PFF Guide 9x12 V3
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Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Map of the Fairmont Grand Del Mar 3 Welcome 4 Sponsor Statements 7 Conference Itinerary 9 Sessions Agenda: Who’s Speaking About What and When 32 A Tour of San Diego: Things to Do and Places to See 13 Speaker Biographies 1 Map of the Fairmont Grand Del Mar Capella Courtyard North Courtyard North Foyer Entry Entry Gents Ladies West Foyer Elizabeth Ballroom B Ladies Gents West Gallery Elizabeth Ballroom C Gallery Grand Stair Salon Terrace Aria Lawn Aria Pavilion 2 Stage Capella Terrace Welcome dear friends, Welcome to our ninth annual Public Funds Forum – Protecting Portfolio Value! Today’s world is fraught with uncertainty. Both the “known unknowns” and the “unknown unknowns” give market participants pause. Even the skies over developed economies are darkened by defined dangers and vague fears. Many are concerned that recent stock market gains may prove ephemeral. These are perilous times for public fund trustees and other investment fiduciaries. How can you best use your powers as an asset owner to make our markets deliver for your fund beneficiaries? How do you find value-winning investment strategies to boost returns while protecting assets against downside risk? Where do you find the leading-edge information and actionable tools needed to help you make the difficult choices confronting you? We have designed this conference with these questions in mind. Our goal is to give you insights and training on how to protect downside risk, how to be more engaged as an asset owner, and how to hold your portfolio companies accountable to deliver the returns you and your beneficiaries are relying on. We at ValueEdge Advisors are focused on the very important mission of helping institutional investors, particularly asset owners like public pension funds, understand and use their rights as shareowners to preserve portfolio value and diminish risk. And we are again grateful for our sponsoring partners in helping make our ninth annual forum successful: Gilardi & Co. LLC and the leading plaintiffs’ securities law firm of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP. Honorable Richard Bennett Founder, President & CEO ValueEdge Advisors LLC I look forward to our dialogue about how to protect portfolio value in challenging times. Sincerely, Hon. Richard A. Bennett Founder, President and CEO ValueEdge Advisors LLC 3 Sponsor Statement V alueEdge Advisors was created three years ago to help institutional investors engage effectively as owners with their portfolio companies. In so doing, ValueEdge Advisors has developed expertise in a range of activities, such as: • Convening constructive dialogue between institutional owners and corporations • Assisting public pension funds in crafting ESG integration policies and practices • Developing remedies to repair corporate governance of companies in the settlement of securities litigation • Identifying director candidates for institutions to nominate to improve board composition and performance (207) 539-9005 • Using shareowner proposals and other tools to push productive engagement between institutions and company management • Leading conferences for institutional fiduciaries to keep abreast of emerging trends and cutting-edge developments in corporate governance • Advocating for corporate governance best practices before senior U.S. and U.K. policymakers Co-founded by Chairman Robert A.G. Monks and CEO Richard A. Bennett, ValueEdge Advisors also includes Vice Chair Nell Minow and Senior Advisors Annalisa Barrett and John P.M. Higgins. Our governance professionals have had leading roles in founding, owning and successfully managing proxy advisory firms, activist investment funds, ESG research companies, and governance consultancies, as well as personal experience as directors and officers of public and private companies. ValueEdge Advisors also have extensive experience in politics and policymaking, including serving in senior elected and appointed positions in government. We encourage you to follow us on Twitter @valuedgeadvsrs and to visit our blog frequently at where we post frequently about unfolding events, news items and emerging trends. 4 Sponsor Statement D ear Friends, On behalf of Gilardi & Co., I want to thank ValueEdge Advisors for organizing what once more promises to be a wonderful event! We are pleased to support ValueEdge in its commitment to corporate reform and are happy to again serve as a co-sponsor of this 2017 Public Funds Forum. Since our inception in 1984, Gilardi has been the premier provider of all services related to class action settlement administration. We are experts in all phases of legal administration and pride ourselves on unmatched responsiveness, transparency, efficiency and accountability. We also understand that the settlements we administer are personal to shareholders and have real economic implications for all claimants, regardless of size. Behind our history and experience is a tremendous commitment to justice. As administrators, we have direct contact with harmed investors, and through the years we have witnessed far too often the devastating effects of corporate fraud on public funds and individuals. Funds have been decimated and life savings lost, with very real and sad effects. Thankfully, the increasing drive by public funds for significant corporate reform offers real and significant opportunity for lasting and positive change. We welcome the opportunity to participate in this conference and discuss the significant effects that we have already witnessed as a result of the rising participation of public funds in the settlement process. Several members of our executive team will be in attendance. Please feel free to ask any of us for information regarding our services or our experiences. (855) 445-2734 Very Truly Yours, Peter L. Crudo Gilardi & Co. 5 Sponsor Statement R obbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP is proud to sponsor the Ninth Annual Public Funds Forum. We encourage you to take advantage of the program offered over the coming days, as it features some of the world’s leading investor protection advocates. Since 2004, Robbins Geller’s lawyers have dedicated themselves to protecting investors. We are proud to have recovered tens of billions of dollars for investors and crafted corporate governance reforms that have enhanced long-term shareowner value and prevented errant fiduciaries from repeating their misdeeds. (800) 449-4900 Robbins Geller continues to fight for our clients and to protect the integrity of our capital markets. For example, after over a decade of litigation and a trial victory, we recently concluded the Household International (now HSBC) securities fraud case, achieving a record-breaking $1.575 billion recovery. Also this year, as part of the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee, we drove home the Volkswagen “dieselgate” litigation, bringing the total value recovered in the case to over $17 billion, the largest consumer class action recovery in history. Looking ahead, our lawyers are committed to holding opioid pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors responsible for their fraudulent marketing of opioids, fueling the worst drug scourge in U.S. history. Unfortunately, whether it’s insider trading, price fixing by pharmaceutical manufacturers or the manipulation of benchmark indices by Wall Street financial firms, we continue to see far too many examples of weak corporate governance practices resulting in devastating harm to investors and consumers. Your attendance at this conference is a step toward improving the status quo. We look forward to participating in this important event and to joining you in the ongoing fight against corruption in our nation’s financial markets. Sincerely, Darren J. Robbins Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP 6 Conference Itinerary Tuesday, September 5, 2017 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. W est F oyer C heck -I n 6:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. E lizabeth B allroom O pening R emarks 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 1: K eynote A ddress 7:15 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. A ria L awn and R egistration P resident B ill C linton by C asablanca D inner Wednesday, September 6, 2017 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. N orth F oyer & C ourtyard B reakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 2: I nvesting 8:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 3: G lobal I nvestor R oundup 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. W est F oyer 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 4: M aking M oney M atter 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 5: I mpact I nvesting 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. A ria L awn 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 6: Y ou D on ’ t H ave to B e C reating Y our O wn S uccess 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 7: T he O pioid E pidemic 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. W est F oyer 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. E lizabeth B allroom 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. W est F oyer 7:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. E lizabeth B allroom in an A ge of U ncertainty N etworking B reak for P ension F unds L unch a S hark : N etworking B reak S ession 8: T he E ngagement D ebate C ocktail R eception R ock of A ges D inner Thursday, September 7, 2017 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. N orth F oyer & C ourtyard B reakfast 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 9: B est P ractices 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 10: R ecoveries and R emedies : P rotecting Y our P ortfolio T hrough S ecurities L itigation 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. W est F oyer 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 11: E merging I ssues 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. E lizabeth B allroom S ession 12: A N ew W orld D isorder 12:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. N orth F oyer in F und G overnance N etworking B reak in G overnance and I nvesting L unch and N etworking A ctivities : C oastal H ike , S ea C ave K ayaking , C hef in T raining and G olf 7 Table of Contents The voice of investors and consumers. 8 Sessions Agenda Tuesday, September 5, 2017 Session 1: Opening Remarks Keynote Address by President Bill Clinton 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. SPEAKER: President Bill Clinton, introduced by Paul J. Geller SPEAKER: Richard A. Bennett Wednesday, September 6, 2017 Session 3: Global Investor Roundup 8:45 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Session 2: Investing in an Age of Uncertainty 8:00 A.M. - 8:45 A.M. SPEAKER: Ben Hammersley A visionary futurist reviews the big picture of emerging threats and opportunities in an unpredictable world, while providing actionable advice for protecting against downside risk while seeking superior returns, including a review of what questions you should be asking your investment managers to ensure that your fund can survive these uncertain times. SPEAKERS: David Couldridge, Michael D. Herrera, Melissa McDonald and Gerald Noonan, moderated by Patrick W. Daniels International experts and experienced asset managers cover the issues facing investors in regions around the world and explore the events that should be discussed in your boardroom. Session 4: Making Money Matter 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. SPEAKER: Benjamin Bingham A leading thinker and investor reveals how to create an investment model that creates a bridge between philosophical values and investment management, which supports reasonable returns, long-term economic health, and a healthy future for the planet. 9 Sessions Agenda Session 5: Impact Investing for Pension Funds 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. SPEAKERS: Benjamin E. Allen, Harry Keiley and Councillor Kieran Quinn A review of methods pension fund trustees can utilize to earn competitive returns while deploying capital to improve the world. Pension funds are feeling the heat from activists to “do good” on a host of issues. How are leading institutions responding? What are the most effective ways for fund trustees to have an impact while upholding their fiduciary duties? Session 6: You Don’t Have to Be a Shark: Creating Your Own Success 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. SPEAKER: Robert Herjavec, introduced by Paul J. Geller Dynamic entrepreneur and “Shark Tank” investor Robert Herjavec provides inspirational advice and reveals the keys to accomplishment in today’s fast-paced, disruptive and innovative business world. Session 7: The Opioid Epidemic 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. SPEAKERS: Aelish Marie Baig, Mark J. Dearman and Cary D. Glickstein, moderated by Paul J. Geller A discussion of the role of litigation in combating one of the worst health crises in American history. Session 8: The Engagement Debate 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. SPEAKERS: Beverly Behan, Meredith Miller and Stephen F. O’Byrne, moderated by Richard A. Bennett As investors are insisting on more dialogue with public company management, and with a new U.S. investment stewardship code, experts review what works and what does not for improving accountability and performance through engagement between pension funds and their portfolio companies. 10 Sessions Agenda Thursday, September 7, 2017 Session 9: Best Practices in Fund Governance 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. SPEAKERS: Dana Hollinger, Luz M. Rodriguez and David B. Wescoe A review of how pension funds are continually improving their own practices, from board governance and investment policy-making, to risk management and stakeholder relations. Learn what is working best from fund managers who are leading innovation and improving accountability for pension funds throughout the world. Session 11: Session 10: Recoveries and Remedies: Protecting Your Portfolio Through Securities Litigation 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. SPEAKERS: Jason A. Forge, Bess L. Joffe and Darren J. Robbins Leading securities lawyers and fund managers present case studies on the successful use of securities litigation by pension funds to improve returns, reduce risk and repair troubled companies in their portfolios. Emerging Issues in Governance and Investing 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. SPEAKERS: Jackie Cook, Nell Minow and Christianna Wood, moderated by Richard A. Bennett Experienced practitioners and far-sighted thinkers discuss the current landscape of managing pensions, investing responsibly, changing the boardroom and protecting portfolio returns. Session 12: A New World Disorder 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. SPEAKER: Preet Bharara, introduced by Michael J. Dowd Described by The New York Times as “one of the nation’s most aggressive and outspoken prosecutors of public corruption and Wall Street crime,” former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara gives an overview of the future of Wall Street and the challenges faced by investors today. 11 Sessions Agenda Networking Activities COASTAL HIKING Enjoy a 3.5 mile guided hike along La Jolla’s historic Cliffside Trail with breathtaking views of the Seven Caves. CHEF IN TRAINING Become a Top Chef as you create a three-course meal from start to finish in this hands-on cooking experience. GOLF Play on a Tom Fazio course, featuring dramatic elevations, diverse bunkering and lush fairways in the Los Peñasquitos Canyon. 12 SEA CAVE KAYAKING Enjoy San Diego’s perfect climate as you observe sea lions, leopard sharks, pelicans and the kelp forest while kayaking through La Jolla’s famous sea caves. Speaker Biographies Speakers listed in alphabetical order Benjamin E. Allen Aelish Marie Baig President, Parnassus Investments Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Benjamin E. Allen is the President of Parnassus Investments. Founded in 1984 to build wealth responsibly for its clients, Parnassus is a leader in the socially responsible investment industry with $22 billion in assets under management. The firm fully integrates ESG (environmental, social and governance) research into its investment process to assess the business quality, valuation and risks of each potential holding. A defining characteristic of Parnassus’s approach is active ownership, including an emphasis on engagement with the management of portfolio companies. Aelish Marie Baig is a partner in Robbin Geller’s San Francisco office. She focuses primarily on consumer fraud and securities fraud litigation. Ms. Baig has litigated a number of cases through jury trial, resulting in multi-million dollar awards and settlements for her clients, and has prosecuted consumer, securities fraud and derivative actions, obtaining millions of dollars in recoveries from corporations such as Wells Fargo, Verizon, Celera, Pall and Prudential. Mr. Allen joined Parnassus Investments in 2005 as a Senior Research Analyst and was promoted to Director of Research in 2008. He became Portfolio Manager of the Parnassus Core Equity Fund in 2012 and President of the firm in 2017. Mr. Allen graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude from Georgetown University with a bachelor’s degree in government and completed the general course in philosophy at the London School of Economics. He received his M.B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley. Mr. Allen was nominated for Morningstar’s Domestic-Stock Fund Manager of the Year in 2014. Ms. Baig has significant experience prosecuting off-label marketing fraud actions against pharmaceutical companies and is currently part of Robbins Geller’s opioid litigation team. Ms. Baig prosecuted an action against Wells Fargo’s directors and officers accusing the giant of engaging in the robosigning of foreclosure papers in order to massprocess home foreclosures, a practice that contributed significantly to the 2008-2009 financial crisis. The resulting settlement was worth more than $67 million in cash, corporate preventative measures and new lending initiatives for residents of cities devastated by Wells Fargo’s alleged unlawful foreclosure practices. Ms. Baig was part of the litigation and trial team in White v. Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, which resulted in a $25 million settlement and Verizon’s agreement to an injunction restricting its ability to impose early termination fees in future subscriber agreements. She was also part of the team that prosecuted dozens of stock option backdating actions, securing tens of millions of dollars in cash recoveries as well as the implementation of comprehensive corporate governance enhancements for numerous companies victimized by their directors’ and officers’ fraudulent stock option backdating practices. Additionally, Ms. Baig prosecuted an action against Prudential for its alleged failure to pay life insurance benefits to beneficiaries of policyholders it knew or had reason to know had died, resulting in a settlement in excess of $30 million. Ms. Baig joined the Firm in 2004 after having previously practiced with Lawless & Lawless in the area of employment discrimination, where she litigated and tried numerous cases to successful outcomes. She is a member of the California Bar and admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States District Courts for the Northern and Central Districts of California. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Brown University and her Juris Doctor degree from American University, where she was senior editor of the Administrative Law Review. 13 Speaker Biographies the Middle East, large family-controlled companies in Latin America, and dozens of boards of public and private companies throughout the United States and Canada. She also authored Board and Director Evaluations in the 21st Century for the Conference Board of Canada (April 2015) and is currently completing a similar white paper on these topics for the Conference Board of New York. Beverly Behan President, Board Advisor, LLC Beverly Behan believes that boards should be a genuine asset to the companies they govern – and to those who own/invest in those companies. To that end, she has worked with over 100 Boards of Directors over the past 20 years, ranging from recent IPOs to the Fortune 500 – from New York and Toronto to Bogota, Kuala Lumpur and Tel Aviv. Ms. Behan’s clients are typically boards that want to get to the top of their game – and stay there. She has “never met a board she couldn’t make even better,” this can range from initiatives primarily designed to keep a great board vibrant to more significant changes designed to very tangibly take a board “from good to great.” Ms. Behan’s work in board and director evaluations dates back to 1996, when she conducted the first individual director evaluation ever conducted by a major North American company board, the Bank of Montreal. Since that time, she’s undertaken this work for dozens of boards around the world, including one of the largest conglomerates in Southeast Asia, a major global company based in 14 For the past five years, a significant part of her consulting practice has also involved working with boards to design an effective CEO succession planning process, arguably the board’s single most important decision. She also works with CEOs and executive teams to enhance their effectiveness in working with their boards. Ms. Behan’s last book, Great Companies Deserve Great Boards: A CEO’s Guide to the Boardroom (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), was named Governance Book of the Year in the United States by Directors & Boards magazine and ranked No. 1 for four weeks on the The Globe & Mail’s business bestseller list. She has also been quoted as an expert in corporate governance and board effectiveness by The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, CBS MarketWatch, The Times of London, and many other publications. She served as a regular columnist for Bloomberg Businessweek on board-related issues (The Boardroom) from 2007-2011 and is currently a regular columnist for Listed (the Toronto Stock Exchange magazine). She is a native of Canada who has dual U.S. citizenship and resides in New York City. Richard A. Bennett President & CEO, ValueEdge Advisors Richard A. Bennett is President and CEO of ValueEdge Advisors, a firm he founded in the summer of 2014 to help institutional investors engage with their portfolio companies. From 2006 he was CEO and then Chairman of GMI Ratings and its predecessor, The Corporate Library, a globally recognized investment research firm specializing in corporate governance and ESG with offices in London, New York, San Diego and Portland, Maine. In August 2014, GMI Ratings was sold to MSCI, where Mr. Bennett serves as a senior advisor. He worked as Director of Corporate Governance for LENS, an institutional activist fund, from 1997 to 2002. He is an independent director of Biddeford Internet Corporation and a non-executive director of Trucost, Plc, a U.K.- based firm offering products and services that allow companies, governments and fund managers to better understand their environmental performance. From 2009 to 2014 he served on the Board of Governors of the International Corporate Governance Network. Speaker Biographies Mr. Bennett has an extensive background in politics and government service, as well as a wide range of private sector experience. A former president of the Maine State Senate, Mr. Bennett served four terms in the Maine Senate and two terms in the state’s House of Representatives. He is currently Chairman of the Maine Republican Party and a member of the Republican National Committee. In 2014 he served voluntarily as a member of the MainePERS ESG Integration Task Force. was also included in Vanity Fair’s “New Establishment” list, and Worth magazine’s “The Power 100: The 100 Most Powerful People in Finance” list in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. He was named in City & State’s “Power 100-New York City” and “Power 100-Albany” lists in 2013 and 2014, and in New York Observer’s “The City State: Albany’s Top 40” list in 2014 and 2015. He was also included in their “New York City’s Political Power 50” list in 2016. That same year, City & State also named him “Newsmaker of the Decade.” Directorship magazine has recognized Mr. Bennett six times in its annual list of the 100 “most influential people in corporate governance and the boardroom.” In December 2010 he was named by Global Proxy Watch as one of the “10 people around the world who had the most impact on corporate governance in the previous year.” He serves on the Advisory Board of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance at the University of Delaware. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Hebron Academy. He was a member of the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships from 2005 to 2009. He graduated with honors from Harvard College in 1986 and received his MBA from the University of Southern Maine in 2000. As U.S. Attorney, Mr. Bharara oversaw the investigation and litigation of all criminal and civil cases brought on behalf of the United States in the Southern District of New York. He supervised an office of more than 200 Assistant U.S. Attorneys, who handled a high volume of cases involving terrorism, narcotics and arms trafficking, financial and healthcare fraud, cybercrime, public corruption, gang violence, organized crime and civil rights violations. Preet Bharara U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York (2009-2017) Preet Bharara is an American lawyer who served as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017, nominated to the position on May 15, 2009 by President Barack Obama. Mr. Bharara’s nomination was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate, and he was sworn in on August 13. During his tenure, Mr. Bharara earned a reputation as “one of the nation’s most aggressive and outspoken prosecutors,” according to The New York Times. His office’s case against SAC Capital, for example, resulted in the largest fine ever paid in the history of insider trading prosecution and served as the inspiration for the television series Billions, currently airing on Showtime. Under Mr. Bharara’s leadership, the office experienced one of the most productive periods in its history. Early in his tenure, he formed the Terrorism and International Narcotics Unit, which has continued the office’s long history of prosecuting leaders and associates of global and domestic terrorists, narcoterrorists, cartels and money-laundering organizations. Its convictions have included major terrorists, arms traffickers and even a Somali pirate. In 2012, Mr. Bharara was featured on the cover of TIME magazine and appeared on its list of the “100 Most Influential People in the World.” He was included in Bloomberg Markets magazine’s “50 Most Influential” list in 2014. He 15 Speaker Biographies Mr. Bingham is a passionate innovator with a mission to help move trillions to resilient, regenerative solutions that the world needs now. To this end, he became an investment advisor to his network of socially minded investors at Legg Mason back in 2001 and has been an independent off-the-wall street money manager since 2007. Benjamin Bingham Author, Making Money Matter: Impact Investing to Change the World CEO and Founder, 3Sisters Sustainable Management Benjamin Bingham is the author of Making Money Matter: Impact Investing to Change the World. He is also the CEO and Founder of 3Sisters Sustainable Management, focused on 100% impact portfolios across private and public asset classes. His writing and work with Impact Investing draws on his broad experience as an artist, bio-dynamic farmer and teacher. Mr. Bingham is the co-founder of three social enterprises: The Triform Camphill Community, a farm-based campus for young people who want a college experience and lifestyle without intellectual academics; Demegen, a biological healthcare company; and Anthurium Solutions, a workflow technology firm focused on personalizing healthcare. Mr. Bingham is currently the Board Chair. 16 He designed and co-manages four impact funds (Scarab Funds) and is on the Board of CSR-Hub, the largest aggregator of ESG data. With a unique impact index of public companies, Mr. Bingham is proving that a market-neutral strategy, in which one will go long in stocks for highly rated companies with beneficial products/services and will go short in stocks for companies with low ratings and questionable benefit to society, will tend to outperform on a relative basis. Mr. Bingham helps advisors, consultants and self-directed investors understand the consequences of traditional investing, hoping to inspire a transition to meaningful impact investments that can make as much money, or more, with as little risk, or less. President Bill Clinton Founder, Clinton Foundation 42nd President of the United States William Jefferson Clinton, the first Democratic president in six decades to be elected twice, led the United States to the longest economic expansion in American history, including the creation of more than 22 million jobs. After leaving the White House, President Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation with the mission to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote healthier childhoods and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among governments, businesses, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and private citizens to turn good intentions into measurable results. Throughout the Foundation’s history and growth, Secretary Clinton and Chelsea offered their voice, vision and counsel. To recognize their past contributions and acknowledge their role in shaping the Foundation’s future, the Foundation was renamed the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Speaker Biographies Today the Foundation has staff and volunteers around the world working to improve lives through several initiatives, including the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which is helping 5 million people living with HIV/AIDS access lifesaving drugs. The Clinton Climate Initiative, the Clinton Development Initiative, and the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership are applying a business-oriented approach to fight climate change worldwide and to promote sustainable economic growth in Africa and Latin America. In the United States, the Foundation is working to combat the alarming rise in childhood obesity and preventable disease through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the Clinton Health Matters Initiative. Established in 2005, the Clinton Global Initiative brings together global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues. So far, nearly 2,300 Clinton Global Initiative commitments have improved the lives of more than 400 million people in 180 nations. In addition to his Foundation work, President Clinton has joined with former President George H.W. Bush three times – after the 2004 tsunami in South Asia, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and Hurricane Ike in 2008, and with President George W. Bush in Haiti in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. Today the Clinton Foundation supports economic growth, job creation and sustainability in Haiti. President Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. He and his wife, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, have one daughter, Chelsea, and live in Chappaqua, New York. Jackie Cook Director of Proxy Voting Research and Operations, SHARE Jackie Cook is Director of Proxy Voting Research and Operations at Vancouver-based shareholder advocacy organization, SHARE. She also founded and runs the Fund Votes project, which tracks institutional proxy voting and proxy-related metrics, and The Climate Risk Disclosure project, which identifies, categorizes and evaluates narrative climate-related corporate disclosures and powers Ceres’ SEC Disclosure Search Tool. Over the past 19 years, Jackie has worked for academic, intergovernmental, advocacy and commercial organizations in delivering analytical data solutions and ESG-related research. She has authored a number of research reports and academic articles on shareholder activism, investor stewardship and corporate governance and is a graduate of Oxford University’s Saïd Business School as a Rhodes Scholar. David Couldridge Head of ESG Engagement, Investec Asset Management David Couldridge is Head of ESG Engagement at Investec Asset Management. He works with the investment teams to help develop and integrate responsible investment practices. More specifically, he focuses on company engagement, seeking improved governance and disclosure practices. Prior to joining Investec, Mr. Couldridge worked at Element Investment Managers as a senior investment analyst. Prior to that, he was a senior manager at Old Mutual within their Unit Trusts division. His extensive experience is such that he currently serves on the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) Board of Governors, the CRISA committee, the ASISA Responsible Investment committee and the IoDSA Remuneration Forum. Mr. Couldridge graduated from the University of Cape Town with a BCom in Accounting and is a Chartered Accountant. He is a Certified Financial Planner and holds a Graduate Diploma in Tax Law. He also holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Administration, which includes a thesis covering inclusive integrated governance. 17 Speaker Biographies and Volkswagen, to name just a few. In the wake of the financial crisis, he represented dozens of investors in structured investment products in ground-breaking actions against the ratings agencies and Wall Street banks that packaged and sold supposedly highly rated shoddy securities to institutional investors all around the world. Patrick W. Daniels Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Patrick W. Daniels is a founding and managing partner in Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP’s San Diego office. Mr. Daniels is widely recognized as a leading corporate governance and investor advocate. The Daily Journal, the leading legal publisher in California, named him one of the 20 most influential lawyers in California under 40 years of age. Additionally, the Yale School of Management’s Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance awarded Mr. Daniels its “Rising Star of Corporate Governance” honor for his outstanding leadership in shareholder advocacy and activism. Mr. Daniels is an advisor to political and financial leaders throughout the world. He counsels private and state government pension funds and fund managers in the United States, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and other countries within the European Union on issues related to corporate fraud in the United States securities markets and “best practices” in the corporate governance of publicly traded companies. Mr. Daniels has represented dozens of institutional investors in some of the largest and most significant shareholder actions, including Enron, WorldCom, AOL Time Warner, BP, Pfizer, Countrywide, Petrobras 18 In advancing international standards on human rights, Mr. Daniels was a lead counsel in an international coalition of attorneys and human rights groups that won a historic settlement with major U.S. clothing retailers and manufacturers, including The Gap, Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan and Calvin Klein. The settlement was on behalf of a class of over 50,000 predominantly female Chinese garment workers on the island of Saipan in an action seeking to hold the Saipan garment industry responsible for creating a system of indentured servitude and forced labor in the island’s garment factories. The coalition obtained an unprecedented agreement for supervision of working conditions in the Saipan factories by an independent NGO, as well as a substantial multimillion dollar compensation award for the workers. Mr. Daniels graduated cum laude from the University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor of Arts degree and earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of San Diego School of Law. Mark J. Dearman Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Mark Dearman is a partner in Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP’s Boca Raton office, where his practice focuses on consumer fraud, securities fraud, mass torts, antitrust, whistleblower and corporate takeover litigation. Mr. Dearman’s recent representative cases include In re NHL Players’ Concussion Injury Litig., MDL No. 14-2551 (SRN), 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 38755 (D. Minn. Mar. 25, 2015); In re Sony Gaming Networks & Customer Data Sec. Breach Litig., 903 F. Supp. 2d 942 (S.D. Cal. 2012); In re Volkswagen “Clean Diesel” Mktg., Sales Practices, & Prods. Liab. Litig., MDL No. 2672 CRB (JSC), 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 1357 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 5, 2016); In re Ford Fusion & C-Max Fuel Econ. Litig., No. 13-MD-2450 (KMK), 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 155383 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 12, 2015); Looper v. FCA US LLC, No. 5:14-cv-00700-VAP-DTB (C.D. Cal.); In re Aluminum Warehousing Antitrust Litig., 95 F. Supp. 3d 419 (S.D.N.Y. 2015), aff’d, 833 F.3d 151 (2d Cir. 2016); In re Liquid Aluminum Sulfate Antitrust Litig., No. 16-md-2687 (JLL) (JAD) (D.N.J.); In re Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. S’holder Litig., No. 16-2011-CA-010616 (Fla. 4th Jud. Cir. Ct., Duval Cty.); Gemelas v. Dannon Co. Inc., No. 1:08-cv-00236 (N.D. Ohio); and In re AuthenTec, Inc. S’holder Litig., No. 052012-CA-57589 (Fla. 18th Jud. Cir. Ct., Brevard Cty.). Speaker Biographies Mr. Dearman is AV rated by MartindaleHubbell and has been recognized as a Florida Super Lawyer in Super Lawyers Magazine. He has also been recognized by his peers as being in the top 1.5% of Florida Civil Trial Lawyers as published in Florida Trend’s Florida Legal Elite. Prior to joining the Firm, Mr. Dearman spent several years defending Fortune 500 companies in all aspects of litigation, with an emphasis in complex commercial litigation, consumer claims and mass torts (product liability and personal injury). He went on to found the firm of Dearman & Gerson, where he continued to defend many publicly traded corporations for over 12 years. Within the last 17 years of practice, Mr. Dearman has obtained extensive jury trial experience on the plaintiffs’ side, protecting the rights of investors throughout the United States. Mr. Dearman earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Florida and his Juris Doctor degree from Nova Southeastern University. Upon graduation from law school, he worked in the Miami office of Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell. Michael J. Dowd Of Counsel, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Michael J. Dowd is a founding attorney of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP. He has practiced in the area of securities litigation for 20 years, prosecuting dozens of complex securities cases and obtaining significant recoveries for investors in cases such as UnitedHealth ($925 million), WorldCom ($657 million), AOL Time Warner ($629 million), Qwest ($445 million) and Pfizer ($400 million). Mr. Dowd served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of California from 1987-1991 and again from 1994-1998, where he handled dozens of jury trials and was awarded the Director’s Award for Superior Performance. He was named Attorney of the Year by California Lawyer and one of the “Top 100 Lawyers” by the Daily Journal. Additionally, the National Association of Corporate Directors’ NACD Directorship magazine named him to their “Directorship 100,” which recognizes those individuals who have had a profound impact and the greatest influence on corporate governance. Mr. Dowd graduated from Fordham University, magna cum laude, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Latin. While at Fordham, he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. Dowd earned his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan School of Law. Mr. Dowd served as lead trial counsel in Jaffe v. Household International in the Northern District of Illinois, a securities class action that obtained a recordbreaking $1.575 billion settlement after 14 years of litigation, including a sixweek jury trial in 2009 that resulted in a verdict for plaintiffs. He also served as the lead trial lawyer in In re AT&T Corp. Sec. Litig., which was tried in the District of New Jersey and settled after only two weeks of trial for $100 million. 19 Speaker Biographies reopening the depositions of Pfizer’s former CEO, CFO and General Counsel. Less than six months after completing these depositions, Pfizer settled the case for $400 million. Jason A. Forge Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Jason A. Forge is a partner in Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP’s San Diego office. He specializes in complex investigations, litigation and trials. As a federal prosecutor and private practitioner, Mr. Forge has conducted and supervised scores of jury and bench trials in federal and state courts, including the month-long trial of a defense contractor who conspired with Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham in the largest bribery scheme in congressional history. Mr. Forge was a key member of the litigation team that secured a historic recovery on behalf of Trump University students in two class actions against President Donald J. Trump. The settlement refunds over 90% of the money thousands of students paid to “enroll” in Trump University. He represented the class on a pro bono basis. Mr. Forge has also successfully defeated motions to dismiss and obtained class certification against several prominent defendants, including the first securities fraud case against Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and the first federal RICO case against Scotts Miracle-Gro. In a case against another prominent defendant, Pfizer Inc., Mr. Forge led an investigation that uncovered key documents that Pfizer had not produced in discovery. Although fact discovery in the case had already closed, the district judge ruled that the documents had been improperly withheld and ordered that discovery be reopened, including 20 While at the U.S. Attorney’s Offices in the Central and Southern Districts of California and the Eastern District of Virginia, Mr. Forge was a key member of prosecution teams that led dozens of grand jury investigations and successfully prosecuted many ground-breaking cases in addition to the Cunningham bribery case, including the first search of an executive office at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, which was part of an investigation that led to the conviction and imprisonment of the CIA’s Executive Director (the highest-ranking federal law enforcement or intelligence officer ever imprisoned); the nation’s largest fraudulent mortgage origination scheme; and the nation’s largest babyselling ring (led by a nationally renowned attorney). Mr. Forge has also taught trial practice techniques on local and national levels, and has written and argued many state and federal appeals, including an en banc argument in the Ninth Circuit. He also teaches White Collar Crime at the University of San Diego School of Law. Mr. Forge has been named a Top Plaintiff Lawyer by the Daily Journal and a Litigator of the Year by Our City San Diego. Mr. Forge earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, graduating with high distinction. He then earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan Law School, graduating magna cum laude, where he was a member of the Order of the Coif and was a Contributing Editor to the Michigan Law Review. Paul J. Geller Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Paul J. Geller, Managing Partner of Robbins Geller’s Boca Raton, Florida office, is a founding partner of Robbins Geller, a member of its Executive and Management Committees and head of the firm’s Consumer Practice Group. Mr. Geller’s 23 years of litigation experience is broad, and he has handled cases in each of the firm’s practice areas. Notably, before devoting his practice to the representation of consumers and investors, Mr. Geller defended companies in high-stakes class action litigation, providing him an invaluable perspective. Mr. Geller has tried bench and jury trials on both the plaintiffs’ and defendants’ side and has argued before numerous state, federal and appellate courts throughout the country. Mr. Geller was selected to serve in a leadership position on behalf of consumers in the massive Volkswagen “Clean Diesel” Emissions case. This notable appointment came after a record-setting application process in which over 150 attorneys sought the court’s designation as a member of the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee. The San Francisco legal newspaper The Recorder labeled the group that was ultimately appointed, including Mr. Geller, a “class action dream team.” Along with the committee and government agencies, Mr. Geller reached a series of settlements on behalf of purchasers, lessees and dealers that total well over $17 billion, the largest settlement in history, concerning illegal “defeat devices” that Volkswagen installed on many of its diesel-engine vehicles. M E LU VA Cary D. Glickstein Mayor, City of Delray Beach, Florida Cary D. Glickstein is the Mayor of the City of Delray Beach and a fourth generation native Floridian. A three-time All-America City award winner, the City of Delray Beach includes 100,000 fulltime and seasonal residents and is central to Florida’s growing opioid public health crisis, with nearly 1,600 opioid-related overdoses in 2016. Prior to public service, Mr. Glickstein was the principal owner and founder of Ironwood Properties, Inc., a southeast regional development company. He previously served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Falcor Industries, Inc., a U.S. subsidiary of a pacific-rim development and manufacturing multinational. A member of the Florida Bar, Mr. Glickstein also practiced municipal finance and corporate law at Finley, Kumble, Wagner, Manley, Myerson and Casey, an international law firm, where he specialized in land-use and corporate matters. RU BL IC FUNDS O U P Mr. Geller received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the University of Florida, where he was a member of the University Honors Program. He earned his Juris Doctor degree, with Highest Distinction, from Emory University School of Law. At Emory, Mr. Geller was an Editor of the Emory Law Journal, was inducted into the Order of the Coif Legal Honor Society, and was awarded multiple American Jurisprudence Book Awards for earning the highest grade in the school in a dozen courses. 7 Rated AV by Martindale-Hubbell (the highest rating available) and twice named one of the nation’s top “40 Under 40” by The National Law Journal, Mr. Geller has also been named one of “Florida’s Top Lawyers” by Law & Politics and South Florida Business Journal, one of the nation’s “Leading Lawyers in America” by Lawdragon, one of Florida’s “Legal Elite” by Florida Trend magazine, and one of “Florida’s Most Effective Lawyers” by American Law Media’s Daily Business Review. G PORTFOL IN IO T C 201 Other noteworthy recent successes include a $265 million recovery against Massey Energy in In re Massey Energy Co. Sec. Litig., in which Massey was found accountable for a tragic explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine in Raleigh County, West Virginia. Mr. Geller also secured a $146.25 million recovery against Duke Energy in Nieman v. Duke Energy Corp., the largest recovery in North Carolina for a case involving securities fraud, and one of the five largest recoveries in the Fourth Circuit. Additionally, Mr. Geller was the lead counsel in Kehoe v. Fidelity Fed. Bank & Trust, one of the country’s first cases alleging a class-wide privacy violation, settling the case for a $50 million recovery in addition to enhanced privacy protections. More recently, he was one of the lead counsel in the Sony Gaming Networks Data Breach litigation, which resulted in significant monetary recovery and other benefits to class members. Mr. Geller was also instrumental in resolving a case against Dannon for falsely advertising the health benefits of yogurt products. PRO TE Speaker Biographies F Bringing the world’s experts in risk management and global investment strategies together. 21 Speaker Biographies Mr. Hammersley is a Fellow at The Brookings Institute in Washington, D.C., a fellow at the Robert Schuman School of Advanced Study at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and Innovator-in-Residence at the Centre for Creative and Social Technologies, Goldsmiths, University of London. He is also a Member of the High Level Group on Media Freedom at the European Commission. Ben Hammersley Global Thought Leader on the Digital Era and Big Data Ben Hammersley is a leading international consultant, futurist and speaker on the networked world. In 2014 he presented the landmark BBC television series Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley. He has authored five books, including 64 Things You Need to Know Now for Then. Mr. Hammersley has reported on technology for numerous publications, including The Times and The Guardian. He was deputy editor of WIRED magazine and is currently Editor at Large. Mr. Hammersley is an author, futurist and technologist specializing in the effects of the internet and the ubiquitous digital network on the world’s political, cultural and social spheres. He enjoys an international career as a trends and digital expert, explaining complex technological and sociological topics to lay audiences, and as a high-level advisor on these matters to governments and business. Mr. Hammersley’s TV series, Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley, was broadcast worldwide in 2014 on BBC World News, and in the United Kingdom on the BBC News Channel. In this ground-breaking 6-part series, shot in the United States, China, Nigeria, the United Kingdom and across Europe, Mr. Hammersley investigated the darker side of the internet: from government surveillance and NSA whistleblowers in Washington, to scammers and spammers in Lagos; from hardware hackers in Shenzhen, to cyber-warriors in London. 22 In addition to fellowships from the United Nations, the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Society of Art, Mr. Hammersley was the U.K. Prime Minister’s Ambassador to Tech City, the East London district that aims to be Europe’s center of innovation and the location of choice for tech and digital companies and investors. He also sits on the Tech City Advisory Board. He was also previously Head of Digital at SIX Creative, where he was responsible for creating, building and managing an international team dedicated to bringing cutting-edge internet strategy, design and production to leading fashion and beauty brands worldwide. Amongst Mr. Hammersley’s unusual achievements is that he invented the word “Podcast.” He has spoken at festivals, universities, think tanks and corporations all over the world, including regularly at 10 Downing Street (U.K. Prime Minister), Deutsche Telekom, European Commission, Brookings Institute and the Royal Institution. Mr. Hammersley’s regular clients include many major banks and financial services firms, where he speaks on the future of the workplace and the effects of artificial intelligence and the Blockchain on their industries. Robert Herjavec Panelist on ABC’s Shark Tank, Bestselling Author & Entrepreneur Robert Herjavec is one of North America’s most recognizable business leaders. Born in Eastern Europe, he arrived in North America on a boat with his parents after escaping communism in the former Yugoslavia. From delivering newspapers and waiting tables to launching a computer company from his basement, his drive to achieve has led him to the fulfillment of a better life for himself and his family. A dynamic entrepreneur, Mr. Herjavec has built and sold several IT companies to major players such as AT&T. In 2003, he founded Herjavec Group, which quickly became one of North America’s fastest growing technology companies, scaling from $400K in sales to a run rate of $150 million. Today, Herjavec Group is recognized as a global leader in information security specializing in managed security services, compliance, incident response and remediation efforts for enterprise-level organizations. Speaker Biographies His inspiring books, Driven and The Will to Win, were simultaneously top 10 bestsellers that earned him the title of bestselling author. Mr. Herjavec’s motivational business advice has received millions of impressions through TV, print, radio and digital media. He shares his expertise with other entrepreneurs each week as a leading Shark on ABC’s Emmy Award-winning hit Shark Tank, and showed his dancing prowess as he competed for the coveted mirror ball on the popular show Dancing with the Stars. To Mr. Herjavec, running a business is a lot like one of his greatest passions, racing cars. He believes, “You have to stay laser-focused when driving a car over 200 miles an hour, and the same approach is required when growing a business in today’s world of rapidly changing technology.” For the past three years, he has competed as Ferrari #007 for Herjavec Group Racing in the North American Ferrari Challenge Series, achieving multiple podiums and winning Rookie of the Year in 2011. Michael D. Herrera Senior Counsel, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA) Michael D. Herrera has worked for the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association since 1999. As Senior Counsel to the fund, Mr. Herrera serves as principal legal advisor to its Board of Retirement and Board of Investments, and its officers and more than 380 employees. He also represents the fund in complex litigation and administrative proceedings and has primary responsibility over the fund’s global securities litigation program, including evaluation and prosecution of domestic and international securities cases. Mr. Herrera is a frequent speaker on various retirement, technology and investment-related topics and is widely recognized for his work in the area of securities litigation and corporate governance. He serves on the Executive Board of the National Association of Public Pension Attorneys and the Advisory Board for Institutional Investor Forums. His prior public and non-profit service includes stints with the U.S. National Labor Relations Board and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Policy & Management cum laude from the University of Southern California and a law degree from UCLA School of Law. Dana Hollinger Board Member, Insurance Industry Representative, California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) Dana Hollinger is serving her first appointment to the CalPERS Board of Administration. She was appointed as the Board’s insurance industry representative by Governor Jerry Brown in May 2014. Ms. Hollinger is a 25-year veteran of the life insurance industry. She works with tax, trust and estate, and family law attorneys, business managers and CPAs to secure spousal and child support obligations, income replacement, wealth transfer, private placement, and other advanced uses of life insurance in estate and financial planning. She served on the Women’s Leadership Board to the JFK School of Government at Harvard University from 2004 to 2012 and is a sought after speaker. She has authored articles on tax and estate planning for the Daily Journal and Physician’s Money Digest and was personally selected by John Anderson to join Club 1800, a group of 30 leading businesswomen and female philanthropists. Ms. Hollinger earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from American University School of Government and a Juris Doctor degree from Southwestern University School of Law. 23 Speaker Biographies Bess L. Joffe Harry Keiley Managing Director, Head of Stewardship & Corporate Governance, TIAA Chairman of the Investment Committee, California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) Bess Joffe joined TIAA in 2014 to lead, shape and drive the company’s corporate governance program and policies. This includes active ownership, public advocacy and proxy voting consistent with TIAA’s commitment to best practices in corporate governance and social responsibility. Ms. Joffe is a well-known senior leader in the industry and is well respected as a leading voice in this field. She was previously in Investor Relations at Goldman Sachs, where she led the company’s outreach to institutional investors on corporate governance policies and practices. In this role, she engaged with asset managers, public pension funds, proxy advisory firms, governance thought leaders and academics. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs in 2010, she was an associate director at Hermes Equity Ownership Services in London, leading engagement and voting for client holdings in the Americas. Ms. Joffe earned a BA with great distinction from McGill University. She is a Canadianqualified lawyer from the University of Toronto and gained experience in corporate and securities law at Stikeman Elliott LLP. She also worked for Fairvest in Toronto, now ISS Canada, and PIRC, a U.K.-based proxy research and advisory firm. In 2008, she was recognized as a Rising Star in corporate governance by the Yale School of Management’s Millstein Center. Ms. Joffe is based in London and travels frequently to New York City. 24 First elected to the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) Board in 2007 and re-elected in 2011 and 2015, Harry Keiley serves as the Chairman of the Investment Committee at CalSTRS. CalSTRS, with more than $200 billion in assets under management and more than 800,000 members, is the largest teacher pension fund in the world. Current assets are allocated across multiple strategies, including global equities, private equity, real estate, fixed income and absolute returns. Investment policy adoptions under Mr. Keiley’s leadership include a $2.5 billion allocation to a passively managed low carbon index, Risk Mitigation Strategies to reduce portfolio volatility during public equity downturns and commitments to global infrastructure opportunities. Mr. Keiley previously served as the President of the Santa Monica-Malibu Classroom Teachers Association. In this role he led school reform initiatives, built community partnerships and forged collaborative engagements with management, resulting in more than $30 million in ongoing local funding for public schools in Santa Monica and Malibu. Committed to service and giving back, he mentors student athletes at Santa Monica High School, serves on the editorial board of The Line, a national publication for Superintendents, and serves on the Board of Step Up on Second Street, a non-profit committed to ending homelessness for chronically mentally ill individuals. Mr. Keiley earned a B.A. in U.S. Government from St. Joseph’s College (1986) and M.A.s from Loyola Marymount University and California State University, Northridge. He resides in Santa Monica, California, with his daughters, Melissa and Sarah. Speaker Biographies M E LU VA What was meant to be a “year-out” has become almost 30 years in the fund management industry. Having started out as both a trainee in BankAmerica Investment Management in Jersey, CI, and a bartender five nights a week to make rent, Ms. McDonald now leads HSBC Global Asset Management’s Responsible Investment Strategy. She is also a key member of HSBC’s Climate Business RU BL IC FUNDS O U P Born in Scotland and raised in rural Zimbabwe before finishing her schooling in a South African mining town, it was perhaps inevitable that Melissa McDonald was destined to be both intrepid and unconventional. A truly free spirit, she left her family home at just 17 in pursuit of adventure. At HSBC, in addition to her RI role, Ms. McDonald oversees HSBC’s equity capabilities and works with the investment teams in the design and delivery of investment products. She also works with HSBC’s clients across all segments to ensure that their specific needs are met. Ms. McDonald is a Director on the HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd, HSBC ETF Plc and the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) Boards. Ms. McDonald is an RYA certified yoga instructor (Ashtanga and Yin) and teaches a weekly morning class for staff at HSBC. 7 Global Head of Product - Equity & Responsible Investment, HSBC Global Asset Management PORTFO LI NG I O CT 201 Melissa McDonald En route to her current role, Ms. McDonald ran business development for AXA Investment Managers in Asia where she led the negotiation team responsible for setting up joint ventures in China and India. Following the birth of her second child in Singapore, Ms. McDonald finally got her “year-out” and spent that as a “live-aboard,” sailing throughout the Mediterranean with her young family. Upon returning to work, Ms. McDonald successfully completed her long service with AXA as Global Head of Responsible Investment, where she had overall responsibility for the RI strategy at AXA IM and for driving the business into a market leading position in the RI space. PRO TE Council, which is sponsored by Stuart Gulliver to oversee the sustainable finance and investment strategy for the entire HSBC Group. F Training public fund representatives on how to best fulfill fiduciary duties. 25 Speaker Biographies Meredith Miller Chief Corporate Governance Officer, UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust Meredith Miller is the Chief Corporate Governance Officer of the UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust (“Trust”). The Trust was established in 2010 as a Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) to pay the medical benefits for 700,000 UAW retirees. The Trust is the largest non-governmental provider of retiree health in the United States and has assets of $59 billion. Ms. Miller oversees the Corporate Governance Program of the Trust for domestic and international equities, including proxy voting and corporate engagements on board governance issues such as diversity, executive pay, human capital management and compliance. 26 Ms. Miller joined the Trust in 2010 after serving 12 years as Assistant Treasurer for Policy for the Connecticut State Treasurer. In this capacity, Ms. Miller was responsible for the Treasurer’s initiatives related to corporate governance for the Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trusts, economic development and financial education. Ms. Miller previously served in the Clinton Administration as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, at the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, U.S. Department of Labor (PWBA), which is responsible for the enforcement of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Ms. Miller also served as the Assistant Director of the Employee Benefits Department, AFL-CIO, and previously as the Assistant Director of Research for Employee Benefits, Service Employees International Union. Ms. Miller received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts and her Masters of Science from the London School of Economics, London, England. She has served as a Trustee on the board of Hampshire College and as a Director on the board of the Council of Institutional Investors. Currently, she is serving as Program Co-Chair of the Detroit Society for Governance Professionals and is a member of the Washtenaw Community College Foundation’s Women’s Council. Nell Minow Vice Chair, ValueEdge Advisors Nell Minow is Vice Chair of ValueEdge Advisors. She was Co-founder and Director of GMI Ratings from 2010 to 2014, and was Editor and Co-founder of its predecessor firm, The Corporate Library, from 2000 to 2010. Prior to co-founding The Corporate Library, Ms. Minow was a Principal of LENS, a $100 million investment firm that took positions in underperforming companies and used shareholder activism to increase their value. Her other professional experience includes serving as a Principal of LENS Investment Management, as President of Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc., and as an attorney at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Justice. Ms. Minow was named one of the 30 most influential investors of 2002 by Smart Money magazine and, in 2003, was dubbed “the queen of good corporate governance” by Business Week online. In 2007 she was named one of the 20 most influential people in corporate governance. In 2008 she was the sole recipient of the International Corporate Governance Network award for exceptional achievement in the field of corporate governance. She has authored over 200 articles and co-authored three books on corporate governance with Robert A.G. Monks, most recently the 5th edition of an MBA textbook titled Corporate Governance, published in 2011. Ms. Minow is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and the University of Chicago Law School. Speaker Biographies Mr. Noonan has been a journalist with over 30 years’ experience at the highest levels of Australian media. He is a former long-serving editor of The Australian Financial Review, Australia’s only business daily, and was awarded the prestigious Walkley Award for outstanding contribution to Australian journalism. Gerard Noonan President, Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) Gerard Noonan has been President of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) for the past six years and is the Sydney-based chair of industry superannuation (pension) fund Media Super. ACSI is a representative organization of 30 major Australian superannuation funds that vigorously raises environmental, social and governance issues with the Boards and senior executives of the companies in which the funds invest. The 30 funds have approximately $US500 billion in assets under management. ACSI also has six major international associate members – PGGM and APG from the Netherlands, USS and Railpen from the United Kingdom, CalPERS from the United States and New Zealand Super. He has been an activist for almost three decades in establishing a major role for the not-for-profit funds in Australia’s $US2 trillion pension sector. He brings an editor’s blunt, no-nonsense approach to the complexities and challenges facing the retirement incomes’ industry. Mr. Noonan is also a former President of the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees and a former Board member of the Commonwealth Government’s advisory body, Innovation Australia. He is an independent director of the online newspaper The New Daily. He has an undergraduate degree from La Trobe University in Melbourne and holds a Master’s degree in History from the University of Sydney. Stephen F. O’Byrne President and CoFounder, Shareholder Value Advisors Inc. Stephen F. O’Byrne is President and Co-founder of Shareholder Value Advisors Inc., a consulting firm that helps companies increase shareholder value through better performance measurement, incentive compensation and valuation analysis. His work on measuring the strength and cost-efficiency of top management incentives has been published in the Harvard Business Review, the Journal of Investing, Conference Board Director Notes, the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance and the WorldatWork Journal. He is the co-author, with Professor David Young of INSEAD, of EVA and Value-Based Management. He was previously head of the compensation consulting practice at Stern Stewart & Co. and a Principal in the executive compensation practice at Towers Perrin. 27 Speaker Biographies Councillor Kieran Quinn Leader, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Chair, Greater Manchester Pension Fund Councillor Kieran Quinn has been the Leader of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council since 2010 and a Labour member for Droylsden East since 1994. Councillor Quinn is also the Chair of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) Management Panel. GMPF is the largest Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) fund in the United Kingdom with assets of just under £20 billion. GMPF is amongst the best funded of LGPS schemes. The strength of GMPF’s funding level is built on excellent long-term investment returns, and the Fund is ranked in the top 5 amongst the WM local authority universe over 25 years. In 2013, GMPF was selected as the sole administering authority for the Probation Service’s LGPS interests. The Fund has an allocation to local investments of up to 5%, including local property. Councillor Quinn is the Chair of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, a national body that coordinates the ESG for £200 billion of Local Authority Fund assets. 28 Councillor Quinn is the Greater Manchester Combined Authority lead member with responsibility for the Investment and Business development portfolio. Within this area, and alongside lead responsibility for GMPF, Councillor Quinn is responsible for the Combined Authority approach to its multiple investment funds, European program and general investment funding matters across Greater Manchester. Councillor Quinn chairs the GM Local Management Committee for the 2014-20 ERDF program, the investment board, and sits on the board of the Greater Manchester Growth Company to advise on investment issues. Darren J. Robbins Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Darren J. Robbins is a founding partner of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP. Over the last two decades, he has served as lead counsel in more than 100 securities actions and has recovered billions of dollars for injured shareholders. Mr. Robbins has obtained significant recoveries in a number of actions arising out of wrongdoing related to the issuance of residential mortgage-backed securities, including the case against Goldman Sachs ($272 million). Mr. Robbins also served as co-lead counsel in connection with a $627 million recovery for investors in In re Wachovia Preferred Securities & Bond/ Notes Litig., one of the largest creditcrisis settlements involving Securities Act claims. Mr. Robbins also recently served as lead counsel in Schuh v. HCA Holdings, Inc., which resulted in a $215 million recovery for shareholders. One of the hallmarks of Mr. Robbins’ practice has been his focus on corporate governance reform. In UnitedHealth, a securities fraud class action arising out of an options backdating scandal, Mr. Robbins represented lead plaintiff CalPERS and was able to obtain the cancellation of more than 3.6 million stock options held by the company’s former CEO and secure a record $925 million cash recovery for shareholders. Mr. Robbins also negotiated sweeping corporate governance reforms, including the election of a shareholder-nominated director to the company’s board of M E LU VA Mr. Robbins was awarded Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees in Economics from the University of Southern California, and received his Juris Doctor degree from Vanderbilt Law School. Luz M. Rodriguez Director of Corporate Governance and Legal Services, Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA) Luz Rodriguez is the Director of Corporate Governance and Legal Services at Colorado PERA. She oversees the corporate governance activities and the administrative review process for the $44 billion Association. Under the direction of Ms. Rodriguez, the Corporate Governance and Legal Services Division ensures compliance with PERA’s proxy voting guidelines, monitors company engagement activity and securities litigation, and provides reports to the Shareholder Responsibility Committee of the PERA Board of Trustees. RU BL IC FUNDS O U P Mr. Robbins is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars around the world on securities litigation and corporate governance reform. He advises institutional investors in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Middle East, Asia and the European Union. 7 Mr. Robbins was named California Lawyer Attorney of the Year and has been recognized as one of the nation’s top securities litigators by numerous organizations and publications. He has been named one of the “Top 100 Lawyers Shaping the Future” by the Daily Journal and one of the “Young Litigators 45 and Under” by The American Lawyer. The American Lawyer commended him for helping “set the pace for [his] peers,” and Chambers USA called him “a prominent figure in the field of securities litigation” and “one of the leaders of the plaintiff Bar.” G PORTFOL IN IO T C 201 directors, a mandatory holding period for shares acquired via option exercise, and compensation reforms that tied executive pay to performance. Recently, Mr. Robbins led a shareholder derivative action brought by several pension funds on behalf of Community Health Systems, Inc. The case yielded a $60 million payment to Community Health (the largest recovery ever in a shareholder derivative action in Tennessee and the Sixth Circuit), as well as groundbreaking corporate governance reforms that included two shareholder-nominated directors, the creation and appointment of a Healthcare Law Compliance Coordinator, the implementation of a compensation clawback in the event of a restatement, the establishment of an insider trading controls committee, and the adoption of a political expenditure disclosure policy. PRO TE Speaker Biographies F protecting and maximizing portfolio assets to create long-term value. After graduating with an accounting degree from the University of Colorado in 2003, Ms. Rodriguez worked in investment accounting and managed the monthly pension payroll for Colorado PERA, which is the 21st largest pension plan in the United States and serves as the pension fund for 550,000 current and retired Colorado public employees. 29 Speaker Biographies David B. Wescoe CEO, San Diego County Employees Retirement Association (SDCERA) David Wescoe is an experienced and successful legal, financial, operational and investment professional who has served as General Counsel, CFO and CEO for public and private companies, including as the CEO of two multi-billion dollar pension plans and one of the country’s largest independent broker-dealers. Prior to becoming President of Efficient Market Advisors, Mr. Wescoe was the chief executive of the Motion Picture Industry Pension and Health Plans (MPI), responsible for over $6 billion in investment assets, 260 employees and over 120,000 participants in the motion picture industry, with offices in Los Angeles and New York. He was recruited to MPI after serving as the CEO of the San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System (SDCERS), which managed over $5 billion in investment assets. At SDCERS, Mr. Wescoe received the “Most Admired Government Agency CEO Award” from the San Diego Business Journal, and the San Diego City Council declared March 9, 2010 “David B. Wescoe Day” in San Diego “in appreciation of [Mr. Wescoe’s] willingness and tremendous efforts to restore the San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System’s operational integrity and credibility.” 30 Mr. Wescoe began his career as a corporate finance lawyer with Simpson Thacher & Bartlett in New York City, and then served as Counsel to Commissioners Bevis Longstreth and James C. Treadway, Jr. of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington. After a stint as a partner in private law practice specializing in corporate and securities law, he served as CFO and General Counsel for several NYSE-listed companies and as President and CEO of Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, the broker-dealer subsidiary of Northwestern Mutual, one of the largest independent broker-dealers in the United States. Mr. Wescoe is a frequent speaker on financial topics and has been quoted by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio and Governing magazine. He also testified before California’s Commission on Public Employee Post- Employment Benefits. A native Kansan, Mr. Wescoe received a B.A. from the University of Kansas and a J.D. from Columbia Law School. He has earned the Chartered Financial Consultant designation from the American College and has completed executive business education programs at Stanford University and the University of Chicago. He has been a board member and chair of numerous nonprofit educational and arts organizations, including serving as national Board Chair of the Kansas University Alumni Association and a Trustee of Trinity School in New York City. Christianna Wood CFA, CAIA Chairman, Global Reporting Initiative Christianna (“Christy”) Wood has over 30 years of experience managing institutional capital on a global basis in traditional and alternative asset classes. Currently, Ms. Wood is the Chair of the Board of the Global Reporting Initiative based in the Netherlands, the leading standard setter of global sustainability reporting standards. Previously, she was the CEO of Capital Z Asset Management, the largest dedicated sponsor of hedge funds, having sponsored 17 hedge funds totaling almost $7 billion. Ms. Wood was also the Senior Investment Officer for the Global Equity unit of the CalPERS, where she was responsible for over $150 billion in equity, bond and alternative assets. Ms. Wood is also on the boards of the H&R Block Corporation, one of the world’s largest tax preparers, Grange Insurance, a multi-line mutual insurance company, The Merger Fund, a merger arbitrage hedge fund, and Vassar College. Ms. Wood is also a frequent public speaker on global board best practice, asset allocation, corporate governance, sustainability and integrated reporting, among other topics. Ms. Wood was formerly the Chair of the Board of the International Corporate Governance Network and a director of the International Securities Exchange, a leading derivatives exchange. Ms. Wood has an MBA in Finance from NYU and a B.A. in Economics, cum laude, from Vassar College. A Tour of San Diego Proud Sponsor of the 2017 Public Funds Forum 31 A Tour of San Diego & Things to do places to see A s California’s second largest city and the eighth largest in the United States, San Diego boasts a citywide population of nearly 1.3 million residents and more than 3 million residents countywide. Within its borders of 4,200 sq. miles, San Diego County encompasses 18 incorporated cities and numerous other charming neighborhoods and communities, including downtown’s historic Gaslamp Quarter, Little Italy, Hillcrest, Pacific Beach, Coronado, La Jolla, Del Mar, Carlsbad, Escondido, La Mesa and Chula Vista, just to name a few. San Diego is renowned for its idyllic climate, 70 miles of pristine beaches and a dazzling array of world-class family attractions. The city offers an expansive variety of things to see and do, appealing to guests of all ages from around the world. Popular spots include the world-famous San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, Balboa Park, Sea World San Diego and LEGOLAND California. In San Diego’s East County, the terrain varies from gentle foothills to mile-high mountains — from the historic mining town of Julian down to the 600,000-acre Anza Borrego Desert State Park. East County offers nature-conscious visitors endless opportunities to hike, camp, fish, observe wildlife and much more. San Diego’s North County is split between coastal and inland cities, both sides offering rich experiences and unforgettable scenery. The coast is known for its affluent neighborhoods and protected beaches and lagoons, and includes La Jolla, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Del Mar and Solana Beach. The 70-mile Pacific Ocean coastline not only supports year-round outdoor recreation, such as surfing, boating, sailing and swimming, but also important scientific research at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Inland cities are more known for agricultural communities that produce quantities of flowers and magnificent produce, seen in Fallbrook, San Marcos, Temecula, Rancho Bernardo, Ramona and Rancho Peñasquitos. Wine growers are also making a mark by growing and harvesting quality grapes that become excellent wines, which are served at some of the most elegant restaurants and resorts in the region. To the south, it’s a whole different country, Mexico, featuring its own cultural offerings in various towns along the border and coastline, including Tijuana, Rosarito and Ensenada. San Diego’s culture and culinary arts scenes are booming. The hottest new culinary arts talents prepare award-winning meals throughout the region’s 6,400 eating establishments. The aforementioned Balboa Park is the largest urban cultural park in the United States and is home to 15 museums, numerous art galleries, beautiful gardens, the Tony Award-winning Old Globe Theatre and the San Diego Zoo. The city also boasts multiple opportunities to see live music, from the historic Balboa Theatre and Copley Symphony Hall to the iconic Casbah rock club. Additionally, San Diego County features 92 golf courses and a variety of exciting participatory and spectator sports, beachfront resorts and luxury spas, gaming, a dynamic downtown district, annual special events and unique holiday offerings, multicultural festivals and celebrations, colorful neighborhoods and communities, a rich military history, and so much more. 1. Torrey Pines. 1 32 There are countless hiking trails throughout San Diego county, but none with views quite like what you find at Torrey Pines State Reserve. Found between La Jolla and Del Mar, hiking at Torrey Pines offers various hiking loops ranging from two to four miles long. With scenic views of the ocean and beach below, the trails boast a variety of wildflowers, cacti, ferns and wildlife. Make sure to check out the Beach Trail while you’re there, which descends around 300 feet to put you right on the beach. A Tour of San Diego 3 3. Coronado Island 2 Not only does Coronado Island offer beautiful powdery beaches (that actually glisten, thanks to the mineral mica in the sand), it also offers small-town charm and tons of little shops and eateries to visit. You can rent a bike and cycle down the 15-mile-long bike path, get a drink at the famous Hotel del Coronado, or head to Glorietta Bay Marina to rent a sailboat or some jet skis. 2. San Diego Beaches With around 70 miles of coastline on offer, San Diego is rife with beautiful beaches perfect for sunbathing and swimming. Pacific Beach and Ocean Beach are two classic SoCal beaches, with funky vibes and lively night scenes. Mission Beach offers some classic boardwalk attractions at Belmont Park, which includes amusement park games and rides. You can also head north and try to spot orange Garibaldi fish while snorkeling at La Jolla Cove, check out the harbor seals resting at Children’s Pool just south from the Cove, or go surfing at Swami’s Beach just south of Encinitas, which got a shout-out in The Beach Boys’ hit “Surfin’ U.S.A.” 4 4. Old Point Loma Lighthouse at Cabrillo National Park First lit in 1855, the Old Point Loma Lighthouse was used for 36 years before the light was extinguished due to fog and low clouds rendering it ineffective. It now stands as a monument and draws in countless visitors every day. The national park also features the Cabrillo National Monument (which commemorates the landing of Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo at San Diego Bay in 1542), unparalleled views of downtown San Diego, and one of the best-protected tide pools in Southern California. 5. Old Town As the oldest settled area in the city, the Old Town neighborhood is rich with history. It is the site of the first European settlement in presentday California and features Old Town San Diego State Historic Park and Presidio Park, both of which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Old Town has more than 25 restaurants and tons of shopping opportunities, as well as nightly entertainment and various annual events. You can also take a tour of the Whaley House, which is considered to be one of the most haunted houses in the United States. 33 A Tour of San Diego 6. Balboa Park Spanning 1,200 acres, Balboa Park is San Diego’s cultural touchstone. It includes more than 15 museums, theaters, the world famous San Diego Zoo, hiking trails and walking paths, restaurants, gift shops and 17 gardens – including the iconic Botanical Building. 7. Petco Park Located in the downtown area, Petco Park is home to the San Diego Padres baseball team – though it is also used for concerts, soccer, rugby and golf. The stadium’s design includes Indian sandstone, white-painted exposed steel and dark blue seats, which are all meant to cohesively evoke San Diego’s cliffs, beaches, the blue ocean and sailboats in the bay. 7 8 8. Little Italy Found right above downtown, the neighborhood of Little Italy is a San Diego gem. Little Italy is full of Italian restaurants and shops, one of the best weekly farmer’s markets in the city, frequent festivals and events, and several music venues ranging from the classy Music Box to the gritty Casbah. Other activities in San Diego include: Harbor Cruise: San Diego has a long-standing maritime heritage and a beautiful skyline, and you can enjoy them both from a boat. 34 Birch Aquarium: Unlike the “big” San Diego attractions focused on critters, this intimate aquarium is small and has an extensive seahorse collection. Mission San Diego: A good place to delve into San Diego’s Spanish history is at California’s first mission, and one of its last. Notes 35 Notes 36
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