HBase: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition HBase Guide Second Early Release



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Lars George
1. 1. Introduction
1. The Dawn of Big Data
2. The Problem with Relational Database Systems
3. Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
1. Dimensions
2. Scalability
3. Database (De-)Normalization
4. Building Blocks
1. Backdrop
2. Namespaces, Tables, Rows, Columns, and Cells
3. Auto-Sharding
4. Storage API
5. Implementation
6. Summary
5. HBase: The Hadoop Database
1. History
2. Nomenclature
3. Summary
2. 2. Installation
1. Quick-Start Guide
2. Requirements
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Filesystems for HBase
1. Local
3. S3
4. Other Filesystems
4. Installation Choices
1. Apache Binary Release
2. Building from Source
5. Run Modes
1. Standalone Mode
2. Distributed Mode
6. Configuration
1. hbase-site.xml and hbase-default.xml
2. hbase-env.sh and hbase-env.cmd
3. regionserver
4. log4j.properties
5. Example Configuration
6. Client Configuration
7. Deployment
1. Script-Based
2. Apache Whirr
3. Puppet and Chef
8. Operating a Cluster
1. Running and Confirming Your Installation
2. Web-based UI Introduction
3. Shell Introduction
4. Stopping the Cluster
3. 3. Client API: The Basics
1. General Notes
2. Data Types and Hierarchy
1. Generic Attributes
2. Operations: Fingerprint and ID
3. Query versus Mutation
4. Durability, Consistency, and Isolation
5. The Cell
6. API Building Blocks
3. CRUD Operations
1. Put Method
2. Get Method
3. Delete Method
4. Append Method
5. Mutate Method
4. Batch Operations
5. Scans
1. Introduction
2. The ResultScanner Class
3. Scanner Caching
4. Scanner Batching
5. Slicing Rows
6. Load Column Families on Demand
7. Scanner Metrics
6. Miscellaneous Features
1. The Table Utility Methods
2. The Bytes Class
4. 4. Client API: Advanced Features
1. Filters
1. Introduction to Filters
2. Comparison Filters
3. Dedicated Filters
4. Decorating Filters
5. FilterList
6. Custom Filters
7. Filter Parser Utility
8. Filters Summary
2. Counters
1. Introduction to Counters
2. Single Counters
3. Multiple Counters
3. Coprocessors
1. Introduction to Coprocessors
2. The Coprocessor Class Trinity
3. Coprocessor Loading
4. Endpoints
5. Observers
6. The ObserverContext Class
7. The RegionObserver Class
8. The MasterObserver Class
9. The RegionServerObserver Class
10. The WALObserver Class
11. The BulkLoadObserver Class
12. The EndPointObserver Class
5. 5. Client API: Administrative Features
1. Schema Definition
1. Namespaces
2. Tables
3. Table Properties
4. Column Families
2. Cluster Administration
1. Basic Operations
2. Namespace Operations
3. Table Operations
4. Schema Operations
5. Cluster Operations
6. Cluster Status Information
3. ReplicationAdmin
6. 6. Available Clients
1. Introduction
1. Gateways
2. Frameworks
2. Gateway Clients
1. Native Java
3. Thrift
4. Thrift2
5. SQL over NoSQL
3. Framework Clients
1. MapReduce
2. Hive
3. Pig
4. Cascading
5. Other Clients
4. Shell
1. Basics
2. Commands
3. Scripting
5. Web-based UI
1. Master UI Status Page
2. Master UI Related Pages
3. Region Server UI Status Page
4. Shared Pages
7. 7. Hadoop Integration
1. Framework
1. MapReduce Introduction
2. Processing Classes
3. Supporting Classes
4. MapReduce Locality
5. Table Splits
2. MapReduce over Tables
1. Preparation
2. Table as a Data Sink
3. Table as a Data Source
4. Table as both Data Source and Sink
5. Custom Processing
3. MapReduce over Snapshots
4. Bulk Loading Data
8. 8. Advanced Usage
1. Key Design
1. Concepts
2. Tall-Narrow Versus Flat-Wide Tables
3. Partial Key Scans
4. Pagination
5. Time Series Data
6. Time-Ordered Relations
7. Aging-out Regions
8. Application-driven Replicas
2. Advanced Schemas
3. Secondary Indexes
4. Search Integration
5. Transactions
1. Region-local Transactions
6. Versioning
1. Implicit Versioning
2. Custom Versioning
9. 9. Cluster Monitoring
1. Introduction
2. The Metrics Framework
1. Metrics Building Blocks
2. Configuration
3. Metrics UI
4. Master Metrics
5. Region Server Metrics
6. RPC Metrics
7. UserGroupInformation Metrics
8. JVM Metrics
3. Ganglia
1. Installation
2. Usage
4. JMX
1. JConsole
2. JMX Remote API
5. Nagios
6. OpenTSDB
10. 10. Performance Tuning
1. Heap Tuning
1. Java Heap Sizing
2. Tuning Heap Shares
2. Garbage Collection Tuning
1. Introduction
2. Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS)
3. Garbage First (G1)
4. Garbage Collection Information
3. Memstore-Local Allocation Buffer
4. HDFS Read Tuning
1. Short-Circuit Reads
2. Hedged Reads
5. Block Cache Tuning
1. Introduction
2. Cache Types
3. Single vs. Multi-level Caching
4. Basic Cache Configuration
5. Advanced Cache Configuration
6. Cache Selection
6. Compression
1. Available Codecs
2. Verifying Installation
3. Enabling Compression
7. Key Encoding
1. Available Codecs
2. Enabling Key Encoding
8. Bloom Filters
9. Region Split Handling
1. Number of Regions
2. Managed Splitting
3. Region Hotspotting
4. Presplitting Regions
10. Merging Regions
1. Online: Merge with API and Shell
2. Offline: Merge Tool
11. Region Ergonomics
12. Compaction Tuning
1. Compaction Settings
2. Compaction Throttling
13. Region Flush Tuning
14. RPC Tuning
1. RPC Scheduling
2. Slow Query Logging
15. Load Balancing
16. Client API: Best Practices
17. Configuration
18. Load Tests
1. Performance Evaluation
2. Load Test Tool
11. 11. Cluster Administration
1. Operational Tasks
1. Cluster Sizing
2. Resource Management
3. Bulk Moving Regions
4. Node Decommissioning
5. Draining Servers
6. Rolling Restarts
7. Adding Servers
8. Reloading Configuration
9. Canary & Health Checks
10. Region Server Memory Pinning
11. Cleaning an Installation
2. Data Tasks
1. Renaming a Table
2. Import and Export Tools
3. CopyTable Tool
4. Export Snapshots
5. Bulk Import
6. Replication
3. Additional Tasks
1. Coexisting Clusters
2. Required Ports
3. Changing Logging Levels
4. Region Replicas
4. Troubleshooting
1. HBase Fsck
2. Analyzing the Logs
3. Common Issues
4. Tracing Requests
12. A. Upgrade from Previous Releases
1. Upgrading to HBase 0.90.x
1. From 0.20.x or 0.89.x
2. Within 0.90.x
2. Upgrading to HBase 0.92.0
3. Upgrading to HBase 0.98.x
4. Migrate API to HBase 1.0.x
1. Migrate Coprocessors to post HBase 0.96
2. Migrate Custom Filters to post HBase 0.96

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