Data Mapper Guide 1.6.2

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DataMapper Developer Guide
Version 1.6.1
March 2007
Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
Authors - Ted Husted, Gilles Bayon, Clinton Begin, Roberto Rabe
Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not
charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether
distributed in print or electronically.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ... 1
1.1. Overview ... 1
1.2. What's covered here ... 1
1.3. Release change log ... 1
1.4. License Information ... 2
1.5. Support ... 2
1.6. Disclaimer ... 2
2. The Big Picture ... 3
2.1. Introduction ... 3
2.2. What does it do? ... 3
2.3. How does it work? ... 3
2.4. Is iBATIS the best choice for my project? ... 5
3. Working with Data Maps ... 7
3.1. Introduction ... 7
3.2. What's in a Data Map definition file, anyway? ... 7
3.3. Mapped Statements ... 9
3.3.1. Statement Types ... 10
3.3.2. Stored Procedures ... 11
3.3.3. The SQL ... 12
3.3.4. Statement-type Element Attributes ... 15
3.4. Parameter Maps and Inline Parameters ... 20
3.4.1. <parameterMap> attributes ... 21
3.4.2. <parameter> Elements ... 22
3.4.3. Inline Parameter Maps ... 23
3.4.4. Standard Type Parameters ... 25
3.4.5. Map or IDictionary Type Parameters ... 25
3.5. Result Maps ... 26
3.5.1. Extending resultMaps ... 27
3.5.2. <resultMap> attributes ... 27
3.5.3. <constructor> element ... 27
3.5.4. <result> Elements ... 29
3.5.5. Custom Type Handlers ... 32
3.5.6. Inheritance Mapping ... 35
3.5.7. Implicit Result Maps ... 38
3.5.8. Primitive Results (i.e. String, Integer, Boolean) ... 39
3.5.9. Maps with ResultMaps ... 40
3.5.10. Complex Properties ... 40
3.5.11. Avoiding N+1 Selects (1:1) ... 41
3.5.12. Complex Collection Properties ... 43
3.5.13. Avoiding N+1 Select Lists (1:M and M:N) ... 43
3.5.14. Composite Keys or Multiple Complex Parameters Properties ... 45
3.6. Supported Types for Parameter Maps and Result Maps ... 46
3.7. Supported database types for Parameter Maps and Result Maps ... 48
3.8. Cache Models ... 49
3.8.1. Read-Only vs. Read/Write ... 49
3.8.2. Serializable Read/Write Caches ... 50
3.8.3. Cache Implementation ... 50
3.8.4. "MEMORY" ... 50
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3.8.5. "LRU" ... 51
3.8.6. "FIFO" ... 52
3.9. Dynamic SQL ... 52
3.9.1. Binary Conditional Elements ... 54
3.9.2. Unary Conditional Elements ... 55
3.9.3. Parameter Present Elements ... 56
3.9.4. Iterate Element ... 57
3.9.5. Simple Dynamic SQL Elements ... 57
4. .NET Developer Guide ... 59
4.1. Introduction ... 59
4.2. Installing the DataMapper for .NET ... 59
4.2.1. Setup the Distribution ... 59
4.2.2. Add Assembly References ... 60
4.2.3. Add XML File Items ... 61
4.2.4. Visual Studio.NET Integration ... 61
4.3. Configuring the DataMapper for .NET ... 62
4.3.1. DataMapper clients ... 62
4.3.2. DataMapper Configuration File (SqlMap.config) ... 63
4.3.3. DataMapper Configuration Elements ... 63
4.4. Programming with iBATIS DataMapper: The .NET API ... 73
4.4.1. Building a SqlMapper Instance ... 73
4.4.2. Exploring the DataMapper API through the SqlMapper ... 78
4.4.3. Session ... 83
4.4.4. Connection ... 83
4.4.5. Automatic Session ... 83
4.4.6. Transaction ... 84
4.4.7. Distributed Transactions ... 85
4.4.8. Coding Examples [TODO: Expand in to a Cookbook of practical
examples] ... 86
4.5. Logging SqlMap Activity ... 87
4.5.1. Sample Logging Configurations ... 89
A. iBATIS.NET's SqlMapConfig.xsd ... 93
B. iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd ... 95
iBATIS.NET - DataMapper Application Framework
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Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
The iBATIS DataMapper framework makes it easier to use a database with a Java or .NET
application. iBATIS DataMapper couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements using a
XML descriptor. Simplicity is the biggest advantage of the iBATIS DataMapper over object
relational mapping tools. To use iBATIS DataMapper you rely on your own objects, XML, and
SQL. There is little to learn that you don't already know. With iBATIS DataMapper you have the
full power of both SQL and stored procedures at your fingertips.
1.2. What's covered here
This Guide covers the .NET implementations of iBATIS DataMapper. The Java implementation
offers the same services with some changes in the API.
Since iBATIS relies on an XML descriptor to create the mappings, much of the material applies to
both implementations.
For installation instructions, see the section called the .NET Developer Guide.
A Tutorial is also available. We recommend reviewing the Tutorial for your platform before reading
this Guide.
If you would like to get the latest development (unreleased) version of this Guide, please see the
iBATIS Wiki FAQ []. The FAQ
entry explains how you can access our SVN source repository and generate CHM and PDF files of
the latest development documentation for the DataMapper.
1.3. Release change log
Version 1.6.0
Resolution of N+1 select problem using groupBy attribute
Added support of reuse SQL fragement via <include/> tag
Added lazy load support for single class
Added support for IDictionary<K, V> QueryForDictionary<K, V>(...)
Marked QueryForPaginatedList as obsolete
Allowed procedure statement without parameterMap
Removed obsoletes methods on SqlMapper :
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 1
Configure(XmlDocument document), Configure(),
Configure(string resource),
ConfigureAndWatch(ConfigureHandler configureDelegate),
ConfigureAndWatch(string resource, ConfigureHandler configureDelegate)
Extended use of ISqlMapper in DataMapper + allowed use of a custom ISqlMapper.
Allowed custom ISessionStore.
1.4. License Information
iBATIS.NET is licensed according to the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full text of
this license are available online at (TXT
[] or HTML
[]). You can also view the full text of any of
these licenses in the doc subdirectory of the iBATIS.NET distribution.
1.5. Support
Mailing lists and bug trackers are available (courtesy of Apache Software Foundation) at iBATIS’s
Apache project page. Just direct your browser to
1.6. Disclaimer
INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. The names of actual companies and products
mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 2
Chapter 2. The Big Picture
2.1. Introduction
iBATIS is a simple but complete framework that makes it easy for you to map your objects to your
SQL statements or stored procedures. The goal of the iBATIS framework is to obtain 80% of data
access functionality using only 20% of the code.
2.2. What does it do?
Developers often create maps between objects within an application. One definition of a Mapper is
an "object that sets up communication between two independent objects." A Data Mapper is a "layer
of mappers that moves data between objects and a database while keeping them independent of each
other and the mapper itself. " [Patterns of Enterprise Architecture, ISBN 0-321-12742-0].
You provide the database and the objects; iBATIS provides the mapping layer that goes between the
2.3. How does it work?
Your programming platform already provides a capable library for accessing databases, whether
through SQL statements or stored procedures. But developers find several things are still hard to do
well when using "stock" ADO.NET, including:
Separating SQL code from programming code
Passing input parameters to the library classes and extracting the output
Separating data access classes from business logic classes
Caching often-used data until it changes
Managing transactions and threading
iBATIS DataMapper solves these problems -- and many more -- by using XML documents to create
a mapping between a plain-old object and a SQL statement or a stored procedure. The "plain-old
object" can be a IDictionary or property object.
The object does not need to be part of a special object hierarchy or implement a special interface.
(Which is why we call them "plain-old" objects.) Whatever you are already using should work just
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Figure 2.1. iBATIS DataMapper workflow
Here's a high level description of the workflow diagrammed by Figure 2.1:
1. Provide a parameter, either as an object or a native type. The parameter can be used to set
runtime values in your SQL statement or stored procedure. If a runtime value is not needed, the
parameter can be omitted.
2. Execute the mapping by passing the parameter and the name you gave the statement or
procedure in your XML descriptor. This step is where the magic happens. The framework will
prepare the SQL statement or stored procedure, set any runtime values using your parameter,
execute the procedure or statement, and return the result.
3. In the case of an update, the number of rows affected is returned. In the case of a query, a single
object, or a collection of objects is returned. Like the parameter, the result object, or collection
of objects, can be a plain-old object or a native type.
So, what does all this look like in your source code? Here's how you might code the insert of a
"lineItem" object into your database:
If your database is generating the primary keys, the generated key can be returned from the same
method call, like this:
int myKey = Mapper.Instance().Insert("InsertLineItem",lineItem);
Example 2.1 shows an XML descriptor for "InsertLineItem".
The Big Picture
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Example 2.1. The "InsertLineItem" descriptor
<insert id="InsertLineItem" parameterClass="LineItem">
(Order_Id, LineItem_LineNum, Item_Id, LineItem_Quantity, LineItem_UnitPrice)
(#Order.Id#, #LineNumber#, #Item.Id#, #Quantity#, #Item.ListPrice#)
<selectKey type="post" resultClass="int" property="Id" >
select @@IDENTITY as value
The <selectKey> stanza returns an autogenerated key from a SQL Server database (for example).
If you need to select multiple rows, iBATIS can return a list of objects, each mapped to a row in the
result set:
IList productList = Mapper.Instance().QueryForList("selectProduct",categoryKey);
Or just one, if that's all you need:
Product product = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject("SelectProduct",productKey) as Product;
Of course, there's more, but this is iBATIS from 10,000 meters. (For a longer, gentler introduction,
see the Tutorial.) Section 3 describes the Data Map definition files -- where the statement for
"InsertLineItem" would be defined. The Developers Guide for your platform (Section 4) describes
the "bootstrap" configuration file that exposes iBATIS to your application.
2.4. Is iBATIS the best choice for my project?
iBATIS is a Data Mapping tool. Its role is to map the columns of a database query (including a
stored procedure) to the properties of an object. If your application is based on business objects
(including Maps or IDictionary objects), then iBATIS can be a good choice. iBATIS is an even
better choice when your application is layered, so that that the business layer is distinct from the
user-interface layer.
Under these circumstances, another good choice would be an Object/Relational Mapping tool
(OR/M tool), like NHibernate. Other products in this category are Apache ObjectRelationalBridge
and Gentle.NET. An OR/M tool generates all or most of the SQL for you, either beforehand or at
runtime. These products are called OR/M tools because they try to map an object graph to a
relational schema.
iBATIS is not an OR/M tool. iBATIS helps you map objects to stored procedures or SQL
statements. The underlying schema is irrelevant. An OR/M tool is great if you can map your objects
to tables. But they are not so great if your objects are stored as a relational view rather than as a
table. If you can write a statement or procedure that exposes the columns for your object, regardless
of how they are stored, iBATIS can do the rest.
So, how do you decide whether to OR/M or to DataMap? As always, the best advice is to implement
a representative part of your project using either approach, and then decide. But, in general, OR/M is
The Big Picture
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a good thing when you
1. Have complete control over your database implementation
2. Do not have a Database Administrator or SQL guru on the team
3. Need to model the problem domain outside the database as an object graph.
Likewise, the best time to use a Data Mapper, like iBATIS, is when:
1. You do not have complete control over the database implementation, or want to continue to
access a legacy database as it is being refactored.
2. You have database administrators or SQL gurus on the team.
3. The database is being used to model the problem domain, and the application's primary role is
to help the client use the database model.
In the end, you have to decide what's best for your project. If a OR/M tool works better for you,
that's great! If your next project has different needs, then we hope you give iBATIS another look. If
iBATIS works for you now: Excellent! Join the iBATIS user mailing list if you have any questions.
The Big Picture
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Chapter 3. Working with Data Maps
3.1. Introduction
If you want to know how to configure and install iBATIS, see the Developer Guide section for your
platform. But if you want to know how iBATIS really works, continue from here.
The Data Map definition file is where the interesting stuff happens. Here, you define how your
application interacts with your database. As mentioned, the Data Map definition is an XML
descriptor file. By using a service routine provided by iBATIS, the XML descriptors are rendered
into a client object (or Mapper). To access your Data Maps, your application calls the client object
and passes in the name of the statement you need.
The real work of using iBATIS is not so much in the application code, but in the XML descriptors
that iBATIS renders. Instead of monkeying with application source code, you monkey with XML
descriptors instead. The benefit is that the XML descriptors are much better suited to the task of
mapping your object properties to database entities. At least, that's our own experience with our own
applications. Of course, your mileage may vary.
3.2. What's in a Data Map definition file, anyway?
If you read the Tutorial, you've already seen some simple Data Map examples, like the one shown in
Example 2.1.
Example 3.1. A simple Data Map (.NET)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<sqlMap namespace="LineItem"
xmlns:xsi="" >
<!--Type aliases allow you to use a shorter name for long fully qualified class names.-->
<typeAlias alias="LineItem" type="NPetshop.Domain.Billing.LineItem, NPetshop.Domain" />
<insert id="InsertLineItem" parameterClass="LineItem">
(Order_Id, LineItem_LineNum, Item_Id, LineItem_Quantity, LineItem_UnitPrice)
(#Order.Id#, #LineNumber#, #Item.Id#, #Quantity#, #Item.ListPrice#)
This map takes some properties from a LineItem instance and merges the values into the SQL
statement. The value-add is that our SQL in separated from our program code, and we can pass our
LineItem instance directly to a library method:
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No fuss, no muss. Likewise, see Example 3.2 for a simple select statement.
In Example 3.1, we use SQL aliasing to map columns to our object properties and an iBATIS inline
parameter (see sidebar) to insert a runtime value. Easy as pie.
A Quick Glance at Inline Parameters
Say we have a mapped statement element that looks like this:
<statement id="InsertProduct">
insert into Products (Product_Id, Product_Description)
values (#Id#, #Description#);
The inline parameters here are #Id# and #Description#. Let's also say that we have an object with the
properties Id and Description. If we set the object properties to 5and "dog", respectively, and passed the
object to the mapped statement, we'd end up with a runtime query that looked like this:
insert into Products (Product_Id, Product_Description) values (5, ‘dog');
For more about inline parameters, see Section 3.4.
But, what if you wanted some ice cream with that pie? And maybe a cherry on top? What if we
wanted to cache the result of the select? Or, what if we didn't want to use SQL aliasing or named
parameters. (Say, because we were using pre-existing SQL that we didn't want to touch.) Example
3.2 shows a Data Map that specifies a cache, and uses a <parameterMap> and a <resultMap> to keep
our SQL pristine.
Example 3.2. A Data Map definition file with some bells and whistles
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<sqlMap namespace="Product"
xmlns:xsi="" >
<typeAlias alias="Product" type="Example.Domain.Product, Example.Domain" />
<cacheModel id="productCache" implementation="LRU">
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<property name="CacheSize" value="1000" />
<resultMap id="productResult" class="Product">
<result property="Id" column="Product_Id"/>
<result property="Description" column="Product_Description"/>
<select id="GetProduct" parameterMap="productParam" cacheModel="productCache">
select * from Products where Product_Id = ?
Working with Data Maps
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<parameterMap id="productParam" class="Product">
<parameter property="Id"/>
In Example 3.2, <parameterMap> maps the SQL "?" to the product Id property. The <resultMap>
maps the columns to our object properties. The <cacheModel> keeps the result of the last one
thousand of these queries in active memory for up to 24 hours.
Example 3.2 is longer and more complex than Example 3.1, but considering what you get in return,
it seems like a fair trade. (A bargain even.)
Many agile developers would start with something like Example 3.1 and add features like caching
later. If you changed the Data Map from Example 3.1 to Example 3.2, you would not have to touch
your application source code at all. You can start simple and add complexity only when it is needed.
A single Data Map definition file can contain as many Cache Models, Type Aliases, Result Maps,
Parameter Maps, and Mapped Statements (including stored procedures), as you like. Everything is
loaded into the same configuration, so you can define elements in one Data Map and then use them
in another. Use discretion and organize the statements and maps appropriately for your application
by finding some logical way to group them.
3.3. Mapped Statements
Mapped Statements can hold any SQL statement and can use Parameter Maps and Result Maps for
input and output. (A stored procedure is a specialized form of a statement. See section 3.3.1 and
3.3.2 for more information.)
If the case is simple, the Mapped Statement can reference the parameter and result classes directly.
Mapped Statements support caching through reference to a Cache Model element. The following
example shows the syntax for a statement element.
Example 3.3. Statement element syntax
<statement id=""
select * from Products where Product_Id = [?|#propertyName#]
order by [$simpleDynamic$]
In Example 3.3, the [bracketed] parts are optional, and some options are mutually exclusive. It is
perfectly legal to have a Mapped Statement as simple as shown by Example 3.4.
Working with Data Maps
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Example 3.4. A simplistic Mapped Statement
<statement id="InsertTestProduct" >
insert into Products (Product_Id, Product_Description) values (1, "Shih Tzu")
Example 3.4 is obviously unlikely, unless you are running a test. But it does shows that you can use
iBATIS to execute arbitrary SQL statements. More likely, you will use the object mapping features
with Parameter Maps (Section 3.4) and Result Maps (Section 3.5) since that's where the magic
3.3.1. Statement Types
The <statement> element is a general "catch all" element that can be used for any type of SQL
statement. Generally it is a good idea to use one of the more specific statement-type elements. The
more specific elements provided better error-checking and even more functionality. (For example,
the insert statement can return a database-generated key.) Table 3.1 summarizes the statement-type
elements and their supported attributes and features.
Table 3.1. The six statement-type elements
Statement Element Attributes Child Elements Methods
<statement> id
All dynamic elements Insert
All query methods
<insert> id
All dynamic elements
<update> id
All dynamic elements
<delete> id
All dynamic elements
<select> id
All dynamic elements
All query methods
Working with Data Maps
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Statement Element Attributes Child Elements Methods
<procedure> id
All dynamic elements Insert
All query methods
The various attributes used by statement-type elements are covered in Section 3.3.4.
3.3.2. Stored Procedures
iBATIS DataMapper treats stored procedures as yet another statement type. Example 3.5 shows a
simple Data Map hosting a stored procedure.
Example 3.5. A Data Map using a stored procedure
<!-- Microsot SQL Server -->
<procedure id="SwapEmailAddresses" parameterMap="swap-params">
<parameterMap id="swap-params">
<parameter property="email1" column="First_Email" />
<parameter property="email2" column="Second_Email" />
<!-- Oracle with MS OracleClient provider -->
<procedure id="InsertCategory" parameterMap="insert-params">
<parameterMap id="insert-params">
<parameter property="Name" column="p_Category_Name"/>
<parameter property="GuidString" column="p_Category_Guid" dbType="VarChar"/>
<parameter property="Id" column="p_Category_Id" dbType="Int32" type="Int"/>
<!-- Oracle with ODP.NET 10g provider -->
<statement id="InsertAccount" parameterMap="insert-params">
<parameterMap id="insert-params">
<parameter property="Id" dbType="Int32"/>
<parameter property="FirstName" dbType="VarChar2" size="32"/>
<parameter property="LastName" dbType="VarChar2" size="32"/>
<parameter property="EmailAddress" dbType="VarChar2" size="128"/>
The idea behind Example 3.5 is that calling the stored procedure SwapEmailAddresses would
exchange two email addresses between two columns in a database table and also in the parameter
object (a HashTable). The parameter object is only modified if the parameter mappings mode
attribute is set to InputOutput or Output. Otherwise they are left unchanged. Of course, immutable
parameter objects (e.g. String) cannot be modified.
For .NET, the parameterMap attribute is required. The DBType, parameter direction, size, precision,
Working with Data Maps
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and scale are usually auto-discovered by the framework (via the CommandBuilder) depending on
your provider.
If your stored procedure have no parmeters, the parameterMap attribute on the procedure tag is
3.3.3. The SQL
If you are not using stored procedures, the most important part of a statement-type element is the
SQL. You can use any SQL statement that is valid for your database system. Since iBATIS passes
the SQL through to the standard libraries ( ADO.NET), you can use any statement with iBATIS that
you could use without iBATIS. You can use whatever functions your database system supports, and
even send multiple statements, so long as your driver or provider supports them.
If standard, static SQL isn't enough, iBATIS can help you build a dynamic SQL statement. See
Section 3.9 for more about Dynamic SQL. Reusing SQL Fragments
When writing SqlMaps, you often encounter duplicate fragments of SQL, for example a
FROM-clause or constraint-statement. iBATIS offers a simple yet powerful tag to reuse them. For
the sake of simplicity, let's assume we want to get some items and we want to do a count on them.
Normally, you would write something like this :
Example 3.6. Reusing SQL Fragments (Before)
<select id="SelectItemCount" resultClass="int">
FROM items
WHERE parentid = 6
<select id="SelectItems" resultClass="Item">
SELECT id, name
FROM items
WHERE parentid = 6
To eliminate this duplication, we use the tags <sql> and <include>. The <sql> tag contains the
fragment to reuse, the <include> tag includes such a fragment in a statement. For example:
Example 3.7. Reusing SQL Fragments (After)
<sql id="selectItem_fragment">
FROM items
WHERE parentid = 6
<select id="selectItemCount" resultClass="int">
<include refid="selectItem_fragment"/>
<select id="selectItems" resultClass="Item">
SELECT id, name
<include refid="selectItem_fragment"/>
Working with Data Maps
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The <include> tag is namespace aware so you can refer to fragments even when they are located in
another map (however, due to the way iBATIS loads the SqlMaps, the included fragment should be
loaded before the including statement). The fragments are included and processed on
query-execution so parameters can be used too :
<sql id="selectItem_fragment">
FROM items
WHERE parentid = #value#
<select id="selectItemCount" parameterClass="int" resultClass="int">
<include refid="selectItem_fragment"/>
<select id="selectItems" parameterClass="int" resultClass="Item">
SELECT id, name
<include refid="selectItem_fragment"/>
In many case, you can also use the extends attribute on statement tag to achieve the same goal. Escaping XML symbols
Because you are combining SQL and XML in a single document, conflicts can occur. The most
common conflict is the greater-than and less-than symbols (><). SQL statements use these symbols
as operators, but they are reserved symbols in XML. A simple solution is to escape the SQL
statements that uses XML reserved symbols within a CDATA element. Example 3.6 demonstrates
Example 3.8. Using CDATA to "escape" SQL code
<statement id="SelectPersonsByAge" parameterClass="int" resultClass="Person">
</statement> Auto-Generated Keys
Many database systems support auto-generation of primary key fields, as a vendor extension. Some
vendors pre-generate keys (e.g. Oracle), some vendors post-generate keys (e.g. MS-SQL Server and
MySQL). In either case, you can obtain a pre-generated key using a <selectKey> stanza within an
<insert> element. Example 3.7 shows an <insert> statement for either approach.
Example 3.9. <insert> statements using <selectKey> stanzas
<!—Oracle SEQUENCE Example using .NET 1.1 System.Data.OracleClient -->
<insert id="insertProduct-ORACLE" parameterClass="product">
<selectKey resultClass="int" type="pre" property="Id" >
insert into PRODUCT (PRD_ID,PRD_DESCRIPTION) values (#id#,#description#)
<!— Microsoft SQL Server IDENTITY Column Example -->
<insert id="insertProduct-MS-SQL" parameterClass="product">
Working with Data Maps
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values (#description#)
<selectKey resultClass="int" type="post" property="id" >
select @@IDENTITY as value
<!-- MySQL Example -->
<insert id="insertProduct-MYSQL" parameterClass="product">
values (#description#)
<selectKey resultClass="int" type="post" property="id" >
select LAST_INSERT_ID() as value
</insert> <generate> tag
You can use iBATIS to execute any SQL statement your application requires. When the
requirements for a statement are simple and obvious, you may not even need to write a SQL
statement at all. The <generate> tag can be used to create simple SQL statements automatically,
based on a <parameterMap> element. The four CRUD statement types (insert, select, update, and
delete) are supported. For a select, you can select all or select by a key (or keys). Example 3.8 shows
an example of generating the usual array of CRUD statements.
Example 3.10. Creating the "usual suspects" with the <generate> tag
<parameterMap id="insert-generate-params">
<parameter property="Name" column="Category_Name"/>
<parameter property="Guid" column="Category_Guid" dbType="UniqueIdentifier"/>
<parameterMap id="update-generate-params" extends="insert-generate-params">
<parameter property="Id" column="Category_Id" />
<parameterMap id="delete-generate-params">
<parameter property="Id" column="Category_Id" />
<parameter property="Name" column="Category_Name"/>
<parameterMap id="select-generate-params">
<parameter property="Id" column="Category_Id" />
<parameter property="Name" column="Category_Name"/>
<parameter property="Guid" column="Category_Guid" dbType="UniqueIdentifier"/>
<update id="UpdateCategoryGenerate" parameterMap="update-generate-params">
<generate table="Categories" by="Category_Id"/>
<delete id="DeleteCategoryGenerate" parameterMap="delete-generate-params">
<generate table="Categories" by="Category_Id, Category_Name"/>
<select id="SelectByPKCategoryGenerate" resultClass="Category" parameterClass="Category"
<generate table="Categories" by="Category_Id"/>
<select id="SelectAllCategoryGenerate" resultClass="Category"
<generate table="Categories" />
Working with Data Maps
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<insert id="InsertCategoryGenerate" parameterMap="insert-generate-params">
<selectKey property="Id" type="post" resultClass="int">
select @@IDENTITY as value
<generate table="Categories" />
The SQL is generated when the DataMapper instance is built, so there is no performance impact at
execution time.
The tag generates ANSI SQL, which should work with any compliant database. Special types, such
as blobs, are not supported, and vendor-specific types are also not supported. But, the generate tag
does keep the simple things simple.
The intended use of the <generate> tag is to save developers the trouble of coding mundane SQL
statements (and only mundane statements). It is not meant as a object-to-relational mapping tool.
There are many frameworks that provide extensive object-to-relational mapping features. The
<generate> tag is not a replacement for any of those. When the <generate> tag does not suit your
needs, use a conventional statement instead. <generate> tag attributes
The generate tag supports two attributes :
Table 3.2. <generate> attributes
Attribute Description Required
table specifies the table name to use in
the SQL statement.
by specifies the columns to use in a
WHERE clause
3.3.4. Statement-type Element Attributes
The six statement-type elements take various attributes. See Section 3.3.1 for a table itemizing which
attributes each element-type accepts. The individual attributes are described in the sections that
follow. id
The required id attribute provides a name for this statement, which must be unique within this
<SqlMap>. parameterMap
A Parameter Map defines an ordered list of values that match up with the "?" placeholders of a
Working with Data Maps
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 15
standard, parameterized query statement. Example 3.9 shows a <parameterMap> and a
corresponding <statement>.
Example 3.11. A parameterMap and corresponding statement
<parameterMap id="insert-product-param" class="Product">
<parameter property="id"/>
<parameter property="description"/>
<statement id="insertProduct" parameterMap="insert-product-param">
insert into PRODUCT (PRD_ID, PRD_DESCRIPTION) values (?,?);
In Example 3.9, the Parameter Map describes two parameters that will match, in order, two
placeholders in the SQL statement. The first "?" is replaced by the value of the id property. The
second is replaced with the description property.
iBATIS also supports named, inline parameters, which most developers seem to prefer. However,
Parameter Maps are useful when the SQL must be kept in a standard form or when extra information
needs to be provided. For more about Parameter Maps see Section 3.4. parameterClass
If a parameterMap attribute is not specified, you may specify a parameterClass instead and use inline
parameters (see Section 3.4.3 ). The value of the parameterClass attribute can be a Type Alias or the
fully qualified name of a class. Example 3.10 shows a statement using a fully-qualified name versus
an alias.
Example 3.12. Ways to specify a parameterClass
<!-- fully qualified classname -->
<statement id="statementName" parameterClass="Examples.Domain.Product, Examples.Domain">
insert into PRODUCT values (#id#, #description#, #price#)
<!-- typeAlias (defined elsewhere) -->
<statement id="statementName" parameterClass="Product">
insert into PRODUCT values (#id#, #description#, #price#)
</statement> resultMap
A Result Map lets you control how data is extracted from the result of a query, and how the columns
are mapped to object properties. Example 3.11 shows a <resultMap> element and a corresponding
<statement> element.
Example 3.13. A <resultMap> and corresponding <statement>
<resultMap id="select-product-result" class="product">
<result property="id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
Working with Data Maps
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<statement id="selectProduct" resultMap="select-product-result">
select * from PRODUCT
In Example 3.11, the result of the SQL query will be mapped to an instance of the Product class
using the "select-product-result" <resultMap>. The <resultMap> says to populate the id property
from the PRD_ID column, and to populate the description property from the
In Example 3.11, note that using " select * " is supported. If you want all the columns, you don't
need to map them all individually. (Though many developers consider it a good practice to always
specify the columns expected.)
For more about Result Maps, see Section 3.5. resultClass
If a resultMap is not specified, you may specify a resultClass instead. The value of the resultClass
attribute can be a Type Alias or the fully qualified name of a class. The class specified will be
automatically mapped to the columns in the result, based on the result metadata. The following
example shows a <statement> element with a resultClass attribute.
Example 3.14. A <statement >element with resultClass attribute
<statement id="SelectPerson" parameterClass="int" resultClass="Person">
PER_ID as Id,
PER_FIRST_NAME as FirstName,
PER_LAST_NAME as LastName,
PER_BIRTH_DATE as BirthDate,
PER_WEIGHT_KG as WeightInKilograms,
PER_HEIGHT_M as HeightInMeters
WHERE PER_ID = #value#
In Example 3.12, the Person class has properties including: Id, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate,
WeightInKilograms, and HeightInMeters. Each of these corresponds with the column aliases
described by the SQL select statement using the "as" keyword –a standard SQL feature. When
executed, a Person object is instantiated and populated by matching the object property names to the
(aliased) column names from the query.
Using SQL aliases to map columns to properties saves defining a <resultMap> element, but there are
limitations. There is no way to specify the types of the output columns (if needed), there is no way to
automatically load related data such as complex properties, and there is a slight performance
consequence from accessing the result metadata. Architecturally, using aliases this way mixes
database logic with reporting logic, making the query harder to read and maintain. You can
overcome these limitations with an explicit Result Map (Section 3.5). listClass
Working with Data Maps
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In addition to providing the ability to return an IList of objects, the DataMapper supports the use of a
strongly-typed custom collection: a class that implements the System.Collections.CollectionBase
abstract class. The following is an example of a CollectionBase class that can be used with the
Example 3.15. A System.Collections.CollectionBase implementation
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace WebShop.Domain
public class AccountCollection : CollectionBase
public AccountCollection() {}
public Account this[int index]
get { return (Account)List[index]; }
set { List[index] = value; }
public int Add(Account value)
return List.Add(value);
public void AddRange(Account[] value)
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
public void AddRange(AccountCollection value)
for (int i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)
public bool Contains(Account value)
return List.Contains(value);
public void CopyTo(Account[] array, int index)
List.CopyTo(array, index);
public int IndexOf(Account value)
return List.IndexOf(value);
public void Insert(int index, Account value)
Account.Insert(index, value);
public void Remove(Account value)
Working with Data Maps
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A CollectionBase class can be specified for a select statement through the listClass attribute. The
value of the listClass attribute can be a Type Alias or the fully qualified name of a class. The
statement should also indicate the resultClass so that the DataMapper knows how to handle the type
of objects in the collection. The resultClass specified will be automatically mapped to the columns in
the result, based on the result metadata. The following example shows a <statement> element with a
listClass attribute.
Example 3.16. A <statement >element with listClass attribute
<statement id="GetAllAccounts"
Account_ID as Id,
Account_FirstName as FirstName,
Account_LastName as LastName,
Account_Email as EmailAddress
from Accounts
order by Account_LastName, Account_FirstName
</statement> cacheModel
If you want to cache the result of a query, you can specify a Cache Model as part of the <statement>
element. Example 3.15 shows a <cacheModel> element and a corresponding <statement>.
Example 3.17. A <cacheModel> element with its corresponding <statement>
<cacheModel id="product-cache" implementation="LRU">
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="insertProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="updateProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="deleteProduct"/>
<property name="size" value="1000" />
<statement id="selectProductList" parameterClass="int" cacheModel="product-cache">
select * from PRODUCT where PRD_CAT_ID = #value#
In Example 3.15, a cache is defined for products that uses a LRU reference type and flushes every
24 hours or whenever associated update statements are executed. For more about Cache Models, see
Section 3.8. extends
When writing Sql, you often encounter duplicate fragments of SQL. iBATIS offers a simple yet
powerful attribute to reuse them.
<select id="GetAllAccounts"
Working with Data Maps
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from Accounts
<select id="GetAllAccountsOrderByName"
order by Account_FirstName
3.4. Parameter Maps and Inline Parameters
Most SQL statements are useful because we can pass them values at runtime. Someone wants a
database record with the ID 42, and we need to merge that ID number into a select statement. A list
of one or more parameters are passed at runtime, and each placeholder is replaced in turn. This is
simple but labor intensive, since developers spend a lot of time counting symbols to make sure
everything is in sync.
Preceding sections briefly touched on inline parameters, which automatically map properties to
named parameters. Many iBATIS developers prefer this approach. But others prefer to stick to the
standard, anonymous approach to SQL parameters by using parameter maps. Sometimes people
need to retain the purity of the SQL statements; other times they need the detailed specification
offered by parameter maps due to database or provider-specific information that needs to be used.
A Parameter Map defines an ordered list of values that match up with the placeholders of a
parameterized query statement. While the attributes specified by the map still need to be in the
correct order, each parameter is named. You can populate the underlying class in any order, and the
Parameter Map ensures each value is passed in the correct order.
Dynamic Mapped Statements (Section 3.9) can't use Parameter Maps. Being dynamic, the number of
parameters will change and defeat the purpose of a Parameter Map. Depending on your provider,
this may hinder your ability to use Dynamic Mapped Statements if your provider requires the use of
some of the attributes, such as size or scale, that a <parameter> provides.
Parameter Maps can be provided as an external element and inline. Example 3.16 shows an external
Parameter Map.
Example 3.18. An external Parameter Map
<parameterMap id="parameterMapIdentifier"
[class="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"]
property ="propertyName"
Working with Data Maps
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[typeHandler="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"]
<parameter ... ... />
<parameter ... ... />
In Example 3.16, the parts in [brackets] are optional. The parameterMap element only requires the
id attribute. The class attribute is optional but recommended. The class attribute helps to validate
the incoming parameter and optimizes performance. Example 3.17 shows a typical
Example 3.19. A typical <parameterMap> element
<parameterMap id="insert-product-param" class="Product">
<parameter property="description" />
<parameter property="id"/>
<statement id="insertProduct" parameterMap="insert-product-param">
insert into PRODUCT (PRD_DESCRIPTION,PRD_ID) values (?,?);
Parameter Map names are always local to the Data Map definition file where they are defined. You
can refer to a Parameter Map in another Data Map definition file by prefixing the id of the
Parameter Map with the namespace of the Data Map (set in the <sqlMap> root element). If the
Parameter Map in Example 3.17 were in a Data Map named "Product", it could be referenced from
another file using "Product.insert-product-param".
3.4.1. <parameterMap> attributes
The <parameterMap> element accepts three attributes: id (required), class (optional), and extends
(optional). id
The required id attribute provides a unique identifier for the <parameterMap> within this Data Map. class
The optional class attribute specifies an object class to use with this <parameterMap>. The full
classname and assembly or an alias must be specified. Any class can be used.
The parameter class must be a property object or IDictionary instance. extends
The optional extends attribute can be set to the name of another parameterMap upon which to base
this parameterMap. All properties of the super parameterMap will be included as part of this
Working with Data Maps
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parameterMap, and values from the super parameterMap are set before any values specified by this
parameterMap. The effect is similar to extending a class.
3.4.2. <parameter> Elements
The <parameterMap> element holds one or more parameter child elements that map object
properties to placeholders in a SQL statement. The sections that follow describe each of the
attributes. property
The property attribute of <parameter> is the name of a field or property of the parameter object. It
may also be the name of an entry in a IDictionary object. The name can be used more than once
depending on the number of times it is needed in the statement. (In an update, you might set a
column that is also part of the where clause.) column
The column attribute is used to define to the name of a parameter used by a stored procedure. direction
The direction attribute may be used to indicate a stored procedure parameter's direction.
Table 3.3. Parameter direction attribute values
Value Description
Input input-only
Output output-only
InputOutput bidirectional dbType
The dbType attribute is used to explicitly specify the database column type of the parameter to be set
by this property. For certain operations, some ADO.NET providers are not able to determine the
type of a column, and the type must be specified.
This attribute is normally only required if the column is nullable. Although, another reason to use the
dbType attribute is to explicitly specify date types. Whereas .NET only has one Date value type
(System.DateTime), most SQL databases have more than one. Usually, a database has at least three
different types (DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP). In order for the value to map correctly, you
might need to specify the column's dbType,
Most providers only need the dbType specified for nullable columns. In this case, you only need to
specify the type for the columns that are nullable.
The dbType attribute can be set to any string value that matches a constant in the specific data type
enum of the used provider such as System.Data.SqlDbType for Microsoft Sql Server. Section 3.6
Working with Data Maps
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describes the types that are supported by the framework. type
The type attribute is used to specify the CLR type of the parameter's property. This attribute is
useful when passing InputOutput and Output parameters into stored procedures. The framework uses
the specified type to properly handle and set the parameter object's properties with the procedure's
output values after execution.
Normally, the type can be derived from a property through reflection, but certain mappings that use
objects such as a Map cannot provide the property type to the framework. If the attribute type is not
set and the framework cannot otherwise determine the type, the type is assumed to be an Object.
Section 6 details the CLR types and available aliases that have pre-built support in the framework. nullValue
The nullValue attribute can be set to any valid value (based on property type). The nullValue
attribute is used to specify an outgoing null value replacement. What this means is that when the
value is detected in the object property, a NULL will be written to the database (the opposite
behavior of an inbound null value replacement). This allows you to use a magic null number in your
application for types that do not support null values (such as int,double,float). When these types
of properties contain a matching null value (–9999), a NULL will be written to the database instead
of the value. size
The size attribute sets the maximum size of the data within the column. precision
The precision attribute is used to set the maximum number of digits used to represent the property
value. scale
The scale attribute sets the number of decimal places used to resolve the property value. typeHandler
The typeHandler attribute allows the use of a Custom Type Handler (see the Custom Type Handler
section). This allows you to extend the DataMapper's capabilities in handling types that are specific
to your database provider, are not handled by your database provider, or just happen to be a part of
your application design. You can create custom type handlers to deal with storing and retrieving
booleans and Guids from your database for example.
3.4.3. Inline Parameter Maps
If you prefer to use inline parameters instead of parameter maps, you can add extra type information
inline too. The inline parameter map syntax lets you embed the property name, the property type, the
column type, and a null value replacement into a parametrized SQL statement. The next four
examples shows statements written with inline parameters.
Working with Data Maps
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 23
Example 3.20. A <statement> using inline parameters
<statement id="insertProduct" parameterClass="Product">
values (#id#,#description#)
The following example shows how dbTypes can be declared inline.
Example 3.21. A <statement> using an inline parameter map with a type
<statement id="insertProduct" parameterClass="Product">
values (#id:int#,#description:VarChar#)
The next example shows how dbTypes and null value replacements can also be declared inline.
Example 3.22. A <statement> using an inline parameter map with a null value replacement
<statement id="insertProduct" parameterClass="Product">
values (#id:int:-999999#,#description:VarChar#)
Like the DataMapper for Java, there is an alternate inline syntax that allows the specification of the
property, type, dbType, and null value replacement. The following example shows that syntax in
Example 3.23. A <statement> using alternate inline syntax with property, type, dbType, and
null value replacement
<update id="UpdateAccountViaInlineParameters" parameterClass="Account">
update Accounts set
Account_FirstName = #FirstName#,
Account_LastName = #LastName#,
Account_Email = #EmailAddress,type=string,dbType=Varchar,
Account_ID = #Id#
When using inline parameters, you cannot specify the null value replacement without also specifying
the dbType. You must specify both due to the parsing order.
For round-trip transparency of null values, you must also specify database columns null value
replacements in your Result Map (see Section 3.5).
Working with Data Maps
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Inline parameter maps are handy for small jobs, but when there are a lot of type descriptors and null
value replacements in a complex statement, an industrial-strength, external parameterMap can be
3.4.4. Standard Type Parameters
In practice, you will find that many statements take a single parameter, often an Integer or a
String. Rather than wrap a single value in another object, you can use the standard library object
(String,Integer, et cetera) as the parameter directly. Example 3.22 shows a statement using a
standard type parameter.
Example 3.24. A <statement> using standard type parameters
<statement id="getProduct" parameterClass="System.Int32">
select * from PRODUCT where PRD_ID = #value#
Assuming PRD_ID is a numeric type, when a call is made to this Mapped Statement, a standard
Integer object can be passed in. The #value# parameter will be replaced with the value of the Integer
instance. The name value is simply a placeholder, you can use another moniker of your choice.
Result Maps support primitive types as results as well.
For your convenience, primitive types are aliased by the framework. For example, int can be used
in place of System.Integer. For a complete list, see Section 3.6, "Supported Types for Parameter
Maps and Result Maps".
3.4.5. Map or IDictionary Type Parameters
You can also pass a IDictionary instance as a parameter object. This would usually be a
HashTable. Example 3.23 shows a <statement> using an IDictionary for a parameterClass.
Example 3.25. A <statement> using a Map or IDictionary for a parameterClass
<statement id="getProduct" parameterClass="System.Collections.IDictionary">
select * from PRODUCT
where PRD_CAT_ID = #catId#
and PRD_CODE = #code#
In Example 3.23, notice that the SQL in this Mapped Statement looks like any other. There is no
difference in how the inline parameters are used. If a HashTable instance is passed, it must contain
keys named catId and code. The values referenced by those keys must be of the appropriate type for
the column, just as they would be if passed from a properties object.
For your convenience, IDictionary types are aliased by the framework. So, map or HashTable can
be used in place of System.Collections.Hashtable. For a complete list of aliases, see Section 3.6,
"Supported Types for Parameter Maps and Result Maps".
Working with Data Maps
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 25
3.5. Result Maps
Section 3.4 describes Parameter Maps and Inline parameters, which map object properties to
parameters in a database query. Result Maps finish the job by mapping the result of a database query
(a set of columns) to object properties. Next to Mapped Statements, the Result Map is probably one
of the most commonly used and most important features to understand.
A Result Map lets you control how data is extracted from the result of a query, and how the columns
are mapped to object properties. A Result Map can describe the column type, a null value
replacement, and complex property mappings including Collections. Example 3.24 shows the
structure of a <resultMap> element.
Example 3.26. The structure of a <resultMap> element.
<resultMap id="resultMapIdentifier"
[class="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"]
<constructor >
<argument property="argumentName"
[typeHandler="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"] />
</constructor >
<result property="propertyName"
[typeHandler="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"]
<result ... .../>
<result ... .../>
// Inheritance support
<discriminator column="columnName"
[type|typeHandler="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"]
<subMap value="discriminatorValue"
<subMap .../>
In Example 3.24, the [brackets] indicate optional attributes. The id attribute is required and provides
a name for the statement to reference. The class attribute is also required, and specifies a Type Alias
or the fully qualified name of a class. This is the class that will be instantiated and populated based
on the result mappings it contains.
The resultMap can contain any number of property mappings that map object properties to the
columns of a result element. The property mappings are applied, and the columns are read, in the
order that they are defined. Mainting the element order ensures consistent results between different
drivers and providers.
Working with Data Maps
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 26
As with parameter classes, the result class must be a .NET object or IDictionary instance.
3.5.1. Extending resultMaps
The optional extends attribute can be set to the name of another resultMap upon which to base this
resultMap. All properties of the "super" resultMap will be included as part of this resultMap, and
values from the "super" resultMap are set before any values specified by this resultMap. The effect
is similar to extending a class.
The "super" resultMap must be defined in the file before the extending resultMap. The classes for
the super and sub resultMaps need not be the same, and do not need to be related in any way.
3.5.2. <resultMap> attributes
The <resultMap> element accepts three attributes: id (required), class (optional), and extends
(optional). id
The required id attribute provides a unique identifier for the <resultMap> within this Data Map. class
The optional class attribute specifies an object class to use with this <resultMap>. The full
classname or an alias must be specified. Any class can be used.
As with parameter classes, the result classes must be a .NET object or IDictionary instance. extends
The optional extends attribute allows the result map to inherit all of the properties of the "super"
resultMap that it extends. groupBy
The optional groupBy attribute specifies a list of .NET property names of the result object build by
the resultMap. They are used to identify unique rows in the returned result set. Rows with equal
values for the specified properties will only generate one result object. Use groupBy in combination
with nested resultMaps to solve the N+1 query problem. Exemple : "Id" or "Desciption, Date".(see
paragraph 3.5.13).
3.5.3. <constructor> element
The <constructor> element must match the signature of one of the result class constructor. If specify,
this element is used by iBATIS to instanciate the result object.
The <constructor> element holds one or more <argument> child elements that map SQL resultsets to
Working with Data Maps
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 27
object argument constructor.
Example 3.27. Constructor element example
<resultMap id="account-result-constructor" class="Account" >
<argument argumentName="id" column="Account_ID"/>
<argument argumentName="firstName" column="Account_FirstName"/>
<argument argumentName="lastName" column="Account_LastName"/>
<result property="EmailAddress" column="Account_Email" nullValue=""/>
<result property="BannerOption" column="Account_Banner_Option" dbType="Varchar" type="bool"/>
<result property="CartOption" column="Account_Cart_Option" typeHandler="HundredsBool"/>
</resultMap> argumentName
The argumentName attribute is the name of a constructor argument of the result object that will be
returned by the Mapped Statement. column
The column attribute value is the name of the column in the result set from which the value will be
used to populate the argument. columnIndex
As an optional (minimal) performance enhancement, the columnIndex attribute value is the index of
the column in the ResultSet from which the value will be used to populate the object argument. This
is not likely needed in 99% of applications and sacrifices maintainability and readability for speed.
Some providers may not realize any performance benefit, while others will speed up dramatically. dbType
The dbType attribute is used to explicitly specify the database column type of the ResultSet column
that will be used to populate the argument. Although Result Maps do not have the same difficulties
with null values, specifying the type can be useful for certain mapping types such as Date properties.
Because an application language has one Date value type and SQL databases may have many
(usually at least 3), specifying the date may become necessary in some cases to ensure that dates (or
other types) are set correctly. Similarly, String types may be populated by a VarChar, Char or
CLOB, so specifying the type might be needed in those cases too. type
The type attribute is used to explicitly specify the CLR argument type. Normally this can be derived
from a argument through reflection, but certain mappings that use objects such as a Map cannot
provide the type to the framework. If the attribute type is not set and the framework cannot
otherwise determine the type, the type is assumed to be Object. Section 6 details the CLR types and
available aliases that are supported by the framework. resultMapping
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The resultMapping attribute can be set to the name of another resultMap used to fill the argument.
If the resultMap is in an other mapping file, you must specified the fully qualified name. nullValue
The nullValue attribute can be set to any valid value (based on argument type). The result element's
nullValue attribute is used to specify an inbound null value replacement. What this means is that
when the value is detected in a query's result column, the corresponding object argument will be set
to the the nullValue attribute's value. This allows you to use a "magic" null number in your
application for types that do not support null values (such as int,double,float). select
The select attribute is used to describe a relationship between objects and to automatically load
complex (i.e. user defined) property types. The value of the statement property must be the name of
another mapped statement. The value of the database column (the column attribute) that is defined in
the same property element as this statement attribute will be passed to the related mapped statement
as the parameter. More information about supported primitive types and complex property
mappings/relationships is discussed later in this document. The lazyLoad attribute can be specified
with the select typeHandler
The typeHandler attribute allows the use of a Custom Type Handler (see the Custom Type Handler
section). This allows you to extend the DataMapper's capabilities in handling types that are specific
to your database provider, are not handled by your database provider, or just happen to be a part of
your application design. You can create custom type handlers to deal with storing and retrieving
booleans and Guids from your database for example.
3.5.4. <result> Elements
The <resultMap> element holds one or more <result> child elements that map SQL resultsets to
object properties. property
The property attribute is the name of a field or a property of the result object that will be returned
by the Mapped Statement. The name can be used more than once depending on the number of times
it is needed to populate the results. column
The column attribute value is the name of the column in the result set from which the value will be
used to populate the property. columnIndex
As an optional (minimal) performance enhancement, the columnIndex attribute value is the index of
the column in the ResultSet from which the value will be used to populate the object property. This
is not likely needed in 99% of applications and sacrifices maintainability and readability for speed.
Some providers may not realize any performance benefit, while others will speed up dramatically.
Working with Data Maps
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 29 dbType
The dbType attribute is used to explicitly specify the database column type of the ResultSet column
that will be used to populate the object property. Although Result Maps do not have the same
difficulties with null values, specifying the type can be useful for certain mapping types such as Date
properties. Because an application language has one Date value type and SQL databases may have
many (usually at least 3), specifying the date may become necessary in some cases to ensure that
dates (or other types) are set correctly. Similarly, String types may be populated by a VarChar, Char
or CLOB, so specifying the type might be needed in those cases too. type
The type attribute is used to explicitly specify the CLR property type of the parameter to be set.
Normally this can be derived from a property through reflection, but certain mappings that use
objects such as a Map cannot provide the type to the framework. If the attribute type is not set and
the framework cannot otherwise determine the type, the type is assumed to be Object. Section 6
details the CLR types and available aliases that are supported by the framework. resultMapping
The resultMapping attribute can be set to the name of another resultMap used to fill the property. If
the resultMap is in an other mapping file, you must specified the fully qualified name as :
<!--resultMapping with a fully qualified name.-->
resultMapping="LineItem.LineItem" nullValue
The nullValue attribute can be set to any valid value (based on property type). The result element's
nullValue attribute is used to specify an inbound null value replacement. What this means is that
when the value is detected in a query's result column, the corresponding object property will be set
to the the nullValue attribute's value. This allows you to use a "magic" null number in your
application for types that do not support null values (such as int,double,float).
If your database has a NULLABLE column, but you want your application to represent NULL with
a constant value, you can specify it in the Result Map as shown in Example 3.25.
Example 3.28. Specifying a nullvalue attribute in a Result Map
<resultMap id="get-product-result" class="product">
<result property="id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="subCode" column="PRD_SUB_CODE" nullValue="-9999"/>
In Example 3.25, if PRD_SUB_CODE is read as NULL, then the subCode property will be set to the
value of -9999. This allows you to use a primitive type in your .NET class to represent a
NULLABLE column in the database. Remember that if you want this to work for queries as well as
updates/inserts, you must also specify the nullValue in the Parameter Map (discussed earlier in this
Working with Data Maps
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 30
document). select
The select attribute is used to describe a relationship between objects and to automatically load
complex (i.e. user defined) property types. The value of the statement property must be the name of
another mapped statement. The value of the database column (the column attribute) that is defined in
the same property element as this statement attribute will be passed to the related mapped statement
as the parameter. More information about supported primitive types and complex property
mappings/relationships is discussed later in this document. The lazyLoad attribute can be specified
with the select lazyLoad
Use the lazyLoad attribute with the select attribute to indicate whether or not the select statement's
results should be lazy loaded. This can provide a performance boost by delaying the loading of the
select statement's results until they are needed/accessed.
Lazy loading is supported transparently for IList and IList<T> implementation.
Lazy loading is supported on strongly typed collection via Castle.DynamicProxy component. In this
case you must set the listClass attribute and declare all methods/properties of the typed collection
that you want to proxy as virtual.
Lazy loading is supported on concrete class via Castle.DynamicProxy component. In this case, you
must declare all methods/properties of the class that you want to proxy as virtual.
Example 3.29. Sample of strongly typed collection used with proxy call
public class LineItemCollection : CollectionBase
public LineItemCollection() {}
public virtual LineItem this[int index]
get { return (LineItem)List[index]; }
set { List[index] = value; }
public virtual int Add(LineItem value)
return List.Add(value);
public virtual void AddRange(LineItem[] value)
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
public virtual void AddRange(LineItemCollection value)
for (int i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)
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public virtual bool Contains(LineItem value)
return List.Contains(value);
public virtual void CopyTo(LineItem[] array, int index)
List.CopyTo(array, index);
public virtual int IndexOf(LineItem value)
return List.IndexOf(value);
public virtual void Insert(int index, LineItem value)
List.Insert(index, value);
public virtual void Remove(LineItem value)
public new virtual int Count
get {return this.List.Count;}
Example 3.30. Concrete class
public class Person
public virtual string Name
get {return _name;}
} typeHandler
The typeHandler attribute allows the use of a Custom Type Handler (see the Custom Type Handler
section). This allows you to extend the DataMapper's capabilities in handling types that are specific
to your database provider, are not handled by your database provider, or just happen to be a part of
your application design. You can create custom type handlers to deal with storing and retrieving
booleans and Guids from your database for example.
3.5.5. Custom Type Handlers
A custom type handler allows you to extend the DataMapper's capabilities in handling types that are
specific to your database provider, not handled by your database provider, or just happen to be part
of your application design. The .NET DataMapper provides an interface,
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IBatisNet.DataMappers.TypeHandlers.ITypeHandlerCallback, for you to use in implementing your
custom type handler.
Example 3.31. ITypeHandlerCallback interface
using System.Data;
using IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ParameterMapping;
namespace IBatisNet.DataMapper.TypeHandlers
public interface ITypeHandlerCallback
void SetParameter(IParameterSetter setter, object parameter);
object GetResult(IResultGetter getter);
object ValueOf(string s);
The SetParameter method allows you to process a <statement> parameter's value before it is added
as an IDbCommand parameter. This enables you to do any necessary type conversion and clean-up
before the DataMapper gets to work. If needed, you also have access to the underlying
IDataParameter through the setter.DataParameter property.
The GetResult method allows you to process a database result value right after it has been retrieved
by the DataMapper and before it is used in your resultClass, resultMap, or listClass. If needed, you
also have access to the underlying IDataReader through the getter.DataReader property.
The ValueOf method allows you to compare a string representation of a value with one that you are
expecting and can handle appropriately. Typically, this is useful for translating a null value, but if
your application or database will not support a null value, you can basically return the given string.
When presented with an unexpected value, you can throw an appropriate exception.
One scenario that is familiar to .NET developers is the handling of a Guid type/structure. Many
providers do not handle Guid class properties well, and developers may be faced with littering their
domain objects with an additional set of property accessors to translate Guid properties into strings
and strings into Guids.
public class BudgetObjectCode
private string _code;
private string _description;
private Guid _guidProperty;
public Guid GuidProperty {
get { return _guidProperty; }
set { _guidProperty = value; }
public string GuidPropertyString {
get { return _guidProperty.ToString(); }
set {
if (value == null) {
_guidProperty = Guid.Empty;
else {
_guidProperty = new Guid(value.ToString());
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We can use a custom type handler to clean up this domain class. First, we define a string that will
represent a null Guid value (Guid.Empty). We can then use that constant in our ValueOf null value
comparison for the DataMapper to eventually use in setting our domain class' Guid properties.
Implementing the GetResult and SetParameter methods is straightforward since we had been
basically doing the same translation in our domain class' GuidPropertyString accessors.
Example 3.32. Guid String Type Handler
using System;
using IBatisNet.DataMapper.TypeHandlers;
namespace BigApp.Common.TypeHandlers
/// <summary>
/// GuidVarcharTypeHandlerCallback.
/// </summary>
public class GuidVarcharTypeHandlerCallback : ITypeHandlerCallback
private const string GUIDNULL = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
public object ValueOf(string nullValue)
if (GUIDNULL.Equals(nullValue))
return Guid.Empty;
throw new Exception(
"Unexpected value " + nullValue +
" found where "+GUIDNULL+" was expected to represent a null value.");
public object GetResult(IResultGetter getter)
try {
Guid result = new Guid(getter.Value.ToString());
return result;
throw new Exception(
"Unexpected value " + getter.Value.ToString() +
" found where a valid GUID string value was expected.");
public void SetParameter(IParameterSetter setter, object parameter)
setter.Value = parameter.ToString();
With our custom type handler, we can clean up our domain class and use the handler in our
SqlMaps. To do that, we have two options in configuring our custom type handler to be used by the
DataMapper. We can simply add it as a <typeAlias> and use it when needed in a parameterMap or
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Example 3.33. Aliased Custom Type Handler in a SqlMap.xml file
<typeAlias alias="GuidVarchar"
<resultMap id="boc-result" class="BudgetObjectCode">
<result property="Code" column="BOC_CODE" dbType="Varchar2"/>
<result property="Description" column="BOC_DESC" dbType="Varchar2"/>
<result property="GuidProperty" column="BOC_GUID" typeHandler="GuidVarchar"/>
Or we can specify it as a basic <typeHandler> for all Guid types mapped in our SqlMap files.
<typeHandler> in SqlMap.config
Example 3.34. <typeHandler> in SqlMap.config
[Our SqlMap.config]
<typeAlias alias="GuidVarchar"
<typeHandler type="guid" dbType="Varchar2" callback="GuidVarchar"/>
[One of our SqlMap.xml files]
<parameterMap id="boc-params">
<parameter property="Code" dbType="Varchar2" size="10"/>
<parameter property="Description" dbType="Varchar2" size="100"/>
<parameter property="GuidProperty" dbType="Varchar2" type="guid"/>
<resultMap id="boc-result" class="BudgetObjectCode">
<result property="Code" column="BOC_CODE" dbType="Varchar2"/>
<result property="Description" column="BOC_DESC" dbType="Varchar2"/>
<result property="GuidProperty" column="BOC_GUID" dbType="Varchar2" type="guid"/>
3.5.6. Inheritance Mapping
The iBATIS DataMapper supports the implementation of object-oriented inheritance (subclassing)
in your object model. There are several developer options for mapping entity classes and subclasses
to database results:
resultMap for each class
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resultMap with submaps for a class hierarchy
resultMap with extended resultMaps for each subclass
You can use the most efficient mapping strategies from a SQL and query performance perspective
when using the inheritance mappings of the DataMapper. To implement an inheritance mapping, the
resultMap must define one or more columns in your query's resultset that will serve to identify
which resultMap should be used to map each result record to a specific subclass. In many cases, you
will use one column value for the DataMapper to use in identifying the proper resultMap and
subclass. This column is known as a discriminator.
For example, we have a table defined in a database that contains Document records. There are five
table columns used to store Document IDs, Titles, Types, PageNumbers, and Cities. Perhaps this
table belongs to a legacy database, and we need to create an application using this table with a
domain model that defines a class hierarchy of different types of Documents. Or perhaps we are
creating a new application and database and just want to persist the data found in a set of related
classes into one table. In either case, the DataMapper's inheritance mapping feature can help.
// Database table Document
CREATE TABLE [Documents] (
[Document_ID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Document_Title] [varchar] (32) NULL ,
[Document_Type] [varchar] (32) NULL ,
[Document_PageNumber] [int] NULL ,
[Document_City] [varchar] (32) NULL
To illustrate this, let's take a look at a few example classes shown below that have a relationship
through inheritance and whose properties can be persisted into our Documents table. First, we have a
base Document class that has Id and Title properties. Next, we have a Book class that inherits from
Document and contains an additional property called PageNumber. Last, we have a Newspaper class
that also inherits from Document and contains a City property.
Example 3.35. Documents, Books, and Newspapers!
// C# class
public class Document
private int _id = -1;
private string _title = string.Empty;
public int Id
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }
public string Title
get { return _title; }
set { _title = value; }
public class Book : Document
private int _pageNumber = -1;
public int PageNumber
get { return _pageNumber; }
set { _pageNumber = value; }
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public class Newspaper : Document
private string _city = string.Empty;
public string City
get { return _city; }
set { _city = value; }
Now that we have our classes and database table, we can start working on our mappings. We can
create one <select> statement that returns all columns in the table. To help the DataMapper
discriminate between the different Document records, we're going to indicate that the
Document_Type column holds values that will distinguish one record from another for mapping the
results into our class hierarchy.
// Document mapping file
<select id="GetAllDocument" resultMap="document">
Document_Id, Document_Title, Document_Type,
Document_PageNumber, Document_City
from Documents
order by Document_Type, Document_Id
<resultMap id="document" class="Document">
<result property="Id" column="Document_ID"/>
<result property="Title" column="Document_Title"/>
<discriminator column="Document_Type" type="string"/>
<subMap value="Book" resultMapping="book"/>
<subMap value="Newspaper" resultMapping="newspaper"/>
<resultMap id="book" class="Book" extends="document">
<property="PageNumber" column="Document_PageNumber"/>
<resultMap id="newspaper" class="Newspaper" extends="document">
<property="City" column="Document_City"/>
The DataMapper compares the data found in the discriminator column to the different <submap>
values using the column value's string equivalence. Based on this string value, iBATIS DataMapper
will use the resultMap named "Book" or "Newspaper" as defined in the <submap> elements or it
will use the "super" resultMap "Document" if neither of the submap values satisfy the comparison.
With these resultMaps, we can implement an object-oriented inheritance mapping to our database
If you want to use custom logic, you can use the typeHandler attribute of the <discriminator>
element to specify a custom type handler for the discriminator column.
Example 3.36. Complex disciminator usage with Custom Type Handler
<typeAlias alias="CustomInheritance"
type="IBatisNet.DataMapper.Test.Domain.CustomInheritance, IBatisNet.DataMapper.Test"/>
<resultMap id="document-custom-formula" class="Document">
<result property="Id" column="Document_ID"/>
<result property="Title" column="Document_Title"/>
<discriminator column="Document_Type" typeHandler="CustomInheritance"/>
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<subMap value="Book" resultMapping="book"/>
<subMap value="Newspaper" resultMapping="newspaper"/>
The value of the typeHandler attribute specifies which of our classes implements the
ITypeHandlerCallback interface. This interface furnishes a GetResult method for coding custom
logic to read the column result value and return a value for the DataMapper to use in its comparison
to the resultMap's defined <submap> values.
Example 3.37. Example ITypeHandlerCallback interface implementation
public class CustomInheritance : ITypeHandlerCallback
#region ITypeHandlerCallback members
public object ValueOf(string nullValue)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public object GetResult(IResultGetter getter)
string type = getter.Value.ToString();
if (type=="Monograph" || type=="Book")
return "Book";
else if (type=="Tabloid" || type=="Broadsheet" || type=="Newspaper")
return "Newspaper";
return "Document";
public void SetParameter(IParameterSetter setter, object parameter)
throw new NotImplementedException();
3.5.7. Implicit Result Maps
If the columns returned by a SQL statement match the result object, you may not need an explicit
Result Map. If you have control over the relational schema, you might be able to name the columns
so they also work as property names. In Example 3.33, the column names and property names
already match, so a result map is not needed.
Example 3.38. A Mapped Statement that doesn't need a Result Map
<statement id="selectProduct" resultClass="Product">
where id = #value#
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Another way to skip a result map is to use column aliasing to make the column names match the
properties names, as shown in Example 3.34.
Example 3.39. A Mapped Statement using column alaising instead of a Result Map
<statement id="selectProduct" resultClass="Product">
PRD_ID as id,
PRD_DESCRIPTION as description
where PRD_ID = #value#
Of course, these techniques will not work if you need to specify a column type, a null value, or any
other property attributes.
Case sensitivity can also be an issue with implicit result maps. Conceivably, you could have an
object with a "FirstName" property and a "Firstname" property. When iBATIS tries to match
property and column, the heurstic is case-insensitive and we cannot guarantee which property would
match. (Of course, very few developers would have two property names that were so simiilar.)
A final issue is that there is some performance overhead when iBATIS has to map the column and
property names automatically. The difference can be dramatic if using a third-party NET database
provider with poor support for ResultSetMetaData.
3.5.8. Primitive Results (i.e. String, Integer, Boolean)
Many times, we don't need to return an object with multiple properties. We just need a String,
Integer, Boolean, and so forth. If you don't need to populate an object, iBATIS can return one of the
primitive types instead. If you just need the value, you can use a standard type as a result class, as
shown in Example 3.35.
Example 3.40. Selecting a standard type
<select id="selectProductCount" resultClass="System.Int32">
select count(1)
If need be, you can refer to the standard type using a marker token, "value", as shown by Example
Example 3.41. Loading a simple list of product descriptions
<resultMap id="select-product-result" resultClass="System.String">
<result property="value" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
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3.5.9. Maps with ResultMaps
Instead of a rich object, sometimes all you might need is a simple key/value list of the data, where
each property is an entry on the list. If so, Result Maps can populate a IDictionary instance as easily
as property objects. The syntax for using a IDictionary is identical to the rich object syntax. As
shown in Example 3.37, only the result object changes.
Example 3.42. Result Maps can use generic "entry-type" objects
<resultMap id="select-product-result" class="HashTable">
<result property="id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="code" column="PRD_CODE"/>
<result property="description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="suggestedPrice" column="PRD_SUGGESTED_PRICE"/>
In Example 3.37, an instance of HashTable would be created for each row in the result set and
populated with the Product data. The property name attributes, like id,code, and so forth, would be
the key of the entry, and the value of the mapped columns would be the value of the entry.
As shown in Example 3.38, you can also use an implicit Result Map with a IDictionary type.
Example 3.43. Implicit Result Maps can use "entry-type" objects too
<statement id="selectProductCount" resultClass="HashTable">
select * from PRODUCT
What set of entries is returned by Example xx depends on what columns are in the result set. If the
set of column changes (because columns are added or removed), the new set of entries would
automatically be returned.
Certain providers may return column names in upper case or lower case format. When accessing
values with such a provider, you will have to pass the Hashtable or HashMap key name in the
expected case.
3.5.10. Complex Properties
In a relational database, one table will often refer to another. Likewise, some of your business
objects may include another object or list of objects. Types that nest other types are called "complex
types". You may not want a statement to return a simple type, but a fully-formed compex type.
In the database, a related column is usually represented via a 1:1 relationship, or a 1:M relationship
where the class that holds the complex property is from the "many side" of the relationship and the
property itself is from the "one side" of the relationship. The column returned from the database will
not be the property we want; it is a key to be used in another query.
From the framework's perspective, the problem is not so much loading a complex type, but loading
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each "complex property". To solve this problem, you can specify in the Result Map a statement to
run to load a given property. In Example 3.39, the "category" property of the "select-product-result"
element is a complex property.
Example 3.44. A Result Map with a Complex Property
<resultMap id="select-product-result" class="product">
<result property="id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="category" column="PRD_CAT_ID" select="selectCategory"/>
<resultMap id="select-category-result" class="category">
<result property="id" column="CAT_ID"/>
<result property="description" column="CAT_DESCRIPTION"/>
<select id="selectProduct" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-product-result">
select * from PRODUCT where PRD_ID = #value#
<select id="selectCategory" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-category-result">
select * from CATEGORY where CAT_ID = #value#
In Example 3.39, the framework will use the "selectCategory" statement to populate the "category"
property. The value of each category is passed to the "selectCategory" statement, and the object
returned is set to the category property. When the process completes, each Product instance will
have the the appropriate category object instance set.
3.5.11. Avoiding N+1 Selects (1:1)
A problem with Example 3.39 may be that whenever you load a Product, two statements execute:
one for the Product and one for the Category. For a single Product, this issue may seem trivial. But if
you load 10 products, then 11 statements execute. For 100 Products, instead of one statement
product statement executing, a total of 101 statements execute. The number of statements executing
for Example 3.40 will always be N+1: 100+1=101.
Example 3.45. N+1 Selects (1:1)
<resultMap id="select-product-result" class="product">
<result property="id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="category" column="PRD_CAT_ID" select="selectCategory"/>
<resultMap id="select-category-result" class="category">
<result property="id" column="CAT_ID"/>
<result property="description" column="CAT_DESCRIPTION"/>
<!-- This statement executes 1 time -->
<select id="selectProducts" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-product-result">
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select * from PRODUCT
<!-- This statement executes N times (once for each product returned above) -->
<select id="selectCategory" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-category-result">
select * from CATEGORY where CAT_ID = #value#
One way to mitigate the problem is to cache the "selectCategory" statement . We might have a
hundred products, but there might only be five categories. Instead of running a SQL query or stored
procedure, the framework will return the category object from it cache. A 101 statements would still
run, but they would not be hitting the database. (See Section 3.8 for more about caches.)
Another solution is to use a standard SQL join to return the columns you need from the another
table. A join can bring all the columns we need over from the database in a single query. When you
have a nested object, you can reference nested properties using a dotted notation, like
Example 3.41 solves the same problem as Example 3.40, but uses a join instead of nested properties.
Example 3.46. Resolving complex properties with a join
<resultMap id="select-product-result" class="product">
<result property="id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="category" resultMapping="Category.CategoryResult" />
<statement id="selectProduct" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-product-result">
select *
and PRD_ID = #value#
Lazy Loading vs. Joins (1:1)
It's important to note that using a join is not always better. If you are in a situation where it is rare to
access the related object (e.g. the category property of the Product class) then it might actually be faster to
avoid the join and the unnecessary loading of all category properties. This is especially true for database
designs that involve outer joins or nullable and/or non-indexed columns. In these situations it might be
better to use the sub-select solution with lazy loading enabled. The general rule of thumb is: use the join
if you're more likely going to access the associated properties than not. Otherwise, only use it if lazy
loading is not an option.
If you're having trouble deciding which way to go, don't worry. No matter which way you go, you can
always change it without impacting your application source code. Example 3.40 and 3.41 result in exactly
the same object graph and are loaded using the exact same method call from the application. The only
consideration is that if you were to enable caching, then the using the separate select (not the join)
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solution could result in a cached instance being returned. But more often than not, that won't cause a
problem (your application shouldn't be dependent on instance level equality i.e. "==").
3.5.12. Complex Collection Properties
It is also possible to load properties that represent lists of complex objects. In the database the data
would be represented by a M:M relationship, or a 1:M relationship where the class containing the list
is on the "one side" of the relationship and the objects in the list are on the "many side". To load an
IList of objects, there is no change to the statement (see example above). The only difference
required to cause the iBATIS DataMapper framework to load the property as an IList is that the
property on the business object must be of type System.Collections.IList. For example, if a Category
has a IList of Product instances, the mapping would look like this (assuming Category has a property
called "ProductList" of System.Collections.IList.):
Example 3.47. Mapping that creates a list of complex objects
<resultMap id="select-category-result" class="Category">
<result property="Id" column="CAT_ID"/>
<result property="Description" column="CAT_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="ProductList" column="CAT_ID" select="selectProductsByCatId"/>
<resultMap id="select-product-result" class="Product">
<result property="Id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="Description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<statement id="selectCategory" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-category-result">
select * from CATEGORY where CAT_ID = #value#
<statement id="selectProductsByCatId" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-product-result">
select * from PRODUCT where PRD_CAT_ID = #value#
3.5.13. Avoiding N+1 Select Lists (1:M and M:N)
This is similar to the 1:1 situation above, but is of even greater concern due to the potentially large
amount of data involved. The problem with the solution above is that whenever you load a Category,
two SQL statements are actually being run (one for the Category and one for the list of associated
Products). This problem seems trivial when loading a single Category, but if you were to run a query
that loaded ten (10) Categories, a separate query would be run for each Category to load its
associated list of Products. This results in eleven (11) queries total: one for the list of Categories and
one for each Category returned to load each related list of Products (N+1 or in this case 10+1=11).
To make this situation worse, we're dealing with potentially large lists of data.
Example 3.48. N+1 Select Lists (1:M and M:N), example of problem
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<resultMap id="select-category-result" class="Category">
<result property="Id" column="CAT_ID"/>
<result property="Description" column="CAT_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="ProductList" column="CAT_ID" select="selectProductsByCatId"/>
<resultMap id="Product-result" class="Product">
<result property="Id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="Description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<!-- This statement executes 1 time -->
<statement id="selectCategory" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-category-result">
select * from CATEGORY where CAT_ID = #value#
<!-- This statement executes N times (once for each category returned above)
and returns a list of Products (1:M) -->
<statement id="selectProductsByCatId" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-product-result">
select * from PRODUCT where PRD_CAT_ID = #value#
iBATIS fully solves the N+1 selects problem. Here is the same example solved :
Example 3.49. N+1 Select Lists (1:M and M:N) resolution
<sqlMap namespace="ProductCategory">
<resultMap id="Category-result" class="Category" groupBy="Id">
<result property="Id" column="CAT_ID"/>
<result property="Description" column="CAT_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="ProductList" resultMapping="ProductCategory.Product-result"/>
<resultMap id="Product-result" class="Product">
<result property="Id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="Description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<!-- This statement executes 1 time -->
<statement id="SelectCategory" parameterClass="int" resultMap="Category-result">
left outer join PRODUCT P
where CAT_ID = #value#
When you call...
IList myList = sqlMap.QueryForList("SelectCategory", 1002);
...the main query is executed, and the results are stored in the myList variable containing .NET type
Working with Data Maps
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"Category" element . Each object in that List will have a "ProductList" property that is also a List
populated from the same query, but using the "Product-result" result map to populate the element in
the child list. So, you end up with a list containing sub-lists, and only one database query is
The important items here are the...
...attribute and the...
<result property="ProductList" resultMapping="ProductCategory.Product-result"/> mapping in the "Category-result" result map. One other important detail is that the result
mapping for the ProductList property is namespace aware - had it been simply "Product-result" it
would not work. Using this approach, you can solve any N+1 problem of any depth or breadth.
Lazy Loading vs. Joins (1:M and M:N)
As with the 1:1 situation described previously, it's important to note that using a join is not always better.
This is even more true for collection properties than it was for individual value properties due to the
greater amount of data. If you are in a situation where it is rare to access the related object (e.g. the
ProductList property of the Category class) then it might actually be faster to avoid the join and the
unnecessary loading of the list of products. This is especially true for database designs that involve outer
joins or nullable and/or non-indexed columns. In these situations it might be better to use the sub-select
solution with the lazy loading. The general rule of thumb is: use the join if you're more likely going to
access the associated properties than not. Otherwise, only use it if lazy loading is not an option.
As mentioned earlier, if you're having trouble deciding which way to go, don't worry. No matter which
way you go, you can always change it without impacting your .NET code. The two examples above
would result in exactly the same object graph and are loaded using the exact same method call. The only
consideration is that if you were to enable caching, then the using the separate select (not the join)
solution could result in a cached instance being returned. But more often than not, that won't cause a
problem (your application should not be dependent on instance level equality i.e. "==").
3.5.14. Composite Keys or Multiple Complex Parameters Properties
You might have noticed that in the above examples there is only a single key being used as specified
in the resultMap by the column attribute. This would suggest that only a single column can be
associated to a related mapped statement. However, there is an alternate syntax that allows multiple
columns to be passed to the related mapped statement. This comes in handy for situations where a
composite key relationship exists, or even if you simply want to use a parameter of some name other
than #value#. The alternate syntax for the column attribute is simply param1=column1,
param2=column2, …, paramN=columnN. Consider the example below where the PAYMENT table
is keyed by both Customer ID and Order ID:
Example 3.50. Mapping a composite key
<resultMap id="select-order-result" class="order">
Working with Data Maps
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<result property="id" column="ORD_ID"/>
<result property="customerId" column="ORD_CST_ID"/>
<result property="payments" column="itemId=ORD_ID, custId=ORD_CST_ID"
<statement id="selectOrderPayments" resultMap="select-payment-result">
select * from PAYMENT
where PAY_ORD_ID = #itemId#
and PAY_CST_ID = #custId#
Optionally you can just specify the column names as long as they're in the same order as the
parameters. For example:
As usual, this is a slight performance gain with an impact on readability and maintainability.
Important! Currently the iBATIS DataMapper framework does not automatically resolve circular
relationships. Be aware of this when implementing parent/child relationships (trees). An easy
workaround is to simply define a second result map for one of the cases that does not load the parent
object (or vice versa), or use a join as described in the "N+1 avoidance" solutions.
Result Map names are always local to the Data Map definition file that they are defined in. You can
refer to a Result Map in another Data Map definition file by prefixing the name of the Result Map
with the namespace of the SqlMap set in the <sqlMap> root element.
3.6. Supported Types for Parameter Maps and Result Maps
Table 3.4 shows the basic Supported Types for Parameter Maps and Result Maps for .NET. You can
extend the framework's support for additional types by using a Custom Type Handler.
Nuallable type from .NET 2.0 are fully supported by iBATIS.NET.
Table 3.4. Supported Types for Parameter Maps and Result Maps (.NET)
CLR Type Object/Map Property
Mapping Result Class/Parameter
Class** Type Alias**
System.ArrayList Yes Yes list
System.Boolean Yes Yes Boolean, bool
System.Byte Yes Yes Byte, byte
System.Char Yes Yes Char, char
Working with Data Maps
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CLR Type Object/Map Property
Mapping Result Class/Parameter
Class** Type Alias**
System.DateTime Yes Yes dateTime, date
System.Decimal Yes Yes Decimal, decimal
System.Double Yes Yes Double, double
System.Guid Yes Yes guid
System.Hashtable Yes Yes map, hashmap, hashtable
System.Int16 Yes Yes Int16, short, Short
System.Int32 Yes Yes Int32, int, Int, integer,
System.Int64 Yes Yes Int64, long, Long
System.SByte Yes Yes SByte, sbyte
System.Single Yes Yes Float, float, Single, single
System.String Yes Yes String, string
System.TimeSpan Yes Yes N/A
System.UInt16 Yes Yes Short, short
System.UInt32 Yes Yes Uint, uint
System.UInt64 Yes Yes Ulong, ulong
Nullable<bool> Yes Yes bool?
Nullable<byte> Yes Yes byte?
Nullable<char> Yes Yes char?
Nullable<DateTime> Yes Yes DateTime?
Nullable<decimal> Yes Yes decimal?
Nullable<double> Yes Yes double?
Nullable<Int16> Yes Yes Int16?
Nullable<Int32> Yes Yes Int32?
Nullable<Int64> Yes Yes Int64?
Nullable<SByte> Yes Yes SByte?
Nullable<Single> Yes Yes Single?
Nullable<UInt16> Yes Yes UInt16?
Nullable<UInt32> Yes Yes UInt32?
Nullable<UInt64> Yes Yes UInt64?
Working with Data Maps
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3.7. Supported database types for Parameter Maps and Result
Table 3.5 shows the basic Supported DbTypes for Parameter Maps and Result Maps for .NET that
come with the System.Data and System.Data.OracleClient assemblies. See the .NET Developer
Guide section on configuring the DataMapper to work with your provider's DbTypes.
Nuallable type from .NET 2.0 are fully supported by iBATIS.NET.
The .NET Framework data provider type of a Parameter object is inferred from the .NET Framework
type of the Value of the Parameter object, or from the DbType of the Parameter object. The
following table shows the inferred Parameter type based on the object passed as the Parameter value
or the specified DbType. You may specify the type of a Parameter in a generic fashion by setting the
DbType property of the Parameter object to a particular System.Data.DbType specific to your
Table 3.5. Supported DbTypes for Parameter Maps and Result Maps (.NET)
support SqlDbType OleDbType OdbcType OracleType
Byte[] Yes Binary, Image,
Binary, Image,
Boolean, bool? Yes Bit Boolean Bit Byte
Byte, byte? Yes TinyInt - TinyInt Byte
Yes DateTime,
Date Date, DateTime,
char, char? Yes Not supported Char Char Byte
Yes Decimal,
Double, double? Yes Float Double Double Double
Guid, Guid? Yes UniqueIdentifier Guid UniqueIdentifier Raw
Int16, Int16? Yes SmallInt SmallIInt SmallInt Int16
Int32, Int32? Yes Int Integer Int Int32
Int64, Int64? Yes BigInt BigInt BigInt Number
Single, Single? Yes Real Single Real Float
String Yes Char, Nchar,
NVarchar, Text,
Char, VarChar Char, NChar,
Text, VarChar
TimeSpan No Not supported DBTime Time DateTime
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support SqlDbType OleDbType OdbcType OracleType
UInt16, UInt16? yes Int - - UInt16
UInt32, UInt32? yes Decimal - - UInt32
UInt64, UInt64? yes Decimal - - Number
3.8. Cache Models
Some values in a database are know to change slower than others. To improve performance, many
developers like to cache often-used data to avoid making unnecessary trips back to the database.
iBATIS provides its own caching system, that you configure through a <cacheModel> element.
The results from a query Mapped Statement can be cached simply by specifying the cacheModel
parameter in the statement tag (seen above). A cache model is a configured cache that is defined
within your DataMapper configuration file. Cache models are configured using the cacheModel
element as follows:
Example 3.51. Configuation a cache using the Cache Model element
<cacheModel id="product-cache" implementation="LRU" readOnly="true" serialize="false">
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="insertProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="updateProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="deleteProduct"/>
<property name="CacheSize" value="100"/>
The cache model above will create an instance of a cache named "product-cache" that uses a Least
Recently Used (LRU) implementation. The value of the type attribute is either a fully qualified class
name, or an alias for one of the included implementations (see below). Based on the flush elements
specified within the cache model, this cache will be flushed every 24 hours. There can be only one
flush interval element and it can be set using hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds. In addition the
cache will be flushed whenever the insertProduct, updateProduct, or deleteProduct mapped
statements are executed. There can be any number of "flush on execute" elements specified for a
cache. Some cache implementations may need additional properties, such as the ‘cache-size'
property demonstrated above. In the case of the LRU cache, the size determines the number of
entries to store in the cache. Once a cache model is configured, you can specify the cache model to
be used by a mapped statement, for example:
Example 3.52. Specifying a Cache Model from a Mapped Statement
<statement id="getProductList" cacheModel="product-cache">
select * from PRODUCT where PRD_CAT_ID = #value#
3.8.1. Read-Only vs. Read/Write
Working with Data Maps
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The framework supports both read-only and read/write caches. Read-only caches are shared among
all users and therefore offer greater performance benefit. However, objects read from a read-only
cache should not be modified. Instead, a new object should be read from the database (or a
read/write cache) for updating. On the other hand, if there is an intention to use objects for retrieval
and modification, a read/write cache is recommended (i.e. required). To use a read-only cache, set
readOnly="true" on the cache model element. To use a read/write cache, set readOnly="false". The
default is read-only (true).
3.8.2. Serializable Read/Write Caches
As you may agree, caching per-session as described above may offer little benefit to global
application performance. Another type of read/write cache that can offer a performance benefit to
the entire application (i.e. not just per session) is a serializable read/write cache. This cache will
return different instances (copies) of the cached object to each session. Therefore each session can
safely modify the instance returned. Realize the difference in semantics here, usually you would
expect the same instance to be returned from a cache, but in this case you'll get a different one. Also
note that every object stored by a serializable cache must be serializable. This means that you will
have difficulty using both lazy loading features combined with a serializable cache, because lazy
proxies are not serializable. The best way to figure out what combination of caching, lazy loading
and table joining is simply to try it out. To use a serializable cache, set readOnly="false" and
serialize="true". By default cache models are read-only and non-serializable. Read-only caches will
not be serialized (there's no benefit).
3.8.3. Cache Implementation
The cache model uses a pluggable framework for supporting different types of caches. The choice of
cache is specified in the "implementation" attribute of the cacheModel element as discussed above.
The class name specified must be an implementation of the ICacheController interface, or one of the
three aliases discussed below. Further configuration parameters can be passed to the implementation
via the property elements contained within the body of the cacheModel. Currently there are 3
implementations included with the .NET distribution. These are as follows:
3.8.4. "MEMORY"
The MEMORY cache implementation uses reference types to manage the cache behavior. That is,
the garbage collector effectively determines what stays in the cache or otherwise. The MEMORY
cache is a good choice for applications that don't have an identifiable pattern of object reuse, or
applications where memory is scarce.
The MEMORY implementation is configured as follows:
Example 3.53. Configuring a memory-type cache
<cacheModel id="product-cache" implementation="MEMORY" >
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="insertProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="updateProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="deleteProduct"/>
<property name="Type" value="WEAK"/>
Only a single property is recognized by the MEMORY cache implementation. This property, named
Working with Data Maps
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'reference-type' must be set to a value of STRONG, SOFT, or WEAK.
The following table describes the different reference types that can be used for a MEMORY cache.
Table 3.6. Reference types that can be used for a MEMORY cache
Type Description
WEAK (default) This reference type is probably the best choice in
most cases and is the default if the reference-type is
not specified. It will increase performance for popular
results, but it will absolutely release the memory to be
used in allocating other objects, assuming that the
results are not currently in use.
SOFT (currently Java only) This reference type will reduce the likelihood of
running out of memory in case the results are not
currently in use and the memory is needed for other
objects. However, this is not the most aggressive
reference type in that regard and memory still might
be allocated and made unavailable for more important
STRONG This reference type will guarantee that the results stay
in memory until the cache is explicitly flushed (e.g.
by time interval or flush on execute). This is ideal for
results that are: 1) very small, 2) absolutely static, and
3) used very often. The advantage is that performance
will be very good for this particular query. The
disadvantage is that if the memory used by these
results is needed, then it will not be released to make
room for other objects (possibly more important
3.8.5. "LRU"
The LRU cache implementation uses an Least Recently Used algorithm to determines how objects
are automatically removed from the cache. When the cache becomes over full, the object that was
accessed least recently will be removed from the cache. This way, if there is a particular object that
is often referred to, it will stay in the cache with the least chance of being removed. The LRU cache
makes a good choice for applications that have patterns of usage where certain objects may be
popular to one or more users over a longer period of time (e.g. navigating back and forth between
paginated lists, popular search keys etc.).
The LRU implementation is configured as follows:
Example 3.54. Configuring a LRU type cache
<cacheModel id="product-cache" implementation="LRU" >
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="insertProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="updateProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="deleteProduct"/>
Working with Data Maps
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<property name="CacheSize" value="100"/>
Only a single property is recognized by the LRU cache implementation. This property, named
CacheSize must be set to an integer value representing the maximum number of objects to hold in
the cache at once. An important thing to remember here is that an object can be anything from a
single String instance to an ArrayList of object. So take care not to store too much in your cache and
risk running out of memory!
3.8.6. "FIFO"
The FIFO cache implementation uses an First In First Out algorithm to determines how objects are
automatically removed from the cache. When the cache becomes over full, the oldest object will be
removed from the cache. The FIFO cache is good for usage patterns where a particular query will be
referenced a few times in quick succession, but then possibly not for some time later.
The FIFO implementation is configured as follows:
Example 3.55. Configuring a FIFO type cache
<cacheModel id="product-cache" implementation="FIFO" >
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="insertProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="updateProduct"/>
<flushOnExecute statement="deleteProduct"/>
<property name="CacheSize" value="100"/>
Only a single property is recognized by the FIFO cache implementation. This property, named
CacheSize must be set to an integer value representing the maximum number of objects to hold in
the cache at once. An important thing to remember here is that an object can be anything from a
single String instance to an ArrayList of object. So take care not to store too much in your cache and
risk running out of memory
3.9. Dynamic SQL
A very common problem with working directly with ADO is dynamic SQL. It is normally very
difficult to work with SQL statements that change not only the values of parameters, but which
parameters and columns are included at all. The typical solution is usually a mess of conditional
if-else statements and horrid string concatenations. The desired result is often a query by example,
where a query can be built to find objects that are similar to the example object. The iBATIS
DataMapper API provides a relatively elegant solution that can be applied to any mapped statement
element. Here is a simple example:
Example 3.56. A simple dynamic select sttatement, with two possible outcomes
<select id="dynamicGetAccountList" cacheModel="account-cache" parameterClass="Account" resultMap="account-result" >
select * from ACCOUNT
<isGreaterThan prepend="and" property="Id" compareValue="0">
where ACC_ID = #Id#
order by ACC_LAST_NAME
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In the above example, there are two possible statements that could be created depending on the state
of the Id property of the parameter object. If the Id parameter is greater than 0, then the statement
will be created as follows:
select * from ACCOUNT where ACC_ID = ?
Or if the Id parameter is 0 or less, the statement will look as follows.
select * from ACCOUNT
The immediate usefulness of this might not become apparent until a more complex situation is
encountered. For example, the following is a somewhat more complex example.
Example 3.57. A complex dynamic select statement, with 16 possible outcomes
<select id="dynamicGetAccountList" parameterClass="Account" resultMap="account-result" >
select * from ACCOUNT
<dynamic prepend="WHERE">
<isNotNull prepend="AND" property="FirstName">
( ACC_FIRST_NAME = #FirstName#
<isNotNull prepend="OR" property="LastName">
ACC_LAST_NAME = #LastName#
<isNotNull prepend="AND" property="EmailAddress">
ACC_EMAIL like #EmailAddress#
<isGreaterThan prepend="AND" property="Id" compareValue="0">
ACC_ID = #Id#
order by ACC_LAST_NAME
Depending on the situation, there could be as many as 16 different SQL queries generated from the
above dynamic statement. To code the if-else structures and string concatenations could get quite
messy and require hundreds of lines of code.
Using dynamic statements is as simple as inserting some conditional tags around the dynamic parts
of your SQL. For example:
Example 3.58. Creating a dynamic statement with conditional tags
<statement id="someName" parameterClass="Account" resultMap="account-result" >
select * from ACCOUNT
<dynamic prepend="where">
<isGreaterThan prepend="and" property="id" compareValue="0">
ACC_ID = #id#
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="lastName">
Working with Data Maps
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ACC_LAST_NAME = #lastName#
order by ACC_LAST_NAME
In the above statement, the <dynamic> element demarcates a section of the SQL that is dynamic.
The dynamic element is optional and provides a way to manage a prepend in cases where the
prepend ("WHERE") should not be included unless the contained conditions append to the
statement. The statement section can contain any number of conditional elements (see below) that
will determine whether the contained SQL code will be included in the statement. All of the
conditional elements work based on the state of the parameter object passed into the query. Both the
dynamic element and the conditional elements have a "prepend" attribute. The prepend attribute is a
part of the code that is free to be overridden by the a parent element's prepend if necessary. In the
above example the "where" prepend will override the first true conditional prepend. This is
necessary to ensure that the SQL statement is built properly. For example, in the case of the first true
condition, there is no need for the AND, and in fact it would break the statement. The following
sections describe the various kinds of elements, including Binary Conditionals, Unary Conditionals,
and Iterate.
3.9.1. Binary Conditional Elements
Binary conditional elements compare a property value to a static value or another property value. If
the result is true, the body content is included in the SQL query. Binary Conditional Attributes:
prepend – the overridable SQL part that will be prepended to the statement (optional)
property – the property to be compared (required)
compareProperty – the other property to be compared (required or compareValue)
compareValue – the value to be compared (required or compareProperty)
Table 3.7. Binary conditional attributes
Element Description
<isEqual> Checks the equality of a property and a value, or
another property. Example Usage:
<isEqual prepend="AND"
<isNotEqual> Checks the inequality of a property and a value, or
another property. Example Usage:
<isNotEqual prepend="AND"
Working with Data Maps
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Element Description
<isGreaterThan> Checks if a property is greater than a value or another
property. Example Usage:
<isGreaterThan prepend="AND"
<isGreaterEqual> Checks if a property is greater than or equal to a value
or another property. Example Usage:
<isGreaterEqual prepend="AND"
<isLessEqual> Checks if a property is less than or equal to a value or
another property. Example Usage:
<isLessEqual prepend="AND"
3.9.2. Unary Conditional Elements
Unary conditional elements check the state of a property for a specific condition. Unary Conditional Attributes:
prepend – the overridable SQL part that will be prepended to the statement (optional)
property – the property to be checked (required)
Table 3.8. Unary conditional attributes
Element Description
<isPropertyAvailable> Checks if a property is available (i.e is a property of
the parameter object). Example Usage:
<isPropertyAvailable property="id" >
<isNotPropertyAvailable> Checks if a property is unavailable (i.e not a property
of the parameter object). Example Usage:
<isNotPropertyAvailable property="age" >
<isNull> Checks if a property is null. Example Usage:
Working with Data Maps
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Element Description
<isNull prepend="AND" property="" >
<isNotNull> Checks if a property is not null. Example Usage:
<isNotNull prepend="AND" property="" >
<isEmpty> Checks to see if the value of a Collection, String
property is null or empty ("" or size() < 1). Example
<isEmpty property="firstName" >
LIMIT 0, 20
<isNotEmpty> Checks to see if the value of a Collection, String
property is not null and not empty ("" or size() < 1).
Example Usage:
<isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="firstName" >
FIRST_NAME LIKE '%$FirstName$%'
3.9.3. Parameter Present Elements
These elements check for parameter object existence. Parameter Present Attributes:
prepend – the overridable SQL part that will be prepended to the statement (optional)
Table 3.9. Testing to see if a parameter is present
Element Description
<isParameterPresent> Checks to see if the parameter object is present (not
<isParameterPresent prepend="AND">
<isNotParameterPresent> Checks to see if the parameter object is not present
(null). Example Usage:
<isNotParameterPresent prepend="AND">
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3.9.4. Iterate Element
This tag will iterate over a collection and repeat the body content for each item in a List Iterate Attributes:
prepend – the overridable SQL part that will be prepended to the statement (optional)
property – a property of type IList that is to be iterated over (required)
open – the string with which to open the entire block of iterations, useful for brackets (optional)
close – the string with which to close the entire block of iterations, useful for brackets (optional)
conjunction – the string to be applied in between each iteration, useful for AND and OR (optional)
Table 3.10. Creating a list of conditional clauses
Element Description
<iterate> Iterates over a property that is of type IList Example
<iterate prepend="AND" property="UserNameList"
open="(" close=")" conjunction="OR">
Note: It is very important to include the square
brackets[] at the end of the List property name when
using the Iterate element. These brackets distinguish
this object as an List to keep the parser from simply
outputting the List as a string.
3.9.5. Simple Dynamic SQL Elements
Despite the power of the full Dynamic Mapped Statement API discussed above, sometimes you just
need a simple, small piece of your SQL to be dynamic. For this, SQL statements and statements can
contain simple dynamic SQL elements to help implement dynamic order by clauses, dynamic select
columns or pretty much any part of the SQL statement. The concept works much like inline
parameter maps, but uses a slightly different syntax. Consider the following example:
Example 3.59. A dynamic element that changes the collating order
<statement id="getProduct" resultMap="get-product-result">
select * from PRODUCT order by $preferredOrder$
In the above example the preferredOrder dynamic element will be replaced by the value of the
preferredOrder property of the parameter object (just like a parameter map). The difference is that
this is a fundamental change to the SQL statement itself, which is much more serious than simply
setting a parameter value. A mistake made in a Dynamic SQL Element can introduce security,
performance and stability risks. Take care to do a lot of redundant checks to ensure that the simple
Working with Data Maps
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dynamic SQL elements are being used appropriately. Also, be mindful of your design, as there is
potential for database specifics to encroach on your business object model. For example, you may
not want a column name intended for an order by clause to end up as a property in your business
object, or as a field value on your server page.
Simple dynamic elements can be included within <statements> and come in handy when there is a
need to modify the SQL statement itself. For example:
Example 3.60. A dynamic element that changes the comparison operator
<statement id="getProduct" resultMap="get-product-result">
<dynamic prepend="WHERE">
<isNotEmpty property="Description">
PRD_DESCRIPTION $operator$ #Description#
In the above example the operator property of the parameter object will be used to replace the
$operator$ token. So if the operator property was equal to LIKE and the description property was
equal to %dog%, then the SQL statement generated would be:
Working with Data Maps
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Chapter 4. .NET Developer Guide
4.1. Introduction
This section explains how to install, configure, and use the iBATIS DataMapper with your .NET
application. It is assumed that you are using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (VSN). If you are using
another IDE, please modify these instructions accordingly.
4.2. Installing the DataMapper for .NET
There are four steps to using iBATIS DataMapper with your application for the first time.
1. Setup the distribution
2. Add assembly references
3. Visual Studio.NET Integration
4. Add XML documents
4.2.1. Setup the Distribution
The official site for iBATIS DataMapper for .NET is our Apache site <>.
The DataMapper is availabe in 2 types of distributions: a binary distribution that includes the
required DataMapper assemblies and a source distribution that includes a VSN solution. To
download either of the distributions, follow the link to the Downloads area on our web site, and
select the either the binary or source distribution for the iBATIS .NET DataMapper release (if you
download the binary distribution, extract the files using a utility like WinZip or the extractor built
into newer versions of Windows and skip ahead to the Add Assembly References section).
The DataMapper source distribution includes a VSN solution and a number of C# projects. The
distribution is in the form of a ZIP archive. You can extract the distribution using a utility like
WinZip or the extractor built into newer versions of Windows. We suggest that you create an
ibatisnet folder in your VSN project directory and extract the distribution there.
Under the distribution's source folder are eight folders that make up the iBATIS.NET distribution,
as shown in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1. Folders found in the iBATIS.NET source distribution
Folder name Description
External-Bin Dependency assemblies provided for your
IBatisNet.Common Assembly of classes shared by DataAccess and
IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Log4Net Log4Net factory adapter classes
IBatisNet.Common.Test Test project for IBatisNet.Common that can be used
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 59
Folder name Description
with NUnit
IBatisNet.DataAccess The Data Access Objects framework (see separate
DAO Guide)
IBatisNet.DataAccess.Extensions Contains a C# project for extensions to the
DataAccess framework such as NHibernate support
IBatisNet.DataAccess.Test Test project for the DataAccess framework that can
be used with NUnit
iBatisNet.DataMapper The DataMapper framework
IBatisNet.DataMapper.Test Test project for the DataMapper that can be used with
You can load the IBatisNet.sln solution file into VSN and build the solution to generate the
needed assemblies. There are seven projects in the solution, and all should succeed. The assemblies
we need will be created under \source\IBatisNet.DataMapper\bin\Debug. The created assemblies
are :
1. IBatisNet.Common.dll
2. iBatisNet.DataMapper.dll
The DataMapper has external dependencies on :
1. Castle.DynamicProxy.dll (creating proxies)
This dependencies can be found in the External-Bin folder and/or in the bin\Debug folder after
building the solution.
If you will not be using the DataAccess framework and NHibernate and you have a problem
building the solution due to the dependency on NHibernate, simply remove the
IBatisNet.DataAccess.Extensions and IBatisNet.DataAccess.Test projects from the solution before
4.2.2. Add Assembly References
Switching to your own solution, open the project that will be using the iBATIS .NET DataMapper.
Depending on how you organize your solutions, this may or may not be the project for your
Windows or Web application. It may be a library project that your application project references.
You will need to add one or two references to your project:
1. IBatisNet.DataMapper.dll
2. IBatisNet.DataAccess.dll (optional)
3. IBatisNet.Common.dll (implied)
4. Castle.DynamicProxy.dll (implied)
.NET Developer Guide
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If you are using the Mapper singleton (see section 4.4.1), then the only reference you will need is to
the DataMapper assembly. The Common and Castle.DynamicProxy assemblies are needed at
runtime, but Visual Studio.NET will resolve the dependencies for you. If you are using the Data
Access Objects framework, then you will need a reference to the DataAccess assembly too. So, start
with the first, and add the others only if needed.
If you have built the IBatisNet solution as described in Section 4.2.1, the three assemblies
(IBatisNet.DataMapper.dll, IBatisNet.Common.dll, and Castle.DynamicProxy.dll) that you will need
should be in the bin/Debug folder of the IBatisNet.DataMapper project.
4.2.3. Add XML File Items
After adding the assembly references, you will need to add three types of XML files to your
Windows, Web application, or library project (and Test project if you have one). These files are:
providers.config - A file used by the DataMapper to look up the definition of your selected
database provider.
SqlMap.xml - A Data Map file that contains your SQL queries. Your project will contain one or
more of these files with names such as Account.xml or Product.xml.
SqlMap.config - The DataMapper configuration file that is used to specify the locations of your
SqlMap.xml files and providers.config file. It is also used to define other DataMapper
configuration options such as caching. You will need to include one SqlMap.config file for each
data source that your project has.
As expected, the SqlMap.config and providers.config files must be placed where the DataMapper
can find them at runtime. Depending on the type of project you have, the default expected location
of these 2 files will be different, as shown in Table 4.2. However, your project is not limited to using
just these locations. The DataMapper provides other options for placing these files in locations that
are more suitable for your project instead of using the default locations. These options are covered
later in this guide.
Table 4.2. Default locations for the sqlMap.config and providers.config files
Windows, Library, or Test projects (using NUnit or
This would be the binary folder (such as /bin/debug)
with the assembly (.dll) files and the App.config file
Web projects In the application root, where the Web.config file is
4.2.4. Visual Studio.NET Integration
Each configuration file (SqlMap.config, mappping file, providers.config) is associated to a schema.
The benefits of associating an XML document with a schema are to validate the document (which is
done at runtime) and to use editing features such as IntelliSense/content completion assistance.
To allow association of the schemas in VS.NET XML editor to yours configuration files, you should
add the schema files (SqlMap.xsd,SqlMapConfig.xsd,providers.xsd) to either your VS.NET
project or in your VS.NET installation directory. The VS.NET directory will be either
.NET Developer Guide
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C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Xml\Schemas for VS.NET 2005
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml for
VS.NET 2003
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml for
VS.NET 2002
depending on your version of VS.NET. It is typically easier to place the file in the well known
location under the VS.NET installation directory than to copy the XSD file for each project you
Once you have registered the schema with VS.NET you will be enough to get IntelliSense and
validation of the configuration file from within VS.NET.
Figure 4.1. IntelliSense example
4.3. Configuring the DataMapper for .NET
The iBATIS DataMapper is configured using a central XML descriptor file, usually named
SqlMap.config, which provides the details for your data source, data maps, and other features like
caching, transactions, and thread management. At runtime, your application code will call a class
method provided by the iBATIS library to read and parse your SqlMap.config file. After parsing the
configuration file, a DataMapper client will be returned by iBATIS for your application to use.
4.3.1. DataMapper clients
Currently, the DataMapper framework revolves around the SqlMapper class, which acts as a facade
to the DataMapper framework API. You can create a DataMapper client by instantiating an object of
the SqlMapper class. An instance of the SqlMapper class (your DataMapper client) is created by
reading a single configuration file. Each configuration file can specify one database or data source.
However, you can use multiple DataMapper clients in your application. Just create another
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configuration file and pass the name of that file when the DataMapper client is created. The
configuration files might use a different account with the same database, or reference different
databases on different servers. You can read from one client and write to another, if that's what you
need to do. See Section 4.4.1 for more details on building a SqlMapper instance, but first, let's take a
look at the DataMapper configuration file.
4.3.2. DataMapper Configuration File (SqlMap.config)
A sample configuration file for a .NET web application is shown in Example 4.1. Not all
configuration elements are required. The following sections describe the elements of this
SqlMap.config file in more detail.
Example 4.1. Sample SqlMap.Config for a .NET Web Application (placed in same directory as
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sqlMapConfig xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" >
<!-- Optional -->
<properties resource="properties.config"/>
<setting useStatementNamespaces="false"/>
<setting cacheModelsEnabled="true"/>
<setting validateSqlMap="false"/>
<!-- Not required if providers.config is located in default location -->
<providers embedded="resources.providers.config, IBatisNet.Test"/>
<provider name="sqlServer1.1"/>
<dataSource name="NPetshop"
connectionString="user id=${username};
data source=${datasource};
<typeAlias alias="Account" type="IBatisNet.Test.Domain.Account, IBatisNet.Test"/>
<typeAlias alias="YesNoBool"
type="IBatisNet.Test.Domain.YesNoBoolTypeHandlerCallback, IBatisNet.Test"/>
<typeHandler type="bool" dbType="Varchar" callback="YesNoBool"/>
<sqlMap resource="${root}Maps/Account.xml"/>
<sqlMap resource="${root}Maps/Category.xml"/>
<sqlMap resource="${root}Maps/Product.xml"/>
4.3.3. DataMapper Configuration Elements The <properties> Element
Sometimes the values we use in an XML configuration file occur in more than one element. Often,
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there are values that change when we move the application from one server to another. To help you
manage configuration values, you can specify a standard properties file (with name=value entries) as
part of a DataMapper configuration. Each named value in the properties file becomes a shell variable
that can be used in the DataMapper configuration file and your Data Map definition files (see
Section 3). For example, if the "properties" file contains
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="username" value="albert" />
then all elements in the DataMapper configuration can use the variable ${username} to insert the
value "albert". For example:
<dataSource connectionString="user id=${username};"
Properties are handy during building, testing, and deployment by making it easy to reconfigure your
application for multiple environments or use automated tools for configuration such as NAnt. <properties> attributes
The <properties> element can accept one of the following attributes to specify the location of the
properties file.
Table 4.3. Attributes of the <properties> element
Attribute Description
resource Specify the properties file to be loaded from the root
directory of the application
url Specify the properties file to be loaded through an
absolute path.
embedded Specify the properties file to be loaded as an
embedded resource in an assembly. Syntax for the
embedded attribute is
'[extendednamespace.]filename, the name of the
assembly which contains the embedded resource'
embedded=", MyApp.Data" <property> element and attributes
You can also specify more than one properties file or add property keys and values directly into your
.NET Developer Guide
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SqlMap.config file by using <property> elements. For example:
<property resource="myProperties.config"/>
<property resource="anotherProperties.config"/>
<property key="host" value="" />
Table 4.4. Attributes of the <property> element
Attribute Description
resource Specify the properties file to be loaded from the root
directory of the application
url Specify the properties file to be loaded through an
absolute path.
embedded Specify the properties file to be loaded as an
embedded resource in an assembly. Syntax for the
embedded attribute is
'[extendednamespace.]filename, the name of the
assembly which contains the embedded resource'
embedded=", MyApp.Data"
key Defines a property key (variable) name
value Defines a value that will be used by the DataMapper
in place of the the specified property key/variable
value="mydbuser" The <providers> Element
Under ADO.NET, a database system is accessed through a provider. A database system can use a
custom provider or a generic ODBC provider. The iBATIS .NET DataMapper uses a pluggable
approach to using providers. Each provider is represented by an XML descriptor element found in a
file called providers.config. The iBATIS .NET DataMapper distribution includes a standard
providers.config file with a set of thirteen prewritten provider elements:
sqlServer1.0 - Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000 provider available with .NET Framework 1.0
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sqlServer1.1 -Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000 provider available with .NET Framework 1.1
OleDb1.1 - OleDb provider available with .NET Framework 1.1
Odbc1.1 - Odbc provider available with .NET Framework 1.1
sqlServer2.0 -Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000/2005 provider available with .NET Framework 2.0
OleDb2.0 - OleDb provider available with .NET Framework 2.0
Odbc2.0 - Odbc provider available with .NET Framework 2.0
oracle9.2 - Oracle provider V9.2.0.401
oracle10.1 - Oracle provider V10.1.0.301
oracleClient1.0 - MS Oracle provider V1.0.5 available with .NET Framework 1.1
ByteFx - ByteFx MySQL provider V0.7.6.15073
MySql - MySQL provider V1.0.4.20163
SQLite3 - SQLite.NET provider V0.21.1869.3794
Firebird1.7 - Firebird SQL .NET provider V1.7.0.33200
PostgreSql0.7 - Npgsql provider V0.7.0.0
iDb2.10 - IBM DB2 iSeries provider V10.0.0.0
If you use SQL Server 2005, you can configure the provider to allow Multiple Active Result Set
(allowMARS="true") and add MultipleActiveResultSets=true in your connection string.
The providers.config file can be found under \source\IBatisNet.DataMapper.Test\bin\Debug
in the iBATIS .NET source distribution or in the root folder of the .NET DataMapper binary
A provider may require libraries that you do not have installed,. Therefore, the provider element has
an "enabled" attribute that allows you to disable unused providers. One provider can also be marked
as the "default" and will be used if another is not specified by your configuration.
The standard providers.config file has sqlServer1.1 set as the default and the sqlServer1.0
provider disabled. Aside from sqlServer1.1, OleDb1.1, and Odbc1.1, all other providers are disabled
by default. Remember to set the "enabled" attribute to "true" for the provider that you will be using.
ByteFx is the recommended provider if you are using MySQL. You may download ByteFx from the
MySQLNet SourceForge site ( If the ByteFx license is acceptable to
you, you may install it as a reference within your application and enable the ByteFx provider.
Be sure to review the providers.config file and confirm that the provider you intend to use is
enabled by setting the "enabled" attribute to "true".
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Table 4.5. Expected default locations of the providers.config file
Windows, Library, or Test projects (using NUnit or
With the assembly (.dll) files with the app.config
Web projects In the project base directory, with the web.config file
To use the file, you can copy it into your project at the expected default location, give a path to the
file relative to the project root directory, specify a url (absolute path) to its location, or make it an
embedded resource of your project. If you copy the file into the expected default location, the
<providers> element is not required in your sqlMap.config file. <providers> attributes
The <providers> element can accept one of the following attributes to specify the location of the
providers.config file.
Table 4.6. Attributes of the <providers> element
Attribute Description
resource Specify the file to be loaded from a relative path from
the project root directory. Since the root directory is
different depending on the project type, it is best to
use a properties variable to indicate the relative path.
Having that variable defined in a properties file
makes it easy to change the path to all your Data
Mapper configuration resources in one location.
url Specify the providers.config to be loaded through an
absolute path.
embedded Specify the providers.config file to be loaded as an
embedded resource in an assembly. Syntax for the
embedded attribute is
'[extendednamespace.]filename, the name of the
assembly which contains the embedded resource'
embedded="Resources.providers.config, MyApp.Data" The <settings> Element
There are three default settings used by the framework.. The settings appropriate for one application
may not be appropriate for another. The <settings> element lets you configure these options and
optimizations for the DataMapper instance that is created from the XML document. Each <settings>
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attribute has a default, and you can omit the <settings> element or any of its attributes. The
<settings> attributes and the behavior they control are described in the following table.
Table 4.7. Attributes of the <settings> element
Attribute Description
cacheModelsEnabled This setting globally enables or disables all cache
models for an DataMapper client. This can come in
handy for debugging.
Example: cacheModelsEnabled=”true”
Default: true (enabled)
useStatementNamespaces With this setting enabled, you must always refer to
mapped statements by their fully qualified name,
which is the combination of the sqlMap namesource
and the statement id. For example:
Example: useStatementNamespaces=”false”
Default: false (disabled)
validateSqlMap This setting globally enables or disables the
validation of mapping files against the
SqlMapConfig.xsd schema. This can come in handy
for debugging.
Example: validateSqlMap=”false”
Default: false (disabled)
useReflectionOptimizer This setting globally enables or disables the usage of
reflection to access property/filed value of C# object.
The reflection optimizer use will emit types for
retrieving, populating, instantiating parameter and
result objects.
Example: useReflectionOptimizer=”true”
Default: true (enabled) The <typeAlias> Element
The <typeAlias> element lets you specify a shorter name in lieu of a fully-qualified classname. For
<typeAlias alias="LineItem" type="NPetshop.Domain.Billing.LineItem, NPetshop.Domain" />
You can then refer to LineItem where you would normally have to spell-out the fully qualified class
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In the .NET implementation, zero or more <typeAlias> elements can appear in the Data Map
definition file, within an enclosing <alias> element. <typeAlias> attributes
The <typeAlias> element has two attributes:
Table 4.8. Attributes of the <typeAlias> element
Attribute Description
alias A unique identifier for this element
type The fully-qualified classname, including namespace
IBatisNet.Test" type Attribute
When specifying a type attribute for the configuration, the type attribute value must be a fully
qualified type name in the following format:
type="[namespace.class], [assembly name],
Version=[version], Culture=[culture],
PublicKeyToken=[public token]"
For example:
type="MyProject.Domain.LineItem, MyProject.Domain,
Version=1.2.3300.0, Culture=neutral,
The strongly typed name is desired, although it is also legitimate to use the shorter style assembly
type name:
type="MyProject.Domain.LineItem, MyProject.Domain" Predefined type aliases
The framework predefines some aliases that you can use in your DataMapper configuration and data
map files, as shown in Table 4.9.
Table 4.9. Predefined Aliases
CLR Type Alias
System.ArrayList list
System.Boolean Boolean, bool
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CLR Type Alias
System.Byte Byte, byte
System.Char Char, char
System.DateTime dateTime, date
System.Decimal Decimal, decimal
System.Double Double, double
System.Guid guid
System.Hashtable map, hashmap, hashtable
System.Int16 Int16, short, Short
System.Int32 Int32, int, Int, integer, Integer
System.Int64 Int64, long, Long
System.SByte SByte, sbyte
System.Single Float, float, Single, single
System.String String, string
System.TimeSpan N/A
System.UInt16 Short, short
System.UInt32 Uint, uint
System.UInt64 Ulong, ulong The <typeHandler> Element
The <typeHandler> element allows for the configuration and use of a Custom Type Handler (see the
Custom Type Handler section). This extends the DataMapper's capabilities in handling types that are
specific to your database provider, are not handled by your database provider, or just happen to be a
part of your application design.
<typeHandler type="guid" dbType="Varchar2" callback="GuidVarchar"/>
The DataMapper for .NET allows for zero or more <typeAlias> elements to appear in the Data Map
definition file, within an enclosing <alias> element. <typeHandler> attributes
The <typeHandler> element has three attributes:
Table 4.10. Attributes of the <typeAlias> element
Attribute Description
type Refers to the name of the type to handle
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Attribute Description
dbType Indicates the provider dbType to handle
Note: Omit this attribute if you want the type handler
to replace the default iBATIS type handler.
callback The alias of the custom type handler class name
callback="GuidVarchar" The <database> Element
The <database> element encloses elements that configure the database system for use by the
framework. These database configuration elements are the <provider> and <datasource> elements. The <provider> Element
If the default provider is being used, the <provider> element is optional. Or, if several providers are
available, one may be selected using the provider element without modifying the providers.config
<provider name="OleDb1.1" /> The <datasource> element
The <datasource> element specifies the ADO.NET connection string. Example 4.2, shows sample
elements for SQL Server, Oracle, Access, MySql, and PostgreSQL.
Example 4.2. Sample <datasource> and <provider> elements (.NET)
<!-- The ${properties} are defined in an external file, -->
<!-- but the values could also be coded inline. -->
<!-- Connecting to SQL Server -->
<provider name="sqlServer1.1" />
<dataSource name="NPetstore" default="true"
connectionString="data source=(local)\NetSDK;database=${database};
user id=${username};password=${password};"/>
<!-- Connecting to Oracle -->
<provider name="oracleClient1.0"/>
<dataSource name="iBatisNet"
connectionString="Data Source=${datasource};User Id=${userid};Password=${password}"/>
<!-- Connecting to Access -->
<provider name="OleDb1.1" />
<dataSource name="NPetstore" default="true"
connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=${database}"/>
<!-- Connecting to a MySQL database -->
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<provider name="ByteFx" />
<dataSource name="NPetstore" default="true"
Password=${password};Username=${username}" />
<!-- Connecting to a PostgreSQL database -->
<provider name="PostgreSql0.7" />
<dataSource name="NPetstore" default="true"
connectionString="Server=${server};Port=5432;User Id=${userid};Password=${password};
Database=${database};" />
</database> The <sqlMap> Element
On a daily basis, most of your work will be with the Data Maps, which are covered by Section 3.
The Data Maps define the actual SQL statements or stored procedures used by your application. The
parameter and result objects are also defined as part of the Data Map. As your application grows,
you may have several varieties of Data Map. To help you keep your Data Maps organized, you can
create any number of Data Map definition files and incorporate them by reference in the
DataMapper configuration. All of the definition files used by a DataMapper instance must be listed
in the configuration file.
Example 4.3 shows <sqlMap> elements for loading a set of Data Map definitions. Note that the
<sqlMap> elements are nested in a <sqlMaps> element. For more about Data Map definition files,
see Section 3.
Example 4.3. Specifying sqlMap locations
<!-- Relative path from the project root directory using a property variable -->
<sqlMap resource="${root}Maps/Account.xml"/>
<sqlMap resource="${root}Maps/Category.xml"/>
<sqlMap resource="${root}Maps/Product.xml"/>
<!-- Embedded resources using [extendednamespace.]filename, assemblyname -->
<sqlMap embedded="Maps.Account.xml, MyApp.Data"/>
<sqlMap embedded="Maps.Category.xml, MyApp.Data"/>
<sqlMap embedded="Maps.Product.xml, MyApp.Data"/>
<!-- Full URL with a property variable -->
<sqlMap url="C:/${projectdir}/MyApp/Maps/Account.xml"/>
<sqlMap url="C:/${projectdir}/MyApp/Maps/Category.xml"/>
<sqlMap url="C:/${projectdir}/MyApp/Maps/Product.xml"/>
Since the application root directory location differs by project type (Windows, Web, or library), it is
best to use a properties variable to indicate the relative path when using the <sqlMap> "resource"
attribute. Having a variable defined in a properties file makes it easy to change the path to all your
Data Mapper configuration resources in one location (note the ${projectdir} and ${root} variables in
the example above).
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4.4. Programming with iBATIS DataMapper: The .NET API
The IBATIS.NET DataMapper API provides four core functions:
1. build a SqlMapper instance from a configuration file
2. execute an update query (including insert and delete).
3. execute a select query for a single object
4. execute a select query for a list of objects
The API also provides support for retrieving paginated lists and managing transactions.
4.4.1. Building a SqlMapper Instance
In prior versions of the DataMapper, the SqlMapper class was responsible for configuration. This has
been superceded by a new configuration API found within the DomSqlMapBuilder class. Old
configuration method signatures have remained the same, but there are new methods that have been
added for more flexibility. These methods support the loading of configuration information through
aStream,Uri,FileInfo,orXmlDocument instance.
An XML document is a wonderful tool for describing a database configuration (Section 4.3) or
defining a set of data mappings (Section 3), but you can't execute XML. In order to use the
iBATIS.NET configuration and definitions in your .NET application, you need a class you can call.
The framework provides service methods that you can call which read the configuration file (and
any of its definition files) and builds a SqlMapper object. The SqlMapper object provides access to
the rest of the framework. The SqlMapper is designed to be multi-threaded and long-lived, and so
makes for a good singleton. Example 76 shows a singleton Mapper that is bundled with the
Example 4.4. A Mapper singleton you can call from your own applications
using IBatisNet.Common.Utilities;
using IBatisNet.DataMapper;
using IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration;
namespace IBatisNet.DataMapper
public class Mapper
private static volatile ISqlMapper _mapper = null;
protected static void Configure (object obj)
_mapper = null;
protected static void InitMapper()
ConfigureHandler handler = new ConfigureHandler(Configure);
DomSqlMapBuilder builder = new DomSqlMapBuilder();
_mapper = builder.ConfigureAndWatch(handler);
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public static ISqlMapper Instance()
if (_mapper == null)
lock (typeof (SqlMapper))
if (_mapper == null) // double-check
return _mapper;
public static ISqlMapper Get()
return Instance();
To obtain the ISqlMapper instance, just call
ISqlMapper mapper = Mapper.Instance();
anywhere in your application, and specify one of the SqlMapper methods (see Section 5.3.2) . Here's
an example:
IList list = Mapper.Instance().QueryForList("PermitNoForYearList", values);
The first time Mapper.Instance() is called, the DomSqlMapBuilder object will look for the
SqlMap.config file in the default location for the type of project it is being used in and build a
SqlMapper instance from that configuration. On subsequent calls, the cached mapper instance will be
reused. The DomSqlMapBuilder.ConfigureAndWatch() method monitors changes to the
configuration files. If the configuration or definitions files change, the SqlMapper will be safely
reloaded. This is particularly useful in development, when you might make a change to a data map
definition and want to see it take effect without restarting a debugging session. Likewise, in
production, it can allow you to make changes to the definitions without reloading the rest of the
If you are using NUnit to test your mappings, you can run a test suite, make changes to the XML
mapping document, and run the test again. NUnit will reload the configuration automatically.
The ConfigureAndWatch method requires that your SqlMap.config file and data map files are
accessible through the application's file system to be able to track file changes.
If for some reason you do not want to monitor changes to the configuration, you can create your own
Mapper class, and use the Configure method instead:
ISqlMapper mapper = builder.Configure();
.NET Developer Guide
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If you need access to more than one database from the same application, create a DataMapper
configuration file for that database and another Mapper class to go with it. In the new Mapper class,
change the call to ConfigureAndWatch to
ISqlMapper mapper = builder.ConfigureAndWatch("anotherSqlMapConfig.config", handler);
and substitute the name of your configuration file. Each database then has their own singleton you
can call from your application:
ISqlMapper sqlServer = SqlServerMapper.Get();
ISqlMapper access = AccessMapper.Get(); DomSqlMapBuilder Configuration Options
iBATIS offers you a plethora of other options for loading your SqlMap.config file such as loading it
through a Stream,Uri,FileInfo,orXmlDocument instance. All of these methods are available
through the DomSqlMapBuilder API for creating a SqlMapper instance.
As seen in the prior section, the basic DomSqlMapBuilder.Configure() call will look for a file
named SqlMap.config in your application's root directory. This directory's location differs by
project type but is normally the directory where you place your web.config or app.config file.
Example 4.5. Basic SqlMapper Configuration Call
ISqlMapper mapper = builder.Configure();
If you have named your configuration file something other than SqlMap.config or if you have
located your configuration file in a directory other than the application root directory, you can also
pass in a relative or absolute file path to the Configure method.
Example 4.6. SqlMapper Configuration through an absolute or relative file path
/* Configure a SqlMapper from a file path.
Uses a relative resource path from your application root
or an absolute file path such as "file:\\c:\dir\a.config" */
ISqlMapper mapper = builder.Configure(strPath);
Since the application root directory location differs by project type (Windows, Web, or library), you
can use an AppSettings key for defining a relative path to your SqlMap.config file. Having this key
defined makes it easy to change the path without having to recompile your code:
mapper = builder.Configure(
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Aside from using a simple string filepath, you can also pass in a FileInfo or Uri instance for the
DomSqlMapBuilder to use in locating your SqlMap.config file.
Example 4.7. SqlMapper Configuration with a FileInfo or Uri instance
/* Configure a SqlMapper with FileInfo. */
FileInfo aFileInfo = someSupportClass.GetDynamicFileInfo();
ISqlMapper mapper = builder.Configure(aFileInfo);
/* Configure a SqlMapper through a Uri. */
Uri aUri = someSupportClass.GetDynamicUri();
ISqlMapper anotherMapper = builder.Configure(aUri);
If you find that you already have loaded your DataMapper configuration information as an
XmlDocument or Stream instance within your application, the DomSqlMapBuilder provides
Configure overloads for those types as well.
Example 4.8. SqlMapper Configuration with an XmlDocument or Stream
/* Configure a SqlMapper with an XmlDocument */
XmlDocument anXmlDoc = someSupportClass.GetDynamicXmlDocument();
ISqlMapper mapper = builder.Configure(anXmlDoc);
/* Configure a SqlMapper from a stream. */
Stream aStream = someSupportClass.GetDynamicStream();
ISqlMapper anotherMapper = builder.Configure(aStream);
The DomSqlMapBuilder API provides ConfigureAndWatch methods that can be used to monitor
changes to the configuration files. This is particularly useful when using a singleton such as the
Mapper class shown in the prior section. The example Mapper singleton allows a reconfigured
SqlMapper instance to be reloaded on the fly.
Example 4.9. Mapper ConfigureHandler delegate
protected static void Configure (object obj)
_mapper = null;
protected static void InitMapper()
ConfigureHandler handler = new ConfigureHandler(Configure);
DomSqlMapBuilder builder = new DomSqlMapBuilder();
_mapper = builder.ConfigureAndWatch(handler);
If you use a custom singleton, you will need to pass a ConfigureHandler (callback delegate) to the
DomSqlMapBuilder so that it knows the method for resetting your application's SqlMapper instance.
In the Mapper's case, its Configure method is used as the callback delegate.
Since the configuration files need to be watched for changes, your SqlMap.config file must be
accessible through the file system. This means that configuration is limited to the three methods
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shown below.
Example 4.10. DomSqlMapBuilder ConfigureAndWatch methods
/* Configure and monitor the configuration file for modifications
and automatically reconfigure the SqlMapper.
This basic ConfigureAndWatch method looks for a file with the
default name of SqlMap.config in the application root directory. */
public ISqlMapper ConfigureAndWatch(ConfigureHandler configureDelegate)
/* Configure and monitor the configuration file for modifications
and automatically reconfigure the SqlMapper.
Uses a relative path from your application root
or an absolute file path such as "file:\\c:\dir\a.config" */
public ISqlMapper ConfigureAndWatch( string resource, ConfigureHandler configureDelegate )
/* Configure and monitor the configuration file for modifications
and automatically reconfigure the SqlMapper.
Uses a FileInfo instance for your config file. */
public ISqlMapper ConfigureAndWatch( FileInfo resource, ConfigureHandler configureDelegate ) DomSqlMapBuilder : Advanced settings
Before launching the 'Configure' method to build the ISqlMapper instance, you can set those
Table 4.11. Advanced settings
Propertie Description
Properties Allow to set properties before configuration. Those
properties will be added to the properties list defined
in the properties.config.
NameValueCollection properties = new NameValueCollection();
properties.Add("connectionString", "...");
builder.Properties = properties;
ISqlMapper mapper = builder.Configure("sqlMap.config");
GetAccessorFactory Allows to set a custom get accessor factory before
configuration, see IGetAccessorFactory interface
which defines the contract for the factory responsible
to build set accessor for a member object in iBATIS.
SetAccessorFactory Allows to set a custom set accessor factory before
configuration, see ISetAccessorFactory interface
which defines the contract for the factory responsible
to build get accessor for a member object in iBATIS.
ObjectFactory Allows to set a custom object factory before
configuration, see IObjectFactory interface which
defines the contract for the factory responsible for
object creation in iBATIS.
SqlMapper Allows to set a custom SqlMapper before
configuration, see ISqlMapper interface.
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Propertie Description
ValidateSqlMapConfig Enable whether or not the validation of configuration
document before configuration
4.4.2. Exploring the DataMapper API through the SqlMapper
The ISqlMapper instance acts as a facade to provide access the rest of the DataMapper framework.
The DataMapper API methods are shown in Example 4.11.
Example 4.11. The DataMapper API for .NET
/* Query API */
public object Insert(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public int Update(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public int Delete(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public object QueryForObject(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public T QueryForObject<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public object QueryForObject(string statementName, object parameterObject, object resultObject);
public T QueryForObject<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject, T resultObject);
public IList QueryForList(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public IList<T> QueryForList<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public void QueryForList(string statementName, object parameterObject, IList resultObject);
public void QueryForList<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject, IList<T> resultObject);
public IList QueryForList(string statementName, object parameterObject,
int skipResults, int maxResults);
public IList<T> QueryForList<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject,
int skipResults, int maxResults);
public IList QueryWithRowDelegate(string statementName, object parameterObject,
RowDelegate rowDelegate);
public IList<T> QueryWithRowDelegate<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject,
SqlMapper.RowDelegate<T> rowDelegate);
public PaginatedList QueryForPaginatedList(String statementName, object parameterObject,
int pageSize);
public IDictionary QueryForDictionary(string statementName, object parameterObject,
string keyProperty)
IDictionary<K, V> QueryForDictionary<K, V>(string statementName, object parameterObject,
string keyProperty);
public IDictionary QueryForDictionary(string statementName, object parameterObject,
string keyProperty, string valueProperty)
public IDictionary<K, V> QueryForDictionary<K, V>(string statementName, object parameterObject,
string keyProperty, string valueProperty);
public IDictionary QueryForMap(string statementName, object parameterObject, string keyProperty)
public IDictionary QueryForMap(string statementName, object parameterObject,
string keyProperty, string valueProperty)
/* Connection API */
public void OpenConnection()
public void CloseConnection()
/* Transaction API */
public void BeginTransaction()
public void BeginTransaction(bool openConnection)
public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
public void BeginTransaction(bool openConnection, IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
public void CommitTransaction()
public void CommitTransaction(bool closeConnection)
public void RollBackTransaction()
public void RollBackTransaction(bool closeConnection)
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Note that each of the API methods accept the name of the Mapped Statement as the first parameter.
The statementName parameter corresponds to the id of the Mapped Statement in the Data Map
definition (see Section 3.3). In each case, a parameterObject also may be passed. If the Mapped
Statement expects no parameters, a null parameterObject may be passed. If a statement does expect
parameters, then a valid parameterObject is required. The following sections describe how the API
methods work.
The DatatMapper component store his working ISqlMapSession on different session store.
On Web environnement, the session is stored Http.Request.Items.
On windows environnement on the current thread.
You can configure the session storage by specifing the property ISessionStore on ISqlMapper.
This will allow to set a custom session store like the HybridWebThreadSessionStore This is used for
scenarios where most of the you need per request session, but you also does some work outside a
request (in a thread pool thread, for instance).
Set it after the configuration and before use of the ISqlMapper.
Example 4.12. Custom ISessionStore
sqlMapper.SessionStore = new HybridWebThreadSessionStore( sqlMapper.Id );
sqlMapper.QueryOject(...) Insert, Update, Delete
public object Insert(string statementName,
object parameterObject);
public int Update(string statementName,
object parameterObject);
public int Delete(string statementName,
object parameterObject);
If a Mapped Statement uses one of the <insert>, <update>, or <delete> statement-types, then it
should use the corresponding API method. The <insert> element supports a nested <selectKey>
element for generating primary keys (see Section 3.3.3). If the <selectKey> stanza is used, then
Insert returns the generated key; otherwise a null object is returned. Both the Update and Delete
methods return the number of rows affected by the statement. QueryForObject
public object QueryForObject(string statementName,
object parameterObject);
public object QueryForObject(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
object resultObject);
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public T QueryForObject<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public T QueryForObject<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject, T resultObject);
If a Mapped Statement is expected to select a single row, then call it using QueryForObject. Since
the Mapped Statement definition specifies the result class expected, the framework can both create
and populate the result class for you. Alternatively, if you need to manage the result object yourself,
say because it is being populated by more than one statement, you can use the alternate form and
pass your resultObject as the third parameter. QueryForList
public IList QueryForList(string statementName,
object parameterObject);
public void QueryForList(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
IList resultObject);
public IList QueryForList(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
int skipResults,
int maxResults);
public IList<T> QueryForList<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject);
public void QueryForList<T>(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
IList<T> resultObject);
public IList<T> QueryForList<T>(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
int skipResults, int maxResults);
If a Mapped Statement is expected to select multiple rows, then call it using QueryForList . Each
entry in the list will be an result object populated from the corresponding row of the query result. If
you need to manage the resultObject yourself, then it can be passed as the third parameter.
If you need to obtain a partial result, the third form takes the number of records to skip (the starting
point) and the maximum number to return, as the skipResults and maxResults parameters. The
PaginatedList method provides the same functionality but in a more convenient wrapper.
The QueryWithRowDelegate method also works with multiple rows, but provides a post-processing
feature. QueryWithRowDelegate
public delegate void RowDelegate(object obj,
IList list);
public IList QueryWithRowDelegate(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
RowDelegate rowDelegate);
public IList<T> QueryWithRowDelegate<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject,
SqlMapper.RowDelegate<T> rowDelegate);
No matter how well our database is designed or how cleverly we describe our maps, the result
objects we get back may not be ideal. You may need to perform some post-processing task on the
result objects. You might even want to omit an entry omitted from the list. Or, you might want to use
.NET Developer Guide
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 80
the result object to create some other, more useful object. To save filtering the result objects from to
one list to another, you can pass a RowDelegate to the method to do the dirty work. The SqlMapper
will go through each of the result objects and give the delegate a chance to modify the object and
determine if the object should be added to the IList that will be returned.
It is your responsibility to add the objects you want returned to the list. If an object is not added, it is
not returned. QueryForMapWithRowDelegate
public delegate void DictionaryRowDelegate(object key,
object value,
object parameterObject,
IDictionary dictionary);
public IDictionary QueryForMapWithRowDelegate(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
string keyProperty,
string valueProperty,
DictionaryRowDelegate rowDelegate);
No matter how well our database is designed or how cleverly we describe our maps, the result
objects we get back may not be ideal. You may need to perform some post-processing task on the
result objects. You might even want to omit an entry omitted from the dictionary. Or, you might
want to use the result object to create some other, more useful object. To save filtering the result
objects from to one dictionary to another, you can pass a DictionaryRowDelegate to the method to
do the dirty work. The SqlMapper will go through each of the result objects and give the delegate a
chance to modify the object and determine if the object should be added to the IDictionary that
will be returned.
It is your responsibility to add the objects you want returned to the dictionary. If an object is not
added, it is not returned. QueryForPaginatedList
The method PaginatedList has been made as obsolete and will not be supported in future version.
public PaginatedList QueryForPaginatedList(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
int pageSize);
We live in an age of information overflow. A database query often returns more hits than users want
to see at once, and our requirements may say that we need to offer a long list of results a "page" at a
time. If the query returns 1000 hits, we might need to present the hits to the user in sets of fifty, and
let them move back and forth between the sets. Since this is such a common requirement, the
framework provides a convenience method.
The PaginatedList interface includes methods for navigating through pages (nextPage(),
previousPage(),gotoPage()) and also checking the status of the page (isFirstPage(),
.NET Developer Guide
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getPageIndex(),getPageSize()). Although the total number of records available is not accessible
from the PaginatedList interface, this should be easily accomplished by simply executing a second
statement that counts the expected results. Too much overhead would be associated with the
PaginatedList otherwise.
The PaginatedList method is convenient, but note that a larger set will first be returned by the
database provider and the smaller set extracted by the framework. The higher the page, the larger set
that will be returned and thrown away. For very large sets, you may want to use a stored procedure
or your own query that uses skipResults and maxResults as parameters. Unfortunately, the
semantics for the returning partial data sets is not standardized, so PaginatedList is the best we can
do within the scope of a framework. QueryForDictionary, QueryForMap
public IDictionary QueryForDictionary(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
string keyProperty)
public IDictionary<K, V> QueryForDictionary<K, V>(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
string keyProperty);
public IDictionary QueryForDictionary(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
string keyProperty,
string valueProperty)
public IDictionary<K, V> QueryForDictionary<K, V>(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
string keyProperty,
string valueProperty);
public IDictionary QueryForMap(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
string keyProperty)
public IDictionary QueryForMap(string statementName,
object parameterObject,
string keyProperty,
string valueProperty)
The QueryForList methods return the result objects within a IList instance. Alternatively, the
QueryForDictionary returns a IDictionary instance. The value of each entry is one of the result
objects. The key to each entry is indicated by the keyProperty parameter. This is the name of the
one of the properties of the result object, the value of which is used as the key for each entry. For
example, If you needed a set of Employee objects, you might want them returned as a IDictionary
keyed by each object's EmployeeNumber property.
If you don't need the entire result object in your Dictionary, you can add the valueProperty
parameter to indicate which result object property should be the value of an entry. For example, you
might just want the EmployeeName keyed by EmployeeNumber.
You do not need to use this method just to obtain an IDictionary result object. As explained in
Section 3.5, the result object for any query can be a property object or a IDictionary instance. This
method is used to generate a new IDictionary result object from a property object or (another)
IDictionary object. In this case, the key is a property you specify, and the value is the row from the
result set.
The QueryforMap methods provide the same functionality but under a different name, for the sake of
consistency with the Java implementation. (The .NET IDictionary interface is equivalent to the
Java Map interface.)
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4.4.3. Session
In the iBATIS DataMapper framework, a session is a container for an ADO connection and
The DataMapper's IDalSession implements the IDisposable interface. So you can use it with the
using syntax.
Example 4.13. using instruction
using ( IDalSession session = sqlMap.OpenConnection() )
Account account = sqlMap.QueryForObject("GetAccountViaColumnName", 1) as Account;
Sessions cannot be nested. An exception will be thrown if you call
BeginTransaction/OpenConnection from the same thread more than once or call
CommitTransaction or RollbackTransaction first. In other words, each thread can have at most
one session open, per SqlMapper instance.
4.4.4. Connection
The DataMapper API includes methods to demarcate connection boundaries.
// Open a session : Open an ADO connection
public void OpenConnection()
// Close a session : Close the associated ADO connection
public void CloseConnection()
Example 4.14. Connection example
Account account = sqlMap.QueryForObject("GetAccountViaColumnName", 1) as Account;
// Same thing with using instruction
using ( IDalSession session = sqlMap.OpenConnection() )
Account account = sqlMap.QueryForObject("GetAccountViaColumnName", 1) as Account;
4.4.5. Automatic Session
By default, calling any of the API methods (see Section 4.4.2) on a SqlMapper instance will
auto-open/close a connection. This means that each call to these methods will be a single unit of
work. For many cases, this simple approach may be sufficient. But it is not ideal if you have a
number of statements that must execute as a single unit of work, which is to say, succeed or fail as a
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group. For cases like these, you can use explicit transactions.
An example of using automatic session is shown as Example 4.14.
Example 4.15. Using automatic session
Item item = (Item) sqlMap.executeQueryForObject ("GetItem", itemId);
item.Description = "test";
// No session demarcated, so open/close connection will be automatic (implied)
sqlMap.Update("UpdateItem", item);
item.Description = newDescription;
item.Description = "test2";
// No transaction demarcated, so open/close connection will be automatic (implied)
sqlMap.Update("UpdateItem", item);
Be careful to consider sessions when framing your queries. Automatic sessions are convenient, but
you will run into trouble if your unit of work requires more than a single update to the database. In
Example 4.14, if the second call to "UpdateItem" fails, the item description will still be updated
with the first new description of “TX1”. Not what a user might expect.
4.4.6. Transaction
The DataMapper API includes methods to demarcate transactional boundaries. A transaction can be
started, committed and/or rolled back. You can call the transaction methods from the SqlMapper
// Begin a transactional session : Open a connection and begin an ADO transaction
public void BeginTransaction()
// Begin a transactional session : Open a connection is specified and begin an ADO transaction
public void BeginTransaction(bool openConnection)
// Begin a transactional session : Open a connection and begin an ADO transaction
// with the specified IsolationLevel
public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
// Begin a transactional session : Open a connection is specified and begin an ADO transaction
// with the specified IsolationLevel
public void BeginTransaction(bool openConnection, IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
// Commit a session : Commit the ADO transaction and close the connection
public void CommitTransaction()
// Commit a session : Commit the ADO transaction and close the connection if specified
public void CommitTransaction(bool closeConnection)
// RollBack a session : RollBack the ADO transaction and close the connection
public void RollBackTransaction()
// RollBack a session : RollBack the ADO transaction and close the connection if specified
public void RollBackTransaction(bool closeConnection)
An example of using transactions is shown as Example 4.15.
Example 4.16. Using transactions
Item item = (Item) sqlMap.QueryForObject("getItem", itemId);
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item.Description = newDescription;
sqlMap.Update("updateItem", item);
catch {
// With "using" syntax
using ( IDalSession session = sqlMap.BeginTransaction() )
Item item = (Item) sqlMap.QueryForObject("getItem", itemId);
item.Description = newDescription;
sqlMap.Update("updateItem", item);
session.Complete(); // Commit
4.4.7. Distributed Transactions
Distributed transactions are transactions that can span multiple resource managers, such as SQL
Server and Oracle, and reconcile transactions among them.
iBATIS.NET introduces a new TransactionScope class mimicking the new TransactionScope
found in the System.Transactions namespace (.NET Framework 2.0). This class supports MSMQ,
ADO.NET, SqlServer, and DTC transaction models. This is a simple managed interface to COM+'s
SWC (Services Without Components) Transactions. It can be used only by developers using .NET
1.1 and Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 since it implements distributed transactional
support using the ServiceDomain class.
Usage is simple, as seen in the following example where a code block is made transactional à la
Indigo (moving to Indigo will be easier since it is the same API):
Example 4.17. Using distributed transactions
using IBatisNet.Common.Transaction;
using (TransactionScope tx = new TransactionScope())
// Transaction will be automatically associated
account = sqlMapSqlServer.QueryForObject("GetAccount", accountId) as Account;
account.FirstName = "Gilles";
// Transaction will be automatically associated
product = sqlMapOracle.QueryForObject("GetProduct", productId) as Product;
product.Quantity = 1000;
tx.Complete(); // Commit
It is important to make sure that each instance of this class gets Close()'d. The easiest way to ensure
that each instance is closed is with the using statement in C#. When Dispose is called on the
.NET Developer Guide
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transaction scope at the end of the using code block, the ambient transaction will be commited only
if the Complete() method has been called.
This TransactionScope class does not support a nested transaction scope with different transaction
4.4.8. Coding Examples [TODO: Expand in to a Cookbook of practical
Example 4.18. Executing Update (insert, update, delete)
Product product = new Product();
product.Id = 1;
product.Description = “Shih Tzu”;
int key = sqlMap.Insert (“insertProduct”, product);
Example 4.19. Executing Query for Object (select)
int key = 1;
Product product = sqlMap.QueryForObject (“getProduct”, key) as Product;
Example 4.20. Executing Query for Object (select) With Preallocated Result Object
Customer customer = new Customer();
sqlMap.QueryForObject(“getCust”, parameterObject, customer);
sqlMap.QueryForObject(“getAddr”, parameterObject, customer);
Example 4.21. Executing Query for List (select)
IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList (“getProductList”, null);
Example 4.22. Auto-Open/Close
// When OpenConnection is not called, the statements will auto-Open/Close.
int key = sqlMap.Insert (“insertProduct”, product);
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Example 4.23. Executing Query for List (select) With Result Boundaries
List list = sqlMap.queryForList (“getProductList”, null, 0, 40);
Example 4.24. Executing Query with a RowHandler (select)
public void RowHandler(object obj, IList list)
Product product = (Product) object;
product.Quantity = 10000;
SqlMapper.RowDelegate handler = new SqlMapper.RowDelegate(this.RowHandler);
IList list = sqlMap.QueryWithRowDelegate("getProductList", null, handler);
Example 4.25. Executing Query for Paginated List (select)
PaginatedList list = sqlMap.QueryForPaginatedList (“getProductList”, null, 10);
Example 4.26. Executing Query for Map
IDictionary map = sqlMap.QueryForMap (“getProductList”, null, “productCode”);
Product p = (Product) map[“EST-93”];
4.5. Logging SqlMap Activity
The iBATIS DataMapper framework records its interaction with the database through an internal
logging mechanism patterned after Apache Log4Net. The internal logging mechanism can use one
of the three built-in loggers (NoOpLogger, ConsoleOutLogger, TraceLogger) or external logging
packages such as Apache Log4Net. In order for iBATIS to generate log messages, the application's
config file (App.Config or Web.Config) must contain an appropriate configSection node:
Example 4.27. iBATIS Configuration Section Handler for logging
<sectionGroup name="iBATIS">
<section name="logging" type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, IBatisNet.Common" />
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The application's config file must declare one logger implementation. See the examples below on
how to configure one of the three built-in loggers.
<logFactoryAdapter type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Impl.ConsoleOutLoggerFA, IBatisNet.Common">
<arg key="showLogName" value="true" />
<arg key="showDataTime" value="true" />
<arg key="level" value="ALL" />
<arg key="dateTimeFormat" value="yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:SSS" />
<logFactoryAdapter type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Impl.NoOpLoggerFA, IBatisNet.Common" />
<logFactoryAdapter type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Impl.TraceLoggerFA, IBatisNet.Common" />
To configure iBATIS to use another logger implementation, simple specify the appropriate
logFactoryAdapter type. To use Apache Log4Net with the iBATIS DataMapper framework, use the
following configuration setting:
<logFactoryAdapter type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Impl.Log4NetLoggerFA, IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Log4Net">
<arg key="configType" value="inline" />
<logFactoryAdapter type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Impl.Log4NetLoggerFA, IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Log4Net">
<arg key="configType" value="file" />
<arg key="configFile" value="log4Net.config" />
The Log4NetLoggerFA supports the following values for the configTypes argument:
Table 4.12. Valid configType values
configType Description
inline log4net node will use the log4net node in the
App.Config/Web.Config file when it is configured
file (also requires configFile argument) - log4net will use
an external file for its configuration
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configType Description
file-watch (also requires configFile argument) - log4net will use
an external file for its configuration and will
re-configure itself if this file changes
external iBATIS will not attempt to configure log4net.
4.5.1. Sample Logging Configurations
The simplest logging configuration is to output log messages to Console.Out:
<sectionGroup name="iBATIS">
<section name="logging" type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, IBatisNet.Common" />
<logFactoryAdapter type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Impl.ConsoleLoggerFA, IBatisNet.Common.Logging" />
A common logging configuration is to use Apache Log4Net. To use Log4Net with your own
application, you need to provide your own Log4Net configuration. You can do this by adding a
configuration file for your assembly that includes a <log4Net> element. The configuration file is
named after your assembly but adds a .config extension, and is stored in the same folder as your
assembly. This is an example of a basic Log4Net configuration block
(IBatisNet.DataMapper.Test.dll.Config) that also creates a log4net.txt which contains debug
information from log4net. If log4net is not producing output, check the log4net.txt file.
<sectionGroup name="iBATIS">
<section name="logging" type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, IBatisNet.Common" />
<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
<add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="true"/>
<trace autoflush="true">
<add name="textWriterTraceListener"
initializeData="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\log4net.txt" />
<logFactoryAdapter type="IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Impl.Log4NetLoggerFA, IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Log4Net">
<arg key="configType" value="inline" />
<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
<file value="log.txt" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.SimpleLayout" />
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<level value="ALL" />
<appender-ref ref="FileAppender" />
Example 4.28. A complete Log4Net configuration block
<!-- Register a section handler for the log4net section -->
<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
<!-- To enable internal log4net logging specify the following appSettings key -->
<!-- <add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="true"/> -->
<!-- This section contains the log4net configuration settings -->
<!-- Define some output appenders -->
<appender name="RollingLogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="log.txt" />
<param name="AppendToFile" value="true" />
<param name="MaxSizeRollBackups" value="2" />
<param name="MaximumFileSize" value="100KB" />
<param name="RollingStyle" value="Size" />
<param name="StaticLogFileName" value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<param name="Header" value="[Header]\r\n" />
<param name="Footer" value="[Footer]\r\n" />
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%t] %-5p %c [%x] - %m%n" />
<appender name="ConsoleAppender" type="log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender">
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%t] %-5p %c [%x] &lt;%X{auth}&gt; - %m%n" />
<!-- Set root logger level to ERROR and its appenders -->
<level value="ERROR" />
<appender-ref ref="RollingLogFileAppender" />
<appender-ref ref="ConsoleAppender" />
<!-- Print only messages of level DEBUG or above in the packages -->
<logger name="IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<logger name="IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Cache.CacheModel">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<logger name="IBatisNet.DataMapper.LazyLoadList">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<logger name="IBatisNet.DataMapper.SqlMapSession">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<logger name="IBatisNet.Common.Transaction.TransactionScope">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<logger name="IBatisNet.DataAccess.DaoSession">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<logger name="IBatisNet.DataAccess.Configuration.DaoProxy">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<logger name="IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Statements.PreparedStatementFactory">
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<level value="OFF" />
<logger name="IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.IPreparedCommand">
<level value="OFF" />
To log all Prepared SQL command text, enable the logger for
IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Statements.DefaultPreparedCommand. This will display
the statement, parameters, and parameter types used by the DataMapper.
Example 4.29. Sample DefaultPreparedCommand logger output
2005-06-08 01:39:33 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand -
Statement Id: [User.Update] PreparedStatement : [UPDATE [User] SET [DateLastUpdated] = NOW() WHERE [UserId] = ?]
2005-06-08 01:39:43 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand -
Statement Id: [User.Update] Parameters: [param0=[UserId,1]]
2005-06-08 01:39:53 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand -
Statement Id: [User.Update] Types: [param0=[String, System.Int32]]
If your statements are named the same across all sqlMap files, its possible to filter log messages
when using Apache Log4Net. The example below only logs Insert, Update, and Delete statements
sent to the database. Select or GetMany statements are not logged:
Example 4.30. Sample Apache Log4Net appender node that will log Insert, Update, and Delete
statements to a file
<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
<file value="InsertsUpdatesDeletes.txt" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.SimpleLayout" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.StringMatchFilter">
<regExToMatch value="^(?!Statement Id:)|Statement Id: \[\w+?\.(?:Insert|Update|Delete)" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.DenyAllFilter" />
If you would like to log cache usage in your application, enable the logger for
Example 4.31. Sample CacheModel logger output
2005-06-08 01:38:34,403 [3648] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Cache.CacheModel -
Flush cacheModel named Account.account-cache for statement 'UpdateAccountViaParameterMap'
To keep track of DataMapper session information, enable the logger for
Example 4.32. Sample SqlMapSession logger output
2005-06-08 01:39:42,660 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.SqlMapSession [] -
Open Connection "3194"
.NET Developer Guide
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to "Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000, provider V1.0.5000.0 in framework .NET V1.1".
2005-06-08 01:39:42,660 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand [] -
PreparedStatement : [select * from Orders where Order_ID = @param0 ]
2005-06-08 01:39:42,660 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand [] -
Parameters: [@param0=[value,1]]
2005-06-08 01:39:42,660 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand [] -
Types: [@param0=[Int32, System.Int32]]
2005-06-08 01:39:42,676 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.SqlMapSession [] -
Close Connection "3194" to
"Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000, provider V1.0.5000.0 in framework .NET V1.1".
To get information about lazyload usage by the DataMapper, enable the logger for
Example 4.33. Sample LazyLoadList logger output
2005-06-08 01:39:42,316 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.LazyLoadList [] -
Proxyfying call to get_Count
2005-06-08 01:39:42,316 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.LazyLoadList [] -
Proxyfying call, query statement GetLineItemsForOrder
2005-06-08 01:39:42,316 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.SqlMapSession [] -
Open Connection "3463" to
"Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000, provider V1.0.5000.0 in framework .NET V1.1".
2005-06-08 01:39:42,316 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand [] -
PreparedStatement : [select LineItem_ID as Id, LineItem_Code as Code,
LineItem_Quantity as Quantity, LineItem_Price as Price
from LineItems where Order_ID = @param0 ]
2005-06-08 01:39:42,316 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand [] -
Parameters: [@param0=[value,1]]
2005-06-08 01:39:42,316 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands.DefaultPreparedCommand [] -
Types: [@param0=[Int32, System.Int32]]
2005-06-08 01:39:42,316 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.SqlMapSession [] -
Close Connection "3463" to
"Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000, provider V1.0.5000.0 in framework .NET V1.1".
2005-06-08 01:39:42,316 [3872] DEBUG IBatisNet.DataMapper.LazyLoadList [] -
End of proxyfied call to get_Count
.NET Developer Guide
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 92
Appendix A. iBATIS.NET's
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
vs:friendlyname="iBATIS.NET DataMapper Configuration Schema"
DataMapper XML Schema Definition
<xs:element name="typeAlias">
<xs:attribute name="alias" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="typeHandler">
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="dbType" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="callback" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="typeHandlers">
<xs:element ref="typeHandler" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="alias">
<xs:element ref="typeAlias" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="dataSource">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="connectionString" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="database">
<xs:element ref="provider"/>
<xs:element ref="dataSource"/>
<xs:element name="properties">
<xs:element ref="property" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="resource" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="embedded" type="xs:string"/>
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 93
<xs:element name="property">
<xs:attribute name="resource" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="embedded" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="provider">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="setting">
<xs:attribute name="useStatementNamespaces" type="xs:string" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="cacheModelsEnabled" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="validateSqlMap" type="xs:string" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="useEmbedStatementParams" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="useReflectionOptimizer" type="xs:boolean" default="true"/>
<xs:element name="settings">
<xs:element ref="setting" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="sqlMap">
<xs:attribute name="resource" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="embedded" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="providers">
<xs:attribute name="resource" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="embedded" type="xs:string"/>
The document root.
<xs:element name="sqlMapConfig">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:element ref="properties" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="settings" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="providers" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="database" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="alias" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="typeHandlers" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="sqlMaps" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="sqlMaps">
<xs:element ref="sqlMap" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
iBATIS.NET's SqlMapConfig.xsd
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 94
Appendix B. iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
vs:friendlyname="iBATIS.NET mapping file Configuration Schema"
vs:defaultnsprefix="" >
Mapping XML Schema Definition
<xs:element name="alias">
<xs:element ref="typeAlias" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="discriminator">
<xs:attribute name="column" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="typeHandler" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="subMap">
<xs:attribute name="value" use="required" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="resultMapping" use="required" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="cacheModel">
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="flushInterval" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="flushOnExecute" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element ref="property" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="serialize" type="xs:string" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="readOnly" type="xs:string" default="true"/>
<xs:attribute name="implementation" use="required">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="LRU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MEMORY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FIFO"/>
<xs:element name="cacheModels">
<xs:element ref="cacheModel" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="procedure">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 95
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="parameterMap" type="xs:string" />
<xs:attribute name="resultMap" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="resultClass" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="cacheModel" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="listClass" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="delete">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="include"/>
<xs:element ref="generate"/>
<xs:element ref="isEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="isNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="iterate"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="parameterMap" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="parameterClass" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="extends" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="remapResults">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="false"/>
<xs:enumeration value="true"/>
<xs:element name="include">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:attribute name="refid" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="dynamic">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="isEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="isNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="iterate"/>
<xs:attribute name="prepend" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="flushInterval">
<xs:attribute name="milliseconds" type="xs:byte"/>
<xs:attribute name="seconds" type="xs:byte"/>
<xs:attribute name="minutes" type="xs:byte"/>
<xs:attribute name="hours" type="xs:byte"/>
iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 96
<xs:element name="flushOnExecute">
<xs:attribute name="statement" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="generate">
<xs:attribute name="table" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="by" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="insert">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="include"/>
<xs:element ref="selectKey"/>
<xs:element ref="generate"/>
<xs:element ref="dynamic"/>
<xs:element ref="isEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="isNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="iterate"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="parameterClass" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="parameterMap" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="resultClass" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="remapResults">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="false"/>
<xs:enumeration value="true"/>
<xs:element name="isNotParameterPresent">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="isEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="isNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="iterate"/>
<xs:attribute name="prepend" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="isNotPropertyAvailable">
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<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="isEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 97
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<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
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<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
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<xs:element ref="isNotPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="isNull"/>
iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 98
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iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 99
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iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 100
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<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
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<xs:element ref="isGreaterEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessEqual"/>
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<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
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<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
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<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
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iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 101
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<xs:attribute name="scale" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="precision" type="xs:string"/>
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<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Input"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Output"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InputOutput"/>
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<xs:element name="property">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
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<xs:attribute name="property" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="column" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="lazyLoad">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
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<xs:enumeration value="true"/>
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<xs:attribute name="nullValue" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="dbType" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="columnIndex" type="xs:string"/>
iBATIS.NET's SqlMap.xsd
DataMapper Guide Version 1.6.1 102
<xs:attribute name="resultMapping" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="typeHandler" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="argument">
<xs:attribute name="argumentName" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="column" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="select" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="nullValue" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="dbType" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="columnIndex" type="xs:string"/>
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<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
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<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
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<xs:element ref="isNotPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="isNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isPropertyAvailable"/>
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<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
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<xs:element ref="dynamic"/>
<xs:element ref="isEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isEqual"/>
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<xs:element ref="isGreaterThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="isNull"/>
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<xs:element ref="isParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="iterate"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
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<xs:attribute name="resultMap" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="resultClass" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="parameterMap" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="listClass" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="cacheModel" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="remapResults">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="false"/>
<xs:enumeration value="true"/>
<xs:element name="statements">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="sql"/>
<xs:element ref="statement"/>
<xs:element ref="insert"/>
<xs:element ref="update"/>
<xs:element ref="delete"/>
<xs:element ref="select"/>
<xs:element ref="procedure"/>
<xs:element name="typeAlias">
<xs:attribute name="alias" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="update">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="include"/>
<xs:element ref="generate"/>
<xs:element ref="dynamic"/>
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<xs:element ref="isEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isGreaterThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessThan"/>
<xs:element ref="isLessEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEmpty"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotEqual"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isNotPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="isNull"/>
<xs:element ref="isParameterPresent"/>
<xs:element ref="isPropertyAvailable"/>
<xs:element ref="iterate"/>
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<xs:attribute name="parameterMap" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="parameterClass" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="extends" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="remapResults">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="false"/>
<xs:enumeration value="true"/>
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