SOAP Web Service Integration Guide


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PAYE Modernisation
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
Audience ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Document context ................................................................................................................................. 3
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Calling the Services ............................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Namespaces, Schemas and Locations ............................................................................................ 5
2.1.1 Lookup Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN) Web Service ...................................................... 5
2.1.2 New RPN Web Service ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1.3 Payroll Submission Web Service ............................................................................................. 5
2.1.4 Check Payroll Submission Web Service .................................................................................. 6
2.1.5 Check Payroll Run Web Service .............................................................................................. 6
2.2. Digital Signatures ............................................................................................................................ 6
3. Interpreting the Responses.................................................................................................... 7
4. Digital Signatures .................................................................................................................... 9
5. Example Messages ................................................................................................................ 11
Appendix A Extracting from a .p12 File ..................................................................................... 12
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
1.0 Release Candidate 2
Version Date
Version History
Change Description
Document published.
Audience and Document Context
sections added.
Document links sources changed
4.2.2 Timestamp
Added "maximum time" line
1.0 Release
Version updated to 1.0 Release
Candidate 2
Document References
Document Link
1. Documents Homepage
Documents Homepage
This document is for any software provider who has chosen to build or update their products to allow
for PAYE Modernisation.
Document context
This document provides a technical overview of how to integrate with Revenue’s SOAP web services
including how to sign requests validly. This document is designed to be read in conjunction with the four
SOAP/XML example files as well as the rest of the Revenue Commissioners’ PAYE Modernisation
documentation suite including the relevant technical documents.
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
1. Introduction
This document details the XML PAYE Modernisation web services specification for the following web
Lookup Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN) web service
New RPN web service
Payroll Submission web service
Check Payroll Submission web service
Check Payroll Run web service
The Documents Homepage specified in Document References is the home to all technical
documentation, specification, and examples for the above web services which has been made available
to enable payroll software developers’ to update their software packages to be compatible with PAYE
reporting obligations from January 2019. Path locations specified in this document are relative to this
This document assumes familiarity with the XML web services above. A full description of each of these
can be found in the Web Service Overview Document under ‘PAYE Web Service Examples’ on the
Documents Homepage. The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) files for the above web services
can be found under ‘PAYE Web Service Specifications’.
WSDL is a W3C standard for describing web services. Further details of each web service can be found in
the supporting WSDL file. Each file references the necessary schemas and indicates the URL where the
services may be accessed. The URL for each web service will use the HTTPS protocol to ensure the
privacy of all communication between ROS and the web service client.
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
2. Calling the Services
The web services for the PAYE Modernisation messages are described through WSDL files and the
schema for each message.
Further details of the web services can be found in the published PAYE Modernisation WSDL files.
The WSDL, SOAP and WS Security version specifications we are following include:
WSDL 1.2: WSDL 1.2
SOAP 1.2: SOAP 1.2
WS Security 1.1.1: WS Security 1.1.1
2.1. Namespaces, Schemas and Locations
The PAYE Modernisation web services use namespaces which are detailed below.
2.1.1 Lookup Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN) Web Service
The namespace defining all elements related to this web service is outlined in the following table:
2.1.2 New RPN Web Service
The namespace defining all elements related to this web service is outlined in the following table:
2.1.3 Payroll Submission Web Service
The namespace defining all elements related to this web service is outlined in the following table:
Relative Location
Lookup RPN Web
Lookup RPN Request &
Response Schema
Relative Location
New RPN Web Service
New RPN Request &
Response Schema
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
2.1.4 Check Payroll Submission Web Service
The namespace defining all elements related to this web service is outlined in the following table:
2.1.5 Check Payroll Run Web Service
The namespace defining all elements related to this web service is outlined in the following table:
2.2. Digital Signatures
The PAYE Modernisation web services will require a digital signature. This will be the digital signature of
the declarant.
Relative Location
Payroll Submission
Web Service
Payroll Submission
Request & Response
Relative Location
Check Payroll
Submission Web
Check Payroll
Submission Request &
Response Schema
Relative Location
Check Payroll Run Web
Check Payroll Run
Request & Response
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
3. Interpreting the Responses
Each web service will return a response message to the client as outlined below.
3.1. Validation Errors
3.1.1 SOAP Faults
When a request is made to a PAYE Modernisation web service three checks are carried out before any
processing can occur. These include:
1. Authentication
2. Authorisation
3. Schema validation
The message is first checked that it is signed with a valid digital signature, the credentials are authorised
and then the message is validated against the schema.
If there is any errors encountered carrying out the above processes then a SOAP fault with a HTTP status
code of 500 adhering to will be returned to
the client. The fault string will provide more information on the details of the problem. Where a SOAP
fault is returned to the client, no processing will occur for that message.
3.1.2 Line Item Validation
Once the message passes schema validation, authentication, and authorisation then lower level line
item validation is carried out on the following requests:
Lookup RPN
Payroll Submission Request
A successful response is sent back to the client detailing any validation errors that occurred on the
request, if any. The code i.e. the technical error code used for mapping to the error message, the path
to the error in the schema and the description of the error is detailed in the response.
A list of all validation rules carried out for each request can be found in the Validation Rules document
on the Documents Homepage under ‘Supporting Documentation’.
3.2. Lookup Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN) Web Service
The Employer’s Lookup RPN Response will return the most up to date RPN details for those employees
listed in the request who have an RPN associated with the employer. The employees who do not have
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
an RPN associated with the employer are returned in the response with no RPN details. A New RPN
needs to be requested for these employees using the New RPN Request Web Service.
A list of validation errors (if any) on the Lookup RPN Request is also included in the response. Please
refer back to Section 3.1 for more information on Validation Errors.
3.3. New RPN Web Service
The Employer’s New RPN response will return new RPN details for the employees requested. PPSN and
Employment ID of employees are returned with no RPN details where new RPN details could not be
A list of validation errors (if any) on the New RPN Request is also included in the response.
3.4. Payroll Submission Web Service
The Payroll Submission response returns an acknowledgement status for the Employer’s PAYE Payroll
Submission Request.
If validation failed a list of the Submission validation errors are returned in this response.
3.5. Check Payroll Submission Web Service
Check Payroll Submission will return the current status of an employer’s PAYE payroll submission. The
possible status values are Pending or Completed.
If the status is completed, the response includes summary totals of valid payslips. If the status is
pending the response does not contain any summary totals. Validation errors for any invalid payslips are
listed as well as any validation errors on the Check Payroll Submission Request. Invalid payslips are not
saved therefore their amounts do not feed into the employer liability.
3.6. Check Payroll Run Web Service
Check Payroll Run will return the current status of an Employer’s PAYE payroll run. The possible status
values are Pending or Processed. If any submissions making up the payroll run are at a status of Pending
then the status of the payroll run response will also be at Pending.
If the status is Processed the response includes a list of submissions that make up the payroll run and
includes summary details of all processed submissions.
A list of validation errors (if any) on the Check Payroll Run Request is also included in the response.
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
4. Digital Signatures
Any ROS web service request that either returns confidential information or accepts submission of
information must be digitally signed. This must be done using a digital certificate that has been
previously retrieved from ROS.
The digital signature must be applied to the message in accordance with the WS-Security specification
as specified in Section 4.1.
The digital signature ensures the integrity of the document. By signing the document we can ensure
that no malicious intruder has altered the document in any way. It can also be used for non-repudiation
If a valid digital signature is not attached, a SOAP Fault will be returned. The fault string will provide
more information on the details of the problem.
4.1. Namespaces
The valid approach for this is using Oasis standards:
The WS-Security namespace should be:
The WSU namespace should be:
All Id references should now be of the form wsu:Id e.g. <x:myElement wsu:Id=”ID1”
xmlns=”…” xmlns:wsu=”…”/>
The XML Digital Signature namespace should be:
4.2. Security
The security header contains three elements:
1. The Binary Security Token
2. The Timestamp
3. The Signature.
4.2.1 Binary Security Token
The X509 certificate used to sign the message should be included in the message as a Base64 encoded
BinarySecurityToken element (Envelope/Header/Security/BinarySecurityToken).
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
The EncodingType attribute of the BinarySecurityToken should have a value of http://docs.oasis-
The ValueType attribute should have a value of
4.2.2 Timestamp
The timestamp element (Envelope/Header/Security/Timestamp) must contain:
1. The Created date
2. The Expired date.
Both dates must conform to the following Oasis standard:
SOAPMessageSecurity.htm#_Toc118717167 and the expired date must be after the created date.
For SOAP requests the maximum time between timestamp creation and expiration is 60 seconds.
Please see sample Payroll Submission Valid Request Example.
4.2.3 Signature
This is the signature that is calculated using your ROS digital certificates private key. The signature
contains three elements:
1. The SignedInfo element
2. The SignatureValue element
3. The KeyInfo element. SignedInfo
The SignedInfo element contains a CanonicalizationMethod, SignatureMethod and two Reference
XML Canonicalization is used to format the XML before calculating the digest values. The SHA1
algorithm is used for signing the message.
Canonicalization: The Canonicalization Algorithm should be XML-EXC-C14N (Exclusive Canonicalization)
- Canonicalization Algorithm
Signature Algorithm: The Signature Algorithm should be SHA512withRSA -
This type of message is known as a detached signature.
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
Oasis Standards References: There must be two Reference elements
(Envelope/Header/Security/Signature/SignedInfo/Reference) in the SignedInfo
One Reference element should correspond to the signed Body element within the message. The
Reference corresponding to the Body should have an id attribute whose value is the same as
the Id attribute of the SOAP <body> element.
The other Reference corresponds to the Timestamp. The Reference corresponding to the
Timestamp should have an id attribute whose value is the same as the Id attribute of the SOAP
<Timestamp> element.
Both References should have a single transform Exclusive Canonicalization (see the URI above). The
Digest Algorithm should be SHA512 - SignatureValue
For the SignatureValue (Envelope/Header/Security/Signature/SignatureValue)
extract the private key from the .p12 file. Please see Appendix A Extracting from a .p12 File for
instructions on how to do this. KeyInfo
The KeyInfo contains a SecurityTokenReference element which contains a Reference corresponding to
the BinarySecurityToken from Section 4.2.1
The URI attribute of the Reference should reference the Id attribute of the BinarySecurityToken
element. For example, if the Id attribute of the BinarySecurityToken is “X509Token”, the URI attribute of
the Reference subelement should be “#X509Token”.
5. Example Messages
There is an adjoining Zip file containing SOAP XML examples that have been discussed in this document.
Monetary figures in all examples are for illustrative purposes only.
SOAP Web Service Integration Guide
Appendix A – Extracting from a .p12 File
Each customer of ROS will have a digital certificate and private key stored in an industry standard
PKCS#12 file.
In order to create a digital signature, the private key of the customer must be accessed. A password is
required to retrieve the private key from the P12 file. This password can be obtained by prompting the
user for their password.
The password on the P12 is not the same as the password entered by the customer. It is in fact the MD5
hash of that password, followed by the Base64-encoding of the resultant bytes.
To calculate the hashed password, follow these steps:
1. First get the bytes of the original password, assuming a "Latin-1" encoding. For the password
"Baltimore1," these bytes are: 66 97 108 116 105 109 111 114 101 49 44 (i.e. the value of "B" is
66, "a" is 97, etc.).
2. Then get the MD5 hash of these bytes. MD5 is a standard, public algorithm. Once again, for the
password "Baltimore1," these bytes work out as: 223 238 161 24 62 121 39 143 115 167 51 163
245 231 226 94.
3. Finally, create the new password by Base64-encoding the bytes from the previous step. For
example, the password, "Baltimore1," this is “3+6hGD55J49zpzOj9efiXg==”.
This new password can then be used to open a standard ROS P12 file.

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