Processes Library User Manual D Water_Quality_Processes_Technical_Reference_Manual Water Quality Technical Reference
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1D/2D/3D Modelling suite for integral water solutions DR AF T Delft3D Flexible Mesh Suite D-Water Quality Processes Library Description Technical Reference Manual DR AF T T DR AF Processes Library Description Detailed description of Processes Technical Reference Manual Released for: Delft3D FM Suite 2018 D-HYDRO Suite 2018 SOBEK Suite 3.7 WAQ Suite 2018 Version: 5.01 SVN Revision: 54328 April 18, 2018 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Published and printed by: Deltares Boussinesqweg 1 2629 HV Delft P.O. 177 2600 MH Delft The Netherlands For sales contact: telephone: +31 88 335 81 88 fax: +31 88 335 81 11 e-mail: www: telephone: fax: e-mail: www: +31 88 335 82 73 +31 88 335 85 82 For support contact: telephone: +31 88 335 81 00 fax: +31 88 335 81 11 e-mail: www: Copyright © 2018 Deltares All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print, photo copy, microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the publisher: Deltares. Contents Contents List of Figures vii List of Tables ix 1 How to find your way in this manual 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Processes reference tables . . . . . 1.4 What’s new? . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Backward compatibility . . . . . . . 1.6 Modelling water and sediment layers 1.6.1 Usage notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 3 4 6 7 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10 20 24 26 29 31 32 32 33 33 34 41 44 44 44 45 3 Nutrients 3.1 Nitrification . . . . . . . 3.2 Calculation of NH3 . . . 3.3 Denitrification . . . . . . 3.4 Adsorption of phosphate 3.5 Formation of vivianite . . 3.6 Formation of apatite . . . 3.7 Dissolution of opal silicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 48 54 57 63 71 75 78 4 Primary producers 4.1 Introduction to primary production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Growth and mortality of algae (BLOOM) . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Bottom fixation of BLOOM algae types . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Settling of phytoplankton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Production and mortality of algae (DYNAMO) . . . . . . . . 4.6 Computation of the phytoplankton composition (DYNAMO) . 4.7 Production and mortality of benthic diatoms S1/2 (DYNAMO) 4.8 Mortality and re-growth of terrestrial vegetation (VEGMOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 82 83 102 104 107 116 119 125 DR AF T 2 Oxygen and BOD 2.1 Reaeration, the air-water exchange of DO . . . . 2.2 Dam reaeration, SOBEK only . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Saturation concentration of DO . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Diurnal variation of DO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Calculation of daily minimal DO concentration . 2.6 Calculation of actual DO concentration . . . . . 2.7 BOD, COD and SOD decomposition . . . . . . 2.7.1 Chemical oxygen demand . . . . . . . 2.7.2 Biochemical oxygen demand . . . . . . 2.7.3 Measurements and relations . . . . . . 2.7.4 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Sediment oxygen demand . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Production of substances: TEWOR, SOBEK only 2.9.1 Coliform bacteria – listing of processes . 2.9.2 TEWOR-production fluxes . . . . . . . 2.9.3 Process TEWOR: Oxydation of BOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Macrophytes 137 5.1 Framework of the macrophyte module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 5.1.1 Relation macrophyte module and other DELWAQ processes . . . . . 138 Deltares iii Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 T 5.3 DR AF 5.2 5.1.2 Growth forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 Plant parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.4 Usage note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.5 Different macrophyte growth forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Growth of submerged and emerged biomass of macrophytes . . . . . . 5.2.1 Nutrient limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Uptake of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from rhizomes . . . 5.2.3 Daylength limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.4 Temperature limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.5 Decay of emerged and submerged biomass . . . . . . . . . . Hints for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.6 Growth of the rhizomes/root system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.7 Formation of particulate organic carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.8 Uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediment . . . . . . . Hints for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.9 Uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus from water . . . . . . . . . 5.2.10 Oxygen production and consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.11 Net growth of emerged and submerged vegetation and rhizomes Maximum biomass per macrophyte species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Hints for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grazing and harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Grazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Hints for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light limitation for macrophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vegetation coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vertical distribution of submerged macrophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linear distribution (SwDisSMii=1) . . . . . . . . . . . Exponential distribution (SwDisSMii=2) . . . . . . . . 5.7.2 Hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Light regime 6.1 Light intensity in the water column . . . 6.2 Extinction coefficient of the water column 6.3 Variable solar radiation during the day . . 6.4 Computation of day length . . . . . . . 6.5 Computation of Secchi depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Primary consumers and higher trophic levels 7.1 Grazing by zooplankton and zoobenthos (CONSBL) 7.2 Grazing by zooplankton and zoobenthos (DEBGRZ) 8 Organic matter (detritus) 8.1 Decomposition of detritus . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Consumption of electron-acceptors . . . . . . 8.3 Settling of detritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 Mineralization of detritus in the sediment (S1/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 140 140 140 144 145 145 146 147 148 148 148 149 150 150 151 151 152 153 153 153 155 155 156 156 158 159 159 161 161 161 163 164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 166 170 180 183 185 187 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 218 228 241 245 9 Inorganic substances and pH 249 9.1 Air-water exchange of CO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 9.2 Saturation concentration of CO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 9.3 Calculation of the pH and the carbonate speciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 iv Deltares Contents 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 Volatilisation of methane . . . . . . . . . . . Saturation concentration of methane . . . . . Ebullition of methane . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxidation of methane . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxidation of sulfide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precipitation and dissolution of sulfide . . . . . Speciation of dissolved sulfide . . . . . . . . Precipitation, dissolution and conversion of iron Reduction of iron by sulfides . . . . . . . . . Oxidation of iron sulfides . . . . . . . . . . . Oxidation of dissolved iron . . . . . . . . . . Speciation of dissolved iron . . . . . . . . . . Conversion salinity and chloride process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T 10 Organic micropollutants 10.1 Partitioning of organic micropollutants . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Calculation of organic matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Dissolution of organic micropollutants . . . . . . . . . 10.4 Overall degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 Redox status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 Volatilisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7 Transport coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8 Settling of micropollutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9 Sediment-water exchange of dissolved micropollutants 10.10 General contaminants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DR AF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 274 276 278 282 285 288 292 301 304 307 310 315 . . . . . . . . . . 317 . 318 . 326 . 328 . 330 . 335 . 337 . 343 . 347 . 351 . 355 11 Heavy metals 357 11.1 Partitioning of heavy metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 11.2 Reprofunctions for partition coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 12 Bacterial pollutants 12.1 Mortality of coliform bacteria 375 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 13 Sediment and mass transport 13.1 Settling of sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Calculation of settling fluxes of suspended matter . . 13.3 Transport in sediment for layered sediment . . . . . 13.4 Transport in sediment and resuspension (S1/2) . . . 13.5 Calculation of horizontal flow velocity . . . . . . . . 13.6 Calculation of the Chézy coefficient . . . . . . . . . 13.7 Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8 Calculation of wind fetch and wave initial depth . . . 13.9 Calculation of bottom shear stress . . . . . . . . . 13.10 Computation of horizontal dispersion . . . . . . . . 13.11 Computation of horizontal dispersion (one-dimension) 13.12 Allocation of dispersion from segment to exchange . 13.13 Conversion of segment variable to exchange variable 13.14 Conversion of exchange variable to segment variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 380 386 389 395 405 407 409 411 413 416 417 418 419 420 14 Temperature 421 14.1 Calculation of water temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 14.2 Calculation of temperature for flats run dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 15 Various auxiliary processes 15.1 Computation of aggregate substances Deltares 427 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 v Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 Computation of the sediment composition (S1/2) . . . Allocation of diffusive and atmospheric loads . . . . . Calculation of the depth of water column or water layer Calculation of horizontal surface area . . . . . . . . . Calculation of gradients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculation of residence time . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculation of age of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspecting the attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 16 Deprecated processes descriptions 445 16.1 Growth and mortality of algae (MONALG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 455 DR AF T References vi Deltares List of Figures List of Figures 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.1 Deltares . 19 . 27 . 38 . 39 . 39 . 40 Figure 1 Default pragmatic oxygen limitation function for nitrification (O2FuncNit, option 0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Default pragmatic oxygen inhibition function for denitrification (O2Func, option 0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variation of the equilibrium concentration AAP (eqAAP) as a function of PO4 and the maximum adsorption capacity (MaxPO4AAP). . . . . . . . . . . . . Variation of the equilibrium concentration of AAP (eqAAP) as a function of PO4 and the partition coefficient of PO4 (KdPO4AAP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DR AF 3.3 The reaeration rate RCRear (=klrear20 20/H) as a function of water depth, flow velocity and/or wind velocity for various options SWRear for the mass transfer coefficient klrear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The distribution of gross primary production over a day . . . . . . . . . . . A typical oxygen demand curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The relation between the amount of oxidizable carbonaceous material [mgC/l], the amount of oxygen consumed in the stabilisation of this organic material after 5 days and after ultimate time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Default and optional oxygen functions for decay of CBOD (O2FuncBOD) . . Optional function for the calculation of the first order rate constant for BOD and NBOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T 2.1 Example of the salinity dependent mortality function . . . . . . . . . . . . . Primary production rate of algae species i as a function of temperature and radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limitation function for radiation (f rad_i) for algae species i as a function of radiation (Is,RAD) at different temperature ranging from 5 to 25 ◦ C. . . . . . Interactions between the compartments of a vegetation cohort (left side, green) and the detritus fractions POC1–5/DOC in the model (particulate fractions brown, dissolved fraction blue). Similar schemes apply to PON1–5/DON, POP1–5/DOP and POS1–5/DOS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The growth curve of a vegetation cohort (y -axis) as a function of it’s age is a function of 4-parameters: minimum biomass (MIN), maximum target biomass (MAX), cohort age where 50 % of maximum biomass is achieved (b) and a factor indicating how ‘smooth’ the growth curve is (s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . The effect of shape constant Fs(F ) on the distribution of vegetation biomass above the sediment (a) and vegetation biomass in the sediment (b). The symbols used are explained in the text (T = Ht ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interactions between the nutrient cycles and the life cycle of macrophytes. . . The different macrophytes growth forms that can be modeled with the Macrophyte Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The abbreviations for the parts of the vegetation that are used in the equations. The light intensity under water – explanation of the variables in the light intensity functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition of the quantities used for determining the linear vertical distribution. . Definition of the quantities used for determining the exponential vertical distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examples of the exponential vertical distribution for three values of the shape parameter F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 62 70 70 89 115 115 134 134 135 138 139 140 160 162 163 164 Day length calculated by the module DAYL for the latitudes 10 ◦ , 52.1◦ , 65◦ and 75◦ . The latitude of 52.1◦ refers to De Bilt, The Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . 184 vii Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 8.1 8.2 When an algae module is included. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 When the terrestrial vegetation module is included. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 10.1 Liquid-air exchange rate (kvol) for a very volatile pollutant . . . . . . . . . . 342 13.1 Sedimentation velocity as a function of total suspended solid concentration solely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 13.2 Sedimentation velocity (VSed) as a function of salinity solely (effect of flocculation and density not included). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 DR AF T 16.1 Example of the salinity dependent mortality function viii Deltares List of Tables List of Tables Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for REAROXY . . . . . Factor ’b’ (characteristic structure) for various structures. . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for REAROXY . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for REAROXY . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the equations for SATUROXY . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for VAROXY . . . . . . Definition of the parameters in the equations and the mode input for OXYMIN Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for POSOXY . . . . . . Typical values for oxygen demanding waste waters (values in [mgO2 /l]) . . . SOBEK-WQ processes for coliform bacteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PROD_TEWOR. . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DBOD_TEWOR. . . 3.1 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for NITRIF_NH4. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for NH3FREE. . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DENWAT_NO3. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DENSED_NO3. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for ADSPO4AAP. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for VIVIANITE. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for APATITE. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DISSI. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b w DR AF 3.2 3.3 T 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 b 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 b w b w b w b w b w w . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 22 22 23 25 28 30 31 32 44 44 45 . 52 . 56 . 61 . 62 . 69 . 74 . 77 . 80 Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for BLOOM. . . . . . . 98 Definitions of the output parameters for BLOOM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED(i), SEDPHBLO and SEDPHDYN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for GROMRT_(i), TF_(i), NL(i), DL_(i), RAD_(i), PPRLIM, NUTUPT_ALG and NUTREL_ALG. (i) = Green or Gree for green algae (input names maximum 10 letters long!), and (i) = Diat for diatoms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PHY_DYN. (i) is a substance name, Green or Diat. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Definitions of the output parameters in the above equations for PHY_DYN. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for GROMRT_DS1, TF_DIAT , DL_DIAT , RAD_DIAT S1, MRTDIAT_S1, MRTDIAT_S2 and NRALG_S1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for VBMORT(i), VB(i)_MRT3W, VB(i)_MRT3S, VBGROWTH(i), VB(i)UPT, VB(i)_UPT3D, VB(i)AVAILN and VBSTATUS(i). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Definitions of the additional output parameters for VBMORT(i), VB(i)_MRT3W, VB(i)_MRT3S, VBGROWTH(i), VB(i)UPT, VB(i)_UPT3D, VB(i)AVAILN and VBSTATUS(i). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 b w 4.6 b 4.7 4.8 4.9 Deltares w ix Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Computation of the maximum biomass of three macrophyte species as a function of the Habitat Suitability Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for CALCRAD. . . . . . Definitions of the output parameters for CALCRAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for CALCRADDAY. . . . Table IV Definitions of the output parameters for CALCRADDAY. . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for CALCRAD_UV. . . . Definitions of the output parameters for CALCRAD_UV. . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for Extinc_VLG. . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for ExtinaBVLP (ExtinaBVL) for BLOOM algae. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for ExtPhDVL. . . . . . Definitions of the output parameters for Extinc_VLG, ExtinaBVLP (ExtinaBVL), ExtPhDVL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for Extinc_UVG. . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for ExtinaBUVP (ExtinaBUV) for BLOOM algae. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for ExtPhDUV. . . . . . Definitions of the output parameters for Extinc_UVG, ExtinaBUVP (ExtinaBUV), ExtPhDUV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for DAYRAD. . . . . . . Definitions of the output parameters for DAYRAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SECCHI, exclusive of input parameters for auxiliary process UITZICHT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.3 DR AF 6.9 6.10 T 5.1 Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for CONSBL. Definitions of the output parameters for CONSBL. . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for DEBGRZ. Definitions of the output parameters for DEBGRZ. . . . . . . . . . 8.5 b 9.4 9.5 9.6 x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 175 176 177 178 178 179 182 182 186 196 198 211 216 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECFAST, DECMEDIUM and DECSLOW. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . 224 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECFAST, DECMEDIUM and DECSLOW. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . 225 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECFAST, DECMEDIUM and DECSLOW. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . 226 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECREFR, DECDOC and DECPOC5. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . 226 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECREFR, DECDOC and DECPOC5. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . 227 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for CONSELAC. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED_(i), SEDN(i) and SED_CAAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for BMS1_i, BMS2_i, DESO_AAPS1 and DESO_AAPS2. ) (i) is one of the names of the 7 detritus components or AAP. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 b 8.4 . . . . 167 168 168 168 168 169 174 b w b w b w b w b w w w Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for REARCO2. . . . . . 254 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SATURCO2. . . . . . 257 Processes in D-Water Quality with effects on pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Deltares List of Tables 9.7 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for pH _simp. Vol- 9.8 ume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Definitions of the output parameters of pH _simp. Volume units refer to bulk b ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for VOLATCH4. . . . . . The efinitions of the parameters in the above equations for SATURCH4. . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for EBULCH4. . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for OXIDCH4. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for OXIDSUD. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRECSUL. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SPECSUD. . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SPECSUDS1/2. Definitions of the output parameters of SPECSUD and SPECSUDS1/2. . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRIRON concerning oxidizing iron. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRIRON concerning reducing iron. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRIRON concerning reducing iron. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRIRON concerning reducing iron. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for IRONRED. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for IRONRED. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SULPHOX. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SULPHOX. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for IRONOX. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SPECIRON. . . Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SPECIRON. . . Definitions of the output parameters of SPECIRON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SALINCHLOR. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 w b w b w b w b w DR AF 9.19 T b 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 w 9.19 9.19 9.20 9.20 9.21 9.21 9.22 b w b w b w b w b 9.23 9.23 9.24 9.25 b w b w b w w b w 10.1 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTWK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . 10.2 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Definitions of the output parameters for PARTWK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Definitions of the output parameters for PARTWK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Deltares b w b w b w w 268 273 275 277 281 284 287 290 291 291 298 298 299 300 302 303 305 306 309 313 314 314 316 . 323 . 324 . 324 . 325 xi Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 10.4 Definitions of the output parameters for PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 10.5 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for MAKOOC, MAKOOCS1 and MAKOOCS2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 10.6 Definitions of the ouput parameters in the above equations for MAKOOC, MAKOOCS1 and MAKOOCS2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 10.7 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DISOMP_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . 329 10.8 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for LOS_WK_(i). (i) is a substance name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 10.9 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for LOS_S1/2_(i). (i) is a substance name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 10.10 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SWOXYPARWK. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 10.11 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations. (i) is a substance name. 341 10.12 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for TRCOEF_(i). (i) is a substance name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 10.13 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED_(i). . . . . 349 10.13 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED_(i). . . . . 350 10.14 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SWEOMP_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . 353 10.14 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SWEOMP_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . 354 10.15 Definitions of the specific parameters in the above equations for cascade(i) . . 356 b w w DR AF b w T b b w b w 11.1 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTWK_(i) in relation to sorption. (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) in relation to sorption. (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . 11.3 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTWK_(i), PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) in relation to precipitation. (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 Definitions of the output parameters for PARTWK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5 Definitions of the output parameters for PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6 Definitions of input parameters in RFPART_(i), (i) is a substance name. . . . b w b b b w w w . 366 . 367 . 368 . 369 . 370 . 374 12.1 Conversion constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 12.2 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for (i)MORT. . . . . . . . 378 13.1 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED_(i), S_(i) and CALVS_(i). (i) is the name of a substance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for SUM_SEDIM. (i) is IM1, IM2 or IM3. (j) is POC1, POC2, POC3 or POC4. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3 Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for SED_SOD. . . . . 13.4 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for ADVTRA, DSPTRA and TRASE2_(i) (or TRSE2_(i) or TRSE2(i)). Volume units refer to bulk ( ), water ( ) or solids ( ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b xii w s . 382 . 388 . 388 . 393 Deltares List of Tables T 13.5 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for S12TRA(i). . . 13.6 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for RES_DM. . . 13.7 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for BUR_DM. . . 13.8 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DIG_DM. . . . 13.9 Definitions of the input and output parameters for VELOC . . . . . . . . . . 13.10 Definitions of the input and output parameters for CHEZY . . . . . . . . . . 13.11 Definitions of the input and output parameters for WAVE . . . . . . . . . . 13.12 Definitions of the input and output parameters for WDEPTH. (i) runs from 1 to 8. Only the input parameters for (i) is 1 and 2 are required. . . . . . . . . . 13.13 Definitions of the input and output parameters for WFETCH. (i) runs from 1 to 8. Only the input parameters for (i) is 1 and 2 are required. . . . . . . . . . 13.14 Definitions of the input and output parameters for CALTAU . . . . . . . . . 13.15 Definitions of the input and output parameters for HDISPERVEL . . . . . . 13.16 Definitions of the input and output parameters for HORZDISP . . . . . . . . 13.17 Definitions of the input and output parameters for VERTDISP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 402 403 403 406 408 410 . 411 . . . . . 412 415 416 417 418 14.1 Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for TEMPERATUR. . . . 426 DR AF 15.1 Definitions of the output parameters for COMPOS. (i) is POC1, POC2, POC3 or POC4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.2 Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for S1_COMP and S2_COMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 Definitions of the output parameters in the above equations for S1_COMP and S2_COMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.4 Definitions of the input and output parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.1 Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for MONALG. Deltares . 431 . 435 . 436 . 443 . . . . . 452 xiii DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual xiv Deltares 1 How to find your way in this manual 1.1 Introduction This part of the D-Water Quality manual is called the Technical Reference Manual. It contains an overview of state variables, input parameters and output parameters and a detailed description of all processes included in the Processes Library for Delft3D and SOBEK. You should use detailed process descriptions in combination with the Processes Library Configuration Tool (PLCT) in order to connect state variables, input parameters, default values and output parameters to mathematical formulations. Implementation Formulation Directives for use References Parameter Tables 1.2 List of substances or other state variables for which the process is implemented, with references to other (auxiliary) processes used Detailed description of mathematical formulations and all process parameters and coefficients Definition of the schematisations (1DV, 1DH, 2DV, 2DH, 3D) for which the process can be used Tips for use of the process and for the quantification of input parameters List of referenced literature Tabulated lists of all input parameters and coefficients, and of output parameters (not included for some processes) DR AF Direction T Each process in the Processes Library is documented separately. Each process description starts with an introduction containing background and conceptual information, which precedes the following items: Overview This manual provides process descriptions per group of substances. Within each group the proces descriptions have been ranked according to individual substances and the position in a processes cycle. Production comes first, and is followed by decomposition and removal. Additional processes that provide parameters to primary processes immediately follow the primary processes. Auxiliary processes that basically deliver additional output parameters take the last position. Primary processes for a group of substances may affect the substances of another group as well, because they deliver mass fluxes for these substances. Typical examples are the processes that concern biomass or dead organic matter. These processes deliver fluxes for many other substances such as oxygen and nutrients. Auxiliary processes may provide additional input or output parameters, and do generally not deliver mass fluxes. The Processes Library of D-Water Quality contains a comprehensive set of substances and processes, that covers a wide range of water quality parameters. In view of making the water quality module, D-Water Quality, available as open source modelling software, the Processes Library has been optimised into one coherent standard set of substances and processes for Delft3D. Usually only a part of this will be implemented in a specific water quality model. A selection can be made with Delft3D’s user interface (PLCT). To facilitate the quick selection of substances and processes for a specific type of model such as a model for eutrophication or a model for dissolved oxygen Deltares intends to make available predefined sets. However, the manual is equally applicable to all selections, because the processes formulations are exactly the same for each selection. The Processes Libary used for SOBEK still uses its own set of substances and processes, Deltares 1 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual accessible in the form of pre-defined configurations. These configurations contain selections of substances and processes, on which this manual does not provide information. Parts of this manual that concern SOBEK only are indicated as such. Deltares intends to merge SOBEK’s set of substances and processes with the standard set as described in this manual. T Present D-Water Quality has two standard options for the modelling of sediment-water interaction, a simplified approach and an advanced approach. The user interface supports only the simplified ’S1-S2’ approach, for which additional substances represent two sediment layers. This manual includes the S1-S2 specific substances and processes. The comprehensive ’layered sediment’ approach involves adding a sediment grid to the computational grid and including a sediment specific transport process. This is described in the addition manual ’Sediment Water Interaction’. The substances and processes are the same for water and sediment in the layered sediment approach as the formulations of the processes are generic. Processes turn out differently in water and sediment depending on local conditions, such as the dissolved oxygen concentration. Unless stated otherwise, a process description in this manual applies to the water column as well as the sediment. Presently the ’layered sediment’ approach only applies to Delft3D. DR AF The water quality processes are grouped under the following chapters: Oxygen and BOD (chapter 2) Nutrients (chapter 3) Primary producers (chapter 4) Light regime (chapter 6) Primary consumers and higher trophic levels (chapter 7) Organic matter (detritus) (chapter 8) Inorganic substances and pH (chapter 9) Organic micropollutants (chapter 10) Heavy metals (chapter 11) Bacterial pollutants (chapter 12) Sediment and mass transport (chapter 13) Temperature (chapter 14) Various auxiliary processes (chapter 15) Deprecated processes descriptions (chapter 16) Generic mass transport processes are dealt with together with the substances group ”sediment” (chapter 13). Remarks: Two different formats have been used for the process description. The original format and the improved format (as of 2000). The latter is more elaborate, has a different notation of parameters in formulations and provides tables with input and output parameters, facilitating the specification of parameter values in the input of models. Process descriptions according to the improved format usually concern the latest and most advanced versions of the processes. However, some of the process descriptions have not been updated for a long time, so that with regard to details they may not picture the actual situation. Process descriptions according to the original format may be incomplete and do not have the tables for the in- and output parameters. This manual may not be entirely complete with regard to substances and processes available in the Processes Library. Some processes are described in this manual that are not included in the standard set of processes, and are therefore not accessible in present D-Water Quality. This concerns the module the module MICROPHYT for microphytobenthos. Some processes are not described in this manual because they have not been integrated as they are under development such as module DEB for grazers 2 of 464 Deltares How to find your way in this manual (shell fish) and a module for aquatic macrophytes. All modules mentioned can be made available upon request. As the water quality module is open source software it also has a facility to modify the formulations of existing processes or to add new substances and processes. This is described in ‘Open Processes Library, User Manual’. Processes reference tables Each process has a unique name, which is the way to get to the process you are interested in. The processes and their relation are listed in Table 1.1 to Table 16.1 from the Processes Library Tables manual (D-WAQ PLT, 2013). Table 1.1 T Table 1.1 presents a list of the processes in the library together with the chapter where you can find the detailed description. There are two ways to find the unique name of a process: 1 the report file of D-Water Quality <∗.lsp> tells you the name of a process 2 one of the following index-tables: DR AF 1.3 Table 2.1 This table is indexed on substance name and lists the associated water quality processes. When you model a substance find the associated processes in this table and refer to Table 1.1 to find the description of the water quality-processes involved. Table 3.1 and Table 4.1 These tables are indexed on substance name and lists the associated transport processes. Table 3.1 lists the transport processes which calculate velocities and Table 4.1 lists the transportprocesses which calculate dispersions. When you model a substance find the associated processes in these tables and refer to Table 1.1 to find the description of the transport-processes involved. Table 5.1 This table is indexed on flux name and lists the substances and water quality processes associated. When you know the name of a flux (e.g. from D-Water Quality 4 post-processing) you can find in this table the substances which are influenced by this flux and the process which calculates this flux. Refer to Table 1.1 to find the description of the process involved. Table 6.1 and Table 7.1 These tables are indexed on respectively velocity and dispersion name and lists the associated substances and transport processes. When you know the name of a velocity or dispersion (e.g. from D-Water Quality post-processing) you can find in this table the substances which are influenced and the process which calculates the velocity or dispersion. Refer to Table 1.1 to find the description of the transport process involved. Deltares 3 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 8.1 and Table 9.1 These tables are indexed on respectively segment related and exchange related processinput that can be produced by other processes and lists the process that can calculate the input-item. When you know the name of a process input item (e.g. from the detailed process description (Chapters 2 up to 15) or from the D-Water Quality list file <∗.lsp>) find the name of the process that can calculate this item in this table. Refer to Table 1.1 to find a description of the process involved. You can also ’shop’ through this list to find items worthwhile presenting. Table 10.1 and Table 11.1 Table 12.1 and Table 13.1 T These tables are indexed on respectively segment related and exchange-related process input that has a default value. When you have the name of a process input item (e.g. from the detailed process description or from the D-Water Quality list file <∗.lsp>) find the default value for this item in this table. Refer to Table 1.1to find a description of the process involved. DR AF These tables are indexed on respectively segment related and exchange-related process input that has no default value and can not be calculated by other processes. When you have the name of a process input item (e.g. from the detailed process description or from the D-Water Quality list file <∗.lsp>) find the default value for this item in this table. Refer to Table 1.1 to find a description of the process involved. Table 14.1 and Table 15.1 These tables are indexed on respectively segment related and exchange related processoutput that is not used by other processes and lists the process that calculates the output item. When you have the name of a process output item (e.g. from the detailed process descriptions or from the D-Water Quality list file <∗.lsp>) find the name of the process that can calculate this item in this table. Refer to Table 1.1 to find a description of the process involved. You can also ’shop’ through this list to find items worthwhile presenting. Table 16.1 This table is indexed on the processes and lists in which configurations of the Processes Library it is included (only relevant for SOBEK). 1.4 What’s new? This section gives a concise overview of new features in and restructuring of the Technical Reference Manual, which concerns the first open source version of D-Water Quality. In this version, the Processes Library has undergone modifications that resulted in a revised standard set of substances and processes, sofar as Delft3D is concerned. These modifications have been carried out to remove duplications and redundancies from the Processes Library and to integrate coherent clusters of smaller processes into larger units, which enhances the transparency of the Processes Library and reduces the risk of accidentally leaving out relevant processes in a model application. Extensions have been made as well to enlarge the modelling potential. The changes include: The definition of sub-sets of processes, called ”configurations”, has been removed. Processes which are not routinely used have been removed. The state variables (substances) DetC, DetN, DetP, DetSi, OOC, OON, OOP and OOSi have been replaced by POC1, PON1, POP1, POC2, PON2, POP2 and Opal. All pro- 4 of 464 Deltares How to find your way in this manual T DR AF cesses dealing with the state variables DetC, DetN, DetP, DetSi, OOC, OON, OOP and OOSi representing organic matter have been removed. The processes dealing with the state variables POC1-4, PON1-4, POP1-4 and Opal have been extended to include the precise formulations previously used for DetX and OOX. All processes dealing with resuspension, burial and digging for the state variables representing the S1-S2 sediment layers have been integrated in one single process per state variable called S12TraXXXX, where XXXX equals the state variable name (substance name). This single process makes use of the supporting processes Res_DM, Bur_DM and Dig_DM, where DM refers to total sediment dry matter. The state variables (substances) GreenS1 and GreenS2, representing Green algae after settling to the bed, have been removed. Green algae that settle are now instantaneously converted to detritus, just like the present practice with settling of BLOOM algae. Similarly, Diat algae that settle are now instantaneously converted to detritus. The state variables DiatS1 and DiatS2 now exclusively represent benthic algae (microphytobenthos), that may grow on the sediment. Settling water Diat algae are no longer converted into benthic DiatS1 algae, while resuspending benthic DiatS1 and DiatS2 algae are no longer converted into water Diat algae. The previous processes Salin and Chloride have been replaced by the new Salinchlor process. The process Tau has been renamed to CalTau. The processes descriptions dealing with the algae module DYNAMO have been regrouped into two overall process descriptions for the water column and the sediment and one auxiliary process description. All processes dealing with the extinction of visible light (VL) and ultraviolet light (UV) have been integrated in two overall processes Extinc_VLG and Extinc_UVG. The processes calculating aggregated parameters of organic pools (e.g. POC) in water and sediment have been integrated with the overall composition processes for water and sediment Compos, S1_Comp and S2_Comp. The processes calculating aggregated settling fluxes of organic matter have been integrated with the overall aggregated settling fluxes process Sum_Sedim. A host of new state variables (substances) has been included to extend the modelling potential of D-Water Quality, particularly relevant for the modelling of sediment-water interaction modelling and greenhouse gases. This includes state variables VIVP, APATP (phosphate minerals), SO4 (sulfate), SUD, SUP (dissolved and particulate sulfide), POC5, PON5, POP5 (non-transportable detritus, see below), POS1, POS2, POS3, POS4, POS5, DOS (particulate and dissolved organic sulfur), FeIIIpa, FeIIIpc, FeIIId, FeS, FeS2, FeCO3, FeIId (dissolved and particulate iron species) TIC (total inorganic carbon and alkalinity), CH4 (methane). TIC replaces CO2. State variable EnCoc was added to represent bacterial pollutant Enterococci. Several new processes have been included to support the modelling of the new state variables. This includes VIVIANITE, APATITE (precipitation of phosphate), CONSELAC (consumption of oxygen, nitrate, iron and sulfate, and the production of methane in the mineralization of organic matter), SPECSUD, OXIDSUD, SULPHOX, SPECSUDS1, SPECSUDS2, PRECSUL (speciation, oxidation and precipitation of sulfide), SPECIRON, IRONOX, IRONRED, PRIRON (speciation, oxidation, reduction and precipitation of iron) OXIDCH4, VOLATCH4, EBULCH4 (oxidation, volatilization and ebullition of methane), SPECCARB, REARCO2, SATURCO2 (speciation and water-atmosphere exchange of dissolved inorganic carbon), and EnCocMRT (mortality of Enterococci). Process LSEDTRA has been added for the transport processes in sediment for the modeling of sediment-water interaction as based on the comprehensive layered sediment approach. A new module has been included for the mortality and (re-)growth of terrestrial drowned vegetation. This concerns additional state variables VBNN, where NN is a number from 01 to 09, and POC5, PON5, POP5, POS5, into which the non-transportable detrital biomass Deltares 5 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual (stems, branches, roots) is released at mortality. Backward compatibility The present version of open source D-Water Quality is generally backward compatible with the previous non open source version. However, there are a few non-backward compatible items in the Processes Library. With very few exceptions older input files of existing models are still supported. The input processormakes the necessary modifications and reports them in the <∗.lsp> message file. Non-backward compatible items are printed as warnings with a reference number. These references are listed here. T 1 void. 2 The concentration of detritus N, P and Si as well as OON, OOP, OOSi in the deep sediment boundary (layer ”S3”) are now specified directly as a solid phase concentration (FrDetNS3 in gN/gDM, FrDetPS3, FrDetSiS3, FrOONS3, FrOOPS3, FrOOSiS3). In previous versions, the carbon to X ratio was used (C-NDetCS3, C-PDetCS3, C-SDetCS3, C-NOOCS3, CPOOCS3, C-SOOCS3). If one of the latter constants has been detected in your input file, please replace by the appropriate new constant. Note: these numbers only have a meaning if the item SWDigS2 = 1. 3 The concentration of AAP in the deep sediment (layer ”S3”) is now specified directly as a solid phase concentration (FrAAPS3 in gP/gDM. In previous versions, the concentration in TIM was used (FrAAPTIMS3). If the latter constant has been detected in your input file, please replace by the new constant. Note: this number only has a meaning if the item SWDigS2 = 1. 4 The concentration of metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Va, Zn) in the deep sediment (layer ”S3”) is now specified directly as a solid phase concentration (e.g. QCdDMS3 in mg/kgDM). In previous versions, this concentration was specified via the concentrations in IM1, IM2, IM3, Phyt and POC (e.g. QCdIM1S3, QCdIM2S3, QCdIM3S3, QCdPHYTS3, QCdPOCS3). If one of the latter constants has been detected in your input file, please replace by the appropriate new constant. Note: these numbers only have a meaning if the item SWDigS2 = 1 5 The concentration of organic chemicals (153, Atr, BaP, Diu, Flu, HCB, HCH, Mef, OMP) in the deep sediment (layer ”S3”) is now specified directly as a solid phase concentration (e.g. QAtrDMS3 in mg/kgDM). In previous versions, this concentration was specified via the concentrations in Phyt and POC (e.g. QAtrPHYTS3, QAtrPOCS3). If one of the latter constants has been detected in your input file, please replace by the appropriate new constant. Note: these numbers only have a meaning if the item SWDigS2 = 1. 6 Where previously up to two substances represented biogenic silica (DetSi and OOSi), the Processes Library now uses just one substance (Opal). DELWAQ will automatically convert DetSi to Opal, and neglect OOSi. Biogenic silica formed within the model domain as a result of algae mortality will be released as Opal, will dissolve and will be available for uptake by algae. A problem exists if the user has specified an inflow of biogenic silica to the model domain in the form of the substance OOSi via boundary conditions and/or waste loads. This part of the biogenic silica will no longer dissolve, will not be available for algae and will not count in the output parameter total silica (TotSi). To avoid this problem, the user has to add the boundary concentrations and waste loads of OOSi to the boundary concentrations and waste loads of DetSi or Opal. DR AF 1.5 6 of 464 Deltares How to find your way in this manual 1.6 Modelling water and sediment layers The processes library distinguishes two approaches to modelling the water and sediment compartments of a water system: The simpler approach is the so-called "S1/S2" approach, where an upper layer S1 is DR AF Usage notes The presence of these two approaches has some consequences for the use of the processes library: To use the layered sediment approach you must define the sediment layers separately (see the separate manual for this, Deltares (2017)). As there are no substances that are specific to the sediment anymore, substances like IM 1S1 are not to be used. In the process formulations the bulk concentration is used for both the water phase and the sediment (both approaches). To accommodate for a uniform treatment, however, sometimes the pore water concentration is needed and therefore the porosity has been introduced even for processes that mostly work for the water phase. The convention there is: 1.6.1 T assumed to be at the top of the sediment and below it there is a layer S2. The layer S1 directly interacts with the water column and most of the sediment processes are located in this layer. The layer underneath, S2, is mostly inert and exchanges mass with the first layer via processes like burial and digging. In the process formulations specific substances are used to model the S1 and S2 layers. For instance: IM 1 is the first inorganic matter fraction – the concentration of particulate matter in the water phase. Its counterpart in the S1 layer is called IM 1S1" and in the S2 layer it is called "IM 1S2". The alternative approach is the so-called "layered sediment" approach. With this approach all substances are present in both the water phase and the sediment layers (where the user can define the layout of the sediment layers themselves). This enables the library to treat all segments in the same way and reduces the number of individual substances. But above all it enables the detailed modelling of processes that take place in the sediment. The porosity is 1 for the water segments, in case of the layered sediment approach, and smaller than 1, typically around 0.4, for the sediment segments. In this case the porosity has to be specified explicitly for the sediment layers. For the S1/S2 approach the porosity is simply 1, as then the distinction between bulk and pore-water concentrations is handled in an implicit way. The processes library provides this value as a default, so you should not specify it yourself. Deltares 7 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 8 of 464 Deltares 2 Oxygen and BOD Contents 2.1 Reaeration, the air-water exchange of DO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Dam reaeration, SOBEK only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.3 Saturation concentration of DO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.4 Diurnal variation of DO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.5 Calculation of daily minimal DO concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.6 Calculation of actual DO concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.8 32 Chemical oxygen demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.7.2 Biochemical oxygen demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.7.3 Measurements and relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.7.4 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deltares 34 Sediment oxygen demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Production of substances: TEWOR, SOBEK only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.9.1 Coliform bacteria – listing of processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.9.2 TEWOR-production fluxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.9.3 Process TEWOR: Oxydation of BOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DR AF 2.9 BOD, COD and SOD decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.1 T 2.7 10 45 9 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Reaeration, the air-water exchange of DO PROCESS : REAROXY T Dissolved oxygen (DO) in surface water tends to saturate with respect to the atmospheric oxygen concentration. However, oxygen production and consumption processes in the water column counteract saturation, causing a DO-excess or DO-deficit. The resulting super- or undersaturation leads to reaeration, the exchange of oxygen between the atmosphere and the water. Reaeration may cause an oxygen flux either way, to the atmosphere or to the water. The process is enhanced by the difference of the saturation and actual DO concentrations, and by the difference of the velocities of the water and the overlying air. Since lakes are rather stagnant, only the windspeed is important as a driving force for lakes. The reaeration rate tends to saturate for low windspeeds (< 3 m.s−1 ). On the other hand, the stream velocity may deliver the dominant driving force for rivers. Both forces may be important in estuaries. Extensive research has been carried out all over the world to describe and quantify reaeration processes, including the reaeration of natural surface water. Quite a few different models have been developed. The most generally accepted model is the “film layer” model. This model assumes the existence of a thin water surface layer, in which a concentration gradient exists bounded by the saturation concentration at the air-water interface and the water column average DO concentration. The reaeration rate is characterised by a water transfer coefficient, which can be considered as the reciprocal of a mass transfer resistance. The resistance in the overlying gas phase is assumed to be negligibly small. DR AF 2.1 Many formulations have been developed and reported for the water transfer coefficient. These formulations are often empirical, but most have a deterministic background. They contain the stream velocity or the windspeed or both. Most of the relations are only different with respect to the coefficients, the powers of the stream velocity and the windspeed in particular. Reaeration has been implemented in DELWAQ with ten different formulations for the transfer coefficient. Most of these relations have been copied or derived from scientific publications (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1980b, 1978). The first two options are pragmatic simplifications to accommodate preferences of the individual modeller. All reaeration rates are also dependent on the temperature according to the same temperature function. Implementation Process REAROXY has been implemented in such a way, that it only affects the DO-budget of the top water layer. An option for the transfer coefficient can be selected by means of input parameter SWRear (= 0–10, 13). The DO saturation concentration required for the process REAROXY is calculated by an additional process SATUROXY. The process has been implemented for substance OXY. Table 2.1 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. 10 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD Formulation The reaeration rate has been formulated as a linear function of the temperature dependent mass transfer coefficient in water and the difference between the saturation and actual concentrations of DO as follows: Rrear = klrear × (Coxs − max(Cox, 0.0))/H T klrear = klrear20 × ktrear(T −20) a × vb 20 2 klrear = + d × W Hc Coxs = f (T, Ccl or SAL) (delivered by SATUROXY) max(Cox, 0.0) f sat = 100 × Coxs with: coefficients with different values for each reaeration options chloride concentration [gCl m−3 ] actual dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] saturation dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] percentage of saturation [%] depth of the water column [m] reaeration transfer coefficient in water [m d−1 ] reaeration transfer coefficient at reference temperature 20 ◦ C [m d−1 ] temperature coefficient of the transfer coefficient [-] reaeration rate [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] salinity [kg m−3 ] temperature [◦ C] flow velocity [m s−1 ] wind speed at 10 m height [m s−1 ] DR AF a, b, c, d Ccl Cox Coxs f sat H klrear klrear20 ktrear Rrear SAL T v W Notice that the reaeration rate is always calculated on the basis of a positive dissolved oxygen concentration, whereas OXY may have negative values. Negative oxygen equivalents represent reduced substances. Depending on the reaeration option, the transfer coefficient is dependent on either the flow velocity or the wind speed, or dependent on both. With respect to temperature dependency option SWRear = 10 is an exception. The respective formulation is not dependent on temperature according the above equations, but has its own temperature dependency on the basis of the Schmidt number. Information on the coefficients a–d and the applicability is provided below for each of the options. SWRear = 0 The transfer coefficient is simplified to a constant, multiplied with the water depth H, using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. So klrear20 is to be provided as a value in [d−1 ] in stead of in [m d−1 ]! Consequently, the coefficients are: a = klrear20 × H, b = 0.0, c = 0.0, d = 0.0 SWRear = 1 Deltares 11 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The transfer coefficient is simplified to a constant, using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. Consequently, the coefficients are: a = klrear20 /H, b = 0.0, c = 0.0, d = 0.0 SWRear = 2 The coefficients according to Churchill et al. (1962) are: a = 5.026, b = 0.969, c = 0.673, d = 0.0 T The relation is valid for rivers, and therefore independent of wind speed. SWRear = 3 DR AF The coefficients according to O’ Connor and Dobbins (1956) are: a = 3.863, b = 0.5, c = 0.5, d = 0.0 The relation is valid for rivers, and therefore independent of wind speed. SWRear = 4 The coefficients are the same as for option SWRear = 3 according to O’ Connor and Dobbins (1956), but coefficient a can be scaled using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. Consequently, the coefficients are: a = 3.863 × klrear20 , b = 0.5, c = 0.5, d = 0.0 The relation is valid for rivers, and therefore independent of wind speed. SWRear = 5 The coefficients according to Owens et al. (1964) are: a = 5.322, b = 0.67, c = 0.85, d = 0.0 The relation is valid for rivers, and therefore independent of wind speed. SWRear = 6 The coefficients according to Langbein and Durum (1967) are: a = 11.23, b = 1.0, c = 0.33, d = 0.0 The relation is valid for rivers, and therefore independent of wind speed. 12 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD SWRear = 7 The relation is according to O’ Connor and Dobbins (1956) and Banks and Herrera (1977) as reported by WL | Delft Hydraulics (1980b), but the coefficients have been modified according WL | Delft Hydraulics (1978); d = 0.3-0.6) and later WL | Delft Hydraulics modelling studies for Dutch lakes. Consequently, the coefficients are: a = 3.863, b = 0.5, c = 0.5, d = 0.065 × klrear20 The relation is valid for rivers, lakes, seas and estuaries. The option is presently void and should not be used. DR AF SWRear = 9 T SWRear = 8 The relation is according to Banks and Herrera (1977) as reported by WL | Delft Hydraulics (1980b), but the coefficients have been modified according to WL | Delft Hydraulics (1978); d = 0.03–0.06) and later modelling studies for Dutch lakes WL | Delft Hydraulics (1992c). Consequently, the coefficients are: a = 0.3, b = 0.0, c = 0.0, d = 0.028 × klrear20 The relation is valid for lakes and seas, and therefore independent of flow velocity. The relation takes into account that the mass transfer coefficient saturates at a lower boundary for low wind velocities (W < 3 m s−1 ). SWRear = 10 The relation according to Wanninkhof (1992) deviates from the previous relations with respect to temperature dependency, that is not included according to the above Arrhenius equation for klrear. The temperature dependency enters the relation in a scaling factor on the basis of the Schmidt number. Coefficient d had to be scaled from cm h−1 to m d−1 . Consequently, the coefficients are: a = 0.0, b = 0.0, c = 0.0, d = 0.0744 × f sc −0.5 Sc f sc = Sc20 Sc = d1 − d2 × T + d3 × T 2 − d4 × T 3 with: d1–4 f sc Sc Sc20 T Deltares coefficients scaling factor for the Schmidt number [-] Schmidt number at the ambient temperature [g m−3 ] Schmidt number at reference temperature 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] 13 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The relation is valid for lakes and seas, and therefore independent of flow velocity. The Schmidt number is the ratio of the kinematic viscosity of water (ν ) and the molecular diffusion coefficient of oxygen in water (D). The appropriate constants to compute the Schmidt number in both seawater and fresh water are given in the table below. Water system d1 d2 d3 d4 Sea water Salinity > 5 kg m−3 1953.4 128.0 3.9918 0.050091 Fresh water Salinity ≤ 5 kg m−3 1800.6 120.1 3.7818 0.047608 T SWRear = 12 (SOBEK-only) DR AF This relation is a hybrid combination of SWRear = 3 (O’ Connor and Dobbins, 1956) and SWRear = 5 (Owens et al., 1964). This hybride formulation is developed for urban water management in The Netherlands. More information concerning the derivation of this hybrid relation can be found in Stowa (2002). (O’ Connor and Dobbins, 1956): a = 3.93 , b = 0.5 , c = 0.5 , d = 0.0 if v< 3.93 0.35 H 5.32 6 (2.1) (Owens et al., 1964): a = 5.32 , b = 0.67 , c = 0.85 , d = 0.0 if v< 3.93 0.35 H 5.32 6 klrear20 = max(klrearmin , klrear20 ) with: (2.2) (2.3) klrearmin minimum water transfer coefficient for oxygen [m.d−1 ] The relation is valid for rivers, and therefore independent of windspeed. SWRear = 13 The relation according to Guérin (2006); Guérin et al. (2007) deviates strongly from the previous relations, with respect to wind dependency, with respect to an additional forcing parameter, namely rainfall, and with respect to temperature dependency. The latter is not included according to the above Arrhenius equation for klrear. Like the relation described for option 10, 14 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD the temperature dependency enters the relation in a scaling factor on the basis of the Schmidt number. The relation for transfer coefficient is: klrear = a × exp b1 × W b2 + c1 × P c2 × f sc −0.67 Sc f sc = Sc20 Sc = d1 − d2 × T + d3 × T 2 − d4 × T 3 with: coefficients transfer coefficient in water [m d−1 ] precipitation, e.g. rainfall [mm h−1 ] Schmidt number at the ambient temperature [g m−3 ] Schmidt number at reference temperature 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] windspeed at 10 m height [m s−1 ] T a, b, c, d klrear P Sc Sc20 T W a DR AF The relation is valid for (tropical) lakes and therefore independent of stream velocity. The general coefficients have the following input names and values: b1 b2 c1 c2 CoefAOXY CoefB1OXY CoefB2OXY CoefC1OXY CoefC2OXY 1.660 0.26 1.0 0.66 1.0 The Schmidt number is the ratio of the kinematic viscosity of water (ν ) and the molecular diffusion coefficient of oxygen in water. The appropriate constants to compute the Schmidt number for fresh water are given in the table below (Guérin, 2006): d1 d2 d3 d4 CoefD1OXY CoefD2OXY CoefD3OXY CoefD4OXY 1800.06 120.10 3.7818 0.047608 Directives for use Options SWRear = 0, 1, 4, 7, 9 provide the user with the possibility to scale the mass transfer coefficient KLRear. All other options contain fixed coefficients. When using option SWRear = 0 the user should be aware that the mass transfer coefficient KLRear has the unusual dimension d−1 . Since high values of KLRear may cause numerical instabilities, the maximum KLRear value is limited to 1.0 day−1 . When using option SWRear = 1 the user should be aware that the mass transfer coefficient KLRear has the standard dimension m d−1 . When using options SWRear = 4, 7 or 9 you should be aware that the input parameter KLRear is used as a dimensionless scaling factor. The default value of KLRear is 1.0 in order to guarantee that scaling is not carried out when not explicitly wanted. The dependencies of klrear20 /H on v, W and H for options SWRear = 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 are presented in Figure 2.1. The coefficients a–c2 are input parameters for option SWRear=13 only. The default values are those for option 13. Deltares 15 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 30 SWRear = 2 25 R C R e a r(1 /d ) 20 15 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Veloc (m/s) Depth=1m Depth=2m Depth=4m 30 5 6 Depth=8m 8 7 Depth=15m DR AF SWRear = 3 T 5 25 R C R e a r (1 /d ) 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Veloc (m/s) Depth=1m Depth=2m Depth=4m Depth=8m Depth=15m The coefficients d1−4 are input parameters for options SWRear = 10, 13. The default values are the freshwater values, which are the same for both options. 16 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD Table 2.1: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for REAROXY Name in in/output Definition Units Cox Coxs OXY SaturOXY concentration of dissolved oxygen saturation concentration dissolved oxygen from SATUROXY gO2 m−3 gO2 m−3 a b1 b2 c1 c2 CoefAOXY CoefB1OXY CoefB2OXY CoefC1OXY CoefC2OXY coefficients for option 13 only - d1 d2 d3 d4 CoefD1OXY CoefD2OXY CoefD3OXY CoefD4OXY coefficients for options 10 and 13 – – scaling factor for the Schmidt number percentage oxygen saturation % Depth depth of the water layer m klrear20 kltemp KLRear TCRear water transfer coefficient for oxygen1) temperature coefficient for reaeration m d−1 - P rain rainfall mm −1 Rrear – reaeration rate gO2 d−1 SAL Salinity salinity kg m−3 Sc – Schmidt number for dissolved oxygen in water - SWRear SWRear switch for selection of options for transfer coefficient - T Temp temperature ◦ v W Velocity VWind flow velocity wind speed at 10 m height m s−1 m s−1 H 1) DR AF fcs fsat T Name in formulas1) - m−3 C See directives for use concerning the dimension of KLRear. Deltares 17 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 30 SWRear = 5 25 R C R e a r (1 /d ) 20 15 T 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DR AF 0 7 8 Veloc (m/s) Depth=1m 30 Depth=2m Depth=4m Depth=8m Depth=15m SWRear = 6 25 R C R e a r (1 /d ) 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Veloc (m/s) Depth=1m 18 of 464 Depth=2m Depth=4m Depth=8m Depth=15m Depth=30m Deltares 7 SWRear=7 Depth = 5m DR AF 6 T Oxygen and BOD R C R e a r (1 /d ) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Vwind Veloc=0.25 m/s Series2 Veloc=1.0m/s Veloc=2.5m/s Veloc=5m/s Veloc=10m/s Figure 2.1: The reaeration rate RCRear (=klrear20 20/H) as a function of water depth, flow velocity and/or wind velocity for various options SWRear for the mass transfer coefficient klrear Deltares 19 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Dam reaeration, SOBEK only PROCESS : DAMREAR Water quality downstream of weirs improves as a result of reaeration. From this interest a lot of research on dam reaeration has been carried out in the United States and England in the sixties. Dam reaeration occurs because of an more intensive contact between air and water as a result of energy loss of the weir. The largest percentage change of the dissolved oxygen concentration occurs at the base of the weir (Gameson, 1957). T In the past reaeration at weirs and dams was described as a function of the difference of water levels up- and downstream of the structure. In formulations that are more commonly applicable other factors are taken into account as well. These are for example: temperature of the water, water quality, discharge over the structure, water depth behind the structure and characteristics of the structure, such as size, shape and construction material. Implementation Process damrear has been implemented in such a way, that it only affects the DO-budget of the top water layer. An option for the deficit ratio can be selected by means of input parameter SWdrear (= 0/1). The DO saturation concentration required for the process damrear is calculated by an additional process SATUROXY. DR AF 2.2 The process has been implemented for substance OXY. Table 2.3 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The amount of oxygen needed to reach a concentration Cox downstream of the weir is formulated as: Rdrear = with: Rdrear Cox ∆t Cox − Coxt−1 ∆t (2.4) oxygen reaeration rate as a result of dam reaeration [gO2 .m−3 .d−1 ] oxygen concentration [gO2 .m−3 ] timestep [d] Almost all publications about dam aeration assume that the upstream oxygen deficit at a weir is partly neutralised as a result of dam aeration. Cox is determined as a function of the saturation concentration, the upstream concentration and the oxygen deficit ratio: Cox = 1 (Coxs(f drear − 1) + Coxup) f drear (2.5) with: f draer Coxs Coxup oxygen deficit ratio [−] oxygen saturation concentration [gO2 .m−3 ] oxygen concentration upstream of weir [gO2 .m−3 ] Dam reaeration is always calculated on the basis of a positive dissolved oxygen concentration, whereas OXY may have negative values. Negative oxygen values equivalents represent reduced substances. 20 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD Notice that the reaeration rate is always calculated on the basis of a positive dissolved oxygen concentration, whereas OXY may have negative values. Negative oxygen equivalents represent reduced substances. There are different options to calculate dam reaeration. Gameson developed a much quoted empirical formulation for the oxygen deficit ratio (SWdrear = 0). This formulation does not contain discharge over the structure and water depth behind the structure, while both parameters are both considered to be important. The formulation by Nakasone (SWdrear = 1) is a possible alternative which does take both parameters into account (Nakasone, 1975). A hybrid combination of both formulations is also available via SWdrear =1 (Stowa, 2002). In the latter case some coefficients get different values. T SWdrear = 0 f drear = 1.0 + 0.38 a b ∆h (1 − 0.11 ∆h) (1 + 0.046 T ) with: water quality factor [−] characteristic structure [−] difference of water levels up- and downstream of the structure (hup − hdown ) [m] water level upstream of structure [m] water level downstream of structure [m] water temperature [◦ C] DR AF a b ∆h hup hdown T (2.6) SWdrear = 1 Hybrid formulation for the oxygen deficit ratio of Gameson and Nakasone. If a and b are zero the oxygen deficit ratio according to Nakasone is calculated. f drear = 1 + (f drearn − 1) a b (1 + 0.02(T − 20)) ! 0.62 3600 Q f drearn = exp 0.0675 ∆h1.28 H 0.439 L with: f drearn Q L H (2.7) (2.8) oxygen deficit ratio according to Nakasone [−] discharge over structure [m3 s−1 ] width of crest structure [m] water depth [m] The water quality factor is related to the BOD concentration: a = min 1.80, 1.90 Cbod0.44 (2.9) with: Cbod biological oxygen demand [gO2 m−3 ] Butts T. A and Evans (1983) studied reaeration at 54 small dams and en weirs in Illinois and determined the dam reaeration coefficient b (characteristic structure) for each structure. The structures could be subdivided into 9 categories with typical values for b (see Table 2.2). The b-values that were found vary from 1.05 for a sharp-crested straight slope face to 0.6 for round broad-crested straight slope face. Deltares 21 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 2.2: Factor ’b’ (characteristic structure) for various structures. b flat broad-crested regular step 0.70 flat broad-crested irregular step 0.80 flat broad-crested vertical face 0.80 flat broad-crested straight slope face 0.90 flat broad-crested curved face 0.75 round broad-crested straight slope face 0.60 sharp-crested straight slope face 1.05 sharp-crested vertical face T weir type 0.80 DR AF sluice gates with submerged discharge 0.05 Directives for use factor b (structure characteristic) is equal to the discharge coefficient Ce in the module Channel Flow of SOBEK Rural. In order to use the Nakasone formulation the following coefficient values should be used: SW dRear = 1, Cbod = 1, b = 1/1.8, T = 20. Table 2.3: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for REAROXY Name in formulas1) Name in input Definition Units a − water quality factor - Coef bi dam reaeration coefficient of structure i - CBOD5 biological oxygen demand gO2 .m−3 b Cbod Cox Coxs Coxup OXY concentration of dissolved oxygen SaturOXY saturation conc. dissolved oxygen from saturoxy OXY oxygen concentration upstream of weir gO2 .m−3 gO2 .m−3 gO2 m−3 f drear f drearn - - hup hdown W tLvLSti Water level upstream of structure i (according to W tLvRSti definition in schematisation) Water level downstream of structure i (according oxygen deficit ratio oxygen deficit ratio according to Nakasone m m to definition in schematisation) H Depth depth of the top water layer m L W idthsti width of crest of structure i m 22 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD Table 2.3: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for REAROXY Name in formulas1) Name in input Definition Units Q DischSti discharge over structure i m3 s−1 Rdrear - oxygen reaeration rate as a result of dam aeration gO2 .m−3 d−1 ∆t Delt timestep d T T emp temperature ◦ DR AF T C Deltares 23 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Saturation concentration of DO PROCESS : SATUROXY The reaeration of oxygen proceeds proportional to the difference of the saturation and actual dissolved DO concentrations. The saturation concentration of DO is primarily a function of water temperature and salinity. The air pressure also affects the saturation concentration, but this effect is minor and can be taken into account in the temperature dependency. T The calculation of the saturation concentration has been implemented with two alternative formulations. Such formulations have been described by Weiss (1970); Fair et al. (1968); Truesdale et al. (1955) and WL | Delft Hydraulics (1978). Implementation Process SATUROXY calculates the DO saturation concentration in water at ambient temperature and salinity required for the process REAROXY. The process has been implemented with two options for the formulations of the saturation concentration, that can be selected by means of input parameter SWSatOxy (=1, 2). DR AF 2.3 The process has been implemented for substance OXY. Table 2.4 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The saturation concentration (SaturOxy ) has been formulated as the following functions of the temperature and the salinity. For SWSatOxy = 1: 2 3 Coxs = a − b T + (c T ) − (d T ) Ccl 1− m For SWSatOxy = 2: b 32 000 2 Coxs = exp a + + c ln(Tf ) + d Tf + SAL (m + n Tf + o Tf ) Tf 22 400 (2.10) Tf = T + 273 100 (2.11) with: a, b, c, d, m, n, o coefficients with different values for the two formulations Ccl chloride concentration [gCl m−3 ] Coxs saturation dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] T water temperature [◦ C] Tf temperature function [-] 24 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD salinity [kg m−3 ] SAL The coefficients in both formulations are fixed. The values are presented in the table below. SWSatOxy a b c d m n o 1 14.652 0.41022 0.089392 0.042685 105 - - 2 -173.4292 249.6339 143.3483 -21.8492 -0.033096 0.014259 -0.0017 SAL = 1.805 × Cl / 1 000. Additional references DR AF WL | Delft Hydraulics (1980b) T Directives for use The chloride concentration Cl can either be imposed by you or simulated with the model. The salinity can be estimated from the chloride concentration with: Table 2.4: Definitions of the parameters in the equations for SATUROXY Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Coxs Ccl SaturOXY Cl saturation concentration of oxygen in water chloride concentration gO2 m−3 gCl m−3 SAL SWSatOxy Salinity SWSatOxy salinity switch for selection options for saturation equation kg m−3 - T Tf Temp – water temperature temperature function ◦ Deltares C - 25 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Diurnal variation of DO PROCESS : VAROXY T The phytoplankton models implemented in DELWAQ are subjected to daily averaged forcing functions. In particular, this is reflected by the choice of the input parameters for the subsurface light intensity model: the daily averaged solar radiation and the day length. However, in reality the gross primary production of phytoplankton is constrained to daytime. The same goes for the associated production of oxygen. On the contrary, the respiration process consumes oxygen all 24 hours of the day. The combination of gross production and respiration causes a rather strong diurnal variation of the dissolved oxygen concentration (DO). The process VAROXY modifies the daily DO-production by algae in such a way, that it is spread out over the period of daylight (day length) only. Implementation Process VAROXY can only be used in combination with the algae module BLOOM. This process produces the net primary production flux dPrProdOxy and the respiration flux fRespTot. The module D40BLO has the option parameter SWOxyProd for activation of the process VAROXY. For SWOxyProd = 1 process VAROXY will be activated and the respiration flux will be used to calculate the gross production flux distribution over the day length. The respiration flux will be ignored for the DO-budget, when SWOxyProd has any other value. DR AF 2.4 Process VAROXY has been implemented for substance OXY. Table 2.5 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The net daily primary production and the respiration are added to obtain the gross production flux: For SWOxyProd = 1: (diurnal variation) Rgpa = with: F np F rsp H Rgpa F np + F rsp H net primary production flux [gC m−2 d−1 ] respiration flux [gC m−2 d−1 ] depth of the water column [m] daily average gross primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] The distribution of the gross primary production over the day is shown in Figure 2.2. The shape of the production curve depends on day length DL and the times t1 and t2 which define the period of the maximum production during a day Rgpmax . The value of Rgpmax is calculated at the constraint that the integral of the production curve over 24 hours equals the daily averaged primary production Rgpa . This results in: Rgpmax = 48 × Rgpa t2 − t1 + (DL × 24) with: 26 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD 0 1 2 -D L x1 2 t1 T o xygen p ro d . (g/m 3 /d ) R gp m ax t2 12 tim e (h ) 1 2 + D L x1 2 24 DR AF Figure 2.2: The distribution of gross primary production over a day DL Rgpmax t1 t2 day length, fraction of a day [-] maximal gross primary production rate during a day [gC m−3 d−1 ] time at which the maximal production is reached [h] time at which the production starts to fade [h] The net primary production as a function of the time in a day then follows from: F rsp − H Rgpmax F rsp (t − (12 − 12 DL)) − H (t1 − (12 − 12 DL)) F rsp Rnp = Rpgmax − H Rgpmax F rsp Rpgmax − (t − t2 ) − ((12 + 12 DL) − t2 ) H F rsp − H with: Rnp t for t ≤ (12 − 12 DL) for (12 − 12 DL) < t < t1 for t1 ≤ t ≤ t2 for t2 < t < (12 + DL 12) for t ≥ (12 + 12 DL) net primary production (or respiration) rate during a day [gC m−3 d−1 ] actual time in a day [hr] For SWOxyProd = 0: (no diurnal variation) Rnp = 0.0 The conversion from the carbon fluxes of gross production and respiration into oxygen fluxes involves the multiplication of these fluxes with 2.67 gO2 /gC as defined in the stoichiometric matrix for the calculation of mass balances in DELWAQ. Deltares 27 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 2.5: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for VAROXY Name in in/output Definition Units DL DayL day length, fraction of a day - F np F rsp fPPtot fResptot net primary production flux respiration flux gC m−2 d−1 gC m−2 d−1 H Depth thickness of the computational cell m SW OxyP rod SWOxyProd switch for the option to activate process VAROXY - Rnp – gC m−3 d−1 Rgpa – Rgpmax – net primary production (or respiration) rate during a day average gross primary production rate during a day maximal gross primary production rate during a day Itime DELWAQ time scu T1MXPP time at which the maximal production is reached time at which the production starts to fade ratio between a day and system clock units (86400) time at the start of the simulation h time in a day time at which the maximal production is reached time at which the production starts to fade h h t1 t2 – – t t1 t2 DR AF t T Name in formulas T2MXPP AuxSys Refhour Time T1MXPP T2MXPP gC m−3 d−1 gC m−3 d−1 h s d−1 h h The actual time in a day is derived from system time, the time step and the start time of the simulation. Directives for use The times of beginning and ending of the maximal primary production period on a day must satisfy the following constraints: t2 < (12 + 12 DL) and t1 > (12 − 12 DL). The actual time in a day is available as output parameter ActualTime. 28 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD Calculation of daily minimal DO concentration PROCESS : OXYMIN The phytoplankton models implemented are subject to daily averaged forcing functions. This is reflected in particular by the choice of the input parameters for the subsurface light intensity model: the daily averaged solar radiation and the day length. However, in reality the gross primary production of phytoplankton and the associated production of oxygen are constrained to daytime. In contrast, respiration consumes oxygen all 24 hours of the day. The combination of gross production and respiration can cause a strong diurnal variation of the dissolved oxygen concentration (DO). The process OXYMIN computes the minimal DO-concentration that may occur during the day, when daily averaged forcing is used. T The actual minimal DO-concentration can be calculated with a mass balance on the basis of actual process rates. When dealing with daily average values, one has to settle for an estimate. Such an estimate can be made, either by neglecting all other processes but primary production and respiration, or by assuming that these other processes (mainly reaeration) exactly compensate for the DO-concentration change resulting from gross production and respiration on a daily basis. The truth lies in between these extremes. Whether option 1 or option 2 results in the lowest DO-minimum depends on production being larger or smaller than respiration. Since one does not want to overestimate DO-minima, the various options for estimation need to be combined in such a way that underestimation is prevented. DR AF 2.5 Implementation Process OXYMIN can only be used in combination with the algae module DYNAMO, consisting of various production, respiration and mortality processes. The module delivers the net primary production fluxes and the respiration fluxes for two algae species (diatoms and non-diatoms, referred to as ‘greens’). Process OXYMIN makes use of the substance OXY and calculates the minimum DO concentration that occurs during a 24-hour day (output parameter OXYMIN). Table 2.6 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation When neglecting all processes but gross primary production and respiration, the minimal dissolved oxygen concentration in a day follows from half the DO-decrease during the night: Coxmin1 = Cox − 0.5 × 2.67 × Rrsp × (1 − DL) 2 X Rrsp = (krspi × Calgi ) i=1 with: Calg algae biomass [gC m−3 ] Cox average dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] Coxmin1 minimal dissolved oxygen concentration in a day for estimation method 1 [gO2 DL krsp Rrsp Deltares m−3 ] day length, fraction of a day [-] algae respiration rate constant [d−1 ] total algae respiration rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] 29 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 2.6: Definition of the parameters in the equations and the mode input for OXYMIN Name in formulas Name in in/output Definition Units Calg1 Calg2 Cox Coxmin Green Diat OXY OXYMIN biomass of Green algae biomass of Diatoms average dissolved oxygen concentration minimal dissolved oxygen concentration in a day gC m−3 gC m−3 gO2 m−3 gO2 m−3 DL DayL day length, fraction of a day - kgp1 RcGroGreen d−1 kgp2 krsp1 krsp2 gross primary prod. rate constant of Green algae RcGroDiat gross primary prod. rate constant of Diatoms RcRespGreen algae respiration rate constant of Green algae RcRespDiat algae respiration rate constant of Diatoms Rgp – gC m−3 d−1 gC m−3 d−1 i T total gross primary production rate DR AF Rrsp d−1 d−1 d−1 – total algae respiration rate index for algae species (1-2) When assuming that the other processes, reaeration in particular, compensate net production on a daily basis, the minimal dissolved oxygen concentration in a day follows from half the maximal DO-difference between day and night: Coxmin2 = Cox − 0.5 × 2.67 × Rgp × (1 − DL) 2 X Rgp = (kgpi × Calgi ) i=1 with: Coxmin2 minimal dissolved oxygen concentration in a day for estimation method 2 [gO2 kgp Rgp m−3 ] gross primary production rate constant [d−1 ] total net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] In order to avoid overestimation of the DO-minimum, the minimal value is of both estimates is used in the model: Coxmin = min (Coxmin1 , Coxmin2 ) Directives for use The process OXYMIN is used for presentation purposes only. The concentrations of the substance OXY and the parameter OXYMIN are both available for presentations. 30 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD Table 2.7: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for POSOXY Name in in/output Definition Units Cox OXY equivalent dissolved oxygen concentration gO2 m−3 DO – positive dissolved oxygen concentration gO2 m−3 Calculation of actual DO concentration POSOXY T PROCESS : DELWAQ allows negative dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO). Decomposition of dead organic matter continues, when DO has become depleted using other substances such as nitrate and sulfate as electron donors. A correct oxygen balance requires that these reduced substances produced at the anaerobic decomposition are taken into account. However, as not all reduced substances (for example sulfate) are included in DELWAQ, the reduced substances are includeed instead as negative oxygen equivalents. As it may be undesirable to show negative concentrations in the presentation of DO model results, process POSOXY determines the actual DO concentration, effectively setting negative concentrations to zero. DR AF 2.6 Name in formulas Implementation Process POSOXY makes use of the substance OXY and generates the output parameter DO. Table 2.7 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The actual dissolved oxygen concentration follows from: DO = max (Cox, 0.0) with: DO Cox actual dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] equivalent dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] Directives for use The process POSOXY is used for presentation purposes only. The concentration of the substance OXY and the parameter DO are both available for output. Deltares 31 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 2.8: Typical values for oxygen demanding waste waters (values in [mgO2 /l]) Source CBOD5 CBODu NBODu Municipal waste (untreated) 100-400 220 (120-580) 220 170 (40-500) 220 - Separate urban runoff (untreated) 19 (2-80) - - Background natural water (excl. algae and detritus) 0 Background of natural water (incl. algae and detritus) 2-3 sewer overflow (un- 2-3 T Combined treated) COD 10 2.7 DR AF Data from Thomann and Mueller (1987). Explanation: CBOD5 = 5-day CBOD; CBODu = ultimate CBOD BOD, COD and SOD decomposition PROCESS : BODCOD Organic matter in natural waters includes a great variety of organic compounds usually present in minute concentrations, many of which elude direct isolation and identification. Collective parameters such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total organic carbon (TOC) or dissolved organic carbon (DOC), are therefore often used to estimate the quantity of organic matter. Although often used they lack physiological meaning. The rates of microbial growth and the overall use of organic matter in multi-substrate media depend in a complex way on the activities of a great variety of different enzymes and on various mechanisms by which these activities are interrelated. Discharges of wastes (municipal or industrial) and sewer overflows are principal inputs of oxygen demanding wastes. These discharges cause a chemical oxygen demand (COD), a carbonaceous bio-chemical oxygen demand (CBOD) and a nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD). CBOD represents the oxygen demanding equivalent of the complex carbonaceous material present in waste. Typical values for different waters are presented in Table 2.8. 2.7.1 Chemical oxygen demand The chemical oxygen demand is a test that determines the organic matter content both in wastewater and natural waters. The oxygen equivalent of the organic matter that can be oxidized is measured using a strong chemical oxidizing agent in an acidic medium. Two chemicals are used: potassium dichromate (referred to as Cr-method) and potassium permanganate (referred to as Mn-method). The efficiency of the Cr-method is approximately 90 % whereas the Mn-method only yields around 50 % of the oxidizable carbon. COD cannot be measured accurately in samples containing more than 2 g l−1 Cl. There is no fixed relation between the results obtained with the Mn and Cr-method. 32 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD 2.7.2 Biochemical oxygen demand Biochemical oxygen demand is the sum of carbonaceous and nitrogenous oxygen demand. This oxygen demand is determined by standard methods that measure the oxygen consumption of a filtered sample during a laboratory incubation within a period of time (usually 5-days at 20 ◦ C in the dark). To obtain meaningful results the samples must be diluted in such a way that adequate nutrients and oxygen will be available during the incubation (Standard methods: APHA (1989)). A typical oxygen demand curve is presented in Figure 2.3. The CBOD is usually exerted first because of the time lag in the growth of the autotrophic nitrifying bacteria. DR AF T The heterotrophic carbonaceous oxidizing organisms are usually abundantly present in natural and sewage systems. The nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia to nitrate, a reaction that demands a lot of oxygen. These bacteria can be eliminated by pre-treatment with inhibitory agents, so that only the CBOD is measured. NBOD can then be obtained by the difference between BOD measurements in treated and untreated samples. Degradation of organic matter during BOD measurements is a complex reaction of sequential oxidation steps which finally results in CO2 and H2 O. Simplification to first order kinetics is used frequently. Fresh organic matter is more susceptible to biochemical oxidation than older material. This preferential digestion causes residual material after treatment (either natural or anthropogenic) to be more resistant to further treatment (biochemical oxidation). Figure 2.4 illustrates the relation between the amount of oxidizable carbonaceous material [gC m−3 ] and the amount of oxygen consumed in the stabilisation of this organic material as a function of time. Note that it is assumed that 2.67 mg O2 are used to oxidize 1 mg of carbon. The ratio between CBOD5 and CBODu depends on the decay rate of the organic material: BOD5/BODu = (1 − exp(−5 × RcBodC)). The higher the decay rate the more the ratio will reach unity. From the BOD5/BODu ratio the decay rate (called bottle-decay rate) can be derived. The decomposition rate in rivers differs from the decomposition rate in laboratory bottles (Hydroscience, 1971 referenced within Thomann and Mueller (1987)). But information is scarce. Theoretically one would expect the decay rate to depend on the degree of treatment, significant trends were however not found (Hydroqual, 1983 referenced within Thomann and Mueller (1987)). BOD5/BODu ratios reported in this study range from 0.8 for untreated to 0.3 for activated sludge. 2.7.3 Measurements and relations Conversion of total BOD (TBOD) to CBOD can be tricky when nitrifying bacteria are present. During decomposition of organic material (proteins, urea) nitrogen can be liberated and subsequently be oxidized. Total BOD5 is often equal to CBOD5, due to the timelag of nitrifying bacteria: reproduction time of nitrifying bacteria is low (one day) compared to that of heterotrophic bacteria (hours). Nitrifying bacteria are present in soil but also in wastewaters and therefore in natural waters receiving wastewater. Industrial discharges (e.g. paper mills) are usually deficient in any nitrogen forms in which case TBOD can be used as CBOD. The temperature dependence of bacteria mediated reactions is considerable. An often used value for the temperature coefficient is 1.04. For low temperatures however (below 20 ◦ C) higher values up to 1.13 are suggested by Schroepfer et al. (1964) (referenced within Thomann and Mueller (1987)). Empirical relations between water depth and or flow and the decay rate of BODC exist, for instance: rate(20◦ C) = 0.3 Depth−0.434 Deltares [d−1 ] for depths < 2.5 m. (2.12) 33 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual For deeper water bodies the authors assume 0.33 m d−1 . Accuracy The BOD-test is a test in which much can go wrong: adequate bacterial seed is required, no toxic wastes are allowed, nitrifying bacteria should be considered and the dilution of the sample should be adequate. There is no standard against which the accuracy of the BODtest can be measured. Inter laboratory precision on a glucose-glutamic acid mixture gave a standard deviation of 15 % (average level 175 mg l−1 ). At lower values of BOD the error strongly increases for BOD values below 10 mg l−1 . Implementation T All substances in this chapter are expressed as oxygen demand, so no direct connection with the carbon-cycle of phytoplankton is considered. DELWAQ considers two pools of CBOD with different decay rates (0.3 and 0.15 d−1 ). These two pools can e.g. be used to keep track of waste from two different sources (with different treatment before entering the surface water). For NBOD and COD, one pool for each is implemented. Each pool (CBOD, CBOD_2, NBOD and COD) is characterized by a rate constant for decay, a coefficient for temperature dependence and a dependency of the ambient oxygen concentration. DR AF 2.7.4 Because for each pool different types of measurements exist, DELWAQ accepts two different measurements for each pool. For the biochemical pools CBOD, CBOD_2 and NBOD the standard measurement after 5 days as well as the measurement after ultimate time are accepted. For the chemical pool COD the Cr-method as well as the Mn-method are accepted. Thus waste loads measured by different methods do not have to be converted to one standard before they are entered into DELWAQ. DELWAQ keeps track of the decay of each individual substance accepted by the system (CBOD5, CBODu, CBOD5_2, CBODu_2, COD_Cr, COD_Mn. NBOD5 and NBODu). The effects that individual decay fluxes cause on the oxygen balance are considered for the group as a whole (only one oxygen consumption flux, dOXYCODBOD, is calculated). The same aggregation is applied to the sediment (a description is given in documentation for the process Sediment Oxygen Demand, sod). For aggregation purposes, the biochemical substances are added to BOD5 and the chemical substances to COD (both parameters available for output). When using default settings (see also the Directives for use) the oxygen demand of detritus and part of the algae are added to these BOD and COD parameters (assuming that measurements of BOD and COD have been made in unfiltered samples and did therefore include the effect of algae and detritus). You should be careful converting measurements to DELWAQ substances. There is a danger of ’double counting’ the effect on the oxygen balance in the following situations: when one measurement of carbonaceous BOD is divided over the two BOD pools (CBOD and CBOD_2) the sum should equal 100% of the original measurement; when different measurements of one wasteload are added, they both affect the oxygen balance (e.g. when both COD_Cr and COD_Mn are measured, only one should be supplied as a wasteload). Measurements of BOD and COD of one wasteload may be added simultaneously; only one (chosen by you) will affect the oxygen balance; when measurements of oxygen demand include algae and detritus and simultaneously algae are modelled, their contribution to the oxygen demand is added to the BOD and COD pools. The decay of biochemical as well as chemical oxygen demanding substances are modelled as 34 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD a first order process. If the water temperature drops below a critical value the decay is reduced to zero. The first order flux is corrected for water temperature and oxygen concentration. Below a critical oxygen concentration the oxygen function becomes equal to a user-defined level (default 0.3) while for above optimal oxygen concentration these functions have a value of 1.0. Linear interpolation of the oxygen functions is the default for intermediate oxygen concentrations. A higher order interpolation for intermediate values may also be applied. One option is implemented for the calculation of the first order rate constant (correction by means of an ’aging function’). In this option the rate constant is made a function of the ratio between COD and BOD. This option is based on the fact that the COD/BOD ratio increases with the age of the decaying material. Of course both COD and BOD must be supplied for all boundaries and wasteloads to use this option in a meaningful way. T This process is implemented for CBOD5, CBODu, CBOD5_2, CBODu_2, COD_Cr, COD_Mn, NBOD5 and NBODu. Formulation DR AF Substance aggregation: −1 BODu = CBODu + CBODu_2 + CBOD5 × 1 − e−5×RcBOD + −1 +CBOD5_2 × 1 − e−5×RcBOD_2 BOD5 = CBODu × 1 − e−5×RcBOD + CBODu_2 × 1 − e−5×RcBOD_2 + +CBOD5 + CBOD5_2 COD_Cr COD_M n + COD = Ef f COD_Cr Ef f COD_M n −1 N BOD = N BODu + N BOD5 × 1 − e−5×RcBODN BODu_P HY T = P HY T × AlgF rBOD × OXCCF BOD5_P HY T = BODu_P HY T × BOD5/uP HY T BODu_P OC = P OC × P OCF rBOD × OXCCF BOD5_P OC = BODu_P OC × BOD5/ inf P O BOD5 = BOD5 + BOD5_P OC + BOD5_P HY T BODu = BODu + BODu_P OC + BODu_P HY T Oxygen function for all biological oxygen demand: OXY = max(OXY, 0) O2F uncBOD = 1 for (OXY ) ≥ OOXBOD then O2F uncBOD = CF LBOD for (OXY ) ≤ COXBOD then O2F uncBOD = (1 − CF LBOD) × Deltares (OXY ) − COXBOD OOXBOD − COXBOD 10CurvBOD + CF LBOD 35 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Functions for calculation of rate constant (’aging function’): AgeIndx = COD BOD5 (2.13) for AgeIndx ≤ LAgeIndx: AgeF un = U AgeF un (2.14) for LAge < AgeIndx < LAgeIndx: AgeF un = (U AgeF un−LAgeF un)×exp − for AgeIndx ≥ LAgeIndx: DR AF AgeF un = LAgeF un AgeIndx − LAgeIndx U AgeIndx 2 ! +LAgeF un T (2.15) (2.16) Decay fluxes: dCBOD5 = RcBOD × (CBOD5) × T cBODT emp−20 × O2F uncBOD × AgeF un dCBODu = RcBOD × (CBODu) × T cBODT emp−20 × O2F uncBOD × AgeF un dN BOD5 = RcBODN × (N BOD5) × T cBODT emp−20 × O2F uncBOD × AgeF un dN BODu = RcBODN × (N BODu) × T cBODT emp−20 × OF uncBOD × AgeF un dCBOD5_2 = RcBOD_2 × (CBOD5_2) × T cBOD_2T emp−20 × O2F uncBOD × AgeF un dCBODu_2 = RcBOD_2 × (CBODu_2) × T cBOD_2T emp−20 × O2F uncBOD × AgeF un dCOD_Cr = RcCOD × (COD_Cr) × T cCODT emp−20 dCOD_M n = RcCOD × (COD_M n) × T cCODT emp−20 Oxygen demand: SWOxyDem = 0: BOD determining (default) dOxyBODCOD = dCBOD5+dCBOD5_2+dCBODu+dCBODu_2+dN BOD5+dN BODu SWOxyDem = 1: COD determining (option) dOxyBODCOD = dCOD_Cr + dCOD_M n SWOxyDem = 2: BOD ∧ COD determining (option) dOxyBODCOD = dBOD5 + dCBOD5_2 + dCBODu + dCBODu_2+ +dN BOD5 + dN BODu + dCOD_Cr + dCOD_M n where: 36 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD DR AF BODu carbonaceous BOD (first pool) at 5 days [gO2 m−3 ] carbonaceous BOD (second pool) at 5 days [gO2 m−3 ] carbonaceous BOD (first pool) ultimate [gO2 m−3 ] carbonaceous BOD (second pool) ultimate [gO2 m−3 ] scaling function for decay rates [-] ratio of CBOD5 and COD [-] total phytoplankton concentration [gC m−3 d−1 ] fraction of algae that contribute to BOD [-] calculated carbonaceous BOD at ultimate from PHYT [gO2 m−3 ] ratio BOD5 to BOD_ultimate for PHYT [-] calculated carbonaceous BOD at 5 days from PHYT [gO2 m−3 ] total particulate organic carbon concentration [gC m−3 d−1 ] fraction of POC that contribute to BOD [-] calculated carbonaceous BOD at ultimate from POC [gO2 m−3 ] ratio BOD5 to BOD_ultimate for POC [-] calculated carbonaceous BOD at 5 days from POC [gO2 m−3 ] calculated carbonaceous BOD at 5 days (incl. PHYT and POC) [gO2 m−3 ] calculated carbonaceous BOD at ultimate (incl. PHYT and POC) [gO2 m−3 ] calculated chemical oxygen demand days [gO2 m−3 ] COD concentration by the Cr-method [gO2 m−3 ] COD concentration by the Mn-method [gO2 m−3 ] critical oxygen concentration: [g m−3 ] value of the oxygen function for oxygen levels below the critical oxygen concentration [-] factor that determines the curvature [-] between COXBOD and OOXBOD (-1 < CurvBOD < 0) decay flux of CBOD5 [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] decay flux of CBOD5_2 [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] decay flux of COD_Cr [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] decay flux of CBODu [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] decay flux of CBODu_2 [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] decay flux of COD_Mn [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] decay flux of NBOD5 [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] decay flux of NBODu [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] oxygen consumption flux of BOD and COD species [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] efficiency of the Cr_method [-] efficiency of the Mn_method [-] lower value of age function [-] lower value of age index [-] calculated nitrogenous BOD at ultimate [gO2 m−3 ] nitrogenous BOD after 5 days [gO2 m−3 ] nitrogenous BOD ultimate [gO2 m−3 ] oxygen function for decay of CBOD [-] oxygen to carbon ratio optimum oxygen concentration: above this value the oxygen function becomes 1.0 [gO2 m−3 ] oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] reaction rate BOD (first pool) at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] reaction rate BOD_2 (second pool) at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] reaction rate BODN (second pool) at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] reaction rate COD (first pool) at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] switch that determines the oxygen consuming substance (0: BOD; T CBOD5 CBOD5_2 CBODu CBODu_2 AgeF un AgeIndx P HY T AlgF rBOD BODu_P HY T BOD5/uP hyt BOD5_P HY T P OC P OCF rBOD BODu_P OC BOD5/inf P O BOD5_P OC BOD5 COD COD_Cr COD_M n COXBOD CF LBOD CurvBOD dCBOD5 dCBOD5_2 dCOD_Cr dCBODu dCBODu_2 dCOD_M n dN BOD5 dN BODu dOxyBODCOD Ef f COD_Cr Ef f COD_M n LAgeF un LAgeIndx N BOD N BOD5 N BODu O2F unc OXCCF OOXBOD OXY RcBOD RcBOD_2 RcBODN RcCOD SW OxyDem Deltares 37 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Figure 2.3: A typical oxygen demand curve T cBOD T cBOD_2 T cCOD T emp U AgeF un U AgeIndx 1: COD; 2: COD+BOD) [-] temperature coefficient BOD [-] temperature coefficient BOD (second pool)[-] temperature coefficient COD [-] water temperature [◦ C] upper value of age function [-] upper value of age index [-] Directives for use To change the aging function from its default value (1.0) to the shape presented in Figure 2.6, change the value LAgeFun to 0.15. Disable the contribution of algae and detritus when filtered measurements of BOD are used as input. An easy way is to set AlgFRBOD and POCFrBOD to 0. The optimal oxygen concentration must be higher than the critical oxygen concentration (see Figure 2.5). By choosing a low (or negative) value for the optimal oxygen concentration, the oxygen function will have a value of 1.0 and thus not hamper the first order flux. By choosing a positive value for the minimum oxygen function level the oxygen function can have a user-defined value at oxygen concentrations below the critical oxygen concentration. This results in mineralisation of BODC when no oxygen is present (note that DELWAQ allows a negative oxygen concentration). The aging function (AgeFun) has a default value of 1.0. Adjust the value of LAgeFun to get functions as pictured in Figure 2.6. Additional references Metcalf and Eddy (1991), Stumm and Morgan (1987) 38 of 464 Deltares DR AF T Oxygen and BOD Figure 2.4: The relation between the amount of oxidizable carbonaceous material [mgC/l], the amount of oxygen consumed in the stabilisation of this organic material after 5 days and after ultimate time 1.1 1 0.9 O x y g e n fu n c tio n B O D (-) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 CurvBOD = 0 0.3 CurvBOD = 0.5 CFLBOD 0.2 OOXBOD COXBOD CurvBOD = -0.3 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Oxygen concentration (mg/l) Figure 2.5: Default and optional oxygen functions for decay of CBOD (O2FuncBOD) Deltares 39 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Figure 2.6: Optional function for the calculation of the first order rate constant for BOD and NBOD 40 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD Sediment oxygen demand PROCESS : SEDOXYDEM This process scales a user-defined sediment oxygen demand flux fSOD [gO2 m−2 d−1 ] to the dimensions required by DELWAQ. This parameter represents the sediment oxygen demand, as measured in the field. It is also possible to model a model substance SOD [gO2 ], which equals the sum of BOD and COD components that accumulate in the sediment due to sedimentation. SOD represents the potential oxygen demand by BOD and COD components in the sediment. The actual flux is calculated according to the equations listed below. T Note that sediment oxygen demand is additional to the oxygen consumption caused by the oxidation of organic matter in the sediment (decay of substances DetCS1, DetCS2, OOCS1, OOCS2). DELWAQ assumes that all mineralisation processes in the sediment lead to an instantaneous consumption of oxygen in the water column. In reality, mineralisation only causes a direct depletion of oxygen in the aerobic top layer of the sediment. The oxygen penetration depth in sediments is usually a few millimetres, or less. DR AF 2.8 Below the aerobic zone, reducing components, such as methane and hydrogen sulfide are formed. These components will be transported upwards by diffusion. In the aerobic zone, these components will react rapidly (instantaneously in the model) with oxygen. However, at relatively high mineralisation rates a part of the methane may disappear from the water column as gas bubbles, and not contribute to the sediment oxygen demand. It is possible to introduce a methane-bubble correction term in DELWAQ, by specifying the appropriate value of constant (SwCH4bub) in the model input. The correction term accounts for the fraction of mineralized organic matter in the sediment that disappears as methane bubbles. The correction term is calculated by an algorithm, based on ?. Implementation The process is implemented for DELWAQ substances oxygen (OXY) and sediment oxygen demand (SOD). Formulations If SwCH4bub 6= 1: f SOD RcSOD × T cSODT emp−20 × SOD dSOD = + depth V olume if OXY < COXSOD 0 OXY −COXSOD O2f unc = OOXSOD−COXSOD 1 if OXY > OOXSOD dOxSOD = dSOD × O2f unc where f SOD SOD Deltares user-specified sediment oxygen demand [gO2 m−2 d−1 ] BOD/COD components, accumulated in sediment [gO2 ] 41 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual RcSOD T cSOD depth V olume dSOD dOxSOD O2f unc OXY COXSOD OOXSOD decay rate of SOD in sediment [d−1 ] temperature coefficient SOD decay [-] depth of a DELWAQ segment [m] volume of a DELWAQ segment [m3 ] decay of SOD (DELWAQ flux) [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] oxygen consumption (DELWAQ flux) [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] oxygen function for decay of SOD [-] oxygen concentration in surface water [gO2 m−3 ] critical oxygen concentration for SOD decay [gO2 m−3 ] optimal oxygen concentration for SOD decay [gO2 m−3 ] If SwCH4bub = 1: T DELWAQ treats the methane bubble module as a black box. Reference is made to DiToro et al. (1990) for theoretical backgrounds on this algorithm. As well the oxygen demand by SOD (if modelled) as the oxygen consumption through the mineralisation of DetC and OOC in the sediment are corrected. The latter equals: where: DR AF dOxM inSed = 2.67×(dM inDetCS1+dM inDetCS2+dM inOOCS1+dM inOOCS2) dOxM inSed dM inDetCS1 dM inDetCS2 dM inOOCCS1 dM inOOCCS2 oxygen consumption by mineralisation of DetC and OOC in sediment [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation of DetC in sediment layer 1 [gC m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation of DetC in sediment layer 2 [gC m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation of OOC in sediment layer 1 [gC m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation of OOC in sediment layer 2 [gC m−3 d−1 ] The methane module computes the flux of methane, escaping from the water column to the atmosphere. The flux is a function of dSOD + dOxM inSed. F lCH4 methane bubble flux [gO2 m−2 d−1 ] Additional output parameter: dCH4 bubble flux expressed in DELWAQ units (= F lCH4/depth) [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] Also the oxygen consumption by the sediment (fSOD*) is computed by the algorithm, fSOD* includes dOxMinSed! Because the contribution of dOxMinSed to the mass balance of oxygen is accounted for already by the mineralisation processes it has to be substracted from the sediment oxygen demand flux. A part of the methane does not escape to the atmosphere, but dissolves in the water column (DifCH4bub, DifCH4dis) where it is oxidized rapidly, causing no additional oxygen consumption. The resulting DELWAQ flux for oxygen equals: dOxSOD = f SOD∗ + Dif CH4bub + Dif CH4dis − dOxM inSed Depth where: f SOD∗ Dif CH4bub Dif CH4dis 42 of 464 calculated total oxygen consumption in sediment [gO2 m−2 d−1 ] oxygen consumption by CH4 dissolving from bubbles [gO2 m−2 d−1 ] oxygen consumption by CH4 diffusing from sediment towards water column [gO2 m−2 d−1 ] Deltares Oxygen and BOD DR AF T Remarks: The methane bubble formulation was developed for a single layer water column (1D, 2DH). If it is used in a multi-layer application (1DV, 2DV, 3D) an error is introduced because DifCH4bub is entirely assigned to the bottom layer in stead of the total water column. This means an overestimation of the oxygen consumption in the bottom layer. Still, FlCH4 will be computed correctly since the total depth (TotalDepth) is used in the methane bubble module. Field measurements of SOD represent the actual oxygen consumption of the sediment, and should not be corrected for methane bubble formation. Hence, do not use fSOD in combination with the methane bubble correction. The (escaping) methane bubble production dCH4 is a fraction of the mineralisation of SOD + the mineralisation of DetC and OOC. It is possible that dCH4 exceeds dSOD, for instance when you want to correct the oxygen consumption by DetC and OOC in the sediment, but does not want to use SOD. If dCH4 > dSOD, dOxSod will become negative, which means that it becomes a positive contribution to the mass balance of oxygen. In that case, dOxSod acts as a correction term for the oxygen consumption by DetC and/or OOC in the sediment. Directives for use The constant SwCH4bub must be specified in the model input if you want to use the SOD module. If organic carbon in the sediment is modelled (DetCS1, OOCS1) oxygen from the water column is consumed during mineralisation. Take this sediment oxygen demand into account when using substance SOD. If switched on, the methane-bubble correction will also compensate for the oxygen consumption by DetCS1 etc. Usually, the DELWAQ substance SOD is only applied in studies which focus on oxygen problems, and where only measurements of (N)BOD and COD are available in stead of accurate measurements of particulate organic matter, phytoplankton etc. SOD is not a real bottom substance like IM1S1, DetCS1 etc, because all settled BOD species are lumped into this parameter. No distinction is made between SOD in the first or second sediment layer. It is not accounted for in the sediment composition routines, and it cannot be resuspended. Once settled it can only disappear by decay. In the current DELWAQ version the substance SOD and all BOD and COD species are expressed as oxygen equivalents. In earlier versions only one BOD related substance was distinguished, it was expressed as carbon (BODC, [gC m−3 ]). Substance BODC may still be used, but will not be converted to SOD once sedimented. Additional references Thomann and Mueller (1987), Smits and Van der Molen (1993), DiToro (1986) Deltares 43 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 2.9 2.9.1 Production of substances: TEWOR, SOBEK only Coliform bacteria – listing of processes Table 2.9: SOBEK-WQ processes for coliform bacteria. Process description Process name TEWOR Production Fluxes PROD_TEWOR Mortality of coli bacteria (i)MRT1) 1) T TEWOR-production fluxes PROCESS : PROD_TEWOR Production fluxes have been introduced for the TEWOR-module in SOBEK (Stowa, 2002). This module is used for water quality modelling of urban waters. The production fluxes can represent certain processes in the water column, for instance algae growth, that are not modelled explicitly. DR AF 2.9.2 (i) ∈ {ECOLI, FCOLI or TCOLI}. Implementation The process has been implemented for substances CBOD5, CBOD5_2, CBOD5_3, COD_Cr, OXY, DetN, NH4, NO3, Ecoli. Table 2.10 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The TEWOR-production fluxes are formulated as zeroth order fluxes. Rtewori = f tewori with: (2.17) Rtewori TEWOR production flux (g i.m−3 ) f tewori TEWOR production flux (g i.m−3 ) Directives for use The production fluxes were introduced for usage in the TEWOR subset. The fluxes can also be used in other applications. Table 2.10: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PROD_TEWOR. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Rtewori dTEWORi TEWOR production flux g.m−3 ftewori fTEWORi TEWOR production flux g.m−3 44 of 464 Deltares Oxygen and BOD Process TEWOR: Oxydation of BOD PROCESS : DBOD_TEWOR This module is an alternative process for the oxidation or mineralization of BOD that was introduced for the TEWOR-module in SOBEK (Stowa, 2002). This module is used for water quality modelling of urban waters. The prevailing process for the mineralization of BOD or COD in SOBEK-WQ is BODCOD. Implementation The process has been implemented for substances CBOD5, CBOD5_2 and CBOD5_3. T Table 2.11 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The oxidation flux of BOD5 is a function of the BOD5 concentration and is limited by the oxygen concentration. DR AF 2.9.3 Rmini = kmini × C5i × Cox Ksox + Cox (2.18) The oxygen demand is a function of the ultimate BOD concentration, because the actual oxygen demand will be higher than the oxygen demand measured at 5 days. Rox = X i with: C5i Cox kmini Ksox Rmini 1 − exp(−5kmini ) (2.19) carbonaceous BOD (pool i) at 5 days [g O2 m−3 ] dissolved oxygen [g O2 m−3 ] oxidation reaction rate BOD (pool i) [d−1 ] half saturation constant for oxygen limitation on oxidation of BOD [g O2 m−3 ] Directives for use This process was introduced for usage in the TEWOR subset, but it can also be used in other applications. Table 2.11: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DBOD_TEWOR. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units C5i CBOD5_i carbonaceous BOD (pool i) at 5 days g O2 m−3 Cox OXY dissolved oxygen g O2 m−3 Cui CBODu_i carbonaceous BOD (pool i) ultimate g O2 m−3 kmini RCBOD_i oxidation reaction rate BOD (pool i) d−1 Ksox KMOX half saturation constant for oxygen limitation on oxidation of BOD g O2 m−3 Deltares 45 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 46 of 464 Deltares 3 Nutrients Contents 3.1 Nitrification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.2 Calculation of NH3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.3 Denitrification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3.4 Adsorption of phosphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 3.5 Formation of vivianite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3.6 Formation of apatite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 3.7 Dissolution of opal silicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DR AF T 78 Deltares 47 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Nitrification PROCESS : NITRIF_NH4 Nitrification is the microbial, stepwise oxidation of ammonium (and toxic ammonia) into nitrate, which requires the presence of oxygen. Several intermediate oxidation products are formed, but the final step from nitrite to nitrate is considered rate limiting. The accumulation of the intermediate products including toxic nitrite (NO− 2 ) is negligible in systems with residence times longer than a few days. T Nitrification is highly sensitive to temperature. In contrast with the decomposition of detritus, which may proceed at a slow but measurable rate below 4◦ C, nitrification nearly comes to a halt at this temperature. This is connected with the fact that only a rather small number of specialised bacteria species are capable of nitrification. The decomposition of organic matter is performed by a very large number of species, including species that are adapted to low temperature environments. Nitrifiers are predominantly sessile bacteria, that need readily available organic substrates. This implies that nitrification proceeds most actively at and in the oxidising top sediment layer. DR AF 3.1 Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process NITRIF_NH4 has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The formation of intermediate products such as nitrite is not considered. Two options are available with respect to the formulation of the rate of nitrification. An option can be selected with parameter SW V nN it. The process has been implemented for the following substances: NH4, NO3 and OXY. Table 3.1 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation Nitrification can be described as a number of consecutive chemical reactions. The overall reaction equation is: N H4+ + 2O2 + H2 O =⇒ N O3− + 2H3 O+ Nitrification ultimately removes ammonium (ammonia) and oxygen from the water phase and produces nitrate. The process requires 4.57 gO2 gN−1 . The formulation according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics (SWVnNit = 1.0) Nitrification is modelled as the sum of a zeroth order process and a process according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics Smits and Van Beek (2013). The rate of the last contribution is limited by the availability of ammonium and dissolved oxygen, and is also a function of the temperature. 48 of 464 Deltares Nutrients T The zeroth order rate may have different values for the sediment and the water column, and serves several purposes. It is used to account for the collapse of the process rate at low temperatures. When the water temperature drops below a critical value, the zeroth order rate takes over. However, the zeroth order rate is set to zero, when the dissolved oxygen concentration drops below a critical value. The critical value in sediment layers should be equal to 0.0, whereas the critical dissolved oxygen concentration in the water column can be assigned a negative value. In that case, the zeroth order nitrification rate takes over from the Michelis-Menten process for the water column, when dissolved oxygen gets depleted and the temperature is still above the critical value. (Simulated DO can have a negative concentration, representing the DO-equivalent of reduced substances!) This feature in the nitrification formulations allows the occurrence of nitrification in a water column, in which the average dissolved oxygen concentration is zero or even negative. In this way it can be taken into account that the water column may not be homogeneously mixed in reality, and a surface layer with positive oxygen concentrations persists. The nitrification rate is formulated as follows to accommodate the above features: Rnit = k0nit + knit × Cam Ksam × φ + Cam knit = 0.0 k0nit = 0.0 k0nit = k0temp k0nit = k0ox k0nit = 0.0 with: × Cox Ksox × φ + Cox DR AF knit = knit20 × ktnit(T −20) Cam Cox Coxc knit ktnit k0nit k0ox k0temp Ksox Ksam T Tc φ or Cox ≤ 0.0 if T < Tc if T < Tc Cox > 0.0 if T ≥ Tc and Cox ≤ 0.0 if Cox ≤ Coxc × φ and ammonium concentration [gN.m−3 ] b dissolved oxygen concentration ≥ 0.0 [g.m−3 ] b critical dissolved oxygen concentration [g.m−3 ] Michaelis-Menten nitrification rate [gN.m−3 d−1 ] w b temperature coefficient for nitrification [-] zeroth order nitrification rate [gN.m−3 d−1 ] b zeroth order nitrif. rate at negative average DO concentrations [gN.m−3 d−1 ] zeroth order nitrification rate at low temperatures [gN.m−3 d−1 ] b b half saturation constant for dissolved oxygen limitation [g.m−3 ] half saturation constant for ammonium limitation [gN.m−3 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature for nitrification [◦ C] porosity [-] w w An important feature of MM-kinetics is that the process rate saturates at high concentrations of the substrate. The formulation turns into a first order kinetic process, when the ambient substrate concentration becomes small compared to the half saturation constant. The formulation according to pragmatic kinetics (SWVnNit = 0.0) Nitrification is modelled as the sum of a zeroth and a first order process. If the water temperature drops below a critical value, only the zeroth order flux remains. The first order flux is Deltares 49 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual corrected for water temperature and oxygen concentration. Below a critical oxygen concentration the oxygen function for nitrification becomes equal to a user defined level (default zero), whereas for above an optimal oxygen concentration this function has a value of 1.0. Linear interpolation of the oxygen function is the default option for intermediate oxygen concentrations. A higher order interpolation for intermediate values may also be applied. The nitrification rate is formulated as follows to accommodate the above features: Rnit = k0nit + f ox × k1nit × Cam k1nit20 × ktnit(T −20) k1nit = 0.0 if T < Tc with: T ammonium concentration [gN m−3 ] the oxygen limitation function [-] first order nitrification rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for nitrification [-] zeroth order nitrification rate [gN m−3 d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature for nitrification [◦ C] w w DR AF Cam f ox k1nit ktnit k0nit T Tc The oxygen limitation function reads: f oxmin f ox = (1 − f oxmin) × 1.0 with: a Cox Coxo Coxc f oxmin if Cox ≤ Coxc a Cox−Coxc 10 Coxo−Coxc + f oxmin if Coxc < Cox < Coxo if Cox ≥ Coxo curvature coefficient [-] dissolved oxygen concentration ≥ 0.0 [g m−3 ] optimal dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] critical dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] minimal value of the oxygen limitation function [-] w w w The pragmatic oxygen limitation function for default parameter values is depicted in Figure 3.1. SOBEK The formulation according to TEWOR (SWVnNit = 2.0) Nitrification is modelled as a process according to Monod kinetics. The rate of the process is a function of the ammonium concentration and is limited by the availability of dissolved oxygen. The nitrification rate is formulated as follows to accommodate the above features: Rnit = knit × Cam × Cox Ksox + Cox (3.1) with: Cam Cox knit Ksox 50 of 464 ammonium concentration [gN.m−3 ] b dissolved oxygen concentration ≥ 0.0 [g.m−3 ] First order nitrification rate [gN.m−3 .d−1 ] b b half saturation constant for dissolved oxygen limitation [g.m−3 ] w Deltares Nutrients An important feature of Monod-kinetics is that the process rate saturates at high concentrations of the substrate. The formulation turns into a first order kinetic process, when the ambient substrate concentration becomes small compared to the half saturation constant. DR AF Concerning option SW V nN it1.0: T Directives for use Formulation option SW V nN it = 0.0 is the default option for historical reasons. Care must be taken that the zeroth order reaction rates are given values, that are in proportion with the MM-kinetics or first-order kinetics. They should not deliver more than 20 % of the total rate at T = 20 ◦ C, and average ammonium and DO concentrations. Using zeroth order kinetics may cause negative ammonium concentrations, when the timestep is too large! The critical temperature for nitrification CT N it is approximately 4 ◦ C. The rate RcN it20 will generally be much higher in the top sediment layer than in the overlying water. This is due to the sessile nature of nitrifiers. When the sediment is not explicitly modelled, one should take the nitrifying capacity of the sediment into account in the nitrification rate for the water column. For a start, the zeroth order rates Rc0N itT and Rc0N itOx and the critical DO concentration CoxN it can be set to zero. The zeroth order rate for negative DO concentrations may not be relevant. If needed, the zeroth order rate for low temperatures can be quantified in establishing a good balance between summer and winter nitrification rates. The critical oxygen concentration should not be given negative values for sediment layers. Often nitrification has been modelled as a first-order (linear) process with respect to the ammonium concentration. The MM-kinetics can be made to behave like a first order process by assigning a value to KsAmN it that is high compared to the ambient ammonium concentrations. By enlarging RcN it20 concurrently approximately the same rates can be obtained as for first order kinetics. Concerning option SW V nN it0.0: The use of the curvature coefficient CurvN it of the oxygen limitation function is described in WL | Delft Hydraulics (1994a). Linear interpolation between COXN it and OOXN it occurs, when CurvN it is equal to 0.0, whereas the value -1 establishes maximal curvature. The optimal oxygen concentration OOXN it must be higher than the critical oxygen concentration COXN it (see Figure 3.1). The limitation function can be made inactive by choosing a low value for the optimal oxygen concentration OOXN it (e.g. a negative value). By choosing a positive minimal value of the oxygen limitation function CF LN it the limitation will have a user defined value at oxygen concentrations below the critical oxygen concentration. This may result in nitrification when the average dissolved oxygen concentration is negative. Additional references DiToro (2001), Smits and Van der Molen (1993), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1997c), Vanderborght et al. (1977) Deltares 51 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 3.1: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for NITRIF_NH4. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in input Definition Units a CurvN it curvature coefficient for the oxygen lim. function - Cam Cox Coxc Coxo N H4 OXY CoxN it OoxN it ammonium concentration gN m−3 dissolved oxygen concentration g m−3 critical DO concentration for nitrification optimal DO concentration for nitrification g m−3 g m−3 f oxmin CF LN it minimal value of the oxygen limitation function - knit20 k1nit20 ktnit k0ox k0temp RcN it20 RcN it T cN it Rc0N itOx Rc0N itT MM- nitrification reaction rate at 20 ◦ C gN m−3 d−1 first order nitrification rate at 20 ◦ C temperature coefficient for nitrification zeroth order nitrification rate at negative DO d−1 gN m−3 d−1 zeroth order nitrification rate at low temperatures zeroth order nitrification rate gN m−3 d−1 gN m−3 KsOxN it half saturation constant for ammonium limitation half saturation constant for DO limitation – nitrification rate gN m−3 d−1 Ksox Rnit - T Tc DR AF k0nit Ksam T Name in formulas φ Znit KsAmN it b b w w b b b gN m−3 d−1 b w g m−3 w b SW V nN it switch for selection of the process formulations (pragmatic kinetics = 0.0, MM-kinetics = 1.0) - T emp CT N it temperature critical temperature for nitrification ◦ P OROS porosity m3 m−3 ◦ C C w b 52 of 464 Deltares T Nutrients DR AF Nitrification)as)function)of)oxygen)concentration 1 OOXNIT 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 COXNIT 0 0 2 4 6 Dissolved)oxygen)(g/m3) 8 10 Figure 3.1: Figure 1 Default pragmatic oxygen limitation function for nitrification (O2FuncNit, option 0). Deltares 53 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of NH3 PROCESS : NH3 FREE In rivers, estuaries and coastal seas near densely populated areas high loads of BOD and nutrients may cause conditions which favour high levels of unionised ammonia, especially in warm climates (Millero, 1995). Unionised, or free ammonia (NH3 ) is toxic to fish. NH3 is the product of the dissociation of the ammonium (NH+ 4 ) ion: + NH+ 4 ⇒ NH3 + H K0 = aNH3 aH+ aNH+ 4 where: T The reaction is characterised by the equilibrium constant K : DR AF 3.2 activity of species i [mol l−1 ] ai Rearranging this equation and taking logarithms (pH = − 10 log(aH + )) results in: log aNH3 aNH+ ! = log K 0 + pH 4 Because DELWAQ computes concentrations rather than activities, a corrected equilibrium constant is introduced: K = K0 where: γi K γNH+ 4 γNH3 activity coefficient of species i [-] equilibrium constant [mol l−1 ], after correction for activities Note that K is a function of the ionic strength of the solution (which determines gi ). Thus, K depends on salinity! Combination of the previous two equations yields: log (NH3 ) = logK + pH (NH+ 4) This equation shows the relation between the ratio of unionised and ionised ammonia and the equilibrium constant. The equilibrium constant of this reaction depends strongly on temperature, increasing temperature favours the dissociation of NH+ 4 (Millero, 1995). In DELWAQ, totalN H4 is modelled as substance NH4, which is the sum of NH+ 4 and NH3 . The concentration of NH3 is derived from the above equation and total NH4 according to: [NH3 ] = [NH3 ] + [NH4 ] × (totalN H4 ) 1 + [NH+3 ] [NH4 ] 54 of 464 Deltares Nutrients There are two options for calculating unionised ammonia. In the first option, the temperature dependency of K is computed in a semi-empirical way with a reprofunction for the dissociation constant, based upon the Netherlands’ water quality standards which tabulate the maximum allowed total NH4 concentration that yields a certain level of unionised ammonia, at different pH and T. In the second option, the value of the dissociation constant is calculated with a reprofunction dependent on salinity and temperature according to Millero (1995). Implementation The process has been implemented for the following substance: NH4 T The process calculates additional substance NH3 (g.m3 ), and is active in all types of computational elements. Tabel 3.2 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. DR AF Formulation The process is formulated as follows: If NH3_Sw = 1 then m3 1 × l M log K = a + b × T 10logK+pH × (totalN H4 ) (NH3 ) = 1 + 10logK+pH l N H3 = (NH3 ) × M × 3 m (NH3 ) f rN H3 = (totalN H4 ) (totalN H4 ) = N H4 × If NH3_Sw = 2 then ln K = −6285.33/(T + 273.15) + 0.0001635 × (T + 273.15) − 0.25444 √ + (0.46532 − 123.7184/(T + 273.15)) × Sal + (−0.01992 + 3.17556/(T + 273.15)) × Sal ρ = (1000.0 + 0.7 × Sal/(1.0 − Sal/1000.0) − 0.0061 × (T − 4.0)2 )/1000.0 m3 1 (N H 4 ) = N H4 × × l M ×ρ 10−pH (N H 3 ) = (N H 4 )/(1 + ) K l N H3 = (N H 3 ) × M × ρ × 3 m Deltares 55 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual where: option parameter for calculation method [-] concentration of ammonia [gN m−3 ] molar concentration of ammonia [mol l−1 ] or [mol kg−1 H2 O] concentration of ammonium (DELWAQ substance) [gN m−3 ] molar concentration of ammonium [mol l−1 ] or [mol kg−1 H2 O] coefficient a of reprofunction 1 [-] coefficient b of reprofunction 1 [K−1 ] fraction NH3 of NH4 [-] dissociation constant [mol l−1 ] or [mol kg−1 H2 O] atomic weight of nitrogen (= 14) [g mol−1 ] pH [-] salinity [g kg−1 ] water temperature [◦ C] density of water [kg l−1 ] T NH3_Sw NH3 (NH3 ) NH4 (NH4 ) a b frNH3 K M pH Sal T ρ DR AF [m3 ] and [l] are the volume units (conversions between the standard volume unit in DELWAQ and the unit usually used in chemistry). Directives for use Do not change the defaults of KN H3rf 1a and KN H3rf 1a. Table 3.2: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for NH3FREE. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units N H4 N H4 ammonium concentration gN m−3 N H3_Sw N H3_Sw option for calculation method (1=reprofunction 1; 2=Millero) - a b KN H3rf 1a KN H3rf 1b coefficient a of reprofunction 1 coefficient b of reprofunction 1 K−1 pH acidity - Salinity salinity psu T emp temperature ◦ pH Sal T 56 of 464 C Deltares Nutrients Denitrification PROCESS : DENWAT_NO3 AND DENSED_NO3 Denitrification is the microbial, stepwise reduction of nitrate into elemental nitrogen, which requires the absence of oxygen. The nitrogen produced may escape into the atmosphere. Denitrifiers use nitrate in stead of oxygen to oxidise organic matter. Several intermediate reduction products are formed, but the first step from nitrate to a nitrite is rate limiting. The accumulation of the intermediate products including toxic nitrite and various toxic nitrogen oxides is negligible in systems with residence times longer than a few days. The formation of intermediate products such as nitrite is not considered in the model. T Denitrification is highly sensitive to temperature. In contrast with the decomposition of detritus, which may proceed at a slow but measurable rate below 4 ◦ C, denitrification nearly comes to a halt at this temperature. This is connected with the fact that only a rather small number of specialised bacteria species are capable of denitrification. The decomposition of organic matter is performed by a very large number of species, including species that are adapted to low temperature environments. DR AF 3.3 Denitrifiers are predominantly sessile bacteria, that need readily available organic substrates and that can only actively survive in an anoxic environment. This implies that denitrification usually only proceeds in the lower part of the oxidising top sediment layer. It has been claimed, however, that denitrification may also be carried out in the water column by highly specialised bacteria, in anoxic pockets of suspended particles. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process DENWAT_NO3 has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. Process DENSED_NO3 is to be used in addition to DENWAT_NO3 only when the sediment is simulated according to the S1/2 option. When sediment layers are not simulated explicitly, this process takes care that denitrification in the sediment always proceeds, leading to the removal of nitrate from the water column. The alternative for denitrification by processes DENWAT_NO3and DENSED_NO3 is the denitrification by process CONSELAC (Consumption of electron acceptors), in which nitrate is one of the electron acceptors for the oxidation of organic detritus. When the "‘layered sediment"’ option is used CONSELAC should be used in stead of DENSED_NO3 and DENWAT_NO3. Two options are available with respect to the formulation of the rate of nitrification. An option can be selected with parameter SW V nDen. The processes have been implemented for the following substances: NO3 and OXY. Tables 3.3 and 3.4 provide the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation Denitrification can be described as a number of consecutive chemical reactions. The overall reaction equation is: 4N O3− + 4H3 O+ =⇒ 2N2 + 5O2 + 6H2 O Deltares 57 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Denitrification ultimately removes nitrate from the water phase and produces elemental nitrogen. The process delivers 2.86 gO2 gN−1 . The oxygen in nitrate used to oxidise organic matter is accounted for in the model using this stochiometric constant. The actual quantity of dissolved oxygen consumed for organic matter oxidation is therefore equal to the total oxygen demand minus the part delivered by nitrate. The formulation according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics (SWVnDen = 1.0) Denitrification is modelled as the sum of a zeroth order process and a process according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The rate of the latter contribution is a function of the nitrate concentration, the dissolved oxygen concentration and the temperature. The Michealis-Menten kinetic factor for dissolved oxygen is formulated as an inhibition factor. The denitrification rate has not been made proportional to the detritus concentration, since detritus is (almost) always abundantly present. DR AF T The zeroth order rate may have different values for the sediment and the water column, and serves several purposes. It is used to account for the collapse of the process rate at low temperatures. When the water temperature drops below a critical value, the zeroth order rate takes over. The zeroth order and Michealis-Menten rates are both set to zero, when the dissolved oxygen concentration rises above a critical value, and consequently, the environment is completely oxic. When the temperature is still above the critical temperature, the zeroth order denitrification rate may be assigned a substantially higher value than at low temperature. This feature in the denitrification formulations allows the occurrence of substantial denitrification in a water column or sediment layer, in which the average dissolved oxygen concentration is positive but below the critical concentration. In this way it can be taken into account that: the water column may not be homogeneously mixed in reality, and that near the sediment an oxygen depleted water layer persists; and denitrification can occur in a sediment environment that is oxic on the average, but does contain anoxic pockets at the same time. The denitrification rate is formulated as follows to accommodate the above features: Rden = k0den + kden × f ox = 1.0 − 1.0 Cox Ksox×φ+Cox Cni Ksni × φ + Cni × f ox if Cox ≥ 0.0 if Cox < 0.0 kden = kden20 × ktden(T −20) kden = 0.0 k0den = 0.0 k0den = k0temp k0den = k0ox k0den = 0.0 if T < T c or Cox ≥ Coxc × φ T < T c and Cox < Coxc × φ if T ≥ T c and Cox < Coxc × φ if Cox ≥ Coxc × φ if with: Cni Cox nitrate concentration [gN m−3 ] b dissolved oxygen concentration ≥ 0.0 [g m−3 ] b 58 of 464 Deltares Nutrients critical dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] oxygen inhibition function [-] Michaelis-Menten denitrification rate [gN m−3 d−1 ] w b temperature coefficient for denitrification [-] zeroth order denitrification rate [gN m−3 d−1 ] b zeroth order denitrification rate at moderate DO concentrations [gN m−3 d−1 ] zeroth order denitrification rate at low temperatures [gN m−3 d−1 ] b b half saturation constant for nitrate limitation [gN m−3 ] half saturation constant for dissolved oxygen inhibition [g m−3 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature for denitrification [◦ C] porosity [-] w w T Coxc f ox kden ktden k0den k0ox k0temp Ksni Ksox T Tc φ The oxygen inhibition function needs to be set to 1.0 at negative DO concentrations to avoid the function obtaining values higher than 1.0. (Simulated DO can have a negative concentration, representing the DO-equivalent of reduced substances!) DR AF The formulation according to pragmatic kinetics (SWVnDen = 0.0) Denitrification is modelled as the sum of a zeroth and a first order process. If the water temperature drops below a critical value, only the zeroth order flux remains. The first order flux is corrected for water temperature and oxygen concentration. Above a critical oxygen concentration the oxygen function for denitrification becomes equal to zero, whereas for below an optimal oxygen concentration this function has a value of 1.0. Linear interpolation of the oxygen functions is the default option for intermediate oxygen concentrations. A higher order interpolation for intermediate values may also be applied. The denitrification rate is formulated as follows to accommodate the above features: Rden = k0den + f ox × k1den × Cni 0.0 if T < Tc k1den = 20 (T −20) k1den × ktden with: Cni f ox k1den ktden k0den T Tc nitrate concentration [gN m−3 ] the oxygen inhibition function [-] first order denitrification rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for denitrification [-] zeroth order denitrification rate [gN m−3 d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature for denitrification [◦ C] w w The oxygen inhibition function reads: 1.0 if Cox ≤ Coxo Coxc − Cox if Coxo < Cox < Coxc f ox = Coxc − Coxo + (ea − e) (Cox − Coxo) 0.0 if Cox ≥ Coxc with: a Cox Coxo Deltares curvature coefficient [-] dissolved oxygen concentration ≥ 0.0 [g m−3 ] optimal dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] w w 59 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual critical dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] Coxc w The pragmatic oxygen inibition function for default parameter values is depicted in Figure 3.2. The above formulations for options 1 and 0 represent process DENWAT_NO3. Process DENSED_NO3 has been formulated in a much more simplified way with first-order kinetics with respect to the nitrate concentration. The deeper sediment is essentially reducing, leading to maximal denitrification in the sediment proportional to the nitrate concentration in the water column. DO inhibition has therefore been removed from the formulations. Only one zeroth order rate is used, the one associated with the critical temperature. The first-order reaction rate has to be provided in m.d-1, the zeroth order rate in [g.m−2 d−1 ]. The resulting denitrification rate is divided by the depth of the water column H in order to obtain the rate in [g.m−3 d−1 ]. DR AF T Directives for use Formulation option SW V nDen = 0.0 is the default option for historical reasons. Care must be taken that the zeroth order reaction rates are given values, that are in proportion with the first-order kinetics. They should not deliver more than 20% of the total rate at T=20 ◦ C, and moderate nitrate and DO concentrations. Using zeroth order kinetics may cause negative nitrate concentrations, when the time-step is too large! The critical temperature for denitrification CT Den is approximately 4 ◦ C. If denitrification actually occurs in the water column at all, the rate RcDen20 will generally be much higher in the top sediment layer than in the overlying water. This is due to the sessile nature of nitrifiers. When the sediment is not explicitly modelled, one should take the denitrifying capacity of the sediment into account in process DENSED_NO3. Concerning option SW V nDen1.0: For a start, the zeroth order rates Rc0DenT and Rc0DenOx and the critical DO concentration CoxDen can be set to zero. In a next step the zeroth order rate for low temperatures can be quantified in establishing a good balance between summer and winter nitrification rates. The zeroth order rate for moderate DO concentrations may not be relevant for the current case. The critical oxygen concentration should not be given a value higher than 2 g m−3 for physical reasons. A higher value might nevertheless be required to take the occurrence of denitrification in an inhomogeneous water column into account properly. Often denitrification has been modelled as a first-order (linear) process with respect to the nitrate concentration. The MM-kinetics can be made to behave like a first order process by assigning a value to KsN iDen that is high compared to the ambient nitrate concentrations. By enlarging RcDen20 concurrently approximately the same rates can be obtained as for first order kinetics. w Concerning option SW V nDen0.0: Linear interpolation occurs for the oxygen inhibition function between COXDen and OOXDen, when curvature coefficient Curvat is equal to 1.0. Maximal curvature is established, when Curvat is equal to 4.0 The optimal oxygen concentration OOXDen must be smaller than the critical oxygen concentration COXDen (see Figure 3.2). The limitation function can be made inactive by choosing a high value for the optimal oxygen concentration OOXDen. 60 of 464 Deltares Nutrients Additional references DiToro (2001), Smits and Van der Molen (1993), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1997c), Vanderborght et al. (1977) Table 3.3: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DENWAT_NO3. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units a Curvat curvature coefficient for the oxygen inhib. function - Cni Cox Coxc Coxo N O3 OXY CoxDen OoxDen nitrate concentration gN m−3 dissolved oxygen concentration g m−3 optimal DO concentration for denitrification critical DO concentration for denitrification g m−3 g m−3 kden20 k1den20 ktden k0ox RcDen20 RcDenW at T cDenW at Rc0DenOx MM- denitrification reaction rate at 20 ◦ C gN m−3 d−1 first order denitrification reaction rate at 20 ◦ C temperature coefficient for denitrification zeroth order denitrification rate at moderate DO zeroth order denitrification rate at low temperatures zeroth order denitrification rate d−1 gN m−3 d−1 half saturation constant for nitrate limitation half saturation constant for DO inhibition gN m−3 g m−3 denitrification rate gN m−3 d−1 Rc0DenT k0den Ksni Ksox ZDenW at KsN iDen KsOxDen Rden – T Tc φ T DR AF k0temp - b Deltares b w w b b gN m−3 d−1 b gN m−3 d−1 b w w b SW V nDen switch for selection of the process formulations (pragmatic kinetics = 0.0, MM-kinetics = 1.0) - T emp CT Den temperature critical temperature for denitrification ◦ P OROS porosity m3 m−3 ◦ C C w b 61 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 3.4: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DENSED_NO3. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cni N O3 nitrate concentration in the overlying water layer gN m−3 b Depth depth of the overlying water layer m kden20 ktden k0temp RcDenSed T cDenSed Rc0DenSed first-order denitrification reaction rate temperature coefficient for denitrification zeroth order denitrification rate m d−1 gN m−2 Rden – denitrification rate gN m−3 d−1 DR AF T Tc T H T emp CT Den ◦ temperature critical temperature for denitrification ◦ b C C DenitrificationOasOfunctionOofOoxygenOconcentration 1 OOXDEN 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 COXDEN 0 0 2 4 6 DissolvedOoxygenO(g/m3) 8 10 Figure 3.2: Default pragmatic oxygen inhibition function for denitrification (O2Func, option 0). 62 of 464 Deltares Nutrients Adsorption of phosphate PROCESS : ADSPO4AAP Dissolved phosphate, mainly present as ortho-phosphate (mainly present as H2 PO− 4 ), adsorbs onto suspended sediment, in particular to the iron(III)oxyhydroxides in sediment particles. Other adsorbing components are aluminium hydroxides and silicates, manganese oxides and organic matter. The fine sediment fraction (< 0.63 µm), containing more than 90 % of these components present in suspended sediment, basically accounts for the adsorption capacity of sediment. T The adsorption of phosphate onto sediment particles is highly pH dependent, since phosphate competes with OH− for the adsorption sites. The adsorption decreases with increasing pH, which implies that alkalinity producing primary production by algae stimulates desorption, which in turn may stimulate primary production. Moreover, the adsorption process is relatively weakly dependent on temperature and ionic strength (salinity). The effect of the latter has not been quantified very well and has therefore been ignored in the model formulations. DR AF 3.4 The adsorption of phosphate is also very sensitive to low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Iron(III) gets chemically reduced into iron(II), when dissolved oxygen has been depleted and the decomposition of detritus continues at anaerobic conditions. As a result, initially, iron(II) dissolves together with adsorbed substances, among which phosphate. Iron(II) will precipitate as sulfide and/or carbonate, the phosphate repartitions between the solution and the sediment particles, according to the decreased adsorption capacity. The oxygen concentration dependency of the adsorption process has an enormous impact on the sorption of phosphate in the sediment. The sorption capacity of the oxidising top layer of the sediment is large, since oxidised iron(III) tends to accumulate in this layer. However, the sorption capacity of the reducing lower sediment layer is much smaller, since most of the iron may be present in its chemically reduced iron(II)-form. When the oxidising layer collapses due to intensified decomposition of organic matter, the phosphate release of the sediment into the overlying water may suddenly increase an order of magnitude. Consequently, linking the adsorption of phosphate to the presence of dissolved oxygen allows application of the same formulations to both the water column and the sediment. Adsorption is fast and desorption of recently adsorbed phosphate is somewhat slower. Nevertheless, equilibrium is usually established within a few hours. Although process rates are high, the adsorption process has been formulated kinetically for pragmatic reasons. One reason is that this approach delivers the sorption flux. The present formulations, however, do not allow taking into account very slow desorption of phosphate from for instance river borne sediment/soil particles, that contain internally bound phosphate. The solid phase diffusion of phosphate proceeds very slow in such particles. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b Deltares w 63 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Implementation Three different sets of formulations have been implemented in process ADSPO4AAP, from which a selection can be made using switch SW AdsP . The oxygen concentration dependent option SW AdsP = 2 is fully generic, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The adsorption of phosphate in the sediment is not considered, when phosphate in the sediment is modeled as a number of ‘inactive’ substances. The process has been implemented for the following substances: dissolved PO4 and adsorbed AAP. T Table 3.5 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. The concentrations of adsorbing inorganic matter (Cim1−3 ) and the dissolved oxygen concentration (Cox) can be either calculated by the model or imposed on the model via the input. DR AF In case the S1-S2 option is applied for the sediment, slow desorption from AAPS1 and AAPS2 can be taken into account by processes DESO_AAPS1 and DESO_AAPS2 (see the formulations in section 8.4, Mineralization of detritus in the sediment (S1/2)). Formulation The three options regarding the formulation of the adsorption of phosphate to sediment particles range from ultimately simplified to rather complex pH- and DO dependent adsorption. The adsorption capacity of (suspended) inorganic sediment can be calculated in two different ways. The selection is made with switch parameter SW V nAdsP . The default version (SW V nAdsP =0.0) calculates the adsorption capacity from the total iron fraction in (suspended) inorganic sediment, whereas version (SW V nAdsP =1.0) calculates the adsorption capacity from the individual inorganic matter concentrations IM1−3 and pertinent iron fractions. For the eye of the user the versions are only different with respect to the names of several input parameters, see Table 3.5 and the directives for use. Simplified equilibrium partitioning (SWAdsP = 0) Instantaneous reversible equilibrium sorption is assumed. The adsorbed phosphate is quantified as a constant fraction of the total inorganic phosphate concentration, which implies a constant ratio between the dissolved and adsorbed phosphate concentrations: Kdph = where: Cphae Cphde Kdph Cphde Cphae equilibrium adsorbed phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] b equilibrium dissolved phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] b distribution coefficient [-] Consequently, adsorption in this formulation is not proportional to the sorption capacity of sediment. The equilibrium adsorbed concentration follows from: Cphae + Cphde = Cpha + Cphd Cphae = 64 of 464 Cpha + Cphd 1 + Kdph Deltares Nutrients where: Cpha Cphd the adsorbed phosphate concentration after the previous time-step [gP m−3 ] b the dissolved phosphate concentration after the previous time-step [gP m−3 ] b The sorption rate is calculated as: Rsorp = Cphae − Cpha ∆t where: ∆t Simplified Langmuir adsorption (SWAdsP = 1) T computational time-step [d] The adsorption equilibrium can be considered as a chemical equilibrium described with the following simplified reaction equation: DR AF ADS + P ⇔ ADSP The kinetics of the reaction saturate with respect to the amount of adsorption sites (e.q. the adsorption capacity), which according to Langmuir can be taken into account with the following equilibrium equation: Kads = Cphae × φ Cphde × Cadse where: Cadse Cphae Cphde Kads φ equilibrium concentration of free adsorption sites in P equivalents [gP m−3 ] b equilibrium adsorbed phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] b equilibrium dissolved phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] b adsorption equilibrium constant [m3 gP−1 ] porosity [-] The free adsorbent is a fraction of the total adsorbent concentration. This fraction becomes infinitely small at an abundance of phosphate, which prevents the further increase of the concentration of adsorbed phosphate (see Fig. 3.3 and 3.4). The total adsorbent concentration Cadst is proportional to the suspended sediment concentration. The proportionality factor is defined as the fraction reactive iron in suspended sediment: Cadst = f cap × 3 X (f f ei × Cimi ) i=1 f imi = (f f ei × Cimi )/ 3 X (f f ei × Cimi ) i=1 where: Cadst Cimi f imi Deltares total concentration of adsorption sites [gP m−3 ] b concentration of inorganic matter fractions i=1, 2, 3 [gDW.m−3 ] b fraction of adsorbed phosphate bound to inorganic matter fractions i=1, 2, 3 [-] 65 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual phosphate adsorption capacity of inorganic matter [gP gFe−1 ] fraction reactive iron(III) in inorganic matter fractions i=1, 2, 3 [gFe gDW−1 ] f cap f f ei The fractions f imi are available as output parameters to be used for the calculation of the settling of adsorbed phosphate connected with the settling of the inorganic matter fractions. The equilibrium concentrations can be approximated with: Cphae + Cphde = Cpha + Cphd Cadse = Cads = Cadst − Cpha (3.2) (3.3) where: the concentration of free ads. sites after the previous time-step [gP m−3 ] Cads Cpha Cphd e b T the adsorbed phosphate concentration after the previous time-step [gP m−3 ] b the dissolved phosphate concentration after the previous time-step [gP m−3 ] index for the chemical equilibrium value b DR AF The above equations result in the following equation for the equilibrium adsorbed phosphate concentration: Cphae = (Cpha + Cphd)/ 1 + φ Kads × Cads if Cads < 0.0 then Cphae = 0.9 × (31 000 × φ) × Cadst The above correction applies to a situation where imposed initial AAP would be larger than the adsorption capacity. Considering (potentially) slow kinetics delivers for the sorption rate: Rsorp = ksorp × (Cphae − Cpha) where: ksorp Rsorp sorption reaction rate [d−1 ] adsorption or desorption rate [gP m−3 d−1 ] b Comprehensive Langmuir adsorption (SWAdsP = 2) A more comprehensive description of the Langmuir adsorption equilibrium must include the dependency of the pH and the temperature with concentrations on a molar basis (Smits and Van Beek (2013)): ADS(OH)a + P ⇔ ADSP + a × OH Kads = Cphae × OH a Cphde × Cadse Kads = Kads20 × ktads(T −20) OH = 10−(14−pH) where: a 66 of 464 stochiometric reaction constant [-] Deltares Nutrients Cadse Cphae Cphde Kads ktads OH pH e equilibrium concentration of free adsorption sites [molFe l−1 ] equilibrium adsorbed phosphate concentration [molP l−1 ] equilibrium dissolved phosphate concentration [molP l−1 ] adsorption equilibrium constant [(mol l−1 )a−1 ] temperature coefficient for adsorption [-] molar hydroxyl concentration [mol l−1 ] acidity [-] index for the chemical equilibrium value w w w w Cadst = f cor × 3 X (f f ei × Cimi ) × i=1 T The free adsorbent is a fraction of the total adsorbent concentration. The total adsorbent concentration Cadst is proportional to the actual adsorption capacity of suspended sediment, which is coupled to the reactive iron(III) fraction, and the concentration suspended sediment. The actual adsorption capacity depends on the redox status of the total reactive iron fraction. Consequently, the total adsorbent concentration follows from: 1 56, 000 × φ if Cox ≥ Coxc × φ DR AF f cor = 1.0 f cor = f f eox if Cox < Coxc × φ f imi = (f f ei × Cimi )/ 3 X (f f ei × Cimi ) i=1 where: Cadst Cimi Cox Coxc f cor f imi f f ei f f eox φ total molar concentration of adsorption sites [molFe l−1 ] concentration of inorganic matter fractions i=1,2,3 [gDW m−3 ] w dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] b b critical dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] correction factor for the oxidised iron(III) fraction [-] fraction of adsorbed phosphate bound to inorganic matter fractions i=1, 2, 3 [-] fraction of reactive iron in inorganic matter fractions i=1,2,3 [gFe gDW−1 ] fraction of oxidised iron(III) in the reactive iron fraction [-] porosity [-] w The fractions f imi are available as output parameters to be used for the calculation of the settling of adsorbed phosphate connected with the settling of the inorganic matter fractions. The equilibrium concentrations can be approximated with: Cphae + Cphde = (Cpha + Cphd) 31 000 × φ Cadse = Cads = Cadst − Cpha 31 000 × φ where: Cads Cpha Cphd e Deltares the concentration of free ads. sites after the previous time-step [molFe l−1 ] the adsorbed phosphate concentration after the previous time-step [gP m−3 ] w b the dissolved phosphate concentration after the previous time-step [gP m−3 ] index for chemical equilibrium value b 67 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The above equations result in the following equation for the equilibrium adsorbed phosphate concentration: Cphae = (Cpha + Cphd) OH a 31 000 × φ × 1 + Kads×Cads Considering (potentially) slow kinetics delivers for the sorption rate: Rsorp = ksorp × (31 000 × φ × Cphae − Cpha) where: ksorp sorption reaction rate [d−1 ] T A positive value of the adsorption flux Rsorp represents adsorption of P O4, a negative value represents desorption of P O4. DR AF Directives for use Version SW V nAdsP = 0.0 uses RcAdsP gem as input name for the sorption rate in the case of formulation option SW AdsP = 2. Version SW V nAdsP = 0.0 uses fr_Fe as input name for the fraction of reactive iron in inorganic matter in the cases of formulation options SW AdsP = 1 and 2. When using formulation option SW AdsP = 0, an indicative value for KdP O4AAP is 0.5. Using data of Stumm and Morgan (1996) , it can be deduced that KadsP _20 and a_OH − P O4 may be approximately equal to respectively 3.8 (mole l−1 )a−1 and 0.2. These values relate to the sorption of ortho-phosphate onto α − F eOOH (goethite) within a pH range of 6 to 9, approximately at a temperature of 20 ◦ C. Amorphous iron coating of sediment may have a much higher adsorption constant (≈1000). When dissolved oxygen (OXY ) is not simulated, OXY must be imposed as the actual concentration times porosity for option 2 (SW AdsP = 2). This is necessary, because the formulations are based on simulated OXY , which is calculated internally as bulk concentration. The critical concentration CrOXY , however, is to be imposed as the actual concentration in (pore) water. When simulating the “inactive” substances in the sediment AAP S1 and AAP S2, the sorption process only affects AAP in the water column. However, slow desorption in the sediment can be taken into account with processes DESO_AAPS1 and DESO_AAPS2. AAP is also affected by settling and resuspension. The settling of AAP is coupled to the settling of inorganic matter fractions IM 1 − 3, the fine inorganic matter fraction IM 1 in particular since AAP is predominantly adsorbed to IM 1. When IM 1 − 3 are not modelled explicitly but imposed, the settling velocity of AAP should be equal to the settling velocity of the fine inorganic matter fraction IM 1. The phosphorus fractions F P IM 1, F P IM 2 and F P IM 3 (= f imi ) in the inorganic matter fractions are output parameters, that are used to correct the settling flux for differences in the settling velocities of IM 1 − 3. The fractions add up to 1. The iron fraction in (suspended) sediment bound in redox stable minerals such as clay is not part of the reactive iron fraction. The reactive iron fraction is probably smaller than the redox sensitive iron fraction, because a part of this fraction is not available for surface reactions such as sorption. Additional references WL | Delft Hydraulics (1992a), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1997c) 68 of 464 Deltares Nutrients Table 3.5: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for ADSPO4AAP. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition a a_OH − P O4 stochiometric dependency Cimi Cox Coxc Cpha Cphd f cap f imi IM i OXY Cc_oxP sor AAP P O4 M axP O4AAP conc. of inorg. matter fractions i = 1,2,3 gDW m−3 dissolved oxygen concentration g m−3 critical DO concentration for iron reduction adsorbed phosphate concentration g m−3 gP m−3 dissolved phosphate concentration gP m−3 gP gFe−1 - f f ei f r_F eIM i „ f r_F e phosphate adsorp. capacity of inorg. matter fraction ads. phosphate in inorg. matter fr. i = 1,2,3 fraction react. iron in inorg. fr. i=1,2,3 (SW V nAdsP =1) fraction reactive iron in inorg. matter (SW V nAdsP =0) fraction oxidised iron(III) in the reactive iron fraction reaction constant f f eox f r_F eox Kdph KdP O4AAP for pH- - b T b DR AF – Units w b b gFe gDW−1 gFe gDW - distribution coefficient (SW AdsP = 0; see directives!) KdP O4AAP adsorption eq. constant (SW AdsP = 1) KadsP _20 molar adsorption equil. const. (SW AdsP = 2; see directives!) RCAdP O4AAP sorption reaction rate (SW V nAdsP = 1) RcAdsP gem sorption reaction rate (SW V nAdsP = 0) T CKadsP temperature coefficient for adsorption - OH pH – pH hydroxyl concentration acidity mol l−1 - Rsorp – sorption rate g m−3 d−1 Kpads Kads20 ksorp „ ktads m3 gP−1 (mol l−1 )a−1 d−1 d−1 - b SW AdsP SW AdsP SW V nAdsP switch for selection of the formulation options switch for selection of the original (= 0.0) or the advanced (= 1.0) formulations - T T emp temperature ◦ φ P OROS porosity m3 m−3 C w b ∆t Deltares Delt computational time-step d 69 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Equilibrium concentration of AAP as function of phosphate TSS = 50 g/m3, partition coefficient = 0.1 m3/gDM (gP/m3) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 capacity = 0.001 capacity = 0.005 capacity = 0.01 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Phosphate concentration (gP/m3) 0.8 1 DR AF 0 T 0.2 Figure 3.3: Variation of the equilibrium concentration AAP (eqAAP) as a function of PO4 and the maximum adsorption capacity (MaxPO4AAP). Equilibrium concentration of AAP as function of phosphate TSS = 50 g/m3, capacity = 0.005 gP/m3 (gP/m3) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 partition coefficient = 0.02 partition coefficient = 0.1 partition coefficient = 1.0 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Phosphate concentration (gP/m3) 0.8 1 Figure 3.4: Variation of the equilibrium concentration of AAP (eqAAP) as a function of PO4 and the partition coefficient of PO4 (KdPO4AAP). 70 of 464 Deltares Nutrients Formation of vivianite PROCESS : VIVIANITE At reducing conditions phosphate may precipitate with iron(II) as vivianite (iron(II) phosphate: Fe3 [PO4 ]2 ). Vivianite is thermodynamically unstable at oxidising conditions. At the presence of dissolved oxygen iron(II) in vivianite is oxidised into iron(III), resulting in the subsequent dissolution of vivianite, the precipitation of iron(III)oxyhydroxides and the adsorption of phosphate to these minerals. T The precipitation of vivianite only occurs in a supersaturated solution at the absence of dissolved oxygen, and actually when also nitrate has depleted. These conditions usually only occur in the reducing sediment, just below an oxidising top layer. Precipitation is not only temperature dependent, but also pH dependent due to the acid-base equilibria to which both dissolved phosphate and iron are subjected. However, in a simplified approach the pH dependency may be ignored, since the pH is rather constant in the sediment. Vivianite is transported to the oxidising top layer mainly by bioturbation. Oxidative dissolution of vivianite follows, a process the kinetics of which are not straight forward. The oxidation with dissolved oxygen seems to be a temperature dependent surface reaction mainly, due to the low solubility and slow dissolution of the mineral. The pH-dependency of the surface reaction seems to be rather weak and is therefore ignored. DR AF 3.5 Literature regarding sediment diagenesis as well as modelling exploits have provided indications for the formation of other stable phosphate minerals, hardly sensitive to the redox conditions. Such stable minerals most probably are apatite like calcium phosphate minerals. Another explanation for slow remobilisation of phosphate might be found in rather permanent inclusion of phosphate in various oxyhydroxides. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process VIVIANITE has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The precipitation of phosphate in the sediment is not considered, when phosphate in the sediment is modeled as a number of ‘inactive’ substances. The process has been implemented for the following substances: dissolved PO4 and VIVP. Table 3.6 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. The dissolved oxygen concentration (Cox) can be either calculated by DELWAQ or imposed to DELWAQ via the input. Deltares 71 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Formulation The precipitation and dissolution equilibrium of vivianite can be described with the following simplified reaction equation: 3 Fe2+ + 2 PO3− 4 ⇔ Fe3 (PO4 )2 The precipitation rate is formulated with first-order kinetics, with the difference between the actual dissolved phosphate concentration and the equilibrium dissolved concentration as driving force (Smits and Van Beek (2013)): Rprc = f rp × kprc × ( Cphd − Cphde) × φ φ 0.0 if Rprc < 0.0 kprc = kprc20 × ktprc(T −20) with: 1.0 if Cox < Coxc × φ f rp = 0.0 if Cox ≥ Coxc × φ DR AF f rp = T Cox Coxc Cphd Cphde f rp kprc ktprc Rprc T φ dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] b critical dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] dissolved phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] w b equilibrium dissolved phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] switch concerning the redox conditions for precipitation [-] precipitation reaction rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for precipitation [-] rate of precipitation [g m−3 d−1 ] w temperature [◦ C] porosity [-] b The dissolution of vivianite is probably characterised by two steps: a) the oxidation of dissolved Fe2+ , and b) the dissolution of vivianite at a very low Fe2+ concentration. The first depends on the dissolved oxygen concentration, the latter on the quantity of vivianite present. (However, the main driving force of the dissolution process might be the difference of the “equilibrium” Fe2+ concentration near the vivianite crystals and the average very low dissolved Fe2+ concentration.) The dissolution rate can be formulated pragmatically as follows: f rd × ksol × Cphpr × Rsol = 0.0 Cox φ if Rsol < 0.0 ksol = ksol20 × ktsol(T −20) f rp = 1.0 if Cox < Coxc × φ f rp = 0.0 if Cox ≥ Coxc × φ with: Cphpr f rd ksol 72 of 464 precipitated phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] b switch concerning the redox conditions for dissolution [-] −1 dissolution reaction rate [m3 gO−1 2 d ] w Deltares Nutrients ktsol Rsol temperature coefficient for dissolution [-] rate of dissolution [g m−3 d−1 ] b The dissolution process must stop at the depletion of vivianite. Therefore, the dissolution flux is made equal to half the concentration of vivianite V IV P divided with timestep ∆t, when the flux as calculated with the above formulation is larger than V IV P/∆t. w DR AF T Directives for use The formation of stable mineral “apatite” can also be included in the model. As an alternative, the user may ignore this substance and provide a (very) slow dissolution rate in the input for process VIVIANITE. The equilibrium dissolved phosphate concentration follows from the solubility product of vivianite, the dissolved Fe(II) concentration and the pH. Solubility products determined in the laboratory tend to underestimate the equilibrium concentration, since the mineral in natural sediment has lower stability due to the formation of amorphous, impure and coated vivianite. For similar reasons the actual reaction rates of precipitation and dissolution may deviate substantially from experimentally determined values. The following values are representative for fresh water sediments: EqV IV DisP = 0.05 gP m−3 , −1 RcP recP 20 = 0.8 d−1 , RcDissP 20 = 0.005 m3 gO−1 2 d . When DO is not simulated, OXY must be imposed as the actual concentration times porosity for option 2 (SW AdsP = 2). This is necessary, because the formulations are based on simulated DO, which is calculated internally as bulk concentration. The critical concentration CrOXY , however, is to be imposed as the actual concentration in (pore) water. CrOXY is also used for the adsorption process ADSPO4AAP. When simulating the “inactive” substances in the sediment AAP S1 and AAP S2, the precipitation process only affects P O4 and V IV P in the water column. V IV P settles and ends up in AAP S1 and AAP S2. Additional references Santschi et al. (1990), Smits and Van der Molen (1993), Stumm and Morgan (1996), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1997c) Deltares 73 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 3.6: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for VIVIANITE. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). w T b Name in input Definition Cox Coxc Cphd Cphde Cphpr f rd OXY Cc_oxP sor P O4 EqV IV DisP V IV P dissolved oxygen concentration g m−3 critical DO concentration for iron reduction dissolved phosphate concentration g m−3 gP m−3 equilibrium dissolved phosphate concentration precipitated vivianite phosphate concentration gP m−3 gP m−3 – - f rp – switch concerning redox conditions for dissolution switch concerning redox conditions for precipitation RcP recP 20 T cP recipP RcDissP 20 T cDissolP vivianite precipitation reaction rate temperature coefficient for precipitation vivianite dissolution reaction rate temperature coefficient for dissolution d−1 −1 m3 gO−1 2 d - – vivianite precipitation rate g m−3 d−1 – vivianite dissolution rate g m−3 d−1 T emp temperature ◦ Delt timestep d P OROS porosity m3 m−3 kprc20 ktprc ksol20 ktsol Rprc Rsol T ∆t φ DR AF Name in formulas 74 of 464 Units b w b w b - w b b C w b Deltares Nutrients Formation of apatite PROCESS : APATITE T Phosphate may precipitate in various minerals that are stable under both oxidizing and reducing conditions. In literature regarding sediment diagenesis and sediment modelling, indications can be found for the formation of such stable minerals. As contrasting with vivianite that is only stable under reducing conditions, the identity of these stable minerals has not been determined unequivocally. The formation of pure calcium apatite in sediment may not be very likely due to the high pH required (calcium phosphate: Ca3[PO4]2); stable at pH>8.5). However, the co-precipitation of phosphate with several carbonates and sulfides and even the rather permanent inclusion of phosphate in various oxyhydroxides seem certainly possible, also at a pH of 7. Such a co-precipitation might be induced by the adsorption of phosphate on the surface of calcite-like minerals. For pragmatic reasons the stable phosphate minerals are named “apatite” in this documentation. The precipitation of “apatite” only occurs in a supersaturated solution. Apatite is primarily formed in deeper sediment layers. It is exchanged among the sediment layers by means of bioturbation. Since supersaturation may not occur near the sediment-water interface, the apatite formed in deeper layers may dissolve slowly in the top sediment layer. The actual rate of the dissolution will be highly dependent on the dissolution of co-precipitated calcite-like minerals. Usually, these minerals do not dissolve significantly. Dissolution may then proceed very slowly by means of solid matter and surface diffusion of phosphate ions. DR AF 3.6 Precipitation is not only temperature dependent, but also pH dependent due to the acid-base equilibria to which both dissolved phosphate and calcite-like minerals are subjected. However, in a simplified approach the pH dependency may be ignored, since the pH is rather constant in the sediment. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process APATITE has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The precipitation of phosphate in the sediment is not considered, when phosphate in the sediment is modeled as a number of ‘inactive’ substances. The process has been implemented for the following substances: dissolved PO4 and APATP. Table 3.7 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation Even when co-precipitating with calcite, the precipitation and dissolution equilibrium of apatite can be described with the following simplified reaction equation: 3 Ca2+ + 2 PO3− 4 ⇔ Ca3 (PO4 )2 The calcium concentration is usually very constant in sediment pore water. Therefore, the precipitation rate is formulated with first-order kinetics, with the difference between the actual dissolved phosphate concentration and the equilibrium dissolved concentration as driving Deltares 75 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual force. In order to allow better control over the precipitation of apatite relative to the precipitation of vivianite the precipitation rate is formulated as follows (Smits and Van Beek (2013)): Rprc = f rr × kprc × Rprc = 0.0 Cphd − Cphde × φ φ if Rprc < 0.0 kprc = kprc × ktprc(T −20) 20 with: dissolved phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] b equilibrium dissolved phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] ratio of the apatite and vivianite precipitation reaction rates [-] precipitation reaction rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for precipitation [-] rate of precipitation [g m−3 d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] porosity [-] T w b DR AF Cphd Cphde f rr kprc ktprc Rprc T φ The dissolution of apatite is driven by undersaturation in the pore water. The rate is dependent on the extent of undersaturation as well as the concentration of apatite. The dissolution rate is formulated pragmatically according to second-order kinetics as follows: Cphd Rsol = ksol × Cphpr × Cphde − φ Rsol = 0.0 if Rsol < 0.0 20 ksol = ksol × ktsol(T −20) with: Cphpr ksol ktsol Rsol precipitated phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] dissolution reaction rate [m3 gP−1 d−1 ] temperature coefficient for dissolution [-] rate of dissolution [g m−3 d−1 ] b w b The dissolution process must stop at the depletion of apatite. Therefore, the dissolution flux is made equal to half the concentration of apatite AP AT P divided with timestep ∆t, when the flux as calculated with the above formulation is larger than AP AT P/∆t. Directives for use The formation of vivianite should be included in the model too. The equilibrium dissolved phosphate concentration would follow from the solubility product of the mineral formed. Solubility products determined in the laboratory tend to underestimate the equilibrium concentration, since the mineral in natural sediment has lower stability due to the formation of amorphous, impure, co-precipitated and coated apatite. For similar reasons the actual reaction rates of precipitation and dissolution may deviate substantially from experimentally determined values. Since the identity of the phosphate mineral is poorly known, the equilibrium concentration and the reaction rates are typically calibration parameters. However, a good starting point can be found in equalising the equilibrium concentrations and the precipitation rates for vivianite and apatite, implying that RatAP andV P = 1.0. For a start the dissolution rate may be set at zero. 76 of 464 Deltares Nutrients When simulating the “inactive” substances in the sediment AAP S1 and AAP S2, the precipitation process only affects P O4 and APATP in the water column. AP AT P settles and ends up in AAP S1 and AAP S2. Additional references Santschi et al. (1990), Stumm and Morgan (1996), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1994b) Table 3.7: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for APATITE. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in input Cphd Cphde P O4 dissolved phosphate concentration EqAP AT DisP equilibrium dissolved phosphate con- Cphpr centration precipitated “apatite” phosphate concentration Units DR AF f rr AP AT P Definition gP m−3 T Name in formulas RatAP andV P ratio of the apatite and vivianite precipi- b gP m−3 w gP m−3 b - kprc20 ktprc ksol20 ktsol RcP recP 20 T cP recipP RcDisAP 20 T cDissolP tation rates vivianite precipitation reaction rate temperature coefficient for precipitation apatite dissolution reaction rate temperature coefficient for dissolution Rprc Rsol – apatite precipitation rate g m−3 d−1 – apatite dissolution rate g m−3 d−1 T ∆t φ Deltares d1 m3 gP−1 d−1 w b b T emp temperature ◦ Delt timestep d P OROS porosity m3 .m−3 C w b 77 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Dissolution of opal silicate PROCESS : DISSI Opal silicate is produced by diatoms, that strengthen their cell walls with silicate skeletons. When diatom cells have died, the skeleton remains start to dissolve and settle on the sediment. The physical-chemical dissolution process continues in the sediment, since pore water is generally undersaturated with respect to opal silicate. However, the process is retarded strongly due to the adsorption of various substances such as metal ions (Fe, Al, Mn) onto the silicate frustules and due to coating of these frustules with iron and manganese minerals. Consequently, opal silicate is rather abundantly present in most sediments. T Dissolved silicate may adsorb onto iron and aluminium oxyhydroxides and silicates, and may also precipitate in extremely stable silicate minerals. However, adsorption is rather weak and reversible. Precipitation proceeds extremely slow. Both types of processes are rather poorly understood, and have been ignored in the model for all these reasons. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w DR AF 3.7 Implementation Process DISSI has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. When silicate in the sediment is modeled as a number of ‘inactive’ substances DET SiS1/2 and OOSiS1/2, the dissolution of opal silicate in the sediment is formulated as simple first-order decomposition processes BMS1/2_(i) linked up with the decomposition of detritus. The process has been implemented for the following substances: dissolved Si and Opal. Table 3.8 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The dissolution of opal silicate is formulated according to second-order (e.g. double first-order) or first-order kinetics. In the case of second-order kinetics the concentration of opal silicate and the difference between the actual dissolved silicate concentration and the equilibrium dissolved concentration determine the dissolution rate. For option SW DisSi = 0.0 the dissolution rate is formulated according to second order kinetics (Smits and Van Beek (2013)): Rsol = ksol × Csip × (Cside − Csid ) φ where: Csid Cside Csip ksol φ 78 of 464 dissolved silicate concentration [gSi m−3 ] b equilibrium dissolved silicate concentration [gSi m−3 ] opal silicate concentration [gSi m−3 ] w b dissolution reaction rate [m3 gSi−1 d−1 ] porosity [-] w Deltares Nutrients For option SW DisSi = 1.0 the dissolution rate is formulated according to first order kinetics: Rsol = ksol × Csip where: ksol dissolution reaction rate [d−1 ] In both cases the rate is dependent on temperature: ksol = ksol20 × ktsol(T −20) where: dissolution reaction rate [m3 gSi−1 d−1 or d−1 ] temperature coefficient for dissolution [-] temperature [◦ C] w T ksol ktsol T DR AF Directives for use The type of kinetics to be applied is selected with option parameter SW Dissi (=0.0 for second order kinetics, =1.0 for first order kinetics). The equilibrium dissolved silicate concentration follows from the solubility product of opal silicate and the pH. Solubility products determined in the laboratory tend to overestimate the equilibrium concentration, since the mineral in natural sediment has higher stability due to the formation of impuraties and coatings. For similar reasons the actual reaction rates of dissolution may deviate substantially from experimentally determined values. The following values are representative for fresh water sediments: EqDisSi = 10 gSi m−3 , RcDisSi20 = 0.09 d−1 . When simulating “inactive” substances in the sediment, the dissolution process only affects Si and Opal in the water column. Opal settles and ends up in DET SiS1 (and DET SiS2), subjected to first-order decomposition. w Additional references Berner (1974), DiToro (2001), Schink and Guinasso (1978), Smits and Van der Molen (1993), Stumm and Morgan (1996), Vanderborght et al. (1977), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1997c) Deltares 79 of 464 T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 3.8: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DISSI. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in input Definition Csid Cside Csip Si Ceq _DisSi Opal dissolved silicate concentration gSi m−3 equilibrium dissolved silicate concentration opal silicate concentration gSi m−3 gSi m−3 T cDisSi second order dissolution reaction rate, or first order dissolution rate temperature coefficient for dissolution m gSi−1 d−1 d−1 - - dissolution rate g m−3 d−1 ksol 20 ktsol Rsol DR AF Name in formulas RcDisSi20 Units b w b 3 w b SW Dissi SW Dissi option (=0.0 for second order, =1.0 for first order) - T T emp temperature ◦ P OROS porosity m3 m−3 φ 80 of 464 C w b Deltares 4 Primary producers Contents Introduction to primary production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.2 Growth and mortality of algae (BLOOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.3 Bottom fixation of BLOOM algae types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4.4 Settling of phytoplankton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.5 Production and mortality of algae (DYNAMO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 4.6 Computation of the phytoplankton composition (DYNAMO) . . . . . . . . . 116 4.7 Production and mortality of benthic diatoms S1/2 (DYNAMO) . . . . . . . . 119 4.8 Mortality and re-growth of terrestrial vegetation (VEGMOD) . . . . . . . . . 125 DR AF T 4.1 Deltares 81 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Introduction to primary production Within the processes library there are two distinct approaches to model primary production, that is, the growth and decay of phytoplankton. The first approach, called BLOOM, allows the user to model several groups of algae and types within these groups. While it is a very flexible method, it requires some understanding of the physiology of algae and the ecosystem that is being modelled. The second approach, called DYNAMO, is limited to two algal groups, "green algae" and "diatoms". As it is simpler, it may be easier to use (less coefficients with which to describe the properties of the algae, for instance). This simplicity also has a disadvantage, as the results will in general be less good than with a properly set up model using the BLOOM approach. T The two approaches are mutually exclusive: either use BLOOM or use DYNAMO, not both. This also holds, to a certain degree, to the input parameters. The parameters specific to algae have different names for the two approaches, but the environmental conditions, such as nutrient concentrations and irradiation, are described by the same parameters. For irradiation this requires some attention: The irradiation at the surface is always given as the total irradiation (correction for the DR AF photoactive fraction is done internally) in [W.m−2 ]. As BLOOM is based on the concept of optimising the biomass, its time step is typically 24 hours, you can use 12 and 6 hour time steps as well. The time step should be long enough to make sure that an equilibrium can be achieved. This has three consequences: 4.1 The irradiance for BLOOM has to be given as a daily average, not as hourly or even more frequent values. BLOOM is usually called only once every few time steps of D-Water Quality itself. This is arranged via the parameter TimMultBl. As the algae in BLOOM "see" an average amount of irradiation as they are transported over the vertical by mixing processes, the light intensity at the current location is not entirely representative for calculating the growth within the allotted time step. To account for this a special process is used, VTRANS. This has a parameter PeriodVTRA which controls the details. For most if not all situations, this parameter should be set to 24 hours. In contrast, the DYNAMO approach can handle irradiation time series at arbitrarily short intervals. 82 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Growth and mortality of algae (BLOOM) PROCESS : BLOOM, BLOOM_P, U LVAFIX , U LVAFIX _P, P HY _B LO, P HY _B LO _P, D EPAVE , V TRANS , DAY L ENGTH Algae are subject to gross primary production, respiration, excretion, mortality, grazing, resuspension and settling. Net growth (biomass increase) is the result. Net primary production is defined as the gross primary production minus respiration. The phytoplankton module BLOOM includes specific formulations for these processes with the exception of excretion, grazing, resuspension and settling. Excretion is ignored. Grazing, resuspension and settling are similar for other phytoplankton modules in DELWAQ, and are therefore dealt with in separate process descriptions. T BLOOM considers different algae species groups. These groups may be defined as diatoms, green algae, bluegreen algae, flagellates, dinoflagellates, Phaeocystis, Ulva, etc. Diatoms differ from other species among other things by their dependency on dissolved silicon for growth. However, each group may be defined as being any other individual species. Each algae species (group) has several types, that are adapted to specific environments to cope with limiting resources. The types have different properties with respect to nutrient stoichiometry, chlorophyll content and process rates. Depending on which growth factor is currently limiting, the best adapted type of each group is selected. The relevant factors are nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, carbon and energy (light), meaning that biomass stoichiometry depends on the availability of these factors. This mechanism enables BLOOM to describe phenotypical adaptation of algae under different growth conditions. BLOOM can simulate 30 algae species types (10 species × 3 types) at maximum. The default parameter values for several phytoplankton groups and types that have been modelled before can be read from a database with Delft3D. DR AF 4.2 BLOOM uses the technique of linear programming to calculate the optimum distribution of biomass over all algae types. The competition between the species is determined by the ratio of the resource requirement and the nett growth rate. Mathematically this is equivalent to maximizing the net growth rate of the total of all types. For a description of the use of this technique in bloom the user is referred to Los (2009); DBS (1991); BLOOM UM (1985). The solution of the optimisation is bound by several constraints: the available nutrient resources, the available amount of energy, the maximum growth rate and the maximum mortality rate. BLOOM allows to account for mixotrophy and nitrogen fixation, by modification of the nutrient constraints. The amount of available nutrients for mixotrophic algae comprises both inorganic and organic nutrients. Nitrogen fixing algae are able to convert elementary nitrogen (dissolved N2 ) into organic nitrogen. The energy constraint concerns the energy obtained from ambient light intensity. It is expressed as the maximal extinction by phytoplankton where the light intensity is reduced due to self-shading, to a level where the growth rate equals the respiration rate. The relation between the growth rate and light intensity is determined by the light response curve. The light response curve is defined by the user as a table of growth efficiencies at different light intensities. It can be read from a database with Delft3D for the species that have been modelled and calibrated before with BLOOM. The light response curve can be derived from laboratory experiments. Light inhibition has not been included yet in the existing light response curves. The processes growth, respiration and mortality are part of the constraints used in the optimisation technique. The process rates are corrected for temperature dependency before being used in the optimisation. Mortality is also corrected for salinity stress. Deltares 83 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual DELWAQ determines the concentrations of substances from the transport and the process rates. Therefore the BLOOM process should calculate process rates for DELWAQ instead of an optimum species composition. These rates are therefore calculated from the change of biomass divided by the time step. BLOOM has its own time step within the computational procedure of DELWAQ. Usually, BLOOM’s time step is bigger than DELWAQ’s time step used for the modelling of mass transport and the other water quality processes. A bigger time step reduces the computation time needed for a simulation. Using a bigger time step requires that the average water depth over BLOOM’s time step is determined in view of light limitation. Therefore the process DEPAVE should be activated, calculating the average water depth during each BLOOM time step. This is particularly relevant for cases where the water depth varies significantly during a BLOOM time step such as tidal simulations. T A macro algae species like U lva or other macrophyte species can be included in BLOOM. This species may both be suspended in the water column and attached to the sediment. The process of resuspension of U lva is simulated with the process UlvaFix. DR AF The algae processes affect a number of other DELWAQ substances apart from the algae biomass concentrations [gC m−3 ]. Growth involves the uptake of inorganic nutrients [gN/P/Si/S/C m−3 ] and the production of dissolved oxygen [gO2 m−3 ], and affects alkalinity (pH). Preferential uptake of ammonium over nitrate is included in the model. Mortality produces detritus [gC/N/P m−3 ] and opal silicate [gSi m−3 ]. The process rates for these substances are derived from the algae process rates by multiplication with the appropriate stoichiometric constants. These ratios reflect the chemical composition of the biomass of algae types. All rates in BLOOM are daily averaged. The dissolved oxygen concentration is calculated on a daily average basis unless process VAROXY is included in the model. This process deduces the daily varying dissolved oxygen production rate from the daily average net primary production rate. The process VAROXY is described elsewhere in this manual. Implementation The algae module BLOOM can simulate maximally 30 algae species types. BLOOM has been implemented for the following substances: BLOOMALG01 – BLOOMALG30, POC1, PON1, POP1, POS1, POC2, PON2, POP2, POS2, Opal, NH4, NO3, PO4, Si, SO4 SUD, OXY, TIC and ALKA. The module BLOOM is generic and can be applied for water as well sediment layers, although the algae in sediment layers have no primary production and are subject to mortality. It can also be used in combination with the sediment option S1/S2. Process BLOOM (plus BLOOM_P) has auxiliary processes UlVAFIX (plus ULVAFIX_P), PHY_BLO (plus PHY_BLO_P), DEPAVE, VTRANS and DAYLENGTH. ULVAFIX adds specific parameters for the ”inactive” algae species Ulva. PHY_BLO generates additional output for BLOOM, the overall organic carbon (PHYT), dry matter (ALGDM) and nutrients concentrations (ALGN, ALGP, ALGSi) and the chlorophyll-a concentration (Chlfa). DEPAVE determines the average water depth that algae experience during a time step, which is relevant for tidal water systems. VTRANS produces ”tracers” that allow for the determination of average light intensity for algae as resulting from vertical mixing. Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 provide the definitions of the parameters occurring in the user- 84 of 464 Deltares Primary producers defined input and output. BLOOM requires an additional input file containing tabulated data describing the relation between the daily averaged light intensity in the water column and the production efficiency for the species groups in the model. This file can be automatically generated with the PLCT. For simulations with BLOOM also the files: and need to be available in the work directory. Formulation 1 2 3 4 the nutrient constraints; the energy constraints; the growth constraints; and the mortality constraints. T In the first four sections formulations are presented for the constraints for growth as included in the optimisation technique (linear programming). This technique delivers the algae biomasses of all species groups and types at the end of a time step by means of solving a set of linear equations and constraints, thereby maximising the total net growth. The constraints are: DR AF The rates of growth, production, respiration and mortality are derived from the change of the algae biomasses over a time step. The following sections deal with the formulations for these rates and constraints, and specific additional output. The final sections describe the process of resuspension of Ulva (or other macrophytes) called Ulvafix, and the process DEPAVE, that calculates the averaged depth during a BLOOM time step. Nutrient constraints The solution of the linear programming method for the calculation of biomasses of autotrophic algae should satisfy the following set of nutrient balances: Ctnutk = Cnutk + n X (anutk,i × Calgi ) − Cnutck i=1 with: anutk,i Calgi Cnutk Cnutck Ctnutk i k n stoichiometric constant of nutrient k originating from dissolved inorganic nutrient over organic carbon in algae biomass [gN/P/Si gC−1 ], an, aph or asi algae biomass concentration [gC m−3 ] concentration of dissolved inorganic nutrient k [gN/P/Si m−3 ] threshold concentration of dissolved inorganic nutrient k [gN/P/Si m−3 ] concentration of total available nutrient k [gN/P/Si m−3 ] index for algae species type [-] index for nutrients, 1 = nitrogen, 2 = phosphorus, 3 = silicon, 4 = carbon [-] number of algae species types, equal to 15 [-] Additional requirements are that Calgi ≥ 0.0 and Cnutk ≥ 0.0. The total available nutrient concentration includes the total dissolved inorganic nutrients and nutrients in phytoplankton. The dissolved nitrogen concentration is the sum of the concentrations of ammonium and nitrate. The threshold concentration is the dissolved nutrient concentration below which algae are no longer able to withdraw this nutrient from the ambient water. The threshold is ignored for total dissolved inorganic carbon (TIC). Some algae (especially dinoflagellates) are able to use detritus as an additional food source, when resources of dissolved nutrients are low. For these so-called mixotrophic algae the nutrient constraints are modified in a way that more nutrients are available to these algae. Deltares 85 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Extra constraints are added for the nutrients detritus nitrogen and detritus phosphorus. The dissolved nutrient constraints are modified as follows: n X Cdet2k = Cdet1k + (adk,i × Calgi ) i=1 Ctnutk = Cnutk + n X ((anutk,i − adk,i ) × Calgi ) − Cnutck i=1 with: Cdet1k Cdet2k k stoichiometric constant of a nutrient originating from detritus over org. carbon in algae biomass [gN/P gC−1 ], adn, adph or adsi concentration of a detritus nutrient at t1 , the beginning of a time step [gN/P mS−3 ] concentration of a detritus nutrient at t2 , the end of a time step [gN/P m−3 ] index for nutrients, 1 = nitrogen, 2 = phosphorus [-] T adk,i DR AF Note that these formulations are equivalent to the formulations for autotrophic algae when the stochiometric constants adk,i obtain the value zero. Some other algae are able to use elementary nitrogen (N2 ) dissolved in the water as a nutrient source. This is established in the constraint in a similar way. Extra nutrient constraints are added to describe the uptake of N2 by nitrogen fixative algae: Cen2 = Cen1 + n X (aeni × Calgi ) i=1 Ctnut1 = Cnut1 + n X ((anut1,i − aeni ) × Calgi ) − Cnutc1 i=1 with: aeni Cen1 Cen2 stoichiometric constant of nitrogen orig. from el. nitrogen in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] concentration of elementary nitrogen at t1 , the beginning of a time step [gN m−3 ] concentration of elementary nitrogen at t2 , the end of a time step [gN m−3 ] The concentration of dissolved elementary nitrogen is assumed never to be limiting, so both concentrations are infinite. Notice that these formulations reduce to the formulations for autotrophic algae when the stoichiometric constants aeni obtain the value zero. The limitation of phytoplankton by total dissolved inorganic carbon is only included in BLOOM’s optimisation algorithm, when option parameter SwTICdummy has a value 10.0 or higher (default value = 0.0). Alternatively, carbon limitation can be taken into account for BLOOM in a simplified way by scaling of the overall growth rates with a simple limitation factor. This factor, a multiplier on the growth rate, increases linear from zero at TIC = 0.0 to 1.0 at TIC = KCO2. The factor is equal to 1.0 for higher TIC. Sulfur is not a constraint, because it has been included in BLOOM only in the form of the sulfur stored in biomass, assuming that sulfate is always amply available. Sulfate is just taken up proportional to biomass produced and is released from algae biomass on the basis of a constant species independent stoichiometric ratio set at 0.0175 gS/gC. 86 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Energy constraints (light) Energy in light (solar radiation) becomes limiting through self shading when the total extinction exceeds the maximum at which growth is just balanced by respiration and mortality. For each type a specific value of the total extinction coefficient eamaxi exists, at which this is the case. On the other hand the total extinction coefficient cannot be smaller than a certain extinction coefficient eamini , which is equal to the background extinction coefficient augmented with a small contribution by the minimum algae concentation. Hence the extinction coefficient must satisfy the following condition as an additional constraint for the solution of the linear programming method for the calculation of biomasses of algae: eat = n X (eai × Calgi ) eamini ≤ eat ≤ eamaxi eamini = eatmini − eb eamaxi = eatmaxi − eb with: DR AF eb = et − eat T i=1 eai eat eb et eamini eatmini eamaxi eatmaxI specific extinction coefficient of an algae species type [m2 gC−1 ] total extinction coefficient of all algae [m−1 ] extinction by other substances than algae [m−1 ] total extinction coefficient [m−1 ] minimum extinction coefficient of algae i connected with background extinction [m−1 ] minimum total extinction coefficient connected with background extinction [m−1 ] maximum extinction coefficient of algae i needed to avoid self shading [m−1 ] maximum total extinction coefficient needed to avoid self shading of algae i [m−1 ] At a certain critical level of self shading the respective algae species is no longer able to have net growth. The maximally allowed extinction coefficient eatmaxi for algae species type i is determined as the extinction where the light intensity allows for a gross production rate that exactly compensates for the mortality and respiration rates. Gross production is formulated as a potential specific rate multiplied with a light efficiency factor. This factor Ef is a function of the light intensity, the amount of available light (0.0 ≤ Ef ≤ 1.0) The critical efficiency at which no net growth or mortality occurs follows from: Efc i = krspi + kmrti kgpi with: Ef Efc i kgpi kmrt i krsp i light efficiency factor [-] critical light efficiency factor [-] specific growth rate [d−1 ] specific mortality rate [d−1 ] specific maintenance respiration rate [d−1 ] Once the critical efficiency factor is known, the pertinent critical light intensity (the total available amount of light) can be obtained from the efficiency versus photosynthic light intensity table in input file . The maximum extinction coefficient eatmaxi is calculated from this critical light intensity and the light intensity at the top of a water compartment Deltares 87 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual (layer) which must be provided as a daily average intensity. The calculation uses the depth integrated law of Lambert-Beer, which can be described with the following exact solution: Iai = (1 − f r) × f pa × Itop × (1 − exp (−eatmaxi × Ha)) eatmaxi × Ha Iai = f (Ef ci ) with: f pa fr Ha Iai Itop z T fraction of photosinthetically active light in visible light, = 0.45 [-] fraction of visible light reflected at the water surface [-] timestep average depth of a water compartment or water layer [m] critical depth average intensity of photosynthetic light [W m−2 ] visible light intensity at the top of a water compartment/layer [W m−2 ] depth [m] The fraction of visible light reflected at the water surface f r is approximately 0.1 depending on the time in a year. Both fr and fpa are allocated fixed values in BLOOM. DR AF The maximal extinction coefficient is found via transformation of the integral. The specific rates of growth, maintenance respiration and mortality are formulated as functions of temperature: kgpi = kpgi0 × ktpgiT kgpi = kpgi0 × (T − ktpgi ) kgpi ≥ 0.0 T F P M xAlg(i) = 1.0 for T F P M xAlg(i) = 0.0 for krspi = krsp0i × ktrspTi kmrti = kmrt0i × ktmrtTi kmrti = kmrt0i kmrti = kmrt0i × (T − 25) with: kgp0 ktgp kmrt0 ktmrt krsp0 ktrsp T for all algae except macro algae (Ulva) for Ulva when T < 25.0 for Ulva when T ≥ 25.0 growth rate at 0 ◦ C [d−1 ], or per degree centigrade [◦ C−1 d−1 ] temperature coefficient for growth [-], or temperature at which kgp0 is equal to zero specific mortality rate at 0 ◦ C or at temperatures < 25 ◦ C [d−1 ], or per degree centigrade at temperatures > 25 ◦ C [◦ C−1 d−1 ] temperature coefficient for mortality [-] specific maintenance respiration rate at 0 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for maintenance respiration [-] water temperature [◦ C] Growth respiration is not modelled explicitly but is included in the growth rate. Algal mortality is caused by temperature dependent natural mortality, salinity stress mortality, and grazing by consumers. The last process is either thought to be part of the overall mortality rate imposed or modelled explicitly apart from BLOOM. The modelling of grazers is described elsewhere in this manual. Salinity driven mortality is described with a sigmoidal function of chlorinity (NIOO/CEMO, 1993) kmrt0i = 88 of 464 m2i − m1i + m1i 1 + exp (b1i × (Ccl − b2i )) Deltares T Primary producers with: DR AF Figure 4.1: Example of the salinity dependent mortality function. m1 = 0.08 d−1 ; m2 = 0.16 d−1 ; b2 = 11000 (equivalent with 20 ppt salinity) [gCl m−3 ]; b1 = 0.001 and 0.002 m3 gCl−1 . b1i b2i m1i m2i Ccl coefficient 1 of salinity stress function [g−1 .m3 ] coefficient 2 of salinity stress function [g.m−3 ] rate coefficient 1 of salinity stress function [d−1 ] rate coefficient 2 of salinity stress function [d−1 ] chloride concentration [g m−3 ] m1 and m2 are the end members of the above function, meaning that the function obtains the value m1 at high Ccl, and the value m2 for low Ccl. The mortality rate increases with decreasing chloride concentration, when m2 is larger than m1. This situation which applies to marine algae is depicted in the example of Figure 4.1. The mortality rate increases with increasing chloride concentration, when m1 is larger than m2. This situation applies to fresh water algae. Growth constraints The maximum biomass of a species can also be limited by the maximum growth under the given environmental conditions. The maximum increase of the biomass is determined by: 1 the initial biomass; and 2 the net growth rate. To simplify the formulation a single growth constraint for all types (i) within each species (j ) is considered by the model. The maximum growth rate of the energy limited type (E-type) is used as maximum growth rate of the species. Furthermore, since rapidly growing species have a low mortality rate, the mortality is ignored in the computation of the growth constraint. The growth constraint for species j applying to all types of this species is computed as: Calgmaxi = Calg1i × exp ((kgpi × Efi − krspi ) × ∆tb) Deltares 89 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calgmaxj = m X Calgmaxi i=l Calgmaxj = m X Calgmaxj 0 if Calgmaxj ≥ Calgcj if Calgmaxj < Calgcj (Calg2i ) ≤ Calgmaxj i=l ∆tb = f t × ∆t with: Calg1 Calg2 ft Ef kgp krsp ∆t ∆tb j i l m timestep [gC m−3 ] threshold biomass concentration of an algae species at time t1 , the beginning of a timestep [gC m−3 ] biomass concentration of algae species j at time t1 [gC m−3 ] biomass concentration of algae species j at time t2 [gC m−3 ] ratio of the BLOOM timestep and the DELWAQ timestep ≥ 1.0 [-] light efficiency factor [-] potential specific growth rate of the fastest growing type of an algae species [d−1 ] specific maintenance respiration rate of the fastest growing type of an algae species [d−1 ] time step in DELWAQ [d] time interval, the time step in BLOOM [d] index for algae species [-] index for algae species type [-] index of the first algae type for species j [-] index of the last algae type for species j , = l−1+ number of types species j− 1 [-] DR AF Calgc T Calgmax maximum concentration of an algae species or type at time t2 , the end of a For each species a minimum level Calgc is defined in the model. If the actual biomass is lower, this threshold level is used instead. This enables the growth of a new species when the conditions become favourable to this species. The production efficiency factor Ef is determined from the table in the input file “bloominp.frm” using the actual visible light intensity corrected with fpa and (1 − fr ). The average light intensity Ia within a water layer is derived from the light intensity at the top of this layer as calculated according to the above integrated attenuation function of Lamber-Beer using the actual total extinction coefficient et. Itop is delivered by process CalcRad, described elsewhere in this manual. Mortality constraints As in the case of growth the mortality of each algae species is also constrained within the model to prevent a complete removal within a single time step. The minimum biomass value of a species is obtained when there is no production, but only mortality. This minimum biomass depends on: 1 the initial biomass; and 2 the mortality rate. 90 of 464 Deltares Primary producers This minimum value is computed for each individual algae type i, but the model takes the summation of all types within a species. This way the maximum possible mortality cannot be exceeded, but transitions between types remain possible. Thus the following equation is included: Calgmini = Calg1i × e(−kmrti ×∆tb) Calgminj = m X (Calgmini ) i=l m X if Calgminj ≥ Calgcj if Calgminj < Calgcj (Calg2i ) ≥ Calgminj i=l with: T Calgminj Calgminj = 0 Calgmin minimum concentration of an algae species type at time t2 , the end of a time DR AF step [gC m−3 ] biomass concentration of an algae species type at time t1 [gC m−3 ] biomass concentration of an algae species type at time t2 [gC m−3 ] specific mortality rate of an algae species type [d−1 ] Calg1 Calg2 kmrt Since mortality is computed according to a negative exponential function, the minimum biomass level is always positive, in other words a species can never disappear completely. For numerical reasons, however, a base level is included in the model as indicated in relation to the growth constraints. Growth, production, mortality and respiration rates The algae processes lead to the production of algae biomass (C, N, P, Si, S), detritus (C, N, P, S), opal silicate and dissolved oxygen, and to the consumption of nutrients (N, P, Si, C, S). In case of mixotrophic algae there is also the consumption of detritus. Nitrogen fixative algae have an additional nitrogen uptake from elementary nitrogen. DELWAQ requires the rates of all processes that affect the mass balances in the model, which renders the nitrogen fixation rates per se superfluous. The rates are deduced from the changes of the algae biomasses over a time step. The mass balances for algae types are based on the following growth, respiration and mortality rates: Calg2i − Calg1i ∆tb = Rgri × (ani + adni + aeni ) = Rgri × (aphi + adphi ) = Rgri × asii = Rgri + Rrspi + Rmrti = Rgpi − Rrspi (Calg2i + Calg1i ) = krspi × 2 (Calg2i + Calg1i ) = kmrti × 2 Rgri = Rgron,i Rgrop,i Rgrosi,i Rgpi Rnpi Rrspi Rmrti with: Deltares 91 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual algae biomass concentration at t1 , the beginning of a time step [gC m−3 ] algae biomass concentration at t2 , the end of a time step [gC m−3 ] specific respiration rate [d−1 ] specific mortality rate [d−1 ] gross primary production rate [gC.m−3 d−1 ] growth rate for organic carbon [gC.m−3 d−1 ] growth rate for organic nitrogen [gN m−3 .d−1 ] growth rate for organic phosphorus [gP m−3 d−1 ] growth rate for ”organic” silicate [gSi m−3 d−1 ] mortality rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] respiration rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] time interval, the time step in BLOOM [d] index for species group 1-4 [-] T Calg1i Calg2i krsp kmrt Rgp Rgr Rgron Rgrop Rgrosi Rmrt Rnp Rrsp ∆tb i The consumption rate for inorganic carbon is equal to the algae biomass growth rate Rgr . The consumption and production rates for dissolved oxygen, nutrients and detritus for each algae species type are derived from the above rates as follows: ani ani + adni DR AF Rprdox,i = × Rnpi + Rauti × aoxi Rcnsam,i = Rnpi × ani × f am Rcnsni,i = Rnpi × ani × (1 − f am) Rcnsph,i = Rnpi × aphi Rcnssi,i = Rnpi × asii Rcnss,i = Rnpi × asi Rf ixi = Rnpi × aeni Rcnsoc1,i = Rnpi × adni ani + adni Rcnson1,i = Rnpi × adni Rcnsop1,i = Rnpi × adphi Rauti = f auti × Rmrti Rautam,i = Rauti × ani Rautph,i = Rauti × aphi Rautsi,i = Rauti × asii Rauts,i = Rauti × asi Rprdoc1,i = Rmrti × (1 − f auti ) × f deti Rprdon1,i = Rmrti × ani × (1 − f auti ) × f deti Rprdop1,i = Rmrti × aphi × (1 − f auti ) × f deti Rprdosi1,i = Rmrti × asii × (1 − f auti ) × f deti Rprdos1,i = Rmrti × asi × (1 − f auti ) × f deti Rprdoc2,i = Rmrti × (1 − f auti ) × (1 − f deti ) Rprdon2,i = Rmrti × ani × (1 − f auti ) × (1 − f deti ) 92 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Rprdop2,i = Rmrti × aphi × (1 − f auti ) × (1 − f deti ) Rprdosi2,i = Rmrti × asii × (1 − f auti ) × (1 − f deti ) Rprdos2,i = Rmrti × asi × (1 − f auti ) × (1 − f deti ) with: an adn aph adph DR AF aox asi as f am f det f aut Raut Rautam Rautph Rautsi Rauts Rcnsam Rcnsni Rcnsph Rcnssi Rcnss Rcnsoc1 Rcnson1 Rcnsoph1 Rf ix Rprdox Rprdoc1 Rprdon1 Rprdop1 Rprdosi1 Rprdos1 Rprdoc2 Rprdon2 Rprdop2 stoichiometric constant of nitrogen originating from elementary nitrogen in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for ammonium/nitrate over carbon in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for detritus nitrogen over carbon in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for phosphate over carbon in algae biomass [gP gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for detritus phosphorus over carbon in algae biomass [gP gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for oxygen over carbon in algae biomass [gO2 gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for silicon over carbon in algae biomass [gSi gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for sulfur over carbon in algae biomass [gS.gC−1 ] fraction of ammonium in the consumed nitrogen nutrients [-] fraction of dead algae biomass allocated to fast decomposing detritus [-] fraction of dead algae biomass autolysed [-] autolysis rate for dead algae biomass (organic carbon) [gC m−3 d−1 ] autolysis rate for ammonium [gN m−3 d−1 ] autolysis rate for phosphate [gP m−3 d−1 ] autolysis rate for silicate [gSi m−3 d−1 ] autolysis rate for sulfide [gS m−3 d−1 ] consumption rate for ammonium [gN m−3 d−1 ] consumption rate for nitrate [gN m−3 d−1 ] consumption rate for phosphate [gP m−3 d−1 ] consumption rate for silicate [gSi m−3 d−1 ] consumption rate for sulfate [gS m−3 d−1 ] consumption rate for detritus carbon [gC m−3 d−1 ] consumption rate for detritus nitrogen [gN m−3 d−1 ] consumption rate for detritus phosphorus [gP m−3 d−1 ] nitrogen fixation (consumption) rate [gN m−3 d−1 ] net production rate for dissolved oxygen [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] production rate for fast decomposing detritus carbon POC1 [gC m−3 d−1 ] production rate for fast decomposing detritus nitrogen PON1 [gN m−3 d−1 ] production rate for fast decomposing detritus phosphorus POP1 [gP m−3 d−1 ] production rate for particulate soluble silicate OPAL [gSi m−3 d−1 ] production rate for fast decomposing detritus sulfur POS1 [gS m−3 d−1 ] production rate for slowly decomposing detritus carbon POC2 [gC m−3 d−1 ] production rate for slowly decomposing detritus nitrogen PON2 [gN m−3 d−1 ] production rate for slowly decomposing detritus phosphorus POP2 [gP m−3 d−1 ] production rate for particulate soluble silicate OPAL [gSi m−3 d−1 ] production rate for slowly decomposing detritus sulfur POS2 [gS m−3 d−1 ] T aen Rprdosi2 Rprdos2 The stoichiometric constants for oxygen and sulfur over carbon aoxi and asi are not input parameters. In the model for all algae species they are fixed and equal to 2.67 and 0.0175, respectively. The overall production and consumption rates required for DELWAQ are derived simply by adding up the above rates for all algae species types. Deltares 93 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The fraction of ammonium in nitrogen nutrients consumed f am simply follows from the total demand for the nitrogen nutrients and the current ammonium and nitrate concentrations. If the demand is not covered by ammonium alone, the model allocates the additional demand to nitrate. Output BLOOM delivers some additional output parameters, such as the overall concentrations of algae biomass, indicators for the active limiting factors, and the rates of total net primary production, respiration and nitrogen fixation. The algae biomass concentrations expressed in various units are: n X Calgt = (Calgi ) Cadm = n X (admi × Calgi ) i=1 n X (achfi × Calgi ) DR AF Cchf = 1000 × T i=1 i=1 n X Can = ((ani + adni + aeni ) × Calgi ) i=1 n X Caph = ((aphi + adphi ) × Calgi ) i=1 Casi = n X (asii × Calgi ) i=1 with: achf adm Calgt Can Caph Casi Cadm Cchf stoch. constant for chlorophyll-a over carbon in algae biomass [gChf gC−1 ] stoch. constant for dry matter over carbon in algae biomass [gDM gC−1 ] total algae biomass concentration [gC m−3 ] total concentration of nitrogen in algae biomass [gN m−3 ] total concentration of phosphorus in algae biomass [gP m−3 ] total concentration of silicon in algae biomass [gSi m−3 ] total algae biomass concentration on a dry matter basis [gDM m−3 ] total chlorophyll-a concentration [mgChf m−3 ] The limiting factors concern inorganic and detrital nitrogen, inorganic and detrital phosphorus, dissolved silicon, dissolved inorganic carbon, energy (light), growth and mortality. The active factors for each timestep are delivered by the optimisation method. The rates of total net primary production, mortality and nitrogen fixation are: Rnpt = n X Rnpi i=1 Rrspt = n X Rrspi i=1 94 of 464 H H Deltares Primary producers Rf ixt = n X Rf ixi H i=1 with: Rf ixt Rrspt Rnptt total nitrogen fixation rate [gN m−2 d−1 ] total algal maintenance respiration rate [gC m−2 d−1 ] total algal primary production rate [gC m−2 d−1 ] If the option parameter SwBloomOut is set to 1.0, and the option ‘DUMP’ is selected in the file bloomip.d09, the model writes information on the bloom-calculations to the additional output file “bloominp.dbg”. T Process UlvaFix DR AF Macro algae such as U lva and similarly behaving macrophytes which can be described with BLOOM may both be suspended in the water column and attached to the sediment. Two states are distinguished for such a species, one suspended type and one attached type. These different states are modelled as different species groups. The two states form a pair in the sense that biomass can be transferred from the attached type to the suspended state and vise versa WL | Delft Hydraulics (1998). This “resuspension” or “detachment” process is due to elevated water flow velocity, and requires the sediment shear stress caused by water flow. The shear stress can be imposed on the model as a time series or calculated from the flow field ( a velocity array), which is described elsewhere in this manual. “Resettling” or “reattachment” to the sediment occurs at the decrease of shear stress. The characteristics of the pair of types will be identical, except for an additional model parameter SDM ixAlg(i) that indicates the position of the algae in the water column. This parameter has the default value of 1.0 for the suspended type, meaning that the algae are mixed over the complete water column. For the attached type, SDM ixAlg(i) has a small negative value, for example -0.25, meaning that the algae are mixed over the lower 25 % of the water column. The calculation of the energy constraint for this algae type takes into account that the attached type “observes” the light intensity in the lower part of the water column. The parameter F ixAlg(i) defines for each algae type, whether it belongs to a pair of attached and suspended types. At the default value of 0.0 an algae type is considered a normal suspended algae species. If the parameter obtains a positive value (1.0, 2.0, etc.), it is the suspended type of a pair. For the attached type of this pair F ixAlg(i) must have the same but negative value. Based on the ratio of the actual shear stress and a critical shear stress the fraction of the algae biomass which is attached to the sediment is calculated as follows: f at = af − τ τc 0.0 ≤ f at ≤ 1.0 with: af Calgi Calg − j f at τ τc Deltares attachment affinity coefficient [-] biomass concentration of the suspended algae species type [gC m−3 ] biomass concentration of the attached algae species type [gC m−3 ] target fraction of attached algae type [-] shear stress at the sediment water interface [Pa] critical shear stress for resuspension [Pa] 95 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The resuspension and settling rates for algae biomass are then calculated in such a way, that the concentrations of suspended and attached algae will tend to agree with the calculated target distribution: Calgj : Calgi if f at ≥ Rresj = ((1.0 − f at) × (Calgi + Calgj )) − Calgi ∆t Rresi = −Rresj Rseti = Calgj − (f at × (Calgi + Calgj )) ∆t Rresj = −Rseti Rresj Rsetj Rresi Rseti ∆tb DR AF with: T Calgj : Calgi if f at < resuspension rate of the attached algae species j [gC m−3 d−1 ] settling rate of the attached algae species j [gC m−3 d−1 ] resuspension rate of the suspended algae species i [gC m−3 d−1 ] settling rate of the suspended algae species i [gC m−3 d−1 ] time interval, the timestep in BLOOM [d] In case macro algae attached to sediment are included in the model BLOOM produces additional output in the form of the fraction of biomass attached to the sediment and the algae biomasses per m2 (derived from the concentrations and the water depth). Process: DEPAVE When BLOOM’s time step is bigger than DELWAQ’s time step the average depth for BLOOM should be calculated using the process DEPAVE. DEPAVE calculates a running average of the DEPTH within a BLOOM timestep according to: Hant = with: ft nt Ha Hant Hnt (nt − 1) × Hant−1 + Hnt nt for nt ≤ f t ratio of the BLOOM time step and the DELWAQ time step ≥ 1.0 [-] counter for number of DELWAQ time steps made in current BLOOM time step [-] average water depth for the current BLOOM time step [m] running average water depth at DELWAQ time step nt in the current BLOOM time step [m] water depth at DELWAQ time step nt [m] The depth averaging is activated or deactivated according to the value of option parameter SWDepAve in the process DEPAVE. 96 of 464 Deltares Primary producers DR AF T Directives for use The variable TimMultBl is a multiplication factor for the transport time step, that enables bloom to use a bigger time step then the transport. With the process decomposition method also for the other water quality processes a larger time step than the transport time step can be used. bloom was set up to calculate algae processes on a daily (average) scale. Suitable time steps for bloom are in the range of 6 hours to 2 days. The value of TimMultBl should be an integer, not less than one. When the time step of bloom is larger than the time step of the water quality processes, nutrient levels rise between the bloom time steps and drop when a bloom computation is performed. Output should therefore only be generated at time steps where a bloom computation has been performed. At times teps in between the nutrient levels are not accurate. The bloom module will only be used if the name bloomalg01 is specified in the delwaq input. N.B. the rate constants for growth, mortality and maintenance respiration must be supplied for a standard temperature of 0 ◦ C, instead of 20 ◦ C as in the other delwaq modules. The flux of algae mortality to slowly decomposing detritus is calculated as the total mortality flux, minus the autolysis and the flux to fast decomposing detritus. If slowly decomposing detritus (P OC2) is not modelled, the sum of FrAutAlg(i) and FrDetAlg(i) should equal to 1.0 for each algae type. In no case the sum should exceed one. The specific extinction of bloom-algae can not be set equal to zero, or the calculation will stop with the error message that the model cannot divide by zero. Mixotrophic nitrogen and phosphorus algae types can be defined by providing a positive value for the coefficients XNCRAlg(i) and XPCRAlg(i) respectively. These coefficients must be equal to 0.0 for autotrophic algae. The sum of the stoichiometric constants NCRAlg(i) and XNCRAlg(i), or PCRAlg(i) and XPCRAlg(i), of the mixotrophic algae types should be equal to the real overall stoichiometric constant for nitrogen, or phosphorus. The distribution of the nutrients regarding their origin, that is the ratio of both constants, should be chosen in such a way, that a realistic amount of nutrients in detritus is consumed by the mixotrophic type. It is very well possible, that the results will not show high biomass for the mixotrophic type, even if the nutrients become completely depleted. Other types of the same group may be more efficient in the use of the nutrients, once they have been made available by the mixotrophic types. The production of the mixotrophic types can be calculated by division of the nutrient uptake by the prescribed stoichiometry (XNCRAlg(i) and XPCRAlg(i)). It is possible to describe nitrogen fixation by algae types by providing a positive value for the coefficient FNCRAlg(i). These coefficients must be equal to 0.0 for autotrophic and mixotrophic algae. Again the sum of the stoichiometric constants NCRAlg(i) and FNCRAlg(i) of the nitrogen fixative algae types should be equal to the real overall stoichiometric constant for nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation is not limited by the availability of the nutrient (N2), but by the fixation capacity of the algae. Therefore, the values of FNCRAlg(i) and PPMaxAlg(i) should be chosen in such a way, that a realistic nitrogen fixation rate will be used. Furthermore, the primary production rate PPMaxAlg(i) will be lower than for the autotrophic types, because nitrogen fixation costs more energy than the uptake of dissolved nutrients. Maximum nitrogen fixation is in the order of 25 kgN ha−1 y−1 ∼ 0.006 8 gN m−2 d−1 (Ross, 1995). If PPMaxAlg(i) is set to be 0.1 1/d (after temperature correction) on average during the growing season, the depth is 2.0 meters and the biomass of the nitrogen fixing group is 10 gC m−3 , then the maximum realistic value of FNCRAlg(i) can be calculated as 0.006 8 / (10 × 0.1 × 2) = 0.0034 gN gC−1 . Changes in salinity can induce extra algae mortality. Marine algae suffer from extra mortality when they are exposed to fresh water and vice versa, fresh water algae die in a marine environment. The effect in bloom depends on the relative magnitudes of coefficients MND(i)m1 and MND(i)m2. The salinity effect on mortality can be inactivated by allocating the same value to MND(i)m1 and MND(i)m2. The current implementation of BLOOM allows for only one macro algae of macrophyte Deltares 97 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual T DR AF species, whereas in parameter naming U lva was taken as a reference. With the default value of 2.0 for FixGrad the target attached fraction f at is equal to 1.0, when shear stress Tau is less than TauCrUlva , and equql to 0.0 when Tau is more than two times TauCrUlva . This can be modified by changing the value of FixGrad . When (macro) algae from the bottom are resuspended their biomass is converted to the algae type with the corresponding positive value of the parameter FixAlg(i). So the biomass of the type with the value of FixAlg(i) = -1.0 is converted to the type with the value of FixAlg(i) = +1.0. Biomass of the algae species attached to the sediment (one of a pair) is expressed in [gC m−2 ], since this state variable is modelled as an “inactive” substance. Usually the observed light intensity, also indicated as irradiation or solar radiation, is expressed in [J cm−2 week−1 ]. Notice that the light intensity has to be provided in [W m−2 ]. Always make sure that the light input (observed solar radiation) is consistent with the light related parameters of BLOOM. This concerns the use of either visible light or the photosynthetic fraction of visible light. BLOOM assumes total visible light observed just above the water surface. It carries out corrections for the fraction of photosynthetically active light (45 %) and reflection (approximately 10 % depending on the point of time in a year). The input incident light time series should have been corrected for cloudiness. Carbon limitation can be taken account according to options, through the advanced BLOOM optimisation approach and through the simplified growth scaling approach. For the advanced approach the input parameter SwTICdummy (default value = 0.0) needs to be allocated a value of 10.0 or higher. The limitation parameter KCO2 of the simplified approach has a default value of 0.0, implying no limitation by carbon, which must not be modified when applying the advanced approach. When using the simplified approach, an appropriate value of KCO2 for limitation is 1.0 gC.m3 . The sulfur content of algae will only be taken into account automatically, when SO4, SU D, P OS1 and P OS2 are actually modelled. Additional references Van der Molen et al. (1994a), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1992c), BLOOM UM (1985), DBS (1994), DBS (1991), Los (2009) Table 4.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for BLOOM. Name in formulas Name in input Calgi Cam Ccl Cni Cph Csi Cnutc1 BLOOM ALG(i)biomass concentration of algae species type i N H4 ammonium concentration Cl chloride concentration N O3 nitrate concentration P O4 phosphate concentration Si dissolved inorganic silicate concentration T hrAlgN H4 threshold concentration for uptake of ammo- Cnutc2 Cnutc3 T hrAlgN O3 T hrAlgP O4 Cnutc4 T hrAlgSi P ON 1 or DetN – Definition Units nium threshold concentration for uptake of nitrate threshold concentration for uptake of phosphorus threshold concentration for uptake of silicate concentration of nitrogen in fast decomp. detritus gC m−3 gN m−3 gCl m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 gN m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 gN m−3 continued on next page 98 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Table 4.1 – continued from previous page Definition Units concentration of phosphorus in fast decomp. detritus species identification number of types gP m−3 – P OP 1 or DetP SpecAlg(i)3 achfi ChlaCAlg(i) gChf gC−1 admi DM CF Alg(i) ani N CRAlg(i) adni XN CRAlg(i) aeni F N CRAlg(i) aphi P CRAlg(i) adphi XP CRAlg(i) asii SCRAlg(i) algae type spec. stoch. const. chlorophyll over carbon algae type spec. stoch. const. dry matter over carbon algae type spec. stoch. const. nutr. nitrogen / carbon algae type spec. stoch. const. detr. nitrogen / carbon algae type spec. stoch. const. elem. nitrogen / carbon algae type spec. stoch. const. nutr. phos. / carbon algae type spec. stoch. const. detr. phos. / carbon algae type spec. stoch. const. for silicon over carbon algae type spec. rate coefficient 1 of salinity stress algae type spec. rate coefficient 2 of salinity stress algae type spec. coefficient 1 of salinity stress function algae type spec. coefficient 2 of salinity stress function algae species type specific extinction coefficient m1i M ort0Alg(i) m2i M ort2Alg(i) b1i M rtB1Alg(i) b2i eai T Name in input DR AF Name in formulas – M rtB2Alg(i) ExtV lAlg(i) - gDM gC−1 gN gC−1 gN gC−1 gN gC−1 gP gC−1 gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 d−1 d−1 g−1 .m3 g m−3 m2 gC−1 KCO2 KCO2 limitation constant for carbon gC m3 f auti f deti F rAutAlg(i) F rDetAlg(i) fraction of dead algae biomass autolised fr. of dead algae biomass allocated to fast dec. detritus - – SDM ixAlg(i) distribution of an algae type over the water col- - umn identifier for pairs of algae types attaching to sediment (0 =not applying, > 0 = suspended, < 0 = attached) – F ixAlg(i) – SwBloomOut option for specific BLOOM output (0 = no, 1 = - – yes) option for calc. oxygen conc. (0 = daily av., 1 = daily var.) - SW OxyP rod2 - continued on next page Deltares 99 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 4.1 – continued from previous page Name in input Definition Units SW DepAve option depth aver. over BLOOM timestep (0 = off, 1 = on) - H Ha V Depth BloomDepth V olume depth of a water compartment or water layer average depth during a BLOOM timestep volume of a water compartment or water layer m m m3 DL et eat Itop DayL ExtV l4 ExtV lP hyt4 Rad daylength, fraction of a day total extinction coefficient of visible light extinction coefficient of all agae species types light intensity at top of layer or compartment m−1 m−1 W m−2 kgp0i P P M axAlg(i) algae type spec. pot. gross primary prod. rate ktgpi T cP M xAlg(i) algae type spec. temperature coeff. for pri- ◦ at 0 C krsp0i DR AF mary prod. – T F P M xAlg(i) option temperature dep. of prod. (0 = linear, 1 M RespAlg(i) ktmrti M rtExAlg(i) T cM rtAlg(i) ktrspi T cRspAlg(i) – T af τ τc ft ∆t 1 T Name in formulas – = exp.) algae type spec. maintenance respiration rate at 0 ◦ C algae type spec. extra rapid mortality rate algae type spec. temperature coefficient for mortality algae type spec. temperature coef. for maint. resp. d−1 - or ◦ C d−1 d−1 ◦ C−1 - T emp water temperature ◦ F ixGrad T au T auCrU lva attachment affinity coefficient shear stress at the sediment water interface critical shear stress for resuspension Pa Pa T imM ultBl ratio of the BLOOM timestep and the DELWAQ timestep time interval, that is the DELWAQ timestep - Delt C d (i) indicates algae species types 01-15. Biomass of algae species attached to the sediment is expressed in [gC.m−2 ]. 2 For SW OXY P rod = 1.0 process VAROXY is used to calculated the daily varying dissolved oxygen concentration (see description elsewhere in the manual). 3 The species identification number needs to be an integer that is equal for all types that belong to the same species. 4 These parameters are calculated by processes ExtinaBVL and Extinc_VL. 100 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Table 4.2: Definitions of the output parameters for BLOOM. Name in output1 Definition Units Calgti Cdmi P hyt AlgDM gC m−3 gDM m−3 Cchfi Cani Chlf a AlgN Caphi AlgP Casii AlgSi total algae biomass concentration total algae biomass conc. on a dry matter basis total chlorophyll-a concentration total concentration of nitrogen in algae biomass total concentration of phosphorus in algae biomass total concentration of silicon in algae biomass – – – – – – – – DR AF – Limit N it or Lim_IN Lim_DetN Lim_F ixN Limit P ho or Lim_IP Lim_DetP Limit Sil or Lim_Si Limit E or Lim_light Lim_inhib Limit Gro or – T Name in formulas Lim_GALG Limit M or or mgChf m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 indicator for limitation by inorganic nitrogen - indicator for limitation by detrital nitrogen indicator for limitation by nitrogen fixation indicator for limitation by inorganic phosphorus - indicator for limitation by detrital phosphorus indicator for limitation by silicon - indicator for limitation by energy (light) - indicator for limitation by photo inhibition indicator for limitation by growth can be split into species specific Lim_G(i) - indicator for limitation by mortality can be split into species specific Lim_M (i) - Lim_M ALG Rnpt Rrspt Rf ixt f P P tot f Resptot f F ixN U pt total net primary production total maintenance respiration total uptake of nitrogen by fixation gC m−2 d−1 gC m−2 d−1 gN m−2 d−1 – – RcP P Alg(i) RcM rtAlg(i) algae type specific net primary production rate algae type specific net primary mortality rate d−1 d−1 – – f rF ixedAlg fraction of algae fixed to the sediment bed BLALG(i)m2 algae type specific biomass per m2 1 gC m−2 (i) indicates the algae species types that are used. Deltares 101 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Bottom fixation of BLOOM algae types PROCESS : U LVA FIX T Some macrophytes which can be described with BLOOM, can occur both suspended and fixed to the bottom. An example of such a macrophyte is ulva. Such macrophytes can be modelled by BLOOM by defining for each algae type two types: one fixed and one suspended. The characteristics of the two types will be identical, except for the parameter indicating the relative mixing depth, SDMixAlgi. This parameter has the default value of 1.0 for the suspended type, meaning that the algae are mixed over the complete water column. For the fixed type, this parameter has a small negative value, e.g. -0.25, meaning that the algae are mixed over the lower 25 % of the water column. The flow field should be supplied in a velocity array, which has been made inactive for the fixed algae types. The exchange of algae between the fixed and suspended state depends on the bottom shear stress. Implementation The parameter FixAlgi defines for each algae type, whether it is part of a combination of fixed and suspended types or not. If FixAlgi has the default value of 0, this type is omitted from the further analysis. If the value of FixAlgi is a positive number, it is the suspended type of a combination. For the fixed type of the combination the value of FixAlgj should be the same number, but negative. DR AF 4.3 Based on comparison of the actual shear stress with the critical shear stress the fraction of the total concentration which is fixed to the bottom is calculated. The fluxes are then calculated in such a way, that the concentrations of suspended and fixed algae will be in accordance with the calculated fraction. This process is implemented for all BLOOM algae types. The current maximum number of BLOOM algae types is 15. i = 1 to 15, suspended type j = 1 to 15, fixed type forming a pair with i Formulation The fraction of the total concentration, which is fixed to the bottom is calculated from the ratio between the actual and the critical bottom shear stress: f rF ixedAlg = F ixGrad − T au with f rF ixedAlg = [0, 1] T auCrU lva The flux for the suspended type is then calculated as: dResSedi = ((1 − f rF ixedAlg) × (BloomAlgi + BloomAlgj) − BloomAlgi)/Delt And for the fixed type as: dResSedj = (f rF ixedAlgae × (BloomAlgi + BloomAlgj) − BloomAlgj)/Delt 102 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Directives for use For a complete description of the application of DELWAQ for the analysis of ulva see the documentation of project number T2162, regarding Venice Lagoon (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1998). DR AF T With the default value of 2.0 for FixGrad the fraction fixed is 1.0 when Tau is less than TauCrUlva and 0.0 when Tau is more than two times TauCrUlva. This can be modified by changing the value of FixGrad. Deltares 103 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Settling of phytoplankton PROCESS : SED( I ), SEDPHBLO, SEDPHDYN, CALVS( I ) Live algae biomass settles on the sediment. The biomass components (C,N,P,Si,S) become parts of algae biomass or detritus in the sediment. The fate of settled biomass depends on the option for sediment modelling. The destinations in the sediment are: 1 the biomasses of the same algae species Xi as in the water column when sediment layers are actually simulated (layered sediment approach); or 2 DET(C,N,P,Si)S1 and OO(C,N,P,Si)S1 for the S1/2 approach (sulfur is not covered for S1/2). T When the S1/2 approach is followed phytoplankton biomass is allocated to the sediment detritus pools as follows: DETCS1 Algae C OOCS1 DR AF 4.4 settling Water Sediment For DYNAMO algae biomass only settles in DETC/N/P/Si/S1. Implementation Processes SEDALG and SEDPHBLO have been implemented for the BLOOM substances: BLOOMALG01-BLOOMALG30. Processes SEDDIAT, SED_GRE and SEDPHDYN have been implemented for the DYNAMO substances: Diat and Green Processes SED(i) deliver the settling rates of individual algae species biomass (C). Process SEDPHBLO delivers the settling rates of total algae biomass (C) and the nutrients in algae biomass (C,N,P,Si,S), for which BLOOM provides the stochiometric ratios. Process SEDPHDYN delivers the settling rate of total algae biomass (C) and calculates the settling rates of the nutrients in algae biomass (C,N,P,Si) for DYNAMO using input parameters for the stochiometric ratios. Processes CALVSALG may be used to modify the input settling velocity of BLOOM algae for shear stress and/or flocculation, which requires alternative input parameters V 0Sed(i). Processes CALVS_Diat and CALVSGreen do the same for DYNAMO algae. Internally in DELWAQ, the above processes for BLOOM set up the same processes for the individual algae species, using species specific settling velocities. Table 4.3 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. 104 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Formulation The settling rate of the organic carbon components is described as the sum of zero-order and first-order kinetics. The settling rates are zero, when the shear stress exceeds a certain critical value, or when the water depth is smaller than a certain critical depth Krone (1962). The rates are calculated according to: Rseti = f taui × F seti H if H < Hmin F seti = 0.0 else F set0i = F set0i + si × Cxi if τ = −1.0 f tau = 1.0 else DR AF τ f taui = max 0.0, 1 − τ ci T 0 Cxi × H F seti = min F seti , ∆t where: Cx F set0 F set f tau H Hmin Rset s τ τc ∆t i concentration of the biomass of an algae species [gC m−3 ] zero-order settling flux of an algae species [gC m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of an algae species [gC m−2 d−1 ] shearstress limitation function [-] depth of the water column [m] minimal depth of the water column for resuspension [m] settling rate of an algae species [gC m−3 d−1 ] settling velocity of an algae species [m d−1 ] shearstress [Pa] critical shearstress for settling of an algae species [Pa] timestep in DELWAQ [d] index for algae species (i) The settling of organic nutrients in algae biomass is coupled to the settling of organic carbon in algae biomass as follows: Rsnj,i = f sj,i × Rseti where: f sj,i Rsnj,i i j stochiometric ratio of nutrient j in algae species i [gX gC−1 ] settling rate of nutrient j in algae species i [gX m−3 d−1 ] index for algae species (i) index for nutrient (j) Directives for use T au can be simulated with process CALTAU. If not simulated or imposed Tau will have the default value -1.0, which implies that settling is not affected by the shear stress. For specific input parameters, see the process description of CALTAU. Settling does not occur, when Depth is smaller than minimal depth M inDepth for settling, which has a default value of 0.1 m. When desired M inDepth may be given a different value. Deltares 105 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The settling fluxes f SedAlg (gDM m−2 .d−1 ) and f SedP hyt (gC m−2 .d−1 ) are available as additional output parameters. Table 4.3: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED(i), SEDPHBLO and SEDPHDYN. Name in input Definition Cx1i BLOOM (i)1 concentration of biomass of algae species i, or (i)1 for BLOOM or DYNAMO gC m−3 F set0I ZSed(i) zero-order settling flux of algae species i gC m−2 d−1 f sj,i N CR(i) P CR(i) SCR(i) SuCr(i) stoch. stoch. stoch. stoch. ratio N in algae species i for BLOOM ratio P in algae species i for BLOOM ratio Si in algae species i for BLOOM ratio S in algae species i for BLOOM gN gC−1 gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 gS gC−1 N Crat(i) P Crat(i) SCrat(i) SuCrat(i) stoch. stoch. stoch. stoch. ratio N in algae species i for DYNAMO ratio P in algae species i for DYNAMO ratio Si in algae species i for DYNAMO ratio S in algae species i for DYNAMO gN gC−1 gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 gS gC−1 Depth M inDepth depth of the overlying water compartment minimal water depth for settling and resuspension m m V Sed(i) input or calc. settling velocity algae species i m d−1 V 0Sed(i) basic settling velocity of algae species i m d−1 T au T aucS(i) shear stress critical shear stress for settling of algae species i Pa Pa Delt timestep in DELWAQ d H Hmin si DR AF or Units T Name in formulas or τ τ ci ∆t 1 ) (i) is equal to one of the algae species names, BLOOM specific names connected to ALG0130, or Diat and Green. 106 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Production and mortality of algae (DYNAMO) PROCESS : GROMRT_( I ), TF_( I ), NL( I ), DL_( I ), RAD_( I ), PPRLIM, NUTUPT_ALG, NUTREL_ALG The primary production of algae is limited by nutrient availability, light and temperature. Mortality is a function of temperature and salinity. DYNAMO applies so-called Monod kinetics for the growth of algae biomass, and for the competition of two species, green algae and diatoms. Implementation Diat and Green NH4, NO3, PO4 and Si T Processes GROMRT_(i), TF_(i), NL(i), DL_(i), RAD_(i), PPRLIM, NUTUPT_ALG and NUTREL_ALG have been implemented for the following substances: Table 4.4 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. DR AF 4.5 Formulation The production and mortality of algae biomass (organic carbon) The primary production rate is formulated as follows: Rnpi = knpi × Calgi knpi = kgpi − krspi kgpi = f dli × f radi × f nuti × f tpi × kpp20 i (T −20) f tpi = ktpi where: Calg f dl f nut f rad f tp kgp knp kpp20 krsp ktp Rnp T i Deltares concentration of algae biomass [gC m−3 ] daylength limitation function [-] nutrient limitation function [-] light limitation function [-] production temperature function [-] gross primary production rate constant [d−1 ] net primary production rate constant [d−1 ] potential maximum production rate constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] total respiration rate constant [d−1 ] temperature constant for production [-] net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] water temperature [◦ C] index for algae species 107 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The limitation function for nutrients is given by: f nuti = M in(f ni , f pi , f sii ) Cnn f ni = Cnn + Ksni Cph f pi = Cph + Kspi Csi f sii = Csi + Kssii Cni Cnn = Cam + f ani concentration of ammonium [gN m−3 ] concentration of nitrate [gN m−3 ] concentration of preferred nutrient nitrogen [gN m−3 ] concentration of dissolved phosphate [gP m−3 ] concentration of dissolved silicate [gSi m−3 ] preference of ammonium over nitrate [-] nutrient limitation function [-] nitrogen limitation function [-] phosphorus limitation function [-] silicon limitation function [-] half saturation constant for nutrient nitrogen [gN m−3 ] half saturation constant for phosphate [gP m−3 ] half saturation constant for silicate [gSi m−3 ] index for algae species DR AF Cam Cni Cnn Cph Csi f an f nut fn fp f si Ksn Ksp Kssi i T where: The limitation functions for daylength and light are given by: min(DL, DLoi ) DLoi if (Is/Ioi ) ≥ 1.0 and (Ib/Ioi ) ≥ 1.0 then f radi = 1.0 if (Is/Ioi ) ≥ 1.0 and (Ib/Ioi ) < 1.0 then f dli = 1 + ln(Is/Ioi ) − (Is/Ioi ) × e(−et×H) et × H if (Is/Ioi ) < 1.0 then f radi = Is 1 − e(−et×H) f radi = × Ioi et × H 20 Ioi = f tpi × Ioi Ibi = Isi × e(−et×H) where: DL DLo et f dl f rad f tp 108 of 464 daylength, fraction of a day [-] optimal daylength [d] total extinction coefficient [m−1 ] daylength limitation function [-] light limitation function [-] production temperature function [-] Deltares Primary producers H Io Io20 Ib Is i water depth [m] optimal light intensity [W m−2 ] optimal light intensity [W m−2 ] light intensity at the bottom [W m−2 ] light intensity at water surface [W m−2 ] index for algae species Note that the value of Io_i is corrected for temperature. This results in a dependency of f radi of Is as presented in Figure 4.3 (Harris, 1986). This means that at a constant value for light intensity, the light limitation is less important at lower temperatures. The above formulations do not consider the availability of nutrients. However, primary production can not larger than the available quantities of nutrients allow for. The primary production rate is corrected for available nutrients as follows: DR AF T max(Cni + Cam, 0.0) max(Cph, 0.0) , ) an1 × ∆t ap1 × ∆t max(Cni + Cam, 0.0) max(Cph, 0.0) max(Csi, 0.0) Rnpmax,2 = min( , , ) an2 × ∆t ap2 × ∆t asi2 × ∆t Rnpmax = max(Rnpmax,1 , Rnpmax,2 ) Rnp = max(Rnp1 , Rnp2 ) if Rnp > Rnpmax then Rnpmax Rnpc,2 = min( × Rnp2 , Rnpmax,2 ) Rnp Rnpc,1 = Rnpmax − Rnpc,2 ∆Rnp2 = Rnpc,2 − Rnp2 ∆Rnp1 = Rnpc,1 − Rnp1 Rnpmax,1 = min( else Rnpc,1 = Rnp1 and Rnpc,2 = Rnp2 ∆Rnpc,1 = 0.0 and ∆Rnpc,2 = 0.0 where: an ap asi Cam Cni Cph Csi Rnp ∆Rnp ∆t c max 1 2 stoichiometric constant for N over C in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for P over C in algae biomass [gP gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for Si over C in algae biomass [gSi gC−1 ] concentration of ammonium [gN m−3 ] concentration of nitrate [gN m−3 ] concentration of dissolved phosphate [gP m−3 ] concentration of dissolved silicate [gSi m−3 ] total or partial net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] correction of the net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] computational timestep [d] index for corrected net primary production index for maximum net primary production index for green algae index for diatoms The respiration rate is formulated as follows: krspi = f gri × kgpi + f tmi × (1 − f gri ) × kmri20 where: Deltares 109 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual f gr f tm kmr20 krsp i growth respiration factor [-] mortality temperature function [-] maintenance respiration constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] total respiration rate constant [d−1 ] index for algae species The mortality rate is formulated as follows: Rmrti = f tmi × kmrt20 i × M ax((Calgi − Calgmini ), 0.0) (T −20) f tmi = ktmi 20 if S < Smini then kmrt20 i = kmrtmin,i else 20 kmrt20 i = kmrtmin,i + T 20 if S > Smaxi then kmrt20 i = kmrtmax,i (S − Smini ) 20 × (kmrt20 max,i − kmrtmin,i ) (Smaxi − Smini ) where: concentration of algae biomass [gC m−3 ] minimum concentration of algae biomass [gC m−3 ] mortality temperature function [-] mortality rate constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] minimum mortality rate constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] maximum mortality rate constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature constant for mortality [-] mortality rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] ambient salinity [psu] or [g kg−1 ] salinity limit for minimum mortality [psu] or [g kg−1 ] salinity limit for maximum mortality [psu] or [g kg−1 ] water temperature [◦ C] index for algae species DR AF Calg Calgmin f tm kmrt20 kmrt20 min kmrt20 max ktm Rmrt S Smin Smax T i Uptake and release of nutrients Nutrients are taken up (consumed) proportional to net primary production as follows: Ruami = f ram × n=2 X (ani × Rnpc,i ) i Runii = (1 − f ram) × n=2 X (ani × Rnpc,i ) i Rupi = Rusii = n=2 X i n=2 X (api × Rnpc,i ) (asii × Rnpc,i ) i where: an ap 110 of 464 stoichiometric constant for N over C in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for P over C in algae biomass [gP gC−1 ] Deltares Primary producers asi f ram Ruam Runi Rup Rusi Rnp c i stoichiometric constant for Si over C in algae biomass [gSi gC−1 ] fraction of N consumed as ammonium [-] ammonium uptake rate [gN m−3 d−1 ] nitrate uptake rate [gN m−3 d−1 ] phosphate uptake rate [gP m−3 d−1 ] silicate uptake rate [gSi m−3 d−1 ] net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] index for corrected net primary production index for algae species Algae prefer ammonium over nitrate. The fraction of N consumed as ammonium follows from: f ram = Cam Cam + Cni else n=2 X Run = (ani × Rnpc,i ) DR AF i T if Cam < Camc then if (Cam − Camc ) ≥ (Run × ∆t) then f ram = 1.0 if (Cam − Camc ) < (Run × ∆t) then f ram = (Cam − Camc ) + (Camc /(Camc + Cni)) × (Run × ∆t − Cam + Camc ) Run × ∆t where: an Cam Camc Cni f ram Rnp Run ∆t c i stoichiometric constant for N over C in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] concentration of ammonium [gN m−3 ] critical concentration of ammonium [gN m−3 ] concentration of nitrate [gN m−3 ] fraction of N consumed as ammonium [-] net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] required nitrogen uptake in a timestep [gC m−3 d−1 ] computational timestep [d] index for corrected net primary production index for algae species The mortality flux is divided among three pools: dissolved inorganic substances (autolysis), fast decomposing detritus and medium slow decomposing detritus. Organic carbon and nutri- Deltares 111 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual ents are released proportional to mortality as follows: Ran = f rai × Rap = f rai × Rasi = f rai × n=2 X i n=2 X i n=2 X (ani × Rmrti ) (api × Rmrti ) (asii × Rmrti ) i n=2 n=2 X Rmn1 = f rpoc1 × (ani × Rmrti ) (api × Rmrti ) DR AF Rmp1 = f rpoc1 × i n=2 X T X f rpoc1 × (Rmrti ) Rmc1 = (1 − f rai ) i Rmsi1 = f rpoc1 × i n=2 X (asii × Rmrti ) i n=2 X f rpoc1 )× (Rmrti ) Rmc2 = (1 − (1 − f rai ) i Rmn2 = (1 − f rpoc1 − f rai ) × n=2 X (ani × Rmrti ) i Rmp2 = (1 − f rpoc1 − f rai ) × n=2 X (api × Rmrti ) i Rmsi2 = (1 − f rpoc1 − f rai ) × n=2 X (asii × Rmrti ) i where: an ap asi f ra f rpoc1 Ran Rap Rasi Rmc1 Rmc2 Rmn1 Rmn2 Rmp1 Rmp2 Rmsi1 Rmsi2 112 of 464 stoichiometric constant for N over C in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for P over C in algae biomass [gP gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for Si over C in algae biomass [gSi gC−1 ] fraction released by autolysis [-] fraction released to detritus POC/N/P1 or OPAL [-] nitrogen NH4 release due to autolysis [gN m−3 d−1 ] dissolved phosphate PO4 release due to autolysis [gP m−3 d−1 ] dissolved silicate Si release due to autolysis [gSi m−3 d−1 ] detritus C release to POC1 due to mortality [gC m−3 d−1 ] detritus C release to POC2 due to mortality [gC m−3 d−1 ] detritus N release to PON1 due to mortality [gN m−3 d−1 ] detritus N release to PON2 due to mortality [gN m−3 d−1 ] detritus P release to POP1 due to mortality [gP m−3 d−1 ] detritus P release to POP2 due to mortality [gP m−3 d−1 ] silicate release to OPAL due to mortality [gSi m−3 d−1 ] silicate release to OPAL due to mortality [gSi m−3 d−1 ] Deltares Primary producers Rmrt i mortality rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] index for algae species DR AF T Directives for use Because the limitation function for radiation (f radi ) depends on temperature, the product of kgpi depends differently on temperature than might be expected at first sight. The temperature dependency conform to literature (Harris, 1986) is presented in Figure 4.2. The value of SalM 2 should be greater than the value of SalM 1. If SalM 1 = −1 then the procedure described above is not applied. In that case the mortality rate equals M ort0(i). Always make sure that the radiation input is coherent with the saturated radiation. Undepleted solar radiation ranges from 100 to 500 W m−2 at altitudes around 50◦ North/South. At other altitudes these values must be corrected. However, these values should be corrected for e.g. clouds and the wavelength spectrum (0.45 is a frequently used value). Deltares 113 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 4.4: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for GROMRT_(i), TF_(i), NL(i), DL_(i), RAD_(i), PPRLIM, NUTUPT_ALG and NUTREL_ALG. (i) = Green or Gree for green algae (input names maximum 10 letters long!), and (i) = Diat for diatoms. Units Calgi (i) Calgmini M in(i) concentration algae biomass (i) minimum conc. algae species (i) gC m−3 gC m−3 ani api asii N CRat(i) P CRat(i) SCRat(i) stoich. constant N over C in algae (i) stoich. constant P over C in algae (i) stoich. constant Si over C in algae (i) gN gC−1 gN gC−1 gN gC−1 Cam Camc Cni Cph Csi N H4 N H4Crit N O3 P O4 Si concentration of ammonium critical conc. of ammonium for uptake concentration of nitrate concentration of dissolved phosphate concentration of dissolved silicate gN m−3 gN m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 DayL OptDL(i) daylength, fraction of a day optimal daylength for algae species (i) - ExtV L total extinction coefficient m−1 f ani f gri f rai f rpoc1 P rf N H4(i) GResp(i) F rAut(i) F rDet(i) pref. ammonium over nitrate for algae (i) growth respiration factor for algae (i) fraction released by autolysis for algae (i) fraction released to detritus POC/N/P1 or OPAL for algae (i) - H Depth water depth m Rad RadSat(i) light intensity at water surface optimal light int. at 20 ◦ C for algae (i) W m−2 W m−2 kmri20 kmrt20 min,i kmrt20 max,i kpp20 i ktmi ktpi M Resp(i) M ort0(i) M ortS(i) P P M ax(i) T CDec(i) T CGro(i) maint. resp. const. at 20 ◦ C of algae (i) min. mort. constant at 20 ◦ C of algae (i) max. mort. constant at 20 ◦ C of algae (i) max. prod. constant at 20 ◦ C of algae (i) temp. constant for mortality of algae (i) temp. constant for production of algae (i) d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 - Ksni Kspi Kssii KmDIN (i) KmP (i) KmSi(i) half satur. const. nitrogen for algae (i) half satur. const. phosphate for algae (i) half satur. const. silicate for algae (i) gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 S Smini Smaxi Salinity SalM 1(i) SalM 2(i) salinity salinity limit for Mort0 of algae (i) salinity limit for MortS of algae (i) psu psu psu T T emp water temperature ◦ ∆t Delt computational timestep d et Is Io20 i T Definition DL DLoi Name in input DR AF Name in formulas 114 of 464 C Deltares Primary producers Primary production as function of light intensity (1/d) 4 3 1 temperature = 5C temperature = 15C temperature = 25C 0 10 20 30 40 Intensity (PAR; W/m2) 50 60 DR AF 0 T 2 Figure 4.2: Primary production rate of algae species i as a function of temperature and radiation. Radiation limitation as function of light intensity 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 temperature = 5C temperature = 15C temperature = 25C 0 10 20 30 40 Intensity (PAR; W/m2) 50 60 Figure 4.3: Limitation function for radiation (f rad_i) for algae species i as a function of radiation (Is,RAD) at different temperature ranging from 5 to 25 ◦ C. Deltares 115 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Computation of the phytoplankton composition (DYNAMO) PROCESS : PHY_DYN Process PHY_DYN computes the total concentrations of the nutrients in biomass from the contributions of individual algae species. Additionally the processes deliver the total concentration of algae biomass expressed in various units among which chlorophyll-a. The concentrations of nutrients in algae biomass are used to calculate the concentrations of a number of aggregate substances with auxiliary process COMPOS. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b T Implementation w PHY_DYN has been implemented for the following substances: Diat and Green The process does not directly influence state variables, since they do not generate mass fluxes. DR AF 4.6 Tables 4.5–4.6 provide the definitions of the input and output parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The total concentrations of algae biomass components follow from: Calgt1 = Calgt2 = n X i=1 n X Calgi (f dmi × Calgi ) i=1 Calgn = Calgp = n X i=1 n X (ani × Calgi ) (api × Calgi ) i=1 Calgsi = n X (asii × Calgi ) i=1 Cchf = n X (achfi × Calgi ) i=1 where: achlf an ap asi Calg stochiometric ratio of chlorophyll-a in organic matter [mgChf gC−1 ] stochiometric ratio of nitrogen in organic matter [gN gC−1 ] stochiometric ratio of phosphorus in organic matter [gP gC−1 ] stochiometric ratio of silicate in organic matter [gSi gC−1 ] concentration of biomass of algae species i [gC m−3 ] b 116 of 464 Deltares Primary producers concentration of organic nitrogen in algae biomass [gC m−3 ] b concentration of organic phosphorus in algae biomass [gC m−3 ] b concentration of silicate in algae biomass [gC m−3 ] total concentration of algae biomass [gC m−3 ] b b total concentration of algae biomass [gDM m−3 ] concentration of chlorophyll-a [mgChf m−3 ] b b dry matter conversion factor [gDM gC−1 ] index for algae species [-] number of algae species, 6 for MONALG and GEMMPB, 2 for DYNAMO [-] T Calgn Calgp Calgsi Calgt1 Calgt2 Cchl f dm i n DR AF Table 4.5: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PHY_DYN. (i) is a substance name, Green or Diat. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input1 Definition Units ani N crat(i) stochiometric ratio of nitrogen in algae species (i) stochiometric ratio of phosphorus in algae species (i) stochiometric ratio of silicate in algae species (i) stochiometric ratio of chlorophyll-a in green algae stochiometric ratio of chlorophyll-a in diatoms gN gC−1 concentration species (i) gC m−3 api asii P Crat(i) SCrat(i) achf1 GrT oChl achf2 DiT oChl Calgi (i) of biomass in algae f dmi DM CF (i) n N AlgDynamo number of algae species in DYNAMO, de- dry matter conversion factor for algae species (i) gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 gChl gC−1 gChl gC−1 b gDM gC−1 - fault=2, this should not be changed Deltares 117 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 4.6: Definitions of the output parameters in the above equations for PHY_DYN. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input1 Definition Units Calgt1 Calgt2 P hyt AlgDM total algae biomass carbon concentration gC m−3 total algae biomass dry matter concentration concentration of organic nitrogen in algae biomass concentration of organic phosphorus in algae biomass concentration of silicate in algae biomass gDM m−3 AlgN Calgp AlgP AlgSi Chlf a gN m−3 b gP m−3 b gSi m−3 b chlorophyll-a concentration mgChf m−3 b DR AF Calgsi Cchf b T Calgn b 118 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Production and mortality of benthic diatoms S1/2 (DYNAMO) PROCESS : GROMRT_DS1, TF_DIAT, DL_DIATS1, RAD_DIATS1, MRTDIAT_S1, MRTDIAT_S2, NRALG_S1 The primary production of algae in the sediment e.g. microphytobenthos is implemented for benthic diatoms in sediment layer S1. Mortality of the diatoms occurs in layers S1 and S2. Implementation DiatS1 NH4, NO3, PO4 and Si T Processes GROMRT_DS1, TF_DIAT, DL_DIATS1, RAD_DIATS1, MRTDIAT_S1, MRTDIAT_S2 and NRALG_S1 have been implemented for the following substances: These processes have been implemented for benthic diatoms according to the S1/2 approach for the sediment, and can not be used for the layered sediment approach. The processes affect the upper sediment layer S1, with one exception. The mortality process MRTDIAT_S2 affects layer S2. DR AF 4.7 The mineralisation rate for detrital nutrients are delivered by processes BMS1_DetN, BMS1_DetP and BMS1_DetSi. Table 4.7 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The production and mortality of diatom biomass (organic carbon) The primary production rate is formulated as follows: knp × M alg A×H knp = kgp − krsp kgp = f dl × f rad × f nut × f tp × kpp20 Rnp = f tp = ktp(T −20) where: A f dl f nut f rad f tp H kgp knp kpp20 krsp ktp M alg Rnp Deltares surface area [m2 ] daylength limitation function [-] nutrient limitation function [-] light limitation function [-] production temperature function [-] water depth [m] gross primary production rate constant [d−1 ] net primary production rate constant [d−1 ] potential maximum production rate constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] total respiration rate constant [d−1 ] temperature constant for production [-] quantity of diatom biomass [gC] net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] 119 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual water temperature [◦ C] T The limitation function for nutrients is given by: f nut = M in(f n, f p, f si, 1.0) (RmnS1 × (1 − f rnb) + (Cnn/(Cnn + Ksn)) × (Cnn/∆t)) × A × H fn = an × kpn × M alg (RmpS1 + (Cph/(Cph + Ksp)) × (Cph/∆t)) × A × H fp = ap × kpn × M alg (RmsiS1 + (Csi/(Csi + Kssi)) × (Csi/∆t)) × A × H f si = asi × kpn × M alg Cnn = Cam + Cni surface area [m2 ] stoichiometric constant for N over C in diatom biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for P over C in diatom biomass [gP gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for Si over C in diatom biomass [gSi gC−1 ] concentration of ammonium [gN m−3 ] concentration of nitrate [gN m−3 ] concentration of nutrient nitrogen [gN m−3 ] concentration of dissolved phosphate [gP m−3 ] concentration of dissolved silicate [gSi m−3 ] nutrient limitation function [-] nitrogen limitation function [-] phosphorus limitation function [-] silicon limitation function [-] fraction of mineralisation rate N allocated to bacteria in sediment [-] water depth [m] half saturation constant for nutrient nitrogen [gN m−3 ] half saturation constant for phosphate [gP m−3 ] half saturation constant for silicate [gSi m−3 ] quantity of diatom biomass [gC] mineralisation rate for DETNS1 [gN m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation rate for DETPS1 [gP m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation rate for DETSiS1 [gSi m−3 d−1 ] DR AF A an ap asi Cam Cni Cnn Cph Csi f nut fn fp f si f rnb H Ksn Ksp Kssi M alg RmnS1 RmpS1 RmsiS1 T where: The limitation functions for daylength and light are given by: min(DL, DLo) DLo 1.0 if (Is/Io) ≥ 1.0 f rad = Ib if (Ib/Io) < 1.0 Io f dl = where: DL DLo f dl f rad Io Ib 120 of 464 daylength, fraction of a day [-] optimal daylength [-] daylength limitation function [-] light limitation function [-] optimal light intensity [W m−2 ] light intensity at the bottom [W m−2 ] Deltares Primary producers The above formulations do consider the availability of nutrients, and the uptake of nutrients beyond availability is prevented. The respiration rate is formulated as follows: krsp = f gr × kgp + f tm × (1 − f gr) × kmr20 where: f gr f tm kmr20 krsp growth respiration factor [-] mortality temperature function [-] maintenance respiration constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] total respiration rate constant [d−1 ] f tm × kmrt20 × M alg A×H (T −20) f tm = ktm DR AF Rmrt = T The mortality rate is formulated as follows: where: A f tm H kmrt20 ktm M alg Rmrt T surface area [m2 ] mortality temperature function [-] water depth [m] mortality rate constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature constant for mortality [-] quantity of diatom biomass [gC] mortality rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] water temperature [◦ C] Uptake and release of nutrients Algae in the sediment primarily consume dissolved nutrients released by the mineralisation of detritus in the sediment. It is assumed that algae are able to take up all nutrients released. Uptake from the water column occurs when the mineralisation flux is not large enough to sustain maximal production. Ammonium from the water column is consumed until the concentration drops below a critical low concentration. Then nitrate is consumed too. The nutrients are taken up (consumed) proportional to net primary production as follows: Ruam = f ram × Run Runi = (1 − f ram) × Run RunS1 = M in(an × Rnp, (1 − f rnb) × Rmn1 ) Run = M ax((an × Rnp − RunS1 ), 0.0) RupS1 = M in(ap × Rnp, RmpS1 ) Rup = M ax((ap × Rnp − RupS1 ), 0.0) RusiS1 = M in(asi × Rnp, RmsiS1 ) Rusi = M ax((asi × Rnp − RusiS1 ), 0.0) where: an ap Deltares stoichiometric constant for N over C in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for P over C in algae biomass [gP gC−1 ] 121 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual stoichiometric constant for Si over C in algae biomass [gSi gC−1 ] fraction of N consumed as ammonium [-] fraction of mineralisation rate N allocated to bacteria in sediment [-] ammonium uptake rate from the water column [gN m−3 d−1 ] nitrate uptake rate from the water column [gN m−3 d−1 ] nitrogen uptake rate from the water column [gN m−3 d−1 ] nitrogen uptake rate from mineralisation DETNS1 [gN m−3 d−1 ] phosphate uptake rate from the water column [gP m−3 d−1 ] phosphate uptake rate from mineralisation DETPS1 [gP m−3 d−1 ] silicate uptake rate from the water column [gSi m−3 d−1 ] silicate uptake rate from mineralisation DETSiS1 [gSi m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation rate for DETNS1 [gN m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation rate for DETPS1 [gP m−3 d−1 ] mineralisation rate for DETSiS1 [gSi m−3 d−1 ] net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] T asi f ram f rnb Ruam Runi Run RunS1 Rup RupS1 Rusi RusiS1 RmnS1 RmpS1 RmsiS1 Rnp Algae prefer ammonium over nitrate. The fraction of N consumed as ammonium follows from: Cam Cnn if (Run × ∆t) ≤ (Cam − Camc ) then f ram = 1.0 else (Cam − Camc ) + (Camc /(Camc + Cni)) × (Run × ∆t − Cam + Camc ) f ram = Run × ∆t where: DR AF if Cam < Camc then f ram = an Cam Camc Cni Cnn f ram Rnp Run ∆t stoichiometric constant for N over C in diatom biomass [gN gC−1 ] concentration of ammonium [gN m−3 ] critical concentration of ammonium [gN m−3 ] concentration of nitrate [gN m−3 ] concentration of nutrient nitrogen DIN [gN m−3 ] fraction of N consumed as ammonium [-] net primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] nitrogen uptake rate from the water column [gC m−3 d−1 ] computational timestep [d] The mortality flux is divided among three pools: dissolved inorganic substances (autolysis) in the water column, fast decomposing detritus and slow decomposing detritus in the sediment 122 of 464 Deltares Primary producers (layer S1). Organic carbon and nutrients are released proportional to mortality as follows: DR AF where: T Ran = f ra × an × Rmrt Rap = f ra × ap × Rmrt Rasi = f ra × asiRmrt f rdet1 Rmc1 = × Rmrt (1 − f ra) Rmn1 = f rdet1 × an × Rmrt Rmp1 = f rdet1 × ap × Rmrt Rmsi1 = f rdet1 × asi × Rmrt f rdet1 ) × Rmrt Rmc2 = (1 − (1 − f ra) Rmn2 = (1 − f rdet1 − f ra) × an × Rmrt Rmp2 = (1 − f rdet1 − f ra) × ap × Rmrt Rmsi2 = (1 − f rdet1 − f ra) × asi × Rmrt an ap asi f ra f rdet1 Ran Rap Rasi Rmc1 Rmc2 Rmn1 Rmn2 Rmp1 Rmp2 Rmsi1 Rmsi2 Rmrt stoichiometric constant for N over C in algae biomass [gN gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for P over C in algae biomass [gP gC−1 ] stoichiometric constant for Si over C in algae biomass [gSi gC−1 ] fraction released by autolysis [-] fraction released to detritus DetXS1 [-] nitrogen NH4 release due to autolysis [gN m−3 d−1 ] dissolved phosphate PO4 release due to autolysis [gP m−3 d−1 ] dissolved silicate Si release due to autolysis [gSi m−3 d−1 ] detritus C release to DetCS1 due to mortality [gC m−3 d−1 ] detritus C release to OOCS1 due to mortality [gC m−3 d−1 ] detritus N release to DetNS1 due to mortality [gN m−3 d−1 ] detritus N release to OONS1 due to mortality [gN m−3 d−1 ] detritus P release to DetPS1 due to mortality [gP m−3 d−1 ] detritus P release to OOPS1 due to mortality [gP m−3 d−1 ] silicate release to DetSiS1 due to mortality [gSi m−3 d−1 ] silicate release to OOSiS1 due to mortality [gSi m−3 d−1 ] mortality rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] Directives for use The nutrient-carbon ratios for diatoms in the sediment are the same as for diatoms in the water column. Deltares 123 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 4.7: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for GROMRT_DS1, TF_DIAT , DL_DIAT , RAD_DIAT S1, MRTDIAT_S1, MRTDIAT_S2 and NRALG_S1. Name in input Definition Units M alg DiatS1 quantity of benthic diatom biomass gC m−3 A Surf surface area m2 an ap asi N CRatDiat P CRatDiat SCRatDiat stoich. const. N over C in diatom biomass stoich. const. P over C in diatom biomass stoich. const. Si over C in diatom biomass gN gC−1 gN gC−1 gN gC−1 Cam Camc Cni Cph Csi N H4 N H4Crit N O3 P O4 Si concentration of ammonium critical conc. of ammonium for uptake concentration of nitrate concentration of dissolved phosphate concentration of dissolved silicate gN m−3 gN m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 DayL OptDLDiaS1 daylength, fraction of a day optimal daylength for benthic diatoms - GRespDiaS1 F rAutDiatS F rDetDiatS F rM inS1Bac growth respiration factor fraction released by autolysis fraction released to detritus DetC/N/P/SiS1 frac. min. N allocated to sediment bacteria - Depth water depth m Rad RadSatDiS1 light intensity at water surface optimal light intensity for benthic diatoms W m−2 W m−2 kmr20 kmrt20 kpp20 ktm ktp M RespDiaS1 M rtSedDiat P P M axDiaS1 T CDecDiat T CGroDiat maint. resp. const. at 20 ◦ C of diatoms mortality constant at 20 ◦ C of diatoms max. prod. constant at 20 ◦ C of diatoms temp. constant for mortality of diatoms temp. constant for production of diatoms d−1 d−1 d−1 - Ksn Ksp Kssi KmDIN DiaS1 half satur. const. nitrogen for diatoms KmP DiatS1 half satur. const. phosphate for diatoms KmSiDiatS1 half satur. const. silicate for diatoms gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 RmnS 1 RmpS 1 RmsiS 1 dM inDetN S1 dM inDetP S1 dM inDetSiS mineralisation rate for DETNS1 mineralisation rate for DETPS1 mineralisation rate for DETSiS1 gN m−3 d−1 gP m−3 d−1 gSi m−3 d−1 T T emp water temperature ◦ ∆t Delt computational timestep d f gr f ra f rdet1 f rnb H Ib Io DR AF DL DLo T Name in formulas 124 of 464 C Deltares Primary producers Mortality and re-growth of terrestrial vegetation (VEGMOD) PROCESSES : VBM ORT ( I ), VB( I )_M RT 3W, VB( I )_M RT 3S, VBGROWTH( I ), VB( I )U PT, VB( I )_U PT 3D, V B( I ) AVAIL N, VBS TATUS ( I ) T The vegetation sub-model simulates the effects of the drowning and re-growth of vegetation in water systems such as (man-made) reservoirs on water quality. The design of the module is generic to allow for a comprehensive processes content, but only the most essential formulations for growth and mortality have been included. Starting from a standing stock of biomasses for a number of vegetation cohorts (types, species, etc.), mortality due to inundation leads to the allocation of organic matter (C, N, P, S) to the POX1–3 and POX5 fractions in water and sediment. Re-growth in areas ran dry may lead to the building up of a standing stock of new vegetation biomass, the nutrients for which are withdrawn from the sediment. A cohort is treated as a homogeneous entity in the model in terms of variables (state variable, coefficients and mass fluxes). The number of vegetation cohorts in the model is limited to a maximum 9. Various cohorts may be present in the same model grid cell. The total biomasses of the cohorts are modelled as inactive substances expressed in grams carbon per m2 . These not transported state variables only exist in the lower water layer. Additional output parameters provide total biomass for each cohort expressed in tonnes C per ha. The concurrent organic nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur) in vegetation biomass are not modelled as state variables, but as quantities derived from the carbon state variables using stoichiometric ratio’s. DR AF 4.8 Each cohort of vegetation consists of the following above-ground and below-ground compartments: 1) stems, 2) foliage, 3) branches, 4) roots, 5) fine roots. The fractions of biomass of these compartments for each vegetation cohort imposed as allocation factors are used to calculate the fluxes of biomass turned over into the various detritus pools in the layers of the water column and the sediment (Figure 4.4). Nutrients are stored in the compartments in agreement with compartment specific stoichiometric constants. Mortality starts after a lag time following inundation and proceeds according to a first-order decay of living biomass. Foliage and fine roots are allocated to the detritus pools in the water and sediment layers according to vegetation height and rooting depth. Growth is calculated from a predefined growth curve, and will stop once a certain target biomass is achieved (Figure 4.5). Growth may be limited by the quantities of nutrients available in the sediment according to rooting depth. Nitrogen is taken from ammonium (NH4, preferred) and nitrate (NO3), phosphorus from dissolved and adsorbed phosphate (PO4, preferred, and AAP), and sulfur from sulfate (SO4, preferred) and dissolved sulfide (SUD). Carbon is taken up from the atmosphere. For each vegetation cohort (re-)growth may be prevented or allowed by means of two “option” parameters. In this way it can be manipulated that initially present types do not (re-)grow. Implementation The processes of vegetation module VEGMOD have been implemented for the following substances: VB01, VB02, VB03, VB04, VB05, VB06, VB07, VB08, VB09 POC1, PON1, POP1, POS1, POC2, PON2, POP2, POS2, POC3, PON3, POP3, POS3, POC5, PON5, POP5, POS5 NH4, NO3, PO4, AAP, SO4, SUD Deltares 125 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Processes VBMORT(i) calculate the mortality rates and the detritus release rates. Processes VB(i)_MRT3W and VB(i)_MRT3S distribute the release rates among water and sediment layers. Processes VBGROWTH(i) calculates the growth rates as based on available nutrients in the sediment. Processes VB(i)AVAILN determine the available quantities of the nutrients (N, P, S), whereas processes VB(i)UPT and VB(i)_UPT3D calculate the nutrient uptake rates for the sediment layers. Processes VBSTATUS(i) keep record of the inundation time, and set the option parameters for growth and mortality (SWVB(i)Gro and SWVB(i)Mrt). (i) is the number of a vegetation cohort (01–09). Table 4.8 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations, and Table 4.9 provides the output parameters. T Formulation (Re-)Growth DR AF The growth curve of a vegetation cohort is defined by 4 parameters; minimum biomass, maximum target biomass, cohort age where 50 % of maximum biomass is achieved and a factor for the shape of the growth curve (Figure 4.5). The “target” attainable biomass is thus a function of the age of the vegetation cohort. The actual biomass growth in each time step of the simulation is determined from the “target” attainable biomass for the current age and the actual biomass. The calculation of growth starts with determination of the total attainable biomass of each vegetation cohort as resulting from the growth curve: M vega,i = where: ag aghb M vega M vegmax M vegmin sf i (M vegmin,i − M vegmax,i ) + M vegmax,i 1 + exp (sfi × (agi − aghb,i )/aghb,i ) age of vegetation [d] age of vegetation when half of attainable biomass is reached [d] attainable biomass in all compartments [gC.m−2 ] maximum biomass in all compartments [gC.m−2 ] minimum biomass in all compartments [gC.m−2 ] shape factor of the growth function [-] index for vegetation cohorts (1–9) The initial vegetation biomass at the start of the simulation (t = 0) is computed from the amount of vegetation biomass dry matter per ha. Optionally, a percentage of surface coverage may be used in the calculation of initial biomass according to: Mveg i = fa i × M veg0 ,i /dmci where: dmc fa M veg M veg0 dry matter carbon ratio [gDM.gC−1 ] percentage of area coverage [%] actual biomass in all compartments [gC.m−2 ] initial biomass in all compartments [tDM.ha−1 ] If growth takes place (SWVB(i)Gro = 1.0), the potential (or target) growth rate of biomass per vegetation cohort results from: Rgrp,i = (M vega,i − M vegi )/∆t where: 126 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Rgrp ∆t potential growth rate of biomass in all compartments [gC.m−2 .d−1 ] computational time step [d] In a final step the growth is corrected for nutrient limitation. In case of nutrient limitation, the above potential growth rates Rgr p,i are reduced to actual growth rates Rgr i in proportion with the available quantity of the growth limiting nutrient. These actual growth rates are calculated from the potential growth rates multiplied with the ratio of the available quantity of the most limiting nutrient and the quantity of this nutrient needed to sustain the potential growth rates (NutLimVB (i )). T When inundation occurs, the vegetation stops growing (SWVB (i)Gro = 0.0), and the vegetation age remains constant at the current age until inundation is over. When vegetation growth is limited by a shortage of nutrients, vegetation growth and age are reduced accordingly. Initial age is calculated from the initial biomass using the formulation of the growth curve. Age is reset to zero if the vegetation dies (see below). Uptake of nutrients DR AF Nutrients (N, P and S) are taken up by vegetation from the sediment within rooting depth, whereas carbon is taken up from the atmosphere. The total uptake rates are computed using vegetation cohort and biomass compartment specific carbon to nutrient ratios. The total uptake rates are distributed among the sediment layers within rooting depth proportional to the quantities of the nutrients available in the layers (grid cells). The nutrient uptake rates result from: Ruplin = f nln × Rgri × 5 X (f bij /vnlij ) /H j=1 Rupt,l = 9 nr X X i=1 ! (Rupiln ) n=1 where: fb fn H Rgr Rup Rupt vn l i j n fraction of biomass in a compartment [-] fraction of total available nutrient in a layer [-] sediment layer thickness [-] growth rate of biomass in all compartments [gC.m−2 .d−1 ] uptake rate of nutrients in all compartments [gN/P/S.m−3 .d−1 ] total uptake rate of nutrients in all compartments [gN/P/S.m−3 .d−1 ] carbon nutrient ratio in vegetation biomass [gC.gN/P/S−1 ] index for nutrient (1=nitrogen, 2=phosphorus, 3=sulfur) index for vegetation cohorts (1–9) index for biomass compartments (1=stem, 2=foliage, 3=branches, 4=roots, 5=fine roots) index for a sediment layer (nr = number of layer within rooting depth) The quantities of available nutrients are derived the nutrient concentrations (Cam, Cni, Cph, Cap, Csu, Csud) in the sediment layers within rooting depth. When not enough nutrient is available to sustain potential growth, the growth rates have been reduced proportionally (see above). In order to avoid numerical errors when all available nutrient would be depleted the maximum fraction of the available nutrients that can be taken up in a time step can be made smaller than 1.0 by means of input parameter VBFrMaxU. Deltares 127 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Mortality and detritus release The onset of mortality from the start of the simulation can be imposed optionally, using option parameter IniVB(i)Dec=1.0. If the duration of inundation exceeds a lag time defined as the critical number of subsequent days with inundation, the vegetation cohorts in the inundated area will start to die: if SwEmersion = 0 .0 then ti = ti + ∆t else ti = 0 .0 if ti > ti c,i then ag i = 0 .0 and SwVB i Mrt = 0 .0 where: T ag age of biomass [d] ti inundation period, the number of successive days of inundation [d] tic critical inundation period, the mortality lag time [d] SwEmersion switch for inundation (0 = yes, 1 = no) SwV B i M rt switch for mortality (0 = yes, 1 = no) ∆t computational time step [d] i index for vegetation cohorts (1–9) DR AF The lag time for mortality due to inundation is input to the model and not a function of local conditions such as the dissolved oxygen concentration. The duration of inundation prior to the simulation start time ti0 can be imposed. Mortality results in the decrease of vegetation biomass and the transfer of vegetation biomass to the particulate detritus fractions. Detritus from foliage, stems and branches goes to water layers, detritus from fine roots and roots to sediment layers. The detritus release rates for each sediment grid cell are computed using vegetation cohort and biomass compartment specific carbon to nutrient ratios and the fraction of biomass allocated to a water or sediment layer. This fraction is derived from vegetation height and rooting depth and the fractions of biomass allocated to each of the five biomass compartments (see below). The mortality rate of the vegetation biomass and the release rates of organic nutrients follow from: Rmrti = kmrti × M vegi Rmrdklij = f hi × f dkij × f bij × Rmrti /(vnlij × H) where: fb fd fh H kmrt M veg Rmrd Rmrt vn k l i j fraction of biomass in a compartment [-] fraction of biomass released into a specific detritus fraction [-] fraction of biomass in a layer [-] water layer or sediment layer thickness [-] mortality rate constant [d−1 ] actual biomass in all compartments [gC.m−2 ] release rate of detritus [gC/N/P/S.m−3 .d−1 ] mortality rate of biomass [gC.m−2 .d−1 ] carbon nutrient ratio in vegetation biomass [gC.gC/N/P/S−1 ] index for detritus fraction (1 = POX1, 2 = POX2, 3 = POX3, 5 = POX5) index for carbon and nutrient (0 = carbon, 1 = nitrogen, 2 = phosphorus, 3 = sulfur) index for vegetation cohorts (1–9) index for biomass compartments (1 = stem, 2 = foliage, 3 = branches, 4 = roots, 5 = fine roots) The fractions fd for foliage and fine roots to POX1–3 are derived from input parameters. The fractions fd for stems, branches and large roots to POX5 are equal to 1.0. 128 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Vertical distribution of the detritus release rates In order to obtain vertical distributions of the detritus release rates, the biomass compartments of each vegetation cohort are distributed virtually among the layers (grid cells) in each watersediment column. A distinction is made between the compartments in above-ground biomass (foliage, branches, stems) and the compartments in below-ground biomass (roots, fine roots). Above-ground biomass of each cohort has a vegetation height. Below-ground biomass of each cohort has a rooting depth. Based on these parameters, the number of water layers and sediment layers involved in the distribution are determined. Water layers above vegetation height and sediment layers below rooting depth have zero biomass, and therefore zero detritus release. Fs i = T The distribution is determined from the total above-ground or the total below-ground biomass per m2 using a distribution shape constant. The total above-ground and total below-ground biomass is derived from the total biomass of a vegetation cohort and the biomass fractions in the five compartments. The shape constant is given by: Cveg i (z max ,i ) Mveg p,i /Hmax ,i DR AF where: Fs shape constant for vertical distribution of biomass [-] Cveg(zmax ) above-ground or under-ground biomass at zmax [gC.m−3 ] M vegp above-ground or under-ground biomass [gC.m−2 ] Hmax vegetation height (positive) or rooting depth (negative) [m] zmax water depth (positive) at vegetation height or sediment (negative) depth at rooti ing depth [m] index for vegetation cohorts (1–9) The value of shape constant Fs varies from 0 to 2. When Fs = 0 the biomass Cveg is zero at zmax, when Fs = 1 biomass Cveg is homogeneously distributed (constant over depth), and when Fs = 2 biomass Cveg is zero at the sediment. For values of Fs between 0 and 1 biomass decreases towards vegetation height or rooting depth. For Fs -values between 1 and 2 the biomass decreases towards the sediment. The effects of F on the distribution appear from Figure 4.6. A linear distribution function is formulated using two constants, a and b. Both are fixed when F is fixed because the integral of the biomass distribution must equal the total biomass. The vertical distribution within the water column or the sediment column follows from: Cveg i (z) = ai × z +b i Mveg p,i (2 − 2 × Fs i ) × ai = Hmax ,i (Ht −z max ,i ) Mveg p,i (Fs i × (zmax ,i +H t )−2 × zmax ,i ) bi = × Hmax ,i (Ht −z max ,i ) The biomass fraction fh i in a layer n between zn and zn+1 follows from: Z zn+1 (Cvegi (z)/M vegi ) dz = zn A 2 zn+1 − zn2 + B (zn+1 − zn ) 2 R zn+1 (Cveg i (z )/Mveg i ) dz fh i = Rzznmax ,i (Cveg i (z )/Mveg i ) dz zn Deltares if zn > zmax ,i if zn ≤ zmax ,i 129 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual with: Z zn+1 (Cvegi (z)/M vegi ) dz = zn A 2 zn+1 − zn2 + B (zn+1 − zn ) 2 where: above-ground or under-ground biomass at water or sediment depth z [gC.m−3 ] fraction of biomass in a water or sediment layer [-] total water depth or total sediment depth [m] biomass in all compartments [gC.m−2 ] above-ground or under-ground biomass [gC.m−2 ] water depth (positive) or sediment depth (negative) at bottom of a layer [m] index for vegetation cohorts (1–9) For Fs = 1 the integral reduces to: M vegp,i (zn+1 − zn ) × M vegi Hmax ,i if zn > zmax ,i DR AF f hi = T Cveg(z) fh Ht M veg M vegp z i f hi = M vegp,i (zmax ,i − zn ) × M vegi Hmax ,i if zn < zmax ,i and zn+1 > zmax ,i Directives for use 1 Two options are available for the input of initial vegetation biomasses. For SwIniVB(i)=1.0 the model expects percentual coverage and initial biomass in tDM.ha−1 for each vegetation type. For SwIniVB(i)=0.0 the model expects biomasses in tDM.ha−1 for each vegetation type for each grid cell. 2 The input for initial biomasses may be generated as a GIS map representing each model grid cell, for instance based on a satellite image. 3 The option for the vertical distribution of biomass and detritus fluxes SWDisVB(i) overlaps the distribution shape factor FfacVB(i). If FfacVB(i)=1.0 SWDisVB(i) must equal 1.0 as well. The linear and exponential distributions (SWDisVB(i)=2.0 or 3.0) are not fully implemented. 4 The option parameter IniVB(i)Dec can be used to impose mortality from the start of the simulation. Default value 0.0 implies “no” mortality, value 1.0 causes mortality from the start. 5 The maximum fraction of the available nutrients that can be taken up in a time step VBFrMaxU (<1.0) has a default value of 0.5. To avoid too strong nutrient limitation its value can be increased, but one should verify that this does not cause numerical errors. Table 4.8: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for VBMORT(i), VB(i)_MRT3W, VB(i)_MRT3S, VBGROWTH(i), VB(i)UPT, VB(i)_UPT3D, VB(i)AVAILN and VBSTATUS(i). Name in formulas1 Name in input1 Definition Units aghb , i HlfAgeVb(i) age of veg. when half of attainable biomass is reached d Cam Cni Cph NH4 NO3 PO4 concentration of ammonium concentration of nitrate concentration of dissolved phosphate gN.m−3 gN.m−3 gP.m−3 130 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Name in input1 AAP SO4 SUD Definition Units concentration of adsorbed phosphate concentration of sulfate concentration of dissolved sulfide gP.m−3 gS.m−3 gS.m−3 dmci DMcfVB(i) dry matter carbon ratio gDM.gC−1 fai fbij IniCovVB(i) F1VB(i) F2VB(i) F3VB(i) F4VB(i) F5VB(i) FfolPOC1 FfolPOC2 FfrootPOC1 FfrootPOC2 percentage of area coverage fraction of biomass in compartment 1 (stems) fraction of biomass in comp. 2 (foliage) fraction of biomass in comp. 3 (branches) fraction of biomass in comp. 4 (roots) fraction of biomass in comp. 5 (fine roots) biomass fraction 2 (foliage) to detr. POX1 biomass fraction 2 (foliage) to detr. POX2 biomass fraction 2 (fine roots) to detr. POX1 biomass fraction 2 (fine roots) to detr. POX2 % - Fs DR AF fd1i2 fd2i2 fd1i5 fd2i5 T Name in formulas1 Cap Csu Csud FfacVB(i) shape constant for vertical distr. of biomass - H Hmax Hmax Ht z z - Depth VegHeVB(i) RootDeVB(i) TotalDepth LocalDepth LocSedDept Surf Volume water layer or sediment layer thickness vegetation height (positive) rooting depth (negative) total water depth or total sediment depth depth to the bottom of a water layer depth to the bottom of a sediment layer surface area of a grid cell volume of a grid cell m m m m m m m−2 m−3 kmrti RcMrtVB(i) mortality rate constant d−1 Mveg Mveg0 Mvegmax,i Mvegmin,i VB(i) IniVB(i) MaxVB(i) MinVB(i) vegetation biomass in all five compartments initial biomass in all five compartments maximum biomass in all five compartments minimum biomass in all five compartments gC.m−2 tDM.ha−1 gC.m−2 gC.m−2 sfi SfVB(i) shape factor of the growth function - SWEmersion SWDisVB(i) SwIniVB(i) IniVB(i)Dec SwRegrVB(i) SWEmersion SWDisVB(i) SwIniVB(i) IniVB(i)Dec SwRegrVB(i) switch for inundation (0 = yes, 1 = no) option vert. distr. (1=const., 2=linear, 3=exp.) option init. biomass (0=biomass,1=coverage) option mort. at start of simul. (0=no, 1=yes) option for re-growth (0=no, 1=yes) - VBFrMaxU VBFrMaxU max. fr. of nutrients taken up in a time step - vn1ij CNF1VB(i) CNF2VB(i) CNF3VB(i) CNF4VB(i) CNF5VB(i) CPF1VB(i) carbon nitrogen ratio in comp. 1 (stems) carbon nitrogen ratio in comp. 2 (foliage) carbon nitrogen ratio in comp. 3 (branches) carbon nitrogen ratio in comp. 4 (roots) carbon nitrogen ratio in comp. 5 (fine roots) carbon phosphorus ratio in comp. 1 (stems) gC.gN−1 gC.gN−1 gC.gN−1 gC.gN−1 gC.gN−1 gC.gP−1 vn2ij Deltares 131 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Name in input1 CPF2VB(i) CPF3VB(i) CPF4VB(i) CPF5VB(i) CSF1VB(i) CSF2VB(i) CSF3VB(i) CSF4VB(i) CSF5VB(i) Definition Units carbon phosphorus ratio in comp. 2 (foliage) carbon phos. ratio in comp. 3 (branches) carbon phosphorus ratio in comp. 4 (roots) carbon phos. ratio in comp. 5 (fine roots) carbon sulfur ratio in comp. 1 (stems) carbon sulfur ratio in comp. 2 (foliage) carbon sulfur ratio in comp. 3 (branches) carbon sulfur ratio in comp. 4 (roots) carbon sulfur ratio in comp. 5 (fine roots) gC.gP−1 gC.gP−1 gC.gP−1 gC.gP−1 gC.gS−1 gC.gS−1 gC.gS−1 gC.gS−1 gC.gS−1 tic,i ti0,i CrnsfVB(i) Initnsfd critical inundation period, mortality lag time inundation period prior to sim. start time d d ∆t Delt computational time step d vn3ij T Name in formulas1 1) DR AF i=1–9 or (i)=01–09 is the vegetation cohort number; j=1–5 is the biomass compartment number. Table 4.9: Definitions of the additional output parameters for VBMORT(i), VB(i)_MRT3W, VB(i)_MRT3S, VBGROWTH(i), VB(i)UPT, VB(i)_UPT3D, VB(i)AVAILN and VBSTATUS(i). Name in formulas1 Name in output1 Definition2 Units tii AgeVB(i) age of vegetation biomass d fNVB(i)UP fPVB(i)UP fSVB(i)UP fN1VB(i)UPy fN2VB(i)UPy fP1VB(i)UPy fP2VB(i)UPy fS1VB(i)UPy fS2VB(i)UPy N vegetation uptake flux P vegetation uptake flux S vegetation uptake flux ammonium N vegetation uptake flux nitrate N vegetation uptake flux dissolved phosphate P vegetation uptake flux adsorbed phosphate P vegetation uptake flux sulfate S vegetation uptake flux dissolved sulfide S vegetation uptake flux gN.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 gN.m−2 .d−1 gN.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 fC1VB(i)P5 fN1VB(i)P5 fP1VB(i)P5 fS1VB(i)P5 fC2VB(i)P1 fN2VB(i)P1 fP2VB(i)P1 fS2VB(i)P1 fC2VB(i)P2 fN2VB(i)P2 fP2VB(i)P2 fS2VB(i)P2 fC2VB(i)P3 C flux from biomass comp. 1 to detritus POC5 N flux from biomass comp. 1 to detritus POC5 P flux from biomass comp. 1 to detritus POC5 S flux from biomass comp. 1 to detritus POC5 C flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC1 N flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC1 P flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC1 S flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC1 C flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC2 N flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC2 P flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC2 S flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC2 C flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC3 gC.m−3 .d−1 gN.m−3 .d−1 gP.m−3 .d−1 gS.m−3 .d−1 gC.m−2 .d−1 gN.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 gC.m−2 .d−1 gN.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 gC.m−2 .d−1 - - 132 of 464 Deltares Primary producers Definition2 Units N flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC3 P flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC3 S flux from biomass comp. 2 to detritus POC3 C flux from biomass comp. 3 to detritus POC5 N flux from biomass comp. 3 to detritus POC5 P flux from biomass comp. 3 to detritus POC5 S flux from biomass comp. 3 to detritus POC5 C flux from biomass comp. 4 to detritus POC5 N flux from biomass comp. 4 to detritus POC5 P flux from biomass comp. 4 to detritus POC5 S flux from biomass comp. 4 to detritus POC5 C flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC1 N flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC1 P flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC1 S flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC1 C flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC2 N flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC2 P flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC2 S flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC2 C flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC3 N flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC3 P flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC3 S flux from biomass comp. 5 to detritus POC3 gN.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 gC.m−3 .d−1 gN.m−3 .d−1 gP.m−3 .d−1 gS.m−3 .d−1 gC.m−3 .d−1 gN.m−3 .d−1 gP.m−3 .d−1 gS.m−3 .d−1 gC.m−2 .d−1 gN.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 gC.m−2 .d−1 gN.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 gC.m−2 .d−1 gN.m−2 .d−1 gP.m−2 .d−1 gS.m−2 .d−1 Rgri fVB(i) actual vegetation biomass growth rate gC.m−2 .d−1 NutLimVB(i) NutLimVB(i) nutrient limitation factor for growth (≤ 1.0) - - VB(i)ha VB(i)Aha vegetation biomass density attainable vegetation biomass density tC.ha−1 tC.ha−1 VB(i)Navail VB(i)Pavail VB(i)Savail available nutrient N within rooting depth available nutrient P within rooting depth available nutrient S within rooting depth gN.m−2 gP.m−2 gS.m−2 DR AF - T Name in output1 fN2VB(i)P3 fP2VB(i)P3 fS2VB(i)P3 fC3VB(i)P5 fN3VB(i)P5 fP3VB(i)P5 fS3VB(i)P5 fC4VB(i)P5 fN4VB(i)P5 fP4VB(i)P5 fS4VB(i)P5 fC5VB(i)P1 fN5VB(i)P1 fP5VB(i)P1 fS5VB(i)P1 fC5VB(i)P2 fN5VB(i)P2 fP5VB(i)P2 fS5VB(i)P2 fC5VB(i)P3 fN5VB(i)P3 fP5VB(i)P3 fS5VB(i)P3 Name in formulas1 SWVB(i)Gro SWVB(i)Mrt SWVB(i)Dec switch continuation mortality (0 = no, 1 = yes) SWVB(i)Gro switch for growth (0 = no, 1 = yes) SWVB(i)Mrt switch for mortality (0 = no, 1 = yes) - 1) (i)=01–09 is the vegetation cohort number; j=1–5 is the biomass compartment number. Vegetation biomass compartments are 1=stems, 2=foliage, 3=branches, 4=roots and 5=fine roots. 2) Deltares 133 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Figure 4.4: Interactions between the compartments of a vegetation cohort (left side, green) and the detritus fractions POC1–5/DOC in the model (particulate fractions brown, dissolved fraction blue). Similar schemes apply to PON1– 5/DON, POP1–5/DOP and POS1–5/DOS. Figure 4.5: The growth curve of a vegetation cohort (y -axis) as a function of it’s age is a function of 4-parameters: minimum biomass (MIN), maximum target biomass (MAX), cohort age where 50 % of maximum biomass is achieved (b) and a factor indicating how ‘smooth’ the growth curve is (s). 134 of 464 Deltares Primary producers (a) (b) DR AF T Figure 4.6: The effect of shape constant Fs(F ) on the distribution of vegetation biomass above the sediment (a) and vegetation biomass in the sediment (b). The symbols used are explained in the text (T = Ht ). Deltares 135 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 136 of 464 Deltares 5 Macrophytes Contents 5.1.1 Relation macrophyte module and other DELWAQ processes . . . . 138 5.1.2 Growth forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 5.1.3 Plant parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 5.1.4 Usage note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 5.1.5 Different macrophyte growth forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Growth of submerged and emerged biomass of macrophytes . . . . . . . . 144 5.2.1 Nutrient limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 5.2.2 Uptake of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from rhizomes . . . . . 145 5.2.3 Daylength limitation 5.2.4 Temperature limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 5.2.5 Decay of emerged and submerged biomass 5.2.6 Growth of the rhizomes/root system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 5.2.7 Formation of particulate organic carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 5.2.8 Uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediment . . . . . . . . . 150 5.2.9 Uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus from water . . . . . . . . . . . 151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 DR AF 5.2 Framework of the macrophyte module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 T 5.1 5.2.10 Oxygen production and consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 5.2.11 Net growth of emerged and submerged vegetation and rhizomes . 152 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Maximum biomass per macrophyte species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 5.3.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 5.3.2 Hints for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Grazing and harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 5.4.1 Grazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 5.4.2 Hints for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 5.4.3 Harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Light limitation for macrophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Vegetation coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 5.6.1 5.7 Deltares Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Vertical distribution of submerged macrophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 5.7.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 5.7.2 Hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 137 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Figure 5.1: Interactions between the nutrient cycles and the life cycle of macrophytes. 5.1 5.1.1 Framework of the macrophyte module Relation macrophyte module and other DELWAQ processes Many processes are acknowledged to be of importance to the development of macrophytes and their interaction with the environment: Light climate Sedimentation and resuspension Nutrient dynamics Oxygen and carbon cycles Diurnal processes Food web structures Chemical processes within the root zone Figure 5.1 gives an overview of the most important fluxes that exist within and between macrophytes and their abiotic surroundings. It also indicates which relevant processes are already included in D-Water Quality and which fluxes (and processes within macrophytes/ macrophyte stands) are newly included in the D-Water Quality macrophyte module. The internal processes of transport between different functional parts of macrophytes (being emerged, submerged and root sections of the plant) play an important role too. The development of biomass is directly linked to the fluxes between the macrophyte stands and the open water plus sediment as modelled in D-Water Quality (e.g. nutrient uptake for growth, uptake of CO2 ). 138 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes Growth forms T In the Macrophytes Module macrophytes can be described based on their growth forms by selecting to include sections of the plants: emerged, submerged and root sections. Five growth forms have been selected as examples (Figure 5.2). For each category a few species growing in Western Europe are given as examples. Figure 5.2: The different macrophytes growth forms that can be modeled with the Macrophyte Module. DR AF 5.1.2 The different macrophytes growth forms that can be modeled with the Macrophyte Module. 1 Helophytes like the common reed Phragmites australis, the cattail or Typhaceae family and the arrowhead Sagittaria saggittifolia. 2 Eloidids: The submerged angiosperms like the sago pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus, the common waterweed Elodea canadensis and the Eurasian water-milfoil Myriophyllum spicatum. 3 Charids: The submerged macro-algae like the stoneworts Chara sp. Chara sp. can also be modeled with the BLOOMmodule, which models the phytoplankton production in DWater Quality). The coefficients concerning this species are also given separately from the other submerged species. 4 Lemnids: The emerged, non-rooted species like the lesser duckweed Lemna minor, the star duckweed Lemna gibba and the water fern Azolla filiculoides. 5 The emerged rooted species like the Nympheaceae family: the white water lily Nymphea alba, the spatter-dock Nuphar lutea and the yellow floating-heart Nymphoides peltata. The distinction between emerged and submerged macrophytes is especially important because they have different interactions with water quality processes. The major changes concern the nutrient uptake strategies, the dependence on light availability and the sedimentation/erosion processes (Calow and Petss, 1992; ?; Scheffer, 1998). Emerged sections of macrophytes can fully cover the water surface and thereby block light penetration and aeration, though oxygen is still released of course into the water via photosynthesis. Submerged macrophytes on the other hand, are strongly dependent on the light climate and growth is limited through shading. They too can shade lower parts, but influence on aeration processes is not modelled. During their life cycle or seasons some plants may change strategy from submerged to emerged (e.g. Nympheaceae). Thus, a good understanding of the life cycle is essential when they are to be included in the macrophyte modelling. Note that the emerged, non-rooted species can also be affected by drift due to winds. This process is not included in the macrophyte module. Deltares 139 of 464 T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 5.1.3 DR AF Figure 5.3: The abbreviations for the parts of the vegetation that are used in the equations. Plant parts In the formulas a single species i can consist of emerged parts and/or submerged parts and/or root-rhizome parts. The emerged part is indicated by EMi , the submerged part by SMi and the root-rhizome by RHi . Please note that EMi , SMi and RHi refer to the same species i. This is illustrated in Figure 5.3. The submerged section SMi can be subdivided over multiple layers in case of a vertically differentiated model (see ??). 5.1.4 Usage note There can be a strong variation in some of the coeffcients (when adopting those from literature) due to local settings. Especially the coefficient values concern the macrophytes nutrients uptake and release, the life span and the macrophytes density are prone to local variation. We recommend appropriate validation of the module for each new application. 5.1.5 Different macrophyte growth forms This section provides a detailed description of the various forms in which aquatic macrophytes can grow. 140 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes Emerged macrophytes Emerged macrophytes take up nutrients from the roots and the rhizome exclusively (?). They contribute to removing some important quantities of nutrients from the sediment, because of that they are often called helophytes filters. Nevertheless some researchers suspect that they are not directly taking up nutrients, but that the epiphytic community that they often shelter is responsible for it. Because of these properties, emerged plants are often grown and harvested in the area of Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) in order to remove the excess of nutrients. But the nutrients are translocated from shoots and leaves to rhizome and roots during autumn, so the harvesting is only efficient if done before this translocation (?). The decomposition of the organic matter, and especially of the rhizome (*), which contains a lot of carbohydrates reserves, is slow for the emerged plant since they have tissue resistance to microbiological attacks (?). DR AF T As their growth is not limited by light extinction, they can reach some very dense stands stage. Their rhizome, stems, and leaves also contribute to the limitation of the wave and wind impact and therefore to the stabilization of the sediment in the area where they grow; emerged plants are also acting as a sediment trap (?). Moreover those plants are also a source of feeding and a refuge for a lot of bird species. Water type and habitat: shoreline or even wet ground, out of water of marshy shores; marshes, ponds, lakes, ditches, streams and estuaries with running or standing waters. Submerged macrophytes In general submerged macrophytes take up most of the nutrients from the rhizome and roots system and little directly from the water (??). It has been demonstrated that in the case of Myriophyllum exalbescens there is an uptake by the leaves but that the foliar uptake of Phosphorus goes much faster when the concentration in the water increases (?). The mineralization of the organic matter is quite fast since the roots of the submerged plants are finer compared to the emerged plants, and don’t have a storage system like the emerged plants. Their growth can be limited by light availability even in shallow lakes. On the other hand their roots, leaves and stems contributes to the increase of the resistance to the water flow and consequently to the increase of sedimentation of suspended particles. The result is the maintenance of water transparency, a factor which itself influences the probability of colonization by submerged macrophytes. The increase of sedimentation concern notably the nutrients associated with particles: therefore nutrients are buried in the sediment layer faster and consequently the amount of nutrients in the water remains lower than in more open deep water bodies. Many submerged plants like the pondweeds are a very important source of food for the wildlife. Water type: alkaline fresh to brackish, running or standing water (for Potamogeton sp.) Habitat: usually found entirely underwater. Can grow from shallow water to depths greater than ten meters in case of very clear water. Deltares 141 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Submerged macroalgae T The plant-like macroalgae like the Characeae family do not have a real root system and take up more nitrogen from the water than from the sediment, (?) and there are indications that the water nutrient concentration can be lowered widely by their presence. In certain cases they seem to improve the water transparency significantly, especially because they are stabilizing the sediment and therefore limiting its resuspension (see section II.2.B. on submerged plants). They grow faster than the submerged plants. Besides, Characeae have the peculiarity to disperse by detaching from the substrate and emerging above water with the current. In the already existing BLOOM module (*) of Delwaq, Chara sp. is modeled in this particular growth form whereas in the macrophyte module, Chara sp. is modeled as an emerged "rooted" plant at which a very small root biomass is attributed, since in the reality the root system is very reduced and it tends to lie on or just above the sediment. Chara sp. will be included in the submerged plant category in the Macrophyte module, but since it possesses some special features and coefficient, the set of coefficient has been defined properly in the table 8 in section II.3.C. DR AF Water type: Fresh to brackish hard water. Habitat: They are found from shallow water to very deep areas in clear water. Their presence is generally a sign of good ’health’ of the ecosystem. Emerging non-rooted macrophytes Emerging non rooted macrophytes, like duckweeds, take up nutrients from the water column and are also able to transform the diazote directly from the atmosphere. They usually grow in rather nutrient-rich waters and can remove a lot of nutrients from the water during their growth that they release during the decay phase. These plants can grow and reproduce very quickly when the environmental conditions are adequate, and they have a very short life span (*) compared to the other macrophytes: the Lemnids can decompose to 50 % of the original biomass within 10 to 20 days (?). As their name indicates, the emerging-non-rooted plants are laying in the surface of the water and consequently can block the light up to 99 percent. They might over compete with the submerged plant, but they are more often found on the shore, in between other macrophytes. In the model they are not considered to be light-limited, even if in the reality they can sometimes be seen forming layers on top of each other and consequently auto-competing for the light, which is necessary for the photosynthesis. The emergent non-rooted plants are an important source of feeding for the water fowls. Water type: Still and slow moving waters in many nutrient-rich freshwater. Habitat: Often found along the shoreline. Sometimes form extensive green mats on the water surface. 142 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes Emerged and submerged-rooted macrophytes Emergent-rooted macrophytes take up most of the nutrients from the sediment by the rhizome and roots system which is very developed. They block the light penetration in the water by multiplication on top of the water column, so that no submerged species are able to grow below these plants since no photosynthesis is possible in absence of light. The Nympheaceae can sometimes grow on top of each other and auto-compete for light, but they are not limited by light availability in the model. [TODO: Rudy’s remark] T The seeds constitute a direct food source for birds like waterfowls and the leaves for mammals like beavers, muskrats, porcupines and deer and provides spawning habitat for fishes (Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington’s Freshwater Plants, year?). Water type: shallow, still or slowly moving water in ponds, lakes, swamps, rivers, canals and ditches. Habitat: They often form a band along the shallow lake in rich organic sediment. DR AF Emerging submerged non-rooted macrophytes These plants have emerged parts, while their root system is in the water, but there are exceptions since for example the water soldier (Stratiotes aloides) has a submerged phase in winter and is only ermergent in summer (see beginning of section II.2.). It requires specific conditions like peat soil and large humic layer, which could correspond to a filling-up stage of the water body. Moreover the life cycle is rather complex since the shoots formed by vegetative reproduction sink on the ground in winter and float again in early summer (?). Other classifications like the one from ?, adapted from ? put this category in the emergent unattached growth form. Water type and Habitat: stagnant water with organic sediment. Deltares 143 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Growth of submerged and emerged biomass of macrophytes PROCESS : M ACRO P HYTI The growth rate is calculated via the following formula: If EMi < M axEMi T The start of the growing season depends on the water temperature and the light climate under water. The growth function differs for emerged and submerged vegetation. In both cases the potential growth is limited by several factors: light climate, nutrient availability, water temperature. The growth of submerged macrophytes can stop at a certain maximum due to light limitation by means of self shading (?). The growth of submerged macrophytes will stop when a maximum amount of biomass is reached. In order to get a quick start at the beginning of the growing season, the growth of submerged macrophytes depends on the sum of the submerged biomass at the beginning of the growing season and the biomass stored in the rhizomes. GrowthEMi =(EMi + RHi ) × M axGrowthEMi × LimLightEMi × LimT EMi × LimAgeEMi Else DR AF 5.2 (5.1) GrowthEMi = 0 If SMi < M axSMi GrowthSMi =(SMi + RHi ) × M axGrowthSMi × LimLightSMi × LimT SMi × LimAgeSMi Else GrowthSMi = 0 where: SMi GrowthSMi MaxGrowthSMi LimLightSMi LimTSMi EMi GrowthEMi MaxEMi MaxGrowthEMi LimNutEMi LimTEMi Biomass of submerged (SM) species i Growth of SM species i Potential growth rate of SM species i Light limitation factor SM species i Temperature limitation factor SM species i Biomass of emerged species (EM) i Growth of EM species i Maximum biomass of EM species i Potential growth rate of EM species i Nutrient limitation factor EM species i Temperature limitation factor EM species i [g C·m−2 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [d−1 ] [-] [-] [g C·m−2 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ] [d−1 ] [-] [-] The limitation factors are explained in the following subsections. 144 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes 5.2.1 Nutrient limitation The growth of emerged non-rooted vegetation, such as duck weeds (e.g. Lemna spp.) can be limited by low dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in surface water (?). The growth of rooted vegetation is not limited by nutrients, for the Dutch shallow eutrophic lakes situation (REF). For aquatic macroalgae such as Chara and other species uptaking nutrients predominantly from the water column nutrients can become limiting, although in naturally eutrophic systems such as the Netherlands this is not very likely (REF). The limitation function computed on the basis of a half saturation concentration. N H4 (5.2) N H4 + N H4hsEMi N O3 LimN O3EMi = N O3 + N O3hsEMi P O4 LimP O4EMi = P O4 + N O3hsEMi LimN utEMi = min(LimP O4EMi , max(LimN H4EMi , LimN O3EMi )) T LimN H4EMi = DR AF where: NH4 NH4hsEMi LimNH4EMi NO3 NO3hsEMi LimNO3EMi PO4 PO4hsEMi LimPO4EMi LimNutEMi 5.2.2 Ammonia concentration Half saturation concentration NH4 for growth of EM species i Ammonium limitation factor for EM species i Nitrate concentration Half saturation concentration NO3 for growth of EM species i Nitrate limitation factor for EM species i Ortho-phosphorus concentration Half saturation concentration PO4 for growth EMi Phosphorus limitation factor for EM species i Nutrient limitation factor for EM species i [g N·m−3 ] [g N·m−3 ] [-] [g N·m−3 ] [g N·m−3 ] [-] [g P·m−3 ] [g N·m−3 ] [-] [-] Uptake of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from rhizomes The energy stored in the rhizome/root system in the form of glucose (carbon) is the first source for the growth of submerged vegetation in early spring. When the nitrogen in the rhizomes is exhausted, the vegetation will switch to the uptake of nutrients via the roots (see also Subsection 5.2.8). Uptake is regarded as negative translocation. The uptake of carbon and nutrients from the rhizome continues until a certain minimum biomass has been reached. The total uptake of nutrients from the sediment by all modelled macrophyte types is then used for calculating the nutrient content of the sediment. If (GrowthEMi + GrowthSMi ) × dt < (RHi − RHmini ) CtranslocRHtoEMi =GrowthEMi CtranslocRHtoSMi =GrowthSMi (5.3) Else CtranslocRHtoEMi =0 CtranslocRHtoSMi =0 If (GrowthEMi × N CratEMi + GrowthSMi × N CrateSMi ) × dt < (N RHi − N RHmini ) N translocRHtoEMi =GrowthEMi × N CratEMi N translocRHtoSMi =GrowthSMi × N CratSMi Deltares (5.4) 145 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Else N translocRHtoEMi =0 N translocRHtoSMi =0 If (GrowthEMi × P CratEMi + GrowthSMi × P CrateSMi ) × dt < (P RHi − P RHmini ) P translocRHtoEMi =GrowthEMi × P CratEMi P translocRHtoSMi =GrowthSMi × P CratSMi (5.5) P translocRHtoEMi =0 P translocRHtoSMi =0 where: 5.2.3 Rhizome species i Critical biomass of RH species i Timestep of computation Translocation of C from RH to EM species i Translocation of C from RH to SM species i Nitrogen content of rhizome Critical nitrogen content of RH species i Translocation of N from RH to EM species i Translocation of N from RH to SM species i Nitrogen-carbon ratio of EM species i Nitrogen-carbon ratio of SM species i Phosphorus content of RH species i Critical phosphorus content of RH species i Translocation of P from RH to EM species i Translocation of P from RH to SM species i Phosphorus-carbon ratio of EM species i Phosphorus-carbon ratio of SM species i [g C·m−2 ] [g C·m−2 ] [d] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g N·m−2 ] [g N·m−2 ] [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g N·g C−1 ] [g N·g C−1 ] [g P·m−2 ] [g P·m−2 ] [g P·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g P·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g P·g C−1 ] [g P·g C−1 ] DR AF RHi RHmini dt CtranslocRHtoEMi CtranslocRHtoSMi NRHi NRHmini NtranslocRHtoEMi NtranslocRHtoSMi NCratEMi NCratSMi PRHi PRHmini PtranslocRHtoEMi PtranslocRHtoSMi PCratEMi PCratSMi T Else Daylength limitation The daylength function for macrophytes differs from the method that is applied for algae. The daylength limitation function for macrophytes becomes zero below a certain threshold value: If DL < M inDLEMi LimDLEMi = 0 (5.6) If M inDLEMi < DL < OptDLEMi LimDLEMi = DL − M inDLEMi OptDLEMi − M inDLEMi (5.7) If DL > OptDLEMi LimDLEMi = 1 (5.8) The daylength limitation functions are the same for submerged macrophytes: 146 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes If DL < M inDLSMi LimDLSMi = 0 (5.9) If M inDLSMi < DL < OptDLSMi LimDLSMi = DL − M inDLSMi OptDLSMi − M inDLSMi (5.10) If DL > OptDLSMi LimDLSMi = 1 5.2.4 [d] [-] [-] [d] [d] [d] [d] T Daylength Daylength limitation factor for EM species i Daylength limitation factor for SM species i Optimum daylength for EM species i Optimum daylength for SM species i Minimum daylength for EM species i Minimum daylength for SM species i DR AF DL LimDLEMi LimDLSMi where: OptDLEMi OptDLSMi MinDLEMi MinDLSMi (5.11) Temperature limitation Growth rates increase when the water temperature exceeds 20 ◦ C and decreases when the water temperature drops below 20 ◦ C. Below a certain critical temperature, the growth stops altogether. If T > T critEMi LimT EMi = KT 20 EMiT −20 Else LimT EMi = 0 (5.12) If T > T critSMi LimT SMi = KT 20 SMiT −20 Else LimT SMi = 0 (5.13) where: T TcritEMi LimTEMi KT 20 EMi TcritSMi LimTEMi KT20 SMi Deltares Temperature Critical temperature for growth EM species i Temperature limitation factor for EM species i Temperature coefficient for EM species i Critical temperature for growth SM species i Temperature limitation factor for SM species i Temperature coefficient for SM species i [◦ C] [◦ C] [-] [-] [◦ C] [-] [-] 147 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 5.2.5 Decay of emerged and submerged biomass The decay of emerged and submerged biomass occurs during the autumn and winter. The decay flux is temperature dependent. The decay is limited to the autumn and winter, the process is regulated by the daylength function that is also used for the growth process. DecayEMi =K1DecayEMi × EMi × (1 − LimDLEMi ) × KDecayT 20 EMiT −20 DecaySMi =K1DecaySMi × SMi × (1 − LimDLSMi ) × KDecayT 20 SMiT −20 (5.14) where: 5.2.6 [g C ·m−2 ·d−1 ] [d−1 ] [-] [d−1 ] [d−1 ] [-] Hints for use A sudden collaps of the vegetation can be modelled by means of a high first order decay rate during a short period of time. Some plants remain present over wintertime. This can be modelled by means of a low decay rate. DR AF Decay of emerged part of species i (EMi ) First order autumn decay constant of EMi Temperature constant for decay of EMi Decay of submerged part of species i (SMi ) First order autumn decay constant of SMi Temperature constant for decay of SMi T DecayEMi K1decayEMi KDecayT 20 EMi DecaySMi K1decaySMi KDecayT 20 SMi Growth of the rhizomes/root system The below-ground biomass of macrophytes consists of organs for uptake of nutrients from the soil (root) and in some cases also storage organs (rhizomes). In plants where both primary roots and rhizomes are present the biomass of the rhizomes will be relatively large. Part of the decaying vegetation becomes dead organic matter and part of the carbon and nutrients is stored in the rhizomes. The rhizome/root system has its own nitrogen-carbon ratios and phosphorus-carbon ratios. The rhizome/root system grows predominantly during the late summer and autumn in case the macrophyte stores nutrients in the below-ground system (REF) and translocated these from above-ground systems to below-ground systems. All carbon related substances are produced in the above-ground system, and translocation from these to the rhizome/root system is modelled as follows. For emerged vegetation: CtranslocEM toRHi =DecayEMi × F rEM toRHi N translocEM toRHi =CtranslocEM toRHi × min(N CRatRHi , N CRatEMi ) P translocEM toRHi =CtranslocEM toRHi × min(P CRatRHi , P CRatEMi ) (5.15) For submerged vegetation: CtranslocSM toRHi =DecaySMi × F rSM toRHi N translocSM toRHi =CtranslocSM toRHi × min(N CRatRHi , N CRatSMi ) P translocSM toRHi =CtranslocSM toRHi × min(P CRatRHi , P CRatSMi ) (5.16) In the current model implementation, the rhizome/root system will not decay. Instead, the fraction of the decaying emerged and submerged biomass that is not translocated to the rhizome/root system (FrEMtoRHi ) is converted into organic matter (POC). 148 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes In the above formulae: Formation of particulate organic carbon D-Water Quality has two different routines for the fractioning and decay of organic material. The first method is the DetC-OOC approach. The second approach is the POC-approach that is illustrated in ??. This is the approach taken in the macrophytes module. DR AF 5.2.7 Translocation of C from EM to RH species i [g C·m−2 d−1 ] Fraction of EM that becomes RH species i [-) Translocation of N from EMi to RHi [g N·m−2 d−1 ] Nitrogen-carbon ratio of RH species i [g N·g C−1 ] Nitrogen-carbon ratio of EM species i [g N·g C−1 ] Translocation of P from EMi to rhizomes [g P·m−2 d−1 ] Phosphorus-carbon ratio of EM species i [g P·g C−1 ] Phosphorus-carbon ratio of EM species i [g P·g C−1 ] Translocation of C from EM to RH species i [g C·m−2 d−1 ] Fraction of SM that becomes RH species i [-] Translocation of N from EMi to RHi [g N·m−2 d−1 ] Nitrogen-carbon ratio of EM species i [g N·g C−1 ] Translocation of P from EMi to rhizomes [g P·m−2 d−1 ] Phosphorus-carbon ratio of EM species i [g P·g C−1 ] T CtranslocEMtoRHi FrEMtoRHi NtranslocEMtoRHi NCratRHi NCratEMi PtranslocEMi PCratRHi PCratEMi CtranslocSMtoRHi FrSMtoRHi NtranslocSMtoRHi NCratSMi PtranslocSMi PCratSMi When the emerged and submerged vegetation starts to die in autumn, some of the carbon and nutrients are stored in the rhizomes while the remaining part becomes particulate organic matter, distributed over three different fractions (see ??). The ratio of the three particulate organic carbon fractions is a user-defined parameter. The following equation is a recalculation of the fractions in order to guarantee mass conservation in the computations: F rP OCxEMi = F rP OCxEMi F rP OC1EMi + F rP OC2EMi + F rP OC3EMi (5.17) (x = 1, 2 or 3) and equivalently for the submerged biomass (SMi ). The production of particulate organic carbon is calculated by: P rodP OCxEMi =(DecayEMi − CtranslocEM toRHi ) × F rP OCxEMi + (DecaySMi − CtranslocSM toRHi ) × F rP OCxSMi (5.18) The production of particulate organic nitrogen amnd phosphorus is calculated by: P rodP ON xEMi =(DecayEMi × N CratEMi − N translocEM toRHi ) × F rP OCxEMi + (DecaySMi × N CratEMi − N translocSM toRHi ) × F rP OCxSMi P rodP OP xEMi =(DecayEMi × P CratEMi − P translocEM toRHi ) × F rP OCxEMi + (DecaySMi × P CratEMi − P translocSM toRHi ) × F rP OCxSMi (5.19) where: Deltares 149 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 5.2.8 [g C·m−3 ] [g C·m−3 ] [g C·m−3 ] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g N·m−3 ] [g N·m−3 ] [g N·m−3 ] [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g P·m−3 ] [g P·m−3 ] [g P·m−3 ] [g P·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g P·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g P·m−2 ·d−1 ] T Particulate organic carbon, fraction 1 Particulate organic carbon, fraction 2 Particulate organic carbon, fraction 3 Fraction of decaying EMi that becomes POC1 Fraction of decaying EMi that becomes POC2 Fraction of decaying EMi that becomes POC3 Fraction of decaying SMi that becomes POC1 Fraction of decaying SMi that becomes POC2 Fraction of decaying SMi that becomes POC3 POC1 production from decaying vegetation i POC2 production from decaying vegetation i POC3 production from decaying vegetation i Particulate organic nitrogen, fraction 1 Particulate organic nitrogen, fraction 2 Particulate organic nitrogen, fraction 3 PON1 production from decaying vegetation i PON2 production from decaying vegetation i PON3 production from decaying vegetation i Particulate organic phosphorus, fraction 1 Particulate organic phosphorus, fraction 2 Particulate organic phosphorus, fraction 3 POP1 production from decaying vegetation i POP2 production from decaying vegetation i POP3 production from decaying vegetation i DR AF POC1 POC2 POC3 FrPOC1EMi FrPOC2EMi i FrPOC3EMi i FrPOC1SMi i FrPOC2SMi i FrPOC3SMi i ProdPOC1i i ProdPOC2i i ProdPOC3i i PON1 PON2 PON3 ProdPON1i i ProdPON2i i ProdPON3i i POP1 POP2 POP3 ProdPOP1i i ProdPOP2i i ProdPOP3i i Uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediment The phosphorus in the rhizomes is the first source for the growth of submerged vegetation. When the phosphorus in the rhizomes is exhausted, the vegetation will switch to the uptake of phosphorus via the roots. N uptakesediment =GrowthEMi × N CratEMi − N translocRHtoEMi + GrowthSMi × N CratSMi − N translocRHtoSMi P uptakesediment =GrowthEMi × P CratEMi − P translocRHtoEMi + GrowthSMi × P CratSMi − P translocRHtoSMi where: Nuptakesediment Puptakesediment Uptake of nitrogen from the sediment Uptake of phosphorus from the sediment (5.20) [g N·m−2 ] [g P·m−2 ] Hints for use The sediment should contain enough nutrients to support the growth of macrophytes. In this model, the growth of macrophytes is NOT limited by a lack of nutrients in the sediment. The release of dissolved nutrients depends on the decay of organic matter, containing nitrogen and phosphorus. On the long run, the amount of organic matter in the sediment depends on the production of organic matter in the lake. It is therefore possible that the nutrient pool in the sediment is exhausted by the macrophytes. 150 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes 5.2.9 Uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus from water TODO(??): revise this section - it is incomplete! TODO Nitrogen can only be taken up from the water by the emerged non-rooted vegetation. The growth of emerged vegetation is limited at low phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations. The following equations describe the uptake of nutrients on the basis of the growth rate and the nutrient-carbon ratios. At low nutrient concentrations the growth will be limited. If N H4 < N H4critEMi F rN H4EMi = N H4 N H4 + N O3 F rN H4EMi = 1 T Else (5.21) DR AF N H4uptakeEMi =GRowthEMi × N CratEMi × F rN H4EMi N O3uptakeEMi =GRowthEMi × N CratEMi × (1 − F rN H4EMi ) P O4uptakeEMi =GRowthEMi × P CratEMi (5.22) where: NH4critEMi NH4uptakeEMi NO3uptakeEMi PO4uptakeEMi FrNH4EMi 5.2.10 Critical NH4 concentration for uptake by EMi Ammonium uptake by emerged vegetation Nitrate uptake by emerged vegetation Ortho-phosphorus uptake by emerged vegetation Fraction of NH4 in total nitrogen uptake [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g P·m−2 ·d−1 ] [-] Oxygen production and consumption When macrophytes grow, they produce oxygen during the production of biomass. The stoichiometric ratio between O2 production [g O2 ] and CO2 uptake g C] is 2.67 (). The assumption is made, that the oxygen produced by emerged macrophytes escapes to the atmosphere immediately. The oxygen that is produced by submerged macrophytes dissolves in the water: O2productionSMi = 2.67 × CuptakeSMi (5.23) Since respiration is not modelled explicitly, the consumption of oxygen in water in the macrophyte model is limited to the oxygen that is involved in the decay of organic matter. Deltares 151 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Net growth of emerged and submerged vegetation and rhizomes All the growth and loss processes together give the net growth of the three parts of the vegetation: T EMi =GrowthEMi − GrazeEMi − HarvestEMi − DecayEMi dt SMi =GrowthSMi − GrazeSMi − HarvestSMi − DecaySMi dt RHi =CtranslocEM toRHi + CtranslocSM toRHi − CtranslocRHtoEMi dt CtranslocRHtoSMi − GrazeRHi N RHi =N translocEM toRHi + N translocSM toRHi − N translocRHtoEMi dt N translocRHtoSMi − GrazeN RHi P RHi =P translocEM toRHi + P translocSM toRHi − P translocRHtoEMi dt P translocRHtoSMi − GrazeP RHi (5.24) DR AF 5.2.11 In these formulae grazing and harvesting terms have been included (see Section 5.4). 152 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes 5.3 Maximum biomass per macrophyte species PROCESS : M AX M ACRO 5.3.1 Implementation T With so-called Habitat Suitability Indices (HSI) the occurrence of a particular growth form at a certain location can be indicated. The HSI’s should vary between 0 and 1, in which 0 implies that the habitat is not suitable for the species, and 1 implies that the habitat is very suitable (optimal) for the species. It can be computed in the dedicated software tool HABITAT for instance. When the HSI equals 1 for a particular growth form, this growth form can reach its potential biomass. When the HSI equals 1 for several growth forms, the maximum biomass for each growth form is computed by weighing the HSI by the total index for all species. The maximum biomass for each growth form and for each species is calculated as follows: If P i HSIi > 0: DR AF HSIi × P otEMi P i HSIi HSIi × P otSMi P M axSMi = i HSIi M axEMi = Else (5.25) M axEMi = 0 M axSMi = 0 where: EMi HSIi i MaxEMi PotEMi SMi MaxSMi PotSMi 5.3.2 Emerged biomass of macrophyte species i Habitat Suitability Index for species i Subscript for species Maximum biomass for EM species i Potential biomass for EM species i Submerged biomass of macrophyte species i Maximum biomass for SM species i Potential biomass for SM species i [g C · m−2 ] [-] [-] [g C · m−2 ] [g C · m−2 ] [g C · m−2 ] [g C · m−2 ] [g C · m−2 ] Hints for use The competition between macrophyte species is not modelled as such. The species composition is fully determined by the user defined Habitat Suitability Indices. Table 5.1 shows some examples. Deltares 153 of 464 T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual DR AF Table 5.1: Computation of the maximum biomass of three macrophyte species as a function of the Habitat Suitability Index. example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4 154 of 464 parameter HSI PotEM MaxEM parameter HSI PotEM MaxEM parameter HSI PotEM MaxEM parameter HSI PotEM MaxEM Name Habitat Suitability Index Potential biomass Maximum biomass Name Habitat Suitability Index Potential biomass Maximum biomass Name Habitat Suitability Index Potential biomass Maximum biomass Name Habitat Suitability Index Potential biomass Maximum biomass units [-] g/m2 g/m2 units [-] g/m2 g/m2 units [-] g/m2 g/m2 units [-] g/m2 g/m2 species 1 1 1000 1000 species 1 1 1000 333 species 1 0.2 1000 200 species 1 0.2 500 100 species 2 0 1000 0 species 2 1 1000 333 species 2 0.3 1000 300 species 2 0.3 1000 300 species 3 0 1000 0 species 3 1 1000 333 species 3 0.5 1000 500 species 3 0.5 250 125 Deltares Macrophytes 5.4 Grazing and harvesting PROCESS : GRZMAC II AND HRVMAC II Grazing by birds and fishes, and mowing of vegetation as a management option both create a decrease in the biomass of macrophytes. The characteristics of the grazing/moving depend not only on the species but also on the season. The model contains both a zero order and a first order flux for harvesting and grazing. The first order grazing/harvesting depends on the amount of vegetation. The grazing and harvesting slows down when the macrophytes are gone. The zero order grazing flux is independend of the amount of vegetation, until all vegetation has gone. T In general one can define a process coefficient as a global value that is valid for the entire model, or as a local value for specific location. The global value can either be constant or varying in time. Grazing and harvesting during a certain period of time can be defined by several methods: DR AF As a time varying, first order grazing/harvesting pressure. Every day a certain portion of the vegetation is being eaten until the vegetation is gone. As a time varying, zero order grazing/harvesting function. During a certain episode, the birds eat a constant amount of vegetation. Depth of vegetation: for some species of birds e.g. Bewick Swans the grazing is limited by the depth of the lake. Feeding on the tubers of Potamogeton pectinatus, these birds need to be able to reach the bottom without diving down (< 0.4 m) ?. Both fluxes can also be defined locally, but not varying in time. 5.4.1 Grazing Birds can exert a constant or a first order grazing pressure on the vegetation. The vegetation is removed from the lake, until all vegetation has been eaten. Grazing stops, when the amount of vegetation that could be eaten within one time step, exceeds the amount vegetation that is available. Birds can eat the emerged and submerged vegetation, as well as the rhizomes of for instance P. pectinatus ?. If EMi > (K0GrazeEMi + K1GrazeEMi × EMi ) × dt: GrazeEMi = K0GrazeEMi + K1GrazeEMi × EMi Else (5.26) GrazeEMi = 0 If SMi > (K0GrazeSMi + K1GrazeSMi × SMi ) × dt: GrazeSMi = K0GrazeSMi + K1GrazeSMi × SMi (5.27) Else GrazeSMi = 0 Deltares 155 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual If RHi > (K0GrazeRHi + K1GrazeRHi × RHi ) × dt: GrazeRHi = K0GrazeRHi + K1GrazeRHi × RHi N HRi GrazeN RHi = GrazeRHi × RHi P HRi GrazeP RHi = GrazeRHi × RHi (5.28) Else GrazeRHi = 0 GrazeN RHi = 0 GrazeP RHi = 0 5.4.2 Grazing of EM species i Zero order grazing constant of EM species i First order grazing constant o fEM species i time step of the simulation Grazing of SM species i Zero order grazing constant of SM species i First order grazing constant of SM species i Rhizome species i Grazing of RH species i Zero order grazing of RH species i First order grazing constant of RH species i Grazing of RH species i, nitrogen component Grazing of RH species I, phosphorus component [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [d−1 ] [d] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [d−1 ] [g N·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g P·m−2 ·d−1 ] DR AF GrazeEMi K0GrazeEMi K1GrazeEMi dt GrazeSMi K0GrazeSMi K1GrazeSMi RHi GrazeRHi K0GrazeRHi K1GrazeRHi GrazeNRHi GrazePRHi T where: Hints for use The grazing can be estimated on the basis of the number of birds, the period during which they are eating somewhere, the area of the lake and the amount of macrophytes each bird eats. An example equation for the estimation of the grazing pressure for emerged vegetation could look like: K0GrazeEMi = where: birds fooddemand area birds × f ooddemand area Number of birds in the colony Amount of vegetation per bird per day Lake area where the colony of birds is feeding (5.29) [-] [g C·d·−1] [m2 ] The grazing of submerged vegetation by birds is limited to a maximum depth. If this is the case, the grazing function can be applied locally in the shallow areas in the model schematisation. 5.4.3 Harvesting Harvesting can be used as a management practise to reduce nuicance biomass (e.g. to improve recreational values) or to remove nutrients from the system. Both emerged and submerged vegetation can be removed from the water system. The harvesting can be modelled 156 of 464 Deltares Macrophytes as a constant and /or a first order flux. The modelled harvesting stops, when all vegetation is removed from the lake. IF EMi > (K0HarvestEMi + K1HarvestEMi × EMi ) × dt: HarvestEMi = K0HarvestEMi + K1HarvestEMi × EMi ELSE HarvestEMi = 0 IF SMi > (K0HarvestSMi + K1HarvestSMi × SMi ) × dt: ELSE HarvestSMi = 0 DR AF where: T HarvestSMi = K0HarvestSMi + K1HarvestSMi × SMi K0HarvestEMi K1HarvestEMi dt HarvestEMi K0HarvestSMi K1HarvestSMi HarvestSMi Deltares Zero order harvesting of emerged vegetation First order harvesting constants of emerged vegetation Time step of computation Harvesting of emerged vegetation Zero order harvesting of submerged vegetation First order harvesting constant of submerged vegetation Harvesting of submerged vegetation [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [d−1 ] [d] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] [d−1 ] [g C·m−2 ·d−1 ] 157 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Light limitation for macrophytes PROCESS : R AD _SM II For the submerged parts of the macrophytes the light limitation is determined from the light intensity at the tip of the submerged parts. Implementation The limitation (f rad) is expressed as the ratio between the light intensity at the tip and the satuaration light intensity: where: f rad Itop Isatii Itop ) Isatii (5.30) T f rad = min(1, light limitation factor light intensity at the tip of the submerged part light intensity at which saturation occurs for submerged macrophyte ii DR AF 5.5 158 of 464 [-] [-] [-] Deltares Macrophytes 5.6 Vegetation coverage PROCESS : C OVERAGE When a water body is covered by emerged macrophytes, the reaeration with oxygen and the light intensity in the water are decreased. The parameter f cov for the coverage of the surface water is an existing model coefficient, that is already used in the computation of the reaeration flux. On the basis of the model for emerged macrophytes, the coverage can be computed. The coverage with emerged macrophytes is assumed to be 100 % when the actual emerged biomass reaches the maximum emerged biomass. The parameter is used in the model equations for light intensity near the water surface. T Implementation The growth of submerged vegetation can be limited by the underwater light climate. This depends on the dissolved and suspended matter in the water (both organic and inorganic) ? as well as on the shading due to emerged vegetation that covers the surface of the water. The growth of emerged vegetation is not limited by light in this model, although several authors report that selfshading can occur. In the light extinction function in D-Water Quality, the coverage by emerged vegetation is included via the following function: DR AF 5.6.1 Itop1 = Is × (1 − f cov) (5.31) where: Itop1 Is fcov light intensity at the surface of the water layer (layer 1) light intensity at the water surface fraction of the water surface covered by vegetation [W·m−2 ] [W·m−2 ] [-] The light intensity of the subsequent layers is computed according by the process CalcRad, see also Figure 5.4: Itopn =Ibotn−1 Ibotn =Itopn × e −ExvV ln ×Hn (5.32) (5.33) where: ExtVLn Itop Ibot H n extinction of visible light in layer n light intensity at the top of a water layer light intensity at the bottom of a water layer thickness of the water layer, zn−1 − zn index for water layers [m−1 ] [W·m−2 ] [W·m−2 ] [m] [-] When there is only one water layer (compartment), the depth is equal to the water depth. In the case that sediment layers are actually modelled the light intensities at the top and the bottom of these layers are calculated in a slightly modified way: Ibotn =a × Itopn × e−ExvV ln ×Hn (5.34) where: a amplification factor by scattering by sediment particles [-] Deltares 159 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Figure 5.4: The light intensity under water – explanation of the variables in the light intensity functions. The coverage f cov is calculated via: f cov = X i where: CoverageEMi CoverageSMi fcov EMi SMi MaxEMi MaxSMi 160 of 464 EMi M axEMi Coverage with emerged vegetation Coverage with submerged vegetation Total coverage on the basis of all emerged species Actual biomass emerged vegetation Actual biomass submerged vegetation Maximum biomass emerged vegetation Maximum biomass submerged vegetation (5.35) [-] [-] [-] [g·m−2 ] [g·m−2 ] [g·m−2 ] [g·m−2 ] Deltares Macrophytes 5.7 Vertical distribution of submerged macrophytes PROCESS : MACDIS II The actual location of the submerged biomass in the water column is species specific. Some species are evenly distributed over the water column, where others tend to concentrate in the top layers. 5.7.1 T The macrophytes biomass is administratively located in the bottom water layer. If the model is layered (1Dv, 2Dv, 3D), the biomass is distributed over the vertical layers to provide input for the modules that require such a distribution, in particular the vertical distribution of light extinction. Implementation This process is implemented for different types of macrophytes, indicated by "ii" throughout this document. DR AF The vertical distribution of the macrophyte biomass is calculated from the following input items (for submerged macrophyte species ii): Id in process Symbol used Description Depth TotalDepth LocalDepth SMii SwDisSMii HmaxSMii FfacSMii D T L MT depth of segment, layer thickness [m] total depth water column [m] depth from water surface to bottom of segment [m] submerged macrophyte biomass in water column [gC/m2 ] type of macrophyte shape function (1: linear, 2: exponential) maximum height of macrohyte [m] parameter F in shape function [-] Hmax F Figure 5.5 provides an overview of the geometrical quantities used in the calculation. Note that the vertical co-ordinate z is defined in a downward direction, with a value of zero at the water surface. The vertical distribution of the submerged macrophytes m(z) (in g/m3 ) is represented either by a linear or by an exponential function. Linear distribution (SwDisSMii=1) The shape function is defined by means of one dimensionless parameter F with a value ranging from 0 to 2. For F = 0, the biomass approaches zero at the top of the plant, for F = 1 the biomass is distributed homogeneously and for F = 2, the biomass approaches zero near the bed. Values between 0 and 1 result in a decreasing biomass from bottom to top. Values between 1 and 2 result in an increasing biomass from bottom to top. The biomass distribution m(z) can be expressed by means of two constants A and B , which are formulated in terms of the total biomass MT and the shape parameter F : Deltares 161 of 464 T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual DR AF Figure 5.5: Definition of the quantities used for determining the linear vertical distribution. m(z) = Az + B MT 2 − 2F A= Hmax T − zm MT F (zm + T ) − 2zm B= Hmax T − zm (5.36) It is easy to derive that for F = 1, A = 0 and B = MT /Hmax . Consequently, the algorithm to calculate the biomass in a layer from z = Z1 to z = Z2 proceeds as follows: If zm > z2 (layer above top of plant): M12 = 0 If zm < z1 (layer entirely below top of plant): M12 = Else (top of plant inside layer): M12 = R Z2 Zm R Z2 Z1 m(z)dz m(z)dz By integrating the mass distribution function we can derive the biomass in the layer, e.g.: Z Z2 m(z)dz = Z1 A 2 (Z − Z12 ) + B(Z2 − Z1 ) 2 2 (5.37) The module calculates the following output items for submerged macrophyte species ii: FrBmSMii BmLaySMii Fraction of the macrophyte biomass in present layer [-] Macrophyte biomass density in present layer [gC/m3 ] The fraction of the biomass in a layer from z = Z1 to z = Z2 is calculated as M12 /MT . 162 of 464 Deltares T Macrophytes DR AF Figure 5.6: Definition of the quantities used for determining the exponential vertical distribution. Exponential distribution (SwDisSMii=2) The exponential shape function is defined on an inverse vertical co-ordinate z’, which is defined as (see also Figure 5.7): z0 = T − z (5.38) The value of z 0 equals 0 at the bottom and it equals Hmax at the tip of the plant. The mass distribution function is defined as follows: 0 m(z 0 ) = A · eF z /Hmax − 1 (5.39) The shape function is defined by means of one parameter F . The constant A is determined by requiring that the integrated mass equals the total mass MT . A value of F approaching 0 defines a linear distribution. Increasing values of F define a stronger and stronger concentration of the biomass near the plant tip (see ??). The value of A can be determined as: A= Hmax M T eF −1 F −1 (5.40) Consequently, the algorithm to calculate the biomass in a layer from z 0 = Z10 to z 0 = Z20 proceeds as follows: If Z10 > Hmax (layer above top of plant): M12 = 0 If Z20 < Hmax (layer entirely below top of plant): M12 = Else (top of plant inside layer): M12 = Deltares R Hmax Z10 R Z20 Z10 m(z 0 )dz 0 m(z 0 )dz 0 163 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual (a) F = 0.001 (b) F = 5 (c) F = 20 Figure 5.7: Examples of the exponential vertical distribution for three values of the shape parameter F . Z Z20 5.7.2 Hints 0 0 eF Z2 /Hmax − eF Z1 /Hmax m(z 0 )dz 0 = A · Hmax − (Z20 − Z10 ) F (5.41) DR AF Z10 T By integrating the mass distribution function we can derive the biomass in the layer, e.g.: The module uses a work array ("IBotSeg") which is filled during the first call. This work array contains the segment number of the bottom segment that lies beneath each segment not located in the bottom layer. This tells each segment where the biomass in the segment administratively resides, as biomass can only exist in the bottom segment but is ’distributed’ vertically in a post-processing step. Note that in a 2Dh or 1D model this work array is trivial; every segment is the bottom segment of the whole water column. For an exponential biomass distribution, the value of F can range from a small positive number to infinite. The table below provides the share of the biomass of the plant present in the upper 10 % of the plant height, as a function of F : F 0.1 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25 30 Share of biomass in top 10% 19 26 36 46 55 63 78 87 93 96 The maximum allowable value for F is 50 – this is a numerical limitation, because otherwise the numbers could become too large. TODO TODO(??): Is the sentence below true indeed? In the present implementation, the overall biomasses are calculated as g/m2 . 164 of 464 Deltares 6 Light regime Contents Light intensity in the water column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 6.2 Extinction coefficient of the water column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 6.3 Variable solar radiation during the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 6.4 Computation of day length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 6.5 Computation of Secchi depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 DR AF T 6.1 Deltares 165 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Light intensity in the water column PROCESS : C ALC R AD, C ALC R AD DAY, C ALC R AD _ UV Due to extinction the light intensity in the water column is reduced compared to the intensity at the water surface. The light intensity is an exponential attenuation function of depth times the total extinction coefficient according to the law of Lambert-Beer. This holds for visible light as well as UV light, but with different extinction coefficients. Total visible light or photoactive radiation (PAR) is used to determine the growth rates of phytoplankton, microphytobenthos and submerged macrophytes. UV light is used to determine the mortality rate of bacterial pollutants. Implementation T The total extinction coefficient is calculated by processes Extinc_VLG and Extinc_UVG and contains contributions of algae biomass, particulate organic detritus, dissolved organic matter, suspended inorganic matter, submerged macrophytes and water itself. Processes CALCRAD and CALCRADDAY deliver the intensity of total visible light (solar radiation) at the top and the bottom of the water and sediment layers in the model. Process CALCRAD_UV does the same for UV light. CALCRAD and CALCRAD_UV may deliver the daily average light intensity as well as the actual light intensity as it varies over the day. CALCRADDAY produces the actual light intensity as it varies over the day from daily average input, and needs to be combined with additional process DAYRAD. All processes use the same light intensity at the water surface as input. All processes have been implemented in a generic way, meaning that they apply to water layers as well as sediment layers. DR AF 6.1 Table 6.1 to Table 6.6 provide the definitions of the parameters occurring in the user-defined input and output parameters. Formulation The light intensities at the top or bottom of a water layer or compartment follow from: Itop1 = Is Itopi = Iboti−1 Iboti = Itopi × e(−eti ×Hi ) with: et H Is Itop Ibot i total extinction coefficient [m−1 ] thickness of the water layer [m] light intensity at the water surface, just below the surface [W.m−2 ] light intensity at the top of a water layer [W.m−2 ] light intensity at the bottom of a water layer [W.m−2 ] index for water layer [-] When there is only one water layer (compartment) the depth is equal to water depth. In the case that sediment layers are actually modelled the light intensities at the top and the bottom of these layers are calculated in a slightly modified way: Iboti = a × Itopi × e(−eti ×Hi ) with: 166 of 464 Deltares Light regime a H Itop Ibot i amplification factor due to scattering by sediment particles [-] thickness of a sediment layer [m] light intensity at the top of a sediment layer [W.m−2 ] light intensity at the bottom of a sediment layer [W.m−2 ] index for sediment layer [-] Itop at the sediment-water interface is equal to Ibot of the lower water layer. DR AF T Directives for use The light intensity at the water surface RadSurf is the total visible light intensity (solar radiation) or the photosynthetic active light intensity corrected for reflection. Rad_U V is derived from RadSurf , when process CALCRAD_UV is active. Alternatively it can be imposed as input parameter, but this is only applicable for a model with one water layer. Process BACMORT converts Rad_U V into UV light intensity. Unattenuated solar radiation as visible light yields 100–500 W.m-2 at latitudes around 50◦ . Always make sure that the light input (observed solar radiation) is consistent with the light related parameters of the primary producer modules used. If data are expressed in units PAR (photosynthetic active radiation), and the model is based on total visible light, the PAR data need to be converted by dividing with 0.45 (the photosynthetic fraction of the visible wavelength spectrum). The radiation data should be corrected for cloudiness and sometimes also for reflection (approximately 10 %). Phytoplankton module BLOOM uses the daily average radiation. In its standard setting it uses total visible light and carries out corrections for both reflection and photo-synthetic fraction. DYNAMO may use the daily average radiation or the actual radiation varying over the day. The latter is delivered by process DAYRAD, which is used in addition to process CALCRADDAY. This process is used in stead of or in parallel with process CALCRAD. Additional references WL | Delft Hydraulics (1991a) Table 6.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for CALCRAD. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units a a_enh amplification factor due to scattering by sed. particles - ExtV l total extinction coefficient of vivible light m−1 Radsurf light intensity at water surface W.m−2 Depth thickness of a water or sediment layer m et Is z1 Deltares 167 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 6.2: Definitions of the output parameters for CALCRAD. Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units Itop Rad W.m−2 Ibot RadBot light intensity at the top of a water or sediment layer light intensity at the bottom of a water or sediment layer W.m−2 Table 6.3: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for CALCRADDAY. Name in output Definition a a_enh amplification factor due to scattering by sed. particles - et ExtVl total extinction coefficient of visible light m−1 H DR AF Is Units T Name in formulas DayRadsurf light intensity at the water surface W.m−2 Depth thickness of a water or sediment layer m Table 6.4: Table IV Definitions of the output parameters for CALCRADDAY. Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units Itop DayRad light intensity at the top of a water or sediment layer light intensity at the bottom of a water or sediment layer W.m−2 Ibot DayRadBot W.m−2 Table 6.5: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for CALCRAD_UV. Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units a a_enh amplification factor due to scattering by sed. particles - et ExtUv total extinction coefficient of UV light m−1 Is Radsurf light intensity at the water surface W.m−2 H Depth thickness of a water or sediment layer m 168 of 464 Deltares Light regime Table 6.6: Definitions of the output parameters for CALCRAD_UV. Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units Itop Rad_Uv 1 W.m−2 Ibot RadBot_Uv 1 light intensity at the top of a water or sediment layer light intensity at the bottom of a water or sediment layer Total visible light or PAR as based on UV extinction! DR AF T 1 W.m−2 Deltares 169 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Extinction coefficient of the water column PROCESS : E XTINC _VLG, E XTINA BVLP (E XTINA BVL), E XT P H DVL, E XTINC _UVG, E XTINA BUVP (E XTINA BUV), E XT P H DUV Primary producers like algae use a certain fraction of the visible light for assimilation. The various algae modules account for this fraction in light limitation functions and light production efficiency functions. These functions use the intensity of visible light as an input parameter. T Due to extinction the light intensity in the water column is reduced compared to the intensity at the water surface. The light intensity is an exponential attenuation function of depth times the extinction coefficient according to the law of Lambert-Beer. All light absorbing substances in particulate or dissolved form contribute to the extinction coefficent in a linear way. This includes algae biomass, suspended and dissolved organic matter (detritus), suspended inorganic matter, water itself and all remaining dissolved substances. Most of the substances that contribute to the extinction coefficient can be modelled. The contributions of these substances are calculated on the basis of concentrations and specific extinction coefficients. Water and the remaining substances contribute in the form of a background extinction coefficient. Dissolved fulvic and humic acids may be modelled as substances DOC or accounted for in the background extinction coefficient, or in a salinity related extinction coefficient. DR AF 6.2 Dominant contributions to the extinction are different for saline and fresh water. Among other things, in fresh water a relatively large contribution may be delivered by dissolved fulvic and humic acids, whereas saline water as a rule contains very small quantities of these substances. This is due to photochemical oxidation of these substances and long residence time. It is also conceivable that marine suspended matter has a specific extinction coefficient that is different from the coefficient of riverine suspended sediment. Where river water is mixed with saline water in estuaries, the background extinction changes from a relatively high value in the river to a low value in the sea. The opposite applies to salinity. It has been shown that the background extinction coefficient in estuaries can be described empirically as a function of salinity Rijkswaterstaat/RIKZ (1991). Such a relation has been incorporated in process Extinc_VLG. Apart of the processes for the extinction coefficient of visible light similar processes are available for the extinction coefficient of UV-light, which is relevant for the modelling of bacterial pollutants. Processes Extinc_VLG and Extinc_UVG may apply an alternative advanced submodel of the extinction coefficient called UITZICHT. This submodel takes the optical properties of a water column into account. Given the advanced features of UITZICHT this module is not (yet) described in this manual. The user is referred to Rijkswaterstaat/RIKZ (1990) for background and details. Implementation The total extinction coefficient of visible light for the water column is delivered by three processes the names of which depend on the algae module selected. Process Extinc_VLG provides the total extinction coefficient of visible light, for which ExtinaBVLP (ExtinaBVL) or ExtPhDVL deliver the partial phytoplankton biomass extinction coefficient for BLOOM or for DYNAMO. Processes Extinc_UVG, ExtinaBUVP (ExtinaBUV), ExtPhDUV provide similar co- 170 of 464 Deltares Light regime efficients for UV light. The processes do not deliver process rates and, therefore, do not affect mass balances. Processes ExtinaBVLP (ExtinaBVL) and ExtinaBUVP (ExtinaBUV) have been implemented for the BLOOM algae: BLOOMALG01 - BLOOMALG30. Processes ExtPhDVL and ExtPhDUV have been implemented for the DYNAMO algae: Diat and Green. T Processes Extinc_VLG and Extinc_UVG add the partial extinction coefficients, and have been implemented for substances: IM1, IM2, IM3, POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4, DOC and Salinity. DR AF The auxiliary process UITZICHT is incorporated in this process, but it is inactivated unless specific input is provided. All processes have been implemented in a generic way and therefore cover water as well sediment layers. Table 6.7 to Table 6.10 provide the definitions of the input parameters and the output parameters for visible light. Table 6.11 to Table 6.14 provide the same for UV light. Formulation Two methods are available to compute the total and partial extinction coefficients. For SW _U itz = 0.0 (UITZICHT not applied) the total extinction coefficient of visible light or UV light is calculated as the sum of seven partial extinction coeffcients: et = eat + emt + ept + edt + est + eot + eb where: eat eb edt ept emt est eot et partial extinction coefficient of algae biomass [m−1 ] background extinction coefficient [m−1 ] partial extinction coefficient of dissolved organic matter [m−1 ] partial extinction coefficient of particulate detritus [m−1 ] partial extinction coefficient of macrophytes [m−1 ] partial extinction coefficient of suspended inorganic matter [m−1 ] partial extinction coefficient of other substances as a function of salinity [m−1 ] partial extinction coefficient [m−1 ] The background extinction coefficient and the partial extinction coefficient of macrophytes are Deltares 171 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual input parameters. The other contributions are determined according to: eat = ept = n X i=1 m X (eai × Calgi ) (epj × Cpocj ) j=1 edt = ed × Cdoc 3 X est = (esk × Cimk ) k=1 where: biomass concentration of algae species group i [gC.m−3 ] concentration of detritus component j [gC.m−3 ] concentration of suspended inorganic matter fraction k [gC.m−3 ] specific extinction coefficient of an algae species type [m2 .gC−1 ] specific extinction coefficient of dissolved organic carbon [m2 .gC−1 ] spec. ext. coefficient of other substances based on relative salinity [m−1 ] specific extinction coefficient of a particulate detritus component [m2.gC-1] spec. ext. coefficient of a suspended inorganic matter fraction [m2 .gDM−1 ] actual salinity ([−1 ] ≈ [g.l−1 ]) maximal salinity ([−1 ] ≈ [g.l−1 ]) index for algae species [-] index for detritus components [-] index for suspended inorganic matter fractions [-] number for algae species, =30 for BLOOM, = 2 for DYNAMO [-] number of detritus components, =4 for POX [-] DR AF Calgi Cdetj Cimk ea ed eo ep es SAL SALmax i j k n m T eot = eo × (1 − SAL/SALmax) Besides to the total extinction coefficient the processes deliver the partial extinction coefficients of algae biomass, particulate detritus, dissolved organic matter and suspended inorganic matter. For SW _U itz = 1.0 the auxiliary process UITZICHT (Rijkswaterstaat, 1990) is applied for the calculation of the extinction coefficients based on a background extinction and the concentrations of (in)organic suspended matter, chlorophyll and dissolved organic matter (fulvic and humic acids). Directives for use BLOOM corrects the visible light intensity (irradiation) for the fraction light that can be used by algae (45 %). Often available irradiation data are expressed in [−2 .week−1 ] (PAR or TotalRAD). Notice that irradiation has to be provided in [W.m−2 ]. To convert PAR (−2 .week−1 ), multiply with 0.016534 and 1/0.45. To convert TotalRAD (−2 .week−1 ), only multiply with 0.016534 . The user must make sure that the form of the regression equation used for eot meets the formulation in the model. An indicative equation provided by Rijkswaterstaat/RIKZ (1991) for the Eastern Scheldt in the Netherlands is 0.005×(19.4−SAL/1.8) at a background extinction coefficient of 0.06 (version corrected in 2002). This function is equivalent to 0.079 × (1.0 − SAL/SALmax). If salinity dependent extinction is applied, make sure there is no double counting due to simulated DOC. 172 of 464 Deltares Light regime UITZICHT is applied when SW _U itz = 1.0. In that case a number of additional input parameters are needed. For the application of the extinction processes for UV light make shure that the light in- DR AF T tensity is calculated as UV light, and specify the specific extinction coefficients for UV light. Deltares 173 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 6.7: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for Extinc_VLG. Name in input Definition Units Cim1 Cim2 Cim3 Cpoc1 Cpoc2 Cpoc3 Cpoc4 Cdoc SAL IM 1 IM 2 IM 3 P OC1 P OC2 P OC3 P OC4 DOC Salinity conc. of inorg. susp. matter fraction 1 conc. of inorg. susp. matter fraction 2 conc. of inorg. susp. matter fraction 3 concentration of fast dec. part. detritus conc. of medium dec. part. detritus concentration of slow dec. part. detritus concentration of refractory part. detritus concentration of dissolved organic carbon actual salinity gDM.m−3 gDM.m−3 gDM.m−3 gC.m−3 gC.m−3 gC.m−3 gC.m−3 gC.m−3 psu(−1 ) eat eb ep1 ep2 ep3 ep4 ed emt eo ExtV lP hyt ExtV lBak ExtV lP OC1 ExtV lP OC2 ExtV lP OC3 ExtV lP OC4 ExtV lDOC ExtV lM acro ExtV lSal0 partial ext. coeff. of algae biomass background extinction coefficient specific ext. coefficient of detritus POC1 specific ext. coefficient of detritus POC2 specific ext. coefficient of detritus POC3 specific ext. coefficient of detritus POC4 specific ext. coeff. of diss. detritus DOC partial ext. coefficient of macrophytes spec. ext. coeff. other subst. based on rel. salinity spec. ext. coefficient of inorg. matter IM1 spec. ext. coefficient of inorg. matter IM2 spec. ext. coefficient of inorg. matter IM3 m−1 m−1 m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 m−1 m−1 SALmax SalExt0 maximal salinity psu(−1 ) SW _U itz Sw_U itz 1 option parameter: if 0.0 no UITZICHT (default), if 1.0 UITZICHT is applied diepte Z1 diepte Z2 correctiefactor coeff. C3 absorp. by glowing dried matter and detritus coeff. C1 atten. by glowing dried matter and detritus coeff. C2 atten. by glowing dried matter and detritus constant for the spectre constant for calc. of the visibility depth angle of incidence of solar radiation dry matter conversion factor for detritus - – – – – – DR AF es1 es2 es3 ExtV lIM 1 ExtV lIM 2 ExtV lIM 3 U itzDEP T 11 U itzDEP T 21 U itzCorCH 1 U itzC _Det1 U itzC _GL11 – U itzC _GL21 – – – – U itzHelHM 1 U itzT au1 U itzAngle1 DM CF DetC 1 1 T Name in formulas m2 .gDM−1 m2 .gDM−1 m2 .gDM−1 m m nm−1 ◦ gDM.gC−1 Only concern alternative calculation method according to UITZICHT. 174 of 464 Deltares Light regime Table 6.8: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for ExtinaBVLP (ExtinaBVL) for BLOOM algae. Name in formulas Name in input1 Definition Units Calgi BLOOM ALG(i) biomass concentration of algae species gC.m−3 type i ExtV lAlg(i) algae species type specific extinction coefficient m2 .gC−1 n – N AlgBloom2 SW _f ixin_y 2 - – V olume3 – F ixAlg(i)3 number of algae species groups = 30 indicator for algae species attached to the sediment = 1 volume of water compartment or sediment layer identifier for pairs of algae types attaching to sediment (0 = not applying, > 0 = suspended, < 0 = attached) DR AF 1 T eai m3 - (i) indicates algae species types 1–30. Default values are fixed and must not be changed because they refer to additional input F ixAlg(i). 3 Parameters are added for conversion of biomass of algae attached to the sediment from [gC.m−2 ] to [gC.m−3 ]. 2 Table 6.9: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for ExtPhDVL. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Calg1 Calg2 Diat Green biomass concentration of diatoms biomass concentration of green algae gC.m−3 gC.m−3 ea1 ea2 ExtV lDiat EXtV lGreen specific ext. coefficient for diatoms specific ext. coefficient for green algae m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 – N AlgDynamo1 SW _f ixin_y1 - – V olume number of algae species groups = 2 indicator for algae species attached to the sediment = 0 volume of water compartment or sediment layer n 1 m3 The default values are fixed and must not be changed! Deltares 175 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 6.10: Definitions of the output parameters for Extinc_VLG, ExtinaBVLP (ExtinaBVL), ExtPhDVL. Name in formulas Name in output1 Definition Units eat edt ept est et ExtV lP hyt ExtV lODS ExtV lOSS ExtV lISS ExtV l partial ext. coefficient of algae biomass partial ext. coeff. of dissolved org. matter partial ext. coefficient of part. detritus partial ext. coeff. of susp. inorg. matter total extinction coefficient m−1 m−1 m−1 m−1 m−1 1 Notice that the partial extinction coefficients ExtV lBak and ExtV lM acro are input parameters 176 of 464 Deltares Light regime Table 6.11: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for Extinc_UVG. Name in input Definition Units Cim1 Cim2 Cim3 Cpoc1 Cpoc2 Cpoc3 Cpoc4 Cdoc SAL IM 1 IM 2 IM 3 P OC1 P OC2 P OC3 P OC4 DOC Salinity conc. of inorg. susp. matter fraction 1 conc. of inorg. susp. matter fraction 2 conc. of inorg. susp. matter fraction 3 concentration of fast dec. part. detritus conc. of medium dec. part. detritus concentration of slow dec. part. detritus concentration of refractory part. detritus concentration of dissolved organic carbon actual salinity gDM.m−3 gDM.m−3 gDM.m−3 gC.m−3 gC.m−3 gC.m−3 gC.m−3 gC.m−3 psu(−1 ) eat eb ep1 ep2 ep3 ep4 ed emt eo ExtU vP hyt ExtU vBak ExtU vP OC1 ExtU vP OC2 ExtU vP OC3 ExtU vP OC4 ExtU vDOC ExtU vM acro ExtU vSal0 m−1 m−1 m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 m−1 m−1 es1 es2 es3 ExtU vIM 1 ExtU vIM 2 ExtU vIM 3 partial ext. coeff. of algae biomass background extinction coefficient specific ext. coefficient of detritus POC1 specific ext. coefficient of detritus POC2 specific ext. coefficient of detritus POC3 specific ext. coefficient of detritus POC4 specific ext. coeff. of diss. detritus DOC partial ext. coefficient of macrophytes spec. ext. coeff. other subst. based on rel. salinity spec. ext. coefficient of inorg. matter IM1 spec. ext. coefficient of inorg. matter IM2 spec. ext. coefficient of inorg. matter IM3 SALmax SalExt0 maximal salinity psu(−1 ) SW _U itz Sw_U itz 1 option parameter: if 0.0 no UITZICHT (default), if 1.0 UITZICHT is applied diepte Z1 diepte Z2 correctiefactor coeff. C3 absorp. by glowing dried matter and detritus coeff. C1 atten. by glowing dried matter and detritus coeff. C2 atten. by glowing dried matter and detritus constant for the spectre constant for calc. of the visibility depth angle of incidence of solar radiation dry matter conversion factor for detritus - – DR AF – – – – U itzDEP T 11 U itzDEP T 21 U itzCorCH 1 U itzC _Det1 U itzC _GL11 – U itzC _GL21 – – – – U itzHelHM 1 U itzT au1 U itzAngle1 DM CF DetC 1 1 T Name in formulas m2 .gDM−1 m2 .gDM−1 m2 .gDM−1 m m nm−1 ◦ gDM.gC−1 Only concern alternative calculation method according to UITZICHT. Deltares 177 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 6.12: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for ExtinaBUVP (ExtinaBUV) for BLOOM algae. Name in formulas Name in input1 Definition Units Calgi BLOOM ALG(i) biomass concentration of algae species gC.m−3 type i ExtU vAlg(i) algae species type specific extinction coefficient m2 .gC−1 n – N AlgBloom2 SW _f ixin_y 2 - – V olume3 – F ixAlg(i)3 number of algae species groups = 30 indicator for algae species attached to the sediment = 1 volume of water compartment or sediment layer identifier for pairs of algae types attaching to sediment (0 = not applying, > 0 = suspended, < 0 = attached) DR AF 1 T eai m3 - (i) indicates algae species types 1–30. Default values are fixed and must not be changed because they refer to additional input F ixAlg(i). 3 Parameters are added for conversion of biomass of algae attached to the sediment from [gC.m−2 ] to [gC.m−3 ]. 2 Table 6.13: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for ExtPhDUV. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Calg1 Calg2 Diat Green biomass concentration of diatoms biomass concentration of green algae gC.m−3 gC.m−3 ExtU vDiat EXtU vGreen specific ext. coefficient for diatoms specific ext. coefficient for green algae m2 .gC−1 m2 .gC−1 – N AlgDynamo1 SW _f ixin_y1 - – V olume number of algae species groups = 2 indicator for algae species attached to the sediment = 0 volume of water compartment or sediment layer ea1 ea2 n 1 m3 The default values are fixed and must not be changed! 178 of 464 Deltares DR AF T Light regime Table 6.14: Definitions of the output parameters for Extinc_UVG, ExtinaBUVP (ExtinaBUV), ExtPhDUV. Name in formulas Name in output1 Definition Units eat edt ept est et ExtU vP hyt ExtU vODS ExtU vOSS ExtU vISS ExtU v partial ext. coefficient of algae biomass partial ext. coeff. of dissolved org. matter partial ext. coefficient of part. detritus partial ext. coeff. of susp. inorg. matter total extinction coefficient m−1 m−1 m−1 m−1 m−1 1 Notice that the partial extinction coefficients ExtU vBak and ExtU vM acro are input parameters Deltares 179 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Variable solar radiation during the day PROCESS : DAYRAD Implementation T The light intensity during the day varies due to the different angles of the sun in relation to the earth surface, which depends on latitude as well as season. This module calculates light intensity (solar radiance, irradiance) at any moment during the day, as a function of latitude on earth, the average intensity over the day, the time of the day, and day of the year. The variation of light intensity during the day is relevant for the simulation of both primary producers and bacterial pollutants. For microphytobenthos, depending for their light supply on the period that a tidal flat is emerged, the light intensity during the emersion period is very relevant for their primary production. For coli bacteria the decay rates are so high and influenced by light intensity, that the variation of solar irradiance during the day can have a significant impact on the concentration patterns. Process DAYRAD calculates the light intensity at any moment during the day. It is used in combination with process CALCRADDAY, that provides light intensities at the top and the bottom of water and sediment layers for daily varying light intensity. Currently, DAYRAD can not be used for the simulation of bacterial pollutants. DR AF 6.3 Table 6.15 and Table 6.16 provide the definition of the input and output parameters. Formulation The formulations used to calculate the solar intensity are based on the constant radiance from the sun (1367 W m−2 ) and the angle between the sun and the earth surface. The resulting solar irradiance can be corrected for measured daily averaged irradiance, or for cloudiness. The following formulations are used for the calculation of the maximum solar irradiance at time t at day d and latitude φ: Et = where: I0 R̄2 (sin δ sin φ + cos δ cos φ cos ω) π R2 δ = 0.006918− 0.399921 × cos(1 × η × d)− 0.006758 × cos(2 × η × d)− 0.002697 × cos(3 × η × d)+ 0.070257 × sin(1 × η × d)+ 0.000907 × sin(2 × η × d)+ 0.001480 × sin(3 × η × d) η= 2π 366 R̄2 = 1 + 0.033 cos(ηd) R2 π ω = |12 − h| × 12 and: 180 of 464 Deltares Light regime maximum solar irradiance at time t [W.m−2 ] sun constant = 1367 [W.m−2 ] day of the year (1-366; 1 = 1 January, 365 = 31 December) [d] relative difference of distance earth-sun compared to average distance [-] angle between sun and earth surface at specific day [rad] angle between sun and earth surface at hour h [rad] hour of the day [h] latitude [rad] Et I0 d R̄2 R2 δ ω h φ The parameters above are calculated from the input parameters as follows: d= IT IM E − Ref day 86400 h = IT IM E − int(Ref day) × 86400 − Latitude × 2π 360 DR AF φ= Ref time 3600 T where: IT IM E Latitude Ref Day Ref time DELWAQ time [scu] latitude of area of interest [degrees] day at start of the simulation [d] time at the start of the simulation [h] The maximum solar irradiance at any time during the day is corrected for the effects of clouds and extinction in the atmosphere with measured data of the daily averaged light intensity. The calculated function of irradiance over the day is scaled with the ratio between maximum solar irradiance and measured light intensity. This requires the maximum solar irradiance expressed as the total irradiance over the day. Integration of the formulation for Et above for a day results in the following expression for the maximum average irradiance over the day Ed [W.m−2 ]. Ed = I0 R̄2 × 2 × (ω0 sin δ sin φ + cos δ cos φ sin ω0 ) π R where: ω0 = arccos(−tgδ × tgφ) Correction of the maximum irradiance at time t (Et [W m−2 ]) for cloudiness and atmospheric absorption by using the measured average light intensity (Radsurf [W m−2 ]) is formulated as follows: Dayrad = Et × Radsurf Ed Directives for use The light intensity at the water surface RadSurf is the total visible light intensity (solar radiation) or the photosynthetic active light intensity (PAR). See section Light intensity in the water column for more information. Deltares 181 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual References Velds (1992) Table 6.15: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for DAYRAD. Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units Radsurf RadSurf daily average observed light intensity at water surface W.m−2 Latitude Ref day Latitude Ref day thickness of a water or sediment layer time at the start of the simulation degrees - T Table 6.16: Definitions of the output parameters for DAYRAD. Name in output Definition DayRad DayRadSurf actual light intensity at water surface as varying over the day DR AF Name in formulas 182 of 464 Units W.m−2 Deltares Light regime Computation of day length PROCESS : DAYLENGTH This module calculates the length of a day (sunrise to sunset) as a function of latitude on earth. As an example, of the results for four different latitudes are shown in Figure 6.1. Implementation The process is only implemented for DayL T Formulation E = 0.01721420632 Declin = 0.006918− 0.399921 × cos(1 × E × DayN r)− 0.006758 × cos(2 × E × DayN r)− 0.002697 × cos(3 × E × DayN r)+ 0.070257 × sin(1 × E × DayN r)+ 0.000907 × sin(2 × E × DayN r)+ 0.001480 × sin(3 × E × DayN r) −0.01454389765 − sin(Declin) × sin(LatRad) T mp = cos(Declin) × cos(LatRad) DR AF 6.4 If T mp > 1.0 DayL = 0.0 (6.1) If T mp < −1.0 Else DayL = 1.0 (6.2) DayL = 7.639437268 × arccos(T mp)/24 (6.3) ITIME Latitude LatRad DayNr RefDay DayL Tmp Deltares DELWAQ time [scu] latitude of area of interest [degr] latitude of area of interest [rad] number of the day for the calculation of the day length (1=1 January, 365 = 31 December) [-] day at start of the simulation [d] daylength (fraction of a day - sunrise to sunset) [-] temporarily variable for calculation [d] 183 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Day length as function of time of year (d) 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 50 100 150 200 day number 250 = = = = 300 75 65 52.1 10 350 T 0 latitude latitude latitude latitude DR AF Figure 6.1: Day length calculated by the module DAYL for the latitudes 10 ◦ , 52.1◦ , 65◦ and 75◦ . The latitude of 52.1◦ refers to De Bilt, The Netherlands Directives for use The reference date and time for a DELWAQ calculation is not necessarily the first of January. At the start of a DELWAQ calculation the default day number calculated by the module DAYL equals 0 (based on variable ITIME which equals 0.0 at that time). The reference day (input item RefDay) enables you to tell the day length module the actual day number at the start of a calculation. E.g. when a run starts at the first of April, the variable RefDay should be set to 91. Additional references Velds (1992) 184 of 464 Deltares Light regime Computation of Secchi depth PROCESS : SECCHI The Secchi depth is a measure for the transparency of water, and is measured with a Secchi disk. The transparency depends on the extinction of visible light in the water column. The euphotic zone for algae is approximately 2.5 times the Secchi depth. Implementation T Process SECCHI may apply an alternative advanced sub-model of the extinction coefficient called UITZICHT. This sub-model takes the optical properties of a water column into account. Given the advanced features of UITZICHT this module is not (yet) described in this manual. The user is referred to (Rijkswaterstaat/RIKZ, 1990) for background and details. The auxiliary process SECCHI has been implemented for the following substances: IM1, IM2, IM3, POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4. DR AF 6.5 Table 6.17 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation Two methods are available to compute the Secchi depth. For SW _U itz = 0.0 (UITZICHT not applied) the Poole-Atkins relation is applied: SD = apa et where: apa et SD Poole-Atkins constant (1.7-1.9) [-] total extinction coefficient [m−1 ] Secchi depth [m] For SW _U itz = 1.0 the auxiliary process UITZICHT is applied for the calculation of the Secchi depth based on a background extinction and the concentrations of (in)organic suspended matter, chlorophyll and dissolved organic matter (fulvic and humic acids). Directives for use The concentrations of IM 1, IM 2, IM 3, P OC1, P OC2, P OC3 and P OC4 are only used if auxiliary process UITZICHT is applied for the calculation of the total extinction coefficient. UITZICHT is applied when SW _U itz = 1.0. In that case a number of additional input parameters are needed, among which ExtV LODS (partial extinction coefficient dissolved organic matter) calculated by process ExtincV LG and Chlf a calculated by the active phytoplankton module. Deltares 185 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 6.17: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SECCHI, exclusive of input parameters for auxiliary process UITZICHT. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units apa P AConstant Poole-Atkins constant - ExtV l total extinction coefficient m−1 option parameter: if 0.0 no UITZICHT (default), if 1.0 UITZICHT is applied - et SW _U itz Sw_U itz 186 of 464 Deltares 7 Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Contents 7.1 Grazing by zooplankton and zoobenthos (CONSBL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 7.2 Grazing by zooplankton and zoobenthos (DEBGRZ) DR AF T . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Deltares 187 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Grazing by zooplankton and zoobenthos (CONSBL) PROCESS : CONSBL The consumption of algae and detritus by zooplankton and zoobenthos is called grazing. Grazers have a certain preference with respect to the components of their food, meaning that they consume certain algae species rather than other algae species, and rather phytoplankton than detritus. The four nutrient components in the model (organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon), are all required for grazers. The consumption process involves ingestion (uptake) and digestion of food components, egestion of detritus, excretion of nutrients, and growth and respiration. Grazer biomass eventually returns to detritus due to mortality. Net biomass growth or decline and net detritus mineralisation are the results of grazing. T The grazing module uses a so-called ‘forcing function’ approach. The user needs to specify the biomass development of filterfeeders (benthic and zooplankton) over the year. Based on this biomass the grazing rate on phytoplankton and detritus is simulated. The simulation takes into account the filtration, assimilation, respiration, mortality and excretion by the filter feeders. Whenever the nutrient availability is insufficient to sustain the specified biomass development, the filterfeeder biomass in the model is corrected. A lower biomass, that can be sustained, is assumed in the model in that case. Inorganic nutrients and detritus are released by the filterfeeders, due to excretion, respiration and mortality. For pelagic filterfeeders these substances are released to the water column. For benthic filterfeeders the detritus is released to the sediment. DR AF 7.1 CONSBL can be applied for up to five types of grazers, which may be species groups or individual species of zooplankton and zoobenthos. An important difference between the two species groups is that zoobenthos is only active in the lower water layer. The egestion of digested algae and detritus by grazers in the form of faecal pellets implies the production of detritus. This detritus may be released in the water column or added to the sediment detritus pool. The last option can be effectuated in the model for all zoobenthos groups. Due to respiration nutrients (N/P/Si) are released into the water column. The effect of respiration on the dissolved oxygen budget is ignored in the model. The process formulations of CONSBL have been described in more detail by WL | Delft Hydraulics (1990, 1992c); Van der Molen et al. (1994b). The advantage of a forcing function over a dynamic grazing model is that the grazer biomass is controlled. Even state-of-the-art dynamic simulation of grazers is still subject to problems of stability and limited accurateness. However, imposing forcing functions demands for reliable and rather frequently measured grazer biomass data. Implementation Process CONSBL has been implemented for maximally five species groups of grazers. The input and output parameter names of the first group refer to zooplankton. The names of the parameters of the second group concern zoobenthos, and more specifically mussel type grazers. The other three groups have generic names. However, the names have only been selected in this way for easy recognition of simulated grazer species groups. The formulations are equal for the five groups, which means that the user eventually defines the nature of each grazer group. Pelagic and benthic grazers are modelled in the same way. The only differences between 188 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels pelagic and benthic grazers are the unit and the fate of produced detritus. Zooplankton biomass needs to be imposed in [g m−3 ], whereas zoobenthos biomass must to be provided in [g m−2 ]. The selection is made using option parameter (i)U nitSW S . Selection of [g m−2 ] implies that the grazer biomass in water layers without sediment surface is made equal to zero. The parameter (i)F rDetBot determines whether detritus produced by the grazers is released into the water column ((i)F rDetBot = 0) or to the sediment ((i)F rDetBot = 1). CONSBL has been formulated in a generic way and can be applied for water as well as sediment layers (layered sediment). It can also be used in combination with the sediment option S1/2. Detritus produced by grazers is deposited in the water column or in DETCS1 (etc.). for BLOOM, T CONSBL has been implemented for the following substances: ALGC, ALGN, ALGP, ALGSi, BLOOMALG01-BLOOMALG30, POC1, PON1, POP1, OPAL, DETCS1, DETNS1, DETPS1, DETSiS1, NH4, NO3, PO4, Si, OXY, TIC and ALKA DR AF for DYNAMO, GREEN, DIAT, POC1, PON1, POP1, OPAL, DETCS1, DETNS1, DETPS1, DETSiS1, NH4, NO3, PO4, Si, OXY, TIC and ALKA Sulfur is not considered by CONSBL. Table 7.1 and Table 7.2 provide the definitions of the parameters occurring in the user-defined input and output. Formulation The mass fluxes caused by grazing are calculated taking the following steps: 1 conversion of the biomass forcing function input to the desired units; 2 adjustment (if necessary) of the imposed grazer biomass according growth and mortality constraints; 3 calculation of the consumption rates for detritus and algae; 4 calculation of the rates of food assimilation and detritus production; 5 correction of the assimilation rates for respiration; 6 adjustment of the grazer biomass; 7 calculation of the detritus production rates according to the food availability constraints; 8 evaluation of the total conversion rates as additional output parameters; and 9 evaluation of the grazer biomass concentrations as additional output parameters. The next sections deal with each of these steps. 1. Conversion of units The forcing function formulations are based on the imposed grazer biomass expressed in [gC m−3 ]. However, benthic grazer biomass is usually expressed in [gC m−2 ]. The input to the model contains option parameters (i)U nitSW , with which the grazer biomass unit can be selected for each grazer species group. When (i)U nitSW = 0.0 the model assumes that biomass concentrations provided in the input are expressed in [gC m−3 ]. When (i)U nitSW = 1.0 the model assumes that biomass concentrations provided in the input are expressed in [gC m−2 ]. In that case the concentrations are converted to [gC m−3 ] by Deltares 189 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual means of divison by the water depth H . 2. Adjustment of grazer biomass according to growth and mortality constraints The imposed grazer biomasses are adjusted according to growth and mortality constraints in a step by step way. The grazer biomass at the end of a timestep (t2 ) is diminished when the maximal growth rate does not support the imposed biomass increase with respect to the biomass at the beginning of a timestep (t1 ). The grazer biomass at t2 is augmented when the maximal natural mortality rate does not allow the imposed biomass decrease with respect to the biomass at t1 . The grazer biomass in the next timestep is adjusted accordingly as follows: when Cgri2i ≥ Cgr1i , Cgr2i = Cgrci Cgr2i = Cgri2i if Cgri2i > Cgrci if Cgri2i ≤ Cgrci DR AF kgri = kgri20 × ektgri ×(T −20) T Cgrci = Cgr1i × (1 + kgri × ∆t) when Cgri2i < Cgr1i , Cgrci = Cgr1i × (1 − kmrti × ∆t) Cgr2i = Cgrci Cgr2i = Cgri2i if Cgri2i < Cgrci if Cgri2i ≥ Cgrci ktgri ×(T −20) kmrti = kmrt20 i ×e with: Cgr1i Cgr2i Cgrci Cgri2i kgr kgr20 ktgr kmrt kmrt20 ktmrt T ∆t i grazer biomass concentration at t1 [ gC m−3 ] grazer biomass concentration at t2 [ gC m−3 ] grazer biomass concentration constraint at t2 [ gC m−3 ] imposed grazer biomass concentration at t2 [ gC m−3 ] maximal growth rate [d−1 ] maximal growth rate at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient of growth [-] maximal natural mortality rate [d−1 ] maximal natural mortality rate at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient of mortality [-] water temperature [◦ C] timestep [d] index for grazer species group 1-5 [-] 3. Consumption rates The consumption rate of the grazers is limited by the filtration rate at low food availability and by the uptake rate at high food availability. The filtration rate and the uptake rate are equal at a certain food concentration Cf dci. The total food availability is defined as the sum of the concentrations of detritus and phytoplankton groups, adjusted by a preference factor for each food source. The preference factor accounts for the suitability of the food source for the 190 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels grazers. Certain phytoplankton species and detritus fractions are more difficult to filtrate and digest for the grazers than others. Cf di = f dpri × Cdet1 + m X (f apri × Calgj ) j=1 with: biomass concentration of algae species group j [ gC m−3 ] food concentration available to grazer species group i [ gC m−3 ] detritus organic carbon concentration [ gC m−3 ] preference of a grazer species group i for detritus [-] preference of a grazer species group i for algae species group j [-] number of algae groups, different for (BLOOM) and (DYNAMO) [-] index for grazer species groups (at most 5) [-] index for algae species groups (depends on whether BLOOM is used or DYNAMO) [-] T Calgj Cf di Cdet1 f dpri f apri,j m i j DR AF The maximal filtration rate and the maximal uptake rate are defined as: kf ili = Cgr1i × ksf ili × Cf di Ksf di + Cf di ksf ili = ksf ili20 × ektf ili ×(T −20) kupi = Cgr1i × kmupi Cf di ktupi ×(T −20) kmupi = kmup20 i ×e with: kf il ksf il ksf il20 ktf il kup kmup kmup2 0 ktup Ksf d i filtration rate [d−1 ] maximal specific filtration rate [m3 gC−1 d−1 ] maximal specific filtration rate at 20 ◦ C [m3 gC−1 d−1 ] temperature coefficient for filtration [-] uptake rate [d−1 ] maximal uptake rate [d−1 ] maximal uptake rate at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for uptake [-] half saturation constant for uptake [gC m−3 ] index for grazer species groups 1–5 [-] The consumption of detritus and algae biomass by grazing is derived from the maximum uptake rate when the available food concentration is equal or larger than a certain critical amount. This amount is the biomass cencentration for which the filtration rate and the maximal uptake rate are equal: Cf dci = kmupi Ksf di + Cf di × ksf ili Cf di with: Cf dci Deltares critical concentration of food for grazer group i [gC m−3 ] 191 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The consumption process rate is equal to either the filtration or the uptake rate according to: kcnsi = kf ili kcnsi = kupi Cf di < Cf dci if Cf di ≥ Cf dci if with: consumption process rate of grazer group i [d−1 ] kcnsi So far, all rates are referring to organic carbon as a nutrient to grazers. Since the nutrient stochiometry of food is also important to grazers, the nutrient fluxes connected with grazing have to be taken into account in the model. The consumption rates for the nutrient components of detritus and the biomass of an algae species for a grazer group are: T Rdcns1k,i = f dpri × kcnsi × Cdetk with: DR AF Racnsk,i,j = f apri,j × kcnsi × anutk,j × Calgj anutk,j Cdetk f dpri f apri,j Racnsk,i,j Rdcns1k,i i j k stochiometric const. of nutr. k over org. carbon in algae j [gC/N/P/Si gC−1 ] detritus concentration for nutrient k [gC/N/P/Si m−3 ] preference of a grazer species group i for detritus [-] preference of a grazer species group i for algae species group j [-] cons. rate of grazer group i for nutrient k in algae j [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] gross cons. rate of grazer group i for nutrient k in detritus [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] index for grazer species groups 1–5 [-] index for algae species groups 1–15 (BLOOM) or 1–2 (DYNAMO) [-] index for nutrients, 1 = carbon, 2 = nitrogen, 3 = phosphorus, 4 = silicon [-] 4. Assimilation and production of detritus Consumed food is either assimilated into grazer biomass, respired or egested as detritus (fecal pellets). For benthic grazers part of the egested detritus is deposited at the sediment and is therefore added to the sediment detritus pool. If respiration is ignored the total rates of food assimilation, net detritus consumption and sediment detritus production caused by grazing are as follows: Ras1k,i = (1 − f deti ) × Rdcns1k,i + m X ((1 − f algi,j ) × Racnsk,i,j ) j=1 Rdcns2k,i m X = (1 − f deti )×Rdcns1k,i + ((1 − f algi,j × (1 − f sedi )) × Racnsk,i,j ) j=1 Rsdpr1k,i = f deti × f sedi × Rdcns1k,i + m X (f algi,j × f sedi × Racnsk,i,j ) j=1 with: f algi,j f deti f sedi Ras1k,i egested fraction of algae j consumed by grazer i, = 1-yield [-] egested fraction of detritus consumed by grazer i, = 1-yield [-] fraction of detritus egested by grazer i added to the sediment detritus pool [-] total food assimilation rate for nutrient k for grazer group i [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] 192 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Rdcns2k,i net cons. rate of grazer group i for nutrient k in detritus [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] Rsdpr1k,i total nutrient k in detr. prod. at the sediment for all grazers [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] 5. Assimilation corrected for respiration (nutrient excretion) The food assimilation rates as calculated above are available for the growth of the grazer biomass. However, the actual assimilation of specific organic nutrients may be lower because of the difference in the nutrient stochiometries of grazers, algae and detritus. The most limiting nutrient determines the actual assimilation rates for all nutrients. The remaining portions of the other nutrients are egested as detritus in addition to the detritus production calculated above. T Moreover, due to growth respiration and maintenance respiration part of the assimilated biomass is converted back into inorganic nutrients. In order to calculate the nett assimilation rate the gross assimilation rate needs to be corrected for respiration. The actual assimilation rates and the respiration rates follow from: Ras21,i = min (Ras1k,i /bnutk,i ) k=1−4 DR AF Rrsp1k,i = bnutk,i × f rsp1i × Ras21,i Rrsp2k,i = bnutk,i × krsp2i × Cgr1i Rrspk,i = Rrsp1k,i + Rrsp2k,i Ras3k,i = Ras2k,i − Rrspk,i ktrsp1i ×(T −20) f rsp1i = f rsp120 i ×e ktrsp2i ×(T −20) krsp2i = krsp220 i ×e with: bnutk,i Cgr1i f rsp1i f rsp120 i ktrsp1 krsp2i krsp220 i ktrsp2 Rrspk,i Rrsp1k,i Rrsp2k,i Ras2k,i Ras3k,i stochiometric const. of nutr. k over org. carbon in grazer i [gC/N/P/Si gC−1 ] grazer biomass concentration at t1 [gC m−3 ] growth respiration fraction [-] growth respiration fraction at 20 ◦ C [-] temperature coefficient for growth respiration [-] maintenance respiration rate [d−1 ] maintenance respiration rate at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for maintenance respiration [-] total respiration rate for nutrient k and grazer i [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] growth respiration rate for nutrient k and grazer i [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] maintenance respiration rate for nutrient k and grazer i [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] actual nutrient k in food ass. rate for grazer group i [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ], actual nutrient k in food ass. rate for grazer group i [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ], diminished with growth respiration 6. Correction of grazer biomass for the food constraint Grazers can not assimilate more food than is available. The food that is available to a grazer group on a daily basis is equal to Ras31,i . Consequently, the net growth rate of a grazer group should not exceed the actual food assimilation rate. If the imposed grazer biomass at t2 is larger than supported by food assimilation, it must be diminished in order to meet the food constraint. The corrected grazer biomass Cgr2ci follows from: Rgr1i = Deltares (Cgr2i − Cgr1i × (1 − krsp2i × ∆t)) ∆t 193 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual if Rgr1i > Ras31,i , Cgr2ci = Cgr1i × (1 − krsp2i × ∆t) + Ras31,i × ∆t Rgri = Ras31,i if Rgr1i ≤ Ras31,i , Cgr2ci = Cgr2i Rgri = Rgr1i with: T grazer biomass concentration at t1 [ gC m−3 ] grazer biomass concentration at t2 [ gC m−3 ] corrected grazer biomass concentration at t2 [ gC m−3 ] actual growth rate for grazer group i [ gC m−3 d−1 ] imposed growth rate for grazer group i [ gC m−3 d−1 ] timestep [d] DR AF Cgr1i Cgr2i Cgr2ci Rgri Rgr1i ∆t Notice that Rgri is negative in the case of net mortality within a timestep at the decrease of grazer biomass. 7. Correction of detritus consumption and production rates for the food constraint The total rates of food assimilation, net detritus consumption and sediment detritus production caused by grazer group i calculated above need to be corrected for changes in grazer biomass resulting from the food constraint. In case of mortality the grazer biomass decrease needs to be added to the detritus production rates. The corrected rates are: Rask,i = bnutk,i × Rgri Rdcnsk,i = Rdcns2k,i + (1 − f sedi ) × (Ras3k,i − Rask,i ) Rsdprk,i = Rsdpr2k,i + f sedi × (Ras3k,i − Rask,i ) with: Rask,i nutrient k in food assimilation rate for grazer group i [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ], Rdcnsk,i net cons. rate of grazer group i for nutrient k in detritus [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] Rsdprk,i nutrient k in detr. prod. at the sediment for grazer i [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] Notice that these relations hold even in case of mortality within a timestep. Rask,i is negative in that case and adds up to the detritus rates. 8. Total algae, detritus and inorganic nutrient conversion rates The total rates of algae consumption, net detritus consumption, sediment detritus production and inorganic nutrient excretion caused by grazing are: Racnsk,j = n X (Racnsk,i,j ) i=1 Rtacnsk = m X (Racnsk,j ) j=1 194 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Rtask = n X (Rask,i ) i=1 Rtdcnsk = n X (Rdcnsk,i ) i=1 Rtsdprk = n X (Rsdprk,i ) i=1 Rtrspk = n X (Rrspk,i ) i=1 total consumption rate for nutrient k in algae group j [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] total consumption rate for nutrient k in algae [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] total food assimilation rate for nutrient k [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] total consumption rate for nutrient k in detritus [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] total release rate for inorganic nutrient k by respiration [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] total nutrient k in detr. prod. at the sediment for all grazers [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] number of grazer species groups (5; [-]) number of algae species groups (2 for DYNAMO or 15 for BLOOM; [-]) index for grazer species groups [-] index for algae species groups [-] index for nutients, 1 = carbon, 2 = nitrogen, 3 = phosphorus, 4 = silicon [-] DR AF Racnsk,j Rtacnsk Rtask Rtdcnsk Rtrspk Rtsdprk n m i j k T with: 9. Grazer biomass concentrations CONSBL delivers some additional output parameters in the form of the biomass concentrations of the grazer species groups per volume of (sediment overlying) water. The output values of these parameters may deviate from the imposed biomass time series because of two reasons. The biomass may have been adjusted as described above in order to obey the growth, mortality and food constraints. The other reason is connected with interpolation over time. The output biomasses are input biomasses for t1 at the beginning of the next timestep: Cgr1i = Cgr2ci /f si with: f si scaling factor for the biomass of grazer group i [-] The scaling factor f si may be used to scale the grazer biomass up or down for calibration purposes. When the grazer has been indicated as zoobenthos group with option parameter (i)U nitSw, the biomass is expressed in [ gC m−2 ] by means of multiplication with water depth H . Directives for use The proces rates in connection with grazing have a temperature basis of 20 oC. That means that input values have to be corrected when provided for another temperature basis. The user needs to make a decision about how to route produced detritus in the model using the input parameters (i)F rDetBot. When (i)F rDetBot = 0.0 all detritus by grazers will be allocated to the sediment overlying water compartment (layer). All produced detritus will be added to the sediment detritus pools when (i)F rDetBot = 1.0. Deltares 195 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Grazers in CONSBL consume algae biomass and detritus from the water column only in the case of the S1-S2 option for the sediment. The constraints imposed on grazer biomass in relation to maximal growth or maximal T mortality imply that the first adjustment of the input biomass affects the next adjustment, and so forth. When composing the input biomass time series the user should be aware of this step by step adjustment of the grazer biomasses. When differences between the imposed and adjusted time series turn out to be large or systematic, the user may want to revise the input time series in order to ensure realistic calculations of grazing pressure on algae by the model. The food preference parameters (i)ALGP R(j) and (i)DET P R are to be considered weigth factors, that must always be smaller than or equal to 1.0 the default value. The scaling factors (i)GRZM L may be used to scale the grazer biomass up or down for calibration purposes. The factors have the default value 1.0. SwDetT yp needs to be equal to 1.0 (default) as it refers to an option for detritus substances input that does no longer exist. Additional references DR AF WL | Delft Hydraulics (1997c), Scholten and Van der Tol (1994), Table 7.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for CONSBL. Name in formulas Name in input Definition anut2,1 N CratGreen green algae spec. stoch. constant nitro- anut2,2 N CratDiat anut2,j N CRAlg(j) anut3,1 P CratGreen anut3,2 P CratDiat anut3,j P CRAlg(j) anut4,1 SCratGreen anut4,2 SCratDiat anut4,j SCRAlg(j) Cgri21 Cgri22 Zooplank M ussel Cgri23 Cgri24 Cgri25 Calg1 Grazer3 Grazer4 Grazer5 Green gen over carbon diatoms spec. stoch. constant nitrogen over carbon BLOOM algae group spec. stoch. const. nitr. over carb. green algae spec. stoch. constant phos. over carbon diatoms spec. stoch. constant phosphorus over carbon BLOOM algae group spec. stoch. const. phos. over carb. green algae spec. stoch. constant silicon over carbon diatoms spec. stoch. constant silicon over carbon BLOOM algae group spec. stoch. const. sil. over carb. biomass concentration of zooplankton biomass concentration of mussel type zoobenthos biomass concentration of grazer type 3 biomass concentration of grazer type 4 biomass concentration of grazer type 5 biomass concentration of green algae (DYNAMO) Units gN gC−1 gN gC−1 gN gC−1 gP gC−1 gP gC−1 gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 gSi gC−1 gSi gC−1 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 continued on next page 196 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Table 7.1 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Calg2 Diat Definition Units gC m−3 Cdet1 Cdet2 Cdet3 Cdet4 biomass concentration of diatoms (DYNAMO) BLOOMALG(j )biomass concentration of a BLOOM algae group P OC1 detritus organic carbon concentration P ON 1 detritus nitrogen concentration P OP 1 detritus phosphorus concentration Opal opal silicate concentration H Depth depth of a water compartment (layer) m – (i)U nitSW group spec. option for biomass unit (1=g m−2 , 0=g m−3 ) - T T emp water temperature ◦ gC m−3 gC m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 T DR AF Calgj C V olume volume of a water comp. (layer) or sediment layer m3 DELT time interval, timestep d bnut1,i (i)GRZST C bnut2,i (i)GRZST N bnut3,i (i)GRZST P bnut4,i (i)GRZST Si stoch. constant for carbon over carbon in grazer i stoch. constant for nitrogen over carbon in grazer i stoch. constant for phosphorus over carbon in grazer i stoch. constant for silicon over carbon in grazer i f apri,1 (i)ALGP RGrn preference of grazer i for green algae V ∆t f apri,2 f apri,j f dpri f algi,1 f algi,2 f algi,j f deti f sedi that is the DELWAQ (DYNAMO) (i)ALGP RDiatpreference of grazer i for diatoms (DYNAMO) (i)ALGP R(j) preference of grazer i for BLOOM algae group j (i)DET P R preference of grazer i for detritus (i)ALGF F Grn egested fraction of green algae consumed by grazer i (i)ALGF F Diategested fraction of diatoms consumed by grazer i (i)ALGF F (j) egested fraction of algae j consumed by grazer i (i)DET F F egested fraction of detritus consumed by grazer i (i)F rDetBot fr. of produced detr. by grazer i to sediment detr. pool gC gC−1 gN gC−1 gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 - continued on next page Deltares 197 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 7.1 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units f si (i)GRZM L scaling factor for the biomass of grazer i - f rsp120 i (i)GRZRE - kgri20 kmup20 i,k kmrt20 i (i)GRZGM (i)GRZRM (i)GRZM M krsp220 i (i)GRZSE Ksf di (i)GRZM O ksf ili20 (i)GRZF M ktf il (i)T M P F M growth respiration fraction for grazer i at 20 ◦ C maximal growth rate of grazer i at 20 ◦ C maximal uptake rate of grazer i at 20 ◦ C maximal mortality rate of grazer i at 20 ◦ C maintenance respiration rate for grazer i at 20 ◦ C half saturation constant for food uptake by grazer i maximal specific filtration rate of grazer i at 20 ◦ C temperature coefficient of filtration for grazer i temperature coefficient of growth for grazer i temperature coefficient of mortality for grazer i temperature coeff. of growth respiration for grazer i temperature coeff. of maintenance resp. for grazer i temperature coefficient of uptake for grazer i ktmrt (i)T M P GM (i)T M P M M ktrsp1 (i)T M P RE ktrsp2 (i)T M P SE ktup (i)T M P RM 1 d−1 T DR AF ktgr d−1 d−1 d−1 gC m−3+ m3 gC−1 d−1 ◦ −1 C ◦ −1 C ◦ −1 C ◦ −1 C ◦ −1 C ◦ C-1 (i) indicates grazer species groups 1–5, respectively Z for zooplankton, M for mussel type zoobenthos, G3, G4 and G5 for user defined groups. 2 (j) indicates BLOOM algae species groups 1–30. Table 7.2: Definitions of the output parameters for CONSBL. Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units Cgr11 Cgr12 CZooplank CM ussel biomass concentration of zooplankton biomass concentration of mussel type zoobenthos biomass concentration of grazer type 3 biomass concentration of grazer type 4 biomass concentration of grazer type 5 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 Cgr13 Cgr14 Cgr15 198 of 464 CGrazer3 CGrazer4 CGrazer5 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Grazing by zooplankton and zoobenthos (DEBGRZ) PROCESS : DEBGRZ The consumption of algae and detritus by zooplankton and zoobenthos is called grazing. Grazer related processes are filtration, ingestion, and digestion of food components, (pseudo)faeces production and respiration, as well as growth and mortality. T The grazer module DEBGRZ simulates grazing using a fully dynamic approach, which contrasts with the semi-dynamic approach of the CONSBL routine. The grazing module is based on the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory. DEB-theory is a modelling framework based on first principles and simple physiology-based rules that describe the uptake and use of energy and nutrients and the consequences for physiological organization throughout an organism’s life cycle ?Kooijman2010). DEB models are generic models of organism growth, and can be used for basically any species or life stage. The aspect that makes DEB framework unique and separates it from more traditional "net production" models, is its compartmented energy storage or reserve dynamics. The DEBGRZ module is originally set up for (passive) shellfish, but can also be used for other benthic or suspended filter feeders as well as for (active) pelagic filter feeders, but note that the organisms are described by multiple state variables such that the exchange of active organisms between grid cells may lead to changes in the ratios of their state variables. DR AF 7.2 Implementation The module allows for maximally 5 different grazer populations or cohorts, which may belong to different species (groups), and which may be simulated separately or simultaneously. Physiological parameter settings determine which species (group) is simulated. Option parameter SWBen specifies whether the grazers are pelagic (i.e. passively transported by the water, SWBEN=0), benthic (fixed to the bottom, SWBEN=1), or suspended (fixed to some structure at any vertical position in the water column, SWBEN=2). Parameter FrDetBot determines whether dead material is released into the water column (FrDetBot = 0) or ends up in the sediment (FrDetBot = 1). Parameter SFSusp determines whether (or to what extent) the grazers are deposit feeders or filterfeeders. Finally, the option parameter SwV1 determines whether the simulated grazers represent a cohort (i.e. a group of equal individuals with individual sizes that increase over time, SwV1=0) or to a (simplified) population (i.e. a group of different individuals with an overall size distribution that is constant over time, SwV1=1). Cohorts ((i)_SwV 1 = 1) are described by four state variables: 1 2 3 4 total structural biomass ((i)_V ), total energy biomass ((i)_E ), total gonadal biomass ((i)_R), and the number of individuals ((i)_N ). For simplified populations ((i)_SwV 1 = 0) the number of individuals becomes a derived variable instead of a state variable, such that only three state variables remain. For pelagic (active) grazers, initial values for all state variables need to be specified in units per volume [m−3 ], whereas for benthic or suspended grazers the initial values must be provided in units per surface area [m−2 ]. Note that the initial length of organisms in cohorts is defined by the combination of structural volume and number of individuals. By default the first grazer corresponds to a simplified population of mussels (Mussel), the sec- Deltares 199 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual ond to a simplified population of mesozooplankton (Zoopl), and the three remaining grazers to cohorts of small, medium, and large shellfish (Grazer3, Grazer4, Grazer5). Note that Grazer3 and Grazer4 have been configured to represent sedentary organisms and Grazer5 has been configured to represent organisms that are transported along with the water flow. DEBGRZ can be used in combination with any of the sediment options, being stand-alone, S1/2 and S1 in combination with SWITCH or GEMSED. It is necessary to select the detritus substances using option parameter SwDetTyp. DetX is selected for SwDetTyp = 0:0, POX for SwDetTyp = 1:0. DEBGRZ has been implemented for the following substances: for BLOOM, T ALGC, ALGN, ALGP, ALGSi, BLOOMALG01-BLOOMALG30, POC1, PON1, POP1, OPAL, DETCS1, DETNS1, DETPS1, DETSiS1, NH4, NO3, PO4, Si, OXY, TIC and ALKA for DYNAMO, DR AF GREEN, DIAT, POC1, PON1, POP1, OPAL, DETCS1, DETNS1, DETPS1, DETSiS1, NH4, NO3, PO4, Si, OXY, TIC and ALKA Sulfur is not considered by DEBGRZ. Table 7.3 and Table 7.4 provide the definitions of the parameters occurring in the user-defined input and output. Formulation The mass fluxes caused by grazing are described in the following sections: 1 Individual dynamics 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Filtration, ingestion, and assimilation Growth and maintenance Maturity and reproduction Respiration Temperature dependency 2 From individuals to populations 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Standard approach: isomorphs Simplified approach: V1-morphs Total grazer rates of change Total algae, detritus and inorganic nutrient rates of change Total grazer biomass and other derived variables; 1. Individual dynamics Although the DEBGRZ module calculates state variables that refer to the total population or cohort, the heart of the code is based on DEB theory (?) which is formulated at the individual level. Some additions have been made to the standard DEB equations to incorporate filterfeeding-specific aspects. These additions are not new but have been included before in other shellfish modelling studies using DEB ???. 1.1 Filtration, uptake and assimilation 200 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Shellfish are filter feeders for whom the relation between food uptake and food density can be described by a Holling Type II response curve ? that is adjusted for the negative influence of inorganic matter in the filtration capacity of bivalves ?. The negative effect of inorganic matter can be compensated for by higher food concentrations (competitive inhibition): fi = Cf di Ksf d0i + Cf di in which Ksf d0i = Ksf di Ctim 1+ Kstimi with: Kstimi i T food concentration available to grazer i [gC m−3 ] concentration of inorganic matter [ g m−3 ] scaled functional response of grazer i [-] half saturation constant for food uptake by grazer i [ gC m−3 ] half saturation constant for food uptake by grazer i adjusted for the negative influence of inorganic matter [ gC m−3 ] half saturation constant for the negative effect of inorganic matter on food uptake [gC m−3 ] index for grazer species groups 1–5 [-] DR AF Cf di Ctim fi Ksf di Ksf d0i The food concentration available to grazer i is the summed concentration of all edible particles. Some particles are too small and pass through the filtering apparatus, which (passive) selection mechanism is implemented in the model by a preference coefficient for each of the food components: m X Cf di = f dpri × Cdet1 + (f apri × Calgj ) j=1 with: Cf di Calgj Cdet1 f dpri f apri,j m i j food concentration available to grazer species group i [ gC m−3 ] biomass concentration of algae species group j [ gC m−3 ] detritus organic carbon concentration [ gC m−3 ] preference of a grazer species group i for detritus [-] preference of grazer type i for algae type j [-] number of algae groups, different for (BLOOM) and (DYNAMO) [-] index for grazer species groups (at most 5) [-] index for algae species groups (depends on whether BLOOM is used or DYNAMO) [-] According to the DEB theory, the energy ingestion rate is defined as: 2 3 P upte = kuptm20 i × fi × Vi × kTi with: fi scaled functional response of grazer type i [-] kuptm20 maximum surface-area-specific ingestion rate of grazer i at 20 ◦ C [J cm−2 d−1 ] i kTi Arrhenius rate of change of chemical reaction processes due to temperature P uptei Deltares (see section 1.5) [-] energy ingestion rate [J ind−1 d−1 ] 201 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual structural biovolume of an individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] Vi In the DEBGRZ module the carbon uptake rates are derived from the energy ingestion rate by means of the energy-to-carbon conversion factor cec. Also, they are increased by the indigestible fractions of algae f alg and detritus f det. These indigestible fractions do not contribute to the ingested energy since they are assumed to be low in energy, but they do contribute to the amount of ingested carbon. Hence, these fractions implicitly define the carbon specific energy content of each food component. P uptdi,j = P uptei × ceci (1 − f deti ) P uptai,j = P uptei × ceci (1 − f algi,j ) energy to carbon conversion factor [ gC J−1 ] egested fraction of detritus consumed by grazer i [-] egested fraction of algae j consumed by grazer i [-] energy ingestion rate of grazer i [J ind−1 d−1 ] uptake rate of detritus for grazer i [gC ind−1 d−1 ] uptake rate of algal species j for grazer i [gC ind− d−1 ] DR AF ceci f deti f algi,j P uptei P uptdi P uptai,j T with: Filtration rates are derived from the carbon uptake rates by increasing them by pseudofaeces losses. These losses stem from active selection, which is incorporated in the module by means of the ingestion-efficiency coefficient κI . This coefficient defines the fraction of the filtered food that is actually ingested, while the remaining part (1 − f ie) is excreted as pseudofaeces. Although pseudofaeces and faeces may have different characteristics with respect to sedimentation and mineralization, these differences are not (yet) taken into account in this module, and both products end up in the same detritus pool. But note that the stoichiometry of detritus will vary according to its constituents, and that its mineralisation rate depends on this stoichiometry. P f ildi,j = P uptdi,j /κI,i P f ilai,j = P uptai,j /κI,i P f ildnk,i = P f ildi × Cdetk /Cdet1 P f ilank,i,j = P f ilak,i × anutk,j P f ilnk,i = P f ildnk,i + m X (P f ilank,i,j ) j=1 with: anutk,j Cdetk κI,i P f ildi P f ilai,j P f ildnk,i P f ilank,i P f ilnk,i 202 of 464 stoichiometric constant of algal species j for nutrient k [ gC/gN/gP/gSi gC−1 ] detritus organic carbon concentration [gC m−3 ] ingestion efficiency coefficient of grazer i [-] filtration rate of detritus for grazer i [gC ind−1 d−1 ] filtration rate of algal species j for grazer i [gC ind− d−1 ] filtration rate of nutrient k from detritus for grazer i [gC ind− d−1 ] filtration rate of nutrient k from algal species j for grazer i [gC ind−1 d−1 ] filtration rate of nutrient k for grazer i [gC ind−1 d−1 ] Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Assimilation rates are determined from the filtration rates through correction for the faecal fractions and ingestion efficiencies. In addition, assimilation rates are corrected for the differences in the nutrient stochiometries of grazers, algae and detritus: the most limiting nutrient determines the actual assimilation rates for all nutrients. The remaining portions of the other nutrients are egested as detritus, as are the indigestible fractions. Optionally, an additional and constant efficiency loss can be included by means of the assimilation-efficiency coefficient κA : P a1k=1,i = ×κI,i ×κA,i × (1 − f deti ) × P f ildnk,i + m X ! ((1 − f algi,j ) × κI,i × P f ilank,i,j ) j=1 ×P f ildnk,i + ! T P a1k=2−4,i = κI,i × κA,i m X (P f ilank,i,j ) j=1 P a2k,i = min (P a1k,i /bnutk,i ) k=1−4 with: DR AF P defk,i = P uptnk,i − P a2k,i stoch. constant for nutrient k over carbon in grazer i [gC/gN/gP/gSi gC−1 ] egested fraction of detritus consumed by grazer i [-] egested fraction of algae j consumed by grazer i [-] ingestion efficiency coefficient of grazer i [-] assimilation efficiency coefficient of grazer i [-] potential assimilation rate of nutrient k [gC/gN/gP/gSi ind−1 d−1 ] actual assimilation rate of nutrient k [J ind−1 d−1 ] faeces production rate of nutrient k [gC/gN/gP/gSi ind−1 d−1 ] bnutk,i f deti f algi,j κI,i κA,i P a1k,i P a2k,i P defk,i 1.2 Growth and maintenance Assimilated energy is incorporated into a reserve pool from which it is mobilized and then used for maintenance, growth, development and reproduction. The catabolic or energy mobilization rate is defined as follows: P ci = with: 2 κA,i × kuptm20 Ei /Vi i × kTi × kegi × × Vi 3 + kpmi × Vi × kTi κi × Ei /Vi + kegi kemi κA,i κ kegi kemi kuptm20 i kpm20 i kTi P ci Vi Ei Deltares assimilation efficiency coefficient of grazer i [-] fraction of mobilized energy to growth and maintenance of grazer i [-] volume-specific costs for growth of grazer i [J cm−3 ] maximum energy density of grazer i [ J cm−3 ] maximum surface area-specific ingestion rate of grazer i at 20 ◦ C [J cm2 d−1 ] volumetric costs of maintenance for grazer i at 20 ◦ C [J cm−3 d−1 ] Arrhenius rate of change of chemical reaction processes due to temperature (see section 1.5)[-] energy mobilization rate of grazer i [J ind−1 d−1 ] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] energy reserves of individual grazer of type i [ J cm−3 ] 203 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual A constant fraction κ of the mobilized energy is allocated to growth and maintenance. The maintenance rate is determined by the structural volume and the volume specific maintenance costs. The remaining energy flux will be used for growth. When the energy required for maintenance is higher than the energy available for growth and maintenance, maintenance is paid from structural volume. This will require additional overhead costs which we assume to be proportional to those required for growth, and will result in shrinking of the organism. P mi = kpmi × Vi × kTi P gi = (κi × P ci − P mi ) if P gi > 0, if P gi ≤ 0, P vi = (1 + (1 − κG,i )) × P gi in which: DR AF P mi = P mi + abs((1 − κG,i ) × P gi ) cvci kegi × ceci κG,i = with: ceci cvci κi κG,i kegi kpmi kTi P gi P mi P ci P vi Vi T P vi = κG,i × P gi conversion coefficient from energy to carbon of grazer i [ gC J−1 ] conversion coefficient from volume to carbon of grazer i [gC cm−3 ] fraction of mobilized energy to growth and maintenance [-] growth efficiency [-] volume specific costs for growth of grazer i [J cm−3 ] volumetric costs of maintenance for grazer i at 20 ◦ C [J cm−3 d−1 ] Arrhenius rate of change of chemical reaction processes due to temperature for grazer i [-] energy flux to growth of grazer i [J ind−1 d−1 ] maintenance rate of grazer i [J ind−1 d−1 ] energy mobilization flux of grazer i [J ind−1 d−1 ] growth rate of structural biovolume of grazer i [cm3 ind−1 d−1 ] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] 1.3 Maturity and reproduction The fraction (1 − κ) of the mobilized energy P c goes to maturation, maturity maintenance, and reproduction. These fluxes differ between adults and juveniles. The transition of juvenile to adult occurs at a fixed volume V p. For juveniles, the maturity maintenance costs are proportional to their actual structural volume, while for adults they are proportional to the volme at puberty. Juveniles use all of the remaining energy for development of reproductive organs and regulation systems. When juveniles have too little energy available for development and/or maturity maintenance, these processes simply stop without further consequence. Adults, which do not have to invest in development anymore, use the remaining energy flux P r for production of gonadal tissue R. When adults have too little energy available for maturity maintenance, gonadal tissue will be used instead. This will entail overhead costs that are proportional to those for production of gonads. P jji = 204 of 464 1 − κi × kpmi × Vi × f juvi × kTi κi Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels 1 − κi × kpmi × V pi × f adulti × kTi κi P rji = (1 − κi )P ci × f juvi − P jji P jai = P rai = (1 − κi )P ci × f adulti − P jai if P rai > 0, P ri = κR,i × P rai if P rai ≤ 0, P ri = (1 + (1 − κR,i )) ∗ P rai T P jai = P jai + abs((1 − κR,i ) ∗ P rai ) with: adult fraction of cohort/population of grazer type i [-] juvenile fraction of cohort/population of grazer type i [-] fraction of mobilized energy to growth and maintenance [-] reproduction efficiency [-] volumetric costs of maintenance for grazer i at 20 ◦ C [ J cm−3 d−1 ] maturity maintenance flux of juvenile grazers of type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] maturity maintenance flux of adult grazers of type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] maturity development flux of juvenile grazers of type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] energy flux to reproduction of adult grazers of type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] gonadal production rate of adult grazers of type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] energy mobilization flux of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] biovolume at start of reproductive age for individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] DR AF f adult f juvi κi κR,i kpm20 i P jji P jai P rji P rai P ri P ci Vi V pi Spawning events occur when enough energy has been allocated into the gonads (GSI > GSIupr) and when the water temperature is above a threshold value (T > T spm). Gonads are released from the buffer at a certain rate per day kspri until the temperature drops below the threshold value or the GSI drops below an lower threshold value GSIlwr . P spwi = kspri × Ri + κR,i × max(P rai , 0.) where: GSIi = with: ceci cvci f adult κR,i kspri P rai GSIi Vi Ei Ri P spwi Deltares ceci × Ri cvci × f adult × Vi + ceci × f adulti × Ei + ceci × Ri conversion coefficient from energy to carbon of grazer i [gC J−1 ] conversion coefficient from volume to carbon of grazer i [gC cm−3 ] adult fraction of population [-] fraction of reproduction flux to gonadal tissue [-] gonadal release rate at spawning for grazer i [d−1 ] energy flux to reproduction of adult grazers of type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] gonadal somatic index of grazer type i [-] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] energy reserves of individual grazer of type i [J ind−1 ] gonadal reserves of individual grazer of type i[J ind−1 ] spawning rate of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] 205 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 1.4 Respiration Respiration is the sum of the maintenance rate, maturation flux, development flux, and overhead costs for reproduction and growth: P resi = P mi +P jji +P jai +P rji +(1−κG,i )×max(P gi , 0.)+(1−κR,i )×max(P rai , 0.) with κG,i κR,i P rji P mi P jai P jji P resi T growth efficiency [-] reproduction efficiency [-] development flux of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] maintenance rate of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] maturation flux of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] energy flux to maturity maintenance of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] respiration rate of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] 1.5 Temperature dependency It is assumed that all physiological rates are affected by temperature in the same way. This temperature effect is based on an Arrhenius type relation, which describes the rates at ambient temperature T as follows: )× 1+e T al T ali − Tl i T ref +273 i 1+e with: kTi T T aref T ai T ahi T ali T li T hi +e T ahi T ahi − T ref +273 T hi DR AF kT = e( T ai T ai − T +273 T ref +273 T ali T al − Tl i T +273 i +e T ahi T ahi − T +273 T hi Arrhenius rate of change of chemical reaction processes due to temperature [-] water temperature [◦ C] reference temperature (set to 20◦ C) [◦ C] Arrhenius temperature for grazer i [K] Arrhenius temperature for rate of decrease at upper boundary for grazer i [K] Arrhenius temperature for rate of decrease at lower boundary for grazer i [K] Lower temperature boundary for grazer i [K] Upper temperature boundary for grazer i [K] 2. From individuals to populations The equations above apply to growth and reproduction of individual organisms. The DEBGRZ module provides two approaches to scale up the equations to the population level. 2.1 Default approach: isomorphs The default, and most straightforward, approach to scale up the individual dynamics to the population level is by grouping the individuals into various age classes (cohorts). Each cohort consists of a number of equal individuals following the same growth trajectory. The total number of individuals in a cohort is included as an additional state variable. This number is the resultant of its rates of change: the recruitment rate and the mortality rate. Recruitment is not included as a dynamic process but can be included by (manual) initialization of a new cohort. Mortality is implemented as a first order decrease of the number of individuals in the cohort. A distinction is made between natural mortality and harvesting, where harvesting does not depend on temperature and harvested material will leave the system, while natural mortality does depend on temperature and will end up in the local detritus pool. Both mortality rates may be made dependable on the size of the individuals by setting kmrt1B and kmrt2B unequal 0: kmrt1i = kmrt11,20 × Liklmrt1i × kTi i i kmrt2i = kmrt21i × Lklmrt2 i 206 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels in which: 1/3 Li = V i /kshpi with mortality rate [ d−1 ] harvesting rate [ d−1 ] reference mortality rate of grazer i for individuals of 1 cm at 20 [d−1 ] reference harvesting rate of grazer i for individuals of 1cm [ d−1 ] length dependency coefficient of mortality rate [-] length dependency coefficient of harvesting rate [-] shape coefficient for grazer i [-] Arrhenius rate of change of chemical reaction processes due to temperature [-] individual length of grazer i [cm] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] T kmrt1i kmrt2i kmrt11,20 i kmrt21i klmrt1i klmrt2i kshpi kTi Li Vi Note that in this approach starvation will lead to a decrease in the structural volume, but not to enhanced mortality. Starvation occurs when the growth rate P g becomes negative. DR AF 2.2 Simplified approach: V1-morphs An alternative, simplified, approach to scale up the individual growth model to the population level is available in the DEBGRZ module. In this approach the difference between individuals and the population is eliminated, and the population is considered as a whole. This approach requires some additional assumptions, but requires less state variables, which makes the model easier to initialize, calibrate and/or analyse. This makes it specifically suitable when only little information is available about the population size- or age distribution, or when the model objective is system-oriented rather than grazer-oriented. implementation and consequences of the V1-morph approach: The alternative approach is implemented by modeling the organisms as so-called "V1- morphs". V1-morphs are a specific class of shape-changing organisms that have a constant surface-to-volume ratio (Kooijman 2000). The corresponding assumption is that the size distribution of the population remains constant. A surface-to-volume ratio is achieved by making the body size L an input parameter instead of an output parameter (L = Lref ). Note that reference length Lref erpresents the average length (weighted by structural body volume) and thus characterizes the population size composition, which makes it an important parameter affecting the physiological behaviour of the whole population. As a result of the constant size Lref , the structural body volume per individual V becomes constant as well (V = (Lref /kshp)3 ). Note that individual energy reserves E and gonads R will remain dynamic state variables that may vary over time. Also, the number of individuals is no longer a dynamic state variable but can now be derived from the total structural biomass Cgrv divided by the individual length V and is provided as output variable: Cgrn = Cgrv/V = Cgrv/(Lref × kshp)3 . For V1-morphs, starvation (P g ≤ 0) will lead to a decrease in the number of individuals Cgrn, and thus to an increased mortality (while for isomorphs, it leads to shrinking of the individual structural body volume). In the V1-morph approach, recruitment can be implemented by a first order increase. Hence, mortality and recruitment may be combined into one net (mortality) rate. Underlying assumption is that the larvae prefer settling at locations where conspecifics are already present. Reproduction related processes depend on a critical volume V p at which the transition from juvenile to adult occurs. For V1-morphs, it is assumed that a fraction Vp/(Vp+Vref) of Deltares 207 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual the population consists of juveniles, while the remaining fraction consists of adults. This fraction depends on the reference size relative to the critical volume as follows: Vp V p + V ref f juvi = 0 f juvi = 1 f adulti = 1 − f juvi if SwV 1 = 1 f juvi = (SwV 1 = 0andVi > Vp ) if (SwV 1 = 0andVi ≤ Vp ) if Rgrvi = ceci × P vi × Cgrni DR AF Rgrei = ceci × (P a2i − P ci ) × Cgrni T 2.3 Total grazer rates The total mass fluxes for the whole cohort or population are calculated by multiplying the individual energy fluxes by the number of individuals in the cohort or population and converting them to mass fluxes. Note that isomorphs only grow in terms of their individual size, while V1morphs only grow with respect to their number of individuals. This results in the following rates of change for each of the state variables of grazer i: Rgrri = ceci × P ri × Cgrni Rgrni =0 Rgrni =ceci × (P vi /Vi ) × Cgrni if SwV 1 = 0 if SwV 1 = 1 Rmrvi = cvci × (kmrt1i + kmrt2i ) × Vi × Cgrni Rmrei = cvci × (kmrt1i + kmrt2i ) × Ei × Cgrni Rmrri = cvci × (kmrt1i + kmrt2i ) × Ri × Cgrni Rmrni = (kmrt1i + kmrt2i ) × Cgrni with Cgrni ceci cvci kmrt1i kmrt2i P a2k,i P ci P vi P ri Rgrvi Rgrei Rgrri Rgrni Rmrvi Rmrei Rmrri Rmrni Vi Ei 208 of 464 number of individuals of grazer type i [ # m−3 ] or [−2 ] conversion coefficient from energy to carbon of grazer i [gC J−1 ] conversion coefficient from volume to carbon of grazer i [gC cm−3 ] mortality rate of grazer type i [ d−1 ] harvesting rate of grazer type i [ d−1 ] actual assimilation rate of nutrient k for grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] energy mobilization flux of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] growth rate of structural biovolume of grazer type i [cm3 d−1 ] gonadal production rate of adult grazers of type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] total growth rate of structural volume of grazer i total growth rate of energy reserves of grazer i total growth rate of structural volume of grazer i total increase rate of number of individuals due to growth of grazer i total decrease rate of structural volume due to growth of grazer i [d−1 ] total decrease rate of energy reserves due to mortality of grazer i [d−1 ] total decrease rate of gonadal reserves due to mortality of grazer i [d−1 ] total decrease rate of number of individuals due to mortality of grazer i [d−1 ] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] energy reserves of individual grazer of type i [J ind−1 ] Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels gonadal reserves of individual grazer of type i [J ind−1 ] Ri 2.4 Total algae, detritus and inorganic nutrient rates of change Uptake rate for each of the algal species and detritus are: Racnsk,j = P uptdnk,i × Cgrni Rdcnsk,j = P uptank,i,j × Cgrni with T Cgrni number of individuals of grazer type i [ # m−3 or −2 ] P uptdnk,i uptake rate of nutrient k from detritus for grazer i [gC ind− d−1 ] P uptank,i uptake rate of nutrient k from algal species j for grazer i [gC ind−1 d−1 ] Racnsk,j total consumption rate for nutrient k in algae group j [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] Rdcnsk,j total consumption rate for nutrient k in detritus [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] i index for grazer species groups [-] j index for algae species groups [-] k index for nutients, 1 = carbon, 2 = nitrogen, 3 = phosphorus, 4 = silicon [-] DR AF The detritus production rates for each of the nutrients are the sum of the natural mortality fluxes from the three body compartments (structural volume, energy reserves and gonads) and the spawning flux (survival of spawned eggs is assumed to be negligible). The fraction f sus determines to what extend the material ends up in the detritus in the water column or in the sediment. Spawned material, and (pseudo)faeces end up in the pelagic detritus pool, while respired nutrients end up as ammonia and phosphate: Rmrti,k = (Rmrvi + Rmrei + Rmrri ) × f susi × bnutk,i Rmrts1i,k = (Rmrvi + Rmrei + Rmrri ) × f sedi × bnutk,i Rresi,k = ceci × P resi × Cgrni × bnutk,i Rdefi,k = ceci × P defi,k × Cgrni Rspwi,k = ceci × P spwi × Cgrni × bnutk,i The release rate for inorganic nutrients by respiration is as follows: Rresi,k = ceci × P resi,k × Cgrni with bnutk,i Cgrni ceci P resi P spwi P defk,i Rresi,k Rspwi,k Rdefk,i i j k Deltares stoch. constant for nutrient k over carbon in grazer i [gC/gN/gP/gSi gC−1 ] number of individuals of grazer type i [ # m−3 ] or [−2 ] conversion coefficient from energy to carbon of grazer i [gC J−1 ] respiration rate of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] spawning rate of grazer type i [J ind−1 d−1 ] defaecation rate of nutrient k [gC/gN/gP/gSi ind−1 d−1 ] release rate of inorganic nutrient k by respiration [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] detritus production of nutrient k by spawning [J ind−1 d−1 ] detritus production rate of nutrient k by defaecation [gC/gN/gP/gSi ind−1 d−1 ] index for grazer species groups [-] index for algae species groups [-] index for nutients, 1 = carbon, 2 = nitrogen, 3 = phosphorus, 4 = silicon [-] 209 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 2.5 Total grazer biomass and other derived variables The total carbon biomass, ash-free dry weight and wet weight of the population or cohort are defined as follows: Cgrci = (ceci × (Ei + Ri ) + cvci × Vi ) × Cgrni Cgrdi = Ccgri /cawci Cgwri = Ccgri /cwwci with: T Total number of individuals of grazer i [ # m−3 ] or [−2 ] Total carbon biomass of grazers [ gC ] Total ash free dry weight of zooplankton [ gAFDW ] Total wet weight of zooplankton [ gWW ] conversion coefficient from energy to carbon of grazer i [gC J−1 ] conversion coefficient from volume to carbon of grazer i [gC cm−3 ] conversion coefficient from ash free dry weight to carbon for grazer i [gC gAFDW−1 ] conversion coefficient from wet weight to carbon for grazer i [gC gWW−1 ] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] energy reserves of individual grazer of type i [J ind−1 ] gonadal reserves of individual grazer of type i [J ind−1 ] DR AF Cgrni Cgrci Cgrdi Cgrwi ceci cvci cdwci cwwci Vi Ei Ri Individual length may be derived from the individual structural volume and the shape coefficient as follows: 1/3 Li = V i with kshpi Li Vi /kshpi shape coefficient of grazer type i [-] length of individual grazer of type i [cm] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] The scaled energy density is a measure for the condition of the organisms, which can be expressed as the energy density relative to the maximum energy density. Similarly, the gonadalsomatic index is a measure for the reproductive state of the organism, and is defined as the ratio of the gonadal biomass over the total biomass: Esi = Ei /(Vi × kemi ) GSIi = ceci × Ri cvci × f adult × Vi + ceci × f adulti × Ei + ceci × Ri with: f adult GSIi ceci cvci kemi Esi Vi Ei Ri 210 of 464 adult fraction of population of grazer i [-] Gonadal Somatic Index of grazer type i [J ind−1 ] conversion coefficient from energy to carbon of grazer i [gC J−1 ] conversion coefficient from volume to carbon of grazer i [gC cm−3 ] maximum energy density for grazer i [J cm−3 ] scaled energy density of grazer i [-] structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i [cm3 ind−1 ] energy reserves of individual grazer of type i [J ind−1 ] gonadal reserves of individual grazer of type i [J ind−1 ] Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels T Directives for use The proces rates in connection with grazing have a temperature basis of 20 oC. That means that input values have to be corrected when provided for another temperature basis. Parameter values for a range of species can be found on the "add my pet" page at → DEB → Laboratory. If parameter values are not available for a certain species, this page also contains instructions on how to construct a new (and consistent) set of parameter values. The initial length of isomporphs is determined from the inital carbon biomass and number of individuals. Benthic and suspended grazers (SwBen>0) are fixed to a specific vertical location in the water column. Therefore, they may not be present in all vertical layers. In this case, any output (both state and derived variables) that is aggregated over a monitoring area, should be multiplied by the number of layers included in the monitoring area. Output values in single segment locations do not have to be corrected. Note that this correction is necessary for all passive substances. Additional references DR AF Bacher, C., and Gangnery, A. 2006 Use of dynamic energy budget and individual based models to simulate the dynamics of cultivated oyster populations. J. Sea Res. 56,140-155. Holling C.S. 1959. Some characteristics of simple types of predation and parasitism. Can. Entomol., 91:385-398. Kooijman S. A. L. M. 2006. Pseudo-faeces production in bivalves. J. Sea Research, 56:103106. Kooijman, S.A.L.M. 2010. Dynamic Energy Budget theory for metabolic organization. Cambridge University Press, Great Britain (3rd edition). ISBN 9780521131919. Pouvreau, S., Bourles, Y., Lefevre, S., Gangnery, A., Alunno-Bruscia, M. 2006 Application of a dynamic energy budget model to the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, reared under various environmental conditions. J. Sea Res. 56, 156-167. Rosland, R., Strand, O., Alunno-Bruscia, M., Bacher, C., Strohmeier, T. 2009 Applying Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory to simulate growth and bio-energetics of blue mussels under low seston conditions. J. Sea Res. 62, 49-61. Van der Veer H.W., Cardoso, J.F.M.F., van der Meer, J. 2006. The estimation of DEB parameters for various Northeast Atlantic bivalve species. J. Sea Res. 56, 107-124. Table 7.3: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for DEBGRZ. Name in formulas Name in input anut2,1 N CratGreen green algae spec. stoch. constant nitro- gN gC−1 anut2,2 gen over carbon diatoms spec. stoch. constant nitrogen over carbon gN gC−1 N CratDiat Definition Units continued on next page Deltares 211 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 7.3 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units anut2,j N CRAlg(j) gN gC−1 anut3,1 P CratGreen anut3,2 P CratDiat anut3,j P CRAlg(j) anut4,1 SCratGreen anut4,2 SCratDiat anut4,j SCRAlg(j) BLOOM algae group spec. stoch. const. nitr. over carb. green algae spec. stoch. constant phos. over carbon diatoms spec. stoch. constant phosphorus over carbon BLOOM algae group spec. stoch. const. phos. over carb. green algae spec. stoch. constant silicon over carbon diatoms spec. stoch. constant silicon over carbon BLOOM algae group spec. stoch. const. sil. over carb. Cgrv1 ZooplV structural biomass concentration of zooplankton energy reserve biomass concentration of zooplankton gonadal biomass concentration of zooplankton number of individuals (density) of zooplankton structural biomass concentration of mussel energy reserve biomass concentration of mussel gonadal biomass concentration of mussel number of individuals (density) of mussel structural biomass concentration of grazer type 3 energy reserve biomass concentration of grazer type 3 gonadal biomass concentration of grazer type 3 number of individuals (density) of grazer type 3 structural biomass concentration of grazer type 4 energy reserve biomass concentration of grazer type 4 gonadal biomass concentration of grazer type 4 number of individuals (density) of grazer type 4 gC m−3 or −2 Cgrr1 Cgrn1 Cgrv2 Cgre2 Cgrr2 Cgrn2 Cgrv3 Cgre3 Cgrr3 Cgrn3 ZooplE ZooplR ZooplN M usselV M usselE M usselR M usselN Grazer3V Grazer3E Grazer3R Grazer3N Cgrv4 Grazer4V Cgre4 Grazer4E Cgrr4 Grazer4R Cgrn4 Grazer4N gP gC−1 gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 T DR AF Cgre1 gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 gSi gC−1 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 # m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 # m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 # m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 # m−3 or −2 continued on next page 212 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Table 7.3 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Cgrv5 Grazer5V Definition Units gC m−3 or −2 Cdet1 Cdet2 Cdet3 Cdet4 Ctim structural biomass concentration of grazer type 5 Grazer5E energy reserve biomass concentration of grazer type 5 Grazer5R gonadal biomass concentration of grazer type 5 Grazer5N number of individuals (density) of grazer type 5 Green biomass concentration of green algae (DYNAMO) Diat biomass concentration of diatoms (DYNAMO) BLOOMALG(j )biomass concentration of a BLOOM algae group P OC1 detritus organic carbon concentration P ON 1 detritus nitrogen concentration P OP 1 detritus phosphorus concentration Opal opal silicate concentration Opal concentration of inorganic matter H Depth depth of a water compartment (layer) m (i)U nitSW - (i)_SwV 1 group spec. option for biomass unit (1=g m−2 , 0=g m−3 ) group spec. option for upscaling (0=isomorphs(cohort), 1=V1morphs (population)) T emp water temperature ◦ bnut1,i (i)_T C gC gC−1 bnut2,i (i)_T N bnut3,i (i)_T P bnut4,i (i)_T Si stoch. constant for carbon over carbon in grazer i stoch. constant for nitrogen over carbon in grazer i stoch. constant for phosphorus over carbon in grazer i stoch. constant for silicon over carbon in grazer i f apri,1 (i)_ALGP RGrnpreference of grazer i for green algae Cgrr5 Cgrn5 Calg1 Calg2 – – T DR AF Calgj f apri,2 f apri,j f dpri f algi,1 gC m−3 or −2 gC m−3 or −2 # m−3 or −2 gC m−3 T Cgre5 (DYNAMO) (i)_ALGP RDiat preference of grazer i for diatoms (DYNAMO) (i)_ALGP R(j) preference of grazer i for BLOOM algae group j (i)_DET P R preference of grazer i for detritus (i)_ALGF F Grnegested fraction of green algae consumed by grazer i gC m−3 gC m−3 gC m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 g m−3 - C gN gC−1 gP gC−1 gSi gC−1 - continued on next page Deltares 213 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 7.3 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input f algi,2 (i)_ALGF F Diat egested fraction of diatoms consumed by grazer i (i)_ALGF F (j) egested fraction of algae j consumed by grazer i (i)_DET F F egested fraction of detritus consumed by grazer i (i)_F rDetBot fr. of mortality flux of grazer i to sediment f algi,j f deti f sedi Definition Units κi (i)_kappa f susi i ceci cvci cdwci (i)_kappaR (i)_cEC (i)_cV C (i)_cDW C - fr. of mobilized energy to growth and maintenance of grazer i fr. of reproduction flux to gonadal tissue of grazer i - conversion coefficient from energy to carbon biomass of grazer i conversion coefficient from volume to carbon biomass of grazer i conversion coefficient from carbon biomass to ash free dry weight for grazer gC J−1 DR AF κR,i - T κI,i κA,i detr. pool (i)_F rDetBot fr. of mortality flux of grazer i to sediment detr. pool (i)_kappaI fr. of filtered food ingested by grazer i (i)_kappaA fr. of ingested food assimilated by grazer - - gC cm−3 gC gAFDW−1 i cwwci (i)_cW W C GSIupri (i)_GSIupr GSIlwri (i)_GSIlwr kegi (i)_EG conversion coefficient from carbon biomass to wet weight for grazer i energy threshold to start spawning for grazer i energy threshold to stop spawning for grazer i volume-specific costs for growth of grazer gC gWW−1 J cm−3 i kemi kuptm20 i (i)_EM (i)_JXm kmrt11,20 (i)_rM or i kmrt21i (i)_rHrv klmrt1i (i)_cM or klmrt2i (i)_cHrv kpm20 i (i)_P M maximum energy density of grazer i maximum surface-area-specific ingestion rate of grazer i at 20 ◦ C reference mortality rate of grazer i for individuals of 1cm at 20 ◦ C reference harvesting rate of grazer i for individuals of 1cm length dependency coefficient for mortality rate of grazer i length dependency coefficient for harvesting rate of grazer i volumetric costs of maintenance for grazer i at 20 ◦ C J cm−3 J cm2 d−1 d−1 d−1 J cm−3 d−1 continued on next page 214 of 464 Deltares Primary consumers and higher trophic levels Table 7.3 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input kspri (i)_Rspw Kstimi Lrefi T ai T ali T li T hi T spmi V pi 1 gonadal release rate at spawning for grazer i (i)_Shape shape coefficient for grazer i (i)_Xk half saturation constant for food uptake by grazer i (i)_Y k half saturation constant for the negative effect of inorganic matter on food uptake by grazer i (i)_Lref reference length of individual grazer of type i (only for V1morphs) (i)_T a Arrhenius temperature for grazer i (i)_T al Arrhenius temperature for rate of decrease at upper boundary for grazer i (i)_T ah Arrhenius temperature for rate of decrease at lower boundary for grazer i (i)_T l Lower temperature boundary of tolerance range for grazer i (i)_T h Upper temperature boundary of tolerance range for grazer i (i)_M inST mp minimum spawning temperature for grazer i (i)_V p biovolume at start of reproductive age for grazer i DR AF T ahi Units d−1 gC m−3 gC m−3 cm T kshpi Ksf di Definition K K K K K K cm3 ind−1 (i) indicates grazer species groups 1–5, respectively Z for zooplankton, M for mussel type zoobenthos, G3, G4 and G5 for user defined groups. 2 (j) indicates BLOOM algae species groups 1–30. Deltares 215 of 464 T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 7.4: Definitions of the output parameters for DEBGRZ. Name in formulas Name in output Li Esi (i)_L (i)_Escaled Ei Ri Cgrci Cgrdi Cgrwi Cgrci Cgrdi Cgrwi 216 of 464 Units Individual length of grazer i Scaled energy density, which is a measure for the condition of the organism (i)_GSI Gonadal Somatic Index of grazer type i (i)_V ind Structural biovolume of individual grazer of type i (i)_Eind Energy reserves of individual grazer of type i (i)_Rind Gonadal reserves of individual grazer of type i (i)_T otBiomassTotal carbon biomass concentration of grazer type i (i)_T otAF DW Total ash free dry weight concentration of grazer type i cm - (i)_T otW W Wet weight concentration of grazer i gWW m−3 or −2 (i)_Biomass (i)_AF DW Total carbon biomass of grazer i Total ash free dry weight of grazer i gC gAFDW (i)_W W Total wet weight of grazer i gWW DR AF GSIi Vi Definition cm3 ind−1 J ind−1 J ind−1 gC m−3 or −2 gAFDW m−3 or −2 Deltares 8 Organic matter (detritus) Contents Decomposition of detritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 8.2 Consumption of electron-acceptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 8.3 Settling of detritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 8.4 Mineralization of detritus in the sediment (S1/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 DR AF T 8.1 Deltares 217 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Decomposition of detritus PROCESS : DECFAST, DECMEDIUM, DECSLOW, DECREFR, DECDOC AND DECPOC5 T Being natural dead organic matter, detritus is produced when algae and higher plants die off. Detritus may also arise from organic matter present in discharged wastewater. The microbial decomposition of detritus into its basic inorganic components such as carbon dioxide, ammonium, phosphate and sulfide is called mineralization. During the decomposition process the organic matter is gradually converted into material that is more resistant to microbial breakdown. In other words, the decomposition rate decreases at the increase of the age of detritus. This is caused by both the difference in degradability of the numerous chemical components in detritus and the (bio)chemical conversion of readily degradable components into less readily degradable components. Eventually, refractory organic matter results, that is subjected to very slow decomposition. Humic matter may not be decomposed at all, when stored under chemically reducing conditions. The decomposition of humic matter only continues significantly when exposed to oxygen, especially when solar radiation is available to speed up the process by means of photo-oxidation. DR AF 8.1 The slowing down of the decomposition process over time can be modelled by means of the distinction of several detritus fractions, each having a different decomposition rate. The resulting model will show a decreasing overall decomposition rate, when no new detritus is added to the initial detritus pools. Adding “fresh” detritus brings along the question how this detritus must be allocated to the existing detritus pools. This can be done by i) distributing the fresh detritus among the detritus fractions according to fixed ratios, and/or by ii) converting a more readily degradable fraction into a more refractory fraction proportional to the decomposition rates.A combination of these options has been implemented in the model. The fresh detritus from algae is added to both the fast and medium slow decomposing detritus fractions according to fixed ratios. The fresh detritus from submerged and emerging terrestrial vegetation is added to all detritus fractions according to user defined ratios. However, all organic matter in stems (incl. branches) and roots is by definition allocated to one and the same organic “detritus” fraction, that has been included in DELWAQ specifically for this purpose. The detritus from waste water can be allocated to the organic fractions via the loads. Detritus consists of both particulate and dissolved components. The dissolved components can be allocated to two categories: 1 highly degradable dissolved substances, such as amino acids and sugars, and 2 highly refractory dissolved substances such as humic and fulvic acids. Category 1 is taken into account in the model by means of the autolysis of fresh detritus, which is implemented in connection with the algae mortality process (detritus production). Autolysis leads to the instantaneous release of inorganic nutrients present in autolysed algal biomass. Category 2 demands for the definition of a refractory dissolved detritus fraction, being produced from particulate detritus. The decomposition rates depend on the availability of nutrients (N, P), as well as on the redox conditions. Both aspects are connected with the needs and the efficiency of bacteria in performing the decomposition process. The availability of nutrients can be taken into account by interpolating the decomposition rate between a maximal value and a minimal value proportional to the nutrient contents of the detritus. The redox-dependency is caused by the fact that the energy gain of decomposition (oxidation) 218 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) decreases going from aerobic decomposition, to denitrification, to sulfate reduction and finally to methanogenesis. In principle, these processes are mutually exclusive. Only one of them may occur at the same time and the same place. Consequently, the decomposition rate has been made a function of the presence of the various electron acceptors, dissolved oxygen and nitrate in particular. T Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur in detritus are considered as separate state variables in the model (sulfur can be ignored). The mineralization of organic nitrogen and organic phosphorus is fast, compared to the mineralization of organic carbon, when the organic matter is rich in these nutrients. During the decomposition process detritus becomes less rich in nutrients, until eventually the minimal nutrients contents of refractory organic matter (humic matter) have been established. In order to take this preferential nutrient stripping into account, the decomposition rates of organic nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur have been made a function of the nutrient stochiometry of refractory detritus. DR AF The rate of mineralization is also a function of the temperature. Decomposition rates tend to decrease progressively at temperatures below 4 ◦ C. Because the decomposition of organic matter is performed by a very large number of species, including species that are adapted to low temperature environments, the effect is not nearly as strong as in the case of nitrification. The present model ignores the “near-freezing” effect, which means that imposing a discontinuity at a critically low temperature is not possible when using the processes described here. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Processes DECFST, DECMEDIUM, DECSLOW, DECREFR, DECPOC5 and DECDOC for the decomposition of organic matter have been implemented in a generic way, meaning that they can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The processes can also be used in combination with one of the other options for mineralization in the sediment (BMS1_i and BMS2_i). The processes have been implemented for the following substances: POC1, PON1, POP1, POS1, POC2, PON2, POP2, POS2, POC3, PON3, POP3, POS3, POC4, PON4, POP4, POS4, POC5, PON5, POP5, POS5, DOC, DON, DOP, DOS, NH4, PO4 and SUD. POC/N/P/S5 must be defined as inactive substances (= substances that are not transported), and should be used for stem and root ”detritus” from vegetation only. As opposed to all other conversion processes, the decomposition of POC5 continues in grid cells when running dry. Table 8.1 and Table 8.2 provide the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Deltares 219 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Formulation The biochemical decomposition of dead organic matter (detritus) is described here as the mineralization and conversion of five particulate fractions and the mineralization of one dissolved fraction. Each mineralization flux for the particulate fractions has one or two proportional conversion fluxes. The overall decomposition (loss) flux of the fractions is the sum of the mineralization and the conversion fluxes. The fractions are produced, converted and mineralized according to the following schemes: POC1 + O 2 CO2 + DOC + O 2 CO2 POC2 + O 2 CO2 + DOC + O 2 CO2 POC3 + O 2 CO2 + DOC + O 2 DR AF T Algae C, waste C POC4 + O 2 CO2 CO2 Figure 8.1: When an algae module is included. POC1 + O 2 CO2 + DOC + O 2 CO2 POC2 + O 2 CO2 + DOC + O 2 CO2 POC3 + O 2 CO2 + DOC + O 2 CO2 POC4 + O 2 CO2 POC5 + O 2 CO2 + DOC + O 2 Vegtation C CO2 Figure 8.2: When the terrestrial vegetation module is included. The first scheme (Figure 8.1) applies when an algae module is included in a model. The second scheme (Figure 8.2) concerns the situation when the terrestrial vegetation module is included. Both schemes apply when both algae and vegetation are in the model. POC1 is the fast decomposing detritus fraction, POC2 the medium slow decomposing fraction POC3 the slow decomposing fraction, and POC4 the particulate refractory fraction. DOC represents dissolved refractory organic matter. POC5 contains the organic matter in stems 220 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) and roots that may be subjected to (very) slow decomposition. POC5 should only be included in a model when the vegetation module is used. At the absence of (sufficient) oxygen, nitrate and sulfate, not only CO2 (carbon dioxide) but also CH4 (methane) will be produced. The consumption fluxes of the electron-acceptors OXY, NO3 and SO4, and the production fluxes of CO2 and CH4 are generated by another process, called CONSELAC The schemes represent carbon, but is similarly applicable to nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, for which the mineralization products are ammonium (NH4), phosphate (PO4) and sulfide (SUD). DR AF T Mineralization Mineralization has been formulated as a first-order kinetic process. The first-order mineralization rate is a function of limiting factors related to the electron acceptor used, the preferential stripping of nutrients, and the nutrient availability for bacteria. Two options are available. One option concerns a comprehensive approach with nutrient stripping. The other option does not explicitly consider nutrient stripping (Smits and Van Beek (2013)). However, a difference in the mineralization of the nutrients relative to carbon can be established by using different rate constants for C, N and P. For the comprehensive approach the formulations are as follows (SW OM Dec=0.0): Rminj,i = f el × f accj,i × kmini × Cxj,i (T −20) kmini = kmin20 i × ktmin where: Cx f acc f el kmin kmin20 ktmin Rmin T i j organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus or sulfur concentration ([gC/N/P/S m−3 ]; x is oc, on, op or os) acceleration factor for nutrient stripping [-] limiting factor for electron acceptors [-] first-order mineralization rate [d−1 ] first-order mineralization rate at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for mineralization [-] mineral. rate for organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus or sulfur [gC/N/P/S m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] index for the organic matter fraction (1–5; see scheme above) index for the nutrient (1–4, that is C, N, P and S) b b The mineralization rate of a specific detritus fraction has a maximal and a minimal value. The first-order rate is a linear function of the nutrient (N, P) availability according to: if Coni/Coci > ani,max and Copi/Coci > api,max 20 kmin20 i = kmini,max if Coni/Coci < ani,min or Copi/Coci < api,min 20 kmin20 i = kmini,min else 20 20 20 kmin20 i = kmini,min + f nuti × kmini,max − kmini,min Deltares 221 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual f nuti = min ((Coni /Coci ) − ani,min ) ((Copi /Coci ) − api,min ) , ani,max − ani,min api,max − api,min (if ani,max = ani,min or api,max = api,min then f nuti = 0.5!) where: stochiometric constant of nitrogen in organic matter [gN gC−1 ] stochiometric constant of phosphorus in organic matter [gP gC−1 ] an ap Coc Con Cop f nut i max min organic carbon concentration [gC m−3 ] organic nitrogen concentration [gN m−3 ] organic phosphorus concentration [gP m−3 ] limiting factor for nutrient availability [-] index for the organic matter fraction (1–5; see scheme above) index for the maximal value, the upper limit index for the minimal value, the lower limit b b T b DR AF The limiting factor for electron acceptors is simply a constant, the value of which depends on the presence of dissolved oxygen and nitrate: 1.0 f el = bni bsu where: bni bsu Cox > 0.0 Cox < 0.0 and Cni > 0.1 if Cox < 0.0 and Cni < 0.1 if if attenuation constant in case nitrate is the prevailing electron acceptor [-] attenuation constant in case sulfate or carbon monoxide is the prevailing electron acceptor [-] The acceleration factor for nutrient stripping is proportional to the relative difference of the actual nutrient composition and the stochiometric constant of refractory detritus: f accj,i = 1.0 + with: ar ((Cxj,i /Coci ) − arj ) arj stochiometric constant of nitrogen, phosphorus or sulfur in refractory [gN/P/S gC−1 ] Notice that the acceleration factor is 1.0 for the carbon detritus components. In principal, the above formulations concern each of the 24 organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur detritus components. However, in the model the acceleration factor facc and the nutrient related variability of the first-order mineralization rate are ignored for the refractory fractions POC/N/P/S4 and DOC/N/P/S. Consequently, the processes DECREFR and DECDOC do not contain the process parameters connected with these aspects. The decomposition of POC5 continues in above-ground grid cells when these run dry. The decomposition rate is a function of the temperature of the air and the sediment, an additional input parameter NatTemp, different from the temperature of water. All decomposition products except CO2 accumulate in these cells during a dry period. The production of CO2 as well as the consumption of oxygen (OXY) continue in process DECPOC5 (in stead of in process CONSELAC), and pertinent fluxes are calculated in order to maintain full mass balances for 222 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) these substances. However, oxygen (OXY) is obtained from the atmosphere, and carbon dioxide is released into it. Therefore, additional inverse fluxes of CO2 and OXY are generated by process DECPOC5 to prevent the change of concentrations during a dry period as well as the impacts of such concentration changes on water quality when the water returns. The alternative approach (SW OM Dec=1.0) uses the same formulations for the dependencies of nutrient availability, electron acceptor dominance and temperature. The acceleration factors for nutrient stripping are set equal to 1.0. The first-order mineralization rates for fast, medium and slow decomposing organic carbon (POC1-3), nitrogen (PON1-3) and phosphorus (POP1-3) are different. This requires two additional sets of input parameters. The maximal and minimal rates for organic sulfur are the same as for organic carbon. DR AF Rconj,i = bi × Rminj,i /f accj,i T Conversion The production of a less readily degradable detritus fraction from a more readily degradable fraction is supposed to be proportional to the mineralization rate. The rationale behind this hypothesis is that bacterial activity is driving the conversion process. Chemical reactions are highly dependent on the presence of all kinds of intermediate decomposition products. Consequently, the conversion rate has been linked to the mineralization rate according to the following formulation, which is the same for both mineralization options: : where: b Rcon constant fraction of detritus C component i converted into detritus C component i + 1 relative to and in addition to mineralization [-] conversion rate for particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus or sulfur to slower particulate or dissolved fractions [gC/N/P/S m−3 .d−1 ] b Notice that the fractions b are equal for organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. The mineralization rate of organic carbon is taken as the reference rate, which implies the need for correction of the mineralization rate for nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur for acceleration (nutrient stripping). For POC5, just like decomposition, conversion continues when a grid cell runs dry. Directives for use The simulation of the consumption of dissolved oxygen (substance OXY) resulting from the decomposition of organic matter requires that process CONSELAC (Consumption of electron-acceptors) is included in the model! This also holds for taking into account denitrification, sulfate reduction, iron(III) reduction and methanogenesis. As an alternative when sediment-water interaction is simulated according to the S1/2 option, denitrification can be taken into account by means of processes DENSED_NO3 and/or DENWAT_NO3. Option SW OM Dec=0.0 (default) for the comprehensive approach with nutrient stripping based on the input mineralization rate for organic carbon. Option SW OM Dec=1.0 does not use the formulation for nutrient stripping but has different mineralization rates for POC1/2, PON1/2 and POP1/2. Consequently, two additional sets of input decomposition rates are required for N and P. The names of the mineralization rates of POC1-5 and DOC have changed after the introduction of separate mineralization rates of PON1-5, DON, POP1-5 and DOP. When using the new names for the mineralization rates of POC1-5 and DOC (as in the tables below), for option SW OM Dec=1.0 it is necessary to also allocate input values to the mineralization rates of PON1-5, DON, POP1-5 and DOP. The rates for POC1-5 and DOC will also be used for POS1-5 and DOS. For a start, the first-order mineralisation rates ky_YdcX20 for POX1−5 and DOX can be set to 0.15, 0.05, 0.005, 0.00001, 0,00001 and 0.001 d−1 respectively, the maximal and Deltares 223 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual T DR AF minimal values being the same. The attenuation constants for electron acceptors bni and bsu can be set at 1.0. When using option SW OM Dec=0.0, the stochiometric constants for refractory detritus a_dNpr, a_dPpr and a_dSpr can be set at 0.05 gN.gC−1 , 0.005 gP.gC−1 and 0.005 gS.gC−1 . The conversion fractions b_poc1poc2, b_poc2poc3 and b_poc3poc4 can be set at 1.0, conversion fractions b_poc1doc, b_poc2doc and b_poc3doc at 0.025, and the additional conversion fractions for POC5 b_poc5poc4 and b_poc5doc at 0.0. Redfield ratios (C106 N16 P1 S1 ) and 40 % lower values may be used for the maximal and minimal values of the remaining stochiometric constants. Not all POX1-5 and DOX substances need to be included in a model, but the substances need to form a logical coherent decomposition scheme. The most simple scheme contains POX1 only. Extensions subsequently add POX2 and/or DOC, POX3 and POX4. POX5 can be added independently. The default values of b_poc1poc2, b_poc2poc3 and b_poc3poc4 are 1.0, and the default value of b_poc5poc4 is 0.4. The default value of b_poc1doc is 0.0, the default values of b_poc2doc and b_poc3doc are 0.025, and the default value of b_poc5doc is 0.04. If some of the POX2-4 and DOC substances are not included in the model, the conversion fractions that would deliver a production flux for one of the missing substances need to be allocated the value 0.0. In case an upper limit of a stochiometric constant is set equal to its lower limit (for instance aud N f = ald N f or aud P f = ald P f .), then the process routine might set the pertinent mineralization rate at the average of the maximal and minimal rates to prevent dividing by zero. In this case it is recommended to also allocate the same value to the maximal rate and the minimal rate in order to avoid misinterpretation. Loads of organic matter may be allocated to each of the detritus fractions. The user must make a choice on the basis of the origin and the history of the organic loads. For instance, dead algae biomass and raw domestic waste may be allocated to the fast (mainly) and medium slow decomposing detritus fractions. Treated domestic waste to the medium slow and slow decomposing fractions, terrestrial organic matter to the slow decomposing fraction, and dissolved organic (humic) matter to the dissolved refractory fraction. When the terrestrial vegetation module is included in a model, detritus fractions for vegetation biomass can be specified by the user. Stem and root biomass will be allocated to POC/N/P/S5. In connection with the vegetation module these substances must be defined as inactive substances. When the vegetation module is not used, there is no need to include POC/N/P/S5 in the model. The algae module and/or the terrestrial vegetation module can be used with or without POS1-5 and DOS. Additional references DiToro (2001), Smits and Van der Molen (1993), Westrich and Berner (1984), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1997c), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1980a) Table 8.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECFAST, DECMEDIUM and DECSLOW. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas1 Name in input Definition Units ani,max „ „ ani,min „ „ api,max au_dN f au_dN m au_dN s al_dN f al_dN m al_dN s au_dP f max. st. constant N in fast dec. detritus max. st. const. N in medium slow detr. max. st. constant N in slow dec. detritus min. st. constant N in fast dec. detritus min. st. const. N in medium slow detr. min. st. constant N in slow dec. detritus max. st. constant P in fast dec. detritus gN.gC−1 gN.gC−1 gN.gC−1 gN.gC−1 gN.gC−1 gN.gC−1 gP.gC−1 224 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) Table 8.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECFAST, DECMEDIUM and DECSLOW. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b Definition Units au_dP m au_dP s al_dP f al_dP m al_dP s a_dN pr a_dP pr a_dSpr b_poc1poc2 b_poc2poc3 b_poc2doc b_poc3poc4 b_poc3doc b_ni b_su max. st. const. P in medium slow detr. max. st. constant P in slow dec. detritus min. st. const. P in fast dec. detritus min. st. const. P in medium slow detr. min. st. constant P in slow dec. detritus stoch. constant N in refractory detritus stoch. constant P in refractory detritus stoch. constant S in refractory detritusitus conv. fraction fast detr. into medium detr. conv. fraction medium detr. into slow detr. conv. fr. medium detr. into diss. refr. detr. conv. fr. slow detr. into part. refr. detr. conv. fr. slow detr. into diss. refr. detr. atten. const. for nitrate as el. acceptor atten. const. for sulfate as el. acceptor gP.gC−1 gP.gC−1 gP.gC−1 gP.gC−1 gP.gC−1 gN.gC−1 gP.gC−1 gS.gC−1 - P OC1 P OC2 P OC3 P ON 1 P ON 2 P ON 3 P OP 1 P OP 2 conc. organic carbon in fast detritus gC.m−3 conc. organic phosphorus in medium detritus gP.m P OP 3 P OP 1 P OP 2 P OP 3 OXY N O3 conc. organic phosphorus in slow detritus gP.m−3 concentration of nitrate gN m f accj,i – - f el f nuti – – accel. factors nutrient strip. for six detritus components limiting factor for electron acceptors limiting factors for nutrient availability kmin20 i,max „ ku_dF dcC20 max. min. rate fast detr-C at 20 ◦ C ku_dM dcC20 max. min. rate medium detr-C detr. at 20 bni bsu Coci „ „ Coni „ „ Copi „ „ Cosi „ „ Cox Cni T Name in input DR AF Name in formulas1 „ „ api,min „ „ arj „ „ bi „ „ „ „ w conc. organic carbon in medium detritus conc. organic carbon in slow detritus b −3 gC.m b −3 gC.m b −3 conc. organic nitrogen in fast detritus gN.m conc. organic nitrogen in medium detritus gN.m−3 conc. organic nitrogen in slow detritus conc. organic phosphorus in fast detritus conc. organic sulfur in fast detritus conc. organic sulfur in medium detritus conc. organic sulfur in slow detritus concentration of dissolved oxygen b b −3 gN.m b −3 gP.m b −3 b b gS.m −3 gS.m −3 gS.m −3 b b b gO2 m −3 b −3 b d−1 d−1 ◦ „ kmin20 i,min „ „ Deltares ku_dSdcC20 kl_dF dcC20 kl_dM dcC20 kl_dSdcC20 C max. min. rate slow detr-C at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate fast detr-C at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate medium detr-C at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate slow detr-C at 20 ◦ C d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 225 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 8.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECFAST, DECMEDIUM and DECSLOW. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in input Definition Units kT _dec temperature coefficient for mineralization - kmin20 i,max „ „ kmin20 i,min „ „ ku_dF dcN 20 ku_dM dcN 20 ku_dSdcN 20 kl_dF dcN 20 kl_dM dcN 20 kl_dSdcN 20 max. min. rate fast detr-N at 20 ◦ C max. min. rate medium detr-N at 20 ◦ C max. min. rate slow detr-N at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate fast detr-N at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate medium detr-N at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate slow detr-N at 20 ◦ C d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 kmin20 i,max „ „ kmin20 i,min „ „ ku_dF dcP 20 ku_dM dcP 20 ku_dSdcP 20 kl_dF dcP 20 kl_dM dcP 20 kl_dSdcP 20 max. min. rate fast detr-P at 20 ◦ C max. min. rate medium detr-P at 20 ◦ C max. min. rate slow detr-P at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate fast detr-P at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate medium detr-P at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate slow detr-P at 20 ◦ C d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 SW OM DecSW OM Dec option (0.0 = nutrient stripping; 1.0 = different rates) - T T temperature of water temperature of air and sediment when ran dry ◦ DR AF 1 T Name in formulas1 ktmin T emp N atT emp ◦ C C j = C, N, P or S; i = POC1, POC2 or POC3. Table 8.2: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECREFR, DECDOC and DECPOC5. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b Name in formulas1 Name in input ani,max au_dN P OC5 max. stoch. constant N in stem/root ani,min api,max al_dN P OC5 au_dP P OC5 api,min arj bi al_dP P OC5 a_dN pr a_dP pr a_dSpr b_poc5poc4 „ b_poc5doc bni b_ni bsu b_su „ „ 226 of 464 Definition POC5 min. stoch. constant N in stem/root POC5 max. stoch. constant P in stem/root POC5 min. stoch. constant P in stem/root POC5 stoch. constant N in refr. detritus stoch. constant P in refr. detritus stoch. constant S in refr. detritus conv. fraction stem/root POC5 into part. refr. detr. conv. fraction stem/root POC5 into diss. refr. detr. attenuation constant for nitrate as electron acceptor attenuation constant for sulfate as electron acceptor w Units gN.gC−1 gN.gC−1 gP.gC−1 gP.gC−1 gN.gC−1 gP.gC−1 gS.gC−1 - Deltares Organic matter (detritus) Table 8.2: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DECREFR, DECDOC and DECPOC5. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas1 Name in input Definition Units Coci conc. organic C in part. refr. detritus gC.m−3 conc. organic C in stems and roots gC.m−3 Cox Cni P OC4 P OC5 DOC P ON 4 P ON 5 DON P OP 4 P OP 5 DOP P OP 4 P OP 5 DOP OXY N O3 concentration of nitrate gN.m f el - limiting factor for electron acceptors - ktmin k _dprdcC20 ku_P 5dcC20 kl_P 5dcC20 k _DOCdcC20 kT _dec min. rate part. refractory detr. at 20 ◦ C max. min. rate stem/root POC5 at 20 ◦ C min. min. rate stem/root POC5 at 20 ◦ C min. rate diss. refractory detr. at 20 ◦ C temperature coefficient for mineralisation d−1 d−1 d−1 - T T T emp N atT emp temperature temperature of air and sediment when ran dry ◦ „ Coni „ „ Copi „ „ Cosi „ kmin20 i „ „ „ 1 conc. organic N in part. refr. detritus conc. organic N in stems and roots conc. organic N in diss. refr. detritus conc. organic P in part. refr. detritus conc. organic P in stems and roots conc. organic P in diss. refr. detritus b −3 gN.m b −3 gN.m b −3 gN.m b −3 gP.m b −3 gP.m b −3 gP.m b −3 gS.m conc. organic S in stems and roots gS.m−3 conc. organic S in diss. refr. detritus concentration of dissolved oxygen b gC.m conc. organic S in part. refr. detritus DR AF „ conc. organic C in diss. refr. detritus b −3 T „ gS.m b b −3 b gO2 .m −3 b −3 ◦ b C C j = C, N, P or S; i = POC4, POC5 or DOC. Deltares 227 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Consumption of electron-acceptors PROCESS : CONSELAC oxygen consumption; denitrification; manganese reduction; iron reduction; sulfate reduction; and methanogenesis. T The microbial decomposition (mineralisation, oxidation) of organic matter into carbon dioxide involves the consumption (reduction) of electron acceptors. These substances are used by different species of bacteria in a specific order in agreement with the thermodynamic potentials of the reduction processes (Santschi et al., 1990; DiToro, 2001). The electron acceptors are used in the following sequence: dissolved oxygen, nitrate, manganese(IV), iron(III), sulfate and carbon monoxide. The last substance as well as the electron donor hydrogen are derived from organic matter itself as intermediate products in methanogenesis, whereas the final products are more or less equal amounts of carbon dioxide and methane. The subsequent redox processes are indicated as: DR AF 8.2 In principal the thermodynamically more favourable reduction process excludes the less favourable process, provided that the more favourable electron acceptor is available. When an electron acceptor is not sufficiently supplied from an external source it will eventually become depleted. Therefore, oxygen consumption, denitrification and sulfate reduction are mutually exclusive to a large extent. However, denitrification may also be carried out in the water column at aerobic conditions by highly specialised bacteria (aerobic denitrification). After depletion of the respective electron acceptors methanogenesis takes over as a final possibility for bacteria to utilise organic matter for energy and growth. The reduction of manganese and iron are excluded by oxygen consumption and denitrification, but may concur with sulfate reduction and methanogenesis due to slow kinetics. Consequently, one would expect the occurrence of the various reduction processes in distinct stages in time, or in distinct water or sediment layers. However, due to spatial heterogeneity various processes may be active at the same time in the same compartment. In other words: Compartments may show substantial overlap with respect to the reduction processes. The electron acceptors that can be considered in DELWAQ currently are dissolved oxygen, nitrate, iron(III), sulfate and organic matter, which replaces carbon monoxide as the actual electron acceptor. Methane as the product of organic matter decomposition by means of methanogenesis included in DELWAQ too. The production of reducing iron(II), sulfide, methane has implications for the dissolved oxygen budget. It is possible to exclude nitrate, iron(III), sulfate or methane from simulations. The reduction of manganese is ignored, as it can be considered implicit in sulfate and iron reduction. Denitrification, iron reduction, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis are relatively sensitive to low temperature. In contrast with the aerobic decomposition of detritus, which may proceed at a slow but measurable rate below 4 ◦ C, the other processes nearly come to a halt below this temperature. This may be connected with the fact that only a rather small number of specialised bacteria species are capable of one of these processes. As contrasted with this the decomposition of organic matter is performed by a very large number of species, including species that are adapted to low temperature environments. Denitrifiers, iron reducers, sulfate reducers and methanogens are predominantly sessile bac- 228 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) teria, that need readily available organic substrates and that can only actively survive in an anoxic environment. This implies that denitrification usually only proceeds in the lower part of the oxidising top sediment layer. The reducing substance may be organic matter but also ammonium (anaerobic ammonium oxidation; annamox). Denitrification may also be carried out in the water column at aerobic conditions by highly specialised bacteria or in anoxic pockets of suspended particles. Sulfate and iron reduction and even more so methanogenesis usually only occur in the deeper parts of sediment. However, all these may proceed in completely anoxic water layers in deep stratified water systems. T The consumption (reduction) rates depend on electron acceptor availability (limitation) as well as on inhibition by the next more favourable process. The overall consumption of electron acceptors is dependent of the organic matter decomposition flux. The fractional contributions of the electron acceptors are deduced on the basis of the relative abundance of electron acceptors, taking into account both limitation and inhibition. These fractions add up to one, and are used to calculate the organic matter mineralisation fluxes connected with dissolved oxygen consumption, denitrification, iron reduction, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. DELWAQ converts these fluxes into the concurrent consumption fluxes for DO, nitrate, iron(III) and sulfate, and into the concurrent methane production flux. DR AF Dead organic matter in natural water, also called detritus, is a complicated mixture of substances that vary greatly with respect to chemical structure. Therefore, the microbial decomposition (oxidation) of detritus is described considering various fractions of organic matter, each having its own decomposition rate. The decomposition of the organic fractions is described elsewhere for processes DECFAST, DECMEDIUM, DECSLOW, DECREFR, DECPOC5 and DECDOC. These processes are based on first-order kinetics regarding the concentration of organic matter. The total organic matter decomposition flux is calculated in CONSELAC as the sum of the fluxes for the four organic matter fractions. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process CONSELAC is generic in the sense that it is applied to both water layers and sediment layers, when sediment layers are simulated as compartments. However, it can also be used for the water column only in combination with one of the other options for mineralisation in the sediment (BMS1/2_i). Process DENSED_NO3 is to be used in addition to CONSELAC only when the sediment is simulated according to the S1/S2 option. When sediment layers are not simulated explicitly, this process takes care that denitrification in the sediment proceeds anyhow, and ultimately causes the removal of nitrate from the water column. Process CONSELAC has been implemented for the following substances: OXY, NO3, FeIIIpa, FeIId, SO4, SUD and CH4, in connection with the following organic substances: POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4, POC5 and DOC. The oxygen consumed is stored in TIC or CO2. The nitrate reduced is removed from the model as elementary nitrogen is not simulated. The iron reduced is withdrawn from the amorphous fraction of the particulate oxidizing iron FeIIIp, and added to the dissolved reducing iron FeIId. Deltares 229 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The sulfate reduced is added to dissolved sulfide SUD. Table 8.3 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The relative contributions of the electron acceptors in the microbial decomposition of organic matter are formulated on the basis of limitation and inhibition terms according to MichaelisMenten kinetics (Smits and Van Beek (2013)). Consumption of oxygen The consumption of oxygen at the aerobic decomposition of organic matter can be described with the following simplified reaction equation: T O2 + CH2 O =⇒ CO2 + H2 O DR AF For simplicity it is assumed that organic matter is represented by the molecular stochiometry of glucose, whereas in reality organic matter may be richer in hydrogen. In this example 2.667 gram of oxygen is consumed for every gram of carbon oxidised. The consumption of oxygen is limited by the availability of dissolved oxygen. This process is not inhibited by any other electron acceptor. However, the decomposition of organic matter is temperature dependent. Since the temperature dependency of the consumption of the electron acceptors is different to a certain extent for each of the electron acceptors, it is necessary to consider this in the contributions of the electron-acceptors. The contribution of dissolved oxygen in the mineralisation of organic matter is proportional to: 20 f ox where: Cox f ox20 Ksox φ = Cox Ksox × φ + Cox dissolved oxygen concentration [g.m−3 ] b unscaled relative contr. of oxygen consumption in mineralisation at 20 ◦ C [-] half saturation constant for dissolved oxygen limitation [gO2 m−3 ] porosity [-] w The relative contribution is the following function of temperature: f ox = f ox20 × ktoxc(T −20) where: f ox ktoxc T unscaled relative contribution of oxygen consumption in mineralisation [-] temperature coefficient for oxygen consumption [-] temperature [◦ C] Denitrification Denitrification can be described as a number of consecutive chemical reactions in which oxygen is made available for the oxidation of organic matter. Several intermediate reduction products are formed, but the first step from nitrate to a nitrite is rate limiting. The accumulation of the intermediate products including toxic nitrite and various toxic nitrogen oxides is generally negligible. The overall reaction equation is: 4N O3− + 4H3 O+ + 5CH2 O =⇒ 2N2 + 5CO2 + 11H2 O Denitrification ultimately removes nitrate from the water phase and produces elemental nitrogen that may escape into the atmosphere. The process delivers 2.86 gO2 gN−1 , instantly consumed for the oxidation of organic matter. Consequently, the process consumes 0.933 gram N 230 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) per gram C. Denitrification is limited by the availability of nitrate. It is inhibited by dissolved oxygen. The contribution of nitrate in the mineralisation of organic matter is proportional to: 20 f ni = Cni Ksni × φ + Cni × 1− Cox Ksoxi × φ + Cox where: Cni f ni20 Ksni Ksoxi nitrate concentration [gN m−3 ] b unscaled relative contribution of denitrification in mineralisation at 20 ◦ C [-] half saturation constant for nitrate limitation [gN m−3 ] half saturation constant for dissolved oxygen inhibition [gO2 .m−3 ] w w f ni = f ct × f ni20 × ktden(T −20) f ct = 1.0 f ct = f den T ≥ Tc if T < Tc if DR AF where: T The relative contribution of denitrification needs to be adjusted for (low) temperature: f ct f den f ni ktden T Tc reduction factor for temperatures below critical temperature [-] reduction factor for denitrification below critical temperature [-] unscaled relative contribution of denitrification in mineralisation [-] temperature coefficient for denitrification [-] temperature [◦ C] critically low temperature for specific bacterial activity [◦ C] Imposing of a higher temperature coefficient than the coefficient for aerobic detritus composition leads to reduction of the relative contribution of denitrification. Below the critical temperature, the contribution of denitrification may be reduced further to a low background level, when f den receives a value smaller than 1.0. The second reduction implies a discontinuity at the critical temperature. Because denitrification is not to occur when dissolved oxygen is present in significant quantity, it is necessary to exclude denitrification if DO exceeds a certain critical level: f ni = 0.0 if Cox ≥ Coxc1 × φ where: Coxc1 critical dissolved oxygen conc. for inhibition of denitrification [g m−3 ] b Iron reduction Iron reduction is assumed to take place on the surface of iron minerals, the amorphous fraction Fe(OH)3 or FeOOH, which leads to the following reaction equation: 4F e(OH)3 a + CH2 O ⇒ 4F eIId + CO2 + 3H2 O + 8OH − The resulting dissolved reducing iron may largely precipitate with sulfide. The process delivers 0.143 gO2 .gFe−1 , instantly consumed for the oxidation of organic matter. Consequently, the process consumes 18.67 gram Fe per gram C. Iron reduction is limited by the availability of the amorphous fraction of particulate oxidizing iron. It is inhibited by both nitrate and dissolved oxygen. However, it is reasonable to assume that nitrate is present in substantial quantities at Deltares 231 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual the significant presence of dissolved oxygen. Therefore, the relative contribution of iron in the mineralisation of organic matter is proportional to: 20 ffe = Cf ea Ksf e × φ + Cf ea × 1− Cni Ksnif ei × φ + Cni where: Cf ea f f e20 Ksf e Ksnif ei amorphous oxidizing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] b unscaled relative contrib. of iron reduction in mineralisation at 20 ◦ C [-] half saturation constant for iron limitation [gFe.m−3 ] half saturation constant for nitrate inhibition of iron reduction [gN.m−3 ] w w T The relative contribution of iron reduction is adjusted for (low) temperatures in the same way as in the case of denitrification: where: f ird ffe ktird DR AF f f e = f ct × f f e20 × ktird(T −20) f ct = 1.0 if T ≥ T c f ct = f ird if T < T c reduction factor for iron reduction below critical temperature [-] unscaled relative contribution of iron reduction in mineralisation [-] temperature coefficient for iron reduction [-] Because iron reduction is not to occur when dissolved oxygen is present in significant quantity, it is necessary to exclude iron reduction if DO exceeds a certain critical level: f f e = 0.0 where: if Cox ≥ Coxc2 × ϕ = critical dissolved oxygen conc. for inhibition of iron reduction (g.m−3 b) Coxc2 Sulfate reduction Sulfate reduction is also carried out in a number of consecutive steps in which oxygen is made available for the oxidation of organic matter. The overall reaction equation is: SO4−2 + 2CH2 O =⇒ S −2 + 2CO2 + 2H2 O Sulfate reduction removes sulfate and ultimately produces sulfide, which may largely precipitate with iron(II). The process delivers 2 gO2 gS−1 , instantly consumed for the oxidation of organic matter. Consequently, the process consumes 1.333 gram S per gram C. Sulfate reduction is limited by the availability of sulfate. It is inhibited by both nitrate and dissolved oxygen, but not by oxidizing iron due to the slow kinetics of iron reduction. However, it is reasonable to assume that nitrate is present in substantial quantities at the significant presence of dissolved oxygen. Therefore, the relative contribution of sulfate in the mineralisation of organic matter is proportional to: 20 f su = Csu Kssu × φ + Csu × 1− Cni Ksnisui × φ + Cni with: 232 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) Csu f su20 Kssu Ksnisui sulfate concentration [gS m−3 ] b unscaled relative contrib. of sulfate reduction in mineralisation at 20 ◦ C [-] half saturation constant for sulfate limitation [gS m−3 ] half saturation constant for nitrate inhibition of sulfate reduction [gN m−3 ] w w The relative contribution of sulfate reduction is adjusted for (low) temperatures in the same way as in the case of denitrification: f su = f ct × f su20 × ktsrd(T −20) f ct = 1.0 f ct = f srd if T ≥ Tc T < Tc if where: f srd f su ktsrd T reduction factor for sulfate reduction below critical temperature [-] unscaled relative contribution of sulfate reduction in mineralisation [-] temperature coefficient for sulfate reduction [-] DR AF Because sulfate reduction is not to occur when dissolved oxygen is present in significant quantity, it is necessary to exclude sulfate reduction if DO exceeds a certain critical level: f su = 0.0 if Cox ≥ Coxc3 × φ where: critical dissolved oxygen conc. for inhibition of sulfate reduction [g.m−3 ] Coxc3 b Methanogenesis Organic matter will be decomposed by bacteria into carbon dioxide and methane when all other electron acceptors have been depleted. The production of these substances takes place in several intermediate steps, in which carbon monoxide and hydrogen feature. Assuming the glucose molecular stochiometry for organic matter the overall reaction equation is: 2CH2 O =⇒ CO2 + CH4 Methane dissolves until saturation, after which methane may be stored and removed as gass bubbles (ebullition). Methanogenesis does not deliver dissolved oxygen, and is only limited by the availability of organic matter. The process is inhibited by the availability of sulfate, nitrate and dissolved oxygen, but not by oxidizing iron due to the slow kinetics of iron reduction. However, it is reasonable to assume that sulfate is present in substantial quantities at the significant presence of dissolved oxygen or nitrate. Therefore, the relative contribution of sulfate in the mineralisation of organic matter is proportional to: 20 f ch4 = Csu 1− Kssui × φ + Csu where: f ch420 Kssui unscaled relative contribution of methanogenesis in mineralisation at 20 ◦ C [-] half saturation constant for sulfate inhibition [gS m−3 ] w The relative contribution of methanogenesis is adjusted for low temperatures in the same way as in the case of denitrification: f ch4 = f ct × f ch420 × ktmet(T −20) f ct = 1.0 f ct = f met Deltares if T ≥ Tc if T < Tc 233 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual where: f ch4 f met ktmet unscaled relative contribution of methanogenesis in mineralisation [-] reduction factor for methanogenesis below critical temperature [-] temperature coefficient for methanogenesis [-] Because methanogenesis is not to occur when dissolved oxygen or nitrate are present in significant quantities, it is necessary to exclude methanogenesis if DO or nitrate exceeds a certain critical level: f ch4 = 0.0 if Cox ≥ Coxc4 × φ or Cni ≥ Cnic × φ where: critical dissolved oxygen conc. for inhibition of methanogenesis [g m−3 ] critical nitrate conc. for inhibition of methanogenesis [gN m−3 ] w w T Coxc4 Cnic DR AF Corrections for negative concentrations Notice that negative concentrations would cause incorrect relative contributions. DELWAQ checks on negative concentrations anyway and equals them effectively to zero, but only locally in process CONSELAC. The scaled relative contributions The scaled contributions of the five reduction processes to the decomposition of organic matter now follow from the requirement that the sum of these contributions equals one: f ox f ox + f ni + f f e + f su + f ch4 f ni f rni = f ox + f ni + f f e + f su + f ch4 ffe f rf e = f ox + f ni + f f e + f su + f ch4 f su f rsu = f ox + f ni + f f e + f su + f ch4 f rch4 = 1 − f rox − f rni − f f e − f rsu f rox = where: f rox f rni f rf e f rsu f rch4 scaled contribution of dissolved oxygen consumption [-] scaled contribution of denitrification [-] scaled contribution of iron reduction [-] scaled contribution of sulfate reduction [-] scaled contribution of methanogenesis [-] The total mineralisation flux The total flux of the decomposition (mineralisation) of organic matter Rtmin is equal to the sum of the mineralisation fluxes of the six fractions: Rtmin = Rmin1 + Rmin2 + Rmin3 + Rmin4 + Rmin5 + Rmin6 where: Rmin1 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the fast decomposing detritus fraction POC1 [gC m−3 d−1 ] Rmin2 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the slowly decomposing detritus fraction POC2 [gC m−3 d−1 ] b b 234 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) Rmin3 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the very slowly decomposing detritus fraction POC3 [gC m−3 d−1 ] Rmin4 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the particulate refractory detritus fraction POC4 [gC m−3 d−1 ] Rmin5 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in dead stems and roots of vegetation detritus fraction POC5 [gC m−3 d−1 ] Rmin6 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the dissolved refractory detritus fraction DOC [gC m−3 d−1 ] Rtmin total mineralisation flux for organic carbon [gC m−3 d−1 ] b b b b b Oxygen consumption The mineralisation flux connected to oxygen consumption follows from: 0.5 × Cox f rox × Rtmin × 2.67 × ∆t DR AF f rox0 = T Cox Rcns = min f rox × Rtmin, 0.5 × 2.67 × ∆t where: f rox0 Rcns ∆t corrected scaled relative contribution of oxygen consumption [-] mineralisation flux connected to oxygen consumption [gC m−3 d−1 ] b the timestep of DELWAQ [days] Since the oxygen consumption rate is only proportional to the concentration of organic matter and not to the concentration of dissolved oxygen, it is possible that negative dissolved oxygen concentrations arise. This happens when the stock of dissolved oxygen is too small to satisfy the demand. A negative concentration leads to f rox = 0.0 as described before. Negative oxygen concentrations will therefore remain small and they will soon be eliminated by means of diffusion of oxygen. Negative oxygen concentrations are acceptable in DELWAQ, because they can be perceived as the negative oxygen equivalents of reduced substances such as iron(II) and manganese(II). However, in order to reduce negative concentrations as much as possible, a correction is carried out by means of limiting the oxygen consumption rate to 50 % of the stock of oxygen divided by the timestep, when the stock is too small to satisfy the demand. Denitrification The mineralisation flux connected to denitrification cannot be coupled to the total mineralisation flux in the same straightforward way as in the case of oxygen consumption. As explained above negative nitrate concentrations might arise. A negative concentration leads to f rni = 0.0 as described above. However, negative nitrate concentrations are conceptually unacceptable. A correction is therefore carried out by means of limiting the denitrification rate to 90 % of the stock of nitrate divided by the timestep, when the stock is too small to satisfy the demand. The mineralisation flux and the corrected contribution are calculated as follows: Cni Rden = min f rni × Rtmin, 0.9 × 0.933 × ∆t f rni0 = 0.9 × Cni f rni × Rtmin × 0.933 × ∆t where: Cni nitrate concentration [gN.m−3 ] b Deltares 235 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual f rni0 Rden ∆t corrected scaled relative contribution of denitrification [-] mineralisation flux connected to denitrification [gC.m−3 d−1 ] b the timestep of DELWAQ [days] Iron reduction The mineralisation flux connected to iron reduction needs a similar correction as made for denitrification, when the stock of oxidizing iron is too small to satisfy the demand. The mineralisation flux and the corrected contribution are calculated as follows: Rird = min f rf e × Rtmin , 0.9 × 0.9 × Cf ea f rf e × Rtmin × 18.67 × ∆t T f rf e0 = Cf ea 18.67 × ∆t where: Cf ea f rf e0 Rird amorphous oxidizing iron concentration [gFem-3 ] corrected scaled relative contribution of iron reduction [-] b mineralisation flux connected to iron reduction [gC m-3 d-1] DR AF b Sulfate reduction The mineralisation flux connected to sulfate reduction needs a similar correction as made for denitrification, when the stock of sulfate is too small to satisfy the demand. The mineralisation flux and the corrected contribution are calculated as follows: Rsrd = min f rsu × Rtmin, 0.9 × f rsu0 = where: Csu f rsu0 Rsrd Csu 1.33 × ∆t 0.9 × Csu f rsu × Rtmin × 1.33 × ∆t sulfate concentration [gS m−3 ] b corrected scaled relative contribution of sulfate reduction [-] mineralisation flux connected to sulfate reduction [gC m−3 d−1 ] b Methanogenesis A limitation of the methanogenesis flux is not needed because the stock of electron acceptor (organic matter) is always large enough. The mineralisation flux connected to methanogenesis follows from: Rmet = am × f rch4 × Rtmin where: am Rmet fraction of organic C actually turned into methane [-] mineralisation flux connected to methanogenesis [gC m−3 d−1 ] b The coefficient am is in fact a stochiometric constant of the decomposition reaction. By default this constant has a value of 0.5, assuming that the composition of organic matter is CH2O on average. Half of carbon ends up in methane, the other half in carbon dioxide. Correction of oxygen consumption and methanogenesis When one or more of the contributions of oxygen consumption, denitrification, iron reduction and sulfate reduction have changed due to limited stocks, the contribution of the other processes need to be corrected too. This is achieved by 236 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) shifting the required decrease of the fraction of denitrification to the fraction of oxygen consumption if also necessary, the required decrease of the fraction of oxygen consumption to the fraction of sulfate reduction if also necessary, the required decrease of the fraction of iron consumption to the fraction of sulfate reduction and if also necessary, the required decrease of the fraction of sulfate reduction to the fraction of methanogenesis. The corrected contribution of methanogenesis follows from: f rch40 = 1 − f rox0 − f rni0 − f rf e0 − f rsu0 f rch40 T where: corrected scaled relative contribution of methanogenesis [-] DR AF Directives for use Indicative values for the limitation constants are: KsOxCon = 1.0 gO2 m−3 , KsN iDen = 0.25 gN m−3 , KsF eRed = 100 000.0 gFe m3 , KsSuRed = 2.0 gS m−3 . Indicative values for the inhibition constants are: KsOxDenInh = 1.0 gO2 m−3 , KsN iIReInh = 0.2 gN m−3 , KsN iSReInh = 0.2 gN m3 , KsSuM etInh = 1.0 gS m−3 . The half saturation constants may have different values for the sediment and the water column, reflecting differences as to the abundance and activity of specific bacteria species. Raising a limitation constant leads to a smaller contribution of the specific process. Raising an inhibition constant leads to a larger contribution. The half saturation constants in the limitation and inhibition functions determine the actually occurring spatial overlap of processes. Denitrification, iron reduction, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis are virtually excluded from the water column when the values of the inhibition constants of these processes are decreased to 10% of the indicative values. The half saturation constants for inhibition in the water column may also be used to account for the consequences of inhomogeneity in the water column. Denitrification, iron reduction, sulfate reduction and even methanogenesis may occur in the lower part of the water column due to oxygen depletion near the sediment. The average dissolved oxygen concentration can still be clearly positive, which may lead to the underestimation of three of the reduction processes. The user could then decide to schematise the water column with several layers (compartments). As an alternative he may decide to raise the values of the half saturation constants for inhibition. A similar reasoning goes for the concentration gradients that may occur in organic matter rich suspended particles. Denitrification in the particles can be accounted for by raising the oxygen inhibition constant to about 2 gO2 m−3 , which is an appropriate value for physical reasons. The temperature coefficients are connected to the temperature coefficient of the decomposition of organic matter. Default values are: T cOxCon = 1.07, T cDen = 1.07, T cIRed = 1.07, T cSRed = 1.07, T cM et = 1.07. The adjustment of the relative contributions of denitrification, iron reduction, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis for (low) temperature is based on retardation of consumption of the respective electron acceptors compared to the aerobic decomposition of detritus (retardation factors < 1.0). The critically low temperature CT BactAc is 2–4 ◦ C. In case sediment temperature is set equal to water temperature, one wants some enhancement in stead of retardation because generally sediment temperature is higher than water temperature in winter time. Enhancement factors RedF acDen, RedF acIRed, RedF acSRed, RedF acM et can be 1.25. w w w w w w w w w Deltares 237 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The critical concentrations for inhibition of denitrification, iron reduction, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis should have low values. Recommended values are: CoxDenInh = 1.0 in water column, and = 5.0 in sediment, CoxIRedInh = 0.05, CoxSRedInh = 0.05, CoxM etInh = 0.02, CniM etInb = 0.05. Assuming CH2O as a measure for the chemical structure of organic matter the default stochiometric coefficients in the processes matrix of DELWAQ are: The amount of oxygen consumed per amount of carbon is 2.667 gO2 gC−1 . The amount of nitrate consumed per amount of carbon is 0.932 gN gC−1 . The amount of iron consumed per amount of carbon is 18.67 gFe.gC−1 . The amount of sulfate consumed per amount of carbon is 1.333 gS gC−1 . The amount of methane produced per amount of carbon is 0.5 gC gC−1 . The corrected scaled relative contributions of dissolved oxygen consumption, denitrifica- DR AF T tion, iron reduction, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis are available as the following output parameters: F rOxCon, F rN itDen, F rF eRed, F rSulRed, F rM etGen. Coeffcient F rM etGeCH4 is 0.5 by default. If the user would modify its value, he should realize that all oxygen and carbon dioxide fluxes have been quantified assuming that the basic composition of organic matter is CH2 O. He should modify these fluxes too. Additional references Boudreau (1996), DiToro (2001), Luff and Moll (2004), Santschi et al. (1990), Smits and Van der Molen (1993), Soetaert et al. (1996), Vanderborght et al. (1977), Wang and Cappellen (1996), WL | Delft Hydraulics (2002), Wijsman et al. (2001) Table 8.3: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for CONSELAC. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cox Cni Cf ea OXY N O3 F eIIIpa dissolved oxygen concentration gO2 m−3 nitrate concentration gN m−3 particulate amorphous oxidizing iron concentration sulfate concentration gFe m−3 critical diss. oxygen conc. inhibition of denitrific. critical diss. oxygen conc. inhibition of iron red. critical diss. oxygen conc. inhibition of sulfate red. critical diss. oxygen conc. inhib. of methanogenesis critical nitrate conc. inhibition of methanogenesis gO2 m−3 unscaled rel. contr. of oxygen cons. in mineralisation unscaled rel. contr. of denitrif. in mineralisation - Csu Coxc1 Coxc2 Coxc3 SO4 CoxDenInh CoxIRedInh CoxSRedInh Coxc4 CoxM etInh Cnic CniM etInb f ox - f ni - b b b gS m−3 b w gO2 m−3 w gO2 m−3 w gO2 m−3 w gN m−3 w - continued on next page 238 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) Table 8.3 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units ffe - - f su - f ch4 - f rox - f rni f rf e f rsu - f rch4c - unscaled rel. contr. of iron red in mineralisation unscaled rel. contr. of sulfate red. in mineralisation unscaled rel. contr. of methanog. in mineralisation scaled rel. contr. of dissolved oxygen consumption scaled rel. contribution of denitrification scaled rel. contribution of iron reduction scaled rel. contribution of sulfate reduction scaled rel. contribution of methanogenesis f ct - reduction factor for temp. below critical temperature reduction factor for denitr. below critical temperature reduction factor for iron red. below critical temperature reduction factor for sulfate red. below critical temperature reduction factor for methanog. below critical temperature - temperature coefficient for oxygen consumption temperature coefficient for denitrification temperature coefficient for iron reduction temperature coefficient for sulfate reduction temperature coefficient for methanogenesis - RedF acDen f ird RedF acIRed f srd RedF acSRed f met RedF acM et ktoxc T cOxCon ktden ktird ktsrd T cDen T cIred T cSRed ktmet T cM et Ksox KsOxCon Ksni Ksf e Kssu Ksoxi Ksnif ei Ksnisui - T DR AF f den - half saturation constant for oxygen limitation KsN iDen half saturation constant for nitrate limitation KsF iRed half saturation constant for iron limitation KsSuRed half saturation constant for sulfate limitation KsOxDenInh half sat. const. for DO inhibition of denitrification KsN iIRdInh half sat. const. for nitrate inhib. of iron reduction KsN iSRdInh half sat. const. for nitrate inhib. of sulfate reduction - - gO2 m−3 w gN m−3 w gFe m−3 gS m−3 w w gO2 m−3 w gN m−3 w gN m−3 w continued on next page Deltares 239 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 8.3 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Kssui KsSuM etInh half sat. const. for sulfate inhib. of gS m−3 w methanogenesis Rcns Rden gC m−3 d−1 f _M inP OC1 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in gC m−3 d−1 b gC m−3 d−1 b gC m−3 d−1 b - the fast decomposing detritus fraction POC1 f _M inP OC2 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the slowly decomposing detritus fraction POC2 f _M inP OC3 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the very slowly decomposing detritus fraction POC3 f _M inP OC4 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the particulate refractory detritus fraction POC4 f _M inP OC5 mineralisation flux for organic carbon in dead stems and roots, detritus fraction POC5 f _M inDOC mineralisation flux for organic carbon in the dissolved refractory detritus fraction DOC F rM etGeCH4 fraction of organic C converted into methane (CH4) DR AF Rmin2 Rmin3 Rmin4 Rmin5 Rmin6 φ b T - Rmin1 ∆t mineralisation flux connected to sulfate reduction mineralisation flux connected to methanogenesis - Rmet T Tc gC m−3 d−1 - Rird Rsrd am mineralisation flux connected to oxygen consumption mineralisation flux connected to denitrification mineralisation flux connected to iron red - gC m−3 d−1 b b gC m−3 d−1 b gC m−3 d−1 b gC m−3 d−1 b gC m−3 d−1 b gC m−3 d−1 b - T emp CT BactAc temperature critically low temp. for specific bacterial activity ◦ Delt computational time-step d P OROS porosity m3 m−3 ◦ C C w b 240 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) Settling of detritus PROCESSES : SED_( I ), SEDN( I ), SED_CAAP, CALVS( I ), COMPOS The particulate organic matter components also indicated as detritus settle on the sediment. After settling these substances become part of the sediment detritus pools, depending on the way of modelling the detritus and the sediment. The detritus pools in the sediment are: 1 DET(C,N,P)S1/2 and OO(C,N,P)S1/2 for the S1/S2 approach 2 POC/N/P/S1-4, the same substances when sediment layers are simulated explicitly T For POX combined with the S1/2 approach the organic matter fractions are allocated to the sediment detritus pools as follows: POC1 DETCS1 DETCS2 POC2 OOCS1 OOCS2 Algae C DR AF 8.3 OOCS2 OOCS1 POC4 mortality OOCS2 OOCS1 POC3 settling Water burial Sediment The decomposition rate constants of DETCS1/2 and OOCS1/2 should be lower than those for POC1 and POC2 taking into account that the sediment contains more refractory detritus. Similar schemes apply to organic nitrogen (PON) and organic phosphorus (POP). For organic sulfur (POS) no provision has been made for option S1/2. The inorganic nutrients adsorbed phosphate (AAP), vivianite phosphate (VIVP), apatite phosphate (APATP) and opal silicate (OPAL) settle respectively into AAPS1 and DETSiS1 for S1/2. Implementation Processes SED_(i) have been implemented for the following substances: POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4, AAP, VIVP, APATP, OPAL, DETCS1, OOCS1, AAPS1 and DETSIS1 Processes SED_CAAP (independent settling) and SED_AAP (settling coupled to IM1/2/3) can be selected for AAP. Process SEDN(i = POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4) has been implemented for the following substances: PON1, PON2, PON3, PON4, POP1, POP2, POP3, POP4, POS1, POS2, POS3, POS4, DETNS1, DETPS1, OONS1, and OOPS1. Deltares 241 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Processes SEDN(i) deliver the settling rates of organic nutrients (i) relative to organic carbon components (i). Process COMPOS provides the stochiometric ratios f s of the organic nutrients (N,P,S) for this. Process SED_AAP is used for settling coupled to IM1/2/3. Alternative process SED_CAAP can be selected for independent settling. Processes CALVS(i) may be used to modify the input settling velocity for shear stress and/or flocculation, which requires alternative input parameters V 0Sed(i). Table 8.4 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation F seti H DR AF Rseti = f taui × T The settling rates of the organic carbon components and the particulate inorganic nutrient components are described as the sum of zero-order and first-order kinetics. The rates are zero, when the shear stress exceeds a certain critical value, or when the water depth is smaller than a certain critical depth Krone (1962). The rates are calculated according to: if H < Hmin F seti = 0.0 else 0 Cxi × H F seti = min F seti , ∆t 0 F seti = F set0i + si × Cxi if τ = −1.0 f tau = 1.0 else τ f taui = max 0.0, 1 − τ ci where: Cx F set0 F set f tau H Hmin Rset s τ τc ∆t i 242 of 464 concentration of a substance [gC/P/Si m−3 ] zero-order settling flux of a substance [gC/P/Si m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of a substance [gC/P/Si m−2 d−1 ] shear stress limitation function [-] depth of the water column [m] minimal depth of the water column for resuspension [m] settling rate of a substance [gC/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] settling velocity of a substance [m d−1 ] shear stress [Pa] critical shear stress for settling of a substance [Pa] timestep in DELWAQ [d] index for substance (i), POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4, AAP, VIVP, APATP, OPAL. Deltares Organic matter (detritus) The settling of organic nutrients is coupled to the settling of organic carbon as follows: Rsnj,i = Rseti f sj,i where: stochiometric ratios carbon over nutrient j in detritus component i [gC gX−1 ] settling rate of nutrient j in organic detritus component i [gX m−3 d−1 ] index for organic carbon component (i); POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4 index for organic nutrient (j ); PON1/2/3/4, POP1/2/3/4 and POS1/2/3/4 T f sj,i Rsnj,i i j DR AF Directives for use T au can be simulated with process CALTAU. If not simulated or imposed Tau will have the default value -1.0, which implies that settling is not affected by the shear stress. For specific input parameters, see the process description of CALTAU. Settling does not occur, when Depth is smaller than minimal depth M inDepth for settling, which has a default value of 0.1 m. When desired M inDepth may be given a different value. The primary settling fluxes f Sed(i) delivered by processes SED_(i), and the additional settling fluxes f Sed(j) delivered by processes SEDNPOC1, SEDNPOC2, SEDNPOC3 and SEDNPOC4 are available as additional output parameters. Table 8.4: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED_(i), SEDN(i) and SED_CAAP. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cx1i (i)1 concentration of substance (i) gC/P/Si m−3 F set0i ZSed(i) zero-order settling flux of substance (i) gC/P/Si m−2 d−1 f sj,i C−N P OC12 C − N P OC2 C − N P OC3 C − N P OC4 C − P P OC1 C − P P OC2 C − P P OC3 C − P P OC4 C − SP OC1 C − SP OC2 C − SP OC3 C − SP OC4 stoch. ratio C and N in POC1 stoch. ratio C and N in POC2 stoch. ratio C and N in POC3 stoch. ratio C and N in POC4 stoch. ratio C and P in POC1 stoch. ratio C and P in POC2 stoch. ratio C and P in POC3 stoch. ratio C and P in POC4 stoch. ratio C and S in POC1 stoch. ratio C and S in POC2 stoch. ratio C and S in POC3 stoch. ratio C and S in POC4 gC gN−1 gC gN−1 gC gN−1 gC gN−1 gC gN−1 gC gP−1 gC gP−1 gC gP−1 gC gS−1 gC gS−1 gC gS−1 gC gS−1 H Depth depth of the water column, thickness of water layer m continued on next page Deltares 243 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 8.4 – continued from previous page Name in input Definition Units Hmin M inDepth minimal water depth for settling and resuspension m si V SedP OC V SedIM V SedAAP V SedV IV P V SedAP AT P V SedOP AL settling velocity of POC settling velocity of inorg. matter settling velocity of AAP settling velocity of VIVP settling velocity of APATP settling velocity of OPAL m d−1 m d−1 m d−1 m d−1 m d−1 m d−1 τ τ ci T au T aucS(i) shear stress critical shear stress for settling of substance (I ) Pa Pa ∆t Delt timestep in DELWAQ d 1 T Name in formulas DR AF ) Substances are POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4, AAP, VIVP, APATP and OPAL. Additional substances (j ) for output are PON1, PON2, PON3, PON4, POP1, POP2, POP3, POP4, POS1, POS2, POS3 and POS4. 2 ) All stochiometric ratios are delivered by process COMPOS. 244 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) Mineralization of detritus in the sediment (S1/2) PROCESS : BMS1/2_i Detritus is produced when algae and higher plants die off. The microbial decomposition of detritus into its basic inorganic components such as carbon dioxide, ammonium and phosphate is called mineralization. The mineralization starts in the water column, where (most of) the detritus is produced. The process continues at and in the sediment after settling of detritus particles at the sediment. This process specifically deals with the mineralization in the sediment according to simplified formulations. Various factors that limit the mineralization rates are ignored here. The decomposition in the water column, formulated with much more process detail is described elsewhere in this manual. T During the decomposition process the organic matter is gradually converted into material that is more resistant to microbial breakdown. This phenomenon is ignored in the simplified approach of mineralization in the sediment. Two detritus fractions are considered, the slow decomposing detritus fraction (DET C/N/P/SiS1/2) and the refractory detritus fraction (OOC/N/P S1/2). In the sediment the latter pool is not produced from the former pool. Both settle from the water column. The fast decomposing detritus fraction (P OC/N/P 1) and OPAL settle into the former pool, whereas the other fractions (P OC/N/P 2, P OC/N/P 3, P OC/N/P 3) settle into the latter pool. Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate in detritus are considered as separate state variables in the model. Opal silicate in the sediment is dealt with as a detritus component. For the water column a specific dissolution process has been implemented. DR AF 8.4 In addition to mineralization the desorption of phosphate can be taken into account. The adsorbed phosphate in the water column AAP settles into AAP S1 The sorption in water and sediment formulated with much more process detail is described elsewhere in this manual. The rates of mineralization and desorption are also a function of the temperature. The rates tend to decrease progressively at temperatures below 4 ◦ C. Since the decomposition of organic matter is performed by a very large number of species, including species that are adapted to low temperature environments, the effect is not nearly as strong as in the case of nitrification. This ”near-freezing” effect can be taken into account in the sediment by means of imposing a discontinuity at a critically low temperature. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Processes BMS1_i , BMS2_i , DESO_AAPS1 and DESO_AAPS2 deal with so-called ”inactive substances”. (i) refers to the name of one of the detrital substances mentioned below. In the model these substances are as if present in the water column, but they are not subjected to transport by advection and dispersion. The resulting mineralization fluxes are input to the water column. Processes BMS1_i and BMS2_i have been implemented for the following substances: OXY, NH4, PO4 and Si DETCS1, DETNS1, DETPS1, DETSiS1, DETCS2, DETNS2, DETPS2, DETSiS2, OOCS1, OONS1, OOPS1, OOSiS1, OOCS2, OONS2, OOPS2 and OOSiS2. Processes DESO_AAPS1 and DESO_AAPS2 have been implemented for the following sub- Deltares 245 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual stances: PO4, AAPS1 and AAPS2 Table 8.5 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The mineralization of all detritus components and the desorption of phosphate has been formulated as the sum of a first-order kinetic process and a zero-order kinetic process. The first-order process is only active when the temperature exceeds a critical temperature. Consequently, the formulations are as follows: Rmini,k = k0mini,k H k0mini,k H + kmini,k ×M xi,k V if T < T c (T −20) kmini,k = kmin20 i,k × ktmini DR AF where: Mx if T ≥ T c T ( k0min kmin kmin20 ktmin Rmin quantity of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus or silicate ([gC/N/P/Si]; x is oc, on, op, osi or aap) zero-order mineralization or desorption rate [gC/N/P/Si m−2 d−1 ] first-order mineralization or desorption rate [d−1 ] first-order mineralization or desorption rate at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for mineralization or desorption [-] mineral. rate org. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus or silicate, or desorption rate of phosphate [gC/N/P/Si m−3 d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature [◦ C] index for the detritus component index for sediment layers S1 and S2 b T Tc i k Directives for use For a start, the first-order mineralization rates RcDetXS1 and RcOOXS1 can be set to 0.01 and 0.001 d−1 , the zero-order mineralization rates ZM inDetXS1 and ZminOOXS1 to 0.0 gX m−2 d−1 and the critical temperature CT M in to 0.0 ◦ C. If used at all, 4 ◦ C seems an appropriate choice for the critical temperature. It is possible (and very much justifiable) to provide lower mineralization rates to the S2 sediment layer than to the S1 layer. Calibration of the rates should lead to a more or less stable amount of detritus in the sediment, provided that the input of detritus into the sediment does not substantially change from one year to the next. That is to say, the amounts of detritus at the end of a simulated year should be more or less equal to the initial amounts. Additional references Smits and Van der Molen (1993), Westrich and Berner (1984), WL | Delft Hydraulics (1980a) 246 of 464 Deltares Organic matter (detritus) Table 8.5: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for BMS1_i, BMS2_i, DESO_AAPS1 and DESO_AAPS2. ) (i) is one of the names of the 7 detritus components or AAP. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in input Definition Units M xi (i)S(k) quantity of slow decomposing detritus carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicate, or refractory detritus carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicate, or desorbing phosphate gC/N/P/Si H Depth depth of overlying water segment m kmin20 i ktmini ktmini k0mini Rc(i)S(k) T cBM (i) T cAAP S(k) ZM in(i)S(k) first-order mineralisation or desorption rate temperature coefficient for mineralization temperature coefficient for desorption zero-order mineralization or desorption rate d−1 gX m−2 V 1 b T emp temperature CT M in critical temperature for mineralization CT M inAAP S critical temperature for desorption ◦ V olume m3 DR AF T Tc Tc T Name in formulas1 volume of overlying water segment C C ◦ C ◦ ) i = one of the 7 detritus components or AAP. Deltares 247 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 248 of 464 Deltares 9 Inorganic substances and pH Contents 9.1 Air-water exchange of CO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 9.2 Saturation concentration of CO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 9.3 Calculation of the pH and the carbonate speciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 9.4 Volatilisation of methane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 9.5 Saturation concentration of methane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 9.6 Ebullition of methane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 9.7 Oxidation of methane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 9.8 Oxidation of sulfide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 9.9 Precipitation and dissolution of sulfide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 T 9.10 Speciation of dissolved sulfide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 9.11 Precipitation, dissolution and conversion of iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 9.12 Reduction of iron by sulfides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 9.13 Oxidation of iron sulfides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 9.14 Oxidation of dissolved iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 DR AF 9.15 Speciation of dissolved iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 9.16 Conversion salinity and chloride process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Deltares 249 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Air-water exchange of CO2 PROCESS : REARCO2 Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) in surface water tends to saturate with respect to the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. However, carbon dioxide production and consumption processes in the water column counteract saturation, causing a CO2 -excess or CO2 -deficit. Furthermore, the CO2 concentration is dependent on the pH: CO2 + H2 O ⇔ H2 CO3 + H2 O ⇔ + HCO− 3 + H3 O + H2 O ⇔ + CO2− 3 + 2 H3 O T The resulting super- or undersaturation leads to reaeration, the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the water. Reaeration may cause a carbon dioxide flux either way, to the atmosphere or to the water. The process is enhanced by the difference of the saturation and actual CO2 concentrations, and by the difference of the flow velocities of the water and the overlying air. Since lakes are rather stagnant, only the windspeed is important as a driving force for lakes. The reaeration rate tends to saturate for low windspeeds (< 3 m s−1 ). On the other hand, the stream velocity may deliver the dominant driving force for rivers. Both forces may be important in estuaries. DR AF 9.1 Extensive research has been carried out all over the world to describe and quantify reaeration processes for dissolved oxygen (DO), including the reaeration of natural surface water. Quite a number of models have been developed. The most generally accepted model is the “film layer” model. This model assumes the existence of a thin water surface layer, in which a concentration gradient exists bounded by the saturation concentration at the air-water interface and the water column average CO2 concentration. The reaeration rate is characterised by a water transfer coefficient, which can be considered as the reciprocal of a mass transfer resistance. The resistance in the overlying gas phase is assumed to be negligibly small. Many formulations have been developed and reported for the water transfer coefficient, mostly in connection with the reaeration of DO (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1980b). These formulations are often empirical, but most have a deterministic background. They contain the stream velocity or the windspeed or both. Most of the relations are only different with respect to the coefficients, the powers of the stream velocity and the windspeed in particular. Reaeration has been implemented in DELWAQ with four different formulations for the transfer coefficient. The first two options are pragmatic simplifications to accommodate preferences of the individual modeller. The other two relations have been copied or derived from scientific publications. All reaeration rates are also dependent on the temperature according to the same temperature function. Implementation Process REARCO2 has been implemented in such a way, that it only affects the CO2 -budget of the top water layer. An option for the transfer coefficient can be selected by means of input parameter SW RearCO2 (= 0, 1, 4, 11, 13). The other options concern DO. The saturation concentration required for the process REARCO2 is calculated by an additional process SATURCO2. The process has been implemented for substance CO2 . Table 9.4 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. 250 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Formulation The reaeration rate has been formulated as a linear function of the temperature dependent mass transfer coefficient in water and the difference between the saturation and actual concentrations of CO2 as follows: Rrear = klrear × [Cco2s − max(Cco2, 0.0)] /H klrear = klrear20 × ktrear(T −20) a × vb 2 20 + d × W klrear = Hc Cco2s = f (T, Ccl or SAL) (delivered by SATURCO2) max(Cco2, 0.0) f sat = 100 × Cco2s coefficients with different values for eleven reaeration options chloride concentration [gCl m−3 ] actual carbon dioxide concentration [gCO2 m−3 ] saturation carbon dioxide concentration [gCO2 m−3 ] percentage of saturation [%] depth of the water column [m] reaeration transfer coefficient in water [d−1 ] reaeration transfer coefficient at reference temperature 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient of the transfer coefficient [-] reaeration rate [gCO2 m−3 d−1 ] salinity [kg m−3 , ppt] temperature [◦ C] stream velocity [m s−1 ] windspeed at 10 m height [m s−1 ] DR AF a, b, c, d Ccl Cco2 Cco2s f sat H klrear klrear20 ktrear Rrear SAL T v W T with: Notice that the reaeration rate is always calculated on the basis of a positive carbon dioxide concentration. Although not realistic, CO2 may have negative values in the model due to the consumption of CO2 by phytoplankton. This may happen only at exceptional conditions. Depending on the reaeration option, the transfer coefficient is only dependent on the stream velocity or the windspeed. With respect to temperature dependency option SW Rear = 11 is an exception. The respective formulation is not dependent on temperature according the above equations, but has its own temperature dependency on the basis of the Schmidt number. Information on the coefficients a − d and the applicability is provided below for each of the options. SW RearCO2 = 0 The transfer coefficient is simplified to a constant, multiplied with the water depth H , using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. So klrear 20 is to be provided as a value in d−1 in stead of in m d−1 Consequently, the coefficients are: a = klrear20 × H, b = 0.969, c = 0.5, d = 0.0 SW RearCO2 = 1 The transfer coefficient is simplified to a constant, using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. Consequently, the coefficients are: a = klrear20 , Deltares b = 0.969, c = 0.5, d = 0.0 251 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual SW RearCO2 = 4 The coefficients are according to (O’ Connor and Dobbins, 1956) for DO, but coefficient a can be scaled for CO2 using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. Consequently, the coefficients are: a = klrear20 × 3.863, b = 0.5, c = 0.5, d = 0.0 The relation is valid for rivers, and therefore independent of windspeed. SW RearCO2 = 11 a = F (T ), b = 0.0, c = 0.0, T The relation according to Wanninkhof (1992) deviates from the previous relations with respect to temperature dependency, that is not included according to the above Arrhenius equation for klrear . The temperature dependency enters the relation in a scaling factor on the basis of the Schmidt number. Coefficient d had to be scaled from cm h−1 to m d−1 . Consequently, the coefficients are: d = 0.0744 × f sc with: DR AF F (T ) = 2.5 × (0.5246 + 0.016256 × T + 0.00049946 × T 2 ) −0.5 Sc f sc = Sc20 Sc = d1 − d2 × T + d3 × T 2 − d4 × T 3 d1−4 f sc Sc Sc20 T coefficients scaling factor for the Schmidt number [-] Schmidt number at the ambient temperature [m d−1 ] Schmidt number at reference temperature 20 ◦ C [m d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] The relation is valid for lakes and seas, and therefore independent of stream velocity. The Schmidt number is the ratio of the kinematic viscosity of water (ν ) and the molecular diffusion coefficient of oxygen in water (D ). The appropriate constants to compute the Schmidt number in both seawater and fresh water are given in the table below. Water system d1 d2 d3 d4 Sea water, Salinity > 1 kg m−3 2073.1 125.62 3.6276 0.043219 Fresh water, Salinity ≤ 1 kg m−3 1911.1 118.11 3.4527 0.041320 SW RearCO2 = 13 The relation according to Guérin (2006); Guérin et al. (2007) deviates strongly from the previous relations, with respect to wind dependency, with respect to an additional forcing parameter, namely rainfall, and with respect to temperature dependency. The latter is not included according to the above Arrhenius equation for klrear. Like the relation described for option 10, the temperature dependency enters the relation in a scaling factor on the 252 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH basis of the Schmidt number. The relation for transfer coefficient is: klrear = a × exp b1 × W b2 + c1 × P c2 × f sc −0.67 Sc f sc = Sc20 Sc = d1 − d2 × T + d3 × T 2 − d4 × T 3 (9.1) (9.2) (9.3) with: a, b, c, d klrear P Sc Sc20 T W DR AF T coefficients transfer coefficient in water [m.d−1 ] precipitation, e.g. rainfall [mm.h−1 ] Schmidt number at the ambient temperature [g.m−3 ] Schmidt number at reference temperature 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] windspeed at 10 m height [m.s−1 ] The relation is valid for (tropical) lakes and therefore independent of stream velocity. The general coefficients have the following input names and values: a b1 b2 c1 c2 CoefACO2 CoefB1CO2 CoefB2 CO2 CoefC1CO2 CoefC2CO2 1.660 0.26 1.0 0.66 1.0 The Schmidt number is the ratio of the kinematic viscosity of water (ν ) and the molecular diffusion coefficient of oxygen in water. The appropriate constants to compute the Schmidt number for fresh water are given in the table below (Guérin, 2006): d1 d2 d3 d4 CoefD1CO2 CoefD2 CO2 CoefD3 CO2 CoefD4 CO2 1911.1 118.11 3.4527 0.04132 Directives for use Options SW RearCO2 = 0, 1, 4 provide the user with the possibility to scale the mass transfer coefficient KLRearCO2. The options contain fixed coefficients. When using option SW RearCO2 = 0 the user should be aware that the mass transfer coefficient KLRearCO2 has the unusual dimension d−1 . Since high values of KLRear may cause numerical instabilities, the maximum KLRearCO2 value is limited to 1.0 d−1 . When using option SW RearCO2 = 4 the user should be aware that the input parameter KLRearCO2 is used as a dimensionless scaling factor. The default value of KLRearCO2 is 1.0 in order to guarantee that scaling is not carried out when not explicitly wanted. The coefficients a–c2 are input parameters for option SW RearCO2 = 13 only. The default values are those for option 13. The coefficients d1–4 are input parameters for options SW RearCO2 = 11, 13. The default values are the freshwater values, which are the same for both options. Deltares 253 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 9.4: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for REARCO2. Name in input Definition Units Cco2 Cco2s DisCO2 SaturCO2 concentration of carbon dioxide saturation conc. of carbon dioxide from SATURCO2 gCO2 m−3 gCO2 m−3 a b1 b2 c1 c2 Coef ACO2 Coef B1CO2 Coef B2CO2 Coef C1CO2 Coef C2CO2 coefficients for option 13 only - d1 d2 d3 d4 Coef D1CO2 Coef D2CO2 Coef D3CO2 Coef D4CO2 coefficients for option 11 and 13 - f cs – scaling factor for the Schmidt number percentage carbon dioxide saturation - depth of the top water layer m H DR AF f sat T Name in formulas1 klrear20 – Depth KLRearCO2 water transfer coefficient for carbon % m d−1 kltemp T CRearCO2 dioxide1 temperature coefficient for reaeration P rain Rainfall mm h−1 – reaeration rate for carbon dioxide gCO2 d−1 Salinity salinity kg m−3 – Schmidt number for carbon dioxide in water - SW RearCO2 SW RearCO2 switch for selection of options for - Rrear SAL Sc - m−3 transfer coefficient T T emp temperature ◦ v W V elocity V W ind stream velocity windspeed at 10 m height m s−1 m s−1 1 C KLRearCO2 is a dimensionless scaling factor for option 4. 254 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Saturation concentration of CO2 PROCESS : SATURCO2 The reaeration of carbon dioxide proceeds proportional to the difference of the saturation CO2 concentration and the actual dissolved CO2 concentration. The saturation concentration of CO2 is primarily a function of the partial atmospheric CO2 pressure, the water temperature and the salinity. However, the partial atmospheric CO2 pressure is assumed to be constant. T The calculation of the saturation concentration in DELWAQ is performed as a separate process, which has been implemented with two alternative formulations. Such formulations have been described by Weiss (1974) and Stumm and Morgan (1981). Implementation Process SATURCO2 delivers the CO2 saturation concentration in water required for the process REARCO2. The process has been implemented with two options for the formulations of the saturation concentration, which can be selected by means of input parameter SW SatCO2 (= 1 − 2). DR AF 9.2 The process has been implemented in connection with substance CO2 . Table 9.5 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The saturation concentration (SaturCO2) has been formulated as the following functions of the temperature and the salinity. For SW SatCO2 = 1 (Stumm and Morgan, 1981): f ac = 10−f temp f temp = a − b − c × (T + 273) + f cl × (d − m × (T + 273)) (T + 273) f cl = n + o × Ccl + p × Ccl2 For SW SatCO2 = 2 (Weiss, 1974): b 2 f ac = exp a + + c × ln(T f ) + SAL × m + n × T f + o × T f Tf T + 273 Tf = 100 For both options: Cco2s = P co2 × f ac × 44 × 1000 with: a, b, c, d Deltares coefficients with different values for the two formulations 255 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual m, n, o, p Ccl Cco2s f ac f cl f temp P co2 T Tf SAL chloride concentration [gCl m−3 ] saturation carbon dioxide concentration in water [gCO2 m−3 ] factor for temperature and salinity dependency function for chloride concentration dependency function for temperature dependency atmospheric carbon dioxide pressure [atm] temperature [◦ C] temperature function [◦ C] salinity [kg m−3 , ppt] The coefficients in both formulations are fixed. The values are presented in the table below. b SW SatOxy = 1 14.0184 2385.73 SW SatOxy = 2 -58.0931 90.5069 Option c d T a 0.015264 0.28569 22.2940 - DR AF Option m n o p SW SatOxy = 1 0.6167×10−5 0.00147 0.3592×10−4 0.68×10−10 SW SatOxy = 2 0.027766 -0.025888 0.0050578 - Directives for use The chloride concentration Cl can either be imposed by the user or simulated with the model. The salinity can be estimated from the chloride concentration with: SAL = 1.805 × Cl/1000 A representative value for the atmospheric carbon dioxide pressure P AP CO2 is 3.162×10−4 atm. 256 of 464 Deltares T Inorganic substances and pH Table 9.5: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SATURCO2. Name in input Cco2s – Ccl Cl f ac Definition DR AF Name in formulas saturation concentration of carbon dioxide in water chloride concentration gCO2 m−3 - gCl m−3 f temp – factor for temperature and salinity dependency unction for chloride concentration dependency function for temperature dependency P co2 P AP CO2 atmospheric carbon dioxide pressure atm SAL Salinity salinity kg m−3 f cl – Units – SW SatCO2 SW SatCO2 switch for selection options for saturation - - equation T Tf Deltares T emp – temperature temperature function ◦ C - 257 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of the pH and the carbonate speciation PROCESS : P H_ SIMP 2− The pH, the carbonate speciation (CO2 , pCO2 , H2 CO3 , HCO− 3 and CO3 ) and the saturation states of calcium carbonate (calcite and aragonite) in the water column and the sediment bed can be calculated from the alkalinity (Alka; gHCO3 m−3 ) and the total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (TIC; gC m−3 ). Salinity (g kg−1 ) and temperature (◦ C) are necessary inputs. T The dissolved [CO2 ] concentration is more than two orders of magnitude higher than the concentration of carbonic acid [H2 CO3 ]. Consequently, the sum of the concentrations of these species [CO∗2 ] is practically identical to the concentration of [CO2 ], and thus TIC is defined as: − 2 TIC = [CO∗2 ] + [HCO− 3 ] + [CO3 ] The equilibrium in the carbonate system is dependent of temperature, salinity and pressure. The relative proportions of total inorganic carbon species control the pH in natural waters. DR AF 9.3 Alkalinity is defined as carbonate, borate and water alkalinity, the dissociation constants of which are calculated from salinity and temperature. The [H+ ] concentration is derived from the alkalinity equation and is used to calculate pH: − − 2 − + ALKA =[HCO− 3 ] + 2[CO3 ] +[B(OH)4 ] + [OH ] - [H ] In process pH_simp two sets of equilibrium constants are used, one for fresh water and one for saline water. The sets only differ in the way to calculate the first (K 1 ) and the second dissociation constant of carbonic acid (K 2 ). The appropriate set is selected by the model depending on salinity. The pH is measured on the ‘total pH scale’ (pHT ): pHT = − 10 log([H + ] + [HSO4− ]) > − 10 log([H + ]) = pH − Not the free [H+ ] is measured but [H+ ]T (=[H+ ] + [HSO− 4 ]). In fresh water [HSO4 ] is negligible, but through the abundance of sulfate it is significant in seawater. Because in this model the pH is calculated from [H+ ] only, the calculated pH slightly underestimates the pH measured in seawater. A number of processes influence the pH of the water. For example, mineralisation of organic carbon produces CO2 (an acid) and thus lowers the pH. On the other hand denitrification consumes H+ , raising the pH. All processes in DELWAQ that can change pH are taken into account. Table 9.6 gives a general summary of all processes that have a pH effect. Table 9.6: Processes in D-Water Quality with effects on pH process description equivalent chemical reaction stoichiometry reaeration of CO2 CO2 (g) + H2 O ↔ H2 CO3 ∗(aq) TIC +0.273 a ) continued on next page 258 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Table 9.6 – continued from previous page equivalent chemical reaction stoichiometry primary production CO2 + H2 O → CH2 O + O2 TIC -1.000 H2O -1.500 Corg +1.000 OXY +2.670 mineralisation organic C CH2 O + O2 → CO2 + H2 O TIC +1.000 H2O +1.500 Corg -1.000 OXY -2.670 of + NO− 3 +H → 1 2 N2 + 1 14 O2 + 1 2 NO3 -1.000 b ) ALKA +4.357 OXY +2.857 H2O +0.643 H2 O DR AF denitrification T process description nitrification − + NH+ 4 + 2 O2 ↔ NO3 + 2 H + H2 O NH4 -1.000 OXY -4.571 NO3 +1.000 ALKA -8.714 H2O +1.286 Uptake of ammonia c ) + NH+ 4 → (NH3 )org + H NH4 -1.000 Norg +1.000 ALKA -4.357 Uptake of phosphate c ) + H2 PO− 4 + H → (H3 PO4 )org PO4 -1.000 Porg +1.000 ALKA 1.968 Uptake of nitrate + NO− 3 + H + H2 O → (NH3 )org + 2 O2 NO3 -1.000 ALKA +4.357 H2O -1.286 Norg +1.000 OXY -4.571 Atmospheric deposition of nitrate HNO3 → H+ + NO− 3 NO3 +1.000 H+ +0.071 ALKA -4.357 Atmospheric deposition ammonium − NH3 + H2 O → NH+ 4 + OH NH4 +1.000 ALKA +4.357 of Atmospheric deposition of sulfate − H2 SO4 → 2H+ + SO24 SO4 +1.000 H+ +0.143 ALKA -8.714 continued on next page Deltares 259 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 9.6 – continued from previous page process descrip- equivalent chemical reaction stoichiometry tion a The CO2 flux in D-Water Quality has units gCO2 m−3 d−1 and is converted to gC m−3 d−1 . b Denitrification in the sediment is thought to be a sink for nitrate. No alkalinity, oxygen and water are added to the water column c Mineralisation reactions are the reverse of the uptake reactions Implementation TIC, Alka and Salinity T Process pH_simp has been implemented for the following substances: DR AF Although process pH_simp has been formulated in a generic way, the calculation of the pH should be applied to water layers only. Concentrations are corrected for porosity (input parameter POROS) to allow for application to sediment layers, but buffering of the pH by minerals like calcite is not considered. Process pH_simp can be used for a model with ”layered sediment” because the lapse of the pH and pH dependent processes can be avoided by constraining the pH within a user defined range. pH_simp cannot be used for pH and carbonate speciation in the sediment, when substances are modelled as ’inactive’ substances according to the S1/2 approach. Two versions for the calculation of pH are available. The original version 2 is selected with option parameter SwpH = 0.0 (default value), and applies to water with low salinity (< 5 psu). The other version 1 is selected with option parameter SwpH = 1.0, and is suitable for fresh as well as saline water. Apart from the pH both versions calculate the concentrations and the fractions of the carbonate species. Version 2 includes the calculation of DisH2CO3 and F rH2CO3d, whereas this is not done by version 1 because this species is assumed included in DisCO2. Instead of simulating the pH, it can be imposed on a model. If process pH _simp is activated to calculate the carbonate speciation with the formulations of version 2, this is done for option SwpH = -1.0. The carbonate speciation computed by pH_simp can be used by process PRIRON for the formation of iron(II) carbonate. The dissolved carbon dioxide concentration DisCO2 computed by pH_simp can be used for process REARCO2 to calculate the CO2 exchange flux between atmosphere and water. Table 9.7 provides the definitions of the input parameters in the formulations and Table 9.8 provides the output parameters. 260 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Formulation Version 2 (SwpH = 1.0) The hydrolysis reactions of carbonate and borate and the self-ionization of water proceed according to the following reaction equations: CO2 (g) ⇔ CO2 (aq) CO2 (aq) + H2 O ⇔ H2 CO3 + CO2 (aq) + H2 O ⇔ HCO− 3 +H − + B(OH)3 + H2 O ⇔ B(OH)− 4 +H H2 O ⇔ OH− + H+ T + 2 HCO− 3 ⇔ CO3 + H DR AF As the concentration of H2 CO3 is negligible compared to CO2 (aq), and therefore the dissociation constants for carbonic acid do not differentiate between these substances, it is common to combine the second and the third reaction, and to allocate an acidity constant to the combined reaction based on CO2 , which is the sum of H2 CO3 and CO2 (aq). Consequently, the chemical equilibria are described with: [CO2 ] pCO2 [H + ][HCO3− ] K1 = [CO2 ] + [H ][CO32− ] K2 = [HCO3− ] [H + ][B(OH)− 4] KB = [B(OH)3 ] + KW = [H ][OH − ] K0 = where: K0 K1 K2 KB KW solubility constant of carbon dioxide in water [mol kg−1 atm−1 ] first dissociation constant of carbonic acid [mol kg−1 solution] second dissociation constant of carbonic acid [mol kg−1 solution] dissociation constant of boric acid [mol kg−1 solution] dissociation constant of water [mol2 kg−2 solution] The equilibrium constants are functions of the absolute temperature and the salinity. The absolute temperature is defined as: Tabs = T + 273.15 where: T Tabs ambient water temperature [◦ C] absolute temperature [K] Because the model calculates bulk salinity, it is corrected for porosity as follows: S = Salinity/ϕ Deltares 261 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual where: salinity of the water phase [g kg−1 water] porosity [-] S ϕ The following K1 and K2 formulations from Roy (1993) were determined in artificial water and for total pH scale. For Salinity (S) < 5 g kg−1 (psu): K1 = eln K1 T ln K1 = 290.9097 − 14554.21/Tabs − 45.0575 × ln(Tabs )+ (−228.39774 + 9714.36839/Tabs + 34.485796 × ln(Tabs )) × S 0.5 + (54.20871 − 2310.48919/Tabs − 8.19515 × ln(Tabs )) × S+ (−3.969101 + 170.22169/Tabs + 0.603627 × ln(Tabs )) × S 1.5 − 0.00258768 × S 2 + ln(1 − S × 0.001005) DR AF ln K2 = 207.6548 − 11843.79/Tabs − 33.6485 × ln(Tabs )+ (−167.69908 + 6551.35253/Tabs + 25.928788 × ln(Tabs )) × S 0.5 (39.75854 − 1566.13883/Tabs − 6.171951 × ln(Tabs )) × S+ (−2.892532 + 116.270079/Tabs + 0.45788501 × ln(Tabs )) × S 1.5 − 0.00613142 × S 2 + ln(1 − S × 0.001005) K2 = eln K2 For Salinity (S) < 45 and ≥ 5 g kg−1 (psu): ln K1 = 2.83655 − 2307.1266/Tabs − 1.5529413 × ln(Tabs )+ (−0.20760841 − 4.0484/Tabs ) × S 0.5 + 0.08468345 × S − 0.00654208 × S 1.5 + ln(1 − 0.001005 × S) K1 = eln K1 ln K2 = −9.226508 − 3351.6106/Tabs − 0.2005743 × ln(Tabs )+ (−0.106901773 − 23.9722/Tabs ) × S 0.5 + 0.1130822 × S − 0.00846934 × S 1.5 + ln(1 − 0.001005 × S) K2 = eln K2 For all values of salinity: ln K0 = −60.2409 + 93.4517/(Tabs /100) − 23.3585 × ln(Tabs /100)+ S × (0.023517 − 0.023656 × (Tabs /100) + 0.000447036 × (Tabs /100)2 ) K0 = eln K0 262 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH ln KB = (−8966.90 − 2890.53 × S 0.5 − 77.942 × S + 1.728 × S 1.5 − 0.0996 × S 2 )/Tabs + 148.0248 + 137.1942 × S 2 + 1.62142 × S+ (−24.4344 − 25.085 × S 0.5 − 0.2474 × S) × ln(Tabs ) + 0.053105 × S 0.5 × Tabs KB = eln KB ln KW = 148.96502 − 13847.26/Tabs − 23.6521 × ln(Tabs )+ (118.67/Tabs − 5.977 + 1.0495 × ln(Tabs )) × S 0.5 − 0.01615 × S KW = eln KW DR AF KCal = eln KCal T ln KCal = −171.9065 − 0.077993 × Tabs + 2839.319/Tabs + 71.595 × ln(Tabs )+ (−0.77712 + 0.0028426 × Tabs + 178.34/Tabs ) × S 0.5 − 0.07711 × S + 0.0041249 × S 1.5 ln KArg = −171.9065 − 0.077993 × Tabs + 2903.293/Tabs + 71.595 × ln(Tabs )+ (−0.068393 + 0.0017276 × Tabs + 88.135/Tabs ) × S 0.5 − 0.10018 × S + 0.0059415 × S 1.5 KArg = eln KArg where: S KCal KArg salinity in the water phase [g kg−1 water or psu] solubility constant of calcite [mol2 kg−2 solution] solubility constant of aragonite [mol2 kg−2 solution] Apart from the definition of total dissolved inorganic carbon (TIC) and alkalinity (Alka) as the sums of their components, the following formulations are needed to solve the above equilibrium and to calculate the saturation states of calcite and aragonite: ρw = 1000. + 0.7 × S/(1 − S/1000.) − 0.0061 × (T − 4.0)2 /1000 T ICM = mtmm × (T IC/(M W C × ρw × m3tl × ϕ)) AlkaM = mtmm × (Alka/(M W HCO3 × ρw × m3tl × ϕ)) B = mtmm × 0.000416 × (S/35) 2+ [Ca ] = mtmm × 0.01028 × (S/35) where: mtmm conversion factor for mol to mmol (103 ) [mmol mol−1 ] m3tl conversion factor for m3 to litre (103 ) [l m−3 ] MW C molar weight of carbon (12) [g mol−1 ] M W HCO3 molar weight of the bicarbonate ion (61) [g mol−1 ] ρw density of water [kg l−1 ] T IC total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration [gC m−3 ] T ICM molar total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration [mmolC kg−1 ] Alka alkalinity [gHCO3 m−3 ] AlkaM molar alkalinity [mmolHCO3 kg−1 ] B molar total boric acid concentration [mmol kg−1 ] Deltares 263 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual molar calcium ion concentration [mmol kg−1 ] porosity [-] Ca2+ ϕ The equilibrium equations can now be substituted in the component sums resulting in: T ICM × (K 1 × [H + ] + 2 × K 1 × K 2 )/([H + ]2 + K 1 × [H + ] + K 1 × K 2 )+ B × K B /([H + ] + K B ) + K W /[H + ] − [H + ] − AlkaM = 0 From this quintic polynomial equation in [H + ] the following outputs are generated: pH = − 10 log[H + ] DR AF T CO2 = mtmm × m3tl × M W CO2 × ρw × T ICM × [H + ]2 /([H + ]2 + K 1 × [H + ] + K 1 × K 2 ) pCO2w = F CO2/(exp(atpa × (BV + 2 × D)/(R × Tabs ))) F CO2 = atma × CO2M/K 0 2 3 BV = (−1636.75 + 12.0408 × Tabs − 0.0327957 × Tabs + 3.16528 × 10−5 × Tabs )/m3tcm3 D = (57.7 − 0.118 × Tabs )/m3tcm3 HCO3 = M W C × ρw × m3tl × ϕ× (T ICM × K 1 × [H + ])/(([H + ]2 + K 1 × [H + ] + K 1 × K 2 ) × mtmm) CO3 = M W C × ρw × m3tl × ϕ× (T ICM × K 1 × K 2 )/(([H + ]2 + K 1 × [H + ] + K 1 × K 2 ) × mtmm) BOH4 = M W B × ρw × m3tl × ϕ × B/(([H + ] + K B ) × mtmm) ΩCal = Ca2+ × CO3/(KCal × M W C × ρw × m3tl × mmtm × ϕ) ΩArg = Ca2+ × CO3/(KArg × M W C × ρw × m3tl × mmtm × ϕ) where: atma conversion factor for atmosphere to microatmosphere (106 ) [µatm atm−1 ] atpa conversion factor for atmosphere to pascal (101325) [Pa atm−1 ] cm3tm3 conversion factor for cm3 to m3 (106 ) [cm3 m−3 ] BV virial coefficient of carbon dioxide in air [m3 mol−1 ] D virial coefficient of pure carbon dioxide [m3 mol−1 ] + H proton activity [mol kg−1 solution] MW B molar weight of boron (10.8) [g mol−1 ] M W CO2 molar weight of carbon dioxide (44) [g mol−1 ] R ideal gas constant [m3 Pa K−1 mol−1 ] CO2 dissolved carbon dioxide concentration [gCO2 m−3 ] CO2M molar dissolved carbon dioxide concentration [mmolCO2 kg−1 ] F CO2 fugacity of carbon dioxide concentration [µatm−1 ] pCO2w partial pressure of carbon dioxide in water [µatm−1 ] − CO3 dissolved carbonate CO32 concentration [gC m−3 ] HCO3 dissolved bicarbonate HCO3 − concentration [gC m−3 ] BOH4 dissolved borate B(OH)4 − concentration [gB m−3 ] ΩCal saturation state of calcite [-] ΩArg saturation state of aragonite [-] 264 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH If the pH is larger than pH _max, it is made equal to pH _max. If the pH is smaller than pH _min, it is made equal to pH _min. Finally, the fractions (gC gC−1 or mol mol−1 ) of the carbon dioxide and the carbonate species of total dissolved inorganic carbon (TIC) are calculated as follows: HCO3 T IC CO3 f c3 = T IC f c0 = 1 − f c2 − f c3 f c2 = fraction CO 2 of TIC [−] fraction HCO 3 − of TIC [−] − fraction CO 3 2 of TIC [−] f c0 f c2 f c3 DR AF Version 1 (SwpH = 0.0) T where: The original version 1 uses only the formulations for K1 and K2 valid for salinity < 5 psu. Boric acid is not considered. The equilibrium equations substituted in the component sums result in: Alka × [H + ]2 /K 1 + (Alka − T IC) × [H + ] + K 2 × (Alka − 2 × T IC) = 0 This quadratic equation in [H + ]2 delivers two roots, the feasible one of which is used to calculate the pH. Version 1 calculates the carbonate species differently. The hydrolysis reactions of carbonate proceed according to the following reaction equations: CO2(aq) + H2 O ⇔ H2 CO3 H2 CO3 + H2 O ⇔ HCO3 − + H3 O+ HCO3 − + H2 O ⇔ CO3 2− + H3 O+ It is common to combine the first and the second reaction, and to allocate an acidity constant to the combined reaction based on H2 CO3 ∗ , the sum of true H2 CO3 and CO2 (aq). Consequently, the chemical equilibria are described with: Ccd0 Ccd1 Ccd2 × H + Kc1 = (Ccd0 + Ccd1 ) Ccd3 × H + Kc2 = Ccd2 Ccdt = Ccd0 + Ccd1 + Ccd2 + Ccd3 Kc0 = where: Ccd0 Ccd1 Deltares dissolved carbon dioxide [mol.l−1 ] dissolved H2 CO3 [mol.l−1 ] 265 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual dissolved HCO3 − [mol.l−1 ] dissolved CO3 2− [mol.l−1 ] total dissolved inorganic carbon [mol.l−1 ] proton concentration [mol.l−1 ] hydrolysis (equilibrium,) constant for CO2 [-] acidity (equilibrium, hydrolysis) constant for H2 CO3 ∗ [mol.l−1 ] acidity (equilibrium, hydrolysis) constant for HCO3 − [mol.l−1 ] Ccd2 Ccd3 Ccdt H+ Kc0 Kc1 Kc2 The proton concentration H+ and the stability constants follow from: H + = 10−pH Kc0 = 650.0 Kc1 = 10lKc1 where: pH S T T abs DR AF T Kc2 = 10lKc2 lKc1 = −3404.71/T abs − 0.032786 × T abs + 14.712 + 0.19178 × (0.543 × S)0.333 lKc2 = −2902.39/T abs − 0.02379 × T abs + 6.471 + 0.4693 × (0.543 × S)0.333 T abs = T + 273.15 acidity [-] salinity [psu] temperature [◦ C] absolute temperature [K] Salinity replaces chlorinity in the above formulations derived from Stumm and Morgan (1981) based on 19 ‰ chlorinity agreeing with 35 psu (‰) salinity. The concentration of the relevant carbonate species in solution can now be calculated from: Ccdt = Ctic 12 000 × ϕ 1 Ccdt × (1 + Kc1 /H + + (Kc1 × Kc2 )/(H + )2 ) (1 + Kc0 ) Ccd0 = Kc0 × Ccd1 Kc1 × (Kc0 + 1) × Ccd1 Ccd2 = H+ Ccd3 = Ccdt − Ccd0 − Ccd1 − Ccd2 Ccd1 = if due to rounding off the resulting Ccd3 ≤ 0.0 Ccd3 = Kc2 × Ccd2 H+ where: Ctic ϕ total dissolved inorganic carbon (gC.m−3 ) porosity b The constant 12 000 concerns the conversion from gC.m−3 to mol.l−1 . This constant is also used to convert the above molar concentrations back into gC.m−3 for the carbonate species. A constant 44 000 is used to convert the molar concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide into gCO2 .m−3 . 266 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH The pertinent carbonate fractions (mol mol−1 or g g−1 ) follow from: Ccd0 Ccdt Ccd1 f c1 = Ccdt Ccd2 f c2 = Ccdt f c3 = 1 − f c0 − f c1 − f c2 f c0 = if due to rounding off the resulting f c3 ≤ 0.0 Ccd3 Ccdt where: fraction CO 2 of TIC [−] fraction H 2 CO 3 of TIC [−] fraction HCO 3 − of TIC [−] − fraction CO 3 2 of TIC [−] DR AF f c0 f c1 f c2 f c3 T f c3 = The saturation states of calcite and aragonite are not calculated. Directives for use Two versions for the calculation of pH are available. The original version 1 is selected with option parameter SwpH = 0.0 (default value). Former process SPECCARB for the calculation of the concentrations and the fractions of the carbonate species needed for processes REARCO2 and PRIRON was integrated into the pH_Simp process. Version 2 is selected with option parameter SwpH = 1.0, and has its own formulations for the calculation of the carbonate species. Version 1 is suitable for water with a salinity < 5 psu. With the input parameters for process pH_Simp, pH _min and pH _max, the pH can be constrained within a certain user defined range. This is required for the sediment bed in the "layered sediment" approach, because the pH calculation does not account for buffering of the pH by minerals like calcite. Reasonable values for the lower and upper pH for the bed sediment are 6.5 and 7.5. pH_Simp can be used to calculate the pH as described above, or the pH can be imposed as a function of time and space with option SwpH = -1.0. When the pH is imposed, pH_Simp calculates the concentrations and the fractions of the carbonate species process according to Version 1. Version 1 includes the calculation of DisH2CO3 and F rH2CO3d, whereas this is not done by version 2 because this species is assumed included in DisCO2. Dissociation constants are calculated internally and cannot be modified through input parameters. The CO2 concentration in water needed for the exchange of carbon dioxide between water and atmosphere (process REARCO2) is delivered by pH_Simp as DisCO2. − The fraction of carbonate CO3 2 concentration in water needed for the formation of Fe(II)CO3 (process PRIRON) is delivered by pH_Simp as F rCO3dis. Additional references Millero (1995), Roy (1993), Millero (1982), Mucci (1983), Dickson (1990), Dickson and Goyet (1994), Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow (2001) Deltares 267 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 9.7: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for pH _simp. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units SwpH SwpH option parameter for formulations (0.0 = old version; 1.0 = new version) - Alka T IC Alka T IC alkalinity total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration gHCO3 m−3 gC.m−3 b pH pH _max pH _min imposed pH, acidity maximum pH minimum pH - S T Salinity T EM P salinity ambient water temperature psu ◦ C DR AF T pH pH _max pH _min ϕ b P OROS porosity b - Table 9.8: Definitions of the output parameters of pH _simp. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units pH pH simulated pH, acidity - CO2 or Ccd0 HCO3 or Ccd1 CO3 or Ccd2 H2CO3 or Ccd3 DisCO2 concentration of dissolved CO2 gCO2 .m−3 f c0 f c1 f c2 f c3 F rCO2dis F rH2CO3d F rHCO3dis F rCO3dis fraction of dissolved carbon dioxide fraction of dissolved H2 CO3 fraction of dissolved HCO3 − fraction of dissolved CO3 2− gC gC−1 gC gC−1 gC gC−1 gC gC−1 BOH4 dissolved borate B(OH)4 − concentration partial pressure of carbon dioxide in water gB m−3 saturation state of calcite saturation state of aragonite - BOH4 DisHCO3 DisCO3 DisH2CO3 pCO2w pCO2water ΩCal ΩArg SatCal SatArg 268 of 464 concentration of dissolved HCO3 − concentration of dissolved CO3 2− concentration of dissolved H2 CO3 b gC.m−3 b gC.m−3 b gC.m−3 b b µatm−1 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Volatilisation of methane PROCESS : VOLATCH4 Methane (CH4 ) in surface water tends to escape to the atmosphere, because its partial atmospheric pressure is extremely low. Volatisation is enhanced by the difference of the CH4 saturation concentration and the actual CH4 concentration, and by the difference of the velocities of the water and the overlying air. The saturation concentration is approximately zero. T Since lakes are rather stagnant, only the windspeed is important as a driving force for lakes. The volatilisation rate tends to saturate for low windspeeds (< 3 m s−1 ). On the other hand, the stream velocity may deliver the dominant driving force for rivers. Both forces may be important in estuaries. The rate of methane volatilisation is described in the same way as the reaeration of dissolved oxygen (DO). Only those formulations can be applied that may be valid for methane too. A scaling factor is available to scale methane volatilisation relation relative to reaeration. Extensive research has been carried out all over the world to describe and quantify reaeration processes for DO, including the reaeration of natural surface water. Quite a few different models have been developed. The most generally accepted model is the ‘film layer’ model. This model assumes the existence of a thin water surface layer, in which a concentration gradient exists bounded by the saturation concentration at the air-water interface and the water column average DO concentration. The reaeration rate is characterised by a water transfer coefficient, which can be considered as the reciprocal of a mass transfer resistance. The resistance in the overlying gas phase is assumed to be negligibly small. DR AF 9.4 Many formulations have been developed and reported for the water transfer coefficient, mostly in connection with the reaeration of DO, WL | Delft Hydraulics (1980b). These formulations are often empirical, but most have a deterministic background. They contain the stream velocity or the windspeed or both. Most of the relations are only different with respect to the coefficients, the powers of the stream velocity and the windspeed in particular. Volatisation has been implemented in DELWAQ with four different formulations for the transfer coefficient. The first two options are pragmatic simplications to accommodate preferences of the individual modeller. The other two relations have been copied or derived from scientific publications. All reaeration rates are also dependent on the temperature according to the same temperature function. Implementation Process VOLATCH4 has been implemented in such a way, that it only affects the CH4 -budget of the top water layer. An option for the transfer coefficient can be selected by means of input parameter SW V olCH4 (= 0, 1, 4, 9, 13). The other options concern only DO or CO2. The saturation concentration required for the process VOLATCH4 is calculated by an additional process SATURCH4. The process has been implemented for substance CH4 . Table 9.9 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Deltares 269 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Formulation The volatilisation rate has been formulated as a reaeration rate. This rate is a linear function of the temperature dependent mass transfer coefficient in water and the difference between the saturation and actual concentrations of CH4 as follows: Rvol = klvol × [Cch4s − max(Cch4, 0.0)] /H T klvol = klvol20 × ktvol(T −20) a × vb 20 + d × W2 klvol = c H Cch4s = f (T, P ch4) (delivered by SATURCH4) max(Cch4, 0.0) f sat = 100 × Cch4s with: coefficients with different values for eleven reaeration options actual dissolved methane concentration [gC m−3 ] saturation methane concentration [gC m−3 ] percentage of saturation [%] depth of the water column [m] transfer coefficient in water [m d−1 ] transfer coefficient at reference temperature 20 ◦ C [m d−1 ] temperature coefficient of the transfer coefficient [-] partial atmospheric methane pressure [gC m−3 ] volatilisation rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] stream velocity [m.s−1 ] windspeed at 10 m height [m.s−1 ] DR AF a, b, c, d Cch4 Cch4s f sat H klvol klvol20 ktvol P ch4 Rvol T v W Notice that the volatilisation rate is always calculated on the basis of a positive methane concentration. Allthough technically possible, negative concentrations of methane should not occur in the model. Depending on the volatilisation option, the transfer coefficient is only dependent on the stream velocity or the windspeed. Information on the coefficients a−d and the applicability is provided below for each of the options. SWVolCH4 = 0 The transfer coefficient is simplified to a constant, multiplied with the water depth H , using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. So klvol 20 is to be provided as a value in [d−1 ] instead of [m d−1 ] Consequently, the coefficients are: a = klvol20 × H, b = 0.0, c = 0.0, d = 0.0 SWVolCH4 = 1 The transfer coefficient is simplified to a constant, using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. Consequently, the coefficients are: a = klvol20 , 270 of 464 b = 0.0, c = 0.0, d = 0.0 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH SWVolCH4 = 4 The coefficients are according to O’ Connor and Dobbins (1956) for DO, but coefficient a can be scaled for CH4 using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. Consequently, the coefficients are: a = klvol20 × 3.863, b = 0.5, c = 0.5, d = 0.0 The relation is valid for rivers, and therefore independent of windspeed. SWVolCH4 = 9 b = 0.0, c = 0.0, d = klvol20 × 0.028 DR AF a = 0.3, T The relation for DO is according to Banks and Herrera (1977) as reported by WL | Delft Hydraulics (1980b), but the coefficients have been modified according to WL | Delft Hydraulics (1978); (d = 0.03 − 0.06) and later modelling studies for Dutch lakes (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1992c). Coefficient d can be scaled for CH4 using the transfer coefficient as input parameter. Consequently, the coefficients are: The relation is valid for lakes and seas, and therefore independent of stream velocity. The relation takes into account that the mass transfer coefficient saturates at a lower boundary for low wind velocities (W < 3 m s−1 ). SWVolCH4 = 13 The relation according to Guérin (2006); Guérin et al. (2007) deviates strongly from the previous relations, with respect to wind dependency, with respect to an additional forcing parameter, namely rainfall, and with respect to temperature dependency. The latter is not included according to the above Arrhenius equation for klrear. The temperature dependency enters the relation in a scaling factor on the basis of the Schmidt number. The relation for transfer coefficient is: klrear = a × exp b1 × W b2 + c1 × P c2 × f sc −0.67 Sc f sc = Sc20 Sc = d1 − d2 × T + d3 × T 2 − d4 × T 3 with: a, b, c, d klrear P Sc Sc20 T W coefficients transfer coefficient in water [m.d−1 ] precipitation, e.g. rainfall [mm.h−1 ] Schmidt number at the ambient temperature [g.m−3 ] Schmidt number at reference temperature 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] windspeed at 10 m height [m.s−1 ] The relation is valid for (tropical) lakes and therefore independent of stream velocity. The general coefficients have the following input names and values: Deltares 271 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual a b1 b2 c1 c2 CoefACH4 CoefB1CH4 CoefB2CH4 CoefC1CH4 CoefC2CH4 1.660 0.26 1.0 0.66 1.0 The Schmidt number is the ratio of the kinematic viscosity of water (ν ) and the molecular diffusion coefficient of oxygen in water. The appropriate constants to compute the Schmidt number for fresh water are given in the table below (Guérin, 2006): d2 d3 d4 CoefD1 CH4 CoefD2 CH4 CoefD3 CH4 CoefD4 CH4 1897.8 114.28 3.2902 T d1 0.039061 DR AF Directives for use Options SW V olCH4 = 0, 1, 4, 9 provide the user with the possibility to scale the mass transfer coefficient KLV olCH4. Other options contain fixed coefficients. When using option SW V olCH4 = 0 the user should be aware that the mass transfer coefficient KLV olCH4 has the unusual dimension d−1 . Since high values of KLV olCH4 may cause numerical instabilities, the maximum KLV olCH4 value is limited to 1.0 day−1 . When using option SW V olCH4 = 1 the user should be aware that the mass transfer coefficient KLV olCH4 has the standard dimension m d−1 . When using options SW V olCH4 = 4 or 9 the user should be aware that the input parameter KLV olCH4 is used as a dimensionless scaling factor. The default value of KLV olCH4 is 1.0 in order to guarantee that scaling is not carried out when not explicitly wanted. The coefficients a–d4 are input parameters for option SW V olCH4 = 13 only. The default values are those for option 13. 272 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Table 9.9: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for VOLATCH4. Name in input Definition Units Cch4 Cch4s CH4 SaturCH4 concentration of methane saturation conc. of methane from SATURCH4 gC m−3 gC m−3 a b1 b2 c1 c2 Coef ACH4 Coef B1CH4 Coef B2CH4 Coef C1CH4 Coef C2CH4 coefficients for option 13 only DR AF d1 d2 d3 d4 T Name in formulas1 - Coef D1CH4 coefficients for option 13 only Coef D2CH4 Coef D3CH4 Coef D4CH4 - f cs f sat – – scaling factor for the Schmidt number percentage methane saturation % H Depth depth of the top water layer m klvol20 ktvol KLV olCH4 T CV olCH4 water transfer coefficient for methane1 temperature coefficient for methane volatilisation d−1 - P Rain rainfall mm h−1 – methane volatilisation rate gC m−3 d−1 SW V olCH4 SW V olCH4 switch for selection of options for transfer coefficient - T T emp temperature ◦ V elocity V W ind stream velocity windspeed at 10 m height m s−1 m s−1 Rvol v W 1 C See directives for use concerning the dimension of KLV olCH4 Deltares 273 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Saturation concentration of methane PROCESS : SATURCH4 The volatilization of methane proceeds proportional to the difference of the saturation CH4 concentration and the actual dissolved CH4 concentration. The saturation concentration of CH4 is primarily a function of water temperature, allthough salinity affects the saturation concentration too. T The saturation concentration at the water surface is also proportional to the partial atmospheric CH4 pressure. This pressure is so low that is reasonable to assume that this pressure is equal to zero. This means that the saturation concentration at the water surface is also approximately equal to zero. The calculation of the saturation concentration in DELWAQ is performed as a separate process, the formulation of which has been described by DiToro (2001). Implementation DR AF 9.5 Process SATURCH4 delivers the CH4 saturation concentration in water required for the process REARCH4, referring to the loss of methane to the atmosphere by means of the transfer of dissolved methane transfer at the water surface. The process has been implemented for substance CH4 . Table 9.10 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The saturation concentration is: Cch4s = 18.76 × P ch4 × (1.024)(20−T ) where: Cch4s P ch4 T methane saturation concentration at the water surface [gC m−3 ] atmospheric methane pressure [atm] temperature [◦ C] Directives for use A representative value for the atmospheric methane pressure AtmP rCH4 is 10− 5 atm. The name of the output parameter for the saturation concentration of methane is SaturCH4. 274 of 464 Deltares DR AF T Inorganic substances and pH Table 9.10: The efinitions of the parameters in the above equations for SATURCH4. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cch4s – saturation concentration of methane in water gC m−3 P ch4 AtmP rCH4 atmospheric methane pressure atm T T emp ◦ Deltares temperature C 275 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Ebullition of methane PROCESS : EBULCH4 T The ebullition of methane from sediment or deep water layers concerns the loss of methane that escapes to the atmosphere via gas bubbles. It is assumed that supersaturation does not occur and that all methane produced in excess of the dissolved saturation concentration is immediately transferred to gas bubbles. Gas bubbles accumulate in sediment until a certain maximal part of the volume is taken up by bubbles. Continuation of the methane gas production results in ebullition from this point on. However, the initial phase of gas accumulation can be ignored. In most cases it is reasonable to assume that the maximal amount of gas is already present at the start of a simulation. This means that all methane produced after establishment of the dissolved saturation concentration is lost to the atmosphere. The saturation concentration of CH4 in sediment pore water or in deep water layers concerns the equilibrium of water with a more or less pure methane gas phase. The saturation concentration is primarily a function of water pressure (depth) and water temperature, although salinity will affect the saturation concentration too. This function has been described by DiToro (2001). DR AF 9.6 Implementation Process EBULCH4 delivers the flux of methane escaping to the atmosphere as gas bubbles. The process has been implemented for substance CH4. Table 9.11 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The methane ebullition flux follows from: Cch4/φ − Cch4s if Cch4/φ ≥ Cch4s Rebu = f × ∆t H Cch4s = 18.76 × 1 + × (1.024)(20−T ) 10 with: Cch4 Cch4s f H T ∆T φ dissolved methane concentration [gC m−3 ] methane saturation concentration [gC m−3 ] scaling factor [-] water depth [m] temperature [◦ C] timestep in DELWAQ [day] porosity [-] It is obvious that Rebu = 0.0 at undersaturation. 276 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Directives for use The scaling factor f ScEbul can be used to scale the ebullition flux in order to established the required degree of supersaturation. This factor should not be larger than the default value 1.0. A value zero will result in no methane escaping at all. Table 9.11: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for EBULCH4. Name in input Definition Units Cch4 Cch4s CH4 – dissolved methane concentration saturation concentration of methane in water gC m−3 gC m−3 f f ScEbul scaling factor for methane ebullition - H T otalDepth total depth of the water column m Rebu – methane ebullition rate gC m−3 d−1 ∆t φ DR AF T T Name in formulas Deltares T emp temperature ◦ Delt computational time-step d P OROS porosity - C 277 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Oxidation of methane PROCESS : OXIDCH4 Dissolved methane does not react in a purely chemical way with dissolved oxygen. However, methane is oxidised by several families of bacteria species. The microbial oxidation with oxygen has been confirmed extensively. The oxidation with sulfate has not been so extensively investigated. For the model, however, it is assumed that both oxidations may proceed, but not to full extent at the same time because of thermodynamic reasons. Sulfate reduction does not deliver energy at the (substantial) presence of dissolved oxygen. Therefore, the oxidation with sulfate only occurs when sulfate is abundant and oxygen is present in very low concentrations. Such conditions occur in sediment. T The microbial oxidation of methane is a function of the concentrations of dissolved methane and the electron-acceptor. It is also a relatively steep function of the temperature, because only a rather small number of specialised bacteria species are capable of methane oxidation. The process may effectively take place at a rather constant, small rate at low temporatures. It may even come to a halt. DR AF 9.7 Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process METHOX has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The process has been implemented for the following substances: CH4, OXY and SO4. Table 9.12 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation Methane oxidation can be described with the following overall reaction equations: CH4 + 2O2 CH4 + SO42− =⇒ =⇒ CO2 + 2H2 O CO2 + 2H2 S + 2OH − These processes require 5.33 gO2 gC−1 or 2.67 gS gC−1 . Methane oxidation is modelled as the sum of a zero-order process and a process according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The rate of the MM-contribution is limited by the availability of methane and dissolved oxygen or sulfate. It is also a function of the temperature. When the water temperature drops below a critical value, the zero-order rate takes over. The oxidation with dissolved oxygen excludes the oxidation with sulfate at DO concentrations exceeding a certain critical concentration. Methane oxidation is formulated as follows to accommodate the above features (Smits and 278 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Van Beek (2013)): Roxi1 = k0oxi1 + koxi1 × Cch4 Ksch4 × φ + Cch4 × Cox Ksox × φ + Cox (T −20) koxi1 = koxi20 1 × ktoxi1 Roxi2 = k0oxi2 + koxi2 × T koxi1 = 0.0 if T < T c or Cox ≤ 0.0 or Cox ≤ Coxc × φ k0oxi1 = 0.0 if Cox > Coxc × φ or Cox ≤ 0.0 Cch4 Ksch4 × φ + Cch4 (T −20) × Csu Kssu × φ + Csu DR AF koxi2 = koxi20 2 × ktoxi2 koxi2 = 0.0 if T < T c or Csu ≤ 0.0 or Csu ≤ Csuc × φ or Cox > Coxc × φ k0oxi2 = 0.0 if Csu > Csuc × φ or Csu ≤ 0.0 or Cox > Coxc × φ with: Cch4 Cox Coxc Csu Csuc k0oxi1 k0oxi2 koxi1 ktoxi1 Ksch4 Ksox koxi2 ktoxi2 Kssu Roxi1 Roxi2 T Tc φ Deltares dissolved methane concentration [gC m−3 ] b dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] b critical dissolved oxygen concentration for oxidation with sulfate [gO2 m−3 ] sulfate concentration [gS m−3 ] w b critical sulfate concentration for oxidation with sulfate [gS m−3 ] zero-order methane oxidation rate for diss. oxygen consumption [gC m−3 d−1 ] w b zero-order methane oxidation rate for sulfate consumption [gC m−3 d−1 ] b Michaelis-Menten rate for oxidation with dissolved oxygen [gC m−3 d−1 ] b temperature coefficient for oxidation with dissolved oxygen [-] half saturation constant for methane consumption [gC m−3 ] half saturation constant for dissolved oxygen consumption [gO2 m−3 ] Michaelis-Menten rate for oxidation with sulfate [gC m−3 d−1 ] w w b temperature coefficient for oxidation with sulfate [-] half saturation constant for sulfate consumption [gS m−3 ] methane oxidation rate with DO [gC m−3 d−1 ] w b methane oxidation rate with sulfate [gC m−3 d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature for methane oxidation [◦ C] porosity [-] b 279 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Directives for use For a start, the zero-order rates Rc0M etOx and Rc0M etSu and the critical concentrations CoxM et and CsuM et can be set to zero. In a next step the zero-order rates for low temperatures can be quantified in establishing a good balance between summer and winter oxidation rates. Care must be taken that the zero-order reaction rates are given values, that are in proportion with the first-order kinetics. They should not deliver more than 20 % of the total rate at T = 20 ◦ C, and average methane, DO and sulfate concentrations. Using zero-order kinetics may cause negative methane concentrations, when the time-step is too large! The critical temperature for methane oxidation CT M etOx is approximately 3–4 ◦ C. An indicative value for the critical DO concentration CoxM et is 2 gO2 m−3 . An indicative value for the temperature coefficients T cM etOx and T cM etSu is 1.07. The oxidation with sulfate can simply be excluded from the simulation by setting rates Rc0M etSu and RcM etSu20 equal to 0.0. Additional references T w DR AF DiToro (2001), WL | Delft Hydraulics (2002), Wijsman et al. (2001) 280 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Table 9.12: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for OXIDCH4. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cch4 Cox Coxc CH4 OXY CoxM et methane concentration gC m−3 dissolved oxygen concentration gO2 m−3 Csuc CsuM et Csu SO4 b b koxi20 1 gS m−3 w gS m−3 b gC m−3 d−1 – rate of oxidation of methane with DO gC m−3 d−1 – rate of oxidation of methane with sulfate gC m−3 d−1 T cM etOx koxi20 2 RcM etSu20 ktoxi2 T cM etSu Ksch4 KsM et Ksox KsOxM et Kssu KsSuM et k0oxi1 Rc0M etOx Roxi1 Roxi2 w MM-rate for methane oxidation with DO at 20 ◦ C temp. coefficient for methane oxidation with DO MM-rate for methane oxid. with sulfate at 20 ◦ C temp. coefficient for methane oxidation with sulfate half saturation constant for methane consumption half saturation constant for DO consumption half saturation constant for sulfate consumption zero-order methane oxid. rate for DO consumption zero-order methane oxid. rate for sulfate cons. RcM etOx20 ktoxi1 k0oxi2 gO2 m−3 T DR AF critical DO concentration for methane oxidation critical sulfate concentration for methane oxidation sulfate concentration Rc0M etSu b gC m−3 d−1 b gC m−3 w gO2 m−3 w gS m−3 w gC m−3 d−1 b gC m−3 d−1 b b b T Tc T emp CT M etOx temperature critical temperature for methane oxidation ◦ φ P OROS porosity m3 m−3 ◦ C C w b Deltares 281 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Oxidation of sulfide PROCESS : OXIDSUD T Sulfide oxidation is established by both a purely chemical reaction and a microbially mediated process. Both processes are temperature dependent. However, the chemical oxidation is usually dominant at the significant presence of dissolved oxygen, because it proceeds very fast. The oxidation can be complete within an hour. The microbial oxidation of sulfide can be important at low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Specific autotrophic bacteria species are capable of oxidising sulfide when solar radiation is available as a source of energy. Given the specific features of sulfide oxidation, this process usually takes place in regions with steep concentration gradients. Examples are the sediment-water interface and water layers near the thermocline in a water column. The chemical oxidation of sulfide is taken as a starting point for the formulation of the oxidation rate. Although oxidation occurs both in solution as well as on the surface of sulfide minerals, it is assumed that only dissolved sulfide is available to quick oxidation. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). DR AF 9.8 b w Implementation Process SULFOX has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The process has been implemented for the following substances: SUD, SO4 and OXY. Table 9.13 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation Sulfide oxidation can be described with following overall reaction equation: H2 S + 2O2 + 2OH − =⇒ SO42− + 2H2 O The process requires 2.0 gO2 gS−1 . Sulfide oxidation is modelled as the sum of a zero order process and a second-order kinetic process, involving the concentrations of both total dissolved sulfide and dissolved oxygen. The rate is also a function of the temperature. The zero-order rate should generally be equal to zero, but it can be used for two different purposes. One purpose is to add a contribution of microbial sulfide oxidation when the dissolved oxygen concentration falls below a critical level. The other purpose is to have sulfide oxidation in a water column, in which the average dissolved oxygen concentration is zero or even negative. In this way it can be taken into account that the water column may not be homogeneously mixed in reality, and a surface layer with positive oxygen concentrations persists. The zero-order rate is set to zero, when the dissolved oxygen concentration is above the critical concentration, the second-order rate is set to zero when the dissolved oxygen concentration is negative. 282 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH The sulfate oxidation rate is formulated as follows to accommodate the above features (Smits and Van Beek (2013)): Roxi = k0oxi + koxi × Csud φ × Cox φ ×φ koxi = koxi20 × ktoxi(T −20) koxi = 0.0 if Cox ≤ 0.0 k0oxi = 0.0 if Cox > Coxc × φ with: dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] b T critical dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 m−3 ] total dissolved sulfide concentration [gS m−3 ] w b 3 pseudo second-order sulfide oxidation rate [gO−1 2 m d] temperature coefficient for sulfide oxidation [-] zero-order sulfide oxidation rate [gS m−3 d−1 ] w DR AF Cox Coxc Csud koxi ktoxi k0oxi T φ temperature [◦ C] porosity [-] b Notice that the porosity occurs three times in the rate equation, whereas only once would suffice. However, a systematic formulation is preferred in order to make clear how the porosity affects the rate. The oxidation process must stop at the depletion of dissolved sulfide. Therefore, the oxidation flux is made equal to half the concentration of dissolved sulfide SU D divided with timestep ∆t, when the flux as calculated with the above formulation is larger than SU D/∆t. Directives for use The zero-order rate Rc0Sox should always be equal to its default value 0.0, unless it is really required to have sulfide oxidation going on when the water column average oxygen concentration is negative. Care must be taken that the zero-order reaction rates is given a value, that is in proportion with the second-order kinetics. They should not deliver more than 20 % of the total rate at T = 20 ◦ C, and average DO concentrations. Using zero-order kinetics may cause negative sulfide concentrations, when the time-step is too large! The critical dissolved oxygen concentration CoxSUD needs to be 0.0 to accommodate the use of Rc0Sox for sulfide oxidation in a water column with negative oxygen concentrations. Additional references DiToro (2001), Wang and Cappellen (1996), WL | Delft Hydraulics (2002), Wijsman et al. (2001) Deltares 283 of 464 T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 9.13: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for OXIDSUD. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b Name in input Cox Coxc Csud OXY CoxSU D SU D ∆t koxi20 ktoxi k0oxi Roxi T φ Definition DR AF Name in formulas w 284 of 464 Units dissolved oxygen concentration gO2 m−3 critical dissolved oxygen concentration total dissolved sulfide concentration gO2 m−3 gS m−3 b w b Delt timestep d RcSox20 pseudo second-order sulfide oxidation rate at 20 ◦ C temperature coefficient for sulfide oxidation zero-order sulfide oxidation rate 3 −1 gO−1 2 m d T cSox Rc0Sox – sulfide oxidation rate w gS m−3 d−1 b gS m−3 d−1 b T emp temperature ◦ P OROS porosity m3 m−3 C w b Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Precipitation and dissolution of sulfide PROCESS : PRECSUL At reducing conditions sulfide resulting from sulfate reduction may precipitate with iron(II) as rather amorphous iron(II) sulfide. This mineral is thermodynamically unstable at oxidising conditions. At the presence of dissolved oxygen iron(II) in sulfides is oxidised into iron(III), sulfide into sulfate, resulting in the subsequent dissolution of the mineral. T Not only sulfide but also elementary sulfur is produced at sulfate reduction. Crystalline pyrite (FeS2 ) is formed from iron(II) sulfide and sulfur, a mineral which can be very stable under oxidising conditions. However, the formation of pyrite is not considered in the model. It can be argued that the formation of pyrite being a slow process does not play an important part is the oxygen budget and sediment diagenesis in the short term. It should nevertheless be noticed, that ignoring pyrite may cause some overestimation of the sediment oxygen demand. The precipitation of iron(II) sulfide only occurs at the absence of dissolved oxygen in a solution supersaturated with respect to free sulfide and iron(II) ions. These conditions usually occur in the reducing sediment, just below an oxidising top layer. However, sulfide may also precipitate in the lower part of the water column at lasting stratification. Precipitation is not only temperature dependent, but also pH dependent among other things due to the acid-base equilibria to which sulfide is subjected. The pH-dependency is taken into account via the calculation of a pH dependent free sulfide concentration with process SPECSUD. DR AF 9.9 The dissolution of iron(II) sulfide occurs when the solution is undersaturated with respect to sulfide and iron(II). Since the oxidation of these ions with dissolved oxygen proceeds rapid, it is assumed in the model that oxidation entirely occurs in the solution. This is described elsewhere for process SULPHOX. Rapid oxidation implies that the dissolved concentrations of sulfide and iron(II) will be very small at the presence of dissolved oxygen. In other words, the solution will be strongly undersaturated with respect to iron(II) sulfide. However, in reality oxidation will also take place at the mineral surface to a certain extent. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process PRECSUL has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The precipitation of sulfide in sediment is not considered, when substances in the sediment are modeled as a ‘inactive’ substances (the S1/2 approach). The process has been implemented for the following substances: total dissolved sulfide SUD and particulate sulfide SUP. The process should only be applied when iron (7 substances) is not simulated. When iron is simulated, SUP should not be simulated. Process PRIRON will take care of the precipitation and dissolution of sulfide as iron sulfide in stead of process PRECSUL. Table 9.14 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. The actual dissolved free sulfide concentration (Csd) can be delivered by process SPECSUD or imposed to DELWAQ via the input. Deltares 285 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Formulation The precipitation and dissolution equilibrium of iron(II) sulfide can be described with the following simplified reaction equation: F e2+ + S 2− ⇔ F eS The precipitation and dissolution rates are formulated with first-order kinetics, with the difference between the actual dissolved free sulfide concentration and the equilibrium dissolved concentration as driving force (Smits and Van Beek (2013)): if Csd ≥ Cdse Rdis = 32 000 × kdis × (Csde − Csd) × φ if Csd < Cdse T Rprc = 32 000 × kprc × (Csd − Csde) × φ kprc = kprc20 × ktprc(T −20) kdis = kdis20 × ktdis(T −20) with: dissolved free sulfide concentration [mol l−1 ] equilibrium dissolved free sulfide concentration [mol l−1 ] dissolution reaction rate [d−1 ] precipitation rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for dissolution [-] temperature coefficient for precipitation [-] rate of dissolution [gS m−3 d−1 ] DR AF Csd Csde kdis kprc ktdis ktprc Rdis Rprc T φ b rate of precipitation [gS m−3 d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] porosity [-] b The constant of 32,000 concerns the conversion of [mol/l] to [gS/m−3 ]. The dissolution process must stop at the depletion of precipitated sulfide. Therefore, the dissolution flux is made equal to half the concentration of precipitated sulfide SU P divided with timestep ∆t, when the flux as calculated with the above formulation is larger than SU P/∆t. Notice that the effect of the dissolved iron(II) concentration is ignored. In case iron is simulated too, the driving force can be formulated on the basis of the solubility product of the dissolved free sulfide and iron(II) concentrations. However, iron is currently not included in DELWAQ. Directives for use The equilibrium dissolved free sulfide concentration can be calculated with process SULFID using an imposed total dissolved sulfide concentration. However, it is also possible to impose fixed dissolved free sulfide concentrations by assigning values to DisSW K as input parameter. The equilibrium dissolved free sulfide concentration DisSEqF eS is an input parameter. Its value can be deduced from the solubility product of iron(II) sulfide and an estimated dissolved free iron(II) concentration. As a start the precipitation and dissolution reaction rates can be given the same value. The rates must be high enough to establish a near equilibrium at the absence of oxidation. The dissolution rate should be consistent with the sulfide oxidation rate RcSox20 for process OXIDSUD. 286 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH When simulating the substances in the sediment as “inactive” substances (the S1/2 approach) process SULFPR only affects SUD and SUP in the water column. Settled SU P is then permanently removed from the simulated system. Additional references DiToro (2001), Stumm and Morgan (1996), Wang and Cappellen (1996), WL | Delft Hydraulics (2002), Wijsman et al. (2001) Table 9.14: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRECSUL. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). w T b Name in input Definition Csd Csde DisSW K DisSEqF eS Csup SU P dissolved free sulfide concentration equilibrium dissolved free sulfide concentration for amorphous iron sulfide precipitated sulfide concentration ∆t DR AF Name in formulas Units mol l−l mol l−1 gS m−3 b Delt timestep d kdis20 ktdis kprc20 ktprc RcDisS20 T cDisS RcP rcS20 T cP rcS dissolution reaction rate temperature coefficient for dissolution precipitation reaction rate temperature coefficient for precipitation d−1 d−1 - Rdis Rprc – dissolution rate gS m−3 d−1 – precipitation rate gS m−3 d−1 T φ Deltares b b T emp temperature ◦ P OROS porosity m3 m−3 C w b 287 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Speciation of dissolved sulfide PROCESS : SPECSUD AND SPECSUDS1/2 Sulfide can only persist in anoxic environment, the reducing enviroment which usually occurs in the sediment. Being a weak acid sulfide forms two protonised species in solution. These equilibrium processes are temperature dependent. The pH-dependent speciation affects dissolved metal concentrations as well as total dissolved sulfide concentrations in the reducing environment. Metal sulfide complexes are formed and only the concentrations of the free metal ion and the free sulfide ion affect the precipitation and the dissolution of a solid metal sulfide. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w T The computed sulfide speciation is used in processes PARTWK_(i) and PARTS1/S2_(i) to determine the precipitated and dissolved heavy metal fractions. It is also used for the generic process PRECSUL to compute the precipitation and dissolution rates concerning iron sulfide. DR AF 9.10 Implementation Process SPECSUD is fully generic, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. However, in case the sediment is modeled as a number of ‘inactive’ substances, the processes SPECSUDS1/2 have to be applied next to SPECSUD. In stead of using these processes, it is also possible to provide the dissolved sulfide species as model input The processes have been implemented for the following substances: dissolved sulfide species SUD and SUDS1/2. Table 9.15 and Table 9.16 provide the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Table 9.17 provides the output parameters. Formulation The hydrolysis of hydrogen sulfide proceeds according to the following reaction equations: H2 S + H2 O HS − + H2 O ⇔ ⇔ HS − + H3 O+ S 2− + H3 O+ The chemical equilibria are described with: Csd2 × H + Csd1 Csd3 × H + Ks2 = Csd2 Csdt = Csd1 + Csd2 + Csd3 Ks1 = (9.4) (9.5) (9.6) with: Csd1 Csd2 288 of 464 concentration of dissolved hydrogen sulfide [mol l−1 ] concentration of hydrogen sulfide anion [mol l−1 ] Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Csd3 Csdt H+ Ks1 Ks2 concentration of free dissolved sulfide [mole l−1 ] concentration of total dissolved sulfide [mol l−1 ] proton concentration [mol l−1 ] acidity (dissociation, equilibrium) constant for H2 S [mol l−1 ] acidity (dissociation, equilibrium) constant for HS− [mol l−1 ] The proton concentration H + and the temperature dependent equilibrium constants follow from: H + = 10−pH Ks1 = 10−lK11 × kth2s(T −20) Ks2 = 10−lKs2 × kths(T −20) temperature coefficient for HS−1 equilibrium [-] temperature coefficient for H2 S equilibrium [-] acidity [-] temperature [◦ C] DR AF kths kth2s pH T T where: The concentration of the relevant sulfide species in solution can now be calculated from: Csdt = Csud 32 000 × φ Csd1 = /H + Csdt + (Ks1 × Ks2 )/(H + )2 ) (1 + Ks1 Ks1 × Csd1 Csd2 = H+ Csd3 = Csdt − Csd1 − Csd2 if due to round off the resulting Csd3 ≤ 0.0 Csd3 = Ks2 × Csd2 H+ where: Csud φ concentration of total dissolved sulfide [gS m−3 ] b porosity [-] The constant 32 000.0 concerns the conversion from gS m−3 to mol l−1 . The pertinent fractions follow from: Csd1 Csdt Csd2 f s2 = Csdt f s3 = 1 − f s1 − f s2 f s1 = if due to rounding off the resulting f s3 = 0.0 f s3 = Deltares Csd3 Csdt 289 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Directives for use The acidity constants for the hydrogen sulfides have to be provided in the input of the model as logarithmic values ( 10 log)! The negative logarithms of the equilibrium constants at 20 ◦ C are: lKstH2S = −7.1 and lKstHS = −14.0. An indicative value for total sulfide concentration SU D is 32 mg/l or 10−3 mol l−1 . The temperature dependencies are ignored by default temperature coefficients of the acid- Additional references Stumm and Morgan (1996) T ity constants equal to 1.0. Temperature dependency can be established by modification of the values of TcKstHS and TcKstH2S. Different pH’s and total sulfide concentrations apply to the water column and the various sediment layers. Table 9.15: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SPECSUD. Name in input Definition Csdt Csud SUD concentration of total dissolved sulfide concentration of total dissolved sulfide lKs1 lKs2 kth2s kths H+ pH T ϕ DR AF Name in formulas 290 of 464 −1 Units mol l−1 gS.m−3 b lKstH2S lKstHS TcKstH2S TcKstHS log acidity constant for H2 S (mol l ) log acidity constant for HS− (mol l−1 ) temperature coefficient for KstH2S temperature coefficient for KstHS log(-) log(-) - – pH proton concentration acidity mol l−1 - TEMP ambient temperature ◦ POROS porosity m3 w.m−3 C b Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Table 9.16: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SPECSUDS1/2. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Csdt Csud – SUDS1/2 concentration of total dissolved sulfide concentration of total dissolved sulfide mol l−1 gS.m−3 b − −1 lKstHS lKstH2S TcKstH2S TcKstHS log acidity constant for HS (mol l ) log acidity constant for H2 S (mol l−1 ) temperature coefficient for KstH2S temperature coefficient for KstHS H+ pH – pH proton concentration acidity T TEMP ambient temperature (currently not used) DR AF ϕ PORS1/2 log(-) log(-) - T lKhs lKh2 s kth2s kths porosity mol l−1 ◦ C m3 w.m−3 b Table 9.17: Definitions of the output parameters of SPECSUD and SPECSUDS1/2. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Csd1 Csd2 Csd3 DisH2SWK DisHSWK DisSWK of dissolved hydrogen sulfide concentration of hydrogen sulfide anion concentration of free dissolved sulfide mol l−1 mol l−1 mol l−1 fs1 fs2 fs3 FrH2Sdis FrHSdis FrS2dis fraction of dissolved hydrogen sulfide fraction of hydrogen sulfide anion fraction of free dissolved sulfide - Csd1 DisH2SS1 mol l−1 Csd2 DisHSS1 Csd3 DisSS1 concentration of dissolved hydrogen sulfide in S1 concentration of hydrogen sulfide anion in S1 concentration of free dissolved sulfide in S1 Csd1 DisH2SS2 mol l−1 Csd2 DisHSS2 Csd3 DisSS2 concentration of dissolved hydrogen sulfide in S2 concentration of hydrogen sulfide anion in S2 concentration of free dissolved sulfide in S2 Deltares mol l−1 mol l−1 mol l−1 mol l−1 291 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Precipitation, dissolution and conversion of iron PROCESS : PRIRON This process considers the precipitation dissolution and conversion of oxidizing and reducing iron minerals. T Particulate oxidizing iron in the model consists of iron(III) oxyhydroxide chemically indicated with Fe(OH)3 or FeOOH. In the model an amorphous fraction and a crystalline fraction (goethite) are distinguished respectively substances FeIIIpa and FeIIIpc. The latter fraction reacts much more slowly due to the additional activation energies needed to add ions to or to detach ions from its crystal lattice. Due to “aging” the amorphous fraction slowly turns into the crystalline fraction. The precipitation of Fe3+ adds to the amorphous fraction. Precipitation occurs at oxidizing conditions when the solution is supersaturated that is when the ion activity product with regard to OH− overrides the solubility product. Dissolution occurs when the solubility product overrides the ion activity product usually at reducing conditions (Luff and Moll, 2004; Wang and Cappellen, 1996; Boudreau, 1996). Particulate reducing iron in the model consists of rather amorphous iron(II) sulfide rather crystalline pyrite and rather crystalline iron(II) carbonate (siderite) chemically indicated with FeS FeS2 and FeCO3 . In the model these substances are indicated with Fes FeS2 and FeCO3. Pyrite reacts much more slowly than iron(II) sulfide due to the additional activation energies needed to add ions to or to detach ions from its crystal lattice. Siderite is usually also less reactive than iron(II) sulfide. Precipitation of Fe2+ adds to the FeS whereas FeS2 is formed from FeS and S. Elementary sulfur is produced at sulfate reduction but is not considered in the model. For the model it is assumed that FeS reacts with H2 S. Precipitation occurs at reducing conditions when the solution is supersaturated either with regard to S2− or CO3 2− that is when the at least one of the ion activity products overrides the pertinent solubility product. Dissolution occurs when the solubility product overrides the ion activity product usually at oxidizing conditions (Luff and Moll, 2004; Wang and Cappellen, 1996; Boudreau, 1996). DR AF 9.11 Iron(II) sulfide and pyrite are thermodynamically unstable at oxidizing conditions. At the presence of dissolved oxygen the sulfide is oxidized into sulfate upon which the dissolved iron(II) gets oxidized too. The oxidation of the iron(II) in siderite proceeds after dissolution of this mineral. See process SULPHOX for the oxidation of FeS and FeS2 . The precipitation of iron(II) sulfide only occurs at the absence of dissolved oxygen which is usually only the case in reducing sediment just below an oxidizing top layer. However iron(II) sulfide may also precipitate in the lower part of the water column at lasting stratification. The precipitation of the iron minerals is not only temperature dependent but also pH dependent. The pH dependency is due to the concentrations of the co-precipitating ions OH− S2− and CO3 2− are ruled by acid-base equilibria. The pH-dependency with regard to sulfide can be taken into account via the calculation of the pH dependent concentration of S2− . The pHdependency with regard to carbonate can be taken into account via the calculation of the pH dependent concentration of CO3 2− . Implementation Process PRIRON has been implemented in a generic way meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. If PRIRON is applied the process PRESUL must not be used. The precipitation dissolution and conversion of iron in sediment is not considered when substances in the sediment are modeled as a ‘inactive’ substances (the S1/2 approach). 292 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH The process has been implemented for the following substances: FeIIIpa FeIIIpc FeIIId FeS FeS2 FeCO3 FeIId and SUD. Formulation Precipitation and dissolution of iron(III) T Tables 9.18 and 9.19 provide the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. The dissolved free iron(III) and iron(II) fractions can be delivered by auxiliary process SPECIRON or imposed on the model as an input parameter. The fraction dissolved free sulfide can be delivered by auxiliary process SPECSUD or imposed on the model as an input parameter. The fraction of dissolved free carbonate can be delivered by auxiliary process SPECCARB or imposed on the model as an input parameter. Either TIC or CO2 must be simulated or imposed for computation of the free carbonate fraction. Option parameter SWTICCO2 indicates which substance is used. DR AF The precipitation and dissolution equilibrium of amorphous iron(III) oxyhydroxide (FeIIIpa) can be described with the following simplified reaction equation: Fe3+ + 3 OH− ⇔ Fe(OH)3 The precipitation and dissolution rates are formulated with approximate kinetics with the difference of the ion activity and solubility products as driving force: IAP1 −1 ×ϕ Rpf e3 = kpf e3 × Ksp1 IAP1 Rdf e3 = kdf e3 × Cf ea × 1 − Ksp1 − 3 IAP1 = Cf e3d × (OH ) 1 Cf e3d = f f e31 × Cf e3dt × 56 000 × ϕ − −(14−pH) OH = 10 if IAP 1 ≥ Ksp1 if IAP 1 < Ksp1 Ksp1 = 10lKsp1 Kf e1 = 10lKf e1 kpf e3 = kpf e320 × ktpf e3(T −20) kdf e3 = kdf e320 × ktdf e3(T −20) where: Cf ea Cf e3dt Cf e3d f f e31 IAP 1 Ksp1 kdf e3 kpf e3 ktdf e3 Deltares particulate amorphous oxidizing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] dissolved oxidizing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] b b equilibrium dissolved free iron(III) concentration [mol.l−1 ] fraction dissolved free iron(III) [-] ion activity product for Fe(OH)3 [(mol.l−1 )4 ] solubility product for Fe(OH)3 [(mol.l−1 )4 ] specific iron(III) dissolution rate [d−1 ] specific iron(III) precipitation rate [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] b temperature coefficient for iron(III) dissolution [-] 293 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual ktpf e3 OH − pH Rdf e3 Rpf e3 T ϕ temperature coefficient for iron(III) precipitation [-] hydroxyl concentration [mol.l−1 ] acidity [-] rate of amorphous iron(III) dissolution [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] b rate of amorphous iron(III) precipitation [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] porosity [-] b The constant of 56 000 concerns the conversion of gFe.m−3 to mol.l−1 . T The dissolution process must stop at the depletion of precipitated iron(III). Therefore the dissolution flux is made equal to half the concentration of amorphous precipitated iron(III) Cfea divided with timestep ∆t when the flux as calculated with the above formulation is larger than Cfea/∆t. Aging of iron(III) DR AF The coversion of amorphous iron(III) oxyhydroxide (FeIIIpa) into crystalline iron(III) oxyhydroxide (FeIIIpc) can be described with the following simplified reaction equation: Fe(OH)3 ⇒ FeOOH + H2 O The rate of aging is equal to: Raf e3 = kaf e3 × Cf ea kaf e3 = kaf e320 × ktaf e3(T −20) where: Cf ea kaf e3 ktaf e3 Raf e3 T particulate amorphous oxidizing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] specific iron(III) aging rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for iron(III) aging [-] rate of amorphous iron(III) aging [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] b b Precipitation and dissolution of iron(II) The precipitation of iron(II) minerals in the model includes iron(II) sulfide (FeS) and siderite (FeCO3 ). The precipitation and dissolution equilibria can be described with the following simplified reaction equations: Fe2+ + S2− ⇔ FeS Fe2+ + CO3 2− ⇔ FeCO3 The precipitation and dissolution rates are formulated with approximate kinetics with the difference of the ion activity and solubility products as driving force. The formulations for iron 294 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH sulfide formation are: IAP2 −1 ×φ Rpf es = kpf es × Ksp2 IAP2 Rdf es = kdf es × Cf es × 1 − Ksp2 IAP2 = Cf e2d × Csd3 1 Cf e2d = f f e21 × Cf e2dt × 56 000 × ϕ 1 Csd3 = f s3 × Csdt × 32 000 × ϕ lKsp2 Ksp2 = 10 kdf es = kdf es20 × ktdf es(T −20) where: iron(II) sulfide concentration [gFe.m−3 ] DR AF Cf es Cf e2dt Cf e2d Csdt Csd3 f s3 IAP 2 Ksp2 kdf es kpf es ktdf es ktpf es Rdf es Rpf es T ϕ if IAP 2 < Ksp2 T kpf es = kpf es20 × ktpf es(T −20) if IAP 2 ≥ Ksp2 b dissolved reducing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] b equilibrium dissolved free iron(II) concentration [mol.l−1 ] total dissolved sulfide concentration [gS.m−3 ] b dissolved free sulfide concentration [mol.l−l ] fraction dissolved free sulfide [-] ion activity product for Fes [mol.l−12 ] solubility product for Fes [mol.l−12 ] specific FeS dissolution rate [d−1 ] specific Fes precipitation rate [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] b temperature coefficient for FeS dissolution [-] temperature coefficient for FeS precipitation [-] rate of Fes dissolution [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] b rate of Fes precipitation [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] porosity [-] b The constant of 56 000 concerns the conversion of gFe.m−3 to mol.l−1 . Deltares 295 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The formulations for iron carbonate formation are: IAP3 −1 ×φ Rpf eco3 = kpf eco3 × Ksp3 IAP3 Rdf eco3 = kdf eco3 × Cf eco3 × 1 − Ksp3 IAP3 = Cf e2d × Cco3d 1 Cf e2d = f f e21 × Cf e2td × 56 000 × ϕ 1 Cco3d = f c3 × Ctic × 12 000 × ϕ lKsp3 Ksp3 = 10 kdf eco3 = kdf eco320 × ktdf eco3(T −20) where: iron(II) carbonate concentration [gFe.m−3 ] DR AF Cf eco3 Cf e2td Cf e2d Ctic Cco3d f c3 IAP 3 Ksp3 kdf eco3 kpf eco3 ktdf eco3 ktpf eco3 Rdf eco3 Rpf eco3 T ϕ if IAP 3 < Ksp3 T kpf eco3 = kpf eco320 × ktpf eco3(T −20) if IAP 3 ≥ Ksp3 b dissolved reducing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] b equilibrium dissolved free iron(II) concentration [mol.l−1 ] total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration [gC.m−3 ] b total dissolved free carbonate concentration [mol.l−l ] fraction dissolved free carbonate [-] ion activity product for FeCO3 [mol.l−12 ] solubility product for FeCO3 ([mol.l−12 ]) specific FeCO3 dissolution rate [d−1 ] specific FeCO3 precipitation rate [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] b temperature coefficient for FeCO3 dissolution [-] temperature coefficient for FeCO3 precipitation [-] rate of FeCO3 dissolution [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] b rate of FeCO3 precipitation [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] porosity [-] b The constant of 12 000 concerns the conversion of gC.m−3 to mol.l−1 . The dissolution process must stop at the depletion of precipitated FeS or FeCO3 . Therefore the dissolution fluxes are made equal to half the concentration of mineral concerned Cfes or Cfeco3 divided with timestep ∆t when the flux as calculated with the above formulation is larger than Cfes/∆t or Cfeco3/∆t. The total inorganic carbonate concentration is derived from TIC when SWTICCO2 = 0.0 (default) or from CO2*12/44 when SWTICCO2 = 1.0. Formation of pyrite The formation of pyrite (FeS2) can be described with the following simplified reaction equations: FeS + S ⇒ FeS2 296 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH or FeS + H2 S ⇒ FeS2 + H2 Nor elemental sulfide nor elemental hydrogen is included in the model consequently the electrons transferred cannot be accounted for. Pragmatically the formation rate is formulated as follows: Rpyr = kpyr × Cf es × f s1 × Csdt/ϕ kpyr = kpyr20 × ktpyr(T −20) where: iron(II) sulfide concentration [gFe.m−3 ] b T total dissolved sulfide concentration [gS.m−3 ] b fraction dissolved hydrogen sulfide [-] specific pyrite formation rate (gS−1 .m3 .d−1 ) temperature coefficient for iron(III) aging [-] rate of pyrite formation [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] porosity [-] b DR AF Cf es Csdt f s1 kpyr ktpyr Rpyr T ϕ Directives for use The fractions dissolved free iron(II) and iron(III) FrFe2dis and FrFe2dis can be calculated with process SPECIRON using an imposed or simulated total dissolved iron(II) and iron(III) concentrations. The fraction dissolved free sulfide FrS2dis can be calculated with process SPECSUD using an imposed or simulated total dissolved sulfide concentration. The fraction dissolved free carbonate FrCO3dis can be calculated with process SPECCARB using an imposed or simulated total carbonate concentration. This may be TIC or CO2. The model will choose the substance according to option parameter SWTICCO2 (0.0 = use TIC; 1.0 = use CO2). As a start the precipitation and dissolution reaction rates of a mineral can be given the same value. The solubility products have to be provided in the input of the model as logarithmic values ( 10 log )!!! The logarithms of the solubility products at 25 ◦ C and I=0.0 are: lKspFeOH3 = -38.7 lKspFeS = -18.1 and lKspFeCO3 = -10.7 . The temperature dependency of the solubilities is ignored in the model but can be taken into account by modification of the default solubility products as constants or as time series. References DiToro (2001), Stumm and Morgan (1996), Wang and Cappellen (1996), WL | Delft Hydraulics (2002), Wijsman et al. (2001) Deltares 297 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 9.18: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRIRON concerning oxidizing iron. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units Cfea FeIIIpa particulate amorphous oxidizing iron concentration dissolved oxidizing iron concentration gFe.m−3 equilibrium dissolved free iron(III) concentration fraction dissolved free iron(III) mol.l−l b gFe.m−3 Cfe3dt FeIIId Cfe3d – ffe31 FrFe3dis IAP1 lKsp1 – lKspFeOH3 ion activity product for Fe(OH)3 log solubility product for Fe(OH)3 [mol.l−14 ] mol.l−14 log(-) kafe320 kdfe320 kpfe320 RcAgFe320 RcDisFe320 RcPrcFe320 specific iron(III) aging rate at 20 ◦ C specific iron(III) dissolution rate at 20 ◦ C specific iron(III) precipitation rate at 20 ◦ C temperature coefficient for iron(III) aging temperature coefficient for iron(III) dissolution temperature coefficient for iron(III) precipitation d−1 d−1 gFe.m−3 .d−1 – pH hydroxyl concentration acidity mol.l−1 - – rate of amorphous iron(III) aging gFe.m−3 .d−1 – rate of amorphous iron(III) dissolution gFe.m−3 .d−1 – rate of amorphous iron(III) precipitation gFe.m−3 .d−1 Temp temperature ◦ Delt timestep d POROS porosity m3 .m−3 ktpfe3 OH− pH Rafe3 Rdfe3 Rpfe3 T ∆t ϕ DR AF ktafe3 ktdfe3 T b TcAgFe3 TcDisFe3 TcPrcFe3 b - b b b C w b Table 9.19: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRIRON concerning reducing iron. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units Cfes FeS iron(II) sulfide concentration gFe.m−3 Cfe2dt FeIId total dissolved reducing iron concentration equilibrium dissolved free iron(II) concentration fraction dissolved free iron(II) gFe.m−3 b Cfe2d – ffe21 FrFe2dis 298 of 464 b mol.l−l − Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Table 9.19: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRIRON concerning reducing iron. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Csdt Name in Input SUD Definition Units total dissolved sulfide concentration gS.m−3 Csd3 fs1 fs3 Cfeco3 – FrH2Sdis FrS2dis FeCO3 dissolved free sulfide concentration fraction dissolved hydrogen sulfide fraction dissolved free sulfide iron(II) carbonate concentration mol.l−l gFe.m−3 Ctic TIC or CO2 gC.m−3 b b Cco3d – total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration total dissolved sulfide concentration fc3 FrCO3dis fraction dissolved free carbonate mol.l−l IAP2 lKsp2 IAP3 Ksp3 – lKspFeS – lKspFeCO3 ion activity product for FeS log solubility product for FeS [mol.l−12 ] ion activity product for FeCO3 log solubility product for FeCO3 [mol.l−12 ] [mol.l−12 ] log(-) [mol.l−12 ] log(-) kpyr20 kdfes20 RcPyrite20 RcDisFeS20 gS−1 .m3 .d−1 d−1 kpfes20 RcPrcFeS20 specific pyrite formation rate at 20 ◦ C specific iron(II) sulfide dissolution rate at 20 ◦ C specific iron(II) sulfide precipitation rate at 20 ◦ C specific iron(II) carbonate dissolution rate at 20 ◦ C specific iron(II) carbonate precipitation rate at 20 ◦ C temperature coefficient for pyrite formation temperature coefficient for iron(II) sulfide diss. temperature coefficient for iron(II) sulfide prec. temperature coefficient for iron(II) carbonate diss. temperature coefficient for iron(II) carbonate prec. RcDisFeC20 kpfeco320 RcPrcFeC20 gCO2 .m−3 b T DR AF kdfeco320 b gFe.m−3 .d−1 b d−1 gFe.m−3 .d−1 b ktpyr TcPyrite - ktdfes TcDisFeS ktpfes TcPrcFeS ktdfeco3 TcDisFeCO3 ktpfeco3 TcPrcFeCO3 Rpyr – rate of pyrite formation gFe.m−3 .d−1 Rdfes – rate of iron(II) sulfide dissolution gFe.m−3 .d−1 Rpfes – rate of iron(II) sulfide precipitation gFe.m−3 .d−1 Rdfeco3 – rate of iron(II) carbonate dissolution gFe.m−3 .d−1 Rpfeco3 – rate of iron(II) carbonate precipitation gFe.m−3 .d−1 - b b b b b SWTICCO2 SWTICCO2 option parameter (0.0 = use TIC; 1.0 = use CO2) - T temperature ◦ Deltares Temp C 299 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 9.19: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for PRIRON concerning reducing iron. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units ∆t Delt timestep d ϕ POROS porosity m3 .m−3 w DR AF T b 300 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Reduction of iron by sulfides PROCESS : IRONRED Particulate oxidizing iron in the model consists of iron(III) oxyhydroxide, chemically indicated with Fe(OH)3 or FeOOH. Particulate oxidizing iron can be reduced abiotically by dissolved sulfides and particulate iron sulfides (Luff and Moll, 2004; Wang and Cappellen, 1996; Boudreau, 1996). The latter reaction is very slow compared to the former reaction. Both reactions produce reducing iron Fe2+ and sulfate. See process CONSELAC for the biotic reduction of iron. T For particulate oxidizing iron two fractions are distinguished in the model, an amorphous fraction and a crystalline fraction (goethite). The amorphous reactive fraction is indicated as substance FeIIIpa. The less reactive crystalline fraction is indicated as substance FeIIIpc. The latter fraction reacts much more slowly due to the additional activation energy needed to detach ions from its crystal lattice. Implementation DR AF 9.12 Process IRONRED has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. It covers all simulated abiotic particulate oxidizing iron reduction processes and has been implemented for the following substances: FeIIIpa, FeIIIpc, FeS, FeIId, SUD and SO4 The reducing iron produced is added to FeIId, the sulfate produced is added to SO4. Table I provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The following reduction reactions are included in the model: H2 S + 8 Fe(OH)3 ⇒ 8 Fe2+ + SO4 2− + 6 H2 O + 14 OH− FeS + 8 Fe(OH)3 ⇒ 9 Fe2+ + SO4 2− + 4 H2 O + 16 OH− The reduction of iron oxyhydroxide requires 0.0714 gS.gFe−1 in the cases of H2 S and FeS, and 0.125 gFe.gFe−1 in the case of FeS. The reduction reactions are formulated according to double first-order kinetics: Rire1 = Rire2 = Rire3 = Rire4 = f s1 × Csdt kire1 × Cf ea × ×ϕ ϕ f s1 × Csdt kire2 × Cf ec × ×ϕ ϕ kire3 × Cf es × Cf ea kire4 × Cf es × Cf ec where: Cf es Cf ea particulate iron sulfide concentration [gFe.m−3 ] b particulate amorphous oxidizing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] b Deltares 301 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual particulate crystalline oxidizing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] Cf ec Csdt f s1 kire1 kire2 kire3 kire4 Rire1 Rire2 Rire3 Rire4 ϕ b total dissolved sulfide [gS.m−3 ] b fraction hydrogen sulfide [-] specific rate of amorphous iron reduction with H2 S [1/(gS.m−3 .d)] specific rate of crystalline iron reduction with H2 S [1/(gS.m−3 .d)] specific rate of amorphous iron reduction with FeS [1/(gFe.m−3 .d)] specific rate of crystalline iron reduction with FeS [1/(gFe.m−3 .d)] rate of amorphous iron reduction with H2 S [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] rate of crystalline iron reduction with H2 S [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] rate of amorphous iron reduction with FeS [gFe.m−3 .d] rate of crystalline iron reduction with FeS [gFe.m−3 .d] porosity [-] T Notice that the porosity occurs two times in some of the rate equations, whereas it does not affect the rates. However, a systematic formulation is preferred in order to make clear how the porosity affects kinetics. The specific reduction rates are temperature dependent according to: where: DR AF (T −20) kirei = kire20 i × ktire kirei 20 ktire T specific rate of abiotic particulate iron reduction i at 20 ◦ C [1/(gS.m−3 .d)] temperature coefficient for abiotic particulate iron reduction [-] temperature [◦ C] The reduction process must stop at the depletion of particulate oxidizing iron or hydrogen sulfide or particulate iron sulfide. Therefore, each of the reduction fluxes is made equal to half the concentration of amorphous oxidizing iron or crystalline oxidizing iron or hydrogen sulfide or iron sulfide divided with timestep ∆t, when a flux as calculated with the above formulations is larger. Directives for use The specific rates for the reduction of amorphous oxidizing iron should have much higher value than the specific rates for the oxidation of crystalline oxidizing iron. The specific rates of reduction with H2 S should be higher than the specific rates of reduction with FeS. References Boudreau (1996), DiToro (2001), Luff and Moll (2004), Soetaert et al. (1996), Wang and Cappellen (1996) Table 9.20: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for IRONRED. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units Cfes FeS particulate iron sulfide concentration gFe.m−3 b 302 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Table 9.20: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for IRONRED. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b Name in formulas Cfea Cfec Csdt Name in Input FeIIIpa FeIIIpc SUD w Definition Units particulate amorphous oxidizing iron concentration particulate crystalline oxidizing iron concentration total dissolved sulfide concentration gFe.m−3 b gFe.m−3 b gS.m−3 b fs1 FrH2Sdis fraction dissolved hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) - kire1 20 RcFeaH2S20 gS−1 .m3 .d−1 kire2 20 RcFecH2S20 kire3 20 RcFeaFeS20 spec. rate of amorphous iron red. with H2 S at 20 ◦ C spec. rate of crystalline iron red. with H2 S at 20 ◦ C spec. rate of amorphous iron red. with FeS at 20 ◦ C spec. rate of crystalline iron red. with FeS at 20 ◦ C temperature coeff. for abiotic iron reduction at 20 ◦ C rate of amorphous iron reduction with H2 S rate of crystalline iron reduction with H2 S gFe.m−3 .d−1 rate of amorphous iron reduction with FeS rate of crystalline iron reduction with FeS gFe.m−3 .d−1 RcFecFeS20 ktire TcFeRed Rire1 - Rire2 - Rire3 - Rire4 T ∆t ϕ T DR AF kire4 20 Deltares - w gS−1 .m3 .d−1 w gFe−1 .m3 .d−1 w gFe−1 .m3 .d−1 w - b gFe.m−3 .d−1 b b gFe.m−3 .d−1 b Temp temperature ◦ Delt timestep d POROS porosity m3 .m−3 C w b 303 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Oxidation of iron sulfides PROCESS : S ULPH OX Particulate components FeS and FeS2 are oxidized chemically as well as by microbs using dissolved oxygen (Luff and Moll (2004), Wang and Cappellen (1996), Wijsman et al. (2001), Boudreau (1996)). The oxidation of iron sulfides proceeds in two steps. First the sulfide part is oxidized into sulfate. Secondly, the iron released as Fe2+ is oxidized. The latter process is taken care of in process IRONOX. The particulate component FeCO3 is assumed not to be oxidized directly. The iron in this component is oxidized after dissolution. T The oxidation of dissolved sulfide is taken care of in process OXIDSUD. Implementation Process SULPHOX has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. It covers all simulated iron sulfide oxidation processes and has been implemented for the following substances: DR AF 9.13 place FeS, FeS2, FeIId, OXY and SO4 The iron from FeS and FeS2 is added to the dissolved reducing iron FeIId. The oxygen consumed is removed from the model as water, which is not simulated. The sulfide oxidized is added to sulfate. Table I provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The following oxidation reactions are included in the model: FeS + 2 O2 ⇒ Fe2+ + SO4 2− 2 FeS2 + 7 O2 + 4 OH− ⇒ 2 Fe2+ + 4 SO4 2− + 2 H2 O The oxidation of iron sulfide requires 1.143 gO2 .gFe−1 or 2.0 gO2 .gS−1 . The oxidation of pyrite requires 2.0 gO2 .gFe−1 or 1.75 gO2 .gS−1 . The oxidation reactions are formulated according to double first-order kinetics: Cox Rsox1 = ksox1 × Cf es × ×ϕ ϕ Cox Rsox2 = ksox2 × Cf es2 × ×ϕ ϕ where: Cf es Cf es2 Cox ksox1 304 of 464 iron sulfide concentration [gFe.m−3 ] pyrite concentration [gFe.m−3 ] b b dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 .m−3 ] b specific rate of iron sulfide oxidation [1/(gO2 .m−3 .d)] Deltares Inorganic substances and pH ksox1 Rsox2 Rsox2 ϕ specific rate of pyrite oxidation [1/(gO2 .m−3 .d)] rate of iron sulfide oxidation [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] rate of pyrite oxidation [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] porosity [-] Notice that the porosity occurs two times in the rate equation, whereas it does not affect the rate. However, a systematic formulation is preferred in order to make clear how the porosity affects kinetics. The specific oxidation rates are temperature dependent according to: (T −20) ksoxi = ksox20 i × ktsox ksoxi = 0.0 if Cox ≤ 0.0 specific rate of iron sulfide or pyrite oxidation at 20 ◦ C [1/(gO2 .m−3 .d)] temperature coefficient for iron sulfide oxidation [-] temperature [◦ C] DR AF ksoxi 20 ktsox T T where: The oxidation process must stop at the depletion of iron sulfide. Therefore, each of the oxidation fluxes is made equal to half the concentration of the iron sulfide concerned divided with timestep ∆t, when this flux as calculated with the above formulations is larger than CfeS /∆t or CfeS2 /∆t. Directives for use The specific rate for the oxidation of pyrite should have a much lower value than the specific rate for the oxidation of iron sulfide. References Boudreau (1996) DiToro (2001) Luff and Moll (2004) Santschi et al. (1990) Soetaert et al. (1996) Wang and Cappellen (1996) WL | Delft Hydraulics (2002) Wijsman et al. (2001) Table 9.21: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SULPHOX. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ) b w Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units Cfes FeS particulate iron sulfide concentration gFe.m−3 Cfes2 FeS2 pyrite concentration gFe.m−3 Cox OXY dissolved oxygen concentration gO2 .m−3 b b b ksox1 20 RcFeSox20 ksox2 20 RcFeS2ox20 Deltares specific rate of iron sulfide oxidation at 20 ◦ C specific rate of pyrite oxidation at 20 ◦ C gO2 −1 .m3 .d−1 w gO2 −1 .m3 .d−1 w 305 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 9.21: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SULPHOX. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ) b w Name in formulas ktsox Name in Input TcFeSox Definition Units temperature coefficient for iron sulfide oxidation - Rioo1 – rate of iron sulfide oxidation gFe.m−3 .d−1 Rioo2 – rate of pyrite oxidation gFe.m−3 .d−1 b b T Temp temperature ◦ ∆t Delt timestep d ϕ POROS porosity T C m3 .m−3 w DR AF b 306 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Oxidation of dissolved iron PROCESS : IRONOX The oxidation of reducing iron components can be abiotic as well as biotic. The dissolved species Fe2+ , Fe(OH)+ and Fe(OH)2 are primarily oxidized by dissolved oxygen and nitrate in abiotic chemical processes. Although all three oxidation processes can be described with the same kinetics, the oxidation rate constants are different (Luff and Moll, 2004; Wang and Cappellen, 1996; Wijsman et al., 2001; Boudreau, 1996). Implementation T Particulate components FeS and FeS2 are oxidized chemically as well as by microbs using dissolved oxygen. The oxidation of iron sulfides proceeds in two steps. First the sulfide part is oxidized into sulfate, which is a separate process and is described for process SULPHOX. Secondly, the iron released as Fe2+ is oxidized. The particulate component FeCO3 is assumed not to be oxidized directly. The iron in this component is only oxidized after dissolution. Process IRONOX has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. It covers all simulated iron oxidation processes and has been implemented for the following substances: DR AF 9.14 FeIId, FeIIId, OXY and NO3 The dissolved reducing iron FeIId oxidized is added to the dissolved oxidizing iron FeIIId. The dissolved iron fractions can be provided by auxiliary process SPECIRON or imposed on the model as input parameters. The oxygen and nitrate consumed are removed from the model as water and elementary nitrogen, which are not simulated. Table I provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The following oxidation reactions are included in the model: 4 Fe2+ + O2 + 4 H+ ⇒ 4 Fe3+ + 2 H2 O 4 Fe(OH)+ + O2 + 4 H+ ⇒ 4 Fe3+ + 2 H2 O + OH− 4 Fe(OH)2 + O2 + 4 H+ ⇒ 4 Fe3+ + 2 H2 O + 2 OH− 10 Fe2+ + 2 NO3 − + 12 H+ ⇒ 10 Fe3+ + N2 + 6 H2 O 10 Fe(OH)+ + 2 NO3 − + 12 H+ ⇒ 10 Fe3+ + N2 + 6 H2 O + 10 OH− 10 Fe(OH)2 + 2 NO3 − + 12 H+ ⇒ 10 Fe3+ + N2 + 6 H2 O + 20 OH− The processes require 0.143 gO2 .gFe−1 or 0.05 gN.gFe−1 . Deltares 307 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The oxidation reactions are formulated according to double first-order kinetics: Cox Cf eIId × ×ϕ Rioo = (kioo1 × f f e1 + kioo2 × f f e2 + kioo3 × f f e3 ) × ϕ ϕ Cf eIId Cni Rion = (kion1 × f f e1 + kion2 × f f e2 + kion3 × f f e3 ) × × ×ϕ ϕ ϕ where: total dissolved reducing iron concentration [gFe.m−3 ] dissolved oxygen concentration [gO2 .m−3 ] nitrate concentration [gN.m−3 ] b b b T fraction Fe2+ (i=1), Fe(OH)+ (i=2) or Fe(OH)2 (i=3) in FeIId [-] specific rate of iron i oxidation with dissolved oxygen [1/(gO2 .m−3 .d)] specific rate of iron i oxidation with nitrate [1/(gN.m−3 .d)] total rate of iron oxidation with oxygen [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] total rate of iron oxidation with nitrate [gFe.m−3 .d−1 ] porosity [-] DR AF Cf eIId Cox Cni f f ei kiooi kioni Rioo Rion ϕ Notice that the porosity occurs three times in the rate equation, whereas only once would suffice. However, a systematic formulation is preferred in order to make clear how the porosity affects kinetics. The specific oxidation rates are temperature dependent according to: (T −20) kiooi = kioo20 i × ktiox kiooi = 0.0 if Cox ≤ 0.0 (T −20) kioni = kion20 i × ktiox kioni = 0.0 if Cox ≤ 0.0 where: kiooi 20 kioni 20 ktiox T specific rate of iron i oxidation with oxygen at 20 ◦ C [1/(gO2 .m−3 .d)] specific rate of iron i oxidation with nitrate at 20 ◦ C [1/(gO2 .m−3 .d)] temperature coefficient for iron oxidation [-] temperature [◦ C] The oxidation process must stop at the depletion of dissolved iron. Therefore, the total oxidation flux (Rioo+Rion) is made equal to half the concentration of dissolved iron divided with timestep ∆t, when the flux as calculated with the above formulations is larger than FeIId/∆t. Directives for use The specific rates for the oxidation of iron species with oxygen can be given the same average value. The specific rates for the oxidation of iron species with nitrate can be given the same average value. References Boudreau (1996), DiToro (2001), Santschi et al. (1990), Soetaert et al. (1996), 308 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Wang and Cappellen (1996), WL | Delft Hydraulics (2002), Wijsman et al. (2001) Table 9.22: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for IRONOX. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units CfeIId FeIId dissolved reducing iron concentration gFe.m−3 Cox OXY dissolved oxygen concentration gO2 .m−3 Cni NO3 nitrate concentration gN.m−3 b b b FrFe2dis FrFe2OHd FrFe2OH2d fraction of Fe2+ in FeIId fraction of FeOH+ in FeIId fraction of Fe(OH)2 in FeIId - kioo1 20 RcI1oxox20 specific rate of Fe2+ oxidation with oxygen at 20 ◦ C specific rate of FeOH+ oxid. with oxygen at 20 ◦ C specific rate of Fe(OH)2 oxid. with oxygen at 20 ◦ C specific rate of Fe2+ oxidation with nitrate at 20 ◦ C specific rate of FeOH+ oxidation with nitrate at 20 ◦ C specific rate of Fe(OH)2 oxid. with nitrate at 20 ◦ C temperature coefficient for iron oxidation gO2 −1 .m3 .d−1 rate of iron oxidation with dissolved oxygen rate of iron oxidation with nitrate gFe.m−3 .d−1 DR AF kioo2 20 RcI2oxox20 kioo3 20 RcI3oxox20 kion1 20 RcI1oxni20 kion2 20 RcI2oxni20 kion3 20 RcI3oxni20 ktiox TcIox Rioo - Rion T ∆t ϕ T ffe1 ffe2 ffe3 Deltares - w gO2 −1 .m3 .d−1 w gO2 −1 .m3 .d−1 w gN−1 .m3 .d−1 w gN−1 .m3 .d−1 w gN−1 .m3 .d−1 w b gFe.m−3 .d−1 b Temp temperature ◦ Delt timestep d POROS porosity m3 .m−3 C w b 309 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Speciation of dissolved iron PROCESS : SPECIRON Iron ions in solution associate with numerous anions, but under oxidizing conditions the dominant ligand is the hydroxyl ion. Under reducing conditions the sulfide ion may play a role too. Dissolved organic matter may be important as a ligand when high concentrations of humic and fulvic acids are present. In the model we only consider the hydrolysis of dissolved iron as a useful approximation of the free dissolved iron concentration. Implementation T The computed iron speciation is used in processes PRIRON and IRONOX to calculate precipitation/dissolution rates of iron minerals and oxidation rates of dissolved iron(II). Process SPECIRON is fully generic, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. However, this process cannot be used for speciation in the sediment, when substances are modeled as a number of ‘inactive’ substances according to the S1/2 approach. The pH needed as input can be either imposed or simulated with process pH_SIMP. DR AF 9.15 The processes have been implemented for the following substances: FeIIId and FeIId. The process calculates equilibrium speciation, not the associated mass fluxes. Table I provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Table II provides the output parameters. Formulation Iron(III) The hydrolysis of dissolved oxidizing iron proceeds according to the following reaction equations: Fe3+ + 2 H2 O ⇔ FeOH2+ + H3 O+ Fe3+ + 4 H2 O ⇔ Fe(OH)2 + + 2 H3 O+ The chemical equilibria are described with: Cf e3d2 × H + Cf e3d1 Cf e3d3 × (H + )2 Kf e32 = Cf e3d1 Cf e3dt = (Cf e3d1 + Cf e3d2 + Cf e3d3 ) × 56 000 × ϕ Kf e31 = where Cf e3d1 Cf e3d2 Cf e3d3 Cf e3dt concentration of free dissolved Fe3+ [mol.l−1 ] concentration of dissolved FeOH2+ [mol.l−1 ] concentration of dissolved Fe(OH)2 + [mol.l−1 ] concentration of total dissolved oxidizing iron [gFe.m−3 ] b 310 of 464 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH H+ Kf e31 Kf e32 ϕ proton concentration [mol.l−1 ] stability (equilibrium, hydrolysis) constant for FeOH2+ [mol.l−1 ] stability (equilibrium, hydrolysis) constant for Fe(OH)2 + [mol.l−1 ] porosity The constant 56 000 concerns the conversion from gFe.m−3 to mol.l−1 . The proton concentration H+ and the temperature dependent stability constants follow from: H + = 10−pH (T −20) Kf e31 = 10lKf e31 × ktf e31 (T −20) Kf e32 = 10lKf e32 × ktf e32 temperature coefficient for FeOH2+ equilibrium [-] temperature coefficient for Fe(OH)2 + equilibrium [-] acidity [-] temperature [◦ C] DR AF ktf e31 ktf e32 pH T T where The concentration of the relevant iron(III) species in solution can now be calculated from: Cf e3dt 1 × + + 2 (1 + Kf e31 /H + Kf e32 /(H ) ) 56 000 × φ Kf e31 × Cf e3d1 Cf e3d2 = H+ Cf e3dt − Cf e3d1 − Cf e3d2 Cf e3d3 = 56 000 × ϕ Cf e3d1 = if due to rounding off the resulting Cfe3d3 < 0.0 Cf e3d3 = Kf e32 × Cf e3d1 (H + )2 The pertinent fractions follow from: Cf e3d1 × 56 000 × ϕ Cf e3dt Cf e3d2 f f e32 = × 56 000 × ϕ Cf e3dt f f e33 = 1 − f f e31 − f f e32 f f e31 = if due to rounding off the resulting ffe3 < 0.0 f f e33 = Cf e3d3 × 56 000 × ϕ Cf e3dt Iron(II) The hydrolysis of dissolved reducing iron proceeds according to the following reaction equations: Fe2+ + 2 H2 O ⇔ FeOH+ + H3 O+ Deltares 311 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Fe2+ + 4 H2 O ⇔ Fe(OH)2 + 2 H3 O+ The chemical equilibria are described with: Cf e2d2 × H + Kf e21 = Cf e2d1 Cf e2d3 × (H + )2 Kf e22 = Cf e2d1 Cf e2dt = (Cf e2d1 + Cf e2d2 + Cf e2d3 ) × 56 000 × ϕ where T concentration of free dissolved Fe2+ [mol.l−1 ] concentration of dissolved FeOH+ [mol.l−1 ] concentration of dissolved Fe(OH)2 [mol.l−1 ] concentration of total dissolved reducing iron [gFe.m−3 ] b proton concentration [mol.l−1 ] stability (equilibrium, hydrolysis) constant for FeOH+ [mol.l−1 ] stability (equilibrium, hydrolysis) constant for Fe(OH)2 + [mol.l−1 ] porosity DR AF Cf e2d1 Cf e2d2 Cf e2d3 Cf e2dt H+ Kf e21 Kf e22 ϕ The constant 56 000 concerns the conversion from gFe.m−3 to mol.l−1 . The proton concentration H+ and the temperature dependent stability constants follow from: H + = 10−pH (T −20) Kf e21 = 10lKf e21 × ktf e21 (T −20) Kf e22 = 10lKf e22 × ktf e22 where ktf e21 ktf e22 pH T temperature coefficient for FeOH+ equilibrium [-] temperature coefficient for Fe(OH)2 equilibrium [-] acidity [-] temperature [◦ C] The concentration of the relevant iron(II) species in solution can now be calculated from: 1 Cf e2dt × + + 2 (1 + Kf e21 /H + Kf e22 /(H ) ) 56 000 × φ Kf e21 × Cf e2d1 Cf e2d2 = H+ Cf e2dt Cf e3d2 = − Cf e2d1 − Cf e2d2 56 000 × ϕ Cf e2d1 = if due to rounding off the resulting Cfe2d3 = 0.0 Cf e2d3 = 312 of 464 Kf e22 × Cf e2d1 (H + )2 Deltares Inorganic substances and pH The pertinent fractions follow from: Cf e2d1 × 56 000 × ϕ Cf e2dt Cf e2d2 f f e22 = × 56 000 × ϕ Cf e2dt f f e23 = 1 − f f e21 − f f e22 f f e21 = if due to rounding off the resulting ffe2 = 0.0 Cf e2d3 × 56 000 × ϕ Cf e2dt T f f e23 = DR AF Directives for use The stability constants have to be provided in the input of the model as logarithmic values ( 10 log )! The logarithms of the stability constants at 20 ◦ C are: lKstFe3OH = -3.05 and lKstFe3OH2 = -6.31. lKstFe2OH = -9.50 and lKstFe2OH2 = -17.0 (?). The temperature dependencies are ignored by default temperature coefficients of the stability constants equal to 1.0. Temperature dependency can be established by modification of the values of TcKFe2OH and TcKFe2OH2. The total dissolved oxidizing iron(III) and dissolved reducing iron(II) concentrations are dependent on pH. An indicative value of iron(III) for pH = 7 is 5.6 10−4 mg/l or 10−8 mol.l−1 . For pH 8 the concentration is five times lower. An indicative value of iron(II) under reducing conditions is 56 mg/l or 10−3 mole.l−1 . Different pH’s and total dissolved iron concentrations apply to the water column and the various sediment layers. References Stumm and Morgan (1996) Table 9.23: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SPECIRON. Name in formulas Name in Input Definition Units Cfe3dt FeIIId concentration of total dissolved oxidizing iron(III) concentration of total dissolved reducing iron(II) gFe.m−3 log stability constant for Fe3OH2+ (l.mol−1 ) log stability constant for Fe3OH2 + (l.mol−1 ) temperature coefficient for KstFe3OH temperature coefficient for KstFe3OH2 log(-) Cfe2dt FeIId lKfe31 lKstFe3OH lKfe32 lKstFe3OH2 ktfe31 ktfe32 TcKFe3OH TcKFe3OH2 lKfe21 lKstFe2OH lKfe22 lKstFe2OH2 Deltares log stability (l.mol−1 ) log stability (l.mol−1 ) b gFe.m−3 b log(-) - constant for Fe2OH+ log(-) constant for Fe2OH2 log(-) 313 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 9.23: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SPECIRON. Name in formulas ktfe21 ktfe22 Name in Input TcKFe2OH TcKFe2OH2 Definition Units temperature coefficient for KstFe2OH temperature coefficient for KstFe2OH2 - H+ pH – pH proton concentration acidity mol.l−1 - T Temp temperature ◦ ϕ POROS porosity m3 .m−3 C w T b Table 9.24: Definitions of the output parameters of SPECIRON. Name in output Definition Units DR AF Name in formulas Cfe3d1 DisFe3 Cfe3d2 DisFe3OH Cfe3d3 DisFe3OH2 ffe31 ffe32 ffe33 Cfe2d1 FrFe3dis FrFe3OHd FrFe3OH2d DisFe2 Cfe2d2 DisFe2OH Cfe2d3 DisFe2OH2 ffe21 ffe22 ffe23 FrFe2dis FrFe2OHd FrFe2OH2d 314 of 464 concentration of free dissolved iron(III) concentration of dissolved FeOH2+ concentration of dissolved Fe(OH)2 + fraction of free dissolved iron(III) fraction of dissolved FeOH2+ fraction of dissolved Fe(OH)2 + concentration of free dissolved iron(II) concentration of dissolved + FeOH concentration of dissolved Fe(OH)2 fraction of free dissolved iron(II) fraction of dissolved FeOH+ fraction of dissolved Fe(OH)2 mol.l−1 mol.l−1 mol.l−1 mol.l−1 mol.l−1 mol.l−1 - Deltares Inorganic substances and pH Conversion salinity and chloride process PROCESSES : SALINCHLOR Salinity is defined as the total solids content of water that results after all carbonates have been converted to oxides, all bromide and iodide has been replaced by chloride, and all organic matter has been removed by oxidation. It is usually reported as practical salinity units (psu) which is equivalent to grams per kilogram and parts per thousand (ppt, ‰). Associated terms are chlorinity and chlorosity. Chlorinity includes chloride, bromide and iodide, and is reported as grams Cl per kilogram. Chlorosity is chlorinity multiplied by the water density at 20◦ C, and is assumed to be equal to the chloride concentration (gCl.L−1 ). This concentration can be calculated from salinity and vice versa as described below. S = 0.03 + T The empirical relation between salinity and the chloride concentration (chlorosity) used is: 1.805 × Cl ρw The chloride concentration is expressed as gCl.m−3 when density is expressed as kg.m−3 . DR AF 9.16 Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Auxiliary process SALINCHLOR has been implemented in a generic way, meaning that it can be applied both to water layers and sediment layers. The process does not deliver mass fluxes. The process has been implemented for the following substances: Salinity and Cl. If Salinity is simulated the process will generate Cl from it. If Cl is simulated the process will generate Salinity from it. Table 9.25 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The conversion of chloride into salinity follows from (SWSalCl = 0.0): 0.7 × Cl × rscl − 0.0061 × (T − 4.0)2 1000 rscl × Cl S = S0 + ρw ρw = 1000 + The conversion of salinity into chloride follows from (SWSalCl = 1.0): 700 × S × rscl − 0.0061 × (T − 4.0)2 (1000 − S) (S − S0 ) × ρw Cl = rscl ρw = 1000 + where: Deltares 315 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual chloride concentration (g.m−3 ) ratio of salinity and chloride in water (g.g −1 ) salinity ( −1 ; psu; ppt; ‰) minimal salinity at zero Cl ( −1 ; psu; ppt; ‰) temperature (◦ C) density of water with dissolved salts (kg.m−3 ) Cl rscl S S0 T ρw b b References Greenberg et al. (1980) T Directives for use 1 The relations described here are best applicable for marine and brackish water. They may be very inaccurate when applied to fresh water. 2 Option SWSalCl set to be set at 0.0 when Salinity is simulated, SWSalCl needs to be set at 1.0 when Cl is simulated (default value = 0.0). Table 9.25: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SALINCHLOR. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). w DR AF b Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cl S S0 Cl Salinity – chloride concentration salinity salinity at zero Cl g.m−3−1−1 GtCl ratio of salinity and chloride in water g.g−1 SW SalCl SWSalCl option parameter for simulated substance – T Temp temperature ◦ – density of water with dissolved salt kg.m−3 rscl ρw 316 of 464 b C b Deltares 10 Organic micropollutants Contents 10.1 Partitioning of organic micropollutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 10.2 Calculation of organic matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 10.3 Dissolution of organic micropollutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 10.4 Overall degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 10.5 Redox status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 10.6 Volatilisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 10.7 Transport coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 10.8 Settling of micropollutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 10.9 Sediment-water exchange of dissolved micropollutants . . . . . . . . . . . 351 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 DR AF T 10.10 General contaminants Deltares 317 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Partitioning of organic micropollutants PROCESS : PARTWK_i AND PARTS1/2_i Partitioning is the process in which a substance is distributed among various dissolved and adsorbed species. Organic micropollutants adsorb to organic matter components, that is detritus (POC, dead particulate organic matter), dissolved organic matter (DOC) and phytoplankton (PHYT). The partitioning of micropollutants is usually described as an equilibrium process by means of a linear partition coefficient, based on amounts of organic carbon. The partition coefficients for the various organic matter components may be different, although the coefficient for DOC is usually considered proportional to the coefficient for POC. T Slow diffusion in solid matter has been acknowledged to take place after fast equilibrium adsorption or prior to fast equilibrium desorption. Therefore, the sorption flux can be calculated according to equilibrium partitioning or slow sorption by choosing one of the available options. The model only actually simulates the total concentration (or the total particulate and total dissolved concentrations) of a micro-pollutant. The partitioning process delivers the dissolved and adsorbed species as fractions of the total concentration, as well as the sorption flux. DR AF 10.1 Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Processes PARTWK_(i) are generic and can be used for water and sediment compartments. For the S1/2 option for the sediment processes PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) can be used. The substances in the sediment are modeled as ’inactive’ substances. Whereas PARTWK_(i) needs concentrations (g m−3 ) as input, PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) require total quantities per sediment layer (g) as input with only one exception (DOC in g m−3 ). The formulations are identical for PARTWK_(i) and PARTS1/2_(i) with two exceptions: w the correction of DOC for porosity is not carried out in PARTWK; and PARTS1/2 carries out a conversion from concentration units into quantity units and vice versa, and therefore needs the input of layer thickness and surface area. The processes have been implemented for the following substances: OMP, unspecified organic micropollutant HCH, lindane or hexachlorohexane HCB, hexachlorobenzene 153, polychlorinated biphenyl (or PCB) 153 BaP, benzo[a]pyrene Flu, fluoranthene Diu, diuron Atr, atrazine Mef, mefinphos OMP can be any micro-pollutant. The default values of the input parameters for OMP should be replaced by values suitable for the particular compound. For instance, PCB52 can be simulated as OMP (but also as PCB153) by replacing the values of the input parameters by those for PCB52. 318 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants The above substance names concern the situation, where equilibrium partitioning is simulated. The simulation of slow sorption requires the use of two simulated substances for each micro-pollutant in stead of the one simulated substance (total concentration). The names of these substances are OMP(or other name)-dis and OMP-par. OMP-dis is the total dissolved concentration, the sum of free dissolved and DOC-adsorbed micro-pollutant. OMP-par is the total particulate micro-pollutant concentration. The process formulations are the same for all substances, but default values for properties are substance specific. The organic micro-pollutants belong to the group 4 substances. The input parameter OM P Group identifies the group to which a substance belongs, in order to distinguish them from other groups of substances such as heavy metals, for which other partitioning formulations are used. T The concentrations of detritus (Cpoc), dissolved organic matter (Cdoc) and phytoplankton (Calg ) can either be calculated by the model or be imposed on the model via its input. In case of the former Cpoc is generated by processes COMPOS, S1_COMP and S2_COMP. Calg is generated by processes PHY_BLO (BLOOM) or PHY_DYN (DYNAMO), S1_COMP and S2_COMP. DR AF Tables 10.1 and 10.2 provide the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Tables 10.3 and 10.4 contain the definitions of the output parameters. Formulation The fractions of the dissolved and adsorbed species add up to one. Consequently these fractions as resulting from equilibrium are computed with: f df = φ+ Kppoc0 φ × (Cpoc + Xdoc × Cdoc) + Kpalg 0 × Calg f doc = (1 − f df ) × Kppoc0 × Xdoc × Cdoc Kppoc0 × (Cpoc + Xdoc × Cdoc) + Kpalg 0 × Calg Kppoc0 × Cpoc f poc = (1 − f df ) × Kppoc0 × (Cpoc + Xdoc × Cdoc) + Kpalg 0 × Calg f alg = (1 − f df − f doc − f poc) where: Calg/poc/doc concentration of algae biomass, dead particulate organic matter matter, and dissolved organic matter [gC m−3 ] fraction of a micropollutant adsorbed to algae, dissolved organic matter, dead particulate organic matter [-] freely dissolved fraction of a micropollutant [-] partition coefficient for algae and dead particulate organic matter [m3 gC−1 ] adsorption efficiency of DOC relative to POC [-] porosity ([m3 m−3 ]; equal to 1.0 for the water column) b f alg/poc/doc f df Kpalg/poc0 w Xdoc φ w b For PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i), Cdoc is corrected for porosity considering the fact that DOC input only in this case is specified as concentrations in pore water: Cdoc = DOC × φ Deltares 319 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual All substance quantities in the above partitioning equations are converted in case of PARTS1/2 into bulk concentrations by dividing with the volume of the layer (V = Z · A). The partition coefficients in the above equations expressed in [m3 .gC−1 ] are derived from the input parameters expressed in [ 10 log(l.kgC−1 )], corrected for temperature: w 1 1 − ) (T + 273.15) 293.15 1 1 logKpalg = logKpalg 20 + a × ( − ) (T + 273.15) 293.15 Kppoc0 = 10logKppoc × 10−6 logKppoc = logKppoc20 + a × ( Kpalg 0 = 10logKpalg × 10−6 a Kpalg/poc20 temperature coefficient [K] partition coefficient for algae and dead particulate organic matter at a temperature of 20 ◦ C [L kgC−1 ] temperature [◦ C] DR AF T T where: The simulation of slow partitioning is optional. Equilibrium partitioning (option 0) occurs when the half-life-time of the adsorption process or the desorption process is equal to or smaller than 0.0. Slow partitioning (option 1) is applied when one of these half-life-times is bigger than 0.0. Option 0 When tads and tdes ≤ 0.0, the above equations are applied to calculate the fractions in equilibrium. Option 1 When tads or tdes > 0.0, the above equations are also applied to calculate the fractions in equilibrium. In addition the various micropollutant fractions are corrected for slow sorption proportional to the difference between the equilibrium fractions and the fractions in the previous time step. No distinction is made regarding the various particulate adsorbents. Average sorption rates are used for POC and phytoplankton. The calculation using first-order sorption reaction rates derived from half-life-times proceeds as follows: f p0 = f poc0 + f alg 0 = Cmpp0 Cmpt0 f pe = f poc + f alg if f p < f pe then ksorp = ln(2) tads ksorp = ln(2) tdes else 320 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants and T f p = f pe − (f pe − f p0 ) × exp(−ksorp × ∆t) (1 − f p) f df = f df e × (1 − f pe) (1 − f p) f doc = f doce × (1 − f pe) fp f poc = f poce × f pe fp f alg = f alge × f pe where: Cmpt/mpp0 DR AF total and particulate concentration of micropollutant after the previous time-step [g m−3 ] fractions of micropollutant adsorbed to algae and dead particulate organic matter after the previous time step [-] total particulate micropollutant fraction after the previous time-step, at the end of the present timestep, and in equilibrium [-] sorption rate [d−1 ] f alg/poc0 f p0 /p/pe ksorp For both options the sorption rate is calculated as: Rsorp = f p × Cmpt0 − Cmpp0 ∆t where: Rsorp ∆t sorption rate [g m−3 d−1 ] b timestep of DELWAQ [d−1 ] The calculation of the rate requires division with the volume of the overlying water segment (V = Z · A) in case of PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). The dissolved and particulate micropollutant concentrations and the quality of the particulate organic fractions follow from: f df × Cmpt0 φ f doc × Cmpt0 Cmpdoc = φ Cmpd = Cmpdf + Cmpdoc Cmpp = (f poc + f alg) × Cmpt0 f poc × Cmpt0 Cmppoc = Cpoc f alg × Cmpt0 Cmpalg = Calg Cmpdf = Deltares 321 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual For PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) the calculation of the dissolved concentrations also requires division with the volume of the layer (V). Output The process generates output for: the various particulate and dissolved micropollutant fractions; the total micropollutant concentration, the freely dissolved concentration, the concentration adsorbed to DOC; the apparent overall partition coefficient; and the micropollutant contents of total suspended solids, detritus and phytoplankton. Cmpp × 106 Css Cmppt × 10−3 Kpt = Cmpd + Cmpdoc where: DR AF Cmppt = T The micro-pollutant content of total suspended solids and the apparent partition coefficient follow from: Css Cmppt Kpt the total suspended solids concentration [g m−3 ]. the micropollutant content of total suspended solids [mg kg−1 ]. the apparent overall parttion coefficient [m3 kg−1 ]. The contents of the individual particulate fractions are calculated in a similar way. Directives for use The partition coefficients for phytoplankton and P OC have to be provided in the input of the model as logarithmic values ( 10 log) of [L kgC−1 ] or [L kgDW−1 ]. If the partition coefficient is to be temperature dependent its input value concerns reference temperature 20 ◦ C. When temperature coefficient T cKp(i) = 0.0 (default value), this implies a partition coefficient that is not dependent on temperature. The concentrations of DOCS1/2 for the S1/S2 sediment option have to be provided as pore water concentrations. In all other cases DOC needs to be provided as bulk concentrations. DOC is calculated as bulk concentration, when simulated with the model. The process of aging (internal diffusion in particles) may cause the apparent partition coefficient to increase over time. The partitioning in the sediment may therefore require a substantially higher partition coefficient than the partitioning in the water column. The formulations do not allow for an irreversibly adsorbed fraction. Such a fraction can be taken into account implicitly by reducing the load proportionally, or by increasing the partition coefficients and slowing down of the sorption process, which may be relevant for sediment compartments in particular. Field partition coefficients may not (readily) be available. For many substances the field partition coefficient can be estimated from the octanol-water partition coefficient according to log(Kppoc) = a log(Kow) + b (a = 0.8 − 1.0 and b = 0.0 − 0.3; these coefficients are different for the various types of micropollutants). The input parameters SW SedY es/N o and OM P Group always have the same default value, respectively 1.0/0.0 and 4.0, which must not be changed by the user! Slow sorption requires the use of two simulated substances (total particulate and total dissolved) in stead of the one substance (total concentration), see above! All other input parameters and output parameters remain the same. 322 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants Additional references WL | Delft Hydraulics (1992b), DiToro and Horzempa (1982), Karickhoff et al. (1979), ?, Connolly et al. (2000) Table 10.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTWK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units - OM P Group identifier of group 4 substances (organic micropollutants) - Calg Cdoc Cimi Cpoc P HY T 1 DOC IM i P OCnoa2 phytoplankton concentration gC m−3 dissolved organic matter concentration gC m−3 conc. inorg. particulate fractions i=1,2,3 gDW m−3 particulate organic matter concentration without algae total micropollutant concentration gC m−3 total dissolved micropollutant conc. totsl particulate micropollutant conc. g m−3 g m−3 total suspended matter concentration gDW m−3 logKpalg lKphy(i) logKppoc lKpoc(i) a T (i) (i) − dis (i) − par SS DR AF Cmpt Cmpd Cmpp Css b 10 logarithm of part. coeff. for phytoplankton 10 logarithm of part. coeff. for POC b b b g m−3 b w b b 10 log 10 log −1 kgC K temperature coefficient of partition coefficient W SedN o3 option for process in water column (default = 0.0) - tads tdes HLT Ads(i) HLT Des(i) half-life-time adsorption process half-life-time desorption process d d T T emp temperature K V olume volume K Xdoc XDOC(i) adsorption efficiency of DOC relative to POC - φ P OROS porosity m3 m−3 V (L ) T cKp(i) − (L kgC−1 ) w b ∆t Delt timestep d−1 1 ) Delivered by processes PHY_BLO (BLOOM) or PHY_DYN (DYNAMO). ) Delivered by process COMPOS. 3 ) Default value must not be changed. 2 Deltares 323 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 10.2: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units A Surf surface area m2 Calg Cdoc Cimi P HY T S(k)1 DOCS(k) IM iS(k) gC gC m−3 gDW Cpoc Cmpt Cmpd Cmpp Css P OCS(k)1 (i)S(k) (i)S(k) − dis (i)S(k) − par DM S(k)1 phytoplankton quantity dissolved organic matter concentration quantity inorg. particulate fractions i=1,2,3 part. organic matter without algae quantity of total micropollutant quantity of total diss. org. micro-poll. quantity of total part. org. micro-poll. total quantity of total sediment 10 logarithm of part. coeff. for phyt. 10 logarithm of part. coeff. for POC temperature coefficient of partition coefficient log(L kgC−1 ) log(L kgC−1 ) K identifier for processes PARTS1/2 - SW SedY es2 - tads tdes Xdoc T V Z φ ∆t 1 2 gC g g g gDW T DR AF logKpalg lKphy(i)S(k) logKppoc lKpoc(i)S(k) a T cKp(i)S(k) w HLT Ads(i)S(k) half-life-time adsorption process HLT Des(i)S(k) half-life-time desorption process d d XDOC(i) adsorption efficiency of DOC relative to POC - T emp temperature K V olume ActT hS(k) P ORS(k) Delt volume m−3 thickness of sediment layer porosity m m3 m−3 timestep d−1 b w b ) Delivered by processes S1_COMP and S1_COMP. ) Default value must not be changed. Table 10.3: Definitions of the output parameters for PARTWK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cmpt Cmpd Cmpdoc (i)tot Dis(i) Doc(i) total micropollutant concentration g m−3 freely dissolved micropollutant conc. DOC adsorbed micropollutant conc. g m−3 g m−3 f df F r(i)Dis freely diss. micropoll. fraction (not bound to DOC!) - 324 of 464 b w w Deltares Organic micropollutants Table 10.3: Definitions of the output parameters for PARTWK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in input Definition Units f doc f poc f alg F r(i)DOC F r(i)P OC F r(i)P HY T fraction micropollutant adsorbed to DOC fraction micropollutant adsorbed to POC fraction micropollutant adsorbed to phytoplankton - Kpt Kd(i)SS apparent overall partition coefficient for susp. solids m3 kgDW−1 - Q(i)P OC Q(i)P HY T Q(i)SS micropoll. content of particulate detritus micropoll. content of phyt. biomass micropollutant content of total suspended solids g gC−1 g gC−1 mg kgDW−1 Cmppt T Name in formulas DR AF Table 10.4: Definitions of the output parameters for PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input1 Definition Units Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cmpt Cmpd Cmpdoc (i)S(k)tot Dis(i)S(k) Doc(i)S(k) total mass of the micropollutant freely dissolved micropollutant conc. DOC adsorbed micropollutant conc. g g m−3 g m−3 f df F r(i)DisS(k) freely diss. micropoll. fraction (not bound w w - to DOC!) f doc f poc f alg F r(i)DOCS(k) fraction micropollutant adsorbed to DOC F r(i)P OCS(k) fraction micropollutant adsorbed to POC F r(i)P HY T S(k) fraction micropollutant adsorbed to phy- - toplankton Kpt Kd(i)DM S(k) apparent overall partition coefficient for m3 kgDW−1 susp. solids - Cmppt Q(i)P OCS(k) micropollutant content of part. detritus Q(i)P HY T S(k)micropollutant content of phyt. biomass Q(i)DM S(k) micropollutant content of total sus- g gC−1 g gC−1 mg kgDW−1 pended solids Deltares 325 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of organic matter PROCESS : MAKOOC AND MAKOOCS1/2 When organic matter components are actually simulated or imposed as POC1-4, total POC is made available as the sum of these components by process COMPOS. In that case processes MAKOOC, MAKOOCS1 and MAKOOCS2 are not needed. T However, when modelling organic micropollutants or heavy metals, organic matter might not be simulated. The particulate organic matter concentration POC can then be derived from (suspended) inorganic sediment using processes MAKOOC, MAKOOCS1 and MAKOOCS2. Inorganic sediment may be simulated, or may be imposed as forcing function. Implementation Process MAKOOC has been implemented for the following substances: IM1, IM2 and IM3 DR AF 10.2 Processes MAKOOCS1 and MAKOOCS2 have been implemented for the following substances: IM1S1, IM2S1, IM3S1, IM1S2, IM2S2 and IM3S2 Process MAKOOC is generic and can be used for water and sediment layers. Whereas MAKOOC needs concentrations as input, MAKOOCS1 and MAKOOCS2 require total quantities per sediment layer as input. The formulations for the processes are identical. Table 10.5 and Table 10.6 provide the definitions of the input and output parameters. Formulation The total POC concentration is the sum of the contribution of the three sediment fractions: Cpoc = 3 X (f ocsedi × i=1 where: Cim Cpoc f ctr f ocsed i Cimi ) 1 − f ocsedi × f ctr the concentration or quantity of inorganic matter [gDM m−3 or gDM] b the concentration or quantity of particulate organic carbon [gC m−3 or gOC] b weight conversion factor [gDM gOC−1 ] content organic carbon in total of sediment fraction [gOC gDM−1 ] index for sediment component The conversion factor f ctr enters the equation because the content of organic matter f ocsed is provided as organic carbon per dry matter total sediment for each fraction. From the converted organic content, the inorganic fraction and the total weight of the sediment in dry weight is calculated. Then, using the content of organic matter f ocsed again, the Cpoc is calculated from the total sediment dry weight for each fraction, and summed. Table 10.5: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for MAKOOC, MAKOOCS1 and MAKOOCS2. 326 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants Name in formulas Name in input Cimi IM (i )S (k ) f ctr f ocsedi Units concentration of inorganic particulate fractions i = 1,2,3 DMCFOOC weight conversion factor for water column DMCFOOCS weight conversion factor for sediment layers FCSEDIM (i )S (k c)ontent organic carbon in total of sediment fractions DW m−3 gDW gC−1 gDW gC−1 gOC gDM−1 ) (i) is 1, 2 or 3 for IM1, IM2 or IM3. (k) is 1 or 2 for sediment layer S1 or S2. T 1 Definition Table 10.6: Definitions of the ouput parameters in the above equations for MAKOOC, MAKOOCS1 and MAKOOCS2. Name in input Cpoc P OCnoa Cpoc 1 Definition DR AF Name in formulas P OCS(k) conc. of total particulate organic carbon in water (with or without algae biomass!) quantity of total part. organic carbon in sediment (with or without algae biomass!) Units gC m−3 b gC ) (i) is 1, 2 or 3 for IM1, IM2 or IM3. (k) is 1 or 2 for sediment layer S1 or S2. Deltares 327 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Dissolution of organic micropollutants PROCESS : DISOMP_( I ) Organic micropollutants may be discharged into a water system contained in an organic solvent. This applies to for instance PCB containing oil. If not already dispersed into droplets prior to discharge, dispersion proceeds in the receiving water system. The micropollutant in the solvent as well as the solvent in the droplets slowly dissolve into water. Dissolution may be slow compared to the transport of substances, implying that the fate of the micropollutant is dependent on the slow dissolution. T The dissolution of the micropollutant can also be understood as the desorption from organic matter. In the case that the solvent dissolves much slower in water than the micropollutant desorption eventually leads to equilibrium concentrations in water and organic solvent. When the initial concentration of the micropollutant in the solvent is much higher than the equilibrium concentration, practically all micropollutant dissolves. In the case that the organic solvent dissolves at a similar or higher rate than the micropollutant, the adsorbent disappears eventually also leading to the dissolution of all micropollutant. For the formulation of the dissolution process it is assumed that conditions for the eventual dissolution of all micropollutant are fulfilled. Equilibrium sorption with respect to the solvent is ignored. DR AF 10.3 In order to take slow dissolution from an organic solvent into account an additional substance was defined for the micropollutant contained in an organic solvent. After dissolution the micropollutant repartitions among various organic phases also defined in the model. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process DISOMP_(i) has been implemented for the following substances: OMP-ios, OMP, OMP-dis (any micropollutant); and 153-ios, 153, 153-dis (PCB153). Substance (i)-ios concerns the micropollutant in organic solvent. Substance (i) concerns the micropollutant in the other dissolved and particulate phases in the model. The process formulations in the model are generic, as they are similar for all substances. Default values for process coefficients are substance specific. Consequently, the name (i) has to be added in the names of pertinent process coefficients. For the substance name (i) equilibrium partitioning is simulated as based on the total concentration of this substance. For the substance name (i)-dis slow sorption is simulated in combination with equilibrium partitioning. In that case the micropollutant is simulated with two substance names, (i)-dis for the total dissolved concentration which is the sum of free dissolved and DOC-adsorbed micropollutant, and (i)-par for the total particulate micropollutant concentration which is the sum of PHYT-adsorbed and POC-adsorbed micropollutant. Table 10.7 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. 328 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants Formulation Assuming the eventual dissolution of all micropollutant in a solvent the dissolution is formulated as a first order kinetic process: Rdis = −kdis × Cios kdis = kdis20 × ktdis(T −20) where: concentration of micropollutant in organic solvent in water [g.m−3 ] b dissolution rate constant at 20 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature constant for dissolution [-] dissolution rate [g.m−3 .d−1 ] T Cios kdis20 ktdis Rdis The micropollutant dissolved from the organic solvent is allocated to the total micropollutant (i) or to the dissolved micropollutant (i)-dis. DR AF Directives for use The dissolution rate constant RcDis(i) should ideally be quantified on the basis of experimental data. An indicative range for the dissolution rate of PCBs is 0.3 − 1.5 d−1 . An indicative value for the dissolution rate of PCB153 is 0.7 d−1 (measured for the desorption from natural organic detritus by means of tenax-extraction keeping a near zero dissolved concentration). References None. Table 10.7: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for DISOMP_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cios (i)-ios micropollutant in organic solvent concentration g.m−3 d−1 − g.m−3 .d−1 kdis20 ktdis RcDis(i) T cDis(i) dissolution rate constant at 20 ◦ C temperature constant of dissolution Rdis − dissolution rate Deltares b b 329 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Overall degradation PROCESS : LOS_WK_i AND LOS_S1/2_i Organic micropollutants may be decomposed in various ways, either chemical or biochemical in nature. The rates of degradation processes in water systems are complex functions of numerous local conditions. Often the individual degradation processes are not well known or can not be quantified exactly for a given substance. Overall degradation rates, usually calibrated on concentration data for the water system concerned, are applied in models in stead. T Degradation rates are different for water column, oxidising sediment and reducing sediment (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1992b). This module calculates the overall degradation fluxes for each compartment, taking these differences into account. When formulation option SW V nDegM P = 1.0 different values can be provided for the rate constants for oxidising and reducing conditions, which are assigned according to the value of the dissolved oxygen concentration. The appropriate degradation rate is selected using a switch. The degradation rate is described according to temperature dependent first order kinetics. Below a critical temperature the flux is set equal to a constant value (zero order constant). By means of a switch (SW Deg ) the degradation can be made proportional to dissolved fractions or the total concentration of the micropollutant. DR AF 10.4 Implementation Process LOS_WK_(i) is generic and can be used for water and sediment compartments. However, when substances in the sediment are modeled as ‘inactive’ substances, processes LOS_S1/2_(i) are to be used in stead for these ‘inactive’ substances. These processes calculate the overall degradation fluxes for sediment layers S1 and S2. In order to account for different rates at oxidising and reducing conditions, different values can be provided for the rate constants for S1 and S2. Whereas LOS_WK_(i) needs concentrations as input, processes LOS_S1/2_(i) require total quantities per sediment layer as input. Moreover, the zeroth-order degradation rate in LOS_S1/2_(i) is expressed in [g m−2 d−1 ] in stead of [g m−3 d−1 ]. Two options are available with respect to the formulation of the rate of degradation. An option can be selected with parameter SW V nDegM P . The processes have been implemented for the following substances: OMP (unspecified organic micropollutant); HCH (hexachlorohexane), HCB (hexachlorobenzene), 153 (PCB 153); BaP (Benzo[a]pyrene), Flu (fluoranthene); Diu (diuron); Atr (atrazine); and Mef (mevinphos). The names (i) of these substances are known to the model, and have to be part of the relevant input parameters (see tables Table 10.8 and Table 10.9 with parameter definitions). The processes in the model are generic. They are similar for all substances. Default values for the properties of the above substances are substance specific. 330 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants OMP can be any micropollutant. The default values of the input parameters for OMP are meaningless. For instance, PCB 52 can be simulated as OMP (but also as PCB 153) by replacing the values of the input parameters by those for PCB 52. The switch for oxizing or reducing conditions can be delivered by auxiliary process SWOXYPARWK as based on the dissolved oxygen concentration, which can be simulated or imposed in the input of DELWAQ. The (freely) dissolved and DOC-bound fractions of a micropollutant are also input to LOS_WK_(i) and LOS_S1/2_(i). These parameters are calculated with partitioning processes PARTWK_(i) and PARTS1/2_(i). Formulation T Two different sets of formulations are available. These sets differ with respect to the distinction of oxidising and reducing conditions and the pollutant fractions that are subjected to degradation. DR AF Formulation with distinction of oxidising and reducing conditions (SWVnDegMP = 1.0) The degradation rate for a specific compartment is equal to: Rdeg = k0deg if T < Tc and else equal to: Rdeg = k0deg + k1deg 20 × ktdeg (T −20) × f rdeg × Cmpt where: Cmpt f rdeg k0deg k1deg ktdeg Rdeg T Tc total micropollutant concentration [g.m−3 ] fraction subjected to degradation [-] zeroth order degradation rate [g.m−3 .d−1 ] first order degradation rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient of degradation [-] degradation rate [g.m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature for degradation [◦ C] The first order degradation rate at 20 ◦ C k1deg 20 [d−1 ] depends on the redox conditions according to: k1deg 20 kdego20 if SW OXY = 1 = kdegr20 if SW OXY = 0 where: k1dego k1degr first order degradation rate at oxidising conditions [d−1 ] first order degradation rate at reducing conditions [d−1 ] The switch is determined as function of the dissolved oxygen concentration in process SWOXYPARWK. In case of LOS_S1/2_(i), the zeroth-order degradation rate and the quantity of micropollutant are divided with the depth of the overlying water segment (H ) and the volume of this segment respectively (V = H · A), in order to change units into [g m−3 d−1 ] and [g m−3 ]. (After all Deltares 331 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual fluxes have been quantified, they are multiplied with the water volume in order to obtain fluxes in terms of [g d−1 ]!) Factor f rdeg is different for various options imposed with SW Deg with respect to the concentration fraction that is subjected to degradation. Option 0 f rdeg = 1.0 (default) f rdeg = f df Option 2 where: f df f doc DR AF f rdeg = f df + f doc T Option 1 freely dissolved fraction of the micropollutant [-] DOC-bound fraction of the micropollutant [-] A situation in which only the particulate fraction is subjected to degradation is very unlikely. Consequently, such an option has not been implemented. Formulation without distinction of oxidising and reducing conditions (SWVnDegMP = 0.0) The degradation rate for a specific compartment is equal to: Rdeg = k0deg if T < Tc and else equal to: Rdeg = k0deg + k1deg 20 × ktdeg (T −20) × f df × Cmpt where: Cmpt f df k0deg k1deg ktdeg Rdeg T Tc total micropollutant concentration [g.m−3 ] freely dissolved fraction of the micropollutant [-] zeroth order degradation rate [g.m−3 .d−1 ] first order degradation rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient of degradation [-] degradation rate [g.m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature for degradation [◦ C] In case of LOS_S1/2_(i), the zeroth-order degradation rate and the quantity of micropollutant are divided with the depth of the overlying water segment (H ) and the volume of this segment respectively (V = H · A), in order to change units into [g.m−3 .d−1 ] and [g.m−3 ]. (After all fluxes have been quantified, they are multiplied with the water volume in order to obtain fluxes in terms of [g.d−1 ]!) 332 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants T Directives for use Formulation option SW V nDegM P = 0.0 is the default option for historical reasons. Overall degradation may be connected with biodegradation, photolysis and/or hydrolysis. When photolysis is the dominant process, the degradation rate should reflect either the time average effects of solar radiation at the water surface and light extinction in the water column. When hydrolysis is the main degradation process, the rate should be based on the time average effect of the pH. The rates for degradation in sediment are usually much higher than the rates in water, when mainly biodegradation occurs. The rates for degradation in water are usually much higher when mainly photolysis occurs. The rates for degradation at oxidising conditions can be given equal values to the rates for degradation at reducing conditions, when degradation of a micropollutant is not sensitive to the presence of oxygen. The default values for all kinetic parameters and option parameters are equal to zero with two exceptions. The default values of temperature constants T c(i) and T c(i)Sed are equal to 1.07. The default value of the option parameters SW Deg(i) and SW Deg(i)S1/2 are equal to 1.0. DR AF Additional references WL | Delft Hydraulics (1993b), Burns (1982) Table 10.8: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for LOS_WK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cmpt f rdeg f df f doc (i) total micropollutant concentration fraction subjected to degradation freely dissolved micropollutant fraction DOC-bound dissolved micropollutant fraction g m−3 - switch for selection of one of the options switch for oxidising and reducing conditions, computed with SWOXYPARWK switch for selection of formulations (no redox dependency = 0.0, with redox dependency = 1.0) - g m−3 d−1 d−1 - F r(i)Dis F r(i)Doc SW Deg SW Deg(i) SW OXY SW W aterCh - SW V nDegM P - k0deg kdego20 ZLoss(i) RcDegO(i) kdegr20 RcDegR(i) k1deg 20 ktdeg Rc(i) T c(i) zeroth-order degradation rate first-order degr. rate at oxid. cond. and at 20 ◦ C first-order degr. rate at red. cond. and at 20 ◦ C first-order degradation rate at 20 ◦ C temperature constant of degradation Rdeg - overall degradation rate g m−3 d−1 T Tc T emp CT Loss ambient temperature critical temperature for degradation ◦ Deltares d−1 d−1 - ◦ C C 333 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 10.9: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for LOS_S1/2_(i). (i) is a substance name. Name in input Definition H Depth depth of overlying water segment m Cmtt f rdeg (i)S1/2 g - f df f doc F r(i)DisS1/2 F r(i)DocS1/2 total micropollutant concentration factor for conc. fraction subjected to degradation freely dissolved micropollutant fraction DOC-bound dissolved micropollutant fraction SW Deg(i)S1/2 switch that allows selection of one of the - DR AF - Units T Name in formulas SW Deg - options SW OXY SW P oreChS1/2 switch for oxidising and reducing condi- SW V nDegM P k0deg kdego20 tions computed with SWOXYPARWK switch for selection of formulations (no redox dependency = 0.0, with redox dependency = 1.0) ZLoss(i)S1/2 zeroth-order degradation rate RcDgO(I)S1/2 first-order degr. rate at oxid. cond. and - g m−2 d−1 d−1 k1deg 20 ktdeg Rc(i)S1/2 T c(i)Sed at 20 ◦ C first-order degr. rate at red. cond. and at 20 ◦ C first-order degradation rate at 20 ◦ C temperature constant of degradation Rdeg - overall degradation rate g.d−1 T emp CT Loss ambient temperature critical temperature for degradation ◦ V olume volume m3 kdegr T Tc 20 V 334 of 464 RcDgR(i)S1/2 d−1 d−1 - ◦ C C Deltares Organic micropollutants Redox status PROCESS : SWOXYPARWK The partitioning of heavy metals and the degradation rate of organic micropollutants depend on the presence of oxidising or reducing conditions. The dissolved oxygen concentration is an indicator for the prevailing conditions. Because the conditions in (suspended) particles may be different from those in the surrounding water, anaerobic reduction of adsorbing components and anaerobic degradation may already occur in these particles at a small but positive ambient dissolved oxygen concentration. The specific consequences of spatial heterogeneity within segments are not considered in the present model. It is assumed that the prevailing conditions are decisive with respect to the dissolved concentrations. T This module determines the value of a switch (SW W aterKCh) for oxidising or reducing conditions, depending on the local dissolved oxygen concentration. The latter maybe simulated or provided as input. The switch is used in processes PARTWK_(i) and DEGMP_(i). The switch is used for the water phase and the sedment layers if the layered sediment option is used (Section 1.6). If the S1/S2 approach is used, then two other switches are important as well: SwP oreChS1 and SW P oreChS2 for respectively the upper, S1, layer and the lower, S2, layer. It is assumed for this approach that the oxygen concentration in layer S1 is the same as that for the overlying water and that the oxygen concentration in layer S2 is zero. DR AF 10.5 Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process SWOXYPARWK is generic and can be used for water and sediment compartments. When substances in the sediment are modeled as ‘inactive’ substances, SWOXYPARWK affects both the water compartments and the S1/2 partitioning processes. See Table 10.10 below for definition of the parameters. Formulation The prevailing chemical conditions are determined on the basis of a critical dissolved oxygen concentration. The switch may have one of two values as follows: SW OXY = 1 SW OXY = 0 with: Cox Coxc φ if Cox/φ > Coxc if Cox/φ ≤ Coxc actual dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] b critical dissolved oxygen concentration [g m−3 ] porosity (Section 1.6.1) [-] w The critical concentration Coxc maybe different for water and sediment compartments, when this parameter is provided in the input as a segment function. In case of the S1/2 sediment option, the critical concentration for S1 is the same as for the overlying water compartment. The value of SW OXY is always 0 for S2, assuming that this layer is a reducing layer by definition. Deltares 335 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Directives for use The critical dissolved oxygen concentration CoxP art is generally below 2 g m−3 , as can be learned from growth experiments with fungal pellets with a diameter of about a few millimetres in a very well mixed medium. Such a value seems applicable to sediment layers. A substantially smaller value could be applied for the water column, but 0.25 g m−3 seems appropriate considering that such an average concentration may imply the presence of rather large anaerobic water masses within a compartment. Table 10.10: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SWOXYPARWK. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in input/output Definition Units Cox Coxc OXY CoxPart dissolved oxygen concentration g m−3 critical dissolved oxygen concentration g m−3 φ POROS porosity (Section 1.6.1) - T Name in formulas DR AF b SWOXY SWWaterKch switch for oxidising or reducing cond. wa- SWOXY SWPoreChS1 SWOXY SWPoreChS2 336 of 464 ter column switch for oxidising or reducing cond. sediment S1 switch for oxidising or reducing cond. sediment S2 w - Deltares Organic micropollutants Volatilisation PROCESS : VOLAT_i Transfer of dissolved organic micropollutants from the water column to the atmosphere is called volatilization. Transfer in the opposite direction is called intake. Both processes may occur in the model, depending on the direction of the concentration gradient. However, intake is usually not relevant as the concentration of a micropollutant in the atmosphere is almost always negligibly small. For this reason the overall process is given the generally accepted name ‘volatilization’. This process only applies to water segments that are in contact with the atmosphere. The volatilization rate equals 0 in all other segments. T The model formulations for both processes are based on the double film theory for diffusive transport of a substance across gas-liquid interfaces as described by Liss and Slater (1974). Further background and literature references can be found in Lyman et al. (1990). According to the double film theory, the air-water interface consists of two stagnant layers: a gas film and a liquid film. In steady-state, the flux across the gas film equals the flux across the liquid film. Both fluxes can be calculated according to a finite difference approximation of Fick’s Law. DR AF 10.6 Equilibrium is assumed between the concentrations of the micropollutant at the interface of the gas film and the liquid film according to Henry’s Law. The concentration of a micropollutant in the atmosphere is not modelled but can be supplied by the user as boundary condition. Implementation The process VOLAT is implemented for the following substances: OMP (unspecified organic micropollutant), HCH (hexachlorohexane), HCB (hexachlorobenzene), 153 (PCB 153), BaP (Benzo[a]pyrene), Flu (fluoranthene), Diu (diuron), Atr (atrazine) and Mef (mevinphos). The names (i) of these substances are known to the model, and have to be part of the relevant input parameters (see Table 10.11 with parameter definitions). The processes in the model are generic. They are similar for all substances. Default values for the properties of the above substances are substance specific. OMP can be any micropollutant. The default values of the input parameters for OMP are meaningless. For instance, PCB 52 can be simulated as OMP (but also as PCB153) by replacing the values of the input parameters by those for PCB 52. The transfer coefficients kl and kg are inputs to VOLAT. These parameters are calculated with ‘process’ TRCOEF_(i) . The (freely) dissolved fraction of a micropollutant f df concentration is also input to VOLAT_(i) . This parameter is calculated with partitioning process PARTWK_(i) . Deltares 337 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Formulation The volatilization rate for a specific water segment is equal to: Rvol = kvol × (Cd − Cde) H with: freely dissolved micropollutant concentration [g m−3 ] freely dissolved micropollutant concentration in equilibrium [g m−3 ] water depth [m] overall transfer coefficient for volatilization [m d−1 ] volatilization rate [g m−3 d−1 ] Cd Cde H kvol Rvol T The dissolved concentrations follow from: with: Ct Cg f df He DR AF Cd = f df × Ct Cg Cde = He total micropollutant concentration [g m−3 ] micropollutant concentration in the atmosphere [g m−3 ] freely dissolved micropollutant fraction [-] dimensionless Henry’s constant at ambient temperature [(mol m−3 ) (mol m−3 )−1 ] The overall transfer coefficient kvol consists of contributions for the gas film and the liquid film. The reciprocals can be interpreted as resistances. Adding these resistances results in: kvol = 1/ with: kl kg 1 1 + kl (He × kg ) transfer coefficient for the liquid film [m d−1 ] transfer coefficient for the gas film [m d−1 ] The dimensionless Henry’s constant He at ambient temperature is derived from Henry’s constant on the basis of partial vapour pressure (Hepr in Pa.m3 .mol−1 ) at reference temperature. In literature this constant is usually given for reference temperature 20 ◦ C. The following formula is used to calculate the dimensionless Henry’s constant He at ambient temperature: Ng × e(a1 +a2 /(T +273.15)) Nl P Ng = Rg × (Tref + 273.15) a2 = (Tref + 273.15) × (ln (Hemr ) − a1 ) Nl Hemr = Hepr × P He = with: a1 a2 338 of 464 temperature coefficient for volatization entropy [-] temperature coefficient for volatilization enthalpy [K−1 ] Deltares Organic micropollutants Hemr Hepr Ng Nl P Rg T Tref ref. Henry’s constant on the basis of mole fraction [(molefr gas) (molefr water)−1 ] ref. Henry’s constant on the basis of vapour pressure [Pa m3 mol−1 ] number of moles in a m3 gas [m−3 ] number of moles in a m3 water (55510 m−3 ) atmospheric pressure (1.01×105 Pa) the gas constant (8.314 Pa m3 mol−1 K−1 ) ambient temperature [◦ C] reference temperature [◦ C] T Coefficient a2 represents the specific enthalpy of volatilization for the micropollutant, divided by the gas constant (∆H ◦ /Rg ). The coefficient a1 is an input, which can be derived from the specific entropy of volatilization for the micropollutant, divided by the gas constant (∆S ◦ /Rg ). Literature sometimes reports data on the thermodynamic property ∆S ◦ (in [kJ mol−1 K−1 ]), that can be used to calculate Henry’s constant at ambient temperature T . The reference temperature Tref and the Hepr are also inputs. The various constants of Henry at a specific temperature are related in the following way: DR AF Pm = He × R × (Tref + 273.15) Cd Ng P Hep = Hem × R × (Tref + 273.15) × = Hem × Nl Nl Hep = −∆H o Hem = e Rg×(T +273.15) + with: He Hem Hep Pm R ∆H ◦ ∆S ◦ ∆S o Rg dimensionless Henry’s constant on the basis of concentration [(mol m−3 ) (mol m−3 )−1 ] Henry’s constant on the basis of mole fraction [(molefr gas).(molefr water)−1 ] Henry’s constant on the basis of vapour pressure [Pa.m3 mol−1 ] partial vapour pressure of a micropollutant [Pa] universal gas constant [Pa.m3 mol−1 K−1 ] enthalpy of volatilization for a micropollutant [kJ mol−1 ] entropy of volatilization for a micropollutant [kJ mol−1 K−1 ] Directives for use If no information on the input for a1 (= T F He) is available, a reasonable value is 20. This value implies a temperature dependence comparable to a Q10 of 5, a five-fold increase of He if the temperature rises with 10 degrees. Henry’s constant Hepr (= HeT ref ) gives some insight into the controlling rate processes. This parameter may range from less than 10−2 to up to 103 Pa m3 mol−1 : In the range of 10−2 to 1.0 Pa m3 mol−1 the micropollutant volatilizes slowly at a rate dependent on Hepr . The gas-phase resistance dominates the liquid-phase resistance by a factor of at least 10. The rate is controlled by slow molecular diffusion through air. In the range of 1.0 to 102 Pa m3 mol−1 the liquid-phase and the gas-phase resistance are both important. Volatilization for pollutants in this range is less rapid than for pollutants in a higher range of Hepr , but is still a significant transfer mechanism. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s) are in this range. When Hepr is higher than 102 Pa m3 mol−1 , the resistance of the water film dominates by a factor of at least 10. The transfer is liquid-phase controlled. Most hydrocarbons are in this range. Deltares 339 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Note that the temperature at which a Henry’s constant is measured in the literature Tref should be used as model input. Additional references DR AF T Mackay et al. (1980), Ten Hulscher et al. (1992) 340 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants Table 10.11: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations. (i) is a substance name. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units a1 T F He(i) - a2 - temperature coefficient for volatization entropy temperature coefficient for volatilization enthalpy Cd Cde - g.m−3 g.m−3 Cg Atm(i) - dissolved micropollutant concentration freely dissolved micropollutant concentration in equilibrium with the atmosphere micropollutant concentration in the atmosphere total micropollutant concentration in the water freely dissolved micropollutant fraction Depth depth of the upper water segment m - dimensionless Henry’s constant of micropollutant (i) at ambient temperature [(mol.m−3 ).(mol.m−3 )−1 ] Henry’s constant of micropoll. (i) on the basis of mole fractions at ref. Temp.[(mfr.Gas).(mfr.water)−1 ] Henry’s constant of micropollutant (i) on the basis of vapour pressure at reference temperature - transfer coefficient for a micropollutant for the liquid film transfer coefficient for a micropollutant for the gas film m.d−1 - number of moles in a m3 gas number of moles in a m3 water atmospheric pressure universal gas constant m−3 m−3 Pa Pa.m3 .mol−1 .K−1 Rvol - volatilization rate g.m−3 .d−1 T Tref T emp T ref (i) ambient water temperature reference temperature ◦ f df H He (i) Hemr - Hepr HeT ref (i) kl - kg Ng Nl P R T DR AF Ct Deltares - K−1 g.m−3 g.m−3 - - Pa.m3 .mol−1 m.d−1 ◦ C C 341 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual (m/d) 100 Volatilisation rate as a function of wind (SwTrcoef=0) T 10 1 0.1 DR AF 0.01 0.001 1 (m/d) 100 2 3 4 5 wind (m/s) 6 7 8 7 8 Volatilisation rate as a function of wind (SwTrcoef=1) 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 2 3 4 5 wind (m/s) 6 Figure 10.1: Liquid-air exchange rate (kvol) for a very volatile pollutant: toluene (dashed lines: Hepr = 660) and a non-volatile pollutant lindane (solid lines: Hepr = 0.48 Pa.m3 .mole−1 ). Values of kl and kg for kvol were calculated using the two options implemented in process TRCOEF (1: Water flow velocity = 0.5 m s−1 , 2: Water flow velocity = 2.0 m s−1 ). 342 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants Transport coefficients PROCESS : TRCOEF_i The transfer coefficients kl and kg are used to quantify the exchange of organic micropollutants between water and atmosphere in process VOLAT_i. The process of mass exchange is also indicated as volatilization. The coefficients relate to the double film theory, according to which this process has been formulated by Liss and Slater (1974). Two transfer coefficients have to be determined, kl for the liquid film and kg for the gas film bordering the interface between water and atmosphere. These coefficients are in fact mass transfer velocities. T Numerous empirical relations exist, that describe the transfer coefficients as functions of the wind speed and/or the water flow velocity (Lyman et al., 1990). Two options have been implemented, for flowing water systems and for stagnant water systems respectively: Option 0 is based on the water flow velocity, the wind velocity and the molecular weight of the pollutant. This method was developed for Henry’s constants ranging from 1 to 102 Pa m3 mol−1 and for molecular weights exceeding 65 g mol−1 , but will hold for a broader range as well. The formulations are suitable for water systems, in which flow is caused by the force of gravity, such as rivers and estuaries. Option 1 is based on formulations of O’ Connor (1983) (as used in IMPAQT; IMPAQT UM (1996)), using wind velocity and the molecular diffusion coefficients of the micropollutant in gas and water. The formulations were originally developed for stagnant systems, such as lakes, and therefore do not include the influence of water flow velocity. DR AF 10.7 Implementation The micropollutant specific transfer coefficients kg and kl are input parameters to process VOLAT_(i). Process TRCOEF_(i) has been implemented for the same substances (i) as process VOLAT. The names of these substances are known to the model, and have to be part of the names of the relevant input parameters (see Table 10.11 with parameter definitions below). Default values for the properties of the above substances are available. An option can be selected by giving input parameter SW T rCoef value 0 (option 0) or value 1 (option 1). Formulation Option 0 This method is suitable for flowing water systems, such as rivers and estuaries. The transfer coefficients are formulated as the following functions of both the water flow velocity and the wind speed: r kg = 273.15 × (W + v) × 18 Mw for W < 1.9 m s−1 : kl = 5.64 × Deltares v 0.969 H 0.673 r × 32 Mw 343 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual for 1.9 m s−1 ≤ W < 5 m s−1 : kl = 5.64 × v 0.969 H 0.673 v 0.969 H 0.673 r 32 × e(0.526×(W −1.9)) Mw r 32 × e(0.526×(5.0−1.9)) × 1 + (W − 5.0)0.7 Mw × for W ≥ 5 m s−1 : kl = 5.64 × × with: molecular weight of the micropollutant [g mol−1 ] water flow velocity [m s−1 ] windspeed at 10 meters above water level [m s−1 ] T Mw v W Option 1 DR AF The water flow velocity v has to be larger than a critical small value (0.001 m s−1 ). When smaller than the critical value, v is set equal to this value. This method is suitable for stagnant water systems, such as lakes. The transfer coefficients are formulated as the following functions of the friction velocity and the Schmidt numbers for air and water: kg = 86 400 × 0.001 + 0.0463 × u Sc0.67 g for u < 0.3 m s−1 : −6 kl = 86 400 × 10 u2.2 √ + 0.0144 × Scl for u ≥ 0.3 m s−1 : −6 kl = 86 400 × 10 with: Scg Scl u u + 0.00341 × √ Scl Schmidt number for the micropollutant in the atmosphere [-] Schmidt number for the micropollutant in the water [-] friction velocity [m.s−1 ] The friction velocity at the water surface u is a function of the wind speed. The Schmidt numbers are derived from the viscosity, density and the molecular diffusion coefficient in water and air, and are corrected for temperature. u = 0.01 × W × p (6.1 + 0.63 × W ) ηg ρg × Dg ηl Scl = 86 400 × ρl × Dl Scg = 86 400 × 344 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants 1.293 1 + 0.00367 × T ρl = 1 000 − 0.088 × T ρg = ηg = 10−5 × (1.32 + 0.009 × T ) ηl = 0.001 with: molecular diffusion coeff. of micropollutant in air [m2 d−1 ] molecular diffusion coeff. of micropollutant in water [m2 d−1 ] ambient temperature [◦ C] density of air [kg m−3 ] density of water [kg m−3 ] dynamic viscosity of air [Pa s−1 ] dynamic viscosity of water [Pa s−1 ] T Dg Dl T ρg ρl ηg ηl DR AF Directives for use Wind speed and water flow velocity are provided in [m s−1 ], whereas the transfer coefficients are calculated in [m day−1 ]. Differences in time units between the various (input) parameters have been taken into account in the equations by means of the conversion number 86 400, the number of seconds in a day. Figure 10.1 of process VOLAT_(i) shows the dependency of the windspeed and the water flow velocity for the overall transfer coefficient for both calculation methods. Additional references O’ Connor and St. John (1982) Deltares 345 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 10.12: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for TRCOEF_(i). (i) is a substance name. Name in input Definition Units Dg GDif (i) m2 d−1 Dl LDif (i) molecular diffusion coeff. of micropol. (i) in air molecular diffusion coeff. of micropol. (i) in water H Depth depth of the upper water segment m kg Mw option Scg Scl u v W T ηg ηl ρg ρl DR AF kl T Name in formulas 346 of 464 m2 d−1 transfer coefficient for micropollutant (i) for the liquid film transfer coefficient for micropollutant (i) for the gas film m d−1 M ol(i) molecular weight of micropollutant (i) g mol−1 SW T rCoef switch that allows selection of one of the options - - Schmidt number for a micropollutant in the atmosphere Schmidt number for a micropollutant in the water - V elocity V W ind friction velocity at the water surface water flow velocity wind speed at 10 meter above water level m s−1 m s−1 m s−1 T emp ambient water temperature ◦ - dynamic viscosity of air [Pa s−1 ] dynamic viscosity of water [Pa s−1 ] density of air density of water kg m−1 .s−1 kg m−1 .s−1 kg m−3 kg m−3 Kl(i) Kg(i) - m d−1 - C Deltares Organic micropollutants Settling of micropollutants PROCESS : SED_(i) Organic micro-pollutants adsorb to detritus and algae. Heavy metals also adsorb to suspended inorganic matter. The micro-pollutants settle on the sediment together with these substances. After settling the micro-pollutants become part of the sediment micro-pollutant pools, depending on the way of modelling the sediment. The micro-pollutant pools in the sediment are: 1 the same substances (i) when sediment layers are simulated in a generic way; or 2 the connected (i)S1/2 substances for the S1/S2 approach. T When the S1/S2 approach is followed, the micropollutants are allocated to the sediment micropollutant pools as follows: DR AF MP =⇒ MPS1 =⇒ MPS2 settling burial ====== W ater = || = Sediment ====== Process SED_(j) delivers the settling rates of the carrier substances (j). Process SED_(i) delivers the settling rates of the micropollutants (i). The rates are zero, when the shear stress exceeds a certain critical value, or when the water depth is smaller than a certain critical depth. The rates are calculated according to Krone (1962). Implementation Process SED_(i) has been implemented for the following substances: heavy metals, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Hg and Pb (group 1; sulfide forming heavy metals) Cr (group 2; hydroxide forming metal) As and Va (group 3; anion forming “metals”) organic micropollutants, 10.8 OMP (unspecified organic micropollutant) HCH (hexachlorohexane), HCB (hexachlorobenzene) 153 (PCB 153) BaP (Benzo[a]pyrene), Flu (fluoranthene); Diu (diuron) Atr (atrazine) Mef (mevinphos) (i)S1 with (i) one of the above names Processes SED_(i) deliver the settling rates of the above mentioned micro-pollutants (i), for which processes SED_(j) (IM1-3, POC1-4, ALG01-30, Green, Diat), SUM_SEDIM (POC), and SEDPHBLO (PHYT; BLOOM) or SEDPHDYN (PHYT; DYNAMO) deliver the settling fluxes of the carrier substances (j). The individual substances (j) and the pertinent settling parameters are the additional input parameters required. Processes PARTWK_(i) provide the concentrations of the micro-pollutants in the carrier substances (IM1, IM2, IM3, POC, PHYT) for this. Deltares 347 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 10.13 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The settling of the heavy metals is coupled to the settling of inorganic matter (IM 1/2/3), particulate particulate organic detritus (P OC ) and algae biomass (P HY T ). The settling of the organic micro-pollutants is coupled to the settling of particulate organic detritus (P OC ) and algae biomass (P HY T ). The settling rates of all individual carrier substances are generated by process SED_(j) as the sum of zero-order and first-order kinetics. The rates are zero, when the shear stress exceeds a certain critical value, or when the water depth is smaller than a certain critical depth Krone (1962). The rates are calculated according to: F setj H if H < Hmin F setj = 0.0 else DR AF 0 Cxj × H F setj = min F setj , ∆t 0 F setj = F set0j + sj × Cxj T Rsetj = f tauj × if τ = −1.0 f tau = 1.0 else τ f tauj = max 0.0, 1 − τ cj where: Cx F set0 F set f tau H Hmin Rset s τ τc ∆t j concentration of a carrier substance ([gDM m−3 ] or [gC m−3 ]) zero-order settling flux of a carrier substance ([gDM m−2 d−1 ] or [gC m−2 d−1 ]) settling flux of a carrier substance ([gDMm−2 d−1 ] or [gC m−2 d−1 ]) shear stress limitation function [-] depth of the water column [m] minimum depth of the water column for settling and resuspension [m] settling rate of a carrier substance ([gDM m−3 d−1 ] or [gC m−3 d−1 ]) settling velocity of a carrier substance [m d−1 ] shear stress [Pa] critical shear stress for the settling of a carrier substance [Pa] timestep in DELWAQ (d) index for carrier substance (j), IM1, IM2, IM3, POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4, ALG01-30 (BLOOM) or Green and Diat (DYNAMO) The settling fluxes of the aggregated carrier substances POC and PHYT are computed as the sum of the fluxes of the individual detritus components (POC1-4) or the individual algae species. The settling of micro-pollutants is coupled to the settling of carrier substances as follows: Rsmpi,j = f si,j × Rsetj where: 348 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants f si,j Rsetj Rsmpi,j i j conc. of micro-pollutant i in carrier substance j ([gX gDM−1 ] or [gX gC−1 ]) settling rate carrier substance j ([gDW m−3 d−1 ] or [C m−3 d−1 ]) settling rate of micro-pollutant i in carrier substance j [gX m−3 d−1 ] index for micro-pollutant (i) index for carrier substance (j), IM1, IM2, IM3, POC or PHYT T Directives for use T au can be simulated with process TAU. If not simulated or imposed T au will have the default value -1.0, which implies that settling is not affected by the shear stress. Settling does not occur, when Depth is smaller than minimal depth M inDepth for settling, which has a default value of 0.1 [m]. When desired M inDepth may be given a different value. The settling fluxes f Sed(i) and f Sed(j) are available as additional output parameters. Table 10.13: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED_(i). Name in input Definition DR AF Name in formulas Cx1j (j 1 ) F set0j F setj ZSed(j) zero-order sett. flux of carrier subst. (j ) 2 f SedIM 1 settling flux of carrier substance IM1 f SedIM 22 settling flux of carrier substance IM2 f SedIM 32 settling flux of carrier substance IM3 2 f SedP HY T settling flux of carrier substance PHYT f SedP OCnoa2 settling flux of carrier substance POC concentration of carrier substance (j ) Units gC/DM m−3 gC/DM.m−2 d−1 gDM m−2 d−1 gDM m−2 d−1 gDM m−2 d−1 gC m−2 d−1 gC m−2 d−1 without algae biomass f si,j Q(i)IM 13 Q(i)IM 2 Q(i)IM 3 Q(i)P HY T Q(i)P OC metal conc. in inorg. part. fraction IM1 metal conc. in inorg. part. fraction IM2 metal conc. in inorg. part. fraction IM3 micro-pollutant conc. in algae PHYT micro-pollutant conc. in POC g gDW−1 g gDW−1 g gDW−1 g gC−1 g gC−1 – – – – F r(i)IM 13 F r(i)IM 2 F r(i)IM 3 F r(i)P HY T fraction metal ads. to inorg. IM1 fraction metal ads. to inorg. IM2 fraction metal ads. to inorg. IM3 fraction micro-pollutant ads. to phytoplankton fraction micro-pollutant ads. to POC - – F r(i)P OC - H Hmin Depth M inDepth depth of the overlying water compartment minimum water depth for settling and resuspension m m sj V Sed(j) settling velocity of carrier substance (j ) m d−1 τ τ cj T au T aucS(j) shear stress crit. shear stress for settling of carrier substance (j ) Pa Pa ∆t Delt timestep in DELWAQ d Deltares 349 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 10.13: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED_(i). Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units 1 DR AF T ) Carrier substances (j) are IM1, IM2, IM3, POC (POC1-4) and PHYT (ALG01-30 for BLOOM, or Green and Diat for DYNAMO). 2 ) Settling fluxes are delivered by processes SED_(j), SUM_SEDIM (POCnoa), and SEDPHBLO (PHYT – BLOOM) or SEDPHDYN (PHYT – DYNAMO). 3 ) Organic micro-pollutants and heavy metals are indicated with (i). All qualities and fractions are delivered by processes PARTWK_(i). The fractions are needed for the calculation of vertical mass transport in the water column. 350 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants Sediment-water exchange of dissolved micropollutants PROCESSES : SWEOMP_( I ) Dissolved organic micropollutants may be exchanged between sediment and overlying water by means of a number of advective and dispersive processes. Advective transport arises from seepage (upwelling or downwelling), that is calcuted from a seepage flow velocity. Dispersive transport arises from diffusion, bio-irrigation and flow induced dispersion. The overall dispersion coefficient is applied to calculate a dispersion flux proportional to a concentration gradient across the sediment-water interface. T The concentration gradient across the sediment-water interface is affected by sorption in the top sediment layer. If sorption is slow, dissolved and adsorbed concentrations are not in equilibrium in this top layer. For organic micropollutants it can be assumed that adsorption is always fast enough to establish equilibrium. Desorption will generally be much slower though, meaning that dissolved concentrations are often not in equilibrium. Seepage, dispersion and sorption interact. Ideally, these processes should be modelled in a way that takes the effects of interaction into account. However, in the present transport formulations sorption is ignored, and only the dominant transport process is active. DR AF 10.9 Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation Process SWEOMP_(i) has been implemented for the following substances: OMP, OMP-dis, OMPS1, OMPS2 (any micropollutant); and 153, 153-dis, 153S1, 153S2 (PCB153). Substance (i) concerns the micropollutant in the various dissolved and particulate phases in the model. The process formulations in the model are generic, as they are similar for all substances. Default values for process coefficients are substance specific. Consequently, the name (i) has to be added in the names of pertinent process coefficients. For the substance name (i) equilibrium partitioning is simulated as based on the total concentration of this substance. For the substance name (i)-dis slow sorption is simulated in combination with equilibrium partitioning. In that case the micropollutant is simulated with two substance names, (i)-dis for the total dissolved concentration which is the sum of free dissolved and DOC-adsorbed micropollutant, and (i)-par for the total particulate micropollutant concentration which is the sum of POC-adsorbed and PHYT-adsorbed micropollutant. Table 10.14 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. A part of the input parameters, namely the dissolved concentrations, is calculated by processes PARTWK_(i), PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) Deltares 351 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Formulation The advective transport flux at the sediment-water interface due to seepage is formulated as follows: Rseep = vseep × Cmpd Cmpds1 = Cmpdfs1 + Cmpdocs1 Cmpd = Cmpdw = Cmpdfw + Cmpdocw if vseep ≥ 0.0 if vseep < 0.0 where: total dissolved micropollutant concentration [g.m−3 ] b DOC-bound dissolved micropollutant concentration [g.m−3 ] b −3 freely dissolved micropollutant concentration [g.m seepage transport flux [g.m−2 .d−1 ] volumetric seepage velocity [m.d−1 ] index for the top sediment S1 index for water ] b T Cmpd Cmpdoc Cmpdf Rseep vseep s1 w DR AF The advective transport flux between the two sediment layers S1 and S2 due to seepage is formulated similarly, but the dissolved concentrations apply to the sediment pools: Cmpd = where: s1 s2 Cmpds2 = Cmpdfs2 + Cmpdocs2 Cmpds1 = Cmpdfs1 + Cmpdocs1 if vseep ≥= 0.0 if vseep < 0.0 index for the top sediment S1 index for the deep sediment S2 V seep has a positive value for upwelling, a negative value for downwelling. In the case of upwelling the dissolved micropollutants concentrations concern the sediment (S1 or S2). For downwelling the dissolved micropollutants concentrations concern the concentrations in the overlying water or in the top sediment (S1). These concentrations are delivered by processes PARTWK_(i), PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). The dispersive transport flux at the sediment-water interface due bio-irrigation, flow induced dispersion and molecular diffusion is formulated as follows: Rdisp = φs1 × Dsw × where: D L Rdisp ϕ sw s1 w (Cmpds1 − Cmpdw ) Lsw dispersion coefficient (m2 .d−1 ) mixing length (m) dispersive transport flux (g.m−2 .d−1 ) porosity of the sediment (-) index for the sediment-water interface index for the top sediment S1 index for water A positive flux results in the transport of micropollutant from the sediment to the overlying water, a negative flux in the transport of micropollutant from the overlying water to the sediment. 352 of 464 Deltares Organic micropollutants The dispersive transport flux between the top and deep sediment S1 and S2 is formulated as follows: Rdisp = φs2 × Dss × (Cmpds2 − Cmpds1 ) Lss where: ss s1 s2 index for the interface of sediment S1 and S2 index for the deep sediment S1 index for the deep sediment S2 A positive flux results in the transport of micropollutant from sediment S1 to sediment S2, a negative flux in the transport of micropollutant from sediment S2 to sediment S1. Rseep = 0.0, if |vseep| < ϕ.s1.Dsw /Lsw DR AF Rdisp = 0.0, if |vseep| ≥ ϕ.s1.Dsw /Lsw T For the sediment-water interface only the dominant transport process is active in any time step as follows from: Both processes are always active for the interface between the two sediment layers. The seepage and dispersion fluxes are truncated at half the mass of micropollutant stored in S1 when they are larger than this quantity in order guarantee numerical stability. The fluxes are larger are converted into rates (g.d-1) by multiplication with the area of the sediment-water interface. The seepage and dispersion rates are deducted from or added to total micropollutant (i)S1 and (i)S2 in the sediment and total micropollutant (i) in the overlying water. When a micropollutant is simulated with substances (i)-dis and (i)-par, the fluxes are abstracted from or allocated to dissolved micropollutant (i)-dis in the overlying water and abstracted from or allocated to total micropollutant (i)S1 and (i)S2 in the sediment. Directives for use 1 V Seep has a positive value for upwelling, a negative value for downwelling. It is defined as the flow velocity of water in sediment multiplied with the porosity. 2 DisCoefSW and DisCoefSS always have positive values. The minimal value of the dispersion coefficients is the molecular diffusion coefficient adjusted for tortuosity. This adjustment can be made by multiplication with ϕ2 (ϕ = porosity). 3 An indicative value forMixLswand MixLss is 0.02 m. References None. Table 10.14: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SWEOMP_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cmpdfw Dis(i) g.m−3 Cmpdfs1 Dis(i)S1 freely dissolved micropollutant concentration water freely dissolved micropollutant conc. in sediment S1 Deltares g.m−3 w w 353 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 10.14: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for SWEOMP_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b Cmpdfs2 Name in input Dis(i)S2 Definition Units freely dissolved micropollutant conc. in sediment S2 DOC-bound micropollutant concentration in water DOC-bound micropollutant conc. in sediment S1 DOC-bound micropollutant conc. in sediment S2 total dissolved micropollutant concentration in water g.m−3 Cmpdocw Doc(i) m2 .d−1 VSeep dispersion coefficient at the sediment-water interface dispersion coefficient at the sediment S1/2 interface mixing length across the sediment-water interface mixing length across the sediment S1/2 interface volumetric seepage velocity - dispersive transport rate seepage transport rate g.m−2 .d−1 g.m−2 .d−1 PORS1 PORS2 porosity of the top sediment S1 porosity of the deep sediment S2 - Cmpdocs1 Doc(i)S1 Cmpdocs2 Doc(i)S2 (i)-dis Dsw DisCoefSW Dss DisCoefSS Lsw Lss vseep Rdisp Rseep ϕs1 ϕs2 DR AF Cmpd 354 of 464 MixLsw MixLss g.m−3 g.m−3 g.m−3 g.m−3 w w w w w T Name in formulas w m2 .d−1 m m m.d−1 Deltares Organic micropollutants General contaminants PROCESS : CASCADE The process CASCADE allows the user to model a small set of non-specific contaminants. Currently two types of processes are implemented for these contaminants: first-order decay and first-order transformation, that is: Substance 1, called cascade1, may be subject to decay and may be transformed into any of the four other substances, cascade2, cascade3, cascade4 and cascade5. Similarly, substance cascade2, may be subject to decay and may be transformed into any of the three substances cascade3, cascade4 and cascade5. and cascade5. T Substance cascade3, may be subject to decay and may be transformed into cascade4 Substance cascade4, may be subject to decay and may be transformed into cascade5. Substance cascade5, may be subject to decay only. Thus you can define a cascade of transformation products, such as may be pertinent for metabolites of pharmaceuticals or a chain of radioactive elements. DR AF 10.10 Implementation Process CASCADE has been implemented for these substances. At a minimum you must include cascade1, but all others are optional, as are the processes. Table 10.15 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation Decay is assumed to be first-order: dCi = −di Ci dt The transformation process of cascade(i) into cascade(j) (index j larger than index i) is also assumed to be of first-order: dCi = −tij Ci dt dCj = +tij Ci dt where: Ci Cj di tij concentration of contaminant cascade(i) [g.m−3 ] concentration of contaminant cascade(j) [g.m−3 ] decay rate of contaminant cascade(i) [d−1 ] transformation rate of contaminant cascade(i) into cascade(j)[d−1 ] The transformations are restricted to substances with a higher index (so cascade2 cannot be formed from cascade2) to prevent "circular" transformations, but otherwise there are no restrictions. Substance cascade2 may therefore simultaneously be transformed into cascade3, cascade4 as well as cascade5, similarly for all others. Deltares 355 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Directives for use At least cascade1 must be present in the simulation. As the actual contaminants that are to be modelled using this set of substances may be very diverse, there is not much guidance possible as to rate coefficients or the actual set of transformations. References This process was inspired by a similar capability in the WASP model from the US EPA. Table 10.15: Definitions of the specific parameters in the above equations for cascade(i) Name in input Definition C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 cascade1 cascade2 cascade3 cascade4 cascade5 Generic contaminant cascade1 Generic contaminant cascade2 Generic contaminant cascade3 Generic contaminant cascade4 Generic contaminant cascade5 g.m−3 g.m−3 g.m−3 g.m−3 g.m−3 decayc1 decayc2 decayc3 decayc4 decayc5 Decay rate constant for cascade1 Decay rate constant for cascade2 Decay rate constant for cascade3 Decay rate constant for cascade4 Decay rate constant for cascade1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 trans1to2 Transformation rate constant cascade1 to cascade2 Transformation rate constant cascade1 to cascade3 Transformation rate constant cascade1 to cascade4 Transformation rate constant cascade1 to cascade5 for d−1 for d−1 for d−1 for d−1 Transformation rate constant for cascade2 to cascade3 Transformation rate constant for cascade2 to cascade4 Transformation rate constant for cascade2 to cascade5 d−1 Transformation rate constant for cascade3 to cascade4 Transformation rate constant for cascade3 to cascade5 d−1 Transformation rate constant for cascade4 to cascade5 d−1 t12 t13 t14 t15 t23 t24 t25 DR AF d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 Units T Name in formulas trans1to3 trans1to4 trans1to5 trans2to3 trans2to4 trans2to5 t34 trans3to4 t35 trans3to5 t45 trans4to5 356 of 464 . d−1 d−1 d−1 Deltares 11 Heavy metals Contents 11.1 Partitioning of heavy metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 DR AF T 11.2 Reprofunctions for partition coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Deltares 357 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Partitioning of heavy metals PROCESS : PARTWK_i AND PARTS1/2_i Partitioning is the process in which a substance is distributed among various dissolved, adsorbed and precipitated species. Heavy metals adsorb to inorganic matter components (IM1– 3, dead organic matter components (particulate detritus POC and dissolved organic matter DOC) and phytoplankton (PHYT). T The partitioning of heavy metals caused by sorption is usually described as an equilibrium process by means of a linear partition coefficient, based on amounts of dry weight (inorganic particulate matter) or on amounts of organic carbon. The partition coefficients for the various inorganic and organic matter components may be different, although the coefficient for DOC is usually considered proportional to the coefficient for POC. Copper for instance adsorbs rather strongly to organic components compared to other metals. Arsenic is predominantly adsorbed on organic components. The adsorption capacity of inorganic matter mainly depends on the contents of iron oxyhydroxides, aluminium hydroxides, manganese oxide and clays such as illite. Moreover, the adsorption is strongly dependent on the pH, the redox-potential and complexation, and weakly dependent on temperature. The dependency on redox potential is connected with the reduction of iron and manganese at low redox potential, implying the loss of adsorption capacity especially in sediments. The complexation in solution is metal specific and depends on the abundance of ligands such as hydroxyl (OH− ), bicarbonate, chloride, sulfide and sulfate. Complexation is therefore much stronger in the sediment than in the water column. However, the effects of pH and complexation on sorption can be taken into account, when using so-called repro-functions for the partition coefficient. DR AF 11.1 Vanadium and arsenic (not truly one of the heavy metals) show basically different sorption behaviour compared to the sulfide forming heavy metals like zinc and copper, since they are present in anionic forms in stead of in cationic form. Arsenic occurs in arsenate, that is As(V), in an oxidising environment and as dissolved arsenic hydroxide, that is As(III), in a reducing environment. Chromium is predominantly present as cationic Cr(III) forms, but chromium may also be present partially in anionic Cr(VI) form, that is as chromate. The adsorption of anions becomes stronger with decreasing pH, the adsorption of metal cations becomes weaker with decreasing pH. Whereas chromium may precipitate as hydroxide both at oxidising and reducing conditions, arsenic and vanadium do not precipitate due to high solubility. The sulfide forming heavy metals may precipitate as sulfides at reducing conditions, especially in sediments. The coprecipitation with iron(II) sulfides is likely to occur. Slow diffusion in solid matter has been acknowledged to take place after fast equilibrium adsorption or prior to fast equilibrium desorption. Therefore, the sorption flux can be calculated according to equilibrium partitioning or slow sorption by choosing one of the available options. DELWAQ only actually simulates the total concentration (or the total particulate and total dissolved concentrations) of a heavy metal. The partitioning process delivers the dissolved, the adsorbed and the precipitated species as fractions of the total concentration, as well as the aggregate sorption/precipitation flux. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b 358 of 464 w Deltares Heavy metals Implementation Processes PARTWK_(i) are generic and can be used for water and sediment compartments. For the S1/2 option for the sediment processes PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) can be used. The substances in the sediment are modeled as ’inactive’ substances. Whereas PARTWK_(i) needs concentrations g m−3 as input, PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) require total quantities per sediment layer (g) as input with only one exception (DOC in g m−3 ). The formulations are identical for PARTWK_(i), PARTS1_(i), PARTS2_(i) with two exceptions: The substances in the sediment are modeled as ‘inactive’ substances. Whereas PARTWK_(i) needs concentrations g m−3 as input, PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) require total quantities per sediment layer (g) as input with only one exception (DOC in g m−3 ). The formulations are identical for PARTWK_(i), PARTS1_(i), PARTS2_(i) with two exceptions: w w T the correction of DOC for porosity is not carried out in PARTWK_(i); and PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) carry out a conversion from concentration units into quantity units and vice versa, and therefore need the input of layer thickness and surface area. The processes have been implemented for the following substances: Cd, Cu, Zn„ Ni, Hg, Pb (group 1, sulfide forming heavy metals) Cr (group 2, hydroxide forming metals) As and Va (group 3, anion forming “metals”) (i)S1 and (i)S2 with (i) each of the above names DR AF The above substance names concern the situation, where equilibrium partitioning is simulated. The simulation of slow sorption requires the use of two simulated substances for heavy metal in stead of the one simulated substance (i). The names of these substances are (i)-dis and (i)-par. (i)-dis is the total dissolved concentration, the sum of free dissolved and DOCadsorbed heavy metal. (i)-par is the total particulate heavy metal concentration. The process formulations depend on the group that a heavy metals belongs to, and default values for properties are substance specific. The private parameters HM Group1/2/3 identify the group to which a heavy metal belongs. The concentrations of inorganic matter (Cim1–3), detritus (Cpoc), dissolved organic matter (Cdoc) and phytoplankton (Calg ) can either be calculated by the model or be imposed on the model via its input. In case of the former Cpoc is generated by processes COMPOS, S1_COMP and S2_COMP. Calg is generated by processes PHY_BLO (BLOOM) or PHY_DYN (DYNAMO), S1_COMP and S2_COMP. Precipitation is dependent on the oxygen concentration. The required dissolved sulfide concentrations can be generated by processes SPECSUD, SPECSUDS1 and SPECSUDS2. Process SWOXYPARWK generates the input parameter SW W aterKCh, that indicates the oxidising (oxic) or reducing (anoxic) conditions. Tables 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 provide the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Tables 11.4 and 11.5 contain the definitions of the output parameters. Deltares 359 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Formulation The partitioning of group 1 heavy metals is different for oxidising conditions and for reducing conditions. The prevailing conditions are defined with switch SW OXY , the value of which depends on the dissolved oxygen concentration. The value of the switch is determined by process SWOXYPARWK or can be provided as input parameter. Oxidising conditions (SWOXY = 1), without precipitation The fractions of the dissolved and adsorbed species add up to one. Consequently these fractions as resulting from an equilibrium are computed with: φ+ P3 0 i=1 (Kpimi × Cimi ) + Kppoc0 φ × (Cpoc + Xdoc × Cdoc) + Kpalg 0 × Calg T f df = for i = 1, 2 and 3: (1 − f df ) × Kpim0i × Cimi 0 0 0 i=1 (Kpimi × Cimi ) + Kppoc × (Cpoc + Xdoc × Cdoc) + Kpalg × Calg DR AF f imi = P3 (1 − f df ) × Kppoc0 × Xdoc × Cdoc f doc = P3 0 0 0 i=1 (Kpimi × Cimi ) + Kppoc × (Cpoc + Xdoc × Cdoc) + Kpalg × Calg (1 − f df ) × Kppoc0 × Cpoc 0 0 0 i=1 (Kpimi × Cimi ) + Kppoc × (Cpoc + Xdoc × Cdoc) + Kpalg × Calg f poc = P3 f alg = (1 − f df − f im1 − f im2 − f im3 − f doc − f poc) where: Calg/poc/doc concentration of algae biomass, dead particulate organic matter matter, and dissolved organic matter [gC m−3 ] concentration of inorganic matter fractions i = 1, 2 and 3 [gDW m−3 ] fraction of micropollutant adsorbed to algae, dead particulate organic matter dissolved organic matter, [-] fraction of micropollutant adsorbed to inorganic matter fractions i = 1, 2 and 3 [-] freely dissolved fraction of a micropollutant [-] partition coefficient for algae and dead particulate organic matter [m3 gC−1 ] partition coefficient for inorganic matter fractions i = 1, 2 and 3 [m3 gDW−1 ] adsorption efficiency of DOC relative to POC [-] porosity ([m3 m−3 ]; equal to 1.0 for the water column) b Cimi f alg/poc/doc f imi f df Kpalg/poc0 b w Kpim0i Xdoc φ w w b In case of PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i), Cdoc is corrected for porosity considering the fact that DOC input only in this case is specified as concentrations in pore water: Cdoc = DOC × φ All substance quantities in the above partitioning equations are converted in case of PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) into bulk concentrations by dividing with the volume of the layer (V = Z · A). 360 of 464 Deltares Heavy metals The partition coefficients in the above equations expressed in [m3 gC−1 ] or in [m3 gDW−1 ] are derived from the input parameters expressed in [m3 kgC−1 ] or [m3 kgDW−1 ]: w w Kpim0i = Kpimi 1000 w w for i = 1, 2 and 3 Kppoc 1000 Kppoc Kppoc0 = 1000 Kppoc0 = T The simulation of slow partitioning is optional. Equilibrium partitioning (option 0) occurs when the half-life-time of the adsorption process or the desorption process is equal to or smaller than 0.0. Slow partitioning (option 1) is applied when one of these half-life-times is bigger than 0.0. DR AF Option 0 When tads and tdes ≤ 0.0, the above equations are applied to calculate the fractions in equilibrium. Option 1 When tads or tdes > 0.0, the above equations are also applied to calculate the fractions in equilibrium. In addition the various metal fractions are corrected for slow sorption proportional to the difference between the equilibrium fractions and the fractions in the previous time step. No distinction is made regarding the various particulate adsorbents. Average sorption rates are used for inorganic matter, POC and phytoplankton. The calculation using first-order sorption reaction rates derived from half-life-times proceeds as follows: f p0 = f im01 + f im02 + f im03 + f poc0 + f alg 0 = Chmp0 Chmt0 f pe = f im1 + f im2 + f im3 + f poc + f alg and ( ksorp = ln(2) tads ln(2) tdes if f p < f pe if f p ≥ f pe with f p = f pe − (f pe − f p0 ) × exp(−ksorp × ∆t) f df = f df e × (1 − f p) (1 − f pe) f doc = f doce × (1 − f p) (1 − f pe) f imi = f imei × fp f pe Deltares for i = 1, 2 and 3 361 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual f poc = f poce × fp f pe f alg = f alge × fp f pe where: Chmt/hmp0 total and particulate conc. of metal after the previous time-step [g m−3 ] fractions of metal adsorbed to inorganic matter fractions I = 1, 2 or 3 after the previous time step [-] fractions of metal adsorbed to algae and dead particulate organic matter after the previous time step [-] total particulate metal fraction after the previous time-step, at the end of the present timestep, and in equilibrium [-] sorption reaction rate [d−1 ] f imi f alg/poc0 f p0 /p/pe ksorp For both options the sorption rate is calculated as: where: f p × Chmt0 − Chmp0 ∆t DR AF Rsorp = T b 0 Rsorp ∆t sorption rate [g m−3 d−1 ] timestep of DELWAQ [d−1 ] b The calculation of the rate also requires division with the volume of the volume of the sediment layer (V= Z.A) in case of PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). The dissolved and particulate metal concentrations and the quality of the particulate organic fractions follow from: Chmdf = f df × Chmt0 φ Chmdoc = f doc × Chmt0 φ Chmd = Chmdf + Chmdoc Chmp = (f im1 + f im2 + f im3 + f poc + f alg) × Chmt0 Chmimi = f imi × Chmt0 Cpoc Chmpoc = f poc × Chmt0 Cpoc Chmalg = f alg × Chmt0 Calg for i = 1, 2 or 3 For PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) the calculation of the dissolved concentrations also requires division with the volume of the layer (V = Z · A). 362 of 464 Deltares Heavy metals Oxidising conditions (SWOXY = 1), with precipitation The above equations need a modification for group 2 metals such as chromium. These metals may precipitate as hydroxide. Consequently the metal fractions have to be corrected for a precipitated fraction, when the molar ion activity product calculated using the above formulations exceeds the solubility product. A correction factor for precipitation to be applied on the various sorbed metal fractions can be derived from the ratio of the dissolved concentration in equilibrium with the metal hydroxide and the dissolved concentration estimated on the basis of sorption only. The initial estimate of the freely dissolved chromium concentration resulting form the above equations is indicated with Crdf 0 . The molar freely dissolved concentration follows from: Crdf 0 = Chmdf Crdf 0 M w × 10+3 T 0 = Crdfm with: molar freely dissolved chromium concentration [mol l−1 ] molecular weight of chromium [g mol−1 ] DR AF 0 Crdfm Mw The solubility of metal hydroxide is proportional to the free metal ion concentration, which is derived from equilibrium equations for the three hydroxyl complexes that are formed by the metal. The equilibrium molar free chromium ion concentration in case of sorption only follows from: OH = 10−(14−pH) 0 Crf rm = 1 + 10logKCr1 0 Crdfm × OH + 10logKCr2 × OH 2 + 10logKCr3 × OH 3 where: 0 Crf rm molar free chromium ion concentration [mol l−1 ] logKCr1/2/3 the three equilibrium constants for hydroxyl complexation of chromium [ 10 log((l mol−1 )1,2or3 ) ] OH the hydroxyl concentration [mol l−1 ] pH acidity [-] The ion activity product based on this concentration and the solubility product are: 0 IAP = Crf rm × OH 3 SOL = 10logKCrS where: logKCrS solubility equilibrium constant for chromium hydroxide [ 10 log(mol l−1 )4 ] Precipitation occurs only when IAP > SOL. Consequently a correction of the various chromium fractions is only carried when this condition is met. The correction factor for precipitation is derived from the equilibrium free chromium ion concentration: Crf rm = 10logKCrS OH 3 Crdfm = Crf rm × 1 + 10logKCr1 × OH + 10logKCr2 × OH 2 + 10logKCr3 × OH 3 Crdf = Crdfm × M w × 10+3 Deltares 363 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual f cor = Crdf Crdf 0 Multiplying this correction factor (< 1) with the initially estimated sorbed fractions delivers the actual fractions. Keeping in mind that all fractions add up to one, the precipated fraction f pr must be equal to: f pr = 1 − f cor The corrected sorbed fractions and concentrations for chromium are: f df = f df 0 × (1 − f pr) f imi = f im0i × (1 − f pr) for T f doc = f doc0 × (1 − f pr) i = 1, 2 or 3 f poc = f poc0 × (1 − f pr) f alg = f alg 0 × (1 − f pr) DR AF Chmdf = Crdf × (1 − f pr) Chmdoc = Chmdoc0 × (1 − f pr) Chmd = Chmd0 × (1 − f pr) Chmp = (f im1 + f im2 + f im3 + f poc + f alg + f pr) × Chmt0 Chmimi = Chmim0i × (1 − f pr) for i = 1, 2 or 3 Chmpoc = Chmpoc0 × (1 − f pr) Chmalg = Chmalg 0 × (1 − f pr) The group 2 metals such as chromium have been excluded from slow sorption as a consequence of the correction for precipitation! Reducing conditions (SWOXY = 0), without precipitation Group 3 metals do not precipitate at all. Therefore no modification of the partitioning formulations is needed. Reducing conditions (SWOXY = 0), with precipitation Group 1 and group 2 metals may precipitate in reducing conditions. The required modification of the partitioning formulations has already been dealt with above in the case of group 2 metals, as there is no difference regarding the kind of precipitate formed between oxidising and reducing conditions. Group 1 metals however, the sulfide forming metals, precipitate as sulfides at reducing conditions and form two sulfide complexes at the same time (MeS0 and MeHS+ ). The solubility of the metal sulfides is so low, that sorption can be ignored. The computation starts with calculation of the molar total dissolved metal concentration from the equilibrium equations for solubility and complexation: Chmdfm = 1 + 10logKhm1 × Csd + 10logKhm2 × Chsd 10logKhmS × Csd Chmdf = Chmdfm × M w × 10+3 where: 364 of 464 Deltares Heavy metals Chmdfm Csd Chsd logKhm1/2 logKhmS Mw molar total dissolved metal concentration [mol l−1 ] molar dissolved sulfide S 2− concentration [mol l−1 ] molar dissolved hydrogen sulfide HS − concentration [mol l−1 ] the two equilibrium constants for sulfide complexation of a metal [ 10 log(l mol−1 )] solubility equilibrium constant for metal sulfide [ 10 log((l mol−1 )2 )] molecular weight of the metal [g mol−1 ] The molar dissolved sulfide and hydrogen sulfide concentrations are computed in processes SPECSUD(S1/2), using the pH, the total dissolved sulfide concentration and two equilibrium constants as input. f df = Chmdfm × φ Chmt0 f pr = 1 − f df T The fractions of the dissolved and precipitated species add up to one. Consequently the various concentrations and fractions are: DR AF f doc = f im1 = f im2 = f im3 = f poc = f alg = 0.0 Chmdoc = Chmim1 = Chmim2 = Chmim3 = Chmpoc = Chmalg = 0.0 Chmd = Chmdf Chmp = f pr × Chmt0 Output The process generates output for: the various particulate and dissolved heavy metals fractions; the total metal concentration, the freely dissolved concentration, the concentration adsorbed to DOC; the apparent overall partition coefficient; and the metal contents of total suspendid solids, particulate inorganic matter fractions, detritus and phytoplankton. The metal content of total suspended solids and the apparent partition coefficient follow from: Chmp × 10+6 Chmpt = Css Kpt = Chmpt × 10−3 Chmd + Chmdoc where: Css Chmpt Kpt the total suspended solids concentration [g m−3 ]. the metal content of total suspended solids [mg kg−1 ]. the apparent overall partition coefficient [m3 kg−1 ]. b The contents of the individual particulate fractions are calculated in a similar way. Deltares 365 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Directives for use The partition coefficients for inorganic matter fractions, phytoplankton and POC have to be provided in the input of DELWAQ on the basis of [m−3 kgC−1 ] or [m−3 kgDW−1 ]. The concentrations of DOCS1/2 for the S1/S2 sediment option have to be provided as pore water concentrations. In all other cases DOC needs to be provided as bulk concentrations. DOC is calculated as bulk concentration, when simulated with the model. The process of aging (internal diffusion in particles) may cause the apparent partition coefficient to increase over time. The partitioning in the sediment may therefore require a substantially higher partition coefficient than the partitioning in the water column. The formulations do not allow for an irreversibly adsorbed fraction. Such a fraction can be taken into account implicitly by reducing the load proportionally, or by increasing the partition coefficients and slowing down of the sorption process, which may be relevant for sediment compartments in particular. The partition coefficients for inorganic matter should be based on field partition coefficients, since the sorption capacity of sediments may vary substantially among water systems. In case three inorganic sediment fractions are considered one could take the partition coefficient for the finest fraction and derive the coefficient for the other two fractions by multiplication with the relative clay or iron content. The implementation uses several private parameters to indicate the metal group and the occurrence or absence of precipitation. These parameters should never be changed to ensure correct operation. Slow sorption requires the use of two simulated substances (total particulate and total dissolved) in stead of the one substance (total concentration), see above! All other input parameters and output parameters remain the same. w DR AF T w Additional references WL | Delft Hydraulics (1992b), DiToro and Horzempa (1982), ?, Rai et al. (1989), Schnoor et al. (1987) Table 11.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTWK_(i) in relation to sorption. (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Calg Cdoc Cimi Cpoc P HY T 1 DOC IM i P OCnoa2 phytoplankton concentration gC m−3 particulate organic matter concentration without algae gC m Chmt Chmd Chmp Css (i) (i) − dis (i) − par SS 2 total metal concentration g m−3 Kpalg Kd(i)P HY T Kpimi Kd(i)IM i dissolved organic matter conc. conc. inorg. part. fractions i = 1,2,3 gC m b −3 b gDW m −3 b −3 b b gm −3 total particulate metal concentration gm −3 total suspended matter concentration gDW m−3 partition coefficient for phytoplankton (see directives!) part. coeff. for inorg. fractions i = 1,2,3 m−3 kgC−1 total dissolved metal concentration b b b m−3 kgDW−1 continued on next page 366 of 464 Deltares Heavy metals Table 11.1 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Kppoc Kd(i)P OC partition coefficient for POC m−3 kgC−1 SW OXY SW W aterKCh3 switch for oxidising or reducing condi- - tions HLT Ads(i) HLT Des(i) half-life-time adsorption process half-life-time desorption process d d Xdoc XDOC(i) ads. efficiency of DOC relative to POC - V V olume volume m−3 ϕ P OROS porosity ∆t Delt timestep 2 3 4 m3 b w m−3 b d DR AF 1 T tads tdes Delivered by processes PHY_BLO (BLOOM) or PHY_DYN (DYNAMO). Delivered by process COMPOS. Can be computed by process SWOXYPARWK. Default value must not be changed. Table 11.2: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) in relation to sorption. (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units A Surf surface area m2 Calg Cdoc Cimi P HY T S(k)1 DOCS(k) IM iS(k) gC gC m−3 gDW Cpoc Chmt Chmd Chmp Css P OCS(k)1 (i)S(k) (i)S(k) − dis (i)S(k) − par DM S(k)1 phytoplankton quantity dissolved organic matter concentration quantity of inorganic particulate fractions i = 1,2,3 particulate organic matter quantity quantity total heavy metal quantity total dissolved heavy metal quantity total particulate heavy metal quantity of total sediment Kpalg Kd(i)P HY T S(k) partition coeff. for phytoplankton (see Kpimi Kppoc Kd(i)IM iS(k) Kd(i)P OCS(k) directives!) part. coeff. for inorg. fractions i = 1,2,3 part. coeff. for POC (see directives!) SW OXY SW P oreChS(k)2 switch for oxidising or reducing condi- w gC g g g gDW m−3 kgC−1 m−3 kgDW−1 m−3 kgC−1 - tions continued on next page Deltares 367 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 11.2 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input tads tdes HLT Ads(i)S(k) half-life-time adsorption process HLT Des(i)S(k) half-life-time desorption process d d Xdoc XDOC(i) ads. efficiency of DOC relative to POC - V Z - ActT hS(k) volume thickness of sediment layer m−3 m ϕ P ORS(k) porosity m3 ∆t Delt timestep 3 Delivered by processes S1_COMP and S1_COMP. Can be computed by process SWOXYPARWK. Default value must not be changed. b w m−3 b T 2 Units DR AF 1 Definition d Table 11.3: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for PARTWK_(i), PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i) in relation to precipitation. (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Chsd DisHSW K 1) or DisHSS(k) DisSW K or DisSS(k) molar diss. hydrogen sulfide HS− concentration molar dissolved sulfide S2− concentration mol l−1 Csd logKCr1 logK(i)OH1 mol l−1 10 log(l mol−1 ) 10 log((l mol−1 )2 ) 10 log((l mol−1 )3 ) 10 log((l mol−1 )4 ) 10 log(l mol−1 ) 10 log(l mol−1 ) 10 log((l mol−1 )2 ) logKhmS logK(i)Ss metal hydroxyl compl. constant (1xOH; group 2) metal hydroxyl compl. constant (2xOH; group 2) metal hydroxyl compl. constant (3xOH; group 2) metal hydroxide solubility constant (group 2) metal sulfide S2− complexation constant (group 1) metal hydr. sulfide HS− compl. constant (group 1) metal sulfide solubility const. (group 1) M wi M olW t(i) molecular weight of a metal g mol−1 pH pH or pHS(k) acidity - logKCr2 logK(i)OH2 logKCr3 logK(i)OH3 logKCrS logK(i)Sol logKhm1 logK(i)Saq logKhm2 logK(i)HSaq 1) The sulfide concentrations can be generated by processes SPECSUD, SPESUDS1 and SPECSUDS2. 368 of 464 Deltares Heavy metals Table 11.4: Definitions of the output parameters for PARTWK_(i). (i) is a substance name. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). w T b Name in output Definition Chmt Chmd Chmdoc (i)tot Dis(i) Doc(i) total metal concentration freely dissolved metal concentration DOC adsorbed metal concentration g m−3 g m−3 g m−3 f df F r(i)Dis freely dissolved metal fraction (not bound to DOC!) fraction metal adsorbed to DOC fraction metal ads. to inorg. fraction IM1 fraction metal ads. to inorg. fraction IM2 fraction metal ads. to inorg. fraction IM3 fraction metal adsorbed to POC fraction metal ads. to phytoplankton fraction metal precipitated - DR AF Name in formulas Units b w w f doc f im1 f im2 f im3 f poc f alg f pr F r(i)DOC F r(i)IM 1 F r(i)IM 2 F r(i)IM 3 F r(i)P OC F r(i)P HY T F r(i)Sulf Kpt Kd(i)SS apparent overall partition coefficient for susp. solids m3 kgDW−1 - Q(i)IM 1 Q(i)IM 2 Q(i)IM 3 Q(i)P OC Q(i)P HY T Q(i)SS metal content of inorg. matter fr. IM1 metal content of inorg. matter fr. IM2 metal content of inorg. matter fr. IM3 metal content of particulate detritus metal content of phytoplankton biomass metal content of total suspended solids g gDW−1 g gDW−1 g gDW−1 g gC−1 g gC−1 mg kgDW−1 Chmpt Deltares - 369 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 11.5: Definitions of the output parameters for PARTS1_(i) and PARTS2_(i). (i) is a substance name. (k) indicates sediment layer 1 or 2. Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units Chmt Chmd Chmdoc (i)S(k)tot Dis(i)S(k) Doc(i)S(k) total metal concentration freely dissolved metal concentration DOC adsorbed metal concentration g m−3 g m−3 g m−3 f df F r(i)DisS(k) Kpt - w w freely dissolved metal fraction (not bound to DOC!) F r(i)DOCS(k) fraction metal adsorbed to DOC F r(i)IM 1S(k) fraction metal ads. to inorg. fraction IM1 F r(i)IM 2S(k) fraction metal ads. to inorg. fraction IM2 F r(i)IM 3S(k) fraction metal ads. to inorg. fraction IM3 F r(i)P OCS(k) fraction metal adsorbed to POC F r(i)P HY T S(k)fraction metal ads. to phytoplankton F r(i)Sulf S(k) fraction metal precipitated - Kd(i)DM S(k) apparent overall partition coefficient for susp. solids m3 kgDW−1 Q(i)IM 1S(k)1 Q(i)IM 1S(k) Q(i)IM 1S(k) Q(i)P OCS(k) Q(i)P HY T S(k) Q(i)DM S(k) metal content of inorg. matter fr. IM1 metal content of inorg. matter fr. IM2 metal content of inorg. matter fr. IM3 metal content of part. detritus metal content of phytopl. biomass metal content of total suspended solids g gDW−1 g gDW−1 g gDW−1 g gC−1 g gC−1 mg kgDW−1 - T DR AF f doc f im1 f im2 f im3 f poc f alg f pr b Chmpt 370 of 464 Deltares Heavy metals Reprofunctions for partition coefficients PROCESS : RFPART_(i) The partition coefficient for (heavy) metals is a function of the composition of particulate matter, and therefore varies substantially among surface water systems. Strongly adsorbing components of suspended sediment are iron(III) oxyhydroxides, manganese oxides, aluminium hydroxide, clays and organic matter. The overall adsorption capacity can be quantified using the so-called cation exchange capacity (CEC), which can be measured. (These remarks do not apply to anion forming metals like As!) T The partition coefficient is a function of the pH, the alkalinity, the chlorinity (or salinity) and the concentrations of various anions and macrochemical metal ions. In case of sulfide forming heavy metals, this is caused by the fact that the dominant adsorbing metal species is the free metal ion. The concentration of the free metal ion depends on the extent of pH dependent 2− − complexation of this ion by a number of ligands such as OH− , HCO− 3 , SO4 and Cl (at oxidising conditions). The pH also directly influences adsorption via the competition of a free metal ion with H3 O+ or a metal anion with OH− at the sorption sites of particulate matter. Competition of heavy metals and macrochemical metals (Ca2+ , K+ , Na+ , etc.) regarding sorption plays a role too, but the concentrations of these metals in surface water are rather constant over time. DR AF 11.2 In order to allow the variation over time due to the pH and to take into account the dependency of particulate matter composition, so-called repro-functions have been developed for the partition coefficient on the basis of multivariate (log)linear regression. These functions quantify the partition coefficient as a function of the chemical composition of surface water and or the CEC of suspended sediment in this surface water. Process RFPART_i calculates the partition coefficient using such repro-functions. The dependency of partitioning on the redox potential (the dissolved oxygen concentration) and on the supersaturation of heavy metal minerals is not considered here. These aspects are taken into account in the process of partitioning itself. Implementation Process RFPART_(i) delivers partition coefficients for three inorganic matter fractions IM 1 − 3, and has been implemented for the following heavy metals: a. the sulfide forming metals Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Hg, Pb; b. the hydroxide forming metal Cr: and c. the anion forming “metal” As. See Table 11.6 for the definition of input and output parameters. Deltares 371 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Formulation Two forms of repro-functions have been implemented. A rather simplified function, that was found to give satisfying results for cadmium in the North Sea (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1993c) is based on pH, salinity and CEC. A more complicated function was derived for several heavy metals in the river Rhine (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1993a). A selection can be made from these 2 options by means of switch SW Repro. SWRepro = 1 The River Rhine repro-function is applied. This function reads: 2 Kp0 = 10a ×10(b×pH) ×10c×pH ×ALK d ×Cclg ×DOC l ×ALK m×pH ×ALK n×pH×log(ALK) ×ALK o×pH (103 × CECi ) for i = 1, 2 and 3 0.2 T Kpimi = Kp0 × with: reference partition coefficient [m3 kgDW−1 ] partition coefficient with respect to sediment fraction i [m3 kgDW−1 ] −3 alkalinity [mole HCO− 3 m ] chloride concentration [g m−3 ] cation exchange capacity of sediment fraction i [eq gDW−1 ] dissolved organic carbon concentration [gC m−3 ] acidity [-] metal specific coefficients metal specific coefficients metal specific coefficients DR AF Kp0 Kpimi ALK Ccl CECi DOC pH a, b, c d, g, l m, n, o Sediment (IM 1 − 3) basically includes inorganic matter and detritus (P OC ). However, the model only applies the partition coefficient to concentrations of IM1-3, assuming that it contains a certain percentage organic matter. Like other sediment components organic matter contributes to the CEC . River Rhine suspended matter has an average CEC of 0.2 eq kg−1 . The metal specific coefficients established for the River Rhine are (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1993a): Metal cadmium copper lead zinc mercury nickel chromium arsenic a b c d l g m n o -7.680 -10.351 -2.265 -25.811 -33.411 -22.654 -40.123 3.555 1.894 2.826 1.270 6.719 9.633 5.702 11.121 -0.164 -0.0604 -0.159 -0.0705 -0.394 -0.616 -0.329 -0.709 0.0098 -0.0583 0.994 0 1.337 0 0 0 -0.0159 -0.715 -0.101 -0.141 -0.201 -0.936 -0.171 -0.110 -0.196 0 -0.138 0 0 0 0 -0.244 0 0 -0.209 -0.112 0 0 0.289 0 0 0 -0.0255 -0.0141 -0.0590 0 -0.0388 0 0 0 0 0 -0.0270 0 -0.0492 0 0 From a theoretical point of view, the CEC -approach is incorrect for the anion forming metals like arsenic and chromium. For pragmatic reasons no distinction has been made in the formulations between cation and anion forming metals. This seems acceptable because the CEC is more or less proportional to the AEC (anion exchange capacity). SWRepro = 2 372 of 464 Deltares 2 Heavy metals The North Sea repro-function is applied. This function reads: Kp0 = 10a × 10b×pH × (1.8 × 10+3 × Ccl + c)d Kpimi = Kp0 × 103 × CECi for i = 1, 2 and 3 with: Kp0 Kpimi Ccl CECi pH a, b, c, d reference partition coefficient per unit CEC [m3 eq−1 ] partition coefficient with respect to sediment fraction i [m3 kgDW−1 ] chloride concentration [g m−3 ] cation exchange capacity of sediment fraction i [eq gDW−1 ] acidity [-] metal specific coefficients T North Sea suspended sediment was estimated to have an average CEC of 0.2 eq kg−1 . The values of the coefficients established for cadmium in the North Sea are (WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1993c): a = 4.27, b = 0.347, c = 5.0 and d = −1.9. DR AF Directives for use Coefficients a–o are specific for a water system and/or for a metal. Obtained values for one particular water system may not be suitable for other water systems. The user should verify the validity of the coefficients used in the repro-functions. It is strongly advised to check whether the calculated value of the partitioning coefficient is within the expected range during the simulation (create output for Kpim1 ). Typical CEC values for some substances are: (i) kaolinite 0.3 eq kg−1 , (ii) illite 0.4 eq kg−1 , (iii) montmorillonite 0.7 eq kg−1 and (iv) humic matter 2.0-3.0 eq kg−1 . The CEC of suspended sediment can be estimated with: CEC = CECpoc × f oc + CECsilt × f silt The CEC of POC and the CEC of silt (fraction < 2µ = “silt”) are both about 0.01 eq kg−1 . The percentage organic carbon in sediment f oc can be estimated from the percentage organic matter by dividing with a factor 1.7 (humic material) to 2.5 (fresh detritus). Both f oc and the percentage silt f silt are to be provided as percentage dry weight. Notice that the input for the CEC must be specified in eq g−1 ! In the above approach of the partition coefficient it is assumed that the detritus (P OC ) contribution is included in the adorption capacity. The effect of DOC is taken into account as well. Algae are not included. Only Kppoc should therefore be made equal to 0.0. However, it is possible to take the P OC contribution from the CEC and to define Kppoc separately. Additional references WL | Delft Hydraulics (1991) Deltares 373 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 11.6: Definitions of input parameters in RFPART_(i), (i) is a substance name. Name in input Definition ALK Ccl CECi ALK Cl CECIM i alkalinity∗ chloride concentration cation exchange capacity of sediment fractions i = 1, 2, 3 dissolved organic carbon concentration mol m−3 g m−3 eq gDW−1 DR AF DOC DOC Units T Name in formulas gC m−3 Kpimi Kd(i)IM i partition coefficient for sediment fractions i = 1, 2, 3 m3 kgDW−1 a CaRF Kp(i) metal specific coefficients in the reprofunctions various b c d g l m n o pH CbRF Kp(i) CcRF Kp(i) CdRF Kp(i) CgRF Kp(i) ClRF Kp(i) CmRF Kp(i) CnRF Kp(i) CoRF Kp(i) pH SW Repro SW Repro ∗ (formula defined) acidity - switch for selection of partition coefficient function (1 = Rhine repro, default; 2 = North Sea repro) - mol m−3 = meq L−1 374 of 464 Deltares 12 Bacterial pollutants Contents DR AF T 12.1 Mortality of coliform bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Deltares 375 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Mortality of coliform bacteria PROCESS : ( I )MRT Coliform bacteria originate from human and animal faeces and are often used as indicator for the presence of disease vectors. The mortality of coliform bacteria is enhanced by temperature, salinity and solar radiation. The lethal effect of light is associated with short wavelengths, ultraviolet radiation in particular. Approximately half of the lethal effect is due to light with wavelength below 370 nm. Wavelengths over 500 nm are ineffective. T However, little or no mortality may occur at low temperatures. Distinction is made between Escherigia Coli, feacal coli, total coliforms and Enterococci. Available formulations for the mortality of coliforms are mainly empirical. The formulations as reported by Mancini (1978) have been implemented. The formulations are equal for each coliform species, the coefficients can be specified by the user. Implementation Process (i)MORT has been implemented for four “substances” (i), namely: DR AF 12.1 ECOLI, FCOLI, TCOLI and ENCOC. Processes CALCRADUV and CALCRADDAY can be used to deliver the intensity of UV light at the top and the bottom of the water layers in the model as derived from visible light (solar radiation). Process DAYLENGTH can be used to calculate daylength. Process Extinc_UVG can be used to provide the total extinction coefficient of UV light. Table 12.2 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The mortality rate of coliform bacteria can be quantified with the following empirical function of temperature, chlorinity and solar radiation (as derived from visible light): For T > T ci : Rmrti = kmrti × Cxi (T −20) kmrti = (kmbi + kmcli ) × ktmrti kmcli = kcli × Ccl + kmrd −ε×H kmrd = krd × DL × f uv × I0 × 1−e ε×H (12.1) (12.2) (12.3) (12.4) For T ≤ T ci : Rmrti = 0.0 (12.5) where: Cx DL ε f uv 376 of 464 concentration of coliform bacteria species i [MPN.m−3 ] daylength, fraction of a day [-] extinction of UV-radiation [m−1 ] fraction of UV-radiation as derived from visible light [-] Deltares Bacterial pollutants water depth [m] daily solar radiation as visible light at the water surface [W.m−2 ] chloride related mortality constant [m3 .g−1 .d−1 ] basic mortality rate [d−1 ] chloride dependent mortality rate [d−1 ] radiation dependent mortality rate [d−1 ] first order mortality rate [d−1 ] radiation related mortality constant [m2 .W−1 .d−1 ] temperature coefficient of the mortality rate [-] mortality rate of coliform bacteria [MPN.m−3 .d−1 ] temperature [◦ C] critical temperature for mortality [◦ C] chloride concentration [g.m−3 ] index for coliform species, ECOLI, FCOLI, TCOLI and ENCOC T H I0 kcl kmb kmcl kmrd kmrt krd ktmrt Rmrt T Tc Ccl i DR AF The daily average solar radiation is calculated by multiplying the total daily radiation with the day length (hours of daylight per 24 hours). Notice that solar radiation has been defined as the energy in visible light, the intensity of which is to be corrected for reflection at the water surface. Directives for use In clear water, for instance seawater, and at high radiation intensity, mortality rates up to and over 50 d−1 have been observed (Mancini, 1978). The process uses RAD_uv as input parameter, but this is derived from RadSurf when process CalcRadUV is active. This process must be active for models with more than one water layer. If RadSurf is solar radiation (measured as visible light), RAD _uv is also solar radiation (measured as visible light), but calculated with the extinction coefficient of UV light. The mortality process converts visible light into UV light using F rU V V L. Average solar radiation (visible light) at the surface yields 160 W m−2 , but can be as high as 250 W m−2 in sunny places. The fraction of UV-radiation of total light at the surface of the earth is 6 percent, that is approximately 12 percent of solar radiation measured as visible light, because visible light is approximately 50 percent of total light. The default value of FrUVVL is therefore 0.12. (FrUVVL should be equal to 1.0 if Rad_UV is imposed as UV light). The value of the radiation dependent mortality constant krd depends on the units in which Rad_uv (RadSurf ) is specified. A value of 1.0 h langley−1 d−1 was found by Mancini (1978), when the radiation was expressed in [langley h−1 ]. An indicative value of krd for radiation in W m−2 is 0.0862 (m2 W−1 d−1 ). For other units of Rad_uv (RadSurf ) the conversion constants listed in Table 12.1 can be helpful. Table 12.1: Conversion constants 1 langley 1 einstein m−2 s−1 1 kLux 1 ergs m−2 s−1 1 lumen 1 cal cm−2 12.1 W m−2 3.75 W m−2 10−7 W m−2 0.005 W 4.18 J cm−2 370 < l < 540 nm White light The UV-extinction coefficient ExtU V is high compared to the extinction coefficient of visible light. A value of 3 m−1 is indicative. Deltares 377 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 12.2: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for (i)MORT. Name in input Definition Cxi (i) Ccl Cl concentration of coliform species i1 chloride concentration DL DAY L daylength, fraction of a day - ExtU V F rU V V L extinction of UV-radiation fraction of UV-radiation as derived from visible light m−1 - Depth water depth (layer thickness) m RAD_uv daily solar radiation as visible light at water surface W.m−2 SpM rt(i) RcM rt(i) chloride dependent mortality constant basic mortality rate chloride dependent mortality rate radiation dependent mortality rate first order mortality rate radiation dependent mortality constant temperature coefficient of the mortality rate m3 .g−1 .d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 m2 .W−1 .d−1 - – mortality rate of coliform bacteria MPN.m−3 .d−1 T emp CT M rt(i) temperature critical temperature for mortality ◦ H I0 kcli kmbi kmcli kmrdi kmrti krd ktmrt Rmrti T T ci 1 bacteria DR AF ε f uv Units T Name in formulas1 – – – CF RAD T cM rt(i) MPN.m−3 gCl.m−3 ◦ C C substances (i) are ECOLI, FCOLI,TCOLI and ENCOC 378 of 464 Deltares 13 Sediment and mass transport Contents 13.1 Settling of sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 13.2 Calculation of settling fluxes of suspended matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 13.3 Transport in sediment for layered sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 13.4 Transport in sediment and resuspension (S1/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 13.5 Calculation of horizontal flow velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 13.6 Calculation of the Chézy coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 13.7 Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 13.8 Calculation of wind fetch and wave initial depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 13.9 Calculation of bottom shear stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 T 13.10 Computation of horizontal dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 13.11 Computation of horizontal dispersion (one-dimension) . . . . . . . . . . . 417 13.12 Allocation of dispersion from segment to exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 13.13 Conversion of segment variable to exchange variable . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 DR AF 13.14 Conversion of exchange variable to segment variable . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Deltares 379 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Settling of sediment PROCESS : SED_( I ), S_( I ), CALVS_( I ) The inorganic sediment components settle on the bed sediment. After settling these substances become part of the sediment inorganic matter pools, depending on the way of modelling the bed sediment. The inorganic sediment components in the bed sediment are: 1 IMS1/2, IM2S1/2 and IM3S1/2 for the S1/2 approach 2 IM1-3, the same substances when sediment layers are simulated explicitly T After settling BOD and COD components become part of SOD (Sediment oxygen demand, see also section 12.2), which is an "‘inoactive"’ substance. Implementation Process SED_(i) is implemented for the following substances (i): IM1, IM2 and IM3 DR AF 13.1 This process is also used for the settling of algae biomass and organic detritus (POC1-4), which is dealt with by the relevant sections of Chapters 4 and 7. Process CALVS_(i) delivers the settling velocities as modified from the settling velocities supplied by the user (implemented for inorganic sediment IM1-3, and for algae biomass). The total suspended sediment concentration for this is delivered by process COMPOS. Process S_(i) is implemented for the following substances (i): CBOD5, CBOD5_2, CBOD5_3, CBODu, CBODu_2, NBOD5, NBODu, COD_Cr and COD_Mn Table 13.1 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulations The settling rates of the inorganic matter components and the BOD and COD substances are described as the sum of zero-order and first-order kinetics. The rates are zero, when the shear stress exceeds a certain critical value, or when the water depth is smaller than a certain critical depth. The settling probability is calculated according to the formulation of Krone (1962). The settling velocity is calculated from a user-supplied settling velocity and the flocculation effect, as determined from salinity, total suspended solid concentration and water temperature (density effect). The rates are calculated according to: Rseti = f taui × 380 of 464 F seti H Deltares Sediment and mass transport if H < Hmin F seti = 0.0 else 0 Cxi × H F seti = min F seti , ∆t 0 F seti = F set0i + si × Cxi τ f taui = max 0.0, 1 − τ ci DR AF where: T if τ = −1.0 f tau = 1.0 else Cx F set0 F set f tau H Hmin Rset s τ τc ∆t i concentration of a substance [gDM/O_2 m−3 ] zero-order settling flux of a substance [gDM/O_2 m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of a substance [gDM/O_2 m−2 d−1 ] shear stress limitation function [-] depth of the water column [m] minimal depth of the water column for resuspension [m] settling rate of a substance [gDM/O_2 m−3 d−1 ] settling velocity of a substance [m d−1 ] shear stress [Pa] critical shear stress for settling of a substance [Pa] timestep in DELWAQ [d] index for substance (i) The settling velocity as dependent on flocculation is formulated as follows: si = f temp × f sal × f con × s0i f temp = kt(T −20) ai − 1 π×S ai + 1 )−( ) × cos( ) f sal = ( 2 2 Smax Cs ni f con = ( ) Csc where: a Cs Csc f con f sal f temp kt ni Deltares coefficient for the enhancement of flocculation [-] concentration of total suspended solids [gDM m−3 ] critical concentration of total susp. solids above which flocc. occurs [gDM m−3 ] function for the concentration dependency of flocculation, see Figure 13.1A [-] function for the salinity function dependency of flocculation, range [0,EnhSedi), see Figure 13.1B [-] function for temperature dependency of settling [-] temperature coefficient for settling (water density correction) [-] constant for concentration effect on flocculation [-] 381 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual S Smax T i salinity [psu, g/kg] salinity at which the salinity function is at its maximum [g/kg] water temperature [◦ C] index for substance (i) Remarks: No more than the available amount of substance in the water column can settle in one model time step. The parameter Hmin is purely a numerical parameter - it was introduced to avoid having to use very small time steps in very shallow grid cells. DR AF T Directives for use In three-dimensional applications the settling flux in all segments above the bottom layer is calculated as a transport flux instead of a process flux. Settling in the upper layers is not related to the bottom shear stress. The settling velocity in each layer is equal to the settling velocity in the bottom layer. The process flux for settling F set (ouput parameter f Sed(i)) is zero for the upper layers. Also τ is set to zero in the output for all water layers except the bottom layer. Note that if the bottom shear stress, τ , equals -1, the settling limitation function (settling probability) equals one. Note that DELWAQ can reduce the settling flux of a component, if the available amount in the water column is too small to fulfil the calculated flux within one time step. Reduce the settling rate or the DELWAQ time step if this is not wanted. The calculation of settling velocity by process CALVS_i is triggered when you supply a value for V 0Sed(i). By default, all three functions (temperature, flocculation and salinity) are equal to unity. A reasonable value for kt (T CSed), the temperature influence on the sedimentation) is 1.01. The values of the critical suspended solid concentration Csc (CrSS ) and the coefficient n(i) determine the increase of the settling velocity at concentrations above the critical concentrations, see Figure 13.1, WL | Delft Hydraulics (1989), finds the following range for n: 1 < n < 2. The effect of salinity on the flocculation and therefore on the settling velocity is presented in Figure 13.2. Table 13.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for SED_(i), S_(i) and CALVS_(i). (i) is the name of a substance. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cx1i (i)1 concentration of substance (i) gDM m−3 a EnhSed(i) coefficient for the enhancement of flocculation of substance (i) - F set0i ZSed(i) zero-order settling flux of substance (i) gDM m−2 d−1 H Depth depth of the water column, thickness of water layer m continued on next page 382 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Table 13.1 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Hmin M inDepth minimal water depth for settling and resuspension m si V Sed(i) m d−1 s0i V 0Sed(i) settling velocity of substance (i) for SED_(i) settling velocity of substance (i) for CALVS_(i) Sal Salmax Salinity SM ax salinity salinity at which the salinity function is at its maximum psu psu Cs SS gDM m−3 Csc CrSS ni N (i) concentration of total suspended solids critical concentration of total suspended solids for flocculation constant for concentration effect on flocculation T emp T cSed temperature temperature coefficient for settlingy ◦ T au T aucS(i) shear stress critical shear stress for settling of substance (I ) Pa Pa Delt timestep in DELWAQ d τ τ ci ∆t 1 T DR AF T kt m d−1 gDM m−3 - C - ) Substances are IM1, IM2 and IM3, or the BOD and COD substances. The latter only apply for S_(i) input parameters. Deltares 383 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual (m/d) 1 Sedimentation velocity as function of TSS (n=1.5, V0Sed=0.1 m/d) CrSS = 50 CrSS = 100 CrSS = 250 T 0.8 0.6 0.4 DR AF 0.2 0 0 (m/d) 1 50 100 150 Total suspended sediment (gDM/m3) 200 250 200 250 Sedimentation velocity as function of TSS (CrSS=100 gDM/m3, V0Sed=0.1 m/d) n=0 n=1 n=2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 Total suspended sediment (gDM/m3) Figure 13.1: Sedimentation velocity (Vsed) as a function of total suspended solid concentration (SS) solely (no effect of salinity and density included) at A):a critical suspended solid concentration and B) at one value of n (constant in the sedimentation formulation) 384 of 464 Deltares T Sediment and mass transport DR AF Effect of flocculation on the sedimentation velocity (EnhSal=3, V0Sed=0.1 m/d) (m/d) 1 SMax = 5 g/kg 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 Salinity (g/kg) 8 10 Figure 13.2: Sedimentation velocity (VSed) as a function of salinity solely (effect of flocculation and density not included). Deltares 385 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of settling fluxes of suspended matter PROCESSES : SUM_SEDIM, SEDPHBLO_P, SEDPHBLO, SEDPHDYN, SED_( I ), SED_SOD, S_( I ) The settling fluxes of total dry matter, total inorganic matter (TIM), total organic matter (POC with and without algae biomass) and total BOD (SOD) are derived from the settling fluxes of the individual substances and phytoplankton (PHYT). Implementation Process SUM_SEDIM is implemented for the following substances: T IM1, IM2, IM3, POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4, BLOOMALG1-30, Green and Diat Processes SED_(i) deliver the settling fluxes of the individual inorganic matter and detritus components. Process SEDPHBLO_P (or SEDPHBLO) delivers the algae biomass settling flux f SedAlgDM for BLOOM. Process SEDPHDYN delivers the algae biomass settling flux f SedAlgDM for DYNAMO. DR AF 13.2 The output parameters f SedT IM and f SedP OCnoa are used to calculate the settling fluxes of organic micro-pollutants and heavy metals. Tabel 13.2 provides the definitions of the input parameters. Process SED_SOD is implemented for the following substance: SOD, CBOD5, CBOD5_2, CBOD5_3, CBODu, CBODu_2, NBOD5, NBODu, COD_Cr and COD_Mn Processes S_(i) deliver the settling fluxes of the individual BOD or COD components. The process delivers an additional output parameter f SedSOD , the settling flux of total BOD and or COD. Tabel 13.3 provides the definitions of the input parameters. Formulation The formulations for Sum_Sedim are: f SedT IM = f SedP OM noa = 3 X i=1 4 X f SedIMi f SedP OCj × DM CF P OCj j=1 f SedDM = f SedP OCnoa = 3 X i=1 4 X f SedIMi × DM CF IMi + f SedP OM noa + f SedAlgDM f SedP OCj j=1 f SedP OC = f SedP OCnoa + f SedP hyt where: 386 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport fSedPHYT fSedAlgDM fSedPOC fSedPOC_j fSedPOCnoa fSedPOMnoa fSedTIM fSedIM_i fSedDM DMCFIM_i DMCFPOC_j settling flux of total phytoplankton [gC m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of total phytoplankton [gDM m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of total particulate organic carbon [gC m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of detritus fraction j [gC m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of POC excluding algae [gC m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of POC excluding algae [gDM m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of total inorganic matter [gDM m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of inorganic matter fraction i [gDM m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of dry matter [gDM m−2 d−1 ] dry matter conversion factor for inorganic matter fraction i (1-3) [gDM/gX] dry matter conversion factor for detritus fraction j (1-4) [gDM/gX] T The formulations for SED _SOD are: if SW OxyDem = 0; f SedSOD = f SedBOD5 + f SedBOD5_2 + f SedBOD5_3 + f SedBODu+ + f SedBODu_2 + f SedN BOD5 + f SedN BODu DR AF if SW OxyDem = 1; f SedSOD = f SedCODCr + f SedCODM n if SW OxyDem = 2; f SedSOD = f SedCODCr + f SedCODM n + f SedBOD5 + f SedBOD5_2 + f SedBOD5_ + f SedBODu + f SedBODu_2 + f SedN BOD5 + f SedN BODu where: fSedSOD fSed(i) SwOxyDem settling flux of sediment oxygen demand [gO m−2 d−1 ] settling flux of the individual component (i) [gO m−2 d−1 ] option parameter for substance definition (0=BOD, 1=COD, 2=BOD+COD) [-] Directives for use Because you are free to select any combination of sediment components, the defaults for the calculation of fSedTIM, fSedPHYT and fSedPOC are zero. Deltares 387 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 13.2: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for SUM_SEDIM. (i) is IM1, IM2 or IM3. (j) is POC1, POC2, POC3 or POC4. Name in input Definition Units DM CF IMi DM CF (i) dry matter conversion factor for inorganic matter (i) gDW/gX DM CF P OCj DM CF (j) dry matter conversion factor for detritus fraction (j) gC/gX f SedIMi f Sed(i) settling flux of inorganic matter fraction (i) gDM m−2 d−1 f SedP OCj f Sed(j) settling flux of detritus fraction (j) gC m−2 d−1 f SedAlgDM f SedP HY T f SedAlgDM f SedP HY T settling flux of total phytoplankton settling flux of total phytoplankton gDM m−2 d−1 gC m−2 d−1 DR AF T Name in formulas Table 13.3: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for SED_SOD. Name in formulas Name in input Definition SwOXY Dem SwOXY Dem option parameter for substance defini- Units - tion (0=BOD, 1=COD, 2=BOD+COD) f SedBOD5 f SedBOD5_2 f SedBOD5_3 f SedBODu f SedBODu f SedN BOD5 f SedN BODu f SedN BOD5 settling flux of N BOD5 f SedN BODu settling flux of N BODu_2 gO2 m−2 d−1 gO2 m−2 d−1 f SedCODCr f SedCODM n f SedCODCr settling flux of COD_Cr f SedCODM n settling flux of COD_M n gO2 m−2 d−1 gO2 m−2 d−1 388 of 464 settling flux of CBOD5 settling flux of CBOD5_2 settling flux of CBOD5_3 settling flux of CBODu settling flux of CBODu_2 m−2 d−1 m−2 d−1 m−2 d−1 m−2 d−1 m−2 d−1 f SedBOD5 f SedBOD5_2 f SedBOD5_3 f SedBODu f SedBODu_2 gO2 gO2 gO2 gO2 gO2 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Transport in sediment for layered sediment PROCESSES : ADVTRA, DSPTRA, TRASE2_( I ) (OR TRSE2_( I ), TRSE2( I )) The substances simulated for the water column and the sediment are the same. A particulate substance in the water column can settle to or resuspend from the same substance in the sediment, and vice versa. A dissolved substance in the water column disperses to the same substance in the pore water of the sediment, and vice versa. T Apart from settling (sedimentation) and resuspension (erosion), particulate substances present in the sediment layers can be subject to burial, digging, seepage and dispersion. Burial results from net settling and leads to the transport of substances from layer to layer in a downward direction. Digging results from net resuspension and leads to the transport of substances from layer to layer in an upward direction. The magnitude of a burial flux or a digging flux between sediment layers depends also on whether layer thickness and porosity are fixed or transient. Apart from the above advective processes, particulate substances or particulate components of substances are also subject to dispersive transport between sediment layers due to bioturbation. DR AF 13.3 Dissolved substances or dissolved components of substances in the sediment are subject to advective transport resulting from downward or upward water flow, downwelling or upwelling, both indicated as seepage. Dissolved components disperse between water column and top sediment layer, and between sediment layers due to bio-irrigation, flow induced dispersion and molecular diffusion. All dispersion processes can be formulated as diffusion. The transport of substances across the lower sediment boundary in a model requires imposing the concentrations of substances below the “deep” sediment boundary. The layered sediment formulations are generic, implying that all possible combinations of settling fluxes, resuspension fluxes and fixed or transient layer thickness and porosity should be covered. However, the formulations have been tested extensively for cases with (net) settling only, in which sediment layer thickness and sediment porosity are constant over time. Further testing needs to be done for resuspension, transient layer thickness and transient porosity. A process for sediment consolidation that would be needed for transient porosity is not available in the present processes library. Volume units refer to bulk ( ), water ( ) or solids ( ). b w s Implementation Processes ADVTRA, DSPTRA and TRASE2_(i) (or TRSE2_(i) or TRSE2(i)) with (i) equal to a name of a substance have been implemented for the following substances: IM1, IM2, IM3 BLOOMALG01 - BLOOMALG30 (BLOOM), Diat, Green (DYNAMO) POC1, PON1, POP1, POS1, POC2, PON2, POP2, POS2, POC3, PON3, POP3, POS3, POC4, PON4, POP4, POS4, DOC, DON, DOP, DOS NH4, NO3, PO4, AAP, APATP, VIVP, Si, Opal OXY, SO4, SUD, SUP, CH4 FeIIIpa, FeIIIpc, FeIIId, FeS, FeS2, FeCO3, FeIId OMP, 153, Atr, BaP, Diu, Flu, HCB, HCH, Mef As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Va, Zn Cl, Salinity Deltares 389 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual TIC, Alka Processes ADVTRA and DSPTRA deliver the velocities for advection and dispersion for processes TRASE2_(i) (or TRSE2_(i) or TRSE2(i)). The latter processes deliver total transport velocities to be used by Delwaq for the calculation of fluxes by multiplication with concentrations. Process ADVTRA uses the settling flux of sediment dry matter from process SUM_SEDIM. Processes TRASE2_(i) use the dissolved fractions of organic micropollutants and heavy metals generated by processes PARTWK_(i). Porosity is delivered by auxiliary process DMVOLUME. Shear stress can be provided by process CALTAU. Table 13.4 provides the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Resuspension T Formulation The resuspension flux of sediment dry matter is described as zero-order kinetics according to Partheniades-Krone (SwErosion = 0.0): DR AF F res0 = f tau × F res0 if H < Hmin F res0 = 0.0 else Cdm 0 F res = min F res , A × ∆t if τ = −1.0 f tau = 1.0 else τ f tau = max 0.0, − 1.0 τc where: A Cdm F res0 F res f tau H Hmin τ τc ∆t surface area of overlying water compartment [m2 ] amount of sediment dry matter in the top sediment layer [gDM ] zero-order resuspension flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] resuspension flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] shear stress limitation function [−] depth of the water column, thickness overlying water layer [m] minimal depth of the water column for resuspension [m] shear stress [P a] critical shear stress for resuspension [P a] timestep in DELWAQ [d] Cdm and H are calculated by the model. Advection The burial of particulate substances results from (net) settling at the sediment-water interface, digging results from (net) resuspension at this interface. The advection of particulate substances by burial or digging follows from: F advp = vp × f p × Cx (1 − φ) where: 390 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Cx F advp fp vp j concentration of a substance [g.m−3 ] particulate advection flux [g.m−2 .d−1 ] particulate fraction of a substance [−] volumetric burial or digging velocity [m.d−1 ] porosity [−] b Fraction f p is equal to 1.0 for all particulate substances, except for organic micro-pollutants and heavy metals. The model calculates f p for these substances as depending on adsorption. ϕ=1− T For fixed porosities and fixed layer thickness burial and digging imply transport fluxes across all the interfaces of the sediment layers. This includes the interface of the lower sediment layer in the model and the deeper inactive sediment (boundary condition). The burial and digging velocities vp are calculated in the model from the settling and resuspension fluxes in such a way that constant porosity in and constant thickness (volume) of each sediment layer is maintained. This uses the following definition of porosity: i=n X f pi × Cxi ρi DR AF i=1 where: Cx F advp fp ρ i n concentration of a substance, a sediment component [g.m−3 ] particulate advection flux [g.m−2 .d−1 ] particulate fraction of a substance [−] density of a solid matter component [g.m−2 .d−1 ] index of a solid matter component [−] number of solid matter components [−] b For transient layer thickness or for transient porosity the volumetric burial or digging velocity vp is the sum of an imposed velocity and an additional velocity to maintain maximal layer thickness or minimal layer thickness. In the case of fixed porosity the additional velocity also serves to maintain porosity at its imposed value. The additional velocity is calculated within the model. Seepage can be upwelling or downwelling (infiltration). It affects only the dissolved substances. Seepage implies transport fluxes across the sediment-water interface, the interfaces of the sediment layers, and the interface of the lower sediment layer and the deeper inactive sediment. The seepage advection flux is: F advd = vd × f d × Cx φ where: Cx F advd fd vd j concentration of a substance [g.m−3 ] dissolved advection flux [g.m−2 .d−1 ] dissolved fraction of a substance [−] volumetric seepage velocity [m.d−1 ] porosity [−] b The fraction f d = 1 − f p is equal to 1.0 for all dissolved substances, except for organic micro-pollutants and heavy metals. Deltares 391 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Dispersion Bioturbation by benthic organisms causes the dispersion of particulate substances. The pertinent dispersion flux is approximated with: F disp = max (1 − φ1 , 1 − φ2 ) ×Dp× (f p1 × Cx1 / (1 − φ1 ) − f p2 × Cx2 / (1 − φ2 )) (L1 + L2 ) where: Cx Dp F disp fp L φ bulk concentration of a substance [g.m−3 ] particulate dispersion coefficient [m2 .d−1 ] particulate dispersion flux [g.m−2 .d−1 ] particulate fraction of a substance [−] dispersion length [m] porosity [−] 1 and 2 refer to two adjacent sediment layers (grid cells) indexes T b DR AF Each dispersion length L is the half thickness of the sediment layer concerned. The bioturbation flux is zero at the sediment-water interface. Benthic organisms also cause bio-irrigation, the dispersion of dissolved substances. Water flow across the sediment causes micro-turbulence in the upper pore water, which is another source of dispersion. The overall dispersion coefficient includes the effects of bio-irrigation, flow and molecular diffusion. The dispersion of dissolved substances implies transport fluxes across the sediment-water interface. These fluxes include the so-called return fluxes of nutrients to the water column and the sediment oxygen consumption flux. The dispersion flux of a solute follows from: F disd = min (φ1 , φ2 ) × Dd × where: Cx Dd F disd fd L φ indexes (f d1 × Cx1 /φ1 − f d2 × Cx2 /φ2 ) (L1 + L2 ) concentration of a substance [g.m−3 ] diffusion or dispersion coefficient [m2 .d−1 ] dissolved dispersion flux [g.m−2 .d−1 ] dissolved fraction of a substance [−] dispersion length [m] porosity [−] 1 and 2 refer to two adjacent sediment layers (grid cells) b Each dispersion length L is the half thickness of the sediment layer concerned. For the sediment-water interface L1 in the lower water layer is an input parameter. The bio-irrigation flux is zero at the interface of the lower sediment layer and the deeper sediment (lower boundary). Directives for use 1 Porosity φ is the input parameter Porinp which can be used for fixed porosity (constant) as well as transient porosity (time series). The porosity is “fixed”, equal to the input value, if Porinp is larger than 10−4 . If smaller, porosity is variable. Representative values of the porosity are 0.4 for sandy sediment, 0.7 for silty sediment and 0.9 for peaty sediment (partially consolidated top sediment in a water system!). 2 Poros is an output parameter that can be used to verify the imposed porosity. It is calculated by auxiliary process DMVolume that needs densities RhoIM and RhoOM as input parameters. 392 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport DR AF T 3 Input option parameter SwErosion can be used to choose the resuspension formulations. The Partheniades-Krone formulations (SwErosion = 0.0) are given above. The De Boer formulations (SwErosion = 1.0) have been documented elsewhere. 4 Input option parameter SwSediment can be used to choose fixed or variable layer thickness. SwSediment = 0.0 for fixed thickness, and SwSediment = 1.0 for variable thickness. These input parameters are also used to calculate initial volumes and quantities of substances in all sediment grid cells. 5 With regard to layer thickness three parameters can be defined for each layer. FixTh is used to quantify fixed layer thicknesses. MaxTh and MinTh specify the maximal and minimal layer thickness in the case of transient layer thickness. 6 The seepage velocity is the input parameter Vseep, which has a negative value in the case of downwelling. 7 Only in the case of transient layer thickness the volumetric burial and digging velocity needs to be provided as input parameter VburDM. A positive value implies burial, a negative value digging 8 DifCoef affects mass transport of dissolved substances across all sediment interfaces, except for the lower sediment boundary. Any value given for this interface will be ignored. The first given value concerns the sediment-water interface. A representative summer value for DifCoef near the sediment-water interface for a shallow freshwater system is 5.0 × 10−4 m2 d−1 . This value is the sum of bio-irrigation, flow induced dispersion and molecular diffusion. The winter value can be 20 % of the summer value. Bio-irrigation can be significantly faster in marine sediments. DifCoef decreases exponentially with depth, and is practically equal to the molecular diffusion coefficient corrected for tortuosity (φ2 ) at depths below 0.1 m in freshwater systems, and below 0.4 m in marine water systems. A representative value for the corrected molecular diffusion coefficient is 0.25 × 10−4 m2 d−1 . 9 TurCoef affects mass transport of particulate substances across all sediment interfaces, except for the sediment-water interface. The first given value concerns the interface between the top sediment layer and the second layer. A representative summer value for TurCoef near the sediment-water interface for a shallow freshwater system is 2.0 × 10−6 m2 d−1 . The winter value can be 10 % of the summer value. Bioturbation can be significantly faster in marine sediments. TurCoef decreases exponentially with depth, and is practically equal to zero at depths below 0.1 m in freshwater systems, and below 0.4 m in marine water systems. 10 The dispersion length at the water side of the sediment-water interface Diflen can usually be provided as a constant value between 0.0005 and 0.001 m. References Smits and Van Beek (2013) Table 13.4: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for ADVTRA, DSPTRA and TRASE2_(i) (or TRSE2_(i) or TRSE2(i)). Volume units refer to bulk ( ), water ( ) or solids ( ). b w s Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units A Surf surface area of overlying water compartment m2 Dd Dp Dif Coef 1) dispersion coefficient for solutes T urCoef 1) dispersion coefficient for particulates Deltares m2 .d−1 m2 .d−1 393 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual F res0 ZResDM zero order resuspension flux gDM.m−2 .d−1 Hmin MinDepth minimal water depth for resuspension m L1 − − Diflen m m m − M inT h2) dispersion length in the overlying water fixed layer thickness maximal layer thickness for variable thickness minimal layer thickness for variable thickness SwErosion SwSediment SwErosion option (0= Part-Krone; 1= De Boer) SwSediment option (0= fixed layers; 1= variable) vp vd VburDM Vseep burial and digging velocity seepage velocity m.d−1 m.d−1 ∆t Delt timestep d−1 j τ τc 1) 2) m − − T DR AF ρi F ixT h2) M axT h2) RhoIM RhoOM density of inorganic matter density of organic matter g.m−3 g.m−3 P orinp2 input porosity − Tau TauCrDM shear stress critical shear stress for resuspension Pa Pa s s Needs to be specified for each interface in a sediment column. Needs to be specified for each layer in a sediment column. 394 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Transport in sediment and resuspension (S1/2) PROCESSES : S12TRA( I ), RES_DM, BUR_DM, DIG_DM, S1_COMP, S2_COMP, PARTS1_( I ), PARTS2_( I ) T Sediment components as present in the model for sediment layers S1 and S2 are subject to resuspension (erosion) and burial or digging. Components are released into the water column due to resuspension (erosion). Burial leads to the transport of components from layer S1 to layer S2, and to the removal of components from the layer S2 to deeper sediment (boundary). Digging is the opposite of burial, and may transport components from deeper sediment to layer 2 (boundary), and from layer S2 to layer S1. The “deep” sediment boundary for S2 is defined by means of the concentrations of the components in the boundary layer. The fluxes of these processes are proportional to the fluxes of total sediment (dry matter) for all sediment components. These components may include inorganic sediment, microphytobenthos biomass, particulate detritus (C, N, P, Si), organic micropollutants and heavy metals. The destination of the resuspension fluxes to the water column is as follows: the inorganic sediment components are allocated to similar substances in the water column; DR AF 13.4 the biomass of microphytobenthos (DiatS1) is allocated to the particulate detritus pools (POC/N/P1) and OPAL; the particulate detritus fractions DET(C,N,P,Si) and OO(C,N,P,Si) are allocated to the particulate detritus pools (POC/N/P1) and OPAL, and to the particulate detritus pools (POC/N/P2) and OPAL, respectively; inorganic adsorbed phosporus, organic micropollutants and heavy metals are allocated to to similar substances in the water column . Resuspension is shear stress dependent according to Partheniades-Krone (Partheniades, 1962; Krone, 1962) formulations. The resuspension rate is zero, when the shear stress exceeds a certain critical value, or when the water depth is smaller than a certain critical depth. Volume units refer to bulk ( ), water ( ) or solids ( ). b w s Implementation Processes S12TRA(i) with (i) equal to a name of a substance in the water column have been implemented for the following substances: IM1, IM1S1, IM1S2, IM2, IM2S1, IM2S2, IM3, IM3S1 and IM3S2. Process S12TRADiat has been implemented for the following substances: Diat, DiatS1, DiatS2 (DYNAMO), POC1, PON1, POP1 and Opal. Processes S12TRA(i) with (i) equal to a name of a substance in the water column and S12TRADetS have been implemented for the following substances: POC1, DetCS1, DetCS2, PON1, DetNS1, DetNS2, POP1, DetPS1, DetPS2, Opal, DetSiS1 and DetSiS2. Processes S12TRA(i) with (i) equal to a name of a substance in the water column have been implemented for the following substances: Deltares 395 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual POC2, OOCS1, OOCS2, PON2, OONS1, OONS2, POP2, OOPS1, OOPS2, Opal, OOSiS1 and OOSiS2. Process S12TRAAAP has been implemented for the following substances: AAP, AAPS1 and AAPS2. Processes S12TRA(i) with (i) equal to a name of a substance in the water column have been implemented for the following substances: OMP, OMPS1, OMPS2, 153, 153S1, 153S2, Atr, AtrS1, AtrS2, BaP, BaPS1, BaPS2, Diu, T DiuS1, DiuS2, Flu, FluS1, FluS2, HCB, HCBS1, HCBS2, HCH, HCHS1, HCHS2, Mef, MefS1 and MefS2. Processes S12TRA(i) with (i) equal to a name of a substance in the water column have been implemented for the following substances: As, AsS1, AsS2, Cd, CdS1, CdS2, Cr, CrS1, CrS2, Hg, HgS1, HgS2, Ni, NiS1, NiS2, Pb, DR AF PbS1, PbS2, Va, VaS1, VaS2, Zn, ZnS1 and ZnS2. Processes S12TRA(i) use the resuspension fluxes of sediment dry matter from process RES_DM, the burial fluxes of sediment dry matter from process BUR_DM, and the digging fluxes of sediment dry matter from process DIG_DM. These processes derive the quantities of dry matter in layers S1 and S2 from processes S1_COMP and S2_COMP, and the dry matter settling flux from process SUM_SEDIM. The processes for organic nutrients in detritus use input from processes S1_COMP and S2_COMP with regard to stochiometric ratios for nutrients N, P and Si, the actual layer thicknesses and the densities of the sediment in the layers. The processes for organic micropollutants and heavy metals use input from processes PARTS1_(i) and PARTS1_(i) with regard to particulate concentrations. Table 13.5 to 13.8 provide the definitions of the input parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation Resuspension The resuspension flux of sediment dry matter is described as the sum of zero-order and firstorder kinetics according to: F resj 0 = f tauj × (F res0 + r × Cdmj /A) F resj 0 = 1.0 else Cdm 0 F resj = min F resj , A × ∆t if H < Hmin if DM S1 > 0.0 F resS2 = 0.0 if τ = −1.0 fτ = 1.0 else f tauj = max(0.0, ( 396 of 464 τ − 1.0)) τ cj Deltares Sediment and mass transport where: surface area of overlying water compartment [m2 ] amount of sediment dry matter [gDM ] zero-order resuspension flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] resuspension flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] shear stress limitation function [−] depth of the water column, thickness overlying water layer [m] minimal depth of the water column for resuspension [m] first-order resuspension rate [d−1 ] shear stress [P a] critical shear stress for resuspension [P a] timestep in DELWAQ [d] index for sediment layer S1 or S2. T A Cdm F res0 F res f tau H Hmin r τ τc ∆t j The resuspension of inorganic sediment components, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate components, adsorbed phosphate, micro-pollutants and heavy metals in the sediment follows from: DR AF Rresi,j = f si,j × f ri,j × F resj /H where: fr fs Rres i j fraction of a component in sediment dry matter [gX.gDM −1 ] scaling factor [−] or [gX.gY −1 ] resuspension rate of a component [gX.m−3 .d−1 ] index for component i index for sediment layer S1 or S2. b The ratio f s is a scaling factor that is equal to 1.0 for most substances. It is component specific for the organic nutrients, in fact the stochiometric ratio of N, P or Si in organic detritus. Burial The burial fluxes can be calculated on the basis of sediment layers with fixed thicknesses or on the basis of imposed burial rates. For option SWSediment=0.0 layer thicknesses are kept constant. The burial fluxes of sediment dry matter follows from: ( F inj + F burj = 0.0 (Zj −Zf ixj )×ρj ×(1 −φj ) ∆t if Zj ≥ Zfix j F in1 = Fset F in2 = Fbur 1 where: Fbur Fin Fset Z Zfix ϕ Deltares burial flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] influx of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] settling flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] actual thickness of sediment layer [m] fixed thickness of sediment layer [m] porosity [−] 397 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual density of sediment dry matter (g.m−3 ) ρ ∆t j b timestep in DELWAQ [d] index for sediment layer S1 or S2. For option SWSediment=1.0 layer the burial fluxes of sediment dry matter are described as the sum of zero-order and first-order kinetics according to: T F burj = min ((F binj + F badj ), F bmax j ) F binj = F bur0j + rbj × Cdmj /A (Zj − Zmax j ) × ρj × (1 − φj ) F badj = max 0 , ∆t Cdmj F bmax j = F inj − F outj + A × ∆t Cdmj = A × Zj × ρj × (1 − φj ) DR AF F in1 = Fset F in2 = Fbur 1 F out1 = Fres 1 F out2 = Fdig 1 where: A Cdm F bad F bin F bmax F bur0 F bur F dig F in F out F res F set rb Z Zf ix Zmax ϕ ρ ∆t j surface area of overlying water compartment [m2 ] amount of sediment dry matter [gDM ] additional burial flux to obey maximal layer thickness [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] burial flux of sediment based on input parameters [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] maximal possible burial based on available sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] zero-order burial flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] burial flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] digging flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] influx of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] outflux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] resuspension flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] settling flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] first-order burial rate [d−1 ] actual thickness of sediment layer [m] fixed thickness of sediment layer [m] maximal thickness of sediment layer [m] porosity [−] density of sediment dry matter [g.m−3 ] b timestep in DELWAQ [d] index for sediment layer S1 or S2. The burial of inorganic sediment components, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate components, adsorbed phosphate, micro-pollutants and heavy metals in the sediment follows from: F buri,j = f si,j × f ri,j × F burj Rburi,j = F buri,j /H where: 398 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport fr fs H F bur Rbur i j fraction of a component in sediment dry matter [gX.gDM −1 ] scaling factor [−] or [gX.gY −1 ] depth of the water column, thickness overlying water layer [m] burial flux of a component [gX.m−2 .d−1 ] burial rate of a component [gX.m−3 .d−1 ] index for component i index for sediment layer S1 or S2. b The ratio f s is a scaling factor that is equal to 1.0 for most substances. It is component specific for the organic nutrients, in fact the stochiometric ratio of N, P or Si in organic detritus. Digging T As for burial the digging fluxes can be calculated on the basis of sediment layers with fixed thicknesses or on the basis of imposed digging rates. For option SWSediment=0.0 layer thicknesses are kept constant. The burial fluxes of sediment dry matter follows from: DR AF if Zj < Zf ixj then F digj = F outj + (Zf ixj − Zj ) × ρj × (1 − φj ) ∆t if Zj = Zf ixj then F digj = F outj and F out1 = Fres 1 F out2 = Fdig 1 where: F dig F out F res Z Zf ix ϕ ρ ∆t j digging flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] outflux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] resuspension flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] actual thickness of sediment layer [m] fixed thickness of sediment layer [m] porosity [−] density of sediment dry matter [g.m−3 ] b timestep in DELWAQ [d] index for sediment layer S1 or S2. For option SWSediment=1.0 layer the digging fluxes of sediment dry matter are described with zero-order kinetics according to: F digj = min (F dig0j , F dmax j ) Cdm2 F dmax 1 = A × ∆t F dmax 2 = ∞ Cdm2 = A × Z2 × ρ2 × (1 − φ2 ) where: Deltares 399 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual A Cdm F dig Fdig0 Fdmax Z ϕ ρ ∆t j surface area of overlying water compartment [m2 ] amount of sediment dry matter [gDM ] digging flux of sediment based on input parameters [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] zero-order digging flux of sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] maximal possible digging based on available sediment [gDM.m−2 .d−1 ] actual thickness of sediment layer [m] porosity [−] density of sediment dry matter (g.m−3 ) timestep in DELWAQ [d] index for sediment layer S1 or S2. b T The digging of inorganic sediment components, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate components, adsorbed phosphate, micro-pollutants and heavy metals in the sediment is dependent on the quality of an underlying sediment layer. Using an option parameter it is possible to allocate the quality of the layer itself or the quality of the underlying layer. Digging follows from: if SW Digj = 0.0 (quality of the layer itself) DR AF F digi,j = f si,j × f ri,j × F digj if SW Digj = 1.0 (quality of underlying layer) F digi,j = f si,j+1 × f ri,j+1 × F digj and Rdigi,j = F digi,j /H where: fr fs H F dig Rdig i j fraction of a component in sediment dry matter [gX.gDM −1 ] scaling factor [−] or [gX.gY −1 ] depth of the water column, thickness overlying water layer [m] digging flux of a component [gX.m−2 .d−1 ] digging rate of a component [gX.m−3 .d−1 ] index for component i index for sediment layer S1 or S2. b The ratio f s is a scaling factor that is equal to 1.0 for most substances. It is component specific for the organic nutrients, in fact the stochiometric ratio of N, P or Si in organic detritus. Directives for use 1 This transport process requires a lower boundary condition as to the composition of dry matter and the nutrient stoichiometry of detrital organic matter. However, this lower boundary condition only comes into effect when digging is included in the model. If only S1 substances are simulated, it is required to include process S2_COMP that provides the parameters for the boundary of S1, including FrDetCS2, FrOOCS2, N-CDETCS2, NCOOCS2, P-CDETCS2, P-COOCS2, S-CDETCS2, S-COOCS2 for organic matter. A realistic boundary requires that all relevant input parameters of S2_COMP are allocated an input value. If both S1 and S2 substances are simulated, the transport process uses its additional input parameters that define an S3 boundary. For organic matter this concerns FrDetCS3, FrOOCS3, FrDetNS3, FrOONS3, FrDetPS3, FrOOPS3, FrDetSiS3, FrOOSiS3, the weight fractions of the various components in dry matter of boundary S3. 400 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport DR AF T 2 T au can be simulated with process TAU. If not simulated or imposed Tau will have the default value -1.0, which implies that resuspension is not affected by the shear stress. 3 Resuspension does not occur, when Depth is smaller than minimal depth MinDepth for settling, which has a default value of 0.1 m. When desired MinDepth may be given a different value. 4 The resuspension module checks from which layer resuspension should take place: only if no mass is available in the uppermost layer (S1), resuspension can take place from the second layer (S2). It is assumed that mass in layer S1 protects layer S2 against resuspension in that timestep, even if the actual bottom shear stress exceeds the critical shear stress for bottom layer S2 (T au > TauCrS2DM ). 5 Dry matter as such is not a DELWAQ substance. Dry matter is calculated from all the substances which contributes to dry mass and are modelled. 6 Usually only the zeroth-order part of the resuspension formulation is used. 7 The scaling factor ScalCar is equal to 10−6 for organic micro-pollutants and heavy metals for the conversion from mgX.kgDM−1 to gX.gDM. By default ScalCar is equal to 1.0 for all other substances. 8 For both burial options, the user may want to define the fixed or maximum thickness of the layers as a function of time. This means that some burial can occur even if the settling rate and the user-defined burial rate are zero. This happens if the user-defined thickness decreases. 9 The option parameter SWDigS1 = 0.0 (default) leads to the allocation of the quality of layer S1 (f ri,1 , f si,1 ) to the digging flux for layer S1. This option should only be used if only S1 is simulated. The option parameter SWDigS2 = 0.0 (default) leads to the allocation of the quality of layer S2 (f ri,2 , f si,2 ) to the digging flux for layer S2. 10 The option parameter SWDigS1 = 1.0 leads to the allocation of the quality of underlying boundary layer S2 (f ri,2 , f si,2 ) to the digging flux for layer S1, which is logical when S1 and S2 are simulated both. The option parameter SWDigS2 = 1.0 leads to the allocation of the quality of underlying boundary layer S3 (f ri,3 , f si,3 ) to the digging flux for layer S2. Boundary S3 is not simulated but imposed. 11 The fluxes fResS1(i), fResS2(i), fBurS1(i), fBurS2(i), fDigS1(i), fDigS2(i) are available as additional output parameters [gX.m−2 .d−1 ]. References Krone (1962), Partheniades (1962) Table 13.5: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for S12TRA(i). Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units F burj F digj F resj fBur(i)DM3 fDig(i)DM3 fRes(i)DM3 burial flux of sediment from layer j digging flux of sediment to layer j resuspension flux of sediment from layer j gDM.m−2 .d−1 gDM.m−2 .d−1 gDM.m−2 .d−1 f ri,j Fr(i)(j) fraction of a component in sediment layer j for inorganic sediment components, microphytobenthos, detritus components, and AAP gX.gDM −1 f ri,j Q(i)DM(j) content in sediment layer j for organic micropollutants and heavy metals mgX.kgDM −1 continued on next page Deltares 401 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 13.5 – continued from previous page Name in input Definition Units f si,j N-CDetC(j) P-CDetC(j) S-CDetC(j) or N-COOC(j) P-COOC(j) S-COOC(j) ratio of DetN and DetC in sediment layer j ratio of DetP and DetC in sediment layer j ratio of DetSi and DetC in sediment layer j gN.gC −1 gP.gC −1 gSi.gC −1 ratio of OON and OOC in sediment layer j ratio of OOP and OOC in sediment layer j ratio of OOSi and OOC in sediment layer j gN.gC −1 gP.gC −1 gSi.gC −1 f si,j ScalCar scaling factor for all other components - H Depth depth of the overlying water compartment m SW Digj SWDig(j) option parameter, =0.0 quality of layer itself, =1.0 quality from underlying layer - DR AF T Name in formulas 1) (i) is equal to one of the components in sediment. 2) (j) is generally equal to S1 or S2, that represent the pertinent sediment layer. For f ri,j and f si,j (j) also concerns underlying boundary layer S3. 3) These fluxes are calculated by processes SUM_SEDIM, RES_DM, BUR_DM and DIG_DM. Table 13.6: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for RES_DM. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cdmj DM(j) amount of sediment dry matter in sediment layer j gDM ZResDM zero-order resuspension flux of sediment gDM.m−2 .d−1 Surf Depth MinDepth surface area of overlying water comp. depth of the overlying water compartment minimal water depth for resusp. and settling m2 m m VResDM first-order resuspension rate of sediment d−1 Tau shear stress Pa τ cj TaucR(j)DM critical shear stress for resusp. from sediment layer j Pa ∆t Delt timestep in DELWAQ d F res0 A H Hmin r τ 1)(j) is equal to S1 or S2, which represents the pertinent sediment layer 402 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Table 13.7: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for BUR_DM. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Fbur0 j ZBurDM(j) zero-order burial flux of sediment in layer j gDM.m−2 .d−1 Fset f SedDM 2) settling flux of sediment gDM.m−2 .d−1 Fres j fRes(j)DM resuspension flux of sediment gDM.m−2 .d−1 A Surf m2 Zj ActTh(j) Zf ixj FixTh(j) Zmaxj MaxTh(j) surface area of overlying water compartment actual thickness of sediment layer j fixed thickness of sediment layer j maximal thickness of sediment layer j fixed thickness of sediment layer j maximal thickness of sediment layer j maximal thickness of sediment layer j T DR AF rbj VBurDM(j) m first-order burial rate of sediment in layer j SW Sediment SWSediment option parameter, m m d−1 - =0.0 apply fixed layer thickness, =1.0 apply burial kinetics ϕj ρj ∆t 1) 2) Por(j) Rho(j) shear stress critical shear stress for resusp. from sediment layer j Pa Pa Delt timestep in DELWAQ d (j) is equal to S1 or S2, which represents the pertinent sediment layer fSedDM is calculated by process SUM_SEDIM Table 13.8: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for DIG_DM. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units F dig0j ZDigDM(j) zero-order digging flux of sediment in layer j gDM.m−2 .d−1 F res1 fResS1DM2 resuspension flux of sediment in layer 1 gDM.m−2 .d−1 A Zj Zfix j Surf ActTh(j) FixTh(j) surface area of overlying water comp. actual thickness of sediment layer j fixed thickness of sediment layer j m2 m m SWSedimentSWSediment option parameter, - =0.0 apply fixed layer thickness, =1.0 apply burial kinetics ϕj Por(j) shear stress Pa continued on next page Deltares 403 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 13.8 – continued from previous page Name in formulas ρj Name in input Rho(j) ∆t Delt 1) Units critical shear stress for resusp. from sediment layer j Pa timestep in DELWAQ d (j) is equal to S1 or S2, which represents the pertinent sediment layer fResS1DM is calculated by process RES_DM. DR AF T 2) Definition 404 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Calculation of horizontal flow velocity PROCESS : VELOC This process calculates the horizontal flow velocity in a segment. It is assumed that per segment in at most two horizontal directions mass-flows of water are known. These directions are assumed to be perpendicular to each other. In each direction the two flow velocities are averaged. Next the horizontal flow velocity is calculated using Pythagoras’ theorem, the minimum or the maximum from the two directions. T To account for model grids that are not aligned to the coordinate system, two parameters for the grid orientation are available (see the table). Also the contributions in each directions may be weighed differently – as the arithmetic mean of the velocities per exchange, weighed by the flow rate or the area or using the maximum velocity value. Formulation DR AF 13.5 V elocAvg1 = F low1,1 Area1,1 F low2,1 Area2,1 + 2 + F low1,2 Area1,2 F low2,2 Area2,2 V elocAvg2 = 2 q V eloc = V elocAvg12 + V elocAvg22 where F low1,1 horizontal "from"-flow direction 1 [m3 s−1 ] F low1,2 horizontal "to"-flow direction 1 [m3 s−1 ] F low2,1 horizontal "from"-flow direction 2 [m3 s−1 ] F low2,2 horizontal "to"-flow direction 2 [m3 s−1 ] Area1,1 horizontal "from"-area direction 1 [m2 ] Area1,2 horizontal "to"-area direction 1 [m2 ] Area2,1 horizontal "from"-area direction 2 [m2 ] Area2,2 horizontal "to"-area direction 2 [m2 ] V elocAvg1 average horizontal flow velocity direction 1 [m s−1 ] V elocAvg2 average horizontal flow velocity direction 2 [m s−1 ] V eloc average horizontal flow velocity [m s−1 ] Deltares 405 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Directives for use The process VELOC uses flows in the horizontal direction and therefore is only applicable if one of both of the horizontal (1st and 2nd) directions are available (1DH, 2DH, 2DV, 3D). Note: The computed flow velocity is not identical to the one that would have been computed by Delft3D-FLOW. As a result, artificial peaks may occur near shallow areas. If you use this velocity to estimate the shear stress for sediment transport, this causes large erosion fluxes. It is better, if possible, to rely on the shear stresses as computed by the hydrodynamic model. Table 13.9: Definitions of the input and output parameters for VELOC Name in output Definition Units – Orient1 ◦ – Orient2 V elocmax M axV eloc Angle of the main positive flow direction with the x-axis Angle of the secondary positive flow direction (both optional) Maximum velocity (useful to "clip" spurious results) Weighing method: 1 – linear average, 2 – weighed by flow rate 3 – weighed by area, 4 – maximum contribution Method for determining the velocity magnitude: 1 – Pythagoras, 2 – maximum, 3 – minimum Velocity magnitude Direction of the flow velocity Velocity component in main direction Velocity component in secondary direction ms−1 – V eloc – DR AF – T Name in formulas V elocAvg1 V elocAvg2 406 of 464 SW CalcV elo SW AvgV elo V elocity F lowDir V eloc1 V eloc2 ◦ ms−1 [-] [-] [-] [-] ◦ ms−1 ms−1 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Calculation of the Chézy coefficient PROCESS : CHEZY Implementation This process calculates the Chézy coefficient based on the Manning coefficient or Nikuradse roughness length. For 3D calculations a corrected coefficient is calculated. Formulation Depth-averaged Velocities 1. White-Colebrook H = 18 log 12 ks T Two methods have been implemented to calculate the Chézy coefficient for depth averaged velocities. DR AF 13.6 C2D C2D H ks 10 (13.1) Chézy coefficient for depth averaged conditions [m1/2 s−1 ] water depth [m] Nikuradse roughness length scale [m] 2. Manning (default) √ 6 C2D = C2D H n H n Chézy coefficient [m1/2 s−1 ] total depth of water column (segment depth) [m] Manning coefficient [m−1/3 s] Three-dimensional Velocity Under the requirement that the depth-averaged velocity of 3D computations equals the velocities obtained with the 2DH model the Chézy coefficient can de derived as follows: Roughness height z0 of the bed: κ C − 1+ √2D g z0 = H e (13.2) with z0 H κ g C2D Deltares roughness height of the bed [m] depth of the entire water column [m] 0.41 - Von Kármán coefficient [-] 9.811 - gravity constant [m s−2 ] Chézy coefficient for 2D using the segment depth [m1/2 s−1 ] 407 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Chézy coefficient for three-dimensional velocities √ C3D g hb /2 ln 1 + = κ z0 Chézy coefficient in case of 3D velocities [m1/2 s−1 ] depth of the computational layer at the bed [m] 0.41 - Von Kármán coefficient [-] 9.811 - gravity constant [m s−2 ] roughness height of the bed [m] C3D hb κ g z0 T Directives for use Chézy is sometimes available from hydrodynamical models (e.g. from Delft3D-FLOW Delft3D-FLOW UM (2013)). For the three-dimensional case, the conversion from C2D to C3D is done within the CALTAU process, not the CHEZY process. This parameter is not output from the process. DR AF Additional references Delft3D-FLOW UM (2013) Table 13.10: Definitions of the input and output parameters for CHEZY Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units ks n hb H SwChezy Rough M anncoef Depth T otalDepth SwChezy Nikuradse roughness length Manning coefficient Thickness of the segment (near the bed) Depth of the entire water column Choice for White-Colebrook or Manning m m−1/3 s m m [-] C2D CHEZY Two-dimensional Chézy coefficient m1/2 s−1 408 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Waves PROCESS : WAVE Formulations The computation of the shear stress from wind generated waves uses three wave parameters: the wave height H , the wave period T and the wave length L. They are calculated as follows (Groen and Dorrestein, 1976; Holthuijsen, 1980): g = 9.8 ρl = 1000 T if InitDepth ≤ 0 : InitDepth = TotalDepth g × F etch vW ind2 g × InitDepth dS = vW ind2 FS = DR AF 13.7 HS = 0.24 × tanh(0.71 × d0.763 ) S × tanh 0.015 × FS 0.45 tanh(0.71 × dS 0.763 ) HS × W ind2 H= g TS = 2π × tanh(0.855 × dS 0.365 ) tanh 0.0345 × FS 0.37 tanh(0.855 × dS 0.365 ) TS × W ind g 2 gT 2π × InitDepth L= tanh 2π L0 T = with FS standardized fetch [-] TotalDepth total water depth [m] InitDepth water depth were waves are generated [m] dS significant depth [-] HS significant wave height [-] TS significant wave period [-] The wave length L can be calculated by a one-step iteration: L0 = Deltares gT 2 2π 409 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual The wave length L, wave period T and water depth h satisfy the dispersion relation: 2π T 2π k= L ω 2 = gk tanh(k × T otalDepth) ω= with ω k T radial frequency [1/s] wave number [1/m] DR AF Directives for use By default the depth at the origin of the wave (InitDepth) equals the actual depth (TotalDepth), because the default value for InitDepth is −1. InitDepth and Fetch can be determined from the wind direction by the processes WDepth and WFetch. This process can be active for non-layered and multi-layer models. The fact that the water column is modelled in layers does not affect the result. Table 13.11: Definitions of the input and output parameters for WAVE Name in formulas Definition Units vW ind V W ind F etch F etch InitDepth InitDepth T otalDepthT otalDepth Wind velocity Fetch length Depth where the waves originate Depth of the entire water column (if InitDepth = -1) ms1 m m m H L T Significant wave height Significant wave length Significant wave period m m s 410 of 464 Name in output W aveHeight W aveLength W aveP eriod Deltares Sediment and mass transport Calculation of wind fetch and wave initial depth PROCESS : WDEPTH, WFETCH The wind fetch (F etch) and the wave initial depth (InitDepth) at which the waves have been created can be provided by you as a (block) function of the wind direction. Implementation Formulations Assume W inDir0 = 0◦ For W inDiri−1 < W indDir ≤ W inDiri F etch = W F etch_i InitDepth = W Depth_i with T This process is implemented for the characteristics F etch and InitDepth, determining the forming of waves. DR AF 13.8 W indDir actual wind direction [degr] W inDiri wind direction of data pair i [degr] W F etchi fetch of data pair i [m] W Depthi wave initial depth of data pair i [m] Directives for use A minimum of two data pairs and a maximum of eigth data pairs should be provided. The first data pair applies to wind directions between 0◦ and W inDir1 , the second between W inDir1 and W inDir2 , etc. The last data pair provided by you applies to all wind direction ranging from the one but last provided W inDiri−1 to 360◦ . The wind direction is defined as the angle relative to north of the direction where the wind is coming from, while the flow direction is defined as the angle of the direction where the water is going to. Table 13.12: Definitions of the input and output parameters for WDEPTH. (i) runs from 1 to 8. Only the input parameters for (i) is 1 and 2 are required. Name in formulas Definition Units W indDir W indDir W Depth( i)W Depth( i) W inDir( i) W inDir( i) Actual direction of the wind Depth for wind from direction (i) Direction (i) for wind ◦ InitDepth InitDepth Depth to be used for wave parameters m Deltares Name in output m ◦ 411 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 13.13: Definitions of the input and output parameters for WFETCH. (i) runs from 1 to 8. Only the input parameters for (i) is 1 and 2 are required. Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units W indDir W indDir W F etch( i) W F etch( i) W inDir( i) W inDir( i) Actual direction of the wind Fetch length for wind from direction (i) Direction (i) for wind ◦ F etch Fetch length used for wave parameters m ◦ DR AF T F etch m 412 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport Calculation of bottom shear stress PROCESS : CALTAU Implementation The bottom shear stress is calculated as the sum of the shear stress caused by waves, flow and ship movements. If the directions of the flow (FlowDir) and the wind (WindDir) are supplied the wind and flow stresses are summed as vectors, otherwise as scalars. The stress by ship movements is always added as a scalar as it is assumed to be independent of direction. τ = τwind + τf low + τship T Formulations Bed shear stress due to flow (used if the switch SW T auV eloc is set to 1, the default – see below): τf low = ρl × g × V elocity 2 Chezy 2 DR AF 13.9 The Chézy coefficients is either user input or can be calculated by the process CHEZY. Bed shear stress due to wave friction, time averaged over half a wave period: 1 2 τwind = ρl fw Ubg,max 4 Ubg,max = T sinh 2π ω= T Ubg,max Ag = ω πH 2π×T otalDepth L Ag [m] is the peak value of the horizontal displacement at the bottom. s τ × Chezy 2 CalV elT au = ρl × g The wave parameters H , T and L are input items, which can be calculated by process WAVE. The wave height H is limited according to (Nelson, 1983): H = min(0.55 × T otalDepth, H) The wave friction factor fw can be calculated according to Tamminga (1987); Swart (1974) or Soulsby (1997). Deltares 413 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual SWTau = 1 (Tamminga, 1987): s fw = 0.16 Rough Ubg,max × T /2π SWTau = 2 (Swart, 1974): r= H 2 × Rough × sinh( 2π×T otalDepth ) L fw = 0.00251 exp(5.213r−0.19 ) else DR AF fw = 0.32 T if r > π/2 then SWTau = 3 (Soulsby, 1997): r= H ) 2 × Rough × sinh( 2π×T otalDepth L fw = 0.237r−0.52 SW T au SW T auV eloc τ τwind τf low τship V eloc Ubg,max Rough g ρl H T L Fw T auF low switch to calculate the wave fraction factor [-] switch to calculate the bottom shear stress due to flow from the flow velocity or rely on T auF low instead [-] bottom shear stress [N m−2 ]=[Pa] part of bottom shear stress caused by wind [Pa] part of bottom shear stress caused by flow velocity [Pa] part of bottom shear stress defined by you, e.g. to describe the effect of ships [Pa] flow velocity [m s−1 ] amplitude of the wave orbital velocity [m s−1 ] Nikuradse bottom roughness length scale, calculated from the Chézy coefficient via the inverse of Eq. (13.1) [m] acceleration of gravity [m s−2 ] density of water [kg m−3 ] wave height [m] wave period [s] wave length [m] wave (friction) factor [-] bottom shear stress due to flow (used only if SW T auV eloc is set to 2) [-] Directives for use The bottom shear stress is sometimes available from hydrodynamic models. If so, you can set the switch SW T auV eloc to 2. The component of the shear stress due to the flow velocity is then taken from the input parameter TauFlow. 414 of 464 Deltares Sediment and mass transport The process is meant to combine the contributions to the bottom shear stress from various sources. If a hydrodynamic model provides a bottom shear stress that incorporates the contribution from surface waves already, then you should take care not to add the wave component via this process. (For instance you could put the shear stress as available from the hydrodynamic model into the input parameter T au directly and not use this process at all.) Table 13.14: Definitions of the input and output parameters for CALTAU Name in output Definition Units Chezy Depth T otalDepth V elocity H L T τf low τship SW T au Chezy Depth T otalDepth V elocity W aveHeight W aveLength W aveP eriod T auF low T auShip SW T au Chezy coefficient Thickness of the segment (near the bed) Total water depth Flow velocity Significant wave height Significant wave length Significant wave period Shear stress due to flow Shear stress due to ships Switch for determining the wave roughness Switch for using flow velocity or given flow shear stress m−1/2 s−1 m m ms1 m m s Pa Pa [-] Total shear stress Shear stress due to flow velocity Shear stress due to wind Velocity as derived from the total shear stress Total shear stress Pa Pa Pa ms−1 DR AF T Name in formulas SW T auV elocSW T auV eloc τ τveloc τwind CalV elT au T au T auV eloc T auW ind CalV elT au τ T au Deltares [-] [-] 415 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Computation of horizontal dispersion PROCESS : HD ISPERV EL Sometimes it is convenient to relate the horizontal dispersion to the flow velocity, for instance in river systems or if the horizontal grid cells are too large to resolve important variations in the flow field. The process HDisperVel estimates a horizontal dispersion coefficient to the flow velocity via the following basic formula: T DH = aV b H c + DH,background Formulations The actual formulation is more versatile than shown above: The horizontal dispersion coefficient is limited to a range (DH,min , DH,max ). The flow velocity is determined from the available flow rate and the area per exchange. DR AF 13.10 The formulation used is: |f low/area|, if area > 10−10 velocity = 0 otherwise Df acta × velocity Df actb × T otalDepthDf actc + Dback horzdisp = max(min(horzdisp, Dmax ), Dmin ) Table 13.15: Definitions of the input and output parameters for HDISPERVEL Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units f low f low Flow rate at exchange (automatically available) Area at exchange (automatically available) Factor a in dispersion calculation Factor b in dispersion calculation Factor c in dispersion calculation Background dispersion coefficient Minimum dispersion coefficient to be used Maximum dispersion coefficient to be used Mean total depth at the segments on either side of the exchange m3 s−1 Computed horizontal dispersion coefficient at exchange m2 s−1 area Df acta Df actb Df actc Dback Dmin Dmax T otalDepth area Df acta Df actb Df actc Dback Dmin Dmax T otalDepth horzdisp horzdisp 416 of 464 m2 [-] [-] [-] m2 s−1 m2 s−1 m2 s−1 m Deltares Sediment and mass transport Computation of horizontal dispersion (one-dimension) PROCESS : H ORZ D ISPER Sometimes it is convenient to relate the horizontal dispersion to the flow velocity, for instance in network systems. Because the representative flow velocity may not be simply related to the flow rate and the wet area per exchange, you have to specify the velocity explicitly. Furthermore the width and the bottom roughness of the channel are taken into account. The process HorzDisper estimates a horizontal dispersion coefficient from the given flow velocity, width and roughness via the following basic formula: T αV W 2 DH = p H g/C 2 Formulations The formulation using the names of the coefficients is: DR AF 13.11 V elocity × W idth2 × Chezy DH = DispConst × √ T otalDepth × g V elocity W idth T otalDepth Chezy DispConst g mean of the specified flow velocity at the segments on both sides of the exchange [m/s] mean of the specified width at the segments on both sides of the exchange [m] mean of the total depth at the segments on both sides of the exchange [m] mean of the Chézy coefficients segments on both sides of the exchange [m1/2 /s] horizontal dispersion coefficient (again specified at the segments and averaged) [-] gravitational acceleration (fixed at 9.81) [m/s2 ] Table 13.16: Definitions of the input and output parameters for HORZDISP Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units V elocity W idth Chezy T otalDepth DispConst – V elocity W idth Chezy T otalDepth DispConst HorzDispM x Magnitude of the flow velocity Width of the segments Chezy coefficient Total water depth Coefficient for the horizontal dispersion Maximum value for the dispersion coefficient m−1 m m−1/2 s−1 m2 s−1 ms1 m2 s−1 DH HorzDisp Calculated value for the dispersion coefficient m2 s−1 Deltares 417 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Allocation of dispersion from segment to exchange PROCESS : VERTDISP This process converts values available within the computational segments to values on the exchanges (contact surfaces) between two computational segments, in the third vertical direction only. Implementation The process is implemented for Vertical Dispersion. T Formulation The process copies the value in the from segment of every exchange to the value at the exchange area. In the current version no checks are implemented to verify whether the from segment is indeed a real segment and not a boundary. This is not a problem if the process is used in Delft3D. DR AF 13.12 Directives for use Be aware of the fact that this process only acts in the third direction, and that it does not check for boundary segments. Table 13.17: Definitions of the input and output parameters for VERTDISP Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units – – V ertDisper ScaleV disp Vertical dispersion at segment level Scale factor that is applied (defaults to 1) m2 s−1 [-] V ertDisp Computed changes m2 s−1 – 418 of 464 vertical dispersion at ex- Deltares Sediment and mass transport Conversion of segment variable to exchange variable PROCESS : S2X_RHO This process calculates the value of segment related variables at an exchange area by linear interpolation. Implementation This process is implemented for the variable RhoWater. V arExc = V arF rom + where T Formulation V arT o − V arF rom × XLenF rom XLenT o + XLenF rom DR AF 13.13 VarExc value of a segment-related variable at the exchange area RhoExc : density of water [kg m−3 ] XLenFrom DELWAQ "from"-length [m] XLenTo DELWAQ "to"-length [m] VarFrom value of segment-related variable in "from"-segment RhoWater density of water [kg m−3 ] VarTo value of segment-related variable in "to"-segment RhoWater density of water [kg m−3 ] Directives for use This process can be active if the third direction is defined. Deltares 419 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Conversion of exchange variable to segment variable PROCESS : RHOEXTOS, RHOGRTOS, VDISPTOS, VGRDTOS This process converts values available on the exchanges (contact surfaces) between two computational segments to values within the computational segments in the third vertical direction only! Implementation Formulation T The process is implemented for the Density, for the Density Gradient, for the Vertical Dispersion and for the Velocity Gradient. The process copies the value at the exchange area between two segments to both the from segment and the to segment of the exchange, if they do not represent a boundary. This is done for the third (vertical) direction only. DR AF 13.14 Directives for use The results of the current version depend on the order of the exchanges in the pointer table. Every segment gets two times a value: from the exchange where it is the from segment and from the exchange where it is the to segment. The one that occurs last in the pointer table determines the outcome. No averaging is performed. 420 of 464 Deltares 14 Temperature Contents 14.1 Calculation of water temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 DR AF T 14.2 Calculation of temperature for flats run dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 Deltares 421 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of water temperature PROCESS : TEMPERATUR The water temperature can be modelled in two ways, one representing the absolute water temperature and the other representing the excess water temperature (surplus above an ambient background temperature). Implementation This process is implemented for TEMPERATURE only. Formulation T The water temperature process regulates the heat gain and loss of the water phase to the atmosphere. The process takes into account evaporation, re-aeration and the influence of wind on this process. The process is based on a relation for the heat exchange coefficient by Sweers (1976) DR AF 14.1 If SwitchT emp = 0 the modelled temperature is the absolute temperature, in this case: T = M odT emp SurT emp = T − N atT emp If SwitchT emp = 1 the modelled temperature is the surplus temperature, in this case: SurT emp = M odT emp T = SurT emp + N atT emp The calculation of the heat exchange is in both cases: dM odT emp = −RcHeat × F actRcHeat × Surtemp + ZHeatExch 4.48 + 0.049 × T + Fwind × (1.12 + 0.018 × T + 0.00158 × T 2 ) × 86400 RcHeat = Cp × ρw × Depth ρw = 1000.0 − 0.088 × T Fwind = 0.75 × (3.5 + 2.05 × Vwind ) where M odT emp SwitchT emp SurT emp T N atT emp Depth Vwind Cp RcHeat F actRcHeat ρw ZHeatExch dM odT emp 422 of 464 modelled temperature [◦ C] switch modelled temperature is absolute (0) or surplus (1) [-] surplus temperature [◦ C] ambient water temperature [◦ C] ambient natural background water temperature [◦ C] depth of a DELWAQ segment [m] wind velocity [m s−1 ] specific heat of water [J kg−1 ◦ C−1 ] rate constant for surplus temperature exchange [d−1 ] factor on rate constant for surplus temperature exchange [-] density of water at ambient water temperature [kg m−3 ] zeroth order temperature exchange flux [◦ C d−1 ] temperature exchange flux [◦ C d−1 ] Deltares Temperature Directives for use The maximum value the temperature exchange flux can reach is limited to the amount of surplus temperature present (−SurT emp/∆t). DR AF T If surplus temperature is modelled the ambient natural background temperature must be supplied as a constant value in time and place. Variable background temperature would lead to an error in the energy balance of the system. Deltares 423 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of temperature for flats run dry PROCESS : TEMPERATUR The temperature of mud- and sandflats in intertidal water systems can deviate strongly from the water temperature during periods of emersion. The temperature increase on the flats can be over 10 ◦ C. The rate of temperature increase can be as high as 3 ◦ C per hour. The difference in temperature is to be accounted for in the rates of various biological processes, the processes to which microphytobenthos is subjected in particular. The current simulation of the temperature on flats is based on strongly simplified formulations, reflecting an pragmatic estimation method that does not involve energy budget calculations. water temperature; air temperature; solar radiation; back radiation; windspeed and relative air humidity; quantity and temperature of precipitation; and duration of the emersion period. T In principle, the temperature on a “run-dry” flat is a function of: DR AF 14.2 The following simplications are applied to the formulations in the model in order to incorporate the various contributions to the temperature on the dry flat. The temperature in the upper layer of a flat attains the air temperature within a short period. Therefore, the air temperature is assigned to the top of a flat from the onset of a run-dry period. Relative to the air temperature a further adjustment of the temperature is made according to a gradual increase due to solar radiation and an instantaneous constant decrease due to evaporation. Using the actual solar radiation intensity the temperature increase is scaled on the basis of a maximal increase. The effect of reflection dependent on sediment properties is implicit. The additional effects of back radiation and precipitation are generally small and incidental. These effects are ignored. Water temperature is restored at the submersion of the flat. The actual solar radiation intensity is derived from the daily radiation and the daylength in an auxiliary process DAYRAD. The water and air temperatures are input into the model. Implementation The “temperature at dry flats” process has been implemented as an additional, optional process in the generic process TEMPERATUR, that calculates the temperature of segments on the basis of the selected option. Several options are available. The additional process can be applied to the toplayer(s) of the sediment. The process can be made inactive using the option parameter SW T empDF (default 0.0 = inactive; 1.0 = active). The process modifies the input parameter T emp. Table 14.1 provides the definitions of the parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation In a first step the model checks whether emersion has taken place. The switch parameter SW emersion is set (0.0 = submersion, 1.0 = emersion) according to auxiliary process 424 of 464 Deltares Temperature EMERSION. In a second step the model identifies segments as water, top sediment layers and deeper sediment layers. The top sediment layers belong to the upper sediment layer in which the temperature adjusts to emersion. The thickness of this layer is Hst. In the case of submersion of a certain segment the water temperature T emp is not modified. This temperature is assigned to both the water segment concerned and all underlying sediment segments. In the case of emersion of a certain segment the water temperature T emp is modified for the top sediment layers above Hst. The water segments and the deeper sediment layers are assigned water temperature T emp. The temperature of the top sediment layers is adjusted as follows: with: (14.1) ∆T rad = ∆T req T and DR AF T ts = T a + ∆T rad − ∆T ev ∆T rad = ∆t × RT rad + ∆T rad0 I RT rad = RT rmax × Imax I ∆T req = ∆T rmax × Imax T = T ts I Imax T Ta T ts RT rad RT rmax ∆t ∆T ev ∆T rad ∆T rad0 ∆T req ∆T rmax solar radiation intensity [W m−2 ] maximal solar radiation intensity [W m−2 ] temperature [◦ C] air temperature [◦ C] top sediment temperature in run-dry segments [◦ C] rate of temperature increase due to solar radiation [◦ C d−1 ] maximal rate of temperature increase due to solar radiation [◦ C d−1 ] timestep [d] temperature decrease due to evaporation [◦ C] temperature increase due to solar radiation [◦ C] temperature increase due to solar radiation in the previous timestep [◦ C] equilibrium temperature increase due to solar radiation [◦ C] maximal temperature increase due to solar radiation [◦ C] Directives for use The formulations have been designed in such a way, that all contributions to the temperature can be manipulated by the user. The shortcomings of the strongly simplified formulations can be compensated as much as possible by appropriate quantification of the input parameters. Additional references Guarini et al. (2000) Deltares 425 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual T Table 14.1: Definitions of the parameters in the above equations for TEMPERATUR. Name in input/output Definition Hst T hSedDT thickness top sed. layer subjected to temp. change DR AF Name in formulas Units m DayRadSurf solar radiation intensity RadM ax maximal solar radiation intensity W m−2 W m−2 RT radM ax maximal rate of temp. increase due to solar rad. ◦ SW emersion SW emersion switch that determines emersion or - I Imax RT rmax submersion switch that (de)activates modification of temperature (default 0 = inactive; 1 = active) C d−1 SW T empDF SW T empDF T Ta T st T emp N atT emp M odT emp actual temperature air temperature top sediment temperature ◦ Delt DelT ev timestep temperature decrease due to evaporation maximal temperature increase due to solar radiation d ◦ C ∆t ∆T ev ∆T rmax 426 of 464 DelRadM ax - C C ◦ C ◦ ◦ C Deltares 15 Various auxiliary processes Contents 15.1 Computation of aggregate substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 15.2 Computation of the sediment composition (S1/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 15.3 Allocation of diffusive and atmospheric loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 15.4 Calculation of the depth of water column or water layer . . . . . . . . . . . 438 15.5 Calculation of horizontal surface area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 15.6 Calculation of gradients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 15.7 Calculation of residence time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 15.8 Calculation of age of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 DR AF T 15.9 Inspecting the attributes Deltares 427 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Computation of aggregate substances PROCESS : COMPOS The simulated substances for detrital organic matter and algae biomass do not provide all essential information to interprete and assess simulation output. The auxiliary process COMPOS provides the additional parameters needed. This concerns the nutrient composition of particulate detritus and parameters that represent organic matter and total matter as measured. T The nutrient composition of particulate detritus is used in the model to simulate the settling of organic nutrients (N, P, S) in particulate detritus, since these fluxes are computed relative to the detritus carbon settling flux. Process COMPOS computes the stochiometric ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and silicon in the individual detritus fractions for this purpose. Process COMPOS also delivers the total particulate matter, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon and sulfur concentrations, the Kjeldahl-N concentration, and the concentrations of a number of other aggregate substances. The total particulate concentrations are computed with and without algae biomass. DR AF 15.1 Volume units refer to bulk ( ) or to water ( ). b w Implementation The process has been implemented for the following substances: simulated substances NO3, NH4, PO4, AAP, VIVP, APATP, Si, OPAL, SO4, SUD, SUP, POC1, PON1, POP1, POS1, POC2, PON2, POP2, POS2, POC3, PON3, POP3, POS3, POC4, PON4, POP4, POS4, DOC, DON, DOP, DOS, IM1, IM2 and IM3 auxiliary substances Phyt, AlgN, AlgP, AlgSi, AlgS and AlgDM The process does not directly influence state variables, since they do not generate mass fluxes. It is generic, so that it applies to water as well sediment layers. Table 15.1 provides the definitions of the output parameters as related to the formulations. Formulation The individual stochiometric nutrient ratios follow from: Coci Coni Coci api = Copi Coci asi = Cosi ani = where: an ap as Coc 428 of 464 stochiometric ratio of carbon and nitrogen in organic matter [gC gN−1 ] stochiometric ratio of carbon and phosphorus in organic matter [gC gP−1 ] stochiometric ratio of carbon and sulfur in organic matter [gC gS−1 ] concentration of detritus carbon [gC m−3 ] b Deltares Various auxiliary processes concentration of detritus nitrogen [gN m−3 ] concentration of detritus phosphorus [gP m−3 ] Con Cop Cos i b b −3 concentration of detritus sulfur [gS m ] index for the particulate detritus fraction [-] b The total particulate detritus pools follow from: Cpon = Cpop = i=1 4 X i=1 4 X i=1 4 X i=1 4 X Coci Coni Copi Cosi DR AF Cpos = 4 X T Cpoc = Cpom = (f dmi × Coci ) i=1 where: Cpoc Cpon Cpop Cpos Cpom f dm i concentration of total particulate detritus carbon [gC m−3 ] b −3 concentration of total particulate detritus nitrogen [gN m ] b −3 concentration of total particulate detritus phosphorus [gP m ] b concentration of total particulate detritus sulfur [gS m−3 ] b concentration of total particulate detritus dry matter [gC m−3 ] dry matter conversion factor [gDM gC−1 ] index for the particulate detritus fraction [-] b The concentration of total inorganic sediment follows from: Ctim = 3 X (f idmj × Cimj ) j=1 where: Cim Ctim f idm j concentration of inorganic sediment fraction [gDM m−3 ] concentration of total inorganic dry matter [gDM m−3 ] dry matter ratio of inorganic sediment fraction [gDM gDM−1 ] index for the inorganic sediment fraction [-] b b The other ”total” concentrations arise from summing the various simulated substances as follows: P OC = Cpoc + P hyt T OC = P OC + DOC Deltares 429 of 464 P ON T ON KjelN DIN T OT N = Cpon + AlgN = P ON + DON = T ON + N H4 = N H4 + N O3 = T ON + DIN P OP T OP P IP T OT P = Cpop + AlgP = P OP + DOP = AAP + V IV P + AP AT P = T OP + P O4 + P IP P OS = Cpos + AlgS T OS = P OS + DOS T OT S = T OS + SO4 + SU D + SU P DR AF T OT Si = AlgSi + Opal + Si T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual T P M noa = Ctim + Cpom T P M = SS = T P M noa + AlgDM Directives for use The input parameters are the concentrations of the modelled substances and auxiliary substances mentioned under section ”Implementation”, plus the dry matter carbon ratios (fdm) of the particulate detritus fractions (DmCf P OC1, DmCf P OC2, DmCf P OC3, DmCf P OC4, default = 2.5) and the dry matter ratio (fidm) of the inorganic sediment fractions (DM CF IM 1, DM CF IM 2, DM CF IM 3, default = 1.0). Sulfur in algae biomass is not taken into account in the case of DYNAMO. T OT S is not defined for the modelling of substances FeS and FeS2. 430 of 464 Deltares Various auxiliary processes Table 15.1: Definitions of the output parameters for COMPOS. (i) is POC1, POC2, POC3 or POC4. Name in formulas Name in output Definition Units ani C − N (i) gC gN−1 api C − P (i) asi C − S(i) stoch. ratio of carbon and nitrogen detr. fraction i stoch. ratio of carbon and phosphorus in detritus fraction i stoch. ratio of carbon and sulfur in detritus fraction i T OC P OC P OM Cpoc T OC P OC P OM P OCnoa concentration total organic carbon gC m−3 gC gP−1 T gC gS−1 conc. total part. organic carbon b −3 gC m b −3 conc. total part. dry matter gDM m conc. total total part. org. carbon without algae gC m−3 b b P OM noa conc. total part. dry matter without algae gDM m−3 T OT N T ON P ON Cpon T OT N T ON P ON P ON noa concentration total nitrogen gN m−3 conc. total organic nitrogen −3 DIN KjelN DR AF Cpom gN m b gN m conc. total part. org. nitrogen without algae gN m−3 DIN KjelN conc. total diss. inorganic nitrogen gN m−3 conc. total Kjeldahl nitrogen gN m T OT P T OP P OP Cpop T OT P T OP P OP P OP noa concentration total phosphorus gP m−3 conc. total organic phosphorus −3 gP m conc. total part. org. phosphorus gP m−3 conc. total part. org. phosphorus without algae gP m P IP P IP conc. total part. inorg. phosphorus gP m−3 T OT S T OS P OS Cpos T OT S T OS P OS P OSnoa conc. total sulfur gS m−3 T OT Si T MP Ctim T MP T M P noa Deltares b −3 conc. total part. organic nitrogen conc. total organic sulfur b b b −3 b b b b −3 b b b −3 gS m b −3 conc. total part. organic sulfur gS m conc. total part. org. sulfur without algae gS m−3 T OT Si concentration total silicon gSi m−3 SS T IM T MP T M P noa conc. total (susp.) sediment (solids) gDM m−3 conc. total inorganic sediment conc. total part. matter with algae conc. total part. matter without algae b b b b gDM m −3 gDM m −3 gDM m −3 b b b b 431 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Computation of the sediment composition (S1/2) PROCESS : S1/2_COMP The composition of the sediment is important information for evaluation of the results of water quality simulations. The composition of sediment layers S1 is also used in the model to simulate the burial of organic matter and nutrients (N, P, Si), since these fluxes are computed relative to the sediment dry matter resuspension, burial and digging fluxes. For this purpose the quantities of simulated substances, the fractions of major compo¬nents of dry matter and the carbon-nutrient ratios for detritus are calculated. T Processes S1_COMP and S2_COMP calculate the total amount of dry matter in a sediment layer and some major components, the thickness of the sediment layer, and the overall dry matter density. The dry matter composition is expressed in fractions of total inorganic matter, total particulate organic carbon in detritus and total carbon in phyto-plankton biomass. Additionally the processes deliver the amounts of all simulated substances on the basis of g m−2 . DR AF 15.2 Implementation In principle processes S1_COMP and S2_COMP can be combined with all phytoplankton and microphytobenthos modules. The processes have been implemented for the following substances: IM1S1, IM2S1, IM3S1, DETCS1, DETNS1, DETPS1, DETSiS1, OOCS1, OONS1, OOPS1, OOSiS1, AAPS1, DiatS1; and IM1S2, IM2S2, IM3S2, DETCS2, DETNS2, DETPS2, DETSiS2, OOCS2, OONS2, OOPS2, OOSiS2, AAPS2, DiatS2. The processes do not directly influence state variables, since they do not generate mass fluxes. Tables 15.2 and 15.3 provide the definitions of the input and output parameters occurring in the formulations. Formulation The total amount of dry matter and the fractions of its major components in the sediment layer S1 or S2 follow from: M dmk = n X (f dmi,k × M xi,k ) l=1 M xi,k M dmk M phak f rphak = M dmk f rxi,k = where: M dm M pha Mx f dm f rpha 432 of 464 total amount of dry matter in a layer [gDM] amount of adsorbed phophate in a layer [gP] amount of substance x in a layer [gX] dry matter conversion factor [gDM gDM−1 , gDM gC−1 ] weight fraction of adsorbed phosphate in dry matter [gP gDM−1 ] Deltares Various auxiliary processes f rx i k n weight fractions of major components in dry matter [gX gDM−1 ] index for major components in the sediment [-] index for sediment layer S1 or S2 [-] number of major components that contribute to dry matter [-], n = 6, including IM1S1/2, IM2S1/2, IM3S1/2, DETCS1/2, OOCS1/2 and DiatS1/2 The individual stochiometric nutrient ratios are computed according to: ani,k = M oci,k M oni,k api,k = M oci,k M opi,k M oci,k M osii,k T asii,k = where: stochiometric ratio of carbon over nitrogen in detritus fraction k [gC gN−1 ] stochiometric ratio of carbon over phosphorus in detritus fraction k [gC gP−1 ] stochiometric ratio of carbon over silicon in detritus fraction k [gC gSi−1 ] amount of carbon in particulate detritus fraction k [gC] amount of nitrogen in particulate detritus fraction k [gN m−3 ] amount of phosphorus in particulate detritus fraction k [gP m−3 ] DR AF an ap asi M oc M on M op M osi i k b b amount of silicon in particulate detritus fraction k [gSi m−3 ] index for particulate detritus fractions [-] index for sediment layer S1 or S2 [-] b The total amounts of major components in the sediment layer S1 or S2 are: 3 X M imtk = (M imj,k ) j=1 M octk = 2 X (M oci,k ) i=1 M algtk = n X (M algl,k ) l=1 M pomk = n X l=1 (f dml × M algl ) + 2 X (f dmi × M oci,k ) i=1 where: f dm M alg M algt M im M imt M oct M pom i j Deltares dry matter conversion factor [gDM gC−1 ] amount of biomass of algae species [gC] total amount of algae biomass [gC] amount of a sediment inorganic matter fraction [gDW] total amount of sediment inorganic matter [gDW] total amount of carbon in particulate detritus [gC] total amount of organic matter in the sediment [gDM gDM−1 ] index for particulate detritus fractions [-] index for sediment inorganic matter fractions [-] 433 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual k l n index for sediment layer S1 or S2 [-] index for algae / microphytobenthos species [-] number of algae / microphytobenthos species, n=1 currently [-] The comprehensive composition of the sediment layers S1 and S2 is calculated with: Cxi,k = M xi,k A where: T surface area of the water overlying water compartment [m2 ] surface concentration of substance x in a layer [gX m−2 ] amount of substance x in a layer [gX] index for all sediment components including the nutrients in detritus [-] index for sediment layer S1 or S2 [-] A Cx Mx i k The relevant physical properties of the sediment layers S1 and S2 follow from: (f dmi,k × Cxi,k /ρi ) DR AF V dmk = n X i=1 Cdmk V dmk V dmk Zk = (1 − φk ) × A ρdmk = where: A Cdm f dm V dm Z φ ρ ρdm i k n surface area of the water overlying water compartment [m2 ] surface concentration of dry matter [gDM m− 2] dry matter conversion factor [gDM gDM−1 , gDM gC−1 ] sediment dry matter volume [m3 ] thickness of the sediment layer [m] porosity of the sediment [-] solid matter density of a major sediment component k [gDM m−3 DM] density of sediment dry matter [gDM m−3 DM ] index for major components in the sediment [-] index for sediment layer S1 or S2 [-] number of major components that contribute to dry matter (-), n = 6 [-] Directives for use Organic nutrients and adsorbed inorganic phosphorus do not contribute to the dry matter and the volume of the sediment! Notice that because of this the sum of all fractions in the sediment (f rxi,k ; see the table with output parameters) may not equal 1. 434 of 464 Deltares Various auxiliary processes Table 15.2: Definitions of the input parameters in the above equations for S1_COMP and S2_COMP. Name in input Definition Units A Surf surface area of the overlying water compartment m2 f dmj,k DM CF IM 1 factor sed. inorg. mat- gDM gDM−1 or DM CF IM 2 factor sed. inorg. mat- gDM gDM−1 factor sed. inorg. mat- gDM gDM−1 f dml,k DM CF DetCS DM CF OOCS DM CF DiatS dry matter conv. ter fraction 1 dry matter conv. ter fraction 2 dry matter conv. ter fraction 3 dry matter conv. dry matter conv. dry matter conv. factor detr. fraction 1 factor detr. fraction 2 factor algae species 1 gDM gC−1 gDM gC−1 gDM gC−1 M algl,k DiatS(k) amount of biomass of algae species 1 DM CF IM 3 DR AF f dmi,k T Name in formulas gC M imj,k IM 1S(k) IM 2S(k) IM 3S(k) amount of sed. inorg. matter fraction 1 amount of sed. inorg. matter fraction 2 amount of sed. inorg. matter fraction 3 gDW gDW gDW M oci,k DetCS(k) OOCS(k) DetN S(k) OON S(k) DetP S(k) OOP S(k) DetSiS1(k) OOSiS1(k) amount of detr. amount of detr. amount of detr. amount of detr. amount of detr. amount of detr. amount of detr. amount of detr. gC gC gN gN gP gP gSi gSi M pha AAP S(k) amount of adsorbed phosphate gP φ P ORS(k) sediment porosity - RHOIM 1 RHOIM 2 RHOIM 3 RHODetC RHOOOC RHODiat density of sed. inorg. matter fr. 1 density of sed. inorg. matter fr. 2 density of sed. inorg. matter fr. 3 density of detritus fraction 1 density of detritus fraction 2 density of biomass of algae species 1 gDM m−3 gDM m−3 gDM m−3 gDM m−3 gDM m−3 gDM m−3 M oni,k M opi,k M osii,k ρi 1 C in part. fraction 1 C in part. fraction 2 N in part. fraction 1 N in part. fraction 2 P in part. fraction 1 P in part. fraction 2 Si in part. fraction 1 Si in part. fraction 2 (k) is sediment layer 1 or 2. Deltares 435 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 15.3: Definitions of the output parameters in the above equations for S1_COMP and S2_COMP . Name in output Definition Units ani,k 1 C − N DetCS(k) C − N OOC(k) C − P DetCS(k) C−P OOCS(k) C−SDetCS(k) C −SOOCS(k) stoch. ratio C over N in detr. fraction 1 gC gN−1 stoch. ratio C over N in detr. fraction 2 stoch. ratio C over P in detr. fraction 1 gC gN−1 gC gP−1 stoch. ratio C over P in detr. fraction 2 stoch. ratio C over Si in detr. fraction 1 stoch. ratio C over Si in detr. fraction 2 gC gP−1 gC gSi−1 gC gSi−1 Calgl,k DiatS(k)M 2 surface conc. of algae species 1 gC m−2 Cimj,k IM 1S(k)M 2 IM 2S(k)M 2 IM 3S(k)M 2 surf. conc. of sed. inorg. matter fr. 1 surf. conc. of sed. inorg. matter fr. 2 surf. conc. of sed. inorg. matter fr. 3 gDW m−2 gDW m−2 gDW m−2 DetCS(k)M 2 OOCS(k)M 2 DetN S(k)M 2 OON S(k)M 2 DetP S(k)M 2 OOP S(k)M 2 DetSiS1(k)M 2 OOSiS1(k)M 2 surf. surf. surf. surf. surf. surf. surf. surf. gC m−2 gC m−2 gN m−2 gN m−2 gP m−2 gP m−2 gSi m−2 gSi m−2 AAP S(k)M 2 surface conc. of adsorbed phosphate gP m−2 ActT hS(k) thikness of sediment layer m F rIM 1S(k) F rIM 2S(k) F rIM 3S(k) F rDetCS(k) F rOOCS(k) F rCF DiatS(k) fraction inorg. matter 1 in sediment fraction inorg. matter 2 in sediment fraction inorg. matter 3 in sediment fraction detritus 1 in sediment fraction detritus 2 in sediment fraction algae species 1 in sediment gDM gDM−1 gDM gDM−1 gDM gDM−1 gC gDM−1 gC gDM−1 gC gDM−1 M dmk M imtk M octk M algtk M pomk DM S(k) T IM S(k) P OCS(k) P HY T S(k) P OM S(k) total amount of dry matter total amount of sed. inorganic matter total amount of part. organic carbon total amount of algae biomass total amount of organic matter gDM gDM gC gC gDM ρdmk RHOS(k) density of sediment dry matter gDM m−3 or api,k or Coci,k or Coni,k or Copi,k or DR AF asii,k Cosii,k Cxi, k Zk f rxi,k 1 T Name in formulas conc. conc. conc. conc. conc. conc. conc. conc. of detr. of detr. of detr. of detr. of detr. of detr. of detr. of detr. C in part. fr. 1 C in part. fr. 2 N in part. fr. 1 N in part. fr. 1 P in part. fr. 1 P in part. fr. 1 Si in part. fr. 1 Si in part. fr. 1 (k) is sediment layer 1 or 2. 436 of 464 Deltares Various auxiliary processes Allocation of diffusive and atmospheric loads PROCESS : DFWAST_I, ATMDEP_I Both processes calculate diffusive fluxes. The processes convert user input in [g m−2 d−1 ] to DELWAQ required units of [g m−3 d−1 ]. Implementation Formulation Diffusive waste load: dDfwasti = fDfwasti depth T These processes are implemented for IM1, IM2, IM3, NO3, NH4, PO4, all heavy metals and all organic micro-pollutants. DR AF 15.3 (15.1) Atmospheric deposition: dAtmDepi = fAtmDepi depth (15.2) where dDfwasti dAtmDepi fDfwasti fAtmDepi depth diffusive waste load [g m−3 d−1 ] atmospheric waste load [g m−3 d−1 ] diffusive waste load [g m−2 d−1 ] atmospheric waste load [g m−2 d−1 ] depth of a DELWAQ segment [m] Directives for use Waste loads are normally not considered processes and are provided separately by you. This method is inconvenient when large amounts of segments are involved as is the case with diffusive wastes. In this case it is advised to use one of the two processes described in this section. Deltares 437 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of the depth of water column or water layer PROCESS : DEPTH Depth of a segment (computational element of DELWAQ) is calculated from the horizontal surface area (user-defined) and the volume. TOTDEPTH calculates the total depth of a multilayer water column. Implementation Formulation V olume Surf n X T otalDepth = Depthi Depth = T Not relevant in this context. DR AF 15.4 LocalDepthm = i=1 m X Depthj j=1 where Depth V olume Surf T otaldepth Localdepthm m n depth of a DELWAQ segment [m] volume of a DELWAQ segment [m3 ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment [m2 ] depth of entire water column [m] depth from the surface to bottom of DELWAQ segment m [m] index of the layer total number of layers Directives for use Either Depth or Surf must be supplied by you (or a water quantity model)! 438 of 464 Deltares Various auxiliary processes Calculation of horizontal surface area PROCESS : DYNSURF The horizontal surface area (SURF) of a segment (computational element of DELWAQ) is calculated from the depth (user defined) and the volume (DELWAQ). Implementation Not relevant in this context. Surf = where Volume Depth T Formulation DR AF 15.5 Depth Volume Surf depth of a DELWAQ segment [m] volume of a DELWAQ segment [m3 ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment [m2 ] Directives for use Either Depth or Surf must be supplied by you (or a water quantity model)! Deltares 439 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of gradients PROCESS : GRD_RHO, GRD_VE This process calculates the gradient in space of segment-related variables at an exchange area. Implementation This process is implemented for the variables Veloc and RhoWater. V arGrd = VarGrd V arT o − V arF rom XLenT o + XLenF rom T Formulation gradient in space of segment-related variable (a) VelocGrd gradient in horizontal flow velocity [m s−1 m−1 ] (b) RhoGrd gradient in density of water [kg m−3 m−1 ] XLenFrom DELWAQ "from"-length [m] XLenTo DELWAQ "to"-length [m] VarFrom value of segment related variable in "from"-segment (a) Veloc horizontal flow velocity [m s−1 ] (b) RhoWater density of water [kg m−3 ] VarTo value of segment related variable in "to"-segment (a) Veloc horizontal flow velocity [m s−1 ] (b) RhoWater density of water [kg m−3 ] DR AF 15.6 Directives for use This process can be active if the third direction is defined. 440 of 464 Deltares Various auxiliary processes Calculation of residence time PROCESS : RESTIM This process calculates the residence time of water in a computational cell. The process only takes into account the advective transport — i.e. flows in [m3 s−1 ] — as derived from SOBEK, Delft3D or another hydrodynamic model. Dispersion is not taken into account. Formulation where (15.3) T V olume exchanges |F low| /2 ResT im = P ResT im residence time [s] V olume DELWAQ water volume of a segment [m3 ] F low DELWAQ water flow over an exchange [m3 s−1 ] DR AF 15.7 Directives for use The process RESTIM can be used in all schematisations. No user input is required. You can access the RESTIM process in the PLCT through the state variable ‘Continuity’. Deltares 441 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Calculation of age of water PROCESS : AGE The ‘age’ of water from a specific source in a computational cell is defined as the difference in time between the actual time and the time at which the water entered the model area through the source and is thus equal to the travel time from the source to the computational cell. Common sources are boundaries and discharges (for example rivers). Evaluation of the travel time (‘age’) of water from several sources may be valuable in the early stages of a water quality study as an indicator for the importance of water quality processes. T Implementation In a single water quality simulation a maximum of five sources can be distinguished: i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 DR AF 15.8 Formulation ln ageT ri = dT ri cT ri RcDecT ri dDecT ri = RcDecT ri × dT ri where ageT ri age of tracer i [d] cT ri concentration of conservative tracer i [g m−3 ] dT ri concentration of decayable tracer i [g m−3 ] RcDecT ri first order decay rate constant for decayable tracer i [d−1 ] dDecT ri flux for decayable tracer i [g m−3 d−1 ] Directives for use Two substances have to be defined for every source that has to be distinguished. The first of these substances is conservative (cT ri ), the other is decayable (dT ri ). For a correct calculation of the age, both substances must have the same concentration at all the source: it is advised to specify a concentration of 1.0 at the source that has to be distinguished and a concentration of 0.0 at all the other sources. 442 of 464 Deltares Various auxiliary processes Inspecting the attributes PROCESS : ATTRIBOUT Within D-Water Quality each segment has two or more attributes: Attribute 1 is used to determine if the segment should participate in the calculation. It A value of 1 means the segment is in middle of the water column, that is, not adjacent to the surface or the bottom. A value of 2 means the segment is at the surface and should therefore be involved in processes like reaeration. A value of 3 means the segment is at the bottom and should therefore be involved in processes like sedimentation oxygen demand or settling of suspended matter. A value of 0 means the segment is adjacent to the surface and the bottom and should therefore be involved in all processes. This type of segment is typical for 1D and 2D applications. DR AF T is in fact a dynamic attribute: if the segment becomes dry during the calculation, its first attribute is set to 0, indicating it is not active at that moment. Other segments may be set inactive permanently. Attribute 2 indicates the position of the segment in the water column: 15.9 It is also possible to define your own attributes, even attributes that change in time. Their meaning is determined by the process routines that actually use them. To output all attributes, in an "aggregated" form, specify an attribute "0". For instance for an active segment at the surface (and only the standard attributes defined) the result will be: 21, where the digit 2 is the value of the second attribute and the digit 1 is the value of the first. To make inspection of an attribute possible, you can use this process: it fills the output parameter Attribute with the value of the selected attribute for each segment. When you set AttribIdx to zero, you will retrieve all attributes in one number where the last digit is the first attribute, the before last digit is the second attribute, etcetera. Table 15.4: Definitions of the input and output parameters Name in input/output Definition Units AttribIdx Index of the attribute to output [-] Attribute Output parameter [-] Deltares 443 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 444 of 464 Deltares 16 Deprecated processes descriptions Contents DR AF T 16.1 Growth and mortality of algae (MONALG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 Deltares 445 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Growth and mortality of algae (MONALG) PROCESS : MND1D IAT- M , MND2F LAG - M , MND3D IAT- F, MND4F LAG - F, MND( I )T EMP, MND( I )LL IM , MND( I )NL IM Algae are subject to gross primary production, respiration, excretion, mortality, grazing, resuspension and settling. Net growth is the result. Net primary production is defined as the difference of gross primary production and respiration. The algae module MONALG includes specific formulations for these processes with the exception of grazing, resuspension and settling. These processes are equally valid for other algae modules, and are therefore dealt with in separate process descriptions. T MONALG considers four different algae species groups: marine diatoms, marine flagellates, fresh water diatoms and fresh water flagellates. Diatoms differ from flagellates among other things by their dependency on dissolved silicon for growth. Separate processes have been implemented for each of these groups (i), which allows the application of group average or species specific process coefficients. Other fresh water species discharged by rivers into estuaries should be allocated to the detritus pool. DR AF 16.1 The distinction between fresh water and marine species groups refers to conditions typical for estuaries, that may contain both fresh water and marine algae species. Fresh water algae die when entering the saline water body of an estuary, whereas marine species die when entering the upstream fresh water body. MONALG contains a combination of formulations for phytoplankton derived from various ecosystem models (Klepper et al., 1994; Scholten and Van der Tol, 1994; NIOO/CEMO, 1993; WL | Delft Hydraulics, 1988; Rijkswaterstaat/DGW, 1993). The module uses a mechanistic approach to describe algae dynamics. The primary production in MONALG is formulated according to Monod kinetics. A general feature of this type of kinetics is that the production rate is multiplicatively limited by environmental factors like nutrient availability, light availability, and temperature. The chlorophyll content dependency of the production rate is ignored (Klepper, 1989). The remaining processes are based on first-order kinetics with respect to algae biomass. The total extinction coefficient and the available light averaged over the water column are calculated with separate processes described elsewhere. These processes are similar for other algae modules. The algae processes affect a number of other model substances apart from the biomass concentrations [gC m−3 ]. Primary production involves the uptake of inorganic nutrients [gN/P/Si m−3 ] and the production of dissolved oxygen [gO2 m−3 ]. Preferential uptake of ammonium over nitrate is included in the model (McCarthy et al., 1977). Respiration consumes dissolved oxygen. Excretion and mortality produce detritus [gC/N/P m−3 ] and opal silicate [gSi m−3 ]. The process fluxes concerning these substances are derived from the algae process fluxes by means of multiplication with stochiometric constants. These ratios reflect the chemical composition of the algae biomass, which is assumed to be invariable over time. All fluxes are daily averaged in connection with the way light limitation is integrated over a day. Consequently, nutrient uptake is assumed to be a continuous process over a day, whereas in reality it is a discontinuous process. 446 of 464 Deltares Deprecated processes descriptions Implementation The algae module MONALG has been implemented as four processes for each of the four algae groups: the main process, where all process rates are calculated: MND(i), with different process names for the different species groups (i) to be modelled: MND1Diat-m, MND2Flag-m, MND3Diat-f, MND4-Flag-f; extra process: MND(i)Temp, calculating the limitation function for temperature; extra process: MND(i)LLim, calculating the limitation function for light; and extra process: MND(i)NLim, calculating the limitation function for nutrients. T The processes have been implemented in a generic way, which means that they are applicable both to water and sediment compartments. Live algae that settle eventually end up in the top sediment layer. Mortality and resuspension are the only active processes for sediment compartments, meaning that algae in sediment do not grow but are slowly converted into detritus. The current implementation of MONALG does not allow using any of the sediment options S1/2 and GEMSED! DR AF MONALG calculates process rates for the following substances: MND1Diat-m, MND2Flag-m, MND3Diat-f, MND4Flag-f, POC1, PON1, POP1, Opal, NH4, NO3, PO4, Si and OXY. Table 16.1 provide the definitions of the parameters occurring in the user-defined input and output. Formulation Formulations are subsequently presented for primary production, respiration, excretion and mortality. The rates and additional output are presented in the final sections. The rate formulation for primary production is composed of limiting factors for temperature, nutrients and light. The rates of the other processes are dependent on the temperature, and in the case of mortality also on the chloride concentration. The processes lead to the consumption and production of nutrients and dissolved oxygen, or to the production of detritus components. Primary production Gross primary production is formulated as a temperature dependent first order process limited by light and nutrient availability: Rgpi = f nuti × f lti × kgpi × Calgi kgpi = kpgi10 × f tmpi (T −10) f tmpi = ktpgi with: Calg f lt f nut f tmp kgp kgp10 Deltares algal biomass concentration [gC m−3 ] light limitation factor [-] Monod nutrient limitation factor [-] temperature limitation factor for production [-] potential gross primary production rate [d−1 ] potential gross primary production rate at 10 ◦ C [d−1 ] 447 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual ktgp Rgp T i temperature coefficient for primary production [-] gross primary production rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] water temperature [◦ C] index for species group 1-4 [-] The nutrient limitation factor has been described in various ways. In most models Liebig’s law of the minimum is applied to calculate the overall nutrient limitation. Here the additive model described by O’ Neill et al. (1989) was selected. This additive model assumes that more than one nutrient can be limiting at the same time, and that the limitations add up according to multiplication of the Michaelis-Menten functions for individual nutrients. f nuti = f ami + (1 − f ami ) × f nii T The model must deal with several complications. Firstly, the limitation factors for diatoms and flagellates are slightly different, because only diatoms need silicate. Secondly, algae can use two inorganic sources of nitrogen, although they prefer ammonium. Consequently, the limitation factor must consider both the availability of and affinity for ammonium and nitrate. The following nutrient limitation factor takes all this into account: Cam × Cph × Csi (Ksami × Cph × Csi + Cam × Ksphi × Csi + Cam × Cph × Kssii + Cam × Cph × Csi) Cni × Cph × Csi f nii = (Ksnii × Cph × Csi + Cni × Ksphi × Csi + Cni × Cph × Kssii + Cni × Cph × Csi) with: DR AF f ami = f am f ni Cam Cni Cph Csi Ksam Ksni Ksph Kssi ammonium specific nutrient limitation factor [-] nitrate specific nutrient limitation factor [-] ammonium concentration [gN m−3 ] nitrate concentration [gN m−3 ] phosphate concentration [gP m−3 ] dissolved inorganic silicate concentration [gSi m−3 ] half saturation constant for ammonium [gN m−3 ] half saturation constant for nitrate [gN m−3 ] half saturation constant for phosphate [gP m−3 ] half saturation constant for silicate [gSi m−3 ] Phytoplankton production is limited, if the light availability in the water column is less than the temperature dependent optimal radiation for a phytoplankton species. Below this optimal radiation light limitation is a saturating function of light availability. There is inhibition if light availability exceeds the optimum. Light limitation depends on a functional relationship between in situ light intensity and primary production. This function must be integrated over time and depth to obtain the daily and depth averaged light limitation factor. The integration by discretisation is done according to Eilers and Peeters (1988): P n k=1 f lti = (86400 × H) Rrgpi,j,k = Iri,j,k = 448 of 464 (Rrgp × ∆z × ∆t) i,j,k j=1 Pm Iri,j,k × (ci + 2) + ci × Iri,j,k + 1 2 Iri,j,k Ij,k Ioi Deltares Deprecated processes descriptions ci = Ioi −2 (kgpi /di ) (T −10) Ioi = Io10 i × ktpgi Ij,k = Itopk × e(−et×zj ) with: T shape coefficient of the production factor [-] initial slope of the light-production curve [gC d−1 .W m−2 )−1 ] total extinction coefficient of visible light [m−1 ] light limitation factor [-] depth of a water compartment or water layer [m] light intensity at depth zj and time tk [W m−2 ] optimal light intensity [W m−2 ] light intensity at depth zj and time tk , relative to optimal intensity [-] light intensity at depth zo (top of layer or compartment) and time t [W m−2 ] potential gross primary production rate [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for primary production [-] gross production at depth zj and time tk , relative to maximal production [-] depth [m] time interval for light limitation integration, that is the DELWAQ timestep [s] depth interval for light limitation integration ([m]; = H/m) index for species group 1–4 [-] index for depth interval 1–m [-] index for time interval 1–n [-] number of time intervals in a day ([-]; = 86 400/∆t) number of depth intervals in a water compartment or water layer [-] DR AF c d et f lt H I Io Ir Itop kgp ktgp Rrgp z ∆t ∆z i j k n m The Rrgpi,j,k factor has a sinusoidal shape within the daylength period (light hours), and is equal to zero outside this period. Respiration Algal respiration is simulated as of maintenance respiration and growth respiration. Maintenance respiration is temperature dependent. Growth respiration depends on the primary production rate. The total respiration rate is given by: Rrspi = krspi × Calgi + f rspi × Rgpi (T −10) krspi = krsp10 i × ktrspi with: f rsp krsp krsp10 ktrsp Rrsp fraction of gross production respired [-] maintenance respiration rate [d−1 ] maintenance respiration rate at 10 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for maintenance respiration [-] total respiration rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] Excretion Excretion is a function of nutrient stress (Klepper, 1989). Excretion decreases with increasing nutrient limitation. It is modelled as a fraction of the gross primary production as follows: Rexci = f exci × (1 − f nuti ) × Rgpi with: Deltares 449 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual f exc Rexc fraction of gross production excreted at the absence of nutrient limitation [-] excretion rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] Mortality Algal mortality is caused by temperature dependent natural mortality, salinity stress mortality, and grazing by consumers. The latter process is described elsewhere in relation to the modelling of grazers. Salinity driven mortality is described with a sigmoidal function of chlorinity (NIOO/CEMO, 1993), leading to the following formulations: Rmrti = kmrti × Calgi (T −10) kmrti = kmrt10 i × ktmrti m1i − m2i +m2i for fresh water algae, M N D(i)T ype = 2.0 1 + e(b1i ×(Ccl−b2i )) m2i − m1i + m1i for marine algae, M N D(i)T ype = 1.0 kmrt10 i = 1 + e(b1i ×(Ccl−b2i )) with: coefficient 1 of salinity stress function [g−1 m3 ] coefficient 2 of salinity stress function [g m−3 ] rate coefficient 1 of salinity stress function [d−1 ] rate coefficient 2 of salinity stress function [d−1 ] chloride concentration [g m−3 ] total mortality process rate [d−1 ] total mortality process rate at 10 ◦ C [d−1 ] temperature coefficient for mortality [-] total mortality rate [gC m−3 d−1 ] DR AF b1 b2 m1 m2 Ccl kmrt kmrt10 ktmrt Rmrt T kmrt10 i = m1 and m2 are the end members of the above function, meaning that the function obtains the value m1 at high Ccl, and the value m2 for low Ccl. The mortality rate increases with decreasing chloride concentration, when m2 is larger than m1. This situation which applies to marine algae is depicted in the example of figure 16.1. The mortality rate increases with increasing chloride concentration, when m1 is larger than m2. This situation applies to fresh water algae. In case DELWAQ-G is applied the mortality is the only process that is active with respect to algae biomass. The first-order mortality rate in the sediment has a specific temperature independent mortality process rate kmrts, i [d−1 ]. Resulting process rates affecting model substances The consumption and production rates for nutrients and dissolved oxygen are derived from the production rate as follows: Rprdox,i = (Rgpi − Rrspi ) × aoxi Rcnsam,i = (Rgpi − Rrspi ) × ani × f ami /f nuti Rcnsni,i = (Rgpi − Rrspi ) × ani × (1 − f ami /f nuti ) Rcnsph,i = (Rgpi − Rrspi ) × aphi Rcnssi,i = (Rgpi − Rrspi ) × asii Rprdoc,i = (Rmrti + Rexci ) Rprdon,i = (Rmrti + Rexci ) × ani 450 of 464 Deltares T Deprecated processes descriptions DR AF Figure 16.1: Example of the salinity dependent mortality function. m1 = 0.08 d−1 ; m2 = 0.16 d−1 ; b2 = 11000 (equivalent with 20 ppt salinity) [gCl m−3 ]; b1 = 0.001 and 0.002 m3 .gCl−1 . Rprdop,i = (Rmrti + Rexci ) × aphi Rprdosi,i = (Rmrti + Rexci ) × asii with: an aph aox asi Rcnsam Rcnsni Rcnsph Rcnssi Rprdox Rprdoc Rprdon Rprdop Rprdosi stochiometric constant for nitrogen over carbon in algae biomass [gN.gC−1 ] stochiometric constant for phosphorus over carbon in algae biomass [gP.gC−1 ] stochiometric constant for oxygen over carbon in algae biomass [gO2 .gC−1 ] stochiometric constant for silicon over carbon in algae biomass [gSi.gC−1 ] net consumption rate for ammonium [gN m−3 d−1 ] net consumption rate for nitrate [gN m−3 d−1 ] net consumption rate for phosphate [gP m−3 d−1 ] net consumption rate for silicate [gSi m−3 d−1 ] net production rate for dissolved oxygen [gO2 m−3 d−1 ] net production rate for detritus organic carbon [gC m−3 d−1 ] net production rate for detritus organic nitrogen [gN m−3 d−1 ] net production rate for detritus organic phosphorus [gP m−3 d−1 ] net production rate for opal silicate [gSi m−3 d−1 ] The immediate release of inorganic nutrients due to mortality (autolysis) of algae is simulated in GEM as the fast decay of the labile detritus fraction (POC1, PON1, POP1). f am and f nut are used to calculate the preference for ammonium uptake. The ratio of the ammonium specific limitation factor and the overall nutrient limitation factor defines the fraction of nitrogen obtained from ammonium. Chlorophyll to carbon ratio MONALG delivers some additional output parameters, such as the chlorophyll content of the algae, expressed as the carbon to chlorophyll ratio, and the chlorophyll concentration. The carbon to chlorophyll ratio depends on the availability of light and nutrients. The ratio is mod- Deltares 451 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual elled with an empirical function of the light and nutrient limitation factors (Klepper, 1989). The chlorophyll concentration for each algae group is calculated according to: Cchfi = Calgi achfi achfi = achfmin,i (f nuti × (1 − f lti × f nuti ))gi with: stoch. constant for carbon over chlorophyll in algae biomass [gC gChf−1 ] minimal stoch. const. for carbon over chlorophyll in algae biomass [gC gChf−1 ] chlorophyll concentration connected with an algae group [gChf m−3 ] scaling coefficient for growth limitation factor [-] T achf achf min Cchf g The total concentration of chlorophyll is calculated by a separate process PHY_GEM, which is described elsewhere in this manual. DR AF Directives for use The process rates of gross primary production and maintenance respiration have a temperature basis of 10 ◦ C. That means that input values have to be corrected when provided for a more common temperature basis of 20 ◦ C. The growth limitation for a specific nutrient can be made inactive by allocating value zero to the half saturation constant for this nutrient. The salinity effect on mortality can be inactivated by allocating the same value to coefficients M N D(i)m1 and M N D(i)m2. Always make sure that the light input (observed solar radiation) is consistent with the light related parameters of MONALG. This concerns the use of either visible light or the photosynthetic fraction of visible light (approximately 45 %). The input incident light time series should have been corrected for cloudiness and reflection (approximately 10 %). Additional references WL | Delft Hydraulics (1997c) Table 16.1: Definitions of the input parameters in the formulations for MONALG. Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Cam Ccl Cni Cph Csi N H4 Cl N O3 P O4 Si ammonium concentration chloride concentration nitrate concentration phosphate concentration dissolved inorganic silicate concentration biomass concentration of marine diatoms gN m−3 gCl m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 Calg1 M N D1Diat− m gC m−3 continued on next page 1 (i) indicates species groups 1-4. This parameter is only used for initialisation during the first timestep. 3 This parameter is calculated by processes ExtPhGVL and Extinc_VL. 4 This parameter is not part of the input. 2 452 of 464 Deltares Deprecated processes descriptions Table 16.1 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units Calg2 biomass concentration of marine flagellates biomass concentration of fresh water diatoms biomass concentration of fresh water flagellates type of algae group (1 = brackish/marine, 2 = fresh) gC m−3 - M N D2F lag− m M N D3Diat− f M N D4F lag− f M N D(i)T ype achfi M N D(i)AChl02 group specific stoch. const. carbon over Calg4 achfmin,i ani DR AF aoxi aphi asii m1i m2i b1i b2i di et gi chlorophyll M N D(i)amchl group spec. min. stoch. const. carbon over chlorophyll M N D(i)N Crat group specific stoch. const. for nitrogen over carbon 4 group specific stoch. const. for oxygen over carbon M N D(i)P Crat group spec. stoch. const. for phosphorus over carbon M N D(i)SiCratgroup specific stoch. const. for silicon over carbon M N D(i)m1 group spec. rate coefficient 1 of salinity stress function M N D(i)m2 group spec. rate coefficient 2 of salinity stress function M N D(i)b1 group specific coefficient 1 of salinity stress function M N D(i)b2 group specific coefficient 2 of salinity stress function M N D(i)schl group specinitial slope of the lightproduction curve 3 ExtV l total extinction coefficient of visible light M N D(i)b group spec. scaling coef. for growth limitation factor Ksami gC m−3 gC m−3 gC.gChf−1 T Calg3 M N D(i)Kam group specific half saturation constant Ksnii M N D(i)Kni Ksphi M N D(i)Kph Kssii M N D(i)Ksi for ammonium group specific half saturation constant for nitrate group specific half saturation constant for phosphate group specific half saturation constant for silicate gC.gChf−1 gN.gC−1 gO2 .gC−1 gP.gC−1 gSi.gC−1 d−1 d−1 g−1 m3 g m−3 gC d−1 .(W −2 −1 m ) m−1 gN m−3 gN m−3 gP m−3 gSi m−3 continued on next page 1 (i) indicates species groups 1-4. This parameter is only used for initialisation during the first timestep. 3 This parameter is calculated by processes ExtPhGVL and Extinc_VL. 4 This parameter is not part of the input. 2 Deltares 453 of 464 Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual Table 16.1 – continued from previous page Name in formulas Name in input Definition Units f exci M N D(i)be x - f rspi M N D(i)rp r group spec. frac. gross prod. excrȧt abs. of nutr. lim. group specific fraction of gross production respired H Depth depth of a water compartment or water layer m Ioi Itop M N D(i)Iopt Rad group specific optimal light intensity light intensity at top of layer or compartment W m−2 W m−2 kgp10 i M N D(I)P m10 group spec. potential gross primary ktgpi ktmrti ktrspi kmrts,i T - ∆t m 1 prod. rate at 10 C M N D(i)rm t10 group spec. maintenance respiration rate at 10 ◦ C M N D(i)ktgp group spec. temperature coefficient for primary prod. M N D(i)mt group spec. temperature coefficient for mortality M N D(i)rt group spec. temperature coef. for maintenance resp. M N D(i)M orSed group spec. mortality process rate in sediment DR AF krsp10 i T ◦ - d−1 d−1 d−1 T emp water temperature ◦ IT IM E IDT time time interval, that is the DELWAQ timestep number of depth intervals in a water comp. or layer s s N r_dz C - (i) indicates species groups 1-4. This parameter is only used for initialisation during the first timestep. 3 This parameter is calculated by processes ExtPhGVL and Extinc_VL. 4 This parameter is not part of the input. 2 454 of 464 Deltares References APHA, 1989. “Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.” American Public Health Association. 17th edition. Banks, R. and F. Herrera, 1977. “Effect of wind and rain on surface reaeration.” ASCE 103 (EE3): 489. Berner, R., 1974. The Sea: Marine Chemistry, vol. 5, chap. 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Deltares 461 of 464 DR AF T Processes Library Description, Technical Reference Manual 462 of 464 Deltares DR AF T T DR AF Photo by: Mathilde Matthijsse, PO Box 177 2600 MH Delft Boussinesqweg 1 2629 VH Delft The Netehrlands +31 (0)88 335 81 88 DR AF T
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