Installation Guide Chromeleon 7.2 Sr5 Pdf User Manual


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Installation Guide
Chromeleon 7
Chromatography Data System
Software Version 7.2 SR5 • March 2017

Chromeleon 7
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Copyright © 2009-2017 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. provides this document to its customers with a
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prohibited, except with the written authorization of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
This manual is provided “as is”. The contents of this manual are subject to being
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Document History
Revision: 1.9, P/N 7229.0003, original document

Installation Guide

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Table of Contents
1 About the Documentation....................................................... 8
1.1 About this Document .................................................... 8
1.2 Document Conventions ................................................. 9
1.3 Other Documents .......................................................... 9
2 System Requirements/Compatibility .................................... 10
2.1 Licensing Requirements/Compatibility ....................... 10
2.1.1 The License Key (Dongle) ................................. 10
2.1.2 The License File ................................................ 11
2.1.3 License Key (Dongle) Compatibility .................. 12
2.1.4 License File Compatibility ................................. 12
2.2 Supported Chromatography Instruments & Modules 13
2.2.1 Firmware Requirements .................................. 13
2.3 PC Hardware Requirements ........................................ 13
2.4 Supported Operating Systems..................................... 15
2.4.1 Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise ................... 16
2.4.2 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro ............................. 16
2.4.3 Microsoft Windows 7 ....................................... 16
2.4.4 Microsoft Windows Vista ................................. 17
2.4.5 Microsoft Windows XP ..................................... 17
2.4.6 Windows Monthly Rollups and Security-only
Updates ............................................................ 17
2.5 Installed Third-Party Software .................................... 18
2.5.1 Microsoft .NET Framework .............................. 18
2.5.2 Microsoft SQL Server Express .......................... 19
2.5.3 WibuKey Software ........................................... 20
2.6 Required Third-Party Software.................................... 21
2.6.1 Adobe Reader .................................................. 21
2.7 Additional Software ..................................................... 21
2.7.1 NIST Mass Spectral Search Program ................ 21

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3 Configure Windows for Chromeleon 7 .................................. 22
3.1 Ensure that Windows Is Up To Date ............................ 22
3.1.1 Non-Internet Connected Computers ............... 22
3.2 Firewall Settings .......................................................... 23
3.3 Disable Power Management ....................................... 25
3.3.1 Disable Windows Power Management ............ 25
3.3.2 Disable USB Power Management .................... 25
3.4 Third-Party Software Interference .............................. 27
4 Compatibility with Previous Chromeleon and PeakNet
Versions ................................................................................. 28
4.1 Software Compatibility – Chromeleon 7 and 6 ........... 28
4.2 Software Compatibility – Chromeleon 7.2 and 7.1 ..... 28
4.3 Data Compatibility – Chromeleon 7 and 6 .................. 29
4.4 Data Compatibility – Chromeleon 7.2 and 7.1 SR2 ..... 30
4.5 Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 and 7.2 ....................................... 30
4.5.1 Changed Default Installation Folder ................ 30
4.5.2 SDK and DDK Add-Ins ....................................... 30
5 Install the Software ............................................................... 32
5.1 Do you have Chromeleon 6? ....................................... 32
5.2 Chromeleon Activity Check ......................................... 32
5.3 Install Chromeleon 7 – Main and Service Release ...... 34
5.3.1 Installation Requirements ................................ 34
5.3.2 Upgrade Chromeleon 7 .................................... 35
5.3.3 Install Chromeleon ........................................... 35
5.4 Install Chromeleon 7 – Maintenance Update ............. 44
5.5 Install Optional Software Components ....................... 44
5.5.1 Software Packages Included in the Chromeleon
Setup ................................................................ 44
5.5.2 Software Packages requiring Separate
Installation ....................................................... 48
5.6 Installation Qualification ............................................. 49
5.7 Activate/Update a License .......................................... 51
5.7.1 Use a New Chromeleon 7.2 Dongle that Contains
a License File .................................................... 51
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Use an Empty Dongle and a Separate License File
......................................................................... 53
5.8 Troubleshoot Software Installation ............................. 54
5.8.1 Installation on a PC with Identical Computer
Name and User Name ...................................... 56
5.8.2 Repair an Installation ....................................... 56
6 Post Installation Configuration .............................................. 58
7 Install Thermo Scientific Instruments .................................... 59
7.1 Connect Modules via USB ........................................... 59
7.2 Load the USB Driver for a Module............................... 60
7.3 Troubleshoot USB Issues ............................................. 61
8 Command-Line Installation/Setup......................................... 63
8.1 Introduction to the Setup Process .............................. 63
8.2 Command Line Switches and Properties ..................... 64
8.2.1 Restrictions: Unattended Installation of the
Chromeleon USB Driver Package ..................... 64
8.2.2 Properties ......................................................... 65
8.2.3 Command-Line Switches .................................. 66
8.2.4 System Configuration Tasks/Parameters ......... 68
8.3 Response File ............................................................... 73
8.3.1 Components Section ........................................ 74
8.3.2 ConfigurationTasks Section .............................. 74
8.3.3 Response File Example ..................................... 75
8.4 Exit Codes .................................................................... 76
9 Configure Chromeleon 7 ....................................................... 77
9.1 Starting Points for Configuring Chromeleon 7 ............ 77
9.1.1 Chromeleon Services Manager ........................ 78
9.1.2 Chromeleon Tray Icon ...................................... 80
9.1.3 Chromeleon Administration Console ............... 80

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Configure Instruments/Modules ................................. 82
Enable Automatic Start of the Instrument Controller
Service ......................................................................... 84
9.4 Configure Data Vaults ................................................. 85
9.4.1 Default Data Vault, XVault and Default Location
......................................................................... 85
9.4.2 The Data Vault Manager .................................. 86
9.4.3 Create a Standard Data Vault ........................... 88
9.4.4 Mount Chromeleon 6 Datasources .................. 90
9.5 Enable and Configure User Management ................... 92
10 Remove Chromeleon 7 from a PC ......................................... 95
10.1 Uninstall Chromeleon 7 ............................................... 95
10.2 Uninstall Thermo Scientific MS Software Components
10.3 Uninstall Third-Party Software .................................... 97
10.4 Remove Chromeleon 7 Data ....................................... 98

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1 About the Documentation
1.1 About this Document
Welcome to the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ 7
Chromatography Data System. This guide provides instructions
for performing the following operations on stand-alone
Chromeleon workstations:

Installing/updating Chromeleon 7 main and service releases
(Chapter 5.3) or maintenance updates (Chapter 5.4), as well
as required third-party software components


Basic configuration of Chromeleon 7 including basic
instructions for installing instruments


Configuring Microsoft™ Windows™ for use with
Chromeleon 7.2 SR5

It also describes:

Hardware and software requirements for installing
Chromeleon 7


Software and data compatibility with previous Chromeleon

To install multiple workstations that will be networked together,
or to add a station to an existing domain installation, please
contact the Thermo Fisher Scientific Service for support.

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1.2 Document Conventions
The following formatting is used throughout the document to
indicate text with special importance.
Caution: Indicates text that must be followed carefully to
avoid potential problems.
Note: Indicates information of special interest.
Tip: Indicates information that will help you to use the
software more efficiently.

1.3 Other Documents
Other documents provided with Chromeleon will help you to
learn more about the Chromeleon software. Their scope is
described in the Documentation Overview, which is included with
the Chromeleon installation medium in printed form. The
documents are also available in electronic form via the
installation medium in the Documents folder.

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2 System Requirements/Compatibility
2.1 Licensing Requirements/Compatibility
In order to use Chromeleon you must have a valid license
matching the software version you are about to install.
A Chromeleon 7 license has two components:

A hardware component called a USB license key (dongle)


A license file that contains the license information

To activate a valid license, these two components must have the
same serial number and must be present at the same time.
You will be asked to insert the license key and to provide a
license file during the software installation process (Section 5.3).
If you do not have them at hand, you can activate a license later
(Section 5.7).

2.1.1 The License Key (Dongle)
The license key is a USB device (dongle) that (together with a
matching license file) allows you to use Chromeleon software on
the computer where the dongle is present. The license key and
license file must be present on the same computer but the
licenses may be distributed across a Chromeleon domain.
Caution: The dongle represents your purchase of
Chromeleon. Protect it as you would protect any other
valuable object.

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The license key can be either a new (light blue) Chromeleon 7
USB dongle, or a prior-generation (green) Chromeleon 6 USB
At the time of delivery, new (light blue) dongles normally contain
the corresponding license file. The license file is automatically
(without warning) moved to the computer the first time the
dongle is connected to a computer where Chromeleon 7 is
Caution: Do not connect the new (light blue) dongle to a
computer other than the one where it will be used. If the
license file is moved to a wrong computer, the license file
must be manually moved to the computer where it will be
finally used.

2.1.2 The License File
The license file contains the license information, such as the
software version and the purchased software options.
The name of the license file is Chromeleon7_xxxxxx.cmlic, where
xxxxxx is the serial number of the license.
Tip: The following information is for
reference/troubleshooting only: the license file is
automatically moved to the appropriate location during the
setup/license activation.
The license file is stored in the following location:

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Note: The path contains folders that are hidden by default.
To see the folders, enter the path in the Windows Explorer
address bar or press the Windows logo key + H.

2.1.3 License Key (Dongle) Compatibility
Chromeleon 7 has a different licensing mechanism compared to
Chromeleon 6.8 and older releases, including all PeakNet 6
releases. It still uses a USB license key (dongle), but instead of
using a key code, Chromeleon 7 requires the installation of a
matching license file.
The most recent generation of Chromeleon 6 license keys (green
USB dongles) can be used with Chromeleon 7, when a matching
license file is available.
It is possible to upgrade any previous Chromeleon/PeakNet
license key to a new Chromeleon  USB license key in
conjunction with a software upgrade.

2.1.4 License File Compatibility
Chromeleon 7 license files are bound to main versions of
Chromeleon. For example, a license file that was provided with
version 7.1 will support 7.1 SR1, but will not work with version
7.2. For the latter an upgrade must be purchased. The updated
license file will be provided with the upgrade. However, it is still
possible to operate 7.1 SR1 once the license has been upgraded
to 7.2.

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2.2 Supported Chromatography
Instruments & Modules
Chromeleon 7 provides full control of a wide range of Thermo
Scientific instruments. In addition, some third-party instruments
are also supported. For details, refer to the List of Supported
Instruments in the Documents folder of the installation medium.

2.2.1 Firmware Requirements
The List of Supported Instruments (in the Documents folder of
the installation medium) lists the firmware versions
recommended for using various instruments with Chromeleon 7.

2.3 PC Hardware Requirements
The following table shows the minimum and the recommended
PC configuration for a stand-alone installation of Chromeleon 7.
PCs meeting minimum requirements may be sufficient for some
low-demand applications, but will not provide satisfactory
performance in many applications. PCs meeting recommended
requirements should be suitable for general applications.

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Hard Disk


3 GHz Intel ™Core™ 2 Duo

With 1 DAD:

3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

With 2 DAD:

3 GHz Intel Core i7*

With MS:

2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor

With Agilent ICF /
Waters ICS

3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo


3 GHz Dual Core i7* or better

Recommended with
Agilent ICF / Waters
ICS (running one or
two drivers)

3 GHz Quad Core i7* or better


3 GB

With 1 DAD:

3 GB

With 2 DAD:

4 GB*

With MS:

16 GB*

With Agilent ICF/
Waters ICS:

4 GB*


8 GB or more*


60 GB**

With 3D detectors:

120 GB**

DAD with max (200
Hz) rate:

15 MB/min

With GC-MS:

250 GB

With LC-MS:

500 GB

* For taking full advantage of this hardware, a 64-bit Windows version is
** These hard disk requirements are set to enable storage of a substantial
amount of data. The software itself requires approximately 4 GB disk space on
the C drive (twice as much during an update). In addition, a few GB disk space
must always be available on the C drive for sequences cached in the XVault
( Section 9.4.1).

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Chromeleon 7
Optical Drive




1024x768 resolution,
32-bit color

USB Ports


1280x1024, 1440 x 900 or

license device:

1 port

Thermo Scientific

1 or more additional port(s)

Refer to the
Chromeleon 7 Online
Help for further
information with
regard to specific

Caution: Check with Thermo Fisher Scientific to determine
any additional requirements for the instruments you want to
connect. For example, expansion slots for controlling thirdparty instruments via RS-232 or GPIB.
Tip: Contact Thermo Fisher Scientific for details about
requirements for installing Chromeleon in a domain.

2.4 Supported Operating Systems
Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 has been validated for stand-alone use on
the operating systems listed in the following subchapters.
Tip: Chromeleon 7 can also be installed on a server operating
system (Windows Server versions). Contact Thermo Fisher
Scientific for details.
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2.4.1 Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 can be operated on the 64-bit edition of
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise.
Note: The option Turn on fast startup (recommended)
should be disabled in the Windows 10 shutdown settings.
This ensures that the Chromeleon Instrument Controller
Service is stopped correctly on system shutdown and
prevents potential instrument connection issues when the
computer is powered up again.

2.4.2 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 can be operated on the 64-bit edition of
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro. Microsoft Windows 8 is not
Note: An internet connection is required for installing
Chromeleon 7 on a Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro operating

2.4.3 Microsoft Windows 7
Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 can be operated on the 64-bit edition of
Windows 7 Professional SP1.
Use of the 32-bit version is strongly discouraged. An exception is
the MSQ Plus, which can only be run on 32-bit Windows 7
operating systems.

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2.4.4 Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft support for Windows Vista will end soon. As a result,
Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 cannot be installed on Windows Vista.

2.4.5 Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft support for Windows XP has ended. As a result,
Chromeleon versions 7.2 SR1 and later cannot be installed on
Windows XP.

2.4.6 Windows Monthly Rollups and Security-only
For optimum security, it is recommended that you keep your
systems up to date with the latest Windows Monthly Rollups and
Security-only updates. However, there is always a risk that an
update may affect operation of Chromeleon. For example,
database transactions could be interrupted by updating
Microsoft™ SQL Server™ Express, or instrument control could be
interrupted while related system components are being updated.
Note: Thermo Fisher Scientific does not formally validate
Windows Monthly Rollups or Security-only updates.
Installation and testing of Monthly Rollups and Security-only
updates is the responsibility of the respective installation
In the event of a compatibility issue when testing a Windows
Monthly Rollup or Security-only update, contact Thermo
Fisher Scientific for support.
Although we will make reasonable efforts to solve such
problems, we cannot guarantee compatibility with every
Monthly Rollup or Security-only update.

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Install Monthly Rollups and Security-only updates as soon as
practicable in order to keep the window of vulnerability as small
as possible. You should briefly test the Monthly Rollup or
Security-only update in the context of the laboratory’s
installation and operating procedures.
One possible approach to verifying software integrity is as

Install the Monthly Rollup or Security-only update and
Chromeleon on a test PC.


Run a Chromeleon Installation Qualification (IQ) and a
Chromeleon Operational Qualification (OQ) in the
Chromeleon Console via Tools > Station Qualification. More
information on station qualification is provided in the
Chromeleon 7 Online Help under Administrating
Chromeleon > Station Qualification.


Perform further PQ tests according to the routines in your

2.5 Installed Third-Party Software
The sections below are provided for reference only.
If not already present, the required third-party software
components are installed automatically during the setup. The
Chromeleon Installation Qualification (IQ, Section 5.6) reports
the status of many of these components. Should you experience
problems with any of the third-party software components, see
Section 5.8 for troubleshooting hints.

2.5.1 Microsoft .NET Framework
Chromeleon 7 requires and installs Microsoft .NET Framework,
versions 3.5 SP1 and 4.6.2.
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Note: If you install Chromeleon on a PC with Windows 8.1
Pro or later, an internet connection is required. If no internet
connection is available, you have to manually install .NET
3.5 SP1 from the original Windows installation medium.
If the required .NET version is not already present, the necessary
files are installed before the actual Chromeleon 7 installation
starts. After installing .NET, a reboot may be required.
The Chromeleon Installation Qualification (IQ) reports the
installed .NET version(s).
Note: A change in the algorithm of Microsoft .NET
Framework version 4.5 may lead to very small relative
differences between calibration results that were calculated
using .NET 4.5 compared to results obtained using previous
.NET Framework versions. These differences may be seen in
polynoms of the 6th and 7th order and only in very rare

2.5.2 Microsoft SQL Server Express
Chromeleon 7 uses Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express Edition
SP2 (including the Software Development Kit (SDK)) as the
database engine for working with standard (local) data vaults.
If no SQL Server Express is present, SQL Server 2014 Express
Edition SP2 is installed automatically during the Chromeleon
setup, including the necessary server and client components and
the corresponding Software Development Kit (SDK). This takes
place before the actual Chromeleon 7 installation starts.
If an SQL Server version other than 2014 Express SP2 is already
present, the SQL Server will not be updated automatically.
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Chromeleon 7
The Chromeleon Installation Qualification (Section 5.4) reports
the installed SQL Server version. The IQ Report will contain a
warning if a different version than SQL Server 2014 Express SP2
was found.
The installation events are logged in the following location (64bit computer): C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL
Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\.
To understand the details in the log files, refer to the Microsoft
article "How to: View and Read SQL Server Setup Log Files" at
Note: With Chromeleon 7 you can only create standard data
vaults locally on the hard drive of the PC that runs
Chromeleon 7. Standard data vaults can be shared over the
domain, but the connectivity, performance, and capacity are
limited by SQL Server Express.
Tip: To create multi-user data vaults, you need multi-user
optimized databases, namely Oracle™ and the multi-user
(non-Express) edition of MS SQL Server. Contact Thermo
Fisher Scientific for details.

2.5.3 WibuKey Software
Chromeleon 7 uses the WibuKey software as part of the software
licensing infrastructure.
The necessary files are automatically installed during the
installation process.
After the Chromeleon installation is complete, the Chromeleon
IQ checks whether the WibuKey Software is properly installed. If
not, an error is issued.

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Chromeleon 7
If you experience problems with licensing, you may try to
reinstall the WibuKey software from the Chromeleon 7
installation medium by running \Packages\WibuKey
The installation log file for the WibuKey software setup can be
found here (64-bit computer): C:\Program Files

2.6 Required Third-Party Software
2.6.1 Adobe Reader
A PDF viewer such as the Adobe Reader is required for displaying
PDF content, for instance in the ePanel.
Tip: You can download the latest Adobe Reader version here:

2.7 Additional Software
2.7.1 NIST Mass Spectral Search Program
The NIST Mass Spectral Search Program is not included in the
Chromeleon Setup.
If required, e.g. for the MS Library search, you can manually
install a demo version of the program from the installation
medium (Tools folder).

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3 Configure Windows for Chromeleon 7
This chapter describes how to prepare Windows for correct
operation of Chromeleon 7.
Caution: If you change the name or network path of the
computer after installing Chromeleon 7, data vaults will
become inaccessible. It is therefore recommended that you
define the computer name and path before you install
Chromeleon 7. If you need to change the computer name
after the installation of Chromeleon, contact Thermo Fisher
Scientific for support.

3.1 Ensure that Windows Is Up To Date
Before installing Chromeleon 7, make sure that Windows is
updated as described in Section 2.4.6. Wait until all updates have
successfully installed before installing Chromeleon 7.

3.1.1 Non-Internet Connected Computers
An internet connection is required for automatic Windows
updates and patches.

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3.2 Firewall Settings
This section describes firewall settings used by Chromeleon.
Tip: The setup will attempt to configure the built-in Windows
firewall. For this, the Windows Firewall Service must be
running. If you need to turn off the Windows Firewall for
some reason, use the Windows Firewall Control Panel
program for that (Control Panel\System and
Security\Windows Firewall), but leave the Windows Firewall
Service running.
Chromeleon uses the Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service for
communication between Chromeleon software components. The
Chromeleon setup therefore starts this service and changes the
Startup type to Automatic.
Most Chromeleon software components use the TCP Port 1325
(which is registered with IANA for use by Thermo Fisher
Scientific, see Port 1325 is added to the Exceptions list as
Chromeleon 7 Services.
On all supported Windows operating systems the configuration
enables the following:

Incoming local port 1325


Outbound remote port 1325

This is relevant for both public and domain profiles (specify this
under the Advanced settings of the Windows Firewall).
The following software components are also added to the
Exceptions list:
Chromeleon components
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Chromeleon 7 Real Time Kernel (CmDriver.exe)


Chromeleon 7 Device Driver Host (CmDDKHost.exe)

SQL Server components

SQL Database Service (sqlservr.exe)


SQL Browser (sqlbrowser.exe)

Other components

Accela PDA Manager (PDAManager.exe)

When ISQ Control is specified:
ISQ (ISQ.InstControlServer.exe)

ISQ Dashboard (ISQ.Dashboard.exe)


ISQ Instrument Control App

When TSQ-8000 Control is specified:
TSQ (TSQ.InstControlServer.exe)

TSQ Dashboard (TSQ.Dashboard.exe)


TSQ Instrument Control App
Note: Chromeleon setup cannot configure third-party
firewalls. These have to be configured manually.
Third-party firewalls may cause problems during the
installation process. Make sure that third-party firewalls are
turned off before you install Chromeleon.

Depending on the instruments configured, there could be
additional firewall exceptions and rules required. Full details are
available in the Chromeleon 7 Online Help.
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3.3 Disable Power Management
This section describes settings that should only be made on
Chromeleon stations that are directly connected to instruments.
Note: It is not recommended to disable power management
on Chromeleon client stations to which no instrument is

3.3.1 Disable Windows Power Management
If a computer goes into Standby or Hibernate mode while the
Chromeleon 7 Instrument Controller is running, the USB
subsystem will become unavailable. As a result, USB-dependent
devices (instruments and the license key) will stop functioning
and operation is interrupted.
To disable Windows power management:

From the Control Panel open the Power Options.


Select High Performance.


Click Change plan settings.


Set every drop-down list to Never.


Click Save Changes.

3.3.2 Disable USB Power Management
To avoid problems during instrument control, USB specific power
saving options must be turned off as well.
To disable USB power management:

From the Control Panel open Hardware and Sound.


Click Device Manager.

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Expand Universal Serial Bus Controllers.
Tip: On some systems, Universal Serial Bus Controllers may
be called USB Controller.


Right-click the USB Root Hub or Generic USB Hub (multiple
instances of each are possible) for which you want to change
the power savings options, and click Properties.


On the USB Root Hub (or Generic USB Hub) Properties
dialog box, click the Power Management tab.


Clear the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save
power option.


Repeat steps 4 to 6 above for all remaining USB instances.
Note: For instruments controlled by LAN, power
management of the LAN card that controls the instrument
must be disabled. This is achieved by performing steps
similar to those described above.

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3.4 Third-Party Software Interference
Certain software, such as virus scanners and support assistance
tools, can be scheduled to perform tasks when the computer is
idle or has a low-level of CPU activity. This type of software can
interfere with data collection. It is recommended that programs
that can be scheduled in this way are either switched off or set to
run manually when the computer is not collecting data.
Tip: It is useful to know if any Chromeleon queues are
running when you install, update, or uninstall any Microsoft
products or other third-party software. You can use the
Chromeleon Activity Check to find out whether Chromeleon
related systems are active. See Section 5.2 for further

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4 Compatibility with Previous
Chromeleon and PeakNet Versions
4.1 Software Compatibility – Chromeleon 7
and 6
Chromeleon 7 can co-exist with Chromeleon 6 (or PeakNet™ 6)
on the same computer. Chromeleon 7 is installed in a different
folder and does not affect the Chromeleon 6 installation. You can
use the Chromeleon 6 and 7 clients at the same time.
However, you cannot control instruments using the two software
versions at the same time.
Caution: You cannot control an instrument using the
Chromeleon 6 server and the Chromeleon 7 instrument
controller at the same time. When running Chromeleon 6
and 7 on the same computer, an instrument allocated to the
Chromeleon 6 server is not available to the Chromeleon 7
instrument controller (and vice versa).
To avoid conflicts between the Chromeleon 7 Instrument
Controller and the Chromeleon 6 server, do not enable the
options to start these services automatically.

4.2 Software Compatibility – Chromeleon
7.2 and 7.1
Parallel installation of different Chromeleon 7 versions (or service
releases) on the same PC is not supported. When
Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 is installed on a PC where an earlier version
of Chromeleon 7 is present, the earlier version will be upgraded.
For more details refer to Section 5.3.
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4.3 Data Compatibility – Chromeleon 7 and
Chromeleon 7 provides access to Chromeleon 6 data and
maintains backward compatibility as much as possible.
Chromeleon 7 has been designed with focus on future
development. In rare scenarios this may result in minor
deviations when looking at legacy data in Chromeleon 7.
With Chromeleon 7, you can connect to datasources created
with previous Chromeleon 6/PeakNet 6 versions. You can view
the data, do temporary modifications and see the effect on the
However, you cannot save the changes inside a Chromeleon 6
datasource. To permanently modify data originating from
Chromeleon 6, you must first copy the data from the
Chromeleon 6 datasource to a Chromeleon 7 data vault.
Note: (Oracle datasources only) To access Chromeleon 6
data on a computer that does not have Chromeleon 6
installed, first install the Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle
that is part of the MDAC package. This is the only validated
ODBC driver for the connection to Oracle databases (the
Oracle-provided driver for ODBC will not work with
You cannot connect to a Chromeleon 7 data vault from older
Chromeleon/PeakNet versions.
It is not possible to import Chromeleon 6 panels to Chromeleon
7, nor the other way around.

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4.4 Data Compatibility – Chromeleon 7.2
and 7.1 SR2
Chromeleon 7.2 introduces features that require an update for
the database schema of 7.1 data vaults. It adds support such as
for MS instrument control, data visualization and processing,
import/export options, and Intelligent Run Control functionality.
This update may prevent backward compatibility of data created
with the Chromeleon 7.2 Client software.

4.5 Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 and 7.2
4.5.1 Changed Default Installation Folder
Starting with Chromeleon 7.2 SR1, the default installation path
has changed.
By default, Chromeleon 7 is installed under the company name
Thermo in the following location:

C:\Program Files\Thermo\Chromeleon (32-bit systems)


C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo\Chromeleon (64-bit

4.5.2 SDK and DDK Add-Ins
If your Chromeleon installation (< Chromeleon 7.2 SR1) includes
SDK and/or DDK add-ins that are installed using a third-party
setup, the existing SDK and DDK add-ins will not be moved to the
new Thermo installation location.
To make the DDK and SDK add-ins available in 7.2 SR1 and later,
the following steps are required:

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Uninstall the DDK and SDK drivers before you upgrade to
Chromeleon 7.2 SR1 and later.


Upgrade Chromeleon.


Re-install the DDK and SDK drivers again.

Alternatively, you can change the Chromeleon installation folder
to Program Files (x86)\Dionex\Chromeleon (Section 5.3 Install
Chromeleon 7).

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5 Install the Software
5.1 Do you have Chromeleon 6?
If you do not have Chromeleon 6, start installing Chromeleon 7.
Follow the steps starting in Section 5.3
If you have Chromeleon 6, read Chapter 4 about compatibility,
and decide whether you want to install Chromeleon on the same
PC where Chromeleon 6 is running, or on a different one:

To use Chromeleon 7 on the same PC where
Chromeleon 6 is running, follow Section 5.3.


To install Chromeleon 7 on a different PC with access to
your Chromeleon 6 data, follow Section 5.3. Read
Section 9.4.4 about mounting Chromeleon 6

5.2 Chromeleon Activity Check
When you install, update, or uninstall Chromeleon or any other
software, it is useful to know whether any of the following
Chromeleon actions are active:

Running queue(s)


Running Smart Startup/Smart Shutdown


Baseline monitoring

The Chromeleon Activity Check is a stand-alone command-line
program that checks if Chromeleon related systems are ready.
You will find the program (ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe) on the
installation medium in the Tools > Chromeleon Activity Check
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Note: The Activity Check program requires Microsoft .NET
4.0 or higher. However, it does not require a Chromeleon
license or a Chromeleon system login.
To start the activity check:

On your installation medium, go to
Tools > Chromeleon Activity Check.


Copy the ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe file to a location of
your choice.


Open the Windows Command Prompt.


Navigate to the location of the
ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe file and run the program.


The following exit codes can be returned:

0: indicates that all Chromeleon actions are inactive


1: indicates active Chromeleon actions

You can use the wait command w to specify a wait time
(minutes) for the Chromeleon actions to become inactive. The
program will check for active actions until the wait time has
elapsed. The program will exit as soon as the actions have
become inactive or after the wait time has elapsed.
Example 1:
ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe /wait:5

The program will check the system status for active actions every
5 seconds over a wait time of 5 minutes.
Example 2:
ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe /wait:-1

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The program will check the system status for active actions every
5 seconds infinitely until the system becomes inactive.

5.3 Install Chromeleon 7 – Main and Service
Follow the subsequent steps to install Chromeleon 7.2 SR5. The
steps are similar for new installations and for upgrading existing
Chromeleon 7 installations. However, there are preliminary
considerations to take into account before upgrading an existing
Chromeleon 7 installation (Section 5.3.2)

5.3.1 Installation Requirements
Make sure the following requirements are fulfilled:

The built-in Windows Firewall Service must be running. If
you need to turn off the Windows Firewall for some reason,
use the Windows Firewall Control Panel program (Control
Panel\System and Security\Windows Firewall), but leave
the Windows Firewall Service running.


Ensure that the person performing the installation has local
administrator privileges in Windows. Reboot the computer if
you are asked to do so. After the reboot, the administrator
who started the setup must log in again so that the
installation process can be completed correctly.


Ensure that third-party firewalls are turned off.
Caution: Make sure that there is enough free drive space on
your PC. Otherwise, the installation will fail (Section 2.3 PC
Hardware Requirements).

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Setup time varies depending on the presence of third-party
components. For example, installing .NET Framework libraries
may take a considerable amount of time.

5.3.2 Upgrade Chromeleon 7
It is not required to uninstall previous versions of
Chromeleon/PeakNet 6 before installing Chromeleon 7.
The Chromeleon Setup checks current activities, for example,
running queues. If a queue is running, Chromeleon will report a
warning. You can select one of the following actions:

Ignore – Select this option if you want to ignore the warning
and continue the installation. The Instrument Controller will
be stopped and the queue will be aborted.


Retry – Select this option if you want to wait for the
queue(s) to finish and retry the installation of
Chromeleon 7.2 SR5. The state of the queues will be checked
again during the new installation attempt.


Cancel – Select this option to cancel the installation.

5.3.3 Install Chromeleon
Note: Do not connect new instruments/modules via USB to
your PC until the Chromeleon software installation has
finished and the Chromeleon Installation Qualification (IQ)
has completed and passed.

Check Chapters 2 and 3 of this document and verify that all
requirements are met.


It is best to close all applications before starting the setup to
ensure that it can update relevant system files.

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Note: Certain IT tools and anti-virus software may lock
system files and therefore require rebooting after the setup.
The installation of some of the third-party components (such
as .NET Framework) usually requires a reboot.

Start the installation: Insert the installation medium into
your PC. The AutoPlay window opens automatically. The
AutoPlay window offers links for exploring the installation
medium and for launching the setup program:

Figure 1: Chromeleon AutoPlay window


Click Run Setup.exe to start the installation procedure. If the
Microsoft .NET Framework is not yet present, the necessary
files are installed before the actual Chromeleon 7 installation
starts. After installation of the .NET software, a reboot may
be required.

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If the .NET 4.6.2 software is already present on the
computer, the Chromeleon setup window appears:

Figure 2: Chromeleon setup window

Before you can launch the installation, you must read and accept
the Chromeleon license terms and conditions. By accepting the
license terms and conditions, the Install and Advanced options
buttons will be enabled (Figure 2):

Install: Launches the Chromeleon default installation that
includes all software components that are needed to control
most of the Thermo Scientific instruments, to view Thermo
Scientific mass spectrometry instrument methods, and to
control a large number of third-party instruments.


Advanced options: Allows you to change the installation
path. This option is only available for a pristine installation of
Chromeleon. It is not available if you upgrade Chromeleon

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from 7.2 SR1 or later. By default, Chromeleon is installed in
the following location:

C:\Program Files\Thermo\Chromeleon (32-bit systems)


C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo\Chromeleon (64-bit

Note: The location of any other third-party software
package, for example, Microsoft SQL Server, cannot be
The Advanced options button also allows installation of the
following optional software components:

Agilent Instrument Control Framework


Agilent Chromeleon Drivers


Waters Driver Pack 4


Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry drivers
Note: The software components for Agilent (Agilent
Instrument Control Framework and Agilent Chromeleon
Drivers) can be installed together.

Select the check box(es) of the required software component(s)
and click Install to start the installation.
Tip: When you click Install, a User Account Control (UAC)
message is displayed. If you do not acknowledge it, the
message will time-out after 2 minutes and you will be asked
whether you want to cancel the setup. Click No to proceed
with the installation. To avoid this, do not leave the
installation unattended until the UAC prompt was displayed.

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Figure 3: Advanced installation options

Tip: You can install the optional software components any
time later (Section 5.5 Install Optional Software
Components). Detailed information about installing the
Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry drivers is provided in
the MS Software Installation Guide that is available on the
Chromeleon installation medium.

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The setup program is executed that installs the different
software packages. Follow the on-screen instructions as they
appear. The setup starts with installing the required thirdparty software components (Section 2.5), if they are not
already present.
Note: The installation of SQL Server Express and .NET
libraries can take 5-20 minutes. The installation of
Chromeleon files usually takes less than 5 minutes.

Note that the installation of the USB instrument drivers package
might trigger a Windows Security message depending on your
operating system:

Figure 4: USB driver installation

To install the Chromeleon USB Driver package, select Always
trust software from “Thermo Fisher Scientific” and click Install
to continue.

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Caution: (Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 and
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP2 only) The USB instrument
driver package requires the Windows Update KB3033929. If
the Update is not installed, the connection of all USB
modules might be interrupted. It is possible to install the
update after installing Chromeleon. The USB modules that
failed to connect will function after the update.
After installation of the software components, the license setup
window appears:

Figure 5: License setup window

Do one of the following:

If a new blue dongle is available and the license file is still
stored on the dongle:

Insert the dongle into a USB port of the computer.

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Wait until the setup confirms that it found both the
dongle and the file and transferred the file to the


Save a backup copy of the license file by following the
Save license file link in the dialog.


Click Continue.

If a dongle and a license file are both available, but the
license file is stored on other media:

Select the Dongle option.


Insert the dongle into a USB port of the computer


Wait until the setup confirms that it found the dongle.


Install the license file by following the corresponding
link in the dialog.


Save the original medium with the dongle as a safety


Click Continue.

If either the dongle or the license file is missing, or if the
previous procedures failed (for example, due to a mismatch
between the dongle and the file):

Click Skip.


You will have to provide a license after the setup has
finished, as described in Section 5.7.

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Tip: The Chromeleon Domain Controller option is for
domain installations. Contact Thermo Fisher Scientific to
learn more about the advantages a networked Chromeleon
installation may provide to your laboratory.

An Installation Qualification Report will be created
(Section 5.6). To open the report, click the Installation
Qualification Report link provided in the setup dialog
(Figure 6).

Figure 6: Chromeleon installation complete

You can also install Chromeleon using a command line for
remote installation (Chapter 8 Command-Line Installation).

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5.4 Install Chromeleon 7 – Maintenance
In order to install a Chromeleon maintenance update, an
installed Chromeleon main or service release is required. The
maintenance update can only be installed over the respective
main or service release it is based on.
If not yet present, install the Chromeleon main or service release
according to 5.3 Install Chromeleon 7 – Main and Service Release.
To install the maintenance update:

Insert the maintenance update installation medium into your
PC. The AutoPlay window opens.


Click RunSetup.exe to start the installation procedure.


Read and accept the Chromeleon license terms and


Click Install to start the installation. The setup program is
executed. Follow the on-screen instructions.

5.5 Install Optional Software Components
5.5.1 Software Packages Included in the Chromeleon
The software components described as follows are part of the
Chromeleon setup package and can be installed at the user’s
option to enable control of the corresponding instruments.
The mass spectrometry drivers are required for controlling the
Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry instruments.
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Tip: The MS Software Installation Guide provides detailed
instructions about installing the individual MS instrument
drivers. The document also includes a list of the MS
instruments that are currently supported by Chromeleon.
The MS Software Installation Guide is provided on the
Chromeleon installation medium.
This software is required for controlling Agilent™ liquid and gas
chromatographs from Chromeleon.
The Packages folder provided on the Chromeleon installation
medium contains a ReadMe file with instructions for manual
installation. The Chromeleon and Agilent ICF - Quick Start Guide
in the Documents folder provides further information. It contains
basic information on how to configure the systems and how to
get started.
Note: The Agilent LC driver replaces the Agilent 1100 and
1200 drivers that are obsolete and will no longer be
maintained. The Agilent GC driver currently only supports
the Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler.
This software is required for controlling Waters™ Acquity UPLC™
system modules. For further information, the following
references are available:

Driver Pack 4 Installation and Configuration Guide: Guide
provided by Waters with information about installation and
configuration of the Waters Driver Pack. The guide is

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available on the Chromeleon installation medium
(Packages\Waters Driver Pack\Driver Pack).

Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager Help: The
topic Installing Third-Party Modules – Waters Acquity UPLC
System contains instructions for installing the driver in


List of Supported Instruments: The List of Supported
Instruments provides details about which Waters modules
can be controlled by Chromeleon and which of them
requires the installation of the Acquity driver. The List of
Supported Instruments is provided in the Documents folder
of the Chromeleon installation medium.


Insert the Chromeleon installation medium into the PC.


Click Run Setup.exe to start installing the software
(Section 5.3, steps 1 to 3).


When the Chromeleon setup window appears:

Click the Advanced options button:

Figure 7: Advanced options button (Chromeleon setup window)

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Figure 8: Optional software packages (Chromeleon setup window)

Note: When you upgrade Chromeleon from version 7.2 SR1
or later, some of the advanced options may be disabled. To
install or remove an optional package, install Chromeleon
with the original settings first. Then run a Modify installation.

Select the respective check box of the package that you want
to install. Note that although multiple driver packages can be
selected, only one mass spectrometry driver is allowed per
computer. In addition, the MS driver must be installed on
the PC that is connected to the MS instrument.

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Note: Depending on the Chromeleon software version not all
of the MS drivers might be included in the Chromeleon setup
program. You may have to install some of the drivers
manually. Refer to the MS Software Installation Guide, which
provides detailed instructions about installing the individual
MS instrument drivers.

Click Install to start installation of the selected software
package(s). The installation procedure will then continue as
described in Section 5.3 Install Chromeleon 7.

5.5.2 Software Packages requiring Separate
For Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 the following MS drivers are provided as
separate installation package:

MSQ Plus™ mass spectrometer

Please refer to the Chromeleon MS Software Installation Guide
and the Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager Help for
detailed installation instructions.
Some of the Chromeleon drivers require the installation of a USB
virtual COM port. The driver software is provided as a separate
installation package.
The USB Virtual COM Port folder provided in the Drivers folder
of the Chromeleon installation medium contains the tested
driver version. The USB Virtual COM Port folder also contains a
ReadMe file with installation instructions.

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5.6 Installation Qualification
At the end of the installation process, Chromeleon automatically
runs an Installation Qualification (IQ), and creates a report. You
can view the report by clicking the Installation Qualification
report link on the last page of the setup.

Figure 9: Last page of installation wizard

Tip: To read the report later, click Start > All Programs >
Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Station IQ > Current IQ report. The
report opens in your default web browser.
The IQ compares current information about the installed files
against a reference list supplied by Thermo Fisher Scientific. If
there are any differences, a Warning, or an Error message
appears to indicate the following:

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Warning: A warning can indicate an obvious problem that
can be easily corrected; for example, by providing a valid
license file, installing more RAM in the PC, or starting
Windows services. A warning can also indicate that a file
does not have the expected time stamp or version. Usually,
no action is required for minor file discrepancies. If a
problem occurs nevertheless, try to repair the installation as
described in Section 5.8.2. If the problem persists, follow the
steps described in Section 5.8 to troubleshoot the


Error: A vital component is missing or corrupt. Try to repair
the installation (Section 5.8.2). If this does not help, follow
the steps provided in Section 5.8 for troubleshooting.
Note: After the initial installation of Chromeleon 7, the IQ
report may contain a warning about a missing license, as it
will if you clicked Skip in the license setup dialog during the
software installation. Follow the steps in Section 5.7 to
provide a valid license.
Tip: You can run the IQ at any time to check if your
installation is intact. To start the IQ, click Start > All
Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Station IQ > Station IQ.
For more information, press F1 in the Chromeleon IQ
Tip: All IQ Reports (and also the installation log files) can be
easily accessed by clicking Start > All Programs > Thermo
Chromeleon 7 > Station IQ > All IQ Reports. The physical
location of the files is a (normally hidden) directory. The
location depends on the operating system:

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5.7 Activate/Update a License
The license is normally activated during the software installation
process (Section 5.3). This section describes how to do the

Activate a license when the license setup step was skipped
during the software installation


Update the license for an existing installation (for example
after purchasing new licensed features for an existing

The processes are similar, but there is a difference depending on
where the license file is located:

If a new light blue dongle containing the license file is used,
follow Section 5.7.1.


If a license file is available on separate media, follow
Section 5.7.2.

5.7.1 Use a New Chromeleon 7.2 Dongle that
Contains a License File
Follow the steps below to activate or update a Chromeleon 7
station using a light blue dongle that has never been used before
and thus still contains the corresponding license file.

Make sure that Chromeleon 7 is already installed.


Connect the dongle to a USB port of the PC where the
license will be used. The Windows Found New Hardware
wizard may start at this point and install the necessary

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After a few seconds, the license file is automatically moved
(without a warning) to the computer, to the appropriate


To check the installed licenses, start the Administration
Console: Start > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Administration
Console. Select License Overview, Figure 10. The Total
column should display the appropriate number of licensed
options, Figure 10.

Figure 10: The License Overview of the Administration Console shows
the available licenses in the Total column


Back up your license file and store it in a safe location. You
may need it in the future, for example if you want to move
the license to another computer, or if you want to restore
your Chromeleon station after a hard disk failure.
Section 2.1.2 describes the location where you can find the
license file that was moved from the dongle to the

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5.7.2 Use an Empty Dongle and a Separate License
Follow the steps below to do the one of the following:

Activate a Chromeleon 7 station using a Chromeleon 6
(green) dongle


Activate a Chromeleon 7 station using a Chromeleon 7 (light
blue) dongle that has been used before


Modify licensing for a Chromeleon 7 station, for example
when a new license file has been received after an upgrade,
or when moving a license to another computer
Note: Make sure you have the license file that you want to
use. The serial number of the license file must match the
serial number of the dongle.


Connect the dongle to a USB port of the PC (Chromeleon 7
must be installed first).The Windows Found New Hardware
wizard may start at this point and install the necessary


Open the Administration Console: Click Start > Thermo
Chromeleon 7 > Administration Console, and select License
Manager, Figure 11.


Click the Update License File link (Figure 11) and browse to
the license file you want to use. Select the file and click
Open. The license file is copied to its desired location
(Section 2.1.2).

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Figure 11: License details


To check the installed licenses, select License Overview
(Figure 10). The Total column should display the appropriate
number of licensed options (Figure 10).


Store your license file in a safe location. You may need it in
the future, for example if you want to move the license to
another computer, or if you want to restore your
Chromeleon station after a hard disk failure.

5.8 Troubleshoot Software Installation
The setup process itself checks for various conditions and
provides useful hints/warnings for preventing installation issues.
Therefore always observe the instructions during setup. For
example, the setup checks the following:

Does the user who started the setup have local
administrator privileges?


Are the operating system requirements fulfilled?

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Make sure that all requirements and Windows configuration
steps described in Chapters 2 and 3 are fulfilled/performed.
To identify installation issues, check the IQ Report (Section 5.6)
for Errors and Warnings. If you find errors, try to repair the
installation as described in Section 5.8.2.
Tip: Remember, that you can re-run the IQ at any time.
If you face installation problems, send the installation log files to
Thermo Fisher Scientific for support:

Setup logs are located in:


Chromeleon logs are located in:


Installation Qualification reports are located in:

Alternatively, you may access the IQ reports via the Start menu:
Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Station IQ > All
IQ Reports
Large log files (> 25 MB) can be compressed (zipped).
You may also use the System Status Report (SSR) to troubleshoot
installation problems. The SSR can also be accessed via the Start
Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > System Status

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Note: If you attempt to reinstall, modify or repair
Chromeleon, this action may fail. A sub-folder in the
%temp% folder of the first installation may not have been
removed and therefore interrupt the reinstallation,
modification or repair. To solve this problem do the
1. Reboot your computer.
2. Delete the remaining folders in the %temp%.
3. Restart the Chromeleon setup.

5.8.1 Installation on a PC with Identical Computer
Name and User Name
Caution: The Chromeleon installation will fail on a PC where
the name of the computer and the logged-in user are
The reason is a limitation in SQL Server Express, which cannot
install if computer name and default user name are the same.
Before the installation, make sure that the computer name and
the name of the logged-in user are different.
If you accidently tried to install before changing the computer
name, the setup will be cancelled. Change the PC name to
something other than the logged in user name. Restart the
Chromeleon setup process.

5.8.2 Repair an Installation
Follow the instructions below to repair a Chromeleon 7
Note: You will need access to the Chromeleon installation
medium to repair an installation.
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Insert the Chromeleon installation medium into the PC.


Click Run Setup.exe. This starts the Chromeleon setup in
Maintenance mode.

Figure 12: Maintenance mode


Click Repair to run a repair installation.


Follow the on-screen instructions to repair the installation.
Note: It is not possible to repair the following Thermo
Scientific MS instrument drivers: ISQ Series, Exactive Series,
TSQ Series and MSQ Plus.
Note: It is not possible to repair a Thermo Foundation
software component.

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6 Post Installation Configuration
The Post Installation Configuration is automatically executed at
the end of the Chromeleon setup. Thus it is separated from the
core installation of Chromeleon. In case of errors in the
Chromeleon configuration, fix the problem and re-run the post
installation program.
The Post Installation Configuration includes several configuration
tasks, such as:

Configuring the license


Connecting to a Chromeleon domain


Installing standard local data vaults


Updating local data vaults to the current database schema

You can also execute it as a standalone application
(PostInstallation.exe) after the Chromeleon installation:

Navigate to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo\Chromeleon\bin


Click PostInstallation.exe to execute the Post Installation
Configuration application.

If you want to enable or disable tasks run by the Post Installation
Configuration, you must use command-line options. Refer to
Chapter 8 for further information.

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7 Install Thermo Scientific Instruments
This chapter describes how to install chromatography
instruments that are connected via USB to the PC.
Chromeleon can control chromatography instruments from other
manufacturers. (The List of Supported Instruments in the
Documents folder of the installation medium provides an
overview). Setup and requirements differ for each module. The
Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager Help provides
information about the supported modules and how to install
Caution: Do not connect new instruments/modules via USB
to your PC until the Chromeleon software installation has
finished and the Chromeleon Installation Qualification (IQ)
has completed and passed.
To set up a system connected via USB do the following:

Connect all modules to each other and to the PC according
to the Operating Instructions of the modules and according
to Section 7.1.


Load the USB drivers for the module(s) according to
Section 7.2.


Add your chromatography instrument(s) to the system
configuration using the Instrument Configuration Manager
according to Section 9.2.

7.1 Connect Modules via USB
Most Thermo Scientific instruments are connected to the PC or
to each other via USB. Some of them (such as detectors that
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acquire data at high rates) require USB 2.0 connections. Others
can be connected to USB 1.1 connections as well.
Some Thermo Scientific instruments have a built-in USB hub. The
hub may be USB 2.0 or 1.1; it may be powered or unpowered.
The following guidelines must be observed when connecting
modules via USB:

Modules with USB 2.0 connection must be connected
directly to the PC (recommended for detectors) or to
another module with a USB 2.0 hub.


Modules with USB 1.1 connection can be connected directly
to the PC or to another module with any kind of USB hub.


A powered hub continues to function when the module is
switched off, maintaining communications for devices
connected to the hub.


An unpowered hub only maintains connections while the
device is switched on.

The List of Supported Instruments (see Documents folder of the
installation medium) specifies what kind of USB connection an
instrument requires (and provides, if it has a hub).

7.2 Load the USB Driver for a Module

Turn on the computer first, but not the module.


Under the Windows operating system, log on using an
account with local administrator privileges.


Turn on the module using the main power switch.


Windows automatically detects the new module and
performs the USB installation.

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Installation Guide

Chromeleon 7

7.3 Troubleshoot USB Issues

Remedial Action

Windows fails to detect the
module and launches a
wizard instead

This indicates that you connected
the module to the computer and
turned on the power for the first
time before you installed
Chromeleon. To resolve the
problem do the following:

Chromeleon audit trails
include error messages that
indicate interruption of USB
communications, such as:
"Error receiving status:
Error reading from  @ USB 
. The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. The license is invalid." Installation Guide 1. Click Cancel to exit the wizard. 2. Turn off the module and unplug the USB cable from the computer. 3. Install Chromeleon. 4. Reconnect the USB cable to the computer and turn on the power to the module. Windows will now detect the module and install the USB software for the module automatically. This indicates that the Instrument Controller PC entered Standby or Hibernate mode while Chromeleon was operating instruments / collected data. Follow Sections 3.3.1and 3.3.2 to disable (USB) power management. Page 61 Chromeleon 7 Problem Remedial Action Windows Application and System Event Logs may include error messages related to one or several of the following:  Chromeleon  The disk I/O system  W32time  Other functions Page 62 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 8 Command-Line Installation/Setup This chapter describes how to do the following:  Use command-line options (“switches”) and properties to modify/override the tasks related to the installation and the system configuration phases of the installation process  8.2  Automate the installation process using a so-called response file  8.3. Caution: The procedures described in this chapter should be performed by qualified administrators only. Perform tasks at your own risk. 8.1 Introduction to the Setup Process The Chromeleon setup process consists of three phases:  Installation  System Configuration  Installation Qualification (IQ) Aspects of these can be configured using command-line switches. Installation Guide Page 63 Chromeleon 7 8.2 Command Line Switches and Properties The setup program (Setup.exe) accepts command-line options and properties. These can be used by system administrators to trigger an unattended installation and to fine-tune the installation and the configuration process. 8.2.1 Restrictions: Unattended Installation of the Chromeleon USB Driver Package Note: The restrictions described below are only applicable for IPCs. They are also only relevant for customers who use Thermo Fisher USB drivers for IC, LC, A2D and TRACE1110 equipment. Do not use unattended (silent) mode if you are installing Chromeleon 7 for the first time on a new Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2008 computer. Doing so will prevent the Chromeleon USB Driver package from being installed. To install the Chromeleon USB Driver package, you must confirm the Windows Security prompt by selecting Always trust software from “Thermo Fisher Scientific” and clicking Install as shown in Figure 4. This prompt is only issued during routine installation of Chromeleon 7 using the Chromeleon setup kit. Note: The Chromeleon USB Driver package can be installed in unattended mode on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2008 in the following cases:  You are upgrading an existing installation of Chromeleon where the Windows security prompt for the Chromeleon USB Driver package was previously confirmed as described above. Page 64 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7  You are using image deployment to install Chromeleon, and installation of the Chromeleon USB Driver package was confirmed on the reference computer before the image file was created. 8.2.2 Properties Properties are defined via the command line using the following syntax: PROPERTY=PropertyValue The following properties are available: Property InstallFolder Description Specifies the installation folder. The default installation folder (64-bit computers) is C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo\Chromeleon\. LogFilesBacku pDir Specifies the backup location of the setup log files. The default location is C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\SetupLogs Note: Using a different location will prevent the System Status Report tool from including the setup log files for troubleshooting. SuppressTeamV iewerInstalla tion WaitTimeMinut esForSequence QueuesIdle Installation Guide Prevents installation of the TeamViewer client application. To actually suppress the installation set the value to something else than 0. The Chromeleon Setup will abort the installation if an active sequence queue is detected. Use this property to specify a wait time (minutes) for the sequence queue(s) to become idle. Page 65 Chromeleon 7 Property Description Chromeleon will check for active queues every minute until the wait time has elapsed:  If there are still active queues, the installation will be aborted.  If no active queues can be detected, the installation will be continued. Note: Property names are case sensitive. 8.2.3 Command-Line Switches In addition to properties, the setup program (Setup.exe) also accepts numerous “switches”. The following options are available: Option /?, /HELP , /package, /update /repair /uninstall /q, /s, /quiet, /silent /promptrestart Description Shows a summary of the information below. Installs or configures the product using the default settings. Repairs the product (or installs if not installed). Uninstalls the product. Installs or configures the product in quiet mode without user interaction. Prompts the user for restart if necessary (default, recommended). When used with the /q or /s Page 66 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 Option Description switch, the prompt will be suppressed and the computer will be restarted automatically when needed. /forcerestart /norestart /ib, /ignoreblockers Always restarts the computer after installation. Does not restart after the installation is complete. NOT RECOMMENDED! Ignores all blockers and forces setup to continue. NOT RECOMMENDED! Blockers are circumstances that the setup considers critical and would therefore stop. /l , /log /c:, /config: /sc, /skipconfig /sq, /skipiq /lc, /listcomponents /rf:, Installation Guide Logs the installation events to the specified file/location (default location is the %TEMP% folder.) Determines the system configuration tasks.  8.2.4 Skips the System Configuration phase.  8.2.4 Skips the Installation Qualification phase. Lists all selectable components. The installation of these components can be enforced or suppressed using a response file.  8.3 Specifies the response file to be Page 67 Chromeleon 7 Option Description /responsefile: used.  8.3 8.2.4 System Configuration Tasks/Parameters In the System Configuration phase (Post Installation Configuration, see Chapter 6) the installation process performs several tasks. These tasks can be suppressed using the /config: setup option. For most arguments use True or False to enable or disable it. By default these tasks will be executed (True). The tables below list the system configuration tasks to be used as arguments with the /config: option. All system configuration steps can also be defined in a response file,  8.3.2. DATA VAULT RELATED TASKS Argument Task CreateChromeleonLocal Enables or disables the creation of the Chromeleon Local data vault. CreateXVault Enables or disables the creation of the standard XVault. DataVaultsConfiguration Group Argument: Enables or disables all data vault related tasks:  Page 68 Create Chromeleon local data vault Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 Argument Task  Create XVault  Update data vaults  Update local data vault security UpdateDataVaults Enables or disables updating the database schema of existing local data vaults. UpdateDataVaultSecurity Runs a security update for local data vaults. DISCOVERY RELATED TASKS Argument Task DiscoveryUpdatePollingIn terval Specifies the update polling interval in seconds. Values must be between 1-600 seconds. Domain Specifies the Chromeleon domain to join. (that is, this specifies the host name of the Chromeleon Domain Controller) InheritCurrentDomainSett ings Can be used together with the Domain switch. Uses the settings of the current Chromeleon Domain Controller for the new Domain Controller. OrgUnit Specifies the organizational unit of the Chromeleon client. This operation fails if a non-existing organizational unit is specified. Installation Guide Page 69 Chromeleon 7 Argument Task PollForDiscoveryUpdates Specifies whether the Chromeleon client should poll for Chromeleon Domain Controller updates. ReceiveDiscoveryPushNoti fications Specifies whether the Chromeleon client should receive push notifications form the Chromeleon Domain Controller. RequireEnhancedConnectio nSecurity With Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 new certificates for the communication between different Chromeleon Services and Chromeleon client applications have been introduced in order to enhance transport security. If you install Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 on your server computers, but keep older Chromeleon versions (<7.2 SR5) on client computers, it is required to run the outdated certificates in parallel to ensure compatibility. Note that this poses a security risk. RequireEnhancedConnectionSe curity: Page 70  If you enable the argument, the Chromeleon Services will communicate based on the new certificate.  If you disable the argument, the old legacy hosts will be started additionally and enable clients with Chromeleon versions <7.2 SR5 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 Argument Task to connect. SERVICE CONFIGURATION TASKS Argument Task EnableAndStartSqlServerS ervice Enables or disables starting of the SQL Server service. EnableAndStartSqlBrowser Service Enables or disables starting of the SQL Browser service. ServicesConfiguration Group Argument: Enables or disables all service related tasks:  SQL Server services tasks  Chromeleon services tasks StartCacheService Enables or disables starting the Chromeleon Cache Service. StartDataVaultService Enables or disables starting the Chromeleon Data Vault Service. StartDiscoveryService Enables or disables starting the Chromeleon Discovery Service. StartInstrumentService Enables or disables starting the Chromeleon Instrument Controller Service. StartLicenseService Enables or disables starting the Chromeleon License Service. StartSchedulerService Enables or disables starting the Chromeleon Scheduler Service. Installation Guide Page 71 Chromeleon 7 Argument Task StartServicesManager Enables or disables starting the Chromeleon Services Manager. StartUserService Enables or disables starting the Chromeleon User Management Service. OTHER TASKS Argument Task AgilentICFApplicationCus tomization Enables or disables the Agilent ICF application customization. EncryptUserDatabase Enables or disables encryption of the user database. FirewallRulesConfigurati on Enables or disables the configuration of the Windows firewall by creating rules for  SQL Browser  SQL Server MigrateSequenceQueues Enables or disables the migration of sequence queues from isolated storage. PurgeChromeleonAddinsDat abase Removes an existing Chromeleon Addins database. SetMachineConfigurationT ransactionsTimeout Enables or disables the setting of the machine configuration transactions timeout. The example below shows how to use the /config: option for the following: Page 72 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7  Suppressing the update of the database schemas  Defining a Chromeleon domain during a silent installation (the command must be typed in one line) setup.exe /s /c:UpdateDataVaults=False;Domain=”MyCMD” 8.3 Response File A response file can be used to customize unattended installations. More specifically, use the response file for the following:  Provide command line properties/arguments in a structured manner (Sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2).  Define which selectable components should be installed (Section 8.3.1). A response file is an XML document with up to three sections as illustrated in the example in Section 8.3.3:  Properties: defines optional setup properties to be used (Section 8.2.2)  Components: defines the requested install states of the selectable components (Section 8.3.1)  ConfigurationTasks: defines the requested run states of the system configuration tasks (Sections 8.3.2 and 8.2.4) Installation Guide Page 73 Chromeleon 7 8.3.1 Components Section The default installation behavior when installing Chromeleon is as follows:  Standard components are always installed.  Optional components must be expressly activated during installation. Otherwise, they will not be installed. However, you can override the default installation behavior using the response file. This means that you can suppress or enforce installation of standard and optional components. To always enforce installation of a Chromeleon component: 1. Add the component to the response file (see the example in Figure 13). 2. Set the following switch: RequestState="Present" To always suppress installation of a Chromeleon component: 1. Add the component to the response file (see example in Figure 13). 2. Set the following switch: RequestState="Absent" Note: For an up-to-date list of selectable components, run the setup with the /lc switch on the command prompt. 8.3.2 ConfigurationTasks Section The tables in Section 8.2.4 list the system configuration tasks within the response file. Page 74 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 8.3.3 Response File Example The example below shows a response file with the following characteristics:  Installation of Chromeleon in a specific folder  Installation of selected optional software components (Agilent ICF and Thermo Scientific TSQ Series), with exclusion of standard components (Thermo Scientific Accela PDA Boot Utility)  Preventing schema updates of local data vaults  Defining a Chromeleon domain Figure 13: Response file Installation Guide Page 75 Chromeleon 7 8.4 Exit Codes Exit codes indicate the level of success for a command. The following table provides exit codes for Setup.exe. Setup Status Restart not required Restart required Description Success 0x00000000 0x00000bc2 [0] [3010] Successful installation Success but incomplete 0x80040000 0x80048000 [-2147221504] [-2147188736] Block 0x80044000 0x8004c000 [-2147205120] [-2147172352] 0x00000642 0x80048642 [1602] [-2147187134] Incomplete – restart required N/A 0x80048bc7 Failure 0x00000643 0x80048643 [1603] [-2147187133] Cancel Page 76 [-2147185721] Successful installation of all vital packages, but at least one non-vital package failed A blocking condition was encountered during installation. Installation was canceled, or the UAC failed or timed out. A restart is required before installation can continue. A fatal error occurred during installation. Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 9 Configure Chromeleon 7 This chapter describes configuration steps likely to be performed for most stand-alone Chromeleon installations. Note: You need Windows (local) administrator privileges and/or the appropriate Chromeleon privileges to perform some of the tasks described in this chapter. The UAC/admin shield icon indicates whether administrator rights are required. Note: The paths mentioned in this chapter contain folders that are hidden by default. If you do not see them, follow instructions in the Windows Help on how to display hidden files and folders. 9.1 Starting Points for Configuring Chromeleon 7 You can start all configuration work for Chromeleon 7 from two starting points:  From the Chromeleon Services Manager, which is a Chromeleon tool that appears minimized as the Chromeleon tray icon in the notification area of the Windows taskbar  From the Administration Console, which is a Chromeleon tool that can be started via the Start menu Installation Guide Page 77 Chromeleon 7 9.1.1 Chromeleon Services Manager The Chromeleon Services Manager (Figure 14) does the following:  It shows the overall status of the Chromeleon service components (Figure 14B).  It provides a starting point for instrument control related configuration work (Figure 14C, D, E). Tip: Refer to the Glossary for further information on Chromeleon services. Figure 14: Chromeleon Services Manager and tray icon The Services Manager usually starts automatically. It appears minimized as the Chromeleon tray icon (Figure 14A) next to the clock in the notification area (also called system tray) of the Windows taskbar. To open the Services Manager window, click (or right-click) the Chromeleon tray icon, Figure 14A. Page 78 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 If the Chromeleon tray icon is not present, you can start the Services Manager by selecting Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7> Services Manager. Close the Services Manager window to minimize it to the Chromeleon tray icon. If a Chromeleon service does not start automatically, although the Start service on system start check box is enabled, start the service manually: 1. In Windows 10 Enterprise: Type services.msc in the Search the web and Windows box. 2. In the search results, click services.msc. The Services window opens. 3. In the list on the right side of the Services window, doubleclick the respective Chromeleon service. 4. Click Start. Note: If SQLEXPRESS and the Data Vault Service are not started, first start SQLEXPRESS, then start the Data Vault Service. If you first start the Data Vault Service, the data vaults might not be available. Installation Guide Page 79 Chromeleon 7 9.1.2 Chromeleon Tray Icon The Chromeleon tray icon (Figure 14A) appears next to the clock in the notification area (also called system tray) of the Windows taskbar. It is the minimized version of the Services Manager. It has the following functionality:  It provides an easy way to open the Services Manager window (via a click or a right-click on the tray icon).  The tray icon and its tooltip (Figure 14F) show the status of the Instrument Controller Service.  Its context menu provides a shortcut for starting/stopping the Instrument Controller Service (Figure 14C) and launching the Instrument Configuration Manager (Figure 14D). If the Chromeleon tray icon is not present in the notification area, start it by clicking Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Services Manager. 9.1.3 Chromeleon Administration Console The Chromeleon Administration Console (Figure 15) provides the starting point for most administrative tasks in Chromeleon:  Managing licenses  Scheduling data transfer among data vaults, for example for archiving purposes  Managing Chromeleon users, groups and privileges  Configuring Global Policies, for example enabling User Mode  Monitoring Discovery that is checking which resources (instruments and data vaults) are available in a Chromeleon domain Page 80 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7  Managing data vaults installed on the local computer Tip: Some of these features are only available in a domain installation and are therefore not covered in this document. Contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific support to learn more about the advantages a networked Chromeleon installation may bring to your laboratory. Figure 15: Chromeleon Administration Console with left and right pane To open the Chromeleon Administration Console select Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Administration Console. Installation Guide Page 81 Chromeleon 7 9.2 Configure Instruments/Modules After the USB software for the module has been installed (Section 7.1), install and configure the module in Chromeleon: 1. Start the Instrument Controller Service, either by rightclicking the Chromeleon tray icon (Figure 14A) and selecting Start Chromeleon Instrument Controller (Figure 14C’), or via the Services Manager (Figure 14C). 2. The Chromeleon tray icon changes to indicate that the Instrument Controller Service is starting . Wait until the Instrument Controller Service is running idle . Note: If the Chromeleon tray icon is not visible on the taskbar, click Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Services Manager to open the Services Manager and click Start Instrument Controller. 3. Start the Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager by choosing one of the following options:  Right-click the Chromeleon tray icon (Figure 14D’) and click Configure Instruments. -OR-  Click Configure Instruments in the Services Manager. Note: You can close the Services Manager window if it is open. If you close the window, the Instrument Controller Service is not stopped. 4. You can click the plus sign next to the PC name to display the items underneath (Figure 16A). Page 82 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 5. Select the instrument to which the module will be assigned, or create a new instrument:  To create a new instrument, on the Edit menu, click Add instrument…, or click the corresponding icon in the toolbar, Figure 16B. 6. Click Add Module on the Edit menu, or click the corresponding icon in the toolbar, Figure 16C. 7. On the Manufacturers list (Figure 16D), click Thermo Scientific. On the Modules list (Figure 16E), click the module. 8. Chromeleon connects to the module, transfers the settings from the module to Chromeleon, and automatically sets the options on the configuration dialog pages (Figure 16F) accordingly. Confirm the related message with OK. Tip: Most modules are connected via a USB interface. The USB address is used by Chromeleon to detect a module. It typically contains the serial number of the module, allowing you to distinguish between modules when two or more identical modules are present (such as two pumps of the same model). Click Browse and double-click on the USB number. Only the USB addresses of corresponding modules are shown. For example, when adding a UV detector, only the address(es) of the UV detector(s) are shown. 9. On each configuration page, verify that the settings are correct and define additional settings if needed. For assistance, click Help (or press F1). 10. On the File menu, click Save Instrument Configuration, or click the corresponding icon in the toolbar, Figure 16G. Close the Instrument Configuration Manager. Installation Guide Page 83 Chromeleon 7 Figure 16: Using the Instrument Configuration Manager 9.3 Enable Automatic Start of the Instrument Controller Service On computers that are physically connected to instruments (Chromeleon workstations and Instrument Controller stations), especially if they are controlled remotely from another PC with Chromeleon (a Remote Client station), Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends starting the Instrument Controller Service every time the computer is started. Page 84 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 Tip: If the PC is not connected physically to instruments (Chromeleon Data Client and Remote Client stations), you should not follow these steps, which would result in using additional PC resources unnecessarily. To enable automatic start of the Instrument Controller Service: 1. Open the Services Manager by clicking the Chromeleon tray icon (in the notification area of the taskbar), or by clicking: Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Services Manager. 2. Enable the Start service at system start check box, Figure 14E. 3. To start the service this time, click the Start Instrument Controller button in the Services Manager, Figure 14C. 4. Close the Services Manager. 9.4 Configure Data Vaults Tip: The Chromeleon 7 Help contains a chapter about Backing Up Chromeleon Data, see Chromeleon 7 Help > Administrating Chromeleon. 9.4.1 Default Data Vault, XVault and Default Location During the software installation, the standard data vault ChromeleonLocal is automatically generated (in the corresponding sub-folder) in the default location. During the installation, another local data vault (an XVault™) will be created. This is a special data vault that stores a cached copy Installation Guide Page 85 Chromeleon 7 of the running sequences. The purpose of the XVault is to keep instruments running and data accessible for processing during network outages, but it is an essential part of stand-alone installations as well. The XVault is hidden. Tip: The default standard data vault and the XVault need no configuration. The default location for standard data vaults (Windows 7) is: C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\DataVaults\ 9.4.2 The Data Vault Manager The Data Vault Manager is a Chromeleon tool that helps you with the following tasks:  Creating a new data vault (Section 9.4.3):  You want to have data vaults with and without data audit trails/versioning.  You want to separate data at a high level. Note: You can separate data in various folders inside the same data vault, and you can specify different access rights/privileges for different folders.  To save space you want to move (archive) some data from your “live” data vault. Note: The database part of a standard data vault has a 10 GB size limit. The database holds sample information, the methods, and the audit trails, but not the raw data. Page 86 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 Tip: Do not create too many data vaults. Running queries (searching for data) is more efficient if the data is not scattered across many different data vaults, because queries can only work in one data vault at a time.  Mounting/dismounting a Chromeleon 6 datasource (Section 9.4.4): You may want to mount Chromeleon 6 datasources (read-only) that exist locally or on the network.  Mounting/dismounting a Chromeleon 7 data vault: The Discovery Service automatically finds Chromeleon 7 data vaults in the domain. Manual dismounting/mounting is only necessary for advanced administrative tasks like moving or renaming a data vault. These are not covered in this document. To start the Data Vault Manager: 1. Open the Administration Console, click Local Machine in the left pane (Figure 17). Click Manage Data Vaults in the right pane. 2. Alternatively, click Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Data Vault Manager. 3. The Data Vault Manager opens in a separate window (Figure 17). Installation Guide Page 87 Chromeleon 7 Figure 17: Starting the Data Vault Manager 9.4.3 Create a Standard Data Vault With Chromeleon 7.2 SR5 a special SQL account for Chromeleon will be created. This account will be used for administrative tasks in the Data Vault Manager. If you want to do administrative tasks without using the Data Vault Manager, for example, directly in the database, only the user who installs Chromeleon will have the administrative rights to do so. If additional administrative SQL Server accounts are required, the user who installed Chromeleon must add them. Note: If you update Chromeleon from a previous version, note that Chromeleon will not remove existing administrative accounts. To increase security it might be necessary to remove these administrative accounts. Page 88 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 To create a standard data vault: 1. Start the Data Vault Manager as described in Section 9.4.2. 2. In the Data Vault Manager window, click Create…, Figure 17 3. Select the Create standard data vault option, Figure 18A. Click Next. 4. Enter a name for the new data vault, Figure 18B. 5. Click Finish. A B C Figure 18: Creating a standard data vault. Installation Guide Page 89 Chromeleon 7 Note: Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends keeping the default path (Figure 18C). This has the following advantages: - It ensures automatic protection of the data vault via standard Windows user rights. - It allows easy backup of all your data from a single location (see Chromeleon 7 Help > Administrating Chromeleon > Backing Up Data). If you create the data vault in a different location, such as on a different hard drive, take care of protecting the data vault by configuring Windows user rights:  Deny access for ordinary users.  Grant access for SQL Server and local system accounts. 9.4.4 Mount Chromeleon 6 Datasources If you install Chromeleon 7 on a PC where Chromeleon 6 is already installed, your mounted Chromeleon 6 datasources will automatically become available (read-only) in Chromeleon 7. For connecting other Chromeleon 6 datasources, follow the subsequent steps. To mount a Chromeleon 6 datasource: 1. Start the Data Vault Manager as described in Section 9.4.2 2. In the Data Vault Manager, click Chromeleon 6…, (Figure 17E) Note: When you try to access a Chromeleon 6 datasource where access control is enabled, you have to provide a valid Chromeleon 6 user ID and password. Page 90 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 3. Click Browse… (Figure 19A) or Datasource manager… (Figure 19B) in the dialog that opens. 4. Follow the familiar Chromeleon 6 steps. A B Figure 19: Initial steps for mounting Chromeleon 6 datasources Note: Chromeleon 7 actually utilizes the same registry keys for storing datasource connection data as Chromeleon 6 does. For common datasources: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Dionex\Chromeleon\Dat asources\... For not common datasources: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dionex\Chromeleon\Data sources\... Consequently, when Chromeleon 6 is installed on the same PC, changes in Chromeleon 7 and Chromeleon 6 mutually affect each other. Note: On 64-bit Windows systems, the 32-bit registry editor has to be used. Installation Guide Page 91 Chromeleon 7 9.5 Enable and Configure User Management When User Mode is enabled, a logon is required to open Chromeleon. Additionally, you can configure which resources (such as data and instruments) certain users are allowed to work with (Access Groups), and what they are allowed to do (Roles). Two basic steps are necessary to start working with User Mode: 1. Enable User Mode: In the left pane of the Administration Console (Section 9.1.3), select Global Policies (Figure 20). On the Security tab, select the User mode enabled option. Click Save Changes. In the confirmation dialog, enter the credentials of a Chromeleon user that has the privilege to Manage Global Policies (Figure 20). For the default credentials, see the subsequent note. 2. Configure User Mode: In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the User Database tree and use the sub-categories to configure user management (Figure 21). Page 92 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 Figure 20: Enable User Mode Figure 21: Window for configuring roles Installation Guide Page 93 Chromeleon 7 Note: The default User Name and Password are cmadmin and admin, respectively. Do not delete the cmadmin user and keep the Full Access role assigned to it. Change the password, write it down and store it at a safe location. You can then use this account for emergency situations, for example, when ordinary administrators forget their passwords or lock themselves out from certain areas. Tip: To learn more about how to create user accounts, define access groups and roles, refer to the Chromeleon 7 Help, topic Administrating Chromeleon > User Management. Tip: There is an example user database on the installation medium: \Contributed Content\User Management Templates\User Management. The user database is an encrypted XML file (UserDb.EXML). It is stored in the following location (location and file name cannot be changed): C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\UserManagement Page 94 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 10 Remove Chromeleon 7 from a PC Note: You must log on with local administrator privileges to Windows to perform some of the steps in this chapter. Note: The paths mentioned in this chapter contain folders that are hidden by default. If you do not see them, follow instructions in the Windows Help on how to display hidden files and folders. 10.1 Uninstall Chromeleon 7 You can remove the Chromeleon program files from your computer by following the instructions below. Tip: These steps only remove the software components. All your data and settings will be preserved. This has the advantage that you can safely uninstall the software without affecting your data. 1. Insert the Chromeleon installation medium into the PC. Click Run Setup.exe. This starts the Chromeleon setup in Maintenance mode. -OR1. Alternatively, click Control Panel > Programs and Features. Double-click the current Thermo Chromeleon program. This starts the Chromeleon setup in Maintenance mode. Installation Guide Page 95 Chromeleon 7 Figure 22: Maintenance mode 2. Click Uninstall. 3. Follow the onscreen instructions to remove the program from the computer. Note: Uninstalling Chromeleon will not remove the Thermo Scientific MS software components. 10.2 Uninstall Thermo Scientific MS Software Components Uninstalling Chromeleon does not remove the following Thermo Scientific software packages for mass spectrometry:  Thermo Foundation Page 96 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7  Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry drivers:  ISQ Series  Exactive Series  TSQ Series  TSQ Quantiva  TSQ Endura  MSQ Plus This is to ensure that these software packages continue to work with other Thermo Scientific MS software packages. If a software package is no longer useful to you, you can remove it manually as follows: 1. In the Windows Control Panel, click Programs and Features. 2. Find the program you want to uninstall, right-click and select Uninstall/Change. 3. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove the program. 4. If the wizard requests it, reboot your computer. 10.3 Uninstall Third-Party Software Chromeleon relies on several third-party software components (Section 2.5), which are installed during the setup process. To avoid problems with software installed after Chromeleon, most of them are not removed automatically when uninstalling Chromeleon 7. You can remove several of these software components manually following steps similar to removing Chromeleon 7 (Section 10.1). Installation Guide Page 97 Chromeleon 7 Caution: The software components listed below may be used by various applications on your computer, not only Chromeleon 7. Removing them may corrupt those applications. The following components will not be removed by the Chromeleon 7 uninstall process:  Microsoft SQL Server Express The uninstall process will attempt to remove the following components:  Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables 10.4 Remove Chromeleon 7 Data Caution: The following steps will delete all locally stored Chromeleon data (including chromatograms, custom ePanels, instrument configuration, user database, etc.) from the PC. If you want to save the data, follow the steps in the section Administrating Chromeleon > Backing Up Data > Backup Procedure and Data File Location of the Chromeleon 7 Help before you continue. Reboot the computer (or stop the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service), then delete the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon Note: If you created local data vaults in locations other than the default path, you will have to delete these separately. Page 98 Installation Guide Chromeleon 7 Index .NET Framework, 18 Administration Console, 80 Administrator Privilege, 60, 77, 95 Automatic Service Start, 84 Backup, 85, 90 Chromeleon Administration Console, 80 Data Vault Manager, 86 Installation Qualification, 49 Instrument Configuration Manager, 82 Services Manager, 82 Tray Icon, 80 User Manager, 92 Chromeleon 6 Compatibility with ~, 28 Installing Chromeleon 7 in Presence of ~, 32 Mounting Datasource, 90 Chromeleon Services Manager, 78 Compatibility Chromeleon 6 Data, 29 Chromeleon 6 Software, 28 Chromeleon 7 Software, 28, 30 PeakNet 6 Data, 29 PeakNet 6 Software, 28 Data Vault, 85 Creating, 88 Data Vault Manager, 86 Datasource Mounting, 90 Default Data Vault, 85 Installation Guide Documentation Conventions, 9 Overview, 9 Dongle, 10, 12 Firewall Settings, 23 Firmware Requirements, 13 Hardware Installation, 59 Hardware Requirements, 13 Installation Configuration, 82 Hardware, 59 Software, 34 USB Modules, 59, 60 Installation Qualification (IQ), 49 Instrument Configuration Manager, 82 Instrument Controller Service, 84 Instruments Supported, 13 Key Code, 12 License Activation, 51 License File, 11, 12 License Key, 10, 12 License Update, 51 Licensing Requirements, 10 Modules Supported, 13 Mounting Chromeleon 6 Datasource, 90 Operating System Requirements, 15 PC Requirements, 13 PeakNet 6 Compatibility with ~, 28 Power Management USB, 25 Page 99 Chromeleon 7 Windows, 25 Removing Chromeleon 7 Data, 98 Chromeleon 7 Software, 95 Third-Party Software, 97 Requirements, 10 Firmware, 13 License, 10 Operating System, 15 PC Hardware, 13 Third-Party Software, 18 Security Updates, 17 Services Manager, 78, 82 Software Installation, 34 SQL Server Express, 19 Supported Instruments, 13 Supported Modules, 13 System Requirements, 10 Third-Party Software Requirements, 18 Third-Party Software for Instrument Control, 44 Page 100 Tray Icon, 80 Troubleshooting Hardware Installation, 61 Software Installation, 54 Uninstall Chromeleon 7 Software, 95 Third-Party Software, 97 Uninstall Chromeleon/PeakNet 6 Software, 35 USB Installation, 59, 60 USB Power Management, 25 User Manager, 92 User Mode, 92 WIBU-KEY Software, 20 Windows Security Updates, 17 Windows 10 Enterprise, 16 Windows 7, 16 Windows Vista, 17 Windows XP, 17 XVault, 85 Installation Guide © 2009-2017 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 168 Third Avenue Waltham, MA 02451 USA

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