Unable to set reg X'65' to X'OOOO' 1 11ft 2. AIIP2 lllK2 PpPF BC502 8-110 130E 0I0B - Set reg X'65' to X'PPPP' Unable to set reg X'6S' to X'PPPP' 11182, 14P2 AIIK2 PFFP BC502 8-110 1301' OXOC Set reg X'65' to X'5555' Unable to set reg X'6S' to X' 5555' Allft2. AIIP2 AIIK2 FFPP BCS02 8-110 1301' OXOD Set reg X'65' to X'AAA1' Unable to set reg X'6S' to X'A111' 1IIft2. AIIP2 14K2 PPPP BCS02 8-110 1310 0I0E Set reg X'65' using floating zeros pattern Unable to set reg X'6S' using floating zeros patteru FFPP BCS02 8-110 1311 0I0P Set reg X'6S' using groving ones pattern Unable to set reg X'65' using qroving ones pattern 1IIft2, AIIP2 AIIK2 PPFP RC502 8-110 1312 OXOB Set reg X'66' to X'CPOO' by output of X'40Cp' to reg X'66' Uuable to set reg X'66' to X'CPOO' ~IIT2 ~PPP BC601 8-120 gro~ing COftftEITS lEe 3705 COeMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TTPE 1 CBANN~L ADAPTER 1FT STePToe INDEX RTN ERROR CODE 1313 OXOC 1313 OX 00 D99-3705E-09 FUNCTIOH TESTED EaaOR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD FROG FEALD PETee coeeENTS LOCATIO.CS) eASK PAGE PAGE Set reg X'66' to X'II500' Unable to set reg X'66' to FFFP by output of X'OOqS' to reg X'4S00' X'66' RC60' 8-120 Set reg X' 66' to X'8AOO' by output of X'008A' to reg Unable to set reg X'66' to X'8AOO' AlIT 2 PFPf BC601 8- 1 20 :1:'66' 1314 OXOE Set reg X'66' 2eros pattern us~ng floating Unable to set reg X'66' using floating zeros pattern AIIT2 CPOO RC601 8-120 1315 OXOf Set reg X'66' Zeros pattern us~g grow~ng Unable to set reg X'66' using growing zeros pattern AIIT2 CFOO RC601 8-120 1316 0101 Set reg 1'62' to 1'0000' Unable to set· reg X'62' to X' 0000' Aill 2 FPPF RCII03 8-080 1317 OX10 Set reg X'62' to X'8000' outbound transfer sequence Unable to set reg X'62' to X' 8000' AU2 PFPF BCII03 8-080 1318 OX11 Set reg X'62' to X'IIOOO' inbound transfer sequence Unable to set reg X'62' to X'IIOOO' AIIL2 PFFF BCII03 8-080 1319 OX12 Set reg X'62' to X'2000' ESC final status transfer sequence Unable to set reg X'62' to X'2000' AIIL2 FPFf BCII03 8-080 1311 OX13 Set reg X'62' to X'1000' MSC channel end transfer sequence Unable to set reg 1'62' to 1'1000' AIIL2 PPPF RCII03 8-080 131A OX14 Set Cbannel End status when reg X'62' to X'1000' Unable to set reg X'66' to 1'0800' A4L2 FFFF RC601 8-080 sett~ng 1315 OX15 Set reg X'62' to X'0800' NSC final status transfer sequence Unable to set reg X'62' to 1'0800' AIIL2 FFFF RCII03 8-080 131B 0116 No b~ts are set in reg X'66' when sett~ng reg X'62' to 1'0800' Reg X'66' not all zeros AlIT 2 PFFF RC601 8-080 131C OXOA PRE-TEST. X'OOOO' Unable to set reg X'62' to X' 0000' AU2 PPFF RCII03 131C OX20 Set level 3 progra. requested interrupt Level 3 occur lilT 2 0006 RC601 131D OXOA PRE-TEST. 1'0000' Unable to set reg 1'62' to X' 0000' A4L2 PFPF RCII03 1310 OX21 Set suppress out .onitor Level 3 interrupt dia not AIIT2 OOOA BC602 Unable to set reg X'63' to 1'0000' Alle2 FFPF RCII03 A4D2,· AIIK2 PPPP RC502 Set reg X' 62' to Set reg X'62' to ~terrupt d~d not Rerun Rtn 1316 8-080 Rerun Btn 1316 8-080 OCCUl: 131E OXOA PRE-TEST. X'OOOO' Set reg X' 63' to 131E 01110 IIhen X' 0000' ~s set in reg X'63' it does not set reg X'SII' Beg X'611' set incorrectly Rerun Btn 1-303 8-100 8-110 131E OX41 IIhen X' DODO' ~s set ~n reg X'63' it does not set reg X'6S' Beg X'6S' set ~ncorrectly AIID2, AIIK2 PFFP BCII02 8-100 8-110 131E 01112 IIhen 1'0000' is set in reg X'63' ~t does not set reg X' 66' Reg %'66' set incorrectly AIID2. AIIK2 PFFP BCS02 8-100 8-120 131F OXOA PRE-TEST. X'OOOO' Unable to set reg X'6Q' to X'OOOO' All!! 2 PFFF RC502 131F OX43 When X' 0000' is se-t in reg X'6Q' ~t does not set reg X'65' Reg X'65' set incorrectly 1.1102. AIIK2 FFFF RCS02 8-1tO 8-120 131F 01114 IIhen 1'0000' is set in reg X'64' it does not set reg X' 66' Reg 1'66' set incorrectly PPFF RC601 8-110 8-120 3.2 X3 705DAA Set reg X'64' to Rerun Rtu 1308 Type 1 CA In . . . --.. ---.- ._'".-..- ---.-----.-______. ._____ . . _. _~B~_~~ o o UII 310S COIIIIOHICA'fIORS CORTlIOLLER TIPE 1 CBABREL ADAPTER 1FT SYIIPTOII IRDEI BC502 OXOA 'PRF-TBST. %'0000' 1320 0146 1320 1311' ElIROll CODE OX"S 1320 set reg X'6S' to 8-100 8-110 Unable to set reg X'6S' to X' 0000' All II 2 1"1"1"1" BCS02 Rhen X'OOOO' is set in reg X'6S' it does not set Teg X'66' Beg X'66' set incorrectly I"D2, ."1t2 l"PPP BC601 8-110 OX"7 When X'OOOO' is set in reg X'6S' it does not set reg X'63' Beg X'63' set incorrectly .IID2, l111t2 PPPP BCS02 8-110 8-100 1320 0%118 When X'OOOO' is set in ! .g X'6S' it does not set reg X'64' Beg X'6'" H02, ""1t2 l"PFl" BCS02 8-110 1321 OXOB PBE-TEST. X'1"1"1"1" Unable to set reg X'63' to X'l"1'PP' 'l1li2 -PPFl" BCS02 1321 onc When X'PPF1" is set in reg X'63' it does not set reg X'6'" Reg X'611' set incorrectly '/lD2, .II1t2 l"PPP BCS02 8-100 8-110 1321 01llD Rhen X'PPPP' is set in reg X'63' it does not set reg X'6S' Beg X'65' set incorrectly l11D2, Alllt2 FPPF BCS02 8-100 8-110 1321 OnE Rhen X'PP1'l'" is set in reg X'63' it does not set Teg X'66' Beg 1'66' set incorrectly .1102, '''1t2 PPFl" BC601 8-100 8-120 1321 OI"P When X'1'l"PP' is set in reg X'63' it does not set reg X'60' Beg 1'60' set incorrectly &IID2, '"1t2 FPFF BCII02 8-100 8-120 1321 OXS1 Rhen X'l"PFl'" is set in reg X'63' it does not set reg X'62' Beg X'62' set incorrectly AIID2, AIIlt2 PPFl" BCII03 8-100 8-080 1322 OXOB PRE-TEST. X'PFPF' Unable to set reg X'611' to X'FFFP' 111112 FFPP BCS02 1322 OXS2 Rhen X'FFPP' is set in reg X'6/1' it does not set reg X'65' Beg X'6S' set incorrectly l11D2, 1111(2 FPPP l!CS02 8-110 1322 OXS3 When X'PPPP' is set in reg X'64' it does not set reg X'66' Beg %'66' set incorrectly A"D2, ""1(2 FPPP BC601 8-110 8-120 .322 015" Rhen X'FPPP' is set in reg X'64' it does not set reg , X'60' Beg X'60' set incorrectly l11D2, IIIlt2 ?FPP BC"02 8-110 8-070 1322 0lS6 When X'PPFP' is set in reg X'64' it does not set reg X'62' Beg 1'62' set incorrectly '"D2. 141t2 Pl"FP BCII03 8-080 8-110 1322 OX56 When X'PPPP' is set in reg %'611' it does not set reg, X'62' Beg X'62' set incorrectly l11D2. AIII(2 1"1"1"1" BCII03 8-080 8-110 1322 OXS7 Rhen X'l"l"PP' is set in reg X'6/1' it does not set reg X'63' Beg %'63' set incorrectly 11102. 1111(2 '1"1"1"1' BCS02 8-100 8-110 1323 OXOB PRE-TEST. Set reg X'65' to X'1'1'1'1" Onabl.e to set reg %'65' to X''1''1''1'1'' 111112 '1"1'1'1' RCS02 1323 0158 When X'l'FPP' is set in reg 1'65' it does not set reg 1'66' Beg X'66' set incorrectl.y AIID2, "/l1t2 1'1"1'1' BC601 8-120 8-110 1323 0159 Rhen X'l'l"PP' is set in reg X'65' it does not set reg X'60' Reg X'60' set incorrectly 11102, 1111(2 FPFP BCII02 8-070 8-110 Type 1 Cl IFT Set reg X'63' to Set reg X'6'" to ~~_""---=,,_~ D99-310SE-09 l"URCTIOR 'HSTBD ERlIOR DESCRIPTIOR SUSPECTED CllID PlIOG l"ElLD l"ET1I1I COIIIIEBTS LOCUIOR,S) IIASIt P1GE P1GE When X'OOOO' is set in reg Reg X'63' set incorrectly l"PF1' I"D2, 1II1t2 X'64' it does not set reg X'63' RTl! __ ,_ set incorrectly Bernn Btn 130D Beran Btn 13011 Beran Btn 1309 Beran Btn 130E D70SDAA 3.3 IBft 3705 COM"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 CBAINEL ADAPTER IFT SY8PTOft INDEX RTI 1323 ERROR CODE OXSB D99-3705E-09 FUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SOSPECTED C1RD PROG FE1LD YET!! C088ENTS LOC1TION(S) !lSK PAGE PAGE When X'FFFF' is set in reg Beg X'62' set incorrectly 14D2, l11K2 FFFF X'6S' it does not set reg X'62' RCQ03 8-080 8-110 1323 OXSC When X'FFFF' is set in reg X'6S' it does not set reg X'63' Beg x'62' set incorrectly A4D2, 111K2 FFFF BCS02 8-100 8-110 1323 OXSD When X'PFFP' is set in reg X'6S' it does not set reg x'64' Reg X'64' set incorrectly &IID2, l11K2 FFFF RCS02 8-110 1323 OxSE When X'OOCF' is set in reg x'66' it does not set reg x'60' Reg 1'60' set incorrectly 14D2, l11K2 FFFF RC402 8-120 8-070 1324 OXOB PRE-TEST. reg X'66' Input fro. reg X'66' not X' CFOO' 111T2 FFFF RC601 1324 0160 When X'OOCF' is set in reg x'66' it does not set reg X'62' Reg 1'62' set incorrectly 14D2, l11K2 FFFF RC~03 1324 OX61 When X'OOCF' is set in reg X'66' it does not set reg X'63' Reg X'63' set incorrectly l11D2, l11K2 FFFF BCS02 When x'oocr' is set in reg X'66' it does not set reg X'64' Beg 1'64' set incorrectly 111D2, 111K2 FFFF RCS02 8-120 8-110 When x'OOCP' is set in reg X ' 66' it does not set reg Beg X'6S' set incorrectly 11102, 14K2 FFFF RCS02 8-120 1324 OX62 1324 OX63 Output I'OOCF' to Beruu lItu 1312 8-120 8-080 8-120 8-120 8-110 X'6S' 131X lXOl Disable Cl type 1 interface Channel interface vas not disahled AliP2 0008 RC103 8-130 13XX lXOl Set regs to X'OOOO' Unable to set regs to X'OOOO' 11182, AIIP2 FFPF RCSOl 8-100 8-110 13XX lXOB Set all used bit positions to l's Onable to set l's to all used bit positions 111!2, 111P2 FFFP RCSOl 8-100 13XX 2XOO Unexpected level interrupt Level 1 interrupt with no reguest bits on 111K2 XXXX BC50S 13XX 2X01 unexpected level 3 interrupt Initial selection level 3 interrupt bit on in reg X'77' (bit 1.4) 111L2 XXXX RCII02 13XX 2X02 Reset initial selection level 3 interrupt Failed to reset initial selection level 3 interrupt l11L2 XXXX RCII02 8-080 13Xl 2X03 Unexpected level 3 Data/status level 3 interrupt bi t on in reg X'77' (bit 1.3) without suppress out .onitor or program requested interrupt bits on in reg X'67' AIIL2 IXXX RCII03 8-090 13XX 2X04 Reset data/status level 3 interrupt Pailed to reset data/status level 3 interrupt 14L2 XXXX RC602 8-080 13XX 2105 Unexpected suppress out level 3 interrupt Suppres~ out interrupt bit on in reg X'77' (bit 0.6) lllT2 XXXX RC602 13XX 2X06 Reset suppress out monitor level 3 interrupt Failed to reset suppress out .onitor XXXX RC602 8-080 13Xl 2X07 Unexpected level 3 interrupt Unexpected prog reg interrupt interrup~ 8-110 111T2 8-3110 XXXX RC602 8-090 XXXX RC602 8-080 13Xl 2X08 Reset prograR requested level 3 interrupt Failed to reset program requested level 3 interrupt 13XX 2109 Unexpected level 3 interrupt from type 1 CA NO request bits on in reg X'62' lllL2, AIIT2 XlIX RCII07 8-090 131X 2X1X Unexpected level Local store check 14K2 XXXX lICSOS 8-340 3.4 X3705UAA interrupt Reg X'62' should indicate cause interrup't Co.binations of aore than one Type 1 CA IFT D99-370SE- 09 lEft 3705 COftBURICATIORS CORTROLLEI TYPE 1 CHARREL ADAPTER 1FT StlPTOI IIDEI EIIOR CODE 13XI 2X21 FURCTIOI %!StED EIIOR DESCRIPTIO! SUSPECTED CAID PIOG PEALD PETBB COBIEITS LOCAtIO!(S) BASK PAGE PAGl unezpected level interrupt ccu Outbus check A4K2 IXII llC505 8-3110 level 1 in'l:errny cause vill be 1311 2X41 Unexpected level interrupt In/Out instr accept check 14K2 XXII lIC50S 8-3110 indi..ated by t in error code 1311 2X81 unezpected level interrupt Channel Bus-in cbeck lU2 IIII IlC505 8-3110 X'2IYI' and thes' causes aay he 1311 2XPF Beset uDexpected level J.nterrupt Pailed to reset level 1 interrupt A4K2 IIII lICS05 8-130 separated into codes 1'2111' 1'2181' ITI " fl " I :, Type 1 ClIFT X3705DlA 3.5 IBft 3705 COftftUBIClTIOBS CO.TROLLER TYPE 1 CHABBEL lDlPTER IF! SyftPTOft IBDEX 3.6 :X370SDAl D99-370SE-09 'rype 1 Cl IFT o o o X5! 3705 CO!ftDRIC1TlORS CORTBOLLEB TIPE 2 lRD TYPE 3 CH1RREL AD1PTEB X~T SI!PTOK XKDEX D99-370S5-09 CHAPTEB 4.0: TIPE 2 AKD TYPE 3 CHA.KEL ADAPTEB SIftPTOB IRDEX The type 2 channel adapter syaptoa ~ndex lists ~he error codes relating ~ failures occurring during the operation of the XFT. The Cl is tested in diagnostic wrap aode. which wraps around the channel bus and tag interfaces. These interfaces are then controlled by 3705 instructions aanipulat~g the diagnostic bus and tag registers to sieulate the operat~n of the CA. This Syeptoe Xndex can be used to its aaxieue effectiyeness to isolate channel faiures hy continuing the current routine (DISPLAI/pDRCTIOK SELECT switch set to ~DICTIOR 5) or aborting the cur,rent routine (DXSPLAI/pUKCTIOR SELECT switch set to PURCTIOR 6) to locate additional error codes after the first error code is displayed. Xn the FEALD PAGE coluen, the pages are gi.en for Type 2 CA. Look at the equi.alent FE1LD S-series paqes for Type 3 CA. PE1LD PAGE PETB! P1GE .1.412 X0008 OJ001 9-210 Le.el 3 interrupt with no request bit (Reg X'77' bits 1.2, 1.4) A4I.2 XXIIX OB001 9-210 Select type 2 CA1 or CA2 (Beg X'S7' bit 1.41 Level 3 iDterrupt froe both type 2 CAts CReg X'71' bits 1.2. 1.11) a4L2 XXXXX OB001 9-210 axOl! Select type 2 C11 or C12 (Beg X'S7' bit 1.4) Level 3 ~nterrupt froe other type 2 Cl (Beg X'll' b~ts 1.2. 1.11) XXXXI OB001 9-210 0105 Prograe requested type 2 CA le.el 3 ~nterrupt Prograe requested type 2 C1 level 3 bit off CBeg X'SS' bit 0.11) X0008 OJij02 9-190 0106 Beset type 2 Cl leYel 3 request (Beg X'S7' bit 1.31 Prograa requested type 2 Cl level 3 bit on (Beg x'5S' bit 0.11) XOOOl 0.1001 9-190 0107 CA selected hit for selected channel CA selected bit off (Reg X'SS' bits 1.6. 1.1) OB~01 9-190 XII 02 OX01 Set diagnostic eode (Beg X'S7' hit 1.7) Pailed to set diagnostic aode CReg X'SS' bit 0.0) X8000 OH006 9-210 n03 OXOl CA reset (Beg X'SS' hit 1.7) Failed to reset CASKSB (Beg X' S3') 111.12 11'300 OK003 9-220 OX02 CA reset (Reg X'S8' bit 1.7) Pailed to reset CASTE (Beg X'SII') 14L2 XDPOO I:1E002 9-220 OX03 Cl reset (Reg X' SS' bit 1.7) Pailed to reset CTDB (Beg X'SS') &4R2 XPCPD 01'003 9-220 OX 011 CA reset (Reg X'SS' bit 1.7,) 1'ai1ed to -reset CBDB (Reg X'5C') XPA01 0.1003 9-220 OXOS CA reset (Reg X'SS' bit 1.7) Failed to reset CBODB (Beg X'SS') AII1!2 XPFSO OB001 9-220 OX01 set all C1DB bits on (Reg X'SA') C1DB bits Dot all on (Beg X'Sl') .1.482. AIIG2 XPFPF OL001 9-2110 OX02 Set all C1DB bits off (Reg X'SA') C1DB bits not all off (Beg X' 51') AIIB2. AliG2 XPFPF OL001 9-240 Saee as above OX03 Set CADB to X'1AAA' (Reg X'SA') Invalid bit pattern (Beg X'Sl') AIIB2. A4G2 xnn 9-240 Saae as above iTK X401 I! U XIIIM 'rESTED BBROB DESCRXPTIOK SUSPECTED C1BD lIllBOB CODE ~DRCTlOK ax01 1'orce leYel 3 ~nterrupt (Beg x'S7' hit 1.0) KO -type .2 Cl leYel 3 interrupt occurred OX02 Select type 2 Cll or C12 (Beg X'S7' bit 1.4) 0103 LOC1TXOB(~ Type 2 and 3 Cl ZFT ~n CADB aU2 a4L2 PBOG BASE 10003 OL001 COBBEBTS Boutine has 60 second ties out. Clock-out froe CP aay not bave drap 'rest routine XII02 to observe whethe the CA can be selected if clock out bas dropped froe tbe CPU. Byte Byte 0=1~G2 1=A~G2 X310SEU 11.1 IB~ 3705 CO~~ONICATIONS COITROLLBR TIPB 2 AND TIPB 3 CBAIBBL ADAPTER IFT SI~PTO! ROOT. ERROR FOICTION TESTED CODE OX Oil set CADB to X' 5555' (Reg X'sA') ERROR DBSCRIPTION X405 X406 X407 X408 1409 XII OS D99-3705E-09 IBDEX Invalid bit pattern in CADS (Reg X'5A') SUSPECTED CARD LOCA'l'IOIi (s) A4B2, AIIG2 PBOG FBALD PAGE IFFFF OL001 FETII!! PAGE 9-240 COII~B!fTS ~ASK Sase as above OX01 Set all IICWAR bits on [Reg X'sO') INCIAR bits not all on (Req X' SO') HB2, AIIG2 XFFF! OL001 9-110 Sase as above OX02 Set all >IICIAR bits off (Reg X'sO') IBCWAR bits not all off (Reg X'50') .4B2, A4G2 XFFFB OL001 9-110 Sase as above OX03 Set INCIAB to X'UAA' (Reg X' 50') Invalid bit pattern in INCIAB (Beg X'50') 14B2, AIIG2 XFFFB OL001 9-110 Sase as above OXOII Set IBCIAR to X'5555' (Reg X' SO') Invalid bit pattern in INCIAR (Req X' SO'.) AIIB2, AIIG2 XFFF! OL001 9-110 Sase as above OX01 Set all OOTeIAB bits on (Reg X' 51') OUTCIAR bits not all on (Reg X'S1') ",4B2, 14G2 XFFF! OL001 9-120 Sase as above OX02 Set all ourCIAR bits off (Beq X's1') OUTCWAR bits not all off (Reg X'S1') 1llB2, AIIG2 XFFFE OL001 9-120 Sase as above OX03 Set OUTCWAR to X'AAAA' (Reg X'51') Invalid bit pattern in OU~ClIAR (Reg X's1') AIIB2, A4G2 XFFF! OL001 9-120 Sase as above OX 011 Set OUTCIlR to X'sss5' (Reg X'51') Invalid bit pattern in OOTClIAR (Beg X'51') lIIB2, AIIG2 XFFFE OL001 9-120 Same as abOve OX01 Set CTDR byte 0 to all (Reg X' sX' byte 0) CTDR byte 0 not all zeros (Reg X' SB') AIIN2 XFCOO OF002 9-250 0102 Set CTDR byte 0 to all ones (Reg X'SI' byte 0) >CTDR byte 0 not all ones (Reg X' 5S') ""N2 XFCOO OF002 9-250 0103 Set CTDR Byte 0 to X'AA' (Req I'5B') Invalid bit pattern in CTDR (Beg X'SB') A4N2 XPCOO OF002 9-250 OX04 Set CTDR Byte 0 to X'5S' (Reg X'SB') Invalid bit pattern in CTDR (Reg X'SB') 1412 XFCOO OF002 9-250 0101 Set CBODR to all zeros (Reg X' 58') Invalid bit pattern in CBODR (Reg X' 58') ""R2 XPF80 OB001 9-220 0102 Set CBODB to X'XFF80' (Reg X'S8') Invalid bit pattern in CBODR (Reg X'58') .4R2 XFP80 OBOO' 9-220 0103 Set CBODB to X'l180' (Reg X'58') Invalid bit pattern in CBODR (Reg X'58') 14B2 XFFBO OB001 9-220 OX04 Set CBODR to X'5500' (Reg X'58') Invalid bit pattern in CBODR (Reg X' 58') AlIR2 XFF80 OE001 9-220 OX01 Set INCIAR, OUTCIAR valid latches (Reg X'S5' bits 0.2, 0.3) Failed to set INClIAB, OOTCWAR valid latches (Beq X'sS' bits 0.2, 0.3) AIIL2 X3000 ORO 05 9-180 0102 Reset INCIAR, OOTeIAR valid latches (Reg X's6' bits 0.2,0.3) Failed to reset INClIAB,OUTClIAB valid latches (Beg X'5S' bits 0.2, 0.3) A4L2 X3000 OB005 9-180 OX01 Bo response to 'op-out' (Req X'sX', bit 0.11) Invalid response to 'op-out' in CTDB (Reg X'sB') AII!f2, A4R2 XOOFF OF002 9-250 ~eros Display level q. reg 5 to see error ~ines XIIOC OX01 Ho response to 'op-ont' with device address on bus-out (Reg X' 58') Invalid Desponse in CTDR (Reg X' 58') A4H2 XOOFP OF002 9-220 Display level 4. reg 5 to see errQr 1ines XIIOD OX01 'Select-in' response to 'op-out' and 'sel/hold-out' (Reg X' 5S') Invalid response in CTDR (Beg X' sB') AIIN2 XOOPF OF002 9-250 Display level q, reg 5 to see error 1ines 4.2 X370SEA! Type 2 and 3 CA :In o IS! 3705 Co~eO.lc~TIONS COITIOLLEI TYPE 2 AID TYP! ) CUA.IEL ADAPT!I IPT StaPTOR IIDEX D99-310SE-09 lOUT. ElIOI PUICTIO. TISTED BIIOB DESCRIPTIO. alDI xaOI OXOl 'Op-1D' r •• paa •• to 'op-oat' Op-i. Dot •• t iD eTDI aDO 'BOdre ••-oat· .Dd • . .1/ (B., X'S8') bold-DDt' aDO valLO .Odr••• OD bas-oat (B.g. X'S8', X'S8') SUSl'ICTED CUD LOCl 'fIOII Cs) UI2 nOG PIlLD IIlSK PAGE X0020 OP002 PU81! PIGE 9-220 XaOP aa52, a.12 %OOPP QC007 9-220 9-250 COIIIIEIiTS Cauae of tbe failur .ay be a ais.atch betweeD CDS address aDd tbe plugged cba addr.ss. OXOl 'S.lect-Lo' re.pOD88 to 'opoot·.aDd ·.Odr.... oat· _Dd 'sel/bold-oat' aDd .11 iD •• liO .ddre.... OD ba..oat (\leg. X'S8'. X'58') OX11 PllI-TIST. cn. ...et by Cl r •••t UI2. U02 XOOl'l 01'006 9-220 lerUD IItD 1401 Ul0 OXOl IDv.li4 ~.pOD.. io eTDI 's.l.ct-LD· respon .. to 'op-oat' aDO ·.OOr •• s-oat· aDO (B., X'SI') or iDvaliO aOdr... 's.l/bolO-oat' aDO bad parity parity io CIODI (R.g ~'S8') aD cbaDD.l bas-oat 1 IIr 2. 11112 %OOP1' 01001 9-250 10dreas is anit a4dr.ss of ehBDDel adapter. xall OXOl 'a4dr•••-io' Oari.g iD1t1al .IDvaliO re.poo •• io eTDI selectloo seqa.oce aeiDg CTDI (B.g X'S8') Ileg X'58') ""12 XOO1'1' OP003 9-250 OX11 PII-TEST. 'Op-io' r.sp.oo.e to 'op-oat'. aDd 'aOOr.ss -oat,' aDd ' •• l/bolO-oat' aDd .alid addre.s OD bDe-iD ID.ali4 respOJl •• iD CTD. AU2 XOOI1' 01'002 9-250 OXOI select i.e Bes.t fros 'sappr.ss-oat' ap aDd op-oat dOVD iD CTDB (I.g 1'58') Sel.ctive res.t bit io CACI (leg X'S5' bit 1.3) Oid 111.2 X0010 OP005 9-250 OX02 Beset of selectl.e reset 4ariDg le.el 3 iot.rrapt Sel.ctiv. reset bit io CICI (leg 1'55' bit 1.3) dld Dot reset 10010 OP006 9-1aO 0111 PIE-TEST. Selective reset bit off iDitially (leg X'SS' bit 1.3) Sel.ctive r.set OD AU2 X0010 01'006 9-1aO 'rite Break cos.aDd bit ia caDI 14K2 (I.g 1'5C' bit 0.6) Dot s.t xnOl OJ003 9-260 XOOIIO 9-390 9-1aO X1'181 OJ003 9-220 %001'P OPOO) 9-250 Ia12 IDvalid respoo •• io eTDI (leg X'S.·) or iovalia addr. . s .in CBODB (B.g X'S8') lerUD BtD XIIOE Dot set. bi~ iaitially OX02 CbaDDel 'rite Breat. reseabraDc. latcb CbaDo.l 'rite Br.ak le.esbraDce latcb (I.g X'SS' bi~ 1..1) Dot •• t OX11 PIE-TIST. 8es.t of caDI II.g X' SC') caDI Oi4 Dot r.s.t frO. a Cl reset xalS OXOI 'lOdress-iD' dropp.d after 'coaaaDO-oat' r.sp>Dse to 'address-iD' witb A VAlid coaaaD4 on cbsoa.l b~oat. 'ldOr.ss-iD' bit 10 eTDI (R.g X'SI') Oi4 Dot Orop xa16 0101 'Io-op' cossanO d.-.:ode Io-op cossaDd bit iD C8DI (leg X'SC' blt 0.3)·.0~ ..t UK2 XPA01 QJ003 9-260 DIll PIE-TEST. B.set of caDB (Beg X' SC') C8DI Oid DOt re.et fro. • Cl le.et AU2 XPA01 OJ003 9-260 0101 Test I/O cossaD4 OecoO. ~••t XIO co •• aDO bit ia CaDI (I.g X'SC' blt 0.0) Dot set %pa01 OJ003 9-260 OX11 PBE-TEST. Ie set of caDI IReg X'SC') caDa Oi4 Dot reset fro. a Cl reset X1'l01 OJ003 9-260 0101 SeDse cosssDd decode Seos. co •• aod bi~ iD C8DI (I.g X'SC' bit 0.', Dot set %1'101 OJ003 9-260 9-310 XQ17 I 1 lilt 2 ./ lale Type 2 aDd 3 Cl IPT un 13705E11 11.3 .t- -- lEft 3705 COnftORICATIORS CONTROLLEI TYPE 2 AND TTPE 3 CBANIEL ~DAPTER IPT STIPTOR IIDEI lOUT. EaROR PO'CTIO! TESTED COOl 0111 PRE-TEST. Reset of caDB (R.g I'SC') X'11 X'1B XQ lC I"D Iq11 099- EBROI DESCRIPTIO. CaDB d1d not r ••et frOB a Cl r.set lQIC2 SDSPECTED CABO LOCATIOII (s) PBOG PEAI.D P1GE XPl01 OJ003 PET"" PAGE 9-26u Irite co •• aDd tit iD caDI (I.g r'sc' bit 0.1) DOt set AIIK2 HAO 1 OJ003 9- 260 9-390 ftASIt OX11 PRE-TEST. • ••• t of caOB (8'1g. X' SC') CIIDR 4i4 uot'r••• t fr". a C1 re.et Ult2 lr'01 OJ003 9-260 0101 R.ad co ••• ud d.code lead co ••aDd bit iD CIIDI Ult2 lPAO) OJ003 9-260 0111 PRE-TEST. Beset of caDI (Reg X'SC') caDI did Dot reset fro. a CA reset UK2 XrA01 OJ003 9-26b OXOl Chauuel Irite IPt co •• aud decode ChauDel Irite IPL co •• aud bit in CHDll (Beg X'SC' bit 1.7) not .e~ 11U2 xrA01 OJ003 9-260 9-320 OX" PBE-TEST •••set of caDR (Beq X'SC') caDB di4 not reset fro. a CA reset Alilt 2 xrA01 OJ003 9-260 OXOl ChanAel CO •• lUld decode Test decode of Yalid co•• aods Bit 1.Q ezp.ct.a to be set in Beg SC IPl01 OJ003 9-260 OX02 'a1id c.d in reg 51 Ezpecte4 ca4 in reg 15 C.d rcy4 fro. R.g 51 iD Beg " 1q~2 11"&09 OJ003 9-260 0103 Check status reg Sq cbannel ·eu4 DOt se~ in reg 5/1 lesults of iDput 511 in reg " Ult2 IPAOl OJ003 9-260 OX11 PBE-TEST • •eset of caDI Ileq X'SC') cnDB 4id Dot reset fro. a CA reset Alllt2 IrAOl OJ003 9-260 0101 Decode all iuya1id co •• auds Ioyalid co ••• nd iu CHODa (Reg X'S9') decoded as yalie co •• and in CnD! (8eg I'Se') XI"101 OJ003 9-260 DIll PBE-TEST. CTDa (8eg I'SB') reset by CA reset eTDB did uot reset fro. a CA Beset UPFl' OP006 9-250 0101 10 actiYe inbound tag lines after selectiye reset XOOPP 01003 9-250 AIIII2. AII02 Actiye iubound tag l~ne iD A4N2 eTDa (Reg I'SB') after selective 370~E- C9 reset XQ20 0101 'Co •• and-out' dropping brings np 'status-in' OX11 PBE-TEST. 0101 iuitial status tro. Test I/O co •• and Z~ro B IQ21 Rtn l"'S procedure 'Status-in' Dot up iu CTDB (Beq I'Se' bit 1.4) 14112 10008 OP003 9-250 'Address-iu' bit in CTDa (Beg X' SB') 4id Dot drop 11112 X0010 01"003 9-250 Seuse byte uot zero lu (aeq X'SII' byte 0) C1ST~ lIIJ2 XI"POO OIC001 9-170 0102 Zero iuitial status fro. Bead cO.Nnd sense byte uot zero iD CISTE (Req 1'511' byte 0) lIIJ2 XI"POO 01t001 9-170 OX03 Zero iDitial statas tro. Sense co •• and SeDse byte not zero iu CASTP (Beq X' Sq' byte 0) UJ2 I1"POO 01(002 9-170 0104 Zero lDlt~l .tatus tro. Irite co •• and SeDse byte not zero iu CASTI (Beg X' 511' byte 0) AIIJ2 I1"POO OItOOl 9-170 0111 PRE-TEST. XDY .. lid CTD!! (Beg X'SB') respoDse to droppiug ·co •• aD(I-out' 1'112 looor 01"003 9-250 0101 CF aDd DE status to lo-op co .... nd IuYalld status iu C1STa (Reg I' Sq' byte 0) UJ2 IPPOO 01002 9-170 OX11 raE-TEST. CASTa dld uot reset. fro. a AQJ2 11"'00 01t002 9-170 q.1I 13"705E11 Bt.u XII1I" procedure Beset ot CASTB lerUD Btu III1S tzpected: 'Statosiu'; Berun P.tn X"'F Type 2 and 3 CA IfT -" o o D99-3705E-09 IBft 3705 COftaURICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 AND TYPE 3 CHANNEL ADAPTER 1FT SYaPTO! IHDEX ROUT. EBROR PURCTION TESTED CODE (Reg X'SII') 11123 I e SUSPECTED CABD LOCATION(s) PBOG BASK PEALD PAGE PETft! PAGE COft!ENTS Invalid crDR (Beg X'5B') response to dropping 'co ••and-oat' UB2 IPPPP 01'003 9-250 Beran Btn XII1P Expected: -in request Expected: adr-in Op-in ERROR DESCRIPTIOH CA reset OX12 PRE-TEST. Rtn XII1P procedure OX01 Asynchronoas device end presentation after setting ~PL prep device end ~n-tags invalid ia CTDB (B~g X'SB') initially UR2 100PP 01'003 9-250 0102 Asynchronous device and presentation after setting IPL prep device end In-tags' invalid in CTDB (Reg X'5B') after raising select/hold out UN2 100PP OP003 9-250 OX03 Asynchronous device end presentation after setting IPL prep device end - ' In-tags invalid in CTDB (Beg X'5B') after raising l11N2 XOOPP 01'003 9-250 Expected: only Op-in OXOII Asynchronous device end presentation after setting IPL prep dev~e end ~n-tags invalid in CTDR (Beg X'SB') after dropping co•• and-out 11112 100PP OP003 9-250 Expected: status-in op-in & OX05 Asynchronous device end presentation after setting IPL prep device end Invalid status in CASTR (Reg X'SII' byte 0) UJ2 :InDO 01t002 9-170 Expected: end device- OX11 PBE-TEST reset of CASTB (Beg X'511') CASTB did not reset fro. a CA reset 14J2 XppOO OK002 9-170 OX01 Accept initial status fro. No-op co•• and. part~. In-tags invalid in CTDR (Beg X' 5B') l11B2 XOOpp 01'003 9-250 r; • Status-in' should drop when 'service- ·Seryice-out' is raised out '0 is raised leaving only 'op-in' tag IQ25 OX01 Accept initial status fro. Ho-op co •• and. part 2. 'Service-out' is dropped b-tags invalid in CTDB (Reg X'SB') 14M2 100PP 01'003 9-250 only 'op-in' should be up IQ26 0101 Accept initial status fro. Ho-op co •• and. part 3. 'op-out' is dropped ~n-tags invalid in CTDR (Beg X'5B') 111M2 lOOP!' 01'002 9-250 110 U29 OX01 Stack status of Bo-op co ••aud. part 1. 'Status-in' drops with 'co ••and-out' response to 'status-in' Invalid in-tags in CTDB (Reg X'5B') 14M2 loon OF003 9-250 Only "op-in' tag valid XII21 OX01 Stack status of Bo-op co •• and. Part 2. 'Request-in' up when 'sel/hold-out' dropped Invalid in-tags in CTDR (Beg X'5B') UN2 :IOOFP 07004 9-250 Only 'request-in' tag valid IQ2B 0101 Invalid in-tags in CTDB Stack status of Bo-op co ••and. part 3. 'Request-in' (Beg X'5B') up when 'co ••and-out' and 'sel/hold-out' dropped 14M2 lOOP!' OF004 9-250 Only 'request-in' tag valid 11I2E OX01 Bo in-tags after stacked status suppressed In-tags in CTDB (Reg X'SS') not all zero AIIB2 :IOO 'F OF005 9-250 OX11 PRE-TEST. Invalid CTDB (Beg X'SB ') response 14M2 lOOP!' OFOOII 9-250 Exp 'request-in' Berun Rtn 142B 0101 Present stacked statusPart 1. -'Op-in' and Invalid in-tags in CTDB (Beg X'5S') HB2 XOOFF oPOOq 9-250 Only "op-in' and 'address-in' tags XII2P Type 2 and:3 CA 1FT Btn X42B ~rocedure in-tag should be up :I370SEAA q.5 IB~ 3705 Co!eONIClTIOBS COJTBOLLEB TYPE 2 lID TYPE 3 CBllHEL ADAPTEB I~T SYKPTOB IIDEI 800T_ ERROl CODE ~U.CTIO. TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTIO. 'address-iu' witb stack status after 'op-out' and 'sel/bold- D99-3705£-0" SQSPECTED CARD LOCA'rIOl! (s) PBOG BASK FElLD PAGE ~ETa! coaaER,s PAG~ valid out' OX11 I~30 OXOl PRE-TEST. Btn 1428 procedure Present stacked status, part 2. CA selected up tbrough IDvalid erDa (Reg 1'58') respoDse UlI2 IOOPF 0'004 9-250 Exp 'reguest-in' Berun Btn X42P Ioval1d 1D-tSgs iD erDR (Beg I' 58') UJ2 IOOPP OPOOII 9-250 Only 'op-in' taq valid 'op-out', 'sel/bold-out', and 'co•• and-out' n31 Present stacked status of CE-DE on lo-op cossand Invalid iD-tags in erDR (Reg 1'58') AQR2 IOOFP OFOOII 9-250 Only 'op-in' and • Bto tus-in' tags vahd 0102 PreseDt stacked status of CE-D!l 00 lo-op cos.and IDvalid status iD CAST! (Reg I ' 5'1'1 UlI2 IFFOO OF004 9-170 Only CE-Dt status valid 0111 PRE-TEST. ltD procedure IDvalid erDa (Reg 1'5B') response A4112 IOOFP OFOOa 9-250 'op-in' and · address- in': Berun Btn IQ2£< 0112 PRB-TEST. BtD 1430 procedure Invalid erDR (Reg I'SB') response 14M2 100'1' OF004 9-250 Expec~cd: 142~ ~ Iq32 , 0101 0101 Present ~ero stacked status on Mo-op co •• and EXp Be::un lnvalid in-tags in erDB (Beg I' 58') IOO'F O~OOQ 9-250 P~n 'op-in' lQ30 Only 'op-in' and • statuS-.l.n t tags valid Iq33 Iq34 0102 Present zero stacked statns on Ko-op co •• and Statns in CASTB (Beg 1'54') not all zeros DIll PRE-TEST. Rtn 142' procedure Inyalid crDR (Reg X'S8') response 0112 PBE-TEST. Btn U30 procedure IDVUlid erDB (Beg 1'58') response 0101 Co •• and reject response to all iDyalid co •• ands Cos. aDd reject bit iD CAS.SB (Beg 1'53' bit 0.0) Dot set by invali4 co •• and 0102 Onit check respoDse to all invalid co •• ands Invalid status in CASTP (Beg 1'511') 01" PRE-TEST_ Beset of CASKSR [Beg 1'53') aDd CASTS (Beg X' 54') C1SHSB or CASTB did not reset after Cl reset 0101 Set InterYention required bit in C~SNSR (Reg 1'53' Intervention reqnired bit in CASRSR Dot set or invalid status in CASTB (Beg 1'54') bit D.1) I~POO 01(006 9-170 1001" O~OOQ 9-250 Expected: 'op-in' and 'addr-in'; Beru Btn 1421 UlI2 100" 01'00Q 9-250 Expected: 'op-in'; Beran Btn 1430 AIIJ2, AIII(2 18000 O~OOQ 9-150 IOEOO 0~003 9-170 UJ2 II'I'1'F 01(003 9-220 AIIJ2 I'PPF 0~004 9-1QO ~4J2 Expected: QC Expected statuE: CE, and DIl, and DC; byte 0 of .ask sense and byte of .askCIIsta tus IQ35 0111 PRE-TEST. Beset of CAS.Sa (Reg X'S3" and CASTE' (Reg 1'54') CASISB or CaSTS did not reset after Cl reset 14J2 I'FI'F 01(003 9-1110 OXOI Set abort,b~t in CASNsa (Reg I ' 53 1 bit 0_ 7) Abort bit in CAS. 58 not set or invalid stlltus in C~STB (Beg 1'54') A4J2 IFPFP 0~005 9-140 ClSRSB or CASTR did Dot reset after Cl reset AIIJ2 IFFFP 01(003 9-1QO Expected status: QC; byte 0 of sask: sense and byte 1 of .ask=sta tus 0111 Q.6 1370 SEU PRE-TEST. Reset CASHSa (Reg X'53" and CASTS [Reg 1'54') Type 2 and 3 Cl IPT o IEft 3705 COB~OHIC1TIOHS COHTROLLEB TYPE 2 liD TIPE 3 CHANNEL 101PTER IPr SIBPTOB IBOEI BOOT. ERBOR PONCTION TESTED CODE 1&36 OXOl Bns-ont Cbeck cansea by bad parity on cbannel Test 110 co •• ana Iq38 ra3A XQ3B EBROI DESCRIPTIO. D99-)70Sl-09 Bns-out Cbeck ana Equip.ent Check bits in CAS.SB (le9 1'53' bit 0.2) not set or in"alid statas in C1STI (leg I' 5.1' ) SUSPECTED ClBO IOCATIOR (s) PROG IIASK 111.12 XYYYY 14.12 0102 8us-out check causea by bad parity on cbanDel Irite co •• and Sa•• as abo"e OXOJ 8as-out cbeck cansed by bad parity on cbanDel Bead co ••• na Sa.e as abo"e OXOa Bns-oat Cbeck caased by baa parity on cbannel lo-op co •• and sa.e •• abo.,e 0105 Bas-out Cbeck caased by bad parity OD cbannel SeDse co •• and 0106 YEiLD PAG! OKOO" COftftENTS Expected: eUS-OOL Cbeck and Equl.p Check and UC: Bask byte O=sense and ~ask byte I-st. IPPPY OIOOa 9-140 Sase as above IPPPP OlOoa 9-1110 Sase as above AtJ2 IPYPP 0100", 9-140 Sa.e as above Sa.e as abo"e lIIJ2 IPPPY OKOOa 9-1QO Saae as above Bus-oat cbeck cuesed by bad parity on Irite Break co•• and S•• e as abo"e UJ2 IPPPP OIOOa 9-IQO Saae.s above 0107 La".l 1 interrupt occurring due to bus-oat cbeck Le"el, interrupt did Dot occar 12000 0.1001 9-500 0108 Chan Bas Out Check bit (leg X'S6' bit 0.6) set becaose of bsd parity on bas ont lines Chan Bus Out Check bit not set because of bad parity on bus out lines OX" PIE-TEST. leset of C1S'Sa (Beg 1'53') and C1STB (Beg X'S~') CAS'SB or CASTB did not r . .et after ClI reset OXOl Unit Exception (UE) set by cbaunel trite coa.aua '1itb in and out CllB "alid latcb not set Onit Exception not set in C1STa (Reg 1'54') 0102 Onit Exception (UE) set by cbannel aead co.annd 'lith in and out CIA! ".lid latch not set 0111 UP2 IFPFP ONOOl IPPYF 01003 9-140 111.12 UYPP 0(00) 9-170 Bask byte O=sense "ask byte '.sta~us Unit Exception not set in CASTB (Beg 1'54') UJ2 InFF OK003 9-170 lIask byte O=sense lIask byte l=status PBE-TEST. leset CAS'SB (Beg X'S3') and CASTa (Re9 I' Sa') CASWSB or CAST! 4id not reset after Cl reset AtJ2 Inpp OlO03 9-160 0101 Issue in"aUd co •• and: stack and present stacked status Co.aand reject bit in CAS IS! (Beg 1'53' bit 0.0) not set or in"a1id status in CASTB (!eg I'Sa') 111.12 Inn OKOOa 9-160 E:rpected status: OC; lIask byte O-sense Bask byte 1~statDS DIal Issue '1a1id co•• and 'lith bad parity: stack and present stacked status Bas-out cbeck and equip.ent check bits in C1SISB (Be9 X' 53' bit 0.2) not eet or in.alid status in C1STB (le9 1'511') UJ2 InPF OKOOII 9-'60 Expected status: CE, DE, and OC status Bask byte O-sense Bask byte '-status OX02 Sa.e as abo"e Le'lel 1 interrapt fro. bus-out cbeck did Dot occur laK2 12000 OJOOt 9-160 OXOl Issue channel 'o-op coa.and: sta~k, present and accept stacked in itial statas up tbrough raising 'ser"ice-out' In"a1i4 tags in CTDR 1.12 (Beg I'SB'): 'status-in' did not fall wben 'ser"ice-out' was raised IPPPF OP003 9-250 'Op-in' only intag e:rpeeted 0111 PRE-TEST. J:n"ali4 C1STB (Reg X' Sa ') response 1412 IP},OO oPOOq 9-160 Expected: CE end DE; Rerun Btn 1.31 0101 Issue Channel Wo-op co •• ana; stack, present and accept stacked initial status Invalid tags in CTDB AaW2 (Beg I'SB'): 'status-in' failed to droF when 'ser"ice-out' IPPF}, OY003 9-250 'op-in' oDly tag expected Type 2 aud 3 Cl IYT Btn Ia31 procedure I370SE11 q.") i~ IB! 3705 CO!!OBIClTIONS CONTBOLLEB TYPE 2 AND TYPE 3 CBAIBEL ADAPTER IFT SYSPTOB IIDEI lOOT. EIIOB FOleTIOI TESTED CODE 0111 PRE-TEST. Itn 1431 procedure ~BBOI 099- 3705E- 09 DESCBIPTIOI Inyalid ClSTI (Reg X'SQ') response SOSPEeTED CABO LOCA TIO I Is) PBOG BISK PEALD PAGE PETS! PlGE 1 .. 2 IFPOO OPOOII 9-ltO COftftENTS Expected: eE and DE status; Rerun Itn 1431 0112 PIE-TEST. X.3D ltD 143l procedDre Xnnlid ~DI (leg X'SB ') response UI2 IPFFY OF003 9-250 Berun Rtn I43~ 0101 Issoe !nyalid cos. and and accept initial statns IDyalid~n-tags in CTDB A482 (leg X' 58'): '.tato .... in' failed to drop vben '.erYice-oot' case up IOOFY oF003 9-250 'Op-in' only intag expected 0111 PBE-TEST. lnTalid CAST. (Beg X'SQ') response IPPOO OItOO" 9-170 BerUD BtD X433 0112 PIE-TEST. 'Statos-in' yespon •• to dropping 'cossand ''''2 100FY OFOOII 9-250 lerun Btn 1433 Btn XQ33 procedore XnTal1d CTD. (leg 1'58') response -out' IQ3E IqQO 0101 accept initial statns fros all valid co •• ands vitb bad parity Inyalid-!n-tag •. in erDI Aql2 (leg X'S8'): 'status-J.n' failed to drop vben 'service-oot' case op IOOFY OFOO) 9-250 'Op-in' only iotag expectea 0111 ~BE-TEST. Level 1 interrupt on bus-oat cbeck Level 1 interrnpt did not 14lt2 12000 QJOOl 9-500 Berun Btn 1436 0112 'PBE-TEST. Btn XlI361'rocedure Xnvalid CASTB (leg X' SQ') response AIlJ2 IFPOO QItOOq 9-170 Expected: OC statu Rerun RtD %436 0113 PBE-TEST. Btn 1436 procedure Invalid CTDI (leg X'S4') nlsponse UB2 XOOFY OF004 9-170 Expected: 'status-i and 'op-in t ; Rerun Btn 1436 0101 sen.e co.sand does not reset C1S.SB (leg 1'53') casasl (leg 1'53') vas re.et by Sense cos.and AIIJ2 XFYOO QK006 9-150 OX02 ao-op cossand does not reset CASISI (Beg 1'53') CAStSI (Beg 1'53') vas reset by 1I0-op co ••and AqJ2 IPPOO OK006 9-150 0103 Test 1/0 cossand does not reset CISaSI (Beg 1'53') CISISI (Beg X'S3') vas reset by 10-OP co.sand liiJ2 tFPOO OKOO6 9-150 0111 PRE-TEST. Reset of caSISI (Beg 1'53') CaS.SB did .ot reset witb Cl reset IIIJ2 IPFOO OK006 9-150 0101 Issue cbannel Test·I/O co •• and after stacked stat os for lo-op co •• and Invalid C~STI (Beg X'Sq') or eTDI (Reg I' 58') Jl.QJ2, AQI2 XFYFF 01t006 9-170 90-250 occur • Status-in' sboold be up vitb Cll, DE stat.us; Bask byte O=statos Bask byte l-tags in ~ssne a cbannel Test 1/0 co •• and after stacked statns for Ia-OP co.sand vitb bad parity Invalid C1STR (leg X'S4" erDI (Beg 1'58') OX', PRE-TEST. Levell interrupt frOB valid co.sand with bad parity I Level 1 interrupt did not PIE-TEST. Invalid CTDR (leg X'S8 ') response UB2 Inva11d CTDB (Beg I'5S') response UII2 IOOFP gP004 9-250 Expected: 'requestiD' Rerun Rtn 1439 10 level 1 interrnpt Jl.U2 IOOFP 03001 9-500 Rernn Rtn Iq39 0112 RtD 1:439 procedure 0113 PIE-TEST. 0114 PRE-TEST. Level 1 interrupt fro. bus-oot cbeck 4.8 I3705E11 Itn IQ39 procednre or lllJ2, 1412 0101 IFFFP OKOOq 9-170 9-250 Expected: 'statnsin' and 'op-in' up vith Cll, DE, and DC Bask byte O-status Bask byte l=tags in 12000 OJOOl 9-500 Berun"BtD %439 100FY OFOOII 9-250 Decal" Expected: 'op-in' 'stat as-in': ReruD RtD 1439 and Type 2 and 3 ClIFT o o "-~~~"--~-~-- lEI 3705 COISDWIC1TIOWS COITBOttEB TYPE 2 AID TYPE 3 C8AIIEL ADAPTEB xrr SYBPTOB XIDEX BOOT. BBIOB ~UICTIO. TBSTBD CODE 0101 X.eae e Chaa Test XIO co •• aDd afte~ atatue stacked oa 'o-op co ... ad ••4 brla, ap 'eer"lce-oat' laa3 ruS r •• 7 lDaB lDU Ita XU, procedure ~IIOI O99-370SE-09 DBSCIXPTXO' svsnCTID CUD LOCITXO. (s) PIOG JlISK rULD P1GE rETIII paGE 9-250 11112 nopp OP003 byaUd napoa .. ia C1S.SI ,Beg X'S3" o~ C1STa (leg X'SII" 111072, 11112 XPPPP OK004 9-110 -Beraa BtD 14111 ""60 11"2. UI2 Inn OKOOI 9-160 9-2S0 0111 nlt-UST. OXO' x.sae • ebaaael Brite co •• aad afte~ stat. . staCked oa Io-op co•• aa4 ~ayal1d 0101 Xssae • cbaaael Br1te co•• aa4 after stat as stacked aD 1a"aUd co •• aad Xa"al1d CISTI (1.9 I'Sa') o~ CTDI (Be, X'S8') ox 11 nlt-TEst_ D~oppiag 'co•• aadoat' brla,. up 'stat..-la' Xa-tag. iII".11d i1l eTDI (Ie, 1'58') 1812 XOOPP or003 9-250 OX12 PBE-US!. Xaitial selectioD up to tcoa.aad-oat' up .ad teel/bold-oat' dowa Xa-ta,. iayali4 ia CTDI (Ie, X'58') 11112 xoo~r or004 ,..2S0 Or01 %Ssae CbaDDel Be.4 aad Brite co ••aDd. aftar iater"eatioD reqaire& aad abort bite are eet iD CAS.SI (Ie, XtS3') CISISI 'e, X'S3') aot ~e.et after cbaaael .ea4 or B~lte co•• aad. 1""2 or11 PIB-TEST. Sat abort ..4 iate~"eatioD required bits ia C1SUB (Be9 XtS3') %aYal14 CISI5I UJ2 or01 Xaitlal aelectioa .a4 selecti"e-re.et after iaterYaatioD require4 aad abort bit. .~a eet iD CASISB (Beg X'S3', CISISB (le9 X'S3') aot ~et iDitia1 .elactioa or selectiYe reset Or11 .. It-TBST. Sat abort &lid iater"eDtioD reqaired bit. iD C1S'SB (Ba, X'S3', XDYal1cJ CASU! or01 Selecti"e reset after lo-op co •• aDd aa4 iaitia1 stat as preseDtea OX01 O~ xpppp OItOOl 'Op-iD' only tag 1~ expected up Expecte~: 'statasia' aDd 'up-iu' tag ap witb basy. and CI and DE status; .a.k byte O-statas .a.t byte 1-tags-in Expected: 'statasia' aDd 'Op-iD' tag ap witb Basy aad DC .tatas; .ast byte O-statns .ast byte 1-tags iL ,..,ao lixpected: 'UP-J.D' ".ad 'statas-iD. leran It II I II 1F • Expected: 'reguestia'; BeruD ltD SII3S lerun ltD X1l311 -and xII3S XPPOO OItOOS "'180 ,..1110 XPPOO OItOOS ""10 le~ua Ita X1I311 aDd xU5 laya11d ill-tags ia eTDB (Ie, X'S8') o~ ia'l'81i4 C1STI (Ie, X'S") xrPFr OP003 9-250" Ixpected: 'seleet,..,60 ia' oDly; lIaslt byte O-stat1l& lIask byte lata,s in Selacti"e ~asat after lo-op co •• aDd witb bad parity aad statDs praseDtad Xa"alid ia-tag. ia'crDB ele, X'S8') or lay.lid ClSISI (Ie, X'S3') XPPPF OP003 9-2S0 9-,.0 Expected: 'selectia' oaly; lIast byte O~statns lIaslt byte I-ta,s in OX', PBB-TES!. presaat statas after lo-op co .... d witb ba" parity Xa"ali4 CAS.SI eleg X'S3') ao Le"el 1 iater~apt XPPPP oltOOq 9-500 Bxpected: Sas-out cbeck aDd e9uip"l1~ checlt bits. Berlll> BtD XU6. or12 PIE-TEST. P~eseat stat as afta~ .o-op co•• aDd witb bad pa~ity XD"alid C1STB ele, X'SII') ia"ali~ CTDI Cle, X'SS" XPPPP OItOOQ 9-160 9-2S0 Expected: DC aDd CE and DE stat (byte 0 Selecti"a reset afte~ aa ia"aUd co .... d aa4 statas Xaya114 la-tags ia CTDI (Ie, X'5S') o~ ll1Y811d OSISI afte~ 111072 o~ .11072 I raac COllftE.TS bYal iD-ta,. 18 CTDB (Beg X'S8" CASTB (leg 1'511') CTDI ,Ie, X'S8') -- OX01 Type 2 aad 3 CI XPT o~ aD4 'op-iu' and ·S~ ia' ta,s (byte II. IUUD BtD X1I36. UI2, 111072 XPPPP OP003 ,..350 "Ixpected: 'select9-,.0 il\' oa1y; I13705Ell 11.9 Ille 3105 coe~UNIC~TIONS CON'): !!OLL £lI TYPE 2 AND TIPE 3 CHANREL ADAPTEB IPT S111PTOII IlIon D99-3705E-09 '" ,i BOUT_ :eRBOB PDRCTIOII TESTEll CODE presented OX " PRE-TEST. Present status after in" .. lid co •• and '. EBROB llESCIIIPT:10N SDSECTED CARD WCUIOI (s) (Reg X'S3') PBOG 11151( PEALD PIGE PETe II PIGE COlleENTS Bask byte O=Sens( Bask byte 1=taqs l.t. In"alid C1SRSa (Reg X'S3') or in .. alid CASTR (Reg X'Sq') lQ"2. IU2 IPPPP 011:003 9-160 Expected: (byte ') Btn 143, IUD 0101 Sense co •• and test, part 1: initial selection through raising 'ser .. ice-out' 0111 PBE-TEST. Set inter'Yention Inv .. lid CISaSB ·required in CISRSI (Beg I' 53',) 0112 In"alU in-tags in CTDB (Beg I'SS') COllmand reject bit in sense (byte 0) an~ OC stat.us . Rer:J:t. 1.11112 IOOl'P OF002 9-320 Expected: top-in' only UJ2 IFPOO 01t003 9-320 Expected: lnter"ention required bit. BeruD IItn X434 PRE-TEST. Set Inter"ention In ... 11d CASISI or in"alid CAS'll AqJ2 lIeqnired in C"S.S8 (Reg 1'53') (Beg I'Sq', n'PPF OK003 9-320 Expected: Int.ery.ntioD required bit in sense (byte 0) Rerun Rtn I43q . 0113 PRE-TEST. Tag cbeck after dropping 'co •• and-oot' 1n"a114 response in CTllll (Ileg 1'58') UI2 loon OF003 9-320 Expected: 'op-ill" and ·status-1n'. lIeruD 11th I q 11' laU OXOl Sense co •• and test. part 2: initial selection throuqh dropping • ser.ice-out' :1n"alid in-tags h (Beg I'SB') CTD!' "lin loon 01'003 9-320 Expected: 'Op-ill' aod 'service-1D' on lqllP 0101 Sense co •• and test. part 3: In .... 11d in-tags in CTDB initial selection throuqh (lleg I'SS', raising • sar-,ice-out' a second ti.e un 1001'1' OP0 92 9-320 Expected: • op-i 'D. only 0111 PlIE-TEST. Btn procedure 1n"ali4 in-tags in CTDII (Beg I'SB') lIII2 100rF OPOOl 9-320 Expected: ·op-in· and 'service-in '. BerUD Btn I411E CI01 Sense co •• aud test. part q: initial selection through dropping 'ser"ice-out' second Invalid CISTII (Beg I'Sq', or inv .. 11d in-tags in crDR (Reg 1'58') lU2. U"2 UFPJ' 01'003 9-320 2xpected:'status-in' and 'op- in' IU CE and DE only; Bask byte O=statns Bask byte 1=intags USO lilliE tiae H51 0111 PBE-TEST. Rtn lilliE procednre Innlid in-tags in CTDI (lleg 1'58') UII2 IOOFF 01'003 9-320 Bxpected: 'OP-10' and • aerY ice- in' .. lIerun Btn lilliE. 0112 PRE-TEST. IItn IliU procedure Inv .. lid in-tags in CTDB (lleg I 'SS') UI2 IOOPF 01'002 9-320 Expected: 'op-in'. Berun Btn filliP 0101 Sense co •• and test, p.. rt 5: initial selection through dropping , sel/hold-out' In .. alid in-tags h (Beg I'SS') CTDB ""12 loon OP003 9-320 Expected: 'statusin' and 'op-in' on! 01~1 PIlE-TEST. Rtn nilE procedure In .. a11d in-tags in CTDR (Reg 1'58') UI2 1001'1' 01'003 9-320 Bxpected: 'op-in' and 'service-iDle Berun Btn 11I4E 0112 PRE-TEST. IItn 1411P procedure In"ali4 in-tags in CTllB (Beg 1'58" 1".2 :t001'1' OP002 9-320 Expected: 'op-in'. Berun Btn XIIII1' 0113 PBE-TEST. IItn XII50 procednre :1n1'a1i<1 in-tags in CTDB (lleg 1'58') ""112. loon OP003 9-320 Expected: lop-in' and • stat.os-in· ... Sense co .... nd test, part 6: initial selection through raising 'seryice-ont' a third :tn-tags not all zero in CTllB (Reg I'SS') I US2 . 0101 ".10 I310SEH ,,",12 Rerun IItD 1450 11112 IOOl'F 01'003 9-320 Trpe 2 and 3 CA IPT o o o o BOUT. !lROI PUICTIO. TESTED CODE EIIOI DISCIIPfIOI SOSPECTED ClID LOCaTIOI(s) PROG 8ASK PEILD PAGE PET!! PAGE 1. .2 100PP OP003 9-320 COft!!NTS 'ti •• 0111 PI II-TE S':. Ita 1/10 proceilure Iayalid iD-1:a9S (ae9,1'58') ~D CTDI Expected: Reran XOOPP OP002 9-320 %Dya114 1D-tags 18 CTDI (Beg 1'5B') 100PF OP003 9-320 %8ya114 la-tags 18 CTDI (B8g I'SB') IOOPP OP003 OX12 PIE-TEST. BtD I"P proceilure %Dyal1d 1a-tags 1D CTDI (1Ieg X' 5B') OX13 PBE-TEST. BtD x.50 procedare 0I1a PIli-TEST. BtD X.51 procedare &/112 'op-~n' ana ·serVlce-loll'. ~tn Iuqr Expected: ·op-~n·. lIerun Btn IUP Expected: 'op-~n' and 'stat as-in I . Beran ltD 11150 9-320 Expected: 'OP-1D' and' status-iD' .. BernD Itn IllS' UI2 100PP OP003 9-320 %Dyalid in-tags i8 CTDB (Beg X'511') UI2 XOOPP OP003 9-320 PIE-TEST. ltD I •• P procedare %nyali4 18-tags In CTDB CBeg X'5B') un 100PP OP002 9-320 Expected: 'op-in'. Beran Eta IUUP PBII-TEST. Bta X.51 proce4ure 18yali4 in-tags iD CTDB (leg X'S8') 1 .. 2 XOOPP or003 9-320 Expected: 'op-in' 011. PBII-TEST. ata 1.52 procedure 18yalid la-tags Cleg X'51') 1 . .2 ·IOOPP OP003 9-320 0101 CICIT (Reg 1'52') 10a4iag CICIT CBeg X'52') 41d Dot 10a4 a.L2 1'03PP'(18 lit) or X'OO"'C20 81t) X03PP OB002 9-130 OX02 CICIT (Beg X'52') 10a4ia'1 ClCIT (Beg X'52') 41d not 10a4 X'OOOO' aaL2 103PP OB002 9-130 0103 CICIT (Beg X'52') 10a4ia'1 CICIT (leg X'52') 41d Dot 10a4 I'L2 X'021I'(18 ait) or X'0011'C20 Blt) 103PP OB002 9-130 OXO. CICIT (Reg X'52') 10a4iD'1 CICIT (leg 1'52') 414 Dot I'L2 load X'0155'118 B1t) or X'OOSS' C20 Bit) X03PF OB002 9-130 0101 OUTeIU (le9 X'51') during chaDDel Bea4 co•• an4 OUTe'IB did Dot lncraae8t bJ a 08 a coatrol word ~atch laa2 xrppp OG003 9-430 0101 IICIAB (Be9 x'50') 4nriag 'ri.te co •• and IIClll (leg 1'50') did Dot i8cre.eDt b7 4 atter cODtrol word fetcb &/Ia2 IPPPP OGOOl 9-3'0 1457 0101 II CI bit in caDB (Beg X'SC' bit 0.2) 4aring ebannel Irite co ••and %1 CI bit and,or chanDel 'rite co •• and blt Dot ~ound in caDI CBeg I'SC' bits 1.2 aDd 0.1) UL2, 111a2 XPPPO OB005 9-390 11158 0101 csal (le9 X'S9') dari8g CbanDel Irita coa.aDd with ad4ress of all ODes CSAI (Be9 1'59') fail ad to set to all ODe. "aB2, AaG2 IPPPB OLOOS 9-400 87te 0 and , on17: bJte 0 • &IIB2: byte ,. 14G2 0102 CSAB (leg X'59') 4ariD9 Write co ••• nd with ad4res. of all CSII (lag X'59') tailed to set to all seros 111B2. 1aG2 XPPPE OLOOS 9-400 B7te 0 aud 1 only: bJte 0 • &IIB2: bJte 1 " AOG2 CSAR IBag 1'59') tailed to set to l'IAla' laB2,l'G2 IPrrE OL005 9-.00 IJte 0 aDd onlJ: b7te 0UB2; bJte , " 1.53 ,0' D99-3705l-05- II! 3705 COB!UBICA:IOHS CONTBOLLER TYPI 2 lID TYPE 3 CH1.3EL lD1PTER IPT SY8Pf08 IIDEI X.S' " , U55 0101 Sebse co •• aaa test. part 7: %D-t.gS Dot all sero 18 CTDB iDitial selectioD through (Beg X'5B') 4ropping 'serYice-oat' a thir4 ti.e 0111 PIli-TEST. 'ltD XUE procedare. 0112 0113 ~D CTDB Expected: 'op-1a' ana • aery ice- in' .. lerall Itn XqUE. and ·sta~us-ill·. Reran EtD IUS 1 Expected: no intags. Bera D I!~ I) US2 I 'Zeros 0103 csaB (Beg X'59') darlng Irita co •• and with address of X'1AA1' T7pe 2 aDd 3 CI :lPT lOG 2 X3105EU 11.11 IBB 3705 COII"OJICATIOHS CONTROI.LER TYPE 2 AHD TYPE 3 CHAMNEI. ADAPTER 1FT SYBPTOB IIDEI 10DT. EBROS FOMeTIOI TESTED CODE 01011 CUR (Beg 1'59') during 'rite co.aand with address of 1'55511' D99-3705£-09 'I' ) ERBOI DESCBIPTIOI "csn (leg 1'59') failed to set to I'SSSQ' SOSPECTED CARD LOCITION (s) U82, 14G2 PBOG FElLD IIlS~ PIGE IFPP! 01.005 FETIIII PAGE 9-400 COIISFNTS Byte 0 and , only: by~c 0 )"82: byte ,: AUG2 U59 0101 CSI! (Reg 1'59') duriog 'rite coaaand with address of 1'30000' Byte X failure io CSAB (Beg I'S8') 18 Bit (Reg %'53') 20 Bit All 112 10003 OGOOQ UT2(lIod J,It,L) OBOOl CSAB (Beg 1'59') during 'tite co.aand with addre •• of I' 00000' Br te I failure in CSlB (Beg I'SS') 18 Bit (Beg 1'53') 20 Bit 111112 lQT2 (llod J 10003 OGOOq 01001 9-400 CSla (Reg 1'59') dnring Irite co •• and with address of 1' 200 11 0 ' Brte I failure in CSAB (Raq I'SS') 18 Bit (Beg X'S3') 20 Bit 111112 t0003 OGoOQ AilT2(BOd J,It. I.) OBOOl 9-"00 CSAR (Beg X'S9') dllring trite co.aaod with address of 1'10000' Brte I failure in CSli (Beg X'S8') 18 Bit (Beg 1'53') 20 Bit AQII2 10003 OGOOq 1QT21110d J,It. L) OBOOl 9-400 eSla (Beg 1'59') during Brite co.aand witb address of actual storage Brte I failure io CSli (Beg I'S8') 1S Bit (Beg 1'53') 20 Bit A4112 A4T2(ftod 10003 OGOOq OBOOl 9-QOO 0101 Ioitial status to seose coaaand after setting sense prep unit exception In-tags iovalid in CTDB (Beg I'SB') 111112 IPFPP OF003 9-250 0102 Initial status to sense co •• and after setting sense prep uuit exception IDyalid status in ClSTB (Beg I ' SQ' byte 0) lQJ2 IPFOO 01t002 9-170 0103 Test Beset of CASTB (Beg I' 511 ') CASTa dld oot reset after the endiog seguence AliJ2 IFFOO 01(002 Exp: zero statUE 01011 Tag sequeDce, SeDse DE latcb on Io-tags inTa11d in CTDB (Seg I'SB') lIIH2 10010 OP003 EXP: Iddr.in droF 0105 Cbeck for initial status Iovalid status in CASTa (Beg X'S4' Byte D) AIIJ:! IFPOO 01t002 Exp: Zero status 0106 Tag sequeoce Io-tags ioyalid io CTDB (Beg x'SB') UH2 10008 OF003 !:rp: status 1D Tag seguen ce after Io-tags invalid iD CTDR (Beg lr'SB') 14112 10008 OP003 Exp: status drof raising service out OIoe Tag seguence after dropping service alit lo-tags invalid io CTDB (Beg :r'S8') 111M2 10004 OP003 Exp: sery in ur OX09 Tag segoence afte" raising seryice out In-tags ioyalid in CTDB (Beg x' 58') 10004 OF003 Exp: ser. drop OIOA Cbeck for final Ioyalid status in ClSTR (Reg z'S/I') lQJ2 IFFOq 01t002 Exp: Cl,DE,Dt status End segueDce drop seryice oot Io-tags inTalid io eTDR (Reg x'SB') 1IIN2 10008 OF003 Exp: status 1D up EDd seguence In-tags inyalid io CTD! (Beg x'SB') AIIN2 10008 OF003 Exp: status 10 droF raise seryice out 0100 End segueDce drop sel out.svc out Io-tags ioyalid in CTDB (Beg x'S8') 10020 OF003 !xp: Op In drop OIOE Reset senoia OE latch Ioyalid status io CISTa (Reg I' 54) AlIJ2 IFPOO 01(002 Exp: CE,DE OIOF Set both latcbes on aDd Yerity IPL DE (Beg 1'5,,) bas precedence Iovalid status iD HJ2 IFPOO 01t002 Exp: OP 0111 PRE-TEST Reset of CASTB (Reg 1'511') CASTS did oot reset frOB Cl reset AliJ2 XPFOO 01t002 9-170 0101 OOT CII bit Out CB bit and/or Bead cosBand 14L2 XFOPO OBOOS 9~qQO 0102 0103 OXO/l DIOS XQSA 0107 OIOB DIOC IaSD Q.12 I370SEH io CIIDB (Reg CAST~ .It, L) J,~,l.) Exp: OP-10 & sel/hold & sta~us 1D Exp: oDi~ exception DC Type 2 aod 3 CA 1FT s~at.u!' ~F IE! 370S CO!ftOBICATIORS COITROLLER TIPE 2 IBD TYPE 3 C81RIEL IDIPTER IPT SIftPTO! IBDEI BOOT. ERROa CODE ~UBCTIOB TESTED EBRO! DESCRIPTIOJ X'SC' bit 1.0) daring Read coBBand bit not found in CRDR (Beg X'SC' bits 1.11 and 0.2) D99-370SE-09 SUSPECTED CIRD LOCATIOR(s) PROG !ASK PEALD PAGE PET!! PAGE IIIL2 XPOPO OROOS 9-4110 CO!REJTS USE 0101 Check Oat Stop CII bi.t in CRDa (Reg X'SC' bit 0.1) during Read cOBBand Ont Stop CII bit and/or Read Coaaand bit not found in caD! (Beg I'SC' bits 1.1 and 0.2) X'60 OX01 ~ CII bit in CRDa (Reg X'SC' bit 1.3) daring write fetch 'Iddress in' XBCRIB (Beg 1'50') AIIL2, IIIR2 does not aatch address of CR to which TIC points XPPPP 08001 9-4110 X'61 OXD1 Chain bit in XBCIIIR (Reg 1'50' bit 0.3) sets Ya1id 1atch in CICRS (Beg X'SS' bit 0.2) Chain bit in CII did not set valld 1atch A'L2 12000 08005 9-4110 OX02 10 chain bit in IICRla resets va1id 1atch in CICRS 10 chain bit in CII did not reset valld 1atch 14L2 12000 08005 9-11110 0101 Chain bit in OUTCIIAR (Reg X'S1' bit 0.3) sets va1id 1atch in CACRS (Reg 1'55' bit 0.3) Chain bit in CII did not set va~id 1atch AIIL2 X1000 08005 9-11110 0102 Bo chain biot in OOTellAR resets va1id 1atch in CICRS Bo chain bit in CII did not reset valld 1atch IIIL2 11000 08005 9-4110 0101 Chain bit in Out Stop CII (Reg 1'51' bit 0.3) sets va1id 1atch in CACRS (Reg 1'55' bit 0.3) Chain bit in CII did not set valld latch I'L2 11000 08005 9-4110 0102 10 chain bit in OOTCIIIR resets va1id 1atch in CICRS 10 chain in CII did not reset va11d 1atch lIIL2 11000 08005 9-4110 0101 7ransfer byte bits in CBODR Transfer Byte 1 bit not on (Beg. 1'58' bits 1.2, 1.3) and/or transfer byte 2 bit after Read coaaand to not off 'service-oat' is up in response to initia1 statas 111112 10030 OG001 0101 lIead 1023 bytes (18 Bits) or 255 Bytes (20 Bits) ClleBT (Reg X'S2') failed to decreaent properly AIlL 2 103PP 08002 9-11110 CSIR (Reg 1'59 ' ) contains fai1ing address 0111 PRE-TEST. Chain bit in OUTeIIB (Reg X'S1' bit 0.3) sets valid 1a~h in CACRS (Reg X'SS' bit 0.3) Invalid CICRS (Beg X'SS') I'L2 13000 08005 9-4110 Rerun Btn %1162 0101 Access a11 va1id addresses with CSAR (Reg X'S9') CSAR (Beg X'S9') did not proper1y increaent +2 froa 1ast data fetcb A4P2, A4112 3PPP:P OBOOS or 7PPPP 9-4110 18 Bit 0111 CSIR did not increaent PRE-TEST. lncreaent of CSIR (Reg X'S9 1 ) after Out-CII fetch 3l'Pl'P OG003 or 7l'PPP 9-11110 X'62 11163 n u 11165 11166 11167 20 Bit 18 Bit 20 Bit 0101 Cycle steal froa data address of progressive ones Inva1id address pattern in CSAR 111112,1482. (Beg X' 59 1 ) AIIG2 3l'P:PP OLOOII or l'PP:PP 9-11110 18 Bit Byte I =1"!2 Byte 0 =A1I82 20 Bit Byte 1 =IIIG2 0102 Cycle stea1 fro a data address of f10ating zeros Inva1id address pattern in CSAR 1'112.1482. (Reg 1'59 ' ) IIIG2 3PPPP OLOO' or :Pl'PP:P 9-1140 18 and 20 Bit saae as Ibove Type 2 and 3 CA IPT X370S8AI 4.13 Iae 3105 COHHUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 AND TYPE 3 CBANNEL ADAPTER 1FT SYHPTOe INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE XII68 OX01 Fetch Out Ci with flags X'OO' XII69 XII6A XII68 XII6C XII6D D99-310SE-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION PROG FEALD eASII PAGE XFFOO 011002 FETe!! PAG! 9-1140 Level 3 interrupt did not occur AIIF2, AIIK2 X1000 OJ001 9-11110 Invalid CASTR (Reg X'54') XPFOO OK002 9-1140 Invalid CASTR (Reg X'511') SUSPEC'l'ED CARD LOCATIOIl (s) AIIJ2 COHeEIiTS Only CE expected OX02 Fetch Out Ci with flags X'OO' OX01 Fetch X'01' OX02 Fetch Out C8 with flags = X'01' Level 3 interrupt did not occur AIIP2, AIIK2 X0010 QJ001 9-11,,0 OX03 Fetch Out C8 with flags = X'01' Chaining to next C8 failed XS10" OBOOS 9-440 OX04 Fetch Out CW with flags X'01' Invalid CACRS (Reg X'SS') prior data transfer AIIL2 XS1PII OK002 9-1140 -~X05 Fetch Out Ci with flags X'11' Invalid CASTR (Reg X'511') AIIL2 XFFOO OK002 9-1140 Ol06 Fetch Out Ci with flags = X'11' Level 3 interrupt did occur l1lF2. AIIK2 X0010 OJ001 9-440 OX07 Fetch Out Ci with flags = X'11' Chaining to next Ci failed AIIL2 XS1011 QBOOS 9-IIQO 0~08 Fetch OUt CW with flags X'11' Invalid CACRS (Reg X'SS') prior data transfer AU2 XFPOO QK002 9-IIQO OXD1 Zero Ct OVerride bit in CACH (Reg X'55' bit 0.1) Override bit not on with flag bits = X'10' during Ci fetch AIIL2 X4000 QBOOS 9-4110 0~02 Zero Ct Override bit in CACR (Reg X'SS' bit 0.1) Override bit on with flag bits X'OO' during Ci fetch lIIL2 XIIOOO OBOOS 9-440 OX01 Out C8 with flag = '10' Zero ccunt override bit did not cause Level 3 interrupt AIIK2. AIIL2 X0010 OJ001 9-IIQO OX02 Out C8 with flag = '10' CASTR (Beg X'S4') not set to all Zeros by zero count override bit AIIJ2. AIIL2 OX01 Out Stop CW with flag = '00' HO Level 3 interrupt or CE status only not in CASTR (Beg X' 511') AIIL2.AIIK2, AIIJ2 XFFOP OBOOS 9-11110 Status = byte 0; Level 3 interrupt Byte 1 aX02 Out Stop CW with flag '10' Ho Level 3 interrupt or CASTR (Reg X'Sq') not set to all zeros AIIL2,AIIK2, XFPOP OBOOS 9-4110 Status = Byte 0; Level 3 interrupt Byte 1 OX01 Oot Stop Ci with flag '01' Level 3 interrupt or CASTB {Reg X'SII'} not having CE + DE statns only AIIL2.AIIK2, AIIJ2 XPF01 QBOOS 9-4110 Status = Byte 0; Level 3 interrupt Byte 1 OX02 Out Stop Ci with flag ., " XFF01 OBOOS 9-11110 Status = Byte 0; Level 3 interrupt Byte 1 Ou~ CW with flags = ~ot llIL2 HO Level 3 interrupt or CASTR (Reg X'SII') not set to all zeros XII6E Ol01 In CW with flag 'aD' BO Level 3 interrupt or CASTR (Reg X'S4') not baving CE only status AIIL2.AIIK2, A4J2 XFFOl OBOOS 9-1140 Statns = Byte D. Level 3 interruFt Byte 1 XII6F OX01 In CW with flag • 0 l' Level 3 interrnpt or CASTR CReg X'SII') not set to all A4L2. AIIK2, AIIJ2 XFP01 OHOOS 9-440 Status = Byte 0; level 3 interrupt Byte , OX"02 In CW with flag I"~, XFFOl QBOOS 9-440 Status = Byte 0; Level 3 interrupt "Byte 1 XFFPP OHOOS 9-11110 zeros Bo Level 3 interrupt or CASTR CReg X'SII') not set to all zeros OX03 INCiAR address=zero 11.14 X3'16SEAA " IBCWAR address not zero AIIL2.AIIK2, AIIJ2 Type 2 and 3 CA 1FT o IBB 3705 COBBUIICATIOIS COITIOLL!B TIP! 2 AID TIP! 3 CBANI!L ADAPT!I 1FT StBPTOB IID!1 IPUT. £IB08 PUICTIOI TIST!D CODl': 1'70 or01 I. CI with fl., • '10' D9 9- 37 05 E- 09 IBIOI DBSCBIPTIOI 10 LeYel 3 interrupt or CISTB Ie, X'511') zero. ~ot set to all SOS1'I:CTl':D CABD LOCIUOI(.) I"L2,I"l2, UJ2 PIOG rEAtD· rETBB alSK PAGE PAGE IPP01 OBOOS 9-'_0 counTS Statos • 8y~e 0; Level 3 1D~erraFt • 8yte 1 1_" %III 'erify that the CUC i.cre.. nt. o. cycle .te.l cycle. This te.t yerifie. proper increaentia, of the CDC froa cycle .teal cycles by the adapter UDder test. CUC y.lae repre.eata a coabiaatioa of crcle ataal aad iastrGctioa cycle.. CCO operatioa of the cue for 11, X2 and %3 cycles b•• bee. Yerified .1a the CCU dia,aoatic roatia.a. 11171 0101 'erify that the CUC i.creaents o. cycle • te.l cycle. CUC yalae i. Dot correct after cycle .teal operaUoa • Ie, 1'111' • Ictaal CUC yalae Ie, 1'15' • 81t. 1D error Ie, J'16' • exp'd. CUC yalae If a cycle steal error bas preyioosly occarred ia the adapter aader teat, tbis teat is laYalid. If ao prey loa. errors ba.e occarre4, tbe. error i. ia tbe CUC area of the CCU. 1AJ' CI001 11172 or01 aead with Oat stop CI w1th ch.i. bit 0., p.rt 1 Iayalid CTDI (Ie, X'S8') .fter readiD, 2 bytes 11112 loon or003 9-IIqo 'Statas-in' aad 'op-in' 0.11 e"'pected 1'73 0101 aead with Oat Stop CI with Chai. bit a., p.rt 2 In•• lid CTDI ,Ie, X'S8'. after bringia, ap 'serYice-oat' 1'12 loon OP003 9-•• 0 'Op-iD' oaly e"'pectell 1.7, 0101 Bead with oat Stop CI with Cb.in bit a., part 3 Iu&114 aDI ,Ie, X'S8'j after ending stata. accepted 1,'2 loon OP003 9-0110 10 is-ta,s expected 0111 PII-UST. proce4are I ••• lid ia-ta,s iD CTDB (leg J'SB') "82 %Oorp or003 9-CIIIO E"'pected: 'Op-iD' osly leraa Ita I1173 or01 ChaiR 2 .ead co•••• d. I ••alid CTDB (Ie, J'SI') after .oppre.s-oat caae ap 1"2 loon or003 9-270 0102 Ch~i. 2 B•• d coaaand. Ch.in bit ia CICIS (leg 1'55' bit 1_0) .et after Level 3 illterrapt 1"2 looao oro 011 9-270 9-'qo or01 Ch.i. 2 le.d coa.a.d • • Dd ead oper.tion with chaiaia, 1D4icated Chai. bit in C1CIS (I., 1'55' bit 1.0) not set 11112 J0080 orooo 9-270 9- .. 0 or02 Is.ae .ead co.aaad a,.ia withoat chainia, Cheis bit is C.CIS (Ie, %'55' bit: 1.0) .et • 1112 %00110 oroo • 9-0110 OX01 Isaae Bead cosaaad a~d fetch TIC CI with addres. aboye I.yalld CVAB 8ddre.s bit: i. CACBn (Ie, X'S6' bit 0.0) did .ot set darisg ~eyel 1 i.terrDpt or 8 leyel 1 laterrapt did Dot occar ur2 J8020 08002 9-1100 aast byte O-CACUlI ault tJte '-level , iaterrDpt OX', PBB1Tl':ST. Iaitial .tata. after Bead coaaa.d a.d fetcb of TIC CI. Is.alid response 1a CTDB (Be, 1'58') or CIST. UI2 '%FFn orOOl 9-.110 Expected: DO .tata. (byte 'op-i.' aad U77 XH9 Bt. U73 "It 0) , tat.at •• -1D' (byte 1) XQ71 0101 lssae Bead co••••d and fetch aa la-type CI TJpe 2 aad 3 CI IrT la.alid CI Poreat bit 1. CICBlB (Beg X'S6' bit 0.1) did Dot .et dari.g ~e.el 1 iaterrapt or ~evel 1 iaterrapt 4id sot occor 1.P2 :U020 01002 9-UO last byte O-cACBItlt Bast byte 1-1e .. e1 1 interrapt 1370SEll '.15 IE" 3705 COe"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 ~ND ~!PE 3 CHANNEL ~DAPTEH IYT SY8PTOe INDEI BOOT. ERROR YUNCTION TESTED CODE 0102 Issue Read co •• and and fetch an In-type cw 0103 n7B Inc Iq7D Issue Read co •• and and fetch an In-type CW OXOI Issue Write co •• and and fetch an Out-type CII D9 9- 37 05E- 09 ERROR DESCRIPTION Invalid response in C1STR (Reg X'Sq') Invalid response in C1SNSB (Reg 1'53') Invalid CV Yor.at bit in CACRKR (Beg 1'56' bit 001) not set during level I .interropt or level 1 interrupt did not occur 50S PECTED CARD PROG I'E~L LOCl TION (s) 'U2 ~lS~ P~GE D COf'!.I'!ENTS 11'1'00 QH002 lQJ2 111000 OK005 9-qoO Iq7F Expect~d: vent.ion lU2 U020 ON002 Inter- requ~red CACHKB = Byte 0 Level 1 iDterrup~ Byte 1 of .'5' OX02 Issoe Write co •• and and fetch an Oat-type CII Invalid response in C1STB (Beg X'Sq') UL2 11'1'00 OB002 9-1106 Expected, Ct. DE, and DC statu~ 0103 Issue Write co •• and and fetch an Oat-type CII Invalid response in CAS.SB (Beg X'S3') UJ2 111000 OK005 9-1100 Expected: lnter'fentl.on requl.r-ed OXOI ~SSQe Bead com.and and fetch Cil with address of X'3YYYY' Data address error bit in C1COU (Reg X'S6' bit 0.2) did not set daring level 1 interropt or level 1 interrupt did not occor HY2 120110 ON002 Invalid C1SNSB (Beg X'S3') or invalid CASTR (Reg X'S4') '''J2 Issue Read co •• and; set abort bit after serVicing initial 0101 ~ask byte Mask byte 1=le..-el ~ IFI'YI' OK005 9-4110 statas 1117E 0:. Elpected:C~, and DC :;;tatur- O=C~CH~P. Expected; ~ bon bit and Ct" DE, and DC; eask byte O=Secs~ eask byte 1=5tatus 0102 Issoe Read co •• apd; set abort bit after servici~9 initial status Invalid C1CRS (Reg X'SS') lIIJ2 10700 0~005 9-QIlO 0103 Issne aead co •• an~~ set abort bit after servicing initial status Level 3 interrupt did Dot occur lq~2 XXIII OJOOI 9-Q40 0101 BaIt I/O during Read co •• and Invalid in-tags in crDR (Reg 1'50') 11112 100FY OJ004 9-QeO Expected: . request-in' 0102 BaIt I/O during Bead co •• and ~nvalid .... J2 XFFOO 0~002 9-QaO Expected: status 0101 cycle steal fro. data address of deqressive Invalid address pattern in CSlB lll82,)lIIB2 (Reg X'S9') lllG2 3Fl'Y? OLOOII or ?FYFY 9-230 18 B1t Byte I ~Qe2 Byte 0 : 11182 20 BIT Oyte I z 14G2 9-230 5".e as above C1STS (aego 1'511') ones Expected: ClllP. valid bit reset; abort. bit set C! 0102 Cycle steal fro. data address of floating zero Invalid address pattern in CS1R lQB2,lQB2, 14G2 31'1'FY OL004 0111 paE-TES:t. Valid address in CSAR (Reg 1'59') fro. deqressive ones address Invalid CS1B U1'2, AtI!!2 3F7FF OJOOS or l'FY?1' 18 Bit Berun Btn I Q66 20 Bit PRE-TEST. Valid address in (Reg X'S9') fro. floating zero address Invalid CSAR 3Fl'FF OJ005 or YYYFF 18 Bit Rerun Rtn 11166 20 Bl.t 0113 PRE-17ST. CliCNT (Reg 1'52') CIICRT not '"L2 x03FF 08002 or IOOYY 18 Bit Rerun Ptn 145B 20 BH 01111 POE-TEST. Read 2 bytes Invalid response in CTDB (Beg. 1'55') JlqB2 IOOY!' OY003 Expected 0112 CS~R 0115 PRE-TEST. Read 2 bytes & raise ·serv1ce-~t· II .16 X3705EH 1 nterrupt ~ CIlCNT not=1 2 'op-~' I serv ~ce- io ' .. Berun Btu. XQ 12 I03FF 00002 or 1001'1' 1a Bit Rerun Rtn 1465 20 Bit Type 2 and 3 ClIFT aD o o o IBB 3705 COBBUIIICATIOIiS COli TROLLER TYPE 2 AIID TYPE 3 CHAIIBEL ADAPTER 1FT STBPTOB I.DEX ROUT. ERROR PUIICTIOII TESTED ERROR DESCiIPTIOR CODE OX01 110 duplication of nert to last InYalid CASTR (Reg X'S4') byte after issue of write coaaand with odd byte count 11180 X1181 XII 82 X1183 111811 D99-370SE-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATIOJ (s) AIIJ2 PROG PEALD BASK PAGE XPPOO Oll:002 PET!!B PAGE 9-390 CO!!BEIITS Expected: CE status Pirst 2 bytes not written AIIL2 XPPPP OB002 9-390 OX03 Saae as aboye Last 2 bytes incorrect AIIL2 XPPPP OB002 9-390 ax01 Transfer byte bits in CSODR (leg X' 58' bits 1.2, 1.3) after read coaaand and transferring one byte Transfer byte 1 bit not off and/or transfer byte 2 bit Dot on All II 2 X0030 OG001 0111 PIE-TEST. lItn XII611 pro. sdnre Transfer byte 1 .bit not on and/or transfer byte 2 bit not off All 112 X0030 OX01 CTDR (Reg X'SB') after Inyalid response in CTDI Halt I/O during lead coaaand after transferring one byte of data AIIJ2 XOOPP OPOO/l 9-1130 Expected: , request-iD' onll' OX02 CTDI (Reg X'SS') after XDvalld response :in CTDI Balt I/O during Write coaaand after transferring one byte of data 1. . . 2 XOOpp OPOOII 9-390 Expected: 'request-in' only OX03 CAS'll (Reg X'S4') after Inyalid response in CAS'll Balt I/O during Read coaaand after transferring one byte of data AIIJ2 XPFOO Oll:002 9-430 Expected: CE stat as only ax 011 CASTR (Reg X'SII') after Inyalld 1:8sponse in CAS'll Balt I/O during Write coa.and after transferring one byte of data AIIJ2 XPPOO OK002 9-390 Expected: CE sta,tus oDly OXOS CWCRT (R~g X'S2') after Inyalld count in CWCRT Halt I/O during lead coa.and after transferring one byte of data A4L2 OX06 CIICRT (Reg X'S2') after Halt Inyalid count in CWCRT I/O dnring Write coaaand after transferring one byte of data AIIL2 XPPPF 08002 9-390 Expected: couDt=1 ax01 CTDR (Reg X' SS') after Halt I/O during sead coaaand after even byte transfer Inyalld 1:8sponse in CTDR All II 2 XOOPP OF004 9-430 Expected: 'request-in' only OX02 CASTR'(Reg X'S4') after Balt I/O during Read coa.and after even byte transfer Iny.lld response in CASTR AIIJ2 XPPOO OK002 9-430 Expected: CE,:/ status only OX03 Bo level 3 interrupt after Balt I/O during Read coaaand after even byte transfer Dnexpected level 3 interrupt before accepting status UK2 X1000 OJ001 9-1130 ax 011 CDR (Reg X' SS') after Balt I/O during Write coaaand after even byte transfer Inyalld response in CTDR 1.. . 2 XOOPP OPOOII 9-390 Expected: , request-in' onll' OX 05 CASTR (Reg X'S4') after Balt I/O during Write coaaand after even byte transfer Inyalld response in CASTR AIIJ2 XPPOO OK002 9-390 Expected: CE status oDly OX06 Ro level 3 interrupt after Balt I/O during Write coaaand after eyen byte transfer Unexpected Level 3 interrupt occurred Alilt 2 X1000 OJ001 9-390 ax01 C'lDII (Reg X'SS') after Balt I/O during Bead coaaand after first 'service-in' Invalid response in CTDR A1iJ2 XOOPP 01>004 9-/130 Expected: 'request-in' only OX02 CASTR (lleg X'SS') after Halt I/O during Read coaaand after first 'service-in' Inyalid response in CASTR AIIJ2 XPPOO Oll:002 9-/130 Expected: ell status only OX03 80 Level 3 interrupt after Dnexpected level ~interrupt befor, accepting status AIIK2 X1000 QJ001 9-/130 Halt I/O during Read coaaand after first 'service-in' Type 2 and 3 CA IPT Reran IItn X/l6/1 X3705EAA 11.17 IBM 3705 COM"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 AND TYPE 3 CHANNEL ADAPTER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX BOUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE OX04 CTDR (fleg 1'5B'I after lIalt I/O during write cOlllmand after first 'service-in' ERROR DESCRIPTION Invalid response in CTDR 099- 3705E- 09 SDSfECTED CARD LOCATION (s) A4N 2 PROG MASK COIIMENTS FEAt 0 FETIII! PAGE QF004 PAGE 9-390 XFFOO QK002 9-390 A4K2 Xl000 QJOOl 9-390 A4J2 XFFOO OK002 9-430 Expected: CE, DE, and DC status xoon Expected: 'tequest-in' only OX05 C1STB (Reg X'5B'I after Halt I/O during Write command after first 'service-in' Invalid response in CASTR OX06 No level 3 interrupt after Halt I/O during Write command after first 'service-in' Unexpected Level 3 interrupt OXOl CASTR (Reg X'54'I after Invalid response in CASTR progralll abort during Read command after first 'service-in' OX02 CASNSR (Reg X'53'I after program abort during Read command after first 'service-in' Invalid CASNSB A4J2 XFFOO QK003 9-430 Expected: Abort sense bit OX03 CASTa (Reg X'54'I after program abort during Write command after first 'service-in' Invalid response in CASTR AIIJ 2 XFFOO QK002 9-390 Expected: CE, DB, and uc status OX04 CASNSR (Reg X'53'1 after Invalid CASNSR program abort during Write command after first 'service-in' A4J2 XFFOO OK003 9-390 Expected: Abort sense bit OX08 CACRS (Reg 1'55') after program abort during write command after first 'service-in' Invalid CACRS X0400 OH006 9-390 Expected: Program reguested abort bit X486 OXOl CACRS (Reg X'55') after program abort with CA inactive. Invalid CACRS or no level 3 interrupt. X0400 QH006 9-390 Expected: Program requested abort bit & level 3 interrupt. X487 OXOl Attention status in CASTR (Reg X'54'1 after setting program attention bit in CACR (Reg X'55' bit 0.2) Invalid response in CASTR A4J2 XFFOO QK002 9-170 Expected: Attention status only OX02 Zero sense in CASNSR (Reg X'53'1 after setting Program Attention bit in CACR (Reg X'55' bit 0.2) Invalid response in CASNSB A4J2 XFFOO QK003 9-150 OX11 PRE-TEST. Reset CASTR (Reg X'54'I and CASNSR (Reg X' 53'1 CASTR or CASNSR did not reset A4J2 XFFFF QK002 9-150 9-170 1488 OXOl Busy status after initial selection with Intervention Reguired bit set in CASNSR (Reg X' 53'1 Invalid status in CASTR (Reg X'54'I XFFOO QK002 9-150 X4XX 1X01 SUBR-TEST. configuration data Invalid configuration data %XXXX Check Configuration Data Set (CDS) • lX02 SUBR-TEST. Storage size in Reg X'70' Invalid storage size in Reg X'70' XXXXX CDS may be incorrect. lX03 SUBR-TEST. Set diagnostic mode Diagnostic mode not set in CACR (Reg 1'55' bit 0.0) A4L2 X8000 08006 9-210 Run Rtn X402 lX04 SUBR-TEST. Initial selection: 'op-out', 'address-out', and 'sel/hold-out' Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X'5B'I A4N 2 XOOFF QF002 9-250 Run Rtn 140E lX05 SUBR-TEST. Adr-in during Invalid response in CTDR A4N2 XOOFF OF003 9-250 Run Rtn X411 X485 4.18 X3705EAA Expected: CE status only Expected: CE, DE, UC, and Busy status Type 2 and 3 CA 1FT .~-------~-------.-.--.- o o IeH 3705 COftftUMICATIOMS CONTROLLER D99-37058-09 UPB 2 UD UPB 3 CUA.NNn &DUUR IFT SYftP'tOIl nDn ROUT. ERROR PONCTION TESTED CODB initial selection o 1106 SOBR-TEST. 1dr-in dropped ~fter 'coa.and-oat' daring initial selection 1107 SOBR-TEST. Selective/sysl reset bit in CACR (Reg X'55' bit 1.3) off !. ERROR DESCRIPTION SOSPECTED C1BD LOCATION(S) PROG BASK PEALD PAGE rETftS PAGE COftSENTS Adr-in bit in CTDR (Beg X'5B') did not drop 1~H2 X0010 OP003 9-250 Run Btn X415 Selective/system reset bit in on 14M2 10010 Or005 9-190 Ran Btn 1412 C~CB lX08 SUBR-TEST. selective/system reset Selective/system reset bit in C~CR (Reg X'55' bit 1.3) did not reset or level 3 interrupt did not occur ~4H2 10010 OP005 9-190 Ran Btn X412 1X09 SOBR-TEST. Selective/system reset Selective/system reset bit in C1CR (Reg X'SS' bit 1.3) did not reset after level 3 interrupt 14M2 X0010 OP006 9-190 Run Btn X412 1XOA SOBR-TEST. Selective/system reset Invalid CTDR (Reg X'5B'l after selective/system reset A4&2 X0020 OP003 9-250 Ban Rtn X41E 1X08 SUBR-TEST. DJ:opping 'comaand-oat' daJ:ing initial selection 'Op-in' and 'statUs-in' not set 14M2 in CTDR (Reg X'SB') X0028 OP003 9-250 Ban Rtn XII11 110C SOBR-TEST. Status after dropping 'co •• and-oat' daring initial selection Invalid statas in C1STR (Reg X'S4') AU2 XPPOO OKOOI 9-170 Ban Rto X420 lXOD SUBR-TEST. Status after dropping 'comund-oat' daring initial selection with Ho-Op co.und Invalid status in CASTR (Reg.• 1'54') AIIJ2 XPPOO OK002 9-170 Ran Rtn X421 1XOE SUBR-TEST. Initial selection and status stacked Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X'SB') UN2 XOOPP OP004 9-250 Run Rto X42A 1XOP SUBR-TEST. Accept initial statas Invalid response in CTDR (Beg X' 5B') ~4N2 XOOP' OP003 9-250 Run Btn 1425 1110 SUBR-TEST. Stack initial status Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X' 5B') 14M2 XOO'P OP004 9-250 Run Rtn X42B lX,' SOBR-TEST. Drop 'couand-oat' during present stacked status Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X'5B') 14N2 XPFPP OP003 9-250 Bun Btn X41P 1X12 SUBB-TEST. Raise 'co ••and-oat' Invalid response in CTDa during present stacked status (Reg X'5B') All II 2 XFPpr OP004 9-250 Run Bto X421 1X13 SUBR-TEST. Drop 'command-out' during present stacked status Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X'5B') All II 2 XPPJP OP004 9-250 RUD Btn X42B 1X1Q SUBR-TEST. Raise 'sel/hold-out'Invalid J:esponse in CTDK during present stacked status (Reg X'5B') 14112 IPPPP OP004 9-250 Rao Rtn 1X15 SOBR-TEST. Raise 'comaand-out' Invalid response in CTDK daring present stacked status (Reg X'5B') 14112 XPPPP OFOOQ 9-250 Ran Rtn X430 1X16 SOBR-TEST. Drop 'coaaand-out' during present stacked status XPPJ' oPOOQ 9-250 Run !ltn X431 1X17 SOBR-TEST. Drop 'sel/hold-out' Invalid response in CTDR daring present stacked status (Reg. X'5B') 14M2 XPPFP OP004 9-250 Bun Btn X431 1X18 SOBR-TEST. 'Coa.and-out' up daring initial selection CASTB (Beg X'54') or CASNSR (Beg X'53') not reset AIIJ2 XPPPP OKD02 9-250 Ran Rtn X421 lX19 SOBR-TEST. Drop 'co.aand-out' during initial selection Invalid response in CTDB (Beg X' 58') AIIH2 XOOPP OF003 9-250 Bun Rtn 141P 1X1A SUBR-TEST. Raise 'service-out' Invalid response in CTDR daring initial selection (Reg X'5B') 14M2 100PP OP003 9-250 Run Rtn X425 Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X'5B') X~2P 1X1B. SOBR-TEST. Drop 'co•• and-out' during initial selection Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X'58') UN2 XPPPP OP003 9-250 Run Btn X41P 111C Invalid response in CTDR (!leg X'5B') AIIH2 XOOPP OP002 9-250 Run Bto X426 SOBR-TEST. Raise and drop 'service-out' during initial Type 2 and 3 CA 1FT X37051!lAA 4.19 1B~ 3705 COHnUNICATIONS CONTROLLEft TYPE 2 AND TY~! 3 CHANNEL AD~PTEB 1FT synPToK INDBX ROUT. ERROR PONCTION TESTED CODE selection 099- 370SB- 09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CABD LOCATION(s) PROG "ASK PEALD PAGE PET"" PAGE CO"KENTS 1I1D SUBR-TEST. Set CVAR Valid bits CVAR valid bits not set in CACR (Reg X'55') AlIL2 X3000 OR005 9-250 Bun Btn X409 lX1E SOBR-TEST. Read 2 bytes Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X'58') after dropping 'service-out' 14M2 XOOFF OP003 9-250 Run Bto 1472 IX IF SUBR-TEST. Read 2 bytes Invalid response in CTDR (Reg X'58') after raising 'service-out' A4N2 XOOFP OP003 9-250 Run Btn X473 lX20 SUBR-TEST. Read 2 bytes and present ending status I~valid response in CTDB (Reg X'5B') after presenting $tatus A4M2 XOOFF OF003 9-250 Bun Btn 1414 lX21 SUBR-TEST. Check that proper CA selected. Cl not properly selected X0003 9-080 Run Btn 1402 2X 12 IPRT-TEST. Level handling interrupt unexpected level 1 interrupt from channel adapter 1 14K2 XXXIX OJ001 9~500 2X13 1RPT-TEST. Level handling interrupt unexpected level 1 interrupt from channel adapter 2 A4K2 XXXXI OJ001 9·500 2Xlq 1RPT-TEST. Level handling interrupt Level 1 interrupt from wrong channel adapter A~K2 XXXXX OJOOl 9-500 2X 15 1RPT-'rEST. Level handling interrupt Level 1 interrupt with no reg bit on and not expected 14K2 XXXXX OJ001 9-500 2116 1RPT-TEST. Level handling interrupt Level 1 interrupt expected, but no request bit on A4K2 XXXXX OJ001 9-500 2X31 IRPT-TEST. Level 3 interrupt handling unexpected level 3 interrupt A4L2 XXXIX 08001 Bun Btn 2X32 IRPT-TEST. Level 3 interrupt handling Level 3 interrupt from wronq channel adapter A4L2 XXUX OUOOl lIun Btn 1401 2133 IR~T-TEST. Level 3 interrupt reset bit (Beg X'57' bit 1.3) Level 3 interrupt did not reset A4L2 XXXXX OU001 Q.20 X3705EAA X~01 9-210 Type 2 and 3 CA 1FT / o o o Cit IBK 3706 COKftUNICATIO"S CONTROLLER . . ~YPE 1 CO"KUNICltION~ SCI"NBR 1FT SYKPTOH INDEX ICHAPTER 5.0: TYPE 1)99-3705E-09 1 COIIIIUNICATIOIl SCANlin IFT SYKPTOII INDEX I If I tS02 XXXX This routine checks the integrity of certain necessary d~ta in the configuration data set. It issues no error stops. as such. Instead, it issues manual intervention stops to ensure that positive action is taken to correct the configuration data set. If any of these stops is encountered and the configuration data set is not corrected, the validity and reliability of all routines is in jeopardy. (See the manual intervention codes following the error code listings.) This routine vill be run even if the DCft sense switch to include manual intervention routines is not set. 1~04 XXXX Normal Static Conditions: 150~ OX01 Ensure that after an OUT error. X'~S' vith byte 0, bit 'scanner on (disable scanner). being CS is reset. resets the o o One scanner pass 130 micro2 the was not reset. Reg. X'IS' contains the IN X'4~' bits that were in error: Byte 0: Bit O-mode bit 'override' latch failed to reset. Bit 2-'override remember' latch failed to reset. Bit 3-' scanner enabled' latch failed to reset. Bit ~-'character service pending' latch failed to reset. Byte 1: Bita 2 thru 5-bit clock check for LIBs 1,2,3, or 4 (respectively) failed to reset. Bit 6-'LIB select check' failed to reset. Bit 7-'outbus check' failed to reset. o e Ensure that static conditions are normal after a scanner reset. 1506 XXXX Scanner Enable: 1506 OXOl Ensure that, after an OUT X'4S' with byte 0, bit 2 on (disable scaoner), tbe CS is reset. 1506 0102 Y4E2 RS104 nE2 RS104 14E2 RS105 nE2 RS1Q5 n1'2 RS206 Y41'2 RS206 Y~E2 8S102 Test off One scanner pass (30 microseconds) after the OUT X'4S', an IN l'q~' indicated the CS vas not reset·. lIeg. X'1S' contains the III 1'44' bits that vere in error: Byte 0: Bit 3-'5canner enabled' latch failed to reset. Bit 11-' Character service pending' latch failed to reset. Byte 1: Bits 2 thIu 5-Bit clock check for LIBs 1.2,3, or 4 (respectively) failed to reset. Bit 6-'LIB select check' failed to reset. Bit 7-'Outbus check' failed to reset. 'Scanner enabled' latch failed to set. (IN 1'44', byte 0, bit 3). Since enabled' others, 1£ byte O. bit 3 18 on in error. ignore any others on until it is fixed. lIeg. 1'111' contains A-310 the result of the III X'1I4'. 1-210, Byte 0, bit 3 1-220 in error lIould flost likely be caused by a 1-210 problem in the A-220 latch itself or by a failure in power-on reset A-210, ("+reset" on ALD 1-220 page aS10S). A-210, 11.-220 Ensure that. after a successful scanner reset, the 'scanner enabled' latch can Ability of the 'scanner enabled' latch to be set by OUT X'4S' with byte 0, bit 1 on. Type 1 Scanner 1FT l'FF1' seconds) after tbe OUT X'4S', an IN X'4~' indicated the cs 1'1'1'1' be Pretest error. Rerun routine 1504. Since 'scanner enabled' being off resets the others, i f byte 0, bit 3 A-310 is on in error, ignore any others 1-210, that are on. Reg 1-220 X'14' contains the results of the Y4E2 IIS105 Y4E2 RS105 Y4F2 R5206 A-210. A-220 Y41'2 115206 I4E2 8S102 A-210. 1-220 1-210. 1-220 85105 1-310 Y~E2 1000 set. III X'44' .• Test error. Reg X' 1'" contains the results of the IN X' q,,'. X370S1'AA 5.0.1 P9 9- n 05E- 09 IDK 3705 COMftUNICATIOHS CONTROLLER l COSKUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYKPTOK INDEX TY~E ROUT. EBBOR PU"CTION TESTED CODE 1508 XXIX Scanner Disable: EBBOR DESCRIPTION SU5EECTED CARD PBOG FEALD PETHH COKSENTS LOCATION(S) "ASK PAGE PAGE Ensure that, after tbe CS bas been enabled, it can again be disabled via OOT X'45'. 1508 OX01 Ability of the 'scanner enabled' latch to be reset by OOT X'45' with hyte 0, bit 2 on. 150A XXXI Unwanted Levell Interrupts IIITH LIBs Disabled: The CS is reset and enabled, adapter L1 interrupts unmasked for 30 milliseconds, and a check made to ensure that no level 1 interrupts occur without an error condition up in the CS. 150A OX 0 1 I f a level 1 interrupt occurred after unmasking, ensure that IN X'76' indicated a "type 1 CS level 1 check". 'Scanner enabled' latch failed to reset. (In X'44', byte 0, bit ~. No indication was gi,en, of which adapter caused tbe interrupt in IN X'76'. 1000 YI/D2 B5105 A-310 SA102 6-082 Test error. Beg. X' 14' COIItains the results of the IN X'44'. This failure is different froll error OXOI in routine 15011 in that the failure is most probably associated with the lines '-output 45' and '-outeus bit 0.2' on ALD page given. Test error. Failure was most probably "-type 1 CS bid level 1" on 1LD page given, failing to bring up "+ input type 1 C5 level 1 ". 150A OX02 If a level 1 interrupt occurred, ensure that no error conditions were present were present in the CS, before continuing. A level 1 interrupt has occurred and IN X'44' did indicate an error condition. Reg. X'15' contains the error condition bits that were on in the IN X'44': Byte 1: Bits 2 thru 5-bit clock check for LIBs 1.2.3. or 1/ (respectively). Bit 6-LIB select cbeck Bit 7-outbus check 1S0A 150C OX03 XXXX Ensure that no level 1 interrup~s occur without an error condition in the CS. A level 1 interrupt has occurred indicating tbat a bid for level 1 was present without any of the error conditions being present in IN X'44'. A-210 003F Y4P2 R5206 Y4F2 BS206 Y4E2 B5102 Y4F2 B5206 RA102 UD2 Test error. Serun routi nes 1504 thru 1508, since this error condi tion should have occurred in an A- 21 0, earlier routine. 1.-220 Trouble is possibly 1-210, intermittent. 1.-220 Beg. X'14' 1.-210, contains the 1.-220 results of the IN X' 44'. 6-082 Test error. If error code OX02 in this routine occurred, this error stop will always occur. Outbus Parity Error Detector: Ensure the validity and proper operation of the outbus parity error detection circuitry by forcing bad parity on the outbus (via OUT X'78') with various data patterns and ensuring that an outbus parity error does occur. Thirty-fGur passes through the routine are made, with different data, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. All 16 bits off. High-order bit on and then shifted right each pass until the low-order bit is on. The two high-order bits on and shifted right eacb pass until the two low-order bits are on. All 16 bits on. In addition. after forcing an out bus check. a check is made to ensure that it can be reset. 5.0.2 13705F1A Type 1 Scanner 1FT ~o o o 1811 3705 COUUIIIClTIONS COIITIIOLLBII 1)99- 31 OSE- 09 TIPI 1 CONftUliCATIOBS SCAWIIII 1FT SYIPTOft IRDII oi :1I0UT. EIIBOII FUNCTION 'rESTED I CODE 1'50C 0101 Before continning the test, ensure that no level 1 interrupts are already pending. 11111011 DESCIlIPTIOIi CAIID WCl'fIOI! (s) SUS~ICTID 1fter unmasking adapter level 1 interrupts. a level one interrllpt occurred. leg. X'111' indicates the calise of the interrupt: Byte ,: Bi to-Ignore Bit 1-See Co ••ent 1. YIID2 Bit 2 thru 5-bit clock JIIP2 check for LIBs 1.2.3. or II Irespectively). Bit 6-LIB address clleck. 1"'2 Bit 1-outbus parity error. PIIOG IIlSK PIALD nGI n102 85206 115206 Y"E2 115102 'HIIII PAGI COIlIlEIITS Pretest error. lIerun routines 15011 thru 150A. Additional co•• ents: 6-082 1. If this bit is 1-210, off, III X'76' failed to indicate A-210, which adapter caused the A-220 A-210. interrupt. 11-220 I e o o ,SOC OX02 Ability of the type 1 CS to detect bad parity on the CCU outblls. After inverting the outbus parity bits (via OOT X'78'I and putting bad data onto the olltbus Ivia OUT X'II"I. no level , check, indicating out bus check. occurred. lIeg. X',5' describes the error: If byte 1X'01' - level 1 interrupt occurred but I I X'Qll', byte 1,bit1, loutbus check bit) failed to set. X'81' - outbus parity detector apparently failed to detect bad parity. If byte 1, bit 1 is on, see comment 1. OOC1 YIIE2 115102 '"E2 115'01, 115102 I'D2 111102 1-210 A-220 Test error. lIeg. X'13' contains the data pattern that was set onto the olltbus with the parity bits illt'erted. If byte 1 of leg. X'1S' was X'81', record the contents of Reg. X'13' and continue the routine. (See General Co ••ents, n.) By continuing and recording tile contents of leg. X'13' each tiae this error stop OCCllrs, a failing bit pattern aay be detected. Additional coaaents: 1. If this bit is on, III x'16' failed to indicate which adapter caused the interrupt. Rerun routine 1S0A. 1S0C OX03 Ability to reset the olltblls check bit in III X""' Ibyte 1, bit 2). After having forced and atte.pting to reset Ivia OUt X'IIS' with byte 1, bit 5 onl an OUtbUR check, IN X'IIII' still indicated an outbns check. YQE2 RS102 A-210, Test error. A-220 150C 01011 Ensllre that after resetting the sOllrce of a bid for level " no lIore level 1 interrllpts occllr. After having reset the out bUR check bit in IN X'''"', level 1 interrupts were unmasked and another level 1 interrupt occurred • rQD2, IIIP2 R1l02 1-210 • 500 XXXX Unwanted Level 2 Interropts With LIBs Disabled: The CS is reset and enabled. Level 2 interrupts are unmasked for 30 milliseconds, and a check aade to ensure that no level 2 interrupts occur. 1500 OXOl Ensure that, after only a scanner reset and enable, no level 2 interrllpts are pending. Type 1 Scanner IPT After unmasking level 2 interrupts for 30 .illiseconds, at .ost, a level 2 interrupt occurred. tIIP2, !IIG2 Test error. 115202, A-010, Test error. 85305 A-OliO Display reg. X'111'. If it contains X'86PO', 13105PAA 5.0.3 Bft 3705 COK~UMICATIONS CONTBOLLER Y~B 1 COftHUBtCATtOHS SCAMREi IFl SYH~TOft INDBX OUT. EBBOR FUNCTION 'lISTED CODE EBROR 099-3705E-09 DESCBI~TION CABO LOCATION(S) SUS~ECTID ~BOG HASK FEALD ~AGE FITKK PAGE COKHINTS an unwanted character service interrupt occurred. Try replacing Y4F2 first. If byte 0, bits a and 4 are on, an unwAnted bi t service occurred. Try replacing 14G2 first. Display reg. X'1I2'. If either byte 0, bits 6 or 7 lire on, the 1II0de bits in 10ce1 store (ALD page BS 304) heve probably not been reset properly. If none of the above cases are true, the '+ bid level 2 interrupt' line on lLD page B5202 is hot. 1501 XXXX Set Mode Bit Override: After resetting and enabling the scanner, ensure that both the 'mode bit override' and 'override !;emember', latch~s. G'In ,be se*" ~i~ OOT X'40':, OXOl Ensure that· the 'lode bit override' latcb can be set via OUT X' 40'. After resetting and enabling the scanner, and issuing an OUT X'IIO-, and IN X'IIII' indicated the 'mode bit override' latch had not set (byte 0, bit 0 vas off). 'fIIE2 The same in X'IIII' that followed the OUT X'40' in error code OX01, above, indicated the 'override remember' latch failed to set (byte 0, bit 2 was off)_ Y412 6000 BS1011 A-230 Test error. ~roblem is in the CS itself. If needed, Beg X'14' contains the result of the IN X'44' • 1508 0102 Ensure that the 'override remember' latch can be set via OIlT X' 40'. 150F XXXX Beset node Bit Override: After resetting the scanner and setting both the 'mode bit override' and 'override remember' latches, ensure that an OUT 1'114' can reset the 'mode bit override' latCh. 150F OXOl Ensure that an error. OUT X'II0' can routine set the 'mode bit override' and reg. 'override remember' contaills latches. actual After having reset the scanner and issuing an OUT X'40', an IN X'44' indicated tbat one or both of tbe latches failed to set. If byte 0, Y4E2 2000 AOOO B5104 B51011 1-230 A-230 Test error. Problem is in the C5 itself. If needed, Beg X'111' contains tbe results of tile IN X'44'. Pretest Berun 150E. I f needed, X'111' the bit 0 of Beg X'15' is received IN on, the 'llode bit override' X' 43' data. latcb failed to set. If byte 0, bit 2 is on, the 'override remember' latch failed to set. 150F OX02 Ensure that the error. 'mode bit is override' latch cs, can be reset 5.0.11 X3705FAA After setting 'mode bit override', an OUT X'44' with byte 1, bit 2 on was issued to 14E2 6000 85104 1-230 Test Problem in the itself. Type 1 Scanner 1FT o lBH 3705 CO!HUHICATIOHS CONTROLLER TYfE 1 COH"UHICAtIONS SCANHER 1Ft StHfTOft INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE If via OUT lI.g. ERROR DESCIIIPTION "_4'. 099- 3705E- 09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG ftASK PEALD PAGI PETftB fAGE An IN 1'1111' contains th.n iDdicat.d that actual '.od. bit ov.rrid.', r.ceived byte 0, bit 0, vas still OD. 150P OX03 Ensur. that • rror. r.s.tting '.od. bit ov.rrid.' do.s caus. not r.s.t 'override rem •• b.r'. is After res.tting .od. bit override, the sa •• II X'/I,,' d.scrib.d in error code OX02. abov., indicated COHftBITS need.d, X'1II' the data by the IH X·/I/I'. t4E2 RS10~ A-230 that 'overrid. r •••• ber. outbus had r.set also •. Test Th. only possible of this probl.. that bits 1.2 and 1.3 on ltD page giv.n are ti.d together. e 1510 XXXX Reset Override Re.eaber: After resetting the scanner and s.tting both the 'mode bit 0r.rride· and 'ov.rrld. r ....b.r· liItc~.s, ensure tha1: ':I1I1.i0O'1' X'4~· .. ca;n r ••• t the 'ov.rdd".fe ••• b.r' latch. 1510 OX01 Ensure that an OUT "/1O' can s.t the 'mod. bit ov.rrid.' and 'override rele.b.r' latch.s. Aft.r having reset the scanner and issuing an OOT ""0', an IN X'/lII' indicat.d that on. or botb of the latches fail.d to s.t. If byte 0, bit 0 of R.g X'15' is on, the 'lode bit overrid.' latch failed to set. If byte 0, bit 2 is on, the 'override re.elber' latch fail.d to set. nB2 AOOO aSl04 A-230 OX02 Ensur. that the 'override rem •• b.r' latch can b. r ••• t via OUT After setting 'ov.rrid. r.lelber' and 'lode bit overrid.', an OOT X'q/l' with byte " bit 3 on vas i.su.d to reset 'override r •• emb.r'. An IN X'/I,,' th.n indicat.d that 'ov.rride remelber', byte 0, bit 2, liaS still on. YIIE2 2000 aS10" A-230 After resetting override, the saa. II X'/I/I' describ.d in error code OX02, above, indicat.d that lod. bit override had r.set also. Y/l12 o 1510 X''''''. Pr.test error. R.run routine 1501. If ne.ded. Reg X' ,,,, contains the actual recehed lR X'II3' data. Test error. Problel is in the CS, itself. If need.d, R.g X'111' contains the data receh.d by the IH X'4/1'. 1510 0103 Ensure that resetting 'override re.e.ber' do.s not r.set 'mod. bit overrid.·. 1511 XXXX Unwanted Lev.l 2 Interrupts With LIBs Enabled: The CS is reset and enabled, and a LIB is enabled, Lev.l 2 interrupts are unaasked for 30 lilliseconds, and a ch.ck aade to ensure that no l.v.l 2 int.rrupts occur. The routine is run first vith the first LIB enabled, th.n again, vith the s.cond LIB .nabled, and so on. 1511 OX01 Befor. starting the test, ensure that no lev.l 2 interrupts are already Type 1 Scanner IPT Aft.r res.tting and .nabling the scann.r and unmasking l.vel 2 int.rrupts for, at nu, aS1011 l'IIG2 RS202 1-230 1-060 Test .rror. Th. only possible cause of this problem is that OOTBUS bits 1.2 and 1.3 on ltD page given are ti.d together. Pr.test error. Rerun routine 1500. I f reg. X3705FAA 5.0.5 IBft 3705 COftKUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TJfE 1 COftKDHICATIORS SCANNBR 1FT SYKfTOft IHDBX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTBD co DB pending, e~en with the LIBs disabled. EaRoa DBSCRIPTIOH lost, 30 .illiseconds, a level 2 interropt occorred. D99-31051!-09 S05PI!CTI!D CARD LOCATION(s) fROG BASK PI!ALD PAGE PETftft PAGE COMftENTS X'll1' contains 1'86FO', a character service interrupt occorred. If byte 0, bits 0 and 4 are on, a bit service interrupt occorred. 1511 0102 Knowing, now, tbat no level 2 interropts have occorred with the LIBs disabled, ensore that after enabling a LIB, no .ore level 2 interropts occor~ 1512 XXXX Porce Bit service Instruction (OUT X'Q1'): Test all 64 addresses, in turn, to ensure that forcing bit service to a given line will cause a bit service interrupt to occur fro. that line, and that line only, witbin one scanner pass. (LIBS ue kept disabled.) Then cbeck the ability to reset tbe forced bit service. 1512 OX01 Ability of an ODT X'41' to caose a bit service level 2 interropt. After resetting and enabling the scanner (not the LIBS), an OOT 1"7' faile4 to caose a bit service interropt. Reg. X' " , conta ins line (BCB) address of line being tested. r1lG2, rllP2 RS305 A-330, Test error. A-OliO Continoe from error stop after rtacording the failing line address. (See General Co ••ents, .4.) By Iecording the line address each ti.e tbis error stop occurs, the trouble .ay be further isolated. If all line addresses fail; failure is probably near the 'bit service latch' on ltD page R5305 or the 'force bi t service' line on ILD page R5201. If not, failore is probably near the scan coonter. 1512 OX02 Bnsore that the OUT 1'41' (force bit service), wbich caused tbe interropt just received, forced 'bit service' frOB the correct address. The address received via an Y4P2, YIIG2 III X"'41 " (inpot address) indicated that the scanner was forced to stop at the wrong address. Reg. X'l" contains the line (BCBI address of tbe line fOIced. Reg. X'14' contains the line (BCB) address received by tbe 1M X'1I1'. 85201 1-330 5.0.6 X3105PAA After enabling a LIB, a level 2 interrupt has occurred. (Byte 0, bits 6 and 7 of reg~ I"" indicate whicb LIB vas enabled: 0, 1. 2, or 3.) . YQG2 RS305, A-040 1153011 Test error. "supled bit service" fro. the LIB has probably been allowed to set the 'bit service level 2' latch. Display reg. 1'42'. If eitber byte 0, bits 6 or 7 are on, the lode bits in local store (ltD page RS304) hue probably not been reset properly, alloving the bit service to occur. Test errOI. Bither the scan counter is not stopping properly or the force bit service compare Circuits failed. Continue froll Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o 0 e IBM 3105 COKHUNICATIONS CONTROLLED TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNEB 1FT S¥"~TaM INDEX BOUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERBOB DESCBIPTION D99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG HASK FEALD PAGE 1'ETMM PAGE (General Comments • • 4.) to determine which addresses ere tailing. 1512 OX03 Ensure that trying to reset a forced bit service does not cause a feedback check. An OUT X'41' (reset bit service) caused a feedback check to be indicated in an IN X'43'. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCBI address of the line under test. Y41'2, Y4G2 4000 85202 A-240 Test error. This failure could be caused by a failure in the 'feedback check' latch itself or, most likely. a solid bit service condition present in a LIB or line adapter. See General Comments, '3. 1512 OXO~ Ensure that OUT X'41' (reset ' bi t serv ice' I can reset a forced bit service. In X'71' still showed a bit YQF2, YQE2 service level 2 pending after Y4G2 the OUT 1'41' was issued. (Beg. X'1" contains the line (BCB) address of address under test, i f needed.) 4000 RS202 A-240 Test error. Either the 'start scanner' line failed to come up or the 'bit service' latch failed to reset. 1512 OX05 Ensure tha t after resetting the forced bit ser~ice, no other bit service interrupts occur. After resetting the forced 141'2 interrupt, unmasking level 2 interruptn 8gain, and awaiting a scanner pass, another level 2 ipterrupt occurred. Reg. l'lQ' contains the modified results of an 1M X'4" issued to determine the address of the line causing the second interrupt. (Ignore byte 0, bit 0.) 85201 A-330 Test error. Most likely canee is fa Hure to reset the OUT l"n' (force bit service) latch on ltD page given. 1514 XXXX Reset Bit Service in Scanner: Test each address to ensure that, after a bit service interrupt has been forced from that address, 'bit service' can be reset by both OOT X'q1' and OU~ 1'46'. 151q OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a YQP2, YQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via 00'1 X'47'1 from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X' 11' • unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred trom that line. 1514 OX02 Ability to reset (via OUT 1'41' or OUT 1'46') a bit service, level 2 re~uest. After having forced a bit service request from the line under test and attempting to reset it. an IN X'77' still showed an outstanding type 1 CS level 2 request (bJte 0, bit 1 was on). Reg. I'll' contains the address to which bit service was forced. If byte 0, bit 3 is off. the reset attempted vas an OUT X'41'. If it is'on, the reset was an oo'! X'Q6'. 0 e 0 0 0 G t ,;, o o COMMENTS Type 1 Scanner 1FT Y4P2 t4E2 RS305 4000 A-330. Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. RS202, A-2QO, Test error. RS104 A-320 Failure is probably near the start scanner line on "LD page RS202. If failure occurs only when OUT X'46' is used. problem may be on card Y4D2. on ALD page BTl 101. (This routine cbecks only the capability of resetting a bit service in the scanner. It does not check the capability X3705FAA 5.0.7 IBII 3705 call !to NICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COIIIIONICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOII INDEX ROUT. ERROR PONCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) P80G IIASK FEALD PAGE FETHII PAGE COHIIENTS of rese tting a bit ser vice in a line adapter. I 1516 XXXX Reset All Bits ift IN X' 42': Test each line address, in turn, to ensure that, after a scanner reset and enable, all bits in an IN X'42' vere reset to O. (LIBS are enabled.) 1516 OX02 ~nsure th~t, following an OUT X'45' with byte 0, bit 2 on, the CS is reset. After waiting 30 microseconds (one scanner pass), an IN X'44' indicated the scanner was not reset. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in IN X'44' in error: Byte 0: Bit O-'mode bit override' latch failed to reset. ait 2-' override ruelBber' latch failed to reset. eit 3-'scanner enabled' latch failed to reset. Bit 4-'Character service pending' latch failed to reset. Byte 1: Bits 2 thru 5-bit Clock check for LIBs 1,2,3, or 4 (respectively) f aile d to reset. Bit 6-'LIB select check' f ailed to reset. ait 7-'outbus check' failed to reset. PPP1' Pretest error. Rerun routine 1504. Since 'scanner enabled' being off resets the 1-210 others, if byte 0, bit 3 is on A-210 in error, ignore any others that 1-310 are on. Reg. 1 '14' contains 1.-210, the result of 1-220 the II X'44'. Y4E2 85104 1422 R5104 14E2 85105 Y422 R5105 Y4P2 RS206 A-210, A-220 Y41'2 RS206 1482 85102 A-21D, 1.-220 A-210, A-220 1516 OX04 Ensure that following an OUT X'45', with byte 0, bit, on, the CS can be enabled. IN X'44' byte 0, bit 3 (scanner enabled latchl failed to set. 1516 OX06 Ensure that force bit service lOUT X'47'I cau&es a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test After attempting to force a 141'2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt ,via OOT X'47') fLo. the line (BCBI address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1516 OX08 Ensure that after a sClInner reset, all IN X'42' bits have been reset. After baving stopped on the line address under test, an IN X'42' had some bits on. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BC8) address of the line under test. Reg. x'1S' contains the bits in the IN 1'42' that vere on: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Bit 1-mode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-low priority Bit 1-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous mode Bit II-external clock Bit 5-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select bit Bit 7-oscillator select bit 5.0.8 X3105uA 1-250 YijE2 Y4G2 Y4E2 1000 031'P R5105 1-210, fretest error. 1-220 Reron routine 1506. Reg. X'14' contains the result of the IN 1'44'. 115305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. B5107 115304 85304 1 2 RS304 RS306 RS306 115306 R5306 BS306 115306 115306 1.-150, Test errot. 1.-190 If the failing bits are byte 0, bits 6 or 7, or byte 1, bit 0, the problem is within the C5, probably in the local store A-110 array. If not, A-110 t he problem may be in the CS, A-170 in a LIB or in 1-160 a line adapter. 1-160 ISee General 1-160 Comments, '3.) 1-160 As indicated 1.-160 in the FEU!! 1-160 pages referenced, 1-160 a problell could also exist in the control-in signals. IThis would be most likely 1£ Type 1 Scanner 1FT IBn ~105 COftKUNICATIONS COHTlo~~Ba tYPB 1 COft.UHlCATIORS SCAN.Ba 1Ft Iy.p~on IRDII ROUT. BIBOR PDRCTIOI TBSTED IIIOR DBSCRIPTIO! COOl D99-31051!-09 SUSPBCTBD CAaD LOC1TION(S) PIOG K1S~ Fl!lLD P1GI! FETKK P1GE COKIERTS aultiple bits are euor.) ip 1_ :1 1518 JXXX, Beset All Bits in II X'43': Test each line address, in turn, to ensure that, after a scanner reset and enable, byte 0, bits 4 tbru 1, and byte 1, bit 5 of an I. X'43' were reset to O. ,LIBS are enabled.) (Tbis test is not run on autocall lines!. 1518 0102 e o Ensure that following an ODT X' 45' v1t~ byte 0, ,bit 2 on, the CS ie" reset. ' I lfter waiting 30 aicroseconds (one,sca.n~r pass), an II X'44' not reset. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in IN X'44' in error: Byte 0: Bit O-'aode bit override' latch failed to reset. Bit 2-'override reaeaber' latch failed to reset. Bit 3-'scanner enabled' latch failed to reset. Bit 4-'character service pending' latcb failed to reset. Byte 1: Bits 2 thru 5-bit clock check for LIBs 1,2,3, or 4 (respectively) failed to reset. Bit 6-'LIB select check' f ailed to reset. Bit 1-'outbus cbeck' failed to reset. , FPFl' 1504. since 'scanner enabled' being off resets the otbers, i f byte 0, bit 3 i8 on in error, ignore any others that are 1-310 on. Beg. X'll1' contains tbe A-210, result of the A-220 IN X'1I4'. !4B2 15104 Y41!2 15104 r4E2 15105 Y4E2 15105 Y4P2 RS206 A-210, 1-220 y4P2 85206 r41!2 85102 1-210, A-220 A-210, A-220 OX04 Bnsure that following an OUT X'45' with byte 0, bit 2 on, tbe CS can jle enabled. IN X'_4' byte 0, bit 3 (scanner enabled latch) failed to set. 1518 0106 Bnsure that force bit service (ODT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. After atteapting to force a Y4P2. r4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via ODT X'41') fro. the line (BCB) address in leg. X'11', unaasking level 2 interrupts and waiting'the tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. 1518 0108 Bnsure that, after a scanner reset and enable, all bits 1n an IN X'43' that should be reset, are reset •• lfter having stopped the scanner at the l1ne address under test, an IN X'43' had some bits on that should have been reset. leg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address of the line under test. Beg. X'lS' indicates the bits in the IN X'43' tbat should have been reset but were on: Byte 0: Bit 1-feedback error Bit _-transmit mode B1 t 5-nell sync Bit 6-request-to-send Bit '-send data Byte 1: Bit 5-diagnostic mode XXXX Pretest error. Berun~',follt1ne 1518 1519 1-310 "iil~icated ~he ~c8llner lias Y4B2 1000 85105 A-210. ~retest error. 1-220 Rerun routine 1506. leg. I,',/f' contains the result of tbe IB X' 44'. 15305 A-330, ~retest error. A-040 Rerun routine \ 1512. JIIB2 BS101 A-1BO A-190 r4P2 '"02 15202 85308 15308 1S308 15308 A-200 1-200 1-200 1-200 A-200 tIIG2 15301 A-200 4P04 HG2 HG2 rllG2 Test error. The proble. .sy be in the C5, in II LIB, or in a line adapter. (see General Co.aents, .3.) As also indicated, PETnl pages referenced, the problea may be in the control-in &1gnals. (This 1I0uld be sore likely if a nuaber of bite are in error.l Beset All Bits in IN X' 43' (autoc:all): Test eacb autocall line address, in turn, to ensure that after a scanner reset and enable, all bits in IN X'II3' that can be reset are reset. (LIBS are enabled.) Type 1 Scanner 1FT X3105PU 5.0.9 lEft 3705 COftftUNIC1tIONS CONtROLLER tYPE , COftftUNIC1TIONS SCANNBR 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX BOUT. BRBoa PUNCTION TESTED CODE 0102 Ensure tbat, fo11oll1ng OUT 1'45' witb byte 0, bit 2 on, tbe CS is reset. 1519 ERROR DESCRIPTION After vaiting 30 .icroseconds (one scanner pass), an IN 1'44' indicated the scanner was not reset. Reg X'15' contains the bits in II X'IIII' in error: Byte 0: Bit O-'.ode bit override' latcb failed to reset. Bit 2-'override remember' latch failed to reset. Bit 3-'scanner enabled' latcb failed to reset. Bit 4-'character service pending' latch failed to reset. Byte 1: Bits 2 tbru 5-bit clock cbecks for LIEs 1. 2, 3, or II (respectively) failed to reset. Bit 6-'LIB select check' failed to reset. Bit 7-'outbus check' failed to reset- D99-3705E-09 .' SUSPBCTBD CARD LOCATION (sl PROG ftJ\SK rrrr PEALD PAGE 1:482 aSIOIi PEt"K PAGE 1'-310 YQE2 aSl011 1:4£2 aSl05 1'-310 1:4E2 8Sl05 1-210 1-220 UE2 8S206 1:41'2 8S206 1:4E2 R5102 COKIlENTS Pretest error. Rerun routine 15011. Since 'scanner enabled' being off resets the others, i f byte 0, bit 3 is on in error, ignore any others that are on. Beg. X""' contains the result of the IH X' 114 , • 1-210, 1\-220 A-210, 1-220 1-210, 1-220 1519 0104 Ensure tbat following an OUt X'45' witb byte 0, bit 2 on, the CS can be enabled. IN X'lIq' byte 0, bit 3 I_E2 ('scanner enabled' latch) failed to set. 1519 OX06 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') a bit service interrupt from tbe line address under test. After atte.pting to force a lflF2, lllG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUt X'1I7') frOB tbe line (BCB) address in 8eg. X'11', un.asking level 2 interrupts, and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. 1519 OX08 Ensure tbat after scanner reset and enable, all bits in IN X'43' tbat sbould be off, are off. After having stopped the 14G2 scauner at the line address 1:4E2 under test, an II X'43' had on bits that should have been reset. Reg. X'11' contains tbe line (BCB) address of tbe line under test. 8eg. X'15' indicates the bits in the IN X'43' that should have been reset but were on: Byte 0: Bit 3-diqit present Bit 4-dig1t NBB 8 Bit 5-digit NBB II Bit 6-digit NBB 2 Bit 7-digit BBB 1 Byte 1: Bit fl-call request 151A XXXX Set Trans.it ~ode/NBR-a Bit. After resetting and enabling the CS, then stopping the scanner on the tested line and ensuring a successful reset, ensure that the trans.it .ode/NBB-8 bit at that address can be set. (this test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn.) 151A OXOl Rnsure that force bit service (OUt X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 5. O. 10 X3705PAA After attempting to force a l1lF2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'1I7') fro. the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmaSking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. 1000 1F08 8S105 1-210, Pretest error. 1\-220 Berun routine 1506. 8eg. X'll1' contains tbe result of the U X'IIII'. R5305 1-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Berun routine 1512. R5308 8S107 A-190 85305 Test error. Tbe problem aay be in the CS, in a LIB, or in a line adapter. (See General Comaents, '3). As indica ted, PE'U!! page referenced, the problem lay also be in the control-in signals. (this would be the .ore likely if a nuaber of bits are in error .• ) &-330, Pretest error. A-040 Berun routine 1512. Type 1 Scanner 1FT ! IBK 3105 COKKUHICATION5 CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKftUNICATIOHS SCANNER 1FT SYHPTOK INDEX e e ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE 0%02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. 151A e e e fa ERROR DESCRIPTION After resetting and enabling the scanner and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, bits in an IN X'Q3' that should have been reset, vere not. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg.• X"5' indicates the bits that were not reset in the IN 1'43': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit 4-transmit model HBB-8 Bit 5-new sync/NBR-4 Bit 6-request to sendl IIBB-2 Bit 1-send data/HBR-l Byte 1: Bit 4-call request Bit S-diagnostic mode D99- 3105E~ 09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCUION(S) YIIG2 PROG U5K FEAtD UTilI! PAGE B5308 PAGE 1-200 R5308 8S106 1-200 A-290 COl!I!ENT5 Pretest error. Rerun routines 1518 and 1519. 1511 OX03 Ensure that the transmit mode/NBR-8 bit, and that bit only, can be set by issuing OOT X'43' with byte 1, bit 4 on. 151C XXXI Reset Transmit ftode/NBR-8 Bit: After the CS has been reset, tbe scanner is stopped at the tested address, the transmit mode/NBR-8 bit is set, and a test is made to ensure that it can then be reset. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in tarn.) 151C 010' Ensure that force bit service (OUT 1'47') causes a bit service ~;l.nterrupt from the line addre~s under test. e Either the transmit lIodel NBB-8 bit failed to set or other bits in IN X'43' set in error. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. If byte 0 .. bit 4 is on, tbe transmit mode/NBR-8 bit failed to set. Reg. X'l" contains tbe line (BCB) address under test. Y4G2 Y4E2 Test error. Problem is most likely in assocated line adapter. (5ee General Comments, f3.) If bits other than byte 0, bit 4 are in error, sOlie kind of interaction occurred. Beg. X'll1' contains the received IN X'43' data. After atwmpting to force a Y4P 2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt X.~II7')' froll the line IBCB) address :Ln Reg. X' 11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froll that line. 85305 1-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Berun routine 1512 •• "(Via' OU,! lS1C OX~ Ensure that the transmit mode/HB8-8 bit, and that bit only, can be set by issuing OUT X'43' with byte 1, bit 4 on. Either the transllit model NBB-8 bit failed to set or other bits in IN X'43' set in error. Reg. x',5' contains the bits in error. If byte 0, bit 4 is on, the transmit mode/NB8-8 bit failed to set. 8eg. x'11' contains tbe line (BCBI address under test. Y4G2 YIIE2 85308 R5106 1-200 A-290 151C OX03 Ensure that the transllit mode/HB8-8 bit can be reset via OUT X'43'. 1fter setting the transmit mode/NB8-8 bit and attempting to reset it via OUT X'43' vith all bits off, an IN 1'113' still indicated it as being set (or other bits in IN X'43' were on in error). Reg. 1'15' contains the bits in error. Byte 0, bit 4 on indicates that the transmit mode/HBB-B bit failed to reset. Beg. X'11' contains the line Y4G2 tllE2 R5308 B5106 1-200, Test error. 1-290 Problem is most likely 1n the associated line adapter. (See Gene!:al Comments, 13.) If error bits other than the translli t m04e/NBR-8 bit are on, 1I0me kind of interaction occurred. Reg. X'14' con- Type 1 Scanner 1FT Pretest error. Rerun routine 1511. X3705PlA 5.0.11 ,,' IBK 3105 COKftUNICATIONS CONTROLLBR TYPE 1 COKKUHICAT10NS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX BOUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3105E-09 SUS PECTED CARD LOCATION(s) pROG IIASK FEUD PAGE PETIIK P1GE COIIKENTS tains the dat4 received by tbe 1M %'43'. (BCB) address under test. ISlE XXIX Set New 5ync/NBB-Q Bit: After resetting and enabling the C5, stopping tile scanner on the tested line address, and ensuring a successful reset, an attempt is made to set the new sync/NBR-4 bit. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn. It ensures that the bit can be set on All synchronous and autocAll lines and ensures that the bit is not set on all others.) ISlE OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt froD the line address under test. After attemptin9 to forc~ a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'ij7') from the line (BCB) address in 8eg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the ti.e of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. 8S305 A-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine 1512. ISlE OX02 Defore atte.pting to set the tested bit. ensure that the CS reset vas successful. After resetting and enabling Y4G2 the scanner and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, bits in an IN I'Q3' that should have been reset, were not. Reg. X'I1' conta ins the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'1S' indicates the bits that were Dot reset in the IN X'43'; Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit 4-transmit mode/ NBB-8 Bit 5-new sync/NBR-~ Bit 6-reguest to send/ "BB-2 Bit 7-send data/NBR-l R5308 A-200 Pretest error. aerun rouU DeS 1518 and 1519. 151J! OXO 3 Ensure tha t the new sync/NBR-4 bit in IN X'Q3' can be set by issuing an OUT X'43' with byte I, bit 5 on. Either the new sync/NBR-4 bit failed to act correctly or other bits turned on in error in the IR X'43'. Reg. X' I I' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 0, bit 5 indicates a new sync/NBR-4 bit error.) Reg. X'14' contains tbe actual data received by the IN X'43'. R5308 R5106 A-200 A-290 Test er~or. The problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General COII.ent, 13.) I f other bits are in error also, salle kind of intetaction occurred. If byte 0, bit 5 is on in both Reg 1'14' and 1'15', the line address tested was a start stop adapter and tbe new sync/NBB-4 bit set and should not have. 1520 XXIX Reset New Sync/NBR-4 Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped.at the tested address. the (This test will be run on Dew sync/NBR-q is set, and a test is .ade to ensure that it can then be reset. all installed line adapters, in turn, except start/stop.) 1520 OXOI Ensure thdt force bit service (OUT X'Q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. Y4F2, Y4G2B5305 A-330 Pretest error. After attempting to force a A-040 Rerun routlne bit service level 2 interrupt 1512. (via OU~ X'47') fro. the line (BCB) address in Beg. I " l' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1520 OX02 Ensure that the ne" sync/NBR-4 bit in IN X'43' Either the new sync/NBR-4 bit failed to act cQtrectly 5.0.12 X3705PAA Y4G2 Y4E2 Y4G2 Y4E2 R5308 85106 A-200 A-290 Pretest error. Rerun routine Ty po 1 Scanner 1FT .. --------~ o o ----------~-~ IS5 3705 CO""UMICATIOHS CONTROLLER TYPE, • COII!\UNICATION5 5C1UMI!R 1FT SYIIPTOII INDEX ~OOT. It, U ERROR PUNCTION TEST~Q CODE can be set by ~ssuing an OOT X'43' with byte 1, bit 5 on. ERBO~ DESC~IPT~ON or'other bits turned on in error in the IN X'43'. Beg. X' 11' contains, the Une (BCSI address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 0, bit 5 indicates a new sync/NBB-4 bit error.) 8eg. l'll1' contains the actual data received by the IN X'43'. D99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CABO , tO~ATION(s) PROG "ASK PEALD PAGE PETII!! PAGE CO!!ftE,1S, 15U. 1520 OX03 Ensure that the new sync NBR-4 bit can be reset via OUT X'43'. 1522 XXXX Set Send Data/NBR-1 Bit: After the CS has been reset. the scanner is stopped at the tested address. and an atteapt is made to set the send data/HBR-' bit. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn.) 1~22 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47'I causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. After attempting to force a I4P2. Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') fro. the line (BCBI address in Beg. x'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. B5305 1-330. Pretest error. A-040 Berun routine 1512. 1522 OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit. ensure that the CS reset was successful. After resetting and enabling the scanner and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address. bits in an IN 1'43' that should have teen reset. were not. Beg. X'1,' contains the line (BCBI address under test. Reg. X'15' indicates the bits that vere not reset in the III X'43': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit 4-transmit .ode/ NB1I-8 Bit 5-new sync/HOIl-4 Bit 6-reguest to send/ NBB-2 Bit 7-send data/NBB-l Byte 1: Bit 4-call request Bit 5-diagnostic mode Y4G2 85308 A-200 Pretest error. Berun routines 1518 lind 1519. 1522 0103 Ensure that the send data/NBB-1 bit in IN X'43' can be set by issuing an OUT X'43' with byte 1, bit 7 on. Either the send data/NBB-! bit failed to set or other bits were set in error in the IN X'43'. Reg X'15' contains the bits in IN X'43' in error. (Byte 0, bit 7 on indicates a send data/HBR-' bit set failure. I Beg X",' contains the line (BCBI address under test. Y4G2 Y4E2 115308 85106 A-200 A-290 Test error. The problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments. 13.1 If other bits are in error. sOllie kind of interaction problem exists. Beg. X"4' contains th. actual Type 1 Scanner IPT After.setting the new sync/NBR-4 bit, an attempt vas made to reset it via OUT X'43' with all bits off. An IN X'43' then indicated the bit as still being set (or other bits were set in error). Beg. X' 15' contains the bits in error. Byte 0, bit 5 on indicates that the new sync/NBR-4 bit failed to reset. Reg. X'11' contains the line IBCBI address under test. Y4Cl2 14E2 85308 R5106 A-200 1-290 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments. '3.) If error bits other than the nev sync/HB 11-11 bit are on. some kind of interaction occurred. lIeg. X'14' contains the actual datil received by t be IN X' 43' • X3705FAA 5.0.'3 v IBK 3105 COHHUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 CO"HUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOH INDEX BOUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION 099-37058-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION Is) PROG "ASK PEALD PAGE PETKS PAGE COKHENTS data received by the IN X'43'. 1524 XXXX Reset Send Data/NBR-l Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, the send data/NBR-l bit is set, and a test is ude to ensure that i t can then be reset. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn.) 1524 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmaeking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 8S305 A-330, Pretest error, A-040 Rerun routine 1512. OX02 Ensure tha t the send da tal NBB-l bit in IN x'43' can be set by issuing an OUT X'4j' with byte 1, bit 7 on. Either the send data/NBR-l hi:1; failed''to set or other bits were set ill error in the IN 1'43'. Reg_ X'11' contains the lins (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in IN X'43' in error. (Byte 0, bit 7 on indicates a send data/NBR-l bit set failure. ) R5308 85106 1-200 A-290 prete~t error. Berun routine 1522. OX03 Ensure that the send data/NBR-l bit can be reset via OUT X'43'. After having set the send data/NBR-l bit, an atteapt was made to reset it via OUT 1'43' with all bits off. An IN 1'43' then indicated the bit was still set (or other bits were set in error). Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. Byte 0, bit 7 on indicates that the send data/NBB-l bit failed to reset. Reg. X'11' contAins the line (BCB) address under test. Rs308 85106 A- 200 A-290 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, '3.) If error bits other than the send data/NBR-l bit are on, some kind of interaction occurred. Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X' 43'. 1526 XXXX Set Rcquest-to-Send/NBR-2 Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped and an attempt is made to set the request-to-send/NBB-2 bit. (This test is run adapters, in turn.) 1526 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') Cduses a bit service interrupt from the line addres. under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCD) address in Reg. X' 11', unmanking level 2 Intdtruptl and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 85305 A-330, fretest error. A-040 Berun routine 1512. 1526 OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. After resetting and enabling Y4G2 the scanner and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested addr~ss, bits in an IN X'43' that should have been reset, vere not. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' indicates the bits that were not reset in the IN X'43': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit 4-transmit model NB8-8 RS308 1-200 5.0.14 X3705PAA Y4G2 Y4E2 at the tested address, on all installed line fret est error. Rerun routines 1518 and 1519. Type 1 scanner 1FT o o 099-3705E-09 rBft 3105 CONftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TY,E 1 COftftUNrCATIONS SCANHBB rrT staPTO! INDEX ROOT. ERROR PORCTIOH TESTED COpE o PROG BASK PEALD P1GE PETftft P1GE COftSENTS RS308 BS106 A-200 1-290 Test error. The problem is ,probably lon the associated line adapter. (See General COllments, 13.) I f other bits are in error, sOlie kind of interaction problem exists. Beg. X'111' contains the actual data received by the IN X'1I3'. Bit 5-new sync/HBR-4 Bit 6-request to sendl lIIB8-2 Bit 7-sen4 4ata/HBR-1 Byte 1: Bit 4-call request Bit 5-~iagnostic lIode , o e SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION Is) EBROR DESCRIPTIOH , Eit'her the request-to-sendl NBB-2 bit failed to set or other bits vere set in error in the IN X'43'. Deg. X'11' contains the line IBCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in IN X' 113' in ertO,t. (Byte 0, bit 6 on indicates a request-to-send/BBB-2 bit set failure.) 1526 OX03 Ensure that the request to-send/HBD-2 bit can be set by issuing an ODT X'43' with byte 1, bit 6 on. 1528 XXXX Beset Bequest-to-Send/NBR-2 Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, the teguest-to-send/NBR-2 bit is set, and a test is lade to enSUre that it can then be reset. (This test is rUn on all installed line a4apters, in tutn.1 1528 OX01 Ensute that force bit setvice (ODT X'Q1') causes a bit service intetrupt fto. the line address undet test. 1528 OX02 Befote atteBpting to set the tested bit, ensute that the cs reset vas successful. After resetting and enabling the scan net and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, bits in an IU I'~3' that should have been reset, ~ere not. Beg. X'11' contains the line IBCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' indiCates the bits that vere not reset in the IH 1'113': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit II-transmit lIodel N88-8 Bit 5-nev sync/HBR-4 Bit 6-reguelt to le04/ RBB-2 Bit 1-send data/RBB-l Byte 1: Bit q-call tequest Bit 5-diagnostic lIode Y4G2 BS308 A-200 Pretest error. Beton routine~ 1526. 1528 OX03 Ensure that the request-to send/NBR-2 bit can be reset via OOT X'43'. After baving set the requestto-send/RBR-2 bit, an attempt vas made to reset it via OUT X'II3' vith all bits off. in IU X'II3' then indicated the bit vas still ,set lor other bits were sat in ertor). Reg. X'15' contains tbe bits in errot. Byte 0, bit 6 on indicates that the requestto-send/RBB-2 bit failed to reset. Beg. X'11' contains the line IBCB) address under test,. Y4G2 Y4E2 RS308 BS106 A-200 A-290 test error. The problem is prollably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, 13.) If other error bits are on, SOBe kind of interaction occurred. Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by Type 1 Scanner IPT Aftet attempting to force a YQP2, t4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OO! 1'41') froa the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the tiBe of a scanner pass, no bit service intertupt , occurred froll that line. B5305, A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Retun routine 1512. X3105PU 5.0.15 IP" 3705 CO~"UN~cATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKKUNICAtIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKFTOK INDEX I BOUT. ERROa PUNcTION TESnD CODE ERROR DESCRIfTIOH P99-3705E-P9 . SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG "A5~ PEALD PAGB PETKK PAGE COKKEHT5 the IN X'43'. 152A XXXX Set Synchronous Kode Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanne~ is stopped at the tested address, and an attempt is made to set the synchronous mode bit. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn. It ensures that the bit can be set on all synchronous lines and en&Ures that it is not set on all others.) 152A OX01 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2,14G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'41') fr~. the line (BC~ aSdress in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line .• 152! 0102 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that tbe CS reset was succelllhl. After resetting and enabling the CS and forCing the scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an IN I'Q2' shou14 havo bien ott (rlsotl an4 were not. Ile'i!. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' indicates the bits in the 1M 1'42' that were not reset: . eyte 0.: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Bit 1-mode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-low priority Bit l-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-syncbronous lode Bit 4-oxternal clock Bit 5-data tate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-oscillatot select 2 Y4G2 Either the synchronous mode bit failed to act correctly or other bits in the IN X'42' turned on in error. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'151 contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 3 on indicates a sync~ronous mode bit error.) Beg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. nG2 B5305 1-330, Pretest error. 1-0.40 Berun routine 1512. 1-150 l'PPl' 85304 8530Q 1.-170 85304 B5306 8530.6 8530.6 RS3o.6 B53o.6 8530.6 85306 1-170 1-160 1.-160. 1-160. 1-160. 1-160. 1-160. 1-160 8530.6 8510.6 A-16o. A-270 Pretest error. Beron routi ne 1516. A-17o. 152A OX03 Ensure that the synchronous mode bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing an OUT 1'42' with byte 1, bit 3 on. 152C XXXX Reset synchronous Mode Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address. the synchronous lIode bit is set, and a test is made to ensure that it can then be rjlset. (This test is run on all installed synchronous line adapters, in turn.) 152C DXOl Ensure that force bit service (OOT 1'41') Causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 5.0..16 X3105PAA Y41!2 After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OO! 1'41') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. O~FP RS3o.S A-3~D, A-D4o. Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General COil menta, '3.) If other bits are in error, some kind of interaction occurred. If byte 1, bit 3 is on in both regs. X'14' and X'15'. the line address tested was a start-stop adapter an4 the synchronous mode bit set and shoold not have. Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. Type 1 Scanner IPT I ISH 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER D99-3705E-09 TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNBR 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ~OUT. 152C ERBOR FUNCTION TESTED CODE OX02 Ensure that the synchronous mode bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing an OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 3 on. ERROR DESCRIPTION Either the synchronous mode bit failed to set, or other bits in the IN X' 42' turned on in error,. Reg. X'11' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1. bit 3 on indicates a synchronous mode bit error.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. SUSl'ECTED CARD LOCATION (s) Y4G2 HE2 PROG IIASK 03FF FEUD PAGE BS306 BS106 FETIIM PAGE A-160 1-270 COIIMENTS 03FF R5306 B5106 A-160 A-270 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General COlllments, '3.) I f otber bits are on in error, sOllie kind of interaction occurred. Reg. 1 '14' contains the actual data recei ved by the IN X'42'. Pretest error. Rerun Loutine 152A. .S2C 0103 Ensure that the synchronous mode bit can be reset via OOT X'42'. 152E XXXX Set Data Rate ~elect pit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, and an attempt is lIlade'to set the data'r,ate selebt bit. '(This test is run, Qn all installed :joine adapters, in t~!;n. This ensures t~at tbe bit can be set on all synchronous lines and enkures that it is not set on all otpers.) 152E OXOl Ensure that force bit service lOUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 152E 0102 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset vas successful. After resetting and enabling the CS and forcing tbe scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an IN X'42' should have been off (reset) and were not. Reg. X'11' contains tbe line (BCB) address under test. Reg,. X' 15' indica tes the bits in the IN X'42' that were not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Bit 7-mode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-low priority Bit I-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous mode Bit 4-external clock Bit 5-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-oscillator select 2 Y4G2 Ei ther the data rate select bit failed to act correctly or other bits in IN 1'42' turned on in error. Reg. X'11' contains tbe line (BCB) address under test. 8eg. X'15' contains tbe !lits in orror. (Byte 1, bit 5 on indicates a data rate select bit failure.) Y4G 2 Y4E2 152E OX03 Ensure that the data rate select bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte I, bi t 5 on. Type 1 Scanner 1FT After baYing set the synchronous mode bit, an attempt to reset it was made via OOT 1'42' with all bits off. An IN 11' 42' then indicated the bit was still set (or other bits wete set in error). Reg. 1'15' contains the bits in error. Byte 1, bit 3 on indicates that the synchronous mode bit failed to reset. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 8S305 Fl'FF 031');' A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Reron routine 1512. 1-150 8S304 R5304 A-110 A-110 RS304 R5306 8S306 IlS306 RS306 R5306 RS306 85306 A-170 A-160 A-160 A-160 A-160 A-160 1-160 1.-160 85306 R5,06 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Eerun routine 1516. Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (5 ee General Comments, 13.1 If other bits are on in error, some kind of inUnction X3705FAA 5.0.17 ,,' IB~ 370' COftftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TIP! 1 COftftUHIC1TION5 SCANNBR 1FT SYftPTO~ INDBX ROUT. BRROR FUNCTION T!ST!D COD! BRBOR DESCRIPTION 099-31051-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) FROG IIASK l'l!AtD PAGB FETftII PAGB COllftl!lI'rS occurred. If byte 1, bi\ 5 is on in both tegs x',4' and X'15'. the line under test was a start-stop adapter and the data rate select bit set and should pot ha,e set Beg. 1'14' contains the actu~l dat, recei,ed by : '\;Ii.~ 1M X'42~. 1530 XXXX Beset Data Bate Select Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is'stopped at the tested address, the data rate select bit is set, and a test is made to ensure that it can then be reset. (This test is run on all installed synchronous line adapters, in turn.) 1530 OXOl Bnsure that force bit service (OOT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') fro. the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1530 0102 Ensure that the data rate select bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 5 on. Either the data rate select bit failed to set or other bits in IN X'42' turned on in error. Reg. X"" contains the line (SCS) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 5 on indicates a data rate select bit failure.) Beg. X'14' contains the actual data recei,ed by the IN X'42'. 1530 0103 Ensure that the data rate select bit can be reset via OOT X' 42' • After having set the data rate select bit, an attempt to reset it was msde via OUT Z'42' with all bits off. An IN I' 42' then indicated tbe bit vas still set (or other bits vere set in error). Beg. 1'15' contains tbe bits in error. Byte 1, bit 5 on indicates tbat tbe data rate select bit tailed to reset. Beg. I'll' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 1532 XXXX Set Data Tetainal ~eady (DTR) Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is address, and an attempt 1s made to set the data terlinal ready (DTI) bit. (This installed non-autocall line adapters, in turn.) 1532 OX01 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service intertupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2,X4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via onT 1'41') from tbe line (eCS) address in Beg. X'11', unlasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. 1532 0102 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset vas successful.' After resetting and enabling the CS and forcing tbe scanner to stop at tbe tested address, all bits in an 1M X'42' should bave been off (reset) and vere not. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under 5.0.18 X3705PAA 15305 1-330, Pretest error. 1-040 lerun routine 1512· Y4G2 14E2 03FF 85306 15106 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 152E. Y4G2 03FF BS306 85106 1-160 1-210 Test errot. Problem is probabl y in the associated line adapter. (See General Co.ments, .3.) If other bits are on, in error, soae kind of interaction occurred. Reg. X"II' contains the actual data recei ted by the 1M X'42', nB2 Y4G2 stopped at the tested routine is run on all BS305 l'FFF 1-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Berun routine 1512. 1-150 Pretest error. Rerun routine '516. Type 1 Scanner 1FT Ie~ 3705 COK~UNIC1TIONS CONTBOLLER . TYPE 1 COKKUNICATIOHS SC1NNBR IPT SYftPTOft INDEX It It It It ROUT. EUOR PUNCTION TESTED COOS BIBOB DESCRIPTION test. Beg. X'1S' indicates the bits in the II X'42' that IIere not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-lIode bit 1 Bit 7-lIIode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit 0-1011 priority Bit 1-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous .ode Bit 4-external clock Sit S-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-oscillator select 2 D99-3105E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (S) PROG USK FBALD lIAOB FETKft PAGB BS304 IS30Q 1-170 A-110 IS304 IS306 B5306 15306 15306 RS306 B5306 15306 A-170 1-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 A-160 15306 15106 A-160 1-270 CORRENTS 1532 OX03 Ensure that the data terminal ready (DTI) bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. 1534 XXXX Beset Data Terminal Beady (DTI) Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, the data terminal ready (DTB) bit is set, and a test is made to ensure that it can then be reset. (This test is run on all installed non-autocall line adapters, in turn.) 153', OX01 Bnsure that force bit service (OUT X'1I7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a YQF2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OO~ X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11'. unmasking legel 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanDer pass, DO bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15311 OX02 Bnsure that the data terminal ready (DTB) bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OOT X'42' vith byte 1, bit 2 on. Bither the DTB bit failed to Y4G2 set or other bits in IN X'II2' YQB2 were set in error. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1. bit 2 on indicates a DTI bit failure.) Beg. X'14' contains the actoal data received by IN X'42'~ 1534 OX03 Ensllre that the data teninal ready (DTB) bit can be reset via OOT X'1I2'. After having set the data terminal ready bit, an attellpt to reset it lias made via OOT X'Q2' witb all bits off. An IN 1'112' then indicated the bit lias still set (or other bits IIere set in error). Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error. Byte 1, hit 2 on indicates that the data terminal ready bit failed to reset. leg .. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 1536 xxxx Set External Clock B1 t: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, and an attempt is made to set the external clock bit. (This rou~ine is run on all installed line adapters, in turn. It ensures that the bit can be set on all synChronous lines and ensures that it is not set on all others. ) e e 0· , I Type 1 Scanner 1FT Either the DT8 bit failed to yqG2 set or other bits in IN X'Q2' YQB2 IIere set in error. leg. X'11' contains the line (SCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a DTI bit failure.) leg. X'14' contains the actual data received by n X'42'. YII02 Y4B2 03FF Test error. Problelll is probably in the associated line adapter. (see General COllments, 13-) If other bits are on in error, salle kind of interaction has occurred. 15305 A-330, Pretest error. 1-040 aeron routine 1512. 03FF BS306 aS106 A-160 1-270 Pretest error. Berun routine 1532. 03FF 8S306 BS106 A-160 A-270 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comlllents •• 3.) If other bi ts are on in error, sOllie kind of interaction occurred. leg. X'H' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. X3705FAA 5.0.19 IBK 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTPOLLER TYPE t COMMUNICATIONS SCANNEP 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 1~36 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OUT 1'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 1536 OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. ERROR DESCRIPTION After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt ~ia OUT X'41') from the line (BC~ address in Beg. X'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time ot a Bcanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. After resetting and enabling the C5 and forcing the scanner to stop at, the tested address, all bits in an IN X'42' sbould have been off (reset) and were not. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' indicates the bits in the IN X'42' that were not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Bit 7-mode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-low priority Bit l-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous mode Bit q-external clock Bit 5-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 1-oscillator select 2 099- 3105E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (s) Y41' 2, Y4G2 PPOG MJl.SK Y4G2 Fl'l'F l'ET!lM nGE PAGE R5305 1-330 1-040 Pretest error. Berun routi ne 1512. A-150 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1516. R5304 B53011 1\-170 B5304 R5306 RS306 RS306 B5306 R5306 RS306 RS306 A-170 A-160 "'-160 "'-160 A-160 A-160 1-160 &-160 R5306 85106 A-160 A-270 COMMENTS A-170 '536 OX03 Ensure that the external clock bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT 1'42' with byte 1, bit 4 on. 1536 XXXX Reset External Clock Bit: After the C5 has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, the external clock bit is set, and a test made to ensure that it can then be reset. (This test is run on all installed synchronous line adapters, in turn.) 1538 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After. attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OU7 X'41') from the line (BCB) address in £teg. X"", unmasking level 2 interrupts, and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred tram that line. 1538 OX02 Ensure that the external clock bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT 1'42' with byte 1, bit 4 on. Either the external clock bit Y4G2 failed to act correctly or Y4E2 other bits 1n IN X'42' turned on in error. Eeg. X'll' contains the line (BCE) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in errOl:. (Eyte 1, bit 4 on indicates an external clock 5.0.20 X3705l'AA Either the external clock bit Y4G2 failed to act correctly or YQE2 other bits in IN X'Q2' turned on in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X' 15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 4 on indicates an external clock bit set failure.) Beg. )('14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. l'EAtD 03fP 03l'F Test error. Problem 1s probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, 13.) If other bits are on in error, sOllie kind of i nt eraction occurred. If byte 1, bit 4 is on in both regs X'14' and X' 15', the line under test was a startstop or autocall adaptEr and the external clock bit set and should not have set. ' R5305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Berun routine 1512. R5306 RS106 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1536. Type 1 Scanner IPT II II o o lell 3705 COIIIlUHICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COIIIIUHICATIOHS SCARKER 1FT SYII~TOIl INDEX BOUT. EBBOB PONCTIOR TESTED CODE ERROB DESCRIPTION D99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CABO 'lOC1TIOK(S) PROG 111SK FEALD P1GE FETIIII PAGE COIIIIENTS 03FF RS306 RS106 1-160, Test error. A-270 ~roble. is probably in associated line adapter. (See General Comments, '3.) I f other bits are on, in error, some kind of interaction occurred. Reg. X'14'contains the actual data received by the IB X'42'. bit set failure.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'q2'. 1538 OX03 Ensure that the external clock bit can be reset da OU'1' X'42'. 15lA XXXX set Diagnostic 1I0de Bit in IN X'42': After the C5 has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, and an attempt made to set the diagnostic mode bit. (This routine is run on all installed line adapters, in turn. It tests that the bit can be set on all non-autocall lines and that it is not set on all autocall lines.) 153A OXOl Ensure that force bit service (00'1' X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a YQF2, X4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via 00'1' X'Q7') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line.• OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset vas successful. ~fter resetting and enabline the Cs and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an IN X'42' should have been off (reset) and vere not. Reg. X'I" contains the line (BCB) address unde; test. 8eg. X'15' indicates the bits in the IN "Q2' that vere not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-lode bit 1 Bit 7-IOde bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-lov priority Bit 1-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous mode Bit 4-external clock Bit 5-data ~ate select Bit 6-oscillator select , Bit 7·oscillator select 2 o o U 153A o o '53& OX03 Ensure that the diagnostic mode bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OU'1' X'Q2' vith byte 1, bit 1 on. Type 1 Scanner 1FT After having set the external Y4G2 clock bit, an attempt to reset Y4E2 it vas made via 00'1' X'42' with all bits off. An IN X'42' then indicated the bit vas still set lor other bits were set in error). Reg. X'lS' contains the bits in error. Bytes 1, bit 4 on indicates that the external clock bit failed to reset. Reg. X"l' contains the line (BCB) address under test. YQG2 Either the diagnostic lode bit 14G2 failed to act correctly or Y4E2 other bits in the 1M X'Q2' turned on in error. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. 1'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 1 on indicates a diagnostic lode bit failure.) Reg. X"Q' contains the actual data received by the IN X'Q2'. 85305 PFFF 03FP 1-330. Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine 1512. 1-150 RS304 85304 A-170 1-170 RS304 B5306 R5306 BS306 B5l06 B5306 RS306 R5306 A-170 1-160 A-160 A-160 A-160 A-160 1-160 1-160 B5306 B5106 1-160 1-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1516. Test error. Problem is probably in the associa ted line adapter. (5ee General Comments, '3.) I f other bits are on in error, soae kind of interaction occurred. If byte 1, bit 1 is on in both Begs. X'1S' and X'14', the line adapter tested vas an autocall adapter and the diagnostic X370SFAA 5.0.21 IBM 3705 COMMU~ICATIONS CONTROLLER fYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYMPTOM INDEX ROOT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION 099- 37 05E- 09 SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG MASK PEALD PAGE PETM" PAGE COMMENTS mode bit set and should not have. 153C XXXX Reset Diagnostic Mode Bit in IN X'42': After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, the diagnostic mode bit is set, and a test made to ensure that it can then be reset. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn, except autocall.• 1 IS3C OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2. Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X' 11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line. ISle OX02 Ensure that the diagnostic mode bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT 1'42' with byte 1, bit Ion. Either the diagnostic mode bit YQG2 failed to act correctly or Y4E2 other bits in the IN X'42' turned on in error. lie '.I.. 1'11' contains the line (BCBI address under test. Reg. X'lS' contains the tits in error. (Byte I, bit 1 on indicates a diagnostic mode bit failure.) lIeg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. 153C OX03 Ensure that the diagnostic mode bit can be reset via OUT X'42'. After having set the diagnostic Y4G2 mode bit, an attempt to reset Y4E2 it was made via DDT X'42' with byte 1, bit I off. An IN X'42' then indicated the bit was still set (or other bits were set in error). Reg. X'lS' contains the bits in error. Byte 1, bit 1 on indicates that the diagnostic mode bit failed to reset. Reg. X'11' contains the line (SCBI address under test. 153E XXXX Set Diagnostic Mode Bit in IN X'43': After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address and after ensuring that tpe diagnostic mode bit in IN X'43' is not on, the diagnostic mode latch in the line adapter is set via OOT X'42'. The scanner is then started and stopped again to allow the diagnostic Ilod,e bit in IN X'431, 1'0 I>e set;.by control-in-B and a Ch~Ck made to ensure that it has set. (;r~is test is run on: all installed line, adapters, in turl., except autocalll) 153E OXOI Ensure that force bit service (DOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4C2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. 153E OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. After resetting and enabline Y4G2 the scanner and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, bits in an IN X'43' that should have been reset, were not. Reg. X'II' contains the line (BCIlI address under test. aeg. X' IS' indicates the bits that were not reset in the IN X'43': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit 4-transmit model NBB-8 BS308 A-200 5.0.22 X3705FAA 115305 1.-330, Pretest error. "-040 Rerun routine 1512. 03FF 115306 B5106 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1531.. 03PF 115306 115106 &-160 A-270 test error. Problelll is probably in associated line adapter. (See General Comments, '3.) If other bits are on in errot, some kind of in teract ion occurred. Reg. I' 14' contains the actual data rece! ved by the IN 1'42'. Pretest error. Rerun routi nes 151e and 1519. Type 1 Scanner 1FT 1BK 3705 CO"KUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANHEa 1FT Sla~TO" INDEX , ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION.TESTED CODE ERROR DESCaIPTION P99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG MASK FEALD PAGE FET"S PAGE COMSENTS 85306 aS106 A-160 1-270 ~retest error. Berun routine Bit ~new sync/NBR-4 Eit 6-request to sendl NBR-2 Bit 7-send data/NB8-1 Byte 1: Bit 4-ca11 request Bit 5-diagnostic 80de lS3E OX03 Ensure that the diagnostic . mode bit in IN X'~2' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 1 on. Either the diagnostic mode bit Y4G2 failed to act correctly or Y4E2 other bits in the II X'42' turned on in error. aeg.• X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test.. Reg. X'15' contains the bite in error. (Byte 1, bit 1 on indicates a diagnostic mode bit failure.) Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by the 1M 1'42'. OlFF 0004 1531. 153E OX04 Ensure that the diagnostic mode bit in IN 1'43' can not be set by the OCT X'42' just issued until the scanner bas again been started. After having set the diagnostic Y4G2 mode bit in 1M X'42' and not starting the scanner, the diagnostic mode bit in IN X'43' vas on (byte 1, bit 5). Reg. X' 11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 153E OX05 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to torce a l4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OU1 X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 153£ OX06 Ensure that once the diagnostic mode latch in a line adapter has been set and the scanner has been started and stopped again, the diagnostic mode bit in IN X'43' can be set. After having set the diagnostic Y4G2 mode bit in IN X'42', starting the scanner and stopping it again, an IN 1'43' failed to indicate diagnostic mode as being set (Byte 1, bit 5 on). Reg. X'll' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 1540 XXXX Reset Diagnostic Mode Bit in IN X'43': After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address and the diagnostic mode latch in the line adapter is set. The scanner is started and stopped again, and a check made to ensure that diagnostic mode is on in IN X'43'. OCT 1'42' is issued to reset the diagnostic mode latch, the scanner is again started and stopped, and a check made to ensure that the diagnostic mode bit in IN X'43' is now off. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn, except autocall.) Type 1 Scanner 1FT 0004 R5301 A-200 R5305 A- 330, Pretest error. 1-040 Berun routine 1512. R5301 A-200 Pretest error. Problem is probably in the CS. (See General Comments, #3.) The 'B in 6! latch on the ALD given should not be set until the next '53 time'. Since the scanner is stopped, '53 tillie' should not occur again until the scanner is started. Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (SeeGeneral Comments, f).) Beg. 1'14' contain" the actual data received by the IN X'43'. If byte 0, bit 1 is on, a feedback cbeck has occurred. Ignore the diagnostic mode bit failure and rerun routines 1512 and 1514. X3705FAA 5. O. 23 IBft 3105 COftftUNICATIOHB CO_TROLLBR TIPB 1 COftRORICATIORS SCAHNER 1FT SYftPTOR IHDBX D99-31058-09 ROOT. BRROR FUNCTION TBSTBD CODB 15qO OX01 Bnsure tbat force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from tbe line address under test. SUSPECTED CABD tOCA '1'1 oN (sl attempting to force a tIIn, tflG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'Q7') frol tbe line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from tbat line. PIIOG 15QO Bitber the scanner could not be started again or after attempting to force the next bit service interrupt and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt from the line ander test occurred. Reg. 1",' contains tbe line IBCB) address from wbich bit service vas to be forced. Value of Reg. X'15' describes the failure: X'BOOO' - tbe OUT X'Q1' tIIG2 failed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN X'17' (hovever, no feedback cbeck vas present). X'COOO' - the OOt X'41' failed to reaet the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN X'11' because a feedback check was present. X'8000' - The OUT X'Q1' vas successfUl but the OOt X' 47' (force bit service) failed to cause a bit service interrupt. BOOO Bnsure that once tbe diagnostic lode latcb in a line adapter has been set and tbe scanner bas been started and stopped again, the diagnostic lode bit in II X'43' can be set. After having set tbe diagnostic Y4G2 mode bit in IN X'1I2', starting the scanner and stopping it again, an IN X'43' failed to indicate diagnostic mode as being set (Byte 1, bit 5 onl. Beg. X"1' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 00011 Bnsure that once the scanner is stopped, it can be started again via oot X'41' and then stopped again by forcing a bit service (OUT '41') interrupt. Either the scanner COQld not started again or after attelpting to force the next bit service interrupt and vaiting the tise of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt from tbe line under test occurred. Reg. 1'11' contains the line (BCB) address from which bit service was to be forced. Value of Beg. X'15' describes the failure: 1'8000' - The 00'1' X'4" YQG2 failed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN 1'77' (hovever, no feedback check vas presentl. X'COOO' - The OUT X'41' Y4F2 failed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in II X'77' because a feedback check was present. X'8000' - The OUT 1'41' Y4F2, YQG2 vas successful but the OOT 1'47' (force bit service) failed to cause a bit service interrupt. !l000 After issuing OUT X'42' (with byte " bit 1 off) to reset 00011 OX 03 OX04 1540 1540 OX05 OX 06 Bnsure that once the scanner is stopped, it can be started again via OUT X'41' and then stopped again by forcing a bit service (OUT X'Q1'I interrupt. Ensure that resetting the diagnostic mode latch in 5.0.2Q X3705l'AA ERROR DESCRIPTION Aft~r Y4G2 BAliK FEAtD l'AGB RS305 FETIIII COIIIIEH'r$ PAGB "-330, Pretest erro~. A-OliO Rellun routine 1512. Pretest error. Berun routhe 1512. 111305 a~202 RS305 85307 A-200 Pretest error. rOlltille lIeru~ 153B. Pretest error. Rerun rout1 ne 15'2. 8S305 11-2'10 85305 A-330, 1·040 8$307 1·200 Test error. PrClb.!.es 1& Type 1 Scanner 1''1' r IB~ 310S CO~~UHICATIONS CONTBOLLEB TYPE 1 COaaUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX ROUT. ERBOS FONCTION TESTED CODE the line adapter (via OUT X'42') resets the diagnostic mode bit in IN X'43'. FETKII PAGE the diagnostic mode latch in the l~ne adapter and starting and stopping the scanner again, an IN X'43' still indicated that diagnostic mode vas set (Byte 1, bit 5 on). Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. COIlHENTS probably in the C5; however, see general comments, '3. Apparently, once the 'B in 6' latch, on ALD page given, is set, i t cannot be reset. 1542 OX01 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a YIIF2, YIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'1I7') from the line (BeB) address in Beg. X'II', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15q2 OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was success f ul. After resetting and enabling the cs and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an IN 1'42' should have been off (reset) and were not. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' indicates the bits in the IN X'42' that vere not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Bit 7-IDode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit o-low priority Bit 1-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous aode Bit II-external clock Bit 5-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-oscll1ator select 2 YIIG2 A-150 FFFF IIS304 115304 A-170 A-170 RS304 115306 RS306 B5306 115306 IIS306 IIS306 115306 A-170 A-160 1-160 A-160 A-160 1-160 A-160 A-160 IIS306 115106 A-160 1-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1516. Ensure that oscillator select bit 1 (IN X' 42' , byte 1, bit 6) can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with that bit on. 1544 XXIX After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, Reset Oscillator select Bit 1: (This test is run on all oscillator select bit 1 is set, and a test made to ensure that it can be reset.. installed line adapters, in turn, except autocall.) Type 1 Scanner 1FT 03FF A-330, Pretest error. A-OliO Rerun routine 1512. OX03 e Either oscillator select bit YIIG2 failed to act correctly or other bits in the IN X'42' turned on in error. Beg_ X"1' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X"5' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 6 on indicates the oscillator select bit failed.) Beg. X'II1' contains the actual data received by the IN %'112'. BS305 '542 e e e e e FEALD PAGE Set Oscillator Select Bit 1: After the C5 has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the address under test, and an attempt is made to set OSCillator select bit 1. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn. It tests to ensure that the bit sets on all adapters except autocall.) e e PBOG IIASK XXXX e 0 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (s) 1~42 o o o EBROB DESCRIPTION 099-3705£-09 Test error. Failure is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, 13.) If other bits are in error, some kind of interaction occurred. If byte 1, bit 6 is on in both regs. X'15' and X'111 '. t he line adapter under test was an autocall adapter and oscillator select bit 1 vas on and should not h ave been. X37051'AA 5.0.25 16ft 310S COM"UNICATION5 CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COft"ONIC~TIONS SCANNER 1FT SyaPTO" INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 1544 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 1544 OX02 ERROR DESCRIPTION After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'41') from the line (BCS) address in Reg. X'1", unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. 099-31051\-09 SUSPEC'l'EO CARD LOCATION (S) YU2, Y4G2 PROG IIASK FEALD PAGE 1\5305 I'ETftft PAGE "-330, Pretest error. "-040 Rerun routine , S '2. Ensure that oscillator select bit 1 (IN X'42', byte I, bit 6) can be eet by iesuinq OUT x'q2' Either oscillator select bit Y4G2 failed to act correctly or other bits in the IN X'42' turned on in error. Reg. X' ,,, GClllt4ina the linll (llell) 4,ldroDd un~ot tnt. II.,\!. X' 1!1' contain. thu bit, in orror. (uyte 1, bit b on indicates the oscillator select bit failed.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the III X'42'. 03fl' R5306 R5106 A-160 A-210 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1542. After having set oscillator select ~1t 1, an attempt to reset it vas made via OUT X'42' with byte I, bit 6 off. An IN X'42' then indicated the bit vas still on (or other bits were set in error). Reg. X'1S' contains the bits in error. Byte 1, bit 6 on indicates that oscillator select bit 1 failed to reset. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 03PF R5306 RS 106 A-160 A- 210 Test error. Problem is probably in thll Ilssociated 11ne adapter. (See General Comments, B.) If other bits are in error, eo.e kind of interaction occurred. Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X' 42'. with thAt bit un. Y4G2 Y422 1544 OX03 Ensure that oscillator select bit 1 can be re~et via OUT X'42'. 1546 XXXX Set Oscillator Select Bit 2: Uter the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the address under test, and an attempt is made to set oscillator select bit 2. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn. It tests to ensure that the bit sets on all adapters except autocall.) 15q6 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OUT X' '17') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'41') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X' 11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the ti_e of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1546 OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. After resetting ana enabling the CS and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an IN X'42' should have been off (reset) and were not. Reg. X'II' contains the line (BCBI address under test. Beg. X"S' indicates the bits in the IN X''I2' that were not reEi,et: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Bit 7-mode bit 2 By te 1: Bit O-low priority Bit '-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous made Bit 'I-external clock Bit 5-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-oscillator select 2 5. 0.26 X370SFAA Y4G2 RS305 A-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine IS12. A-150 FFfF IiS304 RS30'1 A-170 A-170 R5304 115306 R5306 RS306 R5306 R5306 R5306 RS306 1-170 A-160 A-160 A-160 A-160 "-160 A-160 A-160 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1516. Type , Scanner 1FT tBM 3705 CO~Ha"lC~TIONS CONT80LLEB 1l99-3705E-09 TlPE 1 COKIIUHICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SIHVTOn INDEX ROUT. E8ROR fUNCTION TESTED CODE 1546 OX03 Ensure that oscillator select bit 2 (IN X'42' byte 1, bit 7) can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with that bit on. o o o Either oscillator select bit failed to act correctly or other bits in IN X'42' turned on in error. Reg. X'll' contains the line (BCS) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, Ili t 7 on indicates the oscillator select bit failed.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received bf the IN X'42' • SUSPEC'l'ED CABO LOCATION (s) Y4G2 PROG IlASK 03Fl' FEAtD PAGE 115306 liS 106 fET~1I PAGE A-160 A-270 COIIIII!NTS Test error. Failure is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, *6.) If ot her bits are in error, some kind of interaction occurred. If byte 1, bit 7 is on in both regs X'14' and X' 15' , the line adapter under test vas an autocall adapter and oscillator select bit 2 vas set and should not have been. XXXX Reset Oscillator Select Bit 2: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, oscillator select bit 2 is set, and a test made to ensure that it can then be reset. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn, except autocall.) 15qa OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OU~ :'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'l1', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1548 OX02 Ensure that oscillator select bit 2 (IN X'42' byte 1. bit 7) can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with that bit on. Either oscillator select bit 2 failed to act correctly or other bits in IN X'42' turned cn in error. Reg. X'll' contains the line (BCB) address under test. . Reg. X'lS' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 7 on indicates the oscillator select bit failed.) Reg_ X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X' 42'. Y4G2 1548 OX03 Ensure that oscillator select bit 2 can be reset via OUT X'42'. After having set oscillator select tit 2. an attempt to reset it vas made via OOT X'42' with byte 1, bit 7 off. An IN X'42' then indicated the bit was still on (or other bits were set in error). Beg. X'1S' contains the bits in error. Byte 1, bit 6 on indicates that oscillator select bit 2 failed to reset. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Y4G2 Y4E2 154A XXXX Set Low Priority Bit: After the C5 has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address and a test made to ensure that the low priority bit for that address can be set. (This test is run on all addresses, in turn.) lS4A OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. o o e E8ROB DESCRIPTION Type 1 Scanner 1FT After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'Q7') fro. the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', 14F2, 14G2 85305 A-330. Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. 03FF BS306 115'06 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1546. 03FF R5306 85106 A-160 A-270 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, f3.) If other bits are in error, sOlDe kind of int eraction occurred. Beg_ X'14' contains the actual data r ecei v ed by the IN X'42'. R5305 ~-330, A-OqO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. X3705fAJI. 5.0.27 IBN 3705 CQaNUHICATIONS CONTROLLER TtPE 1 CONNUHIClfIOHS SClHHEa 1FT StaPTO" IRDEX aOUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED COllE ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPEC'l'ED CUD . LOCATIOH (e) PROG NASK After resetting and enabling tbe CS and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an 1M X'42' should bave been off (reset) and were not. Reg. I'll' containe tbe line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'lS' indicates the bits in the 1M X'42' that were not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-lIode bit 1 Bit 7-aode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-lov priority Bit 1-diagnostic lode Bit 2-data terainal ready Bit 3-synchronoue lode Bit _-external clock Bit 5-data rate eelect Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-oscillator select 2 YflG2 PFn Either the low priority bit failed to set or other bits turned en in error. aeg. X'11' containe tbe liDe (BCB) address under test. Reg. X' 15' contains tbe bits iD error. (Byte', bit 0 on indicatES the low priority bit failed.) Reg. X'l11' contains the actual data recei,ed by the IH X'42'. tIIG2 unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the tile of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. 1!iliA 1511A OX02 0103 Before atteapting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. Ensure that the low priority bit (Ill X'42', byte 1, bit 0) can be set by issuing OUT X'42' vith tbat bit on. 099-37051-09 y4B2 03PP FEALD PAGE FET"K PAGE COUIIIU A-150 Preteet error. Rerun routine 1516. A-no RS30" 1S304 l-170 a530" an06 1S306 In06 InOI 81306 115306 1S306 l-170 1-160 a-160 &-160 &-160 &-160 1-160 1-160 aS301i 15101 1-170, feet error. A-260 Proble. il pcoblbly 1D tile ca. If ,.11l1r. ~a uDi~II. to one Iddreae Oily, pcoble. 18 problb17 Isaoeiated lIitla' addre.. selection 11 til' interface eOlt~ol stick. lf otbe, bite Ire 011 in error, 1018 kind of lDteract101 ClCCUJ:l;ed' lS4C XXXX Beset Low priority Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner ie stopped at tbe telted addrea~. the low priority bit is set, and then a test lade to ensure that it can tbel be reset. (!his teet ie Eun 011 all addresses, in turn.) 154C OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'~7') causes a bit service interrupt frol the line address under test. After attespting to force a X4F2, Y4G2 bit seJ:vice level 2 interrupt (,ia OO! X'1I7') frol t~e line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unsasking le,el 2 interrupte and waiting the tile of a scanler pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line. lSIIC OX02 Ensure that the low priority bit (IN 1'42', byte 1, bit 0) can be set by ieeuing OU! X'II2' vitb that bit on. Either the lov priority bit failed to set or other bits turned on in error. aeg. X'1" contails the liDe IBCB) address under test_ aeg. X'lS' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 0 on indicatee the low priority bit failed.) leg. 1'111' contains the actaal data recei,ed by the 1M X'_2'. En sure that the low priority bit can be reset via OUT X'''2'. After having set the low priority bit, an atteapt to reset it was made via OOT lS4C OX03 5.0.28 X370S1'AA Y4G2 IS305 1-330, Preteat error. 1-0,,0 aerun routine l512. 03pr 8S3011 BS107 1-170, Pretest error. 1·260 Berun routine 15U. 03rF RS304 1-170 l-260 fIIB2 Test error. Problel ie probably in Type 1 Scanner IFf IBM 3705 CO~HUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYHPTOK INDEX i o e o ROOT. ERROR FONCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION X'~2' with byte 1, bit 0 off. An IN 1'~2' then indic~ted the bit vas still on (or other bits were set in error). 8eg. X'15' contains the bits in error. Byte 1, bit 0 on indicates that the low priority bit failed to reset. ~eg. X'11' contains the line (BCD) address tested. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG KASK FEALD PAGE FETKH PAGE COKKENTS the CS. l~~E XXXX Set Hode Bit 1: After the cs has been reset, the scanner 1s stopped at the tested address and a test made to ensure that mode bit 1 for that address can be set. (This test is run on all addresses, 1n turn.) 1511ll OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47'I causes a bit service interrupt from line address under test. After attempting to force a 14r2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from th. line (BCB) address in 8eg. X'11'. unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, DO bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 154E OX02 Before attampting to sat the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful,. After resetting and enabling the cs aDd forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address. all bits in aD IN X'II2' should have been off (reset) aDd were not. Reg. J'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Eeg. X'15' indicates the bits in the IN X'42' that were not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Bit 7-mode bit 2 ayte 1: Bit G-low priority Bit I-diagnostic aode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous mode Bit II-external clock Bit 5-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-oscillator select 2 fl· "···,I.,.. " o D99-3705E-09 ,5~E OX03 Ensure that Ilode bit 1 (IN X'Q2', byte 0, bit 6) can be set by issuing OUT 1'42' with that bit on. 1550 xxxx Reset Kode Bit 1: After the CS has beEn reset, the set. and then a test is made to ensure that it can turn. ) 1550 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47'1 causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. o 1550 OX02 Ensure that mode bit 1 lIN X'~2', byte O. bit 6) can be set by issuing Type 1 Scanner 1FT 85305 1'1'1'1' YIIG2 Either mode bit 1 failed to set 14G2 or other bits turned on in YIIE2 error. Reg. I'll' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. 1'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 0, bit 6 on indicates mode bit 1 failed.) Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. 031'1' A-330. Pretest error. A-OliO Rerun routine 1512. 1-150 BS304 RS304 1-170 RS304 85306 85306 115306 115306 8S306 85306 8S306 A-no Rs304 RS107 Pretest error. Berun routine 1516. A-nO A-160 11-160 11-160 A-160 A-160 A-160 A-160 A-170. Test error. 1-260 problem is probably in the CS. If other bits are on in error, some kind of interaction occurred. scanner is stopped at the tested address. mode bit 1 1s then be reset. (This test is run on all addresses. in After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt 141'2. 85305 I~G2 A-330. Pretest error. A-040 Rerun ,routine 1512. ::~:) O~~d~::~'inf~~:.}~~,~;~e unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass. no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. Either mode bit 1 failed to set I4G2 or other bits trnned on in !4E2 error. Beg. X'11' contains 031'1' RS304 8S107 A-170. Pretest error. A-260 Bernn routine lSQE. X3705l'AA 5.0.29 - IBK 3105 CO"ftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER 1 COHHONICATI0NS SCANNER 1fT SYK?TOK INDEX D99- 31 05E-09 ~YFE ROUT,. ERaOR FUNCTION TESTED COOl!: OUT X'42' with that bit on. ERBOR DESCRIPTION the line (aCB) address under test. Reg. 1'15' contains the bits in error. IByte 0, bit 6 on indicates mode bit 1 faUed.) Beg. X' 14' conUins the actual data received by the III X'42'. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION lsI PBOG "ASK FElLD PAGB 1'ETK" PAGB COKKEHTS Y4G2 031'1' BS304 A-l10, Test error. A-260 Problem is probably in the CS. If other bits are in error, some kind of interaction occurred. 1550 0103 Ensure that mode bit can be reset via OOT X'42'. 1552 XXXX Set "ode Bit 2: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address and a test, made to ensure that .ode bit 2 for that address can be set. (This test is run on all addresses, in tUl:n.) 1552 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. After attempting to force a YII1'2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'41') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X' 11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fl:oll that line. 1552 OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset vas successful. After resetting and enabling the CS and fOl:cing the scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an IN X'1I2' should have been off (reset) and were not. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. 1'15' indicates the bits in the IN X'42' that were not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-lIode bit 1 Bit 1-lIode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-low priority Bit l-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-syncbronous mOQe Bit 4-external clock Bit S-data I:ate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 1-oscillatol: select 2 Y4G2 Eitber mode bit 2 failed to set or other bits were set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 0, bit 1 on indicates mode bit 2 failed.) Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. Y4G2 Y4E2 After having set mode bit 1, an attempt to rese~ it was made via OUT X'42' with byte 0, bit 6 off. An IN 1'42' then indicated the bit was still on lor other bits were on in error). Reg. 1'15' contains the bits in error. ayte 0, bit 6 on indicates mode bit , failed to reset. Beg. X'II' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 1552 OX03 Ensure that mode bit 2 (IN X' 42', byte 0, bit 7) can be set by issuing OOT X'42' with that bit on. 1554 xxxx Reset eode Bit 2: After the CS has been reset, the set, and then a test is made to ensure that it can turn. ) '554 OXOI Ensure that torce bit service (ODT X'1I1') causes 5.0.30 X310Sl'H RS305 A-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Berun routine 1512. 1'1'1'F A-ISO Rerun I:outine 1516. 031'r R53011 115304 A-110 A-110 BS3011 R5306 BS306 BS306 BS306 B5306 BS306 B5306 A-110 A-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 A-160 A-160 115304 RS101 A-110 1-260 Pretest enor. Test error. Problem is probably in the cs. If other bits are on in error, some kind of interaction occul:red. scanner is stopped at the tested address, mode bit 2 is then be reset. (This test is run on all addresses, in After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt lC41'2, tllG2 IIS305 1-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine Type 1 Scannal: 1FT l' ;/ o o IBN 3105 CO~"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 coaKUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK ROOT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 0 155q OX02 Ensure that mode bit 2 (IN X'1I2', byte 0, bit 1) can be set by issuing OOT X'42' with that bit on. e 0 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED ClRD LOCATIOHIS) PROG KASK FEALD PAGE FETaK PAGE (via OUT X'41') from the line {BCBI address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tile of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. Either mode bit 2 failed to set or other bits were set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Eeg X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 0, bit 7 on indicates mode bit 2 failed.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. COnSENTS 1512. YIIG2 03FF 85304 R5101 A-l10 1-260 03FF R5304 1-110, Test error. 1-260 Problem is probailly in the CS. If other bits are in in error, some kind of int eraction occurred. HB2 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1552. 15511 OX03 Ensure that mode bit 2 can be reset via OUT X' 42'. 1556 xxn Set Call Request Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address and a test made to ensure that call request can be set. (This test is run on all installed autocall adapters only, in turn. ) 1556 OX01 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from tpe line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, YIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via oO't X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X' 11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time ot a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 85305 1-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. ,556 OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. After resetting and enabling Y4G2 the scanner and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, bits in an IN 1'43' that should have been reset, were not. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' indicates the bits that were not reset in the IN 1'43': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit 4-transmit mode/NBR-8 Bit 5-new sync/NBR-4 Bit 6-reguest to sendl NB1I-2 Bit 7-send data/NBR-l Byte 1: Bit 4-ca11 request Bit 5-diagnostic mode R530B 1-200 Pretest error. Rerun routi nes 1S1e and 1519. 1556 OX03 Ensure that the call request bit in IN X'43' can be set by issuing OUT 1'43' with byte 1, bit 2 on. Either call request failed to Y4G2 set or other bits in IN X'1I3' Y4E2 were set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 4 on indicates call request RS30B 85106 A-200 A-290 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, 13. I I f other o o o D99-3105E-09 IND~1 o Type 1 Scanner 1FT After having set mode bit 2, an attempt to reset it was made via OUT X'42' with byte 0, bit 1 off. An IN X'42' then indicated the bit was still on (or other bits were set in error). Reg X'15' contains the bits in error. Byte 0, bit 1 on indicates mode bit 2 failed to reset. . Reg. X'1" contains the line (BCB) address under test .• Y4G2 lF08 X3105FAA 5.0.31 18" 3105 COM~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYM~TO" INDEX D99- 37 05E- 09 TY~E ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRI~TION SUSFECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG MASK FEALD PAGE FETMH PAGE failed to sot.) Reg. X',q' contains the actual data received by the IN X'43'. COMMENTS bits are on in error, some kind of interaction problem occurred. 1558 XXXX Reset Call Request Bit: After the Cs has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address. the call request bit is set, aDd then a test made to ensure that it can be reset. (This test is run on all installed autocall adapters only, in turn.) 1558 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47') Causes a bit service interrupt froa the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'II', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1558 OX02 Ensure that the call request bit in IN X'43' can be set by issuing OUT X'43' vith byte 1, bit 2 on. Either call request failed to J4G2 set or other bits in IN X'43' Y4B2 were set in error. Beg. X'tl' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte I, bit 4 on indicates call reg 'est failed to set.) Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'43'. 1558 OX03 Ensure that the call request bit can be reset via OUT X'43' with byte 1, bit 2 off. After having set the call request bit and attempting to reset it, an IN X'43' still indicated the bit was set (or other bits were set in er ror.) Reg. X' 15' contains the bits in error. Byte I, bit q on indicates call request faileu to reset. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 155A XXXX Set Digit Present Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner ~s stopped at the tested address and a test made to ensure that digit present can be set. (This test is run on all installed autocall adapters only, in turn,.) 155A OXOI Insure that force bit service (OUT X'47') Cduses a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 155~ OX02 Before attoMp~in9 to sot the tested bit, ensure thatth~ CS reset was successful_ 5. 0.32 X3105 PAA Y4G2 Y4E2 After attempting to force a X4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) a ddress in Beg. X' 11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. After resetting and enabling Y4G2 'the scannet an~ forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, bits in an IN X'43' that should have been reset, were not. ~eg. X'1 I' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X' 15' indicates the bits that vero not reset in the IN X'43': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit 4-transmit mode/NBR-a Bit 5-nev sync/NBR-4 Bit 6-reguest to sendl NBR-2 B5305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Berun routine 1512. lFoa RS308 RS'06 A-200 1-290 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1556. lFOB R530B R5106 A-200 A-290 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comment~, '3.) If other bits were in error, some kind of interaction occurred. R5305 ~-330, A-040 R5308 A-ZOO Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. Pretest error. Reru/J" "routi nes 15t8 and 1519. Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o IBM 3105 COMMUNIC~TIONS CONTROLL~R TYPE 1 CO~~UNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SY~PTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION P9~-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCA TION (s) PUOG PEALD liAS K PAGE PETM" PAGE COMMENTS 1F08 A-200 1-290 Test error. Problem is most likel y in the a ssocia ted line adapter. (See General Comments, 13. ) I f at her bits are in error, some kind of interaction occurred. Bit 1-send data/NBR-l eyte 1: Bit 4-call request Bit 5-diagnostic mode 155A OXO) Ensure that the digit present bit in IN X'ij)' can be set by issuing OUT X'43' with byte 1, bit 3 on. 1SSG XXXX Reset Digit Present Bit: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at tI.e tested add;:Elss, digit present is set, and then a check made to ensure it can be reset. (This te st is run on all installed autocall adapters only, in turn.) 15~C OX 01 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attewpting to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via ou:r X',ij7'), from the line '(BCe) addreSs in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15se OX02 Ensure that the digit present bit in IN X'43' can be set by issuing OUT X'43' with byte I, bit 3 on. Either digit present failed to set or other bits in IN X'43' were set in error. Reg. X'll' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 0, bit 3 on indicates digit present failed to set.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'43'. 155C OK03 Ensure that the digit present bit can be reset via OUT X'43' with byte 1, bit ) off. After having set digit present and attempting to reset it an IN X'4J' still indicated the bit was set (or other bits were set in error) '. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. Byte 0, bit 3 on indicates digit present failed to reset. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCS) address under test.• 155E XXXX Output X'42' Interaction Test: After ensuring that all IN X'42' bits are off at two line addresses, all possible bits are turned on at one of them. A check is then made by doing an IN X'42' at the other to ensure that no interaction occurred (that is, that no bits were set). This test vill be run on all installed line adapters. It is designed to run all possible address combinations. (Example: Assume line adapters are installed in addresses 0-5. The first pass through the test will set all bits on at line 0 and then ensure that no bits were set at line 1. The second pass will again set all bits on at line 0 but this time check line 2. This continues until line 5 has been checked. :rhe sixth pass will set all bits at line 1 and check line 2. This pattern is continued until all addresses have been cheCked with all others.) 155E OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. o o o o e 0·· ' , , o o Type 1 Scanner 1FT Either digit present failed to set or other bits in IN X'43' were set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (eCE) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 0, bit 3 on indicates digit present failed to set.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'4J'. After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') froll the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', lF08 Y4G2 14E2 14P2, Y4G2 RS308 RS106 RS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. RS308 RS106 A-200 A-290 Pretest error. Rerun routine 155A. RS308 RS106 A-200 1-290 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, 'J.) If other bits were in error, some kind of interaction occurred. RS305 A- 330, Pretest error" A-040 Rerun routine 1512. X3705FAA 5.0.33 IPK 3705 COK"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER 1 COKftQHICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SlftPTOft INDEX D99-H05E-Q9 ~lPS ROUT. ERaOR FUNCTION TESTED CODE eRnOR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG ft15K YQG2 I'1'F1' FEALD PAGE FETKR PAGE COR RENTS A-OIS Pretest error. Rerun routine 1516. unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. lSSE OX02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset vas successful. After resetting and enabling the CS and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an IN X'Q2' should have been off (reset) and were not. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' indicates the bits in the IN X'42' that vere not reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Hi t 7-lIIode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-low priority Bit 1-diagnostic aode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous mode Bit 4-external clock Bit 5-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 1-oscillator select 2 155E OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a YQP2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via QUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 155E OXOq Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. After resetting and enabling the CS and forcing the scanner to stop at tb~ tested address, all bits in an IN X'42' should have been off (reset) and were not. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Eeg. 1'15' indicates the bits in the IN X'42' that were not reset: !lyte 0: Bit 6-lIIo(\e bit 1 Bit 1-mode bit 2 Byte 1: Bit O-low priority Bit I-diagnostic mode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-synchronous 80de Bit 4-external clock Bit S-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-osclllator select 2 YQG2 An,l~ X'q2·'fol~owing the OUT' X' 42' indicated a bit or bits failed to set. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address of the line being set. Eeg. X'lS' indicates which bits failed to set. Y4G2 155E OX05 To check for in,teraction, set all possibl:e bits in an OUT X'Q2' on at one line address before checking the other address. 5. O. 3q X370Sl'AA 115304 IIS304 1-170 A-170 115304 85306 R5306 85306 RS306 R5306 R5306 115306 A-170 A-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 A-160 A-160 RS30S A-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine 1512. A-150 Pl'FF Pretest error. Rerun routine 1516,. RS304 IlS30Q 1-170 1.-170 RS30Q R5306 IlS306 RS306 RS306 R5306 R5306 R5306 A-170 A-160 1-160 1-160 A-160 1-160 A-160 A-160 A-150 ", Test error. Although this has been designated as a test error, the capability to set the individual bits bas been previously tested. Rerun routines 152A through 15SQ to attempt further isolation. If necessary, refer to FETIIR page given to Type 1 SCanner 1FT IBH 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TY~E 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNEB lFT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRI~TION SUSPECTED c~np LOCATION(s) ~ROO MASK FEALD PAGE FETMM PAGE COMMENTS determine failing bit or bits. If only one line address fails, problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, 13. ) 155E OX06 Ensure that once the scanner is stopped, it can be started again via OUT l'q1' and then stopped again by forcing a bit service (OUT X'47') interrupt. o o o D lS5T:: OX07 Ensure that no problem exists in address selection such that interaction occurs between two lines when issuing an OUT 1'42'. o 1560 XXXX Either the scanner could not started again or after attempting to force the next bit service interrupt and waiting the time of a acanner pass, no bit service interrupt from the line under test occurred. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address from which bit service was to be forced. Value of Reg. X'15' describes the failure: X'EOOO' - The OOT X'41' yqG2 failed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN X'77' (however, no feedback check was present). X'COOO' - The OOT X'41' Y4F2 failed to reset the type 1 C5 lewel 2 bit in IN X'17' because a feedback check was present. 1'8000' - The OUT X'41' Y4F2, Y4G2 was successful but the OOT X' 47' (force bit service) failed to cause a ~it service interrupt. EOOO After setting all bits in OUT X'42' at one address and stopping the scanner at a second address, bits were found on in an IN X'42' at the second address. Beg. X'15' indicates the bits that were found on. Reg. X' 13' contains the second 11 ne (BCB) address and Reg. X'll' contains the first,. 03FF Y402 A-2qO R5305 A-240 R5202 A-240 RS305 1-330, A-040 RS301 RS302 RS304 A-Ol0 Test error. Rerun routine 1512. Test error. byte 0, bits 6 or 7, or byte 1, bi t 0 ar e in error, problem is in the CS. If not, try to determine the pattern of failure by recording the line addresses and continuing from the error stop. (See General Comments, t4.) Failure may be restricted to line selection within a LIB (replace LIB cards). If not, failure is probably in line and LIB select circuitory within the C5. (lieplace card indicated.) If output X'43' Interaction Test: After ensuring that all bits that can be set by DOT X'4)' are off in IN X'43' at tvo line addresses, all possitle bits are turned on at one of them. A check is then made by doing an IN X'q3' at the other to ensure that no interaction occurred (that is, that no bits were set). This test will be run on all installed line adapters. (See routine 155E, xxn for description of the order in which lines are tested.) Type 1 Scanner IFT x)705FAA 5.0.35 IB~ 3105 COH~U"IC1TI0"S COHTROLLER TYP~ COK~UNICATIONS SCANHER 1FT SY"PTOM I ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 1560 OXOI Ensura that force bit service (OUT X'q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. 099-37052-09 INDEX EBROR DESCRIPTION FEUD PAGE RS305 PETIIH COHMENTS PAGE 1-330, Pretest error. A-OQO Rerun routine 15 12. After resetting and enabling Y4G2 the scanner and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, bits in an IN X'43' that should bave beun reset, were not. Reg.• X'l1' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X' 15' indicates the bits that were not reset in the IN X'43': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit 4-transmit mode/NBR-8 Bit 5-nev sync/NBR-Q Bit 6-request to send/ NBB-2 Bit 1-send data/NBR-l Byte 1: Bit ~-call request Bit 5-diagnost;c lode RS30B 1-200 After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via 00'1 X'47', from the line (BC~ address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. SUSFECTED CARD LOCATION Cs} HF2, Y4G2 PROG IlASK 1560 OX02 1560 OX03, Ensure that force bit service (OUT x'q1') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14F2, yQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OO~ X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. 1'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froa that line. RS305 1-330, Pretest error. A-OQO Rerun routine 1512. 1560 OX04 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. After resetting and enabling Y4G2 the scanner alld forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, bits in an in X'43' that should have been reset, vere not. Beg. X'II' contains the line (BCB) address under test.. Reg. X'15' indicates the bits that were not reset in the IN X'43': Byte 0: Bit 3-digit present Bit Q-transmit mode/NBR-8 Bit 5-new sync/NBR-4 Bit 6-request to sendl NBR-2 Bit 1-send data/NBR-l Byte 1: Bit 4-call request Bit 5-diagnostic mode R530B 1-200 1560 OX05 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X' 47') from the Une (BCB) address in Reg. X'11'. unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt oC,curred from that line. RS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-OQO Rerun routine 1512. 1560 OX06 To check for interaction, set all possible bits in an OUT X'Q3' on at one line address before checking the other address. An IN 1'43' following the OU~ X' 43' indicated a bit or bits failed to set. Reg. X'll' contains the line (BCB) address of the line being set. 5.0.36 X3705FAA Y4G2 A-180 Pretest error. Rerun routines 151B and 1519. Pretest error. Rerun routines 1518 and 1519. Test error. Although this has been designated as a test error, the capability Type 1 Scanner 1FT o laM 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPB 1 COft"UNlCATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX D99-31058-09 I ROUT. ERRoa PONCTION TESTED CODE ERaOR DESCRIPTION Beg. X'1S' indicates which bits failed to set. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG !ASK PEALD pAGE PET"M PAGE COMftENTS to set the incUvidual bits bas been previously tested. Rerun routines 151A tbrough 1528 to attempt further isolat1on~ o o o If necessary, refer to PEnll page given to determine failing bit or bits. I f only one line address fails, problell is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General COII.ents, 13.) 1560 OX07 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. After att~mpting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') froll the 11.ne (SCS) address in Beg. X'1 1', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. BS305 A-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine 1512. 1560 OX08 Ensure that no problem exists in address selection such that interaction occurs between two lines when issuing an OUT 1'43'. After setting all possible bits in OOT X'43' at one address, one or more if those same bits were found on in an IN X'43' at the second address. Reg. X'15' indicates the bits that were found on. Reg. X'13' contains the second line laCB) address and Beg. X'11' contains t~e first. RS301 RS302 A-010 1510 XXXI Force Bit service on Low Priority Lines: Each line address is tEsted, in turn, to ensure that aftor setting the address to low priority via OUT X'42', a bit service interrupt from that line can be forced via OUT X'41'. 1570 OX01 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1570 Ox02 Before attempting to set the tested bit, ensure that the CS reset was successful. After resetting and enabling the CS and forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, all bits in an IN X'42' should have been off (reset) and were not. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCBI address under o Type 1 Scanner 1FT Y4G2 Y4G2 RS305 Test error. Try to determine the pattern of hilure by recording the line addresses and continuing from the error stop. (See General COllments, • 4.) Failure 1118y be restri;ted to line selection within a LIB (replace LIB cards). I f not, failure is probably in the line and LIB select circuitory in the CS. (Replace card indicated .1 1-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine 1 ~12. 1-150 Pretest error. Rerun rout! ne ,516. X3105PAA 5.0.37 IBK 3105 COKftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COHKONICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROOT. ERBoa FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3105E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG MASK test. Reg. X'15' indicates the bits in tbe IN X'42' tha~ were no t reset: Byte 0: Bit 6-lIode bit 1 Bi t 1-1I04e bi t 2 Byte 1: Bit O-low priority Bit l-diagnostic aode Bit 2-data terminal ready Bit 3-syncbronous mode Bit Q-external clock Bit 5-data rate select Bit 6-oscillator select 1 Bit 7-oscillator select 2 1510 OX03 Ensure tbat the low priority bit (IN X' q2', byte 1, bit 0) can be set by issuing OUT X'q2' witb tbat bit on. Eitber the low priority bit failed to set or otber bits turned on in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. . X'15' contains tbe bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 0 on indicates the low priority bit failed.) Reg. X'14' contains tbe actual data received by tbe IN X'1I2'. By the tiae tbe OUT X'47' was issued, the allow low priority latch should have set and allowed the forced bit service. NO interrupt occurred. Beg. XIll' contains the line (BCB) address from which bit service was forced. YIIG2 YU2 03FP PEALD PAGE PETMM PAGE COMMENTS RS30Q RS30Q 1-110 A-110 RS30Q RS306 8S306 BS306 BS306 85306 RS306 RS306 A-170 1-160 1-160 A-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 A-160 RS3011 R5107 1-170, Pretest error. 1-260 Rerun routine '541. BS305 1-040 1510 OXOq Ensure tbat a bit service interrupt occurs witbin one scanner pass after issuing OUT X'47' to a line address set to low priority. 1512 XXXI Diagnostic Bit Service (Test "): Test ail addresses individually to ensure that diagnostic bit service causes a bit ..ervice' level 2 i,llterrupt . ffo. !lach. This is accollplishecl by stopping the scanner (via tAo'!: X'Q7') at the 'address 'just preceping the "one tested, setting dUgn!lst;J.c !lit service, and resetting the forced interrupt. The address under test should interrupt immediately. 1572 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'1I7') causes a bit service interrupt froll the line address under test. After attempting to force a YQF2, YQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via 001 X'1I7') fro. the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froa that line. B5305 Ensure that setting diagnostic bit service (Byte 1, bit 0 of OUT X'44') will cause a level 2 interrupt as soon as the scanner is started froll a previous stop. A level 2 interrupt failed to occur after setting diagnostic bit service. BS105 BS305 1512 OX02 5.0.36 X3105FAA Y4E2 YIIG2 Test error. Proble. is probably in the C5 near the allow lov priority latch on lLD and lETHK pages given. (If ~yte 0, bit 1 of reg. X'II3' is on, rerun routines 1512 and 15111 •. 1 feedback error has occurred and this error is invalid.) A-330, Pnetest error. A-040 Berun routine 1512. A-300 A-OliO Test error. Problem is probably failure of the diagnostic bit service latch to set. (If needed, reg. X'13' contains the address of the line expected to interrupt., Type 1 Scanner 1FT o IBK 3105 CO"KQHIC~TIOHS CONTROLLER 099- 3105E-09 TIPI 1 CO"MONICAtIONS SCAHMBR 1fT SYKPTOR INDEX ,ROOT. BRROR fONCTION TBSTED CODE 1512 OX03 Bnsure that the interrupt "hicb just occurred was rroa the address expected. o PROG KASK FEALD PAGE 115301, 19302 COMMENTS fest error. Display reg. I'U'. U byte 0, bit 1 is on, a feedback check bas occurred. Rerun routines 1512 and 15111. If not, the scan counter is probably not increBenting properlf· Diagnostic Bit Service ('Test '2): Ensure that after diagnostic bit service has been set, all line addresses present a bit service interrupt in address order. This is accomplished by forCing bit service (9ia OOT X'47') from line (BCB) address l'OBlO' and then setting diagnostic bit service. All addresses should then interrupt in address order frOB 0 thru to 64. (Tbis allowed to occur twice.) OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OOT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt froa the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14l2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUt X'47'I from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking legel 2 interrupts and waiting the tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from t~at line. RS305 1574 OX10 tbru OX8r Bnsure that after setting diagnostic bit service, all addresses interrupt in address order through two successive passes of the scanner. (To facilitate a scope loop, the error code is incremented just before each interrupt is expected.) A line did not interrupt in address order. Beg. 1'13' contains the line address ezpected to interrupt. (If byte 0, bit 5 is on, this was the second pass.) Byte 0, bit 0 of reg. X'15' describes the error. If on, no interrupt was received at all. If off, the wrong address interrupted. (See reg. X'14' for interrupting address.) RS305 RS301, BS302 1576 XXXX High-Low Priority Test: Ensure the proper operation of the priority counter and control Circuits. tbis is accomplished in two ways after baving set all lines to low priority. First, a check is made to ensure that with all lines set to low priority and utilizing the diagnostiC bit service function, each address interrupts in address order. Secondly, after tbe first pass, as each line interrupts, its priority Is changed to high. Tbis should cause the next interrupt to be from the saae address. Tbe address's priority is then changed back to low to allow the next address to interrupt. this is done through all 64 addresses. (Note: to determine at an error stop which of the above tests was In progress, display reg. X'13'. If contents are X'OOOO', first test was in progress. If not, the second test was.) 1576 OXOI Bnsure that force bit service (OaT X'~7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14f2, 14G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUt 1'47') frOB the line (BCB) address in Reg. I'll', unmaSking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1516 OX02 Ensure that the lOll priority bit (IN X'42', byte I, bit 0) can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with that bit on. Either the low priority bit failed to set or other bits turned on in error. Beg. X' 11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in o o o o SUS PECTED CARD LOCA'lION (s) JqG2 XXXX 157~ o ERROR DESCRIPTION The address received by an IN X'41' indicated tbe scanner stopped at tbe wrong address. Reg. X'13' contains the line (BCB) address expected. Reg_ 1'1~' contain. the address received by the IN X'41'. (Not valid if byte 0, bit 0 is off.) Type 1 Scanner 1fT Y4a2 Y4a2 f4B2 03lF A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. Test error. Problem is within the CS, probably in the scan counter. (Bowever, if interrupt was received frOB wrong address, display reg. X'43'. If byte 0, bit 1 is on, a feedback check has occurred and stopped the scanner frOB increaenting. Rerun routines 1512 and 1514.) RS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. RS304 RS107 A-170, Pretest error. A-260 Rerun routine 154A. X3705FAA 5.0.39 )1 IBM 3705 COMMUNIC~TIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (s) PROG MASK FEALD PAGE FETMM PAGE COMMENTS error. (Byte I, bit 0 on indicates the low priority bit failed.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. 1576 OX03 Ensure a bit service level 2 interrupt occurs fro. each line as it is expected (described in the description for this routine, see 1576, XXXX, above.) No interrUpt was received from the expected address. Reg. X'15' describes the errOr. If byte 0, bit 0 is on, no interrupt was received at all. If off, the wrong address interrupted. Reg. X'11' contains the address expected to interrupt. Beg. X'14' contains the interrupting address. 1576 OX04 Ensure that the low priority bit (IN X' 42', byte I, bit 0) can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with that bit on. Either the low priority bit failed to set or other bits turned on in error. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X' 15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 0 an indicates the low priority bit failed.) Beg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. 1576 OXOS Ensure that the low priority bit can be reset via OOT After having set the low priority bit, an attempt to reset it was made via OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 0 off. An IN X'42' then indicated the bit was still on (or ather bits were set in error),. Reg. X'1S' contains the bits in error. Byte 1, bit 0 on indicates that the low priority bit failed to reset. Beg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address tested. X' 42'. R5305 Y4G2 Test error. Priority counter is probably at fault. (llowever, if interrupt OCCurred from the wrong address, display reg. X'43'. It byte 0, bit 1 is on, a feedback check bas occurred an d stopped the scanner from incrementing. Rerun routi nes 1512 ,!~d 1514.) 03FP RS304 aS107 1-110. Test error. A-260 Rerun routines 154A and 154C. 03PF R5304 A-170 1-260 Test error. Rerun routines 1541 and lS4C. 1578 XXXX Set Data Set Ready, Carrier Detect, and Clear-to-Send (via diagnostic mode): Ensure that after setting a line to diagnostic mode and setting on request-to-send, data set ready, carrier detect, and clear-to-send are on. This test is run on all installed adapters except autocall, in turn. (This test can only ensure that tbese lines have been set. Due to the actual hardware, it cannot determine if diagnostic mode or the actual presence of the signal on the communications line set the •• ) 1518 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under tast. After attempting to farce a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1578 OX02 Ensure that the diagnostic mode b it in IN X' 42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 1 on. Either the diagnostic mode bit Y4G2 failed to act correctly or Y4E2 other bits in the IN X'42' turned on in orror. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCD) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte I, bit 1 on indicates a diagnostic made bit failure.) Reg. X'14' 5.0.40 X3105PAA 03FF RS30S A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. RS306 RS106 A-160 A-270 Test error. Problem is probably in the associated line adapter. (See General Comments, 13.) If other bits are on in error, some kind 'Type 1 Scanner 1FT o IBft 3705 CO""UHiCATIOH5 CONTaO~L!R TYPB 1 COft"O.ICAfIOHS SCAMHBR I'T SYftPTOft INDEX ROUT. E880B 'UHCTIOR TISflD CODE E8ROR DESCRIPTION contain. the actual data received by the 1M X'42'. o o o o o o o o Ensure that the re'luestto-send/NBB-2 bit can be set by issuing an OUT X'43' with byte I, bit 6 on. 099-370511-09 SUSPBCTID CABO LOCnIOII,_, 1576 OX03 1578 OX04, Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a YII'2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'41') from the line (BCB) address in aeg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurrea ,fro. that line. 1578 0105 Ensure that setting diagnostic 80de sets clear-to-send in IN X' 43' (byte 1, bit 0 off) if reguest-tosend is already OD. After setting diagnostic .ode ana re'luest-to-send, and forcing the scanner to again stop at the tested address, an IN X'43' indicated that c1ear-to-send was still off (or diagnostic .ode or re'luest-to-send bad dropped). ae9. X'lS' contains the bits in error. Byte 1, bit 0 on indicates clear-to-send failed to set. Reg. 1'111' contains the d~ta received bJ the III X'43'. 1'576 OX06 Ensure that diagnosti¢ , mode sets da ta :set read y in IN X'43' (btte I, bit 2 off). . I~he, 1576 OX07 Ensure that diagnostic mode sets carrier detect in IN X'43'. Type 1 Scanner IPT Bither the request-to-send/ HBR-2 bit failed to set or other bits were set in error in the IN X'43'. aeg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test~ Reg. X'15' contains the bits in IN X'43' in error. (Byte 0, bit 6 on indicates a request-to-send/HSR-2 bit set failure.) PROG IASK Y4G2 1412 PBAtD nOB PBTU PaO! COUENTS of interaction occurred. If byte I, bit 1 is on in both Begs. 1'15' and X'14', the line adapter tested was an autocall adapter and the diagnostic aode bit set and should not have. a5308 BS106 A-200 A-290 Test error. The problem probablr is in the associated line adapter. (See General eouents. fl.) If other bits are in error, so.e kind of interaction problell exists. Reg. X'll1' contains the actual data received by tbe III X'43'. aS305 1-330, Test error. 1-040 aerun routine 1512. Y4G2 0264 85307 A-160, Test error. 1-200 ,ailure is in the CS. however, if needed, reg. X'1" contains the line (BCBI address under test. If reg. X'15' indicates that diagnostic sode or requestto-send bave dropped (byte 1. bit 5 or byte O. bit 6, respectively), rerun routines IS3E and 1526. same I~. X'lIa' described I4G2 In'.error OXO!:;. above. indicated that data set ready was not set by setting diagnostic sode. Beg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' -uta. 0020 ~5307 1-180 Byte 1, bit 3 of the same IN X'43' in error OX05, above, was off indicating that carrier detect was not set by diagnostic sode. Beg_ X"_' contains tbe received IN X'43' data. 0010 85307 1-160. Test error. 1-200 As above, failure is in tile es. aeg. X'11' contains the tested line address, i f needed. I4G2 Test e'rror. 1s above, failure is in the CS. Reg. X'11' contains the tested line address. X3705FlA 5.0.41 lau 3705 CO~~Q"JCATIOH~ CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKKUU1CATIOaS SCAHHEB 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX 099-37058-09 BOUT. ERROR PUNCTIOH TBSTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CABO PROG FEALD lETKK coaBENTS CODE LOCATION(SI BASK PAGE PAGE 157A nn Feedback Error (Test "1: After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested line address and a check made to ensure that issuing an OUT X'43' with the transa1t mode and send data bits on (trans.it-sarkl does not cause a feedback check. After testing all insta11ed.adapters except autoca11, the entire test is run again but with send data off (trans.it space). 157A OX02 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'II7'I causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. After atteepting to force a Y1I12, YIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'41') fro. the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', uneasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the tile of a scanner pilI, no bit lervice interrupt occurred fro. that line. 1571 OX 011 Before continuing the test, ensure that a feedback error is not already indicated. After stopping the Icanner at the tested address, an IN X'43' indicated a feedback error. (Byte 0, bit 1 vas on.) (Reg. X'14' contains the result of the II X'1I3'.) Yllr2 157A OX06 Betore checking for feedback error, ensure via IN X'II3', that the transmit sode and send data bits vere properly set. Either the transeit .ode bit failed to set or the send data bit failed to act correctly. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error. ~yte 0, bit 4 on on indicates the trane.it Bode bit failed to set. Bfte 0, bit 7 on indicates a send data bit failure. IReg. X'14' contains the data received by tbe II X'43-.) 157& OX08 Ensure tha t issuing OUT X'II3' vith transmit-.ark or transeit-space set, does not cause a feedback error. After setting transmit mode and sark or space, the IN X'43' described in error OX06, above, indicated a feedback check occurred. (Byte 0, bit , of the IN X'43' vas on.1 Beg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. If byte 1, bit 7 of Reg. X'13' is on, send data was on (mark). If not, it was off (spacel. lS7C XXXX Peed back Error (Test '2): Ensure the ability of the feedback error detection circuitry to detect a feedback check thus preventing a bit service level 2 reset, and the ability to reset a feedback error. fbis i8 accomplished by resetting the scanner (keeping the LIBS disabled), forcing the Icanner to Itop at the tested address, attempting to set transmit mode and space via an OUf X'43' and checking that no feedback error occurs and that the bit service can be reset. The scanner is again stopped at the tested address and an attempt aade to set transdt lode and mark.. This tiee a feedback error should occur (since the LIB is disabledl and tbe level 2 interrupt should Dot reset. An attempt is then made to reset the feedback error and a check made that the level 2 interrupt can nov be reset. (This test is run on all addresses.) lS7C OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47'1 causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. ~fter attempting to force a 14P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47'I from the line (BCBI address in Beg. X'll', onmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. lS7C 0102 Before continuing the test, ensure that attellpting to set transmit aode and space, via OOT X'43', does not After issuing an OUT X'II3' to the line under test (Reg. X'11'1, with only the transmit mode bit on (byte 1, bit 41 5.0.42 X37051'U 85305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. 4000 B5202 1-200 Pretest error·. Rerun routine 1518. Y_G2 0900 B5308 A-200 ~est error. Berun routine ISlA i f transmit .ode bit failed lind routines 1522 and 1524 if the send data bit failed. Y4E2 YIIP2 4000 RS104 BS202 A-200 'est error. Problem is prollably in tbe feedback error detection circuits in the CS. (SeB General Cosaents, fl.. I If problu appearl not to be in the CS, rerun routines 1522 and 1524 before proceding. If needed, Reg. X'11' cOlltains the line address under test. >, " 85305 11900 A-330, Pretest error. A-O_O Rerun routine 1512. A-200 Pretest error. If Reg. X'lS', byte 0, bits 4 or 7 are on, fype 1 Scanner IPT ", 1 '·i ,< o i ) o IDM 3705 CO~MUNICATIONS CONTROLLER ROUT. EEBOR FUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION CODE cause a feedback error to occur. o o c C, RS202 Y4G2 85307 Y4G2 R5301 An IN X'71' following an OUT X'41' to reset bit serVice, indicated a level 2 interrupt was still present. 157C 0104 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes II bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg_ X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. Ensure that attempting to set transmit mode and mark (byte 1, bits 4 and 7 of an OUT 1'43') on a line on a disabled LIB, causes a feedback cbeck to occur. After stopping the scanner and issuing the OOT x'43', an IN X'43' indicated that a feedback error failed to occur (or the transmit mode or send data bits set erroneously). Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 1-a feedback error failed to occur. 8it 4-the transmit mode bit set. Bit 7-the send data bit set. OX05 FEALD PAGE Y4F2 Ensure that with no feedback error present, the bit service level 2 interrupt that was forced can be reset. 157C PROG MASK FET"" PAGE COMIIENTS ignore bit 2. If rerunning the routines specified failes to locate . tMi problem, a LIB may be enabled in error. Try replacing Y4F2, ALD page R5206, PET"" page A-310. OX03 OJ Y4G2 4000 RS305 RS30S 4900 A-240 Rerun routine '5H. Reran routine ISlA. Rerun routine 1522. A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1514. A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. A-200 Y4F2 RS202 Test error. If Reg. X'lS', byte 0, bit 4 or 7 are on, ignore bit 1 and rerun the specified routines. (See error code 0102, above.) Y4G2 RS301 Rerun routine Y4G2 RS307 Rerun routine 152 2. ISH. 157C OX06 Ensure that after a feedback error has occurred, the bit service level 2 interrupt cannot be reset. After forcing a feedback check (see above), an OUT X'41' vas issued to attempt to reset the level 2 interrupt and start the scanner. A following IN X'71' no longer indicated a pending level 2 interrupt and should have. Y4F2 4000 RS202 A-240 Test error. Feedback error has appuently failed to block the 'start scanner' line on ALD page given. 157C OX07 Ensure that after a feedback error has occurred, an OUT X'44' with byte 1, bit 6 (reset feedback error) can reset it. An IN X'43' following the OUT X'44' still indicated a feedback error. Reg. X'14' contains the results of the IN X'43'. Byte 0, bit 2 on indicates the feedback error reset failure .• Y4E2 4900 RS105 A-300 Test error. 151C OX08 Ensure that now that the feedback error has been reset, an OUT X'41' can reset the level 2 interrupt. After resetting the feedback, check an OUT X'41' (reset bit service) was issued and a folloving IN X'77' still indicated a level 2 interrupt present. Beg. X'14' contains the IN X'77' data. Y4F2 Y4G2 4000 R5202 BS305 A-240 Test error. The 'start scanner' line on ALD pages given failed to come up. o Type 1 Scanner 1FT e (send dat4 off=space), an IN X'43' indicated that either a feedback cbeck occurred, transmit mode bit did set (it should not have since the LIBs vere disabled). or send data erroneously set. Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'43'. Reg. 1'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 1-feedback cbeck was on. sit 4-transmit mode bit set. Bit 7-send data bit lias set. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) 151C " c' D99-3705E-09 TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX X3705FAA 5. o. 43 IBn 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTBOLLE~ TYPE 1 COnMONICATIONS SCANNEB Ir~ SYMPTOM INDEX D99-3105E-09 BOUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIFTION SUSPECTED CARD PROG FEALD fETM" COMMENTS CODE LOCATION(s) MASK PAGE PAGE 151E XXXX LIB Bit Clock Check: Enable a LIB and check to ensure that no LIB bit clock error is indicated for any LIB. [This test is run four times; once for each LIB.) 151E OX02 Before enabling any LIB, ensure that no bit clock is indicated. After having reset and enabled the scanner, an IN X'4q' indicated a LIB bit clock check even though all LIB's were disabled. Reg X'lQ' contains the results of the IN X'q4': 003C RS206 &210 &220 I?retest error. Rerun routines 15011 through 150&. Byte I: Ili t 2-LlB bit clock check Bit 3-LIB 2 bit clock check Bit 'I-LIB 3 bit clock check Bit 5-LIB q bit clock check 157E OXOq Ensure that with any LIB enabled no bit clock check is indicated for the first LIB. After enabling a LIB, the LIB 1 bit clock check bit was on in an IN X'q,,'. Reg. X'lq' contains the results of the IN X'1I4'. Byte 0, bi~s 6 and 7 indicate which LIB was enabled; '00', '01', '10', and '11' for LIB's 1, 2, 3, and 'I respectively. YQF2 0020 RS206 A-210 1-220 Test error. If the first LIB 1185 the one that was enabled, suspect a failure in that LIB's bit clock control carll. 1"7£ OX06 Ensure that with any LIB onabled no bit clock check is indicated for the second LIB. After enabling a LIB, tho LIB 2 bit clock check bit was on in an IN X'q4'. Reg. X' 14' contains the results of the IN X'44'. Byte 0, bits 6 and 7 indicate which LIB was enabled; '00', '01', '10', and 'II' for LIB's 1, 2, 3. and 4 respectively. HF2 0020 RS206 1-210 1-220 Test error. If the second LIB vas the one that was enabled, suspect a failure in that LIB's bit clock control card. 1578 OX08 Ensure that with any LIB enabled no bit clock check is indicated for the third LIB. After enabling a LIB, the LIB 3 bit clock check bit was on in an IN X'4q'. Reg. X'lq' contains the results of the IN X'II4'. Byte 0, bit 6 and 7 indicate which LIB was enabled; '00', '01' 'la', and '11' for LIB's 1, 2, 3, and q respectively. r41' 2 0020 RS206 A-210 1-220 Test error. If the third LIB was the one that was enabled, suspect a failure in that LIB's bit clock control card. 1578 OXOA Ensure that with any LIB enabled no bit clock check is indicated for the fourth LIB. After enabling a LIB, the LIB q bit clock check bit was on in an IN X'44'. Reg. X'14' contains the results of the IN X'qq'. Byte 0, bit 6 and 7 indicate which yqF2 0020 RS206 A-210 A-220 Test error. If the fourth LIB was the one that was enabled, suspect a failure in that LIB' 5 bit clock control card. LIB was enabled; 'OOt, '01 1 , '10', and 'II' for LIB's 1, 2, 3, and q respectively. 1580 XXXX Oscillator Interrupt Test (or Konitor Kode 11): By setting monitor mode'1 (allow nor.al bit service requ£,sts) and checking tor a bit service level 2 interrupt trom each installed adapter. ensure that all oscillators can cause a bit service interrupt from all installed adapters. (This' test runs first with oscillator 0 and each line, first in receive and then in transmit mode. It then tests all other installed oscillators with each installed adapter except autocall.) 1500 OXOl Ensur~ that force bit service (OUT X' q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 5. O. qq X370SPAA After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via 001 X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X " " , YQ1'2, yqG2 RSJ05 A-330, I?retest error. A-OqO Rerun routine '512. Type 1 Scanner 1FT ,-,-,\, ,,_J .-~-~.------ o o o o o 18" 3105 COft"UNICATIONS CONTROLL!R TtPB 1 COftftUHICATIONS SCAHHBR 1fT SYftPTOft INDEX lOUT. BRBOB PUNCTION TBSTBD USK After stopping the scanner and issuing an OUT X'42', an IN 1'42' indicated that lIode 11 was not set or the proper oscillator select bits were not set (or other bits vere set in error). Reg. X'14' contains tbe actual data received ~y the IN X'42'. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6-80de bit failed to set. Bit 'I-mode bit 2 failed to set. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority set in error. Bit l-diagnostic wrap 80de set in error. Bit 2-datl terllinal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous lIode set in error. Bit 4-external clock bit set in error. Bit 5-data rate select bit set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 failed to set or vas set in error. 8it 'I-oscillator select bit 2 failed to set or vas set in error. t4G2 03PP After issuing an OUT X'43' to the line under test, an IN X'43' indicated tbat the transmit lIode ~it failed to set or reset. Reg. 1'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. !he transait mode bit (byte 0, bit 4) should have been the opposite of what it was. t4G2 unmasking level 2 interrupts and .aiting the ti.e of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1580 OX02 I!nsure that an OUT 1'42' has set aode 11 and bas properly selected an oscillator. o o o PROG SUSPECTED CARD LOCATIOllls) COOl! o o o o o BRBOB DESCRIPTION D99- 3'1 051- 09 PETU counTS A-150 Pretest error. RerUn routines specified below. leg. X'11' contains the line address under test. R5304 1-170 15304 A-l'10 Rerun routine 1541!. Berun routine 1552. 85304 A-170 R5306 1-160 R5306 1-160 FEUD PAG! P1GB R5306 A-160 BS306 1-160 B5306 1-160 BS306 1-160 8S306 A-160 Berun routines 1546 and 1548. R5308 1-200 Pretest error. Berun routines 15111 and 151C. I 0800 Rerun routines 1541 and 154C. Rerun routines 153A and 153C. Rerun routines 1532 Ind 1534. Berun routines 152A and 152C. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Berun routines 152B and 1530. Beran routines 1542 and 1544. 1580 OX03 Ensure that an OUT 1'43' has set transmit or receive lode. 1580 OX21 The remaining error codes in this routine are basically the same, changing to indicate the oscillator selected at time of failure and to indicate whether the failure occurred vhile in transmit or receive Bode. The aajoritJ of failures detected by this routine will be caused by a faulty line adapter, but aay be caused by a LIB failure or the CS itself. ISee general co.ments, '3.) If III lines fail in both transBit Ind receive Bodes and with all oscillators, suspect card at location Y4G2, ALD page BS305. I~ all lines fail with a given oscillator, regardless of Bode, replace cards 1482 and Y4J2 for oscillators 0 or 1 and 2 or 3, respectively. If all lines fail on one LIB in transmit Bode only, replace the LIB ISOLATIOH CARD. If all lines on one LIB fail in receivs mode only, replace the LIB BIT CLOCK CONTROL CABD. If only one line fails, replace the line interface card for that address. 1580 OX20 co ott Ensure that the first After having set monitor error. oscillator can create a Beg. X'11' strobe in a line adapter the line set to receive mode, oscillator 0, setting receive under causing a bit service mode, starting the scanner, ISee level 2 interrupt. and vaiting a maximo. of 30 follow! ng the milliseconds for a bit for service interrupt from the code 0103 line under test, none routine.) Type 1 Scanner IPT 1482 BS401 mode 11 to allow normal bit service requests, selecting occurred. t4G2 Test BS305 &-040 contains address test. note description error of this X3705PAA 5.0.45 ID~ 3105 CO~~UNICATI0NS CONTROLLER T1PE 1 CO~~UNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYMPTOM INDEX 099- 37 05E- 09 ROUT. ERBOR FUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSE~C'ED CARD PROG PEALD PETH" CODE LOCATION (s) MASK PAGE PAGE 1580 OX21 Ensure that the first After having set monitor mode Y4H2 RS401 A-040 error. oscillator can create a 11 to allow normal bit servica X'11' strobe in a line adapter requests, selecting oscillator the line set to transmit mode, 0, setting transmit mode, under causing a bit service starting the scanner, and waiting (Soa lovol 2 intorrupt. a maximum of 30 milliseconds following the for a bit service interrupt from for the line adapter under test, code OX03 none occurred. routine.) Test fleg. contains address test. note description error of this 1580 OX22 Ensure that the second After having set monitor mode Y4U4 R5402 A-040 Test error. oscillator can create a 11 to allow normal bit service Reg. X'11' strobe in a line adapter requests, selecting oscillator contains the line set to receive mode, 1, setting receiYe mode, starting address under causing a bit service the scanner, and waiting a test. (See level interrupt. maximum of 30 milliseconds for note following a bit service interrupt from the description the line under test, none for error code occurred. OX03 of this routine.) 1580 OX 23 Ensure that the second After having set monitor mode Y4H4 RS402 A-040 error. oscillator can create a 11 to allow normal bit service X'11' strobe in a line adapter requests, selecting oscillator the line set to transmit mode, 1, setting transmit mode, under causing a bit service starting the scanner, and waiting (See level 2 interrupt. a maximum of 30 milliseconds following for a bit service interrupt description from the line under test,error code none occurred. this Test Reg. contains address test. note the for OX03 of routine. ) 1580 OX24 Ensure that the third YQJ2 R5403 A-OQO After having set monitor .ode error. oscillator can create a 11 to allow normal bit service X'11' strobe in a line adapter requests, selecting oscillator the line set to receive mode, 2, setting receive mode, under causing a bit service starting the scanner, and (See level 2 interrupt. waiting a maximum of 30 following milliseconds for a bit service description interrupt from the line under error code test, Ilone occurred. this Test Reg. contains address test. note the for OX03 of routine.) 1580 1580 OX25 OX26 Insure that the third After having set monitor mode Y4J2 RS403 A· OQO error. oscillator can create a 11 to allow normal bit service X'11' strobe in a line adapter requests, selecting oscillator the line set to transmit mode, 2, setting transmit mode, under causing a bit service starting the scanner, and (See level 2 interrupt. waiting a maximum of 30 following milliseconds for a bit description service interrupt from the error code line under test, none this occurred. Test Ensure that the fourth After having set monitor Y4J4 RS404 error. oscillator can credto a 11 to allow nor.al bit X'11' strobe in a line adapter servic., requests, selecting the line set to receive mode, oscillator 3, setting receive under causing a bit service mode, starting the scanner, (see level 2 interrupt. and waiting a maximum of 30 following milliseconds for a bit description service intorrupt from the error code line under test, none this occurred. Test Reg. contains addreas test. note A-040 Reg. contains address test. note the for OX03 of routine. ) the tor OX03 of .ouline. ) Type 1 Scanner 1FT o () o o o o o o o o IB~ 3705 COM"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TY~E 1 COK~UNlc~TIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM P99-3705E-09 INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED ERBOR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD PROG FEALD CODE LOCATION Cs) MASK PAGE 1580 0127 Ensure that the fourth After having set monitor mode Y4J4 R54011 error. oscillator can create a 11 to allow normal bit X'11' strobe in a line adapter service requests, selecting the line set to transmit mode, oscillator 3, setting transmit under causing a bit service mode, starting the scanner, and Isee level 2 interrupt. waiting a maximum of 30 tollowinq milliseconds for a bit service description interrupt from the line under error code test, none occurred. this FE'l'ft~ PAGE A-OliO Test Reg. contains address test. note tho for 0103 of routine. ) 1580 OX30 Ensure that after a bit After receiving a normal bit error. service level 2 interrupt the has been caused by a strobe service in a line adapter, the 'bit was not service' bit in IN X'~3' is onto the set. the actual data received by during the the IN X'ij3'. Y4G2 0002 RS307 A-200 service request from a line set to monitor mode 11, byte 1, bit 6 of an IN 1'43' was not set. Reg. 1'14' contains Test Apparently, bit bit gated inbus IN X'43'. CIf needed, o \leg. X'11' contains the line address under test. ) o 0 COMMEK'lS 1582 XXIX Reset Interface Bit Service Request: After the CS has been reset, the tested line address is set to mode 11. oscillator 0 selected, and a bit service level 2 interrupt caused by a strobe in the line adapter is allowed to occur. An OUT 1'41' or X'46' is issued in an attempt to reset the interface bit service and a check made to ensure that it did. ~lso, if the bit service failed to reset, a check is made to ensure that a feedback occurs. (This test runs on each installed line adapter, first using OUT X'4,' then OUT X'46', in turn. ) 1582 OXOl Ensure that force bit service COOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') froll the line IBCB) address in Beg. X'l1', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from. that line. 1582 0102 Ensure that an OUT 1'42' has set mode 11 and has properly selected an oscilla tor. After stopping the scanner and issuing an OUT X'42', an IN X'42' indicated that ~ode 11 was not set or the proper oscillator select bits were not set (or other bits were set in error). Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'~2'. Reg. X'15' contains the bits 1 i.,.•. .. ,I 1 1 "j o o o o in errot:: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit failed to set. Bit 7-mode bit 2 failed to set. Byte 1: Sit O-low priority set in error. Bit l-diagnostic wrap mode set in error. Bit 2-data terminal ready set in error .. Bit 3-synchronous mode set in error. Bit 4-external clock bit set in error. Bit 5-data rate select bit set in error. o Type 1 Scanner 1FT o Y4G2 RS305 03FF 1-330, Pretest error. A-040 Berun routine 1512. 1-150 Pretest error. Rerun routines specified below. \leg. X'11' contains the line address under test. BS304 A-170 R53011 A-170 Berun routine 154 E. Rerun routine 1552. R53011 A-170 R5306 "-160 RS306 A-160 R5306 A-160 R5306 A-160 R5306 A-160 Ilerun routines 154A and 154C,. Rerun routines 153A and 153c. Rerun routines 1532 and 1534. Rerun routines 152A and 152C. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E and 1530. X3705FAA 5.0.47 lEa 3705 COKHDNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COftBUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX BOUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE D99- 37 05E- 09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (sl PROG IIASK Bit 6-oscillator select bit , failed to set or was set in error. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 failed to set or was set in error. 1582 OX03 , 582 O~ 1582 FEALD PAGE R5306 l'ETItK PAGE A-160 COUENTS RS306 A-160 8erun routines 15116 and 15118. Rerun routines 1542 and 151111. Ensure that the first oscillator has created a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt. After having set monitor mode 11 to allow normal bit service requests, selecting oscillator 0, start,\ng the scanner, and waiting up to 30 milliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt from the line under test, none occurred. Y482 RS401 A-OliO Pretest error. Beru n rout! ne 1580. Ensure t hit t if A reset bit service fails to do so, then a feedback check will occur. After a failing attempt to reset an interface bit service request, an IN X'II3' failed to indicate a feedback error. (Byte 0, bit 1 MaS off.) YIIF2 Y4E2 8S202 RS104 A-240 Test error. Since feedback errors of this type cannot be forced, this problem should be fixe(l be fore t he problem of the reset failing. OX05' Ensure that an OUT X'41' or X'II6' can reset a bit service level 2 request. After allowing a bit service Y4F2 level 2 request to cause an I4E2 interrupt, an IN X'77' following an OUT X'41' or X'46' still indicated that a type 1 CS level 2 request vas present. (Byte 0, bit 1 was on.) Reg. X'11', if needed, contains the line address under test. I f byte 0, bit 3 of that Reg .• is off, the reset attempted was an OUT X'41'. It not, it was an OU~ X'46'. RS202 BS104 A-240 A-320 Test error. Although this error code has been designated as a test error, the reset circuitry i t tests has previously been tested. Rerun routine 1514. 1582 OX06 Ensure that in addition to resetting a bit service level 2 interrupt, an OUT X'II1' or 1'46' can reset the interface bit service request that caused the level 2. After resetting the level 2 interrupt and thus starting the scanner, another bit service .interrupt from the same line occ2rred within the next pass of the scanner. Tbis indicate4 that the intertace bit service reque8t in the tested line adapter was not reset. 8eg. l'tl' contains the line IBCB) address under test.. (If byte 0, bit 3 of that aeg. is off, the reset tried was an OUT '41'. If not, it was an OUT X'46'.) 85308 A-240 A-320 Test error. Failure may be in the CS, the LIB, or line adapter. (See General Comments, .1.1 Howev8t, it tailure ocours with only one ot t be output instructions, problem is probably in instruction decode. Try rerunning routine 1514. 1584 XXXX Disable Level 2 Interrupts (Or Monitor Mode 001: Ensure that once normal bit service requests are allowed via monitor sode 11, they can again be disabled via monitor mode 00. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn. I 1584 OXO 1 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 141'2, HG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OCT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1584 OX02 Ensure that an OUT X'42' has set mode 11 and has After stoppin~ the scanner and issuing an OUT 1'42', an IN 011 5.0.ij8 X3705FAA Y4G 2 Y4G2 RS305 03FF A-330, pretost arror. A-040 8erun routine 1512. A-ISO ,~ Pretest error. Rerun rou ti nes Type 1 Scanner 1FT ,1'vty 1'1 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IBK 3705 COftftONICATIONS CONTROLLE! TYPE 1 COMftOJICATIORS SCANNER 1fT SYMPTOa INDEX ROUT. EBROB FUNCTION 'liSTED CODE properly selected an oscillator. X'42' indicated that .ode 11 vas not set or the proper oscillator select bits were not set Cor other bits were set in error). Reg. X'14' contains tbe actual data received by the IN 1'42'. Reg. X'1S' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 failed to set. Bit 7-.ode bit 2 failed to set. Byte 1: Bit o-low priority set in error. Bit '-diagnostic wrap mode set in error. Bit 2-data terminal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous mode set in error. Bit q-external clock bit set in error. Bit 5-data rate select bit set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 failed to set or was set in error. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 failed to set or was set in error. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATIONCsl PROG ftASK FEALD PAGB PETHa PAGE COnftEHT5 specified below. Reg. 1'11' contaiu the line address undu test. R5304 A-170 B5304 A-nO RS304 A-170 RS306 A-160 R5306 1-160 Rerun routine 1541!. Rerun routine 1552. Rerun routines 1511l and 1511C. Rerun routines 153A and 153e. Rerun routines 1532 and 1534. Berun routines 152A and 152C. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Berun routines 152E and 1530. Rerun routines 15112 and 15411. B5306 A-160 BS306 A-160 85306 1-160 R5306 A-160 R5306 A-160 Rerun routines 15116 and 1548. OX03 Ensure that the first oscillator has created a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt. After having set monitor mode Y482 11 to allOW normal bit service reguests, selecting oscillator 0, starting the scanner, and vaiting up to 30 lilliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt fro. the line under test, none occurred. BS401 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1580. 1584 OX04 Ensure tbat once monitor mode 11 bas allowed normal bit service requests, they can again be disabled via monitor mode 00. After having insurred that monitor lode 11 allowed at least one normal bit service request, an OUT 1'42' vas issued to set mode 00 Cdisable level 2 interrupts). Another bit service interrupt from the same line address then occurred. Reg. X'11' contains the line address ander test. B5305 A-040 Test error. Although this failure is designated as a test error, the separate functions have been previously tested. Display Reg. X'1I2'. If bits 6 or 1 of byte a are on, rerun routines 154E thru 1554. If not, rerun routine 1511. 1586 xxn Bit Overrun (Test .1): After the CS has been reset, the scanner is stopped at the tested address, and lode 11 (allow normal bit service requests) is set along with translit or receive mode. The scanner is again started and when the next interrupt occurs fro. that line, a test is lade to ensure that no bit overrun is present. (This test is run on all installed line adapters, in turn, in receive mode and then, in turn, in transmit mode.) 1586 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (ODT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. 1 ~~4 G o o o o o ERRoa DESCRIPTION D99-3705E-09 Type 1 Scanner 1FT 14G2 After attempting to force a Y4F2, YIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via ou~ X'41') frOB the line CSCS) address in Reg. X' 11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tile of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line. R5305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. X3105FAA 5.0.49 >', IB" 3105 COMMUNICATION~ CONTROLLEP TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. EaaOR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 1566 OX02 Ensure that an OUT X'q2' has set mode 11 and has properly selected an oscillator. 15U6 OX03 Ensure that dn OUT X'q3' has set transmit or receive mode. ERROR DE5CRIiTION After stopping the scanner and issuing an OOT X'Q2', an IN X'Q2' indicated tbat mode 11 vas not set or the proper oscillator select bits were not set (or other bits were set in error). Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'Q2'. Reg. X'1S' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit failed to set. Bit 1-mode bit failed to set. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority set in error. Bit I-diagnostic wrap mode set in error. Bit 2-data terminal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous mode set in error. Bit Q-external clock bit s~t in error. Bit 5-data r~te select bit set in error. ait 6-oscl11ator select bit 1 failed to set or was set in error. Bit 1-oscillator select bit 2 failed to set or was set in error. D99- 31 05 E- 09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (S) yqG2 After issuing an OUT X'Qj' to the line undc" test, an IN X'Q3' indicated that the transmit mode bit failed to set or reset. Reg. X'IQ' contaias the tBceived IN X'Q3' data. The transmit mode bit (blte 0, bit 4) should have been the opposite of what it was. Y4G2 PROG MASK 031'1' 0600 FEUD PAGE n'rM" PAGE A-ISO A-3qO COMIIENTS Pretest ell"Or. Rerun routines specified below. Reg. X'11' contains tb.:~ line address under test. R530q A- 170 IH!l. RS30Q A-170 15U. Rerun rOllt! 1552. R530Q 1.-110 R(:run routlnH: J R5306 1-160 RS306 1-160 115306 A-160 a5306 A-160 un routi no l~(j 1SH and lS4C. Rerun Louti rle~ 153A and 153C. Rerun Loutines 1532 and 1534. Rerun routines 152A and 152C. Reron routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E and 1530. RerUn routi nes 1542 and 1544. RS306 1-160 85306 1-160 R5306 A-160 Rerun routines 15£16 and 1546. R5308 A-200 A-3QO Preteut error. Rerun routines ISlA and 151C. R5ijOl A-OQO Test error. Although this failure is designated as a test error, this function has been ptev i r"test enOL:. Reg. X' 11' contains line address under test. Rerun the appropriate routine. R5304 A-170 B5304 A-170 Rerun routine 154E. Rerun routine 1552. R5304 1.-170 RS306 1-160 RS306 1-160 RS306 "'-160 R5306 lI.-lbO RS306 1-160 R5306 1-160 RS306 A-160 85305 A-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine 1512. OJFF set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 set. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 set. ISBA OX06 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47'1 causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempti~9 to to~ce a Y4F2, lC4G2 bit serv ice level 2 interrupt (via oo·r X'47'1 from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'l1', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 158A OX07 Ensure that the transmit line has now been properly set to transmit mode and send data (and thus the test data latch) has been set to the proper state. After baving stopped the Y4G2, Y4F2 scanner at tbe transmit address for the second time and issuing an 00'1' X'43' to set send data to a mark or space and to set transmit mode, an IN X'43' indicat~d the transmit line had not been properly set up. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. Reg. X'1~' contains the actual data ~eceived by the IN X'~3'. Reg. X'lS' contains the hits in error: Byte 0: Bit 1-a feedbaCK check occurred when the OOT X'43' was issued. Bit q-transmit mode bit failed to set. Bit "send data did not set to the proper state. Byte 1: Bit 5-diagnostic aode f~iled to set in IN X'43'. 5.0.54 X3705FIU 4904 A-200 A-350 Rerun routines 1S16,154A,&154C. Rerun rout! ne 153A. Rerun routines 1516,1532,& 1534. Rerun routi nes 1516,152I1.,&152C. Berun routines 1516,1536,&1538. Rerun routines 1516,15 2E, & 1530. Rerun routines 1516,15Q2,&1544. Rerun routines 1516,1546,&1548. Pretest error. Rerun the appropriate routine 9iVf:O. RS202 Rerun routilles 157A and 157C. R5308 Rerun routines RS30B Rerun routines 1522 and 1524. R5307 Rerun routines 1532 and 1540. 151A and lS1C. " Type 1 Scanner 1FT ·f.... ~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o tBK 3705 CO""UHlCl~IO.S COH~ROLLER TIP! 1 CO""DNIC1TIONS SC1NNER If~ 5Y"P~O" INDEX D9 9- 31 05 E- 09 ROOT. ERROR fDNCTION TESTED CODE ISBA OIOB Ensure that the first oscillator has created a strobe and caused a hit service level 2 interrupt from the receive line. SDSPEC'l'ED C1RD LOCATION lsi After having set lonitor lode nU2 11 to allow norsal bit service reguests, selecting oecillator 0, starting the scanner and vaiting up to 30 milliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt fros the line under test, Done occurred. lS8A Ensure that the first oscillator has created a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt from the receive line After hav~ng set lonitor so de to allow norsal bit service requests, selecting oscillator 0, starting the scanner, and waiting up to 30 .il11seconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt fros the line under test, none occurred. TIIU2 After giving the receive line a chance to strobe in tbe data transmitted, an IN X'Q3' at the time the scanner stopped indicated the data transmitted vas not received. Beg. X'IQ' contains the received IN X'II3' data. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error (ignore byte 0, bit 0 if any others are on) : Byte 0: Bit O-received data was not the same as the data transmitted. Byte I: Bit 5-diagnostic 80de has dropped. Bit 6-interface bit service request vas not present. 14E2 0109 again~ BRBOB DESCBIP~IOH . PROG USIt fBALD PAGE BSIiOl PAGE A-OliO aSQOl A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routinG 1580. 8S105 &-350 Test error. If diagnostic mode or interface service request vere in error, rerun routines 153E and 1580, respectively. I f not problem may be in the C5, a LIB, or line adapter. (See General Comments, '3.) If probles appears to be in a tIB, try replacing the LIB isolation card first. Beg. X'11' contains tho line address of the receive line. If needed, Beg. X'16' contains the storage location of the line address of the transmit line. II FBT!!!! IS8A OXOA Bnsure that (nov tbat the receive line bas bad a chance to strohe in the transmitted data) data can be sent from one line to anotber througb the use of tbe test data latch in diagnostic lode. lS8C XXXX ~est Data Latch: Bnsure that setting diagnostic mode cauaes the test data latch to be set to a mark. After the CS bas been reset, the tested line address is set to diagnostic mode and transsit space (to set the test data latch to a space). the saae line is then set to receive mode and a check .ade that it is now receiving a space (via the test data latch). Another ODT X'42' is then issued to set diagnostiC .ode again and a test .ade to ensure that the nezt tile the scanner is stopped at that address, it will be receiving a mark. (Hate that since sending the space, send data has never changed.) (This test is run on all installed non-autocal1 line adapters, in turn.) lS8C 0102 En sure t hat force bit service (OOT X'1I7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 1S8C 0103 Bnsure that the diagnostic mode bit in IH 1'42' can be set by issuing ou~ X'42' with byte 1, bit Ion. Type 1 Scanner If~ 8006 lfter attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OD~ X'Q7') fro a the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro I that line. Either the diagnostic mode bit YQG2 failed to act correctly or Y4B2 other bits in the IN X'1I2' turned on in error. Reg. I'll' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in orror. (Byte I, bit 1 on indicates a diagDostic mode bit failure.) Beg. X'll1' BS305 CO!!!!EN~S Pretest error. Rerun routine 1580. 1-330, Pretest error. I-OliO Berun routine 1512. -c 03Ff R5306 BS106 A-160 A-270 Pret est error. Berun routine 1531. X3705PU 5.0.55 15K 3705 COKKUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTOK INDEX aOUT. ERROR FONCTION TESTED CODE EBROR 099- 37 05E- 09 DESCRI~TION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG "ASK FEALD PAGE FETMM PAGE COftMEHTS 1-240 Pretest error. Rerun rou ti ne contains the actual data received by the IN 1'42'. 1SSC 15SC OXOq OX06 Ensure that once the scanner is stopped, it can be started again via OUT I'Q1' and then stopped again by forcing a bit service (OUT X'47') interrupt. Ensure that. before continuing, diagnostic wode and trans. it space have been able to be set in the line adapter under test. Either the scanner could not started again or after attempting to force the next bit service interrupt and waiting the time of a SCanner pass, no bit service interrupt fro. the line under test occurred. Beg. 1'11' contains the line (BCB) address fro. which bit service was to be forced. Value of Reg. X'1S' describes the failure: X'EOOO' - the OUT X'41' tailed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN X'17' (however, no feedback check was present). X'COOO' - the OUT X'Q1' failed to reset the type 1 C5 level 2 bit in IN X'77' because a feedback check was present. X'8000' - The OUT X'41' was successful but the OOT X'47' (force bit service) failed to cause a bit service interrupt. EOOO 1512. Y462 85305 1-240 Y4P2 R5202 1-240 Y4P2, Y4G2 115305 1-330, 1-240 After setting diagnostic mode YQG2 via OUT X'42', setting transmit space via OOT X'43', and then forcing the scanner to stop again. an IN X'Q3' indicated something was not set up correctly. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error: 0904 Byte 0: Bit 4-Transmit mode failed to set. Bit 1-Send data was not a space. Byte 1: Bit 5-Diagnostic mode vas not set in IN 1'43'. 15SC OX08 Insure that once the scanner is stopped. it can be started again via OUT X'41' and then stopped again by forcing a bit service (OUT X'47') interrupt. 5.0.56 X3705FAA Either the scanner could not started again or after attempting to force the next bit service interrupt and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt from the line under test occurred. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address from ~hich bit service was to be forced. Value of Reg. X'15' describes the failure: X'EOOO' - the OUT 1'41' failed to reset the type CS level 2 bit in IN X'71' (however. no feedback check was present). X'COOO' - the OUT X'41' failed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN X'77' because a feedback check was present. X'8000' - the OUT X'41' was successful but the OOT X'47' (force bit service) failed to cause a bit service interrupt. 1-200 Protest error. Reg. 1'14' contains the data received by the 1N 1'43'. Reg. X'11' contains tbe line address under test. Rerun appropriate routine as shown below. 85308 A-340 R5306 A-340 Rerun routine 1511. Rerun routines 1522 and 1524. 85307 A-340 Rerun routine 153E. EOOO 1-240 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 'l4G2 IIS305 Y4F2 R5202 YU2, Y4G2 as.105 A-240 A-330, BP492 Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o o IBM 3705 CO~~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COftftONICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTO" INPBX ROUT. EBBOB FUNCTION TESTED CODE 158C OXOA Ensure that an OUT X'43' llith data of all zeroes has set the tested address to receive sode. One scanner pass after the OUT X'43', an IN 1'_3' indicated that the line was still set to trans. it sode. (Byte 0, bit _ vas on.1 Reg. X'14' contains tbe results of the III X'431. Reg. X'11' contains tbe tested line address. SUSPECTED C1BD LOCATIOII (sl Y4G2 PROG IIASK 0800 PEAt 0 FUll II PAGE RS308 l'AGE A-200 COli II EnS Pretest error. Rerun routine 151C. 158C OXOC Ensure that when a line is in receive and diagnostic sodes, receive data reflects the status of the test data latch. After having set tbe test data 14E2 latcb to a space and turning the Hne adapter around to receive mode, an III 1'43' indicated receive data was set to a mark, not a space. Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by tbe IN X'43'. Reg. X'11' contains the tested line address. 0100 RS105 1-340 A-350 Pretest error. Rerun routine 158A. 158C OXOE Ensure that after issuing another ODT 1'42' with the diagnostic mode bit set (byte I, bit II, the diagnostic mode bit remains set. Now that the test data latch bas been set, and tbe tested address set to receive mode, an OOT X'42' was issued witb tbe diagnostic mode bit set in,an attempt to reset tbe test data latch. 1n IU 1'42' then indicated that diagnostic sode bad dropped. ,(Byte 1, bit 1 vas off.) 0040 BS306 1-160 Test error. Berun routine 153A. Reg. X"4' contains the received II X'43' data. If needed, reg. X',1' contains the tested line address. 158C 01[10 Ensure that once the scanner is stopped, it can be started again via OUT X'41' and then stopped again by forcing a bit service (ODT 1'47'1 interrupt. Either tbe scanner could not started again or after attempting to force the next bit service interrupt and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt from tbe line under test occurred. Reg. 1'11' contains ."be line (IlFBI address fros wb'l.cb bit service was to be forced. Value of Reg. X"5' describes tbe failure: I'EOOO' - Tbe OUT X'41' 14G2 failed to reset tbe type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN 1'77' (however, no feedback cbeck was presentl. X'COOO' - !he OD! X'41' Y4P2 failed to reset tbe type 1 CS level 2 bit in II X'77' because a feedback cbeck was present. X'8000' - Tbe OOT 1'41' Y4F2, Y4G2 vas successful hut the OOT J('47' (force bit servicel failed to cause a bit service interrupt. EOOO A-240 !est error. Rerun routine 1512. o o o o o o o o o o ERROR DESCRIPTION D9 9- 37 0511- 09 Y4G2 R5305 1-240 R5202 1.-240 B5305 1-330, A-O_O 158C ox 12 Before checking to see if the test data latch was set to a mark, ensure that diagnostic mode vas indeed set in the tested line adapter. After allowing a scanner pass to latch up diagnostic mode in IN X'43', the diagnostic mode bit (byte 1, bit 5) in an IN X'43' was not on. Y4G2 0004 B5307 A-200 !est error. Rerun routi nes 153E and 1540. ISSC ox 14 Ensure that after setting the test data latch to a space, setting diagnostic mode on any line adapter will reset it to a mark. After having set the test data latcb to a space, turning the line arcund to receive mode, and checking that a space was being received, an OUT X'42' was issued with the diagnostic mode bit set. After stopping, the scanner again at tbe Y4E2 8000 BS105 A-340 A-350 Test error. Problem is most likely near the test data latcb itself. If needed, reg. X'14' contains received IN X'43' Type 1 Scanner 1FT 13705F11 5.0.57 18K 3705 CO"~UNICATION~ CONTBOL~ER TYPE 1 COllKUllICATIONS SCANNER IFT SYKPTOK INDEX ROUT. ERnon FUNCTION TESTED CODE EnnOR DESCRIPTION 099-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG MASK FEALD PAGE FETnK PAGE tested address. an IN 1'43' indicated the test data latch vas not reset to a mark (receive data, byte 0; bit 0 vas still a space.) COKHENTS data and reg. X'11' contains the tested Une address. 15AO XXXX Oscillator Speed Test: By stopping the scanner at the tested address, allowing two bit overruns to occur, the average speed of each oscillator is determined and then examined to ensure that the tested oscillator has caused strobes to occur within 0.1~ of the oscillator's bit rate. (The speed of all installed oscillators is checked on all installed line adapters in both transmit and receive modes, except autocall adapters. Autocall adapters are checked only with oscillator 0 and in receive mode.) 15AO OX02 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'Q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (Yia OUT 1'41') from the line CBCB) address in Reg. lC'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1 SAO OX04 Ensure tha t an OUT 1 '42' has set the selected oscillator select bits (aDd ha s eit her set or reset diagnostic model. After issuing an OUT X'42' at Y4G2 the tested line address, an IN X'42' failed to reflect the OUT X'42'. Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by the IN 1'42' and reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: RS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-OQO Rerun routine 1512. Pretest error. Herun appropriate routines as specified below. Reg. X'11' contains failing line address is needed. Byte 0: set Bit 6-mode bit in error. Bit 7-mode bit 2 set in error. Byte 1: Bit 0-10. priority set in error. Bit 1-diag~ostic mode failed (it should have set on all tut autocall adapters). Bit 2-data terminal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous ~ode set in error. Bit 4-external clock bit set in error. Bit 5-data rate select set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 failed. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 failed. RS304 1-170 Rerun 155Q. HS304 A-170 Rerun 1554. R5304 A-110 Rerun 154C. R5306 1-160 Rerun routines 1531 and 153C. RS306 A-160 Rerun 1534. RS306 A-160 Rerun 152C. IIS306 0\-160 Rerun 1538. R5306 A-160 Rerun 1530. RS306 1-160 RS306 A-160 Rerun routines 1542 and 1544. Rerun routines 1546 and 1548. 15~0 OX06 Ensure that an OUT X'43' has set transmit or rec~ive mode. After issuing an OUT X'43' to the line under test, an IN 1'43' indicated that the transmit mode bit failed to set or reset. Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. The transmit mode bit (byte 0, bit 4) should have been the opposite of what it was. yQG2 0800 R5308 A-200 Pretest error. Rerun routines 1511 and 151c. 15AO OX08 Ensure that bit overrun can be set in the l i ne adapter under test. After waiting up to 60 milliseconds (the scanner is still stopped at the tested address) no bit overrun occurred. Reg_ X'll' contains the line address under test. Y4G2 0001 R5308 0\-200 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1588. 5.0.58 X3105FAA Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o IBK 3705 COftMUNICATIORS CONTROLLBR TYPE 1 CO"ftUHICATIOHS SCANNBR 1FT SYftPTOft INDBX ROUT. ERROR FURCnOIl TESTED CODE 15AD OIOC Ensure that bit overrun can be set in the line adapter under test. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PBOG USK 0001 rEAtD rBTU PAGE 85308 PAGB &-200 COli IIBHT S Test error. Rerun routine 1588. OXOE Bnsure that IIhile lIeasuring the oscillator speed, as eacb bit overrun occurs, it can be reset. Following a bit overrun, OUT X'44' IIitb byte 1, bit 7 on was issued to reset tbe overrun. An I I X' 43' t ben indicated tbe overrun was not reset. Reg. X'11' contains tbe line address under test. 14E2 BS105 A-300 Test error. Berun routine 1588. 15AO OX 10 Before checking tbe oscillator's average speed, ensure that all five overruns occurred. After waiting a maxisus amount of time, less than five bit overluns occurred. Y4G2 BS308 A-200 Test error. Problell is probably interaittent. Berun and loop on routine 1588. (If needed, byte 0 of reg. X"4' contains the nUllber of overruns tbat were not received.) 151.0 OX12 Ensure tbat no oscillator is running too aloll. The aaount of tine it took five bit overruns to occur was greater than 0.11 lore than IIhat it sbould have taken. Beg. X'11' contains the tested line address. Byte 1, bits 6 and 1 of reg. 1'16' indicate the oscillator under test (00, 01, 10, or 11 are the first, second, third, or fourth OSCillators, respectivelyl. If byte 0, bit 4 of reg. X'16' is on, tbe tested address was in transait sode. If not, it was in receive lIode. nU2-for tbe first and second oscillators. Y4J2-for tbe third and fourth oscillators. RS402 Tbe asount of time it took nU2-for tbe five bit overruns to occur lias first and second greater tban 0.1. les. than what it should have taken. oscillators. Reg. X'11' contains tbe tested YQJ2-for the line address. syte I, bits 6 third and and 7 of reg. x'16' indicate fourtb tbe oscillator uoder test (00, oscillators. 01, 10, or 11 are tbe first, second, tbird, or fourtb oscillators, respectivelyl. If byte 0, bit 4 of reg. X'16' is on, tbe tested address was in trans.it mode. If not, it was in receive aode. RSII02 U 0 '5AO OXl4 Ensure that no oscillator is running too fast. o o o After waiting up to 60 silliaeconds (the scanner is still stopped at the tested address I no bit overrun occurred. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. SUSl'BCTED CABO LOCATION (S) UG2 15AO , o BRROB DESCRIPTION D99-3705B-09 BSII03 115403 Test error. problem lIay be in tbe CS, LlB, or line adapter. (See General COlllents, 13.1 Test error. problell say be in the CS, 1.IB, or line adapter. (See general couents, f).) 15A2 XXXX Interrupt aode 01 (Test .11: Ensure that interrupt mode 01 allolls bit service level 2 interrupts from the tested line address when data set ready is active for at least one bit tille by forcing data set ready up with diagnostic lode. (This test is run on all installed non-autocall line adapters, in turn. It does not check tbat aode 01 will prewent level 2 interrupts when data set ready and ring indicator are inactive·1 15A2 0101 Bnsure tbat force bit service (OOT X'47'I causes a bit service interrupt froll the line address under test. Type 1 Scanner 1FT After attempting to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47'I fros the line (BCSI address in Beg. X'11', unlasking level 2 interrupts and R5305 A-330, Pretest error. A-OliO RerUn routine 1512. X3705FU 5.0.59 IBft 3705 COftnUNIC1TIOHS CONTROLLBR TYPE 1 COftftOnICaTIOHS scaRKBR 1FT SYftPTOa IHPBX ROUT. BaaOI rUHCTIOn TISTBD COOl BBBOI DBSCRIPTION 5U5ncnD ClIO LOC~TIOH (a) PIOO After stopping the scanner at the tested address and issuing an OUT X'42' to set the proper aodes, an IH X'42' indicated s failure to do so. Reg. X'14' contains the data received h)' the II 1'42'. leg. 1'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6-sode bit 1 falled to set. Bit 7-a04e bit 2 tliled to set. Byte 1: Bit O-lov priority set in error. Bit 1-diagnostic lode flUed to set. Bit 2-data terlinal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous aode set in error. Bit 4-external clock set in error. Bit 5-4ata rate select set in error. Bit 6-osoillator select bit 1 set. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 set. t4G2 03PP Ensure that tile first oscillator can create a strobe and cause a bit service level 2 interrupt fron the tested line. After having set nonitor node 11 to allov nornal bit service requests, selecting oscillator 0, starting the scanner and vaiting up to 30 li11iseoonds for' a bit servioe level 2 interrupt fro. the line uuder test, none occurred. I4H2 Bnsure that the tested line, as a result of having been reset and of having sat diagnostic .ode, is in receive node, diagnostic .ode, and that data set rea"y is on. After having reset tbe scanner, 14G2, 14E2 setting diagnostic node, and alloving a bit service interrupt, an IV 1'43' indicated that the expected conditions vere not .et,. Beg 1'14' contains tbe data received b1 the IH X'43' and reg. 1'15' contains the bits that were in e~~or: vaiting the tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froa that line. lS~2 15&2 15A2 OX02 OXO:l OXO' P9!1-3'10!il-09 Be£pre continuing, ensure that the tested line has been set to diagnostic .ode and nonitor .ode 11. ft~SK OX05 Bnsure that an OUT X'42' bas set .onitor sode 01, and bas kept diagnostic aode set. 5. O. 60 X3705l'A1 PET"" P~QI 1-150 COUJlNTS f~etest e~ro~. Beg. 1'11' contains line address under test. Berun the appropriate C) ~outine. Hhile the scanne~ was stopped t4G2 for the prior bit service, an OU~ X'1I2' vas issued to set the prope~ lodes. An 1M 1'42' then indicated that tbe p~ope~ bits vere not set or otbe~ bits were set in er~or. Beg. X'14' contains the actnal data received by the II X'42 1 and 85304 A-170 Bs~un ~out1ne BS304 1-170 15111!. Berun routine 1552. B5304 1-170 BS306 A-160 BS306 &-160 IS306 1-160 BS306 a-160 a5306 1-160 IS306 &-160 aS306 1-160 BS401 1-Q~0 0824 Byte 0: Bit '-t~ansnit lode bit was on~ Byte 1: Bit 2-data set ready vas not on (the bit 1n I. X'43' vas on). Bit 5-diagnostic .ode vas not on. 15A2 PIALD P&GI 03PP A-200 Berun ~outines 1516,15I1A, & 154c. Berun routine 153A. Be~un ~out1nes 1516,1532, 6 1534. Rerun routines 1516,1521, 6 152C. Berun routines 1516,1536, & 1538. Berun ~outines 1516,1521, 6 1530,. Berun rontines 1516,1542, & 15411. Be~un routines 1516,~546, 6 15118. Pretest error. Berun routine 1580. fretest error. Berun appropriate ~out1nes as given. If diagnostiC lode was in error, ignore data set ready e~ror. If needed, ~eg. 1'11' contains 'line (BCB) address unde~ test. BS308 Berun 151C. ~outine BS307 Be~un routine 15307 Berun routine 153!. 1518. 1-150 <. / ( --" Pretest error. Berun appropriate ~outines as specified belovo If needed, reg. X'1 1 I contains the line address under test. !ype 1 Scanner Il! (} o o o o IBM 3105 CO~MQNICATIONS CO "TROLLER TYPE 1 coaKUNlcATIONS SCANnER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX ROOT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE reg. X'15' indicates tbe bits in error: Byte 01 Bit 6- mode bit tailed to reset. Bit 7-lIIode bit 2 reset in error. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority set in error. Bit I-diagnostic wrap lIIode reset. Bit 2-data terminal ready set in er.ror. Bit 3-syncbronous mode set in error. Bit II-external clock M.t set in error. Bit 5-data rate select set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit , set. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 set. o o o o o o ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECT ED CARD LOCATION IS) PROG IIASK FEUD PAGE FETn!! PAGE COIIIIEHTS 119304 A-170 I1S304 A-170 11erlln rout1ne 1550. Rerun routine 1552. 1153011 1-110 115306 A-160 85306 11-160 115306 1-160 115306 A-160 R5306 A-160 R5306 A-160 115306 11-160 115305 ,--040 lIerun routines 154A and 15QC_ Rerun routines 15311 dna lSlC. lIerun routines 1532 and 1534. Reron routines 1521 and 152C. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E and 1530. Rerun routines 15112 and 1544. Berun routines 1546 and 1548. 1JA2 OX06 Ensure that monitor mode 01 allows an interface service request to cause a level 2 interrupt when data set ready is active. lSh4 XXXX Interrupt Kode 01 (Test .21: Ensure that interrupt mode 01 allows bit service level 2 interrupts from the tested line address if data set teady or ring indicator are active for at least one bit tiae. After setting monitor mode 11 and allowing a normal service request, a cbeck 1s made to see if data set ready or ring indicator happen to be up on the tested address. If either is up, the tested line address is set to mode 01 and a test made to ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs· from that line. If not, the test is bypassed on this address. (This test is run on all installed non-autocall line adapters, in turn.) o o 15A4 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (ODT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'411) from tbe line (SCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit servica interrupt occurred from that line. o o 15A4 Ensure that an OUT X'42' has set mode 11 and has properly selected an oscillator. After stopping the scanner and issuing an OUT 1'42', an IN 1'42' indicated that mode 11 was not set or the proper oscillator select bits were not set (or other bits vere set in error). Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X·~2'. Reg. 1'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit failed to set. Bit 7-mode bit 2 failed to set. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority set in errot:. Bit 1-diagnostic wrap mode set in error. Bit 2-data terminal ready u o OX02 Type 1 Scann er IFT o After having forced data set ready up via diagnostic mode, settir.g monitor mode 01, and waiting one bit time, no level 2 interrupt occurred from tbe tested line address. 1l99-3705E-09 YIIG2 Y4G2 IIS305 Test error. Problem probably lies within the CS. iSee General Comments, 13. ) Reg X'11' contains tbe line address under test. A-330, Pretest error. A-OliO Rerun routine 1512. A-150 Pretest error. Rerun routines speCified below. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. R5304 A-110 R5304 A-\70 Rerun routine 154E. lIerun routine 1552. R5304 A-170 R5306 1-160 R5306 1-160 03FF Rerun routines 154A and 154C. Rerun routines 1531 and IS3C. Rerun routines X37 05 FAA 5.0.61 I IBft 3705 COKftUNIC1TIO"S CONTROLLER TYPB 1 COft"UPIC~TIONS SCAN HER 1FT SyftPTOft INDEX ROUT. BBBOR FUNCTIOH TESTED CODa 1l99-3705E-09 BBROR DBSCRIPTIO. set in error. Bit, )-synchronous sode set in error. Bit 4-externa1 clock bit set in error. Bit 5-data rate select bit set in error. Bit 6-osci1lator select bit 1 failed to set or vas set in error. Bit 1-oscillator select bit 2 failed to set or vas set in error. I SUSPECTED CABD LOCATION Is) 1514 OX03 Bnsure that the first oscillator can create a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt fro. tbe tested line. After having set sonitor sode 11 to allow norsal bit service requests. selecting oscillator O. starting the scanner and waiting up to 30 lilliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt fros the line under test, none occurred. 1482 15A4 OX04 Ensure tbat sonitor SOde 01 bas been set at the line address under test. After finding data set ready or ring indicator on at the tested address, an OUT X'42' vas issued to set 80de 01. ln lR 1'42' then indicated 80de 01 vas not set. If byte 0, bit 6 of reg. 1'15' is on, mode bit 1 failed to reset. If bit 7 is on, sode bit 2 failed to set. Y4G2 15A4 OX05 Ensure that ring indicator or data set ready are still active on the tested line address. Caution: ~his lay not actually indicate a hardware failure. Before vaiting for an interrupt, data set ready or ring indicator was actiYe. How. after waiting for the interrupt, neither is active,. Conditions on tbe line connected to the line adapter under test bave cbanged. ~his invalidates error code OX06 which you should get after this failure. 15A4 OX06 Bnsure that sonitor 80de 01 allolls an in'terface service reques1i to cause a 1eyel 2 interrupt vben data set ready or ring indicator are active. After baving found ring indicator or data set ready actiYe, setting lonitor lode 01. and vaiting a bit tise, no level 2 interrupt occurred fros the tested line address. 15A5 XXXX PROG BASK FEALD PAGE FETaB PAGB aS306 A-160 B5306 1-160 R5306 1-160 B5306 1-160 BS306 A-160 B5401 0300 COB"EHTS 1532 and 1534. aerun routines 1521 and 152C. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E and 1530. Berun routines 1542 and 1544. Berun routines 1546 and 1548. ,,- / " Pretest error. Berun routine 1580. B5304 1-170 Pretest error. Rerun routines 1S4! through 1554. If needed. reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. NOHE lion ROllE Test error. If it is desired to find out vhat conditions on the line have Changed. display reg. 1'15'. Byte 1, bit 1 on indicates ring indicator has dropped. Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates data set ready bas dropped. Reg. X'11' conUina the line address under teSt. 14G2 RS305 A-OqO Test error. Proble. is lost probably io the CS. (See General COlsents, '3.) If needed, the tested line address ..y be found in reg. 1'11'. Interrupt Kode 010: Ensure that looitor sode 010 prevents level two interrupts when either data set ready or ring indicator are active. After resetting the scanner, setting the tested line address to diagnostic lode and lode 011, and ensuring that an interrupt does occur (data set ready is active because of diagnostic lode), lov priority is reset (thus lode 010 is set) and a test lade to ensure that no sore interrupts frol that line occur. (~bis test vill be run only on the first installed non-auto call adapter found.) 5. O. 62 X3705FAA ,~ Type 1 Scanner 1FT /' I , ' """"--------~.-..,., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IBR 3705 CORRUNlCAfIORS COHfBOLLIR TtPI 1 CORBUHICAfIONS SCAHIIR ,1FT StRPfO" lllDI!I IIDUT. BRBOR FUNCtION TISTID COOl 15A5 0101 Ililu. thai forc. bit •• r,loo COUf X'q,', OIU.O. • bit .or,10. htotnpt trill thl ltn. add,I •• uhdaf hill. 1515 OX02 Dnsur. that an 0 UT X'II2' hal soi 1104. 01 an4 has prop.rly select.4 lov priority and diagnoltic m04e. 0 i " 0 0 0 0 0 15A5 OX03 Bnsure tbat once the scanner is stopped, it can be started again via OUT X'41' and then stopped again by forcing a bit service (OOf X'47'\ interrupt. e e e e e 15A5 OX04 Ensure that the tested line, as a result of having been reset and of having set Type , Scanner Il'T D99- 37 05B- 09 BaIlOB DBSCaIP'ZIOII Attar atto.pting to toroo a bit 80rv1co lavol :2 1nterrupt ,vl. OUT X'/f"'1 trQI tho Un. I"~"' SUSl'BCfID CARD LOCUION(s, ¥IIF2, nG2 nOG USK FBALD P1GB BlI305 l'IlT"" PlGB &-330 a-oqo COIIRl"fS Pretest el:l:ot. 1I0nn routhe 1512. tddr ••• in RMq 1 ' 11 ' , uOlutllll1f1l1 lUII1 ~ intettupts and .aiting the tile of a scannet pass, no bit setvice intorrupt occurred frol tlie Une. after stopping the scanner at the to.ted a4drosl and 111u1ng an OUT 1'112' to I.t tho proplr 10401, an IN 1'42' indicate4 that bits faile4 to set or bits set in error Beg X'1_' contains the 4ata received by tbe IN X'42' Beg X'15' contains tlie bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6 - 104e bit 1 Bet in error. Bit 7 - lode bit 2 failed to set. 8yte 1: Bit 0 - low priority failed to set. Bit 1 - diagnostic lode faUed to set. Bit 2 - data terllinal ready set in error. Bit 3 - synchronous lode set in error. Bit 4 - external clock set in error. Bit 5 - data rate select set in error. Bit 6 - oscillator select bit 1 set in error. Bit , - oscillator select bit 2 set in error. R93011 A-FO R53011 A-170 BS3011 Rerun routine 1511& and 154C. Berun routine 1531 and 153C. 1-160 Berun routine 1532 and 15311. A-160 Rerun routine 152A and ,52C. A-'60 Berun routine 1536 and 1538. 1-160 Berun routine 152! and 1530. 1-160 Berun routine 15112 and 15411. A-16Q Rerlln routine 15116 and 15118. RS306 B5306 115306 85306 85306 BS306 RS306 Bither tbe Bcanner could not started again or after attempting to force the next bit service interrupt and vaiting tbe tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt frol the line under test occurred. Beg. 1'11' contains tbe line (BCB) address froll wbich bit service vas to be forced. Value of Beg. X'15' describes the failure: YIIG2 X'BOOO' - 'be OOf X'1I1', failed to reset the type , CS level 2 bit in IN X'77' (however, no feedback check vas present). 'l41'2 X'COOO' - '.the aUf X'II1' failed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN X'~7' because a feedback check vas present. Yfll'2, Y4G2 1'8000' - the ODT X'"'' vas successful but tbe 00'.t X'/I7' (force bit service) failed to cause a bit service interrupt. After having reset tbe scanner, setting diagnostiC lIode, and allowing a bit Pr.test .rror. 1402 YIIG2 Rerun routine 1550. Berun routine 1552. A-170 A-160 lire test error. Rerun routine BOOO 151~. 00211 BS305 A-240 RS202 A-240 BS305 A-330, A-040 RS307 A-200 Pretest error. Rerun appropriate routine~ as given. X3705l'AA 5.0.63 ......... IBM 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYP& I COftftUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT,~ ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE diagnostic mode is in diagnostic mode, and that data set ready ,is on. ERaOR DESCRIPTION D99- 3105E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) Ensure that monitor mode 01 allows an interface service request to cause a leyel 2 interrupt when data set ready is active. After having forced data set ready active by setting diagnostic mode. setting monitor mode 01, and waiting a bit tille, no level 2 interrupt occurred from the tested line address. Y4G2 15A5 Olt06 Ensure that an OOT X'Q2' has set 1I0nitor 1I0de 01, and has kept diagnostic 1I0de set. While the scanner was stopped for the prior bit service, an OUT X'42' vas issued to set the proper modes. An IN X'Q2' then indicated that the proper bits were set or other bits wete set iD error. Reg. 1"4' contains the actual data received by the IN 1'42' and Reg. X'15' indicates the bits in error: Byte 0; Bit 6 - mode bit set in error. Bit 1 - m~de bit 2 failed to set. Byte 1; Bit 0 ...' 10v priority set in error. Bit 1 - diagnostic wrap 1I0de reset in error. Bit 2 - data terminal ready set in error. Bit 3 - syncbronous mode set in error. Bit 4 - external clock bit set in error. Bi t 5 - data rate select set 1n error. Bit 6 - oscillator select bit , set 1n error. Bit 1 - oscillator select bit 2 set in error. YQG2 '~A5 OX08 FET~~ COHftEN~S PAGE A-040 Pretest error. Problem is most probably in the CS. Rerun routine 1512. If needed, the tested line address lIay be found in reg. X',1'. A-'sO Pretest error. Berun appropriate routines as specified below. I f needed, reg. 1"" contains the line address under test. R5304 A-110 RS304 A-'70 Rerun routine 1552. Rerun routine RS30s 01110 1550. RS3011 1-110 RS306 A-160 RS306 A-160 RS306 1-160 RS306 1-'60 RS306 A-160 Rerun routines lS4A and 1s4C. Rerun routines 153A and ls3C. Berun routines 1532 ana 1534. Berun routines 152A and 152c. Ensure that force bit service (OUT 1'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a bit Y4r2, Y4G2 service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X' 47') from the line address in Reg« X' 1 l' unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frOID that line. Ensure that the line tested is still set to diagnostic mode and data set ready is still active. With the scanner stopped at the tested address, aD IN 1'43' indicated ODe of the following conditions existed as described in reg. X"s'; Byte 1: Bit 2 - data set ready f ailed to set. 5.0.64 X3105FAA FEALD PAGE If diagnostic mode was in error, ignore data set ready error. If n eedeil, reg. X'11' contains line address under test. Rerun routine 1578. Rerun routi ne IS3E. OX05 OX01 ~ASK service interrupt, an IN X'q)' indicated that the expected conditions were not lIet. Reg. X'14' contains the data received by the IN X'43' and reg. X'ls' contains tbe bits that were in error; Byte ,; Bit 2 - data set ready was not set. Bit 5 - diagnostic mode was not set. 15A5 1515 PROG Y4G2 RS306 A-t60 R5306 1-'60 RS305 A-330 A-OliO Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Berun routines 152E and 1530. Rerun routines 1542 and 1544. Rerun routines 1546 and 1548. Test error. Rerun routine '512. 0024 RS307 A-200 Test error. Rerun appropriate routines as indicated below. Berun routine 1516. Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o 1 £5tl. nG~ CL'{~~IJ!HCATIOWi CONTROtLER CO~"UNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SIHPTOM IIPE ! BoaT .. BaHDn I"UNCTION 'l'ESTBD [)99- 3705£-·09 INDEX ERBOR DESCRH1'10N SUSPECTED CARD CODE LOCATION (s) Bit 5 di'lgno~tiG PROG HASK FEAJ.D PAGE FETMM PAGE frtiled to S€t. Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data and reg. X'11' contains the tested address. 15A5 0109 Ensure that a bit level 2 interrupt prevented if mode been set and data ready is actue. 15A6 XIXX Interrupt no do 10 (Test BI): Ensure that intorrupt reode 10 prevents normal bit service requests from interrupting aud that they a~H reset while recei,ing a mark. Also, ensure that as soon as a space is received, a normal bit service reguest can cause a bit service level 2 interrupt. After ensuring that the tested line address can caase a bit service interrupt while in monitor mode 11 and that diagnostic mode has forced data sot toady up, monitor mode 10 is set. The routine then waits a total of two bit tiwes. Since receive data bas been a steady mark (via setting diagnostic mode) no interrupt should OCcur from the line under test and since mode 10 services bits while monitoring, no overrun should be indicated. 'rhe tested address is then set to transmit mode just long enough to set the test data latch to a space. The line is then set back to receive mode and a cbeck made to ensure that mode 10 allows an interrupt as soon as a space is received. (This test is rUD aD all installed line adapters, except autocall, in turn.) OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47-) Cd uses a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bjt service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCE) address i 1\ Reg. X' II' , unmasking level 2 intecrupts and waiting the timo of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occ'lITed from tha t line. Defore continuing, ensure that the testod line ha~ been set to diagnostic mode and monitor mode 11. Aftar stopping the scanner at the tusted address and issuing an DOT X'42' to set the proper modes, an IN X'42' indicated a failed to do so. Reg. X'14' contains the data received by the IN X'42'. Re9. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit failed to set. Bit 1-mode bit 2 failed to set. Byte 1: ait O-low prlority set in error. Bit 1-diagnostic mode failed to set. Bit 2-data termin&l ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous mode set in error. nit ~-external clock set in error. Bit 5-data rate select set in error~ Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 set. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 set" 14G2 After baving set monitor mode '1 to allow normal bit service requests, selecting oscillator O. starting the scanner and waiting up to 30 milliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt from the line under 14H2 'U 15A6 service is 010 has set COMIIENTS Rerun routlne 1538. mode J, After having set mode 010 and data set readr, unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting at least one bit time, an interrupt did occur and should not have. RS305 Y4G2 RS305 A-040 Test error. Problem probably lies in the CS. If n£eded, reg. X"1' contains the 11 ne dddress under test. A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. " " " 15~6 0102 o o o o o o o o o 15A6 Typ~ 0103 Ensure that the first oscillator can create a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt from the tested line. 1 Scanner 1FT A-150 Pretest error. Reg. X'11' contains line address under test. Rerun t he appropriate routine. RS304 A-170 R5304 A-110 Rerun routine 154E. Rerun routine 1552. 031'1' RS304 A-170 RS306 1-160 R5306 A-160 RS306 11-160 RS306 1.-160 R5306 A-160 RS306 A-160 RS306 A- 160 RS401 Rerun routines 1516,154A, & 154C. Rerun routine 153A. Rerun routines 1516,1532, & 1534. Rerun routines 1516,162A, & 15 2C. Rerun routines 1516,1536. & 1538. Rerun routines 1516,162E, & 1530. Reron routines 1516,1542, & 1544. Rerun routines 1516,1546, & 1548. Pretest error. Rerun routine 1580. X310SFAA 5.0.65 ISH 3105 cOKnUNICATIONS CONTBOLLED TYPE 1 COftKUHICAtIONS SCAN HER 1Ft SIHPTOn INDEX BOUT. ERBOB PUICtION TEStED CODE 099-31 05E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION test, none occurred. 15A6 OIOij That after having set the tested line address to diagnostic aode, the expected conditions have been set to,continue the test. Ensure that an OUT X'Q2' has set Dlonitor aode 10, and has kept diagnostic lIIode set. PROG "ASK PEAtD PAGE PETHft PAGE After having done nothing but set diagnostic 1I0de a'nd allowed an interrupt fro. the tested line, an IN X'_3' indicated other than the proper conditions. Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data and reg. x'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit O-receive data was not set' to a mark. Bit 4-the line vas in transmit aode. Byte 1: Bit 2-data set ~eady was not set. Bit 5-diagnostic aode failed to set. 15A6 ,OX05 SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION(SI Pretest error•. Berun appropriat~ routines as indicated below. (If diagnostio, mode failed, ignore the receive data and dat a set ready failures.) If, nEeded, reg. X'11' conta ins the tested line addre$s. 1482 a5 105 t4G2 R5307 While the scanner was stopped Y4G2 for the prior bit service, an OUt X'42' was issued to set the proper DIodes. An 1M X'42' then indicated that the proper bits vere not set or other bits were set in error. Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42' and reg. X'15' indicates the bits 10 error: Byte 0: Bit 6-lode bit failed to set. Bit 7-mode bit 2 set in er~or. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority set A-200 B5307 A-200 8S301 1-200 03F! Bit l-diagnostic wrap mode reset. Bit i-data terminal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous mode set in error. Bit 4-external clock bit set in error. Bit 5-data rate select set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 set. Bit 1-oscillator select bit 2 set. 1~A6 OX01 OX08 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'Q1') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. Ensure tbdt any overrun that may have existed before starting the test, have been reset by an 'OUT X' 44'. 5. 0.66 X3705PAA After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47'1 fro a the line (aCBI address in Reg. X'''', unaasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred f~om that line. After an OUT X'44' with byte " bit 1 on, an IN X'43' still indicated a bit overrun. Beg. X' 14' contains the results of the IN X'43' and reg. X'11' contains the line address l482 Rerun rout! ne 158C. Rerun r'outine 151C. Berun routine' 1578. Rerun routine 153E. 1-150 Pretest error. Rerun appropriate routines as specified below~ If needed, reg_ X'11' contains the line address undet test.. Rerun routine 1550. Retun routine 1552. RS304 A-170 RS304 1-170 B5304 A-l10 RS306 A-160 RS306 A-160 RS306 1-160 R5306 A-160 B5306 A-160 B5306 A-160 RS306 A-160 RS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Reran routine 1512. in error ... 15A6 COftMENTS Rerun routines 154A and 154c. Rerun routines 153A and 153c. Rerun routines. 1532 and 1534. Rerun routines 1521 and 152C. Berun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E lind 1530. Rerun routines 1542 and 1544. Rerun routines 1546 and 1548. , / , -' \, / / , .j ~-_/ / 0001 RS105 A-300 Pretest e.ror. Rerun routine 1588. Type 1 Scanner IFr o o o o o o o o o o IBM 3705 COMftONICATIO"S CQNTROLLER TYPE 1 COftKOHICATIOHS SCANNBR 1FT SY"~TO" INDEX ROUT. BRROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE under test. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATIOH(S) PROG RASK FEALD PAGE FETRR PAGE COR RENTS Test error. Problem probably lies "ithin the CS, however if needed, reg. X'11' contains tbe line address under test. (See General COllents, 13.) 15A6 OX09 Ensure that while receiving a mark, a line set to monitor lode 10 does not cause any level 2 interrupts. After baving set tbe tested YQG2 line to lode 10, and ensuring that a mark vas being received, a level 2 bit service interrupt was received fro. that line. 85305 1-040 15A6 OXOA Ensure tbat force bit service (OUT X'Q7') causes a bit service interrupt frol tbe line address under test. After attempting to force a YQF2, YQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT I'Q7') fro. the line CBCB) address in aeg. X'11' , un.asking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line. 85305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. 15A6 OXOB Bnsure that tbe hardware services bits wbile in lonitor lode 10 (i.e. as long as a lark is being received, bit service requests are reset.) After waiting two bit times YQG2 while in lonitor lode 10 and ·receiving a lark, and no level 2 interrupt occurring, a bit service interrupt was forced. An IN 1'43' should then have indicated no bit overrun (hardware should service the bits) but did (or other conditions were in error). Reg. X'1Q' contains tbe results of the IN X'Q3' and reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 1: Bit 2-data set ready etroneollsly dropped,. Bit 5-diagnostic lode hIlS dropped. Bit 7-a bit overrun has occurred. RS305 1-040 Test error. Probl .. is probably in the CS, however if needed, reg. x'l1' contains the line address under test. (See General Couents, '3.) If data set ready or diagnostic aode are in error, ignore the overrun failure and rerun rOlltines 1518 and 153!, respectively. OIOC Ensure that after att8llpting to set tbe test data latch to a space to continue tbe the test, tbe proper conditions bave been set. A-200 Test error. Although this has been designated as a test error, each functic;m has been , previously cbecked. Rerun the appropriate routines as given belovo If neeiled, r,g. X'11' contains the line address under test. Rerun routine 151C. Rerun routine 152Q. o o o ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3705B-09 15&6 o o o Type 1 Scanner 1FT 0925 After setting the tested address to trans.it lode, setting send data to a space, resetting trans lit lode, and resetting any possible bit overruns, an IN X'43' indicated the proper conditions to continue bad not been set. Reg. X'14' contains the results of of the IN X'43' and reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 4-transait mode bit "as not reset. Bit 7-send data latch (and thus the test data lat~h) was not reset (space). Byte 1: Bit' 2-data set ready dropped (ignore if bit 5 is on). Bit 5-diagnostic lode dropped. Bit 1-any possible bit overrun was not reset. 0025 Y4G2 85308 A-180 Y4G2 85308 1-180 Y4G2 R5307 A-180 Rerun routine 1518, 14G2 85307 1-180 Y.E2 RS105 1-1BO Rerun routine 153E., Rerun routine 158B. X3105FU 5.0.67 1l ,J; 16K 3705 COKnUNIC1TIONS CONTROLLBR TYPE 1 CO"KUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE 1516 0100 Ensure t ha t vhen a line adapter set to monitor mode 10 receives a space, a level 2 interrupt can ERROR DE5CRI~TION The tested line address failed to interrupt while receiving a space in mode 10. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (sl Y4G2 PROG "ASK FEAtD PAGE RS305 PETIIII PAGE A-040 occur. 15A6 OXOB Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'Q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 141'2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via au'! X'47'1 from the line (BCBI address in Reg. X"", unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15A6 OIOP Ensure that when the interrupt caused by receiving a space in mode 10 (see error code OXOD) occurred, the line tested was ind.ed receiying a space and th~t the service request that caused the interrupt vas the first since receiving a space (bit overrun was not setl. After receiving the interrupt (or forcing an interrupt if one failed to occurl, an IN X'43' indicated conditions which invalidated the test. ,e~. ~'14' !Font~ins the received IN 1'43' data and reg X'15' indicates the bits that were in error: Byte 0: Bit a-receive data was not a space. Bit 4-transmit mode erroneously set. Bit 7-send data (thus the test data latc~ was not a space (offl. Byte 1: Bit 2-data set ready dropped. ait 5-diagnostic mode dropped. Bit 6-bit service request not set. Bit 7-bit overrun occurred indicating this was not the first interrupt. RS305 Test error. Problem probably lies in the Cs. (See General COlllaents, 13.1 If needed, reg. X'll' contains the line address under test. By continuing from this error stop, lIore information about the failure may be gathered frol the data given at error OXOP. A-330, Pretest error. A-OqO Rerun routine 1512. A-260 8927 COKIIENTS Y4E2 BS105 A-280 Y4G2 85308 1-200 Y4G2 85308 1-200 Y4G2 RS307 10-200 Y4G2 RS307 A~200 Y4G2 RS301 1-200 14G2 R5305 1-0'10 Test error. If an, bits other than byte 1, bit 7 are on, rerun a ppropria te routine as given below!'" If not, problem is probably in the CS. (See Genera 1 Comments, .3.1 15AA XXXX /lonitor /lode 10 (Test .31: By selecting the first tvo installed non-autocall line adapters, setting the first to transmit mode and the second to receive, and monitor .ode 10, and sending 255 bits, alternating betwoen m~rk and space, ensure that the receive line will interrupt no more or less than '27 times because of monitor mode 10. (This test runs only on the first tvo installed nonautocall line adapters found. If two are not found, the test is bypassed.1 15AA 0102 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47'1 Cduses a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47'I from the line (BCBI address in Reg. I'll', unmasking l~vel 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15AA OX04 Ensure that an OUT X'42' While the scanner was stopped 5.0.68 I3705FAA Y4G2 RS305 03PP A-330, Pretest error. 1-040 Rerun routine 1512. 1-150 Pretest error. type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o i105 CO""UNICAT10HS CONTROLLER TIFE 1 COHHUUICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYK~TOft INDEX !~M ROUT. EHROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE has set monitor mOl\e 10, and has set diagnostic 1II0de. o o o o o OX06 o o o o o o 15AA OX08 ERROR DESCRIPTION for the prior bit service, an OOT X'42' was issuod to set the pLoper modes. An IN X'42' then indicated that the proper bits were not set or other bits were set in error. Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42' and reg. X'15' indicates the bits in erro!:: eyte 0: Bit 6-mode b~t failed to set. Bit 7-mode bit 2 set in error. Byte 1: Bit O-low prioLity set in error. Bit l-diagnostic wrap mode failed to set. Bit 2-data terminal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronoQs mode set in error. Bit 4-external clock bit set in error. Bit 5~data rate select set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 set. B1t 7-oscillator select bi t 21 set'. 1l99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCA!l:ION ,IS) PROG "1SK EOOO Ensure that at this point of the test, the receive address has been set to the proper condition to continue. 8825 Type 1 Scanner 1FT PETftH PAGE COHHENTS Rerun appro~riato routines as specitied below. If needed, reg. X'11' contains the line addre3e under test. Ensure that once the scanner Either the scanner could not is stopped, it can be started started 8gain or after again via OUT 1'41' and then 'attempting to force the next stopped again by forcing a bit ser~ice interrupt and bit service (OUT X'47') waiting the time of a scanner interrupt. pass, no bit service interrupt from the line under test occurred. Reg. X"" contains the line (BCB) address from which bit service was to be forced. Value of Reg. X'lS' describes the failure: X'EOOO' - 1he OOT X'41' Y4G2 failed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN X'77' (however, no feedback check was present). X'COOO' - The OUT X'41' Y4F2 failed to reset the type 1 C5 level 2 bit in IN 1'77' because a feedback check was present. X'8000' - ~he OUT X'41' Y4F2, Y4G2 was successful but the OUT X'47' (force bit service) failed to cause a bit service interrupt. After setting diagnostic mode and resetting any possible bit o~erruns. an IN X'43' indicated tbat conditions were not SUitable for continuing the test. Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data and rog. X'15' indicates which bits were in error: Byte 0: Bit O-receive data was not Y4E2 a lark (should have been via test data l~tch and diagnostiC mode). Bit ~-line was in transmit Y4G2 lode. Byte 1: FEALD PAGE RS304 A-170 RS304 1-170 RS304 A-170 RS306 1-160 RS306 1-160 RS306 A-160 RS306 A-lbO R5306 1-160 R5306 1-160 RS306 A-160 1-240 R5305 A-240 RS202 1-240 , R5305 R5308 Rerun routines 154A and 154C. Rerun routines 1531 and 153C. Rerun routinos 1532 and 1534. Rerun routines 1S2A and 152C. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E and 1530. Rerun routines 1542 and 1544. Rerun routines 1546 .rnd' 15Q8. Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 1-330, 1-0QO A-180 85105 Rerun routine 1550. Rerun routine 1552. A-leO 11-200 1-200 Pretest error. Rerun appropriate routines as given below. If diagnostic mode failed to set. ignore the receive data and data set ready failures. Rerun routine lSeC. Rerun routine 151C. X3705FAA 5.0.69 IBII 3105 COIIl\UNICATIOIiS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COlIlIUHlCATIONS SCANNEa 1FT S¥ftPTOII INDEX ROUT.. ERROR PUIICTION TESTED CODE D99-37051!-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION Bit 2-data set ready vas not forced up by diagnostic 80de. Bit 5-diagnostic 80de failed to set. Bit 1-overrun, if present, vas not reset. 151.1 15U 15A1 lSlA OXOA OIOC OIOE 0110 SUSPECTED CARD LOCUIOR(s) PETIII! PAGE A-200 COIIIIU'U Y~G2 PElLD PAGE B5307 YQG2 B5307 A-200 IQG2 85308 1-200 Berun routine 153!. Rerun routine 1588. RS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-040 8erun routine 1512. Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'~1') causes a bit service interrupt frOB the trans8it address under test. After attempting to force a Y41'2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') fr08 the line (aCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the tile of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. Before continuing, ensure that the transmit line has been set to diagnostic sode and sonitor 80de 11. After stopping tbe scanner at the tested address and issuing an OUT l'q2' to set the proper 80des, an IN X'42' indicated a failure to do so. Beg. X'l~' contains the data received by the IN 1'42'. Reg. x'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: . &it '6-,pde bit, failed to set: . Bit 1-.ode bit 2 failed to set. Byte 1: Bit O-lov priority set in error. Bit 1-diagnostic .ode failed to set. Bit 2-data terminal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous .ode set in error. Bit ~-external clock set in error. Bit S-data rate select set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select tit 1 set. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 set. 03PF Ensure that the first oscillator has created a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt from the transmit line. After setting .onitor .ode 11 to allov noraal bit service ~eguests, selecting oscillator 0, starting the scanner and waiting up to 30 milliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt from the line under test, none occurred. Bnsure that at this point of the test, the transmit address has been set to the proper condition to continue. After setting diagnostic T4G2 mode, transmit 80de, send data to a mark and resetting any possible bit overruns, an IN X'Q3' indicate4 t~at conditions vere not suitable for continuing the test. Beg,. X' lQ' contains the received IN X'Q3' data and reg. 1'15' indicates vhich bits were in error: Byte 0: Bit 4-trans.it .ode failed to set. Bit 7-send data failed to to set to a mark. Byte 1: Bit 5-diagnostic .ode failed to set. 5.0.70 137051'U PROG IIlSK X4H2 Reron routine 1578. 1-150 fretest error. 8eg. X'11' contains line address under test'. Rerun the appropriate routine. I!S304 A-no lIerun !'routine IIS304 1-170 RerUn routine 1552. B530~ 1-170 B5306 A-160 Rerun routines 1516,15~A, & 1S4c. Rerun routine 153A. Berun routines 1516,1532, & 1534. Rerun rontines 1516,152A, & 152C. Berun rootines 1516,1536, & 1538. Berun routines 1516,152B, & 1530. Rernn routines 1516,1542, & 1544. Berun routines 1516,15Q6, & 1548. B5306 A-160 RS306 1-160 BS306 1-160 8S306 A-160 R5306 A-160 RS306 A-160 0901 A-200 " " c: 15~B. Pretest error. aerun routine 1580,. 8S401 ";) / \ ,r' fretest error. aerun appropriate' routine as shown below. RS308 Rerun routine RS308 Rerun routine 1522. 85307 Rerun routine 15313. 15U. { .' -~ I Y Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o .. ---~-'-------------------------------'--~-- IBft 3705 COftftUNICATIONS CO"TBOLLEB TYPE 1 CO""UNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOK INDEX BOOT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE 15AA 0112 Ensure that after sending 255 bits (alternately mark and space) to a line (set to receive and diagnostic modes and interrupt mode 10), 127 bit service interrupts are received from that line. o o o SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG KASK PBALD PAGE RS307 FBTKK PAGE RS308 During the process or end of sending the 255 bits an error occurred. The value contained in reg. X'16' is the storage location of the transmit line address. The value in reg. X'16' .2 is the storage location of the receive line address. The hex value in reg. 1'15' describes the error: X'8000' - No interrupt occurred from either the transmit or receive lines after a 30 millisecond lIait. 1-340 1-350 i Test error. Probles is probably in the C5 near the I reset bit service' line on ALD page given. Beg X'14', byte 0 contains the number of bits left to send at the the of failure. Rerun routine 1580. Beg. X'13' contains the address from which the interrupt occurred. Berun routine 1511. X'2000' - 00'1' 1'43' issued to transmit line failed. Display reg. X'13' for bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 4-Transmit 80de . dropped. Bit 7-Send data failed to set to proper state. X' 1000' - Receive line interrupted too many times. X'0800' - Konitor mode 10 Y4G2 did not alloll a level 2 interrupt each tile a space was received. Reg. X'14', byte 1 contains the received interrupt count in hex. This should have been 127 (XI'/P'). ,; COKMENTS Rerun routine 1580. Rerun routine 1588. X'4000' - An interrupt from an address other than the tllO being run has occurred. '0" il' ERROR DESCRIPTIO. Bit 6-bit service request vas not up. Bit 7-bit overrun vas not reset (if present). o o o o 10 D99-3705B-09 Rerun routine 15U. Rerun routines 1522 and 1524. Rerun routines 15A6 and 158C. RS308 15AC XXIX Interface Check Summary (Test "): Ensure that interface check suasaxy 1s set whenever bit overrun is and that once the overrun is reset, so is it.. After causing a bit overrun by ignore interface service requests, a check is'made to ensure that interface check suaaary is on. Bit overrun is then reset and a check made to ensure that interface check su ••ary is then off. (This test is run on the first installed non-autocall 11ne adapter found.) 1SAC OX01 Ensure that force bit service (00'1' 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via DO! X'47'1 from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line,. Before continUing, ensure that the tssted line has been set to diagnostic mode and monitor .ode 11. After stopping the scanner at the tested address and issuing an OUT X'42' to set tbe proper modes, an IN 1'42' indicated a failure to do so. Reg. 1'14' contains the data received by the IN X'42'. Reg. X'1S' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6-80de bit 1 failed o 15AC OX02 Type 1 Scanner 1FT Y4G2 B5305 A-330, Pretest error. A-O'O Rerun routine 1512. 03PF 85304 A-ISO Pretest error. Beg. 1'11' contains line address under test. Rerun tba appropriate routina. 1-170 Rerun routine X3705PAA 5.0.71 16M 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COHNON1CATIONS SCANNER 1fT SY~PTON INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERBOR DESCRIPTION D99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CABD LOCATION (s) PROG IIA5K to set. Bit 7-aode bit 2 tailed to set. Byte 1: Bit O-lov priority set in error. Bit I-diagnostic mode f ailed to set. Bit 2-data terminal ready set in error. Bit 3-synchronous mode set in error. Bit q-external clock set in error. Bit 5-data rate select set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 set. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 set. 15AC OX03 Ensure that the first oscillator can create a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt from the tested line. After baving set monitor Bode 11 to allov normal bit service requests, selecting oscillator 0, starting the scanner and waiting up to 30 milliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt from the line under test, none occurred. Y482 1SAC OXOq Ensure that diagnostic mode has forced data set ready up. (Data set ready being off will cause interface cbeck su •• ary to be on.) After setting diagnostic mode, an IN X'43' indicated data set ready was off. (Byte 1, bit 2 ot the IN X' 43' was on.1 Y4G2 1SAC OXOS Ensure that an OUT X'44' has reset any bit overrun condition. (Bit overrun being on vill cause interface check summary to be on.) After issuing an OUT X'4Q' with byte 1, bit 1 on to reset any possible overruns, an IN X'43' still indicated an overrun condition. 15AC OX06 Ensure that with bit overrun off and data set ready on, no interface check summary is present. Atter ensuring that the conditions that can set interface check summary (except feedback error) were not present in an IN X'43', interface check summary vas found on. Y4F2 1SAC OK01 Ensure that the first oscillator has created a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt. After baving set monitor mode 11 to allow normal bit service reguests, selecting oscillator 0, starting the scanner, and waiting up to 30 milliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt from the line under test, none occurred. Y482 1SAC OX06 Ensure that the only condition present to cause interface check summary to be on is b~t overrun. After attempting to cause a bit overrun by not allowing level 2 interrupts for 60 milliseconds and then allowing one, an IN X'43' indicated that the conditions needed vere not 5.0.72 X3705PAA FEALD PAGE fETNM PAGE COMMENTS B530q 1-110 Rerun routine 1552. RS304 1-110 R5306 A-160 85306 A-160 Rerun routines 1516,154A, & 154C. Rerun routine 153A. Rerun routines 1516,1532, & 1534. Rerun routines 1516,152A, I; 152C. Rerun routines 1516,1536, I; 1536. Rerun routines 1516,152E, I; 1530. Rerun routines 1516,1542, & 1544. Rerun routines 1516,1546, I; 1546. B5306 A-160 RS306 A-160 R5306 1-160 &5306 A-160 BS306 A-160 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1580. R5401 0020 B5307 1-200 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1578. If needed, teg. It'11' contains the tested line address. 0001 85306 A-200 Pretest error. Rer un routi ne 1566. If needed, reg. X'11' contains the tested line address. 2000 RS202 A-200 Pretest error. Problem lies within the cs. Display reg. X'14',. If byte 0, bit 1 is on, i9no1'e this error and rerun routine 157 A (feedback error vas present). RS401 A-040 Test error. Although this failure is designated as a test error, this function has been previously tested. Berun routine 1560. A-200 Test error. Rerun appropriate routines as given belovo 4021 Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o o IBM 3105 COHHUNICATIONS CONTROLLER ROUT. ERROH PUNCTION TESTED CODE FEALD PAGE FET"M PAGE COMMENTS RS202 A-180 Rerun routine 157A. R5307 A-160 RS308 A-180 Rerun routine 1518. Rerun routine 1SBB. Bnsure that after having met the proper conditions for setting interface check suaaary (see error code OX06, above) by ~it overrun, interface check sum.~ry bas been set. With bit overrun on in an IN X'43'. interface check sum.ary was not on. (Byte 0, bit 2 of Y4P2, Y4G2 2000 RS202 A-200 Test error. Problem is in the Cs. 15AC OXOA Ensure that an OUT X'44' has reset any bit overrun condition. (Bit overrun being on viII cause interface check summary to be on.) After issuing an OUT X'44' with byte 1, bit 7 on to reset any possible overruns, an IN I'Q3' still indicated an overrun condition. Y4G2 0001 RS30B A-200 !test error. Rerun routine 1586. I f needed, reg. X'11' contains the tested line address. 15AC OXOB Ensure that after the bit overrun vas reset, interface check summary is no longer on. The IN X'43' that just 14F2, Y4G2 indicated no bit overrun, still indicated interface cbeck summary as being on. (Byte 0, bit 2 of the IN 1'43'.) 2000 RS202 A-200 Test error. Problem lies within the CS. 15AE xxxx Interface Check Summary (Test '2): Ensure that after causing a feedback check error summary in IN X'43' is set and after resetting the feedback cbeck, it Is off. (This test is ron only on tbe first installed non-autocall line adapter found.) 15AE OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vai ting the time' of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15AE OX02 Ensure that the diagnostic mode bit in IN 1'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 1 on. Either the diagnostic mode bit Y4G2 failed to act correctly or Y4E2 other bits in the IN X'42' turned on in error. Seg. X'11' contains the line (BCBI address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error,. (Byte 1, bit I on indicates a diagnostic mode bit failure.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'~2'. 15AE OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After atteapting to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47'1 from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmaskIng level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15AE OX04 P.nsure that none of the conditions that can cause interface cbeck summary After forcing data set ready up via diagnostic mode and disabling the LIB associated o Type I Scanner 1FT 8 PROG MASK OX09 o o SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) 15AC o o ERROR DESCRIPTION present. Reg~ X'14 contains the received IN X'q~' data and reg. X'1S' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 1-feedback check was 14F2 present. Byte I: Bit 2-data set ready Y4G2 dropped,. Bit 7-Bit overrun was HG2 not set.. o o 099-3105E-09 TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYHPTOM INDEX 03FF 4021 85305 A-330, Pr6test error. 1.-040 Rerun routine 1512. R5306 8S106 A-160 1.-270 RS305 A-330, Pretest error. 1.-040 Rerun routine 1512. A-200 Pretest error. Rerun rootine 1531.. Pretest error. Rerun appropriate routines as X310SFAA 5.0.73 t'~It /\, ~J ,. IBft 3705 COft~aNICATIONS CONTROLLER TIPE 1 cos~UNIC1TIONS SCANNER 1FT SY~PTOS INDEX BOUT. ERROR PUIiCnOR TESTED CODE are on. lSAE OX 05 Bnsure that with no condition present that should set interface check su.sary. interface check su •• arr is indeed off. D99-3705£-09 UROD DE5CRIPTIOII SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) with the line under test to ~revent a bit overrun condition, n IN X'43' indicated a condition that could set-interface check su •• ary. Reg. X'14' contains the received 1M X"3' data and reg. X'15' contains tbe bits in error: Byte 0: Bit ,-a feedback error Y4F2 lias present. Byte 1: Bit 2-data set ready Y4G2 was off. Bit 3-a bit overrun Y4G2 IIU present. PROG SASK The saae IN X'43' that did not indicate bit overrun, data set ready off, or feedback error, did indicate interface check sum.ary (byte 0, bit 2 of the 1M X'43'1. 2000 Y4P2. Y4G2 PBALD £IAGB PEUl! £IAGB '" COllftENTS OX 06 Bnsure that after having forced a feedback error, the feedback error bit in IN X'43' has been set (and bit overrun is still ott and data set ready is ani. After issuing an OUT X'43' with the send data and transmit mode bits on to the line adapter under test (the LIB is disabledl, ap 1M X'43' indicated no feedback error occurred (or the other conditions were on in error). Beg. 1'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 1-no feedback cbeck occurred. Byte 1: Bit 2-data set ready dropped. Bit 7-bit overrun was on. .i' '" given below. , \ ;' '. J' ", B5202 A-180 Berun routine 1571. RS307 1-160 88308 10-180 Rerun routine 1578 Rerun toutine 1588. 85202 "-200 ".I \, ", l'retest error. l'roblea Ues within the CS. J -' '\ '-- 15AE " jI '< 1-200 4021 Test error. Berun appropriate routine as gl9en below. ,j j '\ / '<.._,--" . XIIl'2 BS202 1-180 Berun routine 1S7c. Y4G2 B5307 1-180 t4G2 85308 1-180 Rerun routine 1578. Rerun routine 1588. , '- / , / - ...... , Ie.... --",J 15AE 15AE OX 07 0108 Ellsure that a feedback error has set interface check summary. Ensure that issuing an OqT X'44' with byte 1, bit ~ on (reset feedback check) has reset the forced feedback check, that bit overrun is still off, and data set ready is still up. lfter baying caused a feedback 14F2 error to be indicated in an IN X'43', interface check su.mary in the same 1M 1'43' lias not on. 2000 An IN 1'43' following the OUT 1'44' still indicated a feedback error (or bit overrun vas on, or data set ready dropped). 8eg 1'15' describes-tbe error: Byte 0: Bit 1-feedback check 14F2 £Oiled to reset. ayte 1: a'-t 2-data set ready !4G2 dropped. Bit 1-overrun was t4G2 erroneously set. 4021 Tbe same IN X'43' tbat indicated that feedback check lias reset also indicated that interface cbeck sUlmary lias still on. 2000 85202 1-200 A-;-200 Test error. Frable. is in the CS. test error. Berun routines as specified below. R5202 A-180 Berun routine 157C. R5307 A-180 85308 1-180 Rerun routine 1518. Berun routine 1588. B5202 1-200 15A8 0109 Ensure tbat resetting the feedback check that caused interface check susmary to set, resets it. 15ao IXXX Interface Check Sum.ary (Test .31: Ensure that data set ready being off,sets interface check ~u •• arJ and that turning data set ready on, turns it off. (This test is run only on the first install~d non-autocall line adapter found. I 14'2 r '\ ,,- /' / '\ \_-~/ /-''', '--/ I ,/C' '\ \ "'-~ test error. ProblGl 18 in tbe CS. ,-y J ", 5. O. 74 X3705FAl o o o o o o o o o o o IBK 3105 CO"KU~ICA~ION5 CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COK"UHICATIONS'SCARNBR XFT SI"PTO" IIDlt 1l99-3105t:-09 BOUT. ERROR PONCTIOR TBSTED CODE 15BO OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47'I causes a bit service interrupt froa the line address under test. ERBOR DESCRIPTION SOSPECTED CUp LOCAUONlsl After attempting to force a YIIF2, IIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT 1'111'1 fro. the line (DCDI address in Beg. X'11', unaasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line. PROG IlASK FEUD PAGE B5305 FETftlI COIIIIENU PAGE 1-330, Pretest error. 1-0110 Berun routine 1512. 15BO OX02 Ensure that the diagDostic lode bit in IN 1'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'II2' with byte 1, bit Ion. Ei~ber the diagnostic lode bit YIIG2 failqd to act correctly or YIIB2 other bits in the IN X'II2' turned on in error. Beg. X'11' contains the line (DCBI address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error,. (Byte 1, bit 1 on indicates a diagnostic lode bit failure.1 Beg. X'll1' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42'. 03PP B5306 85106 1-160 1-270 15BO OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'II7'I causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, YliG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOf X'II1'I from the line (DCBI address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. BS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-OliO Berun routine 1512. 15BO OX04 Ensure that none of the conditions that can cause interface check suamary are on. After forcing data set ready up via diagnostic 80de and disabling the LIB associated with the line under test to prevent a bit overrun condition, an IN X'II3' indicated a condition that could set interface check summary. Beg. X'111' contains the received II X'II3' data and reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit I-a feedback error IIIF2 lias present. Byte 1: Bit 2-data set ready YIIG2 vas off. Dit 3-a bit overrun 14G2 was present. o o o 15BD 0105 Ensure that with no condition present that should set interface check sum.ary, interface check suamary is indeed off. fhe sa.e IN X'II3' that did not indicate bit overrun, data set ready oft, or feedback error, did indicate interface check summary (byte 0, btt 2 of tbe IN X'1I3'1. o 15BO OX06 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'II7'I causes a bit service interrupt froa the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, YIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOf X'II7'I from the line (BCBI address in Reg. X'11', unmaskin'g level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1580 0107 Ensure that by starting and stopping the scanner and leaving the LIB disabled, data set ready is no longer latched up in the CS and that feedback error and bit overrun are still off. After stopping the scanner again, an IN X'II3' indicated tbat data set ready, feedback error, or bit overrun were on. Beg X'15' describes the error: Byte 0: Bit 1-feedback error erroneously set. o Type 1 Scanner 1FT UF2, Y4G2 11021 2000 A-200 Pretest error. Berun appropriate routines as given below. B5202 A-180 Berun routine 1571. Berun Loutine 1518. Rerun routine 1588. B5307 1-180 85308 A-1DO R5202 A-200 RS305 A-330, Pretest error. A-OliO Berun routine. 1512. 11021 YIIF2 fretest error. Rerun routine '531. R5202 Pretest error. Proble. lies witbin the CS. A-200 fest error. Rerun routines specified belovo A-180 Rerun routine 1571. 13105FAA 5. O. 75 1 ~~ ',,- ,)I D9 9- 31 05!!- 09 IBM 3105 CO""UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMKU"ICA~IONS SCANMER IF~ SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION Byte 1: Bit 2-data set ready did not reset. Bit I-bit overrun etro~,e?usl~ set. .,: SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (s) PROG "ASK Y4G2 PEALD PAGE PETM" l'AGE COMMENTS R5307 A-1aO Rs308 A-laO Rerun routine 1518. Rerun toutine 1588. 15BO OX06 Ensure that data set ready being off has caused interface check summary to be on. After forcing data set ready Y4F2 down by keeping the LIB disabled, the same IN X'43' that indicated data set ready off, failed to indicate interface check summary on. 2000 R5202 1-200 Test error. Problelll is within the CS. 15BO OX09 Ensure that the diagnostic mode bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 1 OD, DOW tbat the LIB has again been enabled. Either the diagnostic mode bit Y4G2 failed to act correctly or Y4E2 otber bits in the IN X'42' turned on in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains tbe bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 1 on indicates a diagnostic mode bit failure.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X·42'. 03FF RS306 R5106 A-160 1-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1531. 15BO OXOA Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'41') Causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the 11ne (BCB) address in Beg. X' 11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. R5305 A-330, Pretest error. A-OqO Rerun routine 1512. 15BO OXOP Ensure tha t setting diagnostic mode has forced data set ready back up in IN X'43'. After setting diagnostic mode (and disabling the LIB again) an IN X'43' indicated data set ready vas off. (Byte 1, bit 2 of the IN 1'43' was on.1 Y4G2 0020 RS307 A-200 Test error. Rerun routine 1518 • 15BO OXOC Ensure that feedback error and bit overrun are still off in the IN X'43' (LIB is disabled). The same IN X'43' that indicated that data set ready was back on also indicated bit overrun or feedback check as being on. Reg. X'15' says which: Byte 0: Bit 1-feedback error Y4F2 set in error Byte 1: Bit 7-bit overrun vas Y4G2 set in err or~ 4001 A-200 Test error. Rerun appropriate routine as indicated belo~. RS202 A-160 Rerun routine 151&. R5306 A-180 Berun routine 1588. Tbe same IN X'43' that indicated that data set ready was back on, also indicated an interface check summary. (Byte 0, bit 2 of the IN X' 43' was on.1 2000 R5202 A-200 'rest error. l'roblem is in the CS. BS10S A-210, Test error. A-220 Problem is in CS. Y4P2 15BO OXOD Ensure tbat interface check summary is off, nov tbat data set ready 1s back on. 15B3 XXIX Character Service (test 10): Ensure that the character service pending latch can be set by an OOT X'46' and then reset by an OOT X'44'. 15B3 OXOl Ensure that an OUT X'q6' can set the character service pending latch. 5.0.76 X3105PAA After attempting to set the character service pending latch with an OUT 1'46' an IN X'44' contained other than X'0800'. Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'44' and Reg. Y4E2 Type 1 Scanner 1FT '~. '" j.; o o IBK 3705 COftftOHICATIONS COHTBOLLER TYPE 1 COKKOHIC1TIOHS SC1HHBB IPT SYBPTOK IHDBX o I o o o o o o o 0'( , ROUT. ERROR PUHCTION TBSTBD CODB EBBOR DESCRIPTION X'15' contains the bits in error. D99-3705B-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION IS) PBOG "ASK PE1LD PAGB PET"B PAGE COBBERTS 0800 BS105 A-300 Test error. Problem is 18 C~. 15B3 OX02 Bnsure that the character service pen4ing latch 1s reset after an OUT X'qq' vith the resot character service bit on (Byte 1, bit ~I. 15B4 XXXX Character Service (Test ")): Bnsure that a character service interrupt can and does ocCUr within 3 idle passes of tho scanner after requesting a cbaracter service interrupt via OUT X'46'. This is accomplished by resetting the scanner, forcing a bit service interrupt to stop tbe scanner, and requesting a character service interrupt and starting the scanDer via an OUT X'46'. since no lines are enabled a character service interrupt should occur at the end of the third scanner pass. 15B4 OX01 Bnsure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a YIIY2, YIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') fro. tbe line (BCB) address in leg. X'11', un.aaking level 2 interrupts and waiting tbe time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frOB that line. 85305 1-330, Pretest error. 1-0110 Berun routine 1512. .5B4 OX02 Ensure that an OUT 1'46' causes a level 2 interrupt. After waiting, no level 2 interrupt occurred. RS102 RS202 B5201 1-320 fest error. Problem is in the CS. Character service level 2 latch never set. Ensure that tbe interrupt tbat occurred caused X' 06PO' (the psuedo character control block address) to appear in IN X'II,.. After tbe level 2 interrupt occurred from requestinq character service, an IN X'41' contained otber than X'0610'. Reg 1'14' contains tbe results of the II X'II1' and reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit " - VIIS on Bit 5 - vas off Bit 6 - was off Bit 7 - was on Byte 1: Bit 0 - was off Bit 1 - vas off Bit 2 - was off Bit 3 - vas off A-1'10 1-060 Test error. Problem is in tbe CS. 1-060 fest error. The counter in tbe character service circuitry is apparently counting wrong. After an OUT X'~4' with the reset character service pen4ing bit on, an IN X'qq' in41cate4 that byte 0; bit 4 (character service pending) was not reset. Beg X'111' contains the received IN X' 411' data. Y4B2 fliP 2 \ 15BII OX03 o o o o 15B4 OX04 o I_ Ensure that tbe character service interrupt that occurred as a result of an DOT 1'116' did so witbin exactly 3 idle passes of the scanner. fbe character service interrupt occurred before or after tbe tbird pass. (It actually sbould occur right at the end of it., Reg. X'15' indicates wbether it vas early or late. If tbe value in reg. X'15' is greater than X'7D' the interrupt vas early (before tbe third pass) and if less than X'78' it was late (after OPPO fIIG2 14P2 YIIG2 YliG2 18303 15202 B5303 15303 YIIG2 14G2 fIIG2 HG2 15303 BS303 BS303 BS303 I'IP2 B5202 it) • 15B6 XXXX Character Service (Test '2): Ensure that a bit service interrupt occurring witbin tbree scanner passes I I Ie Type 1 Scanner 1FT 13705PAA 5.0.77 15" 3105 CO"~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 CO"~ONICITIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOft INDEX D99-3105E-09 ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD PROG PEALD CODE LOCATION(s) "ASK PAGE of a reguested character service interrupt can override the character service reguest. PETn" PAGE 1656 OX01 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'ij7') causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the ~ine (BCB) address in Beg. X'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred trom that line. B5305 1-330, Pretest error. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. 1556 OX02 Ensure that no interrupt occurs up to the end of the third idle pass of the scanner after reguesting a character service interrupt. Within 76.8 aicroseconds of 14P2 an OUT X'46' (request character service) an interrupt occurred. (All lines were disabled.) 85202 A-060 Test error. Rel:IlD routine t 554. 1566 OX03 Ensure that if a bit service interrupt is reguested within three idle passes of the scanner after requesting character service, it will override the reguested character service. A force bit service (OUT X'47') tailed to cause a bit service level 2 interrupt. If byte 0, bit 0 of reg. X'lS' is on, no interrupt was received at all. If byte 0, bit 5 is on, the character service interrupt reguested was not overridden. Y4F2 BS202 1-060 Test error. Problem is in the CS. If no interrupt was received at all, rerun routine 1512. 1566 OX04 Ensure that no interrupt occurs up to the end of the third idle pass of the scanner after reguesting a character service interrupt. Within 76.8 microseconds of Y4F2 an OUT 1'46' (request character service) an interrupt occurred. (All lines vere disabled.) RS202 1.-060 Test error. Berun rOlltine 1554. 1556 OXOS Ensure that if a bit service interrupt is reguested within three idle passes of the scanner after reguesting character service, it will override the reguested character service. A force bit service (OUT X'47') failed to cause a bit service level.2 interrupt. If byte 0, bit 0 of reg. X'15' is on, no interrupt was received at all. If byte 0, bit 5 is on, the character service interrupt reguested was not overridden. Y4F2 R5202 1-060 The only difference bEtween this error and error OX03 of this routine, is that this error tests the reset capability of the 'allow character service counter' • 1566 OX06 Ensure that an OUT X'46' causes a level 2 interrupt. After waiting, no level 2 interrupt occurred. 14P2 RS202 RS201 1-320 Test error. Problem is in the CS. Character service level 2 latch never set. 1566 OX07 Ensure that the interrupt that occurred caused 1'06FO' (the psuedo character control block address) to appear in IN 1'41'. After the level 2 interrupt occurred from requesting character service, an IN X'41' contained other than X'05FO'. Reg. X'14' contains the results of the IN X'41' and reg. X'tS' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 4 - was on Bit 5 - was off Bit 6 - was off Bit 1 - vas on 5yte 1: Bi t 0 ~ vas 0 ff Bit , - was off Bit 2 - was off Bit 3 - was off A-140 Test error. Problem is in the CS. 5.0.78 X3705FAA OFPO Y4G2 Y4F2 YijG2 'qG2 85303 8S202 8S303 BS303 HG2 Y4G2 Y4G2 y1fG2 B5303 R5303 B5303 RS303 COftftENT5 Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o o 11. U o o IBK 3705 COHHUNICA1IONS CONT80LLea TYPi 1 COHHOHICATIONS SC~NNER 1FT SYHPTOH INDEX ROUT. EaaOR FUNCTION TBSTED ERBOR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CABO PBOG PEALD PETSS COHnENTS CODE LOCATION(s) SA5K PAGE PAGE 15B8 lUX Character Service (Test 13): Ensure that a character service interrupt occurs after the scanner has passed four enabled high priority lines. This is accomplished by setting the first four line addresses to a lode other than 00, requesting a character service interrupt, waiting one scanner pass only. and ensuring that a character service interrupt does occur. (Tbis test first sets the four addresses to mode 01. tben mode 10. and then .ode 11.) 15B8 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'Q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a YQP2. YQG2 bit serlice level 2 interrupt (~ia OOT X'47') from tbe line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11'. unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass. no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. B5305 A-330. Pretest orr or. A-040 Rerun routine 1512. 15B8 OX02 Ensure that an OUT X'ij2' has set the proper mode bits. After stopping the scanner at the tested addresa. an OUT X'42' Mas ~ssued to set the mode bits. An IN X'42' then indicated the correct mode bits were not set. Reg. X'15' indicates whicb mode bit was in error. (Byte o. bits 6 and 7 represent mode bits 1 and 2. respectively.) RS304 A-110 15B8 OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2. Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'41') from the line (BCB) address in !leg.• I ' l l ' . unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass. no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. R5305 1-330. Pretest error. 1.-040 Rerun routine 1512. 15B8 OX04 Ensure that an OUT X'Q2' has set the proper mode bits. After stopping the scanner at the tested address. an OUT X'ij2' was issued to set the mode bits. An IN 1'42' then indicated the correct mode bits were not set. Reg. X'15' indicates wbich mode bit was in error. (Byte o. bits 6 and 7 represent mode bits 1 and 2. respectively.) BS304 A-170 15B8 OX05 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2. Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'Q1') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11'. unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. B5305 1-330. Pretest error. 1.-040 Berun routine 1512. 15B8 OX06 Ensure that an OUT X'Q2' has set the proper Bode bits. After stopping the scanner at the tested address. an OUT X'42' was issued to set the mode bits. An IN X'42' then indicated the correct mode bits vere not set. Reg. X'15' indicatEs which mode bit was in error. (Byte o. bits 6 and 7 represent mode bits 1 and 2. respectively.) R5304 A-170 15B8 OX07 Ensure that force bit service (OOT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2. Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OllT 1'47'·) from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and RS305 1-330. Pretest error. A-OliO Rerun routine 1512. o o o Type 1 Scanner 1FT o 099- 37 05E- 09 YQG2 YQG2 Y4G2 Pretest error. Rerun routines 154E. 1550. and 1552. 1554 for mode bits 1 and 2. respectively. (If needed, reg. 1'11' contains the line address under test.) Pretest error. Berun routines 154E. 1550, and 1552. 1554 for lIode bits 1 and 2. respectively. (If needed. reg. 1'11' contains the line address under test.) Pretest error. Rerun routines 15QE. 1550. and 1552. 1554 for lIode bits 1 and 2, respectively. (If needed. reg. X'.,' contains the line address under test.) X3705FAA 5.0.19 IDa 37'05 COllftUHICATIOIlS CONTROLUS TYPB 1 CO!KUHICATIOHS SCANNER 1fT SYNPTOft INDBX BOUT. EBROB PUlICTION TESTED CODE ERROR DBSCRIPTION vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frolll that line. 099- 37 05E- 09 SOSfECTED CABO LQCATIOH(s) PBOG BASK fBALD PAGE fETBB PAGE COBBEHTS 1588 OX08 Bnsure that an 00'1' X'ij2' has set the proper mode bits. After stopping the scanner at the tested address, an OUT X'ij2' was issued to set the lIIode bits. An IN 1'112' then indicated the correct lIIode bits were not set. 8eg. X'lS' indicates wbich lIIode bit was in error. (Byte 0, bits 6 and 7 represent lIIode bits 1 and 2, respectively.) YIIG2 RS3011 1.-170 Pretest error.• Rerun routines 1511E, 1550, and 1552, 15511 for mode bits 1 and 2, respect! vely. (If needed, reg. X'11' contains the line address undu test.) 1588 OXOA Bnsure that an OUT X'q6' (set character service request) will cause a character service level 2 interrupt after the scanner has passed four Gnabled high priority lines. After baving reset the scanner, YIIG2 setting tour lines to other fljf2 than lode 00, and waiting no 1Il0re than one scanner pass, no character service interrupt occurred.• 85306 85201 1.-060 Test error. Proble. is in the CS (probably near the '+ enabled hi pd intf' line). 158A XXXX Character Service (Test lij): After ensuring that OUT X'1I6' will cause a character service interrupt, ensure that both OUT X'IIO' and scanner reset can reset the character service request such that no character service interrupt occurs again~ (This test is first run using OO~ X"6' and then using reset scanner.) 15Bl OXOI Ensure that an OU~ X'46' [request character senice) causes a character service interrupt. After waiting four scanner passes, no character service interrupt occurred. Yllf2 85202 A-320 A-060 Pretest error. lIerun routine lSBq. ISBA 0102 Ensure that 00'1' X'46' or reset scanner can reset a character service interrupt. After a character service interrupt occtrred, an OUT X'40' or scanner reset (00'1' X'4S' with byte 0, bit 2 on) vas issued. Another interrupt vas then received. If reg. X'11' contains X' 0000', the reset attempted vas an 00'1' X'40'. If not, it vas a reset scanner (after the reset scanner, the scanner 1s enablel1 agllin). Y4P2 115202 1-320 Test error. Problem is in the CS. " lSBC IXXX character Service (Test IS): indicates all zeroes. 15BC OXOl Ensure that an OUT X'46' (request character service) causes a character service interrupt. After waiting four scanner passes, no character service interrupt occurred. YijP2 .15BC OX02 Ensure that after a character service interrupt, IN X'43' is all zeroes. After II character service interrupt lind aD IN X'41', IN X'1I3' was executed and the resultant data was not all zeroes. 8eg. X'15 1 contains the bits in 1ft X'43' that vere not 0, i f needed. !4P2 15aE XXXX Ensure that after a requested character service interrupt, an IN X'43' 102 ffrr 85202 A-320 Pretest error. Rerun routine lS8ij. 115203 85103 A-180 ~elit error. Proble. is 1n the CS and caused by not degating the ' t input 43' signal on ALD page 115103. Level One Interrupts with LIBs Enabled: After ensuring that no level ODe interrupts occur when adapter level 1 interrupts are unmas~ed with the LIBs disabled, ensure that no level one interrupts 5.0.80 X3705PAA Type 1 Scanner 1fT ' o o o o o o o o o o IBK 3105 COKKUHICATIOHS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COK"UHICATIORS SCANNBR lIT SYKPTOn INDEI ROUT. ERROR FUHCTIOR TESTED EBBOR DESCRIPTIO. CODE occor with each LIB enabled in turn. SOSPECTED CARD LOCATIO.(S) 15BE OXOl Ensure that with the LIBs disabled, no le,el 1 interrupts occur. After resetting the scanner, level one interropts vere unsasked for 30 lilliseconds and vhile they were unmasted, a type 1 CS level 1 check occurre4. 15BE OX02 If a level 1 interrupt occurred after unsasking, ensure that 1M 1'76' indicated "type 1 cs level 1 check". No indication of which adapter caused the interrupt was given in III X'76'. 15BE OX03 Ensure that an OUT I'~~' can reset a level one cbeck. After having found a level I Y~E2 check present, the LIBs vere yqr2 disabled and an OUT X'4Q' with byte 1, bit 5 on (reset level one checks) was issued. An IH X'Qq' then indicated a level one check as still being present. Beg. X'1Q' contains the results of the II X'qq' and reg. X'15' indicatEs the check bit that failed to reset: Byte 1: Bits 2 thru 5 - bit clock check for LIBs I, 2, 3, or 4, respectively. Bit 6 - LIB select check. 158E OIOq Ensure that no leyel one checks are present when a LIB is enabled. After enabling a LIB and unlasking le,el 1 interrupts, a level 1 check occorred. Beg. X'11' byte 0, bits 6 and 7 indicate which LIB was enabled (0, I, 2, or 31. Reg. X'15' indicates wbat check occurred: Byte 1: Bi t$ 2- 5 - bit clock cbeck for LIBs one through q, respectively. Bit 6 - LIB select check. Bit 7 - outblls cbeck. 15BF XXXI Sode Bit Override: Ensure that sode bit override can override all interrllpt modes except sode 010. lfter resetting tbe scanner, setting all line addresses to lode 010, and then ensllring that a line set to mode 00 cannot interrupt, lode bit override is set and a test made to ensure that the only line that interrupts is the one set to lIode 00. (Tbe line set to sode 00 11111 be the first installed Don-autocall line found.) 15Br OXOI Ensllre that force bit service (OU'I' X' 47') callses a hit service interrupt fros a line set to sode 010. o o o o o o o D99-3705E-09 Type 1 Scanner 1FT After attempting to force a bit service level 2 intetrupt (via OUT l'q7'1 from the line a4drass in Reg. X'11'. unsasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting. tbe time of a FEALD P1G! FETKR P1GE CORKENTS nF2 RS206 1-220 Pretest error. Rerun routine 150&. (If needed, display reg. X' 1~' for the I:8s01 ts of aD III X.qq. to determine the sOQtce of the level one.1 yqD2 Rll02 6-082 Test error. Failure vas most probably P-type 1 CS bit level In on lLD page given, failing to bring up '+ input type 1 CS level I'. BS105 R5206 1-300 1-220 test error. Problem is in the CS. Please note that there is no way to force a level ope cbeck of this type in the type 1 CS. Tberefore, the cause of this error should be found before finding the cause of the level one cbeck itself. BS206 A-220 Test error. Proble. is probably in the LIB tbat lias enabled. Beplace the LIB bit clock control card first. If failure is a LIB select check, first trJ to deter.ine a failing pattern by continuing from this error stop and seeing wbich other LIBs fail. Y~F2 1'4E2, lC4G2 PROG IASK 003E BS305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. X3705FU 5.0.81 IBn 3705 COftHUNICATIOHS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COftftUNICATIOHS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTO! INDEX ROUT. ERROR POBCTION TESTED CODE setting all lines to lode OlD, the tested line address can nov be set to mode 00 via an OUT X'42'. ERROR DESCRIPTION scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line 15BP 0103 OX04 SUSPECTED ClRD LOCATION(S) PROG ftASK PEALD PAGE PETftft P1GE with data of all zeroes, an IN 1'42' indicated SOle bits were still set. Reg. X'1'" contains the IN l'lf2' data (anl bit ou is in error): Byte 0: Bit 6 Bit 7 Byte 1: Bit 0 Bit , Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 'I Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 15BP D99-3705B-09 COft!ENTS Rerun appropriate routines as given. Reg X'11' contains tested line address if needed. - - lode bit 1 lode bit 2 RS3011 8S3011 A-170 1-170 Rerun 1550. Rerun 155Q. - low priority - diagnostic lode bit - data terlinal ready - synchronous lode bit - external clock bit - data rate select bit - oscillator select bit 1 - oscillator select bit 2 RS301f 8S306 IIS306 8S306 RS306 85306 RS306 R5306 1-170 1-160 1-160 A-'60 A-160 1-160 1-160 1-160 Rerun Berun Rerun Rerun Berun Berun Rerun Berun RS305 A-OlfO Pretest error. Rerun routine Ensure that a bit service level 2 interrupt is prevented if lode 00 has been set and lode bit override is not set. After having set lonitor YlfG2 lode 00 and not setting lode bit override, starting the scanner and waiting up to 30 lilliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt, one occurred. Ensure that the lode bit override latch can now be set via OUT l'ljO'. After having issued an OU~ X'IIO', an IN X'IIIf' indicated that lode bit override (byte 0, bit 0) had not ~et. YIIE2 1511C. 153C. 153'1. \.. " ,/ 152C. ,538. '530. 15118. 15U. ( " 158q. 8000 RS1011 A-230 Test error. Rerun routine 150E. 15BP OX05 Ensure that setting mode bit override will allov level 2 interrupts frol all lines but lines set to lode 0'0 (disable). After having set lode bit override with one line Bet to lode 00 (norlally disable), no level 2 interrupt Occurred. (node bit override did not override the lode 00 setting.) IllG2 853011 1-230 ~est error. Prohle. 11 in tbe CS. Probably override control on ALD page given failed. 15BP OX06 Ensure that the line address that caused the bit service interrupt was froa the line that was set to lode 00. After the interrupt, the address of the line under test did not coapare with the line address that caused the interrupt. Beg X"" contains the address expected to interrupt and Reg X',II' contains the address that did interrupt. '"G2 RS305 A-OliO ~est 15BP OX07 Ensure that setting mode bit override vill allow level 2 interrupts frol all lines but lines set to lode 010 (disable). After having set mode bit override with one line set to lode 00 (normally disable), no level 2 interrupt occurred. (llode bit override did not override the lode 00 setting.) , 14G2 BS304 A-230 Test error. Problem is in CS. Probably override control on lLD page given failed. 5.0.82 X3705PAA ( error. Apparentl,., since all other lines were set to lode 010 and yet one of them bas caused an interrUpt, lode 010 bam failed to cOlpletely disable two interrupts fro. that line. Problem is probahly in the CS. Type , Scanner IPT o o o o o o 18K 3105 COKKUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKKUHICAflOHS SCANNER 1FT StKPfOK INDEI ROOT. ERROR FONCTION TESTED CODB 15BF OX08 Bnsure that the line address tbat caused the bit service interrupt was fro. the line that was set to aode 00. BRROR DESCBIPTION After tbe interrupt, tbe address of the line under test did not coapare witb the line address tbat caused the interrupt. Beg X'11' contains tbe address eKpected to interrupt and Reg X'14' contains the address tbat did interrupt. 099- 31 058- 09 SUSPECTED CABO LOCATIO. (s) !4G2 nOG IlASK FElLO PAGE BS305 FETU PAGE A-OliO o o o o o 15CO XUX Data set Ready and clear to Send on IS" Integrated Bodeas (leased lines only). Bnsure first that Data Set Beady is always active and then ensure that Clear to send coaes up .ithin 300 ailliseconds after setting Bequest to Send. {This routine is rnn on line types Sa, 5b, apd 8a onlY.1 B21E: , 0 All routines working witb IBK integrated lodeas, autocall Or answer units bave been designed to atteapt to functionally test the aodeas. In aost cases, no suspected card locations are given since the maintenance procedures on C-440 provide a more tborough trouble isolation procedure. Wbep any error occurs that indicates a possible aodea, autoca11 or answer problea please refer to these procedures. 15CO 0102 Force a bit service interrupt fro. tbe line address under test. After atteapting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via 00TI'41') froa the line (BCBI address in Reg.X'.I', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting tbe tiae of a scan neE pass, no bit service inteErupt occurred fro. tbat line. 15CO OXQ4 Bnsure tbat data set ready is always acti,e on the 104ea interface. An IN 1'43' failed to indicate that Data set aeady was active (Byte " bit 2 wal on aDd Ibould not have been on.1 Reg_ 1'14' contains the received II X'43' data. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. 15CO OX08 Bn sure t ha t Beq ues t to send can be set with an OUT X'43' rollowing an DOT X'43' witb Y4G2 data of X'0002' to set Request to send bit, an IH'43' indicated i t 'falle~ to set. Beg X'11' ,po,n,tains t~fI line address under test and Beg,x'14' contains tbe received 1M 1'43' data. 15CO OXOA Force 'a bit service interrupt froa tbe line address under test. After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'41') fro. the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'1", unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting tbe tile of a scanneE pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. tbat line. 15eo oxoe Bnsure that Clear to Send coaes up witbin 300 .illiseconds after setting Requ~st to Send. Clear to send failed to set in 1M 1'43'. Reg X'II' contains the line address under test and Beg X'141 contains 'I o o o o eOBBENTS 'rest error. Apparently, since all otheE lines were set to aode 010 and yet one of th.. bas caused an interrupt, 1I0de 010 bas failed to completely disable tllO interrupts froa tbat line. "'roble. is probably 10 the cs. Type 1 Scanner 1FT Y4F2, Y4G2 BS305 A-030 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512 Test error. If necellary, thil hUun can be Ie oped wbile Itopped at tbis error. Bun routine 1500 to belp isolate probl ... Uso, if UB type 8, cbeck OSB juaper on ltD page 'QXU. 0200 IS308 A-180 'rest error. A-200 Berun routine 1526. BS305 A-030 A-040 Test error. Rerun routine 1512. Test error. Berun routine 1518 to prove tbat clear to X3105FAA 5.0.83 IBK 3705 COnnUHIC1TIOHS CONTROLLER , TYPE 1 COKHUNIC1TIONS SCANNEB 1FT SY"PTOK INDEI ROOT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE EBROR DESCRIPTIO. the results of the IN X'43'. 15C2 XXXX 119 9- 31 05E- 09 SOSPECTED CARD LOCATIOn(S) PROG !ASK FEALD PAGE FETK! PAGE COKUHTS send can be set via diagnostic lIode. If that runs, run routine 15EO (manual intervention Routine) to help diagnose tbe error further. Also, cbeck botb DSB and CTS delay jUllpering. .,' , ~I' External Clock Test: By stopping tbe scanner at the tested address and allowing five bit overruns to occur, the average speed of each external clock in all integrated lIodems is deterlline4 and tbep examined to ensure that the tested clock bas caused strobes to occur within 0.1' of the external clock's bit rate. This routine will be run on LIB types 5 tbrough 1 only. Each line is run, first in receive and then in transmit lode, with data rate select off (1200 BPS). Then each line is run, as above, hut witb data rate select on (2400 BPS). All routines working with IBK integrated lIodels, autocall or answer units, have been designed to attellpt to functionally test the lodells. In lost cases, no suspected card locations are given since the maintenance procedures on C-440 provide a lore thorough trouble isolation procedure. When any error occurs that indicates a possible lIodell, autocall or answer proble., please refer to these procedures. !~~!: 15C2 OX02 Ensure that force bit service (Out X'47') eauses a bit service interrupt from tbe line address under test. 15C2 OX04 Ensure that an OUT 1'42' After issuing an OOT X'42 at r4G2 bas properly set the external the tested line address, an IN clock bit and data rates 1'42' failed to reflect the select bits. OOT X'42'. Beg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42' and teg. X'15' contains the blts in error: B5305 After attempting to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the tile cf a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line. 15C2 0106 Ensure that an OUT X'43' bas set transmit or receive lIode. 5. 0.84 X31051'AA After issuing an OOT X'43' to the line under test, an IN X'43' indicated that the trans.it lode bit failed to set or reset.. Reg. 1'14' contains the received IN X' 43' data.. The transllit lode bit !byte 0, bit 4) should have been tbe oP.posite 14G2 A-030 1-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 1-150 Pretest error. Rerun appropriate routines as specified below. Beg_ X'11' contl1ns tailing Una address 1f needed. B5304 1-170 Rerun 1550. RS304 1-170 Rerun 1554. 85306 1-110 Rerun 154C. RS306 A-160 FF1'l' Byte 0: Bit 6-lode bit set in error. Bit 1-mode bit 2 set in error. Byte 1: Bit O-lov priority set in error. Bit 1-diagnostic mode bit set in error. Bit 2-Data Terminal Beady set in error. Bit 3-synchronoQs lode set in error. Bit 4-external clock bit failed to set. Bit 5-data rate select failed to set to the proper state. Bit 6-osc111ator select bit 1 set in error. Bit 1-oscillator select bit 2 set in errnr. 0600 '- RS306 1-160 Rerun routines 153A and 153C. Berun 1534. BS306 A-160 Rerun 152C. .BS306 1-160 Berun 1538. BS306 A-160 Berun 1530. Rerun routines 1542 and 1544. Rerun routines 1546 and 1548. BS306 1-160 RS306 1-160 B5306 A-200 >,,' ,, Pretest error. Berun routines 1511 and 151C. .' Type 1 Scanner 1FT ,.(~, L\ J/ "~'~-~""'" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.-~,~,~~~-~-.~- ... _------'--- IBft 3705 cosnU.ICATIOR' CORTROLLER TYPE 1 COftftUHICATIOBS SCABBBR 1Ft S'"PTO" IIIDEX BOUT. BRRoa l'UIICUOII nSTID CODa BaBOR DBSCRlPUOI of vhat it vaa. D99- 3105E-09 SOSRCTID CARD PBOG LOCAUOII(s, "UII FBALD PAGI i I Insure that bit overrun can be set 1ft the Une 1nt~rface Inder test. After vaiting up to 60 ailliseconds (the scanner is still stopped at the tested address) no bit overrun occurred. Beg... 1'1" contains the line address under test. 0001 pretest error. DispllJ Beg •. 1'111'. If bfte 0, bit" is on Une 18 in TI aode. If Ilot. it is in receiv. aode. lOTI: :tf in trallsait aode. this error Bal' be caused bf loss of external clock. (Ill receive aode. overtons shou14 occur anJwa! beense at the internal backup clock •• 15C2 Oloe Bnsure that bit overrun can be set ill the line interface under test. After vaiting up to 60 ailliseconds (the scanner is still stopped at the tested address) no bit overrun occurred. Beg. 1'11' contains tbe line address u~der test. 0001 'fest error. Berun routine 1588. problea aaJ be in overrun latch on. line interiace card. Ion: If in transa1t aode. tbis error. aa! be caused bJ loss of external clock. (In receive .ode. overruns should occur anyvay because of the internal "actop c~oclt.1 15C2 OIOB Bnsure that vhile aeasuring the external clock speed. as each bit Overrun occurs, it can be reset. Folloving a bit overrun, OUT I'''''' vith byte 1, bit 7 on vas issued to reset the overrun. An IN X'1I3' tben indicated tbe overrun vas not reset. Beg. I'll' contains tbe line address under test. 15C2 0110 Before cbecking tbe extexnal clock's average spee • ensure tbat all five overruns occurred. After vaiting a aaxiana .aount of tiae. less than five bit over tuns occurred. I I G! , I II e c 011 IIB11'U 0108 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UTI" PAGI 15c2 I I I 0 ........ ! tIIB2 IS 1Oli 1-3110 'fest error. Beron ro"tine 1588. test error. Vroblel 1a Probabll' interaittent. lIerun alld loop on . routine 1588. elf needed. byte 0 Clf reg. 11'1 .. ' contains the Duabet of . overtune that were not . t8~~lYe4.) lOTI:' U in transaU lode. tbie error lay be caused.b, loss of external clOCk. (In recei". 104e. overrUDS sbou14 oc,cur· anyllay because of the internal .. backup c~ock~t ,5C2 0112 Ensure tbat no external clock is running too slow. '.fest error. Problea is probably in tbe lode .. clock The amount of tile it toak flve bit OyerrUDS to occur vas greater than 0.11 aore tban vbat is sbould have taken. 0 e lC3105FU 5.0.85 TfPe 1 Scanner 1FT \' 1 () IBlI 3'105 COIII\UNICA'fIONS COII'rROLLElI TYPE 1 CO""OHICATIOIIS SCANIIBlI 1FT SYI\PTOI\ INDEX ROUT. ERROll FUIICTION TBSTED CODE EaaOR DESCRIPT10N D99-3705E-09 Beg. X'11' contains the tested line address. Byte 1, bit 5 on in reg X'16' indicates tbe 2400 BPS external clock was under test. Bit 5 off indicates the 1200 BPS external clock was under test. If byte 0, bit 4 of reg. X'16' is on, the tested address is on, the tested address was was in trans_it lIode. If not, it was in receive mode. 15C2 15C" Ensure that no oscillator is running too fast. XXIX .:( ) 'Ie. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG IIASK FEALD PAGB PETftK PAGE The amount of time it took five bit overruns to occur was greater than 0.11 less than what it abold hsve taken. Beg X'11' contains the ~ested line address. Byte 1, bit 5 on in· reg X'16' indicates the 2400 BPS external clock was under test. Bit 5 off indicates the 1200 BPS external clock was under test. If byte 0, bit 4 of reg X'16' is on, the tested address was in transmit mode. If not, it was in receive Bode. COIIIIENTS card, but may also te in tbe line interface wbe the external clock is gated in. It should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error stop. Start scoping at the Une interfaca card. NOT!: Becauso of the backup clock, in receive lIode strobes lIill stUl be present even if tbe external clock :l.s not there at all. Test error. Problem is probably in the I lodems clock card, but may also be in the line interface where the eEternal clock is gated in. I t should be possible to scope this failure IIhile stopped at this error stop. Start scoping at the line interface card. ... J .j Internal Kodem wrap: Insure that 255 marks can be internally wrapped through the IBK integrated modems in LIB types 5 through 7. This ~outine is run on all 80dems installed in LIB types 5 througb 7. It is equivalent to test 2 of the 3872. Each line is run with the ~ata rate selector bit off and then each line is run wit~ it on. !2l!: All routines working with integrated mode8s, autocall or answer units have been designed to attempt to functionally test the modems. In sost cases, no suspected card locations are given since the maintenance procedures on C-440 provide a Bore thorough trouble isolation procedure. When any error occurs that indicates a possible mode8, autocall or answer problem, please refer to these procedures. ISC" 0102 Ensure that force bit Service (out 1'41') causes a bit service interrupt frol the line address under test. After attempting to force a bit Y"P2, Y4G2 service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'lj7') frOI the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', u.masking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froll that line.• 8S305 &-030 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 1SC" OXO" Ensure that the external clock and aiagnostic mode bits in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT 1'42' with byte 1, bits 1 and 4 on. Either the external clock bit failed to set or tbe diagnostic mode bit failed to set or other hits in tbe IN X'42' turned on in error. Reg X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in errOl:. (eyte 2, bit " R5306 1-150 A-160 Pretest error. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538 { .', '... 5.0.86 X3105l'AA Type 1 Scanner IPT 'i .F o o o o o o o 15K 3705 CON~UNICATIOHS CONTBOLLEa TYPE 1 CO~"UNIClTIONS SCANNEB 1FT SyaPTO" INDEX BOUT. EBBOB FUNCTION TESTED CODE OXD6 Ensure that the external clock can create a strobe and cause a bit service level 2 interrupt from the tested line. After having set monitor mode 11 to allow noraal bit service requests, selecting the external clock. starting the scanner and waiting up to 30 milliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt fro. the line under test, none occurred. 1 SC~ oxoa Ensure that request to send has been set by issuing an OUT X'43' with byte 1, bit 6 on. Either the Request to Send bit f4G2 failed to set or other bits were set in error in the IN X'43'. Reg. 1'11' contains the line (BCR) address under test. Reg 1'15' contains the bits IN X'43' in error. 15C4 OX10 Ensure that the line under test interrupts at least once every 30 milliseconds. During the process of sending 255 bits no interrupt occurred fr08 the line under test within 30 8illiseconds of the previous interrupt. 15c4 OX12 Ensure as each interrupt occurs, that the tested line is receiving a mark and that no error conditions are present. During the process of sending 255 bits an 1M '43' indicated that conditions were not sutiable for continuing the test. Req. X'14' contains the received IN X '43' data and reg X'15' indicates Which bits were in error; o Byte 0:. Bit O-receive data was a space. Bit 3-receive data lead set to 1\ space Bit II-trans.it mode erroneously set Bit 6-Bequest to send latch not set Byte 1: Bit o-Clear to Send was Dot up Bit 5-diagDostic lode not set Bit 7-bit overrun/underrun set in error. o o o o o SUSPECTED CABO . LOCl\TION Is) 15C4 o o o o EBBOH DESCHIPTION on indicates an external bit failure.) Beg. l' 14' contains the actual data received by the IN '42'. D99-3105E-09 PROG IIASK FEALD PAGE FET"" PAGE COKHENTS P retest error. Rerun routine 15C2. IBemeliber that in receive mode, the internal backup clock should be causing strobes.) OABQ B5308 A-1ao .-200 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1578. . &eg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN 1'43'. Also, rea ember that diagnostic .ode should force up RLSD, DSR and (if RTS is upl CU. Test error. Beg X'16' contains the storage address of a byte in core which contains the residual bit count left. Reg X'13' contains the OUT 42 data. Reg X'11' contains the line under test. Rerun routine 15C2. 8215 'J:est error. Reg X'16', contains tile storage address of Ii byte in core whicb contains the residual count left. Reg_ 1'1" contains tbe line un4er test. (See note. below) (See note, below) Rerun routine. ,51A and 1SaC rerun routine. 1526 alld 1528 Herun routine. 1578 RerUn routine 153:8 alld a540 NOTE: If receive data vas in error but receive data lead was not, --prOblem is probably in line interface. If not, problem probably exists in modem. It should be possible to scope a problem ill tbe modea while stopped at this error stop •. The mode, sbould still be wrapping the all marks pattern. Also please see note following the routine description. Type 1 Scanner 1FT X3705FAA 5.0.87 IBn 3106 CO"nUNtcATIONS CONTROLLER ~ffE 1 COn"QNICA'.rIONS SCANNER IF~ SYnf'.ron INDEX D99-3105E-09 ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED' EBBOB DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED ClIlD PBOG FEALD rET"" COli IIl!NT S CODE LOCATION (Sl IlASK fAGB fAGB 15C6 XXXX Internal nodel Wrap (LIB's 8 and 91: Insure that 25q alternate larks and spaces can be wrapped through the integrated modems of LIB types 8 and 9 utiliZing the modelS self-wrap capability. The routine finds the highest allowable speed oscillator installed and uses it to run the test. The first installed non-autocall interface is used as the transmit line to set the test data latch in the CS. 25q bits are then wrapped through each installed lodea in turn. HQ1E: Throughout the error descriptions for this routine, reference will be lade to "the transmit line" and lithe receive line." lIemelbel: that the transait line is not associated with the lode. that is being tested. It is nothing lore than a vehicle used to set the test data latch in the CS. The line interface for LIB types e and 9 is designed such that if the line interface is in diagnostic and receive aodes with data terlinal ready on, the test data latch in the CS is gated into the send data trigger in the line interface. Send data is then wrapped through the lodel and back into the roceive buffer of the saae line interface. Thus "the transmit line" refers to the interface being used to set the test data latch and "the receive linen refers to the interface and lode. through which the data is actually being wrapped. All routines working with integrated modems, autocall or answer units have been designed to attempt to functionally test the modems. In most cases, no suspected card locations are given since the maintenance procedures on C-IIIIO provide a aore thorough trouble isolation procedure. When any error occurs that indicates a possible modem, autocall or answer problem, please refer to these procedures. ~Ql~: 15C6 15C6 OXP2 OXOq l'orce a bit service level 2 interrupt fro I the receive line. After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OU'I X'q1'1 from the line (BCBI address in reg X'11', unmasking le,el 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt oC~.~1':red frdll t~at line. yq1'2,Y4G2 Set the receive diagnostic and monitor mode 11 with Data Terainal Ready on and select an oscillatqr. After issuing an OUT X'42' at the selected line address, an IN X'Q2' failed to reflect the OUT X'Q2'. Reg~ X"" contains the line address of the receive line. Beg X'14' contains the received IN X'Q2' data and reg X'15' contains the bits in error: YIIG2 RS305 A- 330 A-OliO ,,,. Pretest error. Rerun routine r' '512 031'F A-1~0 Pretest error. Rerun the appropriate routine as given below. '\, Ilfte 0: Bit 6 - lIIode bit to set. failed BS3011 A-110 Berun routine 15QB. r Berun routine '552. Bit 1 - lode bit 2 failed to set. 8yte 1: 5.0,.88 X3105l'AA Bit 0 - low priority set in error. RS3011 1-"0 Berun rOlltine 1540. Bit 1 - diagnostic aode failed to set. BS306 A-160 Berun routine 1531. Bit 2 - data teuinal ready tailed to set. BS306 A-160 Rerun ,0llUne 1532. Bit 3 - synchronous lode bit set in error. BS306 1-160 Rerun routine 1521. Bit Q - external clock bit set in error. BS306 1-'60 Berun routine 1538. Bit 5 - data rate select bit, set in error. 115306 A-160 Rerun routine 1530. Bit 6 - oscillator select bit 1 failed. BS306 A-'60 Berun routines 15112 and 15/iQ. Bit 1 - oscillator select bits 2 failed. B5306 1-,60 Berun routines 15Q6 and 15118. Type 1 Scanner 1FT " .r o o o o o IBII 3105 COIII\UMlCA'l'lOt/S CONTROLLER D99-370SE-09 TYP! 1 COllftUdICATIOMS SCANNER 1FT SllIPfOIl INDEX lOaf. ERROl PUNCTION TESTED 15C6 COOl! 0106 ,0 lait 300 .1lliseconds then start the scanner and force another bit service level 2 interrnpt fro. the receive line. o o o o 15C' o IXOI' Check that Clear to Send has now co •• np at the receive address. (E,en though !TS has not been set, diagnostic •• de in LIi types 8 and 9 forces RTS np in the modea. As a resnlt, after the aaxi.na CTS delay, CTS shedd can up.) o ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (s) Either the scanner could not be started again or after attelpting to force the next bit service interrupt and w~iting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt from the line under test occurred. Reg. J'11' contains the line (BCB) address from which bit service was to be forced. Value of Reg. X'15' describes the failure: I'EOOO' - the OaT X'41' nG2 failed to reBet the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN 1'77' (however, no feedback check was present). X'COOO' - the OaT 1'41' 141'2 failed to reset the type 1 CS level 2 bit in IN X'77' because a feedback cheCk vas present. X' 8000' - the OUT X'Ql' nF2, X4G2 was successful but the OUT I' 47' (force bit service) failed to cause • bit service interrupt. lfter waiting 300 .illiseconds an IN X'43' executed while stopped at the receive adiress indicated either Clear to send bad not coae up or other conditions were in error. Reg X'11' contains the receive line (BCB) address. Reg 1'14' contains the results of the III 1"3'.• Reg X'15' contains the bits in error: 14G2 PROG PEltO PETIIII nASK PAGE PAGE EOOO RS202 1-240 BS305 A-330 1-2QO 1-1BO 1-200 4FBII pretest error. If cors failed, problea 1& probably in lodel. Try running routine 15EO. Uso, if necessary, it should be possible to IIIcope this failure wbile stopped at thi error stop. I f oth er III till are in error, rerun routine. as given helow; Bit 1 - a feedback cbeck present. !S202 aerun routine 1571. Bit q - transsit .ode bit set in error. 115301 aerun [olltine 151C. Bit 5 - new sync bit set in error. IIS30B lIerun routine ,520. Bit 6 - RTS set in error. R530B Rerun routine 1528. Bit 7 - Send data mark set in error. !53011 Rerun rouU ne 152Q. illS o Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 115305 Byte 0: o o COllllEIIT5 Byte'1: Bit 0 - CTS failed ~o coae up. (Ignore if byte 1, bit 5 in error also). RS307 Bit 2 - DSR not forced up by diagnostic sode. (Ignore if byte 1, bit 5 in error also. ) BS307 Rerun routine 1578. Bit 5 - diagnostic aode bit failed. 15c6 0101 1'orce a bit sen ice level Type 1 Scanner 1FT After attempting to force a RS305 1-330 pretest error. X37051'11 5.0.89 /) .'1<.)1 IBM 3'05 COMMUNlCATIONS CONTROLLER Tl?E 1 COMMUNiCATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 2 interrupt from the transmit line. 1SC6 OXOC Set the transmit line to diagnostic and .onitor mode 11 and select an oscillator. D99-370SE-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'Q7') from the line (BCB) address in reg X' 11', unmasking level 2 interrupte and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) After issuing an OUT X'q2' at the selected line address, an IN X'q2' failed to reflect the OOT X'q2'. Reg X',q' contains the actual IN X'1S' contains the bits in error: PROG "ASK FEALD PAGE 031'1' FETMM PAGE A-OqO COMMENTS A-ISO Pretest error. Reg X'11' contains the selected line address. Rerun the appropriate routine as given: Rerun routine 1512. '.. / ~. BytE. 0: Bit 6 - mode bit to set. failed RS30Q 1-110 Rerun routine ISQE. Bit 1 - mode bit 2 failed to set. RS30Q A-170 Bit 0 - low priority bit set in error,. R530Q A-110 Rerun routine 15QO. Bit 1 - diagnostic mode failed to set. RS306 A-t60 Rerun routine 153A. Bit 2 - data terminal ready set in error. nS306 A-160 Rerun routine 153Q. Bit 3 - synchronous mode bit set in error. R5306 1-160, Rerun routine 152C. Bit Q - external clock bit set in error. R5306 A-160 Rerun routine 1538. Bit 5 - data rate select bit set in error. RS306 A-160 Rerun routine 1530. Bit 6 - oscillator selected bit 1 failed. RS306 A-160 Rerun routines 15Q2 and 15QQ. Bit 7 - oscillator select bit 2 failed. RS306 1-160 Rerun routines ISQ6 and ISQS. RS305 1-330 1-0QO Pretest error, Rerun routine 1512. A-leo A-200 Pretest error. Probably a bad line interface. Rerun routines as indicated below: Rerun routine 1552. Byte 1: 1SC6 OXOE Force another bit service level 2 interrupt from the transmit address. After attempting to force YQ1'2, y4G2 a bit service level 2 interrupt (via an OUT X'Q7') fro. the line (BCB) address in reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the, time of a scanner pass, no bit service interr,upt occurred from that line. 15c6 OX10 Set the transmit line to transmit mode and set send data to a mark. After having set the selected address (found in reg. X' II') to diagnostic mode 'and issuing an OUT X'43' to set transmit mode and mark, an IN X'Q3' indicated one or more improper conditions. Reg X',q' contains the actual IN X'43' data and reg X'1S' indicates the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 1 - a feedback check occurred. 5. O. 90 X3705FAA R5202 Rerun routine 157 A. Type 1 Scanner 1FT t-), t )! o IBK 3705 COKnUIIICATIOIIS CONTIOLtEB TYPE 1 COftKUIIICATIOIIS SCAIIKBB 1fT St"PTOft INDEX , ROUT. ERBOR fUNCTIOII TE5'EED CODE 0 0 0 0 ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3705E-0!) SUSPECTED CABO LOCATION(S) PIOG BASK PEAtD PETISB UG2 Bit 7 - send data bit failed to set. fIIG2 115308 Rerun routine 1522. tIIG2 BS307 Berun routine 153E. YIIG2 115305 A-OliO PAGE Rerun routine 151&. Byte 1: Bit 5 - diagnostic mode fdled to set.. -:5C6 0112 Allow 2 normal bit services froll the transmit line to occur. Although the translli t time has been set to lIode 11, 2 level 2 bit service interrupts failed to occur froll that line in 60 milliseconds. (Beg X'11' contains the transmit line's address.) o 15c6 OX13 The expected line did not interrupt. Reg 15 contains the bits in error. 12P2 SB2011 7-260 7-0'10 o forced bit SYC froll xllit line to turn off all interface leads. Beg 14 contains the xllit line address. 15<:6 112P2 5B2011 7-260 7-040 o forced bit SYC froll receive The expected line did not line to turn off all interface interrupt.. Reg 15 contains leads. Reg 14 contains the the bits in error. receive line address. 15C6 Forced bit SYC fro. xai t line to set the send data to space. Reg 111 contains the xmit line address. The expected line did not interrupt. Reg 15 contains the bits in error. 121'2 5B204 7-260 7-0110 forced bit SVC from receive line to turn on the break featllre. Reg 14 contains the receive line address. The expected line did not interrupt. Reg 15 contains the bits in error. 112P2 SB204 7-260 7-040 forced bit SYC fro II x.it line to begin sending "ark for 500ms. Beg 14 contains the x.it line address. !he e,pected line did not interrupt. Beg 15 contains tbe bits in error. 121'2 5B2011 7-260 7-0110 Porced bit SVC froll xmit line to begin sending space for 5001ls. Beg 111 contains the xmit line address. The expected line did Dot interrupt. Beg 15 contains the bits in error.• 1<2P2 SB204 7-260 7-0110 forced bit SYC froll receive line to change, 1I0de bits~ Reg 111 contains'the receive line address. ''tll~ Iii ts ih' err'or. The expected line did not interrupt., Beg 15 contains 121'2 SB2011 7-260 7-0110 15C6 O ! ',I o o o o COIIIIBIITS Bit II - tunuit mode bit failed to set. P1GE 85308 15C6 15c6 15C6 OX14 OX 15 OX16 OX17 OX 18 OX 19 Pretest error. Probably an interaittent loss of strobe. Rerun routine 1580. This is is break feature test error. This is a break feature test error. This is a break feature test error. This is a break feature test error. This is a break feature test error. This is a break feature test error. This is a break feature test error. At this point the Routine vill start handling transmit and receive interrupts asynchronously. AS each transllit interrupt occurs, the send data bit will be inverted. As each receive line interrupt occurs, receive data is checked to ensure that the alternating bits being sent are being received. !his continlles until 254 bits have been sent and received. Since there is approximately a 1.5 millisecond delay through the lIodem, the transmit line will always be a few bits ahead of the receive line. At each of the remaining error stops in this routine, Beg X'16' contains the storage address (~ of additional error information. Check the break test flag when checking the following stops, if the break test flag is on, the break feature lIay be failing. X 1+2 1+11 line address of the transllit line. address of the receive (wrapped) line receive bit count (this count is decremented froll X'fE' after each bit is received) 1+5 expected receive data (receive data bit is bit 0) 1+6 = transllit bit count (this count is decrellented froll X'PP' before each bit is sent.) X+7 = last transmitted data (send data bit is bit 7) 1+10 Break test flag: 0001 indicates that a line set 12A or 12B is being tested with the alternate bit wrap; 0002 indicates that the break feature is being tested on the line set 12A or 12B. Type 1 Scanner 1fT = line X3705fA1 5.0.91 IBn 3705 COnftUHlC1TlOHS CONTROLLER D99- 370511- 09 TIPB 1 COKKUHICATIOHS SCAHHII 1FT SYKPTOn INDEX ROUT. BRBOR PUBCTIO. TBSTED CODE 15c6 OX22 Ensure that a bit service level 2 interrupt occurs froa one of the lines under test at least once every 30 11111.econd •• SUSPECTED CARD LOCUIONIsl tIIG2 After resetting the previous bit service interrupt, either no interropt occurred wit bin 30 lilliseconds or a line otber than the two being used interrupted. If byte 0, bit 0 of reg. 1'13' i. off, no bit lervice occurred. If it l_ on, I line other thin tbe two being te.ted interrupted (it. address is in the relainder of reg. 1'13'1. PROG IIUK 15C6 An IH 1'43' executed following a bit service interrupt fro. the transait line, indicated that the previous bit had not been properly sent. Reg X'13' contains the received IN 1'43' data. Any of the following bits aay have caused the error: 2900 OX2~ As each trans.it line interrupt occurs, check that each b!t has been sent. BRROR DBSCRIPTIO. PEALD PAGE 85305 PET"II PAGE 1-040 COIIIIENT5 A-200 Test error. Probably an inteuittent problem in the assocb ted line interface. Rerun routine 158A or as indicllted belo,,: Byte 0: 15C6 OX26 After transaitting all 254 alternate marks and spaces, disable the transait line. Test error. Rerun routine 1580. PrObably an intersittent loss of strobe. (See the comlIent above this error deSCription for additional infonation.) pit 2 - interface check sUllIarJ if on XlIP2 RS202 Berun routin&s 151C, 15n, or 15BO. Pit 4 - trans lit lode bit i f it dropped. 14G2 R5308 Berun routine 152A. Bit 7 - send data bit if it was not the sa.e as the last tranSiitted bit. 14G2 RS308 Rerun rout! nes 1522 and 1524. After the transmit bit count went to 0, an OUT X'42' was issued with all zeroes. An in X'42' indicated a bit or bits still on. Reg X'13' contains the in X'42' data. Any Bit on is in error: "/ Hso. i f diagnostic lIode dropped layte 1, bit 5 of the IR X'43' data "as off) rerun routine 1531. (See the co,aent preceding error code 15C6, 0122 for additional iaformation.) Y4G2 pppp . A- 150 Test error. Probably a bit intermittently failing in the Associated line interface. (See the COlllent preceding error code 15C6, 0122 for additional infor.ation. Rerun: Byte 0: Bit 6 - lode bit 1 BS30~ 11-110 Routine 1550. Bit 7 - lode bit 2 R530Q 1-170 Routine 1554. Bit 0 - low priority bit 85304 A-170 Routine 154C. Bit Byte 1: 5.0.92 X3705PU RS306 A-160 Routine 153C. Bit 2 - data terainal ready bit. RS306 A-160 Boutine 1534. Bit 3 - synchronous R5306 11-160 Routine 152C. - diagnostic .ode Type 1 Scanner 1fT '.;,. ,I' t. , ~\j ('~ \~, .;/ o o o o IeM 3705 CO"MUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNBR 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT .• ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE FEUD PAGB FETH" COKIII!NT5 Bit 4 - external clock bit. R5306 A-160 Routine 1538. o Bit 5 - data rate select bit (secondu:y llrap) • R5306 A-160 Rout1ne 1530. B5306 A-160 Routine 1511". o Bit 6 - oscillator select bit 1. Bit 7 - oscillator select bit 2. R5306 A-160 Routine 1548. o 15C6 0128 After tunsdtting all bits ensure that the receive line has received at least the first space bit. Even after all bits were transaitted, the receive line had not yet receiYed the first space. There should be no more than 1.2 lilliseconds 4elay througb the modol and since 2SQ bits IIere sent the receiye line should have received the first one by the time tbe last one is transd tted. 15c6 012& As each receive line interrupt occurs, ensure that modem is IIrapping data and operating properly. After a receive line interrupt, an IN X'Q3' indicated that either incorrect data lias received or an error condition vas detected. Reg X'13' contains the received IV X'43' data. Any of the follolling bits could have caused the error: o o PROG 1lA5K PAGE Test error. Suspect a problem in the path of carrier through the model. 1'he ent ire moae m receiver may be bad. Try adjusting lIodem 1'X level. A080 'lest error. If C'r5 ~ropped or receive data did not cOllpare, look for a modem problem (see comllents preceeding 15C6, OX22 for additional information. ) If interface check sillmary was on, rerun routines 1586, l5AE, or 15BO. Byte 0: Bit 0 - received data may not have been as expected (See the expected receive data field.1 o Bit 2 - interface check sUlillary lias on. o o SUSfECTBD CARD LOCATION (Sl mode bit. o o o ERROR DBSCIIIPTION D99- 3105E-09 Byte 1: Bit 0 - if on, CTS dropped. 15C6 012B The routine has completed the normal data IIrap and is nOli testing the break feature. The routine is holding the xmit line at mark level for 5001s. The receive line was found at spsce rather than mark. check the lodel card for the line set under test. 15C6 OX2c Tbe routine has coapleted the normal data IIrap and has transmitted all .arks for 500as IIith the secondary wrap turned on. The routine is sending space for 500ls and should receive space. After a 10ms delay at the lark-to-space change, the receive line was found at mark rather than space. The address in register x'16' plus 2 bytes contains the address of the failing line. Check the model for the failing line. Type 1 Scanner 1FT X3705FU 5.0.93 .f I. "'- j IBft 3705 COftftOHICATI0HS CONTROLLEB TUS, 1 COIIIIONICA'l'10HS SCAlllln 1FT SYIIPTOft IIiDEX 099-37058-09 BOUT. EBBOR FONCTION TESTED ERRoa DESCRIPTIOH SUSPECTED CARD PROG FEALD FETsn conBEIiTS COOS LOCATION(sl "ASK PAGE PAGE 15C7 XXXI Internal aodel Rrap (LIB 10 and line set X and II: Insure that 25~ alternate larks and spaces can be wrapped through the integrated lode IS of LIB types 10 and 11 utilizing the lodels self-wrap capability. The routine finds the highest allowable speed oscillator installed and uses it to run the test. 25q bits are t~en wrapped through each installed lodel in turn. lQl!: Throughout the error descriptions for this routine, reference viII be lade to "the translit line" and "the receive line." Reaelber that tbe translit line is tbe eYen nUlbered interface. tbe Beceive Line is tbe even line associated witb tbe lodem tbat is being tested. The line interface for LIB types 10 and 11 is designed sucb that if tbe eyen line interface is in diagnostic lode with data terlinal ready on, send data is tben wrapped through the translit aode. and back into the receive lode I of the Odd line interface. !Ql!: 111 routines working with integrated lodems, autocall or answer units have been designed to attelpt to functionally test the modems. In lost cases, no suspected card locations are given since the laintenance procedures in tbe FSTHH, Chapter e proyide a lore thorough trouble isolation procedure. When any error occurs tbat indicatel a pOI.ible lodel, autocall or answer problem, please refer to these procedures. 15C7 OXOl After vaiting 300 lilliseconds for tbe lodem to settle down because of any previous testing Data terminal Ready is set on, then the line is tested that RLSD is down, Rec. data is It I Ilrk and that Data Set Reldr is on. After setting Data Ter.inal Ready a input 43 indicated that incorrect bits were set. Beg X'11' contains the line address under test. Beg X'14' contains the in 43 data and Beg X'15' contains the bits in errot. Test error. Suspect a problea 10 tbe lIodell Bec path Byte J Bit 3 - aeceived Data Byte 1 Bit 2 - not data set ready Bit 3 ~ received line signal deter.tor~ 15C7 OX02 porce a bit service level 2 interrupt fro II the transmit line. After attelpting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via 00'1' 1'47'1 trom the line (BCBI address in reg X'11', uPllasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the tille of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro II that line. Y4G2 15C7 OX04 Set the transmit diagnostic and monitor lode 11 with Data Terminal Ready on and select an oscillator. After issuing an 00'1' X'42' at the selected line address, an IN X'42' failed to reflect the OUT l'~2'. Beg. X'11' contains the line address of the receive line~ Beg 1'14' contains the transmit II 1'42' data and reg X'15' contains the bits in error: Y4G2 RS305 03P1' A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512 1-150 Pretest error. Berun the appropriate routine as given below. A-170 Rerun routine Byte 0: Bit 6 - mode bit to set. failed RS304 15~B. Rerun routine 1552. eit 7 - mode bit 2 failed to set. eyte 1: 5. O. 94 X3705PAA Bit 0 - lov priority set in error. 85304 A-170 aerun routine 1540. Bit 1 - diagnostic 1I0de aS306 A-16O Rerun routine Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o !0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JBN 3705 cONnU.ICATIOHS COHTBOLiEB ~iPB 1 COft"DNICATIONS SCANBPI Iff STftPTON IRPII BOOT. ERBoa PO IIcno H 'rI!STE D CODE 15C7 OX06 Wait 300 lIilliseconds then start the scanner and force another bit service level 2 interrupt froll the transllit line. o o o o o o 15C7 0108 Check that Clear to Send has nov cOile up at the transmit address. (EVen though aTS has not been set, diagnostic 1I0de in LIB types 10 forces aTS up in the Ilodell. LIB type 11 RTS is set in the norul lIanner. As a result, after the maximull CTS delay, CTS should CODe up.) SOSIiECTlilD CllaD toCl'l'IOIi (S) PROG USK PAGB FEAt 0 PETittI PUB COUBHTS Bit 2 - data terllinal ready faUed to set.• B5306 1-160 Berun routine 1532. Bit 3 - synchronous Ilode bit set in error. R5306 A-160 Rerun routine 152A. Bit q - external clock bit set in error. 15306 1-'60 Rerun routine .1538. Bit 5 - data rate select bit set in error. R5306 1-160 Berun routine 1530. Bit 6 - oscillator select bit 1 faUed.. RS306 11-160 aerun routines ,542 and 151111~ Bit 7 - oscillator select bits 2 faUed. RS306 A-160 Rerun routines 15U and 151111. failed to set. o o IIROB DPSCRIPTIOH P99-3705P-09 Either the scanner could not be started again or after attellpting to force the next bit service interrupt and waiting the tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt froll the line under test occurred. Reg. X"" contains the line (BCB) address froll which ~it servi~e was to be forced. Value of Reg. X'15' describes the failure: X'EOOO' - tbe OOT X'41' rllG2 failed to reset the tlpe t CS level 2 bit in IN x'77' (however, no feedback check was present). X'COOO' - the OoT X'41' Y4G2 failed to reset the tlpe 1 C5 level 2 bit in II X'77' because a feedback cbeck vas present. x'8000' - the OUT X'4,' y4G2 was successful but the DOT X' Q7' (force bit service) failed to cause a bit service interrupt. EOOO After vaiting 300 ailliseconds IIIG2 an IN 1'43' executed wbile stopped at tbe transmit address indicated eitber Clear to Send had not come up or otber conditions vere in error. Reg X'11' contains the transmit line (BCB) address. Beg 1',_, contains the resolts of tbe II I'Q3'. Reg X',5' contains tbe bits in error: 'lPSII Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. RS305 1-0110 R5308 A-OliO RS305 1-330 A-040 A-180 1-200 Byte 0: Type 1 Scanner IPT 1531. Pretest error. If C~5 failed, problem is probably in lI04e.. Try tunning routine 15EO. Uso, if necessarl, i t should be possible to scope tbis failure lIbile stopped at this error stop. If other bits are in error, rerun routines as given below: Bit 1 - a feedback check was present. 1lS308 Rerun routine 157A. Bit Q - transllit mode bit set in el:ror.• RS308 Rerun routine ,S1C. Bit 5 - new sync bit set in error. R530B Rerun routine 1520. Bit 6 - ITS set in error. RS308 Rerun routine X3705PAII 5.0.95 - -------- ---------- -- ~ -------- - - '~, i / "" IB" 3705 CO""UHICATIOH9 CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKBUNICATIONS SCANHEB 1FT SY"PTon INDU I- 099-37058-09 ;; " ROUT. ERROR PUNcnON TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION 9USl'ECTED CARD LOCUIOR(S) fROG USK PEALD 1'ETIIII PAGE PAGE COIIIIENTS 1528. ;;. Bit 7 - Send data .ark set 10 error. R5308 Rerun routine 15211. Byte 1: Bit 0 - CTS tailed to come up. (Ignore if byte 1, bit 5 in error also). B$307 Bit 2 - DSB not forced up by diagnostic lode. (Ignore if byte " bit 5 in error also. ) RS307 " Rerun routine 1578. • ~i Bit 5 - diagnostic mode bit f;ailsd,. 15C7 0101. Force a bit service level 2 interrupt troll the receive line. After attellpting to force a bit seryice lsyel 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') froe the line (BCB) address in reg X'11', un.asking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tise of a scanner pass, no, bit senice interrupt occurred fros that line. JIIG2 15C7 OIOC Set the receive line to diagnostic and monitor mode 11 and select an oscillator. After issuing an OUT X'42' at the selected line address, an IN 1'42' failed to reflect the OUT X'42'. Beg X'14' contains the actual IN X'15' contains the bits in error: t4G2 BS305 03l'P 1.-330 1-0110 Pretest euor. Reron routine 1512. 1-150 Pretest error. Reg X'11' contains the selected line address. Rerun t~e appropriate routine as giYell: Byte 0: lIit 6 - mode bit to set,. failed RS30Q 1-170 Rerun routine 1511E. Bit 7 - lIode bit 2 failed to set. BS304 1.-170 Berun routine 1552. Bit 0 - low priority bit set in error. BS30Q 1-170 Berun routine 1540. Bit 2 - data terminal ready set in error. B9306 1.-160 Berun routine 1534. Bit 3 - synchronous lIode bit set in error. BS306 1.-160 Berun routine 152C. Bit II - external clock bit set in error. B5306 1-160 Rerun routine 1538. Bit 5 - data rate select hit set in error. B5306 1-160 Rerun routine 1530. Bit 6 - oscillator selected B8306 A-160 Rerun routines 1542 and 1544. Bit 1 - oscillator select bit 2 hUed. B8306 1.-160 Rerun routines 1546 and 1548. R5305 A-OliO Pretest error. Byte 1: bit 1 failed. 15C7 0112 Allow 2 normal bit services fro. the tr~ns~+t line'to occur. Although the transmit time has ~een srt to .ode 11, 2 'ie'y,el 2 bi I ser:vice interrupts failed to occur from that line in 60 .illiseconds. (Beg X'11' contains the transmit line's a~dress.) HG2 Proba~h,an intermittent loss of strobe. Rerun routine 1580. • ..* ~ 5.0.96 X37051'U Type 1 Scanner 1FT '.!t~ /' 1 ". .... _~I o o o o o o o Iaft 3705 COMIIUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYi'E 1 COHlltlNlCATIONS SCANNED ll'T SYtll'TOII INDEX D99-37052-09 ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD PROG PElLD CODE LOCATION(s) IIASK PAGE 15C1 XXXX NOTE: At this point the routine will start handling transmit and receive interrupts asynchronously. As each transmit interrupt occurs, the send data bit will be inverted. As each receive line interrupt occurs, receive data is checked to ensure that the alternating bits being sent are being received. Tbis continues until 254 bits have been sent and received. since there is approximately a 1.5 millisecond delay through the modem, tbe transmit line will always be a few bits ahead of the receive line. 15C7 XIXX 1+2 It4 1+5 X+6 X+7 1-040 Test error. Rerun routine 1580. Probably an intermittent loss of strobe. (See the comlent above this error description for additional information. I A-200 ~est error. Probably an interaittent problem in the associated line interface. Rerun routine 1581. or as indicated below; • line address of the transmit line. • line addrellS ot the receive (wrapped) line receive bit count (this count is decremented from X'FE' after each bit is received) expected receive da~a (receive data bit is bit 0) = transmit bit count (this count is decremented from X'FF' before each bit is sent.) last transmitted data (send data bit is bit 7) = = 15C1 OX22 Ensure that a bit service level 2' interrupt occurs from one of the lines under test at least once every 30 milliseconds. After resetting the previous Y4G2 bit service interrupt, either no interrupt occurred within 30 milliseconds or a line other than the two being used interrupted. If byte 0, bit 0 of reg. X'13' is off, no bit service occurred. If it is on, a line other than the two being tested interrupted (its address is in the remainder of reg. X'13'). lSC1 OX2Q As each transmit line interrupt occurs, check that eac~ bit has been sent. An 18 1'43' executed following a bit service interrupt from the transmit line, indicated that the previous bit had not been properly sent. Reg x'13' contains the received 1M X'43' data. Any pf the following bits may have caused the error; rU.l COIIIIENTS NOTE: At each of the remaining error stops in this routine, reg X'16' contains the storage address (X) of additional error information: X o PETII" PAGE BS30S 2900 Byte 0: o Bit 2 - interface check sum"u:y if on Y4G2 115308 Rerun routines 1SAC, 15AB, or 1580. Bit 4 - transmit lIode bit Y4G2 RS308 Rerun routine 152A. Y4G2 RS30B Berun routines 1522 al)d 1524. i f i t dropped. Bit 7 - send data bit if it was not the same·as the last transmitted bit. o 15C7 OX26 ~fter transmitting all 254 alternate marks and spaces, disable the transmit line. Type 1 Scanner 1FT After the transmit bit count went to 0, an OUT X'42' was issued with all zeroes. An IN X'42'tben indicated a bit or bits still on. Reg X'13' contains the IN 1'42' data. Any bit on is in error: Also, if diagnostic mode dropped (Byte 1, bit 5 of the IN X'43' data was off) rerun routine 153E. (See the comment preceding error code lSe7, OX22 for additional information.) YQG2 l'Fl'F 1.-150 Test error. Probably a bi t intermittently failing in the associated line interface. (See the cOllment preceding X3705FAA 5.0.97 '. IBft 3705 COKftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKKDNIClTIONS SCANNER tFT SYH~TOM INDEX f D99-3705E-09 " ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (s) PBOG IIASK FEALD UGE PETIIII pAGE COMIIENTS error code 15C7, OX22 tOt addlt 10nal information. Rerun: Byte 0: 8it 6 - mode bit IIS304 A-170 Boutine 1550. Bit 7 - mode bit 2 IIS304 A-170 Boutine 1554. Bit 0 - low priority bit BS304 A-170 Routine 15qC. Bit Byte 1: - diagnostic mode 153C • R5306 A-160 lIoutine Bit 2 - data terminal ready bit. 115306 A-16P 8c>utine 1534. Bit 3 - synchronous 1I0de bit. BS306 A-160 Routine '52C. Bit 4 - external clock bit. RS306 A-160 Routi,ne 1536. Bit 5 - data rate select bit. B5306 A-160 Routine 1530. Bit 6 - oscillator select bit 1. 85306 A-160 Boutine 15411. Bit 7 - oscillator select bit 2. B5306 A-160 Iloutine 1548. 15£7 OX28 After transmitting all bits ensure that the receive line has received at least the first space bit. Even after all bits were transmitted, the receive line had not yet received the first space. There should be no more than 1.2 milliseconds delay through the modem and since 250 bit& were sent the receive line should have received the first one by the time the last one is transd tted. 15C7 0121 As each receive line interrupt occurs, ensure that modem is wrapping data and operating properly. After a receive line interrupt, an IN X'43' indicated that either incorrect data was received or an error condition was detected. Beg X'13' contains the received IN X'43' data. Any of the following bits could have caused the error: Test error. suspect a proble. in the path of carrier through the 1I0dem. The entire modem receiver may be bad. Try adjusting lIIodem TX level. AOeO Test error. I f CTS dropped or receive data did not compare, look for a modem problem (see comments preceeding 15C7, OX22 for additional infonation. ) If interface cbeck summary was on, rerun routines 1566, 15A¥, or 15BO. Byte 0: Bit 0 - received data may not have been as expected (See the expected receive data field.) Bit 2 - interface check summary was on. Byte I: ,1 5.0.98 X3705PAA Type 1 Scanner 1FT { .. o o o o IB~ 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX BOUT. En non FUNCTION TESTED CODE SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG MASK FEALD PAG! tETM" PAGE COMMENTS Bit 0 - if on, CTS dropped. 15Ca 0 ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3105E-09 xxx X 0 Autocall Dial and Transmit (Manual Intervention Routine): This multipurpose routine allows the operator to select 4 basic test functions to ensure the proper operation of integrated autocall units and modems. The description of each test function is as follows: (The 4 digit hexadecimal identifier is the code that is entered at the first manual intervention stop to select the test function desired.) 1'0000' - Autocall Dial only. This function allows the operator to enter the line address of an integrated autocall unit and a telephone number to be dialed. After testing the static conditions on the autocall interface, the number given is dialed. After dialing is complete, the routine goes to its ending manual intervention stop to indicate that the dialed number should be ringing. 0 0 0 0 X'0001' - Autocall Dial and Disconnect. This function allows the operator to enter the line addresses of an integrated autocall unit and its aSSOCiated co.munications line interface, and a telephone number to be dialed. After testing the static conditions on the communications line interface and the autocall interface, the number given is dialed. After dialing and waiting for an answer tone, the routine insures that control of the telephone line can be turned over to the communications line interface and then insures that a successful disconnec t can be executed. X'0003' - Autocall Dial, Transmit Mark, and Disconnect. This function provides for the same function as X'0001' (above) except that after having turned a control of the telephone line over to the communications line interface, a continuous mark is sent down line until the operator tells the routine to stop via the dynamic communications facility of the DCM. This test function was designed primarily to simulate the test 3 function of the 3872 modem on a switched network. fl X'0006' - Transmit Hark Only. This function provides the facility of sending a continuous mark down line from a non-autocall line interface. This function was designed primarily to simulate the test 3 function of the 3812 modem on a leased line network. (This function may also be used to ad lust the equalization meter). X'0007' - Continuously transmit all ones down line in DLC mode (this test will simulate the zero bit insertion of the DLC hardware). The bit pattern being transmitted vill be a space and then 5 marks. I , NOTE: 0 0 Functions '0000', '0001', and '0003' also allow for testing of the 'abandon call and retry' circuitry of the autocall unit. To do so, simply enter the telephone number of a nearby telephone that is off hook. This vill present a busy signal to the autocall unit and lCR should come up and cause error code OX18. If it does not come up within one minute, the routine should time out and give error code OX1A. Before running this routine, it is suggested that the reader review the function tested column of each of the following error codes to obtain a basic understanding of the routine and its fl~v. Because of the different options available, not all error conditions described will be tested. The digits immediately underneath each error code describe under which test function that particular error condition can occur. (0, 1, 3, and 6 for K'OOOO', X'OOOI', X'0003', and X'0006' respectively. I o NOTE: All routines working with integrated modems, autocall or answer units have been designed to attempt to functionally test the modems. In most cases, no suspected card locations are given since the maintenance procedures on C-440 provide a more thorough trouble isolation procedure. When any error occurs that indicates a possible modem, autocall or answer, problem, please refer to these procedures. ISC8 OX02 Force a bit service 1,3,6 interrupt from the selected communications line interface 15ce OX04 Set the selected comllunications line interface to interrupt mode 11 with Data Terminal Ready and the other selected line Type 1 Scanner 1FT After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OU'I X' 41') froll the line (BCB) adilress in reg_ 1'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. Y4F2. Y4G2 After issuing an OUT X'42' at the selected line address, an IN X'42' failed to reflect the OUT X'42'. Beg 1'14' contains the actual IN X'1S' Y4G2 115305 03FF A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. A-1S0 Pretest error. Reg X'11' contains the selected line address. Rerun the appro- X370SFAA 5. O. 99 IBI 3705 CO"SUNICATIONS CONTBOLLBR TYPB 1 CO""UKICATIOIS SCANHBI 1fT SYIPTOn IHDBX BCUT. BRIOI PORCTIOR TBSTBD CODB control bits on. ERIOI DESCRIPTION contains the bits in error: D99-370SB-09 SOSPECTED CABO LOCATION!s) PBOG BASK FEALD PAGB PET"" PAGB COftftEHTS pdate routine as given: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit failed to set Bit 7-lIode bit 2 failed to set 8S304 1-170 IS304 A-170 8S3011 A-170 lerun routine 1548. Rel:un I:outine 1552. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority bit set in error , Bit ,?diagnostic lIode set in errol: Bit 2-data tel:linal I:eady failed to set Bit 3-synchronous lode bit failed Bit ~-external clock bit failed Bit 5-data I:ate selected bit failed Bit 6-oscialltor selected bit 1 failed Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 hiled 1sca 15C8 0106 I'Illow a norllal bit service 1,3,6 interrupt froll the selected communications line interface to occur. OX08 1,3 Since the selected cOllmunications liue interface is a switched line, ensure that Data Set Ready is not up until the call in progress is co.plete. After setting lonitor lode 11 to allow norlal bit sel:vice requests, starting the scanner, and waiting up to 30 milliseconds for a level 2 interrupt fl:om the selected line, none occurred. YIIG2 With the scanner stopped at the selected line addl:ess, an IN X'43' indicated that data set ready vas already active. If needed I:eg. 1'111' contains the IN X'II3' data. 0020 15C8 OXOA Porce a bit service 0,1,3 interrupt froll the selected autocall interface. After attelpting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT 1'117') frOB the line !BCB) addl:ess in reg X"11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tiae of a scannel: pass, no bit service interrupt occul:red from that line. YIIP2, YIIG2 15C8 OXOC Set the selected autocall 0",3 interface to interrupt mode After issuing an OOT X'II2' at the selected line address, an IN 1'112' failed to reflect the OOT X'42'. Reg. X"II' contains the actual IR X'II2' data and reg X',5' contains the bits in error: YIIG2 1'. IS306 1-160 BS306 1-160 8S306 A-'60 IS306 A-160 Rerun routine 1540. Berun routine 153C. Berun routine 1532. Berun I:outines 1521 6 152C. Bel:un routines 1536 8 1538 Berun I:outines 152B S 1530 Bel:un'routines 15112 6 151111 Berun I:outines 15116 6 15118 BS306 1-160 IS306 1-160 15306 1-160 IIS305 A-OIIQ Pretestel:l:ol:. Berun routines 1590 anel 15c2. Beg X'l,. contains the selected line IBCB) address. 15307 A-190 A-200 Pretest erl:ol:. 8el:un ~outine 1579 and then run I:outine 1502 to belp isolate proble •• The problem may lie in the autoans.er or aSSOciated autocall circuitl:Y. If scoping is necesslll:f it should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this errol: stop. Beg X'11' contains the selected line address BS305 A-330 A-OliO Pretest error. Berun routine 1512 A-170 Pretest error. Beg I" l' contains the selected line (BCB) address. Rerun the appropriate routines as given: IS304 A-170 15304 A-170 Rerun I:outipe 15"B. Berun I:outine 0300 Byte 0: Bit 6-aode bit failed to set. Bit 1-aode bit 2 failed \1 " 5.0.100 X3705fA1 Type 1 Scanner 1FT ~ " o o o o o IBM 3705 CO""ONICATIOHS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COftKONICATIOHS SCANHBR 1fT SYK~TOK INDEX ROUT. BRROR fONCTIOH TEStED CODE to set. SOSPBCTBD CARD LOCAtION Is) PROG ftASK Bit O-lov priority bit set in, ettor lSC8 OXOB Allow a nor.al bit service 0,1,3 inteerupt frol the selected autocall interface to occur. After .~tting lonitot 80do rQ02 " to allow noelal bit service requests, starting the scanner, and vaiting up to 30 .illiseconds for a level 2 intettupt frol the selected line, none occurred. ISC8 OX10 Check the static conditions 1,1,3 on the autocall interface 1~!lI should be the only active line.) Witb the scannet stopped at the selected line address, an IN 1'113' indicated that PWI vas not on or other bits were on in etror. Beg 1'14' contains the results of the 1M X'Q3' and reg. X' 15' contains tbe bits in etrot: FEILD PBTKK ~AGE ~AGE YIIG2 BS3011 A-110 Rerun routine 1511C. B5305 l-OqO fretest eeror. !lerun routin .. 1580 and 1SC2. Reg X'11' contains the selected Une (BCBI address. 1-190 A-200 Pretest ertor. Proble. probably lies in the alltocall circuitry in the line adapter. Reg 1'11' contains the selected line address. If scoping is necessary, , it should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error. Rerun routines giVen: Reron relltine 155C Berun routine lS1C Berun routine 1520 Berlin routine 1528 Beran routine 152Q 9PFC BS307 Bit O-should always be. zero. Bit 3-DPR was on in error. B5308 Bit II-NB8 bit was on in error Bit 5-,BII bit was on in error Bit 6-NB2 bit ~as on in error Bit 1-HBl bit vas on in error. R5308 R5308 B5308 BS308 Byte 1; on in error on in error on in error not on on in error B5301 85307 R5307 B5307 B5308 Bit 5=C05 vas on in error RS307 Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit O-lCR 1-PHD 2-DLO 3-PWI II-CBQ vas vas vas vas vas R5305 YIIG2 1SC8 OX12 Uter setting CBQ at the 0,1,3 autocall interface, allow another bit service interrupt to occur. ITO check status of line after setting CRQ) With mode 11 set at the selected "line address, the scanner vas started, and after waiting up to 30 lilliseconds for a level 2 interrupt from the selected line, none occurred. 15C8 ox 111 Check that caQ bas been set 0,1,3 at the selected autocall interface and that DLO is nOli up also. !litb the scanner stopped at the IIIG2 selected line address, an I. X'43' indicated tbat DLO had not cOle up or otber conditions vere in error. Reg X'111' contains tbe received IN X'43' data and reg X'15' contains tbe bits in error. 9PFC Berun routi ne 1558. 1-040 Pretest error. Berlin routine 1580. Reg X'''' contains the selected line (BCB) address. 1-190 A-200 Pretest error. ~roble. probably lies in the autocaU cirelli try in the line interface. Beg X'l contains the selected line addtess. If scoping is necessary, it should ,be possible to scope tbi8 failure while stopped at this error stop. Berlin routine given: !lerun routine 155C Berun routine a5aC Rerun routine 1520 Berun routine 1526 efta 0; e COftSENTS 1552. Byte 0; u o o o o ERROR DESCRlfTIOH Byte 1; o o o o o D99- 31 05B-09 type 1 Scanner 1Ft Bit O-should alvays be zero. B5307 Bit 3-D~B vas on in error Bit II-RB8 bit vas on in error. Bit 5-IBII bit vas on in error Bit 6-8B2 bit vas on in error BS308 R5308 R5308 B5308 X3705FA1 5.0.101 18K 3105 COKftONIClTION5 CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COnnONICATIONS SCANNER IFT SynPTOft INDEX BOUT. ERRoa PUNCTION CODE ~ESTED D99-3105E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION Bit 1-NBI bit Byte 1; v~s SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) on in error Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit PROG "ASK FEALD PE'Pllft PAGE 115306 PAGE RS307 RS301 nS301 R5307 11530B IIS307 O-AClI ~as on in error 1-PND VIIS on in etror 2-0LO faile~ to come up 3-PIII dropped 4-CRQ failed to set Bit 5-COS was on in error CO/ItIENTS Rerun routine 1524 ~e~un routine 1556 15CB OX15 Wait up to 30 seconds for Data Line Occu~ied (DLO) to come up on the selected auto-call line interface. 15ca XXXX Note: At this point the selected telephone number is dialed by a subroutine Before each number is d&iled, l'E03n' will be displayed, where 'n' is the digit to be dialed. See the description of subroutine error codes 'lXOC' through'1X1A' for a description of the 'd1al-a- ' digit' subroutine and its etror codes. 15ca XXXI Note: After dialing the selected number, the routine vill wait up to one minute (or until ACa comes Up) for an answer tone. See the description of II an ual intervention stop code I'POlc' for more information. 15ca OX16 1,3 While waiting for COS to come up, check to ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs from the 8Utocall interface at least once every 30 milliseconds. Although the selected autocall interface ~as set to mode 11, no level 2 bit service interrupt occurred from that line within 30 milliseconds of the previous one. 15c8 OX16 1,3 Also while waiting for COS, monitor Aca to insure that it never comes up on the autocall interface. After a bit service interrupt from the selected autocall interface (reg X'11' contains its address), an IN 1'43' indicated that ACR bad come up. Reg X'13~ contains the received IN X'43' data. If byte " bit 5 is off, ACR probably came up as it should, indicating that the autocall unit never received an answer tone from the called number. If that bit is on, some other improper condition in the autocall circuitry brought ACR up. Ensure that either COS or 1ca comes up within one minute after dialing the selected number. After ~a1ting one minute, neither came up.. If an answer tone was received, COS should have come up. If not, the lCR counter in the autocsll unit should have timed out and brought up ACR. Reg 1'13' contains the last received IN X'43' data. Reg X'11' contains the selected 15CB OXIA 1,3 5.0.102 X3105FAA After setting Call Request and waiting 30 seconds, DLO failed to come up. Reg X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. l'rotest IItt·or. Problem probably lies in the autocall circuitry in the line interface. Beg X'11' contains the selected line address. If scopiog is neceSS8L it should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error stage. HG2 85305 A-040 Test error. Probably caused by an intermittent loss of strobe. Rerun and loop on routine 15BO. I f needed, reg X'11' contains the selected line (BCB) address. Test error. If it appears that an answer done ~as never received, be sure that the correct telephone number was entered. Also try dialing the number from a manual phone and ensure that the line is not busy or out-oforder. ~- Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o o ---,--,,--_. IBB 3705 COBftONICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKKUNICATIOHS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX BOOT. BRROB rUHCTION TESTED CODB BRROR DESCRIPTION line (BCB) address. After receiving COS, indicating that the communications line interface now h4s control of the line, reset CRO to free the autocall unit. 1Sc8 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) After issuing an OOT X'43' with Y4G2 data of all zeros to the selected autocall address to reset CRO, an IN X'Q3' indicated CRO was still active. Reg X'11' contains the line (BCB) address and reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. OX1B Start the scanner and allow 1,3,6 a normal bit service inter· rupt frol the selected coaaunications line interface. Since the selected cOlaunicaY4G2 tions line interface is set to mode 11, when the prior bit service interrupt was reset and the scanner started, an interrupt from that line should have occurred within 30 milliseconds and did not. 1sca 0120 Check that Data Set Ready 1,3,6 is active on the communications line interface lfter the scanner stopped at tbe selected line {BCB) (which ~s reg X'11'), an IH X'43' indicated tbat DSR was off. If this is a leased line, DSR should always be up. If this is a switched line, tbe call bas been completed and DSB should now be up. (Beg X'14' contains the received IN X'43' ~ata.1 OX22 3,6 ~ith the scanner stopped at the selected co •• unications line interface, an OUT X'43' was issued to set the transmit 80de, RTS, and send data bits. On 18 X'43' tben indicated that one of the bits failed to set or the nev sync bit set in error. Reg X'14' contains the IN X'43' data and reg X'lS' contains the bits in error: Set transmit DIode, requestto-send, and send data to a aark on the cO.lunications line interface. .0 .. D99-3705B-09 1sca o o o __ _--"------ Y4G2 PROG KASK PEALD PAGB PETKK PAGE COKKEHTS 1-190 A-200 Test error. Problem is probably in the autocall line interface Rerun routine 1558. RS30S 1I-OQO !est error. Rerun routines 1580 and 15C2 to try to tind why a strobe vas appal:ently lost. Beg X'11' contains the selected COIlunicatioDs line (BCB) address. 0020 85307 A-laO 1-200 !est error. Rerun routine 151a and then run routine 1500 to belp isolate problel may lie ip the associated autocall circuitry. It should be possible to scope this error while stopped at this error stop. Oroo RS308 1-180 1-200 Test error. Rerun the appropriate routine as given below. If needed, I:eg. X' l1' contains the selected co alunieations line address. 0008 Byte 0: Bit q-trans.it lode bit failed to set Bit S-new sync bit set in error. Bit 6-RTS faile~ to set lIerun 1511 lIerun 1520 Rerun 1526 aerun 1522 Bit 1-send data bit failed to set. routills routine routille routine 1sce OUlf 3,6 While waiting for clear to send frol the lodel check to ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs fro. the selected co •• unications line interface at lease once every 30 dlliseconds,. Although the selected co •• uni- Y4G2 cations line interface waa set to mode 11, no level 2 bit service interrupt occurred frol that line within 30 milliseconds of the previous one. RS30S A-OqO Test error. probably caused by an intetlittent loss ot internal or extrraal clock. Rerun and loop on routine '5C2~ If needed reg X'1,' contains the selected line (BCBI address. 15ca 0126 3,6 Write up to 30 seconds for Clear to Send to cOle up aD the selected cO.lunications Une interface. After setting Reguest to Send and waiting 30 seconds, clearto-send failed to cose up. Reg X'13' contains the last received 18 X'43' data. Reg. I'll' contains the selected 85307 1-1ao 1-200 Test error. Rerun routine 1518 and then run routine 1SEO to belp isolate problem. Problem Trpe 1 Scanner IPT tlfG2 X3105F11 5.0.103 18K 3705 COn"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPS 1 ConftUHICATIOHS SCANNER IFT SYftPTOft INDEX ROUT. ERBOR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION line address. D99-3705B-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATIONCs) FBALD PAGE XXIX 3,6 Note: At this point the routine vill start continuously sending marks until either an error occurs or the operator uses the dynamic communication facility to end the routine. While doing this, I'SOOO' and l'EOFF' will alternately be disdisplayed every 255 bit thes. 15C8 OX28 3,6 While translitting the continuous lark, check to ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs frail the co •• unications line interface at least once every 30 si11iseconds Although the selected cosmuni Y4G2 cations line interface was set to sode 11, no level 2 bit service interrupt occurred from that line within 30 lilliseconds of the previous one. 15c8 OX2A Rhile translitting the continuous sark, each tise a bit service interrupt occurs, an IN 1'43' is executed to check for any error conditions line interface. After a bit service interrupt, an IN X'_3' indicated aOle kind ot error. Reg X'13' containS the received IN 1'43' data that was in error: COnSENTS Por more intormation on using the dynamic cOllllllunication facility to end the routine, see the description of the infor.ational displays under 15XX, EOOO and 15U, EOFF. 8S305 6BOO Bit I-a feedback error occurred Bit 2-the interface cbeck summary' bit was on Bit 4-the translit lode bit dropped Bit 6-BTS dropped Bit 7-send data dropped froll a !lark. INote: eit 2, interface check sumllary may have been set by dropping Data Set Beady, getting a feedback check, or gettlng a bit overrun, none of which should have occurred) Test error. Probably caused by an inter.ittent 10s8 of internal or external clock. Rerun and loop on routine 1580 or external clock. lIer un~and loop on routine 1580 or routine 15C2. If needad, reg X'11' contains the selected line CBCB) address. Note: If the 'loop on error' option is on instead of looping back to t he very start of the 'routine, this error will cause a loop back to wbere the routine starts to continuously translit a lark. A-180 A-200 Byte 0: 5. 0.104 X3705FAA PETnn PAGE lIIay be in the lodell. If scoping is required, it can probably be done while stopped at this error stop. 15C8 3,6 PROG BASK 'rest error Proble. is probably interlilittent. Reg X"" contains the selected line (BCB) address Rerun rontines as given below: 1'482, Y4P2 85202 1'4F2 85202 I4G2 RS308 Berun rOlltine 1571 Berun rOlltines 1586, 15AC, 15AE or 15BO Berun routine ISlA 1'4G2 f/lG2 RS308 8S308 Rerlln routine 1526 Ber'!)l rOlltine 1522 I- " " If Data set Beady dropped. scoping can be done while stopped at this errOl: stop. ls in error code 0128 above, it the 'loop on error' option is on, instaad of looping back to the yery stlll:t of the routine, Type 1 Scanner IPT ·f ,< .., ·t , ;' )'. o o o o IBK 3105 COftftUHICATIONS CONTROLLUR TYPE 1 COftKUNIC1TIOHS SClN.BR 1fT SYKPTOft ROUT. ERROR PUHCTIOH TESTED CODE IND~X EBBOB DESCBIPTION SUSL'BCTBD CARD LOC1TIOH(al L'BOl! "A~K FBALD PUB rtT"" PlOD CO""INTS t Id.m lsce OX2E 1.3 To disconnect the switched line from the co•• unications line interface. reset data terainal ready. o o o o After issuing an OUT X'42' with nothing but toth lode bits on, an 1M X'42' did not reflect the OUT X'42'. Beg 1'14' contains the 1M X'42' did not reflect the OUT X'42'. Reg X'14' contains the bits in error: 14G2 0320 &-150 Test error. Rerun the appropriate routine as given. If needed. reg X'11' contains the selected co •• unications line address. Byte 0: Bit 6-.ode bit 1 dropped Bit 7-lode bit 2 dropped Byte 1: Bit 2-Data Terminal Ready failed to reset BS30Q BS304 1-170 A-170 Berun routine 154E Berun routine 1552 BS306 A-160 Berun routine 15311. B5305 A-OliO Test error. Berun routines 1580 and 15C2 to try to find "hy a strobe was apparently lost. Reg X'11' contains the selected coallunications line (BCB) address. lsce 0130 1. :3 Start the scanner and allow a normal bit service interrupt frol the selected comlunications line interface. Since the selected cO.luniY4G2 cations line interface is set to mode 11, when the prior bit service interrupt was reset and the scanner started, an interrupt fro. that line should bave occurred within 30 milliseconds and did not. ~5C8 DI32 1.3 Check that Data set Beady has now dropped on the com.unications line interface. After having dropped data terainal ready to disconnect the line interface, an IH X'43' indicated that Data Set Beady was still active. If needed. reg 1'14' contains the received IN X'Q3' data. lsca 0134 1.3 wait 2 seconds and then start the scanner and allow a bit service interrupt to occur frol the selected autocall interface. Since the selected autocall interface is set to lode II, an interrupt from that address should ha.e occurred within 30 milliseconds after the scanner was started and did Dot. YIIG2 15ca OX36 1,3 Now check to insure that the selected autocall interface is back to a reset condition. (Particularly that DLO is now off.) After baving waited 2 seconds from the ti.e data terminal ready vas dropped on the communications line interface, an IN X'43' executed while stopped at the associated auto call interface, indicated that the autocall interface was not back to noraal. Beg I'lQ' contains tbe results of the IN X'43' and reg X'15' contains the bits in error: I4G2 o o 11111 to wbvr. thll tou· UII. .tut. to oOhtinuoully t~.I1.· lit ••• rk. o o 41~rol' /JIIII"" • 1111111, IllIuk o 0020 Test error. The associa ted autocall unit should have dropped data set ready. If nee~ed. reg 1'11' contains the selected line address. It should be pOSsible to scope this failure while stopped at this error code. BS305 A-040 Test error. Berun routines 1580 and 15C2 to attempt to find wby a strob~ cUd not occur. Beg X'111 contains tbe selected autocall line (BCB) address. 1-190 1-200 Test error. Problem probably lies in the autocall circuitry in the line interface Beg X'11' contains the selected line - address. If necessary, it should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error stop. Rerun routines as given below: 9PFC Byte 0: Bit O-shoudl always be zero Type 1 Scanner 1FT BS307 13705F&A 5.0.105 IBM 3705 CO~MUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SY~PTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR 1'UNCTION TESTED CODE D99-3705E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION Bit 3-DI?R was Bit 4-NB8 bit error Bit 5-NB4 bit error Bit 6-NB2 bit error Bit 7-NBl bit error SOS PECTED CARD LOCATION (s) PROG MASK FEAtD FEn 1'1 PAGE PAGE COIIIIENTS on in error was on in RS30S RS30S Rerun routine 15SC Berun routine 1S1C was on in R5308 Rerun routine 1520 lias on in· 85308 Rerun routine 1528 lias on in R5308 Rerun routine 1524 Byte 1 : Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 15CA XXXX O-ACa 1-PND 2-0LO 3-PWI q-CRQ 5-cOS was on in error was on in error failed to drop was not on was on in error was on in error R5307 R5307 RS307 85307 Re.un routine 1558 OS30S 85301 Autoanswer and Receive Test (Manual Intervention Routin,,): This multipurpose routine allolls th~ operator to select 3 basic test options to insure the proper operation of integrated modems and autoanswer features. The description of each test function follows. (The q digit hexadecimal identifier is the code that is entered at the first manual intervention stop to select the test function desired.) X'OOOO' - Autoanswer only. This function allows the operator to enter the line address of an integrated switched line ~odem with autoanswer. After testing the static conditions on the communications interface and enabling the line to receive a call, the operator is instructed to call that line's phone number and wait for an answer tone. After doing so, the routine will check to ensure the connection has been made, then disconnect and ensure a successful disconnection. (Also. if the switched line interface also has autocall attached, LIB types 7 and 9, the routine will check the status of DLO on the autocall interface before, during, and after the test.) X'OOOl' - Autoanswer and Receive (no data checking). This function provides the same test capability as in X'OOOO' above, except that after having ensured the connection, the routine will check for carrier detect and then go into a continuous receive operation. (No data is cheCked) It will continuously receive until the operator tells it stop through use of the dynamic communications facility of the DCK. %'0003' - Autoansller and Receive (check data for a mark). This function provides the same capability of X'OOOl', above, except that it will check the received data to ensure that it is a steady mark.. This function was designed primarily to simulate the test 4 function of a 3972 modem. X'0007' - To enable a selected line, check for carrier, and then put the line into receive Bode. The receive data ~ill be cheCked for the DLC pattern of one space and 5 marks. Data errors will be counted and displayed with the error display of EXX!. !Q1~ 1: In all three of the above functions, the address entered by the operator can be tbat of a non-switched line, in which case all parts of the test which deal witb autoanswer will be bypassed. In the case of function X'OOOO' this will virtually bypass all testing. (If the . address entered is that of II switched· line other than types 6a, 7, ab, or 9a, only functions X'OOOl' and X'0003' may be selected, all testing is done as if the line were a leased line, alld the switched connection ai~st be· completed before continuing from stop '1'044' .• ) ]Ql~ 2: Before running this routine, it is suggested that the reader review the function tested column of each of the following error codes to obtain a basic understaniling of the routine and its floll.. Because of the different· options available, not all error conditions described will be tested. The digits immediately underneath each error code describe under which test function that particular error condition can occur. (0, 1, and 3 for X'OOOO', X'0001', and X'0003' respectively.) !Ql~ 3: ~11 routines vor~ing with integrated modems, autocall or answer units have been deSigned to attempt to fnnctiona1ly test the modems. In most cases, no suspected card locations are given since the maintenance procedures on C-440 provide a more thorough trouble .isolation procedure. When any error occurs that indicates a possible modem, autoca 11 or answer problem please refer to these procedures. 15CA OX02 Perce a bit service 0,1,3 interrupt from the associated autocall interface, if one is present. (LIB types 7 and 9 only) • 1SCA OXOq Check that OLO (Data Line 5.0.106 X3705PAA RS305 After attempting to force YQP2, YQG2 a bit service level 2 interrupt (via an OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in reg. X'11', unDli\sking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. An IN X'Q3', executed wbile 0020 A-330 1-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512 Pretest error. Type 1 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o o lBlI 3705 COIIIIUIIICA'UOIlIi COII'rR01.LEII tYPB 1 COftllOHICAtIORS SCAHNER 1Ft SYIIPTOII IN DEI BOOT. ERROR PUNCTION TBstED CODE 0,1,3 occupied is off at the associated autocall interface, if one is present. (LIB type 7 an4 9 onlY.1 SUSPECTED CABO LOCITION(S) PROG IIASK FEALO PiG! FETIIII PIG! COIIIIEHT5 Problem is probably in the associated line interfa or auto call unit. If necessary, it should ~e possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error stop 0106 Force a bit service inter0,1,3 rupt frOB the selected line address. After attespting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (v1a an OUT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in reg X'11', unaasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tise of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fros that 11ne. Y~F2, 15CA 0108 Set the selected line add0,1,3 ress to interrupt Bode II with DTR and other selected control bits on. After issuing an OUT 1'42' wbile stopped at the line (BCB) address in reg X'II', an IH 1'42' failed to reflect the OOT 1'42. Beg X'14' contains the received 1M X'Q2' data. Reg 1'15' indicatES which bits were in Y4G2 Y4G2 85305 1-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512 1-150 Pretest error. Rerun and loop on appropriate routines as given below: B53011 BS30q A-170 A-170 Routine 154£ Routine 1552 Bit O-low p~iority bit Bit 1-diagn9stic lode bit Bit 2-0ata Terlinal Beady Bit 3-synch~onoos lode bit BS30" 8S306 R5306 liS 306 1-170 A-160 1-160 1-16C) Bit Routine 154C Bouthe 153C Routine 1532 Routines 1521 152C Routines 1536 1538 Routines 1521 1530 Routines 15"2 15114 Boutines 1546 15118 erro~: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 Bit 7-IGde bit 2 Byte 1: o Start the scanner and 0,1,3 allow a norsal level 2 interrupt to occur fros the selecte4 a44ress. 15CA OIOA 15CA OXOC If the line selected is a switched line, check that Data 5et Ready is not up. clock bit R5306 1-160 Bit 5-data rate select bit R5306 1-160 Bit ~-oscillator select bit B5306 &-160 Bit 7-oscillato~ select bit 2 R5306 1-160 as305 1-0QO 4-exte~nal Although the selected line has been set to sonito~ sode 11, after starting the scanner no bit service level 2 interrupt occurred frol that line within 30 .illiseconds. (Beg 1'11' contains the line's address.) Y4G2 Witb the scanner stopped at the selected line address (in reg. I'll'), an II 1'43' indicated that Data Set Beady was up. On a switched line, OSB should not be up until a call has been sade and the connection is cosplete. If needed, reg X'14' contains the resolts of the 0020 1SC! 0100 0,1, 3 Set the selected line address to Donitor Bode 011 to wait for Data Set Beady. [Switched lines onlY.1 After issuing an OUT X'42' to Y4G2 set sode 011, an IN X'42' failed to reflect the out 1'42'. ' Reg. X'14' contains the results of the IN 1'42' and reg. 1'15' contains the bits in error: PUP & & & 6 & Pretest error. probably an intermittent lOBS of strObe. Berun and loop on routines 1580 aDd 15C2. Pretest error. Rerun routine 1578 and then run routine 1502 to help try isolate tbe problem. It shoold be possible, if necessary, to scope this failUre wbile stopped at this error stop. IH X'II3'. 0' o o ERROR DESCRIPTION stopped at the line (BCB) address 1n reg X'1", indicated that DLO was already on. since a call has not yet been placed or received, OLO should bave been off. Beg 1'1~' contains the actual IN 1'~3' data received. 15cl o o o o o o 099- 37 05E- 09 A-150 Pretest error. Berun and loop on appropriate routines as given below: RS304 RS304 A-l10 Rerun 1550. A-170 Rerun 1552. Byte 0: Bit 6-lIode bit 1 set in error. Bit 7-lIode bit 2 failed to set. Type 1 Scanner 1FT X3705Fll 5.0.107 IBM 3105 CQM~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COM~UHICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMFTO" INDEX D99-3705E-09 'I't ,""j ROUT. ERROR fUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION Byte 1: SUSPECTED CARD LOCA'rION (s) PROG "A5K Bit O-low priority bit failed to set. Bit 1-diagnostic mode set in error. Bit 2-DTR dropped Bit 3-syncb~onous mode bit failed Bit 4-external clock bit failed Bit 5·oata rate select bit failed Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 failed Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 failed. 15CA fETMM PAGE COMMENTS 8S304 A-l10 Rerun 154A. R5306 A-160 Berun 153e. R5306 R5306 1-160 A-160 R5306 A-160 R5306 A-160 R5306 A-160 R5306 A-160 Rerun 1532. Rerun 152A and 152C. Rerun 1536 and 1538. Rerun 1S2E and 1530. Rerun 1542 and 1544. Rerun 1546 and 1548. xxx X Note: 0, 3 15CA PEALD PAGE 1, OXOF 0,1, 3 At this point, if the line tested is a switched line, the routine will display X'EOOA' in Display B to indicate that it is waiting for Data Set Ready. At this time, the operator should place a call to the tested address. After having received the call, set the selected line address back to monitor mode 11. See the description of informational display X'EOOA' for·further information. After issuing an OUT X'42' to mode 11, an IN X'42' failed to reflect the OOT X'42'. Reg. X'14' contains the ~esults of the IN X'Q2' and reg. X'lS' contains the bits in error: Y4G2 A-ISO ffFf Test error. Berun and '"loop in the apPJ:opriate rolitines as given below: Byte 0: Bit 6-mode bit 1 failed to set Bit 1-mode bit 2 failed to set R5304 R5304 A-170 Berun 154E. A-110 Berun 1552. R5304 A-170 Berun 154C. R5306 A-160 Rerun 153C. R5306 R5306 A-160 A-160 Berun 1532. Rerun 152A and 152C. Rerun 1536 and 1538. Rerun 152! and 1530. Rerun 1542 and and 1SQ4. Rerun 1546 ~nd 1548. Byte 1: Bit a-low priority bit set in error. Bit l-diagnostic .ode set in error. Bit 2-DTR dropped Bit 3-syncb~onous mode bit failed Bit 4-External clock bit failed Bit 5-data rate select bit failed Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 failed Bit 1-oscillator select bi t 2 failed. 15CA OX10 Check that Data Set Ready is up on the selected line address. (leased lines only) 15CA OX12 force a bit service inter0,1,3 rupt from the associated autocall interface, if one is present. (LIB types 1 and 9 only). 15CA OX14 Checl< that OLO is now on at 5.0.108 X3705FAA With the scanner stopped at the selected address (found in reg X",'), an IN X'43' indicated that Dsa was not up. since this is a leased line, it should be up all the time. Reg X'14' contains the results of the IN X'43'. After attempting to force a bit Y4F2, Y4G2 service level 2 interrupt (via an OUT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in reg. X'11', unmasking level two interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 0020 An IN X'43', executed while 0020 R5306 A-160 R5306 A-160 RS306 A-160 R5306 A-160 Test erro~. This failure also can be seoped while stopped at tbe error stop. R5305 A-330 A-040 Fretest error. Rerun routine 1512 Test error. Type 1 5canner IPT I t_ ~ ':i o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 IBK 3705 COKKUHICATIOHS COHtROLLER TYPE 1 CO""UNIC1~IOHS SCANHER 1FT SYKPtOK IIIDEX ROUT. ERROR FUIICTtOIi TES',rED CODE the associated autocall interface, if one is present. ILIB trpes 7 and 9 only) ERROB DIISCRII?TtON stopped at the line (BCB) address in reg x'll', ind1cated tbat DLO has not co.e on. Since a line connection has been made, DLO should be up. Beg X',4' contains the receiYed IH X'43' data. SUSPECTED CABO LOCATION(S! PBAtD PAGI PETllII PAGB 85305 A-O'O lSCA OUX 1, 3 Note: At this point the routine displays X'EOOB' in Display B to indicate that it 1s waiting for lILSD. It vill automatically continue as soon as BtSD is present. See the description of informational display X'IOOB' for furtheJ: inforution. 1SCA OUX " 3 Note: At this point the rontine will start to continuously receive and will do so until either one of the following errors occur or until stopped by the operator through use of the dynaaic co.mnnication fac1l~tf of the DCK. Por more inforllation on how to stop this continuous receive function, see the writeup for the informational displays EOOO ~r 'EOrp 'iSCA OX 16 1,3 While continuously receiYing, ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs from the selected address at least once eyery 30 .illiseconds l_eA OX11 As each bit is received, check that no error conditions are present (and, if function 3 was selected, check that receive data is a mark.) U HO bit service level 2 inte~ rupt from the selected line address (in reg X'11') occurred within 30 .illiseconds of the previous one. UG2 RS30S 1-040 0 o o o o o COIIKEIITS Problem is probably in the associated line interface or autocall unit. If necessary, it sbould be possible to scope this failure while stopped at the error stop. OX15 Start the scanner and allow 0,1,3 a normal level 2 interrupt to occur fro. tbe selected address. 0 YQG2 PROG HASK lSC. 0 Although the selected line has been set to monitor .ode 11, after starting the scanner no bit service level 2 interrupt occurred from that line within 30 milliseconds. (Beg. X'11' contains the address of the line.) 1l99-3705E-09 1,3 Test error. Probably an inter.ittent loss of strobe. Rerun and loop on routine 1580 and 15C2. Test error. probably an intermittent loss of strobe. lerun routines 1580 and 15C2. Ilote" I f the 'loop on error' option of the DCft has been set, tbis error will cause a loop back, to continuously J:eceiving rather than back to the initial start of the routine. Test error. Berun routines given for byte 0, bits 1, 2 or .. in error. After a bit service level 2 interrupt from the selected line address (in reg. 1'11'), an IN X'Q3' indicated one or more error conditions. Reg X' 13' contains the received III X"3' data (ignore bits not described): Byte 0: Bit O-bit off indicates receive data was a space (ignore if function 1 was selected) Bit l-bit on indicates a feedback check occurred. Pit 2-bit on indicates error sua.ary was on. Type 1 Scanner IPT 1412, 14F2 RS202 A-200 A-180 Rerun routine 157A. Y4P2 115202 A-200 Bit 4-bit on indicates trans- t4G2 mit mode bit set. 115308 A-200 Berun routines 1586, 1SAC, 15lE or 15BO. Berun routine 151C 13705PAA 5.0.109 f), ,-; lB~ 3705 CO"MU"IC~TIONS CONTROLLER TY?E 1 COK~UNIClTIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE 099-J'105E-Q9 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION !s) Byte 1: PROG IIASK PEALD PAGE FETKH COKMENTS HGE Bit 2-bit on indicates DSR dropped Bit 3-bit off indicates RLSD dropped. Note: If the 'loop on error' option of the DCII has teen set, this error wil cause a loop back to continuously receiving rather than back to the initial start of the routine. lSCA OXIC Start the scanner and allow 0,1,3 another normal bit service level 2 interrupt to occur from the selected line address. (Switched lines only) Although the selected line had been interrupting every bit time after starting the scanner this time no level 2 interrupt occurred from that line within 3q milliseconds. (Reg. ,~ 1, ~ 1', contn,i.ns .,the address of the line.) . 15CA aXlE ~eset Data Terminal Ready 0,1,3 at the selected line address. (Switched lines only) After issuing an OUT X'Q2' IIhile stopped at the selected line address (in reg X'11'), an IN X'Q2' indicated that either data terminal ready failed to reset or one of the mode bits reset in error. Reg X'I~' contains the received IN X'Q2' data and reg X'15' indicates which bit lias in error: Test error. Problem is probably an intermittent loss of of strobe.. Rerun and loop 9~ routines 1580 and 15C2 R5305 YQG2 A-ISO 0320 Test error. Rerun and loop on appropriate routine as given. , / Byte 0: reset RS30~ A-170 Bit ?-mode bit 2 reset Byte 1: R530Q A-170 Rerun routine 1548. Rerun routine 1552 RS306 A-160 Rerun routine 1534 R5305 A-040 Test error. Problem is probably an intermittent loss of strobe Rerun and loop on routines 1580 & 15C Bit 6-mode bit Bit 2-Data ~erminal Ready failed to reset. 1SCA OX20 Start the scanner and allow 0.1,3 another normal bit service level 2 interrupt to occur from the selected line address. (SIIi tcbed lines onlY) 1SCA OX22 Ensure that D5R baa now After having dropped data ter0,1,3 dropped at the selected line minal ready at the selected address. (Switched lines onlYl address and allowing another bit service to occur, in IN X'43' indicated that DSB did not drop. (Reg X'11' contains the selected line address and reg X,14' contains the received IN X'Q3' data.) 15CA OX2q Porce a bit service inter0".3 rupt from the associated autocall interface, if one is present. ILIB types 7 and 9 only. ) lSCA OX26 Check that DLO is not off 0,1,3 again at the associated autocall interface, if one is present. (LIB types 7 and 9 5.0.110 X3705FAA Although the selected is still set to monitor mode 11, after starting the scanner no level 2 ~nterrupt occurred from that line within 30 milliseconds (Reg X'11' contains the lines address. J YQG2 R5305 After attempting to force a bit HF 2, Y4G2 service level 2 interrupt (via an OOT X'Q7') from the line (BC~ address in reg X'11' and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service level 2 interrupt occurred from that line. After having dropped DTR on communications line interface to disconnect the line, an IN X'43' executed while stopped Test error. Problem is probbably in the associated autoanswer circui try. It should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error stop. 0020 A-330 A-OliO Test error. Berun routine 1512 / 0020 Tea t erro r. Problem is probably in the associated line interface or Type 1 scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o o G , I " '"i,' 1:: o o o o o IBM 3705 CO"KUNIC~TIO"S CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE only.) 15CE XXXX ERROR DESCRIPTION at the associated auto call interface indicated that OLO was still up. It should have dropped. (Reg X'1Q' contains the received IN X'Q3' data. Reg X.". contains the line address of the associated autocall interface.) 099-370&2-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG ft~SK PEALO PAGE PET"ft PAGE COftftENTS autocall unit. It necessary, it should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error stop. External Data Wrap (Manual Intervention Routine): This routine allows the operator to select virtually any two similar lines and through a wrap block (or any other leans available to hil) send data from one line to the other. The lines may be wrapped anywhere, even down line, and may be both leased or both switched. If switched lines are used, the wrap block is not necessary as the transmit line can call the receive line. The operator may elect to either utilize an autodial unit, if one is available, or to place a manual call. If leased lines are selected, all dialing is, of course, bypassed. ' This routine is arranged somewhat differently than other routines in this IPT; indeed, its error looping and ending facilities are unique. The following is a brief outline of its composition and flow: 1. 2. 3. q. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 11. 18. 19. 2L 21. 22. 23. 2Q. Request transmit line address. Request receive line address. Request telephone number to be dialed. (Only if switched lines present). Request auto call interface address. (Only if switched lines present and not manual dialingl • Request line speed, etc. Request data option (start-stop ,0/7, etc.) and number or characters to wrap. Request data characters to be wrapped. Reset hardware. Enable receive line. Enable transmit line. Dial the autocall interface. (Only if switched lines present and requested). Wait for .anual dial completion. (Only if switched lines present and necessary). Set mode on transmit line and wait for CTS. Initialize program control fields. Initialize transmit line. Initialize receive line and set mode. Interrupt level 2 first stage interrupt handler. Transmit line start-stop bit service handler. Transmit line bisync bit service handler. Receive line start~stop bit service handler. Receive line bisync bit service handler. Transmit character service handler. Beceive character service handler. End routine (or restart). After all needed information has been obtained from the operator, the hardware is reset, line connection made, and the hardware and program are initialized. (Prior to this point, if leased lines are to be wrapped, the operator must have wrapped the two lines.) (Up to this point any error that occurs will force a loop back to step 8, hardware reset.) Now the routine's second level interrupt handler is allowed to process all level 2 interrupts. As each bit service occurs, the approfriate bit service handler is given control, and it serializes/deserializes each character, checking for line errors, start and stop bits, etc. As each character is sent/receiveO, a request for a character service level 2 interru~t is made. As each character service interrupt occurs the next character to send Is buffereO or the character just received is compared to the expected data. When the last character has been sent, the routine will start over at the start of the data, continuously'wrapping the same data over and over. This continues until the operator makes use of the dynamic communications facility of the DCft. At this time he may elect to either end the routine or restart at certain points. (SEe the note under manual intervention code 'SXX, P06B for details on ending or restarting the routine). Most errors occurring during the test will be detected by one of the handlers in level 2. When such an error occurs, level 2 interrupts are masked off, and the routine exits level 2 leaving the scanner and line interface hardware as it vas at the time of the error. Any error that occurs while actually transmitting and receiving data will automatically force a loop back to step 14. There is no way of preventing this loop except to abort the routine. This loop vas provided so that by setting the "bypass error stop" sense switch a good scoping loop would be available. (Note that this loop does not go back to hardWare setup. This way it prevents any switched line connection from being broken and does not have to wait for CTS again.) Please note that this routine provides more of a functional test than most routines do and was designed to be utilized as a debug and scoping tool rather than a trouble isolation routine. As such, no suspected card locations are given except in some of the early errors in setting up the hardware. In some cases, the comments may callout a routine to rerun to help isolate a failure but due to possible line problels these routines may not help_ o Type 1 Scanner 1FT X3705PAA 5.0.111 IB~ 3705 COKKUHIC1TIONS CONtROLLER tYPB 1 COKKUNIC1TIORS SCANKBR 1FT SynPTOn INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION 'rBStED CODB 15CB 0102 Porce a bit service level 2 interrupt froll the receive 11ne. 15CE OX 011 Set data terminal and the other selected line control bits on at the selected receive line address. D99-3105E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCUIOR(s) After attemptinq to force a bit H1'2,YliG2 service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X' 41' froll the line (BCB) address in req X'11', unmaskinq level 2 interrupts and waitinq the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froll ,that line. PROG KioSK After issuing an OUT X'II2' Y'lG2 at the selected line address, an IN X'II2' failed to reflect the OUT 1'112'. Beg X'111' contains the actual input. X'15' contains the bits in errors: 031'1' PEALD PEUII PAGE RS305 PAGB 1.-330 A-OliO COIIIIENTS } Pretest error. lIerun routine 1512. Ii .. 1-150 Pretest error. lIeg X'11' contAins the selected line address. Berun the appropriate routine as given: B53011 1-170 R53011 A-170 Rerun routine 1550. Rerun routine 15SIi.' B53011 A-170 R5l06 A-160 -:P' Byte 0: Bit 6-lIode bit set in error Bit 1-lIode bit 2 set in error Byte 1: Bit. O-low priority bit set in error Bit 1-diagnostic lIode set in error Bit 2-data terainal ready failed to set Bit 3-synchronoos 1I0de bit failed Bit II-external clock bit failed Bit 5-data rate selected bit failed Bit 6-oscillator selected bit 1 failed Bit 1-oscillator select bit 2 failed Porce a bit ser y ice leyel 2 interrupt from the transmit 1 ine. 15cE OX06 15CE OX 08' 5et the selected tra nsmi t line interface to interrupt mode 11 with data terminal ready and the other selected line control bits on. After attempting to force a bit seryice level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'1I1') from the line IBCB) address in reg 1'11', unmasking level 2 interrUpts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, DO bit service interrupt occurred from that line. YIIP2, YIIG2 After issuing an OOT X'II2' at the selected line address, an IN X'II2' failed to reflect the OUT X'1I2'. Reg X'll1' contains the actual IN X'II2' data and reg X'15' contains the bits in errors: YIIG2 RS306 A-160 R5306 1-160 R5306 1-160 BS306 1.-160 aS306 1-160 R5306 A-160 R5305 031'P Berun routine 1S1I0. Rerun rootine 1S::IC. Rerun routine 1532. Berun routines 1521. and 152C. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E and 1530. Rernn routines 15112 and 15114. Rerun routines 1546 and 15118. 1-330 A-OliO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 1-150 Pretest .. rror.. Reg X'11' contains 'the selected line address. Rerun the appropriate routine as given: Byte 0: Bit 6-lIode bit failed to set Bit 1-mode bit 2 failed to set R53011 115304 A-nO Rerun routine 1511E. Rerun routine 1552. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority bit set in error Bit 1-diagnostic mode set in error Bit 2-data terainal ready failed to set Bit 3-synchronous mode 5.0.112 X3105FAA RS3011 1.-110 B5306 1-160 R5306 1-160 R5306 &-160 Rerun 1540. Rerun 153C. Rerun 1532. Rerun :toutine routille routine routines Type 1 Scanner IPT , ./ o o o 0 IDa l7Q5 coalUNIC1TIOHS CORTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMunIcATIONS SC1.HSa IlT SY.'TO~ INDIX ROOT. ERROR FURCTION 'lISTED CODE 15CE 15cE OXOA OXOC SUSPECTED ClBD LOCATION IS) Force a bit seryice interrnpt froe the selected autocall interface. 1fter attelpting to force a bit service leyel 2 interrnpt (v1a OUT X'47') frol the line (BCBI address in reg I'll', unaasking level 2 £nterrqpts and waiting I~b.e, 1:,i" 'of, a scanner pass, no,.bit service -interrllpt occurred frol tbat line. Y1Il'2, YIIG2 Set the selected autocall interface to interrnpt sode 11. After issuing an OOT 1'42' at the selected line address, an II X'42' failed to reflect the 00'1' X'42'. Reg X'14' contains tbe actaal II X'42' data and reg X'15' contains the bits in error: Y4G2 .ROG USK PElLD PAGE lEU II 85306 A-160 RS306 1-160 R5306 1-160 R5306 1-160 RS305 1-330 PAGE 1-0110 0300 COIIUNT5 1521 and 152C. Rerlln rOil tines 1536 and 1538. Rerun rOllti nes 152B and 1530. Reran roatines 1542 and 1544. Rerun rOlltines 1546 and 1548 Pretest error. Rerlln routine 1512 1-170 Pretest error. Reg X'11' contains the selected line (BCBI address. Bernn the appropriate rontines as 9iyen: R53011 A-170 BS3011 1-170 Reran routine 1 Sill!. Reran routine 1552.' B5305 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun rOil tine 1580. Reg. X'''' contains the selected line (BCBI address. A-190 A-200 Pretest error. Proble. probably lies in the aotocall circuitry io the line adapter. Reg X'11' contains the selected line address. If scopis necessary, it should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error. Berun routines given: Rerun routine 155C Rerun routine 151C Berun routine 1520 Rerun routine 1528 Rerun routine 15211 Byte 0: Bit 6-lode bit failed to set Bit 7-lode bit 2 failed to set_ 15CE o o o ERBOR DESCRIPTION bit failed Bit Ii-external clock bit failed Bit 5-data rate selected bit failed Bit 6-oscillator selected bit 1 faUed Bit 7-oscillator select bit. 2 faUed 0 0 0 0 0 0 D99-3705E-09 OXOE 1110w a norsal bit service interrupt frol the selected autocall interface to occur. After setting sonitor .ode Y402 11 to allow Dorlal bit service reqllests, startiDg the scanDer, and waiting up to 30 .il11seconds for a level 2 interrupt frol the selected line, none occurred~ 15CE OX10 Cbeck tbe static conditions on the autocall interface (.VI should be the only active line.) Vith the scanner stopped at the selected line address, aD 1M X'43' indicated that PWI was not on or other bits vere OD in error. Reg 1'14' contains tbe results of tbe IN X'II3' and reg. X'1S' contain, the bits in error: r402 91'1'C Byte 0: Bit O-should always be zero Bit 3-IIPR vas on in error. o Bit 4-BB8 bit error Bit 5-184 bit error Bit 6-RB2 bit error Bit 7-HBl bit erroc. RS308 lias on in RS308 was on in R5308 was on in 115308 was 011 in RS308 Byte 1: Bit O-ACB was on in error Type 1 Scanner IF'l' RS307 13705PU 5.0.113 ,.", 1~" 3105 CO""QN~CATlONS COHTRO~LER TYPE 1 CO~~UNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT 3YNPTOM ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE 099- 31 05E- 09 INQ~X EaROR DESCRIPTION on in error on in error not on on in error FEALD PAGE R5301 RS301 R5301 R5306 Bit 5-cOS vas on in error 85307 Bit Bit Bit Bit I-PHD 2-DLO 3-PWI q-CBQ vas was vas vas SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (sl 15CE OX12 After setting C8Q at the autocall interface, allow another bit service interrupt to occur. (To check status of line after setting CRQI With ~ode 11 set at the selected line add ress, tho scanner vas started, and after vaiting up to 30 milliseconds for a level 2 interrupt from the selected line, none occurred.• 15CE 0114 Check that CRQ h as been set at the selected autocall interface and that DLO is nov up also. (CRQ should have been set via an OUT X'43' just after cbecking the static conditions of the aetocall interface.) Witb the scanner stopped at the f4G2 selected line address, an IN X'43' indicated that OLO had not coae up, CRQ was not set, or othor conditions were in error. Beg X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data and reg X'15' contains the bit. in error: PROG IIASK 85305 Y4G2 91'PC FETKK PAGE Rerun routine 1556. A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1580. Reg X'11' contains the selected line (BCBI addrel3s. A-190 A-200 Pretest error. Problem probably lies in the autocall circuitry in the line interface. Reg X'lt contains the selected Une address. It seoping is necessary, it should be possible to scope this failure while stopped at this error stop. Rerun routine given: Berun routine 155C Rerun routine lS1C Rerun routine 1520 Rerun routine 1528 Berun routine IS2Q Byte 0: R5301 R530B R5306 R5308 RS306 R5306 Bit O-should always be zero. Bit 3-DPR ~as on in error. Bit 4-NSB bit vas on in error Bit 5-NB4 bit vas on in error Bit 6-NB2 bit vas on in error Bit 1-NB1 bit vas on in error Byte 1: Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit lSeB OX15 Wait up to 30 seconds for Data Line Occupied (DLa) to come up on t.he selected auto-call line:interface. 15CE XXXX !lote: At this point the selected telephone number is dialed by a SUbroutine Before each number is dailed, X'E03n' will be displayed, where 'n' is the digit to be dia led. 15CE XXXX Note: After dialing the selected number, the routine will wait up to one minute (or until ACR comes Up) for an answer tone. 15CE 0116 While waiting for COS to come up, cbeck to ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs from the auto- 5.0,.114 X3705FH O-ACD 1-PNO 3-PWI 4-CDQ 5-COS was on in was on in dtopped failed to vas on in R5301 R5301 RS301 R5306 115301 error error set error COKKENTS Rerun routine 1556 Pretest error. Problem probably lies ~P the autocall circuitry in the line interface. Beg X'11' contains the selected line address. If scoping is necessar i t sbould be possible to ~cope this failure while stopped at this error stage. After setting Call Reguest and waiting 30 seconds, DLO failed ,;tq ,come uP~1 Reg X'14' contains the received IN 1'43' data. See the description of subroutine error codes '1XOC' thro'lgh '1I1A' for a description of the 'dial-adigit' subroutine and its error codes. Although the selected 8utocall interface was set to mode 11, no level 2 bit service interrupt occurred from Y4G2 RS305 A-040 Pretest error. Probably caused an inter mi ttent loss of by Type 1 Scanner 1FT " o o o o Ie~ 3705 CO"~UNICATIO"$ CONTROLLED TTPE 1 COH"PNIC1TIONS SCANNER 1fT SI"PTOK ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE call interface at least once every 30 milliseconds. PROG "ASK After a bit service. interrupt fro. the selected autocall interface (reg X'll' contains its addrsss), an IN X'43' indicated that lCR had come up. Reg X'13' contains the rece1ve4 IN X'43' dAtA. It byte 1, bit 5 is oft, Aca probably came up as it should, indicating that ·the autocall unit never received an ansver tone frol the called number. If that bit 1s on, SOle other i.proper condition in the autocall circuitry brought ACR up. 15CB OX1A Ensure that either COS or lCR comes up within one minute after dialing the selected number. After waiting one minute, neither cale up. If an answer tone vas received, COS should have cOle up. If not, the ACB counter in the autocall unit should have timed out and brought up ACB. Reg X'13' contains the last received IN X'43' data. Reg X'11' contains the selected line (BCBI address. OX1C After receiving COS, indicating that the communications line interface now has control of the line, reset CRQ to free the autocall unit. After issuing an OUT X'43' with 14G2 data of all zeros to the selected autocall address to reset eRg, an X'43' indicated CRg was still active. Reg X'11' contains the line (BCB) address and reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. 0008 0300 · U 15CB !: .;.'...... 'Ii',' PET"" PAGE COMMENTS Pretest error. If it appears tha t an answer done was never received, be sure that the correct telephone number vas entered. Also try dia11ng the number froll a manual phone and ensure that t he line is not busy or out-ofoJ:der. A-190 A-200 Pretest error. Problem is probably in the autocall line interface Rerun routine 1558. R5304 1-170 Pretest error. Rerun routi nes 1550 and 1554. R5305 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1580 to try to find why a strobe was apparently lost. Reg I'll' contains the selected communications line CBCB) address. RS307 A-180 A-200 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1578 and then run routine l5DO to help isolate problem may lie in the associated autocall circuitry. It should be I" ~5CE OXID Nov, disable the autocall interface from interrupting. While stopped at the autocall interface address (found in reg X'll') an OOT X'42' was issued with all bit off. An IN 1'42' then indicated that one of the 1I0de bits failed to reset. Reg X'14' contains the results of the IN X'42' Y4G2 15CB OX1E Start the scanner and allow a nor.al bit service interrupt from the selected transmit line. Since the selected transmit line interface is set to aode 11, when the prior bit service interrupt was reset and the scanner started, an interrupt from that line should have occurred within 30 milliseconds and did not. Y4G2 15CE OX20 Check that Data Set Ready is active on the transmit line interface. After the scanner stopped at the selected line CBCB) (which is reg X'll', an IN X'43' indicated that DSR was off. If this is a leased line, DSR should aLways be up. If this is a switched line, the call has been completed and DSR should now be up. (Reg X'14' contains the Type 1 Scanner 1fT FBALD PAGE strobe. Rerun and loop on routine 1580. If needed, reg X'll' contains the selected l1ne (BCB) address. Also while waiting for COS, monitor ACB to insure that it never comes up on the autocall interface. o e SUSPECTED CARD tOCATION(e) OX18 o o o o o ERROR DESCRIPTION that line within 30 milliseconds of the previous one. 15CE o o o 099- 3705E- 09 IN~EX 0020 X3705FAA 5.0.115 '4, . J , " ..#/ '-, IB~ 3705 CO"~UHICATIONS CONTROLLBR TYPB 1 COKKUPtCATIONS SCANHBR 1fT SYftPTOn INDBX ROOT. EaROR PORCTIO. TESTED CODE EaaOR DESCRIPTION received IN x'Q3' data.) D99-3105B-09 SUSPBCTBD CABD LOCATION,s) PROG nAS~ PEUD PAGB PETKK PAGE ~. ",. ;; COIIII'ENTS possible to scope tbis error while stopped at this ettot stop. \, ..... _.... lSC! lSCE 0122 OX2Q While waitinq for a manual call to be placed, ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs from the selected transmit line at least once every 30 lIi11iseconds. Although the selected transmit Y4G2 address (found in reg x'll' was set to monitor mode 11, no level 2 interrupt occurred from that line within 30 milliseconds of tbe previous one. Set transmit Bode, requestto-send, and send data to a mark on the transmit line interface. With the scanner stopped at the selected transmit line interface, an OUT I'Q3' was issued to set the transmit mode, RT5, and send data bits. An IN 1'43' then indicated that one of the bits failed to set or the new sync bit set in error. Req 1'14' contains the IN X'43' data and reg X'lS' contains the bits in error: Y4G2 R5305 OPOO R5308 A-OQO A-180 A-200 Pt.etest error. Probably caueed by an intetmittent loss of strobe. Berun and loop on rOlltine 1580. , Test error. Rerun the appropriate routine as given below. If needed, reg. x'll' contains the selected COImunications line address. Byte 0; Rerun l5lA. Berun 1520. Berun 1526. Berun 1522. Bit 4-transait mode bit failed to set. Bit S-new sync hit set in error. Bit 6-BTS failed to set. Bit 1-send data bit failed to set. routine rOIlUne rOIlUne routine 15cfi OX26 IIh11e waitinq for clear to send, check to ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs frol' th, "selected transmit line ~nterface at least once eVllry 30 milliseconds. Although the selected transmit line interface was set to Gode 11, no lev,l 2 bit service Ii,n.telifupt C)ccur~e4 fro. that 1ide within 30 ai1lia.conds of tbe previous one. Y4G2 R5305 &-040 Preteet error. Probably caused by au ,l,nter- . I1tte~:e ioea of strobe. Rerun and loop on routine 1580. If needed reg X'll' contains the selected line (BCB) address. 15CE OX28 Wait up to 30 seconds for Clear to Send to come up on the selected transmit line interface. After setting Bequest to Send and waiting 30 seconds, clearto-send failed to come up. Beg X'13' contains the last received 1M X'43' data. Reg. X'11' contains the selected line address. Y~G2 R5307 A-180 A-200 Pretest error. Berun routine 1578 and then run routine l5BO to hel p iaolllte problem. Problem l18y be in the 1I0de.. If scoping is required, i t can probably be done wbile stopped at thill error stop. 15CE Ox30 Set the selected transll1t line interface to interrupt mode 11 with data terminal ready and the other selected line control bits on. After issuing an OOT 1'42' at the selected line address, an IN X'42' failed to reflect the OUT 1'42'. Req X'14' contains the actual 1ft 1'42' data and reg 1'15' contains the bits in errors: I4G2 &-150 Pretest error. Reg x'll' contains the selected line address. Berun the appropriate routine as gi'fen: 03PP .... ~- Byte 0: 5.0.116 X3705FAA - Type 1 Scanner 1FT ---." ~---"------------~---,---~- o o o o till! 3706 COIlIIOIlICATIOHS COIl'UOLLBR ~iPE 1 CO"l\OHIC1~IO'S ,0: lOUT. BRROR FOIICTION TESTED CODB BRROI DESCRIPTIOII Bit 6-.ode bit 1 failed to set Bit 7-.ode bit 2 failed • to set Byte SOSPBCTED CARD LOCATI0HCsI PROG aASK 1SCE XXII I~CE OXll _ Force another bit service interrupt fro. tbe selected transait line address. After atteapting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'47' frOB tbe line (BCB) address in reg. X"", unlasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froa that line. 15CE 0132 After issuing an OOT X'43' 14G2 (with tbe transmit aode, BTS, and send data bits) wbile stopped at the transmit line address, in 1M X'43' indicated that one of those three bits bad failed to set or CTS had dropped. Beg. X'14' contains tbe received 1M X'43' data and reg 1'15' indicate. the bits in error: " FBALD PAGB 1IS30q FETHa PAGE RS301! &-110 BSlOq A-170 RSl06 1-160 coalENTS Rerun routine 15111. Rerun routine 1552. ,= Bit 0-10w priority bit set in error Bit I-diagnostic .ode set 1P error Bit 2-data terlinal ready failed to set Bit 3-synchronous .ode bit fll1184 Bit q-external clock bit failed Bit 5-data rate selected bit failed Bit 6-osci11ator selected bit 1 failed Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 failed ",i Berun routine 15qO. Berun routine 153C. lerun routine 1532. lerun routines 1521 and 152C. lerun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E and 1530. Berun routines 1542 and 15QQ. Rerun routines 15116 and 1548. BS306 A-160 15306 1-160 15306 1-160 RS306 1-160 B5306 A-160 BS306 A-160 8S305 A-330 A-OliO Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. 1-180 A-200 Test error. leron and loop on routines given below; Bote: The code associated with error codes OX31 through 0134 was inserted to prevent erroneous error indications wben continuing fro. an error stop that occurred while wrapping data. Wben continuing fro. such an error stop, the routine will loop back to this pOint4 The traDs.it line is set to a lark and the routine waits until the receive line sees a sark. This is done to ensure that if the trans. it line was at a space at the tiae of failure, the delay tise through any sode. will not allow that space to get through as tbe test restarts and be detected as a start bit and thus cause an error. " o o o D99-3705B-09 SCl.RBI 1FT SYRPfOa IHDBI o o o o o o -~~- Ensure that tbe trans.it line is still in transsit mode, witb send data at a aark, and BTS and CTS still up. (This action is done this second tiae to allo. for looping.) l'flF2, HG2 OB20 Brte 0: sode bit failed Bit 6-BTS bit failed R5308 Berun routine BS308 Bit '-Send data bit failed BS308 Rerun routine 1526. Berun routine 1522. 85307 Berun routine 1578. Bit q-transai~ ISlA. Byte 1: Bit 2-CTS bad dropped l5CE 0133 Force a bit service interrupt frOB tbe selected receive line interface. Type 1 Scanner 1FT lfter atteapting to force a bit service level 2 interrapt (via OO! X'41') froa the line (BCB) address in reg. I'll' rQF2,Y4G2 85305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. 13705FAA 5.0.117 IBa 3705 COKKDHICATIONS CONTROLLER TYtl , COKauHICATIONS SCANNER Iff SyaPTOa INDEX lOUT. EBROB FUNCTION TBSTBD COOl BBIOB DESCBIPTIOn un.asking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tille of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froll tbat line. lSCE OX34 Check that Data Set Beady is up on tbe selected receive line address. 1SCE XXXX lSCB OX36 Note: 1t this point the routine will display 1'1I00C' in Display B IIbile waiting for tbe receive line to see a mark. Set the selected receive line interface to interrupt mode 11 IIith data terminal and the otber selected line line control bits on. D9 9- 37 05E- 09 SUSPECTED CABO LOCATION(S) FEALD PAGE FBT"n P1GE COnnZHTS , \ Witb the scanner stopped at ths selected address (found in reg I'll'), an IN X'43' indicated that DSB was not up. If this is a sllitcbed line, completion of the autoanswer function should have brougbt it up. If this is a leased line, it should be up all tbe tille. Beg 1'14' contains tbe results of the IN X'43'. After issuing an OUT X'42' at tbe selected line address, an IN X'42' failed to reflect tbe OOT X'42'~ Beg X'14' contains the actual IS X'15' contains the bits 'in errors: PBOG "ASK 0020 Y4G2 pretest error. This failure also can be scoped while stopped at the error stop. 03F1' 1-150 See the note preceding error code OX31 and the desCription of informational display X'EOOC' for 1I0re information. Pretest error. Beg X'll' contains the selected line address. Berun the appropriate routine as given: Byte 0: Bit 6-lode bit 1 failed to set Bit 7-lIode bit 2 failed to set RS304 1-170 R5304 A-170 RS304 1-110 B5306 1-160 Berun routine 1542. Berun routine 1552. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority bi t set in error Bit 1-diagnostic mode set in error Bit 2-data terminal ready failed to set Bit 3-synchronous mode bit failed Bit 4-external clock bit failed Bit 5-data rate selected bit failed Bit 6-0~cillator selected bit 1 failed Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 failed lSCE OX38 Start the scanner and alloll another noraal bit service level 2 interrupt to occur froll the selected receive line address. Although the selected address Y4G2 is still set to monitor Bode 11, after starting the scanner no level 2 interrupt occurred fro. that line witbin 30 milliseconds (Reg X'13' contains the lines address.) 1SCE OX3A Set the selected receive line address to interrupt mode 10 with DTB and other selected control bits on. (If wrap to be in startstop 1I0de). After issuing an OUT 1'42' while stopped at the line (BCBI address in reg X'13', an IN X'42' failed to reflect the OUT X'42'. Reg X'14' contains the received IN X'42' data. Beg 1'15' 5.0.118 X3705FA1 Y4G2 B5306 A-160 IS306 A-160 Rerun routine 1540. Berun routine l5aC. Berun routine 1532. Berun routines 15211 .. 1S2C. Rerun routines 1536 6 1538. Rerun routines l52E & 1530. Rerun routines 1542 1\ 1544. Rerun routines 1546 & 1548. 15306 1-160 R5306 1-160 R5306 A-160 RS306 A-l60 B5305 1-040 Test error. Problem is probably an interaittent loss of strobe. Rerun and loop 011 routine 1580. 11-150 Test error. Rerun and loop on appropriate routines as given below: o o lBK 3705 CO""UNICATIOHa CO"TROLLa8 TYPE 1 CO""UNICATION5 SCANNBR 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX o o o o o ROUT. ERRoa FUHCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION indicates in error: u' o o o o bits were Bit 6-lIIode bit 1 Bit 7-lIIode bit 2 PROG "ASK FEALD PAGE FETK! PAGE COKKEHTS 85304 BSlOI! 1-170 1-17q Routine 154E Routine 1552 RS301! R5306 R5306 B5l06 A-nO A-160 A-160 1-160 Routine 154C Routine 153C Boutine 1532 Routine 1521 and lS2C. Routines 1536 and 1538. Ilout iDes 152E and 1530. Routines 1542 and 1511Q. Boutinu 15116 and 15118. erte 1: Bit Bit Bit Bit ~I O-low priority bit I-diagnostic lIIode bit 2-Data Terminal Ready 3-srnchronous lode bit Bit II-external clock bit RS306 A-160 Bit 5-data rate select bit R5306 1-160 Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 1l5l06 1-160 Bit 7-oacl11ato£ aelect bit 2 88306 1-160 RS305 1-040 lSCE OXlC Start the scanner and allow a norillal bit service interrupt from the selected transmit line interface 15CE XXXX NOTE: All of the remaining errors are those which can occur at any tillle while continuously wrapping data. They are the result of chec~s that are made as each bit or character is transmitted or received. At any of tbese error stops reg X'll' contains the address of a co.mon information and control area for the routine. Beg X'16' wil~ contain the address of the individual transmit and receive lines buffers and control areas. It is hoped tbat these areas may provide additional helpful failure infor.ation~ The following describes these areas: o 11.'. ~hich SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION Is) Byte 0: o o D99-J705E-09 Reg X'll' Since the selected cOIII.unications line interface is set to lIIode 11. when the prior bit service interrupt was reset and the scapner started. an interrupt fro III that line should have occurred within 30 lIIilliseconds and did not. Y4G2 Test error. Rerun routine 1580 to try to find why a strobe was apparently lost. Reg X'll' contains the selected COIImunications line IBCB) address. address of a two byte common control area, where: Byte 0: Bit Bit Bit Bit O-error occurred while in level 2 1-wrap running in ASCII mOde 2-wrap running in EBCDIC mode 3-leased lines are being used Bit Bit Bit Pit 4-ununsed 5-character service has been requested 6-Transmit line not running 7-receive line not running Byte 1; Total (in hex) number of characters in data string to be wrapped. Reg x'16' = address of 2 byte transmit control field. where: Byte 0: Bit Bit Bit Bit O-BSC mode flag '-Pads sent flag 2-Start bit sent flag 3-sending stop bits flag Bi t Bit Bit Bit 4-un used 5-character service has been requested 6 lind '-number of stop bits per character Byte 1: Total number of data bits per character. Reg X'16' + 2 = address of 2 byte receive contro~ field. where: Byte 0: Bit O-BSC mode flag Bit 1-srn character received Bit 2-start bit received o Type 1 Scanner 1FT Bit 4-unused Bit 5-character service has been requested Bit 6 and Xl70SFAA 5.0.119 IBft 3105 CO""UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPB 1 COIIUNICATIORS SCANNER 1FT SYIPTOI INDEX BOUT. EBROR PUNCTION TESTED ERROR DBSCRIPTION COD! Bit 3-receiving stop bits 099-31058-09 SUSPECTED ClRD PROG fEALD fETnl LOCATION(s) RlSK PlG! P1G! Bit 7-nusber of stop bits per character CO""EHTS Byte 1: Total nUlber of data bits per character. Reg X'16' + q • address of 2 byte trans.it bit control field, where: Byte 0: Character currently being sent (shifted right by nUlber of bits sent so far) Byte 1: Nusber of bits of this character sent thus far Beg X'16' '. 6 .. address of 2 byte receive bit control field where: Byte 0: That portion of the current character received thus far (left-justified) Byte 1: Husber of bits of this character receive thus far Reg X'16' + 8 .. address of 2 byte translit character control field, where: Byte 0: Trans.it character buffer (next character to be sent) Byte 1: Displacement into data string of that character Reg X'16' + Byte 0: Byte 1: Reg X'16' + 10 (1'1') = address of 2 byte receive character control field, where: Receive character buffer (last complete character received) Displacesent into data string of what that character should be 34 (X'22') .. address of data string (63 bytes long saximum, 15CB Ol3E As each character is 1fter having completed received, ensure that it is assembling a character, tbe egual to the expected receive character received ( in reg. character. 1'13', byte 0) was compared to the character expected (in reg 1'15', byte 0) and the two were not identical. Continuing frOB tbis error will always cause a loop back to wrapping data. See cOlaents preceding error codes 0102, and tbis one. lSCB 0140 Ensure that a character service interrupt occurs fros both the transmit and receive lines at least every 500 li11iseconds. Par sase reason, either the transmit or receiYe lines or both bave stopped operating or never started. Look at the co~.on control area to see which is DOt running. Analyze the transmit and receive control fields to find out why. Look at such things as the pads sent, syn received, start bit sent, etc., flags. Continuing from tbis stop will always cause a loop back to wrapping data. See coa.ents preceding error codes 0102, and OXlE. 15CB 0142 Ensure that no bit service interrupts occur fros lines other than those being wrapped. An interrupt occurred fros a line other than the translit or receive lines. Reg 1'14' contains the address that interrupted. Continuing frol this stop Ifill cause a loop back to napping data. See comsents preceding error codes 0102 and OX3B. lSCE 0144 As each transmit bit service interrupt occnrs, ensure 'that no line errors are present. After a bit service interrupt from the transmit line, an IN 1'43' indicated an error. Beg 1'14' contains the results of the IN I'Q3'. Reg X' 15' contain. the bit. in error: 2188 Continuing fro. this stop will cause a loop' back to wrapping data. See co.uate preceding error codes 0102 and OX3E. t 5.0.12013705f11 ->- ,\ ;' Type 1 Scanner IFT f - ...., f ~ i. o o o o o IBM ~705 COMMONICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKKONleATIOSS SCANNBB 1FT SlKPTOft INDEX ROUT. BRROR FONCTION TBSTED CODB Byte 0: PBlLD PAGB PBT~ft PAGE COftftEMTS (Check SUll1ll8l:Y lIay be on because of a fesdback check, 0511 dl:opping, or a bit overrun) Bit 6-BTS dropped Byte 1: Bit O-CTS dropped Bit ~-TTY echo check occurre4 lSCE lSC! OX~6 OXlia Bach tiae a start bit is transmitted, ensure that no error conditions are present. (Start-stop lode only) Bach time a data bit is traDslitted, ensure that it vas indeed sent. IStart-stop lode only, After issu1ng an DOT X'43' to the translit 11ne (with data of X'OOOA') to send a start bit, an IU 1'43' indicated a failing condition. Beg. 1'14' contains the received IN X'43' data Ind reg. X'15' contains the bits 1n erro~ as described in error code OXqa, below. 2B80 After issuing an OOT X'43' to the transsit line to send a bit, an IN X'II3' indicated a failure. Beg X'lll' contains the results of the IN X'43' and reg. X'lS' contains the error bits: 2B80 'I Continuing frol this stop will cause a loop back to wrapping data. See co ••ents preceding erI:or codes OX02 and DUB. (Interface checi su •• ary lIay be on because of a feedback check, DSB dropping, OI: a bit overrun.) Bit 2-interface check suslary bit vas on Bit Ii-transmit lode dl:opped Bit 6-BTS dropped Bit 7-Send data failed :i Continuing froll thia atop will cause a loop back to wrapping data. See comsents preceding erI:or codes OX02 and OUB. Byte 0: "'.1 Byte 1: Bit O-CTS dropped c5CE OX4& Bach tile a stop bit is sent, ensure that no error conditions are present (start-stop sode). o o PBOG ftASK Bit Ii-trans lit sode bit reset in errol: '0, o o CABO LOCATION(s) SUS~BCTBD Bit 2-interface check summary bit vas on o o o o o BBBOB DESCRIPTION D99-3705B-09 After issuing an DOT X'~3' to the trans.it line with data of X'OOOB' to send a stop bit, an IB X'43' indicated a failure. Beg X'14' contains tbe IN X'43' data and reg X'lS' contains the error bits as described in error code OX4a, above. 2B80 Continuing frOID this stop vill cause a loop back to wI:apping data. See cOlDments preceding error codes 0102 and OIlB. lSCE OX4C As each pad bit is sent, ensure that no error conditions exist on the transait line. (Bisync mode only) After issuing an DOT X'43' to the transmit line to send a pad b1t, an IN 1'43' indicated a fa 1111I:8. !leg I' 14' contains the results of the IN X'~3' and reg X'lS' contains the bits in eI:ror as described in error code OX~8. 2880 Continuing frOID this stop will cause a loop back to wrapping data. see coa.ents preceding error codes 0102 and OX3B. ISCE OX4E As each data bit is sent, ensure that no error conditions are present on the trana.it line. IBisync only) After issuing an OUT X'43' to the transait line to send a data bit, an IN X'43' indicated a failing line condition. Beg 1'14' contains the results of the 18 X'q3' and reg X'lS' contains the bits in error as described in erI:or code 0148. 2B80 continuing frOID this stop will cause a loop back to wrapping data. See COIIlents preceding error codes 0102 and OX3E. Type 1 Scanner IPT X3705PA& 5.0.121 ---------~- ---~ () IBK 3705 CO""UHICATIONS COMTBO~~Bft TY~B 1 CO~KUHlcATloHS SCANNBft 1fT STKPTOK INPEX BOUT. ERBOR FUNCTION TBSTED CODE lSCE OX50 As each receive bit service interrupt occurs, ensure that no line errors are present. eaaOR DESCRIPTION After a bit service interrupt from the receive line, an IN X'43' 1ndicatdd an error on the line,. Reg X'14' contains the results of the 1M X'43' Reg X'lS' contains the bits in error: SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG "1SK 2810 Byte 0: Bit 2-Interface check sum.aty bit was on Bit 4-Transmit 80de hit was set in error. FEALD PAGE PETKK PAGE COUENTS Con tinuing from this stop will cause a loop back to wrapping data. See comments preceding error codes OX02 and OX3E. (Check summary may be on because of a feedback check, DSB dropping. or a bit overrun.) Byte 1: Bit 3-RLSD dropped lSCE 15CB Ox52 OXSq As the first bit of each character comes in, ensure that it is a space (start) bit. (start-stop mode only.) After each start bit is received, set the receive line to monitor mode 11 . to receive the rest of the character. (Start-stop lIode only.) After each start-stop character is received, the receive line i~ placed in monitor mode 10 to look for the next start bit. After the next interrupt, an IN X'43' indicated that receive data was not a space. Honitor • ode 10 should allow an an interrupt onlJ when receive data is a space or Dsa drops. Reg X'14' contains the results of the IN X'43'. 8000 After issuing an OUt I'Q2' to set the receive line to monitor mode 11, an IN I'Q2' failed to reflect the OUT 1'42'. Reg X'lQ' contains the results of the IN X'42'. Reg X'lS' contains the bits in error: PFFP ContinUing frolll this stop will cause a loop back to wrapping dat II. See comaents preceding error codes 0102 and OX3E • " Continuing from this stop will cause II loop back to wrappi n9 data. See comments preceding error codes 0102 and OX3E. I t may help to rerun routines indicated below. -", ~~ / Byte 0: Rerun lSIIE Bit 6-.ode bit failed to set Bit 7-lIode bit 2 failed Rerun lSS2 and lS5Q. Byte 1: Rerun 15110 Bit O-low priority bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit lSCE OXS6 Aftet all data bits of each character have come in, check that the proper number of stop bits are received. (Start-stop mode only.) set in error. 1-diagnostic 80de set in error 2-DTR dropped 3-synchronous mode bit failed II-external clock bit failed 5-data rate selector bit failed 6-oscillator select bit 1 failed 7-oscillator select bit failed After an entire character was received, one of the ensuing bits was not II mark (stop bit). Reg X'14' contains the data received by an IN 1'43' frail the receive control fields to determine which stop bit vas not received. The receive Rerun lS3C Rerun 1532 Berun 152A and lS2C Rerun 1536 and 1538 Berun 1S2E and 1530 Rerun 1SQ2 and l5Q4 Rerun lSII6 and lS48 8000 Continuing from this error stop IIill cause a loop back to wrapping data. See CQ.ments preceding error codes 0102 and OX3E. ( ~~ ) 5.0.122 X310SFAA Type 1 Scanner 1FT 10 o IBft 3705 COftftUHICATIONS CONTROLLER TIPE 1 COnftUHICATIONS SCANHBR 1fT SYftPTO" INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUHCTION TBSTED CODE o o lSCE OXS8 l5CE l5CB o PROG BASK PB1LO PAGE PETnn PAGE COBftENTS After issuing an OUT X'42' to set the receive line to lonitor sode 10, an 1M X'42' failed to reflect the OOT X'42'. Reg. X'14' contains the results c·f the IR X'42' and reg X'lS' contains the bits in error as described in errcr code 0154. Continuing fro. this error stop will cause a loop back to wrapping data. See cos.ents preceding error codes 0102 and 013E. OISA After baving asselbled an Before requesting the cbaracter continuing frol OX5C entire received character, request a cbaracter service interrupt. 10(5A is issued when in start-stop sode and OX5C is issued when in ' bisync 10de.1 service interrupt, a cbeck found tbat tbe previous character received bad not yet been serviced. Probably, tbe previous cbaracter service interrupt request was never honored. tliis stop 11111 cause a loop back to wrapping data. See COlments preceding error codes 0102 and OXlE. Try rerunning routines l5B3 through l5BC. 1500 XXXX Data Set Beady - Active (ftanual Intervention Boutine); Ensure that wben Data Set Ready is active on the communications line interface, it is indicated as being active in an IN 1'43'. (Tbe operator selects tbe particular line address to be tested.) After forcing a bit service interrupt froa the tested address, Data Terlinal Beady 1s set and a test is then sade to ensure that an II X'Q3' indicates that Data Set Ready is active. 15DO 0101 Bnsure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 1500 0102 15DO OX03 Bnsure tbat force bit service (OOT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 1500 OX04 Ensure that force bit service (OOT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. o o o o o SUSPBCTBO C1RO tOCATIOHlsl After an entire character, including stop bits, has been received, set sonitor lode 10 to wait for tbe start of tbe next character. Istart-stop lode only.) o o BBBOR DESCRIeTION control field contains the total expected stop bit count and the count portion of the receive bit control field contains the nusber of stop bits received thul far. D99-3705B-09 Ensure that the data terminal ready (DTR) bit in IN 1'42' can be set ,by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. Type 1 Scanner 1FT After attempting to force a 14P2, 14G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. ('11', un.asking level 2 interrupts and waiting the ti.e of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line. R5305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. B5306 85106 1-160 A-270 Pretest error. Berun routine 1532. After attempting to force a 14P2, 14G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'47') from the line IBCB) address in Beg. 1'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tiae of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. RS305 1-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. After attempting to force a Y4f2, 14G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT,X'47') fro. the line (BCB) address in Beg. 1'11', unmaskiqg legel 2 interrupts and 05305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. Either the DTB bit failed to Y4G2 set or other bits in 1ft X'Q2' 14B2 were set in error. Beg. 1'11' contains the lins (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'1S 1 contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a OTB bit failure.) Reg. 1'14' contains tbe actual data received by III 1'42'. 03PP 13705Pll 5.0.123 IBK 3705 COHKONICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKKONICATIOHS SCANNBD 1FT SYKPTOK IHDEX BOOT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION waiting the ti.e of a scanner pas's. no bit sen ice interrupt occurred fro. that line. D99-37058-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG HASK FBALD P1GE FETH" PlGB COHBBHTS 0020 8Sl07 A-200 Test error. Problem say be in the CS. LIB. or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a ~IB, try replacing the LIB isolation card. If only one line fails. failuIe is in the associated line interface. 1500 0105 Ensure that when data set ready is active on the co •• unications line interface. it is so indicated in an IN X'43'. 1501 XIXX Autocall EIA test (Hanual Intervention Routine): Insure that all auto call EIA Receivers and drivers can be activated at the communications line interface. (The operator selects the particUlar liQe address to be tested.) After forcing a bit service interrupt fro. the line under test. each autocall interface line in turn is set on and one interface line is tested to see if it is up. If the line is up the prograa steps to the next pair of interface lines. If the interface line is not up. the prograa stops with a Hanual Intervention code telling the operator which line to bring up. NOTE: 15D1 1501 15D1 1501 OxO' OX02 OX03 OX04 Digits HB8. NB4. NB2. and NBRl are turned on eaph time except when that individual Digit is being tested. This keeps all the EIA lines down except the line being tested. Insure that force bit lervice (OOT X' 47') CQUUUN a bit lervice interrupt frON the line address under test. Insure that Call Bequest can be set with a Qut 1'43' Insure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. lnaure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 5.0.124 x3705FAA An IN X'43' failed to indicate Y4G2 that Data Set Beady was active. (Byte 1. bit 2 was on and should have been of,i'.) Reg. 1'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. After attemptinq to force a bit latvico llvol 2 interrupt (fia OUT 1'47') froe the line Y4G2 8S305 A-330 1-040 ~retest 8S307 A-200 Test error. Problem Bay be in CSt lib. or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a lib. try replacing the lib isolation card. If only one line fails failure is in the associated line interface. (eCB) address in Reg. X'11' • unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass. no bit service interrupt occurred froe that line. ln IN '43' indicated that bits Y4G2 set in error or failed to set because of the output X'43'. Reg X'1S' contains the bits in error. Reg 1'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. OFOB After attempting to force a Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUi 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit seryice interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 Atter attempting to forco 8 YQ02 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') froa the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11'. unmasking le,el 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass. no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. RSl05 A-330 A-OqO error. Penn ,outinG 1512. ~retest error. Rerun routine 1512. .' "- , \" ,., " ,f; ,v " ',,<-j' A-JJO A-040 error. Rerun routine 1512. ~roto8t '~ ~ .. - '-, '\.7 Type 1 Scanner 1FT C' f, \. :{ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o tnM no', CUIIHIIUCAT lOlIO CUA1'IWLI.III TYPE 1 C088UNICATIONS SCANN2k I'T SY"PTU8 INDEX 'ROU'I:. EIIROR I'UNC'l:IOII "rESTEDI, " CODE , ,1~01 OX05 Insure that Pover Indicator can be set with II Out X'q3' D99-37052-09 S~SPEC"rED CARD ;R~9B,OEsen~PTI~N Lo'd'l\XOlilsl An IN 'Q3' indicated that bits Y4G2 set in error or failed to set because of the Output X'43'. Reg X'15' contains the bits in error. Reg X'14' contains the received III ~'Q3' data. Reg. X'll' contains the line address under teat. PROG IIASK OF08 PAGE aS307 A-200 Test error. Problem may be in CS, lib, or line interf~ce. try testing other lines. I f ' failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replacing the lib isolation card. It only one line fails failure is in the associated Une interface. OF08 BS307 A-200 Test error. Problem aay be in CS, lib, or line interface. 'l:ry testing other lines. I f failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replacing the lib isolation card. If only one line fa ils failure is in the associated line 1ntetface. FEltD FEtll1l COIIIIEIIIJ!S PAGE 1501 OX06 Insure that Digit Present can be set with a Out X' 43' An 18 '43' indicated that bits rQG2 set in error or failed to set because of the Output X'43'. Beg X'15' contains the bits in error. Reg X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. lIeg. X'11' contains the line address under test. 15Dl OX07 Insure that force bit service (OOT X' 47') causes a bit 'sen ice interrupt froll the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OD'I X' 47") froll the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the tiee of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froe that line. 85305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 1501 0108 Insure that force bit service (OU'I: X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. lfter attempting to force a Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OD~ X'47') frOB the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. 1501 OX09 Insure that DLO can be set vith II Out X'43' An IN '43' indicated that bits r4G2 set in error or failed to set because of the Output X'43'. Reg X'lS' contains the bits in error. Reg X'14' contains the received IN X'Q3' data. Reg. X'll' contains the line address under test. or08 85307 A-200 Test error. Probln uy be in CS, lib, or line interface. try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replacing the lib isolation card. If only one line fails failure is in the associa ted line intel:face. lsDl OXOA Insure that Digit IIBB 8 can be set vith a Out X' Q3' An IN '43' indicated that bits set in error or failed to set because of the output X'43'. Rag X'15' contains the bits in OF08 85307 A-200 ~est error. Problell lIay be ill CS, lib, or line interface. o 'l:ype 1 Scanner 1FT !4G2 X3705FAA 5.0.125 IBft 31Q5 COftftUHICATIOHS CONTROLLER TlPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODB 1501 OXOC ERROR DBSCRIPTION error. Reg X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. D99-3705E-0'l SUSfECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG "1SK PEALD PAGB PETNK PAGB A-330 1-040 COMMENTS Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replacing the lib isola tion card. If only one line fails failure is in tbe associated Une interface. Insure that force bit service (ODT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUi X'47') from tbe line (BCB) address in Beg. X'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 8S305 8S305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. Pretest error. Berun rQutine 1512. 1501 OXOE Insure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUt X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrapts aod vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occarred from that line. 1501 OX10 Insure that PHD can be set with a Out X'43' An IN 'Q3' indicated that bits Y4G2 set in error or failed to set because of the output X'43'. Reg X'15' contains the bits in error. Beg X'lq' contains the received IN X'43' data. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. OF08 B5307 A-200 Test error. Problem uy be in C5, lib, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to II lib, try replacing the lib isolation card. If only one line fails failure is in the associated line interface. 1501 OX12 Insure that Digit HBR 4 can be set with a Out 1'43' An IN 'Q3' indicated that bits YQG2 set in error or failed to set because of the Output X'Q3'. Beg X'15' contains the bits in error. Reg X'1Q' contains the received IN X'Q3' data. Beg. X'11' contains the line address under test. OP08 58212 1-200 Test error. Problem lIay be in CS, lib, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replaCing thll lib isolation card. If only one line fails failure is in the associated line interface. ( .\.... 1501 OX14 Insure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 5.0.126 X3105F11 After attempting to force a YQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X' 11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 85305 A-330 A-OQO Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. Type 1 Scanner 1FT \ le IBII 3705 COIIIIUNICATIONS COHTROLLBR TYPS 1 COIIIIUBICATIOIS SCANNBR 1FT SYIIPTOft INDBX ROOT. BRROR PURCTION TESTED CODB ,SOl OX,6 Insure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. o o EBBoa DESCBIPTION After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrUpt (via OUi 1'47') frol the line (BCB) address in Reg. I'll', unlasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the ti.e of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. D99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED C1BD LOCA'1'IOII (s) !4G2 PROG IIIISJ( FEUD PET II II nGE PAGE RS305 A-330 11-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 15Dl 0118 Insure that Abandon Call can be set with a Out X'43' ln IN '43' indicated that bits Y4G2 set in error or failed to set because of the Output X'43'. Reg X',5' contains the bits in error. Reg X"4' contains the received IN 1'431 data. Beg. X'11' contains the line address under test. OF08 RS307 11-200 Test error. Problem uy be in CS, lib, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appeus to be isolated to a lib, try replacing the lib isolation cud. If only one line faUs failure is in the associated line interface. lSD' OXIA Insure that Digt HBR 2 can be set with a Out 1'43' An IN '43' indicated that bits Y4G2 set in error or failed to set because of the output 1'43'. Beg 1"5' contains the bits in error. Reg X"4' contains the received 18 1'43' data. Beg. X'l" contains the line address under test. OP08 BS307 11-200 Test error. Problem may be in CS, lib, or line interface. Try tes,ting other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replacing tbe lib isolat10n card. If only one line fails 'failure is in the associated line interface. 15DI 011C Insure that force bit service (ODT X'41') causes a bit service irterrupt fro. the line address under test. After attempting to force a !4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. I'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. RS305 A-330 11-040 Pretest err.or. Rerun rOQt~ne 1512. 15D1 OXIE Insure that forse bit' service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. lfter attempting to forse a rqG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUi 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. I'll', unsasting level 2 interrupts and waiting the tile of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 11-330 11-040 petest error Rerun routine 1512. 1501 OX20 Insure that COS can be set with a Out X'43' An IN '43' indicated that bits t4G2 set in error or failed to set because of the Output 1'43'. Reg 1'15' contains the bits in error. Reg X'14' contains the received IN 1'43' data. Beg. 1'11' contains tbe line address under test. RS307 A-200 Test error. Problem .ay be in CS, lib, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replacing the lib isolation cud. If only one line fails failure is in o o o o o o o o e ie i. COIIIIEIiTS Type , Scanner IPT OP08 X3705PIIII 5.0.127 ~ IB! 3705 COftftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 CO""UNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX ReCT. ERBOR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION 099-3705E-09 SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PBOG ftASK FEALD PAGE PET!ft PAGE COftftENTS the associated line interface. 1501 OX22 Insure that Digit NBB 1 can be set with a Out 1'43' An IN 'q3' indicated that bits yqG2 set in error or failed to set because of the Output X'Q3'. Reg X'15' contains the bits in error. Reg X'1Q' contains the received IN X'Q3' data. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. 1501 0124 Insure that force bit service (OUT 1'~7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 1501 0126 1501 RS307 1-200 After attempting to force a Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 A-330 Pretest error. A-OQO' Rerun routine 1512. Insure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') froa the line (BCIll address in Reg. X' 11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froa that line. RS305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. OX28 Insure that Data Line Occpied can be set with a Au IN '43' indicated that bits set in error or failed to set bexause of the Output 1'43'. Reg 1'15' contains the bits in error. Reg X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. Beg. X'11' contains the line address under test. BS307 A-200 Test error. Problem aay be in CS, lib or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replacing the :",', lib isolation ' card. If only one line fails failure is in the associated line interface. 1502 XXXX Data Set Ready - Inactive (ftanual Intervention Boutine): Ensure that when Data set Ready is inactive on the communications line interface, it is indicated as being inactive in an IN X'~3'. (The operator selects the particular line address to be tested.) After forcing a bit service interrupt from the tested address, Data Terminal Ready is set and a test is then aade to ensure that an IN X'Q3' indicates that Data Set Ready is inactive. 15D2 OX01 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'Q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After att~pting to force a YQF2, Y4G2 bit servi~e level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15D2 0102 Ensure that the data terminal ready (DTR) bit Either the DTR bit failed to set or other bits in IN x'Q2' Y~G2 YQG2 Y~E2 OPOB OPOB 03PP !est error. Problem may be in CS, lib, or line interface. Try testing other lines. I f failure appears to be isolated to a lib, try replacing the lib isolation card. I f only one line fails failure is in the associated line interface. RS305 1-330 1-0QO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. RS306 RS106 1-160 1-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine " .~ 5.0.112B X3705FAA - Type 1 Scanner 1FT ( \0 !{ :~ / ~ o o o o o o o o o o IBft 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COaftUNICATIONS SCANNBR 1FT SYHPTOM INDiX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE in IN X'q2' can be set by issuing OOT X'Q2' with byte " bit 2 on. 1>99-3105E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION were set in error. Reg .• X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. 8eg. X'15' contains the bits in error·. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a DTR bit failure.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG MASK FEALD PAGE FETM" PAGE connENTS XlI X'Q2'. 1502 OX03 '~02 OXO~ . Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'Q7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'47') from the line (BCB) address in lleg. 1 '11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the ti.e of a scanner pass, no bit service intetrapt occurred from that line. R5305 A-330 A-OijO Ptetest error. llerun routine 1512. Dn_url thnt torol bit ACtor attompt1ng to tOlOO Q bit lorvicQ 1evo1 2 lnturrupt DUJ05 A-330 A-OqO PCltout .tror. RS307 A-200 Test error. Problem may be in the CS, LIB, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a LIB, try replacing the LIB isolation card. If only one line fails, failure is in the aasociated line intez:hce. service (OUT 1'47'1 OaUSOR 1\ bit service interrupt trolll the line addrese under test. ¥~r2, YQ02 (via OUT x' Q7') froll the line (BC~ addross in ~eg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no b1t eervice interrupt oocurrea trom ihat 11nft. OX05 Ensure that when data set ready is inactive on the communications line interface, it is so indicated in an III X'43'. 15Dij XXXX Carrier Detect - Active (Manual Intervention Routine): Ensure that when carrier detect is'a~tive on the communications line interface, i t is indicated as being active in an IN X'II3'. (The operator selects the particular line address to be tested.) After forcing a bit service interrupt from the tested address, Data Ter.inal aeady is set and a test is then lade to ensure tbat an IN X'43' indicates tbat carrier detect is active. 15Dij OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'Q7'1 causes a bit service interrupt from the line addres~ under test. After attempting to force a YijF2, YQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in lleg. X" l' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15D~ OX02 Ensure that the data terminal ready (DTR) bit in IN X' Q2' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. EithEr the DTR bit failed to YijG2 set or other bits in IN X'42' Y4E2 were set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCS) address under test. Beg. 1'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a D~R bit failure .. ) Reg .• X'H' contains the actual data received by INX'ij2'. 1504 OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'Q7') Causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'1I7') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', fl·':·, An IN 1'43' failed to indicate YQG2 that Data Set Ready was inactive. (Byte 1, bit 2 was off and shOUld have been on.) lleg. X'1Q' contains the received IN X'I13' data. Reg. X'11' contains the line address 'under test. 0020 I: I, ~ o o norun routlnu 1512. 1502 ',', o 1532. "'If Type 1 Scanner IFT YIIF2, Y4G2 03FF a5305 A-330 A-OliO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 85306 R5106 A-160 1-270 PretEst error. Rerun routine 1532. R5305 A-330 A-OQO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. X3705FAA 5.0.129 ;1-- ) ,_i IBft 3105 CO"nUHICATIONS CONTROLLER 1 COnRUHICATIOHS SCANNER 1FT SynPTOn INDEX 099-31058-09 TY~! ROUT. IRROR FUNCTION TESTED COOE 1504 1504 0104 0105 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'41', causes a bit service interrupt fro. the line address under test. Ensure that vhen cal!rier detect is active on the co •• unications line interface, it is so indicated in an In I' III ' • EBROR DESCRIPTION unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting tbe time of a scanner paas, no bit .ervtce lnterrupt occurred from that line. SUSPECTED C1RD LOCATION Is' PROG nASK After attempting to force a Y4P2, 14G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'41', frol tbe line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1n IN 1'43' failed to indicate Y4G2 that carrier detect vas active. (Byte 1, bit 2 was off and should have been on.) Beg. X'14' contains the received IN 1'43' data. Beg. X'11' contains the line address under test. PEALD PAGE PETn" PAGB CO"nBNTS BS305 A-330 1-040 Pret est error. Berun routi ne 1512. " 0020 B5307 A-200 T,est error. Problem .ay be in the CS, tIB, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a LIB, try replacing tbe LIB isolation card. If Only on. Une faU., hUIIt. 11 in tile I18soc1ll ted lloe loterface. 1506 XXXI Carrier oetect - Inactive (ftanual Intervention Boutine): Ensure that when carrier detect is inactive on tbe communications line interface, it is indicated as being inactive in an IN X'~3'. (The operator selects tbe particular line address to be tested., After forCing a bit service interrupt from the tested address, Data Terminal Beady is set and a test is tben made to ensure that an II 1'43' indicates that carrier detect is inactive. 1506 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OOT 1'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, ¥4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUi X'47', from the line (BCB) address in Beg. I'll', unmasking level 2 interrapts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 1506 OX02 Ensure that the data terminal ready (DTR) bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuinq OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. Either the DTa bit failed to ,!4G2 set or other bits in IN X'42' !4£2 were set in error. Reg. 1",' contains tbe line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the, bits in error,. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a DTB bit failure.) Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by IN X'Q2'. 1506 OX 03 Ensure t ha t force bi t service (OOT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 1506 0104 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'41', causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 5.0.130 X3105PAA B5305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 15 12 • B5306 BS106 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Berun routine 1532. After attempting to force a 14P2, t4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT 1'41') fIom the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking le,el 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. B5305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. After attempting to force a 14F2, 14G2 bit ser,ice level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'41" from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner R5305 1-330 1-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 15,2. 03ff Type 1 Scanner 1FT , " ;y / (~ ___ ;t ~BII 3105 COIIIIUNICUIONS CONTRO'1LER TYPE 1 COKKONlcATIONS SCANNER 1Ft SYIIPTOII INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE D99-3705E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (s) PROG IIASK FEALD' FETIII! PAGE PAGE COI!IIENTS Y4G2 0010 R5307 ~est error. Problem may be in the CS, LIB, or line interface. ~ry testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a LIB, try replacing the LIB isolation card. If only one line fails, failure is in the associated line interface. 1506 OX05 Ensure that when carrier detect is inactive on the communications line interface, it is so indicated in an IN X'43'. 15DS XXXX Beceive Data - Space (llanual Intervention Routine): Ensure the communications line interface, received data lead is on the particular line address to be tested.) After forcing a address, Data Terminal Ready is set and a test is then made that received data lead is on. 1508 OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attemptillg to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via DOT X'47') from the line (BC~ address in Reg. X'tl', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. Ensllre that the data terminal ready (OTR) bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. Either the DTR bit failed to Y4G2 set or other bits in IN X'42' t4E2 vere set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a OTR bit failure.) Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by IN X'42'. 1508 0102 An IN X'43' failed to indicate that carrier detect was inactive. (Byte 1, bit 2 was on and should have been off.) Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. Reg" X'11' contains the line address under test. A-200 that when receive data is a space on in all IN X'Q3'. (The operator selects bit service interrupt from the tested to ensure that an IN X'43' indicates RS305 A-330 1-040 pretest error. Rerun routine 15 '2. 03FF R5106 A-160 1·270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1532. R5306 15D6 OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt froa the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OU~ 1'41') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'1", unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. R5305 1-330 1-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 1508 OX04 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCR) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 15D8 OX05 Ensure that when receive data is a space on the communications 1ille illterface, received data lead is on in an IN X'43'. An IN X'43' failed to show received data lead on. (Byte 0, bit 3 was off and should have been on.) Reg. 1'14' contains the received IN X'43' data and reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. 85307 A-200 Test error. problem may be in the CS, LIB. or line interface Try testing other lines. If failur appears to be isolated to a LIB Type 1 Scanner 1FT Y4G2 1000 X3105FAA 5.0.131 IBK 3705 COHMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER 1 CO""UHICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX D99- 37052- 09 TY~E ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(S) PROG KASK PEALO PAGE PET"K PAGE lS0A XXXX Receive Data - Hark ("anual Intervention Routine): Enijure that when receive data is a mark on the communications line interface, receiVed data lead is off in an IN X'1I31.. (The operator selects the particular line address to be tested.) After forcing a bit service interrupt from the tested address, Data Terminal Ready is set and a test is then made to ensure that an IN X'~3' indicates that received data lead is off. . lS0A OXOl Ensure that force bit service (OOT 1'41') causes Ii bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a XIIF2, XIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUt X'47') from the line (BCB) address in lIeg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15DA OX02 Ensure that the data terminal ready (OTR) bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OOT X'42' with byte " bit 2 on. Either the OTII bit failed to XqG2 set or other bits in IS X'4a' YIIE2 were set in error. lIeg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a DTH bit failure.) Reg. l'lQ' contains the actual data received by IN X'Q2'. . lS0A OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 15DA OX04 lS0A 150C OX05 COnKENT5 try replacing the LIB isolation card. If only one line fails, failure is in the associated line interface. R5305 A-330 1-0QO P~test error. Berun routine 15 12. B5306 R5106 A-160 1-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1532. After attempting to force a XQP2, YQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in lIeg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. aSJOS 1-330 1-0QO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'1I7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a XQF2, YQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'Q7') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. 1'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from t~at line. RS305 A-330 A-OliO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. Ensure that when receive data is n mark on the communications line interface, received data lead is off in an IN 1'43'. An IH 1'43' failed to show received data lead off. (Byte 0, bit 3 was on and sbould have been off.) Reg. X'1Q' contains the received IN X'43' data and reg. X'll' contains the line address under test. YQG2 03FF ' .. ./ 1000 R5301 1-200 Test error. Problem may be in the C5, LIB, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failuu appears to be isolated to a LIB, try replacing the LIB isolation card. If only one line fails, failure is in the associated line interface. "'. ,- XXX X Bing Indicator - Active (Kanual Intervention lIolitine): Ensure tbat when rinq indicator is active on the cOlllllunications line interface, it is indicated as being active in an IN X'Q3'. (The operator 5.0.132 X3705FAA Type 1 Scanner 1FT .{ ./ / . o o o o o o o o o IBM 3705 COKauNtqATIOij~ qONTROLL~R TYf2 1 conKuHICATIONS SCARNED 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CABD PROG PEALD PETMM COMMENTS CODE LOCATION(S) MASK PAGE fAGE selects the particular line address to Ile tested.) Aftex: forcing a bit service interrupt from the tested address, Data Tex:minal Ready is set and a test is then .ade to ensure that an IN X'43' indicates that ring indicator is active. 150C OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT 1'41') cause~ a bit se.rv ice interrupt f~'om the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14F2, 14G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB)' address in Reg. X'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that ,line. 1SDC OX02 Ensure that the data terminal ready (DTa) bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. Either the DTR bit failed to Y4G2 set or other bits in IN X'42' JIIE2 were set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'l~' contains the bits in error. (Byte I, bit 2 on indicates a DTR bit failure.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by IN X'42'. lSDC OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. l5DC OX04 15DC 85305 A-330 &-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. RS306 RS106 &-160 A-210 Pretest error. Rerun routines 1532. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'41') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. 1'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 &-330 &-040 Pretest error. Rerun routi ne 1512. Ensux;e that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14F2, 14G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT 1'41') from the line (BCB) address in Reg_ X'11'. unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. R5305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. OXOS Ensure that when ring indicator is active on the communications line interface, it is so indicated in an IN X'43'. An IN %'43' failed to indicate Y4G2 that ring indicator was active. (Byte 1, bit 1 was off and should have been on,.) Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. Reg- X'11' contains the line address under test. RS301 &-200 Test error. Problem lIay be in the CS, LIB, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a LIB, try replacing tbe LIB isolation card. If only one line fails. failure is in the associated line interface. 15DE XXIX Ring Indicator - Inactive (Hanual Intervention Routine): Ensure that when ring indicator is inactive on the communications line intex:face, it is indicated as being inactive in an IN X'1I3'. (The operator selects the particular line address to be tested.) After forcing a bit service interrupt from the tested address, Data Terminal Ready is set and a test 1s then made to ensure that an IN X'43' indicates that ring indicator is inactive. 15DE QK01 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 03FF I o o o o o o o o o Type 1 Scanner 1FT After attempting to force a t4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'41') from the line (BCBI address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and 0040 BS305 A-330 1-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. X3105PAA 5.0.133 1 IB~ Tr~E 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER 1 COMMUNIC1TIONS SCANNeR 1FT SYMPTOM INOEX ROUT., ERROR FUNCTION TESTEO COOE ERROR DESCRIPTION waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 099- 37 05E- 09 SUSPECTED CARO LOCATION(s) PROG ~ASK FEALD PAGE FETMft PAGE COftKENTS RS306 R5106 A-160 1-270 PretEst error. Rerun routine 1532. 150E OX02 Ensure that the data terminal ready (OTH) bit in IN X'42' can ~e set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. 150E OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in fleg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and , waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. BS305 1-330 1-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 150E OX04 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'~7') causes a bit service in~errupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUt X'41') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 85305 A-330 A-040 pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. An IN X'43' failed to indicate that ring indicator was inactive. (Byte 1, bit 1 was on and should have been off.) Beg. X'14' contains the received IN 1'43' data. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. Either the OTa bit failed to Y4G2 set or other bits in IN X'42' 14E2 were set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a OTR bit failure.) Reg,. X'14' contains the actual data received by IN X'42'. Y4G2 03FF 150E OX05 Ensure that when ring indicator is inactive on the cOlmunications line interface, it is so indicated in an IN X'43'. 15EO XXXX Clear to S~nd (Manual Intervention Soutine): Ensure that Clear to Send in IN X'43' correctly indicates the state of clear to Send on the communications line interface. (The operator selects the line address to be tested.) After forcing a bit service interrupt from the tested line address, Data Terminal Ready, transmit mode, send data, and Bequest to Send are set. A test is then made to ensure that Clear to Send became active within 30 seconds. Request to send is then dropped, and a test =ade to ensure that Clear to Send drops within 5 seconds. send drops within 5 seconds. 15EO OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 15EO OX02' Ensure that the data terminal ready (DTR) bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. 5.0.134 X3105FAA 0040 After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'll', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrUpt occurred from that line. Either the OTR bit failed to Y4G2 set or other bits in IN X'42' 14E2 were set in error. Reg. X'll' contains the line (5CS) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains 03FF B5307 A-200 / Test error. Problem may be in the CS, LIB, or line interface. Try testing other lines. It failure appears to be isolated to a LIB, try replacing the LIB isolation card. I f only one line fails, failure is in the associated line interface. 85305 1-330 A-OliO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. RS306 85106 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1532. Type 1 Scanner 1FT 1~ ''!c, ,t .~ o o o o left 3705 COKftDNICATIOWS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 CO~~UNICATIOHS 099-3705£-09 SCANNER 1FT SYKPT06 INDEX ROUT. ERBOB PUNCTION TBSTBD CODB BBROR DESCRIPTION the bits in error_ (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a DTR bit failure.) Beg. X'14' contains the actual data received by lH 1'42'. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) o 15£0 OX03 o o Bnsure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the Une address under test. After attempting to force a Y4P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 intsrrupt (via OUT 1'47'1 from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and vaiting tbe time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15BO OXOij Ensure that transmit mode, send data (mark), and Bequest to Send have been set in the line interface under test. After issuing an OOT 1'43' with Y4Gl data of I'OOOB', an 1ft X'43' indicated that the expected bits were not set. Reg. X'1_' cQntains the recei.ed 1M X'43' data and reg. 1'15' indicates the bits that vere not set: Byte 0: Bit 4-transmit .ode Bit 6-Request to Send Bit 7-send data o o o ,0' OBOO FBALD PAGB FETa! PAGE CO!HENTS 85305 1-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. B5308 A-200 Test error. Rerun appropriate routine as shown below. Beg. X'11' contains the line address under test, i f needed. Rerun routine 151A Rerun routine 1526 Rerun routine 1522 15BO 0105 Bnsure that force bit service (OOT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to fo~ce a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit se~vice level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'41') from the line (Be B) address in Beg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the ti.e of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. R5305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. 15BO 0106 Bnsure that force bit service (OOT l'ij7') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, 14G2 bit se~Yice level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47'I f~om the line (BCB) address in Beg. J'11', unmasking le.el 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit se~vice interrupt occurred from that line. B5305 A-330 A-a40 Pretest error. Rerun routine 15'2. 15BO 0107 Ensure that vhen clear to send is active on tbe co.munications line interface, it is so indicated in an IN 1'43'. An 1M 1'43' failed to indicate that Clear to Send vae active. (Byte 1, bit 0 vas on and should have been off.) Reg. X'14' contains the recei.ed IB 1'43' data. Reg. 1'11' contains tbe line address under test. R5J07 A-200 Test error. Problem l8y bot in the CS, LIB, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appe.rs to be isolated to a LIB, try. replacing the LIB isolation card. If only one line fails, failure is in the associated line interface. 15BO 0108 Bnsure that force bit service (OUT 1'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. Afte~ attempting to force a 14P2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BCBI address in Beg_ X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 1-330 1-0110 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. 15BO OX09 Bnsure that force bit After attempting to force a R5305 A-330 Pretest error. :1 o o o PROG BASK Y4G2 0080 e Type 1 Scanner IPT 1370.5FAA 5.0.135 f) 18K 3705 COKKUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMKUNICATI0NS SCANNB8 1FT SYHPTOH 10D$X D99-3105E-09 ROUT,. ERROR FUNCTION 'rESTED CODE service (OUT 1'41') causes II bit service interrupt from the line address under test. ERROR DESCRIPTION 15EO OX10 Ensure that when clear to send is inactive on the communications line interface, it is so indicated in an IN X'43'. An IN X'43' failed to indicate Y4G2 that Clear to send vas inactive. (Byte 1, bit 0 was off and shou Id have been on.) Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data. Reg. X'11! contains the line address under test,. 15E4 XIXX New Sync Active (Hanual Intervention Routine): This routine sets the new sync bit and leaves it active so that it can be checked externally on the communications line interface. (The operator selects the line address to be tested.) 15E4 OXOI Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. bit service level 2 interrupt (via PUT X'47') from the line (BCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred frol that line. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (s) PROG IIASK FEUD FETIIII PAGE PAGE COIIIIENTS 1-040 Rerun routine 1512. A-200 Test error. Problem may be in the CS, LIB, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to II LIB, try replacing the LIB isolation card. If only one line fails, failure is in the associated line interface. :. J .1' After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (BeB) address in Reg. I'll', unmasking ~evel 2 interrupts and "\oa; t1ng thtl ti~e of a scanner ' pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15E4 0102 Ensure that the data terminal ready (OTR) bit in IN X'42' can be set by issuing OOT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. Either the OTa bit failed to Y4G2 set or other bits io IN X'42' 1482 were set in error. Reg. x'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Reg. X'15' contains the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a DTR bit failure.) Reg. 1'14' contains the actual data received by IN 1'42'. 15E4 OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. 15Eq OX04 Ensure that the new sync/NBR-4 bit in IN X'43' can be set by issuing an OOT X'43' with byte I, bit 5 on. 5.0.136 X3705FAA 0080 RS301 aS305 A-330 A-OqO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. ',- 031'1' RS306 liS 106 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1532. After attempting to force a Y4F2, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') from the line (eCB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. RS305 A-330 A-04Q Pretest error. aerun routine 1512. Either the new sync/NBR-4 bit failed to act correctly or other bits turned on in error in the IN X'43'. 8eg. X'11' contains the line (BeB) address under test. Reg. X'1S' contains the bits in error. (Byte 0, bit 5 indicates a Dew 61oc/N88-4 bit error.) Reg X'14' contains the actual data RS308 RS106 A·200 A-290 Test error. The problem is probabl y in the associated line interface~ (See General Comment, 13.) I f otller bits are in error also, some kind of interaction occurred. Type 1 Scanner 1FT ~/ o o o o o o o o o o - .. -... , 1Bft 3705 call SUNICATIONS CONUOI,LBB ~lPB 1 COftftUHIC1TIOHS SClNNEB Ir~ 5¥~PToa INDEX ROUT. ERROR pOHCTIOH TISTED COD! . D99-3705B-09 SOSPBCTED ClRD LOCATIO. lSI PROG ftASK PEALD PAGE FETIIII PAGE XXXX Telegraph Ecbo Check (llanual Intervention ROutine): After the operator has selected the address to test and has indicated whether or not the telegraph cOMMunications line is connected to the interface or not, a test is made for tbe proper condLtion of %elegrapb ecbo check when a Mark is transd tted. 15E6 OXOl Bnsure that force bit service (OUT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After atteMpting to force a 14P2, X4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'47') frOM the line (BCBI address in Beg. 1'11', unaasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred froe tbat line. 15E6 OX02 ansure that an OOT X'42' has set sode 11 and has properly selected an oscillator. After stopping the scanner and issuing an OOT X'42', an IN X'42' indicated that eode 11 was not set or the proper oscillator select bits vere not set (or other bits vere set in error). Beg. 1'14' contains the actual data receiYed by the IN X'42' Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 6-lode bit failed to set~ Bit 7-Mode bit 2 failed to set .• Byte 1: Bit O-lov priority set in error. Bit 1-diagnostic vrap lode set in error. Bit 2-Data Terminal Beady set in error. Bit 3-synchronous lode set in error. Bit II-external clock bit set in errOE. Bit 5-data rate select bit set in error. Bit 6-oscillator select bit 1 failed to set or vas set in error. Bit 7-oscillator select bit 2 failed to set or was set in error. 1586 OX03 Ensure that the transmit line has properly been set to transMit aode and tbat send data is a .ark. Type 1 Scanner 1FT Following an OUT X'43' with data of I'OOOB' to set send data, Bequest to Send, and transmit lode, an IN X'43' indicated either one of thea failed to set or a feedback check occurred. Beg. X'14' contains the received 1M 1'43' data and reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Byte 0: Bit 1-a feedback check occurred. Bit 4-transmit mode COIIIIEHTS If byte 0, bit 5 is on in both oeg. X'14' and X'15', the line address tested was a start stop interface and the new sync/HBB-4 bit set and should not have. 15E6 o o ERBoa DESCRIPTION received by the IN 1'43'. o o o o o o o ---- ~.------"-------. i5305 03FF A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. A-150 Pretest error, Berun routines specified below. Reg. X'11' contains the line address under test. Berun routine 154E. RerOn routine 1552 Y4G2 B5304 A-170 14G2 RS304 A-170 Y4G 2 B5304 A-nO X4G2 BS306 &-160 14G2 R5306 1-160 Y4G2 BS306 A-160 14G2 RS306 A-160 Berun routines 15U and 154C. Berun routines 153& and 153C. Rerun routines 1532 and 1534. RerUn routines 152A and 152C. Berun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152E and 1530. Berun routines 1542 and 1544. f4G2 R5306 A-16O r4G2 BS306 &~160 r4G2 RS306 A-160 Rerun routines 1546 and 1548. A-200 Pretest error. Berun appropriate routine as given belovo (If needed, reg. 1'11' contains line address under test.) RS202 A-180 R5308 A-laO Rerun routines 157A and 157c. Berun routines 14G2 4900 X3705FAA 5.0.137 rf t ~j! IRK 3105 COKKUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 CO""ORIClTIONS SCANNER 1FT SY~PTOK INDEX ROUT. EaaOR FUNCTION TESTED CODE D99-3705E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION Is) PROG IIA511 failed to set. Sit 5-New sync was set in error Bit 6-Request to send faUed to set Bit 7-send data failed to set. FEALD PAGE FET/III PAGB R5308 A-180 RS308 A-180 R5308 15E6 OXOq Ensure that the first oscillator has created a strobe and caused a bit service level 2 interrupt from the tested line. After having set monitor mode 11 to allow normal bit service requests, selecting oscillator 0, starting the scanner and waiting up to 30 milliseconds for a bit service level 2 interrupt fro. the line under test, none occurred. 15E6 OX05 Ensure that carrier detect is up on the tested address and that none of the bits previously set have dropped. Atter allowing an interrupt to yqG2 stop the scanner, an IN X'43' indicated that carrier detect was not up on the line under test or other bits had dropped. Reg. X'14' contains the received IN X'43' data and reg. X'1S' indicates which bits were in error: Syte 0: Sit q-transmit mode dropped,. Bit 6-Bequest to Send (lropped,. Bit 1-send data was no longer a mark,. Byte 1: Bit 3-carrier detect was net up. OS10 After sending a mark to an installed telegraph line an echo check should not have occurred and did (or if the line was not installed, an echo check did not occur). Echo check is byte 1, bit q an IN X'43'. Reg. X'1q' contains the expected condition of echo check. OOBO Y4H2 BS401 COIIIIENTS 151A and 1S1C. Rerun routi nes 1518 and 1520 Rerun routine 1526. Rerun routines 1522 and 152q.• A-250 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1580. A-200 Test error. Berun appropriate routines as given below. IReg .• X'11' contains line address under test.) BS308 A-180 Rerun 1511. RS308 1-180 Rerun 1526. R5308 A-180 Berun 1522. R5301 A-180 Rerun 1504. R5308 A-200 'lest error. Problem may be in the C5. LIB, or line interface. Try testing other lines. If failure appears to be isolated to a LIB, try replacing the LIB isolation card. If only one line failS, failure is in the associated line interface. 15E6 OX06 IlnsurA that telegraph echo check reacts correctly to sending a mark. 15E8 XXXX ~onitor Mode 01 (Manual Intervention Routine): After the operator selects the line address to test, a test is made to ensure that monitor mode 01 (monitor for ring indicator or Data Set Beady) will allow a level 2 bit service interrupt when either Data Set Beady or ring indicator become active. 15E8 OX01 Ensure that force bit service lOUT X'41') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a Y4F2, YQG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUT X'41') from the line IBCS) address in Reg. x'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. ISE8 OX02 Ensure that the data terminal ready (DTR) bit in IN X'q2' can be set by issuing OUT X'42' with byte 1, bit 2 on. Either the DTR bit failed to Y4G2 set or other bits in IN X'42' Y4E2 were set in error. Reg. X'11' contains the line (BCB) address under test. Beg. X'1S' contains 5.0.138 X3705FAA Y4G2 03FF R5305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routi ne 1512. RS306 R5106 A-160 A-270 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1532. Type 1 Scanner 1FT if .;/) ~ o o o o o o o o o o IBft 3705 COKKUNICATIQNS CONTROLLER ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE PROG IIASK FEUD PAGE FET"II PAGE COIIIIENTS 8S305 A-330 A-040 Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. BS304 A-170 Pretest error. Berun routines 15411 through ,554. It needed, reg. X" l' contains the line address under test. OX03 Ensure that force bit service (OUf X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. After attempting to force a 14F2, YIIG2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OUf X'41') from the line (BCB) address in Beg. X' 11' , unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 15Ea OX04 Ensure that monitor 80de 01 has been set at the 1ina address under test. After finding Data Set Beady or ring indicator on at the tosted address, an OUT 1'42' was iSBued to set mode 01,. An III 1'42' then indicated mode 01 was not set. If byte 0, bit 6 of reg. X'15' is on, mode bit 1 failed to reset. If bit 1 is on, mode bit 2 failed to set. 15E8 OX05 Ensure that ring indicator or Data Set Ready are still active on the tested line address. Cuation: This may not NONE actually indicate a hardware failUre. Before waiting for an interrupt, Data Set Ready or ring indicator was active. NOW, after waiting for the interrupt, neither is active. Conditions on the line connected to the line interface under test have changed. This invalidates error code OX06 which you should get after this failure. NONE NONE Test error. If it is desired to find out what conditions on the line ha ve changed, display reg. 1'15'. Byte 1, b1t 1 on indicates ring indicator bas dropped. Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates Data Set Beady has dropped. Beg. X'1" contains the line address under test. 15E6 OX06 Ensure that monitor mode 01 allows an interface service request to cause a level 2 interrupt when Data Set Ready or ring indicator are active. After having found ring indicator or Data set Ready active, setting monitor mode 01, and waiting II bit time, no level 2 interrupt occurred from the tested line address. BS305 A-040 Test error. Problem is most probably in the CS. (See Genera 1 Comments, 13.) If needed, the tested line address may be found in reg. X',,'. 15EA XXXX Interrupt Mode 10: After setting 'Data Terminal Ready' in an attempt to bring up 'Data Set Beady' from the communications line on the tested line address, the condition of Data Set Ready is determined. Monitor mode 10 is set, and a check is made for the presence of level 2 interrupts according to the state of 'Data Set Beady'. !onitor mode 10 should allow level 2 interrupts whenever Data Set Beady is inactive' for at least one bit tille. This test can be run on all installed non-autocall line interfaces. The CE must select the line address to be tested. The test is bypassed i f the line happens to be receiving a space. 15EA OX01 Ensure that force bit service (OUT X'47'1 causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. \', 'I .' o o e Type 1 Scanner 1fT o SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (Sl 1SEa li,:~ ,. o e EBBOR DESCRIPTION the bits in error. (Byte 1, bit 2 on indicates a DTR bit failure.) Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by III X'1I2'. " U o o 099-3105£-09 i fYPE 1 COftftOnICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTOn INDEX Y4G2 I4G2 After attempting to force a 1412, Y4G2 bit service level 2 interrupt (via OOT ,X' 41'1 from the line, (8CB) address in Reg. X'11', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred from that line. 0300 BS305 A-330 A-OliO Pretest error. Rerun routine 1512. X3705FAA 5.0.139 laM 3705 TYPE 1 CO~"ONICATIONS CONTBOLLEft COKKUNI~AT10NS SCANHEB 1fT SYKPTO" aOUT. ERROB FUNCTION TESTED CODE 15EA OX02 Ensure that force bit service (OOT X'47') causes a bit service interrupt from the line address under test. ERROR DESCRIPTION 15EA OX03 Ensure that LIlls that have Data Set Ready tied up, Data Set Ready is indeed up. After forcing the scanner to stop at the tested address, an IN X'43' indicated data set ready was off (byte 1, bit 2 was on). (Reg. X '1" contains failing line address. ) 15E1 OX04 Ensure that an OUT X'42' has set monitor mode 10, and has kept data terminal ready on. I SEA 15ro OX05 Dependent upon state of Data Set Ready (see routine description), ensure that l1lonitor Ilode 10 allows or prevonts level 2 bit service interrupts from the tested address. 1l99-3705E-09 INDEX After attempting to force a bit service level 2 interrupt (via OU! X'47') fr~m the line (BCB) address in Reg. X",', unmasking level 2 interrupts and waiting the time of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt o~r.urred from t~at line. While the scanner was stopped for the prior bit service, an SUSPECTED CARD LOCA TION (s) Y4F2. Y4G2 PROG HASK 0020 Y4G2 FEUD PAGE 115305 115307 03FF FETH" PAGE A-330 A-040 After setting mode 10 and waiting one bit time for an interrupt, an interrupt did or did not occur in error. Reg. X'14' doscribes what occurred. It byte 0, bit 0 is off, Data set Ready was off and therefore an interrupt shou1d'have occurred and did not. If on, Data Set Ready was on and an interrupt should not have occurred and did. Y4G2 Pretest error. l1erun routine 1512. A-200 Pretest error. Problem is probably in the associated line interface or LIB. A-150 Pretest error. Berun appropriate routines as specified below. If needed, reg. X'11' contains the lin~ address under test. OUT 1'42' was issued to set the proper modes. An IN X'42' then indicated that the proper bits were not set or other bits were set in error. Reg. X'14' contains the actual data received by the IN X'42' and reg. X'15' indicates the bits in error: ayte 0: Bit 6-m04& bit failed to Bot. Bit 7-mode bit set in error. Byte 1: Bit O-low priority set in error. Bit I-diagnostic wrap mode set. Bit 2-Data Terminal l1eady reset in error. Bit 3-synchronous mode set in error. Bit 4-external clock bit set in error. Bit 5- data ra;e select set in error. Bit 6-osci1lator select bit 1 is set. Bit 7-osci11ator select bit 2 set. COIIIIENTS ft5304 A-1?O R5304 ~-170 R5304 A-170 R5306 A-160 RS306 A-160 RS306 A-160 RS306 A-160 115306 A-160 I1S306 A-160 8S306 A-160 115305 A-040 Rerun routine 1550. Rerun routine 1552. Rerun routines 154A and '54C. Rerun routines 153A and 153C. Rerun routines 1532 and 1534. Rerun routines 152A and 1S2C. Rerun routines 1536 and 1538. Rerun routines 152! and 1530. Rerun routines 1542 and 15Q4. Rerun routines 1546 and '548. Test error. Problem is probably in the CS. If needed, reg. X'11' ,~ , contains tl;,tt tested line address. (See General Comments, 13.) xxn SOLC LINK TEST.. This is a manual intervention routine and will not be run unless you set the CE sense switch to run IIlllllual intervention routines or unless you reguestod a single routino to be run. This routine stops with manual intervention stop codes F010 througb F07C waiting for you to enter options needed to run this routine. These stop code definitions are listed in the TICS-MAN section in Chapter 9.2 of this manual. This routine may be used for SDLe data link problem determination and repair verification when (under host systel control) are not available. o~line tests When using this routine for problem determination external to the 3705, all normal internal functional tests should run normally without internal hardware errors. Local interface problems, such as line set drivers and 5.0.140 X3705FAA Type 1 Scanner IFT .--"It 'it ;./ o o o o 3705 COftftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COKKUHICATIOHS SCAHNER 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX IB~ ROOT. ERBOB PUNCTION TESTED EBROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED C~RO PROG PEALO PETKK COftftEN~S CODE LOCATION(s) ftASK PAGE PAGE terminators, should bo testod using toutine 1SC! with external local wrap options because that routine provides lore detailed information about local failuros. This SDLC link test is basically an ECHO test. The primary SOLC station sends a SDLC link test comsand frame down the link and expects to receive the ease test frame back; provided the resote end of the link received the test frame without errors. Sose SDLC terminals only respond with a non-se~uenced aCknowledge.ent response rather then sending back the link-test frame received. o o Options are provided to r,.n as a SOLC primary station or as a SOLC secondary station. The priaary station option initiates the link-test co •• ands and expects to receive responses. The secondary SOLC station responds to test-frames received; if the test frame was received without errors, the secondary station sends back the same test frame as a response. If a test frame was received without block check errors and had either sore data than could be buffered or did not have the poll bit on in the control field, the secondarI station responds with a cosmand reject frase. All f~a.es received with block check errors or with abort detect conditions are counted as errors and no response is provided. All frames received with a SDLC station address other than the SOLC station address selected in the F078 manual intervention stop code are counted as an unexpected or non-supported frame and no response is provided. Ho response is provided for frames received with anfthing but a link-test co.sand field. o The structure of the link-test comsand enables this test to also run a local external duplex modea wrap if you select the primary station option and connect the transsit and receive lines together properly. A resote wrap can be done if the remote end of the link can tie the transmit and receive duplex lines together with proper loading etc. Because the resote node (on balf-duplex links) must store the received frase and send it back, this wrap option will not work on half·duplex lines. o o o " 0 This routine always stops on transmit errors such as modem check, timeout or overrun, but does not stop on receive errors except for modea check error unless an option is selected to stop on frases in error or stop on any fra me. Continuation (select function 5 and press ST1RT key) from the 0120, 0160, or 0161 stops, the routine cleats all error counts and summary statistics and restarts the test fros the transmit/receive data portions~ This allows continueing the test on a manual switched line connection without making a new connection. The same restart is used for the 0000 dynasic restart option Ot the 0000 restart option at stop code F07C. lny manual switched line connection is not broken until you abort the ~outine or use a restart option that goes through total hardware setup such as 0002 restart code. 1SPO Tbe format of all transmissions from this LINK-TEST ate: III Pad Pad C dd P ',I Be BC F ee where- ,'I \ = Alternate Pad o o o data transitions characters for clock correction and will ~ X'AA' if RHZI mode is not being used or X'OO' if NRZI mode is being used. P = SDLC flag character cosposed of a zero bit followed by six one bits followed by another zero bit (X'7E'). A = SDLC C station address. SOLe control field and will either be X'P3' if a LINK-TEST command/ response is being sent or X'97' if a co.sand reject response is being sent. dd • Optional transmit/receive data field wben the LINK-TEST cos.and 1s being used. When the co •• and reject response is being sent the first byte of this field is the command field of the received frame that is being rejected, the second byte is set to zeros (it is defined as the send and receive sequence counts) and the third byte is set to X'04' if more data was received than could be buffered; or to X'Ol' if the LINK-TEST cosmand was received without the poll bit on. o BC = Block ee ~ check (CRC) cbaracters. Two block check cbaracters are always sent and their bit configuration vary according to the SOLC station address, control field and optional data fields. An ending transmission of X'FF' to make line go to an idle state and to allow time for bits to be sent before dropping the 'request to send' lead on trans~it turnarounds. This routine refers to a frase as that segment of transmitted or received data defined above and enclosed between two flag characters. If the frame above is being sent/received in RRZI lode, the actual bit configuration on the line and the ones shown above will be different. Also SDLC zero bit insertion/doletion will apply to all characterl exeept the flags and ending sequence defined under ve. Type 1 Scanner 1FT it ,,_J" IBM 3105 COK~UNICATIO~S CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMKUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYM~TOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD CODE LOCATION (5) Test statistics and error count are available while the test is running and at the r07c test completion code. In addition, certain registers are used for current status indicators ~. and may be displayed while the test is running or at the r01c stop code. \. Following is the definition of tile status indicators: 15fO D99-3105E-09 PROG IIASK rEALD PAGE FETMM COMMENTS PAGE X'IE' Register contains the current transmit and receive line status. Byte 0 of reg X'IE' m last received frame type indicator and may contain o~e of the following indications: X'OO' Timeout occurred on last receive completion. X'60' .. A good link t.est fratlle was received with no errota. A command reject response was received as the last frame received at this primary station. X'20' A non-sequenced acknowledgement was received as the last frame at this primary station. X '10' A block check (CRC error) was detected in the last received frame. X' OS' An invalid or non-supported frame was received as the last received frame. This link test only supports the lin k- test response, the non-sequenced acknowledgement response and the command reject response if running as a primary station. The secondary station option will only accept a link-~est command but may respond with a link-test respons~ ot a command reject response. This type indicator is also set if a partial frame vas received followed by an 'abort detect' sequence of seven or more consecutive one bits. A valid link-test frame was received but it contained more data than could be buffered. If this is a secondary station, a command reject response will be sent for this frame. The maximum length of the receive (and transmitl data buffer is 102~ characters if this 3704 has more than 16K storage or 10 characters if 370q has only 16K of storage. Invalid SDLC station address received or, for primary station option with optional transmit data, the received data did not compare with the SOLC station address or optional transmit data that was sent. The SOLC station address provided in the F016 stop code 1s used to make this comparison. If the socondary station option was selected, no response vill be provided for this frame. X' 0 l' A hardware detected error such as modem check or overrun has been detected. No response .ill be made to any frames received vith this type of error. Byte 1 of reg X'IE': transmit line status and other information bits. MUltiple bits may be on in this byte as opposed to byte 0 which never will have mare than one bit on. The bits within this byte are defined as: 1'60' =A reply is pending to be sent to the last frame received at this secondary station. A command reject reply is now being sent or was the last frame transmitted from this secondary station. X'20' A link-test command (from primary station) or response (from secondary stationl was the last frame sent or is being sent at this time. 10' A 'transmit initial' operation is being done or was the last transmit operation done. This 'transmit initial' is done to set 'request to send' and wait for 'clear to send' from the modem interface for the tirst transmit operation of all primary station options and for secondary station options when 'request to send' should be on at all times. See manual intervention stop code P070 for this option. X' X' 06' • Tnnfjmit line 11 busy i f this bit is on. Receive line is busy if this bit is on. 5.0.IQ2 X3705FAA Type 1 Scanner 1FT if " { ,;I o o o o o o o o IBft 3105 CO~ftUHICITIONS CONTROLL'R TYPB 1 COKftOHICITIOHS SClHKIB IPT SynPTOa INOEI ROUT. ERBOB PUNCTION TESTED COOl EBBOB DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CIRD PROG PEALO LOCUIOR (s) !!ASK PAGE X'02' = Pit not defined. aay be used as added indicator at later tile. X' 01' 099-31051-09 PETaK COKaENTS PAGB pit not defined .• aay be used as added indicator at later tille. X'lP' Register contains the accusulated trans.it and receive line status indicators. The bits in tbis register bave tbe same seanings as tbe bits defined in tbe register X'lB' except once tbese bit are set on they are not reset until tbe test is restarted. These bits serve as a sus.ary of all the transmit and receive operations tbat bave occurred up to the tise tbis register is displayed. 15PO X'10' Register is used to control tbe EO?? display code that is displayed in the panel display B lights (if function 4, 5 or 6 is selected). Tbis tegister is cleared to zeros at approximately tvo second intervals and in between tbis clearing to zeros it is used as sn accu.ulstor of all the bits defined in tbe bits in register l[l1ll'. 15PO 10?? Display codes. Wbile the link-test is running, various display codes are in the display B lights if the PUNCTION SILECT switch is set to function position 4, 5 or 6. These display codes (except 106P) are displayed approximately once every other second with the display B lights cleared to zero betveen each l01? display. The 8011 display codes are defined as follows: 1000 Alternating with 10PP • waiting for 'data set ready' to cose on before doing any transmit or receive operations. These codes vill be continously displayed until 'data set ready' comes on Via co.pleting a lanual switChed connection or via connecting (or jumpering) the proper modea interface leads. On a leased line connection you vill not see tbis display code if 'data set ready' is alvays on (as expectedl. o o 1060 • A good test frame was received within the last two seconds and no other error was detected (except a possible timeout) during tbat time. B061 Nothing was received (theollts) during the last two seconds. o o 1062 =1 E063 =1 o 1067 1064 E065 E066 block check error (CRC errorl was detected during the last two seconds. non-supported or invalid trase was received during the last two seconds. lIore data was received than could be buffered during the last two seconds. =1 command reject response was received at this primary station during the last two seoonds. 1 Don-sequenced acknowledgesent vas received at this primary station during the last two seconds. = lither of 3 conditions may exist: 1 - SOLC station address did not compare equal. 2 - Received data did not compare equal to the transmitted data. 3 - Secondary station received more data than could be buffered. In all cases 'E061' indicates that the data received does not compare equal to the aata transmitted. o E068 = A hardware detected error such as modem check or overrun has been detected during the last two seconds. 806P = This code is displayed if you are using the dyna.ic cosmuDications option (function select 1 and switches B-1 set to 00171 and have entered a DO?? code that is not defined. No action is taken if tbis code is displayed. o 151'0 0011 Dynamic communications codes. These dynamiC communications codes allow termination or restarting the link-test at various points within the test. Inter these codes vhile the prograa is running by setting (11 the PDNCTION SILECT switch to function " (21 the selected code in switches 8-1, and (3) pressing the INTIRRUPT key on the control panel. These dynamic co.sunication options are the saae as those defined in the p01c manual intervention stop code definition. They are repeated here in a su •• ary form. Por aore details see the P07C stop code definition. 0000 Restart link-test at transmit/receive data point(no line resetsl. 0001 = Restart routine from beginning including asking for option$. D002 = Restart link-test including hardware resets and enables. D003 Type 1 Scauner IPT = Stop routine at POle stop code and display statistics. 13105PAI 5.0.143 () IBK 3705 COftftUHIC1tIONS CONTROLLER 1 CO"ftOHtCAtIOHS SCANNER 1FT sYnpto~ IHP£X D99- 3705E- 09 TY~B ROUT. BRROR PUNCTION TBSTBD EBROR DESCRIPtION CODB D004 Terminate routine after hardware'resets. = 15FO ~I!I!~!£~ SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG B1SK FEALD P1GB PETaK PAGB COftftBNTS at link test termination. X'1c' Register contains the address of a statistics table in storage. At all times while the test is running and at the P07c and Ol?? stop codes, you may get the storage address of the statistics table from this register and display the storage locations for the following half-word counters. A list of the available statistics follows: lIex displaceaent within statistics pointed to by reg X'1C'. " " 00 • Humber of SDLC link-test frames transmitted successfully. This count does not include coamand reject responses sent from a secondary station. 02 ., = Nuaber of SDLC link-test frames received with no errors. If this 1s a primary station then the received SDLC station address and (if used) the optional data must compare in order to have one added to this count. On a noraal P07C completion at a primary station this count should match the number of test frames transmitted count if no'errors have been detected. An exception is vhen the secondary station reaponds with non-sequenced acknowledgements to test frames then this count should be zero and the received non-sequenced acknowledgements connt should match the number of test frames transmitted count. 04 = Humber of fraaes received with bleck check errers (CRC errors). 06 = Huaber of command reject responses received at this primary station. 08 = Humber of 01 = Humber OC non-sequenced acknowledgements received at this primary station. of frames received that vere not included in other ~eceive counts. This count includes frames received with invalid SDLC station addresses, non-supported commands/responses, non-data compares with optional t~ans.it data and fraaes terminated by an abort detection condition. Hote that sOle of these conditions may have caused a block check error and be inCluded in the block check error count and not this count. If pri.ary station then this field contains number of test frames requested to be sent in the F072 stop code. If this field is all zeros and a prilary station option was selected then test frames vill be sent continously (allowing for receiving etc) without ever terminating the test. O! • Humber of hardware errors detected, such as aodem check or overcuns, on the transmit and receive operations. 10 15FO 16PO Number of command reject responses transmitted by this secondary station. The error stop codes that .ay occur stop codes beginning with 1 or 2 in section of this sy.ptom index. The manual intervention section of this OX07 Auto call failed to complete in this test follow. Note that any error display B byte 0 bits 0-3 are defined in another display B codes starting with F are defined in the docuaent. An auto call error has been detected. Reg. 1'15' byte 0 centains an error indicator number. Determine error indicator and see description below. ERBOR INDICATOR 1 -- Error in auto call connection. Reg.I'15' byte 1 contains SDP bits in error. SDP bits 0-4 on, 5-7 off. Also an error, if LCD not=3, PCP not=q (reg. X' q5' byte 0\. 2 -- Error in dialing. See error indicator 1 description. q,5&6 -- If last digit dialed vas net an EOR digit. PND may come on an cause a L2 interrupt if the distant station does not ansver imaediately. The saae thing will occur with EON, as last digit, on some BOH ( non-IBK ) and on IBH auto-call units that do not have the EON feature strapped on. On some 5.0.14 q X370SPU !leg.X'15' byte 1SDl' bi ts 0-7,. SDF bit definitions for auto-call are: Bit 0= (IB\ intrpt reme.ber. Bit 1= (PilI) POllet indicator. Bit 2- (CRO) call request. Bit 3= (DLO) data line occupied. Bit q= (PHD) presen next digit. Bit 5= (DPR) digit present. Bit 6= (COS) call originate status. Bit 7= abandon call and retry. Type 1 Scanner 1FT / /' , ( '~ ". / /' () If)' '\;; o o o o o o o o IBft 3705 COBftUHIC1TIONS COHTBOLLIB TYPB 1 COftftDNlcATIOHS SCAM RIB 1FT SYftfTOa INDEX aOUT. IBBoa PUHCTIOR TBSTED CODE o SUSPECTBD CARD LOCATION(S) EOB auto-call units the BOB will cause the auto-call unit to transfere control to the aodes/data set with DATA-SET-BEADY on i.sediately, even though no distant station has been connected and given an answer tone. PROG BASK 4 Error indicating PYI, CRQ or DLO not on. Reg. X'15' byte 1 bits 1,2 & 3 should be on. 5 No auto-call coapletion (timeout). Reg. I' 15' byte 1 bit 6 (COS) should be on. FBALD PAGE PET"" PAGE CORRENTS 15PO OX20 Transait line operations. A transmit line error has been detected. Beg X'13'=accumulated simulated ICW bits 0-15 during this transmit operation. On each level 2 interrupt simulated ICW bits 0-7 are OBed together and saved for this error display. If reg X'15' byte 0 bit 3(1'10') is on then tbe transmit line bas timed out due to 'clear to send' not cosing on or due to scse other transmit failure such as loss of transait clock. Definition of tbe simulated ICW bits: 8it 0 = Abort Detect , Horaal char SVC L2 2 • Over/Under rUD 3 • lIodem check _ • Receive Line Signal Det 5 • Plag Detect See Rtn beading for more registers and error statistic, If you continue fro this error stop by selectinq PUNeTIO. and press START the test restarts at the transmit or receive part of tbe test witbout hardware reset enable. This error may be easier to find and correct ,itb rtll 15CE. 15PO OX60 Beceive error coapletion. This error stop occurs if a aodea check bas been detected (siaulated ICW bit 3 on) wbile in receive sode or tbis stop occu~s if JOu selected the options to stop on any frame or any frame in error. Beg 1'13' contains the silulated ICW bits accumulated during this receive operating by o~ing ICW bits 0-1 together and saving them on each level 2 interrupt. Hote that program does not stop on receive tiseouts but setups to transait again if a primary station or to receive again if a secondary station. Reg 1'16'= address of receive data buffer in storage and reg X'19'=adr+1 of last received character. Hote that regs defined in routine beading provide more information. See Rtn heading for test details, registers and test statistics. Cqntinueing from this stop by selecting FUIICTtO. 5, press SUR': the test restarts from tbe xait or ree portion of the test without doing the hardware reset and enables. 15PO 0161 Beceiving frues. This stop code occurred because you selected an option to stop on the type of frame just received. Beg I' IE' defines type of frame receive4 and is defined in the routine heading. Reg X'16= adr of start of receive data buffer. Reg X'19'=adr+1 of last cbaracter received (less block check chars). Beg X'14'-accumulated block check (Cac) characters accumulated by this program and should = X'POB8' if no errors occurred. Reg X'13'=last two received characters (prior to flag char) and should be the See 8tn heading for reg isters, test statistics. continue from this stop select rUHCTIO 5 and press SURT, the program restarts at tbe transmit/ receive portion of the test withQut doing hardware reset enable operations but clears the statistics o o EBBOB DESCRIPTION 6 -- Abandon-call and retry case on. Beg. X'1S' byte 1 bit 7 case on. o o o o o D99- 3705E- 09 Type , Scanner 1FT X3705FAA 5.0.1~5 15M 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 1 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3105E-09 SUSfECTED CARD LO~ATION(s) actual received block check (CRC) characters. PROG HASK FEALD PAGE fETHM PAGE COMMENTS counters. , " 5.0.146 X3705FAA Type 1 SCdnner 1FT J ( > { ~,' 't. ? {~ ...>, o o o o o o o o o lOft 3705 COftnU.IC1TIOBS CO_TBOLLBB TIPB 1 COBftURIC1TIOUS SCANHBft IrT SyftPTOft IBDBI BOUT. EBaOa rUBCTIOR TESTBD BBBoa DESCBIPTIOH SUSPBCTBD C1BD CODE LOCATION(s) Type 1 Co ••unications Scanner Cos.on Subroutine and Interrupt~Handler Error Codes rBALD PAGB rBTKft PAGB COftftEHTS 151X tXIX The following error codes are error stops caused by a failure detected in one of tvo co ••on subroutines. These failures say therefore occur in any routine. The first subroutine, error codes lXOl and 1102, atte.pts to reset and enable the scanner by disabling the scanner Yia OUT 1'45', waiting 30 aicroseconds for the scanner to disable, and then enabling the scanner only (not the LIBs) via OUT X'45'. The second subroutine, error codes 1104 through lX01, sets diagnostic bit service and atteapts to set each of the 64 line addresses to aode 010 (disablel as each line interrupts. Error codes (lXOC through 1X1A) are error stops issued by the 'dial-a-digit' subroutine. This subroutine is used by any routine that wishes to dial a digit on an autocall interface. The dial digit is passed to the subroutine which then handles the dial operation froa the ti.e PID coses up on the autocall interface until DPR is drOpped by the subroutine after tbe digit has been sent. Bf reviewing the 'function tested' coluan of each Of the error stops, the reader should be able to follow the flow of the dial operation., ' ' 15IX 1101 Bnsure that following an OUT X'q5' with byte 0, bit 2 on, the CS is reset. o o o o o o PBOG BASK After waiting 30 .icroseconds Cone scanner pass), an IU X'qq' indicated tbe scanner vas not reset. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in II X'44' in error: eyte 0: Bit 3-scanner enabled latch failed to reset. Bit 4-character service pending latch failed to reset. Byte 1: Bits 2 thru 5-bit clock check for LIBs 1,2,3, or _ (respectively) . failed to reset. Bit 6-LIB select check failed to reset. Bit 7-outbus check failed to rsset. rrFF Pretest error. Berun routine 1504. Since 'Scanner enabled' being off resets the A-310 others, if byte 0, bit 3 is on A-210 in error, ignore A-220 anr otbers that are on. Beg. X'14' qontains 1-210 the resal t of 1-220 the III 1'44'. Y4E2 BS105 t4E2 BS105 tflF2 BS206 nr2 BS206 t4E2 BS102 A-210 A-220 A-210 1-220 u105 1-210 1-220 Pretest error. Berun routine 1506. Beg. 1'14' contains the result of the IN X' qq'. Pretest error. Berun routine 1512. Bnsure that folloving an 1'45' with byte 0, bit 2 on, tbe CS can be enabled. U i'4'" byte 0, bit 3 (scanner enabled latchl failed to set. lXOli Ensure that force bit service (OOT 1'47') can cause a bit service interrupt fro. the first line (BCB address 1'0800'1. lfter attempting to force YQr2. Y"G2 a bit service level 2 interrupt cvia OUT X'47') fros the first line address, un.asking level two interrupts and waiting tbe tile of a scanner pass, no bit service interrupt occurred fro. that line. BS305 1-330 A-OliO 15IX 1106 Bnsure that with diagnostic bit service set, eacb tise a pending bit service interrupt is reset and the scanner is started, another level two interrupt is 1.lediat81r pending. with diagnostic bit service Y4G2, '4B2 having been set and the previous bit service request being reset, an 1ft X'77' ia.ediately following the preYious reset failed to indicate a pending level two interrupt. CByte 0, bit 1 of the U X'77' was off.) BS305 A-040, Pretest error. B5105 A-300 Display reg. X'1I3'. If byte 0, bit 1 is on, a feedback error has occurred; rerun routines 1512 and 1514. If not, rerun routines 1572 and 15711. If needed, reg. X'lS' contains the address tbat should have caused the next level t 110 interrupt. 151X lX08 Bnsure that the level two interrupt condition just caused was caused by the After baving found a pending level 2 interrupt condition as expected, an IH X'41' RS301 A-140 1511 110l 15XX ~ype ou~ 1 Scanner 1FT !4E2 Y4G2 1000 Pretest error. Rerun routines 1572 and 1574. X3705rAA 5.0.147 \ . l I ' . ~ , " " r ; ~ _ _ _ _ ,._ _ _ """ _ _ _ _ .............' ....... , () leK 3105 CO""UNICA~IONS CONTROLLER TlPB 1 CO"KONIC~~IONS SCANNER 1FT SY"fTOH INDEX ROO~. lSXX ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE the next sequential address. lXOA ERROR DESCRIPTION indicated that it vas not caused by the next seguential address. Ensure that mode 010 can be set via an OUT X'42' with mode bit 2 (byte 0, bit 1) on only. After issuing the described OUT X'42', with the scanner stopped at the line address found in reg. X'lS', an IN X'42' did not reflect the OOT 1'112'. D99-3105E-09 SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION(SI PBOG nASK FFPP PEALD PAGE IIS30Q FET"n PAGE A-110 COHnENTS If needed, reg. X'lS' contains the line address t hat caused the interrupt aB determined by the III X'Ql'. Also, reg. x'16' containB the address tbat sbould bave ca~sed it. Pretest error. Berun routines 1552 and 1516. If needed, reg. X'1 Q' indicates the bits in error, and reg. X' 16' ir.dicates what tbe III X'Q2' shollld have contained. \~ ,~' , I lSIX lXOC While vaiting for PHD (present next digit) to come up from the autocall unit, ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs at least once every JO milliseconds A bit service interrupt from the tested address (found in reg 1'11'1 failed to occur witbin 30 milliseconds of the previous one. lSn 110E While waiting for PHD, keep cbecking for ACR (abondon call and retry). Wbile waiting for PHD, an IN X'43' indicated that ACB bad co.e up from the autocall unit. Reg X'13' contains the results of tbe III X'4J'. (ACR CODling up may not in itself be the of the failure but just a symptom of it. In example, wben dialing tbe first digit, lCR should COlO up if dial tone was not detected within the proper amount of timel. Pretest error. If n-eeded, reg X'16' contains a storage location address. ne byte at tbis address contains tbe digit count to identify which digit of the number h being dialed. the latit four bits of the next byte at this address contain the digit itself. Reg X'1" contains the autecall line (BCel address. It Dlay be possible to scope this failure wbile stopped at this error stop. After waiting 60 seconds from the beginning of tbis subroutine, PND failed to come up from the autocall unit. nor had it brougbt up lCB to indicate an error condition. (At the start of this subroutine, if this is the first digit being dialed, CRQ has been set. If this not th~jfirst digit, DP! bas been dropped after sending the previous digit. In eitber case, PUD should have come up within 60 seconds.) Beg X'13' contains the res~lt of the last IN X'qJ'. Pretest error. ·:;14 '1 . . . -/ If needed, reg X'16' contains a storage 10catiQn address. The byte t at this address contains the digit count to identify which digit of'the numbel:" is being dialed. The last four bits of the next byte at tbis address contain the digit itself. Beg I'll' contains / the autocall line (BCB) address. It may be possible to scope this failure while stopped at 15XI 1Xl0 Hait up to 60 seconds for PND to cODle up. ,'ij 5.0.148 XJ105PAA YQG2 RSlOS A-OQO Pretest error. probably an intermittent loss of strobe. Berun routine 1580. / Type 1 Scanner 1FT t \ ~, I .Y ~i ()! o o o o IBB 3705 COftftORICATIORS CORTBOLLER TYPE 1 COKBOIICATIORS SCARIER IPT SYBPTOB IIDEX BOOT. EBBOR PORCTIO. TESTED CODE EaBOR DESCBIPTIOI CAaD LOCATIOI(s, SOS~ECTED 1SXX 1X12 Present the digit to be dialed to the a.toeall unit. o o PEALD PAGE PETKK PAGE COKftE.7S After issuing an OOT X'43' while stopped at the autocall line address (found in reg. X'11'), aud II X'43' did not reflect the OOT X'43' as it should have. Beg. X'1Q' contains the results of the II X'Q3' and reg. X'15' contains the bits in error: Y4G2 1P08 BS308 A-190 A-200 Pretest error. Berun and loop on the appropriate routines as given below. Pailure is probably in the associated line interface. Byte 0: o o Bit 3 - DPB failed to set lIerun routine 155A Bit 4 - 188 bit failed Berun routines 1511 and 151C. Bit 5 - IB4 bit failed Berun' routines' 151E and 1520. Bit 6 Berun routines 1526 IUld 1528. IB2 bit failed Bit 7 - IB1 bit o Berun routines 1522 and 152Q. fail~d Bit 1: Bit 4 - ClIQ dropped Rerun routine 1556. 1SXX 1X14 While waiting for PRO to drop, ensure that a bit service interrupt occurs at least once every 30 ailli-seconds. A bit service interrupt froa the tested address (found in reg 1'11', failed to occur within 30 ailli-seconds of the previous one. 1SXX 1X16 While waiting for PRO to fall, keep check for ACR. After having presented DPB and the digit to be dialed to the auto call unit and while waiting for PID to fall, the autocall unit brought up ACB. Beg X'13' contains the results of the II X'43' that indicated ACB. (ACR itself may not be the actual cause of failure but just a sy.pto. of it. In ezaaple, the autocall unit will bring up ACB if it doesn't recognize the presented digit as a valid digit.) Pretest error. If needed, reg. X'16' contains a storage location address. The byte at thi~ address containf the digit count to identify which digit of the nUllber is being dialed. The last four bits of the nezi byte at this After waiting 60 seconds, PHD never dropped to indicate that the dial digit bad been dialed, nor had ACR ever coae up to indicate a failure. Beg 1'13' contains the results of the Pretest error. If needed, reg. X'16' contains a storage locatl.on address. The byte at thi: i I o o o PROG BASK this error stop. o "U D99-3705E-09 e 1SXX 1X18 Wait up to 60 seconds for PID to fall after having presented DPR and the dial digit. Type 1 Scanner IPT UG2 BS305 A040 Pretest error. Probably an interaittent loss of strobe. Berun routine 1580. address contain the digit itsell Reg X'11' contains the autocall line (BCB) address. It may be possible to scope this failure wbile stopped at this error stop. X3705P1A 5.0.1Q9 t!lll 3705 COlltlUNICATIONS CO~TROLUR TYPS t eOtlIlUHIC~TIONS SCANNSft 1fT S1MPTOII INDEX ROUT. ERROR PONCTION TESTED CODE D99-3705E-09 ERROB DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION(s) PROG IIASK FEALD PAGE FETHH PAGE last executed IN X'43'. COIIIIENTS address contains the digit count to identify which diqit of tho number is being dialed. The last four bits of the next byte at this address contains the digit itself. Reg X'II' contains the auto- call lina (nCO) addross. It may be possible to scope this failure While stopped at this error stop. 15XX lXIA Reset DPR to complete the dialinq of the cu~rent digit. After having seen PHD drop, an OOT X'43' vas executed with just the CRa bit on to reset the digit bits and DPR. An IN X'43' then indicated that either the bits ~id not reset or eBa had. Beg X'14' con\ainr the results of the IN , X'43'. Beg X'1S contains the bits in error: Y4G2 lF08 RS30B A-190 A-200 Pretest error. Rerun and loop on the appropriate routines as given below. Failure is probably in the associated line interface. jY Byte 0: Bit 3 - DPR failed to reset. aerun routine 155C. Bit 4 - NB8 bit failed to reset. !lerun routine 151C. Bit 5 - NB4 bit failed to reset. Rerun routine 1520. Bit 6 - NB2 bit faibd to reset. Rerun routine 1528. Bit 1 - RBI bit failed to res( t. Berun routine 1524. Byte 1: !lit 4 - eRQ dropped Rerun routine 1556. 15XX 2XIX following error codes are error stops caused by a failure detected in either the first or second level interrupt handlers. When a level one or two interrupt occurs, certain checking is done by the appropriate interrupt handler to ensure the validity of the interrupt. since the interrupt handlers are common to all routines, these errors may occur in all routines and in either pretest or test. 15XX 2X 10 Ensure tha t the level 1 interrupt which has just occurred is expected by the routine running. (i.e. adapter level 1 interrupts have been unmasked). ~he An unexpected interrupt has (i.e. A level occurred with masked off.) level 1 B3~2 occurred. 1 interrupt has level 1 interrupts CP002 6-082 Rerun 1FT l1XX (ceu In). Reg. X' 05' contains additional information. If byte 1, bit 1 is off, neither IN X"76" nor IN X"7E" contained an interrupt request bit. If this bit is on, the type 1 CS requested the level 1. 5.0,. 150 X3705FAA Type I Scanner 1FT 1(-' ;fr .~ "'. lIdr under tost. . Rog rnr(j-~ shoul/l-rsg X' 11 '. n no feedbliCk check (LCD-!') occurred, the LCD should be 7 if the line runs in startlstop mode; the LCD should be 'C' if the line runs in BSC ,9Cc.JU-~ ~_'!!LiJ. If 6.1.6 X3705GAA TA331 \ '" B-170 \ "' B-310 All SIS and B-260 BSC line sets I some RPQ line set are tested via a se lode operlltion. Thi checks some of the scanner, osc, LIB, line set Circuits. 1 likely source of error is the lin set card in the failing line addr. Display bit is set whilo line alldr is under test 80 that the display Req (reg X'46') is valid for line adr under ~ype ( 2 Scanner 1FT " , " " o o o o IBM 3705 CO~"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COKMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT S¥nPTon INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION mode. If PCP = 1 the set mode never completed for start/stop or BSC lines. If PCF=O the set mode completed normally but the level 2 interrupt expected did not occur within 25 mili-seconds after it was issued. Register X'11' byte 0 bit 1 will be on if a L2 pending occurred after the 25 milli-sec. The SDF contains the bits used for set-mode. The card called is only a starting point to look for bit service. o o o o " U! ,- FEAtO PETMII P~GE , Set mode and scanner test Level 2 interrupt from wrong A3L2 address. check the line that caused the interrupt for faults. Reg 1'11'=line address under test. Reg 1'40' should=reg X'11'. Reg X'14' has line adr obtained from ABAR by Input 1'40' when the L2 occurred. TA621 1621 OX03 Set mode and scanner test PCF field did not set to zero on set mode. Regs X'11' and X'14' setup sawe as errors OX01 and 0102. TAB11 X628 XXXX , A3F2 COIIIIENTS PAGE test. The PCF is checked for a aftEr a set mod e. A set mode lIIay cause a level 2 interrupt even if the oscillator is not working properly. See note in T2CS-NOTES for aid in isola tin the problem. OX02 ,'1 8-jl0 B-260 See error OX01 for details. 8-310 See error OXOl tor details. 6-260 Feedback check test. All installed line sets are tested to insure that a feedback check will occur if an invalid bit is used during set mode and that a feedback check does n~ occur if a valid bit is used during a set mode. This routine will most likely produce error stops if the CDS (configuration data set) defining the LIB and line set types is not set up properly for the hardware that is installed. If the CDS is correct then the most likely source of the error is in the line set card(s) for the failing line address. See note 1 in section T2CS-NOTES for an aid to problem determination. ' Each installed line set is tested in the following steps: a. b. c. d. e. f. Reset then enable the scanner. Set the display bit on in tbe line address under test. Set the SDF via an output X'46' with the bits in reg X'13'. Set scope sync 2. Set LCD-O and pcP.' to initiate the set mode operation. Unmask level 2 interrupts and wait until either 8 level 2 occurs or 25 mili-seconds have elapsed. g. Verify that the LCD was set to F by the scanner if a feedback check should have occurred due to an invalid bit being used in the SOF during the set mode or verify that LCD was not set to p if a valid bit was used during tbe set mode. h. Repeat steps a through 9 until all set lIIode bit positions have been tested. o o o o o o o o SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION (S) X627 o o 1J99-3'105E-09 On all error stops in this routine the following tegisters are setup: neg X'11'. line address ot line undet test(ss uaed to set A8AO). Reg X'13'= bit pattern being output to the SDF for this step of the test. The bit position that is a 1 is tbe bit being tested. Each bit of byte 1 is defined in more detail as: Bit ICW bit SDF bit Noru 1 use if this bit is a 1 during Bet modo. 0 ••••• 26 •••••••• 2,••••• w ••• Not used. 1••••• 21 •••••••• 3 •••••••• Set diagnostic wrap mode. 2 ••••• 28 •••••••• 4 •••••••• Set Data Terminal Ready. 3 ••••• 29 •••••••• 5•••••• ~.Set sync bit clock(synchronous clock correction). 4 ••••• 30 •••••••• 6 •••••••• Set external clock selected. 5 ••••• 31.,••••••• 1 •••••• ,•• Set Data Bate Select(sel¢ct high rata). 6 ••••• 32 •••••••• 8 •••••••• Set oscillator select bit 1. 1 •• ~ •• 33 •••••••• 9,•.••••••• Set oscillator select bit 2. X628 aX01 Check that an invalid bit in the SOP during s set mode operation causes a feedback check. Type 2 Scanner IFT Error it a feedback chock did not occur setting the LCD to F. See reg X'13' bit definitions in the A3E2 TA341 8-260 A te~dback check should hav~ occurre since CDS indicates a line set is X3105GAA 6.1.7 - - - - - - -- - -- -- -- - - c lUH 3705 COKNUHICATIONS COH'BOLLER TYPS 2 COKKONiCATiOHS SCAN"B. 1fT SYKPTOK ROUT. ERBOR FUNCTION TESTED COOS P99- 37052- 09 IND~X ERROB DESCRIPTION routine,heading for aore inforlDation. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (SI FEALD FETHH PAGE PAGE 13E2 TA3q1 1628 0102 Check that a valid bit in the SDF during a set 1D0de operation does not cause a feedback check. 1629 XXXX Diagnostic 1D0de test. Each installed start/stop or synchronous line adr is set into diagnostic 80de with a set 1D0de operation. Then a check is aade that Clear to Send, Data Set Ready and Diagnostic Hode bits are on. Auto call line sets are not checked. Each adr is tested in the following seguence: (11. Beset and then enable the CS. (2). Set display bit (ICN bit 381. (31. Set SOP bit on for Diagnostic aode and set bit on for Syn Bit Clock if line will run in synchronous aode only. (q). Set scope sync 2. (5). set PCF=1 and LCD =7 for start stop lines or LCD =C for syncbronous lines. (6). Wait for level 2 interrupt fr08 the set mode and check the results. Error if a feedback cbeck occurred setting LCD to F. See reg X'13' bit definitions in routine beading for failing bit. B-260 COHHENTS installed without a latch for the bit position under test 1n tbe SDP. 1 feedback check should not occur CDS indicates a line set is installed with a latch that could be set on for this SDP bit position during a set 1D0de operation. The aost likely source of hardware failures detected in this routine are the line set card(s) for the line address under test. Reference note 7 in section T2CS-NOTES for aid in deterlDining a failing pattern. X629 OX01 Diagnostic 80da Level 2 interrupt did not occur. See routine X627 error OX01 for regs. card called is only a starting point to look for bit service. A382 TA331 8-310 8-260 Sae routine heading for aore info. X629 OX02 Diagnostic 1D0de Level 2 interrupt from wrong line address. Check the line address for faults. A3L2 TA621 8-310 B-260 See routine X621 OX02 for regs. See rtn heading for 80re info. 1629 0103 Diagnostic .ode PCP did not change to zero on set mode completion. Sea routine X627 error OX03 for registers. A3F2 TA811 B-310 B-260 See rtn beading for more infor.atio X629 OXOq Diagnostic 1D0de Proper latches did not set. Display reg X'q6' byte 0, bits 0,2 and 5 should be on_ Reg X'1Q' contains input fro. reg X'Q6' at the time failure was detected. Reg X'15' has a bit on for each bit position in reg X'1Q' which is in error. Reg X' 11'=1ine address under test. A3E2 TA331 B-150 Reg X'46' bit 3 (BLSD) is ignored in this test; it may be on or off. Errors may be detected if an incoming call on a switched line brings up 'ring indicator' (Rsg 1'46' bit 0.1). X62D 0101 Service request (ICW bit 1) and level 2 interrupt Level 2 interrupt did not occur for set moae. See routine OX27 errOE OX01 for regs and checks. A3E2 TA33, B-130 B-260 Each installed SIS or Bse line set into diagnostic receive mode and SDP bit 9 set on. A L2 interrupt should occur and sve reg bit (ICW bit 11 should turn on. The reset of the SYC req bit is then checked. X62D 0102 Service request (ICW bit 1) and level 2 in~errupt. Level 2 interrupt was from A3L2 ',the nong ,line' address. Check the line address that causes the interrupt for faults. TA621 B-300 See comments in err code IOX01. ~, V () 6.1.8 X3705GAA Type 2 Scanner 1FT o o JBft 3105 COftftUHICATIOHS CONTROLLBR ~YPB 2 COftftUDICATIONS SCAN"BR Ir~ SY"PTOn INDEX o BOUT. BBROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE o ERaOB DESCRIPTION Beg X'll'=line address under test. Beg X'40' should reg X'11'. Reg 1'14' has l1ne adr obtained from ABAB by Input X'40' wben the L2 occurred. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATIO. (S) PEALD FBTftII PAGE PAG8 COllllENTS = X62D o P99-3105B-09 OX03 1620 SOP bit 9 vas turned on and should cause a character service level 2 interrupt. Level 2 interrupt did not occur,. Check osc or scanner or miSSing line set card for that line. Reg X'll' • line adr of line under test. Reg X'40' should. reg X'11'. A382 fA331 SOP bit 9 vas turned on and should cause ,a character service level 2 interrupt. L2 interrupt occurred from wrong line address. Reg X'14' =line address tbat caused tbe level 2. Reg X'11'=line addr_ss L2 was expected from. A3B2 TA331 8-310 8-260 See COlillents in err code OX01. See comments in err code ,OX01. o X620 OX 05 SOP bit 9 was turned on and should cause a charservice level 2 interrupt with ICW bit , on. ICR bit l(svc-re~uest) is not on or ICI bits 0,2,3,5,6 or 7 are on. Beg X'441 byte 0= ICW bits 0-7 in bits 0-1. 13P2 'l'A 121 B-1II0 o X62D OX06 SOP bit 9 was turned on and should cause a character service L2 interrupt Service reguest did not reset (ICR bit 1). Beg X'44' byte O. bit ,. AlP2 TA121 8-180 o X62E OXOl priority bits 1 & 2 Reg X1117 ' Priority bit 2 failed to set. Beg X'11'=line address of line under test. Reg X'40' sbould • reg X' 11'. 13G2 TB021 B-210 1628 0102 Priority bits 1 & 2 Reg 1'1i'7' Priority bit 1 hiled to set. Reg X'll' -line address under test. Beg X'40' should • reg X',,'. U02 ~D02' 8-210 X62B OX03 priority bits 1 & 2 Reg X'II1' priority bit 1 and 2 failed to set. Reg 1'11' = line address under test. 13G2 TB021 8-210 X62E OX04 priority bits 1 & 2 Reg x'41' Prio~ity bit 1 and 2 failed to turn off. aeg X'11' = line address under test. A3G2 n021 8-210 1632 OXOI Interrupt re~uest pending bit (ICW 41). Reg X'47' L2 interrupt reguest pending bit did not set in ICi ql, or reg I'Q7'. check that 1st set mode caused tbe priority reg to be occupied. Reg 1'13'-line address tbat should be in priority reg 3. Reg X'16'=line address tbat should bave interrupt request pending bit on. Reg X'QO' should. reg 1'16'. &3L2 T&6ql 8-300 L2 interrupts are sasked off and a se 1I0de puts a line addr (ICIII in diag lIode witb priority select met to 3. A 2ncl line addr is put into diag 1I0de; priority select set to 3 by another. set mode operation. Then the on state of tbe interrupt pending bit is tested in tbe 2nd line. Level 2 interrupts are unmasked and checked tba t they occur in correct order X632 OX02 Interrupt request pending b1t (ICI! 41). Reg X' 47' No level 2 interrupt. Should have bad a L2 fro. line adr in reg X'13'. Reg X'16' = line adr of the next expected L2 interrupt. AlL2 TA611 8-300 See in error code OX01. o o o o OOQO o o o o Type 2 Scanner IPT ICI bit q is ig nore in this test since may 1>8 on or of f. All cOllbinations of tbe priority b~ts a checked that tbey c be set and reset. X3105GAA 6.1.9 o IBII 3705 COIIIIUNICA'rIONS CON'l'ROLUR TYPB 2 COIINUNICATIONS SCANNBR 1FT SYIIPTOII INDEX ROUT. BRROR FUNCTION TESTBD CODB 1632 OX03 Interrupt request pending bit (ICW 41). Beg X'47' D9 9 - J 7 0 5 E- 09 EBBOR DESCRIPTION eABD LOCnION (51 A3L2 SUS~ECTED 1st level 2 interrupt occurred but not from the expected line. Beg X'13' = line adr expected to interrupt first. Beg X'14' = line adr that caused the L2 interrupt. Reg X'16' line adr expected to interrupt next. FEUD FETIIII PAGE PAGE TA611 B-300 COIlIlENTS See in error OX01. = 1632 OX04 Interrupt request pending bit (ICW 41). Reg X'47' No level 2 interrupt from 2nd A3L2 line that had interrupt pending bit on. Beg X'13' .. line adr of line that should have interrupted previously. Beg X' 16' = line address expected to cause the L2 interrupt .. TA611 B-300 Check scannur, oscillator, and LIB clock i f no L2 interrupt occurred. See comlllents in error code 0101. X632 OX05 Interrupt request pending bit (ICII 41). Beg X' 47' 2nd Level 2 inter~upt occurred A3L2 but from wrong adr. Reg X'13' =line adr of previous line that should have interrupted on previous error check. Beg X'14' line adr of 11ne causing L2 interrupt.. Reg X'16' .. line adr expected to cause L2 interrupt. Tl611 B-300 See error code OXOI. Opper scan limit test (8 lines). Did not get level 2 interrupt A3L2 from one of the 1st 8 lines when ICII bit 41 was set on. Beg X'11' = line adr L2 expected to L2 interrupt Beg X'40' should = reg X'I1'. Tl621 B-220 Only 8 lines should interrupt when lew bit 41 is set on; upper sc limits are setup to scan 8 line addrs. OX02 Opper scan limit X'OI' test (8 lines). Level 2 from wrong adr. Beg X'11' line adr expected to L2 interrupt. Reg X'14' .. line adr causing the L2 interrupt. A3L2 TA621 B-300 OX03 Upper scan limit X'OI' test (8 lines). Got an unexpected L2 interrupt A3L2 when ICW bit 41 was set in one of the lClis beyond the 1st 8 lines. ~his interrupting lCIl should not have been sCAnned to cause a L2 interrupt even though its L2 interrupt pending hit was set. Beg X'l" = line adr in _hich the ICW bit 41 was set. Reg X'14' is the line adr causing the L2 interrupt. If reg reg X'14', the upper scan li.it 01 is not working properly. TA621 B-220 If reg X'11' is not. to reg 1'14', the unexpected L2 may be caused by a scan problem not related to the uppe scan Ii.it controls Did not get level 2 interrupt from one of the 1st 16 lines when lew bit ql was set on. Beg X'11' line adr expecting a L2 interrupt. A3L2 TA621 B-220 Only 16 line addrs should interrupt when ICII hit 41 set on with scan lint set for 16 lines. = X634 OXOI X' 01' 1634 = X'."= 1635 OXOI Opper scan limit X'11' test (16 lines). = X635 OX02 Upper scan limit X'11' test (16 lines). Level 2 interruFt from wrong adr. Reg X'11' expected adr; reg X'14' = line adr causing the L2 interrupt. A3L2 TA611 B-300 X635 OX03 Opper scan limit X'11' test (16 lines). Got an unexpected level 2 interrupt when ICW bit 41 was set in one of the lew's beyond the 1st 16. This line adr should not be scanned with scan limit bits 11 so a L2 should not occur. Beg X'11' = line adr of ICII in which bit 'II was set. Beg X'14' = line adr causing the L2. If reg X'll' reg X'1Q', the upper A3L2 TA621 B-220 = = f! "-:. " /~ '\ ~~~ !~!~~, to Reg X'14', the unexpected L2 interrupt lIay be caused by a scanner problem not related to the upper scan limit controls. ,(--" = 6.1.10 X3705GAA Type 2 Scanner 1FT ., '< ~. o o IBK 3105 COHftUHICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COHKONIC1TIOHS SC1HRIR 1fT SYHPTOft IMPEX o o o o o ROUT. ERRoa FUNCTION TESTED CODE EaROR DESCRIPTION scan limit 01 is pot working properly. SUS PECTEI! CARD LOCATIOH (S) Ff;ALD rETlI1I PAGE l'AGE OXOl Opper scan limit X'10' test (4a lines). Did not get L2 from one of the 1st 48 lines when ICW bit 41 was set. Reg X'll' = line adr expected to L2 interrupt. A3L2 TA621 8-220 X636 OX02 Opper scan li.it X'10' test (48 lines). Level 2 froe wrong adr. Reg A3L2 X'11' = line adr expected to L2 interrupt. Reg 1'14' = line adr on whicb the L2 inter~upt occurred. TA611 8-300 1636 OX03 Opper scan li.it X'10' test (48 linell). unexpected L2 interrupt when ICW bit 41 was set in one of the ICI's beyond the 1st 48 line adrs. Witb scan li.it 10 set, tbis line should not be scanned so no L2 sbould occur. Reg X'll' = line adr of ICW in which ICW bit 41 was set on. Reg 1'14'=1Ine address that caused tbe L2. If reg X'11' reg 1'14' then upper scan lilit 01 Is Dot working properly. A3L2 'rA621 8-220 If reg X'11' is not equal to Reg X' lQ', the unexpected L2 interrupt II 8y be caused by a scanner problem not to the scan limit controls. Level 2 interrupts did not occur after uDmasking level 2. Reg X'13' line adr L2 expected froe • A3L2 T1611 8-300 Tbe 1st 4 ICW's are setup with priority settings of 3,2,1, and 0 in that orde1:. ICII bit q 1 (interrupt request pending) is set in tbe 1st four ICWs. Level 2 is unmasked and the ICWs are cbecked to ensore they interrupt in proper order (1st, 2nd, 3td, 1\ 4th lCN) • o = X63B OXOl Interrupt prio~ity register. = 1 ,,', . ! o o o o 1E3B 0102 Interrupt priPJ;lty register. Level 2 interrupt is not frol A3L2 the expected address. Reg 1'13' = line adr L2 expected from. Reg I' 14' = line adr that caused L2. 'r1611 8-300 X630 0101 Substitution bit 1 Unexpected level 2 interrupt occurred. Reg 1'14'=line adr of line causing the level 2 interrupt. Reg X'11' line address that had ICW bit 41 (L2 pending) set. If reg X'11' does not equal reg X'14', there may be a LIB or scanner failure. If reg X'lQ' = reg X'11', subst ctrl reg bit 1 1s not working and reg X'14' is the line address that should not have been scanned and therefore should not bave caosed a L2 interrupt. CIOOl I;X009 8-220 co~trol reg = o o o o COIIIIENTS X636 o .0 P99-3105E-09 Type 2 Scanner 1FT 8382 83D2 only 48 line addrs should interrupt "lren ICI! bit 41 is set on when upper scan limit is set for Q8 lines. subst ctrl reg bit 1 is set on and an attempt is made to cause a L2 interrupt on lines E 1\ F of all LIBs. These addresses should not be scanned. X3105GAA 6.1.11 18K 3705 cOllnUHICATIONS CONTROLLER TY;S 2 COKKUNICATI0NS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX BOUT. ERROB FUNCTION TESTED CODE OX01 Substitution control reg bit 2 1638 1631' OX01 Substitution conttol reg. bit 3 EBROR DESCRIPTION 099-37058-09 SUSPECTED CABD LOCATION (S) 8382 83D2 unexpected level 2 interrupt. 8eg X'14' = line address of line causing the level 2. Reg X'11' • line adr of line that had ICW bit 41 (L2 pending) set. If reg X'", does not equal reg X'14' there aay not be a LI8 or scanner failure. If reg 1'14' • reg X'11', subst ctrl reg bit 2 is not vorking,' and reg X'14' is the line adr that should not have been scanned and therefore should not have caused a level 2. FEALD FETIIII PAGE PAGE CX001 8-220 CX009 Unexpected level 2 interrupt. 83E2 aug X'14' -11ne adr causing 83D2 the L2 interrupt. neg X'11'. line addr tbat had ICW bit 41 (L2 pending) set on. If reg X'11' does not .. reg X.,II' then there may be a LIB or scanner failure. If reg X'111' =reg X'11' then the substitution control reg bit 3 is not vorking properly and reg X'11'" the line address that should n~t have been scanner and should not have caused a L2. CX001 CXOO9 Unexpected level 2 interrupt. B322 Reg X'14' = line adr causing 83D2 the L2 interrupt. Beg X'11' = line adr that bad ICW bit 41 (L2 pending) set. It reg X'11' does not equal reg 1'14', there aay be II LIB or scanner failure. If reg 1'111'=reg X'11', the subst ctrl reg bit II is not working in which case reg X'14' is the line adr that should not have been scanned and therefore should Dot have caused a level 2 interrupt. CS001 CI009 8-220 COIIIIENTS Subst cttl reg bit 2 is set and an attempt is made to cause a L2 intertupt on lines C & 0 of all LlBa. These addresses should not be scanned. 5 ubst ctrl reg bit 3 is eet and an at tempt is made to cause a L2 interrupt on lines A & 8 of all LI8s. These address should not be scann with the scan substitution contra bit 3 on. ./ "- ./ 1640 X645 X645 OX01 XXXX OX01 substitution control reg bit 4 8-220 SCB bit 4 is set and an atte.pt is made to cause L2 interrupt on lines 8 1\ 9 of all LI8s. These addresses should not be scanned. II Diagnostic transmit test for start/stop line sets. All 1nstalled line addresses that will run in start/stop mode are tested, one at a time. ~be test goes through transmit initial (Pcr=S) to trans.it data (PCF=9) through trans.it turn-around (pcr=g to PCF=7). The characters transmitted are a PAD character of X'FP' followed by two data characters of X'AA'. The start stop LCD of 7 (start bit. 8 data bits, 2 stop bits) is used in this test. You should reference notes 4 and 7 in section T2CS-NOTES for aid in problem determination if this routine detects any errors. Prior to setting transmit initial the program does a set mode with the 'diagnostic mode' bit on. If this set Bode fails you vill get pretest error stop codes in display 6 beginning vith 1. These codes may be found in section T2CS-CO" near the end of the symptom index. With 'diagnostic mode' set properly the scanner should force on the 'clear to send' condition so that when transmit initial is set the next bit time should result in PCP changing from 8 to 9 (transmit initial to transmit data). The most likely Bource of hardware failure for this routine is in the line set card(sl for the line addrese that is under test. Diagnostic transait test for start/stop. L2 interrupt did not occur after transmit initial was set. Display reg. X'45' and check byte 0, bits 0-3 for !eedback cbeck (all bits on). LCD shOUld =7. PCF should =9. (PCF VIIS set to 8 by proqraml. Beg X'1"=line address under test. See routine beading for more information. A3L2 TA611 6-310 8-260 ".---" The scanner hdrdwar sholild change the P from 8 to 9 when it detects 'CTS' which should be forced on bf the scanner 1f 'diagnostic modo latcb' set on properly when the set mode vas done. After sea nne changes PCP to 9, it should serialize and transmit a bit every bit service time and cause a char-svc L2 /,r~, \' 6.1.12 X3705GU Type 2 Scanner 1FT " f \' ',:.. - o o o o o o o o o o -~~-~~~-~~'----"-'-~--------- IBft 3705 COftftONIClTIONS CONTROLLER TYfB 2 CO"ftONICATIONS SCAHNBR IrT SXaPTO" I"DEX ROOT. ERROR rONCTION TESTED CODE o o o o p99-31052-09 BRBOR DESCRIPTIO. SDSPECTED CARD LOCATl:ON (S) fEUD PBTU P,.GB PAGB COllftENTS interrupt when tbe PAD char has been sent. X6q5 OX02 Diag transmit test for start/stof· Level 2 interrupt was not fro I expected line adr. Reg X'lq'·llDe adr that caused the level 2 interrupt. Reg 1'11'=line address tbat level ~ vas expected from. A3L2 TA611 B-3DO X6QS OX03 Diag transmit test for start/stop. Primary control field (PCP) did not change to J'9'. Reg X""-line address under test. See routine heading for more information. AlP 2 TA8tl 8-080 Ho level 2 interrupt after 2nd transmitted char. Reg X'11'-line address under test. If LCD-P a feedback check has occurred. LCD should 7, PCP should = 9. A3L2 TUll B-3,0 XeQ5 OXOQ Oiag transmit test for start/stop. Check scanner, osc. and LIB clock if no level 2 interrupt occurred or L2 was frOB tbe wrong line addr. See rtn heading for Bore inforlatioD. ScaDner should chan pcr to 9 frol 8 .he it detects 'clear t send' whicb should be forced by the scanner i f diagnostic lode set properly. = X6QS OX05 Diag transmit test for start/stop. 2nd level 2 interrupt from wrong line address. See error stop OX02 for regs. A3L2 IA611 8-300 See rtn beading for more inforlatio 1645 OX 06 Oi8g transmit test for start/stop. Ko L2 for trans.it turnaround. 13L2 Reg X'1,' aline address under test. Check reg I'QS' for LCD. If LCD-P a feedback check occurred. LCD should. 7, PCP should • 7 since PCP was set to '0' (transait turnaround) aD tbe pre,ions character service level 2 interrupt. T16tt 8-3tO 8-080 See rtn beading for aore inforsatio X645 OX07 Dia9 transmit test for start/stop. 3rd level 2 interrupt froD wrong line adr. See error stop code 0102 above for regs. A3L2 IA61' 8-310 See rtn beading for more informatio X645 OX08 oiag transmit test for start/stop. PCP did Dot change to 1'7' (receive sode) after turnaround or LCD changed. Reg X'11'=line adr under test. 13P2 TA8tl 8-080 Scanner should chan PCP to 7 on normal turn-around coapletion. LCD should be 7. X6QS OX09 Dia9 transait test for start/stop. SOP did not set to O. 13H2 TA22' 8-480 SOP should be chang to 0 by scanner hardware on transmit turnaround. Beg X"S' byte 0, bits 6 and 7 contain SDr bits 0 and 1. Byte 1 contains SOP Bits 2-9. X6QA XXXX Diagnostic receive mode bit service and tag detection test. All line sets that will run in start/stop or synchronons Dode are tested. After tbe set mode is cos~leted a bit pattern of 1'0301' for start/stop line sets or 1'0201' for synchronous line sets is output to SOP via an output to reg 1'~6'. Tben the PCP is set to 7 (receive Dode) with a LCO=7 for start/stop line sets or LCO=C for a synchronous line set. Por start/stop line sets this should cause a character service level 2 interrupt on the first scan cycle after the next bit service occurs in the line set. Par a synchronous line set (due to LCD=C) the character service level 2 interrupt should occnr after the second bit service and should strobe a one bit into PDP bit 0 from the Test Data Latcb. In eithe~ case the result s~oula b~ a character of X'CO' in the PDr when t~e character service OCClirs. X641 OX01 Diagnostic receive Dode bit deserializing and bit service for all installed o o o o o ----- Type 2 Scanner IPT PCP did not set to X'1' (receive aode) or LCD has changed. Reg 1'1"=line A3P2 TABt1 8-190 pga did an output to reg X'45' to set LCD and PCP. Tben a I3705GU 6.1. t3 18K 3105 CO"KUHtC1TIONS CONTROLLER 2 COft~ONICAT10.S SCA_HBR 1fT SYftPTOK lfiDEX 1199- 3705E-09 TY~B BOUT. ERROR PUMCnOIi TESTED CODE line addresses in receive lIode (PCpc,) • EBROR DESCRIPTION address of line set under test. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION IS) FEUD lETnll 1'lGE ~lGE input X'4S' is don~ to check LCD G PCP. X641 OX02 D1ag receive 80de, bit deserializing and bit service for all lines in receive 80de. Level 2 interrupt did not 13L2 occur. Cbeck oscillator, scanner lillits, or LIB clock. Beg X'11' • line address elpected to cause L2 interrupt. TA611 B-490 Sue rtn heading. 1641 0103 Diag receive 80de, bit deserializing and bit service for all lines in rcy 1I0de. L2 interrupt fro. wrong adr. Beg 1'14' • line adr that caused 12 interrupt. Beg X'11'. line adr expected to cause level 2 interrupt. 13L2 TA611 B-300 See rtn heading. x64 ... OX04 Diag receive 80de, bit deserialiling and bit service for all lines in rcy 80de. Data byte in PDP (parallel data field) not elpected data, or cbeck flag on in ICW bits 0-3. Beg 1'11'=line adr. Beg X'14'=flags and PDP input froll Beg X'44'. Beg X'16'=expected bits that should be on in Beg 1'14'. A312 TA311 Tl131 B-490 B-1I20 See rtn heading. X611C XXXX 13~2 Diagnostic transllit test for synchronous lines. All installed line sets that will run in synchronous 1I0de are tested fro. transllit initial (~cp=e) through transmit data IPCP=91 to transmit turnarognd (PCpaD to PCP-S). Characters transllitted are two pad charactets of X'lA' and the character x'32'. Prior to setting transmit initial the program does a set mode with the 'diagnostic lode' and 'sync bit clock' bits both on. If this set lode fails you will get pretest error stop codes in display B beginning with 1. These codes may be found in section T2CS-COft near tile end of the symptom inder. VUh 'diagnostic lode' set properly the scanner should force on the 'clear to send' condition so that when transllit initial i8 sst tho next bit time should result in ~CP changing from 8 to 9 (transmit initial to transmit data). OXOI Diagnostic transmit test for BSC line sets. Level 2 did aot occur after transmit initial. LCD should= C. If LCD=P a feedback check occurred so line set or LIB is probably in error. If LCDeC check PCF. PCP vas set to 8 but should have changed to 9 as the 1st character was transmitted. If the character was not transmitted check for oscillator/LIB clock error or scanner failure. A3L2 TA611 B-310 B-260 See rtn beading and notes q and 1 1 T2CS-HOU5 for checks to aake information to to aid problea det erllina tion. Reg X'11'=line addr of line set under test. X64C OX02 D18g transmit test for BSC Level 2 from wrong line adr. Display reg X'14' for line aar that caused the level 2 interrupt: reg X'11' for the line adr expected to cause the level 2 interrupt. AlL2 TA611 B-300 5ee notes 4 & 7 in T2CS-NOTES for prohlem determination. aids. X64C OX03 Diag transmit test for BSC PCF did not cbange to X'9' (transmit data). Beg X'11'= line adr. LCD S PCP saae as error OXO t. A3F2 TA811 8-080 See rtn heading. X64C OX 011 Diag transmit test for esc 2nd L2 interrupt did not occur. See error 0101 above for LCD S PCP. 13L2 TA611 B-310 See rtn heading. 2nd L2 interrupt from wrong line address. Check failing line adr for cause of error. See routine heading. 1,3L2 L2 interrupt did not occur after setting pce I'D' for transmit turnaround. Check if LCD=F(feedback check). pcr should=S since on last char service it was set to '0'. If PCP is not 5 then turnaround did not work. Beg X'11'=110e adr under test. A3L2 X64C OX05 Oiag transmit test for esc ox 06 D1ag transmit test for BSC 6.1.14 I3705GAA ' / X611C t64C \.., , " '- " /"" , - ~, e-260 TA611 TA611 B-300 5-080 Beg X'14'=11ne addr that caused the L2 in error. Reg X'11' " line addr expected to cause L2. i / .,,--/. See rtn beading. LCD should =c. peF should have changed to 5. Type 2 Scanner 1FT ( "'- , o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 le~ 3705 COftftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TlfB 2 COft!UHICATIOHS SCARHBft 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX X6QC ERROR PUNCTtON TESTED CODE 0107 Diag transmit test for BSC X6ijC OX08 Diag trans.it test for BSC 1650 XIXX Wrap data test for start stop line sets using LCD~7. All lines that run in start/stop mode (except telegraph line sets) are wrapped two at a time. Tbe first installed SIS line is made the receive line and the next installed 5/5 line is made a transmit line. As each pair of lines completes its wrap, the lines are reset. The line tbat was the transmit line is now made the receive line and the next iostalled 5/5 line is ude tbe transmit line. This is continued until the last installed S-S line has been used as a transmit line. The last installed SIS line is then made a receive line and the first installed line is made the trans.it line for the last Mrap performed in this routine. Data sent on the transmit line will be the PAD character (X'PP') and the characters X'AA', X'Ol' and X'PE'. The test is run with LCD=7 so the hardware shoul& add a start bit and two stop bits to the character being transmitted. The receive line should receive the transmitted characters except for the PAD character. ' aOUT~ Hote , : Note 2: o o ERRoa DESCRIPTIOR 3rd L2 interrupt from wrong line address. Check failing line adr for cause of error. See routine beading. PCF did not change to 5 on transmit turnaround or LCD is not~C. Reg 1'11'=line address under test. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (S) 13L2 FEUD FEU! P1GE PAGE TA6" B-300 A3F2 TA811 B-OBO COIlIlENTS Reg X'lij'=line addr that caufOed the L2 in error. lIeg X,'11' • line addr expected to cause L2. fCP should change to 5 and LCD should have remain&d at C. See notes 4, 5 and 7 in section T2CS-NOTES for more information and for aid in problem determination and isolation. For reg reg reg all error stops in this routine, the following registers are setup: I ' l l ' a transmit line address (as used to set ABAR) X'13' = receive line address (as used to set ABAR) 1'14' for errors that indicate level 2 interrupt occurred fro. wrong address and contains the line address that caused the L2 interrupt. reg X'14' for errors that indicate the received data is bad, or indicates that ICW bits 0-7 are in error and contains ICW bits 0-15 from the receive line ICN obtained by executing lnput X'ijij'. ICW bits 8-15 (the PDP) contain the received data. lew bits 0-7 are check and control flags and are always expected to be set as follows: ICW bit 0 Stop bit check and should be off ICW bit 1 • Service request and should be on leW bit 2 = Character overrun/under run and should be off ICi bit 3 • Hodem check and should be off ICW bit 4 = Receive line signal detector. This bit is ignored in this test. ICW bit 5 Beserved bit. This bit is ignored in this test. ICW bit 6 = Program flag. This bit is ignored in this test. ICW bit 7 Pad flag. This bit is ignored in this test. reg 1'16' for errors that indicate the received data is bad, and contains'the expected ICW bits 0-1~ that are being tested against the contents of reg x'lQ'. o o D99-310511-09 The receive line always has the display bit on in its ICW, so register X'46' is valid for the receive line under test. All lines are set to priority 3 and oscillator select O. The following 'el=ror codes are li~1:eil in tll,e s~ :rup1: occurred. 1650 OX10 Deceiving character X'FE' Level 2 interrupt frol wrong adr. Reg X'11' transmit line adr. Reg X'13' • receive line adr and adr expected to cause level 2 interrupt. Beg X'14' = line adr causing tbe L2 interrupt. 13L~ TA611 8-300 See checks and comments in the J;outine heading. 1650 OX11 Deceiving character X'FE'. Received data not X'FE', or ICII bits 0-3 in error. 13E2 A3P2 TA311 n131 8-490 See comments in routine beading. X650 0112 Transeit of X'FE' coepleted and transeit turnaround. Ho level 2 interrutp occurred. Reg X'11' = trans.it line adr and adr expected to cause L2. A3L2 TA611 8-310 7tb L2 8-260' line qtb from rec addrl after prog set scope sync 2. Transmit turnaround (PCF=DI was set after the previous L2 interru for transmit lin8 so transmit line ebould nOli be turned around to receive lIode (PCP·') • X650 OX13 Transeit of X'FE' coepleted and transait turnaround. L2 interrupt from wrong adr. A3L2 Reg X'11' • transmit line adr S adr expected to cause the L2. Reg X'13'=receive line address. Reg X'lQ'=line address that caused the level 2 interrupt. TA611 8-300 See checks and cOlllments in the routine heading. 1650 OX1Q Transllit turnaround. Translit line pcr did not change to 7 on turnaround, or transait SOP did not set to 0 or LCD not=1. TAS11 T1211 8-060 Wben transmit turnaround is co.pleted the S_-' should be x'OOO', P o o 099-31058-09 Type 2 Scanner 1FT = A3r2 A382 X3105GAA 6.1.17 t;· I\.,} ,0 lEft 3105 COM~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX D99-3105E-09 ,0···" I· ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED C"RD LOCATION (5) FEALD FETe" PAGE PAGE COMMENTS ,II should be 1. LCD should be 7. See checks and comments in the routine head1ng. X65' IIXX Wrap data test for telegraph line sets. All telegraph line addresses are wrapped. two at a time. The 'st telegraph line address is made the receive line then the next installed telegraph line is made a transmit line. As each pair of lines completes its vrap the lines are reset. The line that was the transmit line is nov made the receive line and the next installed telegraph line is made the transmit line. This is continued until the last installed telegraph line has been used as a transmit line. The last installed telegraph line is then made a receive line and the first installed line is made the transmit line for the last wrap performed in this routine.. Data sent on the transmit line viII be the PAD character. of X'FF' and the characters X'A"'. X'O" and X'PE'. The test is run with LCD=1 so the hardware should add a start bit and two stop bits to the character being transmitted. The receive line should receive the transmitted characters except for the PAD character. Note: See notes 4. 5 and 7 in section T2CS-NOTES for more information and for aid in problem determination and isolation. ~hroughout this test. register X"" contains the transmit line address and register X'13' contains the receive line address. The receive line will always have the display bit on in its ICW so register X'46' is valid for the receive line under test. All lines are set to priority 3 and oscillator select O. Note: when telegraph lines are wrapped. an echo check will occur if there is no external current loop. This echo check sets modem error (ICW bit 3) that prevents service request interlock froll being set. This routine ignores the modem error and all the ICW 0-7 error conditions. The following error codes are listed in the sequence that the actual test is run. X651 0101 First level 2 for transmit line (not counting set mode). No level 2 interrupt occurred. Reg X'11' transmit line adr. Reg X"3' = receive line adr. "3L2 TA611 B-310 B-260 Should have charservice L2 interrupt after the PAD character was transmitted. See notes 4. 5 & 7 T2CS-NOTES for checks and aids in problem determination. X65' OX02 Pirst level 2 interrupt for transmit. Level 2 interrupt from wrong address. Reg X"" = transmit line adr: the adr expected to L2 interrupt. Reg 1"3' = receive line adr. Reg X"4' = line adr that caused the level 2. A3L2 TA6" B-300 See checks and comments in the routine heading. X651 OX03 Transmit line PCF changed to 9 as the PAD character X'FF' is transmitted. Transmit line PCF did not change to 9. Reg X"" transmit line adr. A3F2 TAS" B-OSO See checks & commen in the Btn heading. Character X'O,' is set in transmit PDF after this error display. Previous PDF character of X'AA' should now be in process of transmission from SDF. X651 OX04 Receive line rece1v1ng character X' AA' • (First receive line L2 interrupt after set mode.) No l~vel 2 interrupt occurred. Reg X"" = transmit line adr. Reg X'13' = receive line adr and the line adr expected to cause L2. "3L2 TA61' 8-490 See checks & co.men in the Rtn heading. This is the 2nd L2 after program se scope sync 2. X651 OX05 Receive line rece1v1ng character X'AA'. Level 2 interrupt from wrong A3L2 address. Reg X'1" = trans. it line adr. Reg X"3' = receive line adr; the line expected to L2 interrupt. Reg X'14' = line adr causing L2. TA6" B-300 Receive line receiving character X' AA' • ReceiYe line PCP not = 1. Reg X'13' = receive line adr. A3F2 TAS" X651 OX06 See checks and comments in the routine heading. B-OSO Rec PCF vas set to 1 (receive mode} '{". l' 6.1.~S X3705GU ; Type 2 Scanner 1FT ( . ~ _ jf _____ n_... _______ ""_..._..... _ ..._._....... __________.__ ________ ~ o o o o o o o o o o IBII 3705 COltftUHICA'l'IONS COHnOLLER TIPS 2 COKBUIICATIONS SCAHHaB 1fT SlKPTOK INDEX SUSPECTED CARD LOCUIOR IS) eOnllENT5 BOOT. ERBOB PONCTIOR TBSTED CODB EBBOR DESCRIPTIOH 1651 0101 Receiv ill . transmi~ A3L2 TA~11 See rtu headi ny notes 1 and 2 for registers & checks. After this .. rcot: displdY, the t Ia nsmit PCF is set to X'D' tOl: transmit turn- around. Should now be in process of transmitting X'00' 85 last character to transmit. 1656 0127 Receive chardcter X'OI', No level 2 occurred from receive line address. A3L2 TAb11 12th level 2 (7th from receive). See 1 &2 in hedding of th1S routine for registers and checks. Last 1.2 for note~ rece.lve. X656 OX28 Receive character X'Ol'. X656 0129 Receive character X'Ol'. l,evol 2 !lot f,om ."cei ve line address. A3L2 TAO 11 See I t l l heading notes 1 and 2 fOL registers & checks. Received data in A 3E2 TA311 TA 131 See PDF not I' ,,, or ICW bits 0-3 in error. A31' 2 ttl! heading notes 1 and 2 tor registers, lCW bits 0-7, and checks. After this en'or display, the rcceiv" PCF is 6. I. 28 X3705GAA Type 2 Scanner 1FT o o o 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 IBft 3105 COftftUNIClTIONS CONTBOLL!B TIPB 2 COKftUNIClTIOHS SClHHBB 1fT StaPTOR IRDBX ROUT. BRBOB PONcnOR TBSUD CODB BBBOR DBSCBIPTION D99-370S!-09 SIISPECTBD CUD IOCA 'f101i (S) PEALD PETltIl PAG! PAG! 1656 012A Transmit of 1'00' completed and transmit turn-around. Ho level 2 occurred frail transmit line address. AlL2 'U611 13th level 2 (10th from transmit) and should be the last level 2. See notes 1 II 2 in heading of this routine for registers and cbecks. At this the the transait PCP should have turJled around to PCl'=5. 1656 OX28 Transmit of X'OO' completed and transmit turn-arOllnd. Level 2 not from transmit line IIddress. A3L2 'U611 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers and cbecks. PCl' should be turned around to PC,=5. 1656 OX2C Transmit turJl-llround. Transllit PCP did not turn 13P2 around to PCP=S or LCD changed. 'U811 lfter previous transmit level 2 (see error 0126) t~ans.it PC, vas set to' X' 0' to cause a turnaround. Tbe hardvare should have completed tbe transmission of tbe character 1'00' and theJl set PCP=S. See notes 1 II 2 in beading of this routine for registers and checjts. XXXX BPQ 10 bit time out test: Test vill only run if the CDS block for the scanner under tes~ has a bit on to define this BPQ. All lines that run in startlstop mode are vrapped tvo at a time. The first installed SIS line is made tbe receive line and the next installed SIS line is made a transmit line. Is each pair of lines completes its vrap, the lines are reset. The line tbat was the transmit line is now made the receive line and the next installed SIS line is made the transmit line. Tbis is continued until tbe last installed SIS line has been used as a transmit line. The last installed SIS line is then made a receive line and the first installed line is made the transmit line for the last vrap perforaed in this routine. U 0 0 0 0 0 e COIIIIEIiTS set to 0 so no further level 2 interrupts shollid occur from the receive line addr. X6S8 Data sent on the transmit line vill be the PAD character (X'Pl") and th. characters 1'1", I'Pl", I'PP', and 1'l'P'. The test is run with LCD-1 so the hardware sbould add a start bit and two stop bits to the character being transmitted. Receive line vill have ICW bit 39 set on to activate the BPQ. The ICN bit 1 pad flag is set to bold the start bit tc a mark in place of the norlal space. The receive line not seeing start bits vill recognize the first space received as a start bit. This vill cause tbe receive liQe to receive different data than was transmitted. Data received vill be P5, 8 bit times of marks, PP, then 10 or sore bit tiaes of marks to give the RPQ time to tiae out. Hate 0 Par reg reg reg all error stops in this routine, tbe following registers are setup: X'11' • transait line address (as used to set ABAR) X'13' • receive line address (as used to set ABARI X' 14' for errors that indicate level 2 interrupt occurred from vrong address and cOQtains the line address that caused the L2 interrupt, reg 1'14' for errors tbat indicate the received data is bad, or indicates that ICW bits 0-3 are in error and contains ICW bits 0~1S froa the receive line ICW obtained by executing Input X'44'. ICW bits 8-15 (the PDP) contain the received data. ICW bits 0-3 are check and control flags and are .lways o Type 2 Scanner IPT X370SGAA 6.1.29 IeM 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COH6UN1CATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX BOUT,. EBROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE D99- 37 05E- 09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD FEUD I'ETMM LOCATION (5) PAGE PAGE expected to be set as follows: ICW bit 0 Stop bit check and should be off ICW bit 1 • Service request and should be on ICW bit 2 • Character overrun/under run and should be off ICW bit 3 ~ode. check and should be off ICW bit 4 Receive line signal detect. This bit is ignored in this routine. ICW bit 5 = Reserved bit, This bit is ignored in the routine. lCW bit 6 • Program flag and should be off ICW bit 7 = Pad flag. This bit is ignored on the received data character ICW bits 0-15 tests. COIIH ENTS reg X'16' for errors that indicate the received data is bad, and contains t'he expected ICII bits 0-15 that are being tested against the contents of reg X'14'. Section T2cs-Notes is referenced by some of the error stops in this routine. These notes give more detailed information about the above regs. Section T2CS-Notes note 7 also give some information that you may use to help isolate the problem. The receive line always has the display bit on in its ICW, so register X'46' is valid for the receive line under test. All lines are set to priority 3 and oscillator select The followiug error codes are listed in the sequence that the actual test is run. X658 OXOl o. t~ansmit First level 2 interrupt for line (not counting set DIode). No L2 or L2 not from the transmit line address. A3L2 TA611 Should have had a char service level interrupt after the PAD character was transd tted. See section T2CS-Notes notes 2, 5 & 1 for regs & checks. X658 OX02 Transmit line PCF changed to 9 as the PAD character X'I'F' is transmitted. Transmit line PCP did not change to 9 or the LCD did remain at 7. 1.31'2 TA811 See comments in the rtn heading X'FF' is set in PDF in transmit ICW after this error display. Previous PDF character of X'7F' should be in process of transmission froll SOP now. X658 OX04 Transmit of char X'7F' cOllpleted. No L2 or L2 not from the transmit line address. 13L2 TA611 Should have just completed the transm1ssion of X'7F'. The X'FI" that WIlS in the PDP should have transferred to the SOl' and be in tbe procell of being transmitted. This is the 3rd L2 interrupt after firing fiCOpe sync 2. See notes 2, 5 & 7 T2CS-NOTES for registers & checks. X658 OX06 Receive character X'FI". No L2 or L2 not from the receive line address. A3L2 A31'2 TA611 Should have receive char X'FF' and had a char-service L2. This should be the 2nd L2 interrupt 2 (1 st from the receive line adr) after program set scope sync 2. See section T2CS-Notes notes 2, 5 & 7 for regs & checks. (., 6.1.30 X3705GAA Type 2 Scanner 1FT ( , ~, o o o 0' 0 IBM 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER D99-3105E-09 TYPE 2 COKHUNICATloNS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT,. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE X658 OX08 Receiving character X'FF'. ERROR DESCRIPTION Data Received npt X'FF', or ICW bits 0-3 in error. SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION (5) A3E2 A3P2 1'EALD FETlIII PAGE PAGE T1,311 TA131 X658 OXOA Transmit of 1'1'1" X658 axoc Receive line is in a time out Alode. loCO of 7, PCI' of E. Receiv~ line PCI' not = E or LCD not = 7. Reg X'13' = receive line adr. Receive line is in a time out aode. lCW bit 39 set. Receive line lCW bit 39 not on. Reg 1'13'=receive line address. A3L2 A3G2 TA611 TA021 completed. No L2 or L2 not from the transmit line address. A3L2 'U611 Should have just transm! tted character 1'1'1". Character X'57' should be transferred from the PDF to the SOP and be in the process of being transmitted. This is the 4th L2 (3rd from th transmit line adr) after program set scope sync 2. See notes 2, 5 and 7 in T2cs-NOnS for registers & checks. 131'2 TASll TA211 Receive line ~CF should change to E (receive timeout DIode). o 0 0 0 X658 e OX10 1382 A3J2 OX 12 Transmit of char X'57' completed. No L2 or 1.2 not froa the transmit line address. 13L2 TA611 Should have just completed the transmission of X'57'. The' X'1'1" that was in the fD1' should have transferre4 to the SOl' and be in the process of being transmitted. This is the 3rd L2 interrupt after firing scope sync 2. See section T2CS-Hotes notes 2, 5 & 7 for regs & checks. 1658 OX 14 Receive line receiving character X'1'5' Receive line PCl' not = 7 or LCD not = 7. Reg 1'13'= receive line address. A31'2 TA8t1 Rec fC1' Nas =E but should have changed to 7 when t start bit was received. X658 ox 16 Receive character 1'1'5'. No L2 or L2 not from the receive line address. A3L2 TA61t Should receive char x'P5' and bad char-service level interrupt. This should the 6th L2 (2nd from the receive line edr) after program set scope sync 2. See notes 3, 5 and 7 in T2CS-NO'lES for registers & cheCKS. X658 OX18 Receiving character 1'1'5', Data Received not 1'1'5', or lCW bits 0-3 in error. A3E2 UP2 TA311 See comments under error code OX05. x658 OX1A Transmit of X'FF' No L2 or L2 not from the transmit line address. 13L2 TUll 0 0 0 0 o o Type 2.Scanner 1FT o Receive line ICW bi bit 39 was set on during the initial program setup and should have remained on. 1658 0 0 see comments under error code OX05. compl~ted, ~A131 Should have transmitted X3705GAA 6.1.31 IBM 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COM"UNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION 1l99-3105E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (S) FEALD FETII~ PAGE PAGE COMMENTS charact er X' 1'1" • I'Ff' should be transferred from the PDF to the SDf and is being transmitted. This is the 7th (Srd from transmit) L2 int~r rupt after firing scope sync 2. See section T2CS-Notes notes 2, 5 1\ 7 for regs S checks. After this error display, the transmit line PCl' is set to D for tran8lllit turnaround. X658 OX18 Receive Line time out No L2 or L2 not frOB the receive line address. A3L2 X658 OX1C Receive line time out. Service request bit 0.1 should not be on but was. A3P2 12P2 SVC reguest bit should te blocked by the scanner because of the tillie-out. 1658 OX1E Receive line timed out, test ICW ICW off Beg Reg bit 39 should have turned because of the tile out. X'13' receive line addr 1'14' input 4q data Reg X'15' bits in error A3f2 Recei ve line ICW bit 39 should have turned off because of the tin out. TA611 A3J2 A3L2 x658 OX20 Receive line time out. Rece ive line PCP not = 7 or LCD not = 7. Reg X'13'= receive line address. A3p2 A382 X658 OX22 Transait of X'fP' completed end transmit turnaround. NO L2 or L2 not from the transmit line address. 13L2 This is the 8th (3r from receive addr) and last L2 interru for receive line. See section T2CS-~oteB notes 2, 5 & 7 for regs 1\ cl>ecks. Receive line PCP wa = E but should have changed to 7 because of the time out. TA611 This is the 9th L2 (6th from transmit line addr) after scope sync 2. Transmit turnaroun d (PCrcD) was set after the previous L2 fro. transmit line so transmit line should now be turned around to receive mode' (PCF=7) • See section T2CS-Notes notes 2,5 1\ 7 for regs an checks. 1658 OX 24 Transmit turnaround. Transmit line PCF did not change to 1 on turnaround, or transmit SDr did not Bet to 0 or LCD did not remain at 7. 131'2 131'2 TASll /- ~, When transmit turnaround 1a completed thoa SDP should. 000, pcr should .. 7, LCD should remain at 7. See notes 2. S 7 in T2cS-NOTES for regs 1\ checks. of 6.1.32 X3705GAA Type 2 Scanner 1fT "t",' i'.} " '<, , o o o o o o o o o IBft 3705 COHnUNICATIONS CONTROLLER T¥PE 2 COKHUNICATIQHS SC~NNBB 1FT SYHPTOH INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED EBROB DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD PEALD PETKK COHHENTS CODE LOCATION (5) PAGE PAGE 1651 xxxx DLC line sets wrap data test. 111 installed line sets that will run in DLC mode are wrapped two at a time. The first installed DLC line set is made the receive line and the next installed DLC line set is made the trans. it line. The test is then performed on this pair of lines. When the test is completed on this pair of lines, the lines are reset and the line that was the transmit line is now made the receive line and the next installed DLC line set is made the new transmit line. Then this pair of lines is wrapped. This stepping up through the lines is continued until the last installed DLC line has been the transmit line. The first installed line is then made the transmit line and the last installed DLC line is made the receive line and this pair of lines is wrapped. A set mode is done on both the transmit and receive lines with lCW bit 27 (diagnostic wrap mode) and ICW bit Oscillator select bits are 0 so the first oscillator is selected. The priority bits are set to 3. The set mode is done before the setting of scope sync 2 as each pair of lines is wrapped. The set mode must be completed successfully for the wrap to function and any errors detected during set mode are pre-test errors and start with error code lXXX. These error codes are near the end of the symptom index after all routine error codes. References to level 2 interrupts in the following error codes are the character service level 2 interrupts that occur after scope sync 2 is set and do not include level 2 interrupts that occurred for set mode before scope sync 2. 29 (sync. bit clock) both on. Note 1: On all error stops in this routine, the following registers are set up: Reg X'11' = Transmit line set address (as used to set ABAR) Reg X'13' = Receive line set address (as used to set ABAR) Reg x'14' for errors that indicate no level 2 occurred or L2 from wrong address Line address that caused the L2 or 0000 if no L2 occurred. = o Stop bit check, should be off Service request, should be on Character overrun, should be off except when misaligned flag character is detected. lCW bit 3 "odem check, should be off. Receive line signal detect(this bit is ICW bit q ignored in this test) • DLC flag detect/disable stuffer remember, lCIi bit 5 on when a flag character is detected Program flag(this bit is ignored.) lCW bit 6 pad flag/disables stuffer bit, on only when a ICN bit 7 flag or pad char is set into the PDP for the transmit li~e address. This bit is ignored on the receive , line address. " ' , I' for errors that indicate the LCD or PCF is bad, contain the LCD in byte 0 bits 0-3, and the PCF in byte 0 bits 4-7. Reg 1'16' for errors that indicate received data is bad, contains the expected lCW bits 0-15 that are being tested against the contents of Reg 1'14' except bits ~,6 and 1 are ignored. lCW bit 0 ICW bit 1 ICII bit 2 " £ ',; , o o Hote 2: o = Reg X'14' for errors that indicate received data is bad or lCW bits 0-3 or 5 are in error = What was obtained by an input X'44' from tbe receive line lCW (bits 0-15) lCW bits 8-15 are the PDP and should contain the receive data ICW bits 0-1 are error and control flags and are expected to be set as follows; '0 o 1>99-37052-09 Checks to be made on all error stops: A. Check LCD of failing line set. If LCD='. a feedback check has occurred. If the CDS indicates a line set that will run in synchronous mode is installed, but this is not the case, then a feedback check will occur. B. Use the continue function (except on pre-test errors starting with 1) to continue from tbe error, to see if just this line set is failing, if all line sets in this LIB are failing, or if all DLC lines are failing. "ultiple error stops on the same pair of wrapped lines may occur so the continue function may bave to be used many times. If only one line set is failing or a pair of even/odd addresses, then the line set card is probably bad. If all addresses fail in one LIB, the lIB's bit clock control card or terminators may be bad. If all DLC line sets fail, the CS cards may be bad. If the line sets are the type that will run also in synchronous and start/stop mode and if they run successfully in routine X652 and X656 then suspect the LCD or DtC circuitry or sync bit clock control. Note 3, The transmitted characters are offset by 1 data bit so to cause receive data characters to be offset by 1 data bi~ from transmitted characters. See notes q and 6 in section T2CS-NOTE5 for more info. Transllit data Receive data Type 2 Scanner 1FT 2" 3P flag 50 AO 7F FE 00 00 1F idle 13705GAA 6.1.33 IBH 3705 COHaONICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COftftUNICATlONS SCANNER 1FT SYHPTOH INDEX D99-3705E-09 ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION CODE All installed DLC line sets are tested in 8 bit mode (LCD:9) • of the following error codes. SUSPECXED CARD FEALD FEXMM LOCATION(S) PAGE PAGE The routine is run in sequence COHH!NXS 165A 0101 Transmit of 1st pad(%'U') character completed. No level 2 or L2 not from transmit line adr. A3L2 TA611 1st level 2 cbarservice interrupt after program set scope scope sync 2. See notes 1 & 2 at heading of this routine for registers & checks. X65A OX02 Transmit of 1st pad(X'AA') character completed. Transmit PCF not LCD changed. 113F2 TA811 Xransmit PCF was se to 8 by prog in hardware setup. CS hardware shOUld have changed it to 9. Should now be '.n process of transmitting 2nd pad. The transllit PDF is set to an offset flag char after this error. See notes in routine header. X651 OX03 Transmit of 2nd pad(%'2A') character completed. No L2 or L2 not from transmit line address. 13L2 TA611 2nd L2 after scope sync 2. See routine header for register & checks. After tbi error display the the transmit PDP is set vith X'3F' flag character. X651 OX04 Receive flag character X'7E' • No level 2 or L2 not from transmit line address. A3L2 TA6H 3rd L2 after scope sync 2. See routine header for register & cbecks. I65A OX 05 Beceive flag character l'7E'. Receive LCD not .. 9 or PCF not .. 6. A3G2 TB021 Receiving a flag char should change PCF to 6. 1651 OX06 Receive flag character ICW bits 0-3 or 5 are in error. 113G2 n02l lew bit 5 should be on; bits 0-3 should be off. Reg X'14' : lew bits 0-15. X651 OX07 9 Transmit of flag (X'3F') character completed NO level 2 or L2 not 01: A3L2 TA611 4th L2 after scope sync 2. See routine header for register & checks. from transmit line address. X65A OX08 Receive data character 'AO' No L2 or L2 not from receive line address. A3L2 TA611 5th L2 after scope sync 2. See routine beading for registe 6 checks. X65A 0109 Receive data character 'AO' The receive LCD was not=9 or PCF not=7 A 3F2 uell Reg X'14' contains LCD in bits 0-3 and PCP in bits 4-1 X651 OXOl Receive data character '10' The receive data not:X'AO' or ICW bits 0-3 or 5 in error 113E2 A3P2 XA31l TA121 lew bit 1 should be on.. lCW bits 0,2,3 5 should be off. X65A OXOB Transmit of data character '50' completed No level 2 or L2 not from transmit line address. A3L2 U611 6th L2 after scope sync 2. See routine header for register & checks. X65A OXOC Receive data character • FE' No level 2 or L2 not from receive line address • A3L2 TA611 7th L2 after scope sync 2. See routine 6.1.34 X3105GH / Type 2 Scanner IPT 1 ,{ o o o 0 IBK 3705 COnKUIICiTIONS CONtROLLER :11'E 2 ~OKKO"IC1TIO.S SCAINEB IPT SY"PTO~ INDEX 1 ROO'1'. ERROR PONCTION nS'rED CODE 0' 0 0 0 o 1651 OXOD Receive dat,a PEltO I'E'm1l PAGE PAGE CO 1111 EHTS 16SA OXOE : i5A 1651 ,'rE' 'I'll!' TA3l' 'U121 See r~utine header for regs. Trans.it of data character '7F' co.pleted No level 2 or L2 not fro. traDSdt line aelelress. Alt2 'U611 8tb L2. See routine header for register r; checks. OXOP Receive data character '00' No level 2 or L2 not fro. receive line address. 13t2 '1'1611 9th L2 after scope sync 2. See routine header for register & checks. OX10 Receive elata character ]['00' • The receive data not-X'OO' or ICW bits 0-3 or 5 in error AlE2 A3P2 'U 121 'U311 See routine header for regs. 13t2 'U611 10tb L2 after scope sync 2. 13P2 '1'A811 Reg I"Q' byte 0 =L in bits 0-3 & PCI' i in bits ~-1. A3G2 TB01' ICII bit 0 sbould be on. ICII bits 1.2.3 5 sbould be off. X651 OX11 Receive idle character Ho level 2 or L2 not fro. receive line address. 1651 0112 Receive idle cbaracter. The receive tCD not not=7. X651 0113 Receive idle character 1658 XXXX DLC LCD B. 1. 8 :est. The first two installed lines that will run in DLC sode will be wrapped and tested using tbe LCDs for 5.6 and 7 bit characters. '1'he error stop checks to be .ade and the register contents to check are as indicated in Routine 165A header. 0 =9 or pcr ICII bits 0-3 or 5 are in error. '1'he transaitted cbaracters are offset by 1 bit position to cause receive data cbaracters to be offset by 1 elata bit position fro. tbe translitted cbaracters. See notes q and 6 in section '1'2CS-HOTES for sore info. Il o o q~",racter UE2, A.3P2 ,,1 0 0 0 0 SUSPEC'1'I!D CABO tOCATION IS) rece1v~ dat-a not "XlrE' or·,ICII bits 0-3 or 5 ill error ,[ " EUOB DI!SCIII1'TIO. header for regieter & checks. 0, 0 1199-3105£-09 'l'rans.it Data - 5 bit (LCD=B) -AA Received Datil - 5 bit (LCD-B) - 21 '1'rans.it Data - 6 bit (LCD:A) -u Received Data - 6 bit (tCD:A) Trans.it Data - 7 bit (LCD=B) -AA Received Data - 7 bit (LCD-B) - - 31' flag 00 00 11 01' 21 31' flag 00 00 38 2A 31' flag 00 00 7B 11' 31' flag 31' 11 3P lP flag 31' 31' flag 3E 31' 7B '1'he routine is run in sequence of tbe following error codes, first 10 5 bit 80de. then in 6 bit .ode and finally ill 1 bit 80de. Ho level 2 or L2 not fro. trans.it line adr. 13L2 '!'A61l 1st level 2 cbaract service interrupt after setting scope sync 2. See routine 165A header for registers 6 cbecks. Tbe transllit PCI' not=9 A31'2 ~A811 Transmit PCI' was se to 8 by prog in hardware setup. 'file CS hardware sbould bave changed it to 9. ~rans.it of 2nd pad Character completed. 110 level 2 or L2 ves not frol transd t line address. 13L2 '1'1611 2nd L2 after scope sync 2. See routine X65A beader for regieters 6 cbecks. OXOII Receive flag character. No level 2 or L2 not fro. receive line~address. A3L2 '!'A 6 t1 3rd t2 after scope sync 2. See routine X65A header for registers 6 ~becks. oxols Receive flag character. ReceiVe LCD not-9 or PCI' not-6 for receive line address. 13G2 &3P2 'l'1111 'U12l See rtn 1651 beader for registers and checks. 165B 0101 ~rans.it of 1st pad cbaracter co.pleted. X65B 0102 Transmit of 1st pad character completed. 1658 OX03 X658 X658 ' e Type 2 Scanner 11''1' I X3105Gll 6.1.35 :) : \~ . j, {!:. IBK 3705 COM~QNIC~TIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COMftONICATlONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOft INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 165B OX06 Receive flag character D99- 37 05E- 09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (5) lCW bits 0-3 or 5 are in error. ~3G2 FEUD FETMII PAGE PAGE n021 COIIIIENTS ICW bit 2 should be onlflag detl. lCW bits 0,1,3 & 5 should be off. 1\658 OX 01 Transmit of flag character cOllpleted. No level 2 or L2 not from transmit line address. A3L2 TA611 4th L2 after scope sync 2. See routine X651. beader for registers & check •• X658 OX08 Receive data character X'OO' No level 2 or L2 not from receive line address. A3L2 TAb11 5th L2 after scope sync 2. See routine X651 header for registers & checks. 1656 0109 Receive data character 1'00' The LCD changed or the PCF is not"7. 13F2 TA811 See rtn 1651 note 1 for register and checks. The LCD was previously sat for either 5, 6, or 7 bit mode. Reg X'161 byte 0 contains expected LCD and l'Cr. 1656 OXOl Receive data char X'OO' The received data is not=X' 00' or ICW bits 0-3 or 5 are in error. A3E2 A3l'2 'U311 TAl21 ICW bit 1 should be on. lCW bits 0,2,3 & 5 should be off. 50e routino 1651 he.der for registers & cbecks. X658 OXOB Transmit data character X'OO' completely transmitted. No level 2 or L2 not froll transmit line address. 13L2 'rl611 6th L2 atter scope sync 2. Sea routine 165A header for registers & cbecks. After this error display, the POl' is set with data character X'3F', tbe disable stutfer bit is set on, the LCD is set to 9 and the l'Cl' is set to D. This should cause the transmit line to send constant DLC idle characters without causing any more L2 interr~pts. 165B OXOC Receive data char X'lE', X'3E', or X'7E'. L2 interrupt did not occur or L2 not from the receive line addreliis. A3L2 TA611 7th L2 after scope sync 2. See Rtn X651 header for registers and checks. X658 OXOD Receive data char X'lE', X' 3E' or l'7E' The received data char not as expected (X'lF' or X'3F' or X'7F') or ICW bits 0-3 or 5 are in error. A3P2 A3N2 TA 111 See routine 165A header note 1 for registers & checks. Reg X'16'= the expected lCW bits 0 through 15. ICW bit 1 should be on, bits 0,2, 3 & 5 should be off X65B OXOE Receive data char l'lE', X'3E' or X'7E'. 6.1.36 X3705GAA No L2 or L2 not from the receive line address. A3L2 U511 TA611 ., f " 8th L2. This is the 2nd time this char is received. This is actually a flag char but due to char boundry alignment on the 5,6 or 7 bit chars this is detected as a data char. Type 2 Scanner 1FT (('. ~, ... ~. } o o o 0 1811 3705 COIIIIQIIICATIOU COII'fROLLBa TYPB a COIIIIUHICATIOHS SCAH •• I 1fT SYBPTOI IHD.l aOUT. Baaoa FUIICTIOII USTBD CODI 1658 010, Recei~e data char X'11' • 1'31' or X'1I'. Baaoa DESCRIPTIO. 165B aeceive data char X'11' • 1'3B' or X'lB' The received data char not as expected (X'1F' or X'3F' or X'7r') or ICII bits 0-3 or 5 are in error. Receive PCF not~7 or the LCD ChaDged," SUSPBCTBD CARD LOCUIOII'S) 13F2 FRUD FRUII PAGB PAGB LCD 6 PCF should no have changed. See routine X651 header for registers and checks. 1312 TA 111 'U51, See routine 165A header note 1 for registers 6 checks. aeg X'16' contains the expected ICN bits 0 through 15. ICW bit 1 should be on.bits 0,2,3 B 5 sbould be Off. 0 OX10 0 UP2 0 0 0 0 1658 OX 11 Receive flag character. Level 2 interrupt did not occur or L2 was not from tbe receiVe line address. 13L2 1'1611 9th L2 after scope sync 2. See Itn USA header for register and checks. 16SB 0112 Receive flag character. Tbe LCD notag or PCF not=6 for receive line address. 13F2 TA811 See rtn X65A for registers and cbecks. X658 OX 13 aeceive flag character. ICI bits 0-3 or S are in error 13G2 1'801, ICW bits 0,1 6 3 sbollld be off. ICII bits 2 and 5 (DLC flag detect) should be on. See routine 165A beader. 1660 XXXX DLC DAT1 lIaAP IllIZI IIODB. Tbe routine beader for routine 165A is valid for tbis routine except for note 3. All DLC lines in this routine are tested in 8 bit aode. Transaitted Data - o o 1A 2A 3F 01 00 00 00 aeceived Data o o COIIIIEIITS 'UB" for cloc~ correction. for clock correction a shifted flag character send with tbe 'disable stuffer' bit on. after the low order bitea one bit) is sent frOB this character tbe transmit SDF is cleared to zeros and the HBZI bit is set in the transmit ICW by doing an output 1'46' with data of X'8000', The 'last line state' bit is also set on when the one bit is being transmitted. FrOB tbis point on all zero bits are serialized out of tbe SDF but due to the HRZI circuits alternate data bits should be transBitted. see coa.ents under the 01 character. see cOB.ents under the 01 character. see com.ents under the 01 character. flag recognized from the transmitted X'3" plus the extra one bit. AA alternate data bits received. Hote that the HaZI bit is not set on for the receive line address,. A1 alternate data bits received. 11 alternate data bits received. 11 alternate data bits received. lA alternate data bits received~ This routine tests ability of CS to transait data in NBZI aode. Tbe transmitted and received characters are offset to generate a predictable interrupt sequence. See notes q and 6 in section T2CS-NOTBS for reason for tbis offset. X660 OXOl Transmit of first character coap1eted. No level 2 character service interrupt occurred or level 2 vas not from the trans.it line address. A3L2 TA611 First character service level 2 aft program set scope sync 2. See Rtn X651 header for registers and otber checks. 1660 0102 Trans.it of first character coapleted. The transait PCF not=9 or LCD not -9. 131'2 1'1811 The PCF was set to 8 by the program during setup and sbou1d have been changed to 9 by CS. Type 2 Scanner, 1.1' X3705GAA 6.1.31 IBft 3705 COaaUHICATIOHS CONTROLLEI TYPE 2 COKKONICATIONS SCAHHBB 1FT SyaPTOS INDEI ROOT. BRRoa PUICTION TISTED CQPIl UtiO 010) 1J1'~,ujIllH III ~IIII ohataotet do.p1eied, ERROR DBSCRIPTION NO 1.,•• ~ SU5l'1!CTED CABO nAtO n'un A1L2 fAfJ 11 ~ cba,· •• hteuapt atter prograa set scope sync 2. See routine X65A beader for registers 6 checks. lAentoli I') or L2 Rot fro. trabs.it line address. IIAGJ! P&GB CO II KI H'l:S 2nd 1.v.1 1660 OIOq Receive flag character No level 2 or L2 not fro. ~eceive line add~ess. A3L2 TA611 3rd level 2 char-sv interrupt after progra. set scope sync 2. See routine 16SA beader for registers & checks. X660 OX05 Receive flag cha~acte~ Receive LCD not=9 not=6 o~ A3P2 A3P2 'U111 TAa11 Beg X'1/1' byte 0= LCD nil PCP. 1660 0106 Receive flag characte~ ICW bits 0-3 or 5 in e~~o~. a~e A3G2 TB011 ICIi bits 2 ("har overrun) and ICW bit 5 (flag detect) should be on. Bits 0,1 I: 3 should be off. 1660 0107 Transmit of cha~acte~ X'3F' completed. No L2 inte~~upt occu~red or L2 was not from the transmit line address. 13L2 TA611 qth level 2 char-sv interrupt after progtall set scope sync 2. See routine 165A header for registers anil checks. 1660 oxoa Wait for Transmit or receive line address to cause a L2 intertllpt. No L2 inte~rupt occurred from either transmit or receive line address. A3L2 n611 1660 0109, Receive data character X'AA' L2 interrupt not from receive line address. A3L2 Tl\611 Beg X'lq' = interrupting line aildress. X660 OIOA Receive data character X' AI.' Receive LCD not=9 or PCP not=1 A3P2 13P2 U 111 'r181, Beg X'14' byte 0 = LCD/PCl'. 1660 OX08 Receive data character X'AA' Receive data not"X'AA' or ICII bits 0-3 or 5 are in error A3G2 1362 TB02, US11 Reg X' H' byte 1 • PDP data byte O"XCII bits 0-7. ICW bit 1 shollld be on. ICII bits 0,2,3 & S sbould be off. ~660 OXOc Bait for transmit or receive line address to. cause a L2 int~rrupt. No L2 interrupt occurred ,,fljqm ·eithe~t tn·nstit or receive line address. A3L2 TA611 X660 OXOD Receive data character X'U' The level 2 interrupt not from receive line address. A3L2 n611 Reg X'1Q' • interrupting line address. 1660 OXOE Receive data character X'lA' Receive LCD not=9 or PCP not"7 AlP2 A3P2 TA1ll TA8H Beg X'1q' byte 0 " LCD/PCl'. 1660 OXOF Receive data character lPU' aeceive data not-X'AA' or ICIi bits 0-3 or 5 in error A3G2 A3B2 A3P2 TB021 TA31' US" Reg 1'14' byte 1 • PDP DATA, BYTE 0ICW bits 0-7. ICII bit 1 sbould be on. ICIi bits 0,2,3 I: 5 sbould be off. PCP 1660 OX10 Bait for transmit or receive line address to cause a L2 interrupt. Ho level 2 interrupt occurred from either transmit or receive line address. 13L2 TA611 1660 OX 11 Receive data character X'AA' line address Level 2 not fro. receive A3L2 TA611 Reg X'1/1' ;: interrupting line adllress. {, 6.1.38I3705GAA Type 2 Scanner IPT -------------- ------ ----_. o --.~-,- ..."'" o o leK 3705 COBaUHIC1TIO.~ CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COBKUUICATIONS SCAHNIB IPT SyafTOH INDEX !lOUT. BBBOB PUNCUON nSTED CODB X66Q 0112 Beceive data character I'U' 0 0 0 0 o o o 11\ U o o IRBOB DISCBIPTIOII 099-3105E- 09 Receive LCD lI,ot-9 or pcr 1I0t-l SUSeBCTED CABO tOC1'UOR (5) 13P2 13P2 FEUD l'BTIIK PAGE PAGE '1'1111 '1'1811 X660 0113 Beceive data cbaracter X'U' Receive data not=X'll' or ICII bits 0-3 or 5 in error 1312 A3P2 'U511 TA 121 X660 01111 Wait tor translit or receive line address to cause a L2 interrupt. Ho L2 illterrupt occurred trol either the translit or recei,e line aGdress. l3L2 '1'1611 1660 0115 Beceive data cbaracter X'U' Level 2 not frol receive line address UL2 'U611 Reg X'111' • interrupting line address. 1660 0116 Beceive data character I'AA' Receive LCD not=9 or PCP not=7 A3P2 13P2 TAl11 'flB'l Beg X'14' byte 0 .. lCD/PCl'. 1660 0117 Beceive data cbaracter X'U' Beceive data 1I0t-X'll' or ICW bits 0-3 or 5 in error. 13B2 131'2 T15H 'U121 Beg 1'111' byte 1 • PDP data. ICW bit 1 shOUld be on, ICII bits 0,2,3 6 5 should not be on. 1660 OX1B Wait for translit or receive line address to .cause L2 interrupt. 80 L2 interrupt occurred trol either the translit or receive 1ille address. A3t2 TA611 See rtn beading for registers and check to be IIlde. 1660 0119 Beceive data charactsr X'll' Level 2 not from receive lille address. 13L2 'lUll Beg X'111' .. interrupting. Une address. 1660 OX 11 Beceive data character X'U' Beceive LCD lIot=9 or I'cr not-7 131'2 U1'2 TA11t TABH Beg X'14' byte 0 .. LCD/PCr. X660 OX1B Beceive data character lPU' Beceive data not"X'AA' or ICII bits 0-3 or 5 in error. 13G2 13H2 'fB02t TA511 Seg X'1'II' byte 1 .. received data (frail PDP). ICIl bit 1 (BfC-reg) should be on, bits 0,2,3 6 5 should be off. 1660 0130 Transmit of data, character X'OO' cOlp1ete. Tbe translit LCD not=9 or PCP not=9. 13P2 'UB" Beg X'14' byte 0 LCD and PCP. This error is in a subroutine COIIOD to all transmit interrupts after initial transllit of X' 00'. X662 XXXX SYHCBBOHOUS IIONITOB 'lIST - When in synchronous monitor state (LCD=9, PCP.4 or ~ the scanner is salp1ing tor an BBCDIC syn character, a DSASCII syn character or all OLC tlag character. This routine tests that when a BBCDIC syn character is detected in the recei,e data streal, the scanner sets the LCD to I'C', PCP to X'7' and that when a OSlSCII SYII character is detected in the receive data strea., tbe scanner sets the LCD to X'D', PCP to x'7'. The first installed line set pair that will run in DLC lode is wrapped. The set lode is done betore setting the scope sync 2 as the pair of lines is wrapped. Any errors detected during set lode are pretest errors and start with error code tXXX. These error codes are near the end ot the SYlptO. index atter all routine error c04es. Reg 1'14' byte 1 • received data froll PDP, byte 0 =ICII bits 0-7. ICW bit 1 should be on. ICII bits 0,2,3 6 5 should be off. o o o o e COHIIl!NfS Beg X'14' byte o • LCD and PCl'. Bote 1 , Type 2 Scanner IrT On all error stops in this routine the following registers are set up: Beg X'11' • franslit line set address Reg X'13' a Receive line set address Beg X'14' tor errors that indicate receive data is bad or ICW bits 0-3 or 5 are in error • What was obtained by an ioput X'44' fro. the recei,e line ICW ICW bits B-15 are the PDr and contains the receive data X3705GU 6.1.39 i IBK 3705 COKKUHtCA~10NS CONtROLLB! 2 CO""QHtCAtIOHS scaM.lft IPt SY"P~O" IHDII DIIII- nODI-Oil ~YPB nOll'!'. 1Ift1111. 'UNI:'1'101 TIIIUD ClOIl. JlIIIIPIIW'I'1I0 I:UII lew bitl 0-' ate error and ooattol ICW ICV ICW ICV ICI bit bit bit bit bit fla~1 nUll nru toCA'l'tuN IlIl PAUJI Uti. and ate defined .. follow II COIIIIUTI 0 • Stop bit oheok/OLC idle deteot. 1 • Service request 2 a Cbaracter overrun 3 a Bode. cbeck q ,. Receive line signal detectltbis bit is ignored 111 this test.) lCN bit 5 = DLC flag detect/disable stuffer remember. lCIl bit 6 Progra. flag(tbis bit is ignored in this test). ICII bit 7 • PAD flag/disable stuffer(this bit is ignored on the received data ~CV bits 0-15 testing) Beg X'14' for errors that indicate tbe LCD or pcr is bad, • ~he LCD in byte 0 bits 0-3, and pcr in byte 0 bits 4-7. Tbe line is tested in 8 bit mode. Tbe transmitted cbaracters are offset fro. tbe received characters. See note. 4 and 6 in section ~2cS-RO~ES for tbe reason tor this offset. ~ran .. it Data aeceive Data 1662 OXOl Transmit of 1st cbaracter X'AA' completed 1662 OX02 Transait of 1s'1'" char~ct'er X'AA' coapleted. X662 0103 '!ransait of 2nd character X' 21' cOlpleted 1662 OX04 U62 AA 2A 19 19 32 OB OB 16 A3L2 :rA611 1st level 2 interru after scope sync 2. Reg X'14' .. 00 i f no L2 occ\lrred; Beg X'14' egual interrupting addr in error. Beg X'11'· transmit line adr. : ~3r~l, 'lAd 11 After'transllit initial. the scanner sbould ba,e c~anged pcr to 9. Ho level 2 character service interrupt occurred froa transait line or L2 interrupt not froa trans.it line. A3L2 'U611 2nd level 2 interru after scope sync 2. See co •• ents for th OXOl error stop cod Transait of 1st EBCDIC syn cbaracter X'19' coaplate4. Ho level 2 interrupt or level 2 interrupt not tro. transait ad4re.s. A3L2 TA611 3rd level 2 interru after scope sync 2. Sea cO.lents for th OX01 arror stop cod 0105 Transmit of 1st BBCDIC sfn character X'19' co.pleted. Translli t fcr not"9 or LCD not .. 9. 13r2 'Ual' Beg X'14' byte 0 .. actual transait LCD and pcr. 1662 0106 Beceive EBCDIC sfn charactar X'32' No level 2 interrupt froa recei~e lina adr or intarrupt fro. wrong line a4dress. A3L2 TA611 Reg X'14'= 0000 if no L2 occurred el.e reg X'14- line edt ICI interrupting in error. Reg X'13'=receive line address. 1662 0107 Receive EBCDIC sfn character X'32' Receive LCD not=C or pcr not" ". 13r2 T1261 Beg X'14' byte 0 LCD & pcr. Tbe CS hard.are sbould change LCD to X'C' wben e BBCDIC SYH character is recehed. 1662 OIOa Receive EBCDIC syn character X'32' lCW bits 0-3 are in error or data received in por is not .. to X'321. 'fAS11 'fA 121 lCV bit 1 (sve-reg) should be on and lCI bits 0, 2, & 3 should be off. see Rtn beader Dote ,. 6.1.110 X3705GU level 2 cbaracter service interrupt occurred fro. translit line addr of L2 occurred but not fro. trans,it line address. 80 ' 'i.r~;l.nSait p!!r" not-g or LCD not = 9.. ' Type 2 Scanner IrT , / = (' (t \ o o· o IBI 3705 COIlUHICATIORS CONTBOLLBB tiPI 2 COlftORICATIORS SC1.RIB IPT SiRPTO" INDIX 0 0 X662 OIDA 0 Transait of 1st DSACII syn character X'OB' coapleted. 1662 OXOB 0 X662 0 BOOT. IRBOB PDIICnOR TUTU COOl X662 0109 Transait of 2nd IBCDIC syn character X'19' coapleted. IBBOB DBSCBIl'TIOR D99-31058-09 SDSPECTID CABO LOCA'UOIl (S) UL2 FEUD PBTI$II PAG8 UGB 'U611 10 L2 interrupt occurred froa trans. it line or interrupt occurred froa wrong line adr. A3L2 T1611 See cOllent for error etop OX01_ Translit of 1st DS1CII syn character X'OB' cOlpleted. TranBlit LCD not-9 or PCP· not .. g A3P2 TAB11 Beg X'll1' byte a contains actual LCD aod PCl'. OXOC Beceive DSACII sJnc character X' 16'. 10 L2 interrupt occurred froa receive line or interrupt occurred froll wrong Une adr.• UL2 n611 See COlDlent for error stop OX06. 1662 OXOD Beceive OSlCII syn character X' 16' Beceive LCD not=D or pCP not-7. A3P2 'U261 Beg X'111' byte 0= LCD S PCP. The CS harGware sbould change LCD to D when OSACII syn character is received. X662 OXOB Beceive USACII sfn character X' ,6' Beceive line ICW bits 0-3 are in error or the received data character in the PDP is not· to X'16'. . 1663 OXOI Bnsure that IPCA BPQ Bit 39 lOOT X'II7' byte 1, bit 3) can be set by issuing OUT X'1I1' with that bit on. III X'1I1' byte 0, bit 7 failed to set. AlG2 1663 OX02 Bnsure that IPCA BPQ Bit 39 IOU'r X' 47' byte 1, bit 3) can be reset by issuing OUT X'II1' with that bit off. IN X'1I1' byte 0, bit 1 failed to set. 1362 X664 OXOI Bnsure that IPCl BPQ bit 39 lOUT 1[1111' byte 1, bit 3) can be set by issuing OUT X'1I1' with that bit on. IH X'II1' byte 0, bit 1 failed to set. AlG2 Insure that disabling CSB under test will reeet IPCA BPQ bit 39. I I U7' byte 0, bit 7 failed to reset. 13G2 lIo L2 interrupt occurred froa transait line or interrupt occurred froa wrong line adr~ 0 o o o o o o o o 1665 XXXX COIIIIBNTS See COl lent for error stop OXOI. ICW bit 1 (svc-req) should be on, ICW bits 0, 2 and 3 should be off. See rtn heading note 1. Synchronous line sets wrap data test for IPCl BPQ. III installed line addresses that run in synchronous lode (even though they also run in start/stop aode and haye been already tested in routine SO) are wrapped two at a tiae. The first installed synchronous line address is aade the receive line aDd the next installed synchronous line address is aade the transait line. The test is perforaed on this pair of lines. When the test is coapleted 00 this pair of lines, the lines are reset aDd the line that was the translit line is now aade the receiYe line and the next installed synchronous line address is aade the new trsnsait line. This pair of lines is then wrapped. This stepping through the lines is continued until the last installed synchronous line bas beeD the transmit line. Then the first installed line is aade the translit line and the last installed synchronous line is made the receive line and this pair of lines is wrapped. All the installed synchronous line.sets are srapped with LCD=C and then the aboye procedure is repeated using LCD=D. A set lIode is executed for both the transait aDd receive lines witb ICW bit 27 (diagnostiq wrap lode) and ICW bit 29 (sync bit clockl on. Oscillator select bits are zeros to select the first oscillator. The priority bits are set to 3. the set aode is executed before the setting of scope syne 2 as each pair of lines is wrapped. The set lode must coaplete successfally for tbe wrap to function and any errors detected during the set aode are pre-test errors and all start with error code 1XXX. These error codes are located near tbe end of the sYlptoa index following the routine error codes. References to level 2 interrupts in the following error code displays are the character service level 2 interrupts that occur after scope SYDC 2 is set and do Dot include the level 2 interrupts that occurred for the set aodes that occur before scope sync 2. , 1I0t'e 1: Type 2 Scanner 1FT For reg reg reg all error stops in this routine, the fOllowing registers are setup: X'11' • translit line address (as used to set lB1BI X'13' - receive line address (as used to set IBlB) X'1Q' for errors tbat indicate level 2 interrupt occurred frol wrong address X3705GU 6.1.41 IBK 3705 COftftONIC1TIOHS CONTROLLER TiPE 2 COftftUNIC1TIOHS SClNNER 1FT StIPTO! IDDEI ROOT. ERROR POHCTIOH TESTED COD! reg 1>99-31115E-09 ERBOB DESCBIPTION and contai~s SOSPECTED ClRD LOCATION (S) tbe line address tbat caused tbe L2 interrupt. FElLD FlIUII PAGE PAGE o COIIIIEIiTS for errors that indicate the received data is bad, or indicates that ICW bits 0-7 are in error and contains ICW bits 0-15 fro. the receive line ICW obtained by executing Input X'~4'. ICW bits 8-15 (tbe PD') contain the received data. ICW bits 0-7 are check and control tlags and are always eJpected to be set as follows: ICI bit 0 • Stop bit check and sbould be off IC¥ bit 1 • Service re~uest and should be on ICI bit a • Character overrun/underrun and .bould be off ,,1<;, bit 3 '" lIod81 check and should bp .off ,' ICW bit _ • aeceive line signal detector~ This bit is ignored in this teat. ICH bit 5· Beserved bit. Thia bit'is ignored in tbia teat. ICI bit 6 • Progra. flag. Thia bit ia ignored in thia test. ICI bit 7 • Pad flag. This bit is ignored in this test. reg X'16' for errors that indicate tbe received data ia bad, and contains tbe eJpected ICW blts 0-15 that are being tested against the cOntents of reg 1'14'. Dote 2: 1'1~' Cbecks to be made on all error stops: a. Check LCD of failing line address. If LCD=P, a feedback cbeck has occurred. If the configuration data set (CDSI erroneously indicates a line set is installed that will run in synchronous .ode, a feedback cbeck will occur. b. You aay use tbe continue function (except on pre-test errors atarting with 1) to continue fro. tbis error to (1) see if just this line addreas is failing, (2) see if all line addreses in this LIB are failing, or (3) see if all syncbronous lines are failing. You aay get additional error atopa on the aa.e line pair being wrapped so you may have to use the continue fUnction multiple timea. If only one line set is failing, or a pair of even/od4 addresses, then the line aet card is probably bad. If all addresses fail in one LIB, the LIB's bit clock control card lay be bad, or the terlinators may be bad. If all syncbronous line ad4resses fail, the scanner cards aa} be bad. If the line addressea are the type that run in both synchronous and start/stop lode, and if they run suc~essfully in routine 1652, then auspect LCD-C or LCD-I> circuitry or tbe sync bit clock control line. Beference LIB card positions in section c-xxx in FE!!! (LIBs and line setsl because card locations vary in location according to tIB types. !he transmitted characters are offset by 1 data bit to cause receive data characters to be offset by 1 data bit froa transmitted characters. See notes 4 and 6 in section !2CS-RO!ES' for aore information. !ransait I>ata 55 55 55 55 55 55 Beceive I>ata Pl' E9 16 FP E9 16 'C PC 7C - Fp P9 01 53 79 01 2C 38 01 !he routine ia run in tbe sequence of 1665 0101 Transmit of 1st PlO co.pleted. 1665 0102 Transait of 1st PAD coapleted. X665 0103 ~rans.it 8 to 9. 6.1.. 112 13705GU PCF changes fro. 00 00 00 (EBCDIC) (SDLC-7) (SST) (EBCDIC) (SOLC-7) (SU) tbe follolling error codes. No level 2 interrupt occurred from transmit line address. A3L2 TA611 B-310 B-260 1st level 2 charservice interrupt after progra. aet scope sync 2. See notes 1 S 2 at heading of this routine for register and cbecks to aake. Level 2 interrupt not from transmit line adr. A3L2 TA611 B-300 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers anel checks to aake. Transmit PCP not· 9 Ot LCD changed. A3F2 TA811 B-080 Transmit PC, was se to 8 by p~ogra. during hardware setup. The scanner hardware should have changed the' PC, to 9 and should nOli be in process of traoslitting 2nd pad cbaracter. The transmit PDP is set to the 'st Stll character after Type 2 Scanner 1FT \ C~i ~~ -----"~ ~--~-- o o o o o o ----------------.----,-~ --_. __ . -_. -~-- ,._._--_._......_.. _,--_ ..-.-.",._-------_. IBS 3705 COSRORICATIORS CONTROLLBR TYPB 2 COSSORICATIORS SCARRBR IPT SYSPTOS IRDEI ROOT. BRROR PORCTIOR TESTBD co DB D99-3705B-09 ERROR DESCRIPTIOR SOSPEC'%BD CARD LOCITZOII(S) PEUD PBTIlIl PIGE PAGE CO IIIIE1lT S this error display. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers and checks to aate. 1665 0104 Trans.it of 2nd PAD coapleted. 10 le~el 2 interrupt occurred froa transait line adr. A3L2 TA611 8-310 B-260 2nd L2 after scope sync 2. See notes 1 and 2 in heading of this routine for registers and checks to aake. 1665 0105 Trans.it of 2nd PAD coapleted. Le~el 2 interrupt not froa transait line address. 13L2 Tl611 B-300 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks to aake. After this error display, the transai t PDP is set with the 2nd SYII character'. 1665 0106 Tranuit of 1st SYI coapleted. 10 le~el 2 interrupt occurred froa transai 11 line address. 13L2 TA611 B-310 8-260 3rd L2 after scope sync 2. See notes 1 and 2 in the rtn heading for registers and checks to aake. 1665 0107 Transait of 1st SYII coapleted. Le~el 2 interrupt not froa transait line address. A3L2 TA6., 8-300 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks to aalte. After this error display, the transait PDP is set to character l'AO' to be transaitted n8Zt. Should now be in process of trans.itting 2nd SYR character. 1665 0108 Recei~e 'st SYI. Recei~e line PCP not • 7 or LCD changed. A3P2 TA811 8-080 liDe PCP «2 initially set to S. When the 1st SYI character is recei~ed and recognized the hardware should changed the recei~E PCP=7. lote: this setting of PCP=7 fro. PCP=5 does not cause a l~el 2 interrupt. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for re.!Jisters and c~cks to aalte. o IE65 0109 Recei~e 2nd SYI. 13L2 Tl611 B-310 B-420 4th le~el 2 (1st £1 receiYe line addr) after scope sync 2. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers and checks to aake. o o 1665 A3L2 TA611 8-300 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 o o o o o o o o 110 le~el 2 interrupt occurred recei~e line address. froa OIOA Recei~e Type 2 Scanner IPT 2nd SYI. Le~el 2 recei~e interrupt not froa line adr. Recei~e 13705GAI 6.1.43 IBft 3105 CO~5UHICATIOHS CONTROLtER TYPE 2 COftKUNICATIOHS SCAHBER 1fT SYftPTOK INDBX ROUT. BRROR PUNCTION TESTBD CODE 1665 OX08 Receive 2nd 5tH. ERROR DBSCRIPTION Received data in PDF not a SYR cba:cacte:c, or IC' bits 0-3 in e:cror. D99-3105B-09 SUSPECTBD CABO tOCUION IS) 1312 A3P2 PBALD PETIIII PAGE PAGE TA311 TA131 B-420 CO 1111 BN'I S fo:c registers and checks to lake. Received data in PO should be 1'32' if LCD=C or 1'16' i f LCD-D. See notes 1 6 2 in heading of this routine for registers, ICI bits 0-1, and checks' to aake. 1665 oxoc Transmit of 2nd SYH completed. NO level 2 inter:cupt occu:cred for t:canssit line add:cess. AlL2 U611 8-310 &-260 5th level 2 Illth fr transmit line adr) alte:c scope sync 2. See notes 1 II 2 in heading of this rOIlUne for registers and cbecks to lake. X665 OXOD Transsit of 2nd SYH cospleted. tevel 2 inte:c:cupt not f:com transmit line ad:c. 13t2 T1611 8-l00 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks to lake. Afte:c this errOr display, the tun .. 1t PD. is set to the ne:1t character to tunsa~t. X665 OXOB Second Receive cbaracter. No level 2 interrupt occurred fros the :ceceive addr. 13t2 T1611 8-310 8-420 6th level 2 interru 12nd fros receive address) after scope sync 2. See potes 1 II 2 in heading of this routine for registers and cheCks to lake. . X665 OXOF Second aeceive cbaracte:c. tevel 2 interrupt not fros receive line address. A3t2 TA611 8-300 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for J:8g1sters and cbecks to sake. 1665 0110 Second Receive cba:cacte:c • Received data in PDP not. X'AO', or IC' bits 0-3 in error. A3B2 A3P2 TAll1 TA,31 &-420 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers, ICI bits 0-1, and cbecks to lake. 1665 OX11 Transmit of second character completed. No level 2 occurred fo:c translit line address. 13L 2 Tl611 1th level 2(Sth fro translit lipe addrl. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers and cbecks. 1665 0112 Transmit of second cha:cacter coapleted. Level 2 not f:col t:cans.it line add:cees. A3t2 'U611 See rtn beadin!! notes 1 and 2 for registers and cbecks. After this error display, the trannit PDF is set to 1'80' as the next cbaracter to t~ans.it. ShOUld now be in p~ocess of tranSilit Ung the chatacter 1[11" • 6.1.411 13105GAA Type 2 Scanner I.f " :., \ ,~ '. -,' --------~.--~- o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOUT. BRBOR lUNCTIOII 'rESTED CODE OX21 Receive character X'01'. X665 HO level 2 Qccurred froa receive line address. 1)99-3705];-09 SUSPBCTED cAaD LOCU1IOII (S) A3L2 . U61' 12th leyel 2(7th fr receive line addr). See notes 1 and 2 in beading of this routine for registers and check Last 12 for receive. FEUD FBUR FAGB COIIIIUlTS PlGB 0128 Receive character 1'01'. Level 2 not from receive line adllress. A3L2 U611 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and check8. ",665 0129 Receive character 1'01'. Received data in PDl not. X'II' or ICI bits 0-3 in errQr. 13E2 UP2 TUII T1U1 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers, ICII bits 0-7, and checks. After this error display, the receive pCl is set to 0 so no further level 2 interrupts should occur from the receiVe line addr. 1665 Ol2A Transait Qf 1'00' cQapleted and transmit tllrn-around. HQ level 2 occurred frQm transait line address. A3L2 U611 13th L2 (IOtb froa transait addr) and is tbe last L2. See notes 1 6 2 10 beading of thi8 routine for registers and checks. I t this tilDe tbe transait E'C, should bave turned around to PC'=5. 1665 OX28 Transait of X'OO' completed and transait turn-arollnd. Level 2 not from transmit line address. 13L2 TA611 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. E'Cl should be turned around to PCr-5. 1665 onc Transait turn-arQllnd. Transait PCl did not turn UF2 around to PCl=S or LCD changed. TA811 After previous transmit leyel 2 (see error 0126) transait PCl vas set to I'D' to cause a turnaround. The hardware should have coapleted the transmission of tbe character 1'00' and then set E'Cl=5. See notes 1 & 2 111 heading of thie routine for registers and checks. 1666 XUI Stop bit error test for all start/stop lines. All start/stop line addresses are tested to see if a stop bit check can be detected. The lines are used in peirs with one line aade the receive line. This is the line that should detect the stop bit check. The receive line is tested with LCD's of 0, 2, ~, 5, 6, and 7. ~he trausait line always is setup with LCD a 1. A PAD character of X'03' is transaitted followed by the Character 1'02'. When the 1'02' is heing transsitted, the prograa loops checking transait SDl bits 8 and 9 for 00, then the transait SDl is set to X'180'. fhis should cause the trans,it line to send extra bits of zero and cause the receive line *0 get a stop bit check. fhe sequence of operation in this routin. is: e e BBROB DBSCRIPTIOH --~~~- 1665 e 0 0 0 ._- -.- . - .. ------ ..--------- .. --- .. 18K 3105 COKKUNIC1TIONS CONTBOLLEB TYPE 2 COKKUNIC1TIOHS SC1.RBa IlT StKPTOR INDEX U 0 0 ~-- Type 2 Scanner IlT X370SGU 6.1.45 IeH 3105 COKHOHICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COftKONIC1TIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX D99-3105E-09 ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD CODE LOCATION (SI a. Reset scanner. b. Enable scanner. c. Set display bit in the receive lines ICW. d. Set receive line address in receive mode. e. Set lIode on the transmit line address. f. Set transmit line 5D1=X'03'.(2 bit tilles of pad) g. Set transmit line PDF=x'02 ' • h. Set transmit PCF=8. i. set scope sync 2. j. Wait for level 2 interrupt on trans.it PAD character completed. k. Wait for transllit SDF bits 8-9=0. 1. Set transmit SDFaX'180'. II. Wait for receive line address character service level 2 interrupt. n. Check that 'stop bit check' bit is on in receive lines ICW. o. Beset the 'stop bit check' bit. p. Check that the bit reset. FEUD FET!!!! PAGE PAGE COHIIEN'lS .1 ~ '~I...- j~' The above sequence is done for LCD's 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 on the receive line address and then the next start/stop line is setup and the whole test is run again, All lines use priority 3 and oscillator select O. Note,. The Reg Rag Rsg following registers are setup for all errors displayed in this routine; 1'11' • Transmit line edr. 1'13' • Receive line edr; the adr that should detect tha stop bit errors. 1'16' • The LCD being tested on the receive line. (in byte 1, bits 0-3.1 Hate 2. On all error stops', the LCD's should be checked for LCD=F (feedback cbeck). Iou can use the continue function (except for pre-test errors during the set modesl to continue from the error stop to see if (1) only one line set, (2) the wbole LIB, or (3) all start/stop line sets in the scanner are failing, and if the failure is for one LCD setting or all LCD settings. If only one line or one pair of lines is failing, suspect the line set card as being bad. If all lines on a LIB fail, cbeck LIB cards and terminators. If all of lines on scanner fail, or if only one LCD setting fails, suspect the scanner cards. Reference LIB card positions in section c-xxx in FETIIH (LIBs and line setsl because card locations vary according to LIB type. Other possible failures are that oscillator 0 is failing or oscillator select is not working. X666 OX01 Transmit of PAD completed. No level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 TA611 B-310 B-260 Reg X'11' .. transmit line addr expected to cause L 2 interrupt. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for other registers & checks to be aada. X666 OX02 Transmit of PAD completed. Level 2 interruFt not from trans.it line address. A3L2 U611 B-300 Reg X'11' " transmit line addr expected to cause L2 interrupt. Reg X'14' " line adr that caused the L2 interJ;upt. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for other registers & cbecks to be made. 1666 OX03 Shifting of transmit SDP. Transmit SOP bits 8 & 9 did not get zeros shifted into them within 200 ail1iseconds. AlL2 TA611 8-480 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. I f this failure /1 occurs suggest you run routines X650 g 1652 to test" diagnostic wrap. X666 0104 Received character. No level 2 interrupt occurred. 13L2 TA611 B-310 B-260 Beg X'13' = receive line addr" expected to cause L 2 interrupt. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine 6.1.46 X3705GAA Type 2 Scanner 1FT (' o o o o o iBK 3105 COftftOHIC1TIO"~ CONTROLLER TYPE 2 C08"UHICATIOHS SCANNER tFT SyftPTOft IIIDEX ROOT. ERBOR PUNCTION TESnD COOS ERROR DESCRIPTION D99- 3105E- 09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCATtON(S) nAtO PE'l'1I11 PAGB PAGB A,,66 OX05 Received character. tenl 2 lIIternpt not frail receive lbe address. I\3L2 'U6H 8-l00 Reg X'13' • receiYe line addr expected to cause the L2 interrupt. Reg X'111"Une adr that caused the L2. See notes 162 in heading of this routine for other registers II checks. X666 OX06 Stop bit check bit on. Stop bit checlt (tCI bit 0) not on. 1\31'2 'fA 121 B-1110 Stop bit check 8hou14 be all ill the receive line ICII. See notes 1 6 ill hellding of thls routine for registers II checks. X666 OX07 Stop bit check hit off. Stop bit check did not reset. AlP2 'U121 8-180 Program IIttempted to reset the stop bit check but it did not reset. See 1I0tes 1 1\ 2 in belliling of this routine for register8 lind checks. X668 XXXX Pllil flllg test for stllrt/stop lines. Cbeck tbat wbile tbe PAD flag (ICI bit 7) is on lind the trllnsmit PDPaX'pp', no charllcters lire receiYeil. Then turn the PAD flllg off lind check thllt characters can be received. A pair of lines are used in each run of the test with one line being the receive line and tbe other the trans.it line. All start/stop lines are testeil with LCO=2, priority l, and oscillator select O. A set sode 1s executed for both tbe receive and tbe transsit line. The receiYe line is set in receiYe sode, tbe transmit SOP is set to X'PP', tbe trans.it PDP is set to X'05', the transsit PCP is set to X'8', and tben scope sync 2 is set and tbe rest of the test runs in the salle sequence as the following error coiles. As eacb test is f1nisbed, the next start/stop line address is used with the previous transmit line and the test is ruo agaio. This contiDoes until all installed start/stop lines in the scanoer under test are rlln in both trans.it and receive lode. . o o o o o o o Bote 1: Tbe followiog registers are setop for error displays: Beg X'11'=Transsit line (ICM) address as used to set ABAR. Beg X'13'=Receive line (ICH) address as ossd to set AB1R. Re~ X'1~' for errors indicating level 2 interrupts fros wrong address = the line address of tbe line that causeil tbe level 2. Beg X'1~' for uneKpected received data in the PDP or for errors that iodiclte ICI bits 0-7 are in error. Contains ICW bits 0-15 fro. the receive line ICI obtained by an Input X'411'. Reg X'16'aExpected receive lines ICI bits 0-15 for receive datil por errors, or ICW bits 0-7 error. Tbe receive ICW bits 8-15 are the PDP, and byte 1 of botb reg X'111' and reg x'16' should always be equal on all received data tests. ICI bits 0-7 are norsally expected to = X'q?' in reg X'1~1 (service reqnest bit on, 'receiye line signal detect' bit ignored, all other bits off). Par telegraph LIB's, ICW bits 0-7 lire not checked since ao echo cbeck .ay occur setting lodel check if 110 external current loop is present. Hate 2: Par all error stops, the LCD's shoulil be exallined for a feedback check; LCD-X'P'. rou can use the continue function (except for set mode pre-test errors) to soe if only this line address, a pair of line addresses, all lines in a LIB, or all lines in the scanner are failing. If only one line, or a pair of lines is failing, saspect the line set card. If all lines in a LIB are failing, suspect the LIB bit clock control cllrd or line terlinators. If all lines in the scanner fail, snspect scanner carils or first oscilllltor cllrd. See LIB card positions in section c-xxx in rBT"! (LIBS lind lioe sets) because tbey yarJ according to LIB type. o o o o o o COIlIlENTS for otber registers and checks. 1668 OX01 Pirst PAD character completely translitted. Type 2 Scanner IPT Ho levsl 2 interrupt occurred. Expected frol trans.it line A3L2 TA611 B-310 B-260 See rtn heading notes 1 lind 2 X3705GAA 6.1.117 IBft 3705 COftftUHICATIONS CONTROLLEB TYPS 2 COftftUNICATIONS SCAN.RB IPT SY.PTO! IHDEI BOUT. EBBOB PURCTION TESTED CODE EBBOB DESCBIPTIOH address. D99-3705B-09 SUSPECTED CABD tOCUION (51 P1GB rEALD PET II II COIIIIBNTS flGB for registers and Checks. This Ihould be 1st L2 interrupt aher ICO pe ayllc 2. 1668 0102 Pirst PAD coapletely transaUted. Lsvel 2 interrupt not fro. transait line address. UL2 TA611 8-300 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers alld checks. lfter this error display, the transllit line's pad flag is turned on and the PDP is set to X'PP'. 1'05' is being tuns.itted. X668 OX03 Beceive first cbaracter of X'05'. No level 2 interrupt occurred. L2 interrupt expected from receive line address. 13t2 T16" 8-3'0 B-1I20 See rtn heading notes' and 2 for registers ana checks. This should be the 2nd level 2 interrupt (1st from receive line adrl after scope sync 2. X669 OXOQ Beceive first character of X'05'. Level 2 interrupt not fro. receive line address. A3t2 TA611 8-300 See rtn heading notes' and 2 for registers ana checks. X669 OX05 Beceive first cbaracter of 1105'. Received data in PDP not • 1'05', or ICI bits 0-1 in error. A3E2 U1'2 TA3ll 8-1120 See rtn heading notes , and 2 for registers, ICN bits 0-7, & cbecks. 1669 OX06 Transait of 1'05' coapleted. Ho level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 TA6', 11-310 B-260 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers Ii checks. This should be 3d level 2 interrupt, 2nd for transmit line address. 1669 0107 Transait of X'05' COllpleted. Level 2 interrupt not from transmit line address. 13L2 TA6" 8-300 See rtn heading notes , and 2 for registers and checks. After this error aisplay, the tranuit line's pad flag is turned on and the PDP is Bet to X'PP'. Should nov be transmitting the pad cha::acter setup after error display OX02 and receive lille should not be receiving allY data bits. ][668 OX09 Transllit of 2nd PAD coapleted. No level 2 interrupt occurred. A3t2 TA611 8-310 8-260 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registets and checks. ~his is the Qth L2 (3rd froll transmit line address). IE68 OX 09 Transait of 2nd P1D cOllpleted. Level 2 interrupt not froll transllit line address. 8_ 300 see rtn heading notes 1 and 2 6.1.118 13705GU TAU' 8-1120 Type 2 Scanner Il'~ l ~---- o o o IBK 3705 COKKOHIC1TIOIS COHtROLLER tIPE 2 COKKOHICltIOIS SC1.lla ItT StftPTOK 11011 0 aOot. Eaaoa POICTIO. tlSTBD CO!)I BBaoa DBSCBIPTIOI .... ---, D99-31058-09 SUUISCUD CUD toCUtOIl(S) PULD '1'1'l1li PlOS no. 0 -0 0 0 r.v1.to~. 104 lC668 OX 01 Pad flag reset. Pad flag did not reset in tunult ICW. 13B2 TA3', 8-180 See ttn,heading notes , and 2 for registers and cbecks. 1668 OXOB Trans.it of ,3rd P1D co.pleted. 10 level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 T1611 8-310 8-260 See ttn heading notes 1 and 2 for tegisters and checks. This should be the ,5th level 2 interrupt ,qth froll ttansllit line adtl. trans.it of 3rd PAD co.pleted. Level 2 interrupt fro. vrong address. Expected a L2 fro. transait 11ne address. A3L2 TA6'1 8-300 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. lfter this error display, the transllit pad flag is turned on and the PDf is set to X'P". Sbould nov be ' in tbe, process of 0 o o X668 o for If tbo 1.2 interrupt lias cauae by the receive line ad suspect that the receive line vas receiving data hstead of the pad character that vas supposed to be transllitted. lfter this error display. the pad flag is turned off and the transait lIDP is set to X'OE' as the next character to trans.it. 1 pad character should 1I0V be in the ptOCess of transaieeion. GI.IGIlI. 0 o o o o o COIlUlItl I OXOC transa1tt~ng character X' OB'. I X568 OXDP Beceive character X'OE'. X668 OX10 Receive character X'OE'. Ho level 2 interrupt occurred. Should have level 2 interrupt fro. receive line address. A3L2 TA611 8-310 8-Q20 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. This should be the 6th level 2 interru (the 2nd fro. receive line adr). Level 2 interrupt not fro. line address. llL:! TA611 B-300 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. If the level 2 interrupt lias caused by the trapsait line ad4r the trlPslit lines ICV lay ha,. failed to recognize the reset of the pa4 flag after error display 0109. TA3" 'U 131 8-~20 See rtn heading notea 1 and 2 for registers, lCW ~ecelve X668 OX1, Receive type 2 Scanner IPT charact.~ X'OE'. Received data in PDP not X'OE', or ICY bits 0-7 in error. X3705GAA 6.1. ~9 (J tPft 3705 CO"ftUMICATtO_S CORTROLLBB TIPB 2 COftKQHleATIOHS SCARNBR 1fT SYftPTOH IHDEX aOOT" EIIROR lUlIcnoll nS'rED CODI ERROB DESCBIPTIO. SOSPECTED CARD LOCATION (5) PEALD FEtHlI PAGE flGE X669 XXXX Scanner priority test. Tbis routine tests tbat tbe priority between multiple scanners is correct. If level 2 interrupts are pendinq frol lultiple Bcanners at tbe same tile tben tbe 1st scanner sbould bave the highest priority, the 2nd scanner the next priority, etc. In this test the 1st ICW of eacb installed scanner is aetup to have a level 2 interrupt pendinq by setting ICW bit 41. Tben tbe proqral checks that tbe scanners interrupt in the correct sequence. The test is run using priority select 3 for all tested scanners. !his test is not run if only one scanner is installed. If tbis test detects failures you should lake sure that all preyious test routines bave run on all scanners before fOU use tbis routine to try to isolate tbe problem. 1669 OX01 Scanner prioritf test. Did not get leyel 2 interrupt after all scanners were set to cause a leyel 2 interrupt. 13L2 Leyel 2 interruft occurred frol IIrong adr,. Req X'13'= line adr expected to cause t2 interrupt. Req 1"4'. line addr.ess causing L2. A3L2 :C1611 CO HII BIITS bits 0-7, and checks. 8-300 X669 OX02 Scanner priority test. Scanner 1 bas bighest priority, scanner 2 next, scanner 3 next, and acanner 4 the l~west priority. X66B XXXX Character oyerrun and underrun test for start/stop lines. Check that character overruna on the receive line and character underruns on tbe t~ans.it line can be detected and reset. All start/stop lines are tested except for telegraph lines which cause an echo check if no external current source is connected to the line. Tbe echo check sets model check tbat suppresses the setting of service requeat. Overrun cannot be set when the service reqQBst bit is off. 1 pair of start/stop lines are used in eacb run of tbe test with one line made the receive line and one the transmit line. As each test finishes, the next start/stop line is lade the transmit line and the last translit line is made tbe receive line. This continues until all atart/atop 11nes have been both a transmit and a receive 11ne in the scanner under test. All lines are tested witb tCO-2, priQrity=3, and oscillator select=O. A set mode is executed for the receiYe lins and then tbe transmit line. The receive line is set ln receiYe mode. The transmit lins's sor 1a Bet to x'rp', PDP to X'OA', and pCP=X'S'. Scope aync 2 is set, tben the routine runs in tbe sequence of the followinq error display codes. The scanner is reset then enabled and the above test is run on the next line. Tbis continues until all start/stop lines except telegrapb bave been tested. Hote1: Bote 2: X66E OX01 B-300 See routine heading Reg X'13'-line adr t2 is expected fr08 See routine heading Tbe following regiaters are setup fox error displays: Reg X'11'-Translit line (ICII addreas as used to set lBA8. Req X'13'-Becelve 11De (ICN) address as used to Bet ABAR. Reg X'1~' for errors indicating level 2 interrupts fros wronq adr and contains the address of the line that caused the level 2 interrupt. Beq X' 1.' for Unexpected received data in the PDP or for errors that indicate ICW bits 0-7 are in error. Contains ICN bits 0-15 fro. the receive line ICI obtained by an Input X'qq'. Reg X'16'=Expected receive lines ICN bits 0-15 for received data, PDP errors, or ICW bits 0-7 error. The receiYe ICW bits 8-15 are tbe PDP, and byte 1 of both reg X'14' and req X'16' should alwaya be equal on all received data teats. ICW bita 0-7 are expected to be • to I'q?' in reg X'1Q' (service request on, 'receive line algnal detect' iqnored, all other bits off). The exception to ICW bits 0-7 occurs when an OYerrun is created. The service request bit (ICW bit 1) should be off and character overrun bit (ICW bit 2) should be on. f ,- / \ ... - j For all error stops, the LCD's should be examined for a feedback check; LCD-X'P'. You can use the continue function (except for set mode pre-test errors) to aee if only this line address, a pair of line addresses, all lines in a LIB, or all lines in the scanner are failing. If only one line, or a pair of lines, is failing, suspect the line set card. If all lines in a LIB are failing, suspect the LIB bit clock control card or line terminators. If all lines in the scanner fail, suspect tbe scanner cards or first oscillator card. See LIB card positions in section c-xxx (LIBs and line aets) because they yary according to LIB type. Completed transmit of PAD character. 6.1.50 X3705GAA 'lA611 () No leyel 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 Should have bad a L2 interrupt from the transmit line address. TA6.1 8-310 B- 260 See rtn heading notes 1 aDd 2 for registers and checks. This should be the 1st L2 interrupt after program set scope sync 2. Type 2 Scanner 1FT ( " \ ,",,/ {-, _ ( t ( >. ----,._- _.. o o o o o o 18K 3705 ~tPB COKKURlc~TIORS a COKKUaICA~IoaS ~. ._,._._------ -_._-_. __ ..,--_ ... ,-------_.. __ 1199-3105B-09 CO.TBO~L.a SCARRBR 1FT StKPTOR IRDil SOSPECTED CARD ~OCnIOIl (5) EBBOB DBSCRIPTIO. Level 2 interrupt not fro. trans.it line address. 13L2 'Ufill i-300 see rtn heading notes 1 and 2 fot tegistets and cbecks. 1668 0103 Co.pleted trans.it of PAD character. Trans. it line PCP did not change to 9. A3P2 TAB1' 8-0BO See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for tegisters and checks. progral sets transmit PCP-B during har/hlate setup. Bardware should have cbanged the PCP to 9 as 1st charactet is transdtted. Uter this error display, the tunu1t PDP is set to X'Ol' as the next character to be transmitted. ShOUld 11011 be ill pto'C'es's of transd tt:l.ng char X'OA'. X668 OXO' Receive bharacter X'OA'. 10 A3L 2 TA6" &-490 See notes 1 & 2 in heading of th:l.s tout:l.ne fot regiaters and checks. This shollld he' the 2nd level 2 iDtertupt (1st fro. teceive l1ne address) • %66B 0%05 Receive character X'Ol'. Level 2 interrupt not fro. receive line address. A3L2 TA6l1 &-300 See rtn headin~ notes 1 and 2 fot registus and checks. X66B OX06 Receive cbaracter X'OA'. Received data in PDP not • X'OA', or ICV bits 0-7 in errot. A3!2 A3p2 TA3', TAt31 &-490 See rtll heading notes 1 and 2 fot reg1steu and cheCkS. Service- request bit is not teset after this error display, so \ next tsceived charactet should cause a character overrun. 166B 0107 co.pleted trans.1ssion of X'OA'. NO level 2 1ntetrupt occllrred. Should have had a L2 1ntertupt from ttans.it line addtess. 13L2 ~1611 8-310 8-260 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registets and checks This should be the 3rd ~2 interrupi iDterrupt (2nd fro. transmit line address). 166B OX08 Co.pleted transmission of X'OA'. Level 2 intetrupt not fto. transait line address. A3L2 ~A6'1 &-300 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. Afier this error display. the transmit PDP is set to l'OB' as the next charact to be transmitted. Service reguest bit PElLD PEUIS PAGE PlG! o o o o o o o o o COIIIII!IlTS BOOT. ERBOR FOBCTIOR TES~ED CODE OX02 'co.pleted trans.it of P1D character. 1668 o Type 2 Scanner 1FT level 2 in terr upt occllrred,. 13705GAA 6.1.51 IBH 3705 COKMUNICAT10NS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COftftUHICAT10NS SCANNER 1FT sYftPTOn INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION 099-3705E-09 I{··~ SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (5) FEALD l'ETIII! PAGE PAGE is not reset so the next trans.1 t level 2 interrupt should set the character underrun bit. Should now be in the process of transmitting the character 1'01'. 166E 0109 Receive character 1'01' and get character overrun. No level 2 interrupt occurred. Should have a t2 interrupt froll reoeive line address. A3L2 TA611 B-490 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and ohecks. This should be 4th L2 (2nd from receive line Ildr). Check reg 1'44'; ICII bit 2 (character overrun bit) should be on in receive line, ICH bit 1 (service request) should be off and PDP should contain X'01'. If you (1) display reg 1'40', (2) store tbe receive line adr and (3) display reg X'44' (ICIl bits 0- 15), the PDP should now = I'OE' since the trans.it line is still sending characters I' OE' and the receive line should be receiving the character and setting overrun. 166E OIOA Receive character X'Ol' and get character overrun. Level 2 interrupt not fro. receive line adr. A3L2 TA611 8-300 See comments on previous error 0109 X66E OIOB Received character X'Ol' & get character overrun. Character overrun (ICW bit 2) not on, or service request (ICII bit 1) is on, or PDF (ICW bits 8-15) not = 1'01'. A3P2 TA611 8-490 8-140 Rec ICH bit 2 should be on. See error stop code OX09. Reg X'14'= th receive ICA bits 0-15 obtained via a input I' 44' • X66E OXOC Reset of ICW bit 2. ICW bit 2 (character overrun) did not reset,. AlP2 TA611 B-180 See rtn beadiug notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. X66E OXOD Transmit of X'01' completed and transmit underrun. No level 2 interrupt occurred. Should have had a L2 interrupt from transmit line address. A3L2 TA611 8-310 B-260 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. This ahould be 5th level 2 interrupt (3rd from transmitl X66E OXOE Transmit of X'Ol' completed and transmit underrun. Level 2 interrupt not from transmit line address. A3L2 TA611 B-300 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and cbecks. 6.1.52 X3705GAA ~ COIIIIENTS Type 2 Scanner 1FT 'C. ( o o o IBK 3705 COaHQRICATIOHS CONTROLLER TYfB 2 cOHftUnlcATloHS SCA.HBa 1FT SYftPTOK INDEX 0 0 0; X66B aOUT~ Buoa POlIcnOR TESTED CODE OXOF Trans-it underrun. ~BRBOB ~9-3705B-O~ DBSCRIPTION Onderrun (ICW bit 2) not on in transmit lines ICW. (Should be on.) SOSfECTEI> CARD LOCATION (5) A3P2 PEALD PETHI! fAGE PAGE TA121 8-3'0 8-,110 0 0 0 0 X66B 0110 Reset of transait underrun. X672 XUX Character overrun and underrun test for synchronous lines. All synchronous lines are checked to ensure that character overrun can be detected on receive lines and character underrun can be detected on transmit lines. All lines are tested with LCI>=C, priority=3, and oscillator select=O. Bach pair of lines is setup by (1) setting the display bit in the receive line, (2) e~ecuting set mode on the receive line, (3) setting the receive line PCPaS, (4) e~ecuting set mode on the trans.it line, (5) setting transmit SDP and PDF to X'SS', (6) setting transmit PCP=8, and (7) setting scope sync 2. Tbe rest of the test is run in the same sequence as the error codes that follow. IIhen the test is finished on a pair of lines, the scanner is disabled then enabled, the next synchronous line address is made the new transait line and the last transait line is made the new receive line and ~be Whole test is run again. This is continued until all synchronous lines have been tested botb as transmit and receive lines. U 0 0 0 e e e Onderrun bit (ICW bit 2) did not reset in transmit lines ICII. A3P2 'rA121 B-180 1I0te 1: The following registers ara setup for etror displays: Beg 1'11'.TransBit line (ICM) address as used to set ABAK. Beg 1'13'.Receive line (IC8) address as used to set ABAR. Reg 1'14' for errors indicating level 2 intertupts from wrong adr and contains the address of tbe line tbat caused tbe leyel 2 interrupt. Beg 1'14' for unexpected received data in tbe PDP or fot errors that indicate tbat ICM bits 0-7 ate in error. Contains ICV bits 0-15 from tbe receive line ICII obtained by an Input 1' __ '. ' Beg X'1"~Expected receive lines IC8 bits 0-15 for received data, PDP errors, or ICI bits 0-7 error. Tbe receive ICW bits 8-15 are the PDP, and byte 1 of both reg X'14' and reg 1'16' should always be equal on all receiyed data tests. ICV bits 0·7 are expected to be: bit 1(sve-reg) on, bits 0,2,3,5,6 & 7 off; bit 4 ignored. The exception to IC8 bits 0-7 being as aboye is when an oyer run is created. The service reguest bit (ICV bit 1) should be off and character oyerrun bit (ICI bit 2) should be on. Dote 2: Por all error stops, the LCD's should be examined for a feedback cbeck; LCD=I'P'. You can use the continue function (except for set a04e pre-test errors) to see if only this line addtess, a pair of line addresses, all lines in a LIB, or all linea in the scanner are failing. If only one line, or a pair of 11nes, is failing, SIiSpeCt the line set card,. If all lines in a LIB are fai11ng, suspect the LIB bit clock control card or line terminators. If all lines in the scanner fail, suspect the scanner cards or first oscillator card. See LIB card positions in in section C·XXX in PET II I! (LIBs and 11ne sets) because they vary ,accotding to LIB type. Hote 3: See note 6 in section T2CS-Notes for explanation fOJ; the shifted SYII and data cbars,. I 0 0 COHIIENTS See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers ana checks. After error display OX08 on last transmit character service L2, the service request bit was not reset so when tbis v.:anSllit level 2 interrupt occurred, the character underrun bit should have been set on by hardware. 1672 OX01 Transait 1st pad (X' 55' ) cOBpleted. BO level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 TA611 See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers and checks. 1st level 2 (from trallsmit) after scope sync 2. X672 OX02 !ransait 1st pad (1'55') completed. Level 2 not frOB transmit line adr. 13L2 'rA611 See rtn beading heading of Type 2 Scanner 1FT 1370SGU 6.1.53 IRK 3105 COH"DHIC1~IONS COHTRO~LEB ~lPB 2 COKKDNIC1TIONS SCANMER lrT SYHP~OK INDEX ROU~. ERROR 'fUNCTION TESTED D99-3705E-09 ERROR DESCRIPTIOH )~ODE SUSfECTED CARD LOCATION (S) FEl'ILD UTilI! PAGE COIlIlENTS PlGE t hi s routine for registers & checks. pcr went to 1672 OX03 Trans.it 1612 OXOq Trans.it 2nd pad (1'55') cOllpleted. X612 OXOS 1612 0106 9. Transmit pcr did not go to 9. 13F2 TAe" See rtn heading heading of this routine for registers and checks. Program set PCF=8 in hardware setup and hardware shoUld have changed the PCF to 9. lfter this error display, the transmit PDF is set to X' 19 I (shifted sync char) and service . request is reset. No level 2 interrupt occurred. 13L2 TA611 See rtn beading heading of this routine for registers and checks. 2nd level 2 (2nd from transmit) after scope sync 2. Transmit 2nd pad (1'55') cOllpleted. Level 2 not fro. transmit line adr. A3L2 TA611 See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers and checks. After this error display, the translRit PDP is set with the 2nd shifted sync char (X'19') and service request is reset. Should now be in process of transmit t!ng the 1st sync character • Transllit 1st sync (X'19') co.plated. No level 2 interrupt occurred. A;L2 TlG11 1672 OX07 Transmit 1st sync (1'19') cOllpleted. Level 2 not from transmit line adr. 13L2 TA6" X672 OX08 Receive line detected 1st SIN. Receive line's PCP not ;7. 13F2 TA811 6.1.Sq X3105GAA • See rtn beading heading of this routine tor registers lind checks. 3rd level 2 (3rd from trann! t). See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine tor registers & checks. After this error display, the transmit lines PDF is set to character 1'50' !lnd service reguest is reset. Should DOV be in process of transmitting the 2nd sync character. 8-080 ~¥pe ~her rec addr PCF vas set to 5 by the progum during 2 Scanner IF~ !. o o o o o IBft 3105 COHftUNICATIONS CONTROLLBR TiP! a COftftUNICATIONS SCANNER IPT SYftPTOft INDEX BOUT.. BBROR FUNCTION TEsnD CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-37058-09 SUSPECTBD CARD LOCATION (SI FEALD PETftft PAGB PAGE hardware setup bllt the 1st SYN character sbould have been received and detected by the hardware and caused the PCP to be changed to 7. Note: no level 2 interruFt should result from changin'l PCl'=5 to PCF=7. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers & checks. o o o o o C X612 OX09 Receive line 2nd SIN. X612 OXOA X612 ~eceiyed Ho level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 TA611 B-310 8-Q20 See rtn heading heading of this routine for registers and checks. Qth level 2 interrupt (1st fro. receive). Receive line received 2nd SU. Level 2 interrupt not from receive line address. A3L2 T1611 8-300 See rtn beading heading of this routine for registers Ii checks. OXOB Receive line received 2nd SYH. Received data in· receive line PDF not a SYN character (1'32',. or ICW bits 0-1 in error. A3E2 A3P2 TA3ll TA131 B-240 See rto heading notes 1 and 2 for registers, leW bits 0-7 and checks to .&ke. . Service reguest bit is not set off in the receive line ICII so the next receive line level 2 interrupt should indicate character overrlln. 1612 OXOC Trans.it of 2nd SIN completed. No level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 TA61' 8-310 8-260 See rtn heading heading of this routine for registers and chech. 5th level 2 interrupt (qtb from trans lit) 1612 OXOD Transmit of 2nd SY" completed. Level 2 interrupt not from transmit line address. A3L2 TA6" 8-300 See rtn beading heading of this routine for registers and checks. After this error display, the transmit line's PDF is set to X'OO'. The service reguest bit is not reset. On the nezt level 2 interrupt for the transmit line address a charact8r underrun error should be indicated. Should nOli be in the process of transmitting the char X'SO'. '. -fr: '···.·I :1 , o o o COHftENTS o o o Type 2 Scanner 1FT X3705GAA 6.1.55 ( l.' '\.' IBM 3705 CO"~UNICATIONS CQ"TBO~LEB 2 eOftftO~lCATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYH~TO" INDEX 1l99-370SE-09 TY~E ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE OXOE Receive character X'lO' and get character overrun. X672 1672 OXOP Receive character X'AO' and get character overrun. ERBOB DESCBIPTION No level 2 interrupt occurred. Level 2 interrupt not from receive line adr. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION {S} A1L2 1.3L2 PEALD FETIIII PAGE Tl\611 TA611 COIIIIENTS PAGE B-310 B-420 B-300 See rtn beading beading of this routine for reg iaters and checks. Beg X' qq' contains the receive line's ICII bits 0-15. lCIi bits 8-15 are the POl' and should=X' AO'. lCII bit 2 (character ovenuD) should be on since service request (ICW bit 1) was not reset on the last receive 1 ine level 2 interrupt. lCi bit , (ccrvice request) should be off since hardware sbould turn it ott when it turns on leW bit 2. This is the 6th level 2 interrupt (2nd from receive). See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers and checks. Reg X·qq· contains the receive line's lCW bits 0-15. ICW bits 8-15 are the PDF and should .. X' 10'. leW bit 2 (character overrun) should be on since service reguest (ICN bi t 1) was not reset on the last receive line level 2 interrupt. lCW bit 1 (service request) should be off since bardvue should turn it off when it tu,llS on ICI! bit 2. X672 OX10 Receive character X'lO' and get character overrun. Character overrun (lCW pit 2) is not on, or service request {ICW bit 1} is on, or PDP not = X'AO' in receive line's ICII. 131'2 TA121 B-q20 B-1qO See comments under error OIOF. X672 OX', Character overrun reset. Character overrun (ICW bit 2) did not reset. A31'2 TA121 8-180 Program attempted to reset character overrun and then checked to malte sure it vas off. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of thiS routine for registers & checks. 6.1.56 X3705GAA () Type 2 Scanner 1FT '" ; o o IBM 3705 COKKUNICATIONS CONTBOLLE8 TYPS 2 COKKUNICATIONS SCANME8 lFT SYKPTOK lNDEX ROUT.• ERROR Level 2 not from transmit line address. A3L2 tA611 See notes 1 & 2 in the beading of this routine for registers and checks. The trans.it line's lCW sboula have t he character underrun bit on (ICW bit 2) since the service request bit lias not reset on the last transmit level 2 interrupt. Transmit of 1'50' completed and character underrun. The character underrun bit (ICW bit 2) is not on but should be. 13P2 tA12l See notes 1 & 2 in notes 1 and 2 for registers & checks. the transmit line's ICW should have the character under run bit on (ICN bit 1) since the service request bit was not reset on tbe last transmit level 2 interrupt. 0115 Beset underrun. The character underrun bit did not reset. A3P2 tA121 X675 XXXX Force level 1 cbeck test. Checks that an Output X'Q3' with byte 0, bit 0 and byte 1, bit 5 on forces the check bits on in the scanner cbeck register (Input 1'43'). Then checks that an Output 1'43' with byte 0, bit , and byte 1, bit 5 on resets the check bits. the scanner is disabled ('CSB disable' latCh is set) then enabled ('csa disable' latch turned oft). then lB1B is set with an output x'40', scope sync 2 is set and an Output X'43' is done with byte 0, bit 0 and byte 1, bit 5 on. The rest of the test is run in the same sequence as the following error codes. X675 OXOl Scanner check register bits on. o o o o o o X672 u Transmit of 1'50' complete .nd character underrun. No level 2 interrupt occurred. 0113 transmit of 1'50' completed and Character underrun. 1672 OX14 1672 o o Eaaoa DBSCRIPtION PAGE PAGE 'rA611 CODE 0112 o o o TES'rED CARD LOCATION (51 A3L2 1672 o o FUNCTION 099- 3105E-09 type 2 Scanner 1FT All check bits not on. SUSPBctED A3C2 FEUD FEtIlIl Tel31 B-180 B-170 B-130 COIIIIENTS See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. Should have transmit line's lCW bit 2 on (underrun) since tbe service request bit was not reset on the last transmit level 2 interrupt. 7th level 2 15th from transmit). See notes 1 6 2 in heading of this routine for registers and checks. The program attempted to reset the character underIun bit ill the translit ICW and then checked and found tbe bit lias still on. Req X'14 ' = the scanner check register bits obtained by an Input X' 43'. Byte 0, bit 0-7 and byte 1, bits 0-3 should all be aD. Note: level 1 13705GAA 6.1.51 IBK 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COKKUNIClTIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED COD!, '.. D99-3105E-09 ERBOa DESCI1U'TIOIi SUSPECTED CARD LOCA'fIOIl (S) FEALD FETHK PAGB " COIIHENTS PAGE a~apter chock. lIere uske~ off so the normal level , adapter check that shoul~ occur is blocked at this time. Reg X'11'= line adr of scanner onder test as used to set ABAR. After thi error display, ABAR is set again and another output 1'113' executed with byte 0, bit 1 and byte 1, bit 5 on to reset the scanner check reg bits. X615 0102 Scanner check register reset. All check bits not reset. A3C2 TB131 B-140 8-130 All scanner check r bits shculd be rese Reg X'14' contains the scanner check reg obtained by an Input X' 43'. Reg X' 11' = line addr of scanner under test set in lBU. After this error display, output I'Q3' is executed again to Bet the BCllnnlr chock reg bits on. Then adaptor level 1 interrupts are unusked and a check is .ade that a level actually occurred. , X615 OX03 Scanner check register causes level 1 interrupt. No level 1 interrupt occurred. A3C2 TB131 B-130 A level 1 interrupt should have occurre for scanner under test. Reg X'11'= line addr set in AllAR.. X615 OX04 Scanner under test caused the Ll interrupt. The Scanner under test was not the scanner that caused the level 1 interrupt. A3C2 tB131 B-300 Reg X'14'=line addr causing the L1 intenupt. Rell X' 11 ' aquilla 11ne kddr ot Bcanna under test. X618 XXXX Modem error bit test,. This routine tests that the modem error bit (ICII bit 3) is set according to the modem interface lines of Data set Ready (DSR) and/or Clear To Send ICTS). only one error stop can occur in this routine with Register 1'15' indicating the failure. If Reg 1'15'=0001 then the error is that the modem check bit did not come on with DSR off and a PCF of 5, 1, 8, 9, A, B, C, or no If Reg. 1'15'=0002 the error is that the lodel error bit is not on with CTS off and a PCF of 9, A, B, or D. Reg X'13' contains the contents of tbe display reg obtained by an input X'46' vith bit 0.0 being CTS and 0.2-DSR. , Beg. X'11' contains line (leW) address of line under test. Reg. X'14' contains ICW bits 0-15 with bit 0.. 3 being tbe modem check bit. Reg. X'45' contains LCD and PCF with bits 0.4 - 0.1 being PCF now in ICW. Reg. 1'16' bits 1.0 - 1.3 = LCD in use and bits 1.4 - 1.1 = PCP that was used. PCP nOli in ICW may be different than pcr that lias used and this may be normal. Example: if PCF lias set to 0 vith an LCD of C, then the pcr would change to 5. X618 OXOl Modem error bit. 6.1.58 X3105GAA lIodem error bit (ICW bit is at wrong value. 3) 13P2 TA131 B-140 Regs defined in routine heading. Type 2 Scanner 1FT ''. / o o o 0' 0 lBN 3705 COMnONICATIONS CONTBOLLEB 'lYPE 2 COK50HIC1TIONS SC1.HBB IP'l 51.PTO! INDEI P99-370511-09 BOUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED ERBOB DESCRIPTIOH SUSPECTED CARD PEALO PITaft CODB LOCATION IS) PAGB PAGI X67A lUI Oscillator speed test. Bacb 1nstalled oscillator in tbe scnno,r Ilnder test is checked. Tbe oscillator fre~llencr is cbecked to ensllre that there 11 no sore than a p11l1 or einlls 0.25 percont variation froe its expected freqllencr. The first installed line in tbe scanner is used to run tbe test. The test; - t. 2. 3. q. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 6. 7. B. 9. 10. ,,. 12. 13. '4. 15. 16. COftftENTS lIesetl and tben enable the Icanner. Setl IIp the belt poslib1e upper Ican 1isit for the line being used for tbe test. Sets priority • 3. Sets tbe disp1ar request bit 10 reg X'461 will be valid for tbe line in ule. Bxecutel set 80de witb oscillator select 0 to ensllre tbe line operates. (Pretest errors are indicated if set sode fails.) Sets scope Iync 2. Bxeclltes a set sode with oscillator le1ect bitl ~or the oscillator position under test. Kasks off level I, 2, and 3 interrupts. Sets PDP to X'55' and the SOP to X'IDS',. Sets PCP=B (trans.it initial). Loops until SOP bit 3-0 (tbe 1st 3 bit tises are not included in tbe speed test because the 1st 3 bit ti88s are unpredictable. Exaeples: the 1st bit service is caused br the receive clock because trans.it state is Dot active ret. Also wben trans sit state is set it sar cause an extra strobe pll1se if tbe oscillator is in a negative state at this tise). lIeports an error if the SOP did not sbift 3 tises to set SOP bit 3 to 0 within 180 silliseconds. Sets SDP-X'S4 1• Loops for One second plus enollgh tise to round bits per second count to a wbole nusber, counts the nusber of bits that occur wbile in tbe loop, saves tbe loop count wben and if tbe nllsber of bits to be counted is actually counted, and alternatelr sets the SOP to X'S4' and X'SS' after eacb bit ti88 to cause the TBST DATA LATCR (transsit data) to bave alternate bits for a possible trouble shooting aid. Calclllates fros the nusber of bits counted, tbe loop COQnt and the tolerance whetber tbe oscillator is running at tbe correct frequency. Reports an error if tbe detected frequency is not within tolerance. Tbe above ls' done for eacb of the 4 possible oscillators if tbe CDS entrr for tbat oscillator pOSition contains a valid oscillator type. Rotes: Tbis rOlltine is dependent on tbe proper operation of tbe first installed line since the rOil tine is designed to test tbe oscillators rather tban the line sets. Also the oscillator type fields in tbe Configuration Data Set (CDS) SQst be rigbt. If tbis routine fails, tbe oscillator card for tbe oscillator under test could be bad, tbe oscillator select bits could be baa, or tbe gating controls for tke oscillators could be baa. 1nother possible failure is getting extra or aissing strobe pulses not caused br the oscillator. Tbe following registers are setup for all rOil tine error displays except tbe set sode pretest errors beginning with 1: o o o o o o o Beg l'11'-Line adr of line used in test ladr as used to set lBlll). aeg X'14'=Husber of bits counted auring the test. Reg X'ISI-aelative oscillator position under test in byte 0, bits 0-7 witb Hex 0 being 1st oscillator, 1 being 2nd oscillator, 2 being 3rd oscillator, and 3 being the 4tb oscillator. aeg X'15 1.Oscillator type in brte t, bits 0-7. Tbis type is as obtained from tbe CDS. ' Beg X'16'=lumber of bits per second expected to be counted (rounded off ~o a wbole nusber). 1671 0101 Set sode witb oscillator under test. UU4 SDP bit 3 did not set to 0 in tbe 180 millisecond wait the. A3L2 A3T2 A3'lII 13U2 1304 'U611 TB411 TB412 TB413 TBQ14 C-020 Oscillator under test running too fast. 13L2 lJT2 TA611 TBII11 TB412 'rEII13 'rE414 C-020 C-040 A3L2 AlT2 A3U AJ02 X67A 167A OX02 0103 SDP shifting. Oscillator frequency. 13T4 1302 AlU4 e Type 2 Scanner IPT C-020- See notes in C-160 beading of tbis routine '\ for registers & cbecks. 'fA611 'rEQ 11 'rE412 'rE413 TBQ14 BO level 2 interrupt occurred. 8-480 B-410 SDP bits 1,2 &3 were set via an output X'II6' witb l'OID5'. The SOP sbould have been shifted rigbt, setting SOP bit J to a O. See notes in beading of this routine for registers S cbecks. Beg x'14' contains the nusber of bits actually counted. lIeg x'16' contains the nusber of bits x3705GU 6.1.59 :1,.,f' left 3705 C06nUHICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COftKUHIC~TIONS SClHQER 1FT SYKPTOH INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE EBROR DESCRIPTION D99-3705£-09 SUSPECTED CABD LOCA'l'ION (S) FEUD PETHft PAGE COftll:ENTS PAGE expected to be counted. If reg X'll1'=reg X'16', the oscillator is getting less than 1 bit the extra in the one second run but is still too fast (not within 0.25 percent of expected frequency) • See notes in the heading of this routine for other registers and checks to be made. X671 1680 OXOll XXXX Oscillator frequency. Oscillator under test running too slow. Not enough bits coupted in one second. A3L2 HT2 A3U A3U2 A3UQ TA611 TB411 TeQ12 Te413 Tell 14 C-020 C-040 Beg X'lij' contains the number of bite actually counted a nd is less tbau reg X'16' which contains number of bite expected to be counted. See note a in the heading of this routine for otber regiatera and checks to make. IBK HDX Integrated Hodem Test. This routine tests line set Types SA, 5B, 6A, and LIB type 1. These are integrated veraions of the 3872 modema. The test ia equivalent to the Kode. Test 2 defined in the 3812 lIodel Kaintenance lIanual. The routine seta the test lead in the modem by setting both diagnoatic mode and Data Terminal Ready ~uring the set Rlode,operation. Then it sets transmit initial and sends 1 bit to allow for Ilequeat Tal, Send to be set, It 011 1st trll!ns.~t Interrupt the PC!' il> l\sej: to X'D' for ~dt turnaround leaf:l;ng Bequest To Senli 011. Usa PDl' is ilet to l'l' to xmit a char:acter of all' 1 bits' before the turnaround occurs. The program then waits 180 lili-seconds for the 'request to send' to 'clear to aend' delays and then checks that the 'receive line signal detect' modem interface lead is on. The program then aets PCl' to 7 (receive mode) and checks the received characters to insure an all mark character condition is received after a wrap is established through the modem scrambler Circuits. An oscillator speed test is performed to check the modem clocka. The oacillator frequency is checked that there is no more than a plua or ainua 0.5 percent variation from its expected frequency. 1n LCD of C ia used through out this routine. Reg X'11' = Line address (IeM "dr.) of line under test. (As used to set AllAR.) 1680 0101 Set Kode No Level 2 interrupt occurred or Level 2 not from line in test. If display reg 1'1I5' byte 0 bits 0-3 (LCD) are all on a feedback check occurred. If reg X'll1'=OOOO no L2 occurred; Ileg X'14'= line addr th caused the L2. Should have a L2 from set mode, the PCl' should nov = O. If E'Cl' = 0 the Set lIode completed OK but the 12 did not interrupt within 25 milliseconds after it vas issued. Beg X'13' = the bits used to set the SDF before Set lIode. X680 OX02 Set The LCD is not C or PCF did not go to 0 after set mode. Reg X'll1'= LCD & PC in bits 0-7. X680 OX03 Set ftode lCW bits 0-3 are in error. Reg X'14' contains ICW bits 0-3 in byte 0 and only bit 1 (service 6.1.60 X3705GAA ~ode Type 2 Scanner 1FT '{".. \' t, " , , o o o o o III" 3105 COftllOIlICATIOIIS CONTROLT,BR tY~B 2 COftftOHlCATIOHS SCARRBB ltl SlKPTon IHDBX lO.C~IOII ~BStED 1680 0111 Brror if bits for 'data set, Cbeck aodea and line set interface lines after tbe ready', 'clear to send' or 'diagnostic aode' are Dot aD aodea bas been set into or error if bits are on for test'aode via a set 'receiye line signal detect' or diagnostic sode and 'ring indicator'. waiting '5 aili-seconds. this error will occur ' witb 'receive line signal detect' bit being on if Type 2 scanner 1s not at or above Be 31028_ or does not bave RBA 23-106_5 installed. 1680 OX111 Transsit initial. o o ERROR DBSCRIPTIO. ROUT. ERROR CODE o o Ho L2 occurred or L2 fro. wrong line address. o ,0' , "I ! o o o o SUSPBCTED CABD LOCATION (S) FEUD FETHn PAGE PAGB COUI!HTS request) should be on. Reg X'14'. display reg(X'II6') bits. aeg X'l/1' byte 0 'Bits 0,2 & 5 sbould be on. Bits 1 & 3 sbould be oU. otber bits ara not chacked. If pcr is still D 8 this indicates tbat 'CTS' did not occur. ( 'CTS! should be forced by tbe CS hardware since diagnostic aode is set). If the external (in the aodesl clock 1& not running this error will occur. Also, check Beg. X'IIS' bits 0.0 to 0.3 and if they are allan. a feedback check bas occurred. Beg. X'11' contains line addr of 11De under test. Reg. X'll1' contains tbe line address that caused the L2 or Reg. X'1II' .. 0 if no L2 occurred. Reg. X'13' • bits output to SDI!' via output X'II6' during tbe set 1I0de. X680 QX15 Transait initial ICW bits 0-3 in error. Reg. X'll1'=ICi bits 0-15. Bit 0.1 should be on (service request). Bits 0.0, 0.2 and 0,,3 should be off. Reg. X'11' and X'13' .. am as in error stop OIH co.aents. 1680 OX16 Transait initial LCD or pcr is bad. Reg X"II' bits 0.0-0.3 are LCD and sbould be = X'C'. Bits O. /i-O. 7 are PCI!' and sbou1d be X'9'. pcr vas set to 8 and should bave changed to 9. Regs. X'11', X'13' saae as in error stop OX1Q comaents. Type 2 Scanner Ir~ X3705GU 6.1.61 18K 3105 COKKUNICAtIONS CONtROLLER 099- 3105E- 09 TYPE 2 COHKUHlcATIONS SCANNER 1FT SY"PTOK INDEX ROUt .• ERROR PUNCtION TESTED CODE X660 0111 Transmit turn-around ERROR DESCRIPtION X660 OX18 Transmit turn-around ICW bits 0-3 in error. X680 OX19 transmit turn-around LCD not=C or X680 OX22 Wait for 180 lIIiliseconds for the 'request to send' to 'clear to send' delay and cbeck interface lines. Error if modem interface or line set interface leads are not correct. No L2 occurred or L2 from wrong line address. pcr not=5. SUSPEctED CARD LOCA'rION (5) FEAtO PEt I! " PAGE PAGE COKI'IENtS Beg X '11 "'line addr under test. Reg X'14'= line address that caused the L2 if Beg 1'14'= 0000 then no L2 occurred. On the previous character service interrupt the PCF vas changed to X'D' to cause a transmit turn-aroun leaving 'atS' on. the PCF should change to 5 when the last charaQt:'er of all 1 bits vas ser ialized. Reg X'l1' =line address under test. Reg X'14'= ICW bits 0-15. Bits 0,2 and 3 should be otf, bit 1 should be on. Reg X'11'=line address under test. Reg X'14' = LCD in bits 0-3 and PCF in bits 4-1. LCD should have remained at t'c'. PCP should have changed from X'D' to X'S'. Reg X'14' c bits input frail the display reg(X'46'1. Reg X' 14' byte 0 bits 0,2,3 & 5 shou14 be on for 'clear to send', 'data set ready', 'recelve line signa detect' (carrier detect) and 'diagnostic mode'. Bit 1 ('ring indicator') should off. Other bits are not checked. At this point the pcr is set to 1 (receive data mode). the routine now loops for 300 character times to verify the stea4r mark condition. During this time the modem should be using its scramb1er/descraabler circuits to trans~it and receive a variable bit pattern generated by the m04em. the output from the de-scrambler on the receive side should be all mark(one bits) if the modem is working correctly. The CS should serialize all 1 bits and every 8th bit time the routine should detect a character service interrupt with no error bits on and the PDF should be set to x'pr' each character interrupt time. 1680 6.1.62 OX3A Continuous mark received from modem. X 3105GAA No L2 interrupt occurred or L2 interrupt occurred from the wrong line address. If reg X'14' = 0000 no L2 occurred; reg 1'14' = addr causing the L2. If LCD (input X'45' bits 0-3) is all ones, a feedback check bas occurred. Beg. X'16' the number type 2 Scanner 1Ft (' o IB! 3705 COaHUNICATIORS COHTBOLLBB TIPI 2 CoaKUN1CAtIONS SCANHBB 1FT SYIPtoa IHDIX BOUT. EBBOR FUNCTION TISTED COOl 0 0 ERROR DBSCRIPTION p99-3705E-09 SUSI!ECTED CABD LOCATION (5) FEAtD FET!II nGB COftlll!HTS PAGB of all one bit characters received up to this error. Reg. X'13' = bits used to output 1'46' to set the SDP IIhen set lode lias 40ne. If Reg X' 13' bit 1.5 is a 1, 'DRS' is on; if 0 'DRS' is off. 0 0 X68() OX3B Continuous .ark received fros aodes. The LCD is not • C or tbe PCF ill not .. 7. Reg X'IIS'. Byte 0 bits 0-3 are actual LCD and bits 11-7 are actual PCF. If the LCD is = P, a feedback check occurred. The progru set LCD '" C and PCP = 7 during routine test and they should remain thus till the progra, changes thes. Regs X'13' and X'~6' are sase liS error stop OX3A. OX3C Continuous aark received froe aodee. ICi bits 0-4 are in error or the PDP is not = X'PF'~ Reg X'''''' = ICW bit 0-1 in byte o. ICII bit 1 (service request) and bit II (receive line signal detect) shoul~ be on~ I f ICII bit 3 (eodem check) is on tbis indicates that tbe 'data set ready' line is inactive. Reg X'IIII' contains the PDP (received data cbar in byte 1. A zero bit is in tbis field for eacb bit failure of the eodell. After each cbaracter service L tbe prograll resets this field to zeros to test tbe dita on tbe next character service interrupt. 0 0 0 0 1 ,\ X680 o o o o o o o e The routine nOli loops for 25 cbaracter tiees to test tbe speed of external clocks in tbe aQdea under test to a tolerance of 0.50 percent. Level 2 and 3 interrupts are easked during tbis test and the rate at IIhich character service bits occur, coepared lIitb expected counts, form the basis of oscillator speed measurement. the sloll speed oscillator(1200 BPS) is selected by baving tbe 'data rate select' bit off during the set Dode. The bigb speed(21100 BPS) oscillato~ is selected by baving the 'data rate select' bit on during the set lode. In bot~ cases the external clock bit was selected to select tbe Bode. Clock. 1680 OXIID Bxternal oscillator frequency Oscillator under test is running too slow. Reg X'13' byte 1 bit 5 is Type 2 Scanner ~PT ~ 0 if speed oscillator is 1011 X3105GAA 6.1.63 o IBK 3705 CO"~UHICATIOHS CONTROLL!R TYfB 2 COaftUHICATIORS SCARRBB 1FT StftPTOft IHDBl ROOT. BRBOR rUBCTION TBSTBD co DB BRROB DBSCBIPTIOH 1>99-3705B-09 SD5PBC1'BD CARD LOCUION (5) nUD rU1I1I l'AGB US! COIIIIBIiTS under test (Data Bate select off), • 1 i f high speed oscillator is under test (Data Bate Select on). The greater the difference between the contents of X'16' (expected count) and 1"11' (actual count) the sloller the oscillator is. 1680 OXII! Bxternal oscillator rrequency. X681 1I111X IBft HDI Integrated lIodea Vrap Test. This routine tests installed line set types 8A, 8B, 9A, 12A and 12B. The 80deas are wrapped IIith the fastest internal clock up to 1200 BPS. The test is run with an LCD of 6. An alternate 0 and 1 bit pattern is transmitted and received. The receive line will have Data Terainal Beady bit set along with diagnostic aode bit to cause the test lead to be activated in the aodes. The transait line will not have the Data Terainal Beady bit set so it vill run in internal diagnostic aode and no errors should occur on the transait line since it should have already been tested with internal vrap in previous routines. The adapters ars not tested in synchronous sode since there is no difference in the aodea operation than fros start/stop 80de. lIote 1: Oscillator under test is running too fast. () ( \. Beg X'13' byte bit 5 is = 0 if lOll speed oscillator is under test, = 1 if high speed oscillator is under test. On all error stops in this routine, the folloving registers are set up Beg X'11' • transmit line address which is ueed to set the 'test data' latch to provide the trans.itted data bits. This is not the 80des interface address that is being tested at this tiae. Beg X'13' receive line address which is the address of the aodea interface that is being tested. = 1681 OX01 1st level 2 for ;eceive line set aode BO level 2 interrupt occurred or level 2 not froa expected line address. If reg X'111' = 0000 : O. no L2 interrup occurred; reg X""' line address of the interrupting line 1681 0102 1st level 2 for receive line set aode The LCD is not 6 or the pcr 11 not 0 Beg 1',4' • LCD and pcr. When the set mode is completed, the CS shOUld change pcr frol 1 to O. 1681 OX03 1st level 2 for transait line set mode ~o level 2 interrupt occurred or level 2 not from expected line address. If reg X'14' : 0, no L2 interrup occurred; reg X"II' line address of the interrupting line. X68, OXOII 1st level 2 for transmit The LCD is not 6 or the pcr is not o. Beg 1'111' : LCD and pcr. Setting diagnostic mode on the line sets under test causes the 'request to send' line to be activated to the sodea interface. The prograa nov vaits 300 aili-seconds for the 'request to send' to 'clear to send' delays and for the 'receive line signal detect' circuits to function. Then transait initial is set (PCr=8) to transait a pad character of all one bits followed by a character of X'55' to cause alternate 0 and 1 bit (space and mark) transmission. rro. this point on the transait and receive lines aay interrupt in any order. When the 1st character is received, it and an additional 24 received characters are checked that they are alternate bits (X'55')_ The transmit interrupts are ~cepted and the trans.it LCD is validated on each transmit interrupt and the PDr is setup to send another alternate data bits cbaracter. The transmit line may be any type start/stop line set and is being run in internal diagnostic vrap mode and should cause no errors since it should ba,e already been tested in previous internal wrap tests. 1681 OX05 Character transaitted. 6.1.611 X370SGAl No L2 interrupt occurred or L2 interrupt from vrong line address I '<.../ If reg X'111' • 0, no L2 interrupt occurred; reg X',4' Type 2 Scanner 1FT {. ( , ~' o o o IBft 3105 COft"UNIC1~10NS COHTROLLER TYPE COMftUNICAT10NS SCANNER t'~ STftPTOft INDEX ROOT .• ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE 0 1l99-3105B-0,:! a EaaOR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LQCUIOII (5, OX06 Character transll·itted. 0 An expected interru occurred from transmit line address, however the LCD or PCF was not as expected. Reg X'14' contains the LCD and PCl' in bits 0-7. Carrier detect (' receive line signal detect') should be on in the modem and should be receiving alternate data bits. 0 1661 OX07 1st character received No L2 interrupt occurred from receive line address within 500 lili-seconds. X681 OX08 1st character received The receive LCD is not 6 or the receive PCP is not 7 0 0 0 X661 0 0109 1st character received ICW bits 0-4 are in error or the PDP is not =x'55' U ' '~, 1I . .• . ,"'; o o o o e COII~ENTS UGE The transllit LCD is not 6 or the transmit PCP is not 9. o PAGE interrupting 11ne address. X681 ~ fEAtD l'BTIII1 The expected L2 occurred from recei line address boweve the LCD or PCP was not as expected. Reg 1'14' contains the LCD and PCP in bits 0-7. Beg X' 14' = lCW bits 0-7 in byte 0, bit 1 (S vc-reg) , bit 4 (8LSD) should be on. lCIl bit 3 (modem check) is on indicates that 'DSft' line is inactive reg X'14' contains the PDP in byte 1 and this received data character should be I' 55' The following errors yere detected when the routine looped to Gount 24 additional receive line character service level 2 interrupts and verified the integrity of the received data characters. X661 OX10 Character received No level 2 occurred or level 2 froll wrong line address If reg 1'14' is all zeros no L2 interru occurred; reg X'14' = line addr of the interrupting line. Reg X'16' • the transmited characte count .• K6Bl OXll Character transmitted The transmit LCD is not=6 or transmit PCP not=9 See error code OX06 Reg 1'16'=received character count. X681 OX 12 Character received The receive LCD is not=6 or receive PCP not=7 See error code OXOB Reg X'16'= received character count. X6B 1 OX 13 Character received lCW bits 0-4 are in error or PDP is not=X'55' See error code Ox09 Reg X'16' = receive character count. K661 OX14 Check that 25 1'55' characters have ~een received. Twenty-five X'55' characters were not received. Reg 16 contains the received character count. The following errors we •• detected w·hen the routine was testinq the break fjaature. Check the line set cards for the receive line under test. Type 2 Scanner 1FT X3705GAA 6.1.65 IB" 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE OX20 Attempted to execute a set mode on the receive line (Reg 13) • X681 EaROR DESCRIPTION Either the wrong line or no line interrupted. Reg 14 contains the interrupting line address. D99-3705£-09 SUSfECTED CARD LOCATION (5) 1681 OX21 Attempted to execute a set mode on the receive line to Set the Break feature and Oiag Wrap. Reg 13 contains the receive line address. Either the wrong line or no line interrupted. Reg 14 contains the interrupting line address. 168' OX22 Transmitted and received I·PP'. Either the Xmit (Reg 111 or the receive line (Reg 131 should have interrupted. Either the wrong line or no line interrupted indicating The data was not sent. x681 0123 Transmitted I'PP' from the line address in Beg 11. Bither the LCO and/or the PCP changed. Reg 15 contains the incorrect LCDPCP. X681 OX2ij Should have received from line address in Reg 13 X'OO'. The data received was not X'PP'. Reg 15 contains the bits in error. 1681 OX25 Transmitted and received 1'00'. Either the Xmit (Beg "lor the receive line (Beg 131 should have interrupted. Either the wrong line or no line interrupted indicating the data was not sent. 1681 OX26 Transmitted X'OO' fro. the line address in Beg 11. Either the LCO and/or the PCP changed. Reg 15 contains the incorrect LCDPCP. 1681 OX27 Should have received X'OO' from the line address in Reg 13. The data received was not X'OO'. X683 XXXX IBft PULL DUPLEX ftODEM WRAP TEST POR LIB 11. These modems are integrated versions of the 3872 full duplex modems. The modem is connected to an even/odd pair of line interface addresses with the even address being the translit line address and the odd address being the receive line address. If errors are detected in this routine and routine X656 ran without errors, the modea cards for the failing line address are the most likely source of the probleaa. PEALD PET"" PAGE COftftENTS PAGE See tho routine heading for more information , j Each pair of Pull Duplex LIB 11 line sets are wrapped in the following sequence of steps: 1 ••••• Beset and then enable the scanner and set the transmitted and received character counts to zero. 2 ••••• set tbe display bit in the transmit ICW. 3 ••••• Wait 15 mili-seconds for the modem interface lines to settle down after the reset. 4 ••••• Set the receive ICW bits for LCD, PCP, SOP and ICW bits 0-3 all to zero. 5 ••••• Set scope .sync 2. 6 ••••• Input and check the display register bits (Input XI 46'). These bits represent the transmit line modem interface leads after the interface bas been reset and before diagnostic mode bas been set. If any of the transmit interface leads are in error then report the error with error code aXIl. only the 'data set ready' lead should be on at this time. See reg 1'46' definition for the bits being tested. 7.,•••• Set mode on the transmit line address. RP 9 X'1D' byte 1 bits 0-7 are the bits output to SDP (ICW bits 26-33) prior to setting PCP to 1 for the set mode. Reg 1'1D' byte 1 bit 1 on is used to set the diagnostic mode latch on the transmit line interface and that diagnostic mode latch should cause the .odem test lead to be activated to pick the modem test relay. IIhen the test relay is picked it should cause the transmit line interface to be connected to the receive line interface so that data may be wrapped from the transmit to the receive line address without an external wrap connection. This test relay should also disconnect the actual communications line while the wrap is being done to prevent data from going to the communications line. Reg 1'1D' byte 1 bit 2 is on to cause the 'data terminal ready' latch to be set on. Bit 3 is on to cause the 'sync bit clock' latch to be set for synchronous clock correction. 6.1.66 X3105GA~ Type 2 Scanner IPT 4,--, ."l/ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ilia 3705 CORftUHICATIOHS CONTBOLLEB ~f'E 2 conauHlcAflOSS SClNNEB IFf syaPron IHDEX BOUT. ERROB POHCTIO. TESTED ERBOR DBSCRlfTIOH SUSfECTED CARD PEALD PETRK COD! LOCATION (51 nGB fAGB Bit q is on to cause the 'external clock' latch to be set to select the clock within the .odes. Bit 5 is off tbe first time through the test for this pair of lines so that the 'data rate select' latcb will not be turned on and the 1200 BfS clock will be selected in tbe eode.. The second tise througb the test this bit is on so that tbe 'data rate select' 1atcb vil1 be turned on to select the 2400BPS clock. Bits 6 & 1 are off to select tbe first internal oscillator as the backup clock used for tbe set sode aDd setting transait iDitial. ' After the SDP is setup, the LCD is set to C and the fCP is set to 1 to initiate the set .ode operation and then the prograa wait for & checks for a le,el 2 interrupt and normal coapletion of the set lode. 8 ••••• Be ••t tbe display bit in the transsit leW and then set the display bit in tbe receive ICV. 9 ••••• »,rlors the set aode for the receive line intertace address. The aaae bits are used as defined in step 1 except the diagnostic sode bit is not set on. Cbeck for Dorsal le,el 2 interrupt and noraal LCO, fOP and ICW bits 0-4. 10 •••• Beset the display bit in the recei,e lew and then set the display bit , in the transsit ICI. 11 •••• Iait for 15 sili-seconds for the test relay to pick and for the sodel interface leads to settle dovn. 12 •••• Get the display register bits for the translit line sode. interface conditions. Check that bits are on for 'clear to send', 'data set ready' and 'diagnostic .ode'. Rate that the 'clear to send' and 'data set ready' bits are forced on by the scanner via diagnostic lode and do not reflect the actual sodes interface conditions. Also cheCk that the 'ring indicator' and 'recei,e line signal detect' bits are off. 13 •••• 8eset the display bit in the translit ICW and tben set tbe display bit in the receive ICII .• lq •••• Get tbe display register bits for the receive line eodee interface conditions. Check that tbe 'data set ready' and 'recei,e data bit buffer' bits are on. Check that t~e bits for 'clear to send', 'diagnostic Dade', 'ring indicator' and 'receive line signal detect' are all off. Rate that 'request to send' has not been set on tbe transeit line interface yet so that no carrier should be transeitted at this tiee so that the 'recei,e line signal detect' (carrier detectl bit should be off. If tbe 'recei,e line signal detect' bit is off tben tbe aodee should clasp the recei,e data to a larkll bit) and the 'receive data bit buffer' sbould be a one bit. 15•••• Beset tbe display bit in the recei,e ICN and tben set tbe display bit in tbe transsit ICII. 16 •••• 8eset trans.it ICII bits 0~3 6 5-1 and set PDP to X'PP'. Set trans.it SOP to X'0003'. Set translit LCO to C and fCP to 8 to set trans.it initial which sbould bring up the 'request to send' interface lead to the aodel and cause the lodem to start sending carrier. 17 •••• Wait for the le,el 2 frol the translit line to occurr and check the results including the display register contents for tbe transsit line aodee interface leads. 18 •• ~.Beset tbe display bit in the transmit ICII and then set tbe display bit in the receive ICW. 19 •••• Hait for 180 lili-seconds to allow for the .axisu. 'request to send' to 'clear to send' delay in the aodem and for 'receive ~ine signal detect' to coae on. During tbis tiee the transmit lines SOP is constantly set to X'PP' to cause all one bits(earkl to be transaitted. 20•••• Get the receive line display register bits. Check that the 'data set ready'. 'recei,e line signal detect'(carrier detect) and 'recei,e data bit buffer' bits are On. Cbeck that the 'diagnostic .ode', 'clear to send' and 'ring indicator' bits are all off. Note tbat the 'receive line signal detect' bit sbould be on now since tbe translit line sbould ba,e been transmitting carrier and then a scrasbled data bit pattern after tbe 'clear to send' delay. Tbe receive side of the aodea should be detecting the scra.bled data pattern and resulting in an all one bits(aarkl output to tbe 'recei,e data bit buffer'. 21 •••• Set tbe recei,e LCD to C and fcr to 5 to cause the received data to be sonitored for an EBCDIC SYNC cbaracter of X'32' which is used to estab1isb character pbase. 22 •••• lIait for level 2 interrupt froa trans.it line wbicb is sending a I'FP'. Check for noraal completion. 23 ••.•• Set the transsitted character count to zero. (In reg X' IF'I. 2q •••• 8eset the display bit in the transait ICW, set the display bit in tbe receive lCIi. 25 •••• Cbeck tbat the receive LCD is still equal to e, that the fCP is still equal to 5 and tbat SDP bits 2 througb 5 are allan. Hate that if SOP bits being tested are not allan tben all one bits are not being received and tbe aodel scraabler, de-scraabler or clock correction/selection circuits are not working properly. 26 •••• Set translit SOP to X'0355' to o,erlay the X'FP' tbat is now being sent. This is to allow for alternate data transitions for clock correction. Set transmit fOP to X'6Q' as tbe next data cbaracter to be sent after the alternate data transitions character in the SOP. This X'6Q' put into the fDP is an EBCDIC StNC character shifted left one bit position. Tbis shifting of the SYRC character is to insure tbat the receive line level 2 interrupts always occurrs after tbe transmit line level 2 character service interrupts even under worse case clock correction. Type 2 Scanner IPT o D99-3105£-09 CORRENTS X3105GAA 6.1.61 IBM 3105 COM"U~ICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COMKUNICATIONS SCANNBR 1FT SYMPTO~ INDEX D99-370SE-09 ROUT. ERROR FONCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SOSEECTED CARD CODE LOCATION (5) 27,•• ,•• Set the transmitted character count to 1. 28 •••• Wait for and check results of the transmit line level 2 interrupt that should occurr after the alternate data bits character is completely transmitted and the shifted SYNC character is starting to be sent. 29,•••• Setup to transmit another shifted SINC character. lO •••• Set the transmitted character count to 2. 31 •• ,•• lIill nov enter a cOlilmon lIait sub-routine to wait for either a transmit or receive line level 2 character service interrupt. 32 .•••• If no level 2 interrupt occurred then set the error indicator to X'0001' and go to step 48 to report the error. 33 •••• If the character service level 2 interrupt was not from the transmit or the receive line address then set the error indicator to X'0002' and go to step 46 to report the error. 3~ •••• If the level 2 vas from the receive line address then go to step 41. 35 •••• If here than level 2 was from the transmit line address. Check that the transmit LCD ~ C and that the PCP 9 and if they are in error sat error indicator to X'0003' and go to step 48 to report the error. 36 •••• If transmit ICW bits O~4 are bad then set error indicator to X'0004' and go to step 46 to report the error. 37 •••• ldd 1 to the transmitted character count. If count = 300 then set the error indicator to X'OOOO' to indicate no error and then go to step 48. 38 •••• Compare the transmitted and received character counters.• Note that the transmitted character count should always be 3 or 4 higher then the received character count due to no character service level 2 interrupts from the receive line until the second SYNC character is received. If too many characters have been received then set the error indicator to X'OOOA' and go to step qS to indicate error has occurred. If too few characters have been received then set the error indicator to l'OOOB' and go to step 48 to indicate error bas occurred. 39•••• Set the transmit por to X'AA' to ca~se alternate data bits to be transmitted. Note that this should be received as alternate data bits at X'5S' in the receive PDF due to the shifted SYNC characters. 40 ••• ,.Go to step 31 to wait for next character service level 2 interrupt. 41 •••• If here then just got a rece.i.ve line character service level 2 interrupt. 42 •• ". Check that the receive line LCD = C and PCF = 7 and if not then set the error indicator to X'0008' and go to step 48 to indicate an error has occurred. 43 •••• Check that the receive lines ICW bits 0-4 are good an~ that the received data in the PDF is good. If the received character counter is zero than the first received data character should be X'32' (an EBCDIC SYNC character). If the received character counter is not zero that the received data in the PDP should be X'SS'. If the received data is bad or lCW bits 0-4 are bad then set the error indicator to 1'0009' and go to step 48 to report the error. 44.... Add one to the received character counter. 45 ••••• Collpue the transmitted and received character counters. If any errors then go to ste p 48 to report them. (See step 38 for error conditions). iIE ..... lleset receive lew bits 0-3, 5 and 8-15 to zeros. 47 ••••• Go to step 31 to wait for the next character service level 2 interrupt. 48..... If here and the error indicator is zero, then no error has occurred and the previous portion of the test has run ok. If the error indicator is not zero, then the type of error will be indicated by loading reg X'15' with the error indicator and displaying error code OX60. 49.o ... Will now mask off level 2 and level 3 interrupts and loop for 200 bit(25 character) times to test the speed of the external clock. SO •••• Report an error if clock is running too slOw or too fast. These errors are based on counting the number of character service requests that were made by the scanner for the receive line during a program loop time based on the number of machine cycles per character time. If a failure is detected it could be the transmit or receive clock in the modem or the fact that the 'data rate select' fU'Ir.tion is not wo:t!':';_!19 O~ on" of the line ipterfaces. 51 ..... 1f the 'data rate select' bit was off for this test run then turn it on and go back to step 1 to repeat the test on the same pair of lines with 'data rate select' on. 52 ..... Bepeat all previous steps on the next pair of similar lines if any are installed. FEALD FET"" PAGE PAGE COHHENTS = Register usage within routine for all error stops: reg It' '11 • reg x'n' reg X'ID' reg X'1E' reg X'1F' reg J['ij6' 6.1.68 X3705GAA a the transmit line interface address as used to set ABAR. the receive line interface address as used to set ABAR. the set mode bits output to SDF on the transmit line during a set mode operation. The same bits are used to do the set mode for the receive line except byte 1 bit 1 is not set on so that diagnostic mode is not set on the receive line. the received character count. the tr~nsmitted character count. the display register modem interface lines for the ICW that has the display bit on. Following is the meaning of each bit in byte O. Type 2 Scanner 1FT o o o o o IBM 3105 TYP~ caH~UNICATlaNS ROUT. EaROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE Bit Bit Bit Bit o o 1681 0 OX11 ERBOB DBSCRIPTION SUSPECTED CABO FEALD UTilI! LOCATION (S) PAGE £lAGE to send is on if this bit is on. ring indicato~ is on if this bit is on. data set ~eady is on if this bit is on. receive line Signal detect (ca~~ie~ detectl is on if this bit is on. ~eceive data bit buffer and a one bit(mark) was the last data bit received if this bit is a one. diagnostic mode latch is on if this bit is on. bit service request latch vas on if this bit is on. Note that this bit is turned on by the strobe pulse in the line set and is turned off by the scanner when the scanner processes the bit service. ~his bit may be on or off at any time and is ignored in this routine. • not used. Bit 4 = Bit 5 Bit 6 = Transmit line .odem interface leads after reset and before setting diagnostic 1I0de.• eadem inte~face lines in e~ror for transmit line. 'Data set ready' should be on. 'Clea~ to send', 'receive line signal detect', 'ring indicato~' and 'diagnostic mode' bits should be off. see routine heading for lIore regs. Set mode level 2 interrupt. No L2 o~ L2 not f~oll the transmit line address. If ~eg X'14' = 0000 then no L2 occurred .• If reg X' 14' is not ze~os then it is the address of the line that caused the L2. X683 (lX21 LCD & PCF are valid after set 1I0de. Transmit lines LCD is not C PCF is not O. Reg X'14' byte 0 • LCD & fcr input from transmit ICW via an input X'45'. If LCD is c r then a feedback check has occurred indication that one of the bits being used to do set mode did not set properly in the line set card or that some extra latch did set. If LCD is ok but pcr is still 1 then the set mode did not complete probably due to missing a bit se~vice. see routine heading fo~ lIore regs. lCN bits 0-3 are valid after set 1I0de has completed on the transmit line. ICW bit 1(svc-~eq) is not on o~ ICW bits 0,2 o~ 3 a~e on. Reg X'14' lCW bits 0-15 input via an input X'44' f~olD the transmit line. See routine hElading for aore regs. NO L2 or L2 not f~om the receive line add~ess. If ~eg X'14' =0000 then no L2 occurred. If ~eg X'14' is not zero then it is the add~ess of the line that caused the L2. See ~outine heading for more regs. I X683 OX22 X683 OX24 Set mode level 2 interrupt froll the receive line. 1663 OX26 LCD & PCF are valid for receive line afte~ set mode has been completed. X683 0X28 lCW bits 0-3 after set mode has completed on the receive line. 0 " 0 0 = o~ = = = LCD not C o~ PCF not O. Reg X'14' byte a • LCD & PCF obtained from ~eceive ICW via an input X'45'. If LCD = P then a feedback check has occurred indicating some latch being set by the set mode did not come on .,of· that sqQ1~ latch that should not come on did come on. If LCD = C but PCF is still 1 then the set mode did not complete normally which is usually caused by a missing bit se~vice f~om the line set under test. E~~or if ICW a~e on o~ if bits 0,2 or 3 lCW bit 1(svc-~eq) is not on. Reg X'14' = leW bits 0-15 input from the receive lCW via an input 1'44'. Beg X'lS' SQe routine h'llding for IIpre regs. See routine heading fo~ more registers. t) e e Type 2 Scanner 1fT for X'14 reg x'46' bits (scanner displa y ~eg). Reg X'15' has a bit on fo~ each b bit position in error in ~eg X'14'. OX20 "~I e See ~tn heading r~9isters. Reg :e663 n 0 COIlIlENTS = clear ,ii 0 1l~9-3705E-09 0 1 c 2 3 • Bit 1 o 0 CONTROLLER 2 CO~~UNlCATIONS SCANNBR IrT SYKPTOH INDBX X3705GAA 6.1.69 {. J ( IBft 3705 COKftUHIC1TIONS COHTROLLER TYPB 2 COft"UHIC~TIONS SCAHHBR 1FT StKPTO! INDEI ROUT. ERROR POUCTION TBSTED CODE 1683 OX 21 P99-3705B-09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCnIOR (S) has a bit on for each bit pOSition in error in reg X'14'. PBAtD PET 11ft PAGE P1GE COftllEHTS Error if bits for 'clear to send', 'data set ready' and 'diagnostic mode' are not on or if bits are on for 'ring indicator' or 'receive line signal detect'. Reg X'14' = bits input via an input 1'46' at the tise the failure was detected. See routine beading for lore regs II display reg (1'116'1 bit definitions. \t ,{ "/ 1683 OX2C Kodem interface bits from display register for receive line interface. Error if bits for 'data set ready' & 'receive data bit baffer' are not on or if bits are on for 'clear to send', 'ring indicator', 'di4gnostic lode' or 'receive line signal detect' (carrier detect). Reg 1'1q' • bits in pat from the display reg via an inpat X'46'. Note that 'reqoest to send' has not been set on the translit line yet so no carrier should be received and the 'receive line signal detect' line should not be active and the lodel should be clalping the receive data lead to a lark(1 bit) which sbould cause the 'receive data bit baffer' to be a one bit. See routine heading for more rega II for display reg (X'46') bit definition •• X683 OX30 Level 2 character service interrapt after setting translit :lnitiel (pcp-a). No L2 or L2 not fro. the tranamit line address. It reg X'14 1 • 0000 then no no L2 occarred. It reg 1"4' is not zeros then it is tbe line address that caused the L2. If this error occarred yoo sboald display reg X'45' and check byte 0 bits 0-3 (LCD) and if LCD-P then the setting of 'reqaest to send' and/or transmit lode .ay bave caased a feedback cbeck. LCD should be C and PCP should ~e 9(PCP was set to 8 for translit initial and tbe scanner abould have changed it to 9 at tbe ~irat bit lervice ti.e.1 See routine heading to!: 101:8 regl. 1683 0132 ICW bits 0-4 from transsit ICW after L2 froa translit :lnUiel. Error if ICW bits 0,2,3 or 4 are on or if lCW bit 1(svc-req) is off. Reg X"'" transmit lew bits 0-15 obtained via an input X'44'. Reg 1'15' has a bit on for eacb bit pOSition in error in reg X""'. See routine heading for lore regs. = (J ,f Kodu interface bits fr08 display reg for the transeit line after set eode and a 15 8ilisecond wait. " ,, X683 0134 LCD & PCF after transmit initial L2,. Error if trans lit LCD not • C or PCP not· 9. Reg X'14' byte 0 • LCD & PCF inpat via an input X'45' frol translit ICW. See !:outine beading for lIore regs. X683 OX36 Kodem interface bits frol display register for translit line after transmit initial. Error if bits for 'data set ready', 'diagnostic lode' and 'clear to send' are not on or if bits are on for 'ring indicator' or 'receive line signal detect'. Reg X'14' • display reg bits input via an input 1'46'. See rootine beading for lore regs & display reg (X'46') bit definitions. X683 OX3A 'Receive line signal detect' is on after a 180 aili-second wait daring which time all one bits (mark) are being transmitted with 'request to send' on. 'Deceive line signal detect' is not on or 'data set ready' is not on or 'receive data bit baffer' is not on or 'clear to send' is on or 'diagnostic lode' is on or 'ring indicator' is on. See routine heading for more regs & display reg (X' 46') bit definitions. 6.1.70 X3705GU ~ I , Type 2 Scanner IPT (, .-------.......... ~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 18B 3705 COftftO.ICA~IORS cO.~aOtLBa T'PI 2 COftBOBICATIOIS SCABHBa lrT stBPToa INDBX aOUT. Baaoa rURCTIOI TBSTBD CODB X683 OX40 t2 char-svc frol translit line sending a X"" char. Rote: prior to checking for this t2 the receive PC, vas set to 5 to lonitor for an an EBCDIC SIRC character. D99-3705B-09 BBBoa DBSCaIPTIOR Bo t2 or t2 not frol the translit line address. If reg 1'14' • 0000 then no t2 occurred. If reg 1'14' is not zero then it is the address of the line that caused the t2. SOSPECTBD CUD tOCA 'fIOR (S) 'BUD FBTaII P1GB PAGE CO l1li EBTS See routine beading for lore regs. X683 OX42 ICI bits 0-4 frol trans.it of X'", char-service L2. Brror if ICI bits 0,2,3 or 4 are on or if ICI bit 1(svc-req) is off. Reg X"4' • ICI bits 0-15 obtained via an input X'44' frol the translit ICI. Reg X't5' has a bit on for each bit position that is in error in reg x'14" see routine heading for lore regs. 1683 OX46 tCD & PC. frol trans lit of X'FP' char-svc t2. Brror if tCD not • C or if PC, DOt. 9. aeg X'14' byte 0 • translit LCD S pcr obtained via an input 1'45'. See routine heading for .ore regs. 1683 01'8 Receive line LCD 5 PCP are valid and that the receive line is receiving all one bi ts. ErrQr if LCD not • C or if PCP not a 5 or SOP bits 2-5 are not all one bits. aeg X'14' byte 0 = receive LCD 6 PCP and byte 1 SDr bits 0-7. aeg X'15' has a bit on for each bit positioD that is in error in reg ~'1"'. = See routine beading for Ilore regs 6 display reg (X'46') bit definitions. X683 OX 41 t2 frol tr~nslission of alternate data bits for clock correctioD. Prior to checking for this char-svc t2 the translit SO, vas set to 1'0355'·to overlay the X'''' that vas being sent and the PDP vas set to 1'64' as a shifted 18CDIC SIIC character. Ho L2 or L2 not frol the trans lit line a4dress. If reg X'1Q' = 0000 then no t2 occurred. If reg X'14' is not zeros then it has the line address that caused the character service level 2 interrllpt. See routine heading for lore I:8gs. 1683 0I4C ICI bits 0-4 after t2 frol traDslissioD of alternate data bits. Btror if ICW bits 0,2,3 or " are on or if ICW bit 1 (svc-req) is not on. Reg X'14' ICW bits 0-15 input fro. transmit ICW via an input X'qq'. Reg X'15' bas a bit on for each bit position tbat is in error in reg X' lQ'. See routine beading for lore regs. .1683 014E tCD & PCP after t2 frol traDslission of alternate bits for cloc~ correction. 1683 0160 Wrap 300 data characters checking for norlal charservice level 2 interrupts and translit/receive ICI bits including tCD,PCP,PDF and ICI bits 0-4. o Register X' 15' 0001 0002 0003 0004 o 0008 0009 - - - - Type 2 Scanner 1FT = See routine headUg for .ore regs. Error if, translit LCD is not ,,=.,\= or pcr"l)ot·= 9. Reg 1'14' byte '0 • LCD S pcr obtained via an input X'45' frol transmit ~C •• See routine headiDg for lore regs. Reg X'15' tells vhat type of error has occurred. If reg X'15' is 0000 then no error has occurred. If reg X'15' is not zero then the following table shows what the error vas according to the contents Of reg.x'15'. Error indication. NO character service level 2 interrupt occurred for either the transmit or receive line addresses. The character service level 2 interrupt vas caused by some line address other tban the trans.it or receive line under test. Reg X' 14' = the line address that caused the L2 interrupt. Transmit line tCD is not C or PCP is not 9. Transmit lines ICW bits O-q are in error. ICW bits 0,2 and 3 should be off, ICW bits ',svc-reg) should be on. ICI bit 4 is 'receive line signal detect' and should be off on the transmit line. Beceive line LCD is not C or PCF is not 7 on a receive line character service level 2 interrupt. Beg X'14' byte 0 = receive line LCD 6 PCP input via an input X'45'. Received data in the PDP is bad or Eeceive line ICW bits 0-4 are in error. Reg X'1q' • receive lines ICI bits 0-15 with byte 1 (ICW bits 8-15) being the received data in the PDP. 13705GU 6.1.71 '.{ )'~ IB~ J10~ COMMUN1CATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 CO""UNICAT10NS SC~NNER 1fT SY"fTO~ INDEX ROUT. ERROD FUNCTION TESTED CODE p99-J'105E-09 SUSPECTED CARD fEALD PET"" COMMENTS LOCATION(SI PAGE PAGE ICW bit 1 (service requestl should be on. IC~ bit 4(receive line signal detect) should be on and it reflects the actual 'receive line signal detect· signal from the modem since the receive line is not in diagnostic mode. lCW bits 0,2 and 3 should be off. If the received character counter (reg X'lE') is zero then the received data in the PDF should = X'32' (an EBCDIC SYNC character). If "he received character counter(reg X'lE') is not zero then the received data in the PDF should = X'55'. If the received character count 0000 and the received data in the PDF = X'AA' then the first SYNC character was not recognized possibily due to a data bit error. Received data errors can be caused by clock correction or clock selection(data rate select) problems in the modem or by a scrambler/descrambler circuit failure in the modem. TOO many characters have been received. Reg X'lE' = the received character counter, reg X'lP' = tho transillitted character counter. ~he transmitted character counter should always be 3 or q higher then the received character counter due to line delay and the fact that the the alternate data bits character and the first SYNC character do not cause a receive line L2 interrupt and are not counted. ~oo few characters have been received. Reg X'lE' = the received character counter, reg X'lF'= the transmitted character counter. ~he ICW input register is loaded with the receive ICW bits at this time so you may display regs X'44',X'45' and X'41' to get information about the state of the receive line. Also the display bit 1s set in the receive lines ICW so the display reg(X'46') is valid for the receive line. If reg X'45' byte OILCD & PCF) = C5 then the receive line is still in monitor mode and has never recognized an EDCDIC SYNC character in which case you should look at reg 1'45' byte 1 (SDF bits 0-11 to see if an all one bit.s, all zero bits or varying data is being received. If SDF bits 2-1 are all one bits then the data is not being wrapped through the modeill. If SDP bits 2-7 are alternate one and zero bits then the alternate data bits being transmitted at this time are being received but the two SYNC characters transillitted were not recognized. (J ERROR DESCRIPTION = 0001 - - - - Oooe - - - - X683 0110 Checking speed of the external modem clock. Error if the external clock is too slow(not enough characters counted in what should have been 25(X'19') characters tiDIes). Reg X'14' = the number of chars counted. If reg X'lD' byte 1 bit 5 is off then the external clock in use should be 1200 BPS. If reg X'lD' byte 1 bit 5tdata rate select) is on then the clock in use should be 2400 BPS,. See routine heading for lIore regs. X683 OX71 Checking speed of the external mode. clock. Etror if the external clock is too fast(25 characters were counted before the minimua loop count had been reached). If reg 1'10' byte 1 bit 5 (dAta rate select) is off the clock in use should be 1200 BPS. If the data rate select bit is on then the clock in use should be 2400 BPS. See routine heading for more regs.• X684 XXIX IBM full Duplex Kodem wrap test for LIB 10. These modeills are similar to the Mini-12 full duplex modems. ~he modem is connected to an even/odd pair of line interface addresses with the even address being the transmit line address and the odd address being the receive line address. If errors are detected in this routine and routine X656 ran without errors then the modem cards for the failing line address are the most likely source of the pro blem. ' Each pair of Full Duplex LIB 10 line sets are wrapped in the following sequence of steps: 1,...... Reset and then enable the scanner and set the transmitted and received character counts to zero. 2 ••••• Set the display bit in the transmit lCW. 3 ••••• Wait 15 mili-seconds for the modem interface lines to settle down after the reset. 6.1..72 X3705GH Type 2 Scanner 1FT _.-.1 o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o IBK 3705 CQSnOHICATIOHS CONTROLLER fYPE 2 COHKQHICAfIOHS SCAHHER 1FT SYKPTOft INDEI D99-3705E~09 ROOT. ERROR PONCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD PElLD PETKK CODE LOCATIOII (5) PAGE PAGB 4 ••••• Set the receive ICI bits for LC.D, PCP, SOP and ICII bits 0-3 all to zero. 5 ••••• Set scope aync 2. 6 ••• ~w Input and check the display register bits (Input X'46'). These bits represent the transmit line modem interface leads after the interface has been reset and before diagnostic mode has been set. If any of the transmit interface leads are in error then report the error with error code OX11. only the 'data set ready' lead should be on at this the. see reg X'46' definition for the bits being tested. Set aode on the translli t line address. Reg X'1D' byte 1 bits 0-7 are the bits output to SOP (ICW bits 26-33) prior to setting PCP to 1 for the set aode. Reg X'1D' byte 1 bit 1 on is used to set the diagnostic aode latch on the transmit line interface and that diagnostic aode latch should cause the modem test lead to be activated to pick tbe aodea test relay. When tbe test relal is picked it should cause tbe transmit line interface to be connected to tbe receive line interface so that data aay be wrapped froa tbe transmit to the receive line address without an ezternal wrap connection. Tbis test relay should also disconnect tbe actual cosmunications lin a wbile tbe wrap is being done to prevent data from going to tbe communications linL Reg X'1D' byte 1 bit 2 is on to cause tbe 'data terminal ready' latcb to be set on. Bit 3 is on to cause tbe 'sync bit clock' latch to be set for syncbronous clock correction, Bit 4 is off so tbat external clock vill not be selected. Bit ~ is off so tbat tbe 'data rate lelect' latcb will not be set. Bits 6 & 7 are tbe oscillator select bits. Tbese bit are setup to select the highest speed internal oscillator up to and including 1200 BPS. B••••• Reset the display bit in the transait ICI and tben set the display bit in tbe receive ICI. 9 ••••• Perform tbe set mode for the receive line interface address~ ~he same bits are used as defined in step 7 except tbe diagnostic mode bit is not set on. Cbeck for normal level 2 interrupt and normal LCD, PDP and ICW bits 0-4. 10.~ .• _. Reset tbe display bit in the receive ICII and tben set tbe display bit in the translit ICW. II ••••• I~it for 15 aili-seconds for the test relay to pick and for the modea interface leads to settle down. 12 ...... Get tbe display register bits for tbe transmit line aodea interface conditions. Check that bits are on for 'clear to send', 'data set ready' and 'diagnostic aode'. Note that the 'clear to send' and 'data set ready' bits are forced on by the scanner via diagnostic lode and do not reflect the actual aodem interface conditions. Also cbeck tbat the 'ring indicator' and 'recei,e line signal detect' bits are off. 13.••••• Beset the display bit in the transdt ICII and tben set the display bit in tbe receiVe ICW • . ~ ••••• Get the display register bits for tbe receive line modem interface conditions. Check that the 'data set ready' and 'receive data bit buffer' bits are on. Cbeck that the bits for 'clear to send', 'diagnostic mode' and 'ring indicator' are all off. ~he 'receive line signal detect' bit is not checked at this tiae since it lay be on or off. ~5 ••••• Reset tbe display bit in the receive ICW and tben set tbe display bit in the transait ICW. 16 ••••• Reset transmit ICI bits 0-3 & 5-7 and set PDP to X"P'. Set transmit SOP to X'0003'. Set transmit LCD to C and PCP to 8 to set transmit initial which should bring up the 'request to send' interface lead to the .odea and cause the modem to start sending carrier. 11 ••••• lait for tbe le,el 2 froa tbe translit line to occurr and cbeck the results including tbe display register contents for tbe transait line lodel interface leads. lB ••••• Beset tbe display bit in tbe transait ICN and then set tbe display bit in tbe receive ICW. 19 ••••• Wait for 1BO lili-seconds to allow for the maxiaum 'request to send' to 'clear to send' delay in tbe aodea and for 'receive line signal detect' to cOlDe on. During this time tbe transmit lines SOP is constantly set to X'PP' to cause all one bits(lark) to be transmitted. 20 ••••• Get tbe receive line display register bits. Check tbat the 'data set ready', 'receive line signal detect'(carrier detect) and 'receive data bit buffer' bits are on. Check that tbe 'diagnostic sode', 'clear to send' and 'ring indicator' bits are all off. Note that the 'receive line signal detect' bit sbould be on nov since tbe transmit line should have been transmitting carrier and all one bits(lark) after tbe 'clear to send' delay. ~be receive side of tbe lodem should be detecting tbe carrier and resulting in an all one bits(sark) output to tbe 'receive data bit buffer'. 21 ••••• Set the receive LCD to C and PCP to 5 to cause tbe received data to be aonitored for an EBCDIC SYNC character of X'32' wbicb is used to establish cbaracter pbase. 22 ••••• Wait for level 2 interrnpt frol transmit line wbicb is sending a X'PP'. Cbeck for normal coapletion. 23 ••••• set the transmitted character count to zero. (In reg X'lP'). OO"KEH~S 7...... Type 2 Scanner 1FT U705GU 6. h 73 IBH 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TlfE 2 COHHUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYNPTOK INDEX D99-310SE-09 ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD FEALD FETHH CODE LOCATION (S) PAGE PJ\GE 24 ••••• Reset the display bit in the t~ansmit ICN, set the display bit in the receive lew. 25 •.•••• Check that the receive LCD is still equal to C, that the PCF is still equal to 5 and that SDF bit.s 2 through 5 are all 011. Note that if SDF bits being tested are not all on then all one bits are not being received and the modem or line set transmit and/or receive data circuits are not working properly. 26 ••••• set transmit SOP to X'0355' to overlay the X'FF' that is now being sent. This is to allow for alternate data transitions for clock correction. Set transmit fOP to 1'64' as the next data character to be sent after the alternate data transitions character in the SDP. This X'64' put into the PDF is an EBCDIC SYNC character shifted left one bit position. This shifting of the SYNC character is to insure that the receive line level 2 interrupts always occurrs after the transmit line level 2 character service interrupts even under worse case clock correction. 27 ••••• Set the transmitted character count to 1. 28 ••••• Wait for and check results of the transmit line level 2 interrupt that should occurr after the alternate data bits character is completely transmitted and the shifted SYNC character is starting to be sent. 29 ••••• Setup to transmit another shifted SYNC character. 30 ••••• Set the transmitted character count to 2. 31 •• ·••• lIill now enter a common wait sub-routine to wait for either a transmit or receive line level 2 character service interrupt. 32 .••••• If no level 2 interrupt occurred then set tbe error indicator to 1'0001' and go to step 48 to report the error. 33 •.•••• If the character service level 2 interrupt was not froll the transmit or the receive line address then set the error indicator to X'0002' and go to step 48 to report the error. 34 ••••• If the level 2 was from tbe receive line address then go to step 41. 35 ••••• If here than level 2 vas from the transmit line address. Check that tbe transmit LCD = C and that the PCF = 9 and if they are in error set error indicator to X'0003' and go to step 48 to report the error. 36 ••••• If transmit ICW bits 0-4 are bad then set error indicator to X'0004' and go to step 48 to report the error. 37 ••.••• Add' to the transmitted character count. If count = 300 or 3 seconds have elapsed then set the error indicator to X'OOOO' to indicate no error and then go to step 48. 38 ••••• Compare the transmitted and received character counters. Note that the transmitted character count should always be 3 or 4 higher then the received character count due to no character service level 2 interrupts from the receive line until the second SYNC character is received. If too many characters have been received then set the error indicator to X'OOOA' and go to step 48 to indicate error has occurred. If too few characters have been received then set the error indicator to X'OOOB' and go to step 48 to indicate error has occurred. 39 ••••• Set the transmit PDP to I'AA' to cause alternate data bits to be transmitted. Note that this should be received as alternate data bits of X'S5' in tbe receive PDF due to the shifted SYNC characters. 40 ••••• Go to step 31 to wait for next character service level 2 interrupt. 41 ••••• If here then just got a receive line character sen ice level 2 interrupt .• 42 ••••• Check that the receive line LCD = C and PCF = 7 and if not then set the error indicator to X'OOOB' and go to step 48 to indicate an error has occurred. 43.~ .••• Check that the receive lines ICII bits 0-4 are good and that the received data in the PDF is good. If the received character counter is zero than the first received data character should be X'32' (an EBCDIC SYNC character). If the received character counter is not zero that the received data in the PDf should be X'55'. If the received data is bad or ICW bits 0-4 are bad then set the error indicator to X'0009' and go to step 48 to report the error. 44 ••••• Add one to the received character counter. 45 ••••• Co~pare the trans~itted and received character counters. If any errors then go to step 46 to report them. (See step 38 for error conditions). 46 ••••• Reset receive rcw bits 0-3, 5 and 8-15 to zeros. 47 ••••• Go to step 31 to wait tor the next character service level 2 interrupt •. 4e •• ~ •• If here and the error indicator is zero, then no error has occurred and the previous portion of the test has run ok. If the error indicator is not zero, then the type of error will be indicated by loading r~g X'15' with the error indicator and displaying error code OX60. 49 ••••• Repeat all previous steps on the next pair of similar lines if any are installed. COMHENTS Notes on register usage within this routine for all error stops: reg Xf 1 ~ • reg 1'13' reg I'1D' regI'lE' 6.1.74 X3705G~A the t.ansmit line interface address as used to set ABAR. the receive line interface address as used to set ABAR. the set mode bits output to SDF on the transmit line during a set mode operation. The same bits are used to do the set mode for the receive line except byte 1 bit 1 is not set on so that diagnostic mode is not set on the receive line. the received character count. Type 2 Scanner 1FT !O i: [0 i o o o o o o o o o o o o IBK 3105 COKHUNICATIOHS CONTPOLL!B tr~B 2 COKHqHtC1TtONS SClNHEB tFt SlHPTOK tNDEX ROOT. ERROR POHCTIOH TESTED ERPOR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD PBALD FB'l'1I11 CODE lOCATION (SI PAGE PAGB reg I'1P' = the transaitte~ character count. reg 1'46' • the display register sodes interface lines for the ICW that has the display bit on. Polloving is the seaning of each bit in byte o. Bit 0 • clear to send is on if this bit is on. Bit 1 ring indicator is on if this bit is on. Bit 2 • data set ready is on if this bit is on. Bit 3 D receive line signal detect (carrier detectl is on if this bit is on. Bit 4 = receive data bit buffer and a one bit (Bark) vas the last data bit received if this bit is a one. Bit 5 • diagnostic 80de latch is on if this bit is on. Bit 6 • bit service reguest latch vae on if this bit is on. Hote that this bit 1s turned on by the strobe pulse in the line eet and is turned off by the scanner when the scanner processes the bit service. This bit say be on or off at any tise and is ignored in this routine. Bit 1 • not used. co BUIITS = 1684 OX11 Trans.it line Bodes interface leads after reset and before setting diagnostic B04e. Bodea interface lines in error for transmit line. 'Data set readJ' should be on. 'Ring indicator', 'clear to send' 6 'diagnostic Bode' bits should be oft. 1684 0120 Set mode le.el 2 interrupt. Ho L2 or L2 not frOB the transmit line address. If reg J'14' = 0000 then no L2 occurred. If reg 1'14' is not zeros then it is the address of the line that caused the L2. X684 0121 LCD II PCP are valid after set sode. TransBit lines LCD is not = C or pcr is not O. Reg 1'14' byte 0 = LCD 6 pcp input frOB transBit ICW via an input X'45'. If LCD is • r then a feedback check has Occurred indication that one of the bits being used to do set sode did not set properly in the line set card or that SOBe extra latch did set. If LCD is ok but pcr is still 1 then the set lode 4id not cosplete protably due to Bissing a bit setvice,. X684 OX22 IC Wbits 0_3 are valid after set Bode has coapleted on the transBit line. ICW bit 1(svc-reg) is not on Or ICN bits 0,2 or 3 are on. Reg 1'14' = ICW bits 0-15 input via an input 1'44' frOB the transmit line. X684 0124 Set mode level 2 interrupt froa the receive line. Ro L2'or L2 not fros the receive line address. If reg X'14' =0000 then no L2 occurred. If reg 1'14' is not zero then it is the address of tbe line that ca used the L2. 1684 OX26 LCD II PCP are .alid for receive line after set .ode has been co.pleted. LCD not = C or PCP not = O. Reg 1'14' byte 0, = LCD & pcr obtained from receive ICW via an input 1'45'. If LCD = r then a feedback check bas occurred indicating soae latcb being set by the set 80de did not cose on or that soae latch that should not come on did ccse on. If LCD = C but PCP is still 1 tben the set aode did not coaplete normally which is usually caused by a aissing bit service from the line set under test. See rtn heading for registers. aeg 1'14' • bits fros reg X' 46 '. (scanner display r4lg). aeg X'15' hall a bit on for each bit positlon that 1. in error in Beg X'lll' .. Type 2 Scanner IPT lt3105GU 6.1.15 IBn 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COIIIlUNICATIONS SCANNEll IFT SYl1P.TOII INDEX BOUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE X664 OX 26 lCW bits 0-3 after set mode has completed on the receive line. ERROR DESCRIPTION D99- 37 05E- 09 SUS fECT ED CARD LOCA nON (S) PEAtD PET II II PAGE PAGE COIIIIENTS Error if ICW bits 0,2 or 3 are on or if ICW bit l(svc-reg) is not on. Reg X'II\' = ICY bits 0-15 input from the receive ICW via an input X'44'. Reg 1'15' has a bi~ on for each bit position in error in reg X'14'. See routine heading for lore registers. See routine heading for lIore regs S display reg (%'46') bit definitions. X664 OX2A Modem interface bits from display reg tor the transmit line after set mode and a 15 milisecond wait. Error if bits for 'clear to send', 'data set ready' and 'diagno~tic mode' are not on or if bits are on for Iring indicator' or 'receive line signal detect'. Reg X'14' = bits input via an input X'46' at ·the time tbe hUun was detected. X684 OX2C Modem interface bits trom display register for receive line interface. Error if bits for 'data set ready'S 'receive data bit buffer' are not on or if bits are on for 'clear to send', 'ring indicator' or 'diagnostic mode'. Reg X'14' = bits input from the display reg via an input X'46'. X684 0130 Level 2 character service interrupt after setting transmit in iUal (PCF=8) • No L2 or L2 not from the transmit line address. If reg 1"4' = 0000 then no no L2 occurred. If reg X'14' is not zeros then it is the address of the line that caused the L2. If this error occurred you should display reg X'45' and check byte 0 bits 0-3 (LCD) and if LCD=F then the setting of 'request to send' and/or transmit mode may have caused a feedback check .• LCD should be C and PCP should be 9(PCF was set to 8 for transmit initial and the scanner should have changed it to 9 at the first bit service time.) X664 ox 32 lCW bits 0-4 from transmit ICW after L2 from transmit initial. Error if ICW bits 0,2,3 or 4 are on or i f ICW bit 1 (svc-reg) is off.• Reg X'14' = transmit ICW bits 0-15 obtained via an input X'44'. Reg X'IS' has a bit on for each bit pOSition in error in reg X'14'. See routine heading for 1I0re tegs. X684 ox 34 LCD & PCP after transmit initial L2. Error if transmit LCD not = C or PCF not = 9. Reg X'14' byte 0 = LCD & PCF input via an input X'45' from transmit lCW. See routine heading for more regs. 1684 OX36 Mode. interface bits from display register for transmit line after transmit initial. Error if bits for 'data set ready', 'diagnostic mode' and 'clear to send' are not on or if bits are on for 'ring indicator' or 'receive line signal detect'. Reg X'14' = display reg bits input via an input X'46'. See routine heading for more regs I: display reg (X'46') bit definitions. 1684 OX3A 'Receive line signal detect' is on a fter a ,ao mil i-second wait during which time all one bits(mark) are being transmitted with 'request to send' on. 'Receive line signal detect' is not cn or 'data set ready' is net on or 'receive data bit buffer' 1s not on or 'clear to send' is on or 'diagnostic mode' is on or 'ring indicator' 1s on. See routine heading for more regs 1\ display reg (X'Q6') bit definitions. X664 OX40 L2 char-svc from transmit line sending a X'FF' char. Note: prior to checking for this L2 the receive PCP was set to 5 to monitor for an an EBCDIC SYNC' character. No L2 or L2 not from the transmit line address. If· reg X"4' • 0000 then no .,q oeourte,q. U reg X"4' is not zero then it is the address of the line that caused the L2. See routine beading for more regs. 6.1.76 X370SGH Type 2 Scanner 1FT ..":·. , o SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (51 X684 .1 f Error-if ICW bits 0,2,3 or 4 are on or if ICW bit 1 (svc-reql is off. Reg X'14' = ICW bits 0-15 obtained via an inFut X'44' from the transllit ICN. Reg 1'15' has a bit on for each bit position that is in error in reg X'14'. Error if LCD not = C or if PCP not = 9. Beg 1'14' byte 0 = transmit LCD & PCF obtained via an input 1'45'. to checking for this char-svc L2 tbe transmit SOP was set to X'0355' to overlay the X'FF' that was being sent and the PDP was set to X'64' as a shifted EBCDIC SYNC character. o ERROR D\SCRIPTION LCD & PCF f~o. t~ans.it of X'FF' cha~-s.c L2. all one bits. X684 D99-3705E-09 !l.!lgi~.!l£ l!.!1l! 0001 0002 o 0003 0004 0008 0009 - - - - ~IIQI inS!£~1iQn: No character service level 2 interrupt occurred for either the transmit or receive line addresses. The character service level 2 interrupt was caused by some line address other than the transmit or receive line under test. Reg X'14' = the line address tbat caused tbe L2 interrupt. Transmit line LCD is not C or PCP is not 9. Transmit lines ICW bits 0-4 are in error. ICW bits 0,2 and 3 should be oft, ICI! bits 1 (svc-req) sbould be on. ICII bit" is 'receive line signal detect' and should be off on the transmit line. Receive line LCD is not C or PCF is not 7 on a ~eceive line character service level 2 interrupt. Beg X'14' byte 0 : receive line LCD & PCP input via an input X'45'. Received data in the PDP is bad or receiVe line ICW bits 0-4 arE in error. Reg X'1'" = receive lines ICW bits 0-15 with byte 1 (ICW bits 8-151 being the received data in the PDP. ICW bit 1 (service request) should be on. ICW bit 4(receive line signal detect) should be on and it reflects the actual 'receive line signal detect' signal from the modem since the ~eceive line is not in diagnostic lode. ICW bits 0,2 and 3 should be off. If tbe received character counter(reg X'1E'1 is zero tben tbe received data in the PDr should = X'32' (an EBCDIC SYNC character). < e Type 2 Scanner 1FT X3705GAA 6.1.71 IBM 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CO~TROLLEa TIPE 2 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX ROU~ ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 0001 - - - - 0008 - - - - 099- 37 05E- 09 ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD FEALD PETIII! COMIIENTS LOCATION (S) PAGE PAGE If the received character counter(reg X'1E') is n at zero then the received data in the PDr should. X'55'. If the received cbaracter count • 0000 and the received data in the PDP. X'Al' then the first SYNC character was not recognized possibily due to a data bit error. Received data errors can be caused by clock correction or clock selection proHn. in the line set or by a transmit or receive data failure in the mode •• Too many characters bave been received. Reg X'1E' • the received character counter, reg X'1P' = the transmitted character counter. The transmitted Character counter ehould always be 3 or 4 higher then the received character counter due to line' delay and the fIIct that the the alternate data bits character and the first SYNC character dQ not cause a receive line L2 interrupt and are not counted. Too few characters have been re.ceived. Reg X'1E' = the received character counter, reg X'1F'= the transmitted character counter. The lCW input register is loaded with the receive ICW bits at this time so you may display regs X'44',X'45' and X'41' to get information about the state of the receive line. Also tbe display bit 1s set in the receive lines ICW so the display reg(I'46') is valid for the receive line. If reg 1'45' byte O(LCD & PCP) C5 then the receive line is still in aonitor mode and has never recognized an EDCDIC SYNC character in which case you should look at reg 1'45' byte t(SDr bits 0-7) to see if an all one bits, all zero bits or varying data is being received. If SOP bits 2-7 are all one bits then tbe data is not being wrapped tbrough the aode •• If SDF bits 2-1 are alternate one and zero bits then the alternate data bits being transmitted at tbis ti.e are being received but the two SYNC characters transeitted were not recognized. = X68'6 XXXI SABRE line control RPQ test 1. BPQ's number 858655 and 858651 are the SABRE BPQ numbers. Tbis routine test that pcr states 4,5 & 1 allow lCW bits 34 through 31 to be set and that other ~CF states reset and hold all th ••• bit. to zero. 1686 OX11 wait for bit service before setting LCD & PCF. No bit service occurred. 13Q2 Suspect bad line set card for line adr in reg X'11'. X686 OX 12 Check tbat all PCF states except 4, 5. & 7 reset ICW bits 34-37 to zero when in LCD state 'E' (SABBE .ode BPQ). Bits 34-37 not egual to zero. A3Q2 Beg '15' bits 0.2-5 have a bit on for eacb bit found in error. Beg X'13' bits 1.4-1.7 • pcr in use. 1686 OX 14 Check that PCF states 4. 5, & 7 allow ICW bits 34-37 to be set when in LCD state 'E' ISABRE DIode BPQ). Bits 34-31 not equal to one. A3Q2 Beg '15' bits 0.2-0.5 indicate wbicb bits did not set on. Reg X'13' byte 1 bits 4-7 Bre the PCP bits in use. 1681 OXOl Check that lCW bit'39 can be set and reset in LCD state 'E' (SABRE lIode Rl?Q). ICW bit 39 expected and actual results not equal. 13Q2 Reg '13' bit 0.7 is expected results. B X'15' bit 0.7 is actual j:esu1ts. X688 XXIX Sabre RPQ line sets wrap data test. All installed line addresses that will run in sabre mode are wrapped two at a time. Tbe first installed Sabre line adr is made tbe receive line and the next installed Sabre line adr is made the transmit line. Then tbe test is perfor.ed on this pair of lines. When the test is completed on this pair of lines, the lines are reset and the line that was the transmit line is nov made the receive line and tbe next installed sabre line adr is made the new transmit line. Then this pair of lines is wrapped. This stepping up through the lines is continued until tbe last installed Sabre line has been the transmit line. Then the first installed line is made the transmit line and the last installed Sabre line is made the receive line and tbis pair of lines is wrapped. All the installed Sabre line sets are wrapped with LCD=E. A set mode is done on both the transmit and receive lines with ICW bit 27 (diagnostic wrap mode) and ICW bit 29 (sync bit clock) on. Oscillator select bits are 0 so tbe first oscillator is selected. The priorit¥ bits are set to 3. The set mode is done before the setting of scope sync 2 as each pair of lines is wrapped. Tbe set mode must complete successfully for the wrap to function and any errors detected during the set mode are pre-test errors and all start with error code lXXX. These error codes are near the end of the symptom index after all routine error codes. References to level 2 interrupts in the following error code displays are the character service level 2 interrupts tbat occur after scope sync 2 is set and do not include the level 2 interrupts that occurred for the set modes which occur before scope sync 2. 6.1.78 X3705GAA Type 2 Scanner 1FT o o o o IIa 3705 COa"UNICATIOBS CONTROLLIR fTP! 2 coaaUHIC1TIOHS SC1 •• BR IPf STaPfoa INDII ROOT. BRROa POHCTION fBStBD co DB Hote1: On all er~or stops in this ~outine, SOSPICTBD ClftD LOCAfIOIi (S) the following registers are setup; PBALD UTIlI! PAG! COUI!II'fS PAGI reg X',q' for errors that indicate received data is bad or ICW bits 0-7 in error. wbat .as obtained by an input X'_q' fros tbe receive line ICW this is IC' bits 0-15. ICI bits 8-15 are the PDP which should contain the recei.ed data. ICI bits 0-7 are error and control flags and are always expected to be let as follows: ICW bit 0 • Stop bit check and sbould be off ICI bit 1 • Service reguest and should be on ICI bit 2 • Character overrun and should be off ICI bit 3 • aodel check and sbould be off ICI bit q • Beceive line signal detect and is not cbecked. ICI bit 5 = Beserved bit and sbould be off IC. bit 6 • Progr.1 flag and sbould be off ICI bit 7 • Pad flag and sbou1d be off o o o reg 1'16' for errors tbat indicate received data is bad, contains tbe expected ICI bits 0-15 tbat are being tested against tbe contents of reg X'1q'. o o Bote 2: 'G; " I i o ERROR DESCRIPTIO. reg X",' • transsit line address (as used to set AIARI reg X'13' • recei.e line address Cas used to let ABAft) reg X'.q' for errors that indicate le.el 2 occurred fros wrong address. line addrels tbat caused the L2 or .0000 if no L2 occurred. o o o o D99-37051-09 Checks to be lade on all error stops: a. Check LCD of failing 11ne set~ If LCD-P, a feedback cbeck bas occurred. Hote that if the CDS indicates a line set that will run in Sabre lode is installed but this is not the case, a feedback cbeck will occur. b. Tau lay use tbe continue function (except on pre-test errors starting witb 1) to continue fros tbis error to see if just this line set is failing, if all line sets in ibis LIB are failing, or if all Sabre lines are failing. Tau lay get additional error stops on sale line pair being wrapped so you say have to use the continue function sultiple tises. If only one line set is failing or a pair of even/odd addresses, tben tbe line set card is probably bad. If all addresses fail in one LIB, tbe LII's bit cloct control card say be bad or tbe tersinators lay be bad. If all Sabre line sets fail, the CS cards lay be bad. If the line sets are the type that will run in botb Sabre and synchronous .ode and if they run successfully in routine 1656, tben suspect LCD=I or the sync bit clock control line. Reference card location charts in the PE!II for tbe CS, LIB, and line set card locations whicb vary in location according to LIB types. lfter the PlD characters of alternate data bits are sent for receive clock correction tbe synchronizing bit sequence of " consecutive zero hits and the transsitted data cbaracters are sbifted left by 1 data bit position. 'fbis is to cause the received dats characters to be offset by , data bit froa transsitted characters so tbat tbe interrupt sequence can be predictable and tested. Pad Pad Stnc-char ~ranslit Data - 55 Becei,e Data 15 00 10 15 00 '0 00 00 15 01 2A 00 20 00 00 2A (Sabre) (Sabre) The routine is run in the sequence of the following error codes. X688 OXOl 'fransait of 1st pad coapleted. Bo level 2 interrupt occurred froa trans.it line or L2 not frol tbe transsit line address. 13Q2 1st L2 char-svc after setting of scope sync 2. See rtn heading notes , and 2 for registe and cbects to eake. 1688 0102 Translit PCP went fros 8 to 9. Trans.it PCP not • 9. A3Q2 !rans.it PCP set to 8 by progrBII during hardware setup. The CS hardware should have changed the PCP to 9. Should now /Ie in process of transsitting 2nd pad character. 'lhe trans.i t PDP is set to tbll 1st sync character after this error o 'fype 2 Scanner IP! X3705GAA 6.1.79 ... (1 1EK 370S CO~"ON1CAT10NS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COK"UN1CATIONS SCANNER 1FT SY"PTO! 1RDEI ROUT. ERROR FUNCT10R TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION D99-3705E-09 SOSPECTED CARD LOClTIOR (5) FEALD FET"" P1GE PAGE CO"IIENTS display. See notes , & 2 in beading of tbis routine for registers & checks. II,' . 0103 Transmit of 2nd pad completed. Ro level 2 interrupt occurred or L2 was not from the transmit line address. 13Q2 2nd cbar-svc L2 interrupt after sco sync 2. See notes a heading of this routine for , registers and cbecks. 1688 010~ Transmit of 1st 6 ~ero bits of synchronizing sequence completed. 10 level 2 interrupt occurred. A3Q2 3rd L2 interrupt " after setting o f ' scope sync 2. 1688 OIOS Transmit of 1st part of SYRC char sequence completed. Level 2 not from transmit line address. 13Q2 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers & checks. After this error display, the transmit PDF is set with 1'1S'. 1688 0106 Transmit of 2nd part of SYRC char sequence completed. Ro level 2 interrupt occurred from the transmit line address. 13Q2 ~th L2 after scope sync 2. See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers & checks. 1688 0107 Transmit of 2nd part of SYNC character sequence completed. Level 2 not from transmit line address. A3Q2 1688 0108 Receive line recognized SYNC character. Receive lines PCP not =7. 13Q2 Receive line PCP ..·a initially set to 5 and as 2nd sync character is received and recogni~ed, the hardware should set the receive PCF=7. Note that this setting of PCF=7 from PCF=5 does not cause a level 2 interrupt. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers & checks. 1688 0109 Receive 1st data char of 1'2A'. Ro level 2 occurred frem receive line adr. A3Q2 5th L2 (1st from receive line adr) after scope sync 2. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of tbis routine for registers & cbecks. 1688 0101 Receive 1st data char of 1'2A'. Level 2 not from the receive line address. 13Q2 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 See rtn heading notes and 2 for registEr$ and checks. After this error display_ the transmit PDF is set to character 1'00' to be transmitted next. Should now be in process of transmitting 1'15'. Type 2 Scanner 1FT '~ ....1 1688 6.1.80 1370SGAA ,~,' o o 0 0 3705 CO~~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 CO~~UNIC1TIONS SC1NNER 1FT SYRPTOR INDEX D99-3705E-09 IE~ ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPEC'IED CARD LOCATION (5) X689 OXOE Receive 1st data clla!; of X'2A'. Received data in PDF is not X'2A', or ICW bits 0-7 are in error.. A3Q2 Received data in PDF should be 1st char of X'21'. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this routine for registers, lCIl bits 0-7, & checks to make. 1688 OXOC Transmit of X'ls' char No level 2 interrnpt completed. line adr. 13Q2 occu;red for transmit 6th L2 (5th from transmit adr) aft scope sync 2. see notes 1 & 2 in heading of this rontine for registers & checks. X688 OXOD Transmit of X'ls' char completed. Level 2 not from ,transmit line adr. P.3Q2 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers & checks. P.fter this error display. the transait PDF is set to the character X'10' which is the next character to transmit. The character X'OO' should now be in the process of being transmitted. X688 OXOE Receive character X'OO'. 80 level 2 occurred from A302 7th L2 (2nd from receive addrl after scope sync 2. See notes 1 & 2 in heading of this rontine for registers & checks. X688 OX OF Receive character X'OO'. Level 2 not from receive line adr. 13Q2 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers & checks • . : X688 0110 Receive character X'OO'. Received data in PDF not X'OO' or ICW bits 0-7 in error. 1302 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers. ICW bits 0-7. & checks. 1699 OXll Transmit of X'OO' completed. 80 level 2 occurred for transmit line address. P.302 8th L2 (6th from transmit addr). SeE notes 1 & 2 in heading of this rontine for registers & checks. X698 OX12 Transmit of X'OO' completed. Level 2 not from transait line adr. 1302 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers & checks. lfter this error display, the transmit PDF is set to X'OO' as the next character to transmit. Should 0 0 C, II',,'~,I,I I, ~; receive line adr. o o o o o o COftIlENTS for registers and checks. 0 0 0 0 FEUD FET~M PAGE PAGE Type 2 Scanner 1FT ~ X3705GAA 6.1.81 (I Il. )' :f ' '(.) IBII 3705 COlIlIUlIICATIONS COIiTBOLLl!B 'rtfB 2 COIIKUlIICAfIOHS SCAIMBB 1FT SYllfTOII INDEX BOUT. BBBOB FUHCTIOll TBSTBD CODB 1688 1688 0113 0115 Recei,e Beceive cha~acte~ cha~acter 1>99-3705B-09 BBBOB DBSCBIPTIOH 1'20'. 1'20'. Ho le,el 2 occu~~ed line adr. SUSPBCTBD CARD LOCnIOI1(S) fo~ ~eceiye 1.302 0116 T~ao •• it of 1'10' cOBpleted. COIIIIBIiTS 9tb L213rd frOB recei,e addr). see notes 1 II 2 in beading of tbis roatine for reghten II cbecks. ~.i 0117 Trans.it of cOBpleted. 1688 QX18 1688 0119 1688 0111 1'10' See ~tD beading not.. , and 2 for regiltera II chech. '... Blceived data io PDF not • 1'20' Or ICI bits 0-7 io AlQ2 See rtll beading notes 1 and 2 for registers; ICI bUs 0-7, 8 checkl to nit•• , UQ2 10tb L2 (7th from t r:lIIIslit addr:). Se. lIotes 1 II 2 111 beadin! of tbh r:out nl fOI: !:Illtltau AlQ2 See rtn lIeaUng notes 1 and 2 for registers 8 cbecks. After tbis error displal', the translU PDF is set to 1'00' as tbe next cbaracter to tran .. U. Shou14 nov be in tbe process of transBitting 1'00'. Beceive cb&r&cter 1'00'. Ho level 2 occurred receive line adr. AlQ2 11tb L2 (qtb frOB receive line ad~). See notes 1 1\ 2 in beading of tbis routine for registers II cbecks. Beceive cb&r&cter 1'00'. Level 2 not fro. receive line adr. 13Q2 : See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers II checks. cbar&cte~ 1'00'. f~o. Beceived data in PDF not· 1'00' or ICI bits 0~7 in 13Q2 e~ror. See ~tn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers, ICI bits 0-7 f II cbecks. X688 OX1B Traosmit of X'OO' co.pleted. NO level 2 occurred fro. transmit line ad~. ~3Q2 12tb L2 (Stb fro. transdt ad4rl. See notes 1 II 2 in beading of this routine for registers & cbecks. X688 OX1C Transmit of X'OO' completed. Level 2 not from transmit line adr. 13Q2 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers " checks. After tbis error display, the tralls.it PCF is set to I'D' fOI; '\ / / / / , ., "',,--/ ,- / " ,If ''\ ( 6.1.82 X37Q5GAA . ChICItI. Level 2 oot fro. trans.it line adr. Beceive ,.- AlQ2 Ho level 2 occur~sd fOr transmit line adr. , '{ f 8 X688 ,e( nov be in process 0 transBitting 1'10'. Level 2 not frol recei,e linl adr, erro~. 1688 PBALD PBTIIll PlGB P1GB () Type 2 Scanner In ~ I, " f " o o o 0 0 lEN 3705 COftaUNICATIONS COHTRqLLBR ~tPB a COftnuNICATIONS SCAHRII 1fT SYftPTO! INDBX BOOt,. EIBOI FottCnOR TEStljD CODB BRBOB DISCRIPTION 1>99-3105E-09 SUSPBCTED CARD LOCUION (SI o lI'OOI,. Beceive X'OO' No level 2 occurred froD receive line adr. AlQ2 13th L2 (5th from receive addrl. see notes 1 & 2 in beading of this routine for registen 1\ cheeks. 1668 OX 1B Receive characte!: X' 00' Level 2 not froD receive line adr. 13Q2 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for ICII bits 0-7, registers II checks be lIade, 1668 OX1F Receive character Received data in PDF not = X'OO' or ICR bits 0-7 in ertor,. A3Q2 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks, and leN bits 0-1 should be. X666 0120 Transmit ot completed. NO level 2 occurred for trans.it line adr. 13Q2 lijth L2 (9th troll transmit .. line adr., See notes 1 II 2 in headin9 ' of tbis routine for registez;s 1\ cbeclts. 1688 OX21 Transmit of X'OO' co.pleted. Level 2 not from transmit line adr. A3Q2 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers II checks. After this error display, the transmit PDP is set to 1'01' as the next character to transmit. Should nov be in the process of transmitting XI15'. 1688 OX22 lCW bit 39 (reseg re.em~e~ ~hould be turn~d on hYthe scanner becaus'e more th·an " consecutive zero bits should have beep received at this the. lCIi hit 39;, did, not COme on for the receive line, X688 0125 Transmit of X'15' co.pleted No level 2 occurred for transmit line adr. 13Q2 15th L2 (10th frOID transmit line adr). See notes 1 1\ 2 in beading of this routine for registers & checks. X686 OX26 Transmit of X'15' cODpleted Level 2 not from transmit line adr. AlQ2 See rtn heading notes 1 and 2 for registers II checks. After this error display, the transmit PD F is set to X'OO' as the next character to transmit. ShOUld nov be in the process of transmitting X'Ol', characte~ x'oq' X'OO' o o See rl~ headl.n9 notes 1 and 2 for registers and checks. o e transmit tu.naround. Should now be in process of tranSBIit Hng OX1D o o COIIIIENTS X666 o o o FEALD PETllft P1GB P1GB o Type 2 Scanner 1FT X3105GAA 6.1.83 ISII 3105 COIl'lUNIC1UOH.S COnBOLLEB TYPB 2 COIIBONIC1TIORS SCaRRIB 1FT SYBPTOII INDIX BOUT. BBBOB PURCTIOH TISTID CODI 0121 Beceive character X'2A'. B8Boa DISCRIPTIO. UB8 OX 28 Beceive character X' 21'. tevel 2 not fro. receive line adr. 16B8 0129 Beceive character 1'21'. aeceived data in PDP not 1'21' or lca bits 0-1 in error. X688 0121. Transait of 1'01' coapleted and trans. it turn-around X688 012B 1688 X689 1688 D99-31058-09 SUSPICTID CABD LOCA'j:IOII(SI A302 Ho level 2 occurred froa receive line adr. plALD PBTIIK PAGB PAG! COKBINtS 16th L2 16th froe receive addr). See notes 1 8 2 in beading of this routine for registers II checks. Last 12 for receive. U02 1302 See rtn beading notes 1 and 2 for registers nnd Checks. ICW bit 1 Isvc-teq) and bit 1 la synchronizing sequence bas been detected) sbould be on .• ICII bits 0 II 2 Bhould be aU. After tbiB error display ·tbe receive PCP is set to 0 /10 no further level 2 interrupts sbould occur troB tbe receive line addr. 90 level 2 occurred fro. trans.it line adr. 1.302 11th L2 ,,1th froB trausait line adr.) and should be last level 2. See uotes 1 8 2 in beading of thi/l routine for registers II checks. at tbis the tbe tranui t pcr Bbould ,line turned around to pcP-S. Trans.it of X'01' coapleted and trans.it turn-around. Level 2 not fro. transmit line adr. 13Q2 OX2C Transait turn-around. TransBit PCP did not turn around to PCP"5. 13Q2 xxxx Practional Stop Bit BPO: Insure th~t normal trans.ission ot characters for Start-Stop interfaces with an B/S for. at are followed by fractional C1.Q315) stop bits. a. After previous transmit level 2 Csee error 01261 transBit PCP was set to X'D' to cause a turnaround. the hardware sbould bave cOBpleted tbe transBi8s1on of the character X'OO' and then change pcP=5. See notes 1 II 2 in heading of this routine for registers & checks. (Hote: This BPQ is restricted to a 31051 with a Type II CO.lunications Scanner, using a Type 2A (TTY) line set. The .odified oscillator must be installed in Oscillator Position 1 and is modified to operate at 16 times norlal speed. Oscillators are restricted to those whose normal operation is ~5.5 bps, 50.0 bps, 56.89 bps, and 7~.2 bps. Prior to running test, please insure that the proper BPO bit is set in the Configuration 6.1.811 13105GU Type 2 Scanner 1PT ( o o o o o o o o o o " ' · G· IBK 3105 COHHUH1CATIONS CONTROLLER TY~B 2 COKHUftICAT10NS SCANNER 1Ft SYHPTOK INDEX ROUT. ERROR rUIiCTION TBSTBD CODE Data Set.) Insure that bit service is occurring under Transmit Noraal operation,. ERROR DESCRIPTION sqSFECTED CARD LOCATION (5) pEALD pETH!! £lAGB UGE COMIlENTS 1689 OX01 1689 OX02 'Insure that the SDLC Counter (ICII bits 34- 37) cycles from 0 to 16 to initiate bit service,. Because of the modified osc01A-A3Q2 illator operating 16 tiles its norlal speed, gated bit service is dependent upon the counter which triggers bit service at the count of 16. The counter then resets to 0 and resumes count for the next bit service. An error will be flagged if this counter fails to reach the count of 16 or if bit service occurs prior to t~e count of 16. 'rB701 £lretest error. Check counter aard. 1689 OX03 Error is flagged when SDp bit 8 01A3T4 does not go to O. This 01A-A3Q2 indicates that the first stop bit has not been transmitted normally. could indicate b~t TB101 Pretest error. Be-run routine f or Err or 1 ck. (Could indicate a time-out on loop ~ount.1 Checks transmission of first stop bit. Error is flagged to indicate the character is not s~ifting out of the SDF. Ils~.f'lce Pretest error. Problem is probab1r in the card for oscillator £losition 1. is ,t!li~in",. 1689 OX 011 checks transmission of secoQd (last) stop b~t. Error is flagged wben second stop bit in SOP 9 does not go to O. this indicates either failing bit service or timeout on the ~oop count. OU3T4 OU-A3Q2 TB101 Pretest error. lie-run routine for IItror 1 ck. 168\1 OX05 Insure that the last or fractional stop bit does not exceed .4375 .• Error is flagged if the last 01A-A3Q2 stop bit does not transmit Q1A3TIj norlally but the counter has exceeded 7. This will show if the counter as displayed in the low order of Beg. 5 exceeds 6 and the SDp bit 9 is still turned on. TII701 Error could indicate failing bit service. 1689 0106 To insure that the last or fractional stop bit does not exceed .4315. Error is flagged if the last stop bit in SDp position 9 transmits but the counter exceeds ". o11-13Q2 TB101 The counter in ICII bits 34- 31 should read 0 wben the last stop bit transD~ts. The counter 1. to activate bit service and reset when the bits read 6. \' " o o o o o 1690 XIXX SABRB 1IpQ New Sync data lead test. This routine is a manual intervention routine and will not run unless you set the CE sense switch to run manual intervention routines or unless you request this routine as a single routine to run. This routine will rUn on SABB! BPQ line sets only. The output of this routine is a square wave on the 'New Sync' data lead for scoping. The routine will run for two minutes unless you abort it. This routine will stop with manual intervention stop codes of PO-- asking you for the needed information to run the test. These PO-- codes may be found near tbe end of this Type 2 cs sympto. index. There are no error stops in this routine but wbile the routine is running it will display a EO-- code in the display B lights indication that a s~uare wave output shOUld be available at the 'New Sinc' data lead for the line under test. o o o 1694 IIXX PCP state P disable test. This routine is a manual intervention routine and will not be run unless you set the CE sense switch to run manual intervent~n routines, or unless you requested a single routine to be run. This routine will stop with manual intervent!On codes of PO-- in display Br asking you to enter the information required to rUn this routine. These po-- codes lay be found at the end of this symptom index for the type 2 communication scanner IpT. This test routine does a £lCP=p switched line interface disablQ to the line Is) fOU entered. The routine; Type 2 Scanner IpT e 01A3T4 X3705GAA 6.1.65 IBK 3705 CO!!UHIC1TIORS CONTBOLLEB 2 coaKUBICA~IONS SCANNBB lr~ SYK~TOK INDBI D99~3705E-09 TY~B BOUT. BRROR PUNCTIOR TBSTBD BBRoa DBSCBI~TIOH SUSfBCTED CABD PBALD PETKK CODB LOCATIOII (5) P1GB PiGB 1. Disables ('CSB disabled' latch turned anI then enables the scanner under test. 2. Sets the display re~uest bit in the line (ICI, under test. 3. sets scope sync 2. 4. Sets the diagnostic aode bit, and if the line is only synchronous, sets the sync clock bit in the SOP. 5. Sets pcr=. and LCD=7 for start/stop lines, or LCD=C for synChronous lines. 6. laits for and yalidates that r leyel 2 interrupt occurred for the line under test. 7. Checks that the PCP vent fro. 1 to O. (Set 80de coapleted ok.) 8. Sets pcp=r. 9. laits for and yalidates that a level 2 interrupt occurred for the line under test. 10. Checks that the pcr vent to O. 11. Checks that the scanner display reg (1'46') byte 0, bits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5 are all off that indicates the line interface has been reset. Notes: () CO!KBNTS It should be noted that this routine vill indicate failures on any line interface that has aode8 interface lines 'clear to send A , 'ring indicator', 'data set ready' or 'receiYe line signal detector' tied up' to active levels. ror so.e 8Ode8s, data sets and line set types, it is noraal for Sale of these interface lines to be tied up to an active (on) level. If you re~ueated all linea to be run, this routine vill bypaaa LIB types 2, 3, and ~ aince they alvaya have aOle interface line active. If the teat indicatea failures due to lodel iuterface lines being on when they should not be, you could have a bad interface converter on the line set for the line that failed or there could be a bad aode8 or data set connected to the line. If none of the lines cOlpleted the pcp=r portion of the test, the scanner cards lay be bad. It is assumed that tbe otber internal test routines have been run and that set lodes and internal data vraps vork properly. If tbis is not true, tbere could be a bad oscillator, a bad line set, a bad LIB, or so.e scanner failure. The following registers are valid for all error displays in this routine: Beg 1111'=line address that is under test. (As used to set ABAB.) Beg X'46'=The scanner display register for tbe line under test. 1694 0101 Set lode. 110 level 2 interrupt occurred. 13B2 U331 B-310 B-260 This error shoul~ not occur if routines 1627 and 1629 ran aucca.aflllly. Suggeat you run tbose routinea again. Should bave had a level 2 interrupt fros the set lode and pcr sbould nov. O. See notea in tbe beading of this routine for registers anc! lore inforlstiop. Set aode. Level 2 interrupt not frol the line under test. 13E2 TA331 8-300 Tbis error should not OCCllr if routines 1627 and 1629 ran auecesatully. Suggest JOu run those routinea again. Should have had s level 2 interrupt fro. the set lode and pcr sbould DOV • O. See notes 111 tbe beading of this routine for registers aDd lore inforaation. Reg X'tq'=line sdr that caused the L2 interrupt. /, 16911 X6911 0102 OX03 Set lode. PCP did not go to 0 after aet mode. ~3B2 TA331 B-080 See COlllenta 10 error 0101. Beg X'14' byte 0 -LCD and pcr obtained bJ an Input 1'115' at the the of failure. ~ '/ ", /f' \, ,~ " 1 "'- ( 6.1.86 X370SGU Type 2 Scanner Ir~ (, It , / o o o IBft 3705 COK"UHIC~TIOHS COHTBOLLI~ TYPB 2 CO""UHICATIONS SCA~.la 1fT STftPTOft INDEX ROUT. EBROR l'URCnOR TESTED CODE xe94 01011 PCl'=l' co.pleted .• 0 0 0 0 EBBoa DESCRIfTIOH 1l99-3705E-09 SUSPECTED CARD LOCUIOR IS) 1'ElLD PETII8 PAGE PAGE 8-3,0 No level 2 interrupt occurrea after PCP was set to 1'. 131'2 TA8H r59~ OX05 PC 1'= l' cOlllpleted.! the line under te$t. Level 2 interrupt not froll A3E2 TA331 %694 OX06 PCl'=1' cOllpleted. PCP did not change to O. 13l'2 TA811 A3E2 TA331 8-300 This error may bave nothing to do with the fCP-l' tea t a1 nce no other line should cause a level 2. See notes in the heading of this routine for registers and more information. Beg X'14' contains the line adr that caused the level 2 interrupt. 8-060 Hardware should hay changed PCP to 0 from PCFaF after the 1I0deil interface is reset. I f 'Data Set Beady' and 'Receive Line Signal Detect' interface lines did not reset properly. PCl' II1lly stiU r. See notes in the beading of this routine fo~ more information. 8-150 Beg X' 14'= Reg X'1I6' at the time of failure. Hote: reg X'46' is loaded every scan cycle so it II1I1Y not be • to reg X'1'" at this the. Reg X'15' bas a bit on for each bit poa1t1on that is bad in reg X'14'. See notes in heading of this routine for .ore information. 0 0 0 8-260 U ~ : \1; "'1 0 t694 0%07 80de. interface res.t. 1698 xx XX Diagnostic tran$ait test eor pCF=B. This routine is II manual intervention routine and will not be rUD unless you set the CB senSe switch to run Illnual intervention routines, or unless you requested II single routine to be run. This routine will stop with manual intervention codes of ro-- in display B, asking you to enter the infor.at1on required to run this routine. These FO-- codes may be found at the end of this symptom index for the type 2 comllunication scanner 1F1. This routine transmits a PAD character IX'Ff'). and 2 data characters Cl'AA'I, The routine sets fCl'aB to transmit the second data character, then the scanner seta pcr.e & chacka thl!.t the tran8llit line turned around. This is I. unual intervention routine because FCP=C turnaround requires the 'clear to send' mode II interface line to drop and this does not occur on Bome model interfaces t~at haVe this'line tied up to an aative (on) level. This routine runs on start/stop lines only, and uses LCD.7. 0 0 e 0 0 e COIIUNTS No level 2 interrupt will occur if sOllie modem interface lines did not reset. See notes in the heading of this routine for registers ana .ore information. Qotes: e Type 2 Scanner IFT All aodem interface lines that sbould be reset lire not r.aset. This routine inQ1cates a failure on any line interface that does not drop the 'clear to send' Dodea interface line. If 'clear to send' should not be on for this interface, you should suspect the line set card for the failing line. If all lines fail, there may be a bad scanner card. Errors 0101 through OX05 should not occur and if they do you should run routine X645 13705GAA 6.1.87 IBK 3705 COKftURICATIOHS CORTBOLLBB TYPB 2 COftftUHICATIOHS SCARRBB IrT SYftPTOK INDBX D99-3705B-09 ROOT. BBBOB lOHCTIO. TBSTBD ERBOB DBSCRIPTION SO~PECTBD CABD rBALD rETKK CODB LOCATIOHISI PAGE PAGE to tr, to find the failure. The following registers are setup for all error displa,s: COftftBHTS Beg X'11'-Line address of line under test ,as used to set AB1R). Beg X'~6'·Scanner display register and is valid for the line under test. Beg X'1~'=Line that caused the L2 interrupt for errors that saf 'L2 interrupt not froa the line under test'. X698 OX01 Transait of PAD coapleted. 80 X698 OX02 Transait of PAD co.pleted. X698 OX03 Transait of PAD coapleted. level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 TA611 B-310 B-260 Level 2 interrupt not frol the line under test. 13L2 TA611 B-300 pcr did not go to 9. 13r2 TAB11 B-080 pcr set to 8 by prograa for transait initial. The scanner hardware shou14 ba" chang84 it to 9. See notes in the beadiDg of tbis roqtine. X698 OXO_ Transait of 1st data (X'AA'I coaplated. 10 level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 TA611 11-310 B-260 x698 OX05 Transait of 1st data (I'AA'I co.pleted. Level 2 interrupt not froa the liDe under test. UL2 T1611 B-300 See routine beadiDg notes After tbh error 4isplaf, tbe pcr is set to B. x698 OX 06 Tnns.it of 2nd data (X'U" coaplet,ed, Ro UL2 TA611 B-080 11-3'0 B-260 If 'c-t-s' X698 0107 Tnnsait of 2nd datil 'X'U" co.pleted. Level 2 interrupt not froa the line under test. A3L2 'U.611 B-300 X698 OX08 pcr went to 7. pcr did not set to 7 after transait turnaround. A3r2 TABll B-080 pcr was changed to C bf tbe bardware, an an additional ~it Hlle should occur and if 'clear to send' is off, per sbould be cbanged to 7 bJ tbe scanner hardware. See notes in the heading of tbis routine for lore inforaation. X69~ OX09 SDr SDr bits 0-7 did not 13H2 tA22' B-480 Turnaround sbould leave SDr-O. See notes in the heading of tl\~s routine for aore infor.atton. TA221 B-Q80 Turnaround shOUld leave SDr-O • See notes in the heading of this routine for aore information. O. lo~al 2 interrupt occurred. " O. X698 OXOA SDr 6.1.88 X3705GU = O. SO,, bits 8'.! 9 did not • O. '~, did not drop, tbis interrupt will not occur. pcr sbou14 have been cbanged to C U the last data cbaracter was tnnsaitted ok. See notes in the UadiDg of tbis rout iDe for lore inforaation. Tfpe 2 Scanner IPT ( ,/ o o o 0 O. IBft 3105 COftftOHICATIONS CONTIOLLla TYPE 2 COaaq.ICATIOBS SCA•• IB If~ StaPfoa IHDBI • BOOT. IBIoa fOHCfIOH TISflD IBBOB DBSCBIPfIOB SOSPICflD C1BD fElLD flTaa CORRBNTS CaDI LOC1TION(S) P1GE P1GE 1699 lUI Diagnostic transsit test for PCf-C. This routine ia a sanual intervention rontine and vill not be run unlesa you set the CB sense svitc~ to run sanual intervention routines, or unleas y,ou requested a single routine to be run. This routine vill stop vith lanual intervention codes of fO-- in display B, asking you to enter tbe inforsation required to run this routine. These fo-- codes say be found at the end of tbis sYlptoa index for the type 2 cossunication scanner If!. This routine transaits I PAD character (X'll'), and 2 data characters (X'AAI). The routine tranasita tbe second data character, then sets PCr-C and cbecks t~e 'clear to send' .odes interface line to drop and thia 40es not occur on aOle sodes interfacea that ~a,e this line tied up to an acti,e (onl ley81. 'fbia routine runs on DtC 11ne on~l" and nna LCD-g. 0 Thi. routine indicata. a failure on any line interface tbat doe. not drop the 'clear to .. nd' lode. interface line. If 'clear to .end' sbould not be on for this interfaoe, you should .uspect the line set card for the failing line. If all lines fail, tbere say be a bad scanner card. Errors OIOt through 0105 sbould not occur and if they do you shOUld run routine 1645 ~o tti to find the failure, fhe following regiaters are setup for all error displays;, 0 Beg 1'11'~Line address of line under test (aa used to set ABAI). Beg X"6'aScanner display register and is yalid for tbe line under test. Beg I',"-Line tbat caused tbe L2 interrupt for errors that say 't2 interrupt ~ot fros the line under test'. 0 0 0 D99-31051-09 B-310 8-260 See notes in the heading of this rOil tiDe. 11-300 See notes in the b1iladiDg of this routine. ' 1699 0101 Trans, it of 1st data (X'U'I cospleted. Bo level 2 interrupt occurred. A3L2 X699 0102 Trans,it of 1st data IX'U'I cOlpleted. Leyel 2 interrupt not :ro. the line under teet A3L2 ~~99 0103 Trans, it of 1st data IX'U') cOlpleted. PCI' did not go to 9,. 1312 'fAa" B-oao PCl vas set to a li699 010' Translit of 2nd data (X'AA') cospleted. 10 level 2 interrupt occurred. UL2 TA611 B-310 B-260 See notes in tbe heading of tbis routine. X699 Olt05 !ranslit of 2nd data 11'11') coapleted. Level 2 interropt not frol the line under test. 13L2 'U611 B-300 See notes in tbe heading of this routine. After this error d1splai, tbe pel is set to B. 1699 OX06 Translit turn coapleted. 10 leyel 2 interrupt occurred. AlL2 X699 0107 Trans.it turn coapleted. Level 2 interrupt not fros the line under test. 13L2 X699 OX08 PCl vent to 5. PCl did not set to 5 after tranalit turnaround. 131'2 TA611 by prograa for transsit initial. The scanner hardvare should have cbanged it to 9. See notes in the heading of this routine. U 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type 2 Scanner IlT II-oao If 'clear to send' 8-310 8-260 did not drop, this interrupt vill not occur. PCl sbould have cbanged to 5 if the last data character vas trans8itted ok. See notes in the beading of tbis routine for lore inforsation. 'U611 B-300 See notes in the heading of tbis routine. TA811 11-080 After PCl vas set to C, an additional bit Use should occur and if 'clear 13105GU 6.1.89 if ' \l ,I" if- " '{.J IBa 3705 COM~UHIC~TIONS CONTROLLER 2 COKKUNICATIOHS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTO~ INDEX 1l99-3105E-09 TY~E ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (S) PEALD PETIIM fAGE PAGE XXXX ,-\, COMMENTS to send' is off, PCP should be changed to !i by tbe scanner hardware. See notes in the beading of this routine for more information. 169C (j !\ ( 'i __ ' nodem interface cbeck. Tbis routine is a manual intervention routine and will not run unless you set the CB sense switch to run manual intervention routines, or unless you requested a single routine to be run. Thi. routine stops with manual intervention ,codes of PO-- in display B asking you to enter the information required to run this routine. These FO-- codes may be found at the end of this symptom index for the type 2 communication scanner IPT. This routine checks that the modem interface lines 'clear to send' and 'receive line signal detector' are not on, and that the 'receive data bit' tuffer is on. This test is run with 'request to send' off and diagnostic wrap mode off. Notes: This routine will indicate failures on all modem interface and/or line sets that have 'clear to send' and 'receive line signal detector' ties up to active (on) leyels. Example - all LIB type 2 telegraph line sets should have 'receive line signal detector' active all the time and should cause failures. If failures occur and the interface line in error should not have lines tied to active levels, suspect a bad line set card or modem interface problem. The following registers ara setup for error displays: Beg 1'11'=Line address (as used to set ABAP) of tbe line under test. Reg X'ij6'=The scanner display register which should be loaded by the scanner every scan cycle for the line under test. Reg X'lij'=What was in the display reg 1'46' at the time the failure was detected. Peg X'14' may not = reg X'46' if yOU display reg X'46' since reg X'46' may be cbanged on eacb scan cycle. Beg X'15' contains bits in error with each bit pOSition that is on representing the bit position in reg 1'14' that is in error. X69C 0101 1I0dem interface. X6CE XXXX Modem, auto-calI-originate, DLC link test and external wrap test. This is a manual intervention routine and will not be run unless you set the CE sense switch to run manual intervention routines or unless you .a~e a single routine request. See notes after step 18 writeup for restrictions on use of Full-Duplex modems, ful~-duplex line set interfaces and other wr~p options. You should not have the 'loop on first error' or 'restart rout\ne on llirst erro!;', ~E, sense s"i~ches on while this routine is running since this routine I always causes ,a repeat 'of prevlou~ly exeduted,steps it any errors a~e detected. If you get an error stop code, you lIay 'use the continue function (function 5) to cause the test to restart. The restart point varies according to the type of error and the step within the test. You !Day ,also use the dynamic communications function of the DC! to pass some restart or loop requests to this routine. The accepted dynamic cOllmunication codes are defined in step 18 of this routine heading. This routine will stop with manual intervention stop codes from P030 through POQ2 in sequence asking you for the test options and line addresses to be tested. Some of the P030 tbrough POQ2 stop codes viII be bypassed according to wbat options you have previously selected. These stop codes are defined near the end of the Type 2 communication Scanner IP~ symptoa Index. This routine is designed to test line set cards and/or IBH modems and/or IBII auto call originate or IBM local attachments. This routine may also be used with non-IBa modems/data sets and/or auto call originate eguipment but 1s only intended as an IBN line driver and terminator test in the line set cards and not as a test of the non-ISH equipment. During the running of this routine the timer interrupt dependent functions within the DCM vill not function properly due to the fact that this routine ,intercepts all timer interrupts. This means that the DCH utility functions to display or stop during tiler interrupts and the scoping indicator in display B byte 0 bit ~ will not operate. lou should not use the IlCA utility function for address compare level 1 interrupt while this routine i. runninq or overrun/uoderrun or other ICW bits 0-4 errors may occurr. Interface lines not in expected condition. B-150 Reg 1'14' byte 0 bit 0 is the 'cts' bit and should be off: bit 3 is the 'receive line signal detector' bit and should be off; bit " is' the receive datil tit buffer bit and should be on. This routine is broken down into steps, each of which performs one or more functions. Each step is assigned a nuber. Each step number uy be referenced as a reetllrt point lifter an error stop code is displayed or all a dynamic communication. option entered. All references to going to another step 3fter an error stop, IIssume either that you used the continue function (select fUDction 5 and press the start push button) or that the bypass error stop and bypass Dew error stop CE sense switches are on. 6.1.90 X3705GAA Type 2 Scanner 1PT ""'-- . / o o o o o o o o o o IBH 3705 COftMUNICATIONS CONTBOLLER TIPE 2 COMnUNlcATIONS SCAN"2B 1FT SyaPTOn INDEX BOUT. ERBOR FUNCTION TB5T2D ERRoa DBSCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD COOB LOCATION(S) NOTB 1: No card calling is done within this routine. The IBn CB should refer to the Haintenance Procedures for IBn Integrated Kodems in the PETHH for trouble shooting IBM integrated lodems. The line set interface pages in the PETaK should be referenced for line interface drivers, terminators and cable connections ;0 external interfaces. NOTE 2: HOTB II: Pull-duplex line sets and modems should be tested with the following restrictions. You should always select option 0003 (wrap datal ~hen you get manual intervention stop code r030. If you want to do a transmit only test then you sbould select the 'ignore receive interrupts' option vhen you get tbe FOll2 stop code. If you want to do a receive only test you sbould select the 'transmit all ones' option when you get tbe FOliO stop code. The receive onlI test vill vork only for 'OLC link test', 'receive all ones', 'receive all zeros' or , gnore receive interrupts' options. When you are asked for the transmit and receive line addresses you should select botb the transmit and receive line addresses that are connecte~ to the same full-duplex interface. The above restrictions are not program enforced since you aay select to do an internal diagnostic wrap for modem self-test or to internally wrap betveen a single side of a full-duplex interface to a different interface. ' X6CS OxOl Auto Call originate. SDP bits are in error or LCD is not =3 or pcr is not .. O. Beg. X'l~' byte O~ LCD in bits 0-3 I: PCF i,o hi til 4-1: byte 1 bits 0-7 are SOl' bits 0-7. only bit , of the SOP, paver indicator (PWI) should be on. sor bit definitions for auto call are: Bit O-Interrupt remember. Bit ,=Fower indicator. Bit 2=c8l1 request. Bit 3=Data Line occupied. Bit 4=Present next digit. Bit 5=call ori9 status. Bit 7=Abandon call and retry. X6CE OX02 Auto Call originate. No level 2 interrupt occurred after an auto call interface reset or level 2 interrupt vas fro. the ~rong line address. If lIeg. X'1I1'= o no L2 occurred; reg X'll1'= addl: cllll&1ng the L2. X6CE OX03 Auto call originate After atte.pted reset of auto call interface by setting the FCF to F, the LCD is not=3, PCl' did not go to 0" or SDF bits are in error. See cOII.ents in error code 0101 for reg and SDF definition. X6CE OXOq Auto call originate. Character service request bit (ICW Bit 1) is not on or PDF is not=O. Beg No level 2 interrupt occurred after switched line reset If reg X'1ij'=OOOO no 1,2 occurred; " o o o o COHUNTS PAGB NOTE 3: for examples on using tbis routine, refer to examples witb the lanual intervention stop codes. f~ o FEALO FETIIII PAGB Por external wrap options utilizing a wrap block an error may occur indicating ICW Bit II (Receive Line 5i' nal Detect) is not on for the re,ceive line. This may be attributed to carrier not being present at the wrap block. On ElA interfaces the 'request to send' interface pin should be jumpered via a 'Y' jumper to both tbe 'clear to send' interface pin on tbe same interface and to tbe 'receive line signal detect' pin on the other interface. u:·' o o D99-3705E-09 X6CE 0106 Setup of switched receive line address. Type 2 Scanner 1FT l'l~'=ICW bits 0-15 with the service-request bit in byte 0 bit 1 and the autocall interface PDF in byte 1 bits 0-1. X3705GU 6.1.91 '(' , jl IBK 3105 COKftONICA~IPNS COM~BOLLER TYPE ~ COK"DUICAT10NS SCANNER 1FT ST"PTOK ROOT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 1l99- 37 051:- 09 INP~l ERROR DESCRIPTION (PCF=F), or a level 2 interrupt occurred froa the wrong line address. SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (S) FEALD FETIII! PAGE PAGE COIIIIENTS I:8g %'14'· adClr tbat causeCl the L2. X6CE 0107 Setup of switcbed receive line address. Tbe receive line LCD has cbanged or the PCF did not get changed to 0 from F wben doing switcbed line reset. Reg X'13' byte 0= expected LCD in bits 0-3. Reg 1'14' byte 0 is tbe actual LCD in bits 0-3 & actual pcr in bits 4-1. 16CE 0108 Setup of switched receive line address. The modem interface line bits in the display register are in error for the receive line address. Reg X' 111'= bits from X'46' (scanner display register.) Only bit 4 (teceiYe data bit buffet) should be on tOt a switched line in J:eset condition. Bit O=C'lS. II1t 1"Ring indo Bit 2=0511. Bit 3=Rec linesignal det. Bit 4=Receive d~ta bit buffer. Bit 5=PiagDostic wnp lIIoile. 16CE 0109 Setup of switched receiYe line address. Cbaracter service reguest bit (ICW bit 1) is not on, PDF 1s not=I'OO' or any of lC~ bits 0,2 or 3 are on. Reg 1'14'= PDF in byte 1 bits 0-7 and reg 1'14' by~e 0XCII bits 0~1. lCIl b~j;S.l . (svc-reg) shou14 be on, lCW bits 0, 2,3,4,6 & 8 sbould be off. lCW bit definitions are: Bit O=stop bit c~. Bit l=SeJ:vice reguest. Bit 2=Cbaracter overrun/ underrun. Bit 3=ftode. cbeck. Bit 4=ReceiYe lineSignal Cletect 8it 5- is ignored Bit 6-Program flag Bit 7"Pad flag. X6CE OXOA Set mode for switched receive line address. Level 2 interrupt did not occur for set mode or a level 2 interrupt occurred from the wrong line address. Reg 1'14'=all zeros if no L2 occurreCl; reg l' 14 haddr that c~used the L2. X6CE OlOB Set mode for switched receive line address. The LCD changed or the PCF not=O after set mode completion. " ''( Reg 1'13' bits 0.0-3 is the LCD useil Cluring set lIoile. Beg 1'14' byte 0= LCD in bits 0- 3 and PCF in bits 4-7 after set mode. X6CE OXOC Set aode for switched receiye line address. The modem interface line bits in tbe displar register are in error. See cOlDment for error stop OX08 (. 6.1.92 X3705GU Type 2 Scanner 1FT ( ,c o o o o o o IBft 3705 COftftOHIClTIOHS CONTROLLER TYfE 2 COftftOHICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYRPTOR INDBX nOUT. BRROB FUNCTION TESTED CO DB X6CB OXOD Set aode for switched receive line address. o o o o Character service request bit (XCI Bit " is not on, PDF i. notaO or any error bits on. PBALD PETRft PAGB PAGB CORRBNTS See cosment tor error stop 0109 0112 Setup of switched or autocall t rails ait lille No level 2 occurred after a svitcbeoS line reset (PCF-F, froa the wrollg lille address. If reg X'111' .. 0000, no L2 l',q'= add.: that caused the L2. ~6CB OIU Setup of svitcheoS or autocall trallsait line address. The switched line re.et has changed the LCD or the PCF has not been forced to O. Beg X'13' byte 0 bits 0-3=LCD used before reset. Reg X',q' byte 0= LCD in bits 0-3 and PCF in bits 11-7 after line reset. I6CB OIH Setup of switched or autocall transsit line address. the aodes interface line bits in the display register are ill error. See co. sent fOl: euor stop OX08. X6CB OX15 setup of sllitched or autocall transsit line address. Character service request bit (ICI bit " is not set, PDP is notaO or any error bi t (s) on. See cos sent for error stop OX09 X6CB OH6 Set so de for switched transait line address. 80 level 2 interrupt occurred after a set sode or a level 2 interrupt occurred froa wrong line address. Set 80de done with the externalclock bit and the diagnostic lode bit off but with any other set aode bits selected except the 'data tersinal ready' bit, is always turned on. If reg X',q'= all zeros, no L2 occurred, else reg X' 1q' contains the address of the interrupting line. X6CB OX17 Set aode for switched transsit line address. the LCD changed during a set 80de or the PCP did not change to O. LCD in Reg X'13' bits 0.0-3 used for set sode. Reg X'14 byte 0 bit 0-3=LCD & bits q-7 • lICF froa ICII afte~ set 80de. ~6CB OX18 Set sode for switche", transsi\: line ~jl4dress. the sodes interface line bits "in, the diSlll,IlY 'register are in I error. ' I6CE ox 19 Set sode for switched transait line address. Character service request bit (ICI bit 1) is not set, or lIDF is not=OO or aoy other bit on in error. X6CB OX1F Any type of switched and line connection established by CB by dialing. No level 2 interrupt is pending after the progral has looped for 3 ainutes waiting for CB to press the STARt puSh button and progras will loop, vaiting for a L2 interrupt pending, for another 3 sinutes. o o SUSl'BC::-:BD C~BD LOCAtION(S, 16CB o o E8808 DISCRIPtIOM D99-370SE-09 type 2 ScaDoer 1Ft see cos sent for errorfstop OX08 See cos sent for error stop 0109 X3705GAA 6.,.93 f \ '( j IBM 3105 COM"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX 099-3705B-09 ROUT. ERROB FUNCTION TESTED CODE 16CB OX20 Dial on autocall originate line interface ERROB OBSCRIPTION 16CE 0123 Dial on autocall originate line interface. No L2 interrupt is pending within 8 maximum wait time of 20 seconds. After a 1.5 _ilisecond delay to within 20 seconds an interrupt should haY e occurred frail autocal1 unit. Both this and the previous error stop indicate a failure in autocall timing. 16CE OX2Q Dial on autocall originate line interface. While waiting for a L2 interrupt trom auto call line interface a level 2 interrupt occurred from seme other line address. Beg X'11'. auto call Une adar. Reg X'1~'" addr that caused the L2. X6CE OX25 Dial on autocall originate line interface The LCD is not=3 or PCP is not=4 or SOP bits are in error. Reg X'14' byte a = LCD in bits 0-3 & P bits 4-7. Beg X'14' byte 1=SOP and should = X'F8'. The following bit definitions are SOP bit definitions for autocall interface: Bit O=IB should be on Bit 1=PWI should be on Bit 2=CBQ should be on Bit 3=OLO should be on Bit q=PND sbould be on Bit 5=DPB should be off Bit 6=COS should be off Bit 1=ACR should be off X6CE OX26 Dial on autocall originate line interface Character service request bit (ICi Bit 1) is not on or PDF is not=OO or any other error hits on. See comment in error stop OX09 for register and ICW bit def. X6CE OX28 Dial on autocall originate line interface. No L2 interrupt occurred from autocall or a L2 interrupt occurred froll sOlie other' line address. The dial. digit was set in PDF, PCP was set to a. If reg X'14'= 0000 no L2 occurred. If reg X'14' is not all zeros then reg X'14'= addr that caused the level 2. A L2 interrupt occurred within 500 milliseconds SUSPECTED CARD LOCATION (5 I FEALD fETMM PAGE PAGE COHIIENTS set auto call PCP to " to cause the CRQ latch to be set on the next bit tille. IBII autoca11 units have a linimull of 1.5 seconds delay before PHD should be set. Beg X'1S' contains address of line causing L2 interrupt. ( 6.1.94 I3105GAA Type 2 Scanner 1FT ( .. IBK 3705 CO"ftUHIC~TIONS CONTROLLBR TYPE 2 COK"DHIC~TIONS SC~MNBB IPT 5YHPTOft INDBX e lOUT. lanOR rUNCTIOH 'ISTID lC6cB COOl! 0129 1I:6CE OX2~ .BaOB nl.CRIPTIOI Dial on autooall originate line interface The aut OOaU pcr 18 not-/j or LCD i. not-3 Ot sor bits in error. Dial on autocall originate line interface. Charaoter service request bit (ICIi bit 11 is not on. 0 0 0 0 0 0 IU9I'JlC'U1) C~BD tOCUJIIN(lI) 'BALD ••TH" PAU. PAOI! CONK.NTB Reg X'14' byte 0 contain. LCD in bi til 0-3 and pcr in bits 4-7. Byte 1 contains the Sop and .hou14 be -X'P8'. Bit 0-18 should be on Bit 1=PIII shOUld be on. Bit 2=CBO should be on Bit 3=DLO should be on Bit q-PND should be on Bit S=DPB sbould be off Bit 6=COS sbould be off Bit 7-ACB should be off Reg X'111' byte ICIi bits 0-7 obtaine4 via an input X'1I4' frol auto call ICII. o• The last digit to dial is nov in the process of being dialed. If the last digit vas not an EOR digit then PRO aay coae on if the distant station does not ansver i.mediately. The saae thing will occur vith EOR as last digit au sale OBft (nOn-IBK) and on 18! autocall units that do not have the EOR feature strapped on. ror soae OE! autaoall units the EOR vill cause the autocall unit to transfer control to the aodel/data set vith Data Set Ready set i.aediately even though no distant station bas been connected and given an answer. 0 0 0 IEeB 012B Dial on auto call originate line interface SOP autocall interface bits power indicator (PiI). or call request (CBO) or data line occupied (01.0) are not on. Beg X'lS' byte 1 contains PilI in bit 1 CDO in bit 2 and 01.0 in bit 3. X6CB OX2l' Dial on autocall originate line interface. Ho autocall coapletion. Reg X'15' byte 1 bit 0 = 1 if pcr vas set to 5. If bit 2=1 then a rec line level 2 interrupt has occurred. If bit 3= 1 tben the abandon call and retry (lCB) bit is set. If bit q=l then a L2 occurred on the auto call line. X6CB 0130 Dial on autocall originate line interface. During 60 second wait for level 2 frOB auto Call line interface after dialing last dial 4igit a l2 occurred froa soae line otber the auto call line interface address. Reg X'14'- addr causing the 1.2. Beg X'16' = addr of auto call line interface the L2 was expected from. X6CE OX 110 Complete switched connections. Ho 1.2 occurred from switched trans.it line address. 'DSR' did not coae on and cause a L2 interrupt properly. Beg X'11': x.it l1ne address L2 was expected from. 0 0 e e 0 e e Type 2 Scanner trT X370SGU 6.1.95 lBn 3105 CO"~UNIC~TIONS CONTROLLER rYPE 2 CO"~DNICATlaNS SCANNEB 1FT SYHPTO" INDEX ROUT,. EBBOR pUNcnON TESTED CODE X6CE OXql Complete switched connections. 099-3705£-09 EaaOD DESCDIPTION The L2 interrupt while waiting GO 'data set ready' was not from the address. which occurred seconds for to come on transmit line SUSPECTED CARD LOCAtION (5) PEltD PETn" PAGE PAGE COHII!N'I!S Beg X'lQ' = addr that caused the L2. Beg X'11'= transmit line addr the L2 was expected from. XGCE OXq2 Complete switched connections. The transmit line LCD and PCP are not valid. XGCE OXq3 Complete switched connections. Character service request bit (ICW bit '1 is not on or error if lCW bits 0,2 or 3 are on. XGCE OXq~ Complete switched connections No level 2 interrupt occurred from switched receive line ad~rese. Data Set Beady did not come on and cause a L2 interrupt request. Reg X",'. receive line address. XGCE OXQ5 Complete switched connections. The L2 interrupt while waiting 60 'data set ready' was not from the ac1dress. Beg X~lQ'.addr of line causing the level 2 interrupt. Reg X"" =recelve line address the t2 was expected tro •• XGCE OXQG Complete switched connections The receive line LCD is not VIIl1~. Reg X'45' byte 0= receive lines LCD in bits 0-3. XGCE OXQ7 Complete switched connections. Character service request bit (ICIi bit 11 is not on or lew bits 0,2 or 3 are on. See cOlllment for error stop OXQ3 •• XGCE 0150 Set mode on transmit line No level 2 interrupt occurred fro. transmit line or L2 from wrong address. If reg X',Q'= 0 then no level 2 interrupt occurred. If reg X'14' is not 0000, reg X' 14'" the addr that caused the L2. Reg 1'45' byte 0= tCD in bits 0-3 and should be equal to what you optioned, and bits Q-7 contains the PCI'. X6CE OISl Set mode on transmit line Transmit line LCD in error or PCP not=O. Beg X'Q5' byte 0= LCD in bits 0-3 & PCl' in bits 4-7. 6.1.96 X3705GAA which occurre~ seconds for to come on receive line Beg X'45' byte o • tCD in bits 0-3 S pcr in bits Q-1. Beg X'IS' byte 0 has a bit on for each bit position that is in error in· re~ 1'45' byte O. Reg X'14' byte lCIi 0-7. Bits 0-3 are: bit 0 - stop bit . check - off Bit 1 - service reguest - on Bit 2 - Cha:r: overrun; Ilnderrun - off 8it 3 - "odell cbeck - off. o• Type 2 Scanner 1FT ---------------_._--'._-,.,,, o o Isa 3105 COftKUMICAfIORS COHflOLLBR ftPB 2 COllOqICAfIOHS SCA.,BR Irf Sf.PTaI IIDBI lOUT. BBIOB rUBCTIOI flSflP CODI 16CI 0152 Set sode on transsit line o o o o o BBROR DBSClIPTIOH Character ser,ice re~uest bit (ICI bit 11 is not on or ICI bits o,a or 3 are on. 1199-37051-09 CAID LOCATIOIUI) SUSPB~BD rlAtD pnlla l'AGB IAGB CO II II! II 'I S See cos sent for error Itop 0143. 16CI 0153 Set sode on recei,e line 110 le,el 2 interrupt occurred or le,el 2 interrnpt was not fros the receive line addresllo 16CI OX54 Set sode on receive line lecei,e line LCD 10 error or PCP not. O. Beg 1'45' bJte o • LCD in bits 0-3 6 fcr in bits 4-1. 16CB 0155 Set sode on recei,e line Character ser,ice reguest bit (ICI bit 1) is not on or ICI bit. 0,2 or 3 are on. See co ••ents for error IItop 0143. X6CI 0160 Set trans.it initial HO L2 interrupt was received fros transsit line. A L2 should occur vithin 30 seconds after 'CTS' has been brought IIp by the 80d81 and the first character that VIIS put,:in SOP is 0, COsPlt·~elf trails ltted. 0 , 0161 Set transmit initial fhe interrupt received was not tros transmit line address. leg X'1Q' • addr of the interrupting line. leg II", egual the trans.it line the L2 VIIS expected fro •• 16CI OIU set transsit initial 'lhe tr8ns.it LCD i. nQt vali401: the pcr is not -9. leg 1'45' bIte 0LCD in bits 0-3 S pcr in bits 4-7. leg 1'15' byte 0 has a bit on for each bit position is in error in leg I'Q5' bIte 0.' X6CB 0163 Set trans.it initial Character service reguest bit (ICI bit ') is not on or lCI bits 0,2 or 3 are on. , 0 0 0 0 0 0 e e I6CI -e 16CB 01611 16CB (6CB 16CB See co.sents under code 0143 for .o,e 1nfo,~ation. in~errupts Wait for charactel: service BO level 2 interrupt occurre4 fros receive line. 0166 lait for character service interrupts Ho level 2 interrupt occurred fros receive line address. Reg 1'11'~ ,eceive Une addr X. 2 vas expecte/l frol. leg 1!14' .. received character count. 0167 lait for character service interrupts. ~ro. Mo L2 interrupt vas received trans.it line .44ress. Beg X'11'. transmit line address L2 vas' expected fro •• Reg l'lQ' • the tranea1tted cbaracter count. 0168 W.it for character service interrupts A L2 interrupt occurred fro. an address ether tban the trans.it or recei,e line. Beg X'1Q' .. addr of the interrupting Une caused the 'lfpe 2 Scanner IPT 1310SGAA 6.1.97 o :() IBft 3705 COBNUBICATIO.S CONTROLLBR TY~I 2 COIIONICATIOBS SCAHHBR 1ft S~"PTO" IHDIX 1l99-3705&-09 BOUT. BRaoa POHCTIO. TBSTBD CO DB BaROR DBSCRIPTIO. 16CB 0170 Transsit line interrupts The trans8it LCD or pcr is in error,. .eg X'11 ' • trans.it aadr. Beg X'1SI bIte 0= actual (bad) LCD ana pcr. Byte 1expected LCD ana Pc,. 16CB 0171 Transsit line interrupts The transsit LCD or pcr is in error. Beg X'1S' byte 0-, actaal (bad) LCD & pcr~ 8yte ,. the expectea LCD II PCf. 16CB 0172 Transsit line interrupts Character service request bit (ICW bit 1) is not on or ICW bits 0,2 or 3 are on. Beg 1'151 byte O-IC bits 0-7. lIi1:S 0-3 atel O.J ",top bit , cbeck. Bit 1 • BYC re~ Bit 2 • Char o'erru underrun 8it 3 • Bodes check Bore characters have been received than vere tran.sitte4. Beg X'1Q' -received character count. Beg 1'15' .. trans8itted cbar count. SUSPBCTBD CARD LOC1UOH (51 rULp nUB PAGB flGB () COBURU l.vel 2 interrupt. X6CB OX73 Transsit line interrupts pit 16CB 0174 Transsit lin8 interrupts 20 sore characters have been sent than vere received. See registers in error code OX73. X6CB 0180 aeceive line interrupts Character service request bit(ICW bit 1) 11 not on or ICW bits 0,2,3 Or ~ are in error. Beg 1'1_' byte 0 • bits 0-7 of ICII. ICII bits 1 II 4 shoula hs on, bits 0,2 II 3 should be off. 16CB 0181 Beceive line interrupts &11 ones vere not recaived. Beg 1'14' bIte ~= received data ('Dl) ana shou14 . be .1'r. X6CB 0182 Beceive line interrupts Bore characters vere received than vas transsitted for vrap options. Caution: this error vill occur if ycu selected a startl stop wrap option With the vrap all zeros option ana with an LCD that cusss tvo stop bits to be sent. 16CB 0183 Beceive line interrupts lin all zeros character vas not recehea. Beg 1'15' byte 1= actaal receivea cb~ frail I1Dr. Beg X'16'= received character coont. X6CI 0184 Receive line interrupts The vrong character vas receivea Reg X'1S' byte 0= expectea receive character. 1Ieg 1'15' byte ,. actual received character (IIDP). Beg 116' • received character count. 16CI 0185 Beceive line interrupts 6.1.98 13705G"II Received vith the options. L2 since no start received () a L2 for receive line receive all ones Should not get any a SIS LCD is in use and bit should be to caase a ~evel 2. ..,) '\... "r " l, of- 'l ~ype 2 Scanner 1rt ( (' ( ',", o o o o o o o o o o IB6 3705 COn"UHIC~TIOHS CONTROLLER TYPB 2 COftftUNICATIOHS SCA.HBP 1FT SY6PTOn INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODB X6CE OX86 Receive line interrupts for start/stop receive all zeros option. 099-31058-Q9 ERROR DESCRIPTION ICI bit 0 (stop-bit-error) is not on and should be for this receive all zeros option in start/stop aode. SQSPECTED ClBD LOCAnOR 151 FElLD FETHII PAGII l'AGIL COIlIlENTS Beg 1'16 ' -received char cOllnt. ae~ X"4' byte 0 • ICII bita 0-7. Bits O-Q sbould be; Bit 0 • Stop bit errQI: on. Ut 1 • SVC reg - off pit 2 • o/U run off Bit 3 .. eodem check off Bit " .. lIec-LNSig-Det OD X6CB OX87 Beceive ~ine interrupts lCW bits 0-4 are in error for DLC receive line. lIeg X"II' byte 0= lCI bits 0-7. X6CE OX88 Beceive ~ine interrupts Flag detect bit vas on and tbis is not the 1st char~cter received (this error occurs . only if an DLC LCD vas selected and a previous flag or data character has been received. If a receive only option then the sending terlinal say have sent aore than 1 flag character. Reg X'16';received character count. 16CB ,OX89 Beceive line interrupts The DLC idle character not received or ICI bits 0-4 are ~Il eItor. "'1 ,I' i'\ • '··i.I C····"~'I Reg X'l11' byte O~ lCW b1 til 0-'. Bits 1, 2, 3 should be off. Bits 0 (idle char reel and q (rec-LN-s1gdet) should be on. The PDF should • X'lr', X' 31", o o o o ]1:'71' " or X'1'1' I , X6CB OX8A Beceive line interrupts All ones not received using an DLC LCD. Reg X'16'=received character counter. Reg X'14' byte 1 = PDF receive data. X6CB OX8B Beceive line interrupts DLC LCD is not valid Rec line LCD has changed to an iDval 1(alue. X6CB 0190 Disconnect line X6CE 0191 Disconnect line The scanner display register bits are in error for the transmit line interface. X6CE 0192 Disconnect line The transmit LCD is in error or PC1' not=O.• ~utocall not = 1'. LCD not=3 or PCF o Type 2 Scanner 1FT Beg 1'45' b:(te in bits 0-3 & pCP 111 bits 4-7. Thill 'lilY be II normal condi tioll i f the transmit line cOllnected to the lIutocall unit has already disconnected IIlld dropped Pata set Relldy. o = LCD After a reset the following reg 1'46' bits should be off; Bit 0 - CTS. Bit 2 - DSIl. Bit 3 - BLSD Bit 5 - 011. Reg x'1Q' byte LCD in o" X3705GAA 6.1.99 (J IBM 3105 COMftUNICATIONS CONTROLLEa TYPE 2 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNBB 1PT SYMPTOM INDEX ROUT. ERROR FUNCTION TESTED CODE 099-310511-09 ERaOB DESCRIPTION SOS £IECTED CARD LOCUION(S) FEUD FETSII l'AGE flGE COll1l1lNTS bi ts 0-3 1\ PCI' in bits 4-7. 16C1I OX93 Disconnect line The scanner display register bits are in ettor (teceive) See cOB.ent fOI: error stop OX91. 16C1I OX94 Disconnect line Th' receive LCD 111 in error or PCP notaO. Reg l[l14'- LCD in bits 0-3, l'CF in bits 4-7,. X6CB 0195 Disconnect line The l'CP is still-F after a maximuIII wait time. This indicates the bits in the SDF for DLO, COS, lCB, or l'ND did not reset) to cause a normal auto-call disconnect. Reg X'14' byte Q • LCD in bits 0-3 PCF in bits q-1. 16CE OX96 Disconnect line. The LCD is not=3 or l'CF is not O. Reg 1'14' byte O. L in bits 0-3 6 l'CF in bits 4-1. X6DO nn PLOTTER ADAl"rEB Rl'Q TEST,. This is a manual intervention routine and will not be run unless you set tbe eE sense switch to run all lIIanual intervention routines or you request a single routine to be run. ftanual intervention stop codes F01E and F01F are used by this routine. chapter 13.5 of this manual. fJ ( jl" ' ..~ .. These stop codes are listed in The diagnostic program will cause the adapter to generate commands for an IBK 1621 type plotter which uses either an encoded interface or an unencoded interface as defined by 8l'Qt1663250. The routine tests only the ability of the plotter adapter to output commands that will move the plotter properly. The diagnostic routine does not test the plotter, the plotter is only a convenience lO the testing. l'lotter commands are issued and the adapter status is checked in the following seguence: ,. The co.mand is transferred to the plotter by first placing tbe proper bit configuration' into the SDF. Figure 1 in the IBH THEORY OF Ol'ERATIONS for Rl'Qt1863250 shows the leaning and position of the bits that make up a command. 2. The LCD and the PCF are then set to 3. When the data has been transferred from the scanner to the adapter a level 2 interrupt will occur and the l'CP will be set to zero. q. After the level 2 interrupt occurs, the status of the adapter is placed into SDF bits 1-7 as shown in figure 2 in the IBft THEORl OF OPERATIONS for Rl'Q'le63250~ 5. Before issuing another instruction, the program will turn off the Service Reguest bit. 6. If no errors occur, the program will continue issuing instructions to draw the pattern shown in figure 3 until the routine is aborted. 7. Whenever an error occurs, register X'11' will contain the line address and the low order byte of register Xl13' will contain the command that was issued to the plotter. X'3' and X'l' respectively. X6DO OXOl Doe8 level 2 interrupt occur after a set mode A level 2 interrupt did not occur within 12 lilli-seconds after issuing a set mode X6DO OXO~ Level 2 interrupt Level 2 interrupt caused by incorrect line address. Reg X'l~' contains address of line that caused the interrupt. 16DO OX05 Adapter status The condition of the adapter and several sense signals fro. the plotter are checked. Reg X' 14' contains the data that was returned to the scanner. Beg X'15' contains the error bits. Reg X'1ti' contains the ex pected datil.. .6DO 0106 PCF state zero The l'CF was not set to zero after a command was issued to the plotter. Beg X'14' contains yP901 Probable scanner error. VB904 See rto beader for a description of a~apter status bits and the contents of other registers. Probable scanner error. ,'f ,~ 6.1.100 13105GAA Type 2 Scanner 1FT '-J { it '-!: o o o o o o o IB! 3705 COS!ORIC1TIORS OORTROLLBR TYPE 2 COK!QUICATloRS SCAHHBB IPT SJftPTOa IHDIX BOUT.. BRBOII 1'UIiCnOIi TUtl!lD CaDI D99-3105B-09 BI80B DBSCBIPfIOR the CUt tent state of tbe PCI' ia bits 3-7 of b,te O. Beg 1"5' sbows ~he bits in ertor. Beg 1'16' contains tbe elpecte4 data. ' SDSPBCTBD CUD "OC~'fIOBIS. 1'I1LD rEna nGB PAGB COIIIIIIITS 16DO 0107 Tbe condition of tbe adaptet and plotter sense signals aftet the last ins~tuction(I'OO'1 is issued. 16PO XlIX SDLC LIRK TBST. Tbis ron tine is a eannal intetvention rontine and will not be run unless ron set the CB sense switcb to run sanual intervention rontines ot ualess rou re~nested a single routine to be run. See ettor conditions for ertor code 0105. YB90'1 See etror code OX05. Tbis routine will stop witb eannal intet,ention stop code P020 tbrougb p02C asking you to entet options needed to run this routine. Tbese stop code definitiQns ate listed in tbe T2CS-IAB section in Chapter 13.5 of tbis sanllsl. o Tbis rOlltine ea, be IIsed for SDLC data link proh~es detereination and repair verification when on-line tests lunder bost s,ste. conttol) are Dot available. o o When nsing tbis routine for problee deteraination external to the 3705, all noraal internal fnnctional tests sbould run norsalll witbout internal batdware errors. An, local interface ptobleas, sucb as line set drivers and terainators, sbould be tested using roatine X6CB witb extetnal loca~ wrap options because X6CB provides aore detaile~ infotaation aboqt local fail ares. o o Tbe stroctare of tbe link-test command enables tbis test to also ron a local external duplex eodee wrap if you select the primary statiOn option and cOnnect the ttanssit and receive lines togetbet propetly. A reaote wrap can be ~one if tbe reeote end of tbe link can tie the transait and teceive duplex lines togetber witb proper loading etc. Because tbe relote end of tbe link eust stote tbe test fraee and send it back, ~be wrap o~tion does not work on half-~up1ex lines. o o Continuation (select PUNCTION 5 and press STABT key) ftoe tbe OX20, OX60 or OX61 stops tbe routine clears all error counts and suseaty statistics and restarts tbe test froe tbe ttanseit/recei,e data pottions. Tbis allows continaing the test on a eanual switched line connection witbout eaking a new connection. Tbe saae restart is nsed for tbe 0000 dynaaic testart option or tbe DOOO restart option at stop code F02C. Anr .anual switcbed line connection will not be broken until yoa abort the roatine ot ase a restart optioD that goes throagh total bardwate setup such as D002 test art code. This SDLC link test is basicalll an BeBO test with the priaarr SDLC station sending a SDLC link test coeeand fraee down the link. The priaary station expects get tbe saee test ftaee back if tbe resote end of tbe link received the-test fra.e witbout errors. Sase SOle tereinals only respond witb a non-se~nenced acknowledgeeen~ response tather tban sending back tbe link-test frame ,~ received. Options ate provided to run as a SDLC ptiear, station or as a SOLC secondary station. ,be prieary station option initiates tbe link-test coesands and expects to teceive responses. The secondary SDLC station responds to test-frames received; if the test fraae was received withoat errors, tbe saee test fraae is sent back as a response. If a test fraee .as received .ithoat block cbeck ertors and bad eitber .ore data than coo1d be buffered or did not have tbe poll bit OD in tbe conttol field, the secondarr station responds witb a test fraee without optional data. All fraees received with block cbeck etrors or witb abott detect conditions are coanted as etrors and no tesponse is ptovided. All frases received with a SOLC station address otbet than tbe SDLC station address selected in tbe P028 eanoal intervention stop code are connted as an anexpected or non-suppotted fraae and no response is ptovided. ~o tespoDse is provided for fraaes witb anlthing but a link-test coeund tield. ' Tbis rootine always stops on ttanslit ertots sucb as eodea cbeck, tiseout. or overtun, but does not stop on teceive ettots except fat eodel cbeck ertor unless an optioD is selected to stop on frames in errot Or stop on anr fraee. X6FO Tbe foraat of all ttansmissions ftol tbis LINK-!BST ate; Pad o o hd l' C dd BC BC r ee "hetePad • alternate data transitions chatactets for clock cortection and will be X'Al' if HaZI lode is pot ~eing Dsed Or ~'OO' if RaZI .00e s.s being llsed. • SDLC flag cbatacter cosposed of a zero bit followed by silane bit. followed b¥ anothn zeta Utll'1B'I. A • SOLC station address. C !ype 2 Scannet I1'! = SOle control field and will always be I'P3' if a LIRK-TIST cOlsand/ response is being sent or X'97' if a co •• and teject respoDse is being sent. 13705GAA 6.1.101 11K 3105 COaaUHICATIONS CORTBOLLBB TYPB 2 COIIUHICATIOBS SCAHIll 1FT SYIPTOK IHDEX 099-37051-09 ff" '","Y BOUT. !BBOB FUBCTIOB TESTED EIBoa DBSCIIPTIOB SQSPEctED CABO CODa LOCATION IS) d4 a optional t~anssit/~eceive data field wben tbe LIIK-TEST cossand is being used. When tbe cos sand reject response is being sent the fi~st byte of this field is the cOlland field of tbe ~eceived f~ase that is being rejecte~. tbe second byte is set to ze~os (it is defined as tbe send and recei.e sequence countsl and tbe third byte is set to X'04' 'if sore data was received then could be buffered o~ to X'01' if the LIIK-tIS! cossand was ~eoei,ed without tbe poll bit on. ' . BC • bloc~ check(CICI cba~acters. Two block cbeck characters a~e always sent and tbeir bit configuration yary according to tbe SD,C station address. control field and optional dat_ fields. se an ending transsission of X"" to sake line go to an idle state and to allow tile fo~ bits to be sent befo~e dropping t~e 'request to send' lead on transsit turna~ounds. FllLD FlUI PAGI PAGE COIIBl!IITS All the data defined aboye between the two flag cbaracters is defined as a '11111,. All references in tbis docusent to the f~ase refers to tbis portion of eacb translitted or received segsent of data. Bote tbat if the above is being Bent/received in BBZI lode tben the actual bit configu~ation on tbe line will differ f~os the ones shown above. Also. SDLC zero bit insertion/deletion applies to all characters except the flags apd ending sequence defined under ee. . Test statistics and error count are available while tbe test is running and at tbe P02c test cospletion code. In addition certain registers are used for current status indicators and say be displayed wbile tbe test is running or at the P02C stop colle. Pqllowing is tbe definitio!' 9f the status indicators; ~ , I6PO X'11' register contains the cu~rent / transsit and receiYe line status. = Iyte 0 of reg X'lE' last received frase type indicator and aay contain one of the following indicatione: I!OO' • Tiseout occured on last receive cospletion. X'80' =1 X'~OI • A cos.and reject resfonse was received as tbe last fraae receiv~d at this prisary station. X'201 = A non-sequenced 1'10' X'08' I'O~' good link test fraae was received witb no errorS. acknowledge.ent was received as the last fraae at tbis prisary station. A block cbeck (CDC errOr) was detected in the last received fraae. = An invalid or non-supported frase was received as tbe last received fra.e. This link test only supports the link-test response. the non-sequenced acknowledgesent response and the co •• and reject response if running as a prisary station. The secondary station option will onl, accept a link-test co. land but lay respond with a link-test reeponse or a cos send reject response. Tbis tYfe indicator is also set if a partial frase was receiYed followed b7 an 'abort detect' seguence of seyen Of lore consecutive one bits. / • A valid link-test frase was received but it contained lore data tban could be buffered,. If this is a secondary station, a cos.and reject response is sent for tbis frase. The mazisus length ~f tbe receive(and translitl data buffer is 1024 cbaracters if tbis 3105 bas lore than 16K storage or 10 characters if 3105 has only 16K of storage. X'02' • Invalld SDLC station addreel received or. for prisary station option with optional transmit data. the received data did pot compare with the SDLC station address or optional transmit data tbat was sent. The SDLC station address that fOU provide 1n the P028 stop code is used to sake tbie cos pari son. If tbe secondary station option was selected, tbis frase will ~ot be responded to. 1'01' A bardware detected error sucb as lodes check or overrun bas been detected. No response is lade to any frases re~eived witb this tfpe of error., ° Byte 1 of reg I'1S'. transmit line status and othe~ information bits. ftultiple bits lay be on in this byte as, of posed to byte wbicb never will haye sore than one bit on. 6.1.102 I3705GAA Type 2 Scanner IPT , o o o o IB~ ~105 COKnOHICA~IOHS CONtBOLLER tY~E 2 COn~URICA!IOHS SCAHNBB IF~ Sya~!On BOOt. EBBOB CODE D99-3105E-09 INDEX ERBOR DESCRIPtION FUHCtIO~ ~EStED T~e SUSPECtED CARD LOCATIOIiISI bits withiq this byte are defined as: FE At D FEt 11K PAGE PAGE COIIUlitS "80' • A reply is pending to be sent to the last fra.e received at this secon4ary station. o o X'40' = A co •• and X'20' = A link-test "10' = A ·transmit reject reply is now being sent or was the last frame transMitted fro. this secondary station. command(fros primary station) or response(from secondary stationl was the lasr frame sent or is being sent at this the. o initial' operation is being done or was last trans.it operation done. This 'trans.it initial' 1s done to set 'request to send' and wait for 'clear to send' from the modem interface for the first transmit operation of all primary station options and for secondary station options when 'request to send' shoUld be on at all times. See manual intervention sto~ code F020 fo; this option. XI08' • Transmit line is busy if this bit is on. X'04' • o 1(61'0 %6FO o l'l D' add~d indicator at later time. not defined. Hay be used as added indicato; at later time. register is used to control the EO?? display code that is put out to the panel display 8 lights (if function select switch is in positions 4, 5 or 6). This register is cleared to zerOa at approximately two second intervals and in between tbis clearing to zeroa ~t is Uled aa an accumulator ot all the bits aefined in the register X!1E' bits. register is the scanner display register. This program sets the display bit in the ICW for the receive line used in this test. For half-duplex lines this register gives IOU the current line interface conditions for both the trans.it and receive operat ons. Por duplex lines this register contains the receive line interface cond1t~ons,. pollowing is bit definition fo; byte 0 of this ugister. Bit Hex o 80 , 2 40 20 o o o o o line is busy if this bit is on. not defined. "ay be used as X'1F' registers contains the accumulated transait and receive line status indicators. The bits in this register have the saae meanings as the bits defined in the register X'll' except once these bit are set on they are Dot reset until the test is restarted. these bits serve as a sumaary of all the transmit and receive oFerations that have been done up to tbe time this register is displayed. o ru. \. Receiv~ = Bit 1'01' = Bit 1'02' 3 10 4 5 08 6 X6FO 04 02 Heaning if bit is on. 'clear to send' is active. Should be on while in transmit mode and may be on while in receive mode. For duplex lines this bit probably will not be on since it reflects the status of the receiye half of the duplex pair. 'ring indicator' ~s active. ' 'data set ready' is active. Shollld be on for leased lines and should come on after line is cOnnected for switched lines. 'receive line signal detect' (carrier detect! is active. Should be on Wbile receiving and may be on while transmitting. 'receive data bit buffer' is a one bit. Should vary as received data yaries. 'diagnostic mode bit' is on. Should not be on in this test. 'bit service request bit' is '. Should be on once each lIit service. EO?1 display codes. While the link-teet is running, various display codes are displayed in display B if you have the FUNCTION SELEC~ SWITCH in function position 4, 5 or 6 (except E06F). These display codes are displayed approximately once every other second with the display B lights cleared to zero between e~ch BO?1 display. These EO?? display codes are defined as; EOOO alternating with EOFF = waiting for 'data set ready' to come on before doing any transmit or receive operations. These codes will be continously displayed until 'data set ready' co.es on via completing a manual switohed connection or via connecting lor jumpering) the proper lodem interface leads. On a leased l~ne connection you will not see this display code if !data Bet ready' is alwaJs onlaB ex~ectedl • E060 • A good test frame was received within the last two seconds and no other error was detected (except a possi~le tiaeoutl. 8061 e type 2 Scanner 1FT Nothing was receiYed(tiaeouts) during the last two seconds. X3705GAA 6.1.'O~ .1 ' 'lJ. IBn 370~ COKnUNIC1~IONS CON~BOLLEB ~YPE ROD~. 2 SCANNER 1FT COKftUNiCA~IONS ERRoa CODE PUNC~ION D9 9- 37 05B- 09 INDEX SlMP~OK TESTED E06~ BRROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD LOCATIOII (SI • A ~lock check error(CBC error) was detected in some frame during the lut t~o ·seconds. , E063 '_ h • PEAtD PET II II P~GB . COIlIlEN~S J?~GE () il):. \ .1" r non-supported or invalid frame was received during the last two seconds. 1 £06Q • lIore data was received than could be buffered during tbe last two seconds. E065 A command reject response vas received at this primary station during the last two seconds. £066 = A non-sequenced acknowledgement wos received at this, priury station during the last two seconds. £067 • Eitber of 3 Conditions aay exist: 1 - SDLC Station Address did not co_pare. 2 - Received data did not compare witb transaitted data. 3 - Secondary Station received Bore data than could be buffered. In all cases IE067' indicates that the data received does not compare witb data transmitted. E068 = A hardware detected error such as modem check or overrun has been detected dUring the last two seconds. 1I06P • This code is displayed if you are using the dynamic communications option (function select 1 and switches B-1 set to DO??I and have entered a DO?? code that is not defined.. NO action is tallen if this code is displayed. X6PO DO?? dynamic communications codes. These dynamic communications codes allow you to terminate or restart the link-test at various points within the test. IOU enter these codes wbile the program is running by setting the DISPLAY/PUNCTION SBLECT SWITCH to function position " by setting tbe selected code in switches B-II and then pressing the interrupt key on the control panel. These dynamic co.munication options are the same as tbose defined in tbe P02C manual intervention step code definition. They are repeated here in a summary form. For mOre details see the F02C stop code definition. 0000 • Bestart link-test at transmit/receive data pointlno line resets). 0001 • aestart routine from beginning including asking for options. 0002 D003 D004 X6N a aestart link-test including hardware resets and enable~ Stop routine at P02C stop code and display statistics. = Terminate routine after hardware resets. STATISTICS at link test termination. 1'1C' register contains the address of a statistics table in storage .• At all times while tbe test is rlillnillg and at the P02C and OX?? stop codes yoo may get the storage address of the statistics table from this register and display the storage locations for the following.balt-wor~ coullters. following 1s a list ot what is available in these statistics: Hex displacement within statistics pointed to by reg X'1C'. 00 02 Number of SDLC link-test frames transmitted successfully. ~his count does Ilot include command reject responses sent from a secondary station. c Nlimber of SDLC link-test frames received with PO errors. It this is a primary station then the received SDLC station address and(tf used) the optional data must compare in order to have one added to this count. On a normal r02C completion at a primary station this CQunt should match the number of test frames transmitted count it no errors bave been detected. An exception is when the secondary station responds with DOll-sequenced acknowledgements to test frames then this count should be zero and the received non-seqllenced acknowledgements count should match the Ilumber of test frames transmitted count. 04 Number of frames received with block check errorslCBC errors). 06 Number of command reject responses received at this secondary station. 08 Number of non-sequenced acknowled~ements received at tbis secondary station. OA = Number of frames received that were not included in other receive counts. This count includes frames received with invalid SDLC station addresses, ( 6.~104 X3705GAA type 2 Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o lDft 3705 COftftUNICATIONS COBTROLLER TYPB 2 COftftOBICATIOHS SCAHIBS 1FT SYftPTOK INDEX ROUT. IRaoa FOBCTION TESTED ERROR DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CARD CODE LPCATIOIl (S) non-sQPported comlands/responses, non-data compares with optional transmit data and frames ter.inated by an abort detection condition. Note that sose of these conditions may have caused a block check error and be included in the block cbeck error count and not this count. OC DE 10 X6l'O X6FO FEUD 1'IlTKft PAGE PAGE COftUNTS = If primary station then this field contains nQmber of test frames reqQested to be sent in the F022 stop code. If this field is all ~eros and a primary station option vas selected then test frases vill be sent continoQsly lallowing for receiving etc) withoQt ever terminating the test. Number of hardware errors detected, such as lodem check or overruns, on the transmit and receive operations. = HUmber of command reject responses transmitted by this secondary station. Following are the error stop codes that may occur in this test. Note that any error stop codes beginning with 1 or 2 in display B byte 0 bits 0-3 are defined in another section of tbis symptol index. The display B codes starting vith F are defined in the manual intervention section of this dOCUment. OX07 Auto call failed to complete An auto call error has been detected. Reg. X'1S' byte 0 contains an error indicator number. Determine error indicator and see description belovo ERBOR INDICATOR 1 -- Error in auto call connection. Reg.X'1S' byte 1 contains SDF bits in error. SDF bits 0-4 on, 5-7 off. Also an error, if LCD not=3, pcr not=~ Ireg. X' 45' byte 0). o o o o o 119 9- 37 05 E- 09 2 -- Error in dialing. See error indicator 1 description. 4,5&6 -- If last digit dialed vas not an EOB digit, PRO lIay come on an cause a L2 interrupt if the distant station does not answer i.mediately. The saae thing will occur with EOR, as last digit, on soae EOft I non-IB~) and on IBft auto-call units that do not have the EON feature strapped on. On sOle EOft auto-call units the EON will cause the auto-call unit to transfere control to the eodea/data set with DATA-SET-RBADY on immediately, even though no distant station has been connected an4 given an answer tone. ~ Error indicating PVI, eBO or 010 not on. Beg. X'15' byte 1 bits 1,2 & 3 should be on. 5 Ro auto-call completion (timeout). Beg. X'1S' byte 1 bit 6 ICOS) should be on. 6 Abandon·call and retry caae on. Beg. X'15' byte 1 bit 7 came on. Reg.I'1S' byte 1= SOP bits 0-7. SOl' bit definit ions for auto-call are: Bit 0= lIB) intrpt remember. Bit 1= (PWI) power indicator. Bit 2= ICRO) call reguest. Bit 3= (DLO) data line occupied. Bit 4= IPND) present next digit. Bit 5= (DPBI digit present. Bit 6= ICOS) call originate status. Bit 7= abandon call and retry. X6FO 0120 Transmit line operations. A transait line error bas been detected. Reg 1'13'=accumulated ICW bits 0-15 during this transmit operation. On each level 2 interrupt ICV bits 0-1 are stored together and saved for this error display. If reg X'15' byte 0 bit 3(X'10') is on then the transmit line has timed out due to 'clear to send' not coming on or due to some other transmit failure such as loss of transmit clock. 5ee routine beading for more registers and error stats. If continuing from this error stop by selecting FUNCTION 5 and press START the test restarts at the transmitl receive portion without hardware reset and enable. This error may be found lIore easily in routine X6CE. X6FO OX60 Receive error coapletion. This error stop occurs if a aode. check has been detected IICW bit 3 on) while in receive See Rtn heading for test run details, registers and test o o Type 2 Scanner 1FT X3705GAA 6.1.105 -------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (J IBK 3705 COKKUHICATIOHS CONTROLLBR TYPB 2 COftKOHICATIOR5 SCARHIR 1fT SYKPTOK INDEX BOUT. BRBOB FOHCTIOB TBStED CODI X6FO 16F2 0161 un ERBOR DBSCRIPtiON D99-3105E-09 SUSPEcnD CARD LocnION (5) lode or this stop occurs if you selected the options to stop on any fraae or any fraae in error. Reg X'13'=lCt bits accumulated during this receive operating by storing lCN bits 0-1 together and saving tbea on each level 2 interrupt. Note that program does not atop on rsceive timeoats but setups to transmit again if a priaary station or to receive again if a secondary station. Reg 1'16'. address of receive data buffer in storage and reg 1'19'=adr+1 of Jast received character. Hote that regs defined in routine heading provide lore inforlation. Receiving fraaes. This step code occurred because you selected an option to stop on the type of fraae just received. Reg X'lB' defines type of fraae received and is defined in the routine beading. Beg X'16- adr of start of receive data buffer. Beg X'19'=adr+1 of last cbaracter received (less block check cbars). Reg X't4'-accululated block check (CRC) characters accumulated by this prograa and should = X'FOeB' if no errors occurre~. Reg 1'13'-last two received characters(prior to flag char) and should be the actual received block check (CRC) characters. fEALD .aTKK PUI PAGB COBBENTS statistics. TO continue frol this stop select 'ORCTIOII 5 and press START, the test restarts at the transait/receive portion of the test witbout tbe hardware resets and enables. Ir~ \(.J' '",- See routine heading for regs. & test statistics. to continue , selecl; ,OICTIOI 5, press sun, progral restarts at the transait/ receive dati portio of the test wit bout bardware resets ap4 enable operations bllt clears tile atat coullters. /1 ',<-- '- / trap Data Test - BSC and SDLC. Tbis is a manual intervention wrap rOlltine and runs on1l if you set tbe CB sense switcb to rllD aanual intervention routines or request a sin91e routine to be rlln. At tbe f'irst manllal intervention stop X"049' enter tbe desired options: SIlITCH BCD B o , 2 3 q - a - 0 o0 o1 o2 o3 first oscillator second oscillator third oscillator fOllrth oscillator data rate select (turns on break if line set 121 or 12B) elterna1 clock no request no reqllest transmit without a receive line (no wrapl transmit and receive, swap lines and repeat transmit and receive sale pair '-- At stop .050 enter a valid translit line address and wrap type operator. / BSC SIiiTCHIS BCD I SDLC SWITCHES 5 I 1 X o XX1 6 III B X X X F 1 1 X 7 XX1 e \. C D B Normal (DTR/NOT OK) An external wrap facility .ust be provided to wrap data with this option Line set Wrap (Oft/NOT DTH) Kodea wrap (Dft/DTR) ror lad ems that use tbe Bodem Wrap signal r: "- ' , ''''-j At stop .052 enter a valid receive line address and wrap type operator in the saae format as in stop r050. 16.2 OXOl A set mode was elecuted on the receive line (Addr in register X'13') 6.1.10613105G1A litber tbe expected L2 did not occllr or the wrong line interrupted. aegister 1"4' contains the interrllpting line address. The reference data for this test is variable and is not given. Type 2 Scanner I'T ( o o o o o o o o o o U I'I IBft 3105 COftftOHIC1TIONS CONTBOLLBR 2 CORftoU1cATIORS SCANHBI 1fT SYftPTOft INDBX BOOt. BBBOB 1'OIlCUOIi TBS'fBD CODB 161'2 0102 The LCD of the receive line vas checke4 fQr a feedback check. o o o EBBOB DBSCRIP'lION A feedback check occurred in the seteode to tbe receive SUSiECTED CABO LOCUIOR(S) FE AL 0 FE'l1lll PAGB UGB COftnllfS 11l1e. X61'2 OX03 1 setmode vas executed on the translit line (14dr in reg18ter I' 11') Bitber the expected L2 did not occur or the wrong line interrupted. Register 1'14' contain a the interrupting linjl address. X61'2 OX04 The LCD of the translit line vas checked for a feedback check. A feedback cbeck occurred in the setlode to the translit line. 161'2 0106 The eodem should cause clear to send to come up on the transsit line after approxieatelr 300.". The transmit line display register did not contain the clear to send bit. X61'2 OX07 The eodem should cause data set ready to come up on the transmit line. Tbe transmit line display register did not contain the data set ready bit. 161'2 0110 An interrupt vas expected from either the transmit or the recei,e line. The test is transmitting and receiving (if receive is selected). Neither the transmit nor the receive line interrupted or an unexpected lin~ interrupted. Register 1'14' contains the address of the interrupting line address or zero if no line interrupted. 16'2 01,3 The transmit and receive should interrUPt for' service each Q.haracter the. "20" transai'1! Une interrupts. the receive line has not intefrUpte4 af~er at least 161'2 OX15 Checking input 1'44' for correct flags set. 1'lags set in SC1' during the receive were not set properly. Register 1'15' contains the address of the flags and data received. 161'2 0116 Checking data received against the data expected. The data received is not equal that expected. Beg 1'15' byte one is tbe data received, byte tvo is tbe data . received. Beg 1'17' points to the expected ~yte, Beg 1'16'points to the received data; SC1' flags in byte 1 at addr pointed to bl' Beg x'16'. 161'_ XIXX X.21 LIRB SET TBST ," o o o 099- 3105B- 09 TY~B Tbis is a sanual intervention routine and runa onlf if directlf selected or the CB sense switcb is set to run aanual intervention routines,. Tbis routine tests tbe 1.21 Line Sets unique handling of Data Set aeady and Clear to Send. If the switch option is specified, the bit pattern generator and state generation circuits are also tested. The trans.it and receive lines lust be wrapped Itransl1t 'land C signals Connecte4 to the receive a and I signals respectively) via an external facility. Befer to rET!! Page 1-~30 for wrap test block inforlation. Rost of the tests are perforsed on the transmit line with the results being checked on the transmit and/or receive lines. Tbis routine should be run twice on a balf duplex pair, reversing the addresses specified as tbe transsit and receive lines tbe second tile. ' Data i. not explicitlf wrap bf this routine. line 8et and external wrap connection. Us. routine 16r2 for tbis purpose an4 to further yerify the Befer to logic page 'A017 for the jasper inforlation. The following lanual intervention stops occur, At stop 1'055, enter the routine options as follo.sl Type 2 Scanner I1'T X3105GU 6.1.101 IB" 3105 COK"U.ICATIOBS CO.TROLLEI TYfB 2 COIIURICATloas SCAB.BB lFT SYIPTOM IIIDn aOUT. BRROR PUICTIO, CODII SWITCH BCD II J J 'US~BD o o o D99- 37 051- 09 lIaBOR DIISCBlP'UOI SOSPIICTIID CABD LOCl Tloa (SI lEALD lET"K PAGII PlGII COIIIIBH'rS t z 2 21100 BPS olilapers are in delay position t z 3 21100 BPS olupers are in no delay position BPS olilapers are in 'alay positioD 11800 BPS olilapers are ill ,\0 delay position J 8 Z " J 8 Z 5 11800 J 8 Z 6 J 8 Z 7 9600 BPS olupers are iD delay position 9600 BPS olilapers are iD no delay positioD 8 Z 8 ~ Z 8 where c BPS oluapers are in delay position 9 I18It BPS olupers are iD no delay position I ~ /l81t =0 If the routine is not to be looped withollt respecifying the manual input. • 1 If the routine is to be looped without respecifying the aanual iDPllt. o If internal 2/100 BPS clock is to be used. HOTII: This option is only valid fOr 21100 BPS. • 8 If e~ternal clock is to be Ilsed • • • 0 If the line set is juapered for non switched half duplex operatioD. • 1 If the line set is jllspered for switched opertion. • 2 If the line set is jllspere4 for non switched full dllplex operation. At stop P056, enter the transsit line address. SIliTCH BCD B o X J X "XXX is the transait line address as defined in the POOl manual intervention stop code. lt stop F057, enter the receive line addressSIIITCR BCD B o ~ X X XXX is the receive line address as defined in the P001 aanual interYention stop code. At stop P059, disconnect the external wrap facility. wal Ipecified in reaponae to Itop code ross. This stop code will be bypassed if the loop optiOn Brror stops in this routine, except for the set aode pretest errors (lX03 and lXOlIl, are aost likely caused by failures in the line set cards, if the other type 2 scanner routines haye rUD successfully. lefer to logic page VAOOO for line set card locations. Anyone of the three cards of the line'set cOllld ~e caqsing the error as no attespt is sade ~y this routine to isolate fai~ures any further. X6P~ 0005 DTB controlled OOt ready ltate. NOTI: X6P/I x6pQ 00Q7 0008 DSI acti,e on the transllit side. 10 bit tiles after DTI was set on tbe tran.lit line all 1's were not detected in the SOP of tbe receive line. DSI on the translit side was not actiye. Error 0008 will only occur if non switched duplex or switched option is specified. x61'11 0009 DSI active on tbe receive lide. DST on the receive side was not acti ve. I6PII OOOB PSI on tbe receiYe line stays acti,e at least 12 bit ti.e. after d1ag sod, il let on the ttansait line DSB' became inactiye on the receive line too loon after diagno.tic aed. waa let on the trlnl.it line. 051 on the receiYe line becoses DSI on the receiYe line was still ~ctiye HP/I OOOC '- / \ ",r \.... Brror 0005 vill only occur if switched and external clock options are specified. DTII ready state ROTE: 12 bit tisel after the receiYe line val ioitialiled an alternating bit pattern val Dot detected ip t~e SDF. \ (" \ "/ "\ "- (J '\ \l.. ~ ( ", ~ "'- ( 6.1.'08 X370SGAA ( (' () o o o o o o o o o o o o 11ft 3705'COaaOHICATIOaS CO~TIO~tll Ttfa ~ COaaOIXCATIORS SCA•• Ba 1fT StKfTOK IMDBI IOOf. BllIOR POllcnOM 'rBS'fID, CODa lucth. 22 bit tlles .~t't dl.g lode is set on the tuosdt line 16P4 0000 16P'+ 0001 1I0Tl: X6P4 Er~or I~~o~ IIiBOB DESCBIPnOIl 22 blt ti •••• ~t.t 0001 will onll COHIIBH'rS UGI t~e switched optioo was specified. OSlSCII SIll bi t pattern vas oot detected in the SOP witbin at least 20 bit tiees afte~ tbe SDLC flag bit patte~n was detected. occu~ if the switc~ option was specified. All la~ks we~e not detected in tbe receive line's aDP 10 bit til'. aft.t tbs set lode inter~upt froe tbe t~lnslit line. 0013 I is inacti,e on t~e receive line when aequest to send is inacti,e on t~e tunult 11ne. I is acti,e on the line before Bequest to Send IT) hiS been acti,ated on the trlnslit line. 16P4 0015 Clear to Send i. inactive on the t~ansait line when aequest to Send is inacti,e on the tunslit line. Clea~ 16P4 0018 I becoaes active on the receive 11ne wben clear to Send is acti'lted on tbe tunsait line. I did not becoae acti,e on the receive line after Bequest to Send was activated on the transBit line. X6P4 0019 Clear to Send delal Clear to Send bee ale acttve less thin 21 bit tiaes after Bequest to Send WIS set in the line set (I detected on the recei,e linel. 16P4 0020 Clear to Send becoles Ictl,e Ifter lIequelt to Send Is Ictivated to Send did not hecaa. Ictive within ODe sc,n tile vith no delli, 31 bit timel with dela1 Ifter Bequest to Send vas set in the line let (I detected on the recsl,e sidel. ¥6F4 0021 Call aegaest etlte ill D's ve~e not detected in tbe receive 11ne'e SDf when aeque.t to Send, Dltl aate .e1ect, .nd Dltl f.talol1 leadl Ire on In tbe ttln.llt line. 1FT UGI An All larks generated bl the ttanslit line and received w~eD dilgnostic l04e 1. ~eset and dats terainal ~eadl is set on t~e . transait line. Data rate select is also set at tbis tile, but lt sbould bave no effect because aequest to Send is off. Sc~nner UUO UTHH A SDLC fllg bit plttetn was not detected in tbe SDP within 20 bit tis •• Ifte~ DSI beClle iOlctive. 0012 NOTI: SOSPECTED CARD LOCATIOR IS) diagnostic lod. op the ttaoslit lioe should have fotced C and T aod tbetefo~e lind I 00 the tecei'e .14e to Ols. 0000 will 0011 OCCUt if bit plttern for an OSlSCII SlII is gene~lted 00 the ~eceive line after DSR beeale inacti,e. 1 lOTI: Tlpe 2 ... A bit pltte~o fo~ I SDLC flag is gene~ated OD the ~eceive line .fter Dsa becoles inlctive. 1199-37051-09 to Send is acti,e on the trlnslit line before Reqqest to Send bas been activated on the ~anslit line. Irror 00'9 wl11 only occur if tbe delay option vas Specified. Clea~ X3705GAA 6.1.109 fl.," 'V IBft 3705 CO~"UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPS 2 COKKUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTQ~ 1>99-3705£-09 INDEX ROUT. ERROR PUNCTION TESTED ERBOB DESCRIPTION SUSPECTED CABO CODE LOCATION (5) NOTE: Error 0021 vill only occur if the svitch option was specified. X6F4 0022 Data Set Beady stays active on the transmit line when I is active and the receive data line is held at space for at least 20 bit times. X6F4 0023 Data Set Ready stays active on the receive line when I is active and the receive data line 1s held at space for at least 20 bit tiles. X614 0025 DSR stays act1~e on the transruit line at least 12 bit times after diag mode is set on the transmit line .• X6FQ 0026 Dsa becomes inactive on the transmit line 22 bit times after diag mode is set on the transmit line NOTE: NOTE: X6P4 0027 , <~1r "It.)! Data Set 3eady beca.e inactive On the tra~smit line while a continuous space was being received when I vas active (Request to Send active on the transmit line). ' Data Set Ready becomes inactive on the receive line while a continuous space was being received when I was active (Request to Send active on the transd t Il,ine) • 1~ ',; ~' lI I~ DSR became inactive on the transmit line too soon after diagnostic mode \las set on the transmit line. Error 0025 will only occur if the non switch duplex or switch optton is specified. DSR on the transmit line was still active 22 bit times after diagnostic mode on the transmit line should have forced C and ~ and therefore I an B" on the receive side tQ O's. Error 0026 will only occur if the non switch duplex or switch option is specified. DSR becomes inactive on the trans.it line when the external connection is broken NOTE: COIIIIENTS Error 0022 vill only occur if the non switched duplex or switched option is specified. ~ NOTE: PEUD PETIIII 111GE PAGE Data Set Ready did Dot become inactive on the trans.it line when tbe external connection was unplugged~ Error 0027 will only occur if the non switch duplex or switch option is specified. X6FQ 0028 DSR becomes inactive on the receive line when the external connection is broken Data Set Beady did not become inactive on the receive line when the external connection wn unplugged,. X6P5 XXXX High Speed Local ~ttachment Oscillator Speed Test. This manual intervention routine checks the 14.4KHZ/57.6KHZ high speed oscillator that is supplied for the High Speed Local Attachment Line features. The frequency to be checked must be jUllpered on the LIB type , board in which the oscillator is installed. See the following switch entry specifications for the jumper information. The oscillator frequency is checked to ensure that there is not more than a plus or minus 0.' percent variation from its expected frequency. 'the oscillator fre c x•• 3705 COI.URXOA'IOHG CO.!ROLLI, 'TPB 2 COR.UftXCATIOHS SCA•• IR ~P! STIPTOI IIDI' IlCL-37 051-09 DISPLAT a S!OP 11.0AL IH!IR'I.tlOI lCTlOI RIQUIRID COllI Inter next optional tran.ait data cbaracter to be sent froa tbis prilary station of the SDLC LIBK-tEST. Set svitcbe. II and I ~o tbe bex cbaracter tbat you vant to use as tbe next data character to be trans.itted. P02~ If this is the last optional translit data character you vant to send, set .witcbes a or C to Iny non-zero 'Ilue. If you vant to enter lore optional transait data tben let Ivitcbea a and C to 00 and the current data cbarlcter in .witcbes D and I will b. stor.d wb'n you .elect function 5 and pr.s. start. !ben IOU will get this stop code again unlels end of trans.it buffer bas been reached. If tbe lachine tbis test is runn ng in has over 16K of storage tben JOu la, enter up to 1022 character to be translitt.d with tb. P02Q Ind P025 stop codes. If tb. lacbin' bas only 16K of .torage then you ate li.i~ed to a 2Q character laxilua. r026 Inter translit line interface addre.s. Inter line .ddress in same forlat as aefined in the rOOl aanull interv.ntion stop cod•• If s.l.cted an option using duplex lines enter the translit line interface address of tbe duplex line interface pair. Hate: duplex translit lin. interface is always first line iuterface address of tbe even/odd line interface pair witb tbe e,en lin. interface address being used as tbe trans.it line and tbe odd line int.rface address being used as tbe receive line. late also tbat this line interface Iddr.ss to be entered does not use tbe·low order bit of byte 1 to set/input lalR so tbat lin. Iddr.sses sucb as 08Q2 and 08Q6 are consid'red to be ada line interface ad4r ...es and liDe addtelses luch IS oe40 ana oeqa are e,en lin. interflOl Iddre..... . Tbe line interface Iddr'.1 you .nt.r is uI'd to get lin. set type and optionl according to wbat is found in tbe configuration data set(CDS). If you ha,e s.lected I not-installed or in,alid line address you will get stop code P027 asking for tbe line int.rface address aglin. If selected a duplex line option tben tbe line set type aust ~. a type tbat cln run.in dQplex .ode and tbe sa.e appli.s fo~ balf-duplex, switched and internal/external clock s.l.ction. If you enter rr in switcbes Band C and continQe, tb. initial options again. ~rograa vill go back to tb. r020 stop code to Isk for /' r021 !ransait l1ne interface address enter.d in stop code r026 was in,alid line set type for running witb options selected. Iqt.r transait line interface address again IS defined in stop code r026. If you enter rr in switches 8 and C ~nd tb.n continue t~e prograa vill go back to tbe r020 stop code to ask for initial options again. r028 IDter SDLC station address in switcbes D and B. ~bis is the SDLC Itation address put into all test fraaes transmitt.d on tbe lin. and tbe SDLC station address tbat tbis station expects to recei,e froa tbe resote secondarJ station if tbe priaary station option was selected. If selected t~e secondary station option then tbis vill b. the SDLC stltion address searched for in all incasing frases and the SDLC station address put into the response t.st fraaes or co.aand reject respOnse sent blck to tbe relate pri.ary station. If tbe s.condary station receives I frale tbat bas a different SDLC station address than the one you Ire entering then it will not respond to tbat frale but vi1l count it in the statistics counters defined in routine 16ro writeup. . After you continue frol tbis code the progra. will reset and enable the scanner and start the routine writ.up for displly codes you vil1 get wbile test is running • LIKK-~ES:. See • 029 Inter the line address of the auto call originate line interface to be used in tbis test. for.at to enter tbe line address. Bot.;If the line address .nter.d is eitber in,alid or not configured as an auto call originate line, tbis stop code will be displayed again. Inte~ line address again as d.fined for this stop code. r02A Inter tbe first digit to be dialed On the auto call originate line. digit to be dialed (Press STAR!) r028 Ent'r tbe n.xt digit to be dialed. Set switcb D to 0 and switcb I to the next digit to be dialed (Press S!ARTI Continue entering digits in tbis aanDer and after ~ast digit bas been entered set switches D and B to rp apd Press start. See stop code rOOl for Set switcb D to 0 and switch I to the next the progral will now reset and enable the scanner and start the link-test. Wait for noraal connection or tiseout (20 ,eC) to occur. If noraal connection occu~s each dial digit w~ll be displayed in display a, BY!I 1, as it is d1s1ed .• r02c LIKK-TIST bas terlinated. Cbeck statistics and register indicators defined .in tbe routine beading if necessary. !hen enter a link test restart or tersination option. /' ~he following list of options are acceptable with switcbes Band C set to DO or 00 for the is r02c stop code. ~he sa.e options say be used witb the DO settings when using the dynamic cOlsunications options defin.d in the routine writeup. Pollowing is , list of the re.tlrt/terlination optionsl Set switcbes B,C,D and I !o; DOOO 6.2.6 X3705GAA (. \ ror this restart/ter.inate option~ Restart the link test at point where it setup initial transmit and receive operations witbout dOing a scanner reset and enable operation. This option allows you to restart tbe test on a switched line witbout laking a new dialed connection, but say be Qsed on any type of restart except a scanner or LIB fai1Qre. If you use tbis restart option then all tbe statistic COQnters vill be c1eared(except nUlber of frales to translitl and run indicators will b. res.t to starting options. Type 2 Scann.r 1fT ( o o 181t nos COIIIIQIIIC&nOIl!l couaonn 01 flPB 2 COlIlIORICltlOIS SC1I.II IFf SlliPtOIi I.DIX 0: »ISI!LU 8 I 0001 1Il10A~" IIIUJlVI'JIlt%OIl Ml'l~O. fiBOOIQ8.D coDB' lestart rputille at stop code"F020 IIsking 'for the 1111k test options: this restart option vill aask level 2 interrupts alld aess ap trillsait IIl1d recel,e buffer poi liters but vill IIOt sodify allY of the other lillk test stlltistics alld vill lIot reset the lines currently in use until after JOu haye entered your nev options. therefore this optioll allY be used to teraillate the current test but still be able to look at te~t statistics or be able to respecify optiolls. Stop I o o o 0002 lestart the lillk test froll hardware reset and ellible in the scallller. This optioll will clear all rUII illdicators alld statistics as in optioll DOOO but ill additioll it vill disconllect Iny switched lille cOllnectiOIl due to the ,scanner reset alld enllble. T~is restart optioll should be used if a scanller or LIB failure occurred or if JOu did allY outputs froll the cOlltrol panel that challged the currellt lille cOllditiolls. , D003 00 to stop code r02C and wait for lIext selectioll of optione. This stop code is used for dynallic cOllllunicltiollS(fullction select position 1 and 0003 ill svitches 8-1). If used at P02C stop code then it will jast resalt in stop F02C IIgain. This dJnaaic cOllaaniclltioas allY be used to teraillllte the test before the trallslllt frllae count 1S reached for the priaarJ station or to terainllte the secondllry statioll vhen nothing is being recei,edlilldicated by 1061 dlsPlay code being displll,ed continoasly). o Terainllte routine lifter resettillg SCllnller. Thi. optioll should be used vhen you are done testillg with the link test. this vill terllll1ate the link test routille IIlId if you hllve not set the CI sellse svitches to cycle 011 request or if you sre not runlling aultiple IPt's or IIdllpters tbell the DCII will coae out vith II diSplay B stop code of 80?? IIs~illg tor your next test request. o o 1'030 Bnter transait, recei,e, vrap or dial option. I~~!: Inter 1n 0001 0002 0003 000" - o 0005 0006 -0001 - c o o o o 0008 - 0009 0001 - See eXlllple. 011 how to use stop codes P030 through POQ2 after the 1'042 stop cods deacription at the _lid ot the aalloal illtervelltion stop codes. sw~tches 8-B four selected option. options Ire: trallsait test 011 a non-switched leased line or local attach.ellt. aeceive test on a 1I01l-svitched leased lille or lOCal attacbaent. ' Irap a pair ot lIoll-switched or local linea. trallsait test 011 II swltch_d 11ne Bsing aallolll dillillg alld 1111e connection. aeceive test 011 a switched lille using IIlIlIual dialing and line connection. wrap a pair ot svitched lillss usillg lIallual dialillg alld 1ille cOllnection. Dill nuabers on all lIuto call originate line interface and then transllit on tbe attached svitched lille illterface. ' Irap data on switched lilies. this option vill dial nuabers 011 an auto call originate interface. lnsver the call on a switched line interface. Go into receive aode on the line illterface that allsvered the call. !hell trillsait 011 the lille interface IIttached to the auto cill origillate line illtertace to the recei,e ~. line. , Dial nuabers cOlltinuously on an auto-call origillate lille interface. Dial nuabers on an auto call originate liDe illterface and then traDsllit an alterllate all zeros and all olles character pattern for 12p characters, tbell discollnect the lille address. 1'031 Enter the liDe address of the auto call origillate lille interface to be used ill this test. foraat to ellter the line address. r032 the line address entered is either in9alid or not configured as an auto call originate line. address IIgllin as define4 !n stop cods P031. r033 Bnter the first dl~lt See stop code 1'001 for Illter the line to be dillled 011 the auto call origillate lille. set switch D to 0 and switch I to the digit to be dlaled. !he digit to be 4illled aay be 0 through 9 for dial diglts, C for the elld of lIullbers character or D for the sepllrator character. It should be IIOted that the flld of lIulbsrs IIn4 separator characters are lIot supported by aost IBK alld Don-I8B auto call units ill the O.S.l. alld should be used with cautiOn. At this tlle register r'13' points to a 10cat1011 in storage vhere JOu (as all optionl Type 2 Scanner Ir! X37050U 6.2.1 IBK 3105 COK"QHICA!IONS CONTROLLER" TlPE 2 CO!aQNIClTIONS SCANNER IFT SY!PTO! INDEI DC!.-3105E-09 !(. DISPLAY B STOP !ANOlL INTERVENTION ACTION REQUIRED CODE may store up to 32 bytes of dial digits and then set switches C and D to PF and press the START push button to continue. If you select this option to store the dial digits, then the first 4 bits of each byte should be 0 and the last q bits should be the dial digit, and you should store a I'FP' character after the last digit to be dialed. If you make any errors in entering any dial digits you will be asked to enter the first dial digit again. If you used tbe end of numbers c~aracter, it must be tbe last digit entered. F034 ! --'" Enter the next digit to be dialed. Set switch D to 0 and switch E to digit to dial or set switches D and E to Fr if last digit to dial was entered previously. See stop c04e 1'033 for caution on d1ll1 digits and optional use of register 1'13' storage address which you may still use as an option. After you have entered the dial digits,the digits will be validated, and if any digit is invalid, you will be asked to enter the first dial digit again. This manual intervention code may be repeated up to 3l times to get a total of 32 digits. 1'035 Bnter the transmit line a4dress to be used in this test. See stop code 1'001 for format to use. r036 The transmit line address entered is invalid or not configured as a line that can run in transmit mode. transmit line address again as defined in stop code p035. F031 The transmit line address entered can not be used with the switched line and/or auto call originate test option you selected. Enter the trans.it line address again as defined in stop code f03S. P038 Bnter LCD and set mode bits for transmit line. Enter the set switch B to the line control definer (tCD) wanted. Set Hex; o for start/stop 9/6 line control whicb has one start bit, 6 data bits and 2 stop bit •• for start/stop 8/5 line control. for start/stop 9/1 line control. for start/stop 10/1 line control. for start/stop 10/8 line control. for start/stop 11/8 line control. for DLC 7 bit character line control. for DLC 8 bit character line control. for DLC 6 bit character line control. for DLC 5 bit character line control. for BSC EBCDIC line control. for SSC OSASCII line control. 2 " 5 6 1 8 9 A B C D !2I!: Do not use LCD=O, 2,5 or 7 when transmit and receive(wrap) all zeros is selected else an error may occur indicating more characters were received than were transmitted. Do not use !.CD- 4 or 6 when transmitting on a line set that can detect a receiYe break Yia the stop bit check since you may get error stops indicating ICW bits 0-3 are in error with the 'stop bit check' bit being on. Set switch C to o. Set switch D and E to the hexadecimal sum of the following bit definitions. The 8 bits obtained are used to set SDP bits 2-9 (ICW bits 26-33) during the set mode operation. Switch D hex 8 This bit is reserved and should be O. hex ~ Diagnostic aode latch is set if this bit is a 1. This bit sho~ld normally be a 0 to test normal modem operation. If this bit is a 1 and the set Data Terminal Beady bit is a 1, the modem test lead wlll be activated in IBft integrated modems. When the diagnostic mode bit is set on, that CS hardware forces on a Data Set Ready and may force a Clear To Send indication according to the line status. This bit should be 0 for all auto call originate and switched line test options. hex 2 Set data terminal ready if this This bit should notlllally be a 1 modems. If you select to do an internal operation, this bit should be a bit should be a 1. bit is a ,. to test trans.it or wrap 0 and the disgnostic mode hex 1 Sync bit clock latch is set if this bit is a 1. This bit should normally be a 0 for start/stop 6.2.8 X370SGAA Type 2 Scanner 1fT t'· ~j' o o o lIn 3105 CO!"Q.ICA~IOHS CO~!BotL!B 2 cOlaQnlcA~IO.S ICl.HIB lr~ ~YIP!Ol lHPII ~YPI DISPLAY ~ STOP IAHUlt IHTIBVIB!IOH ACTIO a B!gulalD COOl line control anll a , for synchronous and Bse line control. 8ith S08e special features, this bit aay control other tha~ tbe clocking .ethod. 0 Switch a I 0' hex 8 axternal clock latch is set if this bit is a ,. If this bit is 0, an internal clock is used. For proper aodea operation, sase lodess re9uire that external clock be usell. If you set this bit to 1 to select external cloak, then you sboulll set tbe two oscillator select bits to O. If you set the diagnostic aode bit to a " tbis bit sbould be a 0 except for the case wbere IBa integrated 80de8s that provide external clock are put in test 804e by ha,ing both the lIiagnostic aode anll Dlta Terlinal leally lIits set to 1. 0 0' hex 0 0 0 0 o o o Data rate select latch is set on if tbis bit is a 1. On 101l8ls that proville two operational speell's, this bit being on shoulll select the highest of tbe tva speells. The lIata rate select latcb lay be usell for otber purposes on soae line sets. An exaaple is tbe alA local line Bet type 1r wbere it dri,es the local attachlents lecei,e tine Signal Detect leall. hex 2 and hex Oscillator select bits used to select one of ij possible oscillators. Tbese bits aay be set to 00, 01, 10, or 11 to select the 'st, 2nll,lrd, or ijth oscillator position. The 1st oscillator is reguired to be the lowest speed oscillator. You sboulll use caution in selecting tbe 2nd, 3rd, or ijth osCillator since that oscillator aay not be installed or lay exceed the aaxiaul allow operating speed of the line set under test. Tbe oscillato~ select bits should be set to 00 i~ fOU ha,e tbe external clo~ bit set to ,. 0 U ij 1'039 LCD enterell for transait line in in,alid or tbe transait line set type can not run witb tbe Leo type selected. Enter teo and set lode bits again as in stop code 1'038. rou Enter the recei,e line address to be used in this test. 1'038 Tbe recei,e line address entered is in,alid or not configured as'a line set type tbat can run in receive aode. I~ter the recei,e line address again as in stop code 1'03A. 1'03C ~e r03D !nter tCD and set aode bits for receiYe line. f03! LCD entered for receive line is invalill, or the receive line set type can not run with the tCD type selected, or for vrap options the teo selected is not the saae as t~e transsit ~D. Inter the tCD and set lode ~its for tbe receive line again. See Itop code 1'038 for forlat. 1'040 See stop code r001 for toraat to use to enter alldress. receive line address entered can not be used witb the switched line and/or auto call originate test option select ell. Inter tbe recei,e line address again al in stop code 1'031. Tbia error vill alao occur if a vrap option vas selectell anll the receiye line can not run vith the trans.it line teD Of a.t loll. options. See atop colle r038 tor foraat to enter teo and let lad. bits. anter trans lit lIata options and/or first data cbaracter to trans.it. 111 data characters Ire transaitted as enterell with bit 1 trans.itted first, then bit 6, then bit 5, etc. The characters are transmitted frol the first enterell to the last entered anll then tbe same character pattern is repeated continously until the test is terminated. If you select the option to tranSmit all sarks (one bits) or all space (;ero bits) any data characters entered are 19nored. Set switch B to the bexadecisal sum of the following options: hex 8 Translit in HaZI lode if a DtC lCD is selected. hex ij All ODe bits (larks) are transmitted if this bit is a ,. For start/stop the pad flag will te set on to suppress the start bit and data characters of all one bits will be transmitted. For OLe the 'disable Stuffer' bit vill be set on to suppress the zero bit insert function and data characters of all one bits vill be trans.itted. Hate that tbia translit all ones options ia intepded for aode. Type 2 Scanner 1FT X3705611 '6.2.9 IBS 3105 CORftUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 2 COKKUJICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX DISPLAY B STOP DCL-3705E-0~ RANOAL INTERVENTION ACTION REQOIRED CODE equalization functions and can not detect a failure such as an open transait data lead. You should wrap data using some charaeter with both zero and one bits for a better exercise of the mode a or coa8unications line. (~~ ''(.1' hex 2 Transmit a 11 zeros" For start/stop LCDs two pad characters of all one bits are transmitted and the~ the transmit lines pcr is set to 'l' to suppress stop bits and all zero bits are tnnnitted. FOr other LCDs all zero bits are transmitted vithout any SIn or flag characters. hex 1 Transmit all ones in DLC mode without setting the 'Disable Stuffer' bit so zero bit insert will operate. This option vill work only if selected a DLC LCD. Set Switch C to the hexadeciaal SUI of the following options: hex 8 Ignore ICW 0-3 if this bit is a 1. OtherWise, after every transmit line character service ICW bits 0-3 are checked, and if any of these bits are in error, an error code is displayed. hex 4 aeserved. set to O. hex 2 Transmit DLC Link Test. This bit is ignored unless selected a DLC LCD or if selected the transait all ones, the transmit all zeros Or the trans. it DLC all ones options. hex 1 Alternate data input option if this bit is a 1. If you set this bit to 0, then set switches D and E to the 1st character to be transmitted, select FUNCTION 5 and press the StAaT push button and you will get stop code F041 asking for next data character to transmit. If fOU want to use the alternate data input option, do the following; a. Get storage address from register X'13'. p. store the count of the number of characters to be transmitted as the first character. The highest valid count is X'78' to transmit 120 characters. The program will transmit this number of characters and then go back to the first character and repeat the same number of characters continooslr until the test is terminated. c. Store up to 120 consecutive characters after the count byte. The 'characters to be transmitted are put in the PDF in the same format that you store them except bit 0, bits 0 & 1 or bits 0,1 & 2 may be cleared. If selected LCD 4, 5 or 8 the characters you store will all have the 0 bit set to 0 since these are all 7 bi t character LCDS" If selected LCD 0 or 1, then bits 0 and 1 will be set to 00. If selected LCD 2 or B then bits O,l,and 2 will be set to 000. d. Set switch B to O. e,. Set switch C to 1 or 9 (according to the ignore ICW bits 0-3 option) to indicate this alternate data input is being used. f. Select function 5 and press the start push button. Set switches D and E to the first character to he transmitted unless selected the alternate data input format or the transmit ~ll one or all zeros option in which case switches D and E are ignored. F041 Enter next character to be transmitted. set switches Band C to 00 and switched D and E to the next character to be transmitted or set switch B or C to any non zero position if the last character has heen entered previously. At this tiae register X'13' contains an address painting to a storage location that contains a 6.2,.10 X3705GU • Type 2 Scanner IFT ( o o o 0 0' IBM 3105 CORnONICATIOHS CONTROLLEB T'PE 2 eOnHQ~ICATIOHS SCANNEB 1fT SYHPTOH INDEX DISPLAf 8 STOP HAHOAL INTERVENTION ACTIOH BEQUIRED CODB byte that has the number of characters you have previously entered followed by the characters you have entered. You may (as an option) use the alternate data input steps a,b and c define4 in stop code POqO and then set switch B or e to a non zero pOSition, select function 5 and press the STlB~ push button. F042 0 Enter receive data options. If you are wrapping data then the received data characters are compared vith the transmitted characters selected unless selected the receive all ones, all zeros, DLC link test or ignore receive interrupts options. If you are doing a receive only test and have not selected one of the above options then the received data characters are ignored but you may display the the last data character received by displaying reg X'qql (byte 1) while the program is running. If selected a synchronous LCD (S,9,l,B,C or D) end did not select one of the above options then there vill be no indication of apy data being received unless a valid synchronizing character for the tCD in use is received. . BQI~: Par a wrap option trans.itting all ones, all zeros, DLC all ones or DLC link test the same receive data option should be selected or error stops aar occur. 0 Set switch B to the hexadecimal su, of the following options: hex 8 Beceive in NRZI mode if this bit is a 1 and if selected a oLe LCD. 0 0 hex 0 ~ 111 one bits are expected to be received if this bit is'a 1. If this bit is a 1 and all one bits are not received, an error will be reported. Note that this receive all ones option is intended to be used for 80dea equalization and can not detect a failure such as an open receive data lead or a receive data lead clamping probles. You shOUld wrap some data character containing both zero and one bits for a complete exercise of the 80dems or co,aunications line. hex 2 111 z~ro bits are expected to be received. If this bit is a 1 and all zero bits are not received, then an error is reported. hex 1 Ignore all receive character service interrupts. ~f this bit is a 0, and you have selected one of the wrap options, and all ones Gnd all zeros options are 0, then a check is made that characters received are the saae as characters transmitted. Set switch C to the hexadecimal sum of the folloving options: hex 8 Ignore ICW bits O-q if this bit is a 1. If tbis bit is a 0 and the Ignore All Receive Character Service Interrupts bits is a 0, then ICW bits O-q are checked on every receive character service interrupt and an error is reported if they are in error. o bex 4 Beser,ed. Set to O. hex 2 Beceive OLC Link Test. This bit is ignored unless you selected a DLC LCO or if selected the receive all ODes or the receive all zeros options. If you select this option then receive dsta errors are counted and displayed in the display B indicator lights as an X'E0111 code where the 11 is the low order byte of the received data error count. The total error count is always available in reg X'1B'. Hate that it is common to get one or two errors when the routine first starts receiving due to clock correction time and the DLC ones bit counter circuit. o o o hex 1 Reserved. Set to O. Set switches 0 and E to 00 .• 1'049 Enter options for routine X6!'2; see routine heading for selections. rOSO Euter transmit line address for routine X6P2; see routine heading for se lection s. li052 Enter the receive line address for routine 161'2; see routine heading for selec1:iona. 1.'055 Enter options for routine X6l'4; see routine heading fot selections. 11056 Enter the transmit line address for rontine 161'q; see stop code FOO, for format. F057 Enter the receive line address for routine X6PQ; see stop code 1'001 for format. Type 2 Scanner lilT X310SGAA 6.2.11 { i,' DISPLAY 8 STOP ft!NUlL IHTEBVEHTION ACfION BEQQIBED COOS r058 Enter the high speed local attach.ent oscillator frequency and line address for routine X6r5; BBe for selections. Disconnect the external wrap facility for routine ,~ X6r~i rout~nB heading 1" 't_f Bee routine beading. /1-"""-_/ 6.2. 12 X3705Gll I -'" I)CL-3705E-09 18" 3105 COKK08ICAT10HS CORTBOLLEB TI~E 2 COKKOHXCAfIONS SCANRER 1fT SIK~TOft INDEX r059 \' Type 2 Scanner 1fT ( ({ o o IBM 3705 COMftUHICATIOHS CONTROLLER TYPB 2 COftSUNICATIONS SCAHNER 1FT SYftPTOS INDEX 0: EUIIPLB A: Transait All ones. o This test aay be used for equalization of transait lines. This test is equivalent to aodee Test 3. , IIAnL UDIC1TIOil o o F030 1'035 FOla o o c (Select Option) (Select Jeit Line) (Select LCD and ~ode Bits, TYPICAL SWITCH RBSPONSB IN FUHCTION5 0001 0040 (Transmit Option. Press START. (1st LIB, 1st Line Address). Press START. C03a (LCD for BBCDIC line control, Data Terminal Beady, Sync Bit Clock and External Clock.l ~re~s STABT. 4000 (Transait 111 ones). Press START. The scanner transaits all ones on the selected line address. Successfu~ transmission is indicated by an incrementing count In Byte 1 of Display B. Bqualization tests can then be performed. To restart on any error stop, press START pushbutton wbile in 1'OHCTIOII 5. EXAMPLB B; Beceive All Ones. This test eay be used for equalization of receive lines when all ones are being transmitted froa another station to this station On a sele~ed line. Tbis test is equivalent to !ODEa TEST 4. PANEL IHDICATIOII F030 F031 F03D " TYPICAL CB SWITCH RESPONSB (Select 0002 Option) (Select 00"" lIeceivs Linel (Select LCD C038 and Set Mode Pits) "j F042 o (Select receive data option) 4000 (Receive Option). Press START. (1st CS, 1st LIB, lrd Line Address). Preu nUT. (EBCDIC LCD 8 Bit Line Control, Data terminal Ready, Sync Bit Clock, External Clock!_ Press START. (Receive all ones). press START. !g!!i Reception of all ones successfully, in synchronous mode, is indicated by an incrementing display in Byte 1 of Display B. Bqualization tests can then te performed. to restart on any error stop, press start pushbutton while in Function 5. BlAULB C: Dial nuaber 6238 ou an autocall originate line interface. Answer the call on a switched line interface. Go into Receive Kode on the line interface tbat answered the call. Trans.it data characters X'01' and 1'02' continously from the line interface attached to the auto call originate line interface to the receive line. PANEL INDICATION o o C~ !Ql!: C:,"·' o DCL- 3105B- 09 F03Q POJI 1'033 F034 F034 F034 1'034 F035 FOJ a TYPICAL CE SWITCH BESPONSB5 (select 0008 Option) (Select Auto004C call Originate Line Address) (Select 1st 0006 Digit to be dialed) (select I 00Q2 subsequent ~igit) (Select . 0003 subsequent digit) (Select 0008 subsequent digit) (Select oopp SUbsequent digit) (Select 0048 transmit line.) (Select LCD and Kode Bits for Transll1t Line) Type 2 Scanner IPT (Test autocall as described above) • Press start. (1st CS, 1st LIB, lutocal1 Originate Line Address). Press start. (6 is 1st dial digit). (2 iii fr dial i1~giH Press start. • Press start. (3 is 3rd dial digit). Press start. (8 is 4th dial digit). Press start. IFP to indicate last digit bas been entered. Press start. (1st CS, 1st LIB, 5th Line lddress.) Press start. COlc (BSC EBCDIC Line Control, Data Terminal Ready, sync Bit Clock, External Clock, Data Rate Select). Press start. X3105GU 6.2.13 It) (J IB" 3705 COn"ONIC1TIOHS CO.T~OLLeR TY~B 2 cOlnONICATIOKS SCANNBI 1FT SYKPTOK IIDBI DCL-3705B-09 (} FOll (Select Receive 0050 (1st CS, 1st LIB,9th Lipe Address). Line) Ptess start. C03C (BSC EBCDIC Line Control, Data r03D (Select LCD Terainal Ready, Sync Bit Clock, and lIode Bits for ReceiYe X,be) external Clock, Data Rate Select). press, StART. 0001 IData character. 01). 'te •• SUBT. ro,+o (Select hit Data) 0002 (Data Characters 02). pres. STAIIT • rOil 1 (Select • Ilbseljllent data) noo (Indicate last data character has FOll1 (Select been entered). Press STABT sllbseljnent datll.1 rOIl2 {Select lIeceive 000,0 (Indicate expected receiYe data same as Trauait data). 'ress STABT. Datal While in dialing process the dial digits are indicated in Byte 1 Bits 11-7 of Display B. On reception of datil. s~ccessfully, liP increaenting count is indicated in Byte 1 of Display B. I '" 6.2.111 X3705Gll Type 2 Scanner 1FT ( o o o o o o o o o o 'U t,l IBft 3105 cOnftUNleAfloRs cORfaoLLBB tYfl l COftftDHlCATlOHS SCARHII X't SllfTOft IHDIX CHlfTBB 7.0:TIPI 3 COIIUHIC1TIOIS SC1HRII StIPTO! IIDBX X101 Conf1gQration Data Set (CDS) Cbeck loutine EllUl J!D~!ln12J This routine ,erifies that necessar! CDS control data is valid. Data ,alidated is (1) scanner type, (2) scannel: UQs, (3) SCaRllel: featutes, (41 oscUla to!: tne, (5) LIB tfpe, and (6) line set type. BBaOa ~U 110' oieOl The CDS is in el:ror; the scanner is not configured as a type 3 cOllunication scannel:. aegistel: X'16' contains tbe stol:age address of the CDS data block in tbe CDS fOI: tbe ad~ptel: under test. EBaOR !;!lBI nOl OX02 The CDS is in error; either no oscillators or an invalid oscillator t!pe is coded in the CDS for oscillator nusber (first oscillator position). ° BBaOB !¥!tnl 1101 0%03 ,II The CDS i. in el:ror; either the oscillator in tbe first oscillator position is not the lowest speed available, or an invalid oscillator type code was found in the CDS for the second, tbird, or fortb position. :1 I o c o o o D99-310511-09 BIIaOB ~l!J 1101 01011 The CDS is in etrOr; no LIBs are configured in the CDS data. Begistel: X'16' contains tbe address of tbe CDS data block for tbe scanner undel: test. BRaoa ~RI x101 OX05 Tbe CDS is in errol:; no lin~ sets are configured in tbe CDS data. contains the CDS data block fOI: the scanner undel: test. X103 aegister X'16' Input/Output aegister Test 111 valid input and output registers that are used with,the type 3 cossunication scanner are tested b! this routine. The first line address is used to setup the scanner and outputs X'40' thl:ough X'4P' are executed to ,eriff that no level 1 interrupts occur for anY of the output instnctions., , Input inatl:uction. X'IIO' through X'4P' 'are te.ted in like Iinnel: to Tel:1ff that nO level, interrupts occur. EBaOI CABO PlAto FUftll r&SAU!!1 fWIQ .. i&JiU!!.. TE26X OXOl E312 6-090 E3S2 TEsOI B3Q2 Us2I B3B2 CK001 ~J!D x103 Tfpe 3 Cossunication Scanner IPT ADDI'UOIlAL UI2!l!!UIU! 1~105Hll 7.0.1 tB! 3705 CQ!!UNICATION5 CONTROLLER TJ'8 3 CO!!UHICATIOR5 SCABNER 1fT 5YK~TO! IND8X D99-370SE-09 i("'). I, An I/O check occurred after an input or output instruction. Register X'14' contains the failing input/output instruction. Register X'16' contains the storage address of the instruction tbat caused tbe error. }' J ~, Iil~) X703 ERROB CARD LillUQ!! fElLD ~~! ~!!!El!Q OX02 83E2 8302 B3B2 8352 TE70X TES2X TE26X TESOX ... fET!1I ~~!l!Q ADDITIONlL ... ll!fQUJU9l! 6-090 A level cheek occurred after an input or output instruction. Begister X'14' contains the error bits stored in tho level 1 routine fro. the input 1'43' Register X'16' contains the address of the input/output instruction causing the level 1 check; Register X'11' contains tbe line address. 1705 (t: ' ij Attachment Buffer Address Register (ABAB) Test All valid addresses are written into and read from the attachment buffer address register via an output and input X'40! instruction. ERROR CABO LQS!UQl! ~~! nos oxoe E3H2 8352 1!3E2 83D2 FElL 0 FETIII! usn f-180 f-2S0 ADDITIONAL U!!E!!J.l ... UiIUiQ.. 1l!lQ!lllAUQ!! TBSOX CXOOl CXOOg The address set via an output X'40' and the address read via an input X'40' are not equal. Register X'14' contains the address read via the input X'40' and Register X'11' contains the address used in the output X'40'. X707 ~ower On Reset, Communication Scanner Disable, and ICW Array Reset Test The routine disables all LIBs followed by a pover-on reset to the scanner. An output X'43' with bits 0.0 and 1.6 on is used to disable the scanner (~ower on Reset). Beginning with the first 11ne, all ICW bits are checked to verify that they are reset to tbe correct state. Each line address is checked in turn. X101 BIlliOR CARD k21ll! Lj2gIlQ!! FEALD 2Ali~!Q.. U!Ull!Q.. UI211!1A'l:lQ! OX01 TBS21t TEIiOt USOX TB211X TE20X TBSIIX TB32X TE26X TfSOX TF30X 'lF20X TF41X f-210 B302 B3L2 B352 B3K2 B3F2 B382 B3112 B3112 B2J2 B202 B2T2 E2V2 FETH! ADDITIONAL \, The ~CF field read via an input X'4S' vas not zeros after the Communication Scanner disable. Register X'15' (bits 0.4-0.1, contains the bits in error; ~egister X'11' contains the line address. Ell 110 II CABO LQS!U2!! ~llll X707 OX02 B3E2 B2G2 B3D2 B302 B3f2 B3R2 B3S2 1.0.2 X370S8AA FEALD FETIII! UiUQ.. UliE,!!9~ TB70X TB21X TE311X TBS2t TE20X TB26t TBSOX F-270 ADDITIONAl l!!fQ!I!J!llQll \~ .'/ ", Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT if \~, - '~~-'---- o o o " D BRROR CUD £9.!lE. LQCATIO, 1707' 0103 1!3D2 E3L2 B3E2 B3K2 E3S2 E3Q2 !2D2 E2J2 32.2 E2G2 32T2 1'BALD PETKII nnl2a. lAG no. T1!3111 T1!/IOI TE701 TE2111 U501 TE521 Tp621 Tp501 T1'221 TpQOI 'fl'201 ADDITIOIAL !!!2!Jmg! 1'-210 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Peatare (230KB) is installed: E312 {T1!351J is also a possible failing card. The PCP did not resain at zero during an output 1'/15' attespting to set the PCP to 1'1' with the cossunication scanner disabled. The bits in error (read via an input 1'/15') are contained in Register 1'15' (bits 0.11-0.7): Register I'll' contains the liDe address. !BROB CAiD £9.J!I IoQ£ATIOI 1707' OIOQ ~ 1!3E2 E3K2 E2J2 E2112 E3L2 !2V2 E2C2 PEALD nli.I!!b. ' T1!101 TE521 TP501 TP3U TE/IOI TP/IU TP601 PE!!.'1I11 faIUNQ. ADDITIONAL !!I2!UIUl2! 1'-270 The PCP did not resain at zero during an oatput I'Q5' attespting to set the PCP to 1'7' with the cossanication scanner disabled. The bits in error (read via an input 1'/15') are contained in Begister 1'15' (bits 0./1-0.1): Register I'll' contains tbe line address. o o o D99-3105E-09 The PCP field read via an inpat I'Q5' vas not zeros after the Cossanieations Scanner disable. Register 1'15' (bits O.Q-O.l) coatains the bits in error: Register I'll' contains the line address. ni o - _.. _.... --_.._----,._-----_. "._-." ..,,_... _.. ROTE •••• If the 8igh speed Scanner Peatare (230KB) is installed: 33N2 {TE35 I) is also a possible failing card. o o o _.. - .. _--_. --_... IB! 3705 CO!!UNICATIONS COITBOLLEB TYPE 3 CO!!UNICATXONS SCAIIEB IPT SYKFfOK INDEI o o o - EBROB CUD LO£A'lION £Q.J!I 170T 0105 1!3E2 1!3S2 1!3Q2 1!3112 PEALD PAGE.o.. PETK! llill2:. TE701 TE501 '!ES21 TE321 1'-270 ADDITIORAL !UQ!J!J:u2! All check bits (input 1'/13') sbould bave been reset by the eossanication scanner disable. Register 1'15' contains the bits in error. Register ~'11' contains the line address. ERROB CABD LO£AUOB g}J!I 170T 0109 o E2J2 32V2 1!2B2 E2C2 E2U2 !!3Q2 E382 PEUD ll§ll!!1&, TP501 TPIlU TP9U TP601 TP301 TES21 TE5111 . ADDITIONAL PET!! PAliIiBO. !!lQllllIl!!! 1'-270 ICI /1.2-/1./1 (ones coanter) shoald have been reset by the cossunication scanner disable. Register 1'15' contains the bits in error. Register I'll' contains the line address. 1707 ERROR CARD £Q.J!I LOCAnON PEALD fAGEIO. 0109 'fl'601 TEIIOI TE5111 '!E501 TE3/11 TE2/11 E2C2 E3L2 !!3H2 !!3S2 !!3D2 E3K2 Pl!UII ADDITIONAL !!ill!!:. l!lQ!!Illl2! 1'-270 Type- 3 CO.llanieation Scanner IPT 137058AA 7.0.3 (t J t' IBN 3705 COftHUKICATIOHS CONTROLLEB TT~E 3 ConnUNIC1TIOHS SC1RREB 1FT SynPTOH INDEI D99-3705E-09 NOTE •••• If tbe Higb speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: B3N2 (TB351) is also a possible failing card. ICW 4.5 (last line state) should be set on by tbe co •• unication scanner disable. Register 1'15' contains tbe bits in erroe. Register 1'11' contains the line address. ERROR CABD 1707 PBALD PETnn ADDITIOHAL ~RI L2£!Il2! !liE!2~ !Agl!2~ 1!I~BD11121 0101 E2C2 TP601 TP41X TE701 P-270 E2'i2 E3B2 t-" I' , ICW 4.6 (Display bit) sbould bave been reset by tbe co •• unication scanner disable. Register 1'15' contains tbe bits in error. Register X'11' contains tbe line address. ERROR CARD 1707 PEUD PITH!! £2RI LQguQ! fA!i!!9.. Ug1!~ OIOB P-270 B2'2 B2C2 B2H2 E3L2 B3Q2 E3112 B3G2 1l31l2 TPIIU TF601 Tl'31X TB401 TB52X TE321 TB21X TE701 ADDITIONAL IUQIUIUl21 ICW 1i.7-5.0 (ones counter) sbould bave been reset by tbe co •• unication scanner disable. Register 1'15' contains the bits in error. Register I'll' contains the line address. 1707 ERROR CARD FlllLD PBT!! ~RI LQ~Q!! R!gJ!!2~ !l!il!!~ OIOC 1l2N2 1l3Q2 1l3H2 1l3G2 Il3L2 1l31l2 Tr221 'lB52X TE32X TE211 P-210 ADDITIONAL IIlQU1U2l\ TIlIiOI TE701 ICW 5.1 (level 2 pending) sbould bave been reset by tbe comsunication scanner disable. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. Register X'11' contains the line address. IlRROR CARD 1707 PIlALD PETHH ADDITI08AL ~QI L9£61l21 119112& !AiJ!2& 11121411121 OXOIl E3L2 1l3D2 1l3K2 1l3P2 11282 TBIiOX 'lB311X TIl 2 II X TE20X TP22X P-270 NOTE •••• If tbe Higb Speed Scanner Peature (230KB) is installed: E382 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. Cycle steal valid bit (ICW bit 6.5) sbould bave been reset off via tbe co •• unication scanner disable. Register x'll' contains tbe line address under test. BRROR CARD X707 l'EALD PETK! ~QRI LQ~IIQ! fA~!QL f~I!~ OXOP 1l3S2 23D2 B2P2 B2G2 rESOX TE3'U TrIlBX P-270 ( \ lDDITIONll I!IQ!D1II2! B2'i2 "2C2 NOTB •••• If the Higb Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: 2382 (TE3SX) is also a possible failing card~ All cycle steal array address and PDP array address bits (read via input X'IiE') should bave been set on via the communication scanner disable. Register X'1S' (bits 0.0-0.7) contains tbe bits in error; Register X'll' contains tbe line address under test. ERROR CARD Q!!!! LQ£!nQ!! 1707 OX10 22l!2 l!2112 l!2T2 7.0.4 i1705HAA PEUD FETIIII lDDITlOlllL u'2199-3105E-09 !he data read from the cycle steal address field of the ICW and from the Bce field contained identical 'hot' bits. Register X'15 contains the bit(s) in error. Register X',,' contains the line under test. Brror stops OXOl and OX02 Should bave occurred. !he error is probably caused by tbe out register. EBlIOR CABO X709 PBALD ~!lRB UTilI! J.1l~W2l! iA!i!!g.. fMing .. lU2l!I!U12! OXOII B2112 B202 B3&2 B3Q2 B3S2 B3J2 TU1X T,30X 'US III TB52X !BSOX TE22X TB21X '-320 P-230 B3G2 The data contains could be If error the vork X109 , (" , ~, ADDITIONAL read from the BCC field of the ICW is not X'OOOO' as expected. Register X'15' the bites) in error. Register X' 11' contains tbe line under test. Tbis error caused by eitber the out register, ICW control circuits, or tbe work register. stop OXOS, OX06, OX07 or oxoe do not occur, suspect tbe ICW control circuits or register. ' BIROR CARD PBALD FETIIII kSlDE *Q~lIlQ! !lgEl!2~ !A§!!2.. !!f211l!lI!2! OX05 B2D2 B3Q2 B312 B3F2 B312 B3L2 B3S2 E3G2 8302 8382 "62X '-320 US2x P-230 'rE26X TE20X Terminator 'rEliOO TBSOX 'rE21X U34X 'rE70X ADDITIONAL Gate ICW Work Reg to In Reg NOTE •••• If the Higb Speed Scanner Feature (230KBI is installed: 1382 (fI3SX) is also a possible failing card. ICV 8.0-8.11 bits are not X'F' as expected. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. If error stop OXOII did not occur, suspect the ICW control cirCUits or tbe work register. ERROR CARD x709 'EALD 'ETIIII ADDITIO~AL £2D! L2~!1Q! EAiE!2~ fAi!l!9.. OX06 13J2 1302 13F2 B2L2 B2U2 12112 TE22X TB52X TB20X Tl'II6X Tl'30X Tl'31X l'-320 ,-230 ·1l!~211ttA~!2! IC' 8.5-8.7 bits are not X'l" as expected. Register X'1S' contains tbe bits in error. If error stop OXOII did not occur, suspect tbe ICW contIol circuits or tbe work register. n09 ERROR ClBD nALD FETHII kSl~! I.2~!!1Q! f!!i!l!Q .. flgll!~ OX07 ElJ2 E3G2 E302 'rE22X TB2n: TB52X F-320 P-230 , ADDITIONAL lltI2UUUll ICW 9.0-9.11 bits are not X'l" as expect~d. Bcgister X'lS' contains the bits in error. If error stop OX04 did not occur, suspect the lCW control circuits or the work register. ElROa CARD X709 FEUD l'ET II I! £2Dl I.Q~!!Q! EAi!l!Q.. EAgll!9.. OXOII B3J2 B3G2 B3Q2 TB22X TB21X TBS2X ADDITIONAl. ll!lqRttA~lQll '-320 F-230 ICW 9.5-9.1 bits are not ~'l" as expected. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. The data read from the CS address field of the rcw is not X'FFl'F' as expected. Register X'1S' contains the bit(s) in error. Begister X'11' contains the line under test. If error stop OX04 did not occur, suspect the lCW control circuits or the work register. ERROR CARD £QDl I.~~I!2! 7.0.6 X3705HAA FEALD EAiEl!9.. FETIII! ADDITIONAL f!il!Q~ l!~QiDAIIQ! Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT \ '.)' 1(· -" - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - , .. ""----".. _"" ......... , , o o o o IBM 3705 COKMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COft"QNIC1TIORS SCANH8~ 1fT SYftPTO" INOEI X709 OXOP. o X109 ER ROB CARD FEUD Pl!TKII ADDITIONAL ~Qn§ LQ~!!IQH l!~HQ~ l!~§!Q~ !!fQB~Jl!Q! OXOC Bl02 l!lQ2 Bl52 TESI!I TES2X TESOI F-320 F-230 The data read from the cycle steal address and the data read from the BCC field of the ICW was missing identical bits. Register X'1S' contains the bit(s) in error. Register X'11' contains the line under test. Error stops 0105, OX06, 0101 or OXOB should have occurred. This error is probably caused by the output register. !BROB CARD n09 SQIlI nALO 1'l!TftM IoQ~Q!! U!!lI!Q.. U§I.!!~ OXOB l!2M2 B2R2 E202 B3F2 l!lG2 E3L2 BlS2 ElQ2 E3-12 'rF31l TP321 Tl'30X TE201 'fB21l TE40X TESOI nS21 TE221 1'-320 F-230 U ¥;'I1 I X70C Power On Reset Off This routine sets the power on latch and waits for one scanner cycle. After the wait, the power on reset latch 1s set off and the PCP field is checked to verify that it contains X'OO'. Pover on reset is turned off with an output X'43' with bits 0.1, 1.5 and 1~6 on (see 1'-270). The ~CP is set to X'1' and the LCD is set to X'O' and the pcr is again checked to verify that the X'1' set correctly. Tbis routine also verifies tbat no error bits were set via an input X'43' and tbat tbe display bit did not set. o o o o ADDITIONH l!!fQB!!UISH The data read from the cycle steal address field and the data read from the BCC field was lissing different bits. ErrOr stop OXOS, 0106, 0101 or OXOS should have occurred. Begister X'1S' contains the bites) in error. Register X'11' contains the line under test. The ICW control circuitry Or the work register probably caused this error. ','I o '-320 F-230 This error is probably caused by the ICN control circuits or the work register if error stop 0105, 0106, 0101 or OXOS did not occur; The out register probably caused the error if error stop OXOI! occurred. o o TEIIOX TE501 TP31X TPlOX The data read from the BCC field is not X'FF'" as expected. Either stop OX04 or OX05 should have occurred. Register XItS contains the bit(s) in error. ~egister X'11' contains the line under test. o o o ElL2 l!lS2 l!2"2 8202 099-3705E-09 ERROR CARD X1DC SQU PBALD UTilI! IoQ~UIQ!i l!~!~ UU!lQ~ OX01 B2J2 8382 B302 TFSOX T870X TES4X 1'-270 P.DDITIOHAL UlQ!l!J!UQ!! Tbe PCF did not remain at 1'0' after tbe disable latch was set off. contains the line address under test. ERROB CARD £QULQ!;AUQ!! X1DC 0102 B382 BlD2 83S2 E3Q2 E2C2 82D2 l!2J2 l!2H2 B2G2 B202 FEALD PETMII U§!!iQ~ n§~!!Q TE10X TE34X 'USOX 'US2X TF60X TF62X Tl'SOI TF221 T1'II0X 'fP301 1'-290 Register X'11' ADDITIONAL .. !H!9,B!!Ul9,.I! HaTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) 1& installed: B3M2 (T83SI) i& also a possible failing card. Type 3 Coamunication Scanner 1FT Xl1050U 7.0.7 IBK 31Q5 COHNUNICATIONS COHTBOLL~R TiPS 3 COK8UNICATIONS SCANNBR 1FT SyaPTOK INDEX D99-3705E-09 With the scanner enabled, the PCI' did not set to X'1', when an output X'45' with data=0007 was executed. Register X'11' contains the line address under test; register X'15' (bits 0.4-0.7) contains the bits in error. X70C ERROR CARD FEAtD ~!!~LQ!;;UIQ! UQE!!Q ... £!!i.!!]Q... l.!!fQ!!!!!UQ!! OX03 TE24X TE20x TB5114 T1'481 TF9n TF301 l!3K2 E3F2 B3H2 1121'2 E2B2 E202 FETII!! ADDITIONAl 1'-270 1'-200 ICI' SEL LIE 1 or /I Error register 1'43' bits are on after setting the disable latch off and setting the PCI' to X'7'. Register X'11' contains the line address under test; register X'15' contains the bits in error. HOC ERROR CARD FEUD !;;QU1Q!;;A.'l;I2!! f.MiE!!Q1 fAQ.!l!iQ.. l!fQUAlIQ.li OX04 TF41X TF60X TB50X E2V2 B2C2 B3S2 FETH!! ADDITIONAl. 1'-270 1'-210 The display bit should have been set eff after setting the disable latch off. Register X'41' bit 0.6 contains the display bit. Register x'11' contains the line address. 1110 Unexpected Level 1 Interrupt Test • 1 This routine disables via power on res~t all installed communication scanners and waits a full scan cycle time for the power on reset to cowplete. Another power on reset (POR) is issued for the scanner under test. Then the program unmasks or allows level 1 interrupts to occur and waits one-hundred-eight miliseconds for unexpected level 1 interrupts to occur.. An output 1'43' with bits 0.0 and 1.6 on is issued to do the paR (see 1'-270). If a level 1 interrupt occurs, the routine displays an error stop; the routine terminates i f no interFupts occur. ERROR CARD X710 !'EAL D FET" l'l ADDITIONAL ~!l~ 1Q£!UQ.li fA!iE!i9~ faQ~!Q~ !!ifQ!l!!AllQ!t OX01 E3E2 E3H2 TB70x TB5!1X F-190 F-200 The scanner is reset with an output to set the 'cse disable latch' and a level 1 interrupt occurred. Register X'11' contains the input data from ABAR (line address under test) when the interrupt occurred. Register X'13' contains the contents of the scanner check register (X'42') when the interrupt occurred. Register X'16' contains the contents of the scanner checks register (X'43') when the interrupt occurred. Register %'43' and X'42' should contain X'OOOO' unless another ~1 interrupt error condition oceurre!1. X111 unexpected Level 1 ~nterru!lt. Test. 2 1l2!!l!U ]!a£!lUUQ!! This routine disables all installed communication scanners with a power on reset (POR) and waits for a scan cycle time before reseting the POR. ~he POB is reset by issuing an output X'43' with bits 0.1, 1.S and 1.6 on, (see 1'-210). The routine unmasks level 1 interrupts for lbO milliseconds and checks to see if any unexpected L1 interrupts occurred. No level 1 interrupts are expected. X711 ERROR CARD PEltD FETH!! ADDITIONAL !;;Q!!!l. !'.Q£AUQ.!i f!!i.!l!Q~ f!QE.liQ~ !!tI::Q!!!!UIQ!t OXOl TE54X 1'-190 1'-200 E3H2 E3E2 TE70X An unexpected level 1 interrupt occurred after the scanners were reset and enabled by setting the 'csa disable latch' off. Register X'11' contains the input data from ABAR (line address under test) when the interrupt occurred. Register X'13' contains the contents of the scanner check register \X'42') when the interrupt occurred. Register 1'16' contains ~he contents from the 1.0.a X37056A1I Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o o IBK 3105 COftftUaICATIOHS CO.f~OLLB~ 3 COKftUHICATIOHS SClIHBB 1FT SYK~TOft INDaX TY~B sconner check register (I'Q3') when the interrupt occurred4 Register x'43' and X'42' should contain X'OOOO' unless onother L1 error condition hos occurred. 1713 Unexpected Level 2 Interrupt Test " This routine disables all installed cO.lunication scanners via a power on reset vaits for a scan cfcle for the POR to cOlplete. output X'Q3' is issued to elch bits 0.0 Ind '.6 on to dislble scanners. The routine un.lsks level 1 Ind level and waits for '80 .illiseconds for anf unexpected level 1 or level 2 interrupts BRROR CARD X713 rBTftft ~gnQ! U!i.lU!Q.. lMi!!Q.. lIfrgl!U1l2! OXOl BU2 B3B2 tB70X 'U54l r-190 r-200 An unexpected level 1 interrupt occurred after the scanners were reset and enabled by turning off the 'CSB disable lotchl. Register X'11' contains the input data fro. ABAR (line address under test) when the interrupt occurred. Register 1'13' contains the contents of the scanner check register (1'42') when the interrupt occurred. 'Register 1'16' contains the contents of the scanner cbeck register X'43' when the interrupt occurred. aegister 1'43' and l'q2' sbould contain 1'0000' unless another level 1 error condition has occurred. BBBOR CABD r.2WIID! FBTIIII rBALD UmQ.. lAmQ.. 0102 rE701 n201 TB541 Tl!401 ~JlJ 1113 u R3B2 B3r2 B3B2 B3L2 ADDITIOIIAL 1I!12!!!!U2!! F-190 r-200 r-550 An unexpected level 1 and level 2 interrupt occurred after the scanners were reset and enabled bY turning off the 'CSB disable latch'. 11 o o (POR, and sClnner with 2 interrupts to occur. ADDI'UOIIrIL FBALD ~1lI ,j o o 1199-3705B-09 Begister X'11' contains the input data fro. ABAR (line address under test) when the interrupt occurred. Register 1'13' contains the contents of the scanner check register 11'42') when the interrupt occurred. Register 1'16' contains the contents of the sClnner check register 1'43' when the interrupt occurred. Register 1'43' and I'Q2' should contlin 1'0000' unless another leyel 1 error condition has occurred. BBBOIl CUD FBlLD 0103 tE201 U401 'U701 rBTftll ADDIT10HAL GQeI I&SW2!! iAiII9L lAi!!2L 1!!QaAll19! 1713 B3r2 B3L2 IlB2 '-550 r-560 An unexpected leyel 2 interrupt occurred after the scanners were reset and enabled by turning off the 'CSS disable lltcb'. Register 1'11' contains the input data fro. ABAR (line address under test) when the interrupt occurred. 171Q Unexpected Leyel 2 Interrupt Test • 2 !2!!IllU n!~~!!U!Q! This routine disables via a power on reset (POR) all installed communication scanners and waits a scan cfcle time for the POR to complete,. The routine resets the POll and 'allows leyel 1 Ind leYel 2 interrupts and verifies that none occur. An output I'Q3' with bits 0.1, 1.5 and 1.6 is i88Ued to reset the POR (enable scanner). o BRROR CARD 1714 PBlLD 'BTIIM ~D! L9~lQ! lAiJ!Q.. lAi~!QL OX01 B382 U54X 'U701 '-190 IlB2 ADDIT10aAL 1!!!QaAAl!9! '~20D An unexpected leyel 1 interrupt occurred after the scanners were reset Ind enabled by turning off the 'CSB disable latch'. Type 3 CommUnicltion Scanner 1FT 13705HAA 1. O. 9 o o 18a 3705 coaKu.lcA~IOMS COH!BOLLBR tlPB 3 coaaURICAtlOHS SCA.IIB 1ft SY.PTO" IHDIX D99-37051-09 Register X'll' contains the input data from A8AR (line address under test) when the interrupt occurred. Register X'13' contains the contents of the scanner check register IX'_2') when the interrupt occurred. Register X'16' contains the contents of the scanner check register X'_3' when the interrupt occurred. Register X'II3' and X'42' should contain X'OOOO' unless another level 1 error condition has occurred. IRROB CABD rlALD rIT!! QeDI 19~! f!il!!l~ f!gj!~ ~X02 1112 13H2 13t2 U70X 'r-190 r-200 r-550 usn nllox o o ADDITIONAL l!lQ!A!%l!l! An unexpected level 1 and level 2 interrupt occurred after the scanners were reset and enabled br turning off the ICSB disable latch'. Register X'1,' contains the input data from lBlR (line address under test) when the interrupt occurred. Register X'13' contains the contents of the scanner check register (X'II2') when the interrupt occurred. Register X'16' contains the contents of the scanner check register X'1I3' when the interrupt occurred. Register X'43' and X'_2' should contain X'OOOO' unless another level 1 error condition has occurred. IRROR CARD 17'_ QeI!I ~S!%IID! rBALD U!i!!9.t. una lA!Ul!ga, OX03 13L2 13S2 13Q2 B2J2 B212 B2r2 12B2 12H2 121'2 TBflOX 'rI50X nS2X U50X !raox u_ax nan TP22X na2X r-550 r-560 ADDITIOIiAL lIllQIUIUI!!.I! 'o.i.._, /' ,IT , An unexpected level 2 interrupt occurred after the scanners vere reset and enabled by turning off the ICSB disable latch'. Register X' 11'" contains the input,: data fr~. )'BU (11ne address under i·test) v,hen the interrupt occurred. X716 ICI Disable !est !2l!UU R!~!l!fU!l.!l This routine verifies that all ICW bits that should be set or reset vere, after disabling (pover on resetl and enabling the type 3 scanner. An output X'43' vith bits 0.1, 1.5 and ,.6 is issued to enable the scanner. Bach address is checked by using input and output instructions to read X716 BRROR ClBD SQ.!l1 LQSWQ.! UltD Ulil!!Q.... rlTII" UliU!!... OXOl TP22X TB40X n10X 1-210 B2H2 13L2 3312 th~ lCls. ( \../ ADDITIOllAL UlQ!!IU!!!!! ICW bit 0.1 is on after an input X'IIII'. off by the disable. fhis bit (service request) should have been set Register X'11' contains the line address under test and Register X'15' contains the bit in error. IRROR CARD PEAtD PETK!! Bl32 B2C2 B2J2 B212 12B2 !B70X T1'60X n50X naox Tran P-270 ADDITIOIiAt Qelll l!!SAIIOl! Uil!,Q .. Ulill!!:l:., lUQUUl,Q1! 1716 OX02 The PCP is verified vh an Input X'II5' to be set to XIO' after 7.0.10 X3705l1AA t~e scanner enable. Type 3 Co •• unication Scanner IPT (~. o o o o o IBII 3105 COII~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER tYPE 3 COK~QNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOft INDEX Begister X'11' contains the line address under test and Register X'15' contains bits in error. 1116 BRROR CUD 1'EAtD l'BT~1I ~RII 1.~~U~li. U~llU.. UliElliQ.. ll!IQUAIU.!! OX03 B2C2 B2112 B2'12 3382 TF60X U31X U41X 'n10X F-270 o o [ ERROR CARD PEALD PET II II OX04 'rE10X TE20X TE24X TJ!34X 1'-270 ADDITIONAL £.Q!!! &Q£UIQ!! R!li!!!Jl ... R&liEl!!Q... I!!IQU!IIQ!! X716 B3E2 B31'2 B31'(2 B3D2 NOT I •••• It the High Speed Scanner Feature (230~RI 11 installed; B3S2 (TB35X) 1s also a possible failing card. The cycle steal valid bit (ICN 6.5) is cbecked via an Input X'48' to see that it was set off bf the disable and enable operations. Register X'11' contains the line address under test and Register X'15' contains the bits in error. , ERROR CARD PEAL 0 1'ETIII! OX05 TI3liX TB52X Tl!54X T1'aOI T1'48X U81X TP46X U82X F-270 ADDITIONAL £.Q!!! J:Q£A!1Q!! f!!i!.!tQ ... Ulil!1.!t2.:. I!!!Q!HlUIQ!! X716 o o o o ADDITIONAl. Register X'11' contains the line address under test and Register X'15' contains the bits in error. , o the The ones counter and the display bit are checked via an Input X'41' and should have all bits off, (ICII bits 4.2-4.4 and 4.6 and 4.7).. ICII bit 4.5 (last line state) should be on. o o o D99-3705E-09 1302 B3(12 B382 B2B2 B21'2 B282 B2L2 B2P2 NOTB •••• If the High Speed Scanner 1'eature (230I'(B) is installed; B3"2 ITE35Xl is also a possible failing card. The cycle steal array address bits (ICi 12.0 ~ 12.3) and the PDF-1 array address bits (ICW 12.4 - 12.7) are checked via an Input X'42' to see that they were set on by the disable and enable operation. Register X'11' contains the line address under test ann Begister X'15' contains the bits in error. 1711 1'orce Level 1 Interrupt Brrors Test This routine checks that a set function with level 1 request bit on (register X'43' bit 1.5) turns on all error bits in input X'42' and X'43'. DBAR address and the inrut X'40' address are compared. 2BBOB CABD fEALD 1'ETII!! ADDITIONAL £QIHt I.QS;!Il2!! UiE!!Q.. Uli!!!2.:. !.!t!Q!!.!I!lIQ! 1711 OX01 B3L2 E3D2 B3B2 B3K2 l!3H2 B3S2 ·l!3112 fBlIOX n3U TB70X TE2qX TE54X 'USOX TEl2X P-270 1'-200 Type 3 Commupication Scanner I1'T X31051!AA 7.0 •• , {; IBft 3105 COSKUNICATlONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COMMUNlCATloNS SCANNER lFT SYKPTO!! INDEX 83Q2 82J2 82N2 099- 3105£-09 o TE52X USOX TP22X NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: 83M2 (TE3SX) is also a possible failing card. . All error bits in the input X'43' are tested to be set correctly. Register X'11' contains the line address for the line under test. Register X'14' contains the scanner checlt register bits via an input X'43" and register X'1S' contains the bits in error. EJlROR CARD %117 nuo FETII!! TE70X TBSOX F-210 F-190 AODITIONU ~U LQ! be line under test. ~tgister X'14' , contains tbe s~anner check register bits via an ~I\put X'421, and reg ster Xl lS' contains tbe bits in error. "- . . ERROl CARD Xl 11 nALD ADDITIONAL UTIlI! £QR! I.2£AUQ! Ulilill9.. U!i!!Q.. lUQUAUQ! OX03 'rE70X TBS411 T1!31X TE30X TE32X TE40X USO! £3E2 E382 B3P2 l!3N2 £3112 Bn2 £352 F-260 1'-190 IC" Address Lines NOTB •••• If the High Speed Scanner feature (230KB) is installed; £3P2 bas been deleted. The address in an input X'40' did not equal the address in an input X'42' byte 1, (this is a binary representation of the address). Register X'11' contains the line address of the scanner under test, X111 ERROR CARD LQ£AIIQ! FEALD PETS" ADDITIONAL £Qn~ fAli~!Q~ !!!iE!Q~ l'!!!QB~AIIQ! OXOl! E3Q2 l!3E2 TES2X TEl0X after the L1 requeet bit was reset, all error bits in input X'Q3'did not reset. bits should have been reset with an output X'43' with bite 0.1 and 145 on. Error Register X'11' contains the line address of the scanner under test; register X'14' contains the check register bits via an i~put X'43'; aegister X'15' contains the bits in error. ERROB CABO X117 FEUD £Q!!~ LQ£UIQ!! f!!i!!iQ .. 0.:05 E3L2 B3B2 B2H2 TE40X TE10X TP42X FETtlS U~E.!!Q .. ADDITIONAL ll!!Q!!~!UQl! P-270 F-190 After the L1 request bit was reset, all error bits in input X'42' did not reset. bits sbould have been reset via an output X'Q3' with bits 0.1 and 1.5 on. Error Register X'11' contains the line address of the scanner under test; Register X'14' cORtains the check register bits via an input X'4~'; lIegister X'lS' contains the bits in error,. 7.0.12 X370SIIU Type 3 Communication Scanner IPT o o o o o o o o o o IBK 3705 COKKOHICATIOMS CONTROLLEi 3 COftKOaICA~IO.s SCA.H~i If! SY"PTO~ IMPEX D99-3705E-09 ~TiE EBBOB CABO 1717 sgD) L2£AtI2! PEALD PETKK fAi!!2~ flil!2~ OX06 n70X 1'-270 113112 ADDITIONAL 1!12BAA%12! A level 1 ~nterrupt should have occurred for the line under test, because an output X'43' with bits 0.0 an4 1.5 vas issued. Ignore this stop and use the abort routine function (PUNCTION 6) if the service aid to aask L1 errors off is being used. aegister X'11' contains the line address ERBOR CARD PEALD sgR! k9SA1l2! EAi!!2L 1717 OX07 PETKK fAi!!2~ expecte~ to cause the interrupt. ADDITIONAL lUf2B!Al12U UE2 UR2 TE70X n26X P-190 1'-200 A level interrupt occurred froa an unexpected line address. Register X'11' contains the line address expecting the interrupt; register X'14' contains the line address causing tbe interrupt. X718 ICII Set and ab51793 a~et Tbis routine sets the diagnostic 80de bit via an output 1'43' with bit 0.6 on. Diagnostic aode peraits tbe progral to use the ICI as if they vere storage. Starting vitb the first line ad4ress and bit 0.0 ,of tbe ICW, all bits are set on using the applicable output instruction. Input instructions are used to verify tbat each bit did set properly. Tbe operation is repeatea until all ICI bits of all ICI ~ave been checked. The diagnostic progral starts vith the first line address and sets all the ICII bits off to ,erify that the ICI bits turn off correctly. ERBOB CARD o o o o o o 1718 PEAt 0 PETltK ADDITIONAL TB50X 'tU4X TE521 n70X TP201 U81X TP221 P-210 P-280 Input 44 Output 44, ICII 0.4 Bncode for str Input 42 or 43 bits ICII 0.7 ICII 0.7 ICII 0.0-7 ~1l1 L2gnQ! fli!U2", nliUQ", lUQlUIUlQl OXOl a3s2 E3D2 B302 B3E2 B2T2 E2B2 B2M2 BO'tE •••• If tbe 8igh Speed Scanner Peature (230KB) is installed: 13112 ('fE35X) is also a possible failing card,. One or sore bits vere set in the ICII byte 0 bits 0 tbrough 7 via an output x'44'. bits read via an Input 1'44' vere not equal to those set. The Hegister 1'19' contains the bits that were set via tbe output 1'4Q'. Register 1'18' contaiQs the bits expected in the Input 1'44'. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. Register X'11' contains the ICI line address under test. ERRoa CliO 1718 PEltO FET!!!! IDDITIOlllt U50X TP501 U80X TP421 U4U 'fP46X 'fP220 TP3U 'tP321 'lP3Q1 P-210 1'-290 Output 45 ICII 2.0, 2-Q ICII 2.0 ICII 2.4,2.5 ICII 2.0 ICII 2.1-3 CCO Tiae ICI 2.• 0 ICII 2.0 ICII 2.0-7 ~!ll la2Gln2! Ui!U!l", Uling,. 1ll!2B!lU191 0102 E3S2 B2J2 B2E2 E282 B2K2 E2L2 E2112 B202 1!2H2 £2U2 One or aore bits were set in tbe ICI byte 2 bits 0 through 7 via an output 1'45'. bits read fi, an Input X'45' vere not equal to those set. Type 3 Co •• unication Scanner IPT The 137058AA 7,.0.13 tJ IBft 3705 COKftUNICATIOHS CONTBOLLea TYPS 3 COMMUNICATIONS SCAHNBB 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX O!l9-37051!-09 Begister XI 19' contains the bits that were set via the output X'45'. aegister X'18' contains the bits expected in the Input X'45'. Register X'15' contains the hits in error. Register X'11' contains the ICM line addres~ under test. ERROR CARD £.Q~ X718 OX03 F1lAL~Il' FETtlK AODI':q:ONAL TE50X TE52X Tp60X Tp621 Tp50X Tp48X Tp40X TP811 Tp42X Tp44X Tp461 'rP821 Tp341 1'-210 1'-300 . \ 'i(} . J! dr'). J,,Q£AU,Q!! EAlllll!,Q.. !'AlilHiQ.. !!!!Ql!!!!U,Q!! l!3S2 B302 1!2C2 B202 B2J2 B2p2 B2G2 1!2B2 B2H2 B2K2 l!2L2 B2P2 B202 '0" i"j Output 116 Out Reg bus A~0-7 ICW 3.1 SOP 0-7 Output 46 aPCP bit 0 SOP field Porce constant to ,sop ICII 3.0-7 ICII 3.0-7 ICII 3.11,3,. '1 Output 46 force COllstant to SOP ,1--'1\ ily One or more bits vere set in the ICW byte 3 bits 0 through 7 via an output X'46'. bits read via an Input x'45' were not equal to those set. The lIegiBtet X'19' contains the hits that vere set v1ll the output X'46'. Regiltat' X'181 contains the bits expected in the lllput X'4S'. Register 1,,5' contain. the hits in error. Register 1'1" contains the ICM line address under test. BRROD CARD 1718 nUD PETKI! ADDITIONAL ~U I.51~WlUi UgUQ.. 2l.lillli21. Ul2BUn2~ OXOII B3S2 B2C2 B2B2 82V2 B282 821':2 B2L2 TE50X Tp60X Tp801 TP41X TPII2X Tp411X TP46X Output 46 ICM 4.0-, ICII 4.0 SOP 8. 9 ICII 11.0,11.1 ICII ICII 4.0,11., 1'-210 1'-300 '.., One or more bits vere set in the ICN byte II bits 0 through 1 via an output X'46'. ;ead via an Input X'II7' were not equal to those s e t . . . / ~he b~ts Register X'19' contains the bits that "ere set via the output X'1I6',. Register X'181 contains the bits expected in the Input X'1I7'. Register X'15' contains the hits in error. Register I'11' contains the lew line address under test. 1718 ERROR CARD pBALO FBTK" ADDITION~L Q,gni I..Q£AI!2! iA~!!,QL iA~~!QL !!l2R§A1IQ! OXOS TplI1X TBSOX Tf60X 82'12 l!3S2 l!2e2 One or more bits vere set in the lCW byte q bits 2 through 5 via an output X'47'. bits read via an Input X'47' were not equal to those set. ~be Register X'19' contains the bits that vere set via tbe output J'47'. Register X'18' contains the bits expected in the Input X'47',. Register 1'15' contains the bits ill error. Register 1'11' cofttains the ICW line address under test. BIUIOIi CARD £.Q1l1 !'.Q~AU.Q!! X718 OX 01 B3R2 B3S2 B2C2 82112 B2V2 FEALO FETII" ADDITIONAL 1'-210 f-310 lCIi 5.1 Output 4'1 ICII 11.7. 5.0-3 ICII 5.0-3 ICII 11.0-7 Hlil!!,Q:. fA!Hi!!,Q .. !!!l,QI!!!AU,Q! TE26X 'rESOX TP60X Tp31X TP41X One or more bits vere set in the lCW byte 4 bit 7 and byte 5 bits 0 through 3 via an output X'1I1'. The bits read via an Input 1'47' were not equal to those set. Register X'19' contains the bits that vere set via the output X'47'. Register X'18' contains the bits expected in the Input 1'47'. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. Register x,11' contains the ICa line address under test. 7.0.14 X3705HAA Type 3 Communication Scanner IPT (1 o o IBM l105 CONnUNICA~IONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 Co~"aNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYHPTOn INDEX o o ERROB CABO J.Q£UIlH!. FEALD f!!Ui!!Q .. FUn!! OX08 TP62X 'rP60X TP50X TPII8X TP81X TP80X TPII2I 'rPJlI T1'222 Tl'82X 'rPJ2X F-210 F-JOO ~U X118 o o ADDITIONAL !!!fQlHIU!QI! ICII ICII ICW ICII 5.5 5.11-1 5.6 S.1i NUl or %Par ICII 5.4 ICII 5.11-1 ICW 5.11-7 'fest lIode ICII 5.11 ICII 5.1 One or more bits vere set in the ICII byte 5 bits II through 1 via an output X'46'. bits read via an Input X'47' vere not equal to those set. The Register X'19' contains the bits that vere set via the output X'46'. Register X'18' contains the bits expected in the Input X'41'. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. Register X'11' contains the ICW line address under test. (). o E2D2 D2C2 l!2J2 l!2P2 E2B2 D2E2 B2H2 112112 E2N2 l!2P2 E2R2 f~UQ.. 099-3705B-09 ERROD CABO X718 l'BUD FETH!! ADDITIONAL k212A L2$;U12li EA!illiQ.. U!UilHl.. UfQUUlll1! OX 09 ICII 6.5-6 Input 48 ICIl 6.5 lCIl 7.0-1 Write bytes 6, 7 Input lie ICW 6.0-1 Set ICII 6.6 OLE ITB END E3L2 E3G2 E3D2 E3J2 E3K2 E3S2 E3P2 E2f2 Tl!40X n21X n34X TE22X TE24l1: TE50X TE20X 'ff1l88 10-230 F-320 NO'fE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KBI is installed: E3112 !TE35XI is also a possible failing card. One or more bits vere set in the ICII byte 6 bits 0 through 7 and byte 1 bits 0 through 7 via an output X'1I8'. The bits read via an Input X'IIS' were not e~ual to those set. o o o Register X' 19' contains the bits that were set via the output X'IIS'. Register X'1S' contains the bits expected in the Input X'48 1 • ~egister XI15' contains the bits in error. Register X'11' contains the ICW line address under test. X718 FBlLD FETII" #Q~!I!Q! l!~!!Q£ E!~!!Q.. OXOA E3P2 E3G2 TE20X TE21I 10-230 f-320 ADDITIONAL UlQUUl'\H! Qne or aore bits were set in the lCW byte 8 bits 0 through 1 and byte 9 bits 0 through 1 via an output X'49'. The bits read via an Input X'49' were not equal to those set. Register X'19' contains the bits that were set via the output X'49'. Register X'18' contains the bits expected in the Input X' 49',. Register X'lS' contains the bits in error. Register Xll1' contains the lCW line address under test. o o ERRoa ClaD ~n! X118 eRROD CABO PEALD FETMN ADDITIONAL ~n! LQ~I!Q! f!gJ!Q~ E!~!BQ£ l!fQB~!IIQ! OXOB E202 E2112 TP30X 1"-230 TP31X 10-320 One or more bits vere set in the ICW byte 10 bits 0 through 7 and byte 11 bits 0 through 1 via aq output X'4A', The bits read via an Input X'4A' were not equal to those set. o Register X'19' contains the bits that were set via the output X'4A'. Register X'18' ,contains the bits expected in the Input X'4A'. Register X'15~ contains the bits in error. Register Xll1" contains the ICW line address under test. ERROR CARD LQqTIQ! FEALD !!!§.!!H!.. PETIIM E!ll!!Q.. ADDITIONAL lUQJ!.!!!I!Q! OXOc TESOX TE311X TEll OX USOX U80X 10-240 10-3110 ICV 12.0-1 Output liE, ICII 12.0-1 ICI! 12.0-7, 13.0-7 lCIl 13.3, 1.0 lCII 13.0-1 ~n! X118 E3S2 E302 E3L2 E2J2 E2E2 Type 3 Comlunication Scanner 1FT X3105HAA 1.0.'5 il~' ,# ( "'" 'J lpn 3705 COKKUNICATIOlS CONTROLLER tlPB 3 COK~URICifIORS SCiMNER tFt S¥KfTOK INDEI l!2r2 l!2B2 l!2R2 112G2 112H2 l!2P2 l!2Y2 ICW ICII ICII ICII ICII ICII ICII TP481 uett tr321 tr401 fP421 nSlI n,.tt D99-31051-09 12.0-1, 13.2-5 13.3 13.1-3 13.0-7 13.3 13.0 12.0-7 NOT II •••• If tbe Higb speed Scanner Feature C230lB) i. installed: l!3a2 (TI351) i. also a possible failing card. One or sore bits vere set in the ICII byte 12 bits 0 tbrough 7 and byte 13 bits 0 through 7 .ia an output 1'41'. Tbe bits read ,ia an Input X'qB' vere not equal to those set. Register 1'19' contains tbe bits that were set via tbe output X'q£'. Register X'18' contains the bits expected in the Input 1'4£'. Register X'15' contains the bit. in error. Register X'11' contains the ICII line address under test. l!BBOR CABD X718 ,nALD Pl!T!lK ADDITIONAL U50X trSOI n201 flQaX 'rP221 tr211 'flS21 'fPl4X TU2X 'U311X r-240 r-350 Output qF ICII 14.5 ICII 14-0-7 ICII 15,.6 ICII 14,.0-7 ICII 15.0-1 ICII 111. 1 set ICII 14.',15.0-1 ICII 15.1 ICII 1q~ 2 ~RI LSmI!ll!, Uill!.9.. fASin2.&. lU!lUUl!l!1 OIOD 113S2 12B2 l!2T2 l!2F2 l!2M2 B2S2 l!21'2 B202 B2R2 B3D2 ItOTB •••• If tile 111gb Speed Scanner Feature (230118) 18 installed; (TIl51) is also a possible failing card. B3~2 One or sore bits vere set in the ICII byte " bits 0 tbrough 7 and byte 15 bits 0 through 7 via an output X'4P'. The bits read via an Input X'4P' vere not equal to tllose set. Register X'19' contains the bits that vere set via the output X'4F'. Register X'18' contains the bits expected in the Input 1'4p'. Register 1'15' contains the bits in error. Register X'11' contains the IC, line address under test. l!BBOR CABO PBALD FIITIIII l!lS2 B302 B2B2 B2r2 B2S2 l!2B2 B282 B2P2 B2112 T1!50X US21 nsol TP4S1 'rP21X na1X n42X n821 nl21 p-240 f-290 ADDITIONAL &QDI l,!lS!!lQl!, UiI!!!!.. U!!UQ£, lUQUUlQ.I! 17,a 010l! , ICII ICII ICII ICII ICII ICII ICII ICII JCII 16.0-7 16.2,3 16.4,5,7 16.4-'1 16.0-7 16.11-7 16.0,16., 16.0-1 16.0-7 One or more bits vere set in the ICII byte 16 bits 0 through 7 Yia an output X'45'. bits read via an Input X'q8' were not egual to tbose set. The Reqister X'19' contains tbe bits that vere set lia the output X'1I5'. aeqister X'18' contains tbe bits expected in the Input, X'48'. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. Register 1'11' contains the ICII line address under test. ERBOR CUD PEltD PET II II ADDITIONAL f &QU l,Q£AUQ! RW.I!Q£, 'u!!l!!!h. U!!lIUlAUQ! 1718 0121 E3S2 B3D2 11302 1I3B2 B2T2 11282 B2112 n50x Tl!3qx nS21 TB101 Tr201 nSl1 n221 r-210 r-280 \, Input 1111 output 114, ICII 0.4 Bncode for str Input 42 or ,,3 bits ICII 0.7 ICII 0.7 ICII 0.0-7 NOTB •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230118) is installed: B3H2 (TBl51) is also a possible failing card. One or more bits vere set in tbe ICII byte 0 bits 0 through 7 via an output X'44'. bits read via an Input 1'4q' were not egual ~o those set. 7.0.16 x3705BAA The Type 3 Co.sunication Scanner IrT o o o o o o o o c lEft l7QS COMMUHICA~IOHS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COftftUNICATIOH5 SCANNER 1FT SyaPTOH IHDEX Register X'19' contains the bits that vere set via the output X'44'. Register X'18' cOllta1ns tbe bits expected in the Input X' 44'.. Register XI 1S' contains the bits til e~ror. aegiste, X'11' contains the ICI line addre.s under te.t. 1718 EBBOD CAIID rEUD ~I!! M!l£AIl2JI iAlUllH! .. l!A1U1!1!.. lU2lU1aI12li OX22 E352 B2J2 B2E2 E282 B2\\:2 B2L2 E2N2 E2Q2 E2R2 B202 rE50X T1'501 T1'BO[ T1'421 TFII4X Tl'461 T1'220 TF34X TF321 T1.'301 Output 45 ICII 2.0, 2-4 rCIl 2.0 ICII 2.4,2.5 ICII 2.0 ICII 2.1-3 CCO Time ICII 2.0 ICII 2.0 ICII 2.0-1 The Register ['19' contains the bits that were set via the output X'1I5'. Register X'18' contains the bits expected in the Input ['45'. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. Register X'll' contains the ICII line address under test. BRROR CARD £gill l&! P array for each line address is checked that it can be set to all ones and reset to all zeros. Also, alternate bits are set in the array to check that no interaction between bits occurs. The array address are checked to see that they do not change because of input instructions. X120 ERROB CARD FEALD FET~~ ADDITIONAL QQ~! f!2~HQ£ fa2~!Q£ !!lQB~!I!9! TFII8X 'fElliX 'U50' F-110 F-2110 oxO 1 82F2 BlD2 8152 The array address is set to X'OOOO' and an output X'IIC' sets bits 0-10 in the input X'IIE' verifies that the ~DF array address aid not change because of the X'4C'. Register X'15' contains the bits in error and register X'13' contains expectea PDF array address. Register X'11' contains the ICW line address and X'18' contains the data set into the array. fl ERROR CARD 1720 FElLD PEn II &Q~nQH f!2UQ ... !!!U!!Q.. lUQB.l!!U9! OX02 E3S2 BlD2 83N2 E31'12 E2C2 82H2 82K2 E3L2 8JP2 82E2 82R2 TE50X TEJIIX TE30X TE32X TF60I Tl'II2X TFIIIIX TE40I TE31X T1'80X TF32X u array. An output the register ADDITIONAL ~~E o F-2110 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: E3P2 has been deleted. The POI' arrays are set with data and read to verify that the data set correctly. input data fro. the array using an input 1'4C' did not agree with the data set. The Register X'11' contains the ICW line address. Register X'15' contains the bits in error and register x'~a' contains the expected data. ERROR CABO l'EALD FETII~ 83112 E3P2 83112 83D2 82C2 821'2 TE30X TE31X TE32I TE34I TF60! TF48X F-210 ADDITIOIIAL QQllE &9£!!!Ql1 UliUQ .. U2.!B!Q:. !!!fQUUIQ! X720 OX03 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) E3P2 has been deleted. o o o o &Q~I!QH NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Peature 1230K~ is installed: BlM2 (TElSX) is also a possible failing card. 1 0 '0 o o o 1>99-3105B-09 INDEX ~s installed: After data was set into the array, the data is read to verify that the data set correctly. The data is read via an input X'44' i tile data read did not agree with the data set. Register X'11' contains the lew line address and register X'13' contains the expected PDF array data. Register X' 15' contains the bits in error. ERROll CARD 1120 fEALD FET~II ADDITIONAL ~IlE &Q£!!!Q!! U211!!Q .. fP&El1Q .. HfQ.!lllUH1! OX04 E3N2 B3P2 83112 E3D2 82c2 B21'2 TE30X TE31X TE32X TE34! TF60X T1'4SI 1'-330 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: E3P2 has been deleted. .Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT X3705HAA 7.• 0.67 IBK 3705 COKnUHlcATIOHS COHTROLLER ornE 3 COKKUHIClTIOHS SClHUR In SYIIl'TOII IIIDBX 099-3105£-09 After reading the data fro. the l'DP array via an input X'qq' and input X'4C', the array address is checked to verify that it did not change. Register X'11' contains the ICY line address and register X'13' contains the expected array address. Register X'1S' contains the address bits in error. X722 Array Addressing Test This routine sets the diagnostic aode bit (see routine 18 for description). Data is set into the array using the cycle steal address pointer (ICW bits 12.0-12.31 along with an output X'4D'. The data is X'11' for address " X'22' for address 2, etc. Address 0 has data of X'88'. The l'DP address pointer (ICW bits 12.4-12.71 is used with an input X'44' to read the data out of the array. ERBOR CnD 1722 PEltO PEUK ADDITIOUL ~!I LQkAUQl! iAilll!Q:, lA!i.ll!!!h. ll!lQUAlUll! 0101 E3S2 E3D2 E3"'2 El82 ElK2 E3Q2 B3L2 E282 E2P2 U501 TE34X P-330 Tun TElOI TU21 U521 UIIOI '£F22X TP82X nOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Peature (230KBI ia installed: ElP2 bas been deleted. The data read fro. the array using the PDP address did not agree with the data set into the array. Register 1'15' contains the bits in error and register X'18' contains in byte 1 the expected data. Byte 0 of register X'18' contains the PDP address used. ERBOa CARD X722 PEltO PET" II TE341 TE401 TE50X TE32X P-330 ADDITIOI'Al ~!21 LQ! ~ E3K2 l!3E2 l!3J2 l!3D2 l!3L2 ElQ2 PElLD FETIIII iA!i!!!'Q~ lAgEHQ~ TE211X 'U70x TE221 Tl!341 TEIiOr 'U52X P-360 II NOTE .... If the High speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: E3M2 (TE3511 is also a possible failing card. The data fetched into ICW PDP array on a cycle steal function, doe. not equal expected data. Register X'14' contains the byte nUlber in error. Register X'4C' contains actual byte in error. Register 1'15' contains bits in error. Expected data· 55667788991ABBCC. o o o o NOTE •••• If 8igh Speed Scanner Feature (230.4KBPS) is installed, the expected data pattern is 5566118899AABBCCDDEEFFt021324354. EBIlOD CARD £Q!lll 1.2£AIl2!! 17411 OX07 l!2B2 l!2R2 B2K2 B2J2 FEUD U!il!!!2.:. PET II I! f!!i!!iQ.:. na1X P-580 '-590 TP32X TF4/IX U501 The PCF/EPCF should be 5/0 with sequence bit t3.0 undefined. PCF/EPCF to 7/11~ The program set the Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERBOB CARD 17114 FEALD PET III! £Qn~ liQ!'cAUQI! fAgJ!!.g~ U!iE.l!Q.:. 0101'1 !!2D2 B2C2 E3112 l!3E2 ElH2 l!lJ2 l!3C2 EJD2 rF62X TF60X TE2fIX 'lE70X TE54X 'lE22X 'lE71X 'lE34X P-360 P-560 NOTE •••• If the lIigh Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. E3~2 Type 3 COllmunication Scanner IFT X3705HAA 7.0.83 c 099-370511-09 IDK 37115 CO""UNlcA'l'lONS CONTltoLLllR fYPE 3 COKKUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYdPTO" INUEX (. No 1.2 interrupt occurred. A 1.2 interrupt should bave occllrred withln 2UO/HSEC, following a cycle Steal store function of B test Bytos of Data (or 16 byt&s for IIi-Speed Scanner). The 1.2 interrupt should occur because tbe Byte Count. 0 and cycle Steal valid (input ~B Byte 0 Bit 5) are reset. XH~ ERROR CARD FEAt 0 £9R11 lJlS!ngl! U!illU,9L Ulll!IH1L OX08 82E2 82P2 831.2 TP80X TpqeX p-5S0 P-560 FET"" TB~OX A 1.2 interrupt was expected frail the receive line. The interrupt was from the wronq line. Register X'14' contains the address of the lino t.hat interrupted. Register X'll' contains the address of the line the interrupt vas expected froll. ERROB CABO I74~ FETIII! PEAL 0 s;Q!l! LQS!l!g!!. U\Ui!!.Q... f!gl!!Q... oxoe l!3K2 E3J2 8302 l!2D2 82H2 TE241 T1!22X fl!34X TP62X TPII2X F-~50 ( "- NO'll! •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: 83M2 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. / , \ .... - .' The data cycle stolen into the main storage on a cycle steal store function, does not equal the expected data. Register X'l~1 contains the address + 1 of tbe byte expected. Register X'16' contains address +1 of byte in error. Register X'15' contains bits in error. Expected data = 5566778899AABBCC. NOTE •••• If High Speed Scanner Feature (230.4KBPS) is installed, pattern is 5S66778B99AABBCCDDEEPF102132~35~. X7Q5 t~e expected data Cycle Steal from and~ to main Storage on 'Odd Byte Boundary -- Odd Byte Count LCD=C EBCDIC Not EP BSC This routine verifies that cycle steal hardware moves data correctly from aain storage into ICW PDP array_ After cycle stealing data frail storage, the routine moves data from ICW PDP array into main storage (7 bytes), and (15 bytes for High Speed Scanner). Cycle steal test data --- X'S5' - X'5B' (SC - 63 for High Speed Scanner) Diag 0=1 for both lines. ERROB CARD X7QS PElLD FETIII! s;Q~~ LQ!:!UQ!!' U!iJ!!g... Ug!!!g.. 0101 E3P2 B3R2 E2J2 E2D2 TE20X TE26X TPSOX TF62X ,c P-220 F-S50 "( A set mode interrupt failed on the transmit line (address in Register X'll'). Register X'lS' to determine the cause of tbe error. Register X'15' 0001 0002 0003 EBROR CARD X7Q5 Display Description PElLD s;Q~~ I.Q!:!:nQ!{ ~!'il!!Q ... OX02 E3F2 E2D2 1!2J2 E3R2 TE20X TP62X TFSOX TE26X \.. ( No set mode 1.2 occurred. Interrupt froll wrong line - register X'14' not equal to register X'11'. peed back check error. \ ;7 \ FEUII fAgl!!!g .. r F-220 F-5S0 \. A set lode interrupt failed on the receive line (address in Register X'11'). Regieter X'15' to determino the cause of the error. Register X'lS' ,,c l Display :( \l Description ( 7.0.811 X370SHU Type 3 Communication Scanner IFT ( (~' " () o () o o o leH 3705 CO~~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COH~UHlcATIONS SCANNBP 1FT SYHPTOH INDEX 0001 0002 0003 ERROR CARD nqs FET!!!! OX03 E2c2 8282 E2J2 B2R2 TF60X T1'81X F-580 1'-600 TFSOX TP32X Refer to 8SC Transmit Begister X ' 15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.q-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR CABO FEUD FET!!!! ~!lll !.Q£AUQI! UQ!.!iQ .. ~A~II!iQ .. OX04 B3H2 E2E2 E2P2 E3L2 1'-550 F-560 TE54X T1'80X nqax TE40X No L2 interrupt occurred. A L2 interrupt should have occurred following a cycle steal transfer of 7 bytes of data from main storage to an lCIi PDF array. (fetch). The interrupt should have occurred from byte count ~ 0 and cycle steal valid reset (input Q4. Byte O. Bit 5) ERROR CARD X7Q5 PEAtD ~!lll I.Q£A!IQI! ~A!n;!iQ 0105 E2E2 E2P2 E3L2 T1'80X TF48X TEQOX FET!!!! .. f!!H!.!iQ.. 1'-550 1'-560 A L2 interrupt vas expected from the transmit line. The interrupt was from the wrong line. Register X' 14' contains the address of the line that interrupted. Register X'II' contains the address of the line the interrupt vas expected from. o ERROR CARD 1745 FEALD FET!!n £QJ!II I.Q£AUQI! R!!i]!iQ .. UlH;~Q.. OX06 E3J2 E3K2 E2c2 E2E2 E2P2 E2H2 F-360 o o o PEUD !'Q£U!QIi U!i]liQ ... U!HI.!iQ.. The PCF/EPCF sbould be 9/0 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 1. o o o [ No set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - register X' lq' not equal to register X'11'. Feedback check error. ~!lll o 1l99-3705E-09 TE22X TE24X TF60X T1'80X TpQaI TPQ2X The Data Petched into the ICW PDF Array on a cycle Steal Petch function. does not equal the expected data. Register X'14' contains the Byte number in error. Register X'4C' contains actual byte in Error. Register X'15' contains Bits in Error. Expected Data = 55. 56,57, 58, 59. 5A, 5B (also 5C - 63 for Hi-Speed Scanner). ERROR CilRD X745 fEUD FET!!!! ~!lg !'Q~!!IQ.!i U!l].!iQ" ~AQII.!!Q OX 07 E2K2 E2R2 E2B2 E2J2 T1'4U Tl'32X TP8tX TP50X 1'-580 1'-590 .. The PCF/EPCF should be 7/4 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. to 7/Q. The program set the ~CF/EPCF e Register X'15' contains tho incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), soquonce bit (bit 1.0). ERROR CARD !l!Hl~ LQl;.6UQIi Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT X370511AA 7.0.85 IBII 3705 COUUHICATlONS CONTROLLER TYPS l COIIIIUNICATIONS SCANMER 1FT SYIIPTOII INPEI X7115 OIOA 113J2 113K2 112112 112P2 I13L2 'rE22X T112'" Tr801 TP"81 'rE401 P99-3105E-09 P-550 P-560 80 L2 interrupt occurred. A L2 interrupt sbould have occurred wit bin 280/IISEC following a Cycle Steal store function of 7 test data bytes. The L2 interrupt sbould have occurred from Byte Count Q 0 and Cycle Steal valid reset (input 411, Byte 0, Bit 5) • IIBROD ClBP PIIALD PUIIII OIOB TP801 TFII81 'lE1i01 P-550 F-560 mDI !'QS!I!!1! fA!!!!!!l .. U!!!!!!.:. 1745 11282 82P2 83L2 A L2 interrupt was expected from tbe receive line. The interrupt was from the wrong line. Register 1'14' contains the address of tbe line that interrupted. Register 1'11' contains the ~d4ress \of tbe line th? in~e,rrup~ was ezpected from. I" - , 8BDOR CARD X7115 saDI ~!OWS!! OXOC 83K2 B2C2 B282 B2P2 B282 PEUD U!i!!2.. fA!!!!!!!.:. 'U211X P-1I50 TP60X U80' 'fF1I81 Tr421 PETIII! Tbe data cycle stolen into the main storage on a cycle steal store function does not equal the ezpected data. Be9ister X'111' contains Byte Humber in Error. Register X'16' contains Addr +1 at Byte in error. Register X'15' contains Bits in Brror. Bzpected Data· 55, 56,57, 58, 59, SA, 5B lalso 5C - 63 tor Hi-Speed scanner). X746 SDLC Transmit Test • LCD"1 EP This routine test state transitions and acsociated functions for SOP shifting, PAD insertion, Plag insertion, PDP to SOP shifting, BCC insertions, and line turn around. Tbe line is functioning in SDLC Non-NDZI mode witb tbe PAD before Line Turn (ICW bit 15.6) bit on, DTS Turn control (ICW bit 13.2) bit off, and Line Turn after transmission (ICW bit 15.7) bit on. Diag 0=1 for tbe transmit line. Receive not used. cycle steal is used. IIDDOD CARD 17"6 saD! PEUD PETIII! I.Q~AUQ!! U!!!l!9.. fA!i!!i!1.. OX01 113P2 B382 E2J2 B2D2 TE20X 'lE26X 'lF50X TF62X P-220 P-550 A set mode interrupt failed on the transmit line (address in Degister X'11'1. Register X'15' to determine the cause oe the error. Reg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 X7116 Display Description No set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt fro. wroDg line - Reg X'1Q' not equal to Reg X'11'. Peedback check error. ERROD CARD ~.!!! 1Q~!I!Q! PEUD fA!!!!iQ .. fA!!!l!Q~ 0102 E2C2 B2B2 B2J2 82112 B2K2 'fF60X TP8U TF50X TF32X TP411l P-580 P-600 t ~.J FET"II The PCP/EPCP should be 9/0 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 21. Defer to SDLC Transmit lIegister X'1S' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.11-0.7). sequence bit (bit 1.01. 7.0.86 X3705HAA Type 3 Communication Scanner IPT o o o o o o o o o I6H 3105 COKHUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TY~E 3 COH"UN1CATIONS SCANNER 1fT SY~~TO" INDEX ERROR CARD FETIIII !'Q~!UQi! fAg!i!Q... f!!Ul!l2:. OX03 E282 B2C2 B282 B3J2 U8lX TF601 TF42X 'lE22X 1'-440 The transmit line SOP should contain 1'0155', X' 15'. (bits 0.6-1.11. ERROR CARD x746 FEALD FET!!!! ~!!tl !'Q£AIIQl! Uli!!Q.. Uli!l!Q .. OXOII E3F2 11282 B2C2 B282 B3J2 TE201 T1'B1X T1'GOX TF42X TE221 The incorrect SOP data 1s contained in 1'-4110 The SOp is not shifting properly. The Sop is monitore4 for II X'0043' (~AD shifted one bitl tor approxintely 1 mSGe. Register X'1S', (bits O.~-'.71 contains the SDp value at time out. BRROR CARD FEUD FETIIII £Q!!tl !'Q9IIQl! f!!!UQ.:. f!li!!!Q .. 17116 [ o FEALD ~!!§ 099- 3705E-09 OX05 E282 E2J2 B2C2 B2l'2 B2R2 B2K2 T1'BlX T1'50X TF60X TnSI Tl'32X Tl'441 1'-580 1'-600 The ~C1'/8PCF should be 9/2 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 1. Register X'lS' contains the incorrect bit (bit 1.01 '" ERROR CARD 0116 FEAt 0 (bits 0.0-0.3), EpCP (bits 0.4-0.71, sequence PET!!!! ~!!! !.Q£!IIill! U!z!!Q .. Uli!!!2.:. OX06 E282 E202 l!21'2 E2E2 E2K2 Tl'8lX TP311X T1'481 TpBOX Tp44X ~Cl' 1'-440 The Transmit line SOP should contain X'017E',. 1'15'. (bits 0.6-1.7). EIiROR CARD ][746 FEAt 0 l'ETII!! TE54X TF811 U50X TF44X 1'-580 1'-590 ~lltl !'Q£illQ!! H!z!!Q,. fAll!!!Q .. Ox 07 8382 82B2 E2J2 E2K2 The incorrect SOl' data is cOlltained in The PCl'/EPC1' should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition lS. o o e Register 1'15' contains the incorrect bit (bit 1.01. EBROR CABO X746 pEAtD pcr Refer to SDLC Transmit (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCl' (bits 0.q-0.7), sequ~nce PET!!!! ~ll!l !'Q£!UQ!! f!!i!!!Q .. fAlltl!!.2 .. OX08 E3R2 E3S2 B2D2 E2C2 B2E2 E282 E2V2 TE26X TESOX Tl'62X TP60I nBOI TPII2I Tl'lIlX Refer to SDLC Transmit 1'-220 Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT X370S8AA 7.0.87 (l J8K 3105 COK"O"laA~IONS COHTRO~LBR TYPB 3 COKftOBXCATIOHS SCAHNEB 1fT STKPTOK IHDBt D99-310SB-09 () The display register vas checked for IftIT and RTS to be on in Data Out 1-7, and NEW SYNC and SEND DATA to be off. Register 1'15' contains bits in error (D.3-XftIT, D.II-HEW SINC, D.S-RTS and D.6-SE8D DATA). Register X'll' is the line under test. X1116 BaROR CARD FEUD mill loQ£AUQI E!~Q£ 0lD9 U81X TPIl8X TP60X TPII2X TE22X 'U341 B2B2 82P2 82C2 82H2 83J2 8302 FETII" f!li!!!!k f-III1G HaTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: E3H2 (TE3SI) is also a possible failing card. The Transait line SDF should contain 1'0101'.. X'lS', (hits 0.6-1.1). The incorrect SDP data is contained in .f,\ I ERROR CARD IJ!£AUQ'!! PEUD fA!!!,!!!;!:. FETU fA!!U!k DXDA TF821 'US2X TE26X TPII2I F-2110 ~!ll 11116 E2P2 8302 B3B2 B2H2 ' .. ICW bit 16.0 should be off. ICW bit 16.0 should only be set if the PCF is I'B': this routine runs vith PCF egual to X'9'. Refer to SDLC Transmit state transition 15. ERROR CABD nll6 !;QDI I.Q~A.u!H! FEUD filinQ .. UTilI! U!i.lU!!k OX08 E2B2 E2L2 82112 E2P2 E202 E3D2 U8n TFII61 TF31X TP821 TP301 TE3111 F-III10 F-230 HOTE •••• If the Higb Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: E3N2 (TE3SX) is also a possible failing card. The BCC (input X'IIA') should have been reset and accumulation made on the first character. The expected value of the BCC vas X'E1Pl'. Reset and/or BCC accumulation could be at fault. Begister X'lS' contains the bits in error. Register X'11' is the line under test. EB BO B CARD X1116 l'EAtD FETIII! ~QI J.Q!;UIQlt U!l1O!!Q.. USilillQ.. OX 11 E2B2 12C2 12H2 E3J2 E3D2 n8l1 TP60X TFII21 TE22x TE311X F-III10 NOTE •••• If tbe High Speed Scanner Feature (23DKB) i8 installed: 13M2 (TI3SXI 11 allo a possible failin9 card. The transmit line SDF should contain X'0103'. X'15 ' • (bi ts 0 .• 6- 1 .7) • EsaOB CUD £gIll! J,QWIQ.!! X7116 OX12 12B2 12E2 12112 B2P2 1302 12K2 12J2 1202 7.0.88 X370SHU lEUD The incorrect SDr data is contained in FETIII! iAlil!l!tQ.. Uli.l!!!Q£ TP81X TF80X TF32X 'rFIIBX TElII' TFII4X TP50l[ TF311X F-580 F-S90 F-510 ( Type 3 Co••unication Scanner 1FT ;/ o o o o o o o o o o IBM 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTBOLLEB TYPI 3 conMUNICATIONS SCANNI. 1FT SyaPTOn INDEX D99-3105E-09 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230K81 is installed: E312 (TE351) is also a possible failing car~. The PCP/EPCP should be 9/6 with sequence bit 13.0 on. transition 11. Befer to SDLC Trans.it state Begister X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCF (bits 0._-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). EBBOB CABO FEUD FETall k2!21 1o!!IOAU2!! 1A1i1!!!!.. iA§J!l2£ 17_6 0113 ~E2L2 B282 12C2 I2H2 !lol2 E2P2 1302 Tn61 usn T1601 F-UO 'fP~21 n221 orrBlI 'U3U BOTB ••• * If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230K81 is installed: B382 (TB351) is also a possible failing card. ~he Trans.it line SOP should contain 1'15', (bits 0.6-1.1). EBBOB CABO FEUD !OQU L!!gn2J! UW!!.. X1116 0114 B2E2 B2B2 B2ol2 1f2B2 E2K2 UBOX TFBlI U50X n32X .,lF44 I l'010~'. The incorrect SOP data is contained in nUK .f!Ii!!~ P-580 P-590 P-510 I The PCP/EPCP should be 9/6 with sequence bit 13.0 off. transition 16. ,', [ 1,: Begister X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0._-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.01. '; o o o o o o o Be fer to SDLC Trans.it state EBBOB CABO X746 FEUD FETKII 102U lo!!~Wg! UIiU!!.. US)!!!.. aXIs E2L2 B2B2 B2C2 E2112 E3J2 E2P2 E3D2 n4U n8n n60X n42X 'U22X n821 TE341 F-_40 NOTE *.*. If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230K8) 1s installed: B3N2 (TE351) is also a possible failing card. The trans.it line SDP should contain 1'0124'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.1). EBBOB CABO FEUD FETIIII OX 16 TF34X Tl'BlI n441 Tl'32X TF501 n82X F-580 F-590 Tbe incorrect SOP data is contained in !OQ!2! LQ!OU!!l! UIi!!!!!.. RAUBQ.. 1746 E2Q2 B2B2 E2K2 E282 E2J2 E2P2 The PCP/EPCF should be 9/5 with seguence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 22. Refer to SDLC Transmit Begister X'1S' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). EBROB CABO FEAtD FETRII QQDB i!IiJ!!!~ fag!BQ .. !Q~!IIQ! Type 3 Co •• unication Scanner IFT X3705HU 7.0.8~ I~K 370S COMMUNICATIONS CONTBOLLED TYPE 3 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX X7~6 OX 17 l!2B2 B2C2 112U2 B3J2 TFS1X U60X UQ2X 'rE22X PEAt 0 l "( . J F-~40 The Transmit line SOP should contain X'017E'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). ERROR CARD 099-370SE-09 Tbe incol:roct SOP data 18 contained in FETIIII £SIIlE Io!l9UQ!! U!lU!l.. fA!lll!l.Q.. X7~6 OX 1S E2E2 E2B2 l!2J2 112112 E2K2 USOX US1X Tl'SOX TF321 TP4QX F-SSO P-S90 P-S70 The PCF/EPCF shou14 be 9/7 with sequence bit 13.0 off. transition 9. X1116 OX19 B2B2 E2C2 E2Q2 112P2 FEALO FETIIII US1X Tl'60X TP34X TFS2X F-440 y 0.~-0.1), sequence U!ll!!H!a. UgE!!Q.. Tbe transmit line SOP sbould contain X'OlPF'. X'1S', (bits 0.6-1.7\. ERROR CARD '~, Refel: to SOLC Transmit stnte Registel: X'lS' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCP (bits bit (bit 1.0). ElUIOR CUD Q2Dl\ !'Q~U!Ql! /( 't PEALO Tbe incorrect SOP data is contained in FET II II £SI1ll L!l9UQl! UglU!l2.. Eagll!Hh. 1746 0120 B2J2 B282 B2K2 112C2 112H2 112B2 B2B2 TPSOX TPS1X U44X TF60X TP42X USOX TF32X P-S60 F-600 PCF/EPCP shoula be 5/0 with sequence bit 13.0 unaefinea. state transition 17. The Befer to SOLC Transmit Register X'lS' contains the incol:l:ect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3). EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERRoa CUD 1746 PEALO FETMI! ~QIlE J.Q~!n2li UlU,!!Q .. fAgE!!Q.. 0121 B202 E2C2 112B2 B2H2 TF62X TF60X TFaOX TF42X F-220 The display I:egistel: was checked for RTS off in Data Out 1-7. EaROR CARD x746 FEAtD FETIIM TF60X F-550 £SIIlE 1&~AI!Q!! fAgll!!Q .. fA!l,f;!!Q ... OX22 B2E2 B21'2 B3L2 TEllO X TP~6X A L2 interrupt was expected from the transmit line. Refer to SOLC tl:ansmit state 17. Bither, the in\el:rupt did not occur (Register X'14' equal zero), or the intel:tupt was 1 from tbe Hong'line (Register X'1 1' not equal Ilegister 11 ). X" ERROR CAaD PEALO FETIIM ~Il~ E!Q]!!Q~ f!g,f;HQ~ ~Q~AIIQ~ ( 7. O. 90 13705 HAl Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT ( II "'. , ' .P ,',~"_J, ,(. t, o o o o IB! 3705 COKftONICATIOHS CONTROLLBR 3 COaBUBICATIOHS 9CABHIR 1FT SyftPrOft IMDEX X146 0123 o o o o o o o o U22X Trsox TP4SX TB34X 'fF3U TF82X F-160 F-210 F-240 The status Rosted in the transmit line ICW vas expected to be X'0403'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. lIeg X'lS' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.1 o rlJ 1I2N2 1I2E2 1I2F2 1I3D2 1I2Q2 1I2P2 NOTB •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (2301S) is installed: 11312 (TB3SX) is also a possible failing card. o o o p99- 310SE- 09 ~rpB IRBOR CUD 1146 Description ICI Sits Abort Detect roraat Exception Char over/Under run Data Check BSC bad PiD flag BOB Leading OLE Brror Length Check ICI byte 15 !;;Unl J.Q£!lIQl! U!i!lU!... EAU!!Q.. PElLD PBTU 0124 TF41X F-210 112'2 1I2C2 B2P2 TP601 US21 0.0 14.1 0.2 14.3 1/1.11 0.5 14.6 14.7 15.0~7 ICI bit 4.5 should have been set on. ERROR ClBO FElLD OX25 U221 TrSOI Befer to SOLC transmit state 17. ~ETBft !C2!!1 r..2g.nQl! EA!i!l!Q.. EA!i!!Q.. 17116 B2N2 1212 Input X'4E' was used to check the message count (ICN bits 13.6-13.1) for reset. Begister X'15' bits 1.5 and 1.6 indicate the bits in error. Befer to SOLC Transmit state transition 17. ERROR CABO X146 PEUO FETR! ~1Hl r.Q9UQ! i!!i!l!Q.. lli.ID!Q.. OX 26 1I2C2 E2B2 E2B2 1I3L2 B21'2 !F60X F-210 !1'22X !FSU TE40X TF4al Input 1'41' was used to check the ones counter (ICN bits 4.2-4.4. 4.7. and 5_0) for reset. Register X'15' bits 0.2-0.4. 0.7. and 1.0 contain the bits in error. Befer to SDLC Transmit state transition 17. 1747 SOLC Transmit Test • 2 LCO=l liP ].QgI!!~ !!!~£gIf!!Q! Tbis routine tests state transitions and associated functions with the line in SOLC HB~I mode. and with the PAD Before Line Turn (ICW bit 15.6) bit off. Line Turn after transmit (ICW bit 15.7) bit on, RTS Turn Control (leW bit 13.2) bit on. and 11IN SIH (PCl' Q 1 and B). Diag 0=1 for Transmit line. Receive not used. Cycle steal is used. EBBOB CABO X747 PElLO FEU II ~I!I J.!!S!I!Ql! i!!i!!Q\L EAliUQ.. 0101 1I3P2 1!:3R2 B2J2 B2D2 TE20X 'lB26X U50X TF621 F-220 P-550 Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT X310SUAA 1.0.91 ( )\ .. , IBM 3105 COK"UNIC~TIONS CONTROLLER TiPE 3 COMHON~CATIONS SCANNeR 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX D99-1705E-09 A set mode interrupt failed on the transmit line (address in Register X"l'). Register X'15' to determine the cause of the error. !eg X'15' 0001 0002 Display f Description "()Ii No set 1110110 1.2 occurred. Interrupt frolll wrong line - Reg X'll1' not equal to Reg X'11'. Feedback check error. 0003 ERROR CASD PEAtD FETH" 'U60X ' TF811 TE211X TF32t TFIi4X r-580 1'-600 £QQ§ !'Q£U!Q!! UJH;j!!Q ... £!!i]l!Q... X7q7 OX02 1l2C2 B2B2 E3K2 82R2 E2K2 The PCF/EPCF should be B/O with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 2Q. Refer to SDLC Transmit Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCI' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPcr (bits 0.11-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROS CARD FEUD PETMI! £2l!§ LQ£bI!Ql! U!i]!!Q ... U!i199- 3 7 O.5E- 0 9 Bithe. the PDP ar.ay pointers (ICM byte 12) are not correct (the expected value is X'56') or sequence bit 1 (ICW bit 13.1) is not on. o~ the .essage count (ICW bits 13.6 and 13.7) are not as expected. (The expected lIessage count is 13.6 off and 13.7 on). Refer to SDLC Receive state transition 23. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. Regi'ter X",' 1s the line under test. o o o CONTROLLER COM~UNICAT10NS TYPE 3 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYftPTOft INDEX ERROR CARD ' X74F l'EALD FETIIII TP81X TF80X TP4BX TP22X TFSOX F-520 ~!!! r.Q!;aUQ!!' U!lUQ.. UQ!!!.Q... OX 12 E2B2 E2E2 E2P2 E2N2 l!2S2 The last entry in the PDF is not equal to X' 40B' (control, EOII, leading graphics and L2 pending). negister X' 15' (bits 0.5-1.7) contatns the bH/s in error.' o Register X' 11' con tains the address of the line under test. ERROR CARD X1l11' PEALD FETMM ~!!! !.Q£UIQ!!. U!i!!!.Q .. fA9.!;I!Q", ox 13 E2E2 E2P2 E3L2 o TI'80X TN8! TE40X 1'-560 A L2 interrupt was expected from the receive line~ Either, the interrupt did not occur (Register X'14' equal zero), or the interrupt was from the wrong line (AQ9ister X'14' not equal Register X"l'). Refer to SDLC receive state 33. ERROR CARD PEALD FETHII £QIl! 1Q£AIIQ!!' U!il;!!.Q.. faQ!!!'Q", X7l11' Ox 14 E2N2 E2B2 E2E2 E2P2 E202 TP22X TF81X TI'80X TN8lt TF34X 1'-160 1'-210 F-240 The status posted in the receive line lCW was expected to be X'0500'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. neg X'lS' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Description Abort Detect Format Exception Char Over/Under run Data Check BSC bad PAD flag 0.• 5 tOll 0.6 Leading OLE Error Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT lCW Bits 0.0 14. 1 0.2 14.3 14.4 0.5 14.6 X3705HAA 7.0.125 IBK 3705 COftftUKlClfIONS COHTRO~~ER TY'. 3 COftftOBlCATlOHS SClRHER I'T SYK'TOft lRDEX 0.7 1.0-1.7 I7I1F Length Check lCIi byte 15 BBBOR CABO FEALD ~U I.2~An2! fA!UiIi2 .. fAiJOli2.. 0115 B2C2 B282 B2K2 B2R2 B2J:l 'U60X USU TP4qx U321 U501 14.7 15.0-7 'ITIIII '-580 '-600 / The ~r/EPC' should be 7/3 with state transition 22, 23 and 17. se~uence bit 13.0 undefined. Refer to SDLC Receiwe -" Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.. 0-0.3), EPcr (bits 0.11-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR ClRD 174r FEUD 'ETIIII TF81X TFII4X U321 TP501 '-590 '-580 ~Q! LQs!I1Q!I 2A!iU2.. U!iJ!!Q.. OX 16 E282 12K2 E2R2 E2J2 The PCP/BPCP should be 7/5 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 28. ;, • • Refer to SDLC Receive h ~. ' Register X'1S'; contains the incortect pcr (biis 0.. 0-0.3), EPcr (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0).' ERROD CABD X74F FEAt 0 FETSII ~121 li2~nQ! U!iJl!Q.. Ulil!lQ.. OX 17 E2B2 E2E2 B2r2 E2M2 B2S2 U8n Tl"801 TP4SX !I'221 TF50X '-520 '. ! The last entry in the PDF is not equal to 1'509' (control, abort detect, EOK and L2 pending). Register 1'15' (bits 0.5-1.7) contains the bit/s in error. Register X'11' contains the address of the line under test. X71U' ERROR CARD l'EUD unll ~!!~ J.Q~AUQl! UliE!!Q.. fA~U;!lQ... OX 18 1!282 B2K2 1!2R2 E2J2 TPSa UII4X TP321 TPSOX p-600 l"-580 The PCl"/EPCl" should be 7/3 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 37, 22, 23 and 17. Refer to SDLC Receive Register X'1S' contains the incorrect PCl" (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), seguence bit (bit 1.01. ERROR CARD £QQl I.,2£illQ!I X74' OX19 E3L2 B2B2 B2N2 E2F2 l'EUD rETSil f!!Ull!Q .. Uli!!Q... TE40X U8n T'221 TP48X F-380 F-390 p-510 Either the PDP array pointers (ICII byte 12 - input X'4E') are incorrect, (the value of byte 12 was X'AC') or the message count (ICY bits 13.6 and 13.7) are expected. (The expected message count is 13.6 off and 13.7 on) or seguence 1 is not on. Register X'15' contains the bits in error. Register X'11' is the test. expected not as (ICY 13.1) line under / 1. 0.126 1370S8AA Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT o o o o 181 3105 COKftUHIC1TIOBS CO.TaOLLER TY~E 3 COftftDHIClTIORS SClNNE* 1FT SY"~TO! IHDEI ERROR cnD PEAtD FETIIII OX20 Tr601 F-SSO 1'-600 D99-3105E-09 SQIUI LQ!;W2! . ElIiUQ .. Ulill!g... nllp o o o 82C2 82B2 82K2 82R2 82"2 usn Trqlll U321 '11'501 The ~CF/E~CP should be 5/0 vith sequence bit 13.0 undetined. state transition 9. Refer to SDLC Receive Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), 8PCP (bits 0.4-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1.01_ ERROR CARD .BALD PETIIII SQ!! 1I2S ' Tbe status posted in the receive line ICN was expected to be X'ODOO'. The status bits in error are in Register X' 15'. Req X'15' Bits 0.0 O. , 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.0-,.1 EBBOB CABO s:2Q! It!lS:AU2!! 1750 OX 111 l!2112 B2P2 83K2 ERROR CABO 1750 Description ICW Bits Abort Detect 0.0 por.at Bxception 14. 1 Cbar Over/UndeF run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 asc bad PAD flag 14.4 EOII 0.5 Leading OLE Error 14.6 Length Check 14.1 15.0-1 ICW byte '5 FEUD PETII!! EA~!!!L E!!!!!Q.:. TP221 TF821 TE2U F-230 FEUD PET II II £QQ! lI!!S:All!!!! U~!!!JI. U!!!.!!!!.. OX15 82B2 E2K2 E2R2 B2.12 US11 TF411X TF32X U50l F-590 F-580 Tbe PCF/EPCF sbould be 114 witb sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 22, 23, 44, 45, and 49. Refer to SDLC Receive Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCP (bits 0.4-0.71, sequence bit (bit t.O). 1750 BRROB CARD I.2!;AUQlt F1iUO ~U U!iJlt~ U!!IB.!h OX16 B2B2 B2K2 8282 82.12 nS1X TFIIIIX TPl2X TP50X F-600 ,-580 PET II II The PCP/EP~F should be 6/1 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 42. Befer to SDLC Beceive Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERBOD CABO 1750 ~U l.Q!aIlQ!! OX 11 E2E2 82F2 E3L2 7.0.134 X3705HAA FEUD PB Til II TrSOX TFII8X TEIIOX F-560 U!!!!Q.. lAg};!Q.. Type l Communication Scanner 1FT o o o rBM 3705 COM~UNICATlaNS CO~TROLLEB 3 CO~~UNICATIONS SCANNEa 1FT SYMPTOM INPEX o o o A L2 interrupt vas expected fro~ the receive line. Either, the interrupt did not occur (Register X'14' equal zero), or the interrupt vas from the wrong line (aeyister X'14' not equal Register X'11'). Refer to SEI,C receive state 42. X150 ERROR CARD FEUD FETIIM £Q.!H; ~£~!!!Q!! U;i!501 TEJ4X 1'-600 1'-580 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: l!3N2 (TEJ51) is also a possible failing card. The PCF/EPCF should be 1/3 with sequence state transition 10. b~t 13.0 und~fined. Refer to SDLC Receive Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EpCF (bits 0.4-0.11, sequence bit (bit 1.0). 1751 ERROR CARD FEUD 1'RTMM ~~!l§ !!!g~lIg:. Ug~!Q .. !F1I8X Tl'221 TF81X TEqOX TE341 1'-380 1'-390 1'-510 OX09 .. I.Q~~!!QIi 821'2 E2N2 E2B2 E3L2 E3D2 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: E3N2 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. Ei ther the PDF array pointers were not set to 1'1'1" or the message cOUllt was not 13.6 off and 13.7 on, or 13.1 was not on. negister X'15' contains the bits in error; byte 0 is the PDF array pointers, byte 1, bit 1 is sequence bit 1 and byte 1, bits 1.6-1.7 are the message count. If the Hi Speed Scanner Feature (230KBI is installed, bits 1.4 lind '.5 are the extended PDF pointer bits. Reter to SDLC receive state transition 10. 1751 ERROR CARD !;;Q!lll LQ£AUQlI FEALD !!Ml.!l!Hh. FETMM UglD!£l.. OX 10 !F81X TFqqX TF32X TF501 F-600 1'-580 E2B2 E2K2 E2B2 E2.,2 The PCF/EPCF should be 7/3 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. Receiving non-fldg and non-idle characters cause the scanner to remain in state 1/3. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PC!' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPe!' (bits 0.q-O.7), sequence bit (bit 1.01. 1751 ERROB CARD FE~LD FETMM £QQ~ LQ£!UQ!f !!A!H;lIQ.. UQl;!fQ.. OXll E2B2 E2K2 7.0.138 X3705HAA 1'-590 1'-580 Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT I0 J!, I 0 ~ w I 0 IBK 3105 COHHUNlcATIOMS CONTROLLER 3 COH"UN~CAT~OHS SCANNER 1FT SYHPTOH INDEX TY~E 82R2 E2J2 0 Refer to SDLC Receive Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), 8PCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). 0 0 0 0 0; ERROR CARD X751 nAtO UTIIII ~I!: L!2~UI2li U2U2 .. EIIUtlQ.. OX 12 82B2 E2K2 82R2 l!2J2 E3D2 Tl"81X Tl"44X TPJ2lC TP50X TE34I P-590 P-580 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: 83N2 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. The PCF/EPCF should be 7/q with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 48, 23, qq, 45, and Q9. Refer to SDLC Receive Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EpCF (bits 0.4-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROB CARD X751 ~I!g I.Q~UI!Hf FEALD f!m1!fQ... OX13 ll2B2 ll2K2 1!2R2 1!2J2 83D2 TF811 Tl"44 X TF32X TF50X TE34X G FETII!! Ulill.!Hl.. F-580 F-590 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: 1!3H2 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. 'I', 0 0:' 0 TPSOX The PCF/EPCP should be 7/5 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 28. 0 " TP32X The PCF/EPCF should be 7/5 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 35. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1.0). X751 EaROR CARD FEUD FETIIII ~I!g I.Q~U!Q!! !i!!~1 ICW bit 15.3 off ~o program requested interrupt on line idle detect or flag) functions. Diag 0=1 for both lines. Diag 1=1 for transmit line. cycle steal is used. ERROR CARD X753 PEALD FETIIII ~!l~ 1Q~!UQ!! U!lll!!Q... nQUQ... OXOl E3p2 E2D2 E2J2 E3R2 TE20! TP621 Tp50X TE26X F-220 p-550 A set mode interrupt failed on the receive line (address in Register X'll'). Register X'15' to determine the cause of the error. Re 9 X' 15' 0001 0002 0003 ERROR CABO 1753 Descripti on No set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - Reg 1'14' not equal to Reg X'11'. Feedback check error. PEALO FErIlM ~Q!lEl LQ~!UQ!! UQ]!!.Q.. fUElllQ .... OX02 E3p2 E2D2 B2J2 E3R2 TE20X Tl'62X TF50X F-220 F-550 TE26X A set mode interrupt failed on the translllit line (address in Register X'11'). Register X'lS' to determine the cause of the error. Beg X'15' 0001 0002 7,.0.146' X370SHAA Display Display Description No set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - Reg X'14' Type 3 COlllmunication Scanner IFT o o o 1811 3105 COIIIIUII1CATIO"S CONTROLI,Eft TYPE 3 COIIIION1CATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYIIPTOII INDEX o not equal to Reg X'11'. Peedback check error. 0003 ERROR CARD 1753 PEUD FETIIII £.Q!!~ l&£lliQ.!i U!i!.!iQ .. U9nQ", OX03 11282 B2K2 E2B2 E2J2 o D99-3'/05E-09 U61X TP4q[ TP32X TFSO[ F-560 F-S90 The PCP/EPCP should be 7/7 with sequence bit 13.0 undefintld,. state transition 3, 22, 23, 44. 45, 49, 29, and 11. Refer to SDLC Receive Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31. EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7). sequence bit (bit 1.0). o o o r.u o o o ERROR CARD 1753 PElLD PET III! £.Qn~ LQ!cAIIQ!! U9fj!!Q .. ~A!i!l!Q", OX04 ll2B2 E2K2 22R2 22J2 F-580 F-590 'rP8U TFIIIII U32X USOX The PCF/EPCP should be 7/7 vith sequence bit 13,0 undefined. Refer to SDLC Receive state transition 11. Received idle and data cbaracters witb lCW bit 15.3 off; state should not cbange. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCl' (bits 0.• 11-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1.0). X754 SDLC Receive Test f 9 LCD=l EP !QY!!!!~ ~fj~£R!fl!Ql! This routine tests the follolling conditions when a flag is received il\ PCI'/EPCF state 6/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off; (1) information frame/CRC good, (2) inforlllltion frame/CRC bad, (3) non- infonation fralle/CRC good, and (41 non-information frame/CRC bad. Diag 0=1 for both lines. Diag 1=1 for transmit line. Cycle steal is used. ERROR CARD £.Q!!!l IoQ!:.AUQ.!i X754 OXOI 23P2 E2D2 E2J2 23B2 PEUD U!il!!Q .. TE20X TP62X TI'SOX TE26X FE Til I! U~l!Q~ F-220 1'-550 A set mode interrupt failed on the receive line (address in Register X'11'1. Register X'1S' to deterlline the cause ef tbe error. neg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 x754 Description No set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt fro. wrong line - Reg X'14' not equal to Reg X'11'. Peed back check error. ERROR CARD FEUD FETIII! £.Q!l~ IoQ~A!!Q!i U!i!.!iQ .. ~A!i!!!Q OX02 E3P2 22D2 E2J2 E3R2 TE20X TP62X TF50X TE26X F-220 F-SSO .. A set mode interrupt failed on the transmit line (ad~ress in Register X'11',. Register X'lS' to determine the Cause of the error. Reg X'lS' 0001 0002 0003 Display Display Description No set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - Reg X'14' not equal to Reg X'11'. Peed back check error. 'rype 3 Communication Scanner 1PT X370snAA 1.0.147 leN 3105 CO""U~IC1TIONS CONTROLLER 3 COKKUKICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYK~TOK INDEX TY~E EBBOB CARD x7511 £QnJ l'EALD I.~:UQ!! U!i!!!.Q.. Ug}!;!!!!.:. PET"" OX03 E2B2 11302 1I2J2 1I2B2 E2R2 E2K2 TP80X TE54X Tl'501 U811 TP321 TFII4I P-580 F-590 F-570 ) ) The ~P/B~CP sholild be 6/11 with seqllence bit 13.0 off. transition 3. 22, 23, 1111, and liS. Begister X'15' contains the incorrect bit (bit 1.0). EBROR CARD ~U 1754 01011 PEltO ~P Befer to SDLC Receive state '\ (bits 0.0-0.3). E~CF (bits 0.4-0.7). seqllence / FETKII LQSAn2!!. Ugli.!!.2.. fAgEI!Q.. E2~2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 ll2J2 TP82X Tl'811 TPIIIIX TFl21 TP50X P-500 F-590 The ~CP/EPCP sholild be 7/5 with segllence bit 13.0 Ilndefined. state transition 311. Refer to SOLC Beceive Begister X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3). BPCF (bits 0.11-0.7), seqllence bit (bit 1. a) • BRBOR CARD s;Ql!! I.QSAU2.1i 11511 OX05 E2B2 ll2F2 ll3t2 PEAt 0 FET!!" U80X TFIIOX TEIIOI P-560 U!i!!!g.. UgnQ:. A L2 interrllpt was expected from the receive line. Either, the interrllpt did not occllr (Register ,X' 14' eqllal zero). or the interrllpt vas fro. the wrong line (Register X'111' not egllal Register X'll'). Refer to SDLe ReceiYe state transition 34. EBBOR CARD £QU LQ!;;!nQ!! X754 0106 E2N2 E2B2 E2E2 E2P2 E2Q2 FEltD PETII" TP22x TP811 TF801 TP"81 TP311X 1-160 P-210 P-2110 U!i!!!Qa. UgE!!!.. The stat liS posted in the receive line lew vas expected to be 1'01100'. 'lhe statlls bits in error are in Register 1'15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1..7 ERBOR CARD £Q!!! 1Q!;;!UQ.Ii 1754 0107 E2B2 E2B2 B2K2 E2B2 E2J2 Description ICIl Bits 0.0 Abort Detect PorBat Bxception 111. 1 Char OverlUnder rlln 0.2 Data Check 111.3 BSC bad PAD flag '''.11 0.5 BO" Leading DLB Error 111.6 Length Check 14.7 ICII byte 15 15.0-7 PEAt 0 FETIII! TP801 TP8U TP""I TPUX TP50X 1-580 Ug}!;!!Q.. ,ngl!!Q:. P-590 P-570 \ ) 1.0.1118 X3705HAA Type 3 CO ••llnication Scanner 1FT • o o o o o o IBft 3705 eOftNUNICATIOWS CONTBO~LEB TY~B 3 COftNUHICATIOHS SCAHNER 1FT SYMPTOK INDEX The PCF/EPCF should be 6/4 with transition q8, 23, 4q, and 45. bit 13.0 off. Refer to SDLC Receive state Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), EPcr (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR CARD FEAt 0 FETIIII !<2!!1 lIQQHQJ! U!ilI!Q:a. n!i!!IQ.,. X7511 0108 o o o se~uence D99-37052-09 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 U81X TFIIIIX Tr32X U50X F-580 r-590 The PCF/EPCF should be 7/5 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 36. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), bit (bit 1.0). EBROR CARD X7511 QQaJ *9~QB OX09 E2E2 E2F2 BlL2 FEALD ~pcr Reter to SDLC Receive (bits 0.4-0.7), .e~oence FETIIM EAiIIQ.. fA!!!!!Q:a, F-560 A L2 interrupt was expected fro. the receive line. Bither, the interrupt did not occor (Re~ister X'14' egual zero), or the interrupt was frol the wrong line (Begist9t X'14' e~ual Register XI 11'). Befer to SDte Receive state transition 36. 0' not ERBOR CUD 17511 FEAtD FET"" IO!lDI LQIOUI!lB U!ilIQ.. !1!i.§.I!Q.. OXOA E2112 E282 E2E2 E2r2 E202 TF22X U81X TF80X U4aX Tr34X r-160 F-2'0 F-2110 The status posted in the receive line ICI was expected to be X'1400'. The status bits in error are in Begister X'15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 o ERBOR CABO X7511 Description ICI Bits Abort Detect 0.0 roreat Exception 14. 1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check '11.3 BSC bad PAD flag 14.4 BOil 0.5 Leading OLE Error 14.6 Length check 14.7 lCIi byte 15 15.0-7 FEAt 0 FETIII! Tr80X Tr81X UQ/IX Tr32X Tr60X F,.570 F-580 F-590 £211fl LQ£!llQl! U!ilIQ:, ElU!!2... OXOB E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 The PCF/EPCf should be 6/11 with transition 48, 23, 411, and 115. se~uence bit 13.0 off. Befer to SDLC Beceive sta~e Register x',5' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), BPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). 1754 ERROR CARD FBALD FETftft QQR! ~g~!!Q! fA!i!!!Q~ f!!!!l!Q:a, OXOC E2C2 B2B2 TF60X 'USlI F-580 F-590 Type 3 Co ••unication Scanner 1FT IeH 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER T¥PE 3 COHMUNICATIONS SC~HNEQ 1FT SYMPTO~ INDEX E2K2 B2R2 E2J2 D99-3105E-09 TF44X TF32X U50X The PCF/EPCF should be 7/5 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 51 and 52. Refer to SDLC Receive Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.11-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR CARD 1754 J.QQIIQll. FEUD FETtItI t;;Q!!~ ~A!ilill.Q ... Ugl!!Q ... OXOO E2E2 E2P2 E3L2 TF80X nllex TE40X F-560 A L2 interrupt vas expected from the receive line. Eithor, the interrupt did not occur (Register X'14' equal zero), or the interrupt was from the wrong line (Register X',II' not equal Register X'11'1. Refer to SOLC Receive state transition 52. ERROR CARD PEALD FETKII OXOE TF22X U8n TFBOX TF48X TF3q[ F-160 F-210 F-2110 £Q!!!l !Qt;;U!Qll. Ug.llliQ... fAg];!,!Q ... x754 E2N2 E2B2 E2E2 E2F2 B202 The status posted in the receive line ICW vas expected to be X'0400'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 O. 1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1. 0-1.7 ERROR CARD x154 Oeser iption ICW Bits A bort Detect 0.0 Format Exception 14. 1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 BSC bad PAD flaq 111.4 EO!! 0.5 Leading OLE Error 14.6 Length Check 111.7 15.0-1 leW byte 15 FEAt 0 FET!!tI ~!!.l! I&t;;U!Qll. U!HI!,!Q ... fAg];!!Q .. OXOI' E2E2 l!2B2 E2K2 B2R2 E2J2 TF80X TF8U TPIIU TI'321 TI'501 F-570 F-580 1'-590 The Pcr/EPCF sbould be 6/4 witti'S'lquence b'it 1:3.0 off. transition 48.~23, 411, and 45. . Refer to SDLa Receive state Register X' 15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCl' (bits 0,.4-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1. 0) • ER90R CARD X154 FEALD FETIIM t;;Q!!~ LQ!:;UI2ll. ~,A!ilill.Q ... fAg];ll.Q .. OX 10 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 B2J2 TI'81X TI'II4X n32X TP50X F-580 1'-590 The PCP/EPCP should be 1/5 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 51 and 54. Refer to SDLC Receive Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.11-0.1). sequence bit (bit 1.0) .• 1.0.150 X3705HAA Type 3 Comaunication Scanner 1FT o o o o IBH 3705 COMKUNICATIO.S CONTROLLER TIPB 3 CO""UNIC1TIoas SClNMER ERROR ClRD 1754 FE1LD IF~ FET"M QaQ! LQSAl1Q! f!2!!Q~ f!SE!Q~ OX 11 U80X !P4BI fEllOI 1'-560 E2E2 E2P2 E3L2 D99- 3705E-09 SXMPTOft INDEX A L2 interrupt was expected fro. the receive line. Either, the interrupt did not OcoUr (Register 1'14' equal zero), or the interrupt was fro. the wrong line (Register X'14' not equal Register X'11'). Refer to SDLC Receive state transition 54. o ERtlO B CARD X754 FEAt 0 ~QQE ,LQ£WQ! fA!.Ui!Q .. OX12 E2N2 E2B2 B2B2 l!2P2 B2Q2 o TP221 U8n U801 !P1I81 TP3U FETII" fAgll!Q~ 1'-160 1'-210 F-240 The status posted in the receive line ICW was expected to be X'1400'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. o o Reg 1'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 O.S 0.6 0.7 ICII Bits Abort Detect 0.0 Por_at Exception 14. 1 Char Oyer/Onder run 0.2 Data Check 111.3 BSC bad PAD fla9 14. II BOil 0.5 Leading OLE Error 14.6 14.7 Length Check , 5. 0-7 ICII byte 15 1.0-'~7 X755 Descrip~ion SOLC POF1 Pointer Back-up Test Transait LCD=C Recei ye LCO=9 Not EP This routine checks that the PDF array pointer is dreceaented correctly when a valid fraae is not detected. Dia9 0=1 for both lines. Trans.it PCF=E/O. cycle steal is used. BRROR CUD PElLD FETU 0101 'rE201 'rP621 TPSOI 'rE261 P-220 P-550 £QQ§ LQWIQl! Uil!lIQ... lAUl!Q... o o X755 BJP2 B2D2 B2J2 B3R2 A set .ode interrupt failed on the receiYe line (address in Register 1'11'). Register 1'15' to deter.ine the cause of the error. Beg 1'15' 0001 0002 0003 Display Description No set .ode L2 occurred. Interrupt fro. wrong line - Beg X'111' not egual to Beg X'11'. Feedback check error. ERROR CARD FEAtD FBTH" E3P2 E2D2 E2J2 E3R2 TE20X TF62X U501 TE261 F-220 P-550 £QQ! I.Q£UIQ!! U!l.UQ.. f!g.l!l!Q ... 1755 OX02 A set .ode interrupt failed on the transmit line (address in Register X'11'1. Register X"S' to determine the cause of the error. Beg X'15' 0001 0002 Display Description No set lode L2 occurred. Interrupt fro. wrong line - Reg 1'14' not egual to Reg X'11'. Type 3 Co •• unication Scanner 1FT XJ705HAA 7.0.151 IBII 3705 COllftUHICATIONS CONTROLLBR TYPB 3 eOftnUNIc~TIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX 0003 D99-3105B-09 Feedback check error. "'-, BRROR CARD X755 nUD FET!ln 'rP81X TF60X TF42X TE22X F-520 ~ll!! !eQ£WlU! 'uliJ,lt.9.. UlilliQ.. , .J' OX03 112B2 112C2 82H2 .83012 The receive line SOP should contain X'017F'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.1). ) The incorrect SDP data is contained in '., j BRROR CARD PBUD FETIIII Ql12!! J.Q£UIQ! R!!il!Q~ ,Ulil1!Q.. OX04 TF81X TF60X 'rF42X T822X F-520 112B2 112C2 B2H2 83012 The receive SDF did not shift properly or the wrap function did not work correctly. rontine is checking for an Abort in the receive SDF. IIRROR C1RD Qllll tQ£!IIQ! X155 0105 82C2 E3D2 82F2 FEALD The FETIIII f!gl!Q~ f!lilliQ .. 'rP60X T.3U TrlleX F-380 p-390 ROTE •••• If the High speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: B3M2 (TE35X) is also a possi~le failing card. PD.F array pointers, ICII byte 12 - input X'IIB' (also input X'41' for HS5), are incorrect. Register X' 111' (bits 0.11-0.7) contains the expected ulue. Register X'15' (bits 0.4-0.7) contains the bit/s in error. Befer to SDLC Receive state transition 4. par US5 extended PDP ptr bit is contained in bit 1.5 of Register 14 and 15. ERROR CARD X755 PBALD PETlln TP8U TF44X TP32X U50X F-580 P-600 ~.!!l 1Qs;!llQ.l! Ulil!.9.. nlil!Q.. OX06 82B2 B21t2 82R2 E2012 The PCP/EPCF should be 5/0 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. Program forced state 6/2, 13.0 off before this test. Refer to SDLC Receive state transition 4. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bi t (b it ,. 0) • 8RROR C1BD X755 PE1LD PETnll Qllll LQ£!IIQI f!lilliQ.. f!lil!i~ OX 07 P-380 P-390 8302 E2p2 E2C2 'rE34X UII8X TF60X NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Peature (230KB) is installed: 83M2 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. PDP array ~ointers. lCII byte 12 - input X'4E' (also input X'41' for H55). are incorrect. Register X'14' (bits 0.4-0.7) contains the expected value. Register X'15' (bits 0.4-0.7) contains the bit/s in error. Refer to SDLC Receive state transition 6. For H55 extended PDP ptr bit is contained in bit 1.5 of Register 14 and 15. ERROR CARD X755 PEUD 1'ETIIII U81X Tl'44X Tl'32X U50X 1'-580 1'-600 Ql~E J.Sl£!.t!Q! EAWSl", f!l!lllQ", oxoa 8282 E2K2 E2R2 82012 / 7.0.152 X37058,.,. Type 3 Communication Scanne~ 1FT o o o IB" 3705 COft~UNICATIO"S CONTIOLLEB TtP! 3 COftftUNICAfIONS SCANNER IPT SY"PTOa IHDEX 099- 3705£- 09 The PCF/EPCF should be 5/0 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. Prograa forced state 6/3, '3.0 off before this thest. Befer to SDLC Beceive state transition 6. Begister X'ls' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0._-0.7), sequence bi t (bit 1.0). . ERROB CABO o X7ss FEALD FETftl! ~l!~ I&SU!Q!! U!!!!Q,. U~!!Q.. OX 09 B2P2 B3D2 B2C2 P-380 P-390 'lPII8X Tl!311X TP60X nOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (23018) is installed: E3M2 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. o o o PDP array pointers, ICV byte 12 - input 1'4E' (also input X'41' for HSS), are incorrect. Register X'14' (bits 0./i-0.7) contains the expected value. Begister X'15' (bits 0.11-0.7) contains the bit/s in error. Befer to SDLC Beceive state transition 8. Por nss extended PDP ptr bit 1s contained in bit 1.5 or Register '" and 15. ERROB CARD 1755 PElLD PEUII ~l!~ 102SU!Q! nil!!! .. n!H'!!!.. OXOA E282 E212 E2R2 E2J2 TP811 nll4X T!'32X TP50X P-580 P-600 The PCP/EPCP should be 5/0 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. prograa Porced state 6/4, 13.0 off before this test. Befer to SDLC Receive state transition 8. ' G Begister X'15' con tains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bi ts 0.11-0.• 7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • •1 ERROR CARD S2n J.QCATIQ!! ~,< I X75s OXOB E2P2 E3D2 E2C2 PEUD PETIII! TPII8X TE34X U60X P-380 P-390 UiI!!!',!.. fA!!!!!Q .. BOTE •••• If the High speed Scanner Peature (23018) is installed: 83M2 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. PDP array pointers, ICV byte 12 - input X'IIE' (also input X'II" for ass), are incorrect. Begister x"II' (bits 0.4-0.7) contaiDs the expected value. Begister X"S' (bits 0.4-0.7) contains the bit/s in error. Befer to SDLC Beceive state transition 7. Por HSS extended PDP ptr bit is contained in bit ,.5 of Register ,,, and 15. ERROB CABO S21l1 loQ~m2! X755 OIOC E282 E2112 B2B2 B2J2 PEUD PET II I! UiI!!!h iA~l!!QL TP811 TPII4X TP32X P-580 F-600 U501 The PCP/EPCP should be 5/0 with segQence bit 13.0 undefined. Progtaa forced state 6/_, '3~0 on before this test. Befer to SDLC Receive state transition 7. Begister X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0._-0.7), seqQence bit (bit 1.0). X755 B880B CARD PElLD FBTIII! S2U !'QSAI!Q!! U~!!!Q .. U!!!!!Q.. OX 00 TE311X n48X TP60X P-380 P-390 B3D2 E2P2 E2C2 HOTE •••• If the High speed Scanner Peature (23018) is installed: B382 ('1'E351) is also a possible failing card. PDP array pointers, ICW byte 12 - inpQt I'IIE' (also input 1'41' for H5S), are incorrect. Register X'1Q' (bits 0.4-0.7) contains the expected value. Begister X'15' (bits Type 3 Coa.unication Scanner IPT X3705au 7 .• 0.153 . IBK 3105 COKKaNIC~TIO.S CONTROLLER Tt~S 3 COllftUNICATIONS SCARRER 1fT SynPTOII INPEX O.~-O.l) contains the bit/s in error. Refer to SnLC Receive state transition 8. .or ass extended PDP ptr bit is contained in bit 1.5 of Register 1q and 15. 1755 ERROR CUD PEUD ~n I&!OUIQl! 21gj/1tQ.. fl!Hl!!Q .. OXOE B282 B2K2 B2R2 £2J2 na1X nQ4X Tl'32X TP50X fETK!! f-580 f-600 The PCP/BPCP should be 5/0 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. Program forced state 13.0 off before this test. Refer to SDLC Receive state transition 8. 6/~, Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), BPt. (bits 0.Q-0.7), sequence bit (b it 1. 0) • X156 SDLC Zero Bit Insertion Test LCD=9 Hot liP This routine checks "that tile SDI,C transmit line, ins~rts zero bits correctly. The transmit and receiVe lines have D'.iag 0'" (scanner"wrapj and 1lhe J;eceive line has Diag .If.1 (PCf/lPCf"l/C). cycle steal is used.~ EBBoa CUD !.QgUQ!! 'BALD fill!!lh. PETK!! USill!!Q .. 0101 TE20X TE26X Tl'62X T'50X F-220 '-550 !02IH, X756 B31'2 33R2 E2D2 B2J2 A set mode interrupt failed on the receive line (address in Register X'11'). Register X'15' to determine the cause cf the error. Reg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 x756 Description NO set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt froll wrong line - Reg X'14' not equal to Reg X'11', Peedback check error. ERROR CARD !OQ!lll J,Q5;UIQ!! FEAtD USill!!lh. Ox02 TE20X TE26lt T1'50X T1'62X E3'2 £3R2 B2J2 E2D2 PETKII 2a!!1l1lQ.. f-220 1-550 A set lIode interrupt failed on the transmit line (address in Register X""I. Register X'15'"to determine the cause of the error. aeg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 Display Description Ho set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt fro. wrong line - Reg X'14' not equal to Reg X'11'. Feedback check error. EBBOB CARD x156 Display FEALD !OQJl~ !'Q!OU!Q!! fA~l!Q .. 0103 E21'2 E2E2 B3L2 Tl'Q8X TrBOX nQ6X PETIIII nSiUQ.:. 1'-550 1-560 A L2 interrupt was expected from the receive line. Bither, tho interrupt did not occur (Register X'1Q' equal zero), or the interrupt was fro. the wrong line (Register 1'14' not equal Register X'11'). ERROB CUD 'BALD !OQ!l~ ~l!ilO!!Q .. 1.0.15~ LQ!nQ.I! X16" 0121 E2B2 11202 1121'2 FEUD PETIIM US1X TFlU !'PS2X F-210 U!!!.I!Q.. Ulil!!Q... ICII bit 5." should hue been set off. X165 BSC Transmit Test; Not BP, Transparent !QYIlll! LCo-C BBCDIC ~1£!!1!!12J This routine checks transparent operation and various conditions of control characters in the data stream. Data chain on with and without the last byte being a control character, and a control character in data with and without the byte count ~ G are tested. The transmit line uses Diag 0-1 (scanner "rapl. Ileceive functions sre not used. cycle steal 1s used. ERBOII CABO £QU J&lSOnIQ! x165 OXOl ElF2 B2D2 E2J2 UR2 FEUD PET II II TE20X T'P62X U501 TE2ljX F-220 F-55r. fA!!l!!9.. fA!i!liQ.. A set mode in~errupt failed on the transmit line (address in Register X'11'1. Register X'15' to determine the cause of the error. lIeg 1'15' Display Description () 1.0.1S0 X3105HH Type 3 communication Scanner 1FT c o o o Ie~ 3705 CO~IIONICATlOIiS COUROLLER TYPE 3 COIIIIONICATIORS SCAN"ER IF"r 5JIIP'lOn INDEX o o o o o o o 0001 0002 0003 110 set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - Reg not equal to Reg X'11'. Peed back check error. BIlROB CABD X765 ~.l!ll lo9SAlIQ!t UTIIII PEALP UIUI1H!... .EAiUQ.. OX02 E2J2 B2B2 B2K2 B2R2 U50X TP8U 'lP4QX TPl2X o o o o o o o o P-580 P-600 Refer to BSC Transmit Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCP Cbits 0.0-0.31, BPCP (bits 0.4-0.71. sequence bit (bit 1.01. ERROB CUD L2£Ul!l!t ~~I 1765 0103 B3K2 B2B2 B2C2 B282 E3J2 PElLD UTIIII 'U2U TPS1X TP601 TPfl2X 'U22X P-Q10 P-Q20 UgJIHI... nglJ!Q,. The transmit line SOP should contain X'0110'. Register X'lS', (bits 0.6-1.71. 1765 PEUO PETIIII USOX U81X TP4U TP321 USOX p-S10 P-580 P-S90 ~1!11 lo9£U!Q! UgU!l... fAill!!l .. OX04 B2B2 B282 B2K2 B2R2 B2J2 The incorrect SOP date is contained in The PCP/BPCF should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. transition 50. Befer to BSC Transmit state Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, BPCP (bits 0.4-0.7" bit (bit 1.01. BBIlOIl ClilD 1765 PBlLD PETIIII US1X TP601 TP421 'U221 P-410 P-420 £!!.~! .QS1UQ! flgU!l .. UggQ... 0105 B2B2 B2C2 B282 BJJ2 The transmit line SOP should contain X'0102'. Ilegister X'15', (bits 0.6-1.7) • EIlIlOR CAllD £QI!! I.9£AUQ! 1765 OX06 B2B2 B2J2 B2B2 B2B2 B2K2 B2Q2 PBUD sequence The incorrect SOP data is contained in rET1I1I iUUQ.. Uglll!Q.. T1'32X Tl'50X Tl'SOX '!PS1X TP4U TP34X p-5S0 1'-510 1'- 590 The PCP/BPCP should be 914 with sequence bit 13.0 on. trallsition 64. Refer to BSC Transmit state Ilsgister X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), BPCF (bits 0.4-0.71, sequence hi t (bit 1.01. BBROR CABO PEALO ~~§ ilQllHQ4 f!g!!Q ... LQ~AIIQH PB~II" Type 3 Co •• unication Scanner 1FT o X'l~' The PCP/EPCP should be 9/3 with sequence bit '3.0 undefined. state transition " 2, 3, 4, 5 and 49. BRIlOIl CUD o 1)99-3105E-OII 131058U 1. 0.181 o lea 3705 COKKUNICATloKS CONTBOLL!R TYPB 3 COKBUNICATIOHS SCANNBB lrt SYfteTOft INDBX 1765 OX07 l!2B2 l!2C2 B282 B3J2 TP81X TP60X TPII21 TB22X D99-3705B-09 P-/jIO P-1I20 The transmit line SDP should contain 1'0110'. Begister X'15'. (bits 0.6-1.7). EIlRoa CUD PEAtD PEUK OX08 TP80X TP81X TP/iql TP32X '!P50X P-570 ,-580 r-590 The incorrect SDP data is contained in £2lll! 12SU!Q!! 2WllQ... RAW2... 1765 E2E2 1I2B2 1I2K2 B2R2 E2J2 The PCP/EPCr should be 9/1i with transition 66. seq~ence bit 13.0 off. lIefer to esc o o Transmit state Register X'15' contains the incorrect fcr (bits 0.0-0.3). EPC? Cbits 0.1i-0.7), sequence bit Cbit ,.0). EBBoa CABD PEALD PET"" £2ll! 12SAll!2!! 2A§J!!9... lAg)!!!2... 1765 OX09 B2B2 TP81X P-II10 1I2P2 TP821 ,-1120 B2C2 'U601 B282 UII21 U221 B3J2 The transmit line SDr should contain 1'0110'. llegister 1'15', (bits 0.6-1.1). naoa CABD 1765 PBAtD PETIIB U821 '!P8U TpfjliX TP321 '!P501 P-580 f-590 ~Q§ LQS;UIQI Uilillll... UgUQ... OXOl 1I2P2 1I2B2 B2K2 B2B2 B2J2 The incorrect SDP d4ta is contained in The Pcr/BPCP should he 9/8 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. state transition 73. Befer to BSC Transmit Begister X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3). BPCP (bits 0.11-0.7). sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERlIOB CABD PEAtD PETU OXOB U81l U601 Tl'421 U22X P-II10 P-/j20 £2ll! 12SAI!!2l! n!l!l!!9... U!l)!!!2.:. 1765 B2B2 B2C2 B282 B3J2 The transmit line SDl' should contain X'0110'. Register X' 15'. (bits 0.6-'.71 • BRROB CABD £2lll! X765 01 DC LQS!~!!2!! B2E2 E2B2 82K2 82R2 B2J2 PEALD The incorrect SDP data is contained in PETK" f!§J!!9... fAQ!I!!!2.:. TrOOI TP81X '!P/j4X TP32X TP50X ,/ I\". F-570 F-S80 p-590 Tbe PCP/EPcr should be 9//j with sequence bit 13.0 off. transi tion 48. lie fer to 8SC Transmit state Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3). EPCF ,bits 0.11-0.1). sequence bit (bit 1.01. 7.D..182 lt37QSUTIA Type 3 communication Scanner 1PT o o o o ~BK 310' CO""Q"ICA~IOHS CGH~pOLLEB TYPB 3 CO""ONICiTIONS SCANHBR IF~ SY"PTO" IIOBX BRROR ClBO £Q.U J,Q£!llQ! 1765 o o o o o oXoo E2B2 B2C2 B2H2 B3J2 X765 F-420 F~II10 PEALO FET"I! !!2J!2£ fAiJ!!Q ... OXOE Tr801 'ln8X TEIIOX E2B2 B2F2 B3L2 The incorrect SOF data is contained in P-550 F-560 An L2 interrupt vas expected fros the transsit line. Either. the interrupt did not occur (Register X'111' equal zero). or the interrupt vaa fros the vrong line (Register X'14' not equal Begister X'11'). ERROR CARD £Q.I!! L!l!;!ll2.!! 1765 OXOP B282 B2C2 B2H2 E3J2 FElL 0 U!!!!Q... TF81X 'fF60X 'fF42X 'lB22X FETIIII fWl!2... F-II10 F-1I20 'lhe trans.it line SOP should contain X'0103'. Register X'15'. (bits 0.6-1.71~ x765 o o TF81X TF60X TFII2X TE22X BRBOR CARD J,2£!1!Q! QQRI BRROB CARD o· FE TIl I! n!i1!.!!Q... The transsit line SOF should contain X'0132'. Register X'15'. (~its 0.6-1.7). o o o o o o FEALO U!!!!!Q£ FEUD PH"" ~RI LilWl!lJl iAli.llil& UUIl!l.:. OX10 B4!E2 B2B2 lI21'\2 lI2R2 B2J2 TP80X U81X TPIIU 'lP32X !p50X 'lhe incorrect SOP data is contained in F~570 p-580 l'-590 The PCP/EPCF should be 9111 vith sequence bit 13.0 off. transition 60. Refer to BSC Trans.it state Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.11-0.7). sequence bit (bit ,.01. ERROR CUD £Q.I!! LQ£!llQl! X765 OX11 B2B2 B2C2 B282 B3J2 nuo U!!!!!Q ... FE'l"" nglU!2.:. TP81X U60X TFII2X 'lB221 F-II10 P-II20 The transait line SOP should contain X'0126',. Register X'15'. (bits 0.6-1.71. BRROB ClBD FEAt 0 T~e incorrect SOP data is contained in FBTIIl'! QQ1!! !'Q!;AUQl! fA!illl!Q.. iAgng... X765 OX12 B2E2 B2B2 B2K2 B2R2 B2J2 TF80X 'U81X 'lFIiU 'r'P321 USOX F-570 F-580 F-590 The PCF/EPCF should be 9111 vith sequence bit 13.0 off. transition' 60. Refer to BSC 'lrans.it state Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31. BPCP (bits 0.11-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.01. BRROR CARD !;QQE ~!lCA;XQl! PEALD FETI!" ~!2!l!2... Elg!!Q~ 'lype 3 Co.munication SQanner IP~' X3705HAA 7.0.183 (J f), ~j' 1811 3705 COKIIUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TUB 3 COlIlIUllICATIONS ~CAllN,.BR Il'ot ~YKl'TOII, x765 Ox 13 B2B2 B21'2 131.2 TI'80X TI'1I8X TBIiOl ..:'!"~") U ~N~~1C, 1'-550 1'-560 An 1.2 interrupt 11111' expEJcttld troll the transllit linu. \Iithor, tile intorrupt did not occur (Register X'111' equal zero), or the interrupt vas from the wrong line (Register X'111' not equal Begister X",'). X765 EaROR CARD I'EALD I'ETIIII ~Qa~ ~Q~IIQ! ~AgE!Q& E!gEBQ~ OX 111 E2B2 B2C2 B282 B3J2 Tl'81I T1'60X Tl'II2X n22X 1'-410 1'-420 The transmit line SOl' sllould contain X'0120'. Register X'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). ERROR CABO X765 FEAtO £gal ~~AUQlt iAlil:1!!h. OX15 B2E2 B2B2 B2K2 B2R2 1!2ol2 Tl'aOI T1'a1X TP441 TP32X T1'50X ThO incorrect SOl' data is contained in FETIII! E!UliQ~ 1'-570 1'-580 1'-590 The PCl'/EPC1' shouLd be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. transition 60. Befer to BSC Transmit state Register X'1S' contains the incorrect PCl' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCI' (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). PBALD PET 1111 ~a~ LQ~A~IQ!! U2l be 7/4 with sequence bit 13.0 on. Befer to BSC ReceiYe state transition 531 Register x'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.,3). EPcr (bits 0.,.-0.1). se'iluence bit (bit 1.01· EBBoa CARD PEUD UTIIII £!!DI liDllW!!! UlUI!S!.. UlU!!!a. X76C OX1' 22B2 22112 2222 2282 22J2 TP8U TPIIIIX u80X 'fF321 'fPSOX r-570 p-580 1'-590 The PCl'/EPCr should be 1/B with seguence bit 13.0 on. Refer to BSC Receive state transition 63. Begister X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), BPcr (bits 0.4-0.7), se'iluence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR CUD l/ ·7.1.28 13705811 T~pe 3 COB.unication Scanner lPT o o o o IBK 3705 CO""UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TIP8 3 COIIO.ICATIOR' SCAHNER 1FT SYftPTOft INDEX X779 OX 211 o o o E2E2 82p2 82B2 82K2 E2R2 82J2 Tr801 TP82X TP81X U/l1IX TP321 U50X D99-37 058-09 F-570 F-580 P-590 The PCF/EPCF should he 9/6 with seguence bit 13.0 on. and 38. Refer to BSC Trans_it state transition 18 Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.31. EPCF (bits 0./1-0.71. seguence bit (bit 1.01· ERROR CARD l'I!ALD FETU k2!1§ L.9£aUlU! UlilUl.9_ fAIi!.l!!L 1719 0125 o o o E2H2 E2B2 E2E2 E2F2 11202 Tl'221 Tr81X Tr801 Tl'1I81 TUIIX F-1S0 F-210 F-240 The status posted in the trans.it line lCW was expected to be 1'0032'. The status bits in error are in Register 1'15'4 Reg X't5' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1·7 ERROR CUD Description ICII 8its Abort Detect 0.0 For_at Exception 14.1 Char OverlOnder run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 BSC bad PAD flag 1/1.11 EOII 0.5 Leading DLE Error 14.6 Length Check 14.7 15.0-7 ICII byte 15 PElLD FETIIII TF801 Tl'81X F-570 F-580 F-600 k2!11 1&G!UQ!!' U!ill!!'Q_ U§!!!.Q_ o o o o o o o o 1779 0126 82E2 82B2 E212 E2B2 E2J2 'fPllqx TP321 tr50X The PCF/EPCF should be 9/2 with seguence bit 13.0 off. (forced state). Refer to BSC Trans_it state transition Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.31. EPCP (bits 0.11-0.71. sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ERBOR CABD PEUD PETltft k2!2§ I.Q!;:!U2!!. U!ill!!.!L UJill!!'Q_ 1779 0127 l!2J2 l!2B2 E2K2 82B2 TP501 TF81X ' TP/l41 Tr32X F-580 F-600 The PCF/EPCF should be 9/l with seguence bit 13.0 undefined. transition 69. R':lfer to BSC Transdt state Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31. EPCF (bits 0.11-0.71. sequence bit (bit 1.0) • X779 ERBOR CABO I.Q!;:!UQ!!' PEAt 0 k2!1§ f!!ill!!.,Q_ niH!L PET II II 0128 E3K2 l!3L2 E3Q2 ElD2 TE24X TEIIOX TE521 F-360 TB34X NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230K~1 is installed: £382 {TE3511 is also a possible failing card~ Type 3 Co •• unicat1on Scanner 1FT X370511U 7.1.29 IB" 3705 CO"~U"ICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 CO~MONICATIONS SCANNBR 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX P99-370S£-09 An BNQ should have been decoded during a cycle steal fetch operation. The expected results are: ICi bit valid) off. 1779 ERROR CABD PEUD !:!1I1§ J&!:U12! 'u'!alHL U!Ullt!L OX29 TF80X n01l TF441 TF32X USOX E2E2 82B2 E2K2 82R2 82J2 6.~ (end character decoded) on and ICi bit 6.5 (cycle steal FETft" (,: ~ 'tl-" F-S70 F-S80 F-S90 The PCF/EPCF should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. ',~j Refer to BSC Trans.it state transition 70. Register X'1S' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR CARD UALD FET!II 82B2 82Q2 82P2 TF81X TFJ4X TF82X F-210 ! , , .., .u........." "' ..... '. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,~ ,.'~'''' IBft 3105 COftftD.leATIOHs COH!RO~LEB TYPE 3 COftftDN1C1TIOHS SCARRBR 1FT SYftPTOft INPEX ERROR CARD X11A ~Qi ~Q~AlIQI fAgjlQ_ fag!!Q_ PEALD rET!! ox 23 B2E2 E2102 B3L2 UOOX 'rPIiOX TEIIOI P-560 An unexpected L2 interrupt occurred. ERRoa CABO 1771 FEltD PETIII! UOOX U821 TP811 Trll4X TF32X tr501 P-570 ~!l! l.Q9nQ! UgUJL Ug}IJL ox 211 B2E2 E2P2 E282 E2K2 E2R2 B2J2 P99-3105E-09 ICI bit 0.4 sbould have been set on. P-580 r-590 The PCF/BPCP should be 9/6 with sequence bit 13.0 off. and 56. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 10 Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), EPcr (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit '.0) • X17A ERROR CARD ~!li ItQWI21 FEAt 0 PETIIII U§!l!Q_ fA.W!2- 0125 TF221 TP8l1 TPaOI 'fPflBI ,TPlIIX 0 !lbe status bits in error are in Register X'15'. , Reg X'15' Bits ; o o o o o F-150 P-210 P-2110 The status posted in the transmit line ICW was expected to be X'00l2'. '" 0 0 0 E2112 E2B2 B2E2 E2F2 8202 0.0 0.1 0.2 O.l 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.1 ERROR CARD I77A Description ICW Bits Abort Detect 0.0 rormat Exception 111. 1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data' Cbeck 14. 1 8SC bad PAD flag 111. If EOft 0.5 Leading OLE Error 111.6 Lengtb Check llf.1 ICII bl'te 15 15.0-1 FElt 0 rETftll ~!l! LQ~!nQ! U!i!!Q_ U!i!l!2- 0126 E2E2 E282 E2K2 82R2 B2']2 TrOOX TF81X TF441 TF321 TP501 r-510 r-580 F-600 Tbe PCF/8PC1O should be 9/2 with sequ&nce bit 13.0 off. (forced statel. Refer to 8SC Trans.it state transition Register 1'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.1f-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1. D). ERROR CUD I11A FEUD l'ET II II U50X TP!jU TPIlIfX 'lF32X F-580 1'-60Q ~!l! l.Q9UQI fAg}!HL Ug!l2- 0121 82J2 82B2 1!2K2 B282 Tbe PCF/BPCF should be 9/3 witb sequence bit 13.0 transition 69. Type 3 Co.munication Scanner 1FT undefined~ Refer to BSC Transmit state X3105HU 1.1.35 IQK 3705 CO""UNICATIQ"S CONTRQLLER TYPE 3 COKKUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYMfTOK p99-H05E-09 INPE~ Reqister X'15' contains the incorrect l'C1' (bits O. 0- 0.3), EPCF (bi ts 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit '.0) • ERROll CARD X11A FEUD l'ETH" TB24X f-360 ~QI!§ I.2~AnQ.!I .2A!illi!L UlllHiQ_ 0128 B3K2 1l3L2 83Q2 l!302 TIl 4 0 I TIl 52 X TIl3U NOTE •••• If the Hiqh Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: 1l3H2 (TE351) is also a possible failing card. An ENQ should have been decoded durinq a cycle steal fetch operation. The expected results are: ICW bit 6.4 (end character decoded) on and lCW bit 6.5 (cycle steal valid) off. ERROR CARD 177A FEALD 1'ETH" ~a§ tQ~!1!Q.!I fA!l!.!I2_ fA!l§.!I2- OX29 E2E2 E2B2 l!2K2 E2112 l!2J2 TF80I TF811 '1;1'44 X TP321 TF501 F-570 1'-580 1'-590 The PCF/EPCF should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Befer to esc Transmit state transition 70. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3). EPC1' (bits 0.4-0.7). sequence bit (bit '.0). ERROR CARD X17A PEAt 0 FET!!M ~!Hl tQ~AUQ.!i l!A!l!.!iQ_ fAlill.!l2- OX30 l!2B2 E2Q2 l!2P2 TF81lC Tl'lU TF82X 1'-210 ICW bit 5.4 (transparent mode) ShOUld have been set on. I77A ERROR CARD FEALO ~I!§ t2~A!!Q.!I ~A!l!.!IQ_ fA!l!.!IQ_ FET"" OX31 E2N2 ElK2 l!2J?2 E3D2 TF221 TE2U T1'82X TE34X 1'-230 NOTE •••• If the High Speed Scanner Feature (230KB) is installed: E3N2 (TE35I) is also a possible failing card. lCW bit 6.5 (cycle steal valid) should have been set on. I77A ERROR CARD PEALO FETHH ~Qn I.Q~AnQ.!i ~A!lll.!lQ_ ~A!l!.!IQ_ OX33 l!2E2 B2B2 l!2l12 E2J2 TP80X TF81X TF42X TF50X 1'-410 1'-420 A transmit· tag was not detected. Either lCW bit 3.2 (tag bit) did not turn on after being turned off or i t did not turn off (SOF Shifting). \~ ERROR CARD X77A PEALO ~I!§ tQ~A!!Q.!i EAlill.!lQ_ OX34 E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 TFaOI TF81I TF441 T1'321[ TF50X PETM!! f~lillnQ_ F-570 1'-580 1'-590 The PCP/EPCP should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. 7.1.36 X370511AA Refer to esc Transmit state transition 60. Type 3 communication Scanner 1FT ,/ "L" _h....,o.L....._~~" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IBK 3705 COK"QRICA~IONS COH~ROLLIR TtPI 3 COKKUHICA~IOHS SCAHNIB IF~ SYKP~OK INOIl 099-31051-09 Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, IPCP (bits 0.11-0.7), seguence bit (bit 1. a) • BRROR CABO FEUD PETKII TP22X U81l Tr801 F-150 F-210 F-2110 !:!l1!1 }.!!!:AUlU! UU!!!!_ lAill!!l1711 OX35 12112 12B2 1!21!2 1!2P2 1!2Q2 ~PII8X U341 ~he status ~he status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Beg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.1 ERROR CARD s;g1!1 L!!!:!%12! X77A 0136 0 DeSCription ICY Bits Abo rt Oet ect 0.0 Ponat 1!xception 111.1 Char oyer/Under run 0.2 1/j.3 Datil Cbeck BSC bad PlO flag 111.11 10K 0.5 Leading OLI 1!rror 111.6 Length Cbeck 111.7 ICI byte 15 15.0-7 F1!AtD FE~IIII ~!U!!g_ i!U!!2- U80X Tr81I UIIIII Tl'32I U50X F-570 F-580 F-590 Befer to SSC Transsit state transition 60, Register 1'15' contains the incorrect pcp (bits 0.0-0.3), IPCP (bits 1.0) • e e e e in tbe transsit line ICY was expected to be X'OOIl8'. The PCF/EPCP sbould be 9/6 witb seguence bit 13.0 on. 60, 67, 61, and 33. 'I 0 0 1!21!2 1!2B2 12K2 1!2R2 12.12 poste~ IRROB CARD FIALD FETIIII OX 37 U80X TP81X U""X U321 U501 F-570 F-580 F-590 0.1I~0.7), sequence bit (bit s;g1!1 }.!!SAII!l! iA§J!!!_ iAil!Q_ 1771 1!212 12s2 12K2 12R2 1!2.12 Tbe PCP/IPCF should be 9/11 with sequence bit 11.0 off. Refer to BSC Transsit state transition 311. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), IPCP (bits 0.1I~0.71. seguence bit (bit 1.0). 177B BSC Transsit - IP - IBCDIC LCD=/I routine sets up a transsit ICN and tran,sits a string of characters witbout using the cycle steal secbaniss. ~he characters in the data streas are arranged to cause specific state transitions and status bit postibg. The state transitions and status posting is verified for correct operation. Receive functions are not used in this routine (transsit only). Cycle steal is not used. Diag 0=1 (scanner wrap) used for transsit line. ~his ERROR CABO PElLD FETIlII OX01 TE20X TP62X TF501 !E261 P-220 F-550 s;g1!1 J.2£!U2! Uil!!!_ Ulil.!UL 0 177B e e e Type 3 Cos.unication Scanner IPT 1!3F2 1!2D2 B2.12 B3R2 X3705HAA 7.1.37 :J:lllI 3105 COIIMUUCATlONS CON'fROLLER TYPE 3 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYMPTOM INDEX P99-J705~··O~ A set mode interrupt fdiied on the transmit 11ne (address in Register X'll'l. Display Register X'15' to determina the cause of the error. Beg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 ERROR CARD XnB Description NO set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - Reg X'14' not equal to Reg X'll'. Feedback check error. I'ElLD FETKII Ql!!! J.Q£!I!21i U!illliQ_ U!!J:li2_ 0102 TI'80X '1.'1'811 1'-570 1'-580 1'-600 E2E2 112B2 E2K2 E2R2 1!2J2 TF44X TF321 '1.'1'501 1'hll l'CI" l~l'CI' .houU bu '1/2 with 2, 3, 4 lind 5. IHHluOIICIl bit. 1:1.0 ofr. 1I"!'I\: to IlX 'l'[nuuIIIH IIlntll tl BIluit1IJU 1, Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCI' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bi t 1.0). ERROR CARD X71B I'EAtD FETIIII TI'80X TF811 TF441 '1.'1'321 Tl'50X 1'-570 1'-580 1'-590 £Q!l! L.Q£hUQli f!!i!lliQ_ f!!l]!lQ_ OX03 132E2 1!2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 The PCF/E~CF should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to esc Transmit state tcansition 72. Register X';15' contains the 'incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0 .• 3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7). sequence bit (bit 1.0) • X77B ERROR CARD FEALD Ql!l~ !Q~!!lQli fhgf;lifL fhli]!lL OX04 E2M2 TF22X '!'F8a 112B2 E2112 E2F2 E202 E2P2 ueox FETIII1 1'-150 1'-210 1'-240 TF4aX TF311X TF82X The status posted in the transmit line ICW was expected to be X'0060'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 ERROR CARD X77B Descript10n ICW Bits Abort Det eet 0.0 Format Exception 14. 1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 BSC bad paD flag 14.4 EOM 0.5 Leading DLE Error 14.6 Length Check 14.7 rCi byte 15 15.0-7 FEALD FETMM £Q!!~ LQ£!UQ!l !!!gf;!iQ_ f!!lll!lQ_ OX05 E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 112R2 E2J2 'f1'80X T1'81X T1'4 11X 1'-570 1'-580 1'-590 'XI' 32 X TF'iOX The PCF/EPC1' should be 9/11 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Tke program forced statn 9/2, 13.0 off prior to this test. Rafer to esc Transmit stAte transit10n 72. 7.1.38 X3705I1H Type 3 COIDIDun1cation Scannel lrT o o o o o o o o o 1811 3105 CO~KUNIC1~IONS CONTROLLER TYPB 3 COKIIUHICATIOHS SCARHBR 1FT SY.PTO" INDEX Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), BPCP (bits O.Q-O.l), sequence bit Ibit 1.0). ERROB CABD X77s PEUD PET"" ~I!! Joggn!!! UW5L UWll- OX06 82112 1!282 82E2 82P2 B2Q2 TI"221 !P8n Tr801 TF481 TFlU P-150 P-210 P-2110 The status posted in the trans.it line ICW was expect.d to be X'0020'. The status bits in error are in Register X'1S'. Beg X'1S' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1l 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.0-1.7 o ElllIOR CARD £!!Il! I.2WI2! InB 0101 82B2 B2L2 B2P2 Description ICI Bits Abort Detect 0.0 Porlat Bxception '4.1 Char Over/onder run 0.2 Data Check 111.3 BSC bad PlD flag 111. II BOil 0.5 Leading DL8 Error 111.6 Length Check 14.1 ICI byte 15 15.0-1 PEALD PET"" TP811 TPII61 TP821 P-230 U!!E!l5!_ !!Wl!ll- The BCC field of the translit ICW should have been reset EIlIlOR CABO £!!I!! LQ!:AIIQ! o o o o o o 177B o xns o D99-l-705E-09 0108 82J2 B2B2 B2K2 B2B2 PEALD FETKII TP501 TP8U Tr411X TU21 F-580 P-600 ~o X'OOOO'. fA!!!!!!- 1!!!!!Q_ The PCP/EPCF should be 9/3 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. The prograa forced state 9/2, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to 8SC Translit state transition 69. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), BPCP (bits 0.11-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1. 0). ERROR CAIID 177B PEUD PET II II TP801 TF8U TP441 TP321 TPSOI F-570 P-S80 F-600 ~I!!i I.QruIQ! U!!!!l5!_ l!!!!!!!!- 0109 E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 82R2 B2J2 The PCF/EPCI" should be 9/2 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC ~ransait state transition 14. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1. 0) • ERBOR CARD PEUD PETIIII £QI!! IoQSUIQ! E!!i!!!l_ !!~J!5L 0101 1'-150 P-210 P-2110 B2N2 8282 E2E2 B2P2 E2Q2 82K2 TF221 TP8U Tr801 nllel TFl4I n411X The status posted in the trans.it line lCW was expected to be X'oooc'. Type 3 COI.unication Scanner 1FT X3705HAA 7.1.39 IBN 3705 COHHUNlCA7 JUS CONTROLLER trPB 3 COHftUNlCATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYHPTOft INDEX D99-3705E-09 Tne status bits in error are in Register X'15'. 8egX'15' Bits 0.0 O. 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 O.S 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 ERRoa CAOD Ina Description Abort Detect 0.0 Format Fxception 14. 1 Char Over/Under run O~ 2 Data Check 14.3 BSC bad PAD fld~ 14.4 EOH 0.5 Leading OLE Error 14.6 Length cl1eck 14.7 lCIi byte 15 15.0-7 !;QU loQ£UIQIi l'EAL.D FETH!! UID;~!L U!iJl!2- OXOB TF50x UBn TF411X TF32X F-5BO F-600 E2J2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 lCN Bits The PCP/EPCP should be 9/3 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. The program forced state 9/2, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to esc Transmit state transition 69. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.11-0.7), seguence hit (bit 1. O)~ ERROR CARD X718 !;QI!§ l.Q!;AUQIi fA!i§liQ_ fA§lliQ_ PEUD PETti" OXOC Treox TPS1X TFIIIIX TF32X TF50X P-570 F-580 P-600 E2E2 E282 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 The PCF/EPCF should be 9/2 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Trans_it state transition 74. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), seguence bit (bit '.0) • ERROR CARD X77B FEALD PETIIM TP22l[ TF81X !P80l[ TF4aX TF34X F-150 1'-210 F-240 £Q!l§ l.Q£AIIQ!! UID;!!Q_ fMili!!2_ OXOD E2M2 E2B2 E2E2 E2F2 E2Q2 The status posted in the transmit line lew was expected to be X'OOlC'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 ERROR CARD I77a Description Abort Detect 0.0 Format Exception 14. 1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 111. ) Bse bad PAD flag 111.4 EOII 0.5 Leading DLE Error 111.6 Length Check 14.7 lCW byte 15 15.0-7 PEALD f'ETIII! TPaox F-570 1'-580 1'-600 £Q!l§ l.Q£!IlQ!l. ngUQ_ fMiJ;;!!Q_ OXOE E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 B2J2 7.1.40 X370511AA lCW Bits nsa TFIIIIX TF32X TF50X Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT o o o IB" 3105 CO"nUHICATtOHS CORTROLLEB TYPE 3 COnnU"ICATtOftS SClNHEB IF! SYKPTOft lPDPI The PCF/BPCF should be 9/2 vitb seguence bit 13.0 off. The prograa forced state 9/3, 13.0 off prior to tbis test. Befer to BSC Translit state transition 7•• o o o 099-37 05E-09 Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), EPcr (bits 0.4-0.7), seguence bit (bit 1.0). ERROB CABD Ins PEUD FET II II ~RI lo!!gIl!H! 1A§J1I!!_ RAUl!!. olor B2H2 E2B2 E2E2 B2r2 B202 rr221 !PB1X TrBOI TPQ81 TPllll o o r-150 F-210 '-240 The status posted in the traDs.it line ICI vas expected to be X'OOlE'. The status bits in error are in Register 1'15'. Beg X'15 1 Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1·1 o o BBBOB CARD X77B Description ICII Bits Abort Detect 0.0 PorBat Exception lq~ 1 Char Over/Under rup 0.2 i Data Check 111.3 BSC bad PAD flag 111. II Bon 0.5 Leading DLB Brror 111.6 Length l:heck 14 .• 7 ICI byte 15 15.0-7 FEALD FETIIII Tr801 TrBU F-570 F-5BO F-600 ~RI I,!lgn!!l1 i!liU9_ 'u!iJ!!!_ ox 10 E2B2 B2B2 E2lt2 E2B2 B2J2 TP4111 TU21 Tr501 The PCP/BPCF should be 9/2 with seguence bit 13.0 off. The progra. forced state 9/3, 13.0 off prior to this test. Befer to BSC TraDssit state transition 7 4 . · • c o o o o o Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.31, Ercr Cbits 0.4-0.71, seguence bit (bit 1. D) • xnB FEALD FETIIII E2H2 B2B2 B2B2 B2P2 B202 !P22X TP811 UBOX F-150 '-210 F-2110 OX11 ullex !F3U The status posted in the traDs.it line ICI was expected to be X'0011'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Reg X'15' Bits Description ICII Bits 0,.0 Abort Detect 0.0 Farlat Bxception 111. 1 0.' 0.2 0.2 Char over/Onder rUD 14. 1 0.3 Data Check ,4.4 0.11 BSC bad PAD flag 0.5 Ball 0.5 0.6 Leading DLB Error 14.6 0.7 Length Check 111.7 15.0-7 1.0-,.7 ICII byte 15 o o ERROR CnD £nal LSlkAIl!!J! f!!iJISl_ R&§l!l!!L ERROR CABO InB FElLD rET1I1! Tr801 Tr811 r-570 F-580 ~ag L!llOAlI!lll UIi.l!!l!l_ E!liU!!, 0112 B2B2 B2B2 Type 3 COllunicatioD Scanner ;rr X3705HU 7.1.111 tall 370S COHHUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SY"PTOK INDEX E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 TF441 U32I ,( t l'-600 ",j USO~ The PCF/EPCP should be 9/2 with sequence bit 13.0 off. The program forced state 9/3, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 74. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP 1. 0) ~ 177B ERROR CARD s;Q!!~ J.Q9UQ!! PEUD EA[il;!!,Q_ FETHH Uln,!!Q_ 0113 TP22I TF81X TFeOI TF481 TP341 U82I l'-150 F-210 l'-240 E2N2 E2B2 E2E2 E2l'2 E2Q2 B2P2 (~its 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit ., v The status posted in the trans.it line lCW was expected to be l'009C'. The status bits in error are in Register X '15'. Beg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 O.S 0.6 0.7 1.0-1·7 EBROB CABO Description lCIi Bits Abort Detect 0.0 Format Exc;eption U.l Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 BSC bad PAD flag 14.4 EOII 0.5 Leading DLE Error 14.6 Length Check 14.1 lCIl byte 15 1S.0-7 FEUD FETH!! !<2.U IoQ!;AU21i fA1U;li!l_ Ulill!!!l_ I11B OX 14 E2E2 B2B2 B2K2 l!2B2 E2J2 U801 Uel1 TF44r TF32X TPSOI F-570 l'-SeO 1'-590 The PC1'/EPC1' should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 on. The progrn forced state 9/4,13.0 off piror to this test. Befer to BSC Transmit state transition 25 and 52. Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCl' (bits 1.0) • ERROR CABO LQCATIQ!! FEUD EAl!1;!!lL FETHlI EAlilll!lL OX 11 USOX 1'-510 1'-560 1'-590 s;Q!!~ X71B E2B2 E2B2 B2K2 B2R2 B2J2 na1X TP44X n32! TF50X 0~0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit The PCF/EPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Befer to BSC Transmit state transition 14. Looks tor: sta te 9/&1 vi th sequence bit off, state '41 i f RPQ EII4100 i natlllied. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.11, sequence bit (bit 1. a). 7.1.42 X3705t1AA Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT it " ~. ~ o o o o o o o IBM 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLED TYPB 3 COBBOHIC~fIONS SC~ •••• ulloa CARD ~QI ¥77U un un un un 11202 PET"" .,,821 'Iun ",1111 "'11111 ",41J1 ,·,50 '-Z10 ,-2411 'InfIX THIS STOP SHOULD HOT OCCUR IF BPQ EBII100 IS INSTALLBD. Tbe status posted in tbe transmit line ICI was expected to be 1'0006'. Tbe status bits in error are in Register 1'15'. Deg 1'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 o o ERROR ClRD 177B o D99-37058-09 J,QIiUlQI UIlJlQ. 16l1J11g. ox 10 12'2 o o o nUD IFf SIBPTOB INDEX Description ICI Bits Abort Detect 0.0 Format Exception 111.1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Cbeck 111.3 BSC bad PAD flag 111./1 EOII 0.5 Leading DLE Brror 111.6 Lengtb Cbeck 111.7 15.0-7 ICII brte 15 PBUD PETIIII U801 'rl'81X TP411X U321 U501 P-570 P·580 P-590 ~~E J,Q£!I!Q!! U!iI!!Q_ n!i.!!!!!!_ 0119 E2.82 12B2 E2K2 E2R2 B2J2 Tbe PCP/8PC~ should be 9/5 witb sequence bit 13.0 off. Tbe program forced state 9/11, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 15. Looks for state 9/11 with sequence bit off, state 151 if RPQ EBlll00 installed. Register X'15' contains tbe incorrect PCp (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0./1-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.01· ERROR CARD X77B PEUD PBTIIII U221 U81X TP801 nll8X TPl'll P-150 P-210 p-2110 £2~.!l I&£UIQ!! n!il!!Q. Ug.!!!!Q. 0111 82M2 B2B2 E212 E2P2 82Q2 o o The status posted in tbe transmit line ICI vas expected to be 1'0006'. 'J:be status bits in en-or are in Register 1'15'. Beg X'15' Bits 0.• 0 0.• 1 0.2 O.l 0.11 (l.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1-7 o o ERROR CARD XnB Description XCI Bits Abort Detect 0.0 FOtmat Exception 111.1 Char over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 111.3 BSC bad PAD flag 111.11 EOII 0.5 Leading DLE Error 111.6 Lengtb check 111.7 ICII byte 15 15.0-7 PEUD PETIII! n80X TF81'X nllu TFl21 U50X 1'-570 1'-580 P·590 £Q~ J,Q£lnQ!! nU!!Q. U!il!!!Q. OX lB E2E:1 E2B2 E2K2 E282 B2J2 Type 3 co ••unication Scanner 1FT X370SHAA 7.1.113 'U1·~. l,' IS" 3705 COM~UN1CATI0NS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COH~UNICATIONS S~ANNER 1FT SIMrTOM INDEX ',j D9'J-j10SI~-09 The PCf/EPCr should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 on. The program forced state 9/4, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to esc Transmit state transition 25. Register X'15' contains thu incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPcr (b1ts 0.4-0.1), sequence bit (bit ,. D) • ERROR naD X778 FEUD FETMM ~l!~ l,Ql:;1.UQ!i R~!i];liQ_ .f~§];liQ_ OX1C E2E2 E262 E2K2 E2R2 TPSOX TF811 TI'44X TF32X TF50X .'-570 P-5S0 F-590 E2,J2 The PCP/EPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Ruter to SSC Transmit stdte transition 11. Req1ster X'15' contains tbe 1ncorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.1), seyuence bit (bIt 1. 0) • X71B ERROR CARD PEUD FETMM l:;QQ~ LQl:;~!!Q!i fMi.!lliQ_ f~gliQ_ OX 10 B2N2 E282 E2E2 12F2 E202 TFnX Tl'81X TFSOX TF46X TF34X F-150 F- 21 a F·-240 The stdtus posted in the transmit line ICW was expected to be X'OO14'. The sta tus bits in error are in Register X'lS'. Reg X' 1S' aits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 1718 Description Bits Allort Detect Format Exception Char Over/Under run Dato. Check SSC bad PAD flag EOII Leading OLE Error Length Check lCW byte 15 ERROR CARD FEALD ~l!!l 1Ql:;AUQ!i fAQEliQ_ fAllE]Q_ OX1E E2E2 E2B2 TF'80X TF8U TF44X TF32lC TP50X }'-570 F-580 F-590 1l2K2 E2R2 E2J2 ICI! 0.0 14. 1 0.2 111.3 14.11 0.5 14.6 14.7 15.0-7 FET!!II Tbe PCF/EFCI' should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 otf. The program torced state 9/4, 13_0 oft prior to this t~st. Refer to esc Transmit state transition 16. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCI' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0. 1 ). sequence bit (bit 1.0) • X776 eRROR CARD HALO F'f:TMII l:;Ql!!l L.!2l:;~!1Q!i ft&!llilL EAQ.E!!Q_ ox 11' E2N2 E2B2 E2E2 TI'22X T1'61X 1'-150 }'- 21 0 TF80X F'-240 !l2F2 TF48X TP34X E2Q2 The status posten 1n the transmit line lCW was expected to be X'0012'. The status bits in error ate in Register X'15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 7.1.44 X370511AA Oesc~iption Abort Detect rCI! Bits 0.0 Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT t ..ij;. 1 .;t 't o o o o o o o o o o 1811 3705 COIIIIUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TTPB 3 CO"NQNICATIOHS SCANNER 1FT SY.PTON JUDEX D99-37058-09 ) O. 1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1. 0-1.7 EIIROR CARD X778 Format Exception III. 1 Char over/under run 0.2 Data Check 8SC bad PAD flag 14. " BOil 0.5 Leading DLB Brror 14.6 Lengtb Cbeck 111.7 ICI byte 15 15.0-7 '''.3 ~U J,QWIQli FEUD UIi! lequence bit (bit 1.01. X77U ERROR CARD £2 Ill:: !:Q£!U!l!l. U!UI!!2_ t'ETH!! E!flll!iiL OX26 TF80X. F-~70 E2E2 FEAtD E2B2 US1X 82((2 8282 B2J2 Tl'1I1IX TF32X TF50X F-580 F-600 The PCF/EPCF should be 9/2 with sequence bit 13.0 off. The program forced stat.t! 9/2. 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to BSC transmit state transition 75. Register Z'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.31. EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7). snIJuence bit (bi t 1.0). 'Iype 3 COlnunication Scanner U'T / o o o o IB" 3705 COft"OHICATIOHS COITROLtBR ~YPB 3 CO""U"ICA~IONS EIROB CABO 177B fUl!l!lL fA§J!!L 0127 B2112 B2B2 B2B2 B2P2 E2Q2 'lF221 fr811 'lF801 TF4ex 'lF341 F-150 F-210 P-240 The status posted in the trans.it line ICI was expected to be 1'0098'_ The status bits in error are in Register 1'15'. Reg 1'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-'.7 ERBOR ClBO xnB fl· Description ICI Bits Abort Detect 0.0 Por.at Bxception 14.1 Char over/Onder run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 BSC bad PiO flag 111.4 BOft 0.5 Leading OLE Brror 14.6 Length Check 14.7 ICI byte 15 15.0-7 PULO FETIlII 91111 l!Q~nQ!!. U§J!S!_ U!Ul!!L 0128 E2B2 B2B2 B2K2 1I2R2 B2J2 U80X U81X U4U TF321 U50X F-570 F-580 1'-590 The PCP/EPCF should be 9/7 with sequence bit 13.0 on. Progra. forced state 9/2. 13.0 off prior to this test. aefer to BSC Trans.it state transition 78. ,c Register 1'15' coptains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCP (bits 1·°1· I I o o FEU II ~!:AUg! o o PEltO ~llII o o o o o SClNHBa IFT SY"PTOft INDIX ERROR CABO 9l!Hl !&I;;WQIi 1778 Ox29 E2B2 E2C2 E282 BlJ2 PEAtD fW!Q_ U.§J!!L US 11 F-410 TF601 U421 'rB221 EIIROR CABO 9lU I.Q£AI!Q! FElt 0 Ugjl!!Q_ UT!!I! 0121 U50l TP81X n4U U321 F-580 P-600 E2J2 E282 E2K2 E2R2 sequence bit (bit FETllft The trans.it line SOP should contain l'OlPP'. 0.6-1.7). X77B 0.~-0.7), The incorrect SOP is in Begister X'15'. (bits tMiUQ_ The PCP/EPCF should be 9/3 with sequence bit 13.0 underfined. The progra. forces state 9/2. 13.0 off prior to this test. Befer to BSC trans.it state transition 69. o Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3). EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7) and sequence bit (bit 1.0) •• ERROR CABO PBAtD fiT!!!! 0128 UBOI U81X F-570 F-580 F-590 I;;QU 1:ll£UIQ! Ugjl!!Q_ fA.§J!!L xnB o B2B2 B2B2 B2K2 B2R2 B2J2 TFIIIIX U321 U501 The PCP/EPCP should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Type l Co •• unication Scanner IPT Refer to BSC Trans.it state transitioD 16. X3705HAA 1.1.47 11111 3705 COlIl'IUNlCATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 CO""UNICATIONS SC1NNBR 1FT SYHPTOII INDEX D99·· 17 05E-09 o Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), EPC? (bits 0.4-0.7), sequenco bit (hit 1. a),. X77B EBBOR CARD ~U IoQCAUQ! PEUD fA!il-240 {;QD! lIQ£AUQ! U!iYQ_ iill!Q_ Inc 01116 B2112 B282 B2B2 B2P2 B2Q2 'lPaOI TPlial TP3111 The status posted in the transait line ICV was expected to be l'O060'~ 'the status bits in error are in Register 1'15'. Reg 1'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.C)-1.7 u o o· INDEX Description ICI Bits Abort Detect 0.0 ror.at Exception 111.1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 14./1 BSC bad fAD flag 0.5 Ball Leading DLB Brror 111.6 Length Check 1 S. 0-7 ICIl byte 15 '''.7 BRROR CARD FEUD PET II II OX41 TraOI ua1l '!P4U P-570 r-S80 P-S90 {;Q!l! lIQ{;!UQ! UiE!!Q_ U!i!!Q_ Inc B2B2 R2B2 B2K2 B2R2 R2J2 '!P321 TPSOX The PCr/EPCr should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. The prograa forced state 9/3, 13.0 off prior to this tes.t. Refer to BSC 'fransait state transition 70. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.31. EPcr (bits 0.4-0.71, sequence bit (bit 1. D) • ERROR CARD PBALD I!BTftll OX48 U8U TP60X TP421 ''lE221 r-1I10 {;QD! !'Q!;AUQ! Uli1!Q_ Uli1!2Inc o R282 12C2 E282 13J2 The trans.it line SDP should contain 1'0102'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). flRBOR CARD Inc PBALD 102'.611211 UliU2_ iAWIL 014C 12112 B282 R2E2 B2P2 82Q2 'lP8QI incorrect SDP data is contained in Register FUll!! ~U Tl'221 'fP8U ~he 1>-150 P-:-21 0 '':'240 TPII~I U3111 Type 3 Co •• unication Scanner IPT 13105BU 7.• 1.61 f----ir ",-J IBK 3705 CO~"UNICATIONS CONTRoLLER TYPE 3 COK!UHICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOK INDEX D99~37 05E-09 The status posted in the transmit line ICW was expected to be X'0040'. The status bits in error Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1·7 ERROR CARD I77C a~e in Register 1'15'. Description ICII Bits Abort Detect 0.0 Foreat Exception 14.1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 111.3 Bse bad PAD flaq 14.4 EOII 0.5 Leading OLE Error 111.6 Length Check 111.7 ICW byte 15 15,.0-7 FEAt 0 FETKII £Q1H~ !'Q~!IlQ!! U!l.!1!Q_ E!!HiJlQ_ OXIID E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 TFSOX 'U81X T1'44X T1'32X TFSOl 1'-570 1'-580 F-S90 The PCF/EPCF should be 9/5 with seguence bit 13.0 off. and 80. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 67 Register X'1S' contains the incorrect PCI' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ERROR CARD xnc FEAtD FETIIII ~QQI! !'Q~!UQ!! U!iIDiQ_ U!lli!!Q_ OlliE E2B2 E2C2 E2B2 l!3J2 US1X TF60l TF42X TE22X 1'-410 The transmit line SOl' should contain X'0185'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). ERROB CARD ~U xnc ox Ill' PEAtD FET!!!! TF22X US1X T1'SOX TF481 TF34X 1'-150 F-210 1'-240 The incorrect SDl' dati 1s contained in Register !.Q5;AUQ!! fA!ili!!Q_ E!!l.!!!Q_ E2N2 E2B2 E2E2 E21'2 E202 The status posted in the transmit line ICW was expected to be X'4006'. The status bits in error are in Register X'IS'. Reg X'1S' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.0-1.7 ERROR CARD Description Abort Detect 1'Otut Exception char Over/Under run Data Check BSC bad PAD flag EO~ Leading OLE Error Length Check ICM byte 15 PEALO 0.0 14.1 0.2 14.3 14.4 0.5 14.6 14.7 15.0-7 FETtllI U!l.!!!Q_ I:allliliQ_ ~!Hl I.Q£UIQli xnc 0150 SEE ERROR STOP APTER OX41 X770 BSC ASCII Transmit !!isc. Conditions 7.1.62 X370511U ICW Bits Not EP LCD=D Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o o IB" 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER COM~UNICATIONS SCANNBR 1FT SynPTOll INDEX D9 9- 37 05E-09 TYPE 3 This routine checks the following conditions: (1) ASCII lending SYN insertion, (2) ASCII STX insertion, (3) I~B in data while in ASCII not - Transparent state and BCC insertion (4) ITB in data while in ASCII Transparent state and (5) Time-out while in ASCII Transparent text. cycle steal is used in this routine. Receive functions are not used (transmit only). Oiag 0=1 (scanner wrap) used for translllit line. ERROR CARD xno ~J!E !.Q~~I!Q!! OXOl 113F2 E2D2 E2J2 E3R2 FEUD FETlltI fl>.!il!!.Q_ fA.!il!!Q_ . TE20X Tf621 TF50l n26X 1'-220 1'-550 A set mode interrupt failed on the transmit line (address in Register X'11'). X'15' to determine the cause of the error. Reg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 ERROR CARD £Q.J!J:! I.Q£AUQ! xnD OX02 1!2E2 E2B2 1!2K2 E2R2 E2J2 Description No set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - Reg X'14' not egual to Reg X'11'. Feedback cbeck error. PEALO PETIIII U80X TP81X TF44X Tl'32I Tl'50I 1'-570 P-S80 1'-600 fA.!il!.Q_ fA.!ifHfQ_ The PCP/EPCF sbould be 9/2 with sequence bit 13.0 off. 2, 3, " and 5. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3) 1.0) • ERROR CARD o o o o o o o o o e X77D PEUD PETIIM ~J!E !Q~llQ!f HiH;!f!L .fA.!ili!fQ_ OX03 E2B2 E2C2 E2H;2 E3J2 TP8U T1'60I TP42X TE22I P-410 The transmit line sop should contain X'0116'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.71. ERROR CARD £QJ!E J,Q£AUQ.!! X77D OX04 E2E2 B2B2 E2K2 E2a2 E2J2 Display Register FEALD FETMI! fA.!ili!!!L fA2~l!Q_ 'l:F90X TP81X Tl'411X U32I U50X 1'-570 P-580 1'-590 I EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit The incorrect SOl' data is contained in Register The PCF/EPCp s~ould beU4 wij:h. s~g\lence btlt "3.0 off. , Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 1, Refer to B~ ,~ransmit state transition 45. Register 1'15' 'contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit '.0) " ERRoa CARD 1770 FEUD PETIIII ~!Hl !Q£WQ.!! fl>.!i~!fQ_ RAiil!!2- OIG5 B3D2 1!2E2 B2B2 E2C2 B2H2 E3J2 TE34I TF80I P-410 US1X Tl'601 TF42X TE22X NOTE ...... If the High Speed Scanner Peature (230KB) is installed: E392 (TE35X) is also a possible failing card. Type 3 Communication Scanner 1PT X3705HU 7.1.63 ~B. 3705 COftKONIC1TIONs CONtRO~~EB TiPB 3 COKftUH~CATIOBS SCANBBR IrT Si"PTa" INDEX The transmit line SDr should contain 1'0102'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.71. BRROR CARD X77D ~!!l loll~W!Hi 0106 E2112 112B2 112K2 112R2 B2J2 I'IiIlLD P99- 31 05E-09 The incorrect SDF data is contained in Register l'B'l'lIft U!il!!ll_ iW!2_ TP80l TP8U Tfllqx . Tf32X U50X P-570 P-580 P-590 The PCF/BPCr should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. and 21. Register 1"5' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 1.0). X77D ERROR CUD FEUD ~!!l IcllSAU!H:I fA!ill!l!L iW!I!L OX07 1!2B2 B2C2 B2H2 B3J2 TF81X Tf60X Trll2X n22X 1770 0~0-0.31, BPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit PETft" P-410 The trans. it line SDP should contain X'011P'. X'lS', (bits 0.6-1.7). BRROR CARD Refer to BSC Trans.it state transition 29 PEltO rETK" ~!!I lollS6Il!l!l fAilUSl_ lAillD!L OXOB E2E2 B2B2 B2K2 1!2R2 112J2 TPBOX TP81X TP411X TP321 U501 P-570 P-5BO r-590 The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register The PCP/EPCP should be 9/4 with seguence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Trans.it state transition 65. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31. EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1. 0) .• ERROR CARD 1770 PEltO PETKft QQ!!I loll~Q!I i6§J!!l_ R~!l!Q_ OX 09 1!2B2 B2t2 E2P2 'I:1'B1I r-410 Tfll61 TPB2X The trans.it line SDP should contain X'012P'. The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register X'lS' (bits 0.6-1.1). Register X'11' is the address of the lins under test. Check input X'41' (ICW byte '11') for correct byte. If the byte in the ICW is correct, the BCC to SDP shift vas not correct. Otherwise, the BCC accu.ulation is in error. BRRO'S CUD X77D FEUD l'BrllK QQIII JtSl~AU2D U!iUSl_ i!U!I!L OXOl E2E2 E2B2 B2K2 B2R2 E2J2 TP80X TPOU TI'III1X TP32X .TPSOI F-510 P-580 F-590 ,~ /, Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 25. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.Q-0.71, sequence bit (bit 1.01· 7.1.6~ ERROR CARD rEALD ~!!§ !'.Q~UIQ!:I U!u!DQ_ f!U!:I!L OIOB E2B2 B2C2 TP60X 1370SHAA \ \---j The PCP/EPcr should be 9/11 with sequence bit 13.0 on. X17D , FET"ft U81X Type 3 comaunication Scanner 1FT o o o o o o o o o 'H ,."., o o 82H2 B3J2 "~ ____ "._, __ .... ~. __ "_,,_.. ~_,._ ....... '_ ,•... "...... __ . . _.... D99-3105E-09 UII21 U221 The trans.it line sor should contain 1'0110'. 1'15', (bits 0 •.6-1.71. ERROR cno rEUD rBTftII B2B2 B2P2 E211:2 B2R2 B2J2 tr801 U81X U411X tr321 Tr50! r-510 1,'-580 r-590 The incorrect sor data is contained in Register £!lI!1 I.!l!;!U!l! IAli!!!!.. EAliJ!ll_ X71D OXOC The PCr/BPCr should be 9/11 with seguence bit 13.0 off. Refer to .ssc fransmit state transition 59. Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.31. EPcr (bits 0.11-0.1), seguence bit (bit ,.0). X71D BRROB CARD £!l!!l lo!l£AU!l! U§!!!!.. U§!l!!!.. 'EALD FETftft OXQD U801 U81X 1'-510 r-580 '-590 B2B2 B2S2 112K2 B2B2 B2J2 Ullfil tr321 U50! The pcr/8PCr should be 9111 with sequence bit 13.0 on. Refer to SSC Transmit state transition 6... Register 1'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), 8Pcr (bits 0... -0.1), sequence bit (bit l.O). ERaOR CUD I o o o o o o o ______ lPft 3705 CONKQH1CAfl0.S CONTROLLER tYPE 3 CQftftOHICltlOIS SClHHBB Irt SYftPfOft IIDBI o ~;: .~. ,~._~ X110 PEAL 0 rEU" U8U U601 '-1110 ~Il§ L!l!OAUlll! U§!l!!l_ fAg!!!!.. OXOB 82P2 B2C2 112H2 B3J2 UIi2X 'U22X The transsit line sor should contain X'0110'. X'15', (bite 0.6-1.71. BRBOR ClRD rB1Lo rET"" oxor Tr801 U8l1 r-510 11'-580 r-590 The incorrect sor data is contained in Begister £!lll§ L!l£AIlgl! fAliJI!l_ flli!!!!.. X11D B2B2 B2B2 11211:2 B2R2 B2J2 UIiU U32X U501 The pcr/EPCr should be 9111 with eequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to SSC Tranesit state transition 66. Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.31, BPcr (bits 0.11-0.1). seguence bit (bit 1-0). 8BROB CUD X11D rBALD ~1lJ • !l!OAWl! 11§!!!l. 0110 B2P2 1282 B2C2 B282 B3J2 Tr82X Tr811 TP601 U .. 21 U22! rH"" 11§!l!!!.. r-1I10 The transmit line sor should contain 1'0110'. X"5', (bits 0.6-1.7). ERBOR CABO X17D l'BUD PET l1l'i ~I!l I.Q!oAI!!ll! fAli!l!!l. fla!l!!!. OXll B2C2 l!2J2 U60X Tr50X The incorrect sor data is contained in Register 1'-580 1'-590 Type 3 Co.sunication Scanner 1FT X3705RU 1.1.65 ~·' "U:1,. :1 ); "'" IBII 3705 COII~UNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COIIKUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SYKPTOH INDEX E2B2 , E2K2 E2R2 099-3105E-09 ~. US1X TF411X U321 ',,- j,J The PCF/EPCP should be 9/8 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. transition 59 and 71. Refer to BSC Transmit state Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.11-0.7)., sequence bit (bit 1·0) • ERRoa CAOO ~!!E X770 FEAt 0 FETft!'! TpB1X TP60X TpII21 T1l221 1'-1110 l.Ql :-0\1 Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCF (bits 0,.11-0.71, sequence bit (bit '.0) • ERROR CARD 1771' FEAt 0 PETIII! k2!lB I.Q~!llQl! Ugl! !L 0131 B2B2 B2C2 B2H2 B3J2 TF8U TF601 'lF1I21 tE221 f-II10 Ulil!Q_ The trans.it line SDF should contain 1'0130'. 1'15', (bits 0.6 thru 1.71. BRROD ClBD InF I.Q~!UQ! n§l!!!!L iA!il!2- 01,110 B2B2 B2B2 B2K2 B2R2 B2J2 TF801 TF81X TFIIIII TF321 TF501 F-570 F-580 F-590 The PCF/BPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 on. The progras forced state 9/2, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to BSC Transait state transition 26. o ~ 'I ',. I : 4 • BegistllIr 1'15' :contllins the incorllect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPC!' (bit1l 10.1I-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ERROR CARD 1771' FEALO I.Q~!IIQ!! f!liBBQ_ FETIIII ~Q!lB aXIl' B2B2 B2C2 B2H2 B3J2 U81X T!'60X TF421 tE22X F-II10 .f!§l!l!Q_ The trans. it line SDF should contain X' 15', (bits 0.6 thru 1.7). EDROR CABO 1771' FEALO 1Q£!IIQ! l!gl!Q_ E!gl!Q_ 0142 E2E2 E2B2 B211:2 82R2 82J2 U801 TF81X TFIIIII TF321 U50X X'0110'~ The incorrect SOF data is contained in Register FETIII! ~QQB o o o FET II II £2!l~ o o o FElLD The incorrect SOF data is contained in Register F-570 F-580 F-590 The PCI'/EPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to SSC Trans.it state transition 27. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0),. ERROR CABO £2QB I.Q~!1!Q! FEALD ~!liJBQ_ FET"" i!!ill!Q_ Type 3 Co.aunication Scanner 1FT X3705uAA 7.,.73 15M 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COKHUNICATI0NS SCANNSR 1fT SYMPTOM INDEX 099-31 05E-09 .( } .~ .P X77P OX III 22B2 B2C2 B282 l!3J2 TP61X TF60X '1'1'421 TE22X 1'-410 The transmit line SOl' should contain X'017C'. X'15'. (bits 0.6 thru 1.7). X77F ERROR CARD l.Q£,UIQU FEALD FETIIIl £~H!~ .u~!iQ~ Rl!.fl£;UQ.. ox 50 2222 22B2 22K2 22R2 E2J2 TF60X '1'1'811 '1'1'4111 '1'1'321 '1'1'501 1'-570 1'-580 f-590 The incorrect SDF data 1s contained in Register The PC1'/EPC1' should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 on. The program forced state 9/2. 13.0 off prior to this test.. Refer to BSC transmit state transition 26. Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0 .• 7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR X77Ti' CARD FEALO ~n loQ£AUQ!i fA~UQ_ n\l£;UQ_ 0151 E2B2 B2C2 E282 1!3J2 T1'81X T1'601 '1'1'421 Tl!22X f-410 FEUI\ The transmit line SOl' should contain X'0110', X' 15' , (bits 0.6 thru 1.7) • 1'EALD I.Q£AUQli fAflIHQ_ I'ET II II !;QIUl OX52 E2E2 l!2B2 l!2K2 E2R2 E2J2 TI'80X '1'1'61X '1'1'4 lilt '1'I'32X T1'50X 1'-570 1'-560 1'-590 ERROR CARD X771' The incorrect SOl' data is contained in Register fAg]~Q_ The PCF/EPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 27. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCI' (bits 0.0-0.3). EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) .' ERRoa CARD £!.lIlI! X771' OX 53 PEAL 0 l.Q!;loUQU fafl£;!iQ_ UQ.!H!Q_ FETII" E2B2 TF81X '1'1'60X T1'42X TJ!22X F-410 1!2C2 82H2 E3J2 The transmit line SDF should contain X'0161'. ;' 15', (bits 0.6 thru ,.7). ERROR CARD FEALD FETMM OX60 TF80X T1'81X '1'F41U TP32X TF50X 1'-570 F-580 1'-590 The incorrect SDF data is contained in Register !;Q.!2E 1Q!;!llQU floQIDlQ_ RloQ]!lQ_ X77P E2E2 l!2B2 !l2K2 E2R2 1!2J2 The PCF/EPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 on. The program forced 'state 9/2, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to BSC Transmit state ~ransition 26. llegister X'15' contains the incorrect PC1' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ,(. . 7.1.74 X370511AA Type 3 Communicati~n Scanner 1FT ' -~---- o o o o IBK 3105 COKKUHICATIONS CONTROLLeR TYPE 3 CO""UNIC1TIONS SCANNBR 1FT S!BPfOft IHDEI PEAtD pnKII £2111 !&~!I!!!!! U§!!!2_ UiJJl2- 0161 1!2B2 1!2C2 B282 B3J2 TP811 TP601 'lP421 TB221 P-410 ERBOR cnD In, o o ERROR CARD Inl! PElLD PETIIII U801 U8n P-570 F-580 P-590 £2111 ~2SAI!Q!! iAiJIQ_ 0162 1!21!2 1!2B2 1!2K2 1!2R2 1!2J2 'fP44X o o o D99-3105E-09 The transmit line 30P should contain 1'0110'. X'15'. (hits 0.6 thrll 1.1). o TP321 U501 -- --_.- _ .._-,---,-, .. ---, The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register fAgl!!Q_ The PCI!/EPCI! should be 9/5 with seqllence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 27. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect IPCP (bits 0.0-0.3). EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), seqllence bit (bit 1.0) • ERROR CARD xnl! PEAt 0 UTIIII U8l1 1'-410 ~1l1 !&~AU!!,!! .ugl.!!2_ ngl.!!!!_ 0163 1!2B2 1!2C2 1!282 E3J2 Tl! 6 TP42 °1 Tl!22X The transmit line SOl! should contain 1'016B'. 1'15', (bits 0.6 thru 1.7). I BRROR cno 177F o o e nAtO PETIIII £2121 102~An!H! 'u!i1!!!2_ ngUQ_ 0110 l!2l!2 l!2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 Tr80X TrBlX U44X TP321 U501 F-570 P-580 P-590 The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register The PCP/EPCP should be 9/5 with seqllence bit 13.0 off. The program forced state 9/2, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 53. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7). seqllence bit (bit '.0) • ERROR CABO xnp l'EAtO PET!! II ~1l1 ~2~AI!!!!! fAgl.!!2_ ng1!!!!!_ OX71 E202 E2B2 B2C2 E2H2 E3J2 B2P2 B2P2 TF341 Tr8n TP60X fp42X TB221 TP4BI n82X P-410 o The transmit line SOP shollld contain X'01PP'. X'15', (bits 0.6 thrll 1.~. ERROR cno X77F nAtO £21l! PETit II 102~AnQ!! U!i!'!!Q_ fill!!SL 0172 B2M2 B282 B2B2 E2l'2 B202 B21'2 fp22X U8ll TFBOI TF481 TF34X 'l'FB21 1'-150 F-210 P-240 The statlls posted in the transmit line Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT lew The incorrect SOl' data is contained in Register was expected to be 1'40PP'. X3705HAA 7..1.75 1(-')'\-~' IBft 3705 COnftUNIClTIOHS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COftftUNIClTION9 SCANHBM 1FT SYftPTOn INDEX D99-370511-09 The status bits in error are in segiBter X'15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 ERBOB CABO xnr Description ICII Bits Abort Detect 0.0 Porlat Exception 14. 1 char Over/under run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 BSC bad PAD flag 1/f./f BOil 0.5 Leading OLE Error '/f.6 ,/f.7 Length Check tCII byte 15 15.0-7 l'BAtO FlITllh frSOX US11 Tpq/fX TU21 TrSOX F-570 F-580 ~ll~ 1I9S;UI,gli U!ill!ilL U1i.ll!lL 0X73 B2E2 B2B2 E2K2 E2R2 B2J2 " F-5~0 The PCF/EPCr should be 9/5 lIith Bl!quence bit 13.0 off. The progru forced state 9/4, U,.O off prior to this test. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 31. / Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3). EPCP (bits 0./f-0.7). sequence bit (bit ,.0) '. ERROIl CAIlO xnr l'BAtO PETSI'! TrS2X frS1X Tr60X TP/f2X TE22X P-/fl0 ~nl I&S!!Igl! EAgJ!.9.. U1i!!g_ OX7" E2P2 E2B2 E2C2 E2H2 E332 The transmit line SOP should contain 1'0120'. X'15'. (bits 0.6-1.1). ERIlOs cno InF l'BUO FBTllft TP22X Tr81X TrSOI TF/fax TF31fX F-150 '-210 F-2QO ~lll !'.9gn.9! UgJ!,g_ U1i!!!g_ 0175 E2N2 E2B2 B2B2 B2p2 B202 The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register - ./ " / The status posted in the transmit line ICII lias expected to be X'/f006'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Reg X' 15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 1·0-1·7 X780 Description ICII Bits Abort Detect 0.0 Pormat Bxception 14.1 Char over/Under run 0.2 1/f.3 Data Ch..ck BSC bad PlD flag 14.4 EOII 0.5 Leading DLE Error 14.6 14.7 Length check 15.0-7 ICII byte 15 SSC Transmit - Initial Status EBCOIC - Not EP LCO=C This routine sets up a transmit ICII with Initial status 1 and verifies that for each final status, the correct beginning and ending control characters are inserted in the SDF. Neither cycle steal nor receive functions are used. (Transmit only). oiag 0-1 (scanner IIrap) is used for transmit line. 7.1.76 X3105HAA Type 3 Communication Scanner IPT (' . ( j; o o o o IBM 3105 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYP~ 3 cOHHUnlClTIoNS SCANNER 1fT SYIIPTOK INPEX ERROR CARD FEUD FET!!!! OXOl TE20X TF62X TF50X F-220 F-550 D99-:P05E-OII l:;QQ)l 1Qilllilll fAfi!!!Q_ fP&l1!!'Q_ nBO E3F2 E2D2 E2J2 83R2 rE26X A set mode intercapt failed on the transmit line (address in Register X'11'). X'15' to determine tne cause of the error. o o o Reg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 ERROR CARD I,Q CA lIQ!!. £QQ~ 1780 OXOB o o E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 No set mode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - Reg X'14' not equal to Reg X' 11.,!., Feedijack cbeck error. FEALD FETII!! TF80X TF81X TF44X TF32X TP50X l?-510 F-580 F-590 fAfil1!!'Q_ f!l!UQ_ FEALD FETII!! TF80X TF81X TF601 TP42X TE22X 1'-410 s;;gll~ loQ£U!Qli fAfiUQ_ fAgl1liQ_ OXOC E2E2 E2B2 E2C2 E282 E3J2 The transmit line SDF should contdin 1'0102'. 1'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). ERROR Ci:ARD 1780 FEALD FETtI!! TF80! TF81X Tf'4QX TF32X U50X 1'-510 F-580 F-590 s;;g!2~ 1Q£A!!Qli fAQl1!!Q_ fAg!!!L OXOD E2E2 E2B2 E211:2 E2R2 E2J2 The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register Tbe PCF/EPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Trans.it state transition 32. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCl? (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.71, sequence hit (bit 1.0) • EBROR CARD X780 FEUD FETM!! TF81X TF601 TF421 TE221 1'-410 £Q!2~ 1£!£An2!! fAfil1!!Q_ fA§l1!!Q_ OIOE E2B2 E2C2 112H2 E3J2 Tue,transmit line SDF should contain 1'012D',. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). ERROR CARD o e Refer to BSC Transmit state transition " Register X'15' cnntains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.1), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • n80 o o Description The PCF/EPCP should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 45. ERROR CARD o o o Display Register 1780 ~Q!2~ LQl:;aIIQli 0101' E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 FEU.D fa~~!!Q_ The incorrect SOl' data is contained in Register FETII" fAg~!!Q_ F-570 F-5BO F-590 Type 3 communication Scanner 1FT X3705HJI.A 7.1.71 (J I{~: ',",J" IBK 3705 COKKU"ICATIOHS CONT~OLLEft TYPE 3 COKKUKICATIORS SCANHEB IFT StKPTOK INDEI E2R2 E2J2 D99-31 051':-09 II 'U32X 'USOI The PCP/EPCP should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. The ptogra. forced state 9/2, 13.0 oft prior to this test. Refer to BSC Trans.it state transition 45. 'I \', \J Register X'1S' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit ,.0) • ERRoa CARD X780 PEAt 0 PETIIII, ~!l! !~I2!! f!§!!2.. U§mL OX10 82B2 B2C2 E202 E3J2 'rPS1X F-410 'U601 'U1I2X U221 The transmit line SOP should contain 1'0102'. 1'15', (bits 0.6-1.71. ERROR CARD 1780 FEALO FET!H ~!Uj !9£!ll9! Ui!!2.. U§!!!2.. Ox~l E2E2 B2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 T'801 TF811 T'4I1X TP321 TFSOX The incorrect SO, data is contained in Register F-510 '-SSO F-S90 The PC'/EPCP should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Transsit state transition 21. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.1), sequence bit (bit t. 0). 1780 ERBOR CABO PEAt 0 ~!l! I.g~AUQ! iAU1I2. lAlil!!2- FEUII OX 12 82B2 82C2 8202 B3J2 'U81 X TF60X TP42X TE221 ,-410 The transsit line SOP sbould contain l'011F'. J'15', (bits 0.6-1.11. ERROR CARD 17S0 PEAt 0 UTIIII .l:Q!l! 1.9~AnQ! EA!U!Q_ lA§!!Q. OX13 E2E2 82B2 82K2 E282 82J2 Tr80X 'US1J: TP44X F·570 F-SSO F-590 Tbe incorrect SOP data is contained in Register 'U321 TF501 The PCF/EPCF should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. and 34. . Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 33 Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.31. EPCF (bits 0.11-0.7). sequence bit (bit ,.0) • ERROR CARD x180 PEUO FETIIH US11 TF46X TP82X F-230 ~!HI !.!l£!IlQ! UlUlllQ. u'§l!l!!2- OX 15 E2B2 B2L2 B2P2 The Bce field of the transsit line lew sbould have reset to zero. ERROR CARD x180 PEAtO FEUII US1X TF60X F-410 ~!l! loQ£!UQlI UlUlll2.. fill!!!2. Ox 16 112B2 l!2C2 7.1.1S 13705HAA ( "": ,J Type 3 Communication Scanner IFT t )-, \ I .J? :t't, \, ,~' ~---------- o ----"--- - ---- o o o o o , IB" 3105 COftftON1CAt10NS COHtROttE. tYPE 3 COftlUNIClT10HS SCAN MER If~ SYMPTOM I.DEI E2H2 1!3J2 X780 FBALD FETIIII !<2l!§ ~29l:lQ! UgJ!!L EAjiE!lL OX 17 1!21!2 B2B2 B2K2 B2R2 B2J2 'U8OX TP81l TPII"I U321 TP501 P-570 F-580 F-590 o o o o TP"21 U221 the transmit line SDF should contain X'01C2'. 1'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). BUOR CARD The incorrect SDr data is contained in Register the PCF/BPCP should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC transmit state transition 32. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, BPC1 (bits 1.0) • ERROD CARD FEUD FET II II OX 18 U81X TP601 nll21 U221 F-II10 0~"-0.7), sequence bit (bit k2!!E l&£WQl! UgJl!ll_ iAgJl!lL 1780 I!~B2 1!2C2 1!2H2 B3J2 The transmit line SDP should contain 1'0103'. 1'15', (bits 0.6-1.71. ERROR CARD PBALD !<2!!B loQ£AllQJI flgJJlQ. 1780 o o o D99-3705B-Q9 0120 B2C2 1!21!2 l!2B2 1!2K2 1!2B2 B2J2 TP601 U80X U81X UII"X U32X U501 The incorrect SDr data is contained in Register FETIII! EAgJ!lL F-570 1-580 F-590 The PCP/BPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. the program forced state 9/11. 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to BSC trans.it state transition 21. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), !PCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • BRROR CARD FEUD FUIIII 0121 U80X TP81X nll"l TF321 U501 F-570 F-580 1-590 !<21!.E J,Q&UIQ! U!iUll. EW!!L 1780 o o B2l!2 B2B2 l!2K2 l!2R2 l!2J2 the PCF/BPC1 should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. and 34. Refer to BSC transmit state transition 33 Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), BPCP (bits 0.4-0.7). sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ERROD CARD rEUD FET!!II 0123 US1X TP60X UQ2X TE221 F-II10 !<2!!.E !&9UQ.!t U!iE!Q. fAgJ!lL 1780 E2B2 E2C2 B282 B3J2 The transmit line SDF should contain X'01C2'. 1'15', (bi ts 0.6-1.71. o ERROR C1RD £2l!§ loQ£AllQ! FE1LD Tbe incorrect SDP data is contained in Register FET!!! iAgJ!Q_ fA!iE!lL Type 3 communication Scanner 1FT X37058AA 1.1.79 1 1 '. ~- 18K ~705 TT~~ 1780 COKKUHICATI06S COMTROL~~R 3 COKKUQICATIOM5 SCAHREa Ifi 01211 E2E2 22B2 22K2 22R2 22J2 The U801 U81 X TPIII\X TPl2X TP50X ~P/EPCP sho~ld SYK~TOft p99-3705E-01l INOEI P-570 '-580 f-590 1 "\- _t' be 9/5 with seq~ence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 32. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCP (bits 0.4-0.71, seguence bit (bit 1-01· ERROR CABO lt9WIQ! SQIl!l 1780 OX25 22B2 82C2 8282 8lJ2 PEAL 0 FETKK TP811 TP60J TPII2X tE22X P-410 fAgj!g. Ufi!f!2. The transmit line SOP sho~ld contain 1'0126'. lI' 15', (bits 0.6-1 .. 71. ERIIOR CABO 1780 SQU 1&!~Q! PBALO U§lll!Q. FETftII fA§U!!.. OX26 E2E2 22B2 82K2 E2B2 B2J2 TPSOX US11 UItU TPJ21 TF50X P-570 F-580 F-590 The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register The PCP/EPCP sho~ld be 9/5 with seguence bit 13.0 off. The program torced state 9/4, 13.0 off prior to this test. Refer to psc Transmit state transition 21. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits O.O-O.ll, EPCP (bits 0.• 11-0.71, seguence bit (bit 1.01. X780 ERROR CABO ~I!E I&C.AU211 l'EAtO U§ll.l!Sl. l'ETKK U§!l!!!.. OX28 USOX U81 X TP4l1X TU2X TP501 P-570 P-580 8282 82B2 E2K2 E2R2 82.12 P-~90 The PCP/EPCP should be 9/11 with sequence bit 13.0 off. and 34. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 33 Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0,.0-0.31, EPCP (bits 0.4-0.71, seguence bit (bit ,.0) .. EBBOD CARD FEAt 0 PETKI! S2IlE It,Q!OAWl! U!i!l!Q_ Rill!!!.. 1780 0129 82B2 E2C2 E282 83J2 US1J U601 TPII2X tE22X P-1I10 The transmit line SOP should contain X'01113'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.71. ERROR CABO 1&gnQ! PEUO Ufilll!,Q. PETIIK RA§lii!!!.. OX2C 'U801 U81X TP II III TPl21 U50X P-570 P-580 P-590 ~I!E 1780 E282 82B2 E2K2 E2B2 E2J2 Tbe incorrect SOP data is contained in Register Tbe PCP/EPCP sbould be 9/5' with seguence bit 13.0 off. t Befer to BSC Transmit state transition 32. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 1.0) • 0.~-0.71, .' sequence bit (bit ( 7.1.80 r 370S8AA j Type 3 COlllmunication Sea liner IPT ,?:. --" o o o o o Ie~ 3705 COM~UNIC~TIOHS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COH~UNICATIONS SCANNER 1fT SYHPTOM INDEX fET1I1I !'.Q~AnQ'!! !!A!J].!!Q_ fAllE!!Q_ OX2D E2B2 82C2 l!2H2 E3J2 Tl'81X TF60X TFII2X TE22X f-410 ERROR CABO X180 The transmit line _Ol' should contain X'0103'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). o o l'EUD £QIlE ERROR CABO PEUD PETHI'! OX30 U80X TFan TPII4X TF32X T1'501 1'-570 1'-580 1'-590 £Q!!] !'Q£AIlQ!! .fAllE'!!Q_ 1780 E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 099-)105E-09 The incorrect Sop data is contained in Beqister fAllE.!!~L The PCF/EPCP should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. The program forced state 9/11, 13.0 ott prior to this test. Refer to , asc Transmit state transition 21. , o o Register 1.0) • ERROR CARD X780 contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EFCF (bits 0.11-0.1), PEALO FETHI'! ~Q!lE !'Q£AIlQ'!! gA~E!!Q_ fA~E.!!Q_ OX31 E2E2 E2a2 E2K2 E2R2 B2J2 TF80X TP8n TF44X tF32X TF50X 1'-570 1'-560 1'-590 · : '. G The FCF/EPCF should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. and 34. ! I, o x't5' ~equence bit (bit Refer to esc Trans.it state transition 33 Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCI' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.11-0 .• 71, sequence bH (bit 1·°1· ERROR CARD FEUD FETH!! ll2B2 ll2C2 E2H2 E3J2 TFa11 TF60X TFII2X TE22X 1'-1110 £QIlE !'Q£AlIQ!i Ufil99-3705~-09 CONTROI.I,ER rfPE 3 COII"UNICAtIONS SCANNER 1FT S¥IIPTOII iNDEX The transmit lin .. 501' should cOlltain X'0101'. X' 15', (bits O. 6-1.7) • ERROR CABO X782 FEALO 1'ET!!1! ~l!ll 12S;,aII!H! ~A2]H9_ la§!HQ_ OXOO E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 1I2R2 E2J2 TP80X T1'B1X nllllx TF32X T1'50X F-570 1'-580 1'-590 The incorrect 51>1' data is contained in Ref)ister The PCF/EPCF should be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 32. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPC. (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ERROR CARD X782 FEUD 1'ETIIM !;Q!Ul LQ!;AIlQ!l !!A§!!!.Q_ fA§~!iQ_ OXOE 1I2B2 l!2C2 l!2H2 l!3J2 F-410 o TFaU TF60X nll2X TE22X The transmit line SOl' should contain X'0120'. X'15', (bits 0.6-1.7). o ERROR CARD X782 FEAt 0 FETIII! s;Qll~ 1Q!;U!QJ:! fA§l Jute 9/2, 13.0 off prior to this test. Befer to SSC Transmit st~te transition 53. Register X,,5' contains the incorrect PCP' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP' (bits 0.11-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ERROR CARD £QQ~ !:Q£!!!Q!! !!!Q1' Ell 110 B CARD SQIlE J.QSAIlQ!I X78C OX 12 E2E2 B2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 Tr801 US11 UIIQX TP321 'fP501 F-570 .··580 F-590 The PC1'/EPCP sholll,\ be 1111 with seqllencli bH 13,0 <<;In. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect bit 1.0). ERROR CARD X"18c SQJli J.Q£!I!Q! £ali!!!Q_ fAl!ll!!fL l'EALD FET"I\ OX 11' TE2U 1'-1180 E3K2 E2C2 E2E2 E21'2 E2R2 8e(01= to DSC Receive stato tranait.ion b!•• pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), EpC1' (bits O.Q·0.7), sequence bit (with TF60X U80X TF481 TF421 The data l.ecllhad and buff(;red does not equill the qatol expected. the expec~ed data; byte 1 contains the rece~yed data. Bel/lster 1'15' byte 0 contains Register X'lb' contains the address of; tile I'lUllbel; of It'll/' te~t"d (byte 0) and the numLer of bytes remaining to be tested Ib:(te 1). The contellt., of register X'll\' plus 2 is the address ot the next byte in the expected data buff~r. ~be CODtents qf fegister X'16' plus II is the addres6 of the noxt byte in the received data buf~er. X78C OX27 X7HC X78D OX2A See error ~tap afteI OX1A. BSC Receive' STICK' Chullctere; With Bad BCC - EBCDIC See error stop ,fter OX17. Ill' LCD='I n2Y!!~E JlE~R!f!!~~ This routine verifies that when a receive line detects a 'STICK' ch4r4cter, the scanner se~uences through the correct stAte tranfj_itions and ,hilt 'ncorrect DCC cha~l<;tqr& c,lIse level 2 interrupts. TblS routinQ uses DialJ 0-\ (scllllnn wrap) and the tune-it U.no USIIS D~a9 1-' (I'CFlIH'CF,,9/C). Cycle StliO 1 iu used by both lines. ERROR CARD X780 l!EALD FETIIII ~Jl1i J.Q! 99- 37 05E- 09 14.7 15.0-7 The PCP/EPCP should be 7/5 with sequence bit 13.0 on. Refer to BSC Receive state transition 30. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0). X790 ERROR CABO FEALD FETHI! £Q!lE J.QCATIQ! EA~!iQ_ f!2E!2- OXOF TFSOX TP81X Tl'41U TF32X Tl'SOI F-570 F-5AO F-590 E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2J2 The PCF/EPCF should be 7/6 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Befer to BSC Receive state transition 16. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCl' (bits 0.4-0.7). sequence bit (bit 1.0,. o ERROR CARD X790 TF22X Tl'S1X Tl'SOX Tl'4SX TF3111 P-210 F-240 OX 10 E2B2 B2B2 E2B2 E2F2 B2Q2 P~150 The status posted in the receive line lCW was expected to be X'OOOA'. The status bits in error are in Register X' 15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 O. 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 o o PET II I! J,2£WQ! f!!iU2- U2lii!i!L co o o o o FEALD ~l!ll X790 Description 0.0 Abort Detect Forlllat Exception 14. 1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 111.3 BSC bad PAD flag 14.4 0.5 EOII Leading OLE Error 14.6 Length Check 14.7 ICW byte 15 15.0-7 ERROF CARD PEAL 0 £Q1Hl 1QQUQJ! fA~!!L U2t ;AlIQ'!! U!i!!Q_ UQ5;!!Q_ OX08 E2H2 E2B2 E2E2 E2P2 E2Q2 TF22X TP81X U80X TP48X T1.'34X se~uence F-150 F-210 P-240 The status posted in the receive line ICW vas expected to be I'OaOl'. The status bl.ts in error are in Register X'15'. Reg X'15' Bl.ts 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 O.~ 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 Description Abo rt Det F2 E2Q2 FETIIM .l!Afll1l!.2F-150 F-210 1'-240 'Ite status posted in the teceive line lCW was expected to be X'0066'. The status bits in e nor are 1n Registet X' 15' • Reg X'15' Bits Pescn,ptioll Type 3 Communlcation Scanner 1FT lCW Bits X310511AI; 1.1.117 IBM 3705 CO!fttNICAtIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COaftUHICATIONS SCANNEI 1fT StaPTO! IMDEX 0.0 O~ 1 0.2 0.3 O./i 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 ERRoa CUD 099-37 05E- 09 Abort Detect 0.0 Poreat Exception 111-1 Char over/onder run 0.2 Data Check n.3 BSC bad ~AD flag 1/i./I EOII 0.5 Leading OLB Brror 14.6 Length Check ICI byte lS 15.0-7 '''.7 FEAt 0 PETftft £2!!§ lem;AIl2.!1 lAli!i.!l2- UWlL 1791 011E B2E2 E2B2 B21':2 B2R2 :82J2 TrBOI Tral1 TrIlU Tr321 TrSOI f-570 r"SBO '-590 The PCP/EPC. should be 7/6 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC aeceive state transition 36. Prograa forced state 7/3 before this test. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3). EPcr (bits 0.1I-0.7t. sequence bit (bit ,.0). EBBOR CUD PElLD PETllft l!2M2 :82B2 l!2E2 E2r2 B202 TPBOX TrB11 TrBOI 'rPIIBX TP3111 1'-150 r-210 P-240 £2!!1 I.2SOW2.!1 IAW9_ lAflU9_ X791 OIU T'e status posted in the receive line ICW was expected to be 1'020E'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Reg 1'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 G.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 ERROB CABO Description ICII Bits Abort Detect 0.0 roreat Exception 14. 1 Char over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 14.3 BSC bad PAD flag 14.11 EOII 0.5 Leading OLE Error 14.6 Lengtb Cbeck '''.7 lCIl byte 15 15.0-7 PElLD fETftll ! 1793 £!l1lE lt~~lnlH! OX15 UN2 PETIII! UUI!L Tl'2~X '-l~O PE~LD ,,.210 U8U Tl'8()X UII8X n3U 12132 E212 12P2 B2Q2 '''2110 The status posted in the receive line ICi vas expected to be 1'1400'. The status bits in Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 o o o e+~Or are in Register X'15'. DescriPtion lell tlHs Abort Detect 0.0 Porililt Exception 14.1 Char Over/Under run 0·2 Data Check 111.3 BSC bad PAD flag 111.4 Ball 0.5 Leading DLE Error 14.6 Length check 14.7 15.0-7 lCIl byte 15 ERRoa CABD PEALD PETlltI £!ll!§ J.2!OUIQ!i nUllL nli.!!.l!lL X793 OX 16 o C'.," TF80X TrSU Tr/fIlX Tr32X 'lP501 P-570 '-580 ,-590 Refer to BSC P.eoeive state transition 19. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, BPCP (bits 0.• 11-0.71, sequence bit (bit ,.0) • ERROD CARD PEALD FETHI! £!llnl It.9£!I!Q! fAlill!!2. U!iUQ. i " E2112 12B2 12K2 1I2R2 E2J2 The PCP/1IPCP should be 7/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. " i UU/l.lL 1793 OX 11 l!2E2 l!21;12 l!2K2 E2R2 l!2J2 TF80X TF81X F-570 F-5~0 ,·590 TPIIIIX U32X Tr50X The PCP/EPCP should be 7/6 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Defer to BSC Receive state transition 58. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4·0,.7), sequence bit (bit ,.0) • o o o ERROR CABD PEUD PET II I! QQl!ll 1Q£AI!Q! fAlill!Q EAlill!Q OX27 F.440 X793 E362 TES1X lCIl bit 13.1 should have been set on. ERROB CABD X793 QQl!1il l.!1gllQ!! PEAtD FETIII! fA~!!Q_ f!li!!!lL OX 18 Tl'221 TF8U "fP801 Tl'481 ',fPlU F-150 F-210 F-2/fO !!2N2 B2B2 B2E2 E2'2 B2Q2 o The status bits in error are in Register X'lS', o Reg 1'15' Bits 0.0 Type 3 Co~munication Description Abort Detect . ~canner IF',f lCIl Bits 0.0 IBI 3105 COIIUHICATIOHS COHTROLLER Tl~B 3 COKftUHICATIOIS SCAHRBa 1fT Sl.~TO. IIDBI 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 ,.0-•. 7 ror_at Exceptioll ,II., Char o,er/Under rvu 0.2 Data Check 111. :I BSC bad PAD flag BOft 0.5 Leadin~ OLE 8rror 111.6 Lenqth Check 111.1 ICII byte 15 15.0-7 E880B CUD sgD! IdlGAn2.1! 1793 011& 1199-3705E-09 82l!2 82B2 82K2 82R2 82J2 '".• " PBUD rnll U801 U8U Tl'''1IX !P:l21 'frSOX r-570 r-5eO r-590 iW19_ lW19.. 'fhe PCr/8Pcr should be 7/6 with sequence bit 13.0 off. and 57. Refer to BSC Recei,e state transition 10 Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.31. BPCP (bits 0.1i-0.l1, sequence bit (bit ,. In· The progra. forced state 7/4, 13.0 off prior to this challge. 1793 BBBoa CABD .BALD rlTRK ~RI J,R~Ulg1 UW9 16iJ.1!9 OUA UB2 TEB1X , ,/ ICII bit 13.1 should have been set on. BBBoa CUD 1793 rEALD fBTIft TP22X .,,811 'fraOX nllel 'fPlIIX r-150 r-210 r-240 ~RI 1I9£aU2! 16iIl9_ Uli.!!!!l_ OX 1B B212 82B2 82B2 !2P2 8202 The status posted in the recei,e line ICII was expected to be X'OC06~. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Beg X'15' Bits Description ICII Bits 0.0 Abort Det ect 0.0 roraat Exception 1Q01 0.1 Char over/Ullder run 0.2 0.2 Data Check 0.3 111.3 0.11 BSC bad PAD flag 14.11 0.5 801 0.5 111.6 Leading DL8 8rror 0.6 0.7 Length Check 111.7 15.0-7 1..0-1.7 ICII bfte 15 ERBOR C.UD PElLD PETRK ox 1e 'f1'821 'fr80X !pa1l TPII4X TP321 U50X r-570 P-580 P-590 '~ -- ' SQQ! IoQ£AU2l!. iW!!2- fAiB!!2X793 B2P2 82E2 B2B2 821t2 B2R2 82J2 The PCP/EPcr should be 7/8 with sequence bit 13.0 on. Refer to BSC Receive state transition 611. Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.3), BPcr (bits 0.11-0.7), sequellce bit (bit 1.0) .• The progra. forced state 7/11 with sequence bit 13.0 off prior to this challge. (. 7.1.1911 1C3705HU Type 3 COlllUllication Scanner 1FT t o o o o o o o o o o XBft 3705 COKKUMIClTIOHS CONTBOLLBa TtPB 3 COlftUN1C1T10BS·SC1H.BR 1FT SY.PTOI INDBX BaaOR CARD X793 FElL 0 D99-3705E-09 FBTII s;QQB L2!lAIlQ!!' UliUQ_ fW!lL OX 1D B2B2 B2B2 !l2K2 !l2R2 B2J2 U80X TP811 TPflU TP32X tr50X r-510 r-580 r-590 The PCP/BPCP should be 7/e with sequence bit 13.0 on. Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcr (bits 1.0) • Refer to BSC BeceiYe state transition 63. O.O-O.~). BPcr (bits 0.4-0.7). sequence bit (bit The program forced state 7/11 with sequence bit 13.0 on prior to this change. BRROB CABD I.ggUQ.!! £2n! X793 OX 1B B2B2 B2B2 B2K2 B2B2 B2J2 PBALD PBTftK EAliIIHL fA!ili.!!2_ treox tr81X 'rPliU P-570 r-5eo P-590 !P32X tr50! The PCP/BPCr should be 7/4 with sequence bit 13.0 on. Befer to BSC BeceiYe state transition 65. Regbter X'15' contains the incorrect pcr Ibits 0.• 0-0.3), EPcr (bits 0.4-0. 7) ~ sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR CABD X793 FEUD FBTI'III TB211X tr60X U80X TP4eX TPII2X P-1I80 ~DI I.2S;UlS!1I UliliJU!_ UlilltlL OX 1P B3K2 B2C2 B2B2 B2r2 8282 Tbe data receiYed and buffered does not egual tbe data expected. the expected data; byte 1 contains the recei,ed data. o o o o o o o o Register X'15' byte 0 contains Register X'16' contains the address of the nusber of bytes tested (byte 0) and the nusber of bJtes resaining to bo tosted (byte 1). The contents of register X'16' plus 2 is the address of the next byte in the expected data buffer. The contents of register X'16' plus 4 is the address of the next byte in the receiYod data bufter. 1193 0127 See error stop alter OX1'. X793 OX21 See error stop after OX1A. X795 Pull storage cycle Steal Test This Routine cycle steals fifty bytes of data into storage locations starting at a buffer in low storage and adding X'II000' to tbe address on each pass until aaxiaua storaqe has been reached. This routine depends upon the operation of the scannor in internal wrap eode. thus lost of the error stops can be better analyzed yia routine 1195. ERROB CARD X795 FEUD rETlI1I !l2!!B l&gfiQ!! Ui!!2lL iAi!!lL 0101 23r2 B2D2 E2J2 B3R2 TUOX TP62X U501 TE.26X r-530 P-550 A set .ode intertupt failed on the receive lioe (address in Register 1'11'. Display Reqister 1'15' to deter.ine the caose of the error. Reg 1'15' Description 0001 0002 No set ~ode L2 occurred. Interrupt fro. wrong line - Reg X'll1' Type 3 Co ••uoicatioD Scanoer 1PT lC3705HAA 7-.1.195 1795 0003 not equal to Reg X'll'. Feedback check error. ERROR C~RD PEUD ~QU J.Q£!UQ'!! !!!!i!''!!Q .. l!A!i!l!!Q_ OX02 E3F2 B2D2 B2J2 E3B2 PEUlI TE20X TF62X TF50X n26X 1'-530 1'-550 A setmode interrupt failed on the transmit line (address in Register X'11'). Display Register X'lS' to determine the cause of the error. Beg X'lS' Description 0001 0002 0003 ERROR CUD 09S No setmode L2 occurred. Interrupt from wrong line - Reg X'IQ' Hot equal to Reg X'll'. Feedback check error. FETIIII FEAtD ~!!~ J.Q£!IIQ!! !!!!i~'!!Q .. UQE!!Q_ OX03 R2B2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 TFBOX TFB1X TF411X TF32X 1'-510 1'-580 F-S90 The PCP/EPCI' should be 9/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. 2, 3, 4, Sand 45. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 1, Begister X'lS' contains the incorrect PCP (Bits 0.0-0.3), EPCI' (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ERROR X795 C~RD FEUD FETIII! TI'60X TI'80X F-S70 F-S80 F-590 ~QU J.Q9UQ'!! !!ID'!!Q.. l!AliE'!!Q_ OX04 E2C2 E2E2 E2B2 B2lt2 E2R2 nS1X TF44X TF32X The PCF/EPCF should be 7/4 with sequence bit 13.0 off. 2, H, 25, and 26. Refer to SSC Receive state transition I, Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • ERROR C"RD X795 FEUD FETIII! ~Q!!~ !:Q£AIIQ'!! l!ID'!!Q.. OX OS E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 E2R2 TFBOX TF8U TF4qx TF32X The PCF/EPCf fA!i~'!!Q_ F-S10 F-S80 F-590 s~ould be 9/5 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Transmit state transition 32. Regi$ter X'15' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF (bits 0.Q-0.7), sequence bit (bit 1.0) • X795 ERROR C~RD FEALD ~!lg r.Q~!I!Q'!! U!ill'!!Q.. f!!!kO.!!2- OX06 E2E2 E2F2 83L2 TFSOX TFQS'X TE40I A L2 interrupt FETII~ 1'-560 VIIS expected frow the receive line. Refer to DSC Receive state transition 7S. Either the interrupt did not occur (Register X'14' equal zero), or the interrupt vas from the wrong line (Register X'14' not equal Register X'11'). 7.1.196 X3105HU T,pe 3 Communication Scanner 1FT "'-__ 7' o o o o o o o o o O.. · ~PM 41Q5 1Y~E ~ CQn"Uq~C~~lQ"~ OQ"TftO~~~ft COKKUHICATIOlS BRROR CABO X795 5C~HHER t'~ SYKP~O. rEUD FET!!II £Q~!l I&llAUQl! U!lll!!5h. lUll!!!.!.. 0107 E212 E2P2 !3~2 U801 '!:F481 TE401 p99-~1Q5E-09 INDEX F-550 '-560 A t2 interrupt was expected from the transmit line. Bitber the interrupt did not occur (Register X'14' equal zero), or the interrupt was from the wrong line (Register X'14' not equal Register X',,'). ERRO .• CABO !;QRl I.2llAnQ!l X795 OX08 E3K2 E2C2 E2E2 E2F2 E2H2 fEAt 0 U!ul!9~ TE211X Tl'60X TFaOX FETKII U§:§!!Q_ F-1I20 F-1I80 TFIISX TF42X The data received and buffered does not equal the data expected. Register X'15' byte 0 contains the expected data; byte 1 contains the received data. Register X'16' contains the address of the number of bytes tested (byte 01 and the number of bytes remaining to be tested (byte 1). The contents of register X'16' plus 4 is the address of the next byte in the expected data bUffer. The contents of register X"6' plus a is the address of the next byte in the received data buffer. A failure to co.pare the data correctly can result if the cycle steal operation did not function correctly. You should compare the results in the receive and send buffer. If the receive buffer is clear, suspect the lCII cycle steal address byte X circuits. ~., ·C X797 SSC Transparency Receive - US1SClI EP Transmit LCO:4 Receive LCO:6 This routine checks for correct control character deletion with an LCD of 6. This routine uses Diag 0=1 (scanner wrap) and the transmit line uses Oiag 1=1 (PCF/EPCF:9/CI. cycle Steal is used by both lines. 'I. .1.".' ERROR CABO . 1,! o c o o o o o o X797 FEALO FET"" 'l'E20lf TF62X TF50X TE26X P-220 F-550 £Q!!~ I.Q!;AUQ!! f!!lll!!Q_ !,!Q!.!!.!L OXOl E3P2 E2D2 E2J2 E3R2 A set mode interrupt failed on the receive line (address in Register ]f'lf'). X'15' to determine the cause of the error. Reg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 Display Register Description No set mode L2 occurred. In·terrupt froll wrong line - Reg X'1Q' not equal to Reg X.t,'. Feedback check error. ERROR CARD FEALD FET!!!! 0102 TE20X TF62X TP50X TE261 F-220 F-550 £!!Rll LQ!;!U2!! f!!il22X ERROR CARD X7Bl FEUD 0~6-1.7). PET!II ~U Io.QSOUIQ!i UliIltQ fAg)lt!! OXOB E2E2 12B2 B2\(2 B2R2 B2012 Tl'SOx Tt>Slx TPII4x TP32x Tt>50x r-570 P-580 r-600 The PCP/BPCr should be 9/2 with sequence bit ll.0 off. Refer to BSC Receive State transition 75. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits O.O-O.l), EPcr (bits 0.11-0.7), and sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR CARD X7B3 FEUD rETlI1! !<2!!1 I.2!Sn Tr60X trll21 'fF221 F-IIIIO o '82B2 l!2C2 B282 112012 The transmit line SOP should contain 1'0137',. The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register 1'15', (BITS 0.6-1.71. ERROR CARD x7B3 FEUD PET II I! £Q!!! . J,QgUQ!! fill!!Q illll!!Q OXOP TESn TE221 TP60X !P32X TPII8X TP311X P-160 P-210 P-240 o E2112 B3B2 E2C2 l!2B2 B2P2 B202 The status posted in the transmit line lCW vas expected to be X'0098'. The status bits in error are in Register X'15'. Beg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 o o rETK! U,!UltQ The trans. it line sOP should contain X'012d'. The incorrect SD' data is contained in Register X'lS', (BITS o o o 12B2 E2C2 1282 l!2012 PEltO 099-37051-09 Description Abort Detect 0.0 Format Exception 111.1 Char Over/Under run 0.2 Data Check 111.3 BSC bad PAD flag 111.11 BOil 0.5 Leading DLB Error 111.6 Length Check 14.7 ICII byte 15 15.0-7 ERROR CARD PE,uD E2E2 E2B2 E2K2 T1'80x Tl'81x 'f1'44x Tl'32x TF50x !<2I!l< l.Qg!.l!l1i UIi.t;liQ X7B3 Ox 11 l!2R2 E2J2 ICII Bits FETIIII fAgllltQ P-570 F-580 P-600 The PCl'/BPCP should be 9/2 with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to esc Receive State transition 62. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCl' (bits 0.0-0.3), BPCl' (bits 0.11-0.7), and sequence bit 1.0). (bit Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT X3705HAA 1.1.221 len 310~ CORROHICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COftRONIC1TIONS SCANNER 1FT SYftPTOft I.oBI IRROB CARD X783 FEUD FEun iA!illl!! U81X TP60X TP42X n22X F-440 ~n L2W!2!!' UiEl!2 OX13 1282 12C2 1282 12J2 099-31051:-09 The transmit line SDF should contain X'01c1'. The incorrect SOF data is contained in Register X'15', (BITS 0.6-1.7l. ERROR CARD X7B3 PEUD FETIII! £2.!!1 J.Q!;A:HQl! U!iJ!Q RA!i!!U! OX15 12E2 12B2 E2K2 12R2 12J2 P-S70 p-580 P-600 U80x TF811t 'rF44x TP32x '!PSOx the PCP/EPCP should be 9/3 with se~Qence bit 13.0 off. Befer to BSC Receive State transition 69. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), BPCP (bits 0.4-0.7), an4 lbit 1.0). EBBOR CARD X783 FEiLD ~U J.2SU!!!! U!iI!!2 OX 17 12B2 E2C2 B282 12J2 TP81X TP60X TF42X TP22X se~uence bit PE'f"" U§J.1!2 P-440 the translit line SOP should contain X'0110'. 'The incorrect SOP data is contained in Begister X'lS', (BITS 0.6-1.7). ERROR CARD X7B3 FEUD £2ll! J.QgllQ! Eill!2 OX19 1212 12B2 12K2 12R2 B2J2 nBOx 'frB1x 'fF4qx TU2x TF50x FE'f1l1l U!ill!!! P-S70 r-580 P-600 The PCP/EPCP should be 9/4 with se~uence bit 13.0 off. Befer to BSC Receive State transition 76. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCl (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.q-0.7) , and sequence bit Ibit 1.01. EBROR CARD !;!Ill! L29nQ! 17B3 OX21 E2E2 12B2 E2112 E2R2 E2J2 PEUD FETRI! iAiUQ U!i!!!!! TP80x ue1x TF44x TF32x TP50x P-S70 F-5BO '-600 "«-- - The PCP/EPCP should be 9/4 with se~uence bit ,3.0 off. Befer to BSC Beceive State transitioll 1Sa. Register X'1S' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCF ~its (bit 1.01. BRROR CABO 17B3 FEUD se~nence bit UTilI! !;Sly! ~Q£AI!Q! f!2lBQ iAi!!Q OX23 B2B2 32C2 E2H2 E2J2 US1X p-qQO n60X n42X 'l:P221 . The transmit line SDP shonld contain X'012d'. The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register X'15', (BITS 7.1.222 X3705HAA 0.4-0.7), and 0.6~1.7). Type l CO.lnnication Scanner IPT ..", o o o o o o o o o o D99-370SB-09 laBoa CAlID X783 0127 !2B2 1282 12n B2R2 B2.12 'fPBOz UB1. 'f, .... z 'rP32z USOz PlTIIII 1!!l1lH9 p-S70 r-5BO '-600 Refer to 8SC Receive State transitton 25. Register X'15' coataius the incorrect PCP (bits 0.<1-0.3). BPCP (bi'ts 0.4-0.7), and sequence bit Cbit 1.0t.· BIROR ClID nUD mil li9SU1911 Uillt9 X7B3 0129 B282 B282 B2lt2 82R2 12J2 'Ira 01 'fP81x !P'''I 'fP321 PlUII lAliI!!! P-S70 P-580 '-600 'fFSOz The PC'/IPC. should be 91" with sequence btt 13.0 off. Register (bit hOI. BRROB CARD LQgn21 SQRI x783 0131 B282 12e2 B2U2 82,.,2 xt Refer to 8SC Receive State transitton 1_a. l!i t contains the' 1ncoj:rect E'C' (Uts 0.0-0.31. !E'C' (bits 0.11-0.71, and sequence btt PBAtD PlTIIII iWl9 iWl9 'fr81X 'fF60X 'fP.. 2X U22X .-",,0 The trans. it line SD. should contatn l'012d~. The tncorrect SD. data ts contatned in Begtster X'15', (BITS 0.6-1.7). U X7BII BE'Q Ift_,00 Transsit Test -- IE' 1I0de. BBCDIC zg2tl!1 DJ!!lllillQl If1 '!his routine tests .tate transitions changed for thts BE'Q ICI bit 13.5. " o o 1.!!£!U9! i!!lI!9 The PCP/BPCP ShOlld be 9/_ wtth sequence btt 13.0 on. " Ii o o o o o nUD ~U The data streas used tSI SOU ITS DLI ITS ITB DLI I'fB. The state transitions tested are: 72 29 25 1111 (with ICW bit 13.5 onl 21 25 20 (wtth ICI bit 13.5 offl • BBBOR CARD PBUD mJ!l liQSWQI iWIQ X7811 OXOl B3P2 B3R2 12J2 B2D2 'fBlOX TB261 'fP50X 'fP621 PlUII lA!iD!l '-220 r-55Q A Set 1I0de interrupt failed on the transsit line (Address in Begister X'11'1. X'15' to detersine the cause of the error. Display Begister . Beg X'15' Description 0<>01 0002 0003 No set sode L2 occurred. Interrupt fro. wrong line - Beg X'14' not equal Beg 1'15'. Peed back Check error. 'Iype 3 Cossunication Scanner IF'! X370SHAA 7.1.223 I8H 3705 COftnUH1CATIONS CONTROLLER TYP! 3 COBBDH1CA'1'IONS SCANN~ft 1fT StKPTon 15011 EBBOB ClBO X784 1'ElLO 099-31051-09 FETBB QaQ! LQ~I!Q! f!§!!Q fl§j!~ OX05 E2E2 l!2B2 E2K2 l!2ft2 l!2.:J2 T1'80x Tl'81x nll"x '1'1'32x T1'50x '-570 1'-580 1'-600 The PC1'/EPC1' should be 9/2 with sequence bit 13.0 off. ',2,3,4,5. Befer to BSC Receive State transitioQ Register 1',5' contains the incotrect PCP (bits 0.0-0·.3), IPC1' (bits 0.11-0.71, and sequence bit (bit ,.0). E880a CABO X784 sgQ! PEAt 0 fA§!!Q PETSII LQ~!4!Q! OX07 E2E2 E282 !2K2 l!2B2 l!2J2 TP80x TP81x Tnllx TP32x U50x 1'-570 1'-580 1'-600 Rlgj!Q The PCP/EPCP should be 9/4 with sequence bit ,3.0 off. Refer to BSC Receive State transition 72. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPC1' (bits 0.4-0.71, and sequence bit (bit ,.0). ElIlIoa CARD n811 UUO UTilI! Ulill.!i2 '1'1'811 'l'1'601 TPII21 TP221 p-II110 ~12l I.9S!UQ! EAiIliQ OX09 E2B2 B2C2 B282 B2J2 The transmit line SOP should contain X'010,'. The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register 1',5', (BITS 0.6-,.7). EIIIIOR CAIIO PEALO OXOB n80x QaRlI L9SAIIQ! fl!iI!Q lC7BII B2E2 B2B2 E2K2 B2112 112'12 US, x Tl'II"x Tl'32x TP501 FETIIII R!g!1Q P··570 1'-580 F-600 The PCP/BPCf sbould be 9/4 witb sequence bit 13.0 off. Befer to BSC Receive State transition 29. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3). BPeP (bits 0.11-0.7), and sequence bit (bit 1.01. ERROR CARD X784 PEALD ~Rl 1Q£!I!Q! fA§!!Q OXOC E382 TEen PET"n f!2!!Q F-III10 ICW bit 13.' should have been set off. BRROR CABO X7all FEUD FETIIII £QQlI LQ!cAUQ! UU!!Q Ug1!2 OXOO F-4110 E2B2 E2C2 E282 E2J2 US1X U60f U142X TF221 The transmit line SDP should contain X.Ol'f·~ The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register X'15'. 7.1.224 X37058U (BI~S 0.6-1.7). ~ype 3 comaunication Scanner 1FT o o o o o IBI 3705 COIBUIICA'tOHS COM'BOLLIB TI'I 3 COBBUIICATIOIS SCAIIII 1FT SI'PTOI IMDII IIROB CABO X7BII rB'fBB m1!1 IdlWW UiJG IUU9 OIOP P-510 P-5BO r-600 1212 12B2 12K2 1212 12.12 trBOx 'flBlx """x 'fl32x tr50x Tbe PCP/IPcr sboQld be 9/" witb sequence bit 13.0 on. Register 1'15' 1.0). ~bit o o o o PBALD 099-37051-09 17BII IIROB CUD PIlL 0 ~l!!l ~W!!2 L9~U19!! OX". 12B2 12C2 B282 !2.12 TrB1X 'fF60X 'fFII21 "22% con~ains Refer to BSC Receive State transition 25. tbe incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31. BPC' (bits 0.4-0.1), and sequence bit rBTIIB lUI!!!! P-IIIIO 'fbe trans.it line SOP sbould contain X'0110'. Tbe incorrect SDP data is contained in Register 1'15', (BITS EBROR ClRD &!!Il§ Idl£aU2l! X7B4 0113 o B2B2 B2B2 E2K2 E2R2 E2.:12 ~he PBlLD 2W!!!! 'fl!lOx T!W1x 'fP"lIx 'fl32x 'fl50x 0.6-1~7). PE'f1l1l lMillUl P-570 '-580 P-600 PCP/BPCP sbould be 9/11 witb sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to BSC Receive state tr~nsition "". Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), BPCP (bits 0.11-0.71, and sequence bit (bit 1.0). BIROB CliO mill r&gngl! UBII o o o o o 0115 12B2 12C2 11282 12J2 fEUD 2WI!! PBTIIII tUllE TF811 'fF60X 'frIl2X Tr2211 1'-",,0 The transsit line SOP should contain 1'011f'. The incorrect SOP data is contained in Register 1'15', ,BITS 0.6-,.7). PllLD PET!! £21!l IRROB ClRD I.2£aIl21 ~W!!2 lAilE 0117 12B2 B2B2 B2K2 B282 B2.12 'fr80x 'fl81x trllllx 'fl32x tr50x P-570 P-580 ,-600 The PCP/BPCP should be 9/,,'with sequence bit 13.0 off. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits (bit 1.0). Type 3 Cossunication Scanner IPT Refer to BSC Receive State transition 21. 0.0~0.3), BPCP (bits 0.11-0.7). and sequence bit 137058AA 7.1.225 ,f '\C ' ID" 3105 CO!ftUKICATIONS CONTROLLER TtPI 3 CO""UKICATIO.S SCANHIR 1fT StIPTO! IMDEI X1M ERROR CARD PULD PETI! £2~E L2~1.1e! 2l§E!Q iAiE!Q 0119 1212 12B2 1212 12R2 12J2 Tr80x Tr81x Tr411x TP32x TP50x P-570 f-580 P-600 The PCP/BPCP should be 9/4 with sequence bit ll.0 off. D99-31 051-09 Ie fer to BSC Receive State transition 25. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31. IPCP (bits 0.4-0.1), and seguence bit (bit 1.0). IRROR CARD X7B4 PlAtO ~U 12£An2! twl!2 0121 B2B2 E2B2 E212 12R2 E2J2 Tl'80x Tr81x TPllllx 'fPl2x TP50x PETIII! 21m2 P-510 P-580 ,-600 The PCP/EFcr should be 9/4 with sequence bit 1l.0 off. Refer to BSC Receive State transition 20. Register X',5' contains the incorrect FCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EFCP (bits 0.4-0.7), and sequence bit (bit 1.0). E8801l CUD 17B4 PULD PET I! I! ~QD!I L2~Ul!Hf UUI!2 U!iUQ 0123 B2B2 B2C2 B282 12J2 TP8n TP601 Tr42X TP221 P-440 The transsit line SDF should contain X'011f'. The incorrect SDP data is contained in Register 1'15', (BITS 0.6-1.7). X7B6 RFQ EOljl00 ReceiYe Test -- IF "ode This routine tests the receive function changes for this RFQ. The data streas used is: StN StN ITB STX ITB DLE ITB. The state transitions tested are: 1 2 111 15 25A 26 10 19. BRROR CARD X1B6 PElLD PETII! £2~E L2~1I!Q! fW!2 !!!!iUQ OX01 131'2 1382 12J2 B2D2 TElOX U26I TP50X Tr62X P-220 F-550 A Set !lode interrupt failed on the receive line (Address in Register Xll1'). X'1s' to deter.ine the cause of the error. Display Register 1 Reg X'1s' Description 0001 0002 0003 Mo set sode L2 occurred. Interrupt frOB wrong line - Beg X'111' not egual Reg X'15'. Peedback Check error. ( 7. 1. 226 X37050U Type 3 Co.sunication Scanner 1FT o (J 181 3'05 COanO"ICATJOHS CONTROLLER TYP! 3 cOlaUNICATIORS SCARNEa 1fT SY"~TOa INDEX o EaBOB CABO X7B6 iAUIQ OX02 tElOX 'U26X TF50X 'U62X P-220 F... S5q Display Begister Beg X'15' Description 0001 0002 0001 X7B6 Ho set 80de L2 occurred. Interrupt tr08 wrong line not equal Beg X'15'. Peedback check error. EBBOB CABO rEAL 0 FETIIII SQQ! ~~illQI UU!!'Q EAiUQ OX03 l!2E2 E2B2 E2K:;: B2B2 E2J2 nBOll TFB1l1 TFlllIlI TF32l1 Tr50ll P-570 F-580 f-600 Be~ X'1~' The PCP/EPCP should be 5/1 with sequence bit 13.0 undefined. transition 1.2,111. I'tf! '-JY Befer to SSC Beceive State Begister 1'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0,.0-0.3), !PCP (bits 0.11-0.7), anlS sequencD bit (bit '~Ol' o [ E3P2 E3R2 B2J2 B2D2 rETlII U!il!!.!l A Set aode interr ',Ipt failed on the transai t line (Address in Begister X" 1') • X"15' to deter.ine the cause of the euor. o o o o rEUD k2R1 bQ£W.QJ! X7B6 EBROB CABO PEALD FETIIII ~Q! ~Q~lI!QJI flUJlQ i!iE!2 OX 011 E3B2 TEB1X ICi bit 13.3 should have been set on. ' SQQ! ~9nQ!l l'!AtD fAiJalQ FETIII! nilH!Q OX05 E2H2 B3B2 B2C2 E282 82P2 B202 TEB1X TB22X TF60X TF32X TFIIEI TF311X F-160 F-210 f-240 EBBOB CABO lC1B6 •••• o The status posted in the receive line ICW was expected to be I' 0000' '. The status bits in error are in Register X'lS'. Beg X'lS' Bits o o o 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0-1.7 X7B6 Description 0.0 Abort Detect 111. , Porllat Exception Cbar over/Under run 0.2 ' Data Check '".3 BSC bad PAD flag 14. II 0.5 EOII Leading OLE Error 14.6 Length Check 111.7 ICII byte 15 15.0-7 ERROB CABO £QU I.Q~lnQ!l fAi!!!.!:! UilJlQ 0106 TEa1x F-4'10 B3B2 ICW Bits FEALD FEUI! lCIl bit 13.3 should have been set off. o Type 3 Comllunication Scanner 1FT X37058AA 7.1.227 1 ."" , IBn 3'06 COK!UHXCATIOIS cOMTaOLLIR TtPI 3 connuaICATIOIS SCAMSBB XFT St!PTO! INOBI BRROR CABO X1B6 nuo ~111 JJ!SAU2I IAUJUI 0108 12M2 !l82 12C2 12R2 1212 12Q2 'U8n TE22X 'fF601 'fU2X 'fFUX ",3111 nTl! IWIl!l F-,60 F-210 1'-2110 The statuB posted in the ~eceive line ICW vas elpected to be X'OOOO'. The statuB bits in error are in legister 1"5'. Beg X'1S' BUs 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.1 '.0·1.1 BRBOB CARD X7B6 Description ICII Uts ,/I. Abort Detect 0.0 1 Fornt Blception Cbar over/Under run 0.2 Data Cbeck 111.3 8SC bad PAD flag 1/1.11 BOft 0.5 Leading OLB B~ro~ 111.6 J.angt h -Check 15.0-1 ICW bft8 15 '''.1 rllLO rlT!K gj~ JJ!l:AlliI EAiJllQ 11012 OX09 1212 12B2 B212 12R2 12.]2 F-S'O 1'-580 F-600 TraGI 'fFa,x TPllfII tl'321 Tr50z The PCF/IPCP sbould be '/11 vitb seguence bit 13.0 off. Befer to BSC Recei .. State transition 25a. Register X'15' contains tbe incorrect pcr (bits 0.0-0.1), BPCr (bits 0.11-0.1), and seguence bit (bU 1.0). BRROR CABO X186 l'BALD ~RI LIll:Ul!2! UUIQ OIOB 12N2 11B2 B2C2 12R2 B2F2 1202 '!I8U fU2X Tl'60X !F32X 'fF1I8X PlU! IWl!! r-160 F-210 F-2110 /- /" Tl'lllX Tbe status posted in tbe receive line ICI vas expected to be X'1I020'. Tbe statuB bits in error are in Register X'1S'. Reg X',S' BUs 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.0-1. , Description ICN BitB Abort Detect 0.0 For.at Ixception 111.1 Char over/Under run 0.2 Data Cbeck '11.3 BSC bad PAD flag Ion 0.5 Leading Dtl Error '11.6 Length Check 111.1 ICII bfte 1!: ,5.0-' '"." / EBBOB CABO PElLO l:!lD! JJ!l:All!l! EA§!!Q X1B6 OXOC 1382 FET!! iAillQ TE8U ICII bit 13.3 should have been set off. ( '.1.228 X3'058AA - . o o o o o o o o o o u o o o o o 18K l?05 COKftUNICAT~O"S CONTROLLER TYPE 3 COKKO"IC~TIONS SCAN"!a 1FT SYMPTOK INDEX X786 ERROB CABO PEAL 0 PEUK £Q1l1 l&~I12!! fA!!llH! fAlil!!Q oxtO B2B2 B2B2 821(2 B2B2 1I2J2 TP80x TP8b TPIlllx 'l'F32x tp50x P-570 p-580 P-600 The PCP/BPCP sho 14 be 2/~ with sequence bit 13.0 off. D99-310!iT!-09 Befer to BSC,Receive State transition 26. Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCp (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.11-0.7). and sequence bit (bit 1.0). EBROB CARD 17B6 F1I1LD PETIIK £Q1l1 I.Q£!IlQ!! U!!l!!2 fill!!Q OX12 p-/lIIO 1I3B2 TE81X lCW bit 13.1 should have been set off. BBROli ClBD X766 FEAtD PETKII £QU I.Q£!Il!l!! fill'!!Q fllil.!!l! OX20 p-510 p-580 F-600 1I2l!2 1!2B2 1!21(1 1!2B2 1I2J2 Tr80x U8,x Ullllx u32x Tr50x The PCP/lIpeF should be 1/11 with sequence bit 13.0 on. Refer to BSC Receive state transition 10. Begister X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCF (bits 0.4-0.7), and sequence bit (bit 1.0). EBROB CARD lC766 PEALD PETIlII £Q!!l LQ£AIIQ! fA!!l!.Q Ellil!!!! OX30 F-570 p-580 p-600 82E2 !!2B2 1!2112 8282 B2J2 TP80x 'TP81x TPlilix 'rP32x U50x The PCP/EPCP should be 1/11 with sequence bit 13.0 off. lIefer to 6SC Receive State transition 19. Begister 1'15' contains, the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.11-0.11. and sequence bit (bit ,.0). ERBOB CABO P1I1LD FETlSft 112112 B2C2 B2E2 82p2 11282 U211x TF60x naox TF48x TP/l2x p-II80 £Q!!l I.Q9Il!l!! U!!J.!!.Q X766 OX 110 Ulil!.Q The data received and buffered does not equal the data expected. expected data. Begister 1,,5' contains the Register X'13' contains the address of the receive buffer byte in error. the received \t"t;a, 114'''X787 Begiste~ X'lij' contains X.21 LINB SET TEST This is a manual interYsntion routine and runs only if directly selected or the CE sense switch is set to run manual intervention routines. This rootine tests the 1.21 tine Sets uuique handling of Data Set Beady (OSR) and Clear to Send (CTS). The teansmit and receive lines lust be wrapped (the teansmit line's Transmit ('1') and Control ICI leadb connected to the receive line' s Receive (8) and Indicate (I) leads respectively) via an external facility. Reter to FET"" page 1-330 for wrap test block information. Type 3 Communication Scanner IPT 13705"1A 7.1.229 ,- ,( IBa 3705 CORRUHICATIOHS COHTBOtLER TYPI 3 COlftUHICATIOHS SC1NNIa 1FT StftPTOI INOII 099-37051-09 lost of the tests are perforsed on the transsit line with the results being checked on the trlnssit Ind/or receive line. This routine should be run twice on a half duple. pair, reversing the addresses specified as the translit and receive lines the second tise. The purpose of this routine is to verify control functions; no e.plicit testing is done on the data sent through the wrap connection. Use routine 17A8 for data analysis and to further verify the line set and external wrap connection. Be fer to logic page 'A017 for the ~ulper inforlation. , ,. l The following lanual intervention stops OCCur. At stop P055, enter the routine options as follows: SIIlTCH 8 COl I ! Z 2 I ! Z3 2/100 BPS JUlipers Ire in delay position 21100 BPS Juspers are in no delay position I 8 Z /I 11800 BPS Juspers are in delay position I 8 Z 5 11800 BPS Juspers are in no delay position I 8 Z 6 9600 BPS 9600 BPS I 8 Z 7 I 8 Z 8 I 8 Z 9 /18K '18K BPS BPS Jllllpers are in delay position Jlllpe rs are in no del,y position Juspers are in delay position Juspers are in no dellY position where • • 0 If the routine is not to be looped without respecifying the sanual input. • 1 If tbe routine is to be' looped without respecifying the lanual input. y • 0 • 8 z If internal 2400 BPS clock is to be used. HOTI: This option is only valid for 2'100 BPS. If e.ternal clock is to be used. = 0 If thv line set is configured for non-switched half duplex operation. • 2 If the line set is configured for non-switched duplex operation. At stop P056, enter the transsit line address. SIIlTCH COl i. B o XI X III is the transsit line address as defined in the P001 sanual intervention stop code. At stop P057, enter the receive line address. SIITCH 8 COl o XI I IIX is the receive lins address as defined in the P001 sanual intervention stop code. At stop P059, disconnect tbe e.ternal wrap facility. This stop code will be bypassed if the loop option was specified in response to stop code P055. Press STABT to test the fail safe circuits. Ixcept for the set sode pretest errors (1X03 and 110111, error stops are lost likely caused by failures in the line set cards, if the other type 3 scanner routines bave run successfully. Befer to logic page '1000 for line set card locations. Anyone of the tbree cards of the lipe set could be causing the error. This routine sakes no attespt to isolate fai~ures any further. 11IROli CARD QQDI X7B1 ~Q~!l1Q! PIAL 0 PETRR OX07 All 1's were not detected in the SOP of the receive line. transsitting all marks atter initialization.• 1880R CARO ~2DI I7B7 ',,- fAi!!Q_ fAiI!2_ J.9~AI12J1 nAtD The transsit line should be nUll i6i1J1Q_ i6iJB2_ OX08 DSB on the transait side was not active. DSB should be active on the transsit side of a duplex pair when all sarks are being received. 'OTE: This stop occurs only if duplex operation vas specified. BBIIOIi QQU! CARO ~~AIlQ! 7.1.230137058AA PlAtO PlTIR f!§!!2_ fA§!!2- Type 3 Co.sunication Scanner 1FT .' o o o o o o o o o o C: 11" 3105 cOanUHICATIOHS COI'BoLLaa TYPB 3 coseU.leATloHS SCAHHaa IPT SISPToe IHDII I7B7 0109 DSlI on the recehe side' was not Ilcti,e. are being recei'.~. I7B7 IRROB CARD PEALD ~RI UWQ_ l w a LQ~ DSB shoula be active on the r,cehe side when all .. rks PETsa 0108 OSR becaae ~nactive on the receive line too soon after diagnostic lode vas set on tbe transmit line. PSR should stay acti,e at least 12 bit tiles after diagnostic m~e on the translit line forced C and T off; and therefore, the recei,e line" I and B off through the external wrap facility. 1787 IRBOR CARD PElLD '='221 IIQ"n!!! Uilll2.. !!lill!2.. PB'llla OIOC OSR vas still acti,e on the recei.e line 22 bit tiles after diagnostic mode vas sat on the translit line. DSB should have becoae inactive 17 bit tiles after 1 and a vent to O's. EBBOR CABO ~RI 1787 PEALD PITaa L!!S;W!U! fWllQ_ iAliU2.. 0112 All aarks vere·not detected in the recei.e line's SOP, 10 bit tiaes after the set aode iaterrupt. vhlch resulted froa resetting diagnostic aode and aettlng DrR on the trlnsait line. ERROB CABO mu X7B7 PEAL 0 PETI'II'I IoSQUQI EW!!2.. iWI!L 0113 The I lead is active on the receive line before RTS bas been'activated on the transmit ltae. The 1 lead should be connected to tbe C lead on the transait line tbrough the external wrap facilitJ. 'I " o o o o o o o o ERROB CABO ~!!§ I7B7 PEALD FETI'II'I LSS;!UQ! UiUQ_ UW2.. 0115 CTS is active on the transait line before RTS has been activated. I7B7 ERROB CABO PElLO PETI'lI! ~!!l EA~l!_ n~!2.. LS£!UQ! 0118 The I lead did not becoae active on the receive line after BTS (CI vas active on the transeit line. The I lead should be connected to the C lead through the external vrap facility. EBBOB ClBD ~!!! 1787 !!!S;Atl!!! PElLD ~A[l!Q_ FETI'I! iAli!!2.. 0119 CTS beca.e act i.e less thaa 21 bit tiaes _fter BTS was set in tbe line set (1 was detected on the receive linel. BOTB: This stop occurs only if delay vas specified. ERROR ClBD m!!! 1I2gUQ! 17B1 PBALD FET"" Um2_ Ulill!2.. 0120 CTS did not becoae active witbin one bit tile with not delay, was set in tbe liae set (1 vas detected on the receive line). ERROR CARD PEALD s;Q1!1 Io2!;Ul!U! U!Ui!2_ Ulill!2.. 3, bit tiaes with delay after BTS PET!e Type l Coa.unicltion SClaner 1FT 1370581A 1.1.231 IS" 31 05 CO~IIUNICATIONS COHTflOLLBB TYPE 3 CO~MUNICATIONS SCANNER 1FT SyaPTO~ 1~DEX 1I:7B7 D.,9-31 Q!l E-09 OX22 DSR became inactive on the translllit line while a continuous space was being received for 22' bit times when I was active (CTS active on the transmit line). nOTE: This stop occurs only if duplex operation was specified. X1B1 ERROR CARD FEALD FETIIII (;Q.I!!1O U~!1O!!Q_ U!ilB!Q_ tQ.~U!Q.!! OX 23 DSR becomes inactlve on the receive line while a continuous space was being rbceived for 22 bit times when 1 was active (RTS active on the transmit line). X7B7 ERROR CARD ! C, ,(bit. (bit 1.0). X1B8 BRROB CARD P!ALD rBTftll £QDJ ~S!Il2l! fAil!!! fAil!!! 0121 !3112 TB811 P-440 4."-0.7~. and ~ueJl.ce bit ICI bit 13.1 should baye been set off. o o o o Type 3 Co •• unication Scanner 1FT 13705HAA 7.1.235 IBM )105 COM~ONICATIONS CONTROLLER 3 COMMUNlCATIONS SCANNEa tfT SYMPTOH INDEX D9a. fAil-ISh OX16 8U5 Tr890 ~e The pcr/IPc, should 7/C vith seguence ~it 13.0 on. Befer to ALC receive state transition (2), III) • legister X'1S' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), IPCP (~its (bit 1. D). X7BC IBBOR CARD PBALD PITla sg~1 ~~!t12! IAiI!2~ la!il1!2~ OX18 B2AS 'rP890 The PCP/IPCP should be S/O. 0.11-0.7) and seguence ~it ( "'- - Befer to ALC receive state transition (71- Register X'15' contains the incorrect pcp (bits 0.0-0.3), IPCP (bits 0.11-0.7). X7BC IRRoa CARD PIlLD PITaa !CQRI ~2£1112! !1§J1!~ !A§!!9£ 0120 B2A5 TrB90 A L2 interrupt vas expected frol the receive line. lither the interrupt did not occur (Register X""' egual zero), or the interrupt vas frol the vrong line (Register X'111' not egual to Register X'H'). BlBOR CARD nBC !CQRJ Iog'U12! PlIAtD U!ilU~ 0122 82A5 Tr890 PlTIII / U9J12.. The status posted in the receive line ICI vas expected to be 1'01100'. The status bits in error are in Begister 1'15'. Reg 1'15' 8its Description 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.11 lbort detect Porlat exception char over/under run Data check SSC and PAD flag O~ 5 1011 Leading DLI error Length check ICI ~yte 15 0.6 0.7 1.• 0-1. 7 X7BC IBBOB CAaD PIALD PITall ~»I 19~!tlQI! IAiIJ9~ la§l~ 82A5 Tr890 OX23 ICI Bits 0.0 1,..1 0.2 '".3 ,11.11 0.5 1ft. 6 n.7 1~. 0-7 A L2 interrupt vas expected fro. the translit line. litber the interrupt did not occur (aegister X"II' egual aero), or the interrupt vas frol the vron~ line (Register X'1/1' not egual to aegister X'11'1· IRROR CARO !CQQ! nBC 01211 PIALD ~Q£AIl21! fl§!1!2£ 8U5 'tr890 PIT"" IA§!.!!~ The data received and buffered does not egual the expected data. the expected data; byte 1 contains the received data. Begister 1'15' byte 0 contains Register 1 '16' contains the address of; the Duaber of bytes tested (byte' D) and the nUliber of bytes reaaining to be tested (byte 1). The contents of Begister 1'16' plus 2 is the address of the next byte in the expected data buffer. The contents of aegister X'16' plus II is the address of the next byte in the received data tuffer. ERBoa CARD ~QI PEUD FET"K Io2SAI1QI fliJ!Q& iAiJ12& (; 7.1.258 13705HAA Type 3 Co.aunication Scanner 1FT o o o IBI 3705 ~o.ftUHlalTloHS COHT'OL~B' TXPI 3 COIIOHIC1TIOHS SC1H •• a I'f SIIPrOI IHDIX X7BC OX 311 o See error stop after error stop OXO,. o o X7BD This routiDe tests the ALC RPQ XftIT lines ability to set the Dew SyDC bit (ICI 16.0) in PCP=l and to detect the loss of Data Carrier Detect (DCD) on the receiYe line. XllT data • X' 80 7' 8. 90 lC aa Cl 09 IP PI 80 11 Al Al' Data Carrier Detect (DCD) will be dropped following the X'PB' character and following the second X'll' character. o o o o U,\ arror stop OX34 ls out of sequence. It appears after error stop OX04 in the listing and in this 4ocument. Por clarity. it is listed in two places in this docusent so that the reader aay find the error stop by looking at either place. o o o o o BRaOB CARD PB1LD OXOl Tr890 PSTII £QiI 1Q£AtlQ! !&iJ!Q.. !!§!!QL X7BD B2&S & set aode iDterrupt failed on the receiYe line (address in Register X'11'). X'15' to deterslDe the cause of the error. Beg X'15' 0001 0002 0003 BRROR CAlID ':1 >, lIRLIIE LII. COHfROL -- RPQ 858912 IlBD Description Ho set sode L2 occurred. Interrupt fros the wronq line - Register " • wrong line address. Peed back check error. PBALD P!'rll QQRI ~Q~2! 1!§!!2.. 1!i!!2& OX02 B2A5 Tr890 & set sode interrupt failed on the transsit line (address in Register X'11'). X'15' to deteraine the canse of tbe error. Beg X'lS' 0001 0002 0003 EIROR CABO X1BD Display Begister Display Begister Description Ho set sode L2 occurred. Interrupt fros the wrocg line - Begister 14 • wrong line address. peedback check error. lEAtD lEUI QQRI L2~Qlf n§!IQ.. !W!2a. OX03 B2A5 TP890 The PCF/EPCP should be BIC. Refer to ALC transsit state transition (11. Register 1'15' contains the incorrect PCI' (bits 0.0-0.31. EPCP (bits 0.4-0.71. ERROB CllID X7BD PBUD P!'rllll £QRI ~g!olliQ! U§!!2.. 1!i!!!!2:. OX04 BUS US90 The Dew SYDC bit (ICW 16.01 was not set following aLC trans.it state transition (1) while in PCP=l. Type 3 CossunicatioD Scanner 1FT 137058A& 7.1.259 IBN 3705 CONnUHIC~TIOHS CONTROLLER TYP! 3 COft!URICATIONS SCANREI 1fT ST!PTO! INDEX 17BD IIRIlOI C~ID fl!UD ~n ~SCAU!l1l 1A!illia.. UJiUQ.. OX311 112B2 l!2C2 l!2H2 l!2J2 U81x Tl'60x Tr42x Tr22x D99-3705E-09 PET!!! l'-II110 Checked to verify that the SDl' was X'1D5' as expected. However, the SDP was not equal to the expected value. Register X'15' contains the actual value found in the SDP. X78D IIRROR CllD L!lSC!Il!l1l PEALD PETII! Q!l~~ ~!JiEllQ.. l!JiE!~ OX05 8215 Tr890 The PCP/BPC' should be 7/C with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to Ate receive state transition (1). Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.71 and (bit ,.0). X7BD ElHIOR CABD £SIll! J:QWI!H! 1A!U111Q.. l!Jinll.. OX06 Tr890 D2A5 fl!ALD ~equence bit PBTIIB The PCP/BPC' should be 7/C with sequence bit 13.0 off. Refer to A~C receive state transition (3). Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCl' (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.11-0.7\ and sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROR ClRD X78D 'EALD Q!lDI J:!l£All!l1l ~A!U1!Q.. OX01 Tr890 82A5 FETII! f.!JiE1l9.. The PC'/BPCP should be 7/C with sequence bit 13.0 on. Refer to ALC receive state transition (41. Register X'1S' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.3), EPCP (bits 0.4-0.7) and sequence bit (bit 1.0). ERROB CARD PEALD OX08 Tr890 FETII! lCQRl L9SCAl19! lA!U1!!l.. lAgE!!l.. X7BD BUS Receive tag not detected in SDP. X7BD ERROR CARD LQ£!l1911 FBALD QQQ~ f!!U1ll~ B215 Tr890 OX09 Register X'15' contains receiYe line address. l'ETII! 1!JiE!9.. A L2 interrupt was expected from the receive line. Bither the interrupt did not occur (Register X'14' equal zero). or the interrupt was frOB the wroDg line (Register X'111' not equal to Register X'11'). Interrupt should have been generated by the loss of (DCD). will be set back OD on the next bit se;vice cycle. X1BD ERROR CA8D PBALD' PBTII! QgRE ~!l1211 gAGENQ~ 1!JiE!~ OX11 B2A5 TP890 leceive state transiti'on (9). DCD The status posted in the receive line lCW was expected to be X'0400' (BOft and lost DCD). Tbe status bits in error are in Register 1'15'. Reg X'15' Bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.1.260 X3705811 Description ICW Bits lbort detect Pormat exception Char over/under run Data check 0.. 0 14. 1 0.. 2 111.3 { Type 3 CO.BnnicatioD Scanner 1FT o o o 15K 3705 COftnOKlcATIORS COHTROLLEi TtPE 3 COHHU8ICATIOHS SCANNER If~ SYKPTOK IHDEX o o o 1.0-~.7 X7BO PEALD ~Q£!I!Q! f!g!!Q~ OX13 B2A5 Tre90 ERaoa CARD PEALD £QR! LQ£AI!Q! fA2!!QL X1BD OX14 B2A5 f!g!!2L 5/0~ Refer to AJ.C receive state transition (91. PETH! fl2!!~ TPB90 The Pcr/EPCP should be 7/C with seguence bit 13.0 off. aefer to ALC receive state transition (21. Register X'1S' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCP (bits 0,.4 ... 0.1) and sequence bit (bit 1.01. X7BO ERaOB CARD PEALD FETH" £29! LQ£!I!Q! f!2!!Q~ fAg!!Q~ Ox16 Tl'890 B2AS Receive tag not detected in SOl'. £2nl X'IBO OX 18 PEALD PETaa L2~Allgn EAgl»~ fAil.Q~ BUS !f890 Register X'lS' contains the receive line address. L2 interrupt vas expected fr08 the receive line. Either the inte.rrupt did not occur (Re9ister X' '4' egua 1 zero), or the interrupt, was fro. the wrong line (Begister X'14 'not equal tD Register X'11'1· A ., o o 0.5 14.6 14.1 15.0-1 Register X'15' contains the incorrect PCP (bits 0.0-0.31, EPCP (bits 0.4-0.71. ERROB CAaD C.• 1II. II PETHH £2R! The PCP/EPcr should be o o EOH Leading OLE error Length check ICII byte 15 ERROR CARD o o asc and PAD flag 0.11 0,.5 0.6 0.7 Interrupt should have been generated by the loss of OCD. be set back on on the next bit service cycle. ~BROR CAaD PEALO Receive state transition (8). DCD vill PET!a £29! 1.!l£U!Q! U2!!Q:. fill!2", X7BO OX20 B2~S TPe90 The status posted in the receive ,line ICW was expected to be X'04BO' (EOK and lost DCDI. o o o The status, bit~ Beg 1'15' Bits Description 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.• Ii 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.0-1.7 X7BD in error are ICII Bits Abort detect 0.0 Format ex.::eption lli. 1 0.2 Char over/under run Data check 14.3 BSC and PAD flag 14.4 EOII 0.5 Leading OLE error 14.6 Length check 111.1 ICW byte 15 15.0-7 ERRoa CARD nALD PETHI! £2Jl:fl ~Q£AI!Q! fAillQ.. f!§~!Q .. B2AS TrB90 OX22 ~p,Re9isteri~"5~. The PCP/EPCF should be 5/0. Refer to ALC receive -state transition (81 • Register X'lS' contains the incorrect PCF (bits 0.0-0.3 •• EPCF (bits 0.11-0.71. Type 3 Co •• unication Scanner IPT X370SHAA 7.,.261 IB~ 3705 CO~MUNICATIONS CONTROLLER TYPS 3 COMMONICATIONS SCANNIR 1fT SYftPTOM INDIX X7BD ERROR CARD FEALO FETItIl ~!U~ ~Q~lUQ!! f12~!!2~ ~1§~!!2L OX23 B215 TP890 099- 37 O!H.- 09 A L2 interrupt was expected from the transmit line. Either the interrupt did not occur (Register 1'1~' equal zero), or the interrupt was from the wrong line (Register X'14' not equal to Register 1 '11') • ERROS CARD FEAt 0 FETftll £Q.!2! J.52S1UQ!! U2!!!!l" fA,IlUQ:. X1!lO OX2~ Il2A5 TF890 The data received and buffered does not equal the expected data. the expected data, byte 1 contains the received data. Register X'15' byte 0 contains Register X'16' contains tho address of; the number of bytes tested (by to 0) and the number of bytes remaining to be tested (byte 1). The contents of register X'16' plus 2 is the address of the next byte in the expected data buffer. The contents of Register X'16' plus ~ is the address of the next byte in the received data buffer. ERROR CARD \.. FEAt 0 £Q.!l! !o52f:!I!Q'!! U§UQ." X1BO OX34 See error stop after OX04. X7FO SOLC Link Test. This routine is a manual intervention routine and runs only if you set the CI sense switch to run manual intervention routines or request a single routine to be run. This routine will stop with manual intervention stop code F020 through F02C requesting entry of options needed to run this routine. This routine may be used for SDLC data link problem determination and repair verification when on-line tests (under host system control) are not available. When using this routine for problem determination external to the 3705, all normal internal functional tests should run norsally without internal hardware errors. Any local interface problems, such as line set drivers and terminators, should be tested using routine x7A8 or X7A9 with external local wrap options because 171.8 and 17A9 provide more detailed information about local failures. This SDLC link test is basically an ECHO test with the primary SOLC station sending a SOLC link test comsand frame down the link. The prisary station expects to get the same test frale back if the remote end of the link received the test frame without errors. Some SDLe terminals only respond with a non-seguenced acknowledgement response rather than sending hack the link-test fram. it received. Options are provided to run as a SDLC primary station or as a SDLC secondary station. The primary station option initiates the link-test commands and expects to receive responses. The secondary SDLC station responds to test-frames received; if the test frame was received without errors, the same test frame is sent back as a response. If a test fra.e vas received without block check errors and had either more data than could be buffered or did not have the poll bit on in the control field, the secondary station responds with a test frame without optional data. I I I frames received with block check errors or with abort detect conditions are counted as errors and no response is provided. All frames received with a SOLC station address other than the SDLC station address selected in the F028 manual intervention stop code are counted as an unexpected or non-supported frame and no response is provided. Ho response is provided for frames with anything but a link-test command field. The structure of the link-test command enables thic test to also run a local external duplex modem wrap if you select the primary station option and connect the transmit and receive lines together properly. A remote wrap can be done if the remote end of the link can tie the transmit and receive duplex lines together with proper loading etc. Because the remote end of the link must stQre the test frame and send it back. the wrap option does not work on half-duplex lines. This routine always stops on translit errors such as modem check, tiseout, or ovvrrun, but does not stop on receive errors except for modem cheCk error unless an option is selected to stop on frames in error .or stop on any frame. Continuation (select !'OIICTIOH 5 and press STADT key) from the OX20, 0160 or 0161 stops, stops the routine. clears all error counts and su.mary statistics and restarts the test from the transmit/receive data portions. This allows continuing the test on a manual switched line connection without making a new connection. The sale restart is used for the 0000 dynamic restart option or the 0000 restart option at stop code P02C. Any lanual switched line connection will not be broken until you abort the routine or use a restart option that goes through total hardware setup such as 0002 restart code. 7.1.262 X37D5HAA Type 3 Communication Scanner 1fT ( o o o o UII 3706 COI\IIUIlCA'UolIS CO.nOLLER TUll COIIIIOIltCl'UOIiS SC&IIIIBB In SlIIl'TOIi UOBX 111'0 Pad o o o l' C 4d BC BC r ee Pad • alternate data transition characters for clock correction and will be X'AA' if NRZI 104e is not baing used or XIOO' if IIZI aode is ~eing used. r = SOLC flag character coaposed of a zero bit followed by six one bits followed by another zero bit (X '711'). o o o o o o Pa4 where-. o u o D99-310511-09 A c SOLC station address. C • SOLC control field and will always be X'P3' i f a LIIIIt-TBST coasandl response is being sent or X'91' if a cOlaand reject response is being sent. dd • Optional tranSiit/receive data field when tbe LIHIt-TIIST coaaand is being used. Wben tbe cOlland reject response is being sent, tbe first byte of tbis field is the cOI.and field of the receiwed fraae that is being rejected, the second byte is set to zeros (it is defined as the send and receive sequence counts) and tbe third byte is set to X'04' if aore data was received tben could be buffered or to J'01' if the LIHJ-TBST cOlland was received without the poll bit on. Be • block cbeck(CRC) characters. Two block check characters are always sent and their bit configuration waries according to tbe SOLC station address, control field and optional data fields. ' ee an ending translission of X'PP' to lake the line go to an idle state and to allow tile for bits to be sent before dropping the' • request to selld' lead 011 trlllslit turnarounds. ~ " , All the data dedlleil above between 't~e! two tlag characters is dafined 'a. a PRlItB. All references in , this doculent to ~tbe frale rafers to this portioll of each translitted or received segl8nt of data. Note tbat if tbe above is baing sent/received in IIZI lode then tbe actual bit configuration on the line will differ frol the ones shown above. llso, SDLC zero bit insertioD/deletion applies to all cbaracters except tbe flags and ending, sequence defined under ee. Test statistics and error count are available vhile the test is running and at the P02C test coapletion code. In addition certain regist3rs are used for current status indicators and lay be displayed while tbe test is running or at the P02c stop code. Following is the definitioQ of the status indicators: 171'0 legister X'1B' cOlltaills the current translit aDd receive line status. Byte 0 of reg 1'1B' • last received frale type indicator and aay cODtain one of tbe following indications: X'OO' • Ii Ie out occured on last receive cOlpletion. A good link test frue was received with no errors. X'40! • A cOlland reject response was received as tbe last frale received at tbis prilary station. "20' • A nOIl-sequeDced acknovledgelent waa received as the last frale at tbis prilary station. X'10' • A block check (CDC error) vas detected in tbe last received fraae. X'08' • An invalid or non-supported frale was received as the last received frale. ~his lillk test oDly supports tha link-test response, tbe non-sequenced ackllowledgelent response alld tbe cOlaand reject reaponse if running as a prilary station. Tbe secondary statioll option vill only accept a link-test cO.lalld but aar respoqd vitb a link-test response or a cOlaand reject response. ~his indicator is also set if a partial frale was received followed by an 'abort detect! sequence of seven or lore consecutive one bits. X'Oll' 'A valid link-test frue vas received but it contained lore data than could be buffered. If this is a secondary station, a cOlland reject response is sent for tbis frale. Tbe laxilul lengt4 of the receive(and transait) data buffer is 102/f characters if this 3105 has lore tban 16K storage or 10 characters if 3105 bas only 16K of storage. 1'02' IDvalid SOLC station address received or, for priaary station option with optional transait data. the received data did not co.pare witb the SDLe station address or optional transait data that v~s sent. ~he SOLC station address that ron provide in tbe 1'028 stop code is used to lake this coaparison. If the secondary station option vas selected, tbis frale vill not be responded to. X'01' • A hardware detected error such as lodes check or overrun has been detected. 10 response is lade to any frales received witb tbis type of error. Byte 1 of reg X'1B'. translit line status and otber intorlation bits. ftnltiple bits aay be on in this byte as opposed to byte 0 vhich ne,er vill ha,e aore than one bit On. ~he bita within tbis brte are defined as; Type 3 cOlaunication Scanner 1FT X3105B&& 1.,.263 18ft 3105 COftftONlCATlORS COHT~O~LIR TYPE 3 COftftUHlCATIONS SCARH!R 1fT StftPTOft INDEX D99-31 05£-09 1'80' .. 1 reply is pending to be sent to the last fraDe 1'40' recei~ed at this secondary station. A cOD.and reject reply is now being sent or was the last fraDe transmitted from this secondary station. X'20' .. A link-test comllBnd(from prhary station) or response(from secondary station) was the last fraae sent or is being sent at this time. 1'10' = A 'transmit K'O" .. Recei,e line is busy if this bit is on. initial' operation is being done or was last transait operation done. This 'transmit initial' is done to set 'request to send' and wait for 'clear to send' from the aodea interface for the first transait operation of all prilary station options and for secondary station options when 'reguest to send' should be on at all tiDes. See aanual intervention stop code P020 for this option. Trans.it line is busy if this bit is on. X'02' ( Bit not defined. Kay be used as added indicator at later time. \. 1'01' .. Bit not defined. aay be used as added indicator at later tile. I1PO Register 1'11" contains the accu.ulated tr'ansa1t and receive line statllS indicators. The bits in this register have the sa.e aeanings as the bits defined in register X'11' except once these bit are set on they are not reset until the test is restarted. These bits serve as a su.mary of all the transait and receive operations that have been done up to th •. time this register is displayed. I1PO Register 1'1D' is used to control the IOU display code that is put out to the panel display B lights (if function select switch is in positions 4, 5 or 6). This register is cleared to zeros at approxiaately two second intervals and in between this clearing to zeros it is used as an accululator of all the bits defined in the register I'1E' bits. I1PO Register X'46' is used to control the lOXX display COde that is put out to the panel display 8 lights (if function select switch is in positions 4, 5 or 61. This register is cleared to zeros at approxiaately two second intervals and in between this clearing to zeros it is used as an accumulator of all the bits defined in the register X'1B' bits. I1PO Register 1'46' is the scanner the receive line used in this line interface conditions for register contains the receive of this register. Bit Rex o 80 1 2 qO 20 3 ,0 _ 08 5 6 0' 02 display register. This frogram sets the display bit in the ICN for test. Por half-duplex 1 nes this register gi~es you the current both the transmit and receive operations. Por duplex lines this line interface conditions. Pollowing is bit definition for byte 0 Beaning if bit is on. 'clear to send' is active. Should be on while in transmit lode and may be on while in receive sode. Por duplex lines this bit probably will not be on since it reflects the status of the receive half of the duplex pair. 'ring indicator' is active. 'data set ready' is active. Should be on for leased lines and should come on after line is connected for switched lines. 'receive line signal detect'(carrier detect) is active. ShOUld be on while receiving and lay be on while transsitting. 'receive data bit buffer' is a one bit, if the line interface receive data buffer contains a lark(1).. Should vary as received data varies. 'diagnostic aode bit' is on. Should not be on in this test. 'bit service request bit' is on. Should be on once eac~ bit service. 1011 display codes. While the link-test is running, various display codes are displayed in display 8 if you have the PUNCTION SBLBCT SNITCH in function position q, 5 or 6 (except l06P). These display codes are displayed approximately once every other second with the display Blights cleared to zero between each BOll display. These BOXX display codes are defined as: X1PO BOOO alternating with BOPl' • waiting for 'data set ready' to co.e on before doing any transmit or recei~e operations. These codes vill be continously displayed until 'data set ready' coses on ~ia completing a manual switched connection or via connecting (or jumpering) the proper sode. interface leads. On a leased line connection you will not see this display code if 'data set ready' is always on(as expected). B060 A good test frase was received within the last two seconds and no other error was detected (except a possible ~i.eout). 1061 qotbing was received(timeouts) during the last two B062 11063 = A block f' second~. check error(CRC error) was detected in SODe frame during the last two seconds. A non-supported or invalid frame was rllceived during the last two seconds. 1064 • aore data was received than could be buffered during the last two seconds. 8065 .. 1 co.mand reject response was received at this primary station during the last two seconds. 1.1.2611 Xl105HlA Type 3 Communication Scanner IPT ( o o o o lB" 3105 co.ftUNIcAtIONS CO.T.OLLSI TIP! 3 COftftORIClfIOIS SCA.NBa IPT SYftPTOft IMPII o £068 o o o o o D9:f- 31 05 B- 09 1066 • A non-sequenced acknowledgesent was receive4 at this prisarr station during the last two seconds. £061 • ~ither o( 3 Conditions say eKist: 1 - SDLC Station Address did not cos pare. 2 - Received data did not cospare with transsitted data. 3 - Secondary Station received .ore data than could be buffered. In all cases '1061' indicates that the data received does not cOlpare with data transsitted. =~ hardware detected error such as lodes check or overrun has been detected during the last two seconds. £06P • This code is displayed if you are using tbe dynalic cos.unications option (function select 1 and switches B-1 set to DOIII ,nd bave entered a,DOII code tbat is not defined. Ho action is taken if this c04e is displayed. I '.' I , 11FO DOli dynasic c'olaunications codes. 'lhese dynasic coslQnications codes allow you to tersinate or restart the link-test at various pOints within the test. you enter these codes while the progras is running by setting the DISPLAY/PUBCfIOH SELICf SWlfCH to function position 1, setting the selected code in switches B-a and then pressing the interrupt key on the control panel. These dynalic cos.unication options are the sase as those defined in the p02c sanual intervention stop code definition. fbey are repeated here in a su.aary for.. For sote details see the F02C stop code definition. DOOO· Restart link-test at transsit/receive data pointlno line resetsl. DOOl • Restart routine fro. beginning including asking for options. D002 = D003 ~estart = Stop link-test including bardware resets and enables. routine at P02C stop code and display statistics. D004 • Tersinate routine after hardware resets. 11FO STATISTICS at link test'tersination. Register l'lC' contains the address of a is running and at the F02C and 0111 stop table frol this register and display the Pollowing is a list of what is available u o statistics table in storage. At all tises while the test codes you may get the storage address of the statistics storage locations for the following half-word counters. in these statistics: BeK displacesent within statistics pointed to by reg 1I1CI. 00 • Huaber of SDLC link-test fraaes transmitted successfully. fhis count does not include cosaand reject respODses sent fros a secondary station. 02 • Husber of SDLe link-test frases received with no errors. If this is a prisary station then the received SDLC station address and(if used) the optional data sust cos pare in order to have one added to this count. On a norsal F02C cospletion at a prisarj station this count should satch the nusber of test frases transsitted count if no errors have been detected. An eKception is when the secondary station responds with non-sequenced acknowledgelents to test frases then this count ShODld be zero and the received non-sequenced acknowledgelents count should latch t~e nusber of test frales transsitted count. o 04 - Busber of frases received with block check errors(CaC errors). o 06 • Hu.ber of cOlund reject responses received at this secondary station. 08 • Rumber of non-sequenced acknowledgesents received at this secondary station. o o 01 = Husber of !&ases received that were not included in other receive counts. This count includes frases received with invalid SDLC station addresses, non-supported cos.ands/responses, non-data cospares with optional trans.it data and frases tersinated by an abort detection condition. Hate that sose of these conditions say have caDsed a block check error and be inCluded in the block check error count and not this count. OC • If prisary station, then this field coatains nUlbar of test frases requested to be sent in the r022 stop code. If this field is all zeros and a prilary station option was selected tben test fraael will be sent contiaously (allowing for receiving etc.1 without ever ter.iaating the test. ~a • Husber of hardware errors detected, such as sodes check or overruns, on the 10 Busber of COl sand reject responses transsitted by this secondary station. trans sit and receive operations. 17FO Pollowing are the error stop codes that lay occur in this test. Rote that aDY error stop codes beginning with 1 or 2 in display B byte 0 bits 0-3 are defined in another section of this sysptos indeK. The display B codes starting with r are defined in the aanual intervention section of this doculent. Type 3 COlsunicatien Scanner 1FT 13105H11 1.1.265 (; rf o. \\J ISft 3705 COa"U.ICA~IOMS CO.~BOLLIB TY~B 3 COftftU.IC~'IO.S SCA.IBa IP~ SYHPTOft IIOEX I7FO 0107 099-37051-09 Auto call failed to cOlplete. An autocall error was detected. Begister 1"5' byte 0 contains an error indicator which is described beloll. Register X'15' byte 1 contains the sdf bits for autocall. SDP bits for autocall are defined as; bit 0.0 = interrupt releaber, bit 0.2 • call request, bit 0.3 • data line occupied, bit 0.4 • present next digit, bit 0.5 - digit present, bit 0.6 • call originate status, bit 0~1 abandon cal~ and retry. IBBOB IIOICATOB. = ( If ~ ./ i", Irror in auto call connection. leg.I"S' byte 1 contains SOP bits in error. SOP bits 0-' on, 5-1 off. ~lso an error, if LCD not-S, pcr not-4 (reg. X'45' byte 0). 2 Irror in dialing. 2 Irror in dialing. I ~ See error indicator 1 description. 4,5&6 -- If last digit dialed was not an ION digit, PND lay cOle on and cause a L2 interrupt if the distant station does not ansller illediately. Tbe saee thing IIill occur with lOB, as last digit, on sOle 011 I non-laB) and on lal auto-call units that do not have the lOB feature strapped on. On S08e OBa auto-call units tbe BOI IIill cause the auto-call unit to transfer control to the model/data set IIith DATA-SiT-BIAO! on il.ediately, even though no distant station bal been connected and given an aDSller tone. 17FO OX20 4 Brror indicating PII, CBa or OLO not on. 5 10 auto-call coapletion (tiaeout). 6 Abandon-call and retry cale on. 8eg. X'1S' byte 1 bits 1,2 & 3 should be on. / \ \ Beg. 1'15' byte 1 bit 6 (COSI sbould bne on. Beg. 1'15' byte, bit 7 came on. Transmit line operations. A translit line error has been detected. &eg X'13' contains the accululated ICI bits 0-15 during this transmit operation. On each level 2 interrupt ICW bits 0-7 are stored together and saved for this error display. If register 1'15' bit 0.3 is on, the transeit line has ti.ad out because 'clear to send' did not coae on or soae other transmit failure such as loss of translit clock. See the routine heading for lore registers and error statistics. Continuing froa this stop by selecting FUNCTIOI 5 and pressing ST~BT restarts the test at the tIBns.it/receive portion without doing a hardllare reset and enable. Boutines J7A8 or 17A9 aay be aore useful in isolating this error. I7FO OX60 Beceive error cOlpletion. This error stop occurs if a lode. check was detected (ICI bit 3 on) while in receive lode. This stop aay also occur if options to stop on any fraae of fraae in error was selected. legister X'13' contains the ICI bits accululated during this receive operation by 08ing ICI bits 0-7 together and saving thel ~n each level 2 interrupt. The prograa does not stop for receive tileouts; it sets up to transmit again if stop on any fraae or any frale in error options IIere selected. Begister X'16' contains the address of the receive data During eacb level 2 interrupt service, ICI bits 0-7 are OBed with the previous bits and saved; these bits are displayed in register 1'13'. buffer in storage and register 1'19' contains the address plus 1 of the last received character. See the routine heading for test run details, aore registers, and link test statistics. continuing froa ~his stop by selecting PUNCTION 5 and pressing START restarts the test at the translit/receive portion of the test without doing a hardllare reset and enable. Boutines 17A8 and 1719 aay be aore useful to locate this failure. X7PO OIH Beceiving fraaes. This stop code occurred because an option to stop on the type of fra~e just received was selected. Begister X'1B' defines the type of frase received as explained in in the routine heading. Begister 1'16' contains the starting address of the receive buffer; register 1'19' contains the address one byte past the last character received. Register 1'14' contains the accuaulated block check characters and should be I'F088'. If no errors occurred, register 1"3' contains the last 2 characters' received and should be the actual received block check ICBC) characters. See the routine heading for test run details, test statistics, and aore registers. Continuing froa this stop by selecting FUNCTION 5 and Pressing START restarts the test at the transmit/receive portion without doing a hardware reset and enable but the statistics connters will be Cleared. I7F1 ICW Card Test 1 '~ !QYUl!lI U§£UfU2! This manual intervention routine IIrites various data patterns in ICI bytes according to cards containing the bytes. To coapletely test for defective BOB 80dules, the -4.0 Vdc measured at any S06 pin on the £2 or £3 board aust be varied to -3.6 Vdc and to -4.4 Vdc. Refer to lB! 122~ ~2!~1!~!!121! £21!t211!£ !i!l~ !99in!!IiDS 1h!2'I 1I1a!~n~ I!lB!l£ SY27-0107 Page 0-230/0-580. (. 7.1.266 I3705HAA Type 3 Co.sunication Scanner 1FT 1 )0 o o IU 31 PS COIIIIOltICA'UOHS C6H'fII0J,.LER' , 099-37051-09 '.UP! 3 COlIlIOIlICAflOIlS SCAII:IIIII lFt sYllnol! IIIDEI o o DO HOT attempt to loop on error in this routine. error prodllces extraneous indications. This routine loops in such a aanner that looping on All type 3 communication scanner IFTs sbollld have been run prior to rllnning this routine. Approximate run the is 20 seconds. o o o STOP ~R] X7F1 This stop occllrs at the beginning of tbe routine to allow adjllsting the -4.0 Volts dc measured at any B06 pin on the E2 or E3 Board. Adjust the voltage to -3.6 and run the routine several times, replace defective cards that cause errors. After running the routine with the voltage adjusted at -3.6 Vdc, adjust the voltage to -4.4 Vdc and run the routine several more times. Beplace defective cards that cause errors. Restore the voltage to -4.0 before returning the controller to the customer. The voltage is adjusted via the potentiometer on OXD-H2/0XD-At. The routine will loop as long as ADDRESS/DATA Switcb 1 is set to any value other than O. Thus, if you wish to loop the routine, set switch E to any value other than 0 for as long as you wish to lOOp. o o o ERROR CAnD x7Pl PEAt 0 PET 1111 ADDITIONAL QQ~! tQ&A1lQJ iAlijUQ fAli!!Q UfQ!1UUQ! OXOl E3G2 F-320 Pass " 0000 ICW bytes 1 and 9 'U-210 Either a level 1 interrupt occllred or the data did not egual that expected. Replace card E3G2. U "'·i.' .•:•• ~, i 17Fl o o Do not attempt to loop on error in this routine. ERROR CARD FEALD FETIIII ADDITIONAL QQ~g LQ~!I12U 1Alil!2 ~!9!!2 l!IQ!1~!I!Q! OX02 E3P2 'fE-200 F-320 Pass" 0100 ICW bytes 6 and 8 Either a level 1 interrupt occur.ed or the data did not equal that expected. o Replace card E3F2. ERROB CARD X7F 1 PEAt 0 £Q~! 1Q£ill2! Ulil!!!.Q 0103 E2T2 TP-200 TP-200 Do not attempt to loop on error in this routine. FETIII! ADDITIONAL ~Ali!!Q !UQl!!!!!Q!! F-280 F-350 Pass = 0200 ICW bytes 0 and 14 l!ither a level 1 interrupt occllred or ihe data did not eqllal that expected. lIeplace card E2T2. o o P060 X7F1 Do not attempt to loop on error in this routine. ERROR CARD PlALD f!liE!Q !UQUU!Q'!! OX04 TF-300 TP-300 F-290 P-320 Pass = 0400 leW bytes 2 and 10 E2U2 FETIII! ADDITIONAL QQQ! LQ£ll!Q!! fA!i!!Q Either a level 1 interrupt occllred or the data did not equal that expected. Replace card E202. Type 3 Communication Scanner 1FT Do not attempt to loop on error in this routine. 13705HAA 7.1.267 IPM 31Q5 COaaUHICATIOHS COHfRott1a 3 COftftUnIClfIONS SCIH •• R IPf Slft~TO. IMDII P99-37 051-09 ~IPB EaaOR CIRD I7F1 PEILD PETaR £221 L2~lI!Q1 11iJ!2 !l9!!9 0105 E2G2 'IF-liOO tr-IIOO P-300 r-3110 ( IDDlfIO.IL 1!191~A%19. Pass .. 0800 ICI bytes land 13 Either a level 1 interrupt occured or the data 4id not equal that expected. aeplace card E2G2. EaaOB CARD X7F1 PEALD Do not attespt to loop on error in this routine. .2'11121 lAiJ!2 PETRR ADDITIOHAL ~RI llil12 1112IIA%l2! 0106 12S2 P-290 P-350 Pass • 1000 ICI byt.. 15 and 16 Tr-210 Tr-210 / \. Either a level 1 interrupt occured or the data did not equal that expected. Replace card EBBOB CIBD X7F1 PEILD 12S2~ Do not attespt to loop on error in this routine. FET!! IDDITIONIL ~RI !Q~AJ!QI 11§J!2 !liI!9 1!IQBJ1%121 0107 E2112 U-310 U-310 U-310 r-300 '-310 '-320 Pass· 2000 ICI bytes 5 and l' Either a level 1 interrupt occured or the 4atl did not egull that expected. Beplace card 12R2. 17P1 PEALD Do not attespt to loop on error in this routine. ~R! ERROB CABD L2k!%lQJ lAill2 1l§112 11lQIIA1lQI OIOB. 12V2 Tr-Ii 10 F-300 '-300 F-3110 Pass· '1000 ICI bytes II and 12 U-II10 'rP-q 10 PET!! ADDITIONAL lither a level 1 interrupt occured or the dlta did not equil that expected • • epllce card 82V2. Do not attelpt to loop on error in tbie routine. 17F2 ICI ping Pong Card Test This lanual intervention routine writes X'OO', I'OB', X'Fr', and X'p7' in ICI bytes according to cards containing tbe bytes. Ta cOlpletely test for defective HDB lodules, the -q.O Vdc seasured at any B06 pin on the E2 or Il board lust be varied to -3.6 Vdc Ind to -11.11 Ydc.. Befer to UJ H~ !O!!IIllaJ.!<1112J11 S;WWlK. liil~ !ngiD~§[1ag %!§2£I IliD1!DI!!E-09 SYHPTO~ INDEX o ROUTINE DESCBIPTIOII This routine ensures that the adapter being tested can be selected. o X901 ERROR CARD FEUD FET~M £Q!Hl I.Q£A.I!Q!! ~!'~~!!Q:. ~!'~!!!!Q... PAlOS 8-120 OXOI E4P2 Attempt to select type 4 channel adapter under test failed. X'67' executed following selection. HOI ERROR CARD PEALD FETM~ £QR!! LQ£!!!Q!! ~!~!!!!Q~ E!~!!!!Q ... OX02 PAlOS 8-120 E4F2 Attempt to select type 4 channel adapter under test failed. X'17' executed following selection. X902 !l.!l~£!HI!Q!! Ensures tllat the channel adapter can be disabled EaROR CARD FEAtD FETIIII P8103 H-120 £QRll IoQ£!'UQ!! fA.!l.!l!!Q ... Uii!!!!Q .. X902 [ OXO 1 E4P2 Channel interface was not disabled. X903 Clear Adapter with Diagnostic Reset llQ!!U!!~ Jl.!l2£UU~Q!! Ensures that Diagnostic Reset clears the Channel Adapter. o Register X'14' contains the results of the IN Channel Adapter Disable Test !!Q!!I!!!ll o Register X'14' contains the results of the IN ERROR CARD X903 FEALD £QR!! LQQUQ!! ~A.iiEl!Q OX02 PH107 PF103 PC105 PE 102 E4Q2 BIIK2 !!4N2 E4L2 FETII" .. U!l!!!!Q.. H-120 8-050 ProgriUI does an output X'67' with bit 0,4 on. ADDITIONAL ~!!lQ!!!!UIQ!! any bits bit 0.6 bits 0.1, 0.2, 0.7 bits 0.0, 0.3, 0.5 Register 1'60' did not clear. EFROR CARD o X903 FEALD ADDITIONAL I.Q£A.IIQ!! OX04 E4Q2 E4L2 E4T2 E4N2 34K2 - PH 107 PE103 PG102 PC104 PF104 ~egister X'62' did not clear. ERROR CARD X903 FET"" £Q!2~ ~A.!i.!l!!Q .. FEUD UiiUQ.. ~!EQ!!!!aUQ!! H-120 8-070 any bits bits 0.0-0.4, 1.0, 1.5-1.7 bits 0.6, 0.7 bits 0.5, 1.1, 1.3 bits 1.2, 1. II FE Til I! ADDITIONAL £QR!! I.Q£A.UQ!! f!~.!l!!QL f!!i!!!!Q .. !!ifQ!!!!UQJ! OX08 PU10? PD10S PG102 H-120 H-l00 E4Q2 E4112 E4T2 any bits bits 0.0, 0.1, 0,4, 0.5 bits 0.6, 0.7 Register X'66 ' did not clear. Type 4 CA IF~ X370SJAA 8.1 1>99-370511-09 BRROR CARD X903 PEUD PETIIII ~!l§ L!HiU!QI! U!iJ!Hl... U~Ug.. 0109 8402 E41t2 BlIP 2 8-120 0-110 1'8107 l'P104 1'1108 ADDI'lIOIIU llIlQU1U91! anf bits bi ts 1. 1-1.5 bits 1.6. 1.7 Register X'67' did not clear. EIBOR CUD X903 PEUD PEUII ADDITIOUL ~!ll lo!!~AnQl! U,iUQ.. Eli!!!!!.. llllQiUU9l! OXOA 8402 E402 84B2 1'8107 PL102 PQ104 8-120 8-130 an~ bits bit 0.0 bit 0.1 Register X'6C' did not clear. X904 Bits 1.0-1.6 are chet;:ked. Bits 0.0 and 0.' are checked. Register 1'63' (SSAR) All Zeros Test This routine verifies that all Zeros can be loaded into register X'63'. BRROR CARD X904 PEUD PBTU PD107 PB106 1'P102 8-080 ~!lI loQ£U!QI! U!iJI!Q ... U!iJl!Q.. 0101 E4112 E4P2 B4112 Unable to set register 1'63' to X'OOOO'. X905 Register X'63' (SSlR\ All Ones Test This routine verifies that all bits can be set on in register 1'63'. 1905 8IBOR CARD lo!l£AUQ!f PEUD £SIll!! U~1a!.Q OXOB 14112 841'2 114K2 1'Dl07 1'Bl06 ",,02 PETIIII ... fA!iJ!fQ ... 11-080 Unable to set register X'63' to all ones. X906 Register X'63' (SSAR) Alternate Bits Test BQYI!!fE ]J3&B!fIIQI! This routine verifies that alternate bits can be set on in register X'63' via a X'5555' bit pattern followed bfaX'llAl' bit pattern. X906 ERROR CARD loQ£!UQI! PEUD ~!l§ U~UQ OIOC 84112 E41'2 14K2 .. 1'D107 1'8106 1'P102 UTilI! U~l!l!Q .. 8-080 Unable to set register X'63' to 1'5555'. ERROR CUD FEUD OXOD 1'0107 PB106 1'P102 £Q!!§ L9£!I!QI! UiJI!Q .. X906 E4~2 llllP2 E4K2 UTIIII U~U!l.. 8-080 Unable to set register X'63' to X'AlAA'. 8.2 X3705HA Tfpe 4 Cl IPT o o len 3705 X907 COKnUHICA~IONS CO.~ROLLBR Register 1'63' (SS~B) D99-3705E-09 Increasing Bits Test This rOlltine tests reqister 1'63' IIsing a pattllrn of 1ncreaentillg bits. pattern on each interaction. ERBOR CABO QQR~ o 1907010E PBALD !he rou~ine loops adding a bit to the PBT!n L2£lIIQ! !lil!Q4 11il!Q4 114112 B4P2 BlUt2 PD107 PB106 Pll02 8-080 Unable to set register X'63' IIsing a 1ncreasing bits pattern. 1908 Register 1'63' (SSAR) Ploating Zeros ~est Register x'63' is tested IIsing a floating zero pattern to ens lire that extraneous bits are not set on. ERROR CARD 1908 FEALD PETR" £QRI L2£AII2! !!i!!Q~ 1!i!!2L OlOP PD107 PB106 PF102 8-080 BII!2 1I4P2 BIIK2 Unable to set register X'63' IIsing the floating zeros pattern, X909 Register X'611' (Data Register 1 and 21 All Zeros Test Register 1'611' is tested with an all zero bit pattern to ensllre that all bits can be set off. U 'I , iI II ! ERROR CARD n09 PEALO PET!! £2UI L2£lZIQ! llil!Q~ llil!g4 OIOA P0107 PB106 PF102 8-090 8482 EIIP2 BIIK2 Unable to set register 1'611' to 1'0000'. X901 o Register 1'611' (Data eegister 1 and 2) All Ones Test Register 1'611' is tested with an all bit BRROR CARD 190A FBALO pa~tern to ensure tha~ all bits can be set on. PE~n" QQRI LQ£a!IQ! 2Ai!!Q~ lAil!QL OXOB E4K2 B4l'2 P0107 PB106 8-090 BIlK 2 P1'102 Unable to set regieter 1'64' to X'FFPf. X90B Register X'611' (Data Register 1 and 2) Alternate Bit~ Test IQY~l~= RI~!If~lQ! Register 1'64' is tested with X'5555' SRBOR CABO £QU LQ£!I!Q! X90B OXOC 811112 E41'2 SIIK2 FEUD by X'llll' tQ ensure that no interaction between bits occurs. FUU Ui1l!2 .. U!lUQ... 1'0107 1'Bl06 1'Pl02 8-090 Unable to set register Type 4 Cl IPT ~ol~owed X'6~' to 1'5555'. X3705JAA 8.3 IBft 3705 COftllOMICAfIOMS CONTROLLSR BRROR C1RD 190B PBALD PBTR" QQQI. L2~A~lQ! iail!Q~ iAilH~ OIOD B4R2 BU2 1111112 PD101 PBl06 l'P 102 11-090 Dnable to set register X'611' to X'AAAAI. X90C· Register 1'611' (Data Register 1 and 21 Ploating Zeros fest !Qn~lHI RI~!lEZIQI Register X'611' is checked with a floating zero bit pattern to verify that BRROR CARD QQQI LQSAUQ! X90C OXOB Blift2 Blln B41[2 PBALD Ui1l9~ POlO? PBl06 PP102 8-090 '. usi~g the f~o.ting Reg1ster 1'64' (Data Register 1 and 21 Increasing B2nZlHI bits are not set on. re'rftll iUU~ Unable to set reg1ster 1'611' X90D eztr.n~us ~its zero pattern, fest RI~S!IE!IQ! Register 1'611' is tested using a bit pattern with an increasing RUBber of bit. BRROB CABD 1900 rBALD rBTaB QQQI LQ~A~lQH fAi!HQ~ EAilIQ~ olor !l4H2 !U2 BIIK2 PD101 PBl06 Prl02 11-090 Dnable to set register 1'611' when using the increasing bits pattern. X90B Register X'65' (Data Register 3 and 41 All Zeros fest Register X'65' is tested with an all zero bit pattern to ensure that all bits can be set off. BRROR ClRD X908 PB1LD PBfRR QQRJ LQS1ZIQI fAi119~ fAil!2~ OXOl PD10? PB106 PP102 11-090 B4112 BlIP 2 l!4lt2 Unable to set register X'65' to X'OOOO'. X90P Register X'65' (Data Register 3 and III 111 lIits fest !QY!lHI RI~I!E!121 Register X'65' is tested with an all bit pattern to ensure that can be set on. kaROB CARD X90r !.ll~UIQJ n!u:1!2~ UiUQ... OX08 BIIR2 PD101 PB106 Prl02 8-090 811K2 llnable to ~et~. £eg1st'8r" 1'65' \o.x'~rr" Begister X'65' (Data Register 3 and III Alternate 8ita lQYZlH= bits PlTIII! ~!!!! l!~P2 1910 nUD al~ ~eSt R!!~£!12IIQI Register x'65' is tested witb X'5555' followed bf X'11AA' to ensure that no interaction between bits occurs. 8.11 13705JAI'. fYlIe " CA IFf o o o lea 3705 coaa~RIClTIO.S BIIBOI CUD 1910 COIITtoLLII liQQI ~U1911 UiUQ.. UIilI1Q ... PULD l'B'fll1I oloe B4112 S4P2 B4K2 PD107 P8106 11-090 D9 9-31 058-09 "'02 Dnable to s.t register I' 65' to 1'5555'. IBBOB CARD PIALD PITlla OlOD liD 107 l'8106 PP,02 H-09Q QgRI L9liA11911 2Ail19.. 2Ai119... X910 111112 B4P2 BIIK2 "nable to set register X'65 to 1911 X'~~AA'. Register X'65' (Data Register 3 and 4) Ploating Zero Test Register X'65' is tested with a floating Zero bit pattern to ensure that e¥traneous bite are not set on. BRROR CARD )(911 pB1LD PBT"" ~R! LQ~AI19. 2AiII1Q.. 2Ail!Q .. OXOB 114112 B4l12 lID107 PB106 PP102 8-090 nK2 Dnable to set register X'65' when using the floating zeros pattern. X912 Register X'65' (Data Register 3 and I2YIl!~ II) Increaaing Bits Test R!§£BlfllQ! Register X'65' is tested using a bit pattern with an increasing nu.ber of bit. on. BRRoa C~RD PIALD FIT"" OlOP B4112 I"P2 !lin PD101 PB106 PFl02 11-090 QgRI L9£Al1911 2AiJIQ.. fAiJl2 .. 1912 Dnable to set register X'65' when using a growing bits pattern. o X913 Hse Status Register All Bits Test This routine verifies that all bits in byte 1 of lIegister X'66' lasc Status RegisteJ:) can be Slat on. IRROB CABO PIALD PIT"" OXOB PG101 8-100 QgRI L9£A119! 2AiJIQ.. 2Ai119... X913 BIIT2 Dnable to set .egister X'66' to X'eFOO' QSing output I'40ep' to J:egister X'66'. X914 Hse Status Register Alternate Bits Test i~gll!1 RI~~!lfllQ! This J:outine verifies that no intera'ctilln occurs between bits in byte 'oae of J:egister X' 66'. laROB C1BD X914 FBALD PBTaB PG101 8-100 ~RI MQ£A1lQI IAiIIQ.. 2A§IIQ4 oxoe B4T2 Unable to set register X'66' to X'''500' Using output of 1'0045' to J:egistlar X'66'. BBBOR CUD Type 4 CA IF'!! PIALD PITIIB X3105JU 8.5 P99- 370SE-09 X914 OXOD E4T2 PG10l 8-100 Unable to set register X'66' to X'8AOO' using output of 1'008A' to register 1166'. X915 NSC status Begister Floating ~eros Test This routine verifies that extraneous bits are not set on in byte 1 of register X'66'. X915 ERROR CABO LQ!;;AUQ!! PEUD Fnlll! ~Il§ fA§!!!Q~ fA§!!Q~ OXOE 34T2 PG10 1 8-100 Unable to set register X'66' when using the Cloating zero pattern. X916 NSC Status Begister Increasing Bits test This routine tests register X'66' with bit patterns containing an increasing nu.ber of bits. EBBOR CABO X916 FEUD !;;QQ~ LQ!;;AUQ¥ fA§!¥Q.. OXOF ~4T2 PG101 FE Til I! U§ll1!Q~ 8-100 Onable to set register X'66' using a increasing bits pattern. X917 Dltl/Status Control Register All Ze.o Bits test Register X'62' is tested with an all zero bit pattern to ensure that all bits can be set off. IIRBOa C~RD PEUD 1 ETII I! OXOA E4L2 l!4T2 E4N2 PE103 PG102 PC104 8-060 !;;Q1l§ LQ!;;A!!Q! fl&!!!.Q .. U§E!!.Q .. X917 Unable to set register X918 X' 62' to ~', 0000' " Outbound Transfer sequence Test This routine verifies that Outbound Data transfer sequence can be set on in Register X'62'. ERROR CARD FEALD FETIIII OX10 PE103 11-060 !;;QUE LQ£A!!Q!!' fAQ!!!Q.. fA§!!Q .. 1918 E4L2 "nable to set register X'62' to 1'8000' using outbound transfer sequence. X919 Inbound Transfer Sequence Test ~QYII!!.E R~~£~If!IQ¥ T~is routine verifies that Inboun4 Data Transfer Sequence 9an be set on in reqister X'62'. ERROR X919 C~RD FEALD FETHI! !;;QUE LQ£AIIQH fA2~HQL fA§~~Q~ OX11 PE103 8-060 E4L2 Unable to set register X'62' to 1'4000' using the inbound transfer sequence. 6.6 X3705JAA Type" CA IFT o o o Ie~ o o 3705 COKKUHICATIO.S CONTROLLBR 191J. 099-3705£-09 Status Transfer Sequence Test This routine verifies that Status Transfer Sequence can be set on in register 1'62'. IRROR ClBD X911 PIlLD LQ~l11Q! IliEI9L PIT!! ~QI 0112 IIIL2 PHl03 11-060 !liJ.9~ Unable to set register X'62' to x'2000' using BSC final status transfer sequence. o X918 RSC Channel Bnd Transfer Sequence BQYllBB DilkBllll9I This routine verifies that RSC Channel Bnd Transfer sequence can be set on in register X'62'. X918 BRBOR ClRD PB1LD PETRK ~Q~ L2~1l!Q! Il~119~ Il~!!Q~ 0113 EIIL2 PHl03 11-060 e Unable to set register X62 to X'1000' when using RSC channel end transfer seqllence. BRROR CUD £Q.UI J.2~!nQl! X918 [ OX1~ E4L2 I~T2 l'ElLD ng.l!!!Q.. PBTU UgUQ.:. PB10) PG101 Unable to set register X'66' to to 1'1000' to set Channel Bnd. , X'080~' when setting register X'62' " ," ' X91C NSC Pinal Status Transfer SequenCe Test " o o o This routine verifies that RSC Pinal Status 1'62'. X91C ERROR CARD £Q.U l:tQ~1l19! PElLO PBTU U!iII!Q~ El!iIi!Q~ OX15 PB10l 11-060 EIIL2 ~~ansfer sequence can be set on in register Unable to set register X'62' to X'0800 1 when register 1'62' is set to X'0800' to issue RSC Pinal Status transf~r sequence. ERROR CARD X91C PEAto PET"K PG10l PE103 8-060 ~Qnl J.Q!iUIQ! fAiB!Q.. 0116 SIIT2 EIIL2 o El!i11!9~ Register X'66' is not all zeros when setting register 1'62' to X'0800'. X910 Program Requested Level ) Interrupt Test RQY1!!! Y!3£!!il12! This routine verifies that a level ) interrupt occurs when reguested by the program and that the interrupt can be reset. o 1910 ~Qn~ ERROR CARD l:tQ~lllQB PEALD PET"" OXOA B4L2 PB103 11-060 2!!lJIQL fA!iIl!Q~ Unable to set register X'62' to 1'0000' during Pre~Test. Berun rout!ne 1917. Type II Cl IPT X3105JAA 6.7 lEft 370$ COBftUHICATIOHS OOHTBOLLBI BIIOB CARD QQQI ~9S!!19! PBALD PBTBK ~!§JH9~ ~!§J!9~ PG102 8-120 099-37058-<19 ,{ 1 '-.J c Unable to issue a level 3 interrupt. 191B Suppress Out Konitor with Level 3 Interrupt Test This routine ,erifies that suppress Out "onitor can be set and will cause a level 3 interrupt with the Suppress Out Ronitor bit on in register 1'62'. BBROB ClRD £Qql LQSAIl9! 191B 0101 EIIL2 PB1LD PErRR f!§E!Q~ fA§E!9~ PIIl03 8-060 Unable to set register 1'62' to 1'0000' during Pre-Test. U17. X91E ERBOR CARD PBlLD PErKR S~QI ~9SAI19! lAi!!9~ EAi!19~ OX21 E~r2 PG102 8-120 Berun routine Level 3 interrupt did not occur when issuing Suppress Out Konitor. X91P Status service and Address Register Ad4ressitility rest 12g11!E QE~Blfl19! rllis routine ver1fi~S that'setting a:U·;b1ts bet set off in regi$ters X'6~1, X'651 ~r X'66 ' • dd.b 191P BRROB CABO PBALD S9QI L9SAllQ! fA§E!Q~ fA§EH9~ OXOA PD107 8-080 EQK2 'j:egister X'63' does 191P S9QI LQSAtl9! PEALD PErKK fA§EIQ~ fA§EI9~ OX40 PA 101 PP101 8-080 8-090 84P2 84l'i2 b,its to PETKK Unable to set register X'63' to X'OOOO' during Pre-rest. routine X90Q. ERROB CARD nct,1:t,c,~use Rerun Register x'64' is set in error when atteapting to set register X'63' to X'OOOO'. BRBOR CARD FEAtD PETKII E4P2 B4K2 PAl01 PP101 8-080 8-090 S921 I.QSAllQ!! U§E!!Q.. flinQ ... X91P 0141 Register X165' is set in error When attelpting to set register X'63' to X'OOOO'. ERROR CABO 191P PEltO £QQI ~QS!U91 U§E!!Q .. 0142 24F2 !!4K2 PAl01 PF10l PETII" U§I!!Q~ 11-080 11-100 ( "- llegister X'66' is set in error when attempting to set register X'63' to X'OOOO. X920 Data Register 1 and 2 Addressibility Test rhis routine verifies that setting all bits off in regieter X'64' does not cause bits to be set off in registers X'63'. 1'65' or X'66'. 8.8 X370SJAA Type 4 CA nr (. o o o o Ie" 3105 CGa"U.ICATloIS CO.TROLLER IlRlOR ClItD £9l!! 1920 OIOA PEALD PB'I'1t1! PD107 8-090 D99-370liE-09 LQ{i!tIQIi UgllliQ.. IlgUQ... 1!4112 Unable to set register X'64' to 1'0000' during Pre-Test. routine 19 09. BRROR CABD 1920 PEALD FUIIII !?l10 1 Pll01 8-090 8-090 ~l!1 LQ!;,&UQIi fAg.!!!!Q .. Ea!!lIlQ... OU3 !l4P2 SlutZ Register X' 65' Rerun is set in orror when atteaptin9 to set register X'64' to 1'0000'. ERBOR CABO PEUD FET!!I! 0144 Pll0l PF101 8-090 8-100 !;Ql!1 LQS;UIQIi UIUiIiQ.. flinQ .. o o o co o o o o X920 EII.2 EIIK2 Register X' 66' is set in error when attespting to set register X'64' to ERRoa CUD FElLD rET1I1! 1l4F2 1l4K2 PAl01 Pll0l 8-080 8-090 l[l 0000' • S;Ql!I LQS;UIQIl l!AUIlQ .. U!iJIlQ.. 1920 OUS Register 1'63' is set in error IIhen attespting to set register 1'64' to 1'0000'. 1921 Data Register 3 and 4 Addressibility Test BQYIl!l~ l!1~£!liIIQ! This routine verifies that setting all bits off in register 1'65' does not cause bits to be set off in registers 1'63', 1'64' or 1'66'. BRBoa C1RD X921 S;Ql!1 PBALD FIlTII" LQ~IIQIi il!!lIiQ.. ilglJQ.. OXOl B4"2 E4P2 PD107 P8106 8-090 Onable to set rsgister X'65' to EaROa CARD FEUD FETIIII 0146 Pl101 PP10l 8-090 8-100 I·~OOO-. s;QRI! .QS;UIQl! UiUll .. fAgUQ .. 1921 E4P2 E4K2 Reg1ster 1'66' is set in error when atteaptlng to set register %'65' to 1'0000-. ERROB CARD FElLD FUIIII OX47 PAl0l PP10l H-080 8-090 S;Ql!I LQS;UIQI!. l!!!!I!!Q .. U!ln!l:. X921 !l4P2 EIIK2 Register x'63' is set in error when atteapting to set register X'65 to X'OOOO'. ERROR CABO PEUD FET!!II EQP2 134K2 PA101 PF101 8-090 £Ql!1 LQ!;lUQ!! U!l.UQ... il!!l.l!Q... X921 OX48 Register 1'6'1' is set in error when atte.pting to set register X'65 to 1'0000'. X922 Status Service and Address Register Type" CA IF! 'ddress1~11itJ fest X3705JAA 8.9 left 3705 COftnONICATloWS COHTROL~ER D99-3705B-09 'I' ' This routine verifies that settinq all bits on in register X'63' does not cause bit to be set on in registers 1'60', X'62', 1'64', X'65' or X'66', X922 BRROR CARD l'BALD FETHH QQ~~ fAi!!Q4 fAg~!Q~ P0107 P8106 H-080 ~Q~AIIQ! OXOB nnable to set register X'63' to X'PPl'F'. PEUO PETIII! QQ!!l! ~Q~!UQ! fAil!!!Q .. Ug!!Q.. OUC EU2 241t2 PA101 PP101 0-080 8-090 ltRROR CARD 1922 \ ~, Register X'64' is set in error when attempting to set register x'63' to X'FFPF', , X922 ERROR CARD PEAL'JI PETIII! QQ!!l! ~Q~AUQ!! fA!il!I!Q~ Ui!.!!!!.. OX40 E4P2 Ell1t2 PAl0l PF101 8-080 8-090 \, ' Register 1'65' is set 10 error when attespting to set register X'63' to X'PFPP'. EBROR CARD 1922 PEAtD PETIII! PA101 PF101 0-080 8-100 ~QIll! I.Q!;!UQ! Ui!!Q.. UgUQ .. aXIlE E41'2 241t2 Register X'66' 1& set in error when attempting to set register 1'63' to X'FPF1", ERROR CARD X922 FEALD PE Til II ~Q!!l! I.Q~AUQ!! Ug!!!Q~ U!!l!!Q~ OXIIF EIIF2 EIIlt2 PA10l 1'P101 8-080 8-050 Register 1'60' is set in error when to X'FFFP'. ERROR CARP nAtO QQIll! I.Q!;;AUQ!! fA!il!I!Q .. 1922 OX5, 841'2 B4K2 PAlOl PFl01 attS8ptin~ to set register X'63' PETIIII Ug!!!!Q~ 8-060 H-080 Register 1'62' is set in error when attespting to set register X'63' to X'PI'I'I". 1923 Data Register 1 and 2 Addressibility Test !QY~!!!l! !!l!~£!lfIIQ! This routine verifies that setting all bits on in register X'64' does not cause bits to be set on in registers 1'60', X'62', 1 1 63', 1'65' or X'66', ERROR CARD t923 PBlLO I'ETIIII ~Q!!l! ~Q~llQB fAgl!!!Q4 fAg!!!Q~ OXOB BIIII2 1I11P2 P0107 PB106 8-090 \. Unable to set register X'64' to X'PPFF', X923 ERROR CARD PEALD PBTIIII ~Q!!l! ~Q~!UQ!! f!i!!!Q~ fA!il!'!!Q~ OX52 E4P2 B4K2 PAl01 1'Fl01 8-090 8.10 X3105JH Type 4 CA IFT ( o o o Ie. 3105 CO••UIICATIO.S COITBOLLII Be,1st el: X'65' is .et in enor wben o EBIIOB CAR'D !;;QQI 1923 0153 FEUD atte.p~1ng to set reg1stel: 1'6~' to X'FFrF'. rETlII J.2~n2J1 E!!ill!~ Eli!!!!;!., BIIF2 PA101 Prl01 8-090 8-100 ellK2 D99-l705E-09 Registel: X'66' is set in el:l:Or ,hen atte.pting to set register X'64' to X'FfPP'. 1923 BRROB CARD PIALD PITIIII ~DI '9~A%lQ! fA!illg~ fliJ!Q~ OX54 BIIP2 8-090 H-050 !IIU Register 1'60' is set in erl:OI: wben atte.pting to set register X'611' to X'FPFF'. BRROR CABO !;;2DI X923 0156 PBALD FITIIII L9~A%lQJI Il§IIQ4 fAilB2L 14P2 P1101 PP101 8-060 8-090 BllII2 o o Register 1'62' is set in error wben atte'pting to set register X'6q' to X'PPPP'. EBBOR C1RD 1923 PBALD FETII !;;QQI LQ!;;AtlQ! E!§~l!QL EAil!QL 0157 PA101 PP101 6-080 8-090 14P2 lIlIK2 Register 1'63' is set in error when X924 atte.~ting to set register X'64' to X'PFF,'. Data Register 3 and _ Addressibility Test This rontine verifies that setting all bits on in register 1'65' does not cause bits to be set on in registers X'60', X'62', X'6~', 1'64' or 1166'. BRROR CARD o o· 19211 PBUD PBTU ~!Ui IoQ~UIQI E!!iUQL Uil!Q.. OIOB B4112 34P2 PD107 PB106 6-090 Dnable to set register 1'65' to X'PFFF'. ERBOR CARD X924 PBALD rET1l1! PA 101 PF101 8-090 8-100 ~1l1 IoQ£!UQ! Uill!QL Uill!!l.. 0158 BIIF2 14112 Register 1'66' is set in error when X924 BRBQR CARD PBUD rET1I1! ~QI!II IoQ~U!Q!! UU!!g~ :fAgll!!2.:. B4P2 Pll0l lIP101 B-050 B-090 0159 14K2 ~tte.p~ing to set register x'65' to X'PFPF'. Register 1'60' is set in error when ijttempting to set register 1'65' to X'FFPF'. BRROB CABO PElLD PETal! PA101 8-060 H-090 £gill loQ£UIQ!! nWQ.. Uill!Q.. 1924 015& !!4F2 14K2 Type 4 Cl IU P'10 1 13705JU 8.11 (J 099-37051-09 c Be'Jister 1'62' is set in error when attelpting to set register 1'65' to X'FFFF', ERBOR CARD PEUD PETIIII £QIl! l.Q£AU!l1!. 2!!iJI!Q.. U!!ll!.!l... U211 Oxsc B4F2 BIIK2 PAtO,l PltO';,. -~ t I H~080 , f 8-090 Register x' 63' is set in error when atteapting to set register 1'65' to X'Flll'. BRROa CARD 1924 FEUD FlTIII! ~!!! ~Q£!I!Q!! fllinQ .. U!il!!Q.. 0150 BIIF2 BIlK 2 PA10t PFtOl 8-090 Register X'611' is set in error when atteapting to set register 1'65' to X'F1PF'. 1925 HSC Status Register lddressibility Test This routine verifies that setting X'OOC1' into register X'66' does not cause any bits to be set on in registers 1'60', X'62', X'63', X'64' or X'6s'. BRROR CARD £Q!!! LQ£ll!Q!! 1925 OXOB EIIT2 FBlLD lETlI1I ~lli!!!Q.. fAlil!Q .. PG101 U-l00 Data fro. register X'66' was not BRROR CARD X925 lEALD lET!!1I ~!!! l.Q£AUQI!. ~alil!!Q... fAli!I!Q ... OXSE BII12 BIIK2 PA10l PllO 1 U-l00 8-050 ''L/ x'croo' when X'OOC1' was set into register X'66. Register X'60' is set when attempting to set register 1'66' to X'60Cl'. ERROR CABO FEUD PETit I! 0160 l'J\ 101 P1I01 11-060 U-100 £QIl! IoQ£AUQI! 2!lil!l!.Q.. f!li!l!Q... X925 SU2 BIIK2 !legister 1'62' is set when atteapting to set register X'66' to l'OOC1'. ERROR CARD X925 PEAt 0 PETIII! PA 101 P1I01 U-l00 8-080 ~!!! LQ£AUQI!. fA!i!!!Q ... Uli!!!Q ... OX61 B412 B4K2 Registe. X'63' is set in error when attelpting to set register 1'66' to X'OOC1'. BRROR CABD FEAt 0 FBTIIII 0162 PAl01 P1IOl U-l00 U-090 £QU LQ!iAIIQI! U!UillQ .. UlilUlQ .. 1925 EII12 BIIK2 Register X'64' is set in e.ror when attempting to set register X'66' to X'OOC1'. X925 ERROR CARD FEAtD ~!!! ~Alil!!!.Q OX63 LQ£aUQI!. BIIF2 .B4112 PA101 PP 10 1 FETIIII .. f!li!!!Q ... 8-090 8-100 Register X'65' is set in error linen atte.pting to set register X'66' to I'OOCP'. 8.12 X3705JAA Type II CA Il'T {. o o o IU 37 OS COIIIIUIIICA'rION S CONTilOLLER 192E ~ D99- 3105E-09 E.B. and C.S. IIODE RESEr via our X'62' ~YI!ti~ ]~~£B!fl!Q! 1. 2. CS IIODE is established via an output of X'4000' to Reg X'6C' An output of X'0100' is made to Beg X'62' to reset the mode. An input from Reg X'6C' is lIade and verificatio·n is made. The 1I0de bits (0 and 1 of byte 0) are zero. e 3. E. B. !lode is established via an output of X'SOOO' to Reg X'6C' 4. Step 2 is performed. 5. The routine ends when it recognizes that the E. B. mode has been tested. 6. Error code 01 defines inability to reset C. S. !lode Error code 02 defines inability to reset E. B. !lode ERROR CARD I;QllE !OQI;!'UQ!! FEUD UTili! PL102 PL103 H-140 8-130 UgnQ .. nIlE!!!h X922 OXO 1 OX02 X93Q EBII Control Register - All Zeroes E4H2 ll4J2 BQY!I!!~ 1l~~I;B!gIIQ! [ After disabling and resetting the CA, bits 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.1 of the EBII Control Reg. are set via an output X'6C'. An attempt to reset them via an OOT X'6C' is then made and the results checked. Two passes are made. The first with Bit 0.1 reset and 0.0 set. The second pass is with bit 0.0 reset and bit 0.1 set • ' :,' , , ' . •,.!, . ERROR CARD ,: FEALD FETIIM £Qll~ !OQI;!.!IQ!! f!.g~!!Q.. g!.Il~!!Q OXOl OX02 ll4H2 E4E2 PL102 PQ104 8-140 H-140 ''I' 1930 o Bit 0.0 - Extended Buffer lIode Bit 0.1 - Cs lIode Bit Error code OXO,l is for failure .ocqul;ring IIhen ,0. a was set. 0102 is for fa~lure IIhe'n 0.1 wa's '!let. ., , Error coda Following an output X'6C' with all bits off, an input X'6C' indicated that one or more of the tested bits were not zero. Register X'15' indicates the bit(sl in input X'6C' that were not zero: (The parenthesized numbers refer to the failure information above) (1) Bit o. a - Extended Bu ffer ~ode (2) Bit 0.1 - CS lIode Bit (3) Bit 0.4 - Syn ~onitor Control Latch {4) Bit 0.5 - DLE Remember Latch 15) Bit 0.• 6 - USASCII "onHor Control Latch 16) Bit 0.7 - EBCDIC ~onitor Control latch o o o o .. X932 EBM Control Register - All Ones RQY1!!~ 1l~~~R!f!!Q~ After disabling and resetting the CA, bits 0.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0,.7 of the EBII and CS Control Register are all reset via an output X'6C'. An attempt to set them via an OUT X'6C' is then made and the results checked. Two passes are made. The first .lIi th 0.0 set and 0.1 reset. The second with O. a reset and O. 1 set. ERROR CARD £Q!!l! I.QQlIQ!! 1932 OXOl OX02 E4H2 SQS2 EQn2 E4H2 E4H2 E4H2 FEUD FETKM ADDITIONAL f!.Ill;!!Q .. f!.!iHQ .. !HQR!!U!Q~ l?L 102 Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit PQ10Q PL10S PL10 1 PL101 PL10l 8-140 H-1QO 8-140 H-1QO 8-140 8-140 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 - Extended Buffer lIode CS lIode Bit Syn !lonitor Control Latch DLE Remember La teh OSASCII Monitor Control Latch EBCDIC lIonitor Control Latch Error code OXOl is for failure occurring when 0.0 lias set. occurring when 0.1 was set. Type Q CA 1FT Error code OX02 is for failure X3105JAA 8.13 t ' ', \ 1111 37Q5 aOUDnC~TIOHS ' "" COnBOLUIl Pollowing an output 1'6C' with byte 0, bits 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 on, an input I'6C' indicated that one or aore of the tested bits vere not set. Register 1'15' indicates the bites) in input 1'6C' that were not set:, (Th ......renthesized nuabers refer to the failure inforaation above. ) . " l' (1) 12) (3) (4) Bit Bit Bit Bit IS) Bit 16) Bit X934 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 - Buffer ftode CS lIode Bit Syn lIonitor Control Latch OLE Remember Latch US1SCII lIonitor Control Latch EBCDIC ftonitor Control Latch ~xtended EBft Address Register Reset After disabling and resetting the CA, extended buffer should reset the B811 address reg. ~B~ sode is set and an output 1'62' is executed •• This ( \ ERBOR ClBO 1934 1'8110 1'8TIIII PL102 8-140 ~Ia 1I2S;U12!! UUlIQ.. !A§Jl!Q.. OX01 E482 '" \, After issuing an output X'62' with bit 0.0 on, an input X'6C' indicated EB sode had been reset. Register X'14' contains the results of the input X'6C'. BIlBOB CABD 193" PEAt 0 !'BTIIII PL103 PU03 8-130 ~n 1&!!;!U2!! fAin2 .. f!§J1I.2 .. OX02 E482 BQJ2 8-140 The input X'6C' issued to verify that the EBK address reg. has been reset indicated it had not. Sose value other than 0 was in the "Transferred 8yte Count" bits. Beg X'15' ,indicates which cf these bits were not O. Register X'14' contains the results of the input 1'6C'. 1935 EBft Address Register - Seguencing After disabling and resetting the Cl, extended buffer address register and to initiate a service cycle. (E~ mOde is set and an output X'62' issued to reset the EB! seguential output 1'6D' instructions are then issued to step the EBR address reg. A diagnostic reset (via output X'67') is issued to reset service cycle, E8 aode is again set, and an 'input 1'6C' i~sued to obtain the transferred byte count. The transferred byte count should provide the value in the E811 address register and should be egual to twice the nusber of output 1'6C' instructions issued plus tvo. During the first pass through this routine, one output X'6D' is executed. On each succeeding pass the nusber of output X'60' instructions is increased by one until 16 output X'6D' instructions are executed. 1935 E8808 CABO PEiLO !02~!! 1I2~!U2!! U§JlI.Q~ UWQ.. OXOl E4H2 ElfJ2 PL102 8-140 8-130 PKl03 PETa" After issuing an output X'62' with bit 0.0 on to initiate an input I'6C' indicated either E8 sode had been reset or 8yte Count" bits. If bit 0.0 of register X'15' is on, B8 the B8ft address register was not reset. pre-Test Error. BR80B CA8D X935 PEALD ~.Q!;!II2!! E!il!!Q.. PETR! !02~!! OX02 8482 PL102 8-140 a service cycle and to reset the E8ft address reg, soae yalue otber than 0 was in the nTransferred lode has been reset. If any other bits are in, Berun routine 1'93Q'. i!§I!!~ Following the diagnostic reset issued to reset service cycle, an attempt is made to set EB aode. Tbe input X'6C' which followed indicated EB sode had not been set. Setting EB .ode was previously tested in routine 1'932'. Berun that routine. EBB08 ClBO 8.14 !02~!! lI.Q~!l!Q! 1935 OXOII X 370SJAl FElLO FETaft i!i!!!!Q.. f!ill!Q .. PL103 8-160 Type" CA In {' o o o o o Ie! 3705 COnUIIlCA'l'IOHS CONTROLLER D99-3705B-09 After ensuring that BB aode bas been set, the transferred byte count in the input X'6C' is checked to insure that the BBI addrees register has stepped properly. ~he value in the input "6C' did pot cospare with the expected value. Register "14' contains the results of the inplt 1'6C'. Reg X'13' contains the expected value. ~his value is twice the nusber of output "6D' instructions issued +2. (The address register wraps around at a ,alue of 32 so if 16 1'6D' instructions were issued, a value of 2 9ill be upseted.) X936 BBI Local Store - All Zeroes After disabling and resetting the CA, BB sode is set and 16 output X'6D' instructions are executed, turning on all bits in the BB! local store array. ~hen, 16 sore OUT 1'6D's are executed to ensure that all bits in the array have been set to zero. o o o o BRROR CABD ~I!I 1936 OX01- B4.12 0110 BIIG2 1938 fIlUII El§J!2L PIt 1 02 PilOt 6-160 6-160 BRa Local Store - Interference Pattern Test After disabling and resetting the CA, tbe EBa local store array is cleared to zero. Then, 16 output X'6D' instructions are executed to set each balfword of the EB! array to selected bit patterns. Pollowing an input X'6D' to prise the array in-buffer, 161M 1'6D's are executed to verify that each halfword was properly set. Tbe first pass through tbe routine atteapts to set all bits in the array on. Next each balfword is set to "AAlA', 1'5555', "7A7A', 1'8585', "C3C3', 1'3Clc', X'BPEP' and X'1010'. Each pattern is written in all array locations and read back for veri~ication one patte~n at a tiae. ~I I,i BRDoa CAlID ~Ill X938 IcQ~U19! OX01- B4J2 0110 B4G2 PBUD PB'l1I11 1'Kl02 Plll01 8-160 8-160 UiUQ.. U!!l!l!Q... After clearing tbe BBa local store array, 16 output X'6D's were executed to set eacb halfword of tbe a~ray to tbe specified bit pattern. An input "6D' tben priaed tbe array in-buffer, and 16 aore input 1'6D's were executed to verify that each halfword bad been properly set. One of tbese input 1'60's indicated tbat a halfword had not been set as expected. o o o PUL D i!§!!Q~ After atteapting to set all bits on in the EBI Local Store array and then atteapting to reset thea, a position of the array vas foun~ to be non-zero. The error code indicates which halfword (in hex) ,as found to be non-zero, e.g., error code OXOl indicates the first halfword (bytes 0 and 1), error code OX02 indicates the second (bytes 2 and 31, etc., up to error code 0110 which indicates the sixteenth halfword (bytes 30 and 31). Reg. X'l11' contains the results of the input 1'6D' which obtained the halfword in error. All bits should have been off. (Continuing froa this error stop causes the reaaining positions of the array to be verified.) , U' o J&ill12! ~be error code indicates wbich balfword (in bex) failed, e.g., OX11 indicates tbe first halfword (bytes 0 and 1), 0112 indicates tbe second (bytes 2 and 3), up to 0120 wbich indicates the sixteentb (bytes 30 and 31) halfword failed. aegister 1'1_' contains tbe results of the input 1'60' and register "15' indicates wbicb bits were in error. (continuing froa this error stop will cause the reaaining positions of tbe array to be cbecked and other data patterns to be used.) X939 BBI Local Store - Variable Data After disabling and resetting tbe CA, tbe BBII local store array is cleared to zero. 'lhen, 16 output X'6D' instructions are executed to set eacb balfword of tbe EBII array to a /certain bit pattern. Pollowing an input X'6D' to prise tbe array in-buffer~ 161M X'6D's are executed to ,erify tbat eacb balfword was properly set. The first pass tbrough tbe routine sets all locations in the array to X'PPPE' and reads to verify. The zero is then floated tbrough the pattern until X'7PPP' is reached. Eacb pattern is stored in all array'locations and read to verify. Mext, growing ones patterns starting witb 1'0001' and ending witb I'PPPF' are stored. Eacb pattern is written in all locations, read back, and verified. ERBOB CARD ~DI X939 Icg~!~!21 OX01- E4J2 OX10 E4G2 'lype 4 C1 IP'r FEALD PB'lla PK102 Plll01 8-160 8-160 2A!!E!Q.. EA§IIQ... X3705JU 8.15 IB" 3705 COBnUH1CA~10HS CORTBO~LEB o D99- 3705E- 09 After clearing the EBB local store array, 16 output 1'60's were'executed to set each halfword of the array to the specified bit pattern. An input X'6D' then priaed the array in-buffer, and 16 more input X'60's were executed to verify tha~ eacb halfword had been properly set. One of these input 1'60's indicated that a halfword had not been set as expected. o The error code indicates which halfword (in hex) failed, e.g., OX11 indicates the first halfword (bytes 0 and 1), OX12 indicates tbe second (bytes 2 and 3), up to 0120 vhich indicates the sixteenth (bytes 30 and 31) balfword failed. Begister X'1.' contains the results of tbe input X'6D' and register X'15' indicates which bits were in error. (Continuing fros this error stop vill cause the resaining positions of the array to be checked and other data patterns to be used.) 1931 EBB Local Store - Addressing BQYl1KJ RJ§~llfI19K Following a disable and reset of the CA, the EBft local store array is cleared and 16 consecutive OOT X'60's executed. Each output X'60' places the nuaber of eacb byte to be set into that byte of the EBft Local Store array. Thus, bytes 0 and 1 of the array should contain X'OO' and 1'01', bytes 2 and 3 should contain X'02' and ~'03', etc. After all bytes have been set, an input X'60' prises the array in-buffer and each halfvord checked to ensure that its bytes contain their respective nusbers. X 931 ERROR C1BO PE1LO ~~! E!§!K9~ ~9~!li9K 0101- B4J2 0110 PK103 PK102 UTili! U§!K9~ I"'" ", H-160 lfter storing each bytes nuaber into that byte of the EBK local store array, an input 1'60' was executed to prise the array in-buffer. Sixteen consecutive 1'60's were executed to ensure each byte had its respective nuaber in it. One of these input J'60's indicated that one of the bytes was incorrect. The error code indicates which halfword (in Hexl of the EBB array contained the failing byte, e.g., OX01 indicates the first halfword (bytes 0 and 1l, OX02 indicates the second half word (bytes 2 and 3), up to OX10 which indicates the sixteenth halfword (bytes 30 and 31). Register 1'11' contains the expected contents of the local store bytes, register X'14' contains the results of the input 1'60', and register 1'15' indicates the bits in error. (Continuing fro a this error stop causes the reaaining local store bytes to be checked.) 193C EBB Addressing - Reset via input I'6C' Following a disable and reset of the CA, the EBB Local Store Array is cleared and 'n' (see belov) I'60's executed, storing each bytes nuaber into the byte being set. An 19 1'6C' is then executed to reset the EBft address register and then a x'prFr' stored via an output X'6D'. This l'rFFP' should end up being stored into bytes 2 and 3 of the array, since an input,X'6C' vas used to reset the address reg. Sixteen passes are aade through this routine, the first pass executes one X'60' instruction, the second executes 2, and so forth. 193C ERROR CARD PEUO PEUft ~~! ~g~mgK f!!ilK!h. U!iI.lI!l~ OX01 B4J2 E482 PK102 PL103 8-150 8-140 After storing X'PFFF' into bytes 2 and 3 of the BBft array, an output X'62' is executed to reset the address register (this reset function was previously tested in routine 1934), and an input X'60' obtains the first halfword (bytes 0 and 1) of the array. This halfword should contain X'0001' but did not. Register X'14' contains the results of the input X'60'. the byte located at the address in reg X'12' plus X'6~' indicates the nUlber of bytes stored in the array before tbe input 1'6C' reset was executed. \ X93C ERROR CABO PEUO rBTU ~~B ~9~!U!lK n!Ull!~ UgBK9~ OX02 B4J2 B482 PK102 PL103 8-150 H-1"0 1fter ensuring that the first two bytes of the array were not changed. another 1'60' obtains the second halfvord of the array which should contain X'FPFF' stored following the input 1'6C' to reset the address register. The data was incorrect. Reg X'14' contains the actual results of the input 1'60'. The byte located at the address in register 1'12' plus X'6", indicates the nuaber of bytes stored in the array before the input X'6C' reset was issued. X930 EBft Address Register Beset and Prime via input X'6C' This routine verifies that an input 1'6C' priaes the BBft Local Store lrray in-buffer with the first 2 bytes of the array. after disabling and resetting the C1, the EBft local store array is cleared and X'0001' stored in bytes 0 8.16 X3705JAA Type 4 CA IFT .~ '~, o o o o 12. 3105 'U ·1 1~ o o o o o o CONTROLLBR and 1 of the array. been fetched. ERROa ClRO !;Q!!I Jdl9m! X930 o o o o o CO.~UHIC~TIO'S OXOl BIIB2 099-37058-09 An input X'6C' is executed followed by an input X'60' to verify that the first two bytes bave PElLO flliU2.. PET •• EW!lIa. PL102 H-130 The input X'6D' executed to verify that the first 2 bytes of the array bave been fetched, contained other than the X'0001' stored in the first 2 bytes. Register X'111' contains the results of the input X'60'. X93B Ea. Address Register Reset via output 1'62' and output X'6C' This routine verifies that the BBK address register is reset vi~ an output X'62' or output X'6C'. ~ftert disabling and resetting the CA, the EBK local store array is cleared and 'n' (see below) 1'6D's executed, storing each bytes number into the byte being set. An output 1'62' or X'6C' is then executed to reset the EBK address register and a X'PFPP' stored via au output X'60'. This X'PPPF' should end up being stored into the first 2 bytes of the array. Sixteen passes are aade through this routine using an output X'62' to reset the address reg and tben 16 aore using an output X'6C'. Por each output instruction, tbe first pass does one output X'60', the second does 2 and so forth. BaROR CABO &!lDl r,2S;AU2!! 193E OX2" BIIH2 PEUO PBTU U!UI12 .. lAilll!!L. PL103 H-nO Pollowing an output X'62' was executed to reset the did not contain I'PFPP'. address in register X'12' executed. 193E EaROR ClBO !;QU JdlS;m2l! nuo FETBII 21012... flU!!.!!.. OXC" t'L103 E"82 to reset the address register lind storing X'PPPP' via an OUT X'6D', an input X'6C' address register and an input X'60' to get the first 2 bytes of the array. they Register X'1'" contains the results of tbe 1M X'60'. The byte located at tbe plqs X'6'" indicates the nUlber of bytes stored before the output X'62' reset was H-140 Pollowing an output 1'6C' to reset the address register and storing X'PPPP' via an output X'6D', an input 1'6C' was executed to reset tbe address register and an input 1'60' to get the first 2 bytes of tbe array. ~bey did not contain X'PPPP'. Register X'1'" contains the results of tbe input 1'60'. Tbe byte locate4 at tbe address in reg. X'12' plus 1'6_' indicates tbe nUBber of bytes stored before the output X'6O' reset was executed. X940 DA~A/S~ATOS IRtBRROPTS After disabling and resetting the CA, a test is .ade to ensure that eacb of the data/status level 3 interrupts can be forced. A separate pass through tbe routine is aade for eacb type data/status transfer sequence. At any of tbe error stops witbin this routine, register X",' indicates th~ type of data/status interrupt being tested. Tbey are tested in tbe order listed, Priority Outbound ~ransfer sequence being tssted last: Byte 0, Bit" - ISC Pinal Status Transfer Byte 0, Bit 3 - USC Channel End Transfer Byte 0, bit 2 - ESC Pinal Status transfer Byte 0, bit 1 - Inbound Data Transfer Byte 0, bit Q - outbound Data Transfer (If byte 1, bit 5 is on, a Priority Outbound Data Transfer) 1940 ERROR CARD s;2RI a,!!S;!I!Q! f!i!lQ.. 1!iI12.. PEALD PET!K 01:01 PII103 8-230 B"G2 After issuing an output X'62' to set the tested type of transfer sequence, an OUt X'67' with data of all zero's is issued to force the selected type of interrupt. lfter unaasking level 3 interrupts, no interrupt occurred. (Tbe output X'61' sbould have caused diagnostic bardware to force the selected type interrupt.) Register X'11' indicates tbe type of transfer sequence being tested. (See routine description.) X9~0 ERBOR CARD &!llli Jo21OAH21! !'BALD 01:02 PE103 B4L2 nu! UiU9.. Uli!ll!L. 8-010 Pollowing tbe occurrence of the forced level 3 interrupt, an input X'62' indicated that tbe level 3 interrupt received was not the datal$tatus level 3 expected. Register X'1Q' contains tbe results of the input 1'62'. Req. X'1" indicates the type of transfer sequence being tested. (See tbe routine description.) Type 4 CA IFT 13705JAA 8.17 18K 3705 CO"~UBICATIONS CONTBOLLaa D99-nO~Jl-09 ,I(~ ); X942 Data/Status Interrupts Beset After forcing each of the data/status level 3 interrupts, a check is aade to ensure that each can be reset Vla an output 1'62'. A separate pass through the routine is aade for each type data/status transfer sequence. At any of the error stops vithin this routine, reg. X"" indicates the typ~ of data/status interrupt boin9 tested. They are tested in the order listed, Priority Outbound Transfer Sequence being teated last; Byte 0, bit 4 - HSC Pinal status Transfer Byte 0, bit 3 - NSC Channel Bnd Transfer Byte 0, bit 2 - BSC Pinal Status Transfer Byte 0, bit , - Inbound Data Transfer Byte 0, bit 0 - Outbound Data Transfer IIf byte " bit 5 is on, a Pr~ority Outbound Data Tranafet) ERaOR CARD X~42 PBALD PET"" QQ~~ .Q~bIIQ~ ib§EHQL Ib§IR2L OXOl E4G2 Pft 10 3 0-230 .)' (1' After issuing an output 1'62' to set the tested type of transfer s~uence, an OUT X'67' vith data of all zeto's is issue4 to force the selected type of interrupt. After unmasking level 3 intertupts, no interrurt occurred. (The output 1'67' shOUld bave caused diagnostic hardvare to force the selected type interrupt.) Register x'11' indicates the type of transfer seguence being tested. ISee routine description.) Pre-Test Brror. Berun routine X9QO. EaROR CABD QQQ§ .Q£Al1Q~ FElLD PETR! lA§I!2~ !AiIHQ~ PE103 8-010 Following the occurrence of the forced level 3 intertupt, an input X'62' indicated that the level 3 interrupt received vas not the data/status level 3 expected. Reg X'14' contains the results of the input X'62'. Reg. X'11' indicates the type of transfer sequence being tested. (See the routine description., Pre-Test Error. Rerun routine X940, BRROR X942 OX03 CARD PEALD ! ' \;QIlI LQ!;lU9Il Ufill!!Q.. U!!I.1l9.. 1946 E4'l2 After having selected the first CA-4, it was disabled and a check .ade to ensure that no frogram Requested Interrupt was pending. One was Reg X'14' contains the results of the input X'62' issued after the disable. Pre-Test Error. Rerun routine 1903. ERROR CARD !;QDl LQ~A!!QIl' PBALD FETIIII RAglllQ.. 2A!!l!!.2... PA108 Pollowing an output X'67' with bits 0.5 and 0.7 on to select CA '2, an input X'67' indicated that CA .2 was not selected. Register 1'14' contains the results of the IN X'67'. 1'te-Test Error. aerun routine X901. EIIROB CABO X946 nUD nnll PG102 8-070 ~QIlB L!l!;UIQIl U!!l1l9.. fliDQ ... OX04 E4T2 After having selected the second CA-4, it was disabled and a check made to ensure that no Program Requested Interrupt w~s pending. One was. Register X'lQ' contains the results of the input X'62' issued after the reset. Pre-Test Brror. Rerun routine X903. ERROR CARD X946 £gD! LQ£AI!QIl PBALD FET"" fA~!!Q~ RA~IRQ'" OX05 1'11102 8-230 ]!QG2 With CA .2 selected, an output X'67' with bits 0.3 and 1.1 on was issued to set Program Requested Interrupt on the first CA without changing CA selection. Level 3 interrupts were unmasked and a check made to ensure that a leyel 3 interrupt did occur but that CA .2 was still selected. If bit 0.0 of req. X'15' is on, no level 3 interrupt occurred. If bit 0.0 1s off, a level 3 interrupt occurred and reg. X'lQ' contains the results of an input X'77' issued when the interrupt occurred. Reg. X'1S' contains the bits in error: Bit 0.0: 110 level 3 interrupt occurred. (Ignore remaining error bits.) Bit 1.0: Although a level 3 interrupt occurred, input X'77' did not indicate type 4 channel adapter level 3 interrupt. Bit 1.3: A data/status level 3 interrupt was indicated. With Cl .2 still selected and the interrupt condition set on CA ", no data/status interrupt should be indicated.) Bit 1.4: An initial select interrupt was indicated. Bit 1.6: CA.2 was no longer selected. ERROR CARD FEALD FBTKK U102 8-230 \" £Q1l! LQ£A!!QIl fA!!l!Q.. fA!!IRQ ... While CA 12 is still selected, a check is made to ensure that an input 1'62' does not indicate a frogram Bequested Interrupt. (The Program Requested Interrupt should bave been set on CA 'l). Reg. X'14' contains the results of the input 1'62'. ERROR CARD X946 PEltD f UtilI! !;QD! LQ~UQ.I! Rl!!lIlQ~ i!!!ll!2... 0107 B4G2 PII102 8-230 " (, 8.20 X3705JH Type 4 CA IPT ( ( .{ "'. o o IBII 3705 COIIIIUIIICU'IOIiS COIl'UOttBB D99-3705B-09 () Select CA .,. An output ('67' with bit 0.5 on is issued to select CA ., again. An input X'67' which followed indicated CA It had not been selected. Register X'14' contains the results of the input X'61'. not a pretest erro~, this function has previously been tested. fry rerunning routine 1901. o o ~hou9h BBBOB C1RD SQRI LQS!Il2¥ X946 0(08 , X946 1947 o o o e 8-230 10 level 3 interrupt occurred. (Ignore relaining error bite.) Bit 1·0: IH X'17l di4 not indicate a Cl-II level 3. Bit 1.31 A data/status interrupt was not indicated. Bit ,. II: an Bit 1.6: Cl 12 was still selected. initial select interrupt was indicated. PBALD ~n lo!!£UIQl!. U§JI!!... Or09 IIU2 PG,02 UTili EWI~ 8-010 Dual type II channel adapter I ••ediate Select Cl .2 Bnsure that with the third Cl selected, an output X'67' can be issued to the first Cl without changing the CA selection. Prograe Requested Interrupt is used as tbe test vehicle. Tbis routine runs only on macbines with a third type II channe~ adapter defined in the CDS. , Tbe oyerall operation of this routine is: I o o t'11102 ,ollowing the data/status interrupt fro. CA ", an input X'62' did not indicate a Progra. Requested Interrupt. Register X'14' contains the results of the input X'62'. , ' o E!§J!Q~ Bit 0.0, BRBOR CARD i [ FBTal! iliElQ~ After reselecting Cl ." interrupts are again unoasked, and a check oade to ensure that a data/status leyel 3 interrupt fro. CA ., now occurs. (Tbe Prograo Requested interrupt previously set has not been reset and should still be pending.) If bit 0.0 of reg. ('15' is on, no level 3 interrupt occurred. If bit 0.0 is off, an interrupt 4id occur an4 reg. X'14' contains the results of t~e input x'17' issqed following the interrUpt. Register X'15' contains the error bits: o o o o o B4G2 'BltD 1. After selecting and disabling the first Prograll Requested Interrupt hoff. 2. After selecting and disabling the third CA-II, ensure that Prograe Requested Inteullpt is off. 3. Cause a Prograe Requested Interrupt on the first the third one selected. 4. lllow interrupts and ensure an interrupt occurs but that input X'77' indicates the third type 4 channel adapter is still selected and Prograe Requested Interrupt bas not been set. 5. Select the first type II cbannel adapter and verify that Prograe Reguested Interrupt bas been set. X947 ERROB CARD PEALD PETRa ~RI '~£AIlQ. f!§JIQ~ EA§J!~ 0(01 E412 U10S 8-120 CA-~, ensure tbat Cl-~, leaving Pollowing an output X'67' vith bit 0.5 on to select CA ", an input X'67' indicated that CA ., was not selected. Beg. X"II' contains tbe results of tbe input X'61'. pre-fest Error. Rerun routine 1901. BRBOR ClRD 1947 PB1~Q PBTaa SQR§ LQ£!IlQ! il§II!!~ l!§iJ~ 0(02 PG102 8-070 B4T2 lfter having selected the first Cl-4, it was disabled and a check aade to ensure that no Prograa Reguested Interrupt was pending. One vas Reg X'14' contains the results of the input ('62' issued after ~he disable. Pre-Test Error. Rerun routine 1903. Type 4 CA 1FT (3705JAA 8.21 ERROR CARD QQDl 19~A!lQ! PEALD PETIII! Ul08 8-120 iAiiHQa. Uliill!a. ,ollowing an output 1'67' vith bits O.S and 0.6 on to select CA 13, an input 1'61' indicated that CA .3 was not seleCted. Register X'1~' contains the results of the IN X'67'. Pre-Test Error. Rerun routine 1901. ERROR CARD X9117 QQDI PEALD PETIIII 1Q~A!IQ! iAii!Qa. fAii!2a. OX04 EII'f2 1'Gl02 B-070 After having selected the third Cl-II, it was disabled and a check aade to ensure that no 1'tograa aeguested Interrupt was pending. One was. Register X'14' contains the results of the input 1'62' issued after the reset. Pre-Test Error. Rerun routine X903. ERROR CARD X9~1 FBALD PBTIIB PII102 11-230 ~Qni 12£111QI iAilHQa. iAilIQa. OX05 E~G2 With CA .3 selected, an output X'67' with bits 0.3 and 1.1 on was issued to set Prograa Requested Interrupt on the first CA without changing CA selection. Level 3 interrupts were unaasked and a check .ade to ensure that a level 3 interrupt did occur but tbat CA .3 vas still selected. If bit 0.0 of reg. X'15' is on, ~o level 3 interrupt occurred. If bit 0.0 is off, a level 3 interrupt occurred and reg. I"~' contains tbe results of an input X'71' issued when the interrupt occurred. Beg. X'15' contains the bits in error; Bit 0.0: Ho level 3 interrupt occurred. bits.) Bit 1.0: Although a level 3 interrupt occurred, input X'17' did not indicate type 4 channel adapter level 3 interrupt. Bit 1.3: A data/status level 3 interrupt was indicated. With CA .3 still selected and the interrupt condition set on Cl ." no data/status interrupt should be indicated.) Bit 1.~: Bit 1.5: EBROB CARD QQD.§ 12£AUQI X9~1 OX06 (Ignore remaining error An initial select interrupt was indicated. CA.3 was no longer selected. PBALD f!iI!Q~ PETlle fA§I!lQ .. 0-230 B~G2 While CA .3 is still selected, a check is sa de to ensure that an input 1'62' does not indicate II Prograa Requested Interrupt. (The Program Re~uested Interrupt should have been set on Cl '1). Reg. X'111' contains tbe results of the input X'62'. BBBOR CARD PEUD FETIlft OX 07 PII102 8-230 £qDI LQ£AIIQ.!\ U2J!lQ.. fAill!2a. X941 E4G2 '1. .1 Select Cl An output X'67' with bit 0.5 on is issued to select CA again. An input 1'61' which followed indicated CA ., had not been selected. Register X'l~' contains the results of the input X'67'. Thougb not a pretest error, this function bas previously been tested. ~ry rerunning routine 1901. ERROR CUD 1941 PEUD FETIIB m!!.!! 1Q£AUQ! RAi.!!IQ.. fAi.§lqa. OX08 !4G2 PII102 8-230 After reselecting CA '1, interrupts are again unmasked, an4 a check aade to ensure that a data/status level 3 interrupt frol CA .1 now occurs. (1he Program Requested interrupt previously set has not been reset and should still be pending.) If bit 0.0 of reg. 1'15' is on, no level 3 interrupt occurred. If bit 0.0 is off, an interrupt did occur and reg. X'14' contains the results of the input 1'77' issued following the interrupt. Register X'lS' contains the error bits: Bit 0.0: No level 3 interrupt occurred. (Ignore relaining error bits.) Bit 1.0: 1M Bit 1.3: A data/status interrupt was not indicated. Bit 1.4; An initial select interrupt was indicated. 8.22 X370SJAA 1'77' did Dot indicate a CA-~ level 3. Type 4 CA II'T o IBft 3105 COftaURICA,IOHS CO.TROLLBR o o o o o o o lit 1.5: 1941 099- 310SB- 09 CA.3 vas still selected. BRBOR CABO PBAtD ~.U 1&~21 iAW2.. !Ail!2&. PBTI! 0109 114'2 PG102 11-070 Pollowing the data/status interrupt fro. CA ", an input X'62' did not indicate a Progra. Regutisted Interrupt. Begist_r 1'14' contains the results of the input 1'62'. X948 Dual type II channel adapter I ••ediate Select Cl .3 Bnsure that witb the fourth CA selected, an output X'67' can be issued to the first Cl without cbanging tbe CA selection. Pr09ra. Dequested Interrupt is used as tbe test vebicle. Tbis routine runs only on •• cbines witb a fourth type q channel adapter defined in tbe CDS. The overall operation of this ro~tins ,i8: 1. After sel'ecting and disabling the first CA-II, ensure that Progr •• Bequested Interrupt is off. 2. After selecting and disabling tbe fourth cA-q, ensure that progr •• Requested Interrupt is off. 3. Cause a Progras Requested Interrupt on the first CA-II, leaving tbe fourth one selected. II. lllow interrupts and ensure an interrupt occurs but that input 1'11 1 indicates tbe fourth type II channel adapter is still selected and Progra. Requested Interrupt has not been set. S. Select the first type II cbannel adapter and verify that Pragra. Bequested Ibterrupt has been set. BRROR CABO PIIALD PET!K OXOl PA,08 8-120 QQRE 1Q£!IlQI f!2l!Q.. f!i!IQ .. 1948 Billa Polloving an output 1'67' with bit 0.5 on to select CA ", an input X'67' indicated that CA ., was not selected. Beg. X'14' contains the results of the input X'67'. Pre-fest Error. Rerun routine 1901. BRROR C1RD ~~§ o o o o OX02 PBltD PET.K PG102 /1-070 1Q£1I1Q! fA§I!2.. fAg!!Q .. E4T2 After having selected the first Cl-4, it vas disabled and a check .ade to ensure that no Program Requested Interrupt vas pend in,. One vas Be~ X'14' contaics the res~~ts of the input 1'62' issued after tbe disable. Pre-Test Error. Beran routine 1903. xgqa ERROR CARD PBALD PETRR ~R§ 1QSA~12! 2!i~~Q& f6g~!Q~ OX03 B4P2 ~A1G8 H-t20 .ollowing an output X'67' vith bits 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 on to select CA '2, an input X'67' indicated that Cl .4 was not selected. Register 1'14' contains the results of tbe II 1'67'. Pre-Test Error. Be run routine %901. ERROR ClRD QQ~§ PBALD 'ET!K PG102 8-070 L!lSAIIQIt U§I!ll.a. UgH!!.. After having sel~ted the fourth Cl-4, it was disabled and a check made to ensure that no Progra, Requested Interrupt las pendin,. One .4~. ~gister X'14' contains the results of t~e input XI62' issued after the reset. Pre-Test Error. Berun ~outine 1903. X948 BRROR CARD PBALD PETR! £SID! LgSA~I!l! fAil!2.. lA§l12~ OltOS B4G2 1'11102 8-230 Type 4 CA IP'l' 1370SJU 8.23 P99- 3105E- 09 with CA .4 selected, an output X'61' witb bits 0.3 and 1.1 on was issued to set P~ogra. Requested Interrupt on the first Cl without changiDg CA selection. Level 3 interrupts were un.asked and a check ,ade to ensure that a level 3 interrupt did occur but that C~ .4 was still selected. If bit 0.0 of reg. X'lS' is on, no level 3 interrupt occurred. If bit 0.0 is off, a level 3 interrupt occurred and reg. X'14' contains the results of an input x'77' issued wben tbe inte~rupt occu~red. Reg. X'15' contains the ~its in error: Bit 0.0: No level 3 interrupt occurred. bits. ) Bit Although a level 3 interrupt occurred, input X'77' did not indicate type 4 channel adapter level 3 interrupt. ,. Q: Bit 1.3: X948 (Ignore reaaining error A data/status level 3 interrupt was indicated. With CA .4 still selected and the interrupt condition set on CA ." no data/status interrupt should be indicated.) Bit 1.4: An initial select interrupt was indicated. Bit 1.6: CA .4 was no longer selected. ERROR CARD £Q!H! .l.Q!;;UI2! FEUD UTIIII EAiJ!Q~ RA~~!Q~ OX06 118102 H-230 B4G2 While CA '4 1s still selected, a check is made to ensure that an input X'62' does not indicate a Progral Requested Interrupt. (The Program Requested Interrupt should have been set on CA "1. Reg. X'14' contains the results of the input X'62'. ERROR CARD X948 FEALD FETIIII ~~~ .l.Q!;;AtlQ! EA§!!Q~ fA~~!Q~ 0107 E402 PII102 8-230 Select CA ". An output X'67' with bit 0.5 on is issued to select CA ., again. An input X'67' which followed indicated CA ., had not been selected. Register X'14' containS the results of the input 1'67'. Though not a pretest error, this function has previousl¥ been tested. Try rerunning routine 1901. ERROR CARD 1948 FEUD FETIIII £QI!~ .l.Q!;;AllQ! E!~!QL R!~!!QL 0108 EqG2 PII102 After reselecting CA ", interrupts are again unmasked, and a check aade to ensure that a data/status level 3 interrupt fro. Cl ., now occurs. (The Program Requested interrupt previously set has not been reset and should still be pending.) If bit 0.0 of reg. X'lS' is on, no level 3 interrupt occurred. If bit 0.0 is off, an interrupt did occur and reg. X'14' contains the results of the input X'17' lssued following the lnterrupt. Register X' 15' contains the error bits: Bit 0.0: No level 3 interrupt occu~red. (Ignore reaaining error bits.1 Bit 1.0: IN X'77' did not indicate a Cl-4 level 3. Bit 1.3: A data/status interrupt was not indicated. Bit 1.4: An initial select interrupt was indicated. Bits 1.5 ERROR CABO QQ~~ .l.Q£AI!Q! & 1.6: CA .4 was still selected. FEALD fETlI1I ~A2~!QL ~!~~!Q~ PO 102 8-070 Following the data/status interrupt from CA ", an input 1'62' did not indicate a Program Requested Interrupt. Register X'14' contains the results of the input X'62'. X949 Dual type 4 channel adapter Immediate Select C1 .4 BQQI!!~ Q~~£~IR!!Q! Ensure that with the first CA selection. Program Bequested multiple CA-4's and only when The overall operation of this selected, an output X'67' can be issued to the second CA without changing the CA Interrupt is used as the test vehicle. This routine is run only on aachines with the second CA-4 is defined in the CDS. routine is: 1. After selecting and disabling the second CA-4, Requested Interrupt is off. 2. ensu~e that P~ograll After selecting and disabling the first CA-4, ensure that Program Requested Interrupt is off. 8.24 X3705JAA Type 4 CA 1FT o t," o o o o o o o 31 ali COIIIIQMlCA'UOIlS 3. Cause a Prograa one selected. ae~uested 1)99- 3705l!-09 tnterrupt on the second CA-4, leaving the first Allow interrupts and ensure an interrupt occurs but that input X'll' indicates the first type II channel adapter i, 'till .eleote4 an4 ,rQvrl, .evuested Interrupt has not beea set. 5. Select tbe second type 4 channel adapter and verify that Prograa set. 1880a C181) ~!lI 1949 PULD ae~uested Interrupt has been PIUK LQSAUID! Elil!U!.. lAiU.2.. OXO 1 E4P2 1'1108 8-120 Polloving an output X'61' with bits 0.5 and 0.7 on to select C1 .2, an input X'67' indicated that Cl .2 vas not selected. Register X'14' contains the results of th~ input X'67'. Pre-~est IIrror. Berun routine X901. laROB CABD ~!!I X949 OX02 PBALD PIT!! PG102 8-070 I&!£!UQ'!! l!iI.!lQ.. 111'1:2 nwg.. After baving selected the second CA-4, it was disabled and a cbeck aade to ensure that no Prograa Bequested Interrupt vas pending. One vas Beg. X'14' contains the results of tbe II X'62' issued after the disable. Pre-Test Error. Berun routine X903. E880R CARD X9119 PllLO PlUII U108 11-120 ~!ll J,QSlIIQ.!! fl!il.!lQ.. 11§!.!I9.. OX03 UP2 Polloving an output X'67' vitb bit 0.5 on to select C1 ., an input X'67' indicated tbat C1 ., vas not selected. Begister X'111' contains tbe resnlts of the input 1'67'. Pre-Test IIrror. Berun routine 1901. ERBOR CABD f1 Li co.nonn PllLD PETIIII s;5!U I&!£AU2.!I f!i!.!!2.. 1!§1~ OXOII 111'1:2 8-070 PG102 After having selected the first CA-II, it vas disabled and a check made to ensure that no Prograa Requested Interrupt was pending. One vas Register X'14' contains the results of the input X'62' issued after t~e reset. Pre-Test Irror. aerun roptine 1903. -'I!1I1101l CUD l'BAtD FEUII_ SQIl§ IQ\;UI9l! ilG~Q.. U§.!ll!2a. 1949 BIIG2 "11102 8-230 OX 05 litb CA ., selected, an output X'67' vith bits 0.3, 0.7 and 1.1 on vas issued to set Prograa Requested Interrupt on the second CA vithout cbanging C1 selection. Level 3 interrupts were unmasked and a check made to ensure that a level 3 interrupt did occur but that CA '1 vas still selected. If-bit 0.0 of register X'15' is on, no level 3 interrupt occurred. If bit 0.0 is off, a level 3 interrupt occurred and register X'14' contaius the results of an input %'77' issued when the interrupt occurred. Degister X'15' contains the bits in error: Bit 0.0: 10 level 3 interrupt occurred. (Ignore remaining error bits.) o Bit 1.0: Although a level 3 interrupt occurred, input X'77' did not indicate type 4 cbannel adapter level 3 interrupt. Bit 1.3: A datalstatus level 3 interrupt vas indicated. (lith Cl " still selected and the interrupt condition set on CA '2, no datal status interrupt should be indicated.) o Bit o 1.~: An initial select interrUpt was indicated. ,Bit 1.6: CA ., was no longer selected. EaROR CARD PE1LD PET"" SQ!l§ J,QS!IIQl! j!iI'!!Q.. l!!i!'!!Q.. X949 1949 OX06 E4G2 H-230 ""'02 Rhile CA .1 is still selected, a check is aade to ensure that an input 1'62' does not indicate a Program Requested Interrupt. (The Progra. Bequested Interrupt should have been set on C1 f2.) Register X'14' contains the results of the input 1'62'. ERaoa CABD MQ£!11Q.!I PIALD ~RI ~A§I!Q.. 1!§.!ll!Q.. 0107 l!4G2 PII102 8-230 Type 4 Cl tP'r PETIIII X3705JU' 8.25 :(J lBlI 1705 COIIIIIIUCUIOU COIf'rROJ.UR seiect Cl '2. an output X'67' lIith bits 0.5 anel 0.7 on is issuel to select Cl '2Igain. &II I I X'67' whicb follolleel inelicateel Cl .2 bael not been selecteel. aegiste~ X".' contains tbe ~esults of the input X'67', tbough not a p~et.st e~ror. tbis function bas previously been tested. T~J rerunning ~outine 1901. ERROR CARD .BALD 0108 1'11102 QQDI lQSlllQH ilil!2L X949 B4G2 .ETIIII i!iIKQ~ 8-230 ,,-", CA '2, interrupts are unaaskeel, and a check aaele to ensure that a elata/status level 3 .2 now occurs. (Tbe Prog~al Requested Inter~upt p~eviouslf set baa not been reset aDel shoulel atill be peneling.) If the interrUpt bit 0.0 of regi.ter XllS' i. on, no level 3 interrupt Occurreel. If bit 0.0 is off, an inte~rupt 4iel occur anel register X'14' contains the results of tbe input x'71' 1.sueel following the inte~~upt. Beg "15' contains the er~or bits: "lj' Bit 0.0: Ko ievel 3 interrupt occurred. error bits.) '(so' Bit 1.0: IN X'77' did not indicate I type 4 cbannel lelapter level 3. Bit '.3: A data/status interrupt was not indicated. ~eselecting inte~~upt froa CA After Bit '.4: An initial select Bit ,.6: CA ., was still selected. ERROR CnD PElLD OX09 PG102 inte~rupt (Ignore relaining .~ 1;, was indicated. UTili! £Q1l1 lQSWQ!! iA[!!QL iA[!!!QL X949 UT2 8-070 .ollowing the data/status interrupt frol CA '2, an input 1'62' did not ineliclt. a Progrll Requ.sted Interrupt. Register X'14' contains tbe results of tbe input X'62'. Ensure that with the first CA selection. Progral Requested lultiple CA-4's and only when The overall operation of this 1. After selecting and disabling the third CA-4, ensure that Progral Requested Interrupt is off. 2. After selecting and disabling the first CA-4, ensure that l'rogra. Requested Interrupt is off. 3. Cause a Progral Requested Interrupt on one selected. 4. Allow interrupts and ensure In interrupt occurs but that input X'77' indicates the first type 4 channel adapter is still selected and Prograe Requested Interrupt has not been set. 5. Select the third type 4 channel adapter and verify that l'rogra. Requesteel Interrupt has been set. ERROR CARD £QIlE X941 selected, an output 1'67' can be issued to the third CA lIithout changing the CA Interrupt is useel as the test vehicle. This routine is run only on lachines witb the thirel CA-4 is defined in the CDS. routine is: OXOl .BALD t~e third CA-4, leaving the first 'BT!" ~SA~lQB iA§JBQ& iA~!!~ E4P2 PA108 0-120 'ollolling an output X'61' with bits 0.5 and 0.6 on to select Cl '3, an input 1'67' indicated that CA .3 was not selected. Register 1'14' contains the results of the input 1'67'. Pre-Test Brror. Rerun routine 1901. BRROR CARD .BALD 'BT"" SQ~E iA[!!Q~ iA2!HQ~ PG102 8-010 1Q£A!!Q! / \ After having selected the third CA-4, it was disabled and a check made to ensure that no Program Requested Interrupt vas pending. One vas Reg. X"4' contaips the results of the IN X'62' issued after the disable. Pre-Test Error. Rerun routine 1903. BaROR CARD .ElLD 'BT"" OX03 PA108 8-120 £Q1l1 LQS1IIQ! iliEB9L X941 E4.2 8.26 X3705JAA 11§!B~ Type 4 CA IFT .1 o IBM 3705 COHftUMICA'l!IOIfS CON-,BOLLER D99-3105E-09 Following an output X'67' with bit 0.5 on to select CA " an input X'67' indicated that CA 11 was not selected. Register X'1~' contains the results of the input X'67'. Pre-Test Error. aerun routine 1901. ERROR CARD o o o o o o o X94A OX04 E4T2 ~ , PG,~2 i.~!!Q.. 11-070 After having selected the first CA-4, it vas disabled and a check .ade to ensure that no Prograa Requested Interrupt was pel ling. One was Register 1'14' contains the results of the input X'62' issued after the reset. Pre-Test ~rror. Rerun routine 1903. X94A ERROR CARD PEALO !9'-310511-119 type' Cbannel Adapter eztended botfer test 2 1959 B9!%lIJ o o o o o o 9J~£Bli~lgl IDft lOCAL S!OBI _ DATA I.Tllrlll.C. TIS! .0ftBaR 2. In this test 15 positions of the bqffer ate writteo into, aod the relaining position is read and ,.rified to be uncbanged. Tbe position read and ,erified il Idvanced 00 consecutive pesses. All type 1/ cbannel ad.. pter IFTs shoQ14 bave Ileen rlln prior to runn1ng tbis routine. It an error is detected, the channel adapter card aqJ2 is asslIl.d bad. Do not .ttelpt to loop on error. This routine 18 not designed to loop on error. To tborollghly test tbe extended boffer for defective HDB lodllles, tbe -1/.0 volts dc lust be varied to -3.6 end 'de. Refer to lID }lg~ £Q!agai~!~i9DI £9D11911!1 llllA Ingin!!1lng ~h!QIl'DI!n1iD!nS! AAn9I1~ 5121-0101 Page 0-230/D-580. -Ii.' Approxllate run ti.e i. 3 and 1/2 linutes. STOP £!IIUI r001 1959 This stop occurs at the beginning of tbe routine to allow adjusting the -4.0 'olts dc .easured at aOJ B06 pin on tbe Bli board. Adjust the voltage to -3.6 and ron the routine several tiles. Replace cbannel adapter card if error 1s detected. After running tbe routine with the voltage adjusted at -3.6 'dc, adjust the voltage to 'de and rlln tbe routine 88'eral lore tiles. Replace channel adapter card 1f failure occurs. Restore tbe ,oltage to -4.0 before returniDg the controller to the eustoler. -Ii.' TESTIBG a~COftfta.DaTIOB: 1. During tbe option step of routine selection, .ake tbe ROUTIBa LOOP reguest VIa X'10' in tbe D and B switcbes. 2. at tbe lanual Intervention STOP, 'fOOl' II TBI 'B' LIGHTS; a. Adjust tbe -4 ,olts as desired. (BOTI: FAULT ur OCCOR IIITH OUT VUUMG '10L'UGa) b. anter CC in the D and B switcbes. 3. Put tbe rUnction switch to runctioa 5 position, and press START. 'CC' in the D and B switches causes tbe routine to BY-PiSS subsequent N.I. stops. CbangiQg tbe D and B switcbes to anytbing otber tben 'CC' will cause tbe nezt N.I. stop to occur. BRROR CABD £21!1 l.9!cWQ!!' 1959 0159 14J2 FEUD FETNft U§J!!'Q f!§HQ PIC102 B-130 tbrougb H-160 Tbis error is because date. cos pare did not result after an input z '6D'. o o o Reg x''''' bas data, the results of an input x'6D'. Reg z'15' baa data bits in error. (PICnD OR DROPPED) Reg 1'16' haa da t. ezpected. Type" Ci IFT X3105JAA p.41 o o D99-0 3'1051- 09 X951 !ype ~ Channel Adapter extended buffer teat 3 JQYIl!J RI~lli11QI IBB lOCAL STOBB DATA '.~lal.CB TIS! JOIBBB 3. !his routine writes 1'0000' through x'rrrc' into consecutive positions of the extended buffer. In this test 1 position of the buffer is written into, and the reeaining positions are read and verified to be unchanged. The position "ritten is ad,anced all cOllsecutive passes. ' 111 type q cbannel adapter IF!s should have beell rUII prior to ruuning tbis routiue. If an error is detected, the cbaanel adapter card IqJ2 is assueed bad. Do not atte.pt to loop on error. This routine il not Aaliglled to loop on error. !o thoroughly test tbe extellded buffer for defective BOB 10dules, the -q.O Yolts dc eUst be varied to -3.6 alld -4.4 Vdc. Refer to 111 ll~~ £2!19DigliiQDJ 'QD!I211!~ lillA laaiDliIiD9 tkl2I1 111i1JBl&2! .IDill~ SY27-0101 Page D-230/D-580. lpproximate run ti .. 1s ~ dnutes. / S~OP £2nl 1951 r001 !ES~IHG !his stop occurs at the begillning of the routine to allow adjusting the -4.0 Volts dc aeasured at any a06 pin on tbe E4 board. ldjust the voltage to -3.6 and run the routine several tiees. aeplace chanllel adapter card if error is detected. lfter runnillg the routine with the voltage adjusted at -3.6 Vdc, adjust the voltage to -~.4 Vdc and run the routine several sore tises. Beplace channel adapter card if failare occars. Restore the voltage to -4.0 before retarnll1g the cOntroller to the custoser. ( , \. / RECO!ft!NDA!IOI: 1. During the option .tep of'routine .. ljacU,on,' .' uke the ROOUn Ldop request VIA X'10" in the D aild I s"itches. At the Banual Intervention STOP, 'P001' II THE 'B' LIGH~S; a. Adjust the -4 volts as desired. b. Enter CC in the 0 and B svitches. 3. Pat the Function switch to Function 5 position, and press S~lRT. 'CC' in the 0 and E svitches causes the routine to BY-PASS subseguent 11.1. stops. Changing the D and B switches to anything othe~ then 'CC' vill cause the next ft.I. stop to occur. 2. 1951 BRBOR C~BD Q1IUi J.Q£lHQ!I FBALD EA§l!l!Q PBTR! fliUQ 015A PK102 8-130 through 8-160 ~h1s error 1s because data cos pare did not result after an input x'6D'. Reg x'14' bas 4ata, the results of aD input x'6D'. Beg x'15' has data bits 1n error. (PICKED 08 DROPPBDI Beg x'16' has data expected. 8.42 X 3705JAA \ Type" C1 UT ( I 0 0 lB, 3105 COKIO"IC1TIORS C) X958 Type _ Channel Adapter B%tended p99-3705B-09 COVT~O~Lla B~ffer Test q IUl.HlIll U&BUllQl! BBB tOCAL STORI _ DATA INTERPBREHCI TIST IUMBSR 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~. PING POHG fESf NUBREI OHE: Various data patterns are written and read in various positions of the extended buffer. All ifpe 4 CbaDnel Adapter IFTs should have baen rUD prior to runDiDg tbis routiDe. If an error is detected, tbe cbanDel adapter card 14J2 is assueed bad. Do not atteapt to loop on error. fhis routine ia Dot des1,ne4 to loop OD error. To tborougbly teat the extended buffer for defective BDB 80dules, tbe -_.0 Volts dc eust be varied to -3.6 and -4.4 Vdc. Refer to liD 112~ £2119ni~IIi9!! '2n~~ell!~ Ii!l~ Inginl!Iing thl911 IlinilDln~1 IlnBll. 5121-0101 Page 0-230/D-580. Appro%ieate rUD tiaa 1s 1/2 second. STOP £Q!U! 1958 - U P001 TESTING RBCOftB!HDATIOR: 1. During the option step of routine selection, .ake the ROUfIIB LOOP request VIA t'10' iD the D and B switches. 2. At tbe Raaual Intervention STOP, 'r001' II THB '8' LiGHTS; a. ldjust the -q volts as desired. (HOTB: P1ULT "lY OCCUR 11TH OOT '&RYIIG VOLT1GIl h. Bnter CC in the D and B switcbes. 3. Put the PunctioD switch to Punction 5 position, aad press START. 'CC' in the D and B switches causes the routine to B1-PASS subsequent R.I. stops. Changing tbe 0 and E switcbes to anything ot~er then 'CC' will cause the next B.I. stop to occur. ',I e 1958 0 0 0 0 Tbis stop occurs at tbe beginning of tbe routine to allow adjusting tbe -_.0 Volts de aeasured at anr 806 p1n on tbe B4 board. Adjust tbe voltage to -3.6 and rub tbe routine aeveral tiees. 8eplace channel adapter card if error i, detected. After runDiag the routine with the voltage adjusted at -3.6 'dc, adjust the ,oltage to -4.4 'de and run tbe routine several eore tises. 8eplace cbannel adapter card if failure occurs. Restore the voltage to -11.0 before returning tbe controller to the custouer. BUOB CARD ~QQ§ LQ£!l1Q! rEAL D f!§E!Q rBTIIB 015B' PItl02 8-130 through 8-160 04J2 fl~E!Q This error is because data compare did not result atter an input %'6DI. Reg %'14' has data, tbe results of an input %'6D'. Reg x'15' bas data bits in error. (PICKBD OR DROPPBD) 8eg 1'16' bas data e%pected. 1958 P1t102 OX01 8-130 througb H-160 This error stop resulted because of a level 1 interrupt. e e e e e Type 4 CA IFT X3705JAA 8.113 o IP" 3705 CO.NU.ICAT~QHS o CONTROLtlR 19SC Type 4 Channel Adapter Ixtended Buffer Test 5 IQYIIRB ~j~!lEII9! IBN LOCAL STORI _ DATA I.TllfIRSHCI TSST NORa81 5. PIIIG PONG !1ST NUlIBfl TIIO:, • !~ • " <" Various data pat~erl\s are written and t'ead in various positions of the extended buffer. All Type 4 Channel Adapter IPTs should have ~een run prior to running this routine. If an error is detected, tbe channel adapter card 14J2 is assuled bad. De not attelpt to loop on error. THIS 10UTIHI is pot designed to loop on error. To thoroughly test the extended buffer for defective HDB lodules, the -4.0 Volts de lUst be varied to -3.6 aad -4.4 vdc. Refer to IRa ~12~ ~!lgnigl~i2nl ~2U1£gll!£ [i!la In~in!!£in~ th!2£I Iiin1!DlD2! 1lD!~& 5121-0101 Page II- 2l0/D-S80. . Approlllate rUn tile is 1/2 second. STOP ~Ql!l X9SC r001 This stop occuu at the beginning of tbe routine to allol1 adjuaUng the -11.0 'olts 4c ,8I8IIre4 at any a06 pin on tbe 14 board. Adjust the voltage to -3.6 and run the routine .everal tile.. lepllce channel adapter card if error is detected. After running the routine lIith the voltage adjusted at -3.6 '4c, adjust tbe 901tage to -4.4 Vdc and run the routine several lore tias.. lep1ace channel Idapter card if fallurl OCCurs. Bestore the 901tage to -4.0 before returning the controller to the custoser. TESTIHG RICONRINDATION: 1. During the option step of routine selection, lake the ROUTINI LOOP reguest VIA 1'10' in the D and I switches. At the Ranul1 Intervention STOP, 'r001' 1M THI 'B' LIGHTS; a. Adjust the -4 volts as 4esired. (IOT8: PAULt 8AI OCCUR 11TH OOT YARIIIG YOLTAGI) b. Inter CC in the D and B switches. l. Put the Punction switch to Punction 5 position, an4 press START. 2. ,/ 'CC' in the D and 8 sllitches causes the routine to BI-PASS subsequent ft.I. stops. Changing the D an4 I switches to anything other theA 'CC' lIi11 CIUSe the nelt B.I. atop to occur. BRROB CARD ~I!§ X95C OXSC ~Qk!IlQ! E4J2 fEALD PITKN Plt102 H-130 through 6-160 Eli!!Q Elg§IQ This error is because data co.pare 4id not result after an input 1'60'. Reg x'1Q' has 4ata, the results of an input 1'6D'. Reg x'1S' has 4ata bits in error. (PICKED OR DROPPED) Beg x'16' has data elpecte4. X9SC OXOl E4J2 PK102 H-130 through 6-160 This error stop resulted because of a level 1 interrupt. 8.44 1370SJU Type 4 CA IFT o o 1)99-37058-09 o o o 1911 • C8ARIEL ADAP~EB 'he tollo"ing 1911 1101 a~e cO.lon CUD UUD BIIP2 P8103 8-120 e~~o~ codes that occu~ in cOllon sub-routines. rUBI !i!!lll Channel Adapter interface was not disabled. BRRoa CARD 191X COBBOI EBBOB STOPS lIBBOI 'ype .BALD sgDI LQliAIIQI 2AilIQ~ 2AiJl2£ 1102 l'A108 8-120 Bill 2 Rerun ~out1ne 1902.• rIT!B Atte.pt to select type _ channel adapter under test failed. Register 1'1Q' contains Select bit should hate been opposite to wbat it was. aerun routine 1901. o o o ~YP! BRROR CARD 19X1 £QUI L!!liAlIQ! PBALD PBTBB flil!Q~ !l§J!~ 1103 P&10B 8-120 In2 Attempt to select type, cbannel adapte~ unde~ test failed. Register 1'1Q' contains Select bit sbould ba,e been opposite to wbat it vas. aerun routine x901. ERROa CABO !iQUI L2!iA%lQl X9H FllLD 2AiJIQ~ ~esults of input 1'67'. ~esults of input 1'77'. rIT"! lAilIQ~ 1XOl Unable to set BBRoa ClaD ~egisters PBALD to 1'0000'. Re~un routines 190q througb 1925. rl'"! GGUJ LQ!ilZlQI llilBQ& lAilIQ£ X9U: 110B Unable to set 1's in all used bit positions. BBBOB CARD rBlLD aerun routines X90. th~ougb X925. rBT!! QQU Io!!!iA1I2! U§UQ.. lW!!!.& X9XX 1X10 Pollowing an output inst~uction, an input instruction indicated reguested bits we~e not set ~eset. Registe~ 1'16' contains tbe add~e •• of tbe outpat instruction. Reg. X'14' coDtains tbe results of tbe register X'15' indicates tbe bits ia e~ror. Tbe rerun routines are X90Q through 1925. o rB1LD rBTB" 1X11 PL102 8-1'0 £QUI. IoQliAll!!l fAil!!!!.. U!iI!!h. X9n BU2 rollolling an output 1'6C' .,ith bit 0.. 0 oa, an input 1'6C' indicated B8 lode had not been set. contains the results of the input 1'6C'. o o e BBBOR CABO Beg I"" 'be rerun routine is X932. BBROB CABO rBALD rB'!! 1X21 PIl02 l'II101 8-160 8-1 60 QQUI IoQ!iAlIQ! fAilIQ.. lA§I!!!.& X9U 1130 l!Q,J2 BQG2 After setting all positions o~ the Eft ~r~ay to zeros, an input X'6D' indicate~ one of the Positions did not contain zeros. Begister 1'14' contains tbe results of the input 1'60'. The error code indicates the failing halfword, i.e., 1X21 is the first, 1122, the second and so on. The reran routine is 1936. BRROR CARD X911 £2nl Lg!i~llQB 21i11Q~ .BILD rET"" 2XOO BU2 l'r107 8-110 i!gJ~ Received an unexpected Level 1 interrupt witb no request bits on. BRROR C1BD rB1LD rBt"! £!!UB L!!£lIlQI EA§l!!!£ fA§JI!!L Type 4 Cl In X3105,JU 8.45 0, , , 1l9!1-n05B~09 X9XX 2x01 BIIL2 1'11103 8-230 Received an unexpected level 3 interrupt, bit 1.' in register 1'71 ' lias on. BBBOB CARll nUD BqL2 1'B102 SQ!2E Io!l£AUQIl UlUll!!!:. l[9XX 2102 nTU UW~ 0-060 Unable to reset the leyel 3 Initial Select interrupt. BIIBOB CUD PBALD UTIIII 2103 1'B103 8-070 £SI!2!l Io9gU21! UlUll!!! .. U!i!Il!L.. X9XX BIIL2 unexpected level 3 interrupt, bit 1.3 in register X'77' lias on. Neither the suppress Out lIonitor or the Progral Request interrupt bits lIere on in register 1'61'. Register 1'62' should indicate the cause of interrupt. ERROR CARD ~!2!l PElLD PETIIII IoQ£Al!21! fAill2&. RAi!!2&. 8-060 unable to reset the leyel 3 Data/Status interrupt. ERROR CARD X9XX PElLD FBTIIII 1'G102 11-070 ~!2!l IoQ£AllQI fAil!!Q.. fA§IISIa. 2X05 BIIT2 Unexpected Suppress Out Konitor leyel 3 interrupt, bit 0.6 on in register X'17 1 • BRROB ClRD X9XX £QDl! PBlLD PETIIII ~£AUQI! fAlUl!Q.. fA§I!Q .. 2106 !!1IT2 1'G102 8-070 Unable to reset tbe level 3 suppress Out 1I0nitor interrupt. BRROR CARD PBALD FETIIII 2X07 1'6102 8-070 SQDJ Io!l£AlIQI RAiJIQ.. fAi!I!Q .. X9XX BIIT2 unexpected progra. Request leyel 3 interrupt. EBROB CARD PEALD FBTIIII 2X08 1'6102 1I-070 SQ!2!l IoQ£!!lQI! RAiIIQ.. fAilllQ.. X9XX BIIT2 Onable to reset the level 3 Progral Request interrupt. ERROR CABD X9XX nUD FETllII ~DI LQ£!UQI! Uil!!!Q.. Ui!!!Q.. 2X09 BIIL2 EIIT2 0-060 Unexpected level 3 interrupt fro. a type 1 cbannel adapter. EBBOB CARD nUD There lias no request bits on in register 1'62'. FETIIII SQJ2I IoQ£AU2!! RAin!! .. RAinQ.. X9XX 2XOA Unknown leyel 3 interrupt occurred, neither input x'17' or input X'7P' indicated the source of the interrupt. X9XX EBROR CABD PEALD QQD~ fA~~!!!.. L!l£!llQ! PETIIII fA§!I!Q .. 2XOB An unexpected type q channel adapter leyel 3 interrupt occurred. input 1'17'. ERROB CABO PBALD Beg X'09' contains the results of the PETft! SQ!21 Io!l£!U2!! UlUl!!!.. fAlUl!!SI.. 8.116 X3705JU Type II CA 1FT 4--~, o o X9XX o o o o o o o 2X 1X l!l1ll2 1'1"01 ~n ~nexpected ERROR C1BD XgIl 8-'00 level 1 interrupt occurred with the Local Store Check bit 1.3 in register X'61' on. PE1LD 1'Ifl" PP101 8-100 ~21 IdI!:Angl nD!!!2-. U§J1lla. 2121 BIIK2 An unexpected level 1 ERROR CARD X9IX interr~pt PEAtD PEtlll PP101 8-100 ~21 IdIgngl! UUI9&. UgH9&. 2XU I 11K 2 occurred vith the ceo O~tb~ss Check bit ,.2 in register 1'67' OD. lD unexpected ievel 1 interrupt occurred with the In/Out Instruction lccept Check bit on. ERROR CABD PEltD l'BUI EIIK2 t'1'101 8-100 '.1 in register 1'671 £221 I.9£Ulgl UgU!.l&. !!l!J!2.. X9Xl 2X8X ln unexpected level 1 interrupt occurred vith the channel. E880B C1BD 1'llLD £221 ~9!:An2l! £!911!2&. fAill!2&. 21Pl' IIIIK2 X9XI 1'Efll '0' 8-100 lIL10S lIL10' lILl01 lIL101 H-HO H-'1I0 H-1II0 P1' Bus-in check bit ,.0 in register 1'67' on. Unable to reset the unexpected level l interrupt. IIIIH2 B'lH2 E4H2 IIIIH2 8-1110 Bit Bit Bit Bit 0.11 0.5 0.6 0.1 - 5yn lonitor Control Latch DLE Besesber Latch D51SCII lonitor Control Latch EBCDIC lonitor Control Latch o o o o o o 'rype II CA IPf X3705JU 8.117 . 12M 3705 CO""OHIC1TIOHS CONTaOLLER 099 .. .l"I05E- 09 \ \. 8.48 X370SJAA Type 4 CA Ili'T /
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