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An Introduction to Mathematical
Solution Manual
Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, Joseph H. Silverman
°2008 by J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J.H. Silverman
July 31, 2008
Chapter 1
An Introduction to
Exercises for Chapter 1
Section. Simple substitution ciphers
1.1. Build a cipher wheel as illustrated in Figure 1.1, but with an inner wheel
that rotates, and use it to complete the following tasks. (For your convenience,
there is a cipher wheel that you can print and cut out at www.math.brown.
(a) Encrypt the following plaintext using a rotation of 11 clockwise.
“A page of history is worth a volume of logic.”
(b) Decrypt the following message, which was encrypted with a rotation of 7
(c) Decrypt the following message, which was encrypted by rotating 1 clock-
wise for the first letter, then 2 clockwise for the second letter, etc.
Solution to Exercise 1.1.
(a) apageofhistoryisworthavolumeoflogic
This quote is in a court decision of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1921).
(b) therearenosecretsbetterthanthesecretsthateverybodyguesses
There are no secrets better than the secrets that everybody
This quote is due to George Bernard Shaw, Mrs. Warren’s Profession (1893)
2 Exercises for Chapter 1
(c) whenangrycounttenbeforeyouspeakifveryangryanhundred
When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, an hundred.
This quote is due to Thomas Jefferson, A Decalogue of Canons. . . (1825).
1.2. Decrypt each of the following Caesar encryptions by trying the various
possible shifts until you obtain readable text.
Solution to Exercise 1.2.
(a) ithinkthatishallneverseeabillboardlovelyasatree
I think that I shall never see, a billboard lovely as a tree.
This quote is due to Ogden Nash, Many Long Years Ago (1945), Song of the
Open Road.
(b) loveisnotlovewhichalterswhenitalterationfinds
Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.
This quote is due to William Shakespeare, Sonnet 116.
(c) inbaitingamousetrapwithcheesealwaysleaveroomforthemouse
In baiting a mousetrap with cheese, always leave room for the
This quote is due to H.H. Munro (Saki), The Square Egg (1924).
1.3. For this exercise, use the simple substitution table given in Table 1.11.
(a) Encrypt the plaintext message
The gold is hidden in the garden.
(b) Make a decryption table, that is, make a table in which the ciphertext
alphabet is in order from Ato Zand the plaintext alphabet is mixed up.
(c) Use your decryption table from (b) to decrypt the following message.
Solution to Exercise 1.3.
Exercises for Chapter 1 3
Table 1.1: Simple substitution encryption table for exercise 1.3
Breaking it into five letter blocks gives the ciphertext
Putting in word breaks gives the plaintext
The secret password is swordfish.
1.4. Each of the following messages has been encrypted using a simple sub-
stitution cipher. Decrypt them. For your convenience, we have given you a
frequency table and a list of the most common bigrams that appear in the
ciphertext. (If you do not want to recopy the ciphertexts by hand, they can
be downloaded or printed from the web site listed in the preface.)
(a) “A Piratical Treasure”
The ciphertext contains 316 letters. Here is a frequency table:
Freq 33 30 27 25 24 20 19 16 15 15 13 12 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 3 2
4 Exercises for Chapter 1
The most frequent bigrams are: JN (11 times), NR (8 times), TQ (6 times),
and LW,RB,RZ, and JL (5 times each).
(b) “A Botanical Code”
The ciphertext contains 253 letters. Here is a frequency table:
Freq 32 28 22 20 16 16 14 13 12 11 10 10 8 8 7 7 6 5 3 2 1 1 1
The most frequent bigrams are: NG and RI (7 times each), BU (6 times),
and BR (5 times).
(c) In order to make this one a bit more challenging, we have removed all
occurrences of the word “the” from the plaintext.
“A Brilliant Detective”
The ciphertext contains 313 letters. Here is a frequency table:
Freq 39 29 29 22 21 21 20 20 19 13 11 11 10 8 8 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 1
The most frequent bigrams are: XC (10 times), NV (7 times), and CS,OV,
QA, and SX (6 times each).
Solution to Exercise 1.4.
(a) The message was encrypted using the table:
The plaintext reads:
“These characters, as one might readily guess, form a cipher—that is to
say, they convey a meaning; but then, from what is known of Captain Kidd,
I could not suppose him capable of constructing any of the more abstruse
cryptographs. I made up my mind, at once, that this was of a simple species—
such, however, as would appear, to the crude intellect of the sailor, absolutely
insoluble without the key.” (The Gold-Bug, 1843, Edgar Allan Poe)
(b) The message was encrypted using the table:
Exercises for Chapter 1 5
The plaintext reads:
“I was, I think, well educated for the standard of the day. My sister and
I had a German governess. A very sentimental creature. She taught us the
language of flowers—a forgotten study nowadays, but most charming. A yellow
tulip, for instance, means Hopeless Love, while a China Aster means I die of
Jealousy at your feet.” (The Four Suspects, 1933, Agatha Christie)
(c) The message was encrypted using the table:
The plaintext reads (all occurrences of the word “the” were omitted from the
text before encryption):
I am fairly familiar with all forms of secret writing, and am myself (the)
author of a trifling monograph upon (the) subject, in which I analyze one
hundred separate ciphers, but I confess that this is entirely new to me. (The)
object of those who invented this system has apparently been to conceal that
these characters convey a message, and to give (the) idea that they are (the)
mere random sketches of children. (The Adventure of the Dancing Men, 1903,
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
1.5. Suppose that you have an alphabet of 26 letters.
(a) How many possible simple substitution ciphers are there?
(b) A letter in the alphabet is said to be fixed if the encryption of the letter
is the letter itself. How many simple substitution ciphers are there that
(i) no letters fixed?
(ii) at least one letter fixed?
(iii) exactly one letter fixed?
(iv) at least two letters fixed?
(Part (b) is quite challenging! You might try doing the problem first with an
alphabet of four or five letters to get an idea of what is going on.)
Solution to Exercise 1.5.
(a) We can assign Ato any of 26 letters, then Bto any of the remaining 25
letters, etc. So there are 26! = 403291461126605635584000000 different simple
substitution ciphers.
(b) Let S(n, k) denote the number of permutations of nelements that fix at
least kelements. You might guess that since there are ¡n
k¢ways to choose k
elements to fix and (n−k)! permutations of the remaining n−kelements,
S(n, k) = µn
k¶(n−k)! ←− Incorrect Formula.(1.1)
6 Exercises for Chapter 1
But this overcounts because any permutation fixing more than n−kele-
ments will be counted multiple times. We can, however, get a useful formula
out of this mistake by modifying it somewhat. If we let R(n, k) denote the
number of permutations of nelements that fix exactly kelements, and !(n−k)
(the subfactorial of (n−k)) denote the number of permutations of n−kele-
ments that fix no elements (such permutations are called derangements), then
the following equation holds:
R(n, k) = µn
How can we compute !n? One way would be to consider cycle decompo-
sitions of permutations of n elements, since any derangement of nelements
decomposes into a disjoint union of cycles, with the size of the cycles summing
to n. This, however, is only feasible for relatively small n. It would also be
possible to formulate a recurrence relation, but a method following that tack
would take several steps. We’ll instead use the following fact:
!n=n!−#{permutations that fix at least 1 element}.(1.3)
Now if we notice that
#{permutations that fix at least 1 element}=
#{permutations that fix element 1}
∪{permutations that fix element 2}
∪··· ∪ {permutations that fix element n}(1.4)
and use an analogue of the following formula in probability (often called the
inclusion–exclusion principle):
P(E1∪E2∪ ··· ∪ En) =
P(Ei) + X
P(Ei1∩Ei2) + . . .
+(−1)r+1 X
P(Ei1∩Ei2∩Eir) + . . .
+(−1)n+1P(E1∩E2∩ ··· ∩ En) (1.5)
we see that
#{permutations that fix element i}
#{permutations that fix elements i1and i2}+. . .
+(−1)r+1 X
#{permutations that fix elements i1,i2, . . . ir}+. . .
+(−1)n+1#{permutations that fix everything}.(1.6)
Exercises for Chapter 1 7
Given kelements, the number of permutations fixing them is (n−k)!
regardless of which kelements you fix, and there are ¡n
k¢ways to choose k
elements to fix. So the above equation becomes
1¶(n−1)! −µn
2¶(n−2)! + . . .
k¶(n−k)! + ··· + (−1)n+1(n−n)!.(1.7)
Now noticing that
k¶(n−k)! = n!
(n−k)!k!(n−k)! = n!
the formula (??) becomes
This sum is somewhat cumbersome to compute when nis large, but notice
that it resembles the series for e−1. Thus
Since the series is alternating and the terms are decreasing in magnitude, each
term is larger than the sum of the remaining terms (alternating series test).
(n+ 1)!.
Multiplying by n! and using (??) yields
n+ 1.
Hence !nis the closest integer to n!/e.
Now that we’re able to compute !n, we can compute
R(n, k) = µn
k¶!(n−k) = µn
and then we can compute S(n, k) using
S(n, k) =
R(n, j) = n!−
R(n, j).(1.10)
8 Exercises for Chapter 1
(b-i) No letters fixed is R(n, 0) =!nis the nth derangement number. For n=
26 we get
R(26,0) =!26 = b26!/ee=b148362637348470135821287824.964e
= 148362637348470135821287825.
(b-ii) At least one letter fixed is n! minus no letters fixed, so
S(n, 1) = n!−R(n, 0) = n!−!n=n!− bn!/ee.
S(26,1) = 26! − b26!/ee= 254928823778135499762712175.
(b-iii) Exactly 1 letter fixed is
R(n, 1) = n·!(n−1) = n¹(n−1)!
R(26,1) = 26 ¹25!
e¼= 148362637348470135821287824.
(b-iv) At least two letters fixed is n! minus zero or one letters fixed, so
S(n, 1) = n!−R(n, 0) −R(1,0) = n!−!n−n·!(n−1)
=n!− bn!/ee − nb(n−1)!/ee.
S(26,1) = 26! − b26!/ee − 26 · b25!/ee= 106566186429665363941424351.
Section. Divisibility and greatest common divisors
1.6. Let a, b, c ∈Z. Use the definition of divisibility to directly prove the
following properties of divisibility. (This is Proposition 1.4.)
(a) If a|band b|c, then a|c.
(b) If a|band b|a, then a=±b.
(c) If a|band a|c, then a|(b+c) and a|(b−c).
Solution to Exercise 1.6.
(a) By definition we have b=aA and c=bB for some integers Aand B.
Multiplying gives bc =aAbB, and dividing by byields c=aAB. (Note that b
is nonzero, since zero is not allowed to divide anything.) Hence cis an integer
multiple of a, so a|c.
(b) By definition we have b=aA and a=bB for some integers Aand B.
Multiplying gives ab =aAbB, and dividing by ab yields 1 = AB. (Note that a
Exercises for Chapter 1 9
and bare nonzero, since zero is not allowed to divide anything.) But the only
way for two integers to have product 1 is for A=B=±1.
(c) By definition we have b=au and c=av for some integers uand v. Then
b±c=au ±av =a(u±v),
so both b+cand b−care integer multiples of a. Hence both are divisible
by a.
1.7. Use a calculator and the method described in Remark 1.9 to compute
the following quotients and remainders.
(a) 34787 divided by 353.
(b) 238792 divided by 7843.
(c) 9829387493 divided by 873485.
(d) 1498387487 divided by 76348.
Solution to Exercise 1.7.
(a) a= 34787, b= 353, a/b = 98.54674221, q= 98, r=a−b·q= 193.
(b) a= 238792, b= 7843, a/b = 30.44651281, q= 30, r=a−b·q= 3502.
(c) a= 9829387493, b= 873485, a/b = 11253.06959249, q= 11253, r=
a−b·q= 60788.
(d) a= 1498387487, b= 76348, a/b = 19625.75950909, q= 19625, r=
a−b·q= 57987.
1.8. Use a calculator and the method described in Remark 1.9 to compute
the following remainders, without bothering to compute the associated quo-
(a) The remainder of 78745 divided by 127.
(b) The remainder of 2837647 divided by 4387.
(c) The remainder of 8739287463 divided by 18754.
(d) The remainder of 4536782793 divided by 9784537.
Solution to Exercise 1.8.
(a) a= 78745, b= 127, a/b = 620.03937008.
r≈127 ·0.03937008 ≈4.99999889,so r= 5.
(b) a= 2837647, b= 4387, a/b = 646.83086392.
r≈4387 ·0.83086392 ≈3644.99997317,so r= 3645.
(c) a= 8739287463, b= 18754, a/b = 465995.91889730.
r≈18754 ·0.91889730 ≈17232.99996420,so r= 17233.
(d) a= 4536782793, b= 9784537, a/b = 463.66862254.
r≈9784537 ·0.66862254 ≈6542161.98166398,so r= 6542162.
10 Exercises for Chapter 1
1.9. Use the Euclidean algorithm to compute the following greatest common
(a) gcd(291,252).
(b) gcd(16261,85652).
(c) gcd(139024789,93278890).
(d) gcd(16534528044,8332745927).
Solution to Exercise 1.9.
(a) gcd(291,252) = 3.
(b) gcd(16261,85652) = 161.
(c) gcd(139024789,93278890) = 1.
(d) gcd(16534528044,8332745927) = 43.
1.10. For each of the gcd(a, b) values in Exercise 1.9, use the extended
Euclidean algorithm (Theorem 1.11) to find integers uand vsuch that
au +bv = gcd(a, b).
Solution to Exercise 1.10.
(a) 291 ·13 −252 ·15 = 3
(b) 16261 ·85573 −85652 ·16246 = 161
(c) 139024789 ·6944509 −93278890 ·10350240 = 1
(d) 16534528044 ·81440996 −8332745927 ·161602003 = 43
1.11. Let aand bbe positive integers.
(a) Suppose that there are integers uand vsatisfying au +bv = 1. Prove that
gcd(a, b) = 1.
(b) Suppose that there are integers uand vsatisfying au +bv = 6. Is it nec-
essarily true that gcd(a, b) = 6? If not, give a specific counterexample,
and describe in general all of the possible values of gcd(a, b)?
(c) Suppose that (u1, v1) and (u2, v2) are two solutions in integers to the equa-
tion au +bv = 1. Prove that adivides v2−v1and that bdivides u2−u1.
(d) More generally, let g= gcd(a, b) and let (u0, v0) be a solution in integers
to au +bv =g. Prove that every other solution has the form u=u0+
kb/g and v=v0−ka/g for some integer k. (This is the second part of
Theorem 1.11.)
Solution to Exercise 1.11.
(a) Let g= gcd(a, b). Then a=gA and b=gB for some integers Aand
B. Substituting into the given equation au +bv = 1 yields
1 = au +bv =gAu +gBv =g(Au +Bv).
Thus gdivides 1, so we must have g= 1.
(c) No, au+bv = 6 does not imply gcd(a, b) = 6. For example, if gcd(a, b) = 1,
then we can solve aU +bV = 1, and multiplying this equation by 6 gives
a(6U)+b(6V) = 6. For a specific counterexample, take a= 3 and b= 2. Then
Exercises for Chapter 1 11
a·6 + b·(−6) = 6,
but gcd(a, b) = 1.
In general, if au +bv =chas a solution, then cdivides gcd(a, b). To see
this, let g= gcd(a, b) and divide cby gwith remainder, say
c=gq +rwith 0 ≤r < g.
We know that we can find a solution to g=ax +by, so we get
au +bv =c=gq +r= (ax +by)q+r.
Rearranging this yields
a(u−xq) + b(v−yq) = r.
In other words, we have a solution to aX +bY =rwith 0 ≤r < g. The
left-hand side is divisible by g. (Remember that g= gcd(a, b), so gdivides
both aand b.) Hence g|r. But the only rsatisfying 0 ≤r < g and g|ris
r= 0. Therefore c=gq, which completes the proof that gcd(a, b) divides c.
(d) We are given that
au +bv =gand au0+bv0=g.
Subtracting and rearranging yields
a(u−u0) = −b(v−v0).
Dividing both sides by ggives
g(u−u0) = −b
We observe that gcd(a/g, b/g) = 1. (To see this, we note that (a/g)u0+
(b/g)v0= 1, so (a) tells us that gcd(a/g, b/g) = 1.) Thus a/g divides (b/g)(v−
v0) and is relatively prime to (b/g), so it must divide v−v0. Hence
gxfor some integer x.
The same reasoning tells us that
gyfor some integer y.
gyand v=v0+a
Substituting into the equation a
g(u−u0) = −b
g(v−v0) from above yields
12 Exercises for Chapter 1
so y=−x. If we use the letter kinstead of the letter y, we have shown that
gkand v=v0−a
which is exactly what we were trying to prove.
1.12. The method for solving au +bv = gcd(a, b) described in Section 1.2 is
somewhat inefficient. This exercise describes a method to compute uand v
that is well suited for computer implementation. In particular, it uses very
little storage.
(a) Show that the following algorithm computes the greatest common divi-
sor gof the positive integers aand b, together with a solution (u, v) in
integers to the equation au +bv = gcd(a, b).
1. Set u= 1,g=a,x= 0, and y=b
2. If y= 0, set v= (g−au)/b and return the values (g, u, v)
3. Divide gby ywith remainder, g=qy +t, with 0≤t < y
4. Set s=u−qx
5. Set u=xand g=y
6. Set x=sand y=t
7. Go To Step (2)
(b) Implement the above algorithm on a computer using the computer lan-
guage of your choice.
(c) Use your program to compute g= gcd(a, b) and integer solutions to the
equation au +bv =gfor the following pairs (a, b).
(i) (527,1258)
(ii) (228,1056)
(iii) (163961,167181)
(iv) (3892394,239847)
(d) What happens to your program if b= 0? Fix the program so that it deals
with this case correctly.
(e) It is often useful to have a solution with u > 0. Modify your program so
that it returns a solution with u > 0 and uas small as possible. [Hint.
If (u, v) is a solution, then so is (u+b/g, v −a/g).] Redo (c) using your
modified program.
Solution to Exercise 1.12.
(a) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(b) A solution for this exercise will not be provided.
(c) and (e): (i) 527 ·43 −1258 ·18 = 17
(ii) 228 ·51 −1056 ·11 = 12
(iii) 163961 ·4517 −167181 ·4430 = 7
Exercises for Chapter 1 13
(iv) 3892394 ·59789 −239847 ·970295 = 1
(d) If b= 0, then there is a “division by zero” error in step 2. So the program
should check if b= 0, if in that case it should return (a, 1,0).
1.13. Let a1, a2, . . . , akbe integers with gcd(a1, a2, . . . , ak) = 1, i.e., the
largest positive integer dividing all of a1, . . . , akis 1. Prove that the equa-
a1u1+a2u2+··· +akuk= 1
has a solution in integers u1, u2, . . . , uk. (Hint. Repeatedly apply the extended
Euclidean algorithm, Theorem 1.11. You may find it easier to prove a more
general statement in which gcd(a1, . . . , ak) is allowed to be larger than 1.)
Solution to Exercise 1.13.
We prove more generally that for any integers a1, . . . , ak(not all zero),
there is a solution to
a1u1+a2u2+··· +akuk= gcd(a1, . . . , ak).
We give the proof using induction on k. If k= 1 there is nothing to prove,
since a1·1 = gcd(a1). For k= 2, this is already proven in the extended
Euclidean algorithm. So assume now that we know the result for fewer than k
integers, where k≥3, and we want to prove it for kintegers. By the induction
hypothesis, we can find a solution to
a1u1+a2u2+··· +ak−1uk−1= gcd(a1, . . . , ak−1).
To ease notation, we let b= gcd(a1, . . . , ak−1). We apply the extended Eu-
clidean algorithm to the two numbers band ak, which gives us a solution
bv +akw= gcd(b, ak).
Multiplying the earlier equation by vand subtituting this equation gives
a1u1v+a2u2v+··· +ak−1uk−1v= gcd(a1, . . . , ak−1)v
=bv by definition of b,
=−akw+ gcd(b, ak).
a1u1v+a2u2v+··· +ak−1uk−1v+akw= gcd(b, ak).
This completes the proof, since from the definition of gcd as the largest integer
dividing all of the listed integers, it’s clear that
gcd(b, ak) = gcd¡gcd(a1, . . . , ak−1), ak¢= gcd(a1, . . . , ak−1, ak).
Section. Modular arithmetic
14 Exercises for Chapter 1
1.14. Let m≥1 be an integer and suppose that
a1≡a2(mod m) and b1≡b2(mod m).
Prove that
a1±b1≡a2±b2(mod m) and a1·b1≡a2·b2(mod m).
(This is Proposition 1.13(a).)
Solution to Exercise 1.14.
1.15. Write out the following tables for Z/mZand (Z/mZ)∗, as we did in
Figures 1.4 and 1.5.
(a) Make addition and multiplication tables for Z/3Z.
(b) Make addition and multiplication tables for Z/6Z.
(c) Make a multiplication table for the unit group (Z/9Z)∗.
(d) Make a multiplication table for the unit group (Z/16Z)∗.
Solution to Exercise 1.15.
+ 0 1 2
0 0 1 2
1 1 2 0
2 2 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2
2 0 2 1
+ 012345
0 012345
1 123450
2 234501
3 345012
4 450123
5 501234
0 000000
1 012345
2 024024
3 030303
4 042042
5 054321
1 124578
2 248157
4 487215
5 512784
7 751842
8 875421
Exercises for Chapter 1 15
·1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
3 3 9 15 5 11 1 7 13
5 5 15 9 3 13 7 1 11
7 7 5 3 1 15 13 11 9
9 9 11 13 15 1 3 5 7
11 11 1 7 13 3 9 15 5
13 13 7 1 11 5 15 9 3
15 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1
1.16. Do the following modular computations. In each case, fill in the box
with an integer between 0 and m−1, where mis the modulus.
(a) 347 + 513 ≡(mod 763).
(b) 3274 + 1238 + 7231 + 6437 ≡(mod 9254).
(c) 153 ·287 ≡(mod 353).
(d) 357 ·862 ·193 ≡(mod 943).
(e) 5327 ·6135 ·7139 ·2187 ·5219 ·1873 ≡(mod 8157).
(Hint. After each multiplication, reduce modulo 8157 before doing the
next multiplication.)
(f) 1372≡(mod 327).
(g) 3736≡(mod 581).
(h) 233·195·114≡(mod 97).
Solution to Exercise 1.16.
(a) 347 + 513 ≡97 (mod 763).
(b) 3274 + 1238 + 7231 + 6437 ≡8926 (mod 9254).
(c) 153 ·287 ≡139 (mod 353).
(d) 357 ·862 ·193 ≡636 (mod 943).
(e) 5327 ·6135 ·7139 ·2187 ·5219 ·1873 ≡603 (mod 8157).
(f) 1372≡130 (mod 327).
(g) 3736≡463 (mod 581).
(h) 233·195·114≡93 (mod 97).
1.17. Find all values of xbetween 0 and m−1 that are solutions of the
following congruences. (Hint. If you can’t figure out a clever way to find the
solution(s), you can just substitute each value x= 1, x= 2,. . . , x=m−1
and see which ones work.)
(a) x+ 17 ≡23 (mod 37).
(b) x+ 42 ≡19 (mod 51).
(c) x2≡3 (mod 11).
(d) x2≡2 (mod 13).
(e) x2≡1 (mod 8).
16 Exercises for Chapter 1
(f) x3−x2+ 2x−2≡0 (mod 11).
(g) x≡1 (mod 5) and also x≡2 (mod 7). (Find all solutions modulo 35,
that is, find the solutions satisfying 0 ≤x≤34.)
Solution to Exercise 1.17.
(a) x≡23 −17 ≡6 (mod 37).
(b) x≡19 −42 ≡ −23 ≡28 (mod 51).
(c) The squares modulo 11 are 02≡0, 12≡1, 22≡4, 32≡9, 42≡16 ≡5,
etc. The full list is {0,1,4,9,5,3,3,5,9,4,1}. Thus 52≡2 (mod 11) and
62≡2 (mod 11), so there are two solutions, x= 5 and x= 6 .
(d) The squares modulo 13 are {0,1,4,9,3,12,10,10,12,3,9,4,1}. Thus x2≡
2 (mod 13) has no solutions .
(e) The solutions to x2≡1 (mod 8) are x= 1, x= 3, x= 5 and x= 7 .
(f) Plugging x= 0,1,2, . . . , 10 into x3−x2+ 2x−2 and reducing modulo 11,
we find the three solutions x= 1, x= 3, and x= 8 .
(g) One method is to try all values x= 0,1,2, . . . , 34. A faster method is
to list the solutions to x≡1 (mod 5), namely 1,6,11,16,21,26,31, . . . and
reduce them modulo 7 to see which ones are congruent to 2 modulo 7. Thus
working modulo 7,
1≡1,6≡6,11 ≡4,16 ≡2,21 ≡0,26 ≡5,31 ≡3.
Thus the solution is x= 16 .
1.18. Suppose that ga≡1 (mod m) and that gb≡1 (mod m). Prove that
ggcd(a,b)≡1 (mod m).
Solution to Exercise 1.18.
The extended Euclidean algorithm says that there are integers uand v
satisfying au +bv = gcd(a, b). Then
ggcd(a,b)≡gau+bv ≡(ga)u·(gb)v≡1u·1v≡1 (mod p).
1.19. Prove that if a1and a2are units modulo m, then a1a2is a unit modulo
Solution to Exercise 1.19.
By definition of unit, there are numbers b1and b2so that
a1b1≡1 (mod m) and a2b2≡1 (mod m).
(a1a2)(b1b2)≡(a1b1)(a2b2)≡1·1≡1 (mod m),
so a1a2is a unit. Its inverse is b1b2.
Exercises for Chapter 1 17
1.20. Prove that mis prime if and only if φ(m) = m−1, where φis Euler’s
phi function.
Solution to Exercise 1.20.
Suppose first that mis prime. Let kbe any number between 1 and m−1
and let d= gcd(k, m). Then d|m, so the fact that mis prime tells us that
either d= 1 or d=m. But also d|kand 1 ≤k < m, so we have d <
m. Hence d= 1. This proves that every number kbetween 1 and m−1
satisfies gcd(k, m) = 1. Hence
φ(m) = #©1≤k < m : gcd(k, m) = 1ª= #{1,2,3, . . . , m −1}=m−1.
Next suppose that φ(m) = m−1. This means that every number kbe-
tween 1 and m−1 satisfies gcd(k, m) = 1. Suppose that ddivides mand
that d6=m. Then 1 ≤d≤m−1, so gcd(d, m) = 1. But the fact that d
divides mimplies that gcd(d, m) = d. Hence d= 1. This proves that the only
divisors of mare 1 and m, so mis prime.
1.21. Let m∈Z.
(a) Suppose that mis odd. What integer between 1 and m−1 equals 2−1mod m?
(b) More generally, suppose that m≡1 (mod b). What integer between 1
and m−1 is equal to b−1mod m?
Solution to Exercise 1.21.
(a) The fact that mis odd means that m+1
2is an integer, and clearly
2·m+ 1
2=m+ 1 ≡1 (mod m).
(b) The assumption that m≡1 (mod b) means that m−1
bis an integer, so
we have
b=m−1≡ −1 (mod m).
This is almost what we want, so multiply by −1 to get
b= 1 −m≡1 (mod m).
Unfortunately, 1−m
bis negative, but we can add on multiples of mwithout
changing its value modulo m. Thus 1−m
bis an integer and
b= 1 + (b−1)m≡1 (mod m).
Hence b−1mod mis equal to 1+(b−1)m
1.22. Let mbe an odd integer and let abe any integer. Prove that 2m+a2
can never be a perfect square. (Hint. If a number is a perfect square, what
are its possible values modulo 4?)
18 Exercises for Chapter 1
Solution to Exercise 1.22.
Any number squared is either 0 or 1 modulo 4. But
2m+a2≡2 + a2≡(2 + 0 ≡2 if ais even,
2 + 1 ≡3 if ais odd.
Thus 2m+a2is either 2 or 3 modulo 4, so it can never be a perfect square.
1.23. (a) Find a single value xthat simultaneously solves the two congruences
x≡3 (mod 7) and x≡4 (mod 9).
(Hint. Note that every solution of the first congruence looks like x= 3+7y
for some y. Substitute this into the second congruence and solve for y;
then use that to get x.)
(b) Find a single value xthat simultaneously solves the two congruences
x≡13 (mod 71) and x≡41 (mod 97).
(c) Find a single value xthat simultaneously solves the three congruences
x≡4 (mod 7), x ≡5 (mod 8),and x≡11 (mod 15).
(d) Prove that if gcd(m, n) = 1, then the pair of congruences
x≡a(mod m) and x≡b(mod n)
has a solution for any choice of aand b. Also give an example to show
that the condition gcd(m, n) = 1 is necessary.
Solution to Exercise 1.23.
(a) x= 31 (b) x= 5764 (c) x= 221
(d) The solutions to the first congruence look like x=a+my for any
integer y. Substituting into the second congruence yields
a+my ≡b(mod n),
so we want to find a value of zsuch that
a+my −b=nz.
In other words, we need integers yand zsatisfying
my −nz =b−a.
We are given that gcd(m, n) = 1, so we can find integers uand vsatisfying
mu +nv = 1. Multiplying this by b−agives
mu(b−a) + nv(b−a) = b−a,
Exercises for Chapter 1 19
so we can take y=u(b−a) and z=v(b−a). Then we have x=a+my =
To summarize, we first solve mu +nv = 1 and then we take
x=a+mu(b−a) = a+ (1 −nv)(b−a) = b+nv(b−a).
The two expressions for xshow that x≡a(mod m) and x≡v(mod n).
This exercise is a special case of the Chinese remainder theorem, which is
covered in Chapter 2.
1.24. Let N,g, and Abe positive integers (note that Nneed not be
prime). Prove that the following algorithm, which is a low-storage variant
of the square-and-multiply algorithm described in Section 1.3.2, returns the
value gA(mod N). (In Step 4 we use the notation bxcto denote the greatest
integer function, i.e., round xdown to the nearest integer.)
Input. Positive integers N,g, and A.
1. Set a=gand b= 1.
2. Loop while A > 0.
3. If A≡1 (mod 2), set b=b·a(mod N).
4. Set a=a2(mod N) and A=bA/2c.
5. If A > 0, continue with loop at Step 2.
6. Return the number b, which equals gA(mod N).
Solution to Exercise 1.24.
*** fill in solution
1.25. Use the square-and-multiply algorithm described in Section 1.3.2, or the
more efficient version in Exercise 1.24, to compute the following powers.
(a) 17183 (mod 256).
(b) 2477 (mod 1000).
(c) 11507 (mod 1237).
Solution to Exercise 1.25.
(a) 183 = 1 + 2 + 22+ 24+ 25+ 27,17183 (mod 256) = 113 .
(b) 477 = 1 + 22+ 23+ 24+ 26+ 27+ 28,2477 (mod 1000) = 272
(c) 507 = 1 + 2 + 23+ 24+ 25+ 26+ 27+ 28,11507 (mod 1237) = 322 .
Section. Prime numbers, unique factorization, and finite fields
1.26. Let {p1, p2, . . . , pr}be a set of prime numbers, and let
N=p1p2···pr+ 1.
20 Exercises for Chapter 1
Prove that Nis divisible by some prime not in the original set. Use this fact
to deduce that there must be infinitely many prime numbers. (This proof of
the infinitude of primes appears in Euclid’s Elements. Prime numbers have
been studied for thousands of years.)
Solution to Exercise 1.26.
Let qbe any prime that divides N. (Since N≥2, we know that it must
be divisible by some prime.) Suppose that qwere equal to some pi. Then we
would have
1 = N−p1p2···pr≡0 (mod q),
since qwould divide both of the terms Nand p1···pr. But then q|1, which
is impossible. Therefore qis not equal to any of the pi’s.
Next suppose that there were only finitely many primes. That means we
can list them, say p1, p2, . . . , pr. But from the first part of the exercise, we can
create a new prime that’s not in our list. This contradicts the assumption that
there are finitely many primes, and hence proves that there must be infinitely
many primes.
1.27. Without using the fact that every integer has a unique factorization
into primes, prove that if gcd(a, b) = 1 and if a|bc, then a|c. (Hint. Use the
fact that it is possible to find a solution to au +bv = 1.)
Solution to Exercise 1.27.
From the extended Euclidean algorithm, we can solve au+bv = 1. Multiply
by cto get acu +bcv =c. We are given that a|bc, so there is an integer d
satisfying bc =ad. Substituting this gives acu +adv =c. Thus a(cu +dv) = c,
which shows that a|c.
1.28. Compute the following ordpvalues:
(a) ord2(2816).
(b) ord7(2222574487).
(c) ordp(46375) for each of p= 3, 5, 7, and 11.
Solution to Exercise 1.28.
(a) ord2(2816) = 8.
(b) ord7(2222574487) = 5.
(c) Let a= 46375. Then ord3(a) = 0, ord5(a) = 3, ord7(a) = 1,
ord11(a) = 0.
1.29. Let pbe a prime number. Prove that ordphas the following proper-
(a) ordp(ab) = ordp(a) + ordp(b). (Thus ordpresembles the logarithm func-
tion, since it converts multiplication into addition!)
(b) ordp(a+b)≥min©ordp(a),ordp(b)ª.
(c) If ordp(a)6= ordp(b), then ordp(a+b) = min©ordp(a),ordp(b)ª.
A function satisfying properties (a) and (b) is called a valuation.
Exercises for Chapter 1 21
Solution to Exercise 1.29.
(a) By definition of ordp, we have
a=pordp(a)Aand b=pordp(b)Bwith p-Aand p-B.
ab =pordp(a)A·pordp(b)B=pordp(a)+ordp(b)AB with p-AB,
so by definition,
ordp(ab) = ordp(a) + ordp(b).
(b) We continue with the notation from (a) and, without loss of generality,
we switch aand bif necessary so that ordp(a)≥ordp(b). Then
Thus pordp(b)|a+b, so by definition of ordpwe have
(Note that we’ve set things up so that ordp(b) = min{ordp(a),ordp(b)}, so
this is the result that we want.)
(c) We continue with the notation from (a) and (b), but for this part we are
given that ordp(a)>ordp(b). We also know that p-B, so it follows that
since the exponent of pon the first term is positive. Hence pordp(b)is the
largest power of pdividing a+b, which proves that
ordp(a+b) = ordp(b).
Section. Powers and primitive roots in finite fields
1.30. For each of the following primes pand numbers a, compute a−1mod p
in two ways: (i) Use the extended Euclidean algorithm. (ii) Use the fast power
algorithm and Fermat’s little theorem. (See Example 1.28.)
(a) p= 47 and a= 11.
(b) p= 587 and a= 345.
(c) p= 104801 and a= 78467.
Solution to Exercise 1.30.
(a) (i) We use the extended Euclidean algorithm to solve
11u+ 47v= 1.
22 Exercises for Chapter 1
The solution is (u, v) = (−17,4), so 11−1≡ −17 ≡30 (mod 47). (ii) Fermat’s
little theorem gives
11−1≡1145 ≡30 (mod 47).
(b) (i) We use the extended Euclidean algorithm to solve
345u+ 587v= 1.
The solution is (u, v) = (114,−67), so 345−1≡114 (mod 587). (ii) Fermat’s
little theorem gives
345−1≡345585 ≡114 (mod 587).
(c) (i) We use the extended Euclidean algorithm to solve
78467u+ 104801v= 1.
The solution is (u, v) = (1763,−1320), so 78467−1≡1763 (mod 104801). (ii)
Fermat’s little theorem gives
78467−1≡78467104799 ≡1763 (mod 104801).
1.31. Let pbe a prime and let qbe a prime that divides p−1.
(a) Let a∈F∗
pand let b=a(p−1)/q. Prove that either b= 1 or else bhas
order q. (Recall that the order of bis the smallest k≥1 such that bk= 1
in F∗
p.Hint. Use Proposition 1.30.)
(b) Suppose that we want to find an element of F∗
pof order q. Using (a), we
can randomly choose a value of a∈F∗
pand check whether b=a(p−1)/q
satisfies b6= 1. How likely are we to succeed? In other words, compute
the value of the ratio
p:a(p−1)/q 6= 1}
(Hint. Use Theorem 1.31.)
Solution to Exercise 1.31.
(a) Let kbe the order of b, i.e., the smallest exponent such that bk= 1. We
know that bq=ap−1= 1 from Fermat’s little theorem. Then Proposition 1.30
tells us that kdivides q, and since qis prime, it follows that either k=q
or k= 1. Thus either bhas order q, or else it has order 1, in which case b=
b1= 1.
(b) Let g∈F∗
pbe a primitive root. Then every a∈F∗
phas the form gifor
some 0 ≤i < p −1. We’ll count the number of awith a(p−1)/q = 1. Thus
Exercises for Chapter 1 23
p:a(p−1)/q = 1}= #{0≤i < p −1 : (gi)(p−1)/q = 1}
= #{0≤i < p −1 : gi(p−1)/q = 1}.
Since ghas order p−1, we have gk= 1 if and only if p−1|k. Hence
gi(p−1)/q = 1 ⇐⇒ p−1|i(p−1)/q ⇐⇒ q|i.
p:a(p−1)/q = 1}= #{0≤i < p −1 : q|i}=p−1
It follows that
p:a(p−1)/q 6= 1}=p−1−#{a∈F∗
p:a(p−1)/q = 1}
q= (p−1) µ1−1
Hence #{a∈F∗
p:a(p−1)/q 6= 1}
= 1 −1
so if qis large, we have a very good chance of succeeding on our first try.
1.32. Recall that gis called a primitive root modulo pif the powers of ggive
all nonzero elements of Fp.
(a) For which of the following primes is 2 a primitive root modulo p?
(i) p= 7 (ii) p= 13 (iii) p= 19 (iv) p= 23
(b) For which of the following primes is 3 a primitive root modulo p?
(i) p= 5 (ii) p= 7 (iii) p= 11 (iv) p= 17
(c) Find a primitive root for each of the following primes.
(i) p= 23 (ii) p= 29 (iii) p= 41 (iv) p= 43
(d) Find all primitive roots modulo 11. Verify that there are exactly φ(10) of
them, as asserted in Remark 1.33.
(e) Write a computer program to check for primitive roots and use it to find
all primitive roots modulo 229. Verify that there are exactly φ(229) of
(f) Use your program from (e) to find all primes less than 100 for which 2 is
a primitive root.
(g) Repeat the previous exercise to find all primes less than 100 for which 3
is a primitive root. Ditto to find the primes for which 4 is a primitive
Solution to Exercise 1.32.
(a) (i) No. (ii) Yes. (iii) Yes. (iv) No.
(b) (i) Yes. (ii) Yes. (iii) No. (iv) Yes.
(c) In each case, we list the smallest primitive root
24 Exercises for Chapter 1
(i) p= 23, g= 5. (ii) p= 29, g= 2. (iii) p= 41, g= 6. (iv) p= 43, g= 3.
(d) The primitive roots modulo 11 are {2,6,7,8}. There are φ(10) = 4 of
(e) The primitive roots modulo 229 are
There are exactly φ(228) = 72 of them.
(f) 2 is a primitive root modulo pfor p∈ {3,5,11,1319,29,37,53,59,61,67,83}
and for no other primes less than 100. It is conjectured that 2 is a primitive
root for infinitely many primes (Artin’s conjecture).
(g) 3 is a primitive root modulo pfor p∈ {5,7,17,19,29,31,43,53,79,89}
and for no other primes less than 100. On the other hand, there are no primes
for which 4 is a primitive root. This is because 4 = 22is a square, so the
powers of 4 can hit at most half of the possible nonzero values modulo p.
1.33. Let pbe a prime such that q=1
2(p−1) is also prime. Suppose that g
is an integer satisfying
g6≡ ±1 (mod p) and gq6≡ 1 (mod p).
Prove that gis a primitive root modulo p.
Solution to Exercise 1.33.
Let nbe the order of g, i.e., the smallest power of gthat is congruent to 1.
Then ndivides p−1 from Proposition 1.30. Since p−1 = 2qwith qprime,
this means that
n= 1 orn= 2 orn=qorn= 2q.
We are given that g6≡ ±1 (mod p), so n6= 1 and n6= 2, and we are also given
that gq6≡ ±1 (mod p), so n6=q.The only value left is n= 2q. This proves
that n=p−1, so gis a primitive root modulo p.
1.34. This exercise begins the study of squares and square roots modulo p.
(a) Let pbe an odd prime number and let bbe an integer with p-b. Prove
that either bhas two square roots modulo por else bhas no square roots
modulo p. In other words, prove that the congruence
X2≡b(mod p)
has either two solutions or no solutions in Z/pZ. (What happens for p=
2? What happens if p|b?)
Exercises for Chapter 1 25
(b) For each of the following values of pand b, find all of the square roots
of bmodulo p.
(i) (p, b) = (7,2) (ii) (p, b) = (11,5)
(iii) (p, b) = (11,7) (iv) (p, b) = (37,3)
(c) How many square roots does 29 have modulo 35? Why doesn’t this con-
tradict the assertion in (a)?
(d) Let pbe an odd prime and let gbe a primitive root modulo p. Then
any number ais equal to some power of gmodulo p, say a≡gk(mod p).
Prove that ahas a square root modulo pif and only if kis even.
Solution to Exercise 1.34.
(a) If X=a1and X=a2are square roots of bmodulo p, then pdivides
1−band pdivides a2
2−b, so pdivides their difference
2−b) = a2
2= (a1−a2)(a1+a2).
It follows that pdivides either a1−a2or a1+a2. If the former, then a1≡a2
(mod p), and if the latter, then a1≡ −a2(mod p). Thus there are at most
two possibilities.
Further, if there is one solution aand if p≥3, then p−ais a second
solution different from a, so if there are any solutions, then there are exactly
two solutions. On the other hand, if p= 2, then X2≡b(mod p) always has
exactly one solution, namely X=b.
(b) (i) 3 and 4.
(ii) 4 and 7.
(iii) None.
(iv) 15 and 22.
(c) 8, 13, 22, and 27 are all solutions to X2≡29 (mod 35), so 29 has four
square roots modulo 35. This does not contradict (a), since the modulus 35
is not prime.
(d) Suppose first that kis even, say k= 2j. Then
a≡gk≡g2j≡(gj)2(mod p),
so ais a square modulo p.
Next suppose ais a square, say a≡b2(mod p). Since gis a primitive root,
we can write b≡gi(mod p) for some exponent i. Then
gk≡a≡b2≡(gi)2≡g2i(mod p).
Thus gk−2i≡1 (mod p), and the fact that gis a primitive root implies
that p−1 divides k−2i. But p−1 is even, hence 2 divides k−2i, so 2
divides k.
1.35. Let p≥3 be a prime and suppose that the congruence
X2≡b(mod p)
has a solution.
26 Exercises for Chapter 1
(a) Prove that for every exponent e≥1 the congruence
X2≡b(mod pe) (1.11)
has a solution. (Hint. Use induction on e. Build a solution modulo pe+1
by suitably modifying a solution modulo pe.)
(b) Let X=αbe a solution to X2≡b(mod p). Prove that in (a), we can find
a solution X=βto X2≡b(mod pe) that also satisfies β≡α(mod p).
(c) Let βand β0be two solutions as in (b). Prove that β≡β0(mod pe).
(d) Use Exercise 1.34 to deduce that the congruence (1.14) has either two
solutions or no solutions modulo pe.
Solution to Exercise 1.35.
We do (a), (b), and (c) simultaneously. We are given that X=αis a
solution to X2≡b(mod p). We are going to prove by induction that for
every e≥1 there is a unique value βmod pesatisfying both
β2≡b(mod pe) and β≡α(mod p).
The case e= 1 is given to us, we must take β=α. Now suppose that we
have a value of βthat works for e, and we ask for all solutions that work for
e+ 1. Note that if γis a solution for e+ 1, then γmod peis a solution for e.
So by the uniqueness part of the induction hypothesis, we would need to have
γ≡β(mod pe). In other words, if there are any solutions γfor e+ 1, then γ
is forced to have the form
γ=β+ypefor some integer y.
What we want to do is show that there is a unique value of ymodulo pthat
makes γinto a solution of X2≡b(mod pe+1).
We also want to use the fact that βis a solution to X2≡b(mod pe). This
means that
β2=b+peBfor some integer B.
Now we substitute γ=β+ypeinto the congruence X2≡b(mod pe+1) and
try to solve for y. Thus
(β+ype)2≡b(mod pe+1)
β2+ 2ype+y2p2e≡b(mod pe+1)
β2+ 2ype≡b(mod pe+1) since 2e≥e+ 1,
b+peB+ 2ype≡b(mod pe+1) since β2=b+peB,
pe(B+ 2y)≡0 (mod pe+1).
Thus we need to solve
B+ 2y≡0 (mod p).
Exercises for Chapter 1 27
This has a unique solution for y. (Note that pis assumed to be an odd prime.
If p= 2, the argument does not work.) We can even solve explicitly,
2B(mod p).
This completes the proof that for every e≥1 there exists a unique value of β
(mod pe) satisfying
β2≡b(mod pe) and β≡α(mod p),
which gives all of the statements in (a), (b), and (b).
(d) From the earlier exercise we know that X2≡b(mod p) has either 0
or 2 solutions. If it has no solutions, there there certainly aren’t any solutions
to X2≡b(mod pe) for e≥2, since any such solution could always be
reduced modulo p. On the other hand, if X2≡b(mod p) has two solutions,
then (a), (b), and (c) together imply that there are also two solutions to
X2≡b(mod pe) for each e≥1, since the solutions to X2≡b(mod p) are
matched up one-to-one with the solutions to X2≡b(mod pe).
This exercise is a very special case of Hensel’s lemma.
1.36. Compute the value of
2(p−1)/2(mod p)
for every prime 3 ≤p < 20. Make a conjecture as to the possible values of
2(p−1)/2(mod p) when pis prime and prove that your conjecture is correct.
Solution to Exercise 1.36.
p= 3 21= 2 ≡2
p= 5 22= 4 ≡4
p= 7 23= 8 ≡1
p= 11 25= 32 ≡10
p= 13 26= 64 ≡12
p= 17 28= 256 ≡1
p= 19 29= 512 ≡18
Conjecture: 2(p−1)/2is congruent to either 1 or p−1 modulo p.
Proof : Let a= 2(p−1)/2. Then a2≡2p−1≡1 (mod p) by Fermat’s little
theorem. Therefore a≡ ±1 (mod p). To see this last fact, note that p|(a2−1),
so p|(a−1)(a+ 1), so since pis prime, it divides one of a−1 or a+ 1, which
is just another way of saying that a≡ ±1 (mod p).
Section. Cryptography by hand
28 Exercises for Chapter 1
1.37. Write a 2 to 5 page paper on one of the following topics, including both
cryptographic information and placing events in their historical context:
(a) Cryptography in the Arab world to the 15th century.
(b) European cryptography in the 15th and early 16th centuries.
(c) Cryptography and cryptanalysis in Elizabethan England.
(d) Cryptography and cryptanalysis in the 19th century.
(e) Cryptography and cryptanalysis during World War I.
(f) Cryptography and cryptanalysis during World War II.
(Most of these topics are too broad for a short term paper, so you should
choose a particular aspect on which to concentrate.)
Solution to Exercise 1.37.
A solution for this exercise will not be provided.
1.38. Ahomophonic cipher is a substitution cipher in which there may be
more than one ciphertext symbol for each plaintext letter. Here is an example
of a homophonic cipher, where the more common letters have several possible
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
! 4 # $ 1 % & * ( ) 3 2 = + [ 9 ] { } : ; 7<>5?
♥ ◦ ℵ6%♦ ∧ & ∆∇8♣Ω∨ ⊗ ♠
Θ∞ ⇑ • ¯ ⊕ ⇐
. ⇓ ⇒ -
Decrypt the following message.
( % ∆♠ ⇒ # 4 ∞:♦6% ¯ [ℵ8%2[7⇓ ♣ & ♥ 5¯ ∇
Solution to Exercise 1.38.
( % ∆♠ ⇒ # 4 ∞:♦6% ¯ [ℵ8
I f m u s i c b e t h e f o o d o
% 2 [ 7 ⇓ ♣ & ♥ 5¯ ∇
f l o v e p l a y o n
From Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night:If music be the food of love, play
1.39. Atransposition cipher is a cipher in which the letters of the plaintext
remain the same, but their order is rearranged. Here is a simple example in
which the message is encrypted in blocks of 25 letters at a time.1Take the
given 25 letters and arrange them in a 5-by-5 block by writing the message
horizontally on the lines. For example, the first 25 letters of the message
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid...
is written as
1If the number of letters in the message is not an even multiple of 25, then extra random
letters are appended to the end of the message.
Exercises for Chapter 1 29
Now the cipehrtext is formed by reading the letters down the columns, which
gives the ciphertext
(a) Use this transposition cipher to encrypt the first 25 letters of the message
Four score and seven years ago our fathers...
(b) The following message was encrypted using this transposition cipher. De-
crypt it.
(c) There are many variations on this type of cipher. We can form the letters
into a rectangle instead of a square, and we can use various patterns to
place the letters into the rectangle and to read them back out. Try to
decrypt the following ciphertext, in which the letters were placed hor-
izontally into a rectangle of some size and then read off vertically by
(For convenience, we’ve written the ciphertext in 5 letter blocks, but that
doesn’t necessarily mean that the rectangle has a side of length 5.)
Solution to Exercise 1.39.
(b) Plaintext: When in the course of human events it becomes necessary...
Hopefully everyone recognizes the first few words of the American Decla-
ration of Independence.
30 Exercises for Chapter 1
(c) Plaintext: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men
are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator...
Another excerpt from the Declaration of Independence. It was encrypted
using a 15-by-4 rectangle.
Section. Symmetric ciphers and asymmetric ciphers
1.40. Encode the following phrase (including capitalization, spacing and
punctuation) into a string of bits using the ASCII encoding scheme given
in Table 1.10.
Bad day, Dad.
Solution to Exercise 1.40.
Bad day,
66 97 100 32 100 97 121 44
01000010 01100001 01100100 00100000 01100100 01100001 01111001 00101100
D a d .
32 68 97 100 46
00100000 01000100 01100001 01100100 00101110
Thus the phrase “Bad day, Dad.” becomes the ASCII list of bits
1.41. Consider the affine cipher with key k= (k1, k2) whose encryption and
decryption functions are given by (1.11) on page 43.
(a) Let p= 541 and let the key be k= (34,71). Encrypt the message m=
204. Decrypt the ciphertext c= 431.
(b) Assuming that pis public knowledge, explain why the affine cipher is
vulnerable to a chosen plaintext attack. (See Property 4 on page 38.)
How many plaintext/ciphertext pairs are likely to be needed in order to
recover the private key?
(c) Alice and Bob decide to use the prime p= 601 for their affine cipher. The
value of pis public knowledge, and Eve intercepts the ciphertexts c1=
324 and c2= 381 and also manages to find out that the corresponding
plaintexts are m1= 387 and m2= 491. Determine the private key and
then use it to encrypt the message m3= 173.
(d) Suppose now that pis not public knowledge. Is the affine cipher still
vulnerable to a chosen plaintext attack? If so, how many plaintext/cipher-
text pairs are likely to be needed in order to recover the private key?
Exercises for Chapter 1 31
Solution to Exercise 1.41.
(a) The encryption of m= 204 is c≡34·204+71 ≡7007 ≡515 (mod 541).
The inverse of k1is 34−1≡366 (mod 541). The decryption of c= 431 is
m≡366(431 −71) ≡297 (mod 541).
(b) Given two plaintext/ciphertext pairs, one can solve the two linear con-
c1≡k1·m1+k2(mod p) and c2≡k1·m2+k2(mod p)
for the two unknowns k1and k2.
(c) Eve knows that
324 ≡k1·387 + k2(mod 601) and 381 ≡k1·491 + k2(mod 601)
She subtracts the first equation from the second to get
57 ≡k1·104 (mod 601).
She computes 104−1≡549 (mod 601), and hence
k1≡57 ·104−1≡41 (mod 601).
Then she uses either of the above congruences to recover k2,
k2≡324 −k1·387 ≡83 (mod 601).
Eve now knows Alice and Bob’s private key, so she can encrypt a message,
c3≡k1·m3+k2≡41 ·173 + 83 ≡565 (mod 601).
(d) Yes. Suppose that we have three plaintext/ciphertext pairs,
(m1, c1),(m2, c2),(m3, c3).
This gives us a system of three congruences
c1≡k1m1+k2(mod p)
c2≡k1m2+k2(mod p)
c3≡k1m3+k2(mod p)
We can write this in suggestive matrix and vector notation at
¡1−k1−k2¢≡¡0 0 0¢(mod p).
Using linear algebra modulo p, this implies that the determinant of the matrix
32 Exercises for Chapter 1
≡0 (mod p).
Thus three plaintext/ciphertext pairs allows Eve to compute a number,
D= det
that is divisible by the secret prime p. If Eve can factor D, then at worst she
has a few possible values of pto check. So three pairs may be enough to break
the cipher.
More generally, if Eve has ndifferent pairs, she can compute determinant
values D1, . . . , Dn−2by using different pairs in the last row of the matrix
(keeping the first two rows the same). This gives her a bunch of numbers that
are divisible by p, and within a short time she will almost certain find that
gcd(D1, . . . , Dn−2) is equal to p.
1.42. Consider the Hill cipher defined by (1.11),
ek(m)≡k1·m+k2(mod p) and dk(c)≡k−1
1·(c−k2) (mod p),
where m,c, and k2are column vectors of dimension n, and k1is an n-by-n
(a) We use the vector Hill cipher with p= 7 and the key k1= ( 1 3
2 2 )
and k2= ( 5
(i) Encrypt the message m= ( 2
(ii) What is the matrix k−1
1used for decryption?
(iii) Decrypt the message c= ( 3
(b) Explain why the Hill cipher is vulnerable to a chosen plaintext attack.
(c) The following plaintext/ciphertext pairs were generated using a Hill ci-
pher with the prime p= 11. Find the keys k1and k2.
m1= ( 5
4), c1= ( 1
8), m2= ( 8
10 ), c2= ( 8
5), m3= ( 7
1), c3= ( 8
(d) Explain how any simple substitution cipher that involves a permutation
of the alphabet can be thought of as a special case of a Hill cipher.
Solution to Exercise 1.42.
(a-i) ek(m) = 5 3 .
(a −ii)k−1
1=3 6
4 5 .
(a −iii)dk(c) = 0 4 .
(b) Each known plaintext/ciphertext pair gives a congruence of the form
c≡k1·m+k2(mod p). Writing this out gives nlinear equations for the n2+n
unknown entries of k1and k2. Hence n+1 plaintext/ciphertext pairs probably
gives enough equations to solve for the keys k1and k2.
Exercises for Chapter 1 33
(c) We let k1= ( x y
z w ) and k2= ( u
v). Then the congruence c1=k1m1+
k2(mod 11) becomes the matrix equation
8¶=µx y
z w¶µ5
v¶=µ5x+ 4y+u
5z+ 4w+v¶(mod 11).
So this gives the two congruences
5x+ 4y+u≡1 (mod 11) and 5z+ 4w+v≡8 (mod 11).
Similarly, the congruence c2=k1m2+k2(mod 11) gives
8x+ 10y+u≡8 (mod 11) and 8z+ 10w+v≡5 (mod 11).
and c3=k1m3+k2(mod 11) gives
7x+y+u≡8 (mod 11) and 7z+w+v≡7 (mod 11).
This gives us 6 equations for the 6 unknowns x, y, z, w, u, v. Further, three of
the equations only involve x, y, u and the other three only involve z, w, v, so
it’s really two sets of 3-by-3 equations to solve:
5x+ 4y+u= 1 5z+ 4w+v= 8
8x+ 10y+u= 8 8z+ 10w+v= 5
7x+y+u= 8 7z+w+v= 7.
(All equations are modulo 11.) These are easily solved using basic linear al-
gebra methods, and we find that
(x, y, u) = (3,7,2) and (z, w, v) = (4,3,9).
k1=µ3 7
4 3¶and k2=µ2
(d) We work with vectors of dimension 26. Let e1, . . . , e26 be the usual basis
vectors for R26, i.e., eihas a 1 in the ith place and 0’s elsewhere. For the
plaintext, we use e1to represent (a), we use e2to represent (b), and so
on. We view the the simple substitution cipher as a function that takes each
plaintext letter and assigns it to a ciphertext letter. Equivalently, it takes
each eiand assigns it to some eπ(i), where πis a one-to-one function
π:{1,2,...,26} −→ {1,2, . . . , 26}.
In the Hill cipher, we now take k1to be the matrix whose ijth entry is 1 if
e(i) = j, and otherwise it is 0. We also take k2= 0. Then k1·ei=eπ(i), so
the encryption of the plaintext eiis equal to eπ(i), as desired.
34 Exercises for Chapter 1
1.43. Let Nbe a large integer and let K=M=C=Z/NZ. For each of the
e:K × M −→ C
listed in (a), (b), and (c), answer the following questions:
•Is ean encryption function?
•If eis an encryption function, what is its associated decryption function d?
•If eis not an encryption function, can you make it into an encryption
function by using some smaller, yet reasonably large, set of keys?
(a) ek(m)≡k−m(mod N).
(b) ek(m)≡k·m(mod N).
(c) ek(m)≡(k+m)2(mod N).
Solution to Exercise 1.43.
(a) Yes, eis an encryption function. The decryption function dk(c) = k−c
is the same as e!
(b) No, eis not an encryption function, it is not one-to-one. However, if we
restrict the keys to K= (Z/NZ)∗(i.e., gcd(k, N ) = 1), then eis an encryption
function, with decryption function dk(c)≡k−1c(mod N).
(c) No, eis not an encryption function, it is not one-to-one, and no sub-
set of keys will make it one-to-one. However, one might define a decryption
“function” by dk(c)≡√c−k(mod N). Assuming that one knows how to
compute square roots modulo N, this gives two possibly decryptions, since
it’s really ±√c. In practice, one might be able to use some property of valid
messages to figure out which one is correct.
1.44. (a) Convert the 12 bit binary number 110101100101 into a decimal
integer between 0 and 212 −1.
(b) Convert the decimal integer m= 37853 into a binary number.
(c) Convert the decimal integer m= 9487428 into a binary number.
(d) Use exclusive or (XOR) to “add” the bit strings 11001010 ⊕10011010.
(e) Convert the decimal numbers 8734 and 5177 into binary numbers, com-
bine them using XOR, and convert the result back into a decimal number.
Solution to Exercise 1.44.
(a) 211 + 210 + 28+ 26+ 25+ 22+ 20= 3429
(b) 37853 = 215 + 212 + 29+ 28+ 27+ 26+ 24+ 23+ 22+ 20, so the binary
form of 37853 is 1001001111011101 .
(c) 9487428 = 223 + 220 + 215 + 214 + 210 + 26+ 22, so the binary form
of 9487428 is 100100001100010001000100 .
(d) 11001010 ⊕10011010 = 01010000 .
Exercises for Chapter 1 35
8734 = ‘10001000011110’,
5177 = ‘01010000111001’,
8734 ⊕5177 = 10001000011110 ⊕01010000111001 = 11011000100111,
‘11011000100111’ = 13863 .
1.45. Alice and Bob choose a key space Kcontaining 256 keys. Eve builds a
special-purpose computer that can check 10,000,000,000 keys per second.
(a) How many days does it take Eve to check half of the keys in K?
(b) Alice and Bob replace their key space with a larger set containing 2Bdif-
ferent keys. How large should Alice and Bob choose Bin order to force
Eve’s computer to spend 100 years checking half the keys? (Use the ap-
proximation that there are 365.25 days in a year.)
For many years the United States government recommended a symmetric
cipher called DES that used 56 bit keys. During the 1990s, people built special
purpose computers demonstrating that 56 bits provided insufficient security.
A new symmetric cipher called AES, with 128 bit keys, was developed to
replace DES. See Section 8.10 for further information about DES and AES.
Solution to Exercise 1.45.
(256 keys) ·µ1 second
10,000,000,000 keys¶·µ1 minute
60 seconds¶
·µ1 hour
60 minutes¶·µ1 day
24 hours¶≈83.4 days.
It thus takes about 83.4 days to check all the keys, so about 41.7 days to
check half the keys.
µ10,000,000,000 keys
1 second ¶·µ60 seconds
1 minute ¶·µ60 minutes
1 hour ¶
·µ24 hours
1 day ¶·µ365.25 days
1 year ¶·(100 years)
= 31557600000000000000 keys ≈264.775 keys.
Thus it takes Eve’s computer 100 years to check 264.775 keys. The problem says
that this should be half the keys, so Alice and Bob should have at least 265.775
different keys. In practice, it is easiest to choose an integral power of 2, so Alice
and Bob’s key space should contain (at least) 266 keys.
Comparing (a) and (b), notice that by increasing the keylength from 56 bits
to 66 bits, Alice and Bob’s security goes from 42 days to 100 years. Thus even a
36 Exercises for Chapter 1
small increase in the keylength results in an enormous increase in the breaking
time by exhaustive search. This reflects the fact that exponential functions
grow extremely rapidly.
1.46. Explain why the cipher
ek(m) = k⊕mand dk(c) = k⊕c
defined by XOR of bit strings is not secure against a chosen plaintext attack.
Demonstrate your attack by finding the private key used to encrypt the 16-bit
ciphertext c= 1001010001010111 if you know that the corresponding plaintext
is m= 0010010000101100.
Solution to Exercise 1.46.
If you know mand c, since they are related by c=k⊕m, it follows that
c⊕m=k⊕m⊕m=k. For the example,
k=c⊕m= 1001010001010111 ⊕0010010000101100 = 1011000001111011 .
1.47. Alice and Bob create a symmetric cipher as follows. Their private key k
is a large integer and their messages (plaintexts) are d-digit integers
M={m∈Z: 0 ≤m < 10d}.
To encrypt a message, Alice computes √kto ddecimal places, throws away
the part to the left of the decimal point, and keeps the remaining ddigits.
Let αbe this d-digit number. (For example, if k= 23 and d= 6, then
√87 = 9.32737905 . . . and α= 327379.)
Alice encrypts a message mas
c≡m+α(mod 10d).
Since Bob knows k, he can also find α, and then he decrypts cby comput-
ing m≡c−α(mod 10d).
(a) Alice and Bob choose the secret key k= 11 and use it to encrypt 6-digit
integers (i.e., d= 6). Bob wants to send Alice the message m= 328973.
What is the ciphertext that he sends?
(b) Alice and Bob use the secret key k= 23 and use it to encrypt 8-digit
integers. Alice receives the ciphertext c= 78183903. What is the plain-
text m?
(c) Show that the number αused for encryption and decryption is given by
the formula
α=j10d³√k− b√kc´k,
where btcdenotes the greatest integer that is less than or equal to t.
Exercises for Chapter 1 37
(d) (Challenge Problem) If Eve steals a plaintext/ciphertext pair (m, c), then
it is clear that she can recover the number α, since α≡c−m(mod 10d).
If 10dis large compared to k, can she also recover the number k? This
might be useful, for example, if Alice and Bob use some of the other digits
of √kto encrypt subsequent messages.
Solution to Exercise 1.47.
(a) √11 = 3.3166247903 ..., so α= 316624 and the ciphertext is c=
328973 + 316624 = 645597 .
(b) √23 = 4.7958315233127195 . . . , so α= 79583152 and the plaintext is
c= 78183903 −79583152 = −1399249 ≡98600751 (mod 108).
(c) The quantity x− bxcgives the fractional part of x, i.e., the part to the
right of the decimal point. The remaining part of the formula simply shifts
the digits dplaces to the left and then discards everything after the decimal
(d) The answer is yes, Eve should be able to recover k, but probably not
using the tools that we’ve developed so far. Let β=α/10d. Then
√k=L+βfor some L∈Z.
There are two unknowns here, kand L, and all that Eve knows is that they
are both integers. Squaring both sides gives
k=L2+ 2Lβ +β2.
Thus there are integers Aand Bsatisfying
β2+Aβ +B= 0,
namely A= 2Land B=L2−k. Of course, Eve doesn’t know Aor B, either.
However, there are algorithms based on lattice reduction that are very good at
finding the smallest (quadratic) polynomial with integer coefficients satisfied
by a given decimal number. Using these algorithms, Eve should be able to
find Aand B, from which it is easy to recover kas k=1
1.48. Bob and Alice use a cryptosystem in which their private key is a (large)
prime kand their plaintexts and ciphertexts are integers. Bob encrypts a
message mby computing the product c=km. Eve intercepts the following
two ciphertexts:
c1= 12849217045006222, c2= 6485880443666222.
Use the gcd method described in Section 1.7.4 to find Bob and Alice’s private
Solution to Exercise 1.48.
We compute
gcd(c1, c2) = 174385766.
This factors as 174385766 = 2 ·87192883 and 87192883 is prime, so it is Bob
and Alice’s key.
Chapter 2
Discrete Logarithms and
Exercises for Chapter 2
Section. Diffie–Hellman and RSA
2.1. Write a one page essay giving arguments, both pro and con, for the
following assertion:
If the government is able to convince a court that there is a valid
reason for their request, then they should have access to an in-
dividual’s private keys (even without the individual’s knowledge),
in the same way that the government is allowed to conduct court
authorized secret wiretaps in cases of suspected criminal activity
or threats to national security.
Based on your arguments, would you support or oppose the government be-
ing given this power? How about without court oversight? The idea that all
private keys should be stored at a secure central location and be accessible to
government agencies (with or without suitably stringent legal conditions) is
called key escrow.
Solution to Exercise 2.1.
A solution for this exercise will not be provided.
2.2. Research and write a one to two page essay on the classification of cryp-
tographic algorithms as munitions under ITAR (International Traffic in Arms
Regulations). How does that act define “export”? What are the potential
fines and jail terms for those convicted of violating the Arms Export Control
Act? Would teaching non-classified cryptographic algorithms to a college class
that includes non-US citizens be considered a form of export? How has US
government policy changed from the early 1990s to the present?
40 Exercises for Chapter 2
Solution to Exercise 2.2.
Some historical material:
Press Release
Law Professor Sues Federal Government Over Computer Privacy Issues
Federal Civil Rights Action Seeks Injunction Against State Department
And National Security Agency
Cleveland Scholar Attacks Prohibition On Discussing Cryptographic Soft-
ware With Foreign Students And Colleagues
For Immediate Release
Cleveland, Wednesday, August 7, 1996
A Case Western Reserve University law professor filed suit today in federal
court, challenging government regulations which restrict his ability to teach
a course in computer law. Peter Junger, a twenty-five year veteran of the
law school faculty, will file a federal civil rights action this afternoon in the
United States District Court in Cleveland. The suit names the Department
of State and the secretive National Security Agency, which administer federal
regulations limiting Professor Junger’s ability to teach.
The case involves the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, or ITAR,
federal regulations which restrict the export of military technology. Under the
ITAR, cryptographic computer software, which encodes text to preserve the
privacy of messages on the Internet, is considered a “munition” and subject to
strict export control. The regulations raise significant First Amendment ques-
tions by defining “export” to include discussing technical information about
non-classified software with foreign nationals, such as students registered for
Professor Junger’s course.
In recent months, the State Department has sent a series of letters threat-
ening possible criminal action to a Florida man who posted a simple crypto-
graphic algorithm to the ”sci.crypt” Usenet Newsgroup, an Internet site pop-
ular with cryptography enthusiasts. These and similar incidents have caused
Professor Junger to limit his discussions of cryptographic material with foreign
colleagues, for fear of violating the ITAR. Penalties for unlicensed disclosure
of cryptographic information are severe: federal law provides ten year prison
terms and One Million Dollar fines for those convicted of violating the Arms
Export Control Act, the legislation under which the ITAR was promulgated.
Statement by Ambassador David Aaron
US Envoy for Cryptography
RSA Data Security Conference, January 28, 1997
International Views of Key Recovery
These concerns are being heard in Washington. The Administration has
taken the following steps - many based on the direct recommendations of
industry representatives:
First, at the end of last year, jurisdiction for licenses of encryption exports
was transferred from the Department of State to the Department of Com-
merce. Commercial encryption is no longer treated as a munition and thereby
Exercises for Chapter 2 41
subject to various foreign policy embargoes. We hope this will both speed up
and simplify the tasks of obtaining licenses.
Second, and very important, the Administration will license the export of
encryption products, of any algorithm and any key length, if they incorporate
key recovery.
Third, the Administration will also permit the export, over the next two
years, of 56-bit DES and equivalent encryption products without key recovery
provided exporters make commitments to develop key recovery products. I
am pleased to report that already at least 4 vendors have formally filed key
recovery commitments and several more companies are in the initial stages of
dialogue with the Department of Commerce.
And last, a point which is often lost in the debate, domestic use of key
recovery will be voluntary as announced by the Vice President last October.
All Americans will remain free to use any encryption system in the United
In 1992, the Software Publishers Association and the State Department
reached an agreement which allows the export of programs containing RSA
Data Security’s RC2 and RC4 algorithms, but only when the key size is set
to 40 bits or less. 40 bits is not very secure, and application of a distributed
attack using standard workstations in a good-size lab can break these in at
most a few days. This theory was demonstrated quite visibly in mid-1995
when two independent groups broke 40-bit keys used in the export version of
the Netscape browser.
Section. The discrete logarithm problem
2.3. Let gbe a primitive root for Fp.
(a) Suppose that x=aand x=bare both integer solutions to the congruence
gx≡h(mod p). Prove that a≡b(mod p−1). Explain why this implies
that the map (2.1) on page 63 is well-defined.
(b) Prove that logg(h1h2) = logg(h1) + logg(h2) for all h1, h2∈F∗
(c) Prove that logg(hn) = nlogg(h) for all h∈F∗
pand n∈Z.
Solution to Exercise 2.3.
(a) We are given that ga≡gb(mod p), since they are both congruent
to h. Hence ga−b≡1 (mod p). But gis a primitive root, so its order is p−1,
which implies that p−1 divides a−b. Hence a≡b(mod p−1). This means
the logg(h) is well-defined up to adding or subtracting multiples of p−1, so
the map (2.1) on page 63 is well-defined.
(b) We have
≡h1·h2(mod p)
≡glogg(h1h2)(mod p).
42 Exercises for Chapter 2
Hence logg(h1) + logg(h2) = logg(h1h2), or more precisely, the are congruent
modulo p−1.
(c) We have
gnlogg(h)=³glogg(h)´n≡hn≡glogg(hn)(mod p).
Hence nlogg(h) = logg(hn).
2.4. Compute the following discrete logarithms.
(a) log2(13) for the prime 23, i.e., p= 23, g= 2, and you must solve the
congruence 2x≡13 (mod 23).
(b) log10(22) for the prime p= 47.
(c) log627(608) for the prime p= 941. (Hint. Look in the second column of
Table 2.1 on page 64.)
Solution to Exercise 2.4.
(a) log2(13) = 7 in F23, since 213 = 128 ≡13 (mod 23).
(b) log10(22) = 11 in F47.
(c) The table shows that 62718 ≡608 (mod 941), so log627(608) = 18
in F941.
2.5. Let pbe an odd prime and let gbe a primitive root modulo p. Prove
that ahas a square root modulo pif and only if its discrete logarithm logg(a)
modulo pis even.
Solution to Exercise 2.5.
This solution is taken from the proof of Proposition 3.60.
Let m= logg(a), so a=gm. If m= 2kis even, then gm=g2k= (gk)2is
a square.
On the other hand, let mbe odd, say m= 2k+ 1, and suppose that gm
is a square modulo p, say gm≡c2(mod p). Fermat’s little theorem (Theo-
rem 1.25) tells us that
cp−1≡1 (mod p).
However, cp−1(mod p) is also equal to
2≡gk(p−1) ·gp−1
2(mod p).
Another application of Fermat’s little theorem tells us that
gk(p−1) ≡(gp−1)k≡1k≡1 (mod p),
so we find that
2≡1 (mod p).
This contradicts the fact that gis a primitive root, which proves that every
odd power of gis not a square modulo p.
Section. Diffie–Hellman key exchange
Exercises for Chapter 2 43
2.6. Alice and Bob agree to use the prime p= 1373 and the base g= 2 for
a Diffie–Hellman key exchange. Alice sends Bob the value A= 974. Bob asks
your assistance, so you tell him to use the secret exponent b= 871. What
value Bshould Bob send to Alice, and what is their secret shared value? Can
you figure out Alice’s secret exponent?
Solution to Exercise 2.6.
Bob sends B=gb= 2871 ≡805 (mod 1373) to Alice. Their shared value
is Ab= 974871 ≡397 (mod 1373). There is no really easy way to determine
Alice’s secret exponent, but with a computer or even a progammable calcu-
lator, it does not take long to compute all of the powers of 2 modulo 1373.
(Using the babystep–giantstep method is even faster, you only need to make
two lists of length approximately √1373 = 37.04 . . . . If you do this, you will
find that 2587 ≡974 (mod 1373), so Alice’s secret exponent is 587.
2.7. Let pbe a prime and let gbe an integer. The Diffie–Hellman Decision
Problem is as follows. Supoose that you are given three numbers A,B, and C,
and suppose that Aand Bare equal to
A≡ga(mod p) and B≡gb(mod p),
but that you do not necessarily know the values of the exponents aand b.
Determine whether Cis equal to gab (mod p). Notice that this is different
from the Diffie–Hellman problem described on page 67. The Diffie–Hellman
problem asks you to actually compute the value of gab.
(a) Prove that an algorithm that solves the Diffie–Hellman problem can be
used to solve the Diffie–Hellman decision problem.
(b) Do you think that the Diffie–Hellman decision problem is hard or easy?
See Exercise 5.35 for a related example in which the decision problem is easy,
but it is believed that the associated computational problem is hard.
Solution to Exercise 2.7.
(a) This is obvious. If you can compute gab from g,ga, and gb, then you
can simply compare the value of gab with the value of Cand check if they are
(b) No one currently knows how to solve the Diffie–Hellman decision problem
without solving the Diffie–Hellman computational problem.
Section. The ElGamal public key cryptosystem
2.8. Alice and Bob agree to use the prime p= 1373 and the base g= 2 for
communications using the ElGamal public key cryptosystem.
(a) Alice chooses a= 947 as her private key. What is the value of her public
key A?
(b) Bob chooses b= 716 as his private key, so his public key is
B≡2716 ≡469 (mod 1373).
44 Exercises for Chapter 2
Alice encrypts the message m= 583 using the ephemeral key k= 877.
What is the ciphertext (c1, c2) that Alice sends to Bob?
(c) Alice decides to choose a new private key a= 299 with associated public
key A≡2299 ≡34 (mod 1373). Bob encrypts a message using Alice’s
public key and sends her the ciphertext (c1, c2) = (661,1325). Decrypt
the message.
(d) Now Bob chooses a new private key and publishes the associated public
key B= 893. Alice encrypts a message using this public key and sends the
ciphertext (c1, c2) = (693,793) to Bob. Eve intercepts the transmission.
Help Eve by solving the discrete logarithm problem 2b≡893 (mod 1373)
and using the value of bto decrypt the message.
Solution to Exercise 2.8.
(a) A≡2947 ≡177 (mod 1373), so Alice’s public key is A= 177 .
(b) c1≡2877 ≡719 (mod 1373) and c2≡583 ·469877 ≡623 (mod 1373).
Alice sends the ciphertext (c1, c2) = (719,623) to Bob.
(c) (ca
1)−1·c2≡(661299)−1·1325 ≡645−1·1325 ≡794 ·1325 ≡332
(mod 1373). Thus the plaintext is m=332 . It turns out that the ephemeral
key is k= 566, but Alice does not know this value.
(d) The solution to 2b≡893 (mod 1373) is b= 219 , which is Bob’s private
key. It is now easy to decrypt,
1)−1·c2≡(693219)−1·793 ≡431−1·793 ≡532 ·793 ≡365 (mod 1373).
Thus Alice’s message to Bob is m= 365 . (The ephemeral key was k= 932.)
2.9. Suppose that an oracle offers to solve the Diffie–Hellman problem for
you. (See page 67 for a description of the Diffie–Hellman problem.) Explain
how you can use the oracle to decrypt messages that have been encrypted
using the ElGamal public key cryptosystem.
Solution to Exercise 2.9.
In the ElGamal PKC, you know Alice’s public key A≡ga(mod p) and
you know the ciphertext consisting of the two quantities c1≡gk(mod p) and
c2≡m·Ak(mod p), where kis Bob’s secret ephemeral key. You thus know
the values of gaand gk, so the Diffie–Hellman problem oracle will take those
values and tell you the value of gak (mod p). But gak ≡Ak(mod p), so you
can recover Bob’s plaintext message by computing (gak)−1·c2≡m(mod p).
2.10. The exercise describes a public key cryptosystem that requires Bob and
Alice to exchange several messages. We illustrate the system with an example.
Bob and Alice fix a publicly known prime p= 32611, and all of the other
numbers used are private. Alice takes her message m= 11111, chooses a ran-
dom exponent a= 3589, and sends the number u=ma(mod p) = 15950 to
Bob. Bob chooses a random exponent b= 4037 and sends v=ub(mod p) = 15422
back to Alice. Alice then computes w=v15619 ≡27257 (mod 32611) and
Exercises for Chapter 2 45
sends w= 27257 to Bob. Finally, Bob computes w31883 (mod 32611) and
recovers the value 11111 of Alice’s message.
(a) Explain why this algorithm works. In particular, Alice uses the numbers
a= 3589 and 15619 as exponents. How are they related? Similarly, how
are Bob’s exponents b= 4037 and 31883 related?
(b) Formulate a general version of this cryptosystem, i.e., using variables, and
show that it works in general.
(c) What is the disadvantage of this cryptosystem over ElGamal? (Hint. How
many times must Alice and Bob exchange data?)
(d) Are there any advantages of this cryptosystem over ElGamal? In partic-
ular, can Eve break it if she can solve the discrete logarithm problem?
Can Eve break it if she can solve the Diffie–Hellman problem?
Solution to Exercise 2.10.
(a) Alice’s and Bob’s exponents satisfy
3589 ·15619 ≡1 (mod 32610) and 4037 ·31883 ≡1 (mod 32610)
The reason why the algorithm works is discussed in the answer to (b).
(b) In the general formulation, a public prime pis fixed. Alice choose a plain-
text mmod pand a random exponent asatisfying gcd(a, p −1) = 1. She send
u≡ma(mod p)
to Bob. Bob chooses a random exponent bsatisfying gcd(b, p −1) = 1, com-
v≡ub(mod p),
and send vto Alice. Alice now computes the inverse of amodulo p−1, i.e.,
she solves ax ≡1 (mod p−1) for x. Let a0=a−1mod p−1. Alice computes
w≡va0(mod p)
and sends it to Bob. Finally, Bob computes the inverse b0=b−1(mod p−1)
and then wb0mod pis equal to m.
To see that this last assertion is true, we compute
wb0≡va0b0≡uba0b0≡maba0b0(mod p).
We know that
aa0≡1 (mod 1) (mod p−1) and bb0≡1 (mod 1) (mod p−1),
so the exponent aba0b0is congruent to 1 modulo p−1. Then Fermat’s little
theorem tells us that maba0b0≡m(mod p).
(c) ElGamal only require Alice to send Bob a single message. This new cryp-
tosystem requires Alice to send Bob two messages and for Bob to send a
46 Exercises for Chapter 2
message back to Alice. So this new system is much more interactive and re-
quires a lot more communication than does ElGamal.
(d) The advantage of this new system is that Alice and Bob reveal somewhat
less information than in ElGamal. Of course, if Eve can solve the DLP, then
since she knows u,vand w, she can solve
w≡vx(mod p)
to recover x=a0, and then she can recover m, because
ua0≡maa0≡m(mod p).
However, there does not appear to be an easy way for Eve to break the
system if she knows how to solve the Diffie–Hellman Problem. Thus this new
cryptosystem is potentially more secure than ElGamal, if it turns out that
the DHP is easier to solve than the DLP.
Section. An overview of the theory of groups
2.11. The group S3consists of the following six distinct elements
e, σ, σ2, τ, στ, σ2τ,
where eis the identity element and multiplication is performed using the rules
σ3=e, τ2= 1, τσ =σ2τ.
Compute the following values in the group S3:
(a) τσ2(b) τ(στ ) (c) (στ)(στ ) (d) (στ)(σ2τ).
Is S3a commutative group?
Solution to Exercise 2.11.
(a) τσ2= (τσ)σ= (σ2τ)σ=σ2(τσ) = σ2(σ2τ) = σ4τ= (σ3)στ =στ.
(b) τ(στ) = (τσ)τ= (σ2τ)τ=σ2τ2=σ2.
(c) (στ)(στ ) = σ(τσ)τ=σ(σ2τ)τ=σ3τ2=e.
(d) (στ)(σ2τ) = σ(τσ)στ =σ(σ2τ)στ =σ3(τσ)τ=e(σ2τ)τ=σ2τ2=σ2.
No, S3is not a commutative group. For example τσ =σ2τ, which is different
from στ.
2.12. Let Gbe a group, let d≥1 be an integer, and define a subset of Gby
G[d] = {g∈G:gd=e}.
(a) Prove that if gis in G[d], then g−1is in G[d].
(b) Suppose that Gis commutative. Prove that if g1and g2are in G[d], then
their product g1 g2is in G[d].
(c) Deduce that if Gis commutative, then G[d] is a group.
(d) Show by an example that if Gis not a commutative group, then G[d]
need not be a group. (Hint. Use Exercise 2.11.)
Exercises for Chapter 2 47
Solution to Exercise 2.12.
(a) For any element hof Gand any positive integer n, we have
(h−1)n hn= (h−1 h−1··· h−1)(hh··· h) = e,
since there are ncopies of h−1to cancel the ncopies of h. Thus (h−1)nis the
inverse of hn, which we can write succintly as (h−1)n= (hn)−1. We apply this
with h=gand n=dand use the assumption that gd=eto conclude that
(g−1)d= (gd)−1=e−1=e.
Hence g−1is in G[d].
(b) We are given that gd
1=eand gd
2=e. We use the commutativity to
2=ee =e.
Therefore g1g2∈G[d].
(c) From (a) and (b), if we start with two elements in G[d], their product
and their inverses are in G[d]. Also clearly eis in G[d]. This gives the first
two axioms, and the third (associativity) is automatic, since it’s true for all
elements in G.
(d) Using the group S3in Exercise 2.11, we have τ2=eand (στ )2=e. (The
first is true from the description of the group, and the second is true form
part (c) of the exercise.) However, (στ)τ=στ 2=σdoes not satisfy σ2=e.
To see why, note that σ3=e, so if also σ2=e, then we would have e=σ3=
(σ2)σ=eσ =σ, which is not true.
An alternative solution is to use the group of 2-by-2 matrices with integer
coefficients. The matrix A= ( 0 1
1 0 ) satisfies A2=Iand the matrix B=¡1−1
satisfies B2=I, but AB =¡1−1
0−1¢actually has order 3, i.e., (AB)3=I.
2.13. Let Gand Hbe groups. A function φ:G→His called a (group)
homomorphism if it satisfies
φ(g1 g2) = φ(g1) φ(g2) for all g1, g2∈G.
(Note that the product g1 g2uses the group law in the group G, while the
product φ(g1) φ(g2) uses the group law in the group H.)
(a) Let eGbe the identity element of G, let eHbe the identity element of H,
and let g∈G. Prove that
φ(eG) = eHand φ(g−1) = φ(g)−1.
(b) Let Gbe a commutative group. Prove that the map φ:G→Gdefined
by φ(g) = g2is a homomorphism. Give an example of a noncommutative
group for which this map is not a homomorphism.
(c) Same question as (b) for the map φ(g) = g−1.
Solution to Exercise 2.13.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
48 Exercises for Chapter 2
2.14. Prove that each of the following maps is a group homomorphism.
(a) The map φ:Z→Z/NZthat sends a∈Zto amod Nin Z/NZ.
(b) The map φ:R∗→GL2(R) defined by φ(a) = ¡a0
(c) The discrete logarithm map logg:F∗
p→Z/(p−1)Z, where gis a primitive
root modulo p.
Solution to Exercise 2.14.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
2.15. (a) Prove that GL2(Fp) is a group.
(b) Show that GL2(Fp) is a noncommutative group for every prime p.
(c) Describe GL2(F2) completely. That is, list its elements and describe the
multiplication table.
(d) How many elements are there in the group GL2(Fp)?
(e) How many elements are there in the group GLn(Fp)?
Solution to Exercise 2.15.
(a) The identity element is the usual matrix ( 1 0
0 1 ). The definition of GL2(Fp)
ensures that every element has an inverse. Finally, the associative law is true
because it’s true in general for matrix multiplication. (But feel free to write
it out explicitly for the product of three 2-by-2 matrices.)
(b) Here’s an example of noncommuting matrices:
µ1 1
0 1¶µ1 0
1 1¶=µ2 1
1 1¶and µ1 0
1 1¶µ1 1
0 1¶=µ1 1
1 2¶.
(If p= 2, then 2 = 0, but they are still different matrices.)
(c) The group GL2(F2) has 6 elements:
e=µ1 0
0 1¶α=µ1 1
1 0¶β=µ0 1
1 1¶
γ=µ0 1
1 0¶δ=µ1 1
0 1¶=µ1 0
1 1¶
They satisfy many relations, for example β=α2and =α2γ. In fact, we can
get all 6 elements as
e, α, α2, γ, αγ, α2γ,
and the group operation is determined by the rules
α3=e, γ2=e, γα =α2γ.
Comparing with Exercise 2.11 we see that GL2(F2) is the same as the group S3
described in that exercise, we’ve just named the generating elements αand γ
instead of σand τ.
(d) Let αbe a matrix in GL2(Fp). The first row can be any vector except for
the 0 vector, so there are p2−1 possibilities for the first row. The second row
Exercises for Chapter 2 49
can be any vector that is not a scalar multiple of the first row. There are p
possible scalar multiples of the first row, so there are p2−ppossibilities for
the second row. Hence
# GL2(Fp)=(p1−1)(p2−p) = (p−1)2p(p+ 1).
(e) Using the same reasoning as in (d), there are pn−1 allowable first rows,
then pn−pallowable second rows, then pn−p2allowable third rows (since
we have to disallow all linear combinations of the first two rows), etc. Hence
# GLn(Fp) =
Section. How hard is the discrete logarithm problem?
2.16. Verify the following assertions from Example 2.17.
(a) x2+√x=O¡x2¢. (d) (ln k)375 =O¡k0.001¢.
(b) 5 + 6x2−37x5=O¡x5¢. (e) k22k=O¡e2k¢.
(c) k300 =O¡2k¢. (f) N102N=O¡eN¢.
Solution to Exercise 2.16.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Section. A Collision Algorithm for the DLP
2.17. Use Shanks’s babystep–giantstep method to solve the following discrete
logarithm problems. (For (b) and (c), you may want to write a computer
program implementing Shanks’s algorithm.)
(a) 11x= 21 in F71.
(b) 156x= 116 in F593.
(c) 650x= 2213 in F3571.
Solution to Exercise 2.17.
(a) The number 11 has order 70 in F71. Set N=d√70 e= 9 and H=
h−N= 11−9= 7. From Table ?? we see that
111= 21 ·74= 11 in F71.
21 = 111·7−4= 111·(119)4= 1137 in F71,
so the solution is x=37 .
(b) The number 156 has order 148 in F593. Set N=d√148 e= 13 and
H=h−N= 156−13 = 297. From Table ?? we see that
1567= 116 ·2974= 452 in F593.
50 Exercises for Chapter 2
k hka·Hk
1 11 5
2 50 35
3 53 32
4 15 11
Table 2.1: Solve 11x≡21 (mod 71) with babystep–giantstep
k hka·Hk
1 156 58
2 23 29
3 30 311
4 529 452
5 97 226
6 307 113
7 452 353
Table 2.2: Solve 156x≡116 (mod 593) via babystep–giantstep
116 = 1567·297−4= 1567·(15613)4= 15659 in F593,
so the solution is x=59 .
(c) The number h= 650 has order 510 in F3571. Set N=d√510 e= 23 and
H=h−N= 650−23 = 1925. Table ?? lists the values of hkand a·Hkfor
k= 1,2, . . .. From the table we see that
65020 = 2213 ·192513 = 3011 in F3571.
Using the fact that 1925 = 650−23, we compute
2213 = 65020 ·1925−13 = 65020 ·(65023)13 = 650319 in F3571,
so the solution is x=319 .
Section. The Chinese remainder theorem
2.18. Solve each of the following simultaneous systems of congruences (or
explain why no solution exists).
k hka·Hk
1 650 3393
2 1122 166
3 816 1731
4 1892 432
5 1376 3128
k hka·Hk
6 1650 694
7 1200 396
8 1522 1677
9 133 41
10 746 363
k hka·Hk
11 2815 2430
12 1398 3311
13 1666 3011
14 887 442
15 1619 952
k hka·Hk
16 2476 677
17 2450 3381
18 3405 2063
19 2801 323
20 3011 421
Table 2.3: Solve 650x≡2213 (mod 3571) using babystep–giantstep
Exercises for Chapter 2 51
(a) x≡3 (mod 7) and x≡4 (mod 9).
(b) x≡137 (mod 423) and x≡87 (mod 191).
(c) x≡133 (mod 451) and x≡237 (mod 697).
(d) x≡5 (mod 9), x ≡6 (mod 10),and x≡7 (mod 11).
(e) x≡37 (mod 43), x ≡22 (mod 49),and x≡18 (mod 71).
Solution to Exercise 2.18.
(a) x≡31 (mod 63).
(b) x≡27209 (mod 80793).
(c) No solution, since gcd(451,697) = 41 and 133 and 237 are not congru-
ent to one another modulo 41.
(d) x≡986 (mod 990).
(e) x≡11733 (mod 149597).
2.19. Solve the 1700-year-old Chinese remainder problem from the Sun Tzu
Suan Ching stated on page 82.
Solution to Exercise 2.19.
In the modern notation, the solution in the Sun Tzu Suan Ching uses the
fact that:
70 ≡1 (mod 3) ≡0 (mod 5) ≡0 (mod 7),
21 ≡0 (mod 3) ≡1 (mod 5) ≡0 (mod 7),
15 ≡0 (mod 3) ≡0 (mod 5) ≡1 (mod 7).
Hence (2 ∗70) + (3 ∗21) + (2 ∗15) = 233 satisfies the desired congruences.
Since any multiple of 105 is divisible by 3, 5 and 7, we can subtract 2 ∗105
from 233 to get 23 as the smallest positive solution.
Problem 26 is the only problem in the Sun Tzu Suan Ching that illus-
trates the Chinese remainder theorem. Thus it is not known if the author had
developed a general method to solve such problems.
2.20. Let a, b, m, n be integers with gcd(m, n) = 1. Let
c≡(b−a)·m−1(mod n).
Prove that x=a+cn is a solution to
x≡a(mod m) and x≡b(mod n),(2.1)
and that every solution to (2.24) has the form x=a+cn+ymn for some y∈Z.
Solution to Exercise 2.20.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
2.21. Let x=cand x=c0be two solutions of the system of simultaneous
congruences (2.7) in the Chinese remainder theorem (Theorem 2.25). Prove
c≡c0(mod m1m2···mk).
52 Exercises for Chapter 2
Solution to Exercise 2.21.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
2.22. For those who have studied ring theory, this exercise sketches a short, al-
beit nonconstructive, proof of the Chinese remainder theorem. Let m1, . . . , mk
be integers and let m=m1m2···mkbe their product.
(a) Prove that the map
mZ−−−−→ Z
amod m−−−−→ (amod m1, a mod m2, . . . , a mod mk)
is a well-defined homomorphism of rings. (Hint. First define a homomor-
phism from Zto the right-hand side of (2.25), and then show that mZis
in the kernel.)
(b) Assume that m1, . . . , mkare pairwise relatively prime. Prove that the
map given by (2.25) is one-to-one. (Hint. What is the kernel?)
(c) Continuing with the assumption that the numbers m1, . . . , mkare pair-
wise relatively prime, prove that the map (2.25) is onto. (Hint. Use (b)
and count the size of both sides.)
(d) Explain why the Chinese remainder theorem (Theorem 2.25) is equivalent
to the assertion that (b) and (c) are true.
Solution to Exercise 2.22.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
2.23. Use the method described in Section 2.8.1 to find square roots modulo
the following composite moduli.
(a) Find a square root of 340 modulo 437. (Note that 437 = 19 ·23.)
(b) Find a square root of 253 modulo 3143.
(c) Find four square roots of 2833 modulo 4189. (The modulus factors as
4189 = 59 ·71. Note that your four square roots should be distinct mod-
ulo 4189.)
(d) Find eight square roots of 813 modulo 868.
Solution to Exercise 2.23.
(a) The square roots of 340 modulo 437 are 146, 215, 222, and 291.
(b) The square roots of 253 modulo 3143 are 489, 1387, 1756, 2654. (Note
3143 = 7 ·449 and 449 is prime.)
(c) The square roots of 2833 modulo 4189 are 1002, 1712, 2477, and 3187.
(d) We factor 868 = 4 ·7·31. The eight square roots of 813 modulo 868 are
41, 83, 351, 393, 475, 517, 785, and 827.
2.24. Let pbe an odd prime and let bbe a square root of amodulo p. This
exercise investigates the square root of amodulo powers of p.
(a) Prove that for some choice of k, the number b+kp is a square root of a
modulo p2, i.e., (b+kp)2≡a(mod p2).
Exercises for Chapter 2 53
(b) The number b= 537 is a square root of a= 476 modulo the prime
p= 1291. Use the idea in (a) to compute a square root of 476 modulo p2.
(c) Suppose that bis a square root of amodulo pn. Prove that for some choice
of j, the number b+jpnis a square root of amodulo pn+1.
(d) Explain why (c) implies the following statement: If pis an odd prime and
if ahas a square root modulo p, then ahas a square root modulo pnfor
every power of p. Is this true if p= 2?
(e) Use the method in (c) to compute the square root of 3 modulo 133, given
that 92≡3 (mod 13).
Solution to Exercise 2.24.
(a),(c),(d) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(b) (b+k·p)2≡a(mod p2) gives 1074k+ 223 ≡0 (mod p), and hence
k≡239 (mod p). This gives 309086 as the square root of amodulo p2.
(e) 9863 is the square root of 3 modulo 133.
2.25. Suppose n=pq with pand qboth primes.
(a) Suppose that gcd(a, pq) = 1. Prove that if the equation x2≡a(mod n)
has any solutions, then it has four solutions.
(b) Suppose you had a machine that could find all four solutions for some
given a. How could you use this machine to factor n?
Solution to Exercise 2.25.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Section. The Pohlig–Hellman algorithm
2.26. Let Fpbe a finite field and let N|p−1. Prove that F∗
phas an element
of order N. This is true in particular for any prime power that divides p−1.
(Hint. Use the fact that F∗
phas a primitive root.)
Solution to Exercise 2.26.
Let gbe a primitive root. Then ghas order p−1, so h=g(p−1)/N has
order N.
2.27. Write out your own proof that the Pohlig–Hellman algorithm works in
the particular case that p−1 = q1·q2is a product of two distinct primes.
This provides a good opportunity for you to understand how the proof works
and to get a feel for how it was discovered.
Solution to Exercise 2.27.
A solution for this exercise will not be provided.
2.28. Use the Pohlig–Hellman algorithm (Theorem 2.32) to solve the discrete
logarithm problem
gx=ain Fp
in each of the following cases.
(a) p= 433, g= 7, a= 166.
54 Exercises for Chapter 2
(b) p= 746497, g= 10, a= 243278.
(c) p= 41022299, g= 2, a= 39183497. (Hint.p= 2 ·295+ 1.)
(d) p= 1291799, g= 17, a= 192988. (Hint.p−1 has a factor of 709.)
Solution to Exercise 2.28.
(a) Step 1 is to solve
q e h =g(p−1)/qeb=a(p−1)/qeywith hy=b
2 4 265 250 15
3 3 374 335 20
Step 2 is to solve
x≡15 (mod 24), x ≡20 (mod 33).
The solution is x=47 .
(b) Step 1 is to solve
q e h =g(p−1)/qeb=a(p−1)/qeywith hy=b
2 10 4168 38277 523
3 6 674719 322735 681
Step 2 is to solve
x≡523 (mod 210), x ≡681 (mod 36).
The solution is x=223755 .
(c) Step 1 is to solve
q e h =g(p−1)/qeb=a(p−1)/qeywith hy=b
2 1 41022298 1 0
29 5 4 11844727 13192165
In order to solve the discrete logarithm problem modulo 295, it is best to solve
it step by step. Note that 4294= 18794375 is an element of order 29 in F∗
p. To
avoid notational confusion, we use the letter ufor the exponents.
First solve 18794375u0=¡11844727¢294
= 987085. The solution is u0= 7.
The value of uso far is u= 7.
Solve 18794375u1=¡11844727·4−7¢293
= 8303208. The solution is u1= 8.
The value of uso far is u= 239 = 7 + 8 ·29.
Solve 18794375u2=¡11844727 ·4−239¢292
= 30789520. The solution is
u2= 26. The value of uso far is u= 22105 = 7 + 8 ·29 + 26 ·292.
Solve 18794375u3=¡11844727 ·4−22105¢291
= 585477. The solution is
u3= 18. The value of uso far is u= 461107 = 7 + 8 ·29 + 26 ·292+ 18 ·293.
Solve 18794375u4=¡11844727 ·4−461107¢290
= 585477. The solution is
u4= 18. The final value of uis u= 13192165 = 7 + 8 ·29 + 26 ·292+ 18 ·293+
18 ·294, which is the number you see in the last column of the table.
Exercises for Chapter 2 55
Step 2 is to solve
x≡0 (mod 2), x ≡13192165 (mod 295).
The solution is x=33703314 .
(d) Step 1 is to solve
q e h =g(p−1)/qeb=a(p−1)/qeywith hy=b
2 1 1291798 1 0
709 1 679773 566657 322
911 1 329472 898549 534
There is no magical way to solve the DLP’s modulo 709 or 911, although
they are easily solved by an exhaustive search on a computer, and a collision
algorithm is even faster. Step 2 is to solve
x≡0 (mod 2), x ≡322 (mod 709), x ≡534 (mod 911).
The solution is x=984414 .
Section. Rings, quotient rings, polynomial rings, and finite fields
2.29. Let Rbe a ring with the property that the only way that a product a·b
can be 0 is if a= 0 or b= 0. (In the terminology of Example 2.56, the ring R
has no zero divisors.) Suppose further that Rhas only finitely many elements.
Prove that Ris a field. (Hint. Let a∈Rwith a6= 0. What can you say about
the map R→Rdefined by b7→ a·b?)
Solution to Exercise 2.29.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
2.30. Let Rbe a ring. Prove the following properties of Rdirectly from the
ring axioms described in Section 2.10.1.
(a) Prove that the additive identity element 0 ∈Ris unique, i.e., prove that
there is only one element in Rsatisfying 0+a=a+0 = 0 for every a∈R.
(b) Prove that the multiplicative identity element 1 ∈Ris unique.
(c) Prove that every element of Rhas a unique additive inverse.
(d) Prove that 0 a =a 0 = 0 for all a∈R.
(e) We denote the additive inverse of aby −a. Prove that −(−a) = a.
(f) Let −1 be the additive inverse of the multiplicative identity element 1 ∈
R. Prove that (−1) (−1) = 1.
(g) Prove that b|0 for every nonzero b∈R.
(h) Prove that an element of Rhas at most one multiplicative inverse.
Solution to Exercise 2.30.
(a) If 0 and 00are both additive identities, then
00= 00+ 0 = 0.
56 Exercises for Chapter 2
(b) If 1 and 10are both multiplicative identities, then
10= 101 = 1.
(c) If band care both additive inverses of a, then
b=b+ 0 = b+ (c+b0) = (b+c) + b0= 0 + b0=b0.
0 a = (0 + 0) a = (0 a) + (0 a).
Subtracting 0 a from both sides give 0 a = 0. (Note “subtraction” really
means to add the additive inverse.)
(e) Let b=−(−a). Then by definition, b+ (−a) = 0. But we also know by
definition that a+ (−a) = 0. Since additive inverses are unique from (c), it
follows that b=a.
(f) To ease notation, we let i= 1 and u=−1. Then
0 = 0 u = (i+u) u = (iu)+(uu) = u+ (uu).
Thus uu is the additive inverse of u. Using (e) gives (−1)(−1) = −(−1) = 1.
(g) We have b 0 = 0 from (d), so b|0 by definition of divisibility.
(h) Let a∈Rand suppose that ab = 1 and ac = 1, so band care both
multiplicative inverses of a. Then
b=b·1 = b·(a·c) = (a·b)·c= 1 ·c=c.
Thus b=c, so ahas at most one multiplicative inverse.
2.31. Prove Proposition 2.42.
Solution to Exercise 2.31.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
2.32. Prove Proposition 2.44. (Hint. First use Exercise 2.31 to prove that the
congruence classes a+band abdepend only on the congruence classes of a
and b.)
Solution to Exercise 2.32.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
2.33. Let Fbe a field and let aand bbe nonzero polynomials in F[x].
(a) Prove that deg(a·b) = deg(a) + deg(b).
(b) Prove that ahas a multiplicative inverse in F[x] if and only if ais in F,
i.e., if and only if ais a constant polynomial.
(c) Prove that every nonzero element of F[x] can be factored into a product of
irreducible polynomials. (Hint. Use (a), (b), and induction on the degree
of the polynomial.)
Exercises for Chapter 2 57
(d) Let Rbe the ring Z/6Z. Give an example to show that (a) is false for
some polynomials aand bin R[x].
Solution to Exercise 2.33.
(a) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(b) If a·b= 1, then taking degrees and using (a) gives
0 = deg(1) = deg(a·b) = deg(a) + deg(b).
The degree of a nonzero polynomial is a nonnegative integer, so we conclude
that deg(a) = deg(b) = 0. Hence aand bare constant polynomials.
(c) Polynomials of degree 0 and 1 are already irreducible. Suppose we know
that every polynomial of degree smaller than ncan be factored into a product
of irreducible polynomials, and let a∈F[x] have degree n. If ais itself irre-
ducible, we’re done. Otherwise it factors as a=b·c, where neither bnor c
is a unit. It follows from (b) that band cboth have degree at least 1, so
using (a) we find that band chave degrees that are strictly smaller than the
degree of a. Hence by induction, both band ccan be factored as a product
of irreducible polynomials. But then their product, which equals a, is also a
product of irreducible polynomials.
(d) Let a= 2x+ 1 and bfb = 3x+ 1, then a·b= 6x2+ 5x+ 1 = 5x+ 1,
since 6 = 0 in Z/6Z. Hence
deg(a) = deg(b) = deg(a·b) = 1,
so the degree formula in (a) is false.
2.34. Let aand bbe the polynomials
a=x5+ 3x4−5x3−3x2+ 2x+ 2,
b=x5+x4−2x3+ 4x2+x+ 5.
Use the Euclidean algorithm to compute gcd(a,b) in each of the following
(a) F2[x] (b) F3[x] (c) F5[x] (d) F7[x].
Solution to Exercise 2.34.
(a) gcdF2[x](a,b) = x3+x2+x+ 1.
(b) gcdF3[x](a,b) = x2+x+ 2.
(c) gcdF5[x](a,b) = x+ 4.
(d) gcdF7[x](a,b) = 1.
(Note for instructor: The resultant of aand bis −23·32·5·59 ·107, so
gcd(a,b) = 1 in Fp[x] unless p∈ {2,3,5,59,107}.)
2.35. Continuing with the same polynomials aand bas in Exercise 2.34,
for each of the polynomial rings (a), (b), (c), and (d) in Exercise 2.34, find
polynomials uand vsatisfying
a·u+b·v= gcd(a,b).
58 Exercises for Chapter 2
Solution to Exercise 2.35.
(a) u= 1 and v= 1.
(b) u=x+ 1 and v= 2x.
(c) u= 3x3+ 4x2+x+ 2 and v= 2x3+x.
(d) u= 3x4+ 3x3+x2+ 5x+ 4 and v= 4x4+ 5x3+x2+ 2x.
2.36. Prove that the polynomial x3+x+ 1 is irreducible in F2[x]. (Hint.
Think about what a factorization would have to look like.)
Solution to Exercise 2.36.
If x3+x+ 1 factors, then it can be written as the product of a linear
polynomial and a quadratic polynomial. Since the only possible coefficients
are 0 and 1, this means we would have
x3+x+ 1 = (x+a)(x2+bx +c) in F2[x].
Putting x= 0 yields 1 = ac, so we must have a=c= 1. (Remember that a
and care in F2, so they are either 0 or 1.) Now we have
x3+x+ 1 = (x+ 1)(x2+bx + 1),
and putting x= 1 yields 1 = 2 ·(2 + b) = 0. This contradiction shows
that x3+x+ 1 does not factor in F2[x].
2.37. The multiplication table for the field F2[x]/(x3+x+ 1) is given in
Table 2.5, but we have omitted fourteen entries. Fill in the missing entries.
(This is the field described in Example 2.58. You can download and print
a copy of Table 2.5 at
Solution to Exercise 2.37.
Note that it’s not necessary to compute both a·band b·a. Half missing
entries in the table are
x·(x2+x) = x2+x+ 1
x2·x=x+ 1
(x+ 1) ·1 = x+ 1
(x2+ 1) ·(x+ 1) = x2
(x2+x)·(x2+x+ 1) = x2
(x2+x+ 1) ·(x2+ 1) = x2+x.
The other half are the same products in the opposite order.
Exercises for Chapter 2 59
0 1 x x21 + x1 + x2x+x21 + x+x2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 x1 + x2x+x21 + x+x2
x0x x2x+x21 1 + x2
x20x+x21 + x+x2x1 + x21
1 + x0x+x21 + x+x21 + x21x
1 + x20 1 + x21x1 + x+x21 + x
x+x20x+x21 + x21 1 + x x
1 + x+x20 1 + x+x21 + x21x1 + x
Table 2.4: Multiplication table for the field F2[x]/(x3+x+ 1)
2.38. The field F7[x]/(x2+ 1) is a field with 49 elements, which for the mo-
ment we denote by F49. (See Example 2.59 for a convenient way to work
with F49.)
(a) Is 2 + 5xa primitive root in F49?
(b) Is 2 + xa primitive root in F49?
(c) Is 1 + xa primitive root in F49?
(Hint. Lagrange’s theorem says that the order of u∈F49 must divide 48. So
if uk6= 1 for all proper divisors kof 48, then uis a primitive root.)
Solution to Exercise 2.38.
(a) No, (2 + x)8= 1.
(b) Yes. It suffices to check that (2 + x)16 = 4 and (2+x)24 = 6 are not equal
to 1.
(c) No, (1 + x)24 = 1.
2.39. Let pbe a prime number and let e≥2. The quotient ring Z/peZand
the finite field Fpeare both rings and both have the same number of elements.
Describe some ways in which they are intrinsically different.
Solution to Exercise 2.39.
Every nonzero element in the field Fpehas a multiplicative inverse,
while Z/(pe) has lots of elements that do not have inverses, for example all el-
ements of the form kp with 1 ≤k < pe−1. In the field Fpe, if a product ab = 0,
then either a= 0 or b= 0. (To see this, note that if a6= 0, then a−1exists, so
multiplying ab = 0 by a−1shows that b= 0.) On the other hand, Z/(pe) does
not have this property. For example, p·pe−1= 0, but neither pnor pe−1is 0
in Z/(pe). A subtler property is that every element αof Fpesatisfies αpe=α,
but this is not true in Z/(pe). For example, if we take α=p, the αpe= 0.
2.40. Let Fbe a finite field.
(a) Prove that there is an integer m≥1 such that if we add 1 to itself m
1+1+··· + 1
| {z }
60 Exercises for Chapter 2
then we get 0. Note that here 1 and 0 are the multiplicative and additive
identity elements of the field F. If the notation is confusing, you can let u
and zbe the multiplicative and additive identity elements of F, and then
you need to prove that u+u+···+u=z. (Hint. Since Fis finite, the
numbers 1, 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1,. . . cannot all be different.)
(b) Let mbe the smallest positive integer with the property described in (a).
Prove that mis prime. (Hint. If mfactors, show that there are nonzero
elements in Fwhose product is zero, so Fcannot be a field.) This prime
is called the characteristic of the field F.
(c) Let pbe the characteristic of F. Prove that Fis a finite-dimensional vector
space over the field Fpof pelements.
(d) Use (c) to deduce that Fhas pdelements for some d≥1.
Solution to Exercise 2.40.
(a) The fact that Fis finite means that when we look at
1,1 + 1,1 + 1 + 1,1+1+1+1, . . .
eventually we get a repeated value. Subtracting the smaller number of terms
from the larger, it follows that some sum of 1’s is equal to 0 in F.
(b) Suppose that mfactors as m=qr. Then we have
1+1+··· + 1
| {z }
qones ·1 + 1 + ··· + 1
| {z }
= 1 + 1 + ··· + 1
| {z }
= 0.
Since Fis a field, the only way for a product to be 0 is for one of the factors
to be 0, so we have either
1+1+··· + 1
| {z }
= 0 or 1 + 1 + ··· + 1
| {z }
= 0 in F.
But we defined mto be the smallest number of 1’s that sums to 0, so either q≥
mor r≥m. Since we also have m=qr, it follows that either q=m(and
r= 1) or r=m(and q= 1). This proves that mis prime.
(c) It follows that we have a copy of Fpinside Fby sending 1 to 1 and
1 + 1 to 1 + 1, etc. The axioms for a field show that this makes Finto a
vector space using Fpas scalars. By standard linear algebra, Fhas a basis as
a vector space over Fp, and the basis is finite since Fitself is finite. Hence F
is a finite-dimensional vector space over Fp.
(d) Let v1,...,vdbe a basis for Fas a vector space over Fp. Then every
element of Fcan be written uniquely as
a1v1+a2v2+··· +advdwith a1, . . . , ad∈Fp.
There are pchoices of a1, and pchoices of a2, and pchoices of a3, etc. So
there are pddistinct elements in F.
Chapter 3
Integer Factorization and
Exercises for Chapter 3
Section. Euler’s theorem and roots modulo pq
3.1. Solve the following congruences.
(a) x19 ≡36 (mod 97).
(b) x137 ≡428 (mod 541).
(c) x73 ≡614 (mod 1159).
(d) x751 ≡677 (mod 8023).
(e) x38993 ≡328047 (mod 401227). (Hint. 401227 = 607 ·661.)
Solution to Exercise 3.1.
(a) 97 is prime. The congruence 19d≡1 (mod 96) has solution d≡91
(mod 96). Then x≡3691 ≡36 (mod 97).
(b) 541 is prime. The congruence 137d≡1 (mod 540) has solution d≡473
(mod 540). Then x≡428473 ≡213 (mod 541).
(c) 1159 = 19 ·61 and 18 ·60 = 1080. The congruence 73d≡1 (mod 1080)
has solution d≡577 (mod 1080). Then x≡614577 ≡158 (mod 1159).
More efficiently, g= gcd(18,60) = 6 and (18)(60)/6 = 180. The congruence
73d≡1 (mod 180) has solution d≡37 (mod 180). Then x≡61437 ≡158
(mod 1159).
(d) 8023 = 71 ·113 and 71 ·112 = 7840. The congruence 751d≡1
(mod 7840) has solution d≡7151 (mod 7840). Then x≡6777151 ≡1355
(mod 8023). More efficiently, g= gcd(70,112) = 14 and (70)(112)/14 = 560.
The congruence 751d≡1 (mod 560) has solution d≡431 (mod 560). Then
x≡677431 ≡1355 (mod 8023).
(e) 401227 = 607 ·661 and 608 ·660 = 399960. The congruence 38993d≡
1 (mod 399960) has the solution d≡265457 (mod 399960). Then x≡
62 Exercises for Chapter 3
328047265457 ≡36219 (mod 401227). More efficiently, g= gcd(606,660) = 6
and (606)(660)/6 = 66660. The congruence 38993d≡1 (mod 66660) has
the solution d≡65477 (mod 66660). Then x≡32804765477 ≡36219
(mod 401227).
3.2. Let pand qbe distinct primes and let eand dbe integers satisfying
de ≡1 (mod (p−1)(q−1)).
Suppose further that cis an integer with gcd(c, pq)>1. Prove that
x≡cd(mod pq) is a solution to the congruence xe≡c(mod pq),
thereby completing the proof of Proposition 3.4.
Solution to Exercise 3.2.
If pq |c, then the solution is x= 0. So the interesting case is when cis
divisible by exactly one of pand q, say p|cand q-c. Then x≡cd≡0 (mod p)
is a solution to xe≡c≡0 (mod p), so we only need to check that it is true
modulo q. We compute
(cd)e≡c1+k(p−1)(q−1) ≡c·(cq−1)k(p−1) ≡c(mod q),
since cq−1≡1 (mod q) from Fermat’s little theorem.
3.3. Recall from Section 1.3 that Euler’s phi function φ(N) is the function
defined by
φ(N) = #{0≤k < N : gcd(k, N) = 1}.
In other words, φ(N) is the number of integers between 0 and N−1 that are
relatively prime to N, or equivalently, the number of elements in Z/N Zthat
have inverses modulo N.
(a) Compute the values of φ(6), φ(9), φ(15), and φ(17).
(b) If pis prime, what is the value of φ(p)?
(c) Prove Euler’s formula
aφ(N)≡1 (mod N) for all integers asatisfying gcd(a, N) = 1.
(Hint. Mimic the proof of Fermat’s little theorem (Theorem 1.25), but
instead of looking at all of the multiples of aas was done in (1.8), just
take the multiples ka of afor values of ksatisfying gcd(k, N) = 1.)
Solution to Exercise 3.3.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
3.4. Euler’s phi function has many beautiful properties.
(a) If pand qare distinct primes, how is φ(pq) related to φ(p) and φ(q)?
Exercises for Chapter 3 63
(b) If pis prime, what is the value of φ(p2)? How about φ(pj)? Prove that
your formula for φ(pj) is correct. (Hint. Among the numbers between 0
and pj−1, remove the ones that have a factor of p. The ones that are
left are relatively prime to p.)
(c) Let Mand Nbe integers satisfying gcd(M, N) = 1. Prove the multipli-
cation formula
φ(MN) = φ(M)φ(N).
(d) Let p1, p2, . . . , prbe the distinct primes that divide N. Use your results
from (b) and (c) to prove the following formula:
φ(N) = N
i=1 µ1−1
(e) Use the formula in (d) to compute the following values of φ(N).
(i) φ(1728). (ii) φ(1575). (iii) φ(889056) (Hint. 889056 = 25·34·73).
Solution to Exercise 3.4.
(a)–(d) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(e) (i) φ(1728) = 576, (ii) φ(1575) = 720, (iii) φ(889056) = 254016.
3.5. Let N,c, and ebe positive integers satisfying the conditions gcd(N, c) = 1
and gcd¡e, φ(N)¢= 1.
(a) Explain how to solve the congruence
xe≡c(mod N),
assuming that you know the value of φ(N). (Hint. Use the formula in
Exercise 3.3(c).)
(b) Solve the following congruences. (The formula in Exercise 3.4(d) may be
helpful for computing the value of φ(N).)
(i) x577 ≡60 (mod 1463).
(ii) x959 ≡1583 (mod 1625).
(iii) x133957 ≡224689 (mod 2134440).
Solution to Exercise 3.5.
(a) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(b) (i) N= 7 ·11 ·19, so
φ(1463) = 1463 µ1−1
19¶= 1080.
We compute d≡577−1≡73 (mod 1080), so
x≡6073 ≡1390 (mod 1463).
64 Exercises for Chapter 3
Check: 1390577 ≡60 (mod 1463). X
(ii) N= 53·13, so
φ(1625) = 1625 µ1−1
13¶= 1200.
We compute d≡959−1≡239 (mod 1200), so
x≡1583239 ≡147 (mod 1625).
Check: 147959 ≡1583 (mod 1625). X
(iii) N= 23·32·5·72·112, so
φ(2134440) = 2134440 µ1−1
= 443520.
We compute d≡133957−1≡326413 (mod 443520), so
x≡224689326413 ≡1892929 (mod 2134440).
Check: 1892929133957 ≡224689 (mod 2134440). X
Section. The RSA public key cryptosystem
3.6. Alice publishes her RSA public key: modulus N= 2038667 and exponent
e= 103.
(a) Bob wants to send Alice the message m= 892383. What ciphertext does
Bob send to Alice?
(b) Alice knows that her modulus factors into a product of two primes, one
of which is p= 1301. Find a decryption exponent dfor Alice.
(c) Alice receives the ciphertext c= 317730 from Bob. Decrypt the message.
Solution to Exercise 3.6.
(a) Bob sends c=me= 892383103 ≡45293 (mod 2038667).
(b) The modulus is N= 2038667 = 1301 ·1567, so φ(N) = 1300 ·1568 =
2035800. A decryption exponent is given by a solution to
103d≡1 (mod 2035800).
The solution is d≡810367 (mod 2035800).
(c) Alice needs to solve
m103 ≡317730 (mod 2038667).
Raising both sides to the dth power, where d= 810367 is her decryption
exponent, yields
m≡317730810367 ≡514407 (mod 2038667).
Exercises for Chapter 3 65
3.7. Bob’s RSA public key has modulus N= 12191 and exponent e= 37.
Alice sends Bob the ciphertext c= 587. Unfortunately, Bob has chosen too
small a modulus. Help Eve by factoring Nand decrypting Alice’s message.
(Hint.Nhas a factor smaller than 100.)
Solution to Exercise 3.7.
The modulus factors as N= 12191 = 73 ·167, so φ(N) = 72 ·168 = 11952.
The congruence
37d≡1 (mod 11952)
has solution d≡11629 (mod 11952). Then
m≡58711629 ≡4894 (mod 12191)
is a solution to m37 ≡587 (mod 12191).
It is possible to be a bit more efficient, using the fact that g= gcd(72,166) =
2 and (72)(166)/2 = 5976. Thus a solution to the congruence
37d≡1 (mod 5976)
is a decryption exponent, giving the smaller decryption exponent d≡5653
(mod 5976). Of course, this gives the same plaintext
m≡5875653 ≡4894 (mod 12191).
3.8. For each of the given values of N=pq and (p−1)(q−1), use the method
described in Remark 3.10 to determine pand q.
(a) N=pq = 352717 and (p−1)(q−1) = 351520.
(b) N=pq = 77083921 and (p−1)(q−1) = 77066212.
(c) N=pq = 109404161 and (p−1)(q−1) = 109380612.
(d) N=pq = 172205490419 and (p−1)(q−1) = 172204660344.
Solution to Exercise 3.8.
(a) Suppose that N=pq = 352717 and (p−1)(q−1) = 351520. Then
p+q=N+ 1 −(p−1)(q−1) = 1198, so
X2−(p+q)X+N=X2−1198X+ 352717 = (X−677)(X−521).
Hence N= 352717 = 677 ·521.
(b) Suppose that N=pq = 77083921 and (p−1)(q−1) = 77066212. Then
p+q=N+ 1 −(p−1)(q−1) = 17710, so
X2−(p+q)X+N=X2−17710X+ 77083921 = (X−10007)(X−7703).
Hence N= 77083921 = 10007 ·7703.
(c) Suppose that N=pq = 109404161 and (p−1)(q−1) = 109380612. Then
p+q=N+ 1 −(p−1)(q−1) = 23550, so
66 Exercises for Chapter 3
X2−(p+q)X+N=X2−23550X+ 109404161 = (X−6367)(X−17183).
Hence N= 109404161 = 6367 ·17183.
(d) Suppose that N=pq = 172205490419 and (p−1)(q−1) = 172204660344.
Then p+q=N+ 1 −(p−1)(q−1) = 830076, so
X2−(p+q)X+N=X2−830076X+172205490419 = (X−407893)(X−422183).
Hence N= 172205490419 = 407893 ·422183.
3.9. Adecryption exponent for an RSA public key (N, e) is an integer dwith
the property that ade ≡a(mod N) for all integers athat are relatively prime
to N.
(a) Suppose that Eve has a magic box that creates decryption exponents
for (N, e) for a fixed modulus Nand for a large number of different
encryption exponents e. Explain how Eve can use her magic box to try
to factor N.
(b) Let N= 38749709. Eve’s magic box tells her that the encryption ex-
ponent e= 10988423 has decryption exponent d= 16784693 and
that the encryption exponent e= 25910155 has decryption exponent
d= 11514115. Use this information to factor N.
(c) Let N= 225022969. Eve’s magic box tells her the following three encryp-
tion/decryption pairs for N:
Use this information to factor N.
(d) Let N= 1291233941. Eve’s magic box tells her the following three en-
cryption/decryption pairs for N:
Use this information to factor N.
Solution to Exercise 3.9.
Let e1, e2, . . . , enbe a bunch of random encryption exponents, and suppose
that Eve uses her magic box to create decryption exponents d1, d2, . . . , dn.
The numbers Kwith the property that aK≡a(mod N) for all asatisfying
gcd(a, N) = 1 are numbers satisfying
K≡1µmod (p−1)(q−1)
gcd(p−1, q −1)¶.
Thus diei−1 is a multiple of (p−1)(q−1)/gcd(p−1, q −1) for all 1 ≤i≤n.
Assuming that the ei’s are reasonably random, Eve will find that
T= gcd(d1e1−1, d2e2−1, d3e3−1, . . . , dnen−1) (3.1)
Exercises for Chapter 3 67
is equal to a small multiple of
gcd(p−1, q −1).
Next Eve uses the fact that gcd(p−1, q −1) is even and tends to be fairly
small. So she first assumes that T= (p−1)(q−1)/2 and uses this to compute
R=N+ 1 −(p−1)(q−1) = N+ 1 −2T. If she is right about the value of T,
then Rwill equal p+q, and she can recover pand qby factoring x2−T x+N. If
this doesn’t work, she repeats the process with R=N+1−3T,R=N+1−4T,
etc. Continuing in this fashion, she should recover pand qfairly quickly.
Eve can save a bit of time in finding the right multiple of T. The idea is
that N+ 1 −kT should equal p+q, and in practice pand qwill have more or
less the same order of magnitude. So Eve wants N+ 1 −kT ≈2√N, which
means that she should take k≈(N+ 1 −2√N)/T .
gcd(16784693 ·10988423 −1,11514115 ·25910155 −1)
= gcd(184437306609138,298332504337824)
= 19368558
First Eve tries N+ 1 −1·gcd = 19381152, but x2−19381152x+ 38749709
is irreducible. Next she tries N+ 1 −2·gcd = 12594, and this time she finds
that x2−12594x+ 38749709 = (x−7247)(x−5347). Hence N= 38749709 =
7247 ·5347.
gcd(4911157 ·70583995 −1,7346999 ·173111957 −1,
29597249 ·180311381 −1)
= gcd(346649081132214,1271853374967042,5336720840990868)
= 37498566
Eve computes (√225022969 −1)2/37498566 ≈6.00004193, which suggests
that she should try N+ 1 −6·gcd = 31574. This given
x2−31574x+ 225022969 = (x−20707)(x−10867).
Hence N= 225022969 = 20707 ·10867.
gcd(76923209 ·1103927639 −1,106791263 ·1022313977 −1,
7764043 ·387632407 −1)
= gcd(84917656495673550,109174200786382950,3009594676141500)
= 129112350
68 Exercises for Chapter 3
Eve computes (√1291233941 −1)2/129112350 ≈10.0002987, which suggests
that she should use N+ 1 −10 ·gcd = 110442. This yields
x2−110442x+ 1291233941 = (x−97151)(x−13291).
Hence N= 1291233941 = 97151 ·13291.
3.10. Here is an example of a public key system that was proposed at a
cryptography conference. It is supposed to be faster and more efficient than
Alice chooses two large primes pand qand she publishes N=pq. It is as-
sumed that Nis hard to factor. Alice also chooses three random numbers g,r1,
and r2modulo Nand computes
g1≡gr1(p−1) (mod N) and g2≡gr2(q−1) (mod N).
Her public key is the triple (N, g1, g2) and her private key is the pair of
primes (p, q).
Now Bob wants to send the message mto Alice, where mis a number
modulo N. He chooses two random integers s1and s2modulo Nand computes
1(mod N) and c2≡mgs2
2(mod N).
Bob sends the ciphertext (c1, c2) to Alice.
Decryption is extremely fast and easy. Alice use the Chinese remainder
theorem to solve the pair of congruences
x≡c1(mod p) and x≡c2(mod q).
(a) Prove that Alice’s solution xis equal to Bob’s plaintext m.
(b) Explain why this cryptosystem is not secure.
Solution to Exercise 3.10.
(a) Notice that
1≡mgs1r1(p−1) ≡m(mod p)
by Fermat’s little theorem, and similarly c2≡m(mod q). Hence Alice’s
solutions satisfies x≡m(mod pq).
(b) As in (a), we observe that g1≡1 (mod p) from Fermat’s little theorem.
On the other hand, most likely g16≡ 1 (mod q). So Eve can recover pfrom
the trivial gcd computation
gcd(g1−1, N) = p.
(If, by some rare coincidence, g1≡1 (mod q), then c1≡m(mod N), so
although Eve cannot factor N, she can read Bob’s message.)
Section. Implementation and security issues
Exercises for Chapter 3 69
3.11. Formulate a man-in-the-middle attack, similar to the attack described
in Example 3.12 on page 122, for the following public key cryptosystems.
(a) The ElGamal public key cryptosystem (Table 2.3 on page 70).
(b) The RSA public key cryptosystem (Table 3.1 on page 119).
Solution to Exercise 3.11.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
3.12. Alice decides to use RSA with the public key N= 1889570071. In
order to guard against transmission errors, Alice has Bob encrypt his message
twice, once using the encryption exponent e1= 1021763679 and once using
the encryption exponent e2= 519424709. Eve intercepts the two encrypted
c1= 1244183534 and c2= 732959706.
Assuming that Eve also knows Nand the two encryption exponents e1and e2,
use the method described in Example 3.14 to help Eve recover Bob’s plaintext
without finding a factorization of N.
Solution to Exercise 3.12.
With notation as in Example 3.14, we find that
u·c1+v·c2= 1
u= 252426389 and v=−496549570.
Then the plaintext is
2≡1054592380 (mod N).
Section. Primality testing
3.13. We stated that the number 561 is a Carmichael number, but we never
checked that a561 ≡a(mod 561) for every value of a.
(a) The number 561 factors as 3 ·11 ·17. First use Fermat’s little theorem to
prove that
a561 ≡a(mod 3), a561 ≡a(mod 11),and a561 ≡a(mod 17)
for every value of a. Then explain why these three congruences imply that
a561 ≡a(mod 561) for every value of a.
(b) Mimic the idea used in (a) to prove that each of the following numbers is
a Carmichael number. (To assist you, we have factored each number into
(i) 1729 = 7 ·13 ·19
(ii) 10585 = 5 ·29 ·73
70 Exercises for Chapter 3
(iii) 75361 = 11 ·13 ·17 ·31
(iv) 1024651 = 19 ·199 ·271
(c) Prove that a Carmichael number must be odd.
(d) Prove that a Carmichael number must be a product of distinct primes.
(e) Look up Korselt’s criterion in a book or online, write a brief description of
how it works, and use it to show that 29341 = 13·37·61 and 172947529 =
307 ·613 ·919 are Carmichael numbers.
Solution to Exercise 3.13.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Here is a list of all Carmichael up to 100000, plus a few others.
•561 = 3 ·11 ·17
•1105 = 5 ·13 ·17
•1729 = 7 ·13 ·19
•2465 = 5 ·17 ·29
•2821 = 7 ·13 ·31
•6601 = 7 ·23 ·41
•8911 = 7 ·19 ·67
•10585 = 5 ·29 ·73
•15841 = 7 ·31 ·73
•29341 = 13 ·37 ·61
•41041 = 7 ·11 ·13 ·41
•46657 = 13 ·37 ·97
•52633 = 7 ·73 ·103
•62745 = 3 ·5·47 ·89
•63973 = 7 ·13 ·19 ·37
•75361 = 11 ·13 ·17 ·31
•294409 = 37 ·73 ·109
•56052361 = 211 ·421 ·631
•118901521 = 271 ·541 ·811
•172947529 = 307 ·613 ·919
Exercises for Chapter 3 71
•1024651 = 19 ·199 ·271
3.14. Use the Miller–Rabin test on each of the following numbers. In each
case, either provide a Miller–Rabin witness for the compositeness of n, or
conclude that nis probably prime by providing 10 numbers that are not
Miller–Rabin witnesses for n.
(a) n= 1105. (Yes, 5 divides n, but this is just a warm-up exercise!)
(b) n= 294409 (c) n= 294409
(d) n= 118901509 (e) n= 118901521
(f) n= 118901527 (g) n= 118915387
Solution to Exercise 3.14.
(a) n−1 = 1104 = 24·69.
269 ≡ −138 (mod 1105)
22·69 ≡259 (mod 1105)
24·69 ≡ −324 (mod 1105)
28·69 ≡1 (mod 1105)
Thus 1105 is composite. It factors as n= 5 ·13 ·17.
(b) n−1 = 294408 = 23·36801.
236801 ≡512 (mod 294409)
22·36801 ≡ −32265 (mod 294409)
24·36801 ≡1 (mod 294409)
Thus 294409 is composite. It factors as n= 37 ·73 ·109.
(c) n−1 = 294438 = 21·147219.
2147219 ≡1 (mod 294439)
3147219 ≡ −1 (mod 294439)
5147219 ≡1 (mod 294439)
Thus 2, 3, 5 are not Miller–Rabin witnesses for 294439. It turns out that
294439 is prime.
(d) n−1 = 118901508 = 22·29725377.
72 Exercises for Chapter 3
229725377 ≡7906806 (mod 118901509)
22·29725377 ≡ −1 (mod 118901509)
329725377 ≡ −1 (mod 118901509)
32·29725377 ≡1 (mod 118901509)
529725377 ≡ −1 (mod 118901509)
52·29725377 ≡1 (mod 118901509)
729725377 ≡7906806 (mod 118901509)
72·29725377 ≡ −1 (mod 118901509)
1129725377 ≡ −1 (mod 118901509)
112·29725377 ≡1 (mod 118901509)
Thus 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 are not Miller–Rabin witnesses for 118901509. It turns
out that 118901509 is prime.
(e) n−1 = 118901520 = 24·7431345
27431345 ≡45274074 (mod 118901521)
22·7431345 ≡1758249 (mod 118901521)
24·7431345 ≡1 (mod 118901521)
28·7431345 ≡1 (mod 118901521)
Thus 118901521 is composite. It factors as 118901521 = 271 ·541 ·811.
(f) n−1 = 118901526 = 21·59450763.
259450763 ≡1 (mod 118901527)
359450763 ≡ −1 (mod 118901527)
559450763 ≡ −1 (mod 118901527)
759450763 ≡1 (mod 118901527)
1159450763 ≡1 (mod 118901527)
Thus 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 are not Miller–Rabin witnesses for 118901527. It turns
out that 118901527 is prime.
(g) n−1 = 118915386 = 21·59457693.
259457693 ≡ −5081012 (mod 118915387)
Thus 118915387 is composite. It factors as n= 6571 ·18097.
3.15. Looking back at Exercise 3.9, let’s suppose that for a given N, the magic
box can produce only one decryption exponent. Equivalently, suppose that an
RSA key pair has been compromised and that the private decryption exponent
corresponding to the public encryption exponent has been discovered. Show
how the basic idea in the Miller–Rabin primality test can be applied to use
this information to factor N.
Exercises for Chapter 3 73
Solution to Exercise 3.15.
We are given an encryption/decryption pair (e, d), which means that
ade ≡a(mod N) for all 1 ≤a < N.
So for most values of awe have ade−1≡1 (mod N). (This is true un-
less gcd(a, N)>1, in which case gcd(a, N ) is a nontrivial factor of N.) Using
the idea of the Miller–Rabin test, we factor
de = 2krwith rodd.
Then for random choices of a, we look at
ar, a2r, a4r, . . . , a2krmod N.
We know that the last entry in the list is 1.
Now suppose that Nfactors as pq, where we do not know pand q. We
choose a value for a. The Miller–Rabin test applied to ptells us that either
ar≡1 (mod p),or else a2ir≡ −1 (mod p) for some 0 ≤i < k.
(If the latter is true, we take ito be the smallest such value.) Note that we
do not know the value of i, because we do not know the value of p, but that’s
okay. Next we do the same thing with q. Thus the Miller–Rabin test tells us
that either
ar≡1 (mod q),or else a2jr≡ −1 (mod p) for some 0 ≤j < k,
where again we choose the smallest such j.
We now consider several cases. If ar≡1 (mod p) and αr6≡ 1 (mod q),
then we recover pby computing
gcd(N, ar−1) = p.
Similarly, if ar6≡ 1 (mod p) and αr≡1 (mod q), then gcd(N, ar−1) = q, so
again we win. On the other hand, if ar≡1 (mod N), then we get no useful
information, so we need to go try a different value for a.
In the remaining cases we have ar6≡ 1 (mod p) and αr6≡ 1 (mod q).
Suppose that iand jare different, say i < j. Then
a2ir≡ −1 (mod p) and a2ir6≡ −1 (mod q),
So computing gcd(N, a2ir+1) = precovers p. A similar method works if j < i.
And finally, if i=j, then we get no useful information and need to try a
different value for a.
We can summarize the above solution as the following algorithm:
1. Choose a random value 1 < a < N .
74 Exercises for Chapter 3
2. Compute gcd(a, N). If it is not equal to 1, then it is a nontrivial factor
of N.
3. Let (e, d) be the encryption/decryption pair. Factor de −1 = 2krwith r
4. Compute gcd(N, ar−1). If it is a nontrivial factor of N, you’re are done.
5. For each 0 ≤i < k, compute gcd(N, a2ir+ 1). If it is a nontrivial factor
of N, you’re done.
6. If you haven’t found a factor of N, go back to Step 1 and choose a new
value of a.
3.16. The function π(X) counts the number of primes between 2 and X.
(a) Compute the values of π(20), π(30), and π(100).
(b) Write a program to compute π(X) and use it to compute π(X) and
the ratio π(X)/(X/ ln(X)) for X= 100, X= 1000, X= 10000, and
X= 100000. Does your list of ratios make the prime number theorem
Solution to Exercise 3.16.
X π(X)π(X)/(X/ ln(X)
10 4 0.921
20 8 1.198
30 10 1.134
100 25 1.151
1000 168 1.161
10000 1229 1.132
100000 9592 1.104
1000000 78498 1.084
3.17. Let
π1(X) = (# of primes pbetween 2 and Xsatisfying p≡1 (mod 4)),
π3(X) = (# of primes pbetween 2 and Xsatisfying p≡3 (mod 4)).
Thus every prime other than 2 gets counted by either π1(X) or by π3(X).
(a) Compute the values of π1(X) and π3(X) for each of the following values
of X. (i) X= 10. (ii) X= 25. (iii) X= 100.
(b) Write a program to compute π1(X) and π3(X) and use it to compute their
values and the ratio π3(X)/π1(X) for X= 100, X= 1000, X= 10000,
and X= 100000.
(c) Based on your data from (b), make a conjecture about the relative sizes
of π1(X) and π3(X). Which one do you think is larger? What do you
think is the limit of the ratio π3(X)/π1(X) as X→ ∞?
Solution to Exercise 3.17.
Exercises for Chapter 3 75
X π1(X)π3(X)π3(X)/π1(X)
10 1 2 2.0000
25 3 5 1.6667
100 11 13 1.1818
1000 80 87 1.0875
10000 609 619 1.0164
100000 4783 4808 1.0052
1000000 39175 39322 1.0038
(c) From the data, it appears that π3(X)> π1(X) for all X. This is
actually false, but the first Xfor which the inequality is reversed is ex-
tremely large. In any case, the ratio satisfies limX→∞ π3(X)/π1(X) = 1.
This is a special case of Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic pro-
gressions, which says the following. Let gcd(a, N) = 1 and let πa,N (X) be
the number of primes pbetween 2 and Xsatisfying p≡a(mod N). Then
limX→∞ πa,N (X)/π(X) = 1/φ(N).
3.18. We noted in Section 3.4 that it really makes no sense to say that the
number nhas probability 1/ln(n) of being prime. Any particular number that
you choose either will be prime or will not be prime; there are no numbers
that are 35% prime and 65% composite! In this exercise you will prove a
result that gives a more sensible meaning to the statement that a number has
a certain probability of being prime. You may use the prime number theorem
(Theorem 3.20) for this problem.
(a) Fix a (large) number Nand suppose that Bob chooses a random number n
in the interval 1
2N. If he repeats this process many times, prove
that approximately 1/ln(N) of his numbers will be prime. More precisely,
P(N) = number of primes between 1
2Nand 3
number of integers between 1
2Nand 3
="Probability that an integer nin the
interval 1
2Nis a prime num-
ber #,
and prove that
1/ln(N)= 1.
This shows that if Nis large, then P(N) is approximately 1/ln(N).
(b) More generally, fix two numbers c1and c2satisfying c1< c2. Bob chooses
random numbers nin the interval c1N≤n≤c2N. Keeping c1and c2
fixed, let
P(c1, c2;N) = "Probability that an integer nin the in-
terval c1N≤n≤c2Nis a prime num-
ber #.
76 Exercises for Chapter 3
In the following formula, fill in the box with a simple function of Nso
that the statement is true:
P(c1, c2;N)= 1.
Solution to Exercise 3.18.
We will just write P(N), instead of P(c1, c2;N).
P(N) = # of primes between c1Nand c2N
ln(N)¶from the prime number theorem
=(c2−c1) ln(N) + O(1)
ln(c1N) ln(c2N)+oµ1
Hence P(N) divided by (c2−c1)/ln(N) goes to 1 as N→ ∞, or equivalently,
For part (a), we have c1=1
2and c2=3
2, so the limit is 1.
3.19. Continuing with the previous exercise, explain how to make mathemat-
ical sense of the following statements.
(a) A randomly chosen odd number Nhas probability 2/ln(N) of being
prime. (What is the probability that a randomly chosen even number is
(b) A randomly chosen number Nsatisfying N≡1 (mod 3) has probability
3/(2 ln(N)) of being prime.
(c) A randomly chosen number Nsatisfying N≡1 (mod 6) has probability
3/ln(N) of being prime.
(d) Let m=p1p2···prbe a product of distinct primes and let kbe a number
satisfying gcd(k, m) = 1. What number should go into the box to make
statement (3.35) correct? Why?
A randomly chosen number Nsatisfying
N≡k(mod m) has probabil-
ity /ln(N) of being prime.
(e) Same question, but for arbitrary m, not just for mthat are products of
distinct primes.
Exercises for Chapter 3 77
Solution to Exercise 3.19.
(a,b,c) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(d) If m=p1···pr, then the probability that N≡k(mod m) is prime is
approximately r
i=1 µpi
(e) More generally, for arbitrary mand ksatisfying gcd(m, k) = 1, the prob-
ability that N≡k(mod m) is prime is approximately
This is often written as
which is also equal to N/(φ(N) ln(N)), where φ(N) is Euler’s phi function.
3.20. The logarithmic integral function Li(X) is defined to be
Li(X) = ZX
ln t.
(a) Prove that
Li(X) = X
ln X+ZX
(ln t)2+O(1).
(Hint. Integration by parts.)
(b) Compute the limit
X/ ln X.
(Hint. Break the integral in (a) into two pieces, 2 ≤t≤√Xand √X≤
t≤X, and estimate each piece separately.)
(c) Use (b) to show that formula (3.12) on page 131 implies the prime number
theorem (Theorem 3.20).
Solution to Exercise 3.20.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Section. Pollard’s p−1factorization algorithm
3.21. Use Pollard’s p−1 method to factor each of the following numbers.
(a) n= 1739 (b) n= 220459 (c) n= 48356747
78 Exercises for Chapter 3
Be sure to show your work and to indicate which prime factor pof nhas the
property that p−1 is a product of small primes.
Solution to Exercise 3.21.
23! −1≡63 (mod 1739) gcd(23! −1,1739) = 1
24! −1≡1082 (mod 1739) gcd(24! −1,1739) = 1
25! −1≡1394 (mod 1739) gcd(25! −1,1739) = 1
26! −1≡1443 (mod 1739) gcd(26! −1,1739) = 37
This give 1739 = 37 ·47. Note that p−1 = 36 = 22·32and q−1 = 46 = 2 ·23.
23! −1≡63 (mod 220459) gcd(23! −1,220459) = 1
24! −1≡22331 (mod 220459) gcd(24! −1,220459) = 1
25! −1≡85053 (mod 220459) gcd(25! −1,220459) = 1
26! −1≡4045 (mod 220459) gcd(26! −1,220459) = 1
27! −1≡43102 (mod 220459) gcd(27! −1,220459) = 1
28! −1≡179600 (mod 220459) gcd(28! −1,220459) = 449
This gives 220459 = 449 ·491. Note that p−1 = 448 = 26·7 and q−1 =
490 = 2 ·5·72.
215! −1≡46983890 (mod 48356747) gcd(215! −1,48356747) = 1
216! −1≡8398520 (mod 48356747) gcd(216! −1,48356747) = 1
217! −1≡9367159 (mod 48356747) gcd(217! −1,48356747) = 1
218! −1≡17907955 (mod 48356747) gcd(218! −1,48356747) = 1
219! −1≡13944672 (mod 48356747) gcd(219! −1,48356747) = 6917
This gives 48356747 = 6917 ·6991. Note that p−1 = 6916 = 22·7·13 ·19 and
q−1 = 6990 = 2 ·3·5·233.
3.22. A prime of the form 2n−1 is called a Mersenne prime.
(a) Factor each of the numbers 2n−1 for n= 2,3, . . . , 10. Which ones are
Mersenne primes?
(b) Find the first seven Mersenne primes. (You may need a computer.)
(c) If nis even and n > 2, prove that 2n−1 is not prime.
(d) If 3 |nand n > 3, prove that 2n−1 is not prime.
(e) More generally, prove that if nis a composite number, then 2n−1 is not
prime. Thus all Mersenne primes have the form 2p−1 with pa prime
Exercises for Chapter 3 79
(f) What is the largest known Mersenne prime? Are there any larger primes
known? (You can find out at the “Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search”
web site
(g) Write a one page essay on Mersenne primes, starting with the discoveries
of Father Mersenne and ending with GIMPS.
Solution to Exercise 3.22.
The factorization of 2n−1 for 2 ≤n≤20 is
24−1 = 15 = 3 ·5
25−1 = 31 = 31
26−1 = 63 = 32·7
27−1 = 127 = 127
28−1 = 255 = 3 ·5·17
29−1 = 511 = 7 ·73
210 −1 = 1023 = 3 ·11 ·31
211 −1 = 2047 = 23 ·89
212 −1 = 4095 = 32·5·7·13
213 −1 = 8191 = 8191
214 −1 = 16383 = 3 ·43 ·127
215 −1 = 32767 = 7 ·31 ·151
216 −1 = 65535 = 3 ·5·17 ·257
217 −1 = 131071 = 131071
218 −1 = 262143 = 33·7·19 ·73
219 −1 = 524287 = 524287
220 −1 = 1048575 = 3 ·52·11 ·31 ·41
Thus the first few Mersenne primes are
22−1=3,23−1 = 7,25−1 = 31,27−1 = 127,
213 −1 = 8191,217 −1 = 131071,219 −1 = 524287.
Notice that 2p−1 is prime for all primes p < 20 except for p= 11. However,
this is somewhat misleading. For the primes 20 < p < 40, only 231 −1 yields
a Mersenne prime.
223 −1 = 8388607 = 47 ·178481
229 −1 = 536870911 = 233 ·1103 ·2089
231 −1 = 2147483647 = 2147483647
237 −1 = 137438953471 = 223 ·616318177
241 −1 = 2199023255551 = 13367 ·164511353
243 −1 = 8796093022207 = 431 ·9719 ·2099863
247 −1 = 140737488355327 = 2351 ·4513 ·13264529
(c) If nis even, say n= 2m, then 2n−1 = 22m−1 = (2m−1)(2m+ 1), so
2n−1 is composite unless 2m−1 = 1, i.e. unless m= 1 and n= 2.
80 Exercises for Chapter 3
(d) Similarly, 23m−1 = (2m−1)(22m+ 2m+ 1), so it is composite unless
m= 1.
(e) More generally,
2km −1 = (2m−1)(2(k−1)m+ 2(k−2)m+··· + 22m+ 2m+ 1),
so 2km −1 is composite unless m= 1 or k= 1. Notice that what we are really
doing is using the standard identity
xk−1 = (x−1)(x(k−1) +x(k−2) +··· +x2+x+ 1)
with x= 2m.
(f) As of January 2008, the largest known Mersenne prime is 232582657 −1,
which was discovered in September 2006 as part of the GIMPS project.
Exercises for Chapter 3 81
Section. Factorization via difference of squares
3.23. For each of the following numbers N, compute the values of
N+ 12, N + 22, N + 32, N + 42, . . .
as we did in Example 3.33 until you find a value N+b2that is a perfect
square a2. Then use the values of aand bto factor N.
(a) N= 53357 (b) N= 34571 (c) N= 25777 (d) N= 64213
Solution to Exercise 3.23.
53357 + 12= 53358 not a square,
53357 + 22= 53361 = 2312** square **.
53357 = 2312−22= (231 + 2)(231 −2) = 233 ·229.
34571 + 12= 34572 not a square,
34571 + 22= 34575 not a square,
34571 + 32= 34580 not a square,
34571 + 42= 34587 not a square,
34571 + 52= 34596 = 1862** square **.
34571 = 1862−52= (186 + 5)(186 −5) = 191 ·181.
25777 + 12= 25778 not a square
25777 + 22= 25781 not a square
25777 + 32= 25786 not a square
25777 + 42= 25793 not a square
25777 + 52= 25802 not a square
25777 + 62= 25813 not a square
25777 + 72= 25826 not a square
25777 + 82= 25841 not a square
25777 + 92= 25858 not a square
25777 + 102= 25877 not a square
25777 + 112= 25898 not a square
25777 + 122= 25921 = 1612** square **
82 Exercises for Chapter 3
25777 = 1612−122= (161 + 12)(161 −12) = 173 ·149.
(d) Most people will give up before finishing this one unless they write a
computer program! It is included to make people aware that this method
doesn’t always work.
64213 + 12= 64214 not a square
64213 + 22= 64217 not a square
64213 + 32= 64222 not a square
64213 + 42= 64229 not a square
64213 + 1212= 78854 not a square
64213 + 1222= 79097 not a square
64213 + 1232= 79342 not a square
64213 + 1242= 79589 not a square
64213 + 1252= 79838 not a square
64213 + 1262= 80089 = 2832** square **
64213 = 2832−1262= (283 + 126)(283 −126) = 409 ·157.
3.24. For each of the listed values of N,k, and binit, factor Nby making
a list of values of k·N+b2, starting at b=binit and incrementing buntil
k·N+b2is a perfect square. Then take greatest common divisors as we did
in Example 3.34.
(a) N= 143041 k= 247 binit = 1
(b) N= 1226987 k= 3 binit = 36
(c) N= 2510839 k= 21 binit = 90
Solution to Exercise 3.24.
247 ·143041 + 12= 35331128 not a square
247 ·143041 + 22= 35331131 not a square
247 ·143041 + 32= 35331136 = 59442** square **
247 ·143041 = 59442−32= (5944 + 3)(5944 −3) = 5947 ·5941.
Exercises for Chapter 3 83
gcd(143041,5947) = 313,gcd(143041,5941) = 457
3·1226987 + 362= 3682257 not a square
3·1226987 + 372= 3682330 not a square
3·1226987 + 382= 3682405 not a square
3·1226987 + 392= 3682482 not a square
3·1226987 + 402= 3682561 = 19192** square **
3·1226987 = 19192−402= (1919 + 40)(1919 −40) = 1959 ·1879.
gcd(1226987,1959) = 653,gcd(1226987,1879) = 1879
21 ·2510839 + 902= 52735719 not a square
21 ·2510839 + 912= 52735900 not a square
21 ·2510839 + 922= 52736083 not a square
21 ·2510839 + 932= 52736268 not a square
21 ·2510839 + 942= 52736455 not a square
21 ·2510839 + 952= 52736644 = 72622** square **
21 ·2510839 = 72622−952= (7262 + 95)(7262 −95) = 7357 ·7167.
gcd(2510839,7357) = 1051,gcd(2510839,7167) = 2389
3.25. For each part, use the data provided to find values of aand bsatisfying
a2≡b2(mod N), and then compute gcd(N, a −b) in order to find a nontrivial
factor of N, as we did in Examples 3.36 and 3.37.
(a) N= 61063
18822≡270 (mod 61063) and 270 = 2 ·33·5
18982≡60750 (mod 61063) and 60750 = 2 ·35·53
(b) N= 52907
3992≡480 (mod 52907) and 480 = 25·3·5
7632≡192 (mod 52907) and 192 = 26·3
7732≡15552 (mod 52907) and 15552 = 26·35
9762≡250 (mod 52907) and 250 = 2 ·53
84 Exercises for Chapter 3
(c) N= 198103
11892≡27000 (mod 198103) and 27000 = 23·33·53
16052≡686 (mod 198103) and 686 = 2 ·73
23782≡108000 (mod 198103) and 108000 = 25·33·53
28152≡105 (mod 198103) and 105 = 3 ·5·7
(d) N= 2525891
15912≡5390 (mod 2525891) and 5390 = 2 ·5·72·11
31822≡21560 (mod 2525891) and 21560 = 23·5·72·11
47732≡48510 (mod 2525891) and 48510 = 2 ·32·5·72·11
52752≡40824 (mod 2525891) and 40824 = 23·36·7
54012≡1386000 (mod 2525891) and 1386000 = 24·32·53·7·11
Solution to Exercise 3.25.
18822·18982≡(2 ·33·5)(2 ·35·53) (mod 61063)
= (2 ·34·52)2
= 40502
gcd(61063,1882 ·1898 −4050) = 227 Eureka!
(b) The most natural combination to try first is
7632·7732≡(26·3)(26·35) (mod 52907)
= (26·33)2
= 17282
gcd(52907,763 ·773 −1728) = 277 Eureka!
So this works. However, if instead we use
3992·7632·9762≡(25·3·5)(26·3)(2 ·53) (mod 52907)
= (26·3·52)2
= 48002,
then we do not win, since
gcd(52907,399 ·763 ·976 −4800) = 52907 No help
(c) First we try
Exercises for Chapter 3 85
11892·23782≡(23·33·53)(25·33·53) (mod 198103)
= (24·33·53)2
= 540002
gcd(198103,1189 ·2378 −54000) = 198103 No help
This didn’t work, so next we try
11892·16052·28152≡(23·33·53)(2 ·73)(3 ·5·7) (mod 198103)
= (22·32·52·72)2
= 441002
gcd(198103,1189 ·1605 ·2815 −44100) = 499 Eureka!
(d) First we try
15912·31822≡(2 ·5·72·11)(23·5·72·11) (mod 2525891)
= (22·5·72·11)2
= 107802
gcd(2525891,1591 ·3182 −10780) = 2525891 No help
Next we try
15912·47732≡(2 ·5·72·11)(2 ·32·5·72·11) (mod 2525891)
= (2 ·3·5·72·11)2
= 161702
gcd(2525891,1591 ·4773 −16170) = 2525891 No help
Finally we win when we try
≡(2 ·5·72·11)(23·36·7)(24·32·53·7·11) (mod 2525891)
= (24·34·52·72·11)2
= 174636002
gcd(2525891,1591 ·5275 ·5401 −17463600) = 1637 Eureka!
Section. Smooth numbers, sieves, and building relations for factorization
3.26. Compute the following values of ψ(X, B), the number of B-smooth
numbers between 2 and X(see page 146).
(a) ψ(25,3) (b) ψ(35,5) (c) ψ(50,7) (d) ψ(100,5)
(e) ψ(100,7)
86 Exercises for Chapter 3
Solution to Exercise 3.26.
(a) ψ(25,3) = 10
(b) ψ(35,5) = 18
(c) ψ(50,7) = 30
(d) ψ(100,5) = 33
(e) ψ(100,7) = 45
3.27. An integer Mis called B-power-smooth if every prime power pedi-
viding Msatisfies pe≤B. For example, 180 = 22·32·5 is 10-power-smooth,
since the largest prime power dividing 180 is 9, which is smaller than 10.
(a) Suppose that Mis B-power-smooth. Prove that Mis also B-smooth.
(b) Suppose that Mis B-smooth. Is it always true that Mis also B-power-
smooth? Either prove that it is true or give an example for which it is
not true.
(c) The following is a list of 20 randomly chosen numbers between 1 and 1000,
sorted from smallest to largest. Which of these numbers are 10-power-
smooth? Which of them are 10-smooth?
(d) Prove that Mis B-power-smooth if and only if Mdivides the least com-
mon multiple of [1,2, . . . , B]. (The least common multiple of a list of
numbers k1, . . . , kris the smallest number Kthat is divisible by every
number in the list.)
Solution to Exercise 3.27.
(a,b,d) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(c) The numbers 84 = 22·3·7, 420 = 22·3·5·7, 504 = 23·32·7, and are
10-power-smooth. They are also 10-smooth, of course, as are the additional
numbers 224 = 25·7 and 378 = 2 ·33·7.
3.28. Let L(N) = e√(ln N)(ln ln N)as usual. Suppose that a computer does
one billion operations per second.
(a) How many seconds does it take to perform L(2100) operations?
(b) How many hours does it take to perform L(2250) operations?
(c) How many days does it take to perform L(2350) operations?
(d) How many years does it take to perform L(2500) operations?
(e) How many years does it take to perform L(2750) operations?
(f) How many years does it take to perform L(21000) operations?
(g) How many years does it take to perform L(22000) operations?
(For simplicity, you may assume that there are 365.25 days in a year.)
Solution to Exercise 3.28.
(a) N= 2100 :L(N) = 224.73 steps takes 0.03 seconds.
(b) N= 2250 :L(N) = 243.12 steps takes 2.65 hours.
Exercises for Chapter 3 87
(c) N= 2350 :L(N) = 252.66 steps takes 82.24 days.
(d) N= 2500 :L(N) = 264.95 steps takes 1129.30 years.
(e) N= 2750 :L(N) = 282.26 steps takes 108.26 years.
(f) N= 21000 :L(N) = 297.14 steps takes 1012.74 years.
(g) N= 22000 :L(N) = 2144.48 steps takes 1026.99 years.
3.29. Prove that the function L(X) = e√(ln X)(ln ln X)is subexponential. That
is, prove the following two statements.
(a) For every positive constant α, no matter how large, L(X) = Ω¡(ln X)α¢.
(b) For every positive constant β, no matter how small, L(X) = O¡Xβ).
Solution to Exercise 3.29.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
3.30. For any fixed positive constants aand b, define the function
Fa,b(X) = e(ln X)1/a (ln ln X)1/b .
Prove the following properties of Fa,b(X).
(a) If a > 1, prove that Fa,b(X) is subexponential.
(b) If a= 1, prove that Fa,b(X) is exponential.
(c) What happens if a < 1?
Solution to Exercise 3.30.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
3.31. This exercise asks you to verify an assertion in the proof of Corol-
lary 3.44. Let L(X) be the usual function L(X) = e√(ln X)(ln ln X).
(a) Prove that there is a value of > 0 such that
(ln X)²<ln L(X)<(ln X)1−²for all X > 10.
(b) Let c > 0, let Y=L(X)c, and let u= (ln X)/(ln Y). Prove that
Solution to Exercise 3.31.
(a) is clear, any < 1
2will work.
(b) We first compute
u=ln X
ln L(X)c=ln X
cp(ln X)(ln ln X)=1
crln X
ln ln X.
88 Exercises for Chapter 3
uln u=1
crln X
ln ln Xln Ã1
crln X
ln ln X!
crln X
ln ln X·1
2ln ln X−1
2ln ln ln X−ln c¸
2c√ln Xln ln X¡1 + o(1)¢
2c¡ln L(X)¢¡1 + o(1)¢.
3.32. Proposition 3.47 assumes that we choose random numbers amodulo N,
compute a2(mod N), and check whether the result is B-smooth. We can
achieve better results if we take values for aof the form
a=¥√N¦+kfor 1 ≤k≤K.
(For simplicity, you may treat Kas a fixed integer, independent of N. More
rigorously, it is necessary to take Kequal to a power of L(N), which has a
small effect on the final answer.)
(a) Prove that a2−N≤2K√N+K2, so in particular, a2(mod N) is smaller
than a multiple of √N.
(b) Prove that L(√N)≈L(N)1/√2by showing that
log L(√N)
log L(N)1/√2= 1.
More generally, prove that in the same sense, L(N1/r )≈L(N)1/√rfor
any fixed r > 0.
(c) Re-prove Proposition 3.47 using this better choice of values for a. Set
B=L(N)cand find the optimal value of c. Approximately how many
relations are needed to factor N?
Solution to Exercise 3.32.
(a) We have a=√N++kfor some 0 ≤ < 1. Hence a2−N=
2(+k)√N+ (+k)2≤2K√N+K2.
(b) A rough computation shows that
L(√N) = e√(ln √N)(ln ln √N)
2ln N)(ln 1
2ln N)
2ln N)(ln ln N)=L(N)1/√2.
Exercises for Chapter 3 89
More precisely, we first simplify
log L(N1/r)
log L(N)1/√r=√ln N1/r ln ln N1/r
(1/√r)√ln Nln ln N
=s(1/r)(ln N)(ln(1/r) + ln ln N)
(1/r)(ln N)(ln ln N)
=r−ln r
ln ln N+ 1.
It is clear that if ris fixed, then this last expression goes to 1 as N→ ∞.
(c) We mimic the proof of Proposition 3.47. The probability that a random
number that is approximately √Nis B-smooth is ψ(√N, B)/√N, and we
need approximately π(B) relations, so we need to check approximately
ψ(√N, B)/√Nnumbers. (3.3)
We set B=L(√N)c, substitute into ??, and use Theorem ?? and the prime
number theorem (Theorem 3.20) to get (we ignore various lower-order log
ψ(√N, L(√N)c)/√N≈L(√N)c
The exponent is minimized when c=1
√2, so we should take B=L(√N)1/√2≈
L(N)1/2and we need to check approximately L(N) numbers in order to fac-
tor N. Of course, our assumptions mean that this is an underestimate, but
this exercise suggests that without some significant new idea, the running time
of this method will be at least O(L(N)).
3.33. Illustrate the quadratic sieve, as was done in Figure 3.3 (page 157), by
sieving prime powers up to Bon the values of F(T) = T2−Nin the indicated
(a) Sieve N= 493 using prime powers up to B= 11 on values from F(23)
to F(38). Use the relation(s) that you find to factor N.
(b) Extend the computations in (a) by using prime powers up to B= 16 and
sieving values from F(23) to F(50). What additional value(s) are sieved
down to 1 and what additional relation(s) do they yield?
Solution to Exercise 3.33.
(a) We sieve the following values, as illustrated in Table ??:
•The congruence t2≡493 ≡1 (mod 2) has solution t≡1 (mod 2), so we
sieve 2 from F(23), F(25), F(27),. . . .
90 Exercises for Chapter 3
•The congruence t2≡493 ≡1 (mod 3) has solutions t≡1 (mod 3) and
t≡2 (mod 3), so first we sieve 3 from F(23), F(26), F(29),. . . , and
then we sieve 3 from F(25), F(28), F(31),. . . .
•The congruence t2≡493 ≡1 (mod 4) has solution t≡1 (mod 2), so we
sieve another 2 from F(23), F(25), F(27),. . . .
•The congruence t2≡493 ≡3 (mod 5) has no solutions.
•The congruence t2≡493 ≡3 (mod 7) has no solutions.
•The congruence t2≡493 ≡5 (mod 8) has no solutions.
•The congruence t2≡493 ≡7 (mod 9) has solutions t≡4 (mod 9) and
t≡5 (mod 9), so first we sieve another 3 from F(31) and then we sieve
another 3 from F(23) and F(32).
•The congruence t2≡493 ≡9 (mod 11) has solutions t≡3 (mod 11)
and t≡8 (mod 11), so first we sieve 11 from F(25) and F(36) and then
we sieve 11 from F(30).
The two values F(23) and F(25) have been sieved down to 1, yielding the
F(23) ≡36 ≡22·32(mod 493) and F(25) ≡132 ≡22·3·11 (mod 493).
Since F(23) is itself congruent to a square, we can compute
gcd(23 −2·3,493) = 17,
which gives the factorization 493 = 17 ·29.
(b) The first step is to make Table ?? wider, i.e. sieve the values from F(23)
to F(50) using prime powers up to B= 11. The next step is to sieve out the
additional prime powers up to B= 16.
The congruence t2≡493 ≡12 (mod 13) has solutions t≡5 (mod 13)
and t≡8 (mod 13), so first we sieve 13 from F(31) and F(44), and then we
sieve 13 from F(34) and F(47). The only other prime power up to B= 16
is 16, and the congruence t2≡493 ≡13 (mod 16) has no solutions (as indeed
it cannot, since we already noted that t2≡493 (mod 8) has no solutions).
We do not give the entire sieve table, but merely observe that two more
values have been sieved down to 1, namely
F(31) = 468 ≡22·32·13 (mod 493) and F(47) = 1716 ≡22·3·11·13 (mod 493).
Combining these with the earlier fully sieved values gives the relation
(25·31·47)2≡(22·3·11)·(22·32·13)·(22·3·11·13) ≡(23·32·11·13)3(mod 493).
gcd(25 ·31 ·47 −23·32·11 ·13,493) = gcd(26129,493) = 493,
so this relation does not give a factorization of 493.
Exercises for Chapter 3 91
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
36 83 132 183 236 291 348 407 468 531 596 663 732 803 876 951
18 83 66 183 118 291 174 407 234 531 298 663 366 803 438 951
6 83 66 61 118 291 58 407 234 177 298 663 122 803 438 317
6 83 22 61 118 97 58 407 78 177 298 221 122 803 146 317
3 83 11 61 59 97 29 407 39 177 149 221 61 803 73 317
3 83 11 61 59 97 29 407 13 177 149 221 61 803 73 317
1 83 11 61 59 97 29 407 13 59 149 221 61 803 73 317
↓11 ↓11
1 83 1 61 59 97 29 407 13 59 149 221 61 73 73 317
1 83 1 61 59 97 29 37 13 59 149 221 61 73 73 317
Table 3.1: Sieving N= 493
3.34. Let Z[β] be the ring described in Example 3.54, i.e., βis a root of f(x) =
1+3x−2x3+x4. For each of the following pairs of elements u, v ∈Z[β],
compute the sum u+vand the product uv. Your answers should involve only
powers of βup to β3.
(a) u=−5−2β+ 9β2−9β3and v= 2 + 9β−7β2+ 7β3.
(b) u= 9 + 9β+ 6β2−5β3and v=−4−6β−2β2−5β3.
(c) u= 6 −5β+ 3β3+ 3β3and v=−2+7β+ 6β2.
Solution to Exercise 3.34.
(a) u+v=−3+7β+ 2β2−2β3and uv = 148 + 425β+ 98β2−85β3.
(b) u+ 4 = 5 + 3β+ 4β2−10β3and uv =−69 −219β−211β2−88β3.
(c) u+v= 4 + β+ 9β2+ 3β3and uv =−87 −189β−66β2+ 129β3.
Section. The index calculus and discrete logarithms
3.35. This exercise asks you to use the index calculus to solve a discrete
logarithm problem. Let p= 19079 and g= 17.
(a) Verify that gi(mod p) is 5-smooth for each of the values i= 3030,
i= 6892, and i= 18312.
(b) Use your computations in (a) and linear algebra to compute the discrete
logarithms logg(2), logg(3), and logg(5). (Note that 19078 = 2 ·9539 and
that 9539 is prime.)
(c) Verify that 19 ·17−12400 is 5-smooth.
92 Exercises for Chapter 3
(d) Use the values from (b) and the computation in (c) to solve the discrete
logarithm problem
17x≡19 (mod 19079).
Solution to Exercise 3.35.
(a) We have
g3030 ≡22·36·5, g6892 ≡211 ·32, g18312 ≡24·3·53.
(b) We get the linear equations
3030 = 2x2+ 6x3+x5
6892 = 11x2+ 2x3
18312 = 4x2+x3+ 2x5
Solving modulo 2 and modulo 9539 gives
(x2, x3, x5)≡(0,0,0) (mod 2),
(x2, x3, x5)≡(8195,1299,7463) (mod 9539).
(x2, x3, x5)≡(17734,10838,17002) (mod 19079).
(c) We compute
h·g−12224 ≡213 (mod 19079).
(d) Hence
logg(h) = 12224 + 13 ·logg(2) = 242766 ≡13830 (mod p−1).
We check that 1713830 ≡19 (mod 19079). X
Section. Quadratic residues and quadratic reciprocity
3.36. Let pbe an odd prime and let abe an integer with p-a.
(a) Prove that a(p−1)/2is congruent to either 1 or −1 modulo p.
(b) Prove that a(p−1)/2is congruent to 1 modulo pif and only if ais a
quadratic residue modulo p. (Hint. Let gbe a primitive root for pand
use the fact, proven during the course of proving Proposition 3.60, that gm
is a quadratic residue if and only if mis even.)
(c) Prove that a(p−1)/2≡¡a
p¢(mod p). (This holds even if p|a.)
(d) Use (c) to prove Theorem 3.61(a), that is, prove that
p¶=(1 if p≡1 (mod 4),
−1 if p≡3 (mod 4).
Solution to Exercise 3.36.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Exercises for Chapter 3 93
3.37. Prove that the three parts of the quadratic reciprocity theorem (Theo-
rem 3.61) are equivalent to the following three concise formulas, where pand q
are odd primes:
(a) µ−1
p¶= (−1)p−1
2(b) µ2
p¶= (−1)p2−1
8(c) µp
p¶= (−1)p−1
Solution to Exercise 3.37.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
3.38. Let pbe a prime satisfying p≡3 (mod 4).
(a) Let abe a quadratic residue modulo p. Prove that the number
4(mod p)
has the property that b2≡a(mod p). (Hint. Write p+1
2as 1 + p−1
use Exercise 3.36.) This gives an easy way to take square roots modulo p
for primes that are congruent to 3 modulo p.
(b) Use (a) to compute the following square roots modulo p. Be sure to check
your answers.
(i) Solve b2≡116 (mod 587).
(ii) Solve b2≡3217 (mod 8627).
(iii) Solve b2≡9109 (mod 10663).
Solution to Exercise 3.38.
This was proven in Chapter 2, see Proposition 2.27, but it is included here
as an exercise because of its importance, and because the use of the Legendre
symbol makes for a short proof.
2≡a1+ p−1
p¶≡a(mod p).
We are using ap−1
p¢from the previous exercise and the assumption that a
is a quadratic residue, which tells us that ¡a
p¢= 1.
(b) (i) 116(587+1)/4= 116147 ≡65 (mod 587). Check: 652≡116 (mod 587).
(ii) 3217(8627+1)/4≡18652157 ≡2980 (mod 8627). Check: 29802≡3217
(mod 8627).
(iii) 9109(10663+1)/4≡91092666 ≡3502 (mod 10663). Check: 35022≡1554
(mod 10663). Oops, what’s going on? The problem is that ¡9109
10663¢=−1, so
9109 is not a quadratic residue modulo 10663. In fact, the previous exercise
tells us that b2≡¡a
p¢a(mod p), and indeed in this case we have 35022≡ −9109
(mod 10663).
3.39. Recall that for any a∈F∗
p, the discrete logarithm of a(with respect to
a primitive root g) is a number logg(a) satisfying
94 Exercises for Chapter 3
glogg(a)≡a(mod p).
Prove that µa
p¶= (−1)logg(a)for all a∈F∗
Thus quadratic reciprocity gives a fast method to compute the parity of logg(a).
Solution to Exercise 3.39.
To ease notation,let k= logg(a). Then
p¶≡a(p−1)/2(mod p) from earlier exercise,
≡gk(p−1)/2(mod p) from definition of discrete log,
≡(−1)k(mod p) since g(p−1)/2≡1 (mod p).
3.40. Let p≥5 be a prime. We say that ais a cubic residue modulo pif p-a
and there is an integer csatisfying a≡c3(mod p).
(a) Let aand bbe cubic residues modulo p. Prove that ab is a cubic residue
modulo p.
(b) Give an example to show that (unlike the case with quadratic residues)
it is possible for none of a,b, and ab to be a cubic residue modulo p.
(c) Let gbe a primitive root modulo p. Prove that ais a cubic residue
modulo pif and only if 3 |logg(a), where logg(a) is the discrete logarithm
of a.
Solution to Exercise 3.40.
It is easiest to prove (c) first, but we give a direct proof of (a). The as-
sumption is that there are numbers cand dsatisfying
a≡c3mod pand b≡d3(mod p).
Then ab = (cd)3(mod p), so ab is also a cubic residue modulo p.
(b,c) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Section. Probabilistic encryption and the Goldwasser–Micali cryptosystem
3.41. Perform the following encryptions and decryptions using the Goldwas-
ser–Micali public key cryptosystem (Table 3.9).
(a) Bob’s public key is the pair N= 1842338473 and a= 1532411781. Alice
encrypts three bits and sends Bob the ciphertext blocks
1794677960,525734818,and 420526487.
Decrypt Alice’s message using the factorization
N=pq = 32411 ·56843.
Exercises for Chapter 3 95
(b) Bob’s public key is N= 3149 and a= 2013. Alice encrypts three bits
and sends Bob the ciphertext blocks 2322, 719, and 202. Unfortunately,
Bob used primes that are much too small. Factor Nand decrypt Alice’s
(c) Bob’s public key is N= 781044643 and a= 568980706. Encrypt the
three bits 1, 1, 0 using, respectively, the three random values
r= 705130839, r = 631364468, r = 67651321.
Solution to Exercise 3.41.
(a) Decrypt c= 1794677960 by computing ¡1794677960
32411 ¢=−1, which gives
the plaintext bit m= 1. Decrypt c= 525734818 by computing ¡525734818
32411 ¢= 1,
which gives the plaintext bit m= 0. Decrypt c= 420526487 by computing
32411 ¢=−1, which gives the plaintext bit m= 1. Alice’s plaintext is
(b) The factorization of mis m= 3149 = 47 ·57. Decrypt c= 2322 by
computing ¡2322
47 ¢=−1, which gives the plaintext bit m= 1. Decrypt c= 719
by computing ¡719
47 ¢= 1, which gives the plaintext bit m= 0. Decrypt c= 202
by computing ¡202
47 ¢= 1, which gives the plaintext bit m= 0. Thus Alice’s
plaintext is (1,0,0).
(c) Although it is not needed to do this problem, the factorization of mis m=
781044643 = 22109 ·35327. Encrypt m= 1 using r= 705130839. Compute
c≡ar2≡568980706 ·7051308392≡517254876 (mod 781044643). Encrypt
m= 1 using r= 631364468. Compute c≡ar2≡568980706 ·6313644682≡
4308279 (mod 781044643). Encrypt m= 0 using r= 67651321. Compute c≡
r2≡676513212≡660699010 (mod 781044643). The ciphertext for (1,1,0) is
3.42. Suppose that the plaintext space Mof a certain cryptosystem is the
set of bit strings of length 2b. Let ekand dkbe the encryption and decryption
functions associated with a key k∈ K. This exercise describes one method
of turning the original cryptosystem into a probabilistic cryptosystem. Most
practical cryptosystems that are currently in use rely on more complicated
variants of this idea in order to thwart certain types of attacks. (See Section 8.6
for further details.)
Alice sends Bob an encrypted message by performing the following steps:
1. Alice chooses a b-bit message m0to be encrypted.
2. Alice chooses a string rconsisting of brandom bits.
3. Alice sets m=rk(r⊕m0), where kdenotes concatenation1and ⊕denotes
exclusive or (see Section 1.7.4). Notice that mhas length 2bbits.
4. Alice computes c=ek(m) and sends the ciphtertext cto Bob.
1The concatenation of two bit strings is formed by placing the first string before the
second string. For example, 1101 k1001 is the bit string 11011001.
96 Exercises for Chapter 3
(a) Explain how Bob decrypts Alice’s message and recovers the plaintext m0.
We assume, of course, that Bob knows the decryption function dk.
(b) If the plaintexts and the ciphertexts of the original cryptosystem have the
same length, what is the message expansion ratio of the new probabilistic
(c) More generally, if the original cryptosystem has a message expansion
ratio of µ, what is the message expansion ratio of the new probabilistic
Solution to Exercise 3.42.
(a) Bob decrypts cto recover m=dk(c). He splits mup into two pieces
m=rks, where rconsists of the first bbits of mand sconsists of the
last bbits of m. Then he recovers Alice’s plaintext m0by computing r⊕s.
(b) The new probabilistic cryptosystem has plaintext length bbits and ci-
phertext length 2bbits, so its message expansion ratio is 2.
(c) The plaintexts in the original cryptosystem have length 2bbits, and it
has message expansion µ, so its ciphertexts have length 2bµ bits. The new
probabilistic cryptosystem has plaintext length bbits, so its message expansion
ratio is 2bµ/b = 2µ.
Chapter 4
Combinatorics, Probability,
and Information Theory
Exercises for Chapter 4
Section. Basic principles of counting
4.1. The Rhind papyrus is an ancient Egyptian mathematical manuscript
that is more than 3500 years old. Problem 79 of the Rhind papyrus poses a
problem that can be paraphrased as follows: there are seven houses; in each
house lives seven cats; each cat kills seven mice; each mouse has eaten seven
spelt seeds1; each spelt seed would have produced seven hekat2of spelt. What
is the sum of all of the named items? Solve this 3500 year old problem.
Solution to Exercise 4.1.
+ 72
+ 73
+ 74
+ 75
= 19607.
As stated in the Rhind papyrus, the problem and solution looks more or
less as follows:
houses 7
1 2,801 cats 49
2 5,602 mice 343
4 11,204 spelt 2,301
hekat 16,807
Total 19,607 Total 19,607
1Spelt is an ancient type of wheat.
2Ahekat is 1
30 of a cubic cubit, which is approximately 4.8 liters.
98 Exercises for Chapter 4
Notice that the author has made a mistake in the value of 74= 2401, but
that his final answer is correct. The last column in the Rhind papyrus is
the same as our solution, adding up powers of 7. In the first column the
author gives an alternative computational method based on the fact that
2801 = 1 + 7 + 72+ 73+ 74. Thus he computes
7 + 72+ 73+ 74+ 75= 7 ·(1 + 7 + 72+ 73+ 74)
= (1 + 2 + 4) ·(1 + 7 + 72+ 73+ 74)
= 2801 + 2 ·2801 + 4 ·2801.
This double-and-add method is very reminiscent of many modern algorithms.
4.2. (a) How many n-tuples (x1, x2, . . . , xn) are there if the coordinates are
required to be integers satisfying 0 ≤xi< q?
(b) Same question as (a), except now there are separate bounds 0 ≤xi< qi
for each coordinate.
(c) How many n-by-nmatrices are there if the entries xi,j of the matrix are
integers satisfying 0 ≤xi,j < q?
(d) Same question as (a), except now the order of the coordinates does not
matter. So for example, (0,0,1,3) and (1,0,3,0) are considered the same.
(This one is rather tricky.)
(e) Twelve students are each taking four classes, for each class they need two
loose-leaf notebooks, for each notebook they need 100 sheets of paper, and
each sheet of paper has 32 lines on it. Altogether, how many students,
classes, notebooks, sheets, and lines are there? (Bonus. Make this or a
similar problem of your own devising into a rhyme like the St. Ives riddle.)
Solution to Exercise 4.2.
(a) There are qchoices for each coordinate, so a total of qnpossible n-
(b) Now there are q1choices for x1, and q2choices for x2, and so on. Hence
the total number of possibilities is the product q1q2···qn.
(c) This is the same as (a), except now there are n2entries to be filled in.
So there are qn2possible matrices.
(d) The idea is to count the quantity of each number that appears. Say there
are k0zeros, k1ones, etc. Then k0+k1+···+kq−1=n, so we need to count
the number of ways to split ninto a sum of qnonnegative pieces. The answer
to this is ¡q+n−1
q−1¢, which is also equal to ¡q+n−1
(e) The total number of students, classes, notebooks, sheets, and lines is
307200 = 12
students ·4
classes ·2
notebooks ·100
sheets ·32
4.3. (a) List all of the permutations of the set {A, B, C}.
(b) List all of the permutations of the set {1,2,3,4}.
Exercises for Chapter 4 99
(c) How many permutations are there of the set {1,2, . . . , 20}?
(d) Seven students are to be assigned to seven dormitory rooms, each student
receiving his or her own room. In how many ways can this be done?
(e) How many different words can be formed with the four symbols A, A, B, C?
Solution to Exercise 4.3.
(A, B, C),(A, C, B),(B, A, C),(B, C, A),(C, A, B),(C, B, A).
(b) There are 24 permutations of {1,2,3,4}. They are
(1,2,3,4) (1,2,4,3) (1,3,2,4) (1,3,4,2) (1,4,2,3) (1,4,3,2)
(2,1,3,4) (2,1,4,3) (2,3,1,4) (2,3,4,1) (2,4,1,3) (2,4,3,1)
(3,1,2,4) (3,1,4,2) (3,2,1,4) (3,2,4,1) (3,4,1,2) (3,4,2,1)
(4,1,2,3) (4,1,3,2) (4,2,1,3) (4,2,3,1) (4,3,1,2) (4,3,2,1)
(c) There are 20! = 2432902008176640000 ≈2.43 ·1018 permutations of
(d) If the rooms are labeled 1,2, . . . , 7, then each permutation of the students
gives a way of assigning rooms, by putting the first listed student in room #1,
the second listed student in room #2, etc. So there are 7! = 5040 ways to
assign rooms.
(e) There are 4 choices for placement of B, then 3 choices for placement of C,
after which the two A’s go in the remaining places, so there are 12 words.
4.4. (a) List the 24 possible permutations of the letters A1, A2, B1, B2. If A1is
indistinguishable from A2, and B1is indistinguishable from B2, show how
the permutations become grouped into 6 distinct letter arrangements,
each containing 4 of the original 24 permutations.
(b) Using the seven symbols A, A, A, A, B, B, B, how many different seven
letter words can be formed?
(c) Using the nine symbols A, A, A, A, B, B, B, C, C, how many different nine
letter words can be formed?
(d) Using the seven symbols A, A, A, A, B, B, B, how many different five letter
words can be formed?
Solution to Exercise 4.4.
(a) Here are the 24 permutations.
(A1, A2, B1, B2) (A1, A2, B2, B1) (A2, A1, B1, B2) (A2, A1, B2, B1)
(A1, B1, A2, B2) (A1, B2, A2, B1) (A2, B1, A1, B2) (A2, B2, A1, B1)
(A1, B1, B2, A2) (A1, B2, B1, A2) (A2, B1, B2, A1) (A2, B2, B1, A1)
(B1, B2, A2, A1) (B1, B2, A1, A2) (B2, B1, A1, A2) (B2, B1, A2, A1)
(B1, A1, A2, B2) (B1, A2, A1, B2) (B2, A1, A2, B1) (B2, A2, A1, B1)
(B1, A1, B2, A2) (B1, A2, B2, A1) (B2, A1, B1, A2) (B2, A2, B1, A1)
If A1=A2and B1=B2, then the four entries in each row become the
100 Exercises for Chapter 4
(b) We need to pick 4 of the 7 spots for the A’s, then the B’s go into the
remaining 3 spots. Hence there are ¡7
4¢= 35 such words.
(c) We need to pick 4 of the 9 spots for the A’s, then we need to pick 3 of
the remaining 5 spots for the B’s, then the C’s go into the remaining 2 spots.
Hence there are ¡9
3¢= 126 ·10 = 1260 such words.
(d) We can form five letter words using anywhere from two to four A’s. So
we need to count the number of five letter words using each of
{A, A, A, A, B},{A, A, A, B, B},and {A, A, B, B, B}.
So there are
2¶= 25 different five letter words.
4.5. (a) There are 100 students eligible for an award, and the winner gets
to choose from among 5 different possible prizes. How many possible
outcomes are there?
(b) Same as in (a), but this time there is a first place winner, a second place
winner, and a third place winner, each of whom gets to select a prize.
However, there is only one of each prize. How many possible outcomes
are there?
(c) Same as in (b), except that there are multiple copies of each prize, so
each of the three winners may choose any of the prizes. Now how many
possible outcomes are there? Is this larger or smaller than your answer
from (b)?
(d) Same as in (c), except that rather than specifying a first, second, and
third place winner, we just choose three winning students without dif-
ferentiating between them. Now how many possible outcomes are there?
Compare the size of your answers to (b), (c), and (d).
Solution to Exercise 4.5.
(a) There are 100 ·5 = 500 outcomes.
(b) This can be split into first choosing the three winners (in order), which
can be done in 100 ·99 ·98 ways, and then choosing the three prizes (in order),
which can be done in 5 ·4·3 ways. Then using the basic counting principle,
the total number of outcomes is
100 ·99 ·98 ·5·4·3 = 58212000 ≈107.77.
(b) This time there are 5 ·5·5 ways to choose the prizes, so the total number
of outcomes is
100 ·99 ·98 ·5·5·5 = 121275000 ≈108.08.
(c) Since the order of the students does not matter, there are now ¡100
3! ways to choose the students. Hence the total number of outcomes is
Exercises for Chapter 4 101
100 ·99 ·98
3! ·5·5·5 = 20212500 ≈107.31.
4.6. Use the binomial theorem (Theorem 4.10) to compute each of the fol-
lowing quantities.
(a) (5z+ 2)3(b) (2a−3b)4(c) (x−2)5
Solution to Exercise 4.6.
(a) (5z+ 2)3= 125z3+ 225z2+ 135z+ 27.
(b) (2a−3b)4= 16a4−96a3b+ 216a2b2−216ab3+ 81b4.
(c) (x−2)5=x5−10x4+ 40x3−80x2+ 80x−32.
4.7. The binomial coefficients satisfy many interesting identities. Give three
proofs of the identity
(a) For Proof #1, use the definition of ¡n
j¢as n!
(b) For Proof #2, use the binomial theorem (Theorem 4.10) and compare the
coefficients of xjyn−jon the two sides of the identity
(x+y)n= (x+y)(x+y)n−1.
(c) For Proof #3, argue directly that choosing jobjects from a set of n
objects can be decomposed into either choosing j−1 objects from n−1
objects or choosing jobjects from n−1 objects.
Solution to Exercise 4.7.
Proof #1:
(n−j)!(j−1)! +(n−1)!
(n−1−j)!(j−1)! ·1
(n−1−j)!(j−1)! ·n
Proof #2: Expand both sides of (x+y)n= (x+y)(x+y)n−1using the
binomial theorem:
102 Exercises for Chapter 4
j=0 µn
j¶xjyn−j= (x+y)
j=0 µn−1
j=0 µn−1
j=0 µn−1
j=1 µn−1
j=0 µn−1
j=1 ·µn−1
Comparing the coefficients of xjyn−jon the two sides gives the desired iden-
Another way to illustrate the same proof is to write the expansion of (x+
y)nfor n= 0,1,2,3, . . . in the form of a triangle called Pascal’s triangle.
Proof #3: Let the nobjects be A1,··· , An. Treat the last one as special, so
label them as A1, . . . , An−1, B. In choosing jof these nobjects, there are two
possibilities, namely either Bis chosen or it is not chosen. The number of ways
to choose jobjects without Bis ¡n−1
j¢, since we are choosing jobjects from
among the n−1A’s. The number of ways to choose jobjects including B
is ¡n−1
j−1¢, since having already selected B, we are need to choose j−1 objects
from among the n−1A’s.
4.8. Let pbe a prime number. This exercise sketches another proof of Fermat’s
little theorem (Theorem 1.25).
(a) If 1 ≤j≤p−1, prove that the binomial coefficient ¡p
j¢is divisible by p.
(b) Use (a) and the binomial theorem (Theorem 4.10) to prove that
(a+b)p≡ap+bp(mod p) for all a, b ∈Z.
(c) Use (b) with b= 1 and induction on ato prove that ap≡a(mod p) for
all a≥0.
(d) Use (c) to deduce that ap−1≡1 (mod p) for all awith gcd(p, a) = 1.
Solution to Exercise 4.8.
(a) µp
j¶=p(p−1)(p−2) ···(p−j+ 1)
The denominator has no factors of p, so the pin the numerator does not
j=0 µp
j¶ajbp−j≡ap+bp(mod p),
Exercises for Chapter 4 103
since (a) tells us that the middle terms in the sum are all divisible by p.
(c) Suppose we know that ap≡a(mod p), which we do for the starting
value a= 0. Then using (b) we have
(a+ 1)p≡ap+ 1 ≡a+ 1 (mod p).
Hence the result is also true for a+ 1. By induction, it is true for all a≥0.
(d) If p-a, then we can multiply both sides of ap≡a(mod p) by a−1mod p.
4.9. We know that there are n! different permutations of the set {1,2, . . . , n}.
(a) How many of these permutations leave no number fixed?
(b) How many of these permutations leave at least one number fixed?
(c) How many of these permutations leave exactly one number fixed?
(d) How many of these permutations leave at least two numbers fixed?
For each part of this problem, give a formula or algorithm that can be used to
compute the answer for an arbitrary value of n, and then compute the value
for n= 10 and n= 26. (This exercise generalizes Exercise 1.5.)
Solution to Exercise 4.9.
Let S(n, k) denote the number of permutations of nelements that fix at
least kelements, let R(n, k) denote the number of permutations of nele-
ments that fix exactly kelements, and let !n(the subfactorial of n) denote
the number of permutations of nelements that fix no elements (such permu-
tations are called derangements). Notice that !n=R(n, 0). See the solution
to Exercise exercise:derangement for the derivation of the following formulas:
R(n, k) = µn
k¶!(n−k) = µn
S(n, k) =
R(n, j) = n!−
R(n, j).
(a) No letters fixed is R(n, 0) =!n. This is called the nth derangement number.
For n= 10 we get
R(10,0) =!10 = b10!/ee=b1334960.916e= 1334961.
For n= 26 we get
R(26,0) =!26 = b26!/ee=b148362637348470135821287824.964e
= 148362637348470135821287825.
(b) At least one letter fixed is n! minus no letters fixed, so
104 Exercises for Chapter 4
S(n, 1) = n!−R(n, 0) = n!−!n=n!− bn!/ee.
S(10,1) = 10! − b10!/ee= 2293839,
S(26,1) = 26! − b26!/ee= 254928823778135499762712175.
(c) Exactly 1 letter fixed is
R(n, 1) = n·!(n−1) = n¹(n−1)!
R(10,1) = 10 ¹9!
e¼= 1334960,
R(26,1) = 26 ¹25!
e¼= 148362637348470135821287824.
(d) At least two letters fixed is n! minus zero or one letters fixed, so
S(n, 1) = n!−R(n, 0) −R(1,0) = n!−!n−n·!(n−1)
=n!− bn!/ee − nb(n−1)!/ee.
S(10,1) = 10! − b10!/ee − 10 · b9!/ee= 958879,
S(26,1) = 26! − b26!/ee − 26 · b25!/ee= 106566186429665363941424351.
Section. The Vigen`ere cipher
4.10. Encrypt each of the following Vigen`ere plaintexts using the given key-
word and the Vigen`ere tableau (Table 4.1).
(a) Keyword: hamlet
Plaintext: To be, or not to be, that is the question.
(b) Keyword: fortune
Plaintext: The treasure is buried under the big W.
Solution to Exercise 4.10.
(a) Vigen`ere Keyword: hamlet
(b) Vigen`ere Keyword: fortune
Exercises for Chapter 4 105
4.11. Decrypt each of the following Vigen`ere ciphertexts using the given key-
word and the Vigen`ere tableau (Table 4.1).
(a) Keyword: condiment
Ciphertext: rsghz bmcxt dvfsq hnigq xrnbm
pdnsq smbtr ku
(b) Keyword: rabbithole
Ciphertext: khfeq ymsci etcsi gjvpw ffbsq
moapx zcsfx epsox yenpk daicx
cebsm ttptx zooeq laflg kipoc
zswqm taujw ghboh vrjtq hu
Solution to Exercise 4.11.
(a) Vigen`ere Keyword: condiment
Ciphertext: rsghz bmcxt dvfsq hnigq xrnbm
Keyword: condi mentc ondim entco ndime
Plaintext: peter piper picke dapec kofpi
Ciphertext: pdnsq smbtr ku
Keyword: ntcon dimen tc
Plaintext: ckled peppe rs
Plaintext. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers!
(b) Vigen`ere Keyword: rabbithole
Ciphertext: khfeq ymsci etcsi gjvpw ffbsq
Keyword: rabbi thole rabbi thole rabbi
Plaintext: thedi ffere ntbra nches ofari
Ciphertext: moapx zcsfx epsox yenpk daicx
Keyword: thole rabbi thole rabbi thole
Plaintext: thmet icrep liedt hemoc kturt
Ciphertext: cebsm ttptx zooeq laflg kipoc
Keyword: rabbi thole rabbi thole rabbi
Plaintext: leare ambit iondi strac tionu
Ciphertext: zswqm taujw ghboh vrjtq hu
Keyword: thole rabbi thole rabbi th
Plaintext: glifi catio nandd erisi on
Plaintext. The different branches of arithmetic, replied the Mock Turtle, are
ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision. (From Lewis Carroll’s Alice
in Wonderland.)
4.12. Explain how a cipher wheel with rotating inner wheel (see Figure 1.1
on page 3) can be used in place of a Vige`nere tableau (Table 4.1) to perform
Vigen`ere encryption and decryption. Illustrate by describing the sequence of
rotations used to perform a Vigen`ere encryption with the keyword mouse.
106 Exercises for Chapter 4
Solution to Exercise 4.12.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.13. Let
s= “I am the very model of a modern major general.”
t= “I have information vegetable, animal, and mineral.”
(a) Make frequency tables for sand t.
(b) Compute IndCo(s) and IndCo(t).
(c) Compute MutIndCo(s,t).
Solution to Exercise 4.13.
Freq s40026111110242400401010010
Freq t81014111500335200202020000
(b) IC(s) = 0.0424 and IC(t) = 0.0544.
(c) MIC(s,t) = 0.0517
4.14. The following strings are blocks from a Vigen`ere encryption. It turns
out that the keyword contains a repeated letter, so two of these blocks were
encrypted with the same shift. Compute MutIndCo(si,sj) for 1 ≤i < j ≤3
and use these values to deduce which two strings were encrypted using the
same shift.
Solution to Exercise 4.14.
Freq s112126112400005210035211010
Freq s204115311334310124300000100
Freq s340105112500113310217120000
MutIndCo(s1,s2) = 0.0375,
MutIndCo(s1,s3) = 0.0744,
MutIndCo(s2,s3) = 0.0369.
Thus s1and s3were probably encrypted using the same shift, so the first and
third letters of the keyword are probably the same.
4.15. (a) One of the following two strings was encrypted using a simple sub-
stitution cipher, while the other is a random string of letters. Compute
the index of coincidence of each string and use the results to guess which
is which.
Exercises for Chapter 4 107
(b) One of the following two strings was encrypted using a simple substitution
cipher, while the other is a random permutation of the same set of letters.
Thus their Indices of Coincidence are identical. Develop a method to
compute a bigram index of coincidence, i.e., the frequency of pairs of
letters, and use it to determine which string is most likely the encrypted
(Bonus: Decrypt the encrypted texts in (a) and (b), but be forewarned that
the plaintexts are in Latin.)
Solution to Exercise 4.15.
(a) The Indices of Coincidence of the two strings are IndCo(s1) = 0.0576
and IndCo(s2) = 0.0303, so most likely s1is the encrypted text and s2is
the random string. The plaintext for s1is “Facilius per partes in cognitionem
totius adducimur,” which translated into English says “We are more easily led
part by part to an understanding of the whole.” The phrase is due to Seneca.
(b) The Indices of Coincidence are identical, IndCo(s1) = IndCo(s2) =
0.0672. In general, let A={a1, a2, . . . , ak}be a set of distinct objects (letters,
bigrams, turtles, etc.) and let B= (b1, b2, . . . , bn) be a list of elements from A,
where the bido not need to be distinct. For each 1 ≤i≤k, let Fidenote
the number of b’s that are equal to ai, i.e., Fiis the frequency with which ai
appears in the list B. Then the index of coincidence of the set Bis
IndCo(B) = 1
So now we can apply the theory of Index of Coincidence to the set of
bigrams that appear in a string. And we would expect that the index should
be higher for the string that is the encrypted message and lower for the string
with the same letters, but randomly rearranged. We find that
IndCo(Bigrams in s1) = 0.004,
IndCo(Bigrams in s2) = 0.010.
Thus it seems likely that the second string s2is the encrypted plaintext.
This is the case, and the plaintext for s2is “Frustra laborant quotquot se
calculationibus fatigant pro inventione quadraturae circuli,” which translated
into English says “Futile is the labor of those who fatigue themselves with
calculations to square the circle.” The phrase is due to Michael Stifel (1544).
108 Exercises for Chapter 4
nhqrk vvvfe fwgjo mzjgc kocgk lejrj wossy wgvkk hnesg kwebi
bkkcj vqazx wnvll zetjc zwgqz zwhah kwdxj fgnyw gdfgh bitig
mrkwn nsuhy iecru ljjvs qlvvw zzxyv woenx ujgyr kqbfj lvjzx
dxjfg nywus rwoar xhvvx ssmja vkrwt uhktm malcz ygrsz xwnvl
lzavs hyigh rvwpn ljazl nispv jahym ntewj jvrzg qvzcr estul
fkwis tfylk ysnir rddpb svsux zjgqk xouhs zzrjj kyiwc zckov
qyhdv rhhny wqhyi rjdqm iwutf nkzgd vvibg oenwb kolca mskle
cuwwz rgusl zgfhy etfre ijjvy ghfau wvwtn xlljv vywyj apgzw
trggr dxfgs ceyts tiiih vjjvt tcxfj hciiv voaro lrxij vjnok
mvrgw kmirt twfer oimsb qgrgc
Table 4.1: A Vigen`ere ciphertext for Exercise 4.16
4.16. Table 4.13 is a Vigen`ere ciphertext in which we have marked some of
the repeated trigrams for you. How long do you think the keyword is? Why?
Bonus: Complete the cryptanalysis and recover the plaintext.
Solution to Exercise 4.16.
Trigram Appears at places Differences
hyi 109, 206 and 313 97 = 97
107 = 107
204 = 22·3·17
jjv 117, 235, 372, and 422 118 = 2 ·59
137 = 137
255 = 3 ·5·17
305 = 5 ·61
187 = 11 ·17
50 = 2 ·52
nyw 88, 156, and 309 68 = 22·17
221 = 13 ·17
153 = 32·17
The keyword has length 17 . The keyword used for encryption was
fourscoreandseven .
The plaintext is
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it
was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the
season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of
despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,
we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the
other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period,
Exercises for Chapter 4 109
togmg gbymk kcqiv dmlxk kbyif vcuek cuuis vvxqs pwwej koqgg
phumt whlsf yovww knhhm rcqfq vvhkw psued ugrsf ctwij khvfa
thkef fwptj ggviv cgdra pgwvm osqxg hkdvt whuev kcwyj psgsn
gfwsl jsfse ooqhw tofsh aciin gfbif gabgj adwsy topml ecqzw
asgvs fwrqs fsfvq rhdrs nmvmk cbhrv kblxk gzi
Table 4.2: A Vigen`ere ciphertext for Exercise 4.17
Blocks Shift Amount
i j 0123456789101112
1 2 .044 .047 .021 .054 .046 .038 .022 .034 .057 .035 .040 .023 .038
1 3 .038 .031 .027 .037 .045 .036 .034 .032 .039 .039 .047 .038 .050
1 4 .025 .039 .053 .043 .023 .035 .032 .043 .029 .040 .041 .050 .027
1 5 .050 .050 .025 .031 .038 .045 .037 .028 .032 .038 .063 .033 .034
2 3 .035 .037 .039 .031 .031 .035 .047 .048 .034 .031 .031 .067 .053
2 4 .040 .033 .046 .031 .033 .023 .052 .027 .031 .039 .078 .034 .029
2 5 .042 .040 .042 .029 .033 .035 .035 .038 .037 .057 .039 .038 .040
3 4 .032 .033 .035 .049 .053 .027 .030 .022 .047 .036 .040 .036 .052
3 5 .043 .043 .040 .034 .033 .034 .043 .035 .026 .030 .050 .068 .044
4 5 .045 .033 .044 .046 .021 .032 .030 .038 .047 .040 .025 .037 .068
Blocks Shift Amount
i j 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 2 .040 .063 .033 .025 .032 .055 .038 .030 .032 .045 .035 .030 .044
1 3 .026 .046 .042 .053 .027 .024 .040 .047 .048 .018 .037 .034 .066
1 4 .042 .050 .042 .031 .024 .052 .027 .051 .020 .037 .042 .069 .031
1 5 .030 .048 .039 .030 .034 .038 .042 .035 .036 .043 .055 .030 .035
2 3 .039 .015 .030 .045 .049 .037 .023 .036 .030 .049 .039 .050 .037
2 4 .027 .048 .050 .037 .032 .021 .035 .043 .047 .041 .047 .042 .035
2 5 .033 .035 .039 .033 .037 .047 .037 .028 .034 .066 .054 .032 .022
3 4 .040 .048 .041 .044 .033 .028 .039 .027 .036 .017 .038 .051 .065
3 5 .039 .029 .045 .040 .033 .028 .031 .037 .038 .036 .033 .051 .036
4 5 .049 .033 .029 .043 .028 .033 .020 .040 .040 .041 .039 .039 .059
Table 4.3: Mutual indices of coincidence for Exercise 4.17
that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received,
for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
These are the opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
4.17. We applied a Kasiski test to the Vigen`ere ciphertext listed in Table 4.14
and found that the key length is probably 5. We then performed a mutual
index of coincidence test to each shift of each pair of blocks and listed the
results for you in Table 4.15. (This is the same type of table as Table 4.5 in
the text, except that we haven’t underlined the large values.) Use Table 4.15
to guess the relative rotations of the blocks, as we did in Table 4.6. This
will give you a rotated version of the keyword. Try rotating it, as we did in
Table 4.7, to find the correct keyword and decrypt the text.
Solution to Exercise 4.17.
The table of likely shift relations gives
110 Exercises for Chapter 4
i j Shift MutIndCo Shift Relation
2 3 11 0.067 β2−β3= 11
2 4 10 0.078 β2−β4= 10
3 5 11 0.068 β3−β5= 11
4 5 12 0.068 β4−β5= 12
1 3 25 0.066 β1−β3= 25
1 4 24 0.069 β1−β4= 24
2 5 22 0.066 β2−β5= 22
3 4 25 0.065 β3−β4= 25
Table 4.4: Large indices of coincidence and shift relations
Shift Keyword Decrypted Text
0 AMBCQ tcfkqgpxkukqpgfdakvukpxgpvqtcucitgcvjwocpk
1 BNCDR sbejpfowjtjpofeczjutjowfoupsbtbhsfbuivnboj
2 CODES radioenvisionedbyitsinventorasagreathumani
3 DPEFT qzchndmuhrhnmdcaxhsrhmudmsnqzrzfqdzsgtlzmh
4 EQFGU pybgmcltgqgmlcbzwgrqgltclrmpyqyepcyrfskylg
5 FRGHV oxaflbksfpflkbayvfqpfksbkqloxpxdobxqerjxkf
6 GSHIW nwzekajreoekjazxuepoejrajpknwowcnawpdqiwje
7 HTIJX mvydjziqdndjizywtdondiqziojmvnvbmzvocphvid
8 IUJKY luxciyhpcmcihyxvscnmchpyhnilumualyunboguhc
Table 4.5: Decryption using shifts of the keyword AJCHWJZ
β2=β1+ 12, β3=β1+ 1, β4=β1+ 2, β5=β1+ 16.
Hence the keyword is a rotation of AMBCQ. The table lists the rotations of
this word with the corresponding decryptions. We see immediately that the
keyword is CODES. The full plaintext reads as follows:
Radio, envisioned by its inventor as a great humanitarian contri-
bution, was seized upon by the generals soon after its birth and
impressed as an instrument of war. But radio turned over to the
commander a copy of every enemy cryptogram it conveyed. Radio
made cryptanalysis an end in itself.
The Code-Breakers, Chapter 10, 1967, David Kahn
4.18. Table 4.16 gives a Vigen`ere ciphertext for you to analyze from scratch.
It is probably easiest to do so by writing a computer program, but you are
welcome to try to decrypt it with just paper and pencil.
(a) Make a list of matching trigrams as we did in Table 4.3. Use the Kasiski
test on matching trigrams to find the likely key length.
Exercises for Chapter 4 111
mgodt beida psgls akowu hxukc iawlr csoyh prtrt udrqh cengx
uuqtu habxw dgkie ktsnp sekld zlvnh wefss glzrn peaoy lbyig
uaafv eqgjo ewabz saawl rzjpv feyky gylwu btlyd kroec bpfvt
psgki puxfb uxfuq cvymy okagl sactt uwlrx psgiy ytpsf rjfuw
igxhr oyazd rakce dxeyr pdobr buehr uwcue ekfic zehrq ijezr
xsyor tcylf egcy
Table 4.6: A Vigen`ere ciphertext for Exercise 4.18
Trigram Appears at places Difference
awl 27 and 118 91
ehr 228 and 242 14
gki 62 and 153 91
gls 13 and 174 161
lsa 14 and 175 161
psg 11 and 151 and 186 140 and 35
sgl 12 and 85 73
tps 150 and 192 42
uxf 157 and 161 4
wlr 28 and 119 and 182 91 and 63
Table 4.7: Repeated trigrams in the ciphertext
(b) Make a table of indices of coincidence for various key lengths, as we did
in Table 4.4. Use your results to guess the probable key length.
(c) Using the probable key length from (a) or (b), make a table of mutual
indices of coincidence between rotated blocks, as we did in Table 4.5. Pick
the largest indices from your table and use them to guess the relative
rotations of the blocks, as we did in Table 4.6.
(d) Use your results from (c) to guess a rotated version of the keyword, and
then try the different rotations as we did in Table 4.7 to find the correct
keyword and decrypt the text.
Solution to Exercise 4.18.
A list of repeated trigrams for the Kasiski test is given in the Table. The
list of differences (sorted) is
Thus a good guess for the period is 7.
Solving the relations in the table gives
β2=β1+ 9, β3=β1+ 2, β4=β1+ 7, β5=β1+ 22, β6=β1+ 9.
(There is actually one erroneous relation, namely β2−β5= 24, but our solution
satisfies the other 10 relations, which makes it likely that it is correct.) In order
112 Exercises for Chapter 4
Block Average Individual Indices
Size Index of Coincidence
4 0.043 0.038, 0.043, 0.042, 0.046
5 0.044 0.048, 0.052, 0.046, 0.030, 0.041
6 0.042 0.036, 0.050, 0.042, 0.051, 0.038, 0.035
7 0.060 0.058, 0.060, 0.081, 0.054, 0.059, 0.065, 0.047
8 0.046 0.042, 0.051, 0.030, 0.053, 0.040, 0.051, 0.057, 0.040
9 0.041 0.041, 0.053, 0.042, 0.037, 0.052, 0.030, 0.054, 0.030, 0.030
Table 4.8: Index of coincidence for various block sizes
Blocks Shift Amount
i j 0123456789101112
1 2 .037 .035 .043 .037 .045 .035 .053 .046 .035 .034 .046 .030 .024
1 3 .020 .046 .035 .041 .046 .030 .033 .039 .037 .033 .040 .048 .036
1 4 .038 .031 .045 .035 .039 .030 .046 .043 .050 .041 .026 .035 .039
1 5 .053 .037 .027 .034 .065 .048 .038 .036 .048 .028 .022 .036 .044
1 6 .024 .027 .048 .044 .039 .043 .043 .040 .024 .036 .053 .043 .039
1 7 .048 .055 .038 .036 .033 .031 .037 .047 .041 .023 .035 .041 .049
2 3 .040 .035 .026 .046 .039 .027 .051 .071 .022 .026 .062 .033 .039
2 4 .038 .045 .070 .029 .034 .044 .035 .037 .042 .038 .030 .042 .037
2 5 .041 .038 .051 .032 .021 .028 .043 .025 .031 .049 .039 .031 .044
2 6 .067 .034 .028 .050 .048 .027 .036 .045 .028 .023 .034 .056 .031
2 7 .030 .030 .047 .031 .035 .035 .056 .031 .034 .051 .048 .031 .033
3 4 .033 .048 .035 .033 .044 .046 .040 .023 .044 .028 .048 .037 .037
3 5 .034 .040 .054 .042 .026 .026 .056 .042 .036 .032 .046 .031 .035
3 6 .050 .042 .022 .029 .047 .038 .036 .033 .041 .041 .030 .030 .038
3 7 .033 .025 .032 .059 .038 .039 .028 .037 .033 .053 .039 .026 .039
4 5 .053 .040 .036 .021 .042 .032 .031 .038 .035 .033 .038 .058 .045
4 6 .020 .037 .041 .040 .043 .041 .031 .015 .030 .049 .043 .035 .030
4 7 .040 .038 .030 .028 .052 .032 .041 .041 .058 .029 .030 .036 .045
5 6 .022 .045 .050 .031 .034 .053 .047 .023 .037 .044 .030 .024 .044
5 7 .039 .034 .028 .038 .044 .020 .039 .050 .057 .028 .035 .050 .038
6 7 .032 .029 .052 .049 .028 .037 .035 .031 .031 .058 .055 .024 .033
Blocks Shift Amount
i j 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 2 .047 .047 .021 .030 .070 .043 .030 .046 .038 .028 .030 .039 .029
1 3 .033 .051 .030 .047 .044 .032 .026 .055 .031 .016 .046 .080 .024
1 4 .035 .037 .058 .039 .021 .036 .062 .042 .036 .042 .024 .033 .039
1 5 .031 .028 .054 .052 .036 .040 .049 .041 .022 .032 .039 .030 .030
1 6 .046 .038 .014 .033 .066 .039 .024 .043 .036 .021 .036 .055 .041
1 7 .040 .040 .048 .038 .026 .023 .053 .041 .033 .031 .053 .030 .029
2 3 .035 .038 .029 .042 .037 .044 .023 .044 .035 .040 .049 .033 .033
2 4 .050 .029 .045 .035 .039 .033 .026 .033 .033 .039 .028 .054 .036
2 5 .064 .041 .032 .033 .044 .025 .020 .038 .037 .037 .037 .072 .048
2 6 .025 .038 .034 .036 .028 .043 .047 .038 .038 .048 .048 .026 .043
2 7 .043 .034 .033 .036 .041 .023 .048 .044 .056 .031 .042 .038 .039
3 4 .027 .034 .033 .042 .048 .055 .022 .021 .073 .039 .033 .042 .035
3 5 .028 .050 .033 .035 .054 .054 .036 .033 .040 .043 .031 .024 .041
3 6 .047 .049 .042 .050 .026 .018 .065 .048 .027 .050 .041 .024 .035
3 7 .043 .046 .035 .041 .041 .042 .027 .029 .039 .047 .036 .033 .059
4 5 .036 .032 .044 .038 .037 .033 .040 .029 .029 .053 .048 .046 .034
4 6 .038 .035 .036 .041 .047 .048 .034 .038 .046 .041 .038 .063 .043
4 7 .044 .037 .037 .021 .041 .038 .053 .037 .043 .032 .041 .033 .042
5 6 .065 .031 .021 .039 .042 .028 .028 .058 .035 .024 .043 .057 .042
5 7 .034 .033 .050 .028 .028 .035 .045 .030 .042 .053 .056 .029 .037
6 7 .036 .042 .032 .048 .050 .025 .032 .037 .056 .035 .030 .045 .038
Table 4.9: Mutual indices of coincidence for shifted blocks
Exercises for Chapter 4 113
i j Shift MutIndCo Shift Relation
1 5 4 0.065 β1−β5= 4
2 3 7 0.071 β2−β3= 7
2 4 2 0.070 β2−β4= 2
2 6 0 0.067 β2−β6= 0
1 2 17 0.070 β1−β2= 17
1 3 24 0.080 β1−β3= 24
1 6 17 0.066 β1−β6= 17
2 5 24 0.072 β2−β5= 24
3 4 21 0.073 β3−β4= 21
3 6 19 0.065 β3−β6= 19
5 6 13 0.065 β5−β6= 13
Table 4.10: Large indices of coincidence and shift relations
to find β7, we look at the mutual indices that involve Block 7 and are greater
than 0.058. There are three of them:
i j Shift MutIndCo Shift Relation
3 7 3 0.059 β3−β7= 3
3 7 25 0.059 β3−β7= 25
4 7 8 0.058 β4−β7= 8
Only one of the first two can be correct, but the third yields β7=β1+ 25.
This agrees with β7=β3−3 = 25, so is probably correct. Thus the amounts
that Blocks 2 through 7 are rotated exceed the amount that Block 1 is rotated
by 9, 2, 7, 22, 9, and 25, respectively. For example, if the first letter of the
keyword is A, then the full keyword is AJCHWJZ. The shifts of this keyword
and decryptions are listed in the table.
We find that the keyword is ENGLAND, and the full plaintext reads as fol-
It is to be questioned whether in the whole length and breadth
of the world there is a more admirable spot for a man in love to
pass a day or two than the typical English village. It combines the
comforts of civilization with the restfulness of solitude in a manner
equalled by no other spot except the New York Public Library.
A Damsel in Distress, 1919, P.G. Wodehouse
4.19. The autokey cipher is similar to the Vigen`ere cipher, except that rather
than repeating the key, it simply uses the key to encrypt the first few letters
and then uses the plaintext itself (shifted over) to continue the encryption. For
example, in order to encrypt the message “The autokey cipher is cool”
using the keyword random, we proceed as follows:
114 Exercises for Chapter 4
Shift Keyword Decrypted Text
0 AJCHWJZ mxmwxsfiuyiwxmsrihalixlivmrxlialspipirkxle
1 BKDIXKA lwlvwrehtxhvwlrqhgzkhwkhulqwkhzkrohohqjwkd
2 CLEJYLB kvkuvqdgswguvkqpgfyjgvjgtkpvjgyjqngngpivjc
3 DMFKZMC jujtupcfrvftujpofexifuifsjouifxipmfmfohuib
4 ENGLAND itistobequestionedwhetherinthewholelengtha
5 FOHMBOE hshrsnadptdrshnmdcvgdsgdqhmsgdvgnkdkdmfsgz
6 GPINCPF grgqrmzcoscqrgmlcbufcrfcpglrfcufmjcjclerfy
7 HQJODQG fqfpqlybnrbpqflkbatebqebofkqebtelibibkdqex
8 IRKPERH epeopkxamqaopekjazsdapdanejpdasdkhahajcpdw
9 JSLQFSI dodnojwzlpznodjizyrczoczmdioczrcjgzgzibocv
Table 4.11: Decryption using shifts of the keyword AJCHWJZ
Plaintext theautokeycipheriscool
Key randomtheautokeycipher
Ciphertext khrdifhriywbdripkarvsc
The autokey cipher has the advantage that different messages are encrypted
using different keys (except for the first few letters). Further, since the key does
not repeat, there is no key length, so the autokey is not directly susceptible
to a Kasiski or index of coincidence analysis. A disadvantage of the autokey
is that a single mistake in encryption renders the remainder of the message
unintelligible. According to [58], Vigen`ere invented the autokey cipher in 1586,
but his invention was ignored and forgotten before being reinvented in the
(a) Encrypt the following message using the autokey cipher:
Keyword: LEAR
Plaintext: Come not between the dragon and his wrath.
(b) Decrypt the following message using the autokey cipher:
Ciphertext: pckkm yowvz ejwzk knyzv vurux cstri tgac
(c) Eve intercepts an autokey ciphertext and manages to steal the accompa-
nying plaintext:
Plaintext ifmusicbethefoodofloveplayon
Ciphertext azdzwqvjjfbwnqphhmptjsszfjci
Help Eve to figure out the keyword that was used for encryption. Describe
your method in sufficient generality to show that the autokey cipher is
susceptible to chosen plaintext attacks.
(d) Bonus Problem: Try to formulate a statistical or algebraic attack on the
autokey cipher, assuming that you are given a large amount of ciphertext
to analyze.
Exercises for Chapter 4 115
Solution to Exercise 4.19.
The ciphertext is nsmvp cffrh pfigp liqkh kreat ruifz yild.
The plaintext is Nothing will come of nothing. Speak again. These are
King Lear’s tragically inaccurate words to his youngest daughter Cordelia.
(c) The keyword is SURFEIT. The line is from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night,
and the full encryption is
116 Exercises for Chapter 4
Section. Probability theory
4.20. Use the definition (4.15) of the probability of an event to prove the
following basic facts about probability theory.
(a) Let Eand Fbe disjoint events. Then
Pr(E∪F) = Pr(E) + Pr(F).
(b) Let Eand Fbe events that need not be disjoint. Then
Pr(E∪F) = Pr(E) + Pr(F)−Pr(E∩F).
(c) Let Ebe an event. Then Pr(Ec) = 1 −Pr(E).
(d) Let E1, E2, E3be events. Prove that
Pr(E1∪E2∪E3) = Pr(E1) + Pr(E2) + Pr(E3)−Pr(E1∩E2)
−Pr(E1∩E3)−Pr(E2∩E3) + Pr(E1∩E2∩E3).
The formulas in (b) and (d) and their generalization to nevents are known
as the inclusion–exclusion principle.
Solution to Exercise 4.20.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.21. We continue with the coin tossing scenario from Example 4.23, so our
experiment consists in tossing a fair coin ten times. Compute the probabilities
of the following events.
(a) The first and last tosses are both heads.
(b) Either the first toss or the last toss (or both) are heads.
(c) Either the first toss or the last toss (but not both) are heads.
(d) There are exactly kheads and 10 −ktails. Compute the probability for
each value of kbetween 0 and 10. (Hint. To save time, note that the
probability of exactly kheads is the same as the probability of exactly k
(e) There is an even number of heads.
(f) There is an odd number of heads.
Solution to Exercise 4.21.
We label the events in the parts of this problem as E(a),E(b),E(c,k), etc.
(a) Pr(E(a)) = 1
(b) Pr(E(b)) = 1 −Pr(Ec
(b)) = 1 −1
(c) Pr(E(c)) = Pr(E(b))−Pr(E(a)) = 1
Pr(E(d,0)) = µ10
210 =1
1024 =1
1024 ≈0.0010
Exercises for Chapter 4 117
Pr(E(d,1)) = µ10
210 =10
1024 =5
512 ≈0.0098
Pr(E(d,2)) = µ10
210 =45
1024 =45
1024 ≈0.0439
Pr(E(d,3)) = µ10
210 =120
1024 =15
128 ≈0.1172
Pr(E(d,4)) = µ10
210 =210
1024 =105
512 ≈0.2051
Pr(E(d,5)) = µ10
210 =252
1024 =63
256 ≈0.2461
Pr(E(d,6)) = µ10
210 =210
1024 =105
512 ≈0.2051
Pr(E(d,7)) = µ10
210 =120
1024 =15
128 ≈0.1172
Pr(E(d,8)) = µ10
210 =45
1024 =45
1024 ≈0.0439
Pr(E(d,9)) = µ10
210 =10
1024 =5
512 ≈0.0098
Pr(E(d,10)) = µ10
210 =1
1024 =1
1024 ≈0.0010
Pr(E(e)) = Pr(Even number of heads) = X
Pr(E(c,k)) = 1
(f) Pr(E(f)) = Pr(E(d)) = 1
4.22. Alice offers to make the following bet with you. She will toss a fair
coin 14 times. If exactly 7 heads come up, she will give you $4; otherwise you
must give her $1. Would you take this bet? If so, and if you repeated the bet
10000 times, how much money would you expect to win or lose?
Solution to Exercise 4.22.
The probability of winning the bet is
16384 =429
2048 ≈0.2095.
Thus your probability of winning the bet is slightly larger than 1
5, so it is
worthwhile making the bet. (Note that if the probability of winning were
exactly 1
5, then in five trials you would expect to win once for plus $4 and
lose four times for minus $4, so you would end up even.) In 10000 trials, you
118 Exercises for Chapter 4
would expect to win the bet approximately 2095 times, for a gain of $8380,
and to lose the bet approximately 7905 times, for a loss of $7905. Hence your
average net gain for 10000 trials is $475.
4.23. Let Eand Fbe events.
(a) Prove that Pr(E|E) = 1. Explain in words why this is reasonable.
(b) If Eand Fare disjoint, prove that Pr(F|E) = 0. Explain in words why
this is reasonable.
(c) Let F1, . . . , Fnbe events satisfying Fi∩Fj=∅for all i6=j. We say
that F1, . . . , Fnare pairwise disjoint. Prove then that
(d) Let F1, . . . , Fnbe pairwise disjoint as in (c), and assume further that
F1∪ ··· ∪ Fn= Ω,
where recall that Ω is the entire sample space. Prove the following general
version of the decomposition formula (4.20) in Proposition 4.24(a):
Pr(E) =
Pr(E|Fi) Pr(Fi).
(e) Prove a general version of Bayes’s formula:
Pr(Fi|E) = Pr(E|Fi) Pr(Fi)
Pr(E|F1) Pr(F1) + Pr(E|F2) Pr(F2) + ··· + Pr(E|Fn) Pr(Fn).
Solution to Exercise 4.23.
(a) Pr(E|E) = Pr(E∩E)
Pr(E)= 1. It is clear that if we know
that Eoccurs, then the probability that Eoccurs is 1.
(b) Pr(F|E) = Pr(F∩E)
Pr(E)= 0. If Eoccurs and Fis disjoint
from E, then none of the individual events in Fcan possibly occur, so the
probability of Fis clearly 0.
(c) One can argue directly by summing over the elements in the Fi’s or use
induction on n, since we already know the formula for n= 2.
(d) The assumptions of F1, . . . , Fnimply that
(E∩Fi) and (E∩Fi)∩(E∩Ej) = ∅for i6=j.
Exercises for Chapter 4 119
Pr(E) = Prµn
Pr(E∩Fi) since the E∩Fiare disjoint from one another,
Pr(E|Fi) Pr(Fi).
4.24. There are two urns containing pens and pencils. Urn #1 contains three
pens and seven pencils and Urn #2 contains eight pens and four pencils.
(a) An urn is chosen at random and an object is drawn. What is the proba-
bility that it is a pencil?
(b) An urn is chosen at random and an object is drawn. If the object drawn
is a pencil, what is the probability that it came from Urn #1?
(c) If an urn is chosen at random and two objects are drawn simultaneously,
what is the probability that both are pencils?
Solution to Exercise 4.24.
Define events
E={Urn #1 is selected},
F={A pencil is selected}.
(a) We compute
Pr(F) = Pr(F|E) Pr(E) + Pr(F|Ec) Pr(Ec)
10 ·1
12 ·1
60 ≈0.517.
(b) We compute
Pr(E|F) = Pr(F|E) Pr(E)
Pr(F)Baye’s law,
=(7/10) ·(1/2)
31/60 using (a) to get Pr(F),
31 ≈0.677.
(c) We need slightly different events, so we let
E={Urn #1 is selected},
F={First item selected is a pencil},
G={Second item selected is a pencil}.
120 Exercises for Chapter 4
Pr(Fand G) = Pr(F) Pr(G|F).
We already know Pr(F) = 31/60 from (a). To compute Pr(G|F), we do a
calculation similar to the calculation in (a). Thus
Pr(G|F) = Pr(G|F&E) Pr(F&E) + Pr(G|F&Ec) Pr(F&Ec)
= Pr(G|F&E) Pr(F|E) Pr(E) + Pr(G|F&Ec) Pr(F|Ec) Pr(Ec)
10 ·1
11 ·4
12 ·1
165 ≈0.279.
4.25. An urn contains 20 silver coins and 10 gold coins. You are the sixth
person in line to randomly draw and keep a coin from the urn.
(a) What is the probability that you draw a gold coin?
(b) If you draw a gold coin, what is the probability that the five people ahead
of you all drew silver coins?
Solution to Exercise 4.25.
(a) It doesn’t matter if you are the sixth to draw a coin, or the first, or
the last, your chance of getting a gold coin is 10/30, since there are 10 gold
coins and 30 coins altogether. (If you had some information about the color
of the coins drawn by the people ahead of you, that would change the answer,
but the problem does not give you any such information.)
(b) This part is more difficult. We define events:
E={You draw a gold coin},
F={Previous 5 people drew silver coins}.
We want to compute Pr(F|E) and we will use Baye’s law in the form
Pr(F|E) = Pr(E|F) Pr(F)
As already explained, Pr(E) = 1/3. Similarly, it is easy to compute Pr(E|F).
The assumption that Fis true means that when you draw your coin, the urn
now contains 15 silver coins and 10 gold coins, so your probability of drawing
a gold coin is Pr(E|F) = 10/25 = 2/5.
Finally, to compute Pr(F), define events F1, . . . , F5by
Fi={Person #idraws a silver coin}.
Exercises for Chapter 4 121
Pr(F) = Pr(F1&F2&F3&F4&F5)
= Pr(F1)·Pr(F2|F1)·Pr(F3|F1&F2)·Pr(F4|F1&F2&F3)
30 ·19
29 ·18
28 ·17
27 ·16
23751 ≈0.109.
We now have the values needed to solve the problem:
Pr(F|E) = Pr(E|F) Pr(F)
Pr(E)=(2/5) ·(2584/23751)
39585 ≈0.131.
Thus with no other knowledge, there is approximately an 11% chance
that the first five coins chosen are silver, but if we know that the sixth coin
chosen is gold, then the probability that the first five were silver increases to
approximately 13%.
4.26. (The Monty Hall Problem) Monty Hall gives Dan, a contestant, the
choice of three boxes. One box contains a valuable prize and the other two
contain nothing. Dan chooses a box, but does not yet open it. Monty Hall
then opens one of the other boxes, shows that it is empty, and offers Dan the
option of keeping his original box or of switching it for the remaining box.
The Monty Hall problem is to figure out Dan’s best strategy: “To hold or to
The answer may depend on the strategy that Monty Hall employs in decid-
ing which box to open when he has a choice, i.e., when Dan initially chooses
the prize box and the other two boxes are empty. This problem considers
various strategies. (We assume in all cases that Dan is aware of Monty Hall’s
chosen strategy.)
(a) Suppose that when Monty Hall has a choice, he randomly opens one of the
two empty boxes. Should Dan hold or switch, and what is his probability
of winning?
(b) Suppose that Monty Hall has mentally labeled the boxes 0, 1, and 2, and
that if Dan chooses Box nand if the other two boxes are empty, then
Monty Hall opens Box n+ 1. (If n= 2, then he opens Box 0.) Should
Dan hold or switch, and what is his probability of winning?
(c) Again assume that Monty Hall has mentally labeled the boxes 0, 1, and 2,
but now suppose that Monty Hall always opens the lowest-numbered
empty box. What is Dan’s best strategy and what is his probability of
winning? (You may assume that the prize is placed in each box with equal
(d) Same questions as in (b) and (c), except that Dan also knows how the
boxes are labeled.
(e) With the same assumptions as in (c), suppose that Dan employs his best
strategy and that Monty Hall knows that Dan is employing this strategy.
122 Exercises for Chapter 4
Can Monty Hall hurt Dan’s chances of winning by placing the prize in
one box more often than the others? But if he does so and if Dan knows,
can Dan do better by changing his strategy?
(f) Suppose that we return to the scenario in (a), but we give Monty Hall
another option, namely he can force Dan to keep the box that Dan initially
chose. Now what is Dan’s best strategy to win the prize and what is Monty
Hall’s best strategy to stop Dan?
Solution to Exercise 4.26.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.27. Let Sbe a set, let Abe a property of interest, and suppose that for m∈
S, we have Pr(mhas property A) = δ. Suppose further that a Monte Carlo
algorithm applied to mand a random number rsatisfy:
(1) If the algorithm returns Yes, then mdefinitely has property A.
(2) If mhas property A, then the probability that the algorithm returns
Yes is at least p.
Notice that we can restate (1) and (2) as conditional probabilities:
(1) Pr(mhas property A|algorithm returns Yes) = 1,
(2) Pr(algorithm returns Yes |mhas property A)≥p.
Suppose that we run the algorithm Ntimes on the number m, and suppose
that the algorithm returns No every single time. Derive a lower bound, in
terms of δ,p, and N, for the probability that mdoes not have property A.
(This generalizes the version of the Monte Carlo method that we studied in
Section 4.3.3 with δ= 0.01 and p=1
2. Be careful to distinguish pfrom 1 −p
in your calculations.)
Solution to Exercise 4.27.
E={an element m∈ S does not have property A}.
F={the algorithm returns No Ntimes in a row}.
We want a lower bound for the conditional probability Pr(E|F), that is,
the probability that mdoes not have property Adespite the fact that the
algorithm returned No Ntimes. We compute this probability using Bayes’s
Pr(E|F) = Pr(F|E) Pr(E)
Pr(F|E) Pr(E) + Pr(F|Ec) Pr(Ec).
We are given that the probability of have property Ais δ, so
Pr(E) = Pr(not A)=1−δand Pr(Ec) = Pr(A) = δ.
Exercises for Chapter 4 123
Next consider Pr(F|E). If mdoes not have property A, which is our assump-
tion on this conditional probability, then the algorithm always returns No,
since Property (1) tells us that a Yes output forces mto have property A.
Pr(No |not A) = Pr(A|Yes) = 1,
from which it follows that Pr(F|E) = Pr(No |not A)N= 1.
Finally, we must compute the value of Pr(F|Ec). Since the algorithm is
run Nindependent times, we have
Pr(F|Ec) = Pr(Output is No |mhas property A)N
=¡1−Pr(Output is Yes |mhas property A)¢N
≤(1 −p)Nfrom Property (2) of the Monte Carlo method.
Substituting these values into Bayes’s formula, we find that if the algorithm
returns No Ntimes in a row, then the probability that the integer mdoes not
have property Ais
Pr(E|F)≥1·(1 −δ)
1·(1 −δ) + (1 −p)N·δ=1−δ
1−δ+ (1 −p)N·δ.
If δand pare not too small and Nis large, this can be approximated by
Pr(E|F)≥1−(1 −p)N·δ
1−δ+ (1 −p)N·δ≈1−(1 −p)N·δ
1−δ= 1 −(1 −p)N
4.28. We continue with the setup described in Exercise 4.27.
(a) Suppose that δ=9
10 and p=3
4. If we run the algorithm 25 times on the
input mand always get back No, what is the probability that mdoes not
have property A?
(b) Same question as (a), but this time we run the algorithm 100 times.
(c) Suppose that δ=99
100 and p=1
2. How many times should we run the
algorithm on mto be 99% confident that mdoes not have property A,
assuming that every output is No?
(d) Same question as (c), except now we want to be 99.9999% confident.
Solution to Exercise 4.28.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.29. If an integer nis composite, then the Miller–Rabin test has at least
a 75% chance of succeeding in proving that nis composite, while it never
misidentifies a prime as being composite. (See Table 3.2 in Section 3.4 for a
description of the Miller–Rabin test.) Suppose that we run the Miller–Rabin
test Ntimes on the integer nand that it fails to prove that nis composite.
Show that the probability that nis prime satisfies (approximately)
124 Exercises for Chapter 4
Pr(nis prime |the Miller–Rabin test fails Ntimes) ≥1−ln(n)
(Hint. Use Exercise 4.27 with appropriate choices of A,S,δ, and p. You may
also use the estimate from Section 3.4.1 that the probability that nis prime
is approximately 1/ln(n).)
Solution to Exercise 4.29.
In Exercise 4.27 we let Abe the property of being composite and we
let p=3
4, since we know that if nis composite, then the Miller–Rabin test
returns Yes at least 75% of the time. Further, we have δ≈1−1/ln(n), since δ
is the probability that nis composite, which is 1 minus the probability that
it is prime. The solution to that exercise says that (approximately)
Pr(nis prime |the Miller–Rabin test fails Ntimes)
≥1−(1 −p)N
4.30. Let fX(k) be the binomial density function (4.23). Prove directly, using
the binomial theorem, that Pn
k=0 fX(k) = 1.
Solution to Exercise 4.30.
Let q= 1 −p, so p+q= 1. Then we use the binomial theorem to compute
fX(k) =
k=0 µn
k¶pk(1 −p)n−k=
k=0 µn
k¶pkqn−k= (p+q)n= 1n= 1.
4.31. In Example 4.37 we used a differentiation trick to compute the value
of the infinite series P∞
n=1 np(1 −p)n−1. This exercise further develops this
useful technique. The starting point is the formula for the geometric series
1−xfor |x|<1. (4.1)
(a) Prove that ∞
(1 −x)2(4.2)
by differentiating both sides of (4.57) with respect to x. For which xdoes
the left-hand side of (4.58) converge? (Hint. Use the ratio test.)
Exercises for Chapter 4 125
(b) Differentiate again to prove that
(1 −x)3.(4.3)
(c) More generally, prove that for every k≥0,
n=0 µn+k
(1 −x)k+1 .(4.4)
(Hint. Use induction on k.)
(d) Prove that ∞
(1 −x)3.(4.5)
(Hint. Multiply (4.58) by xand (4.59) by x2and then add them together.)
(e) Find a formula for ∞
(f) Prove that for every value of kthere is a polynomial Fk(x) such that
(1 −x)k+1 .(4.7)
(Hint. Use induction on k.) Compute the polynomials F0(x), F1(x),
and F2(x).
(g) Prove that the polynomial Fk(x) in (f) has degree k.
Solution to Exercise 4.31.
(a) Term-by-term differentiation gives the formula. We compute
ρ= lim
n→∞ |(n+ 1)xn+1|
|nxn|= lim
n+ 1
The ratio test tells us that the series converges for |x|<1 and diverges
for |x|>1. And the series clearly also diverges for |x|= 1.
(b) Term-by-term differentiation of (a) gives the formula.
(c) Differentiating ktimes gives
n(n−1)(n−2) ···(n−k+ 1)xn−k=1·2·3···k
(1 −x)k+1 .
(If one wants to be formal, one can prove this formula by induction on k.) Now
divide both sides by k! and use the definition of the combinatorial symbol to
126 Exercises for Chapter 4
(1 −x)k+1 .
(Notice that we only need to start the summation with n=k, since terms
with n= 0,1, . . . , k−1 give 0.) Finally, in the summation on the left, replace n
by n+k, so now the sum starts at n= 0. This gives
n=0 µn+k
(1 −x)k+1 .
(d) Following the hint, we first compute
Then, according to our results in (a) and (b), this is also equal to
(1 −x)2+2x2
(1 −x)3=x+x2
(1 −x)3.
(e) One way to do this is to differentiate (b) and then combine various quan-
tities to get the desired result. An easier method is to differentiate both sides
of (d). Thus
dx µx+x2
(1 −x)3¶
n3xn−1=1 + 4x+x2
(1 −x)4.
Multiplying both sides by xgives the desired result,
n3xn=x+ 4x2+x3
(1 −x)4.
(f,g)From the geometric series we have F0(x) = 1, and (a) and (d) give F1(x) =
xand F2(x) = x+x2. Now assume that
(1 −x)k+1
is true for k, where Fk(x) is a polynomial of degree k. Differentiating both
sides and using the differentiation rule for quotients yields
nk+1xn−1=(1 −x)k+1F0
k(x)−(k+ 1)(1 −x)k(−1)Fk(x)
(1 −x)2k+2
=(1 −x)F0
k(x)+(k+ 1)Fk(x)
(1 −x)k+2
Exercises for Chapter 4 127
Multiplying both sides by xgives
k(x)+(k+ 1)xFk(x)
(1 −x)k+2 ,
so the desired formula is true with
Fk+1(x) = (x−x2)F0
k(x) + (k+ 1)xFk(x).
Since the degree of F0
k(x) is one smaller than the degree of Fk(x), we also see
deg Fk+1(x) = 1 + deg Fk(x).
Since deg F0(x) = 0, we conclude that deg Fk(x) = k.
4.32. In each case, compute the expectation of the random variable X.
(a) The values of Xare uniformly distributed on the set {0,1,2, . . . , N −1}.
(See Example 4.28.)
(b) The values of Xare uniformly distributed on the set {1,2, . . . , N }.
(c) The values of Xare uniformly distributed on the set {1,3,7,11,19,23}.
(d) Xis a random variable with a binomial density function (see (4.23) on
page 221).
Solution to Exercise 4.32.
E(X) = 0 ·1
N+ 1 ·1
N+ 2 ·1
N+··· + (N−1) ·1
=0 + 1 + 2 + ···+ (N−1)
E(X) = 1 ·1
N+ 2 ·1
N+ 3 ·1
N+··· +N·1
=1 + 2 + 3 + ···+N
2N(N+ 1)
=N+ 1
128 Exercises for Chapter 4
E(X) = 1+3+7+11+19+23
E(X) =
k¶pk(1 −p)n−k
= (1 −p)n
k¶µ p
If we let x=p/(1 −p), then we need to compute the value of the sum
To do this, we start with the binomial theorem
k=0 µn
k¶xk= (x+ 1)n
and differentiate both sides with respect to xto get
k¶xk−1=n(x+ 1)n−1.
Now multiply both sides by xto get
k¶xk=nx(x+ 1)n−1.
This gives the value
E(X) = (1−p)n·n·p
1−p+ 1¶n−1
= (1−p)n·n·p
This makes sense, since if we perform the experiment ntimes and have a
probability pof succeeding each time, we would expect to succeed, on average,
a total of np times.
4.33. Let Xbe a random variable on the probability space Ω. It might seem
more natural to define the expected value of Xby the formula
Prove that the formula (4.64) gives the same value as equation (4.27) on
page 225, which we used in the text to define E(X).
Exercises for Chapter 4 129
Solution to Exercise 4.33.
We compute (the key step comes in the middle where we reverse the order
of summation):
E(X) =
xiPr©ω∈Ω : X(ω) = xiª
where for the final equality we use that fact that x1, . . . , xnare distinct, so
each X(ω) is equal to exactly one of the xivalues.
Section. Collision algorithms and the birthday paradox
4.34. (a) In a group of 23 strangers, what is the probability that at least two
of them have the same birthday? How about if there are 40 strangers?
In a group of 200 strangers, what is the probability that one of them
has the same birthday as your birthday? (Hint. See the discussion in
Section 4.4.1.)
(b) Suppose that there are Ndays in a year (where Ncould be any num-
ber) and that there are npeople. Develop a general formula, analogous
to (4.28), for the probability that at least two of them have the same
birthday. (Hint. Do a calculation similar to the proof of (4.28) in the col-
lision theorem (Theorem 4.38), but note that the formula is a bit different
because the birthdays are being selected from a single list of Ndays.)
(c) Find a lower bound of the form
Pr(at least one match) ≥1−e−(some function of nand N)
for the probability in (b), analogous to the estimate (4.29).
Solution to Exercise 4.34.
We start by doing (b).
130 Exercises for Chapter 4
Pr µat least one match
in nattempts ¶= 1 −Pr µall nbirthdays
are different ¶
= 1 −
ith birthday is different
from all of the
previous i−1 birthdays
= 1 −
= 1 −
i=1 µ1−i
Then the answer to the first part of (a) is obtained by setting N= 365
and n= 23, which gives
(a) Pr(match) = 1 −
i=1 µ1−i
Similarly, N= 365 and n= 40 gives the answer to the second part of (a),
(b) Pr(match) = 1 −
i=1 µ1−i
The final part of (a) is
Pr(someone has your birthday) = 1 −Pr(no one has your birthday)
= 1 −Pr(one person does not have your birthday)200
= 1 −µ364
For (c) we use the lower bound e−x≥1−xwith x=i/N to compute
Pr µat least one match
in nattempts ¶= 1 −
i=1 µ1−i
= 1 −e−(1+2+···+(n−1))/N
= 1 −e−(n−1)n/2N
Notice that we have used the well known formula
Exercises for Chapter 4 131
1 + 2 + ·+ (n−1) = n(n−1)
4.35. A deck of cards is shuffled and the top eight cards are turned over.
(a) What is the probability that the king of hearts is visible?
(b) A second deck is shuffled and its top eight cards are turned over. What
is the probability that a visible card from the first deck matches a visible
card from the second deck? (Note that this is slightly different from Ex-
ample 4.39 because the cards in the second deck are not being replaced.)
Solution to Exercise 4.35.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.36. (a) Prove that
e−x≥1−xfor all values of x.
(Hint. Look at the graphs of e−xand 1 −x, or use calculus to compute
the minimum of the function f(x) = e−x−(1 −x).)
(b) Prove that for all a > 1, the inequality
e−ax ≤(1 −x)a+1
2ax2is valid for all 0 ≤x≤1.
(This is a challenging problem.)
(c) We used the inequality in (a) during the proof of the lower bound (4.29)
in the collision theorem (Theorem 4.38). Use (b) to prove that
Pr(at least one red) ≤1−e−mn/N +mn2
Thus if Nis large and mand nare not much larger than √N, then the
Pr(at least one red) ≈1−e−mn/N
is quite accurate. (Hint. Use (b) with a=mand x=n/N.)
Solution to Exercise 4.36.
(a) Let f(x) = e−x−1+x. Then f(0) = f0(0) = 0. Then generalized mean
value theorem says that
f(x) = f(0) + f0(0)x+1
2f00(z)x2for some 0 ≤z≤x,
so we find that f(x) = 1
2e−zx2≥0. This is the desired inequality.
(b) Let
f(x) = (1 −x)a+1
132 Exercises for Chapter 4
Since f(0) = 0, it suffices to prove that
f0(x) = −a(1 −x)a−1+ax +ae−ax
is positive for 0 < x < 1. We can divide by a, and for notational convenience,
we let a=b+ 1. So we need to prove that
g(x) = −(1 −x)b+x+e−(b+1)x
is positive for 0 <x<1 and b > 0.
From (a) we know that e−x>1−x, so raising both sides to the bth power
and multiplying by −1 gives
−(1 −x)b>−e−bx.
Substituting this into g(x), we find that
g(x)>−e−bx +x+e−(b+1)x=x−e−bx(1 −e−x).
It is clear that this last expression is increasing as bincreases. (To be more
formal, its derivative with respect to bis be−bx(1 −e−x), which is strictly
positive for 0 < x < 1.) Hence the expression is minimized when b= 0, so we
g(x)> x −(1 −e−x) = e−x−(1 −x).
Using (a) again gives g(x)>0.
Remark: It appears to be true numerically that f(x)≥0 provided that a >
0.8526055 . . . , where c= 0.8526055 ... is the unique real solution to cec= 2.
(c) We have
Pr µat least
one red ¶= 1 −³1−n
N´mfrom the Collision Theorem
≤1−µe−mn/N −mn2
2N2¶use (b) with a=mand x=n
4.37. Solve the discrete logarithm problem 10x= 106 in the finite field F811
by finding a collision among the random powers 10iand 106 ·10ithat are
listed in Table 4.17.
Solution to Exercise 4.37.
From Table 4.17 we see that
10234 = 106 ·10399 = 304 in F811.
10234 ·10−399 = 10−165 = 10645 = 106 in F811.
Exercises for Chapter 4 133
i hia·hi
116 96 444
497 326 494
225 757 764
233 517 465
677 787 700
622 523 290
i hia·hi
519 291 28
286 239 193
298 358 642
500 789 101
272 24 111
307 748 621
i hia·hi
791 496 672
385 437 95
178 527 714
471 117 237
42 448 450
258 413 795
i hia·hi
406 801 562
745 194 289
234 304 595
556 252 760
326 649 670
399 263 304
Table 4.12: Data for Exercise 4.37, h= 10, a= 106, p= 811
Section. Pollard’s ρmethod
4.38. Table 4.18 gives some of the computations for the solution of the discrete
logarithm problem
11t= 41387 in F81799 (4.9)
using Pollard’s ρmethod. (It is similar to Table 4.11 in Example 4.51.) Use
the data in Table 4.18 to solve (4.65).
Solution to Exercise 4.38.
x308 =x154 = 15386 in F81799.
α154 = 81756, β154 = 9527, γ154 = 67782, δ154 = 28637.
1181756 ·413879527 = 1167782 ·4138728637 in F81799.
1113974 = 4138719110 in F81799.
gcd(19110,81798) = 6.
81340 ·19110 ≡6 (mod 81798).
1113974·81340 = 111136645160 = 1161950 = 413876in F81799.
6= 10325,81798
6= 13633.
log11(41387) ∈ {10325 + 13633 ·k: 0 ≤k < 6}
1110325 = 73192,1123958 = 40412,1137591 = 49019,1151224 = 8607,
1164857 = 41387 ,1178490 = 32780.
4.39. Table 4.19 gives some of the computations for the solution of the discrete
logarithm problem
7t= 3018 in F7963 (4.10)
134 Exercises for Chapter 4
i xiyiαiβiγiδi
0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 11 121 1 0 2 0
2 121 14641 2 0 4 0
3 1331 42876 3 0 12 2
4 14641 7150 4 0 25 4
151 4862 33573 40876 45662 29798 73363
152 23112 53431 81754 9527 37394 48058
153 8835 23112 81755 9527 67780 28637
154 15386 15386 81756 9527 67782 28637
Table 4.13: Computations to solve 11t= 41387 in F81799 for Exercise 4.38
using Pollard’s ρmethod. (It is similar to Table 4.11 in Example 4.51.) Extend
Table 4.19 until you find a collision (we promise that it won’t take too long)
and then solve (4.66).
Solution to Exercise 4.39.
Extending the table:
i xiyiαiβiγiδi
87 1329 1494 6736 7647 3148 3904
88 1340 1539 6737 7647 3150 3904
89 1417 4767 6738 7647 6302 7808
90 1956 1329 6739 7647 4642 7655
91 5729 1417 6740 7647 4644 7655
92 2449 5729 6740 7648 4646 7655
93 1217 1217 6741 7648 4647 7656
Exercises for Chapter 4 135
x186 =x93 = 1217 in F7963.
α93 = 6741, β93 = 7648, γ93 = 4647, δ93 = 7656.
76741 ·30187648 = 74647 ·30187656 in F7963.
72094 = 30188in F7963.
72094 = 30188in F7963.
gcd(8,7962) = 2.
6967 ·8≡2 (mod 7962).
72094·6967 = 714588898 = 72514 = 30182in F7963.
2= 1257,7962
2= 3981.
log7(3018) ∈ {1257 + 3981 ·k: 0 ≤k < 2}={1257,5238}.
71257 = 4945,75238 = 3018.
i xiyiαiβiγiδi
1 7 49 1 0 2 0
2 49 2401 2 0 4 0
3 343 6167 3 0 6 0
4 2401 1399 4 0 7 1
87 1329 1494 6736 7647 3148 3904
88 1340 1539 6737 7647 3150 3904
89 1417 4767 6738 7647 6302 7808
90 1956 1329 6739 7647 4642 7655
Table 4.14: Computations to solve 7t= 3018 in F7963 for Exercise 4.39
4.40. Write a computer program implementing Pollard’s ρmethod for solving
the discrete logarithm problem and use it to solve each of the following:
(a) 2t= 2495 in F5011.
(b) 17t= 14226 in F17959.
(c) 29t= 5953042 in F15239131.
Solution to Exercise 4.40.
(a) 23351 = 2495 .
(b) 1714557 = 14226 .
(c) 292528453 = 5953042 .
136 Exercises for Chapter 4
4.41. Evaluate the integral I=R∞
0t2e−t2/2dt appearing in the proof of
Theorem 4.47. (Hint. Write I2as an iterated integral,
x2e−x2/2·y2e−y2/2dx dy,
and switch to polar coordinates.)
Solution to Exercise 4.41.
Following the hint, we have
x2e−x2/2y2e−y2/2dx dy
x2y2e−(x2+y2)/2dx dy
(rsin θ)2(rcos θ)2e−r2/2r dr dθ
sin2θcos2θ dθ!µZ∞
Each of these integrals is now a moderately hard freshman calculus exercise.
For the first one we can use
sin2θcos2θ= (sin θcos θ)2=µ1
sin2θcos2θ dθ =Zπ/2
8dθ =θ
32 ¯¯¯¯
For the second integral we substitute r2=zand then integrate by parts twice.
r5e−r2/2dr =Z∞
0+ 2 Z∞
= 2 Z∞
0+ 4 Z∞
= 4 Z∞
0= 8.
Hence I2=π/16 ·8 = π/2, so I=pπ/2.
Exercises for Chapter 4 137
Section. Information theory
4.42. Consider the cipher that has three keys, three plaintexts, and four
ciphertexts that are combined using the following encryption table (which is
similar to Table 4.12 used in Example 4.53 on page 246).
Suppose further that the plaintexts and keys are used with the following
f(m1) = f(m2) = 2
5, f(m3) = 1
5, f(k1) = f(k2) = f(k3) = 1
(a) Compute f(c1), f(c2), f(c3), and f(c4).
(b) Compute f(c1|m1), f(c1|m2), and f(c1|m3). Does this cryptosystem
have perfect secrecy?
(c) Compute f(c2|m1) and f(c3|m1).
(d) Compute f(k1|c3) and f(k2|c3).
Solution to Exercise 4.42.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.43. Suppose that a shift cipher is employed such that each key, i.e., each
shift amount from 0 to 25, is used with equal probability and such that a new
key is chosen to encrypt each successive letter. Show that this cryptosystem
has perfect secrecy by filling in the details of the following steps.
(a) Show that Pk∈K fM(dk(c)) = 1 for every ciphertext c∈ C.
(b) Compute the ciphertext density function fCusing the formula
fC(c) = X
(c) Compare fC(c) to fC|M(c|m).
Solution to Exercise 4.43.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.44. Suppose that a cryptosystem has the same number of plaintexts as it
does ciphertexts (#M= #C). Prove that for any given key k∈ K and any
given ciphertext c∈ C, there is a unique plaintext m∈ M that encrypts to c
using the key k. (We used this fact during the proof of Theorem 4.55. Notice
that the proof does not require the cryptosystem to have perfect secrecy; all
that is needed is that #M= #C.)
138 Exercises for Chapter 4
Solution to Exercise 4.44.
Fix k∈ K. The encryption map ek:M → C is injective by definition
of a cryptosystem, so our assumption that #M= #Cimplies that ekis also
surjective, and hence is a bijective map from Mto C. This is equivalent to the
assertion that for every c∈ C, there is a unique m∈ M satisfying ek(m) = c,
which is the desired result.
4.45. Let Sm,c =©k∈ K :ek(m) = cªbe the set used during the proof of
Theorem 4.55. Prove that if c6=c0, then Sm,c ∩Sm,c0=∅. (Prove this for any
cryptosystem; it is not necessary to assume perfect secrecy.)
Solution to Exercise 4.45.
Suppose that k∈ Sm,c∩Sm,c0. Then c=ek(m) = c0. Hence Sm,c∩Sm,c06=∅
implies that c=c0.
4.46. Suppose that a cryptosystem satisfies #K= #M= #Cand that it
has perfect secrecy. Prove that every ciphertext is used with equal probability
and that every plaintext is used with equal probability. (Hint. We proved one
of these during the course of proving Theorem 4.55. The proof of the other is
Solution to Exercise 4.46.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.47. Prove the “only if” part of Theorem 4.55, i.e., prove that if a cryp-
tosystem with an equal number of keys, plaintexts, and ciphertexts satisfies
conditions (a) and (b) of Theorem 4.55, then it has perfect secrecy.
Solution to Exercise 4.47.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.48. Let Xbe an experiment (random variable) with outcomes x1, . . . , xn
occurring with probabilities p1, . . . , pn, and similarly let Ybe an experiment
with outcomes y1, . . . , ymoccurring with probabilities q1, . . . , qm. Consider the
experiment Zconsisting of first performing Xand then performing Y. Thus
the outcomes of Zare the mn pairs (xi, yj) occurring with probabilities piqj.
Use the formula for entropy (4.51) to prove that
H(Z) = H(X) + H(Y).
Thus entropy is additive on independent compound events, which is a special
case of Property H3on page 250.
Solution to Exercise 4.48.
Using the formula for entropy, we compute
Exercises for Chapter 4 139
H(Z) = −
piqj(log pi+ log qj)
pilog pi
qjlog qj
=H(X)·1 + 1 ·H(Y).
4.49. Let F(t) be a twice differentiable function with the property that F00(t)<0
for all xin its domain. Prove that Fis concave in the sense of (4.52). Conclude
in particular that the function F(t) = log tis concave for all t > 0.
Solution to Exercise 4.49.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.50. Use induction to prove Jensen’s inequality (Theorem 4.59).
Solution to Exercise 4.50.
The case n= 2 is true by definition of concavity. Assume now that it is
true for n. The idea is to combine two of the terms in the sum α1t1+··· +
αntn+αn+1tn+1 into one term, say the last two. In other words, we want to
αntn+αn+1tn+1 as βnyn,
but we need to make sure that α1+α2+···+αn−1+βn= 1. So we need to
take βn=αn+αn+1, which means that we need to take
With this choice of βnand yn, we have α1+··· +αn−1+βn= 1, so we can
apply the induction hypothesis to conclude that
f(α1t1+···+αn−1tn−1+βnyn)≤α1f(t1) + ··· +αn−1f(tn−1) + βnf(yn).
We are also going to apply the induction hypothesis to f(yn). We can write yn
tn+1 =γtn+δtn+1,
where notice that γand δsatisfy γ+δ= 1. Hence the induction hypothesis
tells us that
f(yn) = f(γtn+δtn+1)≤γf (tn) + δf (tn+1).
140 Exercises for Chapter 4
Now multiplying both sides by βnand substituting in the values γ,δ, and βn
βnf(yn)≤βnγf(tn) + βnδf(tn+1) = αnf(tn) + αn+1f(tn+1).
Finally, substituting this in above gives the desired inequality
f(α1t1+···+αntn+αn+1tn+1)≤α1f(t1) + ··· +αnf(tn) + αn+1f(tn+1).
The induction proof that there is equality if and only if all of the ti’s are equal
is similar.
4.51. Let Xand Ybe independent random variables.
(a) Prove that the equivocation H(X|Y) is equal to the entropy H(X).
(b) If H(X|Y) = H(X), is it necessarily true that Xand Yare independent?
Solution to Exercise 4.51.
Independence means that f(x|y) = f(x), so
H(X|Y) = −X
f(y)f(x|y) log f(x|y)
f(y)f(x) log f(x)
f(x) log f(x)
= 1 ·H(X).
For the converse, notice that
H(X) = −X
f(x) log f(x)
f(x, y)´log f(x)
f(y)f(x|y) log f(x),
H(X)−H(X|Y) = −X
f(y)f(x|y) log f(x)
f(x, y) log f(x)f(y)
f(x, y).
It is likely that one could come up with dependent random variables Xand Y
making this quantity vanish.
Exercises for Chapter 4 141
4.52. Suppose a cryptosystem has two keys, K={k1, k2}, each of which
is equally likely to be used, and suppose that it has three plaintexts M=
{m1, m2, m3}that occur with probabilities f(m1) = 1
2,f(m2) = 1
4, and
f(m3) = 1
(a) Create an encryption function for this cipher, similar to Example 4.53,
such that there are three ciphertexts C={c1, c2, c3}and such that the
ciphertext c1occurs with probability 1
2. (There is more than one correct
answer to this problem.)
(b) Compute the entropies H(K), H(M), and H(C) of your encryption
scheme in (a).
(c) Compute the key equivocation H(K|C).
(d) Use your answer in (c) to explain why each ciphertext leaks information.
Solution to Exercise 4.52.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.53. Suppose that the key equivocation of a certain cryptosystem vanishes,
i.e., suppose that H(K|C) = 0. Prove that even a single observed ciphertext
uniquely determines which key was used.
Solution to Exercise 4.53.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
4.54. Write a computer program that reads a text file and performs the
following tasks:
[1] Convert all alphabetic characters to lowercase and convert all strings of
consecutive nonalphabetic characters to a single space. (The reason for
leaving in a space is that when you count bigrams and trigrams, you will
want to know where words begin and end.)
[2] Count the frequency of each letter a-to-z, print a frequency table, and use
your frequency table to estimate the entropy of a single letter in English,
as we did in Section 4.6.3 using Table 1.3.
[3] Count the frequency of each bigram aa,ab,. . . ,zz, being careful to in-
clude only bigrams that appear within words. (As an alternative, also
allow bigrams that either start or end with a space, in which case
there are 272−1 = 728 possible bigrams.) Print a frequency table of
the 25 most common bigrams and their probabilities, and use your full
frequency table to estimate the entropy of bigrams in English. In the
notation of Section 4.6.3, this is the quantity H(L2). Compare 1
with the value of H(L) from step [1].
[4] Repeat [3], but this time with trigrams. Compare 1
3H(L3) with the values
of H(L) and 1
2H(L2) from [2] and [3]. (Note that for this part, you will
need a large quantity of text in order to get some reasonable frequencies.)
Try running your program on some long blocks of text. For example, the
following noncopyrighted material is available in the form of ordinary text files
from Project Gutenberg at To what extent
142 Exercises for Chapter 4
are the letter frequencies similar and to what extent do they differ in these
different texts?
(a) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll,
(b) Relativity: the Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein,
(c) The Old Testament (translated from the original Hebrew, of course!),
(d) 20000 Lieues Sous Les Mers (20000 Leagues Under the Sea) by Jules
Verne, Note that this one is a
little trickier, since first you will need to convert all of the letters to their
unaccented forms.
Chapter 5
Elliptic Curves and
Exercises for Chapter 5
Section. Elliptic curves
5.1. Let Ebe the elliptic curve E:Y2=X3−2X+ 4 and let P= (0,2) and
Q= (3,−5). (You should check that Pand Qare on the curve E.)
(a) Compute P⊕Q.
(b) Compute P⊕Pand Q⊕Q.
(c) Compute P⊕P⊕Pand Q⊕Q⊕Q.
Solution to Exercise 5.1.
(a) P⊕Q= (22/9,100/27).
(b) P⊕P=Q⊕Q= (1/4,−15/8).
(c) P⊕P⊕P= (240,3718) and Q⊕Q⊕Q= (−237/121,−845/1331).
5.2. Check that the points P= (−1,4) and Q= (2,5) are points on the
elliptic curve E:Y2=X3+ 17.
(a) Compute the points P⊕Qand PªQ.
(b) Compute the points 2Pand 2Q.
(Bonus. How many points with integer coordinates can you find on E?)
Solution to Exercise 5.2.
(a) P+Q=¡−8
27 ¢and P−Q= (8,23).
(b) 2P=¡137
64 ,−2651
512 ¢and 2Q=¡−64
25 ,59
125 ¢
Bonus. This curve has 16 points with integer coordinates, including one
that is quite large. This is somewhat surpising number. The points are
(−2,±3), (−1,±4), (2,±5), (4,±9), (8,±23), (43,±282), (52,±375), (5234,±378661).
There are no others, but that’s not so easy to prove.
144 Exercises for Chapter 5
5.3. Suppose that the cubic polynomial X3+AX +Bfactors as
X3+AX +B= (X−e1)(X−e2)(X−e2).
Prove that 4A3+ 27B2= 0 if and only if two (or more) of e1,e2, and e3are
the same. (Hint. Multiply out the right-hand side and compare coefficients to
relate Aand Bto e1,e2, and e3.)
Solution to Exercise 5.3.
We have
X3+AX +B=X3−(e1+e2+e3)X2+ (e1e2+e1e3+e2e3)X−e1e2e3,
and comparing the coefficients gives three relations
e1+e2+e3= 0,
Suppose first that two of the eiare the same, say e2=e3. Then we get
e1+ 2e2= 0,2e1e2+e2
2=A, e1e2
So e1=−2e2, and substituting this into the second and third equations gives
2=Aand −2e3
4A3+ 27B2= 4(−3e2
2)3+ 27(−2e3
2)2= 0.
Conversely, suppose that 4A3+ 27B2= 0. Substituting the expressions
for Aand Bfrom above and multiplying it out gives the rather complicated
4A3+ 27B2= (4e3
2+ 12e3e2
2+ 12e2
3e2+ 4e3
1+ (12e3e3
2+ 51e2
2+ 12e3
+ (12e2
2+ 12e3
+ 4e3
Next we substitute e1=−e2−e3to get
4A3+ 27B2=−4e6
2+ 3e2
2+ 26e3
2+ 3e4
We’d like to know that this last expression vanishes if any two of the eiare
the same. It is not hard to check that it is a multiple of e2−e3, and indeed a
multiple of (e2−e3)2. But we’d also like it to vanish when e3=e1, which is
the same as when e3=−e2−e3. So we check and find that the expression is
divisible by e2+ 2e3, and in fact it is divisible by (e2+ 2e3)2. Similarly, it is
divisible by (e3+ 2e2)2. So we find that
Exercises for Chapter 5 145
4A3+ 27B2=−(e2−e3)2(e2+ 2e3)2(e3+ 2e2)2.
Hence using the fact that e1+e2+e3= 0, we find that
4A3+ 27B2if and only if (e2−e3)2(e1−e3)2(e1−e2)2= 0,
5.4. Sketch each of the following curves, as was done in Figure 5.1 on
page 280.
(a) E:Y2=X3−7X+ 3.
(b) E:Y2=X3−7X+ 9.
(c) E:Y2=X3−7X−12.
(d) E:Y2=X3−3X+ 2.
(e) E:Y2=X3.
Notice that the curves in (d) and (e) have ∆E= 0, so they are not elliptic
curves. How do their pictures differ from the pictures in (a), (b), and (c)?
Each of the curves (d) and (e) has one point that is somewhat unusual. These
unusual points are called singular points.
Section. Elliptic curves over finite fields
5.5. For each of the following elliptic curves Eand finite fields Fp, make a
list of the set of points E(Fp).
(a) E:Y2=X3+ 3X+ 2 over F7.
(b) E:Y2=X3+ 2X+ 7 over F11.
(c) E:Y2=X3+ 4X+ 5 over F11.
(d) E:Y2=X3+ 9X+ 5 over F11.
(e) E:Y2=X3+ 9X+ 5 over F13.
Solution to Exercise 5.5.
(a) #E(F7) = 9
E(F7) = {O,(0,3),(0,4),(2,3),(2,4),(4,1),(4,6),(5,3),(5,4)}
(b) #E(F11) = 7
E(F11) = {O,(6,2),(6,9),(7,1),(7,10),(10,2),(10,9)}
(c) #E(F11) = 8
E(F11) = {O,(0,4),(0,7),(3,0),(6,5),(6,6),(9,0),(10,0)}
(d) #E(F11) = 14
E(F11) = {O,(0,4),(0,7),(1,2),(1,9),(2,3),(2,8),(3,2),(3,9),(6,0),
146 Exercises for Chapter 5
(e) #E(F13) = 9
E(F13) = {O,(4,1),(4,12),(8,2),(8,11),(9,3),(9,10),(10,4),(10,9)}
5.6. Make an addition table for Eover Fp, as we did in Table 5.1.
(a) E:Y2=X3+X+ 2 over F5.
(b) E:Y2=X3+ 2X+ 3 over F7.
(c) E:Y2=X3+ 2X+ 5 over F11.
You may want to write a computer program for (c), since E(F11) has a lot
of points!
Solution to Exercise 5.6.
(a) E(F5) = {O,(1,2),(1,3),(4,0)}.
O(1,2) (1,3) (4,0)
O O (1,2) (1,3) (4,0)
(1,2) (1,2) (4,0) O(1,3)
(1,3) (1,3) O(4,0) (1,2)
(4,0) (4,0) (1,3) (1,2) O
(b) E(F7) = {O,(2,1),(2,6),(3,1),(3,6),(6,0)}.
O(2,1) (2,6) (3,1) (3,6) (6,0)
O O (2,1) (2,6) (3,1) (3,6) (6,0)
(2,1) (2,1) (3,6) O(2,6) (6,0) (3,1)
(2,6) (2,6) O(3,1) (6,0) (2,1) (3,6)
(3,1) (3,1) (2,6) (6,0) (3,6) O(2,1)
(3,6) (3,6) (6,0) (2,1) O(3,1) (2,6)
(6,0) (6,0) (3,1) (3,6) (2,1) (2,6) O
(c) E(F11) = {O,(0,4),(0,7),(3,4),(3,7),(4,0),(8,4),(8,7),(9,2),(9,9)}.
O(0,4) (0,7) (3,4) (3,7) (4,0) (8,4) (8,7) (9,2) (9,9)
O O (0,4) (0,7) (3,4) (3,7) (4,0) (8,4) (8,7) (9,2) (9,9)
(0,4) (0,4) (9,2) O(8,7) (9,9) (8,4) (3,7) (4,0) (3,4) (0,7)
(0,7) (0,7) O(9,9) (9,2) (8,4) (8,7) (4,0) (3,4) (0,4) (3,7)
(3,4) (3,4) (8,7) (9,2) (8,4) O(9,9) (0,7) (3,7) (4,0) (0,4)
(3,7) (3,7) (9,9) (8,4) O(8,7) (9,2) (3,4) (0,4) (0,7) (4,0)
(4,0) (4,0) (8,4) (8,7) (9,9) (9,2) O(0,4) (0,7) (3,7) (3,4)
(8,4) (8,4) (3,7) (4,0) (0,7) (3,4) (0,4) (9,2) O(9,9) (8,7)
(8,7) (8,7) (4,0) (3,4) (3,7) (0,4) (0,7) O(9,9) (8,4) (9,2)
(9,2) (9,2) (3,4) (0,4) (4,0) (0,7) (3,7) (9,9) (8,4) (8,7) O
(9,9) (9,9) (0,7) (3,7) (0,4) (4,0) (3,4) (8,7) (9,2) O(8,4)
5.7. Let Ebe the elliptic curve
E:y2=x3+x+ 1.
Compute the number of points in the group E(Fp) for each of the following
(a) p= 3. (b) p= 5. (c) p= 7. (d) p= 11.
Exercises for Chapter 5 147
In each case, also compute the trace of Frobenius
tp=p+ 1 −#E(Fp)
and verify that |tp|is smaller than 2√p.
Solution to Exercise 5.7.
3 4 0 3.46
5 9 −3 4.47
7 5 3 5.29
11 14 −2 6.63
13 18 −4 7.21
17 18 0 8.25
Section. The elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem
5.8. Let Ebe the elliptic curve
E:y2=x3+x+ 1
and let P= (4,2) and Q= (0,1) be points on Emodulo 5. Solve the elliptic
curve discrete logarithm problem for Pand Q, that is, find a positive integer n
such that Q=nP .
Solution to Exercise 5.8.
We compute the multiples of P:
P= (4,2),2P= (3,4),3P= (2,4),4P= (0,4),5P= (0,1)
6P= (2,1),7P= (3,1),8P= (4,3),9P=O.
Thus logP(Q) = 5 in E(F5). It turns out that E(F5) contains 9 points, and
the multiples of Pgive all of them.
5.9. Let Ebe an elliptic curve over Fpand let Pand Qbe points in E(Fp).
Assume that Qis a multiple of Pand let n0>0 be the smallest solution
to Q=nP . Also let s > 0 be the smallest solution to sP =O. Prove that
every solution to Q=nP looks like n0+is for some i∈Z. (Hint. Write nas
n=is +rfor some 0 ≤r < s and determine the value of r.)
Solution to Exercise 5.9.
Following the hint, we write nas n=is +rfor some 0 ≤r < s. Then
Q=nP = (is +r)P=i(sP ) + rP =iO+rP =rP,
since by definition sP =O. But n0Pis the smallest multiple of Pthat is
equal to Q, so we must have r≥n0. If r=n0, we’re done, so suppose instead
that r > n0.
148 Exercises for Chapter 5
O=Q−Q=rP −n0P= (r−n0)P,
and we know that sP is the smallest (nonzero) multiple of Pthat is equal
to O, so r−n0≥s. But this contradicts r < s. Hence r=n0, which proves
that n=is +n0.
5.10. Use the double-and-add algorithm (Table 5.3) to compute nP in E(Fp)
for each of the following curves and points, as we did in Figure 5.4.
(a) E:Y2=X3+ 23X+ 13, p = 83, P = (24,14), n = 19;
(b) E:Y2=X3+ 143X+ 367, p = 613, P = (195,9), n = 23;
(c) E:Y2=X3+ 1828X+ 1675, p = 1999, P = (1756,348), n = 11;
(d) E:Y2=X3+ 1541X+ 1335, p = 3221, P = (2898,439), n = 3211.
Solution to Exercise 5.10.
(a) Solution: 19 ∗(24,14) = (24,69).
Step i n Q = 2iP R
0 19 (24,14) O
1 9 (30,8) (24,14)
2 4 (24,69) (30,75)
3 2 (30,75) (30,75)
4 1 (24,14) (30,75)
5 0 (30,8) (24,69)
Compute 19 ·(24,14) on Y2=X3+ 23X+ 13 modulo 83.
(b) Solution: 23 ∗(195,9) = (485,573).
Step i n Q = 2iP R
0 23 (195,9) O
1 11 (407,428) (195,9)
2 5 (121,332) (182,355)
3 2 (408,110) (194,565)
4 1 (481,300) (194,565)
5 0 (401,150) (485,573)
Compute 23 ·(195,9) on Y2=X3+ 143X+ 367 modulo 613
(c) Solution: 11 ∗(1756,348) = (1068,1540).
Step i n Q = 2iP R
0 11 (1756,348) O
1 5 (1526,1612) (1756,348)
2 2 (1657,1579) (1362,998)
3 1 (1849,225) (1362,998)
4 0 (586,959) (1068,1540)
Compute 11 ·(1756,348) on Y2=X3+ 1828X+ 1675 modulo 1999
Exercises for Chapter 5 149
(d) Solution: 3211 ∗(2898,439) = (243,1875).
Step i n Q = 2iP R
0 3211 (2898,439) O
1 1605 (2964,2977) (2898,439)
2 802 (1372,2349) (781,2494)
3 401 (2956,1288) (781,2494)
4 200 (1045,1606) (341,1727)
5 100 (770,285) (341,1727)
6 50 (2589,1698) (341,1727)
7 25 (2057,2396) (341,1727)
8 12 (1017,828) (2117,1162)
9 6 (1988,1949) (2117,1162)
10 3 (1397,1477) (2117,1162)
11 1 (420,1274) (2362,757)
12 0 (2583,2597) (243,1875)
Compute 3211 ·(2898,439) on Y2=X3+ 1541X+ 1335 modulo 3221
5.11. Convert the proof of Proposition 5.18 into an algorithm and use it to
write each of the following numbers nas a sum of positive and negative powers
of 2 with at most 1
2blog nc+1 nonzero terms. Compare the number of nonzero
terms in the binary expansion of nwith the number of nonzero terms in the
ternary expansion of n.
(a) 349. (b) 9337. (c) 38728. (d) 8379483273489.
Solution to Exercise 5.11.
(a) Binary expansion has 6 terms. Ternary expansion has 5 terms.
349 = +21+ 23+ 24+ 25+ 27+ 29
= +21−23−26−28+ 210
(b) Binary expansion has 7 terms. Ternary expansion has 5 terms.
9337 = +21+ 24+ 25+ 26+ 27+ 211 + 214
= +21−24+ 28+ 211 + 214
(c) Binary expansion has 7 terms. Ternary expansion has 6 terms.
38728 = +24+ 27+ 29+ 210 + 211 + 213 + 216
= +24+ 27−29−212 + 214 + 216
(d) Binary expansion has 21 terms. Ternary expansion has 10 terms.
8379483273489 = +21+ 25+ 29+ 212 + 213 + 214 + 216 + 217 + 218 + 219
+ 220 + 221 + 233 + 234 + 235 + 236 + 237 + 240 + 241
+ 242 + 243
= +21+ 25+ 29−212 −215 + 222 −233 + 238 −240 + 244
150 Exercises for Chapter 5
5.12. In Section 4.5 we gave an abstract description of Pollard’s ρmethod,
and in Section 4.5.2 we gave an explicit version to solve the discrete logarithm
problem in Fp. Adapt this material to create a Pollard ρalgorithm to solve
the ECDLP.
Solution to Exercise 5.12.
We want to find nso that Q=nP , where P, Q ∈E(Fp) are given. We
also assume that we know an integer Nsuch that NP =Oand NQ =O.
For example, we can take N= #E(Fp). To apply Pollard’s method, we need
a function f:E(Fp)→E(Fp) that mixes up the points reasonably well.
Following the ideas from Section 4.5.2, we define
f:E(Fp)−→ E(Fp), f(T) =
P+Tif 0 ≤xT< p/3,
2Tif p/3≤xT<2p/3,
Q+Tif 2p/3≤xT< p.
Then after isteps, we have
fi(O) = αiP+βiQand f2i(O) = γiP+δiQ
for certain integer values of αi, βi, γi, δi. We can keep track of the val-
ues of αi, βi, γi, δijust as we did in Section 4.5.2. Note that the values
of αi, βi, γi, δishould be computed modulo N, which prevents them from
getting too big.
After O(√N) steps, we expect to find a match
fi(O) = f2i(O).
This means that
(αi−γi)P= (δi−βi)Qin E(Fp).
If gcd(δi−βi, N) = 1, we can multiply both sides by
(δi−βi)−1mod N
to express Qas a multiple of P. More generally, we can use the same sort of
calculation described in Section 4.5.2 to find gcd(δi−βi, N) possible values
of n, and then we can test each of them to see if nP is equal to Q. (In
practice, Nwill be prime, or at worst a small multiple of a large prime, so
there will be few cases to check.)
Section. Elliptic curve cryptography
5.13. Alice and Bob agree to use elliptic Diffie–Hellman key exchange with
the prime, elliptic curve, and point
p= 2671, E :Y2=X3+ 171X+ 853, P = (1980,431) ∈E(F2671).
Exercises for Chapter 5 151
(a) Alice sends Bob the point QA= (2110,543). Bob decides to use the secret
multiplier nB= 1943. What point should Bob send to Alice?
(b) What is their secret shared value?
(c) How difficult is it for Eve to figure out Alice’s secret multiplier nA? If
you know how to program, use a computer to find nA.
(d) Alice and Bob decide to exchange a new piece of secret information using
the same prime, curve, and point. This time Alice sends Bob only the
x-coordinate xA= 2 of her point QA. Bob decides to use the secret
multiplier nB= 875. What single number modulo pshould Bob send to
Alice, and what is their secret shared value?
Solution to Exercise 5.13.
(a) Bob sends B=gb= 2871 ≡805 (mod 1373) to Alice. Their shared
value (a) Bob sends the point QB= 1943P= (1432,667) ∈E(F2671) to
(b) Their secret shared value is the x-coordinate x=2424 of the point
nBQA= 1943(2110,543) = (2424,911) ∈E(F2671).
(c) By hand, it takes a long time to find nA. But pis small enough that it’s
not too hard on a computer. Alice’s secret value was nA= 2045, but it turns
out that the point Phas order 1319, so in the smallest value that works is
nA= 726 , since 726P= (2110,543) = QA∈E(F2671).
(d) Bob computes QB= 875P= (161,2040) ∈E(F2671), but he sends Al-
ice only the x-coordinate xB= 161 . In order to find the shared value, Bob
A+ 171xA+ 853 = 23+ 171 ·2 + 853 = 1203,
yA= 1203(2671+1)/4= 1203668 ≡2575 (mod 2671),
nB(xA, yA) = 875(2,2575) = (1708,1419) ∈E(F2671).
The shared value is the x-coordinate x= 1708 .
5.14. Exercise 2.10 on page 107 describes a multistep public key cryptosystem
based on the discrete logarithm problem for Fp. Describe a version of this cryp-
tosystem that uses the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. (You may
assume that Alice and Bob know the order of the point Pin the group E(Fp),
i.e., they know the smallest integer N≥1 with the property that NP =O.)
Solution to Exercise 5.14.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
5.15. A shortcoming of using an elliptic curve E(Fp) for cryptography is the
fact that it takes two coordinates to specify a point in E(Fp). However, as
discussed briefly at the end of Section 5.4.2, the second coordinate actually
conveys very little additional information.
152 Exercises for Chapter 5
(a) Suppose that Bob wants to send Alice the value of a point R∈E(Fp). Ex-
plain why it suffices for Bob to send Alice the x-coordinate of R= (xR, yR)
together with the single bit
βR=(0 if 0 ≤yR<1
1 if 1
2p < yR< p.
(You may assume that Alice is able to efficiently compute square roots
modulo p. This is certainly true, for example, if p≡3 (mod 4); see Propo-
sition 2.27.)
(b) Alice and Bob decide to use the prime p= 1123 and the elliptic curve
E:Y2=X3+ 54X+ 87.
Bob sends Alice the x-coordinate x= 278 and the bit β= 0. What point
is Bob trying to convey to Alice? What about if instead Bob had sent
β= 1?
Solution to Exercise 5.15.
(a) Alice computes x3
R+AxR+B. This quantity has two square roots,
say band p−b. One of bor p−bis between 0 and 1
2p, the other is between 1
and p. So the value of βRtells Alice exactly which square root to take for yR.
(b) First compute u= 2783+ 54 ·278 + 87 ≡216 (mod 1123). Then compute
u(1123+1)/4≡487 (mod 1123). So the two possible points are (278,487) and
(278,636), since 636 = 1123 −487. From the way that βis chosen, we have
β= 0 =⇒R= (278,487) and β= 1 =⇒R= (278,636)
5.16. The Menezes–Vanstone variant of the elliptic ElGamal public key cryp-
tosystem improves message expansion while avoiding the difficulty of directly
attaching plaintexts to points in E(Fp). The MV-ElGamal cryptosystem is
described in Table 5.12 on page 343.
(a) The last line of Table 5.12 claims that m0
1=m1and m0
2=m2. Prove
that this is true, so the decryption process does work.
(b) What is the message expansion of MV-ElGamal?
(c) Alice and Bob agree to use
p= 1201, E :Y2=X3+ 19X+ 17, P = (278,285) ∈E(Fp),
for MV-ElGamal. Alice’s secret value is nA= 595. What is her public key?
Bob sends Alice the encrypted message ((1147,640),279,1189). What is
the plaintext?
Solution to Exercise 5.16.
Exercises for Chapter 5 153
(a) Suppose that Bob has encrypted the plaintext (m1, m2) using the ran-
dom number kas described in Table 5.12 and that he sends Alice his cipher-
text (R, c1, c2). Alice’s first step is to compute T=nAR. However, using the
definition of R,Sand QA, we see that Alice is actually computing
T=nAR=nA(kP ) = k(nAP) = kQA=S.
Thus xS=xTand yS=yT, so Alice’s second step yields
S(xSm1)≡m1(mod p),
S(ySm2)≡m2(mod p).
This shows that Alice recovers Bob’s plaintext. Notice how she uses her secret
multiplier nAduring the decryption process.
(b) The plaintext (m1, m2) consists of two numbers modulo p. The cipher-
text (R, c1, c2) consists of four numbers modulo p, since Rhas two coordinates.
So the message expansion ratio is 2-to-1 . This can be improved if Bob sends
only the x-coordinate of R, plus one extra bit to enable Alice to determine the
correct y-coordinate. In that case, the cipher text is three numbers modulo p
(plus one bit), so the message expansion ratio is approximately 3-to-2 .
(c) Alice public key is QA=nAP= 595 ·(278,285) = (1104,492) . To
decrypt, Alice computes T=nA(1147,640) = 595(1147,640) = (942,476).
She then computes x−1
Tc1= 941−1·279 ≡509 (mod 1201) and y−1
476−1·1189 ≡767 (mod 1201). So the plaintext is (509,767) .
5.17. This exercise continues the discussion of the MV-ElGamal cryptosystem
described in Table 5.12 on page 343.
(a) Eve knows the elliptic curve Eand the ciphertext values c1and c2. Show
how Eve can use this knowledge to write down a polynomial equation
(modulo p) that relates the two pieces m1and m2of the plaintext. In
particular, if Eve can figure out one piece of the plaintext, then she can
recover the other piece by finding the roots of a certain polynomial mod-
ulo p.
(b) Alice and Bob exchange a message using MV-ElGamal with the prime,
elliptic curve, and point in Exercise 5.16(c). Eve intercepts the ciphertext
((269,339),814,1050) and, through other sources, she discovers that the
first part of the plaintext is m1= 1050. Use your algorithm in (a) to
recover the second part of the plaintext.
Solution to Exercise 5.17.
(a) Eve knows the equation of the elliptic curve,
E:Y2=X3+AX +B.
The coordinates of the point S∈E(Fp) satisfy
154 Exercises for Chapter 5
1c1(mod p),
2c2(mod p),
and the point (xS, yS) satisfies the equation for E, so Eve knows that
1c1) + B(mod p).
Eve clears denominators by multiplying by m3
2, so
2(mod p).
Thus (m1, m2) is a solution to the congruence
1v2+Ac1u2v2+Bu3v2(mod p),
so in particular, if Eve knows either m1or m2, then she can find the other
one by substituting in the known value and finding the roots modulo pof the
resulting polynomial.
(b) m2= 179. A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Section. Lenstra’s elliptic curve factorization algorithm
5.18. Use the elliptic curve factorization algorithm to factor each of the num-
bers Nusing the given elliptic curve Eand point P.
(a) N= 589, E :Y2=X3+ 4X+ 9, P = (2,5).
(b) N= 26167, E :Y2=X3+ 4X+ 128, P = (2,12).
(c) N= 1386493, E :Y2=X3+ 3X−3, P = (1,1).
(d) N= 28102844557, E :Y2=X3+ 18X−453, P = (7,4).
Solution to Exercise 5.18.
n n!·Pmod 589
1P= (2,5)
2 2! ·P= (564,156)
3 3! ·P= (33,460)
4 4! ·P= (489,327)
Factorial multiples of Pon Y2=X3+ 4X+ 9 modulo 589
Computation of 5! ·Pgives 589 = 19 ·31.
n n!·Pmod 26167
1P= (2,12)
2 2! ·P= (23256,1930)
3 3! ·P= (21778,1960)
4 4! ·P= (22648,14363)
5 5! ·P= (5589,11497)
6 6! ·P= (7881,16198)
Exercises for Chapter 5 155
Public Parameter Creation
A trusted party chooses and publishes a (large) prime p,
an elliptic curve Eover Fp, and a point Pin E(Fp).
Alice Bob
Key Creation
Chooses a secret multiplier nA.
Computes QA=nAP.
Publishes the public key QA.
Chooses plaintext values m1and m2
modulo p.
Chooses a random number k.
Computes R=kP .
Computes S=kQAand writes it
as S= (xS, yS).
Sets c1≡xSm1(mod p) and
c2≡ySm2(mod p).
Sends ciphtertext (R, c1, c2) to Alice.
Computes T=nARand writes
it as T= (xT, yT).
Sets m0
Tc1(mod p) and
Tc2(mod p).
Then m0
1=m1and m0
Table 5.1: Menezes–Vanstone variant of ElGamal (Exercises 5.16, 5.17)
Factorial multiples of Pon Y2=X3+ 4X+ 128 modulo 26167.
Computation of 7! ·Pgives 26167 = 191 ·137.
n n!·Pmod 1386493
1P= (1,1)
2 2! ·P= (7,1386474)
3 3! ·P= (1059434,60521)
4 4! ·P= (81470,109540)
5 5! ·P= (870956,933849)
6 6! ·P= (703345,474777)
7 7! ·P= (335675,1342927)
8 8! ·P= (1075584,337295)
9 9! ·P= (149824,1003869)
10 10! ·P= (92756,1156933)
156 Exercises for Chapter 5
Factorial multiples of Pon Y2=X3+ 3X−3 modulo 1386493
Computation of 11! ·Pgives 1386493 = 1069 ·1297.
n n!·Pmod 28102844557
1P= (7,4)
2 2! ·P= (1317321250,11471660625)
3 3! ·P= (15776264786,10303407105)
4 4! ·P= (27966589703,26991329662)
5 5! ·P= (11450520276,14900134804)
24 24! ·P= (25959867777,9003083411)
25 25! ·P= (10400016599,11715538594)
26 26! ·P= (22632202481,6608272585)
27 27! ·P= (25446531195,2223850203)
28 28! ·P= (12412875644,7213676617)
Factorial multiples of Pon Y2=X3+ 18X+ 28102844104 modulo
Computation of 29! ·Pgives 28102844557 = 117763 ·238639.
Section. Elliptic curves over F2and over F2k
5.19. Let Ebe an elliptic curve given by a generalized Weierstrass equation
E:Y2+a1XY +a3Y=X3+a2X2+a4X+a6.
Let P1= (x1, y1) and P2= (x2, y2) be points on E. Prove that the following
algorithm computes their sum P3=P1+P2.
First, if x1=x2and y1+y2+a1x2+a3= 0, then P1+P2=O.
Otherwise define quantities λand νas follows:
[If x16=x2]λ=y2−y1
, ν =y1x2−y2x1
[If x1=x2]λ=3x2
1+ 2a2x1+a4−a1y1
, ν =−x3
1+a4x1+ 2a6−a3y1
P3=P1+P2= (λ2+a1λ−a2−x1−x2,−(λ+a1)x3−ν−a3).
Solution to Exercise 5.19.
This is proven in any basic text on elliptic curves. See for example Group
Law Algorithm 2.3 in [123, §2.2].
5.20. Let F8=F2[T]/(T3+T+ 1) be as in Example 5.28, and let Ebe the
elliptic curve
E:Y2+XY +Y=X3+T X + (T+ 1).
Exercises for Chapter 5 157
(a) Calculate the discriminant of E.
(b) Verify that the points
P= (1 + T+T2,1 + T), Q = (T2, T ), R = (1 + T+T2,1 + T2),
are in E(F8) and compute the values of P+Qand 2R.
(c) Find all of the points in E(F8).
(d) Find a point P∈E(F8) such that every point in E(F8) is a multiple of P.
Solution to Exercise 5.20.
(a) ∆ = 1 + T2.
(b) P+Q= (1 + T+T2,1 + T2) and 2R= (T2, T ).
(c,d) The point P= (1 + T+T2,1 + T2) satisfies
P= (1 + T+T2,1 + T2)
2P= (T2, T )
3P= (1,0)
4P= (T2,1 + T+T2)
5P= (1 + T+T2,1 + T)
and this is the complete set of points in E(F8). (One can check this directly, or
note that if there were more points, since the order of an element divides the
order of a group, it would follow that #E(F8) is at least 12, which contradicts
the Hasse bound of 8 + 1 + 2√8≈11.83.) The multiples of the point 5Palso
give all of #E(F8).
5.21. Let τ(α) = αpbe the Frobenius map on Fpk.
(a) Prove that
τ(α+β) = τ(α)+τ(β) and τ(α·β) = τ(α)·τ(β) for all α, β ∈Fpk.
(Hint. For the addition formula, use the binomial theorem (Theorem 4.10).)
(b) Prove that τ(α) = αfor all α∈Fp.
(c) Let Ebe an elliptic curve over Fpand let τ(x, y) = (xp, yp) be the
Frobenius map from E(Fpk) to itself. Prove that
τ(P+Q) = τ(P) + τ(Q) for all P∈E(Fpk).
5.22. Let E0be the Koblitz curve Y2+XY =X3+ 1 over the field F2, and
for every k≥1, let
tk= 2k+ 1 −#E(F2k).
(a) Prove that t1=−1 and t2=−3.
158 Exercises for Chapter 5
(b) Prove that tksatisfies the recursion
tk=t1tk−1−ptk−2for all t≥3.
(You may use the formula (5.12) that we stated, but did not prove, on
page 313.)
(c) Use the recursion in (b) to compute #E(F16).
(d) Program a computer to calculate the recursion and use it to compute the
values of #E(F211 ), #E(F231 ), and #E(F2101 ).
Solution to Exercise 5.22.
(a) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(b) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(c) #E(F16) = 16.
(d) #E(F211 ) = 2116.
#E(F231 ) = 2147574356.
#E(F2101 ) = 2535301200456455833701195805484.
5.23. Let τsatisfy τ2=−2−τ. Prove that the following algorithm gives
coefficients vi∈ {−1,0,1}such that the positive integer nis equal to
Further prove that at most one-third of the viare nonzero and that ≤log(n).
[1] Set n0=nand n1= 0 and i= 0
[2] Loop while n06= 0 or n16= 0
[3] If n0is odd
[4] Set vi= 2 −¡(n0−2n1) mod 4¢
[5] Set n0=n0−vi
[6] Else
[7] Set vi= 0
[8] End If
[9] Set i=i+ 1
[10] Set (n0, n1) = ¡n1−1
[11] End Loop
Solution to Exercise 5.23.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
5.24. Implement the algorithm in Exercise 5.23 and use it to compute the τ-
expansion (5.19) of the following integers. What is the highest power of τthat
appears and how many nonzero terms are there?
(a) n= 931 (b) n= 32755 (c) n= 82793729188
Solution to Exercise 5.24.
Exercises for Chapter 5 159
931 = −1 + τ2+τ10 +τ14 −τ17 −τ19 −τ21.
The highest power of τis τ21 and the τ-expansion has 7 nonzero terms.
32755 = −1 + τ2+τ4+τ6+τ8+τ15 −τ17 +τ19 −τ22 +τ28 −τ31.
The highest power of τis τ31 and the τ-expansion has 11 nonzero terms.
82793729188 = τ2+τ8−τ10 −τ12 +τ15 +τ18
+τ20 −τ24 −τ27 +τ30 −τ34 +τ36 −τ40
+τ44 +τ46 −τ48 +τ50 −τ52 +τ55 +τ58
+τ61 +τ68 −τ71 −τ73.
The highest power of τis τ73 and the τ-expansion has 24 nonzero terms.
Section. Bilinear pairings on elliptic curves
5.25. Let R(x) and S(x) be rational functions. Prove that the divisor of a
product is the sum of the divisors, i.e.,
div¡R(x)S(x)¢= div¡R(x)¢+ div¡S(x)¢.
5.26. Prove that the Weil pairing satisfies
em(P, Q) = em(Q, P )−1for all P, Q, ∈E[m].
(Hint. Use the fact that em(P+Q, P +Q) = 1 and expand using bilinearity.)
5.27. This exercise asks you to verify that the Weil pairing emis well-
(a) Prove that the value of em(P, Q) is independent of the choice of rational
functions fPand fQ.
(b) Prove that the value of em(P, Q) is independent of the auxiliary point S.
(Hint. Fix the points Pand Qand consider the quantity
F(S) = fP(Q+S)
as a function of S. Compute the divisor of Fand use the fact that every
nonconstant function on Ehas at least one zero.)
You might also try to prove that the Weil pairing is bilinear, but do not be
discouraged if you do not succeed, since the standard proofs use more tools
than we have developed in the text.
5.28. Choose a basis {P1, P2}for E[m] and write each P∈E[m] as a linear
combination P=aPP1+bPP2. (See Remark 5.39.) Use the basic properties
of the Weil pairing described in Theorem 5.38 to prove that
em(P, Q) = em(P1, P2)det³aPaQ
bPbQ´=em(P1, P2)aPbQ−aQbP.
160 Exercises for Chapter 5
5.29. Complete the proof of Proposition 5.51 by proving that φ(2P) = 2φ(P).
5.30. For each of the following elliptic curves E, finite fields Fp, points P
and Qof order m, and auxiliary points S, use Miller’s algorithm to compute
the Weil pairing em(P, Q). (See Example 5.43.)
E p P Q m S
(a) y2=x3+ 23 1051 (109 203) (240 203) 5 (1,554)
(b) y2=x3−35x−9 883 (5, 66) (103, 602) 7 (1,197)
(c) y2=x3+ 37x1009 (8, 703) (49, 20) 7 (0,0)
(d) y2=x3+ 37x1009 (417, 952) (561, 153) 7 (0,0)
Notice that (c) and (d) use the same elliptic curve. Letting P0and Q0denote
the points in (d), verify that
P0= 2P, Q0= 3Q, and e7(P0, Q0) = e7(P, Q)6.
Solution to Exercise 5.30.
(a) We have #E(F1051 = 1075 = 52·43. The point Shas order 215. Miller’s
algorithm gives
306 = 203 and fQ(P−S)
406 = 312.
Taking the ratio of these two values yields
e5(P, Q) = 203
312 = 671 ∈F1051.
(b) We have #E(F883) = 882 = 2 ·32·72The point Shas order 126. Miller’s
algorithm gives
413 = 730 and fQ(P−S)
161 = 469.
Taking the ratio of these two values yields
e7(P, Q) = 730
469 = 749 ∈F883.
(c) We have #E(F1009) = 980 = 22·5·72. The point Shas order 2. Miller’s
algorithm gives
478 = 739 and fQ(P−S)
810 = 574.
Taking the ratio of these two values yields
Exercises for Chapter 5 161
e7(P, Q) = 739
574 = 105 ∈F1009.
(d) Miller’s algorithm gives
531 = 384 and fQ(P−S)
759 = 969.
Taking the ratio of these two values yields
e7(P, Q) = 384
969 = 394 ∈F1009.
Finally, we check that
e7(P, Q)6= 1056= 394 = e7(P0, Q0),
which is in accordance with P0= 2Pand Q0= 3Q.
5.31. Let Eover Fqand be as described in Theorem 5.44. Prove that the
modified Tate pairing is symmetric, in the sense that
ˆτ(P, Q) = ˆτ(Q, P ) for all P, Q ∈E(Fq)[].
Solution to Exercise 5.31.
By assumption we have E(Fq)[] = Z/Z, a cyclic group. Let Tbe a
generator. Then any P, Q ∈E(Fq)[] can be written as P=uT and Q=vT
for some u, v ∈Z/Z. But then the linearity of that Tate pairing gives
ˆτ(P, Q) = ˆτ(uT, vT ) = ˆτ(T, T )uv,
ˆτ(Q, P ) = ˆτ(vT, uT ) = ˆτ(T, T )vu,
which are clearly the same value.
5.32. Let Ebe an elliptic curve over Fqand let P, Q ∈E(Fq)[]. Prove that
the Weil pairing and the Tate pairing are related by the formula
e`(P, Q) = τ(P, Q)
τ(Q, P ),
provided that the Tate pairings on the right-hand side are computed properly.
Thus the Weil pairing requires approximately twice as much work to compute
as does the Tate pairing.
Section. The Weil pairing over fields of prime power order
5.33. Prove Proposition 5.51(b) in the case P1=P2.
5.34. Let Ebe an elliptic curve over Fpand let be a prime. Suppose
that E(Fp) contains a point of order and that > √p+ 1. Prove that
162 Exercises for Chapter 5
Solution to Exercise 5.34.
Hasse’s theorem says that
#E(Fp)≤p+1+2√p= (√p+ 1)2.
The assumption on then tells us that #E(Fp)< 2. But if E(Fp)[] is larger
than Z/Z, then it is equal to Z/Z×Z/Z, so we would have 2elements,
contradicting #E(Fp)< 2.
5.35. Let Ebe an elliptic curve over a finite field Fqand let be a prime.
Suppose that we are given four points P, aP, bP, cP ∈E(Fq)[]. The (elliptic)
decision Diffie–Hellman problem is to determine whether cP is equal to abP .
Of course, if we could solve the Diffie–Hellman problem itself, then we could
compute abP and compare it with cP , but the Diffie–Hellman problem is often
difficult to solve.
Suppose that there exists a distortion map φfor E[]. Show how to use
the modified Weil pairing to solve the elliptic decision Diffie–Hellman problem
without actually having to compute abP .
Solution to Exercise 5.35.
ˆe`(aP, bP ) = ˆe`(P, P )ab and ˆe`(P, cP ) = ˆe`(P, P )c.
If they agree, then cP =abP , otherwise cP 6=abP .
5.36. Let Ebe the elliptic curve E:y2=x3+xand let φ(x, y) = (−x, αy)
be the map described in Proposition 5.51. Prove that φ(φ(P)) = −Pfor
all P∈E. (Intuitively, φbehaves like multiplication by √−1 when it is
applied to points of E.)
Solution to Exercise 5.36.
Let P= (x, y). We compute
φ(φ(P)) = φ(−x, αy) = ¡−(−x), α ·αy¢= (x, α2y) = (x, −y) = −P.
5.37. Let p≡3 (mod 4), let E:y2=x3+x, let P∈E(Fp)[], and
let φ(x, y)=(−x, αy) be the -distortion map for Pdescribed in Proposi-
tion 5.52. Suppose further that ≡3 (mod 4). Prove that φis an -distortion
map for every point in E[]. In other words, if Q∈Eis any point of order ,
prove that e`(Q, φ(Q)) is a primitive th root of unity.
Solution to Exercise 5.37.
We can write Q=aP +bφ(P), since {P, φ(P)}is a basis for E[]. We have
φ(Q) = φ(aP +bφ(P)) = aφ(P) + bφ(φ(P)).
Exercises for Chapter 5 163
Note that
φ(φ(P)) = φ(φ(x, y)) = φ(−x, αy) = (x, α2y) = (x, −y) = −P.
(This was a previous exercise.) So φ(Q) = −bP +aφ(P). Hence
e`(Q, φ(Q)) = e`(aP +bφ(P),−bP +aφ(P))
=e`(P, P )−abe`(P, φ(P))a2e`(φ(P), P )−b2e`(φ(P), φ(P))ab
=e`(P, φ(P))a2+b2.
We know that e`(P, φ(P)) is a primitive th-root of unity, so either e`(Q, φ(Q))
is a primitive th-root of unity, or else a2+b2is a multiple of . (Note that
we can assume that take 0 ≤a, b < and that aand bare not both 0.) But
if divides a2+b2, then we get
1 = µa2
so −1 is a square modulo . From an easy piece of quadratic reciprocity, this
implies that ≡1 (mod 4), contradicting our assumption that ≡3 (mod 4).
5.38. Let Ebe the elliptic curve
E:y2=x3+ 1
over a field K, and suppose that Kcontains an element β6= 1 satisfying β3=
1. (We say that βis a primitive cube root of unity.) Define a map φby
φ(x, y)=(βx, y) and φ(O) = O.
(a) Let P∈E(K). Prove that φ(P)∈E(K).
(b) Prove that φrespects the addition law on E, i.e., φ(P1+P2) = φ(P1) +
φ(P2) for all P1, P2∈E(K).
5.39. Let E:y2=x3+ 1 be the elliptic curve in Exercise 5.38.
(a) Let p≥3 be a prime with p≡2 (mod 3). Prove that Fpdoes not contain
a primitive cube root of unity, but that Fp2does contain a primitive cube
root of unity.
(b) Let β∈Fp2be a primitive cube root of unity and define a map φ(x, y) =
(βx, y) as in Exercise 5.38. Suppose that E(Fp) contains a point Pof
prime order ≥5. Prove that φis an -distortion map for P.
Solution to Exercise 5.39.
(b) This is the same as the proof of Proposition 5.52. The multiples of P
are in E(Fp), but φ(P) is not unless its x-coordinate is 0. Then on checks
that points on Eof the form (0, y) are points of order 3. Hence φ(P) is
not a multiple of P, and then Proposition 5.49 tells us that e`(P, φ(P)) is a
primitive th-root of unity.
164 Exercises for Chapter 5
5.40. Let Ebe the elliptic curve E:y2=x3+xover the field F691. The
point P= (301,14) ∈#E(F691) has order 173. Use the distortion map on E
from Exercises 5.38 and 5.39 to compute ˆe173(P, P ) (cf. Example 5.54). Verify
that the value is a primitive 173rd root of unity.
Solution to Exercise 5.40.
We have φ(P) = (−301,14i) = (390,14i). We randomly choose a point
S= (499 + 325i, 41 + 140i)∈E(F6912)
and use Miller’s algorithm to compute
fP(φ(P) + S)
fP(S)=452 + 325i
236 + 219i= 432 + 271i,
fφ(P)(−S)=48 + 608i
115 + 533i= 259 + 271i.
ˆe(P, P ) = e173(P, φ(P)) = 432 + 271i
259 + 271i= 242 + 92i∈F6912.
We check that (242 + 92i)173 = 1.
5.41. Continuing with the curve E, prime p= 691, and point P= (301,14)
from Exercise 5.40, let
Q= (143,27) ∈E(F691).
Use the MOV method to solve the ECDLP for Pand Q, i.e., compute ˆe173(P, Q)
and express it as the nth power of ˆe173(P, P ). Check your answer by verifying
that nP is equal to Q.
Solution to Exercise 5.41.
The distortion map gives φ(Q) = (548,278i), and we use the randomly
chosen point S= (379 + 605i, 205 + 534i)∈E(F6912) to compute
ˆe173(P, Q) = e173(P, φ(Q)) =
= 500 + 603i∈F6912.
From the previous exercise we have ˆe173(P, P ) = 242+92i, so we need to solve
the DLP
(242 + 92i)n= 500 + 603iin F6912.
The solution to this DLP is n= 122, and we can check that Q=P, so n= 122
is also a solution to the ECDLP.
Section. Applications of the Weil pairing
Exercises for Chapter 5 165
5.42. Alice, Bob, and Carl use tripartite Diffie–Hellman with the curve
E:y2=x3+xover the field F1723.
They use the point
P= (668,995) of order 431.
(a) Alice chooses the secret value nA= 278. What is Alice’s public point QA?
(b) Bob’s public point is QB= (1275,1550) and Carl’s public point is QC=
(897,1323). What is the value of ˆe431(QB, QC)?
(c) What is their shared value?
(d) Bob’s secret value is nB= 224. Verify that ˆe431(QA, QC)nBis the same
as the value that you got in (c).
(e) Figure out Carl’s secret value nC. (Since Phas order 431, you can do
this on a computer by trying all possible values.)
Solution to Exercise 5.42.
(a) Alice’s public point is QA=nAP= (726,1127).
(b) ˆe431(QB, QC) = 1444 + 1288i.
(c) The shared value is ˆe431(QB, QC)278 = (1444 + 1288i)278 = 68 + 428i.
(d) ˆe431(QA, QC)224 = (1264 + 1083i)224 = 68 + 428i.
(e) Carl’s secret value is nC= 145. We check that he gets the same shared
value, ˆe431(QA, QB)145 = (977 + 1163i)145 = 68 + 428i.
5.43. Show that Eve can break tripartite Diffie–Hellman key exchange as
described in Table 5.10.1 if she knows how to solve the Diffie–Hellman problem
(page 67) for the field Fq.
Solution to Exercise 5.43.
Eve can compute
ˆe`(P, P ) and ˆe`(QA, P ) = ˆe`(nAP, P ) = ˆe`(P, P )nA.
But she can also compute
ˆe`(QB, QC) = ˆe`(P, P )nBnC.
Thus Eve knows the quantities
gnAand gnBnC
for a certain primitive th root of unity gin F∗
q. If she can solve the Diffie–
Hellman problem in F∗
q, then she can use these known values to compute Alice,
Bob, and Carl’s shared value gnAnBnC.
Chapter 6
Lattices and Cryptography
Exercises for Chapter 6
Section. A congruential public key cryptosystem
6.1. Alice uses the congruential cryptosystem with q= 918293817 and private
key (f, g) = (19928,18643).
(a) What is Alice’s public key h?
(b) Alice receives the ciphertext e= 619168806 from Bob. What is the plain-
(c) Bob sends Alice a second message by encrypting the plaintext m= 10220
using the ephemeral key r= 19564. What is the ciphertext that Bob sends
to Alice?
Solution to Exercise 6.1.
(a) h= 767748560.
(b) First compute
a≡fe ≡600240756 (mod q)
m=f−1a= 9764 ·600240756 ≡11818 (mod g).
(The ephemeral key was 19564.)
e≡rh +m≡619167208 (mod q).
Section. Subset-sum problems and knapsack cryptosystems
6.2. Use the algorithm described in Proposition 6.5 to solve each of the fol-
lowing subset-sum problems. If the “solution” that you get is not correct,
explain what went wrong.
(a) M= (3,7,19,43,89,195), S= 260.
168 Exercises for Chapter 6
(b) M= (5,11,25,61,125,261), S= 408.
(c) M= (2,5,12,28,60,131,257), S= 334.
(d) M= (4,12,15,36,75,162), S= 214.
Solution to Exercise 6.2.
(a) Output from algorithm is x= (1,0,1,1,0,1). Sum is correct.
(b) Output from algorithm is x= (1,1,0,0,1,1). Sum is 402 instead of 408.
Incorrect. Superincreasing, but this Shas no solution.
(c) Output from algorithm is x= (0,1,1,0,1,0,1). Sum is correct.
(d) Output from algorithm is x= (0,0,1,1,0,1). Sum is 213 instead of 214.
Incorrect. Mis not superincreasing, this problem has a solution (1,1,0,1,0,1),
but it is not found by the algorithm.
6.3. Alice’s public key for a knapsack cryptosystem is
M= (5186,2779,5955,2307,6599,6771,6296,7306,4115,7039).
Eve intercepts the encrypted message S= 26560. She also breaks into Alice’s
computer and steals Alice’s secret multiplier A= 4392 and secret modulus
B= 8387. Use this information to find Alice’s superincreasing private se-
quence rand then decrypt the message.
Solution to Exercise 6.3.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
6.4. Proposition 6.3 gives an algorithm that solves an n-dimensional knap-
sack problem in O(2n/2) steps, but it requires O(2n/2) storage. Devise an
algorithm, similar to Pollard’s ρalgorithm (Section 4.5), that takes O(2n/2)
steps, but requires only O(1) storage.
Solution to Exercise 6.4.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Section. A brief review of vector spaces
6.5. (a) Let
Each of the sets Band B0is a basis for R3. Find the change of basis
matrix that transforms B0into B.
(b) Let v= (2,3,1) and w= (−1,4,−2). Compute the lengths kvkand kwk
and the dot product v·w. Compute the angle between vand w.
Solution to Exercise 6.5.
(a) Let
1 3 2
2−1 3
1 0 2
and C=
−1 0 2
3 1 −1
Exercises for Chapter 6 169
and A=BC−1=
−1−1 4
(b) kvk=√14 ≈3.7417. kwk=√21 ≈4.5826. v·w= 8.
cos(θ) = 8/√14 ·√21 ≈0.4666, so
θ≈cos−1(0.4666) ≈1.0854 radians ≈62.188 degrees.
6.6. Use the Gram–Schmidt algorithm (Theorem 6.13) to find an orthogonal
basis from the given basis.
(a) v1= (1,3,2),v2= (4,1,−2),v3= (−2,1,3).
(b) v1= (4,1,3,−1),v2= (2,1,−3,4),v3= (1,0,−2,7).
Solution to Exercise 6.6.
1= (1,3,2),v∗
2= (53/14,5/14,−17/7),v∗
3= (56/285,−14/57,77/285).
1= (4,1,3,−1),v∗
2= (70/27,31/27,−23/9,104/27),
3= (−287/397,−405/397,799/397,844/397).
Section. Lattices: Basic definitions and properties
6.7. Let Lbe the lattice generated by {(1,3,−2),(2,1,0),(−1,2,5)}. Draw a
picture of a fundamental domain for Land find its volume.
Solution to Exercise 6.7.
The volume is ¯¯¯¯¯¯
1 3 −2
2 1 0
−1 2 5
= 35.
6.8. Let L⊂Rmbe an additive subgroup with the property that there is a
positive constant > 0 such that
L∩©w∈Rm:kwk< ª={0}.
Prove that Lis discrete, and hence is a lattice. (In other words, show that in
the defintion of discrete subgroup, it suffices to check that (6.8) is true for the
single vector v=0.)
170 Exercises for Chapter 6
Solution to Exercise 6.8.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
6.9. Prove that a subset of Rmis a lattice if and only if it is a discrete additive
Solution to Exercise 6.9.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
6.10. This exercise describes a result that you may have seen in your linear
algebra course.
Let Abe an n-by-nmatrix with entries aij , and for each pair of indices i
and j, let Aij denote the (n−1)-by-(n−1) matrix obtained by deleting the ith
row of Aand the jth column of A. Define a new matrix Bwhose ijth entry bij
is given by the formula
bij = (−1)i+jdet(Aji).
(Note that bij is the determinant of the submatrix Aji, i.e., the indices are
reversed.) The matrix Bis called the adjoint of A.
(a) Prove that
AB =BA = det(A)In,
where Inis the n-by-nidentity matrix.
(b) Deduce that if det(A)6= 0, then
(c) Suppose that Ahas integer entries. Prove that A−1exists and has integer
entries if and only if det(A) = ±1.
(d) For those who know ring theory from Section 2.10 or from some other
source, suppose that Ahas entries in a ring R. Prove that A−1exists and
has entries in Rif and only if det(A) is a unit in R.
Solution to Exercise 6.10.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
6.11. Recall from Remark 6.16 that the general linear group GLn(Z) is the
group of n-by-nmatrices with integer coefficients and determinant ±1. Let A
and Bbe matrices in GLn(Z).
(a) Prove that AB ∈GLn(Z).
(b) Prove that A−1∈GLn(Z).
(c) Prove that the n-by-nidentity matrix is in GLn(Z).
(d) Prove that GLn(Z) is a group. (Hint. You have already done most of the
work in proving (a), (b), and (c). For the associative law, either prove it
directly or use the fact that you know that it is true for matrices with
real coefficients.)
Exercises for Chapter 6 171
(e) Is GLn(Z) a commutative group?
Solution to Exercise 6.11.
(a) By assumption, A−1and B−1have integer entries. Hence (AB)−1=
B−1A−1also has integer entries, so AB ∈GLn(Z).
(b) (A−1)−1is equal to A, so it has integer entries. Hence A−1∈GLn(Z).
(c) Let Ibe the identity matrix. Then Ihas integer entries, and I−1=I
also has integer entries, so I∈GLn(Z).
(d) As the hint says, (a), (b) and (c) show that the product and inverse of
matrices in GLn(Z) are again in GLn(Z) and the identity matrix is in GLn(Z),
so really just need to check the associative law (AB)C=A(BC). But you
proved the associative law for matrix multiplication in linear algebra when
the entries are real numbers (or maybe even more generally), so it is certainly
true when the entries are integers.
(e) No, GLn(Z) is not commutative for n≥2. For example, ( 1 0
1 1 ) and ( 1 1
0 1 )
do not commute, and similar examples exist for any n≥2. Of course, for n=
1, GL1(Z) = {±1}is commutative.
6.12. Which of the following matrices are in GLn(Z)? Find the inverses of
those matrices that are in GLn(Z).
(a) A1=µ3 1
2 2¶(b) A2=µ3−2
(c) A3=
3 2 2
2 1 2
−1 3 1
(d) A4=
−3−1 2
3 0 −2
Solution to Exercise 6.12.
(a) No, since det = 4.
(b) Yes, since det = 1. A−1
2=µ−1 2
−2 3¶.
(c) No, since det = −9.
(d) Yes, since det = 1. A−2
6−2 7
−1 0 −1
9−3 10
6.13. Let Lbe the lattice given by the basis
Which of the following sets of vectors are also bases for L? For those that are,
express the new basis in terms of the basis B, i.e., find the change of basis
(a) B1={(5,13,−13),(0,−4,2),(−7,−13,18)}.
(b) B2={(4,−2,3),(6,6,−6),(−2,−4,7)}.
172 Exercises for Chapter 6
Solution to Exercise 6.13.
(a) Yes. The change of basis matrix is
5 13 −13
0−4 2
−7−13 18
0−3 2
1 1 −1
−2 3 −1
3 1 −2
1−3 5
4 2 1
The inverse matrix is
0−3 2
1 1 −1
−2 3 −1
which shows that Band B1generate the same lattice.
(b) No, since det(B) = −48 and det(B2) = 96.
6.14. Let L⊂Rmbe a lattice of dimension nand let v1, . . . , vnbe a basis
for L. (Note that we are allowing nto be smaller than m.) The Gram matrix
of v1, . . . , vnis the matrix
Gram(v1, . . . , vn) = ¡vi·vj¢1≤i,j≤n.
(a) Let F(v1,...,vn) be the matrix (6.11) described in Proposition (6.20),
except that now F(v1, . . . , vn) is an n-by-mmatrix, so it need not be
square. Prove that
Gram(v1, . . . , vn) = F(v1, . . . , vn)F(v1, . . . , vn)t,
where F(v1, . . . , vn)tis the transpose matrix, i.e., the matrix with rows
and columns interchanged.
(b) If m=n, prove that
det¡Gram(v1, . . . , vn)¢= det(L)2.(6.1)
(c) In general, prove that det Gram(v1, . . . , vn) is the square of the volume
of a fundamental domain for L, so we can use (6.61) to compute det(L).
(d) Let L⊂R4be the 3-dimensional lattice with basis
v1= (1,0,1,−1),v2= (1,2,0,4),v3= (1,−1,2,1).
Compute the Gram matrix of this basis and use it to compute det(L).
(e) Let v∗
1, . . . , v∗
nbe the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalized vectors (Theo-
rem 6.13) associated to v1, . . . , vn. Prove that
Gram(v1, . . . , vn) = kv∗
Exercises for Chapter 6 173
Solution to Exercise 6.14.
(a–c) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Gram(v1, . . . , vn) =
1−1 2 1
0 2 −1
−1 4 1
3−3 2
−3 21 3
2 3 7
det(L) = pdet Gram(v1, . . . , vn) = √231.
Section. The shortest and closest vector problems
6.15. Let Lbe a lattice and let Fbe a fundamental domain for L. This
exercise sketches a proof that
(a) Consider the translations of Fthat are entirely contained within BR(0),
and also those that have nontrivial intersection with BR(0). Prove the
inclusion of sets
(b) Take volumes in (a) and prove that
≤Vol¡BR(0)¢≤#©v∈L: (F+v)∩BR(0)6=∅ª·Vol(F).
(Hint. Proposition 6.18 says that the different translates of Fare disjoint.)
(c) Prove that the number of translates F+vthat intersect BR(0) without
being entirely contained within BR(0) is comparatively small compared
to the number of translates Fvthat are entirely contained within BR(0).
(This is the hardest part of the proof.)
(d) Use (b) and (c) to prove that
Vol¡BR(0)¢= #¡BR(0)∩L¢·Vol(F) + (smaller term).
Divide by Vol¡BR(0)¢and let R→ ∞ to complete the proof of (6.62).
Solution to Exercise 6.15.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
174 Exercises for Chapter 6
6.16. A lattice Lof dimension n= 251 has determinant det(L)≈22251.58.
With no further information, approximately how large would you expect the
shortest nonzero vector to be?
Solution to Exercise 6.16.
The Gaussian heuristic (6.21) predicts that the shortest nonzero vector in
Lhas length approximately
σ(L) = rn
2πe (det L)1/n ≈1922.96.
Section. Babai’s algorithm and solving CVP with a “good” basis
6.17. Let L⊂R2be the lattice given by the basis v1= (213,−437) and
v2= (312,105), and let w= (43127,11349).
(a) Use Babai’s algorithm to find a vector v∈Lthat is close to w. Compute
the distance kv−wk.
(b) What is the value of the Hadamard ratio det(L)/kv1kkv2k? Is the ba-
sis {v1,v2}a “good” basis?
(c) Show that the vectors v0
1= (2937,−1555) and v0
2= (11223,−5888) are
also a basis for Lby expressing them as linear combinations of v1and v2
and checking that the change-of-basis matrix has integer coefficients and
determinant ±1.
(d) Use Babai’s algorithm with the basis {v0
2}to find a vector v0∈L.
Compute the distance kv0−wkand compare it to your answer from (a).
(e) Compute the Hadamard ratio using v0
1and v0
2. Is {v0
2}a good basis?
Solution to Exercise 6.17.
(a) (t1, t2) = (6.22,133.98), so v= 6v1+ 134v2= (43086,11448). Then
kv−wk= 107.15.
(b) det(L)/kv1kkv2k= 158709/(486.15)(329.19) = 0.9917. The ratio is close
to 1, so {v0
2}a good basis.
(c) v0
1= 5v1+ 6v2and v0
2= 19v1+ 23v2. We have det ( 5 6
19 23 ) = 1.
(d) (t1, t2)=(−2402.52,632.57), so v0=−2403v0
1+ 633v0
2= (46548,9561).
Then kv−wk= 3860.08.
(e) det(L)/kv0
2k= 158709/(3323.25)(12673.76) = 0.00377. The ratio is
very small, so {v0
2}a bad basis.
Section. The GGH public key cryptosystem
6.18. Alice uses the GGH cryptosystem with private basis
v1= (4,13),v2= (−57,−45),
and public basis
w1= (25453,9091),w2= (−16096,−5749).
Exercises for Chapter 6 175
(a) Compute the determinant of Alice’s lattice and the Hadamard ratio of
the private and public bases.
(b) Bob sends Alice the encrypted message e= (155340,55483). Use Alice’s
private basis to decrypt the message and recover the plaintext. Also de-
termine Bob’s random perturbation r.
(c) Try to decrypt Bob’s message using Babai’s algorithm with the public
basis {w1,w2}. Is the output equal to the plaintext?
Solution to Exercise 6.18.
(a) det(L) = 561, The Hadamard ratio of the private key is 0.75362. and
the Hadamard ratio of the public key is 0.0011.
e≈ −6823.12v1−3204.08v2.
= (155336,55481)
= 8w1+ 3w2.
So the plaintext is m= (8,3). Also r=w−v= (4,2).
e≈ −8.39w1−22.92w2.
This yields the incorrect plaintext (−8,−23).
6.19. Alice uses the GGH cryptosystem with private basis
v1= (58,53,−68),v2= (−110,−112,35),v3= (−10,−119,123)
and public basis
w1= (324850,−1625176,2734951),
w2= (165782,−829409,1395775),
w3= (485054,−2426708,4083804).
(a) Compute the determinant of Alice’s lattice and the Hadamard ratio of
the private and public bases.
(b) Bob sends Alice the encrypted message e= (8930810,−44681748,75192665).
Use Alice’s private basis to decrypt the message and recover the plaintext.
Also determine Bob’s random perturbation r.
(c) Try to decrypt Bob’s message using Babai’s algorithm with the public
basis {w1,w2,w3}. Is the output equal to the plaintext?
Solution to Exercise 6.19.
(a) det(L) = −672858, The Hadamard ratio of the private key is 0.61697
and the Hadamard ratio of the public key is 0.00003.
176 Exercises for Chapter 6
e≈ −334865.23v1−304373.02v2+ 512803.95v3.
v=−334865v1−304373v2+ 512804v3
= (8930820,−44681745,75192657)
=−50w1−91w2+ 83w3.
So the plaintext is m= (−50,−91,83). Also r=w−v= (−10,−3,8).
e≈51.59w1+ 416.67w2−158.55w3.
This yields the incorrect plaintext (52,417,−159).
6.20. Bob uses the GGH cryptosystem to send some messages to Alice.
(a) Suppose that Bob sends the same message mtwice, using different ran-
dom perturbations rand r0. Explain what sort of information Eve can
deduce from the ciphertexts e=mW+rand e0=mW+r0.
(b) For example, suppose that n= 5 and that random permutations are
chosen with coordinates in the set {−2,−1,0,1,2}. This means that there
are 55= 3125 possibilities for r. Suppose further that Eve intercepts two
e= (−9,−29,−48,18,48) and e0= (−6,−26,−51,20,47)
having the same plaintext. With this information, how many possibilities
are there for r?
(c) Suppose that Bob is lazy and uses the same perturbation to send two
different messages. Explain what sort of information Eve can deduce from
the ciphertexts e=mW+rand e0=m0W+r.
Solution to Exercise 6.20.
(a) Eve can compute e0−e=r0−rand use this information to narrow
down the possibilities for rand r0.
(b) Eve computes
e−e0=r−r0= (−3,−3,3,−2,1).
1−3, r2=r0
2−3, r3=r0
3+ 3, r4=r0
4−2, r5=r0
5+ 1.
Further, Eve knows that all of the riand all of the r0
iare between −2 and 2.
Thus each equation puts some restrictions on the coordinates of r. For example
1−3≤2−3 = −1,so r1∈ {−2,−1},
and similarly
Exercises for Chapter 6 177
2−3≤ −2 + 3 = 1,so r2∈ {−2,−1},
3+ 3 ≥ −2 + 3 = 1,so r3∈ {1,2},
4−2≤2−2 = 0,so r4∈ {−2,−1,0},
5+ 1 ≥ −2 + 1 = −1,so r1∈ {−1,0,1,2}.
Hence the number of possibilities for rhas been reduced to 2 ·2·2·3·3 = 72,
which is far less than 3125.
(c) This time Eve can compute (e−e0)W−1=m−m0, and then the fact
that mand m0are small again allows Eve to narrow down the possibilities.
Section. Convolution polynomial rings
6.21. Compute (by hand!) the polynomial convolution product c=ab
using the given value of N.
(a) N= 3,a(x) = −1+4x+ 5x2,b(x) = −1−3x−2x2;
(b) N= 5,a(x) = 2 −x+ 3x3−3x4,b(x) = 1 −3x2−3x3−x4;
(c) N= 6,a(x) = x+x2+x3,b(x) = 1 + x+x5;
(d) N= 10,a(x) = x+x2+x3+x4+x6+x7+x9,
b(x) = x2+x3+x6+x8.
Solution to Exercise 6.21.
(a) c=ab=−22 −11x−15x2.
(b) c=ab=−6−x+ 3x3−2x4.
(c) c=ab= 1 + 2x+ 3x2+ 2x3+x4.
(d) c=ab= 3 + 2x+ 3x2+ 2x3+ 3x4+ 4x5+ 2x6+ 3x7+ 2x8+ 4x9.
6.22. Compute the polynomial convolution product c=abmodulo qusing
the given values of qand N.
(a) N= 3, q = 7,a(x) = 1 + x, b(x) = −5+4x+ 2x2;
(b) N= 5, q = 4,a(x) = 2 + 2x−2x2+x3−2x4,
b(x) = −1+3x−3x2−3x3−3x4;
(c) N= 7, q = 3,a(x) = x+x3,b(x) = x+x2+x4+x6;
(d) N= 10, q = 2,a(x) = x2+x5+x7+x8+x9,
b(x) = 1 + x+x3+x4+x5+x7+x8+x9.
Solution to Exercise 6.22.
(a) c≡ab≡4+6x+ 6x2(mod 7).
(b) c≡ab≡1 + x+x2+ 3x3+ 3x4(mod 4).
(c) c≡ab≡2+2x2+x3+x4+ 2x5(mod 3).
(d) c≡ab≡x+x2+x4+x6(mod 2).
6.23. Let a(x)∈(Z/qZ)[x], where qis a prime.
178 Exercises for Chapter 6
(a) Prove that
a(1) ≡0 (mod q) if and only if (x−1) |a(x) in (Z/qZ)[x].
(b) Suppose that a(1) ≡0 (mod q). Prove that a(x) is not invertible in Rq.
Solution to Exercise 6.23.
(a) Working in (Z/qZ)[x], we use division with remainder to divide a(x)
by x−1. The result is
a(x) = (x−1)b(x) + r(x) with deg r<deg(x−1) = 1.
Thus either r(x) = 0 or deg r(x) = 0, so in any case, r(x) is a constant. Thus
a(x) = (x−1)b(x) + cfor some c∈Z/qZ.
We can determine cby substituting x= 1, which gives c=a(1). Thus
a(x) = (x−1)b(x) + a(1).
Now (a) is obvious, since this equation shows that a(x) is a multiple of x−1
if and only if a(1) = 0.
(b) Suppose that a(x) is invertible in Rq, say a(x)b(x) = 1 in Rq. We have
a well-defined map Rq→Z/qZdefined by evaluating a polynomial at x= 1.
This map is well-defined because the extra relation xN= 1 is true when we
set x= 1. Further, the map respects addition and multiplication. Hence the
relation a(x)b(x) = 1 in Rqleads to the relation a(1)b(1) = 1 in Z/qZ. In
particular, we certainly can’t have a(1) = 0. This proves
a(x) invertible =⇒a(1) 6= 0,
which is equivalent to the statement
a(1) = 0 =⇒a(x) is not invertible.
6.24. Let N= 5 and q= 3 and consider the two polynomials
a(x) = 1 + x2+x3∈R3and b(x) = 1 + x2−x3∈R3.
One of these polynomials has an inverse in R3and the other does not. Com-
pute the inverse that exists, and explain why the other doesn’t exist.
Solution to Exercise 6.24.
a(x) does not have an inverse, because a(1) ≡0 (mod 3). The previous
exercise then implies that a(x) does not have an inverse. Alternatively, using
the Euclidean algorithm, one finds that
Exercises for Chapter 6 179
gcd¡a(x), x5−1¢= 1 −xin (Z/3Z)[x],
so a(x) does not have an inverse from Proposition 6.45.
Similarly, gcd(b(x), x5−1) = 1 in (Z/3Z)[x], and using the extended
Euclidean algorithm, we find that
b(x)−1= 1 −x−x2−x3in (Z/3Z)[x].
6.25. For each of the following values of N,q, and a(x), either find a(x)−1
in Rqor show that the inverse does not exist.
(a) N= 5, q= 11, and a(x) = x4+ 8x+ 3;
(b) N= 5, q= 13, and a(x) = x3+ 2x−3.
(c) N= 7, q= 23, and a(x) = 20x6+ 8x5+ 4x4+ 15x3+ 19x2+x+ 8.
Solution to Exercise 6.25.
(a) a(x)−1= 7x4+ 8x3+ 3x2+ 2x+ 3 in F11[x].
(b) gcd(a(x), x5−1) = x+ 12 in F13[x], so no inverse.
(c) a(x)−1= 17x6+ 4x5+ 12x4+ 18x2+ 12x+ 10 in F23[x].
6.26. This exercise illustrates how to find inverses in
when mis a prime power pe.
(a) Let f(x)∈Z[x]/(XN−1) be a polynomial, and suppose that we have
already found a polynomial F(x) such that
f(x) F (x)≡1 (mod pi)
for some i≥1. Prove that the polynomial
G(x) = F(x)¡2−f(x) F (x)¢
f(x) G(x)≡1 (mod p2i).
(b) Suppose that we know an inverse of f(x) modulo p. Using (a) repeatedly,
how many convolution multiplications does it take to compute the inverse
of f(x) modulo pe?
(c) Use the method in (a) to compute the following inverses modulo m=pe,
where to ease your task, we have given you the inverse modulo p.
180 Exercises for Chapter 6
(i) N= 5, m = 24, f(x) = 7 + 3x+x2,
f(x)−1≡1 + x2+x3(mod 2).
(ii) N= 5, m = 27, f(x) = 22 + 11x+ 5x2+ 7x3,
f(x)−1≡1 + x2+x3(mod 2).
(iii) N= 7, m = 55, f(x) = 112 + 34x+ 239x2+ 234x3+ 105x4
+ 180x5+ 137x6,
f(x)−1≡1+3x2+ 2x4(mod 5).
Solution to Exercise 6.26.
(a) We have
fG −1 = f(F(2 −f F )) −1
= 2fF −(f F )2−1
=−(fF −1)2.
We are assuming that f F ≡1 (mod pi), say fF = 1 + piH. Then
fG −1 = −(f F −1)2=p2iH,
so fG ≡1 (mod p2i).
(b) Each iteration of (a) takes two convolution multiplications, and each dou-
bles the exponent of p. So after kiterations, we’ve done 2kconvolution multi-
plications and we have an inverse of fmodulo p2k. So we need 2k≥e, which
means that k=dlog2ee(or one less, if eis a power of 2). Then the number
of convolution multiplications is 2dlog2ee.
(c) (i) f(x)−1mod 24= 13 + 5X2+ 7X3+ 10X4.
(ii) f(x)−1mod 27= 101 + 12X+X2+ 17X3+ 34X4.
(iii) f(x)−1mod 55= 840 + 711X+ 710X2+ 268X3+ 1710X4+ 1142X5+
Section. The NTRU public key cryptosystem
6.27. Alice and Bob agree to communicate using the NTRU cryptosystem
(N, p, q) = (7,2,37).
Alice’s private key is
f(x) = x+x3+x6and F2(x) = 1 + x+x4+x5+x6.
(You can check that fF2≡1 (mod 2).) Alice receives the ciphertext
e(x) = 1 + 3x+ 3x2+ 4x3+ 4x4+x5+ 35x6
from Bob. Decipher the message and find the plaintext.
Exercises for Chapter 6 181
Solution to Exercise 6.27.
Alice first computes
a≡fe≡5+5x+ 5x2+ 8x3+ 8x4+ 5x5+ 6x6(mod 37).
Then she computes
F2a= 29 + 31x+ 31x2+ 32x3+ 32x4+ 29x5+ 26x6
≡1 + x+x2+x5(mod 2).
The plaintext is m= 1 + x+x2+x4+x6.
6.28. Alice and Bob decide to communicate using the NTRU cryptosystem
with parameters (N, p, q) = (7,2,29). Alice’s public key is
h(x) = 23 + 23x+ 23x2+ 24x3+ 23x4+ 24x5+ 23x6.
Bob sends Alice the plaintext message m(x) = 1 + x5using the ephemeral
key r(x) = 1 + x+x3+x6.
(a) What ciphertext does Bob send to Alice?
(b) Alice’s secret key is f(x) = 1 + x+x2+x4+x5and F2(x) = 1 + x5+x6.
Check your answer in (a) by using fand F2to decrypt the message.
Solution to Exercise 6.28.
(a) c≡2rh+m≡11+12x+12x2+12x3+14x4+13x5+14x6(mod 29).
(b) First compute
b≡fc≡4+5x+ 4x2+ 5x3+ 5x4+ 4x5+ 7x6(mod 37).
Then compute
Fb= 13 + 14x+ 14x2+ 14x3+ 16x4+ 15x5+ 16x6
≡1 + x5(mod 2).
This agrees with the plaintext.
6.29. What is the message expansion of NTRU in terms of N,p, and q?
Solution to Exercise 6.29.
The plaintext is Nnumbers modulo p, so consists of Nlog2(p) bits. The
ciphertext is Nnumbers modulo q, so consists of Nlog2(q) bits. Hence the
message expansion of NTRU is log2(q)/log2(p).
6.30. The guidelines for choosing NTRU public parameters (N, p, q, d) require
that gcd(p, q) = 1. Prove that if p|q, then it is very easy for Eve to decrypt
the message without knowing the private key. (Hint. First do the case that
182 Exercises for Chapter 6
Solution to Exercise 6.30.
We always have
e(x)≡pr(x)h(x) + m(x)≡m(x) (mod q).
If p=q, then this reduces to e(x) = m(x), so the ciphertext is equal to
the plaintext. In general, if p|q, then reducing e(x) modulo pgives the
plaintext m(x).
6.31. Alice uses the NTRU cryptosystem with p= 3 to send messages to
(a) Suppose that Alice uses the same ephemeral key r(x) to encrypt two dif-
ferent plaintexts m1(x) and m2(x). Explain how Eve can use the two
ciphertexts e1(x) and e2(x) to determine approximately 2
9of the coeffi-
cients of m1(x). (See Exercise 6.34 for a way to exploit this information.)
(b) For example, suppose that N= 8, so there are 38possibilities for m1(x).
Suppsoe that Eve intercepts two ciphertexts
e1(x) = 32 + 21x−9x2−20x3−29x4−29x5−19x6+ 38x7,
e2(x) = 33 + 21x−7x2−19x3−31x4−27x5−19x6+ 38x7,
that were encrypted using the same ephemeral key r(x). How many coef-
ficients of m1(x) can she determine exactly? How many possibilities are
there for m1(x)?
(c) Formulate a similar attack if Alice uses two different ephemeral keys r1(x)
and r2(x) to encrypt the same plaintext m(x). (Hint. Do it first assum-
ing that h(x) has an inverse in Rq. The problem is harder without this
Solution to Exercise 6.31.
(a) Eve computes
e1(x)−e2(x)≡¡r(x)h(x) + m1(x)¢−¡r(x)h(x) + m2(x)¢(mod q)
≡m1(x)−m2(x) (mod q).
The coefficients of m1(x)−m2(x) are in the set {−2,−1,0,1,2}, so since q > 5,
Eve recovers m1(x)−m2(x) exactly. Any coefficient that is nonzero limits the
possibilities for that coefficient of m1(x). (This is the same as the analogous
GGH exercise.)
More precisely, Eve can recover the ith coefficient of m1(x) if the ith coef-
ficient of both m1(x) and m2(x) are both +1 or both −1. Assuming that the
coefficients are random, the probability of this happening is 2 ·1
9. So
Eve recovers approximately 2
9of the coefficients of m1(x).
(b) Eve finds that
m1(x)−m2(x) = e1(x)−e2(x) = −1−2x2−x3+ 2x4−2x5
Exercises for Chapter 6 183
The coefficients of x2,x4and x5for m1are determined, they are −x2+x4−x5.
So Eve knows three of the coefficients of m1.
More generally, m1(x) looks like
A+Bx −x2+Cx3+x4−x5+Dx6+Ex7.
Further, Eve knows that A∈ {0,1}and C∈ {0,1}. So there are 2 ·3·2·3·3 =
108 possibilities for m1(x), which is much smaller than 38= 6561.
(c) If h(x) is invertible in Rq, then Eve can compute
h(x)−1¡e1(x)−e2(x)¢=h(x)−1¡pr1(x)h(x)−pr2(x)h(x)¢(mod q)
=r1(x)−r2(x) (mod q).
Then the analysis is the same as in (a), since r1and r2have ternary coeffi-
In general, however, h(x) is not invertible, since g(x) is not invertible,
since g(1) = 0. One way around this problem is to develop a theory of “almost
inverses” based on the fact that the ring Z[x]/(xN−1) is isomorphic to Z×
Z[x]/¡Φ(x)¢, where Φ(x) = xN−1+xN−2+···+x+ 1. The image of g(x) in
the product ring is (0, g(x)), so one inverts the second factor.
Section. NTRU as a lattice cryptosystem
6.32. This exercise explains how to formulate NTRU message recovery as a
closest vector problem. Let h(x) be an NTRU public key and let
e(x)≡pr(x)h(x) + m(x) (mod q)
be a message encrypted using h(x).
(a) Prove that the vector (pr,e−m) is in LNTRU
(b) Prove that the lattice vector in (a) is almost certainly the closest lattice
vector to the known vector (0,e). Hence solving CVP reveals the plain-
text m. (For simplicity, you may assume that d≈N/3 and q≈2N, as
we did in Proposition 6.61.)
(c) Show how one can reduce the lattice-to-target distance, without affecting
the determinant, by using instead a modified NTRU lattice of the form
Solution to Exercise 6.32.
(a) By the definition of e, we can find a polynomial v(x) satisfying
184 Exercises for Chapter 6
h= (pr,v)µ1h
= (pr, prh+qv)
= (pr,e−m).
This shows that (pr,e−m) is in the NTRU lattice LNTRU
hspanned by the
rows of MNTRU
h. Also notice that
(pr,e−m) =
Eve knows this vector
(0,e) +
a short vector
z }| {
(b) We have
=pp2·2d+ 2d
≈p(p2+ 1)2N/3.
Since pis small, typically 2 or 3, this is between 1.83√Nand 2.58√N. But as
in the Proposition, the Gaussian heuristic predicts that a random CVP has a
solution of size approximately σ(LNTRU
(c) Let
Then with notation as in (a), we have
h= (r,v)µ1ph
= (pr, prh+qv)
= (pr,e−m).
This shows that (r,e−m) is in the lattice spanned by the rows of ANTRU
And det(ANTRU
h) = qN, which is the same as det(MNTRU
Now reworking (b), we see that
=√4d≈p4N/3≈1.15√N .
So the distance to the closest vector using this new lattice is less than when
using the old lattice.
6.33. The guidelines for choosing NTRU public parameters (N, p, q, d) include
the assumption that Nis prime. To see why, suppose (say) that Nis even.
Explain how Eve can recover the private key by solving a lattice problem in
dimension N, rather than in dimension 2N.Hint. Use the natural map
Z[x]/(xN−1) →Z[x]/(xN/2−1).
Exercises for Chapter 6 185
Solution to Exercise 6.33.
This method of breaking NTRU when Nis composite is due to Craig
Gentry, Key recovery and message attacks on NTRU-composite, Advances in
cryptology—EUROCRYPT 2001 (Innsbruck), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.
2045, 182–194, Springer, Berlin, 2001.
6.34. Suppose that Bob and Alice are using NTRU to exchange messages
and that Eve intercepts a ciphertext e(x) for which she already knows part of
the plaintext m(x). (This is not a ludicrous assumption; see Exercise 6.31, for
example.) More precisely, suppose that Eve knows tof the coefficients of m(x).
Explain how to set up a CVP to find m(x) using a lattice of dimension 2N−2t.
Solution to Exercise 6.34.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Section. Lattice reduction algorithms
6.35. Let b1and b2be vectors, and set
t=b1·b2/kb1k2and b∗
Prove that b∗
2·b1= 0 and that b∗
2is the projection of b2onto the orthogonal
complement of b1.
Solution to Exercise 6.35.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
6.36. Let aand bbe nonzero vectors in Rn.
(a) What value of t∈Rminimizes the distance ka−tbk? (Hint. It’s easier
to minimize the value of ka−tbk2.)
(b) What is the minimum distance in (a)?
(c) If tis chosen as in (a), show that a−tbis the projection of aonto the
orthogonal complement of b.
(d) If the angle between aand bis θ, use your answer in (b) to show that
the minimum distance is kaksin θ. Draw a picture illustrating this result.
Solution to Exercise 6.36.
(a) We have
F(t) = ka−tbk2
= (a−tb)·(a−tb)
One can then use calculus (i.e., set F0(t) = 0) or complete the square to
minimize the value of the quadratic polynomial. The minimizing value of tis
(b) Substituting this value of tand simplifying gives the minimum distance
186 Exercises for Chapter 6
(c) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
(d) Substitute a·b=kakkbkcos θinto (b) and use
kak2kbk2−(a·b)2=kak2kbk2−¡kakkbkcos θ¢2
=kak2kbk2(1 −cos2θ)
6.37. Apply Gauss’s lattice reduction algorithm (Proposition 6.63) to solve
SVP for the following two dimensional lattices having the indicated basis vec-
tors. How many steps does the algorithm take?
(a) v1= (120670,110521) and v2= (323572,296358).
(b) v1= (174748650,45604569) and v2= (35462559,9254748).
(c) v1= (725734520,613807887) and v2= (3433061338,2903596381).
Solution to Exercise 6.37.
Step v1v2m
1 (120670,110521) (323572,296358) 3
2 (−38438,−35205) (120670,110521) −3
3 (5356,4906) (−38438,−35205) −7
4 (−946,−863) (5356,4906) −6
5 (−320,−272) (−946,−863) 3
6 (14,−47) (−320,−272) 3
7 (14,−47) (−362,−131) 0
The solution to SVP is v= (14,−47).
Step v1v2m
1 (35462559,9254748) (174748650,45604569) 5
2 (−2564145,−669171) (35462559,9254748) −14
3 (−435471,−113646) (−2564145,−669171) 6
4 (48681,12705) (−435471,−113646) −9
5 (2658,699) (48681,12705) 18
6 (837,123) (2658,699) 3
7 (147,330) (837,123) 1
8 (147,330) (690,−207) 0
The solution to SVP is v= (147,330).
Exercises for Chapter 6 187
Step v1v2m
1 (725734520,613807887) (3433061338,2903596381) 5
2 (−195611262,−165443054) (725734520,613807887) −4
3 (−56710528,−47964329) (−195611262,−165443054) 3
4 (−25479678,−21550067) (−56710528,−47964329) 2
5 (−5751172,−4864195) (−25479678,−21550067) 4
6 (−2474990,−2093287) (−5751172,−4864195) 2
7 (−801192,−677621) (−2474990,−2093287) 3
8 (−71414,−60424) (−801192,−677621) 11
9 (−15638,−12957) (−71414,−60424) 5
10 (6776,4361) (−15638,−12957) −3
11 (4690,126) (6776,4361) 1
12 (4690,126) (2086,4235) 0
The solution to SVP is v= (4690,126).
6.38. Let Vbe a vector space, let W⊂Vbe a vector subspace of V, and
let W⊥be the orthogonal complement of Win V.
(a) Prove that W⊥is also a vector subspace of V.
(b) Prove that every vector v∈Vcan be written as a sum v=w+w0for
unique vectors w∈Wand w0∈W⊥. (One says that Vis the direct sum
of the subspaces Wand W⊥.)
(c) Let w∈Wand w0∈W⊥and let v=aw+bw0. Prove that
Solution to Exercise 6.38.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
6.39. Let Lbe a lattice with basis vectors v1= (161,120) and v2=
(a) Is (0,1) in the lattice?
(b) Find an LLL reduced basis.
(c) Use the reduced basis to find the closest lattice vector to ¡−9
Solution to Exercise 6.39.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
6.40. Use the LLL algorithm to reduce the lattice with basis
v1= (20,16,3),v2= (15,0,10),v3= (0,18,9).
You should do this exercise by hand, writing out each step.
Solution to Exercise 6.40.
µ2,1=300 + 30
400 + (14)2+ 64 =330
665 <1
188 Exercises for Chapter 6
Checking the Lov´asz condition for v2amounts to checking that kv2k2≥
4kv1k2and kv2k2= 225 + 100 = 325,kv1k2= 665, so swap. Now v1=
(15,0,10) and v2= (20,16,3). Recompute µ2,1=356
325 and subtract one mul-
tiple of v1from v2. New v2= (5,16,−7). Note that the (new) µ2,1is now
(75 −70)/325 = −5/325.
Move on to v3computing
µ3,1=−75 + 160
325 =85
325 <1
330 >1
Subtract one multiple of v2from v3obtaining the new v3= (−5,2,16).
On to the Lov´asz condition, computing
Next compute
and we find the condition (2) is not satisfied, so we swap. At this point,
v1= (15,0,10),v2= (−5,2,16),v3= (5,16,−7).
Checking condition (2) for (the new) v2:kv2k2= 285, which is larger than
3/4 times kv1k2= 325. (If, instead of 3/4, we had chosen a constant closer
to 1, like .99, then we would perform the swap step again. This makes sense
since the length of v2is smaller than the length of v1.) Now check the value
and the Lov´asz condition for v3, which is satisfied. So we now have an LLL
reduced basis.
6.41. Let Lbe the lattice generated by the rows of the matrix
20 51 35 59 73 73
14 48 33 61 47 83
95 41 48 84 30 45
0 42 74 79 20 21
6 41 49 11 70 67
23 36 6 1 46 4
Implement the LLL algorithm (Figure 6.7) on a computer and use your pro-
gram to answer the following questions.
(a) Compute det(L) and H(M). What is the shortest basis vector?
Exercises for Chapter 6 189
(b) Apply LLL to M. How many swaps (Step [11]) are required? What is the
value of H(MLLL)? What is the shortest basis vector in the LLL reduced
basis? How does it compare with the Gaussian expected shortest length?
(c) Reverse the order of the rows of Mand apply LLL to the new matrix.
How many swaps are required? What is the value of H(MLLL) and what
is the shortest basis vector?
(d) Apply LLL to the original matrix M, but in the Lov´asz condition
(Step [8]), use 0.99 instead of 3
4. How many swaps are required? What is
the value of H(MLLL) and what is the shortest basis vector?
Solution to Exercise 6.41.
(a) det(L) = 21242880806, H(M) = 0.45726, smallest basis vector is
kv6k= 63.198,
(b) The output is
−6−3−2 2 −26 10
11 30 2 5 −6 24
−14 −10 14 −48 −3−6
−3 24 43 23 −33 −38
64 −44 −16 −46 −13 4
−28 −25 41 5 30 39
There are 11 swap steps. We have H(MLLL)=0.91981 and the shortest
vector is kv1k= 28.792. Gaussian expected shortest is σ(L) = 40.0239. This
suggests that v1is probably the shortest vector in L.
(c) With the rows in reverse order, the LLL output is
6 3 2 −2 26 −10
11 30 2 5 −6 24
14 10 −14 48 3 6
−28 −25 41 5 30 39
−3 24 43 23 −33 −38
47 −35 54 30 −13 11
There are 8 swap steps. We have H(MLLL) = 0.94427 and the shortest vector
is kv1k= 28.792.
(d) With Lov´asz condition 0.99,
−6−3−2 2 −26 10
11 30 2 5 −6 24
−14 −10 14 −48 −3−6
−3 24 43 23 −33 −38
−28 −25 41 5 30 39
47 −35 54 30 −13 11
There are 12 swap steps. We have H(MLLL)=0.944270 and the shortest
vector is kv1k= 28.792. This is the same basis as in (c), in a different order.
190 Exercises for Chapter 6
6.42. A more efficient way to implement the LLL algorithm is described in
Figure 6.8, with Reduce and Swap subroutines given in Figure 6.9. (This
implementation of LLL follows [26, Algorithm 2.6.3]. We thank Henri Cohen
for his permission to include it here.)
(a) Prove that the algorithm described in Figures 6.8 and 6.9 returns an LLL
reduced basis.
(b) For any given Nand q, let LN,q be the N-dimensional lattice with ba-
sis v1, . . . , vNdescribed by the formulas
vi= (ri1, ri2, . . . , riN ), rij ≡(i+N)j(mod q),0≤rij < q.
Implement the LLL algorithm and use it to LLL reduce LN,q for each of
the following values of Nand q:
(i) (N, q) = (10,541) (ii) (N, q) = (20,863)
(iii) (N, q) = (30,1223) (iv) (N, q) = (40,3571)
In each case, compare the Hadamard ratio of the original basis to the
Hadamard ratio of the LLL reduced basis, and compare the length of the
shortest vector found by LLL to the Gaussian expected shortest length.
Solution to Exercise 6.42.
(b) We write Lfor the original basis and L0for the LLL reduced basis,
and we write vfor the shortest vector in the original basis and v0for the
shortest vector in the LLL reduced basis. Here are the shortest vectors in the
LLL reduced basis (N.B. the shortest vector was not always the first vector):
(i) v0= (−98,166,−131,−18,100,28,81,50,−39,−39).
(ii) v0= (−122,−33,−59,166,9,−394,−46,227,−148,−86,−46,108,−214,
(iii) v0= (98,−148,−263,−370,76,53,258,−128,221,−435,−119,−59,142,
(iv) v0= (192,−1426,552,−292,52,482,1046,−1344,−414,−226,−1413,
The lengths, Hadamard ratios, and Gaussian expected shortest lengths are
given in the following table:
kvk kv0k H(L)H(L0)σ(L)
(i) 632.369 278.446 0.309773 0.853005 241.775
(ii) 1846.49 679.056 0.253273 0.694868 659.505
(iii) 3133.91 1505.95 0.304603 0.579003 1613.89
(iv) 10711.4 6706.75 0.281214 0.470440 5775.49
Exercises for Chapter 6 191
[1] Input a basis {v1, . . . , vn}for a lattice L
[2] Set k= 2,kmax = 1,v∗
1=v1, and B1=kv1k2
[3] If k≤kmax go to Step [9]
[4] Set kmax =kand v∗
[5] Loop j= 1,2, . . . , k −1
[6] Set µk,j =vk·v∗
j/Bjand v∗
k−µk,j v∗
[7] End jLoop
[8] Set Bk=kv∗
[9] Execute Subroutine RED(k, k −1)
[10] If Bk<³3
[11] Execute Subroutine SWAP(k)
[12] Set k= max(2, k −1) and go to Step [9]
[13] Else
[14] Loop =k−2, k −3,...,2,1
[15] Execute Subroutine RED(k, )
[16] End Loop
[17] Set k=k+ 1
[18] End If
[19] If k≤ngo to Step [3]
[20] Return LLL reduced basis {v1,...,vn}
Figure 6.1: The LLL algorithm—Main routine
6.43. Let 1
4< α < 1 and suppose that we replace the Lov´asz condition with
the condition
i−1k2for all 1 < i ≤n.
(a) Prove a more version of Theorem 6.66. What quantity, depending on α,
replaces the 2 that appears in the estimates (6.53), (6.54), and (6.55)?
(b) Prove a version of Theorem 6.68. In particular, how does the upper bound
for the number of swap steps depend on α? What happens as α→1?
Solution to Exercise 6.43.
A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
6.44. Let v1, . . . , vnbe an LLL reduced basis for a lattice L.
(a) Prove that there are constants C1>1> C2>0 such that for
all y1, . . . , yn∈Rwe have
(This is a hard exercise.) We observe that the inequality (6.63) is another
way of saying that the basis v1,...,vnis quasi-orthogonal, since if it
192 Exercises for Chapter 6
—— Subroutine RED(k, )——
[1] If |µk,`| ≤ 1
2, return to Main Routine
[2] Set m=bµk,`e
[3] Set vk=vk−mv`and µk,` =µk,` −m
[4] Loop i= 1,2, . . . , −1
[5] Set µk,i =µk,i −mµ`,i
[6] End iLoop
[7] Return to Main Routine
—— Subroutine SWAP(k)——
[1] Exchange vk−1and vk
[2] Loop j= 1,2, . . . , k −2
[3] Exchange µk−1,j and µk,j
[4] End jLoop
[5] Set µ=µk,k−1and B=Bk−µ2Bk−1
[6] Set µk,k−1=µBk−1/B and Bk=Bk−1Bk/B and Bk−1=B
[7] Loop i=k+ 1, k + 2, . . . , kmax
[8] Set m=µi,k and µi,k =µi,k−1−µm and µi,k−1=m+µk,k−1µi,k
[9] End iLoop
[10] Return to Main Routine
Figure 6.2: The LLL algorithm—RED and SWAP subroutines
were truly orthogonal, then we would have an equality kPyivik2=
(b) Prove that there is a constant Csuch that for any target vector w∈Rn,
Babai’s algorithm (Theorem 6.34) finds a lattice vector v∈Lsatisfying
kw−vk ≤ Cnmin
Thus Babai’s algorithm applied with an LLL reduced basis solves ap-
prCVP to within a factor of Cn. This is Theorem 6.73.
(c) Find explicit values for the constants C1,C2, and Cin (a) and (b).
Solution to Exercise 6.44.
(a) This is a hard exercise. We follow the proof given in [?,§5.7].
Fix a basis v1,...,vn, let v∗
1, . . . , v∗
nbe the associated Gram–Schmidt
orthogonalized basis, and let
be the associated orthonormal basis. Let µi,j be as usual (settting µi,i = 1
and µi,j = 0 for i > j), so the change of basis matrix M= (µi,j ) satisfies
Exercises for Chapter 6 193
(The rows of Vare v1, . . . , vnand the rows of V∗are v∗
1, . . . , v∗
In general, for any linear transformation A, we write A= (ai,j ) as a matrix
relative to the orthonormal basis e∗
1, . . . , e∗
nand define
kAk= sup
kvkand kAke= sup
i,j |ai,j |.
We observe that if v=Pxie∗
i, then kvk2=Px2
iand we have
ai,j ej°
xiai,j ¶2
j=1 kvk2ka·,j k2(Cauchy–Schwartz),
j=1 kvk2nkA|2
Taking square roots, dividing by kvk, and taking the sup over nonzero vyields
kAk ≤ nkAke.
To ease notation, we let
ik,so v∗
Now we compute
µi,j v∗
µi,j cjej¶
µi,j c−1
So relative to the ebasis, the linear transformation Mhas a matrix that is
lower triangular with 1’s on the diagonal and with ijth entry satisfying
|µi,j c−1
icj| ≤ 1
where for the last inequality we use (6.57) (N.B. This is where we use the
fact that the basis is reduced, since the size condition gives |µi,j | ≤ 1
2and the
Lov´asz condition implies the estimate (6.57).) Therefore,
194 Exercises for Chapter 6
1≤j≤i≤n2(i−j)/2−1= 2(n−3)/2.
(If n≤2, we need to replace this upper bound by 1.)
This allows us to get an upper bound
=kyVk2=kyV∗Mk≤kyV∗kkMk ≤ kyV∗k · nkMke
≤ kyV∗kn2(n−3)/2=n2(n−3)/2
To obtain a lower bound, we observe that
°yV M−1°
≤ kyVk°
So we need an upper bound for °
Note that
where Nis lower triangular with 0’s on the diagonal, so Nis nilpotent, and
indeed it satisfies Nn= 0. Hence
M−1=I+N+N2+··· +Nn−1.
The following lemma provides the necessary estimate. We refer the reader
to [?, Lemma 7.10] for the proof.
Lemma 6.1. Let B= (bi,j )be the matrix of a linear transformation relative
to an orthonormal basis {ei}. Suppose that there are positive constants βand γ
so that
bi,j = 0 for i≤jand |bi,j | ≤ γδj−ifor i > j.
Then °
°e≤γ(γ+ 1)n−2δn−1.
Note that (??) tells us that the coefficients of Nsatisfy
|coef. of N| ≤ 2(i−j)/2−1=1
So we can apply the lemma to Nwith γ= 1/2 and δ= 1/√2, which gives
Exercises for Chapter 6 195
°e≤n¡1 + °
(The last inequality is valid for n≥8. For smaller n, one can put in a small
correction factor.)
Substituting into (??) gives
We now apply (6.54) from Theorem 6.66, which says that kv∗
This yields
(b) Let a=Paivi∈Lbe any lattice vector, for example, it could be the
lattice vector that is closest to w. Write
w=Xβiviwith βi∈R,
and let
b=Xbiviwith bi=bβie
be the vector returned by Babai’s algorithm. Also write
βi=bi+δiwith |δi| ≤ 1
2X(βi−ai)2kvik2from (6.63),
If ai6=bi, then |bi−ai| ≥ 1, so
and clearly this is also valid if ai=bi. Hence using the other inequality
in (6.63),
196 Exercises for Chapter 6
Input a basis v1, . . . , vnof a lattice L.
Input a target vector t.
Compute Gram–Schmidt orthogonalized vectors v∗
1, . . . , v∗
n(Theorem 6.13).
Set w=t.
Loop i=n, n −1, . . . , 2,1
Set w=w−¥w·v∗
End iLoop
Return the lattice vector t−w.
Figure 6.3: Babai’s closest plane algorithm
Using the triangle inequality, we find that
kw−ak ≥ 1
2(C2/C1)n/2kb−ak ≥ 1
and now a little bit of algebra yields
kw−bk ≤ Ã2µC1
+ 1!kw−ak.
This shows that the Babai vector bis the closest vector to wup to a factor
of 2(C1/C2)n/2+ 1.
6.45. Babai’s Closest Plane Algorithm, which is described in Figure 6.10, is
an alternative rounding method that uses a given basis to solve apprCVP. As
usual, the more orthogonal the basis, the better the solution, so generally
people first use LLL to create a quasi-orthogonal basis and then apply one of
Babai’s methods. In both theory and practice, Babai’s closest plane algorithm
seems to yield better results than Babai’s closest vertex algorithm.
Implement both of Babai’s algorithms (Theorem 6.34 and Figure 6.10)
and use them to solve apprCVP for each of the following lattices and target
vectors. Which one gives the better result?
(a) Lis the lattice generated by the rows of the matrix
Exercises for Chapter 6 197
−5 16 25 25 13 8
26 −3−11 14 5 −26
15 −28 16 −7−21 −4
32 −3 7 −30 −6 26
15 −32 −17 32 −3 11
5 24 0 −13 −46 15
and the target vector is t= (−178,117,−407,419,−4,252). (Notice that
the matrix MLis LLL reduced.)
(b) Lis the lattice generated by the rows of the matrix
−33 −15 22 −34 −32 41
10 9 45 10 −6−3
−32 −17 43 37 29 −30
26 13 −35 −41 42 −15
−50 32 18 35 48 45
2−5−2−38 38 41
and the target vector is t= (−126,−377,−196,455,−200,−234). (Notice
that the matrix MLis not LLL reduced.)
(c) Apply LLL reduction to the basis in (b), and then use both of Babai’s
methods to solve apprCVP. Do you get better solutions?
Solution to Exercise 6.45.
(a) The Closest Plane Algorithm gives the vector
w= (−185,105,−414,419,−8,277) = (−1,−4,−13,−3,12,5)ML∈L.
It satisfies kt−wk= 29.7153. The Closest Vertex Algorithm gives the vector
w= (−159,102,−425,433,−3,251) = (−1,−3,−13,−3,12,5)ML∈L.
It satisfies kt−wk= 33.2866. So the Closest Plane Algorithm gives a slightly
better result than the Closest Vertex Algorithm.
(b) The Closest Plane Algorithm gives the vector
w= (−166,−394,−203,460,−196,−204) = (−6,−13,4,−12,−4,3)ML∈L.
It satisfies kt−wk= 53.6563. The Closest Vertex Algorithm gives the vector
w= (−156,−385,−158,470,−202,−207) = (−6,−12,4,−12,−4,3)ML∈L.
It satisfies kt−wk= 58.0172. So the Closest Plane Algorithm gives a slightly
better result than the Closest Vertex Algorithm.
(c) The LLL reduced basis is
10 9 45 10 −6−3
9−3 11 37 28 15
−24 −18 33 3 −4 56
2−5−2−38 38 41
−41 −14 32 0 1 −45
−35 53 −26 −5 24 −26
198 Exercises for Chapter 6
The Closest Plane Algorithm gives the vector
w= (−132,−367,−191,467,−198,−263) = (−12,6,1,−9,4,−4)ML∈L.
It satisfies kt−wk= 33.9116. The Closest Vertex Algorithm gives the exact
same result. So starting with an LLL reduced basis yields a significantly better
solution to apprCVP.
Section. Applications of LLL to cryptanalysis
6.46. You have been spying on George for some time and overhear him re-
ceiving a ciphertext e= 83493429501 that has been encrypted using the con-
gruential cryptosystem described in Section 6.1. You also know that George’s
public key is h= 24201896593 and the public modulus is q= 148059109201.
Use Gaussian lattice reduction to recover George’s private key (f, g) and the
message m.
Solution to Exercise 6.46.
Gaussian lattice reduction on the lattice generated by
(1,24201896593) and (0,148059109201)
gives the short basis
(233444,255333) and (330721,−272507),
so the private key is
f= 233444 and g= 255333.
We check that
f−1g≡133037176740 ·255333 ≡24201896593 ≡h(mod q).
In order to decrypt the message, we first compute
a≡fe ≡94843884201 (mod q).
Then we do a computation modulo gto recover the plaintext m,
m=f−1a= 94649 ·94843884201 ≡186000 (mod g).
6.47. Let
M= (81946,80956,58407,51650,38136,17032,39658,67468,49203,9546)
and let S= 168296. Use the LLL algorithm to solve the subset-sum problem
for Mand S, i.e., find a subset of the elements of Mwhose sum is S.
Exercises for Chapter 6 199
Solution to Exercise 6.47.
We apply LLL to the matrix
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81946
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80956
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58407
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 51650
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 38136
0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 17032
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 39658
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 67468
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 49203
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9546
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 168296
It takes LLL 102 swaps to find the reduced matrix
1−1 1 1 −1 1 −1 1 1 −1 0
1−1 1 1 −1 1 1 1 −1 1 1
3 1 1 3 1 1 1 −3 1 −1 0
3 1 1 −1 3 1 −31112
−2 0 2 −24022202
−2−2 4 −4−20200−2−2
−1−3−1 1 1 −3−3−1 1 1 3
−2 2 0 4 −2−4−2 0 0 2 −2
−2 4 4 0 −2 2 0 −2 2 0 1
−4−2 0 2 4 0 0 2 −4−2 0
2 4 2 0 −2−2−2 2 −4−4−1
The top row gives the solution
i.e., we have
80956 + 38136 + 39658 + 9546 = 168296.
This problem was created using the superincreasing sequence
r= (73,160,323,657,1325,2660,5348,10698,21396,42807)
and the multiplier and modulus A= 79809 and B= 85733.
6.48. Alice and Bob communicate using the GGH cryptosystem. Alice’s pub-
lic key is the lattice generated by the rows of the matrix
10305608 −597165 45361210 39600006 12036060
−71672908 4156981 −315467761 −275401230 −83709146
−46304904 2685749 −203811282 −177925680 −54081387
−68449642 3969419 −301282167 −263017213 −79944525
−46169690 2677840 −203215644 −177405867 −53923216
200 Exercises for Chapter 6
Bob sends her the encrypted message
e= (388120266,−22516188,1708295783,1491331246,453299858).
Use LLL to find a reduced basis for Alice’s lattice, and then use Babai’s
algorithm to decrypt Bob’s message.
Solution to Exercise 6.48.
LLL takes 52 swaps to produce the following matrix whose Hadamard
ratio is H= 0.963, so it is quite orthogonal:
72 −116 172 −290 −51
180 −218 −53 298 161
−158 −301 −230 −185 −25
114 172 −148 −311 297
462 164 −258 91 −491
Babai’s closest vertex method gives the lattice vector
that is close to the target vector e. If we let v1, . . . , v5be the LLL-reduced
basis vectors and w1, . . . , w5be the original basis vectors, then
= 1622959v1+ 2403687v2−4093270v3−1942134v4−1269978v5
=−3w1−9w2+ 0w3+ 6w4−4w5.
So Bob’s plaintext is the vector (−3,−9,0,6,−4).
6.49. Alice and Bob communicate using the NTRU cryptosystem with public
parameters (N, p, q, d) = (11,3,97,3). Alice’s public key is
h= 39 + 9x+ 33x2+ 52x3+ 58x4+ 11x5+ 38x6+ 6x7+x8+ 48x9+ 41x10.
Apply the LLL algorithm to the associated NTRU lattice to find an NTRU
private key (f,g) for h. Check your answer by verifying that g≡fh(mod q).
Use the private key to decrypt the ciphertext
e= 52 + 50x+ 50x2+ 61x3+ 61x4+ 7x5+ 53x6+ 46x7+ 24x8+ 17x9+ 50x10.
Solution to Exercise 6.49.
We apply LLL to the 22 dimensional NTRU lattice LNTRU
hassociated to h.
It requires 322 swaps and returns the LLL reduced the matrix
Exercises for Chapter 6 201
−1−1−1 0 0 −1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 −1 0 0 −1−1 0 1 0 −1
1−1−1−1 0 0 −1 0 1 0 1 −1 1 1 −1 0 0 −1−1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 −1 0 −2 0 −1 0 0 −1 1 1 0 −1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 −2 1 −1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 −1 1 −1
0 1 1 −1−1−1 0 0 −1 0 1 1 0 −1 1 1 −1 0 0 −1−1 0
0 0 2 1 0 −10011−1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 −1 0
−1 0 0 0 −1 0 −1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 −1−1 0 1 −1 0 0
1−1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 −2 0 −1 1 −1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
−1 0 2 1 0 1 −1 1 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 −1 0 0
0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 −1−1 0 −2 0 −2 0 0 −1 0 0 0 −1−1 0
1 1 1 −11100−2 0 0 0 −1 0 1 1 0 1 0 −1 1 0
−4 8 0 2 −7 0 1 −8 13 −4−2 4 −9−1 0 7 −7−6 1 2 18 −10
9 2 3 −7−1 0 −9 12 −4−4−3−10 0 0 7 −6−5 1 1 17 −11 4
−6−2−5 3 13 2 0 1 5 −11 −1 16 −3 9 5 3 2 −8−5−14 −4−2
−3 7 2 0 8 −12 3 3 4 −8−1 0 −7 7 6 −1−2−17 12 −5 9 1
−9 7 7 −8−14 2 −10 −8−2 1 −1 4 −3 1 −6 2 0 3 −1 21 12 −1
7 1 0 9 −12 4 4 3 −9−2−3−7 6 5 −1−1−17 11 −4 10 0 0
−2−3 9 2 3 −6−1 0 −8 13 −4−11 4 −8 0 0 8 −6−5 1 2 18
13 3 −4 1 3 4 −12 −2 9 −14 −2 14 −2−7 2 −10 −12 3 3 8 4 −4
−1−5 11 1 6 2 5 −3−13 −2 0 5 14 4 2 −16 3 −9−5−3−2 8
−6 11 0 6 2 5 −3−11 −3 1 −2 15 4 1 −16 2 −9−5−3−2 9 4
−3−3−3 9 2 1 −8−1 0 −7 13 18 −10 5 −9 0 0 7 −7−5 1 0
The top row is
which gives the private key polynomials
f(x) = −1−x−x2−x5+x7+x9+x10
g(x) = 1 + x−x2−x5−x6+x8−x10.
To decipher the message, we compute
a≡fe≡ −11−13x−1x2+3x3−4x4+2x5+16x6+4x7+4x9−2x10 (mod q).
Then we use
f−1≡ −1 + x−x3+x4−x6+x7−x8−x9+x10 (mod 3)
to compute the plaintext
m≡af−11−x−x2−x3−x4+x7+x10 (mod 3).
In vector form, m= (1,−1,−1,−1,−1,0,0,1,0,0,1).
6.50. (a) Suppose that kis a 10 digit integer, and suppose that when √kis
computed, the first 15 digits after the decimal place are 418400286617716.
Find the number k. (Hint. Reformulate it as a lattice problem.)
(b) More generally, suppose that you know the first d-digits after the decimal
place of √K. Explain how to set up a lattice problem to find K.
See Exercise 1.47 for a cryptosystem associated to this problem.
Solution to Exercise 6.50.
We do (b) first, then illustrate the general idea by doing (a). Let αbe the d-
digit number consisting of the first ddigits after the decimal place of √K. If
we let β=α/10d, then we can write
√K≈J+βfor some J∈Z.
202 Exercises for Chapter 6
There are two unknowns here, Kand J, and all that we know is that they
are both integers. Squaring both sides gives
K≈J2+ 2Jβ +β2.
Thus there are integers Aand Bsatisfying
β2+Aβ +B≈0,
namely A= 2Jand B=J2−K. Of course, we don’t know Aor B, so we now
describe a lattice reduction problem that finds a (quadratic) polynomial with
small integer coefficients that has a given decimal number as an (approximate)
root. Once we find Aand B, it is easy to recover Kas K=1
Let Lbe the lattice generated by the rows of the matrix
100 c
010 cβ
0 0 t cβ2
where we will choose tand clater. Notice that
¡B A 1¢
100 c
010 cβ
0 0 t cβ2
=¡B A t c(B+Aβ +β2)¢.
So if B+Aβ +β2is small, then we have found a small vector in the lattice. In
other words, if we find a small vector in the lattice having the form (B, A, ∗),
then we have probably found the values of Aand Bthat we want. (We choose t
reasonably large to force the relation to look like (B, A, 1), instead of (B, A, C)
for some larger C.)
(b) A solution for this exercise is not currently available.
Chapter 7
Digital Signatures
Exercises for Chapter 7
Section. RSA digital signatures
7.1. Samantha uses the RSA signature scheme with primes p= 541 and
q= 1223 and public verification exponent v= 159853.
(a) What is Samantha’s public modulus? What is her private signing key?
(b) Samantha signs the digital document D= 630579. What is the signature?
Solution to Exercise 7.1.
(a) Samantha’s public modulus is N=p·q= 541 ·1223 = 661643. Saman-
tha knows that (p−1)(q−1) = 540 ·1222 = 659880, so she can solve
vs ≡1 (mod (p−1)(q−1)),159853 ·s≡1 (mod 659880),
for the private signing key s= 561517.
(b) Samantha takes the document D= 630579 and computes
S=Ds(mod N),630579561517 ≡206484 (mod 661643).
So the signature is S= 206484.
She can check that this is correct by computing
C≡Sv(mod N), C ≡206484159853 ≡630579 (mod 661643)
and noting that this value agrees with D= 630579.
7.2. Samantha uses the RSA signature scheme with public modulus N=
1562501 and public verification exponent v= 87953. Adam claims that
Samantha has signed each of the documents
D= 119812, D0= 161153, D00 = 586036,
204 Exercises for Chapter 7
and that the associated signatures are
S= 876453, S0= 870099, S00 = 602754.
Which of these are valid signatures?
Solution to Exercise 7.2.
Victor uses Samantha’s public key (N, v) = (1562501,87953) to compute:
C≡Sv(mod N), C ≡87645387953 ≡772481 (mod 1562501),
C0≡S0v(mod N), C0≡87009987953 ≡161153 (mod 1562501),
C00 ≡S00v(mod N), C00 ≡60275487953 ≡586036 (mod 1562501).
Comparing the values of C, C0, C00 with the document values D, D0, D00, we see
that S0and S00 are valid signatures, but Sis not. We remark that Samantha’s
private factorization is
N=p·q= 1301 ·1201 = 1562501
and her signing key is s= 261617.
7.3. Samantha uses the RSA signature scheme with public modulus and pub-
lic verification exponent
N= 27212325191 and v= 22824469379.
Use whatever method you want to factor N, and then forge Samantha’s sig-
nature on the document D= 12910258780.
Solution to Exercise 7.3.
The factorization of Samantha’s public modulus is
N=p·q= 128311 ·212081 = 27212325191.
Then (p−1)(q−1) = 128310 ·212080 = 27211984800, so we can solve
vs ≡1 (mod (p−1)(q−1)),22824469379 ·s≡1 (mod 27211984800)
for Samantha’s private signing exponent s= 18408628619. We can then sign
the document D= 12910258780 by computing
S≡Ds(mod N),
1291025878018408628619 ≡22054770669 (mod 27212325191).
To check that this signature is correct, we compute
C≡Sv(mod N),
C≡2205477066922824469379 ≡12910258780 (mod 27212325191)
and note that it agrees with D= 12910258780.
Exercises for Chapter 7 205
Section. Discrete logarithm digital signatures
7.4. Samantha uses the ElGamal signature scheme with prime p= 6961 and
primitive root g= 437.
(a) Samantha’s private signing key is s= 6104. What is her public verification
(b) Samantha signs the digital document D= 5584 using the ephemeral key
e= 4451. What is the signature?
Solution to Exercise 7.4.
v≡4376104 ≡2065 (mod 6961).
S1≡4374451 ≡3534 (mod 6961),
S2≡(5584 −6104 ·3534)4451−1≡5888 (mod 6960).
So the signature on Dis (3534,5888).
7.5. Samantha uses the ElGamal signature scheme with prime p= 6961 and
primitive root g= 437. Her public verification key is v= 4250. Adam claims
that Samantha has signed each of the documents
D= 1521, D0= 1837, D00 = 1614,
and that the associated signatures are
(S1, S2) = (4129,5575),(S0
1, S0
2) = (3145,1871),(S00
1, S00
2) = (2709,2994).
Which of these are valid signatures?
Solution to Exercise 7.5.
1≡(42504129)·41295575 ≡231 (mod 6961).
gD≡4371521 ≡231 (mod 6961).
So the signature is valid. (The ephemeral key was e= 5627.)
1≡(42503145)·31451871 ≡6208 (mod 6961).
gD≡4371837 ≡2081 (mod 6961).
So the signature is not valid.
1≡(42502709)·27092994 ≡2243 (mod 6961).
gD≡4371614 ≡2243 (mod 6961).
So the signature is valid. (The ephemeral key was e= 3997.)
(Samantha’s private signing key is s= 4804.)
206 Exercises for Chapter 7
7.6. Let pbe a prime and let iand jbe integers with gcd(j, p −1) = 1. Set
S1≡givj(mod p), S2≡ −S1j−1(mod p−1), D ≡ −S1ij−1(mod p−1).
Prove that (S1, S2) is a valid ElGamal signature on the document Dfor the
verification key v. Thus Eve can produce signatures on random documents.
Solution to Exercise 7.6.
We compute
1≡vS1(givj)−S1j−1(mod p)
≡vS1g−ij−1S1v−S1(mod p)
≡gD(mod p).
7.7. Suppose that Samantha is using the ElGamal signature scheme and that
she is careless and uses the same ephemeral key eto sign two documents D
and D0.
(a) Explain how Eve can tell at a glance whether Samantha has made this
(b) If the signature on Dis (S1, S2) and the signature on D0is (S0
1, S0
explain how Eve can recover s, Samantha’s private signing key.
(c) Apply your method from (b) to the following example and recover Saman-
tha’s signing key s, where Samantha is using the prime p= 348149,
base g= 113459, and verification key v= 185149.
D= 153405, S1= 208913, S2= 209176,
D0= 127561, S0
1= 208913, S0
2= 217800.
Solution to Exercise 7.7.
(a) Since S1≡geand S0
1=ge0, Eve can check if the two signatures used
the same ephemeral key by checking if S1=S0
(b) Using discrete logarithms to the base g, the verification conditions are
S1log(v) + S2log(S1)≡D(mod p−1),
1log(v) + S0
1)≡D0(mod p−1).
Since S1=S0
1from (a), this becomes
S1s+S2log(S1)≡D(mod p−1),
2log(S1)≡D0(mod p−1),
where s= log(v) is Samantha’s secret signing key. Taking S0
2times the first
congruence and subtracting S2times the second congruence, we obtain
2D−S2D0(mod p−1).
Exercises for Chapter 7 207
For notational convenience we write this congruence as
As ≡B(mod p−1),
where we know the values of Aand B. If gcd(A, p −1) = 1, we can solve
uniquely for s. In general, if gcd(A, p −1) >1 (it’s unlikely to be too large),
then there are gcd(A, p −1) solutions for s, and after computing them, we can
decide which one is correct by checking which one yields gs≡v(mod p).
(c) From (b) we begin by computing
2−S2)≡347960 (mod p−1),
2D−S2D0≡252868 (mod p−1).
We need to solve As ≡B(mod p−1), so we need to solve
347960s≡252868 (mod 348148).
This congruence has several solutions. More precisely, since gcd(347960,348148) =
4 and 4 |252868, we divide through by 4 to get
86990s≡63217 (mod 87037).
Then gcd(86990,87037) = 1, so we can solve this congruence. The solution is
s≡72729 (mod 87037).
Adding on multiples of (p−1)/4 = 87037 yields the four solutions
s≡72729,159766,246803,333840 (mod 348148)
to the original congruence. We can pick out which solution is correct from the
relation gs≡v(mod p), i.e., the correct value of sshould satisfy
113459s≡185149 (mod 348149).
We compute
11345972729 ≡185149 (mod 348149),
113459159766 ≡137653 (mod 348149),
113459246803 ≡163000 (mod 348149),
113459333840 ≡210496 (mod 348149).
Hence Samantha’s secret signing key is
s= 72729.
208 Exercises for Chapter 7
7.8. Samantha uses DSA with public parameters (p, q, g) = (22531,751,4488).
She chooses the secret signing key s= 674.
(a) What is Samantha’s public verification key?
(b) Samantha signs the document D= 244 using the ephemeral key e= 574.
What is the signature?
Solution to Exercise 7.8.
(a) Samantha’s public verification key is
v≡4488674 ≡4940 (mod 22531).
(b) The signature is
S1= (4488574 mod 22531) mod 751 = 444,
S2≡(244 + 674 ·444)574−1≡56 (mod 751).
7.9. Samantha uses DSA with public parameters (p, q, g) = (22531,751,4488).
Her public verification key is v= 22476.
(a) Is (S1, S2) = (183,260) a valid signature on the document D= 329?
(b) Is (S1, S2) = (211,97) a valid signature on the document D= 432?
Solution to Exercise 7.9.
(a) Victor computes
V1≡329 ·260−1≡293 (mod 751) and V2≡183 ·260−1≡252 (mod 751).
He then computes
gV1vV2≡4488293 ·22476252 ≡6191 (mod 22531)
and verifies that 6191 mod 751 = 183 is equal to S1. So the signature is valid.
(Samantha’s secret signing key happens to be s= 38.)
(b) Victor computes
V1≡432 ·97−1≡709 (mod 751) and V2≡211 ·97−1≡428 (mod 751).
He then computes
gV1vV2≡4488709 ·22476428 ≡3979 (mod 22531).
Then he observes that
(gV1vV2mod p) mod q= 3979 mod 751 = 224
is not equal to S1= 211. So the signature is not valid.
Exercises for Chapter 7 209
7.10. Samantha’s DSA public parameters are (p, q, g) = (103687,1571,21947),
and her public verification key is v= 31377. Use whatever method you prefer
(brute-force, collision, index calculus, . . . ) to solve the DLP and find Saman-
tha’s private signing key. Use her key to sign the document D= 510 using
the ephemeral key e= 1105.
Solution to Exercise 7.10.
Solving 31377 ≡21947s(mod 103687) gives s= 602. Then the signature
on D= 510 using the ephemeral key e= 1105 is
S1= (219471105 mod 103687) mod 1571 = 439
S2≡(510 + 602 ·439)1105−1≡1259 (mod 1571).
7.11. The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is described
in Table 7.7. Prove that ECDSA works, i.e., prove that the verification step
succeeds in verifying a valid signature.
Solution to Exercise 7.11.
We compute
= (d+ss1)s−1
= (es2)s−1
=eG ∈E(Fp).
x(v1G+v2V) mod q=x(eG) mod q=s1.
7.12. This exercise asks you to compute some numerical instances of the
elliptic curve digital signature algorithm described in Table 7.7 for the public
E:y2=x3+231x+473, p = 17389, q = 1321, G = (11259,11278) ∈E(Fp).
You should begin by verifying that Gis a point of order qin E(Fp).
(a) Samantha’s private signing key is s= 542. What is her public verification
key? What is her digital signature on the document d= 644 using the
ephemeral key e= 847?
(b) Tabitha’s public verification key is V= (11017,14637). Is (s1, s2) =
(907,296) a valid signature on the document d= 993?
(c) Umberto’s public verification key is V= (14594,308). Use any method
that you want to find Umberto’s private signing key, and then use the
private key to forge his signature on the document d= 516 using the
ephemeral key e= 365.
210 Exercises for Chapter 7
Public Parameter Creation
A trusted party chooses a finite field Fp, an elliptic curve E/Fp,
and a point G∈E(Fp) of large prime order q.
Samantha Victor
Key Creation
Choose secret signing key
Compute V=sG ∈E(Fp).
Publish the verification key V.
Choose document dmod q.
Choose ephemeral key emod q.
Compute eG ∈E(Fp) and then,
s1=x(eG) mod qand
s2≡(d+ss1)e−1(mod q).
Publish the signature (s1, s2).
Compute v1≡ds−1
2(mod q) and
2(mod q).
Compute v1G+v2V∈E(Fp) and ver-
ify that
x(v1G+v2V) mod q=s1.
Table 7.1: The elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA)
Solution to Exercise 7.12.
(a) Samantha’s public verification key is
V= 542(11259,11278) = (8689,1726) ∈E(Fp).
Her signature on d= 644 using e= 847 is obtained by first computing eG =
(8417,8276) ∈E(Fp) and then
s1=x(eG) mod q= 491 and s2≡(d+ss1)e−1≡290 (mod q).
(b) Victor computes
2≡106 (mod q) and v2≡s1s−1
2≡311 (mod q).
Then v1G+v2V= (8833,4526) ∈E(Fp), and
x(v1G+v2V) mod q= 8833 mod 1321 = 907
is equal to s1, so the signature is valid.
(c) After some work, one finds that Umberto’s private signing key is s= 1294,
Exercises for Chapter 7 211
1294G= 1294(11259,11278) = (14594,308) ∈E(Fp).
We can then forge a signature on the document d= 516 using the ephemeral
key e= 365 by first computing eG = (3923,12121) ∈E(Fp) and then
s1=x(eG) mod q= 1281 and s2≡(d+ss1)e−1≡236 (mod q).
To check that the signature is valid, we compute v1G+v2V= (3923,12121) ∈
E(Fp), and
x(v1G+v2V) mod q= 3923 mod 1321 = 1281,
which is equal to s1.
Section. Lattice-based digital signatures
7.13. Samantha uses the GGH digital signature scheme with private and
public bases
v1= (−20,−8,1),w1= (−248100,220074,332172),
v2= (14,11,23),w2= (−112192,99518,150209),
v3= (−18,1,−12),w3= (−216150,191737,289401).
What is her signature on the document
d= (834928,123894,7812738)?
Solution to Exercise 7.13.
Samantha uses Babai’s algorithm with the good basis to find the vector
s= 283411v1+ 233700v2−179519v3= (834922,123893,7812739)
that is close to d,
ks−dk ≈ 6.16.
She then expresses the signature in terms of bad basis,
s= 785152901w1−1383699316w2−183004589w3
and publishes the signature (785152901,−1383699316,−183004589).
7.14. Samantha uses the GGH digital signature scheme with public basis
w1= (3712318934,−14591032252,11433651072),
w2= (−1586446650,6235427140,−4886131219),
w3= (305711854,−1201580900,941568527).
She publishes the signature
on the document
d= (5269775,7294466,1875937).
If the maximum allowed distance from the signature to the document is 60,
verify that Samantha’s signature is valid.
212 Exercises for Chapter 7
Solution to Exercise 7.14.
We first compute
s= 6987814629w1+ 14496863295w2−9625064603w3
= (5269774,7294492,1875902) ∈L.
Then we compute the distance
ks−dk ≈ 43.61
and verify that it is smaller than the cutoff value of 60, so the signature is
7.15. Samantha uses the GGH digital signature scheme with public basis
w1= (−1612927239,1853012542,1451467045),
w2= (−2137446623,2455606985,1923480029),
w3= (2762180674,−3173333120,−2485675809).
Use LLL or some other lattice reduction algorithm to find a good basis for
Samantha’s lattice, and then use the good basis to help Eve forge a signature
on the document
d= (87398273893,763829184,118237397273).
What is the distance from your forged signature lattice vector to the target
vector? (You should be able to get a distance smaller than 100.)
Solution to Exercise 7.15.
Eve’s implementation of LLL gives the basis
v1= (−9,−147,−136),v2= (73,169,−41),v3= (109,−132,−110).
Using this LLL reduced basis, she computes
s=−1542740188v1−532211991v2+ 1030872363v3
= (87398273916,763829241,118237397269) ∈L.
It satisfies
ks−dk ≈ 61.60,
so is quite a good solution. To find the signature, Eve expresses sin terms of
the original bad basis,
s= 203927306009123w1+ 225365519245447w2+ 293473443761381w3.
The signature is
Exercises for Chapter 7 213
Section. NTRU digital signatures
7.16. Samantha uses an NTRU digital signature with (N, q, d) = (11,23,3).
(a) Samantha’s private key is
f= (1,−1,1,0,1,0,−1,1,0,−1,0),
g= (0,−1,0,1,1,0,0,1,−1,1,−1),
F= (0,−1,−1,1,−3,−1,0,−3,−3,−2,2),
G= (−3,−1,2,4,3,−4,−1,3,5,5,−1).
She uses her private key to sign the digital document D= (D1,D2) given
D1= (0,8,−6,−6,−5,−1,9,−2,−6,−4,−6),
D2= (9,9,−10,2,−3,2,6,6,5,0,8).
Compute the signature s.
(b) Samantha’s public verification key is
h= (5,8,−5,−11,8,8,8,5,3,−10,5).
Compute the other part of the signature t≡hs(mod q) and find the
distance between the lattice vector (s,t) and the target vector D.
(c) Suppose that Eve attempts to sign Dusing Samantha’s public vec-
tors (1,h) and (0,q). What signature (s0,t0) does she get and how far is
it from the target vector D?
Solution to Exercise 7.16.
(a) Samantha first computes
23 ,−64
23 ,32
23 ,143
23 ,146
23 ,1
23 ,−178
23 ,−1,120
23 ,108
23 ,25
23 ¢¨
= (−7,−3,1,6,6,0,−8,−1,5,5,1),
23 ,13
23 ,0,35
23 ,−27
23 ,4
23 ,2
23 ,16
23 ,11
23 ,−24
23 ,−4
23 ¢¨
= (1,1,0,2,−1,0,0,1,0,−1,0),
and then
s= (−2,8,−4,−7,−5,−2,9,−4,−9,−4,−8).
t≡hs≡(11,9,−9,2,−4,5,4,8,4,0,11) (mod 23).
k(s,t)−Dk= 7.74597.
(c) The signature using the h-basis is
214 Exercises for Chapter 7
s0= (0,8,−6,−6,−5,−1,9,−2,−6,−4,−6),
t0= (5,17,−3,9,3,2,14,13,2,10,1).
It satisfies
k(s0,t0)−Dk= 22.0227.
7.17. Samantha uses an NTRU digital signature with (N, q, d) = (11,23,3).
(a) She creates a private key using the ternary vectors
f= (1,1,1,1,0,−1,−1,0,0,0,−1),
g= (−1,0,1,1,−1,0,0,1,−1,0,1).
Use the algorithm described in Table 7.6 to find short vectors Fand G
satisfying fG−gF=q.
(b) Samantha uses the private signing key (f,g,F,G) to sign the digital
document D= (D1,D2) given by
D1= (5,5,−5,−10,3,−7,−3,2,0,−5,−11),
D2= (8,9,−10,−7,6,−3,1,4,4,4,−7).
What the signature s?
(c) What is Samantha’s public verification key h?
(d) Compute t≡hs(mod q) and determine the distance from the lattice
vector (s,t) to the target vector D.
Solution to Exercise 7.17.
(a) First she computes
f1= (1363,−944,786,358,482,80,−133,368,955,126,476),
f2= (−2554,419,1205,1563,682,343,368,955,126,476,0),
g1= (−63,121,−173,−232,208,−251,96,172,620,799,574),
g2= (−1808,−121,110,290,−197,−275,53,−46,−799,−574,0).
The resultants are Rf= 3917 and Rg= 1871, and then Sf=−866 and
Sg= 1813 satisfies SfRf+SgRg= 1. Then we find that
A= (2627037,−5045579,7213927,9674168,−8673392,10466449,
B= (−27148234,18802592,−15655548,−7130644,−9600476,−1593440,
Next we use
Exercises for Chapter 7 215
f−1= (0.35,−0.24,0.20,0.09,0.12,0.02,−0.03,0.09,0.24,0.03,0.12),
g−1= (−0.03,0.06,−0.09,−0.12,0.11,−0.13,0.05,0.09,0.33,0.43,0.31),
to compute
C= (−2522997,−13372262,753797,−4259685,−6431876,−1572245,
Using this yields
F= (−1,−1,1,2,0,2,0,0,−3,−5,−5),
G= (4,−4,3,2,1,0,0,2,3,0,2).
These are reasonably short, kFk= 8.36660 and kGk= 7.93725.
23 ,−117
23 ,−116
23 ,−37
23 ,51
23 ,−40
23 ,7
23 ,7
23 ,1,−22
23 ,−2
23 ¢¨
= (0,−5,−5,−2,2,−2,0,0,1,−1,0)
23 ,55
23 ,1
23 ,−53
23 ,21
23 ,5
23 ,−21
23 ,−15
23 ,37
23 ,31
23 ,−22
23 ¢¨
= (0,2,0,−2,1,0,−1,−1,2,1,−1)
s= (7,3,−4,−10,4,−6,−3,1,1,−5,−10).
(c) We have
f−1mod 23 = (−9,−10,−6,−8,−10,−5,4,0,5,−5,−1),
h= (−3,−2,2,−1,3,−5,11,−10,−2,−6,−9).
t= (9,6,−9,−7,4,−4,0,4,5,−2,−5).
k(s,t)−Dk= 8.48528.
7.18. Let a∈RNbe a fixed vector.
(a) Suppose that bis an N-dimensional vector whose coefficients are chosen
randomly from the set {−1,0,1}. Prove that the expected values of kbk2
and kabk2are given by
3Nand E¡kabk2¢=kak2E¡kbk2¢.
(b) More generally, suppose that the coefficients of bare chosen at random
from the set of integers {−T, −T+1, . . . , T −1, T }. Compute the expected
values of kbk2and kabk2as in (a).
216 Exercises for Chapter 7
(c) Suppose now that the coefficients of bare real numbers that are chosen
uniformly and independently in the interval from −Rto R. Prove that
3and E¡kabk2¢=kak2E¡kbk2¢.
(Hint. The most direct way to do (c) is to use continuous probability
theory. As an alternative, let the coefficients of bbe chosen uniformly and
independently from the set {jR/T :−T≤j≤T}, redo the computation
from (b), and then let T→ ∞.)
Solution to Exercise 7.18.
Let c=ab. Then
kmod N
kmod NµX
i+j≡k(mod N)
kmod NX
i+j≡k(mod N)
u+v≡k(mod N)
i+j≡u+v(mod N)
Note that this last sum is over all 4-tuples (i, j, u, v) mod Nsatisfying i+j≡
u+v(mod N). We suppose now that the coefficients of bare independent
random variables whose average value is 0, i.e., we assume that E(bi) = 0.
This is a valid assumption in (a), (b), and (c). Since the coefficients of aare
fixed, we can compute
i+j≡u+v(mod N)
i+j≡u+v(mod N)
i+j≡u+v(mod N)
aiauE(bj)E(bv) + X
imod NX
jmod N
imod N
jmod N
0+··· +b2
Hence in all cases we have
Exercises for Chapter 7 217
It remains to compute E¡kbk2¢under the various scenarios.
(a) The coefficients of bare independent random variables taking values
in {−1,0,1}with equal probabilities, so
E(bi) = 1
3·(−1) + 1
3·0 + 1
3·1 = 0,
i) = 1
0+··· +b2
N−1) = E(b2
0) + ··· +E(b2
N−1) = 2
(b) Similar to (a), but now the values are integers between −Tand T. So
i) = 1
2T+ 1
2T+ 1
2T+ 1
T(T+ 1)(2T+ 1)
j) = T2+T
(c) The computation using continuous probability is
i) = 1
b2db =1
Hence E¡kbk2¢=R2N/3.
The alternative computation using the hint gives, for any particular value
of T,
i) = 1
2T+ 1
(2T+ 1)T2
(2T+ 1)T2
T(T+ 1)(2T+ 1)
6=R2(T+ 1)
Letting T→ ∞ yields E(b2
i) = R2/3, and then
7.19. Let (f,g,F,G) be an NTRU digital signature private key and let
h≡f−1g(mod q)
be the associated public key. Suppose that (s,t) is the signature on the doc-
ument D= (D1,D2), so in particular, the vector (s,t) is in the NTRU lat-
tice LNTRU
218 Exercises for Chapter 7
(a) Prove that for every vector w∈ZN, the vector
is in the NTRU lattice LNTRU
(b) Let f−1be the inverse of fin the ring R[x]/(xN−1) (cf. Table 7.6). Prove
that the vector
is a signature on a document of the form D0= (0,D2+D3) for some D3
that depends on D1.
(c) Conclude that anyone who can sign documents of the form (0,D0) is also
able to sign documents of the form (D1,D2). Hence in the NTRU digital
signature scheme (Table 7.5), we might as well assume that the document
being signed is of the form (0,D2). This has several benefits, including
speeding the computation of v1and v2.
Solution to Exercise 7.19.
(a) The NTRU lattice is characterized as the set of vectors
h=©(u,v) : v≡uh(mod q)ª.
We are given that (s,t)∈LNTRU
h, so
(s+wf)h≡sh+wfh≡t+wg(mod q),
where we have used the fact that h≡f−1g(mod q).
(b) For notational convenience, we let w=b−f−1D1e. Then
where the coefficients of ²are between −1
2and 1
2. Hence
We know that ks−D1kis small, so we find that
ks0k ≤ ks−D1k+k²fk ≈ ks−D1k+k²kkfk
is also small.
Next we compute
t0≡s0h≡sh+wfh≡t+wg(mod q).
Since tis close to D2, we find that t0is close to D2+D3, where
(c) Suppose that Eve knows how to sign documents of the form (0,D0) and
that she wants to sign (D1,D2). She starts by finding a signature s0to the
Exercises for Chapter 7 219
Then from the calculations in (b), she sees that
s=s0− b−f−1D1eg
is a signature on (D1,D2).
7.20. Verify the identity
µf F
g G¶µf g
F G¶=µff+FF g f+GF
fg+FG g f+GF¶,
where bar indicates reversal of a vector as in Remark 7.13. Prove that the
corresponding 2N-by-2Nmatrix is the Gram matrix associated to the 2N-by-
2Nmatrix ¡f g
F G ¢. (See Exercise 6.14 for the definition of the Gram matrix.)
Chapter 8
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