S3 Prox Humerus Surgical Technique


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Surgical Technique
Proximal Humerus
Plating System
Over 1 million times per year, Biomet helps one surgeon
provide personalized care to one patient.
The science and art of medical care is to provide the right
solution for each individual patient. This requires clinical
mastery, a human connection between the surgeon and
the patient, and the right tools for each situation.
At Biomet, we strive to view our work through the eyes of
one surgeon and one patient. We treat every solution we
provide as if it’s meant for a family member.
Our approach to innovation creates real solutions that assist
each surgeon in the delivery of durable personalized care
to each patient, whether that solution requires a minimally
invasive surgical technique, advanced biomaterials or a
patient-matched implant.
When one surgeon connects with one patient to provide
personalized care, the promise of medicine is fullled.
One Surgeon. One Patient.
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System .......................................................................................................................... 4
Deltopectoral Approach ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Surgical Technique ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Ordering Information .................................................................................................................................................. 14
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
Biomet’s experience in developing implants for fracture
fixation through locked plating technology has been used
to design the S3 plate for the management of proximal
humerus fractures. The S3 Proximal Humerus Plate takes
full advantage of the principle of spatial subchondral
support successfully applied in the design of its sister
product, the DVR Crosslock distal volar radiuwws plate.
The S3 system is designed around the natural anatomy
of the proximal humerus to address varus collapse.
Convergent and divergent fixed angle pegs are centered
around the natural 135° neck-shaft angle of the proximal
humerus. The central guiding k-wire provides visual
confirmation for plate positioning, ensuring that the pre-
determined peg trajectories will provide consistent spatial
distribution within the humeral dome. This unique concept
of humeral fixation helps resist varus forces throughout the
full range of motion.
The S3 plate has been designed to help prevent subacromial
impingement. The unique design of the S3 allows the
plate to be positioned more distally, minimizing the risk of
The S3 pegs and screws utilize blunt smooth ends so that
fixation can be provided directly below the hard articular
shell. Engaging the subchondral bone with blunt fixation
and the use of a manually inserted blunt-tipped drill bit
reduces the risk for articular surface penetration.
The S3 Proximal Humerus Plate is indicated for fractures
and fracture dislocations, osteotomies, and non-unions of
the proximal humerus.
Surgical Approach
Proximal Humeral fractures are treated with the
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System through the
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
Provides Strong and Secure Fixation
The proximal end of the S3 plate has fixed angle
locking pegs/screw holes. Its parametric design
of convergent and divergent screw peg trajectories
ensures a consistent spatial distribution of the
pegs within the entire humeral head. This particular
distribution provides spatial subchondral support to
resist varus forces throughout the full range of motion.
4.0 mm blunt tipped subchondral support smooth
or threaded pegs provide stability while preventing
protrusion through the articularsurface.
Proximal and distal locking pegs and screws provide
a strong interface for a stable fixation.
3.0 cm
Minimizes Subacromial Impingement
The S3 plate is designed to be positioned
approximately 3.0 cm distal to the greater tuberosity
helping to prevent subacromial impingement
Minimizes Varus Collapse
The parametric design of the pegs distribute the loads
more anatomically through the full range of motion by
maintaining the neck shaft angle of 135º minimizing
the risk of varus collapse.
Central K-wire
Central K-wire hole provides a guide for initial plate
positioning through the use of fluoroscopy and
temporary fixation.
F.A.S.T. Guide Technology
The S
plate comes preloaded with Fixed
Angle Screw Targeting Guides – F.A.S.T. Guide
Technology – facilitating accurate drilling and easy
plate identification (left vs right).
Suture Holes
Suture holes allow for simplified tuberosity repairs
after humeral head fixation through frontal and
lateral access.
User Friendly System Design
Intuitive set layout and simple instrumentation
allow for convenience in surgery.
Ease of Use
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
Cephalic vein
Deltopectoral Approach
Patient positioning and approach
The procedure can be performed in the beach-chair
position or supine position (Figure1) as per the surgeon’s
discretion. If necessary, a sterile mayo stand can be used
to assist duringdissection.
Assess the fracture fluoroscopically.
Examine the fracture based on intraoperative fluoroscopy.
Internal rotation, external rotation and sometimes axillary
views are necessary (Figure 2).
Make an incision approximately 12–14 cm over the
coracoid process, extending down to the deltoid insertion
in an oblique fashion. Identify and retract the cephalic vein
(Figure 3).
Note: Taking the cephalic vein medially provides additional
protection against perforation during drilling.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Identify the Biceps Tendon
Gently retract the coracobrachialis medially. Find the
pectoralis insertion at the floor of the deltoid pectoralis
interval (Figure 4). If necessary, release the proximal third
of the pectoralis tendon to expose the biceps.
Complete Exposure
Develop the subacromial space and mobilize the proximal
deltoid (Figure 5).
Note: Use of a large, blunt humeral head depressor can
facilitate exposure.
Fracture Debridement and Reduction
Reduce the humeral head fragments using traction and
manipulation and check the reduction under fluoroscopy
(Figure 6).
Note: In the case of severe comminution, suturing the
rotator cuff together will help reduce the tuberosities. To
facilitate healing, bone graft should be considered.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
Surgical Technique
Plate Positioning
Select the appropriate side plate (lime=left; rose=right)
and length (3, 4, 6, 8, 11 or 14 hole) (Figure 7).
Position the plate 2.5–3.0 cm distal to the greater
tuberosity. The anterior border of the plate (straight border)
should be immediately lateral to the bicepital groove
(Figure 8).
Drill Central K-Wire
Drill the 2.0 mm K-wire (KW20SS) through the central
K-wire hole on the proximal portion of the plate aiming the
center of the humeral head (Figure 9).
Figure 7 Figure 8
Figure 9
Verify Central K-Wire
Check the trajectory of the central K-wire under fluoroscopy.
If there’s a deviation from the center of the humeral head
remove the K-wire and redrill until the center is reached
(Figure 10).
Note: Verify the positioning of the central k-wire, it should
be in the center/ center position and centered on Anterior
Posterior and Laterial views.
Note: Other distal K-wire holes can be used to aid in
fracture reduction and provisionally fix the plate to the bone.
Distal Plate Provisional Fixation
Drill through the oblong hole of the plate shaft with the
2.8 mm Drill Bit (DB28) using the Soft Tissue Protector
(SSTG) (Figure 11).
Determine the required screw depth using the Depth
Gauge (SBDG) (Figure 12).
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
and posterior inferior peg holes first, and then finish
by drilling the remaining proximal holes in a crisscross,
opposing fashion (Figure 14).
Manual Drill for Subchondral Support Pegs
To prevent the drill from protruding through the rear cortex
the following step should be made by manual drilling
(Figure 15).
With the 4.0 mm Long Drill Bit (FDB40L or FDS40)
attached to the Driver Handle (QCH), advance through the
proximal plate hole F.A.S.T. Guide inserts until resistance
from subchondral bone is felt. This will ensure the peg
engages subchondral bone for optimal fixation.
Note: Do not use powered drilling for inserting the
subchondral pegs. When manual drilling for smooth pegs
use the Long Drill Bit (FDB40L). When manual drilling for
partially threaded pegs use the Step Drill Bit (FDS40).
Note: Make multiple passes with the hand drill (FDB40L)
to remove all material before inserting pegs.
Fix the plate into place with a 3.8 mm Multidirectional
Cortical Screw (MD20-MD38) using the Hex Driver (FHDS)
(Figure 13).
Note: Do not fully tighten the screw to allow for later plate
Note: Insert the second kickstand k-wire and/or the screw
in the oblong hole, to reduce the possibility of the plate
and fragments moving.
Proximal Plate Fixation
Drill through the inferior anterior F.A.S.T. Guide inserts
with the 4.0 mm Short Drill Bit (FDB40S), and perforate
the cortex. The drill bit has a stop that will only allow it to
penetrate the near cortex.
Note: The K-wire can be bent to avoid drill bitobstruction.
Note: Fully seat the FDB40S (Short drill bit) into the F.A.S.T
Guide before turning on power
Note: To aid with peg engagement, start with the anterior
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Determine Peg Length
Once resistance is felt, fluoroscopy imaging should verify
that the tip of the manual drill is close to the subchondral
bone (Figure 16). Care should be taken not to penetrate
the subchondral bone. Use the appropriate side of the
dual scale drill bit to determine the correct peg size.
Note: If a F.A.S.T. Guide insert was removed before the
screw length was recorded, insert the 4.0mm Drill Guide
(DRGSH) and measure using the appropriate side of the
dual scale stepped Depth Gauge (FSDGS).
Peg Insertion
Remove and discard the respective F.A.S.T. Guide inserts
(Figure 17) and insert the appropriate size peg using the
Hex Driver (FHDS) (Figure 18).
Note: If the pegs do not engage initially, re-insert the
F.A.S.T. Guide insert or drill guide (DRGSH) and drill again
using the hand drill (FDB40L)
Figure 16 Figure 18
Figure 17
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
Attach Tuberosities to Plate
Secure the tuberosities to the plate by passing the needles
close to the insertion of the tendon and then through to
side, front or top loading wire attachment points found on
the proximal end of the plate (Figure 19).
Note: An alternate approach is to apply the sutures to
the plate prior to placing the subchondral support pegs.
This may aid in reduction.
Insert Distal Screws
Use the appropriate end of the Soft Tissue Protector
(SSTG) and drill to the far cortex with the 2.8 mm Drill Bit
(DB28) (Figure 20). Measure with the Barrel Depth Gauge
Fix the remaining Shaft Cortical Screws with either 90º
Locking Screws (NL20-NL38; NLSS) or Multidirectional
Screws (MD20-MD38) (Figure 21).
Use a Set Screw (NLSS) to lock each 90º Screw to the
plate. Do not use a set screw when using Multidirectional
Figure 19 Figure 21
Figure 20
Final Verification
Evaluate the humerus under fluoroscopy to assess
the reduction and to confirm proper plate positioning
(Figure 22 & 23).
Figure 22 Figure 23
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
Ordering Information
Smooth Peg, Locking
Provide spatial subchondral support.
Cat No: Size:
STP20 20 mm
STP25 25 mm
STP30 30 mm
STP325 32.5 mm
STP35 35.5 mm
STP375 37.5 mm
STP40 40 mm
STP425 42.5 mm
STP45 45 mm
STP475 47.5 mm
STP50 50 mm
STP525 52.5 mm
STP55 55 mm
STP575 57.5 mm
STP60 60 mm
STP625 62.5 mm
STP65 65 mm
Threaded Pegs, Locking
Help to capture and lag the humeral head.
Cat No: Size:
STPT20 20 mm
STPT25 25 mm
STPT30 30 mm
STPT325 32.5 mm
STPT35 35 mm
STPT375 37.5 mm
STPT40 40 mm
STPT425 42.5 mm
STPT45 45 mm
STPT475 47.5 mm
STPT50 50 mm
STPT525 52.5 mm
STPT55 55 mm
STPT575 57.5 mm
STPT60 60 mm
STP625 62.5 mm
STP65 65 mm
Pegs and Screws
90˚ Cortical Screws, Non-locking
Provide bi-cortical fixation while locking to the
plate using the NLSS set screws.
Cat No: Size:
NL20 20 mm
NL22 22 mm
NL24 24 mm
NL26 26 mm
NL28 28 mm
NL30 30 mm
NL32 32 mm
NL34 34 mm
NL36 36 mm
NL38 38 mm
Multi-directional Cortical Screws,
Provide multi-directional fixation when used
through the oblong hole.
Cat No: Size:
MD20 20 mm
MD22 22 mm
MD24 24 mm
MD26 26 mm
MD28 28 mm
MD30 30 mm
MD32 32 mm
NL34 34 mm
NL36 36 mm
MD38 38 mm
90˚ Locking Set Screw
Secures the 90˚ lock distal screws to the plate.
Cat No: NLSS
S3 Plate, 3 Holes:
16 mm x 71 mm
S3 Plate, 4 Holes:
16 mm x 84 mm
S3 Plate, 6 Holes:
16 mm x 108 mm
S3 Plate, 8 Holes:
16 mm x 150 mm
S3 Plate, 11 Holes:
16 mm x 190 mm
S3 Plate, 14 Holes:
16 mm x 236 mm
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System Options
Lime=Left; Rose=Right
The S3 plate, pegs and screws are manufactured from 316L Stainless Steel.
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
Top Tray
1 SSTG Soft Tissue Guide
2 DB28 Drill Bit 2.8 mm
3 SBDG Depth Gauge
4 FHDS Hex Driver
5 FDB40S Drill Bit 4.0 mm Short
6 DRGSH Drill Guide 4.0 mm
7 FDS40 Drill Bit 4.0 mm Step
8 QCH Quick Connect Handle
9 FDB40L Drill Bit Fast 4.0 mm Long
10 SDI Square Driver Insert 2.0mm
11 FSDGS Depth Gauge Step Shoulder Fast
12 MQC Mini Quick Connect Handle
KW20SS K-wire 2.0 mm SS
1 2
Bottom Tray
SSPL03 3 Hole Plate, Left
14 SSPL04 4 Hole Plate, Left
15 SSPL06 6 Hole Plate, Left
SSPL08 8 Hole Plate, Left
16 SSPL14 14 Hole Plate, Left
17 SSPL11 11 Hole Plate, Left
SSPR03 3 Hole Plate, Right
18 SSPR04 4 Hole Plate, Right
19 SSPR06 6 Hole Plate, Right
SSPR08 8 Hole Plate, Right
20 SSPR11 11 Hole Plate, Right
21 SSPR14 14 Hole Plate, Right
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating Modular Tray
15 19
20 21
The SNP Anatomic Plate Module Tray contains all SNP Anatomic Plate components
All other instruments and pegs/screws are found in the S3 Proximal Humeral Tray System
The SNP Proximal Humeral Plating System provides the surgeon with a less invasive option than the S3 Proximal Humerus plate for fractures of
the proximal humerus. The SNP combines the proximal stability of fixed angle locking pegs and suture attachments with the minimal soft tissue
disruption of an intramedullary nail.
SNP Shoulder Nail Plate
S3 Proximal Humerus Plating System
The S3 Shoulder FIxation System is indicated for fractures
and fracture dislocations, osteotomies, and non-unions of
the proximal humerus.
If any of the following are suspected, tests are to be performed
prior to implantation. Active or latent infection. Sepsis.
Insufficient quantity or quality of bone and/or soft tissue.
Material sensitivity. Patients who are unwilling or incapable
of following post operative care instructions.
This material is intended for health care professionals and the Biomet sales
force only. Distribution to any other recipient is prohibited. All content herein is
protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights owned
by or licensed to Biomet Inc. or its aliates unless otherwise indicated. This material
must not be redistributed, duplicated or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the
express written consent of Biomet.
Check for country product clearances and reference product specic instructions
for use. For complete product information, including indications, contraindications,
warnings, precautions, and potential adverse eects, see the package insert and
Biomet’s website.
This technique was prepared in conjunction with a licensed health care professional.
Biomet does not practice medicine and does not recommend any particular
orthopedic implant or surgical technique for use on a specic patient. The surgeon
is responsible for determining the appropriate device(s) and technique(s) for each
individual patient.
Not for distribution in France.
©2014 Biomet Trauma • Form No. BMET0018.0-GBL • REV0814
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