Manual Try Google Cloud

User Manual: Pdf

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Page Count: 12

User GoogleCloud (Free 300
Recommend to login on google chrome with gmail account.
Register for Google Cloud
1. Open url: and “Try IT FREE”
2. Select Country and Access Condition
3. Input require data and accept condition (Need to input credit card/some confidential data)
4. After finished. Choose to create new project name “KubernetesProject” and record project code for reference
Install GCloud Tool
Following Gcloud Instruction/Downlad-install with step like below
1. Install gcloud tool
1.1 For windows (Google Cloud SDK)
1.1.1 Extract google-cloud-sdk-178.0.0-windows zip file to folder
1.1.2 Run powershell as “Administrator” and run install.bat
1.1.3 Access to path binand run command gcloud components install beta
1.1.4 Add path of folder binon system variable Path
1.1.5 Open command promopt and access to path “bin” and run “gcloud init” and Logon
system for initial gcloud and following instruction until end
1.2 For MAC OS X
1.2.1 Extract folder “google-cloud-sdk” and run “”
1.2.2 export $PATH of google sdk /bin to MAC OS X
1.2.3 run command gcloud components install beta
1.2.4 Access to “bin” and Initial by command: gcloud init
Generate Key/Import key (Option)
Following Gcloud Instruction for generate and import SSH Keys to GCloud
Following Gcloud Instruction for generate and import SSH Keys to GCloud
*Remark: After generate key with format finished. You must use gcloud for insert sshKeys authentication with Public key to Google

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