UP 3912_1050_Central_Processor_Reference_Manual 3912 1050 Central Processor Reference Manual
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"" , '" 't' .. "d &'rl't.i" 1 [ . "' 'w+' ""'HW"' ... .1 { ... q o CENTRAL PROCESSOR o U P-3912 Rev. 1 () This manual is published by the UNIVAC. Division in loose leaf format as a rapid and complete means of keeping recipients apprised of UNIVAC Systems developments. The UNIVAC Division will issue updating packages, utilizing primarily a page-for-page or unit replacement technique. Such issuance will provide notification of hardware and/or software changes and refinements. The UNIVAC Division reserves the right to make such additions, corrections, and/or deletions as, in the judgment of the UNIVAC Division, are required by the development of its respective Systems . • REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF THE SPERRY RAND CORPORATION ~~~~~-~.~~~~~~-~-----~-------~~~- UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 Contents SECTION. 1 PAGE. CONTENTS C CONTENTS 1 to 3 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 to 1-13 1.1. SCOPE 1-1 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Control Function Arithmetic Function Storage Function 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1.3. 1.3.1. INFORMATION REPRESENTATION Type of Notation 1-1 1-1 1.4. 1.4.1. 1.4.2. DATA AND INSTRUCTION FORMATS General Description General Instruction Form at 1-9 1-9 1-9 1.5. STORAGE General Tetrads Fixed Interrupt Locations Addressing 1-10 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1.5.1. 1.5.2. 1.5.3. 1.5.4. 2. CODING IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE C 2-1 to 2-11 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.1.5. 2.1.6. CODING FORM Program I D Sequence Label Operation Operands Comments 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2.2. SYMBOLS AND CONVENTIONS 2-6 2.3. DATA GENERATION 2-9 2.4. PAL JR ASSEMBLY SYSTEM 2-11 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 3. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE 2 Contents SECTION: 3-1 to 3-73 PAGE: /~ "-=' 3.1. 3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. 3.1.5. TETRAD INSTRUCTIONS Bring to Tetrad Sto re Tetr ad Add to Tetrad Compare Tetrad Fix Tetrad 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.2.4. 3.2.5. 3.2.6. 3.2.7. DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS Bring Decimal Bring Alphanumeric Store Arithmetic Register Store Both Arithmetic Registers Store Character Transfer Block from Store Transfer Block to Store 3-12 3-14 3-16 3-17 3-17 3-18 3-20 3-22 3.3. 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. 3.3.5. 3.3.6. 3.3.7. 3.3.8. 3.3.9. 3.3.10. ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS Add Decimal Subtract Decimal Add to Memory Subtract from Memory Multiply Noncumulative Multiply Cumulative Divide Add Binary Subtract Binary Add Ch aracter 3-24 3-26 3-28 3-29 3-31 3-32 3-34 3-36 3-38 3-39 3-40 3.4. 3.4.1. 3.4.2. 3.4.3. 3.4.4. COMPARISON INSTRUCTIONS Compare Decimal Compare Binary Compare Character Logi cal Compare 3-42 3-44 3-46 3-47 3-48 3.5. 3.5.1. 3.5.2. 3.5.3. 3.5.4. 3.5.5. 3.5.6. 3.5.7. 3.5.8. 3.5.9. 3.5.10. SEQUENCE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS Jump Jump if Greater Jump if Equal Jump if Unequal Jump if Smaller Halt then Jump Jump Display Jump Conditional Jump Return Jump Loop 3-50 3-51 3-51 3-51 3-51 3-51 3-53 3-53 3-54 3-56 3-59 3.6. 3.6.1. 3.6.2. 3.6.3. 3.6.4. 3.6.5. 3.6.6. 3.6.7. 3.6.8. 3.6.9. EDITING INSTRUCTIONS Transl ate Edit Zero Suppress Pad Blanks Pad Zeros Logical Sum Logical Product Bit Shift Bit Circulate 3-60 3-61 3-63 3-66 3-68 3-68 3-69 3-70 3-71 3-72 /~ ,,~ l~ '1' , \..J I [~ UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 c CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION: 4.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 4-1 4.2. PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS Classes of Interrupt Programmed Interrupt Inhibit Instructions Associated with Interrupt Control Fixed Interrupt Locations 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-3 4-3 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.2.4. PAGE: 4-1 to 4-5 4. AUTOMATIC PROGRAM INTERRUPT 4.2.1. 3 Contents 5-1 to 5-12 5. CENTRAL PROCESSOR CONSOLE OPERATION 5.1. 5.1.1. 5.1.2. 5.1.3. NORMAL OPERATION Start Up and Shut Down Program Start and Program Stop Operating Mode 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5.2. PANEL CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 5-2 5.3. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.3.3. PROGRAM DEBUGGING AND TESTING Use of Display Lights and Switches Error Indicators Sense Switches and Operator Request 5-7 5-7 5-10 5-11 Octal - Decimal Conversion Table 1 to 4 APPENDIX A. c TABLES AND FIGURES TABLES 1-1 1-2 3-1 3-2 3-3a 3-3b 3-4 4-1 5-1 UNIVAC 1050 Character Set Tetrad Location Chart Suggested Standard Equal ity Statements Instruction Repertoi re Mnemonic Operations, Ordered by Operation Code Mnemonic Operations, Ordered Alphabetically Instruction Execution Times Indicator List Control Console Switch and Indicator Descriptions 1-6 1-11 3-2 3-3 3-5 3-5 3-73 4-4 5-2 Layout of The First Six Rows of Store PAL Assembler Coding Form PAL SO-Column Source Card PAL 90-Column Source Card Layout of Fi rst Si x Rows of Store Central Processor Console 1-10 2-2 2-3 2-3 3-4 5-12 FIGURES C 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 5-1 .~~~~~~~~~ .......... - ..... .. ~~"-"~ I' , i \,.J' 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION. 1 PAGE. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. SCOPE The primary purpose of this manual is to provide the basic knowledge necessary for programming the UNIVAC 1050 Central Processor, and serve as a reference for the programmer. Background information is provided on the internal operation of the Central Processor and the different types of information representation, as well as information on data and instruction formats, specialized areas of storage (registers, I/O control tetrads, etc.), coding, the instruction repertoire, and automatic program interrupt. A second purpose of this manual is to describe the Central Processor Console and its operation, and serve as a reference for the operator. A detailed description of all the console controls and indicators is provided along with a description of their use to communicate with the program and control various normal and abnormal conditions. 1.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Central Processor is the control center of the UNIVAC 1050 System. It contains the circuitry for logic and arithmetic operations, the core storage and the power supply. The Central Processor performs three main functions: • Control • Storage • Arithmetic Computation 1.2.1. Control Function The control circuitry of the Central Processor accesses and executes instructions from storage. It also maintains control over the operation of all peripheral devices. External control is facilitated by the lights and buttons on the Central Processor Console. 1.2.2. Arithmetic Function The arithmetic function instructions employ the arithmetic registers to perform binary and decimal addition and subtraction, as well as decimal multiplication and division. Overflow is indicated and decimal sign control is provided. 1.2.3. Storage Function The storage function of the UNIVAC 1050 Central Processor is provided by one to eight modules of core storage, each containing 4096 characters. 1.3. INFORMATION REPRESENTATION* 1.3.1. Type of Notation c Digital computers employ a system of notation called the binary system. Unlike the decimal system which uses ten symbols (0 through 9) and is based on a radix (root) of 10, the binary system employs only two symbols (0 and 1) and is based on a radix of 2. * The reader familiar with numbering systems may wish to skip to Section 1.4. DATA AND INSTRUCTION FORMATS. UP-3912 Rev. 1 1 UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION. 2 PAGE: The two symbols of the binary system represent the two possible states of an information conveying electronic device. The 1 symbol indicates a registered pulse while the 0 symbol indicates a no pulse registration. Information is represented in the computer by pulse-no-pulse combinations with a specific pattern for each alphabetic, numeric, and special character. Decimal and Binary Numbering systems are based on positional notation. That is, each digit in a quantity is weighted with a specific value. The value of a digit is determined by its position within the quantity and the radix of the numbering system. For example, using decimal notation, the number seven thousand four hundred sixty nine would be represented as 7469 which is equi valen t to Note that each digit, from right to left, is considered to be multiplied by a successively higher power of 10. The binary system is also based on a system of positional notation, but, as was stated previously, it uses a radix of 2 and employs only two symbols to represent quantities. For example, the number nine expressed in pure binary would be 1001 which is equivalent to Note that each binary digit (bit), from right to left, is multiplied by successively higher powers of 2. Fixed Length Notation Instead of specifying information with a variable series of binary digits (the length of the series dependent upon the quantity to be specified) representing successively higher powers of 2, a system of notation is used that specifies information by smaller, fixed length groupings of binary digits. Each grouping, fixed in format as well as length, is used to represent a digit, an alphabetic character, or a special symbol. Assuming a system of notation that employs a fixed length format, a single digit would be represented by a single group of bits, a two digit polynomial by two bit groupings, a three digit polynomial by three bit-groupings, and so forth. For example, in pure binary the number 27 would be 11011 which is equivalent to /'" '~' UP-3912 Rev. 1 c 1 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION: 3 PAGE: However, by employing a fixed format of 4 bit notation, known as binary coded decimal, the number 27 would be represented as 0010 0111 2 7 and similarly, the num ber 369 as 0011 0110 1001 3 6 9 Note that within each 4 bit grouping, the bit positions are weighted with a value of 8, 4, 2, and 1 or 2 3 , 22, 21, and 2°. The decimal digits 0 through 9 then are represented in the following manner: DECIMAL BINARY 4 BIT NOTATION 0 0000 0001 c 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 With 4 bit positional notation, only 16 unique permutations can be created. This is obviously insufficient to specify all numeric, alphabetic, and special characters generally employed in a computing system. By adding two more bit positions and using them as a qualifying factor to a 4 bit combination, a total of 64 unique permutations can be represented. The four bit positions on the right are called the numeric portion. Two additional positions on the left, which represent no actual numeric quantity, are called the zone portion. Qualification of a numeric quantity is unnecessary, therefore, the zone portion is always 00. When representing alphabetic characters or special symbols, however, a 1 bit is entered in either or both zone positions. The letters A through I, therefore, may be represented with the numeric portion specifying a value from 1 to 9 (0001 to 1001) and the zone portion containing a 01 qualifier; the letters J through R with the same numeric specifications but with a zone qualification of 10; and finally, the letters S through Z with a numeric specification of from 2 to 9 and a zone qualification of 11. So, for example, the letters A, J, and S would be represented as ZONE NUMERIC CHARACTER 01 0001 A 10 0001 J 11 0010 5 UP-3912 Rev. 1 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION. 4 PAGE. --------~----------------------------------~--------~~~----~~------I This is not the same as UNIVAC 1050 code however. The zone and numeric specifications for special symbols such as the comma, apostrophe, asterisk, and so forth are dependent upon computer design. That is, computers are wired to accept a unique bit combination for a particular special symbol. Since there is no natural sequence relationship between special symbols, as with numerics or alphabetics, the bit configuration for special symbols must be arbitrary. The sequence for UNIVAC 1050 special symbols is shown in Table 1-1. Excess Three (XS 3) Excess three (XS 3) is a method of notation that is used by the UNIVAC 1050 System. It establishes some measure of compatibility with the data formats of the other UNIVAC Computing Systems. The zone position is specified in the standard manner previously described for fixed length binary coded decimal notation. The difference exists in the numeric portion where each binary specification is a value that is three greater than its decimal equivalent. For example, the number 8 is represented in XS 3 as ZONE NUMERIC 00 101 1 Note that the numeric portion, weighted with positional values of 8, 4, 2, and 1 from left to right, is actually equal to 11. Similarly, the number 6 is represented as ZONE NUMERIC 00 1001 Here the numeric portion is specified as 9 or three greater than the decimal digit it represents. There are several reasons for utilizing this method of notation in certain UNIVAC Systems; some of these reasons are • It allows three quantities to test less than. O. • It facilitates complementation. • It permits the carry to occur as in decimal notation. An involved discussion of these and other reasons for the utilization of XS 3 notation is beyond the scope of this manual. It is sufficient that the programmer is aware of the basic format and that this provides in the UNIVAC 1050 Computer a factor of data compatibility with other UNIVAC Systems. Table 1-1 gives a listing of the XS 3 code configurations for all the alphabetic, numeric, and special characters utilized in the UNIVAC 1050 System. {-", \.~J' o 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION. 5 PAC;E: Parity A parity check is used by the computer to ensure that accurate transmission of data occurs. The parity position is an extra bit position added to ensure that there will always be an odd number of 1 bits in any character representation. In this way, if a bit is either dropped or added in transmission, the odd parity check will indicate an improper registration. For example, the alphabetic S contains an even number of 1 bits: ZONE NUMERIC 11 0101 To pass the odd parity check, a 1 bit is added to the parity position, thereby creating an odd number of 1 bits in the representation: PARITY ZONE NUME RIC 11 0101 If the number of 1 bits in the configuration is already odd, the parity position will be O. Octal Numbers and Complements o Octal notation is used in source language and program testi~g diagnostic printouts. The octal or base 8, number system expresses values as multiples of powers of 8. Octal notation is a fixed length system of binary notation. The binary number is interpreted octaUy by grouping the bits into bytes of three, starting from the right, and interpreting each byte into its octal equivalent. W.ithin each byte the bit positions are weighted with the value of 4,2, and 1, or 22, 2', and 2°. If, after grouping the bits in the fashion described, the most significant byte contains less than three bits, as many binary zeros are implied to the left as are required to bring the number of bits in that group to three. For example, the binllry number 10011101101 is interpreted octally as follows: (0) 10 011 101 101 2 3 5 5 An octal number such as the one derived from the binary number described is noted with the subscript 8 following it, e.g., 2355 8 , to distinguish it from the decimal number 2355 ,0 , In the PAL assembly language employed in programming the UNIVAC 1050 System, however, an octal number is noted by preceding it with a zero; thus, 02355 means 2355 8 , while 2355 means 2355 ,0 , ..... UP-3912 Rev. 1 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR CARD CODES 80 BINARY CODE (Machine Collatin! Sequence) SECTION: HIGH-SPEED PRINTER CHARACTER COLUMN 90 COLUMN NO PUNCH NO PUNCH 11-5-8 1-3-5-7 000000 000001 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0-3-5-7 0 1 1-9 3 3-9 5 5-9 000010 000011 000100 000101 000110 000111 001000 001001 7 8 9 0-6-8 11-6-8 12-5-812 5-8 12-3-8 12-0 7 7-9 9 0-1-3-7-9 1-3-5-7-9 0-5-7-9 0-1-3-5-7 1-3-7-9 1-3-5-9 0-1-3 001010 001011 001100 001101 001110 001111 010000 010001 010010 010011 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 3-8 1-5-9 1-5 0-7 0-3-5 0-3 1-7-9 5-7 3-7 3-5 0-1-5-7 010100 010101 010110 010111 011000 011001 011010 011011 011100 011101 12-6-8 12-7-8 7-8 11-4-8 11-3-8 11-0 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 0-1-5-9 0-1-3-5-7-9 0-1-5-7-9 0-1 0-1-3-5-9 0-3-7-9 1-3-5 3-5-9 0-9 0-5 011110 011111 100000 100001 100010 100011 100100 100101 100110 100111 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 0-5-8 4-8 11-7-8 0-2-8 0-4-8 0-5-9 1-3 1-3-7 3-5-7 1-7 0-1-9 0-1-3-7 0-1-7 0-1-7-9 0-1-5 101000 101001 101010 101011 101100 101101 101110 101111 110000 110001 0-3-8 2-8 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-3-5-9 1-5-7-9 3-5-7-9 1-5-7 3-7-9 0-5-7 0-3-9 0-3-7 0-7-9 1-3-9 110010 110011 110100 110101 110110 110111 111000 111001 111010 111011 ,(comma) & 0-9 12-4-8 6-8 0-7-8 5-7-9 0-1-3-9 0-3-5-7-9 0-1-3-5 111100 111101 111110 111111 Z STANDARD Space (Non-Printing) ] - (minus or hyphen) 0 OPTIONAL OCTAL NUMBER 00 01 0 1 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 40 41 42 43 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ):l 74 75 76 ) 77 60 61 62 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "; [ + & : (colon) _(period) ? A B C D E F G H I - # # =- < @ • (apostrophe) * $ ! J K L M N 0 P Q R % ' (apostrophe) ( @ f:, *" ( J % + S T U V W X y ) > ):l *NOTE: Only the characters that differ from the standard are listed for the optional print drum. Table 1.1. UNIVAC 1050 Character Set. 44 45 46 47 48 49 6 PAGE: UP-3912 Rev. 1 c.· . , . 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION. The binary number 10011101101 is the sum of j 1 x 2'0 1024 ox 29 0 0 x 28 0 x 27 128 x 26 x 25 64 32 0 x 24 0 23 8 x 22 4 0 x 2' 0 x x 20 1261 Therefore, 2355 8 = 1261, o. o Appendix A provides a two-way octal to decimal and decimal to octal conversion table. For the convenience of the programmer who wishes to do his own conversions, the following paragraphs present an octal to decimal and a decimal to octal conversion procedure. To convert an octal representation to its decimal equivalent, multiply the most significant digit by 8, and add the next most significant digit to the product. Multiply this sum by 8 and add the third most significant digit to the product. Repeat the multiplication and addition process until the least significant digit has been added, whereupon this final sum will be the decimal equivalent of the octal number. The following example illustrates how this method converts 2355 8 into its decimal equivalent: 2x8=16 + 3 19x8=152 + 5 157x8=1256 + 5 1261 To convert a decimal number into its octal equivalent, divide 8 into the number and record the remainder (0 through 7) as the last significant digit of the octal equivalent. Divide 8 into the quotient, and record the remainder as the next least significant digit. Repeat the division of the quotient recording the remainder until a quotient less than eight is realized, whereupon the final quotient is the most significant digit of the octal equivalent and the final remainder is the next most significant digit of the octal equivalent. 7 UP-3912 Rev. 1 1 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION: 8 PAGE: The following example illustrates how this method converts 1261'0 into its octal equivalent: REMAINDER .. 2 0 B~ .. 3 B~ .. 5 Brt3f. .. 5 B) 1261 I No signs are involved in binary operations in the UNIVAC 1050 System; however, negative binary values - or, effectively, their equivalent - can be developed and represented within the computer. These negative binary values are represented as the two's complement of the binary representation of the absolute value of the numbers. The two's complement is formed by adding 1 to the one's complement of the value, ignoring any carry beyond the most significant bit position; and the one's complement, in turn, is formed by converting every 1 bit in the binary representation to 0, and converting every 0 bit to 1. For example, the binary representation of +1261'0 is 010011101101 the one's complement of this binary number is 101100010010 and the two's complement of the number is 101100010010 + 1 101100010011 = 5423 8 Whenever the binary integer 101100010011 is employed as an operand in a binary add or subtract operation, the effective value of this operand is -1261,0' ,,<' ""'\ \~~) c 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 9 SECTION, PAGE. 1.4. DATA AND INSTRUCTION FORMATS 1.4.1. General Description Instructions are contained in storage. They are always five characters in length whereas data fie~ds may be any number of characters in length. Instructions are executed in sequence except where a programmed instruction initiates a break in the sequence. The arithmetic unit of the Central Processor performs the calculations and data manipulation called for by the instructions. It contains an adder for decimal and binary arithmetic operations, and additional circuitry which provides a wide range of data handling abilities. The control unit of the Central Processor selects, interprets, and initiates the execution of instructions in the stored programs which govern the operation of the system. 1.4.2. General Instruction Format 1st CHARACTER I 2nd CHARACTER I I OBITS OPERATION CODE vi It:l DEX w REGISTER It: I 23 22 21 26 2S I 30 BIT POSITIONS c:' l 3rd CHARACTER i I I 5th CHARACTER 4th CHARACTER I I DETAIL STORAGE ADDRESS I I I I i I 7 6 1 NAME 30 - 26 OP ERATION CODE The operation code specifies the function which the Central Processor is to execute. 25 - 23 INDEX REGISTER The index register modifies the oddress specified in the instruction. 22 RESERVED This bit is reserved. 21 - 7 STORAGE ADDRESS This is the (M) portion of the instruction. It specifies the store address of the operand. If an operand is greater than one character in length, (M) refers to the least significant character of the operand (rightmost). There are two exceptions: Zero Suppress and Block Transfer instructions in which (M) specifies the most significant character of the operand. 6 DETAIL FIELD Depending on the instruction, the detail field may specify operand length, tetrad number, a comparison indicator, an arithmetic register, or number of bits. - 1 --~---- ---~-------- 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS llP-3912 Rev. 1 .--.------~--- CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: 10 PAGE: 1.5. STORAGE 1.5.1. General The basic unit of storage in the UNIVAC 1050 store is the character which consists of six information bits and one parity bit. The parity bit is of no concern to the programmer. It is used only by the circuitry and is not accessible to him. The UNIVAC 1050 Central Processor may have from 1 to 8 sections of storage, each section comprisi ng 4096 character positions or locations. Each position has its own address and each position is directly addressable. Each section of main store is divided into rows. There are 64 rows in each section. A row consists of 64 consecutive characters. The address of the most significant character (leftmost) is either zero or some integral multiple of 64. Program instructions and data are contained in storage. Each instruction occupies five consecutive locations. Data fields are variable in length. The sign, if any, of a data field is in the most significant bit of the least significant character. The first six rows of storage, portions of which perform unique functions, are illustrated in Figure 1-1. ROW o CHAR. , ROW CHAR. ROW 2 CHAR. ROW J CHAR. , ROW ZERDCDUNT 'e 'b TRA.NSLATION TABLE ADDRESS 'f L~EADVANCECOUNT COLUMN COUNT FOR COLUMN READER *c BLDCKTRA.NSFERCOUNT ~d' CfoIARACTER COUNTI 'g 'h HOlF COU'H ,post-punch read ao~ punchl' HOLE COUNT 'wait and p,e·punchl , " _Reserved 'r 'Kl ,USED ONLY BY CONTROL UNITS Figure 1-1. Layout of First Six Rows of Store. ROI'I COUNT Ipul1r.l> 'I RDIVCQUNTIpr""readl' 'k "ROW COUNT FOR ROW READER '1(2 PARITYODQLDCATIQrI PARITY EVEN LOCATION c 11 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: PAGE: 1.5.2. Tetrads The first four rows of storage in the UNIVAC 1050 System are subdivided into 64 fields of four characters each and are called tetrads. Tetrads are addressable either by tetrad number or the actual storage location. The method of addressing tetrads is dependent upon the instruction being used. Certain tetrads are designed for specific functions. A description of what these tetrads do is given in the following table. TETRADS o PURPOSE LOCATIONS 0-3 0-15 *Arithmetic Register 1 (ARl) 4-7 16-31 *Arithmetic Register 2 (AR2) 8 32,33 Character bit sum storage. 9-15 36-63 16 64-67 Destination address for Block Transfer 17 68-71 Origin address for Block Transfer 18 72 Address of table for trans lation 18 73 Count of zeros suppressed after Zero Suppress. 18 74,75 Controls number of characters in Block Transfer 19 77-79 Control Counter Storage 20-21 80-87 Multiplier - Quotient 22-31 88-127 Unassigned 32-35 128-143 Printer I/O, Channel 0 36-39 144-159 Reader I/O, Channell 40-43 160-175 Punch I/O, Channel 2 44-47 176-191 Communications I/O, Channel.3 48-51 192-207 Tape Read, Channe I 4 52-55 208-223 Tape Write, Channel 5 56-59 224-239 FASTRAND I/O, Channel 6 60-63 240-255 Channel 7, available for expansion *Index Registers 1-7 * The arithmetic registers and index reQisters can be addressed in three different ways: as arithmetic or index re,isters, 8S tetrads, and as store locations. Table 1-2. Tetrad Location Chart Arithmetic Registers Tetrads 0 through 7 function as arithmetic registers. Arithmetic Register 1 (AR 1) comprises tetrads 0 through 3 (store locations 16 through 31). The arithmetic registers are addressed either by AR 1 or AR 2, tetrad number, or actual storage location. UP-3912 Rev. 1 1 UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: 12 PAGEl ( Index Registers Tetrads 9 through 15 function as index registers 1 through 7. Since only tRe 15 least significant bits (contained in the three least significant characters) of each index register are used in an indexed operation, the most significant character of each index register tetrad is available to be used for other purposes. There are no signs in the index registers. The value in the index register is treated as an absolute binary value in an indexed operation. Negative indexing may be accomplished by placing the two's complement of the decrement number in the index register. The index registers may be addressed by index register number, tetrad number, or actual storage location number. Input/Output Control Tetrads A fixed storage area consisting of four consecutive tetrads is associated with each input/output channel. Information placed in this area controls the operation of the peripheral device. The input/output control tetrads, that are located in storage rows two and three, are shown in Figure 1-1. 1.5.3. Fixed Interrupt Locations Store locations 256 through 335 are fixed locations associated with the interrupt circuitry of the system. These eighty locations are divided into ten groups of eight consecutive characters each, which are known as interrupt entries. These interrupt entries are assigned as follows: OCTAL DECIMAL INTERRUPT ENTRY ASSIGNMENTS 0400 - 0407 256 - 263 Channel 0: Printer 0410 - 0417 264 - 271 Channel 1 : Reader 0420 - 0427 272 - 279 Channel 2 : Card Punch Unit 0430 - 0437 280 - 287 Channel 3 : Communications 0440 - 0447 288 - 295 Channel 4: Magnetic Tape Read 0450 - 0457 296 - 303 Channel 5: Magnetic Tape Write 0460 - 0467 304 - 311 Channel 6 : Mass Storage 0470 - 0477 312- 319 Channel 7 : Unassigned 0500 - 0507 320 - 327 Class I Interrupt Entry 0510 - 0517 328 - 335 Class II Interrupt Entry The format of these interrupt entries, and their functions, are discussed fully in the section on Automatic Program Interrupt (Section 4). UP-3912 Rev. 1 C CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 13 1 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS SECTION: ""caE: 1.5.4. Addressing Instructions and data in storage are accessed by other instructions through the 15 bit memory address designated the M portion of the instruction. Whenever an instruction references a multicharacter field, the M portion usually designates the address of the rightmost or least significant character. (The exceptions will be explained in the description of the instructions involved.) C·.·"' .". 1 2 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: PAGE: o 2. CODING IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE 2.1. CODING FORM Most programs for a UNIVAC 1050 System with 8192 character storage or larger are written in the language of the PAL Assembly System. Programs for a system with 4096 character storage are written in PAL Jr. See Section 2.4. The PAL assembler is a UNIVAC 1050 program which accepts mnemonic and symbolic input, a form meaningful to the programmer, and generates instructions in absolute binary form, the only form meaningful to the computer. Any action based on attempts to employ instruction forms not described in this reference manual deviates from UNIVAC recommendations and must be the user's responsibility. Figure 2-1 shows the symbolic coding form for the UNIVAC 1050 Pal Assembly System. In the description of this form, which follows, certain terms are used with specific definitions: c) • • • Alphabetic character means a character of the English alphabet set (A through Z). Numeric character means a character of the Arabic numeral set (0 through 9). Alphanumeric character means an alphabetic character, a numeric character, or a special symbol. The symbolic coding format is composed of fixed format fields for program identification, page, line, insert, label, operation, and variable format fields for operands and comments. It will be noted that numbers are associated with each subdivision of the coding form. These indi- cate the card columns into which the characters written by the programmer are to be punched. These column numbers hold true for both 80 and 90 column cards. The 80 column source card is shown in Figure 2-2; the 90 column source card, in Figure 2-3 In 90 column systems, columns 81 through 90 are also available to the Program-ID field, but their contents will not be printed on the output listing; their use, therefore, is not recommended. 2.1.1. Program-ID The program name is written in this field. It is composed of from one to six alphanumeric characters, and is written starting at column 75. An example of an entry in this field is PROGRAM-ID 75 80 IP ,A , Y 0 1 I I I I ::tiC::: Cb "0 < ' .w \0 ........ tv "'%"""'-"'1-' PAGE UNIVAC U PROGRAM·ID 75 I PAL ASSEMBLER CODING FORM PROGRAM ________________________________________________________________ 80 I I I PROGRAMMER _________________ DATE PAGE ___ OF_ _ PAGES For BEGIN onl SEQUENCE { AGE3 kiN! ;; , , ~ LABEL 7 11 I I I I I 18 19 I I I I ,I COMMENTS OPERANDS OPERATION 13 I 30 I I I I I I t I I I 45 146 40 I I ,I I I ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I ; , : ; , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,"~I , I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c n m~ 9G .' . , " ! < 'i' 2~ ....... ,,' '~"'\!¢" D@ .,'; I;'. )10 >, ~~ -a~ .i D~ am n m en en a D I , I I I I I I I I I I 1ft I I I I n I I I I I I I I I I , I , I /', I J , I .. 80 75 I I I PROGRAM.ID 70 60 .' : I ~ 50 : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III ::! o z tv ,I I I I I I I I I I 1,1 I I 1 I I I (80·90 COLUMN FORM) UD1·802 13/1256 125M 7/65 Figure 2-1. PAL A. -embler Coding Form 'U ~ 51 III -'" tv UP-3912 Rev. 1 o 3 2 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR I PAGE LINE I LABEL OPER. PECT'ON. OPERANDS : R T PAGE. PROGRA IDENT. COMMENTS 000 00 000000 0000000 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 0 000000 , 2 3 4 I , '3 14 15 111111 11202'22 22 24 25 2121212130 3111 33 34 35.31 • • 4114142 43 44.:. 41 • • 115152 53 54l1li11151111111011121314 II II 611111111 II n 1114 7111 n Ill. .' I ,. "'" 1 1 1 11 111111 1111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 111111 I 222 22 222222 2222222 222222222222222222222222222:222222222222222222222222 2 2 2 22 222222 I 333 33 333333 3333333 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 333 3 3 313 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 333333 444 44 444444 4444444 44444444444444444444 44 4 44 4 4:4 44 4 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 44 4 4444 4 4 4 444 4 44 444444 I 555 55 555555 5555555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 555 5 5 5:5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 555555 I 86& && &&&&86 1868686 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 & 6 && &&& &&&&&&& 6 & &6:6 & 6 &&& & &&6 6 &1 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 866666 I 711 71 717171 1777777 11111111111111 7 11 7 1 7 7 111 7 7 111111 7 7 111 7 7 11111111 7 111111 7 71 177771 I 888 88 888888 8888888 888888888888888888888888888:888888888888888888888888 8 8 8 88 888888 I 999 99 999999 9999999 999999999999999999999999999:999999999999999999999999 999 99 999999 t 2 S 4 5 ,'8,1111 12111411111111 1120~222224252121D2520~II333425.31 • • 4II~424344.~61 • • 30~525354I111I1151I1I1.I15ZI3I4.I161UIl1llIln 1114 1518 n 1111. I Figure 2-2. PAL 80-Column Source Cord. , PAGE LINE IER LABEL , ii-1z-12- Ii-Ii i2 1i-G-1z-i"2--ii (.~ -- "1\ OPERATION OPERANDS ii- 1z-G-I2"-i"z--'z Iz-lzlz-1;-'z-li-'z-lz-i"2Iz-i"i-'z-li-G-I2"-';-'z-'i-'z-li-'z-lz-'212"-';-'z-lz 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 34 3<1 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. ~. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 34 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3+ 3. 3+ 3. 3. 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 / 1 , 3 • • • 7 8 • 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1. 17 18 " 20 21 " 23 ,. os ,. OPERANDS / COMMENTS '2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 '2 12 '2 12 12 12 12 30 31 3. 32 35 34 34 3+ 3. 3+ 3. 3. 34 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 34 3. 34 3. 3. 3. 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 9 •• 9 .7 .. .. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 '0 51 52 53 54 ,.9 9 56 9 .7 9 58 9 •• 9 60 .,9 9 9 9 62 53 54 9 •• .. '7 .. .. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 70 71 72 .. ., •• " PROGRAM IDENTIFICA nON ----12-';-'Z-'2-'212 ------------------------- 21" 28 -------------------------------------------------------------------- '2 ,. 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 9 73 74 75 9 7. 9 9 9 9 77 78 7. 80 3. 37 38 3. 40 41 81 8' 83 8. 8' 8. 43 87 88 8' '0 Figure 2-3 •• PAL 90-Column Source Cord. 2.1.2. Sequence This field is a six character numeric field composed of a three digit page field, a two digit line field, and a one digit insert field. There may be a page field entry and a line field entry on each card. While processing input lines, the assem bIer performs a sequence check on this field to make sure that page and line entries are in ascending sequence. An out of sequence line is flagged on the output listing as an "s" error. UP-3912 Rev. 1 2 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION. 4 PAGE. The insert field is provided to permit the insertion of additional coding lines when correcting a source program. The insert field entry consists of one numeric digit. This field is used when a line of coding is to be inserted on a particular page following a particular line. To insert a line of coding between lines 23 and 24 of page 10, the coding used could be SEQUENCE \ 4 56 7 ,PAGE3 LlN,l= ':IS 0,1 o2 3 7 i I I There is one restriction on the digit used for INS. If more than one instruction is to follow a particular page and line, each insertion line must have a sequentially higher INS number than any preceding it. If inserts are made, the cards punched from the insert lines must be physically placed in their proper places in the source deck, prior to assembly. 2.1.3. Label A label is an alphanumeric symbol associated with the line on which it appears. It consists of five characters or less, the first character of which must be an alphabetic character other than the letter X. A label must begin in column 7,and is terminated either by column 12 or by the first blank appearing in the field. The entire field may be blank. (Column 12 can be used only by a six character label, if any, of the assembler directive BEGIN or by a comments line. Otherwise it is always left blank.) The label of an instruction line names the leftmost character of the instruction, while the label of a data field or a constant names the rightmost character of the field or constant. Some examples of labels are E ~T 7 ....... " LABEL 0 j 13 11 S T A R T ",; 1"1':, G 1 2 EN DR I - - N ~1,~ I ) :,'.: ,(-, \~j .... -.-.-.-.-.~-~- ..... 2 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR c SECTION, 5 PAGE, If column 7 contains a period, the entire line is a comment. It produces no coding, but the line is printed on the output listing. OPERANDS 30 2.1.4. Operation The operation field is a six character field beginning in column 13. This field may not be blank. The field usually contains a mnemonic operation code, which the assembler converts into a five bit operation code. The operation field may also contain an assembler directive or a data generating code. An entry in this field must begin in column 13 and is terminated by the first blank appearing in the field or by the end of the field. The following are examples of operation field entries: () , E ~ 6 7 ., LABEL 11 OPERATION 18 19 13 t J 6 1 1 I I I I I I I - I I I - .I~ 1 I CT + 45!~ 40 30 I <,; B A 1 ~~-~ :~ OPERANDS '- - - - 2.1.5. Operands The operands field usually contains symbolic or absolute descriptions of the Index Register, Storage Address, and Detail portions of an instruction. These descriptions are called expressions. Each expression except the last one on a line must be terminated by a comma immediately following the last character of the expression. The last expression on a line is terminated by a blank. The first blank following a character which is neither a blank nor a comma indicates that no more expressions follow. Column 72 also terminates the operands field. The assembler processes the operands field from left to right, a character at a time. Whenever a comma is encountered, the assembler recognizes the end of an expression and expects at least one other expression to follow; but whenever a blank appears following a non blank character which is not a comma, the assembler expects no more expressions to follow on the same line. Two successive commas within a string of expressions indicate a blank expression. An expression may have any number of preceding blanks. ~ 6 2 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION: PAGE: The maximum number of expressions that may be written on one line and the interpretation of each expression is determined by the contents of the operation field. Any line may have less than the maximum number of expressions. For example, a symbol written as the M expression on an instruction line might also define the length of the field addressed. In this case, the L portion of the instruction line may be omitted. Some possible forms for the OPERANDS field are OPERANDS 30 M is an expression designating the operand address. L is a decimal or octal number or defined label specifying the operand length in terms of characters. X is an expression naming an index register. I is an expression identifying an indicator. o Note that if the last expression which might appear on a line is omitted, the comma which would have preceded it is omitted. Also, if the M exprE:ssion is to be specified as zero, it may not be represented by a comma, but must be written as zero (0). 2.1.6. Comments Significant comments may be written anywhere on the line beyond the blank which terminates the last expression. It is recommended, however, that comments be indented at column 46, for the sake of obtaining an output listing which is easier to read. For example, E 'r7 LABEL OPERATION 11 ~13 I N I TL J C -- - I OPERANDS 18 19 30 I 0 I - - 2.2. SYMBOLS AND CONVENTIONS - COMMENTS----,) 45 146 40 I - -- I EX I T 50 IL I N,E< There are three general types of expressions: • Symbolic value is assigned by the assembler • Constant value is assigned by programmer • Combined value may be wholly or partially assigned by either the assembler or programmer I UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 c 2 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 7 SECTION, PAcaE, A symbolic expression is one whose first character is an alphabetic character and is not preceded by an apostrophe. An example of a symbolic expression is OPERATION OPERANDS 3 40 30 45 A constant expression is one whose first character is either an apostrophe or a number. A constant expression may be alphanumeric, decimal, or octal. An alphanumeric constant is represented by enclosing it in apostrophes. From the expression, the assembler generates the UNIVAC 1050 six bit code for every character appearing within the apostrophes. For example, the expression ~6 7 LABEL ~ 11 ,13 18 19 i!~i~ 30 • 1 7 • m:,t I-... :1 OPERANDS OPERATION - 40 I 45 146 I i I i - I produces the bit configurations 00 0100 and 00 1010, which are the UNIVAC 1050 six bit codes for the characters 1 and 7, respectively. A constant is decimal if its first character is a number other than zero. The assembler generates the binary equivalent of the decimal number. For example, the expression LABEL 7 OPERATION 11 3 1819 OPERANDS 30 produces the bit configuration 010001, which is the number seventeen expressed in binary. If the first character of a constant expression is zero, the number is taken to be an octal number and is converted from octal to binary. For example, the expression OPERATION 3 is converted into 001111. 1 OPERANDS 30 40 ----- ----~-- 8 2 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSOR SECTION: PAGE: A special constant expression is the dollar sign ($), which means the current value of the location counter. Its value is one greater than the address of the last location which the assembler has assigned. The following chart summarizes the interpretation given to each type expression. TYPE OF ABBREVIAEXPRESSION TION Symbol Location S FORM one to five alphanumeric characters beginn ing with an alphabetic character other than the letter X. VALUE value assigned to the symbol as a result of an EQU directive or of appearance in the LABEL field. current value of location counter, namely the address of the most sign ificant character of the I ine in EXAMPLE L TAP02 COST + 15 L $ Octal 0 zero followed by octal (0-7) digits. value interpreted as base 8 and converted to binary. 017 has the va lue 001111 Decimal to Binary 0 non zero digit followed by decimal (0-9) digits. value interpreted as base 10 and converted to binary. 17 has the va lue 010001 Alphanumeric A $ wh ich the item $ appears. any characters (excluding va lue of each character in apostrophes) enclosed in apostrophes ('). corresponding position right justified (6-bit representation). 'ABC' has the value, 010100010101 010110; '17' has the value 000100 001010 A combined expression is one that has two or three symbolic or constant expressions connected by a plus (+) ora minus (-) sign. An expression may have a leading plus or minus sign to denote a positive or a negative quantity. If an expression does not have a sign, it is assumed to be positive. Since all expressions are converted into binary, a negative expression is converted into the two's complement of the value. ('" l\.j UP-3912 UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS C 2 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 9 SECTION. PAGE. 2.3. DATA GENERATION The PAL assembly system provides means of generating data other than instructions from a coding line. A constant of up to 16 characters is generated by writing +n or -n in the operation field of a line. The n is a decimal number ranging from 1 through 16 specifying the number of characters in the constant. An alphanumeric constant can range in length from 1 to 16 characters. This constant must be written within apostrophes. A decimal constant can range in length from 1 to 7 characters. An octal constant which can occupy from 1 to 8 characters is written with 1 to 16 digits plus a preceding zero. The label of such a line names the least significant character generated from the entry in the operands field of that line. The operands field must contain a single expression, which may be alphanumeric, decimal, octal, or a label. If the value of the expression is an integer of less than n characters, the assembler generates as many binary zeros to the left of the integer as are needed to fill out the rest of the field. For example, from the line ~ ~7 OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL 11 13 II 30 18 19 40 45 146 I ) K 5 L-~ __ + 3 I 5 -- - I I I .- I - I I I ~ the assembler generates 000000 000000 000101. KS names the least significant character. If the operands field expression is alphanumeric and the sign in the operation field is negative, the sign bit of the constant is reversed. For example,' from the line ~6 7 OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL 11 ,13 30 18 19 -- +2 • 2 4 • 1..-,--_ I - the assembler generates 000101 000111, while from the line 11 13 - 2 C,'\ " -- -I I I 18 19 • 2 4 • the assembler generates 000101 100111. 30 45: I I I I I OPERANDS OPERATION !..J 40 40 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 10 2 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION. PAGE. When the operands field expression is decimal or octal, and the sign in the operation field is negative, the two's complement of the expression value is generated. For example, LABEL '[ r 7 OPERATION 11 18 19 13 +2 1,...-0 - - I ( OPERANDS o23 30 4 -- - I 40 I 45 146 1 J - -- - I II ...u produces 000010 011100, while ~ ~7 ..... LABEL OPERANDS OPERATION 11 18 19 13 - 2 - --- o2 3 -,--""""", 30 4 - I,J 40 I - , I 45146 I I I I produces 111101 100100. When the expression in the operands field is a label, unmodified, or with a constant modifier, and the operation field contains: ~. V +1 - the length (in number of characters) of the field named by that label is supplied. +3 - the 15 bit address which the assembler assigns to the label will be supplied, preceded by three binary zeros. +4 - or higher - the 15 bit address assigned to the label occupies the 15 least significant bit positions of the n character field, The rest of the field contains binary zeros. .t ....."'. V UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 C CENTRAL PROCESSOR 11 2 SECTION: PAGE: 2.4. PAL JR ASSEMBLY SYSTEM The PAL JR card assembler is used with a Central Processor that has a storage capacity of 4096 characters. The features of PAL JR are the same as those of the PAL assembler with certain limi ta tions: • Label size is limited to three characters. • There are no implied fi.eld lengths. Field lengths and index registers must be specified in the instructions. • The EQU directive may not be employed to specify the field length or the index register. AREA directives may not be employed to specify index registers or fill characters and cannot define subfields. • The second expression in the operands field of the Tetrad instructions must be a Tetrad number. • The I/O areas have fixed labels and index registers and cannot exceed two backup areas for each unit. • The Comparison Jumps (JG, JE, JU, JS) are elimi nated in this system. The Jump Conditional (JC) instruction is employed to perform their function. • The maximum value of a decimal or octal constant that can be described by the EQU directive is 4095 (07777). UP-3912 Rev. 1 c CENTRAL PROCESSOR 1 3 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS SECTION: PAGE: 3. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE The instruction repertoire of the UNIVAC 1050 System is arranged in the following pages by functional category. Each category is introduced by a brief description of the general coding rules for the instructions in that category. Each instruction is described in the following manner: OPERATION Format: PAL Mnemonic Required Expressions Function: (Concise description of what the instruction accomplishes) Notes: (Programming considerations and further description of the instruction) Example(s): (Programming examples and description of the operands in verbal and graphic form, showing the operands before and after the execution of the instruction, if necessary) In describing the operation of the various instructions, the abbreviation Mx specifies the effective character or field position in main store. By effective character is meant M as modified by the contents of index register X (if i~ is called for). Any expression of the instruction other than M and X is the detail field. The detail field may have subfields, some of which are extensions of the operation code. This accounts for the fact that the octal operation codes for two or more instructions may be identical. Preferably, the more commonly used special purpose tetrads should be addressed by means of a label rather than a tetrad number. The ability to do so is provided by the EQU directive, which is fully discussed later in this section. Table 3-1 presents a list of the labels used in the coding examples. In the Univac 1050 System there are 64 indicators addressed as decimal numbers 0 through 63 (octal 0 through 077). These indicators fall within three functional groups; indicators that are testable, indicators that cause an unconditional jump and specific function to be performed, and indicators that cause a certain function to be performed but do not break the sequence of instructions. The function performed depends upon the indicator involved. Among the testable indicators are those which test the settings of the three Sense Switches and the thl'ee Sense Indicators. Sense Indicators are internal devices which are set and reset under program control. Sense Switches are on the console and are set and reset manually. Unlike comparison indicators which are set and reset as a result of a comparison, the Sense Indicators may be set and reset arbitrarily to provide programmable switches. c UP-3912 Rev. 1 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR LABEL OPERATION SECTION: 2 PAGE: OPERAND OCTAL DECIMAL 15 Arithmetic Register 1 037 31 Arithmetic Register 2 047 39 indeX register 1 ARl EQU 017 AR2 EQU Xl EQU X2 EQU 053 43 indeX register 2 X3 EQU 057 47 indeX register 3 X4 EQU 063 51 indeX register 4 X5 EQU 067 55 indeX regis ter 5 X6 EQU 073 59 indeX register 6 X7 EQU 077 63 indeX register 7 DST EQU 0103 67 DeST ination address for EQU 0107 Transfer From (TFR, TFI) ORG 71 ORiGin addresS from Transfer To (TTR, TTl) TRO ZCT EQU 0110 72 EQU 0111 73 Translate table ROw address Number of characters suppressed TCT EQU 0113 75 Number of characters to be transferred MLR QTN EQU 0127 87 MultiplieR EQU 0127 87 QuoTieNt INDICATORS-NOT IN STORE EQU 040 32 No operation KHI EQU 041 33 High indicator KEQ EQU 042 34 Equal indicator EQU 043 35 Unequal indicator EQU 044 EQU 045 36 37 Indicator of arithmetic EQU 046 38 KNO KUQ KLO KZR Low indicator result zero KM Ind icator of dec ima I arithmetic result minus KNB EQU 047 39 Indicates overflow otcured in last binary subtract or didn't EQU 050 40 Dec ima I overflow ind icator occur in last binary add KDF Table 3-1. Suggested Standard Equality Statements. The use of these indicators is discussed in detail with the instructions involved. Normally the indicators will be addressed using a label which is equated to the indicator number. The EQU operation is defined in the Card Assembly System Manual. Table 3-1 lists the more commonly used indicators and their suggested labels. Tables 3-2 and 3-3, respectively, summarize the instruction repertoire and the mnemonic operation codes of the UNIVAC 1050 System. The instruction execution times appear in Table 3-4 on page 3-73. {~" \~) 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION: o ... oa= I- z o u I- is III I\. = LOGICAL. AND V = LOGICAl.. OR • = SENTINEL. * t =M DESIGNATES THE § MOST SIGNIFICANT CHAR. OF THE FIEL.O = I, 00 IS INTERPRETED BY THE CIRCUITRY AS 0". '* 000 IS INTERPRETED BY THE CIRCUITRY AS ala. IS INTERPRETED BY. THE CIRCUITRY AS 020. NOTE: SUBSCRIPT t INDICATES IMMEDIATE ** 0000 IF a BIT 15:;: 0; IF DATA., AS OPPOSED TO REFERENCED DATA. C', " a = 2. BIT lIS = I. Table 3-2. Ins truction Repertoire. 3 PAGE: ~c:: ~ -p < W ........\0 ~ L TETRAD CHAR. ROW 0 • • • • • • nm~C 2~ -I ... :a~ :.:.0 r-~ en 'a~ CHAR. :a~ aen n m ROW 2 ROW 3 • K~~U. K~AU CHAR. ADDRESS COUNT RECORD READ BASE I • MEMORY BASE • cHAR":. A~~:SS RECORD COU NT I DRUM ADDRESS ml:.lY\\JM:T ADDRESS RECORD ADDRESS • RECORDED BASE ADDRESS en en a I :a I CHAR. ROW 4 CHA'R. ROW 5 III PI n ::! ZERO COUNT *b = TRANSLATION TABLE ADDRESS *c = BLOCK TRANSFER COUNT *e = LINE ADVANCE COUNT *i *1 = COLUMN COUNT FOR COLUMN READER *g:: HOLE COUNT (Post-punch read and punch) t *j *d = CHARACTER COUNTt *h *a = Reserved Figure 3-1. Layout of First Six Rows of Store = HOLE COUNT (wait and pre.punch) t = ROW COUNT (punch) t = ROW COUNT (pre-read) t 0 ~ *k = ROW COUNT FOR ROW READER *K2 = PARITY ODD LOCATION *K! = PARITY EVEN LOCATION W t USED ONLY BY CONTROL UNITS ,. 'U GI !!I () () ~ () UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR c OCTAL OP CODE MNEMONIC 00 02 04 06 10 12 DESCRIPTION - (Unassigned) 16 16 20 22 22 JR TR LC BCn BSn FT ZS* ZS$ 22 ZS 24 TFI Jump Return TRanslate Logical Comparison Bit Circulate Bit Shilt Fix Tetrad Zero Suppress wi th asterisk Ii II Zero Suppress with Iloating dollar sign Zero Suppress with no floating dollar sign Transfer From memory, Increment destination address Transfer From memory, Reset destination address Transfer To Memory, Increment origin address Transfer To memory, Reset origin address PaD blanks PaD decimal zeros Compare Decimal Jump Jump Conditi ona Ily Jump Display Jump if Equal Jump if Greater Halt, then Jump Jump if Smaller Jump if Unequal Jump Loop Compare Character (Unassigned) eXternal Function Store Tetrad Store Character Bring to Tetrad DiVide MultiPly Cumulative Mu Iti PIy Noncumu lative EDit Store Arithmetic register Store both Arithmetic Registers Logical Product Bring Alphanumeric Bring Decimal Add Character Add to Memory Subtract from Memory Logical Sum Add Decimal Subtract Decimal Compare Binary Add Binary Subtract Binary Compare Tetrad Add to Tetrad 14 24 TFR 24 TTl 24 TTR 26 26 26 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 34 36 40 42 44 46 50 50 50 52 52 52 54 56 56 60 62 62 64 66 66 70 72 72 74 76 PD PDO CDa J JC JD JE JG JHJ JS JU JL CC Table 3-30. - XF ST SC BT DV MPC MPN ED SAa SAR LP BAa BOa AC AMa SMa LS ADa SDa CBa ABa SBa CT AT " " " Mnemonic Operations Ordered by Operation Code. * 5 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS SECTION: MNEMONIC OCTAL INSTRUCTION OP CODE DESCRIPTION PAGE: SEE PAGE Add Binary 3-38 Add Character 40 Add Decimal 26 Add to Memory 29 Add to-Tetrad 7 f ' _ ------Sr-- Bring AiphanL1meric 16 16 Bit Circulate 72 56 Bring Decimal 14 Binary Shift 16 71 46 Bring to Tetrad 6 --TO-- CompareBinaij------- ---46 34 Compare Characte"r CC 47 26 Compare Decimal CDa 44 74 Compare Tetrad CT 9 DV 50 DiVide ___ ~IL ---ED---- ---52-- EDIf---------- - 72 ABa AC ADa AMa ___AJ___ BAa BCn BOa BSn BT 60 66 • 62 76 ---cs;;--- 63 FT J JC JD ---JE---JG JHJ JL __ JR ____ 20 30 30 30 Fix Tetrad 10 Jump 51 Jump Conditiona Ily 54 Jump Display --TIl--- JumpiTEquaT-------- ___ ~:L 51 Jump if Greater 30 51 Halt, then Jump 30 53 Jump Loop 32 59 10 J!!.!!1Q.!!!!t!!r1!.. _______ ___ ~IL --3D-- Jump.if Smaller 51 30 Jump if Unequal 51 14 Logical Comparison 48 54 Logical Product 70 JS JU LC LP 64 LS 69 ---MPC--- --50-- .~.Q.gJ..!:~~u.!!l..----------34 MultiPly Cumulative 32 50 MultiPly Noncumulative MPN 68 PO 26 PaD blanks 26 PaD decimal zeros PDO 68 1752 Store Arithmetic register SAa 1 ---SAR--- c---52-- Storeboth-AfithmetTcRegiSters 17 39 72 Subtract Binary SBa 18 44 Store Character SC 28 66 Subtract Decimal SDa 3162 SMa ~i!!.r'!.c!..f!!ll!!.. ~1!!9!y ____ ---ft---f--T2--- Store Tetrad 6 24 Transfer From memory, InTFI 20 crement destination address 24 Transfer From memory, Reset TFR 20 destination address -------12-- TRanslate--------- - - - -61TR 24 Transler To memory, IncreTTl ment origin address 22 24 Transfer To memory, Reset TTR origin address 22 ---:ZST--22-- Zero Suppresswl1h-astefTSiI-- - - - - 66 fi II ZS$ 22 Zero Suppress with floating 66 dollar sign 22 Zero Suppress with no Iloating ZS 66 dollar sign * - - -XF - - - - - - - 40 - - - e~!!r.!l.a.!£~~i~ ______ - - - - - Table 3-3b. Mnemonic Operations Ordered Alphabetically. The XF instruction is explained in the peripheral hardware manual fot the unit to which it pertains. 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS ' UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.1 6 SECTION: PAGE: TETRAD INSTRUCTIONS The format of a tetrad instructfon is , ~7 LABEL ,13 11 -./" -..r where OP T , M, 40 45 14 I X I - -" - I.--'" I 30 18 19 0 P : OPERANDS OPERATION I I 'I - is the mnemonic operation code, M is an expression designating the operand address, T is an expression naming a tetrad, X is an expression naming an index register modifier. .~: If index register modification is not desired, X may be omitted, and 'an instruction may be written as follows: ~, f; 7 ,, LABEL OPERANDS OPERATION 11 ,13 OP I M, -- v- ~- 30 18 19 T !~ 4514~ 40 I I I I --.. - " I \ -.-..!-J The assembler will, in this case, supply binary zeros in the index register portion of the ins truction. 3.1.1. BRING TO TETRAD Format: 8T Function: Bring the four characters at Mx -3, Mx -2, Mx -l, and Mx into the specified tetrad T. M, T, X Note: The contents of Mx -3, Mx -2, Mx -l, and Mx are not changed. Example: Bring the contents of the four character field labeled START into tetrad 9 (IR1). , ~7 LA8EL 11 } ~ 13 S T A RT, 1---""'"---' ....... ----- I 30 18 19 BT :~ OPERANDS OPERA TlON ) 45 146 1 40 I 9 I -.;--- -- I I ' I ~ I ----I o CENTRAL PROCESSOR Rev. 1 C 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 3.1.2. 7 SECTION: PAQE: STORE TETRAD Format: ST M, T, X Function: Store the contents of the specified tetrad T into Mx -3, Mx -2, Mx-l, andM x . Note: The contents of the tetrad are not altered. ... . ,/ Example: Store the contents of tetrad 9 into the four character field labeled TEMP. OPERATION 11 13 OPERANDS 30 18 19 T E M P', ST I I 40 45 146 9 . ~.'. 3.1.3. o ADD TO TETRAD Format: AT M, T, X Function: Perform a binary addition of the four character field at Mx -3, Mx -2, Mx-l, and Mx to the specified tetrad T. Notes: a. The addition is a binary add. No signs are involved. b. Both operands are always 24 bits in length. c. If overflow occurs beyond the most significant character position of the tetrad, KNB (the Binary Overflow Indicator) is set to O. If overflow does not occur, KNB is set to 1. d. If overflow occurs, the carry beyond the most significant character position of the tetrad is lost. e. o The field at Mx -3, Mx -2, Mx-l, and Mx is not altered. 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDC.ESSDR 8 SECTION: PAGE: Examples: • Add the 24-bit field INCR to tetrad 15. E 1'r 7 I N C,R , AT :I C) 30 18 19 11 ,13 ......... OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL -I.-. 45 146 I - 1 5 40 I I I Tetrad 15 (before) = 000000 INCR (before) = 000000 000000 000000 000001 Tetrad 15 (after) = 000000 010110 101101 111000 INCR (after) = 000000 I I I I - - - -- I I 010110 101101 110111 000000 000000 000001 Overflow has not occurred; KNB = 1. • ~ LABEL 'r 7 Add the 24 bit field INCR to tetrad 14. OPERATION 11 13 18 19 AT v~_- :c OPERANDS I N CR, '-~ I 30 1 .( - 40 45 146 I - I I - - I I - - I \ Tetrad 14 (before) = 111111 111111 111111 111111 INCR (before) = 000000 000000 000000 000001 Tetrad 14 (after) = 000000 000000 000000 000000 INCR (after) = 000000 000000 000000 000001 Overflow has occurred; KNB = O. o ------------------------------ UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR o 9 SECTION: PAGE: COMPARE TETRAD 3.1.4. Format: CT M, T, X Function: Compare the contents of the specified tetrad T against the contents of Mx ·3, Mx ·2, Mx ·l, and Mx' Notes: a. The comparison is a 24 bit binary comparison. No signs are involved. b. The result of the comparison is stored in testable indicators as follows: Result of Comparison * Status of Indicators after Comparison Indicator Number (octal) 041 042 043 044 33 34 35 36 KEQ (Equal) KUQ (Unequal) KLO (Low) Indicator Number (decimal) Suggested Mnemonic 0 c. KHI (High) (T) = (Mx) 0 1 0 0 (T) < (Mx) 0 0 1 1 (T) > (Mx) 1 0 1 0 Neither operand is altered. Example: Compare the contents of tetrad 9 against the four character field labeled LIMIT. ~6 7 11 l i-" ,13 - -_ l CT .... !~ OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL 30 18 19 4514~ 40 ) I LIMI T 9 - I - - I - I ---.I. " \ ........ If tetrad 9 contains 001000 101011 100011 010101 and LIMIT contains 000100 101011 100011 010101 the contents of tetrad 9 are greater than the contents of the field LIMIT. After this comparison is made, KHI and KUQ are set to 1, and KLO and KEQ are set to O. c * (T) means "the contents 01 tetrad Til; (Mx? means "the contents 01 M x "'. / UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.1.5. SECTION. 10 i· PAGE. o FIX TETRAD Format: FT M, T, X Function: Place the 15 bit M portion of the instruction into the 15 least significant bit positions of the specified tetrad T. Notes: a. The value of M is placed in the tetrad specified: not the value at the address specified by M; but the 15 bit value of M itself. In this instruction, M is a constant. After the instruction is executed, the 15 least significant bits of the tetrad will equal the M portion of the FT instruction. b. Binary zeros are inserted in the most significant bits of the second most significant character of the tetrad. c. The most significant character of the tetrad is not affected by the instruction. d. The interpretation of indexing is unique for this instruction. If the index register is used, the value which is stored in the tetrad is the binary sum of the M portion and the contents of the index register specified. Carries beyond the fifteenth bit are ignored. Examples: • Place the binary equivalent of a decimal 128 in tetrad 9 (index register 1). • This replaces the contents, if any, of IRl. OPERANDS OPERATION 11 13 30 1819 128, Xl (before) SAME o FT Instruction: Xl (after) Xl '* ::L 010100 ~~~~ fo~~ 010100 ::r 111111 111111 111111 M 0 1000 000010 000000 1 ===r== ~1~~ 000000 000010 000000 Note that the most significant character is not altered, and that binary zeros are inserted into the three most significant bit positions of the second character. ,(.~ • This form cannot be used in the processor with 4096 stora~e locations. PAL Jr. does not have the facility to compute a tetrad number from an index re~ister desi~nation. The tetrad number must be used in the T expression position. \i. ' 'J -- -- .... _- ._-------_.--.- -- UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR c • SECTION: PAGE: Add the binary equivalent of a decimal 128 to the contents of index register 1. OPERANDS Opt.RATION 11 11 13 30 1819 FT --.... Xl (before) 010100 ------------- 000000 000010 000000 + SAME o FT Instruction: Xl (after) 010100 ~ -------'000 00001~ 000000 I 1001~~ ---L-- 000000 000100 000000 I • Subtract the binary equivalent of a decimal 128 from the contents of index register 1. OPERANDS Opt.RATION 13 30 1819 F T -128,X1,X1 or ~ ~, 7 f ..... Opt. RATION LABEL 11 I - 13 FT - --- '- - - -- o7 40 30 18 19 lI OPERANDS 7 6 0 0 , Xl, X 11 45 146 1 -- I - - I I I - Xl (before) = 010100 000000 000100 000000 Xl (after) = 010100 000000 000010 000000 Note that the value to be subtracted is expressed either as a decimal integer with a a leading minus sign, or octally as the fifteen bit two's complement of the value. C' ,#- N.B. Although the examples show values in the most significant character position of an index register tetrad, it is not advisable to have anything in that character but binary zeros. An index register tetrad should not contain anything other than an index register value. J. UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSQR 3.2. 12 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS I'ECTION: PAGE: DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS The UNIVAC 1050 System has two types of data transfer instructions: instructions involving the arithmetic registers, and instructions which do not involve arithmetic registers. Under the first category, data is transferred into and out of arithmetic registers. In the second category, data are transferred either from one area of store to another, or from the instruction itself into store. a. The format of data transfer instructions using the arithmetic registers is LABEL 7 OPERANDS OPERATION 1819 13 11 oP M, a 40 30 x L, where OP is the mnemonic operation code, a is 1 or 2, indicating arithmetic register 1 or arithmetic register 2, M is an expression naming the operand address, L is a decimal or octal number or a defined label specifying the operand length in terms of characters, X is an expression naming an index register. If index register modification is not desired, the X expression is omitted. The assembler will insert binary zeros in the index register portion of the instruction. The format of data transfer instructions using the arithmetic registers is ~6 7 LABEL OPERATION 11 13 18 19 0 P I M i.-.~~ (See Store Character) E T7 LABEL - 30 c X --- -- 13 oP (See Transfer Block) I -"*"'" I - 1 I 1 - - M X -- - ..... I 45!461 40 I I : 6 30 I. I 1 OPERANDS 18 19 - I 45!46t 40 or OPERATION 11 : OPERANDS 1 --I I I _I ) I ---.. o UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3 SECTION: where • OP is the mnemonic operation code, • M is an expression naming an operand address, • C is the actual character that is to be transferred, • X is an index register expression. Note: In all data transfer instructions, the sending field is never altered except when sending and receiving fields overlap. 13 PAGE. UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 14 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR S .. CTION. PAGE. 3.2.1. BRING DECIMAL BOa M, L, X Format: Function: Bring the L consecutive characters whose least significant character is at Mx into the least significant characters of ARI or 2. Al1 zone bits except the sign bit are changed to binary zeros. Notes: a. L is a decimal number ranging from 1 to 16, or an equivalent expression. b. If less than sixteen characters are transferred, a sentinel is inserted in that character position of the arithmetic register which is immediately to the left of the Lth character copied. This sentinel is the character &, which, in the UNIVAC 1050 character set, is 110011. Insertion of the sentinel is an automatic hardware function. Characters to the left of the sentinel are not affected. c. The zone bits of each character with the exception of sign the bit (most significant bit of the LSD) are changed to binary zeros. Examples: • ~6 7 ...... LABEL Bring the four character constant Kl into the four least significant character positions of ARlo 11 • 13 BD 1 ---"'ARI (before) K 1 , 4 -I7 I9 40 - I 1 - - ~ I 141 2 1 4 1 5 1 5 1 2 1 7 1 3 18 I - 1 6 I 0 , 45 146 I I Kl ARI (after) ~ I 30 18 19 I , OPERANDS OPERATION I I I ) - 1 8 1 2 1: 1 ~I 3 18 &I 7 I 9 I I ~ 1 7 1911 1 7 1 9 141 2 I 4 1 5 1 5 1 2 1 7 1 1 1 i 'I ! UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS UP-3912 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 o • If a field containing information other than numeric information is brought to an arithmetic register by a BDa instruction, all zone bits are deleted in the transfer, with the exception of the sign bit. For example, OPERANDS OPERATION 11 SECTION. 13 B D1 30 1819 N AM E 40 10 results in ARI (before) NAME /7/W/I/2/4/5/5/2/7/3/8/6/0/8/2/~/ IJ/ Iwl IL/LI IA/M/s/ ARI (after) The least significant character of NAME is an S (110101). When it is transferred to ARl, only the sign bit appears in AR1; the least significant zone bit is deleted, changing the S to K (100101). C:' 15 -----,---- UP-3912 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS - . 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 3.2.2. 16 SECTION: PAGE: BRING ALPHANUMERIC Format: BAa M, L, X Function: Bring the L consecutive characters whose least significant character is at Mx into the L least significant character positions of AR1 or 2. Notes: a. L is a decimal number ranging from 1 to 16, or an equivalent expression. b. The zone bits of all characters are transferred, and no sentinel is inserted. Example: Bring the 10 character field NAME into the 10 least significant positions of ARl. , ~7 L OPERATION LABEL 13 11 -- -- BA 1 ...... AR1 (before) NAME AR1 (after) : '- OPERANDS 30 18 19 NAME, - 1 0 - 45 146) 40 I I -.L -.L I I I - I 7 I 9 t 4 I 2 I 4 I 5 I 5 I 2 I 7 I 3 I8 161 0 I8 I 2 141 IJI IwlllLILI IAIMlsl I _I o UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS C 3.2.3. 17 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR, SECTION: PAGE: STORE ARITHMETIC REGISTER Format: SAa M, L., X Function: Store 'the L least significant characters of AR1 or 2 in the L consecutive character positions whose least significant character is at Mx' Note: L is a decimal number ranging from 1 to 16, or an equivalent expression. Example: Store 8 characters from AR2 into TOTAL. OPERANDS OPERATION 13 40 30 1819 L S A2 8 (~~) .. ./ 3.2.4. STORE BOTH ARITHMETIC REGISTERS Format: SAR M"X Function: Store the contents of arithmetic registers 1 and 2 in the 32 consecutive store positions whose least significant character is at Mx' Note: This instruction stores every position of both arithmetic registers, making the L portion of the instruction superfluous. Example: Store the contents of both arithmetic registers in TEMP. 'E ~7 11 -- I 13 S A R 30 18 19 - I~ OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL T EM P - -- 45 146 ) 40 - -- ----I - I - . I I - \ 1-/ UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS UP-3912 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 18 SECTION: PAGE: 3.2.5. STORE CHARACTER Format: SC M, C, X Function: Store the six bit character C in location Mx Notes: a. This instruction stores the six bit character C in Mx' The arithmetic registers are not involved in the operation, unless Mx refers to some position in an arithmetic register. b. C is either • a decimal number ranging from 0 through 63, or • an octal number ranging from 0 through 077, or • a single character bounded by apostrophes. Examples: • ,~ T7 Store a binary 1 in COUNT. 11 S C .-- COUNT, -- --- I • 1 4C -I 45!46 I - I -i I 1 ~ - .--!- Store the UNIVAC 1050 six bit code for the digit 1 in COUNT. OPERATION 11 30 18 19 13 lI OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL 13 1819 OPERANDS 30 SC c UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 o • 19 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: PAQE: Store the six bit configuration 010100 in INDIC. This may be written in anyone of three ways: OPERANDS OPERATION 30 18 19 S C I N 0 I C 40 2 0 because 010100 is the binary representation of 20; OPERANDS OPERATION 13 s c C I I N 0 I C 45 146 024 because the binary number 010100 is noted octally as 024; or , 'f LABEL ~ 7 11 13 ~ :~ OPERANDS OPERATION S C I NO - - Ie. • A • ~ I 40 30 18 19 I - - 45!46 I - because 010100 is the UNIVAC 1050 six bit code for the letter A. c I 40 30 1819 I I - I I I ---'"""--.... ~-------- UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050~ SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.2.6. --- 3 I'ECTION. 20 PAGE. TRANSFER BLOCK FROM STORE TFR (reset) TFI (increment) M" Format: Function: X Transfer a block of consecutive characters beginning with the most significant character at Mx to that area in store whose most significant character position is stored in DST (tetrad 16). Notes: a. In the transfer block instructions, Mx addresses the most significant character position of the sending field. b. Prior to the execution of the TFR or TFI instruction, the binary count of characters to be transferred must be program set in the ten least significant bits of TCT (tetrad 18). The maximum number of characters that may be transferred is 1024. If the ten least significant bits of TCT are binary zeros, 1024 characters will be transferred. The difference between the TFR and TFI instructions is that the address in DST is reset to its original value after the TFR (Transfer From, Reset) instruction is executed. After a TFI instruction the address in DST is incremented by the number of characters specified by TCT. If TCT contains zeros, DST is incremented by 1024. The original content of TCT is not disturbed by execution of this instruction. c. Prior to the execution of the TFR or TFI instruction, the address of the most significant position of the receiving field must be program set in DST (tetrad 16). o d. After the TFR instruction has been executed, the address in DST is reset to its original value. e. After the TFI instruction is executed, the address in tetrad 16 is set to a value one greater than the address of the latest character of the sending field. o --~---~--~.---- ---- UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION. 21 PAGEl Example: Transfer a block of eighty consecutive characters from the area whose most significant character position is labeled WSTOR, to the area whose most significant character position is labeled PUNCH. The sequence of instructions required to effect this transfer, using the TFR instruction, is as follows: ~ {r 7 , LABEL 11 I ~ ...... 30 18 19 13 FT 8 0" F T PUN C H T F R. W S T OJR - --- !C) OPERANDS OPERATIOH 45 1 I T,C TI - 461 40 D S T - - I I I I I I -- - I - I I I i I - : 1- I. UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 3 22 I·; Rev. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _ _ _ _........;:S;;;E;,:C:.:,T.:,;IO;,:N;:.::_ _ _-&..:P;.:A;:.:G:,:E;.;._ _ _-I/ CENTRAL PRDCESSDR l j 3.2.7. TRANSFER BLOCK TO STORE Format: TTR (reset) TTl (increment) M" X Function: Transfer a specified number of characters, the address of whose most significant character is stored in ORG (tetrad 17), to that area in store whose most sil?;nificant character is Mx' o Notes: a. In the transfer block instructions, Mx addresses the most significant character position of the receiving field. b. Prior to the execution of the TTR or TTl instruction, the binary count of characters to be transferred must be program set in TCT (Tetrad 18). The maximum number of characters that may be transferred is 1024. If the ten least significant bits of TCT are binary zeros, 1024 characters are transferred. The difference between the TTR and TTl instructions is that the address in ORG is reset to its original value after the TTR (Transfer To, Reset) instruction is executed; after the TTl (Transfer To, Increment) instruction is executed, the address in ORG is incremented by the number of characters specified by TCT. If TCT contains zeros, ORG is incremented by 1024. On completion of the instruction TCT contains its original value. f"\ U c. Prior to the execution of the TTR or TTl instruction, the address of the most significant position of the sendin g field must be program set in ORG (tetrad 17). d. After the TTR instruction has been executed, the address in ORG (tetrad 17) is reset to its original value. e. After the TTl instruction is executed, the address in tetrad 17 is set to a value one greater than the address of the latest character of the sending field. o "'" UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 o '-'-'''''- ~~~- 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR Rev. 1 '",,--,-- 23 SECTION: PAGE: Example: Using the TTl instruction, transfer a block of 80 consecutive characters from the area whose most significant character position is labeled WSTOR, to the area whose most significant character position is labeled PUNCH. After the transfer, leave ORG set to refer to WSTOR + 80. ~ IT 7 11 13 F T I - . 80, T C T. WS10R, 11 I PUN C.H _..... - 40 30 18 19 FT - -- • ORG - 45 146 I I I • • I , } I I • I • • " c ~ ~) OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL • I I •• • I l - ~ J UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR 3.3. ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS The UNIVAC 1050 System adds and subtracts in both the decimal mode and the binary mode, and performs multiplication and division in the decimal mode. Decimal arithmetic operations are governed by the following general rules: a. The length of an operand in an arithmetic register is specified by the sentinel character & (110011) immediately to the left of the most significant character of the operand. b. The length of an operand in store is specified by the instruction. i I' c. Operands in the arithmetic registers must always occupy the least significant character positions of the register. d. Except for the sign bit and the zone bits of the sentinel character, the zone bits of operands are ignored and do not appear in the result. e. If the result of a decimal arithmetic operation generates a carry beyond the most significant character position of the result field, decimal overflow occurs. This terminates the instruction, sets a testable indicator, and initiates a Class II interrupt. In decimal add and subtract operations, the four characters (blank, +, @, ;t) having the internal form xxOOOO will be converted to XS 3 zeros (000011) before the operation. Decimal operations should not be performed with any of the following invalid numeric digits: BINARY VALUE SOURCE CHARACTERS xx0001 * ( xxOOlO $ xxllOl %) < ' > xxl110 xxl111 Binary arithmetic operations are governed by the following general rules: a. No algebraic signs are associated with an operand. b. If the result of a binary arithmetic operation generates a carry beyond the most significant bit position of the result field, binary overflow occurs, which terminates the instruction and sets a testable indicator. Unlike decimal overflow, binary overflow does not initiate any interrupt. -----_._---------- . _ - - - - - o UP-3912 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS 25 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 SECTION: PAGE: The formats of arithmetic instructions are , ~7 LABEL OPERANDS OPERATIO" 18 19 13 11 o P a - -1../ """ M, f 30 L , I 40 4S 146 I X J -- - - - - ./- I -- -- I ~ and ~ T7 LABEL OPERATION 11 13 18 19 OP j 1__ .........- - :~ OPERANDS M - 30 C , - X - J ..... 4S 146? 40 - - I I I a is the mnemonic operation code, is 1 or 2, specifying the arithmetic register to be used, M is an operand address, L is usually a decimal or an octal number specifying the length of one of the operands, C may be - a single character enclosed in apostrophes, - a decimal number ranging from 0 th'rough 63, - an octal number ranging from 0 through 077, or - a symbolic expression. X is an index register expression. I ,I - -!-J where. oP ) I i UP~3912 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 3.3.1. 26 3 SECTION. PAGE. l-" ADD DECIMAL ,-~J Format: ADa M, L, X Function: Perform a decimal algebraic addition of the L character field whose least significant character is in Mx to the contents ofARl 01' 2 and store the result in ARl or 2 Notes: a. If no sentinel character appears in ARa, the working length of ARa is sixteen characters. Otherwise, the sentinel character specifies the working length of ARa. b. Blanks (00 0000) in either operand are treated as decimal zeros (00 0011). c. Zone bits other than the sign bit of the operand and the zone bits of the sentinel are ignored and do not appear in the result. d. If the length of ARa is equal to or greater than L, the instruction is terminated when L characters have been added to ARa. e. If the length of ARa is less than L, decimal zeros are substituted for the first sentinel encountered in ARa and for all higher order positions of ARa, up to and including the Lth position. A sentinel is then inserted into the position immediately to the left of the Lth position of ARa, and addition proceeds. f. Carries are propagated up to the sentinel position. A carry into the sentinel does not alter the sentinel, but causes decimal overflow. g. When decimal overflow occurs, the AD instruction is terminated, and an interrupt is initiated which causes a transfer of control to the decimal overflow 'interrupt entry, a fixed hardware location. h. Decimal overflow interrupt can be inhibited either manually on the system console, or by programmed instruction. If interrupt has been inhibited, a testable indicator is set when overflow occurs. i. The result of an AD instruction is recorded in testable indicators as follows: If sum = 0, KZR (Indicator 37) is set to 1 If sum f. 0, KZR (Indicator 37) is set to 0 If sum is +, KM (Indicator 38) is set to 0 If sum is -, KM (Indicator 38) is set to 1 If overflow, KDF (Indicator 40) is set to 1 If no overflow, KDF (Indicator 40) is set to 0 a 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR c 27 SECTION: PAGE: j. A decimal zero result is always positi ve, with the following exceptions: (1) -0 + (-0) = -0 (2) a false zero result (such as that obtained by adding 99 and 1, which should yield 100 but, on account of the sentinel, results in &00) will carry the sign of the full result. Examples: Add the five digit field labeled FLDA to arithmetic register 1. • ~6 7 11 _...... AD1 I FLDA, - - ARI (before) :~ OPERANDS 30 OPERATION 18 19 13 LABEL I ) 45!~ 40 I 5 I - - \3\2\6\9\8\ & 11 \21 I - I & \ I I - I - .-1 - 0 \ 0 \3\4\511 \ ~ \ FLDA 19 12 \ 3 \ 0 \ ~\ ARI (after) • E IF! 6 7 I LABEL 11 - Add the five digit field labeled FLDA to arithmetic register 2. AD 2 -~ - FLDA, - AR2 (before) FLDA C-)·, '. OPERANDS 30 OPERATION 18 19 13 AR2 (after) 5 -- - - I - - l~ 45 1 40 --- -- I I I I I I~ , 1 3 1 2 1 6 1 9 18 1& 11 12'10 , 0 , 0 1 314 & I 9 I 2 13 I 0 I ~ 1 II , 3 1 2 1 6 1 9 , 8 1&., 1 12 , 0 1 0 1 &1 9 2 3 1 2 , ~ , I I ) ....J.._ UP-3912 Rev. 1 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 28 flECTION. PAGIE. o 3.3.2. SUBTRACT DECIMAL SDa M, L, X Format: Function: Perform a decimal algebraic subtraction of the L character field whose least significant character is in Mx from the contents of ARI or 2. and store the result in ARI or 2. Note: This in,struction operates identically to the ADa instruction, with the sole exception that the operation is a subtraction. Otherwise, the notes under , the ADa instruction apply. Ii I Examples: Subtract the five digit field labeled FLDA from arithmetic register 1. • , ,: ~ LABEL 7 OPERATION 13 11 18 19 30 FLO A SO 1 I - - " - ........... !~ OPERANDS 5 I - 45: 40 -~i , 1 - - - - '\~I =\3\216\9\8\&\1121&10101314\&\ AR1 (before) 19121 3 101 FLDA ,I I ~I ARI (after) • E l'r 7 LABEL Subtract the five digit field labeled FLDA from arithmetic register 2. 11 13 18 19 S 02 l.,..oo""'- _- - II OPERANDS OPERATION 30 FLO A - I 5 40 I -'- 45!46j I --I ~ AR2 (before) = \ 3\2\6\9\8\' &\1 \2 \ &I 0 \ 0 \ 9\ 5\ 0 \ 0 I ~ FLDA = ) ~ IJ \ 1912\3\0\~\ o AR2 (after) I I l~ ---------~----- --- -~-~--- UP-3912 Rev. 1 C UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.3.3. SECTION. ADD TO MEMORY Format: AMa M,L, X Function: Perform a decimal algebraic addition of the L least significant characters of ARI or 2 to the L consecutive characters in store whose least significant character is Mx ' and place the sum in the field at Mx' Notes: a. Addition is terminated when L characters have been added from the arithmetic register. b. If a sentinel is encountered in the arithmetic register before the Lth character is added, addition proceeds as though the sentinel and all characters to the left of the sentinel, up to the Lth position, were decimal zeros. The contents of the arithmetic register, however, are unchanged. c. Carries are allowed to propagate up to the Lth character in store. A carry occurring when the Lth character is added terminates the addition, and decimal overflow occurs, causing an interrupt and setting KDF (IndicatOr 40) to 1. The carry is lost. d. Except for the sign bit, zone bits are ignored, and they do not appear in the result. e. A zero result is always positive, except for the following cases: (1) -0 + (-0) = -0 (2) A false zero result occurring when a carry is lost carries the sign of the full true result. f. The results of the AM instruction are recorded in testable indicators as follows: If the sum = 0, KZR (Indicator 37) is set to 1 If the sum f. 0, KZR (Indicator 37) is set to 0 If the sum is +, KM (Indicator 38) is set to 0 If the sum is -, KM (Indicator 38) is set to 1 If overflow, KDF (Indicator 40) is set to 1 If no overflow, KDF (Indicator 40) is set to 0 29 3 PAGE. UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Re.v.l 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 30 SECTION: PAGE. Examples: • LABEL 7 Add the 5 least significant characters of arithmetic register 1 to the field labeled FLDA. OPERANDS OPERATION 13 11 30 1819 A F L DA 40 5 I' =13121619181&11121&lololoI415111~1 ARl (before & after) FLDA (before) = 191213101~1 = 191618121~1 FLDA (after) ,, • LABEL 7 '-- Add the 5 least significant characters of arithmetic register 2 to the field labeled FLDA. 13 11 - 30 18 19 AM2 AR2 (before & after) 1I OPERANDS OPERATION F L D A,. - S - - 40 -- I 45!46j I - -- I =13121619181711 121 01 01 01 3141 &111 .i - I I ~I FLDA (before) = 191213191~1 FLDA (after) 191214111~1 = o o UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 C: 3.3.4. 31 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 PAC;E: SECTION: SUBTRACT FROM MEMORY Format: SMa M, L, X Function: Perform a decimal algebraic subtraction of the L least significant characters of AR1 or 2 from the L characters whose least significant character is at Mx ' and store the difference in the field at Mx' Note: This instruction operates identically to the AMa instruction, except that the operation is a subtraction. Otherwise, the notes under the AMa instruction apply. Example: Subtract the 5 least significant characters of AR2 from the 5 characters at BLNCE. ~6 7 ~ '- LABEL - 11 13 BLNCE (before) BLNCE (after) c B L NC E , ~ AR2 (before & after) I 30 18 19 S M2 : OPERANDS OPERATION 15 40 45 146 I I - , I - - 15 16 13 10 141 s 171713141 &1 4 10 12 16 1; 1 I s 1719141;1 1417161sl~1 I - I ) UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR 3.3.5. 32 3 SECTION. PAGE. C) MUL TIPL Y NON-CUMULATIVE Format: MPN ,L Function: Clear arithmetic register 1 to decimal zeros; multiply the multiplicand in arithmetic register 2 by the L least significant characters of MLR (tetrads 20 and 21); store the product, without sentinel, in arithmetic register 1. Notes: a. Both the multiplicand and the multiplier must be positioned by previous instructions. The multiplier must be stored in the least significant character positions of tetrads 20 and 21 (MLR) and must be preceded by decimal zeros if less than eight characters. This field is eight characters long and is treated as one field. The L specifies the L least significant characters of the field. b. The length of the multiplicand is determined by the sentinel in AR2. This implies that the multiplicand must be loaded in AR2 by means of a BD2 instruction, rather than a BA2 instruction. No blanks should appear in the multiplicand field. c. The number of characters in the multiplicand plus the number of characters in the multiplier must not exceed 16. The product is limited to the sixteen character positions of AR1. If the number of characters in the product exceeds 16, undetected overflow may occur. A carry from the 16th position of AR1 will cause a detected decimal overflow which will set indicator 40 and cause a class II interrupt unless interrupt is inhibited. f-~\ '0 The following are permissible combinations in multiplication. L (number of characters) in MLR Allowable length of multiplicand in AR2 1.15 2 1.14 3 1.13 4 1.12 5 1.11 6 1.10 7 1.9 ,8 1·8 d. The sign of the product is governed by normal algebraic rules. Like signs yield a positive product, and unlike signs yield a negative product. e. If a sentinel appears in the least significant character position of AR2, the multiplicand is considered to be -0 and, depending on the sign of the multiplier, AR1 is cleared to either minus zeros or plus zeros. f. Multiplication destroys the contents of MLR (tetrads 20 and 21) but leaves the multiplicand in AR2 unaltered. o UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR c g. 33 SECTION. PAGE; The result of the MPN instruction is recorded in the testable indicators as follows: If product = 0, KZR (Indicator 37) is set to 1 If product -I 0, KZR (Indicator 37) is set to 0 If product is +, KM (Indicator 38) is set to 0 If product is -, KM (Indicator 38) is set to 1 If overflow occurs, KDF (Indicator 40) is set to 1. h. The index register and M portions of the instruction are ignored. When an MPN instruction is coded, a blank expression must be written for the M portion. Example: Multiply a five digit multiplicand by a one digit multiplier. The first two instructions position the multiplicand and the multiplier. g ~7 LABEL 11 BT K 5 , ML R I BD 2 RAT E, J M, PN , l ..... - -- - - I 30 18 19 13 :\ OPERANDS OPERATION I 5 1 I I -- - I - I I I - ~ I x I x I x I x I x I x I x I x I x I' x I x I x I x I x I x I x I AR2 =1 xl xl xl xlxl xl xlxl xl xl &1 6 16 13 1 7 1; I I al al a lal a la I MLR al~ I ~ I The multiplicand is 66377, and the multiplier is 5. After the MPN instruction is executed: I a I a I a I a I a I a 1a I a I a I a 1 3 1 3 1 ARI = AR2 =1 xl xl xix Ixl xl x Ixl x Ixl &1 MLR 6 } I 1 I ,\ 1 ~ --..!- Before the MPN instruction is executed: = I I (Note: In the illustrations below, the x's represent characters the values of which are immaterial to the MPN instruction.) ARI ) 45!46I 40 Is lsi I 6 13 17 I; I Ix I xl x Ixlx Ix Ix I ~I 34 3 UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: PAGE,. \ 3.3.6. o MULTIPLY CUMULATIVE Format: MPC .L Function: Multiply the multiplicand in arithmetic register 2 by the L least significant characters of MLR (tetrads 20 to 21), and add the product to the contents of arithmetic register 1. Notes: This instruction operates identically to the MPN instruction, with the following differences: a. AR1 is not cleared to zero. b. Any sentinel in AR1 is treated as a decimal zero. c. When the product is added to the contents of AR1, the absolute values of the products and of AR1 are added, and AR1 takes the sign of the product. d. KZR is not affected if the cumulative product is O. e. If a carry occurs beyond the most significant character position of AR1, KDF I (Indicator 40) is set to 1 and decimal overflow occurs. The carry is lost, o f. Blanks in either AR1 or AR2 will result in an erroneous product. Example: Multiply a five digit multiplicand by a one digit multiplier. AR1 contains the value 7163398238. ~7 LABEL 11 ,13 BT .1 t..-- - 30 18 19 K 5, M L R B D 2 RAT E , MPC , - l \ OPERANDS OPERATION 1 - I 5 45lJ 40 1 -.l I I I I I \ I I I I - - - - ..1 I I I I I I J I I - : _I --.... o UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION: (Note: In the illustrations below, the x's represent characters the values of which are immaterial to the MPC instruction.) Before the MPC instruction is executed: I 7\1 I 6\ 3\ 3\ AR1 = \ x \ x \ x \ x \ xl AR2 = \ x 1 x 1 xl xl x \ x\ x \ xl x 1 xl & &1 91 81 2\3 61 61 3\ 7\ ; I I 0 I0 I 0 I 0I MLR 0 1; 1 1 0 10 1 ~1 The multiplicand is 66377, and the multiplier is 5. After the MPC instruction is executed: AR1 = I x 1 xl x 1 x I xl x I 7\1 1 6 AR2 = 1 x 1x1x 1x 1x \ MLR (66377 x 5 = 331885) c.·. ' .. 35 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS \3\71 3 1 0 11 12 x \ x 1x 1x 1x \ & \61 6 \3 1; I \7 \; 1 Ixlxlxlxlx Ix Ix Ix \ PAGE: UP-3912 Rev. 1 36 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR !'ECTION. PAears in Mx. b. The contents of the arithmetic register are not changed, unless Mx addresses either arithmetic register in which case the contents of the two registers could be added or the content of one arithmetic register could be added to itself. c. The instruction specifies L characters; therefore the number of bits involved is always 6L. d. No algebraic signs are associated with the operands. e. A carry beyond the most significant bit of the operand in store is lost, but KNB (Indicator 39) is set to O. f. If there is no carry beyond the most significant bit of the operand in store, KNB (Indicator 39) is set to 1. g. C''', " ' I If the contents of the L store positions are binary zeros after the addition, KZR (Indicator 37) is set to 1; otherwise, it is set to O. Example: Add, in binary, three characters from AR2 to TOTAL. , ~7 11 A 82 1 J_ ,13 --"" AR2 (before & after) I, OPERANDS OPERATION LA8EL 3 TOTAL, - -- - =1 I I 1 I I I I 1 x I 30 18 19 x x x x x x x I x _I 1x I 1 x 1 I -- - 1 - ) 45!46j I ) ~ I I • - I 1 x 1 x 11 11 1 0 (octal 040403) TOTAL (before) = I I 51 wI TOTAL (after) = I EI 91 z I (octal 301474) A (octal 241071)' o UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 c: 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 39 SECTION: PAGE: 3.3.9. SUBTRACT BINARY Format: SBa M, L, X Function: Perform a binary subtraction of the L least significant characters of ARI or 2 from the L characters in store (whose least significant character is in Mx )' and place the binary difference in the field at Mx. Notes: a. The SBa instruction subtracts the contents of ARa from Mx placing the difference in Mx. b. The contents of the arithmetic register are not changed, unless Mx addresses either arithmetic register. c. The instruction specifies L characters; therefore the number of bits involved is always 6L. d. No algebraic signs are associated with the operands. e. This instruction adds the 2's complement of the value in the arithmetic register to the value in store. f. Carries propagate up to, but not beyond, the most significant bit of the field in store. A carry beyond the most significant bit is lost, but sets Indicator 39 to 1. If there is no carry KNB (Indicator 39) is set to O. This differs from the setting described under the ABa instruction, because a carry beyond the most significant bit indicates that the result in Mx is the true difference. If there is no carry, the result is the complement of the true difference. g. If the contents of the L character positions are binary zeros after the subtraction, KZR (Indicator 37) is set to 1; otherwise it is set to O. Example: Subtract, in binary, the 3 least significant characters of AR2 from QNTY. ~ ~7 - 11 S B2 --....'" I ~ AR2 (before & after) QNTY (before) = c 30 18 19 13 QNTY{after) ,: t} OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL QNTY, I - --. Ix I I I x x x 45!46 I 3 -- ..0 1x 1x I x 1 x I x 1x 1x I I x x 16 15 I } I --LJ 131 (octal 111006) Is 16 I I (octal 131145) I-I ] I# 1(octal 020137) K UP-3912 Rev. 1 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 40 SECTION. PAGE. ADD CHARACTER 3.3.10. Format: AC M,C,X Function: Add, in binary, the character C to the contents of Mx ' and store the sum in Mx. Notes: a. The binary value contained in the last six bit positions of the instruction is the increment. b. The binary sum is stored at Mx. c. Carries are allowedto propagate into Mx-1 and as far as necessary. d. A carry beyond the most significant bit of Mx sets KNB (Indicator 39) to 0; if there is no carry beyond this position, KNB is set to 1. e. The arithmetic registers are not affected by this instruction, unless Mx addresses a character in AR1 or AR2. Example: o Add the binary equivalent of a decimal 25 (011001) to the character labeled COUNT. 'r: tt LABEL 7 • ~- - 11 ~13 - -. - 45!4ll 40 I 2 5 CO U NT - --- - I 30 18 19 AC :~ OPERANDS OPERATION - .- I - I - I - I I 1 COUNT (before) = decimal 25 COUNT (after) = decimal 50 This instruction may also be written as , ~~ 7 I ........ LABEL -- 11 ,13 AC I - I 30 18 19 - : OPERANDS OPERATION COU NT, - • F ' , 45!46/ 40 I I - I 1 1 1 - I -- Since 011001 is the UNIVAC 1050 character code for the letter F, it may also be written as I 1- 01 UP-3912 o r 7 _ " ........... .... AC COUNT, - -- o3 1 - - 4S!.w 40 I I I I I -- In all three cases, the assembler produces the bit configuration 011001. o PAGE. I\ 30 18 19 13 11 SECTION. OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL '( 41 3 UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR Rev. 1 I I UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION. 3.4. COMPARISON INSTRUCTIONS These instructions compare two values, and the result of the comparison is recorded in the following indicators: INDICATOR NAME 42 PAGE. c NUMBER KHI (High Indicator) 33 KEQ (Equal Indicator) 34 KUQ (Unequal Indicator) 35 KLO (Low Indicator) 36 !' The settings of these indicators can be tested by the program and appropriate action can be taken. Neither of the two fields involved in the comparison is changed as a result of the comparison. The formats of the comparison instructions are OPERANDS 30 x c and OPERANDS 30 40 where OP is the mnemonic operation code, a is 1 or 2, specifying the arithmetic register to be used, o UP-3912 Rev. 1 .0 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR M is an operand address, L is an expression specifying operand length, C may be - a single alphanumeric character enclosed in apostrophes, - a decimal number ranging from 0 through 63, - an octal number ranging from 0 through 077, - a symbolic expression, X is an index register expression. C~· ~ . 43 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS SECTION: PAGE: UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.4.1. SECTION: 44 i PAQE: COMPARE DECIMAL Format: CDa M, L, X Function: Compare algebraically a signed number compri sing all digits to the right of the rightmost sentinel in AR1 or 2 to a signed numeric field of L (maximum of L is 16) decimal digits, starting with the least significant digit location at Mx' Except for the sign bit zone portions are ignored; all characters are treated as decimal digits. * Notes: I a. If the signs of the two fields are unlike, the comparison is terminated immediately. b. If no sentinel is present in the specified arithmetic register, all sixteen characters of the register are used in the comparison. c. If there is a difference in the field lengths of the two operands, decimal zeros are assumed in the implied high order positions of the shorter field, i.e., if one field is five characters long and the other is eight characters long, the CD instruction assumes that the five character field is preceded by three decimal zeros. d. Comparison stops upon locating a sign difference or when the most significant character of the longer field has been compared algebraically. e. The result of the algebraic comparison is stored in testable indicators as follows: Result of Comparison** Status of Indicators after Comparison Indicator Number (octal) 041 042 043 044 33 34 35 36 KHI (High) KEQ (Equal) KUQ (Unequal) KLO (Low) (ARa) = (Mx) 0 1 0 0 (ARa) < (Mx) 0 0 1 1 (ARa) > (Mx) 1 0 1 0 Indicator Number (decimal) Suggested Mnemonic * Compare 0 V Binary should be employed lor comparisons involving alphabetics • •• (ARa) means "the contents 01 ARa", and (M ) means "the contents 01 M ". K X o UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR o 45 3 SECTION. PAGE. Example: Compare decimally the five character field at CONST with the seven character field in AR2. 1= It; 7 LABEL 11 .. fL.., c D 2 AR2 (before ) & (after) CON S I = CONST (before) = & (after) I x I 30 18 19 13 : OPERANDS OPERATION " I x I x T, I x 5 I x I I x I x I x I 45!~ 40 & 101 - I 0 I I 4 I 4 I 131 5 I 0 I t I lsi ~ I The CD instruction assumes that CONST is a seven character field and treats it as if it were 0013582. Since the contents of AR2 are greater than the contents of CONST. the KHI and KUQ indicators are set. o I ! 1- UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1· 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 3.4.2. SECTION: 46 PAGlE: COMPARE BINARY Format: CBa M, L, X Function: Perform an absolute binary comparison of the L least significant character positions of AR1 or 2 to the L characters whose least significant location is at Mx' Notes: a. The comparison is an absolute binary comparison; therefore the operation continues until L characters have been compared. b. Since L specifies a length in terms of characters, the number of bits involved in the comparison is 6 L. c. The result of the comparison is recorded in the testable indicators as follows: Result of Comparison Indicator Number (octal) Status of Indicators after Comparison 041 042 043 044 33 34 35 36 KHI (High) KEQ (Equal) KUQ (Unequal) KLO (Low) (ARa) = (Mx) 0 1 0 0 (ARa) < (Mx) 0 0 1 1 (ARa) > (Mx) 1 0 1 0 Indicator NQmber (decimal) Suggested Mnemonic C Example: Compare the two characters at CODEX against the two Ie ast significant characters of ARl. o P.E RA N D S 40 30 CODEX = AR1 = rn Ix 1 x I x 1 x 1 x I x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x I x 1 x 1 x 1 B 1 2 (010101 000110) 1(010101000101) Since the absolute binary value in AR1 is less than that in Mx' the KUQ (35) and KLO (36) Indicators are set to 1. -.--.- .. --.--~---.---- ..... --.. ---.--------~ c' UP-3912 c UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS SECTION. COMPARE CHARACTER - CC M, C, X Function: Perform an absolute binary comparison of the character represented by C to the character in Mx. Notes: a. C may be • a single alphanumeric character enclosed in apostrophes, • a decimal number ranging from 0 through 63, • an octal number ranging from 0 through 77, or • a symbolic expression. b. The result of the comparison is stored in the testable indicators as follows: C) Result of Comparison Status of Indicators after Comparison 041 042 043 044 33 34 35 36 KHI (High) KEQ (Equal) KUQ (Unequal) KLO (Low) = (Mx) t 1 0 t C < (M x ) C> (Mx) 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Indicator Number (octal) Indicator Number (decimal) Suggested Mnemonic C Example: Compare the character at KEY1 against the character D. OPERANDS 1819 c 30 40 If KEY1 contains the character G (011010), the character D (010111) is less than KEY1, the Unequal (35) and Low (36) Indicators are set to 1. t Unchangefl. 47 3-B CENTRAL PRDCESSDR PAGlE: UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 48 3-B tJP-3912 CENTRAL' PROCESSDR __S_E_C_T_IO~N~:______~P~A*G~E~:________~____________~____________________________--------------------~----------~i; LOGICAL COMPARE - LC M, C, X Function: Test the character at Mx for the presence of 1 bit in every bit position that corresponds to those bit positions of C which contain 1 bits. Notes: a. Only those corresponding bit positions in Mx and C containing 1 bits are compared. All other bits are ignored. \' b. If all bit positions in Mx that correspond to the 1 bits in C are also 1 bits, Mx and C are considered to be equal, and KEQ is set. Otherwise, C is considered to be higher in value. c. If C is binary zeros, Mx and C are considered to be equal, regardless of the contents of Mx' d. The .result of the comparison is recorded in the testable indicators as follows: Result of Comparison Status of Indicators after Comparison Indicator Number (octal) 041 042 043 044 33 34 35 36 KHI (High) KEQ (Equal) KUQ (Unequal) KLO (Low) 1 0 t 0 1 0 Indicator Number (decimal) Suggested Mnemonic '> C = (Mx) t 1 C t- (Mx) Example: Compare the 1 bits of the character r: (r.r 7 LABEL - '8' 18 19 11 ,13 - :I 0) OPERANDS OPERATION LC with the 1 bits of the character at CODE. CODE , 30 , 8 ' - 45i461 40 I - - I I -. I I I I I -' l~'" t Unchanged. " , I , UP-3912 Rev. 1 c UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: Since the UNIVAC 1050 bit configuration for the character '8' is 001011, CODE will be considered equal to 8 if the first, second, and fourth bits (counting from the rightmost bit) of CODE are 1 bits. Therefore the following bit configurations will set the Equal Indicator: 001011 (8) 011011 (H) 101011 (Q) 111011 (V) 001111 ([) 011111 (#) 101111 (~) 111111 (J:() Any other bit configurations will set the KUQ and KHI Indicators. c' 3 49 PAGE: UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 50 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION. PAGE. 3.5. SEQUENCE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS Normally the instructions in a UNIVAC 1050 program are accessed and executed sequentially, i.e., in the order that they appear in main store. Whenever the conditions of the program require a break in this normal sequence, the sequence control instructions are used. In the normal, sequential execution of instructions, the control counter is automatically incremented by five whenever an instruction is executed. This provides the control unit with the address of the next instruction to be accessed by the control register. Sequence control instructions override this normal incrementation by changing the contents of the control counter. This transfers program control to some instruction which is not in sequence. The format of a sequence control instruction is , LABEL E ~ 11 7 OP t'r 7 M, LABEL I , or I ~ { i-I - OPERANDS II 30 M , N , X - ~ where M 45 1461 - 18 19 13 II 40 I - - .- oP oP X OPERATION 11 l 30 18 19 13 \1.-. _ E OPERANDS OPERATION 40 - - - ) 45!48 I J I Cl i I I , I is the mnemonic operation code, is the label of an instruction, is an expression identifying an indicator, N is an expression giving a number, X is an index register expression. In some special forms of sequence control instructions, the I expression is implied by the operation code, in which case the instruction is written as follows: [ ?7 LABEL 11 ,13 ---- OP ......... - OP.:RAHDS OPERATION 30 18 19 i M -~ I X -- ,. 45 146) 40 I I - - - -- - - o I 1 I .i- I ! . I C CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.5.1. 51 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP·3912 Rev. 1 SECTION. PAGE. JUMP Format: J M,X Function: Transfer program control unconditionally to the instruction labeled Mx. Example: Transfer program control unconditionally to the instruction labeled ENDRN. , ~1 LABEL J 1..-" ....... _ 3.5.2. - Cc; - - - 45 14 I - I - I - - I I --L_ JG M,X JE M,X JUMP IF UNEQUAL Format: 3.5.5. END R N 40 JUMP IF EQUAL Format: 3.5.4. ---- 30 JUMP IF GREATER Format: 3.5.3. 18 19 13 11 II OPERANDS OPERATION JU M,X JUMP IF SMALLER Format: Function: JS M, X Test the comparison indicator specified by the operation code. If the indicator is set to 1, transfer control to the instruction labeled Mx; if it is set to 0, execute the next instruction in sequence. Notes: a. These four conditional jump instructions are not available with the PAL Jr. System which is employed on the 4096 character storage capacity Central Processor. The PAL Jr. System uses the Jump Conditional instruction with indicator 33 for Jump if Greater, 34 for Jump if Equal, 35 for Jump if Unequal, and 36 for Jump if Smaller. b. These instructions are used in conjunction with the comparison instructions (CT, CDa, CBa, CC, and LC). After a comp&rison instruction has been executed, one or more of the comparison indicators (KHI, KEQ, KUQ, KLO) is set. The comparison jumps test these indicators. c. If a second expression appears on a line, it is interpreted as an index register expression. UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS 52 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: PAGE. r--"" Example: '0 A comparison instruction has just been executed. If the Equal Indicator was set as a result of the comparison, transfer control to the instruction labeled HEADR. OPERANDS OPERATION 13 1819 30 HE A D R I' c .-w-'-...,-.,------------'_"4W-.,.-------- UP-3912 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS SECTION: HAL T. THEN JUMP - JHJ M, X Function: Stop the computer. When the Program Start button on the console is depressed, transfer program control to the instruction labeled Mx' Notes: a. This instruction is provided to allow the program to stop'the computer and await some action on the part of the operator before processing is resumed. b. When the computer stops, the control counter already contains the address of the instruction to be executed when the Program Start button is depressed. JUMP DISPLAY - JD M, X Function: 53 3-B CENTRAL PROCESSOR Stop the computer and display the binary value at Mx on the console dis play lights. When the Program Start button on the console is depressed, execute the next instructi on in sequence. Note: The notes under the JHJ instruction apply, except that Mx is ignored and is used for display purposes only. When the Program Start button is depressed, control is transferred to the next instruction in sequence.' \ PAGE: UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 3-B SECTION: 54 CENTRAL PRDCESSOR PAGE. UP-3912 JUMP CONDITIONAL* - JC M, I, X Transfer control according to the specification I. Function: Notes: • Conditional 1. The following indicators are associated with arithmetic operations. Indicator Control is transferred to Mx if: I, 37 (KZR) The result of the last arithmetic operation was zero. 38 (KM) The result of the last decimal arithmetic operation was negative. 39 (KNB) No overflow occurred in the last binary add operation or overflow did occur in last binary subtract operation. 40 (KDF) Decimal overflow occurred since the las t test for this condition. ** 2.· The following values of I test the Sense Indicators. The Sense Indicators are devices which are·set and reset by program instructions (See Unconditional, Note 1). The Sense Indicators exist as a convenience for the programmer; while the comparison indicators are set and reset as a result of a comparison, the Sense Indicators may be set and reset arbitrarily. Indicator r Control is transferred to Mx if: 53 Sense Indicator 1 is set to 1. 54 Sense Indicator 2 is set to 1. 55 Sense Indicator 3 is set to 1. <'_J/' 3. The following indicators test the setting of the Sense Switches, which are set and reset manually. These Sense Switches are on the console. Indicator Control is transferred to Mx if: 50 Sense Switch 1 is ON 51 Sense Switch 2 is ON 52 Sense Switch 3 is ON * A listin~ of the various values of I and of their si~nificance is provided on pa~e • * KDF is reset to zero. when tested. A11 other indicators are unaffected by testinQ. " i 3-E-4 • UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSDR c • 55 3 SECTION: PAGE: Unconditional a. The following indicators set and reset the testable Sense Indicators (See Conditional, Note b). The Sense Indicators are not tested. After they are set'or reset, the instruction causes an unconditional transfer of control to Mx' Indicator Function 18 Set Sense Indicator 1 to 1 and jump to Mx' 19 Set Sense Indicator 2 to 1 and jump to Mx' 20 Set Sense Indicator 3 to 1 and jump to Mx' 21 Reset Sense Indicator 1 to 0 and jump to Mx' 22 Reset Sense Indicator 2 to 0 and jump to Mx' 23 Reset Sense Indicator 3 to 0 and jump to Mx' b. The indicators 00 and 24 cause an unconditional transfer of control to Mx ' i.e., they cause the JC instruction to operate identically to the J instruction. The J instruction is actually a JC instruction which the assembler automatically supplies with the indicator 00. c. The indicators 32 and 56 do not test any of the hardware indicators. Control is always transferred to the next instruction in sequence; in other words, a JC instruction with an I expression of either 32 or 56 is a skip, or a No-Operation instruction. C:: d. Indicator 41 stores the settings of comparison indicators 33 and 34 and the arithmetic indicators 37-40 in Mx' It is unnecessary to store indicators 35 and 36 (unequal and low) with indicators 33 and 34 (high and equal) stored. These indicators are stored in character Mx in the following order: 40, 39, 38, 37, 34, 33. Indicator 42 sets indicators 33-40 from Mx' Be careful that indicator 40 (decimal overflow) is set properly. If by setting indicator 42 indicator 40 is set, a Class II interrupt will be caused. Example: If the result of the last arithmetic operation was zero, transfer control to ZRBAL. r ) L,...oo ·~' C - -" .. ' 11 7 I 30 18 19 13 J C - II OPERANDS OPERATION t. LABEL Z R B A L , 3.1 7 - - 40 ~ 45 146 I I I I ! - .i. II UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 3.5.9. " ' _ , c ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ "_ _ _ _ _ _ . _____ •• _. _. _ _ _ _ _ ~ ___ ~ ~ ________________ 56 3 SECTION: PAGE: JUMP RETURN Format: JR M, I, X Function: Test the indicator specified by 1*. If it is set to 1, store the address of the next instruction in sequence in the address portion of the instruction at Mx' Program control is then transfer-red to the instruction immediately followingthe one at Mx' Notes: a. This instruction provides the programmer with the facility of breaking program sequence and executing a subroutine; then it returns program control to the instruction immediately following the JR instruction. b. In order that control be returned to the instruction immediately following the JR, the last line of the subroutine must be a J to the same label (M) as the label to which the JR was executed. c. The instruction at Mx must be a J instruction with no index register expression. The address portion of this J instruction is usually zero, although any value may be placed in it. This portion is destroyed when the JR to that line is executed. d. The JR instruction tests the same indicators as those which the JC instruction does. The only difference between a JR and a JC instruction, other than in timing, is that a JR stores the address of the instruction immediately follOWing it in the address portion of the instruction labeled M and transfers . x control to Mx + 5, wh1le the JC merely transfers control to Mx . e. Additional values of I are as follows: Indicator Function 16 Stop the computer. When the Program Start button on the console is depressed, store the address of the instruction immediately following in the address portion of the instruction at Mx' and transfer control to Mx + 5. 33 (KHI) If the High Indicator is set, store the address of the instruction immediately following in the address portion of the instruction at Mx' and transfer control to Mx + 5. 34 (KEQ) If the Equal Indicator is set, store the address of the instruction immediately following in the address portion of the instruction at Mx' and transfer control to Mx + 5. listing of the various values of I Bnd of their si~nificance is provided in Table 4,,1, Page 4-4. *A I I UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 3-B CENTRAL PRDCESSDR o 57 PACJE: SECTION: 35 (KUQ) If the Unequal indicator is set, store the address of the instruction immediately following in the address portion of the instruction at Mx ' and transfer control to Mx + 5. 36 (KLO) If the Low Indicator is set, store the address of the instruction immediately following in the addressportion of the instruction at Mx ' and transfer control to Mx + 5. Example: A binary subtract instruction has just been executed. If no overflow has occurred, the result is the complement of the true result, and must be recomplemented. The subroutine whose first instruction is RCMPL must be performed..-fn either case, processing must continue whether or not the recomplementation subroutine has. been executed. Test for binary overflow; if none has occurred, perform the subroutine whose first line is labeled RCMPL; otherwise, continue processing. OPERANDS OPERATION o 11 13 30 1819 40 PL,KNB J R The line labeled RCMPL might be OPERANDS 30 If the JR instruction above effectively, \ ~ LABEL 7 a transfer of control, this line will become, OPERATION 11 ReM P L I....-~ ~ffects 13 J V- OPERANOS T EST + 5 - - - -- I\ 30 18 19 I 40 40 -I I - I i -- 45 14d I 1 I .- , UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS SECTION: CENTRAL PRDCESSOR 58 3-B PAGE: c and the last line of the subroutine must be , ~7 L.- LABEL OPERATION 11 -- 18 19 13 J - : 461 OPERANDS ReM P L 30 40 I -- I I I I -' 45 1 I \ I I - - I / which will transfer control to TEST + 5. c; i I ! UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 c 59 3-B CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION: PAGE: JUMP LOOP - JL M, N, X Test the N portion of the instruction against binary zeros (000000). If equal, execute the next instruction in sequence. If unequal, decrement the N portion by a binary 1 (000001) and restore the new value of N in the N portion of the instruction in main store. If the new value of N is still unequal to 000000, transfer program control to the instruction at Mx; otherwise,execute the next instruction in sequence. Function: Notes: a· The N portion of the instruction is never decremented past 000000. b. The N portion serves as the working counter for the instruction. His decremented by 000001 every time that the JL instruction is executed. c. The maximum value of N is 63. d. After N has been decremented to 000000, N must be reset by a program instruction (usually an SC instruction) to its original value. Otherwise, N will.remain at 000000 the next time that the JL instruction is executed. c Example: Execute the subroutine, the first line of which is labeled BINAD, 9 times. The line of the subroutine may be coded as follows: 't ~7 11 ,13 : OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL I 30 18 19 40 45 146j \ - -- R PTA D ...... -- - B I N AD, J L , I 9 I - - 1 I I - I I .- - I ) I I It is recommended that the next line be ~6 7 \ ..... LABEL 11 ,13 - SC R PTA D . 30 18 19 I :~ OPERANDS OPERATION +4 , 9 - - 40 45:4' I I I - I - so that, when the N portion of the line labeled RPT AD is decremented to 000000, it is reset to its original value of 9. I UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS SECTION. UP-3912 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 60 3-B PAGE. c 6· EDITING INSTRUCTIONS The editing instructions in the UNIVAC 1050 instruction repertoire are used to alter the form of information in store by means other than arithmetic instructions. The formats of editing instructions are: ~6 7 LABEL 11 , , 0 P a t . OP -- - I 45:46 40 \ I ,( I 1 oP oP 30 18 19 13 I~ OPERANDS OPERAT<10N n 1 - -.L I M L X I M L , X I I M , S , X I I : M.J C X I I L I - .1 it i L1 1. ~ - J I I I - - ---J-J where • OP is a mnemonic operation code, • a is 1 or 2, specifying an arithmetic register, • n is the number of characters involved in a bit shift, • M is an expression specifying an operand address, • L is an expression specifying operand length, • S is an expression specifying the number of bit positions that an operand is to be shifted, • C is a six bit editing pattern, and • X is an index register expression. ) UP-3912 c UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 61 3-B SECTION: PAGE: TRANSLATE - TR M, L, X Function: Replace the L characters whose least significant character is in Mx using a translation table. Notes: a. The maximum value of L is 64 .. b. A translation table may consist of a maximum of 64 characters stored in any row of store from 0-63. The row number must be program sl;lt in absolute location 72 (TRO). c. The Mx expression specifies the location of the least significant character to be translated. Translation works from the least significant to the most significant character, until the number of characters specified by L have been translated. d. The TR instruction replaces each character in the field to be translated with a character selected from the row specified by TRO .. The basis for selecting the replacemj:!nt character is the binary value of the character to be replaced. The binary value of any six bit character ranges from zero (000000) through 63 (111111). This binary value provides the character address of the particular six bit configuration within the specified row which is to replace the character. In other words, a character with a binary value of zero (000000) is replaced by whatever character is prestored in position 0 of the translate row; a character with a binary value of 1 (000001) is replaced by whatever character is prestored in position 1 of the translate row; and so on. e. The contents of the translate row are not altered by the instruction, unless the translate row itself is translated. f. If L is greater than 15, L may not be implied by means of a previous definition (cf. AREA Directive). .. _S.E~C~T'~O~N~: ~ UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 62 3-B ____~~PA~G~E~:________~____________________________________________----------------------------~I o Example: A three character field containing the bit configurations 010101 010100 100010 is labeled FLDI. These bit configurations are the 90 column card codes for the characters ABC. FLDI is to be printed and must be tnitfslated from 90 column card code to UNIVAC 1050 XS 3 code. The translation table is in Row 10 (locations 640-703). The first in~truction places the row number in TRO. \~ ~7 LABEL 11 • - -- - F L D 1 , FLDI (before) . 90 column equivalent = = Decimal value 40 45:46 I T R0 , T 0 S C T R 30 18 19 13 lJ OPERANDS OPERATION I I - - -- 3 I - - I --- I \ I .( -> 010101 010100 100010 A B C 21 20 34 () Character position Row 10 20 21 (010101) (010100) . 1050 equivalent FLDI (after) 1050 equivalent A B = 34 . (010110) . C 010100 010101 010110 A B C C·' . , UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 c CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.6.2. 63 3 SECTION: PAQE: EDIT Format: ED M, L,X Function: Edit the L least significant characters of arithmetic register 1 into the store positions whose least significant character is Mx under control of the pattern in AR2. Notes: a. The maximum value of L plus E is 16. * b. The edit instruction facilitates the following operations on a data field • elimination of the sign bit • translation of the sign to a form suitable for printing • insertion of punctuation (any alphanumeric character except @) in the data field: c. Data in ARI is placed in the designated storage, in character positions that correspond to the location of the @ and J::( characters in AR2. d. If the least significant character in AR2 is (.~ - a minus sign (000010), two functions will be performed: J::( • if the field in ARI is negative, a minus sign is placed in positive, a blank is pl,aced in Mx' • the least significant character in ARI is transferred to are placed in the zone bits. Mx; ~-1 if the field is and binary, zeros a lozenge (111111), the numeric bits of the least significant character of ARI are copied in to location Mx ' and binary zer os are placed in the zone bits of ~. @ an "at" character (100000), the least significant character of ARI is copied into Mx without alteration. Any other character appearing in the least significant character position of AR2 is transferred to location ~ unaltered. e. Except as noted in note d, any character in AR 2, other than an @, is transferred unaltered to a corresponding position in the designated storage area; an @causes the corresponding character in ARt to be transferred to the designated storage area unaltered. f. The number of @characters in AR2 must be at least equal to the number of characters specified by L. • E = number of characters inRerted into the edited field. UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-39l2 Rev. 1 , 64 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION', PACilE, o Examples: • Edit the 10 least significant characters of ARl according to the pattern contained in AR2, placing the edited field in the locations whose least significant character is labeled TOTAL. 30 6 ED I I ..... - --- TOT A LJ _/'" L....---I ARl = I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 10 I0 11 12 13 14 I 40 - 11 0 I @ I @ 1 @I ' I @I @1 @I ' AR2 = I :~ OPERANDS L7 LABEL 11 ,,3OPERATION18 19 I I5 16 17 Is 1 @I @1 @1 . 191 I 1 - - -- t } 45!461 I I ) ,I ---." I I @ I @ I-I After the instruction is executed, the field labeled TOTAL contains o Character position TOTAL is blank because the field is positive. If it were negative, TOTAL would contain • Edit the 8 least significant characters of AR1 according to the pattern in AR2 and store the edited field in the field labeled TOTAL. I -- .OPERANDS OPERATION \6 7 LABEL 11 18 19 13 ED I .... - I I 30 TOT A L -- AR1 = I 0 1 AR2 = I 0 10 0 I 0 I 0 I0 II \ ) . 8 ------10 10 1 0 1 @ 1@ 1 ' I0 40 1 -' - ,.L i i - \3 14 [5 16 17 I @ I @ I @ I, Is I@ \ @ I @ \. - I J 19 I 0 45 146 - I I ... ) I I I J I \ @ \@ I After the instruction is executed, TOTAL will contain r ...---r'1 X I--'--x 1 x--'--I 3 .,..--r14I---r-s I -'--1 6 "'---'1 I --'-. 19 """""""1 ! I 7 I---r-s TOTAL o I. I~ UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 c SECTION: PAGE: because the minus sign appears in the zone bits of the least significant character in AR1, the least significant @character in AR2 acts as a J:t and the zone bits are not transferred. (If the zone bits were to be transferred the result would be the 1050 character for the exclamation point.) • ,~ ~ ~ LABEL Edit the 8 least significant characters of AR1 according to the pattern in AR2 and store the edited field in the field labeled TOTAL. 11 ,13 7 -- OPERANDS OPERATION TOTAL, 40 I - I - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \3 T T 0 A L After the instruction is executed, TOTAL will contain 1314151, 16171 s 1 ·19 10 1* I ~ I I I I I I I I \4 15 16 17 Is 19 16 I I @\ @I@I, I @I@ I @I . I @ I@·I* I I I I I I 0 45 146 I 8 - AR2 :I 0) 30 18 19 E 0 ARl c 65 3-B CENTRAL PRDCESSDR I T 10 1 T IA IL I --..---,----~------~~ UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 3-B SECTI~9N: UP-3912 CENTRALPRDCESSa·R 66 PAGE: i I o ZERO SUPPRESS...., ZS M, L, X ZS$ M, L, X ZS* M, L, X Function: Beginning at location Mj{ and working to the right on a maximum of L characters, replace blanks, zeros, and commas until a character which is neither a blank, a zero, nor a comma is encountered. Notes: a. In this' instruction, Mx specifies the most significant character position of the field, as the instruction operates on the field from left to right. b. The maximum value of L is 16. c. A ZS instruction replaces all leading blanks, zeros, and commas with blanks. d. A ZS$ instruction replaces all leading blanks, zeros, and commas with blanks, and inserts a dollar sign ($) in the position immediately to the left of the first character encountered which is neither a blank, a zero, nor a comma. e. A ZS* instruction replaces 'all leading blanks, zeros, and commas with asterisks (*). f. A count (from 0 to 16), expressed in binary, of the number of characters suppressed is stored by the circuitry in ZCT (absolute location 73). g. If Mx is not a blank, a zero, or a comma, and'a ZS$ instruction is executed, a dollar sign is inserted into Mx-I. Example: Suppress leading zeros, commas, and blanks in the field whose most significant character is labeled TOTAL-IS. TOTAL-IS through TOTAL = I 0 I ' I0 11 12 I ' 13 14 Is 1 ' 16171 s1 ·19 f 0 I If the instruction is E ~ LABEL 11 ,13 6 7 ZS 18 19 - -- ~ .. - .•.. ~.~- .. -~ :~ OPERANDS OPERATION TOTAL-15 , ~----- . . . . . . . --.--~~------~---~------ 30 13I - 45!~ 40 l I I I - I II I - c 67 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: PAGE: a!ter the instruction is executed, the field TOTAL -15 through TOTAL would contain TOTAL -15 ] TOTAL If the instruction is ~6 7 11 j OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL Z S ,$ .-L -- - 30 18 19 13 --- TOT A ,L - 115 ' 1 31 -- - - : ki( 45 146 40 I I I - -- - - _I the field would contain 11\$\i\2\,\3\4\5\,\6\7\8\'\9\01 TOTAL -15 L j TOTAL If the instruction is ~~ 7 LABEL OPERATION 11 l-L 18 19 13 Z,S - OPERANDS * • l\ 30 T,O T,A L _,1.5 , - - 1 40 ~I . I ~ -./ 45,..; 1 - the field would contain TOTAL-IS In all three cases, ZCT would contain a 3 expressed in binary (000011) . o I ! 1 I UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 3.6.4. I'ECTION: PAGEl o PAD BLANKS PD Format: 3.6.5. 68 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR M, L, X PAD ZEROS Format: PDO M, L, X Function: Place decimal zeros (000011) or blanks (000000), as indicated by the operation code, in the L locations whose least significant character is at Mx' Notes: a. The arithmetic registers are not involved in the operation of this instruction, unless Mx is the address of a location in either arithmetic register. b. The maximum value of L is 16. Example: Place blanks in the 16 character field whose least significant character position is labeled TOTAL. T LABEL 7 11 -- PD ~"--- - TOT AL (before) TOTAL (after) II \-) OPERANDS OPERATION ,18 19 13 30 TOT A L 1 6 I - 45!~ 40 I - -- I I - I -~ I* I~ 1* 11121,1314151,1617181.1910 I 1 ,,' 'I " 1 I" , 1 , , I , I I I I UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 SECTION: LOGICAL SUM - LS M, C, X Function: For every bit position in C containing a one, place a one in the corresponding bit position in Mx' Notes: a. The bit positions of Mx which correspond to those bit positions of C containing o bits are unchanged. b. C is not altered after the instruction is executed. Example: Superimpose the character 110000 on the characters IND1, IND2,and IND3. LABEL OPERATION 6711 13 1819 LS IND1 (before) IND1 (after) 001111 111111 IND2 (before) IND2 (after) 000011 110011 IND3 (before) IND3 (after) ,= 100011 110011 69 3-B CENTRAL PROCESSOR OPERANDS 30 PAGE. , UNIVAC 1050 SYSIEMS SECTION: ~ "CENTR-AL -PROCESSOR 70 3-B PAGE, C ' ,'J LOGICAL PRODUCT - LP M, C, X Function: For every bit position in C containing a zero, place a zero in the corresponding bit pos·ition in Mx' Notes: a. The bit positions of Mx which correspond to those bit positions of C containing 1 bits are unchanged. b. C is not altered after the instruction is executed. Example: Extract the three least significant bit positions of the characters IND4, INDS, and IND6. (C must be 111000.) ~ LABEL ~7 ' 11 6 13 :~ OPERANDS OPERATIOjq I 30 18 19 40 I LP I ND4 o7 0 I I I LP I ND5 07 O~ I I I LP I ND6 o7 0 I l ,..~-- } 45 146J I - - IND4 (before) IND4 (after) 111111 111000 INDS (before) INDS (after) 101101 101000 IND6(before) IND6 (after) 001011 001000 -'- - - - -- L c I --!..- c UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 c 3 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.6.8. 71 SECTION: PAGE: BIT SHIFT Format: BSn M, S, X Function: Shift the n characters whose least significant location is Mx ' S bit positions left, replacing the S least significant bit positions of Mx with binary zeros. Note that this instruction is a hit shift involving an integral number of characters. Notes: a. n may he 1, 2, 3, or 4, specifying the number of six bit characters involved in the shift. b. S specifies the number of bit positions that the field is to be shifted left. A maximum shift of 7 is possible. c. Bits shifted beyond the most significant bit position of the most signficant character are lost. d. Zeros replace the hits shifted out of the least significant bit positions of the least significant character(s). Example: Shift the two character field, DATA3, 3 bit positions left. ~ ~7 LABEL 11 , L.~ 18 19 13 B S2 -L...- - - 30 D A,T A 3 • ~ 3 45 1 40 I - DATA3-1 through DATA3 (before) = 110101 001111 DATA3-1 through DATA3 (after) = 101001 111000 c I) OPERANDS OPERATION - I - I I - - I I CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 3.6.9. 72 3 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 SECTION. PAGE, o BIT CIRCULATE Format: BCn M, S, X Function: Shift the n characters whose least significant location is Mx' S bit positions left. The Smost significant bits are moved into the S least significant bit positions of Mx' Note that this instruction is a bit shift involving an integral number of characters. Notes: a. n may be 1, 2, 3, or 4, specifying the number of six bit characters involved in the shift. b. S specifies the number of bit positions that the field is to be shifted left. A maximum shift of 7 is possible. c. Bits shifted beyond the most significant bit position of the most significant character are entered into the least significant bit positions of the least significant character(s). Example: Shift the three character field, DATA4, 5 bit positions left, circularly. L ,7 11 -B C 3 3~ .... 13 - .;.... :~ OPERANDS OPERATION LABEL I 30 18 19 D A T A.4 5 - I - 461 40 - I I DATA4-2 through DATA4 (before) = 100110 110101 001111 DA TA4-2 through DATA4 (after) = 011010 100111 110011 I 45 1 I - I I I J I UP-3912 Rev, 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 3 CENTRAL PROCESSOR PAGE NO'S, MNEM OPERANDS CODE 3-14 BOa -16 -6 TIMES IN MICROSECONDS INSTRUCTION M, L, x BRING DECIMAL 36 + 9L BAa M, L, X BRING ALPHANUMERIC 27 + 9L BT M, T, X BRING TETRAD 63 M, L, X STORE ARITHMETIC REG, 27 + 9L STORE BOTH ARITHMETIC REGISTERS 324 63 _17 c.: SAo -17 W II- SAR M Z -C ST M, T. X STORE TETRAD _18 I- SC M, C, X STORE CHARACTER 40,5 -10 -C FT M, T, X FIX TETRAD 81 -C TFI M , ,X* TRANSFER BLOCK FROM STORE, INCREMENT II) c.: I-20 Q X " R:~~~~~RBELS~;'K FROM 103.5+ 9B 90+ 9B -20 TFR M, , X * -22 TTl M Xt TR;~~~~~I~~~~~ETNOT 103.5 -22 TTR M xt TRANSFER BLOCK TO STORE, RESET 90+ 9B 3-26 ADa M, L, X ADD DECIMAL 49.5+ 13.5 (L+ Lc); if IMxl -38 ABa M, L, X ADD BINARY 27+ 13,5L -29 -7 -40 -28 -39 -31 + 9B > AMa M, L, X ADD TO MEMORY 49.5+ 13.5; if IARal ~ AT M, T, X ADD TO TETRAD 81 W AC M, C, X ADD CHARACTER 45+ 13.5Le SDa M, L, X SUBTRACT DECIMAL 49.5+ 13.5 (L+ Lc); if SBa M, L, X SUBTRACT BINARY 27+ 13.5L I~ :z:: !:: c.: -C > IAR~ IMxl IMJ > > IARaI SMa M, L, X SUBTRACT FROM MEMORY 49.5+ 13.5L; if -32 MPN L MULTIPLY NON-CUMULAT, L (33.75K+63.5) +99 -34 MPC L MULTIPLY CUMULATIVE L (33.75K+63.5) +27 -36 DV L DIVIDE L (74.25K+ 128.25) + 13.5K+49.5 3-44 Z CDa M, L, X COMPARE DECIMAL 36+ 13.5L'; if !!! c.: CBa M, L, X COMPARE BINARY 27+ 13.5L 0 46 -47 -9 -48 -C CC M, C, X COMPARE CHARACTER 40.5 ~ CT M, T, X COMPARE TETRAD 81 U LC M. C, X LOGICAL COMPARE 40.' JE M, X JUMP EQUAL 31.5 a.. 0 3-51 -51 JG M, X JUMP GREATER ,31.5 c.: JS M, X JUMP SMALLER 31.5 Z JU M, X JUMP UNEQUAL 31.5 U J M, X JUMP 31.5 U JC M, I, X JUMP CONDITIONAL 31.5 W JL M, N, X JUMI;' LOOP 40.5 JR M, I, X JUMP RETURN 45 JD M, X JUMP DISPLAY 31.5 .J 0 -51 ··51 -51 -54 IMxt t. 49.5+ 31 L and signs and signs =, =, 49.5+27L 49.5+31L 36 I- 0 W Z -59 t. IARal and signs~, 49.5+27L and signs :::l -56 a W -53 II) -53 :3 -72 -71 M, X HALT, THEN JUMP BCn M, S, X BIT CIRCULATE 40.5+S (9+ 18n) IIL :z:: BSn M, S, X BIT SHIFT 40.5 + S (9+ 18n) 3-69 LS M, C, X LOGICAL SUM 40.5 -70 LP M, C, X LOGICAL PRODUCT 40,5 -68 PO M, L, X PAD BLANKS 27+4.5L PDO M, L, X PAD ZEROS 27 + 4.5L ZS M, L,Xt 45+ 9Z ZS$ M, L,Xt -66 ZS* M, L,X * ZERO SUPPRESS ZERO SUPPRESS AND FLOATING $ SIGN ZERO SUPPRESS WITH ASTERISK FILL -63 ED M, L, X EDIT 36+ 13.5L+ 9E -61 TR M, L, X TRANSLATE 36+ 13.5L on -68 I-66 -66 c JHJ 31.5 Q W XF INSTRUCTION TIME IS 72 MICROSECONDS. B = NUMBER OF CHARACTERS TRANSFERRED E = NUMBER OF CHARACTERS INSERTED INTO EDITED FIELD K = DIVISOR OR MULTIPLICAND LENGTH L L = OPERAND LENGTH OR LENGTH OF QUOTIENT = LENGTH OF THE LONGER OF TWO FIELDS Table 3-4, 49,5+ 9Z 45+ 9Z Lc = CARRIES BEYOND L lH DIGIT IMxl= ABSOLU'TE VALUE OF Mx N = NUMBER OF CHARACTERS SHIFTED 5 = BIT POSITIONS SHIFTED =NUMBER OF CHARACTERS Instruction Execution Times 73 PAGE: APPROXIMATE INSTRUCTION EXECUTION TYPE -6 SECTION: SUPPRESSED c,·.·, I : o UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 4 SECTION. 1 PAGE: 4. AUTOMATIC PROGRAM INTERRUPT 4.1. General Description Automatic program interrupt is a concept incorporated into the control circuitry of the UNIVAC 1050 System which enables the system to operate at optimum overall efficiency. The automatic program interrupt feature permits the efficient utilization of all input/output devices operating under control of the Central Processor without sacrificing any processing time within the program cyclean essential consideration in the maintenance of maximum input/output speeds. Basically, automatic program interrupt consists of the generation of a signal to the Central Processor upon the recognition of a condition that require.s immediate attention from the program. These interrupt signals are assigned a priority within a hierarchy of interrupts in order to facilitate their processing. Associated with automatic program interrupt is interrupt inhibit, which prevents the acceptance of an interrupt signal when it is generated. However, the interrupt signal is stored in an indicator that can be tested subsequently by a program instruction. Interrupt results from one of two general classes of occurrences: first, an error, fault, or emergency condition occurring either in the Central Processor or in an input/output device; and, second, successful completion of an input/output function or, in some cases, when an input/output device is ready to accept an input/output command. Upon the occurrence of an interrupt, and if interrupt has not been inhibited, control is transferred to one of ten fixed store locations which must contain the starting address of a routine that processes the interrupt. Programs that use the PAL Assembler library of input/output routines supplied by UNIVAC are relieved from the burden of controlling and coordinating interrupts since comprehensive interrupt coding is included in these routines. For the benefit of the programmer who wishes to write his own input/output and interrupt coordinating routines, the following subsection presents the considerations attendant upon interrupt programming. 4.2. Programming Considerations 4.2.1. Classes of Interrupt There are three classes of interrupt which are named in the order of their priority: Class I, Class II, and Class III. When a Class I interrupt occurs, a Class I Interrupt Inhibit bit is set automatically. While this bit is set, the processing (but not the storage) of all subsequent interrupts is prohibited. If a Class I interrupt occurs while the Class I Interupt Inhibit bit is set, the Central Processor stalls. When a Class II interrupt occurs, a Class II Interrupt Inhibit bit is set automatically. While this bit is set, the processing (but not the storage) of subsequent Class II and Class III interrupts is prohibited. A Class I interrupt, however, will be processed in spite of the inhibition of Class II interrupts. UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 2 4 SECTION. PAGE. When a Class III interrupt occurs, a Class III Interrupt Inhibit bit is set automatically. While thiO' '. bit is set, the processing (but not the storage) of subsequent Class III inteuupts is prohibited.' . Class I and Class II interrupts" however, will be processed in spite of the inhibition of Class III interrupts. Class I Interrupt A Class I interrupt occurs upon the recognition of a main store parity error when the control circuits of the Central Processor obtain and execute instructions. Such an error is known as an internal parity error. Parity errors occurring while input/output devices are accessing main store are excluded from this definition. Class II Interrupt A Class II interrupt is caused by either • decimal overflow or improper division, both of which set the Decimal Overflow Indicator (Indicator 40), or • the depression of the Operator Request Switch on the console, which sets the Operator Interrupt Indicator (Indicator 44). Class III Interrupt A Class III interrupt is generated by the Synchronizers associated with the input/output devices of the UNIVAC 1050 System upon the occurrence of any of the following: • Successful completion of an input/output function, which may result from - the normal termination of a requested input/output function without detected errors, or - an interrupt request from a demand device without detected errors. A demand device is one that is expected to generate an interrupt request at fixed time intervals whether or not an instruction has been issued to it. • Error conditions when - normal termination of a requested input/output function is accompanied by the detection of an error or errors; or - an error occurs while an input/output function is in progress which will prevent normal termination. • Off normal conditions resulting from - the issuance of an input/output instruction to a device that has not completed a previously requested operation; - the detection of an error or fault condition in a device that is not in use; or - the existence of a condition whereby the acceptance of the instruction would violate the rules governing the simultaneous use of input/output channels - a condition known as Storage Overload. The purpose of these rules is to prevent the occurrence of an input/output data transfer rate that exceeds the main store data transfer rate. 0 -~~----------------------------- UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 c CENTRAL PROCESSOR 4 SECTION. 3 PAGE. When an instruction requests an off normal device, an interrupt request is generated and the instruction is disregarded. 4.2.2. Programmed Interrupt Inhibit Class II and Class III interrupts may be inhibited by program instruction. The following rules govern programmed interrupt inhibit. • Operator Interrupt may be inhibited by instruction. Such inhibit can only be released by instruction or by the depression of the CLEAR button on the console. • Decimal Overflow Interrupt may be inhibited by instruction. Such inhibit can only be released by instruction. • Setting of a programmed Decimal Overflow Interrupt Inhibit sets an indicator (Indicator 47), which may be tested by a program instruction. • Class III Interrupt from all input/output channels may be inhibited by instruction. Such inhibit can only be released by program instruction. Setting the Class III Interrupt Inhibit sets Indicator 45, which may be tested by a program instruction. This inhibits all Class III Interrupts. This general Class III interrupt inhibit is distinct from the channel interrupt inhibit specifiable in an XF instruction which inhibits further interrupts only from the ~pecified channel and which is released by a subsequent XF instruction to that channel. * c\ The setting and resetting of programmed interrupt inhibit does not affect, nor is affected by, any other class of interrupt. 4.2.3. Instructions Associated with Interrupt Control The Jump Conditional and Jump Return instructions are used to control the processing of interrupts of all classes. Table 4-1 lists all the indicators; those associated with interrupts and used by the Jump Conditional and Jump Return instructions are marked with a dagger. 4.2.4. Fixed Interrupt Locations Associated with each class of interrupt, and with each input/output channel on the UNIVAC 1050 System, is a group of eight consecutive character positions through which communication with the interrupt routines is maintained. The foldout Figure 3-1 on page 3-2 shows the location of these fixed interrupt addresses. * The XF instrucUon will be tully explained in the applicable 1050 peripheral subsystem manual. UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 4 SECTION. 4 PAGE. The indicators in the table below are divided into two groups: testable and nontestable. The nontestable indicators (00-31) cause a certain function to be performed and an unconditional jump. The conditional jump indicators (32-63) are tested and cause a jump only if the indicator has been set. 32-63 Conditional Jump 00-31 Unconditional Jump to M Address 00 § 14 §I5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 t*25 t 26 t 27 t28 t*29 t*30 t 31 0 Unconditional Jump Release Operator Interrupt Inhibit and jump Set Operator Interrupt Inhibit and jump Stop, Jump when Console Restart Button is depressed Set Tracing Stall and Jump Set Sense Indicator 1 to 1 and jump Set Sense Indicator 2 to 1 and jump Set Sense Indicator 3 to 1 and jump Set Sense Indicator 1 to 0 and jump Set Sense Indicator 2 to 0 and jump Set Sense Indicator 3 to 0 and jump Unconditional Jump Release Class 3 Interrupt Inhibit and jump Set 1/0 Interrupt Inhibit and jump (Class 3) ReleaS1! 1/0 Interrupt Inhibit and jump (Class 3) (Resets Programmed Inhibit Only) Set Decimal Overflow Interrupt Inhibit and jump (Class 2) Release Class 2 Interrupt Inhibit and jump Release Processor Parity or Abnormal Interrupt Inhibit and jump (Class 1) Release Decimal Overflow Interrupt Inhibit and jump (Class 2), (Resets Programmed Inhibit Only) *RESETS the inhibit automatically generated when the interrupt occurred. tSee Section 4.2.3. §Also inquiry typewriter, if preset. Table 4-1. Exceptions to conditional jump are 32, 41, 42, 48, and 56. The status of the indicators is unaltered by the JC and JR instructions except as shown. 32 (KNO) 33 (KHI ) 34 (KEQ) 35 (KUQ) 36 (KLO) 37 (KZR) 38 (KM) NOOP High These four indi cators are affected Equal by the comparison instructions: Unequal CC, LC, CD, CB, CT. Low Result of last arithmetic operation was zero Result of last decimal arithmetic operation was negative. 39 (KN B) No overflow in las"t add binary operation or overflow did occur in the last binary subtract operation. t40(KDF) Decimal Overflow occurre"d since last test. If the indicator is set to 1, reset iUo 0 and jump. t 41 Store Indi cators 33-40 in Mx memory position and proceed to next instruction Set Indicators 33-40 from Mx memory position t 42 and proceed to next instruction Input-Output status test found indicator(s) 43 set to 1 Test and reset operator interrupt request t 44 Input-Output Interrupt is inhibited (Class 3) t 45 46 Test and reset inquiry typewriter request t 47 Decimal Overflow Interrupt is inhibited (Class 2) 48 StoplGo to control counter when console start is depressed, ignore M used for display. 49 Processor Parity and Abnorm~1 Interrupt is inhibited (Class 1) (Manual Switch Only) 50 Sense Switch 1 on console is ON 51 Sense Switch 2 on console is ON 52 Sense Switch 3 on console is ON 53 Sense Indicator 1 is set (to 1) 54 Sense Indicator 2 is set (to 1) 55 Sense Indicator 3 is set (to 1) 56 Skip (no operation) 57 If Trace Indicator is set to 1, reset Trace Indi cator and Trace Stall to 0 and jump t 58 Operator Interrupt is inhibited Indicator List C) o UP-3912 Rev. 1 ( , UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS 5 4 CENTRAL PROCESSOR SECTION: PAGE: The format of each eight character group is as follows: ".J' Character 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c=r=-a.,:,"-==r=-:-----------'.':":.:".':, -----------Control Counter Storage Address of Interrupt Routine When an interrupt occurs, the contents of the control counter are stored in the 15 least signifi· cant bits of characters 2, 3, and 4; zeros are placed in the three most significant bit positions of character 2. The 15 least significant bits of characters 6, 7, and 8 are then read into the control counter. These characters should contain the starting address of the interrupt routine associated with the particular fixed interrupt locations. The following sequence of events takes place when an interrupt request is accepted: a. The instruction currently being executed by the Central Processor is completed. Exception: When a Class I interrupt occurs, an ending pulse is immediately generated for the instruction currently being executed. b. The address of the next instruction in the program being interrupted (contents of the control counter) is stored in characters 2, 3, and 4 of the fixed locations associated with the channel which initiated the request. c. The 15 least significant bits of characters 6, 7, and 8 (starting address of the interrupt routine) are read into the control counter. In addition, a signal is generated which prevents the Central Processor from accepting additional interrupt requests from channels of the same or lower classes. This signal persists until an Automatic Interrupt Inhibit Release instruction for this class is executed. d. The Central Processor does not recognize additional interrupt requests of any kind during the time required to execute steps 2 and 3. Beginning with the completion of step 3, interrupt requests from higher classes will be accepted. Control is returned to the interrupted program by means of the address stored in characters 2, 3, and 4. Char~cter 1 should contain the operation code for a JC instruction, and character 5 should contain the indicator releasing the automatic class interrupt inhibit for the class with which this channel is associated. With the exception of characters 2, 3, and 4 of the area, the area must be preset by the initializing subroutine of each program. It should be noted that Class I and Class II interrupts each have a single fixed interrupt area. It is a function of the Class II interrupt routine to determine whether the interrupt was caused by decimal overflow or by an operator interrupt request. o Class III interrupts have eight fixed interrupt areas, one for each input/output channel. Fixed priorities within the class are assigned to each channel to avoid conflict by simultaneous interrupt reques ts. Once an interrupt request has been accepted, however, it cannot be interrupted by another request from a channel of higher priority within the same class until an instruction releasing the Automatic Class III Interrupt Inhibit has been executed. o o o UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 1 5 SECTION: PAGE: c 5. CENTRAL PROCESSOR CONSOLE OPERATION The Central Processor Console provides a communication link between the Central Processor and the operator. The console contains display indicators that allow the operator to determine normal and abnormal conditions, and to access registers and selected positions in main storage. In addition, the console contains switches that allow the operator to correct or override error conditions, debug programs online, and manually set sense switches for program use. 5.1. NORMAL OPERA TION 5.1.1. Start Up and Shut Down The first operation necessary is that of turning the UNIVAC 1050 System on and shutting the system off. Two buttons are used for system start-up and close-down, SYSTEM ON and SYSTEM OFF. • Depressing the SYSTEM ON button turns power on, the SYSTEM ON button will light. When the system is at full operating power, the SYSTEM OFF button will be extinguished. • Depressing the SYSTEM OFF button removes power from the peripheral units and the Central Processor in an orderly fashion. While this power removal sequence is being completed, both the SYSTEM ON and SYSTEM OFF buttons will be lit. After completion, the SYSTEM ON button will be extinguished. 5.1.2. Program Start and Program Stop Depression of the PROGRAM START button will illuminate the PROGRAM START button, extinguish the PARITY error indicator, and PROGRAM STOP button; and will permit the processor to proceed under control of the mode buttons. Depression of the PROGRAM STOP button, or a programmed halt, will illuminate the PROGRAM STOP button and extinguish the PROGRAM START button. The processor will halt after completing the instruction in progress. Input/Output orders in progress will be completed; interrupt requests will be stored, unless inhibited. If neither the PROGRAM START button nor the PROGRAM STOP button is lit, the processor is in a stall condition. 5.1.3. Operating Mode The six mutually exclusive mode control switches are used to control the operation of the processor in conjunction with the PROGRAM START button. -~~~~-~'-~---'--~-----~-----~-----~--.----------- 5 UNIVAC 1060 SYSTEMS UP-3912 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 SECTION: 2 PAGE: o 5.2. PANEL CONTROLS AND INDICATORS a. Switch/Indicators All Switch/Indicators Are Momentary Action Switches. DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION I I I SYSTEM ON I Turns system on. Lights when depressed; extinguishes when SYSTEM OFF indicator is depressed. I I' (Green) I SYSTEM OFF I I Turns system off. Lights when depressed; extinguishes when SYSTEM ON switch is depressed. (Red) I CLEAR (White) I General clear of testable indicators, counters, and stored interrupts; and initiates a console lamp test. Lights when depressed; extinguishes when released. I PROC ABNORMAL I (Red) I PARITY (Yellow) I CLASS III INHIBITED I OVERFLOW INHIBITED I I (Yellow) I (Yellow) Lights when a second parity error is recognized and a previous parity error has not been cleared. Depressing this button when illuminated turns it off, but does not clear the parity error. May also be on due to maintenance operations. Indicator only. Lights when a parity error is detected in a character read from storage. Parity errors cause an immediate processor halt. (See Section 5.3.4 on how to clear a parity error). o Indicator only. Lights when a Class III Interrupt Inhibit is stored; extinguishes when the inhibit is released by the program. Indicator only. Lights when a Decimal Overflow Interrupt Inhibit is set. Extinguishes when the inhibit is cleared by the program. Lights when fault develops in corresponding 110 channel. CHANNEL ABNORMAL Extinguish by clearing error at peripheral unit and then depressing switch. 0-7 (8 Red) Lights when depressed; extinguishes when depressed again. SENSE 123 Used in conjunction with programmed tests and program operating instructions. (3 White) I OPERATOR REQUEST (White) 1 Lights under program control. Can be depressed when illuminated to stop program by causing a Class II interrupt. Depressing the OPERATOR REQUEST button when extinguished has no effect. Table 5-7. Control Console Switch and Indicator Description o " UP-3912 Rev. 1 .... _- ---------------.----- - - - - - - - UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR DESIGNATION SECTION: DESCRIPTION NEXT INSTRUCTION I M I (White) Directs processor to M portion of the current instruction. Lights when depressed or under program control; control is transferred to the M portion of the current instruction. Extinguishes when CC switch is depressed or under program control. I CC (White) I Forces the processor to obtain the next instruction from the address in the control counter; that is, it overrides a jump instruction. Lights when depressed or under program control. Extinguishes when M switch is depressed or under program control. Either the M or the CC button will always be illuminated. Note: I PROGRAM START I PROGRAM STOP J DISPLAY (White) operation in the continuous mode, the Next Instruction switch/indicator will light accordin~ to the instruction sequence and dependin~ on the result of pro~rammed tests and comparisons. Consequently, these buttons should not be depressed durin~ continuous operations. Doin~ so could force an incorrect instruction sequence. Depressing when extinguished initiates execution of program under control of Mode switches. This indicator may flash on and off rapidly during the execution of a long instruction, but this should be ignored unless light stays off for longer than a few seconds. I Lights when depressed or when program stops. Extinguishes when PROGRAM START switch is depressed. When both PROGRAM START and PROGRAM STOP buttons extinguish and will not illuminate, processor is stalled. Depress ONE INST Mode and PROGRAM START buttons. I When depressed causes the contents of the storage location represented in the M portion of the Display/Alter switches to be displayed in lights in the C portion. (Red) I Durin~ Lights when depressed. (Green) Lights when depressed. Extinguishes when released. I ALTER (White) I When depressed causes the character represented by the setting of the C alter switches to be stored into the address specified in the M portion of the Display/ Alter switches. Lights when depressed. Extinguishes when released. Table 5-1. Control Console Switch and Indicator Descriptions (continued) 3 5 PAGE, UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSOR 5 4 SECTION: PAGE: 0· b. Illuminating Pushbuttons , ,. Depress To Set; Depress To Release; Lights When Depressed. DESIGNA TION DESCRIPTION The MODE push buttons operate one at a time. One of these buttons must be i Iluminated at all times. MODE LOAD CARD When depressed and illuminated, depressing the PROGRAM START button causes one card to be read from the reader into octal location 400. Depressing PROGRAM START again, with the CONTinuous mode button depressed, causes control to be transferred to octal location 400, when UNIVAC standard code cards are used. LOAD TAPE When depressed and illuminated, depressing the PROGRAM START button will cause one block of tape to be read from logical tape unit 0 into storage starting at octal location 400. Changing to the continuous mode and depressing PROGRAM START immediately after, will transfer control to this location. ONE CYCLE When depressed and illuminated, depress ing the PROGRAM START button wi II cause instructions to be executed one instruction cycle at a time. This mode is generally used by UNIVAC Field Engineering personnel only. ONE INSTR. When depressed and illuminated, depressing the PROGRAM START button will cause one instruction to be executed and the next instruction accessed. CONT DISPLAY/AL TER SELECTION Ql Q2 . When set and the PROGRAM START switch is depressed, a program will run in the normally used continuous mode. o In order to display or alter the contents of storage the Display/Alter Selection buttons are used in conjunction with the display lights and alter switches. The functions of the Display/Alter Selection buttons are as follows: When set, these buttons display internal registers and indicators on the control console. They are primarily for UNIVAC Field Engineering use. CC When set, the contents of the control counter are displayed in the M portion of the display lights. INST. When set, the contents of the instruction register (the next instruction to be executed) are displayed in the 30 display lights. . OP/CH When set, the entire instruction is displayed but only the operation code and. the channel (index register) designation portions of the instruction register are alterable. M When set, the entire instruction is displayed but only the operand address (M portion) of the instruction register is alterable. C When set, the entire instruction register is displayed but only the C portion (detail field) of the instruction register is alterable. MEM When set, it causes the contents of the storage location specified by the Malter switches to be displayed when the DISPLAY switch is depressed, and altered when the ALTER switch is depressed. SEQ When set, it is used in conjunction with the ALTER or DISPLAY switch to display or alter the contents of sequential memory locations. TobIe 5.1. Control Console Switch and Indicator Descriptions (continued) o UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 5 SECTION: C', , .,.,.i DESIGNATION TRACE MODE DESCRIPTION SWitches OP, CC, PROC, WRITE, and I/O operate one at a time; TRACE STOP may be used with anyone of the five Trace Mode switches. If TRACE STOP is not used, a program testable indicator is set. OP When set with TRACE STOP, the computer will stop when the program operation code matches the settings of the five most-significant-digit alter switches (OP portion of the top row of indicators). CC When set with TRACE STOP, the computer will stop when the contents of the control counter match the settings of the Trace Address switches. PROC When set with TRACE STOP, the computer stops when an operand address matches the settings of the Trace Address switches. WRITE When set with TRACE STOP, the computer stops when a character is to be written into an address location which matches the settings of the Trace Address switches. I/O When set with TRACE STOP, the computer will stop when a control unit reference to a storage address matches the settings of the Trace Address switches. TRACE STOP When set, the program stops at a specified location if one of Trace Mode switches is also set. c. Toggle Switches ALTER SWITCHES Not labeled as such; they are the row of 30 switches immediately below the control indicators in groups labeled OP, CH, M, and C. They are two-position toggle switches with up and center positions only: a switch in the up position represents a binary 1; in the center position, a binary O. A binary pattern can be stored in these switches; this pattern can then be used to alter the area of the processor that is designated by th·e Display/Alter election pushbuttons. Alteration occurs only when the DISPLAY or ALTER switches ar e depressed. TRACE ADDRESS SiXteen three-position toggle switches which correspond to the M portion of the instruction: up represents a binary 1; down represents a binary 0; the center position is either a 1 or a 0 and will compare with both. For example, a switch pattern of up down middle will trace either 101 or 100. The trace address positions correspond to parts of the instruction and are repeatedly compared to the instruction for equality. If equality is detected and one of the Trace Mode pushbuttons is depressed, an indicator is set; if the TRACE STOP button is also depressed the program stops. Table 5-1. Control Console Switch and Indicator Descriptions (continued) c 5 PAGE. UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS UP-3912 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 SECTION: DESIGNA TION S N I y-.{ I PAQE: o d. Rotary Switches CLASS I 6 5 DESCRIPTION Three-position rotary switch; used for manual control of Class I interrupts. Positions are: S N I - STALL NORMAL INHIBIT In the STALL position the processor stops each time a parity error is detected. It is restarted by depressing PROGRAM START. In the NORMAL position interrupt requests are processed through the interrupt entry channel. The processor will not stall unless another Class I interrupt occurs while in the interrupt mode. In the INHIBIT position Class I interrupts are ignored. However, it is recommended that the program stop on a Class I interrupt since recovery without operator intervention is not specified. OF S 7 N Operates same as above but for Class II interrupts: Overflow (0 F), improper division, operator request. I CLASS III N Operates same as above but for Class III interrupts.* o )--.,.! I * See Section 4 tor a complete description ot Class I, II, and III interrupts. Table 5-7. Control Console Switch and Indicator Descriptions (continued) UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Rev. 1 C' 7 5 CENTRAL PRDCESSDR SECTION. PAGE. 5.3. PROGRAM DEBUGGING AND TESTING 5.3.1. Use of Display Lights and Switches The 30 display lights and corresponding toggle switches at the top of the console are a primary means of communication between the operator and a running program. These lights and switches must be read as octal numbers. To do this they are interpreted in groups of three binary digits. A binary digit, or bit, can have a value of either 0 or 1; in this case, an illuminated (on) display light represents a 1, while an extinguished (off) display light represents a O. Similarly, an octal digit can have a value from 0 to 7, and any octal digit can be represented by three binary bits. The bit patterns, or groups of display lights, representing all the octal digits are as follows: Octal Number Bit Pattern 0 1 2 3 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 4 5 6 7 By interpreting the 30 display lights as 10 groups of three each, any display can be read as 10 octal digits. The setting of the Display/Alter Select buttons at the middle of the console determi nes what will be displayed in the 30 lights. Normally, the lNST Display/Alter Select button remains depressed so an entire 30-bit instruction will be displayed. Various portions of the instruction are delimited by the labels on the console between the display lights and their corresponding switches. The first five bits on the left comprise the operation code;* the next three bits are the channel number or index register used, if any; the next sixteen bits specify the storage address referred to; and the final six bits on the right comprise the detail field of the instruction. When the computer comes to a programmed display stop, the instruction OP code will always be 30, and the detail field will always be 60 or 20; when the detail is 20 a blank is displayed. The configuration displayed in the M portion of the instruction is the "message" for that stop, and ~hould be explained in the operating instructions for the run being executed. Display stops are usually defined only in terms of this M portion; the OP code of 30 and detail of 60 being understood. Consequently, a stop of 3007000160 would probably be written as stop 070001. Display Contents of a Storage Location a. Set the address of the location to be displayed in the M portion of the alter switches. b. Depress the MEM Display/Alter Selection button. c. Depress the DISPLAY button. d. The contents of the selected storage location will be displayed in the six rightmost display lights (above the C notation on the console), and the address of the location displayed +1 will appear in the M display lights. * When readins the OP code, a siJCth least sisnificant bit, which is always zero, is implied. As a result all octal OP codes are even numbers. UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 8 5 SECTION: PAGE: If sequential storage locations are to be displayed, the above procedure should be followed to display the first character. Then, to display subsequent locations (1) Depress the SEQ Display/Alter Selection button. (2) Depress the DISPLAY button to display the next location. O'c'} Every time the DISPLAY button is now depressed, the M address will be increased by one, and the contents of Location M-l will be displayed in the C lights. Altering the Contents of Storage a. Depress the MEM Display/Alter Selection button. b. Set the address of the memory location to be altered in the M alter switches. c. Set the bit configuration of the character to be stored into this location in the six C alter switches. d. Depress the ALTER button. The procedure for altering sequential locations is analogous to that for displaying them a. Alter the first location as outlined above. b. Depress the SEQ Display! Alter Selection button. c. Set the new bit configuration to be stored in the next character location in the six C alter switches. d. Depress the AL TER button. e. Steps 3 and 4 shouid be repeated until all sequential character locations have been altered. Altering the Next Instruction To alter the instruction register (as displayed in the lights) the procedure is the same as that for altering the contents of storage except that the INST, OP/CH, M, or C Display/Alter Selection buttons may be used in place of the MEM and SEQ buttons. Manual Instruction Execution Although the CONTinuous Mode is the normal operating mode, during program testing it may occasionally be more desirable to execute one instruction at a time in order to follow the exact path taken in a particular phase of processing. This is accomplished by using the ONE INSTruction Mode button. When operating in this mode, the INST Display/Alter Selection button usually remains depressed, but the CC button may also be used to display the contents of the control counter, thereby determining the location within the program of the instruction following the one about to be executed. o I I I I ---------------------------------- ---- UP-3912 Rev. 1 c: UNIVAC 10150 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSOR 5 SECTION. 9 PAGE: With the INST Display/Alter Select button depressed, operation in the one instruction mode will cause a single instruction to be executed each time the PROGRAM START button is depressed. The instruction displayed is always the next instruction to be executed; a subsequent push of the PROGRAM START button will cause this instruction to be executed and display the next one in the 30 display lights. If the CC Display/ Alter Select button is depressed, the address of the next instruction in sequence, following the one displayed by pushing the INST button, will appear in the 16 lights of the M portion of the display. Note that the instruction specified by the address in the control counter is not always the next instruction to be executed. A jump or conditional jump instruction may cause a different path to be taken. Next Instruction Switches Depression of the M button inserts binary zeros in the C portion of the instruction "register. Depression of the CC button, when the processor is stopped, will force a Jump Conditional instruction into the instruction register. The following parts of the instruction word are affected: a. The operation code is staticized to Jump Conditional. b. The C portion is changed to a value that initiates the unconditional skip associated with the Jump Conditional operation code. When the processor is restarted, the new instruction will be performed. In this manner, any instruction may be skipped. If a Jump Conditional or Jump Return instruction is staticized, and the processor is stopped, depressing the M button will force the processor to take its next instruction from the address in the M portion. In this manner, any jump instruction may be forced to follow the M path. Thus, if the M Next Instruction button is illuminated when a Jump Conditional instruction is being displayed, the condition tested for has been met. The next instruction to be executed is at the address specified in the M portion of the display lights. If the CC Next Instruction button is illuminated, the next instruction to be executed is the one following the jump instruction. Its address may be displayed by pushing the CC Display/Alter Select button. Altering Instruction Sequence The sequence of program instructions may be altered by using the Next Instruction switch/indicators. If a programmed comparison has been made, and the M button light is lit along with the Jump Conditional instruction display, it may be desirable to see what would happen if the program would take the other path. This may be done by depressing the CC button to illuminate it, and depressing the PROGRAM START button to execute the next instruction (which is now the one specified by the control counter). This procedure does not in any way alter the contents of storage; the next time these instructions are executed, they will be unchanged. Any instruction (with the exception of Jump Loop, in which the control counter is only incremented by four instead of five) may be executed manually while the computer is in the one instruction mode. The following procedure must be followed: a. Depress the CC Display/ Alter Selection button to obtain the value of the control counter, if this value must be recorded for later use. ( ~. ./ b. Depress the INST Display/Alter Select button • UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROCESSDR 10 5 SECTION. PAGE. c. Set the bit configuration of the instruction to be executed in the 30 alter switches. d. Depress the ALTER button. The new instruction will be displayed. e. Depress the PROGRAM START button. f. The computer will execute the new instruction and stop. displaying the next instruction to be executed. The.new contents of the control counter may be displayed by depressing the CC Display/Alter Selection button. Storage has not been altered; the next time this sequence of instructions is to be executed, the original instructions will be performed. Tracing Frequently during program execution, and especially during program testing, it is desirable to search (Trace) through the running program for a particular instruction, location or operation. This is accomplished through the Trace Mode buttons and Trace Address switches. The Trace Mode buttons are used to specify the type of trace being performed. The TRACE STOP button must be depressed in order to stop the computer if the traced value sought is found. However, whether or not the TRACE STOP button is depressed, a program-testable indicator is set when the trace conditions are met. If the trace is on a particular address, the value of that address must be set in the Trace Address toggle switches. These are three-position switches in which the down position indicates a 0, the up position indicates a 1, and the middle position can stand for either one. This latter feature enables tracing on several addresses at once. The five Trace Mode buttons and their uses are described in section b. of Table 5-1. 5.3.2. Error Indicators There are two types of Central Processor errors that will cause an interrupt: a Class I interrupt, which is a parity error in a character read from storage, and a Class II inter11lpt (decimal overflow), caused by improper division or too great a carry in decimal addition. A Class III interrupt is a normal interrupt of central processor operation that allows for the completion of input/output functions in the peripheral units. This class of interrupt, as well as Class II decimal overflow interrupt, may be permitted or inhibited by program instructions. If either type of interrupt is inhibited during a running program, the associated indicator will light. (During the operation of most programs, these lights may be seen flickering on and off.) All three classes of interrupt may be inhibited manually by setting the rotary switches at the bottom of the console to I (inhibit), however this setting is not recommended to anyone except UNIVAC Field Engineering personnel. Errors that occur in the peripheral units will be indicated by a red light on the appropriate Channel Abnormal switch/indicator. Each input/output device is assigned one of the Central Processor's eight I/O channels. o UP-3912 Rev. 1 c UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 5 SECTION: 11 PAGE. The following are the standard channel assignments: Channel 0 Channell Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7 - Printer Card Reader Card Punch Communications Tape Read Tape Write FASTRAND Unassigned If a red Channel Abnormal light goes on, the operator should check the unites) associated with that channel for error conditions and clear them before attempting to continue the run. Clearing the error at the peripheral location will usually cause the error light on the console to go out, and program operation can be resumed. All standard UNIVAC 1050 software routines have display stops in them which will occur simultaneously with a channel abnormal error stop to indicate the nature of the problem in the peripheral unit. (For detailed descriptions of these stops, refer to the software routine's operating instructions .) 5.3.3. Sense Switches and Operator Request Immediately above the five Mode buttons in the lower right-hand portion of the console is a row of four switch/indicators. The leftmost three are Sense switches, which may be used by programs to determine one among alternative courses of action (for example, to produce out put in punched card format rather than a printed listing). The use of Sense switches for any given program should be outlined in the operating instructions for that program. If no mention is made of Sense switches in the operating instructions, it is understood that they should all be off (light extinguished). The OPERATOR REQUEST buttan .can be depressed when illuminated to interrupt a running program. Operator request is another form of Class II program interrupt. For tape systems running under the Executive Routine, depressing this button causes a unique display stop at which one of several courses of action may be selected. (For a detailed discussion of these alternatives, see the tape system software operating instructions.) UP-3912 Rev. 1 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS CENTRAL PRDCESSDR 5 SECTION: 12 PAGE. o Gi ..c: .. '0 0 LJ .... .. 0 GI u 0 C' -E 0.. c: GI LJ ...: .;.. . GI ::> 01 LL c ..... -~--- ... - .. -' .. -~-.-- UNIVAC 10eO SYSTEMS UP-3912 SECTION. PAGE. APPENDIX A. OCTAL-DECIMAL CONVERSION TABLE c 0000 to 0777 OCTAL .... .....•• ...••••.. .... . 0 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 0100 HI~ -...-.....-- I~I C: 1 Appendix A CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 0320 0330 0340 0350 0360 0370 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0460 0470 0500 0510 0520 0530 0540 0550 0560 0570 0600 0610 0620 0630 0640 0650 0660 0670 0700 0710 0720 0730 0740 0750 0760 0770 : • ' 0025 0033 ' 0041 0048 0049 0056 0057 0064 0065 0072 0073 0080 0081 0088 0089 0096 0097 0104 0105 0112 0113 0120 0121 0128 0129 0136 0137 0144 0145 0152 0153 0160 0161 0168 0169 0176 0177 0184 0185 0192 0193 0200 0201 0208 0209 0216 0217 0224 0225 0232 0233 0240 0241 0248 0249 • • • 0264 0265 0272 0273 0280 0281 0288 0289 0296 0297 0304 0305 0312 0313 0320 0321 0328 0329 0336 0337 0344 0345 0352 0353 0360 0361 0368 0369 0376 0377 0384 0385 0392 0393 0400 0401 0408 0409 0416 0417 0424 0425 0432 0433 0440 0441 0448 0449 0456 0457 0464 0465 0472 0473 0480 0481 0488 0489 0496 0497 0504 0505 2 0002 0010 0018 0026 0034 0042 0050 0058 0066 0074 0082 0090 0098 0106 0114 0122 0130 0138 0146 0154 0162 0170 0178 0186 0194 0202 0210 0218 0226 0234 0242 0250 0258 0266 0274 0282 0290 0298 0306 0314 0322 0330 0338 0346 0354 0362 0370 0378 0386 0394 0402 0410 0418 0426 0434 0442 0450 0458 0466 0474 0482 0490 0498 0506 DECIMAL 0000 to 0511 3 4 5 6 7 0004 0012 0020 0028 0036 0044 0052 0060 0068 0076 0084 0092 0100 0108 0116 0124 0132 0140 0148 0156 0164 0172 0180 0188 0196 0204 0212 0220 0228 0236 0244 0252 0260 0268 0276 0284 0292 0300 0308 0316 0324 0332 0340 0348 0356 0364 0372 0380 0388 0396 0404 0412 0420 0428 0436 0444 0452 0460 0468 0476 0484 0492 0500 0508 0005 0013 0021 0029 0037 0045 0053 0061 0069 0077 0085 0093 0101 0109 0117 0125 0133 0141 0149 0157 0165 0173 0181 0189 0197 0205 0213 0221 0229 0237 0245 0253 0261 0269 0277 0285 0293 0301 0309 0317 0325 0333 0341 0349 0357 0365 0373 0381 0389 0397 0405 0413 0421 0429 0437 0445 0453 0461 0469 0477 0485 0493 0501 0509 0006 0014 0022 0030 0038 0046 0054 0062 0070 0078 0086 0094 0102 0110 0118 0126 0134 0142 0150 0158 0166 0174 0182 0190 0198 0206 0214 0222 0230 0238 0246 0254 0262 0270 0278 0286 0294 0302 0310 0318 0326 0334 0342 0350 0358 0366 0374 0382 0390 0398 0406 0414 0422 0430 0438 0446 0454 0462 0470 0478 0486 0494 0502 0510 0007 0015 0023 0031 0039 0047 0055 0063 0071 0079 0087 0095 0103 0111 0119 0127 0135 0143 0151 0159 0167 0175 0183 0191 0199 0207 0215 0223 0231 0239 0247 0255 0263 0271 0279 0287 0295 0303 0311 0319 0327 0335 0343 0351 0359 0367 0375 0383 0391 0399 0407 0415 0423 0431 0439 0447 0455 0463 0471 0479 0487 0495 0503 0511 0003 0011 0019 0027 0035 0043 0051 0059 0067 0075 0083 0091 0099 0107 0115 0123 0131 0139 0147 0155 0163 0171 0179 0187 0195 0203 0211 0219 0227 0235 0243 0251 0259 0267 0275 0283 0291 0299 0307 0315 0323 0331 0339 0347 0355 0363 0371 0379 0387 0395 0403 0411 0419 0427 0435 0443 0451 0459 0467 0475 0483 0491 0499 0507 1000~1777 OCTAL 2 0 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1300 1310 1320 . 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 0512 0520 0528 0536 0544 0552 0560 0568 0576 0584 0592 0600 0608 0616 0624 0632 0640 0648 0656 0664 0672 0680 0688 0696 0704 0712 0720 0728 0736 0744 0752 0760 0768 0776 0784 0792 0800 0808 0816 0824 0832 0840 0848 0856 0864 087.2 0880 0888 0896 0904 0912 0920 0928 0936 0944 0952 0513 0514 0521 0522 0529 0530 0537 0538 0545 0546 0553 0554 0561 0562 0569 0570 0577 0578 0585 0586 0593 0594 0601 0602 0609 0610 0617 0618 0625 0626 0633 0634 0641 0642 0649 0650 0657 0658 0665 0666 0673 0674 0681 0682 0689 0690 0697 0698 0705 0706 0713 0714 0721 0722 0729 0730 0737 0738 0745 0746 0753 0754 0761 0762 0769 0770 0777 0778 0785 0786 0793 0794 0801 0802 0809 0810 0817 0818 0825 0826 0833 0834 0841 0842 0849 0850 0857 0858 0865 0866 0873 0874 0881 0882 0889 0890 0897 0898 0905 0906 0913 0914 0921 0922 09290930 0937 0938 0945 0946 0953 0954 •• 0962 0969 0970 0977 0978 0985 0986 0993 0994 1001 1002 1009 1010 1017 1018 •••• • 0968 0976 0984 0992 1000 1008 1016 DECIMAL 0512 to 1023 3 4 5 6 7 0515 0523 0531 0539 0547 0555 0563 0571 0579 0587 0595 0603 0611 0619 0627 0635 0643 0651 0659 0667 0675 0683 0691 0699 0707 0715 0723 0731 0739 0747 0755 0763 0771 0779 0787 0795 0803 0811 0819 0827 0835 0843 0851 0859 0867 0875 0883 0891 0899 0907 0915 0923 0931 0939 0947 0955 0963 0971 0979 0987 0995 1003 1011 1019 0516 0524 0532 0540 0548 0556 0564 0572 0580 0588 0596 0604 0612 0620 0628 0636 0644 0652 0660 0668 0676 0684 0692 0700 0708 0716 0724 0732 0740 0748 0756 0764 0772 0780 0788 0796 0804 0812 0820 0828 0836 0844 0852 0860 0868 0876 0884 0892 0900 0908 0916 0924 0932 0940 0948 0956 0964 0972 0980 0988 0996 1004 1012 1020 0517 0525 0533 0541 0549 0557 0565 0573 0581 0589 0597 0605 0613 0621 0629 0637 0645 0653 0661 0669 0677 0685 0693 0701 0709 0717 0725 0733 0741 0749 0757 0765 0773 0781 0789 0797 0805 0813 0821 0829 0837 0845 0853 0861 0869 0877 0885 0893 0901 0909 0917 0925 0933 0941 0949 0957 0965 0973 0981 0989 0997 1005 1013 1021 0518 0526 0534 0542 0550 0558 0566 0574 0582 0590 0598 0606 0614 0622 0630 0638 0646 0654 0662 0670 0678 0686 0694 0702 0710 07i8 0726 0734 0742 0750 0758 0766 0774 0782 0790 0798 0806 0814 0822 0830 0838 0846 0854 0862 0870 0878 0886 0894 0902 0910 0918 0926 0934 0942 0950 0958 0966 0974 0982 0990 0998 1006 1014 1022 0519 0527 0535 0543 0551 0559 0567 0575 0583 0591 0599 0607 0615 0623 0631 0639 0647 0655 0663 0671 0679 0687 0695 0703 0711 0719 0727 0735 0743 0751 0759 0767 0775 0783 0791 0799 0807 0815 0823 0831 0839 0847 0855 0863 0871 0879 0887 0895 0903 0911 0919 0927 0935 0943 0951 0959 0967 0975 0983 0991 0999 1007 1015 1023 - .... UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 SECTION: ~- 2 Appendix A CENTRAL PRDCESSDR Rev. 1 .....- .... - -.. PAQE: o OCTAL 2000~2777 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 2250 2260 2270 1024 1032 1040 1048 1056 1064 1072 1080 1088 1096 1104 1112 1120 1128 1136 1144 1152 1160 1168 1176 1184 1192 1200 1208 1216 1224 1232 124Q 1248 1256 1264 1272 1280 1288 1296 1304 1312 1320 1328 1336 1344 1352 1360 1368 1376 1384 1392 1400 1408 1416 1424 1432 1440 1448 1456 1464 1472 1480 1488 1496 1504 1512 1520 1528 1025 1033 1041 1049 1057 1065 1073 1081 1089 1097 1105 1113 1121 1129 1137 1145 1153 1161 1169 1177 1185 1193 1201 1209 1217 1225 1233 1241 1249 1257 1265 1273 1281 1289 1297 1305 1313 1321 1329 1337 1345 1353 1361 1369 1377 1385 1393 1401 1409 1417 1425 1433 1441 1449 1457 1465 1473 1481 1489 1497 1505 1513 1521 1529 DECIMAL 1024 to 1535 2 3 4 5 1026 1034 1042 1050 1058 1066 1074 1082 1090 1098 1106 1114 1122 1130 1138 1146 1154 1162 1170 1178 1186 1194 1202 1210 1218 1226 1234 1242 1250 1258 1266 1274 1282 1290 1298 1306 1314 1322 1330 1338 1346 1354 1362 1370 1378 1386 1394 1402 1410 1418 1426 1434 1442 1450 1458 1466 1474 1482 1490 1498 1506 1514 1522 1530 1027 1035 1043 1051 1059 1067 1075 1083 1091 1099 1107 1115 1123 1131 1139 1147 1155 1163 1171 1179 1187 1195 1203 1211 1219 1227 1235 1243 1251 1259 1267 1275 1283 1291 1299 1307 1315 1323 1331 1339 1347 1355 1363 1371 1379 1387 1395 1403 1411 1419 1427 1435 1443 1451 1459 1467 1475 1483 1491 1499 1507 1515 1523 1531 1028 1036 1044 1052 1060 1068 1076 1084 1092 1100 1108 1116 1124 1132 1140 1148 1156 1164 1172 1180 1188 1196 1204 1212 1220 1228 1236 1244 1252 1260 1268 1276 1284 1292 1300 1308 1316 1324 1332 1340 1348 1356 1364 1372 1380 1388 1396 1404 1412 1420 1428 1436 1444 1452 1460 1468 1476 1484 1492 1500 1508 1516 1524 1532 1029 1.037 1045 1053 1061 1069 1077 1085 1093 1101 1109 1117 1125 1133 1141 1149 1157 1165 1173 1181 1189 1197 1205 1213 1221 1229 1237 1245 1253 1261 1269 1277 1285 1293 1301 1309 1317 1325 1333 1341 1349 1357 1365 1373 1381 1389 1397 1405 1413 1421 1429 1437 1445 1453 1461 1469 1477 1485 1493 1501 1509 1517 1525 1533 6 7 1094 1102 1110 1118 1126 1134 1142 1150 1158 1166 1174 1182 1190 1198 1206 1214 1222 1230 1238 1246 1254 1262 1270 1278 1286 1294 1302 1310 1318 1326 1334 1342 1350 1358 1366 1374 1382 1390 1398 1406 1414 1422 1430 1438 1446 1454 1462 1470 1478 1486 1494 1502 1510 1518 1526 1534 1031 1039 1047 1055 1063 1071 1079 1087 1095 1103 1111 1119 1127 1135 1143 1151 1159 1167 1175 1183 1191 1199 1207 1215 1223 1231 1239 1247 1255 1263 1271 1279 1287 1295 1303 1311 1319 1327 1335 1343 1351 1359 1367 1375 1383 1391 1399 1407 1415 1423 1431 1439 1447 1455 1463 1471 1479 1487 1495 1503 1511 1519 1527 1535 OCTAL 3000 to 3777 1536 1544 1552 1560 1568 1576 1584 1592 1600 1608 1616 1624 1632 1640 1648 1656 1664 1672 1680 1688 1696 1704 1712 1720 1728 1736 1744 1752 1760 1768 1776 1784 1792 1800 1808 1816 1824 1832 1840 1848 1856 1864 1872 1880 1888 1896 1904 1912 1920 1928 1936 1944 1952 1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 2024 2032 2040 DECIMAL ••• 1537 1545 1553 1561 1569 1577 1585 1593 1601 1609 1617 1625 1633 1641 1649 1657 1665 1673 1681 1689 1697 1705 1713 1721 1729 1737 1745 1753 1761 1769 1777 1785 1793 1801 1809 1817 1825 1833 1841 1849 1857 1865 1873 1881 1889 1897 1905 1913 1921 1929 1937 1945 1953 1961 1969 1977 1985 1993 2001 2009 2017 2025 2033 2041 1538 1546 1554 1562 1570 1578 1586 1594 1602 1610 1618 1626 1634 1642 1650 1658 1666 1674 1682 1690 1698 1706 1714 1722 1730 1738 1746 1754 1762 1770 1778 1786 1794 1802 1810 1818 1826 1834 1842 1850 1858 1866 1874 1882 1890 1898 1906 1914 1922 1930 1938 1946 1954 1962 1970 1978 1986 1994 2002 2010 2018 2026 2034 2042 1539 1540 1547 1548 1555 1556 1563 1564 1571 1572 1579 1580 1587 1588 1595 1596 1603 1604 1611 1612 1619 1620 1627 .1628 1635 1636 1643 1644 1651 1652 1659 1660 1667 1668 1675 1676 1683 1684 1691 1692 1699 1700 1707 1708 1715 1716 1723 1724 1731 1732 1739 1740 1747 1748 1755 1756 1763 1764 1771 1772 1779 1780 1787 1788 1795 1796 1803 1804 1811 1812 1819 1820 1827 1828 1835 1836 1843 1844 1851 1852 1859 1860 1867 1868 1875 1876 1883 1884 1891 1892 1899 1900 1907 1908 1915 1916 1923 1924 1931 1932 1939 1940 1947 1948 1955 1956 1963 1964 1971 1972 1979 1980 1987 1988 1995 1996 2003 2004 2011 2012 2019 2020 2027 2028 2035 2036 2043 2044 1536 to 2047 1541 1549 1557 1565 1573 1581 1589 1597 1605 1613 1621 1629 1637 1645 1653 1661 1669 1677 1685 1693 1701 1709 1717 1725 1733 1741 1749 1757 1765 1773 1781 1789 1797 1805 1813 1821 1829 1837 1845 1853 1861 1869 1877 1885 1893 1901 1909 1917 1925 1933 1941 1949 1957 1965 1973 1981 1989 1997 2005 2013 2021 2029 2037 2045 1542 1550 1558 1566 1574 1582 1590 1598 1606 1614 1622 1630 1638 1646 1654 1662 1670 1678 1686 1694 1702 1710 1718 1726 1734 1742 1750 1758 1766 1774 1782 1790 1798 1806 1814 1822 1830 1838 1846 1854 1862 1870 1878 1886 1894 1902 1910 1918 1926 1934 1942 1950 1958 1966 1974 1982 1990 1998 2006 2014 2022 2030 2038 2046 1543 1551 1559 1567 1575 1583 1591 1599 1607 1615 1623 1631 1639 1647 1655 1663 1671 1679 1687 1695 1703 1711 1719 1727 1735 1743 1751 1759 1767 1775 1783 1791 1799 1807 1815 1823 1831 1839 1847 1855 1863 1871 1879 1887 1895 1903 1911 1919 1927 1935 1943 1951 1959 1967 1975 1.983 1991 1999 2007 2015 2023 2031 2039 2047 C\ C .. UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS UP-3912 Appendix A CENTRAL PROCESSOR Rev. 1 OCTAL 4000 to 4777 ··,.. ·.,. 0 2 DECIMAL 2048 to 2559 3 5 4 6 SECTION. OCTAL 5000~5777 7 4000 ~ : 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2'055 4010 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 4020 2065 2066 2067 2069 2070 2071 ' 2073 2074 2075 2068 4030 2076 2077 2078 2079 4040 : 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 4050 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 4060 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 4070 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 4100 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 4110 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 4120 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 4130 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 4140 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 4150 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 4160 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 4170 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 4200 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 4210 : ' 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 4220 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 4230 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 : 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 4240 4250 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 4260 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 4270 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 4300 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 4310 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 .. ... 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UP-3912 UNIVAC 1050 SYSTEMS Appendix A CENTRAL PROCESSOR Rev. 1 OCTAL 6000 to 6177 0 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6070 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 3072 3080 3088 3096 3104 3112 3120 3128 3136 3144 3152 3160 3168 3176 3184 3192 3200 3208 3216 3224 3232 3240 3248 3256 3264 3272 3280 3288 3296 3304 3312 3320 3328 3336 3344 3352 3360 3368 3376 3384 3392 3400 3408 3416 3424 3432 3440 3448 3456 3464 3472 3480 3488 3496 3504 3512 3520 3528 3536 3544 3552 3560 3568 3576 3073 3081 3089 3097 3105 3113 3121 3129 3137 3145 3153 3161 3169 3177 3185 3193 3201 3209 3217 3225 3233 3241 3249 3257 3265 3273 3281 3289 3297 3305 3313 3321 3329 3337 3345 3353 3361 3369 3377 3385 3393 3401 3409 3417 3425 3433 3441 3449 3457 3465 3473 3481 3489 3497 3505 3513 3521 3529 3537 3545 3553 3561 3569 3577 DECIMAL 3072 to 3583 2 3 4 5 6 7 3074 3082 3090 3098 3106 3114 3122 3130 3138 3146 3154 3162 3170 3178 3186 3194 3202 3210 3218 3226 3234 3242 3250 3258 3266 3274 3282 3290 3298 3306 3314 3322 3330 3338 3346 3354 3362 3370 3378 3386 3394 3402 3410 3418 3426 3434 3442 3450 3458 3466 3474 3482 3490 3498 3506 3514 3522 3530 3538 3546 3554 3562 3570 3578 3075 3083 3091 3099 3107 3115 3123 3131 3139 3147 3155 3163 3171 3179 3187 3195 3203 3211 3219 3227 3235 3243 3251 3259 3267 3275 3283 3291 3299 3307 3315 3323 3331 3339 3347 3355 3363 3371 3379 3387 3395 3403 3411 3419 3427 3435 3443 3451 3459 3467 3475 3483 3491 3499 3507 3515 3523 3531 3539 3547 3555 3563 3571 3579 3076 3084 3092 3100 3108 3116 3124 3132 3140 3148 3156 3164 3172 3180 3188 3196 3204 3212 3220 3228 3236 3244 3252 3260 3268 3276 3284 3292 3300 3308 3316 3324 3332 3340 3348 3356 3364 3372 3380 3388 3396 3404 3412 3420 3428 3436 3444 3452 3460 3468 3476 3484 3492 3500 3508 3516 3524 3532 3540 3548 3556 3564 3572 3580 3077 3085 3093 3101 3109 3117 3125 3133 3141 3149 3157 3165 3173 3181 3189 3197 3205 3213 3221 3229 3237 3245 3253 3261 3269 3277 3285 3293 3301 3309 3317 3325 3333 3341 3349 3357 3365 3373 3381 3389 3397 3405 3413 3421 3429 3437 3445 3453 3461 3409 3477 3485 3493 3501 3509 3517 3525 3533 3541 3549 3557 3565 3573 3581 3078 3086 3094 3102 3110 3118 3126 3134 3142 3150 3158 3166 3174 3182 3190 3198 3206 3214 3222 3230 3238 3246 3254 3262 3270 3278 3286 3294 3302 3310 3318 3326 3334 3342 3350 3358 3366 3374 3382 3390 3398 3406 3414 3422 3430 3438 3446 3454 3462 3470 3478 3486 3494 3502 3510 3518 3526 3534 3542 3550 3558 3566 3574 3582 3079 3087 3095 3103 3111 3119 3127 3135 3143 3151 3159 3167 3175 3183 3191 3199 3207 3215 3223 3231 3239 3247 3255 3263 3271 3279 3287 3295 3303 3311 3319 3327 3335 3343 3351 3359 3367 3375 3383 3391 3399 3407 3415 3423 3431 3439 3447 3455 3463 3471 3479 3487 3495 3503 3511 3519 3527 3535 3543 3551 3559 3567 3575 3583 SECTION: OCTAL 7000 to 7177 3624 3632 3640 3648 3656 3664 3672 3680 3688 3696 3704 3848 3856 3864 3872 3880 3888 3896 3904 3912 3920 3928 3936 3944 3952 3960 4008 4016 4024 4032 4040 4048 4056 4064 4072 4080 4088 3585 3593 3601 3609 3617 3625 3633 3641 3649 3657 3665 3673 3681 3689 3697 3705 3713 3721 3729 3737 3745 3753 3761 3769 3777 3785 3793 3801 3809 3817 3825 3833 3841 3849 3857 3865 3873 3881 3889 3897 3905 3913 3921 3929 3937 3945 3953 3961 3969 3977 3985 3993 4001 4009 4017 4025 4033 4041 4049 4057 4065 4073 4081 4089 3586 3594 3602 3610 3618 3626 3634 3642 3650 3658 3666 3674 3682 3690 3698 3706 3714 3722 3730 3738 3746 3754 3762 3770 3778 3786 3794 3802 3810 3818 3826 3834 3842 3850 3858 3866 3874 3882 3890 3898 3906 3914 3922 3930 3938 3946 3954 3962 3970 3978 3986 3994 4002 4010 4018 4026 4034 4042 4050 4058 4066 4074 4082 4090 DECIMAL 3587 3595 3603 3611 3619 3627 3635 3643 3651 3659 3667 3675 3683 3691 3699 3707 3715 3723 3731 3739 3747 3755 3763 3771 3779 3787 3795 3803 3811 3819 3827 3835 3843 3851 3859 3867 3875 3883 3891 3899 3907 3915 3923 3931 3939 3947 3955 3963 3971 3979 3987 3995 4003 4011 4019 4027 4035 4043 4051 4059 4067 4075 4083 4091 3588 3596 3604 3612 3620 3628 3636 3644 3652 3660 3668 3676 3684 3692 3700 3708 3716 3724 3732 3740 3748 3756 3764 3772 3780 3788 3796 3804 3812 3820 3828 3836 3844 3852 3860 3868 3876 3884 3892 3900 3908 3916 3924 3932 3940 3948 3956 3964 3972 3980 3988 3996 4004 4012 4020 4028 4036 4044 4052 4060 4068 4076 4084 4092 4 PAGE: 3584 to 4095 3589 3597 3605 3613 3621 3629 3637 3645 3653 3661 3669 3677 3685 3693 3701 3709 3717 3725 3733 3741 3749 3757 3765 3773 3781 3789 3797 3805 3813 3821 3829 3837 3845 3853 3861 3869 3877 3885 3893 3901 3909 3917 3925 3933 3941 3949 3957 3965 3973 3981 3989 3997 4005 4013 4021 4029 4037 4045 4053 4061 4069 4077 4085 4093 3590 3598 3606 3614 3622 3630 3638 3646 3654 3662 3670 3678 3686 3694 3702 3710 3718 3726 3734 3742 3750 3758 3766 3774 3782 3790 3798 3806 3814 3822 3830 3838 3846 3854 3862 3870 3878 3886 3894 3902 3910 3918 3926 3934 3942 3950 3958 3966 3974 3982 3990 3998 4006 4014 4022 4030 4038 4046 4054 4062 4070 4078 4086 4094 3591 3599 3607 3615 3623 3631 3639 3647 3655 3663 3671 3679 3687 3695 3703 3711 3719 3727 3735 3743 3751 3759 3767 3775 3783 3791 3799 3807 3815 3823 3831 3839 3847 3855 3863 3871 3879 3887 3895 3903 3911 3919 3927 3935 3943 3951 3959 3967 3975 3983 3991 3999 4007 4015 4023 4031 4039 4047 4055 4063 4071 4079 4087 4095 !r .4··" '~ C: ... ~.~- ..... ---------~----- c c )}'fI!I'II""'" o i· I o I UP.3912 o Rev. 1 --------------------------------------------------- ----------~----~-------
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-21:37:19 Create Date : 2018:04:18 19:32:57-08:00 Modify Date : 2018:04:18 19:54:31-07:00 Metadata Date : 2018:04:18 19:54:31-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:c3a45744-bcd6-ee4d-8080-2f98a43a36d7 Instance ID : uuid:f551dd67-a01f-0847-8dec-946436277111 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Page Count : 130EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools