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The Enhanced Machine Controller


linuxcnc − LinuxCNC (The Enhanced Machine Controller)

linuxcnc [-v] [-d] [INIFILE]

linuxcnc is used to start LinuxCNC (The Enhanced Machine Controller). It starts the realtime system and
then initializes a number of LinuxCNC components (IO, Motion, GUI, HAL, etc). The most important
parameter is INIFILE, which specifies the configuration name you would like to run. If INIFILE is not
specified, the linuxcnc script presents a graphical wizard to let you choose one.


Be a little bit verbose. This causes the script to print information as it works.


Print lots of debug information. All executed commands are echoed to the screen. This mode is
useful when something is not working as it should.

The ini file is the main piece of an LinuxCNC configuration. It is not the entire configuration;
there are various other files that go with it (NML files, HAL files, TBL files, VAR files). It is, however, the most important one, because it is the file that holds the configuration together. It can
adjust a lot of parameters itself, but it also tells linuxcnc which other files to load and use.
There are several ways to specify which config to use:
Specify the absolute path to an ini, e.g.
linuxcnc /usr/local/linuxcnc/configs/sim/sim.ini
Specify a relative path from the current directory, e.g.
linuxcnc configs/sim/sim.ini
Otherwise, in the case where the INIFILE is not specified, the behavior will depend on whether
you configured linuxcnc with --enable-run-in-place. If so, the linuxcnc config chooser will
search only the configs directory in your source tree. If not (or if you are using a packaged version
of linuxcnc), it may search several directories. The config chooser is currently set to search the

linuxcnc configs/sim/sim.ini
linuxcnc /etc/linuxcnc/sample-configs/stepper/stepper_mm.ini

Much more information about LinuxCNC and HAL is available in the LinuxCNC and HAL User Manuals,
found at /usr/share/doc/linuxcnc/.


LinuxCNC Documentation




The Enhanced Machine Controller


None known at this time.

This man page written by Alex Joni, as part of the LinuxCNC Enhanced Machine Controller project.

Report bugs to alex_joni AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net

Copyright © 2006 Alex Joni.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.



LinuxCNC Documentation


The Enhanced Machine Controller


axis-remote − AXIS Remote Interface


axis-remote is a small script that triggers commands in a running AXIS GUI. Use axis-remote --help for
further information.

--ping, -p
Check whether AXIS is running.
--reload, -r
Make AXIS reload the currently loaded file.
--clear, -c
Make AXIS clear the backplot.
--quit, -q
Make AXIS quit.
--help, -h, -?
Display a list of valid parameters for axis-remote.
Run the MDI command COMMAND.
Load the G-code file FILENAME.

Much more information about LinuxCNC and HAL is available in the LinuxCNC and HAL User Manuals,
found at /usr/share/doc/linuxcnc/.

None known at this time.

This man page written by Alex Joni, as part of the LinuxCNC project.

Report bugs to alex_joni AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net

Copyright © 2007 Alex Joni.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

LinuxCNC Documentation




The Enhanced Machine Controller


axis − AXIS LinuxCNC Graphical User Interface

axis -ini INIFILE

axis is one of the Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for LinuxCNC It gets run by the runscript usually.

The ini file is the main piece of an LinuxCNC configuration. It is not the entire configuration;
there are various other files that go with it (NML files, HAL files, TBL files, VAR files). It is, however, the most important one, because it is the file that holds the configuration together. It can
adjust a lot of parameters itself, but it also tells LinuxCNC which other files to load and use.

Much more information about LinuxCNC and HAL is available in the LinuxCNC and HAL User Manuals,
found at /usr/share/doc/LinuxCNC/.

None known at this time.

This man page written by Alex Joni, as part of the LinuxCNC project.

Report bugs to alex_joni AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net

Copyright © 2007 Alex Joni.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.



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The Enhanced Machine Controller


comp − Build, compile and install LinuxCNC HAL components

comp [--compile|--preprocess|--document|--view-doc] compfile...
sudo comp [--install|--install-doc] compfile...
comp --compile --userspace cfile...
sudo comp --install --userspace cfile...
sudo comp --install --userspace pyfile...

comp performs many different functions:

Compile .comp and .c files into .so or .ko HAL realtime components (the --compile flag)


Compile .comp and .c files into HAL userspace components (the --compile --userspace flag)


Preprocess .comp files into .c files (the --preprocess flag)


Extract documentation from .comp files into .9 manpage files (the --document flag)


Display documentation from .comp files onscreen (the --view-doc flag)


Compile and install .comp and .c files into the proper directory for HAL realtime components (the
--install flag), which may require sudo to write to system directories.


Install .c and .py files into the proper directory for HAL userspace components (the --install
--userspace flag), which may require sudo to write to system directories.


Extract documentation from .comp files into .9 manpage files in the proper system directory (the
--install flag), which may require sudo to write to system directories.


Preprocess .comp files into .c files (the --preprocess flag)

Comp HAL Component Generator in the LinuxCNC documentation for a full description of the .comp syntax, along with examples
pydoc hal and Creating Userspace Python Components in the LinuxCNC documentation for documentation on the Python interface to HAL components
comp(9) for documentation on the "two input comparator with hysteresis", a HAL realtime component
with the same name as this program

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The Enhanced Machine Controller


gladevcp − Virtual Control Panel for LinuxCNC based on Glade, Gtk and HAL widgets

gladevcp [-g WxH+X+Y] [-c component-name] [-u handler] [-U useroption] [-H halfile] [-d] myfile.ui

-g WxH+X+Y
This sets the initial geometry of the root window. Use ’WxH’ for just size, ’+X+Y’ for just position, or ’WxH+X+Y’ for both. Size / position use pixel units. Position is referenced from top left.
-c component-name
Use component-name as the HAL component name. If the component name is not specified, the
basename of the ui file is used.
-u handler
Instructs gladevcp to inspect the Python script handler for event handlers, and connect them to signals in the ui file.
-U useroption
gladevcp collects all useroption strings and passes them to the handler init() method as a list of
strings without further inspection.
-x XID Reparent gladevcp into an existing window XID instead of creating a new top level window.
-H halfile
gladevcp runs halfile - a list of HAL commands - by executing halcmd -c halfile after the HAL
component is finalized.

enable debug output.

-R gtkrcfile
explicitly load a gtkrc file.
set gtk theme. Default is system theme. Different panels can have different themes.
force panel window to maxumize. Together with the -g geometry option one can move the panel
to a second monitor and force it to use all of the screen

explicitly deactivate workaround for a gtk bug which makes matches of widget and widget_class
matches in gtk theme and gtkrc files fail. Normally not needed.

GladeVCP in the LinuxCNC documentation for a description of gladevcp’s capabilities and the associated
HAL widget set, along with examples



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LinuxCNC Documentation


gs2_vfd - HAL userspace component for Automation Direct GS2 VFD’s

gs2_vfd [OPTIONS]

This manual page explains the gs2_vfd component. This component reads and writes to the GS2 via a modbus connection.
gs2_vfd is for use with LinuxCNC

-b, --bits 
(default 8) Set number of data bits to , where n must be from 5 to 8 inclusive
-d, --device 
(default /dev/ttyS0) Set the name of the serial device node to use.
-v, --verbose
Turn on verbose mode.
-g, --debug
Turn on debug messages. Note that if there are serial errors, this may become annoying. Debug
mode will cause all modbus messages to be printed in hex on the terminal.
-n, --name 
(default gs2_vfd) Set the name of the HAL module. The HAL comp name will be set to ,
and all pin and parameter names will begin with .
-p, --parity [even,odd,none]
(default odd) Set serial parity to even, odd, or none.
-r, --rate 
(default 38400) Set baud rate to . It is an error if the rate is not one of the following: 110, 300,
600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
-s, --stopbits [1,2]
(default 1) Set serial stop bits to 1 or 2
-t, --target 
(default 1) Set MODBUS target (slave) number. This must match the device number you set on the
-A, --accel-seconds 
(default 10.0) Seconds to accelerate the spindle from 0 to Max RPM.
-D, --decel-seconds 
(default 0.0) Seconds to decelerate the spindle from Max RPM to 0. If set to 0.0 the spindle will
be allowed to coast to a stop without controlled deceleration.
-R, --braking-resistor
This argument should be used when a braking resistor is installed on the GS2 VFD (see Appendix
A of the GS2 manual). It disables deceleration over-voltage stall prevention (see GS2 modbus
Parameter 6.05), allowing the VFD to keep braking even in situations where the motor is regenerating high voltage. The regenerated voltage gets safely dumped into the braking resistor.



January 1, 2009



LinuxCNC Documentation


.DC-bus-volts (float, out)
from the VFD
.at-speed (bit, out)
when drive is at commanded speed
.err-reset (bit, in)
reset errors sent to VFD
.firmware-revision (s32, out)
from the VFD
.frequency-command (float, out)
from the VFD
.frequency-out (float, out)
from the VFD
.is-stopped (bit, out)
when the VFD reports 0 Hz output
.load-percentage (float, out)
from the VFD
.motor-RPM (float, out)
from the VFD
.output-current (float, out)
from the VFD
.output-voltage (float, out)
from the VFD
.power-factor (float, out)
from the VFD
.scale-frequency (float, out)
from the VFD
.speed-command (float, in)
speed sent to VFD in RPM It is an error to send a speed faster than the Motor Max RPM as set in
the VFD
.spindle-fwd (bit, in)
1 for FWD and 0 for REV sent to VFD
.spindle-on (bit, in)
1 for ON and 0 for OFF sent to VFD, only on when running
.spindle-rev (bit, in)
1 for ON and 0 for OFF, only on when running
.status-1 (s32, out)
Drive Status of the VFD (see the GS2 manual)
.status-2 (s32, out)
Drive Status of the VFD (see the GS2 manual) Note that the value is a sum of all the bits that are
on. So a 163 which means the drive is in the run mode is the sum of 3 (run) + 32 (freq set by
serial) + 128 (operation set by serial).

.error-count (s32, RW)


January 1, 2009



LinuxCNC Documentation


.loop-time (float, RW)
how often the modbus is polled (default 0.1)
.nameplate-HZ (float, RW)
Nameplate Hz of motor (default 60)
.nameplate-RPM (float, RW)
Nameplate RPM of motor (default 1730)
.retval (s32, RW)
the return value of an error in HAL
.tolerance (float, RW)
speed tolerance (default 0.01)
.ack-delay (s32, RW)
number of read/write cycles before checking at-speed (default 2)

GS2 Driver in the LinuxCNC documentation for a full description of the GS2 syntax
GS2 Examples in the LinuxCNC documentation for examples using the GS2 component

John Thornton



January 1, 2009



HAL User’s Manual


hal_input − control HAL pins with any Linux input device, including USB HID devices

loadusr hal_input [-KRAL] inputspec ...

hal_input is an interface between HAL and any Linux input device, including USB HID devices. For each
device named, hal_input creates pins corresponding to its keys, absolute axes, and LEDs. At a fixed rate of
approximately 10ms, it synchronizes the device and the HAL pins.

The inputspec may be in one of several forms:
A string S
A substring or shell-style pattern match will be tested against the "name" of the device, the "phys"
(which gives information about how it is connected), and the "id", which is a string of the form
"Bus=... Vendor=... Product=... Version=...". You can view the name, phys, and id of attached
devices by executing less /proc/bus/input/devices. Examples:
"Vendor=001f Product=0001"
A number N
This opens /dev/input/eventN. Except for devices that are always attached to the system, this
number may change over reboots or when the device is removed. For this reason, using an integer
is not recommended.
When several devices are identified by the same string, add ":N" where N is the index of the desired device.
For example, if Mouse matches input3 and input10, then Mouse and Mouse:0 select input3. Specifying
mouse:1 selects input10.
For devices that appear as multiple entries in /dev/input, these indices are likely to stay the same every time.
For multiple identical devices, these indices are likely to depend on the insertion order, but stay the same
across reboots as long as the devices are not moved to different ports or unplugged while the machine is
If the first character of the inputspec is a "+", then hal_input requests exclusive access to the device. The
first device matching an inputspec is used. Any number of inputspecs may be used.
A subset option may preceed each inputspec. The subset option begins with a dash. Each letter in the subset option specifies a device feature to include. Features that are not specified are excluded. For instance,
to export keyboard LEDs to HAL without exporting keys, use
hal_input -L keyboard ...


EV_KEY (buttons and keys). Subset -K


EV_ABS (absolute analog inputs). Subset -A


EV_REL (relative analog inputs). Subset -R


EV_LED (LED outputs). Subset -L

For buttons
input.N.btn-name bit out
input.N.btn-name-not bit out
Created for each button on the device.



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HAL User’s Manual


For keys
Created for each key on the device.
For absolute axes
input.N.abs-name-counts s32 out
input.N.abs-name-position float out
input.N.abs-name-scale parameter float rw
input.N.abs-name-offset parameter float rw
input.N.abs-name-fuzz parameter s32 rw
input.N.abs-name-flat parameter s32 rw
input.N.abs-name-min parameter s32 r
input.N.abs-name-max parameter s32 r
Created for each absolute axis on the device. Device positions closer than flat to offset are
reported as offset in counts, and counts does not change until the device position changes by at
least fuzz. The position is computed as position = (counts - offset) / scale. The default value of
scale and offset map the range of the axis reported by the operating system to [-1,1]. The default
values of fuzz and flat are those reported by the operating system. The values of min and max are
those reported by the operating system.
For relative axes
input.N.rel-name-counts s32 out
input.N.rel-name-position float out
input.N.rel-name-reset bit in
input.N.rel-name-scale parameter float rw
input.N.rel-name-absolute parameter s32 rw
input.N.rel-name-precision parameter s32 rw
input.N.rel-name-last parameter s32 rw
Created for each relative axis on the device. As long as reset is true, counts is reset to zero
regardless of any past or current axis movement. Otherwise, counts increases or decreases according to the motion of the axis. counts is divided by position-scale to give position. The default
value of position is 1. There are some devices, notably scroll wheels, which return signed values
with less resolution than 32 bits. The default value of precision is 32. precision can be set to 8
for a device that returns signed 8 bit values, or any other value from 1 to 32. absolute, when set
true, ignores duplicate events with the same value. This allows for devices that repeat events without any user action to work correctly. last shows the most recent count value returned by the
device, and is used in the implementation of absolute.
For LEDs
input.N.led-name bit out
input.N.led-name-invert parameter bit rw
Created for each LED on the device.

By default, the input devices may not be accessible to regular users--hal_input requires read-write access,
even if the device has no outputs. To change the default permission of a device, add a new file to
/etc/udev/rules.d to set the device’s GROUP to "plugdev". You can do this for all input devices with this
SUBSYSTEM=="input", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev"
You can also make more specific rules for particular devices. For instance, a SpaceBall input device uses
the ’spaceball’ kernel module, so a udev entry for it would read:
DRIVER=="spaceball", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev"
the next time the device is attached to the system, it will be accessible to the "plugdev" group.
For USB devices, the udev line would refer to the device’s Vendor and Product values, such as
SYSFS{idProduct}=="c00e", SYSFS{idVendor}=="046d", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev"

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HAL User’s Manual


for a particular logictech-brand mouse.
For more information on writing udev rules, see udev(8).

The initial state of keys, buttons, and absolute axes are erroneously reported as FALSE or 0 until an event is
received for that key, button, or axis.




LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User’s Manual


halcmd − manipulate the LinuxCNC HAL from the command line


halcmd is used to manipulate the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) from the command line. halcmd can
optionally read commands from a file, allowing complex HAL configurations to be set up with a single
If the readline library is available when LinuxCNC is compiled, then halcmd offers commandline editing
and completion when running interactively. Use the up arrow to recall previous commands, and press tab to
complete the names of items such as pins and signals.


Before tearing down the realtime environment, run an interactive halcmd. halrun only. If -I is
used, it must precede all other commandline arguments.

−f [file] Ignore commands on command line, take input from file instead. If file is not specified, take input
from stdin.
-i inifile
Use variables from inifile for substitutions. See SUBSTITUTION below.

Keep going after failed command(s). The default is to stop and return failure if any command


display errors only (default)


display nothing, execute commands silently


Script-friendly mode. In this mode, show will not output titles for the items shown. Also, module
names will be printed instead of ID codes in pin, param, and funct listings. Threads are printed on
a single line, with the thread period, FP usage and name first, followed by all of the functions in
the thread, in execution order. Signals are printed on a single line, with the type, value, and signal
name first, followed by a list of pins connected to the signal, showing both the direction and the
pin name. No prompt will be printed if both -s and -f are specified.


Release the HAL mutex. This is useful for recovering when a HAL component has crashed while
holding the HAL mutex.


display results of each command


display lots of debugging junk

−h [command]
display a help screen and exit, displays extended help on command if specified

Commands tell halcmd what to do. Normally halcmd reads a single command from the command line and
executes it. If the ’-f’ option is used to read commands from a file, halcmd reads each line of the file as a
new command. Anything following ’#’ on a line is a comment.
loadrt modname
(load realtime module) Loads a realtime HAL module called modname. halcmd looks for the
module in a directory specified at compile time.
In systems with realtime, halcmd calls the linuxcnc_module_helper to load realtime modules.
linuxcnc_module_helper is a setuid program and is compiled with a whitelist of modules it is
allowed to load. This is currently just a list of LinuxCNC-related modules. The linuxcnc_module_helper execs insmod, so return codes and error messages are those from insmod. Administrators who wish to restrict which users can load these LinuxCNC-related kernel modules can do this

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HAL User’s Manual


by setting the permissions and group on linuxcnc_module_helper appropriately.
In systems without realtime halcmd calls the rtapi_app which creates the simulated realtime
environment if it did not yet exist, and then loads the requested component with a call to
unloadrt modname
(unload realtime module) Unloads a realtime HAL module called modname. If modname is "all",
it will unload all currently loaded realtime HAL modules. unloadrt also works by execing linuxcnc_module_helper or rtapi_app, just like loadrt.
loadusr [flags] unix-command
(load Userspace component) Executes the given unix-command, usually to load a userspace component. [flags] may be one or more of:

-W to wait for the component to become ready. The component is assumed to have the same
name as the first argument of the command.


-Wn name to wait for the component, which will have the given name.


-w to wait for the program to exit


-i to ignore the program return value (with -w)

waitusr name
(wait for Userspace component) Waits for user space component name to disconnect from HAL
(usually on exit). The component must already be loaded. Usefull near the end of a HAL file to
wait until the user closes some user interface component before cleaning up and exiting.
unloadusr compname
(unload Userspace component) Unloads a userspace component called compname. If compname
is "all", it will unload all userspace components. unloadusr works by sending SIGTERM to all
userspace components.
unload compname
Unloads a userspace component or realtime module. If compname is "all", it will unload all
userspace components and realtime modules.
newsig signame type
(OBSOLETE - use net instead) (new signal) Creates a new HAL signal called signame that may
later be used to connect two or more HAL component pins. type is the data type of the new signal,
and must be one of "bit", "s32", "u32", or "float". Fails if a signal of the same name already
delsig signame
(delete signal) Deletes HAL signal signame. Any pins currently linked to the signal will be
unlinked. Fails if signame does not exist.
sets signame value
(set signal) Sets the value of signal signame to value. Fails if signame does not exist, if it already
has a writer, or if value is not a legal value. Legal values depend on the signals’s type.
stype name
(signal type) Gets the type of signal name. Fails if name does not exist as a signal.
gets signame
(get signal) Gets the value of signal signame. Fails if signame does not exist.
linkps pinname [arrow] signame
(OBSOLETE - use net instead) (link pin to signal) Establishs a link between a HAL component
pin pinname and a HAL signal signame. Any previous link to pinname will be broken. arrow can
be "=>", "<=", "<=>", or omitted. halcmd ignores arrows, but they can be useful in command
files to document the direction of data flow. Arrows should not be used on the command line since



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HAL User’s Manual


the shell might try to interpret them. Fails if either pinname or signame does not exist, or if they
are not the same type type.
linksp signame [arrow] pinname
(OBSOLETE - use net instead) (link signal to pin) Works like linkps but reverses the order of the
arguments. halcmd treats both link commands exactly the same. Use whichever you prefer.
linkpp pinname1 [arrow] pinname2
(OBSOLETE - use net instead) (link pin to pin) Shortcut for linkps that creates the signal (named
like the first pin), then links them both to that signal. halcmd treats this just as if it were:
halcmd newsig pinname1
halcmd linksp pinname1 pinname1
halcmd linksp pinname1 pinname2
net signame pinname ...
Create signname to match the type of pinname if it does not yet exist. Then, link signame to each
pinname in turn. Arrows may be used as in linkps. When linking a pin to a signal for the first
time, the signal value will inherit the pin’s default value.
unlinkp pinname
(unlink pin) Breaks any previous link to pinname. Fails if pinname does not exist. An unlinked
pin will retain the last value of the signal it was linked to.
setp name value
(set parameter or pin) Sets the value of parameter or pin name to value. Fails if name does not
exist as a pin or parameter, if it is a parameter that is not writable, if it is a pin that is an output, if
it is a pin that is already attached to a signal, or if value is not a legal value. Legal values depend
on the type of the pin or parameter. If a pin and a parameter both exist with the given name, the
parameter is acted on.
paramname = value
pinname = value
Identical to setp. This alternate form of the command may be more convenient and readable when
used in a file.
ptype name
(parameter or pin type) Gets the type of parameter or pin name. Fails if name does not exist as a
pin or parameter. If a pin and a parameter both exist with the given name, the parameter is acted
getp name
(get parameter or pin) Gets the value of parameter or pin name. Fails if name does not exist as a
pin or parameter. If a pin and a parameter both exist with the given name, the parameter is acted
addf functname threadname
(add function) Adds function functname to realtime thread threadname. functname will run after
any functions that were previously added to the thread. Fails if either functname or threadname
does not exist, or if they are incompatible.
delf functname threadname
(delete function) Removes function functname from realtime thread threadname. Fails if either
functname or threadname does not exist, or if functname is not currently part of threadname.

Starts execution of realtime threads. Each thread periodically calls all of the functions that were
added to it with the addf command, in the order in which they were added.


Stops execution of realtime threads. The threads will no longer call their functions.

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HAL User’s Manual


show [item]
Prints HAL items to stdout in human readable format. item can be one of "comp" (components),
"pin", "sig" (signals), "param" (parameters), "funct" (functions), "thread", or "alias". The type
"all" can be used to show matching items of all the preceeding types. If item is omitted, show will
print everything.

This is equivalent to show all [item].

save [item]
Prints HAL items to stdout in the form of HAL commands. These commands can be redirected to
a file and later executed using halcmd -f to restore the saved configuration. item can be one of the
following: "comp" generates a loadrt command for realtime component. "sig" generates a newsig
command for each signal, and "sigu" generates a newsig command for each unlinked signal (for
use with netl and netla). "link" and "linka" both generate linkps commands for each link. (linka
includes arrows, while link does not.) "net" and "neta" both generate one newsig command for
each signal, followed by linksp commands for each pin linked to that signal. (neta includes
arrows.) "netl" generates one net command for each linked signal, and "netla" generates a similar
command using arrows. "param" generates one setp command for each parameter. "thread"
generates one addf command for each function in each realtime thread. If item is omitted, save
does the equivalent of comp, sigu, link, param, and thread.
source filename.hal
Execute the commands from filename.hal.
alias type name alias
Assigns "alias" as a second name for the pin or parameter "name". For most operations, an alias
provides a second name that can be used to refer to a pin or parameter, both the original name and
the alias will work.
"type" must be pin or param.
"name" must be an existing name or alias of the specified type.
unalias type alias
Removes any alias from the pin or parameter alias.
"type" must be pin or param
"alias" must be an existing name or alias of the specified type.
list type [pattern]
Prints the names of HAL items of the specified type.
’type’ is ’comp’, ’pin’, ’sig’, ’param’, ’funct’, or
’thread’. If ’pattern’ is specified it prints only
those names that match the pattern, which may be a
’shell glob’.
For ’sig’, ’pin’ and ’param’, the first pattern may be
-tdatatype where datatype is the data type (e.g., ’float’)
in this case, the listed pins, signals, or parameters
are restricted to the given data type
Names are printed on a single line, space separated.
lock [all|tune|none]
Locks HAL to some degree.
none - no locking done.
tune - some tuning is possible (setp & such).
all - HAL completely locked.
unlock [all|tune]
Unlocks HAL to some degree.
tune - some tuning is possible (setp & such).
all - HAL completely unlocked.



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HAL User’s Manual


status [type]
Prints status info about HAL.
’type’ is ’lock’, ’mem’, or ’all’.
If ’type’ is omitted, it assumes ’all’.
help [command]
Give help information for command.
If ’command’ is omitted, list command and brief description

After a command is read but before it is executed, several types of variable substitution take place.
Environment Variables
Environment variables have the following formats:
$ENVVAR followed by end-of-line or whitespace
Inifile Variables
Inifile variables are available only when an inifile was specified with the halcmd -i flag. They have the following formats:
[SECTION]VAR followed by end-of-line or whitespace

None known at this time.

Original version by John Kasunich, as part of the LinuxCNC project. Now includes major contributions by
several members of the project.


Report bugs to the LinuxCNC bug tracker 〈〉.

Copyright © 2003 John Kasunich.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

halrun(1) -- a convenience script to start a realtime environment, process a .hal or a .tcl file, and optionally
start an interactive command session using halcmd (described here) or haltcl(1).

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User’s Manual


halmeter − observe HAL pins, signals, and parameters

halmeter [-s] [pin|sig|param name] [-g X-positon Y-position [Width]]

halmeter is used to observe HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) pins, signals, or parameters. It serves the
same purpose as a multimeter does when working on physical systems.

pin name
display the HAL pin name.
sig name
display the HAL signal name.
param name
display the HAL parameter name.
If neither pin, sig, or param are specified, the
window starts out blank and the user must select an item to observe.

small window. Non-interactive, must be used with pin, sig, or param to select the item to display.
The item name is displayed in the title bar instead of the window, and there are no "Select" or
"Exit" buttons. Handy when you want a lot of meters in a small space.


geometry position. allows one to specify the intial starting position and optionally the width of the
meter. Referenced from top left of screen in pixel units. Handy when you want to load a lot of
meters in a script with out them displaying on top of each other.

Unless −s is specified, there are two buttons, "Select" and "Exit". "Select" opens a dialog box to select the
item (pin, signal, or parameter) to be observed. "Exit" does what you expect.
The selection dialog has "OK" "Apply", and "Cancel" buttons. OK displays the selected item and closes
the dialog. "Apply" displays the selected item but keeps the selection dialog open. "Cancel" closes the dialog without changing the displayed item.

Opens a meter window, with nothing initially displayed. Use the "Select" button to choose an item
to observe. Does not return until the window is closed.
halmeter &
Open a meter window, with nothing initially displayed. Use the "Select" button to choose an item.
Runs in the background leaving the shell free for other commands.
halmeter pin &
Open a meter window, initially displaying HAL pin The "Select" button can
be used to display other items. Runs in background.
halmeter -s pin &
Open a small meter window, displaying HAL pin The displayed item cannot
be changed. Runs in background.
halmeter -s pin -g 100 500 &
Open a small meter window, displaying HAL pin places it 100 pixels to the
left and 500 pixels down from top of screen. The displayed item cannot be changed. Runs in



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User’s Manual


halmeter -s pin -g 100 500 400 &
Open a small meter window, displaying HAL pin places it 100 pixels to the
left and 500 pixels down from top of screen. The width will be 400 pixels (270 is default) The displayed item cannot be changed. Runs in background.

Original version by John Kasunich, as part of the LinuxCNC project. Improvements by several other members of the LinuxCNC development team.

Report bugs to jmkasunich AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net

Copyright © 2003 John Kasunich.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User’s Manual


halrun − manipulate the LinuxCNC HAL from the command line

halrun -h
halrun [-I] [halcmd_opts] [filename[.hal|.tcl]]
halrun -T [halcmd_opts] [filename[.hal|.tcl]]
halrun -U

halrun is a convenience script used to manipulate the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) from the command line. When invoked, halrun:
Sets up the realtime environment.
Executes a command interpreter (halcmd or haltcl).
(Optionally) runs an interactive session.
Tears down the realtime environment.
If no filename is specified, an interactive session is started.
The session will use halcmd(1) unless -T is specified in
which case haltcl(1) will be used.
If a filename is specifed and neither the -I nor the -T option
is included, the filename will be processed by the command
interpreter corresponding to the filename extension (halcmd
or haltcl). After processing, the realtime environment
will be torn down.
If a filename is specifed and the -I or -T option is included,
the file is processed by the appropriate command interpreter and
then an interactive session is started for halcmd or
haltcl according to the -I or -T option.

When a .hal file is specifed, the halcmd_opts are passed to halcmd. See the man page for halcmd(1). When a .tcl file is specified, the only valid options are:
-i inifile
-f filename[.tcl|.hal] (alternate means of specifying a file)

Run an interactive halcmd session


Run an interactive haltcl session.


Forcibly cause the realtime environment to exit. It releases the HAL mutex, requests that all HAL
components unload, and stops the realtime system. -U must be the only commandline argument.


display a brief help screen and exit

None known at this time.

Original version by John Kasunich, as part of the LinuxCNC Enhanced Machine Controller project. Now
includes major contributions by several members of the project.



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User’s Manual



Report bugs to the LinuxCNC bug tracker 〈URL: 〉.

Copyright © 2003 John Kasunich.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

halcmd(1), haltcl(1)

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User’s Manual


halsampler − sample data from HAL in realtime

halsampler [options]

sampler(9) and halsampler are used together to sample HAL data in real time and store it in a file. sampler is a realtime HAL component that exports HAL pins and creates a FIFO in shared memory. It then
begins sampling data from the HAL and storing it to the FIFO. halsampler is a user space program that
copies data from the FIFO to stdout, where it can be redirected to a file or piped to some other program.

instructs halsampler to read from FIFO CHAN . FIFOs are numbered from zero, and the default
value is zero, so this option is not needed unless multiple FIFOs have been created.
instructs halsampler to read COUNT samples from the FIFO, then exit. If -n is not specified, halsampler will read continuously until it is killed.

instructs halsampler to tag each line by printing the sample number in the first column.

instructs halsampler to write to FILENAME instead of to stdout.

A FIFO must first be created by loading sampler(9) with halcmd loadrt or a loadrt command in a .hal file.
Then halsampler can be invoked to begin printing data from the FIFO to stdout.
Data is printed one line per sample. If -t was specified, the sample number is printed first. The data follows, in the order that the pins were defined in the config string. For example, if the sampler config string
was "ffbs" then a typical line of output (without -t) would look like:
123.55 33.4 0 -12
halsampler prints data as fast as possible until the FIFO is empty, then it retries at regular intervals, until it
is either killed or has printed COUNT samples as requested by -n. Usually, but not always, data printed by
halsampler will be redirected to a file or piped to some other program.
The FIFO size should be chosen to absorb samples captured during any momentary disruptions in the flow
of data, such as disk seeks, terminal scrolling, or the processing limitations of subsequent program in a
pipeline. If the FIFO gets full and sampler is forced to overwrite old data, halsampler will print ’overrun’
on a line by itself to mark each gap in the sampled data. If -t was specified, gaps in the sequential sample
numbers in the first column can be used to determine exactly how many samples were lost.
The data format for halsampler output is the same as for halstreamer(1) input, so ’waveforms’ captured
with halsampler can be replayed using halstreamer. The -t option should not be used in this case.

If a problem is encountered during initialization, halsampler prints a message to stderr and returns failure.
Upon printing COUNT samples (if -n was specified) it will shut down and return success. If it is terminated before printing the specified number of samples, it returns failure. This means that when -n is not
specified, it will always return failure when terminated.

sampler(9) streamer(9) halstreamer(1)



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User’s Manual


Original version by John Kasunich, as part of the LinuxCNC project. Improvements by several other members of the LinuxCNC development team.

Report bugs to jmkasunich AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net

Copyright © 2006 John Kasunich.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User’s Manual


halstreamer − stream file data into HAL in real time

halstreamer [options]

streamer(9) and halstreamer are used together to stream data from a file into the HAL in real time.
streamer is a realtime HAL component that exports HAL pins and creates a FIFO in shared memory.
hal_streamer is a user space program that copies data from stdin into the FIFO, so that streamer can write
it to the HAL pins.

instructs halstreamer to write to FIFO CHAN . FIFOs are numbered from zero, and the default
value is zero, so this option is not needed unless multiple FIFOs have been created.
instructs halsampler to read from FILENAME instead of from stdin.

A FIFO must first be created by loading streamer(9) with halcmd loadrt or a loadrt command in a .hal
file. Then halstreamer can be invoked to begin writing data into the FIFO.
Data is read from stdin, and is almost always either redirected from a file or piped from some other program, since keyboard input would be unable to keep up with even slow streaming rates.
Each line of input must match the pins that are attached to the FIFO, for example, if the streamer config
string was "ffbs" then each line of input must consist of two floats, a bit, and a signed integer, in that order
and separated by whitespace. Floats must be formatted as required by strtod(3), signed and unsigned integers must be formated as required by strtol(3) and strtoul(3), and bits must be either ’0’ or ’1’.
halstreamer transfers data to the FIFO as fast as possible until the FIFO is full, then it retries at regular
intervals, until it is either killed or reads EOF from stdin. Data can be redirected from a file or piped from
some other program.
The FIFO size should be chosen to ride through any momentary disruptions in the flow of data, such as disk
seeks. If the FIFO is big enough, halstreamer can be restarted with the same or a new file before the FIFO
empties, resulting in a continuous stream of data.
The data format for halstreamer input is the same as for halsampler(1) output, so ’waveforms’ captured
with halsampler can be replayed using halstreamer.

If a problem is encountered during initialization, halstreamer prints a message to stderr and returns failure.
If a badly formatted line is encountered while writing to the FIFO, it prints a message to stderr, skips the
line, and continues (this behavior may be revised in the future).
Upon reading EOF from the input, it returns success. If it is terminated before the input ends, it returns

streamer(9) sampler(9) halsampler(1)




LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User’s Manual


Original version by John Kasunich, as part of the LinuxCNC project. Improvements by several other members of the LinuxCNC development team.

Report bugs to jmkasunich AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net

Copyright © 2006 John Kasunich.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User’s Manual


haltcl − manipulate the LinuxCNC HAL from the command line using a tcl interpeter.

haltcl [-i inifile] [filename]

haltcl is used to manipulate the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) from the command line using a tcl
interpreter. haltcl can optionally read commands from a file (filename), allowing complex HAL configurations to be set up with a single command.

-i inifile
If specified, the inifile is read and used to create tcl global variable arrays. An array is created for
each SECTION of the inifile with elements for each ITEM in the section.
For example, if the inifile contains:
The corresponding tcl variables are:
-ini inifile -- declining usage, use -i inifile
If specified, the tcl commands of filename are executed. If no filename is specified, haltcl opens
an interactive session.

haltcl includes the commands of a tcl interpreter augmented with commands for the hal language as
described for halcmd(1). The augmented commands can be listed with the command:
haltcl: hal --commands
addf alias delf delsig getp gets ptype stype help linkpp linkps linksp list loadrt loadusr lock net newsig
save setexact_for_test_suite_only setp sets show source start status stop unalias unlinkp unload unloadrt
unloadusr unlock waitusr
Two of the augmented commands, ’list’ and ’gets’, require special treatment to avoid conflict with tcl builtin commands having the same names. To use these commands, precede them with the keyword ’hal’:
hal list
hal gets


Report bugs to the LinuxCNC bug tracker 〈URL: 〉.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User’s Manual


halcmd(1), halrun(1)

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User Interface


halui − observe HAL pins and command LinuxCNC through NML

halui [-ini ]

halui is used to build a User Interface using hardware knobs and switches. It exports a big number of pins,
and acts accordingly when these change.

-ini name
use the name as the configuration file. Note: halui must find the nml file specified in the ini, usually that file is in the same folder as the ini, so it makes sense to run halui from that folder.

When run, halui will export a large number of pins. A user can connect those to his physical knobs &
switches & leds, and when a change is noticed halui triggers an appropriate event.
halui expects the signals to be debounced, so if needed (bad knob contact) connect the physical button to a
HAL debounce filter first.

halui.abort bit in
pin for clearing most errors
halui.tool.length-offset.a float out
current applied tool length offset for the A axis
halui.tool.length-offset.b float out
current applied tool length offset for the B axis
halui.tool.length-offset.c float out
current applied tool length offset for the C axis
halui.tool.length-offset.u float out
current applied tool length offset for the U axis
halui.tool.length-offset.v float out
current applied tool length offset for the V axis
halui.tool.length-offset.w float out
current applied tool length offset for the W axis
halui.tool.length-offset.x float out
current applied tool length offset for the X axis
halui.tool.length-offset.y float out
current applied tool length offset for the Y axis
halui.tool.length-offset.z float out
current applied tool length offset for the Z axis
halui.tool.number u32 out
current selected tool



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User Interface


halui.spindle.brake-is-on bit out
status pin that tells us if brake is on
halui.spindle.brake-off bit in
pin for deactivating the spindle brake
halui.spindle.brake-on bit in
pin for activating the spindle brake
halui.spindle.decrease bit in
a rising edge on this pin decreases the current spindle speed by 100
halui.spindle.forward bit in
a rising edge on this pin makes the spindle go forward
halui.spindle.increase bit in
a rising edge on this pin increases the current spindle speed by 100 bit out
status pin telling if the spindle is on
halui.spindle.reverse bit in
a rising edge on this pin makes the spindle go reverse
halui.spindle.runs-backward bit out
status pin telling if the spindle is running backward
halui.spindle.runs-forward bit out
status pin telling if the spindle is running forward
halui.spindle.start bit in
a rising edge on this pin starts the spindle
halui.spindle.stop bit in
a rising edge on this pin stops the spindle
spindle override
halui.spindle-override.count-enable bit in (default: TRUE)
When TRUE, modify spindle override when counts changes.
halui.spindle-override.counts s32 in
counts X scale = spindle override percentage
halui.spindle-override.decrease bit in
pin for decreasing the SO (-=scale) bit in
pin to enable direct spindle override value input
halui.spindle-override.increase bit in
pin for increasing the SO (+=scale)
halui.spindle-override.scale float in
pin for setting the scale of counts for SO
halui.spindle-override.value float out
current FO value
program bit out
status pin telling that block delete is on

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User Interface

HALUI(1) bit in
pin for requesting that block delete is off
halui.program.block-delete.on bit in
pin for requesting that block delete is on bit out
status pin telling that no program is running bit out
status pin telling that a program is paused bit out
status pin telling that a program is running bit out
status pin telling that the optional stop is on bit in
pin requesting that the optional stop is off
halui.program.optional-stop.on bit in
pin requesting that the optional stop is on
halui.program.pause bit in
pin for pausing a program
halui.program.resume bit in
pin for resuming a program bit in
pin for running a program
halui.program.step bit in
pin for stepping in a program
halui.program.stop bit in
pin for stopping a program (note: this pin does the same thing as halui.abort)
mode bit in
pin for requesting auto mode bit out
pin for auto mode is on bit out
pin showing joint by joint jog mode is on bit out
pin for manual mode is on bit out
pin for mdi mode is on bit out
pin showing coordinated jog mode is on
halui.mode.joint bit in
pin for requesting joint by joint jog mode
halui.mode.manual bit in
pin for requesting manual mode



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User Interface


halui.mode.mdi bit in
pin for requesting mdi mode
halui.mode.teleop bit in
pin for requesting coordinated jog mode
mdi (optional)
halui.mdi-command-XX bit in
halui looks for ini variables named [HALUI]MDI_COMMAND, and exports a pin for each command it finds. When the pin is driven TRUE, halui runs the specified MDI command. XX is a
two digit number starting at 00. If no [HALUI]MDI_COMMAND variables are set in the ini file,
no halui.mdi-command-XX pins will be exported by halui.
mist bit out
pin for mist is on bit in
pin for stopping mist
halui.mist.on bit in
pin for starting mist
halui.max-velocity.count-enable bit in (default: TRUE)
When TRUE, modify max velocity when counts changes.
halui.max-velocity.counts s32 in
counts from an encoder for example to change maximum velocity
halui.max-velocity.decrease bit in
pin for decreasing the maximum velocity (-=scale) bit in
pin for using a direct value for max velocity
halui.max-velocity.increase bit in
pin for increasing the maximum velocity (+=scale)
halui.max-velocity.scale float in
pin for setting the scale on changing the maximum velocity
halui.max-velocity.value float out
Current value for maximum velocity
machine bit out
pin for machine is On/Off bit in
pin for setting machine Off
halui.machine.on bit in
pin for setting machine On
lube bit out
pin for lube is on

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User Interface

HALUI(1) bit in
pin for stopping lube
halui.lube.on bit in
pin for starting lube
halui.joint.N.has-fault bit out
status pin telling that joint N has a fault
halui.joint.N.home bit in
pin for homing joint N bit out
status pin telling that joint N is homed bit out
status pin that joint N is selected
halui.joint.N.on-hard-max-limit bit out
status pin telling that joint N is on the positive hardware limit
halui.joint.N.on-hard-min-limit bit out
status pin telling that joint N is on the negative hardware limit
halui.joint.N.on-soft-max-limit bit out
status pin telling that joint N is on the positive software limit
halui.joint.N.on-soft-min-limit bit out
status pin telling that joint N is on the negative software limit bit in
pin for selecting joint N
halui.joint.N.unhome bit in
pin for unhoming joint N
halui.joint.selected u32 out
selected joint
halui.joint.selected.has-fault bit out
status pin selected joint is faulted
halui.joint.selected.home bit in
pin for homing the selected joint bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is homed
halui.joint.selected.on-hard-max-limit bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is on the positive hardware limit
halui.joint.selected.on-hard-min-limit bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is on the negative hardware limit
halui.joint.selected.on-soft-max-limit bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is on the positive software limit
halui.joint.selected.on-soft-min-limit bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is on the negative software limit
halui.joint.selected.unhome bit in
pin for unhoming the selected joint



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User Interface


halui.jog.deadband float in
pin for setting jog analog deadband (jog analog inputs smaller/slower than this are ignored)
halui.jog-speed float in
pin for setting jog speed for plus/minus jogging.
halui.jog.N.analog float in
pin for jogging the axis N using an float value (e.g. joystick)
halui.jog.N.increment float in
pin for setting the jog increment for axis N when using increment-plus/minus
halui.jog.N.increment-minus bit in
a rising edge will will make axis N jog in the negative direction by the increment amount
halui.jog.N.increment-plus bit in
a rising edge will will make axis N jog in the positive direction by the increment amount
halui.jog.N.minus bit in
pin for jogging axis N in negative direction at the halui.jog-speed velocity bit in
pin for jogging axis N in positive direction at the halui.jog-speed velocity
halui.jog.selected.increment float in
pin for setting the jog increment for the selected axis when using increment-plus/minus
halui.jog.selected.increment-minus bit in
a rising edge will will make the selected axis jog in the negative direction by the increment amount
halui.jog.selected.increment-plus bit in
a rising edge will will make the selected axis jog in the positive direction by the increment amount
halui.jog.selected.minus bit in
pin for jogging the selected axis in negative direction at the halui.jog-speed velocity
pin for jogging the selected axis bit in in positive direction at the halui.jog-speed velocity
flood bit out
pin for flood is on bit in
pin for stopping flood
halui.flood.on bit in
pin for starting flood
feed override
halui.feed-override.count-enable bit in (default: TRUE)
When TRUE, modify feed override when counts changes.
halui.feed-override.counts s32 in
counts X scale = feed override percentage
halui.feed-override.decrease bit in
pin for decreasing the FO (-=scale) bit in
pin to enable direct value feed override input

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL User Interface


halui.feed-override.increase bit in
pin for increasing the FO (+=scale)
halui.feed-override.scale float in
pin for setting the scale on changing the FO
halui.feed-override.value float out
current Feed Override value
rapid override
halui.rapid-override.count-enable bit in (default: TRUE)
When TRUE, modify Rapid Override when counts changes.
halui.rapid-override.counts s32 in
counts X scale = Rapid Override percentage
halui.rapid-override.decrease bit in
pin for decreasing the Rapid Override (-=scale) bit in
pin to enable direct value Rapid Override input
halui.rapid-override.increase bit in
pin for increasing the Rapid Override (+=scale)
halui.rapid-override.scale float in
pin for setting the scale on changing the Rapid Override
halui.rapid-override.value float out
current Rapid Override value
halui.estop.activate bit in
pin for setting Estop (LinuxCNC internal) On bit out
pin for displaying Estop state (LinuxCNC internal) On/Off
halui.estop.reset bit in
pin for resetting Estop (LinuxCNC internal) Off
halui.axis.N.pos-commanded float out float out
Commanded axis position in machine coordinates
halui.axis.N.pos-feedback float out float out
Feedback axis position in machine coordinates
halui.axis.N.pos-relative float out float out
Commanded axis position in relative coordinates
halui.home-all bit in
pin for requesting home-all (only available when a valid homing sequence is specified)

none known at this time.



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL User Interface


Written by Alex Joni, as part of the LinuxCNC project. Updated by John Thornton

Report bugs to alex_joni AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net

Copyright © 2006 Alex Joni.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

LinuxCNC Documentation




HAL Component


iocontrol − accepts NML I/O commands, interacts with HAL in userspace

loadusr io [-ini inifile]

These pins are created by the userspace IO controller, usually found in $LINUXCNC_HOME/bin/io
The signals are turned on and off in userspace - if you have strict timing requirements or simply need more
i/o, consider using the realtime synchronized i/o provided by motion(9) instead.
The inifile is searched for in the directory from which halcmd was run, unless an absolute path is specified.

(Bit, Out) TRUE when flood coolant is requested
(Bit, Out) TRUE when mist coolant is requested
(Bit, In) Should be driven FALSE when an external estop condition exists.
(Bit, Out) TRUE when lube is requested
(Bit, In) Should be driven FALSE when lubrication tank is empty.
(Bit, Out) TRUE when a tool change is requested
(Bit, In) Should be driven TRUE when a tool change is completed.
(s32, Out) Current tool number
(s32, Out) The number of the next tool, from the RS274NGC T-word
(s32, Out) The pocket number (location in tool storage mechanism) of the next tool, as described
in the tool table
(Bit, Out) TRUE when a Tn tool prepare is requested



LinuxCNC Documentation


HAL Component


(Bit, In) Should be driven TRUE when a tool prepare is completed.
(Bit, Out) FALSE when an internal estop condition exists
(Bit, Out) TRUE when the user has requested that estop be cleared


LinuxCNC Documentation




The Enhanced Machine Controller


linuxcncrsh − text-mode interface for commanding LinuxCNC over the network


linuxcncrsh is a user interface for LinuxCNC. Instead of popping up a GUI window like axis(1) and
touchy(1) do, it processes text-mode commands that it receives via the network. A human (or a program)
can interface with linuxcncrsh using telnet(1) or nc(1) or similar programs.
All features of LinuxCNC are available via the linuxcncrsh interface.

-p,--port PORT_NUMBER
Specify the port for linuxcncrsh to listen on. Defaults to 5007 if omitted.
-n,--name SERVER_NAME
Sets the server name that linuxcncrsh will use to identify itself during handshaking with a new
client. Defaults to EMCNETSVR if omitted.
-w,--connectpw PASSWORD
Specify the connection password to use during handshaking with a new client. Note that the password is sent in the clear, so it can be read by anyone who can read packets on the network between
the server and the client. Defaults to EMC if omitted.
-e,--enablepw PASSWORD
Specify the password required to enable LinuxCNC via linuxcncrsh. Note that the password is
sent in the clear, so it can be read by anyone who can read packets on the network between the
server and the client. Defaults to EMCTOO if omitted.
-s,--sessions MAX_SESSIONS
Specify the maximum number of simultaneous connections. Defaults to -1 (no limit) if not specified.
In addition to the options listed above, linuxcncrsh accepts an optional special LINUXCNC_OPTION at
the end:
LinuxCNC .ini file to use. The -ini option must be preceeded by two dashes: "--". Defaults to
emc.ini if omitted.

Starting linuxcncrsh
To use linuxcncrsh instead of a normal LinuxCNC GUI like axis or touch, specify it in your .ini file like
To use linuxcncrsh in addition to a normal GUI, you can either start it at the end of your .hal file, or run it
by hand in a terminal window.
To start it from hal, add a line like this to the end of your .hal file:
loadusr linuxcncrsh [OPTIONS] [-- LINUXCNC_OPTIONS]
To start it from the terminal, run linuxcncrsh manually like this:

Once LinuxCNC is up and linuxcncrsh is running, you can connect to it using telnet or nc or similar:
telnet HOST PORT
HOST is the hostname or IP address of the computer running linuxcncrsh, and PORT is


May 31, 2011


The Enhanced Machine Controller


the port it’s listening on (5007 if you did not give linuxcncrsh the --port option).

Network protocol
linuxcncrsh accepts TCP connections on the port specified by the --port option, or 5007 if not specified.
The client sends requests, and the linuxcncrsh server returns replies. Requests consist of a command word
followed by optional command-specific parameters. Requests and most request parameters are case insensitive. The exceptions are passwords, file paths and text strings.
Requests to linuxcncrsh are terminated with line endings, any combination of one or more ’\r’ and ’\n’
characters. Replies from linuxcncrsh are terminated with the sequence ´\r\n´.
The supported commands are as follows:
 must match linuxcncrsh’s connect password, or "EMC" if no --connectpw was supplied. The three arguments may not contain whitespace. If a valid password was entered the
server will respond with:
If an invalid password or any other syntax error occurs then the server responds with:
get  []
The get command takes one of the LinuxCNC sub-commands (described in the section LinuxCNC Subcommands, below) and zero or more additional subcommand-specific parameters.
The set command takes one of the LinuxCNC sub-commands (described in the section LinuxCNC Subcommands, below) and one or more additional parameters.
The quit command disconnects the associated socket connection.
The shutdown command tells LinuxCNC to shutdown and disconnect the session. This command
may only be issued if the Hello has been successfully negotiated and the connection has control of
the CNC (see enable subcommand in the LinuxCNC Subcommands section, below).
The help command will return help information in text format over the connection. If no parameters are specified, it will itemize the available commands. If a command is specified, it will provide usage information for the specified command. Help will respond regardless of whether a
"Hello" has been successsfully negotiated.

LinuxCNC Subcommands
Subcommands for get and set are:
echo {on|off}
With get, any on/off parameter is ignored and the current echo state is returned. With set, sets the
echo state as specified. Echo defaults to on when the connection is first established. When echo is
on, all commands will be echoed upon receipt. This state is local to each connection.
verbose {on|off}
With get, any on/off parameter is ignored and the current verbose state is returned. With set, sets
the verbose state as specified. When verbose mode is on, all set commands return positive
acknowledgement in the form SET  ACK, and text error messages will be issued
(FIXME: I don’t know what this means). The verbose state is local to each connection, and starts
out OFF on new connections.
enable {|off}
The session’s enable state indicates whether the current connection is enabled to perform control
functions. With get, any parameter is ignored, and the current enable state is returned. With set

May 31, 2011



The Enhanced Machine Controller


and a valid password matching linuxcncrsh’s --enablepw (EMCTOO if not specified), the current
connection is enabled for control functions. "OFF" may not be used as a password and disables
control functions for this connection.
config [TBD]
Unused, ignore for now.
comm_mode {ascii|binary}
With get, any parameter is ignored and the current communications mode is returned. With set,
will set the communications mode to the specified mode. The ascii mode is the text request/reply
mode, the binary protocol is not currently designed or implemented.
With get, any parameter is ignored and the current protocol version used by the server is returned.
With set, sets the server to use the specified protocol version, provided it is lower than or equal to
the highest version number supported by the server implementation.
Not currently implemented! With get, returns the string "emc.ini". Should return the full path and
file name of the current configuration inifile. Setting this does nothing.
With get, returns the string "Linux".
Not currently implemented, do not use! Should return the string value of in section
of the ini file. debug With get, any parameter is ignored and the current integer value of EMC_DEBUG is returned. Note that the value of EMC_DEBUG returned is the from the UI’s ini file, which may be different than emc’s ini file. With set, sends a command to the EMC to set the new debug level, and sets the EMC_DEBUG global here to the same value. This will make the two values the same, since they really ought to be the same. set_wait {none|received|done} The set_wait setting controls the wait after receiving a command. It can be "none" (return right away), "received" (after the command was sent and received), or "done" (after the command was done). With get, any parameter is ignored and the current set_wait setting is returned. With set, set the set_wait setting to the specified value. wait {received|done} With set, force a wait for the previous command to be received, or done. This lets you wait in the event that "set_wait none" is in effect. set_timeout With set, set the timeout for commands to return to seconds. Timeout is a real number. If it’s <= 0.0, it means wait forever. Default is 0.0, wait forever. update {none|auto} The update mode controls whether to return fresh or stale values for "get" requests. When the update mode is "none" it returns stale values, when it’s "auto" it returns fresh values. Defaults to "auto" for new connections. Set this to "none" if you like to be confused. error With get, returns the current error string, or "ok" if no error. operator_display With get, returns the current operator display string, or "ok" if none. operator_text With get, returns the current operator text string, or "ok" if none. 40 May 31, 2011 linuxcncrsh(1) The Enhanced Machine Controller linuxcncrsh(1) time With get, returns the time, in seconds, from the start of the epoch. This starting time depends on the platform. estop {on|off} With get, ignores any parameters and returns the current estop setting as "on" or "off". With set, sets the estop as specified. Estop "on" means the machine is in the estop state and won’t run. machine {on|off} With get, ignores any parameters and returns the current machine power setting as "on" or "off". With set, sets the machine on or off as specified. mode {manual|auto|mdi} With get, ignores any parameters and returns the current machine mode. With set, sets the machine mode as specified. mist {on|off} With get, ignores any parameters and returns the current mist coolant setting. With set, sets the mist setting as specified. flood {on|off} With get, ignores any parameters and returns the current flood coolant setting. With set, sets the flood setting as specified. lube {on|off} With get, ignores any parameters and returns the current lube pump setting. With set, sets the lube pump setting as specified. lube_level With get, returns the lubricant level sensor reading as "ok" or "low". With set, mocks you for wishful thinking. spindle {forward|reverse|increase|decrease|constant|off} With get, any parameter is ignored and the current spindle state is returned as "forward", "reverse", "increase", "decrease", or "off". With set, sets the spindle as specified. Note that "increase" and "decrease" will cause a speed change in the corresponding direction until a "constant" command is sent. brake {on|off} With get, any parameter is ignored and the current brake setting is returned. With set, the brake is set as specified. tool With get, returns the id of the currently loaded tool. tool_offset With get, returns the currently applied tool length offset. load_tool_table With set, loads the tool table specified by . home {0|1|2|...} With set, homes the indicated axis. jog_stop {0|1|2|...} With set, stop any in-progress jog on the specified axis. jog {0|1|2|...} With set, jog the specified axis at ; sign of speed is direction. jog_incr {0|1|2|...} With set, jog the indicated axis by increment at the ; sign of speed is direction. feed_override With get, any parameter is ignored and the current feed override is returns (as a percentage of May 31, 2011 41 linuxcncrsh(1) The Enhanced Machine Controller linuxcncrsh(1) commanded feed). With set, sets the feed override as specified. spindle_override With get, any parameter is ignored and the current spindle override is returnd (as a percentage of commanded speed). With set, sets the spindle override as specified. abs_cmd_pos [{0|1|...}] With get, returns the specified axis’ commanded position in absolute coordinates. If no axis is specified, returns all axes’ commanded absolute position. abs_act_pos [{0|1|...}] With get, returns the specified axis’ actual position in absolute coordinates. If no axis is specified, returns all axes’ actual absolute position. rel_cmd_pos [{0|1|...}] With get, returns the specified axis’ commanded position in relative coordinates, including tool length offset. If no axis is specified, returns all axes’ commanded relative position. rel_act_pos [{0|1|...}] With get, returns the specified axis’ actual position in relative coordinates, including tool length offset. If no axis is specified, returns all axes’ actual relative position. joint_pos [{0|1|...}] With get, returns the specified joint’s actual position in absolute coordinates, excluding tool length offset. If no joint is specified, returns all joints’ actual absolute position. pos_offset [{X|Y|Z|R|P|W}] With get, returns the position offset associated with the world coordinate provided. joint_limit [{0|1|...}] With get, returns limit status of the specified joint as "ok", "minsoft", "minhard", "maxsoft", or "maxhard". If no joint number is specified, returns the limit status of all joints. joint_fault [{0|1|...}] With get, returns the fault status of the specified joint as "ok" or "fault". If no joint number is specified, returns the fault status of all joints. joint_homed [{0|1|...}] With get, returns the homed status of the specified joint as "homed" or "not". If no joint number is specified, returns the homed status of all joints. mdi With set, sends as an MDI command. task_plan_init With set, initializes the program interpreter. open With set, opens the named file. The is opened by linuxcnc, so it should either be an absolute path or a relative path starting in the linuxcnc working directory (the directory of the active .ini file). Note that linuxcnc can only have one file open at a time, and it’s up to the UI (linuxcncrsh or similar) to close any open file before opening a new file. linuxcncrsh currently does not support closing files, which rather limits the utility of this command. run [] With set, runs the opened program. If no StartLine is specified, runs from the beginning. If a StartLine is specified, start line, runs from that line. A start line of -1 runs in verify mode. pause With set, pause program execution. resume With set, resume program execution. abort 42 May 31, 2011 linuxcncrsh(1) The Enhanced Machine Controller linuxcncrsh(1) With set, abort program or MDI execution. step With set, step the program one line. program With get, returns the name of the currently opened program, or "none". program_line With get, returns the currently executing line of the program. program_status With get, returns "idle", "running", or "paused". program_codes With get, returns the string for the currently active program codes. joint_type [] With get, returns "linear", "angular", or "custom" for the type of the specified joint (or for all joints if none is specified). joint_units [] With get, returns "inch", "mm", "cm", or "deg", "rad", "grad", or "custom", for the corresponding native units of the specified joint (or for all joints if none is specified). The type of the axis (linear or angular) is used to resolve which type of units are returned. The units are obtained heuristically, based on the EMC_AXIS_STAT::units numerical value of user units per mm or deg. For linear joints, something close to 0.03937 is deemed "inch", 1.000 is "mm", 0.1 is "cm", otherwise it’s "custom". For angular joints, something close to 1.000 is deemed "deg", PI/180 is "rad", 100/90 is "grad", otherwise it’s "custom". program_units Synonym for program_linear_units. program_linear_units With get, returns "inch", "mm", "cm", or "none", for the corresponding linear units that are active in the program interpreter. program_angular_units With get, returns "deg", "rad", "grad", or "none" for the corresponding angular units that are active in the program interpreter. user_linear_units With get, returns "inch", "mm", "cm", or "custom", for the corresponding native user linear units of the LinuxCNC trajectory level. This is obtained heuristically, based on the EMC_TRAJ_STAT::linearUnits numerical value of user units per mm. Something close to 0.03937 is deemed "inch", 1.000 is "mm", 0.1 is "cm", otherwise it’s "custom". user_angular_units Returns "deg", "rad", "grad", or "custom" for the corresponding native user angular units of the LinuxCNC trajectory level. Like with linear units, this is obtained heuristically. display_linear_units With get, returns "inch", "mm", "cm", or "custom", for the linear units that are active in the display. This is effectively the value of linearUnitConversion. display_angular_units With get, returns "deg", "rad", "grad", or "custom", for the angular units that are active in the display. This is effectively the value of angularUnitConversion. linear_unit_conversion {inch|mm|cm|auto} With get, any parameter is ignored and the active unit conversion is returned. With set, sets the unit to be displayed. If it’s "auto", the units to be displayed match the program units. angular_unit_conversion {deg|rad|grad|auto} May 31, 2011 43 linuxcncrsh(1) The Enhanced Machine Controller linuxcncrsh(1) With get, any parameter is ignored and the active unit conversion is returned. With set, sets the units to be displayed. If it’s "auto", the units to be displayed match the program units. probe_clear With set, clear the probe tripped flag. probe_tripped With get, return the probe state - has the probe tripped since the last clear? probe_value With get, return the current value of the probe signal. probe With set, move toward a certain location. If the probe is tripped on the way stop motion, record the position and raise the probe tripped flag. teleop_enable [on|off] With get, any parameter is ignored and the current teleop mode is returned. With set, sets the teleop mode as specified. kinematics_type With get, returns the type of kinematics functions used (identity=1, serial=2, parallel=3, custom=4). override_limits {on|off} With get, any parameter is ignored and the override_limits setting is returned. With set, the override_limits parameter is set as specified. If override_limits is on, disables end of travel hardware limits to allow jogging off of a limit. If parameters is off, then hardware limits are enabled. optional_stop {0|1} With get, any parameter is ignored and the current "optional stop on M1" setting is returned. With set, the setting is set as specified. Example Session This section shows an example session. Bold items are typed by you, non-bold is machine output. The user connects to linuxcncrsh, handshakes with the server (hello), enables machine commanding from this session (set enable), brings the machine out of estop (set estop off) and turns it on (set machine on), homes all the axes, switches the machine to mdi mode, sends an MDI g-code command, then disconnects and shuts down LinuxCNC. > telnet localhost 5007 Trying Connected to Escape character is ’ˆ]’. hello EMC user-typing-at-telnet 1.0 HELLO ACK EMCNETSVR 1.1 set enable EMCTOO set enable EMCTOO set mode manual set mode manual set estop off set estop off set machine on set machine on set home 0 set home 0 set home 1 set home 1 set home 2 set home 2 44 May 31, 2011 linuxcncrsh(1) The Enhanced Machine Controller linuxcncrsh(1) set mode mdi set mode mdi set mdi g0x1 set mdi g0x1 shutdown shutdown Connection closed by foreign host. May 31, 2011 45 milltask(1) The Enhanced Machine Controller milltask(1) NAME milltask − Userspace task controller for LinuxCNC DESCRIPTION milltask is an internal process of LinuxCNC. It is generally not invoked directly. It creates the pins shown as owned by the "inihal" component, which allow runtime modification of certain values from the inifile. PINS Per-axis pins ini.#.backlash Allows adjustment of [AXIS_#]BACKLASH ini.#.max_acceleration Allows adjustment of [AXIS_#]MAX_ACCELERATION ini.#.max_velocity Allows adjustment of [AXIS_#]MAX_VELOCITY ini.#.max_limit Allows adjustment of [AXIS_#]MAX_LIMIT ini.#.min_limit Allows adjustment of [AXIS_#]MIN_LIMIT ini.#.ferror Allows adjustment of [AXIS_#]FERROR ini.#.min_ferror Allows adjustment of [AXIS_#]MIN_FERROR Global pins ini.traj_default_acceleration Allows adjustment of [TRAJ]DEFAULT_ACCELERATION ini.traj_default_velocity Allows adjustment of [TRAJ]DEFAULT_VELOCITY ini.traj_max_acceleration Allows adjustment of [TRAJ]MAX_ACCELERATION ini.traj_max_velocity Allows adjustment of [TRAJ]MAX_VELOCITY BUGS These pins cannot be linked or set in a halfile specified by [HAL]HALFILE. In GUIs that support the feature, they can be set by the [HAL]POSTGUI_HALFILE. The inifile is not automatically updated with these values. 46 September 30, 2014 PYVCP(1) The Enhanced Machine Controller PYVCP(1) NAME pyvcp − Virtual Control Panel for LinuxCNC SYNOPSIS pyvcp [-g WxH+X+Y] [-c component-name] myfile.xml OPTIONS -g WxH+X+Y This sets the initial geometry of the root window. Use ’WxH’ for just size, ’+X+Y’ for just position, or ’WxH+X+Y’ for both. Size / position use pixel units. Position is referenced from top left. -c component-name Use component-name as the HAL component name. If the component name is not specified, the basename of the xml file is used. SEE ALSO Python Virtual Control Panel in the LinuxCNC documentation for a description of the xml syntax, along with examples LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-04-01 47 SHUTTLEXPRESS(1) HAL User’s Manual SHUTTLEXPRESS(1) NAME shuttlexpress − control HAL pins with the ShuttleXpress device made by Contour Design SYNOPSIS loadusr shuttlexpress [DEVICE ...] DESCRIPTION shuttlexpress is a userspace HAL component that interfaces Contour Design’s ShuttleXpress device with LinuxCNC’s HAL. The ShuttleXpress has five momentary buttons, a 10 counts/revolution jog wheel with detents, and a 15-position spring-loaded outer wheel that returns to center when released. If it is started without command-line arguments, it will probe all /dev/hidraw* device files for ShuttleXpress devices, and use all devices found. If it is started with command-line arguments, only will only probe the devices specified. UDEV The shuttlexpress module needs read permission on the /dev/hidraw* device files. This can be accomplished by adding a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-shuttlexpress.rules, with the following contents: SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0b33", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0020", MODE="0444" A warning about the Jog Wheel The ShuttleXpress device has an internal 8-bit counter for the current jog-wheel position. The shuttlexpress driver can not know this value until the ShuttleXpress device sends its first event. When the first event comes into the driver, the driver uses the device’s reported jog-wheel position to initialize counts to 0. This means that if the first event is generated by a jog-wheel move, that first move will be lost. Any user interaction with the ShuttleXpress device will generate an event, informing the driver of the jogwheel position. So if you (for example) push one of the buttons at startup, the jog-wheel will work fine and notice the first click. Pins (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-0 (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-0-not (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-1 (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-1-not (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-2 (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-2-not (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-3 (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-3-not (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-4 (bit out) shuttlexpress.0.button-4-not The five buttons around the outside, starting with the counter-clockwise-most one. (s32 out) shuttlexpress.0.counts Accumulated counts from the jog wheel (the inner wheel). 48 2011-01-13 LinuxCNC Documentation SHUTTLEXPRESS(1) HAL User’s Manual SHUTTLEXPRESS(1) (s32 out) shuttlexpress.0.spring-wheel-s32 The current deflection of the spring-wheel (the outer wheel). It’s 0 at rest, and ranges from -7 at the counter-clockwise extreme to +7 at the clockwise extreme. (float out) shuttlexpress.0.spring-wheel-f The current deflection of the spring-wheel (the outer wheel). It’s 0 at rest, -1 at the counter-clockwise extreme, and +1 at the clockwise extreme. (The ShuttleXpress device reports the spring-wheel position quantized from -7 to +7, so this pin reports only 15 discrete values in its range.) LinuxCNC Documentation 2011-01-13 49 vfdb_vfd(1) LinuxCNC Documentation vfdb_vfd(1) NAME vfdb_vfd - HAL userspace component for Delta VFD-B Variable Frequency Drives SYNOPSIS vfdb_vfd [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION This manual page explains the vfdb_vfd component. This component reads and writes to the VFD-B device via a Modbus connection. vfdb_vfd is for use with LinuxCNC. QUICK START The VFD-B ships in a configuration that can not talk to this driver. The VFD-B must be reconfigured via the face plate by the integrator before it will work. This section gives a brief description of what changes need to be made, consult your Delta VFD-B manual for more details. Switch the VFD-B to Modbus RTU frame format: Switch parameter 09-04 from the factory default of 0 (Ascii framing) to 3, 4, or 5 (RTU framing). The setting you choose will determine several serial parameters in addition to the Modbus framing protocol. Set the frequency control source to be Modbus, not the keypad: Switch parameter 02-00 from factory default of 00 (keypad control) to 5 (control from RS-485). Set the run/stop control source to be Modbus, not the keypad: Switch parameter 02-01 from the factory default of 0 (control from keypad) to 3 (control from Modbus, with Stop enabled on the keypad). OPTIONS -n --name set the HAL component name -d --debug Turn on debugging messages. Also toggled by sending a USR1 signal to the vfdb_vfd process. -m --modbus-debug Turn on Modbus debugging messages. This will cause all Modbus messages to be printed in hex on the terminal. Also toggled by sending a USR2 signal to the vfdb_vfd process. -I --ini take configuration from this ini file. Defaults to environment variable INI_FILE_NAME. Most vfdb_vfd configuration comes from the ini file, not from command-line arguments. -S --section
take configuration from this section in the ini file. Defaults to ’VFD-B’. -r --report-device report device propertiers on console at startup INI CONFIG VARIABLES DEBUG Set to a non-zero value to enable general debug output from the VFD-B driver. Optional. MODBUS_DEBUG Set to a non-zero value to enable modbus debug output from the VFD-B driver. Optional. 50 September 19, 2009 VFD-B VFD vfdb_vfd(1) LinuxCNC Documentation vfdb_vfd(1) DEVICE Serial port device file to use for Modbus communication with the VFD-B. Defaults to ’/dev/ttyS0’. BAUD Modbus baud rate. Defaults to 19200. BITS Modbus data bits. Defaults to 8. PARITY Modbus parity. Defaults to Even. Accepts ’Even’, ’Odd’, or ’None’. STOPBITS Modbus stop bits. Defaults to 1. TARGET Modbus target number of the VFD-B to speak to. Defaults to 1. POLLCYCLES Only read the less important variables from the VFD-B once in this many poll cycles. Defaults to 10. RECONNECT_DELAY If the connection to the VFD-B is broken, wait this many seconds before reconnecting. Defaults to 1. MOTOR_HZ, MOTOR_RPM The frequency of the motor (in Hz) and the corresponding speed of the motor (in RPM). This information is provided by the motor manufacturer, and is generally printed on the motor’s name plate. PINS .at-speed (bit, out) True when drive is at commanded speed (see speed-tolerance below) .enable (bit, in) Enable the VFD. If False, all operating parameters are still read but control is released and panel control is enabled (subject to VFD setup). .frequency-command (float, out) Current target frequency in HZ as set through speed-command (which is in RPM), from the VFD. .frequency-out (float, out) Current output frequency of the VFD. .inverter-load-percentage (float, out) Current load report from VFD. .is-e-stopped (bit, out) The VFD is in emergency stop status (blinking "E" on panel). .is-stopped (bit, out) True when the VFD reports 0 Hz output. .jog-mode (bit, in) 1 for ON and 0 for OFF, enables the VFD-B ’jog mode’. Speed control is disabled. This might be useful for spindle orientation. .max-rpm (float, out) Actual RPM limit based on maximum frequency the VFD may generate, and the motors nameplate values. For instance, if nameplate-HZ is 50, and nameplate-RPM is 1410, but the VFD may generate up to 80Hz, then max-rpm would read as 2256 (80*1410/50). The frequency limit is read from the VFD at startup. To increase the upper frequency limit, the UL and FH parameters must be changed on the panel. See the VFD-B manual for instructions how to set the maximum frequency. VFD-B VFD September 19, 2009 51 vfdb_vfd(1) LinuxCNC Documentation vfdb_vfd(1) .modbus-ok (bit, out) True when the Modbus session is successfully established and the last 10 transactions returned without error. .motor-RPM (float, out) Estimated current RPM value, from the VFD. .motor-RPS (float, out) Estimated current RPS value, from the VFD. .output-voltage (float, out) From the VFD. .output-current (float, out) From the VFD. .speed-command (float, in) Speed sent to VFD in RPM. It is an error to send a speed faster than the Motor Max RPM as set in the VFD. .spindle-on (bit, in) 1 for ON and 0 for OFF sent to VFD, only on when running. .max-speed (bit, in) Ignore the loop-time paramater and run Modbus at maximum speed, at the expense of higher CPU usage. Suggested use during spindle positioning. .status (s32, out) Drive Status of the VFD (see the VFD manual). A bitmap. .error-count (s32, out) Total number of transactions returning a Modbus error. .error-code (s32, out) Most recent Error Code from VFD. .frequency-limit (float, out) Upper limit read from VFD setup. PARAMETERS .loop-time (float, RW) How often the Modbus is polled (default interval 0.1 seconds). .nameplate-HZ (float, RW) Nameplate Hz of motor (default 50). Used to calculate target frequency (together with nameplateRPM ) for a target RPM value as given by speed-command. .nameplate-RPM (float, RW) Nameplate RPM of motor (default 1410) .rpm-limit (float, RW) Do-not-exceed soft limit for motor RPM (defaults to nameplate-RPM ). .tolerance (float, RW) Speed tolerance (default 0.01) for determining wether spindle is at speed (0.01 meaning: output frequency is within 1% of target frequency). USAGE The vfdb_vfd driver takes precedence over panel control while it is enabled (see .enable pin), effectively disabling the panel. Clearing the .enable pin re-enables the panel. Pins and parameters can still be set, but will not be written to the VFD untile the .enable pin is set. Operating parameters are still read while bus control is disabled. 52 September 19, 2009 VFD-B VFD vfdb_vfd(1) LinuxCNC Documentation vfdb_vfd(1) Exiting the vfdb_vfd driver in a controlled way will release the VFD from the bus and restore panel control. See the LinuxCNC Integrators Manual for more information. For a detailed register description of the Delta VFD-B, see the VFD manual. AUTHOR Yishin Li; based on vfd11_vfd by Michael Haberler. LICENSE GPL VFD-B VFD September 19, 2009 53 vfs11_vfd(1) LinuxCNC Documentation vfs11_vfd(1) NAME vfs11_vfd - HAL userspace component for Toshiba-Schneider VF-S11 Variable Frequency Drives SYNOPSIS vfs11_vfd [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION This manual page explains the vfs11_vfd component. This component reads and writes to the vfs11 via a Modbus connection. vfs11_vfd is for use with LinuxCNC. OPTIONS -n --name set the HAL component name -d --debug Turn on debugging messages. Also toggled by sending a USR1 signal to the vfs11_vfd process. -m --modbus-debug Turn on Modbus debugging messages. This will cause all Modbus messages to be printed in hex on the terminal. Also toggled by sending a USR2 signal to the vfs11_vfd process. -I --ini take configuration from this ini file. Defaults to environment variable INI_FILE_NAME. -S --section
take configuration from this section in the ini file. Defaults to ’VFS11’. -r --report-device report device propertiers on console at startup PINS .acceleration-pattern (bit, in) when true, set acceleration and deceleration times as defined in registers F500 and F501 respecitvely. Used in PID loops to choose shorter ramp times to avoid oscillation. .alarm-code (s32, out) non-zero if drive is in alarmed state. Bitmap describing alarm information (see register FC91 description). Use err-reset (see below) to clear the alarm. .at-speed (bit, out) when drive is at commanded speed (see speed-tolerance below) .current-load-percentage (float, out) reported from the VFD .dc-brake (bit, in) engage the DC brake. Also turns off spindle-on. .enable (bit, in) enable the VFD. If false, all operating parameters are still read but control is released and panel control is enabled (subject to VFD setup). .err-reset (bit, in) reset errors (alarms a.k.a Trip and e-stop status). Resetting the VFD may cause a 2-second delay until it’s rebooted and Modbus is up again. .estop (bit, in) put the VFD into emergency-stopped status. No operation possible until cleared with err-reset or powercycling. 54 September 19, 2009 vfs11 VFD vfs11_vfd(1) LinuxCNC Documentation vfs11_vfd(1) .frequency-command (float, out) current target frequency in HZ as set through speed-command (which is in RPM), from the VFD .frequency-out (float, out) current output frequency of the VFD .inverter-load-percentage (float, out) current load report from VFD .is-e-stopped (bit, out) the VFD is in emergency stop status (blinking "E" on panel). Use err-reset to reboot the VFD and clear the e-stop status. .is-stopped (bit, out) true when the VFD reports 0 Hz output .jog-mode (bit, in) 1 for ON and 0 for OFF, enables the VF-S11 ’jog mode’. Speed control is disabled, and the output frequency is determined by register F262 (preset to 5Hz). This might be useful for spindle orientation. .max-rpm (float, R) actual RPM limit based on maximum frequency the VFD may generate, and the motors nameplate values. For instance, if nameplate-HZ is 50, and nameplate-RPM_ is 1410, but the VFD may generate up to 80Hz, then max-rpm would read as 2256 (80*1410/50). The frequency limit is read from the VFD at startup. To increase the upper frequency limit, the UL and FH parameters must be changed on the panel. See the VF-S11 manual for instructions how to set the maximum frequency. .modbus-ok (bit, out) true when the Modbus session is successfully established and the last 10 transactions returned without error. .motor-RPM (float, out) estimated current RPM value, from the VFD .output-current-percentage (float, out) from the VFD .output-voltage-percentage (float, out) from the VFD .output-voltage (float, out) from the VFD .speed-command (float, in) speed sent to VFD in RPM. It is an error to send a speed faster than the Motor Max RPM as set in the VFD .spindle-fwd (bit, in) 1 for FWD and 0 for REV, sent to VFD .spindle-on (bit, in) 1 for ON and 0 for OFF sent to VFD, only on when running .spindle-rev (bit, in) 1 for ON and 0 for OFF, only on when running .max-speed (bit, in) ignore the loop-time paramater and run Modbus at maximum speed, at the expense of higher CPU usage. Suggested use during spindle positioning. vfs11 VFD September 19, 2009 55 vfs11_vfd(1) LinuxCNC Documentation vfs11_vfd(1) .status (s32, out) Drive Status of the VFD (see the TOSVERT VF-S11 Communications Function Instruction Manual, register FD01). A bitmap. .trip-code (s32, out) trip code if VF-S11 is in tripped state. .error-count (s32, RW) total number of transactions returning a Modbus error PARAMETERS .frequency-limit (float, RO) upper limit read from VFD setup. .loop-time (float, RW) how often the Modbus is polled (default interval 0.1 seconds) .nameplate-HZ (float, RW) Nameplate Hz of motor (default 50). Used to calculate target frequency (together with nameplateRPM ) for a target RPM value as given by speed-command. .nameplate-RPM (float, RW) Nameplate RPM of motor (default 1410) .rpm-limit (float, RW) do-not-exceed soft limit for motor RPM (defaults to nameplate-RPM ). .tolerance (float, RW) speed tolerance (default 0.01) for determining wether spindle is at speed (0.01 meaning: output frequency is within 1% of target frequency) USAGE The vfs11_vfd driver takes precedence over panel control while it is enabled (see .enable pin), effectively disabling the panel. Clearing the .enable pin re-enableds the panel. Pins and parameters can still be set, but will not be written to the VFD untile the .enable pin is set. Operating parameters are still read while bus control is disabled. Exiting the vfs11_vfd driver in a controlled will release the VFD from the bus and restore panel control. See the LinuxCNC Integrators Manual for more information. For a detailed register description of the Toshiba VFD’s, see the "TOSVERT VF-S11 Communications Function Instruction Manual" (Toshiba document number E6581222) and the "TOSVERT VF-S11 Instruction manual" (Toshiba document number E6581158). AUTHOR Michael Haberler; based on gs2_vfd by Steve Padnos and John Thornton. LICENSE GPL 56 September 19, 2009 vfs11 VFD intro(3hal) HAL intro(3hal) NAME hal − Introduction to the HAL API DESCRIPTION HAL stands for Hardware Abstraction Layer, and is used by LinuxCNC to transfer realtime data to and from I/O devices and other low-level modules. hal.h defines the API and data structures used by the HAL. This file is included in both realtime and nonrealtime HAL components. HAL uses the RTPAI real time interface, and the #define symbols RTAPI and ULAPI are used to distinguish between realtime and non-realtime code. The API defined in this file is implemented in hal_lib.c and can be compiled for linking to either realtime or user space HAL components. The HAL is a very modular approach to the low level parts of a motion control system. The goal of the HAL is to allow a systems integrator to connect a group of software components together to meet whatever I/O requirements he (or she) needs. This includes realtime and non-realtime I/O, as well as basic motor control up to and including a PID position loop. What these functions have in common is that they all process signals. In general, a signal is a data item that is updated at regular intervals. For example, a PID loop gets position command and feedback signals, and produces a velocity command signal. HAL is based on the approach used to design electronic circuits. In electronics, off-the-shelf components like integrated circuits are placed on a circuit board and their pins are interconnected to build whatever overall function is needed. The individual components may be as simple as an op-amp, or as complex as a digital signal processor. Each component can be individually tested, to make sure it works as designed. After the components are placed in a larger circuit, the signals connecting them can still be monitored for testing and troubleshooting. Like electronic components, HAL components have pins, and the pins can be interconnected by signals. In the HAL, a signal contains the actual data value that passes from one pin to another. When a signal is created, space is allocated for the data value. A pin on the other hand, is a pointer, not a data value. When a pin is connected to a signal, the pin’s pointer is set to point at the signal’s data value. This allows the component to access the signal with very little run-time overhead. (If a pin is not linked to any signal, the pointer points to a dummy location, so the realtime code doesn’t have to deal with null pointers or treat unlinked variables as a special case in any way.) There are three approaches to writing a HAL component. Those that do not require hard realtime performance can be written as a single user mode process. Components that need hard realtime performance but have simple configuration and init requirements can be done as a single kernel module, using either predefined init info, or insmod-time parameters. Finally, complex components may use both a kernel module for the realtime part, and a user space process to handle ini file access, user interface (possibly including GUI features), and other details. HAL uses the RTAPI/ULAPI interface. If RTAPI is #defined hal_lib.c would generate a kernel module hal_lib.o that is insmoded and provides the functions for all kernel module based components. The same source file compiled with the ULAPI #define would make a user space hal_lib.o that is staticlly linked to user space code to make user space executables. The variable lists and link information are stored in a block of shared memory and protected with mutexes, so that kernel modules and any of several user mode programs can access the data. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS For an explanation of realtime considerations, see intro(3rtapi). LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 57 intro(3hal) HAL intro(3hal) HAL STATUS CODES Except as noted in specific manual pages, HAL returns negative errno values for errors, and nonnegative values for success. SEE ALSO intro(3rtapi) 58 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation hal_add_funct_to_thread(3hal) HAL hal_add_funct_to_thread(3hal) NAME hal_add_funct_to_thread − cause a function to be executed at regular intervals SYNTAX int hal_add_funct_to_thread(const char *funct_name, const char *thread_name, int position) int hal_del_funct_from_thread(const char *funct_name, const char *thread_name) ARGUMENTS funct_name The name of the function thread_name The name of the thread position The desired location within the thread. This determines when the function will run, in relation to other functions in the thread. A positive number indicates the desired location as measured from the beginning of the thread, and a negative is measured from the end. So +1 means this function will become the first one to run, +5 means it will be the fifth one to run, -2 means it will be next to last, and -1 means it will be last. Zero is illegal. DESCRIPTION hal_add_funct_to_thread adds a function exported by a realtime HAL component to a realtime thread. This determines how often and in what order functions are executed. hal_del_funct_from_thread removes a function from a thread. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from realtime init code, not from user space or realtime code. SEE ALSO hal_thread_new(3hal), hal_export_funct(3hal) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 59 hal_create_thread(3hal) HAL hal_create_thread(3hal) NAME hal_create_thread − Create a HAL thread SYNTAX int hal_create_thread(const char *name, unsigned long period, int uses_fp) int hal_thread_delete(const char *name) ARGUMENTS name The name of the thread period The interval, in nanoseconds, between iterations of the thread uses_fp Must be nonzero if a function which uses floating-point will be attached to this thread. DESCRIPTION hal_create_thread establishes a realtime thread that will execute one or more HAL functions periodically. All thread periods are rounded to integer multiples of the hardware timer period, and the timer period is based on the first thread created. Threads must be created in order, from the fastest to the slowest. HAL assigns decreasing priorities to threads that are created later, so creating them from fastest to slowest results in rate monotonic priority scheduling. hal_delete_thread deletes a previously created thread. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from realtime init code, not from user space or realtime code. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. SEE ALSO hal_export_funct(3hal) 60 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation hal_exit(3hal) HAL hal_exit(3hal) NAME hal_exit − Shut down HAL SYNTAX int hal_exit(int comp_id) ARGUMENTS comp_id A HAL component identifier returned by an earlier call to hal_init. DESCRIPTION hal_exit shuts down and cleans up HAL and RTAPI. It must be called prior to exit by any module that called hal_init. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 61 hal_export_funct(3hal) HAL hal_export_funct(3hal) NAME hal_export_funct − create a realtime function callable from a thread SYNTAX typedef void(*hal_funct_t)(void * arg, long period) int hal_export_funct(const char *name, hal_funct_t funct, void *arg, int uses_fp, int reentrant, int comp_id) ARGUMENTS name The name of the function. funct The pointer to the function arg The argument to be passed as the first parameter of funct uses_fp Nonzero if the function uses floating-point operations, including assignment of floating point values with "=". reentrant If reentrant is non-zero, the function may be preempted and called again before the first call completes. Otherwise, it may only be added to one thread. comp_id A HAL component identifier returned by an earlier call to hal_init. DESCRIPTION hal_export_funct makes a realtime function provided by a component available to the system. A subsequent call to hal_add_funct_to_thread can be used to schedule the execution of the function as needed by the system. When this function is placed on a HAL thread, and HAL threads are started, funct is called repeatedly with two arguments: void *arg is the same value that was given to hal_export_funct, and long period is the interval between calls in nanoseconds. Each call to the function should do a small amount of work and return. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. SEE ALSO hal_create_thread(3hal), hal_add_funct_to_thread(3hal) 62 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation hal_init(3hal) HAL hal_init(3hal) NAME hal_init − Sets up HAL and RTAPI SYNTAX int hal_init(const char *modname) ARGUMENTS modname The name of this hal module DESCRIPTION hal_init sets up HAL and RTAPI. It must be called by any module that intends to use the API, before any other RTAPI calls. modname can optionally point to a string that identifies the module. The string may be no longer than RTAPI_NAME_LEN characters. If modname is NULL, the system will assign a name. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from relatime tasks. RETURN VALUE On success, returns a positive integer module ID, which is used for subsequent calls to hal and rtapi APIs. On failure, returns a HAL error code. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 63 hal_malloc(3hal) HAL hal_malloc(3hal) NAME hal_malloc − Allocate space in the HAL shared memory area SYNTAX void *hal_malloc(long int size) ARGUMENTS size Gives the size, in bytes, of the block DESCRIPTION hal_malloc allocates a block of memory from the main HAL shared memory area. It should be used by all components to allocate memory for HAL pins and parameters. It allocates ‘size’ bytes, and returns a pointer to the allocated space, or NULL (0) on error. The returned pointer will be properly aligned for any type HAL supports. A component should allocate during initialization all the memory it needs. The allocator is very simple, and there is no ‘free’. The entire HAL shared memory area is freed when the last component calls hal_exit. This means that if you continuously install and remove one component while other components are present, you eventually will fill up the shared memory and an install will fail. Removing all components completely clears memory and you start fresh. RETURN VALUE A pointer to the allocated space, which is properly aligned for any variable HAL supports. Returns NULL on error. 64 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation hal_param_new(3hal) HAL hal_param_new(3hal) NAME hal_param_new − Create a HAL parameter SYNTAX int hal_param_bit_new(const char *name, hal_param_dir_t dir, hal_bit_t * data_addr, int comp_id) int hal_param_float_new(const char *name, hal_param_dir_t dir, hal_float_t * data_addr, int comp_id) int hal_param_u32_new(const char *name, hal_param_dir_t dir, hal_u32_t * data_addr, int comp_id) int hal_param_s32_new(const char *name, hal_param_dir_t dir, hal_s32_t * data_addr, int comp_id) int hal_param_bit_newf(hal_param_dir_t dir, hal_bit_t * data_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...) int hal_param_float_newf(hal_param_dir_t dir, hal_float_t * data_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...) int hal_param_u32_newf(hal_param_dir_t dir, hal_u32_t * data_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...) int hal_param_s32_newf(hal_param_dir_t dir, hal_s32_t * data_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...) int hal_param_new(const char *name, hal_type_t type, hal_in_dir_t dir, void *data_addr, int comp_id) ARGUMENTS name The name to give to the created parameter dir The direction of the parameter, from the viewpoint of the component. It may be one of HAL_RO, or HAL_RW A component may assign a value to any parameter, but other programs (such as halcmd) may only assign a value to a parameter that is HAL_RW. data_addr The address of the data, which must lie within memory allocated by hal_malloc. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 65 hal_param_new(3hal) HAL hal_param_new(3hal) comp_id A HAL component identifier returned by an earlier call to hal_init. fmt, ... A printf-style format string and arguments type The type of the parameter, as specified in hal_type_t(3hal). DESCRIPTION The hal_param_new family of functions create a new param object. There are functions for each of the data types that the HAL supports. Pins may only be linked to signals of the same type. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. SEE ALSO hal_type_t(3hal) 66 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation parport(3hal) HAL parport(3hal) NAME hal_parport − portable access to PC-style parallel ports SYNTAX #include "hal_parport.h" int hal_parport_get(int comp_id, hal_parport_t *port, unsigned short base, unsigned short base_hi, unsigned int modes) void hal_parport_release(hal_parport_t *port) ARGUMENTS comp_id A HAL component identifier returned by an earlier call to hal_init. port A pointer to a hal_parport_t structure base The base address of the port (if port >= 16) or the linux port number of the port (if port < 16) base_hi The "high" address of the port (location of the ECP registers), 0 to use a probed high address, or -1 to disable the high address modes Advise the driver of the desired port modes, from . If a linux-detected port does not provide the requested modes, a warning is printed with rtapi_print_msg. This does not make the port request fail, because unfortunately, many systems that have working EPP parports are not detected as such by Linux. DESCRIPTION hal_parport_get allocates a parallel port for exclusive use of the named hal component. The port must be released with hal_parport_release before the component exits with hal_exit. HIGH ADDRESS PROBING If the port is a parallel port known to Linux, and Linux detected a high I/O address, this value is used. Otherwise, if base+0x400 is not registered to any device, it is used. Otherwise, no address is used. If no high address is detected, port->base_hi is 0. PARPORT STRUCTURE typedef struct { unsigned short base; unsigned short base_hi; .... // and further unspecified fields } hal_parport_t; RETURN VALUE hal_parport_get returns a HAL status code. On success, port is filled out with information about the allocated port. On failure, the contents of port are undefined except that it is safe (but not required) to pass this port to hal_parport_release. hal_parport_release does not return a value. It always succeeds. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 67 hal_pin_new(3hal) HAL hal_pin_new(3hal) NAME hal_pin_new − Create a HAL pin SYNTAX int hal_pin_bit_new(const char *name, hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_bit_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id) int hal_pin_float_new(const char *name, hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_float_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id) int hal_pin_u32_new(const char *name, hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_u32_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id) int hal_pin_s32_new(const char *name, hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_s32_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id) int hal_pin_bit_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_bit_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...) int hal_pin_float_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_float_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...) int hal_pin_u32_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_u32_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...) int hal_pin_s32_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_s32_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...) int hal_pin_new(const char *name, hal_type_t type, hal_in_dir_t dir, void **data_ptr_addr, int comp_id) ARGUMENTS name The name of the pin dir The direction of the pin, from the viewpoint of the component. It may be one of HAL_IN, HAL_OUT, or HAL_IO. Any number of HAL_IN or HAL_IO pins may be connected to the same signal, but at most one HAL_OUT pin is permitted. A component may assign a value to a pin that is HAL_OUT or HAL_IO, but may not assign a value to a pin that is HAL_IN. 68 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation hal_pin_new(3hal) HAL hal_pin_new(3hal) data_ptr_addr The address of the pointer-to-data, which must lie within memory allocated by hal_malloc. comp_id A HAL component identifier returned by an earlier call to hal_init. fmt, A printf-style format string and arguments type The type of the param, as specified in hal_type_t(3hal). DESCRIPTION The hal_pin_new family of functions create a new pin object. Once a pin has been created, it can be linked to a signal object using hal_link. A pin contains a pointer, and the component that owns the pin can dereference the pointer to access whatever signal is linked to the pin. (If no signal is linked, it points to a dummy signal.) There are functions for each of the data types that the HAL supports. Pins may only be linked to signals of the same type. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. SEE ALSO hal_type_t(3hal), hal_link(3hal) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 69 funct(3hal) HAL funct(3hal) NAME hal_ready − indicates that this component is ready SYNTAX hal_ready(int comp_id) ARGUMENTS comp_id A HAL component identifier returned by an earlier call to hal_init. DESCRIPTION hal_ready indicates that this component is ready (has created all its pins, parameters, and functions). This must be called in any realtime HAL component before its rtapi_app_init exits, and in any userspace component before it enters its main loop. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. 70 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation hal_set_constructor(3hal) HAL hal_set_constructor(3hal) NAME hal_set_constructor − Set the constructor function for this component SYNTAX typedef int (*hal_constructor_t)(const char *prefix, const char *arg); int hal_set_constructor(int comp_id, hal_constructor_t constructor) ARGUMENTS comp_id A HAL component identifier returned by an earlier call to hal_init. prefix The prefix to be given to the pins, parameters, and functions in the new instance arg An argument that may be used by the component to customize this istance. DESCRIPTION As an experimental feature in HAL 2.1, components may be constructable. Such a component may create pins and parameters not only at the time the module is loaded, but it may create additional pins and parameters, and functions on demand. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. SEE ALSO halcmd(1) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 71 hal_set_lock(3hal) HAL hal_set_lock(3hal) NAME hal_set_lock, hal_get_lock − Set or get the HAL lock level SYNTAX int hal_set_lock(unsigned char lock_type) int hal_get_lock() ARGUMENTS lock_type The desired lock type, which may be a bitwise combination of: HAL_LOCK_LOAD, HAL_LOCK_CONFIG, HAL_LOCK_PARAMS, or HAL_LOCK_PARAMS. HAL_LOCK_NONE or 0 locks nothing, and HAL_LOCK_ALL locks everything. DESCRIPTION RETURN VALUE hal_set_lock Returns a HAL status code. hal_get_lock returns the current HAL lock level or a HAL status code. 72 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation hal_signal_new(3hal) HAL hal_signal_new(3hal) NAME hal_signal_new, hal_signal_delete, hal_link, hal_unlink − Manipulate HAL signals SYNTAX int hal_signal_new(const char *signal_name, hal_type_t type) int hal_signal_delete(const char *signal_name) int hal_link(const char *pin_name, const char *signal_name) int hal_unlink(const char *pin_name) ARGUMENTS signal_name The name of the signal pin_name The name of the pin type The type of the signal, as specified in hal_type_t(3hal). DESCRIPTION hal_signal_new creates a new signal object. Once a signal has been created, pins can be linked to it with hal_link. The signal object contains the actual storage for the signal data. Pin objects linked to the signal have pointers that point to the data. ’name’ is the name of the new signal. It may be no longer than HAL_NAME_LEN characters. If there is already a signal with the same name the call will fail. hal_link links a pin to a signal. If the pin is already linked to the desired signal, the command succeeds. If the pin is already linked to some other signal, it is an error. In either case, the existing connection is not modified. (Use ’hal_unlink’ to break an existing connection.) If the signal already has other pins linked to it, they are unaffected - one signal can be linked to many pins, but a pin can be linked to only one signal. hal_unlink unlinks any signal from the specified pin. hal_signal_delete deletes a signal object. Any pins linked to the object are unlinked. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. SEE ALSO hal_type_t(3hal) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 73 hal_start_threads(3hal) HAL hal_start_threads(3hal) NAME hal_start_threads − Allow HAL threads to begin executing SYNTAX int hal_start_threads() int hal_stop_threads() ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTION hal_start_threads starts all threads that have been created. This is the point at which realtime functions start being called. hal_stop_threads stops all threads that were previously started by hal_start_threads. It should be called before any component that is part of a system exits. RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. SEE ALSO hal_export_funct(3hal), hal_create_thread(3hal), hal_add_funct_to_thread(3hal) 74 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation hal_type_t(3hal) HAL hal_type_t(3hal) NAME hal_type_t − typedefs for HAL datatypes DESRCIPTION typedef ... hal_bool; A type which may have a value of 0 or nonzero. typedef ... hal_bit_t; A volatile type which may have a value of 0 or nonzero. typedef ... hal_s32_t; A volatile type which may have a value from -2147483648 to 2147483647. typedef ... hal_u32_t; A volatile type which may have a value from 0 to 4294967295. typedef ... hal_float_t; A volatile floating-point type, which typically has the same precision and range as the C type double. typedef ... real_t; A nonvolatile floating-point type with at least as much precision as hal_float_t. typedef ... ireal_t; A nonvolatile unsigned integral type the same size as hal_float_t. typedef enum hal_type_t; HAL_BIT Corresponds to the type hal_bit_t. HAL_FLOAT Corresponds to the type hal_float_t. HAL_S32 Corresponds to the type hal_s32_t. HAL_U32 Corresponds to the type hal_u32_t. NOTES hal_bit_t is typically a typedef to an integer type whose range is larger than just 0 and 1. When testing the value of a hal_bit_t, never compare it to 1. Prefer one of the following: • if(b) • if(b != 0) It is often useful to refer to a type that can represent all the values as a hal type, but without the volatile qualifier. The following types correspond with the hal types: hal_bit_t int hal_s32_t __s32 hal_u32_t __u32 hal_float_t hal_real_t Take care not to use the types s32 and u32. These will compile in kernel modules but not in userspace, and not for "realtime components" when using simulated (userspace) realtime. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 75 hal_type_t(3hal) HAL hal_type_t(3hal) SEE ALSO hal_pin_new(3hal), hal_param_new(3hal) 76 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation undocumented(3hal) HAL undocumented(3hal) NAME undocumented − undocumented functions in HAL SEE ALSO The header file hal.h. Most hal functions have documentation in that file. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 77 intro(3rtapi) RTAPI intro(3rtapi) NAME rtapi − Introduction to the RTAPI API DESCRIPTION RTAPI is a library providing a uniform API for several real time operating systems. As of ver 2.1, RTLinux, RTAI, and a pure userspace simulator are supported. HEADER FILES rtapi.h The file rtapi.h defines the RTAPI for both realtime and non-realtime code. This is a change from Rev 2, where the non-realtime (user space) API was defined in ulapi.h and used different function names. The symbols RTAPI and ULAPI are used to determine which mode is being compiled, RTAPI for realtime and ULAPI for non-realtime. rtapi_math.h The file rtapi_math.h defines floating-point functions and constants. It should be used instead of in rtapi real-time components. rtapi_string.h The file rtapi_string.h defines string-related functions. It should be used instead of in rtapi realtime components. rtapi_byteorder.h This file defines the preprocessor macros RTAPI_BIG_ENDIAN, RTAPI_LITTLE_ENDIAN, and RTAPI_FLOAT_BIG_ENDIAN as true or false depending on the characteristics of the target system. It should be used instead of (userspace) or (kernel space). rtapi_limits.h This file defines the minimum and maximum value of some fundamental integral types, such as INT_MIN and INT_MAX. This should be used instead of because that header file is not available to kernel modules. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Userspace code Certain functions are not available in userspace code. This includes functions that perform direct device access such as rtapi_inb(3). Init/cleanup code Certain functions may only be called from realtime init/cleanup code. This includes functions that perform memory allocation, such as rtapi_shmem_new(3). Realtime code Only a few functions may be called from realtime code. This includes functions that perform direct device access such as rtapi_inb(3). It excludes most Linux kernel APIs such as do_gettimeofday(3) and many rtapi APIs such as rtapi_shmem_new(3). Simulator For an RTAPI module to be buildable in the "sim" environment (fake realtime system without special privileges), it must not use any linux kernel APIs, and must not use the RTAPI APIs for direct device access 78 2006-10-02 LinuxCNC Documentation intro(3rtapi) RTAPI intro(3rtapi) such as rtapi_inb(3). This automatically includes any hardware device drivers, and also devices which use Linux kernel APIs to do things like create special devices or entries in the /proc filesystem. RTAPI STATUS CODES Except as noted in specific manual pages, RTAPI returns negative errno values for errors, and nonnegative values for success. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-02 79 rtapi_app_exit(3rtapi) HAL rtapi_app_exit(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_app_exit − User-provided function to shut down a component SYNTAX void rtapi_app_exit(void) { ... } ARGUMENTS None DESCRIPTION The body of rtapi_app_exit, which is provided by the component author, generally consists of a call to rtapi_exit or hal_exit, preceded by other component-specific shutdown code. This code is called when unloading a component which successfully initialized (i.e., returned zero from its rtapi_app_main). It is not called when the component did not successfully initialize. RETURN CODE None. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Called automatically by the rtapi infrastructure in an initialization (not realtime) context. SEE ALSO rtapi_app_main(3rtapi), rtapi_exit(3rtapi), hal_exit(3hal) 80 2008-05-26 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_app_main(3rtapi) HAL rtapi_app_main(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_app_main − User-provided function to initialize a component SYNTAX #include "rtapi_app.h" int rtapi_app_main(void) { ... } ARGUMENTS None DESCRIPTION The body of rtapi_app_main, which is provided by the component author, generally consists of a call to rtapi_init or hal_init, followed by other component-specific initialization code. RETURN VALUE Return 0 for success. Return a negative errno value (e.g., -EINVAL) on error. Existing code also returns RTAPI or HAL error values, but using negative errno values gives better diagnostics from insmod. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Called automatically by the rtapi infrastructure in an initialization (not realtime) context. SEE ALSO rtapi_app_exit(3rtapi), rtapi_init(3rtapi), hal_init(3hal) LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-26 81 rtapi_clock_set_period(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_clock_set_period(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_clock_set_period − set the basic time interval for realtime tasks SYNTAX rtapi_clock_set_period(long int nsec) ARGUMENTS nsec The desired basic time interval for realtime tasks. DESCRIPTION rtapi_clock_set_period sets the basic time interval for realtime tasks. All periodic tasks will run at an integer multiple of this period. The first call to rtapi_clock_set_period with nsec greater than zero will start the clock, using nsec as the clock period in nano-seconds. Due to hardware and RTOS limitations, the actual period may not be exactly what was requested. On success, the function will return the actual clock period if it is available, otherwise it returns the requested period. If the requested period is outside the limits imposed by the hardware or RTOS, it returns -EINVAL and does not start the clock. Once the clock is started, subsequent calls with non-zero nsec return -EINVAL and have no effect. Calling rtapi_clock_set_period with nsec set to zero queries the clock, returning the current clock period, or zero if the clock has not yet been started. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. This function is not available from user (non-realtime) code. RETURN VALUE The actual period provided by the RTOS, which may be different than the requested period, or a RTAPI status code. 82 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_delay(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_delay(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_delay − Busy-loop for short delays SYNTAX void rtapi_delay(long int nsec) void rtapi_delay_max() ARGUMENTS nsec The desired delay length in nanoseconds DESCRIPTION rtapi_delay is a simple delay. It is intended only for short delays, since it simply loops, wasting CPU cycles. rtapi_delay_max returns the max delay permitted (usually approximately 1/4 of the clock period). Any call to rtapi_delay requesting a delay longer than the max will delay for the max time only. rtapi_delay_max should be called before using rtapi_delay to make sure the required delays can be achieved. The actual resolution of the delay may be as good as one nano-second, or as bad as a several microseconds. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. RETURN VALUE rtapi_delay_max returns the maximum delay permitted. SEE ALSO rtapi_clock_set_period(3rtapi) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 83 rtapi_div_u64(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_div_u64(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_div_u64 − unsigned division of a 64-bit number by a 32-bit number SYNTAX __u64 rtapi_div_u64_rem(__u64 dividend, __u32 divisor, __u32 *remainder) __u64 rtapi_div_u64(__u64 dividend, __u32 divisor) __s64 rtapi_div_s64(__s64 dividend, __s32 divisor) __s64 rtapi_div_s64_rem(__s64 dividend, __s32 divisor, __s32 *remainder) ARGUMENTS dividend The value to be divided divisor The value to divide by remainder Pointer to the location to store the remainder. This may not be a NULL pointer. If the remainder is not desired, call rtapi_div_u64 or rtapi_div_s64. DESCRIPTION Perform integer division (and optionally compute the remainder) with a 64-bit dividend and 32-bit divisor. RETURN VALUE The result of integer division of dividend / divisor. In versions with the remainder argument, the remainder is stored in the pointed-to location. NOTES If the result of the division does not fit in the return type, the result is undefined. This function exists because in kernel space the use of the division operator on a 64-bit type can lead to an undefined symbol such as __umoddi3 when the module is loaded. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS May be called from init/cleanup code and from within realtime tasks. Available in userspace components. 84 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_exit(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_exit(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_exit − Shut down RTAPI SYNTAX int rtapi_exit(int module_id) ARGUMENTS module_id An rtapi module identifier returned by an earlier call to rtapi_init. DESCRIPTION rtapi_exit shuts down and cleans up the RTAPI. It must be called prior to exit by any module that called rtapi_init. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from relatime tasks. RETURN VALUE Returns a RTAPI status code. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 85 rtapi_get_time(3rtapi) HAL rtapi_get_time(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_get_time − get the current time SYNTAX long long rtapi_get_time() long long rtapi_get_clocks() DESCRIPTION rtapi_get_time returns the current time in nanoseconds. Depending on the RTOS, this may be time since boot, or time since the clock period was set, or some other time. Its absolute value means nothing, but it is monotonically increasing and can be used to schedule future events, or to time the duration of some activity. Returns a 64 bit value. The resolution of the returned value may be as good as one nano-second, or as poor as several microseconds. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. rtapi_get_clocks returns the current time in CPU clocks. It is fast, since it just reads the TSC in the CPU instead of calling a kernel or RTOS function. Of course, times measured in CPU clocks are not as convenient, but for relative measurements this works fine. Its absolute value means nothing, but it is monotonically increasing and can be used to schedule future events, or to time the duration of some activity. (on SMP machines, the two TSC’s may get out of sync, so if a task reads the TSC, gets swapped to the other CPU, and reads again, the value may decrease. RTAPI tries to force all RT tasks to run on one CPU.) Returns a 64 bit value. The resolution of the returned value is one CPU clock, which is usually a few nanoseconds to a fraction of a nanosecond. Note that long long math may be poorly supported on some platforms, especially in kernel space. Also note that rtapi_print() will NOT print long longs. Most time measurements are relative, and should be done like this: deltat = (long int)(end_time - start_time); where end_time and start_time are longlong values returned from rtapi_get_time, and deltat is an ordinary long int (32 bits). This will work for times up to a second or so, depending on the CPU clock frequency. It is best used for millisecond and microsecond scale measurements though. RETURN VALUE Returns the current time in nanoseconds or CPU clocks. NOTES Certain versions of the Linux kernel provide a global variable cpu_khz. Computing deltat = (end_clocks - start_clocks) / cpu_khz: gives the duration measured in milliseconds. Computing deltat = (end_clocks - start_clocks) * 1000000 / cpu_khz: gives the duration measured in nanoseconds for deltas less than about 9 trillion clocks (e.g., 3000 seconds at 3GHz). REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS May be called from init/cleanup code and from within realtime tasks. Not available in userspace components. 86 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_init(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_init(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_init − Sets up RTAPI SYNTAX int rtapi_init(const char *modname) ARGUMENTS modname The name of this rtapi module DESCRIPTION rtapi_init sets up the RTAPI. It must be called by any module that intends to use the API, before any other RTAPI calls. modname can optionally point to a string that identifies the module. The string will be truncated at RTAPI_NAME_LEN characters. If modname is NULL, the system will assign a name. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from relatime tasks. RETURN VALUE On success, returns a positive integer module ID, which is used for subsequent calls to rtapi_xxx_new, rtapi_xxx_delete, and rtapi_exit. On failure, returns an RTAPI error code. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 87 rtapi_module_param(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_module_param(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_module_param − Specifying module parameters SYNTAX RTAPI_MP_INT(var, description) RTAPI_MP_LONG(var, description) RTAPI_MP_STRING(var, description) RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_INT(var, num, description) RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_LONG(var, num, description) RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_STRING(var, num, description) MODULE_LICENSE(license) MODULE_AUTHOR(author) MODULE_DESCRIPTION(description) EXPORT_FUNCTION(function) ARGUMENTS var The variable where the parameter should be stored description A short description of the parameter or module num The maximum number of values for an array parameter license The license of the module, for instance "GPL" author The author of the module function The pointer to the function to be exported DESCRIPTION These macros are portable ways to declare kernel module parameters. They must be used in the global scope, and are not followed by a terminating semicolon. They must be used after the associated variable or function has been defined. NOTES EXPORT_FUNCTION makes a symbol available for use by a subsequently loaded component. It is unrelated to hal functions, which are described in hal_export_funct(3hal) Interpretation of license strings MODULE_LICENSE follows the kernel’s definition of license strings. Notably, "GPL" indicates "GNU Public License v2 or later". (emphasis ours). 88 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_module_param(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_module_param(3rtapi) "GPL" GNU Public License v2 or later "GPL v2" GNU Public License v2 "GPL and additional rights" GNU Public License v2 rights and more "Dual BSD/GPL" GNU Public License v2 or BSD license choice "Dual MIT/GPL" GNU Public License v2 or MIT license choice "Dual MPL/GPL" GNU Public License v2 or Mozilla license choice "Proprietary" Non-free products It is still good practice to include a license block which indicates the author, copyright date, and disclaimer of warranty as recommended by the GNU GPL. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Not available in userspace code. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 89 rtapi_mutex(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_mutex(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_mutex − Mutex-related functions SYNTAX int rtapi_mutex_try(unsigned long *mutex) void rtapi_mutex_get(unsigned long *mutex) void rtapi_mutex_give(unsigned long *mutex) ARGUMENTS mutex A pointer to the mutex. DESCRIPTION rtapi_mutex_try makes a non-blocking attempt to get the mutex. If the mutex is available, it returns 0, and the mutex is no longer available. Otherwise, it returns a nonzero value. rtapi_mutex_get blocks until the mutex is available. rtapi_mutex_give releases a mutex acquired by rtapi_mutex_try or rtapi_mutex_get. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS rtapi_mutex_give and rtapi_mutex_try may be used from user, init/cleanup, and realtime code. rtapi_mutex_get may not be used from realtime code. RETURN VALUE rtapi_mutex_try returns 0 for if the mutex was claimed, and nonzero otherwise. rtapi_mutex_get and rtapi_mutex_gif have no return value. 90 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_outb(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_outb(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_outb, rtapi_inb − Perform hardware I/O SYNTAX void rtapi_outb(unsigned char byte, unsigned int port) unsigned char rtapi_inb(unsigned int port) ARGUMENTS port The address of the I/O port byte The byte to be written to the port DESCRIPTION rtapi_outb writes a byte to a hardware I/O port. rtapi_inb reads a byte from a hardware I/O port. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS May be called from init/cleanup code and from within realtime tasks. Not available in userspace components. RETURN VALUE rtapi_inb returns the byte read from the given I/O port NOTES The I/O address should be within a region previously allocated by rtapi_request_region. Otherwise, another real-time module or the Linux kernel might attempt to access the I/O region at the same time. SEE ALSO rtapi_region(3rtapi) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 91 rtapi_print(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_print(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_print, rtapi_print_msg − print diagnostic messages SYNTAX void rtapi_print(const char *fmt, ...) void rtapi_print_msg(int level, const char *fmt, ...) typedef void(*rtapi_msg_handler_t)(msg_level_t level, const char *msg); void rtapi_set_msg_handler(rtapi_msg_handler_t handler); rtapi_msg_handler_t rtapi_set_msg_handler(void); ARGUMENTS level A message level: One of RTAPI_MSG_ERR, RTAPI_MSG_WARN, RTAPI_MSG_INFO, or RTAPI_MSG_DBG. handler A function to call from rtapi_print or rtapi_print_msg to actually output the message. fmt ... Other arguments are as for printf(3). DESCRIPTION rtapi_print and rtapi_print_msg work like the standard C printf functions, except that a reduced set of formatting operations are supported. Depending on the RTOS, the default may be to print the message to stdout, stderr, a kernel log, etc. In RTAPI code, the action may be changed by a call to rtapi_set_msg_handler. A NULL argument to rtapi_set_msg_handler restores the default handler. rtapi_msg_get_handler returns the current handler. When the message came from rtapi_print, level is RTAPI_MSG_ALL. rtapi_print_msg works like rtapi_print but only prints if level is less than or equal to the current message level. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS rtapi_print and rtapi_print_msg May be called from user, init/cleanup, and realtime code. rtapi_get_msg_handler and ftapi_set_msg_handler may be called from realtime init/cleanup code. A message handler passed to rtapi_set_msg_handler may only call functions that can be called from realtime code. RETURN VALUE None. 92 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_print(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_print(3rtapi) SEE ALSO rtapi_set_msg_level(3rtapi), rtapi_get_msg_level(3rtapi), printf(3) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 93 rtapi_prio(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_prio(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_prio − thread priority functions SYNTAX int rtapi_prio_highest() int rtapi_prio_lowest() int rtapi_prio_next_higher(int prio) int rtapi_prio_next_lower(int prio) ARGUMENTS prio A value returned by a prior rtapi_prio_xxx call DESCRIPTION The rtapi_prio_xxxx functions provide a portable way to set task priority. The mapping of actual priority to priority number depends on the RTOS. Priorities range from rtapi_prio_lowest to rtapi_prio_highest, inclusive. To use this API, use one of two methods: 1) Set your lowest priority task to rtapi_prio_lowest, and for each task of the next lowest priority, set their priorities to rtapi_prio_next_higher(previous). 2) Set your highest priority task to rtapi_prio_highest, and for each task of the next highest priority, set their priorities to rtapi_prio_next_lower(previous). N.B. A high priority task will pre-empt or interrupt a lower priority task. Linux is always the lowest priority! REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call these functions only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. RETURN VALUE Returns an opaque real-time priority number. SEE ALSO rtapi_task_new(3rtapi) 94 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_region(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_region(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_region − functions to manage I/O memory regions SYNTAX void *rtapi_request_region(unsigned long base, unsigned long int size, const char *name) void rtapi_release_region(unsigned long base, unsigned long int size) ARGUMENTS base The base address of the I/O region size The size of the I/O region name The name to be shown in /proc/ioports DESCRIPTION rtapi_request_region reserves I/O memory starting at base and going for size bytes. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS May be called from realtime init/cleanup code only. BUGS On kernels before 2.4.0, rtapi_request_region always suceeds. RETURN VALUE rtapi_request_region returns NULL if the allocation fails, and a non-NULL value otherwise. rtapi_release_region has no return value. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 95 rtapi_set_msg_level(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_set_msg_level(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_get_msg_level, rtapi_set_msg_level − Get or set the logging level SYNTAX int rtapi_set_msg_level(int level) int rtapi_get_msg_level() ARGUMENTS level The desired logging level DESCRIPTION Get or set the RTAPI message level used by rtapi_print_msg. Depending on the RTOS, this level may apply to a single RTAPI module, or it may apply to a group of modules. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS May be called from user, init/cleanup, and realtime code. RETURN VALUE rtapi_set_msg_level returns a status code, and rtapi_get_msg_level returns the current level. SEE ALSO rtapi_print_msg(3rtapi) 96 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_shmem(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_shmem(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_shmem − Functions for managing shared memory blocks SYNTAX int rtapi_shmem_new(int key, int module_id, unsigned long int size) int rtapi_shmem_delete(int shmem_id, int module_id) int rtapi_shmem_getptr(int shmem_id, void ** ptr) ARGUMENTS key Identifies the memory block. Key must be nonzero. All modules wishing to use the same memory must use the same key. module_id Module identifier returned by a prior call to rtapi_init. size The desired size of the shared memory block, in bytes ptr The pointer to the shared memory block. Note that the block may be mapped at a different address for different modules. DESCRIPTION rtapi_shmem_new allocates a block of shared memory. key identifies the memory block, and must be nonzero. All modules wishing to access the same memory must use the same key. module_id is the ID of the module that is making the call (see rtapi_init). The block will be at least size bytes, and may be rounded up. Allocating many small blocks may be very wasteful. When a particular block is allocated for the first time, the first 4 bytes are zeroed. Subsequent allocations of the same block by other modules or processes will not touch the contents of the block. Applications can use those bytes to see if they need to initialize the block, or if another module already did so. On success, it returns a positive integer ID, which is used for all subsequent calls dealing with the block. On failure it returns a negative error code. rtapi_shmem_delete frees the shared memory block associated with shmem_id. module_id is the ID of the calling module. Returns a status code. rtapi_shmem_getptr sets *ptr to point to shared memory block associated with shmem_id. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS rtapi_shmem_getptr may be called from user code, init/cleanup code, or realtime tasks. rtapi_shmem_new and rtapi_shmem_dete may not be called from realtime tasks. RETURN VALUE LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 97 rtapi_snprintf(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_snprintf(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_snprintf, rtapi_vsnprintf − Perform snprintf-like string formatting SYNTAX int rtapi_snprintf(char *buf, unsigned long int size, const char *fmt, ...) int rtapi_vsnprintf(char *buf, unsigned long int size, const char *fmt, va_list apfB) ARGUMENTS As for snprintf(3) or vsnprintf(3). DESCRIPTION These functions work like the standard C printf functions, except that a reduced set of formatting operations are supported. In particular: formatting of long long values is not supported. Formatting of floating-point values is done as though with %A even when other formats like %f are specified. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS May be called from user, init/cleanup, and realtime code. RETURN VALUE The number of characters written to buf. SEE ALSO printf(3) 98 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_task_new(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_task_new(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_task_new − create a realtime task SYNTAX int rtapi_task_new(void (*taskcode)(void*), void *arg, uses_fp) int prio, unsigned long stacksize, int int rtapi_task_delete(int task_id) ARGUMENTS taskcode A pointer to the function to be called when the task is started arg An argument to be passed to the taskcode function when the task is started prio A task priority value returned by rtapi_prio_xxxx uses_fp A flag that tells the OS whether the task uses floating point or not. task_id A task ID returned by a previous call to rtapi_task_new DESCRIPTION rtapi_task_new creates but does not start a realtime task. The task is created in the "paused" state. To start it, call either rtapi_task_start for periodic tasks, or rtapi_task_resume for free-running tasks. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. RETURN VALUE On success, returns a positive integer task ID. This ID is used for all subsequent calls that need to act on the task. On failure, returns an RTAPI status code. SEE ALSO rtapi_prio(3rtapi), rtapi_task_start(3rtapi), rtapi_task_wait(3rtapi), rtapi_task_resume(3rtapi) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 99 rtapi_task_pause(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_task_pause(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_task_pause, rtapi_task_resume − pause and resume real-time tasks SYNTAX void rtapi_task_pause(int task_id) void rtapi_task_resume(int task_id) ARGUMENTS task_id An RTAPI task identifier returned by an earlier call to rtapi_task_new. DESCRIPTION rtapi_task_resume starts a task in free-running mode. The task must be in the "paused" state. A free running task runs continuously until either: 1) It is prempted by a higher priority task. It will resume as soon as the higher priority task releases the CPU. 2) It calls a blocking function, like rtapi_sem_take. It will resume when the function unblocks. 3) It is returned to the "paused" state by rtapi_task_pause. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. rtapi_task_pause causes a task to stop execution and change to the "paused" state. The task can be free-running or periodic. Note that rtapi_task_pause may called from any task, or from init or cleanup code, not just from the task that is to be paused. The task will resume execution when either rtapi_task_resume or rtapi_task_start (depending on whether this is a free-running or periodic task) is called. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. RETURN VALUE An RTAPI status code. SEE ALSO rtapi_task_new(3rtapi), rtapi_task_start(3rtapi) 100 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation rtapi_task_start(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_task_start(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_task_start − start a realtime task in periodic mode SYNTAX int rtapi_task_start(int task_id, unsigned long period_nsec) ARGUMENTS task_id A task ID returned by a previous call to rtapi_task_new period_nsec The clock period in nanoseconds between iterations of a periodic task DESCRIPTION rtapi_task_start starts a task in periodic mode. The task must be in the paused state. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. RETURN VALUE Returns an RTAPI status code. SEE ALSO rtapi_task_new(3rtapi), rtapi_task_pause(3rtapi), rtapi_task_resume(3rtapi) LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 101 rtapi_task_wait(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_task_wait(3rtapi) NAME rtapi_task_wait − suspend execution of this periodic task SYNTAX void rtapi_task_wait() DESCRIPTION rtapi_task_wait suspends execution of the current task until the next period. The task must be periodic. If not, the result is undefined. REALTIME CONSIDERATIONS Call only from within a periodic realtime task RETURN VALUE None SEE ALSO rtapi_task_start(3rtapi), rtapi_task_pause(3rtapi) 102 2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation undocumented(3rtapi) RTAPI undocumented(3rtapi) NAME undocumented − undocumented functions in RTAPI SEE ALSO The header file rtapi.h. Most rtapi functions have documentation in that file. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-10-12 103 ABS(9) HAL Component ABS(9) NAME abs − Compute the absolute value and sign of the input signal SYNOPSIS loadrt abs [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS abs.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in Analog input value abs.N.out float out Analog output value, always positive abs.N.sign bit out Sign of input, false for positive, true for negative bit out TRUE if input is positive, FALSE if input is 0 or negative bit out TRUE if input is negative, FALSE if input is 0 or positive LICENSE GPL 104 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation ABS_S32(9) HAL Component ABS_S32(9) NAME abs_s32 − Compute the absolute value and sign of the input signal SYNOPSIS loadrt abs_s32 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS abs-s32.N PINS s32 in input value abs-s32.N.out s32 out output value, always non-negative abs-s32.N.sign bit out Sign of input, false for positive, true for negative bit out TRUE if input is positive, FALSE if input is 0 or negative bit out TRUE if input is negative, FALSE if input is 0 or positive LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 105 AND2(9) HAL Component AND2(9) NAME and2 − Two-input AND gate SYNOPSIS loadrt and2 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS and2.N PINS and2.N.in0 bit in and2.N.in1 bit in and2.N.out bit out out is computed from the value of in0 and in1 according to the following rule: in0=TRUE in1=TRUE out=TRUE Otherwise, out=FALSE LICENSE GPL 106 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation AT_PID(9) HAL Component AT_PID(9) NAME at_pid − proportional/integral/derivative controller with auto tuning SYNOPSIS loadrt at_pid [num_chan=num | names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION at_pid is a classic Proportional/Integral/Derivative controller, used to control position or speed feedback loops for servo motors and other closed-loop applications. at_pid supports a maximum of sixteen controllers. The number that are actually loaded is set by the num_chan argument when the module is loaded. Alternatively, specify names= and unique names separated by commas. The num_chan= and names= specifiers are mutually exclusive. If neither num_chan= nor names= are specified, the default value is three. If debug is set to 1 (the default is 0), some additional HAL parameters will be exported, which might be useful for tuning, but are otherwise unnecessary. at_pid has a built in auto tune mode. It works by setting up a limit cycle to characterize the process. From this, Pgain/Igain/Dgain or Pgain/Igain/FF1 can be determined using Ziegler-Nichols. When using FF1, scaling must be set so that output is in user units per second. During auto tuning, the command input should not change. The limit cycle is setup around the commanded position. No initial tuning values are required to start auto tuning. Only tune-cycles, tune-effort and tunemode need be set before starting auto tuning. When auto tuning completes, the tuning parameters will be set. If running from LinuxCNC, the FERROR setting for the axis being tuned may need to be loosened up as it must be larger than the limit cycle amplitude in order to avoid a following error. To perform auto tuning, take the following steps. Move the axis to be tuned, to somewhere near the center of it’s travel. Set tune-cycles (the default value should be fine in most cases) and tune-mode. Set tuneeffort to a small value. Set enable to true. Set tune-mode to true. Set tune-start to true. If no oscillation occurs, or the oscillation is too small, slowly increase tune-effort. Auto tuning can be aborted at any time by setting enable or tune-mode to false. NAMING The names for pins, parameters, and functions are prefixed as: pid.N. for N=0,1,...,num-1 when using num_chan=num nameN. for nameN=name1,name2,... when using names=name1,name2,... The pid.N. format is shown in the following descriptions. FUNCTIONS (uses floating-point) Does the PID calculations for control loop N. PINS pid.N.command float in The desired (commanded) value for the control loop. float in The actual (feedback) value, from some sensor such as an encoder. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-05-12 107 AT_PID(9) HAL Component AT_PID(9) pid.N.error float out The difference between command and feedback. pid.N.output float out The output of the PID loop, which goes to some actuator such as a motor. pid.N.enable bit in When true, enables the PID calculations. When false, output is zero, and all internal integrators, etc, are reset. pid.N.tune-mode bit in When true, enables auto tune mode. When false, normal PID calculations are performed. pid.N.tune-start bit io When set to true, starts auto tuning. Cleared when the auto tuning completes. PARAMETERS pid.N.Pgain float rw Proportional gain. Results in a contribution to the output that is the error multiplied by Pgain. pid.N.Igain float rw Integral gain. Results in a contribution to the output that is the integral of the error multiplied by Igain. For example an error of 0.02 that lasted 10 seconds would result in an integrated error (errorI) of 0.2, and if Igain is 20, the integral term would add 4.0 to the output. pid.N.Dgain float rw Derivative gain. Results in a contribution to the output that is the rate of change (derivative) of the error multiplied by Dgain. For example an error that changed from 0.02 to 0.03 over 0.2 seconds would result in an error derivative (errorD) of of 0.05, and if Dgain is 5, the derivative term would add 0.25 to the output. pid.N.bias float rw bias is a constant amount that is added to the output. In most cases it should be left at zero. However, it can sometimes be useful to compensate for offsets in servo amplifiers, or to balance the weight of an object that moves vertically. bias is turned off when the PID loop is disabled, just like all other components of the output. If a non-zero output is needed even when the PID loop is disabled, it should be added with an external HAL sum2 block. pid.N.FF0 float rw Zero order feed-forward term. Produces a contribution to the output that is FF0 multiplied by the commanded value. For position loops, it should usually be left at zero. For velocity loops, FF0 can compensate for friction or motor counter-EMF and may permit better tuning if used properly. pid.N.FF1 float rw First order feed-forward term. Produces a contribution to the output that FF1 multiplied by the derivative of the commanded value. For position loops, the contribution is proportional to speed, and can be used to compensate for friction or motor CEMF. For velocity loops, it is proportional to acceleration and can compensate for inertia. In both cases, it can result in better tuning if used properly. pid.N.FF2 float rw Second order feed-forward term. Produces a contribution to the output that is FF2 multiplied by the second derivative of the commanded value. For position loops, the contribution is proportional to acceleration, and can be used to compensate for inertia. For velocity loops, it should usually be left at zero. pid.N.deadband float rw Defines a range of "acceptable" error. If the absolute value of error is less than deadband, it will be treated as if the error is zero. When using feedback devices such as encoders that are inherently quantized, the deadband should be set slightly more than one-half count, to prevent the control loop from hunting back and forth if the command is between two adjacent encoder values. When 108 2007-05-12 LinuxCNC Documentation AT_PID(9) HAL Component AT_PID(9) the absolute value of the error is greater than the deadband, the deadband value is subtracted from the error before performing the loop calculations, to prevent a step in the transfer function at the edge of the deadband. (See BUGS.) pid.N.maxoutput float rw Output limit. The absolute value of the output will not be permitted to exceed maxoutput, unless maxoutput is zero. When the output is limited, the error integrator will hold instead of integrating, to prevent windup and overshoot. pid.N.maxerror float rw Limit on the internal error variable used for P, I, and D. Can be used to prevent high Pgain values from generating large outputs under conditions when the error is large (for example, when the command makes a step change). Not normally needed, but can be useful when tuning non-linear systems. pid.N.maxerrorD float rw Limit on the error derivative. The rate of change of error used by the Dgain term will be limited to this value, unless the value is zero. Can be used to limit the effect of Dgain and prevent large output spikes due to steps on the command and/or feedback. Not normally needed. pid.N.maxerrorI float rw Limit on error integrator. The error integrator used by the Igain term will be limited to this value, unless it is zero. Can be used to prevent integrator windup and the resulting overshoot during/after sustained errors. Not normally needed. pid.N.maxcmdD float rw Limit on command derivative. The command derivative used by FF1 will be limited to this value, unless the value is zero. Can be used to prevent FF1 from producing large output spikes if there is a step change on the command. Not normally needed. pid.N.maxcmdDD float rw Limit on command second derivative. The command second derivative used by FF2 will be limited to this value, unless the value is zero. Can be used to prevent FF2 from producing large output spikes if there is a step change on the command. Not normally needed. pid.N.tune-type u32 rw When set to 0, Pgain/Igain/Dgain are caclulated. When set to 1, Pgain/Igain/FF1 are calculated. pid.N.tune-cycles u32 rw Determines the number of cycles to run to characterize the process. tune-cycles actually sets the number of half cycles. More cycles results in a more accurate characterization as the average of all cycles is used. pid.N.tune-effort float rw Determines the effor used in setting up the limit cycle in the process. tune-effort should be set to a positive value less than maxoutput. Start with something small and work up to a value that results in a good portion of the maximum motor current being used. The smaller the value, the smaller the amplitude of the limit cycle. pid.N.errorI float ro (only if debug=1) Integral of error. This is the value that is multiplied by Igain to produce the Integral term of the output. pid.N.errorD float ro (only if debug=1) Derivative of error. This is the value that is multiplied by Dgain to produce the Derivative term of the output. pid.N.commandD float ro (only if debug=1) Derivative of command. This is the value that is multiplied by FF1 to produce the first order feedforward term of the output. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-05-12 109 AT_PID(9) HAL Component AT_PID(9) pid.N.commandDD float ro (only if debug=1) Second derivative of command. This is the value that is multiplied by FF2 to produce the second order feed-forward term of the output. pid.N.ultimate-gain float ro (only if debug=1) Determined from process characterization. ultimate-gain is the ratio of tune-effort to the limit cycle amplitude multipled by 4.0 divided by Pi. pid.N.ultimate-period float ro (only if debug=1) Determined from process characterization. ultimate-period is the period of the limit cycle. BUGS Some people would argue that deadband should be implemented such that error is treated as zero if it is within the deadband, and be unmodified if it is outside the deadband. This was not done because it would cause a step in the transfer function equal to the size of the deadband. People who prefer that behavior are welcome to add a parameter that will change the behavior, or to write their own version of at_pid. However, the default behavior should not be changed. 110 2007-05-12 LinuxCNC Documentation BIN2GRAY(9) HAL Component BIN2GRAY(9) NAME bin2gray − convert a number to the gray-code representation SYNOPSIS loadrt bin2gray [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION Converts a number into gray-code FUNCTIONS bin2gray.N PINS u32 in binary code in bin2gray.N.out u32 out gray code out AUTHOR andy pugh LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 111 BIQUAD(9) HAL Component BIQUAD(9) NAME biquad − Biquad IIR filter SYNOPSIS loadrt biquad [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION Biquad IIR filter. Implements the following transfer function: H(z) = (n0 + n1z-1 + n2z-2) / (1+ d1z-1 + d2z-2) FUNCTIONS biquad.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in Filter input. biquad.N.out float out Filter output. biquad.N.enable bit in (default: 0) Filter enable. When false, the in is passed to out without any filtering. A transition from false to true causes filter coefficients to be calculated according to parameters biquad.N.valid bit out (default: 0) When false, indicates an error occured when caclulating filter coefficients. PARAMETERS biquad.N.type u32 rw (default: 0) Filter type determines the type of filter coefficients calculated. When 0, coefficients must be loaded directly. When 1, a low pass filter is created. When 2, a notch filter is created. biquad.N.f0 float rw (default: 250.0) The corner frequency of the filter. biquad.N.Q float rw (default: 0.7071) The Q of the filter. biquad.N.d1 float rw (default: 0.0) 1st-delayed denominator coef biquad.N.d2 float rw (default: 0.0) 2nd-delayed denominator coef biquad.N.n0 float rw (default: 1.0) non-delayed numerator coef biquad.N.n1 float rw (default: 0.0) 1st-delayed numerator coef biquad.N.n2 float rw (default: 0.0) 2nd-delayed numerator coef biquad.N.s1 float rw (default: 0.0) biquad.N.s2 float rw (default: 0.0) LICENSE GPL 112 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation BITSLICE(9) HAL Component BITSLICE(9) NAME bitslice − Converts an unsigned-32 input into individual bits SYNOPSIS loadrt bitslice [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] [personality=P,P,...] DESCRIPTION This component creates individual bit-outputs for each bit of an unsigned-32 input. The number of bits can be limited by the "personality" modparam. The inverse process can be perfomed by the weighted_sum HAL component. FUNCTIONS bitslice.N PINS u32 in The input value bitslice.N.out-MM bit out (MM=00..personality) AUTHOR Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL2+ LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 113 BITWISE(9) HAL Component BITWISE(9) NAME bitwise − Computes various bitwise operations on the two input values SYNOPSIS loadrt bitwise [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS bitwise.N PINS bitwise.N.in0 u32 in First input value bitwise.N.in1 u32 in Second input value bitwise.N.out-and u32 out The bitwise AND of the two inputs bitwise.N.out-or u32 out The bitwise OR of the two inputs bitwise.N.out-xor u32 out The bitwise XOR of the two inputs bitwise.N.out-nand u32 out The inverse of the bitwise AND bitwise.N.out-nor u32 out The inverse of the bitwise OR bitwise.N.out-xnor u32 out The inverse of the bitwise XOR AUTHOR Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL 2+ 114 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation BLDC(9) HAL Component BLDC(9) NAME bldc − BLDC and AC-servo control component SYNOPSIS loadrt bldc personality=P DESCRIPTION This component is designed as an interface between the most common forms of three-phase motor feedback devices and the corresponding types of drive. However there is no requirement that the motor and drive should necessarily be of inherently compatible types. SYNOPSIS (ignore the auto-generated SYNOPSIS above) loadrt bldc cfg=qi6,aH Each instance of the component is defined by a group of letters describing the input and output types. A comma separates individual instances of the component. Tags Input type definitions are all lower-case. n No motor feedback. This mode could be used to drive AC induction motors, but is also potentially useful for creating free-running motor simulators for drive testing. h Hall sensor input. Brushless DC motors (electronically commutated permanent magnet 3-phase motors) typically use a set of three Hall sensors to measure the angular position of the rotor. A lower-case h in the cfg string indicates that these should be used. a Absolute encoder input. (Also possibly used by some forms of Resolver conversion hardware). The presence of this tag over-rides all other inputs. Note that the component still requires to be be connected to the rawcounts encoder pin to prevent loss of commutation on index-reset. q Incremental (quadrature) encoder input. If this input is used then the rotor will need to be homed before the motor can be run. i Use the index of an incremental encoder as a home reference. f Use a 4-bit Gray-scale patttern to determine rotor alignment. This scheme is only used on the Fanuc "Red Cap" motors. This mode could be used to control one of these motors using a non-Fanuc drive. Output type descriptions are all upper-case. Defaults The component will always calculate rotor angle, phase angle and the absolute value of the input value for interfacing with drives such as the Mesa 8i20. It will also default to three individual, bipolar phase output values if no other output type modifiers are used. B Bit level outputs. Either 3 or 6 logic-level outputs indicating which high or low gate drivers on an external drive should be used. 6 Create 6 rather than the default 3 outputs. In the case of numeric value outputs these are separate positive and negative drive amplitudes. Both have positive magnitude. H Emulated Hall sensor output. This mode can be used to control a drive which expects 3x Hall signals, or to convert between a motor with one hall pattern and a drive which expects a different one. F Emulated Fanuc Red Cap Gray-code encoder output. This mode might be used to drive a non-Fanuc LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 115 BLDC(9) HAL Component BLDC(9) motor using a Fanuc drive intended for the "Red-Cap" motors. T Force Trapezoidal mode. OPERATING MODES The component can control a drive in either Trapezoidal or Sinusoidal mode, but will always default to sinusoidal if the input and output modes allow it. This can be over-ridden by the T tag. Sinusoidal commutation is significantly smoother (trapezoidal commutation induces 13% torque ripple). ROTOR HOMING. To use an encoder for commutation a reference 0-degrees point must be found. The component uses the convention that motor zero is the point that an unloaded motor aligns to with a positive voltage on the A (or U) terminal and the B & C (or V and W) terminals connected together and to -ve voltage. There will be two such positions on a 4-pole motor, 3 on a 6-pole and so on. They are all functionally equivalent as far as driving the motor is concerned. If the motor has Hall sensors then the motor can be started in trapezoidal commutation mode, and will switch to sinusoidal commutation when an alignment is found. If the mode is qh then the first Hall state-transition will be used. If the mode is qhi then the encoder index will be used. This gives a more accurate homing position if the distance in encoder counts between motor zero and encoder index is known. To force homing to the Hall edges instead simply omit the i. Motors without Hall sensors may be homed in synchronous/direct mode. The better of these options is to home to the encoder zero using the iq config parameter. When the init pin goes high the motor will rotate (in a direction determined by the rev pin) until the encoder indicates an index-latch (the servo thread runs too slowly to rely on detecting an encoder index directly). If there is no encoder index or its location relative to motor zero can not be found, then an alternative is to use magnetic homing using the q config. In this mode the motor will go through an alignment sequence ending at motor zero when the init pin goes high It will then set the final position as motor zero. Unfortunately the motor is rather springy in this mode and so alignment is likely to be fairly sensitive to load. FUNCTIONS bldc.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS bldc.N.hall1 bit in [if personality & 0x01] Hall sensor signal 1 bldc.N.hall2 bit in [if personality & 0x01] Hall sensor signal 2 bldc.N.hall3 bit in [if personality & 0x01] Hall sensor signal 3 bldc.N.hall-error bit out [if personality & 0x01] Indicates that the selected hall pattern gives inconsistent rotor position data. This can be due to the pattern being wrong for the motor, or one or more sensors being unconnected or broken. A consistent pattern is not neceesarily valid, but an inconsistent one can never be valid. bldc.N.C1 bit in [if ( personality & 0x10 )] Fanuc Gray-code bit 0 input bldc.N.C2 bit in [if ( personality & 0x10 )] Fanuc Gray-code bit 1 input bldc.N.C4 bit in [if ( personality & 0x10 )] Fanuc Gray-code bit 2 input 116 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation BLDC(9) HAL Component BLDC(9) bldc.N.C8 bit in [if ( personality & 0x10 )] Fanuc Gray-code bit 3 input bldc.N.value float in PWM master amplitude input bldc.N.lead-angle float in [if personality & 0x06] (default: 90) The phase lead between the electrical vector and the rotor position in degrees bldc.N.rev bit in Set this pin true to reverse the motor. Negative PWM amplitudes will also reverse the motor and there will generally be a Hall pattern that runs the motor in each direction too. bldc.N.frequency float in [if ( personality & 0x0F ) == 0] Frequency input for motors with no feedback at all, or those with only an index (which is ignored) bldc.N.initvalue float in [if personality & 0x04] (default: 0.2) The current to be used for the homing sequence in applications where an incremental encoder is used with no hall-sensor feedback bldc.N.rawcounts s32 in [if personality & 0x06] (default: 0) Encoder counts input. This must be linked to the encoder rawcounts pin or encoder index resets will cause the motor commutation to fail bldc.N.index-enable bit io [if personality & 0x08] This pin should be connected to the associated encoder index-enable pin to zero the encoder when it passes index This is only used indicate to the bldc control component that an index has been seen bldc.N.init bit in [if ( personality & 0x05 ) == 4] A rising edge on this pin starts the motor alignment sequence. This pin should be connected in such a way that the motors re-align any time that encoder monitoring has been interrupted. Typically this will only be at machine power-off. The alignment process involves powering the motor phases in such a way as to put the motor in a known position. The encoder counts are then stored in the offset parameter. The alignement process will tend to cause a following error if it is triggered while the axis is enabled, so should be set before the matching axis.N.enable pin. The complementary init-done pin can be used to handle the required sequencing. Both pins can be ignored if the encoder offset is known explicitly, such as is the case with an absolute encoder. In that case the offset parameter can be set directly in the HAL file bldc.N.init-done bit out [if ( personality & 0x05 ) == 4] (default: 0) Indicates homing sequence complete bldc.N.A-value float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0] Output amplitude for phase A bldc.N.B-value float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0] Output amplitude for phase B bldc.N.C-value float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0] Output amplitude for phase C bldc.N.A-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x100] Output bit for phase A bldc.N.B-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x100] Output bit for phase B bldc.N.C-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x100] Output bit for phase C LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 117 BLDC(9) HAL Component BLDC(9) bldc.N.A-high float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x200] High-side driver for phase A bldc.N.B-high float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x200] High-side driver for phase B bldc.N.C-high float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x200] High-side driver for phase C bldc.N.A-low float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x200] Low-side driver for phase A bldc.N.B-low float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x200] Low-side driver for phase B bldc.N.C-low float out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x200] Low-side driver for phase C bldc.N.A-high-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x300] High-side driver for phase A bldc.N.B-high-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x300] High-side driver for phase B bldc.N.C-high-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x300] High-side driver for phase C bldc.N.A-low-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x300] Low-side driver for phase A bldc.N.B-low-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x300] Low-side driver for phase B bldc.N.C-low-on bit out [if ( personality & 0xF00 ) == 0x300] Low-side driver for phase C bldc.N.hall1-out bit out [if ( personality & 0x400 )] Hall 1 output bldc.N.hall2-out bit out [if ( personality & 0x400 )] Hall 2 output bldc.N.hall3-out bit out [if ( personality & 0x400 )] Hall 3 output bldc.N.C1-out bit out [if ( personality & 0x800 )] Fanuc Gray-code bit 0 output bldc.N.C2-out bit out [if ( personality & 0x800 )] Fanuc Gray-code bit 1 output bldc.N.C4-out bit out [if ( personality & 0x800 )] Fanuc Gray-code bit 2 output bldc.N.C8-out bit out [if ( personality & 0x800 )] Fanuc Gray-code bit 3 output bldc.N.phase-angle float out (default: 0) Phase angle including lead/lag angle after encoder zeroing etc. Useful for angle/current drives. This value has a range of 0 to 1 and measures electrical revolutions. It will have two zeros for a 4 pole motor, three for a 6-pole etc bldc.N.rotor-angle float out (default: 0) Rotor angle after encoder zeroing etc. Useful for angle/current drives which add their own phase offset such as the 8i20. This value has a range of 0 to 1 and measures electrical revolutions. It will have two zeros for a 4 pole motor, three for a 6-pole etc 118 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation BLDC(9) HAL Component BLDC(9) bldc.N.out float out Current output, including the effect of the dir pin and the alignment sequence bldc.N.out-dir bit out Direction output, high if /fBvalue/fR is negative XOR /fBrev/fR is true. bldc.N.out-abs float out Absolute value of the input value PARAMETERS s32 r (default: -1) state machine output, will probably hide after debug bldc.N.out-type s32 r (default: -1) state machine output, will probably hide after debug bldc.N.scale s32 rw [if personality & 0x06] (default: 512) The number of encoder counts per rotor revolution. bldc.N.poles s32 rw [if personality & 0x06] (default: 4) The number of motor poles. The encoder scale will be divided by this value to determine the number of encoder counts per electrical revolution bldc.N.encoder-offset s32 rw [if personality & 0x0A] (default: 0) The offset, in encoder counts, between the motor electrical zero and the encoder zero modulo the number of counts per electrical revolution bldc.N.offset-measured s32 r [if personality & 0x04] (default: 0) The encoder offset measured by the homing sequence (in certain modes) float rw (default: 0) The angle, in degrees, applied to the commanded angle by the drive in degrees. This value is only used during the homing sequence of drives with incremental encoder feedback. It is used to backcalculate from commanded angle to actual phase angle. It is only relevant to drives which expect rotor-angle input rather than phase-angle demand. Should be 0 for most drives. bldc.N.output-pattern u32 rw [if personality & 0x400] (default: 25) Commutation pattern to be output in Hall Signal translation mode. See the description of /fBpattern/fR for details bldc.N.pattern u32 rw [if personality & 0x01] (default: 25) Commutation pattern to use, from 0 to 47. Default is type 25. Every plausible combination is included. The table shows the excitation pattern along the top, and the pattern code on the left hand side. The table entries are the hall patterns in H1, H2, H3 order. Common patterns are: 0 (30 degree commutation) and 26, its reverse. 17 (120 degree). 18 (alternate 60 degree). 21 (300 degree, Bodine). 22 (240 degree). 25 (60 degree commutation). Note that a number of incorrect commutations will have non-zero net torque which might look as if they work, but don’t really. If your motor lacks documentation it might be worth trying every pattern. LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 119 BLDC(9) HAL Component pat 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 120 B-A 000 001 000 001 010 011 010 011 000 001 000 001 010 011 010 011 000 001 000 001 010 011 010 011 100 101 100 101 110 111 110 111 100 101 100 101 110 111 110 111 100 101 100 101 110 111 110 111 Phases, Source - Sink C-A C-B A-B A-C 001 011 111 110 000 010 110 111 010 011 111 101 011 010 110 100 011 001 101 100 010 000 100 101 000 001 101 111 001 000 100 110 001 101 111 110 000 100 110 111 010 110 111 101 011 111 110 100 011 111 101 100 010 110 100 101 000 100 101 111 001 101 100 110 100 101 111 011 101 100 110 010 100 110 111 011 101 111 110 010 110 111 101 001 111 110 100 000 110 100 101 001 111 101 100 000 101 111 011 010 100 110 010 011 110 111 011 001 111 110 010 000 111 101 001 000 110 100 000 001 100 101 001 011 101 100 000 010 101 001 011 010 100 000 010 011 110 010 011 001 111 011 010 000 111 011 001 000 110 010 000 001 100 000 001 011 101 001 000 010 000 001 011 111 001 000 010 110 000 010 011 111 001 011 010 110 010 011 001 101 011 010 000 100 010 000 001 101 011 001 000 100 2014-12-18 BLDC(9) B-C 100 101 100 101 110 111 110 111 010 011 001 000 000 001 011 010 010 011 001 000 000 001 011 010 000 001 000 001 010 011 010 011 110 111 101 100 100 101 111 110 110 111 101 100 100 101 111 110 LinuxCNC Documentation BLDC(9) HAL Component BLDC(9) AUTHOR Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 121 BLDC_HALL3(9) HAL Component BLDC_HALL3(9) NAME bldc_hall3 − 3-wire BLDC motor driver using Hall sensors and trapezoidal commutation. SYNOPSIS The functionality of this component is now included in the generic "bldc" component. This component is likely to be removed in a future release DESCRIPTION This component produces a 3-wire bipolar output. This suits upstream drivers that interpret a negative input as a low-side drive and positive as a high-side drive. This includes the Hostmot2 3pwmgen function, which is likely to be the most common application of this component. FUNCTIONS bldc-hall3.N (requires a floating-point thread) Interpret Hall sensor patterns and set 3-phase amplitudes PINS bldc-hall3.N.hall1 bit in Hall sensor signal 1 bldc-hall3.N.hall2 bit in Hall sensor signal 2 bldc-hall3.N.hall3 bit in Hall sensor signal 3 bldc-hall3.N.value float in PWM master amplitude input bldc-hall3.N.dir bit in Forwards / reverse selection. Negative PWM amplitudes will also reverse the motor and there will generally be a pattern that runs the motor in each direction too. bldc-hall3.N.A-value float out Output amplitude for phase A bldc-hall3.N.B-value float out Output amplitude for phase B bldc-hall3.N.C-value float out Output amplitude for phase C PARAMETERS bldc-hall3.N.pattern u32 rw (default: 25) Commutation pattern to use, from 0 to 47. Default is type 25. Every plausible combination is included. The table shows the excitation pattern along the top, and the pattern code on the left hand side. The table entries are the hall patterns in H1, H2, H3 order. Common patterns are: 0 (30 degree commutation) and 26, its reverse. 17 (120 degree). 18 (alternate 60 degree). 21 (300 degree, Bodine). 22 (240 degree). 25 (60 degree commutation). Note that a number of incorrect commutations will have non-zero net torque which might look as if they work, but don’t really. If your motor lacks documentation it might be worth trying every pattern. 122 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation BLDC_HALL3(9) HAL Component pat 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 B-A 000 001 000 001 010 011 010 011 000 001 000 001 010 011 010 011 000 001 000 001 010 011 010 011 100 101 100 101 110 111 110 111 100 101 100 101 110 111 110 111 100 101 100 101 110 111 110 111 LinuxCNC Documentation Phases, Source - Sink C-A C-B A-B A-C 001 011 111 110 000 010 110 111 010 011 111 101 011 010 110 100 011 001 101 100 010 000 100 101 000 001 101 111 001 000 100 110 001 101 111 110 000 100 110 111 010 110 111 101 011 111 110 100 011 111 101 100 010 110 100 101 000 100 101 111 001 101 100 110 100 101 111 011 101 100 110 010 100 110 111 011 101 111 110 010 110 111 101 001 111 110 100 000 110 100 101 001 111 101 100 000 101 111 011 010 100 110 010 011 110 111 011 001 111 110 010 000 111 101 001 000 110 100 000 001 100 101 001 011 101 100 000 010 101 001 011 010 100 000 010 011 110 010 011 001 111 011 010 000 111 011 001 000 110 010 000 001 100 000 001 011 101 001 000 010 000 001 011 111 001 000 010 110 000 010 011 111 001 011 010 110 010 011 001 101 011 010 000 100 010 000 001 101 011 001 000 100 2014-12-18 BLDC_HALL3(9) B-C 100 101 100 101 110 111 110 111 010 011 001 000 000 001 011 010 010 011 001 000 000 001 011 010 000 001 000 001 010 011 010 011 110 111 101 100 100 101 111 110 110 111 101 100 100 101 111 110 123 BLDC_HALL3(9) HAL Component BLDC_HALL3(9) SEE ALSO bldc_hall6 6-wire unipolar driver for BLDC motors. AUTHOR Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL 124 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation BLEND(9) HAL Component BLEND(9) NAME blend − Perform linear interpolation between two values SYNOPSIS loadrt blend [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS blend.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS blend.N.in1 float in First input. If select is equal to 1.0, the output is equal to in1 blend.N.in2 float in Second input. If select is equal to 0.0, the output is equal to in2 float in Select input. For values between 0.0 and 1.0, the output changes linearly from in2 to in1 blend.N.out float out Output value. PARAMETERS bit rw If true, select values outside the range 0.0 to 1.0 give values outside the range in2 to in1. If false, outputs are clamped to the the range in2 to in1 LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 125 CHARGE_PUMP(9) HAL Component CHARGE_PUMP(9) NAME charge_pump − Create a square-wave for the ’charge pump’ input of some controller boards SYNOPSIS loadrt charge_pump DESCRIPTION The ’Charge Pump’ should be added to the base thread function. When enabled the output is on for one period and off for one period. To calculate the frequency of the output 1/(period time in seconds x 2) = hz. For example if you have a base period of 100,000ns that is 0.0001 seconds and the formula would be 1/(0.0001 x 2) = 5,000 hz or 5 Khz. Two additional outputs are provided that run a factor of 2 and 4 slower for hardware that requires a lower frequency. FUNCTIONS charge-pump Toggle the output bit (if enabled) PINS charge-pump.out bit out Square wave if ’enable’ is TRUE or unconnected, low if ’enable’ is FALSE charge-pump.out-2 bit out Square wave at half the frequency of ’out’ charge-pump.out-4 bit out Square wave at a quarter of the frequency of ’out’ charge-pump.enable bit in (default: TRUE) If FALSE, forces all ’out’ pins to be low LICENSE GPL 126 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation CLARKE2(9) HAL Component CLARKE2(9) NAME clarke2 − Two input version of Clarke transform SYNOPSIS loadrt clarke2 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION The Clarke transform can be used to translate a vector quantity from a three phase system (three components 120 degrees apart) to a two phase Cartesian system. clarke2 implements a special case of the Clarke transform, which only needs two of the three input phases. In a three wire three phase system, the sum of the three phase currents or voltages must always be zero. As a result only two of the three are needed to completely define the current or voltage. clarke2 assumes that the sum is zero, so it only uses phases A and B of the input. Since the H (homopolar) output will always be zero in this case, it is not generated. FUNCTIONS clarke2.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS clarke2.N.a float in clarke2.N.b float in first two phases of three phase input clarke2.N.x float out clarke2.N.y float out cartesian components of output SEE ALSO clarke3 for the general case, clarkeinv for the inverse transform. LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 127 CLARKE3(9) HAL Component CLARKE3(9) NAME clarke3 − Clarke (3 phase to cartesian) transform SYNOPSIS loadrt clarke3 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION The Clarke transform can be used to translate a vector quantity from a three phase system (three components 120 degrees apart) to a two phase Cartesian system (plus a homopolar component if the three phases don’t sum to zero). clarke3 implements the general case of the transform, using all three phases. If the three phases are known to sum to zero, see clarke2 for a simpler version. FUNCTIONS clarke3.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS clarke3.N.a float in clarke3.N.b float in clarke3.N.c float in three phase input vector clarke3.N.x float out clarke3.N.y float out cartesian components of output clarke3.N.h float out homopolar component of output SEE ALSO clarke2 for the ’a+b+c=0’ case, clarkeinv for the inverse transform. LICENSE GPL 128 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation CLARKEINV(9) HAL Component CLARKEINV(9) NAME clarkeinv − Inverse Clarke transform SYNOPSIS loadrt clarkeinv [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION The inverse Clarke transform can be used rotate a vector quantity and then translate it from Cartesian coordinate system to a three phase system (three components 120 degrees apart). FUNCTIONS clarkeinv.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS clarkeinv.N.x float in clarkeinv.N.y float in cartesian components of input clarkeinv.N.h float in homopolar component of input (usually zero) clarkeinv.N.theta float in rotation angle: 0.00 to 1.00 = 0 to 360 degrees clarkeinv.N.a float out clarkeinv.N.b float out clarkeinv.N.c float out three phase output vector SEE ALSO clarke2 and clarke3 for the forward transform. LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 129 CLASSICLADDER(9) HAL Component CLASSICLADDER(9) NAME classicladder − realtime software plc based on ladder logic SYNOPSIS loadrt classicladder_rt [numRungs=N] [numBits=N] [numWords=N] [numTimers=N] [numMonostables=N] [numCounters=N] [numPhysInputs=N] [numPhysOutputs=N] [numArithmExpr=N] [numSections=N] [numSymbols=N] [numS32in=N] [numS32out=N] [numFloatIn=N] [numFloatOut=N] DESCRIPTION These pins and parameters are created by the realtime classicladder_rt module. Each period (minimum 1000000 ns), classicladder reads the inputs, evaluates the ladder logic defined in the GUI, and then writes the outputs. PINS IN bit These bit signal pins map to %INN variables in classicladder classicladder.0.out-NN OUT bit These bit signal pins map to %QNN variables in classicladder Output from classicladder classicladder.0.s32in-NN IN s32 Integer input from classicladder These s32 signal pins map to %IWNN variables in classicladder classicladder.0.s32out-NN OUT s32 Integer output from classicladder These s32 signal pins map to %QWNN variables in classicladder classicladder.0.floatin-NN IN float Integer input from classicladder These float signal pins map to %IFNN variables in classicladder These are truncated to S32 values internally. eg 7.5 will be 7 classicladder.0.floatout-NN OUT float Float output from classicladder These float signal pins map to %QFNN variables in classicladder classicladder.0.hide_gui IN bit This bit pin hides the classicladder window, while still having the userspace code run. This is usually desirable when modbus is used, as modbus requires the userspace code to run. PARAMETERS classicladder.0.refresh.time RO s32 Tells you how long the last refresh took classicladder.0.refresh.tmax RW s32 Tells you how long the longest refresh took classicladder.0.ladder-state RO s32 Tells you if the program is running or not FUNCTIONS 130 2008-11-23 LinuxCNC Documentation CLASSICLADDER(9) HAL Component CLASSICLADDER(9) classicladder.0.refresh FP The rung update rate. Add this to the servo thread. You can added it to a faster thread but it Will update no faster than once every 1 millisecond (1000000 ns). BUGS See for the latest. SEE ALSO Classicladder chapters in the LinuxCNC documentation for a full description of the Classicladder syntax and examples LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-11-23 131 COMP(9) HAL Component COMP(9) NAME comp − Two input comparator with hysteresis SYNOPSIS loadrt comp [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS comp.N (requires a floating-point thread) Update the comparator PINS comp.N.in0 float in Inverting input to the comparator comp.N.in1 float in Non-inverting input to the comparator comp.N.out bit out Normal output. True when in1 > in0 (see parameter hyst for details) comp.N.equal bit out Match output. True when difference between in1 and in0 is less than hyst/2 PARAMETERS comp.N.hyst float rw (default: 0.0) Hysteresis of the comparator (default 0.0) With zero hysteresis, the output is true when in1 > in0. With nonzero hysteresis, the output switches on and off at two different values, separated by distance hyst around the point where in1 = in0. Keep in mind that floating point calculations are never absolute and it is wise to always set hyst if you intend to use equal LICENSE GPL 132 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation CONSTANT(9) HAL Component CONSTANT(9) NAME constant − Use a parameter to set the value of a pin SYNOPSIS loadrt constant [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS constant.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS constant.N.out float out PARAMETERS constant.N.value float rw LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 133 CONV_BIT_S32(9) HAL Component CONV_BIT_S32(9) NAME conv_bit_s32 − Convert a value from bit to s32 SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_bit_s32 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-bit-s32.N Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS bit in conv-bit-s32.N.out s32 out LICENSE GPL 134 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation CONV_BIT_U32(9) HAL Component CONV_BIT_U32(9) NAME conv_bit_u32 − Convert a value from bit to u32 SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_bit_u32 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-bit-u32.N Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS bit in conv-bit-u32.N.out u32 out LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 135 CONV_FLOAT_S32(9) HAL Component CONV_FLOAT_S32(9) NAME conv_float_s32 − Convert a value from float to s32 SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_float_s32 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-float-s32.N (requires a floating-point thread) Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS float in conv-float-s32.N.out s32 out conv-float-s32.N.out-of-range bit out TRUE when ’in’ is not in the range of s32 PARAMETERS conv-float-s32.N.clamp bit rw If TRUE, then clamp to the range of s32. If FALSE, then allow the value to "wrap around". LICENSE GPL 136 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation CONV_FLOAT_U32(9) HAL Component CONV_FLOAT_U32(9) NAME conv_float_u32 − Convert a value from float to u32 SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_float_u32 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-float-u32.N (requires a floating-point thread) Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS float in conv-float-u32.N.out u32 out conv-float-u32.N.out-of-range bit out TRUE when ’in’ is not in the range of u32 PARAMETERS conv-float-u32.N.clamp bit rw If TRUE, then clamp to the range of u32. If FALSE, then allow the value to "wrap around". LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 137 CONV_S32_BIT(9) HAL Component CONV_S32_BIT(9) NAME conv_s32_bit − Convert a value from s32 to bit SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_s32_bit [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-s32-bit.N Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS s32 in conv-s32-bit.N.out bit out conv-s32-bit.N.out-of-range bit out TRUE when ’in’ is not in the range of bit PARAMETERS conv-s32-bit.N.clamp bit rw If TRUE, then clamp to the range of bit. If FALSE, then allow the value to "wrap around". LICENSE GPL 138 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation CONV_S32_FLOAT(9) HAL Component CONV_S32_FLOAT(9) NAME conv_s32_float − Convert a value from s32 to float SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_s32_float [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-s32-float.N (requires a floating-point thread) Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS s32 in conv-s32-float.N.out float out LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 139 CONV_S32_U32(9) HAL Component CONV_S32_U32(9) NAME conv_s32_u32 − Convert a value from s32 to u32 SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_s32_u32 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-s32-u32.N Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS s32 in conv-s32-u32.N.out u32 out conv-s32-u32.N.out-of-range bit out TRUE when ’in’ is not in the range of u32 PARAMETERS conv-s32-u32.N.clamp bit rw If TRUE, then clamp to the range of u32. If FALSE, then allow the value to "wrap around". LICENSE GPL 140 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation CONV_U32_BIT(9) HAL Component CONV_U32_BIT(9) NAME conv_u32_bit − Convert a value from u32 to bit SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_u32_bit [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-u32-bit.N Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS u32 in conv-u32-bit.N.out bit out conv-u32-bit.N.out-of-range bit out TRUE when ’in’ is not in the range of bit PARAMETERS conv-u32-bit.N.clamp bit rw If TRUE, then clamp to the range of bit. If FALSE, then allow the value to "wrap around". LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 141 CONV_U32_FLOAT(9) HAL Component CONV_U32_FLOAT(9) NAME conv_u32_float − Convert a value from u32 to float SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_u32_float [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-u32-float.N (requires a floating-point thread) Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS u32 in conv-u32-float.N.out float out LICENSE GPL 142 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation CONV_U32_S32(9) HAL Component CONV_U32_S32(9) NAME conv_u32_s32 − Convert a value from u32 to s32 SYNOPSIS loadrt conv_u32_s32 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS conv-u32-s32.N Update ’out’ based on ’in’ PINS u32 in conv-u32-s32.N.out s32 out conv-u32-s32.N.out-of-range bit out TRUE when ’in’ is not in the range of s32 PARAMETERS conv-u32-s32.N.clamp bit rw If TRUE, then clamp to the range of s32. If FALSE, then allow the value to "wrap around". LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 143 COUNTER(9) HAL Component COUNTER(9) NAME counter − counts input pulses (DEPRECATED) SYNOPSIS loadrt counter [num_chan=N] DESCRIPTION counter is a deprecated HAL component and will be removed in a future release. Use the encoder component with encoder.X.counter-mode set to TRUE. counter is a HAL component that provides software- based counting that is useful for spindle position sensing and maybe other things. Instead of using a real encoder that outputs quadrature, some lathes have a sensor that generates a simple pulse stream as the spindle turns and an index pulse once per revolution. This component simply counts up when a "count" pulse (phase-A) is received, and if reset is enabled, resets when the "index" (phase-Z) pulse is received. This is of course only useful for a unidirectional spindle, as it is not possible to sense the direction of rotation. counter conforms to the "canonical encoder" interface described in the HAL manual. FUNCTIONS counter.capture-position (uses floating-point) Updates the counts, position and velocity outputs based on internal counters. counter.update-counters Samples the phase-A and phase-Z inputs and updates internal counters. PINS counter.N.phase-A bit in The primary input signal. The internal counter is incremented on each rising edge. counter.N.phase-Z bit in The index input signal. When the index-enable pin is TRUE and a rising edge on phase-Z is seen, index-enable is set to FALSE and the internal counter is reset to zero. counter.N.index-enable bit io counter.N.reset bit io counter.N.counts signed out counter.N.position float out counter.N.velocity float out These pins function according to the canonical digital encoder interface. counter.N.position-scale float rw This parameter functions according to the canonical digital encoder interface. counter.N.rawcounts signed ro The internal counts value, updated from update-counters and reflected in the output pins at the next call to capture-position. SEE ALSO encoder(9). in the LinuxCNC documentation. 144 2007-01-19 LinuxCNC Documentation DDT(9) HAL Component DDT(9) NAME ddt − Compute the derivative of the input function SYNOPSIS loadrt ddt [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS ddt.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in ddt.N.out float out LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 145 DEADZONE(9) HAL Component DEADZONE(9) NAME deadzone − Return the center if within the threshold SYNOPSIS loadrt deadzone [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS deadzone.N (requires a floating-point thread) Update out based on in and the parameters. PINS float in deadzone.N.out float out PARAMETERS float rw (default: 0.0) The center of the dead zone deadzone.N.threshhold float rw (default: 1.0) The dead zone is center ± (threshhold/2) LICENSE GPL 146 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation DEBOUNCE(9) HAL Component DEBOUNCE(9) NAME debounce − filter noisy digital inputs SYNOPSIS loadrt debounce cfg=size[,size,...] Creates debounce groups with the number of filters specified by (size). Every filter in the same group has the same sample rate and delay. For example cfg=2,3 creates two filter groups with 2 filters in the first group and 3 filters in the second group. DESCRIPTION The debounce filter works by incrementing a counter whenever the input is true, and decrementing the counter when it is false. If the counter decrements to zero, the output is set false and the counter ignores further decrements. If the counter increments up to a threshold, the output is set true and the counter ignores further increments. If the counter is between zero and the threshold, the output retains its previous state. The threshold determines the amount of filtering: a threshold of 1 does no filtering at all, and a threshold of N requires a signal to be present for N samples before the output changes state. FUNCTIONS debounce.G Sample all the input pins in group G and update the output pins. PINS bit in The F’th input pin in group G. debounce.G.F.out bit out The F’th output pin in group G. Reflects the last "stable" input seen on the corresponding input pin. debounce.G.delay signed rw Sets the amount of filtering for all pins in group G. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 147 EDGE(9) HAL Component EDGE(9) NAME edge − Edge detector SYNOPSIS loadrt edge [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS edge.N Produce output pulses from input edges PINS bit in edge.N.out bit out Goes high when the desired edge is seen on ’in’ edge.N.out-invert bit out Goes low when the desired edge is seen on ’in’ PARAMETERS edge.N.both bit rw (default: FALSE) If TRUE, selects both edges. Otherwise, selects one edge according to in-edge bit rw (default: TRUE) If both is FALSE, selects the one desired edge: TRUE means falling, FALSE means rising edge.N.out-width-ns s32 rw (default: 0) Time in nanoseconds of the output pulse edge.N.time-left-ns s32 r Time left in this output pulse edge.N.last-in bit r Previous input value LICENSE GPL 148 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation ENCODER(9) HAL Component ENCODER(9) NAME encoder − software counting of quadrature encoder signals SYNOPSIS loadrt encoder [num_chan=num | names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION encoder is used to measure position by counting the pulses generated by a quadrature encoder. As a software-based implementation it is much less expensive than hardware, but has a limited maximum count rate. The limit is in the range of 10KHz to 50KHz, depending on the computer speed and other factors. If better performance is needed, a hardware encoder counter is a better choice. Some hardware-based systems can count at MHz rates. encoder supports a maximum of eight channels. The number of channels actually loaded is set by the num_chan argument when the module is loaded. Alternatively, specify names= and unique names separated by commas. The num_chan= and names= specifiers are mutually exclusive. If neither num_chan= nor names= are specified, the default value is three. encoder has a one-phase, unidirectional mode called counter. In this mode, the phase-B input is ignored; the counts increase on each rising edge of phase-A. This mode may be useful for counting a unidirectional spindle with a single input line, though the noise-resistant characteristics of quadrature are lost. FUNCTIONS encoder.update-counters (no floating-point) Does the actual counting, by sampling the encoder signals and decoding the quadrature waveforms. Must be called as frequently as possible, preferably twice as fast as the maximum desired count rate. Operates on all channels at once. encoder.capture-position (uses floating point) Captures the raw counts from update-counters and performs scaling and other necessary conversion, handles counter rollover, etc. Can (and should) be called less frequently than update-counters. Operates on all channels at once. NAMING The names for pins and parameters are prefixed as: encoder.N. for N=0,1,...,num-1 when using num_chan=num nameN. for nameN=name1,name2,... when using names=name1,name2,... The encoder.N. format is shown in the following descriptions. PINS encoder.N.counter-mode bit i/o Enables counter mode. When true, the counter counts each rising edge of the phase-A input, ignoring the value on phase-B. This is useful for counting the output of a single channel (nonquadrature) sensor. When false (the default), it counts in quadrature mode. encoder.N.counts s32 out Position in encoder counts. encoder.N.index-enable bit i/o When true, counts and position are reset to zero on the next rising edge of Phase-Z. At the same time, index-enable is reset to zero to indicate that the rising edge has occurred. LinuxCNC Documentation 2009-04-15 149 ENCODER(9) HAL Component ENCODER(9) encoder.N.phase-A bit in Quadrature input for encoder channel N. encoder.N.phase-B bit in Quadrature input. encoder.N.phase-Z bit in Index pulse input. encoder.N.position float out Position in scaled units (see position-scale) encoder.N.position-interpolated float out Position in scaled units, interpolated between encoder counts. Only valid when velocity is approximately constant and above min-velocity-estimate. Do not use for position control. encoder.N.position-scale float i/o Scale factor, in counts per length unit. For example, if position-scale is 500, then 1000 counts of the encoder will be reported as a position of 2.0 units. encoder.N.rawcounts s32 out The raw count, as determined by update-counters. This value is updated more frequently than counts and position. It is also unaffected by reset or the index pulse. encoder.N.reset bit in When true, counts and position are reset to zero immediately. encoder.N.velocity float out Velocity in scaled units per second. encoder uses an algorithm that greatly reduces quantization noise as compared to simply differentiating the position output. When the magnitude of the true velocity is below min-velocity-estimate, the velocity output is 0. encoder.N.x4-mode bit i/o Enables times-4 mode. When true (the default), the counter counts each edge of the quadrature waveform (four counts per full cycle). When false, it only counts once per full cycle. In countermode, this parameter is ignored. encoder.N.latch-input bit in encoder.N.latch-falling bit in (default: TRUE) encoder.N.latch-rising bit in (default: TRUE) encoder.N.counts-latched s32 out encoder.N.position-latched float out Update counts-latched and position-latched on the rising and/or falling edges of latch-input as indicated by latch-rising and latch-falling. encoder.N.counter-mode bit rw Enables counter mode. When true, the counter counts each rising edge of the phase-A input, ignoring the value on phase-B. This is useful for counting the output of a single channel (nonquadrature) sensor. When false (the default), it counts in quadrature mode. encoder.N.captureposition.tmax s32 rw Maximum number of CPU cycles it took to execute this function. PARAMETERS Parameter names for num_chan= specifier are: encoder.N.the_parameter_name Parameter names for names= specifier are: nameN.the_parameter_name encoder.N.min-velocity-estimate float rw (default: 1.0) Determine the minimum true velocity magnitude at which velocity will be estimated as nonzero and postition-interpolated will be interpolated. The units of min-velocity-estimate are the same as the units of velocity. Setting this parameter too low will cause it to take a long time for velocity 150 2009-04-15 LinuxCNC Documentation ENCODER(9) HAL Component ENCODER(9) to go to 0 after encoder pulses have stopped arriving. LinuxCNC Documentation 2009-04-15 151 ENCODER_RATIO(9) HAL Component ENCODER_RATIO(9) NAME encoder_ratio − an electronic gear to synchronize two axes SYNOPSIS loadrt encoder_ratio [num_chan=num | names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION encoder_ratio can be used to synchronize two axes (like an "electronic gear"). It counts encoder pulses from both axes in software, and produces an error value that can be used with a PID loop to make the slave encoder track the master encoder with a specific ratio. This module supports up to eight axis pairs. The number of pairs is set by the module parameter num_chan. Alternatively, specify names= and unique names separated by commas. The num_chan= and names= specifiers are mutually exclusive. If neither num_chan= nor names= are specified, the default value is one. FUNCTIONS encoder-ratio.sample Read all input pins. Must be called at twice the maximum desired count rate. encoder-ratio.update (uses floating-point) Updates all output pins. May be called from a slower thread. NAMING The names for pins and parameters are prefixed as: encoder-ratio.N. for N=0,1,...,num-1 when using num_chan=num nameN. for nameN=name1,name2,... when using names=name1,name2,... The encoder-ratio.N. format is shown in the following descriptions. PINS encoder-ratio.N.master-A bit in encoder-ratio.N.master-B bit in encoder-ratio.N.slave-A bit in encoder-ratio.N.slave-B bit in The encoder channels of the master and slave axes encoder-ratio.N.enable bit in When the enable pin is FALSE, the error pin simply reports the slave axis position, in revolutions. As such, it would normally be connected to the feedback pin of a PID block for closed loop control of the slave axis. Normally the command input of the PID block is left unconnected (zero), so the slave axis simply sits still. However when the enable input goes TRUE, the error pin becomes the slave position minus the scaled master position. The scale factor is the ratio of master teeth to slave teeth. As the master moves, error becomes non-zero, and the PID loop will drive the slave axis to track the master. encoder-ratio.N.error float out The error in the position of the slave (in revolutions) PARAMETERS encoder-ratio.N.master-ppr unsigned rw encoder-ratio.N.slave-ppr unsigned rw The number of pulses per revolution of the master and slave axes 152 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation ENCODER_RATIO(9) HAL Component ENCODER_RATIO(9) encoder-ratio.N.master-teeth unsigned rw encoder-ratio.N.slave-teeth unsigned rw The number of "teeth" on the master and slave gears. SEE ALSO encoder(9) LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 153 ESTOP_LATCH(9) HAL Component ESTOP_LATCH(9) NAME estop_latch − Software ESTOP latch SYNOPSIS loadrt estop_latch [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION This component can be used as a part of a simple software ESTOP chain. It has two states: "OK" and "Faulted". The initial state is "Faulted". When faulted, the out-ok output is false, the fault-out output is true, and the watchdog output is unchanging. The state changes from "Faulted" to "OK" when all these conditions are true: • fault-in is false • ok-in is true • reset changes from false to true When "OK", the out-ok output is true, the fault-out output is false, and the watchdog output is toggling. The state changes from "OK" to "Faulted" when any of the following are true: • fault-in is true • ok-in is false To facilitate using only a single fault source, ok-in and fault-en are both set to the non-fault-causing value when no signal is connected. For estop-latch to ever be able to signal a fault, at least one of these inputs must be connected. Typically, an external fault or estop input is connected to fault-in, iocontrol.0.user-request-enable is connected to reset, and ok-out is connected to iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in. In more complex systems, it may be more appropriate to use classicladder to manage the software portion of the estop chain. FUNCTIONS estop-latch.N PINS estop-latch.N.ok-in bit in (default: true) estop-latch.N.fault-in bit in (default: false) estop-latch.N.reset bit in estop-latch.N.ok-out bit out (default: false) estop-latch.N.fault-out bit out (default: true) estop-latch.N.watchdog bit out LICENSE GPL 154 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation FEEDCOMP(9) HAL Component FEEDCOMP(9) NAME feedcomp − Multiply the input by the ratio of current velocity to the feed rate SYNOPSIS loadrt feedcomp [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS feedcomp.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS feedcomp.N.out float out Proportionate output value float in Reference value feedcomp.N.enable bit in Turn compensation on or off feedcomp.N.vel float in Current velocity PARAMETERS feedcomp.N.feed float rw Feed rate reference value NOTES Note that if enable is false, out = in LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 155 FLIPFLOP(9) HAL Component FLIPFLOP(9) NAME flipflop − D type flip-flop SYNOPSIS loadrt flipflop [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS flipflop.N PINS bit in data input flipflop.N.clk bit in clock, rising edge writes data to out flipflop.N.set bit in when true, force out true flipflop.N.reset bit in when true, force out false; overrides set flipflop.N.out bit io output LICENSE GPL 156 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation GANTRYKINS(9) HAL Component GANTRYKINS(9) NAME gantrykins − A kinematics module that maps one axis to multiple joints SYNOPSIS loadrt gantrykins coordinates=axisletters Specifying gantry joint mapping via loadrt The coordinates= parameter specifies the initial gantry joint mapping. Each axis letter is mapped to a joint, starting from 0. So coordinates=XYYZ maps the X axis to joint 0, the Y axis to joint 1 and 2, and the Z axis to joint 3. If not specified, the default mapping is coordinates=XYZABC. Coordinate letters may be specified in uppercase or lowercase. A note about joints and axes LinuxCNC makes a distinction between joints and axes: a joint is something controlled by a motor, and an axis is a coordinate you can move via G-code. You can also jog joints or jog axes. A gantry has two joints controlling one axis, and this requires a bit of special care. Homing always happens in joint mode (aka Free mode). The two joints of a gantry’s axis must be homed together, so they must have the same [AXIS_n]HOME_SEQUENCE in the .ini file. Jogging of a gantry must happen in world mode (aka Teleop mode). If you jog a gantry in joint mode (Free mode), you will move just one of the joints, and the gantry will rack. In contrast, if you jog a gantry in world mode (Teleop mode), it’s the axis that jogs: linuxcnc will coordinate the motion of the two joints that make up the axis, both joints will move together, and the gantry will stay square. The Axis GUI has provisions for jogging in joint mode (Free) and in world mode (Teleop). Use the "$" hotkey, or the View menu to switch between them. Joint-mode (aka Free mode) supports continuous and incremental jogging. World-mode (aka Teleop mode) only supports continuous jogging. KINEMATICS In the inverse kinematics, each joint gets the value of its corresponding axis. In the forward kinematics, each axis gets the value of the highest numbered corresponding joint. For example, with coordinates=XYYZ the Y axis position comes from joint 2, not joint 1. FUNCTIONS None. PINS None. PARAMETERS gantrykins.joint-N (s32) Specifies the axis mapped to joint N. The values 0 through 8 correspond to the axes XYZABCUVW. It is preferable to use the "coordinates=" parameter at loadrt-time rather than setting the joint-N parameters later, because the gantrykins module prints the joint-to-axis mapping at loadrt-time, and having that output correct is nice. LinuxCNC Documentation 2010-10-12 157 GANTRYKINS(9) HAL Component GANTRYKINS(9) NOTES gantrykins must be loaded before motion. SEE ALSO Kinematics section in the LinuxCNC documentation LICENSE GPL 158 2010-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation GEARCHANGE(9) HAL Component GEARCHANGE(9) NAME gearchange − Select from one two speed ranges SYNOPSIS The output will be a value scaled for the selected gear, and clamped to the min/max values for that gear. The scale of gear 1 is assumed to be 1, so the output device scale should be chosen accordingly. The scale of gear 2 is relative to gear 1, so if gear 2 runs the spindle 2.5 times as fast as gear 1, scale2 should be set to 2.5. FUNCTIONS gearchange.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS gearchange.N.sel bit in Gear selection input gearchange.N.speed-in float in Speed command input gearchange.N.speed-out float out Speed command to DAC/PWM gearchange.N.dir-in bit in Direction command input gearchange.N.dir-out bit out Direction output - possibly inverted for second gear PARAMETERS gearchange.N.min1 float rw (default: 0) Minimum allowed speed in gear range 1 gearchange.N.max1 float rw (default: 100000) Maximum allowed speed in gear range 1 gearchange.N.min2 float rw (default: 0) Minimum allowed speed in gear range 2 gearchange.N.max2 float rw (default: 100000) Maximum allowed speed in gear range 2 gearchange.N.scale2 float rw (default: 1.0) Relative scale of gear 2 vs. gear 1 Since it is assumed that gear 2 is "high gear", scale2 must be greater than 1, and will be reset to 1 if set lower. gearchange.N.reverse bit rw (default: 0) Set to 1 to reverse the spindle in second gear LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 159 gladevcp(9) HAL Component gladevcp(9) NAME gladevcp − displays Virtual control Panels built with GTK / GLADE SYNOPSIS loadusr gladevcp [-c componentname0xN] [-g WxH+Xoffset+Yoffset0xN] [-H halcmdfile] [-x windowid] DESCRIPTION gladevcp parses a glade file and displays the widgets in a window. Then calls gladevcp_makepins which again parses the gladefile looking for specific HAL widgets then makes HAL pins and sets up updating for them. The HAL component name defaults to the basename of the glade file. The -x option directs gladevcp to reparent itself under this X window id instead of creating its own toplevel window. The -H option passes an input file for halcmd to be run after the gladevcp component is initialized. This is used in Axis when running gladevcp under a tab with the EMBED_TAB_NAME/EMBED_TAB_COMMAND ini file feature. gladevcp supports gtkbuilder or libglade files though some widgets are not fully supported in gtkbuilder yet. ISSUES For now system links need to be added in the glade library folders to point to our new widgets and catalog files. look in lib/python/gladevcp/READ_ME for details 160 2010-08-24 LinuxCNC Documentation GRAY2BIN(9) HAL Component GRAY2BIN(9) NAME gray2bin − convert a gray-code input to binary SYNOPSIS loadrt gray2bin [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION Converts a gray-coded number into the corresponding binary value FUNCTIONS gray2bin.N PINS u32 in gray code in gray2bin.N.out u32 out binary code out AUTHOR andy pugh LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 161 HM2_7I43(9) HAL Component HM2_7I43(9) NAME hm2_7i43 − LinuxCNC HAL driver for the Mesa Electronics 7i43 EPP Anything IO board with HostMot2 firmware. SYNOPSIS loadrt hm2_7i43 [ioaddr=N[,N...]] [ioaddr_hi=N[,N...]] [epp_wide=N[,N...]] [config="str[,str...]"] [debug_epp=N[,N...]] ioaddr [default: 0x378] The base address of the parallel port. ioaddr_hi [default: 0] The secondary address of the parallel port, used to set EPP mode. 0 means to use ioaddr + 0x400. epp_wide [default: 1] Set to zero to disable the "wide EPP mode". "Wide" mode allows a 16- and 32-bit EPP transfers, which can reduce the time spent in the read and write functions. However, this may not work on all EPP parallel ports. config [default: ""] HostMot2 config strings, described in the hostmot2(9) manpage. debug_epp [default: 0] Developer/debug use only! Enable debug logging of most EPP transfers. DESCRIPTION hm2_7i43 is a device driver that interfaces the Mesa 7i43 board with the HostMot2 firmware to the LinuxCNC HAL. Both the 200K and the 400K FPGAs are supported. The driver talks with the 7i43 over the parallel port, not over USB. USB can be used to power the 7i43, but not to talk to it. USB communication with the 7i43 will not be supported any time soon, since USB has poor real-time qualities. The driver programs the board’s FPGA with firmware when it registers the board with the hostmot2 driver. The old bfload(1) firmware loading method is not used anymore. Instead the firmware to load is specified in the config modparam, as described in the hostmot2(9) manpage, in the config modparam section. Some parallel ports require special initialization before they can be used. LinuxCNC provides a kernel driver that does this initialization called probe_parport. Load this driver before loading hm2_7i43, by putting "loadrt probe_parport" in your .hal file. Jumper settings To send the FPGA configuration from the PC, the board must be configured to get its firmware from the EPP port. To do this, jumpers W4 and W5 must both be down, ie toward the USB connector. The board must be configured to power on whether or not the USB interface is active. This is done by setting jumper W7 up, ie away from the edge of the board. Communicating with the board The 7i43 communicates with the LinuxCNC computer over EPP, the Enhanced Parallel Port. This provides about 1 MBps of throughput, and the communication latency is very predictable and reasonably low. The parallel port must support EPP 1.7 or EPP 1.9. EPP 1.9 is prefered, but EPP 1.7 will work too. The EPP mode of the parallel port is sometimes a setting in the BIOS. Note that the popular "NetMOS" aka "MosChip 9805" PCI parport cards do not work. They do not meet the EPP spec, and cannot be reliably used with the 7i43. You have to find another card, sorry. EPP is very reliable under normal circumstances, but bad cabling or excessively long cabling runs may 162 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HM2_7I43(9) HAL Component HM2_7I43(9) cause communication timeouts. The driver exports a parameter named hm2_7i43..io_error to inform HAL of this condition. When the driver detects an EPP timeout, it sets io_error to True and stops communicating with the 7i43 board. Setting io_error back to False makes the driver start trying to communicate with the 7i43 again. Access to the EPP bus is not threadsafe: only one realtime thread may access the EPP bus. SEE ALSO hostmot2(9) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 163 HM2_7I90(9) HAL Component HM2_7I90(9) NAME hm2_7i90 − LinuxCNC HAL driver for the Mesa Electronics 7i90 EPP Anything IO board with HostMot2 firmware. SYNOPSIS loadrt hm2_7i90 [ioaddr=N[,N...]] [ioaddr_hi=N[,N...]] [epp_wide=N[,N...]] [debug_epp=N[,N...]] ioaddr [default: 0x378] The base address of the parallel port. ioaddr_hi [default: 0] The secondary address of the parallel port, used to set EPP mode. 0 means to use ioaddr + 0x400. epp_wide [default: 1] Set to zero to disable the "wide EPP mode". "Wide" mode allows a 16- and 32-bit EPP transfers, which can reduce the time spent in the read and write functions. However, this may not work on all EPP parallel ports. debug_epp [default: 0] Developer/debug use only! Enable debug logging of most EPP transfers. DESCRIPTION hm2_7i90 is a device driver that interfaces the Mesa 7i90 board with the HostMot2 firmware to the LinuxCNC HAL. The 7i90 firmware is fixed, it is not programmed by the driver at load time. The driver talks with the 7i90 over the parallel port, via EPP. Some parallel ports require special initialization before they can be used. LinuxCNC provides a kernel driver that does this initialization called probe_parport. Load this driver before loading hm2_7i90, by putting "loadrt probe_parport" in your .hal file. The hm2_7i90 driver requires an in-kernel EPP communications API. This is provided by the ’epp’ driver. Load this driver before loading hm2_7i90, by putting ’loadrt epp’ in your .hal file. Communicating with the board The 7i90 communicates with the LinuxCNC computer over EPP, the Enhanced Parallel Port. This provides about 1 MBps of throughput, and the communication latency is very predictable and reasonably low. The parallel port must support EPP 1.7 or EPP 1.9. EPP 1.9 is prefered, but EPP 1.7 will work too. The EPP mode of the parallel port is sometimes a setting in the BIOS. Note that the popular "NetMOS" aka "MosChip 9805" PCI parport cards do not work. They do not meet the EPP spec, and cannot be reliably used with the 7i90. You have to find another card, sorry. EPP is very reliable under normal circumstances, but bad cabling or excessively long cabling runs may cause communication timeouts. The driver exports a parameter named hm2_7i90..io_error to inform HAL of this condition. When the driver detects an EPP timeout, it sets io_error to True and stops communicating with the 7i90 board. Setting io_error back to False makes the driver start trying to communicate with the 7i90 again. Access to the EPP bus is not threadsafe: only one realtime thread may access the EPP bus. SEE ALSO hostmot2(9) 164 2013-10-27 LinuxCNC Documentation HM2_7I90(9) HAL Component HM2_7I90(9) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2013-10-27 165 HM2_PCI(9) HAL Component HM2_PCI(9) NAME hm2_pci − LinuxCNC HAL driver for the Mesa Electronics PCI-based Anything IO boards, with HostMot2 firmware. SYNOPSIS loadrt hm2_pci [config="str[,str...]"] config [default: ""] HostMot2 config strings, described in the hostmot2(9) manpage. DESCRIPTION hm2_pci is a device driver that interfaces Mesa’s PCI and PC-104/Plus based Anything I/O boards (with the HostMot2 firmware) to the LinuxCNC HAL. The supported boards are: the 5i20, 5i21, 5i22, 5i23, 5i24, and 5i25 (all on PCI); the 4i65, 4i68, and 4i69 (on PC-104/Plus), and the 3x20 (using a 6i68 or 7i68 carrier card) and 6i25 (on PCI Express). The driver optionally programs the board’s FPGA with firmware when it registers the board with the hostmot2 driver. The firmware to load is specified in the config modparam, as described in the hostmot2(9) manpage, in the config modparam section. SEE ALSO hostmot2(9) LICENSE GPL 166 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) NAME hostmot2 − LinuxCNC HAL driver for the Mesa Electronics HostMot2 firmware. SYNOPSIS See the config modparam section below for Mesa card configuration. Typically hostmot2 is loaded with no parameters unless debugging is required. loadrt hostmot2 [debug_idrom=N] [debug_module_descriptors=N] [debug_pin_descriptors=N] [debug_modules=N] debug_idrom [default: 0] Developer/debug use only! Enable debug logging of the HostMot2 IDROM header. debug_module_descriptors [default: 0] Developer/debug use only! Enable debug logging of the HostMot2 Module Descriptors. debug_pin_descriptors [default: 0] Developer/debug use only! Enable debug logging of the HostMot2 Pin Descriptors. debug_modules [default: 0] Developer/debug use only! Enable debug logging of the HostMot2 Modules used. DESCRIPTION hostmot2 is a device driver that interfaces the Mesa HostMot2 firmware to the LinuxCNC HAL. This driver by itself does nothing, the boards that actually run the firmware require their own drivers before anything can happen. Currently drivers are available for the 5i20, 5i22, 5i23, 5i25, 3x20, 4i65, and 4i68 (all using the hm2_pci module) and the 7i43 (using the hm2_7i43 module). The HostMot2 firmware provides modules such as encoders, PWM generators, step/dir generators, and general purpose I/O pins (GPIOs). These things are called "Modules". The firmware is configured, at firmware compile time, to provide zero or more instances of each of these Modules. Board I/O Pins The HostMot2 firmware runs on an FPGA board. The board interfaces with the computer via PCI, PC-104/Plus, or EPP, and interfaces with motion control hardware such as servos and stepper motors via I/O pins on the board. Each I/O pin can be configured, at board-driver load time, to serve one of two purposes: either as a particular I/O pin of a particular Module instance (encoder, pwmgen, stepgen etc), or as a general purpose digital I/O pin. By default all Module instances are enabled, and all the board’s pins are used by the Module instances. The user can disable Module instances at board-driver load time, by specifying a hostmot2 config string modparam. Any pins which belong to Module instances that have been disabled automatically become GPIOs. All IO pins have some HAL presence, whether they belong to an active module instance or are full GPIOs. GPIOs can be changed (at run-time) between inputs, normal outputs, and open drains, and have a flexible HAL interface. IO pins that belong to active Module instances are constrained by the requirements of the owning Module, and have a more limited interface in HAL. This is described in the General Purpose I/O section below. config modparam All the board-driver modules (hm2_pci and hm2_7i43) accept a load-time modparam of type string array, named "config". This array has one config string for each board the driver should use. Each board’s config string is passed to and parsed by the hostmot2 driver when the board-driver registers the board. The config string can contain spaces, so it is usually a good idea to wrap the whole thing in double-quotes (the " character). LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 167 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) The comma character (,) separates members of the config array from each other. For example, if your control computer has one 5i20 and one 5i23 you might load the hm2_pci driver with a HAL command (in halcmd) something like this: loadrt hm2_pci config="firmware=hm2/5i20/SVST8_4.BIT num_encoders=3 num_pwmgens=3 num_stepgens=3,firmw Note: this assumes that the hm2_pci driver detects the 5i20 first and the 5i23 second. If the detection order does not match the order of the config strings, the hostmot2 driver will refuse to load the firmware and the board-driver (hm2_pci or hm2_7i43) will fail to load. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to predict the order in which PCI boards will be detected by the driver, but the detection order will be consistent as long as PCI boards are not moved around. Best to try loading it and see what the detection order is. The valid entries in the format string are: [firmware=F] [num_encoders=N] [ssi_chan_N=abc%nq] [biss_chan_N=abc%nq] [fanuc_chan_N=abc%nq] [num_resolvers=N] [num_pwmgens=N] [num_3pwmgens=N] [num_stepgens=N] [stepgen_width=N] [sserial_port_0=00000000] [num_leds=N] [enable_raw] firmware [optional] Load the firmware specified by F into the FPGA on this board. If no "firmware=F" string is specified, the FPGA will not be re-programmed but may continue to run a previously downloaded firmware. The requested firmware F is fetched by udev. udev searches for the firmware in the system’s firmware search path, usually /lib/firmware. F typically has the form "hm2//file.bit"; a typical value for F might be "hm2/5i20/SVST8_4.BIT". The hostmot2 firmware files are supplied by the hostmot2-firmware packages, available from and can normally be installed by entering the command "sudo apt-get install hostmot2-firmware-5i23" to install the support files for the 5i23 for example. The 5i25 / 6i25 come pre-programmed with firmware and no "firmware=" string should be used with these cards. To change the firmware on a 5i25 or 6i25 the "mesaflash" utility should be used (available from Mesa). It is perfectly valid and reasonable to load these cards with no config string at all. num_dplls [optional, default: -1] The hm2dpll is a phase-locked loop timer module which may be used to trigger certain types of encoder. This parameter can be used to disable the hm2dpll by setting the number to 0. There is only ever one module of this type, with 4 timer channels, so the other valid numbers are -1 (enable all) and 1, both of which end up meaning the same thing. num_encoders [optional, default: -1] Only enable the first N encoders. If N is -1, all encoders are enabled. If N is 0, no encoders are enabled. If N is greater than the number of encoders available in the firmware, the board will fail to register. 168 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) ssi_chan_N [optional, default: ""] Specifies how the bit stream from a Synchronous Serial Interface device will be interpreted. There should be an entry for each device connected. Only channels with a format specifier will be enabled. (as the software can not guess data rates and bit lengths) biss_chan_N [optional, default: ""] As for ssi_chan_N, but for BiSS devices fanuc_chan_N [optional, default: ""] Specifies how the bit stream from a Fanuc absolute encoder will be interpreted. There should be an entry for each device connected. Only channels with a format specifier will be enabled. (as the software can not guess data rates and bit lengths) num_resolvers [optional, default: -1] Only enable the first N resolvers. If N = -1 then all resolvers are enabled. This module does not work with generic resolvers (unlike the encoder module which works with any encoder). At the time of writing the Hostmot2 Resolver function only works with the Mesa 7i49 card. num_pwmgens [optional, default: -1] Only enable the first N pwmgens. If N is -1, all pwmgens are enabled. If N is 0, no pwmgens are enabled. If N is greater than the number of pwmgens available in the firmware, the board will fail to register. num_3pwmgens [optional, default: -1] Only enable the first N Three-phase pwmgens. If N is -1, all 3pwmgens are enabled. If N is 0, no pwmgens are enabled. If N is greater than the number of pwmgens available in the firmware, the board will fail to register. num_stepgens [optional, default: -1] Only enable the first N stepgens. If N is -1, all stepgens are enabled. If N is 0, no stepgens are enabled. If N is greater than the number of stepgens available in the firmware, the board will fail to register. stepgen_width [optional, default: 2] Used to mask extra, unwanted, stepgen pins. Stepper drives typically require only two pins (step and dir) but the Hostmot2 stepgen can drive up to 8 output pins for specialised applications (depending on firmware). This parameter applies to all stepgen instances. Unused, masked pins will be available as GPIO. sserial_port_N (N = 0 .. 3) [optional, default: 00000000 for all ports] Up to 32 Smart Serial devices can be connected to a Mesa Anything IO board depending on the firmware used and the number of physical connections on the board. These are arranged in 1-4 ports of 1 to 8 channels. Some Smart Serial (SSLBP) cards offer more than one load-time configuration, for example all inputs, or all outputs, or offering additional analogue input on some digital pins. To set the modes for port 0 use, for example sserial_port_0=0120xxxx A ’0’in the string sets the corresponding port to mode 0, 1 to mode 1, and so on up to mode 9. An "x" in any position disables that channel and makes the corresponding FPGA pins available as GPIO. The string can be up to 8 characters long, and if it defines more modes than there are channels on the port then the extras are ignored. Channel numbering is left to right so the example above would set sserial device 0.0 to mode 0, 0.2 to mode2 and disable channels 0.4 onwards. The sserial driver will auto-detect connected devices, no further configuration should be needed. Unconnected channels will default to GPIO, LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 169 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) but the pin values will vary semi-randomly during boot when carddetection runs, to it is best to actively disable any channel that is to be used for GPIO. num_bspis [optional, default: -1] Only enable the first N Buffered SPI drivers. If N is -1 then all the drivers are enabled. Each BSPI driver can address 16 devices. num_leds [optional, default: -1] Only enable the first N of the LEDs on the FPGA board. If N is -1, then HAL pins for all the LEDs will be created. If N=0 then no pins will be added. enable_raw [optional] If specified, this turns on a raw access mode, whereby a user can peek and poke the firmware from HAL. See Raw Mode below. dpll The hm2dpll module has pins like "hm2_..dpll" It is likely that the pin-count will decrease in the future and that some pins will become parameters. This module is a phase-locked loop that will synchronise itself with the thread in which the hostmot2 "read" function is installed and will trigger other functions that are allocated to it at a specified time before or after the "read" function runs. This can currently only be applied to the three absolute encoder types and is intended to ensure that the data is ready when needed, and as fresh as possible. Pins: (float, in) hm2_..dpll.NN.timer-us This pin sets the triggering offset of the associated timer. There are 4 timers numbered 01 to 04, represented by the NN digits in the pin name. The units are micro-seconds. Negative numbers indicate that the trigger should occur prior to the main hostmot2 write. It is anticipated that this value will be calculated from the known bit-count and data-rate of the functions to be triggered. Alternatively you can just keep making the number more negative until the over-run error bit in the encoder goes false. The default value is set to 100uS, enough time for approximately 50 bits to be transmitted at 500kHz. For very critical systems it may be worth reducing this until errors appear, and for very long bit-length or slow encoders it will need to be increased. (float, in) hm2_..dpll.base-freq-khz This pin sets the base frequency of the phase-locked loop. by default it will be set to the nominal frequency of the thread in which the PLL is running and wil not normally need to be changed. (float, out) hm2_..dpll.phase-error-us Indicates the phase eror of the DPLL. If the number cycles by a large amount it is likely that the PLL has failed to achieve lock and adjustments will need to be made. (u32, in) hm2_..dpll.time-const" The filter time-constant for the PLL. Default 40960 (0xA000) (u32, in) hm2_..dpll.plimit" Sets the phase adjustment limit of the PLL. If the value is zero then the PLL will free-run at the base frequency independent of the servo thread rate. This is probably not what you want. Default 4194304 (0x400000) Units not known... 170 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) (u32, out) hm2_..dpll.ddsize Used internally by the driver, likely to disappear. (u32, in) hm2_..dpll.prescale Prescale factor for the rate generator. Default 1. encoder Encoders have names like "hm2_..encoder.". "Instance" is a two-digit number that corresponds to the HostMot2 encoder instance number. There are ’num_encoders’ instances, starting with 00. So, for example, the HAL pin that has the current position of the second encoder of the first 5i20 board is: hm2_5i20.0.encoder.01.position (this assumes that the firmware in that board is configured so that this HAL object is available) Each encoder uses three or four input IO pins, depending on how the firmware was compiled. Three-pin encoders use A, B, and Index (sometimes also known as Z). Four-pin encoders use A, B, Index, and Index-mask. The hm2 encoder representation is similar to the one described by the Canonical Device Interface (in the HAL General Reference document), and to the software encoder component. Each encoder instance has the following pins and parameters: Pins: (s32 out) count Number of encoder counts since the previous reset. (float out) position Encoder position in position units (count / scale). (float out) velocity Estimated encoder velocity in position units per second. (bit in) reset When this pin is TRUE, the count and position pins are set to 0. (The value of the velocity pin is not affected by this.) The driver does not reset this pin to FALSE after resetting the count to 0, that is the user’s job. (bit in/out) index-enable When this pin is set to True, the count (and therefore also position) are reset to zero on the next Index (Phase-Z) pulse. At the same time, index-enable is reset to zero to indicate that the pulse has occurred. (s32 out) rawcounts Total number of encoder counts since the start, not adjusted for index or reset. Parameters: LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 171 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) (float r/w) scale Converts from ’count’ units to ’position’ units. (bit r/w) index-invert If set to True, the rising edge of the Index input pin triggers the Index event (if index-enable is True). If set to False, the falling edge triggers. (bit r/w) index-mask If set to True, the Index input pin only has an effect if the Index-Mask input pin is True (or False, depending on the index-mask-invert pin below). (bit r/w) index-mask-invert If set to True, Index-Mask must be False for Index to have an effect. If set to False, the Index-Mask pin must be True. (bit r/w) counter-mode Set to False (the default) for Quadrature. Set to True for Step/Dir (in which case Step is on the A pin and Dir is on the B pin). (bit r/w) filter If set to True (the default), the quadrature counter needs 15 clocks to register a change on any of the three input lines (any pulse shorter than this is rejected as noise). If set to False, the quadrature counter needs only 3 clocks to register a change. The encoder sample clock runs at 33 MHz on the PCI AnyIO cards and 50 MHz on the 7i43. (float r/w) vel-timeout When the encoder is moving slower than one pulse for each time that the driver reads the count from the FPGA (in the hm2_read() function), the velocity is harder to estimate. The driver can wait several iterations for the next pulse to arrive, all the while reporting the upper bound of the encoder velocity, which can be accurately guessed. This parameter specifies how long to wait for the next pulse, before reporting the encoder stopped. This parameter is in seconds. Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) (Not to be confused with the Smart Serial Interface) One pin is created for each SSI instance regardless of data format: (bit, in) This pin will be set "true" if the module was still transferring data when the value was read. When this problem exists there will also be a limited number of error messages printed to the UI. This pin should be used to monitor whether the problem has been addressed by config changes. Solutions to the problem dpend on whether the encoder read is being triggered by the hm2dpll phase-locked-loop timer (described above) or by the trigger-encoders function (described below). The names of the pins created by the SSI module will depend entirely on the format string for each channel specified in the loadrt command line. A typical format string might be ssi_chan_0=error%1bposition%24g This would interpret the LSB of the bit-stream as a bit-type pin named "error" and the next 24 bits as a Gray-coded encoder counter. The encoder-related HAL pins would all 172 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) begin with "position". There should be no spaces in the format string, as this is used as a delimiter by the lowlevel code. The format consists of a string of alphanumeric characters that will form the HAL pin names, followed by a % symbol, a bit-count and a data type. All bits in the packet must be defined, even if they are not used. There is a limit of 64 bits in total. The valid format characters and the pins they create are: p: (Pad). Does not create any pins, used to ignore sections of the bit stream that are not required. b: (Boolean). (bit, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM.. If any bits in the designated field width are non-zero then the HAL pin will be "true". (bit, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM.-not. An inverted version of the above, the HAL pin will be "true" if all bits in the field are zero. u: (Unsigned) (float, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM.. The value of the bits interpeted as an unsigned integer then scaled such that the pin value will equal the scalemax parameter value when all bits are high. (for example if the field is 8 bits wide and the scalmax parameter was 20 then a value of 255 would return 20, and 0 would return 0. s: (Signed) (float, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM.. The value of the bits interpreted as a 2s complement signed number then scaled similarly to the unsigned variant, except symmetrical around zero. f: (bitField) (bit, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM.-NN. The value of each individual bit in the data field. NN starts at 00 up to the number of bits in the field. (bit, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM.-NN-not. An inverted version of the individual bit values. e: (Encoder) (s32, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..count. The lower 32 bits of the total encoder counts. This value is reset both by the ...reset and the ...index- enable pins. (s32, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..rawcounts. The lower 32 bits of the total encoder counts. The pin is not affected by reset and index. (float, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..position. The encoder position in machine units. This is calculated from the full 64-bit buffers so will show a true value even after the counts pins have wrapped. It is zeroed by reset and index enable. (bit, IO) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..index-enable. When this pin is set "true" the module will wait until the raw encoder counts next passes through an integer multiple of the number of counts specified by counts-per-rev parameter and then it will zero the counts and position pins, and set the index-enable pin back to "false" as a signal to the system that "index" has been passed. this pin is used for spindle-synchronised motion and index-homing. (bit, in) (bit, out) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..reset. When this pin is set high the counts and position pins are zeroed. LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 173 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) h: (Split encoder, high-order bits) Some encoders (Including Fanuc) place the encoder part-turn counts and fullturn counts in separate, non-contiguous fields. This tag defines the high-order bits of such an encoder module. There can be only one h and one l tag per channel, the behaviour with multiple such channels will be undefined. l: (Split encoder, low-order bits) Low order bits (see "h") g: (Gray-code). This is a modifier that indicates that the following format string is gray-code encoded. This is only valid for encoders (e, h l) and unsigned (u) data types. Parameters: Two parameters is universally created for all SSI instances (float r/w) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM.frequency-khz This parameter sets the SSI clock frequency. The units are kHz, so 500 will give a clock frequency of 500,000 Hz. (u32 r/w) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM.timer-num This parameter allocates the SSI module to a specific hm2dpll timer instance. This pin is only of use in firmwares which contain a hm2dpll function and will default to 1 in cases where there is such a function, and 0 if there is not. The pin can be used to disable reads of the encoder, by setting to a nonexistent timer number, or to 0. Other parameters depend on the data types specified in the config string. p: (Pad) No Parameters. b: (Boolean) No Parameters. u: (Unsigned) (float, r/w) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..scalemax. The scaling factor for the channel. s: (Signed) (float, r/w) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..scalemax. The scaling factor for the channel. f: (bitField): No parameters. e: (Encoder): (float, r/w) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..scale: (float, r.w) The encoder scale in counts per machine unit. (u32, r/w) hm2_XiXX.N.ssi.MM..counts-per-rev (u32, r/w) Used to emulate the index behaviour of an incemental+index encoder. This would normally be set to the actual counts per rev of the encoder, but can be any whole number of revs. Integer divisors or multimpilers of the true PPR might be useful for index-homing. Non-integer factors might be appropriate where there is a synchronous drive ratio between the encoder and the spindle or ballscrew. BiSS BiSS is a bidirectional variant of SSI. Currently only a single direction is supported by LinuxCNC (encoder to PC). 174 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) One pin is created for each BiSS instance regardless of data format: (bit, in) This pin will be set "true" if the module was still transferring data when the value was read. When this problem exists there will also be a limited number of error messages printed to the UI. This pin should be used to monitor whether the problem has been addressed by config changes. Solutions to the problem dpend on whether the encoder read is being triggered by the hm2dpll phaselocked-loop timer (described above) or by the trigger-encoders function (described below) The names of the pins created by the BiSS module will depend entirely on the format string for each channel specified in the loadrt command line and follow closely the format defined above for SSI. Currently data packets of up to 96 bits are supported by the LinuxCNC driver, although the Mesa Hostmot2 module can handle 512 bit packets. It should be possible to extend the number of packets supported by the driver if there is a requirement to do so. Fanuc encoder. The pins and format specifier for this module are identical to the SSI module described above, except that at least one pre-configured format is provided. A modparam of fanuc_chan_N=AA64 (case sensitive) will configure the channel for a Fanuc Aa64 encoder. The pins created are: hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.batt indicates battery state hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.batt-not inverted version of above hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.comm The 0-1023 absolute output for motor commutation hm2_XXiX.N.fanuc.MM.crc The CRC checksum. Currently HAL has no way to use this hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.encoder.count Encoder counts hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.encoder.index-enable Simulated index. Set by counts-per-rev parameter hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.encoder.position Counts scaled by the ...scale paramter hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.encoder.rawcounts Raw counts, unaffected by reset or index hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.encoder.reset If high/true then counts and position = 0 hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.valid Indicates that the absolute position is valid hm2_XiXX.N.fanuc.MM.valid-not Inverted version resolver Resolvers have names like hm2_..resolver.. ..pwmgen.". "Instance" is a two-digit number that corresponds to the HostMot2 pwmgen instance number. There are ’num_pwmgens’ instances, starting with 00. So, for example, the HAL pin that enables output from the fourth pwmgen of the first 7i43 board is: hm2_7i43.0.pwmgen.03.enable (this assumes that the firmware in that board is configured so that this HAL object is available) In HM2, each pwmgen uses three output IO pins: Not-Enable, Out0, and Out1. The function of the Out0 and Out1 IO pins varies with output-type parameter (see below). The hm2 pwmgen representation is similar to the software pwmgen component. Each pwmgen instance has the following pins and parameters: Pins: (bit input) enable If true, the pwmgen will set its Not-Enable pin false and output its pulses. If ’enable’ is false, pwmgen will set its Not-Enable pin true and not output any signals. (float input) value The current pwmgen command value, in arbitrary units. Parameters: (float rw) scale Scaling factor to convert ’value’ from arbitrary units to duty cycle: dc = value / scale. Duty cycle has an effective range of -1.0 to +1.0 inclusive, anything outside that range gets clipped. The default scale is 1.0. (s32 rw) output-type This emulates the output_type load-time argument to the software pwmgen component. This parameter may be changed at runtime, but most of the time you probably want to set it at startup and then leave it alone. Accepted values are 1 (PWM on Out0 and Direction on Out1), 2 (Up on Out0 and Down on Out1), 3 (PDM mode, PDM on Out0 and Dir on Out1), and 4 (Direction on Out0 and PWM on Out1, "for locked antiphase"). In addition to the per-instance HAL Parameters listed above, there are a couple LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 177 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) of HAL Parameters that affect all the pwmgen instances: (u32 rw) pwm_frequency This specifies the PWM frequency, in Hz, of all the pwmgen instances running in the PWM modes (modes 1 and 2). This is the frequency of the variable-dutycycle wave. Its effective range is from 1 Hz up to 193 kHz. Note that the max frequency is determined by the ClockHigh frequency of the Anything IO board; the 5i20 and 7i43 both have a 100 MHz clock, resulting in a 193 kHz max PWM frequency. Other boards may have different clocks, resulting in different max PWM frequencies. If the user attempts to set the frequency too high, it will be clipped to the max supported frequency of the board. Frequencies below about 5 Hz are not terribly accurate, but above 5 Hz they’re pretty close. The default pwm_frequency is 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). (u32 rw) pdm_frequency This specifies the PDM frequency, in Hz, of all the pwmgen instances running in PDM mode (mode 3). This is the "pulse slot frequency"; the frequency at which the pdm generator in the AnyIO board chooses whether to emit a pulse or a space. Each pulse (and space) in the PDM pulse train has a duration of 1/pdm_frequency seconds. For example, setting the pdm_frequency to 2e6 (2 MHz) and the duty cycle to 50% results in a 1 MHz square wave, identical to a 1 MHz PWM signal with 50% duty cycle. The effective range of this parameter is from about 1525 Hz up to just under 100 MHz. Note that the max frequency is determined by the ClockHigh frequency of the Anything IO board; the 5i20 and 7i43 both have a 100 MHz clock, resulting in a 100 Mhz max PDM frequency. Other boards may have different clocks, resulting in different max PDM frequencies. If the user attempts to set the frequency too high, it will be clipped to the max supported frequency of the board. The default pdm_frequency is 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). 3ppwmgen Three-Phase PWM generators (3pwmgens) are intended for controlling the high-side and low-side gates in a 3-phase motor driver. The function is included to support the Mesa motor controller daughter-cards but can be used to control an IGBT or similar driver directly. 3pwmgens have names like "hm2_..3pwmgen." where is a 2-digit number. There will be num_3pwmgens instances, starting at 00. Each instance allocates 7 output and one input pins on the Mesa card connectors. Outputs are: PWM A, PWM B, PWM C, /PWM A, /PWM B, /PWM C, Enable. The first three pins are the high side drivers, the second three are their complementary low-side drivers. The enable bit is intended to control the servo amplifier. The input bit is a fault bit, typically wired to over-current detection. When set the PWM generator is disabled. The three phase duty-cycles are individually controllable from -Scale to +Scale. Note that 0 corresponds to a 50% duty cycle and this is the inialization value. Pins: (float input) A-value, B-value, C-value: The PWM command value for each phase, limited to +/- "scale". Defaults to zero which is 50% duty cycle on high-side and low-sidepins (but see the "deadtime" parameter) (bit input) enable When high the PWM is enabled as long as the fault bit is not set by the external fault input pin. When low the PWM is disabled, with both high- side and low- 178 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) side drivers low. This is not the same as 0 output (50% duty cycle on both sets of pins) or negative full scale (where the low side drivers are "on" 100% of the time) (bit output) fault Indicates the status of the fault bit. This output latches high once set by the physical fault pin until the "enable" pin is set to high. Parameters: (u32 rw) deadtime Sets the dead-time between the high-side driver turning off and the low-side driver turning on and vice-versa. Deadtime is subtracted from on time and added to off time symmetrically. For example with 20 kHz PWM (50 uSec period), 50% duty cycle and zero dead time, the PWM and NPWM outputs would be square waves (NPWM being inverted from PWM) with high times of 25 uS. With the same settings but 1 uS of deadtime, the PWM and NPWM outputs would both have high times of 23 uS (25 - (2X 1 uS), 1 uS per edge). The value is specified in nS and defaults to a rather conservative 5000nS. Setting this parameter to too low a value could be both expensive and dangerous as if both gates are open at the same time there is effectively a short circuit accross the supply. (float rw) scale Sets the half-scale of the specified 3-phase PWM generator. PWM values from -scale to +scale are valid. Default is +/- 1.0 (bit rw) fault-invert Sets the polarity of the fault input pin. A value of 1 means that a fault is triggered with the pin high, and 0 means that a fault it triggered when the pin is pulled low. Default 0, fault = low so that the PWM works with the fault pin unconnected. (u32 rw) sample-time Sets the time during the cycle when an ADC pulse is generated. 0 = start of PWM cycle and 1 = end. Not currently useful to LinuxCNC. Default 0.5. In addition the per-instance parameters above there is the following parameter that affects all instances (u32 rw) frequency Sets the master PWM frequency. Maximum is approx 48kHz, minimum is 1kHz. Defaults to 20kHz. stepgen stepgens have names like "hm2_..stepgen.". "Instance" is a two-digit number that corresponds to the HostMot2 stepgen instance number. There are ’num_stepgens’ instances, starting with 00. So, for example, the HAL pin that has the current position feedback from the first stepgen of the second 5i22 board is: hm2_5i22.1.stepgen.00.position-fb (this assumes that the LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 179 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) firmware in that board is configured so that this HAL object is available) Each stepgen uses between 2 and 6 IO pins. The signals on these pins depends on the step_type parameter (described below). The stepgen representation is modeled on the stepgen software component. Each stepgen instance has the following pins and parameters: Pins: (float input) position-cmd Target position of stepper motion, in arbitrary position units. This pin is only used when the stepgen is in position control mode (control-type=0). (float input) velocity-cmd Target velocity of stepper motion, in arbitrary position units per second. This pin is only used when the stepgen is in velocity control mode (control-type=1). (s32 output) counts Feedback position in counts (number of steps). (float output) position-fb Feedback position in arbitrary position units. This is similar to "counts/position_scale", but has finer than step resolution. (float output) velocity-fb Feedback velocity in arbitrary position units per second. (bit input) enable This pin enables the step generator instance. When True, the stepgen instance works as expected. When False, no steps are generated and velocity-fb goes immediately to 0. If the stepgen is moving when enable goes false it stops immediately, without obeying the maxaccel limit. (bit input) control-type Switches between position control mode (0) and velocity control mode (1). Defaults to position control (0). Parameters: (float r/w) position-scale Converts from counts to position units. position = counts / position_scale (float r/w) maxvel Maximum speed, in position units per second. If set to 0, the driver will always use the maximum possible velocity based on the current step timings and position-scale. The max velocity will change if the step timings or position-scale changes. Defaults to 0. 180 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) (float r/w) maxaccel Maximum acceleration, in position units per second per second. Defaults to 1.0. If set to 0, the driver will not limit its acceleration at all - this requires that the position-cmd or velocity-cmd pin is driven in a way that does not exceed the machine’s capabilities. This is probably what you want if you’re going to be using the LinuxCNC trajectory planner to jog or run G-code. (u32 r/w) steplen Duration of the step signal, in nanoseconds. (u32 r/w) stepspace Minimum interval between step signals, in nanoseconds. (u32 r/w) dirsetup Minimum duration of stable Direction signal before a step begins, in nanoseconds. (u32 r/w) dirhold Minimum duration of stable Direction signal after a step ends, in nanoseconds. (u32 r/w) step_type Output format, like the step_type modparam to the software stegen(9) component. 0 = Step/Dir, 1 = Up/Down, 2 = Quadrature, 3+ = table-lookup mode. In this mode the step_type parameter determines how long the step sequence is. Additionally the stepgen_width parameter in the loadrt config string must be set to suit the number of pins per stepgen required. Any stepgen pins above this number will be available for GPIO. This mask defaults to 2. The maximum length is 16. Note that Table mode is not enabled in all firmwares but if you see GPIO pins between the stepgen instances in the dmesg/log hardware pin list then the option may be available. In Quadrature mode (step_type=2), the stepgen outputs one complete Gray cycle (00 â 01 â 11 â 10 â 00) for each "step" it takes. In table mode up to 6 IO pins are individually controlled in an arbitrary sequence up to 16 phases long. (u32 r/w) table-data-N There are 4 table-data-N parameters, table-data-0 to table-data-3. These each contain 4 bytes corresponding to 4 stages in the step sequence. For example table-data-0 = 0x00000001 would set stepgen pin 0 (always called "Step" in the dmesg output) on the first phase of the step sequence, and table-data-4 = 0x20000000 would set stepgen pin 6 ("Table5Pin" in the dmesg output) on the 16th stage of the step sequence. Smart Serial Interface The Smart Serial Interface allows up to 32 different devices such as the Mesa 8i20 2.2kW 3-phase drive or 7i64 48-way IO cards to be connected to a single FPGA card. The driver auto-detects the connected hardware port, channel and device type. Devices can be connected in any order to any active channel of an active port. (see the config modparam definition above). For full details of the smart-serial devices see man sserial. LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 181 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) BSPI The BSPI (Buffered SPI) driver is unusual in that it does not create any HAL pins. Instead the driver exports a set of functions that can be used by a sub -driver for the attached hardware. Typically these would be written in the "comp" pre-processing language: see or man comp for further details. See man mesa_7i65 and the source of mesa_7i65.comp for details of a typical sub-driver. See man hm2_bspi_setup_chan, man hm2_bspi_write_chan, man hm2_tram_add_bspi_frame, man hm2_allocate_bspi_tram, man hm2_bspi_set_read_funtion and man hm2_bspi_set_write_function for the exported functions. The names of the available channels are printed to standard output during the driver loading process and take the form hm2_..bspi. For example hm2_5i23.0.bspi.0 UART The UART driver also does not create any HAL pins, instead it declares two simple read/write functions and a setup function to be utilised by user-written code. Typically this would be written in the "comp" pre-processing language: see or man comp for further details. See man mesa_uart and the source of mesa_uart.comp for details of a typical sub-driver. See man hm2_uart_setup_chan, man hm2_uart_send, man hm2_uart_read and man hm2_uart_setup. The names of the available uart channels are printed to standard output during the driver loading process and take the form hm2_.uart. For example hm2_5i23.0.uart.0 General Purpose I/O I/O pins on the board which are not used by a module instance are exported to HAL as "full" GPIO pins. Full GPIO pins can be configured at run-time to be inputs, outputs, or open drains, and have a HAL interface that exposes this flexibility. IO pins that are owned by an active module instance are constrained by the requirements of the owning module, and have a restricted HAL interface. GPIOs have names like "hm2_..gpio.". IONum is a three-digit number. The mapping from IONum to connector and pin-on-that-connector is written to the syslog when the driver loads, and it’s documented in Mesa’s manual for the Anything I/O boards. So, for example, the HAL pin that has the current inverted input value read from GPIO 012 of the second 7i43 board is: (this assumes that the firmware in that board is configured so that this HAL object is available) The HAL parameter that controls whether the last GPIO of the first 5i22 is an input or an output is: hm2_5i22.0.gpio.095.is_output (this assumes that the firmware in that board is configured so that this HAL object is available) The hm2 GPIO representation is modeled after the Digital Inputs and Digital Outputs described in the Canonical Device Interface (part of the HAL General Reference document). Each GPIO can have the following HAL Pins: (bit out) in & in_not: State (normal and inverted) of the hardware input pin. Both full GPIO pins and IO pins used as inputs by active module instances have these pins. 182 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) (bit in) out Value to be written (possibly inverted) to the hardware output pin. Only full GPIO pins have this pin. Each GPIO can have the following Parameters: (bit r/w) is_output If set to 0, the GPIO is an input. The IO pin is put in a high-impedance state (weakly pulled high), to be driven by other devices. The logic value on the IO pin is available in the "in" and "in_not" HAL pins. Writes to the "out" HAL pin have no effect. If this parameter is set to 1, the GPIO is an output; its behavior then depends on the "is_opendrain" parameter. Only full GPIO pins have this parameter. (bit r/w) is_opendrain This parameter only has an effect if the "is_output" parameter is true. If this parameter is false, the GPIO behaves as a normal output pin: the IO pin on the connector is driven to the value specified by the "out" HAL pin (possibly inverted), and the value of the "in" and "in_not" HAL pins is undefined. If this parameter is true, the GPIO behaves as an open-drain pin. Writing 0 to the "out" HAL pin drives the IO pin low, writing 1 to the "out" HAL pin puts the IO pin in a high-impedance state. In this high-impedance state the IO pin floats (weakly pulled high), and other devices can drive the value; the resulting value on the IO pin is available on the "in" and "in_not" pins. Only full GPIO pins and IO pins used as outputs by active module instances have this parameter. (bit r/w) invert_output This parameter only has an effect if the "is_output" parameter is true. If this parameter is true, the output value of the GPIO will be the inverse of the value on the "out" HAL pin. Only full GPIO pins and IO pins used as outputs by active module instances have this parameter. led Creates HAL pins for the LEDs on the FPGA board. Pins: (bit in) CR The pins are numbered from CR01 upwards with the name corresponding to the PCB silkscreen. Setting the bit to "true" or 1 lights the led. Watchdog The HostMot2 firmware may include a watchdog Module; if it does, the hostmot2 driver will use it. The HAL representation of the watchdog is named "hm2_..watchdog". The watchdog starts out asleep and inactive. Once you access the board the first time by running any the hm2 HAL functions read(), write(), or pet_watchdog() (see below), the watchdog wakes up. From them on it must be petted periodically or it will bite. Pet the watchdog by running the pet_watchdog() HAL function. When the watchdog bites, all the board’s I/O pins are disconnected from their Module LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 183 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) instances and become high-impedance inputs (pulled high), and all communication with the board stops. The state of the HostMot2 firwmare modules is not disturbed (except for the configuration of the IO Pins). Encoder instances keep counting quadrature pulses, and pwm- and step-generators keep generating signals (which are *not* relayed to the motors, because the IO Pins have become inputs). Resetting the watchdog (by clearing the has_bit pin, see below) resumes communication and resets the I/O pins to the configuration chosen at load-time. If the firmware includes a watchdog, the following HAL objects will be exported: Pins: (bit in/out) has_bit True if the watchdog has bit, False if the watchdog has not bit. If the watchdog has bit and the has_bit bit is True, the user can reset it to False to resume operation. Parameters: (u32 read/write) timeout_ns Watchdog timeout, in nanoseconds. This is initialized to 5,000,000 (5 milliseconds) at module load time. If more than this amount of time passes between calls to the pet_watchdog() function, the watchdog will bite. Functions: pet_watchdog(): Calling this function resets the watchdog timer (postponing the watchdog biting until timeout_ns nanoseconds later). Raw Mode If the "enable_raw" config keyword is specified, some extra debugging pins are made available in HAL. The raw mode HAL pin names begin with "hm2_..raw". With Raw mode enabled, a user may peek and poke the firmware from HAL, and may dump the internal state of the hostmot2 driver to the syslog. Pins: (u32 in) read_address The bottom 16 bits of this is used as the address to read from. (u32 out) read_data Each time the hm2_read() function is called, this pin is updated with the value at .read_address. (u32 in) write_address The bottom 16 bits of this is used as the address to write to. (u32 in) write_data This is the value to write to .write_address. 184 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) (bit in) write_strobe Each time the hm2_write() function is called, this pin is examined. If it is True, then value in .write_data is written to the address in .write_address, and .write_strobe is set back to False. (bit in/out) dump_state This pin is normally False. If it gets set to True the hostmot2 driver will write its representation of the board’s internal state to the syslog, and set the pin back to False. Setting up Smart Serial devices See man setsserial for the current way to set smart-serial eeprom parameters. FUNCTIONS This reads the encoder counters, stepgen feedbacks, and GPIO input pins from the FPGA. hm2_..write This updates the PWM duty cycles, stepgen rates, and GPIO outputs on the FPGA. Any changes to configuration pins such as stepgen timing, GPIO inversions, etc, are also effected by this function. Pet the watchdog to keep it from biting us for a while. hm2_..read_gpio Read the GPIO input pins. Note that the effect of this function is a subset of the effect of the .read() function described above. Normally only .read() is used. The only reason to call this function is if you want to do GPIO things in a fasterthan-servo thread. (This function is not available on the 7i43 due to limitations of the EPP bus.) hm2_..write_gpio Write the GPIO control registers and output pins. Note that the effect of this function is a subset of the effect of the .write() function described above. Normally only .write() is used. The only reason to call this function is if you want to do GPIO things in a faster-than-servo thread. (This function is not available on the 7i43 due to limitations of the EPP bus.) hm2_..trigger-encoders This function will only appear if the firmware contains a BiSS, Fanuc or SSI encoder module and if the firmare does not contain a hm2dpll module (qv) or if the modparam contains num_dplls=0. This function should be inserted first in the thread so that the encoder data is ready when the main function runs. An error message will be printed if the encoder read is not finished in time. It may be possible to avoid this by increasing the data rate. If the problem persists and if "stale" data is acceptable then the function may be placed later in the thread, allowing a full servo cycle for the data to be transferred from the devices. If available it is better to use the synchronous hm2dpll triggering function. SEE ALSO hm2_7i43(9) hm2_pci(9) Mesa’s documentation for the Anything I/O boards, at LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 185 HOSTMOT2(9) HAL Component HOSTMOT2(9) LICENSE GPL 186 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation HYPOT(9) HAL Component HYPOT(9) NAME hypot − Three-input hypotenuse (Euclidean distance) calculator SYNOPSIS loadrt hypot [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS hypot.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS hypot.N.in0 float in hypot.N.in1 float in hypot.N.in2 float in hypot.N.out float out out = sqrt(in0ˆ2 + in1ˆ2 + in2ˆ2) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 187 ILOWPASS(9) HAL Component ILOWPASS(9) NAME ilowpass − Low-pass filter with integer inputs and outputs SYNOPSIS loadrt ilowpass [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION While it may find other applications, this component was written to create smoother motion while jogging with an MPG. In a machine with high acceleration, a short jog can behave almost like a step function. By putting the ilowpass component between the MPG encoder counts output and the axis jog-counts input, this can be smoothed. Choose scale conservatively so that during a single session there will never be more than about 2e9/scale pulses seen on the MPG. Choose gain according to the smoothing level desired. Divide the axis.N.jogscale values by scale. FUNCTIONS ilowpass.N (requires a floating-point thread) Update the output based on the input and parameters PINS s32 in ilowpass.N.out s32 out out tracks in*scale through a low-pass filter of gain per period. PARAMETERS ilowpass.N.scale float rw (default: 1024) A scale factor applied to the output value of the low-pass filter. ilowpass.N.gain float rw (default: .5) Together with the period, sets the rate at which the output changes. Useful range is between 0 and 1, with higher values causing the input value to be tracked more quickly. For instance, a setting of 0.9 causes the output value to go 90% of the way towards the input value in each period AUTHOR Jeff Epler LICENSE GPL 188 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation INTEG(9) HAL Component INTEG(9) NAME integ − Integrator with gain pin and windup limits SYNOPSIS loadrt integ [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS integ.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in integ.N.gain float in (default: 1.0) integ.N.out float out The discrete integral of ’gain * in’ since ’reset’ was deasserted integ.N.reset bit in When asserted, set out to 0 integ.N.max float in (default: 1e20) integ.N.min float in (default: -1e20) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 189 INVERT(9) HAL Component INVERT(9) NAME invert − Compute the inverse of the input signal SYNOPSIS The output will be the mathematical inverse of the input, ie out = 1/in. The parameter deadband can be used to control how close to 0 the denominator can be before the output is clamped to 0. deadband must be at least 1e-8, and must be positive. FUNCTIONS invert.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in Analog input value invert.N.out float out Analog output value PARAMETERS invert.N.deadband float rw The out will be zero if in is between -deadband and +deadband LICENSE GPL 190 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation JOYHANDLE(9) HAL Component JOYHANDLE(9) NAME joyhandle − sets nonlinear joypad movements, deadbands and scales SYNOPSIS loadrt joyhandle [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION The component joyhandle uses the following formula for a non linear joypad movements: y = (scale * (a*xˆpower + b*x)) + offset The parameters a and b are adjusted in such a way, that the function starts at (deadband,offset) and ends at (1,scale+offset). Negative values will be treated point symetrically to origin. Values -deadband < x < +deadband will be set to zero. Values x > 1 and x < -1 will be skipped to ±(scale+offset). Invert transforms the function to a progressive movement. With power one can adjust the nonlinearity (default = 2). Default for deadband is 0. Valid values are: power >= 1.0 (reasonable values are 1.x .. 4-5, take higher power-values for higher deadbands (>0.5), if you want to start with a nearly horizontal slope), 0 <= deadband < 0.99 (reasonable 0.1). An additional offset component can be set in special cases (default = 0). All values can be adjusted for each instance separately. FUNCTIONS joyhandle.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in joyhandle.N.out float out PARAMETERS joyhandle.N.power float rw (default: 2.0) joyhandle.N.deadband float rw (default: 0.) joyhandle.N.scale float rw (default: 1.) joyhandle.N.offset float rw (default: 0.) joyhandle.N.inverse bit rw (default: 0) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 191 KINS(9) HAL Component KINS(9) NAME kins − kinematics definitions for LinuxCNC SYNOPSIS loadrt trivkins loadrt rotatekins loadrt tripodkins loadrt genhexkins loadrt maxkins loadrt genserkins loadrt pumakins loadrt scarakins DESCRIPTION Rather than exporting HAL pins and functions, these components provide the forward and inverse kinematics definitions for LinuxCNC. trivkins − Trivial Kinematics There is a 1:1 correspondence between joints and axes. Most standard milling machines and lathes use the trivial kinematics module. rotatekins − Rotated Kinematics The X and Y axes are rotated 45 degrees compared to the joints 0 and 1. tripodkins − Tripod Kinematics The joints represent the distance of the controlled point from three predefined locations (the motors), giving three degrees of freedom in position (XYZ) tripodkins.Bx tripodkins.Cx tripodkins.Cy The location of the three motors is (0,0), (Bx,0), and (Cx,Cy) genhexkins − Hexapod Kinematics Gives six degrees of freedom in position and orientation (XYZABC). The location of the motors is defined at compile time. maxkins − 5-axis kinematics example Kinematics for Chris Radek’s tabletop 5 axis mill named ’max’ with tilting head (B axis) and horizintal rotary mounted to the table (C axis). Provides UVW motion in the rotated coordinate system. The source file, maxkins.c, may be a useful starting point for other 5-axis systems. genserkins − generalized serial kinematics Kinematics that can model a general serial-link manipulator with up to 6 angular joints. The kinematics use Denavit-Hartenberg definition for the joint and links. The DH definitions are the ones used by John J Craig in "Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control" The parameters for the manipulator are defined by hal pins. genserkins.A-N genserkins.ALPHA-N genserkins.D-N Parameters describing the Nth joint’s geometry. pumakins − kinematics for puma typed robots Kinematics for a puma-style robot with 6 joints 192 2007-01-20 LinuxCNC Documentation KINS(9) HAL Component KINS(9) pumakins.A2 pumakins.A3 pumakins.D3 pumakins.D4 Describe the geometry of the robot scarakins − kinematics for SCARA-type robots scarakins.D1 Vertical distance from the ground plane to the center of the inner arm. scarakins.D2 Horizontal distance between joint[0] axis and joint[1] axis, ie. the length of the inner arm. scarakins.D3 Vertical distance from the center of the inner arm to the center of the outer arm. May be positive or negative depending on the structure of the robot. scarakins.D4 Horizontal distance between joint[1] axis and joint[2] axis, ie. the length of the outer arm. scarakins.D5 Vertical distance from the end effector to the tooltip. Positive means the tooltip is lower than the end effector, and is the normal case. scarakins.D6 Horizontal distance from the centerline of the end effector (and the joints 2 and 3 axis) and the tooltip. Zero means the tooltip is on the centerline. Non-zero values should be positive, if negative they introduce a 180 degree offset on the value of joint[3]. SEE ALSO Kinematics section in the LinuxCNC documentation LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-20 193 KNOB2FLOAT(9) HAL Component KNOB2FLOAT(9) NAME knob2float − Convert counts (probably from an encoder) to a float value SYNOPSIS loadrt knob2float [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS knob2float.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS knob2float.N.counts s32 in Counts knob2float.N.enable bit in When TRUE, output is controlled by count, when FALSE, output is fixed knob2float.N.scale float in Amount of output change per count knob2float.N.out float out Output value PARAMETERS knob2float.N.max-out float rw (default: 1.0) Maximum output value, further increases in count will be ignored knob2float.N.min-out float rw (default: 0.0) Minimum output value, further decreases in count will be ignored LICENSE GPL 194 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation LATENCYBINS(9) HAL Component LATENCYBINS(9) NAME latencybins − comp utility for scripts/latencyhistogram SYNOPSIS Usage: Read availablebins pin for the number of bins available. Set the maxbinnumber pin for the number of +/- bins. Ensure maxbinnumber <= availablebins For maxbinnumber = N, the bins are numbered: -N ... 0 ... + N bins (the -0 bin is not populated) (total effective bins = 2*maxbinnumber +1) Set nsbinsize pin for the binsize (ns) Iterate: Set index pin to a bin number: 0 <= index <= maxbinnumber. Read check pin and verify that check pin == index pin. Read pbinvalue,nbinvalue,pextra,nextra pins. (pbinvalue is count for bin = +index) (nbinvalue is count for bin = -index) (pextra is count for all bins > maxbinnumber) (nextra is count for all bins < maxbinnumber) If index is out of range ( index < 0 or index > maxbinnumber) then pbinvalue = nbinvalue = -1. The reset pin may be used to restart. The latency pin outputs the instantaneous latency. Maintainers note: hardcoded for MAXBINNUMBER==1000 FUNCTIONS latencybins.N PINS latencybins.N.maxbinnumber s32 in (default: 1000) latencybins.N.index s32 in latencybins.N.reset bit in latencybins.N.nsbinsize s32 in latencybins.N.check s32 out latencybins.N.latency s32 out latencybins.N.pbinvalue s32 out latencybins.N.nbinvalue s32 out latencybins.N.pextra s32 out latencybins.N.nextra s32 out latencybins.N.availablebins s32 out (default: 1000) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 195 LCD(9) HAL Component LCD(9) NAME lcd − Stream HAL data to an LCD screen SYNOPSIS loadrt lcd fmt_strings=""Plain Text %4.4f\nAnd So on|Second Page, Next Inst"" FUNCTIONS lcd (requires a floating-point thread). All LCD instances are updated by the same function. PINS lcd.NN.out (u32) out The output byte stream is sent via this pin. One character is sent every thread invocation. There in no handshaking provided. (float/s32/u32/bit) in The input pins have types matched to the format string specifiers. lcd.NN.page_num (u32) in Selects the page number. Multiple layouts may be defined, and this pin switches between them. lcd.NN.contrast (float) in Attempts to set the contrast of the LCD screen using the byte sequence ESC C and then a value from 0x20 to 0xBF. (matching the Mesa 7i73). The value should be between 0 and 1. PARAMETERS lcd.NN.decimal-separator (u32) rw Sets the decimal separator used for floating point numbers. The default value is 46 (0x2E) which corresponds to ".". If a comma is required then set this parameter to 44 (0x2C). DESCRIPTION lcd takes format strings much like those used in C and many other languages in the printf and scanf functions and their variants. The component was written specifically to support the Mesa 7i73 pendant controller, however it may be of use streaming data to other character devices and, as the output format mimics the ADM3 terminal format, it could be used to stream data to a serial device. Perhaps even a genuine ADM3. The strings contain a mixture of text values which are displayed directly, "escaped" formatting codes and numerical format descriptors. For a detailed description of formatting codes see: The component can be configured to display an unlimited number of differently-formatted pages, which may be selected with a HAL pin. Escaped codes \n Inserts a clear-to-end, carriage return and line feed character. This will still linefeed and clear even if an automatic wrap has occurred (lcd has no knowledge of the width of the lcd display.) To print in the rightmost column it is necessary to allow the format to wrap and omit the \n code. \t Inserts a tab (actually 4 spaces in the current version rather than a true tab.) \NN inserts the character defined by the hexadecimal code NN. \\ Inserts a literal \. Numerical formats lcd differs slightly from the standard printf conventions. One significant difference is that width 196 2012-09-17 LinuxCNC Documentation LCD(9) HAL Component LCD(9) limits are strictly enforced to prevent the LCD display wrapping and spoiling the layout. The field width includes the sign character so that negative numbers will often have a smaller valid range than positive. Numbers that do not fit in the specified width are displayed as a line of asterisks (********). Each format begins with a "%" symbol. (For a literal % use "%%"). Immediately after the % the following modifiers may be used: " " (space) Pad the number to the specified width with spaces. This is the default and is not strictly necessary. "0" Pad the number to the specified width with the numeral 0. "+" Force display of a + symbol before positive numbers. This (like the - sign) will appear immediately to the left of the digits for a space-padded number and in the extreme left position for a 0-padded number. "1234567890" A numerical entry (other than the leading 0 above) defines the total number of characters to display including the decimal separator and the sign. Whilst this number can be as many digits as required the maximum field width is 20 characters. The inherent precison of the "double" data type means that more than 14 digits will tend to show errors in the least significant digits. The integer data types will never fill more than 10 decimal digits. Following the width specifier should be the decimal specifier. This can only be a full-stop character (.) as the comma (,) is used as the instance separator. Currently lcd does not access the locale information to determine the correct separator and the decimal-separator parameter should be used. Following the decimal separator should be a number that determines how many places of decimals to display. This entry is ignored in the case of integer formats. All the above modifiers are optional, but to specify a decimal precision the decimal point must precede the precision. For example %.3f. The default decimal precision is 4. The numerical formats supported are: %f %F (for example, %+09.3f) These create a floating-point type HAL pin. The example would be displayed in a 9-character field, with 3 places of decimals, . as a decimal separator, padded to the left with 0s and with a sign displayed for both positive and negative. Conversely a plain %f would be 6 digits of decimal, variable format width, with a sign only shown for negative numbers. both %f and %F create exactly the same format. %i %d (For example %+ 4d) Creates a signed (s32) HAL pin. The example would display the value at a fixed 4 characters, space padded, width including the + giving a range of +999 to -999. %i and %d create identical output. %u (for example %08u) Creates an unsigned (u32) HAL pin. The example would be a fixed 8 characters wide, padded with zeros. %x, %X Creates an unsigned (u32) HAL pin and displays the value in Hexadecimal. Both %x and %X display capital letters for digits ABCDEF. A width may be specified, though the u32 HAL type is only 8 hex digits wide. LinuxCNC Documentation 2012-09-17 197 LCD(9) HAL Component LCD(9) %o Creates an unsigned (u32) pin and displays the value in Octal. %c Creates a u32 HAL pin and displays the character corresponding to the value of the pin. Values less than 32 (space) are suppressed. A width specifier may be used, for example %20c might be used to create a complete line of one character. %b This specifier has no equivalent in printf. It creates a bit (boolean) type HAL pin. The b should be followed by two characters and the display will show the first of these when the pin is true, and the second when false. Note that the characters follow, not preceed the "b", unlike the case with other formats. The characters may be "escaped" Hex values. For example "%b\FF " will display a solid black block if true, and a space if false and "%b\7F\7E" would display right-arrow for false and left-arrow for true. An unexpected value of ’E’ indicates a formatting error. Pages The page separator is the "|" (pipe) character. (if the actual character is needed then \7C may be used). A "Page" in this context refers to a separate format which may be displayed on the same display. Instances The instance separator is the comma. This creates a completely separate lcd instance, for example to drive a second lcd display on the second 7i73. The use of comma to separate instances is built in to the modparam reading code so not even escaped commas "\," can be used. A comma may be displayed by using the \2C sequence. AUTHOR Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL 198 2012-09-17 LinuxCNC Documentation LIMIT1(9) HAL Component LIMIT1(9) NAME limit1 − Limit the output signal to fall between min and max SYNOPSIS loadrt limit1 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS limit1.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in limit1.N.out float out PARAMETERS limit1.N.min float rw (default: -1e20) limit1.N.max float rw (default: 1e20) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 199 LIMIT2(9) HAL Component LIMIT2(9) NAME limit2 − Limit the output signal to fall between min and max and limit its slew rate to less than maxv per second. When the signal is a position, this means that position and velocity are limited. SYNOPSIS loadrt limit2 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS limit2.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in limit2.N.out float out limit2.N.load bit in When TRUE, immediately set out to in, ignoring maxv PARAMETERS limit2.N.min float rw (default: -1e20) limit2.N.max float rw (default: 1e20) limit2.N.maxv float rw (default: 1e20) LICENSE GPL 200 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation LIMIT3(9) HAL Component LIMIT3(9) NAME limit3 − Limit the output signal to fall between min and max, limit its slew rate to less than maxv per second, and limit its second derivative to less than maxa per second squared. When the signal is a position, this means that the position, velocity, and acceleration are limited. SYNOPSIS loadrt limit3 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS limit3.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in limit3.N.out float out limit3.N.load bit in When TRUE, immediately set out to in, ignoring maxv and maxa limit3.N.min float in (default: -1e20) limit3.N.max float in (default: 1e20) limit3.N.maxv float in (default: 1e20) limit3.N.maxa float in (default: 1e20) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 201 LINCURVE(9) HAL Component LINCURVE(9) NAME lincurve − one-dimensional lookup table SYNOPSIS loadrt lincurve [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] [personality=P,P,...] DESCRIPTION This component can be used to map any floating-point input to a floating-point output. Typical uses would include linearisation of thermocouples, defining PID gains that vary with external factors or to substitute for any mathematical function where absolute accuracy is not required. The component can be thought of as a 2-dimensional graph of points in (x,y) space joined by straight lines. The input value is located on the x axis, followed up until it touches the line, and the output of the component is set to the corresponding y-value. The (x,y) points are defined by the x-val-NN and y-val-NN parameters which need to be set in the HAL file using "setp" commands. The maximum number if (x,y) points supported is 16. For input values less than the x-val-00 breakpoint the y-val-00 is returned. For x greater than the largest xval-NN the yval corresponding to x-max is returned (ie, no extrapolation is performed.) Sample usage: loadrt lincurve count=3 personality=4,4,4 for a set of three 4-element graphs. FUNCTIONS lincurve.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in The input value lincurve.N.out float out The output value lincurve.N.out-io float io The output value, compatible with PID gains PARAMETERS lincurve.N.x-val-MM float rw (MM=00..personality) axis breakpoints lincurve.N.y-val-MM float rw (MM=00..personality) output values to be interpolated AUTHOR Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL 202 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation LOGIC(9) HAL Component LOGIC(9) NAME logic − LinuxCNC HAL component providing configurable logic functions SYNOPSIS loadrt logic [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] [personality=P,P,...] DESCRIPTION General ‘logic function’ component. Can perform ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘xor’ of up to 16 inputs. Determine the proper value for ‘personality’ by adding the inputs and outputs then convert to hex: • The number of input pins, usually from 2 to 16 • 256 (0x100) if the ‘and’ output is desired • 512 (0x200) if the ‘or’ output is desired • 1024 (0x400) if the ‘xor’ (exclusive or) output is desired Outputs can be combined, for example 2 + 256 + 1024 = 1282 converted to hex would be 0x502 and would have two inputs and have both ‘xor’ and ‘and’ outputs. FUNCTIONS logic.N PINS bit in (MM=00..personality & 0xff) logic.N.and bit out [if personality & 0x100] logic.N.or bit out [if personality & 0x200] logic.N.xor bit out [if personality & 0x400] LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 203 LOWPASS(9) HAL Component LOWPASS(9) NAME lowpass − Low-pass filter SYNOPSIS loadrt lowpass [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS lowpass.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in lowpass.N.out float out out += (in - out) * gain lowpass.N.load bit in When TRUE, copy in to out instead of applying the filter equation. PARAMETERS lowpass.N.gain float rw NOTES The effect of a specific gain value is dependent on the period of the function that lowpass.N is added to LICENSE GPL 204 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation LUT5(9) HAL Component LUT5(9) NAME lut5 − Arbitrary 5-input logic function based on a look-up table SYNOPSIS loadrt lut5 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION lut5 constructs a logic function with up to 5 inputs using a look-up table. The value for function can be determined by writing the truth table, and computing the sum of all the weights for which the output value would be TRUE. The weights are hexadecimal not decimal so hexadecimal math must be used to sum the weights. A wiki page has a calculator to assist in computing the proper value for function. Note that LUT5 will generate any of the 4,294,967,296 logical functions of 5 inputs so AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR and every other combinatorial function is possible. Example Functions A 5-input and function is TRUE only when all the inputs are true, so the correct value for function is 0x80000000. A 2-input or function would be the sum of 0x2 + 0x4 + 0x8, so the correct value for function is 0xe. A 5-input or function is TRUE whenever any of the inputs are true, so the correct value for function is 0xfffffffe. Because every weight except 0x1 is true the function is the sum of every line except the first one. A 2-input xor function is TRUE whenever exactly one of the inputs is true, so the correct value for function is 0x6. Only in-0 and in-1 should be connected to signals, because if any other bit is TRUE then the output will be FALSE. LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 205 LUT5(9) HAL Component Bit 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LUT5(9) Weights for each line of truth table Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Weight 0 0 0 0 0x1 0 0 0 1 0x2 0 0 1 0 0x4 0 0 1 1 0x8 0 1 0 0 0x10 0 1 0 1 0x20 0 1 1 0 0x40 0 1 1 1 0x80 1 0 0 0 0x100 1 0 0 1 0x200 1 0 1 0 0x400 1 0 1 1 0x800 1 1 0 0 0x1000 1 1 0 1 0x2000 1 1 1 0 0x4000 1 1 1 1 0x8000 0 0 0 0 0x10000 0 0 0 1 0x20000 0 0 1 0 0x40000 0 0 1 1 0x80000 0 1 0 0 0x100000 0 1 0 1 0x200000 0 1 1 0 0x400000 0 1 1 1 0x800000 1 0 0 0 0x1000000 1 0 0 1 0x2000000 1 0 1 0 0x4000000 1 0 1 1 0x8000000 1 1 0 0 0x10000000 1 1 0 1 0x20000000 1 1 1 0 0x40000000 1 1 1 1 0x80000000 FUNCTIONS lut5.N PINS bit in bit in bit in bit in bit in lut5.N.out bit out PARAMETERS lut5.N.function u32 rw LICENSE GPL 206 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation MAJ3(9) HAL Component MAJ3(9) NAME maj3 − Compute the majority of 3 inputs SYNOPSIS loadrt maj3 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS maj3.N PINS maj3.N.in1 bit in maj3.N.in2 bit in maj3.N.in3 bit in maj3.N.out bit out PARAMETERS maj3.N.invert bit rw LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 207 MATCH8(9) HAL Component MATCH8(9) NAME match8 − 8-bit binary match detector SYNOPSIS loadrt match8 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS match8.N PINS bit in (default: TRUE) cascade input - if false, output is false regardless of other inputs match8.N.a0 bit in match8.N.a1 bit in match8.N.a2 bit in match8.N.a3 bit in match8.N.a4 bit in match8.N.a5 bit in match8.N.a6 bit in match8.N.a7 bit in match8.N.b0 bit in match8.N.b1 bit in match8.N.b2 bit in match8.N.b3 bit in match8.N.b4 bit in match8.N.b5 bit in match8.N.b6 bit in match8.N.b7 bit in match8.N.out bit out true only if in is true and a[m] matches b[m] for m = 0 thru 7 LICENSE GPL 208 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation MATRIX_KB(9) HAL Component MATRIX_KB(9) NAME matrix_kb − Convert integers to HAL pins. Optionally scan a matrix of IO ports to create those integers. SYNOPSIS loadrt matrix_kb config=RxCs,RxCs... names=name1,name2... Creates a component configured for R rows and N columns of matrix keyboard. If the s option is specified then a set of output rows will be cyclically toggled, and a set of input columns will be scanned. The names parameter is optional, but if used then the HAL pins and functions will use the specified names rather than the default ones. This can be useful for readbility and 2-pass HAL parsing. There must be no spaces in the parameter lists. DESCRIPTION This component was written to convert matrix keyboard scancodes into HAL pins. However, it might also find uses in converting integers from 0 to N into N HAL pins. The component can work in two ways, and the HAL pins created vary according to mode. In the default mode the component expects to be given a scan code from a separate driver but could be any integer from any source. Most typically this will be the keypad scancode from a Mesa 7i73. The default codes for keyup and keydown are based on the Mesa 7i73 specification with 0x40 indicating a keydown and 0x80 a keyup event. If using the 7i73 it is important to match the keypad size jumpers with the HAL component. Valid configs for the 7i73 are 4x8 and 8x8. Note that the component will only work properly with the version 12 (0xC) 7i73 firmware. The firmware version is visible on the component parameters in HAL. In the optional scan-generation mode the matrix_kb.N.keycode pin changes to an output pin and a set of output row pins and input column pins are created. These need to be connected to physical inputs and outputs to scan the matrix and return values to HAL. Note the negative-logic parameter described below, this will need to be set on the most common forms of inputs which float high when unconnected. In both modes a set of HAL output pins are created corresponding to each node of the matrix. FUNCTIONS matrix_kb.N Perform all requested functions. Should be run in a slow thread for effective debouncing. PINS matrix_kb.N.col-CC-in bit in The input pin corresponding to column C. matrix_kb.N.key.rRcC bit out The pin corresponding to the key at row R column C of the matrix. matrix_kb.N.keycode unsigned in or out depending on mode. This pin should be connected to the scancode generator if hardware such as a 7i73 is being used. In this mode it is an input pin. In the internally-generated scanning mode this pin is an output, but will not normally be connected. matrix_kb.N.row-RR-out bit out The row scan drive pins.Should be connected to external hardware pins connected to the keypad. LinuxCNC Documentation 2013-03-24 209 MATRIX_KB(9) HAL Component MATRIX_KB(9) PARAMETERS matrix_kb.N.key_rollover unsigned r/w (default 2) With most matrix keyboards the scancodes are only unambiguous with 1 or 2 keys pressed. With more keys pressed phantom keystrokes can appear. Some keyboards are optimised to reduce this problem, and some have internal diodes so that any number of keys may be pressed simultaneously. Increase the value of this parameter if such a keyboard is connected, or if phantom keystrokes are more acceptable than only two keys being active at one time. matrix_kb.N.negative-logic bit r/w (default 1) only in scan mode When no keys are pressed a typical digital input will float high. The input will then be pulled low by the keypad when the corresponding poll line is low. Set this parameter to 0 if the IO in use requires one row at a time to be high, and a high input corresponds to a button press. 210 2013-03-24 LinuxCNC Documentation MESA_7I65(9) HAL Component MESA_7I65(9) NAME mesa_7i65 − Support for the Mesa 7i65 Octuple Servo Card SYNOPSIS loadrt mesa_7i65 DESCRIPTION The component takes parameters in the form of a comma-separated list of bspi (buffered SPI) instance names, for example: loadrt mesa_7i65 bspi_chans=hm2_5i23.0.bspi.0, hm2_5i23.0.bspi.1 The BSPI instances are printed to the dmesg buffer during the Hostmot2 setup sequence, one for each bspi instance included in the bitfile loaded to each installed card during the Hostmot2 setup sequence. Type "dmesg" at the terminal prompt to view the output. PINS mesa-7i65.N.analogue.M.out float in (M=0..7) Analogue output values. The value will be limited to a -1.0 to +1.0 range float out (M=0..7) Analogue outputs read by the 7i65 (in Volts) bit out (M=0..3) Miscellaneous Digital Inputs mesa-7i65.N.enable.M.out bit in (M=0..7) Amplifier-enable control pins mesa-7i65.N.watchdog.has-bit bit out Indicates the status of the 7i65 Watchdog (which is separate from the FPGA card watchdog PARAMETERS mesa-7i65.N.scale-M float rw (M=0..7) (default: 10) Analogue output scale factor. For example if the scale is 7 then an input of 1.0 will give 7V on the output terminals bit rw (M=0..7) (default: 1) Set this value to TRUE for a plus/minus "scale" output. Set to 0 for a 0-"scale" output AUTHOR Andy Pugh / Cliff Blackburn LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 211 MESA_UART(9) HAL Component MESA_UART(9) NAME mesa_uart − An example component demonstrating how to access the Hostmot2 UART SYNOPSIS loadrt mesa_uart [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION This component creates 16 input and 16 output pins. It transmits {name}.N.tx-bytes on the selected UART every thread cycle and reads up to 16 bytes each cycle out of the recieve FIFO and writes the values to the associated output pins. {name}.rx-bytes indicates how many pins have been written to. (pins > rx-bytes simply hold their previous value) This module uses the names= mode of loadrt declaration to specifiy which UART instances to enable. A check is included to ensure that the count= option is not used instead. The component takes parameters in the form of a comma-separated list of UART instance names, for example: loadrt mesa_uart names=hm2_5i23.0.uart.0,hm2_5i23.0.uart.7 Note that no spaces are allowed in the string unless it is delimited by double quotes. The UART instance names are printed to the dmesg buffer during the Hostmot2 setup sequence, one for each bspi instance included in the bitfile loaded to each installed card during the Hostmot2 setup sequence. Type "dmesg" at the terminal prompt to view the output. The component exports two functions, send and receive, which need to be added to a realtime thread. The above example will output data on UART channels 0 and 7 and the pins will have the names of the individual UARTS. (they need not be on the same card, or even the same bus). Read the documents on "comp" for help with writing realtime components: FUNCTIONS mesa-uart.N.send (requires a floating-point thread) mesa-uart.N.receive (requires a floating-point thread) PINS mesa-uart.N.tx-data-MM u32 in (MM=00..15) Data to be transmitted mesa-uart.N.rx-data-MM u32 out (MM=00..15) Data recieved mesa-uart.N.tx-bytes s32 in Number of bytes to transmit mesa-uart.N.rx-bytes s32 out Number of Bytes received AUTHOR Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL 212 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation MESSAGE(9) HAL Component MESSAGE(9) NAME message − Display a message SYNOPSIS loadrt message [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] [messages=N] messages The messages to display. These should be listed, comma-delimited, inside a single set of quotes. See the "Description" section for an example. If there are more messages than "count" or "names" then the excess will be ignored. If there are fewer messages than "count" or "names" then an error will be raised and the component will not load. DESCRIPTION Allows HAL pins to trigger a message. Example hal commands: loadrt message names=oillow,oilpressure,inverterfail messages="Slideway oil low,No oil pressure,Spindle inverter fault" addf oillow servo-thread addf oilpressure servo-thread addf inverterfail servo-thread setp oillow.edge 0 #this pin should be active low net no-oil classicladder.0.out-21 oillow.trigger net no-pressure classicladder.0.out-22 oilpressure.trigger net no-inverter classicladder.0.out-23 inverterfail.trigger When any pin goes active, the corresponding message will be displayed. FUNCTIONS message.N Display a message PINS message.N.trigger bit in (default: FALSE) signal that triggers the message message.N.force bit in (default: FALSE) A FALSE->TRUE transition forces the message to be displayed again if the trigger is active PARAMETERS message.N.edge bit rw (default: TRUE) Selects the desired edge: TRUE means falling, FALSE means rising LICENSE GPL v2 LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 213 MINMAX(9) HAL Component MINMAX(9) NAME minmax − Track the minimum and maximum values of the input to the outputs SYNOPSIS loadrt minmax [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS minmax.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in minmax.N.reset bit in When reset is asserted, ’in’ is copied to the outputs minmax.N.max float out minmax.N.min float out LICENSE GPL 214 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation MOTION(9) HAL Component MOTION(9) NAME motion − accepts NML motion commands, interacts with HAL in realtime SYNOPSIS loadrt motmod [base_period_nsec=period] [base_thread_fp=0 or 1] [servo_period_nsec=period] [traj_period_nsec=period] [num_joints=[0-9]] ([num_dio=[1-64]] [num_aio=[1-16]]) DESCRIPTION By default, the base thread does not support floating point. Software stepping, software encoder counting, and software pwm do not use floating point. base_thread_fp can be used to enable floating point in the base thread (for example for brushless DC motor control). These pins and parameters are created by the realtime motmod module. This module provides a HAL interface for LinuxCNC’s motion planner. Basically motmod takes in a list of waypoints and generates a nice blended and constraint-limited stream of joint positions to be fed to the motor drives. Optionally the number of Digital I/O is set with num_dio. The number of Analog I/O is set with num_aio. The default is 4 each. Pin names starting with "axis" are actually joint values, but the pins and parameters are still called "axis.N". They are read and updated by the motion-controller function. PINS axis.N.amp-enable-out OUT BIT TRUE if the amplifier for this joint should be enabled axis.N.amp-fault-in IN BIT Should be driven TRUE if an external fault is detected with the amplifier for this joint axis.N.home-sw-in IN BIT Should be driven TRUE if the home switch for this joint is closed axis.N.homing OUT BIT TRUE if the joint is currently homing axis.N.index-enable IO BIT Should be attached to the index-enable pin of the joint’s encoder to enable homing to index pulse IN BIT If the axis is a locked rotary the unlocked sensor should be connected to this pin axis.N.jog-counts IN S32 Connect to the "counts" pin of an external encoder to use a physical jog wheel. axis.N.jog-enable IN BIT When TRUE (and in manual mode), any change to "jog-counts" will result in motion. When false, "jog-counts" is ignored. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-08-25 215 MOTION(9) HAL Component MOTION(9) axis.N.jog-scale IN FLOAT Sets the distance moved for each count on "jog-counts", in machine units. axis.N.jog-vel-mode IN BIT When FALSE (the default), the jogwheel operates in position mode. The axis will move exactly jog-scale units for each count, regardless of how long that might take. When TRUE, the wheel operates in velocity mode - motion stops when the wheel stops, even if that means the commanded motion is not completed. axis.N.joint-pos-cmd OUT FLOAT The joint (as opposed to motor) commanded position. There may be several offsets between the joint and motor coordinates: backlash compensation, screw error compensation, and home offsets. axis.N.joint-pos-fb OUT FLOAT The joint feedback position. This value is computed from the actual motor position minus joint offsets. Useful for machine visualization. axis.N.motor-pos-cmd OUT FLOAT The commanded position for this joint. axis.N.motor-pos-fb IN FLOAT The actual position for this joint. axis.N.neg-lim-sw-in IN BIT Should be driven TRUE if the negative limit switch for this joint is tripped. axis.N.pos-lim-sw-in IN BIT Should be driven TRUE if the positive limit switch for this joint is tripped. axis.N.unlock OUT BIT TRUE if the axis is a locked rotary and a move is commanded. motion.adaptive-feed IN FLOAT When adaptive feed is enabled with M52 P1, the commanded velocity is multiplied by this value. This effect is multiplicative with the NML-level feed override value and motion.feed-hold. motion.analog-in-NN IN FLOAT These pins are used by M66 Enn wait-for-input mode. motion.analog-out-NN OUT FLOAT These pins are used by M67-68. motion.coord-error OUT BIT TRUE when motion has encountered an error, such as exceeding a soft limit motion.coord-mode OUT BIT TRUE when motion is in "coordinated mode", as opposed to "teleop mode" 216 2007-08-25 LinuxCNC Documentation MOTION(9) HAL Component MOTION(9) motion.current-vel OUT FLOAT Current cartesian velocity IN BIT These pins are used by M66 Pnn wait-for-input mode. OUT BIT These pins are controlled by the M62 through M65 words. motion.distance-to-go OUT FLOAT Distance remaining in the current move motion.enable IN BIT If this bit is driven FALSE, motion stops, the machine is placed in the "machine off" state, and a message is displayed for the operator. For normal motion, drive this bit TRUE. motion.feed-hold IN BIT When Feed Stop Control is enabled with M53 P1, and this bit is TRUE, the feed rate is set to 0. motion.feed-inhibit IN BIT When this bit is TRUE, the feed rate is set and held to 0. This will be delayed during spindle synch moves till the end of the move. OUT BIT TRUE if the machine is in position (ie, not currently moving towards the commanded position). motion.probe-input IN BIT G38.x uses the value on this pin to determine when the probe has made contact. TRUE for probe contact closed (touching), FALSE for probe contact open. motion.program-line OUT S32 motion.requested-vel OUT FLOAT The requested velocity with no adjustments for feed override motion.spindle-at-speed IN BIT Motion will pause until this pin is TRUE, under the following conditions: before the first feed move after each spindle start or speed change; before the start of every chain of spindle-synchronized moves; and if in CSS mode, at every rapid->feed transition. motion.spindle-brake OUT BIT TRUE when the spindle brake should be applied motion.spindle-forward OUT BIT TRUE when the spindle should rotate forward motion.spindle-index-enable I/O BIT For correct operation of spindle synchronized moves, this signal must be hooked to the indexenable pin of the spindle encoder. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-08-25 217 MOTION(9) HAL Component MOTION(9) motion.spindle-inhibit IN BIT When TRUE, the spindle speed is set and held to 0. motion.spindle-on OUT BIT TRUE when spindle should rotate motion.spindle-reverse OUT BIT TRUE when the spindle should rotate backward motion.spindle-revs IN FLOAT For correct operation of spindle synchronized moves, this signal must be hooked to the position pin of the spindle encoder. motion.spindle-speed-in IN FLOAT Actual spindle speed feedback in revolutions per second; used for G96 (constant surface speed) and G95 (feed per revolution) modes. motion.spindle-speed-out OUT FLOAT Desired spindle speed in rotations per minute motion.spindle-speed-out-abs OUT FLOAT Desired spindle speed in rotations per minute, always positive regardless of spindle direction. motion.spindle-speed-out-rps OUT float Desired spindle speed in rotations per second motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs OUT float Desired spindle speed in rotations per second, always positive regardless of spindle direction. motion.spindle-orient-angle OUT FLOAT Desired spindle orientation for M19. Value of the M19 R word parameter plus the value of the [RS274NGC]ORIENT_OFFSET ini parameter. motion.spindle-orient-mode OUT BIT Desired spindle rotation mode. Reflects M19 P parameter word. motion.spindle-orient OUT BIT Indicates start of spindle orient cycle. Set by M19. Cleared by any of M3,M4,M5. If spindle-orient-fault is not zero during spindle-orient true, the M19 command fails with an error message. motion.spindle-is-oriented IN BIT Acknowledge pin for spindle-orient. Completes orient cycle. If spindle-orient was true when spindle-is-oriented was asserted, the spindle-orient pin is cleared and the spindle-locked pin is asserted. Also, the spindle-brake pin is asserted. motion.spindle-orient-fault IN S32 Fault code input for orient cycle. Any value other than zero will cause the orient cycle to abort. 218 2007-08-25 LinuxCNC Documentation MOTION(9) HAL Component MOTION(9) motion.spindle-locked OUT BIT Spindle orient complete pin. Cleared by any of M3,M4,M5. motion.teleop-mode OUT bit motion.tooloffset.x OUT FLOAT motion.tooloffset.y OUT FLOAT motion.tooloffset.z OUT FLOAT motion.tooloffset.a OUT FLOAT motion.tooloffset.b OUT FLOAT motion.tooloffset.c OUT FLOAT motion.tooloffset.u OUT FLOAT motion.tooloffset.v OUT FLOAT motion.tooloffset.w OUT FLOAT Current tool offset in all 9 axes. DEBUGGING PINS Many of the pins below serve as debugging aids, and are subject to change or removal at any time. OUT BIT TRUE when this joint is active axis.N.backlash-corr OUT FLOAT Backlash or screw compensation raw value axis.N.backlash-filt OUT FLOAT Backlash or screw compensation filtered value (respecting motion limits) axis.N.backlash-vel OUT FLOAT Backlash or screw compensation velocity axis.N.coarse-pos-cmd OUT FLOAT axis.N.error OUT BIT TRUE when this joint has encountered an error, such as a limit switch closing axis.N.f-error OUT FLOAT The actual following error LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-08-25 219 MOTION(9) HAL Component MOTION(9) axis.N.f-error-lim OUT FLOAT The following error limit axis.N.f-errored OUT BIT TRUE when this joint has exceeded the following error limit axis.N.faulted OUT BIT OUT FLOAT The "free planner" commanded position for this joint. OUT BIT TRUE when the "free planner" is enabled for this joint OUT FLOAT The velocity limit for the free planner axis.N.homed OUT BIT TRUE if the joint has been homed OUT BIT TRUE if the joint is using the "free planner" and has come to a stop axis.N.joint-vel-cmd OUT FLOAT The joint’s commanded velocity axis.N.kb-jog-active OUT BIT axis.N.neg-hard-limit OUT BIT The negative hard limit for the joint axis.N.pos-hard-limit OUT BIT The positive hard limit for the joint axis.N.wheel-jog-active OUT BIT motion.motion-enabled OUT BIT motion.motion-type OUT S32 These values are from src/emc/nml_intf/motion_types.h 1: Traverse 2: Linear feed 3: Arc feed 4: Tool change 5: Probing 220 2007-08-25 LinuxCNC Documentation MOTION(9) HAL Component MOTION(9) 6: Rotary axis indexing motion.on-soft-limit OUT BIT motion.program-line OUT S32 motion.teleop-mode OUT BIT TRUE when motion is in "teleop mode", as opposed to "coordinated mode" PARAMETERS Many of the parameters serve as debugging aids, and are subject to change or removal at any time. motion-command-handler.time motion-command-handler.tmax motion-controller.time motion-controller.tmax Show information about the execution time of these HAL functions in CPU cycles motion.debug-* These values are used for debugging purposes. motion.servo.last-period The number of CPU cycles between invocations of the servo thread. Typically, this number divided by the CPU speed gives the time in seconds, and can be used to determine whether the realtime motion controller is meeting its timing constraints motion.servo.overruns By noting large differences between successive values of motion.servo.last-period, the motion controller can determine that there has probably been a failure to meet its timing constraints. Each time such a failure is detected, this value is incremented. FUNCTIONS Generally, these functions are both added to the servo-thread in the order shown. motion-command-handler Processes motion commands coming from user space motion-controller Runs the LinuxCNC motion controller BUGS This manual page is horribly incomplete. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-08-25 221 MOTION(9) HAL Component MOTION(9) SEE ALSO iocontrol(1) 222 2007-08-25 LinuxCNC Documentation MULT2(9) HAL Component MULT2(9) NAME mult2 − Product of two inputs SYNOPSIS loadrt mult2 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS mult2.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS mult2.N.in0 float in mult2.N.in1 float in mult2.N.out float out out = in0 * in1 LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 223 MULTICLICK(9) HAL Component MULTICLICK(9) NAME multiclick − Single-, double-, triple-, and quadruple-click detector SYNOPSIS loadrt multiclick [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION A click is defined as a rising edge on the ’in’ pin, followed by the ’in’ pin being True for at most ’maxhold-ns’ nanoseconds, followed by a falling edge. A double-click is defined as two clicks, separated by at most ’max-space-ns’ nanoseconds with the ’in’ pin in the False state. I bet you can guess the definition of triple- and quadruple-click. You probably want to run the input signal through a debounce component before feeding it to the multiclick detector, if the input is at all noisy. The ’*-click’ pins go high as soon as the input detects the correct number of clicks. The ’*-click-only’ pins go high a short while after the click, after the click separator space timeout has expired to show that no further click is coming. This is useful for triggering halui MDI commands. FUNCTIONS multiclick.N Detect single-, double-, triple-, and quadruple-clicks PINS bit in The input line, this is where we look for clicks. multiclick.N.single-click bit out Goes high briefly when a single-click is detected on the ’in’ pin. multiclick.N.single-click-only bit out Goes high briefly when a single-click is detected on the ’in’ pin and no second click followed it. multiclick.N.double-click bit out Goes high briefly when a double-click is detected on the ’in’ pin. multiclick.N.double-click-only bit out Goes high briefly when a double-click is detected on the ’in’ pin and no third click followed it. multiclick.N.triple-click bit out Goes high briefly when a triple-click is detected on the ’in’ pin. multiclick.N.triple-click-only bit out Goes high briefly when a triple-click is detected on the ’in’ pin and no fourth click followed it. multiclick.N.quadruple-click bit out Goes high briefly when a quadruple-click is detected on the ’in’ pin. multiclick.N.quadruple-click-only bit out Goes high briefly when a quadruple-click is detected on the ’in’ pin and no fifth click followed it. multiclick.N.state s32 out PARAMETERS multiclick.N.invert-input bit rw (default: FALSE) If FALSE (the default), clicks start with rising edges. If TRUE, clicks start with falling edges. 224 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation MULTICLICK(9) HAL Component MULTICLICK(9) multiclick.N.max-hold-ns u32 rw (default: 250000000) If the input is held down longer than this, it’s not part of a multi-click. (Default 250,000,000 ns, 250 ms.) multiclick.N.max-space-ns u32 rw (default: 250000000) If the input is released longer than this, it’s not part of a multi-click. (Default 250,000,000 ns, 250 ms.) multiclick.N.output-hold-ns u32 rw (default: 100000000) Positive pulses on the output pins last this long. (Default 100,000,000 ns, 100 ms.) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 225 MULTISWITCH(9) HAL Component MULTISWITCH(9) NAME multiswitch − This component toggles between a specified number of output bits SYNOPSIS loadrt multiswitch personality=P [cfg=N] cfg cfg should be a comma-separated list of sizes for example cfg=2,4,6 would create 3 instances of 2, 4 and 6 bits respectively. Ignore the "personality" parameter, that is auto-generated FUNCTIONS multiswitch.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS multiswitch.N.up bit in (default: false) Receives signal to toggle up multiswitch.N.down bit in (default: false) Receives signal to toggle down multiswitch.N.bit-MM bit out (MM=00..personality) (default: false) Output bits PARAMETERS u32 rw Number of positions multiswitch.N.position s32 rw Current state (may be set in the HAL) AUTHOR ArcEye / Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL 226 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation MUX16(9) HAL Component MUX16(9) NAME mux16 − Select from one of sixteen input values SYNOPSIS loadrt mux16 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS mux16.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS mux16.N.use-graycode bit in This signifies the input will use Gray code instead of binary. Gray code is a good choice when using physical switches because for each increment only one select input changes at a time. mux16.N.suppress-no-input bit in This suppresses changing the output if all select lines are false. This stops unwanted jumps in output between transitions of input. but make in00 unavaliable. mux16.N.debounce-time float in sets debouce time in seconds. eg. .10 = a tenth of a second input must be stable this long before outputs changes. This helps to ignore ’noisy’ switches. mux16.N.selM bit in (M=0..3) Together, these determine which inN value is copied to out. mux16.N.out-f float out mux16.N.out-s s32 out Follows the value of one of the inN values according to the four sel values and whether use-graycode is active. The s32 value will be trunuated and limited to the max and min values of signed values. sel3=FALSE, sel2=FALSE, sel1=FALSE, sel0=FALSE out follows in0 sel3=FALSE, sel2=FALSE, sel1=FALSE, sel0=TRUE out follows in1 etc. mux16.N.inMM float in (MM=00..15) array of selectable outputs PARAMETERS mux16.N.elapsed float r Current value of the internal debounce timer for debugging. mux16.N.selected s32 r Current value of the internal selection variable after conversion for debugging LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 227 MUX2(9) HAL Component MUX2(9) NAME mux2 − Select from one of two input values SYNOPSIS loadrt mux2 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS mux2.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS mux2.N.sel bit in mux2.N.out float out Follows the value of in0 if sel is FALSE, or in1 if sel is TRUE mux2.N.in1 float in mux2.N.in0 float in LICENSE GPL 228 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation MUX4(9) HAL Component MUX4(9) NAME mux4 − Select from one of four input values SYNOPSIS loadrt mux4 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS mux4.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS mux4.N.sel0 bit in mux4.N.sel1 bit in Together, these determine which inN value is copied to out. mux4.N.out float out Follows the value of one of the inN values according to the two sel values sel1=FALSE, sel0=FALSE out follows in0 sel1=FALSE, sel0=TRUE out follows in1 sel1=TRUE, sel0=FALSE out follows in2 sel1=TRUE, sel0=TRUE out follows in3 mux4.N.in0 float in mux4.N.in1 float in mux4.N.in2 float in mux4.N.in3 float in LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 229 MUX8(9) HAL Component MUX8(9) NAME mux8 − Select from one of eight input values SYNOPSIS loadrt mux8 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS mux8.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS mux8.N.sel0 bit in mux8.N.sel1 bit in mux8.N.sel2 bit in Together, these determine which inN value is copied to out. mux8.N.out float out Follows the value of one of the inN values according to the three sel values sel2=FALSE, sel1=FALSE, sel0=FALSE out follows in0 sel2=FALSE, sel1=FALSE, sel0=TRUE out follows in1 sel2=FALSE, sel1=TRUE, sel0=FALSE out follows in2 sel2=FALSE, sel1=TRUE, sel0=TRUE out follows in3 sel2=TRUE, sel1=FALSE, sel0=FALSE out follows in4 sel2=TRUE, sel1=FALSE, sel0=TRUE out follows in5 sel2=TRUE, sel1=TRUE, sel0=FALSE out follows in6 sel2=TRUE, sel1=TRUE, sel0=TRUE out follows in7 mux8.N.in0 float in mux8.N.in1 float in mux8.N.in2 float in mux8.N.in3 float in mux8.N.in4 float in mux8.N.in5 float in mux8.N.in6 float in mux8.N.in7 float in LICENSE GPL 230 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation MUX_GENERIC(9) HAL Component MUX_GENERIC(9) NAME mux_generic − choose one from several input values SYNOPSIS loadrt mux_generic config="bb8,fu12...." FUNCTIONS mux-gen.NN Depending on the data types can run in either a floating point or non-floating point thread. PINS mux-gen.NN.suppress-no-input bit in This suppresses changing the output if all select lines are false. This stops unwanted jumps in output between transitions of input. but makes in00 unavaliable. mux-gen.NN.debounce-us unsigned in sets debouce time in microseconds. eg. 100000 = a tenth of a second. The selection inputs must be stable this long before the output changes. This helps to ignore ’noisy’ switches. mux-gen.NN.sel-bitMMM bit in (M=0..N) mux-gen.NN.sel-intMMM unsigned in Together, these determine which inN value is copied to output. The bit pins are interpreted as binary bits, and the result is simply added on to the integer pin input. It is expected that eoither one or the other would normally be used. Hower, the possibility exists to use a higher-order bit to "shift" the values set by the integer pin. The sel-bit pins are only created when the size of the mux_gen component is an integer power of two. This component (unlike mux16) does not offer the option of decoding gray-code, however the same effect can be achieved by arranging the order of the input values to suit. mux-gen.NN.out-[bit/float/s32/u32] variable-type out Follows the value of one of the inN values according to the selection bits and/or the selection number. Values will be converted/truncated according to standard C rules. This means, for example that a float input greater than 2147483647 will give an S32 output of -2147483648.[bit/float/s32/u32]-MM variable-type in The possible output values that are selected by the selection pins. PARAMETERS mux-gen.N.elapsed float r Current value of the internal debounce timer for debugging. mux-gen.N.selected s32 r Current value of the internal selection variable after conversion for debugging. Possibly useful for setting up gray-code switches. DESCRIPTION This component is a more general version of the other multiplexing components. It allows the creation of arbitrary-size multiplexers (up to 1024 entries) and also supports differing data types on the input and output pins. The configuration string is a comma-separated list of code-letters and numbers, such as "bb4,fu12" This would create a 4-element bit-to-bit mux and a 12-element float-to-unsigned mux. The code letters are b = bit, f = float, s = signed integer, u = unsigned integer. The first letter code is the input type, the second is the output type. The codes are not case-sensitive. The order of the letters is significant but the position in the string is not. Do not insert any spaces in the config string. Any non-zero float value will be LinuxCNC Documentation 2013-05-27 231 MUX_GENERIC(9) HAL Component MUX_GENERIC(9) converted to a "true" output in bit form. Be wary that float datatypes can be very, very, close to zero and not actually be equal to zero. Each mux has its own HAL function and must be added to a thread separately. If neither input nor output is of type float then the function is base-thread (non floating-point) safe. Any mux_generic with a floating point input or output can only be added to a floating-point thread. LICENSE GPL AUTHOR Andy Pugh 232 2013-05-27 LinuxCNC Documentation NEAR(9) HAL Component NEAR(9) NAME near − Determine whether two values are roughly equal. SYNOPSIS loadrt near [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS near.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS near.N.in1 float in near.N.in2 float in near.N.out bit out out is true if in1 and in2 are within a factor of scale (i.e., for in1 positive, in1/scale <= in2 <= in1*scale), OR if their absolute difference is no greater than difference (i.e., |in1-in2| <= difference). out is false otherwise. PARAMETERS near.N.scale float rw (default: 1) near.N.difference float rw (default: 0) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 233 NOT(9) HAL Component NOT(9) NAME not − Inverter SYNOPSIS loadrt not [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS not.N PINS bit in not.N.out bit out LICENSE GPL 234 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation OFFSET(9) HAL Component OFFSET(9) NAME offset − Adds an offset to an input, and subtracts it from the feedback value SYNOPSIS loadrt offset [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS offset.N.update-output (requires a floating-point thread) Updated the output value by adding the offset to the input offset.N.update-feedback (requires a floating-point thread) Update the feedback value by subtracting the offset from the feedback PINS offset.N.offset float in The offset value float in The input value offset.N.out float out The output value offset.N.fb-in float in The feedback input value offset.N.fb-out float out The feedback output value LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 235 ONESHOT(9) HAL Component ONESHOT(9) NAME oneshot − one-shot pulse generator SYNOPSIS loadrt oneshot [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION creates a variable-length output pulse when the input changes state. This function needs to run in a thread which supports floating point (typically the servo thread). This means that the pulse length has to be a multiple of that thread period, typically 1mS. For a similar function that can run in the base thread, and which offers higher resolution, see "edge". FUNCTIONS oneshot.N (requires a floating-point thread) Produce output pulses from input edges PINS bit in Trigger input oneshot.N.out bit out Active high pulse oneshot.N.out-not bit out Active low pulse oneshot.N.width float in (default: 0) Pulse width in seconds oneshot.N.time-left float out Time left in current output pulse PARAMETERS oneshot.N.retriggerable bit rw (default: TRUE) Allow additional edges to extend pulse oneshot.N.rising bit rw (default: TRUE) Trigger on rising edge oneshot.N.falling bit rw (default: FALSE) Trigger on falling edge LICENSE GPL 236 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation OPTO_AC5(9) HAL Component OPTO_AC5(9) NAME opto_ac5 − Realtime driver for opto22 PCI-AC5 cards SYNOPSIS loadrt opto_ac5 [portconfig0=0xN] [portconfig1=0xN] DESCRIPTION These pins and parameters are created by the realtime opto_ac5 module. The portconfig0 and portconfig1 variables are used to configure the two ports of each card. The first 24 bits of a 32 bit number represent the 24 i/o points of each port. The lowest (rightmost) bit would be HAL pin 0 which is header connector pin 47. Then next bit to the left would be HAL pin 1, header connector pin 45 and so on, untill bit 24 would be HAL pin 23 , header connector pin 1. "1" bits represent output points. So channel 0..11 as inputs and 12..23 as outputs would be represented by (in binary) 111111111111000000000000 which is 0xfff000 in hexadecimal. That is the number you would use Eg. loadrt opto_ac5 portconfig0=0xfff000 If no portconfig variable is specified the default configuration is 12 inputs then 12 outputs. Up to 4 boards are supported. Boards are numbered starting at 0. Portnumber can be 0 or 1. Port 0 is closes to the card bracket. PINS opto_ac5.[BOARDNUMBER].port[PORTNUMBER].in-[PINNUMBER] OUT bit opto_ac5.[BOARDNUMBER].port[PORTNUMBER].in-[PINNUMBER]-not OUT bit Connect a hal bit signal to this pin to read an i/o point from the card. The PINNUMBER represents the position in the relay rack. Eg. PINNUMBER 0 is position 0 in a opto22 relay rack and would be pin 47 on the 50 pin header connector. The -not pin is inverted so that LOW gives TRUE and HIGH gives FALSE. opto_ac5.[BOARDNUMBER].port[PORTNUMBER].out-[PINNUMBER] IN bit Connect a hal bit signal to this pin to write to an i/o point of the card. The PINNUMBER represents the position in the relay rack.Eg. PINNUMBER 23 is position 23 in a opto22 relay rack and would be pin 1 on the 50 pin header connector. opto_ac5.[BOARDNUMBER].led[NUMBER] OUT bit Turns one of the on board LEDS on/off. LEDS are numbered 0 to 3. PARAMETERS opto_ac5.[BOARDNUMBER].port[PORTNUMBER].out-[PINNUMBER]-invert W bit When TRUE, invert the meaning of the corresponding -out pin so that TRUE gives LOW and FALSE gives HIGH. FUNCTIONS Add this to a thread to read all the input points. Add this to a thread to write all the output points and LEDS. BUGS All boards are loaded with the same port configurations as the first board. LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-08-04 237 OPTO_AC5(9) HAL Component OPTO_AC5(9) SEE ALSO 238 2008-08-04 LinuxCNC Documentation OR2(9) HAL Component OR2(9) NAME or2 − Two-input OR gate SYNOPSIS loadrt or2 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS or2.N PINS or2.N.in0 bit in or2.N.in1 bit in or2.N.out bit out out is computed from the value of in0 and in1 according to the following rule: in0=FALSE in1=FALSE out=FALSE Otherwise, out=TRUE LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 239 ORIENT(9) HAL Component ORIENT(9) NAME orient − Provide a PID command input for orientation mode based on current spindle position, target angle and orient mode SYNOPSIS loadrt orient [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION This component is designed to support a spindle orientation PID loop by providing a command value, and fit with the motion spindle-orient support pins to support the M19 code. The spindle is assumed to have stopped in an arbitrary position. The spindle encoder position is linked to the position pin. The current value of the position pin is sampled on a positive edge on the enable pin, and command is computed and set as follows: floor(number of full spindle revolutions in the position sampled on positive edge) plus angle/360 (the fractional revolution) +1/-1/0 depending on mode. The mode pin is interpreted as follows: 0: the spindle rotates in the direction with the lesser angle, which may be clockwise or counterclockwise. 1: the spindle rotates always rotates clockwise to the new angle. 2: the spindle rotates always rotates counterclockwise to the new angle. HAL USAGE On motion.spindle-orient disconnect the spindle control and connect to the orient-pid loop: loadrt orient names=orient loadrt pid names=orient-pid net orient-angle motion.spindle-orient-angle orient.angle net orient-mode motion.spindle-orient-mode orient.mode net orient-enable motion.spindle-orient orient.enable orient-pid.enable net spindle-pos ...encoder..position orient.position net orient-command orient.command orient-pid.command FUNCTIONS orient.N (requires a floating-point thread) Update command based on enable, position, mode and angle. PINS orient.N.enable bit in enable angular output for orientation mode orient.N.mode s32 in 0: rotate - shortest move; 1: always rotate clockwise; 2: always rotate counterclockwise orient.N.position float in spindle position input, unit 1 rev orient.N.angle float in orient target position in degrees, 0 <= angle < 360 orient.N.command float out target spindle position, input to PID command 240 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation ORIENT(9) HAL Component ORIENT(9) orient.N.poserr float out in degrees - aid for PID tuning AUTHOR Michael Haberler LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 241 PCL720(9) HAL Component PCL720(9) NAME pcl720 − Driver for the Advantech PCL 720 card. SYNOPSIS loadrt pcl720 [ioaddr=N] ioaddr Base address of card. Separate each card base address with a comma but no space to load more than one card. eg loadrt pcl720 ioaddr=0x200,0x200. use 0xNNN to define addresses in Hex DESCRIPTION This driver supports the Advantech PCL720 ISA card. It might work with the PCI version too, but this is untested. It creates hal pins corresonding to the digital inputs and outputs, but does not support the the counters/timers. FUNCTIONS Reads each of the digital inputs and updates the HAL pins pcl720.N.write Writes the values of the output HAL pins to the digital IO pcl720.N.reset Waits for the length of time specified by the reset-time parameter and resets any pins for which the reset parameter has been set. This can be used to allow step generators to make a step every thread rather than every other thread. This function must be added to the thread after the "write" function. Do not use this function if you do not wish to reset any pins. the stepgen step-space parameter should be set to 0 to make use of this function. PINS bit in (MM=00..31) Output pins bit out (MM=00..31) Input pins bit out (MM=00..31) Inverted version of each input pin pcl720.N.wait-clocks u32 out PARAMETERS pcl720.N.reset-time u32 rw (default: 5000) The time in nanoseconds after the write function has run to reset the pins for which the "reset" parameter is set. bit rw (MM=00..31) specifies if the pin should be reset by the "reset" function bit rw (MM=00..31) Set to true to invert the sense of the output pin AUTHOR Andy Pugh LICENSE GPL 242 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation PID(9) HAL Component PID(9) NAME pid − proportional/integral/derivative controller SYNOPSIS loadrt pid [num_chan=num | names=name1[,name2...]] [debug=dbg] DESCRIPTION pid is a classic Proportional/Integral/Derivative controller, used to control position or speed feedback loops for servo motors and other closed-loop applications. pid supports a maximum of sixteen controllers. The number that are actually loaded is set by the num_chan argument when the module is loaded. Alternatively, specify names= and unique names separated by commas. The num_chan= and names= specifiers are mutually exclusive. If neither num_chan= nor names= are specified, the default value is three. If debug is set to 1 (the default is 0), some additional HAL parameters will be exported, which might be useful for tuning, but are otherwise unnecessary. NAMING The names for pins, parameters, and functions are prefixed as: pid.N. for N=0,1,...,num-1 when using num_chan=num nameN. for nameN=name1,name2,... when using names=name1,name2,... The pid.N. format is shown in the following descriptions. FUNCTIONS (uses floating-point) Does the PID calculations for control loop N. PINS pid.N.command float in The desired (commanded) value for the control loop. pid.N.Pgain float in Proportional gain. Results in a contribution to the output that is the error multiplied by Pgain. pid.N.Igain float in Integral gain. Results in a contribution to the output that is the integral of the error multiplied by Igain. For example an error of 0.02 that lasted 10 seconds would result in an integrated error (errorI) of 0.2, and if Igain is 20, the integral term would add 4.0 to the output. pid.N.Dgain float in Derivative gain. Results in a contribution to the output that is the rate of change (derivative) of the error multiplied by Dgain. For example an error that changed from 0.02 to 0.03 over 0.2 seconds would result in an error derivative (errorD) of of 0.05, and if Dgain is 5, the derivative term would add 0.25 to the output. float in The actual (feedback) value, from some sensor such as an encoder. pid.N.output float out The output of the PID loop, which goes to some actuator such as a motor. pid.N.command-deriv float in The derivative of the desired (commanded) value for the control loop. If no signal is connected then the derivative will be estimated numerically. float in The derivative of the actual (feedback) value for the control loop. If no signal is connected then the derivative will be estimated numerically. When the feedback is from a quantized position LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 243 PID(9) HAL Component PID(9) source (e.g., encoder feedback position), behavior of the D term can be improved by using a better velocity estimate here, such as the velocity output of encoder(9) or hostmot2(9). pid.N.error-previous-target bit in Use previous invocation’s target vs. current position for error calculation, like the motion controller expects. This may make torque-mode position loops and loops requiring a large I gain easier to tune, by eliminating velocity-dependent following error. pid.N.error float out The difference between command and feedback. pid.N.enable bit in When true, enables the PID calculations. When false, output is zero, and all internal integrators, etc, are reset. pid.N.index-enable bit in On the falling edge of index-enable, pid does not update the internal command derivative estimate. On systems which use the encoder index pulse, this pin should be connected to the indexenable signal. When this is not done, and FF1 is nonzero, a step change in the input command causes a single-cycle spike in the PID output. On systems which use exactly one of the -deriv inputs, this affects the D term as well. pid.N.bias float in bias is a constant amount that is added to the output. In most cases it should be left at zero. However, it can sometimes be useful to compensate for offsets in servo amplifiers, or to balance the weight of an object that moves vertically. bias is turned off when the PID loop is disabled, just like all other components of the output. If a non-zero output is needed even when the PID loop is disabled, it should be added with an external HAL sum2 block. pid.N.FF0 float in Zero order feed-forward term. Produces a contribution to the output that is FF0 multiplied by the commanded value. For position loops, it should usually be left at zero. For velocity loops, FF0 can compensate for friction or motor counter-EMF and may permit better tuning if used properly. pid.N.FF1 float in First order feed-forward term. Produces a contribution to the output that FF1 multiplied by the derivative of the commanded value. For position loops, the contribution is proportional to speed, and can be used to compensate for friction or motor CEMF. For velocity loops, it is proportional to acceleration and can compensate for inertia. In both cases, it can result in better tuning if used properly. pid.N.FF2 float in Second order feed-forward term. Produces a contribution to the output that is FF2 multiplied by the second derivative of the commanded value. For position loops, the contribution is proportional to acceleration, and can be used to compensate for inertia. For velocity loops, it should usually be left at zero. pid.N.deadband float in Defines a range of "acceptable" error. If the absolute value of error is less than deadband, it will be treated as if the error is zero. When using feedback devices such as encoders that are inherently quantized, the deadband should be set slightly more than one-half count, to prevent the control loop from hunting back and forth if the command is between two adjacent encoder values. When the absolute value of the error is greater than the deadband, the deadband value is subtracted from the error before performing the loop calculations, to prevent a step in the transfer function at the edge of the deadband. (See BUGS.) pid.N.maxoutput float in Output limit. The absolute value of the output will not be permitted to exceed maxoutput, unless maxoutput is zero. When the output is limited, the error integrator will hold instead of integrating, to prevent windup and overshoot. 244 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation PID(9) HAL Component PID(9) pid.N.maxerror float in Limit on the internal error variable used for P, I, and D. Can be used to prevent high Pgain values from generating large outputs under conditions when the error is large (for example, when the command makes a step change). Not normally needed, but can be useful when tuning non-linear systems. pid.N.maxerrorD float in Limit on the error derivative. The rate of change of error used by the Dgain term will be limited to this value, unless the value is zero. Can be used to limit the effect of Dgain and prevent large output spikes due to steps on the command and/or feedback. Not normally needed. pid.N.maxerrorI float in Limit on error integrator. The error integrator used by the Igain term will be limited to this value, unless it is zero. Can be used to prevent integrator windup and the resulting overshoot during/after sustained errors. Not normally needed. pid.N.maxcmdD float in Limit on command derivative. The command derivative used by FF1 will be limited to this value, unless the value is zero. Can be used to prevent FF1 from producing large output spikes if there is a step change on the command. Not normally needed. pid.N.maxcmdDD float in Limit on command second derivative. The command second derivative used by FF2 will be limited to this value, unless the value is zero. Can be used to prevent FF2 from producing large output spikes if there is a step change on the command. Not normally needed. pid.N.saturated bit out When true, the current PID output is saturated. That is, output = ± maxoutput. pid.N.saturated-s float out pid.N.saturated-count s32 out When true, the output of PID was continually saturated for this many seconds (saturated-s) or periods (saturated-count). PARAMETERS pid.N.errorI float ro (only if debug=1) Integral of error. This is the value that is multiplied by Igain to produce the Integral term of the output. pid.N.errorD float ro (only if debug=1) Derivative of error. This is the value that is multiplied by Dgain to produce the Derivative term of the output. pid.N.commandD float ro (only if debug=1) Derivative of command. This is the value that is multiplied by FF1 to produce the first order feedforward term of the output. pid.N.commandDD float ro (only if debug=1) Second derivative of command. This is the value that is multiplied by FF2 to produce the second order feed-forward term of the output. BUGS Some people would argue that deadband should be implemented such that error is treated as zero if it is within the deadband, and be unmodified if it is outside the deadband. This was not done because it would cause a step in the transfer function equal to the size of the deadband. People who prefer that behavior are welcome to add a parameter that will change the behavior, or to write their own version of pid. However, the default behavior should not be changed. Negative gains may lead to unwanted behavior. It is possible in some situations that negative FF gains LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 245 PID(9) HAL Component PID(9) make sense, but in general all gains should be positive. If some output is in the wrong direction, negating gains to fix it is a mistake; set the scaling correctly elsewhere instead. 246 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation PLUTO_SERVO(9) HAL Component PLUTO_SERVO(9) NAME pluto_servo − Hardware driver and firmware for the Pluto-P parallel-port FPGA, for use with servo machines. SYNOPSIS loadrt pluto_servo [ioaddr=N] [ioaddr_hi=N] [epp_wide=N] [watchdog=N] [test_encoder=N] ioaddr [default: 0x378] The base address of the parallel port. ioaddr_hi [default: 0] The secondary address of the parallel port, used to set EPP mode. 0 means to use ioaddr + 0x400. -1 means there is no secondary address. The secondary address is used to set the port to EPP mode. epp_wide [default: 1] Set to zero to disable the "wide EPP mode". "Wide" mode allows a 16- and 32-bit EPP transfers, which can reduce the time spent in the read and write functions. However, this may not work on all EPP parallel ports. watchdog [default: 1] Set to zero to disable the "hardware watchdog". "Watchdog" will tristate all outputs approximately 6ms after the last execution of pluto-servo.write, which adds some protection in the case of LinuxCNC crashes. test_encoder [default: 0] Internally connect dout0..2 to QA0, QB0, QZ0 to test quadrature counting DESCRIPTION Pluto_servo is a LinuxCNC software driver and associated firmware that allow the Pluto-P board to be used to control a servo-based CNC machine. The driver has 4 PWM channels, 4 quadrature channels with index pulse, 18 digital outputs (8 shared with PWM), and 20 digital inputs (12 shared with quadrature). Encoders The encoder pins and parameters conform to the ‘canonical encoder’ interface described in the HAL manual. It operates in ‘x4 mode’. The sample rate of the encoder is 40MHz. The maximum number quadrature rate is 8191 counts per LinuxCNC servo cycle. For correct handling of the index pulse, the number of encoder counts per revolution must be less than 8191. PWM The PWM pins and parameters conform to the ‘canonical analog output’ interface described in the HAL manual. The output pins are ‘up/down’ or ‘pwm/dir’ pins as described in the documentation of the ‘pwmgen’ component. Internally the PWM generator is based on a 12-bit, 40MHz counter, giving 4095 duty cycles from -100% to +100% and a frequency of approximately 19.5kHz. In PDM mode, the duty periods are approximately 100ns long. Digital I/O The digital output pins conform to the ‘canonical digital output’ interface described in the HAL manual. The digital input pins conform to the ‘canonical digital input’ interface described in the HAL manual. LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 247 PLUTO_SERVO(9) HAL Component PLUTO_SERVO(9) FUNCTIONS (requires a floating-point thread) Read all the inputs from the pluto-servo board pluto-servo.write (requires a floating-point thread) Write all the outputs on the pluto-servo board PINS pluto-servo.encoder.M.count s32 out (M=0..3) pluto-servo.encoder.M.position float out (M=0..3) pluto-servo.encoder.M.velocity float out (M=0..3) pluto-servo.encoder.M.reset bit in (M=0..3) pluto-servo.encoder.M.index-enable bit io (M=0..3) encoder.M corresponds to the pins labeled QAM, QBM, and QZM on the pinout diagram pluto-servo.pwm.M.value float in (M=0..3) pluto-servo.pwm.M.enable bit in (M=0..3) pwm.M corresponds to the pins labeled UPM and DNM on the pinout diagram pluto-servo.dout.MM bit in (MM=00..19) dout.0M corresponds to the pin labeled OUTM on the pinout diagram. Other pins are shared with the PWM function, as follows: Pin Shared Label with dout.10 UP0 dout.10 UP0 dout.12 UP1 dout.14 UP2 dout.18 UP3 dout.11 DOWN0 dout.13 DOWN1 dout.15 DOWN2 dout.19 DOWN3 pluto-servo.din.MM bit out (MM=00..19) pluto-servo.din.MM-not bit out (MM=00..19) For M=0 through 7, din.0M corresponds to the pin labeled INM on the pinout diagram. Other pins are shared with the encoder function, as follows: 248 Pin Shared Label with din.8 QZ0 din.9 QZ1 din.10 QZ2 din.11 QZ3 din.12 QB0 din.13 QB1 din.14 QB2 din.15 QB3 din.16 QA0 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation PLUTO_SERVO(9) HAL Component din.17 QA1 din.18 QA2 din.19 QA3 PLUTO_SERVO(9) PARAMETERS pluto-servo.encoder.M.scale float rw (M=0..3) (default: 1) pluto-servo.encoder.z-polarity bit rw Set to TRUE if the index pulse is active low, FALSE if it is active high. Affects all encoders. pluto-servo.pwm.M.offset float rw (M=0..3) pluto-servo.pwm.M.scale float rw (M=0..3) (default: 1) pluto-servo.pwm.M.max-dc float rw (M=0..3) (default: 1) pluto-servo.pwm.M.min-dc float rw (M=0..3) (default: 0) pluto-servo.pwm.M.pwmdir bit rw (M=0..3) (default: 0) Set to TRUE use PWM+direction mode. Set to FALSE to use Up/Down mode. bit rw Set to TRUE to use PDM (also called interleaved PWM) mode. Set to FALSE to use traditional PWM mode. Affects all PWM outputs. pluto-servo.dout.MM-invert bit rw (MM=00..19) If TRUE, the output on the corresponding dout.MM is inverted. pluto-servo.communication-error u32 rw Incremented each time detects an error code in the EPP status register. While this register is nonzero, new values are not being written to the Pluto-P board, and the status of digital outputs and the PWM duty cycle of the PWM outputs will remain unchanged. If the watchdog is enabled, it will activate soon after the communication error is detected. To continue after a communication error, set this parameter back to zero. pluto-servo.debug-0 s32 rw pluto-servo.debug-1 s32 rw These parameters can display values which are useful to developers or for debugging the driver and firmware. They are not useful for integrators or users. SEE ALSO The pluto_servo section in the HAL User Manual, which shows the location of each physical pin on the pluto board. LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 249 PLUTO_STEP(9) HAL Component PLUTO_STEP(9) NAME pluto_step − Hardware driver and firmware for the Pluto-P parallel-port FPGA, for use with stepper machines. SYNOPSIS loadrt pluto_step ioaddr=addr ioaddr_hi=addr epp_wide=[0|1] ioaddr [default: 0x378] The base address of the parallel port. ioaddr_hi [default: 0] The secondary address of the parallel port, used to set EPP mode. 0 means to use ioaddr + 0x400. -1 means there is no secondary address. epp_wide [default: 1] Set to zero to disable "wide EPP mode". "Wide" mode allows 16- and 32-bit EPP transfers, which can reduce the time spent in the read and write functions. However, this mode may not work on all EPP parallel ports. watchdog [default: 1] Set to zero to disable the "hardware watchdog". "Watchdog" will tristate all outputs approximately 6ms after the last execution of pluto-step.write, which adds some protection in the case of LinuxCNC crashes. speedrange [default: 0] Selects one of four speed ranges: 0: Top speed 312.5kHz; minimum speed 610Hz 1: Top speed 156.25kHz; minimum speed 305Hz 2: Top speed 78.125kHz; minimum speed 153Hz 3: Top speed 39.06kHz; minimum speed 76Hz Choosing the smallest maximum speed that is above the maximum for any one axis may give improved step regularity at low step speeds. DESCRIPTION Pluto_step is a LinuxCNC software driver and associated firmware that allow the Pluto-P board to be used to control a stepper-based CNC machine. The driver has 4 step+direction channels, 14 dedicated digital outputs, and 16 dedicated digital inputs. Step generators The step generator takes a position input and output. The step waveform includes step length/space and direction hold/setup time. Step length and direction setup/hold time is enforced in the FPGA. Step space is enforced by a velocity cap in the driver. (all the following numbers are subject to change) In speedrange=0, the maximum step rate is 312.5kHz. For position feedback to be accurate, the maximum step rate is 512 pulses per servo cycle (so a 1kHz servo cycle does not impose any additional limitation). The maximum step rate may be lowered by the step length and space parameters, which are rounded up to the nearest multiple of 1600ns. In successive speedranges the maximum step rate is divided in half, as is the maximum steps per servo cycle, and the minimum nonzero step rate. 250 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation PLUTO_STEP(9) HAL Component PLUTO_STEP(9) Digital I/O The digital output pins conform to the ‘canonical digital output’ interface described in the HAL manual. The digital input pins conform to the ‘canonical digital input’ interface described in the HAL manual. FUNCTIONS (requires a floating-point thread) Read all the inputs from the pluto-step board pluto-step.write (requires a floating-point thread) Write all the outputs on the pluto-step board PINS pluto-step.stepgen.M.position-cmd float in (M=0..3) pluto-step.stepgen.M.velocity-fb float out (M=0..3) pluto-step.stepgen.M.position-fb float out (M=0..3) pluto-step.stepgen.M.counts s32 out (M=0..3) pluto-step.stepgen.M.enable bit in (M=0..3) pluto-step.stepgen.M.reset bit in (M=0..3) When TRUE, reset position-fb to 0 pluto-step.dout.MM bit in (MM=00..13) dout.MM corresponds to the pin labeled OUTM on the pinout diagram. pluto-step.din.MM bit out (MM=00..15) pluto-step.din.MM-not bit out (MM=00..15) din.MM corresponds to the pin labeled INM on the pinout diagram. PARAMETERS pluto-step.stepgen.M.scale float rw (M=0..3) (default: 1.0) pluto-step.stepgen.M.maxvel float rw (M=0..3) (default: 0) pluto-step.stepgen.step-polarity bit rw pluto-step.stepgen.steplen u32 rw Step length in ns. pluto-step.stepgen.stepspace u32 rw Step space in ns pluto-step.stepgen.dirtime u32 rw Dir hold/setup in ns. Refer to the pdf documentation for a diagram of what these timings mean. pluto-step.dout.MM-invert bit rw (MM=00..13) If TRUE, the output on the corresponding dout.MM is inverted. pluto-step.communication-error u32 rw Incremented each time detects an error code in the EPP status register. While this register is nonzero, new values are not being written to the Pluto-P board, and the status of digital outputs and the PWM duty cycle of the PWM outputs will remain unchanged. If the hardware watchdog is enabled, it will activate shortly after the communication error is detected by LinuxCNC. To continue after a communication error, set this parameter back to zero. pluto-step.debug-0 s32 rw pluto-step.debug-1 s32 rw pluto-step.debug-2 float rw (default: .5) pluto-step.debug-3 float rw (default: 2.0) Registers that hold debugging information of interest to developers SEE ALSO The pluto_step section in the HAL User Manual, which shows the location of each physical pin on the pluto board. LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 251 PLUTO_STEP(9) HAL Component PLUTO_STEP(9) LICENSE GPL 252 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation PWMGEN(9) HAL Component PWMGEN(9) NAME pwmgen − software PWM/PDM generation SYNOPSIS loadrt pwmgen output_type=type0[,type1...] DESCRIPTION pwmgen is used to generate PWM (pulse width modulation) or PDM (pulse density modulation) signals. The maximum PWM frequency and the resolution is quite limited compared to hardware-based approaches, but in many cases software PWM can be very useful. If better performance is needed, a hardware PWM generator is a better choice. pwmgen supports a maximum of eight channels. The number of channels actually loaded depends on the number of type values given. The value of each type determines the outputs for that channel. type 0: single output A single output pin, pwm, whose duty cycle is determined by the input value for positive inputs, and which is off (or at min-dc) for negative inputs. Suitable for single ended circuits. type 1: pwm/direction Two output pins, pwm and dir. The duty cycle on pwm varies as a function of the input value. dir is low for positive inputs and high for negative inputs. type 2: up/down Two output pins, up and down. For positive inputs, the PWM/PDM waveform appears on up, while down is low. For negative inputs, the waveform appears on down, while up is low. Suitable for driving the two sides of an H-bridge to generate a bipolar output. FUNCTIONS pwmgen.make-pulses (no floating-point) Generates the actual PWM waveforms, using information computed by update. Must be called as frequently as possible, to maximize the attainable PWM frequency and resolution, and minimize jitter. Operates on all channels at once. pwmgen.update (uses floating point) Accepts an input value, performs scaling and limit checks, and converts it into a form usable by make-pulses for PWM/PDM generation. Can (and should) be called less frequently than makepulses. Operates on all channels at once. PINS pwmgen.N.enable bit in Enables PWM generator N - when false, all pwmgen.N output pins are low. pwmgen.N.value float in Commanded value. When value = 0.0, duty cycle is 0%, and when value = +/-scale, duty cycle is +/- 100%. (Subject to min-dc and max-dc limitations.) pwmgen.N.pwm bit out (output types 0 and 1 only) PWM/PDM waveform. pwmgen.N.dir bit out (output type 1 only) Direction output: low for forward, high for reverse. pwmgen.N.up bit out (output type 2 only) PWM/PDM waveform for positive input values, low for negative inputs. pwmgen.N.down bit out (output type 2 only) PWM/PDM waveform for negative input values, low for positive inputs. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 253 PWMGEN(9) HAL Component PWMGEN(9) PARAMETERS pwmgen.N.curr-dc float ro The current duty cycle, after all scaling and limits have been applied. Range is from -1.0 to +1.0. pwmgen.N.max-dc float rw The maximum duty cycle. A value of 1.0 corresponds to 100%. This can be useful when using transistor drivers with bootstrapped power supplies, since the supply requires some low time to recharge. pwmgen.N.min-dc float rw The minimum duty cycle. A value of 1.0 corresponds to 100%. Note that when the pwm generator is disabled, the outputs are constantly low, regardless of the setting of min-dc. pwmgen.N.scale float rw pwmgen.N.offset float rw These parameters provide a scale and offset from the value pin to the actual duty cycle. The duty cycle is calculated according to dc = (value/scale) + offset, with 1.0 meaning 100%. pwmgen.N.pwm-freq float rw PWM frequency in Hz. The upper limit is half of the frequency at which make-pulses is invoked, and values above that limit will be changed to the limit. If dither-pwm is false, the value will be changed to the nearest integer submultiple of the make-pulses frequency. A value of zero produces Pulse Density Modulation instead of Pulse Width Modulation. pwmgen.N.dither-pwm bit rw Because software-generated PWM uses a fairly slow timebase (several to many microseconds), it has limited resolution. For example, if make-pulses is called at a 20KHz rate, and pwm-freq is 2KHz, there are only 10 possible duty cycles. If dither-pwm is false, the commanded duty cycle will be rounded to the nearest of those values. Assuming value remains constant, the same output will repeat every PWM cycle. If dither-pwm is true, the output duty cycle will be dithered between the two closest values, so that the long-term average is closer to the desired level. ditherpwm has no effect if pwm-freq is zero (PDM mode), since PDM is an inherently dithered process. 254 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation SAMPLE_HOLD(9) HAL Component SAMPLE_HOLD(9) NAME sample_hold − Sample and Hold SYNOPSIS loadrt sample_hold [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS sample-hold.N PINS s32 in sample-hold.N.hold bit in sample-hold.N.out s32 out LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 255 SAMPLER(9) HAL User’s Manual SAMPLER(9) NAME sampler − sample data from HAL in real time SYNOPSIS loadrt sampler depth=depth1[,depth2...] cfg=string1[,string2...] DESCRIPTION sampler and halsampler(1) are used together to sample HAL data in real time and store it in a file. sampler is a realtime HAL component that exports HAL pins and creates a FIFO in shared memory. It then begins sampling data from the HAL and storing it to the FIFO. halsampler is a user space program that copies data from the FIFO to stdout, where it can be redirected to a file or piped to some other program. OPTIONS depth=depth1[,depth2...] sets the depth of the realtime->user FIFO that sampler creates to buffer the realtime data. Multiple values of depth (separated by commas) can be specified if you need more than one FIFO (for example if you want to sample data from two different realtime threads). cfg=string1[,string2...] defines the set of HAL pins that sampler exports and later samples data from. One string must be supplied for each FIFO, separated by commas. sampler exports one pin for each character in string. Legal characters are: F, f (float pin) B, b (bit pin) S, s (s32 pin) U, u (u32 pin) FUNCTIONS sampler.N One function is created per FIFO, numbered from zero. PINS input Pin for the data that will wind up in column M of FIFO N (and in column M of the output file). The pin type depends on the config string. sampler.N.curr-depth s32 output Current number of samples in the FIFO. When this reaches depth new data will begin overwriting old data, and some samples will be lost. sampler.N.full bit output TRUE when the FIFO N is full, FALSE when there is room for another sample. sampler.N.enable bit input When TRUE, samples are captured and placed in FIFO N, when FALSE, no samples are acquired. Defaults to TRUE. PARAMETERS sampler.N.overruns s32 read/write The number of times that sampler has tried to write data to the HAL pins but found no room in the FIFO. It increments whenever full is true, and can be reset by the setp command. 256 2006-11-18 LinuxCNC Documentation SAMPLER(9) HAL User’s Manual SAMPLER(9) sampler.N.sample-num s32 read/write A number that identifies the sample. It is automatically incremented for each sample, and can be reset using the setp command. The sample number can optionally be printed in the first column of the output from halsampler, using the -t option. (see man 1 halsampler) SEE ALSO halsampler(1) streamer(9) halstreamer(1) HISTORY BUGS AUTHOR Original version by John Kasunich, as part of the LinuxCNC project. Improvements by several other members of the LinuxCNC development team. REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to jmkasunich AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2006 John Kasunich. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-11-18 257 SCALE(9) HAL Component SCALE(9) NAME scale − LinuxCNC HAL component that applies a scale and offset to its input SYNOPSIS loadrt scale [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS scale.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in scale.N.gain float in scale.N.offset float in scale.N.out float out out = in * gain + offset LICENSE GPL 258 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation SELECT8(9) HAL Component SELECT8(9) NAME select8 − 8-bit binary match detector SYNOPSIS loadrt select8 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS select8.N PINS select8.N.sel s32 in The number of the output to set TRUE. All other outputs well be set FALSE select8.N.outM bit out (M=0..7) Output bits. If enable is set and the sel input is between 0 and 7, then the corresponding output bit will be set true PARAMETERS select8.N.enable bit rw (default: TRUE) Set enable to FALSE to cause all outputs to be set FALSE LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 259 SERPORT(9) HAL Component SERPORT(9) NAME serport − Hardware driver for the digital I/O bits of the 8250 and 16550 serial port. SYNOPSIS loadrt serport io=addr[,addr...] The pin numbers refer to the 9-pin serial pinout. Keep in mind that these ports generally use rs232 voltages, not 0/5V signals. Specify the I/O address of the serial ports using the module parameter io=addr[,addr...]. These ports must not be in use by the kernel. To free up the I/O ports after bootup, install setserial and execute a command like: sudo setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none but it is best to ensure that the serial port is never used or configured by the Linux kernel by setting a kernel commandline parameter or not loading the serial kernel module if it is a modularized driver. FUNCTIONS serport.N.write PINS bit out Also called DCD (data carrier detect); pin 8 on the 25-pin serial pinout bit out Also called DSR (data set ready); pin 6 on the 25-pin serial pinout bit out Also called CTS (clear to send); pin 5 on the 25-pin serial pinout bit out Also called RI (ring indicator); pin 22 on the 25-pin serial pinout bit out Inverted version of pin-1-in bit out Inverted version of pin-6-in bit out Inverted version of pin-8-in bit out Inverted version of pin-9-in bit in Also called TX (transmit data); pin 2 on the 25-pin serial pinout bit in Also called DTR (data terminal ready); pin 20 on the 25-pin serial pinout bit in Also called RTS (request to send); pin 4 on the 25-pin serial pinout PARAMETERS bit rw bit rw bit rw 260 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation SERPORT(9) HAL Component SERPORT(9) serport.N.ioaddr u32 r LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 261 SETSERIAL(9) HAL Component SETSERIAL(9) NAME setsserial - a utility for setting Smart Serial NVRAM parameters. SYNOPSIS loadrt setsserial cmd="set hm2_8i20.001f.nvmaxcurrent 750" FUNCTIONS None PINS None USAGE loadrt setsserial cmd="{command} {parameter/device} {value/filename}" Commands available are set and flash. This utility should be used under halcmd, without LinuxCNC running or any realtime threads running. A typical command sequence would be: halrun loadrt hostmot2 use_serial_numbers=1 loadrt hm2_pci config="firmware=hm2/5i23/svss8_8.bit" show param loadrt setsserial cmd="set hm2_8i20.001f.nvmaxcurrent 750" exit This example uses the option to have the hal pins and parameters labelled by the serial number of the remote. This is not necessary but can reduce the scope for confusion. (The serial number is normally on a sticker on the device.) The next line loads the hm2_pci driver in the normal way. The hm2_7i43 driver should work equally well, as should any future 7i80 driver. If the card has already been strted up and a firmware has been loaded, then the config string may be omitted. "show param" is optional, but provides a handy list of all the devices and parameters. It also shows the current values of the parameters which can be useful for determining scaling. u32 pin values are always shown in hex, but new values can be entered in decimal or hex. Use the Ox123ABC format to enter a hex value. The next line invokes setsserial. This is run in a slightly strange way in order to have kernel-level access to a live Hostmot2 config. It is basically a HAL module that always fails to load. This may lead to error messages being printed to the halcmd prompt. These can often be ignored. All the real feedback is via the dmesg command. It is suggested to have a second terminal window open to run dmesg after each command. On exiting there will typically be a further error message related to the driver failing to unload setsserial. This can be ignored. The parameter changes will not show up until the drivers are reloaded. //TODO// Add a "get" command to avoid this problem. Flashing Firmware To flash new firmware to an FPGA card such as the 5i25 or 5i20 the "mesaflash" utility should be used. Setsserial is only useful for changing/updating the firmare on smart-serial remote such as the 8i20. The firmware should be placed somewhere in the /lib/firmware/hm2 tree, where the Linux firmware loading macros can find it. The flashing routine operates in a realtime thread, and can only send prompts to the user through the kernel 262 2012-10-28 LinuxCNC Documentation SETSERIAL(9) HAL Component SETSERIAL(9) log (dmesg). It is most convenient to open two terminal windows, one for command entry and one to monitor progress. In the first terminal enter tail -f /var/log/kern.log This terminal will now display status information. The second window will be used to enter the commands. It is important that LinuxCNC and/or HAL are not already loaded when the process is started. To flash new firmware it is necessary to move a jumper on the smart-serial remote drive and to switch smart-serial communication to a slower baudrate. A typical command sequence is then halrun loadrt hostmot2 sserial_baudrate=115200 loadrt hm2_pci config="firmware=hm2/5i23/svss8_8.bit" loadrt setsserial cmd="flash hm2_5i23.0.8i20.0.1 hm2/8i20/8i20T.BIN" exit It is not necessary (or useful) to specify a config string in a system using the 5i25 or 6i25 cards. Note that it is necessary to exit halrun and unload the realtime environment before flashing the next card (exit) The correct sserial channel name to use can be seen in the dmesg output in the feedback terminal after the loadrt hm2_pci step of the sequence. LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2012-10-28 263 SIGGEN(9) HAL Component SIGGEN(9) NAME siggen − signal generator SYNOPSIS loadrt siggen [num_chan=num | names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION siggen is a signal generator that can be used for testing and other applications that need simple waveforms. It produces sine, cosine, triangle, sawtooth, and square waves of variable frequency, amplitude, and offset, which can be used as inputs to other HAL components. siggen supports a maximum of sixteen channels. The number of channels actually loaded is set by the num_chan argument when the module is loaded. Alternatively, specify names= and unique names separated by commas. The num_chan= and names= specifiers are mutually exclusive. If neither num_chan= nor names= are specified, the default value is one. NAMING The names for pins, parameters, and functions are prefixed as: siggen.N. for N=0,1,...,num-1 when using num_chan=num nameN. for nameN=name1,name2,... when using names=name1,name2,... The siggen.N. format is shown in the following descriptions. FUNCTIONS siggen.N.update (uses floating-point) Updates output pins for signal generator N. Each time it is called it calculates a new sample. It should be called many times faster than the desired signal frequency, to avoid distortion and aliasing. PINS siggen.N.frequency float in The output frequency for signal generator N, in Hertz. The default value is 1.0 Hertz. siggen.N.amplitude float in The output amplitude for signal generator N. If offset is zero, the outputs will swing from -amplitude to +amplitude. The default value is 1.00. siggen.N.offset float in The output offset for signal generator N. This value is added directly to the output signal. The default value is zero. siggen.N.clock bit out The clock output. Bit type clock signal output at the commanded frequency. siggen.N.square float out The square wave output. Positive while triangle and cosine are ramping upwards, and while sine is negative. siggen.N.sine float out The sine output. Lags cosine by 90 degrees. 264 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation SIGGEN(9) HAL Component SIGGEN(9) siggen.N.cosine float out The cosine output. Leads sine by 90 degrees. siggen.N.triangle float out The triangle wave output. Ramps up while square is positive, and down while square is negative. Reaches its positive and negative peaks at the same time as cosine. siggen.N.sawtooth float out The sawtooth output. Ramps upwards to its positive peak, then instantly drops to its negative peak and starts ramping again. The drop occurs when triangle and cosine are at their positive peaks, and coincides with the falling edge of square. PARAMETERS None LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 265 SIM_ENCODER(9) HAL Component SIM_ENCODER(9) NAME sim_encoder − simulated quadrature encoder SYNOPSIS loadrt sim_encoder [num_chan=num | names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION sim_encoder can generate quadrature signals as if from an encoder. It also generates an index pulse once per revolution. It is mostly used for testing and simulation, to replace hardware that may not be available. It has a limited maximum frequency, as do all software based pulse generators. sim_encoder supports a maximum of eight channels. The number of channels actually loaded is set by the num_chan= argument when the module is loaded. Alternatively, specify names= and unique names separated by commas. The num_chan= and names= specifiers are mutually exclusive. If neither num_chan= nor names= are specified, the default value is one. FUNCTIONS sim-encoder.make-pulses (no floating-point) Generates the actual quadrature and index pulses. Must be called as frequently as possible, to maximize the count rate and minimize jitter. Operates on all channels at once. sim-encoder.update-speed (uses floating-point) Reads the speed command and other parameters and converts the data into a form that can be used by make-pulses. Changes take effect only when update-speed runs. Can (and should) be called less frequently than make-pulses. Operates on all channels at once. NAMING The names for pins and parameters are prefixed as: sim-encoder.N. for N=0,1,...,num-1 when using num_chan=num nameN. for nameN=name1,name2,... when using names=name1,name2,... The sim-encoder.N. format is shown in the following descriptions. PINS sim-encoder.N.phase-A bit out One of the quadrature outputs. sim-encoder.N.phase-B bit out The other quadrature output. sim-encoder.N.phase-Z bit out The index pulse. sim-encoder.N.speed float in The desired speed of the encoder, in user units per per second. This is divided by scale, and the result is used as the encoder speed in revolutions per second. PARAMETERS 266 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation SIM_ENCODER(9) HAL Component SIM_ENCODER(9) sim-encoder.N.ppr u32 rw The pulses per revolution of the simulated encoder. Note that this is pulses, not counts, per revolution. Each pulse or cycle from the encoder results in four counts, because every edge is counted. Default value is 100 ppr, or 400 counts per revolution. sim-encoder.N.scale float rw Scale factor for the speed input. The speed value is divided by scale to get the actual encoder speed in revolutions per second. For example, if scale is set to 60, then speed is in revolutions per minute (RPM) instead of revolutions per second. The default value is 1.00. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 267 SIM_SPINDLE(9) HAL Component SIM_SPINDLE(9) NAME sim_spindle − Simulated spindle with index pulse SYNOPSIS loadrt sim_spindle [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS sim-spindle.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS sim-spindle.N.velocity-cmd float in Commanded speed sim-spindle.N.position-fb float out Feedback position, in revolutions sim-spindle.N.index-enable bit io Reset position-fb to 0 at the next full rotation PARAMETERS sim-spindle.N.scale float rw (default: 1.0) factor applied to velocity-cmd. The result of ’velocity-cmd * scale’ be in revolutions per second. For example, if velocity-cmd is in revolutions/minute, scale should be set to 1/60 or 0.016666667. LICENSE GPL 268 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation SPHEREPROBE(9) HAL Component SPHEREPROBE(9) NAME sphereprobe − Probe a pretend hemisphere SYNOPSIS loadrt sphereprobe [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS sphereprobe.N update probe-out based on inputs PINS sphereprobe.N.px s32 in s32 in sphereprobe.N.pz s32 in rawcounts position from software encoder s32 in s32 in s32 in Center of sphere in counts sphereprobe.N.r s32 in Radius of hemisphere in counts sphereprobe.N.probe-out bit out AUTHOR Jeff Epler LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 269 SSERIAL(9) HAL Component SSERIAL(9) NAME hostmot2 - Smart Serial LinuxCNC HAL driver for the Mesa Electronics HostMot2 Smart-Serial remote cards SYNOPSIS The Mesa Smart-Serial interface is a 2.5Mbs proprietary interface between the Mesa Anything-IO cards and a range of subsidiary devices termed "smart-serial remotes". The remote cards perform a variety of functions, but typically they combine various classes of IO. The remot cards are self-configuring, in that they tell the main LinuxCNC Hostmot2 driver what their pin functions are and what they should be named. Many sserial remotes offer different pinouts depending on the mode they are started up in. This is set using the sserial_port_N= option in the hm2_pci modparam. See the hostmot2 manpage for further details. It is likely that this documentation will be permanently out of date. Each Anything-IO board can attach up to 8 sserial remotes to each header (either the 5-pin headers on the 5i20/5i22/5i23/7i43 or the 25-pin connectors on the 5i25, 6i25 and 7i80). The remotes are grouped into "ports" of up to 8 "channels". Typically each header will be a single 8 channel port, but this is not necessarily always the case. PORTS In addition to the per-channel/device pins detailed below there are three per-port pins and three parameters. Pins: (bit, in) Enables the specific Smart Serial module. Setting this pin low will disable all boards on the port and puts the port in a pass-through mode where device parameter setting is possible. This pin defaults to TRUE and can be left unconnected. However, toggling the pin low-to-high will reenable a faulted drive so the pin could usefully be connected to the iocontrol.0.user-enable-out pin. (u32, ro) .run_state: Shows the state of the sserial communications state-machine. This pin will generally show a value of 0x03 in normal operation, 0x07 in setup mode and 0x00 when the "run" pin is false. (u32, ro) .error-count: Indicates the state of the Smart Serial error handler, see the parameters sections for more details. Parameters: (u32 r/w) .fault-inc: Any over-run or handshaking error in the SmartSerial communications will increment the .fault-count pin by the amount specified by this parameter. Default = 10. (u32 r/w) .fault-dec: Every successful read/write cycle decrements the fault counter by this amount. Default = 1. (u32 r/w) .fault-lim: When the fault counter reaches this threshold the Smart Serial interface on the corresponding port will be stopped and an error printed in dmesg. Together these three pins allow for control over the degree of fault- tolerance allowed in the interface. The default values mean that if more than one transaction in ten fails, more than 20 times, then a hard error will be raised. If the increment were to be set to zero then no error would ever be raised, and the system would carry on regardless. Conversely setting decrement to zero, threshold to 1 and limit to 1 means that absolutely no errors will be tolerated. (This structure is copied directly from vehicle ECU practice) 270 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation SSERIAL(9) HAL Component SSERIAL(9) DEVICES The other pins and parameters created in HAL depend on the devices detected. The following list of Smart Serial devices is by no means exhaustive. 8i20 The 8i20 is a 2.2kW three-phase drive for brushless DC motors and AC servo motors. 8i20 pins and parameters have names like "hm2_..8i20...", for example "hm2_5i23.0.8i20.1.3.current" would set the phase current for the drive connected to the fourth channel of the second sserial port of the first 5i23 board. Note that the sserial ports do not necessarily correlate in layout or number to the physical ports on the card. Pins: (float in) angle The rotor angle of the motor in fractions of a full phase revolution. An angle of 0.5 indicates that the motor is half a turn / 180 degrees / π radians from the zero position. The zero position is taken to be the position that the motor adopts under no load with a poitive voltage applied to the A (or U) phase and both B and C (or V and W) connected to -V or 0V. A 6 pole motor will have 3 zero positions per physical rotation. Note that the 8i20 drive automatically adds the phase lead/lag angle, and that this pin should see the raw rotor angle. There is a HAL module (bldc) which handles the complexity of differing motor and drive types. (float, in) current The phase current command to the drive. This is scaled from -1 to +1 for forwards and reverse maximum currents. The absolute value of the current is set by the max_current parameter. (float, ro) voltage The drive bus voltage in V. This will tend to show 25.6V when the drive is unpowered and the drive will not operate below about 50V. (float, ro) temp The temperature of the driver in degrees C. (u32, ro) comms The communication status of the drive. See the manual for more details. (bit, ro) status and fault. The following fault/status bits are exported. For further details see the 8i20 manual. fault.U-current / fault.U-current-not fault.V-current / fault.V-current-not fault.W-current / fault.W-current-not fault.bus-high / fault.bus-high-not fault.bus-overv / fault.bus-overv-not fault.bus-underv / fault.bus-underv-not fault.framingr / fault.framingr-not fault.module / fault.module-not fault.noenable / fault.overcurrent / fault.overcurrent-not fault.overrun / fault.overrunnot fault.overtemp / fault.overtemp-not fault.watchdog / fault.watchdog-not status.brake-old / status.brake-old-not status.brake-on / status.brake-on-not status.bus-underv / status.bus-underv-not status.current-lim / status.current-lim-no status.ext-reset / status.ext-reset-not / / status.sw-reset / status.swreset-not status.wd-reset / status.wd-reset-not Parameters: The following parameters are exported. See the pdf documentation downloadable from Mesa for further details LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 271 SSERIAL(9) HAL Component SSERIAL(9) hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.angle-maxlim hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.angle-minlim hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.angle-scalemax hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.current-maxlim hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.current-minlim hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.current-scalemax hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvbrakeoffv hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvbrakeonv hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvbusoverv hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvbusundervmax hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvbusundervmin hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvkdihi hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvkdil hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvkdilo hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvkdp hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvkqihi hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvkqil hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvkqilo hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvkqp hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvmaxcurrent hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.nvrembaudrate hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.swrevision hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.unitnumber (float, rw) max_current Sets the maximum drive current in Amps. The default value is the maximum current programmed into the drive EEPROM. The value must be positive, and an error will be raised if a current in excess of the drive maximum is requested. (u32, ro) serial_number The serial number of the connected drive. This is also shown on the label on the drive. 7i64 The 7i64 is a 24-input 24-output IO card. 7i64 pins and parameters have names like "hm2_..7i64. ..", for example hm2_5i23.0.7i64.1.3.output-01 Pins: (bit, in) 7i64.0.0.output-NN: Writing a 1 or TRUE to this pin will enable output driver NN. Note that the outputs are drivers (switches) rather than voltage outputs. The LED adjacent to the connector on the board shows the status. The output can be inverted by setting a parameter. (bit, out) 7i64.0.0.input-NN: The value of input NN. Note that the inputs are isolated and both pins of each input must be connected (typically to signal and the ground of the signal. This need not be the ground of the board.) (bit, out) 7i64.0.0.input-NN-not: An inverted copy of the corresponding input. (float, out) 7i64.0.0.analog0 & 7i64.0.0.analog1: The two analogue inputs (0 to 3.3V) on the board. Parameters: (bit, rw) 7i64.0.0.output-NN-invert: Setting this parameter to 1 / TRUE will invert the output value, such that writing 0 to .gpio.NN.out will enable the output and vice-versa. 272 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation SSERIAL(9) 7i76 HAL Component SSERIAL(9) The 7i76 is not only a smart-serial device. It also serves as a breakout for a number of other Hostmot2 functions. There are connections for 5 step generators (for which see the main hostmot2 manpage). The stepgen pins are associated with the 5i25 (hm2_5i25.0.stepgen.00....) whereas the smart-serial pins are associated with the 7i76 (hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0.output-00). Pins: (float out) .7i76.0.0.analogN (modes 1 and 2 only) Analogue input values. (float out) .7i76.0.0.fieldvoltage (mode 2 only) Field voltage monitoring pin. (bit in) .7i76.0.0.spindir: This pin provides a means to drive the spindle VFD direction terminals on the 7i76 board. (bit in) .7i76.0.0.spinena: This pin drives the spindle-enable terminals on the 7i76 board. (float in) .7i76.0.0.spinout: This controls the analogue output of the 7i76. This is intended as a speed control signal for a VFD. (bit out) .7i76.0.0.output-NN: (NN = 0 to 15). 16 digital outputs. The sense of the signal can be set via a parameter (bit out) .7i76.0.0.input-NN: (NN = 0 to 31) 32 digital inputs. (bit in) .7i76.0.0.input-NN-not: (NN = 0 to 31) An inverted copy of the inputs provided for convenience. The two complementary pins may be connected to different signal nets. Parameters: (u32 ro) .7i76.0.0.nvbaudrate: Indicates the vbaud rate. This probably should not be altered, and special utils are needed to do so. (u32 ro) .7i76.0.0.nvunitnumber: Indicates the serial number of the device and should match a siticker on the card. This can be useful for wokring out which card is which. (u32 ro) .7i76.0.0.nvwatchdogtimeout: The sserial remote watchdog timeout. This is separate from the Anything-IO card timeout. This is unlikley to need to be changed. (bit rw) .7i76.0.0.output-NN-invert: Invert the sense of the corresponding output pin. (bit rw) .7i76.0.0.spindir-invert: Invert the senseof the spindle direction pin. (bit rw) .7i76.0.0.spinena-invert: Invert the sense of the spindle-enable pin. (float rw) .7i76.0.0.spinout-maxlim: The maximum speed request allowable (float rw) .7i76.0.0.spinout-minlim: The minimum speed request. (float rw) .7i76.0.0.spinout-scalemax: The spindle speed scaling. This is the speed request which would correspond to full-scale output from the spindle control pin. For example with a 10V drive voltage and a 10000rpm scalemax a value of 10,000 rpm on the spinout pin would produce 10V output. However, if spinout-maxlim were set to 5,000 rpm then no voltage above 5V would be output. LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 273 SSERIAL(9) HAL Component SSERIAL(9) (u32 ro) .7i76.0.0.swrevision: The onboard firmware revision number. Utilities exist to update and change this firmware. 7i77 The 7i77 is an 6-axis servo control card. The analogue outputs are smart-serial devices but the encoders are conventional hostmot2 encoders and further details of them may be found in the hostmot2 manpage. Pins: (bit out) .7i77.0.0.input-NN: (NN = 0 to 31) 32 digital inputs. (bit in) .7i77.0.0.input-NN-not: (NN = 0 to 31) An inverted copy of the inputs provided for convenience. The two complementary pins may be connected to different signal nets. (bit out) .7i77.0.0.output-NN: (NN = 0 to 15). 16 digital outputs. The sense of the signal can be set via a parameter (bit in) .7i77.0.0.spindir: This pin provides a means to drive the spindle VFD direction terminals on the 7i76 board. (bit in) .7i77.0.0.spinena: This pin drives the spindle-enable terminals on the 7i76 board. (float in) .7i77.0.0.spinout: This controls the analog output of the 7i77. This is intended as a speed control signal for a VFD. (bit in) .7i77.0.1.analogena: This pin drives the analog enable terminals on the 7i77 board. (float in) .7i77.0.1.analogoutN: (N = 0 to 5) This controls the analog output of the 7i77. Parameters: (bit rw) .7i77.0.0.output-NN-invert: Invert the sense of the corresponding output pin. (bit rw) .7i77.0.0.spindir-invert: Invert the senseof the spindle direction pin. (bit rw) .7i77.0.0.spinena-invert: Invert the sense of the spindle-enable pin. (float rw) .7i77.0.0.spinout-maxlim: The maximum speed request allowable (float rw) .7i77.0.0.spinout-minlim: The minimum speed request. (float rw) .7i77.0.0.spinout-scalemax: The spindle speed scaling. This is the speed request which would correspond to full-scale output from the spindle control pin. For example with a 10V drive voltage and a 10000rpm scalemax a value of 10,000 rpm on the spinout pin would produce 10V output. However, if spinout-maxlim were set to 5,000 rpm then no voltage above 5V would be output. (float rw) .7i77.0.0.analogoutN-maxlim: (N = 0 to 5) The maximum speed request allowable (float rw) .7i77.0.0.analogoutN-minlim: (N = 0 to 5) The minimum speed request. //// ***** CHECK ME ***** I’m not sure about the description on analogoutN-scalemax //// (float rw) .7i77.0.0.analogoutN-scalemax: (N = 0 to 5) The analog speed scaling. This is the speed request which would correspond to full-scale output from the spindle control pin. For example with a 10V drive voltage and a 10000rpm scalemax a value of 10,000 rpm on the spinout pin would produce 10V output. However, if spinout-maxlim were set to 5,000 rpm then no voltage above 5V would be output. 274 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation SSERIAL(9) 7i69 HAL Component SSERIAL(9) The 7i69 is a 48 channel digital IO card. It can be configured in four different modes: Mode 0 B 48 pins bidirectional (all outputs can be set high then driven low to work as inputs) Mode 1 48 pins, input only Mode 2 48 pins, all outputs Mode 3 24 inputs and 24 outputs. Pins: (bit in) .7i69.0.0.output-NN: Digital output. Sense can be inverted with the corresponding Parameter (bit out) .7i69.0.0.input-NN: Digital input (bit out) .7i69.0.0.input-NN-not: Digital input, inverted. Parameters: (u32 ro) .7i69.0.0.nvbaudrate: Indicates the vbaud rate. This probably should not be altered, and special utils are needed to do so. (u32 ro) .7i69.0.0.nvunitnumber: Indicates the serial number of the device and should match a siticker on the card. This can be useful for wokring out which card is which. (u32 ro) .7i69.0.0.nvwatchdogtimeout: The sserial remote watchdog timeout. This is separate from the Anything-IO card timeout. This is unlikley to need to be changed. (bit rw) .7i69.0.0.output-NN-invert: Invert the sense of the corresponding output pin. (u32 ro) .7i69.0.0.swrevision: The onboard firmware revision number. Utilities exist to update and change this firmware. 7i70 The 7I70 is a remote isolated 48 input card. The 7I70 inputs sense positive inputs relative to a common field ground. Input impedance is 10K Ohms and input voltage can range from 5VDC to 32VDC. All inputs have LED status indicators. The input common field ground is galvanically isolated from the communications link. The 7I70 has three software selectable modes. These different modes select different sets of 7I70 data to be transferred between the host and the 7I70 during real time process data exchanges. For high speed applications, choosing the correct mode can reduced the data transfer sizes, resulting in higher maximum update rates. MODE 0 Input mode (48 bits input data only MODE 1 Input plus analog mode (48 bits input data plus 6 channels of analog data) MODE 2 Input plus field voltage Pins: (float out) .7i70.0.0.analogN (modes 1 and 2 only) Analogue input values. (float out) .7i70.0.0.fieldvoltage (mode 2 only) Field voltage monitoring pin. (bit out) .7i70.0.0.input-NN: (NN = 0 to 47) 48 digital inputs. (bit in) .7i70.0.0.input-NN-not: (NN = 0 to 47) An inverted copy of the inputs provided for LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 275 SSERIAL(9) HAL Component SSERIAL(9) convenience. The two complementary pins may be connected to different signal nets. Parameters: (u32 ro) .7i70.0.0.nvbaudrate: Indicates the vbaud rate. This probably should not be altered, and special utils are needed to do so. (u32 ro) .7i70.0.0.nvunitnumber: Indicates the serial number of the device and should match a siticker on the card. This can be useful for wokring out which card is which. (u32 ro) .7i70.0.0.nvwatchdogtimeout: The sserial remote watchdog timeout. This is separate from the Anything-IO card timeout. This is unlikley to need to be changed. (u32 ro) .7i69.0.0.swrevision: The onboard firmware revision number. Utilities exist to update and change this firmware. 7i71 The 7I71 is a remote isolated 48 output card. The 48 outputs are 8VDC to 28VDC sourcing drivers (common + field power) with 300 mA maximum current capability. All outputs have LED status indicators. The 7I71 has two software selectable modes. For high speed applications, choosing the correct mode can reduced the data transfer sizes, resulting in higher maximum update rates MODE 0 Output only mode (48 bits output data only) MODE 1 Outputs plus read back field voltage Pins: (float out) .7i71.0.0.fieldvoltage (mode 2 only) Field voltage monitoring pin. (bit out) .7i71.0.0.output-NN: (NN = 0 to 47) 48 digital outputs. The sense may be inverted by the invert parameter. Parameters: (bit rw) .7i71.0.0.output-NN-invert: Invert the sense of the corresponding output pin. (u32 ro) .7i71.0.0.nvbaudrate: Indicates the vbaud rate. This probably should not be altered, and special utils are needed to do so. (u32 ro) .7i71.0.0.nvunitnumber: Indicates the serial number of the device and should match a siticker on the card. This can be useful for wokring out which card is which. (u32 ro) .7i71.0.0.nvwatchdogtimeout: The sserial remote watchdog timeout. This is separate from the Anything-IO card timeout. This is unlikley to need to be changed. (u32 ro) .7i69.0.0.swrevision: The onboard firmware revision number. Utilities exist to update and change this firmware. 276 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation SSERIAL(9) 7i73 HAL Component SSERIAL(9) The 7I73 is a remote real time pendant or control panel interface. The 7I73 supports up to four 50KHz encoder inputs for MPGs, 8 digital inputs and 6 digital outputs and up to a 64 Key keypad. If a smaller keypad is used, more digital inputs and outputs become available. Up to eight 0.0V to 3.3V analog inputs are also provided. The 7I73 can drive a 4 line 20 character LCD for local DRO applications. The 7I73 has 3 software selectable process data modes. These different modes select different sets of 7I73 data to be transferred between the host and the 7 I73 during real time process data exchanges. For high speed applications, choosing the correct mode can reduced the data transfer sizes, resulting in higher maximum update rates MODE 0 I/O + ENCODER MODE 1 I/O + ENCODER +ANALOG IN MODE 2 I/O + ENCODER +ANALOG IN FAST DISPLAY Pins: (float out) .7i73.0.0.analoginN: Analogue inputs. Up to 8 channels may be available dependant on software and hardware configuration modes. (see the pdf manual downlaodable from (u32 in) .7i73.0.1.display (modes 1 and 2). Data for LCD display. This pin may be conveniently driven by the HAL "lcd" component which allows the formatted display of the values any number of HAL pins and textual content. (u32 in) .7i73.0.1.display32 (mode 2 only). 4 bytes of data for LCD display. This mode is not supported by the HAL "lcd" component. (s32 out) .7i73.0.1.encN: The position of the MPG encoder counters. (bit out) .7i73.0.1.input-NN: Up to 24 digital inputs (dependent on config) (bit out) .7i73.0.1.input-NN-not: Inverted copy of the digital inputs (bit in) .7i73.0.1.output-NN: Up to 22 digital outputs (dependent on config) Parameters: (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvanalogfilter: (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvbaudrate (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvcontrast (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvdispmode (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvencmode0 (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvencmode1 (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvencmode2 (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvencmode3 (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvkeytimer (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvunitnumber (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.nvwatchdogtimeout (u32 ro) .7i73.0.1.output-00-invert The above parameters are only settable with utility software, for further details of their use see the Mesa manual. LinuxCNC Documentation 2008-05-13 277 SSERIAL(9) HAL Component SSERIAL(9) (bit rw) .7i73.0.1.output-01-invert: Invert the corresponding output bit. (s32 ro) .7i73.0.1.swrevision: The version of firmware installed. TODO: Add 7i77, 7i66, 7i72, 7i83, 7i84, 7i87. 278 2008-05-13 LinuxCNC Documentation STEPGEN(9) HAL Component STEPGEN(9) NAME stepgen − software step pulse generation SYNOPSIS loadrt stepgen step_type=type0[,type1...] [ctrl_type=type0[,type1...]] [user_step_type=#,#...] DESCRIPTION stepgen is used to control stepper motors. The maximum step rate depends on the CPU and other factors, and is usually in the range of 5KHz to 25KHz. If higher rates are needed, a hardware step generator is a better choice. stepgen has two control modes, which can be selected on a channel by channel basis using ctrl_type. Possible values are "p" for position control, and "v" for velocity control. The default is position control, which drives the motor to a commanded position, subject to acceleration and velocity limits. Velocity control drives the motor at a commanded speed, again subject to accel and velocity limits. Usually, position mode is used for machine axes. Velocity mode is reserved for unusual applications where continuous movement at some speed is desired, instead of movement to a specific position. (Note that velocity mode replaces the former component freqgen.) stepgen can control a maximum of 16 motors. The number of motors/channels actually loaded depends on the number of type values given. The value of each type determines the outputs for that channel. Position or velocity mode can be individually selected for each channel. Both control modes support the same 16 possible step types. By far the most common step type is ’0’, standard step and direction. Others include up/down, quadrature, and a wide variety of three, four, and five phase patterns that can be used to directly control some types of motor windings. (When used with appropriate buffers of course.) Some of the stepping types are described below, but for more details (including timing diagrams) see the stepgen section of the HAL reference manual. type 0: step/dir Two pins, one for step and one for direction. make-pulses must run at least twice for each step (once to set the step pin true, once to clear it). This limits the maximum step rate to half (or less) of the rate that can be reached by types 2-14. The parameters steplen and stepspace can further lower the maximum step rate. Parameters dirsetup and dirhold also apply to this step type. type 1: up/down Two pins, one for ’step up’ and one for ’step down’. Like type 0, make-pulses must run twice per step, which limits the maximum speed. type 2: quadrature Two pins, phase-A and phase-B. For forward motion, A leads B. Can advance by one step every time make-pulses runs. type 3: three phase, full step Three pins, phase-A, phase-B, and phase-C. Three steps per full cycle, then repeats. Only one phase is high at a time - for forward motion the pattern is A, then B, then C, then A again. type 4: three phase, half step Three pins, phases A through C. Six steps per full cycle. First A is high alone, then A and B together, then B alone, then B and C together, etc. types 5 through 8: four phase, full step Four pins, phases A through D. Four steps per full cycle. Types 5 and 6 are suitable for use with unipolar steppers, where power is applied to the center tap of each winding, and four open-collector transistors drive the ends. Types 7 and 8 are suitable for bipolar steppers, driven by two Hbridges. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 279 STEPGEN(9) HAL Component STEPGEN(9) types 9 and 10: four phase, half step Four pins, phases A through D. Eight steps per full cycle. Type 9 is suitable for unipolar drive, and type 10 for bipolar drive. types 11 and 12: five phase, full step Five pins, phases A through E. Five steps per full cycle. See HAL reference manual for the patterns. types 13 and 14: five phase, half step Five pins, phases A through E. Ten steps per full cycle. See HAL reference manual for the patterns. type 15: user-specified This uses the waveform specified by the user_step_type module parameter, which may have up to 10 steps and 5 phases. FUNCTIONS stepgen.make-pulses (no floating-point) Generates the step pulses, using information computed by update-freq. Must be called as frequently as possible, to maximize the attainable step rate and minimize jitter. Operates on all channels at once. stepgen.capture-position (uses floating point) Captures position feedback value from the high speed code and makes it available on a pin for use elsewhere in the system. Operates on all channels at once. stepgen.update-freq (uses floating point) Accepts a velocity or position command and converts it into a form usable by make-pulses for step generation. Operates on all channels at once. PINS stepgen.N.counts s32 out The current position, in counts, for channel N. Updated by capture-position. stepgen.N.position-fb float out The current position, in length units (see parameter position-scale). Updated by capture-position. The resolution of position-fb is much finer than a single step. If you need to see individual steps, use counts. stepgen.N.enable bit in Enables output steps - when false, no steps are generated. stepgen.N.velocity-cmd float in (velocity mode only) Commanded velocity, in length units per second (see parameter position-scale). stepgen.N.position-cmd float in (position mode only) Commanded position, in length units (see parameter position-scale). stepgen.N.step bit out (step type 0 only) Step pulse output. stepgen.N.dir bit out (step type 0 only) Direction output: low for forward, high for reverse. stepgen.N.up bit out (step type 1 only) Count up output, pulses for forward steps. stepgen.N.down bit out (step type 1 only) Count down output, pulses for reverse steps. stepgen.N.phase-A thru phase-E bit out (step types 2-14 only) Output bits. phase-A and phase-B are present for step types 2-14, phase-C for types 3-14, phaseD for types 5-14, and phase-E for types 11-14. Behavior depends on selected stepping type. 280 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation STEPGEN(9) HAL Component STEPGEN(9) PARAMETERS stepgen.N.frequency float ro The current step rate, in steps per second, for channel N. stepgen.N.maxaccel float rw The acceleration/deceleration limit, in length units per second squared. stepgen.N.maxvel float rw The maximum allowable velocity, in length units per second. If the requested maximum velocity cannot be reached with the current combination of scaling and make-pulses thread period, it will be reset to the highest attainable value. stepgen.N.position-scale float rw The scaling for position feedback, position command, and velocity command, in steps per length unit. stepgen.N.rawcounts s32 ro The position in counts, as updated by make-pulses. (Note: this is updated more frequently than the counts pin.) stepgen.N.steplen u32 rw The length of the step pulses, in nanoseconds. Measured from rising edge to falling edge. stepgen.N.stepspace u32 rw (step types 0 and 1 only) The minimum space between step pulses, in nanoseconds. Measured from falling edge to rising edge. The actual time depends on the step rate and can be much longer. If stepspace is 0, then step can be asserted every period. This can be used in conjunction with hal_parport’s auto-resetting pins to output one step pulse per period. In this mode, steplen must be set for one period or less. stepgen.N.dirsetup u32 rw (step type 0 only) The minimum setup time from direction to step, in nanoseconds periods. Measured from change of direction to rising edge of step. stepgen.N.dirhold u32 rw (step type 0 only) The minimum hold time of direction after step, in nanoseconds. Measured from falling edge of step to change of direction. stepgen.N.dirdelay u32 rw (step types 1 and higher only) The minimum time between a forward step and a reverse step, in nanoseconds. TIMING There are five timing parameters which control the output waveform. No step type uses all five, and only those which will be used are exported to HAL. The values of these parameters are in nano-seconds, so no recalculation is needed when changing thread periods. In the timing diagrams that follow, they are identfied by the following numbers: (1) stepgen.n.steplen (2) stepgen.n.stepspace (3) stepgen.n.dirhold (4) stepgen.n.dirsetup (5) stepgen.n.dirdelay For step type 0, timing parameters 1 thru 4 are used. The following timing diagram shows the output waveforms, and what each parameter adjusts. STEP Time DIR _____ _____ _____ ____/ \_______/ \_____________/ \______ | | | | | | |-(1)-|--(2)--|-(1)-|--(3)--|-(4)-|-(1)-| |__________________ ________________________________/ LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 281 STEPGEN(9) HAL Component STEPGEN(9) For step type 1, timing parameters 1, 2, and 5 are used. The following timing diagram shows the output waveforms, and what each parameter adjusts. UP Time DOWN _____ _____ __/ \_____/ \________________________________ | | | | | |-(1)-|-(2)-|-(1)-|---(5)---|-(1)-|-(2)-|-(1)-| |_____| |_____| ______________________________/ \_____/ \____ For step types 2 and higher, the exact pattern of the outputs depends on the step type (see the HAL manual for a full listing). The outputs change from one state to another at a minimum interval of steplen. When a direction change occurs, the minimum time between the last step in one direction and the first in the other direction is the sum of steplen and dirdelay. SEE ALSO The HAL User Manual. 282 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation STEPTEST(9) HAL Component STEPTEST(9) NAME steptest − Used by Stepconf to allow testing of acceleration and velocity values for an axis. SYNOPSIS loadrt steptest [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS steptest.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS steptest.N.jog-minus bit in Drive TRUE to jog the axis in its minus direction steptest.N.jog-plus bit in Drive TRUE to jog the axis in its positive direction bit in Drive TRUE to run the axis near its current position_fb with a trapezoidal velocity profile steptest.N.maxvel float in Maximum velocity steptest.N.maxaccel float in Permitted Acceleration steptest.N.amplitude float in Approximate amplitude of positions to command during ’run’ steptest.N.dir s32 in Direction from central point to test: 0 = both, 1 = positive, 2 = negative steptest.N.position-cmd float out steptest.N.position-fb float in steptest.N.running bit out float out float out float out float out steptest.N.pause s32 in (default: 0) pause time for each end of run in seconds PARAMETERS steptest.N.epsilon float rw (default: .001) steptest.N.elapsed float r Current value of the internal timer LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 283 STREAMER(9) HAL User’s Manual STREAMER(9) NAME streamer − stream file data into HAL in real time SYNOPSIS loadrt streamer depth=depth1[,depth2...] cfg=string1[,string2...] DESCRIPTION streamer and halstreamer(1) are used together to stream data from a file into the HAL in real time. streamer is a realtime HAL component that exports HAL pins and creates a FIFO in shared memory. hal_streamer is a user space program that copies data from stdin into the FIFO, so that streamer can write it to the HAL pins. OPTIONS depth=depth1[,depth2...] sets the depth of the user->realtime FIFO that streamer creates to receive data from halstreamer. Multiple values of depth (separated by commas) can be specified if you need more than one FIFO (for example if you want to stream data from two different realtime threads). cfg=string1[,string2...] defines the set of HAL pins that streamer exports and later writes data to. One string must be supplied for each FIFO, separated by commas. streamer exports one pin for each character in string. Legal characters are: F, f (float pin) B, b (bit pin) S, s (s32 pin) U, u (u32 pin) FUNCTIONS streamer.N One function is created per FIFO, numbered from zero. PINS output Data from column M of the data in FIFO N appears on this pin. The pin type depends on the config string. streamer.N.curr-depth s32 output Current number of samples in the FIFO. When this reaches zero, new data will no longer be written to the pins. streamer.N.empty bit output TRUE when the FIFO N is empty, FALSE when valid data is available. streamer.N.enable bit input When TRUE, data from FIFO N is written to the HAL pins. When false, no data is transferred. Defaults to TRUE. streamer.N.underruns s32 read/write The number of times that sampler has tried to write data to the HAL pins but found no fresh data in the FIFO. It increments whenever empty is true, and can be reset by the setp command. SEE ALSO halstreamer(1) sampler(9) halsampler(1) 284 2006-11-18 LinuxCNC Documentation STREAMER(9) HAL User’s Manual STREAMER(9) HISTORY BUGS Should an enable HAL pin be added, to allow streaming to be turned on and off? AUTHOR Original version by John Kasunich, as part of the LinuxCNC project. Improvements by several other members of the LinuxCNC development team. REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to jmkasunich AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2006 John Kasunich. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LinuxCNC Documentation 2006-11-18 285 SUM2(9) HAL Component SUM2(9) NAME sum2 − Sum of two inputs (each with a gain) and an offset SYNOPSIS loadrt sum2 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS sum2.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS sum2.N.in0 float in sum2.N.in1 float in sum2.N.out float out out = in0 * gain0 + in1 * gain1 + offset PARAMETERS sum2.N.gain0 float rw (default: 1.0) sum2.N.gain1 float rw (default: 1.0) sum2.N.offset float rw LICENSE GPL 286 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation SUPPLY(9) HAL Component SUPPLY(9) NAME supply − set output pins with values from parameters (obsolete) SYNOPSIS loadrt supply num_chan=num DESCRIPTION supply was used to allow the inputs of other HAL components to be manipulated for testing purposes. When it was written, the only way to set the value of an input pin was to connect it to a signal and connect that signal to an output pin of some other component, and then let that component write the pin value. supply was written to be that "other component". It reads values from parameters (set with the HAL command setp) and writes them to output pins. Since supply was written, the setp command has been modified to allow it to set unconnected pins as well as parameters. In addition, the sets command was added, which can directly set HAL signals, as long as there are no output pins connected to them. Therefore, supply is obsolete. supply supports a maximum of eight channels. The number of channels actually loaded is set by the num_chan argument when the module is loaded. If numchan is not specified, the default value is one. FUNCTIONS supply.N.update (uses floating-point) Updates output pins for channel N. PINS supply.N.q bit out Output bit, copied from parameter supply.N.d. supply.N._q bit out Output bit, inverted copy of parameter supply.N.d. supply.N.variable float out Analog output, copied from parameter supply.N.value. supply.N._variable float out Analog output, equal to -1.0 times parameter supply.N.value. supply.N.d bit rw Data source for q and _q output pins. supply.N.value bit rw Data source for variable and _variable output pins. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 287 THC(9) HAL Component THC(9) NAME thc − Torch Height Control SYNOPSIS loadrt thc DESCRIPTION Torch Height Control Mesa THC > Encoder > LinuxCNC THC component The Mesa THC sends a frequency based on the voltage detected to the encoder. The velocity from the encoder is converted to volts with the velocity scale parameter inside the THC component. The THCAD card sends a frequency at 0 volts so the scale offset parameter is used to zero the calculated voltage. Component Functions If enabled and torch is on and X + Y velocity is within tolerance of set speed allow the THC to offset the Z axis as needed to maintain voltage. If enabled and torch is off and the Z axis is moving up remove any correction at a rate not to exceed the rate of movement of the Z axis. If enabled and torch is off and there is no correction pass the Z position and feed back untouched. If not enabled pass the Z position and feed back untouched. Physical Connections Plasma Torch Arc Voltage Signal => 6 x 487k 1% resistors => THC Arc Voltage In THC Frequency Signal => Encoder #0, pin A (Input) Plasma Torch Arc OK Signal => input pin output pin => Plasma Torch Start Arc Contacts HAL Plasma Connections encoder.nn.velocity => thc.encoder-vel (tip voltage) motion.spindle-on => output pin (start the arc) thc.arc-ok <= <= input pin (arc ok signal) HAL Motion Connections thc.requested-vel <= motion.requested-vel thc.current-vel <= motion.current-vel FUNCTIONS thc (requires a floating-point thread) PINS thc.encoder-vel float in Connect to hm2_5i20.0.encoder.00.velocity thc.current-vel float in Connect to motion.current-vel thc.requested-vel float in Connect to motion.requested-vel thc.volts-requested float in Tip Volts current_vel >= min_velocity requested 288 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation THC(9) HAL Component THC(9) thc.vel-tol float in Velocity Tolerance (Corner Lock) thc.torch-on bit in Connect to motion.spindle-on thc.arc-ok bit in Arc OK from Plasma Torch thc.enable bit in Enable the THC, if not enabled Z position is passed through thc.z-pos-in float in Z Motor Position Command in from axis.n.motor-pos-cmd thc.z-pos-out float out Z Motor Position Command Out thc.z-fb-out float out Z Position Feedback to Axis thc.volts float out The Calculated Volts thc.vel-status bit out When the THC thinks we are at requested speed PARAMETERS thc.vel-scale float rw The scale to convert the Velocity signal to Volts thc.scale-offset float rw The offset of the velocity input at 0 volts thc.velocity-tol float rw The deviation percent from planned velocity thc.voltage-tol float rw The deviation of Tip Voltage before correction takes place thc.correction-vel float rw The amount of change in user units per period to move Z to correct AUTHOR John Thornton LICENSE GPLv2 or greater LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 289 THCUD(9) HAL Component THCUD(9) NAME thcud − Torch Height Control Up/Down Input SYNOPSIS loadrt thcud DESCRIPTION Torch Height Control This THC takes either an up or a down input from a THC If enabled and torch is on and X + Y velocity is within tolerance of set speed allow the THC to offset the Z axis as needed to maintain voltage. If enabled and torch is off and the Z axis is moving up remove any correction at a rate not to exceed the rate of movement of the Z axis. If enabled and torch is off and there is no correction pass the Z position and feed back untouched. If not enabled pass the Z position and feed back untouched. Physical Connections typical <= THC controller Plasma Up <= THC controller Plasma Down <= Plasma Torch Arc Ok Signal => Plasma Torch Start Arc Contacts HAL Plasma Connections thc.torch-up <= thc.torch-down <= motion.spindle-on => (start the arc) thc.arc-ok <= <= (arc ok signal) HAL Motion Connections thc.requested-vel <= motion.requested-vel thc.current-vel <= motion.current-vel Pyvcp Connections In the xml file you need something like: "THC Enable" "thc-enable" "5" "vel-tol" .01 1 0.01 0.2 "1.2f" ("Arial",10) Connect the Pyvcp pins in the postgui.hal file like this: net thc-enable thcud.enable <= pyvcp.thc-enable FUNCTIONS thcud (requires a floating-point thread) PINS thcud.torch-up bit in Connect to an input pin 290 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation THCUD(9) HAL Component THCUD(9) thcud.torch-down bit in Connect to input pin thcud.current-vel float in Connect to motion.current-vel thcud.requested-vel float in Connect to motion.requested-vel thcud.torch-on bit in Connect to motion.spindle-on thcud.arc-ok bit in Arc Ok from Plasma Torch thcud.enable bit in Enable the THC, if not enabled Z position is passed through thcud.z-pos-in float in Z Motor Position Command in from axis.n.motor-pos-cmd thcud.z-pos-out float out Z Motor Position Command Out thcud.z-fb-out float out Z Position Feedback to Axis thcud.cur-offset float out The Current Offset thcud.vel-status bit out When the THC thinks we are at requested speed thcud.removing-offset bit out Pin for testing PARAMETERS thcud.velocity-tol float rw The deviation percent from planned velocity thcud.correction-vel float rw The Velocity to move Z to correct AUTHOR John Thornton LICENSE GPLv2 or greater LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 291 THREADS(9) HAL Component THREADS(9) NAME threads − creates hard realtime HAL threads SYNOPSIS loadrt threads name1=name period1=period [fp1=<0|1>] [] [] DESCRIPTION threads is used to create hard realtime threads which can execute HAL functions at specific intervals. It is not a true HAL component, in that it does not export any functions, pins, or parameters of its own. Once it has created one or more threads, the threads stand alone, and the threads component can be unloaded without affecting them. In fact, it can be unloaded and then reloaded to create additional threads, as many times as needed. threads can create up to three realtime threads. Threads must be created in order, from fastest to slowest. Each thread is specified by three arguments. name1 is used to specify the name of the first thread (thread 1). period1 is used to specify the period of thread 1 in nanoseconds. Both name and period are required. The third argument, fp1 is optional, and is used to specify if thread 1 will be used to execute floating point code. If not specified, it defaults to 1, which means that the thread will support floating point. Specify 0 to disable floating point support, which saves a small amount of execution time by not saving the FPU context. For additional threads, name2, period2, fp2, name3, period3, and fp3 work exactly the same. If more than three threads are needed, unload threads, then reload it to create more threads. FUNCTIONS None PINS None PARAMETERS None BUGS The existence of threads might be considered a bug. Ideally, creation and deletion of threads would be done directly with halcmd commands, such as "newthread name period", "delthread name", or similar. However, limitations in the current HAL implementation require thread creation to take place in kernel space, and loading a component is the most straightforward way to do that. 292 2007-01-16 LinuxCNC Documentation THREADTEST(9) HAL Component THREADTEST(9) NAME threadtest − LinuxCNC HAL component for testing thread behavior SYNOPSIS loadrt threadtest [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS threadtest.N.increment threadtest.N.reset PINS threadtest.N.count u32 out LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 293 TIME(9) HAL Component TIME(9) NAME time − Time on in Hours, Minutes, Seconds SYNOPSIS loadrt time [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION Time When the time.N.start bit goes true the cycle timer resets and starts to time until time.N.start goes false. If you connect time.N.start to as a cycle timer it will reset during a pause. See the example connections below to keep the timer timing during a pause. Time returns the hours, minutes, and seconds that time.N.start is true. Sample pyVCP code to display the hours:minutes:seconds. "time-hours" ("Helvetica",14) "2d" "time-minutes" ("Helvetica",14) "2d" "time-seconds" ("Helvetica",14) "2d" In your post-gui.hal file you might use the following to connect it up loadrt time loadrt not addf time.0 servo-thread addf not.0 servo-thread net prog-running <= net cycle-timer time.0.start <= not.0.out 294 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation TIME(9) HAL Component TIME(9) net cycle-seconds pyvcp.time-seconds <= time.0.seconds net cycle-minutes pyvcp.time-minutes <= time.0.minutes net cycle-hours pyvcp.time-hours <= time.0.hours FUNCTIONS time.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS time.N.start bit in Timer On time.N.seconds u32 out Seconds time.N.minutes u32 out Minutes time.N.hours u32 out Hours AUTHOR John Thornton LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 295 TIMEDELAY(9) HAL Component TIMEDELAY(9) NAME timedelay − The equivalent of a time-delay relay SYNOPSIS loadrt timedelay [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS timedelay.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS bit in timedelay.N.out bit out Follows the value of in after applying the delays on-delay and off-delay. timedelay.N.on-delay float in (default: 0.5) The time, in seconds, for which in must be true before out becomes true float in (default: 0.5) The time, in seconds, for which in must be false before out becomes false timedelay.N.elapsed float out Current value of the internal timer AUTHOR Jeff Epler, based on works by Stephen Wille Padnos and John Kasunich LICENSE GPL 296 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation TIMEDELTA(9) HAL Component TIMEDELTA(9) NAME timedelta − LinuxCNC HAL component that measures thread scheduling timing behavior SYNOPSIS loadrt timedelta [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS timedelta.N PINS timedelta.N.out s32 out timedelta.N.err s32 out (default: 0) timedelta.N.min s32 out (default: 0) timedelta.N.max s32 out (default: 0) timedelta.N.jitter s32 out (default: 0) timedelta.N.avg-err float out (default: 0) timedelta.N.reset bit in LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 297 TOGGLE(9) HAL Component TOGGLE(9) NAME toggle − ’push-on, push-off’ from momentary pushbuttons SYNOPSIS loadrt toggle [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS toggle.N PINS bit in button input toggle.N.out bit io on/off output PARAMETERS toggle.N.debounce u32 rw (default: 2) debounce delay in periods LICENSE GPL 298 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation TOGGLE2NIST(9) HAL Component TOGGLE2NIST(9) NAME toggle2nist − toggle button to nist logic SYNOPSIS loadrt toggle2nist [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION toggle2nist can be used with a momentary push button connected to a toggle component to control a device that has seperate on and off inputs and has an is-on output. If in changes states via the toggle output If is-on is true then on is false and off is true. If is-on is false the on true and off is false. FUNCTIONS toggle2nist.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS bit in bit in toggle2nist.N.on bit out bit out LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 299 TRISTATE_BIT(9) HAL Component TRISTATE_BIT(9) NAME tristate_bit − Place a signal on an I/O pin only when enabled, similar to a tristate buffer in electronics SYNOPSIS loadrt tristate_bit [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS tristate-bit.N If enable is TRUE, copy in to out. PINS bit in Input value tristate-bit.N.out bit io Output value tristate-bit.N.enable bit in When TRUE, copy in to out LICENSE GPL 300 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation TRISTATE_FLOAT(9) HAL Component TRISTATE_FLOAT(9) NAME tristate_float − Place a signal on an I/O pin only when enabled, similar to a tristate buffer in electronics SYNOPSIS loadrt tristate_float [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS tristate-float.N (requires a floating-point thread) If enable is TRUE, copy in to out. PINS float in Input value tristate-float.N.out float io Output value tristate-float.N.enable bit in When TRUE, copy in to out LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 301 UPDOWN(9) HAL Component UPDOWN(9) NAME updown − Counts up or down, with optional limits and wraparound behavior SYNOPSIS loadrt updown [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS updown.N Process inputs and update count if necessary PINS updown.N.countup bit in Increment count when this pin goes from 0 to 1 updown.N.countdown bit in Decrement count when this pin goes from 0 to 1 updown.N.reset bit in Reset count when this pin goes from 0 to 1 updown.N.count s32 out The current count PARAMETERS updown.N.clamp bit rw If TRUE, then clamp the output to the min and max parameters. updown.N.wrap bit rw If TRUE, then wrap around when the count goes above or below the min and max parameters. Note that wrap implies (and overrides) clamp. updown.N.max s32 rw (default: 0x7FFFFFFF) If clamp or wrap is set, count will never exceed this number updown.N.min s32 rw If clamp or wrap is set, count will never be less than this number LICENSE GPL 302 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation WATCHDOG(9) HAL Component WATCHDOG(9) NAME watchdog − monitor multiple inputs for a "heartbeat" SYNOPSIS loadrt watchdog num_inputs=N You must specify the number of inputs, from 1 to 32. Each input has a separate timeout value. FUNCTIONS process Check all input pins for transitions, clear the ok-out pin if any input has no transition within its timeout period. This function does not use floating point, and should be added to a fast thread. set-timeouts Check for timeout changes, and convert the float timeout inputs to int values that can be used in process. This function also monitors enable-in for false to true transitions, and re-enables monitoring when such a transition is detected. This function does use floating point, and it is appropriate to add it to the servo thread. PINS watchdog.input-n bit in Input number n. The inputs are numbered from 0 to num_inputs-1. watchdog.enable-in bit in (default: FALSE) If TRUE, forces out-ok to be false. Additionally, if a timeout occurs on any input, this pin must be set FALSE and TRUE again to re-start the monitoring of input pins. watchdog.ok-out bit out (default: FALSE) OK output. This pin is true only if enable-in is TRUE and no timeout has been detected. This output can be connected to the enable input of a charge_pump or stepgen (in v mode), to provide a heartbeat signal to external monitoring hardware. PARAMETERS watchdog.timeout-n float in Timeout value for input number n. The inputs are numbered from 0 to num_inputs-1. The timeout is in seconds, and may not be below zero. Note that a timeout of 0.0 will likely prevent ok-out from ever becoming true. Also note that excessively long timeouts are relatively useless for monitoring purposes. LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2010-06-22 303 WCOMP(9) HAL Component WCOMP(9) NAME wcomp − Window comparator SYNOPSIS loadrt wcomp [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS wcomp.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS float in Value being compared wcomp.N.min float in Low boundary for comparison wcomp.N.max float in High boundary for comparison wcomp.N.out bit out True if in is strictly between min and max wcomp.N.under bit out True if in is less than or equal to min wcomp.N.over bit out True if in is greater than or equal to max NOTES If max <= min then the behavior is undefined. LICENSE GPL 304 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation WEIGHTED_SUM(9) HAL Component WEIGHTED_SUM(9) NAME weighted_sum − convert a group of bits to an integer SYNOPSIS loadrt weighted_sum wsum_sizes=size[,size,...] Creates weighted sum groups each with the given number of input bits (size). DESCRIPTION This component is a "weighted summer": Its output is the offset plus the sum of the weight of each TRUE input bit. The default value for each weight is 2ˆn where n is the bit number. This results in a binary to unsigned conversion. There is a limit of 8 weighted summers and each may have up to 16 input bits. FUNCTIONS process_wsums (requires a floating point thread) Read all input values and update all output values. PINS bit in The m’th input of weighted summer n. wsum.N.hold bit in When TRUE, the sum output does not change. When FALSE, the sum output tracks the bit inputs according to the weights and offset. wsum.N.sum signed out The output of the weighted summer wsum.N.bit.M.weight signed rw The weight of the m’th input of weighted summer n. The default value is 2ˆm. wsum.N.offset signed rw The offset is added to the weights corresponding to all TRUE inputs to give the final sum. LinuxCNC Documentation 2007-01-16 305 WJ200_VFD(9) HAL Component WJ200_VFD(9) NAME wj200_vfd − Hitachi wj200 modbus driver SYNOPSIS wj200_vfd PINS wj200-vfd.N.commanded-frequency float in Frequency of vfd wj200-vfd.N.reverse bit in 1 when reverse 0 when forward bit in run the vfd wj200-vfd.N.enable bit in 1 to enable the vfd. 0 will remote trip the vfd, thereby disabling it. bit out 1 when running bit out 1 when running at assigned frequency bit out 1 when vfd is ready to run bit out 1 when vfd alarm is set wj200-vfd.N.watchdog-out bit out Alternates between 1 and 0 after every update cycle. Feed into a watchdog component to ensure vfd driver is communicating with the vfd properly. PARAMETERS wj200-vfd.N.mbslaveaddr u32 rw Modbus slave address LICENSE GPLv2 or greater 306 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation XHC_HB04_UTIL(9) HAL Component XHC_HB04_UTIL(9) NAME xhc_hb04_util − xhc-hb04 convenience utility SYNOPSIS loadrt xhc_hb04_util [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] DESCRIPTION Provides logic for a start/pause button and an interface to halui.program.is_paused,is_idle,is_running to generate outputs for halui.program.pause,resume,run. Includes 4 simple lowpass filters with coef and scale pins. The coef value should be 0 <= coef <=1, smaller coef values slow response. Note: the xhc_hb04 component includes smoothing so these values can usually be left at 1.0 FUNCTIONS xhc-hb04-util.N (requires a floating-point thread) PINS xhc-hb04-util.N.start-or-pause bit in bit in bit in bit in xhc-hb04-util.N.pause bit out xhc-hb04-util.N.resume bit out bit out xhc-hb04-util.N.in0 s32 in xhc-hb04-util.N.in1 s32 in xhc-hb04-util.N.in2 s32 in xhc-hb04-util.N.in3 s32 in xhc-hb04-util.N.out0 s32 out xhc-hb04-util.N.out1 s32 out xhc-hb04-util.N.out2 s32 out xhc-hb04-util.N.out3 s32 out xhc-hb04-util.N.scale0 float in (default: 1.0) xhc-hb04-util.N.scale1 float in (default: 1.0) xhc-hb04-util.N.scale2 float in (default: 1.0) xhc-hb04-util.N.scale3 float in (default: 1.0) xhc-hb04-util.N.coef0 float in (default: 1.0) xhc-hb04-util.N.coef1 float in (default: 1.0) xhc-hb04-util.N.coef2 float in (default: 1.0) xhc-hb04-util.N.coef3 float in (default: 1.0) LICENSE GPL LinuxCNC Documentation 2014-12-18 307 XOR2(9) HAL Component XOR2(9) NAME xor2 − Two-input XOR (exclusive OR) gate SYNOPSIS loadrt xor2 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] FUNCTIONS xor2.N PINS xor2.N.in0 bit in xor2.N.in1 bit in xor2.N.out bit out out is computed from the value of in0 and in1 according to the following rule: in0=TRUE in1=FALSE in0=FALSE in1=TRUE out=TRUE Otherwise, out=FALSE LICENSE GPL 308 2014-12-18 LinuxCNC Documentation

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