Snap Circuits Home Learning I SCHL1 With Answers V2WEB

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Copyright © 2018 by ELENCO®All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced by 753043
any means; electronic, photocopying, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.
Activity 27
1. Most circuit problems are due to incorrect assembly, always double-check that your
circuit exactly matches the drawing for it.
Be sure that parts with positive/negative markings are positioned as per the drawing.
3. Be sure that all connections are securely snapped.
4. Try replacing the batteries.
5. If the motor spins but does not balance the fan, check the black plastic piece with
three prongs on the motor shaft. Be sure that it is at the top of the shaft.
ELENCO®is not responsible for parts damaged due to incorrect wiring.
Basic Troubleshooting
Note: If you suspect you have damaged parts, you can follow the Advanced
Troubleshooting procedure on page 6 to determine which ones need replacing.
Use only 1.5V AA type, alkaline batteries (not incl.).
Insert batteries with correct polarity.
Non-rechargeable batteries should not be
recharged. Rechargeable batteries should only be
charged under adult supervision, and should not be
recharged while in the product.
Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or
rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Remove batteries when they are used up.
Do not short circuit the battery terminals.
Never throw batteries in a fire or attempt to open its
outer casing.
Batteries are harmful if swallowed, so keep away
from small children.
Basic Troubleshooting 1
Parts List 2
How to Use It 3
DOs and DON’Ts of Building Circuits 4
Advanced Troubleshooting 5
Summary of Parts & Circuit Diagram Symbols
Activity Listings 9
Activities 1 - 30 10 - 37
Vocabulary 38-40
End of Unit Test 41-43
WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD - Never connect Snap Circuits®to the
electrical outlets in your home in any way!
Table of Contents
WARNING: Always check your wiring before turning
on a circuit. Never leave a circuit unattended while the
batteries are installed. Never connect additional
batteries or any other power sources to your circuits.
Discard any cracked or broken parts.
WARNING TO ALL PARTS WITH A SYMBOL - Moving parts. Do not touch the motor or fan during operation.
Do not lean over the motor. Do not launch the fan at people, animals, or objects. Eye protection is recommended.
parts. Not for children under 3 years.
Meets academic standards
for elementary science.
Conforms to ASTM
Snap Circuits®Electricity 101 is a tool for opening the exciting world of electronics. Following
the Learn by Doing®concept, electronics will be easy to understand by building circuits as
you learn about them. This book emphasizes the practical applications of electronics, without
bogging down in mathematics. This book is as much about science as about electronics. It
will take about 3 hours to complete this book.
Why should you learn about electronics? Electronics plays an important and increasing role
in our everyday lives, and so some basic knowledge of it is good for everyone. Learning
about it teaches how to do scientific investigation, and the activities develop basic skills
needed in today’s world.
Important: If any parts are missing or damaged, DO NOT RETURN TO RETAILER. Call toll-free (800) 533-2441 or e-mail us at: Customer Service 150 Carpenter Ave. Wheeling, IL 60090 U.S.A.
Qty. ID Name Symbol Part # Qty. ID Name Symbol Part #
r1Base Grid
(11.0” x 7.7”) 6SCBG r1Red Light Emitting
Diode (LED) 6SCD1
r22-Snap Wire 6SC02 r1
Lamp, 2.5V or 3V
r23-Snap Wire 6SC03 r1Battery Holder -
2 1.5V type AA (not included)
r14-Snap Wire 6SC04 r1Speaker 6SCSP
r15-Snap Wire 6SC05 r1Music
Integrated Circuit 6SCU1
r16-Snap Wire 6SC06 r1NPN Transistor 6SCQ2
Fan 6SCM1
6SCM1F r1100WResistor 6SCR1
Iron Core Rod 6SCM3
6SCM3B r1100kWResistor 6SCR5
r1Slide Switch 6SCS1 r1Jumper Wire (Black) 6SCJ1
r1Press Switch 6SCS2 r1Jumper Wire (Red) 6SCJ2
r1Photoresistor 6SCRP You may order additional / replacement parts at our
Parts List (Colors and styles may vary) Symbols and Numbers
How to Use It
The Electronic Snap Circuits®Home Learning Kit has 30
projects. They are simple to build and understand.
The Snap Circuits®kit uses building blocks with snaps to
build the different electrical and electronic circuits in the
projects. Each block has a function: there are switch blocks,
lamp blocks, battery blocks, different length wire blocks, etc.
These blocks are in different colors and have numbers on
them so that you can easily identify them. The circuit you will
build is shown in color and with numbers, identifying the
blocks that you will use and snap together to form a circuit.
For Example:
This is the switch block which is green and has the marking
on it as shown in the drawings.
Please note that the drawing doesn’t reflect the real switch
block exactly (it is missing the ON and OFF markings), but
gives you the general idea of which part is being used in the
This is a wire block which is blue and comes in different wire
This one has the number , , , , or on it
depending on the length of the wire connection required.
To build each circuit, you have a power source block number
that needs two (2) “AA” batteries (not included with the
Snap Circuits®kit).
A large clear plastic base grid is included with this kit to help
keep the circuit blocks properly spaced. You will see evenly
spaced posts that the different blocks snap into. You do not
need this base to build your circuits, but it does help in
keeping your circuit together neatly. The base has rows
labeled A-G and columns labeled 1-10.
Next to each part in every circuit drawing is a small number
in black. This tells you which level the component is placed
at. Place all parts on level 1 first, then all of the parts on
level 2, then all of the parts on level 3, etc.
Place the fan on the motor whenever that part is used,
unless the project you are building says not to use it.
Some circuits use the jumper wires to make unusual
connections. Just clip them to the metal snaps or as
Note: While building the projects, be careful not to
accidentally make a direct connection across the battery
holder (a “short circuit”), as this may damage and/or quickly
drain the batteries.
2 3 4 5 6
DOs and DON’Ts of Building Circuits
After building the circuits given in this booklet, you may wish to
experiment on your own. Use the projects in this booklet as a guide, as
many important design concepts are introduced throughout them. Every
circuit will include a power source (the batteries), a resistance (which
might be a resistor, lamp, motor, integrated circuit, etc.), and wiring paths
between them and back.You must be careful not to create “short circuits”
(very low-resistance paths across the batteries, see examples below)
as this will damage components and/or quickly drain your batteries. Only
connect the IC using configuration given in the projects, incorrectly doing
so may damage it. ELENCO®is not responsible for parts damaged
due to incorrect wiring.
Here are some important guidelines:
ALWAYS use eye protection when experimenting on your own.
ALWAYS include at least one component that will limit the current
through a circuit, such as the speaker, lamp, electromagnet,
music IC (which must be connected properly), motor,
photoresistor, or resistor.
ALWAYS use the LED and switches in conjunction with other
components that will limit the current through them. Failure to
do so will create a short circuit and/or damage those parts.
ALWAYS disconnect your batteries immediately and check your wiring
if something appears to be getting hot.
ALWAYS check your wiring before turning on a circuit.
ALWAYS connect the music IC using configurations given in the
projects or as per the connection descriptions for it.
NEVER connect to an electrical outlet in your home in any way.
NEVER leave a circuit unattended when it is turned on.
NEVER touch the motor when it is spinning at high speed.
For all of the projects given in this book, the parts may be arranged in
different ways without changing the circuit. For example, the order of
parts connected in series or in parallel does not matter — what matters
is how combinations of these sub-circuits are arranged together.
WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD - Never connect your Snap
Circuits®set to the electrical outlets in your home in any way!
Placing a 3-snap wire directly
across the batteries is a
When the slide switch (S1) is turned on, this large circuit has a SHORT
CIRCUIT path (as shown by the arrows). The short circuit prevents any
other portions of the circuit from ever working.
This is also a
Advanced Troubleshooting
(Adult supervision recommended)
ELENCO®is not responsible for parts damaged due to incorrect
If you suspect you have damaged parts, you can follow
this procedure to systematically determine which ones
need replacing:
1. Lamp (L1), motor (M1), speaker (SP), and battery holder
(B1): Place batteries in holder. Place the lamp directly across
the battery holder, it should light. Do the same with the motor
(motor + to battery +), it should spin to the right at high speed.
“Tap the speaker across the battery holder contacts, you should
hear static as it touches. If none work then replace your
batteries and repeat, if still bad then the battery holder is
2. Jumper wires: Use this mini-
circuit to test each jumper
wire, the lamp should light.
3. Snap wires: Use this mini-
circuit to test each of the snap
wires, one at a time. The lamp
should light.
4. Slide switch (S1) and Press switch (S2): Build activity 1, if
the lamp (L1) doesn’t light then the slide switch is bad. Replace
the slide switch with the press switch to test it.
5. 100Wresistor (R1) and LED (D1): Build activity 6 except
initially use the speaker (SP) in place of the LED, you will hear
static if the resistor is good. Then replace the speaker with the
LED and see that it lights.
6. Music IC (U1): Build the circuit
shown here. Turn it on and the LED
(D1) flickers for a while and stops, it
should resume if you spin the motor
(M1) or push the press switch (S2).
7. NPN transistor (Q2), 100kWresistor (R5), and Photoresistor
(RP): Build the mini-circuit shown here. The LED (D2) should
only be on if the press switch (S2) is pressed; if otherwise then
the NPN is damaged.
Replace the 100Wresistor (R1)
with the 100kWresistor (R5). The
LED should light when the press
switch is pressed; otherwise the
100kWresistor is damaged.
Replace the 100kWresistor with the photoresistor. The LED
should light when the press switch is pressed and there is
light on the photoresistor; otherwise the photoresistor is
8. Electromagnet (M3): Use the circuit for activity 18, and place
the iron core rod in the electromagnet. When you push the press
switch (S2), a metal paperclip or small iron nail should be
attracted to the iron core rod; if no attraction then the
electromagnet is damaged.
150 Carpenter Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090 U.S.A.
Phone: (847) 541-3800 Fax: (847) 520-0085
e-mail: Website:
You may order additional / replacement parts at:
Summary of Parts & Circuit Diagram Symbols
Dry Cell
Produces electrical energy using a chemical reaction. The larger terminal
(on the left) is positive (+). A single cell is often called a battery, but strictly
a battery is two or more cells joined together.
2 Cell Battery (B1)
Batteries supply electrical energy. A battery is more than one cell.
(2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 snap
wires, red and
black jumper wires)
Used to pass current very easily from one part of a circuit to another. A 3-
snap wire is shown here.
Wires joined
A ‘blob’ should be drawn where wires are connected (joined), but it is
sometimes omitted. Wires connected at ‘crossroads’ should be staggered
slightly to form two T-junctions, as shown on the right.
Wires not joined
In complex diagrams it is often necessary to draw wires crossing even
though they are not connected. Often the ‘bridge’ symbol shown on the right
is used because the simple crossing on the left may be misread as a join
where you have forgotten to add a ‘blob’!
Summary of Parts & Circuit Diagram Symbols
Lamp (L1)
A transducer that converts electrical energy to light. It contains a special wire
that glows bright when a large electric current passes through it. The upper
symbol is used for a lamp providing illumination, for example a car headlamp
or flashlight bulb.
LED (D1)
Light Emitting
A transducer that converts electrical energy to light.
(R1 100Wand R5
A resistor restricts the flow of current through a
A resistor whose value changes as light shines on it.
On-Off Switch
A mechanical switch that allows current to flow only
when it is in the closed (on) position.
Push Switch
A push switch allows current to flow only when the
button is pressed.
Summary of Parts & Circuit Diagram Symbols
Motor (M1)
A transducer that converts electrical energy to kinetic
energy (motion).
Speaker (SP)
A transducer that converts electrical energy to sound. An
electrical signal creates mechanical vibrations, which create
variations in air pressure, which travel across the room to
your ears.
Integrated Circuit
A module that converts electrical energy to Music. It
contains a specialized sound-generation circuit with
resistors, capacitors, and transistors. The descriptions
for the music IC module is given here for those
interested, see the projects for connection examples:
with Iron Core
A coil of wire, which acts like a magnet when an electric
current flows through it. Placing an iron bar inside
increases the magnetic effects.
NPN Transistor
A device that switches or amplifies electrical current.
Music IC:
(+) - power from batteries
(–) - power return to batteries
OUT - output connection
HLD - hold control input
TRG - trigger control input
Music for ~20 sec on power-up, then hold HLD to (+) power
or touch TRG to (+) power to resume music.
Music IC
Activity # Description Page #
1 Electric Light and Switch 10
2 Motor and Switch 12
3 Lamp and Fan in Series 13
4 Lamp and Fan in Parallel 14
Lamp, Speaker, and Fan in Parallel
6 Light Emitting Diode 16
7 One Direction for LED 17
8 Conduction Detector 18
9 Morse Code 19
10 Flying Saucer 20
11 Decreasing Lift 20
12 Two-Speed Fan 21
13 Musical Doorbell 22
14 Musical Alarm 23
15 Happy Birthday with Light 24
16 Spinning Rings 25
17 Strobe the House Lights 25
18 The Electromagnet 26
19 This OR That OR Both 27
20 This AND That 28
21 Music AND Gate 29
22 Neither This NOR That 30
23 NOT This AND That 30
24 Reflection Detector 31
25 Math Game 32
26 LED Night Light 33
27 Motor Running LED 34
28 Light Activator 35
29 Sounds, Light, and Motion 36
30 Simple Water Alarm 37
Activities Listing
Objectives: As a result of completion of activities 1 - 30 in this kit, students will:
Understand basic information about electricity as a form of energy
Control the flow of electricity through a number of circuits and devices
Identify the path of electricity through a circuit
Identify the parts of a circuit
Repair a non-functioning circuit
Transform electrical energy into light, sound, and motion
Identify series and parallel circuits
Determine if materials are conductors of electricity or insulators
Observe the effect of resistance on the brightness of a bulb or LED
Study the motion of a motor
Produce and study sound from a speaker
Draw and label circuit diagrams
Build a Morse Code sender (telegraph using light instead of sound)
Send and receive messages in Morse code, and decode messages received
Observe the effect of fluorescent light on a spinning disc
Observe the effect of electricity on a temporary magnet (electromagnet)
Use a transistor to switch devices on or off
Make a circuit that detects the presence of water
Have a better understanding of the scientific method of investigation
Activity 1
Electric Light and Switch
Materials List
Quantity Description
2 2-Snap Wires
1 3-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1) with 2 AA batteries (not included)
1 Lamp (L1), 2.5V or 3V
1 Slide Switch (S1)
Build the circuit shown on the left by placing the parts with a black 1next to
them on the board first. Then add the parts with a 2. Install two AA type
batteries (not included) in the holder (B1).
What happens when you close the switch? The lamp turns on.
What happens when you open the switch? The lamp turns off.
Now build this circuit with some of the same parts.
What do the two circuits have in common?
They are the same electrically.
How can you tell when electricity is flowing through the circuit?
The lamp will light.
Explain how the switch works. When the switch is closed (ON) it closes
the gap, electricity flows through the circuit and the lamp lights. When the
switch is open (OFF) there is gap so the electricity cannot flow and the
lamp is off.
What could you do to open and close this circuit without a switch?
Remove a battery or disconnect a part.
Give two examples of switches used in everyday life.
1. Light Switch
2. Door Bell
Use the circuit diagram symbols to draw the two circuits you have made on the previous page.
Diagram 1 Diagram 2
Tell why these three circuits will not light the bulb, then explain a way to fix the circuits.
A. B. C.
Circuit A will not light the bulb because
The lamp is shorted by the 3-snap.
Repair by: Removing the 3-snap that is
causing the short.
Circuit C will not light the bulb because
Missing the 3-snap from the lamp to the
switch creates an open circuit.
Repair by: Add the missing 3-snap.
Circuit B will not light the bulb because
Missing the 2-snap from the battery to
the lamp creates an open circuit.
Repair by: Add the missing 2-snap.
!WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch
the fan or motor during operation.
!WARNING: Do not lean over the motor.
Activity 2
Motor and Switch
Materials List
Quantity Description
2 2-Snap Wires
1 3-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Motor (M1) and Fan Blade
1 Slide Switch (S1)
Build the circuit pictured on the left by placing all parts with a black 1next
to them on the board first. Then assemble the parts with a black 2. Place
the motor (M1) with the “+” side as shown.
What happens when you close the switch? The fan spins,
What happens when you open the switch? The fan stops spinning,
What is the electrical energy changed into? Mechanical - the spinning
How is this circuit similar to the lamp circuit in Activity 1?
Turns electrical energy into another form of energy.
Think of several examples of tools or toys powered by a motor.
Drill, electric saw, remote control car, drone
Use the circuit diagram symbols to draw the circuit shown below.
Circuit Diagram
!WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch
the fan or motor during operation. !WARNING: Do not lean over the motor.
Activity 3
Lamp and Fan in Series
Materials List
Quantity Description
2 3-Snap Wires
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Lamp (L1)
1 Motor (M1) and Fan Blade
1 Slide Switch (S1)
Build the circuit pictured on the left. Place all the parts with the black 1next
to them on the board first, then the parts with the black 2.
What happens when you close the switch? The lamp lights and the motor
What happens when you open the switch? The lamp turns off and the
motor stops.
Open the switch. Take the fan off the motor. Close the switch. Describe What
The motor spins faster and the lamp turns off. The voltage drop is
higher across the motor and lower across the lamp, so there is not
enough voltage to light the lamp.
The circuits in Activity 1, 2, and 3 were series circuits. In a series circuit all
of the parts are placed on the board one after the other.
Use the circuit diagram symbols to draw the circuit shown below.
Circuit Diagram
Materials List
1 2-Snap Wire
1 3-Snap Wire
1 4-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Lamp (L1)
1 Motor (M1) and Fan Blade
1 Slide Switch (S1)
!WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch
the fan or motor during operation.
!WARNING: Do not
lean over the motor.
Build the circuit
shown on the
left. Place the
motor (M1) with
the “+” side as
Use the circuit diagram symbols to draw the circuit here.
What happens when you close the switch? The lamp lights and motor spins.
What happens when you open the switch? The lamp turns off and the motor stops.
Unscrew the lamp. What happens to the motor? The motor spins faster.
Screw the lamp back in. Open the switch. Remove the fan blade from the motor. Close the switch.
What happens to the lamp? The lamp shines brighter.
How is a parallel circuit different from a series circuit? In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each of the components is the
same, and the total current is the sum of the currents through each component.
In a series circuit, the current through each of the components is the same, and the voltage across the circuit is the sum of the
voltages across each component.
Activity 4
Lamp and Fan in Parallel
Materials List
1 2-Snap wire
1 4-snap wire
1 5-snap wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
1 Lamp (L1)
1 DC motor (M1) & Fan Blade
1 Speaker (SP)
!WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch
the fan or motor during operation.
!WARNING: Do not
lean over the motor. Use the circuit diagram symbols to draw the circuit here.
What happens when you press the switch S2? The motor spins and the lamp lights. You hear some clicking sounds from the
speaker generated by the motor.
Circle the number of paths that exist for the electric current to follow? 123456
Put the fan on the motor when the motor stops spinning. Press the switch. What changes do you notice?
The lamp is not as bright and the sound is louder.
What is the purpose of the speaker in the circuit? The speaker is another path for current to flow. .
Remove the speaker from the circuit. What changes do you notice? The fan spins faster and the lamp is brighter.
Unscrew the lamp. Press the switch. What effect does this have on the motor? The motor spins faster and you now have a
series circuit.
Don't leave the circuit on too long or it will drain the batteries.
Do you think the lights in your home are wired in series or parallel? Parallel
Build the circuit shown on
the left. Place the motor
(M1) with the “+” side as
Activity 5
Lamp, Speaker, and Fan in Parallel
Materials List
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (Light Emitting Diode, D1)
1 100WResistor (R1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
Draw the circuit using the circuit diagram symbols.
Is this a series or parallel circuit? How do you know? It is a series circuit. There is only one path for current to flow.
What happens when you close the switch? The LED lights.
How is this circuit like the circuit in Activity 1? How is it different? They are both series circuits. This circuit has an LED instead
of a lamp.
What is the function of the resistor? The resistor limits the current.
List several devices you have seen that use LEDs in them. Flash light, TVs. Cell Phone.
Why are LEDs used instead of a incandescent light bulbs in these devices? They use less energy and last longer.
Build the circuit pictured on the left.
Activity 6
Light Emitting Diode
Rebuild the circuit used in Activity 6, but put the LED facing in the
opposite direction as shown here.
What happens when you close the switch?
The LED does not light.
What path is the electric current following?
The current does not flowing because the LED is in backwards.
LEDs, like batteries, are marked with a polarity or “+” symbol. This side
of the LED must always connect to the circuit parts that go to the “+”
side of the battery to make the LED light..
What effect did turning the LED around have on the flow of electric current? Placing the LED backwards blocks the flow of
current. .
Activity 7
One Direction for the LED
Material Prediction Test Result
Clean steel nail
Rusty nail
Piece of chalk
Rubber eraser
Plastic straw
Brass paper fasteners
Copper penny
Aluminum foil strip
Rubber band
Material Prediction Test Result
Cardboard strip
Wooden craft stick
Plastic ruler
Metal paperclip
Plastic coated paperclip
Pencil lead from a
mechanical pencil
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 100 Ohm Resistor (R1)
1 Red Jumper Wire
1 Paper clip (uncoated)
Build the circuit as shown.
Listed below are items that you will place across the terminals one at a time to determine if they are conductors (allow electricity
to flow) or insulators (prevents the flow of electricity). Use the jumper wire shown to bridge the gap when testing small items
such as a penny. First predict which materials are conductors or insulators by filling in the blue column in the table below.
To make sure the circuit is
working properly, place a paper
clip across the opening between
the two 2 snap wires as shown
here. The LED should light up.
When you place the paper clip
across the terminals as shown,
current flows from the batteries
through the resistor, then the
LED, then back to the batteries.
The paper clip completes the
Test each item and write the result (conductor or insulator) in the green column.
What do all conductors have in common? They allow electricity to flow.
List 2 examples of uses for conductors. Connecting lights. Making switches.
Which materials are good insulators? Chalk, Rubber, Plastic, Cardboard, String,
List 2 examples of insulators used in everyday life. Plastic cover on electrical wires. Air separating electrical components &
Activity 8
Conduction Detector
Materials List
1 3-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Lamp (L1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
Build the circuit as shown.
You can send a message to your partner using Morse code shown in the box above. At first you should only use the letters from
a to z and the numbers. Morse code is a series of dots and dashes representing the letters of the alphabet. A telegraph sends
messages with sound signals. Your sender uses light instead. If you only hold down the press switch for a short time, you get a
"dot". If you hold the switch down for a longer time you get a "dash".
Using the code, write a sentence to send to your partner. Remember to pause between words. Since your partner is new to
decoding Morse code, try to send your message slowly so your partner has time to write it down. After your partner decodes
your message, your partner will write a message to send to you to decode.
How does a telegraph work? A telegraph sends messages with sound signals. across a wire.
How is your telegraph similar to an actual telegraph? They both open and close a switch to send a message.
How is it different? It sends messages with light signals.
Why were telegraphs important in the past? It was the only way for people to communicate over long distance.
Why are telegraphs less important today? Most devices are wireless.
Name two devices used for communication over great distances. Radio and Satellite.
Since December 2003, Morse Code has included the @ symbol: it is a
combination of a and c: o--o-o and is the first change to the system
since before World War II.
Activity 9
Morse Code
Build the circuit as shown. Place the motor
(M1) with the “+” side on the left.
Close the slide switch. Allow the motor to
run until it reaches maximum speed, then
open the slide switch to turn off the
current. Be careful not to look directly
down on the fan when it is spinning.
What happens? The fan flys up.
Why do you think this happened? As the motor slows enough the fan disconnects from the motor top and flys off.
Note that the polarity of the motor is
reversed. The positive terminal of the
battery is connected to the negative
terminal of the motor.
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 3-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Motor (M1) and Fan Blade
1 Press Switch (S2)
Build the circuit and slide the switch (S1) to
on. Compare this circuit to activity 10.
What does the lamp do to the motor in the circuit? The lamp slows the motor down.
When the motor has reached maximum speed, slide the switch off. What happens? The motor stops spinning and the fan
doesnt fly off.
Is this a series circuit or parallel circuit? Series circuit.
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Lamp (L1)
1 Motor (M1) and Fan Blade
1 Slide Switch (S1)
Activity 10
Flying Saucer
Activity 11
Decreasing Lift
Materials List
2 3-Snap Wires
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Lamp (L1)
1 Motor (M1) and Fan Blade
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
What is the path of the current through this circuit when only the slide switch is closed? The current flow through the motor and
What happens when you close the press switch? The S2 switch shorts out the lamp, turinng it off.
Is this a series or parallel circuit? Series
What is the purpose of the lamp in this circuit? The lamp adds resistance to the circuit rand reduces the amount off electricity
flowing so the motor spins slower.
If you have a multiple speed fan at home, how can you increase or decrease the speed? Change its control switch setting for
faster or slower.
Build the circuit shown
on the left. Place the
motor (M1) with the “+”
side as shown.
Activity 12
Two-Speed Fan
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
2 3-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 100 Ohm Resistor (R1)
1 LED (D1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
1 Speaker (SP)
1 Music Integrated Circuit (U1)
1 Red Jumper Wire
Build the circuit as shown. Use the circuit diagram symbols to draw the circuit here.
When you close the slide switch, what happens? The song plays once and then stops.
To simulate a doorbell, push the button on the press switch.
Do you need to hold the button down to keep the music playing? No, it plays once and stops.
What kinds of toys do you think could have integrated sound circuits? Cars, handheld video games, dolls.
Activity 13
Musical Doorbell
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 3-Snap Wire
1 4-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
1 Speaker (SP)
1 Music Integrated Circuit (U1)
Build the circuit as shown.
When you close the slide switch, the music integrated circuit should play one song and then stop.
Is this louder or softer than the music in activity 13? Louder Why? The R1 resistor is not used.
How are the circuits in activity 13 and 14 different? The music IC continues to play if S2 is pressed.
What happens when you hold the press switch down? The musics plays.
What happens when you release the press switch? The music stops.
What can you do to keep the song playing?
Hold the press switch down.
Replace the press switch with a 3-snap or jumper wire.
Activity 14
Musical Alarm
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
2 3-Snap Wires
1 4-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
1 Speaker (SP)
1 Music Integrated Circuit (U1)
Build the circuit as shown.
Use the circuit diagram symbols to draw the circuit here.
What happens when you push the press switch? The music plays.
How can you change the length of time the Song & LED stay on? Yes, it depends how long you press the switch down .
Are the LED and Speaker connected in series or in parallel? They are connected in series.
Activity 15
Happy Birthday with Light
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 3-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Motor (M1) with Fan Blade
1 Press Switch (S2)
1 Printed disc cutout
Describe what you see when the press switch is pushed.
The lines form four colored circles.
Is this a series or parallel circuit? It is a series circuit.
Build the circuit as shown. Place the
motor (M1) with the “+” side on the right.
Cut out the disc.
Using Scotch tape, attach the disc to the
fan blade with the printed side up.
Place the fan blade and disc on the
Now, turn off the lights and shine a flashlight on the spinning disc. Release the press switch. How does the disc look under
flashlight light?
Normal house lights blink at a rate of 30 times a second. How is this different from the flashlight? The flashlight uses DC current
so it doesnt blink. In direct current (DC) the electric charge (current) only flows in one direction. House lights use AC current.
The electric charge in alternating current (AC) changes direction periodically.
Use the circuit from activity 16. Place the circuit under a normal house light.
Start the disc spinning and release the press switch.
What do you notice happening with the disc? ____________________________
Cut this out from page 46
Activity 16
Spinning Rings
Activity 17
Strobe the House Lights
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 3-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Electromagnet (M3)
1 Iron Core Rod
1 Press Switch (S2)
1 Paperclip (uncoated)
Build the circuit as shown, and place the iron core rod in the electromagnet (M3). Push the switch (S2) and touch the paper clip
to the iron core rod in the electromagnet. Let go off the paper clip so only the magnet holds the paper clip in place. Release the
switch (S2) to stop the flow of current.
What happens to the paper clip when the current is turned off? It falls off.
How is an electromagnet like a permanent magnet? They both have a magnetic field.
How is an electromagnet different than a permanent magnet? An magnetic field in a electromagnet is created using an electric
current -- created by electricity.
How are electromagnets used in real life? They are used in motors, speakers, hard disk drives and generators.
Current flowing in a wire creates a magnetic field around the wire. The field is increased when the wire is made into a coil. If a
piece of iron, such as a nail or rod, is inserted into the coil it makes the magnetic field stronger.
Activity 18
The Electromagnet
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
2 3-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 100 Ohm Resistor (R1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
Use the table on the right to determine what happens for each combination.
Enter under the heading "D1" the words "ON" or "OFF" for each switch
Position shown on the left. This table is called a "Truth Table".
What do you think the name of a circuit with the same truth table would be called?
______ AND Gate X OR Gate ______ NOT Circuit _______ IF Gate
This logic is no good for a two way light switch because once one switch is closed the other has no affect on the light. Where
would this type of logic be useful in the home? Think about home protection from people that might want to break into your
Optional activities related to computers and electronic logic.
Build the circuit shown on the left.
What are the three positions of the
switches that make the LED light up?
Think of all the possible switch
S1 S2 D1
Activity 19
This OR That OR Both
Materials List
1 3-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 100 Ohm Resistor (R1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
Build the circuit as shown. What do you have to do to make the LED light up? Use the Truth Table to help you with your
answer. Turn both switches on.
Is this a series or parallel circuit? Series
Combinations of Logic Circuits and electronic switches are used to add and multiply numbers together in modern computers.
The computer circuits are made of tiny transistors in massive integrated circuits. The integrated circuit shown below has been
enlarged many times to show you the circuits. It's actual size is smaller than the head of a pin.
S1 S2 D1
Activity 20
This AND That
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
2 3-Snap Wires
1 5-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
1 Speaker (SP)
1 Music Integrated Circuit (U1)
Build the circuit as shown. What do you need to do to turn on the music? You need to turn S1 on and press switch S2.
This concept is important in computer logic. If condition X AND condition Y are true, then execute instruction Z.
Let condition X = S1 is ON
Let condition Y = S2 is ON TRUTH TABLE
Let instruction Z = Play Music S1 S2 SP
Activity 21
Music AND Gate
Materials List
1 2-Snap Wires
1 4-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 100 Ohm Resistor (R1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
Which combination makes the LED go on? Both switches must be off.
This is called a NOR circuit, which is short for NOT this OR that. Like the OR and AND, it is an important building block in
computers.Compare the TRUTH TABLES for the OR and the NOR. What do you notice about the D1 Column?
The D1 results for the OR gate is opposite the NOR gate
Build the circuit as shown.
Test the combinations of the slide switch
and press switch.
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 3-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 100 Ohm Resistor (R1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
Compare your observations with the AND circuit in activity 22. The D1 results are opposite the AND gate in project 22.
NAND stands for NOT this AND that. This is another important building block in computers.
Build the circuit as shown.
Test the combinations of the slide
switch and press switch.
S1 S2 D1
S1 S2 D1
Activity 22
Neither This NOR That
Activity 23
NOT This AND That
Materials List
Build the circuit as shown. Place it where there will be no room light hitting the photoresistor (RP), such as under a piece of
paper, or under the table. Turn on the switch.
What happened? The light turns on and you may hear some noise if enough light shines on the photorestor (RP).
Take a small mirror and hold it over the lamp and photoresistor (RP). Try and reflect the light from the bulb into the top RP hole.
What happened? The speaker sounds.
You have made a reflection detector.
What happens as more light is reflected onto the photoresistor? The sound is louder. The photoresistor (RP) is a light-
sensitive resistor, its value changes from nearly infinite in total darkness to about 1000
when a bright light shines on it.
Use a white card or piece of paper to reflect light instead of the mirror. What do you think will happen?
The sound is not as loud and may turn off.
Try the card as a reflector. What happened? The sound turns off because paper reflects less light than a mirror.
Optional extension activities.
Activity 24
Reflection Detector
2 2-Snap Wires
2 3-Snap Wires
1 4-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
Lamp Socket (L1) with Bulb
1 Photoresistor (RP)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Speaker (SP)
Music Integrated Circuit (U1)
1 Small mirror
Cut the math disc and paper pointer from page 46.
Attach the math disc to the fan blade.
Bend and attach the pointer to the speaker so it sticks up over the
math disc as shown above.
Each player uses a pencil and paper to keep score on a sheet of paper or note pad. Start with all of the players at zero score.
Each player gets a turn to press the switch, which will cause the disc to spin. Release the press switch. When the disc stops
turning the paper pointer will be pointing to a wedge with a number on it. In each game below first player to reach or exceed 100
SIMPLE MATH: Add number to your score and the turn moves to the next player.
EASY MATH: Add white and blue numbers to your score but subtract red numbers from your score. Turn ends
MIDDLE MATH: Add white, subtract red, multiply score by blue. Turn ends.
ADVANCED MATH: Add white, multiply by red, divide score by blue. Only keep two decimal places.
If the pointer is pointing to a line instead of a wedge of color, add 9 to your score and spin again.
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
2 3-Snap Wire
1 4-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Motor (M1) and Fan Blade
1 Press Switch (S2)
1 Speaker (SP)
1 Math disc cutout
1 Paper pointer cutout
Build the circuit as shown. Place
the motor (M1) with the “+” side on
the right. POINTER
Cut these out from page 46
Activity 25
Math Game
Materials List
1 2-Snap Wire
2 3-Snap Wires
1 4-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 NPN Transistor (Q2)
1 100K Ohm Resistor (R5)
1 Photoresistor (RP)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
Build the circuit as shown. Cover the RP Photo Resistor with a piece of paper. Turn the switch on. What happened?
The LED turns on.
Remove the paper over RP and place the unit in the light. What happens? The LED is very dim or may turn off.
Place the circuit in a dark room. What happens? The LED turns on bright.
Turn on the room light. What Happens? The LED is very dim or may turn off.
Is this circuit similar to an automatic night light? Yes.
Activity 26
LED Night Light
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 4-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 NPN Transistor (Q2)
1 100K Ohm Resistor (R5)
1 Motor (M1) and Fan Blade
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Press Switch (S2)
Build the circuit as shown. Place the motor (M1) with the “+” side to the left.
Turn the S1 slide switch on.
Is the LED on? No Is the motor running? No
Push the S2 Push Button Switch.
Is the LED on? Yes Is the motor running? Yes
Remove the motor and repeat the experiment. Does the LED act differently? Explain The LED is not as bright. Removing the
motor changes the resistance, so the current at the base of the transistor is less.
Activity 27
Motor Running LED
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
1 4-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 NPN Transistor (Q2)
1 100K Ohm Resistor (R5)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
Build the circuit as shown.
Turn on the switch (S1). Does the LED (D1) glow? Yes Use the symbols to draw the circuit here.
Adjust the light on the photoresistor (RP) by covering with your hand. What happens?
The LED turns off.
Activity 28
Light Activator
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
2 3-Snap Wires
1 4-Snap Wire
1 5-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 LED (D1)
1 Motor (M1) with Fan Blade
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Speaker (SP)
1 Music Integrated Circuit (U1)
Build the circuit as shown, with the “+” side of the motor (M1) on top. Turn on the slide switch. What happens?
The speaker sounds, LED lights and the fan spins.
When the sound stops, what happens? The LED and motor turn off.
Are the sound, light, and motion circuits connected in series or parallel? Parallel
What happens when you remove the 4 snap wire on level 3 and why? Only the speaker sounds.
Explain what you think are the functions of the various components in this circuit.
Music IC (U1) - converts electrical energy to Music.
Motor (M1) - converts electrical energy into kinetic energy (motion).
Slide switch (S1) - allows current to flow only when it is closed (ON) position.
Batteries (B1) - produce an electrical voltage using a chemical reaction.
LED (D1) - converts electricity into light.
Speaker (SP) - converts electrical energy into sound.
Snap wires - pass current from one part of the circuit to another.
Activity 29
Sounds, Light, and Motion
Materials List
2 2-Snap Wires
2 3-Snap Wires
1 5-Snap Wire
1 6-Snap Wire
1 Battery Holder (B1)
1 Slide Switch (S1)
1 Speaker (SP)
1 Music Integrated Circuit (U1)
1 Black Jumper Wire
1 Red Jumper Wire
1 Small cup of water
1 Teaspoon of table salt
Build the circuit as shown, but leave the jumper wires out of the cup of water. Turn on the switch. What happens?
The music IC is not connected to power so there no sound or light.
Place the ends of the jumper wires in the cup of water. Now what happens? The speaker sounds and the LED lights.
If the alarm did not sound, add 1 teaspoon of table salt to the water. Place the ends of the jumper wires in the salt water. What
The speaker sounds and the LED lights.
Try holding the ends of the jumper wires with your fingers. Does your body set off the alarm? No, your body has too much
Are you a conductor or insulator for this circuit that uses only 3 volts? You are an insulator.
Activity 30
Simple Water Alarm
For Snap Circuits®Electricity 101
Atoms - the building blocks of matter. Atoms are composed of smaller particles, neutrons with no charge,
protons with a positive charge, and electrons with a negative charge. The neutrons and protons make up the
nucleus of the atom and the electrons zip around the nucleus.
Circuit - a series of wires or electric devices that form a closed path for the flow of electricity. You are not able to
see current moving through a circuit, but you can see the effects when a bulb lights or a motor spins. A circuit
needs a source of electric energy traveling through it to operate electric devices.
Computer - an electronic device that stores, processes, and receives information in the form of ones and zeroes.
Conductors - materials such as metals with loosely held electrons in their atoms. The electrons are able to move from atom
to atom fairly easily. The flow of electrons through a conductor is called electric current. All metals are conductors. Some non-
metals such as graphite (a form of carbon) are also conductors.
Current - a measure of how fast electrical energy is flowing through a circuit.
Diode - a device which allows electric current to flow in only
one direction.
Dry cell - electrochemical cell usually made with a zinc can, a carbon rod, and a
chemical paste. A cell has a positive and negative terminal. The dry cell converts
chemical energy into electrical energy. If the terminals are connected to a wire,
direct current will flow until the chemicals are used up and the dry cell is dead.
Most people refer to dry cells as batteries.
Electricity - moving electrons produce electric current. Electricity and magnetism are closely related. Electricity can be
produced by a moving magnet. Electricity moving through a wire creates a magnetic field around the wire. Electric current can
be direct (DC) or alternating (AC). Batteries produce direct current. The electricity in your house is alternating current.
Electromagnet - a large coil of wire, which acts like a magnet when a current flows through it. Placing an iron bar inside
increases the magnetic effects.
Electronics - the use of electrons to control, communicate or process information. An electronic signal is a varying electric
current. The parts in electronic circuits change the flow of electricity. Some slow the flow down, others speed up the flow.
Energy - Energy can change from one form to another. Electrical energy can be
changed to mechanical energy, energy of movement, when current is run through a
motor. It can be changed to heat and light when current runs through a lamp.
Insulators - materials which do not allow electric current to flow through them
under normal conditions. Examples are glass, rubber, and plastic.
Integrated circuit - a circuit that has been made on a
small semiconductor chip (silicon). It has many diodes,
transistors and resistors which are very tiny. In this kit
you have a blue music integrated circuit U1.
Lamp- In your kit a lamp is a small light bulb which screws into the lamp socket. The lamp
has a filament of wire inside which glows when an electric current flows through it.
LED - Light Emitting Diode. A diode allows electricity to flow in only one direction, and only if
the voltage exceeds a turn-on threshold. LEDs have a semiconductor inside, a material which only
allows some electricity to flow. LEDs only need a small amount of electricity to light up so they are put
in a circuit with a transistor. Many electronic devices use LEDs as indicator lights. They are often
seen on CD players, televisions, and radios.
Motor - a device which converts electricity into mechanical motion. Electricity is closely related to magnetism, and an electric
current flowing in a wire has a magnetic field similar to that of a very, very tiny magnet. Inside the motor is three coils of wire
with many loops. If a large electric current flows through the loops the magnetic effects become concentrated enough to move
the coils. The motor has a magnet on a shaft so, as the electricity moves coils to align them with the permanent magnet, the
shaft spins.
Parallel circuit - a circuit with a number of separate paths for electricity to flow through.
Resistance - anything that opposes the flow of electricity in a circuit. The wires in a circuit provide some resistance, as do
lamps, motors, speakers, LEDs, transistors, and integrated circuits. It is expressed in ohms.
Semiconductor - a material, usually silicon, which only lets some electrons flow through it.
Series circuit - a circuit with only one path for electricity to flow through. All of the parts in a series
circuit are connected one after the other. The light bulbs in a series circuit become dim as more lights are
added. When resistance increases, current decreases.
Terminals - the point where connections are made to an electrical device. For example, a
dry cell has two terminals. One is positive and the other is negative.
Transistor - a device which either amplifies an electronic signal, or switches current on and off. Transistors found
in computers and most electronic devices act as switches. One computer chip can hold millions of transistors.
Voltage - a measure of how strong an electric charge between materials is. It can be thought of as the electrical
pressure pushing electric current through a circuit. It is expressed in volts.
End of Unit Test for Snap Circuits®Electricity 101
Name___________________________________ Date_____________________
1. Look at the four circuit diagrams.
A. Which bulbs will light up? B,C,D
B. What could you do to repair this circuit? Replace the 2-snap wire with a 3-snap wire.
C. What could you do to repair this circuit? Remove the 3-snap wire.
D. What could you do to repair this circuit? Remove the 3-snap wire on the right.
2. What is a circuit?
A series of wires or electric devices that form a closed path for the flow of electricity.
3. What does a switch do in a circuit?
Allows current to flow only when it is in the closed (on) position.
4. What is the function of the battery in a circuit?
Batteries supply electrical energy to the circuit.
5. In a series circuit with a motor and a lamp will the motor spin faster with or without the lamp?
The motor will spin faster since there less resistance.
6. Label each of the following items as a conductor or an insulator.
Material Conductor or Insulator
Steel nail Conductor
Brass fastener Conductor
Piece of chalk Insulator
Plastic straw Insulator
Penny coin Conductor
Strip of aluminum foil Conductor
Material Conductor or Insulator
Pencil lead Conductor
Rubber eraser Insulator
Cardboard strip Insulator
Wooden craft stick Insulator
String Insulator
Coated paper clip Insulator
7. What do all of the conductors have in common? Allow electric current can pass easily.
8. List two uses for insulators in everyday life. Glass, rubber
9. Label the following four circuits as series or parallel.
A. Parallel B. Series C. Parallel D. Series
10. If a lamp and a motor are in the same series circuit, how does the resistance of the motor affect the brightness of the lamp?
Increasing the resistance the current goes down so the lamp is not as bright.
11. Draw a picture of a light operated Morse code sending circuit.
12. List 3 uses for electricity in your life.
a. House lights
b. Cell phone
c. Air conditioner
Page 22 for
Activity 16
Page 29 for
Activity 25
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