UL Certification E230713 EPnew

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Communication Circuit Accessories
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Communications Circuit Accessories
See General Information for Communications Circuit Accessories


7TH FL 5 LANE 163
Data boxes, Models BXU-1, -2 may be followed by three-digit numerical suffix.
Keystone jacks, Model KTHUD14; Models KTH, KTV may be followed by three-digit numerical suffix.
Model xKTx-xxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by KTN, KTV, KTVB, KTB, KTH or KTHN, followed by additional suffixes.
Model XKT3-xxxxx where XKT3 is either KT3 or GKT3, followed by additional suffixes.
Outlet box covers, Models FPL-01, -02, -03, -04, -06.
Patch panels, Model PLU24D10.
Model xPLx-xxxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by PL, followed by additional suffixes.
Model xPLx-xxxxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by PL, followed by additional suffixes.
Model xPLKD-xxxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by PLKD, followed by additional suffixes.
Model PLK-xxxBNC where PLK is followed by additional suffixes, followed by BNC.
Model xP89U-12xxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by P89U-12, followed by additional suffixes.
Model xPA89U-xxxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by PA89U, followed by additional suffixes.
Model xP89D-xxxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by P89D, followed by additional suffixes.
Surface mount boxes, Model BKB-2BB4.
Model xBKx-xxx where xBKx is either BK, RBK or BKc, followed by additional suffixes.
Model xBX-xxxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by BX, followed by additional suffixes.
Model xTB-U28-xx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by TB-U28, followed by additional suffixes.
Model xRB-xxxxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by RB, followed by additional suffixes.
Model xBKC-1-xxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by BKC-1, followed by additional suffixes.
T-Mod adapters, Model xTMD-xxxx where the first x is either E or 6; followed by TMD; followed by additional suffixes.
Model xTMC-xxxx where the first x is either E or 6; followed by TMC; followed by additional suffixes.
Inline coupler, Model xIC-xxxxx where the first x is either E or 6, followed by IC, followed by additional suffixes.
Faceplates , Model xFA-xxxx, where the first x is E or 6, followed by U or S, followed by 1 or 2, followed by a 0 through 9, followed by 1 or 4.
Model xGA-xxxx, where the first x is E or 6, followed by U or F, followed by 1 or 2, followed by a 0 through 4, followed by 1 or 4.

Model xBA-xxxx, where the first x is E or 6, followed by U or F, followed by 1 or 2, followed by a 1 or 2, followed by 1 or 4.
Model xxx-xxxx, where the first x is E or 6, the second pair of x\'s are a CA, CC, or DA, followed by U or S, followed by 1, 2 or 4, followed by a 0
through 9, followed by 1 or 4.
Model xxx-xxx, where the first x is E or 6, the second pair of x\'s are a CB, CD, or DB, followed by U or S, followed by 1, 2 or 4, followed by a 1
or 2.
Model xA-xxxxx, where the first x is E or 6, followed by 1, 2 or 4, followed by N or F, followed by D, A or N, followed by 0 or 1, followed by a 0
through 9, followed by a 1 or 4.
Model xBA-xxxxx, where the first x is E or 6, followed by 1 or 2, followed by D, A or N, followed by 0 or 1, followed by a 0 through 9, followed by
a 1 or 4.
Model xBB-xxx, where the first x is E or 6, followed by 1 or 2, followed by D or M, followed by 1 or 4.
Cable management products , Models PLMN-010, PLMN-020, PLMN-030, PLMN-040, PLMN-050, PLMN-060, PLMN-070, PLMN-080, PLMN-090,
PLMN-100, PLMN-110-1U, PLMN-110-2U, PLMN-110-3U, PLMN-110-4U, PLMN-110-5U, PLMN-110-6U, PLMN-260, PLMN-D060, PLMN-D260, PLMNPLB-RM, PLMN-PLKD-RM.
Last Updated on 2007-04-10

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