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Developer’s Image Library Manual
By Denton Woods
Abysmal Software
June 2002
Table of Contents
Library Setup .........................................................................................................2
Microsoft Visual C++ Setup................................................................................2
Directories ...................................................................................................2
MSVC++ Bug Workaround.........................................................................4
Multithreading .............................................................................................4
DJGPP Setup .......................................................................................................4
General GCC-Based Setup ..................................................................................4
Basic Procedures....................................................................................................6
Initializing DevIL................................................................................................6
File Handling.......................................................................................................7
Loading Images............................................................................................7
Saving Images..............................................................................................7
Image Characteristics ............................................................................................8
Image Manipulation...............................................................................................8
Gamma Correction............................................................................................10
Resizing Images....................................................................................................13
Mipmaps ............................................................................................................13
Animations ............................................................................................................
DXTC/S3TC Notes...............................................................................................25
Developer’s Image Library Manual 1
Developer’s Image Library was previously called OpenIL, but due to trademark issues,
OpenIL is now known as DevIL. DevIL is an open source programming library for
programmers to incorporate in to their own programs. DevIL loads and saves a large
variety of images for use in a software developer’s program. This library is capable of
manipulating images in various ways and passing image information to display APIs,
such as OpenGL and Direct3D.
The purpose of this manual is to guide users in coding with the Developer’s Image
Library. This manual is for users proficient in C and with competent knowledge of the
integrated development environment (IDE) or compiler they are using.
Library Reference
Several times throughout this document, the three different sub-libraries of DevIL are
referenced as IL, ILU and ILUT. IL refers to the base library for loading, saving and
converting images. ILU refers to the middle level library for image manipulation. ILUT
refers to the high level library for displaying images. Functions in IL, ILU and ILUT are
prefixed by ‘il’, ‘ilu’ and ‘ilut’, respectively.
2 Developer’s Image Library Manual
Library Setup
Microsoft Visual C++ Setup
DevIL setup for Windows is straightforward. Unzip DevIL in an empty directory. If
using WinZip, check the “Use folder names” box before unzipping. Use the -d command
line option if using pkunzip. Then double-click on the ImageLib.dsw file in the install
directory to load the DevIL workspace in Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC++).
You will need to change some directory settings in MSVC++ to get DevIL working.
1. Navigate to the Tools menu and select Options.
2. Click on the Directories tab.
3. Under Show directories for, select "Include files".
4. Click the New button (to the left of the red 'X')
5. Type the directory DevIL is installed in, plus "\Include". For example, if you
installed DevIL to E:\ImageLib, enter "E:\ImageLib\Include".
Figure 1-1. Include Directory Settings Dialog
6. Under Show directories for, click on "Library files".
7. Click the New button (to the left of the red 'X').
8. Type the directory DevIL is installed in, plus “\Lib". For example, if you installed
DevIL to E:\ImageLib, enter "E:\ImageLib\Lib".
9. Click the New button (to the left of the red ‘X’).
Developer’s Image Library Manual 3
10. Type the directory DevIL is installed in, plus "\Lib\Debug". In the previous example,
you would enter "E:\ImageLib\Lib\Debug".
11. Choose OK.
Figure 1-2. Library Directory Settings Dialog
MSVC++ Bug Workaround
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 has a bug that prevents debugging of a project. The bug
appears to occur when you use a #pragma to link a .lib file and link it via another method.
The header files il.h, ilu.h and ilut.h automatically link the .lib files in via a #pragma for
convenience. To prevent this bug, check for and remove these:
devil.lib, devil-d.lib, ilu.lib, ilu-d.lib, ilut.lib and ilut-d.lib in your project settings
(ProjectSettings menu).
devil.lib, devil-d.lib, ilu.lib, ilu-d.lib, ilut.lib and ilut-d.lib in your project’s
workspace. Some people link libraries into their project this way, which really should
be discouraged, due to the hardcoded paths.
DevIL takes advantage of the multithreaded standard LIBC DLLs. To use file streams
with DevIL, you must change the project settings of your project. If you do not perform
these steps, your program will crash whenever you attempt to use a DevIL file stream.
1. Navigate to the Project menu and choose Settings.
2. Click the C/C++ tab.
3. Change the Category drop-down menu to read Code Generation.
4 Developer’s Image Library Manual
4. Change the Use run-time library drop-down menu to Multithreaded DLL if the
Settings For menu says Win32 Release. Change the Use run-time library drop-down
menu to Debug Multithreaded DLL if the Settings For menu says Win32 Debug.
5. Choose OK.
Setting up DevIL in DJGPP requires the following steps:
1. Unzip DevIL in an empty directory. If using WinZip, check the “Use folder names”
box before unzipping. Use the -d command line option if using pkunzip.
2. Create a new subdirectory called ‘il’ in your DJGPP include directory.
3. Copy the files to their respective places:
To use the precompiled libraries, copy libil.a, libilu.a and libilut.a from
ImageLib\lib\djgpp to your DJGPP lib directory. Then copy il.h, ilu.h and ilut.h
from your ImageLib\lib\il directory to your DJGPP include\il directory.
To compile the library yourself, change directories to ImageLib\Makefiles\Djgpp.
This folder contains only a makefile for DJGPP. Simply type ‘make’, and the
makefile will compile DevIL and copy the files to their respective locations.
To compile with DevIL in DJGPP, add lil to your command line. To also use ILU and
ILUT, use lil and lilut, respectively.
General GCC-based (Linux, Cygwin, Max OS X, etc.) Setup
Setting up DevIL in this environment requires the following steps:
1. Unzip DevIL in an empty directory, by typing “gzip d gzipname” then “tar xvf
tarname”, where ‘gzip’ and ‘tarname’ are DevIL-x.x.x.tar.gz and DevIL-x.x.x.tar.
2. Unzip should automatically use the directory structure present in the DevIL zip file.
3. To use the precompiled libraries, copy, and to a place
specified in your library path, or use the full path to the libraries when compiling.
4. To compile the library yourself:
Type ‘configure’.
Type ‘make’.
Type ‘make install’ to copy the .so files to /usr/lib and the headers to
Developer’s Image Library Manual 5
Basic Usage
Initializing DevIL
You must initialize DevIL, or it will most certainly crash. You need to initialize each
library (il, ilu, and ilut) separately. You do not need to initialize libraries you are not
using, but keep in mind that the higher level libraries are dependent on the lower ones.
For example, ilut is dependent on ilu and il, so you have to initialize il and ilu, also.
IL Initialization
Simply call the ilInit function with no parameters:
// Initialize IL
ILU Initialization
Call the iluInit function with no parameters:
// Initialize ILU
ILUT Initialization
ILUT initialization is slightly more complex than IL and ILU initialization. The function
you will use is ilutRenderer. You must call ilutRenderer before you use any ILUT
functions. This function initializes ILUT support for the API you desire to use by a
single parameter:
ILUT_OPENGL Initializes ILUT’s OpenGL support.
ILUT_ALLEGRO Initializes ILUT’s Allegro support.
ILUT_WIN32 Initializes ILUT’s Windows GDI and DirectX 8 support.
An example of using ilutRenderer follows:
// Initialize ILUT with OpenGL support.
Image Name Handling
Image names are DevIL’s way of keeping track of images it is currently containing.
Some other image libraries return structs, but they generally seem more cluttered than
DevIL’s image name handling.
6 Developer’s Image Library Manual
ILvoid ilGenImages(ILsizei Num, ILuint *Images);
ILvoid ilBindImage(ILuint Image);
ILvoid ilDeleteImages(ILsizei Num, ILuint *Images);
Listing 2-1. Syntax of the image name functions
Generating Image Names
Use ilGenImages to generate a set of image names. ilGenImages accepts an array of
ILuint to receive the generated image names. There are no guarantees about the order of
the generated image names or any other predictable behaviour like this. If
ilDeleteImages is called on an image name, ilGenImages will return that value
afterward, until all deleted image names are used. This conserves memory and is
generally quick. The only guarantee is that each member of the Images parameter (up to
Num number of them) will have a new, unique value.
Binding Image Names
ilBindImage binds the current image to the image described by the image name in
Image. DevIL reserves the number zero for the default base image. If you pass a value
for Image that was not generated by ilGenImages, ilBindImage automatically creates an
image specified by the image name passed. An image must always be bound before you
call any functions that operate on images and their data.
When DevIL creates a new image, the image has the default properties of 1x1x1 with a
bit depth of 8. DevIL creates a new image when you call ilBindImage with an image
name that has not been generated by ilGenImages or when you call ilGenImages
Deleting Image Names
ilDeleteImages is the exact opposite of ilGenImages and even accepts the exact same
parameters. ilDeleteImages deletes image names to free memory for subsequent
operations. You should always call ilDeleteImages on images that are not in use
anymore. When you delete an image, DevIL actually deletes all data and anything
associate with it, so that ilGenImages can possibly use the image name later.
File Handling
Loading Images
DevIL’s main purpose is to load images. DevIL’s loading is designed to be extremely
easy but very powerful. Appendix B lists the image types DevIL is capable of loading.
Developer’s Image Library Manual 7
ILboolean ilLoadImage(const char *FileName);
ILboolean ilLoad(ILenum Type, const char *FileName);
ILboolean ilLoadF(ILenum Type, ILHANDLE File);
ILboolean ilLoadL(ILenum Type, ILvoid *Lump, ILuint Size);
Listing 2-2. Syntax of the loading functions
DevIL contains four loading functions to support different loading styles and loading
from several different image sources.
Loading from Files - ilLoadImage
ilLoadImage is the main DevIL loading function. All you do is pass ilLoadImage the
filename of the image you wish to load. ilLoadImage takes care of the rest.
ilLoadImage allows users to transparently load several different image formats
uniformly. DevIL’s most powerful function is ilLoadImage because of this feature.
Before loading the image, ilLoadImage must first determine the image format of the file.
ilLoadImage performs the following steps:
1. Compares the filename’s extension to any registered file handlers, allowing the
registered file handlers to take precedence over the default DevIL file handlers. If the
extension matches a registered file handler, ilLoadImage passes control to the file
handler and returns. For more information on registering, refer to the section entitled
2. Compares the filename’s extension to the extensions natively supported by DevIL. If
the extension matches a loading function’s extension, ilLoadImage passes control to
the file handler and returns.
3. Examines the file for a header and tries to match it with a known type of image
header. If a valid image header is found, ilLoadImage passes control to the
appropriate file hander and returns.
4. Returns IL_FALSE.
Loading from Files - ilLoad
DevIL’s other file loading function is ilLoad. ilLoad is similar to ilLoadImage in many
respects but different in other ways. ilLoad accepts two parameters: the type of image
and the filename of the image.
ilLoad’s type parameter is what differentiates it from ilLoadImage. Type can be any of
the values listed in table B-2 in appendix B or the value IL_TYPE_UNKNOWN. If Type
is a value from table B-1, ilLoad attempts to load the file as the specified type of image
format. Only use this if you know what type of images you will be loading and want to
bypass DevIL’s checks.
8 Developer’s Image Library Manual
If IL_TYPE_UNKNOWN is specified for Type, ilLoad behaves exactly like
ilLoadImage. Refer to the previous section for detailed behaviour of these two
Loading from File Streams - ilLoadF
DevIL’s file stream loading function is ilLoadF. ilLoadF is exactly equivalent to
ilLoad, but instead of accepting a const char pointer, ilLoadF accepts an ILHANDLE.
DevIL defines ILHANDLE as a void pointer via a typedef. Under normal circumstances,
File will be a FILE struct pointer defined in stdio.h.
Refer to the section entitled “Registration” for instructions on how to use your own file
handling functions and file handles.
Loading from Memory Lumps - ilLoadL
DevIL’s file handling is abstracted to allow loading images from memory called “lumps”.
ilLoadL handles loading from lumps. You must specify a valid type as the first
parameter and the lump as the second parameter.
The third parameter that ilLoadL accepts is the total size of the lump. DevIL uses this
value to perform bounds checking on the input data. Specify a value of zero for Size if
you do not want ilLoadL to perform any bounds checking.
Saving Images
DevIL also has some powerful saving functions to fully complement the loading
ILboolean ilSaveImage(const char *FileName);
ILboolean ilSave(ILenum Type, const char *FileName);
ILboolean ilSaveF(ILenum Type, ILHANDLE File);
ILboolean ilSaveL(ILenum Type, ILvoid *Lump, ILuint Size);
Listing 2-3. Syntax of the saving functions
DevIL’s saving functions are identical to the loading functions, despite the fact that they
save images instead of load images. Lists of possible values for Type and supported
saving formats are located in Appendix B.
Image Management
Developer’s Image Library Manual 9
Defining Images
ilTexImage is used to give the current bound image new attributes that you specify. Any
image data or attributes previously in the current bound image are lost after a call to
ilTexImage, so make sure that you call it only after preserving the image data if need be.
ILboolean ilTexImage( ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp,
ILenum Format, ILenum Type, ILvoid *Data);
Listing 2-4. Syntax of the ilTexImage function
ilTexImage has one of the longer parameter lists of the DevIL functions, so we will
briefly go over what is expected for each argument.
Width: The width of the image. If this is zero, DevIL creates an image with a
width of one.
Height: The height of the image. If this is zero, DevIL creates an image with
a height of one.
Depth: The depth of the image, if it is an image volume. Most applications
should specify 0 or 1 for this parameter.
Bpp: The bytes per pixel of the image data. Do not confuse this with bits
per pixel, which is also commonly used. Common bytes per pixel
values are 1, 3 and 4.
Format: The format of the image data. Formats accepted are listed here and
are self-explanatory:
Type: The type of image data. Usually, this will be IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
unless you want to utilize multiple bits per colour channel. Type
accepted are listed here:
Data: Mainly for convenience, if you already have image data loaded and
ready to put into the newly created image. Specifying NULL for this
10 Developer’s Image Library Manual
parameter just results in the image having unpredictable image data.
You can specify image data later using ilSetData or ilSetPixels.
Getting Image Data
There are two ways to set image data: one is quick and dirty, while the other is more
flexible but slower. These two functions are ilGetData and ilCopyPixels.
ILubyte* ilGetData(ILvoid);
ILuint ilCopyPixels( ILuint XOff, ILuint YOff, ILuint ZOff, ILuint Width,
ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILenum Format, ILenum
Type, ILvoid *Data);
Listing 2-6. Syntax of the functions to get image data
The Quick Method
Use ilGetData to get a direct pointer to the current bound image’s data pointer. Do not
ever try to delete this pointer that is returned. To get information about the image data,
use ilGetInteger.
ilGetData will return NULL and set an error of IL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION if there is no
currently bound image.
The Flexible Method
Use ilCopyPixels to get a portion of the current bound image’s data or to get the current
image’s data with in a different format / type. DevIL takes care of all conversions
automatically for you to give you the image data in the format or type that you need. The
data block can range from a single line to a rectangle, all the way to a cube.
ilCopyPixels has a long parameter list, like ilTexImage, so here is a description of the
parameters of ilCopyPixels:
XOff: Specifies where to start copying in the x direction.
YOff: Specifies where to start copying in the y direction.
ZOff: Specifies where to start copying in the z direction. This will be 0 in
most cases, unless you are using image volumes.
Width: Number of pixels to copy in the x direction.
Height: Number of pixels to copy in the y direction.
Depth: Number of pixels to copy in the z direction. This will be 1, unless
you are using image volumes.
Format: The format of the returned data that you desire. Acceptable formats
Developer’s Image Library Manual 11
Type: The type of the data block in Data. Acceptable types are
supported shortly. For most purposes, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE is
always acceptable here.
Data: A pointer to the data block that you wish to receive the specified
image data. If this is NULL, DevIL will set an error of
IL_INVALID_PARAM and return IL_FALSE (please refer to the
section on error handling in DevIL).
Setting Image Data
There are two ways to set image data: one is quick and dirty, while the other is more
flexible but slower. These two functions are ilSetData and ilSetPixels.
ILboolean ilSetData(ILvoid *Data);
ILvoid ilSetPixels( ILuint XOff, ILuint YOff, ILuint ZOff, ILuint Width,
ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILenum Format, ILenum
Type, ILvoid *Data);
Listing 2-5. Syntax of the functions to set image data
The Quick Method
Use ilSetData to set the image data directly. DevIL will copy the data provided in the
Data parameter to the image’s data, so you need not worry about DevIL trying to delete
your pointer later on. This function is the counterpart to ilGetData.
You must provide image data in the exact same format, type, width, height, depth and
bpp as the current bound image, since DevIL does no conversions here; it just does a
simple memory copy.
ilSetData will return IL_FALSE and set an error of IL_INVALID_PARAM if Data is
The Flexible Method
Use ilSetPixels to set a portion of the current bound image’s data or to set the current
image’s data with data of a different format / type. Specify the data block, where you
want to put it and what kind of data it is, and DevIL takes care of all conversions
automatically for you. The data block can range from a single line to a rectangle, all the
way to a cube.
ilSetPixels has a long parameter list, like ilCopyPixels, so here is a description of the
parameters of ilSetPixels:
12 Developer’s Image Library Manual
XOff: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the x direction.
YOff: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the y direction.
ZOff: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the z direction.
This will be 0 in most cases, unless you are using image volumes.
Width: The width of the data block in Data.
Height: The height of the data block in Data.
Depth: The depth of the data block in Data. This will be 1, unless you are
using image volumes.
Format: The format of the data block in Data. Acceptable formats are
Type: The type of the data block in Data. For acceptable types, refer to the
documentation on ilTexImage. For most purposes,
IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE is always acceptable here.
Data: A pointer to the actual data block. If this is NULL, DevIL will set an
error of IL_INVALID_PARAM and return IL_FALSE (please refer to
the section on error handling in DevIL).
If you specify a combination of an offset with a width/height/depth that makes your data
block overreach the edge of the currently bound image, DevIL will clip your data so that
no crashes will occur and that the resulting image will be correctly produced.
Copying Images
DevIL has three functions to copy images: ilCopyImage, ilOverlayImage and ilBlit.
ILboolean ilCopyImage(ILuint Src);
ILboolean ilOverlayImage(ILuint Src, ILint XCoord, ILint YCoord, ILint
ILboolean ilBlit(ILuint Src, ILint DestX, ILint DestY, ILint DestZ, ILuint SrcX,
ILuint SrcY, ILuint SrcZ, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint
Listing 2-6. Syntax of the functions to copy images
Direct Copying
Use ilCopyImage to create a copy of an image. ilCopyImage will copy the image
specified by the image name in Src to the currently bound image. ilCopyImage can be
useful when you want to apply an effect to an image but want to preserve the original.
The image bound before calling ilCopyImage will still be bound after ilCopyImage
If you specify an image name in Src that has not been generated by ilGenImages or
ilBindImage, ilCopyImage will set the IL_INVALID_PARAM error and return
Developer’s Image Library Manual 13
ilBlit copies a portion of an image over to another image. This is similar to blitting
performed in graphics libraries, such as StretchBlt in the Windows API. You can copy a
rectangular block from anywhere in a source image, specified by Src, to any point in the
currently bound image. A description of the various ilBlit parameters follows:
Src: The source image name.
DestX: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the x direction.
DestY: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the y direction.
DestZ: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the z direction.
SrcX: Specifies where to start copying in the x direction of the source
SrcY: Specifies where to start copying in the y direction of the source
SrcZ: Specifies where to start copying in the z direction of the source
Width: How many pixels to copy in the x direction of the source image.
Height: How many pixels to copy in the y direction of the source image.
Depth: How many pixels to copy in the z direction of the source image.
ilOverlay is essentially the same as ilBlit, but it copies the entire image over, instead of
just a portion of the image. ilOverlay is more of a convenience function, since you can
obtain the same results by calling ilBlit with SrcX, SrcY and SrcZ set to zero, with the
Width, Height and Depth parameters set to the source image’s height, width and depth,
respectively. ilOverlay is missing six parameters that ilBlit has:
Src: The source image name.
DestX: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the x direction.
DestY: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the y direction.
DestZ: Specifies where to place the block of image data in the z direction.
14 Developer’s Image Library Manual
Error Handling
DevIL contains error-handling routines to alert the users of this library to any internal
problems in DevIL. The ilGetError function reports all errors in DevIL.
iluErrorString converts error numbers returned from ilGetError to a human-readable
ILenum ilGetError(ILvoid);
const char* iluErrorString(ILenum Error);
Listing 3-1. Syntax of the error functions
Error Detection
Problems can always occur in any software application, and DevIL is no different.
DevIL keeps track of all non-fatal errors that have occurred during its operation. All
errors are kept on a stack maintained by ilGetError. Every time ilGetError is called,
the last error is returned and pushed off the top of the stack. You should call ilGetError
until IL_NO_ERROR is returned. IL_NO_ERROR signifies that there are no more errors
on the error stack. Most errors reported are not harmful, and DevIL operation can
continue, except for IL_OUT_OF_MEMORY.
All error codes that can be returned by ilGetError are listed in Appendix A.
Error Strings
iluErrorString returns a human readable error string from any error that ilGetError can
return. This is useful for when you want to display what kind of error happened to the
Developer’s Image Library Manual 15
Image Characteristics
All images have a certain set of characteristics: origin of the image, format of the image,
type of the image, and more.
16 Developer’s Image Library Manual
Image Manipulation
ILU (image library utilities) contains functions to manipulate any type of image in a
variety of ways. Some functions filter images, while others perform a wider variety of
operations, such as scaling an image. This section will give a comparison of the utility
functions against figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1. Original, unmodified image
iluAlienify is a filter I created purely by accident, when I was attempting to write colour
matrix code. The effect iluAlienify gives to an image is a green and purple tint. On
images with humans in them, iluAlienify generally makes the people look green, hence
the fabricated term “alienify”. iluAlienify does not accept any parameters. Figure 4-2
illustrates this effect on the OpenIL logo.
Figure 4-2. “Alienified” image
ILU has two blurring functions iluBlurAverage and iluBlurGaussian. Blurring can be
used for a simple motion blur effect or something as sophisticated as concealing the
identity of a person in an image. Both of these functions use a convolution filter and
multiple iterations to blur an image. Gaussian blurs look more natural than averaging
blurs, because the center pixel in the convolution filter “weighs” more. For an in-depth
description of convolution filters, see the excellent “Elementary Digital Filtering” article
iluBlurAverage and iluBlurGaussian are functionally equivalent. Both functions accept
a single parameter. Call the desired function with the number of iterations of blurring
Developer’s Image Library Manual 17
you wish to be performed on the image. Increase the number of iterations to increase the
blurriness of an image.
Figure 4-3. Average blurred
with 10 iterations applied
Figure 4-4. Gaussian blurred
with 10 iterations applied
The American Heritage Dictionary describes contrast as “The use of opposing elements,
such as colors, forms, or lines, in proximity to produce an intensified effect in a work of
art.” ILU can apply more colour contrast to your image by brightening the lights and
darkening the darks via iluContrast. This effect can make a dull image livelier and
“stand out” more.
iluContrast accepts a single parameter describing the desired amount of contrast to
modify the image by. A value of 1.0 does not affect the image. Values above 1.0 to 1.7
increase the amount of contrast in the image, with 1.7 increasing the contrast the most.
Values from 0.0 to 1.0 decrease the amount of contrast in the image. Values outside of
the 0.0 to 1.7 range will give undefined results. -0.5 to 0.0 will actually create a negative
of the image and increase the contrast.
Figure 4-5. Contrast of 1.6
Figure 4-6. Contrast of 0.2
Figure 4-7. Contrast of -.5
Sometimes it may be useful to equalize an image that is, bring the extreme colour
values to a median point. iluEqualize darkens the bright colours and lightens the dark
colours, reducing the contrast in an image or “equalizing” it. Figure 4-8 shows the results
of applying iluEqualize to the OpenIL image.
18 Developer’s Image Library Manual
Figure 4-8. Equalized image
Gamma Correction
iluGammaCorrect applies gamma correction to an image using an exponential curve.
The single parameter iluGammaCorrect accepts is the gamma correction factor you
wish to use. A gamma correction factor of 1.0 leaves the image unmodified. Values in
the range 0.0 - 1.0 darken the image. 0.0 leaves a totally black image. Anything above
1.0 brightens the image, but values too large may saturate the image.
Figure 4-9. Result of gamma
correction of 0.5
Figure 4-10. Result of gamma
correction of 1.9
iluNegative is a very basic function that inverts every pixel’s colour in an image. For
example, pure white becomes pure black, and vice-versa. The resulting colour of a pixel
can be determined by this formula: new_colour = ~old_colour (where the tilde is the
negation of the set of bits). iluNegative does not accept any parameters and is reversible
by calling it again.
Figure 4-11. iluNegative example
DevIL can add “random” noise to any image to make it appear noisy. The function,
iluNoisify, simply uses the standard libc rand function after initializing it with a seed to
srand. If your program depends on a different seed to rand, reset it after calling
Developer’s Image Library Manual 19
iluNoisify. The seed DevIL uses is the standard time(NULL) call. Of course, the noise
added to the image is not totally random, since no such thing exists, but there should be
no repeating, except in extremely large images.
iluNoisify accepts a single parameter the tolerance to use. This parameter is a clamped
(float) value that should be in the range 0.0f - 1.0f. Lower values indicate a lower
tolerance, while higher values indicate the opposite. The tolerance indicates just how
much of a mono intensity that iluNoisify is allowed to apply to each pixel. A “random”
mono intensity is applied to each pixel so that you will not end up with totally new
colours, just the same colours with a different luminance value. Colours change by both
negative and positive values, so some pixels may be darker, some may be lighter, and
others will remain the same.
Figure 4-12. Result of iluNoisify with a 0.50 tolerance
iluPixelize creates pixelized images by averaging the colour values of blocks of pixels.
The single parameter passed to iluPixelize determines the size of these square blocks.
The result is a pixelized image.
Call iluPixelize with values greater than 1 to pixelize the image. The larger the values,
the larger the pixel blocks will be. A value of 1 will leave the image unchanged. Values
less than 1 generate an error.
Figure 4-13. Pixelization of 10 pixels across
Sharpening sharply defines the outlines in an image. iluSharpen performs this
sharpening effect on an image. iluSharpen accepts two parameters: the sharpening
factor and the number of iterations to perform the sharpening effect.
20 Developer’s Image Library Manual
The sharpening factor must be in the range of 0.0 - 2.5. A value of 1.0 for the sharpening
factor will have no effect on the image. Values in the range 1.0 - 2.5 will sharpen the
image, with 2.5 having the most pronounced sharpening effect. Values from 0.0 to 1.0 do
a type of reverse sharpening, blurring the image. Values outside of the 0.0 - 2.5 range
produce undefined results.
The number of iterations to perform will usually be 1, but to achieve more sharpening,
increase the number of iterations. This parameter is similar to the Iterations parameter of
the two blurring functions. The time it takes to run this function is directly proportional
to the number of iterations desired.
Figure 4-14. Sharpening of 1.5 with 5 iterations
Developer’s Image Library Manual 21
Resizing Images
Basic Scaling
To resize images, use the iluScale function:
ILboolean iluScale(ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth);
Listing 5.1. Syntax of the iluScale function
The three parameters are relatively explanatory. Any image can be resized to a new
width, height and depth, provided that you have enough memory to hold the new image.
The new dimensions do not have to be the same as the original in any way. Aspect ratios
of the image do not even have to be the same. The currently bound image is replaced
entirely by the new scaled image.
If you specify a dimension greater than the original dimension, the image enlarges in that
direction. Alternately, if you specify a dimension smaller than the original dimension,
the image shrinks in that direction.
Figure 5.1. Original image
Figure 5.2. Enlarged image
Figure 5.3. Shrunk image
Advanced Scaling
DevIL also allows you to specify which method you want to use to resize images. As
you can see in figure 5.2, the enlarged image is very pixelized. In figure 5.3, the shrunk
image is also blocky. This is because a nearest filter was applied to the image in figure
5.1 to produce figures 5.2 and 5.3.
DevIL allows you to use different filters to produce better scaling results:
Nearest filter - ILU_NEAREST
Linear filter - ILU_LINEAR
Bilinear filter - ILU_BILINEAR
Box filter - ILU_SCALE_BOX
Triangle filter - ILU_SCALE_TRIANGLE
Bell filter - ILU_SCALE_BELL
B Spline filter - ILU_SCALE_BSPLINE
Lanczos filter - ILU_SCALE_LANCZOS3
Mitchell filter - ILU_SCALE_MITCHELL
22 Developer’s Image Library Manual
Just use the ILU_FILTER define as PName in iluImageParameter with the appropriate
filter define as Param.
ILvoid iluImageParameter(ILenum PName, ILenum Param);
Listing 5.1. Syntax of the iluImageParameter function
Filter Comparisons
The first three filters (nearest, linear and bilinear) require an increasing amount of time to
resize an image, with nearest being the quickest and bilinear being the slowest of the
three. All the filters after bilinear are considered the “advanced” scaling functions and
require much more time to complete, but they generally produce much nicer results.
When minimizing an image, bilinear filtering should be sufficient, since it uses a four-
pixel averaging scheme to create every destination pixel. Minimized images do not
generally have to use higher sampling schemes to achieve a reasonable image.
Enlarging an image, though, depends quite heavily on how good the sampling scheme is.
DevIL provides several filtering functions to let you choose which one best fits your
needs: speed versus image quality. Below is a comparison of the different types of filters
when enlarging an image.
Figure 5.4. Original ‘Lena’ image
Nearest filter
Linear filter
Bilinear filter
Box filter
Triangle filter
Bell filter
Developer’s Image Library Manual 23
B spline filter
Lanczos filter
Mitchell filter
Figure 5.5. Filter comparisons
24 Developer’s Image Library Manual
Mipmaps in DevIL are successive half-dimensioned power-of-2 images. The dimensions
do not have to be powers of 2 if you generate them manually, but DevIL’s mipmap
generation facilities assume power-of-2 images.
Figure 4-1. All mipmap levels down to 1x1
Mipmap Creation
You generate mipmaps for any image using iluBuildMipmaps. If the image already has
mipmaps, the previous mipmaps are erased, and new mipmaps are generated. Otherwise,
iluBuildMipmaps generates mipmaps for the image.
The mipmaps built are always powers of 2. If the original image does not have power-of-
2 dimensions, iluBuildMipmaps resizes the original image via iluScale to have power-
of-2 dimensions.
Mipmap Access
Access mipmaps through the iluActiveMipmap function:
ILboolean ilActiveMipmap(ILuint MipNum);
Listing 4-1. Syntax of the mipmap access function
iluActiveMipmap sets the current image to the MipNum mipmap level of the current
image. If there are no mipmaps present, then iluActiveMipmap returns IL_FALSE, else
it returns IL_TRUE. The base image is mipmap level 0, so specify 0 for MipNum to
return to the base image. The only other method for setting the current image to the base
image is to call ilBindImage again.
Animations are similar to mipmaps, but instead of being smaller successive images, the
images are the same size but have different data. The successive animation chains in
DevIL can be used to create animations in your programs. File formats that natively
support animations are .gif and .mng. You can also create your own sub-images as
Developer’s Image Library Manual 25
Animation Chain Creation
Animation Chain Access
Access animations through the iluActiveImage function:
ILboolean ilActiveImage(ILuint ImageNum);
Listing 4-2. Syntax of the mipmap access function
iluActiveImage sets the current image to the ImageNum mipmap level of the current
image. If there are no mipmaps present, then iluActiveImage returns IL_FALSE, else it
returns IL_TRUE. The base image is mipmap level 0, so specify 0 for ImageNum to
return to the base image. The only other method for setting the current image to the base
image is to call ilBindImage again.
iluActiveImage is functionally equivalent to iluActiveMipmap, except that it deals with
animations and not mipmaps.
DevIL does not have a full layer implementation yet.
Sub-Image Mixing
An image can have both mipmaps and animations at the same time. Every image in an
animation chain can have its own set of mipmaps, though it is not necessary by any
means. If you “activate” an animation image in the base image’s animation chain, the
active image becomes the new “base” image. Therefore, if you call iluActiveMipmap,
the new active image will become the new active image,
26 Developer’s Image Library Manual
DDS Loading/Saving
DevIL supports loading and saving of Microsoft .dds files. DDS files can either be
compressed or uncompressed. If they are compressed, DDS files use DirectX Texture
Compression (DXTC). DXTC is also known as S3TC, since Microsoft licensed the
compression technology from S3.
Keeping DXTC Data
When loading, DevIL uncompresses the DXTC. If you call ilEnable with the
IL_KEEP_DXTC_DATA parameter, DevIL will keep an uncompressed copy of the
DXTC data along with the image. Functions that deal with DXTC data can use this data
without having to recompress the uncompressed data, making these functions operate
faster. The only drawback is the use of more memory.
Controlling Saving
DevIL’s DXTC support consists of three different compression formats: DXT1, DXT3
and DXT5. DXT2 and DXT4 use premultiplied alpha, which not even OpenGL supports.
DevIL loads DXT2 and DXT4 textures but immediately converts them to formats that do
not use premultiplied alpha. To set what format to save DDS files in, use this line:
ilSetInteger(IL_DXTC_FORMAT, Format);
Format can be IL_DXT1, IL_DXT3 or IL_DXT5.
Retrieving DXTC Data
To retrieve a copy of the DXTC data, use ilGetDXTCData. To determine how large
Buffer should be, first call ilGetDXTCData with the Buffer parameter as NULL. This
function will then return the number of bytes that are required to completely store the
DXTC data. Call it a second time to actually retrieve the data.
ILuint ilGetDXTCData(ILvoid *Buffer, ILuint BufferSize, ILenum
Listing 5-1. Syntax of the ilGetDXTCData function
If the DXTC data does not exist in the format that you request, DevIL will automatically
compress the data. If ilGetDXTCData returns 0, then the data could not be compressed.
To see if a certain format of DXTC data already exists for the currently bound image, call
ilGetInteger with the IL_DXTC_DATA_FORMAT parameter.
Developer’s Image Library Manual 27
OpenGL/Direct3D DXTC Support
ILUT allows you to directly send the DXTC data to OpenGL or Direct3D. Several
modes in ILUT directly control this behavior.
OpenGL S3TC Support
OpenGL can use S3TC (DXTC) textures via extensions. If a computer does not support
the S3TC texture extension, DevIL will just send the data normally through
glTexImage2D, as always. Please keep in mind that DDS files store their data in a top-
down format, so if you enable the OpenGL S3TC support, make certain to set the origins
of all images in the upper left:
To enable the OpenGL S3TC support, use the ilutEnable function with the
ILUT_GL_USE_S3TC parameter:
Setting this parameter means that ILUT will only use DXTC data from images that are
already compressed with DXTC (e.g. DDS files). To force ILUT to compress any image
it sends to OpenGL, use ilutEnable again:
This can adversely affect your performance while loading textures, though, so use it with
caution, especially if you are running a performance-critical application.
Direct 3D DXTC Support
ILUT’s Direct 3D (D3D) support works exactly like the OpenGL support, except you use
the ILUT_D3D_USE_DXTC and ILUT_D3D_GEN_DXTC defines instead of
ILUT_GL_USE_S3TC and ILUT_GL_GEN_S3TC, respectively.
28 Developer’s Image Library Manual
Appendix A: Common DevIL Error Codes
Errors sometimes occur within DevIL. To get the error code of the last error that
occurred, call ilGetError with no parameters. To get a human-readable string of an error
code, call iluErrorString with the error code. A table of error codes follows:
Error Code #define Hexadecimal Value Decimal Value
IL_NO_ERROR 0x000 0
IL_INVALID_ENUM 0x501 1281
IL_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x502 1282
Table A-1. DevIL error codes
Developer’s Image Library Manual 29
Appendix B: Supported File Formats
DevIL supports loading and saving of a large number of image formats. Table B-1 lists
the formats DevIL supports.
Formats Supported by DevIL
Loading Saving
Type Extension(s) Type Extension(s)
Windows Bitmap .bmp Windows Bitmap .bmp
Dr. Halo Cut File .cut C-style header .h
DirectDraw Surface .dds DirectDraw Surface .dds
Interchange Format .gif Jpeg .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg
Icons .ico, .cur Palette .pal
Jpeg .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg ZSoft PCX .pcx
Interlaced Bitmap .lbm Portable Network
Graphics .png
Homeworld File .lif Pnm .pbm, .pgm, .ppm
Doom Walls / Flats .lmp Adobe PhotoShop .psd
Half-Life Model .mdl Raw Data .raw
Mng Animation .mng Silicon Graphics .sgi, .bw, .rgb, .rgba
PhotoCD .pcd Targa .tga
ZSoft PCX .pcx TIF .tif, .tiff
PIC .pic
PIX .pix
Portable Network
Graphics .png
Pnm .pbm, .pgm, .ppm,
PhotoShop .psd
Pixar .pxr
Silicon Graphics .sgi, .bw, .rgb, .rgba
Targa .tga
TIF .tif, .tiff
Quake2 Texture .wal
X Pixel Map .xpm
30 Developer’s Image Library Manual
Raw Data Any
Table B-1. Types of image file formats DevIL supports
ilLoad, ilLoadF and ilLoadL all accept a Type parameter. Possible values for the Type
parameter for each function are listed below. If you use an unsupported value for Type,
then the function generates an IL_INVALID_ENUM error and returns IL_FALSE.
Supported Loading Types
DevIL #define Hex
Value Decimal
Value Supported
by ilLoad Supported
by ilLoadF Supported
by ilLoadL
IL_BMP 0x420 1056 v v v
IL_CUT 0x421 1057 v v v
IL_DCX 0x438 1080 v v v
IL_DDS 0x437 1079 v v v
IL_DOOM 0x422 1058 v v v
IL_DOOM_FLAT 0x423 1059 v v v
IL_GIF 0x436 1078 v v v
IL_ICO 0x424 1060 v v v
IL_JNG 0x435 1077 v v v
IL_JPG (IJL) 0x425 1061 v v
IL_JPG (libjpeg) 0x425 1061 v v v
IL_LBM 0x426 1062 v v v
IL_LIF 0x434 1076 v v v
IL_MDL 0x431 1073 v v v
IL_MNG 0x435 1077 v v v
IL_PCD 0x427 1063 v v v
IL_PCX 0x428 1064 v v v
IL_PIC 0x429 1065 v v v
IL_PIX 0x43C 1084 v v v
IL_PNG 0x42A 1066 v v v
IL_PNM 0x42B 1067 v v v
IL_PSD 0x439 1081 v v v
IL_PSP 0x43B 1083 v v v
IL_PXR 0x43D 1085 v v v
IL_RAW 0x430 1072 v v v
Developer’s Image Library Manual 31
IL_SGI 0x42C 1068 v v v
IL_TGA 0x42D 1069 v v v
IL_TIF 0x42E 1070 v v v
IL_WAL 0x432 1074 v v v
IL_XPM 0x43E 1086 v v v
Table B-2. Values for the Type parameter
ilSave, ilSaveF and ilSaveL all accept a Type parameter. Possible values for the Type
parameter for each function are listed below. If you use an unsupported value for Type,
then the function generates an IL_INVALID_ENUM error and returns IL_FALSE.
Supported Saving Types
DevIL #define Hex
Value Decimal
Value Supported
by ilSave Supported
by ilSaveF Supported
by ilSaveL
IL_BMP 0x420 1056 v v v
IL_CHEAD 0x42F 1071 v v v
IL_DDS 0x437 1079 v v v
IL_JPG (IJL) 0x425 1061 v v
IL_JPG (libjpeg) 0x425 1061 v v v
IL_PCX 0x428 1064 v v v
IL_PNG 0x42A 1066 v v v
IL_PNM 0x42B 1067 v v v
IL_PSD 0x439 1081 v v v
IL_RAW 0x430 1072 v v v
IL_SGI 0x42C 1068 v v v
IL_TGA 0x42D 1069 v v v
IL_TIF 0x42E 1070 v v v
Table B-3. Values for the Type parameter
32 Developer’s Image Library Manual

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