Flex Brochure

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TwinLoop FLEX
Instrumentation System
TwinLoop FLEX
Instrumentation System
e tips of the drill guides are
designed with a window, for easy
arthroscopic viewing of laser lines for
depth control and eyelet orientation.
e TwinLoop FLEX Instrumentation System is
designed to provide easy access along the glenoid
rim during arthroscopic instability repair. Paired
with Stryker’s TwinLoop anchors, the exible
instrumentation is an excellent solution for
surgeons who desire simplication of
instability repair.
TwinLoop FLEX
Instrumentation System
of Instability Repair Procedures
TwinLoop FLEX Drill Guides
e TwinLoop FLEX Instrumentation System contains ve dierent drill guides. e standard and
reverse mouth drill guides are designed with a 12° or 25° curved tip and a straight option is also
available. ese guides are designed to enable the surgeon to reach farther around the glenoid rim
to more securely position the anchor. In addition, the need to create an inferior anterior portal is
eliminated, therefore helping to reduce the risk of damaging so tissue adjacent to the inferior glenoid.
TwinLoop FLEX
Instrumentation System
Bullet Tip
Trocar Tip
TwinLoop FLEX Obturators
Two dierent obturator options are available for the surgeon to choose
from, based upon preference. e bullet tip and trocar tip obturators are
both exible and can be used universally with any of the ve
drill guides.
TwinLoop FLEX
Instrumentation System
TwinLoop FLEX Drill
e Flexible Drill is designed to t smoothly through all ve
of the drill guides, for more precise pilot hole placement, while
maintaining the use of traditional anterior and posterior portals.
TwinLoop FLEX
Instrumentation System
TwinLoop FLEX Anchors
Stryker’s PEEK TwinLoop Anchor is now available on an inserter indicated for the TwinLoop FLEX
system. e PEEK TwinLoop anchor features one strand of #2 Force Fiber high-strength suture
threaded through the body of the anchor.
e body of the PEEK TwinLoop Anchor follows a wedge design of 2.4mm to 2.9mm designed for
optimized xation. With incremental barbs, the overall size of the anchor is 3.5mm, excellent for SLAP
and Bankart procedures.
PEEK TwinLoop Anchor with
One Strand of Force Fiber
TwinLoop FLEX
Instrumentation System
Description Catalog Number
TwinLoop FLEX Drill 3910-400-100
TwinLoop FLEX Bullet Tip Obturator 3910-400-101
TwinLoop FLEX Trocar Tip Obturator 3910-400-102
TwinLoop FLEX 12° Guide 3910-400-103
TwinLoop FLEX 12° Reverse Mouth Guide 3910-400-104
TwinLoop FLEX 25° Guide 3910-400-105
TwinLoop FLEX 25° Reverse Mouth Guide 3910-400-106
TwinLoop FLEX Guide 3910-400-107
3.5mm PEEK TwinLoop FLEX One Strand #2 Force Fiber 3910-405-638
325 Corporate Drive
Mahwah, NJ 07430
t: 201 831 5000
A surgeon must always rely on his or her own professional clinical judgment when deciding whether to use a
particular product when treating a particular patient. Stryker does not dispense medical advice and recommends
that surgeons be trained in the use of any particular product before using it in surgery.
e information presented is intended to demonstrate the breadth of Stryker product oerings. A surgeon must
always refer to the package insert, product label and/or instructions for use before using any Stryker product.
Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or
medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your Stryker representative if you have questions about
the availability of Stryker products in your area.
Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate aliated entities own, use or have applied for the
following trademarks or service marks: Stryker, TwinLoop FLEX. All other trademarks are trademarks of their
respective owners or holders.
Literature Number: LJPTLF-B Rev. 1
MS/GS 06/10
Copyright © 2010 Stryker
Printed in USA

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