Instructions Personas Problem Scenarios Propositions

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Personas, Problem Scenarios & Propositions
Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, you’ll be developing:
A description of your project area
A list of personas related to your area of interest
A persona to help you understand your target user
Problem scenarios and alternatives pairs that describe what’s valuable to these users
A value proposition that describes what you might do for them that’s better than what they
have today
You can do this using the templates that follow, or you may want to start working from a complete
‘Venture Design Template’ (this template requires use of Google Docs). In addition to the following
instructions and assignment rubric, the Personas Tutorial reading, included before this, may help as a
written reference.
Complete the following FIVE steps for this assignment:
1. Define Your Project Area
a) While you’re free to switch, I recommend picking a software idea you can build up through the
rest of the Specialization and even refine in the Capstone. For example, you might have an idea
to solve a problem (job, desire) you’ve had or seen, or you might want to focus on something at
your current job. It’s most important that the idea is relatively specific (vs. perfect) and that it’s
okay for you to share it with your peer reviewers.
b) To help your peer reviewers understand the software idea you are developing, introduce your
idea with the following positioning statement:
For [target customer] who [statement of the need or opportunity], the [product name] is a
[product category] that [statement of key benefit that is, compelling reason to buy]. Unlike
[primary competitive alternative], our product [statement of primary differentiation].
Here’s an example from our sample company, HVAC in a Hurry:
For [dispatchers and technicians] who [work at HVAC in a Hurry], [H-ify] is an [enterprise software
solution] that [improves the HVAC repair and maintenance experience for both internal staff and
customers]. Unlike [ad hoc solutions], our product [has been carefully formulated and validated against
best practices and awesome customer experiences out in the field].
2. Brainstorm Personas
a) Brainstorm at least 5 personas related to your area of interest. Try doing as many as you can in 5
minutes. All you need to write down is a descriptive name: [Name] the [Job title or role].
b) Now sort them in order of priority. For example, if you could only pitch one persona the idea,
which would it be? I say ‘pitch’ but I mean in a general sense: your selected persona doesn’t
have to be a buyer or approver; they could just be a user who cares about the problem enough
to influence others.
3. Detail a Persona
Select one persona to develop in more detail (most likely the top one from your list).
a) Include a candid (anonymous) photo of this persona. We suggest you use Creative Commons
images (here is one of many sites that helps with that) and avoid any images of children.
b) Vividly describe this persona using specific details so that s/he feels like a real person. What’s a
day in their life?
c) Describe what this person thinks, sees, feels, and does related to the area you are interested in,
using a table like the one below:
[INSERT In your particular area of interest, what are the key thoughts, ideas this persona
[INSERT In your particular area of interest, what are the notable observations your persona
is making?]
[INSERT Regarding your particular area of interest, how do they really feel? What
underlying emotions might be driving their point of view and behavior?]
[INSERT The actuals. As applicable: What triggers activity in your area of interest? How
often? For how long? How much money?]
Here’s an example from my online tutorial.
4. Develop Problem Scenario + Alternatives Pairs
Use a table like the one below to detail at least three problem scenarios and alternatives. Note: To help
you avoid creating a solution that looks for a problem, focus on the problem scenario + alternative pairs
before developing value propositions (Step 5).
Problem Scenarios
Current Alternatives
Value Proposition
What problems and needs
does the persona have
related to your area of
What does the persona do
right now to solve or work
around this problem or
meet this need?
(this one next)
Here’s an example from my online tutorial.
5. Develop Value Propositions
Now think about your value propositions! Develop a value proposition for each problem scenario.
Problem Scenarios
Current Alternatives
Remember to upload your work in ONE document (PDF format), including your:
Project description
Brainstormed list of personas
A detailed persona
Problem scenarios and alternatives pairs
Value propositions

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