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Continuing WPF with C#
Lab Manual
Wincubate ApS
Exercise types
The exercises in the present lab manual differs in type and difficulty. Most exercises can be solved by
applying the techniques from the presentations in the slides in a more or less direct manner. Such exercises
are not categorized further.
However, the remaining exercises differs slightly in the sense that they are not necessarily easily solvable.
These are categorized as follows:
Labs marked with a single star denote that the corresponding exercises are a bit more
loosely specified.
Labs marked with two stars denote that the corresponding exercises contain only a few hints
(or none at all!) or might be a bit more difficult or nonessential. They might even require
additional searches for information elsewhere than in the slide presentations.
Labs marked with three stars denote that the corresponding exercises are not expected in
any way to be solved. These are difficult, tricky, or mind-bending exercises for the interested
participants mostly for fun!
The present labs require the lab files accompanying the course to be extracted in
with Visual Studio 2015 (or later) installed on the PC.
Module 1: “A Quick Tour of WPF Fundamentals
Lab 1.1: ”Layout of WPF UI
This exercise considers various layout controls in WPF as well as simple event handling.
Consider the following screenshot of a WPF application:
Use Visual Studio to create a new project of type ”WPF Application” in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 1\Lab 1.1\Starter .
Write some appropriate XAML inside MainWindow.xaml producing the user interface depicted
above (or something very similar ).
Create a Click-handler for Button 1 such that clicking that button displays a MessageBox with the
I did it!! ;-)
Create a Click-handler for Button 2 such that clicking that button makes left-most button text
constitute the text contained in the single TextBox.
Lab 1.2: ”Aligning the WPF UI
This exercise continues Lab 1.1 by adding alignment properties to the UI elements.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 1\Lab 1.2\Starter ,
which contains the solution to Lab 1.1.
Modify the markup such that the user interface looks like the screenshot below:
Note: Make sure to pay attention to the size of the Yay-button.
Lab 1.3: ”Transforming the WPF UI ( )
This exercise considers transforms in WPF as well as composite layouts.
Can you produce a user interface similar to the screenshot below?
Lab 1.4: ”Factoring into resources
This exercise illustrates how to create a resource and reusing them in markup.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 1\Lab 1.4\Starter ,
which contains a project with a window with the following appearance:
The markup contains several repeated resources, which are copied throughout the code. Refactor the code
as follows:
Create a static resource of type SolidColorBrush and apply it to Buttons 2 and 4.
Create a static resource of type LinearGradientBrush and apply it to Buttons 1 and 3.
Create a static resource of type RotateTransform and apply it to Buttons 1 and 2.
Check that the appearance of the window remains identical to the screenshot above.
Finally, illustrate the flexibility of the new approach by changing the property values of the various
resources to some other values and check how the appearance of the IU changes accordingly.
Lab 1.5: ”Factoring into default style
Note: This labs continues from Lab 1.4. If you have not completed Lab 1.4 yet, you should do so first.
This exercise illustrates how to create a default style for a control type.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 1\Lab 1.5\Starter ,
which contains the solution project for Lab 1.4 with a window with the following appearance:
Even though the markup was nicely refactored in Lab 1.4, you could still make the markup a bit more
modular and maintainable by defining a proper default style for the buttons.
Refactor the markup in the starter project as follows:
Define a default style for Button which sets the Background to the solid color brush defined earlier.
Simplify the markup for the button correspondingly.
Check that the appearance of the window remains identical to the screenshot above.
Illustrate the flexibility of the new approach by changing the property values of the various
resources to some other values and check how the appearance of the IU changes accordingly.
We will now examine how to “remove” a style otherwise applied to an element.
Extend the markup with yet another button (label it “Button 5), which does not have the newly
defined style applied to it, but instead uses WPF’s default Button appearance.
Ensure that the markup has the following appearance:
Lab 1.6: ”Triggers for TextBoxes ( )
This exercise illustrates how to create triggers for properties.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 1\Lab 1.6\Starter ,
which contains a project and a window with the following appearance:
Create a trigger such that the background of each TextBox turns LightBlue whenever the mouse is
located in the given TextBox.
“Activate” the trigger in a suitable manner such that you are reusing the same trigger for all the
Lab 1.7: ”Triggers and animations
This exercise investigates animations and event triggers.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 1\Lab 1.7\Starter ,
which contains a project and a user interface with a single button.
Examine the existing markup for the user interface.
Create appropriate markup to create an animation such that the button rotates 360 degrees in a 5-
second interval when clicked.
o Hint: Create an EventTrigger inside the Button.Triggers collections with actions consisting
of a Storyboard with a DoubleAnimation of the RotateTransform’s Angle property.
Run your program and test your animation by clicking the button.
Extend the markup appropriately such that the button also repeatedly changes it background
back and forth between White and CornFlowerBlue every 3 seconds indefinitely.
Module 2: “Data Binding Properties
Lab 2.1: ”Scaling images by data binding
This exercise investigates data binding of single dependency properties to control property values.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 2\Lab 2.1\Starter ,
which contains a project and a window with the following appearance:
Create appropriate data bindings such that
o the horizontal slider controls the ScaleX property of the image render transform
o the vertical slider controls the ScaleY property of the image render transform
Test that your solution works
o Would it be possible by databind the “opposite direction” such that each transform
property is data-bound to a slider?
Lab 2.2: ”Conversion of values during data binding ( )
This exercise illustrates the use of converters for data binding single properties of controls.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 2\Lab 2.2\Starter ,
which contains a project and a window with an appearance like the following:
Create a two-way value converter YesNoToBooleanConverter, which converts strings to
Nullable Boolean values such that
o Yes corresponds to true
o “No” corresponds to false
o Any other value corresponds to null
Apply the converter appropriately such that changes to the text in the textbox are reflected in the
checkbox (and vice versa)
Test that your solution works by entering various texts in the textbox and observing the resulting
If time permits:
Make the converter multi-lengual, such that it works for all three (neutral) cultures
o en
o de
o da
How do you specify which culture the converter should use in the program?
Test your solution for each of the three specified cultures.
Module 3: “Data Binding Collections
Lab 3.1: ”Master-Detail data binding” ( )
This exercise investigate data binding to collections of data objects.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 3\Lab 3.1\Starter .
Modify the XAML markup such that an instance of Participants from the Data-project is
Perform the following steps
o Databind the DataListBox to Participants
o Databind the Label to Company
o Note: Make sure that Company is automatically updated whenever a new item is selected
in the ListBox
Your user interface should resemble the screenshot below:
Data Templates
Create an appropriate data template for Participant og modify the XAML markup such that the
user interface will be similar to the following screenshot:
Lab 3.2: ”Sorting data-bound elements( )
This exercise illustrates sorting collections of data objects.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 3\Lab 3.2\Starter ,
which contains the solution to Lab 3.1.
Create appropriate XAML-fragments such that the participants are displayed as before, but now
sorted by their last name.
o Note: Make sure you do this without writing any code-behind..!
Module 4: “Events and Commands
Lab 4.1: ”Bubbling events ( )
This exercise investigates event handling.
Create a new WPF project called “SimpleCalculator” in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 4\Lab 4.1\Starter
which contains a project and a window with the following appearance:
Extend the existing project with functionality with the following features:
o The display consists of a TextBox which is to be updated whenever a digit-button is clicked.
o The ‘C’-button should clear the display.
o The ‘Result’-button should show the result in a MessageBox and then clear the display.
Create proper event handling to support the specified functionality of the simple calculator
o Note: You are not allowed to create event handlers on the digit-buttons directly!
Lab 4.2: ”Commands ( )
This exercise deals with handling operations via suitable commands.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 4\Lab 4.2\Starter ,
which contains a project and a window with the following appearance:
The code-behind contains two methods
o DoNew()
o DoSave()
You should now wire up commands such that the UI satisfies the following constraints
o The “New” menu item invokes the DoNew() method.
This operation is always enabled
o The “Save” menu item invokes the DoSave() method.
This operation is enabled only when nonempty first name and nonempty last name
are provided in the TextBoxes.
o The “Save” button also invokes the DoSave()method
This operation is enabled only when nonempty first name and nonempty last name
are provided in the TextBoxes.
o Note: Make sure that both the corresponding buttons and menu items are
enabled/disabled exactly when the underlying operations are enabled/disabled!
o Use ApplicationCommands.Save and ApplicationCommands.New and create
command bindings for them
Module 5: “Control Templates and User-defined Controls
Lab 5.1: ”Ellipse control template for Button
This exercises provides a new control template for Button.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 5\Lab 5.1\Starter ,
which contains a project and a window with the following appearance:
Create an ellipse-shaped control template for Button, respecting both the general sizing such as
Width and Height as well as the following properties
o Background
o BorderBrush
Hint: Construct a control template consisting of a Grid with an Ellipse.
When completed, your user interface should look similar to:
Lab 5.2: ”Creating a User Control” ( )
This exercise investigates user controls and dependency properties. You will construct a new WPF user
control and equip it with appropriate code and data.
Create a new solution in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 5\Lab 5.2\Starter .
and add a WPF User Control Library project called Toolkit.
Within the Toolkit project, you must create a UserControl called ColorSelector with the
following appearance:
o The three sliders range from 0 to 255 and corresponds to the Red, Green, and Blue
components, respectively, of a color which is to become the output selected by the
ColorSelector user control.
o Equip ColorSelector with a dependency property called Color of type Color.
Use the propdp snippet in Visual Studio.
o The Rectangle on the right-hand side of the user control should be updated live whenever
the underlying Color property value changes
Either by moving a slider,
Or via data-binding, animations or some other “external” source.
o Hint:
Register the Color property with appropriate property metadata containing a
PropertyChangedCallback being called whenever Color changes.
Add a WPF Application project called Test to your solution
o Add a reference to Toolkit
o Instantiate the ColorSelector user control
o Test that it works as expected!
If time permits…
Equip the ColorSelector with a bubbling ColorChanged routed event
Module 6: “Threads and Asynchrony in WPF
Lab 6.1: ”Tasks” ( )
This exercise deals with tasks, asynchronous methods and the await keyword. We will construct a WPF
application starting three tasks, which each fetches the string contents of a newspaper front page, and
subsequently computes the total length of all the incurring strings.
Open the WPF application project located in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 6\Lab 6.1\Starter .
First implement the following method
Task<string> CreateFetchTask( string url )
which creates an instance of WebClient and downloads the string from the specified URL using
Now implement
async Task<int> ComputeLengthSum()
by completing the TODO-part (and add async modifier!), such that the method constitutes a task
which when all sub-tasks have completed outputs the sum of the lengths of all the strings
downloaded by tasks t1, t2 and t3.
Finally, implement
void OnComputeClick( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
Such that it calls ComputeLengthSum() and awaits that the computation of the result is done,
and subsequently updates the user interface control.
Module 7: “Introducing the MVVM Design Pattern
Lab 7.1: ”Editing Customer using MVVM( )
This exercise supplies an introductory example showing how typical MVVM applications are structured and
what techniques are required to implement basic functionality using the MVVM pattern. You will define a
Customer class and provide user interface with simple validation to edit the customer as well as implement
foundational command functionality.
We will develop every without using an MVVM framework to give you an understanding of exactly what
amount of code is needed to provide the necessary functionality.
Open the starter project in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 7\Lab 7.1\Starter .
Investigate the supplied project structure and files
o Make a note of Customer.cs and the automatic properties it has.
Model Implementation
Implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in the Customer class and modify all
existing properties.
Add the following to the MainViewModel class
o A property of type Customer called ModelCustomer
o A constructor initializing ModelCustomer to contain
Your full name
Some appropriate coupon code.
Implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in the MainViewModel class.
Add appropriate XAML (including data context and data bindings) to the view to make it somewhat
similar to the following screenshot:
Run the program and test that the textboxes reflect the default customer info
Model Validation
Add validation to the Customer class by implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface accordingly
o FullName should consist of at least three characters
o CouponCode should consist of exactly six characters.
Modify the bindings such that the DataErrorValidationRule is enabled
o Hint: Set ValidatesOnDataErrors to true.
Run the program and test that validation works as expected.
Add a SaveCustomerCommand to the implementation by
o Creating a SaveCustomerCommand class implementing ICommand
Create a constructor accepting an Action to be executed
Make sure that this Action is executed when the command is executed
Make the command always enabled.
o Create an instance of SaveCustomerCommand in the MainViewModel class
When the command is executed it should just update the LastUpdated property.
Add a Save button to MainWindows.xaml executing the SaveCustomerCommand.
Run the program and test your implementation.
If time permits…
How easy / difficult do you think it is to only enable the Save button exactly when the coupon code
validation succeeds?
Module 8: “MVVM Problems and Solutions
Lab 8.1: ”SimpleCalculator in MVVM ( )
The purpose of this exercise is to re-implement the SimpleCalculator of Lab 4.1 but this time using
Open the existing WPF project called “SimpleCalculator” in
C:\Wincubate\89098\Module 8\Lab 8.1\Starter
Verify that the solution contains the UI and code-behind of Lab 4.1:
The display consists of a TextBox which is to be updated whenever a digit-button is clicked.
The ‘C’-button should clear the display.
The ‘Result’-button should show the result in a MessageBox and then clear the display.
Implement the same functionality as in the solution to Lab 4.1, but using the Model-View-
ViewModel pattern!
o You’re either implement/copy all necessary ViewModelBase parts and helpers from
anywhere you like or perhaps use an MVVM framework of your choice.
Implement digits functionality
First implement the functionality of pressing the digits and updating the display
o Create the necessary ViewModel, Commands etc. and make sure to wire up all bits and
pieces correctly.
o If you feel “pure at heart, consider introducing an appropriate model object.
Implement parameterized commands for the digits
Implement the functionality for C
Implement the command for C
Implement the Result message box
There are a number of ways to implement the functionality of Result, which displays a message box
containing the current display contents. Pick whichever one you feel is right for you!
Implement the functionality of the Result button
Note: This is not always easy! The complexity of your solution depends upons whether you’re
implementing your application from scratch or using some MVVM framework.
Module 9: “WPF Debugging and Performance
No labs
Module 10: “Cross-Platform Code Reuse
No labs

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