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Lab 2
100 Points
Readings 3-6
In our second lab of the semester we will create a Java CLI
application that enables a store owner to enter sales information in
order to produce a detailed invoice.
The store owner will enter the invoice number, name of the item, and
amount of sale. In turn, the application will create the invoice number,
check the item name, calculate sales tax and output the invoice with
all pertinent information to include the final bill.
Lab Parameters
Using Exercise 14A and 14B on page 350 of the textbook as a starting
point, create an application with the following:
• (class used to create objects)
• (application class)
The object class should contain the appropriate get/set methods as
discussed in the exercise, but make sure to include the item’s name
as well in a get/set method. Remember to follow encapsulation and
data hiding approaches to restrict access.
The application class should contain the appropriate parameters as
discussed in the exercise. However it should also include a means
to limit item names to at least five different specific item names.
Note: One of the major decisions with this lab is deciding what should
go in the application class versus the object class. Make sure to
explain your approaches in the documentation.
Once the application has all the input and processed it, output the
results with all relevant information to create a detailed invoice.
Make sure to add ASCII design and include your company’s name
and address. Like we did in the first lab.
For those who want to create a more robust application, consider the
following in this order:
1.[Moderate Challenge]
Allow for more than one invoice to be created without starting the
program again.
2. [Difficult Challenge]
Allow for more than one item on a single invoice.
3. Add additional range checks in the application or class as
It is better to have a completely coded, documented, and functional
program without challenge parameters than it is to have a non-working
or partially working lab with challenge parameters.
Important items to note
Multiple commits and messages at major logic completions are
Use NetBeans for this lab
Follow variable and file naming conventions
Use appropriate data types
Document every file that you create and/or change. You must
explain the new concepts and approaches (e.g., classes, etc.) in
great detail. Other items such as System.out.println() are older
concepts and do not need to be documented in detail but should
be noted.
Remember, everything we learned up through this lab is important.

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