Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Analytical User's Manual 1975 2015
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DOT HS 812 315 August 2016 Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Analytical User’s Manual 1975-2015 Table of Contents New in 2015 FARS ......................................................................................................... 2 Preface ........................................................................................................................... 7 FARS Operations ............................................................................................................ 8 FARS SAS Data Files ..................................................................................................... 9 FARS Data Element List ............................................................................................... 13 Data Element Definitions and Codes............................................................................. 25 The ACCIDENT Data File .................................................................................. 31 The VEHICLE Data File ..................................................................................... 89 The PERSON Data File ................................................................................... 240 The PARKWORK Data File ............................................................................. 285 The CEVENT Data File ................................................................................... 410 The VEVENT Data File .................................................................................... 441 The VSOE Data File ........................................................................................ 448 The DAMAGE Data File .................................................................................. 452 The DISTRACT Data File ................................................................................ 454 The DRIMPAIR Data File................................................................................. 456 The FACTOR Data File ................................................................................... 458 The MANEUVER Data File .............................................................................. 460 The VIOLATN Data File ................................................................................... 462 The VISION Data File ...................................................................................... 466 The NMCRASH Data File ................................................................................ 468 The NMIMPAIR Data File ................................................................................ 470 The NMPRIOR Data File ................................................................................. 472 The SAFETYEQ Data File ............................................................................... 474 The VINDECODE Data File ............................................................................. 476 Appendices ................................................................................................................. 477 Appendix A: PC23 Crash Type Diagram....................................................... 478 Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements ............................................. 479 Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information ........................................ 486 Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year . 520 Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes ............................ 544 Appendix F: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Data Availability Change .................... 586 Appendix G: Changes to the FARS VIN Decoded Data Elements ................ 587 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Table of Contents 1 FARS Analytical User’s Manual New in 2015 FARS New in 2015 FARS Data Elements with Changes in Attributes Below is a list of FARS data elements that have substantial changes for 2015. Changes are denoted in bold typeface (bold/italics for additions, bold/strikethrough for deletions). More detailed information on each data element can be found in the FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual. NHTSA publishes these manuals for each year of data collection and they can be found at: NHTSA's FARS Coding Manuals. DATA ELEMENT # C11 C12A DATA ELEMENT NAME Roadway Function Class Land Use SAS TABLE.NAME Accident.ROAD_FNC Accident.RUR_URB COMMENTS Deleted Element. Added new element with attributes: 1 (Rural), 2 (Urban), 6 (Trafficway Not in State Inventory), 8 (Not Reported) and 9 (Unknown). C12B Functional System FARS Analytical User’s Manual Accident.FUNC_SYS Added new element with attributes: 01 (Interstate), 02 (Principal Arterial – Other Freeways and Expressways), 03 (Principal Arterial – Other), 04 (Minor Arterial), 05 (Major Collector), 06 (Minor Collector), 07 (Local), 96 (Trafficway Not in State Inventory), 98 (Not Reported), and 99 (Unknown). New in 2015 FARS 2 FARS Analytical User’s Manual DATA ELEMENT # C13 DATA ELEMENT NAME Ownership SAS TABLE.NAME Accident.RD_OWNER New in 2015 FARS COMMENTS Added new element with attributes: 01 (State Highway Agency), 02 (County Highway Agency), 03 (Town or Township Highway Agency), 04 (City or Municipal Highway Agency), 11 (State Park, Forest or Reservation Agency), 12 (Local Park, Forest or Reservation Agency), 21 (Other State Agency), 25 (Other Local Agency), 26 (Private [other than Railroad]), 27 (Railroad), 31 (State Toll Road), 32 (Local Toll Authority), 40 (Other Public Instrumentality [i.e., Airport]), 50 (Indian Tribe Nation), 60 (Other Federal Agency), 62 (Bureau of Indian Affairs), 63 (Bureau of Fish and Wildlife), 64 (U.S. Forest Service), 66 (National Park Service), 67 (Tennessee Valley Authority), 68 (Bureau of Land Management), 69 (Bureau of Reclamation), 70 (Corps of Engineers), 72 (Air Force), 74 (Navy/Marines), 80 (Army), 96 (Trafficway Not in State Inventory), 98 (Not Reported) and 99 (Unknown). D14 D15 D16 D17 Previous Recorded Crashes Vehicle.PREV_ACC Previous Recorded Suspensions and Revocations Vehicle.PREV_SUS Previous DWI Convictions Vehicle.PREV_DWI Previous Speeding Convictions Vehicle.PREV_SPD FARS Analytical User’s Manual Changed qualifying events time period from the previous three years to the previous five years. Changed qualifying events time period from the previous three years to the previous five years. Changed qualifying events time period from the previous three years to the previous five years. Changed qualifying events time period from the previous three years to the previous five years. New in 2015 FARS 3 FARS Analytical User’s Manual DATA ELEMENT # DATA ELEMENT NAME D18 D19 D20 D24 PC19 P14 New in 2015 FARS SAS TABLE.NAME COMMENTS Previous Other Harmful MV Conviction change to Previous Other Moving Violation Convictions Vehicle.PREV_OTH Changed Element Name. Changed qualifying events time period Date of First Crash, Suspension, Conviction Vehicle.FIRST_MO, Vehicle.FIRST_YR Changed qualifying events time period Date of Last Crash, Suspension, Conviction Vehicle.LAST_MO, Vehicle.LAST_YR Changed qualifying events time period from the previous three years to the previous five years. Related Factors - Driver Level Vehicle.DR_SF1, Vehicle.DR_SF2, Vehicle.DR_SF3, Vehicle.DR_SF4 Critical Event Precrash (Event) Vehicle.P_CRASH2 Ejection Path from the previous three years to the previous five years. Added remarks regarding non-traffic related issues or offenses. from the previous three years to the previous five years. Updated attributes: 28 (Failure to Keep in Proper Lane Improper Lane Usage), 33 (Passing Where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, Hill or Curve, or School Bus Displaying Warning Not to Pass), 34 (Passing on Wrong Right Side), 36 (Operating the Vehicle in an Erratic, Reckless or Negligent Manner or Operating at Erratic or Suddenly Changing Speeds) and 59 (Getting Off/Out of or On/In to a Vehicle). Deleted attribute: 57 (Locked Wheel). Modify attribute name: 52 (Traveling in Same Direction With Lower or Steady Speed). Person.EJ_PATH Modify attribute: 0 (Not Ejected/Not Applicable) to (Ejection Path Not Applicable) and 9 (Unknown/Unknown Path) to (Ejection Path Unknown). FARS Analytical User’s Manual New in 2015 FARS 4 FARS Analytical User’s Manual DATA ELEMENT # DATA ELEMENT NAME SAS TABLE.NAME P18B/ NM17B Alcohol Test Type Person.ATST_TYP P18C/ NM17C Alcohol Test Result Person.ALC_RES New in 2015 FARS COMMENTS Modify attribute name: 02 (Breathalyzer “BAC”) to (Breath Test [AC]). Format change from 2 to 3 numeric. Modify attribute numbering (Subfield 3) from 2 digit to 3 digit: 000-930 (Actual Value), 940 (.94 or Greater), 996 (Test Not Given), 997 (AC Test Performed, Results Unknown), 998 (Positive Reading with No Actual Value), 995 (Not Reported) and 999 (Unknown if Tested). P26/ NM25 Related Factors - Person MV Occupant Level Person.P_SF1, Person.P_SF2, Person.P_SF3 SP1 Death Certificate Number Person.CERT_NO New C18 Old C17 D21 NM13 Crash Events Violations Charged Non-Motorist Safety Equipment FARS Analytical User’s Manual Updated attributes: 28 (Failure to Keep in Proper Lane Improper Lane Usage), 29 (Intentional Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch, on Sidewalk or on Median), 33 (Passing Where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, Hill or Curve, or School Bus Displaying Warning Not to Pass Line) and 82 (Pedestrian, Pedal Cyclists or Persons on Personal Conveyances Other Non-Motorist). Deleted Attribute: 58 (Locked Wheel). Deleted Element Cevent.VNUMBER1, Cevent.AOI1, Cevent.VNUMBER2, Cevent.AOI2, Vevent.VNUMBER1, Vevent.AOI1, Vevent.VNUMBER2, Vevent.AOI2, Vsoe.AOI Moved Element from C17 to C18. Violatn.MVIOLATN Added new attribute: 10 (Use of Telecommunications Device). Safetyeq.MSAFEQMT Updated attributes: 3 - Reflective Equipment/Clothing (jacket, backpack, etc) and Protective Pads Used (elbows, knees, shins, etc.). New in 2015 FARS 5 FARS Analytical User’s Manual New in 2015 FARS Summary of the SAS Naming Changes in 2015 Locator Code 2014 SAS Name New 2015 SAS Name Data Element Name C12A N/A Accident.RUR_URB Land Use C12B N/A Accident.FUNC_SYS Functional System C13 N/A Accident.RD_OWNER Ownership None The data elements in RED are new to 2015 FARS. The data elements in BLUE are changed in 2015 FARS. FARS Analytical User’s Manual New in 2015 FARS 6 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Preface Preface One of the primary objectives of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is to reduce the staggering human toll and property damage that motor vehicle traffic crashes impose on our society. Crashes each year result in thousands of lives lost, hundreds of thousands of injured victims, and billions of dollars in property damage. Accurate data are required to support the development, implementation, and assessment of highway safety programs aimed at reducing this toll. NHTSA uses data from many sources, including the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) which began operation in 1975. Providing data about fatal crashes involving all types of vehicles, the FARS is used to identify highway safety problem areas, provide a basis for regulatory and consumer information initiatives, and form the basis for cost and benefit analyses of highway safety initiatives. FARS is a census of fatal motor vehicle crashes with a set of data files documenting all qualifying fatalities that occurred within the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico since 1975. To qualify as a FARS case, the crash had to involve a motor vehicle traveling on a trafficway customarily open to the public, and must have resulted in the death of a motorist or a non-motorist within 30 days of the crash. This multi-year analytical user’s manual provides documentation on the historical coding practices of the Fatality Analysis Reporting System from 1975 to 2015. In other words, this manual presents the evolution of FARS coding from inception through present. The manual includes the data elements that are contained in FARS and other useful information that will enable the users to become familiar with the data system. FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manuals provide more detailed definitions for each data element and attribute for a given year. Years 2001 to current are available at: http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Cats/listpublications.aspx?Id=J&ShowBy=DocType The compilation of FARS data for almost four decades has been a priority for NHTSA. These data store valuable information that have been preserved over time and are available for present and future use. This analytical user’s manual should help improve the usefulness and accessibility of the FARS data. With the exception of personal notes, there is no reason to keep older versions of this reference manual. All information in earlier editions has been retained in this newer version. Thank you for your interest in highway traffic safety. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Preface 7 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Operations FARS Operations The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), which became operational in 1975, contains data on a census of fatal traffic crashes within the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. To be included in FARS, a crash must involve a motor vehicle traveling on a trafficway customarily open to the public, and must result in the death of an occupant of a vehicle or a non-occupant within 30 days (720 hours) of the crash. FARS is directed by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) which is a component of NHTSA. NHTSA has a cooperative agreement with an agency in each State’s government to provide information on all qualifying fatal crashes in the State. These agreements are managed by NCSA's FARS Program staff. Trained State employees, called “FARS Analysts,” are responsible for gathering, translating, and transmitting their State’s data to NCSA in a standard format. The number of analysts varies by State. FARS data are obtained from various States’ documents, such as: Police Accident Reports (PAR) Death Certificates State Vehicle Registration Files Coroner/Medical Examiner Reports State Driver Licensing Files State Highway Department Data Emergency Medical Service Reports Vital Statistics and other State Records From these documents, the analysts code more than 100 FARS data elements. The specific data elements may be modified slightly each year to conform to changing user needs, vehicle characteristics, and highway safety emphasis areas. The data collected within FARS do not include any personal identifying information, such as names, addresses, or social security numbers. Thus, any data kept in FARS data files and made available to the public fully conform to the Privacy Act. Each analyst interprets and codes data directly onto an electronic data file. The data are automatically checked when entered for acceptable range values and for consistency, enabling the analyst to make corrections immediately. Several programs continually monitor and improve the completeness and accuracy of the data. Each analyst uses a coding manual which provides a set of written instructions on how to transfer the information from a police accident/crash report (PAR) to the FARS data. To augment the coding manual, classes are held each year to train the coders, and a system wide FARS meeting is held to reinforce uniform coding practices. After the data file is created, quality checks are performed on the data. When these are completed, the electronic data are made available to the public. The FARS data are also used to respond to requests from the international and national highway safety communities, state and local governments, the Congress, federal agencies, research organizations, industry, the media, and private citizens. Annual FARS data files are available for 1975 through 2015. FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Operations 8 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS SAS Data Files FARS SAS Data Files FARS data are made available to the public in Statistical Analysis System (SAS) data files as well as Database Files (DBF). Over the years, changes have been made to the type of data collected and the way the data are presented in the data files. Some data files have been discontinued and new ones have been created. For the current data collection year there are 20 data files. This manual describes the 20 current data files as well as previously discontinued data files. The 20 current data files are: Accident, Vehicle, Person, Parkwork, Pbtype, Cevent, Vevent, Vsoe, Distract, Factor, Drimpair, Nmimpair, Maneuver, Nmprior, Nmcrash, Safetyeq, Violatn, Vision, Damage and Vindecode data files. The following data files: Distract, Factor, Drimpair, Nmimpair, Maneuver, Nmprior, Nmcrash, Safetyeq, Violatn, Vision, and Damage contain data elements in which the analyst could code multiple responses. Hence, the 2014 FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual will instruct coders to “select all that apply” for these data elements. Discontinued data files are included after the current data files. The Vehnit data file was replaced by the Parkwork data file and its data element history can be found in the Parkwork data file. The data files are presented with their data elements in the Data Elements Definitions and Codes section. For each of the data elements, a brief definition is provided along with any additional information which could assist analyses. SAS names and values are also provided for the data elements. Discontinued data elements are moved to the end of the data file. The SAS data files and years of availability are: Accident - (1975-current): This data file contains information about crash characteristics and environmental conditions at the time of the crash. There is one record per crash. Vehicle - (1975-current): This data file contains information describing the in-transport motor vehicles and the drivers of in-transport motor vehicle who are involved in the crash. There is one record per in-transport motor vehicle. Parked and working vehicle information is in the Parkwork data file. Person - (1975-current): This data file contains information describing all persons involved in the crash including motorists (i.e., drivers and passengers of in-transport motor vehicles) and non-motorists (e.g., pedestrians and pedalcyclists). It provides information such as age, sex, vehicle occupant restraint use, and injury severity. There is one record per person. Parkwork - (2010-current): This data file contains information about parked and working vehicles that were involved in FARS crashes. A parked vehicle is a motor vehicle which is stopped off the roadway. A working vehicle is used to indicate that this is a motor vehicle that was in the act of performing highway construction, maintenance or utility work related to the trafficway when it became an involved in the crash. Data users are strongly advised to consult the annual FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manuals for a detailed description. There is one record per parked/working vehicle. Pbtype – (2014-current): This data file contains information about crashes between motor vehicles and pedestrians, people on personal conveyances and bicyclists. Data from the crash are enter into the Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT). The output fields from PBCAT, including the pre-crash actions of the parties involved (crash type), are included in this data set. There is one record for each pedestrian, bicyclist or person on a personal conveyance. FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS SAS Data Files 9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS SAS Data Files Cevent – (2010-current): This data file contains information for all of the qualifying events (i.e., both harmful and non-harmful involving in-transport motor vehicles) which occurred in the crash. It details the chronological sequence of events resulting from an unstabilized situation that constitutes a motor vehicle traffic crash. There is one record per event. Included in each record is a description of the event or object contacted (e.g., ran off road-right, crossed center line, guardrail, parked motor vehicle), the vehicles involved, and the vehicles’ area of impact. Vevent – (2010-current): This data file contains the sequence of events for each intransport motor vehicle involved in the crash. This data file has the same data elements as the Cevent data file. In addition, this data file has a data element that records the sequential event number for each vehicle (VEVENTNUM). There is one record for each event for each in-transport motor vehicle. Vsoe – (2010-current): This data file contains the sequence of events for each intransport motor vehicle involved in the crash. This data file has a subset of the data elements contained in the Vevent data file (It is a simplified Vevent data file). There is one record for each event for each in-transport motor vehicle. Damage - (2012-current): This data file contains information about all of the areas on this vehicle that were damaged in the crash. There is one record per damaged area. Distract - (2010-current): This data file contains information about driver distractions. There is at least one record per in-transport motor vehicle. Each distraction is a separate record. Drimpair - (2010-current): This data file contains information about physical impairments of drivers of motor vehicles. There is one record per impairment and there is at least one record for each driver of an in-transport motor vehicle. Factor - (2010-current): This data file contains information about vehicle circumstances which may have contributed to the crash. There is at least one record per in-transport motor vehicle. Each factor is a separate record. Maneuver - (2010-current): This data file contains information about actions taken by the driver to avoid something or someone in the road. There is at least one record per in-transport motor vehicle. Each maneuver is a separate record. Violatn - (2010-current): This data file contains information about violations which were charged to drivers. There is at least one record per in-transport motor vehicle. Each violation is a separate record. Vision - (2010-current): This data file contains information about circumstances which may have obscured the driver’s vision. There is at least one record per in-transport motor vehicle. Each obstruction is a separate record. Nmcrash - (2010-current): This data file contains information about any contributing circumstances or improper actions of people who are not occupants of motor vehicles (e.g., pedestrians and bicyclists) noted on the PAR. There is one record per action and there is at least one record for each person who is not an occupant of a motor vehicle. Nmimpair - (2010-current): This data file contains information about physical impairments of people who are not occupants of motor vehicles. There is one record per impairment and there is at least one record for each person who is not an occupant of a motor vehicle. FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS SAS Data Files 10 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS SAS Data Files Nmprior - (2010-current): This data file contains information about the actions of people who are not occupants of motor vehicles (e.g., pedestrians and bicyclists) at the time of their involvement in the crash. There is one record per action and there is at least one record for each person who is not an occupant of a motor vehicle. Safetyeq - (2010-current): This data file contains information about safety equipment used by people who are not occupants of motor vehicles. There is one record per equipment item, and there is at least one record for each person who is not an occupant of a motor vehicle. Vindecode - (2013-current): This data file contains vehicle descriptors for all vehicles, mainly passenger vehicles, trucks and motorcycles, based on the vehicle’s VIN which is decoded using the VINtelligence program. There is one record per vehicle. Discontinued Data Files Vehnit - (2005-2009): This data file contains information about parked and working vehicles that were involved in FARS crashes. Prior to the Vehnit creation, the vehicles Not-In-Transport were not included in the FARS data. This data file had the same list of data elements and SAS structure as the Vehicle data file where the UNITTYPE of the vehicle is 2, 3, or 4. The vehicle data file will have the vehicles in-transport where the UNITYPE of the vehicle is 1. Beginning in 2010, FARS discontinued the Vehnit data file and introduced the Parkwork data file. There is one record per parked/working vehicle. This data file was replaced in 2010 with the Parkwork data file. See the Parkwork data file in the Data Element Definitions and Codes section for the element history of this data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS SAS Data Files 11 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS SAS Data Files FARS SAS Data Files 12 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List FARS Data Element List The following lists all SAS data elements with their SAS data file locations. DATA ELEMENT LIST C1/V1/D1/PC1/ P1/NM1 C2/V2/D2/PC2/ P2/NM2 V3/D3/PC3/ P3/NM4 P4/NM3 C18 C18 C3 C3A C4 C4A C4B C5 C5A C6 C7 C8A C8B C8C C8D C9A C9B C10 C10 C11 C12A C12B State Number STATE 26 Consecutive Number ST_CASE 27 Vehicle Number Person Number Event Number Vehicle Event Number VEH_NO PER_NO EVENTNUM VEVENTNUM 28 29 30 30 PEDS 32 PERNOTMVIT VE_TOTAL VE_FORMS PVH_INVL 32 33 34 35 PERSONS 36 PERMVIT COUNTY CITY MONTH DAY DAY_WEEK YEAR HOUR MINUTE TWAY_ID TWAY_ID2 ROUTE TBD TBD 37 38 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 46 The ACCIDENT Data File 31 Number of Forms Submitted for Persons Not in Motor Vehicles Number of Persons Not in Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Number of Vehicle Forms Submitted- ALL Number of Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Number of Parked/Working Vehicles Number of Forms Submitted for Persons in Motor Vehicles Number of Persons in Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) County City Month of Crash Day of Crash Day of Week Year of Crash Hour of Crash Minute of Crash Trafficway Identifier Trafficway Identifier Route Signing Land Use Functional System FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List 13 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C13 C14 C15 C16 C17A C17B C19 C20 C21A C21B C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C26 C26 C27 C28 C29A C29B C30A C30B C31A C31B C32 C32 C32 C100 C101 Ownership National Highway System Special Jurisdiction Milepoint Latitude Longitude First Harmful Event Manner of Collision Relation to Junction- Within Interchange Area Relation to Junction- Specific Location Type of Intersection Relation to Trafficway Work Zone Light Condition Atmospheric Conditions Atmospheric Conditions Atmospheric Conditions School Bus Related Rail Grade Crossing Identifier Hour of Notification Minute of Notification Hour of Arrival at Scene Minute of Arrival at Scene Hour of EMS Arrival at Hospital Minute of EMS Arrival at Hospital Related Factors- Crash Level Related Factors- Crash Level Related Factors- Crash Level Drunk Drivers Fatalities Federal Highway (discontinued) Hit and Run (discontinued) Land Use (discontinued) Roadway Alignment (discontinued) Roadway Function Class (discontinued) Roadway Profile (discontinued) Roadway Surface Condition (discontinued) Roadway Surface Type (discontinued) Speed Limit (discontinued) Total Lanes in Roadway (discontinued) Traffic Control Device (discontinued) FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List TBD NHS SP_JUR MILEPT LATITUDE LONGITUD HARM_EV MAN_COLL RELJCT1 RELJCT2 TYP_INT REL_ROAD WRK_ZONE LGT_COND WEATHER WEATHER1 WEATHER2 SCH_BUS RAIL NOT_HOUR NOT_MIN ARR_HOUR ARR_MIN HOSP_HR HOSP_MIN CF1 CF2 CF3 DRUNK_DR FATALS FED_AID HIT_RUN LAND_USE ALIGNMNT ROAD_FNC PROFILE SUR_COND PAVE_TYP SP_LIMIT NO_LANES TRA_CONT 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 57 58 58 60 61 62 63 64 64 64 65 66 67 67 68 68 69 69 70 70 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 FARS Data Element List 14 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Traffic Control Device Functioning (discontinued) Trafficway Description (discontinued) Vehicles in Transport (discontinued) V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V16A V16B V17 V18 V19 V20A/HM1 V20B/HM2 V20C/HM3 V20D/HM4 V20E/HM5 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28A V29 V30 V32 V33 V33 The VEHICLE Data File 89 Number of Occupants Unit Type Hit and Run Registration State Registered Vehicle Owner Vehicle Make Vehicle Model Body Type Vehicle Model Year Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Vehicle Trailing Jackknife Motor Carrier Identification Number (MCID) MCID Issuing Authority MCID Identification Number Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Vehicle Configuration Cargo Body Type Hazardous Material Involvement Hazardous Material Placard Hazardous Material Identification Number Hazardous Material Class Number Release of Hazardous Material from the Cargo Compartment Bus Use Special Use Emergency Motor Vehicle Use Travel Speed Underride/Override Rollover Location of Rollover Initial Contact Point Extent of Damage Vehicle Removal Most Harmful Event Related Factors- Vehicle Level Related Factors- Vehicle Level FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List T_CONT_F TRAF_FLO VEHICLES 86 87 88 NUMOCCS UNITTYPE HIT_RUN REG_STAT OWNER MAKE MODEL BODY_TYP MOD_YEAR VIN TOW_VEH J_KNIFE MCARR_ID MCARR_I1 MCARR_I2 GVWR V_CONFIG CARGO_BT HAZ_INV HAZ_PLAC HAZ_ID HAZ_CNO 90 91 92 93 95 96 101 103 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 118 120 120 120 121 HAZ_REL BUS_USE SPEC_USE EMER_USE TRAV_SP UNDERIDE ROLLOVER ROLINLOC IMPACT1 DEFORMED TOWED M_HARM VEH_SC1 VEH_SC2 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 136 136 FARS Data Element List 15 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V34 V100 V101 V102 V103 V104 V105 V106 V107 V108 V109 V110 V111 V112 V150 V151 D4 D5 D6 D7A D7B D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19A D19B D20A D20B D22 D24 D24 D24 D24 Fire Occurrence Make Model Combined VIN Character 1 VIN Character 2 VIN Character 3 VIN Character 4 VIN Character 5 VIN Character 6 VIN Character 7 VIN Character 8 VIN Character 9 VIN Character 10 VIN Character 11 VIN Character 12 Fatalities in Vehicle Driver Drinking Driver Presence Driver’s License State Driver’s ZIP Code Non-CDL License Type Non-CDL License Status Commercial Motor Vehicle License Status Compliance with CDL Endorsements License Compliance with Class of Vehicle Compliance with License Restrictions Driver Height Driver Weight Previous Recorded Crashes Previous Recorded Suspensions and Revocations Previous DWI Convictions Previous Speeding Convictions Previous Other Moving Violation Convictions Month of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction Year of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction Month of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction Year of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction Speeding Related Related Factors- Driver Level Related Factors- Driver Level Related Factors- Driver Level Related Factors- Driver Level FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List FIRE_EXP MAK_MOD VIN_1 VIN_2 VIN_3 VIN_4 VIN_5 VIN_6 VIN_7 VIN_8 VIN_9 VIN_10 VIN_11 VIN_12 DEATHS DR_DRINK DR_PRES L_STATE DR_ZIP L_TYPE L_STATUS CDL_STAT L_ENDORS L_COMPL L_RESTRI DR_HGT DR_WGT PREV_ACC 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 157 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 PREV_SUS PREV_DWI PREV_SPD PREV_OTH FIRST_MO FIRST_YR LAST_MO LAST_YR SPEEDREL DR_SF1 DR_SF2 DR_SF3 DR_SF4 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 175 175 175 FARS Data Element List 16 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 PC13 PC17 PC19 PC20 PC21 PC22 PC23 Trafficway Description Total Lanes in Roadway Speed Limit Roadway Alignment Roadway Grade Roadway Surface Type Roadway Surface Condition Traffic Control Device Traffic Control Device Functioning Pre-Event Movement (Prior To Recognition of Critical Event) Critical Event- Precrash Attempted Avoidance Maneuver Pre-Impact Stability Pre-Impact Location Crash Type Axle (discontinued) Carburetion (discontinued) Crash Avoidance Maneuver (discontinued) Cubic Inch Displacement (discontinued) Curb Weight (discontinued) Driver Training (discontinued) Driver’s Vision Obscured by (discontinued) Driver’s Vision Obscured by (discontinued) Driver’s Vision Obscured by (discontinued) Fuel Code (discontinued) Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard (discontinued) Most Damaged Area (discontinued) Motorcycle Dry Weight (discontinued) Motorcycle Engine Displacement (CC) (discontinued) Motorcycle Type (discontinued) Number of Cylinders (discontinued) Number of Motorcycle Engine Cycles (discontinued) Number of Wheels/Drive Wheels (discontinued) Original Tire Size (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List VTRAFWAY VNUM_LAN VSPD_LIM VALIGN VPROFILE VPAVETYP VSURCOND VTRAFCON VTCONT_F 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 P_CRASH1 P_CRASH2 P_CRASH3 PCRASH4 PCRASH5 ACC_TYPE AXLES CARBUR AVOID DISPLACE VIN_WGT DR_TRAIN D_VISION1 D_VISION2 D_VISION3 FUELCODE 190 191 193 194 195 196 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 205 205 206 HAZ_CARG IMPACT2 MCYCL_WT 207 208 209 MCYCL_DS MCYCL_TY CYLINDER 210 211 212 MCYCL_CY 213 WHLDRWHL TIRE_SZE SEQ1 SEQ2 SEQ3 SEQ4 214 215 216 216 216 216 FARS Data Element List 17 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List Sequence of Events (discontinued) SEQ5 Sequence of Events (discontinued) SEQ6 Truck Shipping Weight (discontinued) TRK_WT Truck Shipping Weight Variance (discontinued) TRKWTVAR Truck Ton Rating (discontinued) TON_RAT Truck VIN Restraint Type (discontinued) VIN_REST Truck Weight Rating (discontinued) WGTCD_TR Vehicle Maneuver (discontinued) VEH_MAN Vehicle Role (discontinued) IMPACTS VIN Body Type (discontinued) VIN_BT VIN Length (discontinued) VIN_LNGT VIN Make (discontinued) VINMAKE VIN Model (discontinued) VINA_MOD VIN Model Year (discontinued) VINMODYR VIN Truck Series (discontinued) SER_TR VIN Vehicle Type (discontinued) VINTYPE Wheelbase Short (discontinued) WHLBS_SH Wheelbase Long (discontinued) WHLBS_LG The PERSON Data File P5/NM5 P6/NM6 P7/NM7 P8/NM8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16/NM15 P17/NM16 P18A/NM17A P18A/NM17A P18A/NM17A P19/NM18 P20/NM19 P21A/NM20A P21B/NM20B P21B/NM20B P21B/NM20B 240 Age Sex Person Type Injury Severity Seating Position Restraint System/Helmet Use Indication of Misuse of Restraint System/Helmet Air Bag Deployed Ejection Ejection Path Extrication Police Reported Alcohol Involvement Method of Alcohol Determination by Police Alcohol Test Status Alcohol Test Status Alcohol Test Status Police Reported Drug Involvement Method of Drug Determination by Police Drug Test Status Drug Test Type Drug Test Type Drug Test Type FARS Analytical User’s Manual 216 216 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 228 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 AGE SEX PER_TYP INJ_SEV SEAT_POS REST_USE 241 242 243 244 245 247 REST_MIS AIR_BAG EJECTION EJ_PATH EXTRICAT DRINKING ALC_DET ALC_STATUS ATST_TYP ALC_RES DRUGS DRUG_DET DSTATUS DRUGTST1 DRUGTST2 DRUGTST3 249 250 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 262 262 262 FARS Data Element List 18 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P21B/NM20B P21B/NM20B P21B/NM20B P22/NM21 P23/NM22 P24A/NM23A P24B/NM23B P24C/NM23C P25/NM24 P25A/NM24A P25B/NM24B P26/NM25 P26/NM25 P26/NM25 P100A P100B SP2 SP3A SP3B NM4 NM10 C4A C8A C8B C9A C9B C19 C20 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 FARS Data Element List Drug Test Type Drug Test Type Drug Test Type Transported to First Treatment Facility Died at Scene/En Route Month of Death Day of Death Year of Death Death Time Hour of Death Minute of Death Related Factors- Person Level Related Factors- Person Level Related Factors- Person Level Lag Hours Lag Minutes Fatal Injury at Work Race Hispanic Origin Number of Motor Vehicle Striking Non-Motorist Non-Motorist Location at Time of Crash Automatic Restraint (discontinued) Death Certificate Number (discontinued) Manual Restraint (discontinued) DRUGRES1 DRUGRES2 DRUGRES3 HOSPITAL DOA DEATH_MO DEATH_DA DEATH_YR DEATH_TM DEATH_HR DEATH_MN P_SF1 P_SF2 P_SF3 LAG_HRS LAG_MINS WORK_INJ RACE HISPANIC STR_VEH LOCATION AUT_REST CERT_NO MAN_REST 263 263 263 264 265 266 266 267 268 268 269 270 270 270 275 275 276 277 278 279 280 282 283 284 The PARKWORK Data File 285 Number of Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Month of Crash Day of Crash Hour of Crash Minute of Crash First Harmful Event Manner of Collision Number of Occupants Unit Type Hit and Run Registration State Registered Vehicle Owner Vehicle Make Vehicle Model Body Type Vehicle Model Year Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) PVE_FORMS PMONTH PDAY PHOUR PMINUTE PHARM_EV PMAN_COLL PNUMOCCS PTYPE PHIT_RUN PREG_STAT POWNER PMAKE PMODEL PBODYTYP PMODYEAR PVIN 286 287 287 288 288 289 291 292 293 294 295 297 298 302 303 306 307 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List 19 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V14 V16 V16A V16B V17 V18 V19 V20A/HM1 V20B/HM2 V20C/HM3 V20D/HM4 V20E/HM5 V21 V22 V23 V25 V28A V29 V30 V32 V33 V33 V34 V100 V101 V102 V103 V104 V105 V106 V107 V108 V109 V110 V111 V112 V150 Vehicle Trailing Motor Carrier Identification Number MCID Issuing Authority MCID Identification Number Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Vehicle Configuration Cargo Body Type Hazardous Material Involvement Hazardous Material Placard Hazardous Material Identification Number Hazardous Material Class Number Release of Hazardous Material from the Cargo Compartment Bus Use Special Use Emergency Motor Vehicle Use Underride/Override Initial Contact Point Extent of Damage Vehicle Removal Most Harmful Event Related Factors – Vehicle Level Related Factors – Vehicle Level Fire Occurrence Make Model Combined VIN Character 1 VIN Character 2 VIN Character 3 VIN Character 4 VIN Character 5 VIN Character 6 VIN Character 7 VIN Character 8 VIN Character 9 VIN Character 10 VIN Character 11 VIN Character 12 Fatalities in Vehicle Axle (discontinued) Carburetion (discontinued) Crash Avoidance Maneuver (discontinued) Commercial Motor Vehicle License Status (discontinued) FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List PTRAILER PMCARR_ID PMCARR_I1 PMCARR_I2 PGVWR PV_CONFIG PCARGTYP PHAZ_INV PHAZPLAC PHAZ_ID PHAZ_CNO 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 315 315 316 PHAZ_REL PBUS_USE PSP_USE PEM_USE PUNDERIDE PIMPACT1 PVEH_SEV PTOWED PM_HARM PVEH_SC1 PVEH_SC2 PFIRE PMAK_MOD PVIN_1 PVIN_2 PVIN_3 PVIN_4 PVIN_5 PVIN_6 PVIN_7 PVIN_8 PVIN_9 PVIN_10 PVIN_11 PVIN_12 PDEATHS AXLES PCARBUR AVOID 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 327 327 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 CDL_STAT 347 FARS Data Element List 20 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Compliance with CDL Endorsements (discontinued) Compliance with License Restrictions (discontinued) Cubic Inch Displacement (discontinued) Curb Weight (discontinued) Driver Drinking (discontinued) Driver Height (discontinued) Driver Presence (discontinued) Driver Weight (discontinued) Driver’s License State (discontinued) Driver’s Vision Obscured by (discontinued) Driver’s Vision Obscured by (discontinued) Driver’s Vision Obscured by (discontinued) Driver’s ZIP Code (discontinued) Fuel Code (discontinued) Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard (discontinued) Jackknife (discontinued) License Compliance with Class of Vehicle (discontinued) Location of Rollover (discontinued) Month of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction (discontinued) Month of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction (discontinued) Most Damaged Area (discontinued) Motorcycle Dry Weight (discontinued) Motorcycle Engine Displacement (CC) (discontinued) Non-CDL License Status (discontinued) Non-CDL License Type (discontinued) Number of Cylinders (discontinued) Number of Motorcycle Engine Cycles (discontinued) Number of Wheels/Drive Wheels (discontinued) Original Tire Size (discontinued) Previous DWI Convictions (discontinued) Previous Other Harmful Moving Violation Convictions (discontinued) Previous Recorded Crashes (discontinued) Previous Recorded Suspensions and Revocations (discontinued) FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List L_ENDORS 348 L_RESTRI PDISPLACE PVIN_WGT DR_DRINK DR_HGT DR_PRES DR_WGT L_STATE D_VISION1 D_VISION2 D_VISION3 DR_ZIP PFUECODE 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 357 357 358 359 HAZ_CARG J_KNIFE 360 361 L_COMPL ROLINLOC 362 363 FIRST_MO 364 LAST_MO PIMPACT2 PMCYCL_WT 365 366 367 PMCYCL_DS L_STATUS L_TYPE PCYLINDER 368 369 369 370 PMCYCL_CY 371 PWHLDRWHL PTIRE_SZE PREV_DWI 372 373 374 PREV_OTH PREV_ACC 375 376 PREV_SUS 377 FARS Data Element List 21 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List Previous Speeding Convictions (discontinued) Rollover (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Sequence of Events (discontinued) Speeding Related (discontinued) Travel Speed (discontinued) Truck Ton Rating (discontinued) Truck Shipping Weight (discontinued) Truck Shipping Weight Variance (discontinued) Truck VIN Restraint Type (discontinued) Truck Weight Rating (discontinued) Vehicle Maneuver (discontinued) Vehicle Role (discontinued) VIN Body Type (discontinued) VIN Length (discontinued) VIN Make (discontinued) VIN Model (discontinued) VIN Model Year (discontinued) VIN Truck Series (discontinued) VIN Vehicle Type (discontinued) Wheelbase Long (discontinued) Wheelbase Short (discontinued) Year of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction (discontinued) Year of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction (discontinued) P5/NM5 P6/NM6 P7/NM7 NM9-PB27 NM9-PB28 NM9-PB29 NM9-PB30 NM9-PB30B NM9-PB31 NM9-PB31B NM9-PB32 The PBTYPE Data File Age Sex Person Type Marked Crosswalk Present Sidewalk Present School Zone Crash Type – Pedestrian Crash Type – Bicycle Crash Location – Pedestrian Crash Location – Bicycle Pedestrian Position FARS Analytical User’s Manual PREV_SPD ROLLOVER SEQ1 SEQ2 SEQ3 SEQ4 SEQ5 SEQ6 SPEEDREL TRAV_SP PTON_RAT PTRK_WT PTRKWTVAR PVIN_REST PWGTCD_TR VEH_MAN IMPACTS PVIN_BT PVIN_LNGT PVINMAKE PVINA_MOD PVINMODYR PSER_TR PVINTYPE PWHLBS_LG PWHLBS_SH 378 382 383 383 383 383 383 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 397 398 399 400 401 402 406 407 FIRST_YR 408 LAST_YR 409 PBAGE PBSEX PBPTYPE PBCWALK PBSWALK PBSZONE PEDCTYPE BIKECTYPE PEDLOC BIKELOC PEDPOS 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 419 421 422 423 410 FARS Data Element List 22 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List NM9-PB32B NM9-PB33 NM9-PB33B NM9-PB34 NM9-PB35 NM9-PB36 NM9-PB37 NM9-PB38 NM9-PB38B Bicyclist Position Pedestrian Initial Direction of Travel Bicyclist Initial Direction of Travel Motorist Initial Direction of Travel Motorist Maneuver Intersection Leg Pedestrian Scenario Crash Group – Pedestrian Crash Group – Bicycle BIKEPOS PEDDIR BIKEDIR MOTDIR MOTMAN PEDLEG PEDSNR PEDCGP BIKECGP 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 432 433 434 C18 C18 V31 C18 C18 The CEVENT Data File Vehicle Number (This Vehicle) Area of Impact (This Vehicle) Sequence of Events Vehicle Number (Other Vehicle) Area of Impact (Other Vehicle) VNUMBER1 AOI1 SOE VNUMBER2 AOI2 435 436 437 439 440 441 C18 C18 V31 C18 C18 The VEVENT Data File Vehicle Number (This Vehicle) Area of Impact (This Vehicle) Sequence of Events Vehicle Number (Other Vehicle) Area of Impact (Other Vehicle) VNUMBER1 AOI1 SOE VNUMBER2 AOI2 442 443 444 446 447 C18 V31 The VSOE Data File 448 Area of Impact Associated with the Event Sequence of Events AOI SOE 449 450 The DAMAGE Data File Damaged Areas 452 V28B MDAREAS 453 The DISTRACT Data File Driver Distracted By 454 PC16 MDRDSTRD 455 The DRIMPAIR Data File 456 Condition (Impairment) at Time of CrashDriver DRIMPAIR 457 PC4 The FACTOR Data File 458 Contributing Circumstances, Motor Vehicle MFACTOR 459 PC15 The MANEUVER Data File 460 Driver Maneuvered to Avoid MDRMANAV 461 D23 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List 23 FARS Analytical User’s Manual FARS Data Element List 462 D21 The VIOLATN Data File Violations Charged 466 PC14 The VISION Data File Driver’s Vision Obscured by NM12 The NMCRASH Data File 468 Non-Motorist Contributing Circumstances MTM_CRSH 469 The NMIMPAIR Data File 470 Condition (Impairment) at Time of CrashNon-Motorist NMIMPAIR 471 The NMPRIOR Data File Non-Motorist Action/Circumstances 472 NM11 MPR_ACT 473 The SAFETYEQ Data File Non-Motorist Safety Equipment Use 474 NM13 MSAFEQMT 475 NM14 The VINDECODE Data File 476 See Appendix G: Changes to the VIN Decoded Data Elements FARS Analytical User’s Manual MVIOLATN 463 MVISOBSC 467 586 FARS Data Element List 24 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes Data Element Definitions and Codes This section represents the majority of the manual. It provides detailed information on the data elements, including definitions, SAS names, attribute codes and attribute labels. Over the years, changes have been made to the type of data collected. Some data elements have been dropped, new ones added, and coding of individual data elements has changed. Coding changes and the years for which individual attributes are available are shown for each data element. The FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual contains a detailed description of each data element including coding instructions and attribute definitions. The Coding Manual is published for each year of data collection. Years 2001 to current are available at: http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Cats/listpublications.aspx?Id=J&ShowBy=DocType The data elements are listed here under the primary data file in which the data are stored. Some data elements are provided in more than one data file to facilitate common analyses. For example, Month of Crash (MONTH) is a crash-level data element but for convenience it is also provided in the Vehicle, Parkwork and Person files. All data elements are numeric except the following, which are character: C13 Trafficway Identifier (TWAY_ID, TWAY_ID2) [30] C27 Rail Grade Crossing Identifier (RAIL) [7] V13 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN, PVIN) [12] V16 & V16B Motor Carrier ID (MCARR_ID) [11], (MCARR_I2) [9] V101-V112 VIN Characters 1-12 (VIN_1, VIN_2, VIN_3, VIN_4, VIN_5, VIN_6, VIN_7, VIN_8, VIN_9, VIN_10, VIN_11, VIN_12, PVIN_1, PVIN_2, PVIN_3, PVIN_4, PVIN_5, PVIN_6, PVIN_7, PVIN_8, PVIN_9, PVIN_10, PVIN_11, PVIN_12) [1] V200-V280 VIN decoded data elements in the Vindecode data file [255] NM9-PB37 Pedestrian Scenario (PEDSNR) [10] FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 25 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes All of the data files contain the following two (2) crash-level data elements: Key Data Elements C1/V1/D1/PC1/P1/NM1 State Number Definition: This data element identifies the state in which the crash occurred. The codes are from the General Services Administration’s (GSA) publication of worldwide Geographic Location Codes (GLC). Additional Information: GSA state data elements except for 43, Puerto Rico. The State in which the vehicle is registered, REG_STAT, is found in the Vehicle data file; the coding is the same. SAS Name: STATE Attribute Codes 1975-Later 01 Alabama 02 Alaska 04 Arizona 05 Arkansas 06 California 08 Colorado 09 Connecticut 10 Delaware 11 District of Columbia 12 Florida 13 Georgia 15 Hawaii 16 Idaho 17 Illinois 18 Indiana 19 Iowa 20 Kansas 21 Kentucky 22 Louisiana 23 Maine 24 Maryland 25 Massachusetts 26 Michigan 27 Minnesota 28 Mississippi 29 Missouri 30 Montana FARS Analytical User’s Manual 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 51 53 54 55 56 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands (since 2004) Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Data Element Definitions and Codes 26 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C2/V2/D2/PC2/P2/NM2 Data Element Definitions and Codes Consecutive Number Definition: This data element is the unique case number assigned to each crash. It appears on each data file and is used to merge information from the data files together. Additional Information: This data element is a combination of the GSA State code and an assigned consecutive number. It is assigned by the data entry system to each crash and is the unique identifier for the crash within the year. It is used as the key, when any two of these files from the same year are merged. This data element is stored as a numeric data element of six characters; the first two characters are the State code, and the next four characters are case number, with leading zeros if necessary. SAS Name: ST_CASE Attribute Codes 1975-Later xxxxxx Two Characters for State Code followed by Four Characters for Case Number FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 27 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes All of the vehicle level data files contain the preceding accident level data elements as well as VEH_NO: V3/D3/PC3/P3/NM4 Vehicle Number Definition: This data element is the consecutive number assigned to each vehicle in the case. This data element appears on each vehicle level data file and is used in conjunction with the ST_CASE data element to merge information from vehicle level data files. Additional Information: All vehicles will have a positive integer value. The value 0 is only used for non-motorists (pedestrians, cyclists, etc.) in the Person File. There are no corresponding Vehicle records for non-motorists. ST_CASE and VEH_NO may be used to merge the complete Person File to the Accident File, but including the Vehicle File in the merge will eliminate non-motorists from the merged data. Non-Occupants have VEH_NO = 00, in this case see STR_VEH (N_MOT_NO prior to 2011) under Non-Motorist Striking Vehicle Number in the Person data file. SAS Name: VEH_NO Attribute Codes 19752008 00-99 2009Later 000-999 Assigned Number of Motor Vehicle FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 28 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes All of the person level data files contain the preceding accident level and vehicle level data elements as well as PER_NO: P4/NM3 Person Number Definition: This data element is the consecutive number assigned to each person in the case (i.e., each occupant, pedestrian, or non-motorists involved in the crash). This data element appears on each person level data file and is used in conjunction with the ST_CASE data element (and sometimes the VEH_NO data element) to merge information from person level data files. Additional Information: Each occupant of the vehicle is numbered and each non-occupant is numbered, in the case of a non-occupant the vehicle number is zero. The numbers for occupants are consecutive, for each vehicle, beginning with 001. Numbers are never skipped. Drivers do not have to be coded 001. Non-Occupants are identified by vehicle number 0 and are numbered consecutively starting with 01 for each non-motorist. To get drivers see data element PER_TYP, under Person Type. PER_NO can be used in merges, e.g., when merging the FARS person data file with the multiple cause of death file. SAS Name: PER_NO Attribute Codes 19752008 01-99 2009Later 001-999 Assigned Person Number FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 29 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes The CEVENT and VEVENT data files contain the preceding crash level data elements as well as EVENTNUM: C18 Event Number Definition: This data element is the consecutive number assigned to each harmful and nonharmful event in a crash, in chronological order. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: EVENTNUM Attribute Codes 2010-Later 001-999 Event Number The VEVENT and VSOE data files contain the preceding crash level data elements and VEH_NO as well as VEVENTNUM: C18 Vehicle Event Number Definition: This data element is the consecutive number assigned to each harmful and nonharmful event for this vehicle, in chronological order. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: VEVENTNUM Attribute Codes 2010-Later 001-999 Vehicle Event Number FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 30 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The ACCIDENT Data File The ACCIDENT Data File The Accident data file includes crash data. It contains the data elements ST_CASE and STATE, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Accident data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE is the unique case identifier for each record. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 31 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C3 The ACCIDENT Data File Number of Forms Submitted for Persons Not in Motor Vehicles Definition: This data element is the number of Person Forms (Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant) that are applicable to this case (i.e., non-occupants). Additional Information: This represents the number of forms created for persons not in motor vehicles. It is the number of persons in the crash where “Person Type” is in (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 or 19). Note: Persons where “Person Type” = 3 (Occupant of a Motor Vehicle Not In-Transport) are not included in this data element but are counted in C3A below. SAS Name: PEDS Attribute Codes 19912010 01-99 C3A 2011Later 00-99 Number of Persons Not in Motor Vehicles Number of Persons Not in Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Definition: This data element is a count of the number of non-motorists in the crash. A non-motorist is defined as a pedestrian, a cyclist, an occupant of a motor vehicle not intransport, a person riding a horse, an occupant of an animal drawn conveyance, person associated with non-motorist conveyance (e.g., baby carriage, skate board, wheelchair), or an other non-motorist (e.g., person outside a trafficway, person in a house). Additional Information: This data element is derived as the count of all persons in the crash where “Person Type” is in (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 or 19). SAS Name: PERNOTMVIT Attribute Codes 2011-Later 0-98 Number of Persons Not in Motor Vehicles in Transport FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 32 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C4 The ACCIDENT Data File Number of Vehicle Forms Submitted- ALL Definition: This data element is the number of contact motor vehicles that the officer reported on the PAR as a unit involved in the crash. Additional Information: This number represents all of the vehicles in the crash. This includes the vehicles in-transport which are in the Vehicle data file and the vehicles not in-transport which are in the Parkwork data file (previously Vehnit). This data element only appears in the Accident data file. Note: The Parkwork data file replaced the Vehnit data file in 2010. The Vehnit data file does not exist prior to 2005. SAS Name: VE_TOTAL Attribute Codes 20052008 01-99 2009Later 001-999 Number of Vehicles in Crash FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 33 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C4A The ACCIDENT Data File Number of Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Definition: This data element is a count of the number of vehicles in-transport involved in the crash. Legally parked vehicles are not included. Additional Information: This data element is derived as the count of all vehicles in the crash where “Unit Type” = 1. It is the number of records in the Vehicle data file. It is unlikely that the number of vehicles involved in the crash is greater than the Number of Vehicle Forms plus two. 1975-1981: In the event of a hit-and-run crash, if the vehicle information was not known, then no vehicle form was filled out. Likewise, if no information was known on the person level, usually the driver of the unknown vehicle, then a Person Level form was not filled out. The result is that the number of unknowns is much smaller for this time period than 1982 and later. Example: From 1975 to 1980, there were 30 to 40 drivers coded with unknown sex, approximately 0.05 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes. In 1981 the number of drivers with unknown sex rose to over 300, approximately 0.5 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes. 1982-Later: In the case of a hit-and-run crash, a Vehicle-Driver form and a Person Level form for the driver are filled out. When the information about the vehicle-driver or person is not known -- which is often the case with hit-and-runs -- the values are coded as unknown. Example: Between 1982 and 1994, the number of drivers coded with unknown sex fluctuated between 700 and 1,000, approximately 1.5 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes. Reviewing the 768 persons in the 1994 Annual Report file, all were drivers and 90 percent of them were involved in hit-and-run crashes. This data element also appears in the Vehicle and Person data files and in the Parkwork data file as PVE_FORMS. SAS Name: VE_FORMS Attribute Codes 19761981 00-99 19822008 01-99 2009Later 001-999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Number of Vehicle Forms Data Element Definitions and Codes 34 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C4B The ACCIDENT Data File Number of Parked/Working Vehicles Definition: This data element is a count of the number of parked and working vehicles involved in the crash. Additional Information: This data element is calculated as the count of all vehicles in the crash where “Unit Type” is in (2, 3 or 4). It is the number of records in the Parkwork data file. SAS Name: PVH_INVL Attribute Codes 2011-Later 0-999 Number of Parked/Working Vehicles in the Crash FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 35 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C5 The ACCIDENT Data File Number of Forms Submitted for Persons in Motor Vehicles Definition: This data element is a count of the number of Person Level (Motor Vehicle Occupant) Forms that are applicable to this case (i.e., occupants). Additional Information: This represents the number of forms created for persons in motor vehicles. It is the count of all persons where “Person Type” is in (1, 2, 3 or 9). Before 2003, the policy was not to submit a Person Level form for occupants of van-based buses. Since 2003, a person level form has been submitted for all occupants of van-based vehicles, including van-based buses. 1975-1981: In the event of a hit-and-run crash, if the vehicle information was not known, then no vehicle form was filled out. Likewise, if no information was known on the person level, usually the driver of the unknown vehicle, then a Person Level form was not filled out. The result is that the number of unknowns is much smaller for this time period than 1982 and later. Example: From 1975 to 1980, there were 30 to 40 drivers coded with unknown sex, approximately 0.05 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes. In 1981 the number of drivers with unknown sex rose to over 300, approximately 0.5 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes. 1982-Later: In the case of a hit-and-run crash, a Vehicle-Driver form and a Person Level form for the driver are filled out. When the information about the vehicle-driver or person is not known -- which is often the case with hit-and-runs -- the values are coded as unknown. Example: Between 1982 and 1994, the number of drivers coded with unknown sex fluctuated between 700 and 1,000, approximately 1.5 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes. Reviewing the 768 persons in the 1994 Annual Report file, all were drivers and 90 percent of them were involved in hit-and-run crashes. SAS Name: PERSONS Attribute Codes 19752008 00-99 2009Later 000-999 Number of Person Forms FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 36 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C5A The ACCIDENT Data File Number of Persons in Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Definition: This data element is a count of the number of motorists in the crash. A motorist is a driver, passenger or unknown occupant type of a motor vehicle in-transport. Additional Information: This data element is derived as the count of all persons in the crash where “Person Type” is in (1, 2 or 9). Note: Persons where “Person Type” = 3 (Occupant of a Motor Vehicle Not In-Transport) are not included in this data element but are counted in C5 above. SAS Name: PERMVIT Attribute Codes 2011-Later 0-999 Number of Persons in Motor Vehicles In-Transport FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 37 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C6 The ACCIDENT Data File County Definition: This data element records the location of the unstabilized event with regard to the County. The codes are from the General Services Administration’s (GSA) publication of worldwide Geographic Location Codes (GLC). Additional Information: GSA geographical codes are somewhat stable. Occasionally one code will be divided into two codes. This data element also appears in the Person data file. SAS Name: COUNTY Attribute Codes 19752009 000 001-996 997 -999 2010Later 000 001-996 997 998 999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Not Applicable Use GSA Geographical Codes Other Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 38 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C7 The ACCIDENT Data File City Definition: This data element records the location of the unstabilized event with regard to the City. The codes are from the General Services Administration’s (GSA) publication of worldwide Geographic Location Codes (GLC). Additional Information: GSA geographical codes are somewhat stable. Occasionally one code will be divided into two codes. SAS Name: CITY Attribute Codes 19752009 0000 0001-9996 9997 -9999 2010Later 0000 0001-9996 9997 9898 9999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Not Applicable GSA Geographical Codes Other Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 39 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C8 Crash Date C8A Month of Crash The ACCIDENT Data File Definition: This data element records the month in which the crash occurred. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Vehicle and Person data files and in the Parkwork data file as PMONTH. SAS Name: MONTH Attribute Codes 19752008 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 99 C8B 2009Later 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 -- January February March April May June July August September October November December Unknown Day of Crash Definition: This data element records the day of the month on which the crash occurred. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Vehicle and Person data files and in the Parkwork data file as PDAY. SAS Name: DAY Attribute Codes 19752009 01-31 99 2010Later 01-31 -- Day of the Month of the Crash Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 40 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C8C The ACCIDENT Data File Day of Week Definition: This data element records the day of the week on which the crash occurred. Additional Information: This data element has been calculated based on the year, month, and day. SAS Name: DAY_WEEK Attribute Codes 19752009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 C8D 2010Later 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Unknown Year of Crash Definition: This data element records the year in which the crash occurred. Additional Information: SAS Name: YEAR Attribute Codes 19751997 xx 1998Later xxxx Year of the Crash More Information on Date of Crash FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 41 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C9 Crash Time C9A Hour of Crash The ACCIDENT Data File Definition: This data element records the hour at which the crash occurred. Additional Information: All time is 24-hour military time. The time of the crash/arrival of the emergency medical service can occur in a different day than the arrival of emergency medical service at the crash scene/hospital. If you need to separate day and night, see the data element LGT_COND under the heading Light Condition. This data element also appears in the Vehicle and Person data files and in the Parkwork data file as PHOUR. SAS Name: HOUR 19752008 00-24 -99 C9B 2009 00-23 88 99 2010Later 00-23 -99 Hour Not Applicable or Not Notified Unknown Minute of Crash Definition: This data element records the minutes after the hour at which the crash occurred. Additional Information: All time is 24-hour military time. The time of the crash/arrival of the emergency medical service can occur in a different day than the arrival of emergency medical service at the crash scene/hospital. This data element also appears in the Vehicle and Person data files and in the Parkwork data file as PMINUTE. SAS Name: MINUTE 19752008 00-59 -99 2009 00-59 88 99 2010Later 00-59 -99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Minute Not Applicable or Not Notified Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 42 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C10 The ACCIDENT Data File Trafficway Identifier Definition: This data element records the trafficway on which the crash occurred. Additional Information: Beginning in 2004, a second trafficway identifier was added to accommodate intersection and intersection-related crashes where the officer provides the identifier for the second trafficway. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C13. SAS Name: TWAY_ID TWAY_ID2 1982-Later 2004-Later Attribute Codes 1982-1997 xxxxxxxxxx 999999999 1998-2011 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9999999999999999999 2012-Later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 999999999999999999999999999999 Actual Posted Number, Assigned Number, or Common Name (10 characters) Unknown Actual Posted Number, Assigned Number, or Common Name (20 characters) Unknown Actual Posted Number, Assigned Number, or Common Name (30 characters) Unknown More Information on Trafficway Identifier FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 43 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C11 The ACCIDENT Data File Route Signing Definition: This data element identifies the route signing of the trafficway on which the crash occurred. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C12. SAS Name: CL_TWAY ROUTE 1975-1986 1987-Later Attribute Codes 19751980 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19821986 1 -2 3 -4 5 8 9 Interstate Other Limited Access Other U.S. Route Other State Route Other Major Artery County Road Local Street Other Road Unknown 1981 Data were not available for this data element in 1981. 1987-Later 1 Interstate 2 U.S. Highway 3 State Highway 4 County Road 5 Local Street – Township 6 Local Street – Municipality 7 Local Street – Frontage Road (Since 1994) 8 Other 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 44 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C12A The ACCIDENT Data File Land Use Definition: This data element identifies the classification of the segment of the trafficway on which the crash occurred based on FHWA-approved adjusted Census boundaries of small urban and urbanized areas. Additional Information: SAS Name: TBD Attribute Codes 2015-Later 1 Rural 2 Urban 6 Trafficway Not in State Inventory 8 Not Reported 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 45 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C12B The ACCIDENT Data File Functional System Definition: This data element identifies the functional classification of the segment of the trafficway on which the crash occurred. Additional Information: SAS Name: TBD Attribute Codes 2015-Later 01 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial – Other Freeways and Expressways 03 Principal Arterial – Other 04 Minor Arterial 05 Major Collector 06 Minor Collector 07 Local 96 Trafficway Not in State Inventory 98 Not Reported 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 46 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C13 The ACCIDENT Data File Ownership Definition: This data element identifies the entity that has legal ownership of the segment of the trafficway on which the crash occurred. Additional Information: SAS Name: TBD Attribute Codes 2015-Later 01 State Highway Agency 02 County Highway Agency 03 Town or Township Highway Agency 04 City or Municipal Highway Agency 11 State Park, Forest or Reservation Agency 12 Local Park, Forest or Reservation Agency 21 Other State Agency 25 Other Local Agency 26 Private (other than Railroad) 27 Railroad 31 State Toll Road 32 Local Toll Authority 40 Other Public Instrumentality (i.e., Airport) 50 Indian Tribe Nation 60 Other Federal Agency 62 Bureau of Indian Affairs 63 Bureau of Fish and Wildlife 64 U.S. Forest Service 66 National Park Service 67 Tennessee Valley Authority 68 Bureau of Land Management 69 Bureau of Reclamation 70 Corps of Engineers 72 Air Force 74 Navy/Marines 80 Army 96 Trafficway Not in State Inventory 98 Not Reported 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 47 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C14 The ACCIDENT Data File National Highway System Definition: This data element identifies whether this crash occurred on a trafficway that is part of the National Highway System. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C10. SAS Name: NHS Attribute Codes 1994-Later 0 This Section is Not on the National Highway System 1 This Section is on the National Highway System 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 48 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C15 The ACCIDENT Data File Special Jurisdiction Definition: This data element identifies if the location on the trafficway where the crash occurred qualifies as a Special Jurisdiction even though it may be patrolled by state, county or local police (e.g., all State highways running through Indian reservations are under the jurisdiction of the Indian reservation). Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C16. SAS Name: SP_JUR Attribute Codes 1975-Later 0 No Special Jurisdiction (Includes National Forests Since 2008) 1 National Park Service 2 Military 3 Indian Reservation 4 College/University Campus 5 Other Federal Properties (Since 1977) 8 Other (Since 1976) 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 49 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C16 The ACCIDENT Data File Milepoint Definition: This data element records the milepoint nearest to the location where the crash occurred. Additional Information: Five digits are always coded. EXAMPLES: Milepoint 10 39.89 404 73.1 Code 00100 00399 04040 00731 In 2011, this data element changed from alphanumeric (character) to numeric. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C14. SAS Name: MILEPT Attribute Codes 19822009 00000 xxxxx 2010Later 00000 xxxxx -99999 99998 99999 None Actual to Nearest Tenth Mile (Assume decimal, e.g., 12345 = 1234.5) Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 50 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C17 Global Position C17A Latitude The ACCIDENT Data File Definition: This element identifies the location of the crash using Global Position coordinates. This is the position of latitude. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C15A. SAS Name: LATITUDE Attribute Codes 1999-2009 DDMMSSSS (DD MM SS.SS – Degrees/Minutes/Seconds) 17-71 88 99 DD- Actual Degrees Not Available (If State Exempt) Unknown 00-59 88 99 MM- Actual Minutes Not Available (If State Exempt) Unknown 00.00-59.99 88.88 99.99 SS.SS- Actual Seconds Not Available (If State Exempt) Unknown 2010-Later DDDDDD (DD.DDDD – Decimal Degrees) DD.DDDD 77.7777 88.8888 99.9999 Actual Degrees Not Reported Not Available (If State Exempt) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 51 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C17B The ACCIDENT Data File Longitude Definition: This element identifies the location of the crash using Global Position coordinates. This is the position of longitude. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C15B. SAS Name: LONGITUD Attribute Codes DDDMMSSSS (DDD MM SS.SS – Degrees/Minutes/Seconds) 1999-2009 DDDMMSSSS (DDD MM SS.SS – Degrees/Minutes/Seconds) 065-178 -888 999 DDD- Actual Degrees Not Reported Not Available (If State Exempt) Unknown 00-59 -88 99 MM- Actual Minutes Not Reported Not Available (If State Exempt) Unknown 00.00-59.99 -88.88 99.99 SS.SS- Actual Seconds Not Reported Not Available (If State Exempt) Unknown 2010-Later DDDDDDD (DDD.DDDD – Decimal Degrees) DDD.DDDD 777.7777 888.8888 999.9999 Actual Degrees Not Reported Not Available (If State Exempt) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 52 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C19 The ACCIDENT Data File First Harmful Event Definition: This data element describes the first injury or damage producing event of the crash. Additional Information: “First Harmful Event” applies to the crash. “Most Harmful Event” (M_HARM) applies to the vehicle. Harmful events are judgment calls of the FARS analysts based on the data within the PAR. From 2004 to 2009, the data elements “First Harmful Event,” “Most Harmful Event,” and the “Sequence of Events” have the same attributes. The harmful event attributes were modified to be consistent with the sequence of events data elements. Starting in 2009, these data elements still have the same attributes except non-harmful event attributes were added to the Sequence of Events data element. Starting in 2010, this data element is derived from the “Sequence of Events” data element as the first value that is not between codes 60 and 71 (non-harmful events). Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C18. This data element also appears in the Vehicle and Person data files and in the Parkwork data file as PHARM_EV. SAS Name: HARM_EV Attribute Codes 1975-1981 01 Overturn 02 Fire/Explosion 03 Immersion 04 Gas Inhalation 05 Fell from Vehicle 06 Injured in Vehicle 07 Other Non-Collision 08 Pedestrian 09 Pedalcycle 10 Railway Train 11 Animal 12 Motor Vehicle in Transport 13 Motor Vehicle in Transport in Other Roadway 14 Parked Motor Vehicle 15 Other Type Non-Motorist 16 Other Object 17 Bridge or Overpass (1975-1978) 18 Building 19 Culvert 20 Curb or Wall 21 Divider 22 Embankment 23 Fence 24 Guard Rail 25 Light Support 26 Sign Post FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 53 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C19 First Harmful Event The ACCIDENT Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1975-1981 27 Tree/Shrubbery 28 Utility Pole 29 Other Pole/Support 30 Impact Attenuator 31 Other Fixed Object 32 Bridge or Overpass [Passing Under] (1979-1981) 33 Bridge or Overpass [Passing Over] (1979-1981) 99 Unknown 19822003 01 02 03 04 05 06 -07 08 09 -10 -11 -12 -13 14 15 -16 17 18 19 20 21 -22 23 -24 25 20042009 01 02 03 04 05 06 -07 08 09 -10 -11 -12 -13 14 -15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -22 23 -24 25 2010Later 01 02 03 04 05 -06 07 08 -09 -10 -11 -12 -14 -15 16 17 18 19 20 -21 --23 24 25 Rollover/Overturn Fire/Explosion Immersion (or Partial Immersion, Since 2012) Gas Inhalation Fell/Jumped from Vehicle Injured in Vehicle Injured in Vehicle (Non-Collision) Other Non-Collision Pedestrian Pedalcycle Pedalcyclist Railway Train Railway Vehicle Animal Live Animal Motor Vehicle in Transport on Same Roadway Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle in Transport on Other Roadway Parked Motor Vehicle (Not In Transport) Other Type Non-Motorist Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance Thrown or Falling Object Boulder Other Object (Not Fixed) Building Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Bridge Pier or Abutment Bridge Pier or Support Bridge Parapet End Bridge Rail Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet) Guardrail Face Concrete Traffic Barrier FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 54 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C19 First Harmful Event The ACCIDENT Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822003 26 27 28 29 30 -31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 --45 45 -46 47 48 -49 50 ------ 20042009 26 27 28 29 30 -31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 -44 --45 -46 47 48 -49 50 51 -52 53 54 2010Later 26 ----30 31 32 33 34 -35 --38 39 40 41 42 43 --44 --45 46 --48 49 50 -51 52 53 -- -- -- 54 -- 55 -- Other Traffic Barrier Highway/Traffic Sign Post Overhead Sign Support/Sign Luminary/Light Support Utility Pole Utility Pole/Light Support Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support Culvert Curb Ditch Embankment – Earth Embankment Embankment – Rock, Stone, or Concrete Embankment – Material Type Unknown Fence Wall Fire Hydrant Shrubbery Tree (Standing Only) Other Fixed Object Pavement Surface Irregularity (1993 Only) Pavement Surface Irregularity Pavement Surface Irregularity (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.) Transport Device Used as Equipment (1993-2003) Working Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicles Working Motor Vehicle Traffic Signal Support Vehicle Occupant Struck or Run Over by Own Vehicle (1997-2009) Collision With Snow Bank (1997-2009) Snow Bank Ridden Animal or Animal-Drawn Conveyance (Since 1998) Bridge Overhead Structure Jackknife Jackknife (Harmful to This Vehicle) Guardrail End Mail Box Motor Vehicle Struck by Falling/Shifting Cargo or Anything Set in Motion by Another Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle In-Transport Strikes or is Struck by Cargo, Persons or Objects Set-in-Motion from/by Another Motor Vehicle In-Transport Other Not in-Transport Motor Vehicle (2005-2007) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 55 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C19 First Harmful Event The ACCIDENT Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822003 -------99 20042009 55 57 -----99 2010Later 55 57 58 59 72 73 98 99 Motor Vehicle in Motion Outside the Trafficway (Since 2008) Cable Barrier (Since 2008) Ground Traffic Sign Support Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Harmful to This Vehicle) Object Fell From Motor Vehicle In-Transport (Since 2013) Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 56 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C20 The ACCIDENT Data File Manner of Collision Definition: This data element describes the orientation of two motor vehicles in-transport when they are involved in the “First Harmful Event” of a collision crash. If the “First Harmful Event” is not a collision between two motor vehicles in-transport it is classified as such. Additional Information: In the original data files, from 1975 to 1977 sideswipe was coded as 5 but has since been changed to 7. These years are not consistent with the documentation of the time. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C19. This data element also appears in the Vehicle and Person data files and in the Parkwork data file as PMAN_COLL. SAS Name: MAN_COLL Attribute Codes 19751977 0 1 2 3 4 --7 9 19782001 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -9 Not Collision With Motor Vehicle in Transport Rear-End Head-On Rear-to-Rear Angle Sideswipe, Same Direction Sideswipe, Opposite Direction Sideswipe (May Either Be Same or Opposite Direction) Unknown Attribute Codes 20022009 0 2010Later 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8 9 10 11 -99 1 2 ----6 7 8 9 10 11 98 99 Not Collision with Motor Vehicle in Transport (Not Necessarily in Transport for 2005-2009) Front-to-Rear Front-to-Front Angle – Front-to-Side, Same Direction Angle – Front-to-Side, Opposite Direction Angle – Front-to-Side, Right Angle (Includes Broadside) Angle – Front-to-Side/Angle-Direction Not Specified Angle Sideswipe – Same Direction Sideswipe – Opposite Direction Rear-to-Side Rear-to-Rear Other (End-Swipes and Others) Not Reported Unknown More Information on Manner of Collision FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 57 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The ACCIDENT Data File C21 Relation to Junction C21A Relation to Junction- Within Interchange Area Definition: This data element identifies the crash's location with respect to presence in an interchange area. The coding of this data element is done in two sub-fields (see also C20B) and is based on the location of the “First Harmful Event” of the crash. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C20A. SAS Name: RELJCT1 Attribute Codes 2010-Later 0 No 1 Yes 8 Not Reported 9 Unknown C21B Relation to Junction- Specific Location Definition: This data element identifies the crash's location with respect to presence in or proximity to components typically in junction or interchange areas. The coding of this data element is done in two sub-fields (see also C20A) and is based on the location of the “First Harmful Event” of the crash. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C20B. SAS Name: REL_JUNC RELJCT2 1975-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 1975-1990 1 Non-Junction 2 Intersection 3 Intersection-Related 4 Intersection Area 5 Driveway, Alley, Access, etc. 6 Entrance/Exit Ramp (Since 1978) 7 Rail Grade Crossing (Since 1979) 8 In Crossover (Since 1980) 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 58 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C21B Relation to Junction- Specific Location The ACCIDENT Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1991-2009 00 None NON-INTERCHANGE AREA 01 Non-Junction 02 Intersection 03 Intersection-Related 04 Driveway, Alley Access, etc. 05 Entrance/Exit Ramp-Related 06 Railway Grade Crossing 07 In Crossover 08 Driveway Access Related (Since 2003) 09 Unknown, Non-Interchange INTERCHANGE AREA 10 Intersection 11 Intersection-Related 12 Driveway Access 13 Entrance/Exit Ramp-Related 14 In Crossover 15 Other Location in Interchange 19 Unknown, Interchange Area 99 Unknown 20102012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 -17 18 19 -98 99 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 -17 18 19 20 98 99 2014Later 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -16 17 18 19 20 98 99 Non-Junction Intersection Intersection Related Driveway Access Entrance/Exit Ramp Related Railway Grade Crossing Crossover Related Driveway Access Related Shared-Use Path or Trail Shared-Use Path Crossing Acceleration/Deceleration Lane Through Roadway Other Location Within Interchange Area Entrance/Exit Ramp Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 59 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C22 The ACCIDENT Data File Type of Intersection Definition: This data element identifies and allows separation of various intersection types. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C21. SAS Name: TYP_INT Attribute Codes 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 9 2013Later 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 98 99 Not an Intersection Four-Way Intersection T-Intersection Y-Intersection Traffic Circle Roundabout Five-Point, or More L-Intersection Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 60 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C23 The ACCIDENT Data File Relation to Trafficway Definition: This data element identifies the location of the crash as it relates to its position within or outside the trafficway based on the “First Harmful Event.” Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C22. SAS Name: REL_ROAD Attribute Codes 1975-1997 1 On Roadway 2 Shoulder 3 Median 4 Roadside 5 Outside Right-of-way 6 Off Roadway – Location Unknown 7 In Parking Lane (Since 1980) 8 Gore (Since 1982) 9 Unknown 19982009 01 02 03 04 05 -06 07 07 08 10 11 --99 2010Later 01 02 03 04 -05 06 -07 08 10 -11 98 99 On Roadway On Shoulder On Median On Roadside Outside Trafficway/Outside Right-Of-Way Outside Trafficway Off Roadway – Location Unknown In Parking Lane (1998-2006) In Parking Lane/Zone (Since 2007) Gore Separator Two-way Continuous Left-Turn Lane (Since 2001) Continuous Left-Turn Lane Not Reported Unknown More Information on Relation to Trafficway FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 61 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C24 The ACCIDENT Data File Work Zone Definition: This data element identifies a motor vehicle traffic crash in which the first harmful event occurs within the boundaries of a work zone or on an approach to or exit from a work zone, resulting from an activity, behavior, or control related to the movement of the traffic units through the work zone. Additional Information: This data element identifies a “Work Zone Accident” as defined in ANSI D16.1, 7th Edition. If the crash qualifies as a "Work Zone Accident" then the type of work activity is identified. Use of the codes does not imply that the crash was caused by the construction, maintenance, or work activity. The data element name was “Construction/Maintenance Zone” from 1975 to 2008. The data element name has been changed to “Work Zone” since 2009. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C23. SAS Name: C_M_ZONE 1975-2008 WRK_ZONE 2009-Later Attribute Codes 1975-1979 The data element exists in the data files but has not been initialized. The data was not collected. 19801981 0 1 2 3 ---- 19822009 0 1 2 -3 4 -- 20102011 0 1 2 -3 4 8 2012Later 0 1 2 -3 4 -- FARS Analytical User’s Manual None Construction Maintenance Construction or Maintenance Utility Work Zone, Type Unknown Not Reported Data Element Definitions and Codes 62 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C25 The ACCIDENT Data File Light Condition Definition: This data element records the type/level of light that existed at the time of the crash as indicated in the case material. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C24. SAS Name: LGT_COND Attribute Codes 19751979 1 2 -3 ---6 ---9 19802008 1 2 -3 -4 5 ----9 2009 1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 7 -9 2010Later 1 -2 -3 4 5 -6 7 8 9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Daylight Dark Dark – Not Lighted Dark but Lighted Dark – Lighted Dawn Dusk Dawn or Dusk Dark – Unknown Lighting Other Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 63 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C26 The ACCIDENT Data File Atmospheric Conditions Definition: This data element records the prevailing atmospheric conditions that existed at the time of the crash as indicated in the case material. Additional Information: This data element identifies up to two values. If more than two atmospheric conditions were reported, the two conditions that most affect visibility were selected. Accident.WEATHER1 and Accident.WEATHER2 are coded data elements, and Accident.WEATHER is derived from these two. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C25. See Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements for an expanded explanation of this data element and how it is derived. SAS Name: WEATHER WEATHER, WEATHER1, WEATHER2 1975-2006 2007-Later Attribute Codes 19751979 1 ----2 -3 ---4 --------- 19801981 -1 ---2 -3 ---4 -5 -----8 19822006 --1 ---2 -3 --4 -5 -6 -7 -8 20072009 --0 -1 -2 -3 ---4 -5 -6 -7 -- 20102012 1 --0 -2 ---3 -4 --5 -6 -7 -- 2013Later 1 --0 -2 ----3 4 --5 -6 -7 -- -7 ---9 -----9 -----9 8 ----9 8 10 11 -98 99 8 10 11 12 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Clear Normal No Adverse Atmospheric Conditions No Additional Atmospheric Conditions Clear/Cloud (No Adverse Conditions) Rain Rain (Mist) Sleet Sleet (Hail) Sleet, Hail (Freezing Rain or Drizzle) Sleet, Hail Snow Snow or Blowing Snow Fog Fog, Smog, Smoke Rain and Fog Severe Crosswinds Sleet and Fog Blowing Sand, Soil, Dirt Other: Smog, Smoke, Blowing Sand or Dust Other Cloudy Blowing Snow Freezing Rain or Drizzle Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 64 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C27 The ACCIDENT Data File School Bus Related Definition: This data element identifies if a school bus, or motor vehicle functioning as a school bus, is related to the crash. Additional Information: A school bus crash is (1) a motor vehicle crash in which a school bus, with or without a pupil on board, is involved directly as a contact vehicle, or (2) a motor vehicle crash or an other-road-vehicle crash in which a school bus, with or without a pupil or board, is involved indirectly as a non-contact vehicle. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C26. This data element also appears on the Person data file. SAS Name: SCH_BUS Attribute Codes 19772009 0 1 -- 20102012 0 1 8 2013Later 0 1 -- No Yes Not Reported More Information on School Bus Related FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 65 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C28 The ACCIDENT Data File Rail Grade Crossing Identifier Definition: This data element identifies if the crash occurred in or near a rail grade crossing. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C27. SAS Name: RAIL Attribute Codes 1979-Later 0000000 xxxxxxA 9999999 Not Applicable Six Digits Followed by One Alphabetic Valid F.R.A. Code Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 66 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C29 Notification Time EMS C29A Hour of Notification The ACCIDENT Data File Definition: This data element records the hour that emergency medical service was notified. Additional Information: All time is 24-hour military time. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C28A. SAS Name: NOT_HOUR 19751998 00-24 00 -99 -- C29B 19992008 00-24 00 -99 99 2009Later 00-23 -88 99 99 Hour Not Applicable or Not Notified (when NOT_MIN = 00) Not Applicable or Not Notified Unknown Hour Unknown if Notified (when NOT_MIN = 98) Minute of Notification Definition: This data element records the minutes after the hour that emergency medical service was notified. Additional Information: Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C28B. SAS Name: NOT_MIN 19751998 00-59 00 --99 19992008 00-59 00 -98 99 2009Later 00-59 -88 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Minute Not Applicable or Not Notified (when NOT_HOUR = 00) Not Applicable or Not Notified Unknown if Notified Unknown Minutes Data Element Definitions and Codes 67 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C30 Arrival Time EMS C30A Hour of Arrival at Scene The ACCIDENT Data File Definition: This data element records the hour that emergency medical service arrived on the crash scene. Additional Information: All time is 24-hour military time. The time of the crash/arrival of the emergency medical service can occur in a different day than the arrival of emergency medical service at the crash scene/hospital. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C29A. SAS Name: ARR_HOUR 19751998 00-24 00 --99 --- C30B 19992008 00-24 -00 -99 99 99 2009Later 00-23 --88 99 99 99 Hour Not Notified or Officially Cancelled (when ARR_MIN = 00) Not Notified (when ARR_MIN = 00) Not Applicable or Not Notified Unknown Hour Officially Cancelled (when ARR_MIN = 97) Unknown if Arrived (when ARR_MIN = 98) Minute of Arrival at Scene Definition: This data element records the minutes after the hour that emergency medical service arrived on the crash scene. Additional Information: The time of the crash/arrival of the emergency medical service can occur in a different day than the arrival of emergency medical service at the crash scene/hospital. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C29B. SAS Name: ARR_MIN 19751998 00-59 00 ----99 19992008 00-59 -00 -97 98 99 2009Later 00-59 -88 97 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Minute Not Notified or Officially Cancelled (when ARR_HOUR = 00) Not Notified (when ARR_HOUR = 00) Not Applicable or Not Notified Officially Cancelled Unknown if Arrived Unknown Minutes Data Element Definitions and Codes 68 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The ACCIDENT Data File C31 EMS Time at Hospital C31A Hour of EMS Arrival at Hospital Definition: This data element records the hour that emergency medical service arrived at the treatment facility to which it was transporting victims of the crash. Additional Information: All time is 24-hour military time. The time of the crash/arrival of the emergency medical service can occur in a different day than the arrival of emergency medical service at the crash scene/hospital. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C30A. SAS Name: HOSP_HR 19871998 00-24 00 --99 --- C31B 19992008 00-24 -- 2009Later 00-23 -- 00 -99 99 99 -88 99 99 99 Hour Not Notified, Officially Cancelled or Not Transported (when HOSP_MIN = 00) Not Notified or Not Transported (when HOSP_MIN = 00) Not Applicable or Not Notified Unknown Hour Officially Cancelled (when HOSP_MIN = 97) Unknown if Transported (when HOSP_MIN = 98) Minute of EMS Arrival at Hospital Definition: This data element records the minutes after the hour that emergency medical service arrived at the treatment facility to which it was transporting victims of the crash. Additional Information: The time of the crash/arrival of the emergency medical service can occur in a different day than the arrival of emergency medical service at the crash scene/hospital. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C30B. SAS Name: HOSP_MIN 19871998 00-59 00 -----99 19992008 00-59 -00 -96 97 98 99 2009Later 00-59 --88 96 97 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Minute Not Notified, Officially Cancelled or Not Transported (when HOSP_HR = 00) Not Notified or Not Transported (when HOSP_HR = 00) Not Applicable or Not Notified Terminated Transport Officially Cancelled Unknown if Transported Unknown Minutes Data Element Definitions and Codes 69 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C32 The ACCIDENT Data File Related Factors- Crash Level Definition: This data element records factors related to the crash expressed by the investigating officer. Additional Information: There are also vehicle-level related factors in the Vehicle data file (VEH_SC1 and VEH_SC2), driver-level related factors, also in the Vehicle data file (DR_SF1, DR_SF2, DR_SF3 and DR_SF4), and person-level related factors in the Person data file (P_SF1, P_SF2, and P_SF3). The FARS analyst may have used any of the three data elements to code a related factor. One must test all three data elements to ensure that the selected related factor is included. Note: Starting in 1982, many of the “Related Factors-Crash Level” attributes, values 01-29, are coded as “Related Factors-Driver Level” attributes, values 61-87, in the Vehicle data file. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C31. SAS Name: CF1, CF2, CF3 Attribute Codes 1975-1981 00 None VISION OBSCURED BY: 01 Rain, Snow, Fog, Smoke, Sand, Dust (i.e., Weather Conditions) 02 Reflected Glare, Bright Sunlight, Headlights 03 Curve, Hill or Other Design Features (Including Traffic Signs, Embankments) 04 Building, Billboard, etc. 05 Trees, Crops, Vegetation 06 Moving Vehicle (Including Load) 07 Parked Vehicle 08 Other Object Not Classified Above SWERVING DUE TO: 20 Severe Crosswind 21 Wind From Passing Truck 22 Slippery Surface 23 Avoiding Debris or Objects in Road 24 Ruts, Holes, Bumps, in Road 25 Avoiding Animals in Road 26 Avoiding Vehicle in Road 27 Avoiding Phantom Vehicle 28 Avoiding Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist, Other Non-Motorist in Road 29 Avoiding Water, Snow, Oil Slick on Road ROADWAY FEATURES: 40 Traffic Controls Not Functioning Properly 41 Inadequate Warning of Exits, Lanes Narrowing, Traffic Controls, etc. 42 Uncontrolled Intersection or Railroad Crossing 43 Shoulder Too Low or High 44 Shoulders Too Narrow or No Shoulders for Emergency Use 47 Other Construction FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 70 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C31 Related Factors- Crash Level The ACCIDENT Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1975-1981 48 No or Obscured Pavement Markings 49 Surface Underwater (Since 1979) 50 Inadequate Construction or Poor Design of Roadway, Bridge, etc. (Since 1979) 51 Surface Washed Out (Caved in, Road Slippage, Since 1979) 99 Unknown 19822012 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 2013Later 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 ----99 -25 26 27 28 99 None Inadequate Warning of Exits, Lanes Narrowing, Traffic Controls etc. Shoulder Related (Design or Condition, Since 2002) Other Maintenance or Construction-Created Condition No or Obscured Pavement Marking Surface Under Water Inadequate Construction or Poor Design of Roadway, Bridge, etc. Surface Washed Out (Caved in, Road Slippage) Aggressive Driving/Road Rage by Non-Contact Vehicle Driver (Since 2006) Motor Vehicle (In Transport 1983-2004) Struck By Falling Cargo or Something That Came Loose From or Something That Was Set in Motion By a Vehicle (Since 1983) Non-Occupant Struck By Falling Cargo, or Something Came Loose From or Something That Was Set In Motion By A Vehicle (Since 1983) Non-Occupant Struck Vehicle (Since 1983) Vehicle Set In Motion By Non-Driver (Since 1983) Date of Crash and Date of EMS Notification Were Not Same Day (Since 1988) Recent Previous Crash Scene Nearby (Since 1989) Police-Pursuit-Involved (Since 1994) Within Designated School Zone (Since 1995) Speed Limit Is a Statutory Limit as Recorded or Was Determined as This State’s “Basic Rule” (Since 1999) Indication of a Stalled/Disabled Vehicle (Since 2008) Unstabilized Situation Began and All Harmful Events Occurred Off of the Roadway (Since 2012) Toll Plaza Related (2012 Only) Toll Booth/Plaza Related Backup Due to Prior Non-Recurring Incident Backup Due to Prior Crash Backup Due to Regular Congestion Unknown More Information on Related Factors- Crash Level FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 71 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C100 The ACCIDENT Data File Drunk Drivers Definition: This data element records the number of drunk drivers involved in the crash. Additional Information: This data element is derived from data elements in the Vehicle and Person data files. Data are analyzed and if there is “sufficient information” to conclude that a driver was drunk, i.e., if the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is positive, or if the police reported alcohol involvement, then the driver is counted as a drunk driver. A crash is alcohol-involved if a driver, pedestrian, or pedal cyclist involved in the crash has (1) police-reported alcohol involvement, or (2) a positive alcohol test result. A driver who is charged with an alcohol violation by itself does not have the driver counted as a drunk driver. Note that alcohol data is often missing. For that reason this data element may undercount the actual number of drunk drivers. From 1975 to 1993 the maximum number of drunk drivers was 6. Virtually all crashes have no more than two drunk drivers. Two useful partitions of this data element are: (1) no drunk drivers, one or more drunk drivers involved, and (2) no drunk drivers, one drunk driver, multiple drunk drivers In the early years of FARS, especially 1975 and 1976, the alcohol data must be used with care. In these two years no drunk drivers were identified for North Dakota. In 1975/76 Alabama, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia have a reported drunk driver rate for fatal crashes of less than 5 percent. In 1979 the data from these States reports a drunkdriver rate for fatal crashes between 18.5 percent and 43 percent. Note: The DRUNK_DR data element on the Crash level was incorrectly derived on all person types from 1999 through 2007. Since then, it was derived based on all person types rather than based on Drivers only. Furthermore, the data element name (DRUNK_DR) implies that the individual was drunk, however, it actually captures those individuals whom the police reported alcohol involvement OR who tested positive for alcohol (i.e. their blood alcohol concentration was .01 g/dL or greater). Beginning with the 2008 Final FARS data file, DRUNK_DR has been derived for Drivers only. SAS Name: DRUNK_DR Attribute Codes 1975-Later 00-99 Number of Drunk Drivers Involved in the Fatal Crash. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 72 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C101 The ACCIDENT Data File Fatalities Definition: This data element records the number of fatally injured persons in the crash. Additional Information: The data element is derived by counting all persons with “Injury Severity” of 4 in the crash. The data element “Fatalities in Vehicle” in the Vehicle data file provides the number of deaths in a vehicle. SAS Name: FATALS Attribute Codes 1975-Later 01-99 Number of Fatalities that Occurred in the Crash. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 73 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The ACCIDENT Data File Discontinued ACCIDENT Data Elements Federal Highway (discontinued) Definition: This data element was discontinued after 1993. Additional Information: The data element is in the data file, but was not initialized prior to 1978, i.e., no data exists for this data element. This may be due to the extensive revisions by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 1977, which caused extensive modifications to this field for all data before 1978. SAS Name: TA_1_CL FED_AID 1975-1981 1982-1993 Attribute Codes 19751977 -------------- 19781981 1 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 7 8 9 19821986 1 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 7 8 9 1987 1993 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 ---9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Interstate Other Federal Aid Primary Federal Aid Primary (Other Than Interstate) Federal Aid Secondary Federal Aid Urban Federal Aid Urban Arterials Federal Aid Secondary (Rural Only) Federal Aid Urban Collectors Non-Federal Aid Non-Federal Aid Arterials Non-Federal Aid Collectors Non-Federal Aid Local Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 74 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Hit and Run The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle was a contact vehicle in the crash that did not stop to render aid (this can include drivers who flee the scene on foot). Hit and run is coded when a motor vehicle in-transport, or its driver, departs from the scene; vehicles not intransport are excluded. It does not matter whether the hit-and-run vehicle was striking or struck. Additional Information: From 1975 to 1981 if no information was known about the Hit-andRun vehicle and/or driver, the vehicle form and/or driver form were not filled out and were not counted as unknown. Starting in 1982 both a vehicle and a driver form were filled out and the data were identified as unknown. This is why, for example, there were approximately only 20 to 40 drivers with unknown sex listed in the FARS data file from 1975 to 1981 and 700 to 1,000 drivers with unknown sex from 1982 on. In 2009, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level and is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: HIT_RUN Attribute Codes 19751976 0 -1 -2 ------ 19771981 -0 1 --2 -3 --- 19822008 -0 -1 --2 -3 4 --- --- 4 5 --- --- 5 5 Not Applicable No Hit-and-Run With Motor Vehicle Hit Motor Vehicle in Transport With Non-Occupant Hit Non-Motorist Hit Pedestrian or Non-Motorist Left Scene Hit Parked Vehicle (Working Vehicle, Since 2004) or Object Occupant Is Struck by or Fell From Own Hit-and-Run Vehicle (2002 Only) Driver Leaves Scene after Non-Collision Event (Since 2004) Driver/Occupant Leaves Scene after a Non-Collision Event (2003 Only) Other Involved Person, not a driver, left Scene (2005-2006) Hit-and-Run, Other Involved Person Left Scene (Since 2007) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 75 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Land Use The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element was discontinued after 1986. Additional Information: The data element LAND_USE is defined by the Federal Highway Administration and does not necessarily coincide with the U.S. Census Bureau's definition or any other definition of urban or rural. It has been determined there are errors in the 1975 and 1976 data for this data element; consequently, care should be taken when comparing data over several years. SAS Name: LAND_USE Attribute Codes 1975-1986 1 Urban 2 Rural 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 76 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Roadway Alignment The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the roadway alignment prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event, based on the case materials. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VALIGN. SAS Name: ALIGNMNT Attribute Codes 1975-2009 1 Straight 2 Curved 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 77 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Roadway Function Class The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the functional classification of the trafficway on which the crash occurred. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Person data file. This data element was discontinued in 2015. SAS Name: ROAD_FNC Attribute Codes 1975-1980 This data element is included in the format, but is not initialized. Do not use it. 1981-1986 1 Principal Arterial – Interstate 2 Principal Arterial – Other Urban Freeways and Expressways 3 Principal Arterial – Other 4 Minor Arterial 5 Urban Collector 6 Major Rural Collector 7 Minor Rural Collector 8 Local Road or Street 9 Unknown 1987-Later RURAL 01 Principal Arterial – Interstate 02 Principal Arterial – Other 03 Minor Arterial 04 Major Collector 05 Minor Collector 06 Local Road or Street 09 Unknown URBAN 11 Principal Arterial – Interstate 12 Principal Arterial – Other Freeways or Expressways 13 Other Principal Arterial 14 Minor Arterial 15 Collector 16 Local Road or Street 19 Unknown 99 Unknown More Information on Roadway Function Class and Land Use FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 78 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Roadway Profile The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the roadway grade prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event, based on the case materials. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VPROFILE. SAS Name: PROFILE Attribute Codes 1975-1981 1 Level 2 Grade 9 Unknown 1982-2009 1 Level 2 Grade 3 Hillcrest 4 Sag 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 79 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Roadway Surface Condition The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the roadway surface condition prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event, based on the case materials. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VSURCOND. SAS Name: SUR_COND Attribute Codes 19752006 1 2 3 4 -5 ---8 9 20072009 1 2 3 -4 -5 6 7 8 9 Dry Wet Snow or Slush Ice Ice/Frost Sand, Dirt, Oil Sand, Dirt, Mud, Gravel Water (Standing or Moving) Oil Other Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 80 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Roadway Surface Type The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the roadway surface type prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event, based on the case materials. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VPAVETYP. SAS Name: PAVE_TYP Attribute Codes 1975-2009 1 Concrete 2 Blacktop, Bituminous, or Asphalt 3 Brick or Block 4 Slag, Gravel or Stone 5 Dirt 8 Other 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 81 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Speed Limit The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the posted speed limit just prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event, based on the case materials. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VSPD_LIM. SAS Name: SP_LIMIT Attribute Codes 19751976 -01-94 95 96 98 99 19771978 -01-94 95 96 -99 1979 -01-98 ---99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 19802009 00 01-98 -00 -99 No Statutory Limit Speed Limit (mph) Speed Limit Is 95 mph or Greater No Statutory Limit Not Reportable Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 82 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Total Lanes in Roadway The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the number of travel lanes just prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event, based on the case materials. Additional Information: The number of lanes refers to the number of lanes of a continuous cross-section of roadway. For example, a local roadway with one lane going north and one lane going south would be coded as two lanes. However, if a trafficway is a divided highway, with two lanes going north, a median, and two lanes going south, then the number of lanes is coded as two. If a trafficway has two lanes going north immediately adjacent to two lanes going south, one continuous cross-section of roadway, then the number of lanes is coded as four. This data element can be used with the trafficway flow data element TRAF_FLO to determine the trafficway geometry. For example: If (NO_LANES EQ 2) AND (TRAF_FLO EQ 1), then one has a two-lane roadway that is not physically divided, that is what most people think of as a twolane road, one lane going in each direction. In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VNUM_LAN. SAS Name: NO_LANES Attribute Codes 19751979 1 2 3 4 5 6 -9 19802009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 One Lane Two Lanes Three Lanes Four Lanes Five Lanes Six or More Lanes Seven or More Lanes Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 83 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Traffic Control Device The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the traffic controls in the vehicle's environment just prior to this vehicle's critical precrash event, based on the case materials. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VTRAFCON. SAS Name: TRA_CONT Attribute Codes 1975-1981 00 No Controls 01 Flashing Traffic Signals 02 On Colors Traffic Signal 03 Stop Sign 04 Yield Sign 05 Physically Controlled Railroad Crossing 06 Stop Sign for Railroad Crossing 07 Other Railroad Crossing 08 School Zone Sign 09 Traffic Controls Not Functioning 10 Pedestrian Signal (Since 1978) 98 Other 99 Unknown 1982-2009 00 No Controls NOT AT RAILROAD GRADE CROSSINGS HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SIGNALS 01 Traffic Control Signal (On Colors) Without Pedestrian Signal 02 Traffic Control (On Colors) With Pedestrian Signal 03 Traffic Control Signal (On Colors) Not Known if Pedestrian Signal 04 Flashing Traffic Control Signal 05 Flashing Beacon 06 Flashing Highway Traffic Signal, Type Unknown, or Other 07 Lane Use Control Signal 08 Other Highway Traffic Signal 09 Unknown Highway Traffic Signal FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 84 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Traffic Control Device The ACCIDENT Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1982-2009 REGULATORY SIGNS 20 Stop Sign 21 Yield Sign 28 Other Regulatory Sign 29 Unknown Type Regulatory Sign SCHOOL ZONE SIGNS 30 School Speed Limit Sign 31 School Advance or Crossing Sign 38 Other School-Related Sign 39 Unknown Type School Zone Sign WARNING SIGN 40 Warning Sign 41 Electronic Warning Sign (Since 2002) MISCELLANEOUS NOT AT RAILROAD CROSSING 50 Officer, Crossing Guard, Flagman, etc. AT RAILROAD GRADE CROSSINGS ACTIVE DEVICES 60 Gates 61 Flashing Lights 62 Traffic Control Signal 63 Wigwags 64 Bells 68 Other Train-Activated Device 69 Active Device, Type Unknown PASSIVE DEVICES 70 Cross Bucks 71 Stop Sign 72 Other Railroad Crossing Sign 73 Special Warning Device Watchman, Flagged By Crew 78 Other Passive Device 79 Passive Device, Type Unknown MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES AT RAILROAD CROSSING 80 Grade Crossing Controlled, Type Unknown WHETHER OR NOT AT RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING 98 Other 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 85 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Traffic Control Device Functioning The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the functionality of the traffic control device recorded for this vehicle in the data element Traffic Control Device. Additional Information: Data not collected prior to 1982. In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VTCONT_F. SAS Name: T_CONT_F Attribute Codes 1982-2009 0 No Controls 1 Device Not Functioning 2 Device Functioning – Functioning Improperly 3 Device Functioning Properly 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 86 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Trafficway Description The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the trafficway flow just prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event, based on the case materials. Additional Information: In 1975 and 1976 all divided highway traffic is coded as Level Data element 3, i.e., divided highway, other barrier or barrier type unknown. There is no distinction made among median strips, guardrails and other barriers for these two years. Prior to 2010, this data element was called Trafficway Flow. In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level and appears on the Vehicle data file as VTRAFWAY. SAS Name: ROAD_FLO TWAY_FLO TRAF_FLO 1975-1981 1982-1986 1987-2009 Attribute Codes 1975-1981 1 Divided Highway, Median Strip (Since 1977) 2 Divided Highway, Guardrail (Since 1977) 3 Divided Highway, Other Barrier or Barrier Type Unknown 4 Not Physically Divided 5 One Way Traffic 9 Unknown 19821986 1 2 3 4 -- 19872002 1 2 3 4 5 20032009 1 2 3 4 -- --9 --9 5 6 9 Not Physically Divided (Two-Way Trafficway) Divided Highway, Median Strip (Without Traffic Barrier) Divided Highway, Median Strip (With Traffic Barrier) One-Way Trafficway Divided Highway, Median Strip (With Two-Way Continuous LeftTurn Lane, Since 2001) Not Physically Divided (With Two-Way Continuous Left-Turn Lane) Entrance/Exit Ramp Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 87 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Vehicles in Transport The ACCIDENT Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element counts the number of vehicles in-transport involved in the crash. Legally parked vehicles are not included. Additional Information: This data element was discontinued after 1981. SAS Name: VEHICLES Attribute Codes 1976-1981 01-99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 88 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The VEHICLE Data File The VEHICLE Data File The Vehicle data file includes in-transport motor vehicle data as well as driver and precrash data. It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Vehicle data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE and VEH_NO are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE should be used to merge the Vehicle data file with the Accident data file. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Vehicle data file with other vehicle-level data files and the Person data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 89 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V4 The VEHICLE Data File Number of Occupants Definition: This data element is a count of the number of occupants in this vehicle. Additional Information: All, some, or none of the individuals may have died in the crash. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PNUMOCCS. SAS Name: OCUPANTS NUMOCCS 1975-2008 2009-Later Attribute Codes 19752008 00 01-95 96 97 -99 2009Later 00 01-95 96 -98 99 None Actual Number of Occupants in The Vehicle 96 or More Occupants in The Vehicle Unknown – Only Injured Reported Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 90 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V5 The VEHICLE Data File Unit Type Definition: This data element identifies the type of unit that applies to this motor vehicle at the time it became an involved vehicle in the crash and was reported as a unit on the PAR. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PTYPE. The valid attributes for PTYPE are: 2 Motor Vehicle Not in Transport Within the Trafficway 3 Motor Vehicle Not in Transport Outside the Trafficway 4 Working Motor Vehicle (Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility Only) SAS Name: UNITTYPE Attribute Codes 20052007 1 -- 2008Later -1 Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle in Transport (Inside or Outside the Trafficway) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 91 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V6 The VEHICLE Data File Hit and Run Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle was a contact vehicle in the crash that did not stop to render aid (this can include drivers who flee the scene on foot). Hit and run is coded when a motor vehicle in-transport, or its driver, departs from the scene; vehicles not intransport are excluded. It does not matter whether the hit-and-run vehicle was striking or struck. Additional Information: From 1975 to 1981 if no information was known about the Hit-andRun vehicle and/or driver, the vehicle form and/or driver form were not filled out and were not counted as unknown. Starting in 1982 both a vehicle and a driver form were filled out and the data were identified as unknown. This is why, for example, there were approximately only 20 to 40 drivers with unknown sex listed in the FARS data file from 1975 to 1981 and more than 700 drivers with unknown sex from 1982 on. This data element was removed from Accident data file in 2009. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PHIT_RUN. SAS Name: HIT_RUN Attribute Codes 19751976 0 -1 -2 ------ 19771981 -0 1 --2 -3 --- 19822008 -0 -1 --2 -3 4 --- --- 4 5 --- --- 5 5 2009 0 1 -9 20102011 0 1 8 9 2012Later 0 1 -9 Not Applicable No Hit-and-Run With Motor Vehicle Hit Motor Vehicle in Transport With Non-Occupant Hit Non-Motorist Hit Pedestrian or Non-Motorist Left Scene Hit Parked Vehicle (Working Vehicle, Since 2004) or Object Occupant Is Struck by or Fell From Own Hit-and-Run Vehicle (2002 Only) Driver Leaves Scene after Non-Collision Event (Since 2004) Driver/Occupant Leaves Scene after a Non-Collision Event (2003 Only) Other Involved Person, not a driver, left Scene (2005-2006) Hit-and-Run, Other Involved Person Left Scene (Since 2007) No Yes Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 92 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V7 The VEHICLE Data File Registration State Definition: This element identifies the state in which this vehicle was registered. Additional Information: For multiple state registrations prior to 1997 the value is 94. In 1997, values 93 and 94 were combined into 93. After 1997, the value for multiple state registrations is 93. This variable also appears in the Parkwork data set as PREG_STAT. SAS Name: REG_STAT Attribute Codes 1975-Later 01 Alabama 02 Alaska 03 American Samoa 04 Arizona 05 Arkansas 06 California 08 Colorado 09 Connecticut 10 Delaware 11 District of Columbia 12 Florida 13 Georgia 14 Guam 15 Hawaii 16 Idaho 17 Illinois 18 Indiana 19 Iowa 20 Kansas 21 Kentucky 22 Louisiana 23 Maine 24 Maryland 25 Massachusetts 26 Michigan 27 Minnesota 28 Mississippi 29 Missouri FARS Analytical User’s Manual 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands (Since 2004) Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Data Element Definitions and Codes 93 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V7 Registration State The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19752007 --92 93 94 -95 -96 -97 -98 -99 20082009 --92 93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 99 2010Later 00 91 92 93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 99 Not Applicable Not Reported No Registration Multiple State Registrations Multiple State Registrations - Out-of-State (1975-1996) U.S. Government Tags (Includes Military) U.S. Government Tags Canada Military Vehicle Mexico Foreign Country Other Foreign Country Other Registration Other Registration (Includes Native American Indian Nations) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 94 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V8 The VEHICLE Data File Registered Vehicle Owner Definition: This data element identifies the type of registered owner of the vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as POWNER. SAS Name: OWNER Attribute Codes 19912007 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -9 2008Later 0 1 2 3 4 5 -6 9 Not Applicable, Vehicle Not Registered Driver (of This Vehicle) Was Registered Owner Driver (of This Vehicle) Not Registered Owner (Other Private Owner) Vehicle Registered as Business/Company/Government Vehicle Vehicle Registered as Rental Vehicle Vehicle Was Stolen (Reported By Police) Driverless Vehicle Driverless/Motor Vehicle Parked/Stopped Off Roadway Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 95 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 The VEHICLE Data File Vehicle Make Definition: This data element identifies the make (manufacturer) of this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PMAKE. SAS Name: MAKE Attribute Codes 1975-1990 01 American Motors 02 Jeep 03 AM General 06 Chrysler 07 Dodge 08 Imperial 09 Plymouth 10 Eagle (Since 1988) 12 Ford 13 Lincoln 14 Mercury 18 Buick 19 Cadillac 20 Chevrolet 21 Oldsmobile 22 Pontiac 23 GMC 29 Other Domestic 30 Volkswagen 31 Alfa Romeo 32 Audi 33 Austin-Healey 35 Datsun 36 Fiat 37 Honda 38 Isuzu 39 Jaguar 40 Lancia 41 Mazda 42 Mercedes-Benz 43 MG 44 Peugeot 45 Porsche 46 Renault 47 Saab 48 Subaru FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 96 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 Vehicle Make The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1975-1990 49 Toyota 50 Triumph 51 Volvo 52 Mitsubishi (Since 1982) 53 Suzuki (Since 1987) 57 Lexus (Since 1988) 58 Infiniti (Since 1988) 59 Other Imports 60 BSA 61 Ducati 62 Harley-Davidson 63 Kawasaki 64 Moto Guzzi 65 Norton 67 Yamaha 69 Other Motor Cycle 70 Moped 80 Brockway 81 Diamond Reo 82 Freightliner 83 FWD 84 International Harvester 85 Kenworth 86 Mack 87 Peterbilt 88 White 95 Other Truck/Bus 98 Other Make 99 Unknown Make 1991-Later 01 American Motors 02 Jeep/Kaiser-Jeep/Willys Jeep 03 AM General 06 Chrysler 07 Dodge 08 Imperial 09 Plymouth 10 Eagle 12 Ford 13 Lincoln 14 Mercury 18 Buick/Opel 19 Cadillac FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 97 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 Vehicle Make The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1991-Later 20 Chevrolet 21 Oldsmobile 22 Pontiac 23 GMC 24 Saturn 25 Grumman 26 Coda (Since 2013) 29 Other Domestic Avanti Checker DeSoto Excalibur Hudson Packard Panoz Saleen Studebaker Stutz Tesla (Since 2014) 30 Volkswagen 31 Alfa Romeo 32 Audi 33 Austin/Austin Healey 34 BMW 35 Datsun/Nissan 36 Fiat 37 Honda 38 Isuzu 39 Jaguar 40 Lancia 41 Mazda 42 Mercedes-Benz 43 MG 44 Peugeot 45 Porsche 46 Renault 47 Saab 48 Subaru 49 Toyota 50 Triumph 51 Volvo 52 Mitsubishi 53 Suzuki 54 Acura 55 Hyundai FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 98 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 Vehicle Make The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1991-Later 56 Merkur 57 Yugo 58 Infiniti 59 Lexus 60 Daihatsu 61 Sterling 62 Land Rover 63 Kia 64 Daewoo 65 Smart (Since 2010) 66 Mahindra (2011-2013) 67 Scion (Since 2012) 69 Other Imports Aston Martin Bentley Bertone Bricklin Bugatti Caterham Citroen DeLorean Desta Ferrari Fisker Gazelle Hillman Jensen Koenigsegg Lada Lamborghini Lotus Mahindra (Since 2013) Maserati Maybach McLaren Mini Cooper Morgan Morris Reliant (British) Rolls-Royce Simca Singer Spyker Sunbeam TVR FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 Vehicle Make The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1991-Later 70 BSA 71 Ducati 72 Harley-Davidson 73 Kawasaki 74 Moto Guzzi 75 Norton 76 Yamaha 77 Victory 78 Other Make Moped (Since 2010) 79 Other Make Motored Cycle (Since 2010) 80 Brockway 81 Diamond Reo/Reo 82 Freightliner 83 FWD 84 International Harvester/Navistar 85 Kenworth 86 Mack 87 Peterbilt 88 Iveco/Magirus 89 White/Autocar, White/GMC 90 Bluebird 91 Eagle Coach 92 Gillig 93 MCI 94 Thomas Built 97 Not Reported (Since 2010) 98 Other Make Auto-Union-DKW Carpenter Collins Bus DINA Divco Hino Mid Bus Neoplan Orion Oshkosh Scania Sterling UD Van Hool Western Star 99 Unknown Make FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 100 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V10 The VEHICLE Data File Vehicle Model Definition: This data element identifies the model of this vehicle within a given make. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PMODEL. SAS Name: MODEL Attribute Codes 1975-Later See the current FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual for vehicle model codes. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 101 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 The VEHICLE Data File Body Type Definition: This data element identifies a classification of this vehicle based on its general body configuration, size, shape, doors, etc. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PBODYTYP. 1975-1981: Within the yearly NHTSA report Fatal Accident Reporting System, the term "Light Trucks" includes Vans. The body type data do not track with the original documentation. For example, the documentation states that BODY_TYP EQ 7 is for utility vehicles. However, when the data files are examined one sees that BODY_TYP EQ 43 is the value that will provide the desired result. The data files have been modified to make the early years for this data element compatible with 1981. Note: Utility vehicles are also part of the light truck category Note: BODY_TYP 40, large limousines, are not included as part of Passenger Cars or Passenger Vehicles. 1982-1990: Within the yearly NHTSA report Fatal Accident Report System, the term “Light Truck” includes Vans. Utility vehicles are also part of the light-truck category. Note: BODY_TYP 13, large limousines and BODY_TYP 14, three-wheel automobiles or automobile derivatives, are not included as part of Passenger Cars or Passenger Vehicles. Note: A single-unit truck that tows another vehicle, or a bobtail by itself, is considered a combination truck. 1991-Later: Within the yearly NHTSA publication Traffic Safety Facts, the term "Light Trucks" includes Vans. Note: BODY_TYP 12, large limousines and BODY_TYP 13, three-wheel automobiles or automobile derivatives, are not included as part of Passenger Cars or Passenger Vehicles. When defining School Buses 1993 and later be sure to include the new body type 24 (vanbased school bus). However, body type 24 is not part of Buses. When defining Transit Buses 1993 and later be sure to include the new body type 25 (vanbased transit bus). However, body type 25 is not part of Buses. Note: A single-unit truck that tows another vehicle, or a bobtail, is considered a combination truck. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 102 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) SAS Name: BODY_TYP Attribute Codes 1975-1981 01 Convertible 02 2-Door Sedan HT/Coupe 03 4-Door Sedan HT 04 Hatchback 05 Car-Pickup Body 06 Station Wagon 07 On/Off Road Vehicle – Jeep CJ-S, Bronco, Blazer, Scout, etc. (1975-1979) 08 Other Auto 09 Unknown Auto Type 15 Motorcycle 16 Moped 17 Other Cycle 18 Unknown Cycle 25 School Bus 26 Cross-County 27 Transit Bus 28 Other Bus 29 Unknown Bus 35 Snowmobile 36 Farm Equipment 37 Dune/Swamp Buggy 38 Construction Equipment 39 Ambulance/Hearse Type 40 Large Limousine 41 Camper/Motorhome 42 Fire Truck 43 On/Off-Road Vehicle – Jeep CJ-S, Bronco, Blazer, Scout, etc. (1980-1981) 44 Other Special Vehicle 45 Ambulance EMS 50 Pickup 51 Van 52 Truck-Based Station Wagon 53 Straight Truck, Low GVW 54 Straight Truck, Medium GVW 55 Straight Truck, High GVW 56 Straight Truck, Unknown GVW 57 Two-Unit Truck 58 Multi-Unit Truck 59 Truck-Tractor 60 Unknown Type Truck 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 103 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1982-1990 01 Convertible 02 2-Door Sedan/Ht/Coupe 03 3-Door/2-Door Hatchback 04 4-Door Sedan/Ht 05 5-Door/4-Door Hatchback 06 Station Wagon 07 Hatchback/Number of Doors Unknown 08 Other Auto 09 Unknown Auto Type 10 Auto Pickup 11 Auto Panel 12 Short Utility/Not Truck-Based 13 Large Limousine 14 3-Wheel Vehicle Unknown Body Type 20 Motorcycle 21 Moped 27 3-Wheel Motorcycle Or Moped 28 Other Cycle 29 Unknown Cycle 30 School Bus 31 Cross-Country/Intercity 32 Transit Bus 38 Other Bus 39 Unknown Bus 40 Van 41 Van Commercial Cutaway 42 Van Motorhome 48 Other Van Type 49 Unknown Van Type 50 Pickup 51 Pickup W/Slide-In Camper 52 Pickup-Based Motorhome 53 Cab Chassis Based 54 Truck-Based Panel 55 Truck-Based Station Wagon 56 Truck-Based Utility 58 Other Light Conventional Truck 59 Unknown Light Convent Truck 67 Utility, Base Body Unknown 69 Unknown Light Truck FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 104 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1982-1990 70 Straight Truck, Low GVW 71 Straight Truck, Medium GVW 72 Straight Truck, High GVW 73 Medium/Heavy Truck Motorhome 74 Truck/Tractor 75 Unknown Medium Truck 76 Unknown Heavy Truck 77 Camper/Motorhome 78 Single Unit Straight Truck GVW Unknown 79 Unknown Truck Type 80 Snowmobile 81 Farm Equipment/Not Trucks 82 ATV, Dune/Swamp Buggy 83 Construction Equipment/Not Trucks 88 Other 89 Unknown Other Vehicle 90 3-Wheel Vehicle Unknown Body Type 99 Unknown Body Type 19912009 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 08 09 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -19 2010Later 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 -08 -09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 Convertible (Excludes Sunroof, T-Bar) 2-Door Sedan/Hardtop/Coupe 3-Door/2-Door Hatchback 4-Door Sedan/Hardtop 5-Door/4-Door Hatchback Station Wagon (Excluding Van and Truck-Based) Hatchback, Number of Doors Unknown Other Auto (1991-1993) Sedan/Hardtop, Number of Doors Unknown (Since 1994) Unknown Auto Type (1991-1993) Other or Unknown Automobile Type (Since 1994) Auto-Based Pickup Auto-Based Panel (Cargo Station Wagon, Auto-Based Ambulance or Hearse) Large Limousine – More Than Four Side Doors or Stretch Chassis Three-Wheel Automobile or Automobile Derivative Compact Utility (ANSI D-16 Utility Vehicle Categories “Small” and “Midsize”) Large Utility (ANSI D-16 Utility Vehicle Categories “Full Size” and “Large”) Utility Station Wagon 3-Door Coupe Utility Unknown Body FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 105 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19912009 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 32 33 39 40 2010Later 20 21 22 ---28 29 30 31 32 33 39 40 41 42 45 41 42 45 48 -49 50 51 52 -58 59 60 61 -- 48 48 49 50 51 52 55 58 59 60 61 61 62 -- 62 62 63 -64 -65 66 67 -- 63 63 -64 65 66 67 68 Minivan Large Van – Includes Van-Based Buses Step Van or Walk-In Van Van Motorhome (1991-2002) Van-Based School Bus (1993-2002) Van-Based Transit Bus (1993-2002) Other Van Type (Hi-Cube Van) Unknown Van Type Compact Pickup (Gross Vehicle Weight, GVWR, < 4,500 lbs) Standard Pickup Pickup with Slide-In Camper Convertible Pickup Unknown (Pickup Style) Light Conventional Truck Type Cab Chassis-Based (Includes Light Stake, Light Dump, Light Tow, Rescue Vehicles) Truck-Based Panel Light-Truck-Based Motorhome (Chassis Mounted) Other Light Conventional Truck Type (Includes Stretched Suburban Limousine) Unknown Light-Truck Type (Not a Pickup, 1991-2012) Unknown Light Truck Type (Since 2013) Unknown Light-Vehicle Type (Automobile, Utility Vehicle, Van or Light Truck) School Bus Cross-Country/Intercity Bus (i.e., Greyhound) Transit Bus (City Bus) Van-Based Bus GVWR > 10,000 lbs. (Since 2011) Other Bus Type Unknown Bus Type Step Van Single-Unit Straight Truck (10,000 lbs < GVWR <= 19,500 lbs) (1991-2010) Single-Unit Straight Truck or Cab-Chassis (10,000 lbs < GVWR <= 19,500 lbs) (Since 2011) Single-Unit Straight Truck (19,500 lbs < GVWR <= 26,000 lbs) (1991-2010) Single-Unit Straight Truck or Cab-Chassis (19,500 lbs < GVWR <= 26,000 lbs) (Since 2011) Single-Unit Straight Truck (GVWR > 26,000 lbs) (1991-2010) Single-Unit Straight Truck or Cab-Chassis (GVWR > 26,000 lbs) (Since 2011) Single-Unit Straight Truck Single Unit Straight Truck or Cab-Chassis (GVWR Unknown) (Since 2011) Medium/Heavy Truck-Based Motorhome Truck/Tractor (Cab Only, or with Any Number of Trailing Units: Any Weight) Medium/Heavy Pickup (GVWR > 10,000 lbs) (Since 2001) Single-Unit Straight Truck (GVWR Unknown) (2010 Only) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 106 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19912009 71 2010Later 71 72 72 73 78 79 80 81 82 83 88 88 73 78 79 80 81 82 83 -88 89 90 91 92 93 94 -- 89 90 91 92 93 -94 -97 95 97 -99 98 99 Unknown if Single-Unit or Combination-Unit Medium Truck (10,000 lbs < GVWR < 26,000 lbs) Unknown if Single-Unit or Combination-Unit Heavy Truck (GVWR > 26,000 lbs.) Camper or Motorhome, Unknown Truck Type Unknown Medium/Heavy Truck Type Unknown Truck Type Motorcycle Moped (Motorized Bicycle) Three-Wheel Motorcycle/Moped- Not All-Terrain Vehicle Off-Road Motorcycle (2-Wheel) (Since 1993) Other Motored Cycle Type (Mini-Bikes, Motor Scooters) (1991-2007) Other Motored Cycle Type (Mini-Bikes, Motor Scooters, Pocket Motorcycles, Pocket Bikes) (Since 2008) Unknown Motored Cycle Type ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle; Includes 3 or 4 Wheels) Snowmobile Farm Equipment Other Than Trucks Construction Equipment Other Than Trucks (Includes Graders) Motorized Wheel Chair (1997 Only) Low Speed Vehicle (LSV)/Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) (Since 2011) Golf Cart (Since 2012) Other Vehicle Type (Includes Go-Cart, Fork-Lift, City Street Sweeper, Dune/Swamp Buggy) Not Reported Unknown Body Type More Information on Vehicle (Body Type) Classification FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 107 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V12 The VEHICLE Data File Vehicle Model Year Definition: This data element identifies the manufacturer's model year of this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PMODYEAR. SAS Name: MOD_YEAR Attribute Codes 19751997 00-98 -99 19982009 xxxx -9999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 2010Later xxxx 9998 9999 Actual Model Year Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 108 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V13 The VEHICLE Data File Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Definition: This data element records the vehicle identification number (VIN) of this vehicle assigned by the vehicle manufacturer. The VIN contains information on the vehicle such as: manufacturer, model year, model, body type, restraint type, etc. Additional Information: From 1975 to 1993 the first ten characters of the VIN are recorded; from 1994 onward the first 12 are used. The vehicle manufacturers use the VIN to describe certain characteristics of a vehicle and to assign a serial number to the vehicle. VINA is a software program, maintained by R. L. Polk & Co. that deciphers the VIN for 1966 and newer vehicles that are within the scope of the program. In FARS, the VINA program uses the VIN as input values and returns decoded values for automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles. Vehicle type, determined by the analyst-coded body type, is also used as input to facilitate the program processing. The names of many data elements decoded from the VIN begin with "VIN" or “PVIN.” Some of the results from the VINA program are used as edit checks for these data. Starting in 1981, the Vehicle Identification Numbers were required to conform to an international standard. For vehicles built prior to 1981 one may consult the National Automobile Theft Bureau's publication Passenger Vehicle Identification Manual for the year in question. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PVIN. SAS Name: VIN Attribute Codes 1975-1993 xxxxxxxxxx ----- 1994-2008 -xxxxxxxxxxxx ---- 2009 -xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000000000 --- 2010-Later -xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000000000 888888888888 999999999999 First 10 Characters First 12 Characters No VIN Required Not Reported Unknown More Information on Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 109 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V14 The VEHICLE Data File Vehicle Trailing Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle had any attached trailing units or was towing another motor vehicle. A trailing unit can be a horse trailer, fifth wheel trailer, camper, boat, truck trailer, towed vehicle or any other trailer. Additional Information: This data element not only applies to tractor trailers, but also to boats, cars, and U-Haul-type vehicles that are towed with a trailer hitch. Vehicles pulled by a rope or chain are not counted as towed vehicles. Note that the number of unknowns is 0 until 1982. From 1982 to 1984 the number of unknowns is approximately 2,500 per year. Starting in 1985 the number of unknowns falls to about 300 per year. This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PTRAILER. SAS Name: TOW_VEH Attribute Codes 19751981 0 1 -------- 1982 0 -1 --4 5 --- 19832003 0 -1 2 3 4 ---- 20042008 0 -1 2 3 4 -5 -- 2009Later 0 -1 2 3 4 --5 -- -- -- -- 6 -- -- 9 9 9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Trailing Unit Yes Yes, One Trailing Unit Yes, Two Trailing Units Yes, Three or More Trailing Units Yes, Number of Trailing Units Unknown Yes, Two or More Trailing Units Vehicle Towing another Motor Vehicle Vehicle Towing another Motor Vehicle – Fixed Linkage Vehicle Towing another Motor Vehicle – Non-Fixed Linkage Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 110 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V15 The VEHICLE Data File Jackknife Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle experienced a jackknife anytime during the unstabilized situation. Additional Information: Jackknife applies to a condition which occurs to a “semi” truck (i.e., cab and one or more trailers) while in motion. The condition reflects a loss of control of the truck by the driver in which the trailer yaws more than 15 degrees from its normal straight line path behind the cab. If the final resting configuration of the vehicle is in the jackknife position, it does not necessarily mean that the vehicle has jackknifed (such as, a crash occurring while the vehicle is backing up or parking). From 1975 to 1979, the data element exists in the data files but has not been initialized. These data were not collected. SAS Name: J_KNIFE Attribute Codes 19801981 0 1 2 --- 1982Later 0 1 -2 3 Not an Articulated Vehicle No Yes Yes, First Event Yes, Subsequent Event FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 111 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V16 The VEHICLE Data File Motor Carrier Identification Number (MCID) Definition: This data element records the issuing authority and motor carrier identification number (if applicable) to this vehicle. Additional Information: This 11-character data element is the combination of two data elements, the 2-digit “Motor Carrier Issuing Authority” code (MCARR_I1) followed by the 9character “Identification Number” (MCARR_I2). The Carrier Identification Number is found only on vehicles of interstate for-hire or private carriers in the transportation business. It is the unique number assigned to the Carrier by the United States Department of Commerce Commission, or the State. The number can be either a US DOT number (on interstate private carriers) or an ICC MC number (interstate for-hire carriers). Collected only for buses and trucks over 4,500 kg GVWR (Bodytype (V5)= 60, 64, 6679), this data element is applicable to the following vehicles: Medium/Heavy Trucks: vehicles with two axles/six tires and/or gross weight greater than 10,000 pounds. Buses with 16 or more seats (including the driver) Trucks and Vans of any size carrying hazardous cargo. Light commercial trucks pulling a trailer with gross combination weight rating (GCWR) greater than 10,000 pounds. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PMCARR_ID. SAS Name: MCARR_ID Attribute Codes 19982009 xxxxxxxxxxx 2010Later xxxxxxxxxxx 00000000000 -88888888888 99999999999 00000000000 77777777777 88888888888 99999999999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 11-Character Combination of MCARR_I1 followed by MCARR_I2 Not Applicable Not Reported None Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 112 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V16A The VEHICLE Data File MCID Issuing Authority Definition: This data element records the issuing authority if applicable to this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element is only applicable for the following vehicles: Medium/Heavy Trucks: vehicles with two axles/six tires and/or gross weight greater than 10,000 pounds. Buses with 16 or more seats (including the driver) Trucks and Vans of any size carrying hazardous cargo. Light commercial trucks pulling a trailer with gross combination weight rating (GCWR) greater than 10,000 pounds. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PMCARR_I1. SAS Name: MCARR_I1 Attribute Codes 20072009 00 01-56 57 58 -88 95 96 99 2010Later 00 01-56 57 58 77 88 95 96 99 Not Applicable FARS State Code US DOT MC/MX (ICC) Not Reported None Canada Mexico Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 113 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V16B The VEHICLE Data File MCID Identification Number Definition: This data element records the motor carrier identification number if applicable to this vehicle. Additional Information: The Carrier Identification Number is found only on vehicles of interstate for-hire or private carriers in the transportation business. It is the unique number assigned to the Carrier by the United States Department of Commerce Commission, or the State. The number can be either a US DOT number (on interstate private carriers) or an ICC MC number (interstate for-hire carriers). Collected only for buses and trucks over 4,500 kg GVWR (Bodytype (V5)= 60, 64, 66-79), this data element is applicable to the following vehicles: Medium/Heavy Trucks: vehicles with two axles/six tires and/or gross weight greater than 10,000 pounds. Buses with 16 or more seats (including the driver) Trucks and Vans of any size carrying hazardous cargo. Light commercial trucks pulling a trailer with gross combination weight rating (GCWR) greater than 10,000 pounds. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PMCARR_I2. SAS Name: MCARR_I2 Attribute Codes 2007-Later xxxxxxxxx 000000000 777777777 888888888 999999999 Actual 9-Digit Number Not Applicable Not Reported None Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 114 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V17 The VEHICLE Data File Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Definition: This data element identifies the gross vehicle weight rating of this vehicle if applicable. Additional Information: The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) is a value specified by the manufacturer for a single-unit truck, truck tractor, or trailer. In the absence of a gross vehicle weight rating, an estimate of the gross weight of a fully loaded unit can be substituted. In 2000 the GVWR was the sum of the weight of the power unit and its trailers. Since 2001 this data element is the gross vehicle weight of the Power Unit only. The weight of trailers is not added. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PGVWR. SAS Name: GVWR Attribute Codes 20002009 0 1 2 3 -9 2010Later 0 1 2 3 8 9 Not Applicable 10,000 lbs or Less 10,001 lbs - 26,000 lbs 26,001 lbs or More Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 115 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V18 The VEHICLE Data File Vehicle Configuration Definition: This data element describes the general configuration of this vehicle if applicable. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PV_CONFIG. SAS Name: V_CONFIG Attribute Codes 19911994 0 -- 19952000 0 -- 20012009 -0 2010Later --- -1 -- -1 -- -1 -- 0 -1 2 -3 -4 5 -------- 2 3 4 -5 6 -------- 2 3 4 -5 -6 -7 -8 --- 2 --4 5 --6 -7 -8 10 6 -7 ---- 7 -8 ---- 19 --20 -21 -19 --20 -- -- -- 21 -- -- -- -- 21 -- -- 70 -- -- -- 80 -- FARS Analytical User’s Manual Not Applicable, Not a Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus Not Applicable, Not a Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus or Vehicle Displaying a Hazardous Material Placard Not Applicable Single-Unit Truck (2 axles, 6 tires) Single-Unit Truck (2 axles and GVWR more than 10,000 lbs.) Single-Unit Truck (3 or More axles) Single-Unit Truck (Unknown Number of Axles, Tires) Truck/Trailer(s) Truck Pulling Trailer(s) Truck Tractor (Bobtail, i.e., Tractor Only, No Trailer) Truck Tractor/Semi-Trailer Truck Tractor/Semi-Trailer (One Trailer) Truck Tractor/Semi-Trailer Truck Tractor/Doubles (Two Trailers) Truck Tractor/Double Tractor/Triples (Three Trailers) Truck Tractor/Triple Vehicle 10,000 lbs or Less Placarded for Hazardous Materials Medium/Heavy Trucks, Cannot Classify Truck More than 10,000 lbs., Cannot Classify Bus Bus (Seats for 9-15 Occupants, Including Driver) Bus/Large Van (Seats for 9-15 Occupants, Including Driver) Bus (Seats for More Than 15 People, Including Driver, 2001-2006) Bus (Seats for 16 or More People, Including Driver, 2007-2009) Bus (Seats for More Than 15 Occupants, Including Driver, 2010-Later) Light Truck (Van, Mini-Van, Panel, Pickup, Sport Utility Vehicle Displaying a Hazardous Material Placard) Passenger Car (Only When Displaying a Hazardous Material Placard) Data Element Definitions and Codes 116 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V18 Vehicle Configuration The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19911994 -9 -- 19952000 --9 20012009 --99 2010Later 98 99 -- FARS Analytical User’s Manual Not Reported (2010-2012) Unknown Unknown if Light or Medium/Heavy Truck/Bus Data Element Definitions and Codes 117 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V19 The VEHICLE Data File Cargo Body Type Definition: This data element describes the primary cargo carrying capability of this vehicle if applicable. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PCARGTYP. SAS Name: CARGO_BT Attribute Codes 19911994 0 --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---------- 19952000 0 --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 ---------- 20012008 -0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --8 9 -10 11 -12 20 21 2009Later --0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --8 -9 10 -11 12 --- -- -- 21 -- ------ ---97 -- --96 -97 22 28 96 --- ----- -98 --- --98 -- 97 --98 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Not Applicable Not a Truck or Bus Not Applicable, Not a Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus Not Applicable Van/Enclosed Box Cargo Tank Flatbed Dump Concrete Mixer Auto Transporter Garbage/Refuse Medium/Heavy Truck, Other Body Type Bus Grain, Chips, Gravel Pole Pole-Trailer Log (Since 2007) Intermodal Chassis (2007-2008) Intermodal Container Chassis Vehicle Towing Another Motor Vehicle (Since 2007) Bus (Seats 9-15 People, Including Driver) Bus (Seats More than 15 People, Including Driver, 20012006) Bus (Seats for 16 or More People, Including Driver, 20072008) Bus Not Reported (2010-2012) No Cargo Body Type Medium/Heavy Truck, Other Cargo Body Type Medium/Heavy Truck, or Bus, Other Cargo Body Type (Not Data elements 01-12, 20-21) Other Medium/Heavy Truck, Unknown Cargo Body Type Medium/Heavy Truck, or Bus, Unknown Cargo Body Type Unknown Cargo Body Type Data Element Definitions and Codes 118 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V19 Cargo Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19911994 99 --- 19952000 -99 -- 20012008 -99 -- 2009 --99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 2010Later --99 Unknown Vehicle Type Unknown if Light or Medium/Heavy Truck/Bus Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 119 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V20A/HM1 The VEHICLE Data File Hazardous Material Involvement Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle was carrying hazardous materials. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PHAZ_INV. SAS Name: HAZ_INV 2007-Later 1 No 2 Yes V20B/HM2 Hazardous Material Placard Definition: This data element identifies the presence of hazardous materials for this vehicle and whether this vehicle displayed a hazardous materials placard. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PHAZPLAC. SAS Name: HAZ_PLAC 2007-Later 0 Not Applicable 1 No 2 Yes 8 Not Reported V20C/HM3 Hazardous Material Identification Number Definition: This data element identifies the 4-digit hazardous material identification number for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PHAZ_ID. SAS Name: HAZ_ID 2007-Later 0000 Not Applicable xxxx Actual 4-Digit Number 8888 Not Reported FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 120 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V20D/HM4 The VEHICLE Data File Hazardous Material Class Number Definition: This data element identifies the single-digit hazardous material class number for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PHAZ_CNO. SAS Name: HAZ_CNO 2007 0 1-7 or 9 8 Not Applicable Actual Number Not Reported 2008-Later 0 1-9 88 Not Applicable Actual Number Not Reported V20E/HM5 Release of Hazardous Material from the Cargo Compartment Definition: This data element identifies whether any hazardous cargo was released from the cargo tank or compartment of this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PHAZ_REL. SAS Name: HAZ_REL 2007-Later 0 Not Applicable 1 No 2 Yes 8 Not Reported FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 121 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V21 The VEHICLE Data File Bus Use Definition: This data element describes the common type of bus service this vehicle was being used as at the time of the crash or the primary use for the bus if not in service at the time of the crash. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PBUS_USE. SAS Name: BUS_USE Attribute Codes 2000-2009 0 Not Used as a Bus 1 Used as a Public School Bus 2 Used as a Private School Bus 3 Used as a School Bus, Public or Private Unknown 4 Used as a Scheduled Service Bus 5 Used as a Tour Bus 6 Used as a Commuter Bus 7 Used as a Shuttle Bus 8 Modified for Personal/Private Use 9 Unknown Bus Use 2010-Later 00 Not a Bus 01 School Bus 04 Intercity Bus 05 Charter/Tour Bus 06 Transit/Commuter Bus 07 Shuttle Bus 08 Modified for Personal/Private Use 98 Not Reported 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 122 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V22 The VEHICLE Data File Special Use Definition: This data element identifies any special use associated with this vehicle at the time of the crash. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Person data file set and in the Parkwork data file as PSP_USE. SAS Name: SPEC_USE Attribute Codes 19752009 0 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 ---9 20102011 0 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 --98 99 2012 0 1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --98 99 2013Later 0 1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 13 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Special Use Taxi Vehicle Used for School Bus Vehicle Used as School Transport Vehicle Used as Other Bus Military Police Ambulance (Since 1980) Fire Truck (Since 1982) Emergency Services Vehicle (2009-2012) Non-Transport Emergency Services Vehicle Incident Response Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 123 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V23 The VEHICLE Data File Emergency Motor Vehicle Use Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle was engaged in emergency use. Emergency Use indicates operation of any motor vehicle that is legally authorized by a government authority to respond to emergencies with or without the use of emergency warning equipment, such as a police vehicle, fire truck or ambulance while actually engaged in such response. Additional Information: This data element is applicable only if the vehicle was being used as an emergency vehicle at the time of the crash. Prior to 2013 this data element was called “Emergency Use.” This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PEM_USE. SAS Name: EMER_USE Attribute Codes 19772009 0 -1 ---- 20102012 0 -1 ---- 2013 -0 -2 3 4 2014Later -0 -2 3 4 -- -- 5 5 -- -- -- 6 --- 8 9 8 9 8 9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Not Applicable Yes Non-Emergency, Non-Transport Non-Emergency Transport Emergency Operation, Emergency Warning Equipment Not In Use Emergency Operation, Emergency Warning Equipment In Use Emergency Operation, Emergency Warning Equipment In Use Unknown Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 124 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V24 The VEHICLE Data File Travel Speed Definition: This data element records the speed the vehicle was traveling prior to the occurrence of the crash as reported by the investigating officer. Additional Information: This data is collected after the crash, and is an estimate of the travel speed, which is often a judgment, rather than a measurement. Computing the mean without removing the unknowns will increase the mean travel speed. For the years 1980 and 1981 travel speed was not collected. However, the data element is currently in the database for these two years with all data as missing. With this data element there has always been a high number of unknown cases. Since the data were considered somewhat "uncollectible," a decision was made not to collect the data for these two years. However, although the data were often unavailable, it was considered too important not to try to collect it. Since 2005, data have been collected for parked vehicles and vehicles not in-transport. The values 00 and 000 only apply to motor vehicles in-transport, for example, a vehicle that is intransport, but stopped at a stop light. SAS Name: TRAV_SP Attribute Codes 19752008 00 01-96 97 -98 99 2009Later 000 001-151 -997 998 999 Stopped Motor Vehicle in Transport Reported Speed Up to 151 mph Speed Greater than 96 mph Speed Greater than 151 mph Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 125 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V25 The VEHICLE Data File Underride/Override Definition: This data element identifies this vehicle’s involvement in an underride or override during the crash. Additional Information: Note the striking vehicle, not the vehicle struck, determines the underride/override condition. From 1975 to 1993 both the initial and principal impacts were counted. In the event and only in the event, that the initial or principal impact point was an underride/override were the data element IMPACT1 or IMPACT2 flagged/counted as such. However, all other underrides/overrides were not counted, nor should they have been counted. Impacts were counted, not underrides. Therefore, the data element UNDERIDE was added to the FARS in 1994. The data element UNDERIDE is dependent on the data contained in PAR. The NASS CDS is based on the efforts of professional crash investigators performing detailed analysis of crashes. An analysis of the 1994-1996 FARS and NASS CDS data systems and the 1997 Trucks in Fatal Accident file revealed that underrides and overrides are generally not identified on the PARs. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PUNDERIDE. SAS Name: UNDERIDE Attribute Codes 1994-Later 0 No Underride or Override (1994-2011) 0 No Underride or Override Noted (2012-Later) WITH MOTOR VEHICLE IN TRANSPORT 1 Underride (Compartment Intrusion) 2 Underride (No Compartment Intrusion) 3 Underride (Compartment Intrusion Unknown) WITH MOTOR VEHICLE NOT IN TRANSPORT 4 Underride (Compartment Intrusion) 5 Underride (No Compartment Intrusion) 6 Underride (Compartment Intrusion Unknown) 7 8 9 Override, Motor Vehicle in Transport Override, Motor Vehicle Not in Transport Unknown if Underride or Override FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 126 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V26 The VEHICLE Data File Rollover Definition: This data element identifies this vehicle’s involvement in a rollover or overturn during the crash. Rollover is defined as any vehicle rotation of 90 degrees or more about any true longitudinal or lateral axis. Rollover can occur at any time during the crash. Additional Information: Data are not available from 1975 to 1977. This data element also appears in the Person data file. SAS Name: ROLLOVER Attribute Codes 19782008 0 1 -2 --- 2009Later 0 -1 -2 9 No Rollover First Event Rollover, Tripped by Object/Vehicle Subsequent Event Rollover, Untripped Rollover, Unknown Type FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 127 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V27 The VEHICLE Data File Location of Rollover Definition: This data element identifies the location of the trip point or start of this vehicle's roll. Additional Information: SAS Name: ROLINLOC Attribute Codes 20092010 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -9 2011Later 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 No Rollover On Roadway On Shoulder On Median/Separator In Gore On Roadside Outside of Trafficway In Parking Lane/Zone Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 128 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V28A The VEHICLE Data File Initial Contact Point Definition: This data element identifies the area on this vehicle that produced the first instance of injury to non-motorists or occupants of this vehicle, or that resulted in the first instance of damage to other property or to this vehicle. Additional Information: Prior to 2010 this data element was called “Initial Point of Impact.” In 2010 and 2011 it was called “Initial Damaged Area.” Since 2012 it is called “Initial Contact Point.” Starting in 2010, this data element is derived from the crash events for the vehicle. It is the first recorded “Area of Impact (This Vehicle)” value for this vehicle. The attributes Underride and Override were discontinued in 1993 and “Underride/Override” became its own data element in 1994. Prior to 1994, the striking vehicle, not the vehicle struck, determined the underride/override condition. After the crash, in the case of an override or underride one vehicle is over the other. If the striking vehicle is over the other, then the crash is an override. If the striking vehicle is under the other, the crash is an underride. See the information under “Underride/Override” about using this data element. This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PIMPACT1. SAS Name: IMPACT1 Attribute Codes 19751993 0 1-12 13 14 15 16 -- ---------------99 19942009 0 1-12 13 14 --18 ---------------99 20102011 0 1-12 13 14 ---- 18 ---61 62 -63 -81 82 -83 -98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 2012 0 1-12 13 14 ---- -18 --61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 2013Later 0 1-12 13 14 ---- --18 19 61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 Non-Collision Clock points Top Undercarriage Underride (1980-1993) Override (1982-1993) This Vehicle Set Something in Motion Causing Injury or Damage (Not a Clock Point, 2004-2009) Set-in-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Set-in-Motion (Not a Clock Value) Cargo/Vehicle Parts Set-In-Motion Other Objects Set-In-Motion Left Left-Front Half Left-Front Side Left-Back Half Left-Back Side Right Right-Front Half Right-Front Side Right-Back Half Right-Back Side Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 129 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V29 The VEHICLE Data File Extent of Damage Definition: This data element records the amount of damage sustained by this vehicle as indicated in the case materials based on an operational damage scale. Additional Information: The data element name was “Extent of Deformation” from 1975 to 2008. The data element name was changed to “Extent of Damage” in 2009. The data on 8 (Not Reportable) collected in 1976 are no longer contained in the data file. The data for that year are not consistent with the documentation of the time. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVEH_SEV. SAS Name: DEFORMED Attribute Codes 1975-2008 0 None 2 Other (Minor) 4 Functional (Moderate) 6 Disabling (Severe) 9 Unknown 2009 0 2 4 6 -9 2010Later 0 2 4 6 8 9 No Damage Minor Damage Functional Damage Disabling Damage Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 130 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V30 The VEHICLE Data File Vehicle Removal Definition: This data element describes the mode by which this vehicle left the scene of the crash. Additional Information: The data element name was “Manner of Leaving Scene” from 1975 to 2008. The data element name was changed to “Vehicle Removal” in 2009. The early years are not consistent with the documentation of the time. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PTOWED. SAS Name: TOWAWAY TOWED 1975-2008 2009-Later Attribute Codes 1975 -2 ---4 ---9 19762008 1 2 -3 -----9 2009 1 -2 -3 -4 --9 20102012 1 -2 -3 -4 -8 9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 2013Later --2 -3 --5 8 9 Driven Away Towed Away Towed Due to Disabling Damage Abandoned/Left Scene Towed Not Due to Disabling Damage Not Towed Away Abandoned/Left at Scene Not Towed Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 131 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V32 The VEHICLE Data File Most Harmful Event Definition: This data element describes the event that resulted in the most severe injury or, if no injury, the greatest property damage involving this vehicle. Additional Information: “First Harmful Event” (HARM_EV) applies to the crash. “Most Harmful Event” (M_HARM) applies to the vehicle. Harmful events are judgment calls of the FARS analysts based on the data within the PAR. From 2004 to 2009, the data elements “First Harmful Event,” “Most Harmful Event,” and the “Sequence of Events” have the same attributes. The harmful event attributes were modified to be consistent with the sequence of events data elements. Starting in 2009, these data elements still have the same attributes except non-harmful event attributes were added to the “Sequence of Events” data element. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PM_HARM. SAS Name: M_HARM Attribute Codes 1979-1981 01 Overturn 02 Fire/Explosion 03 Immersion 04 Gas Inhalation 05 Fell from Vehicle 06 Injured in Vehicle 07 Other Non-Collision 08 Pedestrian 09 Pedalcycle 10 Railway Train 11 Animal 12 Motor Vehicle in Transport 13 Motor Vehicle in Transport in Other Roadway 14 Parked Motor Vehicle 15 Other Type Non-Motorist 16 Other Object 18 Building 19 Culvert 20 Curb or Wall 21 Divider 22 Embankment 23 Fence 24 Guard Rail 25 Light Support 26 Sign Post 27 Tree/Shrubbery 28 Utility Pole 29 Other Pole/Support 30 Impact Attenuator FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 132 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V32 Most Harmful Event The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1979-1981 31 Other Fixed Object 32 Bridge or Overpass (Passing Under) 33 Bridge or Overpass (Passing Over) 99 Unknown 19822003 01 02 03 04 05 06 -07 08 09 -10 -11 -12 -13 14 15 -16 17 18 19 20 21 -22 23 -24 25 20042009 01 02 03 04 05 06 -07 08 09 -10 -11 -12 -13 14 -15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -22 23 -24 25 20102012 01 02 03 04 05 -06 07 08 -09 -10 -11 -12 -14 -15 16 17 18 19 20 -21 --23 24 25 2013Later 01 02 03 04 05 -06 07 08 -09 -10 -11 -12 -14 -15 16 17 18 19 20 -21 --23 24 25 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Rollover/Overturn Fire/Explosion Immersion (or Partial Immersion, Since 2012) Gas Inhalation Fell/Jumped from Vehicle Injured in Vehicle Injured in Vehicle (Non-Collision) Other Non-Collision Pedestrian Pedalcycle Pedalcyclist Railway Train Railway Vehicle Animal Live Animal Motor Vehicle in Transport on Same Roadway Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle in Transport on Other Roadway Parked Motor Vehicle Other Type Non-Motorist Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance Thrown or Falling Object Boulder Other Object (Not Fixed) Building Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Bridge Pier or Abutment Bridge Pier or Support Bridge Parapet End Bridge Rail Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet) Guardrail Face Concrete Traffic Barrier Data Element Definitions and Codes 133 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V32 Most Harmful Event The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822003 26 27 28 29 30 -31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 --45 45 -46 47 20042009 26 27 28 29 30 -31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 -44 --45 -46 47 20102012 26 ----30 31 32 33 34 -35 --38 39 40 41 42 43 --44 --45 46 -- 2013Later 26 ----30 31 32 33 34 -35 --38 39 40 41 42 43 --44 --45 46 -- 48 -49 50 ------ 48 -49 50 51 -52 53 54 -48 49 50 -51 52 53 -- -48 49 50 -51 52 53 -- -- -- 54 54 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Other Traffic Barrier Highway/Traffic Sign Post Overhead Sign Support/Sign Luminary/Light Support Utility Pole Utility Pole/Light Support Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support Culvert Curb Ditch Embankment – Earth Embankment Embankment – Rock, Stone, or Concrete Embankment – Material Type Unknown Fence Wall Fire Hydrant Shrubbery Tree (Standing Only) Other Fixed Object Pavement Surface Irregularity (1993 Only) Pavement Surface Irregularity Pavement Surface Irregularity (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.) Transport Device Used as Equipment (1993-2003) Working Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicles Working Motor Vehicle Traffic Signal Support Vehicle Occupant Struck or Run Over by Own Vehicle (Since 1997) Collision With Snow Bank (Since 1997) Snow Bank Ridden Animal or Animal-Drawn Conveyance (Since 1998) Bridge Overhead Structure Jackknife Jackknife (Harmful to This Vehicle) Guardrail End Mail Box Motor Vehicle Struck by Falling/Shifting Cargo or Anything Set in Motion by Another Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle In-Transport Strikes or is Struck by Cargo, Persons or Objects Set-in-Motion from/by Another Motor Vehicle In-Transport Data Element Definitions and Codes 134 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V32 Most Harmful Event The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822003 --------99 20042009 55 55 57 -----99 20102012 -55 57 58 59 72 -98 99 2013Later -55 57 58 59 72 73 -99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Other Not in-Transport Motor Vehicle (2005-2007) Motor Vehicle in Motion Outside the Trafficway (Since 2008) Cable Barrier (Since 2008) Ground Traffic Sign Support Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Harmful to This Vehicle) Object Fell From Motor Vehicle In-Transport Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 135 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V33 The VEHICLE Data File Related Factors- Vehicle Level Definition: This data element records factors related to this vehicle expressed by the investigating officer. Additional Information: There are also crash-level related factors in the Accident data file (CF1, CF2, and CF3), driver-level related factors in the Vehicle data file (DR_SF1, DR_SF2, DR_SF3 and DR_SF4) and person-level related factors in the Person data file (P_SF1, P_SF2, and P_SF3). The FARS analyst may have used either of the two data elements to code a related factor. One must test both data elements to ensure that the selected related factor is included. The set of Pre-existing Vehicle Defects that had been collected under “Related Factors- Vehicle Level” is now captured in the precrash level data element “Contributing Circumstances, Motor Vehicle” (Factor.MFACTOR). These data elements also appear in the Parkwork data file as PVEH_CF1 and PVEH_CF2 in 2009 and prior and as PVEH_SC1 and PVEH_SC2 in 2010 and later. SAS Name: VEH_CF1, VEH_CF2 VEH_SC1, VEH_SC2 1975-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 19751981 0 1 -2 3 4 19822009 0 -1 2 3 4 20102013 0 ------ 2014Later 0 ------ 5 5 -- -- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ----- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 --------------- --------------- FARS Analytical User’s Manual None Tires and Wheels Tires (Does Not Include Wheels, See Value 16) Brake System Steering System- Tie Rod, Kingpin, Ball Joint, etc. Suspension- Springs, Shock Absorbers, MacPherson struts, Axle Bearing, Control Arms, etc. Power Train (Power Train/Engine, 2001-2009)- Universal Joint, Drive Shaft, Transmission, etc. Exhaust System Headlights Signal Lights Other Lights Horn Mirrors Wipers Driver Seating and Control Body, Doors, Hood, Other Trailer Hitch Wheels Air Bags (1995-2009) Other Vehicle Defects Safety Belts (2002-2009) Data Element Definitions and Codes 136 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V33 Related Factors- Vehicle Level The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19751981 ------- 19822009 --31 32 33 34 20102013 30 --32 33 -- 2014Later -30 -32 33 -- ----- 35 35 36 37 -35 36 37 -35 -37 --- 38 39 -39 -39 --- 40 41 40 41 40 41 -- 42 42 42 -- 43 -- -- -99 44 99 44 99 44 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 3-Wheeled Motorcycle Conversion (Since 2012) Multi-Wheeled Motorcycle Conversion (Since 2012) Hit-and-Run Vehicle (1982-2008) Vehicle Registration for Handicapped Vehicle Being Pushed by Non-Motorist Vehicle Impact Point- the Result of Something Set in Motion (1998-2003) Reconstructed Vehicle (1998-2007) Reconstructed/Altered Vehicle (Since 2008) Electric/Alternative Fuel Vehicle (Since 1999) Transporting Children to/from Head Start/Day Care (Since 2000) Vehicle Went Airborne During Crash (2001-2003) Highway Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicle, In Transport (Inside or Outside Work Zone) (Since 2002) Highway Incident Response Vehicle (Since 2002) Police Fire or EMS Vehicle Working at the Scene of an Emergency or Performing Other Traffic Control Activities (Since 2004) Other Working Vehicle (Not Construction, Maintenance, Utility, Police, Fire, or EMS Vehicle, Since 2004) Hazardous Materials/Cargo Released From This Vehicle (2005-2006) Adaptive Equipment (Since 2007) Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 137 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V34 The VEHICLE Data File Fire Occurrence Definition: This data element identifies whether a fire in any way related to the crash occurred in this vehicle. Additional Information: From 1975 to 1979 if an explosion occurred in the vehicle, with or without a fire, this data element would also be set to 1. This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PFIRE. SAS Name: FIRE_EXP Attribute Codes 19752007 0 -1 --- 2008 0 -1 -2 2009Later -0 -1 -- No Fire No or Not Reported Fire Occurred in This Vehicle during Crash Yes Fire Occurred in This Vehicle and Initiated Fire/Explosion in Another Vehicle FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 138 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V100 The VEHICLE Data File Make Model Combined Definition: This derived data element represents the 5-digit combination of two data elements, the 2-digit “Vehicle Make” code (MAKE) followed by the 3-digit “Vehicle Model” code (MODEL). Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PMAK_MOD. SAS Name: MAK_MOD Attribute Codes 1975-Later See the current FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual for vehicle make and model codes. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 139 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V101 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 1 Definition: This data element represents the first character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_1. SAS Name: VIN_1 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x First Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 140 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V102 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 2 Definition: This data element represents the second character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_2. SAS Name: VIN_2 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Second Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 141 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V103 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 3 Definition: This data element represents the third character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_3. SAS Name: VIN_3 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Third Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 142 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V104 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 4 Definition: This data element represents the fourth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_4. SAS Name: VIN_4 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Fourth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 143 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V105 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 5 Definition: This data element represents the fifth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_5. SAS Name: VIN_5 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Fifth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 144 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V106 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 6 Definition: This data element represents the sixth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_6. SAS Name: VIN_6 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Sixth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 145 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V107 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 7 Definition: This data element represents the seventh character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_7. SAS Name: VIN_7 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Seventh Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 146 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V108 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 8 Definition: This data element represents the eighth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_8. SAS Name: VIN_8 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Eighth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 147 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V109 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 9 Definition: This data element represents the ninth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_9. SAS Name: VIN_9 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Ninth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 148 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V110 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 10 Definition: This data element represents the tenth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_10. SAS Name: VIN_10 Attribute Codes 1975-Later x Tenth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 149 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V111 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 11 Definition: This data element represents the eleventh character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_11. SAS Name: VIN_11 Attribute Codes 1994-Later x Eleventh Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 150 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V112 The VEHICLE Data File VIN Character 12 Definition: This data element represents the twelfth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Parkwork data set as PVIN_12. SAS Name: VIN_12 Attribute Codes 1994-Later x Twelfth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 151 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V150 The VEHICLE Data File Fatalities in Vehicle Definition: This data element records the number of fatalities that occurred in this vehicle. Additional Information: The data element is derived by counting all persons with “Injury Severity” of 4 in the vehicle. The data element “Fatalities” in the Accident data file provides the number of deaths for the entire crash. This is a derived data element and is not coded on the form directly. In 1976, this value is always set to 0. This data element also appears in the Parkwork data file as PDEATHS. SAS Name: DEATHS Attribute Codes 1975-Later 01-99 Number of Fatalities that Occurred in the Vehicle. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 152 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V151 The VEHICLE Data File Driver Drinking Definition: This data element records whether the driver was drinking. Additional Information: This data element is derived from data elements in the Vehicle and Person data files. Data are analyzed and if there is "sufficient information" to conclude that a driver was drinking, i.e., positive BAC data or police-reported alcohol involvement, then a driver is classified as drinking. A driver is classified as drinking (alcohol-involved) if the driver has (1) police-reported alcohol involvement, or (2) a positive alcohol test result. A driver who is charged with an alcohol violation does not by itself make the driver a "drinking driver" by this definition. Note that alcohol data is often missing. For that reason this data element may under-count the actual number of drinking drivers. SAS Name: DR_DRINK Attribute Codes 19751981 0 1 9 1982Later 0 1 -- No Drinking Drinking Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 153 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D4 The VEHICLE Data File Driver Presence Definition: This data element identifies whether a driver was present in this vehicle at the onset of the unstabilized situation. Additional Information: SAS Name: DR_PRES Attribute Codes 19751977 -1 -2 ---- 19782008 -1 --2 3 4 2009Later 0 -1 ----- -- 4 -- 9 9 9 No Driver Present/Not Applicable Driver Operated Vehicle Yes No Driver Driverless (No Driver) Driver Left Scene Motor Vehicle not In-Transport (Parked/Stopped Off Roadway/ Working Motor Vehicle/In Motion Outside Trafficway, 2008 Only) Motor Vehicle not In-Transport (Parked/Stopped Off Roadway/Working/ In Motion Outside Trafficway, 2005-2007) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 154 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D5 The VEHICLE Data File Driver’s License State Definition: This element identifies the state of issue for the license held by this driver. Additional Information: SAS Name: L_STATE Attribute Codes 1975-Later 01 Alabama 02 Alaska 03 American Samoa 04 Arizona 05 Arkansas 06 California 08 Colorado 09 Connecticut 10 Delaware 11 District of Columbia 12 Florida 13 Georgia 14 Guam 15 Hawaii 16 Idaho 17 Illinois 18 Indiana 19 Iowa 20 Kansas 21 Kentucky 22 Louisiana 23 Maine 24 Maryland 25 Massachusetts 26 Michigan 27 Minnesota 28 Mississippi 29 Missouri 00 93 94 94 95 96 97 98 99 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands (Since 2004) Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming No Driver Present (Since 2010) Indian Nation (Since 2009) Military (1975-2006) U.S. Government (Since 2007) Canada Mexico Other Foreign Country Not reported (Since 2010) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 155 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D6 The VEHICLE Data File Driver’s ZIP Code Definition: This data element records the zip code of the driver’s address as listed in the case material. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). SAS Name: DR_ZIP Attribute Codes 19872010 00000 xxxxx -99999 2011Later 00000 xxxxx 99997 99999 Not a Resident of U. S. or Territories Actual Zip Code, Five Numeric No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 156 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D7 Non-CDL License Type/Status D7A Non-CDL License Type The VEHICLE Data File Definition: This data element identifies the type of license held by this driver at the time of the crash. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). SAS Name: L_TYPE Attribute Codes 20042010 0 1 2 -7 8 9 D7B 2011Later 0 1 2 6 7 8 9 Not Licensed Full Driver License Intermediate Driver License No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Learner’s Permit Temporary License Unknown License Type Non-CDL License Status Definition: This data element identifies the status of the driver’s license at the time of the crash. Additional Information: For 1975-1981, values 3 and 7 make up the valid license category. For 1982-1986, values 2, 7, and 8 are all valid license categories. For 1987-1992, values 5, 6, 7 and 8 make up the valid license category. Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). SAS Name: L_STATUS Attribute Codes 1975-1981 0 None Required 1 No License, License Required 2 Licensed, But Not for This Type Vehicle 3 Valid License for This Type Vehicle 4 Suspended License 5 Revoked License 6 Expired License 7 Learner's Permit 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 157 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D7B Non- CDL License Status The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19821986 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 ---7 --- 19871992 -0 --1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 --- 19932003 -0 --1 2 3 4 --6 -7 -- 20042009 -0 --1 2 3 4 --6 ---- 2010 -0 --1 2 3 4 --6 ---- 2011Later -0 --1 2 3 4 --6 --7 8 9 -- 8 9 -- 8 9 -- --9 --9 --9 None Required Not Licensed None Valid Suspended Revoked Expired Cancelled or Denied Single-Class License Multiple-Class License Valid License Learner's Permit Learner's Permit/Restricted No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Temporary Unknown Unknown License Status More Information on Driver License Status/Type FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 158 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D8 The VEHICLE Data File Commercial Motor Vehicle License Status Definition: This data element indicates the status of the driver’s Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) if applicable. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). SAS Name: CDL_STAT Attribute Codes 1991-1992 0 No Commercial Driver's License (CDL Not Required) 1 No CDL (CDL Required) 2 No CDL (Unknown if CDL Required) 3 CDL (CDL Not Required) 4 CDL (CDL REQUIRED) 5 CDL (Unknown if CDL Required) 6 Unknown CDL (CDL Not Required) 7 Unknown CDL (CDL Required) 9 Unknown CDL (Unknown if CDL Required) 19932009 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---- 2010 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --98 99 2011 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -97 98 99 2012Later 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -97 -99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Suspended Revoked Expired Cancelled or Denied Disqualified Valid Learner's Permit Other – Not Valid Unknown CDL No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Not Reported Unknown License Status Data Element Definitions and Codes 159 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D9 The VEHICLE Data File Compliance with CDL Endorsements Definition: This data element identifies whether the vehicle driven at the time of the crash required endorsement(s) on a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and whether this driver was complying with the CDL endorsements. Additional Information: Data was not collected prior to 1991. Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). SAS Name: L_ENDORS Attribute Codes 19912009 0 1 2 3 --9 2010 0 1 2 3 -8 9 2011 0 1 2 3 7 8 9 2012Later 0 1 2 3 7 -9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Endorsements Required For This Vehicle Endorsement(s) Required, Complied With Endorsement(s) Required, Not Complied With Endorsement(s) Required, Compliance Unknown No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Not Reported Unknown, if Required Data Element Definitions and Codes 160 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D10 The VEHICLE Data File License Compliance with Class of Vehicle Definition: This data element identifies the type of license possessed or not possessed by this driver for the class of vehicle being driven at the time of the crash. Additional Information: Data not available before 1982. Since 2004, this data element addresses license compliance with class of vehicle. Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). SAS Name: L_CL_VEH L_COMPL 1982-1986 1987-Later 1982-1986 0 No License Required 1 No License, License Required 2 Valid License for This Class Vehicle Only 3 One Valid License, but Not for This Class Vehicle 4 Multiple Class Licenses, Valid License for This Class Vehicle 5 Multiple Class Licenses, Not Valid License for This Class Vehicle 9 Unknown 19871992 0 1 2 3 ---- 19932009 0 1 2 3 --8 2010 0 1 2 3 -7 8 2011 0 1 2 3 6 7 8 2012Later 0 1 2 3 6 -8 9 9 9 9 9 Not Licensed No License Required for This Class Vehicle No Valid License for This Class Vehicle Valid License for This Class Vehicle No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Not Reported Unknown if CDL and/or CDL Endorsement Required for This Vehicle Unknown More Information on Driver License Type Compliance FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 161 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D11 The VEHICLE Data File Compliance with License Restrictions Definition: This data element indicates whether this driver was compliant with restrictions on their license. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). SAS Name: L_RESTRI Attribute Codes 19752009 0 1 2 3 --9 2010 0 1 2 3 -8 9 2011 0 1 2 3 7 8 9 2012Later 0 1 2 3 7 -9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Restrictions or Not Applicable Restrictions Complied With Restrictions Not Complied With Restrictions, Compliance Unknown No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 162 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D12 The VEHICLE Data File Driver Height Definition: This data element identifies this driver's height (in inches). Additional Information: This information was coded in 2 sub fields which are in Feet or in Inches. If both the Driver Height in Feet and Driver Height in Inches are known then we do the conversion using (Feet)*12 + inches; If Feet is Unknown or if Inches are 98 (Other) or 99 (Unknown) then DR_HGT=999 (Unknown). Minimum height 2 feet = 24 inches, Maximum height 8 feet 11 inches = 107 inches. In 2009, if feet and/or inches are unknown (9,99) or blank then the Driver Height is left blank. However in 2010, if feet and/or inches are unknown (9,99) then the Driver Height is computed as 999 (Unknown). The Driver Presence data element is not taken into account. In 2011, if feet and/or inches are unknown (9,99) and Driver Presence is 1, then the Driver Height is computed as 999 (Unknown) otherwise Driver Height is computed as 998 (No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present). SAS Name: DR_HGT Attribute Codes 19982010 24-107 -999 2011Later 24-107 998 999 Actual Height in Inches No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 163 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D13 The VEHICLE Data File Driver Weight Definition: This data element identifies this driver's weight (in pounds). Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). SAS Name: DR_WGT Attribute Codes 19982010 40-700 -998 999 2011Later 40-700 997 998 999 Actual Weight in Pounds No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Other Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 164 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D14 The VEHICLE Data File Previous Recorded Crashes Definition: This data element records any previous crashes for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: PREV_ACC Attribute Codes 19751993 00 01-97 98 -99 -- 19942010 00 01-97 -98 99 -- 2011Later 00 01-97 -98 99 998 FARS Analytical User’s Manual None Actual Value CDL Disqualified Not Reported on Driving Record Unknown No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Data Element Definitions and Codes 165 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D15 The VEHICLE Data File Previous Recorded Suspensions and Revocations Definition: This data element records any previous license suspensions or revocations for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: If a driver has been disqualified for a CDL this event is recorded in Previous Recorded Suspensions and Revocations. Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: PREV_SUS Attribute Codes 19751993 00 01-97 98 99 -- 19942010 00 01-97 -99 -- 2011Later 00 1-97 -99 998 FARS Analytical User’s Manual None Actual Value CDL Disqualified Unknown No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Data Element Definitions and Codes 166 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D16 The VEHICLE Data File Previous DWI Convictions Definition: This data element records any previous DWI convictions for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: PREV_DWI Attribute Codes 19751993 00 01-97 98 99 -- 19942010 00 01-97 -99 -- 2011Later 00 01-97 -99 998 FARS Analytical User’s Manual None Actual Value CDL Disqualified Unknown No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Data Element Definitions and Codes 167 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D17 The VEHICLE Data File Previous Speeding Convictions Definition: This data element records any previous speeding convictions for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: Speeding violations count going too slow, as well as going too fast. Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: PREV_SPD Attribute Codes 19751993 00 01-97 98 99 -- 19942010 00 01-97 -99 -- 2011Later 00 01-97 -99 998 FARS Analytical User’s Manual None Actual Value CDL Disqualified Unknown No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Data Element Definitions and Codes 168 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D18 The VEHICLE Data File Previous Other Moving Violation Convictions Definition: This data element records any other previous moving violations or convictions for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: PREV_OTH Attribute Codes 19751993 00 01-97 98 99 -- 19942010 00 01-97 -99 -- 2011Later 00 01-97 -99 998 FARS Analytical User’s Manual None Actual Value CDL Disqualified Unknown No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Data Element Definitions and Codes 169 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The VEHICLE Data File D19 Date of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction D19A Month of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction Definition: This data element records the month of the first crash, suspension, or conviction for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: FIRST_MO Attribute Codes 19752010 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 -99 2011Later 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 98 99 No Record January February March April May June July August September October November December No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 170 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D19B The VEHICLE Data File Year of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction Definition: This data element records the year of the first crash, suspension, or conviction for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: FIRST_YR Attribute Codes 19751997 00 xx -99 19982010 0000 xxxx -9999 2011Later 0000 xxxx 9998 9999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Record Actual Year No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 171 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The VEHICLE Data File D20 Date of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction D20A Month of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction Definition: This data element records the month of the last crash, suspension, or conviction for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: LAST_MO Attribute Codes 19752010 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 -99 2011Later 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 98 99 No Record January February March April May June July August September October November December No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 172 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D20B The VEHICLE Data File Year of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction Definition: This data element records the year of the last crash, suspension, or conviction for this driver that occurred within five* years of the crash date. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). * Prior to 2015, the time frame for this data element was any occurrence within three years of the crash date. SAS Name: LAST_YR Attribute Codes 19751997 00 xx -99 19982010 0000 xxxx -9999 2011Later 0000 xxxx 9998 9999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Record Actual Year No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 173 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D22 The VEHICLE Data File Speeding Related Definition: This data element records whether the driver's speed was related to the crash as indicated by law enforcement. Additional Information: Prior to 2011, if no driver was present or the driver presence was unknown, then this data element was left blank. In SAS, these blank values are represented by a single dot or period (.). Prior to 2013, this data element was called “Speed Related.” SAS Name: SPEEDREL Attribute Codes 20092010 0 1 -----9 20112012 0 1 ----8 9 2013Later 0 -2 3 4 5 8 9 No Yes Yes, Racing Yes, Exceeded Speed Limit Yes, Too Fast for Conditions Yes, Specifics Unknown No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Unknown More Information on Speeding FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 174 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D24 The VEHICLE Data File Related Factors- Driver Level Definition: This data element records factors related to this driver expressed by the investigating officer. Additional Information: There are also crash-level related factors in the Accident data file (CF1, CF2, and CF3), vehicle-level related factors in the Vehicle data file (VEH_SC1 and VEH_SC2), and person-level related factors in the Person data file (P_SF1, P_SF2, and P_SF3). The person-related factors P_SF1, P_SF2, and P_SF3 are all set to 0 for drivers. The FARS Analyst may have used any of the three data elements (1975-1996) or four data elements (1997-later) to code a driver-related factor. One must test all of these data elements to ensure that the selected related factor is included. Early data files are not consistent with the documentation of the time. The following interpretation is suggested for current/future analysis. A police pursuit is an event that is initiated when a law enforcement officer, operating an authorized emergency vehicle, gives notice to stop (either through the use of visual or audible emergency signals or a combination of emergency devices) to a motorist who the officer is attempting to apprehend and that motorist fails to comply with the signal by either maintaining speed, increasing speed, or taking other evasive action to elude the officer's continued attempts to stop the motorist. This is recorded if any “Related Factor – Driver Level” is coded as 37. From 1975 to 1981, see “Related Factors- Crash Level” for attributes under Swerving Due To and Vision Obscured By. Some information that had been collected under “Related Factors- Driver Level” is now captured in “Condition (Impairment) at Time of Crash- Driver or in two Non-Motor Vehicle Occupant data elements; “Non-Motorist Action/Circumstances Prior to Crash” and “Non-Motorist Action/Circumstances at Time of Crash.” SAS Name: DR_CF1, DR_CF2, DR_CF3 DR_CF1, DR_CF2, DR_CF3, DR_CF4 DR_SF1, DR_SF2, DR_SF3, DR_SF4 1975-1996 1997-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 1975-1981 0 None PHYSICAL/MENTAL CONDITION 1 Drowsy, Sleepy, Asleep, Fatigued 2 Ill, Blackout 3 Depression 4 Reaction to Drugs- Medication 5 Other Drugs (Marijuana, Cocaine, etc.) 6 Inattentive (Talking, Eating, etc.) 7 Physical Impairments 8 Died Prior to Crash FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 175 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D24 Related Factors- Driver Level The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1975-1981 MISCELLANEOUS CAUSES 20 Leaving Vehicle Unattended with Engine Running Leaving Vehicle Unattended in Roadway 21 Overloading or Improper Loading of Vehicle with Passengers or Cargo 22 Towing or Pushing Vehicle Improperly 23 Failing to Dim Lights or to Have Lights on When Required 24 Operating Without Required Equipment 25 Creating Unlawful Noise or using Equipment Prohibited by Law 26 Following Improperly 27 Improper or Erratic Lane Changing 28 Failure to Keep in Proper Lane or Running off Road 29 Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch or Sidewalk or on Median 30 Making Improper Entry to or Exit from Trafficway 31 Starting or Backing Improperly 32 Opening Vehicle Closure into Moving Traffic or Vehicle is in Motion 33 Passing Where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, Hill or Curve, or School Bus Displaying Warning Not to Pass 34 Passing on Wrong Side 35 Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle 36 Operating the Vehicle in an Erratic, Reckless, Careless, or Negligent Manner 37 High-Speed Chase with Police in Pursuit (Since 1978) 38 Failure to Yield Right of Way 39 Failure to Obey Traffic Signs, Traffic Control Devices or Traffic Officers, Failure to Observe Safety Zone 40 Passing Through or Around Barrier 41 Failure to Observe Warnings or Instructions on Vehicle Displaying Them 42 Failure to Signal Intentions 43 Giving Wrong Signal 44 Driving Too Fast for Conditions or in Excess of Posted Speed Limit 45 Driving Less Than Posted Maximum 46 Operating at Erratic or Suddenly Changing Speeds 47 Making Right Turn from Left Turn-Lane; Making Left-Turn from Right-Turn Lane 48 Making Improper Turn 49 Failure to Comply With Physical Restrictions of License 50 Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Trafficway 51 Driving on Wrong Side of Road 52 Operator Inexperience 53 Unfamiliar With Roadway 54 Stopping in Roadway (Since 1979) 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 176 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D24 Related Factors- Driver Level The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1982- 2010- 20152009 2014 Later 0 0 0 None PHYSICAL / MENTAL CONDITION 1 --Drowsy, Sleepy, Asleep, Fatigued 2 --Ill, Passed Out/Blackout 3 --Emotional (e.g., Depression, Angry, Disturbed) 4 4 4 Reaction to or Failure to Take Drugs/Medication 5 --Other Drugs (Marijuana, Cocaine, etc., 1982-1994) 5 --Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs, or Medication (Since 2003) 6 --Inattentive/Careless (Talking, Eating, Car Phones, etc.) -6 6 Careless Driving (Since 2012) 7 --Restricted to Wheelchair 8 --Paraplegic (1982-1994, See Data element 11) 8 8 8 Road Rage/Aggressive Driving (Since 2004) 9 --Impaired Due to Previous Injury 10 --Deaf (1982-1994) 11 --Other Physical Impairment (Includes Paraplegic Since 1995) 12 12 12 Mother of Dead Fetus/Mother of Infant Born Post Crash 13 13 13 Mentally Challenged (Since 1995) 14 --Failure to Take Drugs/Medication (1995-2004) 15 15 15 Seat Back Not in Normal Position, Seat Back Reclined (Since 2002) MISCELLANEOUS FACTORS 16 16 16 Police or Law Enforcement Officer (Since 2002) 17 --Running off Road (2000-2003) 18 18 18 Traveling on Prohibited Trafficways (Since 1995) 19 19 19 Legally Driving on Suspended or Revoked License 20 20 20 Leaving Vehicle Unattended with Engine Running; Leaving Vehicle Unattended in Roadway 21 21 21 Overloading or Improper Loading of Vehicle with Passenger or Cargo 22 22 22 Towing or Pushing Vehicle Improperly 23 23 23 Failing to Dim Lights or to Have Lights on When Required 24 24 24 Operating Without Required Equipment 25 --Creating Unlawful Noise or Using Equipment Prohibited by Law 26 26 26 Following Improperly 27 27 27 Improper or Erratic Lane Changing 28 --Failure to Keep in Proper Lane or Running off Road (1982-1999) 28 28 -Failure to Keep in Proper Lane (Since 2000) --28 Improper Lane Usage 29 29 -Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch, or Sidewalk, or on Median -29 29 Intentional Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch, or Sidewalk, or on Median (Since 2014) 30 30 30 Making Improper Entry to or Exit from Trafficway FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 177 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D24 Related Factors- Driver Level The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 31 32 33 20102014 31 32 33 2015Later 31 32 -- -- -- 33 34 -35 34 -35 -34 35 36 36 -- -- -- 36 37 -- -37 -37 38 39 38 39 38 39 40 41 40 41 40 41 42 43 44 42 --- 42 --- 44 45 46 46 46 47 -45 ---47 -45 ---47 48 49 50 51 -- 48 -50 51 51 48 -50 -51 52 53 54 55 52 53 54 -- 52 53 54 -- Starting or Backing Improperly Opening Vehicle Closure into Moving Traffic or Vehicle is in Motion Passing Where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, Hill or Curve, or School Bus Displaying Warning Not to Pass Passing Where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, or School Bus Displaying Warning Not to Pass Passing on Wrong Side Passing on Right Side Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle Operating the Vehicle in an Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner or Operating at Erratic or Suddenly Changing Speeds Operating the Vehicle in an Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner High-Speed Chase with Police in Pursuit (See Police Pursuit Note) Police Pursuing this Driver or Police Officer in Pursuit (See Police Pursuit Note) Failure to Yield Right of Way Failure to Obey Actual Traffic Signs, Traffic Control Devices or Traffic Officers, Failure to Observe Safety Zone Traffic Laws Passing Through or Around Barrier Failure to Observe Warnings or Instructions on Vehicle Displaying Them Failure to Signal Intentions Driving too Fast for Conditions (2008 Only) Driving too Fast for Conditions or in Excess of Posted Speed Limit (1982-2007) Driving in Excess of Posted Speed Limit (2008 Only) Driving Less Than Posted Maximum Operating at Erratic or Suddenly Changing Speeds (1982-1994) Not Used (1995-1997) Racing (1998-2008) Making Right Turn from Left-Turn Lane or Making Left Turn from Right-Turn Lane Making Improper Turn Failure to Comply With Physical Restrictions of License (1982-2004) Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Trafficway Driving on Wrong Side of Road (Intentionally or Unintentionally) Driving on Wrong Side of Two-way Trafficway (Intentionally or Unintentionally)(Since 2014) Operator Inexperience Unfamiliar With Roadway Stopping in Roadway (Vehicle Not Abandoned) Underriding a Parked Truck (1982-2008) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 178 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D24 Related Factors- Driver Level The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 56 57 58 59 59 -60 20102014 -57 58 -59 --- 2015Later --58 --59 -- Improper Tire Pressure (1982-2005) Locked Wheel Over Correcting Getting Off/Out of or On/In to Moving Vehicle (1982-2004) Getting Off/Out of or On/In to a Vehicle (Since 2004) Getting Off/Out of a Vehicle Getting Off/Out of or On/In to Non-Moving Vehicle (1982-2004) VISION OBSCURED BY 61 --Rain, Snow, Fog, Smoke, Sand, Dust (1982-2008) 62 --Reflected Glare, Bright Sunlight, Headlights (1982-2008) 63 --Curve, Hill, or Other Design Features (Including Traffic Signs, Embankment 1982-2008) 64 --Building, Billboard, etc. (1982-2008) 65 --Trees, Crops, Vegetation (1982-2008) 66 --Motor Vehicle (Including Load 1982-2008) 67 --Parked Vehicle (1982-2008) 68 --Splash or Spray of Passing Vehicle (1982-2008) 69 --Inadequate Defrost or Defog System (1982-2008) 70 --Inadequate Vehicle Lighting System (1982-2008) 71 --Obstructing Angles on Vehicle (1982-2008) 72 --Mirrors- Rear View (1982-2008) 73 --Mirrors- Other (1982-2001) SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES 73 73 73 Driver Has Not Complied with Learners Permit or Intermediate Driver License Restrictions (GDL Restrictions, Since 2004) 74 --Head Restraints (1982-2001) 74 74 74 Driver Has Not Complied With Physical or Other Imposed Restrictions (Since 2004) 75 --Broken or Improperly Cleaned Windshield (1982-2008) 76 --Other Obstruction (1982-2008) SKIDDING, SWERVING, OR SLIDING DUE TO 77 77 77 Severe Crosswind 78 78 78 Wind from Passing Truck 79 79 79 Slippery or Loose Surface 80 80 80 Tire Blow-Out or Flat 81 81 81 Debris or Objects in Road 82 82 82 Ruts, Holes, Bumps in Road 83 83 83 Live Animals in Road 84 84 84 Vehicle in Road 85 85 85 Phantom Vehicle 86 86 86 Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist, or Other Non-Motorist in Road 87 87 87 Ice, Water, Snow, Slush, Sand, Dirt, Oil, Wet Leaves on Road 88 88 88 Trailer Fishtailing or Swaying (Since 2001) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 179 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D24 Related Factors- Driver Level The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 20102014 2015Later SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES 89 --Carrying Hazardous Cargo Improperly (1994-2009) -89 89 Driver has a Driving Record or Driver’s License from More than One State 90 --Hit-and-Run Vehicle Driver 91 91 91 Non-Traffic Violation Charged (Manslaughter, Homicide or Other Assault Offense Committed Without Malice, Since 1986) 92 92 92 Other Non-Moving Traffic Violation (1986-2011) POSSIBLE DISTRACTIONS INSIDE VEHICLE 93 --Cellular Telephone (Since 1991) 94 --Fax Machine (1991-2001) 94 --Cellular Telephone in Use in Vehicle (Since 2002) 95 --Computer (1991-2001) 95 --Computer Fax Machines/Printers (Since 2002) 96 --On-Board Navigation System (Since 1991) 97 --Two-Way Radio (Since 1991) 98 --Head-Up Display (Since 1991) 99 99 99 Unknown More Information on Police Pursuits FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 180 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC5 The VEHICLE Data File Trafficway Description Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the trafficway flow just prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: VTRAFWAY Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Non-Trafficway Area Non-Trafficway or Driveway Access Two-Way, Not Divided Two-Way, Divided, Unprotected (Painted > 4 Feet) Median Two-Way, Divided, Positive Median Barrier One-Way Trafficway Two-Way, Not Divided With a Continuous Left-Turn Lane Entrance/Exit Ramp Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 181 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC6 The VEHICLE Data File Total Lanes in Roadway Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the number of travel lanes just prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event. Additional Information: The number of lanes refers to the number of lanes of a continuous cross-section of roadway. For example, a local roadway with one lane going north and one lane going south would be coded as two lanes. However, if a trafficway is a divided highway with two lanes going north, a median, and two lanes going south, then the number of lanes is coded as two. If a trafficway has two lanes going north immediately adjacent to two lanes going south, one continuous cross-section of roadway, then the number of lanes is coded as four. This data element can be used with the Trafficway Description data element VTRAFWAY to determine the trafficway geometry. For example: If (VNUM_LAN= 2) AND (VTRAFWAY=1), then one has a two-lane roadway that is not physically divided, which is what most people think of as a two-lane road (i.e., one lane going in each direction). If the roadway is a divided trafficway, the number of travel lanes counts only lanes in the direction of travel of the first harmful event. If the roadway is an undivided trafficway, the number of travel lanes are all the lanes regardless of their direction of travel. In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: VNUM_LAN Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Non-Trafficway Area Non-Trafficway or Driveway Access One Lane Two Lanes Three Lanes Four Lanes Five Lanes Six Lanes Seven or More Lanes Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 182 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC7 The VEHICLE Data File Speed Limit Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the speed limit just prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: VSPD_LIM Attribute Codes 2010 0 -1-97 -98 99 20112012 0 --5-80 98 99 2013Later -0 -5-80 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Statutory Limit/Non-Trafficway Area No Statutory Limit/Non-Trafficway or Driveway Access Speed Limit (mph) Speed Limit (5 mph Increments) Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 183 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC8 The VEHICLE Data File Roadway Alignment Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the roadway alignment prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: VALIGN Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 8 9 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 8 9 Non-Trafficway Area Non-Trafficway or Driveway Access Straight Curve Right Curve Left Curve – Unknown Direction Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 184 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC9 The VEHICLE Data File Roadway Grade Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the roadway grade prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. Prior to 2010, this data element was called Roadway Profile. SAS Name: VPROFILE Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Non-Trafficway Area Non-Trafficway or Driveway Access Level Grade, Unknown Slope Hillcrest Sag (Bottom) Uphill Downhill Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 185 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC10 The VEHICLE Data File Roadway Surface Type Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the roadway surface type prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: VPAVETYP Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 Non-Trafficway Area Non-Trafficway or Driveway Access Concrete Blacktop, Bituminous, or Asphalt Brick or Block Slag, Gravel or Stone Dirt Other Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 186 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC11 The VEHICLE Data File Roadway Surface Condition Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best represents the roadway surface condition prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: VSURCOND Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 98 99 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 98 99 Non-Trafficway Area Non-Trafficway Area or Driveway Access Dry Wet Snow Ice/Frost Sand Water (Standing or Moving) Oil Other Slush Mud, Dirt, Gravel Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 187 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC12 The VEHICLE Data File Traffic Control Device Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the traffic controls in the vehicle's environment just prior to this vehicle's critical precrash event. Additional Information: In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: VTRAFCON Attribute Codes 2010 0 2011Later 0 No Controls TRAFFIC SIGNALS 1 1 Traffic Control Signal (On Colors) Without Pedestrian Signal 2 2 Traffic Control Signal (On Colors) With Pedestrian Signal 3 3 Traffic Control Signal (On Colors) Not Known if Pedestrian Signal 4 4 Flashing Traffic Control Signal 8 8 Other Highway Traffic Signal 9 9 Unknown Highway Traffic Signal REGULATORY SIGNS 7 7 Lane Use Control Signal 20 20 Stop Sign 21 21 Yield Sign 28 28 Other Regulatory Sign 29 29 Unknown Regulatory Sign 32 23 School Zone Sign/Device 40 40 Warning Sign 50 65 97 98 99 50 65 97 98 99 Person Railway Crossing Device Not Reported Other Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 188 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC13 The VEHICLE Data File Traffic Control Device Functioning Definition: This data element identifies the functionality of the traffic control device recorded for this vehicle in the data element “Traffic Control Device.” Additional Information: Data not collected prior to 1982. In 2010, this data element was no longer collected at the Accident level. It is now collected at the Vehicle level. SAS Name: VTCONT_F Attribute Codes 2010-Later 0 No Controls 1 Device Not Functioning 2 Device Functioning – Functioning Improperly 3 Device Functioning Properly 8 Not Reported 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 189 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC17 The VEHICLE Data File Pre-Event Movement (Prior To Recognition of Critical Event) Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes this vehicle's activity prior to the driver's realization of an impending critical event or just prior to impact if the driver took no action or had no time to attempt any evasive maneuvers. Additional Information: SAS Name: P_CRASH1 Attribute Codes 2010 0 -1 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 98 99 20112012 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 98 99 2013Later -0 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 98 99 No Driver Present No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Going Straight Decelerating in Traffic Lane Decelerating in Road Accelerating in Traffic Lane Accelerating in Road Starting in Traffic Lane Starting in Road Stopped in Traffic Lane Stopped in Roadway Passing or Overtaking Another Vehicle Disabled or Parked in Travel Lane Leaving a Parking Position Entering a Parking Position Turning Right Turning Left Making a U-Turn Backing Up (Other Than For Parking Position) Negotiating a Curve Changing Lanes Merging Successful Avoidance Maneuver to a Previous Critical Event Other Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 190 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC19 The VEHICLE Data File Critical Event- Precrash Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the critical event which made this crash imminent (i.e., something occurred which made the collision possible). Additional Information: SAS Name: P_CRASH2 Attribute Codes 20112010 Later THIS VEHICLE LOSS OF CONTROL DUE TO: 1 1 Blow Out/Flat Tire 2 2 Stalled Engine 3 3 Disabling Vehicle Failure (e.g., Wheel Fell Off) 4 4 Non-Disabling Vehicle Problem (e.g., Hood Flew Up) 5 5 Poor Road Conditions (Puddle, Pothole, Ice, etc.) 6 6 Traveling Too Fast For Conditions 8 8 Other Cause of Control Loss 9 9 Unknown Cause of Control Loss THIS VEHICLE TRAVELING 10 10 Over the Lane Line on Left Side of Travel Lane 11 11 Over the Lane Line on Right Side of Travel Lane 12 12 Off the Edge of the Road on the Left Side 13 13 Off the Edge of the Road on the Right Side 14 14 End Departure 15 -Turning Left at Intersection -15 Turning Left at Junction 16 -Turning Right at Intersection -16 Turning Right at Junction 17 17 Crossing Over (Passing Through) Intersection 18 18 This Vehicle Decelerating 19 19 Unknown Travel Direction OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE IN LANE 50 50 Other Vehicle Stopped 51 51 Traveling In Same Direction with Lower Steady Speed 52 52 Traveling In Same Direction while Decelerating 53 53 Traveling In Same Direction with Higher Speed 54 54 Traveling In Opposite Direction 55 55 In Crossover 56 56 Backing 59 59 Unknown Travel Direction of the Other Motor Vehicle in Lane OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE ENCROACHING INTO LANE 60 60 From Adjacent Lane (Same Direction) Over Left Lane Line 61 61 From Adjacent Lane (Same Direction) Over Right Lane Line 62 62 From Opposite Direction Over Left Lane Line FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 191 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC19 Critical Event- Precrash (Event) The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2010 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 78 2011Later 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 78 From Opposite Direction Over Right Lane Line From Parking Lane, Median, Shoulder, Roadside From Crossing Street, Turning Into Same Direction From Crossing Street, Across Path From Crossing Street, Turning Into Opposite Direction From Crossing Street, Intended Path Unknown From Driveway, Turning Into Same Direction From Driveway, Across Path From Driveway, Turning Into Opposite Direction From Driveway, Intended Path Unknown From Entrance to Limited Access Highway Encroachment by Other Vehicle – Details Unknown PEDESTRIAN OR PEDALCYCLIST OR OTHER NON-MOTORIST 80 -Pedestrian in Roadway -80 Pedestrian in Road 81 -Pedestrian Approaching Roadway -81 Pedestrian Approaching Road 82 82 Pedestrian Unknown Location 83 -Pedalcyclist/Other Non-Motorist in Roadway -83 Pedalcyclist/Other Non-Motorist in Road 84 -Pedalcyclist/Other Non-Motorist Approaching Roadway -84 Pedalcyclist/Other Non-Motorist Approaching Road 85 85 Pedalcyclist/Other Non-Motorist Unknown Location OBJECT OR ANIMAL 87 -Animal in Roadway -87 Animal in Road 88 -Animal Approaching Roadway -88 Animal Approaching Road 89 89 Animal – Unknown Location 90 -Object in Roadway -90 Object in Road 91 -Object Approaching Roadway -91 Object Approaching Road 92 92 Object Unknown Location OTHER 98 98 99 99 Other Critical Precrash Event Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 192 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC20 The VEHICLE Data File Attempted Avoidance Maneuver Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the movements/actions taken by this driver, within a critical crash envelope, in response to the “Critical Precrash Event.” Additional Information: This data element identifies the actions taken by the driver in response to the impending danger. Because this data element focuses upon the driver's action just prior to the first harmful event it is coded independently of any maneuvers associated with this vehicle's “Crash Type.” SAS Name: P_CRASH3 Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98 99 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98 99 No Driver Present No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present No Avoidance Maneuver Braking (No Lockup) Braking (Lockup) Braking (Lockup Unknown) Releasing Brakes Steering Left Steering Right Braking and Steering Left Braking and Steering Right Accelerating Accelerating and Steering Left Accelerating and Steering Right Other Actions Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 193 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC21 The VEHICLE Data File Pre-Impact Stability Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the stability of this vehicle after the “Critical Precrash Event,” but before the impact. Additional Information: SAS Name: PCRASH4 Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 -7 9 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 No Driver Present No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Tracking Skidding Longitudinally – Rotation Less Than 30 Degrees Skidding Laterally – Clockwise Rotation Skidding Laterally – Counterclockwise Rotation Skidding Laterally – Rotation Direction Unknown Other Vehicle Loss-of-Control Precrash Stability Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 194 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC22 The VEHICLE Data File Pre-Impact Location Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the location of this vehicle after the “Critical Precrash Event,” but before the impact. Additional Information: SAS Name: PCRASH5 Attribute Codes 20102012 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 2013Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 No Driver Present No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Stayed In Original Travel Lane Stayed On Roadway, But Left Original Travel Lane Stayed On Roadway, Not Known if Left Original Travel Lane Departed Roadway Remained Off Roadway Returned to Roadway Entered Roadway Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 195 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC23 The VEHICLE Data File Crash Type Definition: This data element identifies the attribute that best describes the type of crash this vehicle was involved in based on the “First Harmful Event” and the precrash circumstances. For graphic descriptions of possible values see Appendix A: PC23 Crash Type Diagram. Additional Information: SAS Name: ACC_TYPE Attribute Codes 2010-Later 0 No Impact CATEGORY I: SINGLE DRIVER CONFIGURATION A: RIGHT ROADSIDE DEPARTURE 1 Drive Off Road 2 Control/Traction Loss 3 Avoid Collision with Vehicle, Pedestrian, Animal 4 Specifics Other 5 Specifics Unknown CONFIGURATION B: LEFT ROADSIDE DEPARTURE 6 Drive Off Road 7 Control/Traction Loss 8 Avoid Collision With Vehicle, Pedestrian, Animal 9 Specifics Other 10 Specifics Unknown CONFIGURATION C: FORWARD IMPACT 11 Parked Vehicle 12 Stationary Object 13 Pedestrian/Animal 14 End Departure 15 Specifics Other 16 Specifics Unknown CATEGORY II: SAME TRAFFICWAY, SAME DIRECTION CONFIGURATION D: REAR END 20 Stopped 21 Stopped, Straight 22 Stopped, Left 23 Stopped, Right 24 Slower 25 Slower, Going Straight 26 Slower, Going Left 27 Slower, Going Right 28 Decelerating (Slowing) 29 Decelerating (Slowing), Going Straight FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 196 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC23 Crash Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2010-Later 30 Decelerating (Slowing), Going Left 31 Decelerating (Slowing), Going Right 32 Specifics Other 33 Specifics Unknown CONFIGURATION E: FORWARD IMPACT 34 This Vehicles Frontal Area Impacts Another Vehicle. 35 This Vehicle Is Impacted by Frontal Area of Another Vehicle 36 This Vehicles Frontal Area Impacts Another Vehicle. 37 This Vehicle Is Impacted by Frontal Area of Another Vehicle 38 This Vehicles Frontal Area Impacts Another Vehicle. 39 This Vehicle Is Impacted by Frontal Area of Another Vehicle 40 This Vehicles Frontal Area Impacts Another Vehicle. 41 This Vehicle Is Impacted by Frontal Area of Another Vehicle 42 Specifics Other 43 Specifics Unknown CONFIGURATION F: SIDESWIPE/ANGLE 44 Straight Ahead on Left. 45 Straight Ahead on Left/Right. 46 Changing Lanes to the Right 47 Changing Lanes to the Left 48 Specifics Other 49 Specifics Unknown CATEGORY III: SAME TRAFFICWAY, OPPOSITE DIRECTION CONFIGURATION G: HEAD-ON 50 Lateral Move (Left/Right) 51 Lateral Move (Going Straight) 52 Specifics Other 53 Specifics Unknown CONFIGURATION H: FORWARD IMPACT 54 This Vehicles Frontal Area Impacts Another Vehicle. 55 This Vehicle Is Impacted by Frontal Area of Another Vehicle 56 This Vehicles Frontal Area Impacts Another Vehicle. 57 This Vehicle Is Impacted by Frontal Area of Another Vehicle 58 This Vehicles Frontal Area Impacts Another Vehicle. 59 This Vehicle Is Impacted by Frontal Area of Another Vehicle 60 This Vehicles Frontal Area Impacts Another Vehicle. 61 This Vehicle Is Impacted by Frontal Area of Another Vehicle 62 Specifics Other 63 Specifics Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 197 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC23 Crash Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2010-Later CONFIGURATION I: SIDESWIPE/ANGLE 64 Lateral Move (Left/Right) 65 Lateral Move (Going Straight) 66 Specifics Other 67 Specifics Unknown CATEGORY IV: CHANGING TRAFFICWAY, VEHICLE TURNING CONFIGURATION J: TURN ACROSS PATH 68 Initial Opposite Directions (Left/Right) 69 Initial Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 70 Initial Same Directions (Turning Right) 71 Initial Same Directions (Going Straight) 72 Initial Same Directions (Turning Left) 73 Initial Same Directions (Going Straight) 74 Specifics Other 75 Specifics Unknown CONFIGURATION K: TURN INTO PATH 76 Turn Into Same Direction (Turning Left) 77 Turn Into Same Direction (Going Straight) 78 Turn Into Same Direction (Turning Right) 79 Turn Into Same Direction (Going Straight) 80 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Turning Right) 81 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 82 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Turning Left) 83 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 84 Specifics Other 85 Specifics Unknown CATEGORY V: INTERSECTING PATHS (VEHICLE DAMAGE) CONFIGURATION L: STRAIGHT PATHS 86 Striking from the Right 87 Struck on the Right 88 Striking from the Left 89 Struck on the Left 90 Specifics Other 91 Specifics Unknown CATEGORY VI: MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGURATION M: BACKING, ETC. 92 Backing Vehicle 93 Other Vehicle or Object (2010-2012) 93 Other Vehicle (2013-Later) 98 Other Crash Type 99 Unknown Crash Type FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 198 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The VEHICLE Data File Discontinued VEHICLE Data Elements Axle (discontinued) Definition: This data element counts the total number of axles on the vehicle (and converter dolly), including the trailing units (includes raised axles). Additional Information: The major change in this data element from 1994 to 1995 is the count of axles on the vehicle rather than the deployed axles on the ground. From 1991 to 1994, this data element counts the total number of deployed axles on the ground for the vehicle including trailing units. From 1995 to 2007, this data element counts the total number of axles on the vehicle for the vehicle including trailing units. This data element was discontinued after 2007. SAS Name: AXLES Attribute Codes 19911994 00 02-97 98 99 -- 19952007 00 02-97 98 -99 Not Applicable, Not a Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus Number of Axles Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus, Number of Axles Unknown Unknown Vehicle Type Unknown if Light or Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 199 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Carburetion The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the number of barrels for the engine of this vehicle or a code indicating that the engine is high-performance, fuel-injected, turbocharged, or electronically-controlled. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V129, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PCARBUR. SAS Name: CARBUR Attribute Codes 2011-2012 0-8 Actual Number of Barrels A 1 Barrel, Lower HP B 1 Barrel, Higher HP C 1 Barrel, Turbo D 1 Barrel, Turbo Low HP E 1 Barrel, Turbo High HP F Number of Barrels Not Specified, Fuel injection G 1 Barrel, Electronically controlled H Number of Barrels Not Specified, High performance J 2 Barrels, Lower HP K 2 Barrels, Higher HP L 2 Barrels, Turbo M 2 Barrels, Turbo Low HP N 2 Barrels, Turbo High HP P 2 Barrels, Electronically controlled Q Number of Barrels Not Specified, Electronically controlled R 4 Barrels, Electronically controlled S 4 Barrels, Lower HP T 1, 2 or 4 Barrels,Turbo Fuel Injected U 4 Barrels, Higher HP V 4 Barrels, Turbo W 4 Barrels, Turbo Low HP X 4 Barrels, Turbo High HP Y Number of Barrels Not Specified, Turbo Z Number of Barrels Not Specified, Super Charged FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 200 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Crash Avoidance Maneuver The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element is collected to indicate if an avoidance maneuver was taken by the driver to avoid the crash. Additional Information: AVOID is the maneuver that the driver executed to attempt to avoid the crash. See VEH_MAN, Vehicle Maneuver, for the maneuver the driver was executing just prior to entering a crash situation. This data element was discontinued after 2009. SAS Name: AVOID Attribute Codes 1991-2009 0 No Avoidance Maneuver Reported 1 Braking (Skid Marks Evident) 2 Braking (No Skid Marks; Driver Stated) 3 Braking (Other Reported Evidence) 4 Steering (Evidence or Stated) 5 Steering and Braking (Evidence or Stated) 6 Other Avoidance Maneuver 8 Not Reported / (Inconclusive Since 1999, By Police) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 201 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Cubic Inch Displacement The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the manufacturer’s cubic inch displacement of the engine pistons for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V127, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PDISPLACE. SAS Name: DISPLACE Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xxx Actual Cubic Inch Displacement (cid) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 202 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Curb Weight The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the base weight of the series for this vehicle. This is available for Passenger Type Vehicles only (VINTYPE='P'). Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V118, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PVIN_WGT. SAS Name: VIN_WGT Attribute Codes 1975-2012 0 1-9998 9999 Not Available Actual weight of Automobile (lbs) Unavailable More Information on VIN Weight- Auto FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 203 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver Training The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element was discontinued after 1986. Additional Information: SAS Name: DR_TRAIN Attribute Codes 1975-1986 0 None 1 High School 2 Commercial 3 School Bus 4 Traffic School 5 Two or More Types 6 Training, Type Unknown (Since 1977) 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 204 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver’s Vision Obscured by The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records impediments to a driver’s visual field that were noted in the case materials. Additional Information: Most of these data elements can be found in “Related Factor – Driver Level” from 1982 to 2008. This data element was added here in 2009. In 2010, the data element was changed to identify all that apply in the crash and was therefore moved to its own data file, Vision. SAS Name: D_VISION1, D_VISION2, D_VISION3 Attribute Codes 2009 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 97 98 99 No Obstruction Noted Rain, Snow, Fog, Smoke, Sand, Dust Reflected Glare, Bright Sunlight, Headlights Curve, Hill, or Other Roadway Design Features Building, Billboard, or Other Structure Trees, Crops, Vegetation In-Transport Motor Vehicle (Including Load) Not-in-Transport Motor Vehicle (Parked, Working) Splash or Spray of Passing Vehicle Inadequate Defrost or Defog System Inadequate Vehicle Lighting System Obstructing Interior to the Vehicle External Mirrors Broken or Improperly Cleaned Windshield Obstructing Angles on Vehicle Vision Obscured – No Details Other Visual Obstruction Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 205 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Fuel Code The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the fuel type for this vehicle determined by the manufacturer specification and recommendation. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. Prior to 2010, this data element was derived for trucks only. Since 2010 this data element is coded for all vehicles. This data element, formerly V121, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PFUECODE. SAS Name: FLDCD_TR FUELCODE 1975-2009 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 19752009 -C 20102012 B C D E F G H M N P 9 D E F G H M N P 9 Electric and Gasoline Hybrid Engine Gasoline Engine That Can Be Easily Converted to Gaseous-Powered Engine (Powered by Natural Gas, Propane, etc.) Diesel Electric Flexible Fuel Gas Ethanol Fuel Only Methanol Gas Only Compressed Natural Gas Propane Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 206 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the presence of hazardous cargo for this vehicle and records information about the hazardous cargo when present. Additional Information: The data element HAZ_CARG is no longer in FARS. It has been replaced with the following five data elements HAZ_INV, HAZ_PLAC, HAZ_ID, HAZ_CNO, and HAZ_REL. SAS Name: HAZ_CARG Attribute Codes 19821990 0 1 ---9 19912006 0 -1 2 3 9 No Yes Yes, Placarded Yes, Not Placarded Yes, Unknown if Placarded Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 207 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Most Damaged Area The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the area on this vehicle that was most damaged during an event in the crash. Additional Information: Prior to 2010 this data element was called “Principal Point of Impact.” In 2010 and 2011 it was called “Most Damaged Area.” This data element was replaced with “Damaged Areas” (MDAREAS) in 2012 which records all damaged areas to this vehicle in the Damage data file. The attributes Underride and Override were discontinued in 1993 and “Underride/Override” became its own data element in 1994. Prior to 1994, the striking vehicle, not the vehicle struck, determined the underride/override condition. After the crash, in the case of an override or underride one vehicle is over the other. If the striking vehicle is over the other, then the crash is an override. If the striking vehicle is under the other, the crash is an underride. See the information under “Underride/Override” about using and interpreting the data element UNDERIDE. This data element also appears in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PIMPACT2. SAS Name: IMPACT2 Attribute Codes 19751993 00 01-12 13 14 15 16 ---------99 19942009 00 01-12 13 14 --18 --------99 20102011 00 01-12 13 14 ---18 61 62 63 81 82 83 98 99 Non-Collision Clock points Top Undercarriage Underride (1980-1993) Override (1982-1993) This Vehicle Set Something in Motion Causing Injury or Damage (Not a Clock Point, Since 2004) Set-in-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Left Left-Front Half Left-Back Half Right Right-Front Half Right-Back Half Not Reported Unknown More Information on Impact FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 208 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Motorcycle Dry Weight The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the dry weight of this motorcycle model. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V135, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PMCYCL_WT. SAS Name: MCYCL_WT Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xxxx Weight (lbs) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 209 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Motorcycle Engine Displacement (CC) The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the piston bore measured in cubic centimeters for this motorcycle. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V124, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PMCYCL_DS. SAS Name: MCYCL_DS Attribute Codes 1975-2012 xxxx Actual Displacement (cc) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 210 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Motorcycle Type The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This is the VINA Body Type (example, Dirt Bike). Additional Information: This data element was discontinued in 1981. SAS Name: MCYCL_TY Attribute Codes 1975-1981 xx Two-character representation of the motorcycle type FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 211 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Number of Cylinders The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the number of cylinders for the engine of this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V128, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PCYLINDER. SAS Name: CYLINDER Attribute Codes 2011-2012 0-18 Number of Cylinders R Rotary Engine FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 212 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Number of Motorcycle Engine Cycles The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the number of engine cycles for this motorcycle model. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V136, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PMCYCL_CY. SAS Name: MCYCL_CY Attribute Codes 2011-2012 2 Two-stroke engine 4 Four-stroke engine R Rotary engine FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 213 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Number of Wheels/Drive Wheels The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the number of wheels/driving wheels for this truck (trucks only, VINTYPE='T'). The length of this data element is two digits; the first position represents the number of axles on the vehicle times two and the second position represents the number of drive axles times two. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V130, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PWHLDRWHL. SAS Name: WHLDRWHL Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xx Number of Wheels (1st digit) followed by the Number of Drive Wheels (2nd digit) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 214 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Original Tire Size The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the manufacturer’s original equipment specified tire size for the series of this vehicle. The length of this data element is six characters; the first two positions represent rim size and the remaining four positions represent tire size. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V126, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PTIRE_SZE. SAS Name: TIRE_SZE Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xxxxxx 6-Character Tire Size FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 215 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Sequence of Events The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: The events in sequence related to this motor vehicle, regardless of injury and/or property damage. Events for the vehicle are recorded in the order in which they occur, timewise, from the PAR narrative and diagram. Additional Information: Starting in 2004, HARM_EV, M_HARM and the sequence of events data elements have the same values. The harmful event values were modified to be consistent with the sequence of event data elements. SAS Name: SEQ1, SEQ2, SEQ3, SEQ4, SEQ5, SEQ6 Attribute Codes 2004-2009 01 Rollover/Overturn 02 Fire/Explosion 03 Immersion 04 Gas Inhalation 05 Fell/Jumped from Vehicle 06 Injured in Vehicle 07 Other Non-Collision 08 Pedestrian 09 Pedalcycle 10 Railway Train 11 Animal 12 Motor Vehicle in Transport on Same Roadway 13 Motor Vehicle in Transport on Other Roadway 14 Parked Motor Vehicle 15 Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance 16 Thrown or Falling Object 17 Boulder 18 Other Object (Not Fixed) 19 Building 20 Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion 21 Bridge Pier or Abutment 22 Bridge Parapet End 23 Bridge Rail 24 Guardrail Face 25 Concrete Traffic Barrier 26 Other Traffic Barrier 27 Highway/Traffic Sign Post 28 Overhead Sign Support/Sign 29 Luminary/Light Support 30 Utility Pole 31 Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support 32 Culvert FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 216 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Sequence of Events The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2004-2009 33 Curb 34 Ditch 35 Embankment – Earth 36 Embankment – Rock, Stone, or Concrete 37 Embankment – Material Type Unknown 38 Fence 39 Wall 40 Fire Hydrant 41 Shrubbery 42 Tree (Standing Only) 43 Other Fixed Object 44 Pavement Surface Irregularity 45 Working Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicles 46 Traffic Signal Support 47 Vehicle Occupant Struck or Run Over by Own Vehicle 48 Collision With Snow Bank 49 Ridden Animal or Animal-Drawn Conveyance 50 Bridge Overhead Structure 51 Jackknife 52 Guardrail End 53 Mail Box 54 Motor Vehicle Struck by Falling/Shifting Cargo or Anything Set in Motion by Another Motor Vehicle in Transport 55 Other Not in-Transport Motor Vehicle (2005-2007) 55 Motor Vehicle in Motion Outside the Trafficway (Since 2008) 57 Cable Barrier (Since 2008) 60 Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift 61 Equipment Failure (Blown Tire, Brake Failure, etc.) 62 Separation of Units 63 Ran Off Road – Right 64 Ran Off Road – Left 65 Cross Median/Centerline 66 Downhill Runaway 67 Vehicle Went Airborne 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 217 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck Shipping Weight The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the shipping weight for the shortest wheel base of this truck model. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V132, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PTRK_WT. SAS Name: TRK_WT Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xxxxx Actual Shipping Weight (lbs) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 218 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck Shipping Weight Variance The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the difference (coded in 100 pound increments) between the shipping weights of the shortest wheel base and the longest wheel base for this truck model. (e.g., a 200 lb. difference appears as “02”.) Incremental weights for optional equipment are not included. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V133, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PTRKWTVAR. SAS Name: TRKWTVAR Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xx Shipping Weight Variance (100 lbs) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 219 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck Ton Rating The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the payload capacity of this vehicle based on manufacturer’s specifications. The length of this data element is two characters. A single code indicates a single capacity rating. Two codes indicate a range of capacity rating. For example, a Ford F150 pickup truck with a payload capacity from ½ to ¾ tons would have a rating of “BC.” Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V131, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PTON_RAT. SAS Name: TON_RAT Attribute Codes 2011-2012 A ¼ B ½ C ¾ D 1 E 1½ F 1¾ G 2 H 2½ I 3 J 3½ K 4 L 4½ M 5 N 6 O 7 P 8 Q 9 R 10 and Over FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 220 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck VIN Restraint Type The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies restraint type information for this truck. This includes information about vehicle seat belts and air bags. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V134, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PVIN_REST. SAS Name: VIN_REST Attribute Codes 2011-2012 A Active (Manual) Belts B Driver Front Air Bag/Passenger Side Belt Unknown C Dual Front Air Bags/Belt System Unknown D Dual Front Air Bag/Passenger Side Passive Belts E Dual Front Air Bags/Active Belts F Dual Front Air Bags/Passive Belts G Dual Air Bags Front and Side/Belts Unknown H Dual Air Bags Front, Head and Sides/Belts Unknown I Dual Air Bags Front, Head and Sides/Passive Belts J Dual Air Bags Front and Sides/Passive Belts K Dual Air Bags Front and Sides/Active Belts L Dual Air Bags Front, Head and Sides/Active Belt M Driver Front Air Bag/Passenger Side Active Belt N If Unable To Determine P Passive (Automatic) Belts R Dual Air Bags Front and Side/Active Belts w/ Automatic Passenger Sensor S Dual Air Bags Front, Head, and Side/Active Belts w/ Automatic Passenger Sensor T Dual Air Bags Front/Active Belts/Rear Passenger Side Air Bag U Dual Front Air Bags/Active Belts With Passenger Side Deactivation Cutoff Switch V Dual Air Bags Front, Head and Side/Active Belts/Rear Dual Side Air Bags W Dual Air Bags Front, Head and Side/Active Belts w/ Automatic Passenger Sensor/ Rear Dual Side Airbags X Dual Air Bags Front/Side Air Bag, Driver-Side Only/Active Belts Y Dual Front and Side Air Bags With Passenger Deactivation Switch 3 Dual Front and Head Airbags With Passenger Sensor; Active Belts 4 Dual Front Airbags With Passenger Sensor; Active Belts 7 Dual Front, Side and Head Airbags, Rear Head Airbags; Active Belts 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 221 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck Weight Rating The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies weight ranges for this truck of model year 1966 and later based on manufacturer specifications. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. Often coded as 9 for buses. This data element, formerly V123, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PWGTCD_TR. SAS Name: WGTCD_TR Attribute Codes 1975-2012 1 6,000 lbs or Less 2 6,001 - 10,000 lbs 3 10,001 - 14,000 lbs 4 14,001 - 16,000 lbs 5 16,001 - 19,500 lbs 6 19,501 - 26,000 lbs 7 26,001 - 33,000 lbs 8 33,001 and Up 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 222 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Vehicle Maneuver The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element captures the driver’s action, or intended action, prior to the commencement of the unstabilized event as indicated on the crash report. Additional Information: This data element was discontinued after 2009. VEH_MAN is the maneuver that the driver was executing just prior to entering a crash situation. For the maneuver that the driver executed to attempt to avoid the crash, see the data element AVOID under Crash Avoidance Maneuver. SAS Name: VEH_MAN Attribute Codes 1982-2009 01 Going Straight 02 Slowing or Stopping in Traffic Lane 03 Starting in Traffic Lane 04 Stopped in Traffic Lane 05 Passing or Overtaking another Vehicle 06 Leaving a Parked Position 07 Parked 08 Entering a Parked Position 09 Maneuvering to Avoid 10 Turning Right: Right Turn on Red Permitted 11 Turning Right: Right Turn on Red Not Permitted 12 Turning Right: Right Turn on Red Not Applicable or Not Known if Permitted 13 Turning Left 14 Making a U-Turn 15 Backing Up (Not Parking) 16 Changing Lanes or Merging 17 Negotiating a Curve 98 Other 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 223 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Vehicle Role The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element Indicates the vehicle’s role in single or multi-vehicle crashes. Additional Information: This data element was discontinued after 2009. Note when a vehicle is both striking and struck, i.e., Value = 3, the event cannot simultaneously be at the same point of the vehicle. A vehicle must have at least one striking impact point and a struck impact point. A classic example is a chain reaction rear-end crash, where a vehicle which is both striking and struck is located within the chain. SAS Name: IMPACTS Attribute Codes 1975-2009 0 Non-Collision 1 Striking 2 Struck 3 Both 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 224 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Violations Charged The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies violations charged to this driver in this crash. Additional Information: This data element was changed in 2010 to identify all violations charged in the crash and was therefore moved to its own data file, Violatn. SAS Name: VIOL_CHG VIOLCHG1, VIOLCHG2, VIOLCHG3 1975-1996 1997-2009 Attribute Codes 19751981 0 1 -2 -------9 19821996 0 -1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 None Yes Alcohol or Drugs Pending Speeding Alcohol or Drugs and Speeding Reckless Driving Driving With Suspended or Revoked License Other Moving Violation Non-Moving Violation Violation, Type Unknown or Other Violation Unknown 1997-2009 00 None RECKLESS/CARELESS/HIT-AND-RUN OFFENSES 01 Manslaughter or Homicide 02 Willful Reckless Driving; Driving to Endanger; Negligent Driving 03 Unsafe Reckless (Not Willful, Wanton Reckless) Driving 04 Inattentive, Careless, Improper Driving 05 Fleeing or Eluding Police 06 Fail to Obey Police, Fireman, Authorized Person Directing Traffic 07 Hit-and-Run, Fail to Stop After Crash 08 Fail to Give Aid, Information, Wait for Police after Crash 09 Serious Violation Resulting in Death FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 225 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Violations Charged The VEHICLE Data File (continued) 1997-2009 IMPAIRMENT OFFENSES 11 Driving While Intoxicated (Alcohol or Drugs) or BAC above Limit (Any Detectable BAC for CDLs) 12 Driving While Impaired; Driving Under Influence of Substance Not Intended to Intoxicate 13 Driving under Influence of Substance not intended to intoxicate 14 Drinking While Operating 15 Illegal Possession of Alcohol or Drugs 16 Driving With Detectable Alcohol 18 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test 19 Alcohol, Drug, or Impairment Violations Generally SPEED-RELATED OFFENSES 21 Racing 22 Speeding (Above the Speed Limit) 23 Speed Greater Than Reasonable and Prudent (Not Necessarily Over the Limit) 24 Exceeding Special Speed Limit (e.g., for Trucks, Buses, Cycles, or on Bridge, in School Zone, etc.) 25 Energy Speed (Exceeding 55 mph, Non-Pointable) 26 Driving Too Slowly 29 Speed-Related Violations Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – TRAFFIC SIGN & SIGNALS 31 Fail to Stop for Red Signal 32 Fail to Stop for Flashing Red 33 Violation of Turn on Red (Fail to Stop & Yield, Yield to Pedestrians before Turning) 34 Fail to Obey Flashing Signal (Yellow or Red) 35 Fail to Obey Signal Generally 36 Violate RR Grade Crossing Device/Regulations 37 Fail to Obey Stop Sign 38 Fail to Obey Yield Sign 39 Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – TURNING, YIELDING, SIGNALING 41 Turn in Violation of Traffic Control (Disobey Signs, Turn Arrow Or Pavement Markings; This Is Not A Right-On-Red Violation) 42 Improper Method & Position of Turn (Too Wide, Wrong Lane) 43 Fail to Signal for Turn or Stop 45 Fail to Yield to Emergency Vehicle 46 Fail to Yield Generally 48 Enter Intersection When Space Insufficient 49 Turn, Yield, Signaling Violations Generally FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 226 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Violations Charged The VEHICLE Data File (continued) 1997-2009 RULES OF THE ROAD – WRONG SIDE, PASSING & FOLLOWING 51 Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Road 52 Driving on Left, Wrong Side of Road Generally 53 Improper, Unsafe Passing 54 Pass on Right (Drive off Pavement to Pass) 55 Pass Stopped School Bus 56 Fail to Give Way When Overtaken 58 Following Too Closely 59 Wrong Side, Passing, Following Violations Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – LANE USAGE 61 Unsafe or Prohibited Lane Change 62 Improper Use of Lane (Enter of 3-Lane Road, HOV Designated Lane) 63 Certain Traffic to Use Right Lane (Trucks, Slow Moving, etc.) 66 Motorcycle Lane Violations (More than two per Lane, Riding Between Lanes, etc.) 67 Motorcyclist Attached to another Vehicle 69 Lane Violations Generally NON-MOVING – LICENSE & REGISTRATION VIOLATIONS 71 Driving While License Withdrawn 72 Other Driver License Violations 73 Commercial Driver Violations 74 Vehicle Registration Violations 75 Fail to Carry Insurance Card 76 Driving Uninsured Vehicle 79 Non-Moving Violations Generally EQUIPMENT 81 Lamp Violations 82 Brake Violations 83 Failure to Require Restraint Use (By Self or Passenger) 84 Motorcycle Equipment Violations (Helmet, Special Equipment) 85 Violation of Hazardous Cargo Regulations 86 Size, Weight, Load Violations 89 Equipment Violations Generally OTHER VIOLATIONS 91 Parking 92 Theft, Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle 93 Driving Where Prohibited (Sidewalk, Limited Access, Off Truck Route) 98 Other Moving Violation 99 Unknown Violation FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 227 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the two-character representation of this vehicle’s body style. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. The VINA program decodes these data and partitions vehicles into three classes, passenger vehicles, trucks, and motorcycles. This data element, formerly V116, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PVIN_BT. SAS Name: VIN_BT Attribute Codes 19822009 2D 2F 2H 2L 2P 2T 2W 2W --3D ---4D 4H 4L 4P 4T 4W 4W 5D 8V AC AM AR AT BU -CB CB 20102012 2D 2F 2H 2L 2P 2T 2W 2W 3B 3C 3D 3P 4B 4C 4D 4H 4L 4P 4T 4W 4W 5D 8V AC AM AR AT BU C4 CB CB Passenger Vehicle Sedan 2-Door Passenger Vehicle Formal Hardtop 2-Door Passenger Vehicle Hatchback 2-Door Passenger Vehicle Liftback 3-Door Passenger Vehicle Pillard Hardtop 2-Door Passenger Vehicle Hardtop 2-Door Truck 2-Door Wagon/Sport Utility Passenger Vehicle Wagon 2-Door Truck 3-Door Extended Cab/Chassis Truck 3-Door Extended Cab Pickup Passenger Vehicle Runabout 3-Door Passenger Vehicle Coupe 3-Door Truck 4-Door Extended Cab/Chassis Truck 4-Door Extended Cab Pickup Passenger Vehicle Sedan 4-Door Passenger Vehicle Hatchback 4-Door Passenger Vehicle Liftback 5-Door Passenger Vehicle Pillard Hardtop 4-Door Passenger Vehicle Hardtop 4-Door Truck 4-Door Wagon/Sport Utility Passenger Vehicle Wagon 4-Door Passenger Vehicle Sedan 5-Door Truck 8-Passenger Sport Van Truck Auto Carrier Passenger Vehicle Ambulance Truck Armored Truck Motorcycle All-Terrain Bus Passenger Vehicle Coupe 4-Door Truck Chassis and Cab Passenger Vehicle Cab & Chassis (Luv) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 228 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V116 VIN Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 CC CG CH CL CM CP CP CR CS CU CV CV CY DP DS EC EN ES EV EW FB FC FT GG GL GN HB HO HR HT IC IE -LB LG LL LM -MH MK MN MM 2010Later CC CG CH CL CM CP CP CR CS CU CV CV CY DP DS EC EN ES EV EW FB FC FT GG GL GN HB HO HR HT IC IE IN LB LG LL LM LM MH MK MM MP Truck Conventional Cab Truck Cargo Van Truck Crew Chassis Truck Club Chassis Truck Concrete or Transit Mixer Truck Crew Pickup Passenger Vehicle Coupe Truck Crane Truck Super Cab/Chassis Pickup Truck Custom Pickup Truck Convertible (Jeep Commando, Suzuki Samurai, Dodge Dakota) Passenger Vehicle Convertible Truck Cargo Cutaway Truck Dump Truck Tractor Truck (Diesel) Truck Extended Cargo Van Motorcycle Enduro Truck Extended Sport Van Truck Extended Van Truck Extended Window Van Truck Flat-bed or Platform Truck Forward Control Truck Fire Truck Truck Garbage or Refuse Truck Gliders Truck Grain Passenger Vehicle Hatchback Number Doors Unknown Truck Hopper Passenger Vehicle Hearse Passenger Vehicle Hardtop Number Doors Unknown Truck Incomplete Chassis Truck Incomplete Ext Van Passenger Vehicle Incomplete Passenger Passenger Vehicle Liftback Truck Logger Truck Suburban & Carry-All Passenger Vehicle Limousine Truck Limousine Truck Motorized Home Motorcycle Mini-Bike Motorcycle Mini Moto Cross Motorcycle Moped FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 229 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V116 VIN Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 MP MR MS MV -MX MY MY NB --PC PD PK PK PM PN PS RC PN RD RD RS RT S1 S2 SB SC SD SN SP ST SV SV SW SW T TB TL TL TM TN 2010Later MP MR MS MV MW MX MY MY NB P2 P2 PC PD PK PK PM PN PS RC PN RD RD RS RT S1 S2 SB SC SD SN SP ST SV SV SW SW T TB TL TL TM TN Truck Multipurpose Motorcycle Mini Road/Trail Motorcycle Motor Scooter Truck Maxi-Van Truck Maxi Wagon Motorcycle Moto Cross Truck Motorized Cutaway Motorcycle Mini-Cycle Passenger Vehicle Notchback Passenger Vehicle 2-Passenger Low Speed Passenger Vehicle 4-Passenger Low Speed Truck Club Cab Pickup Truck Parcel Delivery Truck Pickup Passenger Vehicle Pickup, Truck Commonly Registered Passengers Truck Pickup with Camper Mounted on Bed Truck Panel Truck Super Cab Pickup Motorcycle Racer Passenger Vehicle Panel, Truck Commonly Registered as Passengers Truck Roadster (Jeep, Jeep Commando) Passenger Vehicle Roadster Motorcycle Road/Street Motorcycle Road/Trail Truck One-Seat Truck Two-Seat Passenger Vehicle Sport Hatchback Passenger Vehicle Sport Coupe Passenger Vehicle Sedan, number doors unknown Truck Step Van Truck Sport Pickup Truck Stake or Rack Truck Sports Van Passenger Vehicle Sport Van Passenger Vehicle Station Wagon Truck Station Wagon (Jeep Wagoneer, etc.) Motorcycle Dirt Truck Tilt Cab Truck Tilt Tandem Motorcycle Trail/Dirt Truck Tandem Truck Tank FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 230 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V116 VIN Body Type The VEHICLE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1982- 20102009 Later TR TR TR TR UT UT UT UT VC VC VD VD VN VN VT VT VW VW WK WK WW WW WW WW XT XT YY YY 99 99 Motorcycle Trails Truck Tractor (Gasoline) Passenger Vehicle Utility, truck commonly registered as passenger Truck Utility (Blazer, Jimmy, Scout, etc.) Truck Van Camper Truck Display Van Truck Van Truck Vanette (Includes Metro and Handy Van) Truck Window Van Truck Tow Truck Wrecker Truck Wide Wheel Wagon Passenger Vehicle Wide-Wheel Wagon Truck Travel-all Truck Cutaway Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 231 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Length The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the actual length of the VIN for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V125, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Parkwork data file as PVIN_LNGT. SAS Name: VIN_LNGT Attribute Codes 1981-2012 1-17 Actual Value 99 Unknown VIN Length FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 232 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Make The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Standard Make Abbreviation for this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. For a listing of these codes please refer to the Polk VINtelligence Manual. This data element, formerly V114, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PVINMAKE. SAS Name: VINMAKE Attribute Codes 2010-2012 xxxx 4-Character Make Abbreviation FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 233 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Model The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the VIN model for this vehicle obtained from the VINA program. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. For a listing of these codes please refer to the Polk VINtelligence Manual. If one needs to select cars based on make and model the data element of choice is VINA_MOD rather than MAK_MOD. The VINA_MOD is only unique within the vehicle make. That is, different makes of vehicles can have the same VINA_MOD. To ensure that the correct vehicle is selected the data element MAKE or VIN_MAKE (available 2010 and later) must be used in conjunction with VINA_MOD. The data elements VINA_MOD, MAKE and VINMAKE are in the Vehicle data file and the Person data file. This data element, formerly V115, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PVINA_MOD. SAS Name: VINA_MOD Attribute Codes 1975-2012 xxx 3-Character Model (Series) Abbreviation FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 234 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Model Year The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the model year of this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V117, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PVINMODYR. SAS Name: VINMODYR Attribute Codes 2010-2012 xx 2-Digit Model Year FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 235 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Truck Series The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the model (series) of this truck. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. For a listing of these codes please refer to the Polk VINtelligence Manual. This data element, formerly V122, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PSER_TR. SAS Name: SER_TR Attribute Codes 1975-2012 xxx 3-Character Model (Series) Abbreviation FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 236 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Vehicle Type The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the basic vehicle type of his vehicle from the VINA program. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V113, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PVINTYPE. SAS Name: VINTYPE Attribute Codes 2010-2012 P Passenger Vehicle T Truck M Motorcycle U Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 237 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Wheelbase Short The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the shortest wheelbase respectively for the manufactured model of this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V119, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PWHLBS_SH. SAS Name: WHLBS_SH Attribute Codes 1975-2012 0000 1-9998 9999 Value Not Available from the VINA Program Actual Value (in) Value Not Coded FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 238 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Wheelbase Long The VEHICLE Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the longest wheelbase respectively for the manufactured model of this vehicle. Additional Information: This data element is derived by the VINA analysis system scanning the VIN for vehicles of model year 1966 and later that have verifiable VIN numbers. This data element, formerly V120, was discontinued in 2013. See the Vindecode data file for VIN decoded data elements. Prior to 2013, this data element also appeared in the Person data file and in the Parkwork data file as PWHLBS_LG. SAS Name: WHLBS_LG Attribute Codes 1975-2012 0000 1-9998 9999 Value Not Available from the VINA Program Actual Value (in) Value Not Coded FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 239 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PERSON Data File The PERSON Data File The Person data file includes motorist and non-motorist data. It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Person data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE should be used to merge the Person data file with the Accident data file for a set of all motorists and non-motorists. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Person data file with the Vehicle and Parkwork data files for a set of all motor vehicle occupants. ST_CASE and PER_NO should be used to merge the Person data file with non-motorist person-level data files. In the Person data file, motor vehicle occupants are PER_TYPE = 1, 2, 3, 9. Motor vehicle occupants have assigned vehicle numbers starting with 1. When PER_TYPE = 3, the occupied vehicle will be found in the PARKWORK data file. Non-motor vehicle occupants are PER_TYPE = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 or 19. VEH_NO = 0 for non-motor vehicle occupants. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 240 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P5/NM5 The PERSON Data File Age Definition: This data element identifies this person’s age at the time of the crash, in years, with respect to their last birthday. Additional Information: SAS Name: AGE Attribute Codes 1975-2008 00 01-96 97 99 Up to One Year Age of the Individual in Years 97 Years Old or Older Unknown 20102009 Later 000 000 001-120 001-120 -998 999 999 Less than One Year Age of the Individual in Years Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 241 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P6/NM6 The PERSON Data File Sex Definition: This data element identifies the sex of this person involved in the crash. Additional Information: From 1975 to 1981, if no information was known about the hit-and-run vehicle and/or driver, then neither the vehicle form nor the driver form were filled out and were not counted in the FARS census. Starting in 1982 both a vehicle and a driver form were filled out and the data were identified as unknown. This is why there were approximately only 20 to 40 drivers with unknown sex listed in the FARS data file from 1975 to 1981 and 700 to 1000 drivers with unknown sex from 1982 on. On March 22, 1995, a quick review of the 1994 Annual Report File revealed that of the 768 persons in the 1994 data file with unknown sex; over 90 percent were involved in hit-and-run crashes. SAS Name: SEX Attribute Codes 19752009 1 2 -9 2010Later 1 2 8 9 Male Female Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 242 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P7/NM7 The PERSON Data File Person Type Definition: This data element describes the role of this person involved in the crash. Additional Information: SAS Name: PER_TYP Attribute Codes 1975-1981 1 Driver 2 Passenger 3 Non-Motorist: Pedestrian 4 Non-Motorist: Pedalcyclist 5 Non-Motorist: Occupant of Non-Traffic-Unit Vehicle 8 Non-Motorist: Other or Unknown 9 Occupant: Unknown Type 1982-1993 1 Driver of a Motor Vehicle in Transport 2 Passenger of a Motor Vehicle in Transport 3 Occupant of a Motor Vehicle Not in Transport 4 Occupant of a Non-Motor Vehicle Transport Device (e.g., Horse and Buggy) 5 Non-Occupant Pedestrian 6 Non-Occupant Bicyclist 7 Non-Occupant Other Cyclist 8 Non-Occupant Other or Unknown 9 Unknown Occupant Type in a Motor Vehicle in Transport 19942009 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 2010 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 -- 2011Later 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 -- 08 09 10 19 -99 08 09 10 19 88 -- 08 09 10 19 --- Driver of a Motor Vehicle In-Transport Passenger of a Motor Vehicle In-Transport Occupant of a Motor Vehicle Not In-Transport Occupant of a Non-Motor Vehicle Transport Device Pedestrian Bicyclist Other Cyclist Other Pedestrian (Includes Persons on Personal Conveyances, 1994-2006) Person on Personal Conveyances (Since 2007) Unknown Occupant Type in a Motor Vehicle In-Transport Persons In/On Buildings (Since 2007) Unknown Type of Non-Motorist Not Reported Unknown More Information on Person Type FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 243 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P8/NM8 The PERSON Data File Injury Severity Definition: This data element describes the severity of the injury to this person in the crash using the KABCO scale. Additional Information: It is important to realize that some States do not always collect data on persons who were in a crash but were not injured. If the analysis being performed depends on non-injured occupants -- for example some paired comparisons -- check the data at the State level. SAS Name: INJ_SEV Attribute Codes 19752012 0 -1 2 -3 -4 5 6 8 9 2013Later -0 1 -2 -3 4 5 6 8 9 No Injury (O) No Apparent Injury (O) Possible Injury (C) Non-Incapacitating Evident Injury (B) Suspected Minor Injury (B) Incapacitating Injury (A) Suspected Serious Injury (A) Fatal Injury (K) Injured, Severity Unknown (U) (Since 1978) Died Prior to Crash Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 244 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P9 The PERSON Data File Seating Position Definition: This data element identifies the location of this person in or on the vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: SEAT_POS Attribute Codes 1975-1981 00 Non-Motorist 01 Front Seat – Left Side (Driver's Side) 02 Front Seat – Middle 03 Front Seat – Right Side 04 Second Seat – Left Side (Driver's Side) 05 Second Seat – Middle 06 Second Seat – Right Side 07 Third Seat – Left Side (Driver's Side) 08 Third Seat – Middle 09 Third Seat – Right Side 10 Front Seat – Other 11 Second Seat – Other 12 Third Seat – Other 13 Other Passenger 14 Cab Sleeper 15 Vehicle Exterior 99 Unknown 19822009 00 00 11 12 13 18 19 21 22 23 28 29 31 32 33 38 39 2010Later -00 11 12 13 18 19 21 22 23 28 29 31 32 33 38 39 Non-Motorist (1982-2004) Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant (2005-Later) Front Seat – Left Side (Driver's Side) Front Seat – Middle Front Seat – Right Side Front Seat – Other Front Seat – Unknown Second Seat – Left Side Second Seat – Middle Second Seat – Right Side Second Seat – Other Second Seat – Unknown Third Seat – Left Side Third Seat – Middle Third Seat – Right Side Third Seat – Other Third Seat – Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 245 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P9 Seating Position The PERSON Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 41 42 43 48 49 50 51 2010Later 41 42 43 48 49 50 -- 51 52 53 51 52 53 54 55 -99 54 55 98 99 Fourth Seat – Left Side Fourth Seat – Middle Fourth Seat – Right Side Fourth Seat – Other Fourth Seat – Unknown Sleeper Section of Cab (Truck) Other Passenger In Enclosed Passenger or Cargo Area [Includes Passengers In 5th Row Of 15-Seat, 5-Row Vans] [Includes Injured Full-Size-Bus Occupants] (2002-2008) Other Passenger in Enclosed Passenger or Cargo Area (Since 2009) Other Passenger in Unenclosed Passenger or Cargo Area Other Passenger in Passenger or Cargo Area, Unknown Whether Or Not Enclosed Trailing Unit Riding on Vehicle Exterior Not Reported Unknown More Information on Seat Position FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 246 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P10 The PERSON Data File Restraint System/Helmet Use Definition: This data element records the restraint equipment in use by the occupant, or the helmet in use by a motorcyclist, at the time of the crash. Additional Information: Bicycle helmets are sometimes worn while riding a variety of personal conveyances. SAS Name: REST_USE Attribute Codes 1991-1993 0 None Used – Vehicle Occupant/Not Applicable-Non-Motorist 1 Shoulder Belt 2 Lap Belt 3 Lap and Shoulder Belt 4 Child Safety Seat 5 Motorcycle Helmet 8 Restraint Used – Type Unknown or Other Including Other Helmet 9 Unknown 19942009 00 00 20102012 --- 2013Later --- -01 02 03 04 04 00 01 02 03 --- 00 01 02 03 --- -05 -06 --08 10 11 12 -13 14 14 15 --- 04 -05 -07 -08 10 11 -12 ----16 -- 04 -05 --07 08 10 11 -12 -----16 None Used- Vehicle Occupant; Not Applicable (1994-2004) None Used/Not Applicable – Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant (Since 2005) Not Applicable Shoulder Belt Only Used Lap Belt Only Used Lap and Shoulder Belt Used Child Safety Seat (1994-2007) Child Safety Seat/Booster Seat – Type Unknown/Not Reported (Since 2008) Child Restraint Type Unknown Motorcycle Helmet DOT-Compliant Motorcycle Helmet Bicycle Helmet None Used – Motor Vehicle Occupant None Used Restraint Used – Type Unknown Child Restraint System – Forward Facing (Since 2008) Child Restraint System – Rear Facing (Since 2008) Booster Seat with Lap/Shoulder Belt Used Properly (Since 2008) Booster Seat Safety Belt Used Improperly Child Safety Seat Used Improperly (1994-2007) Child Safety Seat/Booster Seat Used Improperly (2008-2009) Helmets Used Improperly Other Helmet Helmet, Other than DOT-Compliant Motorcycle Helmet FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 247 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P10 19942009 ------99 Restraint System/Helmet Use 20102012 17 --96 97 98 99 2013Later 17 19 29 96 97 98 99 The PERSON Data File (continued) No Helmet Helmet, Unknown if DOT-Compliant Unknown if Helmet Worn Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant Other Not Reported Unknown More Information on Restraint Use FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 248 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P11 The PERSON Data File Indication of Misuse of Restraint System/Helmet Definition: This data element indicates any misuse of the restraint system or helmet used by this person. Additional Information: SAS Name: REST_MIS Attribute Codes 2010-Later 0 No 1 Yes 8 Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 249 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P12 The PERSON Data File Air Bag Deployed Definition: This data element records air bag availability and deployment for this person as reported in the case materials. Additional Information: This data element is designed to collect both air bag availability and deployment for each occupied seat position. Variation in the presentation of the source data on the state crash report forms and the selections coded on the PAR may produce unlikely combinations or missing data. For example: 1. If the seat position does not have an air bag at the time of manufacture, but the information on the PAR indicates an air bag was available or deployed, the information on the PAR may have taken precedence. 2. If the seat position has an air bag installed at the time of manufacture and the PAR indicates there is no air bag available, then the PAR information may have taken precedence. SAS Name: AIR_BAG Attribute Codes 1991-1997 0 Non-Motorist 3 Deployed Air Bag 4 Non-Deployed Air Bag 9 Unknown or Not Applicable 1998-2008 00 Non-Motorist (Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant, Since 2005) DEPLOYED (FOR THIS SEAT) 01 Deployed Air Bag From Front (1998-2006) 01 From Front (Steering Wheel, Dashboard, Since 2007) 02 Deployed Air Bag From Side (1998-2006) 02 From Side (Door, Seat, Canopy, Since 2007) 07 Deployed Air Bag Other Direction (1998-2006) 07 From Other Direction (Knee, Airbelt, etc, Since 2007) 08 Deployed Air Bag Multiple Directions 09 Deployed Air Bag Direction Unknown NOT DEPLOYED (FOR THIS SEAT) 20 Air Bag Available but Not Deployed for This Seat 28 Air Bag Available and Switched Off UNKNOWN IF DEPLOYED 29 Air Bag Available, Deployment Not Known for This Seat NOT AVAILABLE 30 Air Bag Not Available for This Seat 31 Air Bag Previously Deployed and Not Replaced 32 Air Bag Disabled or Removed 99 Unknown (If Airbag Available) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 250 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P12 Air Bag Deployed The PERSON Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2009 00 -01 02 03 07 08 09 20 28 --99 2010Later -Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant/Not Applicable 00 Not Applicable 01 Deployed: Front 02 Deployed: Side (Door, Seatback) 03 Deployed: Curtain (Roof) 07 Deployed: Other (Knee, Air Belt, etc.) 08 Deployed: Combination 09 Deployed: Unknown Location 20 Not Deployed 28 Switched Off 97 Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant 98 Not Reported 99 Deployment Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 251 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P13 The PERSON Data File Ejection Definition: This data element describes the ejection status and degree of ejection for this person, excluding motorcycle occupants. Additional Information: In the mid 1970’s there were a large number of people coded as ejection unknown and a corresponding small number of people coded as not ejected. However, the totally ejected and partially ejected counts are the same magnitude as in later years. Starting in 2011, “Not Applicable” includes people not in motor vehicles (i.e., pedestrians, bicyclists, etc.) SAS Name: EJECTION Attribute Codes 1975-2006 0 Not Ejected or Not Applicable 1 Totally Ejected 2 Partially Ejected 9 Unknown 20072009 0 1 2 3 -8 9 9 2010Later 0 1 2 3 7 8 -9 Not Ejected Totally Ejected Partially Ejected Ejected – Unknown Degree (Since 2008) Not Reported Not Applicable Unknown (2007-2008) Unknown if Ejected (Since 2009) More Information on Ejection FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 252 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P14 The PERSON Data File Ejection Path Definition: This data element identifies the path by which this person was ejected from the vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: EJ_PATH Attribute Codes 19912014 0 -1 2 3 4 2015Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 -- 6 7 8 -9 Not Ejected/Not Applicable Ejection Path Not Applicable Through Side Door Opening (All Side Doors) Through Side Window (All Side Windows, Bus Side Windows) Through Windshield (Front Windshield Only) Through Back Window (Standard Rear Window, Back Window of Bronco, Van) Through Back Door/Tailgate Opening (Station Wagon Tailgate, Back Door of Truck, Back Door of Bronco, Van) Through Roof Opening (Sun Roof, Convertible Top Down, T-Top, Targa Top) Through Roof (Convertible Top Up) Other Path (e.g., Back of Pickup Truck, Torn-Off Roof, Car Cut in Half) Unknown/Unknown Path Ejection Path Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 253 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P15 The PERSON Data File Extrication Definition: This data element identifies if equipment or other force was used to remove this person from the vehicle. Additional Information: In Massachusetts, if an occupant is not injured, data for Protection system use and ejection are not coded on the PAR. From 1975 to 1976 the EXTRICAT and EJECTION data elements were combined in a single field. The data files were changed in 1977 to the current format. In 1975 and 1976 there are fewer persons identified as not extricated than in later years. Both the count of extricated persons and unknowns seem high for these years. From 1977 to 1981 there was not an edit check to prevent one coding an occupant as being both ejected and extricated. There are 69, 48, 83, 98, and 88 persons coded as both totally ejected and extricated in the 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, and 1981 respectively. SAS Name: EXTRICAT Attribute Codes 1975-Later 0 Not Extricated/Not Applicable 1 Extricated 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 254 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P16/NM15 The PERSON Data File Police Reported Alcohol Involvement Definition: This data element records whether alcohol was involved for this person and reflects the judgment of law enforcement. Additional Information: This data element does not indicate that alcohol was a cause of the crash. If a PAR indicates that opened or unopened alcohol bottles were found in the vehicle, then this information does not by itself constitute involvement. SAS Name: DRINKING Attribute Codes 1975-Later 0 No (Alcohol Not Involved) 1 Yes (Alcohol Involved) 8 Not Reported 9 Unknown (Police Reported) More Information on Alcohol FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 255 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P17/NM16 The PERSON Data File Method of Alcohol Determination by Police Definition: This data element describes the method by which the police made the determination as to whether alcohol was involved for this person. Additional Information: 1975 to 1979 data on the type of blood alcohol test were collected, but this data has since been removed from the analysis data files. SAS Name: ALC_DET Attribute Codes 1987-Later 1 Evidential Test (Breath, Blood, Urine) 2 Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) 3 Behavioral 4 Passive Alcohol Sensor (PAS) 5 Observed 8 Other (e.g., Saliva Test) 9 Not Reported FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 256 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P18/NM17 The PERSON Data File Alcohol Test P18A/NM17A Alcohol Test Status Definition: This data element identifies whether an alcohol test was given to this person. Additional Information: SAS Name: ALC_STATUS Attribute Codes 2009 0 1 2 -9 -- 2010Later 0 1 2 8 -9 Test Not Given Test Refused Test Given Not Reported Unknown if Tested/Not Reported Unknown if Tested FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 257 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P18B/NM17B The PERSON Data File Alcohol Test Type Definition: This data element identifies the type of alcohol test that was given to this person. Additional Information: SAS Name: ATST_TYP Attribute Codes 1998-2003 0 Not Tested for Alcohol 1 Whole Blood 2 Breath “BAC” 3 Urine 4 Vitreous 5 Blood Plasma/Serum 6 Blood Clot 7 Liver 8 Other Test Type 9 Unknown/Not Reported (Since 2001) 20042009 00 01 02 -03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 -98 98 99 -- 20102014 00 01 02 -03 04 05 06 07 08 -10 95 -98 -99 2015Later 00 01 -02 03 04 05 06 07 08 -10 95 -98 -99 Not Tested for Alcohol Blood Test Breathalyzer “BAC” Breath Test (AC) Urine Vitreous Blood Plasma/Serum Blood Clot Liver Other Test Type Unknown/Not Reported Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) Not Reported Positive Reading with No Actual Value (2006-2008) Unknown Test Type (Since 2009) Unknown if Tested/Not Reported (2009 Only) Unknown if Tested FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 258 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P18C/NM17C The PERSON Data File Alcohol Test Result Definition: This data element identifies the alcohol test result for this person. Additional Information: A value of 10 is a BAC of .10. The decimal is implied before first digit. The BAC is expressed in grams per deciliter or a clinical evaluation of the same. SAS Name: TEST_RES ALC_RES 1975-1990 1991-Later Attribute Codes 1975-1990 00-94 95 96 97 99 19912009 00-93 94 95 -96 97 98 99 -- Actual Value of BAC Test Test Refused None Given AC Test Performed, Results Unknown Unknown 20102014 00-93 94 -95 96 97 98 -99 2015Later 000-939 940 995 996 997 998 -999 Actual Value of BAC Test 0.94 or Greater (The value should be interpreted as 0.94 or greater, since 1995) Test Refused (1991-2008) Not Reported None Given AC Test Performed, Results Unknown PBT Positive Reading with No Actual Value (Since 2004) Unknown if Tested/Not Reported Unknown if Tested More Information on Alcohol Test Result FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 259 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P19/NM18 The PERSON Data File Police Reported Drug Involvement Definition: This data element records whether drugs were involved for this person and reflects the judgment of law enforcement. Additional Information: SAS Name: DRUGS Attribute Codes 1991-Later 0 No (Drugs Not Involved) 1 Yes (Drugs Involved) 8 Not Reported 9 Unknown (Police Reported) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 260 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P20/NM19 The PERSON Data File Method of Drug Determination by Police Definition: This data element identifies the method by which the police made the determination as to whether drugs were involved for this person. Additional Information: SAS Name: TOXCLGY DRUG_DET 1987-1990 1991-Later Attribute Codes 1987-1990 0 No Blood Test Given BLOOD TEST GIVEN, RESULTS KNOWN 1 No Drugs Reported 2 Drugs Reported (Excluding Nicotine, Aspirin) 3 Not tested for Drugs BLOOD TEST GIVEN, RESULTS UNKNOWN 7 Test for Drugs, Results, Unknown 8 Unknown if Tested for Drugs 9 Unknown if Drug Test Given 1991-Later 1 Evidential Test (Blood, Urine) 2 Drug Recognition Technician (DRT) Determination 3 Behavioral 7 Other 8 Not Reported FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 261 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P21/NM20 The PERSON Data File Drug Test P21A/NM20A Drug Test Status Definition: This data element identifies whether a drug test was given to this person. Additional Information: SAS Name: DSTATUS Attribute Codes 2009 0 1 2 -9 -- 2010Later 0 1 2 8 -9 P21B/NM20B Test Not Given Test Refused Test Given Not Reported Unknown if Tested/Not Reported Unknown if Tested Drug Test Type Definition: This data element identifies the type of drug test that was given to this person. Additional Information: SAS Name: DRUGTEST DRUGTST1, DRUGTST2, DRUGTST3 1991-1992 1993-Later Attribute Codes 19911992 0 1 2 --7 8 -9 19932009 0 1 2 3 -7 8 9 -- 2010Later 0 1 2 3 6 7 8 -9 Test Not Given Blood Test Urine Test Both Blood and Urine Tests Not Reported Unknown Test Type Other Test Type Unknown if Tested/Not Reported Unknown if Tested FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 262 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P21C/NM20C The PERSON Data File Drug Test Result Definition: This data element identifies the drug test result for this person. Additional Information: The FARS analyst may have used any of the three data elements to code a result of a drug test. One must test all three data elements to ensure that the selected result is included. *See Specific Drug Listing in the FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual. SAS Name: DRUG_RES DRUGRES1, DRUGRES2, DRUGRES3 1991-1992 1993-Later Attribute Codes 1991-1992 00 Not Tested for Drugs 01 No Drugs Reported 02 Narcotic 03 Depressant 04 Stimulant 05 Hallucinogen 06 Cannabinol 07 Phencyclidine (PCP) 08 Inhalant 09 Multiple Drugs (From Data elements 02 to 08) 10 Other Drugs (All Other Drugs Excluding Nicotine, Aspirin, Alcohol) 97 Tested for Drugs, Results Unknown 98 Tested for Drugs, Drugs Found, Type Unknown 99 Unknown if Tested for Drugs 19932009 000 001 -100-295 300-395 400-495 500-595 600-695 700-795 800-895 900-995 996 997 998 999 -- 2010Later 000 001 095 100-295 300-395 400-495 500-595 600-695 700-795 800-895 900-995 996 997 998 -999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Not Tested for Drugs No Drugs Reported/Negative Not Reported Narcotic* Depressant* Stimulant* Hallucinogen* Cannabinoid* Phencyclidine (PCP) * Anabolic Steroid* Inhalant* Other Drugs Tested for Drugs, Results Unknown Tested for Drugs, Drugs Found, Type Unknown/Positive Unknown if Tested/Not Reported Unknown if Tested Data Element Definitions and Codes 263 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P22/NM21 The PERSON Data File Transported to First Treatment Facility Definition: This data element identifies the mode of transportation to a hospital or medical facility provided for this person. Additional Information: Prior to 2008 this data element was called “Taken to Hospital or Treatment Facility.” From 2008 to 2009 this data element was called “Transported for Treatment by.” From 2010 to 2012 this data element was called “Transported to Medical Facility By.” This field exists in the 1975 and 1976 data file, but is not initialized, i.e., it has no values. SAS Name: HOSPITAL Attribute Codes 19772000 0 -1 ----------7 8 -9 20012006 0 -1 -------------9 20072009 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 ------9 2010Later -0 --1 -2 -3 -4 5 6 ---9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Not Transported Yes Yes, EMS EMS Air Yes, Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Yes, Other EMS Unknown Mode Yes, Transported by Unknown Source Transported Unknown Source EMS Ground Other Died at the Scene (1999-2000) Died En Route (1999-2000) Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 264 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P23/NM22 The PERSON Data File Died at Scene/En Route Definition: This data element identifies if this person died at the scene of the crash or en route to a hospital/medical facility. Additional Information: SAS Name: DOA Attribute Codes 2001-Later 0 Not Applicable 7 Died at Scene 8 Died En Route 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 265 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P24/NM23 The PERSON Data File Death Date P24A/NM23A Month of Death Definition: This data element records the month of this person’s death. Additional Information: SAS Name: DEATH_MO Attribute Codes 19752007 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 -- 2008Later 88 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 99 Not Applicable (Non-Fatal) January February March April May June July August September October November December Unknown (Except 2009) P24B/NM23B Day of Death Definition: This data element records the day of the month of this person’s death. Additional Information: SAS Name: DEATH_DA Attribute Codes 19752008 00 01-31 99 2009Later 88 01-31 99 Not Applicable (Non-Fatal) Day of the Month of the Death Unknown (Since 2008) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 266 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PERSON Data File P24C/NM23C Year of Death Definition: This data element records the year of this person’s death. Additional Information: A person can die the year after the crash year. SAS Name: DEATH_YR Attribute Codes 19751997 -xx 99 19982008 0000 xxxx 9999 2009Later 8888 Not Applicable (Non-Fatal) xxxx Year of the Death 9999 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 267 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P25/NM24 The PERSON Data File Death Time Definition: This data element records the hour and minute of this person’s death utilizing the 24-hour clock format. Additional Information: four digits; DEATH_HR followed by DEATH_MN, e.g., Valid Military Times 0643 for 6:43 a.m. SAS Name: DEATH_TM Attribute Codes 19752008 2400 0001-2359 -9999 2009Later 0000 0001-2359 8888 9999 P25A/NM24A Hour of Death For Midnight Time of Death in HHMM format Not Applicable (Non-Fatal) Unknown Definition: This data element records the hour of this person’s death utilizing the 24-hour clock format. Additional Information: SAS Name: DEATH_HR Attribute Codes 19752008 00-24 -99 2009Later 00-23 88 99 Valid Military Times Not Applicable Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 268 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P25B/NM24B The PERSON Data File Minute of Death Definition: This data element records the minutes after the hour of this person’s death. Additional Information: SAS Name: DEATH_MN Attribute Codes 19752008 00-59 -99 2009Later 00-59 88 99 Valid Military Times Not Applicable Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 269 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P26/NM25 The PERSON Data File Related Factors- Person Level Definition: This data element records factors related to motor vehicle occupants other than drivers and persons not in motor vehicles as expressed by the investigating officer. Additional Information: There are also crash-level related factors in the Accident data file (CF1, CF2, and CF3), vehicle-level related factors in the Vehicle data file (VEH_SC1 and VEH_SC2), and driver-level related factors, also in the Vehicle data file (DR_SF1, DR_SF2, DR_SF3 and DR_SF4). Any of the three data elements may have been used to code a related factor. One must test all three data elements to ensure that the selected related factor is included. Person-related factors for all drivers are coded 00. Person-related factors for non-drivers can have non-zero values as listed below. For 1975 to 1981, values 02 to 06 correspond to 01 to 05 for the 1982 to 2009 data. Values of 20 and higher correspond directly the same values for 1982 to 2009. SAS Name: P_CF1, P_CF2, P_CF3 P_SF1, P_SF2, P_SF3 1975-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 1975-1981 00 Not Applicable – Driver/None – All Other Persons 01 Physical Impairments 02 Not Visible 03 Darting or Running into Road 04 Improper Crossing of Roadway or Intersection 05 Walking/Riding With or Against Traffic, Playing, Working, Sitting, Lying, Standing, etc., in Roadway 06 Interfering with Driver (Since 1976) NON-MOTOR-VEHICLE-OPERATOR-RELATED FACTORS: 20 Leaving Vehicle Unattended in Roadway 21 Overloading or Improper Loading of Vehicle with Passengers or Cargo 22 Towing or Pushing Vehicle Improperly 23 Failing to Have Lights on When Required 24 Operating Without Required Equipment 25 Creating Unlawful Noise or Using Equipment Prohibited by Law 26 Following Improperly 27 Improper or Erratic Lane-Changing 28 Failure to Keep in Proper Lane or Running off Road 29 Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch, on Sidewalk, on Median 30 Making Improper Entry to or Exit from Trafficway FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 270 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P26/NM25 Related Factors- Person Level The PERSON Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 1975-1981 33 Passing Where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, Hill, or Curve, or School Bus Displaying Warning Not to Pass 34 Passing on Wrong Side 35 Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle 36 Operating the Vehicle in Other Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner 38 Failure to Yield Right of Way 39 Failure to Obey Traffic Signs, Traffic Control Devices or Traffic Officers, Failure to Observe Safety Zone 40 Passing Through or Around Barrier Positioned to Prohibit or Channel Traffic 41 Failure to Observe Warnings or Instructions on Vehicles Displaying Them 42 Failure to Signal Intentions 43 Giving Wrong Signal 44 Driving Too Fast for Conditions or in Excess of Posted Speed Limit 45 Driving Less Than Posted Maximum 46 Operating at Erratic or Suddenly Changing Speeds 47 Making Right Turn from Left Turn Lane or Making Left Turn from Right Turn Lane 48 Making Improper Turn 49 Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Roadway 50 Driving on Wrong Side of Road 51 Operator Inexperience 52 Unfamiliar with Roadway 99 Unknown 19822009 00 01 02 03 04 20102014 00 ----- 2015Later 00 ----- 05 06 07 08 09 05 --08 09 05 --08 09 10 11 12 13 13 ----13 ----13 None/Not Applicable-Driver Not Visible Darting, Running or Stumbling (Since 1995) Into Roadway Improper Crossing or Roadway or Intersection Walking/Riding With or Against Traffic, Playing, Working, Sitting, Lying, Standing Etc. In Roadway Interfering With Driver* Ill, Passed Out (Since 1995)/Blackout Emotional (e.g., Depression, Angry, Disputed) Mentally Challenged (Since 1995) Construction/Maintenance/Utility Worker (Since 1995) Highway Department, Contractor, Utility Company Personnel, etc. Inattentive Walking With Cane or Crutches Restricted to Wheelchair Paraplegic (1982-1994) Motorized Wheelchair Rider** FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 271 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P26/NM25 Related Factors- Person Level The PERSON Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 14 15 15 16 17 18 -- 20102014 -----18 18 2015Later ------18 19 -- -- Impaired Due to Previous Injury Deaf (1982-1994) Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs, or Medication (Since 2008) Blind Other Physical Impairment Mother of Dead Fetus (1982-2010) Mother of Dead Fetus/Mother of Infant Born Post Crash (Since 2011) Pedestrian NON-MOTOR-VEHICLE-OPERATOR-RELATED FACTORS: 20 --Leaving Vehicle Unattended in Roadway (1982-1994) 20 --Running off Road (2000-2001) 21 21 21 Overloading or Improper Loading of Vehicle with Passengers or Cargo 22 --Towing or Pushing Vehicle Improperly (1982-2003) 23 --Failing to [Dim Lights or, Since 1995] Have Lights on When Required 24 --Operating Without Required Equipment 25 --Creating Unlawful Noise or Using Equipment Prohibited by Law (1982-2002) 26 26 26 Following Improperly 27 --Improper or Erratic Lane Changing 28 --Failure to Keep in Proper Lane or Running off Road (1982-1999)* 28 28 -Failure to Keep in Proper Lane (Since 2000)* --28 Improper Lane Usage* 29 29 -Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch, on Sidewalk, on Median* --29 Intentional Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch, on Sidewalk, on Median* 30 --Making Improper Entry to or Exit from Trafficway 32 32 32 Opening Vehicle Closure into Moving Traffic or While Vehicle is in Motion (Since 2001)* 33 33 -Passing where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, Hill or Curve, or School Bus Displaying Warning not to Pass Line* --33 Passing where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, or School Bus Displaying Warning not to Pass* 34 --Passing on Wrong Side 35 --Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle 36 --Operating the Vehicle in Other Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner (or Operating at Erratic or Suddenly Changing Speeds, Since 1995) 37 37 37 Traveling on Prohibited Trafficway (Since 1995) 38 --Failure to Yield Right of Way FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 272 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P26/NM25 Related Factors- Person Level The PERSON Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 39 20102014 -- 2015Later -- Failure to Obey Actual Traffic Signs, Traffic Control Devices or Traffic Officers; Failure to Obey Safety Zone Traffic Laws 40 40 40 Passing Through or Around Barrier Positioned to Prohibit or Channel Traffic 41 41 41 Failure to Observe Warnings or Instructions on Vehicles Displaying Them 42 42 42 Failure to Signal Intentions 43 --Giving Wrong Signal (1982-1996) 44 44 44 Driving Too Fast for Conditions or in Excess of Posted Maximum* 45 45 45 Driving Less Than Posted Maximum* 46 --Operating at Erratic or Suddenly Changing Speeds (1982-1996) 47 47 47 Making Right Turn From Left-Turn Lane, Left Turn from Right-Turn Lane* 48 --Making Other Improper Turn 49 --Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Trafficway 50 --Driving on Wrong Side of Road (Intentional or Unintentional, Since 1995) 51 51 51 Operator Inexperience 52 52 52 Unfamiliar with Roadway 53 --Stopping in Roadway (Vehicle Not Abandoned) 54 --Underriding a Parked Truck (1982-1996) 55 --Getting Off/Out of or On/Into Moving Transport Vehicle 56 --Getting Off/Out of or On/Into Non-Moving Transport Vehicle (1982-2001) 56 56 56 Non-Driver Flees Scene (Since 2005) 57 57 57 Improper Tire Pressure (Since 1995) 58 58 -Locked Wheel (Since 1995) 59 59 59 Overcorrecting (Since 1995)* VISION OBSCURED BY 60 60 60 Rain, Snow, Fog, Smoke, Sand, Dust 61 61 61 Reflected Glare, Bright Sunlight, Headlights 62 62 62 Curve, Hill, or Other Design Features (Including Traffic Signs, Embankment) 63 63 63 Building, Billboard, Other Structures (Since 1995) 64 64 64 Trees, Crops, Vegetation 65 65 65 Motor Vehicle (Including Load) 66 66 66 Parked Vehicle 67 67 67 Splash or Spray or Passing Vehicle 68 68 68 Inadequate Lighting System 69 69 69 Obstructing Angles on Vehicle 70 70 70 Mirrors 71 --Mirrors-Other(1982-2002) 72 72 72 Other Visual Obstruction FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 273 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P26/NM25 Related Factors- Person Level The PERSON Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 20102014 2015Later SKIDDING, SWERVING, OR SLIDING DUE TO 73 73 73 Severe Crosswind 74 74 74 Wind From Passing Truck 75 75 75 Slippery or Loose Surface 76 76 76 Tire Blow-Out or Flat 77 77 77 Debris or Objects in Road OTHER FACTORS 78 78 78 79 --80 80 80 81 81 81 82 -82 -82 -83 83 83 84 85 86 87 88 --86 87 88 --86 87 88 -- 89 89 90 91 -99 90 91 92 99 90 91 92 99 Ruts, Holes, Bumps in Road Live Animals in Road Vehicle in Road Phantom Vehicle Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist, or Other Non-Motorist Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist, or Persons on Personal Conveyances Ice, Snow, Slush, Water, Sand, Dirt, Oil, Wet Leaves on Road (Since 1995) Jay Walk (1982-1994) Jog (1982-1994) Emergency Services Personnel (Since 2007) Police or Law Enforcement Officer (Since 2002) Seat Back Not in Normal Upright Position, Seat Back Reclined (Since 2002)* Parked Motor Vehicle With Equipment Extending into the Travel Lane (Since 2013)* Non-Motorist Pushing a Vehicle** Portable Electronic Devices (Since 2008) Person in Ambulance Treatment Compartment (Since 2013)* Unknown * Attribute is only applicable to occupants (other than drivers) of motor vehicles. ** Attribute is only applicable to persons not in motor vehicles. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 274 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P100 The PERSON Data File Lag Time P100A Lag Hours Definition: This data element records the hours between the time of the crash and this person’s time of death. Additional Information: This is a computed data element. SAS Name: LAG_HRS Attribute Codes 19752008 00-24 99 2009Later 00-719 999 Hours Unknown P100B Lag Minutes Definition: This data element records the minutes, in addition to hours (“Lag Hours”), between the time of the crash and this person’s time of death. Additional Information: This is a computed data element. SAS Name: LAG_MINS Attribute Codes 1975-Later 00-59 Minutes 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 275 FARS Analytical User’s Manual SP2 The PERSON Data File Fatal Injury at Work Definition: This data element records whether the death certificate indicated this person was "at work" at the time of the crash. Additional Information: SAS Name: WORK_INJ Attribute Codes 1987-Later 0 No (The Injury Was Not At Work) 1 Yes (The Injury Was At Work) 8 Not Applicable (Not A Fatality) 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 276 FARS Analytical User’s Manual SP3 Race/Hispanic Origin SP3A Race The PERSON Data File Definition: This data element records the race of this person from the death certificate. Additional Information: This data element is only coded for fatalities. SAS Name: RACE Attribute Codes 19992000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 18 19 28 38 48 58 68 78 2001Later 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 18 19 28 38 48 58 68 -- -97 -99 78 97 98 99 Not A Fatality (Not Applicable) White Black American Indian (Includes Aleuts and Eskimos) Chinese Japanese Hawaiian (Includes Part-Hawaiian) Filipino Asian Indian Other Indian (Includes South and Central America, Since 2000) Korean Samoan Vietnamese Guamanian Other Asian or Pacific Islander Combined Other Asian Or Pacific Islander, Includes Data elements 18-68 For Areas That Do Not Report Them Separately Asian Or Pacific Islander, No Specific (Individual) Race Multiple Races (Individual Races Not Specified; ex., “Mixed”, Since 2000) All Other Races Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 277 FARS Analytical User’s Manual SP3B The PERSON Data File Hispanic Origin Definition: This data element records the Hispanic origin of this person from the death certificate. Additional Information: This data element is only coded for fatalities. SAS Name: HISPANIC Attribute Codes 19992000 00 01 02 03 04 05 05 06 06 -07 99 2001Later 00 01 02 03 04 -05 --06 07 99 Not A Fatality (Not Applicable) Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Central or South American Other or Unknown Hispanic (1999 Only) European Spanish (Since 2000) Hispanic, Origin Not Specified (1999 Only) Other Hispanic Origin (Since 2000) Hispanic, Origin Not Specified or Other Origin Non-Hispanic Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 278 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM4 The PERSON Data File Number of Motor Vehicle Striking Non-Motorist Definition: This data element identifies the “Vehicle Number” (VEH_NO) of the in-transport vehicle that made contact with this non-motorist. Additional Information: This data element applies only to non-motorists/non-occupants and reflects the vehicle that made contact with the non-motorist/non-occupant identified by the Person Number (PER_NO). The number must match the vehicle number of the striking vehicle. This number is similar to VEH_NO, except that the non-motorist/non-occupant was struck by the vehicle, rather than being within the vehicle. SAS Name: N_MOT_NO STR_VEH 1982-2010 2011-Later Attribute Codes 19822008 00 01-98 99 2009Later 000 001-998 999 Occupant of a Motor Vehicle Vehicle Number of Striking Vehicle Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 279 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM10 The PERSON Data File Non-Motorist Location at Time of Crash Definition: This data element identifies the attribute which best describes the location of this non-motorist with respect to the roadway at the time of the crash. Additional Information: SAS Name: LOCATION Attribute Codes 1975-1981 0 Not Applicable-Vehicle Occupant 1 Intersection-In Crosswalk 2 Intersection-Sidewalk, Median, Island, Shoulder, Other 3 Intersection-On Roadway 4 Intersection-Unknown 5 Non-Intersection-In Crosswalk 6 Non-Intersection-Sidewalk, Median, Island, Shoulder, Other 7 Non-Intersection-Bike Path 8 Non-Intersection-On Road Shoulder 9 Non-Intersection-Outside Trafficway 10 Non-Intersection-On Roadway 11 Non-Intersection-In Parking Lane (Since 1980) 12 Non-Intersection-Unknown 99 Unknown 19822009 0 20102013 0 2014Later 0 1 --2 --3 --4 5 9 -10 --11 --12 -1 --2 --3 ---9 --10 --11 --- --1 --2 --3 ---9 --10 --11 -- Occupant of a Motor Vehicle (Includes Railway Train Occupants Since 2006) Intersection-In Crosswalk Intersection-In Marked Crosswalk At Intersection-In Marked Crosswalk Intersection-On Roadway, Not in Crosswalk Intersection-Unmarked Crosswalk At Intersection-Unmarked/Unknown If Marked Crosswalk Intersection-On Roadway, Crosswalk Not Available Intersection-Not in Crosswalk At Intersection-Not in Crosswalk Intersection-On Roadway, Crosswalk Availability Unknown Intersection-Not on Roadway Intersection-Unknown Location At Intersection-Unknown Location Non-Intersection-In Crosswalk Non-Intersection-In Marked Crosswalk Not At Intersection-In Marked Crosswalk Non-Intersection-On Roadway, Not in Crosswalk Non-Intersection-On Roadway, Not in Marked Crosswalk Non At Intersection-On Roadway, Not in Marked Crosswalk Non-Intersection-On Roadway, Crosswalk Not Available FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 280 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM10 Non-Motorist Location at Time of Crash The PERSON Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 19822009 13 -14 -15 16 -17 18 19 ---------99 20102013 13 --14 --16 ---20 21 22 23 24 -25 28 98 99 2014Later -13 -14 --16 ---20 21 22 23 -24 25 28 98 99 Non-Intersection-On Roadway, Crosswalk Availability Unknown Not At Intersection-On Roadway, Crosswalk Availability Unknown Non-Intersection-In Parking Lane Parking Lane/Zone Non-Intersection-On Road Shoulder Non-Intersection-Bike Path Bicycle Lane Non-Intersection-Outside Trafficway Non-Intersection-Other, Not a Roadway Non-Intersection-Unknown Shoulder/Roadside Sidewalk Median/Crossing Island Driveway Access Shared-Use Path/Trail Shared-Use Path Non-Trafficway Area Other Not Reported Unknown Location FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 281 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PERSON Data File Discontinued PERSON Data Elements Automatic Restraint (discontinued) Definition: This data element was discontinued after 1990. Additional Information: SAS Name: AUT_REST Attribute Codes 1975-1989 0 Non-Motorist or Not Applicable 1 Automatic Belt in Use 2 Automatic Belt Not in Use 3 Deployed Air Bag (No Data 1983-1985) 4 Non-Deployed Air Bag (No Data 1983-1987) 5 Passive Belt (i.e., Passive Belt In Use, 1977-1979) 9 Unknown 1990 0 3 4 9 Non-Motorist Deployed Air Bag Non-Deployed Air Bag Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 282 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Death Certificate Number The PERSON Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records the sequence number from the death certificate for this person as assigned by the State Vital Statistics or Vital Records Department. This twelve-digit data element is a combination of the four-digit GSA code for the City where the death occurred, the two-digit state number, and the six-digit death certificate number. Additional Information: . SAS Name: CERT_NO Attribute Codes 1991-2014 000000000000 xxxxxxxxxxxx 9997xxxxxxxx 9999xxxxxxxx 999999999999 Not Applicable (Not A Fatality) 12 0's Any 12 digits No GSA Element for The City City Where Death Occurred Cannot Be Found on Death Certificate Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 283 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Manual Restraint The PERSON Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element was discontinued after 1990. Additional Information: SAS Name: MAN_REST Attribute Codes 1975-1990 0 None Used – Vehicle Occupant; Not Applicable – Non-Motorist 1 Shoulder Belt 2 Lap Belt 3 Lap and Shoulder Belt 4 Child Safety Seat 5 Motorcycle Helmet 8 Restraint Used – Type Unknown or Other Including Other Helmet 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 284 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File The PARKWORK Data File The Parkwork data file includes Vehicle data elements applicable to Parked and Working Vehicles. It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Parkwork data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE and VEH_NO are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE should be used to merge the Parkwork data file with the Accident data file. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Parkwork data file with the Vindecode and Person data files. The Parkwork data file replaced the Vehnit data file in 2010. The Vehnit data file ran from 2005 to 2009 and its element and attribute history is also provided below. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 285 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C4A The PARKWORK Data File Number of Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Definition: This data element is a count of the number of vehicles in-transport involved in the crash. Legally parked vehicles are not included. Additional Information: See this data element in the Accident data file section for more information. SAS Name: VE_FORMS PVE_FORMS 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052008 01-99 2009Later 001-999 Number of Vehicle Forms FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 286 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C8 Crash Date C8A Month of Crash The PARKWORK Data File Definition: This data element records the month in which the crash occurred. Additional Information: See this data element in the Accident data file section for more information. SAS Name: MONTH PMONTH 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December C8B Day of Crash Definition: This data element records the day of the month on which the crash occurred. Additional Information: See this data element in the Accident data file section for more information. SAS Name: DAY 2009 PDAY 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 01-31 Day of the Month of the Crash FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 287 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C9 Crash Time C9A Hour of Crash The PARKWORK Data File Definition: This data element records the hour at which the crash occurred. Additional Information: See this data element in the Accident data file section for more information. SAS Name: HOUR PHOUR 2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 0-23 Hour 99 Unknown C9B Minute of Crash Definition: This data element records the minutes after the hour at which the crash occurred. Additional Information: See this data element in the Accident data file section for more information. SAS Name: MINUTE PMINUTE 2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 0-59 Minute 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 288 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C19 The PARKWORK Data File First Harmful Event Definition: This data element describes the first injury or damage producing event of the crash. Additional Information: See this data element in the Accident data file section for more information. SAS Name: HARM_EV 2005-2009 PHARM_EV 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 01 02 03 04 05 06 -07 08 09 -10 -11 -12 -13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -22 23 -24 25 26 27 28 29 2010Later 01 02 03 04 05 -06 07 08 -09 -10 -11 -12 -14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -21 --23 24 25 26 ---- Rollover/Overturn Fire/Explosion Immersion (or Partial Immersion, Since 2012) Gas Inhalation Fell/Jumped from Vehicle Injured in Vehicle Injured in Vehicle (Non-Collision) Other Non-Collision Pedestrian Pedalcycle Pedalcyclist Railway Train Railway Vehicle Animal Live Animal Motor Vehicle in Transport on Same Roadway Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle in Transport on Other Roadway Parked Motor Vehicle (Not In Transport) Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance Thrown or Falling Object Boulder Other Object (Not Fixed) Building Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Bridge Pier or Abutment Bridge Pier or Support Bridge Parapet End Bridge Rail Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet) Guardrail Face Concrete Traffic Barrier Other Traffic Barrier Highway/Traffic Sign Post Overhead Sign Support/Sign Luminary/Light Support FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 289 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 First Harmful Event The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20052009 30 -31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 -45 -46 47 48 -49 50 51 -52 53 54 2010Later -30 31 32 33 34 -35 --38 39 40 41 42 43 -44 -45 46 --48 49 50 -51 52 53 -- -- 54 55 55 57 -----99 -55 57 58 59 72 73 98 99 Utility Pole Utility Pole/Light Support Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support Culvert Curb Ditch Embankment – Earth Embankment Embankment – Rock, Stone, or Concrete Embankment – Material Type Unknown Fence Wall Fire Hydrant Shrubbery Tree (Standing Only) Other Fixed Object Pavement Surface Irregularity Pavement Surface Irregularity (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.) Working Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicles Working Motor Vehicle Traffic Signal Support Vehicle Occupant Struck or Run Over by Own Vehicle (2005-2009) Collision With Snow Bank (2005-2009) Snow Bank Ridden Animal or Animal-Drawn Conveyance Bridge Overhead Structure Jackknife Jackknife (Harmful to This Vehicle) Guardrail End Mail Box Motor Vehicle Struck by Falling/Shifting Cargo or Anything Set in Motion by Another Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle In-Transport Strikes or is Struck by Cargo, Persons or Objects Set-in-Motion from/by Another Motor Vehicle In-Transport Other Not in-Transport Motor Vehicle (2005-2007) Motor Vehicle in Motion Outside the Trafficway (Since 2008) Cable Barrier (Since 2008) Ground Traffic Sign Support Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Harmful to This Vehicle) Object Fell From Motor Vehicle In-Transport (Since 2013) Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 290 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C20 The PARKWORK Data File Manner of Collision Definition: This data element describes the orientation of two motor vehicles in-transport when they are involved in the “First Harmful Event” of a collision crash. If the “First Harmful Event” is not a collision between two motor vehicles in-transport it is classified as such. Additional Information: See this data element in the Accident data file section for more information. SAS Name: MAN_COLL 2005-2009 PMAN_COLL 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 0 2010Later 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8 9 10 11 -99 1 2 ----6 7 8 9 10 11 98 99 Not Collision with Motor Vehicle in Transport (Not Necessarily in Transport for 2005-2009) Front-to-Rear Front-to-Front Angle – Front-to-Side, Same Direction Angle – Front-to-Side, Opposite Direction Angle – Front-to-Side, Right Angle (Includes Broadside) Angle – Front-to-Side/Angle-Direction Not Specified Angle Sideswipe – Same Direction Sideswipe – Opposite Direction Rear-to-Side Rear-to-Rear Other (End-Swipes and Others) Not Reported Unknown More Information on Manner of Collision FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 291 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V4 The PARKWORK Data File Number of Occupants Definition: This data element is a count of the number of occupants in this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: OCUPANTS NUMOCCS 2005-2008 2009 PNUMOCCS 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 00 01-95 96 98 99 None The Actual Number of Occupants in The Vehicle 96 Or More Occupants in The Vehicle Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 292 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V5 The PARKWORK Data File Unit Type Definition: This data element identifies the type of unit that applies to this motor vehicle at the time it became an involved vehicle in the crash and was reported as a unit on the PAR. Additional Information: This data element also appears in the Vehicle data file as UNITTYPE. The only valid attribute for UNITTYPE is 1 (Motor Vehicle in Transport (Inside or Outside the Trafficway)). SAS Name: UNITTYPE PTYPE 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 2 Motor Vehicle Not in Transport Within the Trafficway 3 Motor Vehicle Not in Transport Outside the Trafficway 4 Working Motor Vehicle (Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility Only) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 293 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V6 The PARKWORK Data File Hit and Run Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle was a contact vehicle in the crash that did not stop to render aid (this can include drivers who flee the scene on foot). Hit and run is coded when a motor vehicle in-transport, or its driver, departs from the scene; vehicles not intransport are excluded. It does not matter whether the hit-and-run vehicle was striking or struck. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: HIT_RUN PHIT_RUN 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052008 0 1 -2 3 5 5 --- 2009 0 -1 -----9 20102011 0 -1 ----8 9 2012Later 0 -1 -----9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No / No Hit-and-Run Hit Motor Vehicle in Transport Yes Hit Pedestrian or Non-Motorist Hit Parked Vehicle (Working Vehicle, Since 2004) or Object Other Involved Person, not a driver, left Scene (2005-2006) Hit-and-Run, Other Involved Person Left Scene (2007-2008) Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 294 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V7 The PARKWORK Data File Registration State Definition: This element identifies the state in which this vehicle was registered. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: REG_STAT 2005-2009 PREG_STAT 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 01 Alabama 02 Alaska 03 American Samoa 04 Arizona 05 Arkansas 06 California 08 Colorado 09 Connecticut 10 Delaware 11 District of Columbia 12 Florida 13 Georgia 14 Guam 15 Hawaii 16 Idaho 17 Illinois 18 Indiana 19 Iowa 20 Kansas 21 Kentucky 22 Louisiana 23 Maine 24 Maryland 25 Massachusetts 26 Michigan 27 Minnesota 28 Mississippi 29 Missouri FARS Analytical User’s Manual 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Data Element Definitions and Codes 295 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V7 Registration State The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2010-Later 00 Not Applicable 91 Not Reported 92 No Registration 93 Multiple State Registrations 94 U.S. Government Tags (Includes Military) 95 Canada 96 Mexico 97 Other Foreign Country 98 Other Registration (Includes Native American Indian Nations) 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 296 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V8 The PARKWORK Data File Registered Vehicle Owner Definition: This data element identifies the type of registered owner of the vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: OWNER POWNER 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052007 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -9 2008Later 0 1 2 3 4 5 -6 9 Not Applicable, Vehicle Not Registered Driver (of This Vehicle) Was Registered Owner Driver (of This Vehicle) Not Registered Owner (Other Private Owner) Vehicle Registered as Business/Company/Government Vehicle Vehicle Registered as Rental Vehicle Vehicle Was Stolen (Reported By Police) Driverless Vehicle Driverless/Motor Vehicle Parked/Stopped Off Roadway Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 297 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 The PARKWORK Data File Vehicle Make Definition: This data element identifies the make (manufacturer) of this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: MAKE PMAKE 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 01 American Motors 02 Jeep/Kaiser-Jeep/Willys Jeep 03 AM General 06 Chrysler 07 Dodge 08 Imperial 09 Plymouth 10 Eagle 12 Ford 13 Lincoln 14 Mercury 18 Buick/Opel 19 Cadillac 20 Chevrolet 21 Oldsmobile 22 Pontiac 23 GMC 24 Saturn 25 Grumman 26 Coda (Since 2013) 29 Other Domestic Avanti Checker DeSoto Excalibur Hudson Packard Panoz Saleen Studebaker Stutz Tesla (Since 2014) 30 Volkswagen 31 Alfa Romeo 32 Audi 33 Austin/Austin Healey FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 298 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 Vehicle Make The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2005-Later 34 BMW 35 Datsun/Nissan 36 Fiat 37 Honda 38 Isuzu 39 Jaguar 40 Lancia 41 Mazda 42 Mercedes-Benz 43 MG 44 Peugeot 45 Porsche 46 Renault 47 Saab 48 Subaru 49 Toyota 50 Triumph 51 Volvo 52 Mitsubishi 53 Suzuki 54 Acura 55 Hyundai 56 Merkur 57 Yugo 58 Infiniti 59 Lexus 60 Daihatsu 61 Sterling 62 Land Rover 63 Kia 64 Daewoo 65 Smart (Since 2010) 66 Mahindra (2011-2013) 67 Scion (Since 2012) 69 Other Imports Aston Martin Bentley Bertone Bricklin Bugatti Caterham Citroen DeLorean Desta FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 299 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 Vehicle Make The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2005-Later 69 Other Imports (continued) Ferrari Fisker Gazelle Hillman Jensen Koenigsegg Lada Lamborghini Lotus Mahindra (Since 2013) Maserati Maybach McLaren Mini Cooper Morgan Morris Reliant (British) Rolls-Royce Simca Singer Spyker Sunbeam TVR 70 BSA 71 Ducati 72 Harley-Davidson 73 Kawasaki 74 Moto Guzzi 75 Norton 76 Yamaha 77 Victory 78 Other Make Moped (Since 2010) 79 Other Make Motored Cycle (Since 2010) 80 Brockway 81 Diamond Reo/Reo 82 Freightliner 83 FWD 84 International Harvester/Navistar 85 Kenworth 86 Mack 87 Peterbilt 88 Iveco/Magirus 89 White/Autocar, White/GMC FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 300 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V9 Vehicle Make The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2005-Later 90 Bluebird 91 Eagle Coach 92 Gillig 93 MCI 94 Thomas Built 97 Not Reported (Since 2010) 98 Other Make Auto-Union-DKW Carpenter Collins Bus DINA Divco Hino Meyers Motors Mid Bus Neoplan Orion Oshkosh Scania Sterling Think UD Van Hool Western Star 99 Unknown Make FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 301 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V10 The PARKWORK Data File Vehicle Model Definition: This data element identifies the model of this vehicle within a given make. Additional Information: SAS Name: MODEL PMODEL 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later See the current FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual for vehicle model codes. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 302 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 The PARKWORK Data File Body Type Definition: This data element identifies a classification of this vehicle based on its general body configuration, size, shape, doors, etc. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: BODY_TYP 2005-2009 PBODYTYP 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -19 20 21 22 28 29 30 31 32 33 39 40 2010Later 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 31 32 33 39 40 41 42 45 41 42 45 Convertible (Excludes Sunroof, T-Bar) 2-Door Sedan/Hardtop/Coupe 3-Door/2-Door Hatchback 4-Door Sedan/Hardtop 5-Door/4-Door Hatchback Station Wagon (Excluding Van and Truck-Based) Hatchback, Number of Doors Unknown Sedan/Hardtop, Number of Doors Unknown Other or Unknown Automobile Type Auto-Based Pickup Auto-Based Panel (Cargo Station Wagon, Auto-Based Ambulance or Hearse) Large Limousine – More Than Four Side Doors or Stretch Chassis Three-Wheel Automobile or Automobile Derivative Compact Utility (ANSI D-16 Utility Vehicle Categories “Small” and “Midsize”) Large Utility (ANSI D-16 Utility Vehicle Categories “Full Size” and “Large”) Utility Station Wagon 3-Door Coupe Utility Unknown Body Minivan Large Van – Includes Van-Based Buses Step Van or Walk-In Van Other Van Type (Hi-Cube Van) Unknown Van Type Compact Pickup (Gross Vehicle Weight, GVWR, < 4,500 lbs) Standard Pickup Pickup with Slide-In Camper Convertible Pickup Unknown (Pickup Style) Light Conventional Truck Type Cab Chassis-Based (Includes Light Stake, Light Dump, Light Tow, Rescue Vehicles) Truck-Based Panel Light-Truck-Based Motorhome (Chassis Mounted) Other Light Conventional Truck Type (Includes Stretched Suburban Limousine) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 303 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 Body Type The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20052009 48 -49 50 51 52 -58 59 60 61 -- 2010Later 48 48 49 50 51 52 55 58 59 60 61 61 62 -- 62 62 63 -64 -65 66 67 -71 63 63 -64 65 66 67 68 71 72 72 73 78 79 80 81 82 83 88 88 73 78 79 80 81 82 83 -88 89 90 91 92 93 89 90 91 92 93 Unknown Light-Truck Type (Not a Pickup, 2005-2012) Unknown Light Truck Type (Since 2013) Unknown Light-Vehicle Type (Automobile, Utility Vehicle, Van or Light Truck) School Bus Cross-Country/Intercity Bus (i.e., Greyhound) Transit Bus (City Bus) Van-Based Bus GVWR > 10,000 lbs. (Since 2011) Other Bus Type Unknown Bus Type Step Van Single-Unit Straight Truck (10,000 lbs < GVWR <= 19,500 lbs) (2005-2010) Single-Unit Straight Truck or Cab-Chassis (10,000 lbs < GVWR <= 19,500 lbs) (Since 2011) Single-Unit Straight Truck (19,500 lbs < GVWR <= 26,000 lbs) (2005-2010) Single-Unit Straight Truck or Cab-Chassis (19,500 lbs < GVWR <= 26,000 lbs) (Since 2011) Single-Unit Straight Truck (GVWR > 26,000 lbs) (2005-2010) Single-Unit Straight Truck or Cab-Chassis (GVWR > 26,000 lbs) (Since 2011) Single-Unit Straight Truck Single Unit Straight Truck or Cab-Chassis (GVWR Unknown) (Since 2011) Medium/Heavy Truck-Based Motorhome Truck/Tractor (Cab Only, or with Any Number of Trailing Units: Any Weight) Medium/Heavy Pickup (GVWR > 10,000 lbs) Single-Unit Straight Truck (GVWR Unknown) (2010 Only) Unknown if Single-Unit or Combination-Unit Medium Truck (10,000 lbs < GVWR < 26,000 lbs) Unknown if Single-Unit or Combination-Unit Heavy Truck (GVWR > 26,000 lbs.) Camper or Motorhome, Unknown Truck Type Unknown Medium/Heavy Truck Type Unknown Truck Type Motorcycle Moped (Motorized Bicycle) Three-Wheel Motorcycle/Moped- Not All-Terrain Vehicle Off-Road Motorcycle (2-Wheel) Other Motored Cycle Type (Mini-Bikes, Motor Scooters) (2005-2007) Other Motored Cycle Type (Mini-Bikes, Motor Scooters, Pocket Motorcycles, Pocket Bikes) (Since 2008) Unknown Motored Cycle Type ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle; Includes 3 or 4 Wheels) Snowmobile Farm Equipment Other Than Trucks Construction Equipment Other Than Trucks (Includes Graders) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 304 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V11 Body Type The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20052009 -- 2010Later 94 -97 95 97 -99 98 99 Low Speed Vehicle (LSV)/Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) (Since 2011) Golf Cart (Since 2012) Other Vehicle Type (Includes Go-Cart, Fork-Lift, City Street Sweeper, Dune/Swamp Buggy, Golf Cart) Not Reported Unknown Body Type FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 305 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V12 The PARKWORK Data File Vehicle Model Year Definition: This data element identifies the manufacturer's model year of this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: MOD_YEAR 2005-2009 PMODYEAR 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 0000-9997 9998 9999 Actual year of vehicle manufacture Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 306 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V13 The PARKWORK Data File Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Definition: This data element records the vehicle identification number (VIN) of this vehicle assigned by the vehicle manufacturer. The VIN contains information on the vehicle such as: manufacturer, model year, model, body type, restraint type, etc. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VIN PVIN 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-2008 -xxxxxxxxxxxx ---- 2009 -xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000000000 --- 2010-Later -xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000000000 888888888888 999999999999 First 10 Characters First 12 Characters No VIN Required Not Reported Unknown More Information on Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 307 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V14 The PARKWORK Data File Vehicle Trailing Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle had any attached trailing units or was towing another motor vehicle. A trailing unit can be a horse trailer, fifth wheel trailer, camper, boat, truck trailer, towed vehicle or any other trailer. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: TOW_VEH 2005-2009 PTRAILER 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052008 0 1 2 3 4 5 --9 2009Later 0 1 2 3 4 -5 6 9 No Trailing Unit Yes, One Trailing Unit Yes, Two Trailing Units Yes, Three or More Trailing Units Yes, Number of Trailing Units Unknown Vehicle Towing another Motor Vehicle Vehicle Towing another Motor Vehicle – Fixed Linkage Vehicle Towing another Motor Vehicle – Non-Fixed Linkage Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 308 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V16 The PARKWORK Data File Motor Carrier Identification Number Definition: This data element records the issuing authority and motor carrier identification number if applicable to this vehicle. This data element is the combination of two data elements, MCARR_I1 and MCARR_I2. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: MCARR_ID 2005-2009 PMCARR_ID 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 xxxxxxxxxxx 2010Later xxxxxxxxxxx 00000000000 -88888888888 99999999999 00000000000 77777777777 88888888888 99999999999 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 11-Character Combination of MCARR_I1 followed by MCARR_I2 Not Applicable Not Reported None Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 309 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V16A The PARKWORK Data File MCID Issuing Authority Definition: This data element records the issuing authority if applicable to this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: MCARR_I1 2007-2009 PMCARR_I1 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20072009 00 01-56 57 58 -88 95 96 99 2010Later 00 01-56 57 58 77 88 95 96 99 Not Applicable FARS State Code US DOT MC/MX (ICC) Not Reported None Canada Mexico Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 310 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V16B The PARKWORK Data File MCID Identification Number Definition: This data element records the motor carrier identification number if applicable to this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: MCARR_I2 2007-2009 PMCARR_I2 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2007-Later xxxxxxxxx 000000000 777777777 888888888 999999999 Actual 9-Digit Number Not Applicable Not Reported None Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 311 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V17 The PARKWORK Data File Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Definition: This data element identifies the gross vehicle weight rating of this vehicle if applicable. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: GVWR PGVWR 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 0 1 2 3 -9 2010Later 0 1 2 3 8 9 Not Applicable 10,000 lbs or Less 10,001 lbs - 26,000 lbs 26,001 lbs or More Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 312 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V18 The PARKWORK Data File Vehicle Configuration Definition: This data element identifies the general configuration of this vehicle if applicable. Additional Information: SAS Name: V_CONFIG 2005-2009 PV_CONFIG 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 0 2010Later -- -1 -2 3 4 -5 6 -7 -8 --19 -20 -21 21 -70 0 -1 2 --4 5 -6 -7 -8 10 -19 -20 --21 -- 80 --99 -98 99 -- Not Applicable, Not a Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus or Vehicle Displaying a Hazardous Material Placard Not Applicable Single-Unit Truck (2 axles, 6 tires) Single-Unit Truck (2 axles and GVWR more than 10,000 lbs.) Single-Unit Truck (3 or More axles) Single-Unit Truck (Unknown Number of Axles, Tires) Truck/Trailer(s) Truck Pulling Trailer(s) Truck Tractor (Bobtail, i.e., Tractor Only, No Trailer) Tractor/Semi-Trailer (One Trailer) Tractor/Semi-Trailer Tractor/Doubles (Two Trailers) Truck Tractor/Double Tractor/Triples (Three Trailers) Truck Tractor/Triple Vehicle 10,000 lbs or Less Placarded for Hazardous Materials Medium/Heavy Trucks, Cannot Classify Truck More than 10,000 lbs., Cannot Classify Bus (Seats for 9-15 Occupants, Including Driver) Bus/Large Van (Seats for 9-15 Occupants, Including Driver) Bus (Seats for More Than 15 People, Including Driver, 2005-2006) Bus (Seats for 16 or More People, Including Driver, 2007-2009) Bus (Seats for More Than 15 Occupants, Including Driver, 2010-Later) Light Truck (Van, Mini-Van, Panel, Pickup, Sport Utility Vehicle Displaying a Hazardous Material Placard) Passenger Car (Only When Displaying a Hazardous Material Placard) Not Reported (2010-2012) Unknown Unknown if Light or Medium/Heavy Truck/Bus FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 313 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V19 The PARKWORK Data File Cargo Body Type Definition: This data element identifies the primary cargo carrying capability of this vehicle if applicable. Additional Information: SAS Name: CARGO_BT 2005-2009 PCARGTYP 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052008 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -10 11 -12 20 21 21 --96 97 2009Later -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -9 10 -11 12 ---22 28 96 -- -98 --99 -- 97 -98 --99 Not Applicable, Not a Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus Not Applicable Van/Enclosed Box Cargo Tank Flatbed Dump Concrete Mixer Auto Transporter Garbage/Refuse Grain, Chips, Gravel Pole Pole-Trailer Log (Since 2007) Intermodal Chassis (2007-2008) Intermodal Container Chassis Vehicle Towing Another Motor Vehicle (Since 2007) Bus (Seats 9-15 People, Including Driver) Bus (Seats More than 15 People, Including Driver, 2005-2006) Bus (Seats for 16 or More People, Including Driver, 2007-2008) Bus Not Reported (2010-2012) No Cargo Body Type Medium/Heavy Truck, or Bus, Other Cargo Body Type (Not Data elements 01-12, 20-21) Other Medium/Heavy Truck, or Bus, Unknown Cargo Body Type Unknown Cargo Body Type Unknown Vehicle Type Unknown if Light or Medium/Heavy Truck/Bus Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 314 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V20A/HM1 The PARKWORK Data File Hazardous Material Involvement Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle was carrying hazardous materials. Additional Information: SAS Name: HAZ_INV PHAZ_INV 2007-2009 2010-Later 2007-Later 1 No 2 Yes V20B/HM2 Hazardous Material Placard Definition: This data element identifies the presence of hazardous materials for this vehicle and whether this vehicle displayed a hazardous materials placard. Additional Information: SAS Name: HAZ_PLAC 2007-2009 PHAZPLAC 2010-Later 2007-Later 0 Not Applicable 1 No 2 Yes 8 Not Reported V20C/HM3 Hazardous Material Identification Number Definition: This data element identifies the 4-digit hazardous material identification number for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: HAZ_ID PHAZ_ID 2007-2009 2010-Later 2007-Later 0000 Not Applicable xxxx Actual 4-Digit Number 8888 Not Reported FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 315 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V20D/HM4 The PARKWORK Data File Hazardous Material Class Number Definition: This data element identifies the single-digit hazardous material class number for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: HAZ_CNO PHAZ_CNO 2007-2009 2010-Later 2007 0 1-7 or 9 8 Not Applicable Actual Number Not Reported 2008-Later 0 1-9 88 Not Applicable Actual Number Not Reported V20E/HM5 Release of Hazardous Material from the Cargo Compartment Definition: This data element identifies whether any hazardous cargo was released from the cargo tank or compartment of this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: HAZ_REL PHAZ_REL 2007-2009 2010-Later 2007-Later 0 Not Applicable 1 No 2 Yes 8 Not Reported FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 316 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V21 The PARKWORK Data File Bus Use Definition: This data element describes the common type of bus service this vehicle was being used as at the time of the crash or the primary use for the bus if not in service at the time of the crash. Additional Information: SAS Name: BUS_USE PBUS_USE 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 Not Used as a Bus 1 Used as a Public School Bus 2 Used as a Private School Bus 3 Used as a School Bus, Public or Private Unknown 4 Used as a Scheduled Service Bus 5 Used as a Tour Bus 6 Used as a Commuter Bus 7 Used as a Shuttle Bus 8 Modified for Personal/Private Use 9 Unknown Bus Use 2010-Later 00 Not a Bus 01 School Bus 04 Intercity Bus 05 Charter/Tour Bus 06 Transit/Commuter Bus 07 Shuttle Bus 08 Modified for Personal/Private Use 98 Not Reported 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 317 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V22 The PARKWORK Data File Special Use Definition: This data element identifies any special use associated with this vehicle at the time of the crash.. Additional Information: SAS Name: SPEC_USE PSP_USE 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 0 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 ---9 20102011 0 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 --98 99 2012 0 1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --98 99 2013Later 0 1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 13 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Special Use Taxi Vehicle Used for School Bus Vehicle Used as School Transport Vehicle Used as Other Bus Military Police Ambulance Fire Truck Emergency Services Vehicle (2009-2012) Non-Transport Emergency Services Vehicle Incident Response Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 318 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V23 The PARKWORK Data File Emergency Motor Vehicle Use Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle was engaged in emergency use. Emergency Use indicates operation of any motor vehicle that is legally authorized by a government authority to respond to emergencies with or without the use of emergency warning equipment, such as a police vehicle, fire truck or ambulance while actually engaged in such response. Additional Information: Prior to 2013 this data element was called “Emergency Use.” See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: EMER_USE PEM_USE 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 0 -1 ---- 20102012 0 -1 ---- 2013 -0 -2 3 4 2014Later -0 -2 3 4 -- -- 5 5 -- -- -- 6 --- 8 9 8 9 8 9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual No Not Applicable Yes Non-Emergency, Non-Transport Non-Emergency Transport Emergency Operation, Emergency Warning Equipment Not In Use Emergency Operation, Emergency Warning Equipment In Use Emergency Operation, Emergency Warning Equipment In Use Unknown Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 319 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V25 The PARKWORK Data File Underride/Override Definition: This data element identifies this vehicle’s involvement in an underride or override during the crash. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: UNDERIDE 2005-2009 PUNDERIDE 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 0 No Underride or Override (2005-2011) 0 No Underride or Override Noted (2012-Later) WITH MOTOR VEHICLE IN TRANSPORT 1 Underride (Compartment Intrusion) 2 Underride (No Compartment Intrusion) 3 Underride (Compartment Intrusion Unknown) WITH MOTOR VEHICLE NOT IN TRANSPORT 4 Underride (Compartment Intrusion) 5 Underride (No Compartment Intrusion) 6 Underride (Compartment Intrusion Unknown) 7 8 9 Override, Motor Vehicle in Transport Override, Motor Vehicle Not in Transport Unknown if Underride or Override FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 320 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V28A The PARKWORK Data File Initial Contact Point Definition: This data element identifies the area on this vehicle that produced the first instance of injury to non-motorists or occupants of this vehicle, or that resulted in the first instance of damage to other property or to this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: IMPACT1 2005-2009 PIMPACT1 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 0 1-12 13 14 18 ---------------99 20102011 0 1-12 13 14 -18 ---61 62 -63 -81 82 -83 -98 99 2012 0 1-12 13 14 --18 --61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 2013Later 0 1-12 13 14 ---18 19 61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 Non-Collision Clock points Top Undercarriage This Vehicle Set Something in Motion Causing Injury or Damage (Not a Clock Point) Set-in-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Set-in-Motion (Not a Clock Value) Cargo/Vehicle Parts Set-In-Motion Other Objects Set-In-Motion Left Left-Front Half Left-Front Side Left-Back Half Left-Back Side Right Right-Front Half Right-Front Side Right-Back Half Right-Back Side Not Reported Unknown More Information on Impact FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 321 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V29 The PARKWORK Data File Extent of Damage Definition: This data element records the amount of damage sustained by this vehicle as indicated on the PAR based on an operational damage scale. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VEH_SEV PVEH_SEV 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-2008 0 None 2 Other (Minor) 4 Functional (Moderate) 6 Disabling (Severe) 9 Unknown 2009 0 2 4 6 -9 2010Later 0 2 4 6 8 9 No Damage Minor Damage Functional Damage Disabling Damage Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 322 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V30 The PARKWORK Data File Vehicle Removal Definition: This data element describes the mode by which this vehicle left the scene of the crash. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: TOWAWAY 2005-2008 TOWED 2009 PTOWED 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052008 1 2 -3 ----9 2009 1 -2 -3 4 --9 20102012 1 -2 -3 4 -8 9 2013Later --2 -3 -5 8 9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driven Away Towed Away Towed Due to Disabling Damage Abandoned/Left Scene Towed Not Due to Disabling Damage Abandoned/Left Scene Not Towed Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 323 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V32 The PARKWORK Data File Most Harmful Event Definition: This data element describes the event that resulted in the most severe injury or, if no injury, the greatest property damage involving this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: M_HARM PM_HARM 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 01 02 03 04 05 06 -07 08 09 -10 -11 -12 -13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -22 23 -24 25 26 27 20102012 01 02 03 04 05 -06 07 08 -09 -10 -11 -12 -14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -21 --23 24 25 26 -- 2013Later 01 02 03 04 05 -06 07 08 -09 -10 -11 -12 -14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -21 --23 24 25 26 -- Rollover/Overturn Fire/Explosion Immersion (or Partial Immersion, Since 2012) Gas Inhalation Fell/Jumped from Vehicle Injured in Vehicle Injured in Vehicle (Non-Collision) Other Non-Collision Pedestrian Pedalcycle Pedalcyclist Railway Train Railway Vehicle Animal Live Animal Motor Vehicle in Transport on Same Roadway Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle in Transport on Other Roadway Parked Motor Vehicle Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance Thrown or Falling Object Boulder Other Object (Not Fixed) Building Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Bridge Pier or Abutment Bridge Pier or Support Bridge Parapet End Bridge Rail Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet) Guardrail Face Concrete Traffic Barrier Other Traffic Barrier Highway/Traffic Sign Post FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 324 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V32 Most Harmful Event The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20052009 28 29 30 -31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 -45 -46 47 48 -49 50 51 -52 53 54 20102012 ---30 31 32 33 34 -35 --38 39 40 41 42 43 -44 -45 46 --48 49 50 -51 52 53 -- 2013Later ---30 31 32 33 34 -35 --38 39 40 41 42 43 -44 -45 46 --48 49 50 -51 52 53 -- -- 54 54 55 55 57 ----- -55 57 58 59 72 -- -55 57 58 59 72 73 Overhead Sign Support/Sign Luminary/Light Support Utility Pole Utility Pole/Light Support Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support Culvert Curb Ditch Embankment – Earth Embankment Embankment – Rock, Stone, or Concrete Embankment – Material Type Unknown Fence Wall Fire Hydrant Shrubbery Tree (Standing Only) Other Fixed Object Pavement Surface Irregularity Pavement Surface Irregularity (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.) Working Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicles Working Motor Vehicle Traffic Signal Support Vehicle Occupant Struck or Run Over by Own Vehicle Collision With Snow Bank Snow Bank Ridden Animal or Animal-Drawn Conveyance Bridge Overhead Structure Jackknife Jackknife (Harmful to This Vehicle) Guardrail End Mail Box Motor Vehicle Struck by Falling/Shifting Cargo or Anything Set in Motion by Another Motor Vehicle in Transport Motor Vehicle In-Transport Strikes or is Struck by Cargo, Persons or Objects Set-in-Motion from/by Another Motor Vehicle In-Transport Other Not in-Transport Motor Vehicle (2005-2007) Motor Vehicle in Motion Outside the Trafficway (Since 2008) Cable Barrier (Since 2008) Ground Traffic Sign Support Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Harmful to This Vehicle) Object Fell From Motor Vehicle In-Transport FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 325 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V32 Most Harmful Event The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20052009 -99 20102012 98 99 2013Later -99 Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 326 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V33 The PARKWORK Data File Related Factors – Vehicle Level Definition: This data element records factors related to this vehicle expressed by the investigating officer. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VEH_CF1, VEH_CF2 PVEH_SC1, PVEH_SC2 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052009 00 01 02 03 04 20102013 00 ----- 2014Later 00 ----- 05 -- -- 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 --31 32 33 35 35 36 37 39 --------------30 --32 33 -35 36 37 39 ---------------30 -32 33 -35 -37 39 None Tires (Does Not Include Wheels, See Value 16) Brake System Steering System- Tie Rod, Kingpin, Ball Joint, etc. Suspension- Springs, Shock Absorbers, MacPherson struts, Axle Bearing, Control Arms, etc. Power Train (Power Train/Engine)- Universal Joint, Drive Shaft, Transmission, etc. Exhaust System Headlights Signal Lights Other Lights Horn Mirrors Wipers Driver Seating and Control Body, Doors, Hood, Other Trailer Hitch Wheels Air Bags Other Vehicle Defects Safety Belts 3-Wheeled Motorcycle Conversion (2012-2013) Multi-Wheeled Motorcycle Conversion Hit-and-Run Vehicle (2005-2008) Vehicle Registration for Handicapped Vehicle Being Pushed by Non-Motorist Reconstructed Vehicle (2005-2007) Reconstructed/Altered Vehicle (Since 2008) Electric/Alternative Fuel Vehicle Transporting Children to/from Head Start/Day Care Highway Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicle, In Transport (Inside or Outside Work Zone) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 327 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V33 Related Factors – Vehicle Level The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20052009 40 41 20102013 40 41 2014Later 40 41 42 42 42 43 -- -- 44 99 44 99 44 99 Highway Incident Response Vehicle Police Fire or EMS Vehicle Working at the Scene of an Emergency or Performing Other Traffic Control Activities Other Working Vehicle (Not Construction, Maintenance, Utility, Police, Fire, or EMS Vehicle) Hazardous Materials/Cargo Released From This Vehicle (2005-2006) Adaptive Equipment (Since 2007) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 328 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V34 The PARKWORK Data File Fire Occurrence Definition: This data element identifies whether a fire in any way related to the crash occurred in this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: FIRE_EXP PFIRE 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 20052007 0 -1 --- 2008 0 -1 -2 2009Later -0 -1 -- No Fire No or Not Reported Fire Occurred in This Vehicle during Crash Yes Fire Occurred in This Vehicle and Initiated Fire/Explosion in Another Vehicle FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 329 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V100 The PARKWORK Data File Make Model Combined Definition: This derived data element represents the 5-digit combination of two data elements, the 2-digit “Vehicle Make” code (MAKE) followed by the 3-digit “Vehicle Model” code (MODEL). Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: MAK_MOD 2005-2009 PMAK_MOD 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later See the current FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual for vehicle make and model codes. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 330 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V101 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 1 Definition: This data element represents the first character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_1 PVIN_1 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x First Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 331 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V102 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 2 Definition: This data element represents the second character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_2 PVIN_2 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Second Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 332 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V103 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 3 Definition: This data element represents the third character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_3 PVIN_3 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Third Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 333 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V104 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 4 Definition: This data element represents the fourth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_4 PVIN_4 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Fourth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 334 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V105 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 5 Definition: This data element represents the fifth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_5 PVIN_5 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Fifth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 335 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V106 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 6 Definition: This data element represents the sixth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_6 PVIN_6 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Sixth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 336 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V107 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 7 Definition: This data element represents the seventh character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_7 PVIN_7 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Seventh Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 337 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V108 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 8 Definition: This data element represents the eighth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_8 PVIN_8 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Eighth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 338 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V109 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 9 Definition: This data element represents the ninth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_9 PVIN_9 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Ninth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 339 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V110 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 10 Definition: This data element represents the tenth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_10 PVIN_10 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Tenth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 340 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V111 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 11 Definition: This data element represents the eleventh character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_11 PVIN_11 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Eleventh Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 341 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V112 The PARKWORK Data File VIN Character 12 Definition: This data element represents the twelfth character in the VIN string for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: VIN_12 PVIN_12 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later x Twelfth Character in the VIN String FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 342 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V150 The PARKWORK Data File Fatalities in Vehicle Definition: This derived data element records the number of fatalities that occurred in this vehicle and is derived by counting all persons with “Injury Severity” of 4 in the vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: DEATHS PDEATHS 2005-2009 2010-Later Attribute Codes 2005-Later 00-99 Number of Fatalities that Occurred in the Vehicle. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 343 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File Discontinued PARKWORK Data Elements Axle (discontinued) Definition: This data element counts the total number of axles on the vehicle (and converter dolly), including the trailing units (includes raised axles). Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: AXLES Attribute Codes 2005-2007 00 02-97 98 99 Not Applicable, Not a Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus Number of Axles Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus, Number of Axles Unknown Unknown if Light or Medium/Heavy Truck or Bus FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 344 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Carburetion The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the number of barrels for the engine of this vehicle or a code indicating that the engine is high-performance, fuel-injected, turbocharged, or electronically-controlled. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PCARBUR Attribute Codes 2011-2012 0-8 Actual Number of Barrels A 1 Barrel, Lower HP B 1 Barrel, Higher HP C 1 Barrel, Turbo D 1 Barrel, Turbo Low HP E 1 Barrel, Turbo High HP F Number of Barrels Not Specified, Fuel injection G 1 Barrel, Electronically controlled H Number of Barrels Not Specified, High performance J 2 Barrels, Lower HP K 2 Barrels, Higher HP L 2 Barrels, Turbo M 2 Barrels, Turbo Low HP N 2 Barrels, Turbo High HP P 2 Barrels, Electronically controlled Q Number of Barrels Not Specified, Electronically controlled R 4 Barrels, Electronically controlled S 4 Barrels, Lower HP T 1, 2 or 4 Barrels,Turbo Fuel Injected U 4 Barrels, Higher HP V 4 Barrels, Turbo W 4 Barrels, Turbo Low HP X 4 Barrels, Turbo High HP Y Number of Barrels Not Specified, Turbo Z Number of Barrels Not Specified, Super Charged FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 345 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Crash Avoidance Maneuver The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element is collected to indicate if an avoidance maneuver was taken by the driver to avoid the crash. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: AVOID Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 No Avoidance Maneuver Reported 1 Braking (Skid Marks Evident) 2 Braking (No Skid Marks; Driver Stated) 3 Braking (Other Reported Evidence) 4 Steering (Evidence or Stated) 5 Steering and Braking (Evidence or Stated) 6 Other Avoidance Maneuver 8 Not Reported / (Inconclusive Since 1999, By Police) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 346 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Commercial Motor Vehicle License Status The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element indicates the status of the driver’s Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) if applicable. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: CDL_STAT Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 No Commercial Driver's License (CDL) 1 Suspended 2 Revoked 3 Expired 4 Cancelled or Denied 5 Disqualified 6 Valid 7 Learner's Permit 8 Other – Not Valid 9 Unknown CDL FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 347 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Compliance with CDL Endorsements The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies whether the vehicle driven at the time of the crash required endorsement(s) on a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and whether this driver was complying with the CDL endorsements. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: L_ENDORS Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 No Endorsements Required For This Vehicle 1 Endorsement(s) Required, Complied With 2 Endorsement(s) Required, Not Complied With 3 Endorsement(s) Required, Compliance Unknown -No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present -Not Reported 9 Unknown, if Required FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 348 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Compliance with License Restrictions The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element indicates whether this driver was compliant with restrictions on their license. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: L_RESTRI Attribute Codes 1975-2009 0 No Restrictions or Not Applicable 1 Restrictions Complied With 2 Restrictions Not Complied With 3 Restrictions, Compliance Unknown 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 349 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Cubic Inch Displacement The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the manufacturer’s cubic inch displacement of the engine pistons for this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PDISPLACE Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xxx Actual Cubic Inch Displacement (cid) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 350 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Curb Weight The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the base weight of the series for this vehicle. This is available for Passenger Type Vehicles only (VINTYPE='P'). Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VIN_WGT PVIN_WGT 2005-2009 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 2005-2012 0 1-9998 9999 Not Available Actual weight of Automobile (lbs) Value Not Coded FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 351 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver Drinking The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records whether the driver was drinking and is derived from data elements in the Vehicle and Person data files. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: DR_DRINK Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 No Drinking 1 Drinking FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 352 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver Height The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies this driver's height (in inches). Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: DR_HGT Attribute Codes 2005-2009 24-107 Actual Height in Inches 999 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 353 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver Presence The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies whether a driver was present in this vehicle at the onset of the unstabilized situation. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: DR_PRES Attribute Codes 20052008 -1 -2 3 4 2009 0 -1 ---- 4 -- 9 9 No Driver Present/Not Applicable Driver Operated Vehicle Yes Driverless (No Driver) Driver Left Scene Motor Vehicle not In-Transport (Parked/Stopped Off Roadway/ Working Motor Vehicle/In Motion Outside Trafficway, 2008 Only) Motor Vehicle not In-Transport (Parked/Stopped Off Roadway/Working/ In Motion Outside Trafficway, 2005-2007) Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 354 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver Weight The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies this driver's weight (in pounds). Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: DR_WGT Attribute Codes 2005-2009 40-700 Actual Weight in Pounds 998 Other 999 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 355 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver’s License State The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This element identifies the state of issue for the license held by this driver. Additional Information: SAS Name: L_STATE Attribute Codes 2005-2009 01 Alabama 02 Alaska 03 American Samoa 04 Arizona 05 Arkansas 06 California 08 Colorado 09 Connecticut 10 Delaware 11 District of Columbia 12 Florida 13 Georgia 14 Guam 15 Hawaii 16 Idaho 17 Illinois 18 Indiana 19 Iowa 20 Kansas 21 Kentucky 22 Louisiana 23 Maine 24 Maryland 25 Massachusetts 26 Michigan 27 Minnesota 28 Mississippi 29 Missouri 94 94 95 96 97 99 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands (Since 2004) Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Military (2005-2006) U.S. Government (Since 2007) Canada Mexico Other Foreign Country Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 356 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver’s Vision Obscured by The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records impediments to a driver’s visual field that were noted in the case materials. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: D_VISION1, D_VISION2, D_VISION3 Attribute Codes 2009 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 97 98 99 No Obstruction Noted Rain, Snow, Fog, Smoke, Sand, Dust Reflected Glare, Bright Sunlight, Headlights Curve, Hill, or Other Roadway Design Features Building, Billboard, or Other Structure Trees, Crops, Vegetation In-Transport Motor Vehicle (Including Load) Not-in-Transport Motor Vehicle (Parked, Working) Splash or Spray of Passing Vehicle Inadequate Defrost or Defog System Inadequate Vehicle Lighting System Obstructing Interior to the Vehicle External Mirrors Broken or Improperly Cleaned Windshield Obstructing Angles on Vehicle Vision Obscured – No Details Other Visual Obstruction Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 357 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Driver’s ZIP Code The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records the zip code of the driver’s address as listed in the case material. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: DR_ZIP Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00000 Not a Resident of U. S. or Territories xxxxx Actual Zip Code, Five Numeric 99999 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 358 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Fuel Code The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the fuel type for this vehicle determined by the manufacturer specification and recommendation. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: FLDCD_TR 2005-2009 PFUECODE 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 20052009 -C 20102012 B C D E F G H M N P 9 D E F G H M N P 9 Electric and Gasoline Hybrid Engine Gasoline Engine That Can Be Easily Converted to Gaseous-Powered Engine (Powered by Natural Gas, Propane, etc.) Diesel Electric Flexible Fuel Gas Ethanol Fuel Only Methanol Gas Only Compressed Natural Gas Propane Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 359 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the presence of hazardous cargo for this vehicle and records information about the hazardous cargo when present. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: HAZ_CARG Attribute Codes 2005-2006 0 No -Yes 1 Yes, Placarded 2 Yes, Not Placarded 3 Yes, Unknown if Placarded 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 360 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Jackknife The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies whether this vehicle experienced a jackknife anytime during the unstabilized situation. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: J_KNIFE Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 Not an Articulated Vehicle 1 No 2 Yes, First Event 3 Yes, Subsequent Event FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 361 FARS Analytical User’s Manual License Compliance with Class of Vehicle The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the type of license possessed or not possessed by this driver for the class of vehicle being driven at the time of the crash. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: L_COMPL 2005-2009 0 Not Licensed 1 No License Required for This Class Vehicle 2 No Valid License for This Class Vehicle 3 Valid License for This Class Vehicle 8 Unknown if CDL and/or CDL Endorsement Required for This Vehicle 9 Unknown More Information on Driver License Type Compliance FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 362 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Location of Rollover The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the location of the trip point or start of this vehicle's roll. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: ROLINLOC Attribute Codes 2009 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 No Rollover On Roadway On Shoulder On Median/Separator In Gore On Roadside Outside of Trafficway Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 363 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File Month of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction (discontinued) Definition: This data element records the month of the first crash, suspension, or conviction for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: FIRST_MO Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 No Record 01 January 02 February 03 March 04 April 05 May 06 June 07 July 08 August 09 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 364 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File Month of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction (discontinued) Definition: This data element records the month of the last crash, suspension, or conviction for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: LAST_MO Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 No Record 01 January 02 February 03 March 04 April 05 May 06 June 07 July 08 August 09 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 365 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Most Damaged Area The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the area on this vehicle that was most damaged during an event in the crash. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PIMPACT2 Attribute Codes 20052009 00 01-12 13 14 18 --------99 20102011 00 01-12 13 14 -18 61 62 63 81 82 83 98 99 Non-Collision Clock points Top Undercarriage This Vehicle Set Something in Motion Causing Injury or Damage (Not a Clock Point) Set-in-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Left Left-Front Half Left-Back Half Right Right-Front Half Right-Back Half Not Reported Unknown More Information on Impact FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 366 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Motorcycle Dry Weight The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the dry weight of this motorcycle model. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PMCYCL_WT Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xxxx Weight (lbs) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 367 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Motorcycle Engine Displacement (CC) The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the piston bore measured in cubic centimeters for this motorcycle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: MCYCL_DS 2005-2009 PMCYCL_DS 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 2005-2012 xxxx Actual Displacement (cc) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 368 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Non-CDL License Status The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the status of the driver’s license at the time of the crash. Additional Information: SAS Name: L_STATUS Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 Not Licensed 1 Suspended 2 Revoked 3 Expired 4 Cancelled or Denied 6 Valid License 9 Unknown License Status Non-CDL License Type (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the type of license held by this driver at the time of the crash. Additional Information: SAS Name: L_TYPE Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 Not Licensed 1 Full Driver License 2 Intermediate Driver License -No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present 7 Learner’s Permit 8 Temporary License 9 Unknown License Type More Information on Driver License Status/Type FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 369 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Number of Cylinders The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the number of cylinders for the engine of this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PCYLINDER Attribute Codes 2011-2012 0-18 Number of Cylinders R Rotary Engine FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 370 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Number of Motorcycle Engine Cycles The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the number of engine cycles for this motorcycle model. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PMCYCL_CY Attribute Codes 2011-2012 2 Two-stroke engine 4 Four-stroke engine R Rotary engine FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 371 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Number of Wheels/Drive Wheels The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the number of wheels/driving wheels for this truck (trucks only, VINTYPE='T'). The length of this data element is two digits; the first position represents the number of axles on the vehicle times two and the second position represents the number of drive axles times two. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PWHLDRWHL Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xx Number of Wheels (1st digit) followed by the Number of Drive Wheels (2nd digit) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 372 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Original Tire Size The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the manufacturer’s original equipment specified tire size for the series of this vehicle. The length of this data element is six characters; the first two positions represent rim size and the remaining four positions represent tire size. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PTIRE_SZE Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xxxxxx 6-Character Tire Size FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 373 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Previous DWI Convictions The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records any previous DWI convictions for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PREV_DWI Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 None 01-97 Actual Value 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 374 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File Previous Other Harmful Moving Violation Convictions (discontinued) Definition: This data element records any other previous moving violations or convictions for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PREV_OTH Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 None 01-97 Actual Value 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 375 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Previous Recorded Crashes The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records any previous crashes for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PREV_ACC Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 01-97 98 99 None Actual Value Not Reported on Driving Record Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 376 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File Previous Recorded Suspensions and Revocations (discontinued) Definition: This data element records any previous license suspensions or revocations for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PREV_SUS Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 None 01-97 Actual Value 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 377 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Previous Speeding Convictions The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records any previous speeding convictions for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PREV_SPD Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 None 01-97 Actual Value 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 378 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Related Factors- Driver Level The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records factors related to this driver expressed by the investigating officer. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: DR_CF1, DR_CF2, DR_CF3, DR_CF4 Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 None PHYSICAL/MENTAL CONDITION 01 Drowsy, Sleepy, Asleep, Fatigued 02 Ill, Passed Out/Blackout 03 Emotional (e.g., Depression, Angry, Disturbed) 04 Reaction to or Failure to Take Drugs/Medication 05 Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs, or Medication 06 Inattentive/Careless (Talking, Eating, Car Phones, etc.) 07 Restricted to Wheelchair 08 Road Rage/Aggressive Driving 09 Impaired Due to Previous Injury 11 Other Physical Impairment (Includes Paraplegic) 12 Mother of Dead Fetus/Mother of Infant Born Post Crash 13 Mentally Challenged 15 Seat Back Not in Normal Position, Seat Back Reclined MISCELLANEOUS FACTORS 16 Police or Law Enforcement Officer 18 Traveling on Prohibited Trafficways 19 Legally Driving on Suspended or Revoked License 20 Leaving Vehicle Unattended with Engine Running; Leaving Vehicle Unattended in Roadway 21 Overloading or Improper Loading of Vehicle with Passenger or Cargo 22 Towing or Pushing Vehicle Improperly 23 Failing to Dim Lights or to Have Lights on When Required 24 Operating Without Required Equipment 25 Creating Unlawful Noise or Using Equipment Prohibited by Law 26 Following Improperly 27 Improper or Erratic Lane Changing 28 Failure to Keep in Proper Lane 29 Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch, or Sidewalk, or on Median 30 Making Improper Entry to or Exit from Trafficway 31 Starting or Backing Improperly 32 Opening Vehicle Closure into Moving Traffic or Vehicle is in Motion 33 Passing Where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, Hill or Curve, or School Bus Displaying Warning Not to Pass FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 379 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D24 Related Factors- Driver Level The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2005-2009 34 Passing on Wrong Side 35 Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle 36 Operating the Vehicle in an Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner or Operating at Erratic or Suddenly Changing Speeds 37 High-Speed Chase with Police in Pursuit (See Police Pursuit Note) -Police Pursuing this Driver or Police Officer in Pursuit 38 Failure to Yield Right of Way 39 Failure to Obey Actual Traffic Signs, Traffic Control Devices or Traffic Officers, Failure to Observe Safety Zone Traffic Laws 40 Passing Through or Around Barrier 41 Failure to Observe Warnings or Instructions on Vehicle Displaying Them 42 Failure to Signal Intentions 43 Driving too Fast for Conditions (2008 Only) 44 Driving too Fast for Conditions or in Excess of Posted Speed Limit (2005-2007) 44 Driving in Excess of Posted Speed Limit (2008 Only) 45 Driving Less Than Posted Maximum 46 Racing (2005-2008) 47 Making Right Turn from Left-Turn Lane or Making Left Turn from Right-Turn Lane 48 Making Improper Turn 50 Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Trafficway 51 Driving on Wrong Side of Road (Intentionally or Unintentionally) 52 Operator Inexperience 53 Unfamiliar With Roadway 54 Stopping in Roadway (Vehicle Not Abandoned) 55 Underriding a Parked Truck (2005-2008) 56 Improper Tire Pressure (2005 Only) 57 Locked Wheel 58 Over Correcting 59 Getting Off/Out of or On/In to Moving Vehicle VISION OBSCURED BY 61 Rain, Snow, Fog, Smoke, Sand, Dust (2005-2008) 62 Reflected Glare, Bright Sunlight, Headlights (2005-2008) 63 Curve, Hill, or Other Design Features (Including Traffic Signs, Embankment 2005-2008) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 380 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D24 Related Factors- Driver Level The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2005-2009 SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES 73 Driver Has Not Complied with Learners Permit or Intermediate Driver License Restrictions (GDL Restrictions) 74 Driver Has Not Complied With Physical or Other Imposed Restrictions 75 Broken or Improperly Cleaned Windshield (2005-2008) 76 Other Obstruction (2005-2008) SKIDDING, SWERVING, OR SLIDING DUE TO 77 Severe Crosswind 78 Wind from Passing Truck 79 Slippery or Loose Surface 80 Tire Blow-Out or Flat 81 Debris or Objects in Road 82 Ruts, Holes, Bumps in Road 83 Live Animals in Road 84 Vehicle in Road 85 Phantom Vehicle 86 Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist, or Other Non-Motorist in Road 87 Ice, Water, Snow, Slush, Sand, Dirt, Oil, Wet Leaves on Road 88 Trailer Fishtailing or Swaying OTHER MISCELLANEOUS FACTORS 89 Carrying Hazardous Cargo Improperly (2005-2009) -Driver has a Driving Record or Driver’s License from More than One State 90 Hit-and-Run Vehicle Driver 91 Non-Traffic Violation Charged (Manslaughter, Homicide or Other Assault Offense Committed Without Malice) 92 Other Non-Moving Traffic Violation POSSIBLE DISTRACTIONS INSIDE VEHICLE 93 Cellular Telephone 94 Cellular Telephone in Use in Vehicle 95 Computer Fax Machines/Printers 96 On-Board Navigation System 97 Two-Way Radio 98 Head-Up Display 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 381 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Rollover The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies this vehicle’s involvement in a rollover or overturn during the crash. Rollover is defined as any vehicle rotation of 90 degrees or more about any true longitudinal or lateral axis. Rollover can occur at any time during the crash. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: ROLLOVER Attribute Codes 20052008 0 1 -2 --- 2009 0 -1 -2 9 No Rollover First Event Rollover, Tripped by Object/Vehicle Subsequent Event Rollover, Untripped Rollover, Unknown Type FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 382 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Sequence of Events The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: The events in sequence related to this motor vehicle, regardless of injury and/or property damage. Events for the vehicle are recorded in the order in which they occur, timewise, from the PAR narrative and diagram. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information.. SAS Name: SEQ1, SEQ2, SEQ3, SEQ4, SEQ5, SEQ6 Attribute Codes 2005-2009 01 Rollover/Overturn 02 Fire/Explosion 03 Immersion 04 Gas Inhalation 05 Fell/Jumped from Vehicle 06 Injured in Vehicle 07 Other Non-Collision 08 Pedestrian 09 Pedalcycle 10 Railway Train 11 Animal 12 Motor Vehicle in Transport on Same Roadway 13 Motor Vehicle in Transport on Other Roadway 14 Parked Motor Vehicle 15 Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance 16 Thrown or Falling Object 17 Boulder 18 Other Object (Not Fixed) 19 Building 20 Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion 21 Bridge Pier or Abutment 22 Bridge Parapet End 23 Bridge Rail 24 Guardrail Face 25 Concrete Traffic Barrier 26 Other Traffic Barrier 27 Highway/Traffic Sign Post 28 Overhead Sign Support/Sign 29 Luminary/Light Support 30 Utility Pole 31 Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support 32 Culvert FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 383 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Speeding Related The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element records whether the driver's speed was related to the crash as indicated by law enforcement. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: SPEEDREL Attribute Codes 2009 0 1 9 No Yes Unknown More Information on Speeding FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 384 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File Travel Speed (discontinued) Definition: This data element records the speed the vehicle was traveling prior to the occurrence of the crash as reported by the investigating officer. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: TRAV_SP Attribute Codes 20052008 00 01-96 97 -98 99 2009 000 001-151 -997 998 999 Stopped Motor Vehicle in Transport Reported Speed Up to 151 mph Speed Greater than 96 mph Speed Greater than 151 mph Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 385 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck Ton Rating The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the payload capacity of this vehicle based on manufacturer’s specifications. The length of this data element is two characters. A single code indicates a single capacity rating. Two codes indicate a range of capacity rating. For example, a Ford F150 pickup truck with a payload capacity from ½ to ¾ tons would have a rating of “BC.” Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PTON_RAT Attribute Codes 2011-2012 A ¼ B ½ C ¾ D 1 E 1½ F 1¾ G 2 H 2½ I 3 J 3½ K 4 L 4½ M 5 N 6 O 7 P 8 Q 9 R 10 and Over FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 386 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck Shipping Weight The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the shipping weight for the shortest wheel base of this truck model. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PTRK_WT Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xxxxx Actual Shipping Weight (lbs) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 387 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck Shipping Weight Variance The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the difference (coded in 100 pound increments) between the shipping weights of the shortest wheel base and the longest wheel base for this truck model. (e.g., a 200 lb. difference appears as “02”.) Incremental weights for optional equipment are not included. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PTRKWTVAR Attribute Codes 2011-2012 xx Shipping Weight Variance (100 lbs) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 388 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck VIN Restraint Type The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies restraint type information for this truck. This includes information about vehicle seat belts and air bags. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PVIN_REST Attribute Codes 2011-2012 A Active (Manual) belts B Driver front air bag/passenger side belt unknown C Dual front air bags/belt system unknown D Dual front air bag/passenger side passive belts E Dual front air bags/active belts F Dual front air bags/passive belts G Dual air bags front and side/belts unknown H Dual air bags front, head and sides/belts unknown I Dual air bags front, head and sides/passive belts J Dual air bags front and sides/passive belts K Dual air bags front and sides/active belts L Dual air bags front, head and sides/active belt M Driver front air bag/passenger side active belt N If unable to determine P Passive (Automatic) belts R Dual air bags front and side/active belts w/ automatic passenger sensor S Dual air bags front, head, and side/active belts w/ automatic passenger sensor T Dual air bags front/active belts/rear passenger side air bag U Dual front air bags/active belts with passenger side deactivation cutoff switch V Dual air bags front, head and side/active belts/rear dual side air bags W Dual air bags front, head and side/active belts w/ automatic passenger sensor/ rear dual side airbags X Dual air bags front/side air bag, driver-side only/active belts Y Dual front and side air bags with passenger deactivation switch 3 Dual front & head airbags with passenger sensor; active belts 4 Dual front airbags with passenger sensor; active belts 7 Dual front, side & head airbags, Rear head airbags; active belts 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 389 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Truck Weight Rating The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies weight ranges for this truck of model year 1966 and later based on manufacturer specifications. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: WGTCD_TR 2005-2009 PWGTCD_TR 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 2005-2012 1 6,000 lbs or Less 2 6,001 - 10,000 lbs 3 10,001 - 14,000 lbs 4 14,001 - 16,000 lbs 5 16,001 - 19,500 lbs 6 19,501 - 26,000 lbs 7 26,001 - 33,000 lbs 8 33,001 and Up 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 390 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Vehicle Maneuver The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element captures the driver’s action, or intended action, prior to the commencement of the unstabilized event as indicated on the crash report. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VEH_MAN Attribute Codes 2005-2009 01 Going Straight 02 Slowing or Stopping in Traffic Lane 03 Starting in Traffic Lane 04 Stopped in Traffic Lane 05 Passing or Overtaking another Vehicle 06 Leaving a Parked Position 07 Parked 08 Entering a Parked Position 09 Maneuvering to Avoid 10 Turning Right: Right Turn on Red Permitted 11 Turning Right: Right Turn on Red Not Permitted 12 Turning Right: Right Turn on Red Not Applicable or Not Known if Permitted 13 Turning Left 14 Making a U-Turn 15 Backing Up (Not Parking) 16 Changing Lanes or Merging 17 Negotiating a Curve 98 Other 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 391 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Vehicle Role The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element Indicates the vehicle’s role in single or multi-vehicle crashes. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: IMPACTS Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0 Non-Collision 1 Striking 2 Struck 3 Both 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 392 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Body Type The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the two-character representation of this vehicle’s body style. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VIN_BT PVIN_BT 2005-2009 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 20052009 2D 2F 2H 2L 2P 2T 2W 2W --3D ---4D 4H 4L 4P 4T 4W 4W 5D 8V AC AM AR AT BU -CB CB CC CG CH CL 20102012 2D 2F 2H 2L 2P 2T 2W 2W 3B 3C 3D 3P 4B 4C 4D 4H 4L 4P 4T 4W 4W 5D 8V AC AM AR AT BU C4 CB CB CC CG CH CL Passenger Vehicle Sedan 2-Door Passenger Vehicle Formal Hardtop 2-Door Passenger Vehicle Hatchback 2-Door Passenger Vehicle Liftback 3-Door Passenger Vehicle Pillard Hardtop 2-Door Passenger Vehicle Hardtop 2-Door Truck 2-Door Wagon/Sport Utility Passenger Vehicle Wagon 2-Door Truck 3-Door Extended Cab/Chassis Truck 3-Door Extended Cab Pickup Passenger Vehicle Runabout 3-Door Passenger Vehicle Coupe 3-Door Truck 4-Door Extended Cab/Chassis Truck 4-Door Extended Cab Pickup Passenger Vehicle Sedan 4-Door Passenger Vehicle Hatchback 4-Door Passenger Vehicle Liftback 5-Door Passenger Vehicle Pillard Hardtop 4-Door Passenger Vehicle Hardtop 4-Door Truck 4-Door Wagon/Sport Utility Passenger Vehicle Wagon 4-Door Passenger Vehicle Sedan 5-Door Truck 8-Passenger Sport Van Truck Auto Carrier Passenger Vehicle Ambulance Truck Armored Truck Motorcycle All-Terrain Bus Passenger Vehicle Coupe 4-Door Truck Chassis and Cab Passenger Vehicle Cab & Chassis (Luv) Truck Conventional Cab Truck Cargo Van Truck Crew Chassis Truck Club Chassis FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 393 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V116 VIN Body Type The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20052009 CM CP CP CR CS CU CV CV CY DP DS EC EN ES EV EW FB FC FT GG GL GN HB HO HR HT IC IE -LB LG LL LM -MH MK MN MM MP MR MS MV -- 2010Later CM CP CP CR CS CU CV CV CY DP DS EC EN ES EV EW FB FC FT GG GL GN HB HO HR HT IC IE IN LB LG LL LM LM MH MK MM MP MP MR MS MV MW Truck Concrete or Transit Mixer Truck Crew Pickup Passenger Vehicle Coupe Truck Crane Truck Super Cab/Chassis Pickup Truck Custom Pickup Truck Convertible (Jeep Commando, Suzuki Samurai, Dodge Dakota) Passenger Vehicle Convertible Truck Cargo Cutaway Truck Dump Truck Tractor Truck (Diesel) Truck Extended Cargo Van Motorcycle Enduro Truck Extended Sport Van Truck Extended Van Truck Extended Window Van Truck Flat-bed or Platform Truck Forward Control Truck Fire Truck Truck Garbage or Refuse Truck Gliders Truck Grain Passenger Vehicle Hatchback Number Doors Unknown Truck Hopper Passenger Vehicle Hearse Passenger Vehicle Hardtop Number Doors Unknown Truck Incomplete Chassis Truck Incomplete Ext Van Passenger Vehicle Incomplete Passenger Passenger Vehicle Liftback Truck Logger Truck Suburban & Carry-All Passenger Vehicle Limousine Truck Limousine Truck Motorized Home Motorcycle Mini-Bike Motorcycle Mini Moto Cross Motorcycle Moped Truck Multipurpose Motorcycle Mini Road/Trail Motorcycle Motor Scooter Truck Maxi-Van Truck Maxi Wagon FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 394 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V116 VIN Body Type The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20052009 MX MY MY NB --PC PD PK PK PM PN PS RC PN RD RD RS RT S1 S2 SB SC SD SN SP ST SV SV SW SW T TB TL TL TM TN TR TR UT UT VC VD 2010Later MX MY MY NB P2 P2 PC PD PK PK PM PN PS RC PN RD RD RS RT S1 S2 SB SC SD SN SP ST SV SV SW SW T TB TL TL TM TN TR TR UT UT VC VD Motorcycle Moto Cross Truck Motorized Cutaway Motorcycle Mini-Cycle Passenger Vehicle Notchback Passenger Vehicle 2-Passenger Low Speed Passenger Vehicle 4-Passenger Low Speed Truck Club Cab Pickup Truck Parcel Delivery Truck Pickup Passenger Vehicle Pickup, Truck Commonly Registered Passengers Truck Pickup with Camper Mounted on Bed Truck Panel Truck Super Cab Pickup Motorcycle Racer Passenger Vehicle Panel, Truck Commonly Registered as Passengers Truck Roadster (Jeep, Jeep Commando) Passenger Vehicle Roadster Motorcycle Road/Street Motorcycle Road/Trail Truck One-Seat Truck Two-Seat Passenger Vehicle Sport Hatchback Passenger Vehicle Sport Coupe Passenger Vehicle Sedan, number doors unknown Truck Step Van Truck Sport Pickup Truck Stake or Rack Truck Sports Van Passenger Vehicle Sport Van Passenger Vehicle Station Wagon Truck Station Wagon (Jeep Wagoneer, etc.) Motorcycle Dirt Truck Tilt Cab Truck Tilt Tandem Motorcycle Trail/Dirt Truck Tandem Truck Tank Motorcycle Trails Truck Tractor (Gasoline) Passenger Vehicle Utility, truck commonly registered as passenger Truck Utility (Blazer, Jimmy, Scout, etc.) Truck Van Camper Truck Display Van FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 395 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V116 VIN Body Type The PARKWORK Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2005- 20102009 Later VN VN VT VT VW VW WK WK WW WW WW WW XT XT YY YY 99 99 Truck Van Truck Vanette (Includes Metro and Handy Van) Truck Window Van Truck Tow Truck Wrecker Truck Wide Wheel Wagon Passenger Vehicle Wide-Wheel Wagon Truck Travel-all Truck Cutaway Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 396 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Length The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the actual length of the VIN for this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VIN_LNGT PVIN_LNGT 2005-2009 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 2005-2012 1-17 Actual Value 99 Unknown VIN Length FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 397 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Make The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Standard Make Abbreviation for this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PVINMAKE Attribute Codes 2010-2012 xxxx 4-Character Make Abbreviation FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 398 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Model The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the VIN model for this vehicle obtained from the VINA program. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VINA_MOD 2005-2009 PVINA_MOD 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 2005-2012 xxx 3-Character Model (Series) Abbreviation FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 399 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Model Year The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the model year of this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PVINMODYR Attribute Codes 2010-2012 xx 2-Digit Model Year FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 400 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Truck Series The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the model (series) of this truck. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: SER_TR PSER_TR 2005-2009 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 2005-2012 xxx 3-Character Model (Series) Abbreviation FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 401 FARS Analytical User’s Manual VIN Vehicle Type The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the basic vehicle type of his vehicle from the VINA program. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: PVINTYPE Attribute Codes 2010-2012 P Passenger Vehicle T Truck M Motorcycle U Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 402 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Violations Charged The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies violations charged to this driver in this crash. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: VIOLCHG1, VIOLCHG2, VIOLCHG3 Attribute Codes 2005-2009 00 None RECKLESS/CARELESS/HIT-AND-RUN OFFENSES 01 Manslaughter or Homicide 02 Willful Reckless Driving; Driving to Endanger; Negligent Driving 03 Unsafe Reckless (Not Willful, Wanton Reckless) Driving 04 Inattentive, Careless, Improper Driving 05 Fleeing or Eluding Police 06 Fail to Obey Police, Fireman, Authorized Person Directing Traffic 07 Hit-and-Run, Fail to Stop After Crash 08 Fail to Give Aid, Information, Wait for Police after Crash 09 Serious Violation Resulting in Death IMPAIRMENT OFFENSES 11 Driving While Intoxicated (Alcohol or Drugs) or BAC above Limit (Any Detectable BAC for CDLs) 12 Driving While Impaired; Driving Under Influence of Substance Not Intended to Intoxicate 13 Driving under Influence of Substance not intended to intoxicate 14 Drinking While Operating 15 Illegal Possession of Alcohol or Drugs 16 Driving With Detectable Alcohol 18 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test 19 Alcohol, Drug, or Impairment Violations Generally SPEED-RELATED OFFENSES 21 Racing 22 Speeding (Above the Speed Limit) 23 Speed Greater Than Reasonable and Prudent (Not Necessarily Over the Limit) 24 Exceeding Special Speed Limit (e.g., for Trucks, Buses, Cycles, or on Bridge, in School Zone, etc.) 25 Energy Speed (Exceeding 55 mph, Non-Pointable) 26 Driving Too Slowly 29 Speed-Related Violations Generally FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 403 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Violations Charged The PARKWORK Data File (continued) 2005-2009 RULES OF THE ROAD – TRAFFIC SIGN & SIGNALS 31 Fail to Stop for Red Signal 32 Fail to Stop for Flashing Red 33 Violation of Turn on Red (Fail to Stop & Yield, Yield to Pedestrians before Turning) 34 Fail to Obey Flashing Signal (Yellow or Red) 35 Fail to Obey Signal Generally 36 Violate RR Grade Crossing Device/Regulations 37 Fail to Obey Stop Sign 38 Fail to Obey Yield Sign 39 Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – TURNING, YIELDING, SIGNALING 41 Turn in Violation of Traffic Control (Disobey Signs, Turn Arrow Or Pavement Markings; This Is Not A Right-On-Red Violation) 42 Improper Method & Position of Turn (Too Wide, Wrong Lane) 43 Fail to Signal for Turn or Stop 45 Fail to Yield to Emergency Vehicle 46 Fail to Yield Generally 48 Enter Intersection When Space Insufficient 49 Turn, Yield, Signaling Violations Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – WRONG SIDE, PASSING & FOLLOWING 51 Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Road 52 Driving on Left, Wrong Side of Road Generally 53 Improper, Unsafe Passing 54 Pass on Right (Drive off Pavement to Pass) 55 Pass Stopped School Bus 56 Fail to Give Way When Overtaken 58 Following Too Closely 59 Wrong Side, Passing, Following Violations Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – LANE USAGE 61 Unsafe or Prohibited Lane Change 62 Improper Use of Lane (Enter of 3-Lane Road, HOV Designated Lane) 63 Certain Traffic to Use Right Lane (Trucks, Slow Moving, etc.) 66 Motorcycle Lane Violations (More than two per Lane, Riding Between Lanes, etc.) 67 Motorcyclist Attached to another Vehicle 69 Lane Violations Generally NON-MOVING – LICENSE & REGISTRATION VIOLATIONS 71 Driving While License Withdrawn 72 Other Driver License Violations 73 Commercial Driver Violations 74 Vehicle Registration Violations 75 Fail to Carry Insurance Card 76 Driving Uninsured Vehicle 79 Non-Moving Violations Generally FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 404 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Violations Charged The PARKWORK Data File (continued) 2005-2009 EQUIPMENT 81 Lamp Violations 82 Brake Violations 83 Failure to Require Restraint Use (By Self or Passenger) 84 Motorcycle Equipment Violations (Helmet, Special Equipment) 85 Violation of Hazardous Cargo Regulations 86 Size, Weight, Load Violations 89 Equipment Violations Generally OTHER VIOLATIONS 91 Parking 92 Theft, Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle 93 Driving Where Prohibited (Sidewalk, Limited Access, Off Truck Route) 98 Other Moving Violation 99 Unknown Violation FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 405 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Wheelbase Long The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the longest wheelbase respectively for the manufactured model of this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: WHLBS_LG 2005-2009 PWHLBS_LG 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 2005-2012 0000 1-9998 9999 Value Not Available from the VINA Program Actual Value (in) Value Not Coded FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 406 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Wheelbase Short The PARKWORK Data File (discontinued) Definition: This data element identifies the shortest wheelbase respectively for the manufactured model of this vehicle. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: WHLBS_SH 2005-2009 PWHLBS_SH 2010-2012 Attribute Codes 2005-2012 0000 1-9998 9999 Value Not Available from the VINA Program Actual Value (in) Value Not Coded FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 407 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File Year of First Crash, Suspension or Conviction (discontinued) Definition: This data element records the year of the first crash, suspension, or conviction for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: FIRST_YR Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0000 No Record xxxx Actual Year 9999 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 408 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PARKWORK Data File Year of Last Crash, Suspension or Conviction (discontinued) Definition: This data element records the year of the last crash, suspension, or conviction for this driver that occurred within three years of the crash date. Additional Information: See this data element in the Vehicle data file section for more information. SAS Name: LAST_YR Attribute Codes 2005-2009 0000 No Record xxxx Actual Year 9999 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 409 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PBTYPE Data File The PBTYPE Data File The Pbtype data file includes data on pedestrians, bicyclists, and people on personal conveyances. It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Pbtype data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE, VEH_NO and PER_NO are the unique identifiers. ST_CASE should be used to merge the Pbtype data file with the Accident data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 410 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P5/NM5 The PBTYPE Data File Age Definition: This data element identifies the person’s age, in years, with respect to the person's last birthday. Additional Information: SAS Name: PBAGE Attribute Codes 2014-Later 000 Less than One Year 001-120 Age of the Individual in Years 998 Not Reported 999 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 411 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P6/NM6 The PBTYPE Data File Sex Definition: This data element identifies the sex of the person involved in the crash Additional Information: SAS Name: PBSEX Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 Male 2 Female 8 Not Reported 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 412 FARS Analytical User’s Manual P7/NM7 The PBTYPE Data File Person Type Definition: This data element describes the role of this person involved in the crash. Additional Information: SAS Name: PBPTYPE Attribute Codes 2014-Later 5 Pedestrian 6 Bicyclist 7 Other Cyclist 8 Person on Personal Conveyances FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 413 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB27 The PBTYPE Data File Marked Crosswalk Present Definition: This data element indicates if a marked crosswalk was present at the crash site. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to both pedestrians and bicyclists. SAS Name: PBCWALK Attribute Codes 2014-Later 0 None Noted 1 Yes 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 414 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB28 The PBTYPE Data File Sidewalk Present Definition: This data element indicates if a sidewalk was present at the crash site. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to both pedestrians and bicyclists. SAS Name: PBSWALK Attribute Codes 2014-Later 0 None Noted 1 Yes 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 415 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB29 The PBTYPE Data File School Zone Definition: This data element indicates if the crash occurred in a school zone. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to both pedestrians and bicyclists. SAS Name: PBSZONE Attribute Codes 2014-Later 0 None Noted 1 Yes 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 416 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB30 The PBTYPE Data File Crash Type – Pedestrian Definition: This data element summarizes the circumstances of the crash for this pedestrian. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. SAS Name: PEDCTYPE Attribute Codes 2014-Later 0 Not a Pedestrian 120 Dispute-Related 130 Pedestrian on Vehicle 140 Vehicle-Vehicle/Object 150 Motor Vehicle Loss of Control 160 Pedestrian Loss of Control 190 Other Unusual Circumstances 211 Backing Vehicle – Non-Trafficway – Driveway 212 Backing Vehicle – Driveway Access 213 Backing Vehicle – Trafficway 214 Backing Vehicle – Non-Trafficway – Parking Lot 219 Backing Vehicle – Other/Unknown 220 Driverless Vehicle 230 Disabled Vehicle-Related 240 Emergency Vehicle-Related 250 Play Vehicle-Related 311 Working in Roadway 312 Playing in Roadway 313 Lying in Roadway 320 Entering/Exiting Parked or Stopped Vehicle 330 Mailbox-Related 341 Transit Bus-Related 342 School Bus Stop-Related 360 Ice Cream/Vendor Truck-Related 410 Walking/Running Along Roadway With Traffic – From Behind 420 Walking/Running Along Roadway With Traffic – From Front 430 Walking/Running Along Roadway Against Traffic – From Behind 440 Walking/Running Along Roadway Against Traffic – From Front 459 Walking/Running Along Roadway – Direction/Position Unknown 461 Motorist Entering Driveway 465 Motorist Exiting Driveway 469 Driveway Access – Other/Unknown 510 Waiting to Cross – Vehicle Turning 520 Waiting to Cross – Vehicle Not Turning 590 Waiting to Cross – Vehicle Action Unknown 610 Standing in Roadway 620 Walking in Roadway 680 Not At Intersection – Other/Unknown 690 At Intersection – Other/Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 417 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB30 Crash Type – Pedestrian The PBTYPE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2014-Later 710 Multiple Threat 730 Trapped 741 Dash 742 Dart-Out 760 Pedestrian Failed to Yield 770 Motorist Failed to Yield 781 Motorist Left Turn – Parallel Paths 782 Motorist Left Turn – Perpendicular Paths 791 Motorist Right Turn – Parallel Paths 792 Motorist Right Turn on Red – Parallel Paths 794 Motorist Right Turn on Red – Perpendicular Paths 795 Motorist Right Turn – Perpendicular Paths 799 Motorist Turn/Merge – Other/Unknown 830 Non-Trafficway – Parking Lot 890 Non-Trafficway – Other/Unknown 900 Other – Unknown Location 910 Crossing an Expressway FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 418 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PBTYPE Data File NM9-PB30B Crash Type – Bicycle Definition: This data element summarizes the circumstances of the crash for this bicyclist. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to bicyclists only. SAS Name: BIKECTYPE Attribute Codes 2014-Later 0 Not a Cyclist 111 Motorist Turning Error – Left Turn 112 Motorist Turning Error – Right Turn 113 Motorist Turning Error – Other 114 Bicyclist Turning Error – Left Turn 115 Bicyclist Turning Error – Right Turn 116 Bicyclist Turning Error – Other 121 Bicyclist Lost Control – Mechanical Problems 122 Bicyclist Lost Control – Oversteering, Improper Braking, Speed 123 Bicyclist Lost Control – Alcohol/Drug Impairment 124 Bicyclist Lost Control – Surface Conditions 129 Bicyclist Lost Control – Other/Unknown 131 Motorist Lost Control – Mechanical Problems 132 Motorist Lost Control – Oversteering, Improper Braking, Speed 133 Motorist Lost Control – Alcohol/Drug Impairment 134 Motorist Lost Control – Surface Conditions 139 Motorist Lost Control – Other/Unknown 141 Motorist Drive-Out – Sign-Controlled Intersection 142 Bicyclist Ride-Out – Sign-Controlled Intersection 143 Motorist Drive-Through – Sign-Controlled Intersection 144 Bicyclist Ride-Through – Sign-Controlled Intersection 147 Multiple Threat – Sign-Controlled Intersection 148 Sign-Controlled Intersection – Other/Unknown 151 Motorist Drive-Out – Right Turn on Red 152 Motorist Drive-Out – Signalized Intersection 153 Bicyclist – Ride-Out – Signalized Intersection 154 Motorist Drive-Through – Signalized Intersection 155 Bicyclist Ride-Through – Signalized Intersection 156 Bicyclist Failed to Clear – Trapped 157 Bicyclist Failed to Clear – Multiple Threat 158 Signalized Intersection – Other/Unknown 159 Bicyclist Failed to Clear – Unknown 160 Crossing Paths – Uncontrolled Intersection 180 Crossing Paths – Intersection – Other/Unknown 211 Motorist Left Turn – Same Direction 212 Motorist Left Turn – Opposite Direction 213 Motorist Right Turn – Same Direction 214 Motorist Right Turn – Opposite Direction 215 Motorist Drive-In/Out – Parking FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 419 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB30B Crash Type – Bicycle The PBTYPE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2014-Later 216 Bus/Delivery Vehicle Pullover 217 Motorist Right Turn on Red – Same Direction 218 Motorist Right Turn on Red – Opposite Direction 219 Motorist Turn/Merge – Other/Unknown 221 Bicyclist Left Turn – Same Direction 222 Bicyclist Left Turn – Opposite Direction 223 Bicyclist Right Turn – Same Direction 224 Bicyclist Right Turn – Opposite Direction 225 Bicyclist Ride-out – Parallel Path 231 Motorist Overtaking – Undetected Bicyclist 232 Motorist Overtaking – Misjudged Space 235 Motorist Overtaking – Bicyclist Swerved 239 Motorist Overtaking – Other/Unknown 241 Bicyclist Overtaking – Passing on Right 242 Bicyclist Overtaking – Passing on Left 243 Bicyclist Overtaking – Parked Vehicle 244 Bicyclist Overtaking – Extended Door 249 Bicyclist Overtaking – Other/Unknown 250 Wrong-Way/Wrong-Side – Bicyclist 255 Wrong-Way/Wrong-Side – Motorist 259 Wrong-Way/Wrong-Side – Unknown 280 Parallel Paths – Other/Unknown 311 Bicyclist Ride-Out – Residential Driveway 312 Bicyclist Ride-Out – Commercial Driveway 313 Bicyclist Ride-Out – Driveway, Unknown Type 318 Bicyclist Ride-Out – Other Midblock 319 Bicyclist Ride-Out – Unknown 321 Motorist Drive-Out – Residential Driveway 322 Motorist Drive-Out – Commercial Driveway 323 Motorist Drive-Out – Driveway, Unknown Type 328 Motorist Drive-Out – Other Midblock 329 Motorist Drive-Out – Midblock – Unknown 357 Multiple Threat – Midblock 380 Crossing Paths – Midblock – Other/Unknown 610 Backing Vehicle 700 Play Vehicle-Related 800 Unusual Circumstances 910 Non-Trafficway 970 Unknown Approach Paths 980 Unknown Location FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 420 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB31 The PBTYPE Data File Crash Location – Pedestrian Definition: This data element identifies where the pedestrian crash occurred with respect to an intersection. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. SAS Name: PEDLOC Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 At Intersection 2 Intersection-Related 3 Not At Intersection 4 Non-Trafficway Location 7 Not a Pedestrian 9 Unknown/Insufficient Information FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 421 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PBTYPE Data File NM9-PB31B Crash Location – Bicycle Definition: This data element identifies where the bicyclist crash occurred with respect to an intersection. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to bicyclists only. SAS Name: BIKELOC Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 At Intersection 2 Intersection-Related 3 Not At Intersection 4 Non-Trafficway Location 7 Not a Cyclist 9 Unknown/Insufficient Information FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 422 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB32 The PBTYPE Data File Pedestrian Position Definition: This data element identifies the position/location of the pedestrian with respect to the trafficway when contacted. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. SAS Name: PEDPOS Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 Intersection Area 2 Crosswalk Area 3 Travel Lane 4 Paved Shoulder/Bicycle Lane/Parking Lane 5 Sidewalk/Shared-Use Path/Driveway Access 6 Unpaved Right-of-Way 7 Non-Trafficway – Driveway 8 Non-Trafficway – Parking Lot/Other 9 Other/Unknown 77 Not a Pedestrian FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 423 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PBTYPE Data File NM9-PB32B Bicyclist Position Definition: This data element identifies the position/location of the bicyclist with respect to the trafficway when contacted. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to bicyclists only. SAS Name: BIKEPOS Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 Travel Lane 2 Bicycle Lane/Paved Shoulder/Parking Lane 3 Sidewalk/Crosswalk/Driveway Access 4 Shared-Use Path 5 Non-Trafficway – Driveway 6 Non-Trafficway – Parking Lot/Other 7 Not a Cyclist 8 Other 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 424 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB33 The PBTYPE Data File Pedestrian Initial Direction of Travel Definition: This data element identifies the initial direction of travel of the pedestrian prior to being contacted in the crash. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. SAS Name: PEDDIR Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 Northbound 2 Eastbound 3 Southbound 4 Westbound 7 Not a Pedestrian 8 Not Applicable 9 Unknown Initial Direction of Travel FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 425 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PBTYPE Data File NM9-PB33B Bicyclist Initial Direction of Travel Definition: This data element identifies the initial travel direction of the bicyclist with respect to the flow of traffic prior to being contacted in the crash. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to bicyclists only. SAS Name: BIKEDIR Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 With Traffic 2 Facing Traffic 3 Not Applicable 7 Not a Cyclist 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 426 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB34 The PBTYPE Data File Motorist Initial Direction of Travel Definition: This data element identifies the initial direction of travel of the motorist prior to being involved in a pedestrian crash. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. SAS Name: MOTDIR Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 Northbound 2 Eastbound 3 Southbound 4 Westbound 7 Not a Pedestrian 8 Not Applicable 9 Unknown Initial Direction of Travel FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 427 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB35 The PBTYPE Data File Motorist Maneuver Definition: This data element identifies if the motorist was engaged in a turning maneuver at an intersection prior to being involved in a pedestrian crash. The data element indicates the maneuver being made by the motorist at the time of a pedestrian collision. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. SAS Name: MOTMAN Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 Left Turn 2 Right Turn 3 Straight Through 7 Not a Pedestrian 8 Not Applicable 9 Unknown Motorist Maneuver FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 428 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB36 The PBTYPE Data File Intersection Leg Definition: The data element identifies the leg of the intersection where the pedestrian crash occurred. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. SAS Name: PEDLEG Attribute Codes 2014-Later 1 Nearside 2 Farside 7 Not a Pedestrian 8 Not Applicable 9 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 429 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB37 The PBTYPE Data File Pedestrian Scenario Definition: This data element identifies the location and travel directions of the motorist and pedestrian for those crashes that occur at intersections. This data element summarizes the movements of the pedestrian and motorist in an intersection area. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. SAS Name: PEDSNR Attribute Codes 2014-Later MOTORIST TRAVELING STRAIGHT THROUGH – CRASH OCCURRED ON NEAR (APPROACH) SIDE OF INTERSECTION 1a Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Left. 1b Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Right. 1c Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. 2a Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Left. 2b Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Right. 2c Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. MOTORIST TRAVELING STRAIGHT THROUGH – CRASH OCCURRED ON FAR SIDE OF INTERSECTION 3a Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Left. 3b Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Right. 3c Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. 4a Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Left. 4b Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Right. 4c Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. MOTORIST TURNING RIGHT – CRASH OCCURRED ON NEAR (APPROACH) SIDE OF INTERSECTION 5a Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Left. 5b Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Right. 5c Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. 6a Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Left. 6b Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Right. 6c Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. MOTORIST TURNING RIGHT – CRASH OCCURRED ON FAR SIDE OF INTERSECTION 7a Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Same as Motorist’s. 7b Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Opposite Motorist’s. 7c Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. 8a Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Same as Motorist’s. 8b Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Opposite Motorist’s. 8c Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 430 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB37 Pedestrian Scenario The PBTYPE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 2014-Later MOTORIST TURNING LEFT – CRASH OCCURRED ON NEAR (APPROACH) SIDE OF INTERSECTION 9a Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Left. 9b Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Right. 9c Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. 10a Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Left. 10b Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Traveled From Motorist’s Right. 10c Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. MOTORIST TURNING LEFT – CRASH OCCURRED ON FAR SIDE OF INTERSECTION 11a Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Same as Motorist’s. 11b Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Opposite Motorist’s. 11c Pedestrian Within Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. 12a Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Same as Motorist’s. 12b Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Opposite Motorist’s. 12c Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk Area, Approach Direction Unknown. 7 Not a Pedestrian 8 Not Applicable FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 431 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM9-PB38 The PBTYPE Data File Crash Group – Pedestrian Definition: This data element provides general groupings of the more specific individual Pedestrian Crash Types. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to pedestrians only. The Pedestrian Crash Types are divided into 16 homogeneous crash groups [pages 96-98 of the PBCAT manual]. Suggested countermeasures are available for 12 of these groups [www.walkinginfo.org/pedsafe, pages 75-76 of the PBCAT manual]. SAS Name: PEDCGP Attribute Codes 2014-Later 0 Not a Pedestrian 100 Unusual Circumstances 200 Backing Vehicle 310 Working or Playing in Roadway 340 Bus-Related 350 Unique Midblock 400 Walking/Running Along Roadway 460 Driveway Access/ Driveway Access Related 500 Waiting to Cross 600 Pedestrian in Roadway – Circumstances Unknown 720 Multiple Threat/Trapped 740 Dash/Dart-Out 750 Crossing Roadway – Vehicle Not Turning 790 Crossing Roadway – Vehicle Turning 800 Non-Trafficway 910 Crossing Expressway 990 Other/Unknown – Insufficient Details FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 432 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The PBTYPE Data File NM9-PB38B Crash Group – Bicycle Definition: This data element provides general groupings of the more specific individual Bicyclist Crash Types. Additional Information: This data element is applicable to bicyclists only. The Bicycle Crash Types are divided into 21 homogeneous crash groups [pages 96-98 of the PBCAT manual]. Suggested countermeasures are available for 13 of these groups [www.bicyclinginfo.org/bikesafe, pages 75-76 of the PBCAT manual]. SAS Name: BIKECGP Attribute Codes 2014-Later 0 Not a Cyclist 110 Loss of Control/Turning Error 140 Motorist Failed to Yield – Sign-Controlled Intersection 145 Bicyclist Failed to Yield – Sign-Controlled Intersection 150 Motorist Failed to Yield – Signalized Intersection 158 Bicyclist Failed to Yield – Signalized Intersection 190 Crossing Paths – Other Circumstances 210 Motorist Left Turn/Merge 215 Motorist Right Turn/Merge 219 Parking/Bus-Related 220 Bicyclist Left Turn/Merge 225 Bicyclist Right Turn/Merge 230 Motorist Overtaking Bicyclist 240 Bicyclist Overtaking Motorist 258 Wrong-Way/Wrong-Side 290 Parallel Paths – Other Circumstances 310 Bicyclist Failed to Yield – Midblock 320 Motorist Failed to Yield – Midblock 600 Backing Vehicle 850 Other/Unusual Circumstances 910 Non-Trafficway 990 Other/Unknown – Insufficient Details FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 433 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The CEVENT Data File The CEVENT Data File The Cevent data file includes harmful and non-harmful events in the crash. It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and EVENTNUM, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Cevent data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE and EVENTNUM are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE should be used to merge the Cevent data file with the Accident data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 434 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The CEVENT Data File Vehicle Number (This Vehicle) Definition: This data element identifies the “Vehicle Number” (VEH_NO) of this in-transport motor vehicle described in this event. Additional Information: This is the vehicle described in “Sequence of Events” for this event. Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: VNUMBER1 Attribute Codes 2010-Later 1-999 Vehicle Number FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 435 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The CEVENT Data File Area of Impact (This Vehicle) Definition: This data element identifies the impact point, if any, on this in-transport motor vehicle that produced property damage or personal injury in this event. Additional Information: This is the impact area of the vehicle recorded in “Vehicle Number (This Vehicle)” and described in “Sequence of Events.” Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: AOI1 Attribute Codes 20102011 00 01-12 13 14 18 ---55 61 62 -63 -81 82 -83 -98 99 2012 00 01-12 13 14 -18 --55 61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 2013Later 00 01-12 13 14 --18 19 55 61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Non-Collision Clock Points Top Undercarriage Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Value) Cargo/Vehicle Parts Set-In-Motion Other Objects Set-In-Motion Non-Harmful Event Left Left-Front Half Left-Front Side Left-Back Half Left-Back Side Right Right-Front Half Right-Front Side Right-Back Half Right-Back Side Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 436 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V31 The CEVENT Data File Sequence of Events Definition: This data element describes this event. A motor vehicle traffic crash is a series of events resulting from an unstabilized situation. This series of harmful and non-harmful events is recorded in chronological order based on the PAR narrative and diagram. Additional Information: From 2004 to 2009, Sequence of Events was collected at the vehicle level and up to six events (SEQ1-SEQ6) were stored in the Vehicle data file. “First Harmful Event,” “Most Harmful Event,” and the “Sequence of Events” data elements have the same harmful event attributes. The harmful event attributes were modified to be consistent. “Sequence of Events” also has non-harmful event attributes. SAS Name: SOE Attribute Codes 20102011 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2012 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2013 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2014Later 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Rollover/Overturn Fire/Explosion Immersion Immersion or Partial Immersion Gas Inhalation Fell/Jumped from Vehicle Injured in Vehicle (Non-Collision) Other Non-Collision Pedestrian Pedalcyclist Railway Vehicle Live Animal Motor Vehicle in Transport Parked Motor Vehicle Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance Thrown or Falling Object Boulder Other Object (Not Fixed) Building Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Bridge Pier or Support Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet) Guardrail Face Concrete Traffic Barrier Other Traffic Barrier Utility Pole/Light Support Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support Culvert Curb Ditch Data Element Definitions and Codes 437 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V31 Sequence of Events The CEVENT Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20102011 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2012 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2013 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2014Later 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 -72 --98 99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ---99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 --99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 79 -99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Embankment Fence Wall Fire Hydrant Shrubbery Tree (Standing Only) Other Fixed Object Pavement Surface Irregularity (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.) Working Motor Vehicle Traffic Signal Support Snow Bank Ridden Animal or Animal-Drawn Conveyance Bridge Overhead Structure Jackknife (Harmful to This Vehicle) Guardrail End Mail Box Motor Vehicle In-Transport Strikes or is Struck by Cargo, Persons or Objects Set-in-Motion from/by Another Motor Vehicle In-Transport Motor Vehicle in Motion Outside the Trafficway Cable Barrier Ground Traffic Sign Support Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Non-Harmful) Equipment Failure (Blown Tire, Brake Failure, etc.) Separation of Units Ran Off Road – Right Ran Off Road – Left Cross Median Downhill Runaway Vehicle Went Airborne Cross Centerline Re-Entering Highway Jackknife (Non-Harmful) End Departure Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Harmful To This Vehicle) Object Fell From Motor Vehicle In-Transport Ran Off Roadway – Direction Unknown Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 438 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The CEVENT Data File Vehicle Number (Other Vehicle) Definition: This data element identifies the “Vehicle Number” (VEH_NO) of the other motor vehicle, if any, in this event. Additional Information: This is the vehicle contacted by the motor vehicle in-transport recorded in “Vehicle Number (This Vehicle).” Another vehicle must have been involved in this event for this data element to be a valid vehicle number (i.e., “Sequence of Events” for this event must be 12, 14, 45, 54, or 55). Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: VNUMBER2 Attribute Codes 2010-Later 1-999 Vehicle Number 5555 Non-Harmful Event 9999 Not a Motor Vehicle FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 439 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The CEVENT Data File Area of Impact (Other Vehicle) Definition: This data element identifies the impact point on the other motor vehicle, if any, in this event. Additional Information: This is the impact area of the vehicle recorded in “Vehicle Number (Other Vehicle).” Another vehicle must have been involved in this event for this data element to be a valid impact location (i.e., “Sequence of Events” for this event must be 12, 14, 45, 54, or 55). Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: AOI2 Attribute Codes 2010 00 01-12 13 14 18 ---55 61 62 -63 --81 82 -83 -98 99 2011 00 01-12 13 14 18 ---55 61 62 -63 -77 81 82 -83 -98 99 2012 00 01-12 13 14 -18 --55 61 -62 -63 77 81 -82 -83 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 2013Later 00 01-12 13 14 --18 19 55 61 -62 -63 77 81 -82 -83 98 99 Non-Collision Clock Points Top Undercarriage Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Value) Cargo/Vehicle Parts Set-In-Motion Other Objects Set-In-Motion Non-Harmful Event Left Left-Front Half Left-Front Side Left-Back Half Left-Back Side Not a Motor Vehicle Right Right-Front Half Right-Front Side Right-Back Half Right-Back Side Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 440 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The VEVENT Data File The VEVENT Data File The Vevent data file includes harmful and non-harmful events for each in-transport motor vehicle. It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, VEH_NO, EVENTNUM, and VEVENTNUM, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Vevent data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and VEVENTNUM are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Vevent data file with the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 441 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The VEVENT Data File Vehicle Number (This Vehicle) Definition: This data element identifies the “Vehicle Number” (VEH_NO) of this in-transport motor vehicle described in this event. Additional Information: This is the vehicle described in “Sequence of Events” for this event. If Vehicle #1 (V1) impacts Vehicle #2 (V2), then we have at least 2 Vevent records. Example: VEH_NO 1 2 EVENTNUM 1 1 VNUMBER1 1 1 SOE 12 12 VNUMBER2 2 2 The explanation of these 2 records is as follows: V1 was involved in event 1 where V1 impacts V2 V2 was involved in event 1 where V1 impacts V2 Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: VNUMBER1 Attribute Codes 2010-Later 1-999 Vehicle Number FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 442 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The VEVENT Data File Area of Impact (This Vehicle) Definition: This data element identifies the impact point, if any, on this in-transport motor vehicle that produced property damage or personal injury in this event. Additional Information: This is the impact area of the vehicle recorded in “Vehicle Number (This Vehicle)” and described in “Sequence of Events.” Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: AOI1 Attribute Codes 20102011 00 01-12 13 14 18 ---55 61 62 -63 -81 82 -83 -98 99 2012 00 01-12 13 14 -18 --55 61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 2013Later 00 01-12 13 14 --18 19 55 61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Non-Collision Clock Points Top Undercarriage Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Value) Cargo/Vehicle Parts Set-In-Motion Other Objects Set-In-Motion Non-Harmful Event Left Left-Front Half Left-Front Side Left-Back Half Left-Back Side Right Right-Front Half Right-Front Side Right-Back Half Right-Back Side Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 443 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V31 The VEVENT Data File Sequence of Events Definition: This data element describes this event. A motor vehicle traffic crash is a series of events resulting from an unstabilized situation. This series of harmful and non-harmful events is recorded in chronological order based on the PAR narrative and diagram. Additional Information: From 2004 to 2009, Sequence of Events was collected at the vehicle level and up to six events (SEQ1-SEQ6) were stored in the Vehicle data file. “First Harmful Event,” “Most Harmful Event,” and the “Sequence of Events” data elements have the same harmful event attributes. The harmful event attributes were modified to be consistent. “Sequence of Events” also has non-harmful event attributes. SAS Name: SOE Attribute Codes 20102011 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2012 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2013 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2014Later 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Rollover/Overturn Fire/Explosion Immersion Immersion or Partial Immersion Gas Inhalation Fell/Jumped from Vehicle Injured in Vehicle (Non-Collision) Other Non-Collision Pedestrian Pedalcyclist Railway Vehicle Live Animal Motor Vehicle in Transport Parked Motor Vehicle Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance Thrown or Falling Object Boulder Other Object (Not Fixed) Building Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Bridge Pier or Support Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet) Guardrail Face Concrete Traffic Barrier Other Traffic Barrier Utility Pole/Light Support Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support Culvert Curb Ditch Data Element Definitions and Codes 444 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V31 Sequence of Events The VEVENT Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20102011 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2012 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2013 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2014Later 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 -72 --98 99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ---99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 --99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 79 -99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Embankment Fence Wall Fire Hydrant Shrubbery Tree (Standing Only) Other Fixed Object Pavement Surface Irregularity (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.) Working Motor Vehicle Traffic Signal Support Snow Bank Ridden Animal or Animal-Drawn Conveyance Bridge Overhead Structure Jackknife (Harmful to This Vehicle) Guardrail End Mail Box Motor Vehicle In-Transport Strikes or is Struck by Cargo, Persons or Objects Set-in-Motion from/by Another Motor Vehicle In-Transport Motor Vehicle in Motion Outside the Trafficway Cable Barrier Ground Traffic Sign Support Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Non-Harmful) Equipment Failure (Blown Tire, Brake Failure, etc.) Separation of Units Ran Off Road – Right Ran Off Road – Left Cross Median Downhill Runaway Vehicle Went Airborne Cross Centerline Re-Entering Highway Jackknife (Non-Harmful) End Departure Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Harmful To This Vehicle) Object Fell From Motor Vehicle In-Transport Ran Off Roadway – Direction Unknown Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 445 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The VEVENT Data File Vehicle Number (Other Vehicle) Definition: This data element identifies the “Vehicle Number” (VEH_NO) of the other motor vehicle, if any, in this event. Additional Information: This is the vehicle contacted by the motor vehicle in-transport recorded in “Vehicle Number (This Vehicle).” Another vehicle must have been involved in this event for this data element to be a valid vehicle number (i.e., “Sequence of Events” for this event must be 12, 14, 45, 54, or 55). Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: VNUMBER2 Attribute Codes 2010-Later 1-999 Vehicle Number 5555 Non-Harmful Event 9999 Not a Motor Vehicle FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 446 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The VEVENT Data File Area of Impact (Other Vehicle) Definition: This data element identifies the impact point on the other motor vehicle, if any, in this event. Additional Information: This is the impact area of the vehicle recorded in “Vehicle Number (Other Vehicle).” Another vehicle must have been involved in this event for this data element to be a valid impact location (i.e., “Sequence of Events” for this event must be 12, 14, 45, 54, or 55). Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: AOI2 Attribute Codes 2010 00 01-12 13 14 18 ---55 61 62 -63 --81 82 -83 -98 99 2011 00 01-12 13 14 18 ---55 61 62 -63 -77 81 82 -83 -98 99 2012 00 01-12 13 14 -18 --55 61 -62 -63 77 81 -82 -83 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 2013Later 00 01-12 13 14 --18 19 55 61 -62 -63 77 81 -82 -83 98 99 Non-Collision Clock Points Top Undercarriage Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Value) Cargo/Vehicle Parts Set-In-Motion Other Objects Set-In-Motion Non-Harmful Event Left Left-Front Half Left-Front Side Left-Back Half Left-Back Side Not a Motor Vehicle Right Right-Front Half Right-Front Side Right-Back Half Right-Back Side Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 447 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The VSOE Data File The VSOE Data File The Vsoe data file includes harmful and non-harmful events for each in-transport motor vehicle. It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, VEVENTNUM, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Vsoe data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and VEVENTNUM are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Vsoe data file with the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 448 FARS Analytical User’s Manual C18 The VSOE Data File Area of Impact Associated with the Event Definition: This data element identifies the impact point, if any, on this in-transport motor vehicle that produced property damage or personal injury in this event. Additional Information: This is the impact area of the vehicle recorded in “Vehicle Number (This Vehicle)” and described in “Sequence of Events.” Prior to 2015, this data element’s Locator Code or Data Element Number was C17. SAS Name: AOI Attribute Codes 20102011 00 01-12 13 14 18 ---55 61 62 -63 -81 82 -83 -98 99 2012 00 01-12 13 14 -18 --55 61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 2013Later 00 01-12 13 14 --18 19 55 61 -62 -63 81 -82 -83 98 99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Non-Collision Clock Points Top Undercarriage Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Point) Set-In-Motion (Not a Clock Value) Cargo/Vehicle Parts Set-In-Motion Other Objects Set-In-Motion Non-Harmful Event Left Left-Front Half Left-Front Side Left-Back Half Left-Back Side Right Right-Front Half Right-Front Side Right-Back Half Right-Back Side Not Reported Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 449 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V31 The VSOE Data File Sequence of Events Definition: This data element describes this event. A motor vehicle traffic crash is a series of events resulting from an unstabilized situation. This series of harmful and non-harmful events is recorded in chronological order based on the PAR narrative and diagram. Additional Information: From 2004 to 2009, Sequence of Events was collected at the vehicle level and up to six events (SEQ1-SEQ6) were stored in the Vehicle data file. “First Harmful Event,” “Most Harmful Event,” and the “Sequence of Events” data elements have the same harmful event attributes. The harmful event attributes were modified to be consistent. “Sequence of Events” also has non-harmful event attributes. SAS Name: SOE Attribute Codes 20102011 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2012 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2013 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 2014Later 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Rollover/Overturn Fire/Explosion Immersion Immersion or Partial Immersion Gas Inhalation Fell/Jumped from Vehicle Injured in Vehicle (Non-Collision) Other Non-Collision Pedestrian Pedalcyclist Railway Vehicle Live Animal Motor Vehicle in Transport Parked Motor Vehicle Non-Motorist on Personal Conveyance Thrown or Falling Object Boulder Other Object (Not Fixed) Building Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Bridge Pier or Support Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet) Guardrail Face Concrete Traffic Barrier Other Traffic Barrier Utility Pole/Light Support Other Post, Other Pole, or Other Support Culvert Curb Ditch Data Element Definitions and Codes 450 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V31 Sequence of Events The VSOE Data File (continued) Attribute Codes 20102011 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2012 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2013 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2014Later 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 -72 --98 99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ---99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 --99 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 79 -99 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Embankment Fence Wall Fire Hydrant Shrubbery Tree (Standing Only) Other Fixed Object Pavement Surface Irregularity (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.) Working Motor Vehicle Traffic Signal Support Snow Bank Ridden Animal or Animal-Drawn Conveyance Bridge Overhead Structure Jackknife (Harmful to This Vehicle) Guardrail End Mail Box Motor Vehicle In-Transport Strikes or is Struck by Cargo, Persons or Objects Set-in-Motion from/by Another Motor Vehicle In-Transport Motor Vehicle in Motion Outside the Trafficway Cable Barrier Ground Traffic Sign Support Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Non-Harmful) Equipment Failure (Blown Tire, Brake Failure, etc.) Separation of Units Ran Off Road – Right Ran Off Road – Left Cross Median Downhill Runaway Vehicle Went Airborne Cross Centerline Re-Entering Highway Jackknife (Non-Harmful) End Departure Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (Harmful To This Vehicle) Object Fell From Motor Vehicle In-Transport Ran Off Roadway – Direction Unknown Not Reported (2010 Only) Unknown Data Element Definitions and Codes 451 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The DAMAGE Data File The DAMAGE Data File The Damage data file identifies each area of damage (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The Damage data file also contains the data elements on the following pages. ST_CASE and VEH_NO are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Damage data file with vehicles from the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 452 FARS Analytical User’s Manual V28B The DAMAGE Data File Damaged Areas Definition: This data element identifies all the areas on this vehicle that were damaged in the crash as reflected in the case materials. Additional Information: SAS Name: MDAREAS Attribute Codes 2012-Later 1-12 Clock points 13 Top 14 Undercarriage 15 No Damage 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 453 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The DISTRACT Data File The DISTRACT Data File The Distract data file identifies each driver distraction (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains MDRDSTRD which is described below. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and MDRDSTRD are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Distract data file with drivers from the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 454 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC16 The DISTRACT Data File Driver Distracted By Definition: This data element identifies the attribute(s) which best describe this driver’s attention to driving prior to the driver’s realization of an impending critical event or just prior to impact if realization of an impending critical event does not occur. Additional Information: Distraction from the primary task of driving occurs when drivers divert their attention from the driving task to some other activity. Also, driving while daydreaming or lost in thought is identified as distracted driving by NHTSA. Physical conditions/impairments (fatigue, alcohol, medical condition, etc.) or psychological states (anger, emotional, depressed, etc.) are not identified as distractions by NHTSA. SAS Name: MDRDSTRD Attribute Codes 20102011 00 01 03 04 05 06 07 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 ---92 --96 97 -98 99 2012Later 00 01 03 04 05 06 07 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -92 93 96 -97 98 99 Not Distracted Looked But Did Not See By Other Occupant(s) By a Moving Object in Vehicle While Talking or Listening to Cellular Phone While Manipulating Cellular Phone While Adjusting Audio or Climate Controls While Using Other Component/Controls Integral to Vehicle While Using or Reaching For Device/Object Brought Into Vehicle Distracted by Outside Person, Object or Event Eating or Drinking Smoking Related Other Cellular Phone Related No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Distraction/Inattention Distraction/Careless Careless/Inattentive Distraction/Inattention, Details Unknown Distraction (Distracted), Details Unknown Inattention (Inattentive), Details Unknown Not Reported Inattentive or Lost in Thought Lost In Thought/Day Dreaming Other Distraction Unknown if Distracted FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 455 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The DRIMPAIR Data File The DRIMPAIR Data File The Drimpair data file identifies each driver impairment (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains DRIMPAIR which is described below. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and DRIMPAIR are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Drimpair data file with drivers from the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 456 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D23 The DRIMPAIR Data File Condition (Impairment) at Time of Crash- Driver Definition: This data element identifies physical impairments to this driver that may have contributed to the crash as identified by law enforcement. Additional Information: This data element attempts to identify physical impairments to this driver which may have contributed to the cause of the crash. These impairments can appear anywhere in the case materials--in the narrative section, in the violations section, in a column entitled “Contributing Factors” or “Driver Action,” etc. Some information that had been collected under “Related Factors- Driver Level” is now captured under this new data element. SAS Name: DRIMPAIR Attribute Codes 2010 0 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -96 98 99 20112013 0 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 95 96 98 99 2014Later 0 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 95 96 98 99 None/Apparently Normal Ill, Blackout Asleep or Fatigued Walking with a Cane or Crutches Walking with a Cane or Crutches, etc. Paraplegic or Restricted to Wheelchair Impaired Due to Previous Injury Deaf Blind Emotional (Depressed, Angry, Disturbed, etc.) Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs or Medication Physical Impairment – No Details No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present Other Physical Impairment Not Reported Unknown if Impaired FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 457 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The FACTOR Data File The FACTOR Data File The Factor data file identifies each vehicle factor (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains MFACTOR which is described below. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and MFACTOR are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Factor data file with the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 458 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC4 The FACTOR Data File Contributing Circumstances, Motor Vehicle Definition: This data element describes this vehicle’s possible pre-existing defects or maintenance conditions that may have contributed to the crash. Additional Information: Most of these data elements can be found in Related Factor- Vehicle Level (SAS names VEH_CF1 and VEH_CF2 in the Vehicle data file in 2009 and prior, and VEH_SC1-VEH_SC2 in 2010). SAS Name: MFACTOR Attribute Codes 2010-Later 00 None 01 Tires 02 Brake System 03 Steering 04 Suspension 05 Power Train 06 Exhaust System 07 Head Lights 08 Signal Lights 09 Other Lights 10 Wipers 11 Wheels 12 Mirrors 13 Windows/Windshield 14 Body, Doors 15 Truck Coupling / Trailer Hitch / Safety Chains 16 Safety Systems 17 Vehicle Contributing Factors – No Details 97 Other 98 Not Reported 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 459 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The MANEUVER Data File The MANEUVER Data File The Maneuver data file identifies each avoidance attempt (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains MDRMANAV which is described below. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and MDRMANAV are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Maneuver data file with the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 460 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC15 The MANEUVER Data File Driver Maneuvered to Avoid Definition: This data element identifies the thing(s) this driver attempted to avoid while the vehicle was on the road portion of the trafficway, just prior to the first harmful event for this vehicle. Additional Information: SAS Name: MDRMANAV Attribute Codes 2010-Later 00 Driver Did Not Maneuver To Avoid 01 Object 02 Poor Road Conditions (Puddle, Ice, Pothole, etc.) 03 Live Animal 04 Motor Vehicle 05 Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist or Other Non-Motorist 92 Phantom/Non-Contact Motor Vehicle 95 No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present 98 Not Reported 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 461 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The VIOLATN Data File The VIOLATN Data File The Violatn data file identifies each violation (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains MVIOLATN which is described below. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and MVIOLATN are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Violatn data file with the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 462 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D21 The VIOLATN Data File Violations Charged Definition: This data element identifies all violations charged to this driver. Additional Information: Prior to 2010, this data element was in the Vehicle data file. In 2010, this data element changed to identify all violations charged in the crash and was therefore moved here to its own data file. SAS Name: MVIOLATN Attribute Codes 2010-Later 00 None RECKLESS/CARELESS/HIT-AND-RUN OFFENSES 01 Manslaughter or Homicide 02 Willful Reckless Driving; Driving to Endanger; Negligent Driving 03 Unsafe Reckless (Not Willful, Wanton Reckless) Driving 04 Inattentive, Careless, Improper Driving 05 Fleeing or Eluding Police 06 Fail to Obey Police, Fireman, Authorized Person Directing Traffic 07 Hit-and-Run, Fail to Stop After Crash 08 Fail to Give Aid, Information, Wait for Police after Crash 09 Serious Violation Resulting in Death 10 Use of Telecommunications Device (Since 2015) IMPAIRMENT OFFENSES 11 Driving While Intoxicated (Alcohol or Drugs) or BAC above Limit (Any Detectable BAC for CDLs) 12 Driving While Impaired 13 Driving under Influence of Substance not intended to intoxicate 14 Drinking While Operating 15 Illegal Possession of Alcohol or Drugs 16 Driving With Detectable Alcohol 18 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test 19 Alcohol, Drug, or Impairment Violations Generally SPEED-RELATED OFFENSES 21 Racing 22 Speeding (Above the Speed Limit) 23 Speed Greater Than Reasonable and Prudent (Not Necessarily Over the Limit) 24 Exceeding Special Speed Limit (e.g., for Trucks, Buses, Cycles, or on Bridge, in School Zone, etc.) 25 Energy Speed (Exceeding 55 mph, Non-Pointable) 26 Driving Too Slowly 29 Speed-Related Violations Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – TRAFFIC SIGN & SIGNALS 31 Fail to Stop for Red Signal 32 Fail to Stop for Flashing Red 33 Violation of Turn on Red (Fail to Stop & Yield, Yield to Pedestrians before Turning) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 463 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D21 Violations Charged The VIOLATN Data File (continued) 2010-Later 34 Fail to Obey Flashing Signal (Yellow or Red) 35 Fail to Obey Signal Generally 36 Violate RR Grade Crossing Device/Regulations 37 Fail to Obey Stop Sign 38 Fail to Obey Yield Sign 39 Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – TURNING, YIELDING, SIGNALING 41 Turn in Violation of Traffic Control (Disobey Signs, Turn Arrow or Pavement Markings; this is not a Right-on-Red violation) 42 Improper Method & Position of Turn (Too Wide, Wrong Lane) 43 Fail to Signal for Turn or Stop 45 Fail to Yield to Emergency Vehicle 46 Fail to Yield Generally 48 Enter Intersection When Space Insufficient 49 Turn, Yield, Signaling Violations Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – WRONG SIDE, PASSING & FOLLOWING 51 Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Road 52 Driving on Left, Wrong Side of Road Generally 53 Improper, Unsafe Passing 54 Pass on Right (Drive off Pavement to Pass) 55 Pass Stopped School Bus 56 Fail to Give Way When Overtaken 58 Following Too Closely 59 Wrong Side, Passing, Following Violations Generally RULES OF THE ROAD – LANE USAGE 61 Unsafe or Prohibited Lane Change 62 Improper Use of Lane (Enter of 3-Lane Road, HOV Designated Lane) 63 Certain Traffic to Use Right Lane (Trucks, Slow Moving, etc.) 66 Motorcycle Lane Violations (More than two per Lane, Riding Between Lanes, etc.) 67 Motorcyclist Attached to another Vehicle 69 Lane Violations Generally NON-MOVING – LICENSE & REGISTRATION VIOLATIONS 71 Driving While License Withdrawn (Including Violation of Provisions of Work Permit) (2010-2013) 71 Driving While License Withdrawn (Since 2014) 72 Other Driver License Violations 73 Commercial Driver Violations 74 Vehicle Registration Violations 75 Fail to Carry Insurance Card 76 Driving Uninsured Vehicle 79 Non-Moving Violations Generally FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 464 FARS Analytical User’s Manual D21 Violations Charged The VIOLATN Data File (continued) 2010-Later EQUIPMENT 81 Lamp Violations 82 Brake Violations 83 Failure to Require Restraint Use (By Self or Passenger) 84 Motorcycle Equipment Violations (Helmet, Special Equipment) 85 Violation of Hazardous Cargo Regulations 86 Size, Weight, Load Violations 89 Equipment Violations Generally LICENSE, REGISTRATION & OTHER VIOLATIONS 91 Parking 92 Theft, Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle 93 Driving Where Prohibited (Sidewalk, Limited Access, Off Truck Route) 95 No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present 97 Not Reported 98 Other Moving Violation 99 Unknown Violation(s) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 465 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The VISION Data File The VISION Data File The Vision data file identifies each visual obstruction (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains MVISOBSC which is described below. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and MVISOBSC are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Vision data file with the Vehicle data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 466 FARS Analytical User’s Manual PC14 The VISION Data File Driver’s Vision Obscured by Definition: This data element records impediments to this driver’s visual field that were noted in the case materials. Additional Information: Most of these data elements can be found in “Related Factor – Driver Level” from 1982 to 2008. This data element was added to the Vehicle data file in 2009. In 2010, the data element was changed to identify all that apply in the crash and was therefore moved here to its own data file. SAS Name: MVISOBSC Attribute Codes 2010-Later 00 No Obstruction Noted 01 Rain, Snow, Fog, Smoke, Sand, Dust 02 Reflected Glare, Bright Sunlight, Headlights 03 Curve, Hill, or Other Roadway Design Features 04 Building, Billboard, or Other Structure 05 Trees, Crops, Vegetation 06 In-Transport Motor Vehicle (Including Load) 07 Not-in-Transport Motor Vehicle (Parked, Working) 08 Splash or Spray of Passing Vehicle 09 Inadequate Defrost or Defog System 10 Inadequate Vehicle Lighting System 11 Obstructing Interior to the Vehicle 12 External Mirrors 13 Broken or Improperly Cleaned Windshield 14 Obstructing Angles on Vehicle 95 No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present 97 Vision Obscured – No Details 98 Other Visual Obstruction 99 Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 467 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The NMCRASH Data File The NMCRASH Data File The Nmcrash data file identifies each non-motorist action or circumstance that may have contributed to the crash (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains MTM_CRSH which is described below. ST_CASE, PER_NO, and MTM_CRSH are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO should be used to merge the Nmcrash data file with non-motorists from the Person data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 468 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The NMCRASH Data File NM12 Non-Motorist Contributing Circumstances Definition: This data element describes the action(s) and/or circumstances of this non-motorist that law enforcement indicated may have contributed to the crash. Additional Information: Some information that had been collected under Person Level Related Factors are now captured under this new data element. Please note the "non-motorist" may include people in not-in-transport motor vehicles, however this data element is only collected for people who are not occupants of motor vehicles. Prior to 2014 this data element was called “Non-Motorist Action/Circumstances at Time of Crash”. SAS Name: MTM_CRSH Attribute Codes 20102013 0 -1 -2 3 4 5 -6 7 8 9 10 --12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2014Later -0 -1 2 3 4 -5 6 7 8 9 -10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -- -19 20 18 19 20 21 98 99 21 -99 No Improper Action None Noted Dart/Dash Dart-Out Failure to Yield Right-Of-Way Failure to Obey Traffic Signs, Signals or Officer In Roadway Improperly (Standing, Lying, Working, Playing) Entering/Exiting Vehicle Entering/Exiting Parked or Stopped Vehicle Inattentive (Talking, Eating, etc.) Improper Turn/Merge Improper Passing Wrong-Way Riding or Walking Driving on Wrong Side of Road Riding on Wrong Side of Road Dash Improper Crossing of Roadway or Intersection (Jaywalking) Failing to Have Lights on When Required Operating Without Required Equipment Improper or Erratic Lane Changing Failure to Keep in Proper Lane or Running Off Road Making Improper Entry to or Exit from Trafficway Operating the Vehicle in Other Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner Operating in Other Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner Not Visible (Dark Clothing, No Lighting, etc.) Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle Other Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 469 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The NMIMPAIR Data File The NMIMPAIR Data File The Nmimpair data file identifies each non-motorist impairment (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains NMIMPAIR which is described below. ST_CASE, PER_NO, and NMIMPAIR are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO should be used to merge the Nmimpair data file with non-motorists from the Person data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 470 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NM14 The NMIMPAIR Data File Condition (Impairment) at Time of Crash- Non-Motorist Definition: This data element identifies physical impairments to this non-motorist that may have contributed to the crash as identified by law enforcement. Additional Information: This data element attempts to identify physical impairments to this non-motorist which may have contributed to the cause of the crash. These impairments can appear anywhere in the case materials--in the narrative section, in the violations section, in a column entitled “Contributing Factors” or “Driver Action,” etc. Some information that had been collected under “Related Factors- Person Level” is now captured under this new data element. SAS Name: NMIMPAIR Attribute Codes 20102013 0 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 96 98 99 2014Later 0 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 96 98 99 None/Apparently Normal Ill, Blackout Asleep or Fatigued Walking with a Cane or Crutches Walking with a Cane or Crutches, etc. Paraplegic or Restricted to Wheelchair Impaired Due to Previous Injury Deaf Blind Emotional (Depressed, Angry, Disturbed, etc.) Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs or Medication Physical Impairment – No Details Other Physical Impairment Not Reported Unknown if Impaired FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 471 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The NMPRIOR Data File The NMPRIOR Data File The Nmprior data file identifies each non-motorist action at the time of their involvement in the crash (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains MPR_ACT which is described below. ST_CASE, PER_NO, and MPR_ACT are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO should be used to merge the Nmprior data file with non-motorists from the Person data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 472 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The NMPRIOR Data File NM11 Non-Motorist Action/Circumstances Definition: This data element describes the action(s) of the non-motorist immediately prior to their involvement in the crash. Additional Information: Some information that had been collected under Person Level Related Factors are now captured under this new data element. Please note the "non-motorist" may include people in not-in-transport motor vehicles, however this data element is only collected for people who are not occupants of motor vehicles. Prior to 2014 this data element was called “Non-Motorist Action/Circumstances Prior to Crash”. SAS Name: MPR_ACT Attribute Codes 20102013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -12 14 15 16 98 99 2014Later 1 2 3 4 5 6 -8 9 10 -11 12 14 -16 98 99 Going to or from School (K-12) Waiting to Cross Roadway Crossing Roadway Jogging/Running Movement Along Roadway with Traffic (In or Adjacent to Travel Lane) Movement Along Roadway Against Traffic (In or Adjacent to Travel Lane) Movement on Sidewalk In Roadway-Other (Working, Playing, etc.) Adjacent to Roadway (e.g., Shoulder, Median) Working in Trafficway (Incident Response) Entering/Exiting a Vehicle Entering/Exiting a Parked or Stopped Vehicle Disabled Vehicle Related (Working on, Pushing, Leaving/Approaching) Other None Movement Along Roadway – Direction Unknown (Since 2012) Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 473 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The SAFETYEQ Data File The SAFETYEQ Data File The Safetyeq data file identifies each item of safety equipment (as a separate record). It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. The data file also contains MSAFEQMT which is described below. ST_CASE, PER_NO, and MSAFEQMT are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE, VEH_NO, and PER_NO should be used to merge the Safetyeq data file with non-motorists from the Person data file. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 474 FARS Analytical User’s Manual The SAFETYEQ Data File NM13 Non-Motorist Safety Equipment Use Definition: This data element indicates the safety equipment that was used by this nonmotorist involved in the crash. Additional Information: There can be one or more safety equipment responses for each nonmotorist. SAS Name: MSAFEQMT Attribute Codes 20102014 1 2 3 -4 5 7 8 9 2015Later 1 2 -3 4 5 7 8 9 None Used Helmet Reflective Equipment/Clothing (Jacket, Backpack, etc.) Reflective Clothing (Jacket, Backpack, etc.) Protective Pads (Elbows, Knees, Shins, etc.) Lighting Other Safety Equipment Not Reported Unknown if Used FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 475 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes The VINDECODE Data File The Vindecode data file provides vehicle specification data for all vehicle types, mainly passenger vehicles, trucks and motorcycles. It contains the data elements ST_CASE, STATE, and VEH_NO, which are described in the beginning of the Data Element Definitions and Codes section. ST_CASE and VEH_NO are the unique identifiers for each record. ST_CASE and VEH_NO should be used to merge the Vindecode data file with the Vehicle or Parkwork data file. The Vindecode data file contains 81 data elements derived from the VIN using the RL Polk VIN verification and decoding program, VINtelligence. Descriptions of the data elements and their contents can be found in the Polk VINtelligence Deluxe Package and Field Descriptions documentation in Appendix G: Changes to the FARS VIN Decoded Data Elements. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Data Element Definitions and Codes 476 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices Appendices Appendix A: PC23 Crash Type Diagram Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes Appendix F: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Data Availability Change Appendix G: Changes to the FARS VIN Decoded Data Elements FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 477 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix A: PC23 Crash Type Diagram Appendix A: PC23 Crash Type Diagram FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 478 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements Several derived data elements are included in the data files. A derived data element is any element that is not coded (i.e., data directly entered into the system) but translated from existing data. Derived data elements include: translations from coded data elements (e.g., “Driver Drinking”) records counted from vehicle and person levels as crash level counters (e.g., “Number of Parked/Working Vehicles”), data extracted across several records (e.g., “First Harmful Event”), and element combinations (e.g., “Motor Carrier Issuing Authority and ID Number”). The derived data elements are provided to facilitate analyses and as a common platform for presenting findings. These elements and the translations used to derive them are described in this Appendix. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 479 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements Crash Level Counts Number of Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Accident. VE_FORMS (also provided as Vehicle.VE_FORMS, Parkwork.PVE_FORMS, Person.VE_FORMS) Logic of Derivation All Vehicle records linked to the crash are used. This data element is derived as the count of all vehicles in the crash where “Unit Type” = 1. It is the number of records in the Vehicle data file. ______________________________________________________ Number of Parked/Working Vehicles Accident. PVH_INVL Logic of Derivation All Vehicle records linked to the crash are used. This data element is derived as the count of all vehicles in the crash where “Unit Type” is in (2, 3 or 4). It is the number of records in the Parkwork data file. ______________________________________________________ Number of Persons in Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Accident. PERMVIT Logic of Derivation All Person records linked to the crash are used. This data element is derived as the count of all persons in the crash where “Person Type” is in (1, 2 or 9). ______________________________________________________ Number of Persons Not in Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) Accident. PERNOTMVIT Logic of Derivation All Person records linked to the crash are used. This data element is derived as the count of all persons in the crash where “Person Type” is in (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 or 19). FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 480 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements Crash and Vehicle Level Derived Data Elements Fatalities Accident.FATALS Logic of Derivation All Person records linked to the crash are used. This data element records the number of fatally injured persons in the crash and is derived by counting all persons with “Injury Severity” of 4 in the crash. ______________________________________________________ Fatalities in Vehicle Vehicle.DEATHS Logic of Derivation All Person records linked to the vehicle are used. This data element records the number of fatally injured persons in the vehicle and is derived by counting all persons with “Injury Severity” of 4 in the vehicle. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 481 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements Drunk Drivers Accident.DRUNK_DR 1988Later Attribute Labels No Drunk Drivers Involved in the Crash 0 Number of Drunk Drivers Involved in the Crash x Logic of Derivation All Person records linked to the crash are used. The data element is derived as the sum of drivers in a crash that have (1) police-reported alcohol involvement, or (2) a positive alcohol test result. That is, it is the sum of records where “Person Type” equals 1 (Driver of a Motor Vehicle In Transport), and “Police Reported Alcohol Involvement” equals 1 (Yes, Alcohol Involved) or “Alcohol Test Result” greater than 0 and less than 95. ______________________________________________________ Driver Drinking Vehicle.DR_DRINK 19751981 1982Later No Drinking 0 0 Drinking 1 1 Unknown 9 -- Attribute Labels Logic of Derivation All Person records linked to the vehicle are used. Driver Drinking is derived as drivers that have (1) police-reported alcohol involvement, or (2) a positive alcohol test result. That is, if it is a vehicle where “Person Type” equals 1 (Driver of a Motor Vehicle In Transport), and “Police Reported Alcohol Involvement” equals 1 (Yes, Alcohol Involved) or “Alcohol Test Result” is greater than 0 and less than 95, then 1 (Drinking), otherwise 0 (No Drinking). FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 482 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements Atmospheric Conditions Accident.WEATHER Attribute Labels 1988-2009 2010-2012 2013-Later 1 0 0 Clear 1 1 Cloudy 10 10 2 No Additional Atmospheric Conditions Rain 2 2 Sleet, Hail (Freezing Rain or Drizzle) 3 3 Sleet or Hail 3 Freezing Rain or Drizzle 12 Snow 4 4 4 Blowing Snow 5 11 11 Rain and Fog 6 Sleet and Fog 7 Fog, Smog, Smoke 5 5 Severe Crosswinds 6 6 Blowing Sand, Soil, Dirt 7 7 Other 8 Not Reported Unknown 9 8 8 98 98 99 99 Logic of Derivation This data element is derived from the coded data elements, Accident.WEATHER1 and Accident.WEATHER2. To derive WEATHER from these two data elements, the priority ranking of each attribute is as follows: Snow Blowing Snow Sleet or Hail Freezing Rain or Drizzle Rain Fog, Smog, Smoke Severe Crosswinds Blowing Sand, Soil, Dirt Other Cloudy FARS Analytical User’s Manual Clear Not Reported Unknown No Additional Atmospheric Conditions Appendices 483 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements First Harmful Event Accident.HARM_EV (also provided as Vehicle.HARM_EV, Parkwork.PHARM_EV, Person.HARM_EV) Logic of Derivation Since 2010, this data element is derived from the set of all crash events. Each event in a crash is recorded in chronological order. The data element that records the event is “Sequence of Events” and includes both harmful and non-harmful events. First Harmful Event, therefore, is the first “Sequence of Events” value that is not between codes 60 and 71 (non-harmful events). ______________________________________________________ Initial Contact Point Vehicle. IMPACT1, Parkwork.PIMPACT1 (also provided as Person.IMPACT1) Logic of Derivation Since 2010, this data element is derived from the set of all crash events for a vehicle. Each event in a crash is recorded in chronological order. The data element that records each impact for a vehicle is “Area of Impact (This Vehicle)” ) for “This Vehicle” or “Area of Impact (Other Vehicle)” for the “Other Vehicle”. The area of impact is only coded for harmful events, that is “Sequence of Events” values that are not between codes 60 and 71. Initial Contact Point, therefore, is the vehicle’s first recorded Area of Impact value for a harmful event. Note that the vehicle may be “This Vehicle” or the “Other Vehicle” in the crash event. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 484 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix B: Rules for Derived Data Elements Make Model Combined Vehicle. MAK_MOD, Parkwork. PMAK_MOD (also provided as Person. MAK_MOD) Logic of Derivation This 5-digit data element is the combination of two data elements, the 2-digit “Vehicle Make” code followed by the 3-digit “Vehicle Model” code. ______________________________________________________ Motor Carrier Identification Number Vehicle. MCARR_ID, Parkwork. PMCARR_ID Logic of Derivation This 11-character data element is the combination of two data elements, the 2-digit “Motor Carrier Issuing Authority” code followed by the 9-character “Identification Number”. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 485 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Date of Crash Time of Day/Day of Week Data Year and Code Classification 1975-Later Time of Day HOUR (Military) Daytime (6:00 a.m. – 5:59 p.m.) 6-17 Nighttime (6:00 p.m. – 5:59 a.m.) 0-5, 18-24* Unknown 99 Day of Week DAY_WEEK w/ HOUR Weekday 6 a.m. Monday thru 5:59 p.m. Friday (DAY_WEEK=2 and 6<=HOUR<=23) or (DAY_WEEK in (3,4,5)) or (DAY_WEEK=6 and (0<= HOUR <=17 or HOUR=24*)) Weekend 6 p.m. Friday thru 5:59 a.m. Monday (DAY_WEEK=6 and 18<= HOUR <=23) or (DAY_WEEK in (1,7)) or (DAY_WEEK=2 and (0<= HOUR <=5 or HOUR=24*)) (DAY_WEEK =9) or (DAY_WEEK in (2,6) and HOUR =99) Unknown * Hour 24 is the beginning of the day. In 2009 attribute 24 was dropped since 0 means the same thing. Holidays The length of a "FARS holiday" depends on the day on which the holiday occurs. NHTSA uses the following times for holiday analysis: DAY OF HOLIDAY TIME PERIOD USED FOR ANALYSIS Sunday or Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday or Saturday 6 p.m. Friday to 5:59 a.m. Tuesday 6 p.m. Friday to 5:59 a.m. Wednesday 6 p.m. Tuesday to 5:59 a.m. Thursday 6 p.m. Wednesday to 5:59 a.m. Monday 6 p.m. Thursday to 5:59 a.m. Monday HOLIDAY DESCRIPTIONS AND CALENDARS The following table gives a detailed description of the time periods included within the following major holidays: New Year’s, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The number of whole days in the holiday period is shown in parentheses. Since the holiday period data retrieval is associated with the alcohol related data, the holiday periods are given from 1982 onwards to match with the BAC data. Note: When using the Alcohol data files, the New Year’s Day holiday period for 1982 will be incomplete since no Alcohol data files exist prior to 1982. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 486 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Date of Crash Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) HOLIDAY CALENDAR Year New Year’s Day Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day 1982 6:00 PM Thu. 12/31/1981 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/04/1982 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/28/1982 to 5:59 AM Tue. 06/01/1982 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/02/1982 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/06/1982 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/03/1982 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/07/1982 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/24/1982 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/29/1982 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/23/1982 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/27/1982 (3) 1983 6:00 PM Thu. 12/30/1982 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/03/1983 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/27/1983 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/31/1983 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/01/1983 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/05/1983 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/02/1983 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/06/1983 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/23/1983 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/28/1983 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/23/1983 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/27/1983 (3) 1984 6:00 PM Fri. 12/30/1983 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/03/1984 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/25/1984 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/29/1984 (3) 6:00 PM Tue. 07/03/1984 to 5:59 AM Thu. 07/05/1984 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/31/1984 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/04/1984 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/21/1984 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/26/1984 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/21/1984 to 5:59 AM Wed. 12/26/1984 (4) 1985 6:00 PM Fri. 12/28/1984 to 5:59 AM Wed. 01/02/1985 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/24/1985 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/28/1985 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 07/03/1985 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/08/1985 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/30/1985 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/03/1985 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/27/1985 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/02/1985 (4) 6:00 PM Tue. 12/24/1985 to 5:59 AM Thu. 12/26/1985 (1) 1986 6:00 PM Tue. 12/31/1985 to 5:59 AM Thu. 01/02/1986 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/23/1986 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/27/1986 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/03/1986 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/07/1986 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/29/1986 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/02/1986 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/26/1986 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/01/1986 (4) 6:00 PM Wed. 12/24/1986 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/29/1986 (4) 1987 6:00 PM Wed. 12/31/1986 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/05/1987 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/22/1987 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/26/1987 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/02/1987 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/06/1987 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/04/1987 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/08/1987 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/25/1987 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/30/1987 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/24/1987 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/28/1987 (3) 1988 6:00 PM Thu. 12/31/1987 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/04/1988 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/27/1988 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/31/1988 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/01/1988 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/05/1988 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/02/1988 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/06/1988 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/23/1988 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/28/1988 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/23/1988 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/27/1988 (3) 1989 6:00 PM Fri. 12/30/1988 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/03/1989 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/26/1989 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/30/1989 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 06/30/1989 to 5:59 AM Wed. 07/05/1989 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/01/1989 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/05/1989 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/22/1989 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/27/1989 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/22/1989 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/26/1989 (3) 1990 6:00 PM Fri. 12/29/1989 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/02/1990 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/25/1990 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/29/1990 (3) 6:00 PM Tue. 07/03/1990 to 5:59 AM Thu. 07/05/1990 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/31/1990 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/04/1990 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/21/1990 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/26/1990 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/21/1990 to 5:59 AM Wed. 12/26/1990 (4) 1991 6:00 PM Fri. 12/28/1990 to 5:59 AM Wed. 01/02/1991 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/24/1991 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/28/1991 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 07/03/1991 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/08/1991 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/30/1991 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/03/1991 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/27/1991 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/02/1991 (4) 6:00 PM Tue. 12/24/1991 to 5:59 AM Thu. 12/26/1991 (1) 1992 6:00 PM Tue. 12/31/1991 to 5:59 AM Thu. 01/02/1992 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/22/1992 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/26/1992 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/02/1992 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/06/1992 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/04/1992 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/08/1992 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/25/1992 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/30/1992 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/24/1992 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/28/1992 (3) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 487 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Date of Crash Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) HOLIDAY CALENDAR Year New Year’s Day Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day 1993 6:00 PM Thu. 12/31/1992 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/04/1993 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/28/1993 to 5:59 AM Tue. 06/01/1993 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/02/1993 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/06/1993 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/03/1993 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/07/1993 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/24/1993 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/29/1993 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/23/1993 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/27/1993 (3) 1994 6:00 PM Thu. 12/30/1993 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/03/1994 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/27/1994 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/31/1994 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/01/1994 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/05/1994 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/02/1994 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/06/1994 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/23/1994 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/28/1994 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/23/1994 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/27/1994 (3) 1995 6:00 PM Fri. 12/30/1994 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/03/1995 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/26/1995 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/30/1995 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 06/30/1995 to 5:59 AM Wed. 07/05/1995 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/01/1995 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/05/1995 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/22/1995 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/27/1995 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/22/1995 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/26/1995 (3) 1996 6:00 PM Fri. 12/29/1995 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/02/1996 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/24/1996 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/28/1996 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 07/03/1996 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/08/1996 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/30/1996 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/03/1996 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/27/1996 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/02/1996 (4) 6:00 PM Tue. 12/24/1996 to 5:59 AM Thu. 12/26/1996 (1) 1997 6:00 PM Tue. 12/31/1996 to 5:59 AM Thu. 01/02/1997 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/23/1997 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/27/1997 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/03/1997 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/07/1997 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/29/1997 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/02/1997 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/26/1997 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/01/1997 (4) 6:00 PM Wed. 12/24/1997 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/29/1997 (4) 1998 6:00 PM Wed. 12/31/1997 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/05/1998 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/22/1998 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/26/1998 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/02/1998 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/06/1998 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/04/1998 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/08/1998 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/25/1998 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/30/1998 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/24/1998 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/28/1998 (3) 1999 6:00 PM Thu. 12/31/1998 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/04/1999 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/28/1999 to 5:59 AM Tue. 06/01/1999 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/02/1999 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/06/1999 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/03/1999 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/07/1999 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/24/1999 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/29/1999 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/23/1999 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/27/1999 (3) 2000 6:00 PM Thu. 12/30/1999 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/03/2000 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/26/2000 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/30/2000 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 06/30/2000 to 5:59 AM Wed. 07/05/2000 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/01/2000 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/05/2000 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/22/2000 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/27/2000 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/22/2000 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/26/2000 (3) 2001 6:00 PM Fri. 12/29/2000 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/02/2001 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/25/2001 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/29/2001 (3) 6:00 PM Tue. 07/03/2001 to 5:59 AM Thu. 07/05/2001 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/31/2001 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/04/2001 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/21/2001 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/26/2001 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/21/2001 to 5:59 AM Wed. 12/26/2001 (4) 2002 6:00 PM Fri. 12/28/2001 to 5:59 AM Wed. 01/02/2002 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/24/2002 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/28/2002 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 07/03/2002 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/08/2002 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/30/2002 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/03/2002 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/27/2002 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/02/2002 (4) 6:00 PM Tue. 12/24/2002 to 5:59 AM Thu. 12/26/2002 (1) 2003 6:00 PM Tue. 12/31/2002 to 5:59 AM Thu. 01/02/2003 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/23/2003 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/27/2003 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/03/2003 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/07/2003 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/29/2003 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/02/2003 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/26/2003 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/01/2003 (4) 6:00 PM Wed. 12/24/2003 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/29/2003 (4) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 488 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Date of Crash Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) HOLIDAY CALENDAR New Year’s Day Year Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day 2004 6:00 PM Wed. 12/31/2003 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/05/2004 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/28/2004 to 5:59 AM Tue. 06/01/2004 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/02/2004 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/06/2004 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/03/2004 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/07/2004 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/24/2004 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/29/2004 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/23/2004 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/27/2004 (3) 2005 6:00 PM Thu. 12/30/2004 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/03/2005 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/27/2005 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/31/2005 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/01/2005 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/05/2005 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/02/2005 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/06/2005 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/23/2005 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/28/2005 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/23/2005 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/27/2005 (3) 2006 6:00 PM Fri. 12/30/2005 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/03/2006 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/26/2006 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/30/2006 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 06/30/2006 to 5:59 AM Wed. 07/05/2006 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/01/2006 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/05/2006 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/22/2006 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/27/2006 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/22/2006 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/26/2006 (3) 2007 6:00 PM Fri. 12/29/2006 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/02/2007 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/25/2007 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/29/2007 (3) 6:00 PM Tue. 07/03/2007 to 5:59 AM Thu. 07/05/2007 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/31/2007 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/04/2007 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/21/2007 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/26/2007 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/21/2007 to 5:59 AM Wed. 12/26/2007 (4) 2008 6:00 PM Fri. 12/28/2007 to 5:59 AM Wed. 01/02/2008 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/23/2008 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/27/2008 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/03/2008 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/07/2008 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/29/2008 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/02/2008 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/26/2008 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/01/2008 (4) 6:00 PM Wed. 12/24/2008 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/29/2008 (4) 2009 6:00 PM Wed. 12/31/2008 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/05/2009 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/22/2009 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/26/2009 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/02/2009 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/06/2009 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/04/2009 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/08/2009 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/25/2009 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/30/2009 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/24/2009 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/28/2009 (3) 2010 6:00 PM Thu. 12/31/2009 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/04/2010 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/28/2010 to 5:59 AM Tue. 06/01/2010 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/02/2010 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/06/2010 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/03/2010 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/07/2010 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/24/2010 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/29/2010 (4) 6:00 PM Thu. 12/23/2010 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/27/2010 (3) 2011 6:00 PM Thu. 12/30/2010 to 5:59 AM Mon. 01/03/2011 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/27/2011 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/31/2011 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 07/01/2011 to 5:59 AM Tue. 07/05/2011 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 09/02/2011 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/06/2011 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/23/2011 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/28/2011 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/23/2011 to 5:59 AM Tue. 12/27/2011 (3) 2012 6:00 PM Fri. 12/30/2011 to 5:59 AM Tue. 01/03/2012 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/25/2012 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/29/2012 (3) 6:00 PM Tue. 07/03/2012 to 5:59 AM Thu. 07/05/2012 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/31/2012 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/04/2012 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/21/2012 to 5:59 AM Mon. 11/26/2012 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 12/21/2012 to 5:59 AM Wed. 12/26/2012 (4) 2013 6:00 PM Fri. 12/28/2012 to 5:59 AM Wed. 01/02/2013 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/24/2013 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/28/2013 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 07/03/2013 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/08/2013 (4) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/30/2013 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/03/2013 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/27/2013 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/02/2013 (4) 6:00 PM Tue. 12/24/2013 to 5:59 AM Thu. 12/26/2013 (1) 2014 6:00 PM Tue. 12/31/2013 to 5:59 AM Thu. 01/02/2014 (1) 6:00 PM Fri. 05/23/2014 to 5:59 AM Tue. 05/27/2014 (3) 6:00 PM Thu. 07/03/2014 to 5:59 AM Mon. 07/07/2014 (3) 6:00 PM Fri. 08/29/2014 to 5:59 AM Tue. 09/02/2014 (3) 6:00 PM Wed. 11/26/2014 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/01/2014 (4) 6:00 PM Wed. 12/24/2014 to 5:59 AM Mon. 12/29/2014 (4) Note: The number of whole days in the holiday period is shown in parenthesis. Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 489 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Manner of Collision Note: From 1975 to 2001, the manner of collision is totally dependent on the directions of travel of the vehicles involved. The direction of travel of the vehicles is often misunderstood. The direction of a vehicle is determined by the precrash condition direction of travel, just before the vehicle goes out of control. Example (1): Assume two vehicles are heading toward each other on the same roadway, one going north and the other going south. If the southbound vehicle skids on a patch of ice and turns 180° and immediately is struck in the rear by the vehicle going north, then the manner of collision is “Head-On,” not “Rear-End.” Example (2): Had the vehicle going north sideswiped the southbound vehicle, which after the ice skid was pointed north, the manner of collision would be “Sideswipe Opposite Direction,” even though both vehicles are pointed north at the time of the sideswipe. The precrash condition directions of travel, for both vehicles, determine the outcome. These examples involve a rotation of a vehicle just before the crash and can account for 20 to 30 percent of the coded cases. See Impact also in this Appendix. Starting in 2002 and later, the manner of collision is dependent on the geometry of the points of impact. That is, Example (1) above is now coded 01, Front-to-Rear (includes Rear-End) and Example (2), is now coded 07 Sideswipe, Same Direction. This is a major change in the MAN_COLL data element. Care must be taken when using this data element over a time period that spans 2001 to 2002. NHTSA’S Manner Of Collision Convention Classification (MAN_COLL) Data Year and Code 1975-1977 1978-2001 2002-Later Not Collision with Motor Vehicle in Transport 0 0 00 Rear-End 1 1 01 Head-On 2 2 02 Angle 4 4 03-06 Sideswipe 7 5, 6 07-08 Other 3 3 09-11 Unknown 9 9 99, *98 (2010) Since 2002, this data element has been based on the impact location (front, side, or rear) and vehicle orientation (facing in the same or opposite directions) of the contact vehicles in the First Harmful Event. The use of “direction of force” will no longer be used in determining this data element. Prior to 2002, the “direction of force” immediately preceding the collision was allowed to be considered, especially in head-on collisions. Notes: Refers only to crashes in which the “First Harmful Event” is a collision between two motor vehicles in-transport (codes 12 and 13). FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 490 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Manner of Collision Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) Use the Diagrams below to help determine Manner of Collision codes 01-05, 07-08 Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 491 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information School Bus Related School Bus – refers to a motor vehicle which satisfies the following criteria: externally identifiable to other traffic units as a school/pupil transport vehicle; operated or owned by a public school or private school; where the institution’s students may range from pre-school through high school; whose occupants, if any, are associated with the institution; and, the vehicle is in operations at the time of the crash to and from the school or on a school-sponsored activity or trip. Also check the data element SPEC_USE in the Vehicle data file. When the data element SPEC_USE is set to the value 2 then the vehicle is used as a school bus. This code applies to crashes in which a vehicle functioning as a school bus was directly or indirectly involved. The "school bus" does not have to be a traffic unit in the crash, but it must have been involved in some school-related activity (e.g., children boarding or alighting from the bus; bus stopping at or pulling from a location of such activity, etc.) If school-bus-related is yes, then the crash and all fatalities in that crash are school-bus-related. Additional explanation – inclusions: A collision involving a motor vehicle in-transport in which one or more than one school bus strikes or is struck by another road vehicle (directly involved). A collision involving a pedestrian in which a child approaching or leaving a school bus, stopped and with its red lights flashing, is struck and injured by a motor vehicle (indirectly involved). A collision crash or non-collision crash involving a motor vehicle in-transport passing a school bus stopped and with its red lights flashing (the school bus is a non-contact vehicle indirectly involved). A collision crash in which a child approaching or leaving a school bus, stopped and with its red light flashing, is struck and injured by a pedalcyclist (school bus indirectly involved). Additional explanation – exclusions: A collision crash or non-collision crash involving a motor vehicle which is normally used as a school bus, but is carrying only senior citizens when the collision occurs. Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 492 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Relation to Trafficway Note: Two-way continuous left-turn lane was captured under Median prior to 2001. Trafficway with frontage road Trafficway with multiple roadways in the same direction FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 493 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Relation to Trafficway Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) Gore Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 494 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Roadway Function Class and Land Use NHTSA’S Roadway Function Class Convention Data Year and Code Classification (ROAD_FNC) 1981-1986 1987-Later Interstate, principal arterial 1 01, 11 Freeway and expressway, principal arterial 2 12 Principal arterial, other 3 02, 13 Minor arterial 4 03, 14 5, 6, 7 04, 05, 15 Local 8 06, 16 Unknown 9 09, 19, 99 Collector NHTSA’S Land Use (Rural/Urban) Convention Classification Data Year and Code 1981-1986 1987-Later (LAND_USE) (ROAD_FNC) Rural 2 01-06, 09 Urban 1 11-16, 19 Unknown 9 99 NHTSA’S Interstate and Non-Interstate Convention Classification Interstate Non-Interstate Unknown 1975-1980 (CL_TWAY) Data Year and Code 1981-1986 (ROAD_FNC) 1987-Later (ROAD_FNC) 1 1 01, 11 2-8 2-8 02-06, 12-16 9 9 09, 19, 99 Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 495 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Trafficway Identifier If “Route Signing” is 1 (Interstate), then “I-” is in the first two spaces of “Trafficway Identifier” If “Route Signing” is 2 (US Highway), then “US-” is in the first three spaces of “Trafficway Identifier” If “Route Signing” is 3 (State Highway), then “SR-” is in the first three spaces of “Trafficway Identifier” If Route Signing is 4 (County Road), then “CR-” is in the first three spaces of Trafficway Identifier followed by the route number OR name if there is no number. If Route Signing is other than 1, 2, 3 or 4, the route name or identifier is left-justified. Immediately after the route designation (I-, US- or SR-), the corresponding highway number appears. For example, Interstate 70 should be coded as “I-70” and US 66 should be coded as “US-66.” A dash is used in the highway designation between the capital letters and the number. If one trafficway is both a State Highway and an Interstate Highway, “Route Signing” must always be coded “1-Interstate.” (a) If the “Trafficway Identifier” and “Milepoint” are available for only the State Highway then the “Route Signing” is coded as “1-Interstate.” “I-” is in the first two spaces of “Trafficway Identifier” followed by the full State Highway Identifier as normal (including any letters.) If California business loop (CA215) is also Interstate 15, then “Trafficway Identifier” is code as “I-SR215” or “I-CA215.” (b) If the “Trafficway Identifier” and “Milepoint” are available for both the State Highway and the Interstate Highway, then “I-” appears in the first two spaces of “Trafficway Identifier” followed by the Interstate number. The Interstate “Milepoint” is coded. E.g., “I-15” (SR215) or “I-15” (CA215). Similarly, if a State Highway is also a U.S. Highway, then the “Route Signing” is coded as “2-US Highway.” (a) If the “Trafficway Identifier” and “Milepoint” are available only for the State Highway, then the “Route Signing” is coded as “2-US Highway.” “US-” appears in the first three spaces of “Trafficway Identifier” followed by the full State Highway Identifier as normal (including any letters). The State Highway “Milepoint” is coded. E.g.; If Florida Route 25 is also US Route 27, then code “US-SR25” or “US-FL25.” (b) If the “Trafficway Identifier” and “Milepoint” are available for both the U.S. Highway and the State Highway, then “US-” is in the first three spaces of “Trafficway Identifier” followed by the U.S. route number. The State Highway Identifier appears anywhere after the US route number. The US Route “Milepoint” is coded. E.g. “US-27” (SR25) or “US-27” (FL25). Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 496 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Vehicle (Body Type) Classification BODY_TYP by NHTSA vehicle category NHTSA has precise definitions for several vehicle categories, such as passenger cars, pickups, buses, etc. For some categories, one will also need the data element TOW_VEH. NHTSA’s Vehicle Body Type Classification Data Year and Code Classification (BODY_TYP) 1975-1981 1982-1990 1991-Later Passenger Cars 01-09 01-11, 67 01-11, 17 (since 2010) Light Trucks & Vans (4) 43, 50-52, or (60 and tow_veh=0) 12, 40, 41, 48-51, 53-56, 58, 59, 68, 69, or (79 and tow_veh=0 or 9) 14-22, 24 , 25 , 28-41, 45-49, or (79 and tow_veh =0 or 9) Large Trucks 53-59, or (60 and tow_veh=1) 70-72, 74-76, 78, or (79 (8) and tow_veh in 1-5 ) 60-64, 66, 67 , 71, 72, 78, or (7) (79 and tow_veh in 1-4) Motorcycles 15-18 20-29 Buses 25-29 30-39 Other/Unknown Vehicles 35-42, 44, 45, 99 13, 14, 42, 52, 73, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 88, 89, 90, 99 Passenger Vehicles 01-09, 43, 50-52, or (60 and tow_veh=0) 01-12, 40, 41, 48-51, 5356, 58, 59, 67-69, or (79 and tow_veh-0 or 9) 80-89 50-59 (55 van-based >10k lbs since 2011) (6) 12, 13, 23 , 42, 65, 73, 90, (3) 91, 92, 93, 94 , 95 (since 2012), 97, 99 Also, since 2004 (79 and (7) tow_veh =5 or 6) or 98 (since 2010) (1) (2) 01-11, 14-22, 24 , 25 , 2841, 45-49, or (79 and tow_veh=0 or 9) , or 17 (since 2010) 43 12, 56, 68 14-16, 19 50 50, 51 30-39 51 40, 41, 48, 49 20-22, 24 Utility Vehicles (a.k.a. On/Off Road) Pickups Vans (1,6) (2,6) (5) (1,6) , 25 (2,6) , 28, 29 (5) Medium Trucks 53, 54, 56 70, 71, 75, 78 60-62, 64, 67 , 71 Heavy Trucks 55, 57-59, or (60 and tow_veh=1) 72, 74, 76, or (79 and (8) tow_veh in 1-5 ) 63, 66, 72, 78, or (79 and (7) tow_veh in 1-4) Combination Trucks ((53-56, 60) and tow_veh=1) or 57-59 Single Unit Trucks (53-56, 60) and tow_veh =0 ((70-72, 75, 76, 78, 79) (8) and tow_veh in 1-5 ) or 74 (70-72, 75, 76, 78, 79) and tow_veh in (0,9) ((60-64, 71, 72, 78, 79) and (7) tow_veh in 1-4) or 66 (60-62,63,64,67,71,72,78,79) (7) and tow_veh in (0,5,6 ,9) (1) Body type code 24 (van-based school bus) was added in 1993. When solely defining School Buses be sure to include body type code 24. (2) Body type code 25 (van-based transit bus) was added in 1993. When solely defining Transit Buses be sure to include body type code 25. (3) Body type coded 94 (motorized wheelchair) was added in 1997 and deleted in 1998. (4) “Light Trucks & Vans” is frequently referred to as just “Light Trucks.” FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 497 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Vehicle (Body Type) Classification Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) (5) Body type code 67 (medium/heavy pickup (Ford Super Duty 450/550)) was added in 2001. For the purposes of medium and heavy truck classifications, this body type will be considered a medium truck. (6) Van-based bus (24, 25) and van-based motor home (23) body type codes were deleted in 2003. These attributes were removed because a review of the FARS Analyst coding revealed that they were rarely capturing them. (7) New code was added in 2004 for Vehicle Trailing (tow_veh) - 5 (vehicle towing another motor vehicle). In 2009 the attribute was split into two to distinguish between fixed and non-fixed linkages (5 and 6). This attribute is not a part of the selection criteria for Light, Large, Heavy, or Combination Truck classifications. Beginning with 2004, an unknown truck type (light/medium/heavy) that was towing another vehicle - (BODY_TYP=79 and TOW_VEH=5,6) - should be classified as Other/Unknown. This classification is subject to change. (8) From 1982 to 1990, Vehicle Trailing (TOW_VEH) attribute value 5 (yes, two or more trailing units) existed in 1982 only. Including “5” in the range from 1982 to 1990 does not affect the classification. Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 498 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Driver License Type Compliance NHTSA’S Driver License Type Compliance Data Year and Code Classification 1982-1986 (L_CL_VEH) 1987-1992 (L_COMPL) 1993-Later (L_COMPL) Valid 0, 2, 4 1, 3 1, 3 Invalid 1, 3, 5 0, 2 0, 2 9 9 6 (since 2011), 7 (2010-2011), 8, 9 Unknown Return Driver License Status/Type NHTSA’S Driver License Status & Non-CDL Status Classification (L_STATUS) Valid Invalid Unknown Data Year and Code 1975-1981 1982-1986 1987-1992 1993-2003 2004-2010 2011-Later 0, 3, 7 0, 2, 7-8 5-8 6-8 6 6 1-2, 4-6 1, 3-6 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 9 9 9 9 9 7, 9 Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 499 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Speeding A fatal crash is “speeding” related if any of the following applies: 1. At least one driver involved in the crash had a speeding related “Related FactorDriver Level.” Note that in 2009 the “Related Factor-Driver Level” attributes associated with speeding related were deleted and a new data element, “Speed Related,” was introduced to capture this information. The element name was changed in 2013 to “Speeding Related.” 2. At least one driver involved in the crash had a speeding related “Violations Charged.” Note: This definition was revised in 2002. The previous definition for “speeding” only looked at “Related Factor-Driver Level.” By expanding the definition to include “Violations Charged,” “speeding” fatal crashes and fatalities increase by less than one percent. Fatal speeding-related crashes are not captured prior to 1982 using this scheme because “Violations Charged” did not identify speeding violations prior to 1982. This method only applies to 1982 through 2008 data. Data Year and Codes NHTSA’s Speeding Convention 1982-1996 1. Related Factor- Driver Level 1997 2008 DR_CF1, DR_CF2, DR_CF3, DR_CF4 (DR_CF4 added in 1997) Driving too fast for conditions or in excess of the posted maximum Driving too fast for conditions 44 Driving in Excess of Posted Maximum Racing 1998-2007 43 - 44 Speeding 2 46 VIOLCHG1, VIOLCHG2, VIOLCHG3 (starting in 2002) - Alcohol or drugs and speeding 3 - Racing - 21 Speeding (above the speed limit) Speed greater than reasonable and prudent (not necessarily over the limit) Exceeding special speed limit (e.g.: for trucks, buses, cycles, or on bridge, in school zone, etc.) Energy speed (exceeding 55 mph, nonpointable) Speed related violations generally - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 29 2. Violations Charged FARS Analytical User’s Manual - - VIOL_CHG Appendices 500 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Speeding Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) A “Speeding Related” data element was added to the Vehicle file in 2009. A crash is “speeding” related if at least one driver involved in the crash was “Speeding Related” Yes. Only the “Speed Related” data element needs to be considered for 2009 and later data. Data Year and Codes 2009-2012 Classification No 0 Not Speeding Yes (includes the following): • Speed greater than reasonable or prudent (not necessarily over the limit) • Driving too fast for conditions • Speeding (above the speed limit) • Exceeding special limit (e.g.; for trucks, buses, cycles, on bridge, at night, in school zone, etc.) • Racing 1 Speeding No Driver Present/Unknown if Driver Present 8 (2011-2012) Not Speeding 9 Unknown NHTSA’s Speeding Convention Unknown The “Speeding Related” data element was expanded in 2013. Data Year and Codes 2013-Later Classification No 0 Not Speeding Yes, Racing 2 Yes, Exceeded Speed Limit 3 Yes, Too Fast for Conditions 4 Yes, Specifics Unknown 5 Unknown 9 NHTSA’s Speeding Convention Speeding Unknown Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 501 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Impact Data Year and Code FARS Description Initial/Principal Point of Impact IMPACT1 and IMPACT2 (and MDAREAS*) 1975-1993 Areas of Impact – Initial/Most Damaged Initial Contact Point/ Damaged Areas 2010-2011 2012-Later 1994-2009 Non-Collision 00 00 00 1 o’clock 01 01 01* 11 o’clock 11 11 11* 12 o’clock 12 12 12* 2 o’clock 02 02 02* 3 o’clock 03 03 03* 4 o’clock 04 04 04* Right - 81 81 Right-Front Half/Side - 82 82 Right-Back Half/Side - 83 83 8 o’clock 08 08 08* 9 o’clock 09 09 09* 10 o’clock 10 10 10* Left - 61 61 Left-Front Half/Side - 62 62 Left-Back Half/Side - 63 63 5 o’clock 05 05 05* 6 o’clock 06 06 06* 7 o’clock 07 07 07* Top 13 13 13* Undercarriage 14 14 14* - - - - - - 18 (since 2004) 18 19 (since 2013) 98 98 Underride Override 15 (since 1980) 16 (since 1982) Special Condition: This vehicle set something in motion causing injury of damage (not a clock value) Not Reported Unknown FARS Analytical User’s Manual - Classification Non-Collision Front Right Side / Side Left Side / Side Rear Other 18 99* Unknown Appendices 502 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Impact Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) Note: In 2010, “Initial Point of Impact” and “Principal Point of Impact” became “Area of ImpactInitial Damaged Area” and “Area of Impact- Most Damaged Area”. In 2012, “Area of ImpactInitial Damaged Area” became “Initial Contact Point” and “Area of Impact- Most Damaged Area” was discontinued. It was replaced with Damaged Areas which records all damaged areas to the vehicle in the Damage data file. The applicable attributes for this element are marked with an asterisk in the table (*). 2010-Later Areas of Impact- Initial/Most Damaged (2010-2011) Initial Contact Point (2012-Later) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 503 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Impact Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) 1975-2009 Initial Impact Point and Principal Impact Point FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 504 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Impact Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) 1975-Later Impact Points Right Side Left Side Source: FARS Coding Manual FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 505 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Impact Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) Data element 13 Examples Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 506 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information VIN Weight- Auto FARS collects information on the weight of cars involved in fatal crashes. Vehicle weight is not generally available for light trucks, however, the weight data element, WGTCD_TR, is. NHTSA often partitions car weight into six classes. This has been done in An Analysis of Fires in Passenger Cars, Light Trucks, and Vans, Tessmer, DOT HS 808 208, 1994; Passenger Car Weight and Injury Severity in Single-Vehicle Nonrollover Crashes, Partyka and Boehly, 1989; ESV Report 89-2b-O-005 and Development of Databases in Support of an Analysis of Fire Incidence Using the Fatal Accident Reporting System, Walz and Klein, September 14, 1993. The partition is defined as: Car Weight Classes Class Weight Range in Pounds Class 1 Car Weight < 1,950 Class 2 1,950 Car Weight < 2,450 Class 3 2,450 Car Weight < 2,950 Class 4 2,950 Car Weight < 3,450 Class 5 3,450 Car Weight < 3,950 Class 6 3,950 Car Weight Note: If you are going to use this data element as a continuous data element, consider defining a new data element, say AUTO_WT as AUTO_WT = VIN_WT/1000. That is, AUTO_WT is the weight of the car in 1,000s of lbs. Its coefficient is less likely to be zero. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 507 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Data elements = VIN_1 ... VIN_12 The 1st to 12th character of the vehicle identification number The first character of the VIN usually identifies the country or Nation of Origin; the most common are: VIN_1 = 1 U.S. 2 Canada 3 Mexico J Japan K Korea L Taiwan S England VF France (V for Europe, F for France) W West Germany Y Sweden Z Italy 1981-Later The second and third characters of the VIN, more or less, identify the make of the vehicle; the most common AUTOMOBILE makes are: VIN_2|VIN_3 = 2A - AVANTI A3 - MITSUBISHI AB - ISUZU AJ - JAGUAR AM - MASERATI (IF VIN_1 = Z) AM - AMERICAN MOTORS (IF VIN_1 = 1) AR - ALPHA ROMEO AW - AUDI AX - STERLING B3 - DODGE BA - BMW BB - BERTONE C3 - CHRYSLER CA - ROLLS ROYCE CC - LOTUS CE - DELOREAN CF - ASTON MARTIN DB - MERCEDES BENZ FARS Analytical User’s Manual E3 - EAGLE F1 - EAGLE MEDALLION (IF VIN_1 = V SEE RENAULT) F1 - MERKUR (IF VIN_1 = W) F1 - RENAULT (IF VIN_1 = V SEE EAGLE MEDALLION) F1 - SUBARU (IF VIN_1 = J) F3 - PEUGEOT FA - FORD (IF VIN_1 = 1) FA - FIAT (IF VIN_1 = Z) FF - FERRARI FR - PININFARINA G1 - CHEVROLET G2 - PONTIAC G3 - OLDSMOBILE G4 - BUICK G6 - CADILLAC G8 - SATURN H4 - ACURA HM - HONDA JC - JEEP LN - LINCOLN M1 - MAZDA ME - MERCURY MH - HYUNDAI N1 - NISSAN P3 - PLYMOUTH PO - PORSCHE S3 - SAAB S3 - SUZUKI T2 - TOYOTA V1 - VOLVO VW - VOLKSWAGEN Appendices 508 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) 1981-Later The 10th letter or number of the VIN tells you the model year of the vehicle. Note that this may be different from when it was manufactured, as many automobile manufacturers start to produce next year’s model this year. Find the model year by matching the 10th digit of your VIN to the table below: VIN_10 = VIN (1st Run) A = 1980 B = 1981 C = 1982 D = 1983 E = 1984 F = 1985 G = 1986 H = 1987 J = 1988 K = 1989 L = 1990 M = 1991 N = 1992 P = 1993 R = 1994 S = 1995 T = 1996 V = 1997 W = 1998 X = 1999 Y = 2000 1 = 2001 2 = 2002 3 = 2003 4 = 2004 5 = 2005 6 = 2006 7 = 2007 8 = 2008 9 = 2009 VIN (2nd Run) A = 2010 B = 2011 C = 2012 D = 2013 E = 2014 F = 2015 G = 2016 H = 2017 J = 2018 K = 2019 L = 2020 M = 2021 N = 2022 P = 2023 R = 2024 S = 2025 T = 2026 V = 2027 W = 2028 X = 2029 Y = 2030 1 = 2031 2 = 2032 3 = 2033 4 = 2034 5 = 2035 6 = 2036 7 = 2037 8 = 2038 9 = 2039 As shown, each letter or number has been assigned to two different years. To find out which one applies, compare it to the 7th letter or number in the VIN. If the 7th VIN position is a letter, then the vehicle is made in 2010 through 2039. If the 7th VIN position is a number, then the vehicle is made prior to 2010. Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 509 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Police Pursuits A pursuit is an event that is initiated when a law enforcement officer, operating an authorized emergency vehicle, gives notice to stop (either through the use of visual or audible emergency signals or a combination of emergency devices) to a motorist who the officer is attempting to apprehend and that motorist fails to comply with the signal by either maintaining his/her speed, increasing speed or taking other evasive action to allude the officer’s continued attempts to stop the motorist. Police Pursuits Data Year and Codes Classification Related Factor- Accident Level 1982-1993 2010-Later 20 20 CF1, CF2, CF3 Police Pursuit Involved Related Factor- Driver Level 1994-2009 - DR_CF1, DR_CF2, DR_CF3 (1982-2009) DR_CF4 (1997-2009) DR_SF1, DR_SF2, DR_SF3, DR_SF4 (2010-Later) High Speed Chase with Police in Pursuit Police Pursuing this Driver or Police Officer in Pursuit 37 37 - - - 37 FARS 1982-1993 If at least one driver in a crash has a “Related Factor-Driver Level” of High Speed Chase with Police in Pursuit (37) then that crash is considered a “police pursuit” crash and all fatalities in that crash are considered “fatalities in crashes involving police in pursuit.” (DR_CF1=37) or (DR_CF2=37) or( DR_CF3=37) Specific fatality types in a “police pursuit” crash can be identified as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. occupant of police vehicle - all occupants (PER_TYP IN (1,2,9)) of special use vehicle police (SPEC_USE=5) occupant of chased vehicle - all occupants (PER_TYP IN (1,2,9)) of vehicle with a driver having a “driver related factor” of high speed chase with police in pursuit (DR_CF1=37 OR DR_CF2=37 OR DR_CF3=37) occupant of other vehicle - all other occupants (PER_TYP IN (1,2,9)) - excludes occupant of police vehicle and chased vehicle non-occupant - pedestrians, pedalcyclists, and other non-occupants (PER_TYP IN (3,4,5,6,7,8)) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 510 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Police Pursuits Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) FARS 1994 and later If a crash has a “Related Factor- Accident Level” of Police Pursuit Involved (20) or a driver in the crash has a “Related Factor-Driver Level” of High Speed Chase with Police in Pursuit (37), then that crash is considered a “police pursuit crash” and all fatalities in that crash are considered “fatalities in crashes involving police in pursuit.” (CF1=20) or (CF2=20) or (CF3=20) or (DR_CF1=37) or (DR_CF2=37) or (DR_CF3=37) (or (DR_CF4=37) since 1997) Note that data elements DR_CF1-DR_CF4 were renamed to DR_SF1-DR_SF4 in 2010. Specific fatality types can be identified as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. occupant of police vehicle - all occupants (PER_TYP IN (1,2,9)) of special use vehicle police (SPEC_USE=5) occupant of chased vehicle - all occupants (PER_TYP IN (1,2,9)) of vehicle with a driver having a driver related factor of high speed chase with police in pursuit (DR_CF1=37 or DR_CF2=37 or DR_CF3=37 (or (DR_CF4=37) since 1997)). occupant of other vehicle - all other occupants (PER_TYP IN (1,2,9)) - excludes occupant of police vehicle and chased vehicle non-occupant - pedestrians, pedalcyclists, and other non-occupants (PER_TYP IN (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,19)) unknown - (PER_TYP=99), this code existed for one year – 1996 Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 511 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Alcohol References: Subramanian, R. (2002) Transitioning to Multiple Imputation: A New Method to Estimate Missing BAC in FARS, Report DOT-HS-809-403, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation. http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pdf/nrd-30/NCSA/Rpts/2002/809-403.pdf) (This report has detailed tabulations of the extent of alcohol involvement from 1982 to 2000 using estimates generated with both the old and new methods. Alcohol Involvement is reported according to various categories of interest (age, sex, time of day, day of week, etc.) Rubin, D.B., Schafer, J.L., and Subramanian, R. (1998) Multiple Imputation of Missing Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) values in FARS, Report DOT-HS-808-816, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation. (This report presents an in-depth technical view of the Multiple Imputation process and its implementation in the FARS. Detailed specifications of the statistical models used to estimate missing BACs are provided. Examples are also given of how the new data can be analyzed and used in models.) Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 512 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Alcohol Test Result MAPPING OF BAC VALUES In 2015, the Alcohol Test Results element changed from a 2-digit field to a 3-digit field. Prior to 2015, the 3rd digit was truncated – not rounded. The following table shows the translation for the 3-digit 2015 BAC values to the previously reported 2-digit BAC values: BAC 2014 Code 2015 Code BAC 2014 Code 2015 Code BAC .00 BAC .01 BAC .02 BAC .03 BAC .04 BAC .05 BAC .06 BAC .07 BAC .08 BAC .09 BAC .10 BAC .11 BAC .12 BAC .13 BAC .14 BAC .15 BAC .16 BAC .17 BAC .18 BAC .19 BAC .20 BAC .21 BAC .22 BAC .23 BAC .24 BAC .25 BAC .26 BAC .27 BAC .28 BAC .29 BAC .30 BAC .31 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 000-009 010-019 020-029 030-039 040-049 050-059 060-069 070-079 080-089 090-099 100-109 110-119 120-129 130-139 140-149 150-159 160-169 170-179 180-189 190-199 200-209 210-219 220-229 230-239 240-249 250-259 260-269 270-279 280-289 290-299 300-309 310-319 BAC .32 BAC .33 BAC .34 BAC .35 BAC .36 BAC .37 BAC .38 BAC .39 BAC .40 BAC .41 BAC .42 BAC .43 BAC .44 BAC .45 BAC .46 BAC .47 BAC .48 BAC .49 BAC .50 BAC .51 BAC .52 BAC .53 BAC .54 BAC .55 BAC .56 BAC .57 BAC .58 BAC .59 BAC .60 BAC .61 BAC .62 BAC .63 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 320-329 330-339 340-349 350-359 360-369 370-379 380-389 390-399 400-409 410-419 420-429 430-439 440-449 450-459 460-469 470-479 480-489 490-499 500-509 510-519 520-529 530-539 540-549 550-559 560-569 570-579 580-589 590-599 600-609 610-619 620-629 630-639 Alcohol Test Result (contd.) Not Reported Test Not Given AC Test Performed, Results Unknown Positive Reading with No Actual Value Unknown if Tested BAC 2014 Code 2015 Code BAC .64 BAC .65 BAC .66 BAC .67 BAC .68 BAC .69 BAC .70 BAC .71 BAC .72 BAC .73 BAC .74 BAC .75 BAC .76 BAC .77 BAC .78 BAC .79 BAC .80 BAC .81 BAC .82 BAC .83 BAC .84 BAC .85 BAC .86 BAC .87 BAC .88 BAC .89 BAC .90 BAC .91 BAC .92 BAC .93 BAC .94+ 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 640-649 650-659 660-669 670-679 680-689 690-699 700-709 710-719 720-729 730-739 740-749 750-759 760-769 770-779 780-789 790-799 800-809 810-819 820-829 830-839 840-849 850-859 860-869 870-879 880-889 890-899 900-909 910-919 920-929 930-939 940 2014 code 2015 code 95 96 97 98 99 995 996 997 998 999 Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 513 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Ejection NHTSA’S Ejection Classification (EJECTION) Not Ejected Ejected Unknown Data Year and Data element 1975-2006 2007-Later 0 0, 8 1, 2 1, 2, 3 9 9, 7 (since in 2010) Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 514 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Person Type Data Year and Code FARS Description (PER_TYP) Classification 19751981 19821993 19942004 20052006 2007Later Driver of a motor vehicle intransport 1 1 01 01 01 Driver Passenger of a motor vehicle intransport 2 2 02 02 02 Passenger Unknown occupant type of a (1) motor vehicle in-transport 9 9 09 09 09 Passenger Occupant of a motor vehicle not (2) in-transport - 3 03 03 03 Other non-occupant Occupant of a non-motor vehicle (3) transport device 5 4 04 04 04 Other non-occupant Pedestrian 3 5 05 05 05 Pedestrian 6 06 06 06 Pedalcyclist 7 07 07 07 Pedalcyclist 8 8 - - - Other/unknown non-occupant - - 08 - - Other non-occupant Other persons on personal (5) conveyances/ vehicles - - - 08 - Other non-occupant Persons on personal (6) conveyances - - - - 08 Other non-occupant - - - - 10 Other non-occupant - - 19 19 19 Unknown nonoccupant type - - 99 - - Occupants Non-occupants Bicyclist 4 Other cyclist Other or unknown non-occupant Other pedestrian (4) Persons in/on buildings (6) Unknown type of non-occupant Unknown Unknown person type (7) Unknown person type Not Reported* FARS Analytical User’s Manual - - - - 88 (2010) Appendices 515 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information *Not reported was introduced in 2010 although none appeared on the file in 2010. This attribute was deleted in 2011. Person Type (continued) Note: The early data has been modified to fit this format. For example, from 1975 to 1977 there was a value for fatal crashes involving a non-motorist in an animal drawn vehicle. This data has been reclassified into one of the values below. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Customarily, “Unknown Occupant” is placed in the “Passenger” category, unless they need to be distinguished from “Passengers”. “Occupant of motor vehicle not in-transport” refers to occupants of parked motor vehicles (any motor vehicle stopped off the roadway). In 2005, this definition was expanded to include parked/stopped off roadway/working motor vehicles and occupants of motor vehicles in motion outside the trafficway boundaries. Prior to 2005, occupants of working motor vehicles (working highway maintenance vehicles, cherry pickers, etc.) were coded “08.” At that time, code “08” was labeled “Other Pedestrians.” “Occupant of non-motor vehicle transport device” refers to persons riding in an animal-drawn conveyance, on an animal, or injured occupants of railway trains, etc. The code for “other pedestrians (08)” was created in FARS in 1994. This code was the result of further detailing the previous coding of “other or unknown non-occupant (8)” as 1) other pedestrians and 2) unknown non-occupant. Since it is not possible to differentiate “other pedestrians” from “unknown non-occupants” prior to 1994, we have kept them in the “other non-occupant“ category for consistency across data years. “Other pedestrians” is used for occupant of a transport device used as equipment (working highway maintenance trucks, cherry pickers, etc.), pedestrians using conveyances, and people in buildings. Examples of pedestrian conveyances are skateboard riders, people in wheelchairs, people on roller skates, and sled riders. Prior to 2005, code “08” was labeled “Other Pedestrians” and also included occupants of motor vehicles used as equipment (working highway maintenance vehicles, cherry pickers, etc.). For occupants of working motor vehicles, see code “03.” Prior to 2007, code “08” included persons in buildings. For persons in buildings, see code “10 – Persons In/On Buildings.” “Unknown person type” existed in data years 1995 and 1996 only. It was found that this attribute did not add any value to the data element. Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 516 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Restraint System/Helmet Use Data Year and Code FARS Description 1975-1990 1991-1993 1994-2007 (MAN_REST) None used (vehicle occupant) or Not applicable (non-occupant) Not Applicable – no restraint available in seat position of occupant (ex. sleeper cab or exterior) None Used – vehicle occupant 2008-2009 2010-2012 2013-Later (REST_USE) 0 0 00 00 - - - - - - 00 00 Not Used - - - - 07 07 (5, 16, 19) and *REST_MIS =1 17 Helmets used improperly - - 15 15 No helmet - - - - (5, 16) and *REST_MIS =1 17 Shoulder belt 1 1 01 01 01 01 Lap belt Lap and shoulder belt Child safety seat Child Safety/ Booster Seat – Type Unknown/ Not Reported Child Safety Seat – Forward Facing Child Safety Seat – Rear Facing Booster Seat (with lap/shoulder belt used properly) Motorcycle helmet 2 2 02 02 02 02 3 3 03 03 03 03 4 4 04 - - - - - - 04 04 04 - - - 10 10 10 - - - 11 11 11 - - - 12 12 12 5 5 05 05 05 and *REST_MIS =0 05 and *REST_MIS =0 (16, 19) and *REST_MIS =0 Used DOT-Compliant motorcycle helmet 16 and *REST_MIS =0 Other Helmet Restraint used type unknown or other including other helmet Classification 8 FARS Analytical User’s Manual 8 08 08 08 08 Appendices 517 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Restraint System/Helmet Use Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information (continued) Data Year and Code FARS Description 1975-1990 1991-1993 1994-2007 (MAN_REST) Safety belt used improperly Child safety seat/booster seat used improperly Bicycle Helmet Other Unknown if used Unknown if helmet worn Not Reported 2008-2009 2010-2012 2013-Later Classification (REST_USE) - 13 13 - - - 14 14 - - - 06 06 - - - - - 97 97 99 99 99 99 9 9 29 98 Unknown 98 *Improperly used helmets are classified as “Not Used.” In 2010, the Restraint/Helmet Mis-Use (REST_MIS) data element was introduced and “Improperly Used” attributes were removed from the Restraint Use (REST_USE) data element. Historically, child safety seat used improperly was classified as ”Not Used” in FARS. In June of 2003, this attribute was re-classified as USED. All other improperly used restraint systems were placed in categories as appropriate. The majority of restraint usage analysis focuses on 1) child safety seat or belt use for passenger vehicle occupants or; 2) helmet use for motorcyclists. Be sure to include the appropriate body types in your selection criteria - see the section on Vehicle (Body Type) Classification. Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 518 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix C: Additional Data Element Information Seating Position Starting in 2003 Person Level Forms are submitted for uninjured occupants of van-based buses. 1982-Later Seating Position * For van-based buses, use the actual seating position if known, or use data element 51 for the second, third, and fourth rows, if actual seating position is not known. Return FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 519 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year The tables below show each year a change was made to a data element. Elements are shown within the data set in which they can be found. Elements that appear in more than one data set are shown within the primary data set to which they belong. For example, MOD_YEAR is a Vehicle level element (V12. Vehicle Model Year) but it is also provided in the Person data file as a courtesy. Therefore, changes to this data element can be found in the Vehicle table below. This is a note for how to read the tables below: The first row in which the letter “A” appears is the first year that data element was coded. If the letter “A” appears through the column there have been no significant changes in the way in which the data element has been coded. If the letter “B” appears in a column, there has been a significant change in the way the data element has been coded. The first row, which contains the letter “B,” indicates which year the first change was made. The letter “C” indicates the year the second change was made, and so on. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 520 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year ALIGNMNT ARR_HOUR ARR_MIN C_M_ZONE CF1, CF2, CF3 CITY CL_TWAY COUNTY DAY DAY_WEEK DRUNK_DR FATALS FED_AID FUNC_SYS Accident Data Set 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B - A A A A B B B C D D D D D E F F F F F G H H H H I I I J J J K L L M M M M N O O O A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A B B B B B - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B - A FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 521 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year HARM_EV HIT_RUN HOSP_HR HOSP_MIN HOUR LAND_USE LATTITUDE LGT_COND LONGITUD MAN_COLL MILEPT MINUTE MONTH NHS NO_LANES Accident Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A B B B C C C C C C C C C C C D E E E F F F F F F F G H H H I I J K L M M M A A B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D E F G G H H - A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C D D D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C D D D D D E E E E E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B - FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 522 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year NOT_HOUR NOT_MIN PAVE_TYP PEDS PERMVIT PERNOMVIT PERSONS PROFILE PVH_INVL RAIL RD_OWNER REL_JUNC RELJCT1 RELJCT2 REL_ROAD Accident Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C D D D D D D D D D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E F F F F F F F - A A A A A A A A A B C C A A A A A B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D E E E E E E F F F G G G G G G FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 523 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year ROAD_FLO ROAD_FNC ROUTE RUR_URB SCH_BUS SP_JUR SP_LIMIT ST_CASE STATE SUR_COND T_CONT_F TA_1_CL TRA_CONT TRAF_FLO TWAY_FLO Accident Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A - A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B C C C A B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D A A B B C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A - A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B C C C C C C C - A A A A A - FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 524 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year TWAY_ID TWAY_ID2 TYP_INT VE_FORMS VE_TOTAL VEHICLES WEATHER WEATHER1, WEATHER2 WRK_ZONE YEAR Accident Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C A A A A A A A A B B B B A A A B B B A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A - A A A A A B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D E E E F F F A A A B B B C C C A B B C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 525 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year FARS Analytical User’s Manual A A A A A A A - - - A A - A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C C C C DISPLACE A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C D E E E E DEFORMED A A - A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C D D E F F F G G G DEATHS - D_VISION1, D_VISION2, D_VISION3 A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B CYLINDER A A A A A B B C C C C C C C C C D D E F F F G H H H I I J K K K K L L M N O P P P CHAS_TR CARBUR A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B - CDL_STAT BUS_USE A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - CARGO_BT BODY_TYP A A A B B B AXLES - AVOID 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ACC_TYPE Year Vehicle Data Set A A - Appendices 526 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year DR_SF1 – DR_SF4 DR_TRAIN A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C D E E E E E E E A A B B C D A A A A A A A A A A A A - FARS Analytical User’s Manual - FIRST_YR DR_PRES A A A A A A A A A A A B C D D D D D FIRST_MO DR_HGT A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B FIRE_EXP DR_DRINK A S S C D E F G H I I J K - EMER_USE DR_CF4 A A A B C C C D D D D E E E E E F F F G H H H I I J K L M N O P P Q R - DR_ZIP DR_CF1, DR_CF2, DR_CF3 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 DR_WGT Year Vehicle Data Set (continued) A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B C D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C D Appendices 527 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year FLDCD_TR FUELCODE GWVR HAZ_CARG HAZ_CNO HAZ_ID HAZ_INV HAZ_PLAC HAZ_REL HIT_RUN IMPACT1 IMPACT2 IMPACTS J_KNIFE Vehicle Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A - A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B - A B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D E F G G H H I J J K K K K A A A A A B B C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D E E E E E E F F G H H H A A A A A B B C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D E E E E E E F F - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - FARS Analytical User’s Manual A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Appendices 528 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year L_COMPL L_ENDORS L_RESTRI L_STATE L_STATUS L_TYPE LAST_MO LAST_YR M_HARM MAK_MOD MAKE MCARR_I1, MCARR_I2 MCARR_ID 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 L_CL_VEH Year Vehicle Data Set (continued) A A A A A - A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C D E E E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B C C D E E E E E E A A A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D E E E E E E F G G G G G A A A A A A A B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C D A A A B B B B B B B B B B B C D D D E F F F F F F G H H H I J K L M N N N A A A A A A A B B B B B C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D A A A A A A A B B B B B C D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E F G H I I I A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B - FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 529 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year MCYCL_DS MCYCL_TY MCYCL_WT MOD_YEAR MODEL NUMOCCS OCUPANTS OWNER P_CRASH1 P_CRASH2 P_CRASH3 PCRASH4 PCRASH5 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 MCYCL_CY Year Vehicle Data Set (continued) - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A - - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C A A A A A A A B B B B B C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B A B B C C C A B B B B C A A A B B B A A A B B B A A A B B B A A - A A - FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 530 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year PREV_ACC PREV_DWI PREV_OTH PREV_SPD PREV_SUS REG_STAT ROLINLOC ROLLOVER SEQ1, SEQ2, SEQ3, SEQ4, SEQ5, SEQ6 SER_TR SPEC_USE SPEEDREL TIRE_SZE Vehicle Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B C C C C D D E E E E E E A A B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A B B B C C - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C D E E E A A B B C C C A A - FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 531 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year TON_RAT TOW_VEH TOWAWAY TOWED TRAV_SP TRK_WT UNDERIDE UNITTYPE V_CONFIG VALIGN VEH_CF1, VEH_CF2 VEH_MAN VEH_NO VEH_SC1, VEH_SC2 Vehicle Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A - A A A A A A A B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D E E E E E E E A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B - A B B C D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C D D D E E E F F F A A A B B B A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C D E F G H H I J J K L M - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 532 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year VIN VIN_1 – VIN_10 VIN_11 – VIN_12 VIN_BT VIN_LNGT VIN_REST VIN_WGT VINA_MOD VINMAKE VINMODYR VINTYPE VIOL_CHG VIOLCHG1 VIOLCHG2 VIOLCHG3 Vehicle Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C D D D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A - A A A - A A A - A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B - A A A A A A A A A A A A A - FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 533 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year VNUM_LAN VPAVETYP VPROFILE VSPD_LIM VSURCOND VTCONT_F VTRAFCON VTRAFWAY WGTCD_TR WHLBS_LG WHLBS_SH WHLDRWHL Vehicle Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A B B B A A A B B B A A A B B B A B B C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B A A A B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A - FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 534 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year ACL_RES ACL_STATUS AIR_BAG ALC_DET ATST_TYP AUT_REST CERT_NO DEATH_DA DEATH_HR DEATH_MN DEATH_MO DEATH_TM DEATH_YR DOA 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 AGE Year Person Data Set A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C C C C A A A A B B B B B B B B B C C C C C D E E E E E F A B B B B B B A A A A A A A B B B B B B B C C D D E F F F F F F A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B C C D D D E F F F F F G A A B B B C C C C C C C C C C D - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 535 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year DRINKING DRUG_DET DRUG_RES DRUGRES1, DRUGRES2, DRUGRES3 DRUGS DRUGTEST DRUGTST1, DRUGTST2, DRUGTST3 DSTATUS EJ_PATH EJECTION EXTRICAT HISPANIC HOSPITAL INJ_SEV 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C D E E E E E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B C C C C C C D D D E E E E E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C C C D D D FARS Analytical User’s Manual LAG_HRS Year Person Data Set (continued) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B Appendices 536 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year LAG_MINS LOCATION MAN_REST N_MOT_NO P_CF1 – P_CF3 P_SF1 – P_SF3 PER_NO PER_TYP RACE REST_MIS REST_USE SEAT_POS SEX TEST_RES TOXCLGY WORK_INJ Person Data Set (continued) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D E E E E F F A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B - A B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D E E E F G H I J K K L M M - A B B C C D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D E F F F F F A B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B C C C D D E E E F F F A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C D D D D E F F F F F F A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 537 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year AVOID AXLES BODY_TYP BUS_USE CARGO_BT CDL_STAT D_VISION1, D_VISION2, D_VISION3 DEATHS DEFORMED DR_CF1, DR_CF2, DR_CF3 DR_CF4 DR_DRINK DR_HGT DR_PRES Vehnit Data Set 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 A A A A A A A A - A A A B B A A A A A A A B B C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A B B C D A B B C D A A A A A A A A A B A A A B C Year DR_WGT DR_ZIP EMER_USE FIRE_EXP FIRST_MO FIRST_YR FLDCD_TR GWVR HAZ_CARG HAZ_CNO HAZ_ID HAZ_INV HAZ_PLAC HAZ_REL HIT_RUN Vehnit Data Set (continued) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B C Year IMPACT1 IMPACT2 IMPACTS J_KNIFE L_COMPL L_ENDORS L_RESTRI L_STATE L_STATUS L_TYPE LAST_MO LAST_YR M_HARM MAK_MOD MAKE Vehnit Data Set (continued) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C A A A A A A A A A A FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 538 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year MAN_COLL MCARR_I1, MCARR_I2 MCARR_ID MCYCL_DS MOD_YEAR MODEL NUMOCCS OCUPANTS OWNER PREV_ACC PREV_DWI PREV_OTH PREV_SPD PREV_SUS REG_STAT Vehnit Data Set (continued) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B Year ROLINLOC ROLLOVER SEQ1, SEQ2, SEQ3, SEQ4, SEQ5, SEQ6 SER_TR SPEC_USE SPEEDREL TOW_VEH TOWAWAY TOWED TRAV_SP UNDERIDE UNITTYPE V_CONFIG VEH_CF1, VEH_CF2 Vehnit Data Set (continued) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 A A A A A B A A A B B A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A B A A A A - A A A A A B A A A A A A A A B B A A B B B A A B C D Year VEH_MAN VEH_NO VIN VIN_1 – VIN_12 VIN_BT VIN_LNGT VIN_WGT VINA_MOD VIOLCHG1 VIOLCHG2 VIOLCHG3 WGTCD_TR WHLBS_LG WHLBS_SH Vehnit Data Set (continued) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 A A A A A A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 539 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year PBODYTYP PBUS_USE PCARGTYP PMINUTE PCARBUR PCYLINDER PDAY PDEATHS PDISPLACE PEM_USE PFIRE PFUECODE PGVWR PHARM_EV PHOUR Parkwork Data Set 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A B C D D D A A A A A A A A A B B B A A A A A A A A - A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A B C C A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A B C D D D A A A A A A Year PHAZ_CNO PHAZ_ID PHAZ_INV PHAZ_REL PHAZPLAC PHIT_RUN PIMPACT1 PIMPACT2 PM_HARM PMAKE PMAK_MOD PMAN_COLL PMCARR_I1, PMCARR_I2 PMCARR_ID PMCYCL_DS Parkwork Data Set (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B A A B C C C A A - A B C D D D A B C D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - Year PMCYCL_CY PMCYCL_WT PMINUTE PMODEL PMODYEAR PMONTH PNUMOCCS POWNER PREG_STAT PSER_TR PSP_USE PTIRE_SZE PTOWED PTON_RAT PTRAILER Parkwork Data Set (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A - A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A B C C C A A - A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 540 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year PTRK_WT PTRKWTVAR PUNDERIDE PTTYPE PV_CONFIG PVE_FORMS PVEH_SEV PVEH_SC1, PVEH_SC2 PVIN PVINA_MOD PVIN_1 – PVIN_12 PVIN_BT PVIN_LNGT PVIN_REST PVINMAKE Parkwork Data Set (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A - A A - A A B B B B A A A A A A A A A B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A - A A A - Year PVINMODYR PVINTYPE PVIN_WGT PWGTCD_TR PWHLBS_LG PWHLBS_SH PWHLDRWHL Parkwork Data Set (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A - A A A - A A A - A A A - A A A - A A A - A A - FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 541 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Cevent Data Set VNUMBER1 AOI1 SOE VNUMBER2 AOI2 Year VNUMBER1 AOI1 SOE VNUMBER2 AOI2 Year AOI SOE Vsoe Data Set Year Vevent Data Set 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A B C D D D A A B C D D A A A A A A A B C D D D 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A A B C D D D A A B C D D A A A A A A A B C D D D 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A B C D D D A A B C D D FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 542 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix D: Changes in FARS Data Elements by SAS Data File and Year Year MFACTOR Year MDRMANAV Year MVIOLATN Violatn Data Set DRIMPAIR Maneuver Data Set Year Factor Data Set MDRDSTRD Drimpair Data Set Year Distract Data Set 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A B B B B 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A B B B C C 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A B C Year NMIMPAIR Year MPR_ACT Year MSAFEQMT Safetyeq Data Set MTM_CRSH Nmprior Data Set Year Nmimpair Data Set MVISIOBSC Nmcrash Data Set Year Vision Data Set 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A B B 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A C C 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A B B 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A A A Year MDAREAS Damage Data Set 2012 2013 2014 2015 A A A A FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 543 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes 2010 FARS/NASS GES Standardization The purpose of this document is to inform users of NHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and National Automotive Sampling System General Estimates System (NASS GES) data about some of the more significant changes to the 2010 data as a result of the standardization of the data elements between the two systems. In addition to the changes outlined below, a listing of all specific data element changes can be found in the following table: Variables with Changes in Definitions and Attributes The FARS/NASS GES Standardization began in 2006, with the second phase being implemented in the 2010 data collection year. The definition and element attribute changes introduced in 2010 are the most substantive and most numerous changes in one year in the reconciliation of the FARS and NASS GES data systems. In the 2011 data collection year – the third and final planned phase of the FARS/NASS GES Standardization – nearly all remaining data element attribute and file structure differences will be addressed. As a single, unified data entry system, FARS/NASS GES will be compatible with the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC), the guideline used by nearly all States to develop and revise their crash forms and databases. Once complete, the FARS/NASS GES Standardization will simplify crash data coding and analysis as well as reduce costs and errors. Probably the most notable changes were the introduction of precrash information in FARS (already collected in NASS GES) and a change to case structure or how the groups of related data elements are organized. For example, in 2009 a FARS case consisted of Crash, Vehicle, Driver and Person coding forms. In 2010, the Person level form was split into Motor Vehicle Occupant and Non-Motor Vehicle Occupant forms, and the Precrash form was added (new to FARS, though not to NASS GES). These structure changes also include changes to how the data are now stored and made available. For example, for FARS, there are now 16 data tables rather than 4. This results from the changes in the number of coding forms and from changes in specific data elements. Several data elements that used to allow only a specified number of responses now have a “select-all-that-apply” format. There is a separate data table for each of these data elements. At the Crash level, a Crash Events Table was added to FARS (and modified in NASS GES). In NASS GES, Non-Harmful Events were added to the Crash Events Table. The precrash information represents not only a new coding form, but more importantly, largely a new concept for FARS, attempting to collect data about the conditions, events and driver actions that preceded and may have contributed to the crash. Precrash data is intended to improve crash avoidance research and has been included in NASS GES since 1992. The new FARS Precrash form information consists of 23 data elements, 9 of which were previously coded at the Crash level, 3 each at the Vehicle and Driver levels, and 8 new elements. Nine trafficway descriptor data elements were moved from the crash level to the new precrash level. These elements provide details about the characteristics of the trafficway selected for each vehicle. A Pedestrian/Bicycle crash typing software application was added to the Non-Motor Vehicle Occupant form for both systems to help identify the precrash actions for parties involved in certain non-motorist-related crashes. (Please see Appendix F: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Data Availability Change for updates.) FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 544 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes Type of Intersection was added to both systems. Bus Use and Vehicle Configuration were two Vehicle level elements that are new to NASS GES in 2010 and modified for FARS (element attributes were consolidated and redefined). Condition at Time of Crash was added at the Driver and the Non-Motor Vehicle Occupant levels for both systems. For motor vehicle occupants, there is now an Indication of Misuse of Restraint System or Helmet Use in both systems. Some of the information that had been collected under FARS Related Factors was redistributed to new data elements. For example, some Person Related Factors have been removed and are now captured in two new Non-Motor Vehicle Occupant elements; Non-Motorist Action/Circumstances Prior to Crash and Non-Motorist Action/Circumstances at Time of Crash. Some Vehicle Related Factors are now captured under the new Precrash elements, Contributing Circumstances, Motor Vehicle and Driver Distracted By. The Driver Level element, Violations Charged, is now a “Select-all-That-Apply” element. Multiple data elements that are part of the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) had the attribute “Not Reported” added in 2010 to account for information missing from the case source materials. To ensure that data quality was not compromised as a result of the standardization, NHTSA refined and enhanced its quality control processes. These enhancements enable the identification of coding discrepancies and development of training tailored to eliminate or reduce these discrepancies. The final phase of the FARS/NASS GES standardization will occur during the 2011 data collection year, at which point FARS and NASS GES, while remaining separate data systems, will share a single data entry system and uniform set of data elements. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 545 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes New in 2010 FARS There were many changes to the 2010 FARS, most of which are the result of NHTSA’s efforts to standardize variables in FARS and the National Automotive Sampling System’s (NASS) General Estimates System (GES). Additions, deletions, and changes are listed below. 2010 Data Elements with Changes in Definitions and Attributes Below is a list of FARS data elements that had substantial changes for 2010. ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS C6 County X X Added new attribute 998 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. C7 City X X Added new attribute 9898 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. C8 Crash Date X X Added GES element information. Added new GES Special Instructions. UPDATE - Deleted attribute 98 - Not Reported for both Month and Day C9 Crash Time X X Added GES element information. Added new GES Special Instructions. UPDATE - Deleted attribute 9998 - Not Reported. C13 Trafficway Identifier X Updated remarks section. Added new GES Special Instructions. C14 Milepoint X X Added new attribute 99998 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. C15 Global Position X X Added new attribute 7s – Not Reported. Added new remarks. C17 Crash Events X X FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Filled in by MDE. Added new attributes. Added new remarks. GES and FARS Special Instruction Sections. Appendices 546 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS First Harmful Event X X Added new attributes: 58 – Ground, 59 – Traffic Sign Support and 98 – Not Reported. Updated attributes 01 – Rollover/Overturn, 09 – Pedalcyclist, 10 – Railway Train Vehicle, 12 – Motor Vehicle In-Transport On Same Roadway,14 – Parked Motor Vehicle or Motor Vehicle Stopped Off Roadway, 51 – Jackknife (harmful to this vehicle), 45 – Working Motor Vehicle (Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicle), 21 – Bridge Pier or Abutment Support, 23 – Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet), 30 – Utility Pole/Light Support, 35 – Embankment- Earth, 42 – Tree (Standing Tree Only),46 – Traffic Signal Support/Signal, 72 – Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (harmful to this vehicle). Deleted attributes: 13 – Motor Vehicle In-Transport on Different Roadway, 22 – Bridge Parapet End, 27 – Highway/Traffic Sign Post/Sign, 28 – Overhead Sign Support/Sign, 29 – Luminaire/Light Support, 36 – Embankment –Rock, Stone, or Concrete, 37 – Embankment – Material Type Unknown, 47 – Vehicle Occupant Struck or Run Over by Own Vehicle. Updated/Added new remarks. Manner of Collision X X Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 00 – Not a Collision with a Motor Vehicle In-Transport, 01 – Front-to-Rear (includes Rear-End), 02 – Front-to-Front (includes Head-On), 06 – Front-to-Side/Angle – Direction Not Specified, 11 – Other (End-Swipes and Others)*. Deleted attributes: 03 – Front-to-Side, Same Direction, 04 – Front-to-Side, Opposite Direction, 05 – Front-toSide, Right Angle (includes Broadside). Updated/Added new remarks. ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME Old C17 New C18 Old C18 New C19 FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Appendices 547 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS Relation to Junction X X Divided element into two data entries (a) Within Interchange Area and (b) Specific Location. Format change from 1 numeric, to 2 numeric and 1 numeric one time. Added new attributes: 16 – Shared-Use Path or Trail, 17 – Acceleration/ Deceleration Lane, 18 – Through Roadway, 98 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 15 19 – Unknown, Interchange Area Other Location With Interchange Area, 09 – Unknown , NonInterchange. Deleted attributes: 10 – Intersection, 11 – Intersection Related, 12 – Driveway Access, 13 – Entrance/Exit Ramp Related, 14 – CrossoverRelated. Updated/Added new Remarks. New C21 Type of Intersection X X Added new element. Added new attributes: 1 – Not an Intersection, 2 – Four-Way Intersection, 3 – T-Intersection, 4 – YIntersection, 5 – Traffic Circle, 6 – Roundabout, 7 – Five Point, or More, 8 – Not Reported, 9 – Unknown. Added new remarks and diagram. Old C20 New C22 Relation to Trafficway X X Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 02 – On Shoulder, 03 – On Median, 04 – On Roadside, 05 – Outside Trafficway/Outside Rightof-Way, 11 – Two-way Continuous LeftTurn Lane. Updated/Added new remarks. Old C28 New C23 Work Zone X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. Old C31 New C24 Light Condition X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME Old C19 New C20 FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Appendices 548 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS Atmospheric Conditions X X Format change from 1 numeric to 2 numeric. Added new attributes: 10 – Cloudy, 11 – Blowing Snow, 98 – Not Reported Updated attributes: 00 – No Additional Atmospheric Conditions, 01 – Clear/Cloudy (No Adverse Conditions), 02 – Rain, 03 – Sleet, Hail (Freezing Rain or Drizzle), 04 – Snow or Blowing Snow, 05 – Fog, Smog, Smoke, 06 – Severe Crosswinds, 07 – Blowing Sand, Soil, Dirt, 08 – Other, 99 – Unknown. Added new remarks. Old C33 New C26 School Bus Related X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. Added ANSI Definition for bus. V3 Vehicle Number X X Deleted attribute 000 – Persons Not in Motor Vehicles. Updated remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. V4 Number of Occupants X X Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Updated/Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. Old V37 New V6 Hit-and-Run X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Updated/Added new remarks. Old V8 New V9 Vehicle Make X X Added new attributes: 78 – Other Make Moped, 79 – Other Make Motored Cycle, 97 – Not Reported Update/Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. Old V9 New V10 Vehicle Model X X Added new attribute 997 – Not Reported. Updated/Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME Old C32 New C25 FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Appendices 549 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS Old V10 New V11 Body Type X X Added new attributes: 17 – 3-door coupe, 98 – Not Reported. Updated/Added new remarks. Old V11 New V12 Model Year X X Added new attribute 9998 – Not Reported. Updated/Added new remarks. Old V12 New V13 Vehicle Identification Number X X Added new attribute 88888888888888888 – Not Reported Updated/Added new remarks. Old V27 New V16 Motor Carrier Identification Number X X Added new attribute to Issuing Authority and Identification Number: 77 – Not Reported, 777777777 – Not Reported Updated/Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. Old V30 New V17 GVWR/GCWR X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Updated/Added new remarks. Old V28 New V18 Vehicle Configuration X X Added new attributes: 10 – Vehicle 10,000 pounds or less placarded for Hazardous Materials, 98 – Not Reported. Deleted attributes: 03 – Single-Unit Truck (unknown number of axles, tires), 70 – Light Truck (van, minivan, panel, pickup, sport utility vehicle displaying a hazardous materials placard), 80 – Passenger Car (only when displaying a hazardous materials placards). Updated attributes: 00 – Not Applicable, not a medium/heavy truck, bus or vehicle displaying a hazardous material placard, 01 – Single-Unit Truck (two axles, 6 tires & GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds), 04 – Truck Pulling Trailer(s), 06 – Tractor/SemiTrailer (one trailer), 07 – Truck Tractor/Doubles (two trailers), 08 – Truck Tractor/Triples (three trailers), 19 – Medium/Heavy Truck more than 10,000 lbs, cannot classify, 20 – Bus (seats for 9-15 people occupants, FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Appendices 550 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS including driver), 21 – Bus (seats for 16 or more than 15 people occupants, including driver), 99 – Unknown If Light or Medium/Heavy Truck/Bus. Added new remarks. Old V31 New V19 Cargo Body Type X X Added new attribute 28 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. Old V13 New V21 Bus Use X X Format change from 1 numeric to 2 numeric. Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Deleted attributes: 01 – Not Used as a Bus, 02 – Used as a Private School Bus, 03 – Used as a School Bus, Public or Private Unknown Updated attributes: 00 – Not Used as a Bus, 01 – Used as a Public School Bus, 04 – Used as Scheduled Service Bus Intercity, 05 – Used as a Tour Bus Charter/Tour, 06 – Used as a Commuter Bus Transit/Commuter, 07 – Used as a Shuttle Bus, 99 – Unknown Bus Use Added new remarks Old V14 New V22 Special Use X X Format change from 1 numeric to 2 numeric. Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Added new remarks Old V15 New V23 Emergency Use X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks Old V16 New V24 Travel Speed X X Added new attribute 998 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. V17 Vehicle Maneuver FARS Analytical User’s Manual Deleted Element Appendices 551 FARS Analytical User’s Manual NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME V18 Crash Avoidance Maneuver Deleted Element V28 Vehicle Role Deleted Element Old V22 New V28 Impact Points Initial/ Principal changed to Areas of Impact – Initial Damaged /Most Damaged X X Added new attributes: 61 – Left, 62 – Left-Front Half, 63 – Left-Back Half, 81 – Right, 82 – Right-Front Half, 83 – Right-Back Half, 98 – Not Reported. Updated attribute 18 – This Vehicle Set Something in Motion Causing Injury or Damage (Not a Clock Point) Set-InMotion (Not a Clock Point). Added new remarks and examples. Added new diagram. Old V25 New V29 Extent of Damage X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. Old V26 New V30 Vehicle Removal X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. Old V33 New V31 Sequence of Events X X Added new attributes: 58 – Ground, 59 – Traffic Sign Support, 68 – Cross Centerline, 69 – Re-entering Highway, 70 – Jackknife (non-harmful), 72 – Cargo/Equipment (harmful to this vehicle), 98 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 01 Overturn/Rollover Rollover/Overturn, 02 – Fire/Explosion (Always code if present), 06 – Injured in Vehicle (NonCollision), 09 – Pedal Cycle Pedalcyclist, 10 – Railway Train Vehicle, 12 – Motor Vehicle InTransport on Same Roadway, 14 – Parked Motor Vehicle or Motor Vehicle Stopped Off Roadway, 21 – Bridge Pier or Abutment Support, 23 – Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet), 30 – Utility Pole/Light Support, 35 – Embankment – Earth, 42 – Tree (Standing Tree Only), 44 - Pavement Surface Irregularity (Pothole, Grooved, Grates) (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.), 45 – FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Appendices 552 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Working Motor Vehicle (Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicle), 51 – Jackknife (harmful to this vehicle), 46 – Traffic Signal Support/Signal, 60 – Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (nonharmful), 65 – Cross Median/Centerline. Deleted attributes: 13 – Motor Vehicle In-Transport on Different Roadway, 22 – Bridge Parapet End, 27 – Highway/Traffic Sign Post/Sign, 28 – Overhead Sign Support/Sign, 29 – Luminaire/Light Support, 36 – Embankment –Rock, Stone, or Concrete, 37 – Embankment – Material Type Unknown, 47 – Vehicle Occupant Struck or Run Over by Own Vehicle. Added new remarks. Updated remarks and examples. Old V34 New V32 Most Harmful Event FARS Analytical User’s Manual X X Added new attributes: 58 – Ground, 59 – Traffic Sign Support, 98 – Not Reported Updated attributes: 01 Overturn/Rollover Rollover/Overturn, 02 – Fire/Explosion (Always code if present), 06 – Injured in Vehicle (NonCollision), 09 – Pedal Cycle Pedalcyclist, 10 – Railway Train Vehicle, 12 – Motor Vehicle InTransport on Same Roadway, 14 – Parked Motor Vehicle or Motor Vehicle Stopped Off Roadway, 21 – Bridge Pier or Abutment Support, 23 – Bridge Rail (Includes Parapet), 30 – Utility Pole/Light Support, 35 – Embankment – Earth, 42 – Tree (Standing Tree Only), 44 - Pavement Surface Irregularity (Pothole, Grooved, Grates) (Ruts, Potholes, Grates, etc.), 45 – Working Motor Vehicle (Construction, Maintenance or Utility Vehicle), 51 – Jackknife (harmful to this vehicle, 46 – Traffic Signal Support/Signal, 72 – Cargo/Equipment Loss or Shift (harmful), 65 – Cross Median/Centerline. Deleted attributes: 13 – Motor Vehicle Appendices 553 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS In-Transport on Different Roadway, 22 – Bridge Parapet End, 27 – Highway/Traffic Sign Post/Sign, 28 – Overhead Sign Support/Sign, 29 – Luminaire/Light Support, 36 – Embankment –Rock, Stone, or Concrete, 37 – Embankment – Material Type Unknown, 47 – Vehicle Occupant Struck or Run Over by Own Vehicle. Added new remarks. Deleted attributes: 01 – Tires, 02 – Brake System, 03 – Steering System, 04 – Suspension, 05 – Power Train, 06 – Exhaust System, 07 – Headlights, 08 – Signal Lights, 09 – Other Lights, 10 – Horn, 11 – Mirrors, 12 – Wipers, 13 – Driver Seating and Control, 14 – Body, Doors, Hood and Other, 15 – Trailer Hitch, 16 – Wheels, 17 – Air Bag, 18 – Other Vehicle Defects, 19 – Safety Belts. Old V35 New V33 Related Factors – Vehicle Level X D5 Driver’s License State X X Added new attributes: 00 – No Driver Present, 98 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. D6 Driver’s Zip Code X X Added new attribute 99998 – No Driver Present. Added new remarks. Added new GES Special Instructions. D8 Commercial Motor Vehicle License Status X X Format change from 1 numeric to 2 numeric. Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Updated attribute – 99 – Unknown. Added new remarks. D9 Compliance with License Endorsements changed to Compliance X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 554 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS with CDL Endorsements D10 License Compliance with Class of Vehicle X X Added new attribute 7 – Not Reported. Updated reference table. Added new remarks. D11 Compliance with License Restrictions X X Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. D21 Violations Charged X X Format change from 2 numeric, 3 times to select all that apply. Added new attribute 97 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. New D23 New NM14 Condition (Impairment) at Time of Crash X X Add new element which is located on two forms. Format – select all that apply. New attributes: 00 – None/Apparently Normal, 01 – Ill, Blackout, 02 – Asleep or Fatigued, 03 – Walking with a Cane or Crutches, 04 – Paraplegic Or Restricted To A Wheelchair, 05 – Impaired Due To Previous Injury, 06 – Deaf, 07 – Blind, 08 – Emotional (depressed, angry, disturbed, etc.), 09 – Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs or Medication, 10 – Physical Impairment – No Details, 96 – Other Physical Impairment, 98 – Not Reported, 99 – Unknown If Physically Impaired. New remarks. D24 Related Factors – Driver Level X FARS Analytical User’s Manual Deleted attributes: 01 – Drowsy, Sleepy, Asleep Fatigued, 02 – Ill, Passed Out/Blackout, 03 – Emotional (e.g., Depression, Angry, Disturbed), 05 – Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs or Medication, 07 – Restricted to Wheelchair, 06 – Operating the Vehicle in Careless or Inattentive Thought In, 09 – Impaired Due to Previous Injury, 11 – Other Physical Appendices 555 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Impairment, 93 – Cellular Telephone Present in Vehicle, 94 – Cellular Telephone in Use in Vehicle, 95 – Computer/Fax Machines/Printers, 96 – Onboard Navigation System, 97 – Two-way Radio, 98 – Head-up Display. New PC4 Contributing Circumstances, Motor Vehicle X X Added new element. Format – 2 digits Added new attributes: 00 – None, 01 – Tires, 02 – Brake System, 03 – Steering, 04 – Suspension, 05 – Power Train, 06 – Exhaust System, 07 – Head Lights, 08 – Signal Lights, 09 – Other Lights, 10 – Wipers, 11 – Wheels, 12 – Mirrors, 13 – Windows/Windshield, 14 – Body, Doors, 15 – Truck Coupling / Trailer Hitch / Safety Chains, 16 – Safety Systems, 17 – Vehicle Contributing Factors – No Details, 97 – Other, 98 – Not Reported, 99 – Unknown. Added new remarks. Old C21 New PC5 Trafficway Flow change to Trafficway Description X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Added new attributes: 0 – NonTrafficway Area, 8 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 1 – Not Physically Divided (Two-Way, Trafficway Not Divided), 5 – Not Physically Divided (With Two-Way, Not Divided with a Continuous Left-Turn Lane), 2 – Divided Highway, Median Strip (Without Traffic Barrier) Two-Way, Divided, Unprotected (Painted > 4 Feet) Median, 3 – Divided Highway, Median Strip (With Traffic Barrier) Two-Way, Divided, Positive Median Barrier. Added new remarks. Old C22 New PC6 Number of Travel Lanes changed to Total Lanes in X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Added new attributes: 0 – NonTrafficway Area, 8 – Not Reported. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 556 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Added new remarks. Roadway Old C23 New PC7 Speed Limit X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Updated remark 00 – No Statutory Limit/Non-Trafficway Area. Added new remarks. Old C24 New PC8 Roadway Alignment X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Added new attributes: 0 – NonTrafficway Area, 3 – Curve Left, 4 – Curve – Unknown Direction, 8 – Not Reported. Updated attribute 2 – Curve Right. Old C25 New PC9 Roadway Profile changed to Roadway Grade X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Added new attributes: 0 – NonTrafficway Area, 5 – Uphill, 6 – Downhill, 8 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 2 – Grade, Unknown Slope, 4 – Sag (Bottom). Added new remarks. Added new diagram. Old C26 New PC10 Roadway Surface Type X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Added new attributes: 0 – NonTrafficway Area, 8 – Not Reported. Updated attribute 7 8 – Other. Added new remarks. Old C27 New PC11 Roadway Surface Conditions X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Format change from 1 numeric to 2 numeric. Added new attributes: 00 – NonTrafficway Area, 10 – Slush, 11 – Mud, Dirt or Gravel, 98 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 03 – Snow or Slush, 05 – Sand, Dirt, Mud, Gravel, FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 557 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS 99 – Unknown. Added new remarks. Old C29 New PC12 Traffic Control Device X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Added new attributes: 32 – School Zone Sign/Device, 65 – Railway Crossing Device, 97 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 29 – Unknown Type Regulatory Sign, 50 – Officer, crossing guard, flagman, etc. Person. Deleted attributes: 05 – Flashing beacon, 06 – Flashing highway traffic signal, type unknown or other than traffic control or beacon, 30 – School speed limit sign, 31 – School advance or crossing sign, 38 – Other school related sign, 39 – Unknown type school zone sign, 41 – Electric Warning Sign, 60 – Gates, 61 – Flashing Lights, 62 – Traffic Control Signal, 63 – Wigwags, 64 – Bells, 68 – Other train activated device, 69 – Active device, type unknown, 70 – Cross bucks, 71 – Stop sign, 72 – Other railroad crossing sign, 73 – Special warning device - watchman, flagged by crew, 78 – Other passive device, 79 – Passive device, type unknown, 80 – Grade crossing controlled, type unknown. Added new remarks. Old C30 New PC13 Traffic Control Device Functioning changed to Device Functioning X X Element moved from Crash Level to Precrash (Vehicle/Driver) Level. Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Attribute change to element values “00 Not Applicable-Occupant of a Motor Vehicle In-Transport or Not InTransport (Including Motor Vehicle Parked/Stopped Off Roadway/Working/In Motion Outside the Trafficway) to 000 - Not Applicable-Occupant of a Motor Vehicle In-Transport or Not InTransport (Including Motor Vehicle Parked/Stopped Off Roadway/Working/In Motion Outside FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 558 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS the Trafficway). Updated/Added new remarks. New PC14 Driver Distracted By X X Moved from Driver level to Precrash Level. Format change from 2 numeric to select all that apply. Add new attribute 95 – No Driver Present. Update/Added new remarks. New PC15 Driver Maneuvered to Avoid X X Added new attributes: 00 – Driver Did Not Maneuver To Avoid, 01 – Object, 02 – Poor Road Conditions (Puddle, Ice, Pothole, etc.), 03 – Live Animal, 04 – Motor Vehicle, 05 – Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist or Other Non-Motorist, 92 – Phantom/Non-contact Motor Vehicle, 95 – No Driver Present, 98 – Not Reported, 99 – Unknown. Format – select all that apply. Added new remarks. New PC16 Driver’s Vision Obscured By X X Added new attributes: 00 – Not Distracted, 01 – Looked But Did Not See, 03 – By Other Occupant(s), 04 – By Moving Object in Vehicle, 05 – While Talking or Listening to Cellular Phone, 06 – While Dialing Cellular Phone, 07 – Adjusting Audio And/or Climate Controls, 09 – While Using Other Device/Controls Integral to Vehicle, 10 – While Using or Reaching For Device/Object Brought Into Vehicle, 12 – Distracted by Outside Person, Object or Event, 13 – Eating or Drinking, 14 – Smoking Related, 15 – Other Cellular Phone Related, 16 – No Driver Present, 92 – Distraction/ Inattention, Details Unknown, 96 – Not Reported, 97 – Inattentive or Lost in Thought, 98 – Other Distraction, 99 – Unknown if Distracted. Format – select all that apply. Added new remarks. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 559 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS Pre-Event Movement (Prior to Recognition of Critical Event) X X Added new attributes: 00 – No Driver Present, 01 – Going Straight, 02 – Decelerating in Traffic Lane, 03 – Accelerating in Traffic Lane, 04 – Starting in Traffic Lane, 05 – Stopped in Traffic Lane, 06 – Passing or Overtaking Another Vehicle, 07 – Disabled or Parked in Travel Lane, 08 – Leaving a Parking Position, 09 – Entering a Parking Position, 10 – Turning Right, 11 – Turning Left, 12 – Making a U-Turn, 13 – Backing Up (other than for Parking Position ), 14 – Negotiating a Curve, 15 – Changing Lanes, 16 – Merging, 17 – Successful Avoidance to a Previous Critical Event, 98 – Other (specify:), 99 – Unknown. Format – 2 numeric. Added new remarks. New PC18 Critical Event – Precrash (Category) X X Added new attributes: 1 – This Vehicle Loss of Control Due To:, 2 – This Vehicle Traveling. 3 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane, 4 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane, 5 – Pedestrian or Pedalcyclist or Other Non-Motorist, 6 – Object or Animal, 7 – Other (specify:), 9 – Unknown. Format – 1 numeric. Added new remarks. New PC19 Critical Event – Precrash (Event) X X Added new attributes: 01 – This Vehicle Loss Of Control Due To: Blow out/flat tire, 02 – This Vehicle Loss Of Control Due To: Stalled Engine, 03 – This Vehicle Loss Of Control Due To: Disabling vehicle failure (e.g., wheel fell off) (specify:), 04 – This Vehicle Loss Of Control Due To: Non-disabling vehicle problem (e.g., hood flew up)(specify:), 05 – This Vehicle Loss Of Control Due To: Poor road conditions (puddle, pothole, ice, etc.) (specify:), 06 – This Vehicle Loss Of Control Due To: Traveling too fast for conditions, 08 – This Vehicle Loss Of ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME New PC17 FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Appendices 560 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Control Due To: Other cause of control loss (specify:), 09 – This Vehicle Loss Of Control Due To: Unknown cause of control loss, 10 – This Vehicle Traveling: Over the lane line on left side of travel lane, 11 – This Vehicle Traveling: Over the lane line on right side of travel lane, 12 – This Vehicle Traveling: Off the edge of the road on the left side, 13 – This Vehicle Traveling: Off the edge of the road on the right side, 14 – This Vehicle Traveling: End departure, 15 – This Vehicle Traveling: Turning left at intersection, 16 – This Vehicle Traveling: Turning right at intersection, 17 – This Vehicle Traveling: Crossing over (passing through) intersection, 18 – This Vehicle Traveling: This vehicle decelerating, 19 – This Vehicle Traveling: Unknown travel direction, 50 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane: Other vehicle stopped, 51 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane: Traveling in same direction with lower steady speed, 52 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane: Traveling in same direction while decelerating, 53 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane: Traveling in same direction with higher speed, 54 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane: Traveling in opposite direction, 55 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane: In crossover, 56 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane: Backing, 59 – Other Motor Vehicle in Lane: Unknown travel direction of the other motor vehicle in lane, 60 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From adjacent lane (same direction) over left lane line, 61 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From adjacent lane (same direction) over right lane line, 62 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From opposite direction over left lane line, 63 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From opposite direction over right lane FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 561 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS line, 64 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From parking lane, median, shoulder, roadside, 65 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From crossing street, turning into same direction, 66 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From crossing street, across path, 67 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From crossing street, turning into opposite direction, 68 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From crossing street, intended path not known, 70 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From driveway, turning into same direction, 71 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From driveway, across path, 72 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From driveway, turning into opposite direction, 73 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From driveway, intended path not known, 74 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: From entrance to limited access highway, 78 – Other Motor Vehicle Encroaching into Lane: Encroachment by other vehicle details unknown, 80 – Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist Or Other Non-Motorist: Pedestrian in roadway, 81 – Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist Or Other Non-Motorist: Pedestrian approaching roadway, 82 – Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist Or Other Non-Motorist: Pedestrian unknown location, 83 – Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist Or Other Non-Motorist: Pedalcyclist or other non-motorist in roadway (specify:), 84 – Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist Or Other Non-Motorist: Pedalcyclist or other non-motorist approaching roadway (specify:), 85 – Pedestrian, Pedalcyclist Or Other Non-Motorist: Pedalcyclist or other non-motorist unknown location (specify:), 87 – Object or Animal: FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 562 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Animal in roadway, 88 – Object or Animal: Animal approaching roadway, 89 – Object or Animal: Animal -unknown location, 90 – Object or Animal: Object in roadway, 91 – Object or Animal: Object approaching roadway, 92 – Object or Animal: Object unknown location, 98 – Other critical precrash event (specify:), 99 – Unknown. Format – 2 numeric. Added new remarks. New PC20 Attempted Avoidance Maneuver X X Added new attributes: 00 – No Driver Present, 01 – No Avoidance Maneuver, 02 – Braking (no lockup), 03 – Braking (lockup), 04 – Braking (lockup unknown), 05 – Releasing brakes, 06 – Steering left, 07 – Steering right, 08 – Braking and steering left, 09 – Braking and steering right, 10 – Accelerating, 11 – Accelerating and steering left, 12 – Accelerating and steering right, 98 – Other Action (specify:), 99 – Unknown. Format – 2 numeric. Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. New PC21 Pre-Impact Stability X X Added new attributes: 0 – No Driver Present, 1 – Tracking, 2 – Skidding longitudinally — rotation less than 30 degrees, 3 – Skidding laterally — clockwise rotation, 4 – Skidding laterally — counter-clockwise rotation, 7 – Other vehicle loss-ofcontrol (specify:), 9 – Precrash stability unknown. Format – 1 numeric. Added new remarks. New PC22 Pre-Impact Location X X New attributes: 0 – No Driver Present, 1 – Stayed in Original Travel Lane, 2 – Stayed on Roadway, but Left Original Travel Lane, 3 – Stayed on Roadway, not Known if Left Original Travel FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 563 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Lane, 4 – Departed Roadway, 5 – Remained off Roadway, 6 – Returned to Roadway, 7 – Entered Roadway, 9 – Unknown. Format – 1 numeric. Added new remarks Crash Type X P3 Vehicle Number - Person Level X Old P6 New P5 and NM5 Age X X Element located on two forms. Added new attribute 998 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. Old P7 New P6 and NM6 Sex X X Element located on two forms. Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. Old P8 New P7 Person Type X X Element was split between Occupant and Non-Motorist Person Level forms. Added attribute 88 – Not Reported. Attributes moved to Person Type NM7 04 – Occupant of a Non-Motor Vehicle Transport Device, 05 – Pedestrian, 06 – Bicyclist, 07 – Other Bicyclist, 08 – Person on Personal Conveyance,10 – Persons in/On Buildings, 19 – Unknown Type of Non-Motorist. Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. Old P22 New P8 and NM8 Injury Severity X X Element located on two forms. Added new attribute 8 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. FARS Analytical User’s Manual X Added new attributes: 00 – No Impact, Actual attribute 01-93, 98 – Other Crash Type, 99 – Unknown. Format – 2 numeric. Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. New PC23 Deleted attribute 000 – Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant. Added GES Special Instructions. Appendices 564 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Added GES Special Instructions. P9 Seating Position X X Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Deleted attribute 00 – Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant. Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. P10 Protection System Use changed to Restraint System/ Helmet Use X X Added new attributes: 07 – None UsedMotor Vehicle Occupant, 16 – Other Helmet, 17 – No Helmet, 97 – Other, 98 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: 00 – None Used/Not Applicable – Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant, 01 – Shoulder Belt Only Used, 02 – Lap Belt Only Used, 03 – Lap and Shoulder Shoulder and Lap Belt Used, 04 – Child Safety Seat/Booster Restraint Type Unknown/Not Reported, 05 – DOT Compliant Motorcycle Helmet, 10 – Child Safety Seat Restraint System – Forward Facing, 11 – Child Safety Seat Restraint System – Rear Facing, 12 – Booster Seat (lap and shoulder belt used properly). Deleted attributes: 06 – Bicycle Helmet, 14 – Child Safety Seat/Booster Seat Used Properly, 15 – Helmets Used Improperly. Added new remarks. Added FARS Special Instructions. Added GES Special Instructions. New P11 Any Indication of Mis-Use of Restraint System or Helmet Use X X Added new element. Added new attributes: 0 – No, 1 – Yes. Added new remarks. Old P11 New P12 Air Bag Deployed X X Added new attribute 98 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 565 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS Old P12 New P13 Ejection X X Added new attribute 7 – Not Reported. Added new remarks. P18 and NM17 Alcohol Test X X Element is now located on two forms. Added new attributes: Status: 8 – Not Reported, Type: 95 – Not Reported, Result: 95 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: Status: 9 – Unknown if Tested / Not Reported, Type: 99 – Unknown if Tested / Not Reported, Result: 99 – Unknown if Tested / Not Reported. Updated/Added new remarks. P21 and NM20 Drug Test X X Element now located on two forms. Added new attributes: Status: 8 – Not Reported, Type: 6 – Not Reported, Result: 095 – Not Reported. Updated attributes: Status: 9 – Unknown if Tested / Not Reported, Type: 9 – Unknown if Tested / Not Reported, Result: 999 – Unknown if Tested / Not Reported. Updated/Added new remarks. Updated Drug Lists. Old P23 New P22 and NM21 Transported for Treatment By changed to Transported to Medical Facility By X X Element located on two forms. Added new attributes: 5 – EMS Ground, 6 – Other, 8 – Not Reported Updated attributes: 1 – Yes, EMS Air, 2 – Yes, Law Enforcement, 3 – Yes, Other EMS Unknown Mode, 4 – Yes, Transported by Unknown Source. Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. Old P27 New P26 Related Factors Person Level changed to Related Factors (Motor Vehicle Occupant) Person Level FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Deleted attributes: 01 – Not Visible, 02 – Darting, Running or Stumbling Into Roadway, 03 – Improper Crossing of Roadway or Intersection, 04 Walking/Riding With or Against Traffic, Playing, Working, Sitting, Lying, Standing, etc., in Roadway, 06 – Ill, Passed Out/Blackout, 07 – Emotional (e.g., Depression, Angry, Disturbed), 10 – Inattentive, 11 – Appendices 566 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Walking with Cane or Crutches, 12 – Restricted to Wheelchair, 13 – Motorized Wheelchair Rider, 14 – Impaired Due to Previous Injury, 15 – Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs or Medication, 16 – Blind, 17 – Other Physical Impairment, 19 – Pedestrian Jogging, 23 – Failure to Dim Lights or Have Lights on When Required, 24 – Operating Without Required Equipment, 27 – Improper or Erratic Lane Changing, 30 – Making Improper Entry to or Exit from Trafficway, 34 – Passing on Wrong Side, 35 – Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle, 36 – Operating the Vehicle in an Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner, 38 – Failure to Yield the Right of Way, 39 – Failure to Obey Actual Traffic Sign, 48 – Making Other Improper Turn, 49 – Driving Wrong Way on One Way Trafficway, 50 – Driving on Wrong Side of Road, 53 – Stopped in Roadway (Vehicle Not Abandoned), 55 – Getting Off/Out of or On/In to a Transport Vehicle, 79 – Live Animals in Road, 90 – NonMotorist Pushing a Vehicle. Added new remarks. Old P5 New NM4 Non-Occupant Striking Vehicle Number changed to Number of Motor Vehicle Striking NonMotorist X X Element moved to Non-Motorist Person Level form. Deleted attribute 000 - Not Applicable – Occupant of a Motor Vehicle InTransport or Not In-Transport (Including Parked/Stopped Off Roadway/Working/In Motion Outside In Trafficway). Added new remarks. Added GES Special Instructions. NM7 Person Type X X Add new attribute: 88 – Not Reported. Moved attributes from P7 – Person Type: 04 – Occupant of a Non-Motor Vehicle Transport Device, 05 – Pedestrian, 06 – Bicyclist, 07 – Other FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 567 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Cyclist, 08 – Person on Personal Conveyance, 10 – Person In/On Buildings, 88 – Not Reported, 19 – Unknown Type of Non-Motorist. Added new remarks. NM9 Pedestrian/ Bike Typing Old P15 New NM10 Non-Occupant Location changed to Non-Motorist Location at Time of Crash FARS Analytical User’s Manual X X Added new element. Format – Element entered in MDE system. Remarks added by headquarters Element moved to Non-Motorist Person Level form. Added attributes: 14 – Parking Lane Zone, 20 – Shoulder/Roadside, 21 – Sidewalk, 22 – Median/Crossing Island, 23 – Driveway Access, 24 – Shared-Use Path/Trail, 25 – NonTrafficway Area, 28 – Other, 98 – Not Reported. Deleted attributes: 00 – No Applicable – Occupant of a Motor Vehicle InTransport or Not In-Transport (Including Motor Vehicles Parked/Stopped Off Roadway/Working/In Motion Outside the Trafficway) and Injured Railway Train Occupants, 04 – Intersection – On Roadway, Crosswalk Availability Unknown, 05 – Intersection – Not on Roadway, 12 – Non-Intersection – On Roadway, Crosswalk not Available, 15 – Non-Intersection – On Road Shoulder, 17 – Non-Intersection – Outside Trafficway, 18 – NonIntersection – Other, Not on Roadway, 19 – Non-Intersection – Unknown. Updated to attributes: 01 – Intersection – In Marked Crosswalk, 02 – Intersection – On Roadway, Not in Unmarked Crosswalk, 03 – Intersection – On Roadway, Not In Crosswalk not Available, 09 – Intersection – Unknown Location, 10 – Non-Intersection – In Marked Crosswalk, 14 – NonIntersection – In Parking Lane/Zone, 16 – Non-Intersection – Bike Path* Appendices 568 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Bicycle Lane, 99 – Unknown Location. Added new remarks. New NM11 Non-Motorist Action/Circums tances Prior to Crash X X Added new element. Added attributes: 01 – Going To or From School (K-12), 02 – Waiting to Cross Roadway, 03 – Crossing Roadway, 04 – Jogging/Running, 05 – Movement Along Roadway with Traffic (In or Adjacent to Travel Lane), 06 – Movement Along Roadway Against Traffic (In or Adjacent to Travel Lane, 07 – Movement on Sidewalk, 08 – In Roadway – Other (Working, Playing, Etc.), 09 – Adjacent to Roadway (e.g., Shoulder, Median), 10 – Working in Trafficway (Incident Response), 11 – Entering/Exiting a Vehicle, 12 – Disabled Vehicle Related (Working on, Pushing, Leaving/ Approaching), 14 – Other, 15 – None, 98 – Not Reported, 99 – Unknown. Format: select all that apply. Added new remarks. New NM12 Non-Motorist Action/Circums tances at Time of Crash X X Added new element. Added new attributes: 00 – No Improper Action, 01 – Dart/Dash, 02 – Failure to Yield Right-Of-Way, 3 – Failure to Obey Traffic Signs, Signals or Officer, 04 – In Roadway Improperly (Standing, Lying, Working, Playing), 05 – Entering/ Exiting a Vehicle, 06 – Inattentive (Talking, Eating, Etc.), 07 – Improper Turn/Merge, 08 – Improper Passing, 09 – Wrong-Way Riding or Walking, 10 – Driving on Wrong Side of Road, 12 – Improper Crossing of Roadway or Intersection (Jaywalking), 13 – Failing to Have Lights on When Required, 14 – Operating Without Required Equipment, 15 – Improper or Erratic Lane Changing, 16 – Failure to Keep in Proper Lane or Running Off Road, 17 – Making Improper Entry to or Exit from FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 569 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Trafficway, 18 – Operating the Vehicle in other Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner, 19 – Not Visible (Dark clothing, No Lighting, etc.), 20 – Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle, 21 – Other, 98 – Not Reported, 99 – Unknown. Format: select all that apply. Added new remarks. New NM13 Non-Motorist Safety Equipment X X Added new element. Added new attributes: 0 – Not Applicable, 1 – None Used, 2 – Helmet, 4 – Protective Pads Used (elbows, knees, shins, etc.), 3 – Reflective Equipment/Clothing (jacket, backpack, etc.), 5 – Lighting, 7 – Other Safety Equipment, 8 – Not Reported, 9 – Unknown if Used. Format: select all that apply. Added new remarks. New NM25 Related Factors – Person Level (Not a Motor Vehicle Occupant) X X Added new element to form. Carry over from Related Factors – Person Level. Deleted attributes: 01 – Not Visible, 02 – Darting, Running or Stumbling Into Roadway, 03 – Improper Crossing of Roadway or Intersection, 04 Walking/Riding With or Against Traffic, 05 – Interfering With Driver, 06 – Ill, Passed Out/Blackout, 07 – Emotional (e.g., Depression, Angry, Disturbed), 10 – Inattentive, 11 – Walking with Cane or Crutches, 12 – Restricted to Wheelchair, 14 – Impaired Due to Previous Injury, 15 – Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs or Medication, 16 – Blind, 17 – Other Physical Impairment, 19 – Pedestrian Jogging, 23 – Failure to Dim Lights or Have Lights on When Required, 24 – Operating Without Required Equipment, 27 – Improper or Erratic Lane Changing, 28 – Failure to Keep in Proper Lane, 29 – Illegal Driving on Road Shoulder, in Ditch, on Sidewalk FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 570 FARS Analytical User’s Manual ELEMENT # ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS or on Median, 30 – Making Improper Entry to or Exit from Trafficway, 32 – Opening Vehicle Closure into Moving Traffic or While Vehicle is in Motion, 33 – Passing Where Prohibited by Posted Signs, Pavement Markings, Hill or Curve, or School Bus Displaying Warning Not to Pass Line, 34 – Passing on Wrong Side, 35 – Passing with Insufficient Distance or Inadequate Visibility or Failing to Yield to Overtaking Vehicle, 36 – Operating the Vehicle in an Erratic, Reckless, Careless or Negligent Manner, 38 – Failure to Yield the Right of Way, 39 – Failure to Obey Actual Traffic Sign, 44 – Driving Too Fast for Conditions or in Excess of Posted Maximum, 45 – Driving Less Than Posted Minimum, 47 – Making Right Turn from Left-Turn Lane, Left Turn from Right-Turn Lane, 48 – Making Other Improper Turn, 49 – Driving Wrong Way on One Way Trafficway, 50 – Driving on Wrong Side of Road, 53 – Unfamiliar with Roadway, 55 – Getting Off/Out of or On/In to a Transport Vehicle, 59 – Overcorrecting, 79 – Live Animals in Road, 87 – Police or Law Enforcement Officer, 88 – Seat Back Not in Normal Upright Position, Seat Back Reclined. Added new remarks. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 571 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes New SAS Data Files in 2010 Locator Code 2009 SAS Name New 2010 SAS Names Data Element Name C17 N/A Cevent.AOI1 Area of Impact (this) C17 N/A Cevent.AOI2 Area of Impact (other) C17 N/A Cevent.EVENTNUM Event Number C17 N/A Cevent.SOE Sequence of Event N/A Cevent.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Cevent.STATE State Number C17 N/A Cevent.VNUMBER1 Vehicle Number (this) C17 N/A Cevent.VNUMBER2 Vehicle Number (other) C17 N/A Vevent.AOI1 Area of Impact (this) C17 N/A Vevent.AOI2 Area of Impact (other) C17 N/A Vevent.EVENTNUM The number of the first event in the crash in which this vehicle is involved (could be this vehicle or the other vehicle in the SAS event data file). C17 N/A Vevent.SOE Sequence of Event N/A Vevent.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Vevent.STATE State Number C17 N/A Vevent.VNUMBER1 Vehicle Number (this) C17 N/A Vevent.VNUMBER2 Vehicle Number (other) N/A Vevent.VEH_NO Vehicle Number N/A Vevent.VEVENTNUM The number of event sequentially ordered for each vehicle. N/A Vsoe.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Vsoe.STATE State Number C17 N/A Vsoe.SOE Sequence of Event C17 N/A Vsoe.AOI Area of Impact associated with the event N/A Vsoe.VEVENTNUM The number of event sequentially ordered for each vehicle. N/A Vsoe.VEH_NO Vehicle Number C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 V3/D3/PC3/ P3 New id data element C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 New id data element V3/D3/PC3/ P3 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 572 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Locator Code 2009 SAS Name Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes New 2010 SAS Names Data Element Name V3/D3/PC3/ P3 N/A Parkwork.VEH_NO Vehicle Number & Unit Type V5 N/A Parkwork.PTYPE Unit Type V9 N/A Parkwork.PMAKE Vehicle Make V10 N/A Parkwork.PMODEL Vehicle Model V11 N/A Parkwork.PBODYTYP Body Type V12 N/A Parkwork.PMODYEAR Model Year V13 N/A Parkwork.PVIN VIN V7 N/A Parkwork.PREG_STAT Registration State V22 N/A Parkwork.PSP_USE Special Use V23 N/A Parkwork.PEM_USE Emergency use V4 N/A Parkwork.PNUMOCCS Number of Occupants V14 N/A Parkwork.PTRAILER Vehicle trailing V34 N/A Parkwork.PFIRE Fire Occurrence V29 N/A Parkwork.PVEH_SEV Extent of damage V30 N/A Parkwork.PTOWED Vehicle Removal V28 N/A Parkwork.PIMPACT1 Area of Impact- Initial Damaged V28 N/A Parkwork.PIMPACT2 Area of Impact- Most Damaged V19 N/A Parkwork.Pcargtyp Cargo body type V20 - HM1 N/A Parkwork.PHAZ_INV V20 - HM2 N/A Parkwork.PHAZPLAC V20 - HM3 N/A Parkwork.PHAZ_ID V20 - HM4 N/A Parkwork.PHAZ_CNO V20 - HM5 N/A Parkwork.PHAZ_REL V100 N/A Parkwork.MAK_MOD Make Model V21 N/A Parkwork.PBUS_USE Bus Use C8 N/A Parkwork.PDAY Day V150 N/A Parkwork.PDEATHS Fatals in Vehicle FARS Analytical User’s Manual Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard Involvement Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard Placard Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard Identification Number Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard Class Number Hazardous Material Involvement/Placard Released - Appendices 573 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Locator Code 2009 SAS Name Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes New 2010 SAS Names Data Element Name V121 N/A Parkwork.PFUECODE Fuel Code V17 N/A Parkwork.PGVWR GVWR C18 N/A Parkwork.PHARM_EV First Harmful Event V6 N/A Parkwork.PHIT_RUN Hit and Run C9 N/A Parkwork.PHOUR Crash Time (HOUR) V124 N/A Parkwork.PMCYCL_DS Motorcycle Engine Displacement (CC) V16A N/A Parkwork.PMCARR_I1 MCID Issuing Authority V16 N/A Parkwork.PMCARR_I2 MCID Identification Number V16B N/A Parkwork.PMCARR_ID Motor Carrier Identification Number V32 N/A Parkwork.PM_HARM Most Harmful Event C19 N/A Parkwork.PMAN_COLL Manner of Collision C9 N/A Parkwork.PMINUTE Crash Time (MINUTE) C8 N/A Parkwork.PMONTH Crash Date (Month) V8 N/A Parkwork.POWNER Registered Vehicle Owner V122 N/A Parkwork.PSER_TR VIN Truck Series V25 N/A Parkwork.PUNDERIDE Underride/Override C4AA N/A Parkwork.PVE_FORMS Number of Vehicle Forms Submitted for MV In Transport V13 N/A Parkwork.PVIN Vehicle Identification Number V101 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_1 VIN Character 1 V102 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_2 VIN Character 2 V103 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_3 VIN Character 3 V104 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_4 VIN Character 4 V105 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_5 VIN Character 5 V106 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_6 VIN Character 6 V107 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_7 VIN Character 7 V108 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_8 VIN Character 8 V109 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_9 VIN Character 9 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 574 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Locator Code 2009 SAS Name Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes New 2010 SAS Names Data Element Name V110 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_10 VIN Character 10 V111 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_11 VIN Character 11 V112 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_12 VIN Character 12 V115 N/A Parkwork.PVINA_MOD VIN Model V114 N/A Parkwork.PVINMAKE VIN Make V117 N/A Parkwork.PVINMODYR VIN Model Year V113 N/A Parkwork.PVINTYPE VIN Vehicle Type V116 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_BT VIN Body Type V125 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_LNGT VIN Length V118 N/A Parkwork.PVIN_WGT Curb Weight V18 N/A Parkwork.PV_CONFIG Vehicle Configuration V33 N/A Parkwork.PVEH_SC1 Related Factors -1 V33 N/A Parkwork.PVEH_SC2 Related Factors -2 V123 N/A Parkwork.PWGTCD_TR Truck Weight Rating V120 N/A Parkwork.PWHLBS_LG Wheelbase Long V119 N/A Parkwork.PWHLBS_SH Wheelbase Short N/A Parkwork.STATE State Number N/A Parkwork.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Parkwork.VEH_NO Vehicle Number N/A Distract.MDRDSTRD Driver Distracted By N/A Distract.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Distract.STATE State Number N/A Distract.VEH_NO Vehicle Number N/A Factor.MFACTOR Contributing Circumstances, Motor Vehicle N/A Factor.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Factor.STATE State Number C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 V3/D3/PC3/ P3 PC16 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 V3/D3/PC3/ P3 PC4 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 575 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Locator Code 2009 SAS Name New 2010 SAS Names Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes Data Element Name V3/D3/PC3/ P3 N/A Factor.VEH_NO Vehicle Number D23 N/A Drimpair.DRIMPAIR Condition (Impairment) at Time of Crash N/A Drimpair.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Drimpair.STATE State Number N/A Drimpair.VEH_NO Vehicle Number N/A Nmimpair.NMIMPAIR Condition (Impairment) at Time of Crash N/A Nmimpair.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Nmimpair.STATE State Number N/A Nmimpair.VEH_NO Vehicle Number P4/NM4 N/A Nmimpair.PER_NO Person Number PC15 AVOID Maneuver.MDRMANAV Driver Maneuvered to Avoid N/A Maneuver.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Maneuver.STATE State Number N/A Maneuver.VEH_NO Vehicle Number N/A Nmcrash.MTM_CRSH Non Motorists Action/Circumstance at Time of Crash N/A Nmcrash.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Nmcrash.STATE State Number P4/NM4 N/A Nmcrash.PER_NO Person Number V3/D3/PC3/ P3 N/A Nmcrash.VEH_NO Vehicle Number NM11 N/A Nmprior.MPR_ACT Non Motorists Action/Circumstance Prior to Crash N/A Nmprior.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Nmprior.STATE State Number P4/NM4 N/A Nmprior.PER_NO Person Number V3/D3/PC3/ P3 N/A Nmprior.VEH_NO Vehicle Number NM13 N/A Safetyeq.MSAFEQMT Non Motorists Safety Equipment C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 N/A Safetyeq.ST_CASE Consecutive Number C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 V3/D3/PC3/ P3 NM14 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 V3/D3/PC3/ P3 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 V3/D3/PC3/ P3 NM12 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 576 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Locator Code 2009 SAS Name New 2010 SAS Names Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes Data Element Name C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 N/A Safetyeq.STATE State Number P4/NM4 N/A Safetyeq.PER_NO Person Number V3/D3/PC3/ P3 N/A Safetyeq.VEH_NO Vehicle Number D21 N/A Violatn.MVIOLATN Violations Charged N/A Violatn.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Violatn.STATE State Number N/A Violatn.VEH_NO Vehicle Number D_VISION1, D_VISION2, D_VISION3 Vision.MVISOBSC Driver's Vision Obscured By N/A Vision.ST_CASE Consecutive Number N/A Vision.STATE State Number N/A Vision.VEH_NO Vehicle Number C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 V3/D3/PC3/ P3 PC14 C2/V2/D2/P C2/P2/NM2 C1/V1/D1/P C1/P1/NM1 V3/D3/PC3/ P3 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 577 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes Summary of the SAS Naming Changes in 2010 Locator Code 2009 SAS Name New 2010 SAS Name Data Element Name C20a N/A RELJCT1 Relation to Junction - Within Interchange Area C20b REL_JUNC RELJCT2 Relation to Junction - Specific Location PC5 TRAF_FLO VTRAFWAY Trafficway Description PC6 NO_LANES VNUM_LAN Total Lanes in Roadway PC7 SP_LIMIT VSPD_LIM Speed Limit PC8 ALIGNMNT VALIGN Roadway Alignment PC9 PROFILE VPROFILE Roadway Grade PC10 PAVE_TYP VPAVETYP Roadway Surface Type PC11 SUR_COND VSURCOND Roadway Surface Condition PC12 TRA_CONT VTRAFCON Traffic Control Device PC13 T_CONT_F VTCONT_F Traffic Control Device Functioning C21 N/A TYP_INT Type of Intersection V113 N/A VINTYPE VIN Vehicle Type V114 N/A VINMAKE VIN Make V117 N/A VINMODYR VIN Model Year PC23 N/A ACC_TYPE Accident Type V121 N/A FUELCODE Fuel Code V126 N/A TIRE_SZE Original Tire Size V127 N/A DISPLACE Cubic Inch Displacement V128 N/A CYLINDER Number of Cylinders V129 N/A CARBUR Carburetion V130 N/A WHLDRWHL Number of wheels/driver wheels V131 N/A TON_RAT Ton Rating V132 N/A TRK_WT Shipping Weight V133 N/A TRKWTVAR Shipping Weight Variance FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 578 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Locator Code 2009 SAS Name Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes New 2010 SAS Name Data Element Name V134 N/A VIN_REST VIN Restraint Type V135 N/A MCYCL_WT Dry Weight V136 N/A MCYCL_CY Number of Engine Cycles P11 N/A REST_MIS Any Indication of Mis-Use of Restraint System/Helmet Use The data elements in RED are new to 2010 FARS. The data elements in BLUE are changed in 2010 FARS. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 579 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes Trafficway Descriptor Data Elements in 2010 As part of the data standardization effort to harmonize the data in FARS and NASS GES and align both data systems with the data elements recommended in MMUCC, nine data elements were moved from the Crash Level in FARS to the a new Precrash Level method of collection. Some data elements also had title changes as a result. The changes are identified below with bold/italics. Those data elements are: 2009 Crash Level Data elements 2010 Precrash Level Data elements C21 Trafficway Flow (TRAF_FLO) PC5 Trafficway Description (VTRAFWAY) C22 Number of Travel Lanes (NO_LANES) PC6 Total Lanes in Roadway (VNUM_LAN) C23 Speed Limit (SP_LIMIT) PC7 Speed Limit (VSPD_LIM) C24 Roadway Alignment (ALIGNMNT) PC8 Roadway Alignment (VALIGN) C25 Roadway Profile (PROFILE) PC9 Roadway Grade (VPROFILE) C26 Roadway Surface Type (PAVE_TYP) PC10 Roadway Surface Type (VPAVETYP) C27 Roadway Surface Condition (SUR_COND) PC11 Roadway Surface Condition (VSURCOND) C29 Traffic Control Device (TRAF_CON) PC12 Traffic Control Device (VTRAFCON) C30 Traffic Control Device Functioning (T_CONT_F) PC13 Traffic Control Device Functioning (VTCONT_F) In the FARS data collection years 2009 and prior, the set of data elements above-left (C21-C27) provided details about the characteristics of the trafficway to which the crash had been assigned. Crashes were assigned to the trafficway on which the First Harmful Event occurred. If the First Harmful Event occurred outside the boundaries of a trafficway (e.g. private property), the crash was assigned to the trafficway on which the vehicle was traveling when the Unstabilized Situation began. In at-intersection crashes, assignment was to the highest function class of trafficway at the intersection. If the vehicles were traveling on two different trafficways of equal function class prior to an at-intersection crash, it was assigned to the trafficway on which the motor vehicle precipitating the crash was traveling. The data elements C29 Traffic Control Device and C30 Traffic Control Device Functioning were coded with respect to the control most applicable to the crash. If more than one device was present, the highest device (lowest number on the attribute list) most related to the crash was selected. In the FARS data collection years starting in 2010, this set of data elements above-right (PC5PC13) provide details about the characteristics of the trafficway that each in-transport motor vehicle was traveling on just prior to its Critical Precrash Event. The Critical Precrash Event is the event which made the crash imminent (i.e., something occurred which made the collision possible). For vehicles departing the trafficway prior to their critical precrash events, the trafficway selected for classification is the one the vehicle departed. If this vehicle is in a junction just prior to its critical precrash event, the trafficway selected for classification is the one it is on before entering the junction. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 580 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes While these data elements were still collecting the same general information in 2010, there are some important differences to note. First, by being collected for each vehicle, different trafficway characteristics could be recorded for each vehicle in the crash. Second, in some circumstances the procedural change to being recorded for each vehicle based on its precrash location rather than the location of the first harmful event resulted in different data being provided than would have been in the same crash in prior years. The types of crashes most affected by the change were those that occur in junction. For example, in a crash where two vehicles were traveling on the same trafficway in opposite directions (e.g. North-South) that have an at-intersection crash in the junction of a higher function class trafficway, the characteristics of the lower class trafficway that each of the vehicles were traveling on before entering the intersection area are recorded in the data elements PC5-PC13 for each vehicle. In prior years, the characteristics of the higher functional class trafficway would have appeared on the Crash Level. Also note that in such a case, on the Crash Level this crash would still be recoded to the higher functional class trafficway in the data elements C10 National Highway System, C11 Roadway Function Class, C12 Route Signing, and C13 Trafficway Identifier and none of the vehicle level characteristics can be attributed to this trafficway. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 581 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes New in 2011 FARS 2011 Data Elements with Changes in Definitions and Attributes Below is a list of FARS data elements that have substantial changes for 2011. DATA ELEMENT # DATA ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES C3 Number of Forms Submitted for Persons Not in Motor Vehicles X C14 Milepoint X NEW/ REVISED REMARKS COMMENTS Update Range to: 00-99. X Changed format from 5 alphanumeric to 5 numeric. Updated element attributes with the addition of the decimal point. X Delete attribute 98 – Not Reported X X Delete attribute 98 – Not Reported EMS Time at Hospital X X Added new attribute 9996 – Transport V4 Number of Occupants X X Delete attribute 98 - Not Reported V9 Vehicle Make X X Added new Make 66 - Mahindra V10 Vehicle Model X C17 Crash EventsSequence of Events C18 First Harmful Event C30 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Terminated. Add new attribute 598 – Low Speed Vehicle (LSV) / Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) and 870 – Medium/Heavy Van-Based Vehicle. Appendices 582 FARS Analytical User’s Manual DATA ELEMENT # V10 DATA ELEMENT NAME Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS X X Body Type COMMENTS Added new attributes: 55 – Van-Based Bus GVWR > 10,000 lbs. and 94 – Low Speed Vehicle (LSV) / Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Updated attributes: 61 – Single-unit straight truck or Cab-Chassis (10,000 lbs. < GVWR < or = 19,500 lbs.), 62 – Single-unit straight truck or Cab-Chassis (19,500 lbs. < GVWR < or = 26,000 lbs.), 63 – Single-unit straight truck or CabChassis (GVWR > 26,000 lbs.), 64 – Single-unit straight truck or Cab-Chassis (GVWR unknown). V27 Location of Rollover X V31 Sequence of Events X V32 Most Harmful Event D5 Driver’s License State D6 X Add new attribute: 7 – In Parking Lane/Zone X Removal of attribute 98 - Not Reported X Added new remarks. Removal of attribute 98 - Not Reported X X Delete attribute 00 - No Driver Present Driver’s Zip Code X X Delete attribute 99997 - No Driver D23/ NM14 Condition (Impairment) at Time of Crash X D24 Related FactorsDriver Level PC7 Speed Limit Present X Updated attribute 99 – Unknown If Physically Impaired. X Updated attribute 12 – Mother of Dead Fetus/ Mother of Infant Born Post Crash X X Change attribute range from 01-95 to 0580 (in 5 mph increments). PC12 Traffic Control Device FARS Analytical User’s Manual X X Updated attributes: 32 23 – School Zone Appendices 583 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes DATA ELEMENT # DATA ELEMENT NAME NEW/ REVISED VALUES NEW/ REVISED REMARKS PC14 Driver Vision Obscured By X X Driver Maneuvered to Avoid X Driver Distracted By X Pre-Event Movement (Prior to Recognition of Critical Event) X Critical EventPrecrash (Event) X P7/NM7 Person Type X P8/NM8 Injury Severity PC15 PC16 PC17 PC19 P26/NM25 Related FactorsPerson Level (Motor Vehicle Occupant) FARS Analytical User’s Manual COMMENTS Updated attribute: 95 - No Driver Present / Unknown if Driver Present X Updated attribute: 95 - No Driver Present / Unknown if Driver Present X Updated attribute: 16 - No Driver Present / Unknown if Driver Present X Updated attributes: 02 – Decelerating in Roadway, 03 – Accelerating in Roadway, 04 – Starting in Roadway, 05 – Stopped in Traffic Lane in Roadway. 07 – Disabled or “Parked” in Travel Lane X Updated attributes: 15 – Turning left at trafficway junction, 16 – Turning right at trafficway junction, 80 – Pedestrian in roadway road, 81 – Pedestrian approaching roadway road, 83 – Pedalcyclist or other non-motorist in roadway road (specify:), 84 – Pedalcyclist or other non-motorist approaching roadway road (specify:), 85 – Pedalcyclist or other non-motorist unknown location (specifiy:),87 – Animal in roadway road, 88 – Animal approaching roadway road, 90 – Object in roadway road, 91 – Object approaching roadway road X X Deleted attribute: 88 - Not Reported. X Deleted attribute: 8 – Not Reported X Updated attributes: 18 – Mother of Dead Fetus/ Mother of Infant Born Post Crash Appendices 584 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix E: Summary of 2010 and 2011 FARS Changes Summary of the SAS Naming Changes in 2011 Locator Code 2010 SAS Name New 2011 SAS Name Data Element Name C3A N/A PERNOTMVIT Number of Persons Not in Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) C4B N/A PVH_INVL Number of Parked/Working Vehicles Involved C5A N/A PERMVIT Number of Persons in Motor Vehicles in Transport (MVIT) V126 N/A TIRE_SZE Original Tire Size V127 N/A DISPLACE Cubic Inch Displacement V128 N/A CYLINDER Number of Cylinders V129 N/A CARBUR Carburetion V130 N/A WHLDRWHL Number of Wheels/Drive Wheels V131 N/A TON_RAT Ton Rating V132 N/A TRK_WT Shipping Weight V133 N/A TRKWTVAR Shipping Weight Variance V134 N/A VIN_REST VIN Restraint Type V135 N/A MCYCL_WT Dry Weight V136 N/A MCYCL_CY Number of Engine Cycles NM4 N_MOT_NO STR_VEH Number of Motor Vehicle Striking Non-Motorist The data elements in RED are new to 2011 FARS. The data elements in BLUE are changed in 2011 FARS. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 585 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix F: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Data Availability Change Appendix F: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Data Availability Change In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) adopted parts of a standalone crash typing application called Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT) into its two records based data collection systems, the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) General Estimates System (GES). PBCAT was developed by the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) contractor, the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (UNC-HSRC). These data are intended for countermeasure research and development. As part of the integration, NHTSA performed extensive quality control checks and analysis using the 2010 and 2011 data. The results of the analysis highlighted definitional differences between the PBCAT application and the coded data elements already included in FARS and NASS GES. As a result, NHTSA removed the Pbtype data file from the 2010 and 2011 FARS and NASS GES while research was conducted on how improvements could be made. Throughout the 2012 and 2013 data collection years, NHTSA continued to collect the pedestrian and bicycle data for internal use so that it could be monitored for consistency and stability. During this period NHTSA and FHWA worked collaboratively to identify issues and implement improvements. Following this period of research and evaluation, NHTSA began capturing new and improved pedestrian and bicyclist data beginning with the 2014 data collection year resulting in the following Pbtype data elements being reinstated: PB30 – Crash Type - Pedestrian PB31 – Crash Type Location - Pedestrian PB32 – Pedestrian Position PB33 – Pedestrian Initial Direction of Travel PB34 – Motorist Direction PB35 – Motorist Maneuver PB36 – Intersection Leg PB37 – Pedestrian Scenario PB38 – Crash Group – Pedestrian PB30B – Crash Type - Bicycle PB31B – Crash Location - Bicycle PB32B – Bicyclist Position PB33B – Bicyclist Direction PB38B – Crash Group - Bicyclist FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 586 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix G: Changes to the FARS VIN Decoded Data Elements Appendix G: Changes to the FARS VIN Decoded Data Elements FARS implemented a new structure for its VIN decoded data elements in 2013. This was warranted due to the renovation of the RL Polk VIN verification and decoding program. RL Polk upgraded their PC VINA VIN validation and decoding program to their new VINtelligence application, and no longer supports PC VINA. The FARS data collection software was therefore retooled to work with the VINtelligence application. The output is now stored in the Vindecode data file. The data file contains 100 VIN decoded data elements. Descriptions of these data elements are provided below from the Polk VINtelligence Deluxe Package and Field Descriptions documentation. Note: The twelve characters of the VIN are still provided as individual data elements (V101V112) in the Vehicle and Parkwork data files. The 24 VIN decoded data elements that used to be on the Vehicle, Parkwork and Person data files were discontinued in 2013. These data elements can still be found in the discontinued sections of the Vehicle and Parkwork data files in this Manual. Element Identifier SAS Name Field Description V200 ABS (Brakes- ABS Code) A code that describes whether a vehicle has or does not have anti-lock brakes, and what kind of brakes they are. (Not coded for heavy truck). This is based on the series code that is assigned the vehicle from VINA. V201 ABS_T (Brakes- ABS Code) description V202 BATKWRTG The measure of total battery power expressed in kilowatts. For example: 71KW, 85KW, 75KW, 67KW. V203 BATTYP A value that identifies the kind of battery in the vehicle. For example: PbA- Lead Acid, NMH- Nickel Metal Hydride. V204 BATTYP_T The description of the Polk assigned code for the Battery Type Code. For example: PbA- Lead Acid, NMH- Nickel Metal Hydride. V205 BATVOLT The voltage rating of the battery as provided by the manufacturer. V206 BLOCKTYPE (Block Type) Description V207 BODYSTYL A Polk assigned code that describes the body style of the vehicle. For example, CP=Coupe. V208 BODYSTYL_T The description of the Polk assigned code Body Style Code For example: Coupe V209 CARBBRLS The number of barrels on a carbureted engine. V210 CARBTYPE Carburetion types include "Carburetor”, “Fuel Injection”, N/A V211 CARBTYPE_T The description of the Polk assigned code which identifies the vehicle carburetion type. For example Carburetor, Fuel Injection, Unknown or Electric. V212 CYCLES (Cycle Count) Refers to the cycle or stroke of an engine. 2-strokes are lightweight and simpler, but they burn oil, by design. Few cars on the road in North America are two-strokes, the last one offered was a 1967 Saab. V213 CYLNDRS Contains a code that represents the number of cylinders a vehicle's combustion engine can have. V214 DISPCLMT (Displacement Liters) displacement in rounded Liters, where 1,000 cubic centimeters = 1 liter. Even domestic makes will advertise displacement in terms of liters (e.g. 5.0 liter mustang, which equates to a 302 CID or 4967 cc displacement). V215 DISPLCC (Displacement CC) displacement in cubic centimeters. We intend to use this as the definitive, exact displacement value, i.e. 4967 cc. V216 DISPLCI (Displacement CID) displacement in cubic inches. This is a rounded, marketing FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 587 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Element Identifier SAS Name Appendix G: Changes to the FARS VIN Decoded Data Elements Field Description value, like 302 cubic inches, instead of 4967 cc. V217 DOORS The number of doors the vehicle has V218 DRIVETYP (Drive Type) This element describes type of driving configuration for cars and trucks such as FWD, AWD, RWD. V219 DRIVETYP_T (Drive Type) description V220 DRIVWHLS Number of wheels driven by the power train. For example in a 6x4 configuration this would be the 4. V221 DRL (Daytime Running Lights)A Polk assigned code that identifies whether or not the vehicle has daytime running lights. V222 DRL_T (Daytime Running Lights) description V223 ENGHEAD (Head Configuration) Describes the cylinder head's camshaft/valve configuration. V224 ENGHEAD_T (Head Configuration) description V225 ENGMFG (Mfr.) A Polk assigned code given to the original equipment manufacture of the within a vehicle V226 ENGMFG_T (Mfr.) description V227 ENGMODEL (Model) description V228 ENGVINCD (Code) Code derived from the VIN (not the secondary VIN for a motorcycle). Usually a single character, some manufactures give full positions 4-8 and engine information from that; they do not break it down any further. V229 ENGVVT Used to determine if a car has Variable Valve Timing V230 FUEL (Fuel) What an internal combustion burns to move a piston in a cylinder V231 FUEL_T (Fuel) description V232 FUELINJ The type of fuel injection V233 FUELINJ_T The type of fuel injection used by a vehicle. For example, Direct, Throttle body V234 GVWRANGE Contains a code that identifies the Polk standard groupings of gross vehicle weights to which a vehicle may belong. This information is typically captured only for trucks. V235 GVWRANGE_T The description for the manufacturers assigned Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) for trucks. This rating may or may not equal the actual GVW. V236 INCOMPLT Indicator that signifies whether the vehicle is consider "incomplete" (Y/N) V237 MCYUSAGE A further breakdown of body style for motorcycles to indicate if is it On-Road or Off-Road. V238 MCYUSAGE_T A further breakdown of body style for motorcycles to indicate if is it On-Road or Off-Road. V239 MFG (Vehicle Manufacturer Name) Standard abbreviation of the name of the vehicle manufacturer, i.e. General Motors, as defined by the National Crime Information Center V240 MFG_T (Vehicle Manufacturer Name) The name of the vehicle manufacturer, i.e. General Motors, as defined by the National Crime Information Center V241 MSRP Contains the base price of the vehicle as designated by the OEM's specifications. BASE PRICE includes only the price for the base model of the vehicle, excluding any optional equipment that may have been added as a result of the vehicle's TRIM LEVEL. V242 NCICMAKE Contains the Polk standardized abbreviation for the OEM's vehicle make. The vehicle make generally contains what the general public usually considers to be a vehicle brand name, for example, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Mercury, Toyota, FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 588 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Element Identifier SAS Name Appendix G: Changes to the FARS VIN Decoded Data Elements Field Description GMC, Chevy, etc. V243 ORIGIN (Origin) A code that indicates the origin of a vehicle. V244 ORIGIN_T (Origin) description V245 PLANT (Plant Code) Plant code where vehicle was manufactured. V246 PLNTCITY (City) This is the city where the plant is located. V247 PLNTCTRY A code representing the country the plant is in. V248 PLNTCTRY_T (Country) This is the country where the plant is located. Example values are USA, Canada and Japan. V249 PLNTSTAT A code representing the state or province the plant is in. V250 PLNTSTAT_T (State or Province) This is the state or province (Canada) location of the plant. V251 PSI_F (Front Tire Pressure) Vehicle Mfr. recommendation for tire pressure, in pounds/sq. in. V252 PSI_R (Rear Tire Pressure) Vehicle Mfr. recommendation for tire pressure, in pounds/sq. in. V253 REARSIZE The size of the rear tires. example "17R245" V254 REARSIZE_T (Rear Tire Size Description) As in "17R245" V255 RSTRNT (Restraint Type) A Polk assigned code that identifies the type of restraints that a vehicle has based on VIN. V256 RSTRNT_T (Restraint Type) description V257 SALECTRY (Country Sold / Specific Market) Country where the vehicle is planned to be sold (may have different emissions standards). V258 SALECTRY_T (Country Sold / Specific Market) description V259 SECURITY (Security Type) Describes the security system (if any) installed on this model. V260 SECURITY_T (Security Type) description V261 SEGMNT The Polk standard segmentation code V262 SEGMNT_T Description of SEGMENTATION_CODE that represents the Polk Standard Segmentation applied. V263 SHIPWEIGHT Contains the base weight of the vehicle, rounded to the nearest one hundred pounds, as defined in the OEM's specifications. The base weight of a vehicle is the empty weight of the base model of the vehicle (i.e., the stripped down version of the vehicle) V264 SUPCHRGR Indicates if the engine has a supercharger or not. V265 SUPCHRGR_T Indicates if the engine has a supercharger or not. Yes, No or Unknown. V266 TIREDESC_F (Front Tire) More specific tire description (ex. Michelin Eagle P245/40ZR)” V267 TIREDESC_R (Rear Tire) More specific tire description (ex. Michelin Eagle P245/40ZR)” V268 TIRESZ_F Describes the size of the front tire. For example "17R245" V269 TIRESZ_F_T (Front Tire Size Description) As in "17R245" V270 TKAXLEF (Axle- Type, Front Axle) The location of the front axle of a truck tractor. Set forward increases stability on the highway, Setback increases maneuverability in tight spaces. V271 TKAXLEF_T (Axle- Type, Front Axle) short description V272 TKAXLER (Axle- Type, Rear Axle) Represents rear axle configuration on a truck tractor. Tandem axles increase load bearing capability. V273 TKAXLER_T (Axle- Type, Rear Axle) short description FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 589 FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendix G: Changes to the FARS VIN Decoded Data Elements Element Identifier SAS Name Field Description V274 TKBEDL (Bed Length) Code representing the manufacturer's description of the relative size of the cargo area of a pickup truck or van. A "long" Ford Ranger bed (compact pickup) may well be shorter than a "short" bed on an F350 (large industrial pickup). V275 TKBEDL_T (Bed Length) description V276 TKBRAK (Brake Type) The type of brakes on the Vehicle (currently commercial truck only). Truck VIN determines this currently V277 TKBRAK_T (Brake Type) description V278 TKCAB (Cab Configuration) Cab Type describes the physical configuration of a truck's cabin. V279 TKCAB_T (Cab Configuration) medium description V280 TKDUTY (Duty Type) A Polk assigned code that represents the duty type of a truck engine, based on manufacturer information. V281 TKDUTY_T (Duty Type) medium description V282 TONRATING (Tonnage Rating) description V283 TURBO Indicates if the engine has a turbocharger. V284 TURBO_T Indicates if the engine has a turbocharger. Yes, No or Unknown. V285 VEHTYPE A Polk assigned code that defines the type of a vehicle represented by a specific VIN. For example: M,P,C or T. V286 VEHTYPE_T The description of the Polk assigned code for the vehicle type code. For example: passenger, truck, motorcycle, commercial trailer. V287 VINMAKE_T (Make- Name) Full name of the make (i.e. Chevrolet) V288 VINMODEL_T (Model Code) description V289 VINTRIM_T The Trim of the vehicle VINTRIM1_T The trim of the vehicle. This field is used when a VIN Pattern could have more than 1 trim assigned. VINTRIM2_T The trim of the vehicle. This field is used when a VIN Pattern could have more than 2 trims assigned. VINTRIM3_T The trim of the vehicle. This field is used when a VIN Pattern could have more than 3 trims assigned. VINTRIM4_T The trim of the vehicle. This field is used when a VIN Pattern could have more than 4 trims assigned. V290 V291 V292 V293 V294 VINYEAR The marketing year defined by the OEM within which the vehicle was produced. The value contained in this attribute may not always match the calendar year in which the vehicle was actually manufactured. Many OEMs release models prior to calendar year. V295 VLVCLNDR (Valves Per Cylinder) Number of intake/exhaust valves per cylinder. V296 VLVTOTAL (Valves Total) Total number of intake/exhaust valves. V297 WHEELS The number of wheel ends on the vehicle. For example in a 6x4 configuration this would be the 6. V298 WHLBLG Contains the longest distance between the front and rear axles of a vehicle in inches for a particular series of that vehicle. V299 WHLBSH Contains the distance between the front and rear axles of a vehicle in inches of the base model of the vehicle. FARS Analytical User’s Manual Appendices 590 DOT HS 812 315 August 2016 12625-082216-v1
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