Integrating Subdue With Analyst Notebook Users Manual 1.5


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SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
The SUBDUE Project 2011
Version 1.5
Copyright © 2011. The SUBDUE Project.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or
implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness
for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors,
copyright holders, or contributors be liable for any claim, damages or other
liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from,
out of or in connection with the Software or the use or other dealings in the
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
Table of Contents iii June 6, 2011
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... III
REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................. V
PREFACE ................................................................................................................. VI
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Reference Documents ........................................................................................... 1
2. DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING ............................................................... 2
2.1 Download ................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Files .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Install ....................................................................................................................... 2
3. DATA FORMAT ................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Input ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Graph Format ..................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2 Samples ............................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Output ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Example ................................................................................................................... 5
4. EXECUTING ..................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Command................................................................................................................. 9
4.1.1 Options ................................................................................................................ 9
4.2 MPI Version .......................................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 build ...................................................................................................................14
4.2.2 run ......................................................................................................................14
4.3 Example Continued ............................................................................................. 15
4.4 More Examples ..................................................................................................... 18
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Table of Contents iv June 6, 2011
4.4.1 Supervised ..........................................................................................................18
4.4.2 Overlap ...............................................................................................................23
4.4.3 Predefined Substructure ...................................................................................26
4.4.4 Recursion ...........................................................................................................31
4.5 Other Tools ............................................................................................................ 35
4.5.1 cvtest ..................................................................................................................35
4.5.2 gm .......................................................................................................................36
4.5.3 gprune ................................................................................................................36
4.5.4 graph2dot ...........................................................................................................36
4.5.5 mdl .....................................................................................................................37
4.5.6 sgiso ....................................................................................................................37
4.5.7 subs2dot .............................................................................................................38
4.5.8 test ......................................................................................................................38
5. NOTES/ISSUES ............................................................................................. 39
5.1 Unix ........................................................................................................................ 39
A. APPENDIX - TERMINOLOGY ........................................................................ 40
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
Preface v June 4, 2011
Revision History
April 27, 2005
Initial release
January 27, 2006
Added inc and compress options; added MPI section.
April 22, 2006
Corrected typos and missing reference.
May 29, 2006
Updated SUBDUE references.
January 11, 2007
Corrected typos and minor formatting changes.
June 6, 2011
Minor updates to reflect changes in new Subdue version 5.2.2.
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
Preface vi June 4, 2011
The following documentation conventions are followed within this document.
bold underlined text signifies notes or comments to the reader.
Italicized text signifies file names, directories or programs.
Bold italicized text signifies a reference to another document.
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
1 Introduction 1 June 4, 2011
1. Introduction
The following document provides a manual on how to use the SUBDUE system.
1.1 Overview
The SUBDUE graph-based pattern learning system finds relational patterns in data represented as a
graph. While the details of how SUBDUE works internally will not be discussed here (you can refer
to other documents on the SUBDUE web-site for more information), this document will provide you
with the specifics on how to install and run the application.
This document contains the following sections:
Chapter 2: instructions on how to download and install SUBDUE
Chapter 3: layout of the required graph input file
Chapter 4: instructions on running SUBDUE
Chapter 5: various notes and issues regarding the SUBDUE application
Appendix A: terminology
1.2 Reference Documents
SUBDUE Home Page:
AT&T Labs GraphViz:
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
2 Downloading and Installing 2 June 4, 2011
2. Downloading and Installing
In order to build and run the SUBDUE application, you must first download the appropriate files.
2.1 Download
The SUBDUE system, including documentation, papers, and research, can be found on the SUBDUE
home page (
In order to get the latest copy of the application, you must choose the Download option located on the
left-hand side of the SUBDUE home page. After clicking the Download link, you will be redirected
to the “Download” page, which contains a link to the latest source code for the SUBDUE application.
In order to pull a release of the SUBDUE application, you must click on the <release>.zip file (where
<release> is the version of SUBDUE that you want) located under the “Source” heading. Depending
upon your browser and settings, you will either be able to just click on the link, which will then
prompt you to either open the file or save it to your local disk, or you will be able to right-click on the
link and either open or save the file.
2.2 Files
Once you have chosen a release, downloaded the archive, and unzipped the files, the following
directory/file structure is created:
./bin/ -- directory of executables (initially empty)
./copyright.txt-- file containing the SUBDUE copyright notice
./docs/ -- directory containing this manual
./graphs/ -- directory containing some sample graph input files
./readme.txt file containing directions on how to build SUBDUE, as well as the version histories
./src/ - directory containing the source code and make files
(Note: All of this is actually created under another directory called subdue<x>, where <x> is the
major release number.)
2.3 Install
After downloading and unzipping the files, you can now install the SUBDUE application. Installation
consists of actually building the application so that it is now native to your Unix system.
SUBDUE uses the standard make facility to build its application. In order to build the application,
you should perform the following steps:
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
2 Downloading and Installing 3 June 4, 2011
1. Change directory to subdue-<release>/src
2. At the command prompt, enter: make. This will compile the SUBDUE programs.
3. At the command prompt, enter: make install. This will copy the executables to the subdue-
<release>/bin directory
4. At the command prompt, enter: make clean. This will clean up the src directory (removing object
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
3 Data Format 4 June 4, 2011
3. Data Format
The following section describes the format of the input graph that must be supplied in order to run the
SUBDUE application.
3.1 Input
The input to the SUBDUE application is comprised of a textual representation of a graph.
3.1.1 Graph Format
The input file can consist of one or more graphs. Each graph is prefaced (on a line by itself) by either
an "XP", indicating a positive example, or "XN" indicating a negative example. If the first (or only)
graph in the file is positive, then the "XP" can be omitted. Vertices
Each graph is a sequence of vertices and edges. A vertex is defined as:
v <#> <label>
where <#> is a unique vertex ID for the graph and <label> is any string or real number. Strings
containing white-space or the comment character (see below) must be surrounded by double-quotes.
Vertex IDs for a graph must start at 1 and increase by 1 for each successive vertex.
It should also be noted that there must be at least one vertex defined before any edges are defined. Edges
An edge is defined as one of the following:
e <vertex 1 #> <vertex 2 #> <label>
d <vertex 1 #> <vertex 2 #> <label>
u <vertex 1 #> <vertex 2 #> <label>
where <vertex 1 #> and <vertex 2 #> are the vertex ID's for the source vertex and the target vertex
respectively, and <label> is any string or real number. Strings containing white-space or the comment
character (see below) must be surrounded by double-quotes. Edges beginning with “eare assumed
directed unless the option “-undirected” is specified at the command line (see next section), in which
case all “e” edges become undirected. Edges beginning with “d” are always directed, and edges
beginning with “u” are always undirected.
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
3 Data Format 5 June 4, 2011 Comments
You can also choose to put comments in your graph input file. Comments are designated by the
percent “%” sign. Anything after a “%” until the end of the line will be ignored (unless the “%” is part
of a quoted label). Example
As an example, if you were trying to represent that a cat is an animal, the graph might look like the
% Cat
v 1 cat
v 2 animal
d 1 2 is-a
However, if the edge were directed the other way (eg. d 2 1 is-a), that would imply that the animal is a
cat, which is not necessarily true. It should be noted that SUBDUE would not complain if you made
that relationship, but the results would probably not be what you desired.
3.1.2 Samples
The SUBDUE kit comes with various sample graph input files, some of which include both the
textual representation as well as a simple pictorial view of the data.
3.2 Output
The output from executing SUBDUE, which will be discussed in more detail in the following section,
consists of textual information that is essentially represented in the same format as the input. In
addition to the patterns that are discovered, the output includes options, parameters and other
information about the run. By default, the output is displayed to the user‟s screen, or to wherever the
user directed the output (for example, with the Unix “>” command). However, the user can choose to
also send just the discovered patterns to another file by using the -out <file>” option. The format of
the discovered pattern looks very much like a SUBDUE graph input file, and can be used in some of
the various utilities that come in the SUBDUE kit (like test and subs2dot). These utilities will be
discussed in a subsequent section.
3.3 Example
To illustrate what an input file might look like, let‟s take the example of a domain consisting of
geometric shapes i.e. squares, triangles, rectangles and circles. The goal is to find the most common
patterns, or substructures, among these shapes.
First, the input file for SUBDUE contains the objects and their relationships to each other. Since this
is an “unsupervised” example, the graph does not contain any positive (XP) or negative (XN)
indicators. SUBDUE will assume that the graph is all positive.
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3 Data Format 6 June 4, 2011
Figure 1 illustrates the high-level view for this example. Figure 2 shows the SUBDUE input file for
this example. Figure 3 shows the graphical representation for this example.
Figure 1: High-level view for shapes example
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3 Data Format 7 June 4, 2011
v 1 object
v 2 object
v 3 object
v 4 object
v 5 object
v 6 object
v 7 object
v 8 object
v 9 object
v 10 object
v 11 triangle
v 12 triangle
v 13 triangle
v 14 triangle
v 15 square
v 16 square
v 17 square
v 18 square
v 19 circle
v 20 rectangle
e 1 11 shape
e 2 12 shape
e 3 13 shape
e 4 14 shape
e 5 15 shape
e 6 16 shape
e 7 17 shape
e 8 18 shape
e 9 19 shape
e 10 20 shape
e 1 5 on
e 2 6 on
e 3 7 on
e 4 8 on
e 5 10 on
e 9 10 on
e 10 2 on
e 10 3 on
e 10 4 on
Figure 2: SUBDUE input graph format for shapes example
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3 Data Format 8 June 4, 2011
Figure 3: Graphical representation for shapes example
This graph example is also included in the SUBDUE kit in the file sample.g.
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4 Executing 9 June 4, 2011
4. Executing
The purpose of the SUBDUE application is to find “interesting and repetitive subgraphs” from a
specified input graph. The ability to discover these sub-graphs, or substructures, is controlled by
various user-specified parameters, which control the methods that are used, as well as the length and
size of the discovered items (among other things).
4.1 Command
SUBDUE has what is known as a “command-line” interface. (While there are efforts to create a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) for SUBDUE, this manual deals with just the command-line
In order to run SUBDUE, you must be logged on to the Unix machine where the application was
downloaded and installed. From the Unix prompt, the command would be as follows:
subdue <options> <graph input file>
There are several points which should be noted here:
subdue is the name of the executable. The above example assumes that you are running the
application from the same directory where the executable resides (which is probably in ./bin/). If the
desire is to run the application from another directory, subdue will have to be “pathed”.
<options> will be discussed in the next section
<graph input file> is the name (and path) of the graph input file (ex. sample.g)
4.1.1 Options
Because of the nature of graphs, and the varying ways that graphs can be dissected and analyzed,
there are several command-line options available to be used. Each of these options can result in
different results when used together or by themselves.
This document will not go into graph theory, or even some of the more common algorithmic functions
used in computers, and will leave that up to you to investigate. Each of the options will be explained,
but it is assumed that there is some knowledge of the subject being discussed. -beam <#>
This parameter specifies the beam width of SUBDUE's search. Only the best beam substructures (or
all the substructures with the best beam values) are kept on the frontier of the search. The exact
meaning of the beam width is determined by the -valuebased option described below. The default
value for this setting is 4.
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
4 Executing 10 June 4, 2011 -compress
When the compress option is specified, SUBDUE writes the compressed data to a file. For typical
SUBDUE processing, the file <graph>.g.cmp is created (ex. sample.g.cmp). The input graph file is
compressed using the top-valued substructure and the result is written to this file. When the the MDL
and SIZE evaluation methods are specified (see section, the positive examples are combined
into one graph, while the negative examples are combined into another graph. However, when the
SETCOVER evaluation method is chosen, all of the negative examples are written to the file
(preceded by "XN" for each example), and the positives not covered by the discovered substructure
are written to the file (preceded by "XP" for each example). Vertices for each example are numbered
starting at 1.
For incremental SUBDUE processing (see section, each of the substructures from the
<graph>_<#>.g files (i.e. each increment), is compressed using the locally best substructure. The
resulting compressed graph is written to <graph>-com_#.g (and <graph>-com_#.g, if appropriate). -eval <#>
SUBDUE has three methods available for evaluating candidate substructures: Minimum Description Length (MDL) - 1
The value of a substructure S in graph G is:
 
where DL is the description length in bits, and (G|S) is G compressed with S. If a negative graph Gn is
present, then:
 
 
MDL is the default evaluation method. Size - 2
The value of a substructure S in graph G is:
 
),( SGsizeSsize
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4 Executing 11 June 4, 2011
and (G|S) is G compressed with S. If a negative graph Gn is present, then
 
 
),,( SGnsizeGnsizeSGpsizeSsize
The size measure is faster to compute than the MDL measure, but less consistent. Set Cover - 3
The value of a substructure S is computed as the number of positive examples containing S, plus the
number of negative examples not containing S, all divided by the total number of examples. If this
evaluation method is chosen, then the compression done at the end of each iteration is replaced by just
removing all positive examples containing S. -inc
The "-inc" option specifies that data should be handled incrementally. For this option, instead of
processing only one graph file, multiple graph files (which can be thought of as one graph file broken
up into several graph files) are handled. For example, if the input file "graph" is specified (i.e. the
name of the graph file WITHOUT the .g suffix), then SUBDUE looks for incremental graph input in
files named graph_1.g, graph_2.g, etc. The vertices in each incremental file are numbered starting at
the number of the last vertex in the previous file plus one, and edges can connect to vertices from
earlier increments. (There can NOT be edges with vertices that have not been encountered yet.)
Processing stops when the file for the next increment number does not exist.
When specifying the evaluation method, the EVAL_MDL option is not allowed. If the user specifies
EVAL_MDL, the function is changed to EVAL_SIZE and the user is alerted. Because graphs are
processed incrementally, as discoveries are made in the local iteration, values are updated for old
discoveries, and instances are found on increment boundaries. Thus, the drawback is that new
substructures will not be discovered if they exist only on increment boundaries.
If the compress option is used (see section in conjuction with the inc option, when
processing files graph_#.g, at the end of each increment, the increment data is compressed using the
locally best substructure. The resulting compressed graph is written to graph_#.c-pos (and graph-#.c-
neg, if appropriate).
Due to the complexity of this process, the following options are NOT supported with the incremental
Multiple iterations (see section of incremental SUBDUE. As a work-around, you can
run SUBDUE again using the compressed data stored in these files. In order to do this, you
must look at the output file to get the definition for the corresponding substructures (labeled
SUB_#). These vertex labels will need to be replaced by new unique identifiers before
running SUBDUE again on the compressed data files.
MPI (see section 4.2) version of SUBDUE.
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4 Executing 12 June 4, 2011
subs2dot tool (see section 4.5.7). As a work-around, you can write compressed graphs to a
file and use the graph2dot tool.
cvtest tool (see section 4.5.1). This is not very appropriate anyway, since cross validation
assumes all examples are available.
If the compress option is also chosen, then predefined substructures cannot be specified (see
section This is because of some of the issues with compression across increments. -iterations <#>
The number of iterations made over the input graph in which the best substructure from the previous
iteration is used to compress the graph for use in the next iteration. The default value for this setting is
1, which implies only one pass, no compression. A value of 0 causes SUBDUE to iterate until no
compression is possible, which produces a hierarchical, conceptual clustering of the input graphs. If
SUBDUE is using the set-cover evaluation method (see the -eval option above), then iterations stop
when no more positive examples can be removed. -limit <#>
The number of different substructures to consider in each iteration. The default value is computed
based on the input graph as #Edges / 2. -maxsize <#>
This argument specifies the maximum number of vertices that can be in a reported substructure.
Larger substructures are pruned from the search space. The default value for this setting is the number
of vertices in the input graph. -minsize <#>
This argument specifies the minimum number of vertices that must be in a substructure before it is
reported. The default value for this setting is 1. -nsubs <#>
This argument specifies the maximum length of the list of best substructures found during the
discovery. The default value for this setting is 3. -out <outfile>
If given, this option writes machine-readable output to the given file name. The file will contain the
best substructure found at each iteration, each prefaced by the SUB_TOKEN string specified in
subdue.h (usually just "S"). If this option is not specified, the output is written to the screen (unless
the output has been re-directed with the Unix “>” command). -output #
This argument controls the amount of SUBDUE's screen output. Valid values are:
(1) Print best substructure found at each iteration.
(2) Print -nsubs best substructures at each iteration. (This is the default value.)
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(3) Same as 2, plus prints the instances of the best substructures.
(4) Same as 3, plus prints substructure countdown and the best substructure found so far.
(5) Same as 4, plus prints each substructure considered. -overlap
SUBDUE normally will not allow overlap among the instances of a substructure. Specifying this
argument will allow overlap. During graph compression an OVERLAP_<iteration> edge is added
between each pair of overlapping instances, and external edges to shared vertices are duplicated to all
instances sharing the vertex. Allowing overlap slows SUBDUE considerably. -prune
This option tells SUBDUE to prune the search space by discarding substructures whose value is less
than that of their parent's substructure. Since the evaluation heuristics are not monotonic, pruning may
cause SUBDUE to miss some good substructures, however, it will improve the running time. The
default is no pruning. -ps <psfile>
This option allows the input of a file containing predefined substructures. These substructures are
used to compress the input graph with the idea that it would then be easier to find the identical
structures. The order of the substructures in the file is important, because the substructures are tried in
order and compression based on an earlier substructure may remove instances of later substructures.
Also, the matching process follows the constraints of the -overlap and -threshold options. See the
section on Predefined Substructure for a description of the format of this file. Note that this is
essentially subgraph isomorphism and therefore NP-Complete, i.e., exponential running time in the
size of the input graph. -recursion
This option allows SUBDUE to consider recursive graph grammar rules as substructures along with
the normal subgraph substructures. All are evaluated using the same metrics and compete for being
the best substructure. A recursive substructure looks like a normal substructure except for a single "re
<label>" edge indicating that the instances of the substructure are connected by an edge with the
given label. The default is no recursive substructures. -threshold <#>
The fraction of the size (vertices+edges) of an instance by which the instance can be different
(according to the graph transformation costs defined in subdue.h) from the substructure definition.
I.e., the graphs match if matchcost(sub,inst) <= size(inst)*threshold. The default setting is 0.0, which
implies graphs must match exactly. -undirected
SUBDUE assumes that edges in the input graph file defined using `e' are directed edges. Specifying
this argument makes these edges undirected. Note that graph file edges defined with `u' are always
undirected, and edges defined with `d' are always directed.
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
4 Executing 14 June 4, 2011 -valuebased
Normally, SUBDUE's beam width implies that only the beam best substructures are kept on the
frontier of the search. If the -valuebased option is given, then the beam width is interpreted as keeping
all the substructures with the top beam values on the frontier of the search.
4.2 MPI Version
Before going into some examples, there is one other way in which SUBDUE can be run, and that is by
using a version that uses a Message Passing Interface (MPI) called mpi_subdue.
For those readers not familiar with how MPI works, check out , or, where you can also download MPI software.
For purposes of demonstrating how the MPI version of SUBDUE works, the following sections use
the open-source MPICH2 software for building and running mpi_subdue.
4.2.1 build
We will not go into the steps for installing the MPICH2 software on your system. The README file
that comes with the MPICH2 tar kit is pretty self-explanatory, and if you follow the steps verbatim,
you should be able to install the software properly.
In order to build the mpi_subdue executable, follow the same steps as outlined in section 2.3, except
do a „make mpi_subdue‟ instead. If you have set up your MPICH2 environment correctly, you should
not receive any warnings or errors during the SUBDUE build.
4.2.2 run
Before you can start running mpi_subdue, you must initiate the message passing daemons. Depending
upon how many SUBDUE processes you want to have running will depend upon how many daemons
must be started. In order to start a daemon, you execute the following
mpd &
from the common prompt on whatever machine you wish the daemon to reside. (Subsequent mpd
daemons from the same machine must be executed with the n option.) You can verify the daemons
that are running and their location by executing a
mpdtrace l
from one of the machines in the “ring”.
mpi_subdue expects input files in the regular SUBDUE format with an added .partn suffix, where n is
the graph partition number corresponding to the child process number n that will process partition n.
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mpi_subdue also requires an additional master process, so when invoking mpi_subdue on n graph
partitions, you will need to start up n+1 MPI processes.
Once all of the necessary daemons have been started, mpi_subdue can be initiated similar to the
mpiexec n 5 bin/mpi_subdue <options> sample.g
The above command will start up one master and four child processes („-n 5‟), which expect four
graph partition files: sample.g.part1 through sample.g.part4. You can also specify any of the
SUBDUE options described above.
mpi_subdue works by processing each partition in parallel and then evaluating each partition's best
substructure on the other partitions. mpi_subdue then returns the globally best substructures.
For more information about the MPI commands, refer to your MPI documentation.
4.3 Example Continued
Continuing with our example graph from the previous chapter, it is now time to run SUBDUE:
bin/subdue out sub.g graphs/sample.g
Figure 4 shows a high-level visual depiction of the best substructure discovered by SUBDUE. Figure
5 shows the textual output of SUBDUE for this same run. Figure 6 shows the substructure pattern
that was discovered, written to the file specified by the “-out” option. Figure 7 shows the graphical
representation of the substructure pattern.
Figure 4: High-level visual depiction of best substructure discovered by SUBDUE on the sample
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Figure 5: SUBDUE output after running on the example graph file.
Input file..................... graphs/sample.g
Predefined substructure file... none
Output file.................... none
Beam width..................... 4
Evaluation method.............. MDL
'e' edges directed............. true
Iterations..................... 1
Limit.......................... 9
Minimum size of substructures.. 1
Maximum size of substructures.. 20
Number of best substructures... 3
Output level................... 2
Allow overlapping instances.... false
Prune.......................... false
Threshold...................... 0.000000
Value-based queue.............. false
Recursion...................... false
Relations...................... false
Variables...................... false
Read 1 positive graphs
1 positive graphs: 20 vertices, 19 edges, 252 bits
7 unique labels
3 initial substructures
Best 3 substructures:
(1) Substructure: value = 1.86819, pos instances = 4, neg instances = 0
v 1 object
v 2 object
v 3 triangle
v 4 square
d 1 3 shape
d 2 4 shape
d 1 2 on
(2) Substructure: value = 1.37785, pos instances = 4, neg instances = 0
v 1 object
v 2 object
v 3 square
d 2 3 shape
d 1 2 on
(3) Substructure: value = 1.37219, pos instances = 4, neg instances = 0
v 1 object
v 2 object
v 3 triangle
d 1 3 shape
d 1 2 on
Subdue done (elapsed CPU time = 0.01 seconds).
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Figure 6: Discovered substructure after running on the example graph file.
Figure 7: Graphical representation of the substructure discovered in the example.
The first part of SUBDUE‟s output indicates the parameter settings for this run. These parameters
were mentioned previously, but we discuss some of them in more detail here. All of the parameters
are set to their default values. SUBDUE‟s default evaluation method is based on the minimum
description length (MDL) principle, which essentially says that the best pattern (or substructure) is the
one that best trades off the size of the pattern and the size of the input graph after compressing away
all the instances of the pattern. If there are negative graphs in the input, then the best pattern is the one
that best compresses the positive graphs, but least compresses the negative graphs. This approach
tends to prefer patterns that compress well, even though they may not discriminate well. Thus, for this
example, we have chosen the default evaluation method (MDL).
The limit parameter controls the extent of SUBDUE‟s search by limiting the number of different
substructures SUBDUE considers for expansion, i.e., it is an upper bound on the portion of the search
space considered by SUBDUE. The limit defaults to half the number of edges in the positive graphs.
This default value tends to be higher than necessary, as SUBDUE typically finds the best substructure
early on. After experience with running SUBDUE in a domain, the limit parameter can be decreased
to a value closer to when SUBDUE actually finds the best substructure, which can be determined by
setting the output level to 5 so that SUBDUE outputs whenever it finds a new best substructure.
v 1 object
v 2 object
v 3 triangle
v 4 square
d 1 3 shape
d 2 4 shape
d 1 2 on
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The evaluation method and limit parameters allow significant control over the efficiency and
effectiveness of SUBDUE. Other parameters (beam, iterations, prune, valuebased) exert additional
control over the amount of search, while still others (overlap, threshold, recursion) allow the
introduction of additional capabilities (see previous section on Options, and subsequent examples).
In this simple example, we see that the input graph has 1 (positive) graph. The total number of
vertices and edges are given, along with the description length in bits of this graph, according to the
MDL encoding used by SUBDUE. Next, SUBDUE indicates the number of unique labels found in the
graph with the added constraint that the label must appear at least twice in the graphs. Seven such
labels exist in the graph.
At this point, SUBDUE begins its search for the substructure maximizing the chosen evaluation
method. By default, SUBDUE returns the three best substructures, ordered from best to worse (of the
top 3).
Finally, we see that SUBDUE spent less than a second finding this substructure. As discussed above,
the running time of SUBDUE depends on a number of parameters. For large graphs, SUBDUE‟s
running time can be quite long, sometimes on the order of days. However, these long running times
can be addressed by tweaking parameters, utilizing SUBDUE‟s parallel processing features (see
previous section on Options, and subsequent examples), or possibly redesigning the graph
representation to remove information not relevant to the learning task.
4.4 More Examples
To cover some of the features of SUBDUE, the following sections present various different examples
of how the application can be used.
4.4.1 Supervised
With supervised training, both positive and negative examples are provided as input to SUBDUE. For
this example, the domain of the data is possible terrorist activity. The goal is to find patterns in the
communications activity that can distinguish threat groups from non-threat groups. Input
First, the input file for SUBDUE contains threat groups as positive example graphs (designated by
XP”) and non-threat groups as negative example graphs (designated by “XN”). Figure 8 illustrates
the general structure used for representing this data as a graph, and Figure 9 shows the SUBDUE
input file for one of the positive examples.
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Figure 8: Graphical structure used to represent threat and non-threat communication graphs.
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Figure 9: SUBDUE input graph file for threat communication group.
This graph example is also included in the SUBDUE kit in the file groups.g. The file contains 3
threat groups and 7 non-threat groups.
% Group 2 - Threat Group
v 1 Communication
v 2 TwoWayCommunication
d 1 2 CommType
v 3 Actor
v 4 Actor
d 1 3 Initiator
d 1 4 Respondent
v 5 Communication
v 6 TwoWayCommunication
d 5 6 CommType
d 5 3 Initiator
d 5 4 Respondent
v 7 Communication
v 8 TwoWayCommunication
d 7 8 CommType
v 9 Actor
d 7 9 Initiator
d 7 4 Respondent
v 10 Communication
v 11 TwoWayCommunication
d 10 11 CommType
d 10 9 Initiator
d 10 3 Respondent
v 12 Communication
v 13 TwoWayCommunication
d 12 13 CommType
d 12 9 Initiator
d 12 4 Respondent
v 14 Communication
v 15 TwoWayCommunication
d 14 15 CommType
d 14 9 Initiator
d 14 3 Respondent
v 16 Communication
v 17 TwoWayCommunication
d 16 17 CommType
v 18 Actor
d 16 9 Initiator
d 16 18 Respondent
v 19 Communication
v 20 TwoWayCommunication
d 19 20 CommType
v 21 Actor
v 22 Actor
d 19 21 Initiator
d 19 22 Respondent
v 23 Communication
v 24 TwoWayCommunication
d 23 24 CommType
d 23 22 Initiator
d 23 21 Respondent
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
4 Executing 21 June 4, 2011 Execution
Now that the data is in the proper format, we can run SUBDUE using the following command
(assuming the graph file is located where you are running the application):
bin/subdue eval 3 groups.g
Figure 10 shows a graphical depiction of the best substructure discovered by SUBDUE. Figure 11
shows the textual output of SUBDUE for this same run. (The full output can be found in the file
groups-eval3-output.txt that comes with the kit.)
Figure 10: Graphical depiction of best substructure discovered by SUBDUE on the groups
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4 Executing 22 June 4, 2011
Figure 11: SUBDUE output after running on the groups graph file using the setcover evaluation
method 3. The 2nd and 3rd best substructures are deleted.
Input file..................... groups.g
Predefined substructure file... none
Output file.................... none
Beam width..................... 4
Evaluation method.............. setcover
'e' edges directed............. true
Iterations..................... 1
Limit.......................... 70
Minimum size of substructures.. 1
Maximum size of substructures.. 118
Number of best substructures... 3
Output level................... 2
Allow overlapping instances.... false
Prune.......................... false
Threshold...................... 0.000000
Value-based queue.............. false
Recursion...................... false
Relations...................... false
Variables...................... false
Read 3 positive graphs
Read 7 negative graphs
3 positive graphs: 118 vertices, 141 edges, 1960 bits
7 negative graphs: 1406 vertices, 1683 edges, 29327 bits
7 unique labels
3 initial substructures
Best 3 substructures:
(1) Substructure: value = 1, pos instances = 4, neg instances = 0
v 1 Communication
v 2 Actor
v 3 Actor
v 4 Communication
v 5 Actor
v 6 Communication
v 7 Communication
d 1 2 Initiator
d 1 3 Respondent
d 4 2 Initiator
d 4 3 Respondent
d 6 3 Respondent
d 7 5 Initiator
d 7 2 Respondent
Subdue done (elapsed CPU time = 0.78 seconds).
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4 Executing 23 June 4, 2011
In this example, an eval value of 3 was chosen, which means we want SUBDUE to use the setcover
evaluation method. This method looks for patterns that discriminate well, which is the main objective
in a threat group task, without regard for how well the patterns compress.
As you will notice, the input graph has 3 positive (threat group) graphs and 7 negative (non-threat
group) graphs. Again, the total number of vertices and edges in each of these two sets is given along
with the description length in bits of these graphs, according to the MDL encoding used by SUBDUE.
While SUBDUE returns the three best substructures, for this example, we only show the best in
Figure 8. The value of this substructure is 1, meaning that it perfectly discriminates between the
positive and negative group graphs. In other words this substructure shows up only in positive graphs
and not in negative graphs. In fact, as we see from the output, one of the positive graphs has two
instances of the substructure, since we have four instances in three examples.
4.4.2 Overlap
By default, SUBDUE does not allow for instances of a substructure to contain overlapping edges.
However, you can choose to override this functionality by specifying the “-overlap” option.
The following simple example of repetitive vertices and edges shows the advantage of using this
option. Input
Figure 12 illustrates the structure used for representing this data as a graph, and Figure 13 shows the
SUBDUE input file for this example.
1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9
Figure 12: Pictorial representation of repetitive vertices and edges example
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4 Executing 24 June 4, 2011
Figure 13: SUBDUE input format for overlap example Execution
In order to better understand how this works, let‟s make two runs: one without the -overlap option and
one with the option. So, if a run were made without the overlap option, it would look like the
bin/subdue overlap.g
Figure 14 shows a graphical depiction of the best substructure discovered by SUBDUE without the
overlap option. Figure 15 shows the textual output of SUBDUE (for this same substructure).
v 1 a
v 2 a
v 3 a
v 4 a
v 5 a
v 6 a
v 7 a
v 8 a
v 9 a
v 10 a
u 1 2 b
u 2 3 b
u 3 4 b
u 4 5 b
u 1 6 b
u 2 7 b
u 3 8 b
u 4 9 b
u 5 10 b
u 6 7 b
u 7 8 b
u 8 9 b
u 9 10 b
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4 Executing 25 June 4, 2011
Figure 14: Graphical depiction of best substructure discovered by SUBDUE on the example
WITHOUT the overlap option
Figure 15: SUBDUE output after running on the example WITHOUT the overlap option
Now try the same run WITH the overlap option:
bin/subdue overlap overlap.g
Figure 16 shows a graphical depiction of the best substructure discovered by SUBDUE WITH the
overlap option. Figure 17 shows the textual output of the best substructure found.
(1) Substructure: value = 1.16177, pos instances = 3, neg instances = 0
v 1 a
v 2 a
v 3 a
u 1 3 b
u 2 3 b
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4 Executing 26 June 4, 2011
Figure 16: Graphical depiction of best substructure discovered by SUBDUE on the example
WITH the overlap option
Figure 17: SUBDUE output after running on the example WITH the overlap option
Notice how the example with the overlap option was able to find a connected substructure, which
occurred 4 times (there were 4 instances), as opposed to the non-overlap option that only found a
substructure with two edges (of which there were 3 instances). However, while there may have been
4 instances of the substructure found with the overlap option, there was an overlap between the
instances in that each of the instances shared an edge with another instance.
4.4.3 Predefined Substructure
The following example shows the results of using predefined substructures. As discussed in the
previous section, this option allows one to compress the input graph so that it will be easier to find the
matching structures.
(1) Substructure: value = 1.35206, pos instances = 4, neg instances = 0
v 1 a
v 2 a
v 3 a
v 4 a
u 1 2 b
u 1 3 b
u 2 4 b
u 3 4 b
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
4 Executing 27 June 4, 2011 Input
For this example, we are going to use a chemical example, where carbons are connected by single
Figure 18: Pictorial representation of chemical example
Figure 18 illustrates the structure used for representing this data as a graph, and Figure 19 shows part
of the SUBDUE input file for this example.
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Figure 19: Portion of SUBDUE input file for chemical example
If we were to run this graph through SUBDUE WITHOUT any predefined substructures, the result
would look like the SUBDUE output shown in Figure 20.
v 1 carbon
v 2 carbon
v 3 carbon
v 4 carbon
v 5 carbon
v 6 carbon
v 7 carbon
v 8 carbon
v 9 carbon
v 10 carbon
v 11 carbon
v 12 carbon
v 13 carbon
u 1 2 bond
u 1 3 bond
u 2 4 bond
u 3 5 bond
u 4 6 bond
u 5 6 bond
u 6 7 bond
u 7 8 bond
u 8 9 bond
u 8 10 bond
u 9 11 bond
u 10 12 bond
u 11 13 bond
u 12 13 bond
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4 Executing 29 June 4, 2011
Figure 20: Best substructure found for chemical example (SUBDUE output)
Figure 21 shows a pictorial representation of this best substructure.
Figure 21: Best substructure found for chemical example (pictorial representation)
Best 3 substructures:
(1) Substructure: value = 2.58538, pos instances = 10, neg instances = 0
v 1 carbon
v 2 carbon
v 3 carbon
v 4 carbon
v 5 carbon
v 6 carbon
u 1 2 bond
u 1 3 bond
u 2 4 bond
u 3 5 bond
u 4 6 bond
u 5 6 bond
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
4 Executing 30 June 4, 2011
The result is that the best substructure found was a single cyclohexane ring, consisting of 6 carbons,
each connected by single bonds.
As you can see from the initial picture, this graph is composed of many cyclohexane rings, some of
which are connected by individual carbons. So, perhaps, a better substructure could be discovered if
we were to provide the single cyclohexane ring as a pre-defined substructure.
A predefined substructure is very similar in format to a regular graph. A predefined substructure file
can contain one or more substructures, each of which is prefaced with a “PS” indicator. Each
indicator is then followed by its vertices and edges, where the format is identical to the one used in
the graph input file.
Figure 22: Pre-defined substructure for chemical example (SUBDUE format)
For the purposes of this example, we will name the pre-defined substructure file carbon-ps.g. Execution
Now that we have a predefined substructure to go along with our input graph, we can run SUBDUE
using the following command:
bin/subdue ps carbon-ps.g graphs/carbon.g
Figure 23 shows a graphical depiction of the best substructure discovered by SUBDUE. Figure 24
shows a portion of the textual output of SUBDUE for this same run.
v 1 carbon
v 2 carbon
v 3 carbon
v 4 carbon
v 5 carbon
v 6 carbon
u 1 2 bond
u 1 3 bond
u 2 4 bond
u 3 5 bond
u 4 6 bond
u 5 6 bond
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
4 Executing 31 June 4, 2011
Figure 23: Graphical depiction of best substructure discovered by SUBDUE on the carbon
example graph using a predefined substructure.
Figure 24: SUBDUE output using the predefined substructure on the carbon example.
By giving SUBDUE the cyclohexane ring, it was able to find the substructure of two cyclohexane
rings connected by a single carbon.
4.4.4 Recursion
The following example shows the results of looking for recursive substructures. Taken from Jonyer‟s
paper entitled “MDL-Based Context-Free Graph Grammar Induction and Applications“ (which can
be found on the SUBDUE web-site), the following example shows how recursion was used to
discover patterns.
Best 3 substructures:
(1) Substructure: value = 1.58538, pos instances = 5, neg instances = 0
v 1 PS_SUB_1
v 2 PS_SUB_1
v 3 carbon
u 1 3 bond
u 3 2 bond
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
4 Executing 32 June 4, 2011 Explanation
The concept of examining for recursive substructures is a little more complex than some of the
features that have been explained so far, and requires a little more explanation.
A recursive production is constructed by checking all outgoing edges of each instance to see if they
are connected to any other instance. One can see in Figure 25 that the instance in the lower left is
connected to the instance on its right, via vertex „y‟ being connected to vertex „x‟. The same can be
said of the situation on the lower right side. Abstracting out these four instances, using the recursive
option, results in the graph depicted in Figure 26.
Figure 25: Pictorial representation of SUBDUE input graph.
Figure 26: Input graph, parsed by the first production. Input
Figure 27 shows a portion of the SUBDUE input file for the graph presented above.
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Figure 27: (partial) SUBDUE input graph file for recursive example.
This graph example is also included in the SUBDUE kit in the file sampleGL.g. Execution
In order to better understand how this works, let‟s make two runs: one without the -recursive option
and one with the option. So, if a run were made without the recursion option, it would look like the
bin/subdue sampleGL.g
Figure 28 shows a graphical depiction of the best substructure discovered by SUBDUE. Figure 29
shows the textual output of SUBDUE (for this same substructure).
v 1 a
v 2 b
v 3 c
v 4 a
v 5 b
v 6 d
v 13 k
v 14 x
v 15 y
v 16 z
v 17 q
v 18 x
v 19 y
v 20 z
v 21 q
v 22 r
u 1 2 t
u 2 3 t
u 1 3 t
u 1 4 next
u 4 7 next
u 7 10 next
u 14 15 s
u 14 16 s
u 15 17 s
u 16 17 s
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Figure 28: Pictorial representation of best substructure found.
Figure 29: (partial) SUBDUE output of best substructure found.
Now try the same run WITH the recursion option:
bin/subdue nsubs 6 recursion sampleGL.g
While the initial best substructures found were not any difference, if we increased the number of best
substructures past the default of 3, we can discover some new substructures. So, for this example, we
have chosen to find the six best substructures (nsubs 6).
Figure 30 shows a graphical depiction of the new substructure discovered by SUBDUE using the “-
recursion” option. Figure 31 shows the textual output of the best substructure found.
(1) Substructure: value = 1.43479, pos instances = 4, neg instances = 0
v 1 x
v 2 y
v 3 z
v 4 q
u 1 2 s
u 1 3 s
u 2 4 s
u 3 4 s
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Figure 30: Pictorial representation of substructure found.
Figure 31: (partial) SUBDUE output showing a recursive substructure.
What happens is that SUBDUE checks an instance of a substructure to see if it is connected to any of
its other instances by an edge. If it is, and it is the best substructure at the end of the iteration, each
such chain of subgraphs is abstracted away and replaced by a single vertex.
4.5 Other Tools
The following sections cover various tools that are supplied in the SUBDUE kit.
4.5.1 cvtest
The cvtest utility performs a cross-validation experiment on a set of examples using the SUBDUE
system. The command line interfaces is as follows:
>cvtest [<subdue options>] [-nfolds <n>] <graphfile>
Best 6 substructures:
(6) Substructure: value = 1.17601, pos instances = 2, neg instances = 0
v 1 x
v 2 y
v 3 z
v 4 q
u 1 2 s
u 1 3 s
u 3 4 s
re next
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The cvtest program first divides the examples defined in <graphfile> into <nfolds>sets of examples
using random selection. The program then runs SUBDUE to find the substructures for the training set
of each fold. It then uses the test program (see below) to evaluate the substructures on the test set of
the fold. The program reports the error rate for each fold and the mean error rate for all folds.
The cvtest program accepts all SUBDUE options (except out), and the nfolds <n> option MUST
come after the SUBDUE options. The default nfolds value is 1, which means the entire set of
examples is used for both training and testing. Also, the cvtest program must be run from the same
directory where the subdue executable resides.
4.5.2 gm
The gm tool is a standalone graph matcher. The command-line interface is as follows:
>gm <first graph input file> <second graph input file>
The gm utility (an inexact graph match program), computes the cost of transforming the larger of the
input graphs into the smaller according to the transformation costs defined in SUBDUE. This
program returns the cost and the mapping of vertices in the larger graph to vertices in the smaller
4.5.3 gprune
The gprune tool removes vertices and edges with specific labels. The command-line interface is as
>gprune <label> <input graph file> <output graph file>
The gprune utility removes all vertices and edges whose label is equal to <label> in <input graph
file> and outputs the results to <output graph file>. When a vertex is removed, all of its edges are
removed. When an edge is removed (either because it has the defined <label> or was removed as the
result of a vertex removal), any vertices left without a connecting edge are also removed.
If <input graph file> contains multiple examples, then each is pruned separately.
4.5.4 graph2dot
The graph2dot utility converts a SUBDUE graph input file into the dot format as specified in the
AT&T Labs GraphViz package.
The command-line interface is as follows:
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>graph2dot <SUBDUE graph file> < dot file>
This tool writes <SUBDUE graph file> to < dot file> in the dot format. The dot file can then be
displayed graphically using the GraphViz tools (see
For an example of what is produced by the GraphViz tools, refer to Figure 18, or any of the similar
figures above.
4.5.5 mdl
The mdl program is a standalone utility for computing the Minimum Description Length (MDL) of a
graph. The command-line interface is as follows:
>mdl [-dot <filename>] [-overlap] [-threshold <#>] <g1> <g2>
The mdl utility computes the description length of <g1> and <g2>, as well as <g2> compressed with
<g1>, using the following MDL compression measurement:
D1(g2)/(D1(g1) + D1(g2|g1))
This program also prints the size-based compression information.
If overlap is given, the instances of <g1> may overlap in <g2>. If threshold is given, then instances
in <g2> may not be an exact match to <g1>, but the cost of transforming <g1> to the instance is less
than the threshold fraction of the size of the larger graph. The default value for the threshold is 0.0
(i.e. an exact match). If the dot option is used, then the compressed graph is written to <filename> in
dot format. The dot file can then be displayed graphically using the GraphViz tools (see
4.5.6 sgiso
The sgiso program is a standalone utility for performing a sub-graph isomorphism. The command-
line interface is as follows:
>sgiso [-dot <filename>] [-overlap] [-threshold <#>] <g1> <g2>
The sgiso utility find and prints all instances of <g1> in <g2>. If overlap is given, then instances
may overlap in <g2>. If threshold is given, then instances may not be an exact match to <g1>, but
the cost of transforming <g1> to the instance is less than the threshold fraction of the size of the larger
graph. The default value for the threshold is 0.0 (i.e. an exact match). If the dot option is used, then
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the compressed graph is written to <filename> in dot format. The dot file can then be displayed
graphically using the GraphViz tools (see
4.5.7 subs2dot
The subs2dot utility converts a SUBDUE output file (specified when the out option is used) into the
dot format as specified in the AT&T Labs GraphViz package.
The command-line interface is as follows:
>subs2dot <SUBDUE output file> < dot file>
This tool writes the substructures defined in <SUBDUE output file> to < dot file> in the dot format.
The dot file can then be displayed graphically using the GraphViz tools (see
For an example of what is produced by the GraphViz tools, refer to Figure 28, or any of the similar
figures above.
4.5.8 test
The test utility computes the following for a given set of substructures and a given set of example
FP false positives
TP true positives
FN false negatives
TN true negatives
The command-line interfaces is as follows:
>test <subsfile> <graphfile>
The test program reads in substructures from <subsfile> and then reads in example graphs from
<graphfile> one at a time. If any of the substructures is a sub-graph of the example graph, that
example is classified as positive. Otherwise, it is classified as negative. When the program
completes, it reports the FP/FN/TP/TN and error statistics.
It should be noted that this utility assumes that all „e‟edges are directed, and the match threshold is
0.0, despite the parameters that were run with SUBDUE.
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5 Notes/Issues 39 June 4, 2011
5. Notes/Issues
The following sections represent various notes and issues.
5.1 Unix
SUBDUE was designed and developed to run on a Unix-based system. The application was tested on
Linux, but should be compatible with any Unix system. SUBDUE was written in C, where every
effort was made to use only standard ANSI C constructs and functions.
SUBDUE Manual The SUBDUE Project
A Appendix - Terminology 40 June 4, 2011
A. Appendix - Terminology
The following terminology was referenced in this document:
MDL Minimum Description Length
MPI Message Passing Interface
SUBDUE SUBstructure Discovery Using Examples
TBD To Be Determined

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