Family Tree Analyzer Guide Part 1 Installation And Loading GEDCOM

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Family Tree Analyzer – Part I – Introduction and Loading GEDCOMs
What does the program do?
Family Tree Analyzer is a completely FREE tool that allows you to analyse your family tree to find where you have
gaps, to find errors, and to view your family tree in new and interesting ways. At present it only runs on Windows
(Vista SP2 or later), it can run on a Mac if you have a windows emulator or host program such as Parallels (how to set
that up is beyond the scope of this document).

Getting Started
First you need to download and install Family Tree Analyzer (hereafter referred to FTAnalyzer). In order to do this
you need to visit the website the installer is at

The installation is simple, just click on the install button on the left-hand side of the page. If you are using Internet
Explorer as your browser this will launch the Microsoft “Click Once” Installer and install the program with one click. If
you have another browser you may have to save the file first and then run it.
Note this requires the Microsoft .Net 4.6 Framework installed which should already be on your machine. If you don’t
already have this installed the page should offer an option to install it for you or you can download the .Net
Framework from Microsoft. Once the framework is installed you might wish to run Windows Update to ensure you
have the latest patches and fixes. If you need to install and patch the .Net Framework then rebooting before
installing FTAnalyzer will ensure the install of FTAnalyzer goes smoothly.
Note if you previously had a version of FTAnalyzer from Codeplex and are getting an error you should remove the old
version first before clicking on the button to install fresh. To remove any old versions of FTAnalyzer go to Control
Panel, “Programs and Features” and select FTAnalyzer and click uninstall.
Once you start the install you should see a window similar to the one below, note Windows 8 and above might ask
you to confirm the install certificate is trusted.

This will then launch the installer and download and install the application

Once this has completed you should see the FTAnalyzer window open

And a shortcut icon should appear on your desktop

Congratulations you have now installed FTAnalyzer and are ready to use it to analyse your tree. You can use this
shortcut at any time to run the program.

Updates and New Versions
From time to time new versions will be made available. If you run the program from the shortcut that was created it
will automatically check the website when you run it and will automatically install any updates or new versions as
soon as they are available. You don’t need to do anything special to update the program. It is all automatic so you
will always be using the very latest version.
From time to time when users suggest new features I produce beta versions that allow individuals to test new
features before they are available, if you are interested in suggesting new features and helping test then you can use
the issues section of the website to make suggestions.

Creating a GEDCOM File
Family Tree Programs
There are many, many family tree programs out there. They all have different strengths and different features that
suit some users better than others. Instead of restricting FTAnalyzer to just users of one product, it has been written
to work for users of any of these programs as well as users who only have online trees. The key to this flexibility is
the international standard for exchanging family tree data called GEDCOM.
By exporting a GEDCOM file from your family tree program or online tree you have everything you need to analyse
your tree in FTAnalyzer. The documentation website has various pages dedicated to explaining how to export a
GEDCOM from the most popular family tree programs. If you can’t find instructions for your program there or are
struggling to export a GEDCOM file from your family tree program or online website please raise an issue on the
FTAnalyzer support site.
You can also look at the help for your family tree program or online website and search for exporting GEDCOM. All
family tree programs written in the last 20 years should have a feature to export GEDCOM files.
Online Website
If your tree is online for example with Genes Reunited or Ancestry then you can use the export function from those
websites. The websites all have help functions that tell you how to export the GEDCOM from your online tree.
From Ancestry for example when you are viewing your tree you can click on “Tree Pages” dropdown and select “Tree
Settings” from there you will see a green “Export Tree” button on the right. Click this to export your tree. Full
detailed instructions can be found here under “Export your tree”.
Genes Reunited is simpler from the “Family Tree” menu click “Export GEDCOM”.
Once you have exported your tree using FTAnalyzer is exactly the same for online trees as it is for people with family
tree programs.
General Advice
Once you have exported the GEDCOM file from your tree you are ready to load it into FTAnalyzer.
NB. If you make changes to your tree and want to see how the changes affect the analysis you will need to export
the GEDCOM file again. The GEDCOM file is just a specially formatted text file. For most programs you will need to
create a new GEDCOM to re-analyse the tree after you have made changes.
It is also worth noting that FTAnalyzer will never make any changes to your family tree program, it will only report
things it finds and leave you in FULL CONTROL of your data to make changes as YOU see fit. Also your GEDCOM file
will never leave your machine. FTAnalyzer simply loads the file and presents various reports; none of your data is
ever exposed online. FTAnalyzer does have reports that can search the web but this is done in the same manner as if
you had typed in the forename, surname, date of birth etc. into a search website. You have full control of your data
and it never leaves your machine.

Loading your GEDCOM File
In FTAnalyzer click on the file menu and select “Open GEDCOM File…” this will open a standard windows file open
dialog box, note it doesn’t matter where you saved the GEDCOM file in the previous step it is up to you where you
store your GEDCOM file, in this example I’m loading my file from an FTAnalyzer folder I created in my Documents
Library. However for many people that have downloaded their tree it will be in your downloads folder.

Browse your machine to find the GEDCOM file you saved in the previous step. In this case I’ve shown the window
above after I’d browsed to the right location and selected the GEDCOM file
NB. If you can’t find the file from the previous step, note that GEDCOM files typically have a .GED extension but your
program may have saved them as a .TXT file in which case change the drop down bottom right that says “GED files
(*.ged)” to say “All files (*.*)” this will make sure you can see the file you saved in the previous step.
Now click on the Open Button to Open the file and start the analysis.

First Steps
After you click on the open button the program will attempt to read the file. It may throw up some warnings or
errors depending on what it finds in your file. The most common form of error is dates that aren’t understood, or
custom fact types that aren’t recognised. Don’t worry about these for now they will be covered in part 2 – Getting
Started with FTAnalyzer.
Once the file loads you will get a popup box telling you it is loaded and asking you to click ok to acknowledge this.
Clicking ok allows you to view the first tab – GEDCOM stats.
Since this is your first time using the program, start by having a look at the GEDCOM stats page below:

In the example above you can see my tree and the statistics about the tree including the number of individuals and
families loaded and the number of people and how they are related to me. I have a one name study in my tree which
is why half of my tree is showing as unknown relationship.
The stats also show the number of census & residence facts found and the number of Lost Cousins facts found. Don’t
worry if these are zero just now the guide on analysing census data will explain what to do if you have no census or
residence facts as well as explaining how to add Lost Cousins facts.
Finally the stats show information on the locations in your file. Since this is the first time you have loaded your tree
you should see as above that all the values are zero. This reflects the fact that you haven’t yet asked the program to
analyse your locations ready to be plotted on a map. This will be covered in the guide to mapping in FTAnalyzer.
NB. It is extremely important that you check the root person text. Most of the reports will fail if this is wrong.
In the tree shown above you can see the bold text that says:
Calculating Relationships using I1: Alexander Bisset as root person. Please wait

This root person should be the person in your tree from whom all the relationships are calculated. Almost always
this is you. If this text doesn’t say the right name as the root person then many of the reports will be wrong as they
will wrongly calculate relationships. If this is the case please see the “Setting the Root Person” section below.

Setting the Root Person
If you need to change the root person click on the Individuals tab after you have loaded your tree. This will show you
a list of people in your tree sorted by individual ID (which is how your family tree program numbered the people in
your tree). Find the right person in this list (note you can click the headings of the columns to sort them if that makes
it easier to find people).
Once you have the correct person right click on their name and select the option “Set as Root Person” from the
popup menu. This will then reprocess your file and recalculate the relationships. Note the GEDCOM stats page will
be updated with the new details added so you can check it did it right.
Note if you have to change the root person then you may wish to investigate changing the root person in your family
tree program. FTAnalyzer is simply using what has been set in your program or website as the root (or home) person.

Exporting again will revert to the root person in your tree so you would need to set the root person every time if it is
wrong in your tree.
You are now ready to read Part Two of this guide which will introduce you to the functions of the various tabs and
the reports they produce.

For the Curious:

About GEDCOM Files
A GEDCOM file is a text file that contains Family Tree information; you can save the GEDCOM file anywhere you like
although a lot of people have suggested they find it helpful to create a directory where they save GEDCOM files so
they know where to find them.
GEDCOM files are just plain text files formatted in a special way; you can even view them in a text editor such as
Notepad. A typical record for an individual in a GEDCOM file looks like this:

@I5556@ INDI
NAME Anne /Bisset/
SOUR @S284@
DATE 20 JUN 1804
PLAC Banchory Ternan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
SOUR @S284@
DATE 24 JUN 1804
PLAC Banchory Ternan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
DATE 1851
PLAC Broomhillock, Banchory Ternan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
SOUR @S284@
DATE 1851
PLAC Broomhillock, Banchory Ternan, Kincardineshire, Scotland
OCCU Agricultural Labourer
DATE 1851
DATE BET 1851 AND 1914
FAMC @F1524@

Don’t worry though it is not at all important to know how a GEDCOM file is formatted FTAnalyzer takes care of that
for you. All you need to do is to save the file from your tree and load it into FTAnalyzer.


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