Home Sleep 1210


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$4,495 (promotional
pricing)/1 year
<$9 per study
Types III and IVTypes I to IV
Main unit: 4.4" W x 2.5" H x
1.0" D. Patient input box:
2.1" W x 3.3" H x 1" D
7.5" x 4.5" x 1.5"
8.2 oz19.2 oz
2 AA alkaline or NiMH
C cell (30 hrs),
D cell (70 hrs)
Compact flash up to 2
GB capacity, standard
512 MB
Compact flash 2 or 4 GB
(maximum of 150 hrs
with 4 GB)
2 days
Up to 6 days depending on
the specific configuration
13 Channels
ECG), pressure, airflow,
snore, thoracic effort,
abdominal effort, limb
movement, body position,
Spo2, pulse rate, pulse
waveform, oximeter signal
1-32 Channels
thermal airflow, snoring
microphone, nasal pressure,
airflow, nasal pressure snor-
ing, oral pressure airflow,
oral pressure snoring, oral/
nasal airflow, oral/nasal
snoring, RIP (chest), RIP
(abdomen), body position
sensor, Spo2, oximeter, pulse
rate, leg accelerometers,
arm accelerometers, single
channel amplifiers
Carrying case included;
includes video
instruction for patient;
24/7 technical support
included; analysis,
scoring, and reporting
software included.
Carrying case included,
connects to computers
via Ethernet port, will
deliver results while
patient is on CPAP,
24/7 technical support
included, analytical
software included.
No PC required for setup
or to review signal quality.
RIP technology integrated.
Built-in LCD display ECG
analysis software
Cadwell offers a single
channel amplifier that can
be used for an active/
ref pair, and they can be
daisy chained together.
For a Type III or IV study,
the 23 channel amp is
not even needed.
Varies based on channel
configuration/1 year
Varies by configuration
Easy Ambulatory PSG
Cadwell Laboratories Inc
Home Sleep Testing
Product Name
Cost of Consumables
per Study
Total Number of
Channels and
Channel Description
Product Dimensions
(including batteries)
Memory Storage
Recording Time
Basic Features
Additional Features
18 • sleepreviewmag.com DECEMBER 2010
Information for this guide based on data submitted by product manufacturers. Sleep Review strives for
accuracy in all data but cannot be held responsible for claims made by manufacturers. This is an edited version
of a more complete comparison guide that is available in the online archives of www.sleepreviewmag.com.
Embletta Gold
Embla Systems Inc
$4,400/1 year;
extended warranty: $425
$60 per test
Type III
3.1" x 1.9" x 0.8"
4.5 oz
1 rechargeable lithium
ion 250 mAh; ~16 hours
3 days
7 Channels
PAT respiratory analysis
(signal & amplitude),
oxygen saturation,
pulse rate, actigraphy,
snoring (in decibels),
body position, sleep
time, sleep stages
Carrying case included,
connects to computer
via USB port, includes
video instruction for
patient, 24/7 technical
support included,
analytical software
included at no extra
Immediate sleep study
reports (no extra cost), one-
click Web uplink, tamper-
proof ID bracelet for trucker
testing (optional), multinight
capability, single button op-
eration, less than 2% failure
rate, sleep stages: REM,
deep, light, wake; RDI, AHI,
ODI based on actual sleep
Watch-PAT 200
Itamar Medical
$3,500/2 year
$5-$7 cost per use
Type III
9 Input-14 Channel
includes all inputs and
derived channels
0.9" H x 2.8" W x 5.5" L
7.8 oz
Built-in rechargeable
Up to 3 sleep studies or
multiple start and stop times
Carrying case included,
connects to computers
via USB port/serial port,
will deliver results while
patient is on CPAP,
includes video
instruction for patient,
24/7 technical support
included, analytical
software included.
Packaged free and easy to
use software, patient setup
instruction card, color-coded
inputs for ease of use, low cost
per use, lightweight, comfort-
able, durable, meets AASM
Home Sleep Testing criteria.
Compatible with Enterprise™
Sleep Business and Patient
Management software, and
Cardiopulmonary Coupling
Module for a picture of patient
sleep quality, and predicting
treatment efficacy.
(RIP belt included)/1 year
Type III
2.8" H x 3.0" W x
0.75" D
3.2 oz
½ AA lithium battery
128 MB internal
Two 9-hour nights
6 Channels
flow, snoring (flow),
chest RIP effort, Spo2,
pulse rate, body position
Type 3 recorder,
full data disclosure,
manual and automatic
CPAP compatible,
locking connectors,
stainless steel Lemo
connector, all internal
biosensors, complies
with guidelines.
MediByte Jr
BRAEBON Medical Corp
DECEMBER 2010 sleepreviewmag.com • 19
Nihon Kohden America Inc
$4,675 includes sensor
and software
Type III
4.625" x 2.85" x 1.0"
(L x W x D)
17 oz
2 AA batteries
Internal memory 2 GB
17 hours
11 Channels
thermistor, pressure
transducer, snore
(derived from pres-
sure transducer), body
position sensor (inter-
nal), Spo2, pleth wave
(derived from Spo2),
pulse wave (derived
from Spo2), chest effort,
abdominal effort, 2-EMG
channels, 1-DC input
Auto start upon valid pulse
signal, color-coded sensors
and sensor receptacles,
optional cellular interface
for remote monitoring,
Bluetooth interface, neo-
prene pouch, built-in body
position monitor, built-in
pressure transducer, 2 GB
of onboard data storage,
USB interface to PC.
With Polysmith Software Package:
schedule HST patients on DMS calen-
dar, initialize recorder from calendar
interface, initialize recorder from
Polysmith interface, auto configure
Polysmith for analysis by the type
of recorder being used (Type II or
Type III) when recording is loaded,
store recorder Type (I, II, III) with
each study for easy query, view live
data on Polysmith acquisition screen,
standard or custom reporting for any
Type (I, II, III) of recording, social his-
tory questionnaires to correlate sleep
habits with outcomes and aid with
OxyHolter with LX Sleep
NorthEast Monitoring Inc
$4,495/3 years (option for
additional 2 years for a
total of 5 years)
$4 (approximately)
Type III (OxyHolter/A)
4.7" x 2.7" x 1.0"
7 oz
2 AA batteries; lithium—
72 hrs; alkaline—48 hrs;
rechargeable—24 hrs
32 MB to 1 GB compact
Memory requirement is
~25 MB/24 hour
6 Channels
EKG 1, airflow
(OxyHolter/A) or EKG 2
(OxyHolter), Spo2, HR1
from Spo2, HR2 from
EKG, respiration via
eDRS (EKG-derived re-
spiratory signal)
Carrying case included,
data card reader
connects to computer
via USB port, will deliver
results while patient is
on CPAP, 24/7 technical
support included,
analytical software
Highly automated, repeatable,
consistent AHI measurement;
ideal for pre- and post-treat-
ment efficacy assessments;
95+% sensitivity & specificity
for OSA vs concurrent PSG
studies; system includes
recorder, cable, analysis soft-
ware, training, installation
assistance, 3-year warranty.
Additional DR180+recorders+
OxyHolter cables from $2,695.
$2,490 (includes accessories
for 3 studies)/2 years
Type III
4.6" x 2.4" x 1.2"
4.5 oz, includes batteries
and oximetry
2 AA batteries, single
use or rechargeable
15 MB internal RAM
Minimum 8 hrs,
up to 15 hrs
4 Channels
nasal flow (and snore),
pulse, oxygen saturation,
respiratory effort
Automatic analysis, AASM defi-
nitions as default, configurable
parameters; comprehensive,
customizable report with easy
to understand graphic AHI indi-
cator and ability to add business
logo; customizable flow signal
view with manual editing; pro-
prietary respiratory effort sen-
sor; Cheyne-Stokes probability
detection; e-mail report and/or
complete study; exportable to
EDF, EDF+, and CSV.
Extended report includes
event graphic page; five
measures of oxygen satura-
tion; carrying case included;
connects to computers via
USB port; includes video
instruction for patients and
clinicians; 24/7 technical
support included; program
software included, back-
wards compatible to all
versions. No license fees.
ApneaLink Plus
Turnkey service model for pro-
viders, no investment required
No charge to providers
Type III
cardio-respiratory monitor
Bedside data recorder – 8.42"
L x 7.28" W x 2.46" H; patient
module 2.67" L x 3.98" W x
1.12" H
Bedside data recorder
3.0 lbs;
patient module 6.4 oz
12V DC
Internal NVRAM, SRAM,
and flash memory
Up to 56 hours (up to 7
nights for 8 hours per night)
5 Channels
Respiration (direct oral
and nasal airflow), chest
effort, oxygen saturation,
heart rate, and snoring
Test shipped direct-to-patient;
data download at NovaSom
logistics center upon return;
biomedical inspection per-
formed between every test;
QSG software processes data
real-time; output to Study
Viewer for qualified physi-
cian interpretation; results via
MediTrack within 48 hours; live
clinical/technical support to
patients 24/7.
On-board voice prompts guide
patients through setup and
operation, alert if sensors
dislodged; patented acoustic
airflow sensor has linear equiv-
alence to pneumotach in clinical
studies; audio DSP technology
is used to analyze breathing
events, using adaptive noise-
cancelling filters to remove
ambient sound and produce a
pure respiration signal.
NovaSom Inc
(formerly known as Sleep Solutions Inc)
www.novasom.com; www.apnea.
NovaSom Home Sleep Test

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