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© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 1
Laboratory Manual
ECEN-325 Electronics
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Texas A&M University
Prepared by:
Dr. Jose Silva-Martinez (
Rida Assaad
Raghavendra Kulkarni
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 2
Lab 1 : Network Analysis and Bode plots
Lab 2 : Introduction to NI Elvis Environment
Lab 3 : Operational Amplifiers-Part I
Lab 4 : Operational Amplifiers-Part II
Lab5 : Operational Amplifiers-Part III
Lab6 : Introduction to Diodes
Lab7 : Characterization of the BJT
Lab8 : BJT Amplifiers: Basic configurations
Lab9 : BJT amplifiers: Design project
Lab10 : Characterization of the MOS transistor
Lab11 : CMOS amplifier configurations
Lab12 : CMOS amplifiers: Design project
This manual was inspired from the previous ELEN-325 laboratory manual thanks to the effort of many people. The
suggestions and corrections of Prof. Aydin Karsilayan, Felix Fernandez, Mandar Kulkarni in College Station and
Wesam Mansour, Haitham Abu-Rub, Khalid Qaraqe in TAMU, Qatar are recognized.
We would like to thank TAMU Qatar for the financial support while this lab manual is being constantly updated. We
are thankful to National Instruments for generous donations of several NI Elvis Workstations.
Add comments on how to improve the lab manual. All suggestions and comments are welcome. Give them to your
TA or send them by email to
Copyright Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, in any form or by
any means, without permission in writing from Texas A&M University.
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Lab 1: Network Analysis and Bode plots
The purpose of the lab is to investigate the frequency response of a passive filter and learn the fundamentals about
circuit design and analysis in the frequency domain.
List of Equipment required:
a. Protoboard
b. Capacitors
c. Resistors
d. Oscilloscope
e. Function generator
f. Frequency counter
g. Digital Multimeter
Frequency domain representation
The frequency response is a representation of the system’s response to sinusoidal inputs at varying frequencies; it is
defined as the magnitude ratio and phase difference between the input and output signals. If the frequency of the
source in a circuit is used as a reference, it is possible to have a complete analysis in the frequency domain and time
domains. Frequency domain analysis is easier than time domain analysis because differential equations used in the
time domain are mapped into linear equations that are function of the frequency variable s (σ+j
). It is important to
obtain the frequency response of a circuit because we can predict its response to any input signal.
Filters are important blocks in communication and instrumentation systems. They are widely used in radio receivers,
power supply circuits, and noise reduction systems. There are four general types of filters: Low-pass filters (LPF) that
pass low frequency signals and reject high frequency components; Band-pass filters (BPF) that pass signals within a
certain frequency range; High-pass filter (HPF) pass high frequency signals and rejects low frequency components;
and Band-Reject (Stop) filters that reject signals that have frequencies within a certain band.
In this laboratory experiment we will plot the frequency response of a network by analyzing RC passive filters. We
can characterize the filter by two features of the frequency response:
1. The difference between the magnitude of the output and input signals (given by the amplitude ratio)
2. The time lag or lead between input and output signals (given by the phase shift)
To plot the frequency response, many frequencies are used and the value of the transfer function at these frequencies
is computed. A particularly important method of displaying frequency response data is the Bode plot. A Bode plot is
the representation of the magnitude and phase of H(s). H(s) is the transfer function of a system, and s =σ+ j
is the frequency variable in rad/s.
Phase measurement
The phase angle can be calculated by determining the time shift t. To determine t, display the input and output sine
waves on the two channels of the oscilloscope simultaneously and calculate the phase difference as follows,
Phase difference (in degrees) = 360
where t is the time-shift of the zero crossing of the two signals, and T is the signal’s period. This is illustrated in Fig.
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Fig. 1. Phase difference
Pre-laboratory exercise
1. For the circuit shown in Fig. 2, derive the transfer function for vo/vin in terms of R and C, and find the
expressions for the magnitude and phase responses. Express the transfer function in the form
where ωp is the pole frequency location in rad/sec.
Fig. 2. First order low-pass filter
2. The corner frequency of the low-pass filter is defined as the frequency at which the magnitude of the gain is
1/√2 = 0.707. This is also called the half power frequency (since 0.7072 = 0.5), and the -3dB frequency since
20log10(0.707) = -3 dB. Find the corner frequency, in terms of R and C, in both rad/s and Hz.
3. For C = 47 nF, find R so that the -3 dB frequency is 3.3 kHz. Draw the Bode plots.
4. Simulate the low pass filter circuit using a Spice simulator. Compare the simulation results with your
calculation. Attach the magnitude and phase simulation results.
5. For the circuit shown in Fig. 3, derive the transfer function for vo/vin in terms of Ri and Ci, and find the
expressions for the magnitude and phase responses. Express the transfer function in the form
where ωp1 and ωp2 are the pole frequency locations (in rad/s) in terms of Ri and C.
6. Design (find component values) a passive second-order low pass filter such as the one shown in Fig. 3.
Determine R1 and R2 for C = 47 nF. The first pole is at 1 kHz and the second pole is at 4 kHz. You must use
a circuit simulator to verify your design.
7. Draw the bode plots and compare them to the magnitude and phase simulation results from PSpice.
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Fig. 3. Second order low pass filter
Lab Measurement:
Part A. First order low pass filter
1. Build the circuit shown in Fig. 2 with the values of R and C you choose in the pre lab. Apply a 6 Vpp
sinusoidal signal from the function generator to the input and use the high Z option on your signal source
(ask you TA for assistance).
2. Connect channel 1 of the oscilloscope across vin(t) and channel 2 across vo(t). Set the oscilloscope to display
both inputs vs. time by pressing CH1 and CH2. Keep the generator voltage constant. Use the cursors on the
oscilloscope to measure the amplitude ratio vo/vin and the phase difference between vo and vin for at least 10
different frequencies in the range 0.1 f-3dB and 10 f-3dB, including f-3dB. Measuring the phase shift is an accurate
method of determining the 3-dB frequency. What is the phase shift at f-3dB?
Part B. Noise Filtering
1. Noise is modeled as a high frequency, small amplitude signal that is superimposed onto an ideal sine wave.
A low pass filter can attenuate the high frequency noise while preserving the wanted signal.
2. Start the ArbWave software;
3. Generate a sine wave. Select a sine wave using the Waveforms icon;
4. Add noise to signal. Select the edit icon and use the select all utility, then select the math icon, choose the
add utility. In the add function box, select the standard wave option. Next select the noise waveform and
adjust it to 0.3 V. In the add function box, choose the fit amplitude option;
5. Send the noisy waveform to the signal generator. Use I/O icon and select send waveform. Adjust the
amplitude of the signal to 6 Vpp, and the frequency to 0.25 kHz;
6. Apply this signal to your low-pass filter and observe the input and output signals;
7. Take a screen shot of both the noisy and filtered signals on the oscilloscope.
Part C. Second order low pass filter
1. Build the circuit shown in Fig. 3 with R and C you found in the pre lab. Apply a 6 Vpp sinusoid from the
function generator to the input.
2. Find the 3-dB signal-attenuation frequency f-3dB and 40 dB signal-attenuation frequency f-40dB.
Lab Report:
1. Present clearly all your results. Plot the magnitude and phase responses on the semi-log graph; see your
lecture notes or textbook for some examples.
2. Describe and comment on the differences you found in both first- and second-order low pass filters; consider
both magnitude and phase characteristics.
3. Compare the hand-calculated, PSpice simulated and measured results. Comment on possible reasons for any
differences between them.
4. Discuss the noise filtering operation of the low-pass filter.
5. Include some conclusions.
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Lab 2: Introduction to NI Elvis Environment.
The purpose of this laboratory is to introduce the NI Elvis design and prototyping environment. Basic operations
provided by Elvis such as digital Multimeter, function generator, oscilloscope and bode analyzer are explained.
Passive RC high pass and second-order low pass filter circuits are characterized using NI Elvis.
List of Equipment required:
a. NI Elvis bench top workspace.
b. NI Elvis Digital Multimeter Soft Panel Instrument (SFP).
c. NI Elvis Function Generator SFP.
d. NI Elvis Oscilloscope SFP.
e. Bode Analyzer SFP.
f. Resistors: different values.
g. Capacitors: different values.
The National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) is a LabVIEW and
computer based design and prototyping environment. NI ELVIS consists of a custom-designed bench top workstation,
a prototyping board, a multifunction data acquisition device, and LabVIEW based virtual instruments. This
combination provides an integrated, modular instrumentation platform that has comparable functionality to the DMM,
Oscilloscope, Function Generator, and Power Supply found on the laboratory workbench.
Fig. 1. NI Elvis System
The NI ELVIS Workstation can be controlled either via manual dials on the stations or through software
virtual instruments. The NI ELVIS software suite contains virtual instruments that enable the NI ELVIS workstation
to perform functions similar to a number of much more expensive instruments. This environment consists of the
following two components:
1. Bench top hardware workspace for building circuits.
2. NI Elvis Software interface consisting of Soft Front Panel (SFP) instruments.
The NI Elvis software also includes additional Lab view VIs for custom control and access to the features of NI Elvis
hardware workspace.
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We will complete the following tasks in this lab:
Part A. Using Digital Multimeter Soft Panel (SFP) to measure electronic component properties.
Part B. Using Function Generator SFP and Oscilloscope SFP for characterizing a RC high pass filter.
Part C. Using Bode Analyzer SFP for characterizing a RC high pass filter.
Part D. Using NI Elvis to characterize the RC high pass circuits designed in the pre lab.
Pre-laboratory exercise:
No pre-laboratory exercises are required for Parts A, B, and C. Please complete the following pre-laboratory exercises
for Part D.
1. For the circuit shown in Fig. 2A, derive the transfer function for vo/vin in terms of R and C, and find the
expressions for the magnitude and phase responses. Express your results in the form
where ωp is the pole frequency location in rad/s
Fig. 2A. First order high pass filter (integrator)
2. For C = 47 nF, find R so that pole frequency location is 3.3 kHz.
3. Draw the Bode plot and compare it to the magnitude and phase simulations from PSpice.
Lab Measurement:
Part A. Measuring Component Values using NI Elvis Digital Multimeter
Complete the following steps to measure the value of a resistor using NI Elvis environment.
1. First ensure that the Power Supply to the prototype board has been switched off. (Refer to Fig. 2). Note that
the system power is switched on. The system power switch is located at the back of the prototyping station.
Fig. 2. NI ELVIS Bench top workstation.
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2. Insert the resistor on the prototype board.
3. Connect the two terminals of the resistor between V and COM terminals as shown in Fig. 4. banana jack
connections (refer to Fig. 4).
To V
To Com
Fig. 3. Using Digital Multimeter SFP to measure value of a resistor.
Fig. 4. DMM Ports on the Elvis Prototype Board.
4. Connect the two terminals of capacitor between DUT+ and DUT- terminals on the proto board. Refer to Figs.
5 and 6.
Fig. 5. Using Digital Multimeter SFP to measure value of a resistor
Fig. 6. DMM Ports on the Elvis Prototype Board.
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5. Apply power to the proto board by switching the Prototype Board Power switch to the up position. The three
indicator LEDs +15V, -15V and +5V should now be lit as show in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Elvis Protoboard supply LEDs.
6. Go to the program menu on your computer and launch NI ElvisSmx Instrument Launcher in the NI ElvisSmx
program. The interface should appear on your screen as shown in Fig. 8. This interface shows all the Virtual
Soft Front Panels (SFP) available in NI Elvis.
Fig. 8. NI Elvis Software interface.
7. Click on the Digital Multimeter (DMM). This SFP can be used for a variety of operations.
8. A message box will open prompting you to use the Null operation for ensuring accuracy in DMM
measurements. Read the message and click OK.
9. Click the Null button.
10. Click the Ohm button to use the Digital Voltmeter function (DMM-Ohm) to measure the value of the resistor.
If the Function Generator is in manual mode, the resistance and capacitance buttons are disabled. In order to
control these buttons using the SFP, ensure that the manual mode is turned off on the workstation. Once the
measurement is successful the output should appear as shown in Fig. 9. You have now successfully used the
resistor ohm-meter with the NI Elvis SFP.
Fig. 9. Digital Multimeter SFP indicating the resistor’s value
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Fig. 10. Digital Multimeter SFP indicating the capacitor’s value.
11. We now continue to measure value of a capacitor.
12. Switch off the Prototype Board Power. Close the Digital Multimeter SFP.
13. Replace the 1 kΩ resistor with the capacitor.
14. Switch on the Prototype Board Power. Launch the Digital Multimeter SFP.
15. Click the Null Button.
16. Click the Capacitance button to use the Digital Capacitance Meter function to measure the value of the
capacitor. Once the measurement is successful the output should appear as show in Fig. 10.
Part B. Analog RC Filter Analysis using Function Generator and oscilloscope
This section provides an introduction to using NI Elvis for AC characterization of a simple RC low pass filter. We
will characterize the simple RC filter that we designed in Lab 1. The R and C values should for this low pass filter
should be the same as what we used in Lab 1.
1. Ensure that the Prototype Board Power is switched off.
2. Connect the RC filter circuit on the proto board as shown in Fig. 11. The input signal for the filter is obtained
between 'FGEN' and 'GROUND' pins. The input signal is also connected to Analog Channel-0 (between
AI1+/AI1-) and the output signal across the capacitor is connected to Analog Channel-1 (AI0+/AI0-).
Connections on the Analog Channels 0 and 1 are used for oscilloscope SFP as further explained in the
following steps.
Fig. 11. RC Filter connectivity for AC Characterization.
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3. Apply power to the proto board by switching the Prototype Board Power switch to the up position.
4. Go to the program menu on your computer and launch the NI Elvis.
5. From NI Elvis instrument launcher, click on "Function Generator" (FGEN). Ensure that the manual mode is
turned off on the workstation so that all the buttons on the function generator window are not disabled. The
initial function generator should appear as shown in Fig. 12.
Fig 12. Uninitialized Function generator.
As shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13, SFP can be used to:
Set the Frequency.
Select the waveform type (Sine, Square or Triangular).
Select the waveform amplitude (Peak).
Select the DC offset of the waveform.
Fig. 13. Function Generator set to produce a 100 Hz sine wave with 1 V amplitude.
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6. Use these settings to obtain a 100 Hz sine wave with peak amplitude of 1 V and DC offset of 0 V. Note that
this signal will be applied to the RC low pass filter. The function generator SFP should now appear as shown
in Fig. 13.
7. From NI Elvis instrument launcher, click on Scope. The oscilloscope SFP is similar to most oscilloscopes,
but NI Elvis oscilloscope can automatically connect to variety of inputs. The initial oscilloscope SFP without
any signals should appear as shown in Fig. 14.
Fig. 14. NI Elvis Oscilloscope interface.
8. The input to the RC circuit is connected to FUNC_OUT port on the prototype board. This input is also
connected the Analog Channel-0 (AI1+/AI1-). So, select AI1 in the source pull down list.
9. Click on Auto scale for the amplitude display setting of the signal.
10. This input signal originates from FUNC_OUT. The corresponding SYNC signal is TRIG. In TRIGGER
section, select TRIG option. The output should now appear as shown in Fig. 15. This is the input signal for
our RC circuit.
11. Now select the output signal on Channel 1 of the oscilloscope SFP. First enable channel 1 by clicking the
ON button under Channel 1. Now select AI0 from the Source drop-down list and click on Auto scale. You
should now be able to see both input and output on the oscilloscope output. Vertical positions of signals on
Channel A and B can be separately adjusted using the vertical position knob.
12. You can change the frequency of the input signal on the FGEN SFP to see the corresponding change on the
13. Cursors can also be used on the Oscilloscope SFP by clicking the Cursor button to ON. An example
measurement using two cursors C1 and C2 to measure the phase shift is shown in Fig. 16.
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Fig. 15. NI Elvis Oscilloscope showing the input waveform on Channel 0.
Fig. 16. NI Elvis Oscilloscope showing both input and output on two channels.
14. RMS, Frequency, and Amplitude (Peak-to-peak) measurements are shown at the bottom of the screen.
15. Switch off the supply to the prototype board once the analysis is over.
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As explained in this section, we used the function generator (FGEN) and oscilloscope SFP to analyze a RC filter. In
this setup:
The input signal to the filter is provided through the Function generator SFP.
The input signal to the filter is available on Channel-0 of the oscilloscope (through AI1).
The output signal of the filter is available on Channel-1 of the oscilloscope (through AI0).
The trigger source for the oscilloscope is available through TRIG.
By varying the input frequency to the filter, we can obtain the 3-dB bandwidth of the filter using the oscilloscope
Part C. Analog RC filter analysis using the Bode Analyzer:
NI Elvis has a bode analyzer SFP which facilitates automatic bode plot generation of a given circuit. Complete the
following steps to obtain the Magnitude and Phase response of the RC filter:
1. Retain the circuit configuration from the previous section. Note that the circuit should be setup as shown in
Fig. 11.
2. Ensure that the connections are correct and switch the prototype board power to ON position.
3. From the NI Elvis instrument Launcher, select Bode (Bode Analyzer). The initial Bode Analyzer SFP should
appear as shown in Fig. 17.
Fig. 17. Uninitialized NI Elvis Bode Analyzer window.
4. The Bode analyzer controls the input signal to the circuit from the FUNC_OUT ports. The output signal to
be analyzed should be connected to Analog Channel 1 (between AI0+/AI0-). The input signal should also be
connected to Analog channel 0 (between AI1+/AI1-).
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 15
5. Bode analyzer provides the flexibility to automatically scan the input signal frequency over a range specified
by Start/Stop frequency values. The incremental value used during this frequency scan can also be set to a
specific value. All these controls can be seen in Fig. 17. The Bode analyzer will not work while FGEN is
6. For analyzing the RC low pass filter, make the following settings on the Bode analyzer SFP.
Start frequency: 10 Hz.
Stop frequency: 200 kHz.
40 steps per decade (increasing the number of steps improves the accuracy of the measurement).
In the Display section, set Y-scale to Auto.
Click on RUN.
7. Once the analysis is complete, the output should appear as shown in Fig. 18.
8. In the Fig. 18, the cursor has been placed to measure the 3-dB frequency. This can be achieved by clicking
on the Cursors button to "ON" and dragging the cursor using the left mouse button on the plot to the desired
position. The cursor can also be shifted to the desired position using the two diamond shaped buttons in the
Cursor Position.
Fig. 18. Bode Analyzer output and measuring the 3dB frequency using cursors.
Part D. RC filter characterization using NI Elvis:
1. Build the second order RC low pass circuit shown in Fig. 3 in Lab 1using the R and C values that were
obtained in Lab 1. Obtain the frequency response of the filter using the bode analyzer SFP as shown in part
2. Build the RC high pass circuit shown in Fig. 2A using the R and C values designed in the pre-laboratory
exercise. Obtain the frequency response of the filter using the bode analyzer SFP as shown in part C.
Lab Report:
1. Provide a brief introduction to basic capabilities of the NI Elvis prototype environment.
2. Provide a description of the frequency response obtained for the two circuits (including the screen shots of
frequency response plots) obtained in part D of the lab.
3. Describe and comment on the differences (if any) between the frequency responses plots obtained previously
using the traditional function generators and oscilloscopes to the results obtained using NI Elvis.
4. Describe and comment on the differences between first order low pass and high pass filters; consider both
magnitude and phase characteristics.
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Lab 3: Operational Amplifiers-Part I
The purpose of the laboratory is to study the properties of the fundamental amplifier building blocks using
commercially available Operational Amplifiers. Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers will be investigated.
List of Equipment required:
a. Dual Trace Oscilloscope
b. Function Generator
c. ±7 V DC Power Supply
d. Digital Multimeter
e. A Protoboard
f. Resistors: different values
g. Capacitors: different values
h. Two 741 Operational Amplifiers
i. NI Elvis environment and Dynamic Signal Analyzer SFP.
Practical devices are non-ideal. You can find information about the specifications and performance measures from the
manufacture’s data sheet. It is an important skill for an engineer to obtain relevant analytical data from data sheets.
Data sheets are generally arranged in three main sections:
1. A General Descriptive section, which summarizes the important properties of a device, pin-out diagram and
equivalent circuit diagrams;
2. A Maximum Rating section, which defines the safe limits of device operation;
3. An Electrical Characteristics section, which gives information about the ranges of performance for most of
the important device parameters. This section usually includes graphical and tabular presentations. The
graphs often repeat the data from the tables but give more detailed information. Sometimes the vendors
provide test circuits.
Some specifications listed as typical are not verified by tests by the manufacturer. Only minimum and maximum
specifications are binding.
In this lab some specifications of the Opamp will be measured. Before that, please be sure to consult the manufacturer’s
data sheets first.
The time-domain graph of a signal shows how a signal changes with time; a frequency-domain graph shows how
much of the signal lies within each given frequency band. A signal can be converted between the time and frequency
domains using mathematical transforms. The Fourier transform decomposes a function into a sum of sine waves which
have different frequencies. The spectrum of frequency components is the frequency domain representation of the
signal. The fast Fourier Transform (FFT) computes the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). A DFT decomposes a
sequence of values into components of different frequencies.
Opamp parameters
The Opamp is one of the most widely used devices in electronic instrumentation and analog integrated circuits design.
There are many parameters to be considered for a simple Opamp. In this lab, only a few parameters are briefly
discussed and studied. The information about the parameters below can be found in the data sheet.
Power Supplies: The most frequently used supplies are: 15 V, 12 V, 10 V and 5 V. In all our labs we will use 7
V supplies for all the op amp circuits. Never exceed the specified power supply limit.
Input Resistance and Output Resistance: The input resistance looking into the two input terminals of the Opamp is
ideally infinite. For a real 741 Opamp, it is about 2 M. The finite input resistance of the Opamp must be taken into
account, but it is especially critical if the impedances of the components attached to the Opamp inputs are comparable
with its input impedance. The output resistance on the other hand is ideally zero. For a real 741 Opamp, it is about 75
. The finite output resistance of the Opamp must be taken into account in analysis and design of networks if it is
comparable with the resistance of components directly connected to the output of the Opamp.
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Output Offset Voltage and Input Offset Voltage: When the Opamp input signal is zero, the output should be zero.
However, in practice, it is not the case. For a real 741, the output voltage is typically around 2 mV when the inputs
are connected to the analog ground (grounded inputs). This offset is called the output offset voltage. This voltage is
divided by the open-loop gain of Opamp to get the equivalent input offset voltage.
Input Offset Current: The ideal Opamp has an infinite input resistance and draws no current from the inputs. In the
real 741, each input draws a small amount of DC current because of the finite input resistance. The difference between
the current drawn into the positive and negative input terminal is called the input offset current.
Open Loop Voltage Gain: The open loop voltage gain is the Opamp’s gain when an input signal is applied and
feedback is not used. The gain is ideally infinite, but in a real case it is finite; for the 741 the DC gain is around 200,000
V/V (around 106 dB). The gain also depends on frequency and other parameters.
Gain Bandwidth Product: The open loop gain of the Opamp depends on the frequency. It decreases as the frequency
increases. So, the Opamp is less efficient at high frequencies. However, the product of open loop DC gain and the -3
dB frequency (bandwidth) is a constant. This is defined as the Gain-Bandwidth product GBW. For a real 741, GBW
is about 1.2 MHz.
Slew Rate: An ideal Opamp is able to follow the input signal no matter how quickly the input changes because the
Opamp has an infinite frequency response. In a real 741, the output rise and fall transients cannot exceed a maximum
slope; the maximum rate of change of the output voltage as a function of time is called the slew rate. Applying signals
with transients that exceed this limit results in distorted output signals. The slew rate can be measured by applying a
large square waveform at the input. The frequency of the input signal should be increased until the output becomes a
triangular waveform. The slope of the triangular waveform is the slew rate.
Handling Opamps: Picking up an IC package by your hand could destroy the circuit inside due to the static voltage
discharge. Always wear a ground-strap so that static voltage does not accumulate.
Pre-laboratory exercise
1. Read the data sheet for 741 Opamp and write down the typical values of the following parameters:
Supply Voltage
Power Consumption
Input Resistance
Input Offset Voltage
Output Resistance
Input Offset Current
Voltage Gain
Slew Rate
2. For the circuit in Fig. 1, derive the voltage gain expression at low frequencies (DC gain) assuming the Opamp
is ideal.
Fig. 1. Inverting Amplifier Configuration
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3. Choose R2 for a gain of 5 if R1 = 10 k. Use the uA741 PSpice Opamp model to verify your result using a
DC source of 1 V.
4. For the circuit shown in Fig. 2, derive the equation for the voltage gain at low frequencies (DC gain) assuming
that the Opamp is ideal.
Fig. 2. Non-inverting Amplifier Configuration
5. Choose R2 for a gain of 5 if R1 = 10 k. Use PSpice to verify your result.
6. What’s the voltage DC gain of the circuit shown in Fig. 3? Verify your answer using PSpice.
Fig. 3. Voltage Follower Configuration
Lab Measurement:
Part A. Input Offset Current Measurement.
1. Connect the circuit in Fig. 4 and use the dual power supply 7 V. Measure the resistor values accurately
before you connect them. Measure the voltages across the two 250 k resistors. Connect the Opamp output
to ground.
Fig. 4. Offset Current Measurement Configuration
2. Use Ohm’s law to calculate the DC input currents. The difference between the current into positive and
negative input terminals is the input offset current.
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Part B. DC Offset Voltage Measurement.
1. Turn the power supplies off. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. 5 with the values of R1 and R2 you calculated
in the pre lab for Fig. 2. Then make sure that you have powered the chip with the dual power supply. For this
measurement, the non-inverting input of the Opamp is grounded. Use the Digital Multimeter to measure the
output voltage. This is the output offset voltage.
Fig. 5. Offset Voltage Measurement Configuration
2. The input offset voltage of the Opamp can be calculated by dividing the output offset voltage by the circuit’s
gain, which is 1+R2/R1 for the circuit shown in Fig. 5.
3. To minimize the offset voltage, turn off the power supply first and connect a 20 k potentiometer (pot) to
pins 1 and 5 as shown in Fig. 6. Be sure to connect the center tap of the pot to the 7 V supply. Turn on the
power supply and use the pot to zero the Opamp’s output. This is how offset voltage is compensated.
Fig. 6. Elimination of offset voltage
Part C. Inverting Amplifier
1. Retain the potentiometer setting and do not change the connections to Pins 1, 5, and 7. Connect the circuit as
shown in Fig. 1 using the component values that were calculated in the pre lab. Turn off the power supply.
Apply a 1 Vpp 1 kHz sine wave to the Opamp inverting terminal through R1 as shown Fig. 1. Display the
input and output on the oscilloscope. Note that you need to verify the peak-to-peak voltage using the
oscilloscope. Measure Vout and compute the closed loop gain. While measuring the output signal on the scope,
make sure that the output signal is displayed completely (not clipped).
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2. Increase the input signal by small increments up to 3 Vpp. Measure and record the maximum value of the
input amplitude before distortion occurs at the output. Obtain a screenshot of the distorted output waveform.
3. With the input at 2.5 Vpp, perform a distortion analysis by activating the mathematical function and selecting
the FFT screen analysis. The FFT analysis can be activated using the “Math Menu” button on the
oscilloscope. Adjust the base-time to have 0.5 kHz per division and 10 dB/division in the Y-axis. Measure
the difference between the fundamental component at 1 kHz and the ones at 2 kHz and 3 kHz.
4. With the input at 2 Vpp, connect the input to channel 1 of the oscilloscope and the output to channel 2. Switch
the oscilloscope to XY mode. XY mode is in Diplay -> Format. Use DC coupling to both channels and adjust
the volts/divisions knobs to display the transfer characteristic Vout vs. Vin. Be sure that the upper and lower
limits of Vout are displayed on the screen. Disconnect the external trigger input fed from the function generator
to the oscilloscope to obtain the transfer characteristic. To show the upper and lower limits, increase the input
voltage until the Opamp saturates. Measure and record the precise voltage values of the upper and lower
limits. Explain your results.
5. The slope of the line around 0 V input is the small signal gain of the inverting amplifier. Take two points on
the line to find y2, y1, x2 and x1, then compute the voltage gain as (y2-y1)/(x2-x1).
Part D. Inverting Amplifier Distortion analysis using NI Elvis Dynamic Signal Analyzer SFP.
In this section we will use the NI Elvis dynamic signal analyzer SFP to perform distortion analysis for the Opamp
inverting amplifier shown in Fig. 1.
1. First ensure that the power supply to the Elvis prototype board has been switched off.
2. Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 1. Do not change the potentiometer setting.
3. Connect the output of the amplifier (Vout in Fig. 1.) to AI0+ on the prototype board.
4. Connect the ground signal to AI0- on the NI Elvis prototype board. The output of the amplifier should be
connected to any one of the NI Elvis Analog Channels. We have picked Analog Channel 0 (AI0+/AI0-) in
this exercise.
5. The input of the amplifier should be connected to the function generator on the bench (as in Part C) not the
NI Elvis FUNC_OUT output. Connect the Elvis ground (pin 53) to circuit ground.
6. Turn on the ±7 V the supplies to the Opamp.
7. Apply a 1 Vpp 1 kHz signal from the function generator.
8. Go the program menu on your computer and launch the NI Elvis program. Once the NI Elvis software Elvis
interface appears on your screen, Click on the Dynamic Signal Analyzer (DSA) button to launch the DSA
9. On the Dynamic Signal Analyzer SFP, we can make the following changes to the settings:
Select AI0 as the source channel.
Select Voltage Range to be ± 10 V.
Since the input frequency is 1 kHz, we select 5000 Hz as frequency span (to observe at least 5 harmonic
Increase the resolution to 3200. Higher the resolution yields better accuracy.
Set scale to Auto.
Turn the Markers ON and position the markers at the desired frequency tones. Use the left mouse button
to grab and move the markers. Alternatively, you can use the marker position button controls.
After completing these steps, the output should appear as shown in Fig. 7.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 21
Use these buttons to scale
the time domain output
Fig 7. NI Elvis Dynamic Signal Analyzer output for inverting amplifier (Gain 5 V/V) output with 1 V pp input.
10. As shown Fig. 7,
The output voltage (Vout) on channels AI0+/AI0- is 2.5 V peak. This is as expected since the inverting
amplifier has a gain of 5 V/V with an input of 1 V pp.
The frequency spectrum of the output signal is also shown in the above figure. The spectrum shows
output signal amplitude in dBVrms scale at 1 kHz, 2 kHz, and 3 kHz with decreasing values.
The dBVrms (RMS value in decibels) for a given voltage Vrms can be calculated as: 20 log10(Vrms).
Inverting amplifier produces an output of 2.5 Vpeak. This corresponds to an RMS value of 2.5* 0.7
which is around 1.75 V. This value in dBVrms can be calculated as: 20 log10(1.75) = 4.86 dBVrms. As
it can be seen from the plot, output contains a 1 kHz signal with this exact dBVrms value.
Tones shown at 2 kHz, 3 kHz and 4 kHz have considerably smaller dBVrms values. The Signal-to-
Noise-And-Distortion (SINAD) is also indicated on the plot as around 59.7 dB.
11. Increase the input signal amplitude up to 3 Vpp to obtain the distortion measurements and screen shots from
the Dynamic signal analyzer.
12. Remember that the op amp is powered by supplies at ±7 V. So, the output would saturate at values below 14
Vpp. You can calculate the input signal level for such outputs and observe the distortion performance around
that input amplitude.
13. More details regarding NI Elvis DSA FFT settings can be obtained using the Help Button shown on the
screen in Fig. 7.
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Part E. Non-inverting Amplifier
1. Keep the connection between pin 1 and pin 5 untouched and connect the circuit shown in Fig. 2. Use the
values of R1 and R2 you calculated in the pre lab. Do not change the potentiometer setting.
2. Use a 1 Vpp 1 kHz sine wave for your input.
3. Repeat steps 2 through 6 of Part C.
4. Repeat the steps outlined in Part D to obtain the distortion performance of the non-inverting amplifier.
Lab Report:
1. Tabulate all of the parameters measured in the lab. Look up the same parameters on a data sheet for the 741
Opamp. Calculate and list the differences between your measurement and specified values given by the
2. Provide the plots that you obtained in Parts C, D and E. Discuss the data in each measurement.
3. For parts C and E, compare the following four items: (1) PSpice simulated gain, (2) the theoretical gain, using
the measured value of resistors, (3) the ratio of vout/vin, using the waveform amplitudes and (4) the slope of
the transfer characteristic.
4. Discuss the results of distortion measurements from sections D and E.
5. Explain how using the pot can null the offset voltage (Bonus).
6. Is it possible to get a gain of less than unity using a non-inverting amplifier configuration? If yes, sketch a
circuit. You may use PSpice to verify your design.
7. Conclusion.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 23
Lab 4: Operational Amplifier-Part II
The purpose of the lab is to study some of the advanced Opamp configurations commonly found in practical
applications. The circuits studied will include the summing amplifier, the differential amplifier and the instrumentation
List of Equipment required:
a. Protoboard
b. Capacitors
c. Resistors
d. Oscilloscope
e. Function generator
f. Digital Multimeter
g. 741 Operation amplifiers
Summing Amplifier: An inverting amplifier can be modified to accommodate multiple input signals as shown in Fig.
1. Since the circuit is linear, the output voltage can easily be found by applying the superposition principle: the output
voltage is a weighted sum of the two input signals. The weighting factor is determined by applying one of the input
signals while the other is grounded and analyzing the resulting circuit. Since the circuit is linear, the analysis is
repeated for the other input, and the final result is the addition of both signals. The advantage of this approach is that
we can easily recognize the effect of each signal on the circuit’s performance, and the overall output can be obtained
in most of the cases by inspection. For the circuit shown below, the following equation results:
ininout V
-7 V
Fig 1. Summing amplifier circuit
The summing amplifier can be extended to have any number of input signals. Consider that a two bit digital signal is
applied to the input in the above circuit. A analog voltage appears at the output that is determined by the binary input.
So a more general configuration based on this circuit can be used to build digital-to-analog converters (DAC).
Differential amplifier: The differential amplifier is designed to amplify the difference of the two inputs. The simplest
configuration is shown in Fig. 2.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 24
+7 V
-7 V
Fig 2. Differential amplifier circuit
If the resistor values are chosen such that R2 / R1 = R4 / R3, then the output of the amplifier is given by:
 
ininout VV
This expression shows that the amplifier amplifies the difference between the two input signals vin1-vin2 and rejects the
common mode input signals; vout=0 if vin1=vin2. Therefore, the differential amplifier is used in very noisy environment
to reject common noise that appears at both inputs. When the same signal is applied to both inputs, the voltage gain
in this case is denoted as common-mode gain ACM; for the case of the ideal differential amplifier ACM=0. The common-
mode rejection ratio is defined as,
 
 
gain mode-common
gain mode-aldifferenti
Substituting common-mode gain equal zero in the above expression, the common-mode rejection ratio is given by
In practice, resistors have a tolerance of typically 5%, and the common-mode gain will not be zero, and the CMRR
will not be infinite.
Instrumentation amplifier: The instrumentation amplifier is a differential amplifier that has high input impedance and
the capability of gain adjustment through the variation of a single resistor. A commonly used instrumentation amplifier
is shown in Fig. 3.
The voltage drop across Rgain equals the voltage difference of the two input signals. Therefore, the current through
Rgain caused by the voltage drop must flow through the two R” resistors above and below Rgain. It has been shown in
class that the output is given by
 
ininout VVV 2
12 1
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 25
Though this configuration looks cumbersome to build a differential amplifier, the circuit has several properties that
make it very attractive. It presents high input impedance at both terminals because the inputs connect into noninverting
terminals. Also a single resistor Rgain can be used to adjust the voltage gain.
+7 V
+7 V
+7 V
-7 V
-7 V
-7 V
Fig. 3. Typical instrumentation amplifier circuit
Pre-laboratory exercise
1. For the summing amplifier in Fig. 1 with power supplies 7 V, choose R2 to have
)+(V=V ininout 21 2V
kΩ=R=R 10
2. Use PSpice to verify your hand-calculation and confirm that the circuit operates as a summing amplifier.
3. For the differential amplifier in Fig. 2 with power supplies 7 V, choose R1 to have
12 ininout VV=V
kΩ=R=R=R 10
4. Use PSpice to verify your hand-calculations and confirm that the circuit operates as a differential amplifier.
5. Use PSpice to check the common-mode gain and CMRR.
6. For the instrumentation amplifier in Fig. 3 with power supplies 7 V, choose R to have
)V(V=V ininout 12
kΩ=Rgain 20
7. Use PSpice to verify your hand-calculations and confirm that the circuit operates as an instrumentation
Lab Measurement:
Part A. Summing amplifier
1. Connect the circuit in Fig. 1, and use the component values determined in the pre lab. The dual power supply
is 7 V.
2. Apply a 1k Hz, 2 Vpp sine wave to input 1 and a 2 V DC voltage from the power supply for input 2. Make
accurate sketches of the input and output waveforms on the same axis in time domain. The oscilloscope’s
input should be “DC” coupled.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 26
3. Get a hardcopy output from the scope display with input and output waveforms to confirm that the circuit is
a summing amplifier.
4. Use the DC offset on your function generator to raise the DC input voltage until clipping at the output is
observed. Sketch the waveforms.
Part B. Differential amplifier
1. Connect the circuit in Fig. 2, and use the component values determined in the pre lab. The dual power supply
is 7 V.
2. Apply a 1k Hz, 2 Vpp sine wave to input 1 and a 2 V DC voltage from the power supply for input 2. Make
accurate sketches of the input and output waveforms on the same axis in time domain. The oscilloscope’s
input should be “DC” coupled.
3. Get a hardcopy output from the scope display with input and output waveforms to confirm that the circuit is
a differential amplifier.
4. Apply a 1k Hz, 2 Vpp sine wave to input 1 and connect input 2 to ground. Measure AD=vout/vin. Compare
your results with the theoretical value using actual measured values for the resistors.
5. Apply a 1k Hz, 2 Vpp sine wave to both inputs. Measure Acm=vout/vin. Compare to the theoretical value using
actual measured values for the resistors.
6. Compute the common mode rejection ratio CMRR.
Part C. Instrumentation amplifier
1. Connect the circuit in Fig. 3, and use the component values determined in the pre lab. Use the dual power
supply of 7 V.
2. Apply a 1k Hz, 1Vpp sine wave to input 1 and a 1 V DC voltage from the power supply for input 2. Make
accurate sketches of the input and output waveforms on the same axis in time domain. The oscilloscope’s
input should be “DC” coupled.
3. Get a hardcopy output from the scope display with input and output waveforms to confirm that the circuit
operates as an instrumentation amplifier where the output voltage is a linear combination of the input
Lab Report:
1. Provide the plots you get in Part A, B, and C. Discuss the data in each measurement.
2. For parts A, B and C compare the following three items: (1) PSpice simulated gain, (2) the theoretical gain,
using the measured value of resistors, (3) the ratio of vout/vin using the waveform amplitudes.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 27
Lab 5: Operational Amplifier-Part III
The purpose of the lab is to study some of the Opamp configurations commonly found in practical applications and
also investigate the non-idealities of the Opamp like finite Gain Bandwidth product and Slew rate limitations. The
circuits studied will include an integrator, a differentiator, a non-inverting amplifier and a unity gain buffer.
List of Equipment required:
a. Dual Trace Oscilloscope
b. Function Generator
c. ±7 V DC Power Supply
d. Digital Multimeter
e. A Protoboard
f. Resistors: different values
g. Capacitors: different values
h. Three 741 Operational Amplifiers
i. NI Elvis prototype station and relevant Soft Panel Instruments (SFP).
This laboratory deals with several amplifier circuits. Each of the circuits in the lab requires some thinking to
understand how the circuit works and its practical limitations.
Integrator: The circuit in Fig. 1 is the lossless inverting integrator. As the name suggests, the circuit generates an
output signal that corresponds to the integral of the input signal over time. The circuit can be analyzed using the
standard Op-amp analysis techniques mentioned in class.
+7 V
-7 V
Fig 1. Inverting integrator circuit
In the frequency domain, the output voltage is described as:
inout V
The output is directly proportional to the integral (1/s term) of the input signal, and a steadily changing output voltage
is produced for a constant amplitude sinusoidal input voltage. Notice that the DC gain (s=0) at the output is
theoretically infinite; hence any small DC signal at the input will saturate the Opamp output over time. In a real
integrator circuit, a large resistor in parallel with the capacitor is required to prevent the capacitor from storing charge
due to offset currents and voltages at the input. This configuration is known as “lossy” integrator or a first order low-
pass circuit, which is shown in Fig. 2.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 28
+7 V
-7 V
Fig 2. Lossy integrator circuit
The output voltage is now given by the following expression
inout V
The DC gain is now finite and determined by the ratio of the two resistors.
Differentiator: As the counterpart of the integrator, the differentiator differentiates the input signal. This configuration
is shown in Fig. 3.
+7 V
-7 V
Fig 3. Inverting differentiator circuit
Using the typical linear circuit analysis techniques, the output can be obtained as
inout VsCRV 1
The output is proportional to the derivative (s term), and the output voltage increases monotonically as the frequency
increases. Fig. 4 shows the circuit configuration for a commonly used pseudo-differentiator or high pass filter.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 29
+7 V
-7 V
Fig 4. First order high pass filter (pseudo-differentiator) circuit
The output voltage in this case is found as
inout V
Usually the integrators handle signals “better” than differentiators since important signals for the integrators are
located at low-frequencies while differentiators process the high frequency signals. However, due to the limited high
frequency capabilities of the devices it is hard to process properly the high frequency signals. In most of the practical
systems, integrators are used instead of differentiators.
Non Idealities of the Opamp:
1. Finite Gain Bandwidth (GBW) Product: The open loop gain of the Opamp is frequency dependent, decreases when
frequency increases following the roll-off of a single pole system, making it less efficient at high frequencies.
However, the product of open loop DC gain and the 3-dB frequency (bandwidth) is a constant, which is defined as the
Gain-Bandwidth product GBW. For a real 741, GBW is about 1.2M Hz. Finite GBW of the Opamp limits the
bandwidth of closed loop inverting or non-inverting amplifier configurations.
Assuming a finite GBW of wt, the frequency dependent gain of the non-inverting amplifier shown in Fig. 5 is given
where Go is the DC gain of the amplifier given by (1+R2/R1) and ωo is ωt/Go.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 30
Fig. 5: Non-inverting Amplifier configuration.
2. Slew Rate: An ideal Opamp is capable of following the input signal no matter how fast the input changes because
it has an infinite frequency response. In a real 741, the output rise/fall transient cannot exceed a maximum slope; the
maximum rate of change of the output voltage as a function of time is called the slew rate. Applying signals with
transients that exceed this limit results in distorted output signals. To avoid distortion due to slew rate limitations
maximum rate of change of output must be kept less than the slew rate specifications of the Opamp. The slew-rate can
be measured by applying a large square waveform at the input. The frequency of the input signal should be increased
until the output becomes a triangular waveform. The slope of the triangular waveform is the slew rate.
Fig. 6. Unity Gain Buffer Configuration.
Pre-laboratory exercise
1. For the lossy integrator in Fig. 2 with power supplies 7 V, and assuming the Opamp is ideal, derive the
time-domain equation for the output in terms of the input. Show that the circuit performs as an integrator.
2. Choose R1 to have a low-frequency gain of -20 if R2 = 20 kΩ and C = 0.2 F.
3. Use PSpice to verify your results and confirm that this circuit is an integrator for >> 1/R2C.
4. For the first order high-pass filter shown in Fig. 4 with power supplies 7V, and assuming the Opamp is
ideal, derive the time-domain equation of the output in terms of the input. Show that the circuit performs the
function of a differentiator.
5. Choose R2 to have a high-frequency gain of -20 if R1 = 1k Ω and C = 33 nF.
6. Use PSpice to verify your results and confirm that this circuit operates as a differentiator for << 1/R1C.
Notice that at higher frequencies, the slew-rate limit of the amplifier dominates the circuit performance as
the input amplitude increases. Make transient simulations for f = 1k Hz, 10k Hz and 100k Hz. Set the
amplitude of the input signal to 0.5 Vpp.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 31
7. Consider a non-inverting amplifier shown in Fig. 5. Assuming R1 = 1K, find the value of the resistor R2 to
get an amplifier with a DC gain of 61. Verify your design with PSpice AC simulations. What is the simulated
3-dB bandwidth of the amplifier? Repeat the PSpice AC simulations when the value of R2 is adjusted to
obtain a gain of 31 and 91.
8. Simulate the unity gain buffer configuration shown in Fig. 6 with a load of 2k in parallel with 100 pF at the
output. Assume a sinusoidal input of 10 Vpp at 15kHz. Obtain the maximum dVout/dt of the output signal
and find the frequency at which this Opamp will enter the slew rate conditions.
Lab Measurement:
Part A. Lossy integrator configuration
1. Connect the circuit in Fig. 2, and use the component values determined in the pre lab. The dual power supply
is 7 V.
2. Apply a 1k Hz, 0.3Vpp sinusoid to the input. Make accurate sketches of the input and output waveforms on
the same axis in the time domain. The oscilloscope’s input should be “AC” coupled.
3. Get a hardcopy output from the scope display with input and output waveforms to confirm that the circuit is
an integrator.
4. Vary the frequency of the input from about 10 Hz to 10k Hz. Record the magnitude and phase response at
several frequencies. Take three to five points per decade of frequency.
5. Bode plot analyzer can also be used to obtain the frequency response of this integrator circuit. The procedure
to be followed is similar to the procedure outlined in lab-2. Make the settings on the Bode Analyzer SFP and
follow the steps briefly outlined below (for more details refer to Part C of lab-2 exercise):
Input to the integrator circuit should be from FGEN and GROUND ports on the prototype board.
Input should also be connected to analog channel 1 between AI1+/AI1- pins.
Output from the integrator should be connected to analog channel 0 between AI0+/AI0- pins.
On the bode analyzer SFP, set start frequency below the cutoff frequency of the integrator.
Set the end frequency at least much higher (3-4 decades) than the cut off frequency.
Choose 40 steps per decade.
FGEN output peak amplitude should be selected carefully. Remember that the lossy active RC integrator
has a large low frequency gain (-20). Since the op amp outputs saturate near the supply rails (±7V), input
level has to be kept low enough not to saturate the output to obtain correct results from the bode analyzer.
Set the Y scale to Auto.
Use the cursors in the SFP to obtain the 3-dB frequency.
6. Use the run button on the SFP to obtain the magnitude and phase response for the integrator.
7. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for a 1 kHz square wave. Explain your results.
8. Now change the input back to sinusoid as in step 2. Remove the resistor R2. What happened to the output
signal? Explain what you observe on the oscilloscope.
Part B. First order high-pass filter
1. Connect the circuit in Fig. 4, and use the component values determined in the pre lab. The dual power supply
is 7V.
2. Apply a 1 kHz, 0.3 Vpp sinusoidal signal at the input. Make accurate sketches of the input and output
waveforms on the same axis in time domain. The oscilloscope’s input should be “AC” coupled.
3. Get a hardcopy output from the scope display with input and output waveforms to confirm that the circuit is
a differentiator.
4. Vary the frequency of the input from about 100 Hz to 20 kHz. Record the magnitude and phase response at
several frequencies. Take three to five points per decade of frequency.
5. Use the bode analyzer (as outlined in Part A) to obtain the magnitude and phase response for the high pass
6. Repeat step 2 and 3 for a 0.5 Vpp, 1 kHz triangular wave.
Part C. Finite Gain Bandwidth Limitations in Opamps
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 32
1. The non-inverting amplifier designed in the pre lab (as shown in Fig. 5) will be used to understand the finite
GBW limitation of the Opamps. Since the gain of the non-inverting amplifier is very large (around 61 or 35
dB), very small DC offsets in the amplifier will produce large DC output offset voltage. Hence we will use
offset calibration scheme (used earlier in Lab 3, Fig. 6) to calibrate the Opamp offsets. So, connect the circuit
as shown in Fig. 7.
2. You would also notice that we have used AC coupling from the NI Elvis signal source to the Opamp input
in Fig. 7. This eliminates the DC offsets coming from the signal source and only the AC voltage swing
generated by the signal generator (from Elvis) will be applied to the Opamp input terminal. The ac coupling
circuit behaves like a high pass circuit with a corner frequency of around 1.6 Hz and will be transparent for
higher frequency (> 1.6 Hz) operation. The potentiometer (20k) as shown in Fig. 7 between terminals 1 and
5 is for offset calibration. Make sure the viper of the potentiometer is connected to -7V supply. We will use
this potentiometer to trim the offsets coming from the Opamp.
Fig. 7. Non inverting amplifier with AC coupled input and offset compensation resistor
3. Connect the inputs of the circuit to function generator (FGEN/GROUND) and to Elvis channel AI1+/AI1-
as shown. Connect the output of the amplifier to Elvis channel AI0+/AI0-.
4. Use the function generator SFP from NI Elvis to generate a 1 KHz sine wave with peak amplitude equal to
100 mV and zero DC offset.
5. Use the oscilloscope SFP from Elvis to observe both the input and the output on channels AI1 and AI0
respectively. Now adjust the 20k potentiometer to balance the output waveform to be around 0 V as close as
possible. As the 20k potentiometer is adjusted the waveform on Channel B should move to be as close as
possible to being symmetric around zero DC voltage. This is shown in Fig. 8. Now we have calibrated the
DC offsets of the Opamp.
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Fig. 8. Oscilloscope output with output on AI0+/AI0- trimmed to have close to zero DC offset.
Fig. 9. Bode Analyzer output showing amplifiers low frequency gain and finite bandwidth.
6. Keep the same setup and use the bode analyzer SFP to obtain the frequency response of the amplifier. Choose
the following settings on the bode analyzer SFP:
Start frequency to 100 Hz and stop frequency to 200 kHz.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 34
Peak input amplitude of 100 mV.
Steps to 40 per decade.
Display section, set Y-scale to Auto.
Click on RUN.
7. Output should appear as shown in Fig. 9. From this analysis note the 3-dB bandwidth of the amplifier.
8. Keep the 20 k potentiometer position unchanged and repeat bode analysis by replacing the feedback resistor
values for gains of 31 and 91. Obtain the bode plots for the amplifier frequency response in these plots.
Part D. Slew Rate Limitations in Opamps
1. Keep the offset calibration potentiometer connection between pins 1 and 5 unchanged.
2. Remove the AC coupling C-R network at the input terminals.
3. Reconnect the circuit as a unity gain buffer as shown in Fig. 6. At the output node, connect a load resistor of
2k in parallel with 100 pF capacitor.
4. Apply a 1k Hz, 10 Vpp square wave. Make sure the function generator is set to Hi-Z state. Display the output
on the oscilloscope. Gradually increase the frequency and observe output response. Eventually the output
waveform becomes triangular. Measure and record the slope of the output; that value is the Opamp slew rate
for that load.
5. Apply a 1k Hz, 10 Vpp sine wave. Again, make sure the function generator is in Hi-Z state. Display the
output on the oscilloscope. Gradually increase the frequency and observe the output. Eventually the sine
wave output turns into a triangular wave which indicates the slew rate distortion produced by the voltage
follower. Find the frequency beyond which the output is distorted by slew rate limitation of the Opamp.
Lab Report:
1. Provide the plots you get in Part A, B, C and D. Discuss the data in each measurement.
2. For part A, with the experimental observation, explain the function of the resistor R2.
3. For parts A and B, plot the magnitude responses and compare it with the plots generated by using PSpice.
4. For part C, compare the Gain Bandwidth product obtained from the data sheet with the PSpice simulations
and lab measurements.
5. For part D, compare the Slew Rate performance obtained from the data sheet with the PSpice simulations
and lab measurements.
6. Provide conclusions.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 35
Lab 6: Introduction to Diodes
The purpose of this laboratory exercise is to investigate the basic properties and characteristics of semi-conductor
diodes. I-V characteristics, switching characteristics, and rectification properties are examined, leading to the
construction of a practical DC power supply.
List of Components and Equipment
a. Dual Trace Oscilloscope
b. Function Generator
c. Digital Multimeter
d. Two Independent DC Power Supplies
e. 1N4006/1N4148 Si Diodes
f. 1N34A/60 Germanium Diode
g. Resistors: 10 , 100 , 500 , 1 k and 10 k
h. Capacitors: 10 F (50 volt), 100 F (50 volt)
i. Protoboard
The objective of this laboratory exercise is to gain familiarity with the characteristics of semiconductor diodes. The
diode functions as a rectifier, allowing current to flow in one direction only, similar to a one-way water valve. A
semiconductor diode consists of a junction formed by contact between p-type and n-type semiconductor material. The
terminal connected to the p-type material is called the anode, and the terminal connected to the n-type is called the
cathode. On most diodes, the cathode is marked by a band on the body of the device. See Fig. 1.
+ vD -
Anode Cathode
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Fig. 1. Semiconductor Diode
When the anode is at a higher voltage than the cathode, the diode is forward biased, and current will flow through the
diode from the anode to the cathode. When the anode is at a lower voltage than the cathode, the diode is reverse
biased, and very little current will flow. The current flowing through the diode can be expressed as
sD nV
I=i exp1exp
where iD and vD are the current through the diode and voltage drop across the diode respectively, as shown in Fig 1,
VT is the thermal voltage which is around 26 mV at room temperature, Is is the saturation diffusion current which is a
constant dependent on the diode’s geometry and material, and n is a fitting constant between 1 and 2 (for our study
we will always use n = 1 for simplicity, unless specified otherwise).
The diode’s characteristics will be measured in this lab. The experiment will then go through a sequence of steps that
will lead to the construction of a practical DC power supply. Such a supply is important since most of the active
devices used in electronic circuits require a source of DC power. Although this could be supplied by batteries, it is
often more convenient to obtain power from the AC line (house current, 60 Hz, 115 VRMS). The conversion of AC to
the required DC voltage is done by a power supply (Fig. 2).
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 36
Current Rectifier Filter Voltage
Fig 2.Block diagram of a typical DC power supply
The AC voltage is first passed through a transformer to step it down to a lower voltage, then rectified using diodes.
The resulting DC voltage is pulsating and hence is then filtered to remove or reduce the ripple component, producing
a constant DC voltage. Additional circuitry may be added to provide voltage regulation so that the desired voltage is
maintained, independent of the load current drawn.
Diode I-V Characteristics: to examine the I-V characteristics of a diode one can setup a test circuit like that shown in
Fig 3(a). Measure the voltage drop across the diode (VD) and across the resistor (RID) for different values of V1 (note
carefully the polarities of the measured voltage drops, and the current now being scaled up by the resistor value). The
resulting measurement points should lie on the line shown in Fig 3(b), which clearly shows the exponential relationship
previously given for the diode current.
(a) (b)
Fig 3. (a) Diode Test Circuit for I-V Characteristic in PSpice and (b) Resulting Waveform
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier: The circuit shown in Fig. 4 is a full wave rectifier. As discussed in class, the resistor
shown in the circuit conducts current during both the positive and negative cycles of the sinusoidal input. Note that
the peak voltage drop across the resistor is Vm 2VD, where Vm is the maximum amplitude of the sinusoidal input
and VD is the voltage drop across the diode.
To build the circuit shown in Fig. 4, the trigger from the function generator to the oscilloscope must be
disconnected. Also, DC couple the output to the oscilloscope to see the rectified output average and peak-peak values.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 37
Fig 4. Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
DC Power Supply: In class experiment you observed the rectification property diodes. Fig. 5 shows how the half
wave rectifier circuit may be modified by the addition of a single-capacitor filter. Analysis of the circuit indicates that
when the diode is conducting, the capacitor will charge up to approximately the source peak voltage. When the diode
shuts off, current from the now discharging capacitor will continue to supply the load so that the load voltage will be
maintained somewhat until the next charging cycle.
10 F
Fig 5. Unregulated DC Power Supply
The change in DC (average) load voltage as the load current varies is measured in terms of the quantity called voltage
regulation, defined as:
A good power supply should have a low percent regulation, indicating that the voltage seen by the load is fairly
independent of the current drawn by that load. For the circuit in Fig. 5, the full load situation corresponds to the
current drawn when the load resistance is 1 k. The no load condition is an open circuit (IRL = 0) for RL= .
Pre-laboratory exercise
1. Using PSpice, set up the circuit shown in Fig 3(a). Perform a DC sweet analysis for the source V1 from -1 to
1 V. To do that, in the menu bar go to Analysis --> Setup --> check DC sweep- -> DC sweep --> choose
voltage source as your variable type, and input the source name. Then choose linear sweep and set you start
and end values. Use an increment of at most 5mV. Note: since the added source is an AC source, initialize
its configurable parameters to 0. Otherwise, you will receive error messages and the simulation will not run.
2. The resulting waveform will have the voltage drop across the resistor on the Y-axis and the swept voltage on
the X-axis. To obtain the waveform in Fig 3(b), you will need to modify the parameter for the X-axis. To do
so, double click on the X-axis --> Axis Variable. In the trace expression, select the node potential V(D1:1),
insert a sign, then select the node potential V(D1:2) --> OK. Your waveform should now resemble Fig 3(b).
Attach the waveform to your pre-lab report. What is the approximate ON voltage of the diode?
3. Modify the source parameters (VAMPL to 5 V, FREQ to 1 k). Perform a Transient analysis. To do so, in the
menu bar go to Analysis --> Setup --> check Transient --> Transient --> use a final time of 10 m, and a step
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 38
ceiling of at most 10 u. From the resulting waveform, what is the peak voltage across the Resistor and how
does it compare to the amplitude of the voltage source? Explain any differences.
4. Repeat the simulation in step 3 with a capacitor in parallel to the resistor, for capacitor values of 1 μF, 10 μF
and 100 μF. Attach all resulting waveforms to your pre lab and comment on your results. What is the effect
of the capacitor value on the performance?
5. Construct the circuit of Fig 4 in PSpice. Run a transient simulation using a sinusoidal source with 5 V
amplitude and 1 kHz frequency. Plot the voltage drop across the resistor and include it in your report. What
is the peak voltage drop across the resistor? How does the circuit performance differ from the one in step 3?
Lab Measurement:
Part A Diode I-V Characteristics
The I-V characteristics of a diode can be displayed directly on the oscilloscope using XY mode and the circuit shown
in Fig. 6. The voltage across the resistor is used as the Y input, and the voltage across the diode vD is used as the X
input. Thus a voltage 100*ID will be the vertical axis, and vD will be the horizontal axis. It must be noted that the
voltage units of the vertical scale should be divided by 100 to obtain the diode current in amperes.
+ vD -
Fig. 6. Circuit for I-V Characteristic Measurement
On most oscilloscopes the X and Y inputs have a common terminal. If this is the case, vD and vR cannot be
displayed directly as described. However, if the common (ground) terminal of the scope inputs are connected to node
2, the vertical input connected to node 3 and horizontal connected to node 1, the desired characteristics can be obtained
by inverting the vertical input voltage (a switch on the oscilloscope). Before using the XY mode, the DC values of the
X and Y channels should be aligned to get an accurate I-V curve.
The triangle-wave voltage supply will force the diode to go into the forward and reverse biased states. If the
frequency of the source is fast enough we will observe a continuous graph of ID vs vD being traced on the scope.
1. Construct the circuit shown in Fig. 6, using the 1N4006 or 1N4148 silicon diode.
2. Obtain a screen shot of the I-V characteristics of the diode. Always start these measurements with the input
voltage set to zero, and slowly increase the voltage so that excessive current will not damage the diode. Also
select an input frequency that allows a continuous display of the I-V curve. The maximum value of the
allowable current ID can be found on the data sheet. For this experiment limit the maximum current to
approximately 50 mA.
3. The goal of this step is to plot the I-V characteristics of both the 1N4006/1N4148 silicon diode and the
1N34A/60 germanium diode on the same graph. This may be accomplished by executing the following
Assemble the circuit in step 2, and obtain a plot of the IV characteristic for the diode.
On the oscilloscope, press the save key and select the “Save Waveform” option, and select Ref A, B, C, or
Remove the input signal vi(t) from the circuit. This is for your safety.
Remove the silicon diode, and replace it with the germanium diode and reapply the input signal.
On the oscilloscope, press the save key and select the “Save Waveform” option, and select Ref A, B, C, or
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 39
The saved data can be viewed by press the Ref. Menu button. Your work should resemble Fig. 7.
Be sure to note the significant features distinguishing the characteristics of the silicon and the germanium diodes,
specifically the “turn on” voltage. This measurement can be made with the oscilloscope cursors.
Fig. 7. Graph Illustrating the Differences between the Si and Ge Diodes
Part B Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
1. Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 4 with a 100 Hz 16 Vpp sinusoidal input. Pay careful attention to the
polarities of the diodes in the bridge. For this circuit the function generator will need to be isolated from
ground because vac(t) and vL(t) are referenced to different places. Disconnect the external trigger input fed
from the function generator to the oscilloscope. In addition note that vac(t) and vL(t) cannot be simultaneously
displayed. Be sure the channel measuring vL is set on the DC coupling with zero DC offset.
2. Observe and obtain oscilloscope plots of vac(t) and vL(t), on the same graph. You are expected to follow the
procedures for plotting two waveforms as discussed in Part A of this experiment. Be sure to preserve the
phase relationship between the two voltages.
3. Find the value of the DC component of the rectified signal (i.e. find the average value of the output.)
4. Find vi,,peak and vo,peak.
Part C DC Power Supply
CAUTION: electrolytic capacitors are polarized. If not oriented correctly (denoted by the +) they will not work, and
may explode. .
1. Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 5. Set vac(t) to 19 Vpp at 60 Hz. Observe on the oscilloscope simultaneously
the waveforms of vac(t) and vL(t) vs time. Be sure that the channel measuring vL(t) is using the DC coupling.
Obtain screen shots of the waveforms. Find the DC component (average value) of vL(t).
2. The peak-to-peak ripple voltage is the amount of variation from a constant DC value that is present in the
load voltage. Ideally, in a good power supply this voltage should be zero. Measure the peak-to-peak ripple
voltage of the circuit of Fig. 5. To accurately execute this procedure, bear in mind that the ripple voltage can
be considered to be an AC signal. Therefore measure the ripple component using an AC coupling. Since the
ripple component is small, you may need to adjust the volts/div on the oscilloscope (i.e. expand the scale).
Your work should resemble Fig. 8Obtain a screen shot of the resulting waveform.
3. Replace the 10 F capacitor with a 100 F capacitor and repeat steps 1 and 2. Note the change in the load
voltage. Also find the DC component of vL(t) and the peak-to-peak ripple voltage. How does the capacitor
value affect the performance?
4. Determine the percent regulation for the circuit of Fig. 5 with C = 100 F. The DC (or average) load voltage
can be measured using the multimeter set on DC volts.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 40
Fig. 8. AC Ripple Component
Lab Report:
1. Attach the oscilloscope plots of the I-V characteristics of the Si diode and the Ge diode obtained in part A.
Discuss significant differences.
2. Discuss the constant voltage drop across the diode when it is forward biased, and how it affects the maximum
output voltage. Also discuss the voltage swing across the diode as the input goes through its negative half
3. For the full wave bridge rectifier given in part B, identify which diodes are forward biased when the input
goes through its positive half cycle, and which diodes are forward biased when the input completes its
negative half cycle.
4. According to your experimental data, what was the average value of Vo(t) in Part B?
5. Is the current flowing in the load resistor in Fig. 6 bidirectional or unidirectional?
6. For Part C, compare the ripple voltages of the following: (1) power supply with C = 100 F, and (2) power
supply with C = 10 F.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 41
Lab 7: Characterization of the BJT
The purpose of the lab is to measure the DC operating point of a single transistor amplifier and extract the most
important AC parameters of an NPN bipolar transistor.
List of Components and Equipment
a. Dual Trace Oscilloscope
b. Function Generator
c. Digital Multimeter
d. Frequency counter
e. Dual Power Supply
f. 2N2222 transistor
g. 1 potentiometer of 100 k
h. Resistors
i. Protoboard
The symbol of an NPN-BJT transistor is shown in Fig. 1. Because the relationship between iC and vBE is exponential,
the collector current varies drastically as the base-emitter voltage changes. A small current iB flows into the base
terminal because vBE varies; usually it is a small fraction of the collector current iC. The ratio of iC to iB the current
gain of the transistor, and it is called . The value of varies significantly with temperature, and it can be different
between two transistors of the same type; see textbooks and/or lecture notes.
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- -
- - -
- -
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) NPN Transistor and (b) its symbol.
The bipolar junction transistor (BJT) has three regions of operation:
1. Cutoff Region: If both base-emitter and base-collector junctions are reverse biased, the BJT transistor enters
the cutoff region. All terminal currents are extremely small, and the transistor is off.
2. Active Region: The base-emitter junction must be forward biased, and the base-collector junction must be
reverse biased to make a BJT transistor operate in the active region. The active region is used to design a
linear amplifier.
3. Saturation Region: When both the base-emitter and collector-base junctions are forward biased, the BJT
transistor enters the saturation region.
In this lab, the circuit is designed so that the BJT transistor operates in the Active region. The base-emitter voltage
determines the collector current; it is computed as follows
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 42
where IS is the saturation current for the emitter terminal, VT is the thermal voltage and n is a fitting parameter whose
value is within 1 and 2. At room temperature (300 K), the thermal voltage is roughly 26m V. Another fundamental
equation of the bipolar device is
BCE i+i=i
A very useful parameter is the collector-base DC forward current gain defined as follows
DC 
Where α = IC/IE.
The AC forward current gain is accordingly defined as
ac II
for a constant value of VCE > VCESAT.
Unless otherwise specified, will stand for DC for our lab purposes.
DC Characteristics of the BJT: The transistor’s IC-VBE curve is obtained by sweeping the base-emitter voltage; this
plot is known as the DC input characteristics of the bipolar transistor. If the base-emitter junction is forward biased
then the collector current is determined by (1), as depicted in the following figure.
10 V
1 k
100 kpot C
0.6 0.80.4
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) BJT transistor circuit 1 and (b) input characteristics for the BJT if VCE>VCESAT
For base-emitter voltages below 0.5 V, the collector current is very small, typically less than 1 A. It will be evident
in the next sections that the BJT is often operated with larger collector currents and base-emitter voltages; e.g. VBE >
0.5 V. When a base-emitter voltage is selected, the collector current is fixed; the operating (quiescent) point Q is
therefore determined by VBEQ and ICQ. The derivative of this function evaluated at the operation point Q is defined as
the small signal transconductance, computed from Fig. 2 as:
For a given VBEQ, the collector-emitter voltage can also be swept leading to the transistor’s output characteristics
shown in Fig. 3. For small VCE (< 300 mV), the potential is not large enough to attract the carriers traveling from the
emitter to the base terminal, and the collector current is very small. If VBE increases, the collector current increases
following the exponential rule given by (1). The slope of one of the curves determines the output conductance,
obtained as
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 43
where the early voltage VA is a fitting parameter. For IC transistors it could be in the range of 30-50V, but for discrete
transistor VA could be in the range of 100 V.
Fig. 3. Transistor’s output characteristics for a family of VBE voltages. VBE0<VBE1<...<VBE3.
Pre-laboratory exercise
1. Obtain the value of IS from a simple simulation of the transistor: using the setup of Fig 4, excluding the
resistors, apply VBB = 0.65 V, measure IC while VCE > 0.5 V and use equation 1. Assume that n = 1. Use the
Q2N2222 BJT in the simulation.
1 V
Fig. 4. BJT transistor circuit 2
2. For the circuit in Fig. 2(a), compute the current IB and IC, and the voltage VC for at least 5 input voltages
within the range VBE(on) < Vin < 1V, use RB = 100 k.
3. For the circuit in Fig. 2(a), if the VBE was set to 0.1 V, what would you expect for the value of VC?
4. Construct the circuit shown in Fig. 4 in PSpice. Place a current marker on the collector of the Q2N2222. Run
a DC Sweep on the VBB voltage source to generate the input characteristics. Do a linear sweep starting at 0
V and ending at 2 V with a linear increment of 5 mV. Modify the x-axis variable to be the VBE voltage, not
VBB. Comment on your results for all regions of the plot.
5. Repeat step 5 using a current marker at the base of the Q2N2222. Find the input impedance by evaluating
the slope around VBE = 0.65V; Rin = Rbe = vbe/ib.
6. Construct the circuit in Fig. 5 in PSpice. Place a current marker on the collector of the Q2N2222. A second
DC Sweep is required to generate the output characteristics. First select DC Sweep and set it up for sweeping
VCE from 0 V to 6 V with linear increments of 5 mV. Then select Nested Sweep and set that up for sweeping
IB from 0 A to 50 A with linear increments of 5 A. Make sure to select Enable Nested Sweep.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 44
Fig. 5. BJT transistor circuit 3
7. Find the output impedance Ro = vce/ic from the output characteristics plot.
8. Set VCE shown in Fig. 5 to 5 V and do a linear sweep starting at 0 and ending at 30 A with a linear increment
of 5 A. Find the DC and AC current gain DC and ac of the transistor. Remember, DC and ac are defined
by (3) and (4), respectively.
Lab Measurement:
1. Measure the actual values of Rc (1 k) and Rb (100 k pot) resistors that will be used in the lab.
2. Connect the circuit in Fig. 2(a). The power supply is 10 V.
3. Set the pot to 10 kSet Vin to 2 V and adjust the potentiometer so that the voltage across Rc is 5 V. Measure
the voltage across Rb (remember to measure any new values for Rb if changed). Use Ohm’s Law and the
actual values of Rc and Rb to compute IB and IC.
4. Use the equation (3) of the current gain to compute .
5. The value of varies with temperature. Keep Vin so that the voltage across Rc is 5 V, and warm the transistor
by putting your thumb on the package while observing VC.
6. Set the potentiometer to its maximum resistance and sweep Vin from 0 V to 4 V. Sweep VBE from 0.4 V to
0.7 V with linear increments of 50 mV (use finer increments if necessary). For every value of VBE, measure
and record VBE, VCE, IB and IC. Use the ammeter to measure IB. To measure the value of Rb, remove the pot
from the circuit. Hint, if Vin reaches 4 V before VBE reaches 0.7 V, fix Vin at 2 V and reduce the potentiometer
resistance. Explain why this works.
Lab Report:
1. Use the data you got in step 1 and 3 of the experiment to compute .
2. With the experimental observation in step 5, comment on how is related to the temperature of transistor.
3. Graph the data you collected in step 6 of the experiment. Place Vin on the X-axis, and plot VBE and VC as
function of Vin. If the collected data has enough points, the plot will show the transition between cutoff and
active, and between active and saturation regions. Hint, you might want to use two different Y-axis scales,
one for VBE and the other for VC.
4. Plot IC (Y axis) as a function of IB (X axis).
5. From the previous results, find the input impedance, transconductance and as function of the collector
6. Compare your measured results with PSpice simulations
7. Conclusion.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 45
Lab 8: BJT Amplifiers: Basic configurations
The purpose of the lab is to examine the properties of the BJT amplifier configurations and investigate their small
signal performance. This laboratory will emphasize the measurement of the operating point,, input and output
impedances, and voltage gain of common-emitter and common-collector topologies.
List of Equipment required:
a. Dual Trace Oscilloscope
b. Function Generator
c. Digital Multimeter
d. Dual Power Supply
e. 2N2222 transistor
 1 potentiometer of 1 M
g. Resistors
h. Capacitor
i. Protoboard
The most commonly used small signal models of the BJT are shown in Fig. 1. It can be shown that both models are
equivalent and lead to the same results. Once an operating point is fixed, the AC parameters can be found according
to the following expressions:
Fig. 1. Small signal models for the BJT: (a) -hybrid model and (b) T-model
There are three basic BJT amplifier configurations: common-emitter, common-base and common-collector. Each
configuration exhibits certain characteristics that make it desirable in certain circuit applications. Table 1 shows a
qualitative comparison of the topologies:
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 46
Table 1. The comparison of basic BJT amplifier configurations
Input/output phase difference
Input impedance
Output impedance
Voltage gain
< 1
Current gain
< 1
Pre-laboratory exercise
1. Assume the transistor you will use has a of 155 and VBE(on) = 0.65 V. For the circuit in Fig. 2, calculate
the overall resistance (RB and pot) such that IC = 1 mA.
10 V
5 k
10 F
1 M
1 M
- +
Fig. 2. BJT transistor circuit 1
2. Compute the voltage VC.
3. Find the values for the input impedance Ri, output impedance Ro and small signal transconductance gm.
4. Find the value of the small signal voltage gain.
5. Construct the circuit in Fig. 2 in PSpice and find the small signal parameters gm and ro. Compare PSpice
results and calculations. Explain the differences, if any.
6. Find the value of the resistors for the circuit shown in Fig. 3 so that the magnitude of the small signal voltage
gain is 40 dB and the DC collector current is 1 mA. Let β = 155. Determine the values of RB1 and RB2 so that
RB1||RB2 > 100 k. First, check the operating point of your design and verify that the voltage gain is
approximately given by -gmRC = -αRC/re. Compute the values of the input impedance at the base and the
output impedance at the collector.
7. Note that VCE for the transistor needs to be 1.3 V. Based on the swing considerations at the output of the
amplifier (at the operating point) determine the value of RE. Based on this information and VBE we can derive
the values of RB1 and RB2.
8. Construct the circuit in Fig. 3 in PSpice and compare the simulated results and calculations. Explain the
differences if any. Also, plot the frequency response over the range and find the low frequency and high
frequency poles (adjust the frequency range until you see a lower and upper 3dB frequencies).
9. Find the magnitude of the small signal voltage gain for the circuit shown in Fig. 4 so that Ic = 1 mA. Select
the resistors lumped to the base such that the collector current is 1 mA and RB1||RB2 > 50 k. First, check the
operating point of your design and verify that the voltage gain is approximately given by gm(RL||1/gm)= RL/(re
+ RL). Compute the values for the input impedance at the base and the output impedance.
10. Construct the circuit in Fig. 4 in PSpice and compare the simulated results (input impedance, output
impedance and voltage gain) with calculations. Explain any differences. Also, obtain the frequency response
of Fig. 4 and find the low frequency and high frequency poles.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 47
RE100 F
10 F
- + 2N 2222
Fig. 3. Common-emitter configuration
10 V
1 kΩ
10 F
- + 2N2222
Fig. 4. Common-collector configuration
Lab Measurement:
Part A.
1. Measure the actual values of Rc (10 k) and Rb (1 M) resistors that will be used in the first part of the lab.
2. Connect the circuit in Fig. 2. The power supply is 10 V.
3. Adjust the potentiometer so that the voltage across Rc is 5 V. Measure the voltage across Rb. Use Ohm’s Law
and the actual values of Rc and Rb to compute IB and IC. Compute the value of .
4. Adjust the potentiometer to vary IC from 0.6 mA to 1.6 mA in 0.2 mA steps. Add another 1 MΩ resistor in
series with RB if you cannot lower IC to 0.6 mA while adjusting the pot. Add the 1 MΩ resistor in parallel
with RB to raise IC to 1.6 mA while adjusting the pot. Record IC, IB, VC, and VC for each step. Calculate β, re,
rπ and gm.
5. To characterize the amplifier shown in Fig. 3,, apply a sinusoidal signal of 10 kHz and amplitude of 10 mV
at the input of the amplifier. You may have to use a resistive voltage divider to reduce the amplitude of the
signal provided by the signal generator if that cannot be as small as 10 mV. This setup is shown in Fig. 5.
Use R1 = 400 Ω and R2 = 50 Ω. For RB1, RB2, RC and RE use the values computed in the pre-lab. Put the
function generator in the 50 impedance mode (not Hi-Z). The 50 shown in Fig. 5 is internal to the
function generator. Do not place an external 50 Ω resistor.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 48
RE100 F
10 F
50 Ω
Resistive Divider Z1 << Z2
Fig. 5. BJT CE amplifier Lab setup.
6. Sweep the frequency of the input signal and find the low and high -3dB frequencies (if possible). Compare
these values with the ones obtained from PSpice and comment on the differences if any.
7. Distortion Analysis of the common emitter amplifier can be performed using the NI Elvis Dynamic signal
analyzer. Specific steps to perform distortion measurements are outlined in Part B (below). It is advisable to
complete the Part B before you disconnect the circuit and proceed to steps 9, 10 and 11.
8. Construct the circuit shown in Fig. 4; use the resistor values computed in the pre lab and be sure you verify
these values using PSpice simulations.
9. Apply a sinusoidal signal of 1 kHz and amplitude of 100 mV at the input of the amplifier. Measure the input
impedance, output impedance and small signal gain. Question: how you can experimentally measure the
output impedance? Hint: disconnect the signal generator and ground the input capacitor. Apply the signal
generator at the output through a blocking capacitor and measure the applied AC voltage and the AC current.
10. Sweep the frequency of the input signal and find the low and high -3dB frequencies (if possible). Compare
these values with the ones obtained from PSpice and comment on the differences if any.
Part B. Distortion Analysis of the BJT Common Emitter amplifier
In this section, the BJT CE amplifier (shown in Fig. 5) is used to perform distortion measurements. The common
emitter amplifier has been designed with a small signal voltage gain of 40 dB, which is 100 V/V. The amplifier is
connected to supply rails between +10V and Ground. Also the voltage swing at the collector terminal is limited within
a certain range (based Quiescent Voltage at the Collector in your design). It can be very easily seen that with a gain
of 100 V/V, a small input amplitude at the base of the transistor can easily saturate the output of the amplifier and
considerably distort the output. So, we attenuate the signal from the function generator using a resistor divider before
connecting it to the base terminal of the transistor. The following steps outline how to measure the distortion
performance of such a configuration.
1. We will use the circuit configuration shown in Fig. 5. The 50 Ω shown in Fig. 5 is internal to the function
generator. Do not place an external 50 resistor. We will use R1 = 400 Ω and R2 = 50 Ω to give us a division
ratio of 0.1 from vx to vi.
2. Output Vo should be connected to one of the analog channels on the NI Elvis proto board. Use Analog
channel 0 (between AI0+/AI0-) for this purpose. Vo is connected to AI0+ while GROUND is connected to
3. Turn the proto board supply to the ON position.
4. Set the function generator to the minimum possible amplitude output (50 mVpp). Set the input frequency to
10 kHz. At this setting the voltage level at Vi should be approximately 5 mV peak. If this is not the case, then
adjust the values of R1 and R2 so that Vi is 5 mV peak.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 49
Be careful when calculating the output peak voltage obtained using the function generator and the resistor
divider circuit in Fig. 5. When the function generator’s output impedance is50 , the voltage produced inside
the function generator (VIN Fig.) is twice the value indicated on the display. You need to calculate the voltage
produced at Vi accordingly. So when the function generator displays the output to be 50 mVpp, Vi can be
calculated as:
peakppimV=mV=mVV 5 10
* 100
5. The distortion components produced by a BJT CE amplifier depends on the ratio of peak voltage level at the
base of the transistor to thermal voltage (VT). With Vi set to 5 mV, this ratio is approximately 0.2.
6. Launch NI Elvis and Dynamic Signal Analyzer (DSA) SFP and select AI0 as the input source.
7. Select appropriate range for the output amplitude. For more details on settings and understanding output
amplitude levels (dBVrms) in the DSA SFP, refer to Part D section of Lab 3.
8. Once proper settings are selected in the DSA SFP, output should appear as shown in Fig.Fig. 6. The output
shown in Fig. 6 is for input amplitude level (Vi) of 10 mV peak.
9. Obtain distortion performance results for input Vi increasing up to VT in small increments.
Fig. 6. Output signal distortion measurement of CE Amplifier using NI Elvis DSA. Input signal level Vi = 10 mV
peak. Amplifier gain is approximately 40 dB. The expected output voltage is 1 Vpeak.
Lab Report:
1. Use the data from step 3 of the experiment to compute .
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 50
2. Graph the data you collected in step 4 of the experiment. Plot the small signal parameters rπ and gm as function
of IC. Compare the value of these parameters for IC = 1 mA with PSpice simulations.
3. Use the voltage measurements from steps 5 and 6 of the experiment to compute the input impedance and
small signal voltage gain. Report the -3 dB frequencies. Compare your experimental results with PSpice
4. Use the voltage measurements from steps 9 and 10 of the experiment to compute the input impedance, output
impedance and small signal voltage gain. Report the -3 dB frequencies. Compare your measurements with
PSpice results.
5. Comment on the distortion analysis of the Common Emitter configurations. How does the output distortion
level vary as the input base emitter voltage is increased in comparison to the thermal voltage VT? Include
screen shots from your measurements.
6. Conclusion.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 51
Lab 9: BJT amplifiers: Design project
The purpose of this experiment is to design a two-stage BJT amplifier, and to use in a unified manner the most relevant
design concepts such as small voltage gain, input and output impedance. Design specifications are as follows:
Vcc = 10 V
Input impedance (AC) > 10 k
Small signal voltage gain Av = -10 V/V, when loaded
Load resistance of 100 
AC coupled input and output
Circuit performance insensitive to changes in 
Output voltage swing > 2 Vpp.
Discrete components (i.e. transistors, resistors) only; no integrated circuits allowed.
Alternatively, your instructor or TA may provide different specifications.
Pre laboratory Exercise:
To meet the specifications, two stages might be needed. The first stage is an amplifier that is able to achieve input
impedance and gain specifications. The last stage could be a buffer to couple the amplifier’s output to the load
impedance. Design your circuit prior to the laboratory period, and simulate it using PSpice.
First check the DC operating point (currents and voltages in relevant branches and nodes) and modify your
design if any DC node voltage or branch current is significantly different than the desired value. Then perform
AC and transient simulations, and fast Fourier analysis to check the amplifier’s linearity.
Use PSpice to verify your calculations; take advantage of the information provided in the output file:
impedances and transconductances, currents and voltages and more information is available.
Check your calculations and gain factors by using AC analysis. Construct your circuit stage by stage, and
test the gain of each one individually.
Measure the input impedance of the different stages; take into account the effects of input impedance of the
next stage on the gain of the actual stage.
Once you are satisfied with the results, connect the next stage and proceed accordingly. Determine the DC
gain and the low and high -3dB frequencies.
Measure the distortion of the circuit by setting the amplitude of the input signal at 100 mVpp and 1 kHz.
Increase the input signal up to 200 mVpp, and measure the harmonic distortion components at the output
using the FFT option available in Spice.
Compare your calculations with PSpice simulations.
Discuss in advance your design progress with the laboratory instructor or course instructor.
Lab Measurement:
Elvis Bode Analyzer should be used to plot the AC magnitude and phase response of the Amplifier. Please check the
upper frequency limit and the bandwidth limitations of the Elvis Bode Analyzer installed on your system before using
Elvis for this purpose. Instructors or TAs may adjust the frequency response specifications of the amplifier to meet
the bandwidth limitations of the Bode Analyzer SFP. Once your design has been approved by the instructor, construct
the circuit and perform the following tests:
Check the DC bias of ‘Q’ point: IBQ, ICQ, VCEQ and voltage in other nodes.
Measure the AC voltage gain and determine the low and high -3 dB frequencies.
Measure the input and output impedances (Hint: see previous experiment).
Determine how sensitive the above parameters are to change with . You must use different transistors to do
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 52
Increase the input signal up to 200 mVpp, and measure the harmonic distortion components at the output
using the FFT option available in the oscilloscope’s math option.
Use Elvis to obtain the AC response of the amplifier. Magnitude and phase response plots can be easily
obtained using the Elvis Bode Analyzer SFP as indicated in the previous labs.
Also use the Dynamic signal analyzer from NI Elvis to obtain the distortion performance of the amplifier.
Select the input amplitude and amplitude settings on the NI Elvis SFP accordingly. The procedure for making
these settings can be found in the previous labs.
Compare the experimental results with PSpice simulations.
If any of the measurements do not meet the given specifications, you must modify your design until they do.
Lab Report:
1. State the objective of this experiment.
2. Discuss your design procedure in detail. State any and all assumptions, and give the relevant design equations.
3. Give the AC voltage gain of your circuit. Did you have to modify your circuit to meet this specification? Find the
low and high frequency corners, and justify these values.
4. Give the AC input and output resistances of your circuit. Did you have to modify your circuit to meet this
specification? Explain how you measured it.
Does the input resistance depend on the amplitude of the AC signal?
How does the calculated theoretical input impedance compare with your measured impedance?
5. Discuss in detail how and why your circuit is insensitive to changes in .
6. If any part of your design was unable to meet the specifications, explain why.
7. Is the small signal model used for your design equations valid for all input amplitudes? Why or why not?
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 53
Lab 10: Characterization of the MOS transistor
The purpose of the lab is to characterize the MOS transistor and to experimentally find the I-V characteristics,
threshold voltage, small signal transconductance and output impedance.
List of Components and Equipment
a. Dual Trace Oscilloscope
b. Function Generator
c. Digital Multimeter
d. Dual Power Supply
e. CD4007 MOS transistor
f. 2N7000 n-channel Power MOS transistor
 1 potentiometer of 10 k
h. Miscellaneous resistors
i. Capacitor
j. Protoboard
The objective of this laboratory is to characterize and bias the MOSFET. A MOSFET can be characterized by several
parameters, such as and Vt. Fig. 1(a) shows the output and transconductance characteristics of an n-channel
MOSFET and illustrates how n and Vtn characterize the MOSFET. The large signal model for the n-channel MOSFET
is given as follows:
Saturation (active) region:
 
20 1
Triode region:
   
DStnGSnD Vv<v,vλ+
where n is the transconductance gain factor; n is the mobility of the carriers in the channel, Cox is the capacitance
per square micrometer and W and L are the width and length of the transistor’s gate. n is the channel modulation
parameter. For a first-order approximation, it can be considered zero.
(a) (b)
Fig.1 MOSFET characteristics: (a) input and (b) output.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 54
Like the BJT, the operating point Q is determined by VGSQ and IDQ. The derivative of the drain current evaluated at
the operation point Q is defined as the small signal transconductance, computed as:
 
For a given VGSQ, the drain-source voltage can also be swept leading to the transistor’s output characteristics shown
in Fig. 1(b). The slope of the curve determines the transistor’s output conductance, obtained as
Pre-laboratory exercise
A simple biasing scheme for the n-channel MOSFET is shown in Fig. 2. Use VDD = 10 V. Find nn and Vtn. For
PSpice simulations, your TA or instructor will provide you with the necessary model files and a guide on adding them
to PSpice.
1. Set up your circuit in PSpice as shown in Fig. 2(a) using first the CD4007 MOS transistor.
2. To find Vtn and n, sweep VGS from 0 to 5 V using increments of 1 mV with a nested sweep of VDS from 3
to 5 V using increments of 0.5V. This will generate a series of ID-VGS characteristic plots similar to the one
in Fig. 1(a). Use these plots to find the approximate value Vtn and n.
3. From the plots you generated in step 2, find the transistor’s gm around VGS = 3 V. Does the gm change for
different values of VDS? Explain.
4. Using the same setup as in step 2. sweep VDS from 0 to 5 V using increments of 1 mV with a nested sweep
of VGS from 1 to 5 V using increments of 0.5 V. This will generate a series of ID-VDS characteristic plots
similar to the one in Fig. 1(b). Use these plots to find an approximate value for n.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the 2N7000 MOS transistor.
2N 7000
1 kID
2N 7000 +
10 V
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) PSpice simulations setup (b) Schematic used for measuring the n-channel MOS transistor characteristics
and small signal parameters.
Unfortunately, the biasing scheme of Fig. 2 is very sensitive to changes in the MOSFET characteristics because there
is no means of stabilizing the biasing point. A better biasing scheme is shown in Fig. 3. In this circuit, an increase in
the drain current causes an increase in the source voltage. If the gate voltage is constant, then the value of VGS decreases
opposing the original increase in drain current causing the bias point to be stabilized. There is an inherent feedback
mechanism behind the source resistance Rs.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 55
10 V
Fig. 3. MOSFET based amplifier: circuit 2
6. Construct the circuit shown in Fig. 3 in PSpice using the CD4007 MOSFET. Using the parameters found in
the previous steps, find the resistors such that the transistor is biased at ID = 1 mA and VDS = 2 V, and RD/RS
= 10. The parallel combination of RG1 and RG2 should be greater than 100 k. For your calculations you can
ignore n. Simulate your results. Repeat for the 2N7000 MOSFET with ID = 20 mA and keep all other
requirements the same.
CAUTION: MOSFETs have extremely high input impedances and can be damaged by the accumulation of excess
static charge. To avoid possible damage, the following procedures are suggested:
Wrap the device in aluminum foil when not being used or stick the leads of the MOSFET in conducting foam.
Handle the MOSFET by the case and avoid touching the leads.
Do not insert or remove MOSFETs from a circuit with the power on (this suggestion is good practice for all
types of electronic devices).
Lab Measurement:
NOTE: When you use the CD4007, short the B (bulk) terminal to ground.
WARNING: Handle the 2N7000 power transistor with care; it is very sensitive and capable of delivering large
Part A
1. Using the CD4007, connect the circuit of Fig. 2(b); the 1 resistor will limit ID to 10 mA and keep the VDS
voltage greater than or equal to VGS for a wide range. Sweep VGS from 0 V up to a voltage such that ID = 5
mA. Record the results for at least 20 different values with emphasis around the expected Vtn. Plot the results
in the ID-VGS plane.
2. Select the VGS that gives you ID = 1 mA, sweep VDD from 0 to 10 V, and measure VDS. Compute the ID and
VDS for at least 20 different values of VDD with emphasis in the lower range (0 -1V) and plot the results in
the ID-VDS plane.
3. From step 1, find approximate values for Vtn, nand gm. From step 2, find approximate values for Vtn, nand
4. Repeat steps 1-3 using 2N7000. Change the resistor to a tenth of its original value. Try to obtain currents
that are ten times larger than those used for the CD4007N. Compare the results and comment on the
Part B
1. Using the CD4007, connect the circuit of Fig. 3 and use the values obtained in the pre-lab. Measure the
operating point (ID, VS and VD) and compare these values with PSpice results. Comment on any differences;
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 56
how do you explain them? Try using a pot (10~25 kΩ) between RG1 and RG2 with the middle terminal
connected to the MOS gate. Explain why this works better than using two fixed values for RG1 and RG2.
2. Repeat 1 using the 2N7000. Compare and comment on the results.
3. Compare the ID and VS that were obtained from the circuit in Fig. 3 to the values that were obtained using
the circuit in Fig. 2(b).
Lab Report:
1. Compare the values of n and Vtn as measured from the output and transconductance characteristics in part
A. Which are more accurate?
2. Compare your measured values of IDQ, VDSQ, and VGSQ for each of the biasing circuits in Part A and B.
3. Compare the change in IDQ between the two different MOSFETs.
4. From your measurements, estimate a value for n.
5. What happens if the parallel combination of the gate biasing resistors in Fig. 3 was smaller than 100 kΩ?
6. Conclusion
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 57
Lab 11: CMOS Amplifier configurations
The purpose of the lab is to examine the properties of the MOS amplifier configurations, and to investigate their small
signal performance. This laboratory will emphasize the measurement of the operating point (IDQ, VGSQ and VDSQ),
input and output impedances and voltage gain of common-source and common-drain topologies.
List of Equipment required:
a. Dual Trace Oscilloscope
b. Function Generator
c. Digital Multimeter
d. Dual Power Supply
e. CD4007 MOS transistor
f. 2N7000 n-channel MOS transistor
g. 1 potentiometer of 1 M
h. Resistors
i. Capacitors
j. Protoboard
k. Relevant NI Elvis SFPs.
The most commonly used small signal models of the MOSFET are shown in Fig. 1. It can be shown that both models
are equivalent and lead to the same results.
Fig. 1. Small signal models for the BJT: (a) -hybrid model and (b) T-model
Once an operating point is fixed, the AC parameters can be found according to the following expressions:
=r 1
LWk '
Similar to its BJT counterpart, there are three basic MOS amplifier configurations: common-source, common-gate
and common-drain. Each configuration exhibits certain characteristics that make it desirable in certain circuit
applications. Table 1 shows a qualitative comparison of the topologies:
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 58
Table 1. The comparison of basic MOS amplifier configurations
phase difference
Input impedance
Output impedance
Voltage gain
< 1
Current gain
< 1
Pre-laboratory exercise
1. For the circuit in Fig. 2, use the parameters you extracted from the previous lab for the CD4007 and calculate
all resistor values and voltages so that ID = 1 mA and VD = 5 V.
10 V
Fig. 2. MOS transistor circuit
2. Find the values for the input impedance, output impedance and small signal transconductance.
3. Find the value of the small signal voltage gain.
4. Construct the circuit in Fig. 2 in PSpice and find the small signal parameters ro and gm. Compare PSpice
results and calculations. Explain any differences.
5. Find the value of the resistors for the circuit shown in Fig. 3 (use the CD4007) so that the magnitude of the
small signal voltage gain is 20 dB and ID = 0.5 mA. Make sure the transistor operates in the saturation region.
Select the values of RG1 and RG2 so that RG1||RG2 > 100 k. Check the operating point of your design and
verify that the voltage gain is approximately given by -gmRD. Compute the values for the input impedance
and output impedance.
6. Construct the circuit in Fig. 3 in PSpice and compare the simulated results and calculations. Explain any
7. Plot the frequency response of the circuit shown in Fig. 3,and find the low and high frequency poles.
8. For the circuit in Fig. 4, use the parameters you extracted in the previous lab for the 2N7000 and find the
values of ID and the resistors so that the magnitude of the small signal voltage gain is greater than -2 dB.
Select the values of RG1 and RG2 so that RG1||RG2 > 100 k. Check the operating point of your design and
verify that the voltage gain is approximately given by gm(RL||1/gm). Compute the values for the input
impedance and output impedance.
9. Construct the circuit in Fig. 4 in PSpice and determine the input impedance, output impedance and voltage
gain. Compare these values with the calculated values. Explain any differences.
10. Measure the frequency response of the circuit in Fig. 4 and find the low and high frequency poles.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 59
10 V
10 F
- +
100 F
Fig. 3. Common-source configuration
10 V
10 F
- +
1 k
Fig. 4. Common-drain configuration
Lab Measurement:
1. Connect the circuit in Fig. 2 using the resistor values you calculated in the pre lab.
2. Use a potentiometer to set the voltage across RD to 5 V and ID to 1 mA
3. The value of Vt varies with temperature. Keep the potentiometer setting so that the voltage across RD is 5 V.
Warm the transistor by touching the package and observe VD.
4. Adjust the potentiometer to change VGS from 1V to 3V and measure ID. Take at least 20 measurements with
emphasis around and beyond the expected Vt. Plot these results and the gm.
5. Construct the circuit shown in Fig. 3. Use the resistor values computed in the pre-lab. Verify the component
values using PSpice.
6. Apply a sinusoidal input signal with frequency and amplitude of 10 kHz and 10 mV, respectively. Measure
the input impedance and the small signal gain.
7. Remove the capacitor that is connected to the source of the MOSFET and measure the voltage gain. Explain
any differences.
8. Reconnect the capacitor to the source of the MOSFET. Sweep the frequency of the input signal and find the
low and high -3 dB frequencies. Compare these values with the ones obtained from PSpice and comment on
any differences.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 60
9. Use the NI Elvis distortion analyzer (DSA) SFP to obtain the distortion performance of the common source
configuration. Details regarding how to set up the experiment to obtain these measurements are explained in
Part B of Lab 8 (for the Common Emitter configuration).
10. Construct the circuit shown in Fig. 4.Use the resistor values computed in the pre-lab and verify these values
using PSpice. A potentiometer might be need to achieve the required bias voltage.
11. Apply a sinusoidal signal with frequency and amplitude of 1 kHz 100 mV, respectively. Measure the input
impedance, output impedance, and small signal voltage gain.
12. Sweep the frequency of the input signal and find the low and high -3 dB frequencies. Compare these values
with the ones obtained from PSpice and comment on any differences.
13. Use the NI Elvis distortion analyzer (DSA) SFP to obtain the distortion performance of the common drain
Lab Report:
1. Use the results from steps 1, 2 and 4,and comment on the PSpice and experimental approximation for the
small signal transconductance gm.
2. With the experimental observation in step 3, comment on how Vt is related to the temperature of transistor.
3. Use the voltage measurements from steps 6, 7, and 8 to compute the input impedance and small signal voltage
gain. Report the -3 dB frequencies. Compare your experimental results with PSpice results.
4. Use the voltage measurements from steps 10 and 11 to compute the input impedance, output impedance, and
small signal voltage gain. Report the -3 dB frequencies. Compare your measurements with PSpice results.
5. Conclusion.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 61
Lab 12: CMOS amplifiers: Design project
The purpose of this experiment is to design a multi-stage CMOS amplifier. Your instructor may provide different
Design a multi-stage amplifier for the application shown below. The amplifier must drive a load of 100 .. So, a low
impedance output stage is needed (less than 100 ). The maximum input signal is 100 mVpp, and the peak voltage at
the output is 2 V. The amplifier’s low frequency 3 dB corner must be below 50 Hz (audio applications); the high
frequency -3 dB corner frequency must be beyond 20 kHz. In order to meet the specifications, 2or 3 stages might be
necessary. Combine different amplifier topologies as necessary. Avoid large attenuation factors at the input. In
practical applications this is avoided because your circuit would become more sensitive to noise. The 100 kΩ resistor
represents the sensor’s (microphone) impedance.
100 kΩ
100 Ω
Use the following specifications:
VDD = 10 V
Amplifier’s input impedance (AC) > 1 M
Small signal voltage gain |Av| = 40 V/V
Load resistance of 100 
AC coupled input and output
Circuit performance insensitive to temperature and Vt variations
Output voltage swing of 4 Vpp.
Discrete components (i.e. transistors, resistors, capacitors) only; no integrated circuits allowed
You may use any combination of CD4007 and 2N7000 MOS transistors in your design
Pre laboratory Exercise:
Frequency response (AC simulations) and transient simulations (fast Fourier analysis for checking amplifier’s linear
range) must be performed.
Check the DC bias point and measure currents and voltages in relevant branches and nodes. Use PSpice to
verify your calculations. Take advantage of the information provided in the output file: impedances and
transconductances, currents and voltages and more information is available.
Check your calculations and gain factors by using AC analysis. Construct your circuit stage by stage, and
test the gain of each one individually.
Measure the input impedance of the different stages; take into account the effects of input impedance of the
next stage on the gain of the actual stage.
Once you are satisfied with the results, connect the next stage and proceed accordingly. Determine the DC
gain and the low and high -3dB frequencies.
Measure the distortion of the circuit by setting the amplitude of the input signal at 100 mVpp and 1 kHz.
Increases the input signal up to 200 mVpp and measure the harmonic distortion components at the output
using the FFT option available in PSpice.
Compare your calculations with PSpice simulations.
Discuss in advance your design progress with the laboratory instructor or course instructor.
© Texas A&M University. All rights reserved. 62
Lab Measurement:
Build the circuit that you designed in the pre lab. Use a 100 resistor as a load and the signal generator at the input.
You must include the 100 kΩ resistor in your experiment. Do not complicate your setup unless you are sure that
everything is properly connected and the operating points are correct.
Follow these guidelines.
Use blocking capacitors at the input and output of your amplifier; the operating points will not be affected
by input source and load impedance. You may also use blocking capacitors between the stages to isolate the
operating point of each stage.
Before you connect the input signal, check the operating point of the active devices: currents and voltages.
Compare these vales with the simulated ones. If the values differ by more than 20%, discuss this with your
Once the operating points are adjusted, inject a single with amplitude and frequency of 100 mVpp and 1 kHz,
respectively. Analyze the signal in relevant nodes. Record your results and compare them with the simulated
Sweep the frequency of the input signal from 20 Hz to 50 kHz and find the passband gain, low frequency
and high frequency 3 dB frequencies. Compare these results with the results from PSpice simulations; justify
your results.
Use Elvis to obtain the AC response of the amplifier.
Determine how sensitive the amplifier is by changing the transistors. Monitor the circuit’s behavior.
Set the frequency at 1 kHz and perform FFT analysis using the math options available in the oscilloscope.
Measure the second and third harmonic distortion components and compare them with PSpice results.
Increase the amplitude of the input signal and measure the harmonic distortion components of the signals at
relevant nodes. Repeat this procedure for 100 mVpp, 150 mVpp, 200 mVpp and 300 mVpp, and plot the
Use the Dynamic Signal Analyzer SFP from NI Elvis to obtain the distortion and THD performance of the
If any of the measurements do not meet the given specifications, you must modify your design until they do.
Lab Report:
Include the following items:
Your design considerations and design procedure.
Calculations and final values used. Justify any approximations.
Determine the operating point for all stages and justification of the gain associated to each stage. DC analysis
is needed Show the values for transconductances and resistors.
Apply an AC signal and show the signal gain at relevant nodes of the amplifier. Show the passband gain, low
frequency and high frequency 3 dB frequencies, and justify your results
Apply a 100mVpp sine wave signal and analyze the waveforms in relevant nodes. Compare the gain
measured in this simulation with the ones obtained in the AC analysis and explain any differences. Use the
FFT option for measuring the harmonic distortion components of the signals at relevant nodes. Report the
harmonic distortion plots. Justify your results.
Include Fourier analysis of the output waveform. Harmonic distortion components must be less than -30 dB
for a 100 mVpp input.
Add conclusions to your report. Include screen shots from NI Elvis measurements in your report.

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