Summation 4.1.1 RN

Summation 4.1.1 Release Notes Summation 4.1.1 Release Notes Summation 4.1.1 Release Notes ad


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Summation 4.1.1 Release Notes
This document lists the fixed issues for AccessData Summation 4.1.1. Please be aware that all known issues
published under previous release notes still apply until they are listed under “Fixed Issues.”

Fixed Issues
The following issues have been fixed for Summation 4.1.1.

Fixed the issue where color JPEG natives were imaged and branded in black and white despite
specifying to image in color. (8573)


Fixed the issue where large production sets produced an error on some of the exported files. (8576)


Fixed the issue where in large production sets, some natives had errors upon export. (8577)


Fixed the issue where the Custodians facet would not expand for upgrade environments. (8778)


Fixed the issue where the Email facets would not expand for upgrade environments. (8574)


Fixed the issue where text was not wrapping when coding using the coding layout. (8580)


Improved error handling for mishandled/unsupported file types during Evidence Processing. (6401)


Fixed the issue where Email facets did not populate for upgrade environments. (8219)


Fixed the issue where the Native Viewer would sporadically display as blank when running the application in Integrated Windows Authentication mode. (8578)


Fixed the issue where adding the Sent or Received columns to the Item List in Review resulted in an
error when malformed data was present in those columns. (8774)


Added Email counts for each Custodian in the Data Volume Report. (9273)


Fixed the issue where large production sets sporadically failed when Email-related fields were included
in the set. (8925)


Fixed the issue where the Native Viewer threw an error when attempting to view a document when
running the application in Integrated Windows Authentication mode. (9047)


Fixed the issue where an OCR was created for PDF documents containing over 5 KB of filtered text.


Fixed the issue where large Evidence Processing jobs would sporadically fail due to a timeout error.


Fixed the issue where Case Migrations from iBlaze failed due to iterated image file names' suffixes
exceeding 10 characters in the source case's Imginfo table. (9447)


Fixed the issue where Case Migrations from iBlaze failed due to unsupported compression types on
image files in the source case. (9448)

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Fixed the issue where the Native Viewer threw an error when attempting to display a PST file. (9522)


Fixed the issue where exporting large production sets sporadically caused the Work Manager to fail.


Fixed the issue where the Viewer component reported it was going to time out. (9113)


Fixed the issue where the Custodians facet was not populating in upgrade environments. (9612)


Improved performance for Bulk Label Assignment when the "Include Family" option is selected. (8720)


Fixed the issue where case creation in an upgrade environment failed and threw an exception. (10231)

Known Issues
The following are known issues for Summation 4.1.1.

Search queries containing multiple connectors with the W/N syntax are only honoring the first search
term. (10256)


Production sets with over 100 GB of data may not complete successfully. (11036)


Cannot log in to the application using IE8 with Small Business Server 2011. (11264)
Workaround: Log in using IE9.


Copy Case will crash while copying a large case (500 MB or greater) if the machine does not have the
memory capacity to support it. (11115)


Network Authentication will fail for Copy Case unless UAC is turned off. (11122)


Search reports may show incorrect count totals. (11020)


When the To, CC, and BCC column Filtering are applied on the Facets Results, no results appear in the
Filter Dialog. (10705)


When applying Column Level filtering on a LogicalSize with 0 Bytes(s) and then filtering on BCC, no
results appear in the Filter Dialog. (10748)


Advanced Search fails to search on date fields if the server or workstation’s date format is set to English
(Ireland). (10644)


Migration for Windows XP systems will fail if .NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) (X86) is
not installed. (10743)


The total number for emails in the Category Overview for the Data Volume reports is not consistent
with the total number of email in the Case Statistics. (10117)


If column filters or facets are applied to a large data set of more than 20,000 records, a bulk label
assignment will fail. (10111)


If a Bulk Coding and Bulk label assignment job are run simultaneously, both jobs will fail. If two Bulk
Coding jobs are run simultaneously, one job will fail and the other one will complete. However, running
two Bulk Label assignment jobs at the same time will complete successfully. (9953)


An error will be thrown if a user runs Export on a second case after creating another case on the system.
(10798) (9445)

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AccessData values feedback from customers. Please contact us at, or send
documentation issues to

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Summation 4.1 Release Notes
This document lists the new features and known issues for AccessData Summation 4.1. Please be aware that all
known issues published under previous release notes still apply until they are listed under “Fixed Issues.”

Important Information

Incomplete Production Sets will not be automatically rerun when Work Manager restarts in order to avoid
duplicate database files. If you want to force Work Manager to rerun a Production Set, you can add the
following config file:

If you want to set Work Manager to ignore Production Sets again, add the following config file:
. (65671)


If Bulk Imaging is running slow and you are only sending a small number of records to imaging (under
500), then you can reduce the batch size to allow it to run faster. See the Altering the Batch Size for Bulk
Imaging document ( for information on how
to change this.

New and Improved
Imaging Documents
Enhanced the Imaging mass action:

SWF performance enhancements


SWF fall back imaging workflow


TIFF performance enhancements


Can create JPG and PDF image files

Navigation Bar
The Navigation bar in the Case Review now has the following functionality:

Displays the Object ID for records without a Doc ID


Allows you to download the native file from the Object ID or Doc ID


Displays the transcript name for the selected transcript

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Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts have been added for the following panels in the Case Review:

Item List Grid


Notes Panel

Transcript Enhancements

You can now link transcripts to other transcripts, exhibits, and documents. Exhibits are automatically
linked when they are uploaded.


The name of the transcript now appears in the title bar of the Transcript panel.


You can now navigate to the next and previous page of the transcript using the navigation tools in the
title bar of the Transcript panel.


You can now open multiple transcripts by opening transcripts in their own window.


You can now code the Deponent, Deposition Date, and Volume of transcripts using the Coding panel or
the Edit mode in Grid view.

Australian Numbering
You can now set the application to Australian numbering. Australian numbering affects how your Production Set
numbering appears.

Sorting Column Filters
You can now sort the items within the Column Filters by ascending or descending hits or values.

Email Enhancements
You can now perform redactions and use the persistent highlights feature on emails when viewing them in the
Case Review. Emails are now displayed in the same format in the Natural view regardless of how the email was
brought into the application.

Default Layouts
The default layouts in Case Review have been enhanced to accommodate user workflow.

Fuzzy Dates for Notes
You can now set a fuzzy date for notes in the Case Review rather than a set solid day/month/year date.

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TIFF on the Fly
You can now create a TIFF image of native documents on the fly while you are looking at a document in Natural
panel in Case Review. You can then perform annotations on the image of the document.

Editing in Grid View
In the Item List panel, in Grid view, you can now edit select fields directly in the grid. This allows you to code data
without using the coding panel. You can alter data for text, numbers, dates, issues, and categories.

Subset Searching
You can now run a subset search of an initial search in order to refine your search. Subset searches also allow
you to return to your previous search and they appear in your recent searches.

Database Caching
You can now cache your filter results so that if you use the same filters a lot, your results will appear faster.

Migrating from Summation iBlaze and Enterprise
You can now migrate your Summation iBlaze and Enterprise databases to Summation 4.1. Contact Technical
Support or your Technical Account Manager for more information on migrating your database.

Loading Data Consistency
Now when you load data using Evidence Processing and Import, you will now have consistency in fields for
documents brought into Summation using either of these methods. With this consistency, you will be able to more
accurately filter records.

Virtual Columns
You can now search for virtual columns in the Case Review. Virtual columns are columns in records that contain
data that does not have a physical column in the database.

Production Sets
You can now select to include the original file name and original file path in your Production Set.

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Regenerate Images
You can now regenerate an image of a record.

Default Admin and Case Roles
The following new default roles have been added: Power Users and Users. This will allow you to quickly assign
permissions for users depending on their skill level and position.

Bulk Printing
You can now print multiple documents at once using the mass actions feature in the Item List panel of Case

SWF Performance Enhancements
The Natural view in Case Review now loads faster when you install the latest Near Native and Active X installers.

Carry Forward Coding
You can now apply your coding from one record to the next without needing to re-enter the data.

Redaction Text
You can now create redaction profiles. You can use redaction profiles in the Case Review to apply text on top of
your redactions. Redaction profiles allow you to give a reason for the redaction.

Opening Panels in a New Window (Dual Monitor Support)
You can now open the Natural, Image, Text, and Transcript panels in a new window. This allows you to move
panels to a second monitor.

The following new reports are available:

Image Conversion Exceptions: This report lists the items that failed to image during production.


Export Summary: This report supplies summary information about exported Production Sets.


Audit Log: This report lists the user activities related to the case.


Search Report: This report shows you the overall results of your search.

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Fixed Issues
The following issues are fixed for Summation 4.1.

Summation Mobile

Fixed the issue where trying to login into Summation Mobile caused an error. (68358)


Fixed an issue where creating a new label in Summation Mobile overwrote a label in the application
when it was merged back in. (65810)


Fixed the issue where permissions in Summation Mobile were not limiting user access. (67607)


Fixed the issue where records added via Evidence Processing were not viewable in the Natural view
after they were copied to a mobile machine out using Summation Mobile. (66447)


Fixed the issue where selecting a large case in Summation Mobile caused the application to freeze for
an extended period of time. (70077)


Fixed the issue where the quick filters (Hide Duplicates, Hide Folders, and Hide eDiscovery Refinement)
are not applied by default when you open Case Review. (66390)


Fixed the issue where removing blank items from a column level filter results in no records displaying in
the Item List panel. (66910)


Fixed the issue where the Custodian and Author facets did not populate values in the Review. (67701)


Fixed the issue where PPTX and PPT filetypes did not convert when Imaging. (62518)


Fixed the issue where sending large amounts of documents to Imaging caused the job to sometimes not
complete. (63747)


Fixed the issue where there was no detailed error log for users to view when imaging fails. Now, log
entries for image conversion are found in the log files for the job, inside the case folder. (65004)


Fixed the issues where imaging large files did not produce SWF files for all the pages. (65751)

Production Sets

Fixed the issue where Production Set Bates numbering was incorrect for multi-page TIFFs. (69969)


Fixed the issue where Production Set creation fails for a new case if the logged in user previously
deleted a case in the system. (70280)


Fixed the issue where load file generation from a Production Set sporadically failed with a SQL exception
error on specific data sets. (65671)

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Fixed the issue where entering a bad path when exporting a Production Set resulted in the inability to
export any Production Sets until the system is restarted. (65353)


Fixed the issue where the Custodian column was not available when selecting the columns to include in
a Production Set. (67328)


Fixed the issue where the Filepath column was not available when selecting the columns to include in a
Production Set. (67311)


Fixed the issue where the Doc ID, Page ID, and Bates Number did not appear on the branded pages of
a Production Set. (67682)


Fixed the issue where the Production Set Status is not updated immediately when the Export button is
clicked. (69913)


Fixed the issue where embedded graphics within emails are being processed as email attachments.


Fixed the issue where imported PDF files were not displaying in the image viewer. (65454)


Fixed the issue where certain Excel documents loaded via Evidence Processing created large
uncompressed color TIFFs when imaged. (66767)


Fixed the issue where PST files loaded through Evidence Processing had a character limit of 1025 in the
TO/CC/BCC fields. (67910)


Fixed the issue where the doc type (@MEDIA) did not always calculate correctly in the load file. (69107)


Fixed the issue where the Linked DocIDs column did not populate correctly if the DII file had records with
an @Related token. (70030)


Fixed the issue where highlights for a search were not displayed in the Natural view if a Persistent
Highlight profile was selected. (67755)


Fixed the issue where Fulltext search did not highlight search terms if there was more than one search
term in the query. (69831)


Fixed the issue where search terms were not getting highlighted when searching with an "Anydate
Equal" qualifier for Created, Modified, Reviewed and Sent columns. (68902)


Fixed the issue where the Term Expansion feature in Advanced Search produced an error when
attempting to expand a term. (67172)


Fixed the issue where searching with the NotContains operator did not return the correct results. (67308)


Fixed the issue where the From, To, CC, and BCC fields were not getting highlighted in the search
results. (67631)


Fixed the issue where queries with wildcards slow down performance. (65198)


Fixed the issue where SQL queries generated when a user searches on all fields runs very slow on a
database that has a couple hundred thousand records. (65308)


Fixed the issue where running advanced searches made the system run slow. (65650)

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Fixed the issue where search was not including all the documents in the family when the "Include
Family" option was selected. (69834)


Fixed the issue where search was not returning any results when the variations
(Stemming/Synonym/Related) were applied. (69933)


Fixed an issue where Custodian Level Document Deduplication was not behaving as expected. (69863)


Fixed the issue where Cluster Analysis did not work for 32-bit systems for the following features: Near
Duplicates, Email Threading, and Conversation View. (67236)


Fixed the issue where unassigning labels using the labeling mass action did not unassign the label from
the document. (62855)


Fixed the issue where running a cluster analysis produced an error. (67918)


Fixed the issue where the Labeling mass action failed when All documents are selected. (67920, 65856,


Fixed the issue where the page depth in the Item List panel was not reflecting the correct number of
records. (68072)


Fixed the issue where Natural view was stuck in a loading state when switching to the Annotate View
when using Integrated Windows Authentication. (66616)


Fixed the issue where importing data with a DII broke the Data Volume report. (67411)


Fixed the issue where the Create Labels and Delete Labels permissions were not available in the
Permissions tab. (68724)


Fixed the issue where the Language field was able to be coded rather than being read-only. (68840)

Known Issues
The following are known issues for Summation 4.1:


Digests are included in migrations and appear in the Item List grid view, but the digest does not load in
the viewer. (70047)


Redactions are not carried over for migrated Production Sets if the Production Set briefcase is not
created in the iBlaze or Enterprise case. (69963)


Production Sets for which briefcases were not created in the source case are listed without their names
in Case Explorer under the Production Set root after migration. (69082)


Migrated cases appear to be 0 bytes in size in the Case List panel regardless of the amount of data
within the case. (68653)


Issues assigned only to OCRBase Notes are not migrated during a case migration. (68663)

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Transcript links do not migrate with migrated cases. (67341)


Migrated cases do not show extracted text for produced images. (69967)


The case name of migration cases that failed to migrate are listed in the Case List panel and must be
manually deleted. (70531)


You cannot migrate a case while an Evidence Processing job is in progress.(70549)


Creating graphic SWF files from uncompressed TIFFs fail to generate. (68166)


The following extensions do not work for imaging and TIFF operations: PST, NSF, FC, DAT, DB, EXE,
DLL, ZIP, and 7zip.


Graphic SWF fails to generate off of electronic PDF created from Imaging. Workaround: Annotate a
searchable PDF in Image View and when produced to PDF. (69053)


TIFF files with a LZW compression can't be converted to a graphic SWF. (68161)


Some graphic SWF files fail to generate from single page LZW, NONE, RLE TIF compressions. (70141)


Some graphic SWF files fail to generate from multipage LZW, NONE, RLE TIF compressions. (70143)

Keyboard Shortcuts

The F2 (edit mode toggle) keyboard shortcut will not put the Item List panel into edit mode unless the
focus is on an editable field. (69820)


The F7 (previous document) keyboard shortcut does not work if you are on the first record, and F8 (next
document) keyboard shortcut won’t work if you are on the last record. (69450)


Users with Manage Users permission cannot change password for other users. Only users who have the
Application Administrator role can change the password for other users. (69306)


The Save Search permission does not restrict users without the permission from saving searches.


Users with the Create/Edit Case permission can also add data to the case. (68866, 68867)


Users with the Case Administrator permissions do not have the ability to Import data or use Cluster
Analysis. (68872)


Separating multiple values with a comma renders incorrect values when using the column level filters.
Users always use a semicolon. (69836)


Creating Labels, Categories, or Issue values with leading or trailing spaces results in those values
appearing as separate entries in the column level filters. (69749)

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Opening more than seven transcripts using the View Transcripts mass action will cause Internet
Explorer to crash. (70084)


Transcripts with only one preamble page will fail to upload. The transcript must have at least two
preamble pages. (70244)


Search highlighting does not work for variation searches. (69925)


Incorrect search query is displayed in the search text box when the previous search query is executed
from the Recent searches after refreshing the searches tab. (70324)


Executing a search using the Shared Searches in an upgraded environment results in an error. (70380)


FullText Queries with the "Notcontains: operator are failing when search terms are from different
documents and connected with an "AND" connector in the query. (70536)


There are inconsistent numbers in the email de-duplication report. (70514)


The Generate Report button needs to be clicked twice to generate the report in the Export tab. (70315)


You must click Download twice in order to download search reports. (70396)


The 'Standard No Search' processing option works the same way as standard processing options.


When you use the date picker tool to select the current date for the DocDate field, the date is not saved.
Workaround: Enter the current/today's date manually in the DocDate field. (69241)


Loading a file with a size of 0, using Evidence Processing, will result in the file not showing in the Item
List though the job will complete. (67724)


The default application administrator is editable when it shouldn't be. (70112)


Host names with underscores in the path are not recognized as a valid path. (68965)


Production Sets cannot be exported at the same time that a Production Set is being created. Attempting
to export will queue the Production Set to export and will begin the export when the Production Set
creation is complete, but the user interface will not reflect this queue. (69042)


The coding Carry Over check box does not remain checked when you navigate to the next attribute
when setting up a tagging layout. (69776)


Email threads do not display in the conversation pane, in Case Review, prior to cluster analysis. (69545)


Jobdata paths are not validated when editing a case in the Case Details tab. (69819)

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Setting up multiple database servers using an IP address results in unstable storage as IP addresses
are volatile and non-permanent. (69465)
Workaround: Always use a Host Name and FQDN when setting up a server.


Light-colored font does not display from a Word document that has been imaged using a CCITT3 or 4
Compression. (70273)


Branding options are not burned in (i.e. Endorsement / Docid/ etc.) onto the slipsheet if the document
has redactions. (70437)


There are known issues with the Code Meter V4.4.0 set up for Virtual Dongles which may require falling
back to Code Meter V 4.2.0.B.


In certain environments, multiple Case Administrator roles can appear. If this occurs, use the default role
"CaseAdmin CaseRole." (68510)


The native folder path appears in load files even when the natives are not chosen as part of product set
export. (70581)

AccessData values feedback from customers. Please contact us at, or send
documentation issues to

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Summation 4.0.3 Release Notes
This document lists the new features and known issues for AccessData Summation 4.0.3. Please be aware that
all known issues published under previous release notes still apply until they are listed under “Fixed Issues.”

Important Information

Service Pack 1 is required for Windows 7 Summation Express.


Summation 4.0.3 Express for Windows XP requires a minimum of the following components: Dual Core,
WinXP Pro SP3, and 3G RAM.


Only one user may access the Summation Express application at a time.

Improved Features
Summation 4.0.3 now works with a Windows 32 bit system for XP and Windows 7.

Known Issues
Cluster Analysis does not work for Windows XP 32-bit systems for the following features: Near duplicates, Email
Threading, and Conversation view. (67236)

AccessData values feedback from customers. Please contact us at, or send
documentation issues to

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Summation 4.0.2 Release Notes
This document lists the new features, fixed issues, and known issues for AccessData Summation 4.0.2. Please
be aware that all known issues published under previous release notes still apply until they are listed under “Fixed

Important Information

It is strongly recommended to configure your antivirus to exclude the database (PostgreSQL, Oracle
database, MS SQL) AD temp, source images/loose files, and case folders for performance and data

New Features
Comparison View
Comparison view is a new viewer in Case Review that allows you to view two documents side-by-side that were
found as similar during the cluster analysis processing.

The following reports have been added to Summation.

Deduplication Report
You can open the Deduplication Summary report to view duplicate files and emails that were filtered in
the case. Also included in the report are the deduplication options that were set for documents and
email. You can view the report, print it, and save it in a variety of formats, and download it to a

Data Volume
You can generate the Data Volume Report to view the size of processed data, evidence file counts by
file category, and a breakout of files by extension. You can view the report, print it, and save it in a
variety of formats.

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The Summation documentation is now easy to find from your Summation application. You can access the
Summation user documentation after logging in to the application.

Fixed Issues

Transcript viewer where preamble numbers are accurately displayed when printing or
reporting. (60554, 65281, 65285)


loading of Canadian Transcripts in CAT format. (64143)


the issue where Search wasn't highlighting the Transcripts & Exhibits. (65154)


displays of more accurate Search Relevancy percentage. (65525)


for EQUAL operator in default date fields. (66076)


a permission issue in 'Redaction Fails' Search. (65475)


an issue with the group validation. (64912)

Review Layouts

Panel has been added to the Search Layout. (66161)

unnecessary layouts from the default list. (66157)

Production Set

watermark quality in the Production Sets. (65036)


the issue where Production Sets were missing redactions created both on Image and Native
views. (65599)

Home Page/Management

irrelevant Menu from the UI. (65966)

Column is now the first column in the case list. (66156)

Natural View /Image View

performance when loading document in Natural view. (65719)

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version upgraded to 5.0 improved multiple functional areas:

 Improved

the Text Redaction placement accuracy. (59844, 61743, 62356, 64023 & 64031)

 Addressed

the issue where Text Redactions were saved as Co-Ordinate based redactions in a
specific scenario. (61867)


random error message while switching between Document viewers. (65861)


the issue where the deleted text redactions are preserved. (64834)


issue where Auto Save was not saving removed annotations. (64440)


GetFileStream_WithCaseIdentityHandler.ashx error when viewing some emails. (65762)

to Width and Anti-Aliasing are set to be defaulted for INSO View. (65411)


navigation for multi-page documents in Natural and Image view. (65644)

of the pivot document is shown now in natural view when selecting in conversation view. (62801)

Desktop Express

the issue where the user saw a blank page after logging in with some specific screen
resolutions. (65956)


UI is now consistent with server UI. (65975)

Mobile System

licensing related issues have been resolved. (65458, 65704, 65705 & 65716)

Label View

concurrency issues when user simultaneously add label to the document. (64731, 65066)


Auto Save functionality in Label view when consecutively saving with more than 10 records.



improvement for single and multi-server environment. (65830, 66159, 66269)


improvement for imaging. (63747)

log improvement for imaging. (65325)

Grid View

for Quick Filter: Hide eDiscovery Refinement. (65286, 65287)


for removing duplicated items in Action menu. (65807)

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relevant columns are now displayed in the Item list grid by default. (66162)


for correcting counts in Facets. (63989 & 65683)

Evidence Processing

the issue where embedded graphics within emails are being treated as attachments. (61754)

processing option in the UI to allow for email body caching during processing. (63897)

for processing Evidence Images (AD1, E01) files. (65133 & 65594)


default de-duplication options for processing email evidence. Set to use To, From, Subject, CC
and Submit Time. (65479)


Auto save functionality when coding only custom Text field. (65559)

Copy Case

Copy Case Login UI to accommodate DB Admin credentials. (66057)


Copy Case/Merge Process by cleaning data placed in the temp directory. (65846)


issue where new labels created in Local system were overwriting some labels in the Network
system in a specific scenario. (65810)


user friendly status/ error messages during Copy Case operation. (65481 & 65678)

Known Issues

opening Summation for the first time, without any cases yet created, you will receive a "please
wait" progress bar on the Home page until you create your first case. (66087)


Save &Next button when coding for DocDate value throws an error message. Data is saved.


AccessData values feedback from customers. Please contact us at, or send
documentation issues to

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Summation 4.0 Release Notes
Summation 4.0 is the culmination of the best features of Summation iBlaze, CaseVantage, and AccessData Early
Case Assessment.
AccessData Summation is an online case management hosting service that provides users with secure access to
an off-site document repository which hosts documents, transcripts, electronic evidence, work products and
annotations. It acts as a self-contained workspace where users can store, search, code, review, and produce all
of the documents retained as evidence in any legal matter. Access to these documents is determined by
assigning varying levels of group or individual permissions.
This document lists the key features, known issues, and important information for AccessData Summation 4.0

Important Information

Summation 4.0 retains many of the features that previous versions of Summation contained, not
all feature functionality is the same. Please refer to the Summation Users Guide for a full description of the
features in Summation 4.0.


order to achieve maximum processing efficiency, configure the maximum memory for SQL Server to
half the RAM on the machine.

Key Features
The following features are key to using Summation 4.0.2.

Administrator Features
Administrators have access to the following features to manage Summation 4.0.2 on a global scale.
Administrators perform their primary tasks on the Management page.

Manage Users, Groups, and Admin Roles
Administrators can manage users, groups and the global admin roles from the Management page in
Summation. The easy-to-use interface allows administrators to add, delete, edit, deactivate, and
associate roles with users and groups. Administrators can also reset passwords for users from this

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Configure System
Administrators can configure the Summation system to meet the needs of the practice. The following
features can be configured for Summation from the Management page:
Configure Active Directory to enable syncing and importing of Active Directory users
Configure default settings that will be used for all cases

Monitor the System

Console: Administrators can monitor the performance of the Distribution Server and
the Work Managers from the System Console.
System Log: Administrators can export the system log and maintain a historical record of
events in Summation.
Security Log: Administrators can monitor a variety of events including the log in and log out
attempts by administrators and users of Summation.

Case Manager Features
The case manager can perform a variety of tasks on the Home page and in Case Review. The case manager,
given the right permissions, can manage the users, groups, permissions, evidence, and production of a case.
Case managers can use the following features on a case by case scale.

Starting Cases
Using the Case List panel on the Home page, case managers can add or delete cases as well as add
evidence to cases.

Managing Permissions
Case permissions have been stream lined to set all the permissions for users for a case in one location.
Case managers can use the Permissions tab on the Home page to add users and groups to a case and
grant case permissions.

Configuring Review Tools
The following review tools can be configured by the case manager.

Markup Sets
You can create a grouping for reviewers’ annotations to be saved under. This gives you the ability
to give users access to specific markup sets. Also, it allows you to have different sets of redactions
if you are redacting for different purposes. These different sets can be combined during Production
Set creation. You can toggle between sets in the Natural viewer.

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Highlight Profiles
You can create profiles that highlight keywords in the Natural panel in Case Review. This feature
enables reviewers to quickly spot important keywords in documents.

Custom Fields
You can create custom fields that can be used to create tagging layouts.

Tagging Layouts
You can create a collection of custom fields that reviewers can use to code documents in the Case
Review. This feature allows you to create a custom layout for reviewers that contains the important
information for their workflow to help streamline the review process. This feature replaces the forms
that were used in iBlaze.

Setting up Review
Case managers can use the Case Review page to set up the review for users to review documents. The
following features are available for case managers in the review interface.

Document Groups
You can add document groups to organize uploaded evidence. You can assign permissions to
document groups. Document groups support "blended collections," which means that different
document types (scanned paper doc, edoc, and email) can be stored in the same group.

Transcripts and Exhibits
You can upload unlimited transcripts and exhibits for review. Exhibits are searchable and you can
assign permissions to transcript groups. There is a better handling of unicode Transcripts and
foreign language (i.e. French).

Review Sets
You can create sets of documents and assign them to users for review. Users can then check out
the review sets, and review and code the documents in the set before checking them back in. This
is a way for you to track the progress of document reviews.

You can create Labels, Issues, and Categories for users to apply to documents.
Labels: You can color code labels and apply to documents in the Case Review.
Issues: The case manager can create issues which can then be coded into documents by the
case reviewer.
Categories: The case manager can create category values for check boxes or radio buttons
which can then be coded into documents by the case reviewer.

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Production Sets and Exports
Case managers can create Production Sets in the Case Review from labeled evidence. Creating a
Production Set is easy to follow with the Production Set Wizard. You can choose one or more markup
sets to burn into your Production Set so that you can see annotations and highlights in your exported
Case managers can use the export feature on the Home page to export previously created Production
Set data. You can now export Production Sets to standard load files.

Summation includes the ingestion of raw native files, parsing the metadata from those files into
database fields, and providing a search capability to those files in Case Review. Using the Evidence
Processing Wizard, you can easily process PST & NSF files (email containers) and handling of DII and
CSV has been streamlined and improved.

Reviewer Features
Reviewers can view, search, filter, label, code and annotate documents using the Case Review page. You can
also review the history of actions performed in the Case Review for each document. The following features are
available to the case reviewer.

Customizing Panels
The Case Review is made up of panels that reviewers can customize to meet their work flow. Panels
can be moved, hidden, shown, and docked. Reviewers can then save their customized layout for
repeated use.

Viewing Documents
Reviewers can view documents using the following panels in Case Review:
Natural: You can view the document without requiring the native application to be installed on
your computer. You can make redactions, annotations, and notes in this view. In Natural view,
you can redact annotate by selecting text without first creating an image.
Image: You can view, redact, and annotate image documents.
Text: You can view the document's content as text.

Mass Actions
Using the mass operations feature in the Item List panel, you can perform actions (labeling, coding,
imaging) on many documents all at once. This can be used on any set of records from search results or
an filtered data set. This feature also allows you include, in the action, documents related to the records
that you have checked (i.e. family documents, similar documents, and linked documents).

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You can view transcripts using the Transcript panel. This panel allows you to annotate, highlight, and
add notes to transcripts. You can print and create reports for transcripts.

The Conversation panel in Case Review displays email conversation threads and emails from a cluster.
The Conversation panel shows any compilation of related messages that makes up a conversation and
email messages from a cluster that contain similar text. This feature will save you time when sifting
through email records.

Linking Documents
Reviewers can use the Natural and Transcript panels to link highlighted text to other documents in the
case. The Linked panel can be used to see the links for the selected document.

Searching Documents
Reviewers can search through documents using the Case Review search features to find relevant
evidence. The search results are presented with a relevancy ranking. The following search features are
Quick Search: You can search through the documents in the Item List panel using keyword or
boolean search terms.
Advanced Search: Advanced search is an improved query builder that allows you to search
from a specified search scope of documents using keywords, regular expressions, fuzzy,
stemming, phonic, related, or synonym searches. You can also search by the data in the fields
of the documents. Term Expansion is a concept search that is also included in the advanced
Recent Searches: The 10 most recent searches are saved in the Recent Searches for you to
run again, if desired.
Save Searches: You can save your advanced searches in My Searches to be run again.
Share Searches: You can share your searches with other user groups.

Filtering Documents
Reviewers can use Case Review to filter out documents and find relevant evidence. The following filter
features are available:
Facet Filters: Use the pre-defined filter facets to exclude documents from the Item List panel
and cull down the evidence. Some of the pre-defined filter facets include: filtering based on
custodians associated with the case, filtering based on the email senders domain, filtering
based on email date, filtering by file size, etc...
Column Filters: Filter out documents in the Item List panel by selecting the data you want to
view from each column. This “spreadsheet-like” feature displays the number of items in each
column so you know how many documents have data in that column before you set the filter.

Applying Tags
Reviewers can organize evidence by applying tags to documents. The following tags are available:

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Apply labels to documents using the Labeling panel and the mass actions in the Item
Issues: Categorize documents into issues by coding the issue to the document using the
Coding panel and the mass actions in the Item List.
Categories: Code documents for custom categories using the Coding panel and the mass
actions in the Item List.

Imaging Documents
Reviewers can use the mass actions in the Item List panel to convert multiple documents to images.

Known Issues
The following are known issues:

created Issues and Categories in Case Review do not appear in the Bulk Coding window unless
the program is refreshed. (62667)


must left click and then right-click to remove a new highlight in a transcript without first refreshing
the document. (61895)


created Issues and Categories will not appear in the Coding layout until the application is
refreshed. (63973)


is not available as a viewable column in the Item List panel. (64256)


the Alternate View window, Natural panel never completes loading records when there are no
Tagging Layouts for the case. (64760)


with the Manage Admin Roles, Manage Users, or Manage User Groups permission have the
ability to upgrade themselves or other users to system administrators. (65045)


View does not label preamble pages correctly. (60554)


you have documents coded with a child level issue, and you attempt to delete the parent level issue,
you will receive an error. (64550)


the case of a letter from upper case to lower case or vice versa for a Tag, Label, Category or
Transcript View name will not be saved. However, if you need to change the case of any of the characters
in these item names, change the character to another letter, save your changes, and then go back and
update the character to the correct letter and case. (64714)


a Tagging Layout with fields still in it results in an error. (64793)


following fields can be added to the coding layout, but will cause an error to occur during editing:
 Deponent
 DepositionDate
 EventTime
 ModelNumber
 SerialNumber
 FSLocator


and PhysicalSize columns with negative values mean "unknown" or "unavailable." (64999)


a bad path when exporting a Production Set will result in the inability to export any Production
Sets until the system is restarted. (65353)

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cannot overwrite a copied case with another copy when using the Copy Case utility. (65283)


sets cannot have the same batch prefix. (65673)


documents from a Word 2003 file format will not be expanded after processing. (65615)


and AD1 files brought into Summation using Evidence Processing will not expand to display
documents within the file. (65594, 65133)


two users are labeling the same documents concurrently, only the last user's labels will be saved.
Workaround: Use review sets and only have one user assigned to each review set. (65066)


redacting native documents, the output from a Production Set is a PDF file. This PDF file is a
layered document with one of the layers being the redaction. If you have a PDF creation tool, you can
open the produced "native" and remove the redaction. Workaround: Create a rendered image instead of
the native. (63258)


are not highlighted in Natural view when a highlight profile is selected. (61104)

AccessData values feedback from customers. Please contact us at, or send
documentation issues to

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