1 Miele G1000 G2000 Dishwasher Dec 06
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G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information TECHNICAL INFORMATION G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers 1 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1000 / G2000 Dishwasher - Table of Contents WARNINGS AND SAFETY INFORMATION ......................................................................10 1.0 CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN...............................................................................11 1.1 Appliance Overview ................................................................................................................................................11 1.1.1 Appliance Overview – Typical Integrated Model ........................................................................................11 1.1.2 Appliance Overview – Typical Fully Integrated Model...............................................................................12 Controls Overview...................................................................................................................................................13 Types of Dishwashers..............................................................................................................................................14 1.3.1 Pre-Finished .................................................................................................................................................14 1.3.2 Integrated......................................................................................................................................................14 1.3.3 Fully Integrated ............................................................................................................................................14 Technical Data .........................................................................................................................................................15 1.4.1 Electrical Information...................................................................................................................................15 1.4.2 Plumbing Connections..................................................................................................................................16 Intake Connection..........................................................................................................................16 Drain Connection ..........................................................................................................................16 1.4.3 Dimensions...................................................................................................................................................16 Data Tag ..................................................................................................................................................................17 1.5.1 Data Tag - Location......................................................................................................................................18 1.5.2 Data Tag – Information ................................................................................................................................18 Model Numbering....................................................................................................................................................18 1.6.1 Mode Numbering – Overview of USA Model Numbers..............................................................................19 Door Springs / Weights – Specifications .................................................................................................................20 Layout of Components (Typical).............................................................................................................................21 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 INSTALLATION .........................................................................................................22 3.0 COMMISSION AND OPERATION .............................................................................23 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Door Handle / Lock – Prefinished & Integrated Models .........................................................................................23 Child Safety Lock ....................................................................................................................................................23 Water Softener.........................................................................................................................................................24 3.3.1 Water Softener Salt – General Information ..................................................................................................24 3.3.2 Water Softener Salt – Adding.......................................................................................................................24 General Operation....................................................................................................................................................26 3.4.1 Novotronic Controls .....................................................................................................................................26 3.4.2 Touchtronic & Navitronic Controls..............................................................................................................26 3.4.3 Fully Integrated (Incognito) (Vi) Controls ...................................................................................................27 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTION ..................................................................................29 4.1 4.2 Cabinet Construction ...............................................................................................................................................29 Water Intake ............................................................................................................................................................30 4.2.1 WaterProof System (WPS)...........................................................................................................................30 4.2.3 Water Inlet Mixer .........................................................................................................................................32 4.2.4 Water Inlet Mixer Without EGS...................................................................................................................35 4.2.5 Water Inlet Mixer wth EGS..........................................................................................................................36 4.2.6 Water Inlet Mixer during Reactivation.........................................................................................................37 4.2.7 Flow Meter B3/4, Water Intake Quantity .....................................................................................................38 2 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers - Table of Contents (Continued) 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.2.8 Sensor Softener............................................................................................................................................38 4.2.9 Electronically Controlled Water Hardness (EGS) .......................................................................................39 4.2.10 Intelligent Tab Function ..............................................................................................................................39 Water Circulation & Heating...................................................................................................................................41 4.3.1 Circulation Pump..........................................................................................................................................42 4.3.2 Circulation Pump - Speed Sensor and Load Sensing ...................................................................................43 4.3.3 Heating .........................................................................................................................................................45 4.3.4 NTC Temperature Sensor, R30 ....................................................................................................................45 4.3.5 Heater Pressure Switch, B1/13 .....................................................................................................................47 4.3.6 Turbidity Sensor (ECO Sensor III, Auto-sensor), B3/10..............................................................................48 4.3.7 Spray Arm Sensing.......................................................................................................................................50 4.3.8 Filter Combination with Micro Fine Filter ...................................................................................................51 Dispensing ...............................................................................................................................................................52 4.4.1 Combination Dispenser ................................................................................................................................52 Drain System ...........................................................................................................................................................53 4.5.1 Drain Pump ..................................................................................................................................................53 Drying......................................................................................................................................................................54 4.6.1 Circulation Turbothermic Drying (active): UTT Version 1 .........................................................................54 4.6.2 Circulation Turbothermic Drying (active): UTT Version 2 .........................................................................56 4.6.3 Fan................................................................................................................................................................57 5.0 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ................................................................................58 5.1 5.2 5.3 Housing....................................................................................................................................................................58 5.1.1 Side Panel – Removal..................................................................................................................................59 5.1.2 Drip Pan – Removal ....................................................................................................................................59 Door.........................................................................................................................................................................61 5.2.1 Front Panel (GDU / Custom) – Removal ....................................................................................................61 5.2.2 Door Tension – Adjustment ........................................................................................................................62 5.2.3 Outer Door Panel – Removal.......................................................................................................................64 5.2.4 Fascia Panel Removal..................................................................................................................................65 5.2.5 Door Hinge - Removal ................................................................................................................................65 5.2.6 Combination Dispenser Unit - Removal......................................................................................................67 5.2.7 Cable Holder - Removal..............................................................................................................................68 5.2.8 Bottom Door Seal - Removal ......................................................................................................................68 5.2.9 Locking Plate - Adjustment.........................................................................................................................69 5.2.10 Door Lock – Removal (Integrate Models)...................................................................................................70 5.2.11 Door Switch – Replacement (Integrated models)........................................................................................71 5.2.12 Fully Integrated (VI) Lock with Door Contact Switch Removal.................................................................72 5.2.13 Door lock emergency release – Activate (Fully Integrated)........................................................................72 Inner Cabinet ...........................................................................................................................................................73 5.3.1 Door Seal - Replacement.............................................................................................................................73 5.3.2 Toe Kick (Plinth Removal) .........................................................................................................................74 5.3.3 Cover Plate - Removal.................................................................................................................................75 5.3.4 Connecting Strip (Lower Support) – Removal............................................................................................76 5.3.5 Multi-Plinth Removal (Door Tension Spring Housing) ..............................................................................77 5.3.6 Steam Condenser Removal..........................................................................................................................78 5.3.7 Fan Removal................................................................................................................................................78 5.3.8 Basket Runners - Removal ..........................................................................................................................79 5.3.9 Water Level Check......................................................................................................................................80 5.4.1 WaterProof System (WPS) Restrictor – Replacement ................................................................................82 5.4.2 WaterProof System (WPS) - Removal ........................................................................................................83 3 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers - Table of Contents (Continued) 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 5.4.8 5.4.9 5.4.10 5.4.11 5.4.12 5.4.13 5.4.14 5.4.15 5.5 Flowmeter (circuit board) – Removal .........................................................................................................84 Top Spray Arm Removal.............................................................................................................................84 Middle Spray Arm Removal .......................................................................................................................84 Bottom Spray Arm Removal .......................................................................................................................85 Feed Pipe with Turbidity Sensor – Top Spray Arm, Removal ....................................................................85 Feed Pipe – Middle Spray Arm, Removal...................................................................................................85 Spray Arm Sensor Removal ........................................................................................................................85 Water Inlet Mixer with Resin Chamber – Removal ....................................................................................86 EGS Valve Solenoid - Removal ..................................................................................................................88 Reactivation Valve – Removal ....................................................................................................................88 Salt Container - Removal ............................................................................................................................89 Circulation Pump - Removal .......................................................................................................................89 Circulation Pump - Service .........................................................................................................................91 Pump Cap Removal / Heater Element – Access .......................................................................92 Slide Shutter Removal ..............................................................................................................92 Drive Removal...........................................................................................................................93 Pump Impeller Removal ...........................................................................................................95 Pump Housing Removal ...........................................................................................................95 Capacitor Removal....................................................................................................................95 Heater Pressure Switch Removal ..............................................................................................95 Speed Sensor Removal..............................................................................................................95 5.4.16 Drain Pump Removal .................................................................................................................................96 5.4.17 Float Switch Removal ................................................................................................................................96 5.4.18 Sump Removal ...........................................................................................................................................97 5.4.19 NTC Temperature Sensor Removal ...........................................................................................................98 5.4.20 Filter Combination Dismantling.................................................................................................................99 5.4.21 Filter Combination Assembly (New Micro Fine Filter and Handle)........................................................ 100 5.4.22 Filter Combination Assembly (with Locking Piece)................................................................................ 101 Electronic Unit....................................................................................................................................................... 103 5.5.1 Mains Switch Removal (Integrated)......................................................................................................... 104 5.5.2 Electronic Unit Holder Removal .............................................................................................................. 105 5.5.3 Electronic Unit Removal (Integrated) ...................................................................................................... 105 6.0 FAULT DIAGNOSIS .................................................................................................106 6.1 6.2 6.3 Diagnostic Modes – Overview ............................................................................................................................. 106 6.1.1 Water Hardness Setting – Checking and Programming ............................................................................... 107 Advanta Series ....................................................................................................................................................... 107 6.2.1 Advanta Series - G2020................................................................................................................................ 107 G2020 - Programming Mode .................................................................................................... 107 G2020 - Service Mode .............................................................................................................. 112 G2020 Component Test – Information ..................................................................................... 115 6.2.2 Advanta Series – G2170............................................................................................................................... 117 G2170 - Programming Mode .................................................................................................... 117 G2170 - Service Mode .............................................................................................................. 124 G2170 Component Test – Information ..................................................................................... 127 Inspira Series ......................................................................................................................................................... 129 6.3.1 Inspira Series - G2140 & G2150 .................................................................................................................. 129 G2140 / G2150 - Programming Mode ...................................................................................... 129 G2140 / G2150 Service Mode................................................................................................... 134 G2140 / G2150 Component Test - Information ........................................................................ 137 4 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers - Table of Contents (Continued) 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.3.2 Inspira Series - G1180 & G2180 ................................................................................................................. 139 G1180 / G2180 - Programming Mode ...................................................................................... 139 G1180 / G2180 - Service Mode ................................................................................................ 146 G1180 / G2180 – Component Test............................................................................................ 149 Optima Series ....................................................................................................................................................... 151 6.4.1 Optima Series – G2420 & G2430................................................................................................................. 151 G2420 / G2430 – Programming Mode....................................................................................... 151 G2420 / G2430 - Service Mode Summary ................................................................................. 157 G2420 / G2430 Component Test ............................................................................................... 160 6.4.2 Optima Series – G1470 & G2470............................................................................................................... 162 G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode.......................................................................................... 162 G1470 / G2470 – Service Mode................................................................................................ 168 G1470 / G2470 Component Test ............................................................................................... 170 Excella Series........................................................................................................................................................ 172 6.5.1 Excella Series – G2630................................................................................................................................ 172 G2630 Programming Mode........................................................................................................ 172 G2630 – Service Mode.............................................................................................................. 178 G2630 Component Test.............................................................................................................. 180 6.5.2 Excella Series – G2670 ................................................................................................................................ 183 G2670 Programming Mode........................................................................................................ 183 G2670 – Service Mode.............................................................................................................. 187 G2670 Component Test.............................................................................................................. 189 LaPerla - G2830.................................................................................................................................................... 192 6.6.1 G2830 - Program Mode.............................................................................................................................. 192 6.6.2 G2830 – Service Mode............................................................................................................................... 197 6.6.3 G2830 Component Test.............................................................................................................................. 199 Fault Code Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 203 Fault Repair Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 204 6.8.1 No Power - Main Switch Is On .................................................................................................................. 204 6.8.2 Display shows “Close Salt Reservoir Cap” ................................................................................................ 204 6.8.3 Drain Pump Switches On and Off at Short Intervals.................................................................................. 204 6.8.4 Inlet / Drain LED Flashes and Lights up Alternately (Fully Integrated) .................................................. 205 6.8.5 Dishwasher Program Can Be Selected But Not Started............................................................................. 205 6.8.6 Dishwashing program interrupted, no fault indication ............................................................................... 205 6.8.7 Door does not close correctly ..................................................................................................................... 206 6.8.8 Condensation forms on adjacent cabinets................................................................................................... 206 6.8.9 Noises during drying cycle......................................................................................................................... 207 6.8.10 Foreign object in drain system.................................................................................................................... 207 6.8.11 Poor Drying Results.................................................................................................................................... 208 6.8.12 No Drying Or Drying Too Slow ................................................................................................................. 208 6.8.13 Water Present In Appliance And Is Not Being Drained Off....................................................................... 210 6.8.14 Inlet/Drain LED Flashes During Water Intake, Dishwasher ends selected program. (F12, F13 or F19).... 211 6.8.15 Wash Program Is Interrupted And Drain Pump Is Operated....................................................................... 214 6.8.16 The program is not interrupted, but faults are logged into the fault memory.............................................. 220 5 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers - List of Figures Figure 1-1: Appliance Overview (Typical Integrated Unit)............................................. 11 Figure 1-2: Appliance Overview (Typical Fully Integrated (Vi) Unit) ............................. 12 Figure 1-3: Pre-Finished Dishwasher............................................................................ 14 Figure 1-4: Integrated Dishwasher................................................................................ 14 Figure 1-5: Fully Integrated (Incognito) (Vi) Dishwasher............................................... 15 Figure 1-6: Dimensions ................................................................................................. 17 Figure 1-7: Data Tag Location ...................................................................................... 18 Figure 1-8: Data Tag Information .................................................................................. 18 Figure 1-9: Model Numbering ....................................................................................... 19 Figure 1-10: Layout of Components................................................................................ 21 Figure 2-1: Installation Manual (Typical) ....................................................................... 22 Figure 3-1: Door Handle Release ................................................................................. 23 Figure 3-2: Child Safety Lock........................................................................................ 23 Figure 3-3: Salt Container Release............................................................................... 25 Figure 3-4: Filling the Salt Using the Built In Funnel ..................................................... 25 Figure 3-5: Display (Main Menu)................................................................................... 26 Figure 3-6: Display (With Selected Program)................................................................ 26 Figure 3-7: Display (With Selected Options) ................................................................. 27 Figure 3-8: Display (Main Menu)................................................................................... 27 Figure 3-9: Display (With Selected Program)................................................................ 27 Figure 3-10: Display (With Selected Options) ................................................................. 28 Figure 4-1: Inner Cabinet .............................................................................................. 29 Figure 4-2: WaterProof System Intake Valves .............................................................. 30 Figure 4-3: WaterProof System Flow Restrictor............................................................ 31 Figure 4-4: Water Inlet Mixer......................................................................................... 33 Figure 4-5: Inlet Mixer without EGS .............................................................................. 35 Figure 4-6: Inlet Mixer with EGS ................................................................................... 36 Figure 4-7: Inlet Mixer during Reactivation ................................................................... 37 Figure 4-8: Water Intake and Circulation Paths ............................................................ 41 Figure 4-9: Circulation Pump – Water Paths................................................................. 42 Figure 4-10: Circulation Pump - Components................................................................. 44 Figure 4-11: Heater Pressure Switch Circuit................................................................... 47 Figure 4-12: Turbidity Sensor Circuit .............................................................................. 48 Figure 4-13: Turbidity Sensor.......................................................................................... 49 Figure 4-14: Spray Arm Sensor ...................................................................................... 50 Figure 4-15: Filter Combination in Sump ........................................................................ 51 Figure 4-16: Combination Dispenser .............................................................................. 52 Figure 4-17: Drying System UTT Version 1 .................................................................... 54 Figure 4-18: Drying System UTT Version 2 .................................................................... 56 Figure 5-1: Toe Kick (Plinth) Removal .......................................................................... 75 Figure 5-2: Door Tension Adjustment ........................................................................... 62 Figure 5-3: Side Panel Removal ................................................................................... 59 6 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers - List of Figures (Continued) Figure 5-4: Door Seal with Door.................................................................................... 70 Figure 5-5: Door Seal Installation.................................................................................. 74 Figure 5-6: Drip Pan Removal....................................................................................... 60 Figure 5-7: Integrated Door Panel Screw Locations ..................................................... 62 Figure 5-8: Outer Door Panel Removal......................................................................... 64 Figure 5-9: Opening the Hinge Bracket......................................................................... 66 Figure 5-10: Front Hinge Retaining Screw...................................................................... 67 Figure 5-11: Side Hinge Retaining Screw ....................................................................... 67 Figure 5-12: Side Hinge Retaining Screw ....................................................................... 67 Figure 5-13: Dispenser Removal .................................................................................... 68 Figure 5-14: Lower door seal holder ............................................................................... 69 Figure 5-15: Door Lock Removal .................................................................................... 71 Figure 5-16: Cover Plate Removal.................................................................................. 76 Figure 5-17: Connecting Strip Removal .......................................................................... 77 Figure 5-18: Retaining Clip ............................................................................................. 80 Figure 5-19: Water Level Reference ............................................................................... 81 Figure 5-20: Tilting the Flow Restrictor ........................................................................... 83 Figure 5-21: Removing the Flow Restrictor..................................................................... 83 Figure 5-22: Water Intake Mixer Assembly and Related Components ........................... 88 Figure 5-23: Circulation Pump and Related Components (Typical)................................ 91 Figure 6-3: Figure 6-4: Figure 6-5: Figure 6-6: Figure 6-7: Figure 6-8: Circuit test path for F11. ............................................................................ 210 F19 - Start rinse block water intake ........................................................... 212 F19 – Test routine...................................................................................... 213 Circuit test path for F24. ............................................................................ 216 Circuit test path for F-51 (initial state)........................................................ 217 Circuit test path for F-51 (testing state) ..................................................... 218 7 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers - List of Tables Table 1-1: Table 1-2: Table 1-3: Table 1-4: Table 1-5: Controls Overview..........................................................................................................13 Overview of US Model Numbers....................................................................................19 Door Spring Summary ...................................................................................................20 Panel weights/tension springs in delivery condition.......................................................20 Panel weights/tension springs in customer service version...........................................20 Table 4-1: NTC Sensor Resistance Values ....................................................................................46 Table 6-1: Diagnostic Mode Overview by Series / Model Number................................................106 Table 6-2: Water Hardness: Standard setting: 15 gr/gal (15 °d) ...................................................107 Table 6-3: G2020 Programming Mode Options (continued on Table 6-4) ....................................108 Table 6-4: G2020 Programming Mode Options (cont. from Table 6-3) (cont. on Table 6-5) ........109 Table 6.5: G2020 Programming Mode Options (cont. from Table 6-4) (cont. to Table 6-6). ........110 Table 6.6: G2020 Programming Mode Options (continued from Table 6-5) .................................111 Table 6-7: G2020 Service Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-8).............................................113 Table 6-8: G2020 Service Mode Options (continued from Table 6-7) ..........................................114 Table 6-9: G2170 Programming Mode Options (continued on Table 6-10) ..................................118 Table 6-10: G2170 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-9) (Cont. on Table 6-11).....119 Table 6-11: G2170 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-10) (Cont. on Table 6-12)...120 Table 6-12: G2170 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-11) (Cont. on Table 6-13)...121 Table 6-13: G2170 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-12) (Cont. on Table 6-14)...122 Table 6-14: G2170 Programming Mode Options (continued from Table 6-13)...............................123 Table 6-15: Service Mode (G2170) (Continued on Table 6-16)......................................................125 Table 6-16: Service Mode (G2170) (Continued from Table 6-15)...................................................126 Table 6-17: G2140 Program Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-18) .........................................130 Table 6-18: G2140 Program Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-17) (Cont. on Table 6-19) ..........131 Table 6-19: G2140 Program Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-18) (Cont. on Table 6-20) ..........132 Table 6-20: G2140 Program Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-19)......................................133 Table 6-21: G2140 Service Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-22)...........................................135 Table 6-22: G2140 Service Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-21)........................................136 Table 6-23: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-24) ...................140 Table 6-24: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-23) (Cont. on Table 6-25) .................................................................................................141 Table 6-25: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-24) (Cont. on Table 6-26) .................................................................................................142 Table 6-27: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-26) (Cont. on Table 6-28) .................................................................................................144 Table 6-28: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-27) ................145 Table 6-29: G1180 / G2180 Service Mode (Continued on Table 6-30) ..........................................147 Table 6-30: G1180 / G2180 Service Mode (Continued from Table 6-29) .......................................148 Table 6-31: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-32) ...................152 Table 6-32: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-31) (Cont. on Table 6-33) .................................................................................................153 Table 6-33: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-32) (Cont. on Table 6-34) .................................................................................................154 8 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers - List of Tables (Continued) Table 6-34: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-33) (Cont. on Table 6-35) .................................................................................................155 Table 6-35: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-34) ................156 Table 6-36: G2420 / G2430 Service Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-37) .............................158 Table 6-37: G2420 / G2430 Service Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-36)..........................159 Table 6-38: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-39) ...................163 Table 6-39: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-38) (Cont. on Table 6-40) .................................................................................................164 Table 6-40: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-39) (Cont. on Table 6-41) .................................................................................................165 Table 6-41: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-40) (Cont. on Table 6-42) .................................................................................................167 Table 6-42: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-41) ................167 Table 6-43: G1470 / G2470 Service Mode Options ........................................................................169 Table 6-44: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-45) .................................173 Table 6-45: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-44) (Cont. on Table 6-46)...174 Table 6-46: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-45) (Cont. on Table 6-47)...175 Table 6-47: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Cont. From Table 6-46) (Cont. on Table 6-48) .176 Table 6-48: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-47) .................................177 Table 6-49: G2630 Service Mode Options......................................................................................179 Table 6-50: G2670 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-51) .................................184 Table 6-51: G2670 Program Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-50) (Cont. on Table 6-52) ..........185 Table 6-52: G2670 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-51) ..............................186 Table 6-53: G2670 Service Mode Options......................................................................................188 Table 6-54: G2830 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-55). ................................193 Table 6-55: G2830 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-54) (Cont. on Table 6-56)...194 Table 6-56: G2830 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-55). .............................195 Table 6-57: G2830 Service Mode Options......................................................................................198 Table 6-58: Fault Code Summary ...................................................................................................203 9 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Warnings and Safety Information Service and repair work should only be carried out by suitably qualified persons in accordance with all appropriate local and national safety regulations. Before any service work is started, the appliance must be disconnected from the power supply. If it is necessary to tip the machine when working on the lower areas, it may only be tilted onto its back. On models with salt container in the sump, the following must be performed: Empty the water inlet mixer: Open the salt container cap briefly, reinstall the cap and ensure it is firmly secured. Any remaining water should then be removed from the cabinet. Upon completion of any service procedures, a short wash program without load should be run. This is to remove any salt residues that might be present and prevent possible corrosion. If the retaining nut to the salt container becomes loose during repair work, the salt container can slip out of the connection to the water inlet mixer. Should this occur the salt container must be dismantled. To avoid leaks and additional procedures ensure the salt container is supported via the service opening. Do not tilt the unit onto its right side, as this would cause water to run into the fan. Many procedures will require the machine to be placed on its back. Care should be taken to avoid damage to the water hoses and power cord. For questions, concerns, clarifications or further assistance contact the Miele Technical Support Center at 1-800-999-1360. 10 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1.0 Construction and Design 1.1 Appliance Overview 1.1.1 Appliance Overview – Typical Integrated Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Upper Spray Arm (Not Visible) Cutlery Tray (Depending On Model) Upper Basket Middle Spray Arm Air Inlet For Drying (Depending On Model) Lower Spray Arm Filter Combination Data Plate Child Safety Lock In The Door Handle (Not Visible) Rinse Aid Reservoir Dual Compartment Detergent Dispenser Figure 1-1: Appliance Overview (Typical Integrated Unit) 11 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1.1.2 Appliance Overview – Typical Fully Integrated Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Upper Spray Arm (Not Visible) Cutlery Tray (Depending On Model) Upper Basket Middle Spray Arm Air Inlet For Drying (Depending On Model) Lower Spray Arm Filter Combination Data Plate Optical Interface Rinse Aid Reservoir Dual Compartment Detergent Dispenser Salt Container Figure 1-2: Appliance Overview (Typical Fully Integrated (Vi) Unit) 12 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1.2 Controls Overview Controls on Miele dishwashers are categorized into four (4) types: Control Type Description Novotronic Each Novotronic model dishwasher can be operated with a single knob. Surface mounted design technology (SMD) allows Miele Novotronic components to be extremely durable and reliable. These controls are capable of performing hundreds of tasks, which cannot be handled by mechanical components. Touchtronic This series of Miele dishwashers is operated by pushing a single button – no separate temperature or drying selections – just turn the machine on, select a program and Miele does the rest. All models include a diverse group of wash programs for multiple cleaning needs. Models are designed to maximize cleaning results and optimize water and energy conservation. Incognito (Fully The Incognito (fully integrated) series dishwashers have the Integrated) (Vi) program controls located on the top edge of the door; and are accessed while the door is open. Neither seen nor heard, the Miele Incognito Series OCI (Optical cycle Indicator) allows you to see the progress of the dishwasher cycle by way of a red light, which is steady or flashing depending on the status of the cycle. Navitronic The Navitronic Touch Display consists of two electronic boards located behind the control panel. The front program electronic board contains pad sensors, which respond to finger contact. Three touch pad sensors are present on each side of the display to control the menu items displayed next to them (indicated by a small arrow) within the display area. During operation the display will show: The program name The current time of day The program sequence The approximate remaining time Faults and messages Table 1-1: Controls Overview 13 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1.3 Types of Dishwashers 1.3.1 Pre-Finished Figure 1-3: Pre-Finished Dishwasher The pre-finished construction consist of a pre-assembled door panel and control panel; making it an ideal replacement unit. Available in white, black or stainless steel. 1.3.2 Integrated Figure 1-4: Integrated Dishwasher Integrated dishwashers ship with a separate control panel, and optional GDU (door) panel. Every Integrated dishwasher ships with a bracket for installing a custom cabinet panel. The use of separate components allows for a truly customized installation. 1.3.3 Fully Integrated 14 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 1-5: Fully Integrated (Incognito) (Vi) Dishwasher Fully Integrated Dishwashers are designed to blend into the surrounding cabinetry. The operator controls are only available when door is opened. Each dishwasher is shipped with a bracket for securing a custom cabinet panel. An optional Miele stainless steel SCVi panel is also available. 1.4 Technical Data 1.4.1 Electrical Information Power Requirements: 120 VAC, 60 Hz Rated Load: 12.5 A / 1500 W (typical) Circuit breaker: 15 AMPS The appliance is equipped with a 4 ft power cord and molded NEMA 515 plug; for connection to a NEMA 5-15R receptacle (120VAC, 15 Amp, 3 prong, grounded outlet). It is recommended that the power outlet for the appliance be installed on the wall (within the cabinets), adjacent to under counter space where the appliance is installed. Ensure the cabinets contain no rough edges that could damage the power cord or drain hose. If metal cabinets are used, ensure a rubber grommet is installed around the opening. Always exercise care when sliding the dishwasher in or out, to prevent damaging the power cord and / or hoses. Hard Wire Electrical Connection Connections: L1 (Black) to L on terminal block, N (White) to N on terminal block, 15 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information GND To ground connector. Hard wiring the dishwasher should only be done if required by electrical code. Do not cut the plug off the power supply cord / plug and connect it directly to the house wiring under any circumstances. This voids the warranty. For hard wiring, the power cord must be removed from the appliance by disconnecting the cord from the terminal box located at the lower left front of the dishwasher, behind the Toekick and Service Panel. Pass the permanent power supply cable through the strain relief and secure it directly to the terminal box. THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE GROUNDED 1.4.2 Plumbing Connections Intake Connection The appliance is equipped with a five (5) foot long Double WaterProof System Intake Hose; equipped with a ¾ inch female hose connection; for connection to a ¾ inch male hose thread water supply valve. Drain Connection The appliance is equipped with a five (5) foot long Drain Hose for connection to a ¾ inch drain nipple. 1.4.3 Dimensions 16 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 1-6: Dimensions For the latest product specifications, including product dimensions visit: Miele.com 1.5 Data Tag 17 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1.5.1 Data Tag - Location Figure 1-7: Data Tag Location 1.5.2 Data Tag – Information Figure 1-8: Data Tag Information 1.6 Model Numbering 18 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 1-9: Model Numbering 1.6.1 Mode Numbering – Overview of USA Model Numbers G2020 Advanta Series G2020SC Inspira Series G2140 G2140SC G2140i Optima Series G2420SCi Excella LaPeral G2170Vi G2170SCVi G2150 G2150SC G2430SC G2430SCi G2670SCi - G2630SCi G2830 Table 1-2: Overview of US Model Numbers 19 G2180Vi G2180SCVi G1180SCvi G2470SCVi G1470SCVi - G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1.7 Door Springs / Weights – Specifications Springs should always be installed in matching pairs Model Color G1xxx, freestanding, builtunder G2xxx, built under G1xxx, (I) (VI) G2xxx, (I) (VI) Orange Tensile strength Length (mm) (N) Approx. 230 150 Blue Approx. 290 157 Uncolored Green Approx. 320 Approx. 410 156 155 Table 1-3: Door Spring Summary Door panel weights/tension springs – factory Series G1xxx I G1xxx I G2xxx I G2xxx I Control panel type Synthetic fiber Stainless steel Synthetic fiber Stainless steel Color Max. weight of front panel (Kg) Uncolored Uncolored Green Green 10 9 13 11 Table 1-4: Panel weights/tension springs in delivery condition Door panel weights/tension springs - service installed versions Series G1xxx I G1xxx I G2xxx I G2xxx I Control panel type Synthetic fiber Stainless steel Synthetic fiber Stainless steel Color Max. weight of front panel (Kg) Green Green - 15 14 - Table 1-5: Panel weights/tension springs in customer service version 20 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1.8 Layout of Components (Typical) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Reed switch salt, B8/2 Salt reservoir Solenoid valve (reactivation) Y38 Solenoid valve (water hardness) Y5 Sensor softener, 10N1 Heater relay, K1/1 Spray arm sensing (middle) 4N1 Reed switch rinse aid, B8/1 Combi-Dispenser solenoid, Y50 Flowmeter, B3/4 Module tray electronic, 1N1 Door contact switch, S24 Water Intake valve (water intake) Y2 Turbidity sensor, B3/10 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Figure 1-10: Layout of Components 21 Main switch, S2 Heater Pressure switch, B1/13 Slide shutter, M24 and B3/12 Circulation pump (MPEW), M6 Main power socket, X3/1 Interference suppressor, Z1 Capacitor circulation pump, C6 Heater, R1 Speed sensor, B3/9 Temperature sensor (NTC), R30 Fan, M2 Overflow reed switch, B8/3 Drain pump, M8 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 2.0 Installation Refer to the Residential Appliance Installation Manual. Figure 2-1: Installation Manual (Typical) 22 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 3.0 Commission and Operation 3.1 Door Handle / Lock – Prefinished & Integrated Models To open the door: Press the release inside the door grip (Figure 3-1). To close the door: Push door closed, until an audible click is heard. Figure 3-1: Door Handle Release Note If the door is opened during operation, the dishwasher will stop running. Once the door is closed the program will restart. 3.2 Child Safety Lock Refer to Figure 3-2. To lock the door: push the slider below the door grip to the right To unlock the door: push the slider to the left. See Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2: Child Safety Lock 23 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 3.3 Water Softener If your tap water hardness is above 8 grains per gallon (140 ppm), the water should be softened. If the Water Softener is needed (for select models only): The water softener sets automatically to the local water hardness. Note The water hardness level can be programmed manually. See Diagnostic Modes 6.1 or Operational Manual. If the water softener is needed the salt reservoir must be filled – refer to 3.3.1 through 3.3.2 for details. If the Water Softener is not needed (for select models only): The “insufficient salt” message will turn off automatically. Salt is not needed and should not be installed. 3 in 1 tablets and salt usage When using 3 in 1 tablets (containing detergent, rinse aid, and water softener salt) the “3 in 1” detergent setting should be selected. Use of 3 in 1 tablets will reduce salt consumption of the machine to between a quarter and third of normal usage amounts. 3.3.1 Water Softener Salt – General Information Only use water softener salt specially formulated for dishwashers. Other salts may contain insoluble additives that impair the Water Softener. The proper salt can be purchased from Miele Technical Service Department. 3.3.2 Water Softener Salt – Adding For models with salt reservoir located in bottom of the cabinet 1. Remove the Lower Basket. 2. Unscrew and remove the Salt Reservoir Cap located on the floor of the Wash Cabinet. 3. If this is the first time salt is installed; add 2 quarts water. 4. Place a funnel over the Salt Reservoir. 5. Carefully fill reservoir with salt. 6. Clean any excess salt from the threads of the reservoir opening; and screw the cap on firmly. 7. Run the” Rinse & Hold” program to remove any traces of salt from inside the Wash Cabinet. 24 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information The Salt Reservoir holds approximately 4.5 lbs (2 kg) of salt For models with salt reservoir located on the inner door 1. Open door and hold at an angle, so that the salt container can be completely filled. 2. Open salt reservoir by pressing the button in the direction of the arrow until the flap springs open - as shown in Figure 3-3. 3. Open the built in funnel, carefully fill with salt until water runs out. 4. Clean any excess and/or spilled salt. 5. Close the funnel and lid firmly. 6. Run the “Rinse & Hold” program to remove any traces of salt from inside the wash cabinet. Should the display shows “Insufficient salt”, refill the salt after the program has finished. Confirm with “OK”. The message will clear from the display. The salt container holds approx. 2.2 lbs. (1 Kg) of salt. Figure 3-3: Salt Container Release Figure 3-4: Filling the Salt Using the Built In Funnel 25 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 3.4 General Operation 3.4.1 Novotronic Controls 1. Ensure the Spray Arms are not blocked. 2. Close the door. 3. Turn on the dishwasher. The “Start” Indicator will flash. 4. Select a wash program by turning the Program Selector to the left or right to the desired wash program. 5. Press the “Start” button. 3.4.2 Touchtronic & Navitronic Controls 1. Ensure the Spray Arms are not blocked. 2. Close the door. 3. Turn on the dishwasher. The main menu shows in the display (Figure 3-5). If the memory function is selected, the last selected program is displayed. Figure 3-5: Display (Main Menu) Note Information about the selected program can be displayed by touching the i control. Select the desired program. The display changes to the program menu (Figure 3-6) Figure 3-6: Display (With Selected Program) 26 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Select the desired options; a √ check will appear next to the option selected. See Figure 3-7. Figure 3-7: Display (With Selected Options) When finished customizing the program, confirm with OK. Select Start. 3.4.3 Fully Integrated (Incognito) (Vi) Controls 1. Open the door. 2. Ensure the Spray Arms are not blocked. 3. Turn on the dishwasher. The main menu shows in the display (Figure 3-8). Figure 3-8: Display (Main Menu) Note Information about the selected program can be displayed by touching the i control. 4. Select the desired program. The display changes to the program menu (Figure 3-9). Figure 3-9: Display (With Selected Program) 27 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5. Select the desired options; a √ check will appear next to the option selected. See Figure 3-10. Figure 3-10: Display (With Selected Options) When finished customizing the program, confirm with OK. Select Start. Close the door. Note For specific program details and further information on operating the dishwasher refer to the model specific Operating Manual. 28 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.0 Description of Function 4.1 Cabinet Construction The inner cabinet is constructed of stainless steel (1.4301) welded onto four (4) vertical U-section sub-frames. The cabinet is sound and heat-insulated with bitumen and/or mineral wool matting. Figure 4-1: Inner Cabinet 29 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.2 Water Intake 4.2.1 WaterProof System (WPS) The Water Inlet Valve (Y2) consists of two (2) electro-mechanical valves mounted within a waterproof box located at the water connection (end of the water intake hose). The valves are mounted in physically and electrically in series to ensure that if one valve should fail (e.g. due to blockage caused by a foreign body) the water flow will still be switched off by the other valve. Figure 4-2: WaterProof System Intake Valves 30 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information The WaterProof System (WPS) consists of a number of interdependent safety features, which provide protection against water leakage. 1. Protection against solenoid valve leakage: Each water intake is controlled by an inlet valve. If this valve cannot close properly due to some defect or blockage by a foreign body, a second inlet valve ensures that the water supply is shut off. 2. Protection against water intake hose leakage: If a leakage occurs, water flows along an outer hose sleeve surrounding the intake hose to the drip tray. Here a float switch then acts to switch off a microswitch, which closes the inlet valves to cut off the water supply. 3. Protection against dishwasher overflow: If some defect has caused the water level in the appliance to rise so that it overflows into the drip tray, and the water quantity sensor has also failed, the float switch is activated. This switches off a micro- switch, which closes the inlet valves to cut off the water supply. At the same time the drain pump is activated. 4. Protection against drain pump failure or blocked drain path: In this case the water level in the appliance rises until it overflows into the drip tray where the float switch is activated. This switches off a micro-switch, which closes the inlet valves to cut off the water supply. Warning If the WaterProof System (WPS) is replaced, always ensure the correct flow restrictor is installed. 1 2 3 Rubber Washer (Seal) Filter Flow Restrictor Figure 4-3: WaterProof System Flow Restrictor 31 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.2.3 Water Inlet Mixer Water is taken into the appliance via the inlet valve and the water inlet mixer, through the ion exchanger (water softener) into the sump. The water softener resin (for reactivation) is located at the bottom of the water inlet mixer. The assembly also contains the EGS valve (for the electronically controlled water softener) reactivation valve and a built in flow meter. The spray arm sensors are also positioned within the assembly (on appropriate models that include spray arm sensors). 32 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 4-4: Water Inlet Mixer 33 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Component List – Refer to Figure 4-4. 1. Flow Meter B3/4 2. Ball Valve 3. Water Reservoir – Softener Reactivation 4. Overflow 5. Non-return Device 6. Vent 7. Ion Exchanger 8. Water Outlet to Salt Container 9. Water Intake from Salt Container 10. Connection to Inlet Valve 11. Reactivation Valve 12. EGS Valve 13. Water Outlet to Sump 14. Cabinet Water Inlet A. Middle Spray Arm Sensor B. Lower Spray Arm Sensor 34 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.2.4 Water Inlet Mixer Without EGS 1. 2. 3. 4. Water Outlet to Sump EGS Valve not activated Reactivation Valve Connection to Inlet Valve Figure 4-5: Inlet Mixer without EGS 35 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.2.5 Water Inlet Mixer wth EGS 1. 2. 3. 4. Water Outlet to Sump EGS Valve activated Reactivation Valve Connection to Inlet Valve Figure 4-6: Inlet Mixer with EGS 36 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.2.6 Water Inlet Mixer during Reactivation 1. 2. 3. 4. Water Outlet to Sump EGS Valve Reactivation Valve open Connection to Inlet Valve Figure 4-7: Inlet Mixer during Reactivation 37 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.2.7 Flow Meter B3/4, Water Intake Quantity A Flow Meter B3/4 integrated in the Water Inlet Mixer monitors the water intake quantity. The water flow is measured in the hard water area. A permanent magnet located in the Flow Meter axle activates an external reed switch each time the axle rotates. The pulses supplied by the reed switch are registered by the electronic unit and compared with a target value stored in memory for the particular program or program step in operation. For each liter of water, approx. 200 pulses should be registered. When the target value (maximum number of pulses) is reached, the water intake step is stopped. If the target value has not been reached after 4 min, the program is interrupted and the Drain Pump operates. Then, depending on the model, the Inlet/Drain LED flashes or fault code F13 is displayed, see Fault code F13, 6.8.14. Note For precise details regarding permissible minimum flow pressure, see the appropriate operating/installation instructions. 4.2.8 Sensor Softener If there is a break in data transfer between the Sensor Softener and the electronic module, the control activates an emergency program. The basis for calculating the period between individual reactivation cycles is then the most recently registered water hardness Figure saved before the break in communications. At every new program start, the electronic module attempts to re-establish contact with the Sensor Softener. If this is successful, measured values from the Sensor Softener will then be used again. To ensure that possible measurement faults at the Sensor Softener do not have severe consequences, the electronic control includes a further safety feature. A table relating water hardness to maximum water quantities is stored in memory. If the maximum water quantity for the hardness level in question is taken in without reactivation having taken place, a reactivation cycle is started automatically. If a sensor softener fault is registered, the fault code F87 is displayed and saved in the fault memory, see Fault code F87, 6.8.15. 38 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.2.9 Electronically Controlled Water Hardness (EGS) To prevent or avoid possible glass corrosion, the wash water hardness level should not exceed or fall below 3 gr/gal, in program steps with heating and 5 gr/gal in program steps without heating. With mains water hardness below 20 gr/gal. (In heating steps under 16 gr/gal) the Solenoid Valve Y5 is activated to add a proportion of hard mains water to the cabinet. The proportion added in this way depends on the mains water hardness level set at the electronic unit or that measured at the Sensor Softener. The EGS system is not active as standard in all wash programs, but this can be programmed as an option if required. The EGS Valve is located in the Water Inlet Mixer. 4.2.10 Intelligent Tab Function To optimize wash results, the type of detergent (normal detergent or combination products in tablet form) used in the dishwasher can be set. To adjust the program sequence to suit the detergent type, press the Tab as appropriate. The selected function remains applicable until it is modified again. It is therefore not necessary to select 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 before every program. Standard detergent (powder or tab form): The tab button is not pressed. This means filling rinse aid in the customary way, and salt will be consumed for the reactivation of the water softener. 2 in 1 Detergent: When the 2 in 1 function is selected, the program sequence is adjusted for 2 in 1 tablets (containing detergent and rinse aid). All water intake will be with soft water at the pre-set water hardness level. The dispensing of rinse aid and the rinse aid refill indicator light are deactivated. 3 in 1 Detergent: When 3 in 1 function is selected, the program sequence is adjusted for 3 in 1 tablets (containing detergent, rinse aid and salt). The dispensing of rinse aid and the rinse aid refill indicator light are deactivated. Salt consumption for the softener reactivation is reduced to between 1/3 and ¼ of its normal level. During the first two water intake cycles, prepared water taken from the water softener is added to the circulating water. During the following intake cycle, the softener is inactive. 39 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Note When selecting the function “2in1” or “3in1”, impulses dispense rinse aid (1 ml), to slowly empty the dispensing chamber. This is necessary since rinse aid remnants, depending on their chemical composition, can clump, or separate, under certain temperature and storage conditions. The additional rinse aid dispensed as the chamber is being emptied has a positive effect on the drying result. So if the drying result deteriorates after some time of washing with combination products, it might be that all rinse aid remnants have been flushed from the detergent chamber. Warning The 3 in 1 function may not be selected if the water hardness level is above 26 gr/gal. The detergent manufacturer’s instructions must be followed. Note If detergent tabs are used which contain other components in addition to rinse aid and salt replacement (such as glass care, stainless steel shine, etc.), select function “3in1”. 40 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.3 Water Circulation & Heating 1 Solenoid valve – Water Intake Y2 2 Ball Valve 3 Water Inlet Mixer 4 Water Reservoir – Softener Reactivation 5 Turbidity Sensor B3/10 6 Feed Pipe – Top Spray Arm 7 Feed Pipe – Middle Spray Arm 8 Circulation Pump M6 + Heating R1 9 Feed to Circulation Pump 10 Feed Pipe – Bottom Spray Arm 11 Sump 12 Non-return Valve 13 Drain Pump M8 14 Salt Container 15 Water Intake from Salt Container 16 Solenoid Valve – Reactivation Y38 17 Resin Tank 18 19 20 21 22 23 Soft Water Outlet to Sump Water Outlet to Salt Container Supply to Water Intake Mixer Non-return Device Flow Meter B3/4 Solenoid Valve – Wash Water Hardness Y5 (EGS) Figure 4-8: Water Intake and Circulation Paths 41 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.3.1 Circulation Pump 1 2 3a 3b Water Intake (suction area) Output to Middle Spray Arm Output to Top Spray Arm Output to Bottom Spray Arm Figure 4-9: Circulation Pump – Water Paths Water is passed to the spray arms via the circulation pump. There are two circulation pump versions depending on model. Circulation pump with slide shutter: MPEW (approx. 65 W) With spray arm alternation, the spray arms are only intermittently supplied with water. This is achieved via a slide shutter, which is moved back and forth as appropriate to open or close water paths to the different spray arms. For 30 sec. both the top and bottom spray arms are supplied and during the next 30 sec. the middle spray arm only. The total water circulation rate is constant and is approx. 34 l/min. Detergent is only dispensed when the middle spray arm is being supplied with water. A hall sensor is located between the pump housing and the motor to measure the pump speed. Depending on the measured value, the quantity of additional water required, if any, can be established. 42 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Circulation pump without slide shutter: MPEH (approx. 85 W) With the circulation pump without the slide shutter, all three spray arms are supplied with water at the same time. The total water circulation rate is approx. 68 l/min. Approx. 15 l/min flow through the top spray arm, approx. 34 l/min through the middle spray arm and approx. 19 l/min through the bottom spray arm. This pump version does not have a speed sensor. Both pumps are equipped with a winding changeover, which increases the torque at the moment they are switched on (higher starting torque). In this state the main winding is connected directly, and the auxiliary winding connected indirectly via the capacitor, to the power supply. The winding changes are made via a changeover relay on the electronic module. At every switch-on, the changeover relay and the circulation pump-starting relay are supplied with power at the same time. The changeover relay switches the windings with a time delay. Both circulation pumps have thermal winding protection. 4.3.2 Circulation Pump - Speed Sensor and Load Sensing G1570 SC VI, G2570 SC VI G2630 SCI, G2670 SCVI, G2830 SCI The MPEW circulation pump (with slide shutter) is fitted with a speed sensor (Hall Sensor), which is located between the pump housing and motor. The pump speed can be measured via the sensor and a ring magnet mounted on the circulation pump shaft. The quantity of water taken in at the start of the program is measured via the flow meter, B3/4. This basic quantity of water wets the load and settles in certain areas such as on the bottom of cups. The lower the quantity of water that flows back into the sump, the greater the quantity of dishes in the appliance, as more water has been required to wet the load. The way the circulation pump is running is used to register how much water has flowed back to the sump. If sufficient water has returned, the pump runs evenly. With too little water, the pump speed fluctuates. Using this feature, additional small quantities of water are taken in until a stable motor speed is registered. By monitoring the speed in this way and thus controlling additional water intake precisely can reduce energy and water consumption. The potential savings are approx. 15% water and 19% energy. 43 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Note This system has an additional advantage. Good wash results are also ensured if the dishwasher load includes items with less than ideal shape (e.g. cups with deep bases) as the controlled additional water intake will replace the water that may be trapped in such pieces. This similarly applies if, e.g., a light plastic bowl should be turned over and filled inadvertently by the stream of water. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Slide Shutter Motor Heater Pressure Switch Heating Elements Speed Sensor (Load Sensor) Motor Connection Capacitor Figure 4-10: Circulation Pump - Components 44 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.3.3 Heating A ring heater element in the circulation pump housing heats the water. The heater element and circulation pump together form one component. This ensures that on models with spray arm alternation, heating can always be carried out whichever water path is currently being used. Integrating the heater element in the pump housing also ensures that it is always cooled sufficiently thus preventing the baking-on of soil particles or impurities in the water. Various safety measures protect the heater element against overheating, such as the following: Heater Pressure Switch NTC Temperature Sensor Electronic Control The heater is only activated when the circulation pump has taken in sufficient water. 4.3.4 NTC Temperature Sensor, R30 An NTC sensor is fitted in the sump and monitors water temperatures during dishwashing. If the maximum safety temperature of 194° F at the NTC sensor is exceeded, the program is interrupted (boiling prevention) and fault code F26 is registered, see Fault code F26, 6.8.15. If during heating the desired temperature is not reached in the given time, a fault is registered, see F25, 6.8.12. If the sensor or its connections are open- or short-circuited, the heating is switched off. The program then continues to the end without heating or dispensing, see Fault code F01, (NTC short-circuited), 6.3.12 or Fault code F02, 6.8.12. 45 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information NTC Sensor Resistance Values Temperature (° F) Resistance (kΩ) 32 35.979 41 28.519 50 22.766 59 18.281 68 14.774 77 11.982 86 9.787 95 8.048 104 6.653 113 5.523 122 4.608 131 3.856 140 3.243 149 2.745 158 2.333 167 1.990 176 1.704 185 1.464 194 1.262 199 1.157 203 1.093 Table 4-1: NTC Sensor Resistance Values 46 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.3.5 Heater Pressure Switch, B1/13 The heater pressure switch B1/13 is located directly on the circulation pump and registers the water pressure when the pump is in operation. Using the pressure switch contacts, the heating is controlled via 2 poles. The heating is switched via a heating relay located before the pressure switch contacts in the circuit. Heating activation occurs during the wash and final rinse cycles. If the circulation pump and heating relay are activated and the heater pressure switch reset contact is open, the control registers a water intake fault, see Fault code F14, 6.8.15. 1 2 3 4 Relay – Heating Heater Pressure Switch Heating Element Electronic Module Figure 4-11: Heater Pressure Switch Circuit 47 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.3.6 Turbidity Sensor (ECO Sensor III, Auto-sensor), B3/10 Dishwashers from the G 1000/G 2000 generation are provided with one of two turbidity sensors, depending on model: The ECO sensor III measures the turbidity of the water and based on this result, the wash blocks, temperatures and running times of automatic programs are modified. In addition to this, the Auto-sensor has a microprocessor to evaluate the particle measurement. Principle of Operation Water circulation and the presence of detergent cause bubbles to develop and measurement technology cannot differentiate between such bubbles and suspended soil particles. With the ECO sensor a proportion of the suds is directed into a bypass channel, which is wider at the other end. This causes the flow rate to reduce and hence the bubbles in the water to rise. The suspended soil particles in the water can then be more accurately registered in the following measuring process. A photoelectric barrier switch (IR diode (infrared) opposite a photo transistor) acts as a turbidity sensor. Depending on the turbidity (Transparency) of the water, a certain current flows through the phototransistor. This current is measured and processed by the electronic unit, which then initiates the appropriate action. If the level of turbidity passes certain thresholds, then depending on the soiling detected, the following cleaning cycles are modified accordingly with regard to water quantity, program duration and temperature. 1 2 3 Common 5 V IR LED Cathode Light Receiver Output (Emitter Figure 4-12: Turbidity Sensor Circuit 48 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 4-13: Turbidity Sensor The sensor is situated in the feed pipe to the top spray arm, as shown in Figure 4-13. The flow rate is approx. 15 l/min. In order to compensate for residues on the sensor and ageing of the optical system, the turbidity sensor must be recalibrated regularly. This process is carried out automatically by the electronic unit and cannot be modified in any way. Measurements are carried out at different times during the prewash, main wash and interim rinse stages. For this, the top and bottom spray arms must be supplied with water. 49 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.3.7 Spray Arm Sensing Specific model dishwashers are equipped with a spray arm sensing system to alert the operator that the spray arm is obstructed by a large dish, or utensil etc.... A spray arm sensor(s) is / are fitted on the water intake to monitor the middle and / or lower spray arm(s) as shown in Figure 4-14. A small magnet is fitted on one end of the appropriate spray arm. Figure 4-14: Spray Arm Sensor The spray arm sensor is only monitored during a program in operation when the circulation pump is activated. The time period during which the spray arms are monitored is given by the electronic control. If a fault is detected, it will be indicated but not saved in the fault memory. The indication will be cancelled when the fault is remedied. The minimum spray arm speed is approx. 5 rpm. Therefore approx. 12 sec. after the start of the monitoring time, the next pulse should be registered. The maximum spray arm speed is approx. 50rpm. Therefore after the start of the monitoring time, the next pulse can only be registered at the earliest approx. 1.2 sec. later. If a fault is indicated, the indication will remain active even after the door has been opened. To cancel the fault indication, the door must be closed again. 50 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.3.8 Filter Combination with Micro Fine Filter 1 2 3 4 Crown Coarse Filter Large Surface Area Fine Filter Micro Fine Filter Filter Cap Figure 4-15: Filter Combination in Sump The circulation pump M6 pumps the wash water from the sump via the filter combination to the spray arms. The circulating wash water is filtered via 2 parallel paths. A proportion of the water flows through the central opening of the crown coarse filter and then passes through the conical micro fine filter; see Figure 4-15, Item 3. The remainder passes directly through the large surface area fine filter; see Figure 4-15, Item 2, which has a small additional hole to provide a vent for the circulation pump intake area. All water is then mixed together again in the sump where it is taken in by the circulation pump and the circuit is repeated. In this way some of the water passing through the filter system always passes through the micro fine filter so the proportion of soil particles in the suds is continually being reduced. Soil that is retained by the micro fine filter either collects there or falls onto the filter cap where it will eventually be removed by the drain pump. The crown coarse filter, see Figure 4-15, Item 1, is attached to the filter combination handle. If dispensed powder detergent should fall into the micro fine filter, it remains on the filter cap where it can dissolve, instead of collecting in the drain outlet. Foreign bodies, which pass the crown coarse filter to the micro fine filter collect on the filter cap and so cannot block the drain outlet. 51 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.4 Dispensing 4.4.1 Combination Dispenser 1 2 Reed Switch Solenoid Figure 4-16: Combination Dispenser The dispenser contains a solenoid that is activated via pulses to dispense detergent and rinse aid. The first pulse opens the detergent dispenser flap. All following pulses then dispense rinse aid. During detergent dispensing the solenoid is activated by a brief pulse, and this opens the detergent dispenser flap. Rinse aid is dispensed in pulses. Each solenoid impulse dispenses approx. 1 ml rinse aid into the cabinet interior. 3 solenoid pulses are therefore required to dispense the normal quantity of rinse aid of 3 ml per wash. Each pulse is applied for approx. 10 sec. so that there is sufficient time for the rinse aid to flow into the cabinet. The pause between individual pulses is also approx. 10 sec. If the rinse aid container is empty, a reed switch is activated and this lights up an LED in the control panel or display. The rinse aid container has a capacity of 110 ml. 52 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.5 Drain System 4.5.1 Drain Pump The drain pump M8 is driven by a synchronous motor and located under the cabinet on the left next to the sump. It is directly activated by the electronic module. In case of fault, the drain pump M8 is also activated directly via the overflow float switch B8/3. The drain pump pumps the suds via the non-return valve and the drain hose to the on-site drain. During drainage the drain pump M8 extracts water from below the microfine filter. This reverses the direction of flow through the microfine filter that normally exists during the cleaning and rinse cycles. Soil particles that have been trapped in the filter during dishwashing are then flushed out with the drain water. Pumping limits: Max. 13’ hose length Max. 3’ 3” head height Most faults will cause the program in operation to be interrupted and the drain pump to start. If the WaterProof System has been activated, Fault code F70, 6.8.15, the drain pump continues to operate even after the appliance has been switched off. In this case, the pump is only switched off when the power source is disconnected. 53 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.6 Drying Depending on model and production time frame, the G1xxx/G2xxx series dishwashers are outlined below: 4.6.1 Circulation Turbothermic Drying (active): UTT Version 1 1 2 3 Inner Fan Channel Outer Fan Channel Fan Figure 4-17: Drying System UTT Version 1 54 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Circulation Turbothermic drying (UTT) operates with two separate air paths: Condensing Circuit To get dishes dry, moisture has to be removed from the dishwasher cabinet. The moist, warm air in the cabinet is gradually cooled. Cold air can hold less moisture than warm air, and thus, in this cooling process condensation drops form, which settle in the coldest areas of this circuit. To remove moisture from the air in the dishwasher cabinet, the air is sucked in above the cutlery tray (right front) and channeled into a condensing pocket. This condensing pocket is located in the right outer wall of the dishwasher with cool ambient air circulating around it, which results in a faster cooling of the moist, warm air in the dishwasher cabinet. To enhance the heat dissipation, the side panels are made of a thin (0.1 mm) stainless steel foil. The de-humidified air and the condensation go back into the dishwasher cabinet via the round opening at the side. The condensation (maximum ½ water glass) collects in the sump, and the air continues circulating. At the end of the program, the condensation is drained off. Cooling Circuit With Ambient Air To cool off the warm air in the cabinet, cold or cooler air is needed. To this end, ambient air is sucked in at the front bottom area and channeled past the sides of the condenser. These are the areas between condenser and the outside wall of the dishwasher, and between the condenser and the dishwasher cabinet wall. The air is then passed back into the room at the top rear wall. The effect is an efficient heat transfer, turning the warm air into cooler air and removing more and more moisture from the air in the cabinet, thereby drying the dishes effectively. The clear separation of ambient air and dishwasher cabinet air has the following advantages: Independent of the type of water connection (cold or hot water) a good drying result is achieved. By clearly separating the condensation and cooling circuit, air discharge at the front panel is eliminated. The inside air remains completely inside the dishwasher cabinet. 55 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.6.2 Circulation Turbothermic Drying (active): UTT Version 2 Note This system is installed in models Gx04x – Gx47x starting with production index 34/… Figure 4-18: Drying System UTT Version 2 The function of both versions of circulation Turbothermic drying is comparable. However, Version 2 has no condenser pocket. Therefore the dishwashing cabinet is completely closed – the openings, to which the condenser pocket is attached in Version 1, are eliminated. As a result, the entire area of the right side panel is cooled by the fan. The moist, warm cabinet air settles in the coldest areas of the cooling circuit and condenses on the cool cabinet inside wall. Moisture is removed from the cabinet, and the dishes dry through the residual heat. The condensation runs down the cabinet inside wall to the sump and is pumped off at the end of the program. 56 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 4.6.3 Fan Two different fan types are employed for the two different versions of circulation Turbothermic drying: Circulation Turbothermic drying (active): UTT Version 1 A split-pole motor (approx. 23 W) drives two impellers. One impeller directs cool air across the outer surface of the stainless-steel condensation surface foils. The second impeller transports steam from the cabinet to the condensation surfaces. Circulation Turbothermic drying (active): UTT Version 2 A split-pole motor (approx. 19 W) drives an impeller, which transports cool air to the outer surface of the right side panel. 57 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.0 Service and Maintenance 5.1 Housing Figure 5-1: Appliance Housing 58 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.1.1 Side Panel – Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. Refer to Figure 5-2. Remove the three retaining screws - Item 1. Use needle nose pliers to press in the retainer on the corner tabs. Remove the side panel. Figure 5-2: Side Panel Removal 5.1.2 Drip Pan – Removal Warning Before tilting the machine onto its back, the following must be carried out: 1. Open the salt container cap briefly then close it firmly - to empty the mixer. 2. Pump water out of the cabinet. 3. Lay the dishwasher on its back. 4. Refer to Figure 5-3. 5. Remove the retaining screws - Item 1. 59 water inlet G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Warning Ensure that the intake and drain hoses are not crushed. FRONT Figure 5-3: Drip Pan Removal Important To ensure a proper ground connection, the screws with the serrated surface under their heads MUST be used to secure the drip pan to the connection strip. 60 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.2 Door Figure 5-4: Door Panel 5.2.1 Front Panel (GDU / Custom) – Removal 61 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. Remove the screw caps from the side of the door (2 each side). 2. Support the panel while loosening the 4 screws, Figure 5-5. 3. Lift / remove the panel from the appliance. Figure 5-5: Integrated Door Panel Screw Locations Important Loosen the screws – Do NOT completely remove them. During reassembly do NOT over tighten the screws. 5.2.2 Door Tension – Adjustment Figure 5-6: Door Tension Adjustment 62 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Note The front door must be completely assembled before performing the door adjustment. This includes the installation of the GDU panel or custom panel. 1. Remove the Toe Kick. 2. Refer to Figure 5-6. 3. Open the door about halfway. 4. Use a Torx T20 driver to adjust the tension. Important The door tension should be adjusted so the door stays where it is placed. It should NOT spring open; or require a loaded basket be kept in place to prevent it from closing. 63 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.2.3 Outer Door Panel – Removal Caution Support the outer panel while removing the retaining screws. 1. Remove the front panel (5.2.1). 2. Refer to Figure 5-7. 3. Open the door and remove the countersunk screws (Item 1) from the perimeter of the door. 4. Close the door and remove the door outer panel. Figure 5-7: Outer Door Panel Removal Note (Integrated Models) When fitting the door outer panel, make sure that the cutouts in the door outer panel are correctly located in the holding plate. 64 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.2.4 Fascia Panel Removal Figure 5-8: Door Fascia Panel 1. Remove the retaining screws, Fig. 5-8, Item 1. 2. Slide the fascia panel upwards. Note When refitting, care must be taken with the following: • The fascia must be fitted before the switch buttons are refitted. • To secure the fascia panel, only short screws (countersunk self-tapping 3.9 x 14) may be used as otherwise the electronic unit holder could be damaged. 5.2.5 Door Hinge - Removal 65 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Note Door hinges must be replaced in pairs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remove the outer door panel (5.2.3). Remove the right and left side panels (5.1.1). Close the door. Relax the tension in the ropes of the tension springs. Refer to Figure 5-9. Disconnect the ropes from the tension springs - Item 1 (Use special tool Miele Mat. # 05054690 to decrease tension to spring). 7. Open the hinge by bending it upward - Item 2. 8. Disconnect the ground cable. 9. Remove the cable. 10. Unhinge the door and place it onto pad. 11. Remove the seal at door. Figure 5-9: Opening the Hinge Bracket 66 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-10: Front Hinge Retaining Screw 12. Remove the front door hinge retaining screws (Figure 5-10 - Item 1). 13. Remove the side door hinge retaining screws (Figure 5-11 - Item 1). Figure 5-11: Side Hinge Retaining Screw 5.2.6 Combination Dispenser Unit - Removal 67 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. Remove the outer door panel (5.2.3). 2. Disconnect the connections from the dispenser 3. Remove the retaining screws (Figure 5-12, Item 1). 4. Release the retaining clips (2 on top & 1 on bottom) and press out the dispenser unit. 5. Ensure the new dispenser functions correctly using the service mode. Figure 5-12: Dispenser Removal 5.2.7 Cable Holder - Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.2.8 Remove the outer door panel (5.2.3). Open the cable holder cover with a screwdriver. Disconnect the ground connection to the door. Loosen the clip. Remove the cable holder. Bottom Door Seal - Removal 68 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. Remove the cable holder (5.2.7). 2. Remove the door seal. Note When fitting the door seal, make sure that the seal holder is fitted back in the double U shape of the door inner panel. Figure 5-13: Lower door seal holder 5.2.9 Locking Plate - Adjustment 69 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Note Ensure the appliance is perfectly level. 1. 2. 3. 4. Open the door. Loosen the flat round screw. Adjust the locking plate – as necessary. Tighten the screw. Figure 5-14: Door Seal with Door Note Adjust the locking plate such that the door seal is not excessively crushed and not under excess pressure when the door is closed (see Figure 5-14, Item A). The locking plate can be adjusted by 1 mm in either direction. 5.2.10 Door Lock – Removal (Integrate Models) 70 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Remove the outer door panel (5.2.3). Remove the retaining screw, Figure 5-15 - Item 1. Press down the retaining lugs with a screwdriver, Figure 5-15 - Item 2. Pull the door lock slightly to the front. Remove the side screws from the inner door panel. Remove the holding plate. Remove the door lock from the holding plate. Disconnect all plugs. Figure 5-15: Door Lock Removal Note During reassembly ensure that the protective shield: - Is NOT pushed to one side or torn. - The tab is positioned between the holding plate and door lock. - Is positioned under the plug area. Important Ensure the sealing ring under the door lock retaining screw is reinstalled. 5.2.11 Door Switch – Replacement (Integrated models) 1. Remove the door lock (5.2.10). 71 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 2. Bend the retaining lug on the switch to the side. 3. Replace the switch. 5.2.12 Fully Integrated (VI) Lock with Door Contact Switch Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5.2.13 Door outer panel removal (5.2.3). Fascia panel removal (5.2.4). Remove the screws from the sides of the door inner panel. Remove the lock retaining screw. Remove the holder with electronic unit. Remove the lock with door contact switch. Disconnect the door contact switch plug connections. Door lock emergency release – Activate (Fully Integrated) 1. Remove outer door panel (5.2.3). Figure 5-16: Door lock emergency release. 2. To return the locking latch into the right position, push on the emergency release with a screwdriver, see figure 5-16, Pos.1. 72 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.3 Inner Cabinet 5.3.1 Door Seal - Replacement 73 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-17: Door Seal Installation 1. Open the door. 2. Remove the old seal. 3. Clean the groove around the cabinet. Note Coating the seal with water may simplify fitting, 4. Refer to Figure 5-17. 5. Press the new seal in the groove, starting at corners (positions 1). 6. Press the middle of seal (positions 2) into the groove under the locking plate, while pressing the seal into the corners. 7. Press the remaining part of the seal into the groove working upwards in the direction of the arrows (positions 3). Note Coating the seal with water may simplify fitting, 5.3.2 Toe Kick (Plinth Removal) 74 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. Refer to Figure 5-1, as necessary. 2. Remove the screw caps. 3. Remove the retaining screws Figure 5-18: Toe Kick (Plinth) Removal 5.3.3 Cover Plate - Removal Warning Due to the close proximity of the terminal block the appliance must be unplugged before removing the cover plate. 1. Remove the toe kick (plinth) (5.3.2). 2. Remove the two cover retaining screws, Figure 5-19. 3. Remove the cover plate. 75 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-19: Cover Plate Removal 5.3.4 Connecting Strip (Lower Support) – Removal Important The connecting strip should only be removed with the appliance uninstalled, and positioned on its back. Do not attempt to remove the connecting strip with the appliance installed in an upright position. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remove the toe kick (plinth) (5.3.2). Remove the cover plate (5.3.3). Remove the drip pan (5.1.2) Remove the retaining screws, Figure 5-20. Unscrew the machine feet slightly. Carefully remove the connecting strip. See note below. 76 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-20: Connecting Strip Removal Note Use care when removing the connecting strip as the electrical connector to the waterproof inlet valves are held in place by retainers mounted on the inside of the connecting strip. 5.3.5 Multi-Plinth Removal (Door Tension Spring Housing) 1. Side panel removal (5.1.1). 2. Connecting strip removal (5.3.4). Figure 5-21: Connecting Strip 3. Remove the connecting strip retaining screws, Fig. 5-21, Item 1. 4. Release the cord from the spring. 5. Pull out the multi-plinth from the guide integrated in the rear panel. Note Take care removing the left plinth. The electrical connector to the waterproof 77 inlet valves is held in place. To remove, release retaining clips. G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.3.6 Steam Condenser Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Remove the right side panel; see Side panel removal (5.1.1). Remove the cutlery tray (if present). Unscrew the splash protection cap (connection piece to air duct) in the cabinet. Remove the vent screw. Remove the bottom basket. Remove the air duct (from the condenser). Release the retaining lugs between the condenser and fan, Fig. 5-22, Item 1. Remove the condenser. Note When refitting, make sure that the retaining lugs between the condenser and fan engage properly. 5.3.7 Fan Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove the right side panel; see Side panel removal,( 5.1.1). Drip pan removal (5.1.2). Multi-plinth removal (Right side only) ( 5.3.5). Disconnect all plug connections from the fan. 78 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5. Release the retaining legs between the condenser and fan, Fig. 5-22, Item 1. 6. Pull the fan out of its connection to the condenser. Figure 5-22: Condenser and Fan Assembly Note When refitting, make sure that the retaining lugs between the condenser and fan engage properly. 5.3.8 Basket Runners - Removal Warning Do not lever the basket runner off in the 79 area of the bolts, since this could lead to permanent damage to the wash cavity. G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. Open the door. 2. Remove the upper basket. 3. Pull the basket runner out far enough so that the clip (Figure 5-23, Item 1) between the bolt on the cabinet wall and the basket runner is visible. 4. Remove the retaining clip by pushing it upward. 5. Remove the basket runner. Figure 5-23: Retaining Clip Note In the event the retaining clip is damaged during removal, it must be replaced with a new clip. 5.3.9 Water Level Check 1. Fully open the water supply. 2. Run the Pre-wash program, wait about 3 minutes. 80 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 3. Do not cancel the program. Slowly open the door to observe the water level in the bottom of the wash cavity. If the water level is within close proximity of the filter handle (about 4 mm above the filter), sufficient water has been taken in, Figure 5-24. Figure 5-24: Water Level Reference 5.4 Water Paths 81 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-25: Water Path Layout 5.4.1 WaterProof System (WPS) Restrictor – Replacement 82 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Note For the G1000 and G2000 series, green restrictors (4.1 l/min) must be fitted in the WaterProof System valve holder. 1. Shut off the water supply. 2. Disconnect the WPS at the plumbing supply connection. 3. Remove the sealing washer and filter from inside the WPS connection. Using a 5mm nut-driver; press and tilt the restrictor to the side; as shown in Figure 5-26. 4. Remove the Restrictor - Figure 5-27. 5. Install the new restrictor using a suitable 5 mm socket / nutdriver to seat it firmly and evenly into place. Re-install the filter and sealing washer. Figure 5-26: Tilting the Flow Restrictor Figure 5- 27: Removing the Flow Restrictor. 5.4.2 WaterProof System (WPS) - Removal Note In the event the intake hose or water valves require replacement, the WPS must be replaced as a complete assembly. Individual replacement of the parts is not possible. 83 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5.4.3 Shut off the water supply. Disconnect the WPS at the plumbing supply connection. Remove the left side panel (5.1.1). Remove the drip pan (5.1.2). Disconnect the hose from the water. Disconnect the electrical connection. Unclip the wiring from the retainers. Release the WPS retainer from the rear of the appliance and remove the WPS. Flowmeter (circuit board) – Removal Note Only the circuit board on the flowmeter is the only part of the flowmeter that can be replaced individually. In the event of mechanical failure within the flowmeter the water inlet mixer must be replaced. 1. Remove the left side panel (5.1.1). 2. Release the circuit board retaining tab, and slide the board to remove it from the water inlet mixer. 3. Disconnect the wiring. 5.4.4 Top Spray Arm Removal 1. Remove the cutlery tray if present. 2. Remove the top basket 3. Unscrew the screw connection and remove the spray arm. 5.4.5 Middle Spray Arm Removal 1. Remove the top basket. 2. Unscrew the screw connection and remove the spray arm. 84 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.4.6 Bottom Spray Arm Removal 1. Remove the bottom basket. 2. Remove the spray arm. 5.4.7 Feed Pipe with Turbidity Sensor – Top Spray Arm, Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.4.8 Remove the right side panel; see Side panel removal ( 5.1.1). Disconnect the turbidity sensor plug connections. Top spray arm removal (5.4.4). Unscrew the counter nut. Drip pan removal (5.1.2). Disconnect the hose clip connection to the circulation pump. Feed Pipe – Middle Spray Arm, Removal 1. Remove the right side panel. See Side panel removal (5.1.1). 2. Remove the top basket. 3. Dismantle the feed pipe on the rear panel inside the cabinet. Note To release the feed pipe in the rear panel through-feed area, hold the stub at the rear and pull it while at the same time pushing in the seal from the inside with a suitable screwdriver to reduce its cross-sectional area. 4. Drip pan removal, (5.1.2). 5. Remove the right multi-plinth, see Multi-plinth removal, (5.3.5). 6. Disconnect the hose clip connection to the circulation pump. 5.4.9 Spray Arm Sensor Removal 1. Remove the right side panel; see Side panel removal, (5.1.1). 85 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-28: Spray Arm Sensor 2. Remove the spray arm sensor, Fig. 5-28, Item 1. 3. Disconnect its plug connection. 5.4.10 Water Inlet Mixer with Resin Chamber – Removal 86 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unscrew the water inlet mixer vent connection inside the cabinet. Unscrew the salt container cap. Remove the sealing ring. Empty the salt container. Close the opening with the service cap (available through Miele). Unscrew the retaining nut. Remove the left side panel (5.1.1). Warning Do not tilt the unit onto its right side, as this would cause water to run into the fan. 8. Remove the drip pan (5.1.2). 9. Remove the heating relay from the water inlet mixer. 10. Place a cloth or towel under the plug connections between the water inlet mixer and the water softener. 11. Disconnect the connection with hose clip to the water inlet mixer from the resin chamber. 12. Disconnect all plug connections. 13. Remove the wiring harness from its guide. 14. Pull off the salt container downwards in the direction of its connection stub. 15. Close the connection stub on the salt container with the service stopper (available through Miele). 16. Disconnect the connection with hose clip to the sump. 17. Pull the water inlet mixer out of the seal to the sump, tilt it to the side and remove it. Reassemble by following these instructions in reverse order. The following should also be noted: 1. Pre-fit the vent screw on the water inlet mixer and apply soap solution to it as a slip lubricant. 2. Apply soap solution to the O-rings as a slip lubricant and fit them on the water inlet mixer stubs. 3. Refit the wiring harness in its guides on the salt container and water inlet mixer. 4. Check all electrical components in the drip tray area for residual moisture. Dry – as necessary. Thoroughly remove any traces of salt / water that may have leaked. After reassembly, fill the salt container with salt and water. A short program, e.g. Quick wash 104°F, without load should be run to remove any salt residues.Ensure all hardware is secured. 87 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1 2 3 4 5 Middle Spray Arm Sensor Flowmeter Circuit Board Lower Spray Arm Senso Solenoid for EGS Valve Solenoid for Reactivation Figure 5-29: Water Intake Mixer Assembly and Related Components 5.4.11 EGS Valve Solenoid - Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.4.12 Remove the left side panel (5.1.1). Remove the drip pan (5.1.2). Remove the connecting strip (5.3.4). Disconnect the electrical connector from the solenoid. Press the retaining lugs to the side Remove the EGS valve upwards. Reactivation Valve – Removal 88 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.4.13 Remove the left side panel (5.1.1). Remove the drip pan (5.1.2). Remove the connecting strip (5.3.4). Disconnect the electrical connector from the solenoid. Twist the reactivation valve 90° clockwise. Remove the reactivation valve upwards. Salt Container - Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Remove the salt container cap from the cabinet interior. Remove as salt water from the salt container. Remove the sealing ring. Close the opening with the service cap (available through Miele). Unscrew the retaining nut. Remove the left side panel (5.1.1). Remove the drip pan (5.1.2). Remove the heating relay from the water inlet mixer. Place a cloth or towel under the plug connections between the water inlet mixer and the water softener. 10. Disconnect the connection with hose clip to the water inlet mixer from the resin chamber. 11. Disconnect the plug connections for the salt monitor from the salt container. 12. Remove the wiring harness from its guide. 13. Pull off the salt container in the direction of its connection stub. 14. Close the connection stub on the salt container with the service stopper (available through Miele). Reassemble by following these instructions in reverse order. The following should also be noted. 1. Fit the salt container, center it with the retaining nut and screw tight. 2. Apply soap solution to the O-rings as a slip lubricant and fit them on the water inlet mixer stubs. 3. Refit the wiring harness in its guides on the salt container and water inlet mixer. 4. Check all electrical components in the drip pan area for residual moisture. Dry – as necessary. 5. Thoroughly remove any traces of salt / water that may have leaked. 6. After reassembly, fill the salt container with salt and water. 7. A short program, e.g. Quick wash 104°F, without load should be run to remove any salt residues. 8. Ensure all hardware is secured. 5.4.14 Circulation Pump - Removal 1. Remove the motor holder retaining screw from the rear panel. 89 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 2. Remove the drip pan (5.1.2). 3. Disconnect the electrical connectors. 4. Disconnect the plumbing connections for the feed pipes to the top and middle spray arms. 5. Disconnect the plumbing connections between the circulation pump and the sump assembly. 6. Remove the circulation pump. Important When installing the circulation pump, the seal must be installed on the pump. Then slide the circulation pump (with seal installed on the pump) into the sump housing and secure. 90 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Slide Shutter Motor Heater Pressure Switch Heater Element Speed Sensor Electrical Connection Capacitor Housing Cap Figure 5-30: Circulation Pump and Related Components (Typical) 5.4.15 Circulation Pump - Service All procedures in this section begin with removal of the circulation pump from the 91 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information appliance. Refer to Figure 5-30, as directed. Important During reassembly of the circulation pump ensure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A new sealing ring is installed The sealing ring is seated correctly in the pump housing cap The pump housing cap is evenly seated The cap retaining screws are secure The fastening clips are pressed over the retaining lugs Pump Cap Removal / Heater Element – Access 1. Remove the cap retaining screws. 2. Release the retaining clips by pushing the clip to the side, while pressing down the cap. 3. Lightly twist the cover and pull away from the housing to remove. Slide Shutter Removal 1. Circulation pump removal (5.4.14). 2. Heater Pressure Switch removal ( 3. Pump housing cap removal ( 92 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-31: Slide Shutter Assembly Note The slide shutter can only be removed or fitted when the drive cog wheel is turned with the double tooth in the position shown, see Fig. 5-31. 4. Turn the drive cog wheel to bring the double tooth to the desired position as follows: Insert a small screwdriver in one of the holes on the cam (linked to the slide shutter control motor). Turn the cam until the slide shutter can be removed. 5. Remove the slide shutter. Warning! Before refitting the slide shutter in the pump housing, make sure that the double tooth on the drive cog wheel points to the arrow on the housing. Drive Removal 1. Circulation pump removal (5.4.14). 93 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 2. Pump housing cap removal ( 3. Slide shutter removal ( Figure 5-32: Drive Cam 4. Remove the drive retaining screws, Fig. 5-27, Item 1. Warning! When refitting, check that the O-ring is seated correctly on the drive cam. Before refitting the slide shutter in the pump housing, make sure that the double tooth on the drive cog wheel points to the arrow on the housing. 94 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Pump Impeller Removal 1. Circulation pump removal (5.4.14). 2. Pump housing cap removal ( 3. Hold the shaft base with suitable pliers and unscrew the pump impeller clockwise. Pump Housing Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Capacitor Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. Circulation pump removal (5.4.14). Pump housing cap removal ( Pump impeller removal ( Remove the retaining screws. Turn the pump housing counterclockwise to its stop. Lift the pump housing from its guide. Circulation pump removal (5.4.14). Use a socket wrench to release the nut on the capacitor holder. Remove the capacitor. Disconnect its plug connections. Heater Pressure Switch Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. Circulation pump removal (5.4.14). Press the retaining lugs to one side with a suitable screwdriver. Disconnect the plug connections. Remove the pump’s heater pressure switch. Warning! To avoid leakages, the sealing rings must always be fitted on the pump’s heater pressure switch connection stubs. Speed Sensor Removal 95 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. Circulation pump removal (5.4.14). 2. Lift the PCB slightly with a pair of needle nose pliers so that it can be gripped with the hand. 3. Turn the PCB 90° clockwise and remove it. 5.4.16 Drain Pump Removal 1. Remove the non-return valve from the sump under the filter combination. 2. Cover plate removal (5.3.3). 3. Disconnect the pump plug connections. Figure 5-33: Drain Pump Retaining Clip 4. Open the safety retainer clip with a screwdriver, Fig. 5-33, Pos. 1. 5. Turn the pump clockwise and pull it from its holder, Fig. 5-33, Pos. 2. Note When refitting, apply a little water or soap solution to the pump seal as a slip lubricant. After fitting, check all the pump fastening points. 5.4.17 Float Switch Removal 96 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. Open the door. Remove the bottom basket. Remove the filter combination. Remove as much residual water as possible from the sump and drain hose. Lay the dishwasher on its back. Drip pan removal (5.1.2). Pull off the float switch. Disconnect its plug connections. Note When refitting the float, make sure that the side with the Mat. No. faces downwards. 5.4.18 Sump Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Remove as much residual water as possible from the sump and drain hose. Open the door. Remove the bottom basket. Remove the bottom spray arm. Unscrew the bottom spray arm flange. Remove the filter combination. Lay the dishwasher on its back. Drip pan removal, 5.1.2. Remove the float switch. Disconnect the hoses. Disconnect the NTC sensor connections. Drain pump removal (5.4.16). Circulation pump removal (5.4.14). Remove the heating wiring harness from the cable guide. Unscrew the hose clip and remove it. 16. Remove the sump by pulling down strongly and evenly on the drain pump or circulation pump connections. 17. Remove the sealing ring. Note When refitting, the following should be noted; 1. Fit the sealing ring on the97 metal flange on the cabinet. 2. Apply liquid detergent as a slip lubricant to the outer surface of the seal. 3. Apply liquid detergent as a slip lubricant to the inside of the G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Warning! To avoid possible leakages later, the clip on the sump should not be overtightened. 5.4.19 NTC Temperature Sensor Removal 98 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5.4.20 Open the door. Remove the bottom basket. Remove the bottom spray arm. Remove the filter combination. Remove as much residual water as possible from the sump and drain hose. Lay the dishwasher on its back. Remove Drip pan, 5.1.2 Disconnect the NTC temperature sensor plug connections. Remove the NTC temperature sensor. Remove the sealing ring. Filter Combination Dismantling Note During reassembly, a locking piece must be fitted to prevent the filter combination from falling apart, see Filter combination assembly (with locking piece) (5.4.22). As an alternative, the micro fine filter and the handle piece (crown coarse filter) must be exchanged together, see Filter combination assembly (new micro fine filter and handle) (5.4.21). 1. Open the filter cap. Figure 5-34: Combination Filter Note If the filter combination is already held together with a locking piece, this must be broken open and removed. 99 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 2. Place a screwdriver on the retaining clip spring, Fig. 5-34, and press against it. 3. Turn the handle clockwise and release the filter combination clip connection. 5.4.21 Filter Combination Assembly (New Micro Fine Filter and Handle) Note During assembly, the dishwasher is used as a guide. If a new micro fine filter and handle (crown coarse filter) are used, a locking piece is not required. 1. Place the micro fine filter in the sump. Ensure that the lug is positioned towards the rear of the machine. Figure 5-35: Micro Fine Filter Installation 2. Turn the micro fine filter clockwise as far as possible, Fig. 5-35. 3. Place the large surface area fine filter in position. 100 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-36: Filter Combination Lock/Unlock Positions 4. Press the large surface area fine filter downwards, Fig. 5-36, Pos. 1. 5. Fit the handle (crown coarse filter) and turn it clockwise as far as possible, Fig. 536, Pos. 2. 6. Carry out a visual check: The handle (crown coarse filter) should be parallel to the door, Fig. 5-36. 7. Carry out a functional check: Remove the filter combination and refit it. 5.4.22 Filter Combination Assembly (with Locking Piece) Note During assembly, the dishwasher is used as a guide. 1. Place the micro fine filter in the sump. Ensure that the lug is positioned towards the rear of the machine. 2. Turn the micro fine filter clockwise as far as possible, Fig. 5-35. 3. Place the large surface area fine filter in position. 4. Press the large surface area fine filter downwards, Fig. 5-36, Pos. 1. 5. Fit the handle (crown coarse filter) and turn it clockwise as far as possible, Fig. 536, Pos 2. 6. Carry out a visual check: The handle (crown coarse filter) should be parallel to the door, Fig. 5-36. 7. Remove the filter combination. 8. Open the filter cap. 101 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 5-37: Combination Filter Locking Clip (Unlocked) Figure 5-38: Combination Filter Locking Clip (Locked) 9. Fit the locking piece, Mat. No. 06248730, to prevent the retaining clip spring opening, see Fig. 37 and 38. 102 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.5 Electronic Unit Figure 5-39: Electronic Integrated Model 103 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.5.1 Mains Switch Removal (Integrated) 1. 2. 3. 4. Fascia panel removal (5.2.4). Remove the screws from the sides of the door inner panel. Remove the middle screw from the top of the door inner panel. Tilt the holding plate to the front. Note If the dishwasher has a furniture front, take care to insert a towel or similar between its top edge and the fascia to prevent the risk of scratching. 5. Disconnect all plugs. Fig. 5-40: Mains Switch Removal 6. Press in the retaining lugs; see Fig. 5-40, Pos 1. 7. Slide the mains switch upwards, see Fig. 5-40, Pos.2, and remove it from its holder. Note When refitting the holding plate, make sure that the electronic unit protective foil is pulled down at the bottom so that it is below the plug area. 104 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5.5.2 Electronic Unit Holder Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5.5.3 Door outer panel removal (5.2.3). Fascia panel removal (5.2.4). Remove the screws from the sides of the door inner panel. Remove the door contact switch retaining screw. Disconnect all plug connections at the electronic unit. Remove the holder with electronic unit. Remove the lock with door contact switch. Electronic Unit Removal (Integrated) 1. Fascia panel removal (5.2.3). 2. Pull out the switch buttons. Note If the dishwasher has a slanted fascia, the door outer panel must be removed, see Door outer panel removal, 5.3.1. 3. Remove the screws from the sides of the door inner panel. 4. Remove the middle screw from the top of the door inner panel. 5. Tilt the holding plate to the front. Note If the dishwasher has a furniture front, take care to insert a towel or similar between its top edge and the fascia to prevent the risk of scratching. 6. Disconnect all plugs. 7. Use a small screwdriver to press in all the retaining lugs (6) of the electronic unit on the holding plate (first at the bottom and then at the top). 8. Remove the electronic unit. Note Only the complete electronic unit can be exchanged. Note Take care with the following during reassembly: The fascia must be fitted before the switch buttons are refitted. Ensure the switch buttons are fitted correctly. The bottom is recessed. 105 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.0 Fault Diagnosis 6.1 Diagnostic Modes – Overview The G1000 / G2000 series dishwashers contain the following diagnostic modes: Customer Programming Mode, Service Programming Mode and Service Mode. Access to the different modes varies by model number. Functions, settings and parameters vary by model number. Refer to the model specific information contained in this section. USA Models are listed as follows: Section Series Model Number 6.2 Advanta Series G2020 G2020SC G2170Vi G2170CVi 6.3 Inspira Series G2140 G2140SC G2140i G2140SCi G2150SC G2180Vi G2180SCVi G1180SCVi 6.4 Optima Series 6.5 Excella 6.6 LaPeral G2420SCi G2430SC G2430SCi G1470SCVi G2470SCVi G2630SCi G2670SCVi G2830SCi Sub-Section 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.6.1 Table 6-1: Diagnostic Mode Overview by Series / Model Number 106 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.1.1 Water Hardness Setting – Checking and Programming Access the programming mode. The display shows P and the set value alternately. Setting range: P0 to P70 = Water hardness. E.g. P15 (standard setting) corresponds to 15 gr/gal, (15°d), see Table 6-2. Water hardness (°d, degree of German hardness) Sensor softener active (on certain models) Without softener 1°d 2°d 3°d *** *** 36°d 37 - 50°d 51 - 60°d 61 - 70°d Grains per Gallon Gr/gal -1 2 3 *** *** 36 37 – 50 51 – 60 61 - 70 Display P0 P1 P2 P3 *** *** P36 P50 P60 P70 Table 6-2: Water Hardness: Standard setting: 15 gr/gal (15 °d) 6.2 Advanta Series 6.2.1 Advanta Series - G2020 G2020 - Programming Mode Accessing 1. Press and hold the Start/Stop button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the Start/Stop button. 4. Immediately press and release the Start/Stop button 5 times and at time hold until the Start/Stop LED flashes rapidly. 5. Release the Start/Stop button If the Start/Stop LED does not flash, repeat the procedure. 107 the 5th G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by a rapid flashing Start/Stop LED (5 Hz) Options Refer to Tables: 6.3 through 6-6. Control Dial Function Position 1 o’clock Programming Display Pos. 1 Reset Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Turn the control dial With this program Long to the 1 o’clock function, all position. To reset parameters can be all parameters reset to the (both customer and standard settings. Service The Rinse LED programming) to flashes 1x briefly the delivery intermittently. If the conditions, press Rinse LED is off, at the Start/Stop least one setting button. was modified. If the Rinse LED flashes, no modifications have been made. 3 o’clock Water Turn the control dial Setting range: 1 – Long Hardness to the 3 o’clock 88 gr/gal. If the position. To change Rinse LED flashes the water hardness 4x, this setting, press the corresponds to the Start/Stop button water hardness range 15-19 gr/gal (factory setting) *1 1 5 o’clock Dispensed Turn the control dial Setting range: 0 – 6 Long rinse aid to the 5 o’clock ml. If the Rinse quantity position. To change LED flashes 3x. setting the amount of This corresponds to dispensed, press a factory setting of the Start/Stop 3ml. button to adjust setting Table 6-3: G2020 Programming Mode Options (continued on Table 6-4) 108 Short Display - - 1 - Short Display 1 1-5 2 6-9 3 10-14 4 15-19 5 20-25 6 26-31 7 32-38 8 39-45 9 46-63 63-88 Short Display 0 ml 1 1 ml 2 2 ml 3 3 ml 4 4 ml 5 5 ml 6 6 ml G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Control Dial Position Function Programming Display Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Pos. 12: To move through With this Long Short Resetting the levels, turn the programming standard settings control dial to the function, all 11 o’clock position. parameters that can be modified by Press the Start/Stop button the customer, can 1x. Turn the Control be reset to the dial to the 9 o’clock factory setting. If position. To reset the Rinse LED is off, at least one all parameters setting was (modified by modified. If the customer) to the Rinse LED flashes, factory setting, press the Start/Stop the parameters are as in the factory button. setting. Pos. 20: Wash To move through Options: Rinse LED Long Short temperature the levels, turn the is off = wash modification control dial to the temperature per 11 o’clock position. factory setting; Rinse LED flashes Press the Start/Stop button = increased wash 3x. Turn the control temperature. An dial to the 3 o’clock increase in wash position. To change temperature with a resulting extension the temperature, press the Start/Stop in program running time. button. Table 6-4: G2020 Programming Mode Options (cont. from Table 6-3) (cont. on Table 6-5) 11 o’clock 109 Display - Display - G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Control Dial Position 11 o’clock Function Programming Pos. 22: Program To move through the running time levels, turn the control reduction dial to the 11 o’clock position. Press the Stop/Start button 3x. Turn the control dial to the 6 o’clock position. To change the setting, press the Start/Stop button. Display Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Options: Rinse LED Long Short Display is off = program running time per factory setting; Rinse LED flashes = shortened program running time. Program-dependent short-cut due to a decrease in temperature and/or the removal of hold times. Options: Rinse LED is off = normal water amount; Rinse LED flashes = increased water amount. - Pos. 23: Water To move through the quantity normal / levels, turn the control increased dial to the 11 o’clock position. Press the Start/Stop button 3x. Turn the control dial to 7 o’clock position. To change the setting, press the Start/Stop button. Pos. 26: Second To move through the Options: Rinse LED Long Short Display interim rinse levels, turn the control is off = program selection dial to the 11 o’clock sequence per factory position. Press the setting; Rinse LED Start/Stop button 4x. flashes = second Turn the control dial to interim rinse added. 3 o’clock position. To change the setting, press the Start/Stop button. Options: Rinse LED Long Short Display Pos. 27: To move through the Enhanced drying levels, turn the control is off = normal drying; Rinse LED flashes = dial to the 11 o’clock enhanced drying position. Press the activated. Start/Stop button 4x. Turn the control dial to 5 o’clock position. To change the setting, press the Start/Stop button. Table 6.5: G2020 Programming Mode Options (cont. from Table 6-4) (cont. to Table 6-6). 110 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Control Dial Position Function Programming Display Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED To move through Options: Rinse LED Long the levels, turn the is off = standard control dial to the machine height 11 o’clock position. (G1xxx); Rinse LED flashes = XXL units Press the Start/Stop button (G2xxx) 5x. Turn the control dial to 9 o’clock position. To change the setting, press the Start/Stop button. Pos. 38: To move through Options: Rinse LED Model the levels, turn the is off = models with variant control dial to the UKT: Gx04x; Rinse setting *2 11 o’clock position. LED flashes = models without Press the Start/Stop button UKT: Gx02x 6x. Turn the control dial to 3 o’clock position. To change the setting, press the Start/Stop button. Pos. 39: To move through The flashing rhythm Long Country the levels, turn the of the LED Rinse variant control dial to the shows which setting *2 11 o’clock position. country version is programmed: 1x = Press the Start/Stop button EUR (Europe); 2x = 6x. Turn the control AUS (Australia); 3x = USA, 4x = JPN dial to 5 o’clock position. To change (Japan), 5x = I/E the setting, press (Italy/Spain), 6x = SER (Southern the Start/Stop Europe) *3 button. Table 6.6: G2020 Programming Mode Options (continued from Table 6-5) 11 o’clock Pos. 36: Machine height setting *2 Short Display - Short Display - Warning! Do not change settings in Position 36, 38 or 39. Any changes made will affect the operation of the dishwasher. 111 - - G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information *1 If the dishwasher is hooked up to an external softener system, which operates on the ion exchange principle (meaning salt reactivation), the water hardness supplied by that system has to be set. If this value is not known, set to 10 gr/gal. *2 If the electronic unit is replaced during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country version and model version, then switch the dishwasher off. Repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height, then set the on-site water hardness. *3 The version Southern Europe covers the following countries: Portugal, France, The Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. Save and Quit Switch off the unit. G2020 - Service Mode Accessing 1. Press and hold the Start/Stop button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the Start/Stop button. 4. Immediately press and release the Start/Stop button 3 times and at time hold it until the Start/Stop LED flashes. 5. Release the Start/Stop button the 3rd If the Start/Stop LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement indicator Successful accessing of the Service mode is indicated by a slow flashing Start/Stop LED (1 Hz). Options Refer to Tables: 6-6 through 6-7. 112 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Control Dial Position 1 o’clock Function Programming Display Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Pos. 1: Fault Turn the control dial If the Rinse LED is Long off, no faults are memory to the 1 o’clock display position. While the registered. The Rinse LED flashes, flashing rhythm of make a note of the the Rinse LED indicates which fault code, then press the Start/Stop faults are registered 1 button. If the same in the fault memory. fault is shown 1 again, it means only this one fault is 1 saved. If a further 1 fault is shown, press the Start/Stop 1 button again. Repeat this 1 procedure until all 2 faults are read. Delete fault Turn the control dial If the Rinse LED is memory to the 1 o’clock off, the fault position. Press the memory no longer Start/Stop button contains any faults. and hold it until the Rinse LED goes out. Table 6-7: G2020 Service Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-8) 113 Short Display - F0 1 F1 2 F2 1 F11 2 F12 3 F13 4 F14 8 F18 9 F19 4 F24 2 5 F25 2 6 F26 4 - F40 5 1 F51 5 2 F52 6 9 F69 8 - F80 8 8 F88 - - - G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Control Dial Position Function Programming Display 3 o’clock Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Component Turn the control dial The flashing rhythm Long Short Display test to the 3 o’clock of the Rinse LED U0 position. To start indicates which 1 U1 the component test, component test is 2 U2 or to access the activated. For the 3 U3 next component to sequence of 4 U4 be tested, press the component testing 5 U5 Start/Stop button. as well as background 6 U6 information and 7 U7 access procedure, 8 U8 refer to the 9 U9 component test 1 0 U10 information. Ref. to 1 1 U11 For further 1 2 U12 information. 1 3 U13 1 4 U14 5 o’clock Operating Turn the control dial The flashing rhythm Long Short Display hours to the 5 o’clock of the Rinse LED position. To check shows the for operating hours, registered press the Start/Stop operating hours: button. Each long flash corresponds to 1000 hours and each short flash 100 hours. 6 o’clock LED test Turn the control dial All LEDs are lit. Long Short Display to the 6 o’clock position. To start the control panel test, press the Start/Stop button. Table 6-8: G2020 Service Mode Options (continued from Table 6-7) Save and quit Switch off the unit. 114 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2020 Component Test – Information After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: U1. R1, Y2, M6, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After an additional 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. U2. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec U3. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. U4. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. U5. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. 115 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information U6. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec. a Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. U7. Vacant U8. Vacant U9. Vacant U10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. U11. Y38, Y2, Y5,…, reactivation sequence (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60sec. Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. U12. Vacant U13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. U14. Vacant 116 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.2.2 Advanta Series – G2170 G2170 - Programming Mode Initial requirements 1. Open the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the program button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the program button. 4. Immediately press and release the program button 5 times and at the 5th time hold until the Rinse & Hold LED flashes rapidly. 5. Release the program button If the Rinse & Hold LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by a rapid flashing Rinse & Hold LED (5 Hz) Options Refer to Tables: 6-9 through 6-14. Note Upon accessing the programming mode, to navigate between the various functions and making changes within them you must do the following: 1.To navigate the Functions insure the Intake/Drain Lt. is solid. If not, hold the Program button until the Intake/Drain Lt. becomes a solid light. Now the Program button can be used to navigate the Functions bar. 2.To make setting changes within each Function, hold the Program button until you see a blinking light from the Intake/Drain Lt. Now you can use the Program button to make your setting changes within each Function. The Sani-Wash Lt. will indicate what the setting is for each Function. 117 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Intake/Drain Lt. Function Long Short Pos. 0: Long - - Indication Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED The Sani-Wash Long Short Display LED is off or flashes. Shows the ID No. software version ID No., e.g. -769 Press the Program The Intake/Drain Short Pos. 1: Long Short Display button 1x. LED flashes 1x Reset briefly intermittently. With this programming P0 function, all parameters can be reset to delivery condition. To reset all If the 1 parameters to the SaniWash LED is delivery condition, off, the values do press the Program not correspond to the delivery button and hold 1 P1 condition. If the until the Intake/Drain LED SaniWash LED flashes. Then press flashes, all values the Program button are as in the delivery condition. briefly *2 Pos. 2: Set Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short gr/gal the water button 2x. LED flashes 2x 1 1-5 hardness To modify the water briefly hardness setting, intermittently. 2 6-9 press the Program The current setting button to enter the can be seen from 3 10-14 the flashing rhythm desired setting 4 15-19 of the SaniWash changes. *2 LED. If the LED 2 5 20-25 flashes 4x briefly intermittently, this 6 26-31 indicates a factory 7 33-38 setting of 15-19 gr/gal. 8 39-45 Software version ID check - Programming Do not press the Program button. The Intake/Drain LED is off. - 9 46-63 1 - 64-88 Table 6-9: G2170 Programming Mode Options (continued on Table 6-10) 118 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Intake/Drain Lt. Function Long Short Pos 3: Set amount of rinse aid dispensed - 3 Pos 4: Buzzer on/off - 4 Programming Indication Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long LED flashes 3x button 3 times. To modify the rapidly dispensing amount, intermittently. press the Program The current setting button and hold it can be seen from the flashing rhythm until the Intake/Drain LED of the SaniWash flashes. Then use LED. If he LED the Program button flashes 3x briefly to enter the desired intermittently, this setting changes. *2 indicates a factory setting of 3ml. Setting range: 0-6 ml. Press the Program The Intake/Drain LED flashes 4x button 4x To change the rapidly setting, press the intermittently. SaniWash LED off Program button and hold it until the = Buzzer is Intake/Drain LED actuvated (factory flashes. Then press setting). SaniWash the Program button LED flashes = to enter the desired Buzzer is setting changes. *2 deactivated. Short Display - 0 ml 1 1 ml 2 2 ml 3 3 ml 4 4 ml 5 5 ml 6 6 ml - - P0 - 1 P1 Table 6-10: G2170 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-9) (Cont. on Table 6-11). 119 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Intake/Drain Lt. Long Short Pos. 12: Reset to factory setting 1 2 Long Short Pos. 20: Set the wash temperatu re 2 - Indication Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short Display LED flashes 1x long button 12x To reset all and 2x briefly parameters to intermittently. With factory setting, this programming press the Program function, all P0 button and hold it parameters that can until the be modified by the Intake/Drain LED customer can be flashes. Then press reset to the factory the Program button setting. to enter the desired If the SaniWash LED setting changes. *2 is off, the values are not at the factory setting. If the 1 P1 SaniWash LED flashes, all values correspond to the factory setting. Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short Display button 20x LED flashes 2x long To change the intermittently. setting, press the The SaniWash LED P0 is off = normal wash Program button and hold it until the temperature; the Intake/Drain LED SaniWash flashes = flashes. Then press increased wash the Program button temperature with a to enter the desired resulting running time 1 P1 setting changes. *2 extension. Table 6-11: G2170 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-10) (Cont. on Table 6-12) 120 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Indication Intake/Drain Lt. Long Short Pos. 22: Press the Program The Intake/Drain Program button 22x running time reduction 2 2 Long Short Pos. 23: Water quantity normal / increased 2 3 LED flashes 2x long and 2x briefly intermittently. The SaniWash LED is off = normal To change the program cycle setting, press the (factory setting); the Program button SaniWash LED and hold it until the flashes = shortened Intake/Drain LED program cycle. flashes. Then press Reduction in running the Program button time due to a to enter the desired decrease in setting changes. *2 temperature and/or the removal of hold times. Press the Program The Intake/Drain button 23x. LED flashes 2x long and 3x briefly intermittently. To change the The SaniWash LED setting, press the is off = normal water Program button volume (factory and hold it until the setting); the Intake/Drain LED SaniWash LED flashes. Then press flashes = increased the Program button water volume. to enter the desired setting changes. *2 Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Long Short Display - - P0 - 1 P1 Long Short Display - - P0 - 1 P1 Table 6-12: G2170 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-11) (Cont. on Table 6-13) 121 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Intake/Drain Lt. Programming Indication Long Short Pos. 26: Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short Display Add second button 26x. LED flashes 2x interim rinse To change the long and 6x briefly setting, press the intermittently. P0 The SaniWash Program button and hold it until the LED is off = Intake/Drain LED program cycle per 2 6 flashes. Then press factory setting; The the Program button SaniWash LED to enter the desired flashes = second 1 P1 setting changes. *2 interim rinse is added. The Intake/Drain Pos. 27: Press the Program Long Short Long Short Display LED flashes 2x Extended button 27x long and 7x briefly drying time To change the setting, press the intermittently. P0 The SaniWash Program button and hold it until the LED if off = normal 2 7 Intake/Drain LED drying (factory flashes. Then press setting); the the Program button SaniWash LED 1 P1 to enter the desired flashes = enhanced setting changes. *2 drying. Pos. 36: Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short Long Short Display LED flashes 3x Machine button 36x. To change the long and 6x briefly height setting, press the intermittently. setting *1 P0 The SaniWash Program button and hold it until the LED is off = normal 3 6 Intake/Drain LED machine height flashes. Then press (G1xxx). The 1 P1 the Program button SaniWash LED to enter the desired flashes = XXL units setting changes. *2 (G2xxx). Pos. 38: Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short Long Short Display LED flashes 3x Model button 38x. To change the long and 8x briefly variant setting, press the intermittently. setting *1 P0 The SaniWash Program button and hold it until the LED is off = Gx18x 3 8 Intake/Drain LED and Gx171; the flashes. Then press SaniWash LED the Program button flashes = Gx170 1 P1 to enter the desired setting changes. *2 Table 6-13: G2170 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-12) (Cont. on Table 6-14) 122 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Indication Intake/Drain Lt. Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short Pos. 39: Country variant setting *1 3 9 button 38x. LED flashes 3x long and 8x briefly intermittently. To change the The flashing rhythm setting, press the of the SaniWash Program button LED shows which and hold it until the country variant is Intake/Drain LED set: 1x = Europe; flashes. Then press 2x = Australia; 3x = the Program button USA; 4x = Japan, to enter the desired 5x = Italy/Spain, 6x setting changes. *2 = Southern Europe. *3. Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Long Short Display - 1 EUR - 2 AUS - 3 USA - 4 JPN - 5 IT/SP - 6 S/EUR Table 6-14: G2170 Programming Mode Options (continued from Table 6-13) *1 If the electronic unit is exchanged during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height. *2 After the changes are made, hold the program button until the Intake/Drain LED is solid. *3 The variant Southern Europe covers the following countries: Portugal, France, The Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. Save and quit Switch off the unit. 123 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2170 - Service Mode Initial requirements 1. Open the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the program button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the program button. 4. Immediately press and release the program button 3 times and at the 3rd time hold until the Rinse & Hold LED flashes rapidly. 5. Release the program button If the Rinse & Hold LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by a rapid flashing Rinse & Hold LED (5 Hz) Options Refer to Tables: 6-9 through 6-12. Note Upon accessing the programming mode, to navigate between the various functions and making changes within them you must do the following: 1.To navigate the Functions insure the Intake/Drain Lt. is solid. If not, hold the Program button until the Intake/Drain Lt. becomes a solid light. Now the Program button can be used to navigate the Functions bar. 2.To make setting changes within each Function, hold the Program button until you see a blinking light from the Intake/Drain Lt. Now you can use the Program button to make your setting changes within each Function. The Sani-Wash Lt. will indicate what the setting is for each Function. 124 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing rhythm of Intake/Drain LED Long - - Function Short Pos. 0: - Software version ID check Pos. 1: Fault memory display and deletion 1 Programming Indication Do not press the Program button. The Intake/Drain LED is off. Press the Program button 1x. If the fault is indicated in the SaniWash LED, check if additional faults are registered. Press the Program button and hold it until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. *1 To delete the fault memory, press the Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button until the SaniWash LED goes out. Flashing rhythm of SaniWash LED The Sani-Wash LED is off Long or flashes. Shows the software version ID No., e.g. -769 The Intake/Drain LED flashes 1x. If faults are saved into memory, these are indicated via the flashing 1 rhythm of the SaniWash LED. Refer to 6.7 Fault 1 code summary. 1 The SaniWash LED is off = F0 (no faults). 1 - ID No. - F0 1 F1 2 F2 1 F11 2 F12 3 F13 4 F14 1 8 F18 1 9 F19 2 4 F24 2 5 F25 2 6 F26 4 - F40 5 1 F51 5 2 F52 6 9 F69 7 - F70 8 8 F88 The Intake/Drain LED Long flashes 2x. The flashing rhythm of the SaniWash LED indicates which component is currently accessed. For the sequence of component testing as well as backgraound information 2 and access procedures, refer to Component test. 1 1 1 1 1 Table 6-15: Service Mode (G2170) (Continued on Table 6-16) Pos.2: Component test Press the Program button 2x. To start the component test, press the Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. Press the Program button again to access each of the following components. *1 125 Short Short 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 U0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing rhythm of Intake/Drain LED Long Short - Function Pos 4: Operating hours check 3 Pos. 5: Control Panel LED test - 4 Pos. 6: Control Panel Buzzer Test Programming Indication Press the Program button 3x. To check the operating hours, press the Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. *1 Press the Program button 4x. To start the control panel test: LED, press the Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. *1 Press the Program button 5x. The Intake/Drain LED flashes 3x. The flashing rhythm of the SaniWash LED indicates the saved operating hours. Each long flash of the SaniWash LED represents 1000 hours and each short flash 100 hours. The Intake/Drain LED flashes 4x. Flashing rhythm of SaniWash LED Long Short - - - - - - All LEDs are lit. The Intake/Drain LED flashes 5x. To start the control panel Buzzer on. test: Buzzer, press the 5 Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. *1 Table 6-16: Service Mode (G2170) (Continued from Table 6-15) *1 To make the desired setting adjustments. Hold the Program button until the Intake/Drain Lt. is blinking, then use the Program button to make your setting changes. Once done, hold the Program button until the Intake/Drain Lt. is solid again. Save and quit Switch off the unit. 126 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2170 Component Test – Information After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: U1. R1, Y2, M6,…, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After an additional 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. U2. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec U3. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. U4. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. U5. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. 127 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information U6. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With a controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. U7. Vacant U8. Vacant U9. Vacant U10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. U11. Y38, Y2, Y5,…, reactivation sequence (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60sec. Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. U12. Vacant U13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. U14. M2 Fan: The fan is activated for 60 sec. 128 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.3 Inspira Series 6.3.1 Inspira Series - G2140 & G2150 G2140 / G2150 - Programming Mode Accessing 1. Press and hold the Start/Stop button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the Start/Stop button. 4. Immediately press and release the Start/Stop button 5 times and at time hold until the Start/Stop LED flashes rapidly. 5. Release the Start/Stop button the 5th If the Start/Stop LED does not flash, repeat the procedure. Acknowledgement indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by a rapid flashing Start/Stop LED (5 Hz) Options Refer to Tables: 6-17 through 6-20. 129 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Intake/Drain Lt. Long Short Pos. 0: Display The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display or flashes. Shows the software version ID No. ID No., e.g. –769. The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display or flashes. This programmable function can be used to reset all modifiable P0 parameters (both customer and service programming) to the standard settings. 1 The display shows P and a digit alternately: P0 = Non-standard 1 P1 settings have been made; P1 = All settings reset to standard settings or no modifications have been made. The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display Pos 3: Press the Long Short Dispensed Program button 3 or flashes: P3 0 P0 (0 ml) rinse aid times. The Rinse (standard setting) 1 1 P1 (1 ml) indicates a quantity & Hold LED 2 2 P2 (2ml) dispensed quantity setting flashes 3 times of 3 ml. Setting rapidly 3 3 P3 (3 ml) range: 0 ml – 6 ml. intermittently. 4 4 P4 (4 ml) 3 Press the 5 5 P5 (5 ml) Start/Stop button as appropriate to 6 6 P6 (6ml) make the desired setting. Table 6-17: G2140 Program Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-18) Software version ID check Long Short Pos. 1: Reset Do not press the Program button. The Rinse & Hold LED is off. Press the Program button once. The Rinse & Hold LED flashes once rapidly intermittently. Press the Start/Stop button to reset all standard settings. Flashing Rhythm of Sani-Wash Lt. 130 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Intake/Drain Lt. The Rinse LED is off Long Short Pos. 12: Press the Flashing Rhythm of Sani-Wash Lt. Long Short Display or flashes. This programmable function can be used to reset all P0 parameters that can be modified by the customer to the standard settings: P0 1 2 = Non-standard settings have been made; P1 = All settings reset to 1 P1 standard settings or no modifications have been made. Long Short Pos. 20: Press the Program The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display Wash button 20 times. or flashes. Setting temperatu The Rinse & Hold options: P0 = P0 re LED flashes 2 Standard setting; P1 modificatio times slowly = Wash temperature n (from intermittently. increased. Due to a 2 software Press the program-dependent version ID Start/Stop button running time 1 P1 No. –984) as appropriate to extension, the wash make the desired temperature will be setting. increased. Long Short Pos. 22: Press the Program The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display Program button 22 times. or flashes: P0 = running The Rinse & Hold Standard setting; P1 P0 time LED flashes 2 = Program running reduction times slowly and 2 time reduction. (from times rapidly software intermittently. 2 2 version ID Press the No. –984) Start/Stop button 1 P1 as appropriate to make the desired setting. Table 6-18: G2140 Program Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-17) (Cont. on Table 6-19) Resetting Program button standard 12 times. The settings *1 Rinse & Hold LED flashes once slowly and 2 times rapidly intermittently. Press the Start/Stop button to reset all standard settings. 131 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Intake/Drain Lt. Press the Program Long Short Pos. 23: Display Flashing Rhythm of Sani-Wash Lt. The Rinse LED is Long Short Display button 22 times. The off or flashes. The Rinse & Hold LED display shows P P0 flashes 2 times slowly and a digit and 2 times rapidly alternately: P0 = intermittently. Press Normal water 2 3 the Start/Stop button quantity (standard as appropriate to setting); P1 = P1 make the desired Increased water setting. quantity. Press the Program The Rinse LED is Long Short Pos. 26: Long Short Display Second button 26 times. The off or flashes. interim Rinse & Hold LED Setting options: P0 P0 rinse flashes 2 times slowly = Standard setting; selection and 6 times rapidly P1 = With second (from intermittently. Press interim rinse. 2 6 software the Start/Stop button version ID as appropriate to 1 P1 No. –984) make the desired setting. Press the Program The Rinse LED is Long Short Pos. 27: Long Short Display Extended button 27 times. The off or flashes. drying time Rinse & Hold LED Setting options: P0 P0 (from flashes 2 times slowly = Normal drying software and 7 times rapidly time; P1 = version ID intermittently. Press Extended drying 2 7 no.-818) the Start/Stop button time. 1 P1 as appropriate to make the desired setting. Press the Program The Rinse LED is Long Short Pos. 36: Long Short Display Machine button 36 times. The off or flashes. height Rinse & Hold LED Setting options: P0 P0 setting flashes 3 times slowly = Normal machine (from and 6 times rapidly height (G1xxx); P1 software intermittently. Press = XXL model 3 6 version ID the Start/Stop button (G2xxx). no.-818) *2 as appropriate to 1 P1 make the desired setting. Table 6-19: G2140 Program Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-18) (Cont. on Table 6-20) Water quantity normal / increased (from software version ID No. –876) 132 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Intake/Drain Lt. Press the Program The Rinse LED is off Long Short Pos. 38: Flashing Rhythm of Sani-Wash Lt. Long Short Display or flashes. Individual setting possibilities depend on model and P0 whether a circulation pump with slide shutter (WAW) and sensor softener (SEH) 3 8 are fitted as follows: P0 = G12xx, G22xx (without WAW, without 1 P4 SEH); P4 = Australian version G12xx, G22xx (with WAW, without SEH). The Rinse LED is off Pos. 39: Press the Program Long Short Long Short Display Country button 39 times. or flashes. The 1 P1 variant The Rinse & Hold following country 2 P2 versions can be set: setting LED flashes 3 3 P3 (from times slowly and 9 P1 = EUR (Europe); P2 = AUS (Australia); software times rapidly 4 P4 P3 = USA, P4 = JPN version ID intermittently. 3 9 (Japan), P5 = I/E no. –818) Press the 5 P5 *2 Start/Stop button (Italy/Spain), P6 = as appropriate to SER (Southern make the desired Europe) *3 6 P6 setting. Table 6-20: G2140 Program Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-19) Model variant setting (from software version ID no. –818) *2 button 38 times. The Rinse & Hold LED flashes 3 times slowly and 8 times rapidly intermittently. Press the Start/Stop button as appropriate to make the desired setting. Warning! Do not change settings in Position 36, 38 or 39. Any changes made will affect the operation of the dishwasher. *1 On models with software version ID no. 769, the “Resetting standard settings” function is at Pos.19. *2 If the electronic unit is replaced during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height. Then the on-site water hardness must be set. *3 The SER variant includes the following countries: Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. Save and quit Switch off the unit. 133 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2140 / G2150 Service Mode Accessing 1. Press and hold the Start/Stop button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the Start/Stop button. 4. Immediately press and release the Start/Stop button 3 times and at the 3rd time hold it until the Start/Stop LED flashes. 5. Release the Start/ Stop button If the Start/Stop LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service mode is indicated by a slow flashing Start/Stop LED (1 Hz). Options Refer to Tables: 6-21 through 6-22. 134 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Intake/Drain Lt. Long Short Pos. 0: Software version ID check Long Short Pos. 1: Fault memory display and deletion - 1 Programming Display Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Do not press the The Rinse LED is Long Short Display Program button. off. Shows the The Rinse & Hold software version ID LED is off. No., e.g. -769 Press the Program The Rinse LED is Long Short Display button once. The off or flashes to F0 Rinse & Hold LED show the fault code flashes once rapidly number alternately 1 F1 intermittently. Press see 6.7, Fault code summary. If the the Start/Stop 2 F2 fault memory is button. 1 1 F11 Press it again to empty, the Rinse display fault codes LED is off. 1 2 F12 that may have been saved. To delete 1 3 F13 the fault memory, 1 4 F14 press the Start/Stop button again and 1 8 F18 hold it for 4 sec. 1 9 F19 Table 6-21: G2140 Service Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-22). 135 2 4 F24 2 5 F25 2 6 F26 4 - F40 5 1 F51 6 9 F69 7 - F70 8 8 F88 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Intake/Drain Lt. Programming Display Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Press the Program The Rinse LED Long Short Display Component button 2 times. The shows which U0 test Rinse & Hold LED component is being tested: For example flashes 2 times 1 U1 if the drain pump rapidly intermittently. Press M8 is being tested, 2 U2 the Rinse LED the Start/Stop 3 U3 flashes 3x briefly button. Press it again to activate the intermittently. For 4 U4 the test sequence next component. and background 5 U5 information about 6 U6 individual components and 7 U7 their activation, see, Component 8 U8 test. 9 U9 Long Short Pos.2: - 2 Long Short Pos 4: Press the Program Operating button 3 times. The hours Rinse & Hold LED check flashes 3 times rapidly intermittently. 1 0 U10 1 1 U11 1 2 U12 1 3 U13 1 4 U14 The Rinse LED Long Short Display shows the number of operating hours as follows: If the machine has run for 3 74 hours, the Rinse LED flashes 7x long and 4x briefly intermittently. Press the Program All LEDs are lit. Long Short Pos. 5: Long Short Display LED test button 4 times. The Rinse & Hold LED flashes 4 times rapidly 4 intermittently. Press the Start/Stop button once. Table 6-22: G2140 Service Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-21) Save and quit Switch off the unit. 136 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2140 / G2150 Component Test - Information After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: U1. R1, Y2, M6,…, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After an additional 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. U2. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec U3. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. U4. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. U5. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. 137 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information U6. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With a controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. U7. Vacant U8. Vacant U9. Vacant U10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. U11. Y38, Y2, Y5,…, reactivation sequence (mini-program):This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60sec. Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. U12. Vacant U13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. U14. Vacant 138 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.3.2 Inspira Series - G1180 & G2180 G1180 / G2180 - Programming Mode Initial requirements 3. Open the door. 4. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the program button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the program button. 4. Immediately press and release the program button 5 times and at the 5th time hold until the Rinse & Hold LED flashes rapidly. 5. Release the program button If the Rinse & Hold LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by a rapid flashing Rinse & Hold LED (5 Hz) Options Refer to Tables: 6-23 through 6-28. Note Upon accessing the programming mode, to navigate between the various functions and making changes within them you must do the following: 1.To navigate the Functions insure the Intake/Drain Lt. is solid. If not, hold the Program button until the Intake/Drain Lt. becomes a solid light. Now the Program button can be used to navigate the Functions bar. 2.To make setting changes within each Function, hold the Program button until you see a blinking light from the Intake/Drain Lt. Now you can use the Program button to make your setting changes within each Function. The Sani-Wash Lt. will indicate what the setting is for each Function. 139 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Intake/Drain Lt. Function Long Short Pos. 0: - Long - - Programming Indication Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED The Sani-Wash Long Short Display LED is off or flashes. Shows the ID No. software version ID No., e.g. -769 Press the Program The Intake/Drain Short Pos. 1: Long Short Display LED flashes 1x Reset button 1x. briefly To reset all intermittently. With P0 parameters to the this programming delivery condition, function, all press the Program parameters can be button and hold reset to delivery until the condition. Intake/Drain LED If the 1 flashes. Then press SaniWash LED is the Program button off, the values do not correspond to briefly *2 1 P1 the delivery condition. If the SaniWash LED flashes, all values are as in the delivery condition. Pos. 2: Set Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short gr/gal the water button 2x. LED flashes 2x 1 1-5 hardness briefly To modify the water intermittently. 2 6-9 hardness setting, press the Program The current setting 3 10-14 button to enter the can be seen from 4 15-19 the flashing rhythm desired setting of the SaniWash changes. *2 2 5 20-25 LED. If the LED flashes 4x briefly 6 26-31 intermittently, this 7 33-38 indicates a factory setting of 15-19 8 39-45 gr/gal. 9 46-63 Software version ID check Do not press the Program button. The Intake/Drain LED is off. 1 - 64-88 Table 6-23: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-24) 140 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Intake/Drain Lt. Long - Long - Short Function Pos 3: Set amount of rinse aid dispensed 4 Indication Press the Program The Intake/Drain button 3 times. LED flashes 3x rapidly intermittently. To modify the dispensing amount, press the Program button and hold it until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then use the Program button to enter the desired setting changes. *2 3 Short Programming Pos 4: Buzzer on/off Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Long Short Display - - 0ml - 1 1ml - 2 2ml 3 3ml 4 4ml 5 5ml 6 6ml The current setting can be seen from the flashing rhythm of the SaniWash LED. If he LED flashes 3x briefly intermittently, this indicates a factory setting of 3ml. Setting range: 0-6 ml. Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long button 4x LED flashes 4x rapidly intermittently. To change the SaniWash LED off setting, press the = Buzzer is Program button actuvated (factory and hold it until the setting). SaniWash Intake/Drain LED LED flashes = flashes. Then press Buzzer is the Program button deactivated. to enter the desired setting changes. *2 Short Display - P0 1 P1 Table 6-24: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-23) (Cont. on Table 6-25) 141 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Indication Intake/Drain Lt. The Intake/Drain Press the Long Short 1 2 Pos. 12: Reset to factory setting Program button LED flashes 1x long and 2x briefly 12x intermittently. With To reset all this programming parameters to function, all factory setting, parameters that can press the be modified by the Program button customer can be and hold it until reset to the factory the Intake/Drain setting. LED flashes. Then press the If the SaniWash LED Program button is off, the values are not at the factory to enter the setting. If the desired setting SaniWash LED changes. *2 flashes, all values correspond to the factory setting. The Intake/Drain the wash Program button LED flashes 2x long intermittently. temperature 20x Long Short Pos. 20: Set Press the Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Long Short Display - - P0 - 1 P1 Long Short Display The SaniWash LED To change the setting, press the is off = normal wash Program button temperature; the P0 and hold it until SaniWash flashes = 2 the Intake/Drain increased wash temperature with a LED flashes. Then press the resulting running time Program button extension. to enter the desired setting 1 P1 changes. *2 Table 6-25: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-24) (Cont. on Table 6-26) 142 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Indication Intake/Drain Lt. Press the The Intake/Drain Long Short Pos. 22: Program button LED flashes 2x long Program and 2x briefly running time 22x intermittently. reduction 2 2 Long Short Pos. 23: Water quantity normal / increased 2 3 The SaniWash LED is off = normal program cycle (factory setting); the SaniWash LED flashes = shortened program cycle. Reduction in running time due to a decrease in temperature and/or the removal of hold times. Press the The Intake/Drain Program button LED flashes 2x long 23x. and 3x briefly intermittently. To change the setting, press the Program button and hold it until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button to enter the desired setting changes. *2 To change the setting, press the Program button and hold it until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button to enter the desired setting changes. *2 The SaniWash LED is off = normal water volume (factory setting); the SaniWash LED flashes = increased water volume. Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Long Short Display - - P0 - 1 P1 Long Short Display - - P0 - 1 P1 Table 6-26: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-25) (Cont. on Table 6-27) 143 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Intake/Drain Lt. Programming Indication Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long LED flashes 2x Add second button 26x. long and 6x briefly interim rinse To change the intermittently. setting, press the The SaniWash Program button and hold it until the LED is off = 2 6 Intake/Drain LED program cycle per flashes. Then press factory setting; The the Program button SaniWash LED to enter the desired flashes = second setting changes. *2 interim rinse is added. Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short Pos. 27: Long LED flashes 2x Extended button 27x long and 7x briefly drying time To change the intermittently. setting, press the The SaniWash Program button and hold it until the LED if off = normal Intake/Drain LED drying (factory 2 7 flashes. Then press setting); the the Program button SaniWash LED to enter the desired flashes = enhanced setting changes. *2 drying. - Long Short Pos. 26: Long Short Pos. 36: Short Display - P0 1 P1 Short Display - P0 1 P1 Press the Program The Intake/Drain Long Short Display button 36x. LED flashes 3x long and 6x briefly To change the intermittently. P0 setting, press the The SaniWash Program button and hold it until the LED is off = normal 3 6 Intake/Drain LED machine height flashes. Then press (G1xxx). The 1 P1 the Program button SaniWash LED to enter the desired flashes = XXL units setting changes. *2 (G2xxx). Table 6-27: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-26) (Cont. on Table 6-28) Machine height setting *1 144 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Intake/Drain Lt. Function Long Short Pos. 38: Model variant setting *1 3 8 Long Short Pos. 39: Country variant setting *1 3 9 Programming Indication Flashing Rhythm of SaniWash LED Press the Program The Intake/Drain LED flashes 3x button 38x. To change the long and 8x briefly setting, press the intermittently. Program button and hold it until the The SaniWash Intake/Drain LED LED is off = Gx18x flashes. Then press and Gx171; the the Program button SaniWash LED to enter the desired flashes = Gx170 setting changes. *2 Long Short Display Press the Program The Intake/Drain button 38x. LED flashes 3x long and 8x briefly intermittently. Long Short Display To change the The flashing rhythm setting, press the of the SaniWash Program button LED shows which and hold it until the country variant is Intake/Drain LED set: 1x = Europe; flashes. Then press 2x = Australia; 3x = the Program button USA; 4x = Japan, to enter the desired 5x = Italy/Spain, 6x setting changes. *2 = Southern Europe. *3. - - P0 - 1 P1 - 1 EUR - 2 AUS - 3 USA - 4 JPN - 5 IT/SP - 6 S/EUR Table 6-28: G1180 / G2180 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-27) *1 If the electronic unit is exchanged during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height. *2 After the changes are made, hold the program button until the Intake/Drain LED is solid. *3 The variant Southern Europe covers the following countries: Portugal, France, The Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. Save and quit Switch off the unit. 145 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1180 / G2180 - Service Mode Initial requirements 3. Open the door. 4. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the program button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the program button. 4. Immediately press and release the program button 3 times and at the 3rd time hold until the Rinse & Hold LED flashes rapidly. 5. Release the program button If the Rinse & Hold LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by a rapid flashing Rinse & Hold LED (5 Hz) Options Refer to Tables: 6-29 through 6-30. Note Upon accessing the programming mode, to navigate between the various functions and making changes within them you must do the following: 1.To navigate the Functions insure the Intake/Drain Lt. is solid. If not, hold the Program button until the Intake/Drain Lt. becomes a solid light. Now the Program button can be used to navigate the Functions bar. 2.To make setting changes within each Function, hold the Program button until you see a blinking light from the Intake/Drain Lt. Now you can use the Program button to make your setting changes within each Function. The Sani-Wash Lt. will indicate what the setting is for each Function. 146 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing rhythm of Intake/Drain Function LED Long Short Pos. 0: Software version ID check Pos. 1: Fault memory display and deletion - Programming Indication Do not press the Program button. The Intake/Drain LED is off. The Sani-Wash LED is off or flashes. Shows the software version ID No., e.g. -769 Press the Program button 1x. If the fault is indicated in the SaniWash LED, check if additional faults are registered. Press the Program button and hold it until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. *1 - ID No. The Intake/Drain LED flashes 1x. - - F0 If faults are saved into memory, these are indicated via the flashing rhythm of the SaniWash LED. Refer to 6.7 Fault code summary. - 1 F1 - 2 F2 1 1 F11 1 2 F12 1 3 F13 1 4 F14 1 8 F18 1 9 F19 2 4 F24 2 5 F25 2 6 F26 4 - F40 5 1 F51 5 2 F52 6 9 F69 7 - F70 8 8 F88 - - U0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 The SaniWash LED is off = F0 (no To delete the fault faults). memory, press the Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button until the SaniWash LED goes out. - 2 Pos.2: Compon ent test Long Short - 1 Press the Program button 2x. To start the component test, press the Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. Press the Program button again to access each of the following components. *1 Flashing rhythm of SaniWash LED The Intake/Drain LED flashes 2x. The flashing rhythm of the SaniWash LED indicates which component is currently accessed. For the sequence of component testing as well as backgraound information and access procedures, refer to Component test. Table 6-29: G1180 / G2180 Service Mode (Continued on Table 6-30) 147 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing rhythm of Intake/Drain LED Long Short - - 4 5 Function Pos 4: Operating hours check Pos. 5: Control Panel LED test Programming Indication Press the Program button 3x. The Intake/Drain LED flashes 3x. To check the operating hours, press the Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. *1 Press the Program button 4x. The flashing rhythm of the SaniWash LED indicates the saved operating hours. Each long flash of the SaniWash LED represents 1000 hours and each short flash 100 hours. The Intake/Drain LED flashes 4x. To start the control panel test: LED, press the Program button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. *1 Press the Program button 5x. All LEDs are lit. Long Short Display - - - - - - - - - The Intake/Drain LED flashes 5x. Buzzer on. To start the control panel test: Buzzer, press the Program 6 button and hold until the Intake/Drain LED flashes. Then press the Program button briefly. *1 Table 6-30: G1180 / G2180 Service Mode (Continued from Table 6-29) Pos. 6: Control Panel Buzzer Test Flashing rhythm of SaniWash LED *1 To make the desired setting adjustments. Hold the Program button until the Intake/Drain Lt. is blinking, then use the Program button to make your setting changes. Once done, hold the Program button until the Intake/Drain Lt. is solid again. Save and quit Switch off the unit. 148 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1180 / G2180 – Component Test After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: U1. R1, Y2, M6,…, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After an additional 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. U2. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec U3. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. U4. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. U5. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. 149 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information U6. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With a controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec. Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. U7. Vacant U8. Vacant U9. Vacant U10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. U11. Y38, Y2, Y5,…, reactivation sequence (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60sec. Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. U12. Vacant U13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. U14. M2 Fan: The fan is activated for 60 sec. 150 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.4 Optima Series 6.4.1 Optima Series – G2420 & G2430 G2420 / G2430 – Programming Mode Initial requirements 1. Close the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the Start/Stop button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the Start/Stop button. 4. Wait for dot in display, then immediately press and release the Start/Stop button 5 times and on the 5th time hold until the Start/Stop LED flashes rapidly. 5. Release the Start/Stop button If the Start/Stop LED does not flash, repeat the procedure. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by a rapid flashing Start/Stop LED (5 Hz) Options Refer to Tables: 6-31 through 6-35. 151 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Delay Start LED Do not press the The Rinse LED is Long Short Pos. 0: Software version ID check Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Long Short Display Delay start button. off or flashes. The The Delay start display shows the LED is off. software version ID No., e.g. –769. Press the Delay The Rinse LED is Long Short Pos. 1: Long Short Reset start button once. off or flashes. This The Delay start programmable LED flashes once function can be rapidly used to reset all intermittently. Press modifiable the Start/Stop parameters to the button to reset all standard settings. standard settings. The display shows P and a digit 1 alternately: P0 = Non-standard settings have been 1 made; P1 = All settings reset to standard settings or no modifications have been made. The Rinse LED is Pos.2: Press the Delay Long Short Long Short Sensor start button 2 times. off or flashes. The display shows P softener The Delay start 1 and the set value activation/ LED flashes 2 2 alternately. Setting Water times rapidly 3 hardness intermittently. Press range: P0 = Sensor 2 softener active.P1 – setting*1 the Start/Stop 4 P4 = Softener off. button as P5 to P70 = Water appropriate to 1 9 make the desired hardness, see Table 6-2. setting. The Rinse LED is Press the Delay Long Short Pos 3: Long Short Dispensed start button 3 times. off or flashes. The display shows P rinse aid The Delay start 1 and a digit quantity LED flashes 3 2 alternately: e.g. P3 setting times rapidly 3 intermittently. Press (standard setting) 3 4 indicates a the Start/Stop 5 dispensed quantity button as of 3 ml. Setting appropriate to make the desired range: 0 ml – 6 ml. 6 setting. Table 6-31: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-32) 152 ID No. Display P0 P1 Display P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P19 Display P0 (0ml) P1 (1ml) P2 (2ml) P3 (3ml) P4 (4ml) P5 (5ml) P6 (ml) G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Flashing Rhythm of Rhythm of Function Programming Display Rinse LED Delay Start LED Press the Delay The Rinse LED is off or Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 5: flashes. The display start button 5 times. The Delay shows P and a digit alternately: P0 = start LED P0 flashes 5 times Normal program sequence (standard rapidly setting); P1 = Modified intermittently. program sequence. Press the Start/Stop button This is used to adjust 5 as appropriate to the Sensor wash program parameters so make the desired setting. it can be used to wash 1 P1 items with stubborn stains even if the overall level of soiling is otherwise low. Press the Delay The Rinse LED is off or Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 12: Resetting start button 12 flashes. This standard times. The Delay programmable function can be used to reset all settings start LED parameters that can be flashes once P0 modified by the slowly and 2 customer to the times rapidly standard settings. This intermittently. display shows P and a Press the 1 2 Start/Stop button digit alternately: P0 = Non-standard settings to reset all have been made; P1 = standard 1 P1 All settings reset to settings. standard settings or no modifications have been made. Press the Delay The Rinse LED is off or Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 20: Wash start button 20 flashes. The display temperature times. The Delay shows P and a digit alternately. Setting modification start LED P0 (from flashes 2 times options: P0 = Standard setting; P1 = Wash software slowly temperature increased. 2 0 version ID intermittently. Due to a programNo. –984) Press the Start/Stop button dependent running time 1 P1 as appropriate to extension, the wash temperature will be make the desired setting. increased. Table 6-32: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-31) (Cont. on Table 6-33) Sensor wash program modification (from software version ID No. 984) 153 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Flashing Rhythm of Rhythm of Function Programming Display Rinse LED Delay Start LED Press the Delay start The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 21: button 21 times. The or flashes. The display shows P and Delay start LED flashes 2 times slowly a digit alternately: P0 P0 = Standard setting; and once rapidly intermittently. Press P1 = Final rinse the Start/Stop button temperature 2 1 increased. Due to a as appropriate to program-dependent make the desired 1 P1 running time setting. extension, the final rinse temperature will be increased. Press the Delay start The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 22: Program button 22 times. The or flashes. The running time Delay start LED display shows P and P0 reduction flashes 2 times slowly a digit alternately: P0 (from and 2 times rapidly = Standard setting; software intermittently. Press P1 = Program 2 2 version ID the Start/Stop button running time 1 P1 No. –984) as appropriate to reduction. make the desired setting. The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display When the decimal Long Short Pos. 23: or flashes. The Water point in the display display shows P and quantity has switched off, normal / press the Delay start a digit alternately: P0 P0 increased button 23 times. The = Normal water quantity (standard (from Delay start LED software flashes 2 times slowly setting); P1 = 2 3 Increased water version ID and 3 times rapidly No. –876) intermittently. Press quantity. the program button 1 P1 as appropriate to make the desired setting. Pos. 24: Press the Delay start The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display Long Short Soak button 24 times. The or flashes. The activation / Delay start LED display shows P and P0 deactivation flashes 2 times slowly a digit alternately. (from and 4 times rapidly Setting options: P0 = software intermittently. Press Soak not activated; 2 4 version ID the Start/Stop button P1 = Soak activated. no.-818) as appropriate to 1 P1 make the desired setting. Table 6-33: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-32) (Cont. on Table 6-34) Final rinse temperature modification (from software version ID No. –984) 154 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Flashing Rhythm of Rhythm of Function Programming Display Rinse LED Delay Start LED Press the Delay start The Rinse LED is Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 25: Pre-wash activation / deactivation (from software version ID no.-818) button 25 times. The Delay start LED flashes 2 times slowly and 5 times rapidly intermittently. Press 2 5 the Start/Stop button as appropriate to make the desired setting. Press the Delay start Long Short Pos. 26: Second button 26 times. The interim rinse Delay start LED selection flashes 2 times slowly (from and 6 times rapidly intermittently. Press 2 6 software version ID the Start/Stop button No. –984) as appropriate to make the desired setting. Press the Delay start Long Short Pos. 27: Extended button 27 times. The drying time Delay start LED (from flashes 2 times slowly software and 7 times rapidly 2 7 version ID intermittently. Press no.-818) the Start/Stop button as appropriate to make the desired setting. Press the Delay start Long Short Pos. 36: Machine button 36 times. The height Delay start LED setting (from flashes 3 times slowly software and 6 times rapidly version ID intermittently. Press 3 6 no.-818) *1 the Start/Stop button as appropriate to make the desired setting. off or flashes. The display P0 shows P and a digit alternately. Setting options: P0 = Pre-wash not activated; P1 1 P1 = Pre-wash activated. The Rinse LED is Long Short Display off or flashes. The display P0 shows P and a digit alternately. Setting options: P0 = Standard setting; P1 = With 1 P1 second interim rinse. The Rinse LED is Long Short Display off or flashes. The display P0 shows P and a digit alternately. Setting options: P0 = Normal drying time; P1 = 1 P1 Extended drying time. The Rinse LED is Long Short Display off or flashes. The display P0 shows P and a digit alternately. Setting options: P0 = Normal machine height 1 P1 (G1xxx); P1 = XXL model (G2xxx). Table 6-34: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-33) (Cont. on Table 6-35) 155 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Flashing Rhythm of Rhythm of Function Programming Display Delay Start Rinse LED LED Press the Delay The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 38: Model start button 38 or flashes. The variant times. The Delay display shows P and setting (from start LED flashes 3 a digit alternately. software times slowly and 8 Individual setting version ID times rapidly possibilities depend no. –818) *1 intermittently. Press on model and the Start/Stop whether a circulation 3 8 3 P3 button as pump with slide appropriate to shutter (WAW) and make the desired sensor softener setting. (SEH) are fitted as follows: P3 = G14xx, G24xx (without WAW, with SEH). The Rinse LED is off Long Short Display Press the Delay Long Short Pos. 39: or flashes. The Country start button 39 1 P1 variant times. The Delay display shows P and 2 P2 setting *1 start LED flashes 3 a digit alternately. times slowly and 9 The following 3 P3 country versions can times rapidly intermittently. Press be set: P1 = EUR 4 P4 3 9 (Europe); P2 = AUS the Start/Stop (Australia); P3 = button as 5 P5 USA, P4 = JPN appropriate to make the desired (Japan), P5 = I/E (Italy/Spain), P6 = setting. 6 P6 SER (Southern Europe) *2 Table 6-35: G2420 / G2430 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-34) Warning Do not change settings in Position 36, 38 or 39. Any changes made will affect the operation of the dishwasher. *1 If the electronic unit is exchanged during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height. Then the on-site water hardness must be set. *2 The SER variant includes the following countries: Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. Save and Quit Switch off the unit 156 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2420 / G2430 - Service Mode Summary Initial requirements 1. Close the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the Start/Stop button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the Start/Stop button. 4. Immediately press and release the Start/Stop button 3 times and at time hold until the Start/Stop LED flashes. 5. Release the Start/ Stop button the 3rd If the Start/Stop LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service mode is indicated by a slow flashing Start/Stop LED (1 Hz). Options Refer to Tables: 6-36 through 6-37. 157 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Delay Start LED Do not press the The Rinse LED is Long Short Pos. 0: Software version ID check Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Long Short Display Delay start button. off. The Display The Delay start shows the software Led is off. version ID No., e.g. -769 The Rinse LED is Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 1: Fault Press the Delay memory start button once. off or flashes. The F0 display shows F display and The Delay start 1 F1 deletion LED flashes once and a fault code 2 F2 number alternately, rapidly 1 1 F11 intermittently. Press see 6.7, fault code 1 2 F12 summary. If the the Start/Stop 1 3 F13 fault memory is button. Press it again to empty, F and 0 are 1 4 F14 display fault codes displayed 1 8 F18 that may have been alternately 1 9 F19 saved. To delete 1 2 4 F24 the fault memory, 2 5 F25 press the 2 6 F26 Start/Stop button 4 F40 again and hold it for 5 1 F51 4 sec. 5 2 F52 6 9 F69 7 F70 8 7 F87 8 8 F88 Table 6-36: G2420 / G2430 Service Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-37) 158 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Delay Start LED Press the Delay The display shows Long Short Pos 2: - 2 Component start button 2 which component is test times. The LED being tested. For flashes 2 times example if the drain rapidly pump M8 is being intermittently. Press tested, U and 3 are the Start/Stop shown alternately. button. Press it For the test again to activate sequence and the next component background information about individual components and their activation, see, Component test. Long Short Pos 4: - 3 Press the Delay Operating start button 3 hours check times. The Delay start LED flashes 3 times rapidly intermittently. Long Short Pos. 5: LED Press the Delay test Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Long Short Display 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 U0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 The display shows Long Short Display the number of operating hours as follows: If the machine has run for 74 hours, H, 7 and 4 are displayed alternately. The display shows Long Short Display 6.1: All LEDs are lit start button 4 times. The Delay start LED flashes 4 times rapidly 4 intermittently. Press the Start/Stop button once. Table 6-37: G2420 / G2430 Service Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-36) Save and Quit Switch off the unit. 159 - G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2420 / G2430 Component Test After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: U1. R1, Y2, M6,…, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After a further 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. U2. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec. U3. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. U4. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slideshutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired water quantity has been reached Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. U5. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. 160 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information U6. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With a controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec. Warning! The circulation pump must not run for more than 30 sec. without water. Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. U7. Vacant U8. Vacant U9. Vacant U10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. U11. Y38, Y2, Y5,…, reactivation sequence (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60sec. Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. U12. Vacant 161 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information U13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. U14. M2, fan: The fan is activated for 60 sec. U15. Vacant U16. Vacant U17. Vacant 6.4.2 Optima Series – G1470 & G2470 G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Initial requirements 1. Open the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the program button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the program button when the decimal point is in the display. 4. Immediately press and release the program button 5 times and at the 5th time hold until the Rinse & Hold LED flashes rapidly. 5. Release the program button. If the Rinse & Hold LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by a rapid flashing Rinse & Hold LED (5 Hz) Options Refer to Tables: 6-38 through 6-42. 162 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Gel LED Do not press the The display shows Long Short Pos. 0: Software version ID check Long Short Pos. 1: 1 Reset Flashing Rhythm of Sani-Wash LED Long Short Display Gel button. The Gel the software LED is off. version ID No., e.g. -769 Press the Gel This programmable Long Short button once. The function can be Gel LED flashes used to reset all once rapidly modifiable intermittently. Press parameters (both the program button customer and as appropriate to service make the desired programming) to setting. the standard settings. The display shows P and a digit alternately: P0 = Non-standard settings have been made; P1 = All settings reset to standard settings or no modifications have been made. Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Long Short Pos.2: button 2 times. The P and the digit/s of 2 Sensor softener Gel LED flashes 2 the set value 1 activation / times rapidly alternately. Setting 2 Water intermittently. Press range: P0 = Sensor 3 hardness the program button Softener active. P1 4 setting*1 as appropriate to to P4 = without 1 9 make the desired softener; P5 to P70 setting. = Water hardness, 4 see Table 6-2. Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Long Short Pos 3: Dispensed button 3 times. The P and a digit 3 rinse aid Gel LED flashes 3 alternately: e.g. P3 1 quantity times rapidly (standard setting) 2 setting intermittently. Press indicates a 3 the program button dispensed quantity 4 as appropriate to of 3 ml. Setting 5 make the desired range: 0 ml – 6 ml. setting. 6 Table 6-38: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-39) 163 ID No. Display P0 P1 Display P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P19 P40 Display P0 (0ml) P1 (1ml) P2 (2ml) P3 (3ml) P4 (4ml) P5 (5ml) P6 (ml) G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Display Rhythm of Function Programming Gel LED Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Pos 4: Buzzer on/off Flashing Rhythm of Sani-Wash LED Long Short Display button 4 times. The P and a digit Gel LED flashes 4 alternately: P0 = times rapidly Buzzer off; P1 = P0 intermittently. Press Buzzer on. 4 the program button as appropriate to make the desired 1 P1 setting. Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 5: Sensor button 5 times. The P and a digit wash Gel LED flashes 5 alternately: P0 = program times rapidly Normal program modification intermittently. Press sequence (standard P0 (from the program button setting); P1 = software as appropriate to Modified program version ID make the desired sequence. This is No. 984) setting. used to adjust the Sensor wash 5 program parameters so it can be used to 1 P1 wash items with stubborn stains even if the overall level of soiling is otherwise low. Long Short Pos. 12: Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Display Resetting button 12 times. P and a digit standard The Gel LED alternately: P0 = settings *2 flashes once slowly Normal program P0 and 2 times rapidly sequence (standard intermittently. Press setting); P1 = the program button Modified program to reset all standard sequence. This is settings. used to adjust the 1 2 Sensor wash program parameters so it can be used to 1 P1 wash items with stubborn stains even if the overall level of soiling is otherwise low. Table 6-39: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-38) (Cont. on Table 6-40) 164 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Gel LED Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Pos. 20: Wash temperature modification (from software version ID No. –984) Flashing Rhythm of Sani-Wash LED Long Short Display button 20 times. P and a digit The Gel LED alternately. Setting flashes 2 times options: P0 = P0 slowly Standard setting; intermittently. Press P1 = Wash the program button temperature 2 as appropriate to increased. Due to a make the desired program-dependent setting. running time 1 P1 extension, the wash temperature will be increased. Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 21: Final rinse button 21 times. P and a digit temperature The Gel LED alternately: P0 = P0 modification flashes 2 times Standard setting; (from slowly P1 = Final rinse software intermittently. Press temperature 2 1 version ID the program button increased. Due to a No. –984) as appropriate to program-dependent make the desired running time 1 P1 setting. extension, the final rinse temperature will be increased. Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 22: Program button 22 times. P and a digit running time The Gel LED alternately: P0 = P0 reduction flashes 2 times Standard setting; (from slowly and 2 times P1 = Program software rapidly running time 2 2 version ID intermittently. Press reduction. No. –984) the program button 1 P1 as appropriate to make the desired setting. Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 23: Water button 23 times. P and a digit quantity The Gel LED alternately: P0 = normal / flashes 2 times Normal water P0 increased slowly and 3 times quantity (standard (from rapidly setting); P1 = 2 3 software intermittently. Press Increased water version ID the program button quantity. No. –769 & as appropriate to P1 876) make the desired setting. Table 6-40: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-39) (Cont. on Table 6-41) 165 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Delay start LED Press the Gel button The display Long Short Pos. 24: 2 4 Soak activation / deactivation (from software version ID no. 818) Long Short Pos. 25: Pre- 2 5 wash activation / deactivation (from software version ID no. 818) Long Short Pos. 26: 2 6 Second interim rinse selection (from software version ID No. –984) Long Short Pos. 27: 2 7 Extended drying time (from software version ID no. 818) Long Short Pos. 36: 3 6 Machine height setting (from software version ID no. 818) *1 24 times. The Gel shows P and a LED flashes 2 times digit alternately. slowly and 4 times Setting options: rapidly intermittently. P0 = Soak not Press the program activated; P1 = button as appropriate Soak activated. to make the desired setting. Press the Gel button The display 25 times. The Gel shows P and a LED flashes 2 times digit alternately. slowly and 5 times Setting options: rapidly intermittently. P0 = Pre-wash Press the program not activated; P1 button as appropriate = Pre-wash to make the desired activated. setting. Press the Gel button The display 26 times. The Gel shows P and a LED flashes 2 times digit alternately. slowly and 6 times Setting options: rapidly intermittently. P0 = Standard Press the program setting; P1 = With button as appropriate second interim to make the desired rinse. setting. Press the Gel button The display 27 times. The Gel shows P and a LED flashes 2 times digit alternately. slowly and 7 times Setting options: rapidly intermittently. P0 = Normal Press the program drying time; P1 = button as appropriate Extended drying to make the desired time. setting. Press the Gel button The display 36 times. The Gel shows P and a LED flashes 3 times digit alternately. slowly and 6 times Setting options: rapidly intermittently. P0 = Normal Press the program machine height button as appropriate (G1xxx); P1 = to make the desired XXL model setting. (G2xxx). 166 Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Long Short Display - - P0 - 1 P1 Long Short Display - - P0 - 1 P1 Long Short Display - - P0 - 1 P1 Long Short Display - - P0 - - P1 Long Short Display - - P0 - - P1 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Table 6-41: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-40) (Cont. on Table 6-42) Flashing Rhythm of Function Programming Display Delay start LED The display shows Press the Gel Long Short Pos. 38: Flashing Rhythm of Rinse LED Long Short Display P and a digit button 38 times. alternately. The Gel LED Individual setting flashes 3 times slowly and 8 times possibilities depend on model and rapidly intermittently. Press whether a the program button circulation pump as appropriate to with slide shutter 3 8 3 P3 make the desired (WAW) and sensor softener (SEH) are setting. fitted as follows: Select setting P3 = G147x, G247x (without WAW, with SEH). Press the Gel The display shows Long Short Display Long Short Pos. 39: Country button 39 times. P and a digit 1 P1 variant The Gel LED alternately. The 2 P2 setting (from flashes 3 times following country software slowly and 9 times versions can be 3 P3 version ID rapidly set: P1 = EUR no. 818) *1 intermittently. Press (Europe); P2 = 4 P4 3 9 the program button AUS (Australia); P3 as appropriate to = USA, P4 = JPN 5 P5 make the desired (Japan), P5 = I/E (Italy/Spain), P6 = setting. SER (Southern 6 P6 Europe) *3 Table 6-42: G1470 / G2470 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-41) Model variant setting *1 *1 If the electronic unit is exchanged during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height. Then the on-site water hardness must be set. *2 On models with software version ID no. 769, the “Resetting standard function is at Pos.19. settings” *3 The SER variant includes the following countries: Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. Save and quit Switch off the unit. 167 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1470 / G2470 – Service Mode Initial requirements 1. Open the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the program button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the program button when the decimal point is in the display. 4. Immediately press and release the program button 3 times and at the 3rd time hold until the Rinse & Hold LED flashes. 5. Release the program button. If the Rinse & Hold LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service mode is indicated by a slow flashing Rinse & Hold LED (1 Hz). Options Refer to Tables: 6-43. 168 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming Display Pos. 0: Do not press the Gel button. The Software Gel LED is off. version ID check Pos. 1: Fault Press the Gel button once. The Gel memory display LED flashes once rapidly and deletion intermittently. Press the program button. Press it again to display fault codes that may have been saved. To delete the fault memory, press the program button again and hold it until F and 0 are shown alternately Pos.2: Press the Gel button 2 times. The Component Gel LED flashes 2 times rapidly test intermittently. Press the program button. Press it again to activate the next component. The display shows the software version ID No., e.g. -769 The display shows F and a fault code number alternately, see 6.7, Fault code summary. If the fault memory is empty, F and 0 are displayed alternately. The display shows F and 0 alternately. The display shows which component is being tested: For example if the drain pump M8 is being tested, U and 3 are shown alternately. For the test sequence and background information about individual components and their activation, see, Component test. The display shows = 0 Pos 3: Vacant When the decimal point in the display has switched off after approx. 6 sec., press the Gel button 3 times. The Gel LED flashes 3 times rapidly intermittently. Press the program button. Pos 4: Press the Gel button 4 times. The The display shows the number of Operating Gel LED flashes 4 times rapidly operating hours as follows: If the hours check intermittently. machine has run for 74 hours, H, 7 and 4 are displayed alternately. Pos. 5.1: LED Press the Gel button 5 times. The The display shows 6.1: All LEDs are test Gel LED flashes 5 times rapidly lit. intermittently. Press the program button. Pos. 5.2: Press the Gel button 5 times. The This display shows 6.2: The buzzer is Buzzer test Gel LED flashes 5 times rapidly activated. intermittently. Press the program button 2 times. Pos. 6: Vacant Press the Gel button 6 times. The The display shows C0. Gel LED flashes 6 times rapidly intermittently. Press the program button. Table 6-43: G1470 / G2470 Service Mode Options Quit (without saving) Switch off the unit. 169 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G1470 / G2470 Component Test After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: U1. R1, Y2, M6,…, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After a further 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. U2. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec. U3. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. U4. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slideshutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired water quantity has been reached Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. U5. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. 170 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information U6. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With a controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec. Warning! The circulation pump must not run for more than 30 sec. without water. Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. U7. Vacant U8. Vacant U9. Vacant U10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. U11. Y38, Y2, Y5,…, reactivation sequence (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60sec. Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. U12. Vacant U13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. 171 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information U14. M2, fan: The fan is activated for 60 sec. U15. Vacant U16. Vacant U17. Vacant 6.5 Excella Series 6.5.1 Excella Series – G2630 G2630 Programming Mode Initial requirements 1. Close the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the Start/Stop button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Once the “Miele welcome” display appears release the Start/Stop button. 4. Immediately press and release the Start/Stop button 5 times and at the 5th time hold until the programmable functions appear. Note If the Start LED does not switch off within approx. 10 sec., repeat the accessing procedure. 5. Release the Start/Stop button If the programmable functions do not appear in the LED display, repeat the procedure. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by the LED’s, which are all off and the setting options shown in the display. Note Positions 1 – 19 can also be selected via the Settings menu. 172 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Options Refer to Tables: 6-44 through 6-48. Function Programming Display Use the cursor buttons as This programmable function can appropriate to select Reset, be used to reset all parameters Pos. 1: Reset then press the OK button. Use (both customer and service the cursor buttons to make the programming) to the standard desired setting. settings. Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select The display shows the available Pos. 2: Language Language, then press the OK options. setting button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Use the cursor buttons as Display options: 24 h Clock or 12 appropriate to select Time…, Pos. 3: Time of h Clock. After selection, the then press the OK button. Use display changes to the day setting the cursor buttons to make the appropriate time indication. desired setting. Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the following appropriate to select Tab type options for the detergent type: Pos. 4: Tab type or Detergent type (from Normal (powder detergent) 2 in or detergent software version ID no.984), 1, 3 in 1 or Liquid detergent 1) setting then press the OK button. Use (from software version ID no. the cursor buttons to make the 984). desired setting. Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the current Pos. 5: appropriate to select Rinse aid, rinse aid dispensed quantity Dispensed rinse then press the OK button. Use setting. Setting range: 0 ml – 6 aid quantity the cursor buttons to make the ml. Standard setting: 3 ml. setting desired setting. Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the number of Pos. 6: Interval appropriate to select Check wash programs between filter between filter filters, then press the OK checks. Setting range: 30 – 60 checks setting button. Use the cursor buttons wash programs. to make the desired setting. Table 6-44: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-45) 173 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming Pos. 7: Sensor wash program modification (from software version ID no. 984) Pos. 8: Main menu modification Display Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the options On and appropriate to select Off. This function is used to adjust the Adjust sensor wash, then Sensor wash program parameters so it press the OK button. Use can be used to wash items with the cursor buttons to make stubborn stains even if the overall level the desired setting. of soiling is otherwise low. Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the program appropriate to select available. The order of the first three Change main menu., then can be modified. After fixing and press the OK button. Use confirming a new order, Rearranging is the cursor buttons to mark displayed. the program that is to be exchanged, then press the OK button. Then use the cursor buttons to select the program that is to replace the removed program. Pos. 9: Saving Use the cursor buttons as This function is activated as standard. extras appropriate to select Save This is indicated in the display by On. If extras, then press the OK the function is not desired, select Off. button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Pos. 10: Use the cursor buttons as This function is deactivated as standard. System lock appropriate to select This is indicated in the display by Off. If activation System lock, then press the function is desired, select On. the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Pos. 11: In Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the setting options operation lock appropriate to select In Permitted 6) and Not possible (On / operation lock, then press Off from software version ID no. 984). the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Pos. 12: Use the cursor buttons as The options °C and °F are available. Temperature appropriate to select setting Temperature, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Table 6-45: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-44) (Cont. on Table 6-46) 174 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Pos. 13: Buzzer activation / deactivation and volume setting Pos. 14: Audible confirmation signal activation / deactivation Pos. 15: Brightness setting Programming Display Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Buzzer, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. The display shows the options Off, Normal and Loud. The function is activated as standard 5). Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Keypad tone, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. An audible confirmation signal when a touchpad is pressed is active as standard. This is indicated in the display by On. If the function is not desired, select Off Use the cursor buttons as The display brightness range has appropriate to select 17 steps shown in bar form. Brightness, then press the OK Standard setting: 8. button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Pos. 16: Use the cursor buttons as The display contrast range has 17 Contrast setting appropriate to select Contrast, steps shown in bar form. Standard then press the OK button. Use setting: 8. the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Pos. 17: Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the options On Standby2) appropriate to select Standby, and Not in current program. activation / then press the OK button. Use deactivation the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Pos. 18: Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the options On Memory appropriate to select Memory, (standard setting) and Off. activation / then press the OK button. Use deactivation the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. The display shows the options Pos. 19: Dealer Use the cursor buttons as demonstration appropriate to Select Dealer, Demo program, Demo in cont. loop and Demo with sound. mode then press the OK button. activation. Confirm Demo program activation with the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting and press any button to start the program. To interrupt a started demo program, press any button and then confirm by pressing the OK button. Table 6-46: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-45) (Cont. on Table 6-47) 175 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Programming Display Pos. 20: Resetting standard settings Function Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Factory default, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Pos. 21: Wash/Final rinse temperature modification (from software version ID no. 984). Main wash Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Temperatures, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. The display shows the option Reset. If it is selected, all parameters that can be modified by the customer (extras and settings) will be reset to the standard settings. The display shows the options Main wash and Final rinse. This increases the main wash or final rinse temperature with a running time extension. Use the cursor buttons to select the desired option. The display shows the options Normal and Increased Use the cursor buttons to select the desired option. The display shows the options Normal and Increased Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Water plus, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Water hardness, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. The display shows the options Normal and Increased Final rinse Pos. 23: Water quantity normal / increased Pos. 24: Automatic = sensor softener Sensor activated. Alternatively the onsoftener site water hardness can be activation / directly selected. Setting range: deactivation, 1°d to 70°d (°d = Degree of water hardness German hardness). See Table manual setting 6-2. Pos. 25: Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the options Program appropriate to select Shorten the On and Off (standard setting). running time program, then press the OK This offers a programreduction (from button. Use the cursor buttons to dependent running time software make the desired setting. reduction by reducing version ID no. temperatures and/or canceling 984) holding times. Pos. 26: Use the cursor buttons as The display shows the options Second interim appropriate to select 2nd interim On and Off (standard setting) rinse, then press the OK button. rinse selection Use the cursor buttons to make the (from software desired setting. version ID no. 984) Table 6-47: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Cont. From Table 6-46) (Cont. on Table 6-48) 176 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming Pos. 27: Machine height setting3) Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Appliance height, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Country version, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to select Model type, then press the OK button. Use the cursor buttons to make the desired setting. Pos. 28: Country variant setting3) Pos. 29: Model variant setting Display The display shows the options Normal (G 1xxx) and XXL (G2xxx) Setting options: EUR = Europe, AUS = Australia, USA, JPN = Japan, I/E = Italy/Spain, SER = Southern Europe4) On models with salt container in the door (SIT) (G x7xx), this 3) option must be set to 0. If the dishwasher does not have a salt container in the door (SIT), 1 must be selected. Table 6-48: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-47) 1) From software version ID no. 984, the display has been changed from Tab type to Detergent type. 2) The display is switched off after approx. 10 min. in order to save energy if, during this period, no control has been activated. 3) If the electronic unit is exchanged during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height. 4) The SER variant includes the following countries: Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. 5) When this option is active, an audible signal operates at the end of the program (5 signals repeated after a short pause) and if a fault is registered (single continuous signal). 6) If Permitted is selected, locking during operation is possible. However, locking can only be carried out after a program has been started, see the appropriate operating instructions. Save and quit 1. Press the OK button 2. Switch off the unit. 177 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2630 – Service Mode Initial requirements 1. Close the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the Start/Stop button. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Once the “Miele Welcome” display appears, release the Start/Stop button. 4. Immediately press and release the Start/Stop button 3 times and at the 3rd time hold until the programmable functions appear in the display. Note If the Start LED does not switch off within approx. 10 sec., repeat the accessing procedure. 5. Release the Start/ Stop button. If the Start/Stop LED has not started to flash within approx. 4 sec., the accessing procedure must be repeated. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service mode is indicated by the LED’s, which are all off and the service options shown in the display. Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to scroll the display. Options Refer to Table: 6-49. 178 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Software version ID check Programming Select ID no. with the OK button. Display The display shows version ID no. for the selection-display module (BAE) *1 and controlpower module (SLT) *2 Fault memory Use the cursor buttons to select The display shows saved fault display Fault memory. To return to the messages. If several faults main menu select Back, press have been registered, they will the OK button. be indicated one after the other. For a fault code summary, see 6.7, Fault code summary. Alternatively, No fault is displayed. Fault memory Select Fault memory. Select In addition to the fault deletion the option Delete fault messages, the option Delete memory? With the cursor fault memory? Is displayed. button, then press the OK button. Component Use the cursor buttons to select The display shows the test Consumers. Individual components and mini programs components V01 – V017 can be that can be activated with wiring selected via the cursor button. diagram abbreviations. They To return to the main menu can be selected via the cursor scroll to Back then press the button. After 2 sec. the OK button. appropriate test program starts, see, Component test. Operating Scroll to Operating hours. The display shows the number hours check Press the OK button. To return of operating hours. to the main menu press the OK button again. LED test Scroll to Operation. Press the All LED’s and the display light OK button. Select the option up. B01: LED Test. To return to the main menu, press the OK button Buzzer test Select Operation. Select the The buzzer is activated. option B02: Buzzer Test. To return to the main menu, Select Back and press the OK button. Table 6-49: G2630 Service Mode Options *1 Selection-Display module *2 Control-power module Save and quit Switch off the unit. 179 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2630 Component Test After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: V01. R1, Y2, M6, …, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After a further 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. V02. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec. V03. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. V04. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. V05. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. 180 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information V06. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With a controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec. Warning! The circulation pump must not run for more than 30 sec. without water. Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. V07. M24, M6, slide shutter at middle spray arm setting with circulation pump: The slide shutter is activated and set to the top/bottom spray arm setting. The circulation pump is then operated for 30 sec. at the maximum speed for controlled operation. V08. M24, M6 The slide shutter at top/bottom spray arm with pump The slide shutter and set to top/bottom spray arm setting. The circulation pump is then activated for 30 sec. at the maximum speed for controlled operation. V09. M24, The slide shutter: The slide shutter is activated for 60 sec. V10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. V11. Y38, Y2, Y5, …, reactivation sequence (mini program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The SIT brine valve Y60 is then activated for 150 sec. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. 181 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. Warning! If the reactivation mini program has been started, it must not be cancelled prematurely. If it is interrupted, there is a risk that brine will overflow out of the SIT, salt container in door, into the machine cabinet. V12. Y60, Brine valve (salt container in door (SIT) valve): The brine valve is activated for 60 sec. V13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. V14. M2, fan: The fan is activated for 60 sec. V15. B3/9, M6, circulation pump with Speed sensor The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated for 30 sec. at maximum speed. If the desired speed has not been reached within 7 sec., the circulation pump remains station V16. 4N1, M6, wash sequence with middle spray arm sensor (miniprogram): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. Concurrently with water inlet valve activation, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. If a spray arm fault is registered during circulation pump operation, the pump is switched off after 60 sec., otherwise if operates for an additional 120 sec. 182 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information V17. 5N1, M6, wash sequence with bottom spray arm sensor (mini program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. After 2 sec. the slide shutter is set to the top/bottom spray arm position. If a spray arm fault is registered during circulation pump operation, the pump is switched off after 60 sec., otherwise it operates for a further 120 sec. 6.5.2 Excella Series – G2670 G2670 Programming Mode Initial requirements 1. Open the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the C (Clear) Button 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the C (Clear) button. 4. When display lights up, immediately press and release the C (Clear) button 5 times and at the 5 time hold for 4 seconds. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by LEDs, which are all off and the indication Service Programming shown in the right display The display shows two parameters at the same time. Use the cursor button to scroll the display. Options Refer to Tables: 6-50 through 6-52. Note Some of the following parameters can also be programmed via the Settings menu. 183 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Reset Language setting Programming Display Select Reset. To reset all parameters to the standard setting, press the OK button. Press the back button to return to the main menu. Select Language. Make the desired selection and confirm with the OK button. The display shows Reset factory default settings? Time of day setting Select Time of day, then one of the sub-menus and confirm with the OK button. Format Select the desired options and confirm with the OK button. Set Set the time (first hours and then Manually minutes) with the + and – buttons and confirm with OK button. Tab type or Select Tab type or Detergent type detergent (from software version ID no. 984). setting *3 Make the desired selection and confirm with the OK button. Dispensed Select Rinse aid. Make the desired rinse aid setting with the + and – buttons and quantity setting confirm with the OK button. Interval Select Check filters. Make the between filter desired selection and confirm with the checks setting OK button. Sensor wash Select Adjust sensor wash. Make program the desired selection and confirm with modification the OK button. (from software version ID no. 984) Reorganize Program The display shows the available options. A language must be selected to return to the main menu. The display shows the sub-menus Format and Set manually. Display options: 24 h Clock or 12 h Clock. Entry prompts are given The display shows the following options for the detergent type: Normal (power detergent) 2 in 1, 3 in 1 or Liquid detergent (from software version ID no. 984). The display shows the current rinse aid dispensed quantity setting. Setting range: 0 ml – 6 ml. Standard setting: 3 ml. The display shows the number of wash programs between filter checks. Setting range: 30 – 60 wash programs. The display shows the options on and off (standard setting). This function is used to adjust the Sensor wash program parameters so it can be used to wash items with stubborn stains even if the overall level of soiling is otherwise low. The display shows the programs available. The order of the first two can be modified. After fixing and confirming a new order, the list is shown again. Select Reorganize Program. Select the desired program for position 1. Press the Continue button. Proceed similarly for position 2. After completing the desired changes, confirm the selection with the Finished button and return to the main menu. Saving Options Select Save Options. Make the This function is activated as desired selection and confirm with the standard. This is indicated in the OK button. display by On. If the function is not desired, select Off. Table 6-50: G2670 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-51) 184 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming Temperature setting Display Select Temperature. Make the The options °C and °F are available desired selection and confirm with the OK button. Buzzer Select Buzzer. Make the The display shows the options Off, activation / desired selection and confirm Normal and Loud deactivation and with the OK button. volume setting Audible Select Keypad tone. Make the An audible confirmation signal when a confirmation desired selection and confirm button is pressed is active as standard. signal activation with the OK button This is indicated in the display by On. If / deactivation the function is not desired, select Off Brightness Select Brightness. Press the The display brightness range has 17 setting Dimmer or Brighter buttons as steps shown in bar form. Standard appropriate to make the setting: 8. desired selection and confirm with the OK button Memory Select Memory. Make the The display shows the options On activation / desired selection and confirm (standard setting) and Off. The deactivation with the OK button. memory function can be used to save the most recently selected program. Dealer Select Dealer. Make the The display shows the options Demo demonstration desired selection and confirm program, Demo in cont. loop and mode activation. with the OK button. Demo with sound. In addition the option Off is available to deactivate the mode. Factory Default Select Factory default. If all The display shows Reset factory parameters that can be default settings? modified by the customer (extras and settings) should be reset to the standard settings, press the OK button. Wash/Final rinse Select Temperatures then The display shows the options Main temperature select the desired sub-menu. wash and Final rinse. This increases modification the main wash or final rinse (from software temperature with a running time version ID no. extension. 984). Main wash Make the desired selection and The display shows the options Normal confirm with the OK button and Increased Final rinse Make the desired selection and The display shows the options Normal confirm with the OK button and Increased Table 6-51: G2670 Program Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-50) (Cont. on Table 6-52) 185 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming Water-Plus quantity Select Water plus. Make the normal / increased desired selection and confirm with the OK button Sensor softener Select Water hardness. Make activation / the desired selection and deactivation, water confirm with the OK button hardness manual setting Program running Select Shorten the program. time reduction Make the desired selection and (from software confirm with the OK button. version ID no. -984) Display The display shows the options Normal and Increased Automatic = sensor softener activated. Alternatively the on-site water hardness can be directly selected. Setting range: 1°d to 70°d (°d = Degree of German hardness). The display shows the options On and Off (standard setting). This offers a program dependent running time reduction by reducing temperatures and/or canceling holding times. Select 2nd interim rinse. Make The display shows the options On the desired selection and and Off (standard setting) confirm with the OK button Second interim rinse selection (from software version ID no. 984) Machine height Select Appliance height. Make The display shows the options setting *1 the desired selection and Normal (G 1xxx) and XXL (G2xxx) confirm with the OK button Country variant Select Country version. Make Setting options: EUR = Europe, setting *1 the desired selection and AUS = Australia, USA, JPN = confirm with the OK button Japan, I/E = Italy/Spain, SER = Southern Europe *2 Model variant Select Model type. Make the On models with salt container in the setting *1 desired selection and confirm door (SIT) (e.g. G1870, G2870) this with the OK button option must be set to VI7. If the dishwasher does not have a salt container in the door (SIT), VI5 must be selected. Table 6-52: G2670 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-51) *1 If the electronic unit is exchanged during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height. *2 The SER variant includes the following countries: Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. *3 From software version ID no. 984 the display Tab type has been superseded by Detergent type. Save and quit Switch off the unit. 186 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2670 – Service Mode Initial requirements 1. Open the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing Press and hold the C (Clear) button or touchpad. Switch on the machine. Release the C (Clear) button or touchpad. Immediately press and release the C (Clear) button or touchpad 3 times, at the 3rd time hold for at least 4 seconds. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service mode is indicated by the LEDs, which are all off and the indication Service program shown in the right of the display. The display shows two parameters at the same time. Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to scroll the display. Options Refer to Table: 6-53. 187 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming ID no. check Display Select ID Number. To return to The display shows version ID the main menu, press the OK no. for the selection-display button or touchpad. module (BAE) *1 and controlpower module (SLT) *2 Fault memory Select Fault memory. To return The display shows saved fault display to the main menu, press the OK messages. If several faults button or touchpad. have been registered, they will be indicated one after the other. For a fault code summary, see 6.7, Fault code summary. Alternatively, No fault is displayed. Fault memory Select Fault memory. To return The display shows saved fault deletion to the main menu, press the OK messages. If several faults button or touchpad. have been registered, they will be indicated one after the other. For a fault code summary, see 6.7, Fault code summary. Alternatively, No fault is displayed. Component Select component. Individual The display shows the test components V01 – V17 can be components and mini programs selected via the cursor that can be activated with wiring touchpad. To return to the main diagram abbreviations. They menu, press the C (Clear) can be selected via the cursor button or touchpad. touchpad. After 2 sec. the appropriate test program starts, see, Component test. Operating Select Operating hours. To The display shows the number hours check return to the main menu, press of operating hours the OK touchpad. Operation: LED Select Operation. Select the All LEDs and the display light test option B01: LED test. To return up to the main menu, press the C (Clear) button or touchpad. Operation: Select Operation. Select the The buzzer is activated Buzzer test option B02: Buzzer test. To return to the main menu, press the C (Clear) button or touchpad. Table 6-53: G2670 Service Mode Options *1 Selection-display module *2 Control-power module Quit (without saving) Switch off the unit. 188 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information G2670 Component Test After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: V01. R1, Y2, M6, …, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After a further 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. V02. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec. V03. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. V04. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. V05. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. V06. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: 189 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With a controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec. Warning! The circulation pump must not run for more than 30 sec. without water. Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. V07. M24, M6, slide shutter at middle spray arm setting with circulation pump: The slide shutter is activated and set to the top/bottom spray arm setting. The circulation pump is then operated for 30 sec. at the maximum speed for controlled operation. V08. M24, M6 The slide shutter at top/bottom spray arm with pump The slide shutter and set to top/bottom spray arm setting. The circulation pump is then activated for 30 sec. at the maximum speed for controlled operation. V09. M24, The slide shutter: The slide shutter is activated for 60 sec. V10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. V11. Y38, Y2, Y5, …, reactivation sequence (mini program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The SIT brine valve Y60 is then activated for 150 sec. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. 190 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. Warning! If the reactivation mini program has been started, it must not be cancelled prematurely. If it is interrupted, there is a risk that brine will overflow out of the SIT, salt container in door, into the machine cabinet. V12. Y60, Brine valve (salt container in door (SIT) valve): The brine valve is activated for 60 sec. V13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. V14. M2, fan: The fan is activated for 60 sec. V15. B3/9, M6, circulation pump with Speed sensor The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated for 30 sec. at maximum speed. If the desired speed has not been reached within 7 sec., the circulation pump remains station V16. 4N1, M6, wash sequence with middle spray arm sensor (miniprogram): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. Concurrently with water inlet valve activation, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. If a spray arm fault is registered during circulation pump operation, the pump is switched off after 60 sec., otherwise if operates for an additional 120 sec. 191 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information V17. 5N1, M6, wash sequence with bottom spray arm sensor (mini program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. After 2 sec. the slide shutter is set to the top/bottom spray arm position. If a spray arm fault is registered during circulation pump operation, the pump is switched off after 60 sec., otherwise it operates for a further 120 sec. 6.6 LaPerla - G2830 6.6.1 G2830 - Program Mode Initial requirements 1. Close the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing Press and hold the C (Clear) touchpad. Switch on the machine. Release the C (Clear) touchpad. Immediately press and release the C (Clear) touchpad 5 times and at the 5th time hold for 4 seconds. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service Dept. programming mode is indicated by the LEDs, which are all off and the indication Service programming shown in the right display. The display shows two parameters at the same time. Use the cursor button to scroll the display. Options Refer to Tables: 6-54 through 6-56. Note Some of the following parameters can also be programmed via the Settings menu. 192 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming Reset Select Reset. To reset all parameters to the standard setting, press the OK touchpad. Press the back button to return to the main menu. Language setting Select Language. Make the desired selection and confirm with the OK touchpad. Display The display shows Reset factory default settings? The display shows the available options. A language must be selected to return to the main menu. Time of day Select Time of day, then one of the The display shows the subsetting sub-menus and confirm with the OK menus Format and Set touchpad manually. Format Select the desired option and Display options: 24 h Clock or confirm with the OK touchpad. 12 h Clock. Set Manually Set the time (first hours and then Entry prompts are given minutes) with the + and – buttons and confirm with the OK touchpad. Alternatively, to go back one level, press the C (Clear) touchpad. Tab type or Select Tab type or Detergent type The display shows the detergent setting (from software version ID no. 984). following options for the Make the desired selection and detergent type: Normal (power confirm with the OK touchpad. detergent) 2 in 1, 3 in 1 or Liquid detergent (from software version ID no. 984) *4. Dispensed rinse Select Rinse aid. Make the desired The display shows the current aid quantity setting with the + and – buttons and rinse aid dispensed quantity setting confirm with the OK touchpad. setting. Setting range: 0 ml – 6 ml. Standard setting: 3 ml. Interval between Select Check filters. Make the The display shows the number filter checks desired selection and confirm with of wash programs between setting the OK touchpad. filter checks. Setting range: 30 – 60 wash programs. Sensor wash Select Adjust sensor wash. Make The display shows the options program the desired selection and confirm on and off (standard setting). modification (from with the OK touchpad. This function is used to adjust software version the Sensor wash program ID no. 984) parameters so it can be used to wash items with stubborn stains even if the overall level of soiling is otherwise low. Main menu Select Change main menu. Select The display shows the modification the desired program for position 1. programs available. The order Press the Continue touchpad. of the first two can be modified. Proceed similarly for position 2. After After fixing and confirming a completing the desired changes, new order, the list is shown confirm the selection with the again. Finished touchpad and return to the main menu. Table 6-54: G2830 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-55). 193 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming Saving extras Display Select Save extras. Make the desired This function is activated as selection and confirm with the OK standard. This is indicated in touchpad. the display by On. If the function is not desired, select Off. System lock Select System lock. Make the desired This function is deactivated activation selection and confirm with the OK as standard. This is indicated touchpad. in the display by Off. If the function is desired, select On. In operation lock Select In operation lock. Make the The display shows the setting desired selection and confirm with the options Permitted *1 and Not OK touchpad. possible Temperature Select Temperature. Make the The options °C and °F are setting desired selection and confirm with the available OK touchpad. Buzzer activation Select Buzzer. Make the desired The display shows the / deactivation and selection and confirm with the OK options Off, Normal and Loud volume setting touchpad. Audible Select Keypad tone. Make the desired An audible confirmation signal confirmation selection and confirm with the OK when a touchpad is pressed signal activation / touchpad. is active as standard. This is deactivation indicated in the display by On. If the function is not desired, select Off Brightness setting Select Brightness. Press the Dimmer The display brightness range or Brighter buttons as appropriate to has 17 steps shown in bar make the desired selection and form. Standard setting: 8. confirm with the OK touchpad. Contrast setting Select Contrast. Make the desired The display contrast range selection and confirm with the OK has 17 steps shown in bar touchpad. form. Standard setting: 8. Standby Select Standby. Make the desired The display shows the activation / selection and confirm with the OK options On and Not in current deactivation touchpad. The display is switched off program. after approx. 10 min. if no activity is noted. Press any touchpad to reactivate the display. Memory Select Memory. Make the desired The display shows the activation / selection and confirm with the OK options On (standard setting) deactivation touchpad. and Off. The memory function can be used to save the most recently selected program. Dealer Select Dealer. Make the desired The display shows the demonstration selection and confirm with the OK options Demo program, mode activation. touchpad. Demo in cont. loop and Demo with sound. In addition the option Off is available to deactivate the mode. Table 6-55: G2830 Programming Mode Options (Cont. from Table 6-54) (Cont. on Table 6-56) 194 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming Resetting Select Factory default. If all standard settings parameters that can be modified by the customer (extras and settings) should be reset to the standard settings, press the OK touchpad. Otherwise, press the Back touchpad to go back one level. Wash/Final rinse Select Temperatures then temperature select the desired sub-menu. modification (from software version ID no. 984). Main Make the desired selection and wash confirm with the OK touchpad Final Make the desired selection and rinse confirm with the OK touchpad Water quantity Select Water plus. Make the normal / desired selection and confirm increased with the OK touchpad Sensor softener Select Water hardness. Make activation / the desired selection and deactivation, confirm with the OK touchpad water hardness manual setting Display The display shows Reset factory default settings? The display shows the options Main wash and Final rinse. This increases the main wash or final rinse temperature with a running time extension. The display shows the options Normal and Increased The display shows the options Normal and Increased The display shows the options Normal and Increased Automatic = sensor softener activated. Alternatively the on-site water hardness can be directly selected. Setting range: 1°d to 70°d (°d = Degree of German hardness). See Table 6.2. Program running Select Shorten the program. The display shows the options On time reduction Make the desired selection and and Off (standard setting). This (from software confirm with the OK touchpad. offers a program-dependent running version ID no. time reduction by reducing 984) temperatures and/or canceling holding times. Second interim Select 2nd interim rinse. Make The display shows the options On rinse selection the desired selection and and Off (standard setting) (from software confirm with the OK touchpad. version ID no. 984) Machine height Select Appliance height. Make The display shows the options setting *2 the desired selection and Normal (G 1xxx) and XXL (G2xxx) confirm with the OK touchpad. Country variant Select Country version. Make Setting options: EUR = Europe, setting *2 the desired selection and AUS = Australia, USA, JPN = confirm with the OK touchpad. Japan, I/E = Italy/Spain, SER = Southern Europe *3 Table 6-56: G2830 Programming Mode Options (Continued from Table 6-55). 195 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information *1 If Permitted is selected, locking during operation is possible. However, locking can only be carried out after a program has been started, see the appropriate operating instructions. *2 If the electronic unit is replaced during service work, it must be programmed as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height. *3 The SER variant includes the following countries: Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. *4 From software version ID no. 984 the display Tab type has been superseded by Detergent type. Save and quit Switch off the unit. 196 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.6.2 G2830 – Service Mode Initial requirements 1. Close the door. 2. Switch off the machine. Accessing 1. Press and hold the C (Clear) button or touchpad. 2. Switch on the machine. 3. Release the C (Clear) button or touchpad. 4. Immediately press and release the C (Clear) button or touchpad 3 times, at the 3rd time hold for at least 4 seconds. Acknowledgement Indicator Successful accessing of the Service mode is indicated by the LEDs, which are all off and the indication Service program shown in the right of the display. The display shows two parameters at the same time. Use the cursor buttons as appropriate to scroll the display. Options Refer to Table: 6-57 197 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Function Programming ID no. check Display Select ID Number. To return to The display shows version ID the main menu, press the OK no. for the selection-display touchpad. module (BAE) *1 and controlpower module (SLT) *2 Fault memory Select Fault memory. To return The display shows saved fault display to the main menu, press the OK messages. If several faults touchpad. have been registered, they will be indicated one after the other. For a fault code summary, see 6.7, Fault code summary. Alternatively, No fault is displayed. Fault memory Select Fault memory. Select the In addition to the fault deletion option Delete fault memory? messages, the option Delete With the cursor touchpad, then fault memory? Is displayed. press the OK touchpad. Component Select component. Individual The display shows the test components V01 – V17 can be components and mini programs selected via the cursor that can be activated with wiring touchpad. To return to the main diagram abbreviations. They menu, press the C (Clear) can be selected via the cursor touchpad. touchpad. After 2 sec. the appropriate test program starts, see 6.6.3, Component test. Operating Select Operating hours. To The display shows the number hours check return to the main menu, press of operating hours the OK touchpad. Operation: LED Select Operation. Select the All LEDs and the display light test option B01: LED test. To return up to the main menu, press the C (Clear) button or touchpad. Operation: Select Operation. Select the The buzzer is activated Buzzer test option B02: Buzzer test. To return to the main menu, press the C (Clear) button or touchpad. Table 6-57: G2830 Service Mode Options *1 Selection-display module *2 Control-power module Quit (without saving) Switch off the unit. 198 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.6.3 G2830 Component Test After selecting the service mode and successfully accessing the component test program, individual electrical components can be activated via the program button (Start/Stop for Integrated models). During this procedure, certain components can only be activated via special mini-programs. Test sequence and background information: V01. R1, Y2, M6, …, wash sequence with heating (mini-program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. At the same time the slide shutter is activated with its setting alternating at 15 sec. intervals. After a further 60 sec., the heating relay is switched on for 300 sec. and the water is heated to 122°F. The mini-program ends with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). Note The mini-program does not include any fault testing function. V02. 1K1, heating relay: The heating relay is activated for 60 sec. V03. M8, drain pump: The drain pump is activated for 60 sec. V04. Y2, Y5, water inlet valves with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve (mini-program): The water inlet valve is activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. After 2.7 l has been registered, the EGS valve is also opened until the total desired intake quantity has been reached. Warning! If the flow meter is defective, the EGS valve is not activated. V05. Y5, EGS valve: The EGS valve is activated for 60 sec. 199 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information V06. M6, circulation pump switched winding relay: The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated. With a controlled circulation pump, the activation is at the maximum speed for controlled operation. The circulation pump is activated for 30 sec., but the auxiliary winding relay is only activated during the first 15 sec. Warning! The circulation pump must not run for more than 30 sec. without water. Note During the period when the auxiliary winding relay is activated, a higher circulation pump current of approx. 0.9 A flows. Afterwards the current is approx. 0.16 A. V07. M24, M6, slide shutter at middle spray arm setting with circulation pump: The slide shutter is activated and set to the top/bottom spray arm setting. The circulation pump is then operated for 30 sec. at the maximum speed for controlled operation. V08. M24, M6 The slide shutter at top/bottom spray arm with pump The slide shutter and set to top/bottom spray arm setting. The circulation pump is then activated for 30 sec. at the maximum speed for controlled operation. V09. M24, The slide shutter: The slide shutter is activated for 60 sec. V10. Y50, combination dispenser: The combination dispenser is activated with pulsed operation for 60 sec. The pulse rhythm throughout the test period is 10 sec. on / 10 sec. off. V11. Y38, Y2, Y5, …, reactivation sequence (mini program): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve with EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve is then activated until 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The SIT brine valve Y60 is then activated for 150 sec. The reactivation valve is then activated for 120 sec. Following this the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. 200 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Starting with software version ID 984 the reactivation component test operates as follows: At the start of the mini-program the drain pump M8, water inlet valve Y2 and EGS valve Y5 are activated at the same time. M8 pumps water for 30 sec. and is primed with pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off). Y2 and Y5 are switched off when 250 ml has been reached or 60 sec. has elapsed. The reactivation valve Y38 is then activated for 150 sec. following this, the water inlet valve and the drain pump, which begins without pulsed priming (2 sec. on/2 sec. off), are operated together for 60 sec. Warning! If the reactivation mini program has been started, it must not be cancelled prematurely. If it is interrupted, there is a risk that brine will overflow out of the SIT, salt container in door, into the machine cabinet. V12. Y60, Brine valve (salt container in door (SIT) valve): The brine valve is activated for 60 sec. V13. Y38, reactivation valve: The reactivation valve is activated for 60 sec. V14. M2, fan: The fan is activated for 60 sec. V15. B3/9, M6, circulation pump with Speed sensor The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is activated for 30 sec. at maximum speed. If the desired speed has not been reached within 7 sec., the circulation pump remains station V16. 4N1, M6, wash sequence with middle spray arm sensor (miniprogram): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. Concurrently with water inlet valve activation, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. If a spray arm fault is registered during circulation pump operation, the pump is switched off after 60 sec., otherwise if operates for an additional 120 sec. V17. 5N1, M6, wash sequence with bottom spray arm sensor 201 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information (miniprogram): This starts with 30 sec. drainage, which begins with pulsed priming (2 sec. on / 2 sec. off). The water inlet valve is then activated (on models with and without slide shutter) until 5.4 l has been taken in. At the same time the water inlet valve is activated, the slide shutter is set to the middle spray arm position. The circulation pump with switched auxiliary winding is then operated. After 2 sec. the slide shutter is set to the top/bottom spray arm position. If a spray arm fault is registered during circulation pump operation, the pump is switched off after 60 sec., otherwise it operates for a further 120 sec. 202 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.7 Fault Code Summary Important Not all fault codes apply to all model numbers Faulty Code Summary F00 No faults F01 Water/Heating NTC temperature sensor or leads short-circuited F02 Water/Heating NTC temperature sensor or leads open-circuited F11 Drainage fault F12 Water intake fault at start of step F13 Water intake fault at end of step F14 Water intake fault: Heater pressure switch F15 Water intake fault: Hot water F18 Flow meter stationary state monitor F19 Flow meter stiff and not turning freely F24 Heating relay contact F25 Desired temperature fault F26 Boiling protection F40 Electronic unit fault F42 F47 F51 Mains frequency registration fault Interface fault (BAE) and (SLT) Heater pressure switch F52 Heater pressure switch has reset during heating F53 Speed sensor fault F63 Slide shutter fault F67 Circulation pump speed too low F68 Circulation pump operation after switch-off F69 Circulation pump blocked F70 Float switch fault F84 F85 F86 Slide shutter positioning fault Slide shutter signal change fault Salt container lid contact fault F87 Sensor softener fault F88 Turbidity sensor fault F91 Load size registration inactive Table 6-58: Fault Code Summary 203 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.8 Fault Repair Summary 6.8.1 No Power - Main Switch Is On 1. Check for 120 VAC from wall outlet. If hard wired check for voltage at terminal X3/1. If no voltage is present, check: a. Circuit Breaker Panel or “Fuse Box. b. If hard wired check for proper connection at terminal X3/1 2. Check for power to the electronic unit. a. If power is present, go to step 3. b. If no power is present, check wire continuity between electronic board and terminal X3/1. 3. Check main switch S2. a. If switch is inoperative, replace switch. For units where the switch is part of the electronic board. Replace the electronic board. 4. Check the door contact switch S24. a. If the door contact switch has power, replace the electronic board. 6.8.2 Display shows “Close Salt Reservoir Cap” Fault code F86 is logged in fault memory The reed switch is open. The display shows Close salt reservoir cap. 1. Insure the salt container lid on inside door is closed. 2. Check to see if the magnet is missing off of lid. Replace container lid if magnet is missing. 3. Check reed switch and connections. Replace reed switch if necessary. 6.8.3 Drain Pump Switches On and Off at Short Intervals The drain pump operates with 1 sec. on and 4 sec. off a. Electronic unit fault, replace the electronic unit. 204 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.8.4 Inlet / Drain LED Flashes and Lights up Alternately (Fully Integrated) On-site water supply valve closed. a. Open water supply valve. 1. Check Filter in WPS (WaterProof System) for blockage. a. Disconnect the dishwasher from the power supply. b. Close the water supply valve. c. Unscrew the WaterProof System from the water supply valve. d. Remover the washer from the threaded union. e. Remove the filter with needle nose pliers. f. Clean or exchange the filter as necessary. 6.8.5 Dishwasher Program Can Be Selected But Not Started After switch-on, display is normal and LEDs light up/flash as usual. When a dishwashing program is selected, it cannot be started. 1. Incorrect positioning of adjustable door lock latch. a. Adjust the locking plate (5.2.9). 2. Door seal incorrectly seated. a. Check the door seating and adjust as necessary (5.3.1). 6.8.6 Dishwashing program interrupted, no fault indication Selected dishwashing program interrupted suddenly because door contact switch is no longer closed, No fault is displayed and no fault is registered in the fault code memory. 1. Incorrect positioning of adjustable door lock latch. a. Adjust the locking plate (5.2.9). 2. Door seal incorrectly seated. a. Check the door seating and adjust as necessary (5.3.1). 205 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.8.7 Door does not close correctly 1. Incorrectly fitted Stopper at end of Top Basket Guide. a. Remove the Stopper and fit it correctly. 2. Door Seal incorrectly fitted and protrudes forward. a. Remove the Door Seal and fit it correctly (5.3.1). 3. Damaged Door Hinges a. Inspect and replace Hinges as necessary (5.2.5). 4. Locking latch is in the wrong position (Integrated models) a. Press door lock release. 5. Locking bolt is in the wrong position (Fully Integrated models) a. Activate the door lock emergency release (5.2.13). 6.8.8 Condensation forms on adjacent cabinets During the drying cycle, condensation may form on the cabinets to the left and right of the dishwasher. 1. Extraneous air is sucked in the area of the condenser. a. Remove right side panel (5.1.1). b. Seal the opening behind the rib of the condenser with silicone sealer (for example Thermostat) see Fig. 6-1. 2. Modify the dishwasher with conversion kit “Vapors VI” Note In dishwashers starting with production number 33/65009505 the opening at the condenser pocket is already closed. Figure 6-1: Condenser pocket 206 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.8.9 Noises during drying cycle After the fan is switched on, there may be noises during the drying cycle. 1. Fan impeller not firmly mounted. a. Replace the fan (5.3.7). 6.8.10 Foreign object in drain system The drain pump or the non-return valve is blocked by a foreign object. 1. Insure the ring to the filter trap is properly fitted with the microfine filter housing, Mat No. 5672961 (refer to Fig. 6-2) Figure 6-2: Microfine filter trap. Note Once the ring is fitted, cleaning the filter has to be done in shorter 207 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Note For remedies to clear blockage see Fault code F11 “Drainage fault”, 6.8.13. 6.8.11 Poor Drying Results 1. Incorrect Dispenser setting. a. Adjust setting as necessary. 2. Rinse Aid Dispenser Flap not properly closed. The Rinse Aid Container filed with water during program operation. a. Flush the Dispenser, refill with new Rinse Aid. b. Replace Dispenser Assembly as necessary (5.2.6). 3. Rinse Aid not being dispensed/released. a. Ensure Dispenser is operating. Replace Combination Dispenser as necessary. 4. Combination products are being used, and the function “2in1” or “3in1” is selected. After a time, the drying results become poor. All rinse aid remnants were flushed from the dispensing unit (for background information refer to the section “intelligent tab function”). Thus only the rinse aid components of the combination product are available for the drying cycle. a. Check the fill level of the rinse aid in the dispensing unit. b. Refill with standard rinse aid. 6.8.12 No Drying Or Drying Too Slow 1. Fan run-on time too short. (If applicable) a. Extend the Fan run on time. See applicable programming mode. 2. Fan not functioning a. Check circuit, perform service as necessary. 3. No Heat, Fault Code F01, F02, F25, or F52. After this fault is registered, the heating will not be activated, no rinse aid is dispensed. May also note that dishes are still dirty. a. NTC temperature sensor R30 or its connection leads shortcircuited (F01). b. Check the plug connections c. Check the temperature sensor and its leads for continuity. At 68°F (20°C) the temperature sensor resistance should be approx. 14.9Ω (±600Ω) and at 77°F (25°C) approx. 12Ω (±600Ω) (guide figures only). d. Replace the NTC Temperature sensor if necessary (5.4.19). 4. Water/Heating NTC temperature sensor or leads open-circuited (F02). a. Check plug connections b. Check the temperature sensor and its leads for continuity. c. Replace the NTC temperature sensor if necessary (5.4.19). 208 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5. Heating element defective (F25). a. Replace the heating element 6. Heating relay defective (F25). a. Check the heating relay solenoid voltage (12 VDC) from the electronic unit. b. If no voltage is present, replace the electronic unit. c. Check the heating relay solenoid. Replace if necessary. 7. Excess quantity of detergent or rinse aid dispensed. Excess foam has developed (F25). a. Check the dispensed quantities of detergent and rinse aid. Follow the information given in the operating instructions. 8. Heater pressure switch has reset during heating (F52). The program continues from the wash block in which the fault is registered without the heating being activated. The fault will only be indicated in the display or via LEDs at the end of the program. The buzzer is then activated for 2 min. The switching of the Heater pressure switch during the wash cycle may cause this fault to occur. The causes and remedies are as follows: a. Check for excess quantity of detergent or rinse aid dispensed. Excess foam can cause a drop in water flow pressure, directly affecting the Heater pressure switch. Clean out excess form and follow the information given in the operating instructions. Note A check should also be made to ensure that the type of detergent used matches the setting made, see Tab type or detergent setting. When, for example, combination products (2 in 1 or 3 in 1 tablets) are used but the Tab type has not been set, rinse aid will be dispensed twice. b. Check for proper water level (just below the Filter assembly locking arm) and circulation. c. If circulation pressure is low, check the circulation pump for any foreign objects that may be present. Clean or replace as necessary. d. If the water level is far below the filter assembly locking arm. Check for items that may have tipped over and retained a large quantity of water, e.g. in a bowl. Follow the loading information given in the operating instructions. e. If proper circulation is available, check connections at the heater pressure switch and ST5 on the electronic board. If 120 VAC power is present or intermittent, clean or replace the Heater pressure switch as necessary. 209 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 6.8.13 Water Present In Appliance And Is Not Being Drained Off 1. Drain Blocked (F11) Figure 6-3: Circuit test path for F11. After each drain pump step, the circulation pump operates for 2 sec. and the heater pressure switch checks the water level. If it is too high (Large quantity of residual water remaining in cabinet), the drainage time is extended. If, after a further check, the water level is still too high, the program is interrupted, fault code F11 is saved and the drain pump is activated. 2. Check for proper water flow from drain line by performing the following steps: a. Disconnect drain line from drain trap, garbage disposal, or drain pipe and place in bucket or large container. b. Insure that adequate water is in the dishwasher cabinet. Select and start a new washing program (First step should be a 30 sec. drain). Insure the drain hose is held in place within the bucket or container. • If water flows from the drain hose. Dishwasher is not the cause of the blockage. Blockage is in the piping and should be checked by a specialist. • If water does not flow from the drain hose then proceed to the next step. 3. Check filters for blockage. 4. Check the non-return valve for blockage, clean or replace if necessary. 210 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5. With the non-return valve removed, check the drain pump for proper operation by performing the following steps: a. Check the Drain pump Impeller blades for proper rotation. If stuck, look for Foreign objects blocking Impeller blades and remove. If Impeller blades are jammed and no foreign objects are located, proceed to next step. b. Remove the lower service door panel. c. Operate the dishwasher in a draining step. d. Check for power at the Drain pump. If pump is receiving power, 6. Drain hose kinked. a. Replace Drain hose 7. Check the heater pressure switch and insure the contacts are in the correct position after drain. replace if necessary. 6.8.14 Inlet/Drain LED Flashes During Water Intake, Dishwasher ends selected program. (F12, F13 or F19) 1. Check if On-site water supply valve is closed. a. Open the water supply valve 2. Check if On-site water supply has low water pressure, less than 14.5 psi. a. The on-site water supply should be checked by a specialist. 3. Check the WPS (WaterProof System) valve Filter for blockage by performing the following steps: a. Disconnect the dishwasher from the power supply. b. Close the water supply valve. c. Unscrew the WaterProof System from the water supply valve. d. Remove the washer from the threaded union. e. Remove the filter with needle nose pliers. f. Clean or replace the filter as necessary. 4. Check Water inlet valve for proper operation by performing the following steps: a. Insure water supply is open and there is access to the valve housing. b. Select a wash program and start. c. After the drain step (30 sec.) the water inlet step will begin. Hold you hand around the valve housing. If you feel a mild vibration, then the valve is receiving power. Replace the WPS valve (Y2). If not go to the next step. d. Remove bottom drip pan and check the electrical connector to the inlet valves mounted on the left plinth for power. If power is available troubleshoot connector and wiring accordingly. If not go to the next step. e. Check for power coming off the electronic board. If no power, replace the electronic board. If power is present, check wiring from electronic board to electrical connector. Replace and repair as necessary. 211 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information 5. Check the Flow meter B3/4 for too few pulses (F13), no pulses (F12) or sluggish movement (F19) by performing the following steps: a. Remove the left side panel (5.1.1). b. Check that the plate with the reed switch on the flow meter is seated correctly. c. Check that the reed switch connection plug is seated correctly. • If F12, F13 or F19 is displayed, disconnect the electrical connector from the electronic board and hook up a multi meter set for continuity. d. While in operation: • If no pulses are delivered, take a magnet and pass it over the reed switch. If a pulse is delivered, replace the water diverter. If no pulse is delivered, replace the reed switch. • If pulses are delivered. Connect the electrical connector to the electronic board, clear the fault and operate the appliance. If an F12 is displayed replace the electronic board. Fault F19 will be displayed if the check to test the sluggish movement of the flowmeter (impeller counter) during the water intake is not successful. Start rinse block water intake: • • • • Item a: Test time for one liter. Item 1: Sufficient normal water intake time. Item 2: Extended water intake time required. Item 3: After a water intake of 1 liter, it becomes apparent that neither the normal nor the extended water intake time will be sufficient. Therefore the test routine is started. Figure 6-4: F19 - Start rinse block water intake 212 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Test routine: Figure 6-5: F19 – Test routine. • Item a: Test time for one liter • If the test routine is successfully completed, water intake time will be extended • If the test routine is not successfully completed, a Fault code F19 is registered. Figure 6-5: F19 – Test routine. Refer to Fig. 6-5 for following test routine: a. As a first step, the water intake valve Y2 is activated, to let an additional 2 liters into the appliance. The time required for this is calculated based on the time the water intake took for the liter already in the unit (see fig. 6-4). Note The water volume taken in at this point cannot cause an overflow, even if the flowmeter count is inaccurate. b. Next the circulation pump M6 is activated for 2 minutes, to wet the dishes in the cabinet and to permit any cavities in the wash load to fill with water. Next the drain pump M8 is activated for 1 minute. Now a base line for the actual test has been created. c. For the test, water intake valve Y2 is activated until the determined number of impulses is reached, which correspond roughly to a water volume of 1.4 liters. Subsequently the circulation pump M6 is activated again. d. The current program continues without interruption. The maximum water intake time is extended to 4 minutes. This value is shaved in the electronic for future water intakes. If in the future the time necessary for the water intake of 1 liter should deviate from this value (15% less or 15% more) a new test routine has to be started. 213 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information e. If however the heater pressure switch B1/13 switches, the wash program is interrupted immediately, the drain pump runs, and Fault F19 is registered. 6.8.15 Wash Program Is Interrupted And Drain Pump Is Operated If an F18 fault is displayed The water inlet valve is open when it should not be (signal to open it has not been given by the electronic module). Water then flows into the appliance and unexpected pulses from the flow meter B3/4 are detected. 1. Check the Water Inlet Valve for proper operation (may be stuck in open position). a. Gain access to the water inlet valve. b. Start a wash program c. Place your hand around the inlet valve during the water inlet step. You should feel a vibration indicating that the valve is energized. d. At the end of the water inlet step the valve should be deenergized. If water is still entering the machine, replace the water inlet valve. e. Check for interference pulses. Electrical components within the water diverter could be interfering with the pulses produced by the flow meter. Troubleshoot accordingly and replace the water diverter if necessary. If an F14 fault is displayed With the circulation pump operating after a water intake step, the heater pressure switch is checked to ensure that sufficient water pressure exists in the wash water circuit. For this the heating relay must have been activated. 1. During a heating step the heater pressure switch may have registered no or insufficient water pressure at the circulation pump. a. Check the dispensing of detergent and rinse aid. Excessive foam development means that the pressure at the heater pressure switch will be less. b. Check for correct water level within the machine (water level should be just under the filter arm). • If incorrect water quantity is registered, see “Inlet/Drain LED flashes during water intake” for troubleshooting steps. c. Check the filters for blockage. 214 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information d. Check if circulation pump is defective by performing the following steps: 1. Open the dishwasher door and insert your Miele bypass tool into the latching mechanism. 2. Turn on the dishwasher and select a wash program. 3. After the 30 sec. draining step, pay attention to the lower spray arm. As water enters the cabinet the circulation pump should be operating, increasing the water flow pressure. You should begin to see a small flow of water coming out of the lower spray arm. Warning! Keep your hands on the door handle as you perform this test. If you see water begin to flow out of the lower spray arm. Press the door handle to pop the bypass tool out of the door lock and shut off the unit. If this is not done, there is the danger of water spraying out of the dishwasher. • If you see the water flow out of the spray arm the circulation pump is operating and there is no blockage. Press the door handle to pop the bypass tool out of the door lock. • If you see no water continue with the next step. 4. Check the power supply to the circulation pump. 5. Check the circulation pump capacitor. 6. Check the circulation pump intake for blockage. Clean it as necessary. Check the hose connections. 7. Check the circulation pump housing for foreign objects by performing the following steps: a. Remove the bottom drip pan. b. Remove the circulation pump (5.4.14). 8. Remove the circulation pump housing cap ( 9. Check inner housing for blockage. 10. Replace the circulation pump if necessary (5.4.14). 11. Check the heater pressure switch for proper operation by performing the following steps: a. Check connection plugs and wiring harness for damage, corrosion or loose connection. b. Enter the service mode and select component test. c. Select wash sequence with heating (R1,Y2,M6). d. Provide access to the control electronic board. e. Using a multi meter, place the probes onto the heater pressure switch sensing leads off of connector ST5 on the electronic board. During circulation pump operation you should read no voltage at these points. • If 120 VAC is measured, replace the heater pressure switch ( 215 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information If An F24 fault is displayed 18 sec. after starting the drain sequence the electronic board will perform an operational test on the heater relay. The circulation pump is not operating and no power is applied to the heater relay coil. If 120 VAC is registered at ST5 on the electronic board, then an F24 is logged in memory (see Fig. 6-6). Figure 6-6: Circuit test path for F24. 1. Check the heater relay contacts to see if they have been fused together. Replace if necessary. 2. Check for defects to the connecter at the output side of the heater relay. Corrosion buildup can cause a bridge between contacts, which can reduce the transfer resistance below a value of 10 MΩ. This check can be done by performing the following steps: a. Disconnect the appliance from power. b. Pull Plug ST5 off the electronic board. c. Measure the resistance between the connectors of the evaluation leads on the heater pressure switch, point 12 and 22, at the plug ST5 of the electronic board. d. If the measured resistance is below 10Ω, the heater partial wiring harness has to be replaced. If a F26 fault is displayed If water enters the machine exceeding 194°F, the program is interrupted and the drain pump is operated. The fault will be indicated on the display or via LEDs. 1. If the NTC temperature sensor has exceeded 194°F, check the heating relay to see if its fused closed and replace if necessary. 2. If the NTC temperature sensor is providing inaccurate information, replace the temperature sensor (5.4.19). 216 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information If a F40 fault is displayed The electronic unit has a fault that cannot be repaired by the Service Dept. (e.g. hardware fault) 1. Replace the electronic unit (5.5.3). If a F42 fault is displayed A check ID carried out to ensure that the power frequency is within certain valid ranges (50 ± 5 Hz or 60 ± 5 Hz). This fault is registered when it cannot clearly be established which valid range is applicable. 1. On-site power fluctuations should be checked by a specialist. If a F47 fault is displayed Communication between selection-display module (BAE) and Control-power module (SLT) becomes faulty. 1. Replace the electronic unit (5.5.3). If a F51 fault is displayed Initial state: Figure 6-7: Circuit test path for F-51 (initial state) 1 sec. after program start (machine will be in the initial 30 sec. draining process), the following test is carried out: Heater relay K1/1 is switched on. This tests whether the contacts of the heater pressure switch B1/13 at points 21/22 or 11/12 are closed. If the electronic board receives no power an F-51 fault is stored. 217 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Figure 6-8: Circuit test path for F-51 (testing state) 1. Check the Heater relay for an open contact. If the relay is open during the testing state, Fig. 6-8. Then perform the following checks: a. Check to insure all plug connections are clean and secure. b. Check the connection wires for continuity. • If the Heater relay still shows an open contact, replace the Heater relay. 2. Insure the Heater pressure switch is in position 21/22 and 11/12. If not, perform the following checks: a. Check to insure all plug connections are clean and secure. b. Check the connection wires for continuity. c. Remove the Heater pressure switch and check for any blockage • If the Heater pressure switch still shows an open circuit. Replace the Heater pressure switch. If a F68 fault is displayed The speed sensor registers that the circulation pump is still operating even after it has been switched off. 1. Check connectors to circulation pump speed sensor and electronic board. 2. Perform a continuity check to insure there is no open circuit. 3. Replace the speed sensor and perform an operational check. • If the fault is again displayed, replace the electronic board. 218 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information If a F69 is displayed (circulation pump blocked) With the circulation pump operating, the pump pressure level switch contacts are checked. For this the heating relay must have been activated and both electronic unit inputs must be potential free. 1. Check for proper operation of the heater relay, see F25 Heating relay defective. 2. Check for proper operation of the heater pressure switch, see F14 Water intake fault: Heater pressure switch. 3. Check the circulation pump for proper operation, see F67 Circulation pump speed too low. If a F70 is displayed (Float switch fault) The drain pump continues to operate do to the changeover contact of the float switch B8/3 closed from 1 to 4 (refer to the wiring diagram). Even after the appliance has been switched off, the drain pump can only be deactivated by disconnecting the appliance from the power source. 1. Disconnect the appliance from the power source and remove the water from the drip pan. 2. If there is no water, check for debris beneath the float switch Styrofoam. 3. Check the drip pan for any warps or dents that may have occurred due to transport. Bend straight or replace as necessary. 4. Operate the appliance and check the unit for any oversudzing. Also check all hoses, connections and threaded unions for leaks. 5. Check the float switch for continuity and correct operation. Replace float switch if necessary. 6. Carefully dry all electrical components in the drip pan area. If a F84 is displayed (Slide shutter positioning fault) The electronic board is unable to read the position of the slide shutter through the position switch. This fault is displayed when attempts to position the slide shutter have failed. See F63 (Slide shutter fault) for troubleshooting steps. If a F85 is displayed (Slide shutter signal change fault) Even though the slide shutter has not been activated, a signal change has been detected at the position switch. Case 1: If the fault is registered before the circulation pump has been activated for the first time (or before program start), the program is interrupted and the drain pump is operated. The fault will be indicated in the display or via LEDs. The buzzer is activated for 2 min. 219 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information Case 2: If the fault is registered later, the fault will be indicated in the display or via LEDs at the end of the program. The buzzer is then activated for 2 min. 1. The cause may lie with the position switch B3/12, which may have an intermittent contact. Check for dirty contacts clean or replace drive as necessary. 2. Check for pulses during operation at ST14 on the electronic board using a multimeter set for low voltage DC. If you are receiving pulses every 30 sec. then replace the electronic board if you are receiving no pulses, replace the drive. 6.8.16 The program is not interrupted, but faults are logged into the fault memory. If the following faults are registered, the program is not interrupted. The fault will only be indicated when the fault memory is checked in the service mode. A water intake fault: hot water is registered (F15) During the energy saving program if the water temperature is below 100°F an F15 fault is logged into memory. The on-site water supply should be checked by a specialist. A Speed Sensor Fault is registered (F53) The circulation pump continues to operate but is not monitored. 1. Check for popper operation of the circulation pump, see F14 par. 1e. Clean and remove any blockage that may be present. 2. The speed sensor B3/9 may be defective. Replace speed sensor. A Slide shutter fault is registered (F63) Even though the slide shutter motor has been activated, there is no signal change at the position switch. The slide shutter motor will be activated again whenever repositioning is required. 1. Check to see if water is alternating between the upper/lower spray arms and the middle spray arm. This can be done by removing the side panels, selecting a wash program and observing the water flow between the upper spray arm and middle spray arm water paths. If the water flow is alternating go to section “a” below. If not go to section “b” below. 2. Check the position switch B3/12 at connection ST14 (using a multi-meter) for low DC pluses at 30 sec. intervals. 220 G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers Technical Information a. If pluses are present, the electronic board needs to be replaced. b. If pluses are not present, first check wire connections for an open or short circuit. Replace the slide shutter drive if necessary. 3. If the slide shutter gearing or the drive (synchronous motor) is defective. Replace the drive. Circulation pump speed too low fault is registered (F67). The check is carried out 10 sec. after the circulation pump has started. 1. Perform a circulation pump test as shown (F14, 1e,f,g,i, and j). • If the circulation pump is good, replace the speed sensor ( Sensor softener fault is registered (F87). If this fault is registered, an emergency program operates in which the reactivation start time and the switching points for the EGS (electronically controlled water softener) valve are given. 1. Check for approx. 9 VAC to the sensor softener 10N1 electronic module or the data connection open-circuited. 2. Check the Sensor softener electronic module conductivity measurement. If no connection faults exist, replace the water inlet mixer. Turbidity sensor fault is registered (F88). If this fault is registered, the program continues with default settings. 1. Check connections to electronic board and the turbidity sensor B3/10 and perform a continuity check. 2. Check the turbidity sensor for correct function. Replace the spray arm feed pipe with turbidity sensor if necessary 3. Check for foreign objects in the measurement path. Remove blockage or replace feed pipe if it is necessary. Load size registration inactive (F91) If this fault is registered, the water intake block will operate by taking in the default water quantity. In the subsequent additional fill, the quantity of which will normally depend on the size of the load, will be replaced by a water intake block with fixed water quantity. 1. Check the speed sensor for proper operation. See F53 Speed sensor fault. Revised: 12-2006 - LG 221
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