Love Hate Manual

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User Guide

Copyright © Pixel Crushers. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Welcome to Love/Hate.................................................................................................................... 4
How to Get Help.................................................................................................................................................................4

Installation....................................................................................................................................... 5
Example Scene............................................................................................................................... 5
Setup Overview............................................................................................................................... 6
Faction Database............................................................................................................................ 6

Faction Members and Faction Manager........................................................................................ 11
Factions vs. Faction Members.........................................................................................................................................11
Faction Manager..............................................................................................................................................................12
Faction Member...............................................................................................................................................................13
Stabilize PAD...................................................................................................................................................................17
Emotion Model.................................................................................................................................................................18

Traits on Other Objects................................................................................................................. 20
LOD Manager............................................................................................................................... 21
Deeds............................................................................................................................................ 22
Deed Template Library.....................................................................................................................................................22
Deed Reporter..................................................................................................................................................................24
Tying Deeds to Gameplay................................................................................................................................................24
Deed Evaluation...............................................................................................................................................................25

Automatic Character Interaction.................................................................................................... 26
Deed Reaction Events.....................................................................................................................................................26
Greeting Trigger...............................................................................................................................................................26
Gossip Trigger..................................................................................................................................................................27
Aura Trigger.....................................................................................................................................................................27

Saving and Loading...................................................................................................................... 29
Scripting........................................................................................................................................ 30
API Reference..................................................................................................................................................................30
Event Handlers.................................................................................................................................................................33
Emotional State................................................................................................................................................................37
Accessing Traits...............................................................................................................................................................37
Time Modes......................................................................................................................................................................37

Adventure Creator Support........................................................................................................... 38
Dialogue System Support............................................................................................................. 39
ICE Creature Control Support....................................................................................................... 42
Makinom Support.......................................................................................................................... 44
ORK Framework Support.............................................................................................................. 47
PlayMaker Support....................................................................................................................... 50
plyGame Support.......................................................................................................................... 53
TradeSys Support......................................................................................................................... 56
UFPS Support............................................................................................................................... 58
Behavior Designer Support........................................................................................................... 59
Node Canvas Support................................................................................................................... 59
Zone Controller Support................................................................................................................ 59
Faction Database Templates......................................................................................................... 60
Simple Template...............................................................................................................................................................60
RPG Template..................................................................................................................................................................60
OCEAN Template.............................................................................................................................................................60
MegaOCEAN Template....................................................................................................................................................61

Emotion Model Templates............................................................................................................. 61
Deed Evaluation Function............................................................................................................. 62

Love/Hate is a relationship and personality simulator for Unity. It models characters' feelings about
each other using emotional states and value-based judgment of deeds.
With Love/Hate, your characters will…

…have personalities and emotional states.
Love/Hate uses powerful, customizable personality and emotional state models.
…maintain relationships.
Love/Hate tracks how different characters and groups (factions) feel about each other,
allowing you to define a dynamic web of social ties among your characters.
…judge and remember deeds.
Characters witness deeds committed by others, judge them according to their own
personality and relationships, and remember them.
…gossip with other characters.
Characters share memories realistically, allowing news of actions to spread organically.

Love/Hate doesn’t replace reason-based AI such as finite state machines and behavior trees, but
instead works alongside them to provide interesting, character-based motivation.
Love/Hate is the product of several years of development in realtime simulation of emotions and
value-based appraisal, incorporating the latest academic and industry research. Despite its
sophistication, Love/Hate is very lightweight and CPU efficient at runtime. It includes complete, fully
documented source code.
Love/Hate also supports Hutong Games' PlayMaker, Opsive's Behavior Designer and UFPS, Icebox
Studio's Adventure Creator, ICE Creature Control, Gaming Is Love's Makinom and ORK Framework,
PLYoung's plyGame, Paradox Notion's Node Canvas, UtopiaWorx's Zone Controller, CallumP's
TradeSys, and Pixel Crushers’ Dialogue System for Unity. (These products must be purchased

How to Get Help
We’re here to help! If you get stuck, have questions, or want to request a feature, please email us:


Love/Hate imports into this folder structure:
Assets / Plugins / Pixel Crushers:
Common: Shared assets used by Pixel Crushers products.
Example: Examples of Love/Hate's features; you can safely delete this.
Scripts: Complete source code.
Templates: Starter templates for faction databases and deed templates.
Third Party Support: Packages to help integrate with third-party products.
You can find the package version in Pixel Crushers/_README.txt and version release notes in
Pixel Crushers/_RELEASE_NOTES.txt. Third party support packages import into Assets / Pixel


The example scene demonstrates how the player's actions affect NPCs based on their personalities
and their relationships to the target of the action. You play a visitor to a tiny kingdom with a bandit
problem. The scene contains four NPCs that you can interact with. When you bump into an NPC,
you can see her current faction information and click buttons to perform actions such as Flatter and
Insult. As you perform actions, watch the faction information window and the NPCs' animations,
which are driven by Love/Hate.
The subtle halo around each NPC is her greeting range. When other characters enter it, she will
greet them according to how she feels about them. If she likes the characters, she'll tell them about
any of your actions that she's witnessed. This may change how those characters feel about you.
The third party support packages come with their own example scenes. You can read more about
these examples in their respective sections of the manual.

To set up Love/Hate, you'll follow these steps:
1. Create a faction database.
2. Configure faction members (characters).
3. Inform Love/Hate when deeds (game actions) occur.
The sections below describe these steps in detail.

A faction database is an asset that contains the following user-definable information:

Personality Traits are values
used to define personalities

Relationship Traits are values
used to define relationships

Presets are predefined values,
useful as shortcuts

A faction is a set of personality
traits and relationships
assigned to a character or


To create your faction database, you can copy a template or create a new, empty faction database.
Using a Template Faction Database
The Templates folder contains starter databases that use various psychological models such as the
“OCEAN” five-factor model commonly used in behavioral psychology. To use a template, select it in
the Projects view and press Ctrl-D (⌘-D) to duplicate it.
Using an Empty Faction Database
To create a new, empty faction database, select menu item Assets > Create > Love/Hate > Faction

A trait is a value in the range [-100,+100], where +100 means “strongly agrees” and -100 means
“strongly disagrees.” Traits apply to personalities and deeds. Love/Hate lets you define the traits you
want to use in your project. You can make them as streamlined or complex as you want. The
Templates folder contains several starter databases with predefined traits for psychological models
such as the “OCEAN” five-factor model commonly used in behavioral psychology.
Example: In the example scene, the faction database defines a trait named Lawfulness.
The Princess, a ruler devoted to upholding the law, has a high Lawfulness value. Horn
Girl, a Robin Hood-style bandit, has a negative Lawfulness value.
Traits are what characters value, not necessarily what they do themselves. A character might not be
confident herself, but she might be attracted to confidence in others. To define a new trait, click the
“+” button in the lower right of the Traits list.

A preset is a predefined set of traits, useful as a shortcut. You can use presets to assign default
values to factions.
Example: In the example scene, the Bandit preset defines trait values for a typical
bandit. This preset was applied to Horn Girl and Pink Girl. Then they were customized
further to make each character unique. Later in the manual, you'll see that traits will also
apply to deeds and other entities such as locations. You can define and apply presets to
these, too.
To define a new preset, click the “+” button in the lower right of the Presets list. Enter a name and
optional description. Then click the horizontal bars to the left of the preset name to edit its values.
If you want to organize presets in groups, you can use forward slash characters in the preset name.
Example: Say you have several presets for monsters. You can name them
Monsters/Orc, Monsters/Goblin, Monsters/Kobold, and so on. In faction menus, they will
all be grouped in a submenu Monsters.
Note: If you change a preset’s values, characters or deeds to which you’ve previously applied the
preset will not be automatically updated with the new preset values.

A faction is a social circle. It defines a set of personality traits and relationships. Usually a character
will have its own personal faction, although interchangeable generic NPCs, such as generic goblins,
might share a common faction instead. A character who belongs to a faction is called a faction
To define a new faction, click the “+” button to the lower right of the Factions list. Enter a name,
optional description, and color for this faction's gizmo in the Scene view. Then click the horizontal
bars to the left of the faction's name to edit it. If you want to organize factions in groups, you can use
forward slashes in their names, such as Titans/Cronos and Titans/Themis.

Note: Each unique
character will usually
have its own faction!


A faction can belong to any number of parent factions. To add a parent, click the “+” button in the
lower right of the Parents list. You only need to specify direct parents, as those parent factions may
have their own parents (this faction's grandparents) and so on. Above, Pink Girl has Bandits as a
parent. She inherits any relationships that Bandits have toward other factions.
Personality Traits
Use the sliders or input fields to set the faction's personality trait values. To apply a preset, click the
“+” button in the lower right of the Personality Traits list. If you select “(Average from parents)”, it will
average the current values of any assigned parents. If you select “(Sum from parents)”, it will add
the parents' values. (Factions don't inherit these values from their parents by default.) In the
screenshot on the previous page, Pink Girl's Lawfulness is -40, indicating that she has disregard for
the law. Her Kindness is 40, indicating that she values kindness.
The Trait Inheritance Type dropdown lets you select Average or Sum. This specifies how
personality traits are inherited from parents when calling FactionDatabase.InheritPersonalityTraits()
in your scripts at runtime, or using equivalent visual scripting methods.
Factions have relationships to other factions. Each relationship specifies a set of relationship traits in
the range [-100, +100]. There will always be an Affinity trait, where +100 indicates absolute love
and -100 indicates absolute hatred. In the screenshot on the previous page, Pink Girl has a strong
+80 affinity to her idol, Horn Girl, and a moderately strong +50 affinity to her sister, the Princess.
You can choose to add more relationship traits, such as Rivalry or Obligation. You might use
Obligation in an honor-based environment such as a traditional samurai tale. Rivalry makes a good
counterpoint to Affinity in romance stories.
Example: In a sci-fi RPG, Drake, the xeno-archaeologist player character, is forced to
travel with Ariana, a tough artifact smuggler. Ariana starts with low Affinity to Drake and
high Rivalry – she wants to steal the artifacts; Drake wants to preserve them. As they
travel the galaxy, Ariana begins to appreciate Drake's views and abilities. Her Affinity
increases and her Rivalry decreases until, at some point, romance can bloom. If her
Rivalry remains too high, however, it might override her growing affection and prevent
romantic options.
Note that relationships are one-way.
Example: A third character has a secret crush on Drake. She has a high Affinity to him,
but Drake doesn't even know that she exists, so he has no Affinity to her.
To add a relationship, click the “+” button in the lower right of the Relationships list.
Relationships can be inheritable (the default) or non-inheritable. To mark a relationship noninheritable, untick the checkbox next to the subject's name.
To view relationships that are inherited from parents and ancestors, expand the Inherited
Relationships foldout. This will display a new section containing all inherited relationships and
which ancestors they're inherited from (but not all children of targets of inherited relationships since
this could be an extremely big list).


The Relationship Inheritance Type dropdown lets you select Average or Sum. This specifies how
relationships are inherited from parents.
The % Judge Parents value, if non-zero, specifies how much to affect relationships to the subject's
parents when updating a relationship to a subject at runtime.


Factions vs. Faction Members
Love/Hate characters are faction members.
It's important to understand the distinction between factions and faction members.
A faction is defined in a faction database. Its properties are relatively abstract. More than one
faction member can belong to a faction.
A faction member exists on a GameObject in a scene. Its properties deal with the specific
experiences of the GameObject – what it sees (witnessing deeds) and how it feels (temperament).
The “hive mind” is a classic sci-fi trope, epitomized by the Borg in Star Trek and the Zerg
in StarCraft. You could think of a faction as the hive mind. Each faction member is an
individual unit with its own eyes, ears, and mouth.
For unique characters, there will be a one-to-one relationship between a faction member and her
unique faction. For generic characters, multiple faction members may share the same faction.

Faction Member

Abstract (Faction Database)
Instanced (GameObject)
Values, Parents, Relationships Emotions (PAD), Memories

Faction Member
Emotions (PAD)

Faction Member
Emotions (PAD)

Faction Member
Emotions (PAD)

Faction: Princess

Faction: Goblin

Another way to look at it, from a technical standpoint, is that factions contain data you can define at
design time, while faction members contain data such as memories and emotional states that can
only be generated at runtime based on deeds.


Faction Manager
The faction manager helps faction members talk with each other in the scene. If your scene has
any faction members, it should also have a faction manager.

To set it up a faction manager:
1. Select menu item GameObject > Love/Hate > Faction Manager. (Or just add a Faction
Member component to a new, empty GameObject in your scene.)
2. Assign your faction database.
3. You can increase Witnesses Per Update to increase the amount of deed processing done
per frame.
4. To allow faction members to witness and evaluate deeds that they themselves create, tick
Can Witness Self.
5. If you want to log Love/Hate activity to the console, tick Debug.
At runtime, the Faction Manager’s inspector view will also show the current state of the faction
database’s runtime instance:


Faction Member
A faction member is an NPC (a GameObject in your scene) that belongs to a faction.

To configure an NPC as a faction member, select it, and then select menu item Component >
Love/Hate > Faction Member.
If your scene already has a faction manager, the Faction Member script will find its faction database.
Otherwise assign your faction database so you can select the faction from the dropdown menu.
Faction members share these values with all members of the faction:


Shared Faction Values


In addition, each faction member stores its own data in the fields shown in the image above. Those
fields are described below.

PAD (Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance)
PAD is an implementation of the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance emotional model. (See for more information about this model).
The values are in the range [-100,+100].
PAD Values

Pleasure (P): How happy or sad the character currently is.
Arousal (A): How worked up and excited the character currently is.
Dominance (D): How dominant or submissive the character currently feels.
Happiness: The sum total of all pleasure values (positive and negative) over the character's
Excitability Threshold: The threshold above which the PAD values affect temperament.
Temperament is an emotional state, such as Disdainful or Exuberant, based on the
character's PAD values. A high excitability threshold means the character is less easily
moved into an emotional state.
Temperament P A D

+ + +


- -


+ + -


- -



+ -



- + -


+ -


- + +


0 0 0



If you want a character's PAD values to gradually return to target values over time, add an Equalize
PAD component, which is described later in the manual.
If you want to define a more complex emotional model than Temperament, you can create an
Emotion Model and add an Emotional State component to your faction member. This is described
in its own section further down.


Some deeds can only be witnessed if the NPC can see them being committed. To determine
visibility, the NPC runs a raycast from the Eyes transform to the actor’s origin. If Eyes is unassigned,
it will use the NPC's transform, which is usually at its feet.
Sight Layer Mask
The sight layer mask specifies which layers to check when running the visibility raycast.
For a more sophisticated vision model, add a Can See Advanced component (documented at the
end of this chapter).

Impressionability specifies how easily the faction member changes its faction’s personality traits
when it witnesses friends commit deeds. A faction member with high impressionability will align its
personality traits more quickly with the deeds’ traits.
Example: Say a street urchin befriends a thief. As the urchin witnesses the thief commit
deeds such as burglary that have negative Lawfulness personality trait values, the
urchin’s own Lawfulness personality trait will gradually become more negative.





Characters remember rumors, which are subjective memories of deeds that they've witnessed or
heard about. Short term memory affects the character's PAD state. Long term memory is used to
gossip with other characters.
Example: If you steal from the Princess, she'll remember a negative rumor about you.
Her affinity to you will decrease. It will decrease her Pleasure and increase her Arousal. If
you're more powerful than she is, her Dominance will decrease. When she encounters a
friend, she'll share this rumor. The friend will remember her own rumor about your deed.
If the bandit Horn Girl sees you steal from the Princess, or hears about it from a friend,
she'll also remember a rumor about you. But, since she doesn't like the Princess, this
rumor will improve her affinity to you and increase her Pleasure.
The values described below influence how the character subjectively evaluates the impact of a
deed. They define how much importance the character places on different aspects of deeds.

Trait Alignment Importance
This value affects how much trait alignment affects the impact of a deed. When a deed's trait values
exactly match the character's trait values, alignment is 100%. When the deed's trait values are in
complete opposition with the character's trait values, alignment is -100%. If you set Trait Alignment
Importance to 100, this will fully double the impact of deeds that completely match or oppose the
character's traits. If you set it to 0, trait alignment will not affect the impact at all.
Deed Impact Threshold
All witnessed deeds will affect the character's PAD, but only important deeds are worth
remembering. The character will only remember rumors whose perceived impact is higher than this
threshold. The perceived impact of a deed is determined by how well the deed aligns with the
character's values and the character's affinity to the target.
Acclimatization Curve
When characters witness repeated deeds on the same target, such as repeated flattery, the deed's
impact will diminish. The acclimatization curve specifies how quickly the impact falls off. With the
default value, the character will stop caring any further about the deed after 20 repetitions. However,
once the deeds fall out of memory the curve is reset.
Power Difference Curve
This curve influences how the character's dominance value is affected. When a character learns
about a deed that helps a friend (include the character itself), it gains dominance. When a character
learns about a deed that injures a friend, it loses dominance. The Power Difference Curve helps
negate dominance loss and increases dominance gain. The curve values are on a scale of 0 to 1,
where 1 means an additional 100% of the dominance change is gained.
Example: The actor casts a Fear spell, which normally decreases dominance by 10. The
character is power level 6. The actor is power level 1. The power difference is 6 – 1 = 5.
The character's Power Difference Curve at 5 is 0.8 (80%). 80% of 10 is 8. Since the
character is more powerful, instead of taking a -10 hit to dominance, it only takes a hit of
-10 + 8 = -2 to dominance.
Max Memories
To conserve memory, characters limit the number of things they'll remember. When memory is full,
old rumors will be forgotten to make room for new. If you tick Sort Memories, lower-impact rumors
will be forgotten first.
Short Term Memory Duration
This is the maximum amount of time that a rumor will stay in short term memory. The actual duration
of each rumor will be scaled down based on the faction member's perceived importance of the
rumor, which is equivalent to how much it affects the faction member's affinity to the actor. If it
increases the affinity by +50 (half of the maximum +100), the rumor will stay in memory for only half
the duration specified by this field.
While a rumor is in short term memory, it affects the character's PAD value.


Long Term Memory Duration
This is the maximum amount of time that a rumor will stay in long term memory, which is scaled
down based on the faction member's perceived importance of the rumor.
While a rumor is in long term memory, the character can share it with friends it encounters.
Memory Cleanup Frequency
The character will check for expired memories on the frequency (in seconds) specified by this field.
Sort Memories
If ticked, memories will be sorted in increasing impact. This makes it easier for your scripts to find
the most important rumor in a character's memory. There is a slight extra overhead required to insert
the memory in sorted order, but in all but the most extreme cases the overhead is negligible.
Debug Eval Func
If ticked, the faction member will log its “thought process” to the console when it evaluates a rumor.
You may find this information useful to help tweak your faction database settings.

Stabilize PAD

To make a faction member's PAD values gradually return to target values over time, add a Stabilize
PAD component by selecting menu item Component > Love/Hate > Stabilize PAD. Tick the values
you want to affect, and then enter the target value and rate of change per second. In the screenshot
above, arousal will stabilize toward zero at the rate of 1 per second.
In the screenshot above, the Stabilize PAD component will gradually bring the faction member's
Arousal to 0 at a rate of 1 unit per second.


Emotion Model
If you want to define a more complex emotion model than the PAD's Temperament, you can create
an Emotion Model and add an Emotional State component to your faction member(s). To create an
emotion model, select menu item Assets > Create > Love/Hate > Emotion Model.

You can define any number of emotions. In the screenshot above, if a faction member's Pleasure is
in the range [22,76], Arousal is [-61,23], and Dominance is [-45,55], the faction member's emotion
will be Admiration. The Templates folder contains an emotion model that maps the 22 OCC
emotions defined by behavioral psychologists.
To apply an emotion model to a faction member, add an Emotional State component and assign the
emotion model to the Template field. You can customize the model for each faction member. For
example, if a faction member is particularly fearful, you can increase the ranges for the Fear
At runtime, the inspector will show the faction member's current emotional state.


Can See Advanced
To witness deeds that require a perception check, by default a faction member runs a raycast from
its Eyes transform to the actor’s origin. For a more sophisticated check, add a Can See Advanced

This component lets you set any number of field-of-view arcs and specify additional raycast heights
to check since the default height may only check the actor’s feet. The scene view gizmos show the
fields of view and the result of the last perception check (green means seen, red means not seen):


You can add a Traits component to other non-faction member GameObjects to associate traits with
them. To add a traits component, select the GameObject, and then select menu item Component >
Love/Hate > Traits.

Love/Hate doesn't do anything itself with GameObjects that have Traits components. Instead, your
own scripts or PlayMaker actions can examine the GameObject's traits to help make decisions. You
could add traits to locations, items, even other creatures that aren't faction members.
Example: In folklore, vampires can't enter churches or cross streams. A vampire game's
faction database defines a personality trait named Purity. In the scene, the church and
stream GameObjects have Traits components with high Purity values. When the vampire
AI script decides where to go, it can try to avoid GameObjects with a high Purity value.
You can use Traits in conjunction with an Aura Trigger (described further down in the manual) to
affect characters that enter a trigger collider. The effect is based on how the character's traits align
with the Aura Trigger's traits.



The Pixel Crushers common scripts include LODManager, which is a basic level-of-detail manager.
To use LODManager, add the script to your character and define the level-of-detail distances. Set
Monitor Frequency to the frequency (in seconds) at which the LODManager should check distance
from the player to update the current level of detail.
You can use LODManager to automatically adjust a faction member's memory cleanup frequency
based on the character's distance from the player. When the player is close, the character will clean
up memory according to the value of Memory Cleanup Frequency. When the player is far, it will
reduce the frequency to conserve CPU.
To use level-of-detail in your own scripts, simply implement the OnLOD(int level) method:
public void OnLOD(int level)
// Change behavior based on the value of level,
// where level 0 is the closest to the player.



A deed is a gameplay action that NPCs can witness. It consists of:

Tag: An identifying string such as “Attack” or “Flatter” used to categorize deeds
Actor: The character performing the deed, usually the player
Target: The character the deed is performed on
Impact: A value in the range [-100,+100] indicating how harmful or beneficial the deed is
Aggression: A value [-100,+100] indicating how aggressive or submissive the deed is
Traits: Trait values that define the nature of the deed

The most direct way to report a deed is to call FactionManager.CommitDeed() in a script. This
is described in detail in the Scripting section of the manual.
An easier way to report deeds is to use a Deed Template Library and a Deed Reporter.

Deed Template Library
A deed template is an abstract definition of a deed. It defines general attributes without specifying
an actor or target. Deed templates are contained in a deed template library.
To create a deed template library, select menu item Assets > Create > Love/Hate > Deed
Template Library.


To add a deed template, click the “+” button in the lower right of the Deed Templates list. Enter the
deed template's tag and optional description. Then click the double bars to the left of the deed's tag
to edit its attributes.

Requires Sight
Some deeds can only be witnessed if the character can see them being committed. Tick this if
characters should perform a visibility check to witness the deed.
This is the reporting radius of the deed. If you want all characters to be able to witness the deed, set
Radius to 0.
Use the slider or edit field to set the deed's impact, where -100 is the worst possible thing that could
happen to the target and +100 is the absolute best. In the example above, flattery is a minor deed,
so its impact is only +5.
Use the slider or edit the field to set the deed's aggression, where -100 is the most submissive and
+100 is the most aggressive. Aggression affects characters' dominance. For example, witnessing
aggressive deeds against friends will make characters feel submissive.

The remaining fields in the template are the trait values. Characters will compare the deed's trait
values to their own trait values. The degree of alignment will modify the impact the deed has on
Example: The Flatter deed has a Kindness value of 70. If a character has a negative
Kindness value, indicating that she disdains kindness, the deed will not align with her
values, and the deed will have less impact on her.

Deed Reporter
A deed reporter uses deed templates to report deeds committed by an actor to a target.

The DeedReporter script goes on the character (usually the player) that will commit deeds. To add a
deed reporter, select the character, and then select menu item Component > Love/Hate > Deed
Reporter. Then assign a deed template library.
Deed reporters work in 3D and 2D scenes. Specify the type of scene in the Dimension dropdown.

Tying Deeds to Gameplay
When the character commits a deed, call the ReportDeed() method. Provide the deed template
tag and the target:
GetComponent().ReportDeed("Flatter", pinkGirl);

You can also use equivalent PlayMaker actions, Dialogue System functions, etc., to implicitly call
ReportDeed(). These are described in their own sections later in the manual.
For a more detailed example, say your player has a Combat script, and you want to report whenever
the player attacks another character in the Attack() method. Add these lines to your script:
void Attack(GameObject target)
target.SendMessage(“TakeDamage”, weaponDamage);
var targetFactionMember = target.GetComponent();
if (targetFactionMember != null)
GetComponent.ReportDeed(“Attack”, targetFactionMember);

(Ideally you'll cache DeedReporter in Start() rather that finding it every time the player attacks.)


Deed Evaluation
Faction members evaluate deeds using a fairly complex formula. This formula is described in detail
in the Deed Evaluation Formula section near the end of the manual.
If the faction member's % Judge Parents value is non-zero, it will not only adjust its affinity to the
deed actor but also to the deed actor's parents. For example, if Cat Girl does something nice, it
reflects well not only on her but on her Kingdom (her parent faction). Make sure to avoid looping
family trees or this will cause an infinite loop.
If you want a faction member to evaluate deeds differently for a specific faction (including its
children), add a Deed Evaluation Overrides component to the faction member.


Love/Hate provides components that allow characters can perform automatic actions based on their
Love/Hate values.

Deed Reaction Events
Use a Deed Reaction Events component to invoke events when a character witnesses a deed.

To add a Deed Reaction Events component, select Component > Love/Hate > Deed Reaction
Events. To add a reaction, add an element to the Reaction Events list. Set the temperament mask
(which defaults to Everything, meaning any temperament) and min and max pleasure values for the
deed. Then click on the item to set the events that it should invoke. In the image above, the
character is configured to set the animator trigger “Happy” when it witnesses a deed that causes it
25 to 100 pleasure.

Greeting Trigger
Use a greeting trigger to make a character play a greeting animation when it sees another

To add a greeting trigger, select the character, and then select menu item Component > Love/Hate
> Greeting Trigger, or Greeting Trigger 2D for 2D scenes. The character must have a trigger

In the Animation Triggers list, specify reactions for ranges of affinity values and temperaments.
Example: In the example above, the animator trigger parameter “Sad” will trigger when
the character's affinity to the other character is less than -25. The temperament
dropdown is set to Everything on this row, which means this line applies regardless of the
character's current temperament.
You can also add a script that implements IGreetEventHandler if you want the character to do
something more when it greets another character. The Scripting section later in the manual explains
this in more detail.

Gossip Trigger
Use a gossip trigger to allow a character to share rumors when they see another friendly character.

To add a gossip trigger, select the character and then select menu item Component > Love/Hate >
Gossip Trigger (or Gossip Trigger 2D for 2D scenes). The character must have a trigger collider.
When another character enters the trigger, this character will check its affinity to the other character.
If it's positive, they'll share rumors.
Set Time Between Gossip to the number of seconds the character should wait before sharing
gossip again with the same friend.
To make a character play an animation when gossiping, add a Gossip Animation component:
Component > Love/Hate > Gossip Animation.
You can also add a custom script that implements IGossipEventHandler if you want the
character to do something more when it gossips with another character. For example, you could play
a murmuring audio clip or show a cartoon gossip bubble above their heads. The Scripting section
later in the manual explains this in more detail.

Aura Trigger
Use an aura trigger to affect characters when they enter the trigger area.


To add an aura trigger, select a GameObject with a trigger collider and then select menu item
Component > Love/Hate > Aura Trigger (or Aura Trigger 2D for 2D scenes). This will also add a
Traits component if one doesn't already exist.
Set Time Between Effects to the number of seconds the aura should wait before applying its effect
again to the same character.
Set the values on the Traits component.
Impact is the strength of the aura, where a high value applies a stronger effect.
Aggression affects how submissive or dominant the aura makes the character feel based on how
their traits align with the aura's traits.
Example: Say you've decided to add an aura to a vampire's lair. The Purity trait is -80,
indicating it's an evil place. The Impact is 50, a powerful aura. Aggression is 30, a
dominant place. When a devout villager (with a negative trait alignment) enters the lair,
he will lose pleasure and dominance, and his arousal will increase. When the vampire
enters its lair (with a positive trait alignment), it will gain pleasure and dominance, and its
arousal will decrease.


Love/Hate is designed to support easy saving and loading with third party save systems.
Components don't maintain any special runtime pointers to other components or external data
sources, so you can serialize and deserialize any of them without having to link anything back up.
The FactionManager and FactionMember classes provide methods to serialize and deserialize data
from strings:
public string SerializeToString()
public void DeserializeFromString(string s)

To save the state of the FactionManager or a FactionMember, call SerializeToString() and save the
resulting string. To load, provide the string to DeserializeFromString().
FactionManager Serialized String Format
Serialized FactionManager data uses this format:
(for each faction:) id,name,
(for each personality trait:) {personalityTraitValues}
(for each relationship:) {factionID,inheritable,relationshipTraitValues}
FactionMember Serialized String Format
Serialized FactionMember data uses this format:
(for each memory:) memDeedGuid,deedTag,actorFactionID,targetFactionID,impact,
Other Save Systems
If you're using third party support packages such as for the Dialogue System or ORK Framework,
see their sections below for instructions on using their save systems.


API Reference
The complete API reference is online at:

Love/Hate’s source code is contained in the namespace PixelCrushers.LoveHate.
Add this line to the top of your scripts to use Love/Hate:
using PixelCrushers.LoveHate;

You can use FactionManager to manage most things, such as affinities and deeds. FactionManager
has a lot of methods. Refer to the API reference for details.
You will usually have one FactionManager in your scene, although Love/Hate supports multiple
concurrent FactionManagers. In this case, simply assign the desired FactionManager to each faction
member. See Saving and Loading above for instructions on writing save/load code.

You can override default behavior on faction members by assigning your own methods to these
CanSee Delegate
If set, the faction member will call this delegate instead of the default visibility method to determine if
it can see the actor of a deed.
void Start()
GetComponent().CanSee = MyCanSee;
public bool MyCanSee(FactionMember other, Dimension dimension)
// (Return true or false)

EvaluateRumor Delegate
If set, the faction member will call this delegate instead of the default rumor evaluation method.
void Start()
GetComponent().EvaluateRumor = MyEvaluateRumor;
public Rumor MyEvaluateRumor(Rumor rumor, FactionMember source)
// (Return a new rumor based off the source's rumor, or source’s rumor.)


ShareRumor Delegate
If set, the faction member will call this delegate instead of the default rumor sharing method.
void Start()
GetComponent().ShareRumor = MyShareRumor;
public void MyShareRumor(Rumor rumor, FactionMember other)
// Share the rumor with other.

GetPowerLevel and GetSelfPerceivedPowerLevel Delegates
There are two delegates related to power level. GetPowerLevel returns the faction member's power
level as perceived by others. GetSelfPerceivedPowerLevel returns the faction member's selfperceived power level. For example, if a faction member is very insecure, he may have a lower selfperceived power level than his actual power level.
Example for GetSelfPerceivedPowerLevel:
void Start()
var factionMember = GetComponent();
factionMember.GetSelfPerceivedPowerLevel = MySelfPerceivedLevel;
public float MySelfPerceivedPowerLevel()
// Insecure character thinks he's half as good as he really is:
return GetPowerLevel() / 2;

GetTraitAlignment Delegate
Assign this delegate to override the default function that computes how well a specified set of trait
values aligns with the faction member's faction traits.
Example for GetTraitAlignment:
void Start()
var factionMember = GetComponent();
factionMember.GetTraitAlignment = MyGetTraitAlignment;
public float MyGetTraitAlignment(float[] traits)
// Add some randomness to the alignment value:
return Traits.Alignment(faction.traits, traits) + Random.Range(-0.5f,0.5f);


Every FactionMember has a pad field. You can modify its values by calling Pad.Modify().
void Sleep()
// When sleeping, decrease arousal (3rd parameter) by 10:
GetComponent().pad.Modify(0, 0, -10, 0);

Temperament is a function of the PAD values. You can access it in code by calling
var temperament = GetComponent().pad.GetTemperament();

It returns an enum (see the table in the Faction Member section above) that corresponds to a
specific state such as Temperament.Exuberant or Temperament.Anxious.

DeedReporter has one method: ReportDeed(). Call it to report a deed in code. The deed tag should
correspond to a deed template in the DeedReporter's deed template library.
GetComponent().ReportDeed(“attack”, selectedTarget);


Event Handlers
Love/Hate uses the Unity event system introduced in Unity 4.6. If you want to visually assign your
own methods to Faction Member events in Unity's Inspector view, add a Faction Member Events
component (Component > Love/Hate > Faction Member Events).

If you want to automatically tie your methods to Love/Hate events in script without having to assign
anything in the Inspector view, add handlers for these events:


Witness Deed Event Handler
This event occurs when a faction member witnesses a deed. In the example below, if the deed
displeases the faction member, the faction member will attack the actor.
using PixelCrushers.LoveHate;
public class MyDeedHandler : MonoBehaviour, IWitnessDeedEventHandler
public void OnWitnessDeed(Rumor rumor)
if (rumor.pleasure < 0)
Say(“Hey! That's my friend!”);

Share Rumors Event Handler
This event occurs when a faction member shares rumors with another. In the example below, the
faction member will stroke its chin as if contemplating the information it just received.
using PixelCrushers.LoveHate;
public class MyShareRumorsHandler : MonoBehaviour, IShareRumorsEventHandler
public void OnShareRumors(FactionMember other)

Gossip Event Handler
This event occurs when two characters meet and decide to share rumors. The distinction between
this event and ShareRumors is that it’s possible for a character to share rumors without meeting
another character and gossiping – for example, if the character broadcasts news over a radio.
Gossip, on the other hand, is face to face. Your custom handler can play audio, show a cartoon
bubble, etc. In the example below, the faction member will play a murmur audio clip to indicate that
the characters are talking.
using PixelCrushers.LoveHate;
public class MyGossipHandler : MonoBehaviour, IGossipEventHandler
public AudioClip murmur;
public void OnShareRumors(FactionMember other)


Greet Event Handler
This event occurs when two characters meet and decide to greet each other. The default greet
trigger already plays an animation. You can add a custom handler to do something extra such as
play audio, show bark text, etc. In the example below, used for a pickpocket, the faction member
appraises what the other character owns. Later in the game, the pickpocket might use this
information to choose a victim.
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
public class MyGreetHandler : MonoBehaviour, IGreetEventHandler
public void OnGreet(FactionMember other)

Aura Event Handler
This event occurs when a character enters an aura trigger. It occurs on the aura. You can add a
custom handler to make the aura do something extra. In the example below, when a character
enters the aura, it instantiates a “Mist” prefab onto the character.
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
public class MyAuraHandler : MonoBehaviour, IAuraEventHandler
public void OnAura(FactionMember other)
Instantiate(Resources.Load(“Mist”), other.transform.position,


Enter Aura Event Handler
This event occurs when a character enters an aura trigger. It occurs on the character. You can add a
custom handler to do something extra. In the example below, when a character enters a “bad” aura
(one whose traits are negatively aligned with the character's traits), the character draws a weapon to
prepare for trouble.
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
public class MyAuraHandler : MonoBehaviour, IEnterAuraEventHandler
public void OnEnterAura(AbstractAuraTrigger aura)
var traits = aura.GetComponent();
var alignment = Traits.Alignment(traits, other.faction.traits);
if (alignment < 0) // “Bad” aura from this character's perspective.


Emotional State
If you've added an Emotional State component to a faction member, you can call
EmotionalState.GetCurrentEmotionName() to get the name of the current emotion, or
EmotionalState.GetCurrentEmotion() to get the index into the emotionDefinitions

Accessing Traits
If you've added a Traits component to a non-faction member GameObject, you can get trait values
using the GetTraits(string traitName) function:
using PixelCrushers.LoveHate;
public class VampireAI : MonoBehaviour
// This function checks if an object is something the vampire should avoid:
public bool IsObjectHarmful(GameObject obj)
var traits = obj.GetComponent();
return (traits != null) && (traits.GetTrait(“Purity”) > 50);
… (rest of script) …

You can also the static Traits.Alignment(float[], float[]) function to check how well a
two sets of traits align. It returns a normalized value in the range [-1,+1] that indicates how well their
extremes match, not how close their values are. If both sets are all zero, the alignment will be zero.
If all traits in both sets are at their extremes (+100 or -100) and the sets match exactly, the function
will return +1. If both sets are at their extremes and the sets are the exact opposite, the function will
return -1.
// This function checks if an item is something a character would
// want based on how the item's traits align with the character's personality:
public bool DoesCharacterWantItem(FactionMember character, GameObject item)
var itemTraits = item.GetComponent().traits;
return Traits.Alignment(character.traits, itemTraits) > 0;

Time Modes
For all time-based functions such as PAD stabilization or delays between greetings, Love/Hate uses
an included class GameTime instead of Unity's standard Time class. By default, GameTime
operates the same as Time. However, you can change it to realtime (i.e., not subject to time scale)
or custom (in which you must manually specify the time and deltaTime each frame).


Love/Hate has support for Icebox Studios’ Adventure Creator. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/Adventure Creator
The package will create this folder:
Assets/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/Adventure Creator Support
and it will also unpack several actions in:

Adventure Creator Example Scene
To play the Adventure Creator example scene you must first select ManagerPackage in the
Example folder. In the Inspector view, click "Assign managers".
In the example scene, the NPCs have hotspots and interactions. To interact, click on an NPC. To
keep the example simple, the interaction simply flatters the NPC.

Adventure Creator Actions
The Adventure Creator Support package will add these actions to Adventure Creator:
Check PAD

Checks PAD values.

Check Parent

Checks if a faction has an ancestor or direct parent.

Check Relationship

Checks the value of a relationship trait.

Create New Faction

Creates a new, empty faction.

Destroy Faction

Removes a faction from the faction database.

Modify PAD

Modifies PAD values.

Report Deed

Reports a deed. The actor must have a DeedReporter.

Set Parent

Adds or removes a parent from a faction.

Set Relationship

Sets a relationship trait value.

Set Relationship Inheritable

Specifies whether children inherit a relationship.

Share Rumors

Shares rumors from one faction member to another.

Remember Scripts for Saving and Loading
To save the state of the faction database, add a Remember Faction Manager script to the Faction
Manager. To save the state of a faction member, add a Remember Faction Member script. Both
scripts are available in the menu Component > Love/Hate > Third Party > Adventure Creator.


Love/Hate has built-in Dialogue System for Unity support. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/Dialogue System
The package will create this folder:
Assets/Dialogue System/Third Party Support/LoveHate

Dialogue System Example Scene
The Dialogue System example scene plays just like the original Love/Hate example scene with the
addition of a Talk button. When you bump into an NPC, click this button to converse.

Access Love/Hate in
dialogue entry conditions
and scripts!

It also adds Save and Load buttons on the upper right that demonstrate saving and loading
Love/Hate data.


Lua Functions
The Dialogue System interfaces with Love/Hate through a library of Lua functions. To enable the Lua
functions, add a LoveHateLua component to the Dialogue Manager GameObject (Component >
Dialogue System > Third Party > Love/Hate > LoveHateLua).
The LoveHateLua component adds the Lua functions detailed below, which you can use in
conversations' Conditions and Script fields. For examples that use these Lua functions, examine the
example scene's dialogue database
GetFactionName(gameObjectName) [returns string]
Gets the faction name of a GameObject that has a faction member component.
GetPersonalityTrait(gameObjectName, traitName) [returns number]
SetPersonalityTrait(gameObjectName, traitName, value)
Gets or sets a faction's personality trait value. Specify the GameObject of a faction member.
GetAffinity(judgeName, subjectName) [returns number]
SetAffinity(judgeName, subjectName, value)
ModifyAffinity(judgeName, subjectName, dValue)
Gets, sets, or modifies (increments/decrements) the affinity a judge feels toward a subject. For the
judge and subject, provide the names of the GameObjects that have faction member components.
GetRelationshipTrait(judgeName, subjectName, traitName) [returns number]
SetRelationshipTrait(judgeName, subjectName, traitName, value)
ModifyRelationshipTrait(judgeName, subjectName, traitName, dValue)
Gets, sets, or modifies a relationship trait value a judge feels toward a subject. For the judge and
subject, provide the names of the GameObjects that have faction member components.
SetRelationshipInheritable(judgeName, subjectName, boolean)
Specifies whether children inherit a relationship.
GetHappiness(gameObjectName) [returns number]
GetPleasure(gameObjectName) [returns number]
GetArousal(gameObjectName) [returns number]
GetDominance(gameObjectName) [returns number]
ModifyPAD(gameObjectName, dHappiness, dPleasure, dArousal, dDominance)
GetTemperament(gameObjectName) [returns string]
GetEmotionalState(gameObjectName) [returns string]
Gets or modifies (increments/decrements) the PAD values and/or emotional state of a faction
member. Provide the name of the GameObject that has a faction member component.
KnowsDeed(nameString, actorNameString, targetNameString, deedTag) [return Boolean]
Checks if a GameObject (nameString) with a faction member component knows about a deed
committed by an actor to a target.
ReportDeed(actorNameString, targetNameString, deedTag)
Reports a deed committed by an actor to a target. The actor must have a Deed Reporter.
ShareRumors(string actorName, string targetName)
Shares rumors from an actor to a target (one-way).


Example: Branching Conversation Based on Affinity
It's very easy to branch the conversation based on affinity. In the example scene, the Princess says,
“You're not welcome here.” if she dislikes the player. This is done by adding a simple GetAffinity()
condition to the Conditions field:

The Princess only speaks this
entry if she dislikes the player.

This is the condition on the
dialogue entry.

The condition:
GetAffinity(“Princess”, “Player”) < 0

is only true if the Princess has a negative affinity to the player.
Similarly, you can use the SetAffinity(), ModifyAffinity(), and ReportDeed() functions in a dialogue
entry's Script field.

Using the Dialogue System to Save and Load
To tie Love/Hate into the Dialogue System's Save System, add a Persistent Faction Manager
component to the faction manager (Component > Dialogue System > Third Party > Love/Hate >
Save System > Persistent Faction Manager).
Also add a Persistent Faction Member component to each faction member (Component >
Dialogue System > Third Party > Love/Hate > Save System > Persistent Faction Member).


Love/Hate has support for ICE Creature Control. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/ICE Support.unitypackage
The package will create this folder:
Assets/Pixel Crushers/LioveHate/Third Party Support/ICE Support
The package adds these features:

Report ICE combat as Love/Hate deeds.
Synchronize ICE indicators (power, aggressiveness, stress) with Love/Hate.
Enable or disable interactors based on Love/Hate affinity/deeds.

ICE Example Scene

The ICE Support example scene is in ICE Support / Example / LoveHate ICE Example. The scene
has three factions:

Zombies: Attack everything.
Citizens: Flee zombies.
Soldiers: Attack zombies. If the player hurts a Soldier or Citizen, Soldiers will attack the
player, too.


ICE Setup
To set up support for ICE:
1. Add an ICE To Love Hate component to the Faction Manager.
2. Add a Faction Member and Deed Reporter to the player.
3. Add a Faction Member and Love Hate Deed Damage Handler to creatures. This reports
ICE damage to the faction member as a deed.
4. Optionally add a Deed Reaction Events component to creatures, and configure it to react
to the pleasure value of witnessed deeds. In the example scene, creatures show a heart
icon when the deed pleases them and a teardrop icon when the deed displeases them.
5. Optionally add an Enable Interactions By Affinity component to creatures. In the scene,
when soldiers learn of a deed (either witnessed or through gossip), they check their affinity
to the player. If the affinity is negative, the component enables interaction #2, which is
configured to attack the player.

ICE and UFPS Support
To integrate Love/Hate with ICE’s support for UFPS, replace your creatures’ ICE World Damage
Adapter components with Love Hate Deed ICE World Damage Adapter components. This
component does the same thing as ICE World Damage Adapter but also reports the deed to
To see it in action, play the example scene LoveHate ICE UFPS Example. This is a simpler example
with only a UFPS player and a horde of zombies. When you shoot a zombie, it will register the deed
with Love/Hate.


Love/Hate has support for Gaming Is Love’s Makinom. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/Makinom Support.unitypackage
The package will create this folder:
Assets/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/Makinom Support
The package adds these features to Makinom:

Makinom Faction Manager and Makinom Faction Member components that tie faction
managers and faction members into Makinom.
Schematic nodes for working with Love/Hate in Makinom schematics.

Makinom Example Scene

The Makinom example scene works just like the main example scene except it uses a Makinom
dialogue to allow the player to commit deeds. Love/Hate Event Machines on NPCs also log to the
console when NPCs witness deeds.

Makinom Setup
To use Love/Hate in a Makinom project:
1. Set up your faction database and deed template library as normal.
2. In your game starter scene, add a Faction Manager GameObject. However, instead of
adding a Faction Manager component, add a Makinom Love/Hate Faction Manager
component by selecting menu item Component > Love/Hate > Third Party > Makinom >
Makinom Love Hate Faction Manager.

3. Optional: When preparing your characters (prefabs or scene objects), add a Love/Hate
Event Machine component by selecting menu item Component > Love/Hate > Third
Party > Makinom > Love Hate Event Machine. Assign schematics to start when certain
Love/Hate events occur (Witness Deed, Enter Aura, etc.).
4. Optional: Add an Aura Event Machine to your aura events by selecting menu item
Component > Love/Hate > Third Party > Makinom > Aura Event Machine. Assign a
schematic to play when the aura is entered.
5. Use the Report Deed node in your schematics to report deeds to Love/Hate.
6. Use the various Check nodes in your schematics to check Love/Hate values.
7. Use other Love/Hate nodes to modify PAD values, change faction membership, etc.

Makinom Love/Hate Faction Manager
The Makinom Love/Hate Faction Manager component is a modified version of Faction Manager
that integrates with Makinom's save system. It saves the faction database and faction member data.

Love/Hate Event Machine
The optional Love/Hate Event Machine component starts schematics when Love/Hate events
occur. Add this component to faction members. You can assign schematics to these events:

Witness Deed: Occurs when the character witnesses a Love/Hate deed.
Share Rumors: Occurs when the character shares rumors with another.
Enter Aura: Occurs when the character enters a Love/Hate aura trigger.
Greet: Occurs when the character greets another using a Greet Trigger.
Gossip: Occurs when the character gossips with another using a Gossip Trigger.

The Witness Deed event sets these global variables before playing the schematic:

rumorTag (string): The tag of the deed associated with the rumor.
rumorPleasure (float): The pleasure value for the witness.
rumorActor (string): The actor's faction name.
rumorTarget (string): The target's faction name.

Aura Event Machine
The Aura Event Machine component starts a schematic when an aura event occurs. Add it to an


Love/Hate Makinom Schematic Nodes
Love/Hate's schematic nodes are in the Love/Hate submenu. They are:


Add Direct Parent

Adds a direct parent to a faction.

Change Affinity

Changes a character's affinity to a faction.

Change PAD

Changes a character's PAD values.

Change Relationship Trait Changes the value of a relationship trait a character feels for a faction.
Check Affinity

Checks a character's affinity to a faction.

Check Arousal

Checks a character's arousal value.

Check Dominance

Checks a character's dominance value.

Check Happiness

Checks a character's happiness value.

Check Has Ancestor

Checks if a character has an ancestor faction.

Check Has Direct Parent

Checks if a character has a faction as a direct parent.

Check Knows Deed

Checks if a character knows about a deed.

Check Pleasure

Checks a character's pleasure value.

Check Relationship Trait

Checks the value of a relationship trait a character feels for a faction.

Create New Faction

Creates a new, empty faction.

Destroy Faction

Permanently removes a faction from the faction database.

Get Temperament

Gets a character's temperament value (a string).

Inherit Traits

Sets a faction's traits to the values inherited from its parents.

Remove Direct Parent

Removes a direct parent from a faction.

Report Deed

Reports a deed to Love/Hate. The actor must have a DeedReporter.

Share Rumors

Shares rumors between two characters.

Switch Faction

Changes a faction member to a different faction.

Use Faction Manager

Sets the faction manager that the faction member should use.

Using Makinom to Save and Load
The Makinom Love/Hate Faction Manager component automatically ties into Makinom's save


Love/Hate has support for Gaming Is Love’s ORK Framework. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/ORK Framework
The package will create this folder:
Assets/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/ORK Framework Support
The support package for ORK Framework is designed to replace ORK's faction system. You can use
both systems in your project, but they won't talk with each other unless you write events to do it.
The package adds these features to ORK:

Ork Faction Manager and Ork Faction Member components that tie faction managers and
faction members into ORK.
Event steps for working with Love/Hate in ORK events.

ORK Example Scene

The example scene uses assets from ORK's tutorial game. You must first import ORK's tutorial
game before playing the example scene.
If you want to edit the example scene's settings in the ORK Framework editor window, move the
ORKProject asset file from Love/Hate's ORK Framework Support folder to Assets/ORK Framework.
The Player belongs to the Love/Hate Player faction, Green Pants belongs to Allies, and Evil Pants
belongs to Enemies.
The example scene uses a modified attack event named “attackAndReportDeed” that reports an
“attack” deed through Love/Hate. It's assigned to Status > Abilities > 0:Attack > Battle Event 1.
Green Pants (an ally) has an event interaction for the Witness Deed event and also has a
conversation that checks affinity to the player.

ORK Setup
To use Love/Hate in an ORK game:
1. Set up your faction database and deed template library as normal.
2. In your game starter scene, add a Faction Manager GameObject. However, instead of
adding a Faction Manager component, add an Ork Faction Manager component by
selecting menu item Component > Love/Hate > Third Party > ORK Framework > Ork
Faction Manager.
3. When preparing your characters (prefabs or scene objects), instead of adding a Faction
Member component, add an Ork Faction Member component by selecting menu item
Component > Love/Hate > Third Party > ORK Framework > Ork Faction Member.
Assign ORK events to start when certain Love/Hate events occur (Witness Deed, Enter
Aura, etc.).
4. Use the Report Deed event step in your ORK events to report deeds to Love/Hate.
5. Use the various Check event steps in your ORK events to check Love/Hate values.
6. Use other Love/Hate event steps to modify PAD values, change faction membership, etc.

Ork Faction Manager
The Ork Faction Manager component is a modified version of Faction Manager that integrates with
ORK's save system. It saves the faction database and faction member data.

Ork Faction Member
The Ork Faction Member component is a modified version of Faction Member. It adds two things:

Uses the combatant's power level when evaluating power levels for dominance values.
Starts ORK events when Love/Hate events occur.

Use it connect an ORK event to a Love/Hate event, add one or more ORK Event Interaction
components to your character. Then assign them to the fields at the bottom of the Ork Faction
Member inspector. You can assign these events:

Witness Deed: Occurs when the character witnesses a Love/Hate deed.
Share Rumors: Occurs when the character shares rumors with another.
Enter Aura: Occurs when the character enters a Love/Hate aura trigger.
Greet: Occurs when the character greets another using a Greet Trigger.
Gossip: Occurs when the character gossips with another using a Gossip Trigger.

Aura Event Interaction
The Aura Event Interaction component starts an ORK event when an aura event occurs.


Love/Hate ORK Event Steps
Love/Hate's ORK event steps are in the Love/Hate submenu. They are:


Add Direct Parent

Adds a direct parent to a faction.

Change Affinity

Changes a character's affinity to a faction.

Change PAD

Changes a character's PAD values.

Change Relationship Trait Changes the value of a relationship trait a character feels for a faction.
Check Affinity

Checks a character's affinity to a faction.

Check Arousal

Checks a character's arousal value.

Check Dominance

Checks a character's dominance value.

Check Happiness

Checks a character's happiness value.

Check Has Ancestor

Checks if a character has an ancestor faction.

Check Has Direct Parent

Checks if a character has a faction as a direct parent.

Check Knows Deed

Checks if a character knows about a deed.

Check Pleasure

Checks a character's pleasure value.

Check Relationship Trait

Checks the value of a relationship trait a character feels for a faction.

Create New Faction

Creates a new, empty faction.

Destroy Faction

Permanently removes a faction from the faction database.

Get Temperament

Gets a character's temperament value (a string).

Inherit Traits

Sets a faction's traits to the values inherited from its parents.

Remove Direct Parent

Removes a direct parent from a faction.

Report Deed

Reports a deed to Love/Hate. The actor must have a DeedReporter.

Share Rumors

Shares rumors between two characters.

Switch Faction

Changes a faction member to a different faction.

Use Faction Manager

Sets the faction manager that the faction member should use.

Using ORK to Save and Load
The Ork Faction Manager component automatically ties into ORK's save system.


Love/Hate has built-in support for Hutong Games’ PlayMaker. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/PlayMaker
The package adds several PlayMaker actions categorized under “Love/Hate”.

PlayMaker Example Scene
IMPORTANT: If using PlayMaker 1.8.0 or earlier, to play the example scene you must first import
PlayMakerUnity2D.unitypackage, which available at:
The PlayMaker Example scene plays just like the original Love/Hate example scene, except the
Player has a PlayMaker FSM. When you bump into an NPC, the FSM shows buttons in the top left
of the screen for Flatter and Insult. The FSM demonstrates how to get factions, get affinities, and
commit deeds using PlayMaker.

PlayMaker Actions
The Love/Hate PlayMaker support package adds these actions to PlayMaker's Actions browser:


Faction Membership
Add Direct Parent

Adds a direct parent to a faction.

Create New Faction

Creates a new, empty faction.

Destroy Faction

Permanently removes a faction from the faction database.

Get Faction Name

Gets the faction name of a GameObject having a FactionMember component.

Has Ancestor

Checks if a faction has another faction as an ancestor.

Has Direct Parent

Checks if a faction has another faction as a direct parent.

Inherit Traits From

Sets a faction's personality traits based on its parents, summed or averaged
based on the setting in the faction database.

Remove Direct Parent Removes a direct parent from a faction.
Switch Faction

Changes the faction that a faction member belongs to.

Use Faction Manager

Sets the faction manager that the faction member should use.

Get Affinity

Gets the affinity a faction feels toward another faction.

Get Relationship Trait

Gets the value of a relationship trait that a faction feels toward another

Modify Affinity

Increments or decrements the affinity a faction feels toward another faction

Modify Relationship

Increments or decrements the value of a relationship trait a faction feels
toward another faction

Set Affinity

Sets the affinity a faction feels toward another faction.

Set Relationship Trait

Sets the value of a relationship trait that a faction feels toward another faction.

Set Relationship

Sets whether a relationship is inherited by children or not.

Emotional State
Get Happiness

Gets the PAD happiness value.

Get Pleasure

Gets the PAD pleasure value.

Get Arousal

Gets the PAD arousal value.

Get Dominance

Gets the PAD dominance value.

Get Temperament

Get a string indicating the PAD temperament.

Modify PAD

Increments or decrements PAD values.

Get Emotional State

Gets the name of the current emotional state.

Knows Deed

Checks if a faction member knows about a deed.

Report Deed

Reports a deed committed by an actor to a target.
NOTE: The actor must have a Deed Reporter.

Share Rumors

Shares rumors between two faction members.

Saving and Loading
Serialize To String

Gets a string representation of FactionManager or FactionMember data.

Deserialize From

Sets FactionManager or FactionMember data from a string.

Personality Traits
Get Personality Trait

Gets a faction's personality trait value.

Set Personality Trait

Sets a faction's personality trait value.


PlayMaker Events
To allow your PlayMaker FSM to receive events from Love/Hate, add a Love Hate Events To
PlayMaker component. Select the FSM's GameObject, and then select menu item Component >
Love/Hate > Third Party > PlayMaker > Love/Hate Events. Your FSM can listen for these events:


OnWitnessDeed Raised when the faction member witnesses a deed. Data:
• IntData: actor faction ID
• StringData: actor faction ID, target faction ID, deed tag
• FloatData: rumor pleasure
OnShareRumors Raised when the faction member shares rumors. Data:
• GameObjectData: other faction member

Raised when the faction member greets another faction member. Data:
• GameObjectData: other faction member


Raised when the faction member gossips with another member. Data:
• GameObjectData: other faction member


Raised when the faction member enters an aura. Data:
• GameObjectData: aura


Raised on the aura when a faction member enters it. Data:
• GameObjectData: faction member that entered aura


Love/Hate has support for PLYoung’s plyGame. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/plyGame Support.unitypackage
The package adds several blocks categorized under “Love/Hate”.

The Love/Hate plyGame support package adds these blocks:


Faction Membership
Add Direct Parent

Adds a direct parent to a faction.

Create New Faction

Creates a new, empty faction.

Destroy Faction

Permanently removes a faction from the faction database.

Get Faction Name

Gets the faction name of a GameObject that has a FactionMember

Has Ancestor

Checks if a faction has another faction as an ancestor.

Has Direct Parent

Checks if a faction has another faction as a direct parent.

Inherit Traits From

Sets a faction's personality traits based on its parents, summed or averaged
based on the setting in the faction database.

Remove Direct Parent Removes a direct parent from a faction.
Switch Faction

Changes the faction that a faction member belongs to.

Get Affinity

Gets the affinity a faction feels toward another faction.

Get Relationship Trait

Gets the value of a relationship trait that a faction feels toward another

Modify Affinity

Increments or decrements the affinity a faction feels toward another faction

Modify Relationship

Increments or decrements the value of a relationship trait a faction feels
toward another faction

Set Affinity

Sets the affinity a faction feels toward another faction.

Set Relationship Trait

Sets the value of a relationship trait that a faction feels toward another faction.

Set Relationship

Sets whether a relationship is inherited by children or not.

Emotional State
Get Happiness

Gets the PAD happiness value.

Get Pleasure

Gets the PAD pleasure value.

Get Arousal

Gets the PAD arousal value.

Get Dominance

Gets the PAD dominance value.

Get Temperament

Get a string indicating the PAD temperament.

Modify PAD

Increments or decrements PAD values.

Get Emotional State

Gets the name of the current emotional state.

Knows Deed

Checks if a faction member knows about a deed.

Report Deed

Reports a deed committed by an actor to a target.
NOTE: The actor must have a Deed Reporter.

Share Rumors

Shares rumors between two faction members.

plyGame Events
To allow your plyBlox to receive events from Love/Hate, add any of the event handlers found in the
menu Component > Love/Hate > Third Party > plyGame > Event Handlers. Your FSM can listen
for these events, each of which will also set local variables. If you add an event handler component
and an event state in your plyBlox, you must also define the corresponding local variables.


OnWitnessDeed Raised when the faction member witnesses a deed. Data:
• deedTag (string)
• deedPleasure (float)
• actorFactionID (int)
• targetFactionID (int)

Raised when the faction member commits a deed to memory. Data:
• deedTag (string)
• deedPleasure (float)
• actorFactionID (int)
• targetFactionID (int)


Raised when the faction member forgets a deed. Data:
• deedTag (string)
• deedPleasure (float)
• actorFactionID (int)
• targetFactionID (int)


Raised when a faction member's PAD values change. Data:
• happinessChange (float)
• pleasureChange (float)
• arousalChange (float)
• dominanceChange (float)

OnShareRumors Raised when the faction member shares rumors. Data:
• otherFactionID (int)

Raised when the faction member greets another faction member. Data:
• otherFactionID (int)


Raised when the faction member gossips with another member. Data:
• otherFactionID (int)


Raised when the faction member enters an aura. Data:


auraName (string) – name of the aura GameObject

Raised on the aura when a faction member enters it. Data:
• factionID (int)

Saving and Loading in plyGame
Love/Hate's plyGame support includes persistable components for faction managers and faction
To save the faction manager's active faction database with plyGame saved games, add a
Persistable Faction Manager component to the faction manager by using menu item Component >
Love/Hate > Third Party > plyGame > Persistable > Persistable Faction Manager.
To save a faction member's state with plyGame saved games, add a Persistable Faction Member
component to the faction member by using menu item Component > Love/Hate > Third Party >
plyGame > Persistable > Persistable Faction Member.


Love/Hate has built-in support for CallumP’s TradeSys. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins.Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/TradeSys Support.unitypackage
The package will create this folder:
Assets/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/TradeSys Support
Before using the TradeSys integration or playing the example scene, make sure you've added
TradeSys's required tags as described in the TradeSys manual.

TradeSys Example Scene

The example scene contains four Love/Hate-enabled trade posts, two Love/Hate-enabled traders,
and a player. Each post's prices for a trader (including the player) are affected by the post's affinity
to the trader. As you interact with the NPCs, their changing affinity to you will influence the prices in
their faction's trading posts.
As you play the scene, watch the trade posts in the in the Inspector view. The prices will fluctuate
depending on which trader is interacting with the post. The traders and player are controlled by
modified versions of the example scripts provided with TradeSys. The example scripts don't prevent
traders from interacting with the same post at the same time. If one trader buys all of a good while
the other trader is trying to buy the same good, TradeSys will throw a division by zero error. To avoid
this in your own project, make sure only one trader at a time interacts with a post.


TradeSys Setup
Make sure you've added TradeSys's required tags.
In TradeSys, trade posts are vendors or shops that buy and sell goods. Traders move goods
between posts by buying from one post and selling to another.
TradeSys has its own faction and group system. Love/Hate doesn't use TradeSys's factions; you can
use them separately from Love/Hate to limit the posts that traders visit.

How to set up Love/Hate with a trade post
1. On the Trade Post component, tick Settings > Custom pricing.
2. Add a Faction Member component.
3. Add a Love/Hate Trade Post component (Component > Love/Hate > Third Party >
TradeSys > LoveHate Trade Post). The Love/Hate Trade Post component has a price
adjustment curve. This scales the price based on the post's affinity to the trader. For
example, if the post's affinity to the trader is 50, and the curve's value at 50 is 0.25, then
prices will be discounted by 25%.
LoveHateTradePost exposes the following additional functionality:
• RestoreOriginalPrices(): Call to set the post's current prices to their original values.
• RecordOriginalPrices(): Call to record the post's current prices as the new originals.
• Dictionary originalPrice[goodsName]: This property lets you access the recorded original
prices directly.
• AdjustPricesForFaction(Faction faction, bool buyingFromFaction = false): Call to
adjust the post's current prices for selling to a specific faction. If buyingFromFaction is true,
it instead adjusts the prices for buying from a specific faction. The table below specifies how
the post's affinity for the faction affects prices:
Faction Sell to Faction Buy from Faction






Hot to set up Love/Hate with a trader
1. Add a Faction Member component.
2. Add a Love/Hate Trader component (Component > Love/Hate > Third Party > TradeSys
> LoveHate Trader).
3. Before the trader interacts with a post, call the post's
LoveHateTradePost.AdjustPricesForFaction() method to adjust the post's prices
based on its affinity to the trader. The example script TSTraderAI2D.cs demonstrates how to
call this method.

How to set up Love/Hate with the player
1. Add a Faction Member component.
2. Before the player interacts with a post, call the post's
LoveHateTradePost.AdjustPricesForFaction() method to adjust the post's prices
based on its affinity to the player. The example script TSPlayer2D.cs demonstrates how to
call this method.


Love/Hate has built-in support for Opsive’s UFPS. To enable it, import this package:
Assets/Plugins.Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/UFPS Support.unitypackage
The package will create this folder:
Assets/Pixel Crushers/LoveHate/Third Party Support/UFPS Support

UFPS Example Scene

The UFPS Example scene contains two characters, represented by capsules: a Citizen and a
Zombie, who mutually dislike each other. When you shoot one, it will be unhappy and the other will
be happy.

UFPS Support Setup
To set up support for UFPS, you only need to replace your characters’ vp_DamageHandler
components with Love Hate Deed Damage Handler components. This component does the same
thing as vp_DamageHandler but also reports the damage as a deed.
If you’re using ICE Creature Control, follow the setup instructions in the ICE Support section instead.


Support for Behavior Designer is maintained by Opsive. You can download the support package

Support for Node Canvas is maintained by Paradox Notion. You can download the support package

Love/Hate has built-in Zone Controller certified integration. You don't have to import any extra
support packages.


Love/Hate ships with the following faction database templates that you can use as a starting point
for your own faction database.

Simple Template
The Simple template defines a single trait, Virtue. You may find that this single trait, and everything
Love/Hate can do with it, is entirely sufficient to give your characters the behavior you want.=

RPG Template
The RPG template uses a small set of traits that adequately cover most situations found in typical
character-based role-playing games:


-100 Means


Kindness, empathy, mercy, and altruism

Greedy, self-centered


Trustworthiness, virtuous, and scrupulous Dishonest, sneaky

+100 Means
Altruistic, self-sacrificing
Morally upright, unwavering

Orthodoxy Order, law, justice, and conformity

Anarchist, free-willed

Conformist, lawful


Strength and physical force




Intelligence and cleverness

Simple, unintelligent, wary of intellectualism Smart, shrewd, insightful

RPG Examples

Dim-witted but honorable warrior: Integrity +80, Violence +50, Wit -80
Greedy, sneaky, cowardly wizard: Charity: -90, Integrity: -80, Violence -50, Wit +80

OCEAN Template
The OCEAN template uses the OCEAN “Big Five” personality model, where +100 indicates strong
alignment with the trait and -100 indicates strong disagreement with the trait.

General appreciation for art, emotion adventure, and variety

Conscientiousness Self-discipline, duty, and meeting outside expectations

Engagement with the external world, interacting with people


Considerate, kind, generous, trusting and trustworthy, helpful


Tendency to feel anger, anxiety, or depression

OCEAN Examples

Cool-headed spy: Openness +70, Conscientiousness +50, Extraversion +80,
Agreeableness +60, Neuroticism -90


Xenophobic rural bumpkin: Openness -60, Conscientousness +20, Extraversion -70,
Agreeableness -20, Neuroticism +40

MegaOCEAN Template
The MegaOCEAN template uses a detailed subdivision of OCEAN developed by Stéphane Bura for
the Game Developers Conference 2012 presentation, “Emotional AI for Expanding Worlds.” The
examples below are also taken from the presentation.
Artistic Interests


Activity Level



MegaOCEAN Examples
Faction: Shy Person
Artistic Interests
Emotionality -2
Adventurousness -1

Self-discipline +2
Cautiousness +1

Extraversion -2
Gregariousness -2
Assertiveness -2
Activity Level -1
Excitement-seeking -1

Modesty +2

Neuroticism +1
Anxiety +1
Self-consciousness +2
Vulnerability +1

Deed: Seduction
Openness +2
Artistic Interests
Emotionality +2
Adventurousness +1

Self-discipline +1

Extraversion +1
Friendliness +1
Gregariousness +2
Assertiveness +1
Activity Level
Excitement-seeking +1

Agreeableness +2
Modesty -2
Sympathy +1

Neuroticism -1
Immoderation +1

Love/Hate ships with OCC Emotion Model, an emotion model template that maps the 22 OCC
emotions into PAD space. The bottom of the model includes the 8 PAD temperaments as catch-alls
in case the character's current PAD values don't fit into any of the 22 OCC emotion ranges.


This section describes how the default deed and rumor evaluation function works. You can override
the default function by assigning the delegate FactionMember.EvaluateRumor.
A deed is an act committed by an actor to a target.
A rumor is a memory of a deed. Rumor data includes:

Source: The faction member delivering the rumor
Action tag: The type of act (e.g., “attack”, “heal”, etc.)
Actor: The faction member who committed the act
Target: The faction member to whom the act was done
Impact: How harmful (-100) or beneficial (+100) the act was to the target
Aggression: How aggressive this type of act is
Traits: Personality trait values associated with this act
Confidence: How sure the source is that the rumor is true

When a faction member learns of a deed or rumor, it affects how the faction member feels – for
example, does the action make it like or dislike the actor? Does the action make it feel happy, sad,
excited, submissive?
Faction members can acquire rumors by hearing them from another member or by directly
witnessing a deed. When a faction member directly witnesses a deed, it evaluates the deed as if it
were sharing a rumor with itself with 100% confidence.
When a faction member evaluates a rumor, it updates the following information:

Affinity to the actor
Pleasure, Arousal, Dominance (PAD) values
Short-term and long-term memory

The Formula
This is how the faction member updates information:
1. Compute my confidence in the rumor, based on the source’s confidence in the rumor and
how much I like (trust) the source:
confidence = affinity-to-source X source’s-confidence-in-rumor
2. Compute how it affects my relationship to the actor, based on how the deed impacts the
Δaffinity-to-actor = affinity-to-target X impact X confidence
3. Adjust Δaffinity-to-actor by how well the deed’s traits align with my own:
Δaffinity-to-actor += |Δaffinity-to-actor| X trait-alignment / trait-alignment-importance
4. Adjust Δaffinity-to-actor based on my arousal level:


Δaffinity-to-actor += Δaffinity-to-actor X arousal X arousal-importance
5. Adjust my pleasure based on Δaffinity-to-actor:
Δpleasure = Δaffinity-to-actor + ( Δaffinity-to-actor X trait-alignment)
6. Adjust my arousal based on Δaffinity-to-actor:
Δarousal = |Δaffinity-to-actor| X arousal-importance
7. Adjust my dominance based on aggression, Δaffinity-to-actor:
Δdominance = −aggression X |Δaffinity-to-actor|
8. Further adjust my dominance based on the power difference curve:
Δdominance += power-difference-curve X |Δdominance|
9. If I’m impressionable and my affinity to the actor is positive, adjust my personality traits to
align more closely with the deed’s traits:
Δpersonality-traits = affinity-to-actor X impressionability
You can see these numbers in Unity's Console view by ticking the faction member's Debug Eval
Func checkbox.
The faction member will only commit the rumor to memory if Δaffinity-to-actor is greater than its
Deed Impact Threshold. If the rumor is a repeat (that is, it has the same actor, target, and tag), the
faction member won't add a new memory; instead, it will increment the count on the existing memory
and scale down the impact based on the faction member's Deed Acclimatization Curve.
Even if the faction member doesn’t commit the rumor to memory, the rumor will still affect its
emotional state and, if impressionable, its personality traits.



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Create Date                     : 2017:10:01 17:06:27-04:00
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