Git Pocket Guide






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Git Pocket Guide

Richard E. Silverman

Git Pocket Guide
by Richard E. Silverman
Copyright © 2013 Richard E. Silverman. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebasto‐
pol, CA 95472.
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Editors: Mike Loukides and Meghan Blanchette
Production Editor: Melanie Yarbrough
Copyeditor: Kiel Van Horn
Proofreader: Linley Dolby
Indexer: Judith McConville
Cover Designer: Randy Comer
Interior Designer: David Futato
Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest
June 2013:

First Edition

Revision History for the First Edition:
2013-06-24: First release
2013-07-10: Second release
See for release de‐
Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O’Reilly logo are
registered trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Git Pocket Guide, the image of a
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While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the
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ISBN: 978-1-449-32586-2

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Understanding Git
The Object Store
Object IDs and SHA-1
Where Objects Live
The Commit Graph
The Index
Push and Pull


Chapter 2: Getting Started
Basic Configuration
Creating a New, Empty Repository
Importing an Existing Project
Ignoring Files


Chapter 3: Making Commits


Changing the Index
Making a Commit


Chapter 4: Undoing and Editing Commits
Changing the Last Commit
Discarding the Last Commit
Undoing a Commit
Editing a Series of Commits


Chapter 5: Branching
The Default Branch, master
Making a New Branch
Switching Branches
Deleting a Branch
Renaming a Branch


Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories
Cloning a Repository
Local, Remote, and Tracking Branches
Synchronization: Push and Pull
Access Control


Chapter 7: Merging
Merge Conflicts
Details on Merging
Merge Tools
Custom Merge Tools
Merge Strategies
Why the Octopus?
Reusing Previous Merge Decisions


Chapter 8: Naming Commits


iv |

Table of Contents

Naming Individual Commits
Naming Sets of Commits


Chapter 9: Viewing History
Command Format
Output Formats
Defining Your Own Formats
Limiting Commits to Be Shown
Regular Expressions
Date Style
Listing Changed Files
Showing and Following Renames or Copies
Rewriting Names and Addresses: The “mailmap”
Searching for Changes: The “pickaxe”
Showing Diffs
Comparing Branches
Showing Notes
Commit Ordering
History Simplification
Related Commands


Chapter 10: Editing History
Importing from One Repository to Another
Commit Surgery: git replace
The Big Hammer: git filter-branch


Chapter 11: Understanding Patches
Applying Plain Diffs

Table of Contents



Patches with Commit Information


Chapter 12: Remote Access
Storing Your Username
Storing Your Password


Chapter 13: Miscellaneous
git cherry-pick
git notes
git grep
git rev-parse
git clean
git stash
git show
git tag
git diff
git instaweb
Git Hooks
Visual Tools


Chapter 14: How Do I…?
…Make and Use a Central Repository?
…Fix the Last Commit I Made?
…Edit the Previous n Commits?
…Undo My Last n Commits?
…Reuse the Message from an Existing Commit?
…Reapply an Existing Commit from Another Branch?
…List Files with Conflicts when Merging?




Table of Contents

…Get a Summary of My Branches?
…Get a Summary of My Working Tree and Index State?
…Stage All the Current Changes to My Working Files?
…Show the Changes to My Working Files?
…Save and Restore My Working Tree and Index Changes?
…Add a Downstream Branch Without Checking It Out?
…List the Files in a Specific Commit?
…Show the Changes Made by a Commit?
…Get Tab Completion of Branch Names, Tags, and So On?
…List All Remotes?
…Change the URL for a Remote?
…Remove Old Remote-Tracking Branches?
…Have git log:




Table of Contents




What Is Git?
Git is a tool for tracking changes made to a set of files over time,
a task traditionally known as “version control.” Although it is
most often used by programmers to coordinate changes to soft‐
ware source code, and it is especially good at that, you can use
Git to track any kind of content at all. Any body of related files
evolving over time, which we’ll call a “project,” is a candidate for
using Git. With Git, you can:
• Examine the state of your project at earlier points in time
• Show the differences among various states of the project
• Split the project development into multiple independent
lines, called “branches,” which can evolve separately
• Periodically recombine branches in a process called “merg‐
ing,” reconciling the changes made in two or more branches
• Allow many people to work on a project simultaneously,
sharing and combining their work as needed
…and much more.
There have been many different version control systems devel‐
oped in the computing world, including SCCS, RCS, CVS,

Subversion, BitKeeper, Mercurial, Bazaar, Darcs, and others.
Some particular strengths of Git are:
• Git is a member of the newer generation of distributed
version control systems. Older systems such as CVS and
Subversion are centralized, meaning that there is a single,
central copy of the project content and history to which all
users must refer. Typically accessed over a network, if the
central copy is unavailable for some reason, all users are
stuck; they cannot use version control until the central copy
is working again. Distributed systems such as Git, on the
other hand, have no inherent central copy. Each user has a
complete, independent copy of the entire project history,
called a “repository,” and full access to all version control
facilities. Network access is only needed occasionally, to
share sets of changes among people working on the same
• In some systems, notably CVS and Subversion, branches
are slow and difficult to use in practice, which discourages
their use. Branches in Git, on the other hand, are very fast
and easy to use. Effective branching and merging allows
more people to work on a project in parallel, relying on Git
to combine their separate contributions.
• Applying changes to a repository is a two-step process: you
add the changes to a staging area called the “index,” then
commit those changes to the repository. The extra step al‐
lows you to easily apply just some of the changes in your
current working files (including a subset of changes to a
single file), rather than being forced to apply them all at
once, or undoing some of those changes yourself before
committing and then redoing them by hand. This encour‐
ages splitting changes up into better organized, more co‐
herent and reusable sets.
• Git’s distributed nature and flexibility allow for many dif‐
ferent styles of use, or “workflows.” Individuals can share
work directly between their personal repositories. Groups
can coordinate their work through a single central



repository. Hybrid schemes permit several people to orga‐
nize the contributions of others to different areas of a
project, and then collaborate among themselves to main‐
tain the overall project state.
• Git is the technology behind the enormously popular “so‐
cial coding” website GitHub, which includes many wellknown open source projects. In learning Git, you will open
up a whole world of collaboration on small and large scales.

Goals of This Book
There are already several good books available on Git, including
Scott Chacon’s Pro Git, and the full-size Version Control with
Git by Jon Loeliger (O’Reilly). In addition, the Git software doc‐
umentation (“man pages” on Unix) is generally well written and
complete. So, why a Git Pocket Guide? The primary goal of this
book is to provide a compact, readable introduction to Git for the
new user, as well as a reference to common commands and pro‐
cedures that will continue to be useful once you’ve already gotten
some Git under your belt. The man pages are extensive and very
detailed; sometimes, it’s difficult to peruse them for just the in‐
formation you need for simple operations, and you may need to
refer to several different sections to pull together the pieces you
need. The two books mentioned are similarly weighty tomes with
a wealth of detail. This Pocket Guide is task oriented, organized
around the basic functions you need from version control: mak‐
ing commits, fixing mistakes, merging, searching history, and so
on. It also contains a streamlined technical introduction whose
aim is to make sense of Git generally and facilitate understanding
of the operations discussed, rather than completeness or depth
for its own sake. The intent is to help you become productive with
Git quickly and easily.
Since this book does not aim to be a complete reference to all of
Git’s capabilities, there are Git commands and functions that we
do not discuss. We often mention these omissions explicitly, but
some are tacit. Several more advanced features are just mentioned



and described briefly so that you’re aware of their existence, with
a pointer to the relevant documentation. Also, the sections that
cover specific commands usually do not list every possible option
or mode of operation, but rather the most common or useful ones
that fit into the discussion at hand. The goal is simplicity and
economy of explanation, rather than exhaustive detail. We do
provide frequent references to various portions of the Git docu‐
mentation, where you can find more complete information on
the current topic. This book should be taken as an introduction,
an aid to understanding, and a complement to the full documen‐
tation, rather than as a replacement for it.
At the time of this writing in early 2013, Git is undergoing rapid
development; new versions appear regularly with new features
and changes to existing ones, so expect that by the time you read
this, some alterations will already have occurred; that’s just the
nature of technical writing. This book describes Git as of version

Conventions Used in This Book
Here are a few general remarks and conventions to keep in mind
while reading this book.

Git was created in the Unix environment, originally in fact both
for and by people working on the core of the Linux operating
system. Though it has been ported to other platforms, it is still
most popular on Unix variants, and its commands, design, and
terminology all strongly reflect its origin. Especially in a Pocket
Guide format, it would be distracting to have constant asides on
minor differences with other platforms, so for simplicity and
uniformity, this book assumes Unix generally in its descriptions
and choice of examples.




All command-line examples are given using the bash shell syntax.
Git uses characters that are special to bash and other shells as well,
such as *, ~, and ?. Remember that you will need to quote these
in order to prevent the shell from expanding them before Git sees
them. For example, to see a log of changes pertaining to all C
source files, you need something like this:
$ git log -- '*.c'

and not this:
$ git log -- *.c

The latter is unpredictable, as the shell will try to expand *.c in
the current context. It might do any number of things; few of them
are likely to be what you want.
The examples given in the book use such quoting as necessary.

Command Syntax
We employ common Unix conventions for indicating the syntax
of commands, including:
• --{foo,bar} indicates the options --foo and --bar.
• Square brackets indicate an optional element that may ap‐
pear or not; e.g., --where[=location] means that you may
either use --where by itself (with some default location) or
give a specific location, perhaps --where=Boston.

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:
Indicates new terms; also, Git branches are normally given
in italic, as opposed to other names such as tags and commit
IDs, which are given in constant width. Titles to Unix man‐
pages are also given in italics.



Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to
refer to program elements such as variable or function
names, databases, data types, environment variables, state‐
ments, and keywords.
Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally
by the user.
Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values
or by values determined by context.

These lines signify a tip, warning, caution, or general note.

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Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this
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We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution
usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For
example: “Git Pocket Guide by Richard E. Silverman (O’Reilly).
Copyright 2013 Richard Silverman, 978-1-449-32586-2.”



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permission given above, feel free to contact us at permis

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I gratefully acknowledge the support and patience of everyone at
O’Reilly involved in creating this book, especially my editors Me‐
ghan Blanchette and Mike Loukides, during a book-writing pro‐
cess with a few unexpected challenges along the way. I would also
like to thank my technical reviewers: Robert G. Byrnes, Max Ca‐
ceres, Robert P. J. Day, Bart Massey, and Lukas Toth. Their atten‐
tion to detail and thoughtful criticism have made this a much
better book than it would otherwise have been. All errors that
survived their combined assault are mine and mine alone.
I dedicate this book to the memory of my grandmother, Eleanor
Gorsuch Jefferies (19 May 1920–18 March 2012).
Richard E. Silverman
New York City, 15 April 2013





Understanding Git

In this initial chapter, we discuss how Git operates, defining im‐
portant terms and concepts you should understand in order to
use Git effectively.
Some tools and technologies lend themselves to a “black-box”
approach, in which new users don’t pay too much attention to
how a tool works under the hood. You concentrate first on learn‐
ing to manipulate the tool; the “why” and “how” can come later.
Git’s particular design, however, is better served by the opposite
approach, in that a number of fundamental internal design de‐
cisions are reflected directly in how you use it. By understanding
up front and in reasonable detail several key points about its op‐
eration, you will be able to come up to speed with Git more
quickly and confidently, and be better prepared to continue
learning on your own.
Thus, I encourage you to take the time to read this chapter first,
rather than just jump over it to the more tutorial, hands-on chap‐
ters that follow (most of which assume a basic grasp of the ma‐
terial presented here, in any case). You will probably find that
your understanding and command of Git will grow more easily
if you do.


We start by introducing some basic terms and ideas, the general
notion of branching, and the usual mechanism by which you
share your work with others in Git.

A Git project is represented by a “repository,” which contains the
complete history of the project from its inception. A repository
in turn consists of a set of individual snapshots of project content
—collections of files and directories—called “commits.” A single
commit comprises the following:
A project content snapshot, called a “tree”
A structure of nested files and directories representing a
complete state of the project
The “author” identification
Name, email address, and date/time (or “timestamp”) indi‐
cating who made the changes that resulted in this project
state and when
The “committer” identification
The same information about the person who added this
commit to the repository (which may be different from the
A “commit message”
Text used to comment on the changes made by this commit
A list of zero or more “parent commits”
References to other commits in the same repository, indi‐
cating immediately preceding states of the project content
The set of all commits in a repository, connected by lines indi‐
cating their parent commits, forms a picture called the repository
“commit graph,” shown in Figure 1-1.



Chapter 1: Understanding Git

Figure 1-1. The repository “commit graph”

The letters and numbers here represent commits, and arrows
point from a commit to its parents. Commit A has no parents
and is called a “root commit”; it was the initial commit in this
repository’s history. Most commits have a single parent, indicat‐
ing that they evolved in a straightforward way from a single pre‐
vious state of the project, usually incorporating a set of related
changes made by one person. Some commits, here just the one
labeled E, have multiple parents and are called “merge commits.”
This indicates that the commit reconciles the changes made on
distinct branches of the commit graph, often combining contri‐
butions made separately by different people.
Since it is normally clear from context in which direction the
history proceeds—usually, as here, parent commits appear to the
left of their children—we will omit the arrow heads in such dia‐
grams from now on.

The labels on the right side of this picture—master, topic, and
release—denote “branches.” The branch name refers to the latest
commit on that branch; here, commits F, 4, and Z, respectively,
are called the “tip” of the branch. The branch itself is defined as
the collection of all commits in the graph that are reachable from
the tip by following the parent arrows backward along the history.
Here, the branches are:
• release = {A, B, C, X, Y, Z}
• master = {A, B, C, D, E, F, 1, 2}



• topic = {A, B, 1, 2, 3, 4}
Note that branches can overlap; here, commits 1 and 2 are on
both the master and topic branches, and commits A and B are on
all three branches. Usually, you are “on” a branch, looking at the
content corresponding to the tip commit on that branch. When
you change some files and add a new commit containing the
changes (called “committing to the repository”), the branch
name advances to the new commit, which in turn points to the
old commit as its sole parent; this is the way branches move for‐
ward. From time to time, you will tell Git to “merge” several
branches (most often two, but there can be more), tying them
together as at commit E in Figure 1-1. The same branches can be
merged repeatedly over time, showing that they continued to
progress separately while you periodically combined their
The first branch in a new repository is named master by default,
and it’s customary to use that name if there is only one branch in
the repository, or for the branch that contains the main line of
development (if that makes sense for your project). You are not
required to do so, however, and there is nothing special about the
name “master” apart from convention, and its use as a default by
some commands.

Sharing Work
There are two contexts in which version control is useful: private
and public. When working on your own, it’s useful to commit
“early and often,” so that you can explore different ideas and make
changes freely without worrying about recovering earlier work.
Such commits are likely to be somewhat disorganized and have
cryptic commit messages, which is fine because they need to be
intelligible only to you, and for a short period of time. Once a
portion of your work is finished and you’re ready to share it with
others, though, you may want to reorganize those commits, to
make them well-factored with regard to reusability of the changes
being made (especially with software), and to give them mean‐
ingful, well-written commit messages.


Chapter 1: Understanding Git

In centralized version control systems, the acts of committing a
change and publishing it for others to see are one and the same:
the unit of publication is the commit, and committing requires
publishing (applying the change to the central repository where
others can immediately see it). This makes it difficult to use ver‐
sion control in both private and public contexts. By separating
committing and publishing, and giving you tools with which to
edit and reorganize existing commits, Git encourages better use
of version control overall.
With Git, sharing work between repositories happens via oper‐
ations called “push” and “pull”: you pull changes from a remote
repository and push changes to it. To work on a project, you
“clone” it from an existing repository, possibly over a network via
protocols such as HTTP and SSH. Your clone is a full copy of the
original, including all project history, completely functional on
its own. In particular, you do not need to contact the first repos‐
itory again in order to examine the history of your clone or com‐
mit to it—however, your new repository does retain a reference
to the original one, called a “remote.” This reference includes the
state of the branches in the remote as of the last time you pulled
from it; these are called “remote tracking” branches. If the orig‐
inal repository contains two branches named master and topic,
their remote-tracking branches in your clone appear qualified
with the name of the remote (by default called “origin”): origin/
master and origin/topic.
Most often, the master branch will be automatically checked out
for you when you first clone the repository; Git initially checks
out whatever the current branch is in the remote repository. If
you later ask to check out the topic branch, Git sees that there isn’t
yet a local branch with that name—but since there is a remotetracking branch named origin/topic, it automatically creates a
branch named topic and sets origin/topic as its “upstream”
branch. This relationship causes the push/pull mechanism to
keep the changes made to these branches in sync as they evolve
in both your repository and in the remote.




When you pull, Git updates the remote-tracking branches with
the current state of the origin repository; conversely, when you
push, it updates the remote with any changes you’ve made to
corresponding local branches. If these changes conflict, Git
prompts you to merge the changes before accepting or sending
them, so that neither side loses any history in the process.
If you’re familiar with CVS or Subversion, a useful conceptual
shift is to consider that a “commit” in those systems is analogous
to a Git “push.” You still commit in Git, of course, but that affects
only your repository and is not visible to anyone else until you
push those commits—and you are free to edit, reorganize, or de‐
lete your commits until you do so.

The Object Store
Now, we discuss the ideas just introduced in more detail, starting
with the heart of a Git repository: its object store. This is a database
that holds just four kinds of items: blobs, trees, commits, and tags.

A blob is an opaque chunk of data, a string of bytes with no further
internal structure as far as Git is concerned. The content of a file
under version control is represented as a blob. This does not mean
the implementation of blobs is naive; Git uses sophisticated com‐
pression and transmission techniques to handle blobs efficiently.
Every version of a file in Git is represented as a whole, with its
own blob containing the file’s complete contents. This stands in
contrast to some other systems, in which file versions are repre‐
sented as a series of differences from one revision to the next,
starting with a base version. Various trade-offs stem from this
design point. One is that Git may use more storage space; on the
other hand, it does not have to reconstruct files to retrieve them
by applying layers of differences, so it can be faster. This design
increases reliability by increasing redundancy: corruption of one
blob affects only that file version, whereas corruption of a differ‐
ence affects all versions coming after that one.


Chapter 1: Understanding Git

A Git tree, by itself, is actually what one might usually think of as
one level of a tree: it represents a single level of directory structure
in the repository content. It contains a list of items, each of which
• A filename and associated information that Git tracks, such
as its Unix permissions (“mode bits”) and file type; Git can
handle Unix “symbolic links” as well as regular files.
• A pointer to another object. If that object is a blob, then
this item represents a file; if it’s another tree, a directory.
There is an ambiguity here: when we say “tree,” do we mean a
single object as just described, or the collection of all such objects
reachable from it by following the pointers recursively until we
reach the terminal blobs—that is, a “tree” in the more usual sense?
It is the latter notion of tree that this data structure is used to
represent, of course, and fortunately, it is seldom necessary in
practice to make the distinction. When we say “tree,” we will
normally mean the entire hierarchy of tree and blob objects; when
necessary, we will use the phrase “tree object” to refer to the spe‐
cific, individual data structure component.
A Git tree, then, represents a portion of the repository content at
one point in time: a snapshot of a particular directory’s content,
including that of all directories beneath it.

The Object Store



Originally, Git saved and restored the full permissions on
files (all the mode bits). Later, however, this was deemed to
cause more trouble than it was worth, so the interpretation
of the mode bits in the index was changed. Now, the only
valid values for the low 12 bits of the mode as stored in Git
are octal 755 and 644, and these simply indicate that the file
should be executable or not. Git sets the execute bits on a
file on checkout according to this, but the actual mode value
may be different depending on your umask setting; for ex‐
ample, if your umask is 0077, then a file stored with Git
mode 755 will end up with mode 700.

A version control system manages content changes, and the
commit is the fundamental unit of change in Git. A commit is a
snapshot of the entire repository content, together with identi‐
fying information, and the relationship of this historical reposi‐
tory state to other recorded states as the content has evolved over
time. Specifically, a commit consists of:
• A pointer to a tree containing the complete state of the
repository content at one point in time.
• Ancillary information about this change: who was respon‐
sible for the content (the “author”); who introduced the
change into the repository (the “committer”); and the time
and date for both those things. The act of adding a commit
object to the repository is called “making a commit,” or
“committing (to the repository).”
• A list of zero or more other commit objects, called the “pa‐
rents” of this commit. The parent relationship has no in‐
trinsic meaning; however, the normal ways of making a
commit are meant to indicate that the commit’s repository
state was derived by the author from those of its parents in
some meaningful way (e.g., by adding a feature or fixing a


Chapter 1: Understanding Git

bug). A chain of commits, each having a single parent, in‐
dicates a simple evolution of repository state by discrete
steps (and as we’ll see, this constitutes a branch). When a
commit has more than one parent, this indicates a “merge,”
in which the committer has incorporated the changes from
multiple lines of development into a single commit. We’ll
define branches and merges more precisely in a moment.
Of course, at least one commit in the repository must have zero
parents, or else the repository would either be infinitely large or
have loops in the commit graph, which is not allowed (see the
description of a “DAG” next). This is called a “root commit,” and
most often, there is only one root commit in a repository—the
initial one created when the repository was started. However, you
can introduce multiple root commits if you want; the command
git checkout --orphan does this. This incorporates multiple in‐
dependent histories into a repository, perhaps in order to collect
the contents of previously separate projects (see “Importing Dis‐
connected History” on page 154).

Author versus Committer
The separate author and committer information—name, email
address, and timestamp—reflect the creation of the commit con‐
tent and its addition to the repository, respectively. These are in‐
itially the same, but may later become distinct with the use of
certain Git commands. For example, git cherry-pick replicates
an existing commit by reapplying the changes introduced by that
commit in another context. Cherry-picking carries forward the
author information from the original commit, while adding new
committer information. This preserves the identification and
origin date of the changes, while indicating that they were applied
at another point in the repository at a later date, possibly by a
different person. A bugfix cherry-picked from one repository to
another might look like this:
$ git log --format=fuller
commit d404534d
Eustace Maushaven 
AuthorDate: Thu Nov 29 01:58:13 2012 -0500

The Object Store



Richard E. Silverman 
CommitDate: Tue Feb 26 17:01:33 2013 -0500
Fix spin-loop bug in k5_sendto_kdc
In the second part of the first pass over the
server list, we passed the wrong list pointer to
service_fds, causing it to see only a subset of
the server entries corresponding to sel_state.
This could cause service_fds to spin if an event
is reported on an fd not in the subset.
--cherry-picked from upstream by res
upstream commit 2b06a22f7fd8ec01fb27a7335125290b8…

Other operations that do this are git rebase and git filterbranch; like git cherry-pick, they too create new commits based

on existing ones.

Cryptographic Signature
A commit may also be signed using GnuPG, with:
$ git commit --gpg-sign[=keyid]

See “Cryptographic Keys” on page 37 regarding Git’s selection of
a key identifier.
A cryptographic signature binds the commit to a particular realworld personal identity attached to the key used for signing; it
verifies that the commit’s contents are the same now as they were
when that person signed it. The meaning of the signature, though,
is a matter of interpretation. If I sign a commit, it might mean
that I glanced at the diff; verified that the software builds; ran a
test suite; prayed to Cthulhu for a bug-free release; or did none
of these. Aside from being a convention among the users of the
repository, I can also put the intention of my signature in the
commit message; presumably, I will not sign a commit without
at least reading its message.



Chapter 1: Understanding Git

A tag serves to distinguish a particular commit by giving it a
human-readable name in a namespace reserved for this purpose.
Otherwise, commits are in a sense anonymous, normally referred
to only by their position along some branch, which changes with
time as the branch evolves (and may even disappear if the branch
is later deleted). The tag content consists of the name of the per‐
son making the tag, a timestamp, a reference to the commit being
tagged, and free-form text similar to a commit message.
A tag can have any meaning you like; often, it identifies a partic‐
ular software release, with a name like coolutil-1.0-rc2 and a
suitable message. You can cryptographically sign a tag just as you
can a commit, in order to verify the tag’s authenticity.

There are actually two kinds of tags in Git: “lightweight” and
“annotated.” This section refers to annotated tags, which are
represented as a separate kind of object in the repository
database. A lightweight tag is entirely different; it is simply
a name pointing directly to a commit (see the upcoming
section on refs to understand how such names work

Object IDs and SHA-1
A fundamental design element of Git is that the object store uses
content-based addressing. Some other systems assign identifiers
to their equivalent of commits that are relative to one another in
some way, and reflect the order in which commits were made.
For example, file revisions in CVS are dotted strings of numbers
such as, in which (usually) the numbers are simply coun‐
ters: they increment as you make changes or add branches. This
means that there is no instrinsic relationship between a revision

Object IDs and SHA-1



and its identifier; revision in someone else’s CVS repos‐
itory, if it exists, will almost certainly be different from yours.
Git, on the other hand, assigns object identifiers based on an ob‐
ject’s contents, rather than on its relationship to other objects,
using a mathematical technique called a hash function. A hash
function takes an arbitrary block of data and produces a sort of
fingerprint for it. The particular hash function Git uses, called
SHA-1, produces a 160-bit fixed-length value for any data object
you feed it, no matter how large.
The usefulness of hash-based object identifiers in Git depends on
treating the SHA-1 hash of an object as unique; we assume that
if two objects have the same SHA-1 fingerprint, then they are in
fact the same object. From this property flow a number of key
Single-instance store
Git never stores more than one copy of a file. It can’t—if you
add a second copy of the file, it will hash the file contents to
find its SHA-1 object ID, look in the database, and find that
it’s already there. This is also a consequence of the separation
of a file’s contents from its name. Trees map filenames onto
blobs in a separate step, to determine the contents of a par‐
ticular filename at any given commit, but Git does not con‐
sider the name or other properties of a file when storing it,
only its contents.
Efficient comparisons
As part of managing change, Git is constantly comparing
things: files against other files, changed files against existing
commits, as well as one commit against another. It compares
whole repository states, which might encompass hundreds
or thousands of files, but it does so with great efficiency be‐
cause of hashing. When comparing two trees, for example,
if it finds that two subtrees have the same ID, it can imme‐
diately stop comparing those portions of the trees, no matter
how many layers of directories and files might remain. Why?
We said earlier that a tree object contains “pointers” to its
child objects, either blobs or other trees. Well, those pointers


Chapter 1: Understanding Git

are the objects’ SHA-1 IDs. If two trees have the same ID,
then they have the same contents, which means they must
contain the same child object IDs, which means that in turn
those objects must also be the same! Inductively, we see im‐
mediately that in fact, the entire contents of the two trees
must be identical, if the uniqueness property assumed pre‐
viously holds.
Database sharing
Git repositories can share their object databases at any level
with impunity because there can be no aliasing; the binding
between an ID and the content to which it refers is immut‐
able. One repository cannot mess up another’s object store
by changing the data out from under it; in that sense, an
object store can only be expanded, not changed. We do still
have to worry about removing objects that another database
is using, but that’s a much easier problem to solve.
Much of the power of Git stems from content-based addressing
—but if you think for a moment, it’s based on a lie! We are claim‐
ing that the SHA-1 hash of a data object is unique, but that’s
mathematically impossible: because the hash function output has
a fixed length of 160 bits, there are exactly 2160 IDs—but infinitely
many potential data objects to hash. There have to be duplica‐
tions, called “hash collisions.” The whole system appears fatally
The solution to this problem lies in what constitutes a “good”
hash function, and the odd-sounding notion that while SHA-1
cannot be mathematically collision-free, it is what we might call
effectively so. For the practical purposes of Git, I’m not necessarily
concerned if there are in fact other files that might have the same
ID as one of mine; what really matters is whether any of those
files are at all likely to ever appear in my project, or in anyone
else’s. Maybe all the other files are over 10 trillion bytes long, or
will never match any program or text in any programming, ob‐
ject, or natural language ever invented by humanity. This is ex‐
actly a property (among others) that researchers endeavor to
build into hash functions: the relationship between changes in
Object IDs and SHA-1



the input and output is extremely sensitive and wildly
unpredictable. Changing a single bit in a file causes its SHA-1
hash to change radically, and flipping a different bit in that file,
or the same bit in a different file, will scramble the hash in a way
that has no recognizable relationship to the other changes. Thus,
it is not that SHA-1 hash collisions cannot happen—it is just that
we believe them to be so astronomically unlikely in practice that
we simply don’t care.
Of course, discussing precise mathematical topics in general
terms is fraught with hazard; this description is intended to com‐
municate the essence of why we rely upon SHA-1 to do its job,
not to prove anything rigorously or even to give justification for
these claims.

SHA-1 stands for “Secure Hash Algorithm 1,” and its name re‐
flects the fact that it was designed for use in cryptography. “Hash‐
ing” is a basic technique in computer science, with applications
to many areas besides security, including signal processing,
searching and sorting algorithms, and networking hardware. A
“cryptographically secure” hash function like SHA-1 has related
but distinct properties to those already mentioned with respect
to Git; it is not just extraordinarily unlikely that two distinct trees
arising in practice will produce the same commit ID, but it should
also be effectively impossible for someone to deliberately find two
such trees, or to find a second tree with the same ID as a given
one. These features make a hash function useful in security as
well as for more general purposes, since with them it can defend
against deliberate tampering as well as ordinary or accidental
changes to data.
Because SHA-1 is a cryptographic hash function, Git inherits
certain security properties from its use of SHA-1 as well as op‐
erational ones. If I tag a particular commit of security-sensitive
software, it is not feasible for an attacker to substitute a commit
with the same ID in which he has embedded a backdoor; as long
as I record the commit ID securely and compare it correctly, the
14 |

Chapter 1: Understanding Git

repository is tamper proof in this regard. As explained earlier, the
chained use of SHA-1 causes the tag’s ID to cover the entire con‐
tent of the tagged commit’s tree. The addition of GnuPG digital
signatures allows individuals to vouch for the contents of entire
repository states and history, in a way that is impractical to forge.
Cryptographic research is always ongoing, though, and comput‐
ing power increases every year; other hash functions such as MD5
that were once considered secure have been deprecated due to
such advances. We have developed more secure versions of SHA
itself, in fact, and as of this writing in early 2013, serious weak‐
nesses in SHA-1 have recently been discovered. The criteria used
to appraise hash functions for cryptographic use are very con‐
servative, so these weaknesses are more theoretical than practical
at the moment, but they are meaningful nonetheless. The good
news is that further cryptographic breaks of SHA-1 will not affect
the usefulness of Git as a version control system per se; that is,
make it more likely in practice that Git will treat distinct commits
as identical (that would be disastrous). They will affect the secu‐
rity properties Git enjoys as a result of using SHA-1, but those,
while important, are critical to a smaller number of people (and
those security goals can mostly be met in other ways if need be).
In any case, it will be possible to switch Git to using a different
hash function when it becomes necessary—and given the current
state of research, it would probably be wise to do that sooner
rather than later.

Where Objects Live
In a Git repository, objects are stored under .git/objects. They may
be stored individually as “loose” objects, one per file with path‐
names built from their object IDs:
$ find .git/objects -type f

Where Objects Live



They may also be collected into more compact data structures
called “packs,” which appear as paired .idx and .pack files:
$ ls .git/objects/pack/

Git automatically rearranges the object store over time to im‐
prove performance; for example, when it sees that there are many
loose objects, it automatically coalesces them into packs (though
you can do this by hand; see git-repack(1)). Don’t assume that
objects will be represented in any particular way; always use Git
commands to access the object database, rather than digging
around in .git yourself.

The Commit Graph
The collection of all commits in a repository forms what in math‐
ematics is called a graph: visually, a set of objects with lines drawn
between some pairs of them. In Git, the lines represent the com‐
mit parent relationship previously explained, and this structure
is called the “commit graph” of the repository.
Because of the way Git works, there is some extra structure to this
graph: the lines can be drawn with arrows pointing in one direc‐
tion because a commit refers to its parent, but not the other way
around (we’ll see later the necessity and significance of this).
Again using a mathematical term, this makes the graph “directed.”
The commit graph might be a simple linear history, as shown in
Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. A linear commit graph

Or a complex picture involving many branches and merges, as
shown in Figure 1-3.



Chapter 1: Understanding Git

Figure 1-3. A more complex commit graph

Those are the next topics we’ll touch on.

What’s a DAG?
Git, by design, will not ever produce a graph that contains a loop;
that is, a way to follow the arrows from one commit to another
so that you arrive at the same commit twice (think what that could
possibly mean in terms of a history of changes!). This is called
being “acyclic”: not having a cycle, or loop. Thus the commit graph
is technically a “directed acyclic graph,” or DAG for short.

Git defines two kinds of references, or named pointers, which it
calls “refs”:
• A simple ref, which points directly to an object ID (usually
a commit or tag)
• A symbolic ref (or symref), which points to another ref (ei‐
ther simple or symbolic)
These are analogous to “hard links” and “symbolic links” in a Unix
Git uses refs to name things, including commits, branches, and
tags. Refs inhabit a hierarchical namespace separated by slashes
(as with Unix filenames), starting at refs/. A new repository has



at least refs/tags/ and refs/heads/, to hold the names of tags
and local branches, respectively. There is also refs/remotes/,
holding names referring to other repositories; these contain be‐
neath them the ref namespaces of those repositories, and are used
in push and pull operations. For example, when you clone a
repository, Git creates a “remote” named origin referring to the
source repository.
There are various defaults, which means that you don’t often have
to refer to a ref by its full name; for example, in branch operations,
Git implicitly looks in refs/heads/ for the name you give.

Related Commands
These are low-level commands that directly display, change, or
delete refs. You don’t ordinarily need these, as Git usually handles
refs automatically as part of dealing with the objects they repre‐
sent, such as branches and tags. If you change refs directly, be
sure you know what you’re doing!
git show-ref

Display refs and the objects to which they refer
git symbolic-ref

Deals with symbolic refs specifically
git update-ref

Change the value of a ref
git for-each-ref

Apply an action to a set of refs



Chapter 1: Understanding Git

Refs often live in corresponding files and directories un‐
der .git/refs; however, don’t get in the habit of looking for
or changing them directly there, since there are cases in
which they are stored elsewhere (in “packs,” in fact, as with
objects), and changing one might involve other operations
you don’t know about. Always use Git commands to ma‐
nipulate refs.

A Git branch is the simplest thing possible: a pointer to a commit,
as a ref. Or rather, that is its implementation; the branch itself is
defined as all points reachable in the commit graph from the
named commit (the “tip” of the branch). The special ref HEAD
determines what branch you are on; if HEAD is a symbolic ref
for an existing branch, then you are “on” that branch. If, on the
other hand, HEAD is a simple ref directly naming a commit by
its SHA-1 ID, then you are not “on” any branch, but rather in
“detached HEAD” mode, which happens when you check out
some earlier commit to examine. Let’s see:
# HEAD points to the master branch
$ git symbolic-ref HEAD
# Git agrees; I’m on the master branch.
$ git branch
* master
# Check out a tagged commit, not at a branch tip.
$ git checkout mytag
Note: checking out 'mytag'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state...
# Confirmed: HEAD is no longer a symbolic ref.
$ git symbolic-ref HEAD
fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref




# What is it? A commit ID...
$ git rev-parse HEAD
# ... which matches the commit referred to by the
# tag.
$ git rev-parse mytag^{commit}
# Git agrees; we’re not on any branch.
$ git branch
* (no branch)

The HEAD commit is also often referred to as the “current” com‐
mit. If you are on a branch, it may also be called the “last” or “tip”
commit of the branch.
A branch evolves over time; thus, if you are on the branch mas‐
ter and make a commit, Git does the following:
1. Creates a new commit with your changes to the repository
2. Makes the commit at the current tip of the master branch
the parent of the new commit
3. Adds the new commit to the object store
4. Changes the master branch (specifically, the ref refs/
heads/master) to point to the new commit
In other words, Git adds the new commit to the end of the branch
using the commit’s parent pointer, and advances the branch ref
to the new commit.
Note a few consequences of this model:
• Considered individually, a commit is not intrinsically a part
of any branch. There is nothing in the commit itself to tell
you by name which branches it is or may once have been



Chapter 1: Understanding Git

on; branch membership is a consequence of the commit
graph and the current branch pointers.
• “Deleting” a branch means simply deleting the correspond‐
ing ref; it has no immediate effect on the object store. In
particular, deleting a branch does not delete any commits.
What it may do, however, is make certain commits unin‐
teresting, in that they are no longer on any branch (that is,
no longer reachable in the commit graph from any branch
tip or tag). If this state persists, Git will eventually remove
such commits from the object store as part of garbage col‐
lection. Until that happens, though, if you have an aban‐
doned commit’s ID you can still directly access it perfectly
well by its SHA-1 name; the Git reflog (git log -g) is useful
in this regard.
• By this definition, a branch can include more than just
commits made while on that branch; it also contains com‐
mits from branches that flow into this one via an earlier
merge. For example: here, the branch topic was merged into
master at commit C, then both branches continued to
evolve separately, as shown in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4. A simple merge

At this point, git log on the master branch shows not only com‐
mits A through D as you would expect, but also commits 1 and
2, since they are also reachable from D via C. This may be sur‐
prising, but it’s just a different way of defining the idea of a branch:
as the set of all commits that contributed content to the latest
commit. You can generally get the effect of looking “only at the
history of this branch”—even though that’s not really well defined
—with git log --first-parent.



The Index
The Git “index” often seems a bit mysterious to people: some
invisible, ineffable place where changes are “staged” until they’re
committed. The talk about “staging changes” in the index also
suggests that it holds only changes, as if it were a collection of
diffs waiting to be applied. The truth is different and quite simple,
and critical to grasp in order to understand Git well. The index
is an independent data structure, separate from both your work‐
ing tree and from any commit. It is simply a list of file pathnames
together with associated attributes, usually including the ID of a
blob in the object database holding the data for a version of that
file. You can see the current contents of the index with git lsfiles:
$ git ls-files --abbrev
100644 2830ea0b 0
100644 a4d2acee 0
100644 ce30ff91 0
100644 236d5f93 0


The --stage option means to show just the index; git lsfiles can show various combinations and subsets of the index

and your working tree, generally. If you were to delete or change
any of the listed files in your working tree, this would not affect
the output of this command at all; it’s not looking at them. Key
facts about the index:
• The index is the implicit source of the content for a normal
commit. When you use git commit (without supplying
specific pathnames), you might think that it creates the new
commit based on your working files. It does not; instead,
it simply realizes the current index as a new tree object, and
makes the new commit from that. This is why you need to
“stage” a changed file in the index with git add in order for
it to be part of the next commit.
• The index does not just contain changes to be made on the
next commit; it is the next commit, a complete catalog of


Chapter 1: Understanding Git

the files that will be included in the tree of the next commit
(recall that each commit refers to a tree object that is a
complete snapshot of the repository content). When you
check out a branch, Git resets the index to match the tip
commit of that branch; you then modify the index with
commands such as git add/mv/rm to indicate changes to
be part of the next commit.
• git add does not just note in the index that a file has
changed; it actually adds the current file content to the ob‐
ject database as a new blob, and updates the index entry for
that file to refer to that blob. This is why git commit is
always fast, even if you’re making lots of changes: all the
actual data has already been stored by preceding git add
An implication of this behavior that occasionally confuses
people is that if you change a file, git add it, then change
it again, it is the version you last added to the index, not the
one in your working tree, that is part of the next commit.
git status shows this explicitly, by listing the same file as
having both “changes to be committed” and “changes not
staged for commit.”
• Similar to git commit, git diff without arguments also
has the index as an implicit operand; it shows the differ‐
ences between your working tree and the index, rather than
the current commit. Initially these are the same, as the in‐
dex matches the last commit after a clean checkout or com‐
mit. As you make changes to your working files, these show
up in the output of git diff, then disappear as you add the
corresponding files. The idea is that git diff shows
changes not yet staged for commit, so you can see what you
have yet to deal with (or have deliberately not included) as
you prepare the next commit. git diff --staged shows the
opposite: the differences between the index and the current
commit (that is, the changes that are about to be

The Index



Merging is the complement of branching in version control: a
branch allows you to work simultaneously with others on a par‐
ticular set of files, whereas a merge allows you to later combine
separate work on two or more branches that diverged earlier from
a common ancestor commit. Here are two common merge
1. You are working by yourself on a software project. You
decide to explore refactoring your code in a certain way, so
you make a branch named refactor off of the master branch.
You can make any changes you like on the refactor branch
without disturbing the main line of development.
After a while, you’re happy with the refactoring you’ve done
and want to keep it, so you switch to the master branch and
run git merge refactor. Git applies the changes you’ve
made on both branches since they diverged, asking for your
help in resolving any conflicts, then commits the result. You
delete the refactor branch, and move on.
2. You have been working on the master branch of a cloned
repository and have made several commits over a day or
two. You then run git pull to update your clone with the
latest work committed to the origin repository. It happens
that others have also committed to the origin master
branch in the meantime, so Git performs an automatic
merge of master and origin/master and commits this to
your master branch. You can then continue with your work
or push to the origin repository now that you have incor‐
porated its latest changes with your own. See “Push and
Pull” on page 26.
There are two aspects to merging in Git: content and history.



Chapter 1: Understanding Git

Merging Content
What it means to successfully “merge” two or more sets of
changes to the same file depends on the nature of the contents.
Git will try to merge automatically, and often call it a success if
the two changesets altered non-overlapping portions of the file.
Whether you will call that a success, however, is a different ques‐
tion. If the file is chapter three of your next novel, then perhaps
such a merge would be fine if you were making minor grammar
and style corrections. If you were reworking the plot line, on the
other hand, the results could be less useful—perhaps you added
a paragraph on one branch that depends on details contained in
a later paragraph that was deleted on another branch. Even if the
contents are programming source code, such a merge is not
guaranteed to be useful. You could change two separate subrou‐
tines in a way that causes them to fail when actually used; they
might now make incompatible assumptions about some shared
data structure, for example. Git doesn’t even check to see that
your code still compiles; that’s up to you.
Within these limitations, though, Git has very sophisticated
mechanisms for presenting merge conflicts and helping you to
resolve them. It is optimized for the most common use case:
line-oriented textual data, often in computer programming lan‐
guages. It has different strategies and options for determining
“matching” portions of files, which you can use when the defaults
don’t produce adequate results. You can interactively choose sets
of changes to apply, skip, or further edit. To handle complex
merges, Git works smoothly with external merge tools such as
araxis, emerge, and kdiff, or with custom merge tools you write

Merging History
When Git has done what it can automatically, and you have re‐
solved any remaining conflicts, it’s time to commit the result. If
we just make a commit to the current branch as usual, though,
we’ve lost critical information: the fact that a merge occurred at
all, and which branches were involved. You might remember to



include this information in the commit message, but it’s best not
to depend on that; more importantly, Git needs to know about
the merge in order to do a good job of merging in the future.
Otherwise, the next time you merge the same branches (say, to
periodically update one with continuing changes on the other),
Git won’t know which changes have already been merged and
which are new. It may end up flagging as conflicts changes you
have already considered and handled, or automatically applying
changes you previously decided to discard.
The way Git records the fact of a merge is very simple. Recall from
“The Object Store” on page 6 that a commit has a list of zero or
more “parent commits.” The initial commit in a repository has
no parents, and a simple commit to a branch has just one. When
you commit as part of a merge, Git lists the tip commits of all
branches involved in the merge as the parents of the new commit.
This is in fact the definition of a “merge commit”: a commit hav‐
ing more than one parent. This information, recorded as part of
the commit graph, allows visualization tools to detect and display
merges in a helpful and unambiguous way. It also lets Git find an
appropriate base version for comparison in later merging of the
same or related branches when they have diverged again, avoid‐
ing the duplication mentioned earlier; this is called the “merge

Push and Pull
You use the commands git pull and git push to update the state
of one repository from that of another. Usually, one of these re‐
positories was cloned from the other; in this context, git pull
updates my clone with recent work added to the original repos‐
itory, whereas git push contributes my work in the other
There is sometimes confusion over the relationship between a
repository and the one from which it was cloned. We’re told that
all repositories are equal, yet there seems to be an asymmetry in
the original/clone relationship. Pulling automatically updates
this repository from the original, so how interconnected are they?


Chapter 1: Understanding Git

Will the clone still be usable if the original goes away? Are there
branches in my repository that are somehow pointers to content
in another repository? If so, that doesn’t sound as if they’re truly
Fortunately, as with most things in Git, the situation is actually
very simple; we just need to precisely define the terms at hand.
The central thing to remember is that with regard to content, a
repository consists of two things: an object store and a set of refs
—that is, a commit graph and a set of branch names and tags that
call out those commits that are of interest. When you clone a
repository, such as with git clone server:dir/repo, here’s what
Git does:
1. Creates a new repository.
2. Adds a remote named “origin” to refer to the repository
being cloned in .git/config:
[remote "origin"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url = server:dir/repo

The fetch value here, called a refspec, specifies a corre‐
spondence between sets of refs in the two repositories: the
pattern on the left side of the colon names refs in the re‐
mote, and the spec indicates with the pattern on the right
side where the corresponding refs should appear in the lo‐
cal repository. In this case, it means: “Keep copies of the
branch refs of the remote origin in its local namespace in
this repository, refs/remotes/origin/.”
3. Runs git fetch origin, which updates our local refs for
the remote’s branches (creating them in this case), and asks
the remote to send any objects we need to complete the
history for those refs (in the case of this new repository, all
of them).
4. Finally, Git checks out the remote’s current branch (its
HEAD ref), leaving you with a working tree to look at. You

Push and Pull



can select a different initial branch to check out with

--branch, or suppress the checkout entirely with -n.

Suppose we know the other repository has two branches, mas‐
ter and beta. Having cloned it, we see:
$ git branch
* master

Very well, we’re on the master branch, but where’s the beta
branch? It appears to be missing until we use the --all switch:
$ git branch --all
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

Aha! There it is. This makes some sense: we have copies of the
refs for both branches in the origin repository, just where the
origin refspec says they should be, and there is also the HEAD
ref from the origin, which told Git the default branch to check
out. The curious thing now is: what is this duplicate master
branch, outside of origin, that is the one we’re actually on? And
why did we have to give an extra option to see all these in the first
The answer lies in the purpose of the origin refs: they’re called
remote-tracking refs, and they are markers showing us the current
state of those branches on the remote (as of the last time we
checked in with the remote via fetch or pull). In adding to the
master branch, you don’t want to actually directly update your
tracking branch with a commit of your own; then it would no
longer reflect the remote repository state (and on your next pull,
it would just discard your additions by resetting the tracking
branch to match the remote). So, Git created a new branch with
the same name in your local namespace, starting at the same
commit as the remote branch:
$ git show-ref --abbrev master
d2e46a81 refs/heads/master
d2e46a81 refs/remotes/origin/master



Chapter 1: Understanding Git

The abbreviated SHA-1 values on the left are the commit IDs;
note that they are the same, and recall that refs/heads/ is the
implicit namespace for local branches. Now, as you add to your
master branch, it will diverge from the remote master, which re‐
flects the actual state of affairs.
The final piece here is the behavior of your local master branch
in regard to the remote. Your intention is presumably to share
your work with others as an update to their master branches; also,
you’d like to keep abreast of changes made to this branch in the
remote while you’re working. To that end, Git has added some
configuration for this branch in .git/config:
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master

This means that when you use git pull while on this branch, Git
will automatically attempt to merge in any changes made to the
corresponding remote branch since the last pull. This configu‐
ration affects the behavior of other commands as well, including
fetch, push, and rebase.
Finally, Git has a special convenience for git checkout if you try
to check out a branch that doesn’t exist, but a corresponding
branch does exist as part of a remote. It will automatically set up
a local branch by the same name with the upstream configuration
just demonstrated. For example:
$ git checkout beta
Branch beta set up to track remote branch beta from
origin. Switched to a new branch 'beta'
$ git branch --all
* beta
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

Push and Pull



Having explained remote-tracking branches, we can now say
succinctly what the push and pull operations do:
git pull

Runs git fetch on the remote for the current branch, up‐
dating the remote’s local tracking refs and obtaining any new
objects needed to complete the history of those refs: that is,
all commits, tags, trees, and blobs reachable from the new
branch tips. Then it tries to update the current local branch
to match the corresponding branch in the remote. If only
one side has added content to the branch, then this will suc‐
ceed, and is called a fast-forward update since one ref is sim‐
ply moved forward along the branch to catch up with the
If both sides have committed to the branch, however, then
Git has to do something to incorporate both versions of the
branch history into one shared version. By default, this is a
merge: Git merges the remote branch into the local one,
producing a new commit that refers to both sides of the his‐
tory via its parent pointers. Another possibility is to rebase
instead, which attempts to rewrite your divergent commits
as new ones at the tip of the updated remote branch (see
“Pull with Rebase” on page 89).
git push

Attempts to update the corresponding branch in the remote
with your local state, sending any objects the remote needs
to complete the new history. This will fail if the update would
be non–fast-forward as described earlier (i.e., would cause
the remote to discard history), and Git will suggest that you
first pull in order to resolve the discrepancies and produce
an acceptable update.

30 |

Chapter 1: Understanding Git

1. It should be clear from this description that nothing about
the remote-tracking branches ties the operation of your
repository to the remote. Each is just a branch in your
repository like any other branch, a ref pointing to a par‐
ticular commit. They are only “remote” in their intention:
they track the state of corresponding branches in the re‐
mote, and they are periodically updated via git pull.
2. It can be momentarily confusing if you clone a repository,
use git log on a branch you know is in the remote, and it
fails—because you don’t have a local branch by that name
(yet); it’s only in the remote. You don’t have to check it out
and set up a local branch just to examine it, though; you
can specify the remote-tracking branch by name: git log
3. A repository can have any number of remotes, set up at any
time; see git-remote(1). If the original repository you
cloned from is no longer valid, you can fix the URL by
editing .git/config or with git remote set-url, or remove
it entirely with git remote rm (which will remove the cor‐
responding remote-tracking branches as well).

Push and Pull




Getting Started

In this chapter, you’ll get started working with Git by setting your
defaults and preferences, and learn the basics of creating a repos‐
itory and adding initial content to it.

Basic Configuration
Before starting in with Git, you’ll want to set a few basic param‐
eters using git config. This command reads and changes Git
configuration at the repository, personal, or system level. Your
personal Git configuration is in ~/.gitconfig; this is a plain-text
file, which you can edit directly as well, if you like. Its format is
called INI style (after a file extension commonly used for it,
though not by Git), and is divided into sections, like so:
name = Richard E. Silverman
ui = auto # overall default for color usage
[mergetool "ediff"]
trustExitCode = true

Comments are introduced with a hash sign (#) as shown, as is
common in Unix configuration files. The parameters have full


names qualified by the section in which they appear using a dot;
for example, the parameters mentioned in this example are:
• color.ui
• mergetool.ediff.trustExitCode
You use these names when reading or setting parameters with

git config, rather than editing the file yourself. To set a param‐
eter with git config:
$ git config --{local,global,system} parameter value

If you give this command when your current directory is inside
a Git repository, it implies --local, and it will change the
configuration for that repository only, in the file .git/config.
Otherwise, the default is --global, which applies to your overall
personal Git configuration in ~/.gitconfig. The --system option
changes the system-wide configuration on the machine you’re
logged into, which applies to all users; its location may vary, but
is usually /etc/gitconfig. This file is usually writable only by a sys‐
tem administrator, so you’d need to be root to run this command
to make a change. It’s not common to do that anyway; usually this
file would be maintained separately, perhaps using a configura‐
tion management system such as Puppet or Chef.
Git reads these three configurations, each if available, in the order
system, global, then local. Settings made in a later configuration
override those from an earlier one so that, for example, you can
set your normal email address with --global but change it for
commits made in a specific repository if you use a different ad‐
dress when corresponding about that work.
Parameters that take Boolean (yes/no) values can be given as yes/

no, true/false, or on/off.

See git-config(1) for more detail on the format of the configura‐
tion files, its many parameters (some mentioned in this text and
some not), and other uses of git config, such as querying the
current setting of a parameter.


Chapter 2: Getting Started

Personal Identification
Git will guess your name and email address from the environ‐
ment, but those may vary from one computer to another and may
not be what you want. To set them:
$ git config --global "Richard E. Silverman"
$ git config --global

If you use the same ~/.gitconfig in multiple contexts, say at home
and at work, then this may be inconvenient. Git will take your
email address from the EMAIL environment variable before re‐
sorting to a guess, so you can leave it out of your Git configuration
and set EMAIL appropriately in the different contexts, usually with
your shell startup files, such as .bashrc, .profile, .cshrc, and so on.
There are other environment variables for finer control as well,
such as GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL; these refer
to the fact that Git maintains a distinction between the author of
a change and the person who committed it. See git-committree(1) for details, as well as “Defining Your Own Formats” on
page 130.

Text Editor
When you use git commit, you supply some free-form text, which
is included in the commit; this is the “commit message.” You can
give this on the command line with the -m switch, but you can
also use your favorite text editor to compose the message instead.
If you omit the -m switch, Git starts a text editor to let you write
your message. The default editor varies by platform; on Unix, it
is the ubiquitous vi. You can customize this with the environment
variables GIT_EDITOR, EDITOR, or VISUAL (the latter two are re‐
spected by many other Unix programs as well), or by setting
core.editor. For example (reflecting the author’s predilections):
$ git config --global core.editor emacs

Git uses the first of these variables it finds in the order given.

Basic Configuration



Commit ID Abbreviation
When referring directly to an object identifier, it is usually not
necessary to quote the entire 40-character hexadecimal SHA-1
value; any initial substring unique to the current context will do.
You can tell Git to abbreviate commit IDs generally with:
$ git config --global log.abbrevCommit yes
$ git config --global core.abbrev 8

This improves readability in various places, especially in log out‐
put such as:
$ git log --pretty=oneline
222433ee Update draft release notes to 1.7.10
2fa91bd3 Merge branch 'maint'
70eb1307 Documentation: do not assume that n -> 1 in …

where the commit messages would otherwise be pushed halfway
off the screen to the right by the full identifiers. core.abbrev is
the length of the shortened identifiers in digits; the default is 7 in
most cases. To see the full identifiers as a per-command excep‐
tion, use --no-abbrev-commit. Note that when you’re quoting
commit IDs in a public or “for the record” context, it may be best
to use the full ID, to avoid any future ambiguities.

Git will automatically pipe output from many commands such
as git log and git status to less(1) for pagination; you can select
a different program with the core.pager variable (or the envi‐
ronment variable GIT_PAGER), and disable pagination entirely by
setting this to be simply cat (or something equivalently trans‐
parent). You can control pagination on a per-command basis by
setting a Boolean pager.command, e.g., pager.status for git sta
tus (this can also be the name of the pager program to use for
this specific command). You may also want to read the gitconfig(1) section on core.pager, which discusses specific things
Git does with the LESS environment variable to affect the behavior
of less(1).


Chapter 2: Getting Started

Many Git commands, including diff, log, and branch, can use
color to help you interpret their output, but these options are
mostly off by default. To enable the use of color generally, set:
$ git config --global color.ui auto

(ui stands for “user interface.”) This will turn on most color op‐
tions when Git is talking to a terminal (tty/pty device). You can
then turn off color for individual commands if you prefer; for
example, to disable it for git branch (but leave it on for other
$ git config --global color.branch no

Git’s use of color is very configurable, down to defining new color
names, specifying terminal control sequences, and using color in
custom log formats. See git-config(1) and git-log(1) for details.

Cryptographic Keys
Git can use GnuPG (“gpg”) to cryptographically sign tags and
commits in order to verify the authenticity of sensitive assertions
such as, “This tagged commit contains the version 3.0 source
code.” See “git tag” on page 191 for more on signing tags. By default,
Git passes your name and email address to GnuPG to select the
signing key. If the combination of your Git and GnuPG settings
doesn’t select the correct key, you can set it explicitly with:
$ git config --global user.signingkey 6B4FB2D0

You can use any key identifier GnuPG supports; 6B4FB2D0 hap‐
pens to be an ID for the author’s personal key. You can also use
one of the email addresses bound to the key you want, if it’s unique
among your keys.

Basic Configuration



Command Aliases
Most systems provide a way to abbreviate long commands with
user-defined command aliases; for instance, using alias in your
Unix bash shell startup file ~/.bashrc. Git has its own internal alias
system as well, which may be more convenient. This command:
$ git config --global alias.cp cherry-pick

defines git cp as an alias for git cherry-pick. An exclamation
point means to pass the alias definition to the shell, letting you
use more complex aliases; for example, this definition in ~/.git‐
setup = ! "git init; git add .; git commit"

defines an alias git setup, which sets up a new repository using
the contents of the current directory.
More generally, whenever you type git something, if something
is not a built-in command or defined alias, Git searches its in‐
stallation path (often /usr/lib/git-core) and then your own search
path for a program named git-something. So, you can make your
own Git command git foo just by placing a program in an exe‐
cutable file named git-foo somewhere on your personal path
(usually, the value of the PATH environment variable).

Getting Help
You can get help with a Git command or feature using Git itself,
for example:
$ git help commit

This displays the documentation for the command git commit.
On Unix systems, this documentation is available via the usual
manpage system as well; this is equivalent:
$ man git-commit



Chapter 2: Getting Started

• git-init(1)
• git-commit-tree(1)
• git-config(1)
• git-log(1) [“Pretty Formats”]

Creating a New, Empty Repository
The command:
$ git init directory

creates the argument directory if needed, and a directory
named .git inside it holding a new, empty Git repository. Aside
from the repository itself in .git, that directory will hold the
working tree: copies of the files and directories under version
control that you will edit. The .git directory holds the files and
data structures that form the repository itself, including the da‐
tabase of all historical revisions of all project files. Unlike CVS
and (until recently) Subversion, there is no control directory in
each directory of the working tree (CVS and .svn); there is just
the one .git directory at the top of the project tree.
The default with no argument is the current directory; that is, a
simple git init creates a new .git in the current directory.
git init is a safe command. It will not remove any existing files

in the target directory, the usual pattern being that you are about
to add those files to the new repository. It will also not damage
an existing repository, even though it gives a somewhat heartstopping message about “reinitializing” if you do it; all this ac‐
tually does is make some administrative updates, such as picking
up new templates for “hook” scripts made available by the system
administrator (see “Git Hooks” on page 196).

Creating a New, Empty Repository



Selected Options

Creates a “bare” repository; that is, one without an associ‐
ated working tree. The internal repository files that would
otherwise be inside .git are instead created in the target di‐
rectory itself, and certain repository options are set differ‐
ently, principally core.bare = yes. A bare repository usually
serves as a point of coordination for a centralized workflow,
in which several people push and pull from that repository
rather than directly among themselves; no one works with
the bare copy directly.

Sets group ownership, file permissions, and options to sup‐
port multiple Unix accounts pushing into a non-bare repos‐
itory. The normal expectation is that if someone wants to
send you an update to a project you’re both working on, she
will ask you to pull from her repository, so that one way or
another you are the only person who ever actually modifies
your repository. The usual file permissions reflect this, al‐
lowing only you to modify the repository files. The --shared
option arranges permissions to allow others in a common
Unix group to push directly into your repository, as well as
pull from it. There are several settings for this option, ma‐
nipulating the details of group ownership, file permissions,
interactions with people’s umask settings, and so on; see gitinit(1) for details.
This arrangement isn’t much used, though; ordinarily you
and your coworker would simply pull from one another’s
repositories into your own, or push to a shared bare repos‐
itory. Pushing into a nonbare repository is awkward, be‐
cause it will fail if you try to push the branch that is currently
checked out in the remote (since that could invalidate the
remote’s working tree and index at any moment). A bare
repository doesn’t have a working tree or index (since no
one is using it directly), and so does not have this limitation.



Chapter 2: Getting Started

Though the repository is usually stored in a directory
named .git at the top of the working tree, there are ways to
locate it elsewhere: you can use git --git-dir directory
to refer explicitly to another loction, or set the environment
variable GIT_DIR. For simplicity and to match the common
case, we will generally just refer to .git when talking about
the repository directory.

Importing an Existing Project
These commands create a new repository and add all content in
the current directory to it:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Begin Project Foo!'

To illustrate:
$ cd hello
$ ls -l
total 12
-rw-r----- 1 res res
50 Mar 4 19:54 README
-rw-r----- 1 res res 127 Mar 4 19:53 hello.c
-rw-r----- 1 res res
27 Mar 4 19:53 hello.h
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /u/res/hello/.git/
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Begin Project Foo!'
[master (root-commit) cb9c236f] Begin Project Foo!
3 files changed, 13 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 README
create mode 100644 hello.c
create mode 100644 hello.h

This creates a new Git repository .git in the current directory, and
adds the contents of the entire directory tree rooted there to the
repository as the initial commit on a new branch named master:

Importing an Existing Project



$ git branch
* master
$ git log --stat
commit cb9c236f
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Sun Mar 4 19:57:45 2012 -0500
Begin Project Foo!
3 +++
hello.c |
7 +++++++
hello.h |
3 +++
3 files changed, 13 insertions(+)

In more detail: git add . adds the current directory to the (ini‐
tially empty) index; this includes files as well as directories and
their contents, and so on, recursively. git commit then creates a
new tree object capturing the current state of the index, as well
as a commit object with your comment text, personal identifica‐
tion, the current time, and so on, pointing to that tree. It records
these in the object database, and then finally sets the master
branch to the new commit; that is, makes the ref refs/heads/
master point to the new commit ID:
$ git log --pretty=oneline
cb9c236f Begin Project Foo!
$ git show-ref master
cb9c236f refs/heads/master

git log shows the ID of the most recent (and right now only)
commit, and git show-ref master shows the commit ID cur‐
rently referred to by the branch master; you can see that they are
the same.

Ignoring Files
While you’re working on a project, you may have files in your
working directory that you want Git to simply ignore. If it’s a
small project in an interpreted language, this may not happen so
much, but it’s definitely an issue for projects that produce
compiled code of any sort, or use tools like autoconf, or generate
documentation automatically in various formats. Such files


Chapter 2: Getting Started

object code
*.o, *.so, *.a, *.dll, *.exe
*.jar (Java), *.elc (Emacs Lisp), *.pyc (Python)
toolchain artifacts
config.log, config.status, aclocal.m4,, config.h
Generally speaking, anything that is automatically generated you
probably don’t want tracked by Git, and you don’t want Git con‐
stantly including them in listings or complaining about them ei‐
ther. Git looks at three different kinds of files to determine what
to ignore, in order:
1. Files named .gitignore in your working tree. This is just
another file to Git as far as content is concerned—it will list
it as “untracked” if it’s present but not in the repository—
and so you normally add it to the repository content; thus,
if this is shared work, you should only put things there that
make sense for other people to ignore as well. You can ac‐
tually put .gitignore in a .gitignore file, and cause it to
ignore itself. All .gitignore files in the current and contain‐
ing directories in the repository are read, with rules in files
closer to the current directory overriding those in files far‐
ther away.
2. The per-repository file .git/info/exclude. This is part of your
repository configuration, but not part of the repository
content, so unlike a tracked .gitignore file, it is not auto‐
matically foisted upon people who clone your project. This
is a good place to put things you find convenient to ignore
for this project, but about which others might disagree (or
if you simply decide not to use .gitignore files as a matter of
policy, to avoid confusion).
3. A file named by the configuration variable core.excludes
file, if you set it. You might do this:
$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Ignoring Files



and keep a set of ignore patterns there that you want Git to always
observe. That’s assuming your home directory is not itself inside
a Git repository, of course, in which case you might want to name
the file something else (and ask yourself if you don’t perhaps like
Git just a bit too much).

Syntax of “Ignore Patterns”
See gitignore(5) for precise details; generally speaking, an ignore
file uses shell “glob” patterns and comments in the following
fashion. Note the use of the exclamation point to introduce a
negated pattern, overriding subcases of an earlier pattern. Git
reads all patterns in a file to determine the disposition of a given
path, rather than stopping at the first match, and the last matching
line is the one that applies:
# Ignore this specific file in a subdirectory.
# Ignore this specific file in the current directory.
# (not “./”)
## Patterns without slashes apply everywhere in this
## directory and below.
# Ignore individual objects and object archives
# (*.o and *.a).
# Ignore shared objects...
# ... but don't ignore this file, or my boyfriend
# will complain.
# Ignore any directories named “temp,” but still
# notice regular files and symbolic links with
# that name.



Chapter 2: Getting Started

In .git/info/exclude or your core.excludesfile, the “current direc‐
tory” indicated earlier is the top of the working tree.
Note that all this applies only to untracked files; you cannot tell
Git to ignore changes to a tracked file this way. The command
git update-index --assume-unchanged is useful for that.

Shell “globs” are simple patterns, not as powerful as regular
expressions; Git uses them to indicate sets of files and refs.
There are many slightly different versions of the glob syntax,
as it has been around for a long time; the one used in Git is
documented in the fnmatch(3) and glob(3) manpages. Sim‐
ply put: * matches a sequence of characters not contain‐
ing /; ? matches a single character (again not /); and [abc]
matches one character, which must be either a, b, or c.

Ignoring Files




Making Commits

This chapter explains how to make changes to your repository
content: add, edit, and remove files; manipulate the index; and
commit changes.

Changing the Index
When you run git commit, without arguments or options, Git
adds the contents of the index as a new commit on the current
branch. So before committing, you add to the index those
changes you want to commit. This can skip some changes you’ve
made to your working files, if you’re not ready to commit those

git commit 
Giving a specific filename to git commit works differently:
it ignores the index, and commits just the changes to that

Adding a New File
$ git add filename

This is suitably mnemonic, but note the next command.

Adding the Changes to an Existing File
$ git add filename

Yes, this is the same command. In both cases, Git adds the current
working file contents to the object database as a new blob-type
object (assuming it’s not already there), and notes the change in
the index. If the file is new, then this will be a new index entry; if
not, just an updated one pointing to the new object (or with
changed attributes, such as permissions)—but it’s essentially the
same operation to Git. A file is “new” if its pathname is not in the
index, usually meaning it was not part of the last commit; this is
what causes git status to note a file as “untracked” prior to your
adding it (files in the index are called “tracked,” and they are the
ones Git cares about, generally speaking).
The filename can be a directory, in which case Git adds all new
files and changes to tracked files under that directory.

Adding Partial Changes
$ git add -p

You can also add only some of the changes you’ve made to a file,
using git add --patch (-p). This starts an interactive loop in
which you can select portions of the changes you’ve made and
skip others. When you’re done, Git adds to the index versions of
the relevant files with only those changes applied to them. git
status reports this situation by listing the same file under both
“changes not staged for commit” and “changes to be committed,”
since the file now has a mix of both.
This is an important feature, since it helps you to make wellfactored commits. When you’re done with some editing and
ready to commit, you may realize that you’ve made changes that
ought to be represented by more than one commit; perhaps
you’ve fixed two bugs in the same file, or tidied up some unrelated
comments while you were at it. git add -p allows you to con‐
veniently split the work up into separate commits.



Chapter 3: Making Commits

The interactive loop has a number of options with integrated help
(use “?”), but note particularly the s command to split a set of
changes, called a “hunk,” into smaller changes (if Git’s initial
analysis glues together pieces you want separated), and the e
command, which allows you to edit hunks yourself. If you set the
interactive.singlekey Git configuration variable, you can use
single keystrokes for these commands and skip typing return af‐
ter each.
Just running git add -p with no arguments will let you examine
all files with unstaged changes (unlike just git add, which re‐
quires an argument or option to tell it what to add). You can also
specify particular files to consider as arguments.
git add -p is actually a special case of git add --interactive
(-i). The latter starts at a higher level, allowing you to view status,

add untracked files, revert to the HEAD version, select files to
patch, etc.; git add -p just jumps straight to the “patch” sub‐
command of git add -i.

git add -u

Include all files in the current index; this includes changed
and deleted files, but not new ones.
git add -A

Include all filenames in the index and in the working tree;
this stages new files as well. This is useful if you are importing
a new version of code from another source not in Git, tra‐
ditionally called a “vendor branch.” You would replace your
working tree with the unpacked new code, then use git add
-A to stage all changes, additions, and deletions necessary to
commit the new version. Add -f to include normally ignor‐
ed files.

Removing a File
$ git rm filename

Changing the Index



This does two things:
1. Deletes the file’s entry from the index, scheduling it for re‐
moval in the next commit
2. Deletes the working file as well, as with rm filename
If you happen to delete the working file yourself first, that’s no
problem; Git won’t care. Removing it from the index is what
matters; deleting the working copy afterward is just being tidy.
In both cases, git status will show the file as deleted; the dif‐
ference will be whether it is listed under “changes not staged for
commit” (if you just deleted the working file), or “changes to be
committed” (if you used git rm).
git rm on a file not yet under version control won’t work, though;
just use rm.

Renaming a File
Renaming a file or moving a directory in Git is simple, using the

git mv command:

$ git mv foo bar

This is actually just a shortcut for renaming the working file out‐
side Git, then using git add on the new name:
$ mv foo bar
$ git add bar

Renaming is a thorny topic in version control generally. Renam‐
ing a file is in a sense equivalent to deleting that file and creating
a new one with a different name and the same contents—but that
might also occur without your meaning to rename anything, if
the new file just happens to coincide with the old one. The dis‐
tinction is one of intent, and so must be represented separately
by the system if it is to be captured at all. And it can be quite
important to do so, because people generally want the history of
a renamed file to be preserved; by even calling what we’ve done
“renaming,” we are implicitly saying that this is really “the same
file, just with a different name.” We don’t want to lose the history
50 |

Chapter 3: Making Commits

just because we changed the name. Which begs the question: just
what is a “file,” anyway? Is it just the content? No, because we track
changes to content to the same file over time. Is it just the name?
No, because sometimes we want to “rename” the file, which con‐
siders the content to be primary and the name secondary. The
truth is that there is no single answer to this question, since it
depends on the user’s wishes in a particular situation—and so it
is hard to design a single system to accommodate it, and systems
vary in how they do so. CVS does not handle renaming at all.
Subversion has explicit renaming: it represents a rename opera‐
tion separately from a delete/create pair. This has some advan‐
tages, but also engenders considerable complexity in the system
to support it.
Git’s approach is to not track renaming explicitly, but rather to
infer it from combinations of name and content changes;
content-based addressing makes this particularly easy and at‐
tractive as a matter of implementation. Git doesn’t have a “re‐
name” function internally at all; as indicated, git mv is just a
shortcut. If you run git status after the first command earlier,
you’ll see what you’d expect: Git shows foo as deleted, and the
new file bar as untracked. If you do it after the git add, though,
you see just one annotation: renamed: foo -> bar. Git sees that
the file for a particular index entry has been removed from disk,
while a new entry has appeared with a different filename—but
the same object ID, and hence the same contents. It can also con‐
sider renaming relative to a less strict notion of file equivalence
—that is, if a new file is sufficiently similar to one that’s been
deleted rather than 100% identical (see the options for renaming
and copy detection in Chapter 9).
This approach is very simple, but it requires that you sometimes
be aware of the mechanics. For example: because this analysis is
expensive, it is turned off by default when examining history with
git log; you have to remember to enable it with -M if you want
to see renaming. Also, if you edit a file substantially and rename
it in a single commit, it may not show up as a rename at all; you’re
better off editing, committing, then doing the rename in a sepa‐
rate commit to make sure it shows up as such.
Changing the Index



Unstaging Changes
If you want to start over with this process, it’s easy: just use git
reset. This resets the index to match the current commit, undo‐
ing any changes you’ve made with git add. git reset reports the
files with outstanding changes after its action:
$ git reset
Unstaged changes after reset:

You can also give specific files or directories to reset, leaving
staged changes in other files alone. With git reset --patch you
can be even more specific, interactively selecting portions of your
staged changes to unstage; it is the reverse of git add -p. See
“Discarding Any Number of Commits” on page 61 for other

Making a Commit
When you’ve prepared the index you want, use git commit to
store it as a new commit. Use git status first to check the files
involved, and git diff --cached to check the actual changes
you’re applying. git diff alone shows any remaining unstaged
changes (the difference between your working tree and the in‐
dex); adding --cached (or the synonym --staged) shows the dif‐
ference between the index and the last commit instead (i.e., the
changes you’re about to make with this commit).

Commit Messages
Each commit has an associated “commit message”: some freeform text used to describe the changes introduced by that com‐
mit. You can give the message on the command line as:
$ git commit -m "an interesting commit message"

If you don’t, Git will start a text editor to allow you to enter your
message; “Text Editor” on page 35 describes how the editor is
chosen. Although the text is free-form, the usual practice is to


Chapter 3: Making Commits

make the first line no longer than 50–60 characters or so. If you
need further lines, then separate them from the first one with a
blank line, and wrap the remaining paragraphs to 72 characters.
The first line should serve as a subject line for the commit, as with
an email. The intention is to allow listings that include the com‐
mit message to usefully abbreviate the message with its first line,
still leaving space for some other information on the line (e.g.,
git log --oneline).
It’s actually rather important to follow this convention, since lots
of Git-related software as well as various parts of Git itself assume
it. The subject line of a commit is addressable as a separate entity
when writing commit formats and extracting commit informa‐
tion, and programs that display commits in various contexts as‐
sume that the subject will make sense on its own and not be too
long. GitHub and gitweb both do this visually, for example, dis‐
playing the subject as a separate item in bold at the top, with the
rest of the message (the “body”), if any, set in smaller text below.
You’ll get odd-looking results that are difficult to read if the first
line is just a sentence fragment and/or too long to fit in the allotted
Following this convention can also help you make better com‐
mits: if you find it difficult to summarize the changes, consider
whether they might better be split into separate commits—which
brings up the topic of the next section.

What Makes a Good Commit?
This depends on how you intend to use your repository and Git
in general; there’s no single right answer to this question. Some
people use the convention (if the content is software) that every
commit must be buildable, which means that commits will gen‐
erally be larger since they must contain everything required to
advance the code from one coherent stage to another. Another
approach is to structure your commits primarily to take advan‐
tage of Git’s ability to transmit and reuse them. When preparing
a commit, ask yourself: does it contain entirely and only the
changes necessary to do what the commit message says it does?
Making a Commit



If the commit says it implements a feature, does someone using

git cherry-pick to try out the feature have a decent chance of

that succeeding, or does the commit also contain unrelated
changes that will complicate this? Think also about later using
git revert to undo a change, or about merging this branch into
other branches to incorporate the new feature. In this style, each
commit might not produce functional software, since it could
make sense to represent a large overall change as a series of com‐
mits in order to better reuse its parts. You can use other methods
to indicate larger project checkpoints like buildable intermediate
versions, including Git tags or unique strings in commit mes‐
sages, which you can find using git log --grep.
Be careful too with the timing of your commits, as well as with
their content. If you are going to make wide-ranging, disruptive
changes such as adjusting whitespace, renaming functions or
variables, or changing indentation, you should do that at a time
when others can conveniently take your changes as given, since
automatic merge is likely to fail miserably in such cases. Doing
these things while others are doing lots of work on related
branches—say, when a big merge is coming up—will make that
merge a nightmare.
There are other issues about which version control users in gen‐
eral can argue endlessly: for example, how should commit mes‐
sages be phrased grammatically? Some like the imperative mood
(“fix a bug”), while others favor the past tense (“fixed a bug”). It
is common in the Git source code itself to refer to adding a feature
as “teaching Git” to do something. Obviously there is no strict
guideline to be had here, though consistency at least makes it
easier to search for specific changes.

git commit -a adds all tracked, modified files to the index before
committing. This commits changed and deleted files, but not new
ones; it is equivalent to git add -u followed by git commit. Be
careful, though; if you get too accustomed to using this



Chapter 3: Making Commits

command, you may accidentally commit some changes you
didn’t intend to—though that’s easy to undo; see the next chapter.

Empty Directories
Git does not track directories as separate entities; rather, it creates
directories in the working tree as needed to create the paths to
files it checks out, and removes directories if there are no longer
any files in them. This implies that you can’t represent an empty
directory directly to Git; you have to put at least one placeholder
file within the directory to get Git to create it.

A Commit Workflow
Here’s a procedure for making multiple commits from a single
set of edits to your working files, while making sure each commit
is good:
1. Use git add (with various options) to stage a subset of your
2. Run git stash --keep-index. This saves and undoes your
outstanding, unstaged changes while preserving your stag‐
ed changes in the index, and resets your working tree to
match the index.
3. Examine this working tree state to make sure your selection
of changes makes sense; build and test your software, for
4. Run git commit.
5. Now, use git stash pop to restore your remaining unstag‐
ed changes, and go back to step 1. Continue this process
until you’ve committed all your changes, as confirmed by
git status reporting “nothing to commit, working direc‐
tory clean.”
See “git stash” on page 188 for more on the useful git stash

Making a Commit




Undoing and Editing Commits

In Chapter 3, we discussed staging changes in the index for in‐
clusion in the next commit. This chapter is about undoing or
correcting changes once you’ve committed them.
With centralized version control, committing and publishing a
change are the same thing: as soon as you commit to the shared
repository, others can see and start using your changes. This
makes undoing a commit problematic; how do you retract a
commit others have already checked out or merged?
With Git, however, this is not a problem, since you are commit‐
ting to your own private repository. You are free to delete or
change your local commits as you please, and Git gives you the
tools to do that; publishing those commits is a separate action,
via pushing to shared repository or asking others to pull from
Changing already published commits is awkward, of course,
since it would cause others to lose history they already have; Git
will warn people pulling from you of that, and you might not even
be allowed to push such changes to a shared repository. The extra
step afforded by Git is crucial, though: by separating committing
and publishing, it allows you to use version control freely for your
own purposes as you work, then clean up your commits for public
consumption before publishing them.


Note that most of the techniques discussed in this chapter only
make sense when the portion of history involved is linear; that
is, contains no merge commits. We will discuss techniques for
editing a branched history in Chapter 10.

Technically, you can’t “change” a commit. Because of
content-based addressing, if you change anything about a
commit, it becomes a different commit, since it now has a
different object ID. So when we speak of changing a commit,
we really mean replacing it with one having corrected at‐
tributes or contents. But since the intention is to change the
history, it’s convenient to use this phrasing, and we’ll do so.

Changing the Last Commit
The most common correction to make is to the previous commit:
you run git commit, and then realize you made a mistake—per‐
haps you forgot to include a new file, or left out some comments.
This common situation is also the easiest one to address. There’s
no preparatory step; just make whatever corrections you need,
adding these to the index as usual. Then use this command:
$ git commit --amend

Git will present you with the previous commit message to edit if
you like; then, it simply discards the previous commit and puts
a new one in its place, with your corrections. You can add -C
HEAD if you want to reuse the previous commit message as-is.
The --amend feature is a good example of how Git’s internal or‐
ganization makes many operations very easy, both to implement
and to understand. The tip commit on the current branch has a
pointer to the previous commit, its parent; that is all that links it
to the rest of the branch. In particular, no commits point to this
one, so no other commits are affected (recall that commits point
to their parents, but not to their children). Thus, discarding the


Chapter 4: Undoing and Editing Commits

tip commit consists only of moving the branch pointer backward
to the previous one; nothing else need be done. Eventually, if the
discarded commit remains disconnected from the commit graph,
Git will delete it from the object database as part of periodic
garbage collection.
Having dropped the previous commit, the repository state you
want to change and re-commit would appear to be lost…but no:
there’s another copy of it in the index, since that commit was
made from the current index. So you simply modify the index as
desired, and commit again.
Although we described it in terms of a linear history, git commit
--amend works with merge commits as well; then there are mul‐

tiple parents and branches involved instead of just one, but it
operates analogously.

If you use git commit --amend without making any changes
to the index, Git still allows you to edit the commit message
if you like, or you can give the new message with the -m
option. This still requires replacing the last commit, since
the message text is part of the commit; the new commit will
just have the same content (point to the same tree) as the
previous one.

Double Oops!
Suppose you’re having an off day and, having committed and then
amended that commit, you suddenly realize that you just lost
some information from the first commit that you didn’t mean to.
You would appear to be out of luck: that commit has been dis‐
carded, and unless you happen to have its object ID, you have no
way to refer to it, even though it’s still in the object database. Git
has a feature to save you, though, called the reflog:
$ git log -g

Changing the Last Commit



The git log command, which we will discuss in Chapter 9, nor‐
mally shows the history of your project via portions of the com‐
mit graph. The -g option shows something entirely different,
however. For each branch, Git maintains a log of operations per‐
formed while on that branch, called its “reflog.” Recall that a
branch is just a ref pointing to the tip commit of the branch; each
ref can have a log recording its referents over time. git log -g
displays a composite reflog, starting with the current branch and
chaining back through commands that switch branches, such as
git checkout. For example:
$ git log -g
e674ab77 HEAD@{0}:
965dfda4 HEAD@{1}:
dd31deb3 HEAD@{2}:
3307465c HEAD@{3}:
6273a3b0 HEAD@{4}:
d77b78fa HEAD@{5}:
6273a3b0 HEAD@{6}:
2ee20b94 HEAD@{7}:
d77b78fa HEAD@{8}:
1ad385f2 HEAD@{9}:

commit (amend): Digital Restrictio…
commit: Digital Rights Management
commit: Mozart
commit: Beethoven
merge topic: Fast-forward
checkout: moving from sol to master
commit: amalthea
pull: Merge made by the 'recursive…
checkout: moving from master to sol
commit (initial): Anfang

The reflog shows the sequence of operations performed: commit,
pull, checkout, merge, etc. The notation branch@{n} refers to a
numbered entry in the reflog for branch; in this case HEAD, the
current branch. The crucial thing for us, though, is the first col‐
umn of object IDs: each one names the commit that was the
branch tip after the operation on that line was completed. Thus,
when I made the commit for entry #1 in this reflog, with the
comment “Digital Rights Management,” the branch moved to
commit 965dfda4, which means this is the ID for that commit.
After I used git commit --amend to fix the commit message, the
branch looked like this:
$ git log
e674ab77 Digital Restrictions Management
dd31deb3 Mozart
3307465c Beethoven

60 |

Chapter 4: Undoing and Editing Commits

Commit 965dfda4 is absent, removed from the history, but the
reflog retains a record of it. You can use git show 965dfda4 to
view the diff for that commit and recover the missing informa‐
tion, or git checkout 965dfda4 to move your working tree to
that state, if that’s more convenient.
See “Names Relative to the Reflog” on page 118 for more about the

Discarding the Last Commit
Suppose you make a commit, but then decide that you weren’t
ready to do that. You don’t have a specific fix to make, as with git
commit --amend; you just want to “uncommit” and continue
working. This is simple; just do:
$ git reset HEAD~
Unstaged changes after reset:

git reset is a versatile command, with several modes and ac‐
tions. It always moves the head of the current branch to a given
commit, but differs in how it treats the working tree and index;
in this usage, it updates the index but leaves the working tree
alone. The HEAD ref refers to the tip of current branch as always,
and the trailing tilde names the commit prior to that one (see
Chapter 8). Thus, the effect of this command is to move the
branch back one commit, discarding the latest one (but you can
still recover it via reflog, as before). Since it also resets the index
to match, any corresponding changes in your working tree are
now unstaged again, which Git reports as shown along with any
other outstanding changes (the M is for “modified”; it may also
show A for “added,” D for “deleted,” and so on).

Discarding Any Number of Commits
In the foregoing description, the only thing limiting the action
to “the last commit” is the expression HEAD~; it works just as well
to discard any number of consecutive commits at the end of a
Discarding the Last Commit



branch. This action is sometimes called “rewinding the branch.”
For example, to discard three commits resetting the branch tip
to the fourth commit back, do:
$ git reset HEAD~3

HEAD~3 refers to the fourth commit back, because this numbering
syntax starts at zero; HEAD and HEAD~0 are equivalent.

When discarding more than one commit, some further options
to git reset become useful:

The default: makes the index match the given commit, but
does not change the working files. Changes made since the
last commit appear unstaged.

This resets the branch tip only, and does not change the
index; the discarded commit’s changes remain staged. You
might use this to stage all the changes from several previous
commits, and then reapply them as a single commit.

Tries to keep your outstanding file changes while rewinding
the branch, where this makes sense: files with unstaged
changes are kept, while files differing between HEAD and
the given commit are updated. If there is overlap between
those sets, the reset fails.

Resets your working files to match the given commit, as well
as the index. Any changes you’ve made since the discarded
commit are permanently lost, so be careful with this option!
Resist the urge to make an alias or shortcut for using git
reset --hard; you will probably regret it.

Undoing a Commit
Suppose you want to undo the effect of an earlier commit—you
don’t want to edit the history to do this, but rather make a new


Chapter 4: Undoing and Editing Commits

commit undoing the earlier commit’s changes. The command

git revert makes this easy; just give it the commit you want to


$ git revert 9c6a1fad

This will compute the diff between that commit and the previous
one, reverse it, and then attempt to apply that to your working
tree (you may have merge conflicts to resolve if intervening
changes complicate doing that automatically). Git will prepare a
commit message indicating the commit being reverted and its
subject, which you can edit.

Partial Undo
If you only want to undo some of the changes from an earlier
commit, you can use a combination of commands we’ve seen


revert -n commit
add -p
checkout .

The -n option to git revert tells Git to apply and stage the re‐
verted changes, but stop short of making a commit. You then
unstage all the changes with git reset, and restage only those
you want using the interactive git add -p. Finally, after com‐
mitting the subset of changes you want, you discard the rest by
checking out the contents of the index, overwriting the remaining
applied changes from git revert.
Plain git revert will complain if you have staged changes in the
index (that is, the index does not match the HEAD commit), since
its purpose is to make a new commit based on the one to be
reverted, and it would lose your changes if it reset the index in
order to do that. git revert -n, though, will not complain about
that, since it is not making a commit.
Note that if the commit you’re reverting deleted a file, then this
will add it back. After git reset though, the recovered file will
Undoing a Commit



appear as “untracked” to Git, and git add -p will not see it; you’ll
have to add it again separately, if it’s one of the changes you want
to make (git add --interactive (-i) can help with that; it’s
more general, and git add -p is actually a commonly used sub‐
command of it). Similarly, the final checkout will not remove a
restored file that you chose not to add; you’ll have to remove it
yourself. You can use git reset --hard or git clean, but be
careful not to accidentally remove other untracked files or revert
other working tree changes you may have.

Editing a Series of Commits
git commit --amend is nice, but what if you want to change a
commit that is now a few steps back in your history? Since each
commit refers to the one preceding it, changing one means all
the following commits must be replaced, even if you don’t need
to make any other changes to them. The --amend feature works
as simply as it does precisely because there are no following com‐
mits to consider.

In fact, Git allows you to edit any linear sequence of commits
leading up to a branch tip—not only with regard to their messages
and contents, but also to rearrange them, remove some, collapse
some together or split some into further commits. The feature to
use is git rebase. Rebasing is a general technique intended to
move a branch from one location to another, and we will consider
it more fully in “Rebasing” on page 149. While moving a branch,
however, it also lets you use a very general “sequence editor” to
transform the branch at the same time (with the option
--interactive (-i)), and that is the feature we want here. This
$ git rebase -i HEAD~n

rewrites the last n commits on the current branch. It does in fact
ask Git to “move” the branch, but the destination is the same as
the starting point, so the branch location does not actually
change, and you get to use the sequence editor to alter commits
as you like in the process.


Chapter 4: Undoing and Editing Commits

In response to this command, Git starts your editor and presents
a one-line description of each commit in the range indicated, like
# action commit-ID subject
pick 51090ce fix bug #1234
pick 15f4720 edit man pages for spelling and grammar
pick 9b0e3dc add prototypes for the 'frobnitz' module
pick 583bb4e fix null pointer (We are not strong.)
pick 45a9484 update README

Watch out: the order here is that in which the commits were made
(and in which they will be remade), which is generally the oppo‐
site of what you would see from git log, which uses reverse
chronological order (most recent commit first).
Now edit the first column, the action, to tell Git what you want
to do with each commit. The available actions are:

Use the commit as-is. Git will not stop for this commit unless
there is a conflict.

Change just the commit message. Git allows you to edit the
message before reapplying this commit.

Change the commit contents (and message, if you want).
Here, Git stops after remaking this commit and allows you
to do whatever you want. The usual thing is to use git
commit --amend to replace the commit, then git rebase
--continue to let Git continue with the rebase operation.
However, you could also insert further commits, perhaps
splitting the original changes up into several smaller com‐
mits. Git simply picks up from where you leave off, with the
next change you asked it to make.

Make this commit’s changes part of the preceding one. To
meld several consecutive commits into one, leave the first
one marked pick and mark the remaining ones with
Editing a Series of Commits



squash. Git concatenates all the commit messages for you to



Like squash, but discard the message of this commit when
composing the composite message.
You can abbreviate an action to just its initial letter, such as r for
reword. You can also reorder the lines to make the new commits

in a different order, or remove a commit entirely by deleting its
line. If you want to cancel the rebase, just save a file with no action
lines; Git will abort if it finds nothing to do. It will not abort if
you just leave the directions as you found them, but the result
will be the same in this simple case, since Git will find it does not
need to remake any commits in order to follow the directions
(which say to use each commit as-is with pick). At any point when
Git stops, you can abort the entire process and return to your
previous state with git rebase --abort.

It’s possible to ask for changes that invalidate the existing com‐
mits. For example: if one commit adds a file and a later commit
changes that file, and you reverse the order of these commits,
then Git cannot apply the new first patch, since it says to alter a
file that doesn’t yet exist. Also, patches to existing files rely on
context, which may change if you edit the contents of earlier
commits. In this case, Git will stop, indicate the problem, and ask
you to resolve the conflict before proceeding. For example:
error: could not apply fcff9f72... (commit message)
When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase
--continue". If you prefer to skip this patch, run
"git rebase --skip" instead. To check out the
original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase
Could not apply fcff9f7... (commit message)



Chapter 4: Undoing and Editing Commits

Here, Git uses the same mechanism for indicating conflicts as
when performing a merge; see “Merge Conflicts” on page 98 for
details on how to examine and resolve them. When you’re done,
as indicated above, just run git rebase --continue to make the
now-repaired commit, and move on to the next edit.

When you ask to edit a commit, Git stops after making the
commit, and you use git commit --amend to replace it before
going on. When there’s a conflict, however, Git cannot make
all the requested changes, so it stops before making the
commit (having made and staged whatever changes it can,
and marked the conflicts for you to resolve). When you
continue after resolving the conflicts, Git will then make the
current commit. You do not commit yourself or use the -amend feature when fixing a conflict.

The exec Action
There is actually another action, exec, but you would not edit an
existing line in the rebase instructions to use it as with the other
actions, since it does not say to do anything with a commit; rather,
the rest of the line is a just shell command for Git to run. A typical
use for this is to test the preceding commit in some way, to make
sure you haven’t accidentally broken the content; you might add
exec make test, for example, to run an automated software test.
Git will stop if an exec command exits with a nonzero status. You
can also give a single command with the git rebase --exec
option, which will be run after every commit; this is a shortcut
for inserting that same exec line after every commit in the se‐
quencer directions.

Editing a Series of Commits





Now that you know how to create a repository and commit to a
single branch, it’s time to learn about using multiple branches.
Branches allow different versions of the same content to evolve
independently at the same time, while you periodically recom‐
bine the contributions from different branches in a process called
“merging.” When you switch from one branch to another, Git
updates your working tree to reflect the state of the repository
content in the tip commit of the new branch.
A typical use for a branch is to work on a new software feature in
isolation, without adding it to the main line of development of
the project; these are often called “feature” or “topic” branches.
You work on the feature branch while developing that feature,
and switch to the master branch to work on the main project
(which does not yet contain the new feature code). Periodically,
you merge master into your feature branch, so you’re working on
up-to-date code and notice and resolve any conflicts. When the
feature is ready, you do the opposite: merge the feature branch
into master, adding the new code to the main version of the
Another use for multiple branches is to continue maintenance
on older versions of software. When you release version 1.0 of
your product, it gets its own branch. Product development con‐
tinues, but you may need to apply bug fixes or new features to
that version even after you’ve released 2.0, for customers who are

still using the older version; the 1.0 branch allows you to do that
(and git cherry-pick is particularly useful in this case; see “git
cherry-pick” on page 181).
The manpage gitworkflows(7) presents several branching disci‐
plines that may be directly useful, or give you ideas on how to
structure your own projects in other ways. Some of these are used
in the development of Git itself.

The Default Branch, master
A new Git repository created with git init has a single branch
with the default name master. There is nothing special about this
name aside from being used as a default, and you can rename or
delete it if you like. The master branch is conventionally used if
there is only one branch in a repository, or if there are several but
there is a single, clear main line of development.
If you try to use the master branch in a brand-new repository,
however, you’ll get perhaps unexpected results; for example:
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /u/res/zork/.git/
$ git log
fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'

Git could be more helpful here, since getting a “fatal” error with
a newly created repository strongly suggests that something is
broken. The error message is technically correct, though. Git has
initialized the HEAD ref to point to master, making master the
current branch. However, a branch name is just a ref pointing to
the latest commit on the branch—and there are no commits yet
in this new, empty repository, and so there is no master branch
ref yet. When you make your first commit, Git will create the
master branch with it.

Making a New Branch
The usual way to make a new branch named alvin is:



Chapter 5: Branching

$ git checkout -b alvin
Switched to a new branch 'alvin'

This creates the branch alvin pointing at the current commit, and
switches to it. Any existing changes to the index or working tree
are preserved and will now be committed to alvin rather than to
the previous branch (which is still there). Until one branch pro‐
gresses, both branches point to the same commit. Until both
progress independently, one branch still points to an earlier com‐
mit on the other. See Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1. The progress of branch names

Making a New Branch



You can also specify a commit at which to start the new branch,
rather than the current one, for example:
$ git checkout -b simon 9c6a1fad
Switched to a new branch 'simon'

This starts a new branch at the named commit and switches to
it. If you have conflicting uncommitted changes, though, you will
have to deal with them first. If you want to create the new branch
but not switch to it, use git branch simon instead.

Switching Branches
The usual tool for switching branches is git checkout, of which
the -b option given previously is just a special case: switching to
a branch that doesn’t yet exist is creating a new branch.
The only thing that has to happen to switch branches is to change
the HEAD symbolic ref to point to the new branch name. The
HEAD by definition indicates the branch that you are “on,” and
switching to a branch means that you are then “on” that branch.
Here, git symbolic-ref HEAD shows the ref (branch name) to
which HEAD points:
$ git symbolic-ref HEAD
$ git checkout simon
Switched to branch 'simon'
$ git symbolic-ref HEAD

Technically, you could update the HEAD ref directly with git
update-ref, but this isn’t usually done and would be very con‐

fusing by itself; normally, you want your working tree and index
to match the new branch tip when you switch branches,
taking into account any uncommitted changes you may have. git
checkout does all of these things, and more. Suppose you have
two branches named master and commander, and you’re cur‐
rently on master. To switch to commander, simply use:
$ git checkout commander
Switched to branch 'commander'



Chapter 5: Branching

This attempts to do three things:
1. Change the HEAD symref to point to the commander
2. Reset the index to match the tip of the new branch
3. Update the working tree index to match the index (this is
called “checking out” the index, which gives the command
its name)
If these succeed, then you are now on the commander branch,
with an index and working tree that match the tip of that branch.
The following are some possible complications.

Uncommitted Changes
Suppose you have uncommitted changes to a tracked file when
you try to switch branches. There are now four versions of the
file in play: the two in the tip commits of the master and
commander branches, and the two in your working tree and index
(one or both of which have been altered, depending on whether
you have staged the changes with git add). If the committed
versions in the current and destination branches are the same,
then Git will preserve your altered versions when switching
branches, since they represent the same sets of changes in the new
branch as in the old. It reminds you of a modified file foo thus:
$ git checkout commander
Switched to branch 'commander'

If the committed versions differ, however, or if the file does not
exist at all in the destination branch, then Git warns you and
refuses to switch:
$ git checkout commander
error: Your local changes to the following files would
be overwritten by checkout:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you
can switch branches. Aborting

Switching Branches



stash refers to the git stash command, which lets you conven‐

iently save and restore uncommitted changes; see “git stash” on
page 188.

Check Out with Merge
git checkout has a --merge (-m) option to help with this case. It
performs a three-way merge between your working tree and the
new branch, with the current branch as the base; it leaves you on
the new branch, with the merge result in the working tree. As
with any merge, you may have conflicts to resolve; see “Merge
Conflicts” on page 98.

Untracked Files
Git ignores untracked files while switching branches, unless the
file exists in the target branch; then it aborts, even if the versions
in the working tree and destination branch are the same. You can
use the --merge option to get around this without having to delete
the untracked file, only to have Git restore it a moment later. The
merge operation results in the same file, in this case.

Losing Your Head
If you directly check out a specific commit rather than a branch,
say with a command like git checkout 520919b0, then Git gives
the odd and rather dire-sounding warning that you are now in
“detached HEAD state.” Fear not, Ichabod; all will be well. “De‐
tached HEAD” simply means that the HEAD ref now points di‐
rectly at a commit rather than referring to a particular branch by
name. Git operates normally in this mode: you can make com‐
mits, and the HEAD ref moves forward as usual. The important
thing to remember is that there is no branch tracking this work,
so if you switch back to a branch with git checkout branch, you
will simply discard any commits you’ve made while in detached
HEAD mode: the HEAD ref then points to the branch you’re on,
and no ref remains marking the commit you left. Git warns you
about this too, along with the commit ID you just left so that you
can go back to it if you want. You can give your anonymous


Chapter 5: Branching

branch a name at any time while you’re in detached HEAD mode,
with git checkout -b name.

Deleting a Branch
When you ask Git to delete a branch, it simply deletes a pointer:
a branch name ref that points to the branch tip. It does not delete
the content of the branch, that is, remove from the object database
all commits reachable from the pointer; it couldn’t necessarily do
that safely even if that were desired, since some of those commits
might be part of other branches. To delete the branch simon, then:
$ git branch -d simon
Deleted branch simon (was 6273a3b0).

It may not be so simple, though; you might see this instead:
$ git branch -d simon
error: The branch 'simon' is not fully merged.
If you are sure you want to delete it, run
'git branch -D simon'.

Git is warning that you might lose history by deleting this branch.
Even though it would not actually delete any commits right away,
some or all of the commits on the branch would become un‐
reachable if they are not part of some other branch as well. You
could undo this mistake easily if you noticed it right away, as Git
names the commit ID of the branch ref it removes, and it might
be in a reflog as well; you could use git checkout -b simon
6273a3b0 to restore the branch. It would get harder if you didn’t
notice until later, though, and perhaps impossible if that were
after garbage collection had actually deleted the commits in
question, and no one else had a copy of them.
For the branch simon to be “fully merged” into another branch,
its tip commit must be an ancestor of the other branch’s tip, mak‐
ing the commits in simon a subset of the other branch. This makes
it safe to delete simon, since all its commits will remain part of
the repository history via the other branch. It must be “fully”
merged, because it may have been merged several times already,

Deleting a Branch



but now have commits added since the last merge that are not
contained in the other branch.
Git doesn’t check every other branch in the repository, though;
just two:
1. The current branch (HEAD)
2. The upstream branch, if there is one
The “upstream branch” for simon would usually be origin/
simon, referring to a branch in the repository from which this
one was cloned, and with which this local simon branch coordi‐
nates via the push/pull mechanism. You can list upstream
branches with git branch -vv; the upstream for each branch, if
any, is listed in square brackets on the right:
$ git branch -vv
* master 8dd6fdc0 [origin/master: ahead 6] find acorns
simon 6273a3b0 [origin/simon]: sing shrilly

If simon is fully merged in the current branch, then Git deletes it
with no complaint. If it is not, but it is fully merged in its upstream
branch, then Git proceeds with a warning:
$ git branch -d simon
warning: deleting branch 'simon' that has been merged
to 'refs/remotes/origin/simon', but not yet merged to
Deleted branch simon (was 6273a3b0).

Being fully merged in its upstream indicates that the commits in
simon have been pushed to the origin repository, so that even if
you lose them here, they may at least be saved elsewhere.
In Figure 5-2, simon has been merged into master before, but it
and master have diverged since commit 2, and so simon is not
now “fully merged” into master. It is fully merged into the up‐
stream branch origin/master, however.
Since Git doesn’t check other branches, it may be safe to delete a
branch because you know it is fully merged into another one; you



Chapter 5: Branching

can do this with the -D option as indicated, or switch to that
branch first and let Git confirm the fully merged status for you.

Figure 5-2. “merged” and “fully merged”

Deleting the branch from the origin repository is not so obvious:
$ git push origin :simon

This is the general syntax for directly updating a remote ref. In
this case, the local object name to the left of the colon is blank,
meaning to just delete the remote ref.

You most commonly delete a branch when it is private to
you—that is, you created it in your own repository and have
never pushed it elsewhere, and you have no further use for
it. You can delete a branch from an upstream repository as
just shown (assuming you’re allowed to), but the effect of
that does not automatically spread to other people coordi‐
nating through that repository. Their git pull will not de‐
lete their corresponding remote-tracking branch (they
would need to use git fetch --prune for that), and any
corresponding local downstream branches they’ve created
in their own repositories will not be affected in any case.
The general principle at work here is that a branch indicates
a set of commits that are of interest; once a branch exists in
your repository, it’s up to you to decide whether you’re no
longer interested. Another person’s action should not uni‐
laterally make that decision for you.

Deleting a Branch



Renaming a Branch
Renaming a local branch is simple:
$ git branch -m old new

There is no direct way to rename the corresponding branch in a
remote repository, however; you must separately push the new
branch and delete the old one:
$ git push -u origin new
$ git push origin :old

You will need to tell others that you’ve done this, since when they
pull they will get the new branch, but they will have to manually
delete the old name with git branch -d. “Renaming” a branch
is not actually a Git operation per se; git branch -m is just a
shortcut for the create/delete routine.



Chapter 5: Branching


Tracking Other Repositories

This chapter discusses copying or “cloning” an existing reposi‐
tory, and thereafter sharing changes between original and clone
using the Git “push” and “pull” commands.

Cloning a Repository
The git clone command initializes a new repository with the
contents of another one and sets up tracking branches in the new
repository so that you can easily coordinate changes between the
two with the push/pull mechanism. We call the first repository a
“remote” (even if it is in fact on the same host), and by default,
this remote is named origin; you can change this with the
--origin (-o) option, or with git remote rename later on. You
can view and manipulate remotes with git remote; a repository
can have more than one remote with which it synchronizes dif‐
ferent sets of branches.
After cloning the remote repository, Git checks out the remote
HEAD branch (often master); you can have it check out a differ‐
ent branch with -b branch, or none at all with -n:
$ git clone
Cloning into 'foo'...
remote: Counting objects: 528, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (425/425), done.
remote: Total 528 (delta 100), reused 528 (delta 100)


Receiving objects: 100% (528/528), 1.31 MiB | 1.30 Mi…
Resolving deltas: 100% (100/100), done.

If you give a second argument, Git will create a directory with
that name for the new repository (or use an existing directory, so
long as it’s empty); otherwise, it derives the name from that of
source repository using some ad hoc rules. For example, foo stays
foo, but foo.git and bar/foo also become foo.
You can specify the remote repository with a URL as shown, or
with a simple path to a directory in the filesystem containing a
Git repository. Git supports a number of transport schemes na‐
tively to access remote repositories, including HTTP, HTTPS, its
own git protocol, FTP, FTPS, and rsync.
Git will also automatically use SSH if you use the ssh URL scheme
(ssh://), or give the repository as [user@]host:/path/to/repo;
this uses SSH to run git upload-pack on the remote side. If the
path is relative (no leading slash), then it is usually relative to the
home directory of the login account on the server, though this
depends on the SSH server configuration. You can specify the
SSH program to use with the environment variable GIT_SSH (the
default is, unsurprisingly, ssh). With the long form you can also
give a TCP port number for the server, e.g., ssh://

Clones and Hard Links
When you give the origin repository as a simple directory name,
and the new repository is on the same filesystem, Git uses Unix
“hard links” to the originals for certain files instead of copying
them when populating the object database of the clone, saving
time and disk space. This is safe for two reasons. First, the se‐
mantics of hard links are such that someone deleting a shared file
in the origin repository has no effect on you; files remain acces‐
sible until the last link is removed. Second, because of contentbased addressing, Git objects are immutable; an object with a
given ID will not suddenly change out from under you. You can
turn off this feature and force actual copying with --nohardlinks, or by using a URL with the “file” scheme to access the
80 |

Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories

same path: file:///path/to/repo.git (the empty hostname between
the second and third slash indicates the local host).

When we refer to a “local” repository in this section, we
mean one accessible to Git using the filesystem, as opposed
to needing an explicit network connection (SSH, HTTP, and
so on). That may not in fact be “local” to the host itself,
however (meaning on hardware directly attached to it); it
could be on a file server accessed over the network via NFS
or CIFS, for example. Thus, a repository that is “local” to
Git might still be “remote” from the host.

Shared Clone
An even faster method when cloning a local repository is the
--shared option. Rather than either copy or link files between the
origin and clone repositories, this simply configures the clone to
search the object database of the origin in addition to its own.
Initially, the object database of the clone is completely empty,
because all the objects it needs are in the origin. New objects you
create in the clone are added to its own database; the clone never
modifies the origin’s database via this link.
It’s important to keep in mind, though, that the clone is now de‐
pendent on the origin repository to function; if the origin is not
accessible, Git may abort, complaining that its object database is
corrupted because it can’t find objects that used to be there. If you
know you’re going to remove the origin repository, you can use
git repack -a in the clone to force it to copy all the objects it
needs into its own database. If you have to recover from acci‐
dentally deleting the origin, you can edit .git/objects/info/alter‐
nates if you have another local copy. You can also add the other
repository with git remote add, then use git fetch --all
remote to pull over the objects you need.

Cloning a Repository



Another issue with shared clones is garbage collection: if garbage
collection is later run on the remote and by then it has removed
some refs you still have, objects that are still part of your history
may just disappear, again leading to “database corrupted” errors
on your side.

Bare Repositories
A “bare” repository is one without a working tree or index, cre‐
ated by git init --bare; the files normally under .git are right
inside the repository directory instead. A bare repository is usu‐
ally a coordination point for a centralized workflow: each person
pushes and pulls to and from the bare copy, which represents the
current “official” state of the project. No one uses the bare copy
directly, so it doesn’t need a working tree (you can’t push into a
non-bare repository if the push tries to update the currently
checked-out branch, as that would change the branch out from
under the person using it). Another use for a bare repository,
using git clone --bare, is shown in the next section.

Reference Repositories
Suppose that:
• You want to have checkouts of multiple branches of the
same project at once; or
• Several people with access to the same filesystem want
clones of the same repository; or
• Some process requires you to clone the same repository
…and that the repository takes a long time to clone; perhaps it
has a large history, or there’s a slow network link in the way. A
solution is to share one local copy of the object database, rather
than pull it over repeatedly, but using git clone --shared is
awkward for this, because it introduces two levels of push/pull:
you push from your clone to the local shared (bare) clone, and



Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories

then you have to push from there to the origin (and similarly for
Git has another option that exactly fits this bill: a “reference
repository.” Here’s how it works: first, we make a bare clone of
the remote repository, to be shared locally as a reference reposi‐
tory (hence named “refrep”):
$ git clone --bare http://foo/bar.git refrep
Cloning into 'refrep'...
remote: Counting objects: 21259, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6730/6730), done.
Receiving objects: 100% (21259/21259), 39.84 MiB | 12…
remote: Total 21259 (delta 15427), reused 20088 (delt…
Resolving deltas: 100% (15427/15427), done.

Then, we clone the remote again, but this time giving refrep as a
$ git clone --reference refrep http://foo/bar.git
Cloning into 'bar'...

This happens very quickly, and you see no messages about trans‐
ferring objects, because none were needed; all the objects were
already available in the reference repository. Others using this
repository in your site can use this command to create their
clones as well, sharing the reference.
The key difference between this and the --shared option is that
you are still tracking the remote repository, not the refrep clone.
When you pull, you still contact http://foo/, but you don’t need
to wait for it to send any objects that are already stored locally in
refrep; when you push, you are updating the branches and other
refs of the foo repository directly.
Of course, as soon as you and others start pushing new commits,
the reference repository will become out of date, and you’ll start
to lose some of the benefit. Periodically, you can run git fetch
--all in refrep to pull in any new objects. A single reference
repository can be a cache for the objects of any number of others;
just add them as remotes in the reference:

Cloning a Repository



$ git remote add zeus http://olympus/zeus.git
$ git fetch --all zeus

1. You can’t safely run garbage collection in a reference
repository. Someone using it may be still using a
branch that has been deleted in the upstream repos‐
itory, or otherwise have references to objects that
have become unreachable there. Garbage collection
might delete those objects, and that person’s reposi‐
tory would then have problems, as it now can’t find
objects it needs. Some Git commands periodically
run garbage collection automatically, as routine
maintenance. You should turn off pruning of un‐
reachable objects in the reference repository with git
config gc.pruneexpire never. This still allows other
safe operations to run during garbage collection,
such as collecting objects stored in individual files
(“loose objects”) into more efficient data structures
called “packs.” Since people don’t normally use a ref‐
erence repository directly and thus won’t trigger au‐
tomatic garbage collection, you may want to arrange
for a periodic job to run git gc in a reference repos‐
itory (after setting gc.pruneexpire as shown).
2. Be careful about security. If you have restricted who
can clone a repository, but then add its objects to a
reference, then anyone who can read the files in the
reference can get the same information.

Local, Remote, and Tracking Branches
When you clone a repository, Git sets up “remote-tracking”
branches corresponding to the branches in the origin repository.
These are branches in your local repository, which show you the
state of the origin branches at the time of your last push or pull.


Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories

When you check out a branch that doesn’t yet exist, but there is
a remote-tracking branch by that name, Git automatically creates
it and sets its upstream to be that tracking branch, so that sub‐
sequent push/pull operations will synchronize your local version
of this branch with the remote’s version. For example, when you
first clone a repository, Git checks out the remote’s HEAD
branch, so this happens right away for one branch:
$ git clone git://
$ cd nifty
$ git branch --all

To begin with, your local and remote-tracking branches for mas‐
ter are at the same commit:
$ git log --oneline --decorate=short
3a9ee5f3 (origin/master, master) in principio

If you add a commit, you will see your branch pull ahead:
$ git log --oneline --decorate=short
3307465c (master) the final word
3a9ee5f3 (origin/master) in principio

If you run git fetch, you may find that someone else has also
added a commit, and the branches have now diverged:
$ git log --graph --all
* commit baa699bc (origin/master)
| Author: Nefarious O. Committer 
| Date:
Fri Aug 24 09:33:10 2012 -0400
not quite
| * commit 3307465c (master)
|/ Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Fri Aug 24 09:32:54 2012 -0400
the final word
* commit 3a9ee5f3

Local, Remote, and Tracking Branches



Author: Mysterious Author 
Fri Aug 24 09:42:27 2012 -0400
in principio

git pull will try to merge the now-distinct branches, which is
necessary before you can push your changes; otherwise, git
push would update origin/master to match your master, and lose
commit baa699bc in the process.

Synchronization: Push and Pull
Having cloned a repository, you use git push and git pull to
reconcile your changes with those of others using the same up‐
stream repository. Various things can happen when your changes
conflict with theirs; we’ll start discussing that here, and continue
in Chapter 7.

If a branch foo is tracking a branch in a remote repository, that
remote is configured as in this repository, and
is said to be the remote associated with this branch, or just the
“remote of this branch.” git pull updates the tracking branches
of the remote for the current branch (or of the origin remote if
the branch has none), fetching new objects as needed and re‐
cording new upstream branches. If the current branch is tracking
an upstream in that remote, Git then tries to reconcile the current
state of your branch with that of the newly updated tracking
branch. If only you or the upstream has added commits to this
branch since your last pull, then this will succeed with a “fastforward” update: one branch head just moves forward along the
branch to catch up with the other. If both sides have added com‐
mits, though, then a fast-forward update is not possible: just set‐
ting one side’s branch head to match the other would discard the
opposite side’s new commits (they would become unreachable
from the new head). This is the situation shown previously, and
the solution is a merge:



Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories

$ git log --graph --oneline
(master, origin/master) Merge branch…
| * 3307465c
the final word
* | baa699bc
not quite
* 3a9ee5f3
in principio

The merge commit 2ee20b94 brings together the divergent local
and upstream versions of the branch, and allows both master and
origin/master to advance to the same commit without losing in‐
formation. git pull will automatically attempt this, and if it can
combine the actual changes cleanly, this will all happen smoothly.
If not, Git will stop and ask you to deal with the conflicts before
making the merge commit; we’ll discuss that process in Chap‐
ter 7.

git push is the converse of git pull, with which you apply your

changes to the upstream repository. If, as before, your history has
diverged from that of the remote, Git will refuse to push unless
you address the divergence, which you do by pulling first (as Git
helpfully reminds you):
$ git push
To git://
! [rejected]
master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git://nifty-softw…
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your
hint: current branch is behind its remote
hint: counterpart. Merge the remote changes
hint: (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again. See
hint: the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push
hint: --help' for details.

Once you pull and resolve any conflicts, you can push again suc‐
cessfully. The goal of pulling with regard to pushing is to integrate
the upstream changes with your own so that you can push
without discarding any commits in the upstream history. You
may accomplish that by merging as previously shown, or by “re‐
basing” (see “Pull with Rebase” on page 89).
Synchronization: Push and Pull



If you have added a local branch of your own and want to start
sharing it with others, use the -u option to have Git add your
branch to the remote, and set up tracking for your local branch
in the usual way, for example:
$ git push -u origin new-branch

After this initial setup you can use just git push on this branch,
with no options or arguments, to push to the same remote.

Push Defaults
There are several approaches Git can use when given no specific
remote and ref to push (just plain git push, as opposed to git
push remote branch):

Push all branches with matching local and remote names

Push the current branch to its upstream (making push and
pull symmetric operations)

Like upstream, but check that the branch names are the same
(to guard against mistaken upstream settings)

Push the current branch to a remote one with the same name
(creating it if necessary)

Push nothing (require explicit arguments)
You can set this with the push.default configuration variable.
The default as of this writing is matching, but with Git 2.0, this
will change to simple, which is more conservative and avoids easy
accidental pushing of changes on other branches that are not yet
ready to be published. To choose an option, think about what
would happen in your particular situation if you accidentally
typed git push with each of these options in force, and pick the
one that makes you most comfortable. Remember that like all


Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories

options, you can set this on a per-repository basis (see “Basic
Configuration” on page 33).

Pull with Rebase
Along with the facility of merge commits comes the need to make
them wisely. The notion of what a merge should indicate with
respect to content is subjective and varies as a matter of version
control discipline and style, but generally you want a merge to
point out a substantive combination of two lines of development.
Certainly, too many merges creates a commit graph that is diffi‐
cult to read, thus reducing the usefulness of the structural merge
feature itself. In this context, certain workflows can easily create
what one might call “spurious merges,” which do not actually
correspond to such merging of content. Having lots of these clut‐
ters up the commit graph, and makes it difficult to discern the
real history of a project.
As an example: suppose you and a colleague are coordinating
your individual repositories via push/pull with a shared central
one. You commit a change to your repository, while he commits
an unrelated change on the same branch. The changes might be
to different files, or even to the same file but such that they do
not require manual conflict resolution. If he pushes first, then as
described earlier, your subsequent push will fail, so you will pull;
then Git will do a successful automatic merge (since the changes
were independent), and this becomes part of the repository his‐
tory with your final push. But if you think of a merge as a delib‐
erate step to signal the combination of conflicting or substantially
different content, then you don’t really want this merge. The tell‐
tale sign of this sort of spurious merge is that it’s purely an artifact
of timing; if the order of events had instead been:
1. You commit and push.
2. He pulls.
3. He commits and pushes.

Synchronization: Push and Pull



then there would have been no conflict, and no merge. This ob‐
servation is the key to avoiding such merges using git pull
--rebase, which reorders your changes. “Rebasing” is a more
general idea, which we treat in “Rebasing” on page 149; the pullwith-rebase option is a special case. Briefly, what happens is this:
suppose your master branch diverged from its upstream several
commits back. For each divergent commit on your branch, Git
constructs a patch representing the changes introduced by that
commit; then it applies these in order starting at the tip of the
upstream tracking branch origin/master. After applying each
patch, Git makes a new commit preserving the author informa‐
tion and message from the original commit. Finally, it resets your
master branch to point to the last of these commits. The effect is
to “replay” your work on top of the upstream branch as new
commits, rather than affecting a merge with your exist‐
ing .commits.
In the earlier example, git pull --rebase would produce the
following simple, linear history instead of the “merge bubble”
previously pictured, with its extra commit:
* 1e6f2cb2
* baa699bc
* 3a9ee5f3

the final word
not quite
in principio

A push now will succeed without further work (and without
merging), because you’ve simply added to the upstream branch;
it will be a fast-forward update of that branch. Note that the
commit ID for “the final word” has changed; that’s because it’s a
new commit made by replaying the changes of the original on
top of commit baa699bc.
If git pull starts a merge when you know there’s no need for it,
you can always cancel it by giving an empty commit message, or
with git merge --abort if the merge failed leaving you in
conflict-resolution mode. If you complete such a merge and want
to undo it, use git reset HEAD^ to move your branch back again,
discarding the merge commit. You can then use git pull
--rebase instead. You can set a specific branch to automatically
use --rebase when pulling:


Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories

$ git config branch.branch-name.rebase yes

and the configuration variable branch.autosetuprebase controls
how this is set for new branches:

Default: do not set rebase

Set for branches tracking remote branches

Set for branches tracking other branches in the same

Set for all tracking branches

1. If you know it’s the right thing to do, you can perform
destructive, non–fast-forward updates with the --force
option to either push or pull, although in the case of push
the remote must be configured to allow it; repositories cre‐
ated with git init --shared have this disabled by setting
Beware! It’s one thing to do a forced pull; you’re just dis‐
carding some of your own history. A forced push, on the
other hand, causes grief for other people, who will be un‐
able to pull cleanly as a result. For a repository shared by a
small set of people in close communication, or that is a
read-only reference for most, this may be occasionally ap‐
propriate. For anything shared by a wide audience, though,
you really don’t want to do this.
2. The command git remote show remote gives a useful
summary of the status of your repository in relation to a
$ git remote show origin
* remote origin

Synchronization: Push and Pull



Fetch URL: git://
Push URL: git://
HEAD branch: master
Remote branches:
theodore tracked
Local branches configured for 'git pull':
alvin merges with remote alvin
simon merges with remote simon
Local refs configured for 'git push':
alvin pushes to alvin (up to date)
simon pushes to simon (local out of date)

Note that unlike most informational commands, this ac‐
tually examines the remote repository, so it will run ssh or
otherwise use the network if necessary. You can use the -n
switch to avoid this; Git will skip those operations that re‐
quire contacting the remote and note them as such in the
3. git branch -vv gives a more compact summary without
contacting the remote (and thus reflects the state as of the
last fetch or pull; remember that the remote might have
changed in the meantime). The following shows a purely
local master branch, plus two branches tracking remote
ones: alvin is up to date with respect to its upstream, where‐
as the current local branch, simon, has moved three com‐
mits forward:
$ git branch -vv
alvin 7e55cfe3 [origin/alvin] I love chestnuts.
master a675f734 Chipmunks are the real nuts.
* simon 9b0e3dc5 [origin/simon: ahead 3] Walnuts!

(This state is not one resulting from previous examples.)
4. There appears to be a lot of pointless redundancy in many
of these messages; things like “alvin pushes to alvin,” or
updates indicating “master→master.” The reason is that the
default, common situation is for corresponding local and
remote branches to have matching names, but this need
not be the case; for more complex situations, you can have


Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories

arbitrary associations, and the Git messages take this into
account. For example, if you have a repository with two
remotes each having a master branch, your local tracking
branches can’t both be named master as well. You could
proceed this way:
$ git remote add foo git://
$ git remote add bar
$ git fetch --all
Fetching foo
remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (6/6), done.
From foo git://
* [new branch]
-> foo/master
Fetching bar
remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
* [new branch]
-> bar/master
$ git checkout -b foo-master --track foo/master
Branch foo-master set up to track remote branch
master from foo.
Switched to a new branch 'foo-master'
$ git checkout -b bar-master --track bar/master
Branch bar-master set up to track remote branch
master from bar.
Switched to a new branch 'bar-master'
$ git branch -vv
* bar-master f1ace62e [bar/master] bars are boring
foo-master 11e4af82 [foo/master] foosball is fab

These messages from git clone:
* [new branch]
* [new branch]


-> foo/master


-> bar/master

might be a little confusing; they indicate that the remote
branch master in each repository is now being tracked by
Synchronization: Push and Pull



local branches foo/master and bar/master, respectively (not
that it somehow overwrote a local master branch, which
might or might not exist and is not relevant here).

Access Control
In a word (or three): there is none.
It is important to understand that Git by itself does not provide
any sort of authentication or comprehensive access control when
accessing a remote repository. Git has no internal notion of “user”
or “account,” and although some specific actions may be forbid‐
den by configuration (e.g., non–fast-forward updates), generally
you can do whatever is possible with the operating-system level
access controls in place. For example, remote repositories are
often accessed via SSH. This usually means that you need to be
able to log into an account on the remote machine (which account
may be shared with other people); you can clone and pull from
the repository if that account has read access to the repository
files on that machine, and you can push to the repository if that
account has write access. If you’re using HTTP for access instead,
then similar comments apply to the configuration of the web
server and the account under which it accesses the repository.
That’s it. There is no way within Git to limit access to particular
users according to more fine-grained notions, such as granting
read-only access to one branch, commit access to another, and
no access to a third. There are, however, third-party tools that
add such features; Gitolite, Gitorious, and Gitosis are popular



Chapter 6: Tracking Other Repositories



Merging is the process of combining the recent changes from
several branches into a single new commit that is on all those
branches. Most often there are only two branches involved, but
in fact, there can be any number; if there are more than two, it is
called an “octopus merge.” When there are only two branches,
the current branch is called “our” side of the merge, while the
other branch is called “their” side. Since the octopus merge is
unusual, we will generally assume a two-branch merge in this
We described how Git may start a merge for you as part of git
pull (see “Pulling” on page 86), but you can also perform merges

explicitly. Here’s a typical scenario: you’re working on a software
project, and you have an idea for a new feature, but you don’t
want your experimental work on that feature to disturb your
main development. So you create a branch named feature to con‐
tain the work:
$ git checkout -b feature
Switched to a new branch 'feature'
(explore brilliant idea...)

When you need to go back to work on the main part of your
project, you commit your work on the feature branch and switch
back to master (or whichever branch you need to work on):


$ git commit -am "must save brilliant thoughts"
[feature c6dbf36e]
0 files changed
create mode 100644 effulgent.c
create mode 100644 epiphany.h
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
(perform mundane chores...)

You continue like this for some time. Eventually, if you decide
you don’t like your feature idea, you can discard the work by
deleting the branch with git branch -D feature. If you decide
to keep it, however, at some point you’ll want to incorporate it
into the main project code, and you do this with a merge:
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git merge feature
Auto-merging main.c
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
effulgent.c | 452 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
epiphany.h | 45 ++++++++++
| 18 ++-3 files changed, 507 insertions(+), 9 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 effulgent.c
create mode 100644 epiphany.h

It’s best to have all your work committed before running

git merge; that is, git status should show no outstanding

changes or untracked files. Backing out of a merge to your
initial state may prove difficult otherwise. You can use git
stash as a quick way to save working changes and restore
them later (see “git stash” on page 188).

This merge was simple. You had added the files effulgent.c and
epiphany.h on the feature branch, and they did not exist on mas‐
ter, so Git just added them. You had made minor changes to
main.c on both branches, but those changes did not conflict, so


Chapter 7: Merging

Git combined them automatically and committed its merged
version. The ASCII graph with filenames on the left is called a
“diffstat”; it is a summary of the changes made by this commit.
The lines of plus and minus signs represent the relative number
of line additions (“insertions”) and deletions made in the corre‐
sponding file.
Both aspects of merging have occurred here: content and struc‐
ture. First, Git combined the content of both branches by adding
and merging changes to files; then, it recorded the fact of the
merge structurally by creating a merge commit tying both
branches together in the commit graph. This indicates in the his‐
tory those commits whose contents were combined to produce
the new one, by making them its parents. A “merge commit” is
defined simply as a commit having more than one parent.
You can continue this process as long as you like, working on the
feature branch separately and periodically merging its work into
master. If you do, you will probably also need to merge the other
way as well, updating the feature branch with the latest work on
master, so that you’re not working on outdated code; for this, just
do the reverse: switch to feature and run git merge master.
When your new feature is fully incorporated into the main de‐
velopment, and you no longer need to work on it separately, you
can delete the feature branch with git branch -d feature; as
discussed in “Deleting a Branch” on page 75, Git will complain if
you haven’t fully merged feature into master, to prevent you from
accidentally losing work. Deleting feature doesn’t delete any of its
content or history; it just removes the name “feature” as a refer‐
ence point, a place at which you intend to add independent com‐
mits later on—since you no longer need it. You can reuse “feature”
as a branch name in the future if you want, and there will be no
collision with the earlier usage; in fact, aside from possibly in
commit messages or reflogs, once you delete a branch, there is
no record in the repository proper that it ever existed! Branch
names serve to indicate what parts of the object database are still
of interest, and where development is still occurring; if a branch’s
content is merged into other branches, and you no longer need



a line of development with that name, then you can just delete it,
and reuse the name later for something else if you like. Similarly,
looking back in the commit graph, it is not possible to know on
which branch name a particular commit was made; even in a
linear history, the current branch name might have been changed
at some point in the past. It might be interesting or useful to know
this in some situations, but Git just doesn’t keep this information.
Git branches are ephemeral in a sense, just tools for building the
commit graph, which is what matters.

Merge Conflicts
The previous merge went smoothly, but what if you had made
changes in the two branches that Git could not combine on its
own? These are called “merge conflicts,” and Git would stop and
ask you to resolve them before committing. This process can
range from simple to very complex, depending on the content
and changes involved; fortunately, there are tools available to
help, both in Git itself and with which Git can work. Let’s walk
through a simple example. Suppose you have a file moebius with
the following contents:

and you make commits on branches chandra and floyd changing
it thus:



Chapter 7: Merging











yesterday yesterday


You have changed the same two lines on each side in different
ways, and Git’s line-oriented merge approach will not attempt to
guess at your intent or combine the lines (e.g., form a single line
dolphin monoliths, interesting as those might be); it will signal
a merge conflict:
$ git checkout chandra
Switched to branch 'chandra'
$ git merge floyd
Auto-merging moebius
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in moebius
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit
the result.

The phrase CONFLICT (content) indicates that the conflict is due
to irreconcilable content changes in this file. Git might indicate
other reasons as well, such as an add/add conflict, in which the
same filename is added to both branches but with different

If you start a merge and then want to cancel it—perhaps you
weren’t expecting so many conflicts and you don’t have time
to deal with them now—just use git merge --abort.

To get an overview of the merge state, use git status. Any
changes Git resolved on its own will be shown as already staged
Merge Conflicts



for commit, and there is a separate section at the end for merge
$ git status
# Unmerged paths:
# (use "git add ..." to mark resolution)
both modified:

“Unmerged paths” are files with conflicts Git could not resolve.
To find out what went wrong in detail, use git diff. This com‐
mand not only shows the differences between various combina‐
tions of working tree, index, and commits; it also has a special
mode for helping with merge conflicts:
$ git diff
diff --cc moebius
index 1fcbe134,08dbe186..00000000
--- a/moebius
+++ b/moebius
@@@ -1,6 -1,6 +1,11 @@@
++<<<<<<< ours
+ Europa
+ monoliths
++>>>>>>> theirs

This display shows the alternative versions of the section in con‐
flict, separated by ======= and marked with the corresponding
branch: ours (the current branch) and theirs (in this case floyd,
the branch we are merging into ours). As usual, git diff shows
differences between the working tree and the index, which in this
case are the conflicts yet to be resolved; changes already made
and staged are not shown. You can use git diff --staged to see
those; add --stat for an overview. You’ll find that Git has updated
the working file with similar markup:


Chapter 7: Merging

<<<<<<< ours
>>>>>>> theirs

Once you’ve edited the file to resolve the conflict, use git add to
stage your fixed version for commit and remove it from the list
of conflicted paths (if the resolution is actually to delete the file,
use git rm). Once you’ve addressed all the conflicts and git sta
tus no longer reports any unmerged paths, you can use git com
mit to complete the merge. Git will present a commit message
containing details about this merge including its branches and
conflicts, which you can edit as you see fit; in this case:
Merge branch 'floyd' into chandra

and you can see you’ve created a “merge commit” having more
than one parent:
$ git log --graph --oneline
aeba9d85 (HEAD, chandra) Merge branch 'floyd' in…
| * a5374035 (floyd) back in black
* | e355785d thanks for all the fish!
* 50769fc9
star child

The other branch, floyd, has stayed where it was, while the current
branch, chandra, has advanced one commit from e355785d to
aeba9d85, and that last commit unifies the two branches. A new
commit on floyd will cause them to diverge again, and you can
merge again in the future if you need to (in either direction). Note

Merge Conflicts



that at this point, a simple git log will show commits from both
branches, not just those made while on chandra:
$ git log --oneline --decorate
aeba9d85 (HEAD, chandra) Merge branch 'floyd' into ch…
a5374035 (floyd) back in black
e355785d thanks for all the fish!
50769fc9 star child

You might have expected to see only commits aeba9d85,
e355785d, and 50769fc9. This presentation may seem odd at first,
but it’s just a different way of looking at the notion of “branch.”
A Git branch is defined as the set of all commits reachable in the
commit graph from the branch tip; think of it as all commits that
contributed content to the tip commit (which, after a merge, in‐
cludes all commits prior to that one on both branches).

In simple cases, you may get what you think of as the history
of “this branch” with git log --first-parent, which just
follows the first parent of merge commits rather than all of
them. However, this isn’t guaranteed, and in more complex
histories it won’t mean much. Since Git allows nonlinear
history, a simple list of commits is often not very useful, and
you need visualization tools to help you interpret it (see
“Visual Tools” on page 197).

Resolving Merge Conflicts
Git doesn’t have built-in tools to interactively address merge con‐
flicts directly; that’s what external merge tools are for, which we’ll
consider shortly in “Merge Tools” on page 107. However, here are
some tips for use in simple cases.
1. git log -p --merge shows all commits containing changes
relevant to any unmerged files, on either branch, together
with their diffs. This can help you identify the changes in
the history that led to the conflicts.


Chapter 7: Merging

2. If you want to discard all the changes from one side of the
merge, use git checkout --{ours,theirs} file to update
the working file with the copy from the current or other
branch, followed by git add file to stage the change and
mark the conflict as resolved.
3. Having done that, if you would like to apply some of the
changes from the opposite side, use git checkout -p
branch file. This starts an interactive loop that allows you
to selectively apply or edit differing sections (see the “patch”
item in the “Interactive Mode” section of git-add(1) for
In our example, if you decided to keep your version as a default,
but selectively apply changes from the other branch, you could
$ git checkout --ours moebius
$ git add moebius
$ git checkout -p floyd moebius
diff --git b/moebius a/moebius
index 1fcbe134..08dbe186 100644
--- b/moebius
+++ a/moebius
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,…
y - apply this hunk to index and worktree
n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree
q - quit; do not apply this hunk nor any of the remai…
a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file
$ git add moebius

Merge Conflicts



1. If the current branch is already contained in the other (that
is, HEAD is an ancestor of the other branch tip), then git
merge will just move the current branch up to meet the
other in a “fast-forward” update, and not make a new com‐
mit at all. You can force a merge commit anyway with git
merge --no-ff (“no fast-forward”), if you have some rea‐
son to do so.
2. If the converse is true, and the other branch is already con‐
tained in this one, then Git will simply say that the current
branch is “already up-to-date,” and do nothing. The goal of
the merge is to incorporate into the current branch any
changes on the other branch since the two diverged—but
they haven’t diverged.
3. If you want to use Git’s content-merging and conflictresolution machinery, but do not want to create a merge
commit, use git merge --squash. This operates like a nor‐
mal merge with regard to content, but the commit it creates
is just on the current branch (that is, has a single parent and
does not connect to the other branch in the commit graph).
4. You can use git merge -m to specify a commit message just
as with git commit, although remember that Git provides
useful information in its supplied message, which you may
prefer to start with and edit instead (which happens by
5. Use git merge --no-commit to stop Git from committing
when an automatic merge succeeds, in case you want to
have a look first. This isn’t strictly necessary, since you
could always abort the commit by giving a blank commit
message, or make any changes you want afterward and use
git commit --amend.
6. Git records that a merge is in progress by setting the ref
MERGE_HEAD to point to the other branch; this is how it
knows to make a merge commit (as opposed to a simple


Chapter 7: Merging

commit on the current branch) even when there are inter‐
vening commands while you resolve conflicts.

Details on Merging
When merging, Git considers the changes that have occurred on
the branches in question since they last diverged. In the previous
example, the branches chandra and floyd last diverged at commit
50769fc9, so the changes to be reconciled were those in commits
e355785d and a5374035. These branches might have diverged
and been merged several times previously, but you will only be
asked to deal with new changes since that last happened. Some
other version control systems do not have this feature, so that
merging branches repeatedly is a problem: you end up resolving
the same conflicts over and over.
More precisely, when merging several branches, Git seeks a
“merge base”: a recent common ancestor of all the branch tips,
to use as a reference point for arbitrating changes. Although in
complicated situations there might be multiple possibilities for a
merge base (see git-merge-base(1)), in the common case of our
example, there is a single obvious choice, which Git finds auto‐
matically. Since our merge now involves three commits—two
branch tips and the merge base—it is called a “three-way merge.”
Recall that git status showed our conflicts, the “unmerged
paths.” Where does it keep this information? There are conflict
markers in the working files, but it would be slow to read all the
files for this purpose, and in any case that wouldn’t help for a
modify/delete conflict. The answer demonstrates yet again the
usefulness of the index. When there is a merge conflict for a file,
Git simply stores not one version of the file in the index, but three:
those belonging to the merge base and to the current and “other”
branches, numbered 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The number is
called the “stage” of the file and is a distinct property of an index
entry along with the filename, mode bits, and so on. In fact, there
is a third stage, 0, which is the usual state of an entry that has no

Details on Merging



associated merge conflict. We can see this using git ls-files,
which shows the contents of the index. Prior to the merge, we see:
$ git ls-files -s --abbrev
100644 1fcbe134 0

The fields here are the mode bits, ID of the blob object holding
the file’s contents, the stage number, and the filename. After run‐
ning git merge floyd and getting a conflict for this file, we see
something very different (using -u instead of -s would show only
unmerged paths; here we have only one file anyway):
$ git ls-files -s --abbrev
100644 30b7cdab 1
100644 1fcbe134 2
100644 08dbe186 3

Note that the ID of stage 2 matches what was previously stage 0
earlier, since stage 2 is the version on the current branch. You can
use git cat-file to see the contents of the different stages, here
the stage 1 merge-base version:
$ git cat-file -p 30b7cdab

You can refer to a specific stage of a file with the syntax :n:path;
so git show :1:moebius is an easier equivalent for this.
Git records the three commits into the index in this way at the
start of the merge. It then follows a set of simple rules to quickly
resolve the easy cases; for example:
• If all three stages match, reduce to a single stage 0.
• If stage 1 matches stage 2, then reduce to a single stage 0
matching stage 3 (or vice versa): one side made a change
while the other did nothing.



Chapter 7: Merging

• If stage 1 matches stage 2, but there is no stage 3, then re‐
move the file: we made no change, while the other branch
deleted it, so accept the other branch’s deletion.
• If stages 1 and 2 differ, and there is no stage 3, then report
a “modify/delete” conflict: we changed the file, while the
other branch deleted it; the user must decide what to do.
…and so forth. Note that for matching, Git doesn’t need to fetch
the actual files; it can just compare the blob object IDs already in
the index, since they are hashes of the files’ contents. This is very
fast; content-based addressing wins again. You can read about
this process in more detail in git-read-tree(1). Any files that can’t
be easily resolved this way must then actually be examined to
attempt merging their contents.

Merge Tools
Merging can be a complex job, with you staring at scores of con‐
flicting sections of source code changes from yourself and other
people, and trying to combine them into a single working whole.
There are tools available that go far beyond the simple text output
of git diff in helping you to visualize and resolve such conflicts.
Git integrates smoothly with these external “merge tools,” to help
you get the job done more easily. Git supports over a dozen free
and commercial merge tools out of the box, including araxis,
emerge, opendiff, kdiff3, and gvimdiff. It also defines an interface
with which you can use most any such tool, usually requiring only
a simple wrapper script to connect it to Git.
We can’t delve into the details of the individual merge tools; many
of them are complex programs in their own right and would re‐
quire another small book each to describe. Here, we’ll just de‐
scribe how they work with Git generally.
The driver for using a merge tool is git mergetool. Once invoked,
this command runs over all the files with merge conflicts, asking
for each if you want to invoke the selected merge tool on the file.
The default merge tool is opendiff, but you can set a different
Merge Tools



default with the merge.tool Git configuration variable. The tool
will usually present you with a view of the “ours” and “theirs”
versions of the file, along with the merge base, and provide ways
to move from one change or conflict to the next, select which
side’s change to use (or combine them), etc. When you quit the
merge tool indicating success, Git will add your merged version
to the index (thus marking this conflict as resolved), and go on
to the next unmerged file.

• The -y switch to git mergetool tells it to run the tool on
all unmerged files, without pausing to prompt yes or no for
each one.
• git mergetool leaves a backup foo.orig for each file foo it
processes, since you might have modified it yourself before
running the merge tool. You can set mergetool.keepBackup
no to turn off this feature. Actually, Git still makes the back‐
up; it just deletes it when the merge tool exits successfully,
so that the backup is still there in case the tool were to crash.
• If a merge tool exits unexpectedly or doesn’t work properly,
you may see files like these left behind (for the file main.c):

These are the temporary files that Git uses to pass the var‐
ious file versions to the merge tool.

Custom Merge Tools
If you want to use a merge tool not directly supported by Git, it
need only obey some simple conventions; usually, you’ll write a
glue script to accommodate them. Git passes four filenames to
the tool as environment variables:


Chapter 7: Merging


The version from the current branch

The version from the other branch

The version from the merge base (common ancestor)

File to which the merged version should be written
The tool should exit with a code of zero to indicate that the user
is happy with the merged version, saved to the filename in the
MERGED environment variable. A nonzero exit code means that Git
should ignore that file and not mark this conflict resolved. To
define a new Git merge tool named “foo” with your own program
named newtool:
[mergetool "foo"]
cmd = newtool $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED $BASE
trustExitCode = true

This shows the files being passed on the command line to new
tool; if your program reads the environment variables itself, then
of course that’s not required. The trustExitCode setting means
that Git will interpret the tool’s exit code as previously described;
if this setting is false, Git will prompt the user for what to do

Merge Strategies
Git has a number of approaches it can take to automatically merge
files that have been changed by both sides of a merge; that is to
say, exactly what it does in analyzing text to determine the bound‐
aries of changed blocks, when blocks have been moved, when
changes can be safely merged, and when they should be punted
to the user. These approaches are called “merge strategies,” and
each may in turn have various options; Git can even be extended

Merge Strategies



with new strategies by writing custom “merge drivers,” without
having to touch Git proper.
The built-in merge strategies are described in git-merge(1). The
many options are quite technical and involved, and Git’s default
choice of strategy is usually sufficient; we will not cover them in
depth here. However, here are a few tips involving merge strate‐
gies that are generally useful:
git merge -s ours
The ours strategy is simple: it discards all changes from the

other branch. This leaves the content on your branch un‐
changed, and when you next merge from the other branch,
Git will only consider changes made from this point for‐
ward. You might use this to retain the history of a branch,
without incorporating its effects. (This strategy works with
more than two branches as well.)

git merge -s recursive -X ours
This is the ours option to the recursive strategy, not to be
confused with the ours strategy. The recursive strategy is
often the default, and so you might not have to use -s, but

we’ll be explicit here. This option directs Git to resolve con‐
flicting changes in favor of the current branch. This is dif‐
ferent from the ours strategy, in that nonconflicting changes
can still be resolved in favor of either branch. You can use
-X theirs as well, to resolve in favor of the other branch

ignore-space-change, ignore-all-space, ignore-space-at-eol
These options to the recursive strategy automatically re‐

solve conflicts differing only in certain types of whitespace;
see git-merge(1) for details.


This configuration variable (or the GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY
environment variable, which takes precedence), holds a nat‐
ural number indicating the level of information printed by
the recursive strategy. Zero prints only a final error message



Chapter 7: Merging

on conflict, 2 is the default, and 5 and above show debugging
The “octopus” strategy
The octopus strategy can merge any number of branches,
but only if all changes can be resolved automatically. If not,
the strategy will abort in the middle of the merge attempt,
possibly leaving your index and working tree in a not terribly
meaningful state. Unlike when merging two branches, git
merge --abort doesn’t work in this case (it says no merge is
in progress); this may be a limitation that will be addressed
in future versions of Git. You can use git reset to discard
the index changes, adding --hard to reset the working tree
as well, if you had no uncommitted changes to lose. “Octo‐
pus” is the default strategy when merging more than two
branches, e.g., git merge bert ernie oscar.

Why the Octopus?
An octopus merge is generally used to tie together several topic
branches with the master branch in preparation for a new release
of a project, bringing in all their separate contributions. The in‐
dividual branches should already have been reconciled with the
master and have no conflicts amongst them, or else as mentioned,
the octopus merge will not work. The octopus merge does not
have any inherent advantage over simply merging all the topic
branches into the master pairwise and reconciling the conflicts
there; it accomplishes the same goal and incorporates the same
history. However, with a large number of branches, it can make
for a cleaner and more easily understood commit graph, and so
some people prefer it. See Figure 7-1.

Why the Octopus?



Figure 7-1. Pairwise and octopus merges

Reusing Previous Merge Decisions
Git can remember merge conflict resolutions you made in the
past, and reuse them automatically if you run into similar con‐
flicts later. This feature goes by the name git rerere, for “reuse
recorded resolution.” This is useful if you’re working on a par‐
ticularly difficult merge. You may abort a merge and retry it in
various ways, but having resolved some conflicts in the mean‐
time, this feature can remember and reapply those decisions. It
can also be helpful if you’re rewriting repository history, or in
maintaining branches on which you end up resolving the same
conflicts repeatedly until the branch’s content can finally be
merged appropriately.



Chapter 7: Merging

Setting rerere.enabled in a repository turns on the feature,
which is then automatically used by both git merge and git
rebase. Since this is an advanced feature, we just note its existence
here and refer the reader to git-rerere(1) for details.

Reusing Previous Merge Decisions




Naming Commits

Git has a variety of ways to refer to (or name, or “spell”) Git ob‐
jects, usually commits, either individually or as a set, by following
the commit graph or matching some criteria. You can find further
detail on the conventions described next in gitrevisions(7).
The command git rev-parse is useful for checking your under‐
standing: it will take a name in the various syntaxes presented
here and translate it to an object ID, so you can make sure it refers
to the object you expected. For names that represent sets of com‐
mits, git rev-list will show the resulting set.

Naming Individual Commits
Commit ID
The full SHA-1 object ID
For example, 2ee20b94203f22cc432d02cd5adb5ba610e6088f.
An abbreviated object ID
A prefix of an object’s full ID unique to your repository. So
2ee20b94 could name the same object as before, if no other
object in your database has an ID beginning with those digits
(if there were a conflict, you could just use a few more digits).


git describe

The output of the git describe command, which names
commits relative to a tag; for example, v1.7.12-146g16d26b16 refers to commit 16d26b16, which is 146 commits
away from the tag v1.7.12. As output, this might be used as
part of a build identifier, where it suggests to the reader the
proximity of the build to a tag with a presumably helpful
name. As input to Git however, only the trailing hex digits
after -g are meaningful, and are used as an abbreviated
commit ID.

Ref Name
A simple ref points directly to an object ID. Git follows a symbolic
ref such as “master” until it finds a simple ref; for example, HEAD
points to master if you are that branch, and master points to the
commit at the branch tip. If the object is a tag rather than a com‐
mit, then Git follows the tag (possibly through intermediate tags)
until it reaches a commit.
There are several rules for expanding ref names, allowing you to
use short names in most situations rather than fully qualified
names such as refs/heads/master. To find a ref named foo, Git
looks for the following in order:
1. foo: Normally, these are refs used by Git internally, such as
HEAD, MERGE_HEAD, FETCH_HEAD, and so on, and are repre‐
sented as files directly under .git
2. refs/foo
3. refs/tags/foo: The namespace for tags
4. refs/heads/foo: The namespace for local branches
5. refs/remotes/foo: The namespace for remotes, though
this would not ordinarily itself be a ref, but rather a direc‐
tory containing the remote’s refs



Chapter 8: Naming Commits

6. refs/remotes/foo/HEAD: The default branch of the remote
Briefly, this means that git checkout foo will check out a tag
named foo if there is one, otherwise, a branch; if there is neither,
but there is a remote named foo, then it will check out the default
branch of that remote.

Names Relative to a Given Commit
In the following, rev refers to any “revision”: an object referred to
using any of the syntaxes discussed in this chapter. These rules
can apply multiple times; e.g., a tag name tigger is a rev, thus
tigger^ is also a rev, as is tigger^^ (using the first rule that fol‐

For example, master^2; this refers to the nth parent of a com‐
mit, numbered starting at 1. Recall from “The Object
Store” on page 6 that a commit contains a list of zero or more
parent commits, referred to by their object IDs; commits
with more than one parent are produced by merging. Special

rev^ = rev^1


rev^0 = rev if rev is a commit. If rev is a tag, then
rev^0 is the commit to which the tag refers, possibly
through a chain of other tags (see rev^{commit} next).

In a linear history, rev^ is the previous commit to rev, and
rev^^ the commit two steps back. Remember though that in
the presence of merges, there may not be a single “previous
commit,” and these expressions may not do what you expect;
for example, note carefully that, in Figure 8-1, rev^^ ≠ rev^2.

Naming Individual Commits



Figure 8-1. rev^^ vs rev^2

For example, HEAD~3; this is the nth ancestor of rev, always
following the first parent commit. Special cases:

rev~ = rev~1


rev~0 = rev

Again, be careful: HEAD~2 = HEAD^1^1 = HEAD^^, but these are
not the same as HEAD^2.

Names Relative to the Reflog
Local branch names usually have a reflog: a log of commits that
used to be the head of this branch, along with the actions that
changed it each time: commit, cherry-pick, reset, and so on. You
view the composite log with git log -g, which follows your trail
from one branch log to another via checkouts. The syntax
refname@\{selector\} allows you to name a single commit ac‐
cording to various criteria evaluated against your reflog:

The commit named by this ref at the given point in time.
The time can be specified in a very flexible format that does
not appear to be documented in the manpages, but that in‐
cludes such expressions as:







Chapter 8: Naming Commits


last week


6 months ago


two Saturdays past


Sat Sep 8 02:09:07 2012 -0400 (or meaningful sub‐

sets of this)

1966-12-06 04:33:00

Times after the latest commit return the latest commit, and
similarly times previous to the earliest commit return the
earliest commit. You can use dots instead of spaces to avoid
having to quote or escape spaces to the shell, to ease typing:
topic@{last.week} instead of topic@{"last week"} or top
ic@{last\ week}.

For nonnegative n, this is the nth prior value of refname (zero
refers to the current value and is a synonym for refname).
Note that this need not be the same as refname~n, the nth
prior commit on the branch! For example, if git pull per‐
forms a fast-forward update of a branch, there will be one
entry in the reflog, but possibly several intervening com‐
mits. This is because Git added those commits in a single
action; your branch moved from the previous commit to the
last of the new ones in one step, and your branch was never
“at” any of the intermediate ones (you never had them
checked out).
You can omit refname to refer to the current branch (e.g.,


With a negative number, this is the current tip of the nth
branch checked out before the current one. For example, if
you’re on master and switch to foo with git checkout foo,
then git checkout @{-1} will take you back to master. Note
the very different meanings of @{5} and @{-5}: the first is the
fifth prior position of the current branch, while the latter is
Naming Individual Commits



the fifth prior branch you checked out (and neither of them
is HEAD~5 or HEAD^5). Also note the word “current” in this
description: if the eighth prior branch you checked out was
master, it probably had a different tip commit then, as re‐
flected in the corresponding reflog entry—but this notation
refers to the current tip of that branch. (You can’t prefix this
form with a ref name, as it is not relative.)
The critical thing to keep in mind about this syntax is that it is
relative to your reflog, which is part of your repository and reflects
your local work history; commits named this way are not globally
meaningful or unique. Your reflog is a history of a particular
branch name in your repository and the commits to which it has
referred over time as a result of your checkouts, pulls, resets,
amends, etc.; this is distinct from the history of the branch itself
(a portion of the commit graph). The name master@{yester
day}, for example, may refer to a different commit in your repos‐
itory than in someone else’s, even if you are working on the same
project; it depends on what you were doing yesterday.

The Upstream Branch
The notation foo@{upstream} (or just foo@{u}) names the branch
upstream of the branch foo, as defined by the repository config‐
uration. This is usually arranged automatically when checking
out a local branch corresponding to a remote one, but may be set
explicitly with commands such as git checkout --track, git
branch --set-upstream-to, and git push -u. It just gives the
object ID of the upstream branch head, though; options to git
rev-parse are useful to find out the upstream branch name:
$ git rev-parse HEAD@{upstream}
$ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD@{upstream}
$ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD@{upstream}



Chapter 8: Naming Commits

The first is more convenient but may have difficulties if the
branch name is ambiguous; Git will warn in that case. (See also
the strict and loose arguments to --abbrev-parse.)

Matching a Commit Message

For example, HEAD^{/"fixed pr#1234"}; this selects the
youngest commit reachable from rev whose commit mes‐
sage matches the given regular expression. You can omit rev
by writing simply :/regexp; this selects the youngest match‐
ing commit reachable from any ref (branch or tag). A lead‐
ing ! is reserved (presumably for some sort of negation,
though it does not yet have that meaning), so you have to
repeat it as an escape if need be: :/!!bang searches for the
string “!bang”.

• Watch out for assuming that the commit you get is the one
you want, especially if you omit rev; multiple commits
might match your regular expression, and “youngest com‐
mit” means the one closest to the edge of the commit graph,
which may not be the one with the most recent committer
or author date. git show -s is useful to check that you have
the right commit; omit the -s if you want to see the commit
diff as well as the description (author, committer, date, and
so on).
• The match is on the entire commit message, not just the
subject, so the matching text itself may not show up if you
use git log --oneline together with a match expression.
• You can’t specify case-insensitive matching; if you want
that, use git log -i --grep, which also uses the broader
PCRE regular expressions rather than the simpler “re‐
gcomp” style used by the :/ syntax.

Naming Individual Commits



Following Chains
There are various kinds of pointers or indirection in Git: a tag
points to another object (usually a commit); a commit points to
the tree representing the content of that commit; a tree points to
its subtrees; and so on. The syntax rev^type tells Git to recursively
dereference the object named by rev until it reaches an object of
the given type. For example:
• release-4.1^{commit} names the commit tagged by
release-4.1, even if there are intermediate tags.
• master~3^{tree} names the tree associated with the third
commit back from the tip of the master branch.
You don’t often have to use these kinds of names, as Git is smart
about doing this automatically when appropriate. If you give a
tag to git checkout, it knows you mean to check out the tagged
commit; similarly, if you want to list the filenames in a commit,
git ls-tree -r master~3 would be sufficient. However, some‐
times you need to be more precise: git show release-4.1 would
show both the tag and the commit; you could use
release-4.1^{commit} to show only the commit. Special cases:
• rev^0 is a synonym for rev^{commit}.
• rev^{} means to follow the chain to the first nontag object
(of whatever type).

Addressing Pathnames
The notation rev:path names a file by pathname in a given com‐
mit (e.g., olympus@{last.week}:pantheon/zeus). Actually, it’s
more general than that: recall from “The Object Store” on page
6 that a pathname foo/bar/baz names an object in some tree, ei‐
ther a blob (the contents of a file baz) or another tree (the entries
in a directory baz). So rev can be any tree-like object: a tree (ob‐
viously), a commit (which has an associated tree), or the index,

122 |

Chapter 8: Naming Commits

and the object selected by path may be a blob (file) or another
tree (directory). Special cases:

Addresses an object in the index.

Addresses an object in the index, including its stage number
(see “Details on Merging” on page 105); :path is actually
short for :0:path.

Outside of Git, a filename such as foo/bar, without a leading
slash, is relative to the current directory. In the notation
master:foo/bar, however, it is absolute in the sense that it
starts at the top of the tree of the named commit (the tip
commit of the branch master, in this case). So if you’re in
the directory foo and want to see the version of bar two
commits back, you might think to type git show HEAD~2:bar
—but you’ll get an error, or see the bar in the top level of
the repository, if there is one.
To use relative pathnames in this notation, be explicit by
using ./ or ../; here, you need git show HEAD~2:./bar

Naming Sets of Commits
The foregoing notation names individual commits. Git also al‐
lows you to name sets of commits, using a combination of reach‐
ability in the commit graph (containment in a branch or tag), and
the usual mathematical operations on sets: union, intersection,
complement, and difference. Here, the letters A, B, C, and so on
are names for commits using any of the syntaxes introduced ear‐
lier. These terms can be used in combination, as a space-separated
list of terms, and the definitions read as actions: adding or

Naming Sets of Commits



removing certain commits. Remember that a commit is always
considered reachable from itself.

Add all commits reachable from A.

Remove all commits reachable from A.

Add all commits reachable from A, but exclude A itself. This
acts like a macro that expands to the list of parents of A, which
are then interpreted according to (1).

Add only the commit A. This acts like a macro that expands
A, followed by the list of A’s parents each prefixed with a caret,
which are then interpreted according to (1) and (2).

Since cases (3) and (4) can be expressed as combinations of (1)
and (2), we can consider just the latter. To get a definition by sets
for any expression, say:
A ^X ^Y B C ^Z …

Rearrange to gather the T and ^T terms together:
A B C … ^X ^Y ^Z …

And rewrite as:
(A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ …) ∩ (X ∪ Y ∪ Z ∪ …)′

where each letter is interpreted as in (1), and the “prime” symbol
(′) indicates the complement of a set in usual mathematical no‐
tation. If either category of term is absent, that union is the empty
set; thus, if there are no caret terms, the intersection is with the
complement of the empty set, that is, all commits—and so does
not affect the result. Also, a term ^A by itself is meaningful and
accepted, if not terribly useful: according to our definitions, this
is the intersection of the empty set with the set of commits not
reachable from A—that is, the empty set.



Chapter 8: Naming Commits

Here are some useful abbreviations:
--not X Y Z … = ^X ^Y ^Z …
A..B = ^A B

This is all commits reachable from B but not from A. Note
that this excludes A itself.

A...B = A B --not $(git merge-base A B)

This is all commits reachable from either A or B, but not from
both. It is called the symmetric difference, which is the name
for the corresponding set operation: (A ∪ B) − (A ∩ B).

For the .. and ... operators, a missing commit name on either
side defaults to HEAD.
Here are some examples using this simple commit graph. See
Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2. Simple commit graph

• master = {A, B, C, X, Y, Z}, the commits on the master
• master..topic = {1, 2, 3}, the commits on topic not yet
merged into master
• master...topic = {1, 2, 3, X, Y, Z}, the commits by which
the topic and master branches differ
A useful command for exploring this notation is git rev-list,
which expands one of these expressions into the corresponding
set of commits. It’s especially helpful to combine it with git namerev thus:
Naming Sets of Commits



$ git rev-list rev | git name-rev --stdin --name-only

This will print out the commit set using names relative to local
branches and tags.

The use of this set notation depends on context. git log
interprets its arguments just as shown in this section, indi‐
cating the set of commits on which it should report. git
checkout, however, does not accept it, since it doesn’t make
sense to check out more than one commit at a time. And
git show treats individual revs as naming just one commit
(rather than all commits reachable from it), but accepts
compound forms such as A..B.
Note too that git diff also uses the .. and ... syntaxes with
pairs of commits—but with entirely different meanings! git
diff A..B is just a synonym for git diff A B. Caveat Gittor.



Chapter 8: Naming Commits


Viewing History

The primary command for examining the commit history of
your repository is git log. The documentation for this com‐
mand, git-log(1), is about 30 pages long, and we shall not repeat
all that detail here. We will cover its main modes of operation, as
well as a selection of the most common and useful options and

Command Format
The format of the command is:
$ git log [options] [commits] [[--] path ...]

The commits parameter specifies the commits Git should list for
you, using the notation discussed in “Naming Sets of Commits”
on page 123; for example:
git log

The default for commits is HEAD, so this lists the commits
reachable from the current HEAD commit. This is generally
a branch, but may not be if you have checked out an arbitrary
commit and are in “detached HEAD” mode (see “Branch‐
es” on page 19).


git log topic

Lists the commits in the topic branch, even if you are on
another branch.
git log alvin simon

Lists all commits on either of the branches alvin or simon.
git log alvin..simon

Lists all commits in simon that are not in alvin; this is often
those commits on simon that have occurred since you last
merged it with alvin.
Here, the names topic, alvin, and simon could also be tags, or
expressions such as master~3 or 780ae563. You can also use pat‐
terns to indicate sets of refs instead of listing them all individually,
with these options:

Behave as if all branches, tags, or remotes were given on the
command line as the commits argument, optionally limiting
the refs matched with a glob pattern. Match refs directly with
--glob=pattern; a leading refs/ is implied if not given. A
trailing /* is implied if the pattern does not contain * or ?.
Synonyms: --all = --glob='*'
Thus, git log --branches='foo*' lists all branches whose names
begin with “foo”: refs/heads/foobar, refs/heads/foodie, etc.
The optional list of file pathnames or glob patterns further limits
the commits listed, to those that touched matching paths by either
adding, deleting, or modifying the named files. Use the -separator in case there’s some ambiguity with the preceding op‐
tions or commit names.

Output Formats
The default output format is fairly detailed, including the author
timestamp and commit message:



Chapter 9: Viewing History

$ git log
commit 86815742
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Tue Sep 18 14:36:00 2012 -0700
reduce annoyance
Fix this software so that it is slightly less
annoying than it was before, though less annoyance
would still be good.
commit 72e4d8e8
Merge: 5ac81f5f af771c39
Author: Witch King of Angmar 
Tue Sep 18 14:35:54 2012 -0700
Merge branch 'hobbits'
Some scholars are of the opinion that "nazgûl" is
exclusively plural, so that one does not speak of
"a Nazgûl." Of course, it's best not to speak of
them at all, regardless.

git log --oneline gives more compact output, including just

the ID and message subject for each commit:
$ git log --oneline
86815742 reduce annoyance
72e4d8e8 Merge branch 'hobbits'

Note that this is one reason to format your commit messages in
the conventional way, with a subject line: it makes this sort of
summary readable, as opposed to just showing the beginning of
a sentence trailing off to the right (see “Commit Messages” on
page 52).
The --oneline option is actually short for --format=oneline
--abbrev-commit, and the default is --format=medium. There are

a number of predefined formats; the following table shows the
full list, along with some commit elements they contain (they all
show the commit ID).

Output Formats




author author date committer commit date subject message





























The email format produces output in traditional Unix “mbox”
style, with one email message per commit (and here’s yet another
reason for the standard commit message format: commit subject
lines become the email subject headers of each message). You can
use it to prepare a set of email messages describing some com‐
mits, which can be easily read, manipulated, and sent with most
Unix-based mail programs.
The raw format shows all the information in the commit in full
detail and uninterpreted format, including the full 40-digit IDs
of the parent commits and content tree object.

Defining Your Own Formats
You can also customize the display format, with git log --format
="format:string". You can give a format using a set of substitu‐
tions similar in usage to the printf function in the C standard

library (and widely copied in other languages). The full set of
substitutions is in the PRETTY FORMATS section of git-log(1);
here are some examples:
# committer, commit ID, relative timestamp, subject
$ git log --date=relative --format='%an, %h, %ar, "%s"
Richard E. Silverman, 86815742, 6 hours ago, "reduce …
Witch King of Angmar, 72e4d8e8, 7 hours ago, "Merge b…



Chapter 9: Viewing History

This example uses color and underlining to distinguish the dif‐
ferent fields on the line. The colors may not show here depending
on the medium in which you’re reading this text, but give it a try
(it assumes your terminal is set up to handle color, of course):
# commit ID, subject, committer, date
$ git log --date=short --format=\
"%C(blue)%h %C(reset)%s %C(magenta)%aN %C(green ul)\
86815742 reduce annoyance Richard E. Silverman 2012-1…
72e4d8e8 Merge branch 'hobbits' Witch King of Angmar …

Make sure to use %Creset at the end of such a format; otherwise,
if the output is going directly to a terminal rather than through
a pager, you’ll leave the terminal stuck in whatever color or mode
you last used. You can add a format you use frequently to your
configuration in ~/.gitconfig or elsewhere:
colorful = "%C(blue)%h %C(reset)%s %C(magenta)%aN
%C(green ul)%ad%C(reset)"

and then refer to it by name:
$ git log --format=colorful

• To use a double quote in a format string given in a Git
configuration file, escape it with backslash.
• --pretty is a synonym for --format (from the term “pretty
• A format given as format:template places a newline be‐
tween each log item; there is no newline after the final item.
Use tformat:template instead to get a final newline (“t” for
• If the --format argument contains a percent sign (%), then
Git assumes tformat:, as in the previous example.

Defining Your Own Formats



• You can change the default format for git log by setting
format.pretty; this affects git show as well.

Limiting Commits to Be Shown
There are many options for further limiting the commits to be
shown beyond the commits expression given as an argument to
git log; here is a selection of common ones:
-n (-n n, --max-count=n)

Only show the first n commits.

Skip n leading commits before starting output.

Show commits made before or after a specific date (syno‐
nyms: --{until,since}). Note that this refers to the commit
timestamp; there is no analogous simple way to refer to the
author timestamp.

Show only commits whose author or committer header
(name ) matches the given regular expression. Mul‐
tiple instances of a given constraint are combined with log‐
ical “or,” but (as usual) use of both types counts as logical
“and”; thus, git log --author=Richard --author=Booboo
--committer=Felix shows commits made by Felix, whose
author is either Richard or Booboo.

Show only commits whose log messages match the given
regular expression. Multiple instances are combined with
logical “or”; change this to “and” with --all-match. Use
--grep-reflog to match reflog entries instead, when using
git log -g to examine the reflog instead of the commit
graph (--grep still matches the commit message, even
though the commits examined are found via the reflog; it
does not match the reflog comment instead).


Chapter 9: Viewing History


Show only commits with a matching number of parent
commits. Synonyms:

--merges = --min-parents=2


--no-merges = --max-parents=1


Follow only the first parent of a merge commit, rather than
all of them. This can give a more useful history of a topic
branch into which you periodically merge from a more cen‐
tral branch, keeping it up to date with the main develop‐
ment. This shows only the activity on the topic branch itself,
rather than commits brought in from the main branch by

Show commits containing files with any of the statuses given
by the following one-letter codes. The “copied” and “re‐
named” statuses will only be effective if copy and rename
detection are enabled as described:

A: Added


C: Copied


D: Deleted


M: Modified


R: Renamed


T: Type change (e.g., a file replaced by a symbolic link)

Regular Expressions
A number of options affect the interpretation of regular

Regular Expressions



-i (--regexp-ignore-case)

Ignore case differences (e.g., hello and HELLO will both
match “Hello”).
-E (--extended-regexp)

Use extended regular expressions; the default type is basic.
-F (--fixed-strings)

Consider the limiting patterns as literal strings to be match‐
ed; that is, don’t interpret them as regular expressions at all.

Use Perl-style regular expressions. This will not be available
if Git is not built with the --with-libpcre option, which is
not on by default.

git log --walk-reflog (-g) shows a completely different log:

the reflog. This is a log of actions you’ve taken in your repository,
and it can be very helpful in recovering from mistakes; see “Dou‐
ble Oops!” on page 59.

git log --decorate={no,short,full} shows refs pointing to the

listed commits:

$ git log --decorate
commit feca033e (HEAD, master)
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Thu Dec 20 00:38:51 2012 -0500
commit 6faac5df (u/master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Mon Dec 3 03:18:43 2012 -0500
working on ch09



Chapter 9: Viewing History

commit 110dac65
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Mon Dec 3 03:18:09 2012 -0500
minor editing on earlier chapters

Note the inclusion in parentheses of various local and remote
branch names. The default is short; full uses the full ref name
(e.g., refs/heads/master instead of just master).

Date Style
git log --date= {local,relative,default,iso,rfc,short,raw}

This option affects how dates are rendered in formatted log
output, as long as the format has not explicitly given a date
style. For example, using this format:
compact = %h %ad, \"%s\"
$ git log -1 --format=compact --date=local
6faac5df Mon Dec 3 03:18:43 2012, "working on ch09"
$ git log -1 --format=compact --date=relative
6faac5df 2 weeks ago, "working on ch09"
$ git log -1 --format=compact --date=iso
6faac5df 2012-12-03 03:18:43 -0500, "working on ch09"
$ git log -1 --format=compact --date=rfc
6faac5df Mon, 3 Dec 2012 03:18:43 -0500, "working on …
$ git log -1 --format=compact --date=short
6faac5df 2012-12-03, "working on ch09"
$ git log -1 --format=compact --date=raw
6faac5df 1354522723 -0500, "working on ch09"


Original time zone of author or committer

Local time zone
Date Style




How far in the past

ISO 8601 format

RFC 2822 format (as found in email)

Internal Git format

Listing Changed Files
git log --name-status summarizes which files changed in a

given commit (relative to its predecessor), and the nature of the
$ git log --name-status
commit bc0ba0f7
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Wed Dec 19 23:31:49 2012 -0500
fix directory; misc diffs with older ghc


commit f6a96775
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Wed Dec 19 21:48:26 2012 -0500
rename keepmeta


The single-letter codes to the left of the filenames, indicating the
change status of that file in the commit, are the same as listed for
the --diff-filter option for added, deleted, modified, and so


Chapter 9: Viewing History

git log --name-only lists only filenames without the status
codes, and --stat gives an ASCII-art graph (“diffstat”) repre‐
senting the amount and kind of change in each file:
$ git log --stat
commit ddcd718b
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Sun Dec 9 23:47:50 2012 -0500
add KDC default referral feature
Two new realm configuration parameters:
* default_referral_realm (string, none)
* cross_realm_default_referral (boolean, false)
If default_referral_realm is set, then the KDC
will issue referrals to the specified realm for
TGS requests otherwise qualifying for a referral
but lacking a static realm mapping, as long as the
presented TGT is not cross-realm (setting
cross_realm_default_referral omits that check).
src/config-files/kdc.conf.M | 12 +
| 4 +
| 2
| 52 +---------src/kdc/extern.h
| 4 +
| 12
| 5 src/lib/kadm5/alt_prof.c
| 15 +
8 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

git log --dirstat summarizes the amount of change in sub‐
directories (it can take a number of parameters controlling how
the summarization is done):
$ git log --dirstat
commit 4dd1530f (tag: mit-krb5-1.10.3, origin/MIT)
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Mon Jan 9 15:03:23 2012 -0500
import MIT Kerberos 1.10.3

Listing Changed Files





Showing and Following Renames
or Copies
Ordinary git log does not show file renaming, because it takes
longer to do this and often you’re not interested. To enable re‐
naming detection, use --find-renames[=n] (-M[n]). The option‐
al integer n is an index of similarity: consider a delete/add pair
to be a rename if the before/after files are at least n% identical
(the default is 100%):
$ git log --name-status
commit 4a933304 (HEAD, master)
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Thu Dec 20 01:08:14 2012 -0500
Rename foo; wouldn’t bar be better?


$ git log --name-status -M
commit 4a933304 (HEAD, master)
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Thu Dec 20 01:08:14 2012 -0500
Rename foo; wouldn’t bar be better?



To have Git follow a file past a rename, use git log --follow;
this only works when you give a single file to follow:



Chapter 9: Viewing History

$ git log bar
commit 4a933304 (HEAD, master)
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Thu Dec 20 01:08:14 2012 -0500
Rename foo; wouldn’t bar be better?
$ git log --follow bar
commit 4a933304 (HEAD, master)
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Thu Dec 20 01:08:14 2012 -0500
Rename foo; wouldn’t bar be better?
commit 4e286d96
Author: Richard E. Silverman 
Tue Dec 18 04:57:55 2012 -0500
Add “foo” in its glorious fooness!

Detecting Copies
A “copied” file is a new path appearing in a commit with identical
or similar contents to an existing one (one already in a prior
commit). git log --find-copies[=n] (-C[n]) does the same for
detecting copies as -M does for renames. -CC (or --find-copiesharder) will consider all files in a commit as potential sources of
copying, while plain -C considers only files that changed in that

Rewriting Names and Addresses:
The “mailmap”
The same person’s name or email address as embedded in com‐
mits may vary in a single repository history, depending on set‐
tings she had at various times as she was working. Git has a facility
to normalize these for display and collation, called the mailmap.
A mailmap file may be named .mailmap at the top of the working
tree, or have any name given by the mailmap.file configuration
option, and has lines in any of the following formats:
Rewriting Names and Addresses: The “mailmap”



Correct Name 

This collates by address and rewrites names: entries of this
form with the same address identify commits marked with
those addresses as being by the same person, with the speci‐
fied name replacing the names given in those commits.

This collates by address and rewrites addresses: entries of
this form with the same desired address, but differing “ran‐
dom other” addresses, identify commits by the varying
addresses as being by the same person, with the specified
address replacing those appearing in the commits (but leav‐
ing the names alone).
Correct Name  

This collates by address and rewrites both name and address:
entries of this form, with the same desired address but dif‐
fering names and other addresses, identify those commits
as being by the same person, with the specified name and
desired address replacing those appearing in the commits.
Correct Name  Other Name 

This collates by both name and address, and rewrites both
as well: entries of this form with the same “correct name”
and desired address identify commits marked with the given
combinations of “other” name/address pairs as being by the
same person, with the specified name and address replacing
those appearing in the commits.
For example, this mailmap entry:
Richard E. Silverman 

coalesces all commits marked with the address res@oreil and presents my name consistently as “Richard E.

Silverman,” even if some say “Richard Silverman” or “Rich S.”
These entries:



Chapter 9: Viewing History

Richard E. Silverman  
Richard E. Silverman  
Richard E. Silverman  

identify commits marked with the three addresses appearing on
the right, and rewrite both name and address to be “Richard E.
Silverman” and
The coalescing and rewriting features are used by the command

git shortlog, which summarizes history using the commit sub‐
jects (or other format given by --format) and grouping by author.
The rewriting feature alone is used by git log and git blame if

the format specifies it. Particular escapes for committer and au‐
thor info, given in the PRETTY FORMATS section of git-log(1),
take the mailmap (if any) into account; for example, this version
of the “compact” format defined earlier:
compact = %aN (%h) %aD, \"%s\"

(note the capital N and D) shows the author name and address
as rewritten by the mailmap.

Shortening Names
Another use for the mailmap is shortening names for compact
display. Full names can be truncated and difficult to read in a
short format, such as the common git log --oneline. You can
maintain a mailmap rewriting full names to your organization’s
computer account names, for example, which are typically short‐
er. You can then define log formats that use them as above; you
could place these in the system-level Git configuration used by
everyone (usually /etc/gitconfig), or have a smaller group explic‐
itly include a shared file via the include.path variable. This

Rewriting Names and Addresses: The “mailmap”



together with the second “compact” log format above causes the
author name and addresses for Richard Silverman and John
Preston to appear as “res” and “john” instead, also taking into
account two different email address formats.

Searching for Changes: The “pickaxe”
The Git “pickaxe,” git log -S string, lists commits that changed
the number of occurrences of string in at least one file. Note that
this is slightly different from string appearing in the commit diff
at all: if a commit removed one occurrence and added another
one elsewhere, the pickaxe will not show it. Nonetheless, this is
a useful method of looking for changes. For example, if you want
to know when a particular feature was added, using this
command with the name of a function or variable specific to the
feature will turn it up, as the earliest commit that introduced that
term. git log -G pattern does the same with a regular expres‐
If you combine the pickaxe with a git log option that lists files,
such as --name-status, Git shows only those files that triggered
the listing (those in which the number of string or pattern oc‐
currences changed). If you add --pickaxe-all, then Git shows
all files touched by the listed commits. This allows you to see the
entire changeset associated with any commit that matched the
pattern you’re interested in.

Showing Diffs
git log -p shows the “patch” or “diff ” associated with each com‐

mit (illustrating the actual changes made to the files, only for text
files, naturally), after the usual commit information as indicated
by the log format in use. Normally, no diff is shown for merge
commits, however you can use these options:


Shows each pairwise diff between the merge and its parents.

142 |

Chapter 9: Viewing History


Shows the differences with all parents simultaneously in a
merged format (a generalization of the traditional “unified
diff ”), rather than serially as with -m, and only for files that
were modified in all branches.

Implies -c and further simplifies the diff by showing only
conflicts; change regions with only two variants of which the
merge picked one unmodified are not shown.

The option --color[={always,auto,never}] uses color to help
distinguish difference regions; additions are in green and dele‐
tions in red. The default is never, --color means
--color=always, and --color=auto means to use color when
standard output is a terminal.

Word Diff
The option --word-diff[={plain,color,none}] shows wordlevel changes within lines, rather than entire changed lines. For
example, this:
- I changed a word.
+ I altered a word.

becomes this:
I [-changed-]{+altered+} a word.

with --word-diff=plain. This is often more useful than line diffs
if the content is English prose rather than software code. The
color option uses color instead of the markers shown earlier to
indicate the additions and deletions, again using green and red.
It is possible to change the regular expression Git uses to deter‐
mine word boundaries with --word-diff-regex; see git-log(1) for

Showing Diffs



Comparing Branches
Often we are interested in understanding the relationship be‐
tween the content of two branches, particularly in how they have
diverged. As discussed in “Naming Sets of Commits” on page
123, a basic tool for this is the symmetric difference A...B, which
shows those commits in either branches A or B but not in both
(i.e., those commits added to either branch since they last di‐
verged). Sometimes this isn’t enough, though. For example, git
cherry-pick creates a new commit based on an existing one, by
reapplying the changes introduced by the original commit at a
different place in the history. It is useful in situations where in‐
corporating changes by merging is inconvenient or impossible
due to repository organization. If a commit has been cherrypicked from one branch to another, then it will be included in
their symmetric difference anyway, since they are distinct com‐
mits that just happen to represent the same changeset. git log
--cherry-pick takes this into account by omitting commits that
have identical diffs. Consider the commit graph in Figure 9-1, in
which commit 2 was produced with git cherry-pick D on the
other branch, and so it and D have the same changeset.

Figure 9-1. git log and cherry-picking

Assuming all the other commits have distinct changesets, we will
see something like:
$ git log master...other
e5feb479 E
070e87e5 D
9b0e3dc5 C
6f70a016 3
0badfe94 2
15f47204 1



Chapter 9: Viewing History

Whereas this omits the patch-equivalent commits, showing just
content differences:
$ git log --cherry-pick master...other
e5feb479 E
9b0e3dc5 C
6f70a016 3
15f47204 1

The variation --cherry-mark will mark duplicate commits with
an equal sign, instead of omitting them:

git log --cherry-mark master...other
e5feb479 E
070e87e5 D
9b0e3dc5 C
6f70a016 3
0badfe94 2
15f47204 1

Displaying Sides
git log master..other (with just two dots) shows one side of
this situation: those commits on other that are not on master. If
you want cherry-pick detection, you have to consider both sides
as before, but then you are no longer viewing just one side. You
can recover this by adding --{left,right}-only:
$ git log master..other
6f70a016 3
0badfe94 2
15f47204 1
$ git log --cherry-pick --right-only master...other
6f70a016 3
15f47204 1

This shows commits on other that are not contained in master or
patch-equivalent to another commit in their difference, in this
case, omitting commit 2 since it is equivalent to D. And similar
to --cherry-mark, the related option --left-right displays the
side of a commit with the symbols < and >:

Comparing Branches




git log --cherry-mark --left-right master...other
e5feb479 E
070e87e5 D
9b0e3dc5 C
6f70a016 3
0badfe94 2
15f47204 1

The simple option --cherry is a synonym for --right-only
--cherry-mark --no-merges, so that this:
$ git log --cherry HEAD@{upstream}...

shows the commits on your side of the current branch (ignoring
possible merges with other branches), marking those that dupli‐
cate changes made by distinct commits on the other side (prob‐
able cherry-picks, either literally or by another means such as
applying patches via email with git format-patch and git am).

Showing Notes
git log --notes[=ref] includes any notes on a commit after its
message; see “git notes” on page 182 for how this command and Git
notes work in general.

Commit Ordering
Normally, git log displays commits in reverse chronological or‐
der according to the committer (not author) timestamps. You can
alter this in three ways:
• --date-order shows all children before their parents;
• --topo-order (for “topological”) implies --date-order,
and also groups commits from the same branch together;
• --reverse reverses the output list.



Chapter 9: Viewing History

The --reverse option does not affect the selection of com‐
mits to list, but rather the final order in which they are listed;
that is, it is applied last. You might expect the following
command to show the root commit, by first listing all com‐
mits in reverse chronological order and then showing only
the first one:
$ git log --reverse -n 1

Instead, however, it shows the latest commit, by picking the
first one from the normal output of git log; the reversal
applies to a list containing that single commit, and thus has
no effect.

History Simplification
Git has a number of options for pruning sections of history ac‐
cording to various notions of equivalence between parent and
child commits, documented in the “History Simplification” sec‐
tion of git-log(1). Since these are fairly specialized and abstruse,
useful mostly with very large and complex histories, and well
documented in the manpage, we do not cover them here.

Related Commands
git cherry
git cherry [-v] [upstream [head [limit]]]

This command is similar to git log --cherry, but more speci‐
alized. It shows commits on a branch that are not in the upstream,
marking those whose changes are duplicated by distinct up‐
stream commits with a minus sign (while other commits have a
plus sign). Using the same example as before, if we’re on the other
branch for which master is upstream:
$ git cherry -v --abbrev
+ 6f70a016 3

History Simplification



- 0badfe94 2
+ 15f47204 1

This shows that we have three new commits on our side, but the
changes from commit 2 are already applied upstream (the -v
option includes the commit message subject line). As shown, you
can give specific current (head) and upstream branches for com‐
parison, and also a limit commit so that only commits in lim
it..head are eligible to be shown. The limit would be an earlier
commit on the head branch, past which you are not interested in
looking. The default is equivalent to git cherry HEAD@{up
stream} HEAD (no limit).

git shortlog
As mentioned earlier, git shortlog summarizes commit history,
grouping commits by author with the number of commits and
their subjects, and applying a mailmap if available to rewrite au‐
thor names or email addresses:
$ git shortlog
Ammon Riley (1):
Make git-svn branch patterns match complete URL
Amos King (2):
Do not name "repo" struct "remote" in push_http…
http-push.c: use a faux remote to pass to http_…
Amos Waterland (6):
tutorial note about git branch
Explain what went wrong on update-cache of new …
Do not create bogus branch from flag to git bra…
git rebase loses author name/email if given bad…
AIX compile fix for repo-config.c
wcwidth redeclaration

This can be useful in preparing the release notes for a new version
of a project, automatically collating the new features in this re‐
lease. You could limit it to just the features since the last version
by referring to the tags for the previous and current release (e.g.,
git shortlog v1.0..v1.1).


Chapter 9: Viewing History


Editing History

In this chapter, we cover various techniques for editing repository
history. Earlier chapters covered simple cases of this, focused on
correcting individual commits; here, we’re concerned with larger
changes: moving branches, merging or splitting repositories, sys‐
tematically altering an entire history, and so on.
The caution given earlier bears repeating here: you should not
generally use any of these techniques on history that has already
been published to other people! It will break their ability to use
the push/pull mechanism, which may be very difficult and awk‐
ward to recover from. Only use these on private repositories, or
if you can coordinate the change with everyone involved. It’s
easiest if all users of a shared repository commit and push all their
outstanding changes, then simply reclone it after you make your
edits. Or, they can use git rebase instead as we are about to
describe, if they’re a bit more adventurous.

We have already covered special cases of rebasing, especially for
editing a sequence of commits at a branch tip; here, we consider
the general case. The general purpose of git rebase is to move a
branch from one location to another. Since commits are immut‐
able, they can’t actually be moved (their parent commits would
change), so this entails making new commits with the same

changesets and metadata: author, committer, timestamps, and so
on. The steps Git follows during a rebase are as follows:
1. Identify the commits to be moved (more accuratedly,
2. Compute the corresponding changesets (patches).
3. Move HEAD to the new branch location (base).
4. Apply the changesets in order, making new commits pre‐
serving author information.
5. Finally, update the branch ref to point to the new tip
The process of making new commits with the same changesets
as existing ones is called “replaying” those commits. Step 4 can
be modified with an “interactive rebase” (git rebase
--interactive (-i)), allowing you to edit the commits in various
ways as you move them; see the earlier discussion of this feature
(“Editing a Series of Commits” on page 64).
The most general form of the command is:
$ git rebase [--onto newbase] [upstream] [branch]

which means to replay the commit set upstream..branch starting
at newbase. The defaults are:
upstream: HEAD@{upstream}

The upstream of the current branch, if any


The upstream argument, whatever its default or usersupplied value is
For example, given the commit graph in Figure 10-1, the com‐
mand git rebase --onto C master topic would move the top‐
ic branch as shown in Figure 10-2.



Chapter 10: Editing History

Figure 10-1. Before rebasing

Figure 10-2. After rebasing

1′, 2′, and 3′ are new commits replicating the changesets of com‐
mits 1, 2, and 3. Calling B the “base” of the original (unmerged
portion of) the topic branch, this changes the base from B to C,
thus “rebasing” the branch.
The behavior of the default arguments to git rebase reveals the
simplest use of rebasing: keeping a sequence of local commits at
the tip of a branch as the upstream progresses, rather than per‐
forming a merge. After doing a git fetch, you see that your local
master branch has diverged from its upstream counterpart (see
Figure 10-3).

Figure 10-3. Before rebasing

Following the preceding defaults, the simple command:



$ git rebase

actually means:
$ git rebase --onto origin/master origin/master master

which in turn means to replay the commit set origin/
master..master at origin/master, resulting in the change shown

in Figure 10-4.

Figure 10-4. After rebasing

Your local commits 1, 2, and 3 have been shifted forward to re‐
main based off the tip of the upstream master. This is such a
common use of rebasing for certain workflows that there is a
--rebase option to git pull that runs git rebase in between its
fetch and merge steps (see “Pull with Rebase” on page 89). In this
case, the final step merging origin/master into master will do
nothing, since if the rebase is successful, the upstream branch
origin/master is now already contained in the local master.

Undoing a Rebase
The final step of a successful rebase is to repoint the ref of the
branch being moved, from the old tip commit to the new one.
The original commits are not immediately expunged in any way,
but merely abandoned: they are no longer reachable in the com‐
mit graph from any branch, and will eventually be garbage col‐
lected by Git if they remain that way for some time. To undo the
rebase operation, then, all you need to do is move the branch ref
back to its original spot, which you can discover using the reflog.
After the git rebase, for example, your reflog would look some‐
thing like this:


Chapter 10: Editing History

$ git log -g
b61101ac HEAD@{0}:
b61101ac HEAD@{1}:
6f554c9a HEAD@{2}:
cb7496ab HEAD@{3}:
baa5d906 HEAD@{4}:
e3a1d5b0 HEAD@{5}:

rebase finished: returning to
rebase: 3
rebase: 2
rebase: 1
checkout: moving from master to
commit: 3

The checkout step is the beginning of the rebase as Git moves
HEAD to the new base, the tip of the upstream origin/master
(here at commit baa5d906). The rebase steps replay commits 1,
2, and 3 at the new location, and in the final step, the local mas‐
ter branch (full ref name refs/heads/master) is reset to the new
tip commit. In the earliest reflog entry, you can see when you
made your original version of commit 3, with commit ID
e3a1d5b0. To return to that state, all you need to do is:
$ git reset --hard e3a1d5b0

The original tip commit might not be at the same spot as shown
here, since that depends on the exact sequence of commands you
used, but it will show up somewhere earlier in the reflog.

Importing from One Repository to
Suppose you would like to combine two repositories—say, to
import the entire content of repository B as a subdirectory b of
repository A. You could just copy the working tree of B into A
and then add and commit it, of course, but you want to retain the
history of repository B as well as the content. Though that’s easy
to say, it’s not immediately clear what this means. The Git history
of each repository consists of an entire graph of individual con‐
tent snapshots, branching and merging in possibly complex ways
over time, and there are different ways in which you might want
to combine the two. In this section, we discuss a few of them.

Importing from One Repository to Another



Importing Disconnected History
The simplest way to combine two repositories is simply to import
the whole commit graph of one into the other, without connect‐
ing them in any way. Ordinarily, a repository has a single “root
commit,” that is, a commit with no parents—the first commit
created after the repository was initialized, of which all other
commits are descendants. However, there is nothing preventing
you from having multiple root commits in a single repository, in
which case the commit graph consists of multiple disconnected
regions; in Figure 10-5, commits A and 1 are both root commits.

Figure 10-5. Multiple root commits

Here’s how to import repository B into repository A in this
$ cd A
$ git remote add B URL
$ git fetch B
warning: no common commits
[new branch]
-> B/master
[new branch]
-> B/zorro
$ git for-each-ref --shell \
--format='git branch --no-track %(refname:short)
%(refname:short)' \
'refs/remotes/B/*' | sed -e 's:/:-:' | sh -x



Chapter 10: Editing History

$ git branch
$ git remote rm B

This recipe uses git for-each-ref, a versatile tool for generating
scripts on the fly that apply to a given set of refs (in this case,
branches). For each named ref, here selected by the pattern refs/
remotes/B/* (all tracking branches for the remote B), it generates
a separate git branch command substituting the names marked
with %(…) to reflect that ref. This series of commands then goes
through the Unix command sed rewriting B/foo to B-foo, and
finally, the commands are run by feeding them into the Bourne
shell (sh). (See git-for-each-ref(1) for more detail on this handy
command for Git automation.)
The case of pulling in a completely disconnected commit graph
is sufficiently unusual that Git warns you about it, saying that the
repository you’re fetching has “no common commits” with this
After the fetch command, Git has copied the entire commit
graph of B into the object database of A, but the only references
in A to the new branches are remote-tracking ones: B/master and
B/zorro. To finish incorporating B into A, we need to make local
branches for these. The git for-each-ref incantation prepares
and runs a set of Git commands that create a local branch named
B-x for each remote branch B/x, by running git branch --notrack B-x B/x. The --no-track option avoids creating unneces‐
sary tracking relationships that would just be removed later. We
prefix the new branch names with B-, since there may be clashes
(as here, where there is a master branch in each repository). Fi‐
nally, when done, we remove the remote B, since we do not intend
to continue tracking the other repository; the remote was just a
mechanism to perform the import.
This demonstrates a general way of doing it; you can of course
just run the appropriate git branch commands yourself to name

Importing from One Repository to Another



the new branches as you wish, if there are few of them, or rename
them afterward with git branch -m old new.
Although this is the easiest method of combining two histories,
it is also not usually what you want to do, because you can’t use
the Git merge mechanism on branches that were originally part
of distinct histories. This is because git merge looks for a “merge
base”: a common ancestor commit of the branches being merged
—and in this case, there is no such commit. You might use this
technique if you have rearranged the history of a repository, but
want to keep the original history around for reference, and it’s
more convenient to have it both in one repository than split over

Importing Linear History
To import history so that it is connected to the commit graph of
the receiving repository, you can’t just use the existing commits
of the donor repository as before, since you need new parent
commit pointers to connect the two histories and you can’t ac‐
tually change commits. Instead, you must make new commits
introducing the same content (as with git rebase). If the history
you want to import is linear—either the entire repository, or the
branch you’re interested in—then you can use git formatpatch and git am to do this easily (these commands are described
more fully in “Patches with Commit Information” on page 170).
Here’s a formula for adding the complete history of branch foo in
repository B to the current branch in repository A:
$ cd A
$ git --git-dir /path/to/B/.git format-patch --root ↵
--stdout foo | git am

This formats the commits on branch foo in repository B as a series
of patches with accompanying metadata (author, committer,
timestamps, and so on), and feeds that into git am, which applies
the patches as new commits in repository A. Note that you can’t
refer to B here directly as a remote repository with a URL; you
need a local copy to use, for which you can just clone B and check
out the branch you want to import.


Chapter 10: Editing History

Because you are now applying patches rather than importing
commits whole, you might encounter conflicts if the source and
destination repositories have overlapping content (the same
filenames). To avoid this, you can tell git am to prepend a direc‐
tory to all filenames with --directory, thus depositing the files
in the imported history inside a new directory. Combined with
the -pn option, which first removes n leading directories from
those filenames, and with limiting the source files via an argu‐
ment to git format-patch, you can import a particular directory
or other subset of files into a new directory without conflicts.
Extending the preceding example:
$ cd A
$ git --git-dir /path/to/B/.git format-patch --root ↵
--stdout foo -- src | git am -p2 --directory dst

This imports the history on the branch foo in repository B, limited
to files in the directory src, and places those files in directory dst
instead in repository A.
Without --root, just giving a rev foo means foo..HEAD: the recent
commits on the current branch that are not in the history of foo.
You can also give a range expression of your own to specify the
commits to include (e.g., 9ec0eafb..master).

If the source branch history is not linear (contains merge
commits), git format-patch won’t complain; it will just
produce patches for all the nonmerge commits. This is likely
to cause conflicts; see the next section.

Importing Nonlinear History
Because the git format-patch/git am technique works only on
a linear source history, here is a recipe for importing a branch
with a nonlinear history, using git rebase instead. You can use
the present procedure on linear history as well, if you find the
Importing from One Repository to Another



previous one too slow or unwieldy (as it might be; it’s simpler, but
it’s not what those commands are really intended to do).
The following example adds the history of the branch isis in a
remote repository to the tip of the current branch in this one
(here, the master branch):
# Add the source repository as a temporary remote
# named “temp”.
$ git remote add temp URL
# Fetch the branch “isis” from the remote.
$ git fetch temp isis
* branch
# Make a local branch named “import” for the remote
# branch we want to bring in.
$ git branch import FETCH_HEAD
# Replay the “import” branch commits on the current
# branch, preserving merges.
$ git rebase --preserve-merges --root --onto HEAD import
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/import.
# Finally, fast-forward the local branch (master) to
# its new tip (where “import” is now), and remove the
# temporary branch and remote.
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git merge import
Updating dffbfac7..6193cf87
$ git branch -d import
Deleted branch import (was 6193cf87).
$ git remote rm temp

This technique copies the source branch into the current repos‐
itory under a temporary name, uses git rebase to graft it onto
the tip of the current branch, then moves the local branch up to
its new tip and deletes the temporary import branch.
Unfortunately, git rebase lacks the capabilities provided by the
various arguments and options to git format-patch and git
am shown earlier, which let you relocate files as you import to


Chapter 10: Editing History

avoid pathname conflicts. To get the same result, you’ll need to
clone the source repository and rearrange it first before import‐
ing from it. The section “The Big Hammer: git filter-branch” on
page 162 shows how to do this.

Commit Surgery: git replace
Sometimes, you really just need to replace a single commit—but
it’s buried in the middle of a complex history with multiple
branches that would be difficult to rewrite using git rebase -i.
For example, suppose you accidentally used the wrong committer
name at one point, perhaps because you had GIT_COMMIT
TER_NAME set and forgot to change it for this repository with git
$ git log --format='%h %an'
0922daf4 Richard E. Silverman
6426690c Richard E. Silverman
03f482d6 Bozo the Clown
27e9535f Richard E. Silverman
78d481d3 Richard E. Silverman

Git has a command, git replace, which allows you to perform
“commit surgery” by replacing any commit with a different one,
without disturbing the commits around it. Now, your first in‐
stinct at this point should be to say, “That’s impossible”; we’ve
explained before that because commits point to their parents, it’s
impossible to alter a commit that has children without recursively
altering all commits after that point in the history as well. That’s
still true, and git replace is actually a trick, as we’ll see.
To fix commit 03f482d6, we first check it out and amend it with
the correct author name, creating the new commit we want to
use as a replacement:
$ git checkout 03f482d6
Note: checking out '03f482d6'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state...

Commit Surgery: git replace



$ git commit --amend --reset-author -C HEAD
[detached HEAD 42627abe] add big red nose

Now we have a new commit, 42627abe, which has the same con‐
tent and parents as the faulty commit (and now, the correct author
name). It is sitting off to the side on the commit graph shown in
Figure 10-6.

Figure 10-6. Replacing a commit

And now we just need to get commit 6426690c to “believe” that
it has 42627abe as a parent instead of 03f482d6. The magic com‐
mand is:
$ git replace 03f482d6 42627abe

And now, after returning to the original location (say, master),
we see this:
$ git log --format='%h %an'
0922daf4 Richard E. Silverman
6426690c Richard E. Silverman
03f482d6 Richard E. Silverman
27e9535f Richard E. Silverman
78d481d3 Richard E. Silverman

This is, quite simply, a lie. This log claims that commit 03f482d6
now has a different author but the same commit ID, which is


Chapter 10: Editing History

effectively impossible. What has happened is that git replace
manages a list of object replacements, recorded in the namespace
refs/replace; the name of a ref there is the ID of an object to
replace, and its referent is the ID of the replacement:
$ git show-ref | grep refs/replace
42627abe6d4b1e19cb55… refs/replace/03f482d654930f7aa1…

While Git operates, whenever it retrieves the contents of an object
in the object database it checks the replacement list first, and
silently substitutes the contents of the replacement object, if any.
Thus, in the preceding example, Git still displays the original
commit ID, but shows the corrected author (which is in the con‐
tent of the replacement commit).

Keeping It Real
The replacement list is an artifact of your repository; it alters your
view of the commit graph, but not the graph itself. If you were to
clone this repository or push to another one, the replacement
would not be visible there. To make it “real,” we have to actually
rewrite all the subsequent commits, which you can do thus:
$ git filter-branch -- --all

but see the next section on git filter-branch for more on that
The usual workflow with this feature, then, is as follows:
1. Use git replace to make the commit graph appear as you
want it.
2. Use git filter-branch to reify the change.
3. Push the changes elsewhere, if necessary.
You probably don’t want to push while you have replacements in
force, since you don’t really know what you’re pushing!

Commit Surgery: git replace



There is an older Git feature called “grafts” that does some‐
thing similar; you edit the file .git/info/grafts to contain di‐
rectives explicitly altering the parent list for given commits.
It’s harder to use, though, and is supplanted by git replace.

git replace affects only the commit you replace; even when
you apply the replacement with git filter-branch, changes

you make to the content (tree) of a commit do not ripple
through to child commits. For example, suppose in the
amended commit earlier you had deleted a file as well as
fixed the author name. You might expect that this would
cause that file to disappear from the entire history starting
at that point, but it would not; instead, it would simply re‐
appear in subsequent commits, since you did not change
the trees of those commits. Use git rebase -i to affect such

The Big Hammer: git filter-branch
git filter-branch is the most general tool for altering the his‐

tory of a repository. It walks the portion of the commit graph you
specify (by default, the current branch), applying various filters
you supply and rewriting commits as necessary. You can use it to
make wholesale programmatic alterations to the entire history.
Since this is an advanced command, we will just sketch its oper‐
ation and refer the reader to git-filter-branch(1) for more detail.
You can apply the following filters, whose string arguments are
passed to the shell. When they run, the environment contains the
following variables reflecting the commit being rewritten:
• GIT_COMMIT (commit ID)


Chapter 10: Editing History

The filters are:

Modifies the environment in which the commit will happen
(e.g., you can change the author name by setting and ex‐

Modifies commit contents by altering the working tree. Git
treats the resulting tree as if you had run git add -Af, re‐
flecting all new and deleted files while ignoring the usual
“ignore” rules in .gitignore and so on.

Modifies commit contents by altering the index. If you can
effect the changes you want solely by manipulating the in‐
dex, then this is much faster than --tree-filter since it does
not have to check out the working tree. We give an example
of this in “Expunging Files” on page 165.

Modifies the commit’s parent list, transforming the list from
stdin to stdout. The list is in the format specified by gitcommit-tree(1).

Modifies the commit message, transforming the message
from stdin to stdout.

Git runs this instead of the normal git commit-tree to ac‐
tually perform the commit.

The Big Hammer: git filter-branch




Transforms the names of tags pointing to rewritten objects
from stdin to stdout.
The value of this option is not a shell command, but rather a
directory name:

Consider only history relevant to the given directory, and
rewrite pathnames to make it the new project root. This
creates a new history containing only files in that directory,
with it as the new top of the repository.
As a hedge against mistakes, git filter-branch stores the orig‐
inal branch refs in the namespace refs/original (which you can
change with --original). It will refuse to overwrite existing orig‐
inal refs without --force.
The arguments to git filter-branch are interpreted as by git
rev-list, selecting the commits to be visited; to use arguments

beginning with hyphens, separate them from the filter-branch
options with -- as usual. For example, the default argument is
HEAD, but you can rewrite all branches with one command: git
filter-branch -- --all.
It does not make sense to specify commits to rewrite by commit
$ git filter-branch 27e9535f
Which ref do you want to rewrite?

because when done, git filter-branch needs to update an ex‐
isting ref to point to the rewritten branch. Ordinarily, you will
give a branch name. If you limit the commit range using the neg‐
ation of a ref, such as master..topic (equivalent to ^master top
ic), then only the refs mentioned in the positive sense will be
updated; here, Git will visit the commits on topic that are not on
master, but update only the topic branch when done.



Chapter 10: Editing History

Expunging Files
Suppose you discover that you have accidentally littered your
history with some cruft, such as *.orig and *.rej files from
patching, or *~ backup files from Emacs. You can expunge all
such files from your entire project history with this command:
$ git filter-branch --index-filter ↵
'git rm -q --cached --ignore-unmatch *.orig *.rej ↵
*~' -- --all

You might then add these patterns to your ignore rules, to prevent
this from happening again.

Shifting to a Subdirectory
This recipe (using bash syntax) shifts the root of the current
project into a subdirectory named sub:
$ git filter-branch ↵
--index-filter ↵
'git ls-files -s | perl -pe "s-\\t-$&sub/-" ↵
git update-index --index-info ↵
&& mv "$" "$GIT_INDEX_FILE"' HEAD

This is adapted from an example in git-filter-branch(1), but using
Perl instead of sed for better portability (the original does not
work with BSD-style sed commands, such as the one in OS X). It
works by rewriting the output of git ls-files like so:
100644 6b1ad9fa764e36… 0
100644 e69de29bb2d1d6… 0


which becomes:
100644 6b1ad9fa764e36… 0
100644 e69de29bb2d1d6… 0


and updating the index accordingly for each commit. You can
use this on a clone of the source repository in the git rebase
recipe given earlier, to import one repository history into a sub‐
directory of another.
The Big Hammer: git filter-branch



Updating Tags
In “Commit Surgery: git replace” on page 159, we said to use git
filter-branch to apply object replacements made with git
replace to the commit graph. There is a problem with this as

given, though: it breaks any existing tags pointing to rewritten
commits, since they remain untouched and continue to point to
the old commits no longer on the rewritten branches. You can
avoid this like so:
$ git filter-branch --tag-name-filter cat -- --all

Since --tag-name-filter rewrites tag names from stdin to stdout,
cat acts as the identity filter and has Git rewrite all tags with their

existing names unchanged as needed.

This will strip GnuPG signatures from the rewritten tags
and commits.

Keep in mind when importing history in these ways, that while
Git preserves the author timestamps in rewritten commits, git
log orders its output by the commit timestamps, which will be
new. The new history may thus show commits in an unexpected
order. This is correct though: the commit’s content was created
at one time, and that content was then committed to another
repository at a later time. Unfortunately, git log does not have
an option to order by author timestamp instead.



Chapter 10: Editing History


Understanding Patches

A “patch” is a compact representation of the differences between
two files, intended for use with line-oriented text files. It describes
how to turn one file into another, and is asymmetric: the patch
from file1 to file2 is not the same as the patch for the other di‐
rection (it would say to delete and add opposite lines, as we will
see). The patch format uses context as well as line numbers to
locate differing file regions, so that a patch can often be applied
to a somewhat earlier or later version of the first file than the one
from which it was derived, as long as the applying program can
still locate the context of the change.
The terms “patch” and “diff ” are often used interchangeably, al‐
though there is a distinction, at least historically. A diff only need
show the differences between two files, and can be quite minimal
in doing so. A patch is an extension of a diff, augmented with
further information such as context lines and filenames, which
allow it to be applied more widely. These days, the Unix diff
program can produce patches of various kinds.
Here’s a simple patch, generated by git diff:
diff --git a/foo.c b/foo.c
index 30cfd169..8de130c2 100644
--- a/foo.c
+++ b/foo.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@


int check (char *string) {
return !strcmp(string, "ok");
return (string != NULL) && !strcmp(string, "ok");


Breaking this into sections:
diff --git a/foo.c b/foo.c

This is the Git diff header; diff --git isn’t a literal command,
but rather just suggests the notion of a Git-specific diff in Unix
command style. a/foo.c and b/foo.c are the files being compared,
with added leading directory names a and b to distinguish them
in case they are the same (as they are here; this patch shows the
changes from one version to another of the same file). To generate
this patch, I changed the file foo.c and ran git diff, which shows
the unstaged changes between the working tree and the index.
There are in fact no directories named a and b in the repository;
they are just convention:
index 30cfd169..8de130c2 100644

This is an extended header line, one of several possible forms,
though there is only one in this patch. This line gives information
from the Git index regarding this file: 30cfd169 and 8de130c2 are
the blob IDs of the A and B versions of the file contents being
compared, and 100644 are the “mode bits,” indicating that this is
a regular file: not executable and not a symbolic link (the use
of .. here between the blob IDs is just as a separator and has
nothing to do with its use in naming either sets of revs or for git
diff). Other header lines might indicate the old and new modes
if that had changed, old and new filenames if the file were being
renamed, etc.
The blob IDs are helpful if this patch is later applied by Git to the
same project and there are conflicts while applying it. If those
blobs are in the object database, then Git can use them to perform
a three-way merge with those two versions and the working copy,
to help you resolve the conflicts. The patch still makes sense to
other tools besides Git; they will just ignore this line and not be
able to use the extra information:
168 |

Chapter 11: Understanding Patches

--- a/foo.c
+++ b/foo.c

This is the traditional “unified diff ” header, again showing the
files being compared and the direction of the changes, which will
be shown later: minus signs will show lines in the A version but
missing from the B version; and plus signs, lines missing in A but
present in B. If the patch were of this file being added or deleted
in its entirety, one of these would be /dev/null to signal that:
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
int check (char *string) {
return !strcmp(string, "ok");
return (string != NULL) && !strcmp(string, "ok");


This is a difference section, or “hunk,” of which there is just one
in this diff. The line beginning with @@ indicates by line number
and length the positions of this hunk in the A and B versions;
here, the hunk starts at line 1 and extends for 5 lines in both
versions. The subsequent lines beginning with a space are con‐
text: they appear as shown in both versions of the file. The lines
beginning with minus and plus signs have the meanings just
mentioned: this patch replaces a single line, fixing a common C
bug whereby the program would crash if this function were
passed a null pointer as its string argument.
A single patch file can contain the differences for any number of
files, and git diff produces diffs for all altered files in the repos‐
itory in a single patch (unlike the usual Unix diff command,
which requires extra options to recursively process whole direc‐
tory trees).

Applying Plain Diffs
If you save the output of git diff to a file (e.g., with git diff >
foo.patch), you can apply it to the same or a similar version of
the file elsewhere with git apply, or with other common tools
that handle diff format, such as patch (although they won’t be
Applying Plain Diffs



able to use any extra Git-specific information in the diff). This is
useful for saving a set of uncommitted changes to apply to a dif‐
ferent set of files, or for transmitting any set of changes to some‐
one else who is not using Git.
You can use the output of git show commit as a patch representing
the changes for a given nonmerge commit, as a shortcut for git
diff commit~ commit (explicitly comparing a commit and its

Patches with Commit Information
There is another patch format, specific to Git, that contains not
only patches for some number of files, but also commit metadata:
the author, timestamp, and message. This carries all the infor‐
mation needed to reapply the changes from one commit as a new
commit elsewhere, and is useful for transmitting a commit when
it is not possible or convenient to do so with the usual Git push/
pull mechanism.
You produce this patch format with git format-patch, and apply
it with git am. The patch itself is actually in the venerable Unix
mailbox format, using the email “from,” “date,” and “subject”
headers as the author, timestamp, and commit message subject,
and the email body as the rest of the message. A commit patch
for the previous example might look like this:
From ccadc07f2e22ed56c546951… Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Richard E. Silverman" 
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 00:42:41 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] fix null-pointer bug in check()
It is truly a wonder that we continue to write
high-level application software in what is essentially
assembly language. We deserve all the segfaults we
--foo.c | 2 +1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)



Chapter 11: Understanding Patches

diff --git a/foo.c b/foo.c

The initial line contains the original commit ID, and a fixed
timestamp meant to signal that this “email” was produced by git
format-patch. The [PATCH] prefix in the subject is not part of the
commit message, but rather intended to distinguish patches
among other email messages. A diffstat summary of the patch
comes next (which you can suppress with --no-stat (-p)), fol‐
lowed by the patch itself in the format shown earlier.
You run git format-patch like so:
$ git format-patch [options] [revisions]

The revisions argument can be any expression specifying a set
of commits to format, as described in Chapter 8. As an exception,
however, a single commit C means C..HEAD, i.e., the commits on
the current branch not contained in C (if C is on this branch, these
are the commits made since C). To get the other meaning instead
—that is, all commits reachable from C—use the --root option.
By default, Git writes patches for the selected commits into se‐
quentially numbered files in the current directory, with names
reflecting the commit message subject lines like so:

The leading numbers in the filenames makes it easy to apply these
patches in order with git am *.patch, since the shell will sort
them lexicographically when expanding the wildcard. You can
give a different output directory with --output-directory (-o),
or write the patches all to standard output with --stdout; git
am reads from standard input if given no file arguments (or a
single hyphen as the only argument, git am -).

Patches with Commit Information



git format-patch takes a number of other options for controlling
the resulting email format, such as adding other mail headers, as
well as many options taken by git diff to affect the diff itself;
see git-format-patch(1) and git-diff(1) for more detail. Also see
“Importing Linear History” on page 156 for some examples.



Chapter 11: Understanding Patches


Remote Access

As mentioned in Chapter 6, Git can access remote repositories
for push and pull using different network protocols; the most
common are HTTP(S), SSH, and the native Git protocol. Espe‐
cially if the remote repository accepts push requests, the access
protocol may require you to identify yourself in order to grant
access; this is called “authentication,” and may be accomplished
in various ways, such as by providing a username and password.
The Git protocol does not support authentication, so this is usu‐
ally done via HTTP or SSH; the native Git server, accessed on
port 9418 with the URL scheme git://, is used almost exclusively
for read-only access to repositories (for which it is a good choice,
since it is fast and easy to set up).
The question of how to configure the server side for these pro‐
tocols generally is well beyond the scope of this text; entire books
have been written on SSH, the Apache web server, the Windows
IIS web server, etc. However, we will touch on a few common
cases from the client perspective, and on some Git features that
help with this.

When you access a repository with a URL of the form:


Git runs ssh, or the program given by the environment variable

GIT_SSH, to log into the remote host and access the repository by
running the appropriate remote command: git upload-pack for
pull, and git receive-pack for push. The local and remote Git

programs then communicate over the SSH channel to perform
the requested operation. For example, when asked to pull from
the repository, Git runs this
ssh git-upload-pack dance/monkey

This logs into the host with the username dieter,
and runs the remote command git-upload-pack dance/monkey.
If the host is Unix, usually this means that there must be a user
account named dieter on that host, git-upload-pack must be in
the program-search path on the remote side (the PATH environ‐
ment variable), and the remote repository must be in a subdir‐
ectory of the dieter account’s home directory named dance/
monkey. You can refer to any directory to which the remote ac‐
count has access by using a complete pathname with a leading
slash (e.g., host:/var/lib/git/foo.git).
SSH will prompt you for a password if necessary, but it may be
very inconvenient to do this repeatedly, so you may want some
form of automatic authentication for this connection: a method
by which you can type your passphrase just once and allow many
subsequent Git commands. There are several different options
for this, but the most common is SSH public-key authentication.



Chapter 12: Remote Access

All the details we are about to give regarding SSH assume
the simplest scenario: the Unix OpenSSH software on both
client and server in the most usual, plain configuration. Al‐
though this is very common, any or all of these may be en‐
tirely different depending on the operating systems, SSH
software, and system configurations involved. Similarly,
SSH by itself and security in general are complex topics.
There are many different ways of accomplishing even this
simple task, with varying implications with regard to secu‐
rity, and this simple example is not meant to endorse any
particular one. When in doubt, consult a security expert or
the sysadmins of the hosts in question.

You can generate a new SSH public key thus if you don’t already
have one:
$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in .ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in .ssh/

The “passphrase” is just another name for a password, empha‐
sizing the fact that you can use an entire phrase with spaces and
punctuation, not just a single word. You should generally not just
leave this blank; that means that anyone who gets hold of the
private key file id_rsa will have access to any SSH accounts pro‐
tected with this key. It’s like putting your password in a file; don’t
do it unless you really know what you’re doing (or really don’t
care about security).
You then send your public key—the contents of the file ~/.ssh/—to the server administrator, asking him to authorize
your key for login to the remote account; this usually means
placing it in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in the home directory of the



account, with appropriate ownership and permissions. When
this is done, SSH will prompt you for the key passphrase instead:
$ git pull
Enter passphrase for key '/home/res/.ssh/id_rsa':

Enter your passphrase to test whether the setup is working cor‐
rectly—though so far this is not much of an improvement in
convenience; you’re still being prompted to enter something for
every Git command accessing the remote repository. The final
step is to use the SSH “agent” to get automatic authentication:
# Test whether you have a running agent.
$ ssh-add -l >& /dev/null; [ $? = 2 ] && echo no-agent
# If not, start one.
$ eval $(ssh-agent)
# Now, add your key to the agent.
$ ssh-add
Enter passphrase for /home/res/.ssh/id_rsa:
Identity added: /home/res/.ssh/id_rsa (.ssh/id_rsa)

On some modern Unix-based systems, you may not have to do
any of this—for example, OS X starts an SSH agent for you when
you log in, and SSH prompts you for your key passphrase with a
graphical dialog box and automatically adds it to the agent on
first use.
Once your key is loaded in the agent, you should be able to use
Git to access this repository without giving your passphrase, for
the duration of your current login session on the client computer.



Chapter 12: Remote Access

You can also use this style of URL for SSH:
A distinction to keep in mind is that, unlike the earlier style,
the path given here is not relative to the remote account’s
home directory, but rather is absolute. You can get a relative
path by prefixing the path with ~. For example:
although this may depend on the shell used by the remote

A web server providing access to a Git repository may also be set
to require authentication. Although more sophisticated mecha‐
nisms are available, including Kerberos and public-key certifi‐
cates, the most common approach with HTTP is still to require
a simple username and password. This complicates automatic
authentication, but Git has its own framework for managing and
providing such credentials.

Storing Your Username
You can include the username in an HTTP URL in the same way
as with SSH:

But you can also set it separately, like so:
$ git config --global
credential.''.username dieter




Storing Your Password
Git has a mechanism called “credential helpers,” which stores
passwords in various ways for more convenient use. One such
helper, named cache, is similar to ssh-agent and caches your
password in memory for use by Git. It is not used by default; to
enable it, do:
$ git config --global credential.helper cache

Once you do this, Git should prompt you only once in a given
login session for the password associated with any particular
URL; when you provide it, Git stores it in the running credential
cache agent, and subsequent commands automatically obtain it
from there. If you look, you can see the agent process:
$ ps -e | grep git-cred | grep -v grep
33078 ttys001
0:00.01 ↵
git-credential-cache--daemon ↵

Git communicates with the agent via the socket shown on the
agent command line.
There is another standard credential helper named store, which
simply stores the password in a file on disk (~/.git-credentials).
You shouldn’t do this for interactive use, but it is appropriate for
automated processes that need to run Git and use password au‐
thentication, so long as adequate care is taken in protecting the
host system and setting permissions on that file. You can also use
the cache helper with automated processes if that level of security
is not enough, but a human will have to enter the password once
after the machine boots in order to add it to the cache, so this is
not the right approach if the system in question must be able to
start unattended.
The Git credential mechanism is extensible, and there are thirdparty helpers available that connect with platform-specific
security features. For example, the helper osxkeychain stores
passwords in the OS X “keychain,” the standard credential man‐
ager for the Mac. It is included with the versions of Git installed

178 |

Chapter 12: Remote Access

by the Apple Xcode developer tools or by MacPorts. Just enable
it with:
$ git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain

and it should work automagically. You can use the Keychain ap‐
plication to verify that Git is indeed storing its credentials there.

For more detail, see:
• gitcredentials(7)
• git-credential-cache(1)
• git-credential-store(1)






In this chapter, we cover some Git commands and topics that
don’t fit easily into any of the foregoing discussions.

git cherry-pick
git cherry-pick allows you to apply the changeset of a given
commit as a new commit on the current branch, preserving the
original author information and commit message. As a very gen‐
eral rule, it’s best to avoid this in favor of factoring your work so
that a commit appears in one place and is incorporated in mul‐
tiple branches via merging instead, but that isn’t always possible
or practical. Any arrangement of branches and merge discipline
favors a certain flow of changes, and sometimes you need to buck
that flow. For example, you might discover that a bug fix applied
to a certain version actually needs to be applied to an earlier one
as well, and merging in that direction is not desirable. Or, suppose
you have your own repository for holding local changes made to
your Unix distribution’s derivative of some open source project,
such as Apache or OpenLDAP as modified and repackaged by
Red Hat or Debian. If there is an upstream feature you need that
the distribution does not provide (and they use Git), you can’t
just merge it in, as your repository is not a clone of theirs—but
you may be able to apply the relevant commits individually by


The argument to git cherry-pick is a set of commits to apply,
using the syntax described in Chapter 8. Some options:
--edit (-e)

Edit the commit message before committing.

Append to the commit message a line indicating the original
commit. Only use this if that commit is publicly available; if
you’re cherry picking from a private branch, then this in‐
formation is not useful to others.
--mainline n (-m)

For merge commits, compute the changeset for the new
commit relative to the nth parent of the original. This is re‐
quired to cherry pick merge commits at all, since otherwise
it is not clear what set of changes should be replicated.
--no-commit (-n)

Apply the patch to the working tree and index, but do not
commit. You can use this to take the commit’s changes as a
starting point for further work, or to squash the effect of
several cherry picked commits into a single one.

Take the commit list from standard input.
As with other commands that apply patches, git cherry-pick
can fail if a patch does not apply cleanly, and it uses the merge
machinery in that case, recording conflicts in the index and
working files in the usual way. It then prompts you to use the
options --{continue,quit,abort} to continue after resolving the
conflicts, skip the current commit, or abort the whole cherry pick,
similar to git rebase.

git notes
Since commits are immutable, you can’t add to a commit message
once you’ve made it (and you can’t replace a commit you’ve
pushed without causing woe for others). git notes provides a


Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

way to annotate commits for yourself later on while avoiding this
The set of notes for your repository is maintained on a branch
named refs/notes/commits, in the following fashion: to find the
notes for a commit, Git looks up its 40-digit hex commit ID as a
pathname in the tree of the current notes commit (tip of the notes/
commits branch); if present, that points to a blob that contains
the text of the note. When you add or remove a note, Git simply
commits the corresponding change to the notes branch (so you
can see the history of your notes with git log notes/commits).
Though normally used to annotate commits, notes can in fact be
attached to any Git object.

git notes Subcommands
You can use the -f option generally to override a complaint, such
as to replace existing notes. A missing object argument defaults
to HEAD, except where noted otherwise:
git notes list [object]
List the notes for object by ID, or all notes with no object.
A plain git notes invokes this subcommand.
git notes {add,append,edit} [object]
Add a note for object, or edit or append to an existing note.
git notes copy first second

Copy the note from one object to another.
git notes show [object]
Display the note for object.
git notes remove [object]
Delete the note for object.

You can specify a notes ref other than notes/commits with the
--ref option; the argument is taken to be in refs/notes if un‐

qualified. You can use this feature to have different categories of
notes; perhaps notes on different subjects, or from different peo‐
ple (e.g., git notes --ref=bugs).
git notes



Initially, git notes seemed mostly geared toward private use;
there was no explicit support for merging notes from other
sources. Recent Git versions have added a git notes merge com‐
mand, and this is improving; see git-notes(1) for the current status
of that as well as other options.

git grep
git grep lets you search your repository content using regular

expressions: not only the working tree, but also the index or any
commit in the history without having to check it out. You can
even use it outside a Git repository, as a more powerful version
of the usual Unix grep command.

Combining Regular Expressions
Instead of a single regular expression, git grep can handle
Boolean combinations of expressions, combined with the op‐
tions --{and,or,not} in infix notation (“or” is the default con‐
nective; “and” binds more tightly than “or”; use parentheses for
grouping, which you may have to escape to protect from your
shell). In this usage, patterns are preceded by -e. For example:
$ git grep -e '^#define' ↵
--and \( -e AGE_MAX -e MAX_AGE \)

This finds lines that begin with #define and contain either
AGE_MAX or MAX_AGE; thus, it finds both #define AGE_MAX and #de
fine MAX_AGE.

“Infix notation” means placing binary connectives between
their arguments, rather than in front of them in functioncall style; thus foo --and bar --or baz, rather than --and
(foo (--or bar baz)).



Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

What to Search
By default, git grep searches tracked files in the working tree, or
given commit or tree objects. The given objects must be listed
individually; you cannot use range expressions such as mas
ter..topic. You can add path limiters to restrict the files searched
to those matching at least one glob-style pattern. For example:
$ git grep pattern HEAD~5 master -- '*.[ch]' README

Other options:

Include untracked files; add --no-exclude-standard to skip
the usual “ignore” rules

Search the index (that is, all blobs registered as files in the

Search the current directory even if it’s not part of a Git
repository; add --exclude-standard to honor the usual “ig‐
nore” rules

What to Show
By default, git grep shows all matching lines, annotated with
filename and object as appropriate. Other options include:
--invert-match (-v)

Show nonmatching lines instead

Show line numbers

Omit filenames
--count (-c)

Show the number of lines that match, rather than the match‐
ing lines themselves

git grep



--files-with-matches (-l)

Just list the files containing matches
--files-without-matches (-L)

Just list the files containing no matches

Show filenames relative to the working tree top, rather than
the current directory

Collate matches from the same file and print blank lines be‐
tween resulting sets

Show the filename once before the matches in that file, rath‐
er than on each line

With multiple patterns combined with “or,” only show files
that contain at least one line matching each pattern

How to Match
-i (--regexp-ignore-case)

Ignore case differences (e.g., hello and HELLO will both
match “Hello”).
-E (--extended-regexp)

Use extended regular expressions; the default type is basic.
-F (--fixed-strings)

Consider the limiting patterns as literal strings to be match‐
ed; that is, don’t interpret them as regular expressions at all.

Use Perl-style regular expressions. This will not be available
if Git is not built with the --with-libpcre option, which is
not on by default.



Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

git rev-parse
git rev-parse is a plumbing command, meant mainly for use by
other Git programs to parse and interpret portions of Git com‐
mand lines that use common options for specifying revisions.
You can use it directly, though, and we’ve mentioned it before as
a tool for showing what a given commit name spelling translates
to. However, it also has several useful options for showing various
properties of a repository, including:

Show the Git directory for the current repository

Show the top of the working tree

Indicate whether the current directory is inside the Git

Indicate whether the current directory is inside the working
tree of a repository

Indicate whether the current repository is bare

git clean
git clean removes untracked files from the working tree, op‐
tionally limited by a glob pattern (e.g., git clean '*~' to remove
backup files). Options include:
--force (-f)

Really do something. git clean will make no changes
without this flag, unless you set clean.requireForce to false.
--dry-run (-n)

Show what would be done, but remove no files.

git rev-parse



--quiet (-q)

Report only errors, not the files removed.
--exclude=pattern (-e)
Add pattern to the “ignore” rules in effect.

Remove untracked directories as well as files. Directories
that are in turn other Git repositories will not be removed
unless you add -f -f (two “force” flags).

Skip the normal “ignore” rules (but still obey rules given with


Remove only ignored files.
There is no single git clean command that is most common,
really; it depends on what you’re trying to do. For example, often
ignored files include compiled objects that are expensive to re‐
build, so you don’t want to remove them while cleaning up other
untracked cruft that has accumulated in your working tree. On
the other hand, after you switch branches, you may want to re‐
move all object files to ensure a correct new build, as the depen‐
dencies in a complex project as expressed by tools like make or
ant may not handle such wholesale rearranging of files correctly.

git stash
git stash saves your current index and working tree, then resets
the working tree to match the HEAD commit as git reset --hard
would do. This allows you to conveniently set aside and later re‐
store your working state so that you can change branches, pull,
or perform other operations that would be blocked by your cur‐
rent changes.

The saved states are arranged in a “stack,” meaning that the last
state you put into it is the first one you take out. That is: if you
stash a state, make more changes, then stash again—when you


Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

next restore a state, it is the second state that is restored, not the
first one. The terms “push” and “pop” used in the commands
below are traditional in computer science for the operations of
adding and removing something to and from a stack. Unlike a
pure stack, however, the commands do generally allow you to
bypass the stack order and directly address previous states, if you
want to.

This is the default subcommand, saving the current working state
as described. Options include:
--patch (-p)

Interactively select hunks to save, rather than the complete
diff between HEAD and the working tree. This works the
same way as the patch mode of git add.

Do not revert changes already applied to the index.
--include-untracked (-u)

Save untracked files (normally only tracked files are saved).
This is useful to save compilation artifacts such as object
files, normally ignored and untracked but that would be
costly to recreate.
You can also give a comment as an argument, to be saved as the
message on the commit representing the stash (e.g., git stash
save "bugfix in progress"). Otherwise, Git generates a default
message like:
WIP on master: 72e25df0 'commit subject'

The --keep-index option is useful for testing partially staged
changes before you commit them. If you use git add -p to split
your current worktree changes into multiple commits (“Adding
Partial Changes” on page 48), you may want to test those commits
first. git stash save --keep-index preserves your staged
git stash



changes and reverts the rest, so that you can test this intermediate
state. You then commit, restore the remaining changes with git
stash pop, and repeat.

List the stack of stashes, which can be referred to symbolically as
stash@{0}, stash@{1}, and so on (most recent first). You can add
options as to git log.

Show the changes in a given stash, as the diff between the stash
and its corresponding original worktree state. The default is the
latest stash (stash@{0}), and you can add options as with git

The inverse of git stash: restore a stashed state and remove it
from the stash list; the default state to use is stash@{0}, or you
can supply a different stash. If the stash does not apply cleanly,
this does not remove the stash; use git stash drop after resolving
the conflicts. With --index, restores the saved index as well
(which is otherwise discarded).

Like git stash pop, but does not remove the restored state from
the stash list.

branch  [stash]
Switches to new branch starting at the original commit for

stash, and restores the stash there. This is useful when the work‐

ing tree has changed such that the stash no longer applies cleanly.

drop [stash]
Remove stash from the stash list (default stash@{0}).

Deletes the entire stash list.



Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

git show
git show displays a given object (default HEAD) in a manner
appropriate to the object type:

Commit ID, author, date, and diff

Tag message and tagged object
Pathnames in (one level of) the tree

For example, to see the diff from one commit to the next, you
could use git diff foo~ foo, but git show foo is just simpler.
The command takes any options valid for git diff-tree to con‐
trol display of the diff, including -s to suppress the diff and just
show the commit metadata. You can also use --format as
described in “Defining Your Own Formats” on page 130 to cus‐
tomize the output.

git tag
A Git tag gives a stable, human-readable name to a commit, such
as “version-1.0” or “release/2012-08-01”. There are two kinds of
• A “lightweight tag” is just a ref in refs/tags pointing to the
tagged commit.
• An “annotated tag” is also a ref in refs/tags, but pointing
to a tag-type object instead, which in turn not only points
to the tagged commit, but records other information as
well: the tag author, timestamp, a tag message, and an op‐
tional GnuPG cryptographic signature.

git show



git tag tagname commit creates a new lightweight tag pointing

to the given commit (default HEAD). Options include:

--annotate (-a)

Make an annotated tag instead
--sign (-s)

Make a signed tag (implies -a), using the GnuPG key for the
committer’s email address or the value of user.signingkey
--local-user=key-ID (-u)

Make a signed tag (implies -a), using the specified GnuPG
--force (-f)

Be willing to replace existing tags (this normally fails)
--delete (-d)

Delete a tag
--verify (-v)

Verify the GnuPG signature on a tag
--list pattern (-l)

List tags with names matching pattern. No pattern means
list all tags, and this is the default for a plain git tag com‐
mand without arguments. Multiple patterns means to list
tags matching at least one pattern.
--contains commit

List tags containing the given commit; that is, those that have

commit as an ancestor of the tagged commit
--points-at object

List tags that point to the given object
--message="text" (-m)

Use text as the tag message (instead of invoking the editor).
Multiple -m options are concatenated as paragraphs. This
implies an annotated tag.



Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

--file=filename (-F)

Use the contents of filename as the tag message (instead of
invoking the editor); “-” means standard input. This implies
an annotated tag.

Deleting a Tag from a Remote
Deleting a tag from your repository will not automatically delete
it from the origin when pushing; you have to do that explicitly:
$ git push origin :tagname

Following Tags
When you pull (or fetch) from a configured remote, Git will au‐
tomatically fetch new tags, but a “one-shot” pull specifying the
remote repository (git pull URL branch) will not do this. This
rule tries to match the likely desires of people in the given situa‐
tion. If you are collaborating closely with a set of people on a
project, you are likely to want to share tags with them, and also
likely to be using the push/pull mechanism with a configured
remote. On the other hand, if you have to specify the other
repository, then you probably aren’t collaborating closely over
that particular content, and so you probably don’t want to auto‐
matically pull in the other group’s tags.
In any case, git pull never automatically overwrites tags. A tag
can represent sensitive assertions about the tagged commit, such
as its being a certain official release of a product, or containing
an important security fix. Once accepted, a tag should not silently
change without the user knowing. If you push out a botched tag,
the preferred way to fix it is to simply use a new tag name. Actually
updating an already pushed tag is awkward, by design. See the
“DISCUSSION” section of git-tag(1) for more detail.
For new tags you create, use git push --tags to send them when

git tag



Backdating Tags
You can set the tag date with the GIT_COMMITTER_DATE environ‐
ment variable. For example:
$ GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="2013-02-04 07:37" git tag…

git diff
git diff is a versatile command, showing the difference between

content pairs in the working tree, commits, or index. The fol‐
lowing are some common forms.

git diff
This shows your unstaged changes; that is, the difference between
the working tree and the index.

git diff --staged
This shows your staged changes; that is, the difference between
the latest commit and the index. These are the changes that will
be included in the next commit. --cached is a synonym for
--staged. You can give an alternate commit to compare as an
argument; the default is HEAD.

git diff 
This shows the difference between the working tree and the
named commit.

git diff  
This shows the difference between two commits, trees, or blobs
A and B. A..B is a synonym for A B; note that this has no con‐
nection to the meaning of that syntax when naming sets of com‐
mits (see “Naming Sets of Commits” on page 123). If either A or
B is omitted in A..B, the default is HEAD; this syntax is thus useful
for specifying HEAD for one of these by just typing two dots,
which is easier and faster than typing in all caps.


Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

Options and Arguments
You can limit the comparison to specific files with trailing pat‐
terns; for example, this shows the unstaged changes only in Java
and C source files:
$ git diff -- '*.java' '*.[ch]'

git diff accepts quite a few options controlling how Git com‐
putes or displays differences, most of which it has in common
with git log, which we discuss in Chapter 9. For example, this
summarizes the differences instead of displaying them:
$ git diff --stat
| 1 + | 1 +
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)

and this just lists the files that contain differences:
$ git diff --name-only

git instaweb
Git comes with a web-based repository browser called “gitweb.”
Setting up a standalone web server to provide general access to a
set of Git repositories is outside our scope here; however, Git has
a convenience command git instaweb that starts a specialpurpose web server giving gitweb access to the current repository.
Just start it with:
$ git instaweb --start

and point your browser at http://localhost:1234/ (assuming your
browser is running on the same host; otherwise, use the right
hostname). Use --port to select a different TCP port, and --stop
to stop the gitweb server when you’re done.
If you type just git instaweb, it will start or restart the gitweb
server, and then launch a browser from the command line on the
same host. This may not be what you want; you might be logged
git instaweb



into that host remotely without any way to display graphics from
it (e.g., a local X Windows server combined with SSH X for‐
warding), and so Git will end up starting a character-based
browser such as lynx.
By default, this command uses the lighttpd web server, which
must also be installed. It supports several other web servers as
well, including Apache, which you can select with --httpd; see
git-instaweb(1) for details.

Git Hooks
In computer jargon, a “hook” is a general means of inserting cus‐
tom actions at a certain point in a program’s behavior, without
having to modify the source code of the program itself. For ex‐
ample, the text editor Emacs has many “hooks” that allow you to
supply your own code to be run whenever Emacs opens a file,
saves a buffer, begins writing an email message, etc. Similarly, Git
provides hooks that let you add your own actions to be run at key
points. Each repository has its own set of hooks, implemented as
programs in .git/hooks; a hook is run if the corresponding pro‐
gram file exists and is executable. Hooks are often shell scripts,
but they can be any executable file. git init automatically copies
a number of sample hooks into the new repository it creates,
which you can use as a starting point. These are named hookname.sample; rename one removing the .sample extension to
enable it. The sample hooks themselves are part of your Git in‐
stallation, typically under /usr/share/git-core/templates/hooks.
The templates directory also contains a few other things copied
into new repositories, such as the default .git/info/exclude file.
For example, there is a hook named commit-msg, which is run by
git commit after the user edits his commit message but before

actually making the commit. The hook gets the commit message
in a file as an argument, and can edit the file in place to vet or
alter the message. If the hook exists with a nonzero status, Git
cancels the commit, so you can use this to suggest a certain style
of commit message. It’s only a suggestion though, because the
user can avoid hook with git commit --no-verify; it’s his


Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

repository, after all. You’d need a different kind of hook on the
receiving end of a push to enforce your style on a shared repos‐
The githooks(5) man pages describes in detail all the different
hooks you can use, and how they work.

Visual Tools
Complex commit graphs, file differences, and merge conflicts are
best viewed graphically, and there are a number of tools available
for this. Git itself includes gitk, which is written with the Tcl/Tk
language and graphics toolkit, as well as the simple git log
--graph. Here are some other useful tools in this category:

A terminal-based tool using the “curses” library.

Using the QT4 GUI framework, QGit builds and runs es‐
sentially identically on multiple platforms, including Linux,
OS X, and Windows.
There is a GitHub application for OS X, Windows, and the
Eclipse programming environment. It can work with your
own repositories as well as with ones hosted on the GitHub
SmartGit runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows, and works
with the Mercurial version control system as well.
Specific to OS X with a very nice, native Mac look and feel.

Sometimes, you need to use the source to another project in
yours, but it is not possible or appropriate to combine the two
Visual Tools



into a single repository. This situation can be awkward to handle.
You may not want to keep merging the entire history of another
project into yours, where it will clutter up your own history
(though the “subtree” merge strategy can be helpful if you decide
to do this).
Git has a feature called “submodules” to address this: it allows
you to maintain another Git repository as a tracked object within
a subdirectory of yours. In the tree of a commit in your repository,
the submodule reference includes a commit ID in the foreign
repository, indicating a particular state of that repository. This
defines the content of the corresponding directory for your com‐
mit, while still leaving all its refs and objects out of your repository
As an advanced feature, we do not discuss submodules further
here; see git-submodule(1) for details.



Chapter 13: Miscellaneous


How Do I…?

This final chapter presents some commands and recipes for ac‐
complishing a grab bag of specific tasks. Some were presented
earlier and are repeated or referred to here for easy reference, and
some are new. Remember that you don’t usually want to edit his‐
tory for commits you’ve already published with git push. Ex‐
amples that refer to a remote repository use the most common
case, origin. rev is any revision name as described in Chapter 8.

…Make and Use a Central Repository?
Suppose you have an account named ares on a server mars.exam, which you want to use to coordinate your own work on
a project foo (perhaps among repositories at home, work, and on
your laptop). First, log into the server and create a “bare” repos‐
itory (which you will not use directly):
$ ssh
ares> git init --bare foo
Initialized empty Git repository in /u/ares/foo/.git
$ logout

If this is for a project with existing content, connect that reposi‐
tory to the new remote as its origin (assuming here a single, local
master branch):
$ cd foo
$ git remote add origin


$ git push -u origin master
* [new branch]
master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master
from foo.

You can just use plain git push from then on. To clone this
repository elsewhere:
$ git clone

…Fix the Last Commit I Made?
Make your corrections and stage them with git add, then:
$ git commit --amend

Add -a to automatically stage all changes to tracked files (skip‐
ping git add). Add -C HEAD to reuse the previous commit mes‐
sage without stopping to edit it.
See “Changing the Last Commit” on page 58.

…Edit the Previous n Commits?
$ git rebase -i HEAD~n

The history involved should be linear. You can add -p to preserve
merge commits, but this can get tricky depending on the changes
you want to make.
See “Editing a Series of Commits” on page 64.

…Undo My Last n Commits?
$ git reset HEAD~n

This removes the last n commits of a linear history from the
current branch, leaving the corresponding changes in your work‐
ing files. You can add --hard to make the working tree reflect the
new branch tip, but beware: this will also discard any current
uncommitted changes, which you will lose with no recourse. See


Chapter 14: How Do I…?

“Discarding Any Number of Commits” on page 61. This will also
work if there is a merge commit in the range, effectively undoing
the merge for this branch; see Chapter 8 to understand how to
interpret HEAD~n in this case.

…Reuse the Message from an Existing
$ git commit --reset-author -C rev

Add --edit to edit the message before committing.

…Reapply an Existing Commit from
Another Branch?
$ git cherry-pick rev

If the commit is in a different local repository, ~/other:
$ git --git-dir ~/other/.git format-patch ↵
-1 --stdout rev | git am

• “Importing Linear History” on page 156
• “git cherry-pick” on page 181

…List Files with Conflicts when Merging?
git status shows these as part of its report, but to just list their


$ git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U

…Get a Summary of My Branches?
• List local branches: git branch

…Reuse the Message from an Existing Commit?



• List all branches: git branch -a
• Get a compact summary of local branches and status with
respect to their upstream counterparts: git branch -vv
• Get detail about the remote as well: git remote show ori
gin (or other named remote)
See “Notes” on page 91.

…Get a Summary of My Working Tree and
Index State?
$ git status

Add -sb for a more compact listing; see the “Short Format” sec‐
tion of git-status(1) on how to interpret this.

…Stage All the Current Changes to My
Working Files?
$ git add -A

This does git add for every changed, new, and deleted file in your
working tree. Add --force to include normally ignored files; you
might do this when adding a new release to a “vendor branch,”
which tracks updates to other projects you obtain by means other
than Git (e.g., tarballs).

…Show the Changes to My Working Files?
git diff shows unstaged changes; add --stage to see staged
changes instead. Add --name-only or --name-status for a more
compact listing.



Chapter 14: How Do I…?

…Save and Restore My Working Tree and
Index Changes?
git stash saves and sets your outstanding changes aside, so you

can perform other operations that might be blocked by them,
such as checking out a different branch. You can restore your
changes later with git stash pop. See “git stash” on page 188.

…Add a Downstream Branch Without
Checking It Out?
$ git branch foo origin/foo

This adds a local branch and sets up push/pull tracking as if you
had done git checkout foo, but does not do the checkout or
change your current branch.

…List the Files in a Specific Commit?
$ git ls-tree -r --name-only rev

This listing is restricted to the current directory; add --full-

tree for a complete list.

…Show the Changes Made by a Commit?
git show rev is easier that git diff rev~ rev, and shows the
author, timestamp, commit ID, and message as well. Add -s to
suppress the diff and just see the latter information; use --namestatus or --stat to summarize the changes. It also works for
merge commits, showing conflicts from the merge as with git
log --cc (see “Showing Diffs” on page 142). The default for rev
is HEAD.

…Save and Restore My Working Tree and Index Changes?



…Get Tab Completion of Branch Names,
Tags, and So On?
Git comes with a completion package for bash and zsh, installed
in its git-core directory as git-completion.bash. You can use it
by including (or “sourcing”) this file in your shell startup file (e.g.,
in ~/.bashrc):
# define completion for Git
[ -r $gitcomp ] && source $gitcomp

Pressing Tab in the middle of a Git command will then show
possible completions for the given context. For example, if you
type git checkout, space, and then press Tab, the shell will print
the branches and tag names you could use here. If you type an
initial part of one of these names, pressing Tab again will com‐
plete it for you. The exact behavior of completion is very cus‐
tomizable; see your shell manpage for details.
There is also a, which will make your shell prompt
reflect the current branch status when your working directory is
a Git repository.

…List All Remotes?
git remote does this; add -v to see the corresponding URLs con‐

figured for push and pull (ordinarily the same):

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

…Change the URL for a Remote?
$ git remote set-url remote URL

204 |

Chapter 14: How Do I…?

…Remove Old Remote-Tracking
$ git remote prune origin

This removes tracking for remote branches that have been de‐
leted upstream.

…Have git log:
Find Commits I Made but Lost?
…perhaps after editing history with git rebase -i or git re
set, or deleting a branch:
$ git log -g

See “Double Oops!” on page 59.

Not Show the diffs for Root Commits?
A root commit always shows the addition of all the files in its tree,
which can be a large and uninformative list; you can suppress this
$ git config [--global] log.showroot false

Show the Changes for Each Commit?
git log -p shows the complete patch for each commit it lists,
while these options summarize the changes in different ways:
$ git log --name-status
$ git log --stat

See “Listing Changed Files” on page 136.

Show the Committer as well as the Author?
$ git log --format=fuller

…Remove Old Remote-Tracking Branches?





A (added), 61
access control, 94
access, remote, 173
acyclic graphs, 16
aliases, 38
already is up-to-date message, 104
amend feature, 59, 67
annotated tags, 11, 191
araxis merge tool, 25, 107
authentication, 94, 173
author identification, 2, 8, 9


bare repositories, 40, 82
bash shell syntax, xiii, 45
blobs, 6, 168
brackets, curly vs. square, xiii
automatic set up of, 29
benefits of Git branches, x
commits to, 19
comparing, 144

configuration variables, 91
creating new, 70
default, 70
definition of, 102
deleting, 75, 98
deleting from origin reposito‐
ry, 77
deletion of, 21
displaying, 28
downstream, 203
feature branches, 69, 95
fully merged, 75
listing summary of, 201
log of operations, 60
merging, 95
moving location of, 64
naming/renaming, 74, 78, 98
oveview of, 3
remote tracking of, 26, 31, 85
removing remote tracking, 205
rewinding, 62
sharing work between, 5, 29,
40, 83
switching, 72

We’d like to hear your suggestions for improving our indexes. Send email to


timing of deletion, 77
topic branches, 69
typography conventions used
for, xiii
upstream branches, 76
uses for, ix
using multiple, 69, 82
vendor branches, 49, 202


-C HEAD, 58
central repositories, 199
Chacon, Scott, xi
chains, following, 122
adding to existing file, 48
applying selective, 103
benefits of Git changes, x
discarding, 103
ignoring, 45
listing with git log, 136
managing with commits, 8, 79
overwritting with forced push,
reconciling conflicts, 86, 98
searching for with pickaxe, 142
showing, 203
staging of, 22, 52, 202
stashing, 55, 74, 96, 188, 203
uncommitted, 73
undoing after commits, 57–67
unstaging, 52
which to commit, 54
changes not staged for commit
message, 48
changes to be committed message,
checkouts, supressing, 28
Chef, 34
cherry-picking, 9, 70, 145, 181
clone command, 5, 27, 79
code examples, use of, xiv



colors, enabling use of, 37, 131,
command aliases, 38
command syntax, xiii
git add, 22, 42, 47, 101
git add --interactive (-i), 49
git add -A, 49
git add -p, 48
git add -u, 49
git add/mv/rm, 23
git branch --all, 28
git branch -vv, 76, 92
git checkout, 29, 72, 72, 74
git checkout --orphan, 9
git cherry, 147
git cherry-pick, 9, 70, 181
git clean, 187
git clone, 27, 79
git commit, 22, 42, 47, 52
git commit --amend, 59, 67
git commit -a, 55
git config, 33
git diff, 194
git diff --cached, 52
git diff --staged, 23, 194
git fetch, 27, 83
git fetch origin, 27
git filter-branch, 162
git for-each-ref, 18
git grep, 184
git init directory, 39
git instaweb, 195
git log, 21, 36, 42, 118, 127
git log --first-parent, 21
git log -g, 60
git log -p, 102
git ls-files, 22
git merge --no-ff, 104
git merge --squash, 104
git mergetool, 108
git mv, 50
git notes, 183


git pull, 24, 26, 29, 40, 79, 86
git push, 26, 30, 40, 79, 87, 91
git rebase, 64, 150, 152
git remote set-url, 31
git remote show remote, 91
git repack -a, 81
git replace, 159
git rerere, 112
git reset, 52, 61
git reset --patch, 52
git rev-list, 115, 125
git rev-parse, 115, 187
git revert, 63
git rm, 50
git shortlog, 148
git show, 121
git show-ref, 18
git stash, 188
git stash --keep-index, 55
git status, 23, 36, 52, 100
git symbolic-ref, 18, 72
git update-index --assumeunchanged, 45
git update-ref, 18, 72
git upload-pack, 80
git/config, 29, 31
commands, differentiating with
color, 37
commit graphs, 2, 9, 16, 26, 59, 89,
97, 144, 150
commit history (see history)
commit IDs, 115
commit messages, 2, 4, 10, 35, 52,
58, 90, 121, 129, 183, 201
annotating, 183
changing the last, 58, 200
components of, 8
current commits, 20
definition of, 2
discarding several, 62
discarding the last, 61, 90
displaying, 147

editing a series of, 64–67, 200
human-readable names for, 11
ID abbreviation, 36
last commits, 20
making multiple, 55
merge commits, 26
naming individual, 115–123
naming sets of, 124–126
process of, 19, 52–55
re-applying by cherry-picking,
9, 181
reapplying, 201
replacing a single, 159
replaying, 150
retrieving discarded, 59
rewriting, 161
role of the index in, 22, 47–52
root vs. merge, 3
signing, 10, 37
tip commits, 19, 59
undoing, 63, 201
vs. publishing, 57
vs. push, 6
youngest vs. most recent, 121
committer identification, 2, 8, 9
committing (to the repository), 8
comparisons, efficient, 13
complex merges, 25
configuration management sys‐
tems, 34
configuration settings, 33
content merge, 97
content-based addressing, 12, 51,
58, 81, 107
core.abbrev, 36
core.editor, 35
core.pager, 36
could not apply message, 66
credential helpers, 178
cryptographic hash functions, 14,
Cryptographic Signatures, 10
curly brackets, xiii




CVS (Concurrent Versions Sys‐
tem), x, 6, 12, 51


DAGs (directed acyclic graphs), 16
database corrupted error, 82
database sharing, 13
defaults, setting, 33
destructive updates, 91
detached HEAD mode, 74
diffs vs. patches, 167
diffs, applying plain, 170
diffstat summary, 97
creating, 39
locating, 41
representing empty, 55
disconnected histories, importing,
documentation, accessing, 38
downstream branches, 203


efficient comparisons, 13
elements, optional, xiii
email address, setting, 35, 139
email output format, 130
empty directories, 55


FAQs (frequently asked questions),
central repositories, 199
changing URLs, 204
downstream branches, 203
editing commits, 200
fixing commits, 200
index summary, 202
list branch summary, 201
list files in a commit, 203
list merge conflicts, 201
listing remotes, 204
reapply existing commits, 201



removing remote-tracking
branches, 205
reusing commit messages, 201
set up tab completion, 204
show changes, 203
stage all changes, 202
stashing changes, 203
undoing commits, 201
working with git log, 205
fast-forward updates, 86, 90, 104
fatal: bad default revision message,
feature branches, 69, 95
fetch command, 27, 83
file checkout
controling, 40
supressing, 28
with merge, 74
file permissions, 40
.gitignore, 42
.idx files, 15
.pack files, 15, 84
adding changes to, 48
adding to the index, 47, 55
contents as blobs, 6
detecting copies, 139
expunging, 165
ignoring, 42
including all in index, 49
INI style, 33
listing, 203
listing changed with git log,
listing merge conflicts, 201
mailmap files, 139
pathnames for, 123
removing from index, 50
removing untracked, 187
renaming, 50, 78, 138
sharing changes in, 4, 29, 80,
single-instance storage of, 12


tracking changes in, ix, 2, 13,
51, 73
forced push, 91


garbage collection, 82, 84
abilities of, ix
accessing help files, 38
approach to learning, 1
configuration of, 33–38
mode values in, 8
security in, 14, 84, 94
strengths of, x, 5, 6, 13, 51, 57
terminology used, 2
Unix basis of, xii
version discussed, xii
.git directory, 41
.git/hooks, 196
.git/info/exclude, 43
.gitignore, 42
git add, 22, 42, 47, 101
git add --interactive (-i), 49
git add -A, 49
git add -p, 48
git add -u, 49
git add/mv/rm, 23
git branch --all, 28
git branch -vv, 76, 92
git checkout, 29, 72, 72, 74
git checkout --orphan, 9
git cherry, 147
git cherry-pick, 9, 70, 181
git clean, 187
git clone, 27, 79
git commit, 22, 42, 47, 52
git commit --amend, 59, 67
git commit -a, 55
git config, 33
git config gc.pruneexpire never, 84
git diff, 194
git diff --cached, 52
git diff --staged, 23, 194

git fetch origin, 27
git filter-branch, 162
git for-each-ref, 18
git grep, 184
git init directory, 39, 70
git instaweb, 195
git log
command format, 127
commit ordering, 146
comparing branches, 144
composite log, 118
custom output formats, 130
date style, 135
decoration, 134
detecting copies, 139
displaying sides, 145
enabling color in, 36
finding commits, 205
limiting commits shown, 132
listing changed files, 136
of most recent commit, 42
on master branch, 21
output formats, 128
reflog, 134
regular expressions and, 133
renaming and, 138
rewriting personal informa‐
tion, 139
searching for changes, 142
showing diffs, 142
showing notes, 146
viewing history with, 127
word diff, 143
git log --first-parent, 21
git log -g, 60
git log -p, 102
git log origin/foo, 31
git ls-files, 22
git merge --no-ff, 104
git merge --squash, 104
git mergetool, 108
git mv, 50
git notes, 183




Git Pocket Guide (Silverman)
attributions appreciated, xiv
conventions used in, xii
goals of, xi
git pull, 24, 26, 29, 40, 79, 86
git push, 26, 30, 40, 79, 87, 91
git rebase, 64, 150, 152
git remote set-url, 31
git remote show remote, 91
git repack -a, 81
git replace, 159
git rerere, 112
git reset, 52, 61
git reset --patch, 52
git rev-list, 115, 125
git rev-parse, 115, 187
git revert, 63
git rm, 50
git shortlog, 148
git show, 121
git show-ref, 18
git show-ref --abbrev master, 28
git show-ref master, 42
git stash, 188
git stash --keep-index, 55
git status, 23, 36, 52, 100
git symbolic-ref, 18, 72
git update-index --assumeunchanged, 45
git update-ref, 18, 72
git upload-pack, 80
git/config, 29, 31
GitHub, xi, 53
Gitolite, 94
Gitorious, 94
Gitosis, 94
gitweb, 53
GnuPG, 10, 37
graphics toolkits, 197
grep command, 184
gvimdiff merge tool, 107




hard links, 17, 81
hash collisions, 13
hash functions, 12
HEAD commits, 20
HEAD ref, 19, 28, 72
help system, accessing, 38
displaying via commit graph,
editing, 149–166
linear, 117
loss of, 57
loss of during deletion, 75
nonlinear, 102
renaming files and, 51, 78
viewing, 127–148
hooks, 196


.idx files, 15
ignore pattern syntax, 44
conflict resolution and, 106
definition of, 22
preparing for a commit, 47–52
resetting, 52
summary of, 202
interactive rebase, 150


kdiff merge tool, 25
kdiff3 merge tool, 107


last commits, 20
lightweight tags, 11, 191
linear histories, importing, 156
Linux, xii
local repositories, 81
Loeliger, Jon, xi
loose objects, 15, 84



mailmap file, 139
making a commit, 8
(see also commits)
manpages, xi, xiii
master branches, 3, 5, 20, 24, 41,
69, 70
mbox style output, 130
aborting, 90, 99, 104
automatic merging, 29, 89, 104
content conflicts and, 25, 63,
66, 86, 98–102, 102
definition of, 95
fully merged, 75
history of, 26, 102
octopus merge, 95, 111
pairwise merge, 111
process details, 105
reusing previous, 112
simple merge, 21
strategies for, 110
three-way, 74, 105
timing of, 89, 96, 110
tools for, 107, 108
uses for, ix, 24, 69, 95
merge base, 26, 105
merge bubble, 90
merge commits, 3, 9, 26, 97
merge conflicts, resolving, 102
already is up-to-date, 104
changes not staged for com‐
mit, 48
changes to be commited, 48
CONFLICT (content), 99
could not apply, 66
database corrupted, 82
detached head, 74
fatal: bad default revision, 70
please, commit your changes
or stash them…, 73

reinitializing, 39
(see also commit messages)
mode bits, 7, 106, 168


-n, 28
network protocols, 173
--no-abbrev-commit, 36
non-linear histories, importing,


object identifiers, 12, 115
object store, 6–11
locating, 122
storage of, 15
octopus merge, 95, 111
optional elements, xiii
origin repositories, 81
osxkeychain, 178


.pack files, 15, 84
packs, 15, 84
pagination, controlling, 36
pairwise merge, 111
parameters, setting, 33
parent commits, 2, 9, 26, 59, 102
partial changes, 48
passwords, 174, 178
patch subcommand, 48
basics of, 167
vs. diffs, 167
with commit information, 170
pathnames, 123
paths, unmerged, 100, 106
personal configuration settings,
33, 139
pickaxe, 142
plain diffs, 170


| 213

please, commit your changes or
stash them…, 73
preferences, setting, 33
Pro Git (Chacon), xi
components of, 2
developing in Git, ix, xi, 3, 4,
40, 54, 69, 82
importing existing, 41
pruning, 84
public-key authentication, 174
publishing vs. committing, 57
pull command, 5, 30, 40, 79, 86
pull with rebase, 89
push command, 5, 30, 40, 79, 87,
push.default configuration vari‐
able, 88


read-only access, 173
rebasing, 64, 87, 89, 150, 152
recursive merge strategy, 110
redundancy, 6
ref names, 116
reference repositories, 82
reflog feature, 59, 118, 134
refs (references), 17
refspec, 27
regular expressions, 121, 133, 184
reinitializing messages, 39
release branches, 3
release notes, preparation of, 148
reliability, 6, 13
remote access, 173–179
HTTP protocol, 177
passwords, 178
ssh, 173
usernames, 177
remote repositories, 79, 81, 173,
remote-tracking refs, 28
rename function, 51



replaying commits, 150
bare repositories, 40, 82
cloning, 79–84
commit graphs, 2, 16
comparisons of, 13
components of, 27
creating central repositories,
creating new, 39
definition of, x, 2
editing history of, 149–166
importing, 153–159
local repositories, 81
object storage in, 15
reference repositories, 82
remote repositories, 79, 81,
searcing with regular expres‐
sions, 184
security of, 15, 84, 94
sharing work between, 5, 29,
40, 79
showing properties of, 187
submodules of, 198
synchronizing, 86–94
tip commits to, 4, 19
tracking, 79, 85
web-based browser for, 195
revisions, naming syntax, 117
rewinding a branch, 62
root commits, 3, 9


Safari Books Online, xv
security, 14, 84, 94
SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)
abbreviation of, 36, 115
hash function, 12, 14
security and, 14
shared clones, 81, 83
shared repositories, 40, 83
shell globs, 45


shell syntax, xiii, 45
simple refs, 17, 116
single-instance store, 12
social coding, xi
spurious merges, 89
square brackets, xiii
ssh URL scheme, 80, 92, 173
staging changes, 22, 202
stashing changes, 55, 74, 96, 188,
storage, single-instance, 12
structural merge, 97
subdirectories, shifting to, 165
submodules, 198
Subversion, x, 6, 51
symbolic links, 7, 17, 72
symrefs (symbolic refs), 17, 116


tab completion, 204
tags, 11, 37, 166, 191
text editor, customization of, 35
three-way merge, 105
timestamps, 2, 9, 11
tip commits, 3, 19, 59
topic branches, 3, 5, 69
transport schemes, 80
tree objects, 7
components of, 7
definition of, 2
displaying, 22, 28


un-committing, 61
uncommitted changes, 73
Unix, xii, 7, 17
Unix mbox style, 130
unmerged paths, 100, 106
unstaged changes, displaying, 52
untracked files, 43, 48, 74, 187
updates, fast-forward, 86, 90, 104
upstream branches, 76
fixing, 31, 204
specifying, 80
usernames, 177


vendor branches, 49, 202
version control
definition of, ix
distributed vs. centralized, x, 5
for software development, 70,
private vs. public, 4, 57
renaming files and, 51, 78, 138
repeated conflicts, 105
timing of commits, 54, 89
Version Control with Git (Loelig‐
er), xi
vi text editor, 35
visual tools, 197


| 215


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