Post Extraction Instructions

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Do not disturb the area:
For the next few days, and especially the first 24 hours, it is very important to allow your body
to form a good clot and start the natural healing process.
When you leave the office, you might be biting on a slightly dampened gauze pad to control
bleeding. Keep slight pressure on this gauze for at least 20 minutes. Don't change it during this
time; it needs to remain undisturbed while a clot forms in the extraction socket. After 20 minutes,
you may remove it. If the area continues to bleed you may need to repeat this process.
Smoking should be stopped following surgery. Risk of complications of the surgery will be
substantially increased by the cigarette smoke chemicals in your body. Smokers are at greater
risk of developing a Dry Socket which normally develops after 2-3 days.
Some discomfort is normal after surgery. To minimize pain, take Maxigesic or similar
combination analgesic. Do not take Aspirin this may lead to further bleeding. If prescription
pain medication is prescribed, take it as instructed on the label. If the pain persists after 3 days
please call the surgery
Avoid all rinsing or swishing for 24 hours after extraction. Rinsing can disturb the formation of a
healing blood clot which is essential to proper healing. This could cause bleeding and risk of dry
socket. After 24 hours, you may begin gentle rinsing with a saltwater solution (1/2 teaspoon salt
+ 1 cup warm water), continue gentle rinsing for 3-5 days, twice a day after meals.
Have something to eat but avoid eating on the extraction site. Avoid alcohol for 48 hours
and as well as hot, hard or spicy foods.
Post extraction
After leaving the office, rest and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day. Keeping
blood pressure lower will reduce bleeding and aid healing.
If you were given an antibiotic prescription, take all of them as directed.
Please call the practice, on 8552 9299, if you have any problems or queries at all.
Following these instructions very closely will greatly help your comfort, and promote uneventful
healing of the area.

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