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Coastal Plant
Pocket Guide
Northern Agricultural
Region, Western Australia
Western Australia (WA)’s
Northern Agricultural Region
Welcome to the second edition
of the Northern Agricultural
Catchments Council (NACC)s
Coastal Plant Pocket Guide.
This edition supersedes the printed
version published in 2012 and includes
an expanded list of both native and
weed species commonly encountered
along the coastal zone of Western
Australia (WA)’s Northern Agricultural
Region (NAR). This edition also includes
information on propagating native
species and controlling invasive weeds,
along with revised information on
traditional Aboriginal plant uses.
This smartphone application (app) aims to increase community
awareness of some of the more common plants growing on the
coastal strip of the NAR, between Guilderton (Moore River mouth) and
Kalbarri (Murchison River mouth). The coastal environment is exposed
to variable, and at times extremely harsh climatic conditions. Daily,
monthly and seasonal wind, wave and tidal patterns cause changes to
the shape of the beaches and dunes, and deposit, move and remove
sediment, sea wrack and debris.
Coastal plants are adapted to these harsh conditions, with different
species tending to grow on specific parts of the coastal dunes and cliffs.
These plants help stabilise the dunes by slowing the wind speed
and trapping the sand, while their root systems hold and shape the
dunes. Coastal plants have interesting features to aid their survival in
these harsh, saline conditions, for example leaves may be succulent
to hold water, leathery or hairy to reduce moisture loss, or grey to
reflect light and heat; flowers tend to be small and difficult to see; seed
bearing fruits are variable and may be edible and spread by wildlife,
dispersed by wind or water, explosively dispatched by the parent plant
(as is the case with Acacia rostellifera), or alternatively fall close to the
parent plant.
Dune Information
Dunes are buffers between marine and terrestrial environments,
provide important habitat for plants and animals, and help to
protect urban infrastructure and farmland. Berms form on the beach
close to the high water mark as a temporary first line of defence
against the elements. Here seed is deposited in the beach wrack or
sand by wind or birds, with only highly salt and wind tolerant plant
species able to survive. These plants must often tolerate being
partially smothered by sand. Berms are likely to be removed in
the first severe storm. The front face of the fore dunes is also under
constant attack by wind and weather. The species that tolerate these
conditions are limited to a few saltbushes, succulents and Spinifex
grass, all of which thrive in the salt laden air and the nutrient poor lime
and silica sands. These plants stabilise the sand with their root systems
and the way they grow dictates the dune shapes. Their branches
reduce wind speed and sand blast to create gentler microclimates.
The mid dunes and hind dunes have been stable for comparatively
longer and their sands have been enriched with humus from
dead plants. Mid and hind dunes are also enriched by nutrients
supplied by the sea air and legumes (peas and wattles). These hind
dunes and swale areas are better protected from wind, blowing
sand and salt spray, and there are more nutrients and moisture for
plant growth. These areas create varied microclimates which support
different species of plants, promoting the growth of more shrub and
tree species. There may be taller shrubs, although they tend to be bent
over or ‘wind pruned’ by the prevailing southerly winds. Trees are rare
on the WA coastline and are limited to sheltered areas on limestone
cliffs or in the swales of the hind dunes.
Protecting dune vegetation is critical for maintaining a stable
dune system. If dune vegetation is disturbed or destroyed, there
is high risk of erosion and the creation of blowouts. Disturbance is
caused by people or animals trampling through and crushing the
bush, by vehicles driving over (or parking on) vegetation, or by fire.
Where sand is left exposed wind will carry it, and a blowout will develop
and become a mobile dune.
This diagram is intended for representation
purposes only. Reference transects of floristics
and vegetation structure in high conservation
value areas of the Western Australian coastal strip
(including Geraldton and Kalbarri) have been
developed as part of the Surveying Western
Australias Land Edge (SWALE) project, and
are available on the FloraBase website: florabase.
Berm Fore Mid Hind
Revegetation of degraded coastal areas is
undertaken by many community groups and
organisations. Coastal plants are generally
propagated from either seeds or cuttings
and propagation techniques for common
revegetation species in the NAR are included
in this guide. It is important to use ‘local
provenance seeds or cuttings, collected
from plants located in their natural environment as close as possible
to the revegetation site. This ensures that revegetation plants are most
likely to be genetically similar to those that have successfully evolved
in the surrounding environment and therefore have the best chance
of survival in that location. A cautionary note: revegetation works have
been carried out in NAR coastal areas for many decades and plants
surviving from these early plantings may not be local provenance.
Whenever possible, make use of “local knowledge to avoid collecting
seed from previous revegetation works.
When propagating native plants at home for natural area regeneration
it is important to keep in mind the risk of introducing weeds and plant
diseases from your garden to the bush. Most commercial plant nurseries
that supply native plants for bush regeneration have certification to
ensure their stock is disease-free. To reduce this risk in home-grown native
plants it is important to use pots that have been thoroughly cleaned and
are free of old soil, to use commercial native plant potting mixes rather
than soil from your garden, and to maintain native seedlings and cuttings
well away from other garden plants. Remove any germinated weeds prior
to planting out and continue to monitor the revegetation site for weeds.
All Western Australian flora are protected under the Wildlife Conservation
Act 1950. This includes all parts of the flora such as roots, seeds, spores
and flowers. A licence must be obtained from the Department of Parks
and Wildlife (DPaW) before collecting seed or any other parts of plants.
Licences can be for educational or scientific purposes or for commercial
purposes. Once a licence has been obtained, each licence holder
must register with the relevant DPaW region from which collection is
intended. Before a Crown land licence is issued for commercial purposes,
the applicant must demonstrate that they have an area from which they
can harvest flora, including written approval from the landholder or
relevant government agency.
Weed control
Invasive weeds can take-over native plant habitat, reducing biodiversity
and altering the structure of dune systems. Many weed species are
shallow rooted and easily exclude native species whose deeper rooted
systems help bind dune sands. Some weeds only become established
in areas where sand has been disturbed whilst others are more
aggressive and displace native vegetation in undisturbed habitats.
This guide includes many coastal weeds common in the NAR and their
control methods.
There are a number of methods for controlling weed plant species.
Practicing integrated weed management, where several methods
are utilised over a period of time, are generally more successful than
relying on one method alone. Herbicide resistance can also be an issue
in some species.
In some situations weeds may be well established and the only
vegetation providing physical stability. Additionally, trying to control
weeds may not always be feasible or appropriate. Assess carefully
whether weeds are displacing native taxa, or possibly having other
impacts at the site, prior to considering any control program.
Read the manufacturers’ labels and material safety data sheets before
using herbicides. For further information consult the Australian
Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to determine the status
of permits for your situation or state. Always obtain permission from
the landowner before conducting weed control works.
Symbols guide
cover Climber Shrub Tree Grass
Fore dune Mid dune Hind dune Limestone
Native Weed
* indicates weed species
Red-Eyed Wattle
Hind duneMid dune Aboriginal
ShrubTree Fore dune
Red-Eyed Wattle can grow either as a dense shrub in areas exposed to
strong winds, or a small tree up to 4 m in height. The leaves, or phyllodes,
grow 4-8 cm in length and 6-12 mm wide. There are 3-5 prominent
veins ending in a small hook. Its bright yellow globular flowers are
arranged in groups of 2 or 3 and occur from September to March.
The thick and leathery flattened seed pods are greyish-brown and 4-12
cm long. The pod twists and splits when dry, opening to reveal up to
15 dark brown to black shiny seeds surrounded by a brilliant red aril.
The tangle of pods stay on the tree long after the seed has been released.
Pour very hot water (95°C) over seeds and soak in this water overnight,
or lightly scarify with fine sandpaper. Germination ranges from 13 to
42 days.
From Geraldton to east of Esperance in coastal dunes where the plant
is often solitary in fore dunes, or forms dense thickets in mid or more
stable dunes and in dune swales. It also occurs in South Australia.
An important species in restoration programs, Red-Eyed Wattle can be
sensitive to wind burn in exposed sites. It will grow rapidly and reliably
to provide habitat and, as a legume, adds soil nutrients through the
nitrogen-fixing bacteria in its roots. When not in flower, this species
can be confused with the Summer-Scented Wattle (Acacia rostellifera).
The two taxa can be distinguished by folding a leaf between your finger
and thumb – A. rostellifera will snap cleanly in two, whereas A. cyclops
will crease but not snap. A. cyclops may produce semi-succulent leaves
in response to salt exposure that do snap, therefore it is important to
test leaves from the leeward side of the shrub to avoid this issue.
Red-Eyed Wattle
Acacia cyclops
Family: Mimosaceae
Aboriginal Use
The hard, black seeds were ground to produce a chalky white powder
which was used when baking. The gum exuded from the stem was also
eaten. When crushed, the green seed pods release a sticky juice which,
when mixed with water, was used to make a form of sunscreen, insect
repellent and a treatment for eczema. Bardi grubs, which burrow in the
stems as larvae, are also a sought after as a nutritious food.
Red-Eyed Wattle
Acacia cyclops
Family: Mimosaceae
Dune Moses
Hind dune Limestone
Fore dune Mid dune
Dune Moses
Acacia lasiocarpa
Family: Mimosaceae
Dune Moses is a small, dense, ground-hugging shrub up to 1 m in
height, and is one of the few Australian acacias with leaves and not
phyllodes on the mature plants. The stems are hairy. The divided leaf
is bipinnate with each leaf having 2-6 pairs of leaflets and distinctive
rolled margins. There are two spines in each leaf axil. The globular bright
yellow flowers brighten the coastal heath between June and October.
The flat, black-brown seed pod is up to 40 mm long and 5 mm wide
and holds 10 or more seeds. The margins of the pod are thickened.
Pour very hot water (95°C) over seeds and soak in this water overnight
or lightly scarify with fine sandpaper. Germination varies from 8 to
27 days.
Dune Moses occurs in sheltered positions in fore dunes and mid dunes
from the Murchison River, Kalbarri, south to Bunbury. It also occurs
on limestone outcrops where it is protected by swales or by other
heathland or shrubby species.
Summer-Scented Wattle
Hind duneFore dune Mid dune
Summer-Scented Wattle
Acacia rostellifera
Family: Mimosaceae
Summer-Scented Wattle is a dense shrub or tree up to 6 m in height.
The wattle leaves, or phyllodes, grow 6-10 cm in length and have a
small hook at the tip. The round flower heads are yellow and appear
infrequently between July and December. The seed pod is flat and
constricted between the seeds. Seeds have a very short orange aril.
Summer-Scented Wattle spreads by suckering and the shallow root
system helps to bind the sand.
Pour very hot water (95 °C) over seeds and soak in this water overnight
or lightly scarify with fine sandpaper. Germination is between 7 and
13 days.
A very common species in the NAR, Summer-Scented Wattle is found
on fore dunes to hind dunes and limestone from Shark Bay to Augusta.
There are separate populations from Bremer Bay to Israelite Bay.
Summer-Scented Wattle is useful for revegetation as each plant
can produce up to 50 suckers from horizontal roots. It is sometimes
considered a nuisance species in urban fore dune settings as it quickly
grows large, blocks views, covers tracks and pathways and tends to
exclude other species.
Aboriginal Use
The gum was used as an edible resource.
Angle-Leaved Wattle
Hind dune
Mid dune
Angle-Leaved Wattle
Acacia truncata
Family: Mimosaceae
This usually dense, domed shrub grows from 0.5-2.3 m high. It can have
a more open form where exposed to strong winds and can occasionally
grow to 3 m in protected swales. This plant has distinctively wedge-
shaped leaves with a conspicuous upturned spine (stipule) at the
base of each leaf. A. truncata has yellow flowers between June and
September. The curved seed pods are compressed, grey-black and up
to 6 cm long. Each pod contains up to 15 small black seeds.
Pour very hot water (95 °C) over seeds and soak in this water overnight
or lightly scarify with fine sandpaper. Germination can range between
11 and 31 days.
A. truncata grows in skeletal sandy soils, coastal limestone or mid dunes,
between Dongara and Busselton.
White-Stemmed Wattle
Native ShrubTree
Hind dune Limestone
White-Stemmed Wattle
Acacia xanthina
Family: Mimosaceae
White-Stemmed Wattle is a large upright shrub or small tree, 2-4 m
in height. Young bark is smooth or pale green and as the plant ages
the bark turns grey and fissured. The leaves, or phyllodes, are blue-
green in colour with two longitudinal veins, one of which is more
central and prominent than the other. The round yellow flower heads
mature between August and October. The seed pod is brown with
constrictions between seeds. Each seed has a pale aril.
Pour very hot water (95 °C) over seeds and soak in this water overnight
or lightly scarify with fine sandpaper. Germination consistently takes
19 days.
White-Stemmed Wattle occurs infrequently between Fremantle and
Shark Bay, on coastal dunes and adjacent limestone ridges.
Prickle Lily
Hind dune
Mid dune
Prickle Lily
Acanthocarpus preissii
Family: Asparagaceae
Prickle Lily is a grass-like tufted shrub, which grows in a tangled mass,
up to 1 m in height. It sends out underground stems that can establish
daughter plants up to 30 cm from the parent plant. The narrow,
rigid leaf is 50 mm long and has a very sharp point. The small white
flowers have a brownish mid-rib and are sweetly scented. The blooms
occur briefly between April and August in clusters on arching stems.
The yellow to beige spherical, rough coated fruits are up to 10 mm in
diameter and have three lobes. One to three orange-brown smooth
round seeds are released around December, and are wind-blown and
naturally scarified by sand.
Although widespread and locally common, seed propagation is
difficult. Propagation requires a process whereby the seeds are exposed
to variable temperatures prior to sowing. Seedling emergence takes up
to six weeks, with further germination over a period of weeks.
This species is restricted to the WA coastline, from Exmouth southwards
to Augusta and beyond to Windy Harbour, occurring in a wide range of
soils from sand to sandy clays and on rocky sites. Prickle Lily is able to
survive in a range of habitats from fully exposed to protected swales,
and even deeply shaded sites. It also occurs inland where limestone
dominates and there are several similar species with finer leaves.
Dysentery Bush, Sea Box
Native Shrub Hind dune
Dysentery Bush, Sea Box
Alyxia buxifolia
Family: Apocynaceae
Dysentery Bush is an erect, rigid shrub that may be compact 0.5 m, or
spreading 1-3 m in height. The thick, shiny dark green oval leaves are
grouped around the stem at intervals to form rigid whorls. They are
1.5-3 cm long. The small, star shaped flowers are white or cream with
a tube that has an orange tinge, like miniature Frangipani flowers to
which they are related. The 1 cm flowers appear between June and
November. The orange-red, bead-like fruits are up to 8 mm in length
and can be found growing singly or in pairs.
Cuttings can be successful however this species grows slowly and
takes a long time to mature in pots. Alternatively, try soaking seed in
smoke water at 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 dilution for 24 hours. Germination
takes 51-90 days.
Dysentery Bush is widespread, occurring in diverse soil types from sand
and limestone to laterite and clay. It occurs from the coast near Shark
Bay to east of Esperance, and inland to arid areas near the Goldfields.
It has also been found in south eastern Australia.
The seeds are eaten by emus.
Aboriginal Use
The bark was used as a bush cure for dysentery.
Coast Angianthus
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Coast Angianthus
Angianthus cunninghamii
Family: Asteraceae
Coast Angianthus is a low growing, bushy shrub 0.2-0.5 m in height.
The small leaves are felted and white to grey in colour. The disc-type
yellow flowers are arranged in compound, spherical heads and appear
between January and August and again in November and December,
depending on the location.
Try sowing very shallowly (on the surface) as the seeds need light
to germinate. This approach works for other species within this genus.
Germination should take between 7 and 20 days.
Coast Angianthus occurs on coastal limestone and sand dunes
intermittently along the whole of the coastline, from Perth north as far
as Karratha.
Yellow Tailflower
Hind dune
Mid dune
Yellow Tailflower
Anthocercis littorea
Family: Solanaceae
Yellow Tailflower is an erect shrub, 0.6-3 m in height that often
branches from the base. The rounded leaves are up to 4 cm in length
and are thick and fleshy. The yellow tubular flowers open out to star-
shaped petals and are 1.5-2.5 cm in length. They have brown, maroon
or purplish stripes inside the tube. The flowers appear between June
and October. The fruit is a small, purple-black capsule, up to 5 mm long
that splits to release small, brown, long-lived seeds.
Soak in smoke water at 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 dilution for 24 hours.
Germination takes between 18 and 38 days.
This is a short-lived coloniser species which emerges soon after
disturbance, such as after roadside grading or fire, and occurs in locally
dense stands. It is found along the WA coast and inland, extending from
Shark Bay to Israelite Bay, growing in mid and hind dunes and swales.
Yellow Tailflower grows in limestone derived and white siliceous sand
dunes and on near-coastal sandplains.
The flower may be poisonous if ingested.
Grey Saltbush
Mid dune Aboriginal
Shrub Fore dune
Grey Saltbush
Atriplex cinerea
Family: Chenopodiaceae
The Grey Saltbush is a silver-grey, low sprawling shrub 0.2-1.5 m
in height. The silver leaves are 2-4 cm long and elliptic in shape
with a scaly sheen. Male and female flowers appear on the same or
separate plants during spring. The flowers are indistinct and can be
cream, yellow, pink or grey. The male inflorescences are dense clusters
arranged in spikes 5-10 mm in diameter. Clusters of female flowers are
found in the leaf axils. The 6-10 mm long fruits are produced within
distinctly winged, roughly diamond-shaped smooth grey bracts.
Grey Saltbush can be effectively propagated from cuttings taken
throughout the year. Cuttings root within four weeks and grow rapidly.
They can be rooted directly into pots for transfer to restoration sites.
Growing from seed can be very successful. Collect bracts containing
large, plump seeds and soak in a cloth bag, changing water 3-4 times
daily, for 7 days to remove salt. Bags can be hung in the toilet cistern
provided they don’t interfere with the mechanism. Sow the softened
seed bearing bracts, and expect germination 11-26 days after sowing.
Grey Saltbush is an important stabiliser of fore dunes and mid dunes
and does best when protected from strong winds. Its distribution
extends beyond the NAR from Carnarvon throughout the south-west
coastline to the Great Australian Bight. Grey Saltbush also occurs inland
on salt marshes. Populations are present in South Australia, New South
Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.
Aboriginal Use
The leaves and seeds are edible but were cooked or roasted first.
The crushed leaves were used to treat insect bites, scratches and burns.
Coast Saltbush
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Coast Saltbush
Atriplex isatidea
Family: Chenopodiaceae
The silvery-leaved Coast Saltbush is an erect shrub, up to 2.5 m in height,
with scaly white branches. It is a conspicuous plant in dune vegetation.
The large, thickened oval-shaped leaves are up to 10 cm in length and
5 cm wide with a loose, scaly crust coating the surface. The Coast
Saltbush usually flowers from March to June, but flowers have been
recorded from December. The male flowers form erect spikes or
branching inflorescences, about 4 mm in diameter, which usually
protrude inconspicuously above the leaves. The female flowers are
leafless panicles. Fruits are enclosed in two triangular shaped bracts
4-10 mm long, each with two horns.
Coastal Saltbush is readily propagated from cuttings and can be struck
directly into pots. Growing from seed can be very successful using the
same method described for A. cinerea. Germination takes 9-47 days.
Found intermittently on fore dunes through to hind dunes and
limestone areas along the NAR coastline and beyond, from Onslow to
Israelite Bay. Coast Saltbush is highly resistant to salt and drought and
is very effective in areas with significant sand drift.
Coast Saltbush is a more robust, erect species with much larger, whiter
leaves than Grey Saltbush.
Feather Speargrass
Hind dune
Mid dune
Feather Speargrass
Austrostipa elegantissima
Family: Poaceae
This tufted decumbent perennial grass arises from an underground
stem (rhizome) and ranges from 35 cm to 2 m in height. Its size depends
upon the support provided by nearby vegetation. Its leaves are 5-15
cm long and are often hidden amongst the surrounding foliage.
Feather Speargrass becomes conspicuous in the coastal vegetation
when it produces its fluffy grey flowers on long stalks between August
and January. The long silky hairs give an almost shimmering effect.
The bristle (awn) on the tips of the seed head aids seed burial and
wind dispersal.
Collect seed that separates easily from the plant and sow into
seed trays. Germination should occur within 8 days. Germinants should
be pricked out when 1 cm tall. This grass should be planted beside
an established, medium to large shrub layer to protect it from winds
and grazing.
Feather Speargrass tolerates diverse soil types including sand, loam,
clay and granite and has some tolerance of salt. It is widespread in mid
dunes and in limestone areas, though usually in small numbers, and is
found in all temperate coastal regions in Australia.
Sea Rocket
Weed Fore dune Mid dune
Sea Rocket
*Cakile maritima
Family: Brassicaceae
Sea Rocket is a succulent, low growing annual weedy herb 0.2-0.5 m
tall, often with stems growing horizontally. Its greyish green, deeply
divided leaves may be lanceolate or deeply lobed and 4-8 cm in length.
Sea rocket has white, pink, mauve or purple flowers, with petals 8-14
mm long. They can flower throughout the year and have the least
flowers in winter. The fruit is a 12-27 mm long silicula (seed pod) divided
into an upper and a lower segment, resembling a rocket. The silicula
has two blunt lateral horns on the lower segment, which is almost as
wide as the upper segment.
Sea Rocket is a common primary coloniser of seashores, beaches and
mobile sand dunes from Shark Bay to Eucla. It is often the only plant
found on beaches seaward of the fore dune and assists the formation
of the berm.
Hand weed small populations every 8-10 weeks, if alternative sand
stabilisers are present. Spot spray with glyphosate at 1 % with an
appropriate surfactant at flowering to reduce seed set.
Coastal Pigface
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Coastal Pigface
Carpobrotus virescens
Family: Aizoaceae
Coastal Pigface is a succulent, creeping perennial with stems that take
root at nodes when they contact the sand. Its three-sided fleshy and
rigid leaves are up to 8 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. Coastal Pigface flowers
are large and deep pink in colour, with many narrow, spreading petals.
The fleshy, juicy fruit is up to 4 cm long and 1.5 cm wide and ripens to a
red-purple colour. The fruit contains numerous fine black seeds.
Coastal Pigface can be readily propagated from seeds or cuttings
taken throughout the year. Sow seeds into trays for later pricking out.
Plant cuttings in pots or directly into moist soil in restoration sites.
Cuttings planted directly into revegetation sites may be subject
to attack by scale insects - white oil can be used to treat small
infestations of scale insects, for example in a domestic garden setting.
Coastal Pigface used in revegetation is very palatable to rabbits and
therefore requires protection.
Coastal Pigface is common on fore dunes and mid dunes in exposed
and disturbed sites throughout the region. Populations are known
between the Murchison River and Israelite Bay. It is important to ensure
correct identification and not confuse this taxa with the introduced
Carpobrotus edulis, which has yellow or pink flowers and is often
grown in gardens.
Early settlers nicknamed Coastal Pigface the ‘hottentot fig in reference
to the small size of the plant, and fruit which resembles a fig.
Coastal Pigface
Carpobrotus virescens
Family: Aizoaceae
Aboriginal Use
The fruit is eaten raw. Even though the leaves can be salty or astringent
and unpleasant tasting, they may have been used to sustain life due to
their high water content. They were eaten steamed or roasted whilst
the juice from the raw leaves was used to treat burns, scalds and stings.
Dodder Laurel
Climber Hind duneMid dune
Dodder Laurel
Cassytha racemosa
Family: Lauraceae
This parasitic perennial herb and twining climber has racemes of green,
white or yellow flowers for most of the year. Dodder Laurel produces a
globular fleshy berry. It is commonly found on Daviesia, Eucalyptus and
Triodia as well as on coastal plains and dunes.
Currently unknown.
This taxa is known from Exmouth to the Great Australian Bight and can
be locally abundant. The ecological role played by Dodder Laurel is
not understood. Care needs to be taken with identification as this
species can be confused with the climber Comesperma integerrimum,
which grows in similar habitats but has a ridged stem.
Aboriginal Use
The fruit is edible and was probably eaten as a snack as it is too small to
be used as an emergency food resource.
Buffel Grass
Hind dune
Mid dune
Buffel Grass
*Cenchrus ciliaris
Family: Poaceae
Buffel Grass is usually a perennial that grows up to 1 m tall. It produces
short rhizomes. The leaf sheaths are somewhat rough and hairy
and completely surround the hairy leaf blades 3-25 cm long and 4-10
mm wide. The jointed stems of the grass that carries the inflorescence
is bent like a knee and 1-15 cm tall and 1-4 mm in diameter, with a
wiry appearance. Its purplish flower heads are solid, upright cylindrical
inflorescences up to 14 cm long, with clusters of burrs which have
numerous soft bristles pointing towards the tip, and one bristle longer
than the others.
Buffel Grass was introduced to WA from India and Africa for pasture in
areas with long dry seasons and for erosion control and is therefore
widespread, with populations north from Perth to the Kimberley and
east to the WA border. It is a weed of sandy soils and its burrs can
damage animals and contaminate wool.
Cut out and physically remove entire plants and seedlings if small
populations are present. If spraying, Verdict 520® 60 mL/10 L plus
wetting agent, or spot spray with 1 % glyphosate six weeks after
heavy rain. Follow up with seedling control. While its burrs are less
sticky than Burrgrass Cenchrus echinatus it is necessary to avoid
translocating burrs on clothing, particularly socks and shoes, when
walking through infestations.
Burrgrass, Walkaway Burr
Hind dune Limestone
Burrgrass, Walkaway Burr
*Cenchrus echinatus
Family: Poaceae
Burrgrass is recognised by its prickly/spiky burrs. It is an annual grass
that grows up to 90 cm tall with leaf blades 2-25 cm long. The junction
between leaf-sheath and the blade is a simple fringe of hairs. The solid
green inflorescence is up to 10 cm long and has oval shaped burrs, 2 or
3 in a cluster, with stout, spreading bristles that are densely hairy along
the margins. The burrs also appear tinged purple at the tip.
Common in Geraldton, there are pockets of this weed from Jurien Bay,
south to Mandurah, north from Leeman to Shark Bay, inland in the
Central Ranges, Gibson Desert, Great Sandy Desert and the Kimberley.
Prevent seed set. Manually remove small infestations and isolated plants.
Spray with Verdict 520® 5 mL/10 L (250 mL/ha) plus wetting agent,
or spot spray with 1 % glyphosate during active growth or following
heavy rain. Follow up with seedling control. Avoid translocating
burrs on clothing, particularly socks and shoes, when walking
through infestations.
Burrs on Burrgrass are pricklier, spikier and more easily picked up than
those on Buffel Grass.
Fountain Grass
Hind dune
Mid dune
Fountain Grass
*Cenchrus setaceus
Family: Poaceae
This plant was formerly known as Pennisetum setaceum and is a robust,
tussock forming perennial. Fountain Grass grows to about 1 m tall with
creeping underground stems (rhizomes). The leaf blades are 15-30 cm
tall and 1-3 mm wide. Fountain Grass produces a plume-like cylindrical
spiked inflorescence up to 30 cm long, with numerous long feathery
purple bristles in the spikelets and flowers sporadically throughout the
year depending upon rain events.
Fountain Grass is known from Jurien Bay to Northampton and inland to
Mullewa, with isolated populations near Denham.
First bag the seed heads. Dig out small infestations, slash in winter
and/or spray with 1 % glyphosate plus penetrant in spring to autumn.
Follow up with seedling control and treatment until regrowth ceases.
Regrowth following fire is more susceptible to herbicide, so bushfire
events offer an opportunity to control this weed.
Slender Clematis
Hind dune
Mid dune
Slender Clematis
Clematis linearifolia
Family: Ranunculaceae
This delicate climber can rise to 3 m from a cluster of deeply buried
finger-like tubers. These tubers help to withstand drought conditions.
Its leaves have three linear lobes, are narrow and lance-shaped and
3-6 cm long by 1-2 cm wide. Sometimes mistaken for a parasite,
Slender Clematis scrambles and becomes entwined with shrubs and
sometimes overtops them. Star-like white to cream flower clusters
occurring between July and October provide a spectacular display. The
seed ripens in the flower and each flower becomes topped with 30 or
more brown seeds which have a distinctive feather-like curling awn
that looks like a silky hair.
Slender Clematis should germinate in 21-80 days without treatment,
provided fresh seed is sown immediately following collection from
the plant. The seed can be sown directly into seedling pots or pricked
out of seedling trays. Bamboo supports or similar are necessary to
guide stems onto nearby supporting plants.
Slender Clematis is widespread throughout coastal areas in temperate
Australia and found from Shark Bay to Cape Naturaliste. The fine, feather-
like attachment on the seed aids wind dispersal. Slender Clematis
is tolerant of sand, coastal limestone and sand dunes but should
be planted into established planting sites on the wind-protected side
of shrubs.
Grey Cottonhead
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Grey Cottonhead
Conostylis candicans
Family: Haemodoraceae
This distinctive tussocky plant is a grass-like herb that arises from
a compact underground rhizome to reach a height of 5-40 cm.
Its linear leaves, up to 10 cm long, are silvery-grey and softly hairy.
Grey Cottonhead has densely clustered yellow flowers on 30 cm long
stems between July and November. Seeds are small and brown and are
produced in abundance usually in December or January.
Seeds should be soaked in smoke water at 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 dilution
for 24 hours. Seedlings can be pricked out after 6-8 weeks and grown
on for transplanting to restoration sites in winter. Germination takes
between 9 and 36 days.
Grey Cottonhead is widespread and locally common in near-coastal
areas from Geraldton to Bunbury. It tolerates sand, sandy loam,
limestone and coastal sand dunes but prefers semi-protected areas in
fore dunes, through to mid dunes and low heath.
In natural situations, this species re-sprouts after fire. Insects attack
this plant significantly in revegetation sites resulting in very low
seed production.
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Weed Grass
*Cynodon dactylon
Family: Poaceae
Couch is a mat forming perennial grass that can spread up to several
metres across with creeping underground stems (rhizomes) and
wiry overground stems (stolons). It can take root at the joints of the
stolons (nodes). It often climbs over other vegetation up to 1 m above
the ground. Couch has an erect, often purplish, inflorescence with 3-6
widely spreading spikes up to 6 cm long, in a windmill-like formation.
It is a cosmopolitan species that is widely grown as a tough lawn.
The most effective herbicides are those that are applied at a very low
concentration while the plant is actively growing in warm weather,
to ensure both the underground and overground stems are killed.
Grass specific herbicides such as Fusillade® can be very effective in
sensitive bushland areas. Targeted control is critical to minimise non-
target damage to native grasses. Spray Fusillade® 5 mL/L plus wetting
agent in a 10 L backpack in late spring/summer and then again
in autumn, or apply glyphosate 1 %. Follow-up is always required.
Treatment can be particularly effective after fire. Solarisation and its
opposite, shading out, can also be effective. Take care not to confuse this
weed with native Marine Couch, Sporobolus virginicus, whose flowers
remain as a spike rather than opening to a windmill-like formation.
Geraldton Rose
Shrub Hind dune Limestone
Geraldton Rose
Diplolaena grandiflora
Family: Rutaceae
Geraldton Rose is an erect shrub up to 3 m in height. The ovate, leathery,
2-5 cm long leaves are dark shiny green above and covered in tiny
hairs beneath, giving a silvery white appearance. The very distinctive
pink-orange-red flowers appear from May to October and are 2-5 cm
in diameter. The showy flowers can be upright or hang like a pendulum.
They have a cluster of red stamens in the centre, surrounded by pinkish-
red bracts. Each hard-coated seed is held within the floral head by
two bracts. Seed ripens and falls soon after flowering, so plants need to
be monitored to ensure successful collection.
Cuttings can be effective. Soak seed in smoke water at 1:10, 1:100 or
1:1000 dilution for 24 hours. Germination takes 20-38 days. Plant in lime
rich soils for successful revegetation.
Geraldton Rose is the most spectacular of the several species of
Diplolaena which occur on sand and over limestone between
Shark Bay and Dongara, with an isolated population on Cape Range,
Exmouth Peninsula.
Pyp Grass
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Weed Grass
Pyp Grass
*Ehrharta villosa
Family: Poaceae
Pyp Grass is a perennial with cane-like stems 1-1.5 m high and long
creeping underground stems (rhizomes). The margins of the lower
leaves are rough and can be wavy towards the base. The flowering
stems are erect or loosely arching with swollen purplish joints.
The inflorescence spikelet is up to 16 mm long.
Historically used for sand dune stabilisation, this weed occurs in
localised patches from Geraldton to the Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge,
with a couple of populations near Albany and one in Kalgoorlie.
Spray with Verdict 520® 10 mL/ 10 L (500 mL/ha) or glyphosate 1 %
plus penetrant, during active growth and before flowering. Verdict
520®, a chemical brand with the active ingredient Haloxyfop, is
registered as a spray treatment for post-emergent control of a
wide range of grass weed species and has been previously used by
NACC for Pyp Grass control with good success. When spraying, care
must be taken not to impact native grass species such as Spinifex.
Control by spray application is limited by the ability of the plant
to absorb the chemical. The Department of Agriculture and Food
WA (DAFWA) advises that maximum uptake occurs at the base
of the actively growing leaves before the waxy cuticle has developed.
This weed is often spread via rhizomes in contaminated fill or earth-
moving machinery – the latter should always be cleaned down
following operation in infested sites.
Barrier Saltbush
Shrub Hind duneMid dune
Barrier Saltbush
Enchylaena tomentosa
Family: Chenopodiaceae
This prostrate to erect shrub ranges from a ground cover to 0.6 m high.
The succulent leaves are finely hairy, lack stalks and are needle-like, 7-20
mm long. Inconspicuous yellow to greenish flowers occur between
May and September and are located in the leaf axils. They are only
1-1.5 mm wide and lack petals. The fruit is fleshy, slightly flattened and
3-5 mm in diameter. The fruit starts green, ripens to yellow, orange or
red, then dries black. It lives in a variety of soils, often saline and is an
excellent revegetation selection.
Barrier Saltbush is easily propagated from cuttings taken in spring
or early summer. Alternatively seeds can be used but need to be
removed from the fleshy covering by rubbing carefully. Fresh berries
can be squashed between finger and thumb and directly sown.
Expected germination of fresh berries is 7-14 days. This currently
underutilised species makes an excellent understorey plant in
revegetation projects and it thrives in diverse coastal habitats. Its rapid
growth, copious seed production, ease of propagation and drought
resistance are all beneficial traits.
Barrier Saltbush is widespread across WA.
Aboriginal Use
The fruit is edible and was eaten as a snack; or squeezed and made
into juice and drunk. It was only used when ripe and fully coloured.
Ripe fruit was also used for face painting, to colour hair and as a dye.
The leaves are edible but must be boiled to remove the bitter taste and
eaten in small quantities, due to its high oxalate content.
Tar Bush, Emu Bush
Shrub Hind duneMid dune
Tar Bush, Emu Bush
Eremophila glabra
Family: Myoporaceae
Tar or Emu Bush is a variable shrub spreading or upright to 1.5 m in height.
The elliptic leaves are an attractive silver-grey or green colour and up to
6 cm long. Young leaves are covered in tiny silvery hairs. The tubular
flowers are up to 3 cm long. Flowering occurs between July and
January with colour variations including red, orange, yellow, green
and brown. The fruit is circular and less than 1 cm in diameter.
This species is difficult to germinate from intact seed. Cuttings taken in
spring and early summer are more successful.
Tar Bush is found on coastal limestone, sands, clays and mid dunes of
the west coast and islands off WA between Onslow and Bunbury, and
extensively on saline inland areas. It is also known on the south coast
from Albany to the WA border.
Aboriginal Use
Flowers were sucked for the sweet nectar.
Desert Spurge
Hind dune
Mid dune
Desert Spurge
Euphorbia tannensis
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia tannensis is an erect, neat, small shrub less than 1 m tall
with narrow leaves up to 3 cm in length. Tiny green or yellow flowers
appear in January, or from April to September. The green globular fruits
are segmented and 2 mm in diameter. The stem and leaves exude a
white sap.
Further research is required, however seed typically germinates
between 14 and 55 days for related species.
Occurs on the coastal dunes from Leeman north to the Kimberley
and scattered through to the arid inland regions of WA. It appears
extensively in bushland soon after fire in near coastal areas.
There are several introduced Euphorbia species naturalised on
the coastal strip. Euphorbia tannensis appears to be the only
indigenous species. The milky sap of many Euphorbia species is
poisonous causing a skin rash and eye damage, or even blindness.
Aboriginal Use
The white milky sap from the stems of this plant was used to dot white
designs on the body. This plant is a sex totem, symbolising the female
sex for the central desert region Aboriginal people.
Geraldton Carnation Weed
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Geraldton Carnation Weed
*Euphorbia terracina
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Geraldton Carnation Weed is a perennial herb that ranges in height
from 20 to 80 cm, and can be taller. It is characterised by many-
branched woody stems that are often reddish near the base.
The linear to lance-shaped leaves are 1-4 cm long with finely serrated
margins. The leaves are more oval on flowering branches. Their unique
inflorescences are called cyathia and resemble a single flower, although
they have multiple male components around a solitary female flower.
In Geraldton Carnation Weed these cyathia are yellowish-green and
occur in winter and spring. The fruit is a capsule that splits into three
segments at maturity.
Sandy and calcareous soils from Jurien Bay to Northampton and from
Lancelin south, with other populations around the coast and inland.
For large infestations spot spray with the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl
0.1 g/15 L or metsulfuron-methyl plus 1 % glyphosate in winter before
flowering. Follow-up with hand removal for at least five years.
The milky sap of many Euphorbia species is poisonous causing a skin
rash and eye damage, or even blindness. Brushcutting of infestations is
not recommended as vapours can also cause respiratory problems.
Protective clothing, including eye protection, must be worn and work
undertaken only in short periods and on cool days.
Broom Ballart
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Broom Ballart
Exocarpos sparteus
Family: Santalaceae
This open shrub to small tree grows to 4 m tall and is a hemi-
parasite that gains some of its nutrition from the roots of
nearby plants. The branches are usually leafless and hang in a
weeping form. It has tiny dull yellow, green or white flowers on a
swollen 7-15 mm spike between February and October. The flowers
result in 1-3 fruit per spike with part of the flower stalk expanding to
become a 4-6 mm long fleshy, semi-flattened circular base that turns
red as the seed matures. The terminal component becomes a 4-5 mm
long, hard and slightly elongated, darker red and shiny coated seed.
The two components create the overall effect of a two toned red fruit.
This taxa is difficult to propagate except with good quality seed
sown directly into pots. There is some evidence that soaking seed in
smoke water at 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 dilution for 24 hours can assist.
Germination takes 63-149 days. Planting the seedling out with a host
species helps.
Broom Ballart occurs in the lee of mid and hind coastal sand dunes
and sand plains throughout the south-west and scattered through
the inland desert sand dunes. Other isolated populations occur from
Carnarvon to Exmouth. It is common across a variety of habitats
including white sand over limestone in mid dunes, and amongst other
vegetation in red sand and laterite. It does not do well in highly wind
and salt exposed areas.
Knotted Club-Rush
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Knotted Club-Rush
Ficinia nodosa
Family: Cyperaceae
The Knotted Club-Rush is a rhizomatous sedge standing up to 1 m tall
with densely tufted and stiff, cylindrical stems. This grass-like plant has a
rounded leaf that forms a sheath over the base of the stem. The leaf length
varies depending upon water availability, as does the form of the plant.
In dry zones, it is upright and rigid and in wetter and/or shaded areas the
leaves are often more spreading. The small brownish flowers occur in dense
globular heads up to 2 cm wide and are attached to the sides of the stem
at intervals. Flowers appear throughout summer and release dust-like seeds.
Grows readily from seed sprinkled lightly over the surface of a seed-
raising mix, lightly tilled and carefully watered. Germination should
occur within 2-3 weeks and seedlings can be pricked out at the 3 leaf
stage. Plants are easily divided and transplanted in autumn/winter and
spring provided there is good soil moisture and the tops of the plants
are pruned back.
Knotted Club-Rush is widespread and can be locally common on the
beach, fore dunes, swales, mid coastal sand dunes and in sandy pockets
over limestone from north of Geraldton to Esperance. It is thought to
be widely distributed throughout temperate regions in the southern
Early settlers used to pick the fruit for jam. It was formerly known as
Isolepis nodosa and Scirpus nodosus.
Aboriginal Use
Women and children collected and ate this fruit seasonally. It tastes
slightly acidic like a currant.
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
*Gazania spp.
Family: Asteraceae
These daisies are hairy, clump forming perennial herbs up to 30
cm in height. Their 4-10 cm dark green leaves are lance-shaped
and sometimes divided into lobes. The underside of the leaves is
usually covered in white hairs, as is the base of the plant. Gazanias
have variable flower colours with 6-12 cm diameter flower heads.
Usually they have yellow, orange or red ray florets (the small central
discs in the daisy) with dark or black bases (sometimes with a white
dot) and yellow to orange rings of petal-like blades around the
central floret. They can flower all year, mostly in spring and summer.
The fruits are tiny and are topped by narrow scales and hairs.
Gazanias were introduced from Southern Africa as showy
garden plants, and have spread via seed and the dumping of
garden waste. Most weed populations are found in the Perth
metropolitan area and north to Cervantes with other populations
known at Leeman and Geraldton. The weed is now appearing
along roadsides and in bushland in all the southern states
of Australia. Seed production is prolific and wind-blown seed may be
dispersed far from their source. Plants can re-grow from their bare
tuberous roots.
Tough drought resistant hybrids have been developed by nurseries
making control even more urgent. It is important to eradicate this
weed while populations are small. For small infestations pulling out
with hand tools can be effective, provided that the roots/rhizomes
are removed to prevent re-growth. Mowing is not effective unless
repeated regularly close to ground level. Grazing normally provides
control, however native animals tend not to eat them as they have little
*Gazania spp.
Family: Asteraceae
nutritional value. Cultivation is effective but rhizomes will transplant in
wet conditions. Foliar spraying until just wet with a registered systemic
herbicide mix of 50 mL glyphosate (450 g/L) in 10 L water into the heart
of the rosette can be effective. If the weed is amongst native grasses,
use a broadleaf specific herbicide such as metsulfuron-methyl at 0.1
gm / 10 L plus wetting agent, or 4 gm Lontrel®750 plus 25 % wetting
agent. Spray when the plants are actively growing - usually in autumn
or spring. The flower heads should be removed and bagged prior to
disposal, as even the detached flower heads may mature to produce
masses of viable seed.
Native Wisteria
Climber Hind duneMid dune
Native Wisteria
Hardenbergia comptoniana
Family: Fabaceae
Native Wisteria is a vigorous climbing plant with branches up to 10 m
long which twine around the stems of other plants. The tri-foliate leaves
have 3-5 glossy green leaflets. The pea flowers are violet or purple and
appear in winter and spring. The firm and leathery cylindrical seed pod
starts green and turns black, and can be up to 5 cm long and 1 cm
thick. Within the pod, the green seeds turn hard and black when fully
Soak seeds in very hot water (95 °C) for approximately 2 minutes.
Germination can range from 8 to 37 days. Local provenance plants
should always be used for revegetation projects as some commercial
cultivars of this species are highly aggressive primary colonisers with a
tendency to smother other vegetation.
Native Wisteria occurs on the coastal dunes in the southern part of the
NAR, south from Dongara and as far east as Albany.
Spiny Rush
Grass Salt
Spiny Rush
*Jun c us ac utu s
Family: Juncaeae
Spiny Rush is a dense tussock forming rush with rigid, sharply pointed
blue-greyish leaves and 2-4 mm wide erect flowering stems 30 cm
to 1.6 m high. The leaves arise at varying angles giving it a distinctive
dome shape. The 4-13 cm long flower clusters are located at the ends
of the stems with a sharply pointed modified leaf (bract), and can occur
at different heights throughout the plant. As the seeds ripen, the seed
heads/fruit tend to turn from reddish-brown to black. The fruit is a
three-celled 4-6 mm capsule and the seeds are 1.2-2 cm long with a
tail at each end.
Spiny Rush is widespread in waterlogged, low-lying and often saline
areas and is becoming increasing widespread throughout degraded
waterways in the NAR around Northampton, Geraldton, Irwin, and
around the Hill River catchment. More extensive populations occur
through the Central Wheatbelt and isolated populations near Albany
and Esperance. It is naturalised in all other Australian states and
New Zealand.
First remove and bag all flowering and seed bearing heads. Dig out
isolated plants. Alternatively, in wet areas spray 2 % glyphosate plus
wetting agent in late summer/autumn when surface water is not
present. In dry conditions apply in spring/early summer. Repeat
application 6 weeks later. Burning plants after they have been stressed
by herbicide can increase kill rate. Combination of two or more
methods might be the best approach for control. When removing
plants, consider the possibility of erosion. Mechanical removal can
be effective, however machinery must be washed down on-site to
prevent the spread of seeds in mud attached to vehicles. Animals also
contribute to the spread of seeds.
Spiny Rush
*Jun c us ac utu s
Family: Juncaeae
It is important to ensure that the correct species is being targeted for
control as there are a number of native rushes that are superficially similar.
These include Juncus kraussii (Shore Rush) that has an open weeping
inflorescence rather than the tightly bunched appearance of the Spiny
Rush and the capsules are much smaller at 2.5-3 mm. In addition these
two species are known to hybridise. Spiny Rush has much sharper leaf
tips than Shore Rush.
Spiny Rush was accidentally propagated and planted on the lower
Chapman River 16 years ago, and although most seedlings were
removed soon after occasional plants are still being found and removed.
Coast Sword-Sedge
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Coast Sword-Sedge
Lepidosperma gladiatum
Family: Cyperaceae
The Coastal Sword-Sedge is a vigorous perennial grass-like herb or sedge
that forms clumps up to 1.5 m in height. It sends out underground stems
from which new plants grow. The leaf is dark green, up to 1.5 m long and
25 mm wide. The brown-yellow flowers occur on spikelets in clusters 1
cm long from November to January. The fruit is a small oval shaped nut.
Good viable seed can be difficult to collect and fruiting bodies from
the previous season should be selected. The previous seasons fruits
tend to be located lower in the plant, with seed dry and plump.
Shrivelled seed is not viable. When good seed is available, germination
takes between 53 and 72 days. Germination can be close to 100 % or
nothing. Rhizome division is more reliable provided divisions occur at
segments containing at least two years growth (located by counting
back from the lead shoot). Planting divisions directly into pots can be
efficient for use in rehabilitation projects.
Coast Sword-Sedge occurs on the coast in the southern part of the
NAR from Leeman south and its range extends to Esperance/Cape Arid.
It is tolerant of full sun to shade, in frontal exposed sites on fore dunes,
or swales and peaks of mid dunes.
Aboriginal Use
This species was primarily used to make rope and string and the leaves
were plaited to make baskets. The base of the stem was boiled to treat
colds and part of the base was eaten raw or roasted.
Coastal Teatree,
Victorian Tea-tree
Hind dune
Mid dune
Coastal Teatree, Victorian Tea-tree
*Leptospermum laevigatum
Family: Myrtaceae
Coastal Teatree is a shrub to small tree up to 5 m in height, with flaky bark.
Its 15-30 mm grey-green oblong leaves are alternately arranged.
The leaf can also be narrowly oval with a small point at the tip.
The white flowers are 15-20 mm across with five oval petals.
Coastal Teatree flowers from late winter to early summer. The 6-8 mm
cup-shaped fruit is deciduous and wrinkled.
While this taxa is native along the coast from southern New South Wales
to south-eastern Victoria, it is a significant weed in Western Australia.
In the NAR, its current distribution is patchy around Geraldton,
Warradarge and near Jurien Bay, with other populations around
Lancelin and Guilderton, mostly in white or grey sand. This taxa also
tolerates loam.
Hand pull seedlings. Fell mature plants when not seed bearing.
Re-sprouting has been recorded in some areas. Where re-sprouting
has been observed, apply 250 ml Access® in 15 L of diesel to the
bottom 50 cm of trunk (basal bark). Control works best in winter to
early spring. Follow up monitoring is essential. Avoid using trimmings
of this species for brushing or mulching as seed can be released when
the fruit capsules dry.
Take care not to confuse the weed with the similar local species
Leptospermum oligandrum, which is less robust and has smaller fruits.
Cushion Bush
Shrub Fore dune
Mid dune Limestone
Cushion Bush
Leucophyta brownii
Family: Asteraceae
Cushion Bush is a neat, dense, rounded shrub growing up to 0.4 m in
height and 1 m wide. It has scale-like leaves covered in tiny hairs, which
give the plant its silvery-white appearance. The hairs reflect heat and
reduce the rate of transpiration. Dense terminal yellow flower heads
appear in groups of three throughout the year in response to rainfall,
with the flowers fading to white.
Easily grown from tip cuttings taken at any time of the year.
Ensure plants are of a suitable size before transplanting to site as the
stems are fragile and prone to damage, particularly if not hardened off.
Cushion Bush is found on fore dunes and exposed limestone areas
from Greenhead south, east to Esperance and to Victoria.
Maritime Mat Rush
cover Hind duneMid dune
Maritime Mat Rush is a grass-like plant that forms small clumps up to 60
cm in height and 20 cm wide. The long narrow leaves are flat and 1-2
mm wide. Purple and yellow flowers occur from August to October and
grow on stems that are much shorter than the leaves. Male and female
flowers are found on separate plants.
Difficult to propagate, however some limited success has been achieved
using divisions of mother plants that have been maintained under
nursery conditions. Divide the plant into segments containing one
or two shoots and plant directly into pots ready for transfer to the
restoration site.
Maritime Mat Rush is found along the stable mid dunes and areas
protected from sand drift in the NAR - from north of Geraldton to
Dongara, around Jurien Bay, then from Lancelin to Bunbury. There are
isolated populations around Shark Bay.
Maritime Mat Rush
Lomandra maritima
Family: Asparagaceae
African Boxthorn
Weed ShrubTree
Hind dune Limestone
Fore dune
Mid dune
African Boxthorn
*Lycium ferocissimum
Family: Solanaceae
African Boxthorn is a rigid, densely branched perennial shrub that can
grow to 5 m high and to 5 m across, but which more typically grows
to 3 m by 3 m. The stems are smooth and silver-grey when young and
become brown and fissured as they mature. Long spines (up to 150
mm long) grow from the main stems, and their minor branches and
branchlets end in thorns that range between 20 and 150 mm long.
The thorns become sharper as they dry through the summer. Their
leaves are quite fleshy, oblong shaped, up to 40 mm long and grow in
clusters. They can be highly variable depending upon the amount of
direct sunlight they receive, growing larger in well-shaded areas and
small in bright sunlight. Their flowers are approximately 10-12 mm
diameter and hang from the leaf axils on stalks, singly or in pairs. The
colour ranges from white to lilac. Flowering and seed setting typically
occurs in summer but can happen any time. The berry-like fruit ranges
from 5 to 12 mm long and is green at first before ripening to an orange-
red berry with a prominent calyx. Each fruit can produce 20-70 seeds.
This Weed of National Significance is scattered along the south-west
WA coastline including Shark Bay, Geraldton, Abrolhos Islands and Perth
areas. Populations are starting to establish in the Central Wheatbelt, the
Goldfields, Bremer Bay, Esperance and Eucla.
Boxthorn will regrow from roots unless treated with herbicide. Hand
pull or dig out small plants. Mechanical removal using machinery (such
as a Ditch Witch) when actively growing but not fruiting, followed
by cutting and immediately painting of the roots with undiluted
glyphosate has proven effective. Burn the stockpiled material where
possible. In areas lacking native vegetation and where access is limited,
spraying entire mature plants with a 1 % glyphosate solution plus
wetting agent is effective. Apply herbicide when the plant is actively
growing in cooler months. Cutting and painting of each mature stem
with a 50 % or undiluted glyphosate also works, however this method
has significant occupational safety and health issues in gaining access
to the trunks of this spiny plant. Ensure post-control residue is not left
in public areas.
Leaves and fruit contain toxic alkaloids. African Boxthorn was introduced
from South Africa as a garden or hedge plant in the mid-1800s and has
become very invasive, being spread by native and feral animals. Because
African Boxthorn does not flower or fruit until the plant is at least two
years old, this offers an opportunity for containment. Considerable
investment has been made in the NAR to contain this weed. Ensure
correct plant identification as Nitraria billardierei and Rhagodia preissii
subsp. obovata can look superficially similar, particularly in juvenile
plants, but neither of these plants have spines.
African Boxthorn
*Lycium ferocissimum
Family: Solanaceae
Tangling Melaleuca
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
This erect to spreading shrub ranges from 0.4 to 2 m high and up to
3 m wide and has papery, flaking bark. Its common name is derived
from its growth habit, with its interwoven branches forming intricate,
tangled arrangements. Its leaves are alternate along the stem,
heart-shaped with a sharp tip. They are usually 4-9 mm long and 2.5-
8 mm wide. It has creamy white flowers with bundles of 8-12 mm
long bent stamens. The flowers grow along branches in dense or
open clusters often limited to one side of the stem. Flowering occurs
between July and January. Large, grey, globular woody capsules up to
10 mm diameter are held on the parent plant, with the oldest seed
nearest to the trunk. The capsules have a crown-like arrangement of
calyx lobes. Tangling Melaleuca grows on white, grey or brown-red
sand, limestone ridges and outcrops, and sand dunes.
This species grows readily from seed. Cut lengths of stem bearing
last years, or older, woody capsules, place them in a paper bag
and store them in a warm sunny place until the seeds are released.
Mix the tiny seeds with clean Brickies Sand and use a spice jar to
sprinkle the mixture evenly over seedling trays in late summer or
early autumn. Germination is expected 11-34 days after sowing.
Prick out at the 4-6 leaf stage. Cuttings also work. Direct seeding may be
possible by brushing with branches holding the seed bearing capsules.
Tangling Melaleuca
Melaleuca cardiophylla
Family: Myrtacaeae
Tangling Melaleuca is known to occur from the northern Perth suburbs
to the Exmouth Gulf, Barrow Island, and one inland population near
Mount Augustus. It favours limestone and stabilised mid dunes
and is most easily established where protected from salt spray and
direct winds.
It is a very tough, adaptable plant that tolerates most soil types and
semi-dry to temperate conditions.
Tangling Melaleuca
Melaleuca cardiophylla
Family: Myrtacaeae
Chenille Honeymyrtle
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Chenille Honeymyrtle is a medium, dense shrub or tree to 5 m high,
depending on soil depth and wind exposure. Mature trees have rough,
flaking bark. Very small, smooth, triangular leaves 2-5 mm in length,
and about half the width, clasp the stem and are attached beneath
the stemless leaf. The flowers form candle-like spikes up to 10 cm long
between November and January, and rarely as early as September.
The flowers are white to pale purple, pink, or lilac in colour with new
leaf growth protruding from the ends of the spikes. The 3-4 mm
woody fruits are clustered together to form dense cylinders along the
branches. Up to 50 clusters can occur along the stem. New growth
continues through the woody cylinder, which is retained for many years
after flowering.
Chenille Honeymyrtle is readily propagated by its very fine seed, which
are released when the fruiting capsules open, often in response to the
stem dying or due to fire. Propagation is the same for this species as for
M. cardiophylla. As there are separate populations, using local provenance
material is important.
Chenille Honeymyrtle occurs intermittently on shallow soils over limestone
on the mid and hind dunes along the NAR coast and between Shark Bay
and Augusta.
A similar shrub, M. cardiophylla (Tangling Melaleuca), has broader
leaves, cream flowers, and larger, rounded woody fruits.
Chenille Honeymyrtle
Melaleuca huegelii
Family: Myrtaceae
Aboriginal Use
Leaves were used for medicinal purposes, they were either sucked,
chewed, crushed or inhaled to treat head colds and flu. Green leaves
were also used for smoking ceremonies because of their pleasant
aroma. The flowers were also important sources of honey; which was
either sucked directly from the flower or the blossoms were soaked in
water to create a sweet drink.
Chenille Honeymyrtle
Melaleuca huegelii
Family: Myrtaceae
Rottnest Tea Tree
Hind dune
Mid dune Limestone
Native Fore dune
The Rottnest Tea Tree is a shrub or tree with rough dark grey
bark, growing up to 8 m in height, often with a dense canopy.
Leaves are small and alternate, up to 15 mm in length and
2 mm wide. The inflorescence is a spike with white or cream flowers,
10-15 mm long. These spikes grow towards the end of the current
seasons growth and can appear throughout the year, mostly between
January and September. The 3-4 mm long, globular woody capsules
typical of this species are produced in series, with each years seed
being retained in the brown coloured, woody fruit for many years
after flowering.
This species grows readily from its fine seed. Seed release and
propagation is the same for this species as for M. cardiophylla.
Germination occurs 15 -64 days after sowing.
Within the NAR, there are small populations of Rottnest Tea Tree
near Kalbarri, although it is more common south from Geraldton
to Jurien Bay where it once formed dense stands on the coast.
Other populations are located near Lancelin, then from Perth
south to Augusta. The Rottnest Tea Tree can be found in isolated
pockets along the coast from Shark Bay to the border of South
Australia and inland through the Central Wheatbelt and Goldfields.
While favouring limestone ridges, coastal cliffs and dunes, it also occurs
in sheltered positions in the hind dunes, on salt flats and near salt lakes.
Without protection, plants become wind pruned. In order to encourage
the formation of trees, rather than shrubs, plant several specimens
close together.
Rottnest Tea Tree
Melaleuca lanceolata
Family: Myrtaceae
Rottnest Tea Tree is a very useful plant for revegetation, although it
has been known to escape from regeneration projects into bushland
beyond its natural range.
Rottnest Tea Tree
Melaleuca lanceolata
Family: Myrtaceae
Coastal Honeymyrtle
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Coastal Honeymyrtle
Melaleuca systena
Family: Myrtaceae
The Coastal Honeymyrtle is an erect to spreading bushy shrub 0.5-2 m
high, but often 1.2 m where wind pruned. The crowded to scattered,
narrow-linear, very narrowly obovate or needle-like leaves are arranged
spirally on the stem and may be recurved. New growth can be hairy
and, as the leaves and stems mature, hairs are reduced to some
short hairs overlain with a few longer silky hairs, or entirely smooth.
Coastal Honeymyrtle has dense, globular, pale yellow to cream flowers
either in February and March or August to December. These 12-20
mm diameter heads are produced both terminally (on the tips of the
branches) and in the axils and often have an oily, musty odour. Small, grey,
urn-shaped, woody fruit capsules 4-5 mm in diameter grow in irregular
clusters. Coastal Honeymyrtle grows in sand over laterite, yellow-orange
sand over limestone, coastal stabilised dunes and rocky limestone.
This species grows readily from very fine seed and germinates 8 -31
days after sowing. Propagation is the same for this species as for
M. cardiophylla.
Occurs on the coast from Walpole north to Shark Bay with two isolated
inland populations.
A very useful plant for rehabilitation projects in full sun and away from
strong direct winds and salt. Planting on the leeward side of established
plants is most effective. Previously known as M. acerosa.
Aboriginal Use
Drinks were made from the nectar; and wood and stems were used for
implements and to construct shelters.
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
*Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
Family: Aizoaceae
Iceplant is a robust, succulent, annual herb which spreads to 1 m.
The whole plant is covered in large, glistening inflated hairs that look like
beads or ice. The young leaves are spoon-shaped and 2-12 cm wide, with
undulating edges. The leaves are often tinged pink and survive for very
few months. The flowers are creamy-white and often pink-tipped with
numerous petal-like staminodes, appearing from spring and summer.
Numerous black seeds are only released from a hemispherical capsule
after rain, when they rapidly germinate.
Iceplant is a coloniser and rapidly covers bare ground on disturbed
dunes and saline flats. It extends from Cape Range, Carnarvon, Shark
Bay, and Northampton to south of Dongara and around Fremantle.
New populations are being identified inland and beyond Esperance.
Hand remove isolated plants through spring and early summer.
Logran® at 12.5 g/100 L plus penetrant Pulse® between June and
September is considered very effective, with little off-target damage in
coastal heathlands. Spot spraying with 0.5 % glyphosate or Lontrel® 10
mL/ 10 L (500 mL/ha) can also work.
Iceplant is a native of South Africa and has become a serious weed
throughout southern Australian states. Salt released by the plant into
the surrounding soil inhibits germination of other plants often resulting
in expanding areas of Iceplant-only infestations.
Blueberry Tree
Hind duneFore dune Mid dune
Blueberry Tree
Boobialla Myoporum insulare
Family: Scrophulariaceae
This dense, multi-branched shrub can grow to 5 m high, but is
typically low and spreading in exposed locations. Depending upon
salt and wind exposure, the leaves can be soft or thick, fleshy and
tough and range in size from 25 to 75 mm long and 7 to 21 mm wide.
Blueberry Tree flowers occur in clusters of 2-5 set in the leaf axil and are
4 mm across. Flowers are white with purple dots and a distinctive
hairy throat. Blueberry Tree flowers from July to December or in January
and February. The white fruit is round and juicy, purple when ripe and
about 4 mm in diameter, with a hard woody seed inside.
Blueberry Tree can be difficult to grow from seed. Either sow directly
and leave to age in soil for up to one year or soak fruit in water for
3-4 days, remove flesh, dry the seed and then sow in trays. Seedlings
emerge sporadically over an extended period and can be carefully
pricked out. Cuttings are more reliable than seed. Once hardened off,
plants must be grown in full sun to ensure active healthy growth.
Blueberry Tree is found in the white-grey sand in mid dunes and
limestone soils along the west coast from Augusta to Shark Bay, and on
the south coast of WA from Albany to west of Eucla. There are several
similar shrub species of Myoporum growing on riverine and other
inland environments.
Aboriginal Use
The fruits are juicy and were eaten raw, although some find them salty
and bitter with an unpleasant aroma.
Tree Tobacco
Hind duneMid dune
Weed Shrub
Tree Tobacco
*Nicotiana glauca
Family: Solanaceae
Tree Tobacco is an erect spindly shrub to 6 m high. It has alternately
arranged, tough, blue-green leaves that are oval to broadly
lance-shaped. The yellowish-green tubular flowers are 20-40 mm
long and surrounded by bell-shaped segments (calyx) in short dense
clusters. Tree tobacco can flower all year, however typically it flowers
in spring. The fruit is a capsule (7-13 mm long) surrounded by a
persistent calyx.
Currently known from about twenty sites, including Cape Range
and Shark Bay, in addition to populations within the Perth
metropolitan area. In the NAR it occurs from Geraldton to just south of
Dongara, often along roadsides.
Hand remove small infestations, ensuring removal of all root material.
Use cut stump application of 50 % glyphosate or apply 250 mL Access®
in 15 L of diesel to basal 50 cm of stem (basal bark) between March and
May or September and November.
Tree Tobacco is toxic to livestock and humans and becomes prolific
after flooding events. It can re-sprout after prolonged drought but
is generally killed by fire. Tree tobacco can hybridise with the native
Nicotiana species.
Nitre Bush, Coastal Grape
Fore dune
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Nitre Bush, Coastal Grape
Nitraria billardierei
Family: Zygophyllaceae
Nitre Bush is a very large, spreading, rigid shrub up to 2 m tall and
3-4 m wide. It is often intricately branched. The green or yellow
leaves are narrow (2.5-7 mm wide), fleshy, tough and 10-29 mm long.
They can be highly succulent depending on the level of salt exposure.
The white flowers are 8 mm across with 3-4 mm long petals that have a
few hairs at their apex. Flowering is between September and November.
The grape-shaped fleshy fruit is 10-20 mm long and about half as wide,
and ripens from green to purple but can turn red or yellow. It grows in
sand and limestone on coastal plains, dunes and cliffs.
Cuttings from newly matured wood are the most reliable. Layering
is also effective by cutting a small nick under a branch and pinning
the cut to the ground until roots form. Seeds collected direct from the
plant have low germination, however, seagulls eat large quantities of
ripe berries and seed that has passed through a seagull’s gut tends
to germinate readily. Collecting seed-filled seagull faeces from night
roosting sites, such as boat decks, jetties and piers near fruiting plants
(generally during summer), can provide large quantities of viable seed
(wear rubber gloves when handling this seed). Germination is likely 22-
50 days after sowing.
Nitre Bush is common on the coast between Geraldton and Perth.
Isolated populations also occur at Cape Range, Shark Bay, Leeuwin-
Naturaliste Ridge and in localised patches from Two People’s Bay east
to Esperance. Populations are found inland around salt lakes.
Nitre Bush, Coastal Grape
Nitraria billardierei
Family: Zygophyllaceae
Nitre Bush is an effective sand stabiliser as it has an extensive fibrous
root system, making it important in the formation and retention of large
dunes, especially fore dunes. The fruit is also known to be eaten by emus.
This taxa can be superficially similar to the aggressive weed, African
Boxthorn Lycium ferocissimum, but lacks the thorns.
Aboriginal Use
The olive-like fruit either red or purple in colour, has a sweet, slightly
salty taste and was a valuable addition to the diet.
Beach Evening Primrose
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Beach Evening Primrose
*Oenothera drummondii
Family: Onagraceae
Beach Evening Primrose is a densely hairy, grey-green perennial herb
to about 60 cm high. It has rosette leaves 6-15 cm long, narrowly
lance-shaped and often shallowly lobed. Beach Evening Primrose has
lemon-yellow flowers 5-7 cm across that become orange with age.
The cylindrical seed capsule is densely hairy and 3-5 cm long.
Beach Evening Primrose occurs around Geraldton, Jurien Bay, and on
the Swan Coastal Plain as far as Busselton, with isolated populations
near Denham, Walpole and Esperance.
Control of this weed in the seedling stage is important, as older plants are
resistant to herbicide. It is relatively tolerant of glyphosate. Hand remove
small populations in areas that are not susceptible to erosion. Spot spraying
with Chlorsulfuron 0.4 g/10 L plus spray oil is effective between July
and October.
A garden escapee, Beach Evening Primrose is presently most common
close to populated areas.
Coastal Daisy Bush
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Coastal Daisy Bush is an erect, many-branched shrub, covered in a fine
soft material – giving it a grey-white or grey-green appearance. Bushes
are highly variable in size, ranging from 30 cm to 2 m tall. Coastal Daisy
Bush has a distinctive coastal aroma. The alternate leaves are 12-18
mm long and 2-3 mm wide with white or grey on both surfaces, or
smooth above and grey felt-like below. Prolific but minutely small,
white and yellow flowers grow in dense heads terminating in short
lateral shoots. Flowering occurs between March and August in response
to rainfall events. The seeds have a fine feather-like appendage and are
released 2-3 weeks after flowering. Seeds that release easily are ready
for collection.
Cuttings are effective at any time of the year. The seed usually
germinates readily 8-24 days after sowing.
Coastal Daisy Bush occurs on fore dunes, mid dunes and limestone
cliffs of the WA coastline, south from the Pilbara coast to Esperance.
It copes with fully exposed and sheltered locations.
Coastal Daisy Bush is one of the most common and widely distributed
species along the coastline, probably due to the seed appendage that
aids wind dispersal. It is known in all other southern Australian states.
The leaves have a pleasant scent when crushed and were used as an
herb in cooking by early European settlers.
Aboriginal Use
The crushed leaves were used as an insect repellent.
Coastal Daisy Bush
Olearia axillaris
Family: Asteraceae
Rose Pelargonium
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Rose Pelargonium is an aromatic, softly-hairy shrub to about 1 m high.
It has semi-succulent stems and can have tuberous roots. The oval to
heart-shaped leaves are deeply lobed, often with wavy margins which
contain tiny pointed teeth. Flowers tend to be clustered in an umbrella-
like shape, their colour varying from white to deep pink or purple.
The upper petals are usually larger and marked with dark spots and
veins. Rose Pelargonium tends to flower in winter through to summer.
The fruit forms a beak shape when green (similar to a storks bill) with
five segments, each with a hairy, curved bristle-like tail, which separate
at maturity.
Apart from a population just north of Jurien Bay, this weed occurs
in disturbed areas around settlements from Lancelin south to Windy
Harbour and along sections of the south coast of WA. It grows well in
coastal sand dunes and limestone.
Hand pull isolated plants taking care to remove the entire stem, as it
can reshoot from below ground level. Spot spray Metsulfuron-Methyl
5 g/ha plus Pulse® between June and October. Rose Pelargonium can
be easily controlled after fire. Glyphosate is relatively ineffective.
Native Pelargonium can be distinguished by its undivided or very shallowly
divided leaves that also have the tiny rounded teeth on the margins.
The flower clusters are looser than on the Rose Pelargonium.
Native Geranium has deeply dissected leaves and usually only two
flowers together. These species are found only in the south of NAR and
south of Perth.
Rose Pelargonium
*Pelargonium capitatum
Family: Geraniaceae
Coast Banjine
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Coast Banjine
Pimelea ferruginea
Family: Thymelaceae
Coast Banjine is an erect, many-branched, often dome-shaped dense
shrub, to 80 cm in height and up to 2 m wide. It has distinctively
arranged leaves in four vertical files, with alternate pairs perpendicular
to the former. Its oval leaves are dark glossy green on the upper surface,
6-11 mm long and 3-4.5 mm wide. The dense terminal pale to deep
pink flower heads are up to 3 cm across, with four prominent leaf-
like bracts below. In good seasons the plants are almost completely
covered in flowers in clusters at the ends of the branches and are
very conspicuous. The flowers are seen from early spring through
to summer. They occur in grey-white sand, coastal sand dunes and
rocky headlands of both limestone and granite.
Cuttings of firm, current seasons growth usually strike reliably when
taken at the onset of active growth. The cuttings require bottom heat
and careful management in the transplant stage, as plants are sensitive
to root damage when removed from the tubes. Coast Banjine may
be grown from seed but germination is unreliable. Soak in smoke
water at 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 dilution for 24 hours. Germination takes
14-64 days.
Coast Banjine is known from Cliff Head, south of Dongara, to east
of Esperance in stable mid dunes and swales, limestone soils and
sometimes granite.
Tangle Daisy
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Tangle Daisy
Pithocarpa cordata
Family: Asteraceae
This tangled to spreading 0.5-1.5 m perennial shrub tends to die back
each summer and resprout when opening rains occur. It has dense,
cobwebby, fine white hairs on the underside of its oval to heart shaped
leaves and can have sparse hairs on the green upper surface, resulting
in leaves with a two colour appearance. The leaves are 20-70 mm wide
and 15-20 mm long. Radiating, white to yellow flower heads occur
on open, widely angled and inter-tangled branches above the leaves
between October and April. The branched inflorescence persists after
the short-lived flowers are finished. The fruit is tiny and has soft spines.
Cuttings can be taken at any time of the year and grow very rapidly.
Cutting propagation needs to be late enough to avoid root-
bound plants.
Tangle Daisy is widespread from Dongara to Albany in mid dunes and
limestone, growing among and through other shrubs and sedges. It is
often scattered through coastal heathland in white grey sands. Tangle
Daisy grows rapidly in sheltered locations and can adapt to a wide
variety of soil types.
This species was formerly known as Ozothamnus cordatus.
Seed collection for the genus Ozothamnus
Collect ripe seed with flower heads direct from or under the bush.
Difficult to clean so sprinkle with insecticide and store in jars. Some
species have best germination in first year, others should be stored up
to 6 months. Sow seed on surface and cover lightly.
Coastal Mock Orange
Hind dune
Mid dune
Coastal Mock Orange
Pittosporum ligustrifolium
Family: Pittosporaceae
Coastal Mock Orange is a single trunked shrub or small tree up to
5 m tall. It has narrow leaves 20-85 mm in length and 6-16 mm wide
that are sometimes hairy on the underside. The solitary, or clusters
of 2 or 3, white or cream flowers appear from June to August, and
are borne in the axil of the leaf. The flowers are up to 10 mm across.
The fruit is orange and divided into 2 or 3 sections. They contain many
2 mm diameter dark red, irregularly shaped seeds which are shed when
the ripe fruit splits. Coastal Mock Orange tolerates diverse soil types
from grey soils to clayey sand, calcrete, sandstone, granite, laterite
and limestone.
Untreated seed should germinate in 27-74 days following sowing.
Cuttings also work well. There are a number of forms within this species,
so selecting local provenance is important. In some populations plants
appear to have suckered.
Found in disconnected populations on WAs coastal dunes and ridges,
as well as in wet depressions, and along riverbanks and limestone
between Kalbarri and Cape Naturaliste. Several similar species grow
inland in moisture gaining sites such as at the base of granite rocks.
Coastal Poa
Hind dune
Grass Mid dune
This fine leafed tussock or clumped grass ranges in height from
0.15 to 0.9 m high. Arising from a central base, its blue-grey, rough, flat
leaf blades are 20-90 cm long and 0.4-2 mm wide. They are hairless
with a short membranous ligule at the junction of the leaf base and
the leaf sheath. The stems are sometimes slightly swollen at the base.
During October and November, the pale green to yellow flowers are
borne on a many-branched inflorescence 5.5-30 cm long and 1-6 cm
wide. Each flower is attached to the inflorescence by a stem (pedicel).
The seed head is open and spreading, with the variable length lower
branches occurring in pairs and originating from a common point. The
spikelets tend to be grouped at the end of each branch. The seed is
about 1.2 mm long.
Seed or limited division of mature plants, with up to four clumps per
large plant, when there is adequate soil moisture. Pruning divided
plants to 15 cm helps their survival.
Coastal Poa is known from the Abrolhos Islands, around Dongara, south
along almost the entire coast to east of Esperance, on ocean foreshores,
estuaries, dunes and cliffs. There are some inland populations. It is
widespread through the Eastern States of Australia.
Coastal Poa is highly under-utilised in rehabilitation projects and
sourcing good seed can be problematic.
Coastal Poa
Poa poiformis
Family: Poaceae
Climbing Mulla Mulla
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Climbing Mulla Mulla is a prostrate to scrambling shrub, ranging
between 0.3 and 1.5 m in height. It has rigid branches with long
narrow leaves 10-45 mm long and 1.5-5 mm across, and diverse
showy flower heads in either creamy-white or pink-purple.
These globular flower heads are 20-30 mm in diameter and cover
the plant between August and February, making for a striking show.
The sepals that protect the flowers are 10-14 mm long and covered
in fine, multicellular hairs with swellings at their base, making the
lower half of the flower look densely woolly. They grow in sandy soils
and laterite.
In nature, the seed is distributed by wind and germinates readily.
Soaking seed in smoke water at 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 dilution for 24
hours can result in germination 10-16 days later.
Climbing Mulla Mulla occurs intermittently on the coast between
Leeman, Exmouth and Port Hedland. Other isolated populations occur
south of Mandurah, while numerous populations exist in the north-
east Wheatbelt and further inland.
Its growth form, rapid growth and ability to spread makes Climbing
Mulla Mulla useful for weed exclusion.
Climbing Mulla Mulla
Ptilotus divaricatus
Family: Amaranthaceae
Berry Saltbush
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Fore dune
Berry Saltbush is a variable spreading shrub ranging from a low
groundcover (0.3 m) to 2 m high. Its leaf form is variable depending
upon the micro-climate and can be fleshy where exposed to high wind
and salt spray. The leaves range from 10 to 40 mm long and 3 to 8 mm
wide with an under surface covered with flour-like powder. It has small
insignificant cream, yellow or green flowers in broad, cone-shaped
panicles that are up to 15 cm long and 10 cm wide. Flower production
can occur twice a year, between February and May and again between
October and December. The berry-like globular fruit is vibrant red when
ripe and contains a single black seed. It grows in white-grey sand, on
sand dunes and rocky coastal areas (both limestone and granite).
Berry Saltbush is readily and easily propagated from cuttings taken
at any time of the year. Cuttings taken in warm conditions root easily.
Tubestock should be ready in 3-4 months (when 15 cm tall) and must
be hardened off appropriately. Soaking seed in smoke water at 1:10,
1:100 or 1:1000 dilution for 24 hours can assist. Germination takes
between 18 and 46 days.
Small populations occur between Geraldton and Dongara and either
side of Cape Range. Berry Saltbush is widespread and common along
the coastline in fore dunes and mid dunes from Jurien Bay to Cape Arid,
often in sites exposed to high wind and sand drift.
Berry Saltbush
Rhagodia baccata
Family: Chenopodiaceae
It is a useful stabilising pioneer plant that can provide habitat for fauna
and other plant taxa relatively quickly. It is useful for weed reduction.
Protection from rabbits is necessary.
Aboriginal Use
The leaves were used cooked, these are succulent and tender.
The berries are edible but bitter.
Berry Saltbush
Rhagodia baccata
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Red Berry Saltbush
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Red Berry Saltbush is a compact or spreading shrub growing up to 2 m
in height in coastal dunes and limestone. The grey to green, succulent
leaves are approximately 40 mm long, 15-20 mm broad, obovate
(broader near the apex than near the stem), and arranged in opposite
pairs on the stem. There are separate male and female plants. The
inflorescence is a cluster of small cream or yellow flowers, occurring
from March to June. The fruit, which is spread by birds, is a juicy red
berry, 3 mm in diameter, with a small black seed.
This species is readily propagated from cuttings taken at any time of
the year. Cuttings root easily if taken during warmer conditions. It can
be difficult to grow from seed, but soaking the seed in smoke water at
1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 dilution for 24 hours can help, with germination
possible within a month. Collect the red fruits, wash them to loosen the
flesh then place them in calico bags and hang them to dry in the sun.
Spread in trays and cover with a light soil layer.
Red Berry Saltbush grows in fore dunes and mid dunes from Greenhead
to Shark Bay and is tolerant of high impact wind and mobile sand
conditions. Juveniles of this species are often confused with African
Boxthorn, however Rhagodia has no sharp spines.
Red Berry Saltbush
Rhagodia preissii subsp obovata
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Coast Roly-Poly
Native Aboriginal
Fore dune
Coast Roly-Poly is a very bushy, spiny plant up to 1 m in height with
tough stems. The bright green, fleshy leaves are round and needle-like
being 10-30 mm long and 2-3 mm wide. They fuse with the fleshy tough
stem and become spiny when the plant dies. Coast Roly-Poly flowers are
small and pinkish-green, with three wing-like floral leaves in a loose spike.
At maturity, the stem breaks off and the whole plant is tumbled by the wind,
spreading seeds on the beach and fore dune. Growing on the berm and
fore dune areas these plants are an effective sand trap and dune stabiliser.
Coast Roly-Poly are easily produced from seed. Using gloves, carefully
cut dried, seed laden stems. Hold the stems over a wide container and
hit with a stick or bamboo stake to remove the seeds.
Coast Roly-Poly is found occasionally on the coast between Perth and
the Kimberley and throughout inland arid WA.
Taxonomy of this species remains uncertain. It was previously considered to
be a weed however recent research suggests that it is a widespread native
plant. Further research is required, however it is considered very useful as a
primary coloniser and stabiliser, and may have a particular use for trapping
sand and discouraging pedestrian access in eroded fore dune paths.
Salsola australis is the current name listed on Florabase, replacing
S. tragus and S. kali.
Aboriginal Use
The leaves and shoots of Salsola tragus were eaten after being boiled.
The decoction is reputed to have been used as a diuretic and for
Coast Roly-Poly
Salsola species
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Quandong is a many-branched large shrub or small tree, growing up to
7 m in height with sickle-shaped, green, leathery leaves. The leaves are
variable 45-115 mm long and 5-14 mm wide and are initially soft and
pliable, becoming leathery with age. The small, fragrant, star-shaped,
yellow-green flowers appear at the tip of the branches from October
to March. From the 50 or so flowers, a single round fruit develops that
is 25-30 mm in diameter. This edible, fleshy, spherical fruit is initially
green and turns red when ripe. Inside the fruit is a large, hard, wrinkled
stone which contains a large nut. Quandongs tend to grow in thickets
and can sucker from an extensive horizontal root system to form a
dense stand.
The main technique for propagating this plant is to gently crack the woody
nut and bury it beneath a suitable host such as Acacia species, so the top
of the seed is just exposed. It must be kept moist. Soaking the seed in a
0.1 % solution of gibberellic acid for 24 hours can improve the reliability,
and result in germination 26 to 44 days later.
Quandong is often found with Summer-Scented Wattle (Acacia
rostellifera) along stabilised mid dunes between Shark Bay and Augusta,
and inland throughout south-west WA and into the arid zone. It is also
found on gravelly plains, granitic outcrops and creek beds. Quandong
can tolerate a range of soil types including white, grey, yellow-brown
or red sand, clay loam and lime sand.
This plant is hemi-parasitic and its host may be an adjacent shrub
or grass, therefore it is important not to weed around Quandong, as
the host plant may be lost. As there are many forms of Quandong,
Santalum acuminatum
Family: Santalaceae
Santalum acuminatum
Family: Santalaceae
it is important that only local seed is used. Under suitable weather
conditions, it is possible to directly sow seed beneath existing trees.
The ripe fruit can be used to make jam. The seed kernel is edible after
roasting and very high in energy, protein and fat whilst the fruit is high
in vitamin C, water and carbohydrates.
Aboriginal Use
The firm fleshy fruit around the stone was eaten when red and ripe.
The dried flesh was often stored for future use. Fresh seed kernels
contain a toxin principle which may decay over time or be destroyed
by roasting, hence fresh seed kernels were rarely eaten and instead
the seeds were roasted on coals until blackened and resembling
shoe polish. Seeds contain 70 percent oil and are said to burn like
candle nuts. The oil was also used as a cosmetic to smooth the skin of
the face and body. After roasting, the seed kernels (or nut) were ground
for use on cuts and sores and as an anti-inflammatory to relieve pains,
swellings, bruises, sprains and backache. Pounded leaves were applied
to boils, sores and for gonorrhoea. The seeds were used as beads or
marbles by children.
Thick-Leaved Fan Flower
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Thick-Leaved Fan Flower is a sprawling, very sticky, erect shrub
that forms dense mats on low dunes, where it is an important
sand stabiliser. Leaves are variable depending upon proximity to
the ocean, but are often circular to paddle-shaped 30-75 mm long
and 10-33 mm wide. The vibrant green leaves have finely toothed
margins that appear serrated. The scented flowers, found mainly
from July to December or in January and February, are pale blue or
white in colour. They are shaped like an open five-fingered fan and
are 7-10 mm long. Thick-Leaved Fan Flower seed is a very small, dry,
rounded nut within a thin, flattened spherical fruit 2.5 mm wide
and 1.5 mm long. The fruit is green initially and ripens through yellow
to orange.
Cuttings taken in early summer can be struck directly into the pots
to be used in revegetation projects. Seed can be heated in an 80 °C
oven for three hours, then soaked in smoke water at 1:10, 1:100 or
1:1000 dilution for 24 hours. Germination takes 24-65 days following
this treatment. It is important that seedlings are sun-hardened before
planting out.
The Thick-Leaved Fan Flower is common on the coast in the NAR
region and beyond, from 80-Mile Beach at Broome to the Nullarbor,
although the populations are discontinuous. They grow in sand, on
coastal dunes, sand plains and also limestone cliffs.
Thick-Leaved Fan Flower
Scaevola crassifolia
Family: Goodeniaceae
Thick-Leaved Fan Flowers are useful fore dune colonisers for both
exposed and protected sites. They can tolerate some sand burial.
Provenance cuttings are important to maximise success, as is snail control
where the White Italian Snail (Theba pisana) is prevalent. There are several
other blue or white flowered Scaevola species that occur on the hind
dunes and inland in this region including S. globulifera, S. nitida, S. lautus
and S. thesioides. All share the definitive characteristic of flowers shaped
like open five-fingered fans.
Thick-Leaved Fan Flower
Scaevola crassifolia
Family: Goodeniaceae
Variable Groundsel
Hind dune
Mid dune
Native Fore dune
The Variable Groundsel is a highly variable, small shrub to 0.35 m tall,
with alternately arranged leaves that have stem-clasping ear-shaped
lobes at their bases. The leaves can be slightly fleshy or thickened in the
near-coastal environment. The yellow flower head is a typical daisy with
a bright yellow, central disc floret surrounded by 8-14 total ray florets
(the outer petals of a daisy). The entire flower is about 20 mm across
and surrounded by whorls of black-tipped bracts. The flowering period
is between August and January. The fruit is an achene surrounded by
white spreading hairs.
Variable Groundsel grows readily from seed and should germinate in
a month.
Variable Groundsel is recorded on the coast from Onslow, including
off-shore islands, to the eastern states with numerous inland
populations within WA.
Variable Groundsel tends to colonise after disturbance. It can be annual
or perennial. There are some subspecies, so use of local provenance seed
is important. The species is often naturally abundant and frequently
recolonises coastal areas unaided. Germination is dependent upon
rainfall events, with dense stands of the species germinating in dunes
following good rainfall.
Variable Groundsel
Senecio pinnatifolius
Family: Asteraceae
Beach Spinifex
Hind dune
Grass Mid dune
Fore dune
Beach Spinifex is a salt tolerant, hardy tussock to spreading perennial
grass. It has trailing stems growing on the surface or rhizomes buried in
the sand on fore dune systems, where it is an important pioneer sand
stabiliser. Beach Spinifex has a more tufted appearance in stabilised
dunes. The leaves are smooth, long, narrow, grey-green, and flexible
but rigid. Common dimensions are 15-30 cm long and 1.5-3 mm wide.
They are grooved on the upper surface and rounded and green on the
under surface. Male and female plants are usually separate. The male
spikelets are borne in yellow-brown, flat inflorescences, less than 10 cm in
diameter, on erect stems. The female flowers form larger spherical heads,
up to 25 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs between July and January.
The flower heads detach from the parent plant and are windblown,
tumbling over the dunes until they are trapped and buried in the sand
where they germinate between 20 and 42 days later, depending upon
rainfall. This can be achieved artificially by collecting and breaking
up heads and direct seeding small clumps of about 10 spines each,
such that the spines stick out of the sand. This technique is best in late
summer to early autumn. Alternatively, break up the seed head and
spear individual seeds into a tray. Seeds have low viability, however
collecting dry seed heads still attached to plants, immediately
downwind (i.e. to the north) of a male plant will maximise viability.
Rhizome divisions comprising 15-20 cm long vertical shoots taken
from actively growing plants, can be planted directly into moist soil or
struck in pots containing standard potting mix. Plant deeply to ensure
good root development and production of lateral rhizomes. Cuttings
taken at any time of the year strike well if planted into a free-draining
potting mix.
Beach Spinifex
Spinifex longifolius
Family: Poaceae
Female flower head
Beach Spinifex
Spinifex longifolius
Family: Poaceae
Beach Spinifex is a common species found on the highly exposed fore
dunes under high wind, salt spray and mobile sand conditions, as well
as through mid and hind dunes on the west coast of WA between
Augusta and the Kimberley. This makes it an important species in
coastal restoration projects.
Ensure plants are buried deeply leaving only the green shoots exposed
at planting-out time. A similar species, Spinifex hirsutus, grows from
Perth to the south and has shorter hairy leaves.
Aboriginal Use
The juice from young growing tips or young stems was squeezed
and dripped into the eye to relieve soreness. If not enough juice was
obtained, the shoots were hammered and soaked in water and the
infusion used. A cooled decoction of crushed stems and new shoots
was used as a body wash for skin sores or burns, or was swallowed
for internal pains. The grass was chewed and the juice used to relieve
mouth soreness.
Male flower head
Marine Couch
Hind dune
Grass Mid dune
This perennial rhizomatous grass can form thick mats with dense scaly
rhizomes and can also be tussock forming. Marine Couch is 0.1-0.5 m
high with Couch (Cynodon dactylon)-like leaves that are thin and up to
50 mm long. The leaves often inroll under drought conditions.
Inconspicuous green-purple flowers rise in a single spike (unlike weedy
Couch varieties, whose flower stalks open into windmill-like whorls).
Flowering can occur all year, subject to rainfall. It grows on white,
yellow or brown sand, clay and peat, often on saline fore dunes, tidal
flats and salt marshes.
Like all rhizomatous grasses, Marine Couch can be easily propagated
from rhizome or shoot divisions taken at any time of the year, although
it tends to be more successful during early summer when the plant is
in active growth. Divided plants can be placed directly into moist soil
in restoration sites or propagated in pots.
Recorded in parts of the NAR between Northampton and Dongara,
a cluster around Jurien Bay and then from Moore River, south to
beyond Esperance. There are also populations north from Shark Bay
through to the Kimberley and most of the Australian coastline. It also
occurs in coastal and salt-affected areas inland.
Marine Couch is an under-utilised species for rehabilitation on fore
dunes, tidal flats and salt marshes, and provides a good option for
stabilisation of coastal systems.
Marine Couch
Sporobolus virginicus
Family: Poaceae
Basket Bush
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Depending on the level of salt wind exposure, Basket Bush varies from
a robust, fast-growing, many-branched and erect, dense shrub up to
3 m tall, to a low-growing and heath-like shrub around 0.6 m high. It is
characterised by soft, egg-shaped, rounded leaves that are 15-50 mm
long and 10-25 mm wide. The leaves often inroll when drought-stressed
and are green above and white beneath, with a fine felt of white hairs.
Basket Bush has tiny flowers, in very densely woolly terminal to sub-
terminal heads, with each flower up to 2 mm across. They appear from
June to September. The seeds are minute and orange-brown.
Soak seeds in very hot water (95 °C) for about 2 minutes. Germination
occurs within 29-54 days.
Basket Bush is widespread and common along the WA coast on mid dunes
or sheltered fore dunes and coastal limestone from Geraldton, south to
the Great Australian Bight. It also occurs on off-shore islands. Basket Bush
copes with some wind and salt exposure but performs better where
protected initially.
Basket Bush
Spyridium globulosum
Family: Rhamnaceae
Pebble Bush
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Pebble Bush is a neat, erect shrub up to 2 m in height. The green leaves
are 3-4 cm long and 1 cm wide with an indented tip. The black buds,
2-3 mm in diameter, produce small flowers, characterised by quantities
of pollen held on drooping stamens. The hard, woody, ball-shaped
fruits, up to 15 mm in diameter, give the plant its common name.
Pour very hot water (95 °C) over the woody fruits and soak overnight.
Seeds should germinate 21-79 days after sowing.
Pebble Bush occurs on the coast from south of Dongara, north to Shark
Bay and occasionally beyond. It also occurs throughout the Kimberley
and the Pilbara.
Aboriginal Use
The nuts from this plant were used to make necklaces and other
Pebble Bush
Stylobasium spathulatum
Family: Surianaceae
Cockies Tongues
Hind dune
Cockies’ Tongues
Templetonia retusa
Family: Fabaceae
Cockies’ Tongues is a multi-branched, erect and rounded shrub
between 0.3 and 2 m high. Height varies with soil depth and
protection from the prevailing wind and salt spray. It has 20-30 mm
long leathery leaves, with an incised apex making them almost
heart-shaped at the tip. The very large, usually red, pea flowers are
produced in the leaf axils and have a long, narrow petal bent back
on the calyx, and two long wings with a keel - giving the appearance
of a cockatoos head. The flowers, up to 4 cm in length, have other
colour variants including apricot, and occasionally yellow or cream.
It flowers prolifically and briefly between April and August, when the
whole shrub appears red. The 6-10 ripening seeds are held in a long,
flat, black pod up to 50 mm long. The pod has rib-like bumps over
the seeds.
Collect ripe seeds from black pods. Pour very hot water (95 °C) over
seeds and soak overnight. Germination can range from 6 to 47 days.
Cockies’ Tongues occurs on lime rich soils from Geraldton to Esperance
and can also grow on gravels and clay soils, where it may fail to flower.
It does best in sheltered areas.
This plant is easily confused with Pebble Bush Stylobasium spathulatum
when not in flower, as leaves of both have an indented tip. It can re-
grow from underground rootstock following fire.
Shrubby Samphire
Native Salt
Shrubby Samphire
Tecticornia halocnemoides
Family: Chenopodiacae
Shrubby Samphire is a succulent, salt tolerant plant that grows as a
spreading or erect shrub up to 60 cm high. Its smooth, fleshy stems
appear articulated (jointed), with each segment about 2.5 mm long,
with distinctive swollen red ends to the stems. The branchlets lose their
succulence and have small leaf lobes without any incisions or teeth.
The leaves of the Shrubby Samphire are much reduced, making the
plant appear leafless. The inflorescence is terminal (occurring at the
apex), 2-8 cm long and about 3 mm diameter, with flower clusters
separate, or with neighbouring parts in contact. The flowers are free
from each other and from the bracts. The outer floral whorl is three-
lobed, with large lateral lobes and a small median lobe. The flowering
period occurs between November and April. The hard reddish-brown
seed is about 1 mm in diameter with wart-like ribs protruding around
the margins. The seeds have a thin, brittle coating. Fruitlets break away
from the spike once mature.
Shrubby Samphires flowering time varies across the NAR, so monitoring
will assist with timing seed collection, as use of fresh seed is best. The
material is sown from winter to spring. Mulch or cut up the flower stalks
and soak for 8 hours, changing the water 2 or 3 times to remove salt.
The seed is tiny so filters are needed. Soaking the mix in smoke water
for 24 hours is the next step. The material may be dried, or left wet,
and sown. The treated material should be spread on top of the soil,
pressed down for good seed-to-soil contact and covered with a layer of
gravel. The trays should be kept moist by watering once or twice a day.
Germination may be slow over several weeks. An alternative technique
to trial is breaking segments off and dipping them in gibberellic acid,
before replanting and lightly covering the sections in-situ.
Shrubby Samphire
Tecticornia halocnemoides
Family: Chenopodiacae
Shrubby Samphire occurs across WA, on damp saline flats and along
rivers. It also occurs in the eastern states. It can be highly salt tolerant.
Most of the photosynthesizing function is within the leaves. This genus was
formerly known as Halosarcia. Juvenile Tecticornia indica can be confused
with this species, however T. indica is a robust shrub that can grow up to
2 m tall. The fleshy red new shoots are likely similar to the majority of
samphires, which can be pickled, blanched or eaten raw.
Sea Spinach
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Sea Spinach
*Tetragonia decumbens
Family: Aizoaceae
Sea Spinach is a vigorous, prostrate or scrambling herb with thick, pale,
furry stems. It is typically 0.1-0.3 m high and up to 2 m wide. The curved
leaves are succulent and rough, 1-6 cm long and 5-30 mm wide, and
grow off many branches. They can be semi-succulent. The small yellow
flowers have four lobes and grow on short stalks in clusters of 3 or 5,
between March and November. Each flower is up to 10 mm in diameter.
The seed is held in a four winged, leathery fruit.
Sea Spinach has become naturalised through the coastal and estuarine
sand dunes along the south-west coast of WA, from Northampton to
Margaret River and Walpole to Bremer Bay. It can be a prolific weed in
white sand.
Sea Spinach has underground tubers which aid its drought and salt
tolerance, and this feature can make hand removal difficult. Logran® at
12.5 g/100 L plus penetrant Pulse® between June and September may be
effective with little off-target damage in coastal heathlands. Spot spraying
with 0.5 % glyphosate or Lontrel® 10 mL/ 10 L (500 mL/ha) can also work.
Beware of the increased risk of erosion when controlling this plant in
fore dunes.
Its growth pattern and ability to trap sand has changed the shape of the
dunes and its invasive nature has smothered and limited the growth of
local species.
Bower Spinach
Hind dune
Climber Mid dune
Bower Spinach
Tetragonia implexicoma
Family: Aizoaceae
Bower Spinach is a prostrate climbing herb with branches up to
0.5 m in length and 2 m wide. The succulent leaves are 2-6 cm long,
5 mm wide, and arranged in whorls around the long stems.
The fragrant flowers are about 6 mm long and star shaped.
These yellow flowers occur throughout the year. The globular red-
brown fruit is succulent and up to 8 mm in diameter, holding 1-3 pale
brown seeds. This characteristic makes it easy to distinguish from the
weed species, Sea Spinach - T. decumbens.
Use fresh seed and remove the flesh before sowing. Bower Spinach can
also be easily propagated from cuttings, using local provenance and
being careful with hygiene to avoid disease.
Bower spinach occurs along the NAR coast in separate populations.
There are populations throughout the dune system from
Dongara, north to Shark Bay, near Jurien and around Guilderton.
Other populations occur around the Perth metropolitan area to
Mandurah, along the Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge, and on the south
coast from Walpole to the Nullarbor.
Aboriginal Use
The new stems, leaves and last four to five centimetres of the growing
tip were eaten. However, they must be blanched first to remove
soluble oxalates. The fruit has a small stone and is sweet, juicy and
slightly salty.
Sea Wheatgrass
Hind dune
Fore dune
Mid dune
This creeping grass spreads by strong underground stems (rhizomes)
and has leaves to 0.5 m tall. Its inflorescence is a dense, erect, green
panicle of spikelets to 15 cm long, off the main axis. The yellow or green
flowers typically occur in October or November. As the common name
implies, the general appearance of Sea Wheatgrass is similar to that of
cultivated wheat.
It is a weed of coastal sand dunes and other sandy sites and has spread
from where it was originally introduced as a sand binder. It is present
around Geraldton and there are a small number of populations north
of Perth.
Preventing the expansion of populations of this weed is considered
a priority. There is limited direct information relating to this taxa,
however, grass specific herbicides such as Fusillade® are likely to be
effective in sensitive bushland areas. Targeted control is critical to
minimise non-target damage to native grasses. Spray Fusillade® 5 mL/L
plus wetting agent in a 10 L backpack in late spring/summer and then
in autumn or glyphosate 1 %; follow-up is always required. Spraying
can be particularly effective after fire. Be prepared to manage erosion
and revegetate immediately after removal of this grass from fore dunes.
Sea Wheatgrass
*Thinopyrum distichum
Family: Poaceae
Coastal Bonefruit, Mouse Poo
Hind dune
Mid dune
Native Fore dune
Coastal Bonefruit, Mouse Poo
Threlkeldia diffusa
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Coastal Bonefruit is a salt-loving, spreading shrub up to 0.4 m in height
and occasionally to 1 m high. The narrow, grey-green, succulent,
oblong leaves grow to 3 mm in length along many branches. The leaf
colour changes to red-brown during the dry, summer months. The tiny,
insignificant, tubular shaped green flowers are produced in the leaf
axils in October or November. Succulent, 2 mm long, purple or black
fruit is produced during the summer and looks like mouse poo, hence
the local common name.
Seed germinates within 6-9 days following sowing.
Coastal Bonefruit is common on all WA coastal areas except the
Kimberley and the Warren region including off-shore islands.
There are some populations on inland saline flats. It grows well in
white/grey sand over limestone and clay.
Enchylaena tomentosa is similar in appearance but has red or yellow
berries that are 2 mm in diameter.
Coastal Thryptomene
Hind dune
Shrub Mid dune
Coastal Thryptomene is a dense, neat, rounded shrub which can grow to
2 m in height along coastal cliffs and on sand dunes. The almost circular
or oblong leaves are 1-2 mm long with oil glands on the under surface.
Between July and September, Coastal Thryptomene shrubs are covered
in 3-5 mm diameter flowers, with the stamens located between the
petals, opposite the sepals. These purple-pink or white flowers create a
stunning display.
It can be difficult to grow from seed but soaking the seed in smoke
water at 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 dilution for 24 hours can help, with
germination possible within three months. Tip cuttings taken in spring
can strike well, provided hormone rooting powder is used.
Coastal Thryptomene grows in isolated populations only on coastal
sand over limestone and sand dunes, mainly between Geraldton and
Exmouth, with some inland occurrences on lateritic breakaways.
Coastal Thryptomene
Thryptomene baeckeacea
Family: Myrtaceae
Dune Onion Weed
Hind dune
Fore dune Mid dune
Dune Onion Weed is a perennial herb that grows in a clump with leaves
between 0.35 and 0.70 m long. It superficially resembles an onion but
lacks the characteristic odour. This weed produces two types of hairless
leaves from its base. The inner ones are flat, smooth and linear (strap-like)
up to 70 cm long, while the outer ones are sheaths to 35 mm. It produces
flowering stalks that are repeatedly and widely branched, up to 70 cm
in length. The white flowers have six white or pale lilac petals
4-14 mm long. Each petal has green or purplish veins, a brown central
stripe and often a pair of yellow spots near the base of the petal.
Flowering occurs in spring, between August and November. The fruit
is a brown globular capsule with up to 200 fleshy capsules per flower.
Within each fruit are 12 red-brown to black pyramid shaped seeds.
This weed can grow in white or grey sand and is common in coastal
dunes, along roadsides on calcareous sandy soils and in pastures.
It is widespread through the lower south-west from Geraldton to Albany.
For small populations, the entire plant can be dug out prior to seed
production. It is important to ensure no roots are left in contact with
the soil. Wick-wiping using 5 g of metsulfuron-methyl (600 g/kg) or
500 mL of glyphosate (450 g/L) plus 2.5 mL wetting agent per litre
of water is useful in sensitive areas. Apply before flowering. Selective
hand spraying with 0.4 g chlorsulfuron (750 g/kg) plus 25 mL wetting
agent in 10 L of water is effective when the plants are actively growing.
Digging the plant into the soil (tilling either by hand or mechanically)
in summer when the soil is dry is effective, provided wind erosion is not
an issue and follow up seedling treatment occurs.
Dune Onion Weed
*Trachyandra divaricata
Family: Asphodelaceae
Dune Onion Weed is toxic to horses, and looks similar to Onion Weed
(Asphodelus fistulosus), which has hollow cylindrical leaves up to 40 cm
and also lacks the oniony smell.
Dune Onion Weed
*Trachyandra divaricata
Family: Asphodelaceae
Golden Crownbeard,
Dongara Daisy
Hind dune
Mid dune
Golden Crownbeard, Dongara Daisy
* Verbesina encelioides
Family: Asteraceae
Golden Crownbeard is an erect, annual herb to 1.5 m high. A well-
branched silvery greyish-green plant, it has mostly alternate, nearly
triangular leaves that range from 4 to 10 cm long. The leaves have
three veins, coarsely toothed margins and an unpleasant odour.
The underside of the leaves and its stalks are densely hairy. It bears
yellow-orange flower heads, similar to small sunflowers, on long stalks
mainly in summer and autumn. The hemispherical flower heads are
up to 5 cm across and have three-toothed rays. The oblong fruit is
dark brown.
There are limited populations throughout WA, although it appears to
be spreading rapidly. Preventing spread from known populations is
very important. Most populations occur between Northampton and
just south of Dongara, with other infestations in the Wheatbelt, and it
has recently spread around Perth. Two populations are present around
Broome and there are three isolated populations in the Goldfields. It is
highly adaptable and can cope with a range of soil types.
This plant is a prolific seeder and flowers and buds should be removed
and bagged before seed set. Tordon® or other products with the active
ingredient aminopyralid are effective on an eight-weekly basis with no
impact on native grasses, while 140 mL glyphosate mixed with 0.1 gm
Metsulfuron-Methyl e 2.5 mL wetting agent can be effective.
This plant is poisonous to livestock and is common on disturbed
ground, sometimes colouring hectares of roadside solid yellow.
Golden Crownbeard is being investigated for potential commercial
medicinal value.
The coastal environment provides many benefits that contribute to our
communitys wellbeing. Coastal dunes are our best protection against
storms, waves and coastal erosion. Coastal plants play an important
role in maintaining this environment. Above ground, plants act as
windbreaks to slow the damaging wind; their foliage also catches and
stores sand for feeding back into the beach system, while providing
habitat for birds, reptiles and insects. Below the surface, plant roots
stabilise the sand to further prevent dune erosion. Coastal plants
are extremely sensitive to the impacts caused by pedestrians and
off-road vehicles. The NAR’s hot and dry climate exacerbates these
human impacts. Many communities around the world who have
failed to protect their coastal environment now spend considerable
public funds attempting to prevent coastal erosion with substantial
infrastructure works such as sea walls, groynes and breakwaters.
It is therefore the responsibility of the entire community to assist
in protecting our precious coastal environment. You can help our
coast by:
Remaining on designated tracks.
Playing on the beach and not in the dunes.
• Assisting with beach clean-up and tree planting days, or becoming
involved in a coastal community group.
Avoiding driving in the dunes or on the beach; enjoy a walk instead.
We hope that this pocket guide has increased your appreciation of
the coastal environment’s diversity, and helped you to gain a better
understanding of the indigenous coastal plant species that have
adapted to survive and protect our important coastline.
Achene: A small, dry fruit produced by many species of flowering
Aril: a fleshy, usually bright exterior covering or appendage of
some seeds that develops after fertilisation as an outgrowth from the
ovule stalk
Awn: A stiff bristle
Axil: Angled space at the meeting point of stem and leaf
Berm: A long-shore mound on the upper beach formed by the
deposition of material, often by wave action creating a temporary dune
Bipinnate: A leaf having the leaflets (pinnae) on each side of a
common axis
Blowout: Sandy depressions in a sand dune ecosystem caused by the
removal of sediments by wind
Bracts: A small specialised leaf associated with a flower or inflorescence
or fruit
Branchlet: A small branch or division of a branch
Burr: A rough, prickly case surrounding seeds
Calyx: The sepals of a flower which lie outside or under the petals
Compound: A leaf or flower composed of many leaflets or flowers on
a common stem
Cyathia: An inflorescence comprising fused bracts enclosing several
greatly reduced male flowers and a single female flower
Decumbent: Reclining on the ground with ascending apexes
or extremities
Fissured: Featuring many long cracks or splits.
Fruitlet: An immature or small fruit
Harden off: A horticultural term referring to the process of gradually
acclimatising plants to full sunlight following propagation under
shade cloth
Hemi-parasitic: A plant that grows by attachment to another plant to
obtain some of its nutrition
Hemispherical: Partially spherical
Inflorescence: A collective term for a cluster of flowers
Lanceolate: A leaf shaped like a lance head
Leaf sheaths: The basal part of a grass leaf that encircles the stem
Leaflets: Separate part of a compound (divided) leaf
Ligule: A thin outgrowth at the junction of leaf and leafstalk of
many grasses
Lobed: A leaf with deeply indented margins
Local Provenance: Seeds, cuttings or plants sourced from locations
as close (in terms of geography and habitat) as possible to the location
where they are to be used for revegetation purposes.
NAR: Northern Agricultural Region
Panicle: a loosely branching cluster of flowers
Pedicel: A stem that attaches a single flower to an inflorescence
Phyllodes: A winged leaf stalk which functions as a leaf
Prick out: A horticultural term referring to the transfer of recently
germinated seedlings to individual containers
Raceme: An inflorescence having stalked flowers arranged singly
along an elongated unbranched axis, with the flowers at the bottom
opening first
Recurved: Curved backward or inward
Rhizome: Underground stem
Rhizomatous: Having a rhizome
Scarify: To make scratches or small cuts in the outer seed covering
Silicula: Fruit (pod) of the family Brassicaceae that is less than three
times as long as it is wide
Sepal: A usually separate, green part that surrounds the flower bud
and extends from the base of a flower after it has opened
Solarisation: Exposure to the sun
Spikelets: A group of small flowers on sedges and grasses
Staminodes: A sterile stamen having no fertile parts
Stamen: The pollen producing male part of a flower
Stipule: A small leaf-like appendage to a leaf, typically growing in pairs
at the base of the leaf stalk
Stolons: A creeping horizontal plant stem or runner that takes root at
points along its length to form new plants
Succulent: Juicy, thick and fleshy – usually describing leaves or stems
Surfactant: A substance which reduces the surface tension of a liquid
Swale: A sheltered, low lying area usually in the hind dunes
Taxa: The taxonomic group of an organism, such as the family, genus,
or species of plants
Tilling: Cultivating/turning over of the soil
Weed: An introduced plant that has naturalised and invaded an area
and grown where it is not wanted
Whorls: More than three plant parts (for example leaves or stems)
arranged at the same level on a stem
Ainsworth, N. and Bowcher, A. (2005) Herbicides – Guidelines for Use
in and Around Water, Weeds CRC (Victorian DPI, Frankston)/Weeds
CRC (NSW DPI Wagga Wagga),
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Ralph, M. (2003) Growing Australian Native Plants from Seed, Murray
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South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare, Perth, Australia, http://
Sweedman, L. and Merritt D. (2006) Australian Seeds: A guide to
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Authority of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
Tauss, C. (2002) Surveying Western Australias Land Edge. Reference
transects in coastal vegetation at Geraldton, Port Kennedy, Bunbury and
Esperance. Unpublished report for the Western Australian Herbarium
(Department of Conservation and Land Management) and Coastwest/
Coastcare (Department of Infrastructure and Planning).
Tauss, C (2005) Surveying Western Australias Land Edge 2. Reference
transects in coastal vegetation at Kalbarri, Mandurah and Albany.
Unpublished report for the Western Australian Herbarium (Department
of Conservation and Land Management) and Coastwest (Department
of Infrastructure and Planning).
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manual: A community guide for protecting and conserving the Western
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Western Australian Herbarium (1998–) FloraBase—the Western
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Wheeler J, and Keighery G. (1997) Wildflowers of Shark Bay, Department
of Conservation and Land Management Bush Books, Western Australia.
Williams P. and Kirkpatrick S. (Eds.) (2007) Coastal Plant Pocket Guide:
The Gold Coast Region, Griffith Centre for Coastal Management,
Qld, Australia.
The second edition of the Coastal Plant Pocket Guide for the Northern
Agricultural Region was produced by the Northern Agricultural
Catchments Council, and is based on the original Coastal Plant Pocket
Guide Northern Agricultural Region, Western Australia; developed in
collaboration with the Griffith Centre for Coastal Management and
Griffith University. The original technical information and editing was
by Peta Williams and Jenna Brooker.
Technical information in this 2nd edition is an amalgamation by Nicole
Siemon of Nicole Siemon and Associates PL. Further content review
has been provided by Professor Kingsley Dixon, Wendy Payne, Mic
Payne, Hamish Longbottom, Vanessa McGuiness and Jenna Brooker.
NACC would like to acknowledge the generous support provided
by the Coastcare groups and coastal Local Government Agencies of
the NAR.
Aboriginal plant use content has been provided by Julie Firth of The
Drylands Permaculture Nursery, with advice and confirmation from
Amangu/Wajarri Man David Ronan.
Photography: Irene Ghannage, Tony and Jenna Brooker, Chiara Danese,
Mic and Wendy Payne, Hamish Longbottom, Philippa Schmucker,
Vanessa McGuiness, Julie Firth, Ann Gunness, Sarah Samulkiewicz-
Taylor, Annie Gillis and Tali Moyle.
Dune Profile Sketch: Vanessa McGuiness.
NACC Project Staff: Sarah Samulkiewicz-Taylor, Mic Payne, Felicity
Beswick, Philippa Schmucker, Hamish Longbottom and Vanessa
This project is supported by the Northern Agricultural Catchments
Council, through funding from the Australian Governments National
Landcare Programme and Government of Western Australias Coastwest
Coastal Plant Pocket Guide Northern Agricultural Region, Western
Australia, Edition 2. For more information please phone (08) 9938
0100 or visit
This app contains information on native plant propagation, weed control and Aboriginal uses of plants.
The information contained in this app is provided for educational purposes only. Plants included in this
app may be toxic if eaten. No plant material should be eaten unless it has been verified as safe by a
trained professional. Use of toxic chemicals for weed control requires special permits and permission
from landowners. NACC does not accept any liability for any loss, however arising, from the information
contained in this app or otherwise arising in connection with it
The control of pest plants with herbicides involves the use of chemicals that can be hazardous to human
health and the environment. Many herbicides can cause damage to wetlands and waterways. Check
and follow the herbicide directions carefully. For more information see the CRC for Australian Weed
Management’s Herbicides: Guidelines for use in and around water. More information can also be found on
the Australian Government’s Weeds in Australia website.
Herbicide recommendations are made subject to the product being registered for that purpose under
relevant legislation. It is the users responsibility to check that the proposed use is in accordance with
relevant federal, state and local government restrictions, registrations and permits. If in doubt, please refer
to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority website

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