AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual, Volume 4: 128 Bit And 256 Media Instructions 4 &

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Advanced Micro Devices
Publication No. Revision Date
26568 3.21 December 2017
AMD64 Technology
AMD64 Architecture
Programmers Manual
Volume 4:
128-Bit and 256-Bit
Media Instructions
Publication No. Revision Date
26568 3.21 December 2017
© 2013 – 2017 Advanced Micro Devices Inc. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is for informational purposes only, and is subject to change without notice.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, it may contain technical
inaccuracies, omissions and typographical errors, and AMD is under no obligation to update or otherwise
correct this information. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to
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AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, and combinations thereof, and 3DNow! are trademarks of Advanced
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MMX is a trademark and Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Revision History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvii
About This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvii
Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvii
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvii
Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii
Related Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xl
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1.1 Syntax and Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Extended Instruction Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Immediate Byte Usage Unique to the SSE instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.2 Instruction Format Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 VSIB Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.1 Effective Address Array Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.2 Notational Conventions Related to VSIB Addressing Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.3 Memory Ordering and Exception Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Enabling SSE Instruction Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 String Compare Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5.1 Source Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5.2 Comparison Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5.3 Comparison Summary Bit Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.5.4 Intermediate Result Post-processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5.5 Output Option Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5.6 Affect on Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2 Instruction Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
VADDPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
VADDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
VADDSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
VADDSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
VADDSUBPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
VADDSUBPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
VAESDEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
VAESDECLAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
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VAESENC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
VAESENCLAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
VAESIMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
VAESKEYGENASSIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
VANDNPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
VANDNPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
VANDPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
VANDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
VBLENDPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
VBLENDPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
VBLENDVPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
VBLENDVPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
VCMPPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
VCMPPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
VCMPSD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
VCMPSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
VCOMISD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
VCOMISS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
VCVTDQ2PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
VCVTDQ2PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
VCVTPD2DQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
VCVTPD2PS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
VCVTPS2DQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
VCVTPS2PD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
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VCVTSD2SI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
VCVTSD2SS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
VCVTSI2SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
VCVTSI2SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
VCVTSS2SD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
VCVTSS2SI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
VCVTTPD2DQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
VCVTTPS2DQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
VCVTTSD2SI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
VCVTTSS2SI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
VDIVPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
VDIVPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
VDIVSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
VDIVSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
VDPPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
VDPPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
VEXTRACTPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
EXTRQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
VHADDPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
VHADDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
VHSUBPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
VHSUBPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
VINSERTPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
INSERTQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
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VLDDQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
VLDMXCSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
VMASKMOVDQU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
VMAXPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
VMAXPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
VMAXSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
VMAXSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
VMINPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
VMINPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
VMINSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
VMINSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
VMOVAPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
VMOVAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
VMOVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
VMOVDDUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
VMOVDQA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
VMOVDQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
VMOVHLPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
VMOVHPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
VMOVHPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
VMOVLHPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
VMOVLPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
VMOVLPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
VMOVMSKPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
VMOVMSKPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
VMOVNTDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
VMOVNTDQA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
VMOVNTPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
VMOVNTPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
MOVNTSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
MOVNTSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
VMOVQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
VMOVSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
VMOVSHDUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
VMOVSLDUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
VMOVSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
VMOVUPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
VMOVUPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
VMPSADBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
VMULPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
VMULPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
VMULSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
VMULSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
VORPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
VORPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
VPABSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
VPABSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
VPABSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
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VPACKSSDW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
VPACKSSWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
VPACKUSDW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
VPACKUSWB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
VPADDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
VPADDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
VPADDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
VPADDSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
VPADDSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
VPADDUSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
VPADDUSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
VPADDW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
VPALIGNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
VPAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
VPANDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
VPAVGB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
VPAVGW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
VPBLENDVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
VPBLENDW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
VPCLMULQDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
VPCMPEQB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
VPCMPEQD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
VPCMPEQQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
VPCMPEQW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
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VPCMPESTRI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
VPCMPESTRM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
VPCMPGTB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
VPCMPGTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
VPCMPGTQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
VPCMPGTW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
VPCMPISTRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
VPCMPISTRM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
VPEXTRB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
VPEXTRD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
VPEXTRQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
VPEXTRW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
VPHADDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
VPHADDSW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
VPHADDW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
VPHMINPOSUW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
VPHSUBD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
VPHSUBSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
VPHSUBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
VPINSRB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
VPINSRD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
VPINSRQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
VPINSRW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
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VPMADDUBSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
VPMADDWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
VPMAXSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
VPMAXSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
VPMAXSW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
VPMAXUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
VPMAXUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
VPMAXUW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
VPMINSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
VPMINSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
VPMINSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
VPMINUB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
VPMINUD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
VPMINUW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
VPMOVMSKB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
VPMOVSXBD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
VPMOVSXBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
VPMOVSXBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
VPMOVSXDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
VPMOVSXWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
VPMOVSXWQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
VPMOVZXBD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
VPMOVZXBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
VPMOVZXBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
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VPMOVZXDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
VPMOVZXWD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
VPMOVZXWQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
VPMULDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
VPMULHRSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
VPMULHUW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
VPMULHW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
VPMULLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
VPMULLW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
VPMULUDQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
VPOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
VPSADBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
VPSHUFB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
VPSHUFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
VPSHUFHW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
VPSHUFLW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
VPSIGNB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
VPSIGND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
VPSIGNW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
VPSLLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
VPSLLDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
VPSLLQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
VPSLLW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
VPSRAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
VPSRAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
VPSRLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
VPSRLDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
VPSRLQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
VPSRLW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
VPSUBB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
VPSUBD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
VPSUBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
VPSUBSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
VPSUBSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
VPSUBUSB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
VPSUBUSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
VPSUBW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
VPTEST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
VPUNPCKHBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
VPUNPCKHDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
VPUNPCKHQDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
VPUNPCKHWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
VPUNPCKLBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
VPUNPCKLDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
VPUNPCKLQDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
VPUNPCKLWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
VPXOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
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VRCPPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
VRCPSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
VROUNDPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
VROUNDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
VROUNDSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
VROUNDSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
VRSQRTPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
VRSQRTSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
SHA1RNDS4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
SHA1NEXTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
SHA1MSG1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
SHA1MSG2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
SHA256RNDS2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
SHA256MSG1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
SHA256MSG2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
VSHUFPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
VSHUFPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
VSQRTPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
VSQRTPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
VSQRTSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
VSQRTSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
VSTMXCSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
VSUBPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
VSUBPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
VSUBSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
VSUBSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
VUCOMISD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
VUCOMISS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
VUNPCKHPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
VUNPCKHPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
VUNPCKLPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
VUNPCKLPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
VBROADCASTF128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
VBROADCASTI128. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
VBROADCASTSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
VBROADCASTSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
VCVTPH2PS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
VCVTPS2PH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
VEXTRACTF128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
VEXTRACTI128. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
VFMADD231PD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
VFMADD231PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
VFMADD231SD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
VFMADD231SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
VFMADDSUB231PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
VFMADDSUB231PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
VFMSUBADD231PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
VFMSUBADD231PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
VFMSUB231PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
VFMSUB231PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
VFMSUB231SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
VFMSUB231SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
VFNMADD231PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
VFNMADD231PS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
VFNMADD231SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
VFNMADD231SS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
VFNMSUB231PD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
VFNMSUB231PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
VFNMSUB231SD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
VFNMSUB231SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
VFRCZPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
VFRCZPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
VFRCZSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
VFRCZSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
VGATHERDPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
VGATHERDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
VGATHERQPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
VGATHERQPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
VINSERTF128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
VINSERTI128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
VMASKMOVPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
VMASKMOVPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
VPBLENDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
VPBROADCASTB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
VPBROADCASTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
VPBROADCASTQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
VPBROADCASTW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
VPCMOV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
VPCOMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
VPCOMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
VPCOMQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713
VPCOMUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
VPCOMUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
VPCOMUQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
VPCOMUW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
VPCOMW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
VPERM2F128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
VPERM2I128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
VPERMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
VPERMIL2PD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
VPERMIL2PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
VPERMILPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
VPERMILPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
VPERMPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
VPERMPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
VPERMQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
VPGATHERDD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752
VPGATHERDQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754
VPGATHERQD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 756
VPGATHERQQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
VPHADDBD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760
VPHADDBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762
VPHADDBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
VPHADDDQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 766
VPHADDUBD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
VPHADDUBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770
VPHADDUBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772
VPHADDUDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774
VPHADDUWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
VPHADDUWQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
VPHADDWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
VPHADDWQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782
VPHSUBBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784
VPHSUBDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786
VPHSUBWD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788
VPMACSDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 790
VPMACSDQH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792
VPMACSDQL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794
VPMACSSDD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796
VPMACSSDQH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798
VPMACSSDQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
VPMACSSWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802
VPMACSSWW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804
VPMACSWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806
VPMACSWW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808
VPMADCSSWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
VPMADCSWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812
VPMASKMOVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
VPMASKMOVQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
VPPERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818
VPROTB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
VPROTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
VPROTQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
VPROTW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
VPSHAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
VPSHAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
VPSHAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
VPSHAW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
VPSHLB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
VPSHLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
VPSHLQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
VPSHLW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
VPSLLVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 844
VPSLLVQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
VPSRAVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848
VPSRLVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
VPSRLVQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 852
VTESTPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 854
VTESTPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856
VZEROALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 858
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
VZEROUPPER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
XGETBV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860
VXORPD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861
VXORPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863
XRSTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
XRSTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867
XSAVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
XSAVEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871
XSAVEOPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873
XSAVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875
XSETBV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877
3 Exception Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .879
Appendix A AES Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .973
A.1 AES Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973
A.2 Coding Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973
A.3 AES Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 974
A.4 Algebraic Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 974
A.4.1 Multiplication in the Field GF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975
A.4.2 Multiplication of 4x4 Matrices Over GF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976
A.5 AES Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976
A.5.1 Sequence of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978
A.6 Initializing the Sbox and InvSBox Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979
A.6.1 Computation of SBox and InvSBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980
A.6.2 Initialization of InvSBox[ ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
A.7 Encryption and Decryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
A.7.1 The Encrypt( ) and Decrypt( ) Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
A.7.2 Round Sequences and Key Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
A.8 The Cipher Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
A.8.1 Text to Matrix Conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
A.8.2 Cipher Transformations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
A.8.3 Matrix to Text Conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989
A.9 The InvCipher Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989
A.9.1 Text to Matrix Conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990
A.9.2 InvCypher Transformations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990
A.9.3 Matrix to Text Conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 992
A.10 An Alternative Decryption Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 992
A.11 Computation of GFInv with Euclidean Greatest Common Divisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 994
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Figure 1-1. Typical Descriptive Synopsis - Extended SSE Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Figure 1-2. VSIB Byte Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Figure 1-3. Byte-wide Character String – Memory and Register Image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 2-1. Typical Instruction Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 2-2. (V)MPSADBW Instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Figure A-1. GFMatrix Representation of 16-byte Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 974
Figure A-2. GFMatrix to Operand Byte Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 974
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Table 1-1. Three-Operand Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Table 1-2. Four-Operand Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Table 1-3. Source Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Table 1-4. Comparison Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Table 1-5. Post-processing Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Table 1-6. Indexed Output Option Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Table 1-7. Masked Output Option Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Table 1-8. State of Affected Flags After Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879
Table A-1. SBox Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
Table A-2. InvSBox Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
Table A-3. Cipher Key, Round Sequence, and Round Key Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Revision History
Date Revision Description
December 2017 3.21 Clarifications to XGETBV, XRSTOR, XRSTORS, XSAVE,
March 2017 3.20
instruction descriptions.
XRSTORS and XSAVEC instructions.
June 2015 3.19 Corrections to the MOVLPD, PHSUBW, PHSUBSW instruction
October 2013 3.18
Added AVX2 Instructions.
Added “Instruction Support” subsection to each instruction
reference page that lists CPUID feature bit information in a table.
May 2013 3.17
Removed all references to the CPUID specification which has
been superseded by Volume 3, Appendix E, "Obtaining
Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction."
Corrected exceptions table for the explicitly-aligned load/store
instructions. General protection exception does not depend on
state of MXCSR.MM bit.
2012 3.16
Corrected REX.W bit encoding for the MOVD instruction. (See
page 186.)
Corrected L bit encoding for the VMOVQ (D6h opcode)
instruction. (See page 222.)
Corrected statement about zero extension for third encoding (11h
opcode) of MOVSS instruction. (See page 230.)
March 2012 3.15
Corrected instruction encoding for VPCOMUB, VPCOMUD,
VPCOMUQ, VPCOMUW, and VPHSUBDQ instructions. Other
minor corrections.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
December 2011 3.14
Reworked Section 1.5, "String Compare Instructions" on page 10.
Revised descriptions of the string compare instructions in
instruction reference.
Moved AES overview to Appendix A.
Clarified trap and exception behavior for elements not selected
for writing. See MASKMOVDQU VMASKMOVDQU on page 160.
Additional minor corrections and clarifications.
September 2011 3.13
Moved discussion of extended instruction encoding; VEX and
XOP prefixes to Volume 3.
Added FMA instructions. Described on the corresponding FMA4
reference page.
Moved BMI and TBM instructions to Volume 3.
Added XSAVEOPT instruction.
Corrected descriptions of VSQRTSD and VSQRTSS.
May 2011 3.12 Added F16C, BMI, and TBM instructions.
December 2010 3.11
Complete revision and reformat accommodating 128-bit and 256-bit
media instructions. Includes revised definitions of legacy SSE, SSE2,
SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, and SSSE3 instructions, as well as new
definitions of extended AES, AVX, CLMUL, FMA4, and XOP
instructions. Introduction includes supplemental information concerning
encoding of extended instructions, enhanced processor state
management provided by the XSAVE/XRSTOR instructions,
cryptographic capabilities of the AES instructions, and functionality of
extended string comparison instructions.
September 2007 3.10 Added minor clarifications and corrected typographical and formatting
July 2007 3.09
Added the following instructions: EXTRQ, INSERTQ, MOVNTSD, and
Added misaligned exception mask (MXCSR.MM) information.
Added imm8 values with corresponding mnemonics to (V)CMPPD,
Reworded CPUID information in condition tables.
Added minor clarifications and corrected typographical and formatting
September 2006 3.08 Made minor corrections.
December 2005 3.07 Made minor editorial and formatting changes.
Date Revision Description
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
January 2005 3.06 Added documentation on SSE3 instructions. Corrected numerous
minor factual errors and typos.
September 2003 3.05 Made numerous small factual corrections.
April 2003 3.04 Made minor corrections.
Date Revision Description
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
About This Book
This book is part of a multivolume work entitled the AMD64 Architecture Programmers Manual.
The complete set includes the following volumes.
This volume is intended for programmers who develop application or system software.
Volumes 3, 4, and 5 describe the AMD64 instruction set in detail, providing mnemonic syntax,
instruction encoding, functions, affected flags, and possible exceptions.
The AMD64 instruction set is divided into five subsets:
General-purpose instructions
System instructions
Streaming SIMD Extensions (includes 128-bit and 256-bit media instructions)
64-bit media instructions (MMX™)
x87 floating-point instructions
Several instructions belong to, and are described identically in, multiple instruction subsets.
This volume describes the Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instruction set which includes 128-bit
and 256-bit media instructions. SSE includes both legacy and extended forms. The index at the end
cross-references topics within this volume. For other topics relating to the AMD64 architecture, and
for information on instructions in other subsets, see the tables of contents and indexes of the other
Title Order No.
Volume 1: Application Programming 24592
Volume 2: System Programming 24593
Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions 24594
Volume 4: 128-Bit and 256-Bit Media Instructions 26568
Volume 5: 64-Bit Media and x87 Floating-Point Instructions 26569
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Conventions and Definitions
The section which follows, Notational Conventions, describes notational conventions used in this
volume. The next section, Definitions, lists a number of terms used in this volume along with their
technical definitions. Some of these definitions assume knowledge of the legacy x86 architecture. See
“Related Documents” on page xl for further information about the legacy x86 architecture. Finally, the
Registers section lists the registers which are a part of the system programming model.
Notational Conventions
Section 1.1, “Syntax and Notation” on page 2 describes notation relating specifically to instruction
An instruction exception—in this example, a general-protection exception with error code of 0.
A binary value, in this example, a 4-bit value.
A hexadecimal value, in this example a 32-bit value. Underscore characters may be used to
improve readability.
Numbers without an alpha suffix are decimal unless the context indicates otherwise.
A bit range, from bit 7 to 4, inclusive. The high-order bit is shown first. Commas may be inserted
to indicate gaps.
A general-protection exception (#GP) with error code of 0.
Support for optional features or the value of an implementation-specific parameter of a processor
can be discovered by executing the CPUID instruction on that processor. To obtain this value,
software must execute the CPUID instruction with the function code XXXX_XXXXh in EAX and
then examine the field FieldName returned in register RRR. If the “_RRR” notation is followed by
“_xYYY”, register ECX must be set to the value YYYh before executing CPUID. When FieldName
is not given, the entire contents of register RRR contains the desired value. When determining
optional feature support, if the bit identified by FieldName is set to a one, the feature is supported
on that processor.
A register range, from register CR0 through CR4, inclusive, with the low-order register first.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The OSXSAVE bit of the CR4 register.
CR0[PE] = 1, CR0.PE = 1
The PE bit of the CR0 register has a value of 1.
The LME field of the EFER register is cleared (contains a value of 0).
The content of a memory location whose segment address is in the DS register and whose offset
relative to that segment is in the rSI register.
A field within a register identified by its bit range. In this example, corresponding to the IOPL
128-bit media instruction
Instructions that operate on the various 128-bit vector data types. Supported within both the legacy
SSE and extended SSE instruction sets.
256-bit media instruction
Instructions that operate on the various 256-bit vector data types. Supported within the extended
SSE instruction set.
64-bit media instructions
Instructions that operate on the 64-bit vector data types. These are primarily a combination of
MMX and 3DNow!™ instruction sets and their extensions, with some additional instructions from
the SSE1 and SSE2 instruction sets.
16-bit mode
Legacy mode or compatibility mode in which a 16-bit address size is active. See legacy mode and
compatibility mode.
32-bit mode
Legacy mode or compatibility mode in which a 32-bit address size is active. See legacy mode and
compatibility mode.
64-bit mode
A submode of long mode. In 64-bit mode, the default address size is 64 bits and new features, such
as register extensions, are supported for system and application software.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
A displacement that references the base of a code segment rather than an instruction pointer.
See relative.
Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm acceleration instructions; part of Streaming SIMD
Extensions (SSE).
Address space identifier.
Extension of the SSE instruction set supporting 256-bit vector (packed) operands. See Streaming
SIMD Extensions.
biased exponent
The sum of a floating-point value’s exponent and a constant bias for a particular floating-point data
type. The bias makes the range of the biased exponent always positive, which allows reciprocation
without overflow.
Eight bits.
clear, cleared
To write the value 0 to a bit or a range of bits. See set.
compatibility mode
A submode of long mode. In compatibility mode, the default address size is 32 bits, and legacy 16-
bit and 32-bit applications run without modification.
To irreversibly write, in program order, an instruction’s result to software-visible storage, such as a
register (including flags), the data cache, an internal write buffer, or memory.
Current privilege level.
Referencing a memory address included in the instruction syntax as an immediate operand. The
address may be an absolute or relative address. See indirect.
A signed value that is added to the base of a segment (absolute addressing) or an instruction pointer
(relative addressing). Same as offset.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Two words, or four bytes, or 32 bits.
double quadword
Eight words, or 16 bytes, or 128 bits. Also called octword.
effective address size
The address size for the current instruction after accounting for the default address size and any
address-size override prefix.
effective operand size
The operand size for the current instruction after accounting for the default operand size and any
operand-size override prefix.
See vector.
An abnormal condition that occurs as the result of instruction execution. Processor response to an
exception depends on the type of exception. For all exceptions except SSE floating-point
exceptions and x87 floating-point exceptions, control is transferred to a handler (or service
routine) for that exception as defined by the exception’s vector. For floating-point exceptions
defined by the IEEE 754 standard, there are both masked and unmasked responses. When
unmasked, the exception handler is called, and when masked, a default response is provided
instead of calling the handler.
extended SSE instructions
Enhanced set of SIMD instructions supporting 256-bit vector data types and allowing the
specification of up to four operands. A subset of the Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE). Includes
the AVX, FMA, FMA4, and XOP instructions. Compare legacy SSE.
An often ambiguous term meaning (1) writeback, if modified, and invalidate, as in “flush the cache
line,” or (2) invalidate, as in “flush the pipeline,” or (3) change a value, as in “flush to zero.”
Fused Multiply Add, four operand. Part of the extended SSE instruction set.
Fused Multiply Add. Part of the extended SSE instruction set.
Global descriptor table.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Global interrupt flag.
Interrupt descriptor table.
Ignored. Value written is ignored by hardware. Value returned on a read is indeterminate. See
Referencing a memory location whose address is in a register or other memory location. The
address may be an absolute or relative address. See direct.
The virtual-8086 mode interrupt-redirection bitmap.
The long-mode interrupt-stack table.
The real-address mode interrupt-vector table.
Local descriptor table.
legacy x86
The legacy x86 architecture.
legacy mode
An operating mode of the AMD64 architecture in which existing 16-bit and 32-bit applications and
operating systems run without modification. A processor implementation of the AMD64
architecture can run in either long mode or legacy mode. Legacy mode has three submodes, real
mode, protected mode, and virtual-8086 mode.
legacy SSE instructions
All Streaming SIMD Extensions instructions prior to AVX, XOP, and FMA4. Legacy SSE
instructions primarily utilize operands held in XMM registers. The legacy SSE instructions
include the original Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE1) and the subsequent extensions SSE2,
SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4, SSE4A, SSE4.1, and SSE4.2. See Streaming SIMD instructions.
long mode
An operating mode unique to the AMD64 architecture. A processor implementation of the
AMD64 architecture can run in either long mode or legacy mode. Long mode has two submodes,
64-bit mode and compatibility mode.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Least-significant bit.
Least-significant byte.
main memory
Physical memory, such as RAM and ROM (but not cache memory) that is installed in a particular
computer system.
(1) A control bit that prevents the occurrence of a floating-point exception from invoking an
exception-handling routine. (2) A field of bits used for a control purpose.
Must be zero. If software attempts to set an MBZ bit to 1, a general-protection exception (#GP)
occurs. See reserved.
Unless otherwise specified, main memory.
A 16, 32, or 64-bit offset that specifies a memory operand directly, without using a ModRM or SIB
Most-significant bit.
Most-significant byte.
Same as double quadword.
Same as displacement.
The condition in which a floating-point number is larger in magnitude than the largest, finite,
positive or negative number that can be represented in the data-type format being used.
See vector.
Physical-address extensions.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
physical memory
Actual memory, consisting of main memory and cache.
A check for an address in processor caches or internal buffers. External probes originate outside
the processor, and internal probes originate within the processor.
protected mode
A submode of legacy mode.
Four words, eight bytes, or 64 bits.
Read as zero. Value returned on a read is always zero (0) regardless of what was previously
written. See reserved.
real-address mode, real mode
A short name for real-address mode, a submode of legacy mode.
Referencing with a displacement (offset) from an instruction pointer rather than the base of a code
segment. See absolute.
Fields marked as reserved may be used at some future time.
To preserve compatibility with future processors, reserved fields require special handling when
read or written by software. Software must not depend on the state of a reserved field (unless
qualified as RAZ), nor upon the ability of such fields to return a previously written state.
If a field is marked reserved without qualification, software must not change the state of that field;
it must reload that field with the same value returned from a prior read.
Reserved fields may be qualified as IGN, MBZ, RAZ, or SBZ (see definitions).
A legacy instruction modifier prefix that specifies 64-bit operand size and provides access to
additional registers.
RIP-relative addressing
Addressing relative to the 64-bit relative instruction pointer.
Should be zero. An attempt by software to set an SBZ bit to 1 results in undefined behavior. See
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
An atomic value existing independently of any specification of location, direction, etc., as opposed
to vectors.
To write the value 1 to a bit or a range of bits. See clear.
Single instruction, multiple data. See vector.
Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE)
Instructions that operate on scalar or vector (packed) integer and floating point numbers. The SSE
instruction set comprises the legacy SSE and extended SSE instruction sets.
Original SSE instruction set. Includes instructions that operate on vector operands in both the
MMX and the XMM registers.
Extensions to the SSE instruction set.
Further extensions to the SSE instruction set.
Further extensions to the SSE instruction set.
Further extensions to the SSE instruction set.
Further extensions to the SSE instruction set.
A minor extension to the SSE instruction set adding the instructions EXTRQ, INSERTQ,
sticky bit
A bit that is set or cleared by hardware and that remains in that state until explicitly changed by
Task-state segment.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The condition in which a floating-point number is smaller in magnitude than the smallest nonzero,
positive or negative number that can be represented in the data-type format being used.
(1) A set of integer or floating-point values, called elements, that are packed into a single operand.
Most media instructions use vectors as operands. Also called packed or SIMD operands.
(2) An interrupt descriptor table index, used to access exception handlers. See exception.
VEX prefix
Extended instruction encoding escape prefix. Introduces a two- or three-byte encoding escape
sequence used in the encoding of AVX instructions. Opens a new extended instruction encoding
space. Fields select the opcode map and allow the specification of operand vector length and an
additional operand register. See XOP prefix.
virtual-8086 mode
A submode of legacy mode.
Virtual machine control block.
Virtual machine monitor.
Two bytes, or 16 bits.
See legacy x86.
XOP instructions
Part of the extended SSE instruction set using the XOP prefix. See Streaming SIMD Extensions.
XOP prefix
Extended instruction encoding escape prefix. Introduces a three-byte escape sequence used in the
encoding of XOP instructions. Opens a new extended instruction encoding space distinct from the
VEX opcode space. Fields select the opcode map and allow the specification of operand vector
length and an additional operand register. See VEX prefix.
In the following list of registers, mnemonics refer either to the register itself or to the register content:
The high 8-bit AH, BH, CH, and DH registers. See [ALDL].
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The low 8-bit AL, BL, CL, and DL registers. See [AHDH].
The low 8-bit AL, BL, CL, DL, SIL, DIL, BPL, SPL, and [r8B–r15B] registers, available in 64-bit
Base pointer register.
Control register number n.
Code segment register.
The 16-bit AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, and SP registers or the 32-bit EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX,
EDI, ESI, EBP, and ESP registers. See [rAXrSP].
Extended features enable register.
16-bit or 32-bit flags register. See rFLAGS.
32-bit (extended) flags register.
16-bit or 32-bit instruction-pointer register. See rIP.
32-bit (extended) instruction-pointer register.
16-bit flags register.
Global descriptor table register.
General-purpose registers. For the 16-bit data size, these are AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, and SP.
For the 32-bit data size, these are EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESI, EBP, and ESP. For the 64-bit
data size, these include RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RDI, RSI, RBP, RSP, and R8–R15.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Interrupt descriptor table register.
16-bit instruction-pointer register.
Local descriptor table register.
Model-specific register.
The 8-bit R8B–R15B registers, or the 16-bit R8W–R15W registers, or the 32-bit R8D–R15D
registers, or the 64-bit R8–R15 registers.
The 16-bit AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, and SP registers, or the 32-bit EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX,
EDI, ESI, EBP, and ESP registers, or the 64-bit RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RDI, RSI, RBP, and RSP
registers. Replace the placeholder r with nothing for 16-bit size, “E” for 32-bit size, or “R” for 64-
bit size.
64-bit version of the EAX register.
64-bit version of the EBP register.
64-bit version of the EBX register.
64-bit version of the ECX register.
64-bit version of the EDI register.
64-bit version of the EDX register.
16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit flags register. See RFLAGS.
64-bit flags register. See rFLAGS.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit instruction-pointer register. See RIP.
64-bit instruction-pointer register.
64-bit version of the ESI register.
64-bit version of the ESP register.
Stack pointer register.
Stack segment register.
Task priority register (CR8).
Task register.
Set of sixteen (eight accessible in legacy and compatibility modes) 256-bit wide registers that hold
scalar and vector operands used by the SSE instructions.
Endian Order
The x86 and AMD64 architectures address memory using little-endian byte-ordering. Multibyte
values are stored with the least-significant byte at the lowest byte address, and illustrated with their
least significant byte at the right side. Strings are illustrated in reverse order, because the addresses of
string bytes increase from right to left.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Documents
Peter Abel, IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
Rakesh Agarwal, 80x86 Architecture & Programming: Volume II, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1991.
AMD, AMD-K6™ MMX™ Enhanced Processor Multimedia Technology, Sunnyvale, CA, 2000.
AMD, 3DNow!™ Technology Manual, Sunnyvale, CA, 2000.
AMD, AMD Extensions to the 3DNow!™ and MMX™ Instruction Sets, Sunnyvale, CA, 2000.
Don Anderson and Tom Shanley, Pentium Processor System Architecture, Addison-Wesley, New
York, 1995.
Nabajyoti Barkakati and Randall Hyde, Microsoft Macro Assembler Bible, Sams, Carmel, Indiana,
Barry B. Brey, 8086/8088, 80286, 80386, and 80486 Assembly Language Programming,
Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, 1994.
Barry B. Brey, Programming the 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium Based Personal Computer,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995.
Ralf Brown and Jim Kyle, PC Interrupts, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994.
Penn Brumm and Don Brumm, 80386/80486 Assembly Language Programming, Windcrest
McGraw-Hill, 1993.
Geoff Chappell, DOS Internals, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994.
Chips and Technologies, Inc. Super386 DX Programmers Reference Manual, Chips and
Technologies, Inc., San Jose, 1992.
John Crawford and Patrick Gelsinger, Programming the 80386, Sybex, San Francisco, 1987.
Cyrix Corporation, 5x86 Processor BIOS Writer's Guide, Cyrix Corporation, Richardson, TX,
Cyrix Corporation, M1 Processor Data Book, Cyrix Corporation, Richardson, TX, 1996.
Cyrix Corporation, MX Processor MMX Extension Opcode Table, Cyrix Corporation, Richardson,
TX, 1996.
Cyrix Corporation, MX Processor Data Book, Cyrix Corporation, Richardson, TX, 1997.
Ray Duncan, Extending DOS: A Programmer's Guide to Protected-Mode DOS, Addison Wesley,
NY, 1991.
William B. Giles, Assembly Language Programming for the Intel 80xxx Family, Macmillan, New
York, 1991.
Frank van Gilluwe, The Undocumented PC, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994.
John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, Computer Architecture, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
San Mateo, CA, 1996.
Thom Hogan, The Programmer’s PC Sourcebook, Microsoft Press, Redmond, WA, 1991.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Hal Katircioglu, Inside the 486, Pentium, and Pentium Pro, Peer-to-Peer Communications, Menlo
Park, CA, 1997.
IBM Corporation, 486SLC Microprocessor Data Sheet, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction, VT,
IBM Corporation, 486SLC2 Microprocessor Data Sheet, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction, VT,
IBM Corporation, 80486DX2 Processor Floating Point Instructions, IBM Corporation, Essex
Junction, VT, 1995.
IBM Corporation, 80486DX2 Processor BIOS Writer's Guide, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction,
VT, 1995.
IBM Corporation, Blue Lightning 486DX2 Data Book, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction, VT,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
Arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Standard for Radix-Independent Floating-
Point Arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Std 854-1987.
Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, 80X86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1997.
Hans-Peter Messmer, The Indispensable Pentium Book, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1995.
Karen Miller, An Assembly Language Introduction to Computer Architecture: Using the Intel
Pentium, Oxford University Press, New York, 1999.
Stephen Morse, Eric Isaacson, and Douglas Albert, The 80386/387 Architecture, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1987.
NexGen Inc., Nx586 Processor Data Book, NexGen Inc., Milpitas, CA, 1993.
NexGen Inc., Nx686 Processor Data Book, NexGen Inc., Milpitas, CA, 1994.
Bipin Patwardhan, Introduction to the Streaming SIMD Extensions in the Pentium III, simd1.htm, June, 2000.
Peter Norton, Peter Aitken, and Richard Wilton, PC Programmers Bible, Microsoft Press,
Redmond, WA, 1993.
PharLap 386|ASM Reference Manual, Pharlap, Cambridge MA, 1993.
PharLap TNT DOS-Extender Reference Manual, Pharlap, Cambridge MA, 1995.
Sen-Cuo Ro and Sheau-Chuen Her, i386/i486 Advanced Programming, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York, 1993.
Jeffrey P. Royer, Introduction to Protected Mode Programming, course materials for an onsite
class, 1992.
Tom Shanley, Protected Mode System Architecture, Addison Wesley, NY, 1996.
SGS-Thomson Corporation, 80486DX Processor SMM Programming Manual, SGS-Thomson
Corporation, 1995.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Walter A. Triebel, The 80386DX Microprocessor, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992.
John Wharton, The Complete x86, MicroDesign Resources, Sebastopol, California, 1994.
Web sites and newsgroups:
- news.comp.arch
- news.comp.lang.asm.x86
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
1 Introduction
Processors capable of performing the same mathematical operation simultaneously on multiple data
streams are classified as single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD). Instructions that utilize this
hardware capability are called SIMD instructions.
Software can utilize SIMD instructions to drastically increase the performance of media applications
which typically employ algorithms that perform the same mathematical operation on a set of values in
parallel. The original SIMD instruction set was called MMX and operated on 64-bit wide vectors of
integer and floating-point elements. Subsequently a new SIMD instruction set called the Streaming
SIMD Extensions (SSE) was added to the architecture.
The SSE instruction set defines a new programming model with its own array of vector data registers
(YMM/XMM registers) and a control and status register (MXCSR). Most SSE instructions pull their
operands from one or more YMM/XMM registers and store results in a YMM/XMM register,
although some instructions use a GPR as either a source or destination. Most instructions allow one
operand to be loaded from memory. The set includes instructions to load a YMM/XMM register from
memory (aligned or unaligned) and store the contents of a YMM/XMM register.
An overview of the SSE instruction set is provided in Volume 1, Chapter 4.
This volume provides detailed descriptions of each instruction within the SSE instruction set. The SSE
instruction set comprises the legacy SSE instructions and the extended SSE instructions.
Legacy SSE instructions comprise the following subsets:
The original Streaming SIMD Extensions (herein referred to as SSE1)
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Extended SSE instructions comprise the following subsets:
AV X 2
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Legacy SSE architecture supports operations involving 128-bit vectors and defines the base
programming model including the SSE registers, the Media eXtension Control and Status Register
(MXCSR), and the instruction exception behavior.
The Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instruction set is extended to include the AVX, FMA, FMA4,
and XOP instruction sets. The AVX instruction set provides an extended form for most legacy SSE
instructions and several new instructions. Extensions include providing for the specification of a
unique destination register for operations with two or more source operands and support for 256-bit
wide vectors. Some AVX instructions also provide enhanced functionality compared to their legacy
A significant feature of the extended SSE instruction set architecture is the doubling of the width of the
XMM registers. These registers are referred to as the YMM registers. The XMM registers overlay the
lower octword (128 bits) of the YMM registers. Registers YMM/XMM0–7 are accessible in legacy
and compatibility mode. Registers YMM/XMM8–15 are available in 64-bit mode (a subset of long
mode). VEX/XOP instruction prefixes allow instruction encodings to address the additional registers.
The SSE instructions can be used in processor legacy mode or long (64-bit) mode. CPUID
Fn8000_0001_EDX[LM] indicates the availability of long mode.
Compilation for execution in 64-bit mode offers the following advantages:
Access to an additional eight YMM/XMM registers for a total of 16
Access to an additional eight 64-bit general-purpose registers for a total of 16
Access to the 64-bit virtual address space and the RIP-relative addressing mode
Hardware support for each of the subsets of SSE instructions listed above is indicated by CPUID
feature flags. Refer to Volume 3, Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” for a
complete list of instruction-related feature flags. The CPUID feature flags that pertain to each
instruction are also given in the instruction descriptions below. For information on using the CPUID
instruction, see the instruction description in Volume 3.
Chapter 2, “Instruction Reference” contains detailed descriptions of each instruction, organized in
alphabetic order by mnemonic. For those legacy SSE instructions that have an AVX form, the
extended form of the instruction is described together with the legacy instruction in one entry. For
these instructions, the instruction reference page is located based on the instruction mnemonic of the
legacy SSE and not the extended (AVX) form. Those AVX instructions without a legacy form are
listed in order by their AVX mnemonic. The mnemonic for all extended SSE instructions including the
FMA and XOP instructions begin with the letter V.
1.1 Syntax and Notation
The descriptive synopsis of opcode syntax for legacy SSE instructions follows the conventions
described in Volume 3: General Purpose and System Instructions. See Chapter 2 and the section
entitled “Notation.”
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
For general information on the programming model and overview descriptions of the SSE instruction
set, see:
“Streaming SIMD Extensions Media and Scientific Programming” in Volume 1.
“Instruction Encoding” in Volume 3
“Summary of Registers and Data Types” in Volume 3.
The syntax of the extended instruction sets requires an expanded synopsis. The expanded synopsis
includes a mnemonic summary and a summary of prefix sequence fields. Figure 1-1 shows the
descriptive synopsis of a typical XOP instruction. The synopsis of VEX-encoded instructions have the
same format, differing only in regard to the instruction encoding escape prefix, that is, VEX instead of
Figure 1-1. Typical Descriptive Synopsis - Extended SSE Instructions
1.2 Extended Instruction Encoding
The legacy SSE instructions are encoded using the legacy encoding syntax and the extended
instructions are encoded using an enhanced encoding syntax which is compatible with the legacy
syntax. Both are described in detail in Chapter 1 of Volume 3.
As described in Volume 3, the extended instruction encoding syntax utilizes multi-byte escape
sequences to both select alternate opcode maps as well as augment the encoding of the instruction.
Multi-byte escape sequences are introduced by one of the two VEX prefixes or the XOP prefix.
The AVX and AVX2 instructions utilize either the two-byte (introduced by the VEX C5h prefix) or the
three-byte (introduced by the VEX C4h prefix) encoding escape sequence. XOP instructions are
encoded using a three-byte encoding escape sequence introduced by the XOP prefix (except for the
XOP instructions VPERMIL2PD and VPERMIL2PS which are encoded using the VEX prefix). The
XOP prefix is 8Fh. The three-byte encoding escape sequences utilize the map_select field of the
second byte to select the opcode map used to interpret the opcode byte.
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMOV ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 8F RXB.08 0.src.1.00 A2 /r ib
assembly language representation
3-bit field representing R, X, B bit values
W bit
vvvv field
L bit
pp field
register/memory type specifier
immediate operand
5-bit map_select field
encoding escape prefix
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The two-byte VEX prefix sequence implicitly selects the secondary (“two-byte”) opcode map.
1.2.1 Immediate Byte Usage Unique to the SSE instructions
An immediate is a value, typically an operand, explicitly provided within the instruction encoding.
Depending on the opcode and the operating mode, the size of an immediate operand can be 1, 2, 4, or 8
bytes. Legacy and extended media instructions typically use an immediate byte operand (imm8).
A one-byte immediate is generally shown in the instruction synopsis as “ib” suffix. For extended SSE
instructions with four source operands, the suffix “is4” is used to indicate the presence of the
immediate byte used to select the fourth source operand.
The VPERMIL2PD and VPERMIL2PS instructions utilize a fifth 2-bit operand which is encoded
along with the fourth register select index in an immediate byte. For this special case the immediate
byte will be shown in the instruction synopsis as “is5”.
1.2.2 Instruction Format Examples
The following sections provide examples of two-, three-, and four-operand extended instructions.
These instructions generally perform nondestructive-source operations, meaning that the result of the
operation is written to a separately specified destination register rather than overwriting one of the
source operands. This preserves the contents of the source registers. Most legacy SSE instructions
perform destructive-source operations, in which a single register is both source and destination, so
source content is lost. XMM Register Destinations
The following general properties apply to YMM/XMM register destination operands.
For legacy instructions that use XMM registers as a destination: When a result is written to a
destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
For extended instructions that use XMM registers as a destination: When a result is written to a
destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared. Two Operand Instructions
Two-operand instructions use ModRM-based operand assignment. For most instructions, the first
operand is the destination, selected by the ModRM.reg field, and the second operand is either a register
or a memory source, selected by the ModRM.r/m field.
VCVTDQ2PD is an example of a two-operand AVX instruction.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTDQ2PD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.01 0.1111.0.10 E6 /r
VCVTDQ2PD ymm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.01 0.1111.1.10 E6 /r
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The destination register is selected by ModRM.reg. The size of the destination register is determined
by VEX.L. The source is either a YMM/XMM register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m
Because this instruction converts packed doubleword integers to double-precision floating-point
values, the source data size is smaller than the destination data size.
VEX.vvvv is not used and must be set to 1111b. Three-Operand Instructions
These extended instructions have two source operands and a destination operand.
VPROTB is an example of a three-operand XOP instruction.
There are versions of the instruction for variable-count rotation and for fixed-count rotation.
VPROTB dest, src, variable-count
VPROTB dest, src, fixed-count
For both versions of the instruction, the destination (dest) operand is an XMM register specified by
The variable-count version of the instruction rotates each byte of the source as specified by the
corresponding byte element variable-count.
Selection of src and variable-count is controlled by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, src is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m, and variable-count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
When XOP.W = 1, src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and variable-count is either an
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
Table 1-1 summarizes the effect of the XOP.W bit on operand selection.
Table 1-1. Three-Operand Selection
The fixed-count version of the instruction rotates each byte of src as specified by the immediate byte
operand fixed-count. For this version, src is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPROTB xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.src.0.00 90 /r
VPROTB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 90 /r
VPROTB xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.1111.0.00 90 /r ib
XOP.W dest src variable-count
0 ModRM.reg ModRM.r/m XOP.vvvv
1 ModRM.reg XOP.vvvv ModRM.r/m
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
specified by ModRM.r/m. Because XOP.vvvv is not used to specify the source register, it must be set
to 1111b or execution of the instruction will cause an Invalid Opcode (#UD) exception. Four-Operand Instructions
Some extended instructions have three source operands and a destination operand. This is
accomplished by using the VEX/XOP.vvvv field, the ModRM.reg and ModRM.r/m fields, and bits
[7:4] of an immediate byte to select the operands. The opcode suffix “is4” is used to identify the
immediate byte, and the selected operands are shown in the synopsis.
VFMSUBPD is an example of an four-operand FMA4 instruction.
VFMSUBPD dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 - src3
The first operand, the destination (dest), is an XMM register or a YMM register (as determined by
VEX.L) selected by ModRM.reg. The following three operands (src1, src2, src3) are sources.
The src1 operand is an XMM or YMM register specified by VEX.vvvv.
VEX.W determines the configuration of the src2 and src3 operands.
When VEX.W = 0, src2 is either a register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m, and
src3 is a register specified by bits [7:4] of the immediate byte.
When VEX.W = 1, src2 is a register specified by bits [7:4] of the immediate byte and src3 is either
a register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
Table 1-1 summarizes the effect of the VEX.W bit on operand selection.
Table 1-2. Four-Operand Selection
1.3 VSIB Addressing
Specific AVX2 instructions utilize a vectorized form of indexed register-indirect addressing called
vector SIB (VSIB) addressing. In contrast to the standard indexed register-indirect address mode,
which generates a single effective address to access a single memory operand, VSIB addressing gen-
erates an array of effective addresses which is used to access data from multiple memory locations in
a single operation.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src.0.01 6D /r is4
VFMSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src.1.01 6D /r is4
VFMSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src.0.01 6D /r is4
VFMSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src.1.01 6D /r is4
VEX.W dest src1 src2 src3
0 ModRM.reg VEX.vvvv ModRM.r/m is4[7:4]
1 ModRM.reg VEX.vvvv is4[7:4] ModRM.r/m
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VSIB addressing is encoded using three or six bytes following the opcode byte, augmented by the X
and B bits from the VEX prefix. The first byte is the ModRM byte with the standard mod, reg, and
r/m fields (although allowed values for the mod and r/m fields are restricted). The second is the VSIB
byte which replaces the SIB byte in the encoding. The VSIB byte specifies a GPR which serves as a
base address register and an XMM/YMM register that contains a packed array of index values. The
two-bit scale field specifies a common scaling factor to be applied to all of the index values. A con-
stant displacement value is encoded in the one or four bytes that follow the VSIB byte.
Figure 1-2 shows the format of the VSIB byte.
Figure 1-2. VSIB Byte Format
VSIB.SS (Bits [7:6]). The SS field is used to specify the scale factor to be used in the computation
of each of the effective addresses. The scale factor scale is equal to 2SS (two raised to power of the
value of the SS field). Therefore, if SS = 00b, scale = 1; if SS = 01b, scale = 2; if SS = 10b, scale = 4;
and if SS = 11b, scale = 8.
VSIB.index (Bits [5:3]). This field is concatenated with the complement of the VEX.X bit ({X,
index}) to specify the YMM/XMM register that contains the packed array of index values index[i] to
be used in the computation of the array of effective addresses effective address[i].
VSIB.base (Bits [5:3]). This field is concatenated with the complement of the VEX.B bit ({B,
base}) to specify the general-purpose register (base GPR) that contains the base address base to be
used in the computation of each of the effective addresses.
1.3.1 Effective Address Array Computation
Each element i of the effective address array is computed using the formula:
effective address[i] = scale * index[i] + base + displacement.
where index[i] is the ith element of the XMM/YMM register specified by {X,VSIB.index}. An index
element is either 32 or 64 bits wide and is treated as a signed integer.
Variants of this mode use either an eight-bit or a 32-bit displacement value. One variant sets the base
to zero. The value of the ModRM.mod field specifies the specific variant of VSIB addressing mode,
as shown in Table 1. In the table, the notation [XMMn/YMMn] indicates the XMM/YMM register
that contains the packed index array and [base GPR] means the contents of the base GPR selected by
{B, base}.
VEX.X extends this field to 4 bits
VEX.B extends this field to 4 bits
index base VSIB
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
1.3.2 Notational Conventions Related to VSIB Addressing Mode
In the instruction descriptions that follow, the notation vm32x indicates a packed array of four 32-bit
index values contained in the specified XMM index register and vm32y indicates a packed array of
eight 32-bit index values contained in the specified YMM index register. Depending on the instruc-
tion, these indices can be used to compute the effective address of up to four (vm32x) or eight
(vm32y) memory-based operands.
The notation vm64x indicates a packed array of two 64-bit index values contained in the specified
XMM index register and vm64y indicates a packed array of four 64-bit index values contained in the
specified YMM index register. Depending on the instruction, these indices can be used to compute
the effective address of up to two (vm64x) or four (vm64y) memory-based operands.
Table 1: Vectorized Addressing Modes
00 01 10
0000 scale * [XMM0/YMM0] + Disp32 scale * [XMM0/YMM0] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM0/YMM0] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
0001 scale * [XMM1/YMM1] + Disp32 scale * [XMM1/YMM1] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM1/YMM1] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
0010 scale * [XMM2/YMM2] + Disp32 scale * [XMM2/YMM2] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM2/YMM2] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
0011 scale * [XMM3/YMM3] + Disp32 scale * [XMM3/YMM3] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM3/YMM3] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
0100 scale * [XMM4/YMM4] + Disp32 scale * [XMM4/YMM4] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM4/YMM4] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
0101 scale * [XMM5/YMM5] + Disp32 scale * [XMM5/YMM5] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM5/YMM5] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
0110 scale * [XMM6/YMM6] + Disp32 scale * [XMM6/YMM6] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM6/YMM6] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
0111 scale * [XMM7/YMM7] + Disp32 scale * [XMM7/YMM7] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM7/YMM7] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
1000 scale * [XMM8/YMM8] + Disp32 scale * [XMM8/YMM8] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM8/YMM8] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
1001 scale * [XMM9/YMM9] + Disp32 scale * [XMM9/YMM9] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM9/YMM9] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
1010 scale * [XMM10/YMM10] + Disp32 scale * [XMM10/YMM10] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM10/YMM10] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
1011 scale * [XMM11/YMM11] + Disp32 scale * [XMM11/YMM11] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM11/YMM11] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
1100 scale * [XMM12/YMM12] + Disp32 scale * [XMM12/YMM12] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM12/YMM12] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
1101 scale * [XMM13/YMM13] + Disp32 scale * [XMM13/YMM13] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM13/YMM13] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
1110 scale * [XMM14/YMM14] + Disp32 scale * [XMM14/YMM14] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM14/YMM14] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
1111 scale * [XMM15/YMM15] + Disp32 scale * [XMM15/YMM15] + Disp8 +
[base GPR]
scale * [XMM15/YMM15] + Disp32 +
[base GPR]
Note 1. Index = {VEX.X,VSIB.index}. In 32-bit mode, VEX.X = 1.
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In body of the description of the instructions, the notation mem32[vm32x] is used to represent a
sparse array of 32-bit memory operands where the packed array of four 32-bit indices used to calcu-
late the effective addresses of the operands is held in an XMM register. The notation mem32[vm32y]
refers to a similar array of 32-bit memory operands where the packed array of eight 32-bit indices is
held in a YMM register. The notation mem32[vm64x] means a sparse array of 32-bit memory oper-
ands where the packed array of two 64-bit indices is held in an XMM register and mem32[vm64y]
means a sparse array of 32-bit memory operands where the packed array of four 64-bit indices is held
in a YMM register.
The notation mem64[index_array], where index_array is either vm32x, vm64x, or vm64y, speci-
fies a sparse array of 64-bit memory operands addressed via a packed array of 32-bit or 64-bit indices
held in an XMM/YMM register. If an instruction uses either an XMM or a YMM register, depending
on operand size, to hold the index array, the notation vm32x/y or vm64x/y is used to represent the
In summary, given a maximum operand size of 256-bits, a sparse array of 32-bit memory-based oper-
ands can be addressed using a vm32x, vm32y, vm64x, or vm64y index array. A sparse array of 64-
bit memory-based operands can be addressed using a vm32x, vm64x, or vm64y index array. Spe-
cific instructions may use fewer than the maximum number of memory operands that can be
addressed using the specified index array.
VSIB addressing is only valid in 32-bit or 64-bit effective addressing mode and is only supported for
instruction encodings using the VEX prefix. The ModRM.mod value of 11b is not valid in VSIB
addressing mode and ModRM.r/m must be set to 100b.
1.3.3 Memory Ordering and Exception Behavior
VSIB addressing has some special considerations relative to memory ordering and the signaling of
VSIB addressing specifies an array of addresses that allows an instruction to access multiple memory
locations. The order in which data is read from or written to memory is not specified. Memory order-
ing with respect to other instructions follows the memory-ordering model described in Volume 2.
Data may be accessed by the instruction in any order, but access-triggered exceptions are delivered in
right-to-left order. That is, if a exception is triggered by the load or store of an element of an
XMM/YMM register and delivered, all elements to the right of that element (all the lower indexed
elements) have been or will be completed without causing an exception. Elements to the left of the
element causing the exception may or may not be completed. If the load or store of a given element
triggers multiple exceptions, they are delivered in the conventional order.
Because data can be accessed in any order, elements to the left of the one that triggered the exception
may be read or written before the exception is delivered. Although the ordering of accesses is not
specified, it is repeatable in a specific processor implementation. Given the same input values and ini-
tial architectural state, the same set of elements to the left of the faulting one will be accessed.
VSIB addressing should not be used to access memory mapped I/O as the ordering of the individual
loads is implementation-specific and some implementations may access data larger than the data ele-
ment size or access elements more than once.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
1.4 Enabling SSE Instruction Execution
Application software that utilizes the SSE instructions requires support from operating system
To enable and support SSE instruction execution, operating system software must:
enable hardware for supported SSE subsets
manage the SSE hardware architectural state, saving and restoring it as required during and after
task switches
provide exception handlers for all unmasked SSE exceptions.
See Volume 2, Chapter 11, for details on enabling SSE execution and managing its execution state.
1.5 String Compare Instructions
The legacy SSE instructions PCMPESTRI, PCMPESTRM, PCMPISTRI, and PCMPISTRM and the
provide a versatile means of classifying characters of a string by performing one of several different
types of comparison operations using a second string as a prototype.
This section describes the operation of the legacy string compare instructions. This discussion applies
equally to the extended versions of the instructions. Any difference between the legacy and the
extended version of a given instruction is described in the instruction reference entry for the
instruction in the following chapter.
A character string is a vector of data elements that is normally used to represent an ordered
arrangement of graphemes which may be stored, processed, displayed, or printed. Ordered strings of
graphemes are most often used to convey information in a human-readable manner. The string
compare instructions, however, do not restrict the use or interpretation of their operands.
The first source operand provides the prototype string and the second operand is the string to be
scanned and characterized (referred to herein as the string under test, or SUT). Four string formats and
four types of comparisons are supported. The intermediate result of this processing is a bit vector that
summarizes the characterization of each character in the SUT. This bit vector is then post-processed
based on options specified in the instruction encoding. Instruction variants determine the final result—
either an index or a mask.
Instruction execution affects the arithmetic status flags (ZF, CF, SF, OF, AF, PF), but the significance
of many of the flags is redefined to provide information tailored to the result of the comparison
performed. See Section 1.5.6, “Affect on Flags” on page 19.
The instructions have a defined base function and additional functionality controlled by bit fields in an
immediate byte operand (imm8). The base function determines whether the source strings have
implicitly (PCMPISTRI and PCMPISTRM) or explicitly (PCMPESTRI and PCMPESTRM) defined
lengths, and whether the result is an index (PCMPISTRI and PCMPESTRI) or a mask (PCMPISTRM
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PCMPISTRI and PCMPESTRI return their final result (an integer value) via the ECX register, while
PCMPISTRM and PCMPESTRM write a bit or character mask, depending on the option selected, to
the XMM0 register.
There are a number of different schemes for encoding a set of graphemes, but the most common ones
use either an 8-bit code (ASCII) or a 16-bit code (unicode). The string compare instructions support
both character sizes.
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Bit fields of the immediate operand control the following functions:
Source data format — character size (byte or word), signed or unsigned values
Comparison type
Intermediate result postprocessing
Output option selection
This overview description covers functions common to all of the string compare instructions and
describes some of the differentiated features of specific instructions. Information on instruction
encoding and exception behavior are covered in the individual instruction reference pages in the
following chapter.
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1.5.1 Source Data Format
The character strings that constitute the source operands for the string compare instructions are
formatted as either 8-bit or 16-bit integer values packed into a 128-bit data type. The figure below
illustrates how a string of byte-wide characters is laid out in memory and how these characters are
arranged when loaded into an XMM register.
Figure 1-3. Byte-wide Character String – Memory and Register Image
Note from the figure that the longest string that can be packed in a 128-bit data object is either sixteen
8-bit characters (as illustrated) or eight 16-bit characters. When loaded from memory, the character
read from the lowest address in memory is placed in the least-significant position of the register and
the character read from the highest address is placed in the most-significant position. In other words,
for character i of width w, bits [w1:0] of the character are placed in bits [iw +(w−1):iw] of the
112h Highest address
128-bit String of
Characters in
Memory (ASCII
Lowest address
Defines address of string
[null] (00)
. (2Eh)
g (67h)
n (6Eh)
i (69h)
r (72h)
t (74h)
s (73h)
[blank] (20h)
t (74h)
r (72h)
h (68h)
s (73h)
[blank] (20h)
A (41h) 103h
o (6Fh)
Memory Image
XMM Register Image
[null] (00) . (2Eh) g (67h) n (6Eh) i (69h) r (72h) t (74h) s (73h)
127 64
[blank] (20h) t (74h) r (72h) o (6Fh) h (68h) s (73h) [blank] (20h) A (41h)
63 01234567
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Bits [1:0] of the immediate byte operand specify the source string data format, as shown in Table 1-3.
The string compare instructions are defined with the capability of operating on strings of lengths from
0 to the maximum that can be packed into the 128-bit data type as shown in the table above. Because
strings being processed may be shorter than the maximum string length, a means is provided to
designate the length of each string. As mentioned above, one pair of string compare instructions relies
on an explicit method while the other utilizes an implicit method.
For the explicit method, the length of the first operand (the prototype string) is specified by the
absolute value of the signed integer contained in rAX and the length of the second operand (the SUT)
is specified by the absolute value of the signed integer contained in rDX. If a specified length is greater
than the maximum allowed, the maximum value is used. Using the explicit method of length
specification, null characters (characters whose numerical value is 0) can be included within a string.
Using the implicit method, a string shorter than the maximum length is terminated by a null character.
If no null character is found in the string, its length is implied to be the maximum. For the example
illustrated in Figure 1-3 above, the implicit length of the string is 15 because the final character is null.
However, using the explicit method, a specified length of 16 would include the null character in the
In the following discussion, l1 is the length of the first operand string (the prototype string), l2 is the
length of the second operand string (the SUT) and m is the maximum string length based on the
selected character size.
1.5.2 Comparison Type
Although the string compare instructions can be implemented in many different ways, the instructions
are most easily understood as the sequential processing of the SUT using the characters of the
prototype string as a template. The template is applied at each character index of SUT, processing the
string from the first character (index 0) to the last character (index l21).
The result of each comparison is recorded in successive positions of a summary bit vector CmprSumm.
When the sequence of comparisons is complete, this bit vector summarizes the results of comparison
operations that were performed. The length of the CmprSumm bit vector is equal to the maximum
input operand string length (m). The rules for the setting of CmprSumm bits beyond the end of the SUT
(CmprSumm[m1:l2]) are dependent on the comparison type (see Table 1-4 below.)
Bits [3:2] of the immediate byte operand determine the comparison type, as shown in Table 1-4.
Table 1-3. Source Data Format
Imm8[1:0] Character Format Maximum String Length
00b unsigned bytes 16
01b unsigned words 8
10b signed bytes 16
11b signed words 8
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In the Sub-string comparison type, any matching sub-string of the SUT must match the prototype
string one-for-one, in order, and without gaps. Null characters in the SUT do not match non-null
characters in the prototype. If the prototype and the SUT are equal in length, the two strings must be
identical for the comparison to be TRUE. In this case, bit 0 of CmprSumm is set to one and the
remainder are all 0s. If the length of the SUT is less than the prototype string, no match is possible and
CmprSumm is all 0s.
If the prototype string is shorter than the SUT (l1 < l2), a sequential search of the SUT is performed.
For each i from 0 to l2l1, the prototype is compared to characters [i+l11:i] of the SUT. If the
prototype and the sub-string SUT[i+l11:i] match exactly, then CmprSumm[i] is set, otherwise the bit
is cleared. When the comparison at i = l2l1 is complete, no further testing is required because there
are not enough characters remaining in the SUT for a match to be possible. The remaining bits l2l1+1
through m-1 are all set to 0.
For the Match comparison type, the character-by-character comparison is performed on all m
characters in the 128-bit operand data, which may extend beyond the end of one or both strings. A null
character at index i within one string is not considered a match when compared with a character
beyond the end of the other string. In this case, CmprSumm[i] is cleared. For index positions beyond
the end of both strings, CmprSumm[i] is set.
The following section provides more detail on the generation of the comparison summary bit vector
based on the specified comparison type.
Table 1-4. Comparison Type
Type Description
00b Subset Tests each character of the SUT to determine if it is within the subset of
characters specified by the prototype string. Each set bit of CmprSumm
indicates that the corresponding character of the SUT is within the subset
specified by the prototype. Bits [m−1:l2] are cleared.
01b Ranges Tests each character of the SUT to determine if it lies within one or more
ranges specified by pairs of values within the prototype string. The ranges
are inclusive. Each set bit in CmprSumm indicates that the corresponding
character of the SUT is within one or more of the inclusive ranges specified.
Bits [m−1:l2] are cleared. If the length of the prototype is odd, the last value
in the prototype is effectively ignored.
10b Match Performs a character-by-character comparison between the SUT and the
prototype string. Each set bit of CmprSumm indicates that the
corresponding characters in the two strings match. If not, the bit is cleared.
Bits [m−1:max(l1, l2)] of CmprSumm are set.
11b Sub-string Searches for an exact match between the prototype string and an ordered
sequence of characters (a sub-string) in the SUT beginning at the current
index i. Bit i of CmprSumm is set for each value of i where the sub-string
match is made, otherwise the bit is cleared. See discussion below.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
1.5.3 Comparison Summary Bit Vector
The following pseudo code provides more detail on the generation of the comparison summary bit
vector CmprSumm. The function CompareStrgs defined below returns a bit vector of length m, the
maximum length of the operand data strings.
bit vector CompareStrgs(ProtoType, length1, SUT, length2, CmpType, signed, m)
doubleword vector StrUndTst // temp vector; holds string under test
doubleword vector StrProto // temp vector; holds prototype string
bit vector[m] Result // length of vector is m
StrProto = m{0} //initialize m elements of StrProto to 0
StrUndTst = m{0} //initialize m elements of StrUndTst to 0
Result = m{0} //initialize result bit vector
FOR i = 0 to length1
StrProto[i] = signed ? SignExtend(ProtoType[i]) : ZeroExtend(ProtoType[i])
FOR i = 0 to length2
StrUndTst[i] = signed ? SignExtend(SUT[i]) : ZeroExtend(SUT[i])
IF CmpType == Subset
FOR j = 0 to length2 - 1 // j indexes SUT
FOR i = 0 to length1 - 1 // i indexes prototype
Result[j] |= (StrProto[i] == StrUndTst[j])
IF CmpType == Ranges
FOR j = 0 to length2 - 1 // j indexes SUT
FOR i = 0 to length1 - 2, BY 2 // i indexes prototype
Result[j] |= (StrProto[i] <= StrUndTst[j])
&& (StrProto[i+1] >= StrUndTst[j])
IF CmpType == Match
FOR i = 0 to (min(length1, length2)-1)
Result[i] = (StrProto[i] == StrUndTst[i])
FOR i = min(length1, length2) to (max(length1, length2)-1)
Result[i] = 0
FOR i = max(length1, length2) to (m-1)
Result[i] = 1
IF CmpType == Sub-string
IF length2 >= length1
FOR j = 0 to length2 - length1 // j indexes result bit vector
Result[j] = 1
k = j // k scans the SUT
FOR i = 0 to length1 - 1 // i scans the Prototype
Result[j] &= (StrProto[i] == StrUndTst[k])
// Result[j] is cleared if any of the comparisons do not match
Return Result
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Given the above definition of CompareStrgs(), the following pseudo code computes the value of
ProtoType = contents of first source operand (xmm1)
SUT = contents of xmm2 or 128-bit value read from the specified memory location
length1 = length of first operand string //specified implicitly or explicitly
length2 = length of second operand string //specified implicitly or explicitly
m = Maximum String Length from Table 1-3 above
CmpType = Comparison Type from Table 1-4 above
signed = (imm8[1] == 1) ? TRUE : FALSE
bit vector [m] CmprSumm // CmprSumm is m bits long
CmprSumm = CompareStrgs(ProtoType, length1, SUT, length2, CmpType, signed, m)
The following examples demonstrate the comparison summary bit vector CmprSumm for each
comparison type. For the sake of illustration, the operand strings are represented as ASCII-encoded
strings. Each character value is represented by its ASCII grapheme. Strings are displayed with the
lowest indexed character on the left as they would appear when printed or displayed. CmprSumm is
shown in reverse order with the least significant bit on the left to agree with the string presentation.
Comparison Type = Subset
Prototype: ZCx
SUT: aCx%xbZreCx
CmprSumm: 0110101001100000
Comparison Type = Ranges
Prototype: ACax
SUT: aCx%xbZreCx
CmprSumm: 1110110111100000
Comparison Type = Match
Prototype: ZCx
SUT: aCx%xbZreCx
CmprSumm: 0110000000011111
Comparison Type = Sub-string
Prototype: ZCx
CmprSumm: 0100000000100000
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
1.5.4 Intermediate Result Post-processing
Post-processing of the CmprSumm bit vector is controlled by imm8[5:4]. The result of this step is
designated pCmprSumm.
Bit [4] of the immediate operand determines whether a ones’ complement (bit-wise inversion) is
performed on CmprSumm; bit [5] of the immediate operand determines whether the inversion applies
to the entire comparison summary bit vector (CmprSumm) or just to those bits that correspond to
characters within the SUT. See Table 1-5 below for the encoding of the imm8[5:4] field.
1.5.5 Output Option Selection
For PCMPESTRI and PCMPISTRI, imm8[6] determines whether the index of the lowest set bit or the
highest set bit of pCmprSumm is written to ECX, as shown in Table 1-6.
For PCMPESTRM and PCMPISTRM, imm8[6] specifies whether the output from the instruction is a
bit mask or an expanded mask. The bit mask is a copy of pCmprSumm zero-extended to 128 bits. The
expanded mask is a packed vector of byte or word elements, as determined by the string operand
format (as indicated by imm8[0]). The expanded mask is generated by copying each bit of
pCmprSumm to all bits of the element of the same index. Table 1-7 below shows the encoding of
The PCMPESTRM and PCMPISTRM instructions return their output in register XMM0. For the
extended forms of the instructions, bits [127:64] of YMM0 are cleared.
Table 1-5. Post-processing Options
Imm8[5:4] Post-processing Applied
x0b pCmprSumm = CmprSumm
01b pCmprSumm = NOT CmprSumm
11b pCmprSumm[i] = !CmprSumm[i] for i < l2,
pCmprSumm[i] = CmprSumm[i], for l2 i < m
Table 1-6. Indexed Output Option Selection
Imm8[6] Description
0b Return the index of the least significant set bit in pCmprSumm.
1b Return the index of the most significant set bit in pCmprSumm.
Table 1-7. Masked Output Option Selection
Imm8[6] Description
0b Return pCmprSumm as the output with zero extension to 128 bits.
1b Return expanded pCmprSumm byte or word mask.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
1.5.6 Affect on Flags
The execution of a string compare instruction updates the state of the CF, PF, AF, ZF, SF, and OF flags
within the rFLAGs register. All other flags are unaffected. The PF and AF flags are always cleared.
The ZF and SF flags are set or cleared based on attributes of the source strings and the CF and OF flags
are set or cleared based on attributes of the summary bit vector after post processing.
The CF flag is cleared if the summary bit vector, after post processing, is zero; the flag is set if one or
more of the bits in the post-processed bit vector are 1. The OF flag is updated to match the value of the
least significant bit of the post-processed summary bit vector.
The ZF flag is set if the length of the second string operand (SUT) is shorter than m, the maximum
number of 8-bit or 16-bit characters that can be packed into 128 bits. Similarly, the SF flag is set if the
length of the first string operand (prototype) is shorter than m.
This information is summarized in Table 1-8 below.
Table 1-8. State of Affected Flags After Execution
Unconditional Source String Length Post-processed Bit Vector
00(l1 < m)(l2 < m) pCmprSumm ≠ 0 pCmprSumm [0]
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Reference 21
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
2 Instruction Reference
Instructions are listed by mnemonic, in alphabetic order. Each entry describes instruction function,
syntax, opcodes, affected flags and exceptions related to the instruction.
Figure 2-1 shows the conventions used in the descriptions. Items that do not pertain to a particular
instruction, such as a synopsis of the 256-bit form, may be omitted.
Figure 2-1. Typical Instruction Description
Brief functional description
Description of legacy version of instruction.
Description of extended version of instruction.
XMM Encoding
Description of 128-bit extended instruction.
YMM Encoding
Description of 256-bit extended instruction.
Information about CPUID functions related to the instruction set.
Synopsis diagrams for legacy and extended versions of the instruction.
Related Instructions
Instructions that perform similar or related functions.
rFLAGS Affected
Rflags diagram.
MXCSR Flags Affected
MXCSR diagram.
Exception summary table.
Mnemonic Expansion
Mnemonic Opcode Description
INST xmm1, xmm2/mem128 FF FF /r Brief summary of legacy operation.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.mmmmm W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VINST xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 C4 RXB.11 0.src.0.00 FF /r
V,167 ymm1, ymm2/mem256, ymm3 C4 RXB.11 0.src.0.00 FF /r
22 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Exceptions
Under various conditions instructions described below can cause exceptions. The conditions that
cause these exceptions can differ based on processor mode and instruction subset. This information is
summarized at the end of each instruction reference page in an Exception Table. Rows list the appli-
cable exceptions and the different conditions that trigger each exception for the instruction. For each
processor mode (real, virtual, and protected) a symbol in the table indicates whether this exception
condition applies.
Each AVX instruction has a legacy form that comes from one of the legacy (SSE1, SSE2, ...) subsets.
An “X” at the intersection of a processor mode column and an exception cause row indicates that the
causing condition and potential exception applies to both the AVX instruction and the legacy SSE
instruction. “A” indicates that the causing condition applies only to the AVX instruction and “S” indi-
cates that the condition applies to the SSE legacy instruction.
Note that XOP and FMA4 instructions do not have corresponding instructions from the SSE legacy
subsets. In the exception tables for these instructions, “X” represents the XOP instruction and “F”
represents the FMA4 instruction.
Instruction Reference ADDPD, VADDPD 23
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds each packed double-precision floating-point value of the first source operand to the correspond-
ing value of the second source operand and writes the result of each addition into the corresponding
quadword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Adds two pairs of values.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Adds two pairs of values.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Adds four pairs of values.
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ADDPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VADDPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ADDPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 58 /r Adds two packed double-precision floating-point
values in xmm1 to corresponding values in xmm2
or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VADDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 58 /r
VADDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 58 /r
24 ADDPD, VADDPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ADDPS, VADDPS 25
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds each packed single-precision floating-point value of the first source operand to the correspond-
ing value of the second source operand and writes the result of each addition into the corresponding
elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Adds four pairs of values.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Adds four pairs of values.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Adds eight pairs of values.
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ADDPS SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VADDPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ADDPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 58 /r Adds four packed single-precision floating-point values in
xmm1 to corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128. Writes
results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VADDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 58 /r
VADDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.00 58 /r
26 ADDPS, VADDPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ADDSD, VADDSD 27
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds the double-precision floating-point value in the low-order quadword of the first source operand
to the corresponding value in the low-order quadword of the second source operand and writes the
result into the low-order quadword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination register. Bits [127:64]
of the destination and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the first
source operand are copied to bits [127:64] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ADDSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VADDSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ADDSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 58 /r Adds low-order double-precision floating-point values in
xmm1 to corresponding values in xmm2 or mem64.
Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VADDSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.11 58 /r
28 ADDSD, VADDSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ADDSS, VADDSS 29
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds the single-precision floating-point value in the low-order doubleword of the first source oper-
and to the corresponding value in the low-order doubleword of the second source operand and writes
the result into the low-order doubleword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [127:32] of the
destination register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the first
source register are copied to bits [127:32] of the of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM regis-
ter that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ADDSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VADDSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ADDSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 58 /r Adds a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order
doubleword of xmm1 to a corresponding value in xmm2 or
mem32. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VADDSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.10 58 /r
30 ADDSS, VADDSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ADDSUBPD, VADDSUBPD 31
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds the odd-numbered packed double-precision floating-point values of the first source operand to
the corresponding values of the second source operand and writes the sum to the corresponding odd-
numbered element of the destination; subtracts the even-numbered packed double-precision floating-
point values of the second source operand from the corresponding values of the first source operand
and writes the differences to the corresponding even-numbered element of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Alternating Addition and Subtraction
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ADDSUBPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VADDSUBPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ADDSUBPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F D0 /r Adds a value in the upper 64 bits of xmm1 to the
corresponding value in xmm2 and writes the result to
the upper 64 bits of xmm1; subtracts the value in the
lower 64 bits of xmm1 from the corresponding value
in xmm2 and writes the result to the lower 64 bits of
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VADDSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 D0 /r
VADDSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 D0 /r
32 ADDSUBPD, VADDSUBPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ADDSUBPS, VADDSUBPS 33
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds the second and fourth single-precision floating-point values of the first source operand to the
corresponding values of the second source operand and writes the sums to the second and fourth ele-
ments of the destination. Subtracts the first and third single-precision floating-point values of the sec-
ond source operand from the corresponding values of the first source operand and writes the
differences to the first and third elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Alternating Addition and Subtraction
Packed Single-Precision Floating Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ADDSUBPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VADDSUBPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ADDSUBPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F2 0F D0 /r Adds the second and fourth packed single-precision
values in xmm2 or mem128 to the corresponding
values in xmm1 and writes results to the
corresponding positions of xmm1. Subtracts the first
and third packed single-precision values in xmm2 or
mem128 from the corresponding values in xmm1 and
writes results to the corresponding positions of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VADDSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.11 D0 /r
VADDSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.11 D0 /r
34 ADDSUBPS, VADDSUBPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference AESDEC, VAESDEC 35
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs a single round of AES decryption. Transforms a state value specified by the first source
operand using a round key value specified by the second source operand, and writes the result to the
See Appendix A on page 973 for more information about the operation of the AES instructions.
Decryption consists of 1, …, Nr – 1 iterations of sequences of operations called rounds, terminated by
a unique final round, Nr. The AESDEC and VAESDEC instructions perform all the rounds except the
last; the AESDECLAST and VAESDECLAST instructions perform the final round.
The 128-bit state and round key vectors are interpreted as 16-byte column-major entries in a 4-by-4
matrix of bytes.The transformed state is written to the destination in column-major order. For both
instructions, the destination register is the same as the first source register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Decryption Round
Form Subset Feature Flag
AESDEC AES CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AES] (bit 25)
VAESDEC AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
AESDEC xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 DE /r Performs one decryption round on a state value
in xmm1 using the key value in xmm2 or
mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VAESDEC xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 X.src.0.01 DE /r
36 AESDEC, VAESDEC Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference AESDECLAST, VAESDECLAST 37
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs the final round of AES decryption. Completes transformation of a state value specified by
the first source operand using a round key value specified by the second source operand, and writes
the result to the destination.
See Appendix A on page 973 for more information about the operation of the AES instructions.
Decryption consists of 1, …, Nr – 1 iterations of sequences of operations called rounds, terminated by
a unique final round, Nr.The AESDEC and VAESDEC instructions perform all the rounds before the
final round; the AESDECLAST and VAESDECLAST instructions perform the final round.
The 128-bit state and round key vectors are interpreted as 16-byte column-major entries in a 4-by-4
matrix of bytes.The transformed state is written to the destination in column-major order. For both
instructions, the destination register is the same as the first source register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Last Decryption Round
Form Subset Feature Flag
AESDECLAST AES CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AES] (bit 25)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
AESDECLAST xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 DF/r Performs the last decryption round on a state
value in xmm1 using the key value in xmm2 or
mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VAESDECLAST xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 X.src.0.01 DF /r
38 AESDECLAST, VAESDECLAST Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference AESENC, VAESENC 39
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs a single round of AES encryption. Transforms a state value specified by the first source
operand using a round key value specified by the second source operand, and writes the result to the
See Appendix A on page 973 for more information about the operation of the AES instructions.
Encryption consists of 1, …, Nr – 1 iterations of sequences of operations called rounds, terminated by
a unique final round, Nr. The AESENC and VAESENC instructions perform all the rounds before the
final round; the AESENCLAST and VAESENCLAST instructions perform the final round.
The 128-bit state and round key vectors are interpreted as 16-byte column-major entries in a 4-by-4
matrix of bytes.The transformed state is written to the destination in column-major order. For both
instructions, the destination register is the same as the first source register
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Encryption Round
Form Subset Feature Flag
AESENC AES CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AES] (bit 25)
VAESENC AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
AESENC xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 DC /r Performs one encryption round on a state value
in xmm1 using the key value in xmm2 or
mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VAESENC xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 X.src.0.01 DC /r
40 AESENC, VAESENC Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference AESENCLAST, VAESENCLAST 41
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs the final round of AES encryption. Completes transformation of a state value specified by
the first source operand using a round key value specified by the second source operand, and writes
the result to the destination.
See Appendix A on page 973 for more information about the operation of the AES instructions.
Encryption consists of 1, …, Nr – 1 iterations of sequences of operations called rounds, terminated by
a unique final round, Nr. The AESENC and VAESENC instructions perform all the rounds before the
final round; the AESENCLAST and VAESENCLAST instructions perform the final round.
The 128-bit state and round key vectors are interpreted as 16-byte column-major entries in a 4-by-4
matrix of bytes.The transformed state is written to the destination in column-major order. For both
instructions, the destination register is the same as the first source register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Last Encryption Round
Form Subset Feature Flag
AESENCLAST AES CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AES] (bit 25)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
AESENCLAST xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 DD /r Performs the last encryption round on a
state value in xmm1 using the key value in xmm2
or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VAESENCLAST xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 X.src.0.01 DD /r
42 AESENCLAST, VAESENCLAST Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference AESIMC, VAESIMC 43
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Applies the AES InvMixColumns( ) transformation to expanded round keys in preparation for decryp-
tion. Transforms an expanded key specified by the second source operand and writes the result to a
destination register.
See Appendix A on page 973 for more information about the operation of the AES instructions.
The 128-bit round key vector is interpreted as 16-byte column-major entries in a 4-by-4 matrix of
bytes.The transformed result is written to the destination in column-major order.
AESIMC and VAESIMC are not used to transform the first and last round key in a decryption
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
InvMixColumn Transformation
Form Subset Feature Flag
AESIMC AES CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AES] (bit 25)
VAESIMC AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
AESIMC xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 DB /r Performs AES InvMixColumn transformation on
a round key in the xmm2 or mem128 and stores
the result in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VAESIMC xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 X.src.0.01 DB /r
44 AESIMC, VAESIMC Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Expands a round key for encryption. Transforms a 128-bit round key operand using an 8-bit round
constant and writes the result to a destination register.
See Appendix A on page 973 for more information about the operation of the AES instructions.
The round key is provided by the second source operand and the round constant is specified by an
immediate operand. The 128-bit round key vector is interpreted as 16-byte column-major entries in a
4-by-4 matrix of bytes. The transformed result is written to the destination in column-major order.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Assist Round Key Generation
Form Subset Feature Flag
Mnemonic Opcode Description
AESKEYGENASSIST xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A DF /r ib Expands a round key in xmm2 or
mem128 using an immediate
round constant. Writes the result
to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
AESKEYGENASSIST xmm1, xmm2 /mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 DF /r ib
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ANDNPD, VANDNPD 47
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs a bitwise AND of two packed double-precision floating-point values in the second source
operand with the ones’-complement of the two corresponding packed double-precision floating-point
values in the first source operand and writes the result into the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ANDNPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VANDNPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ANDNPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 55 /r Performs bitwise AND of two packed double-precision
floating-point values in xmm2 or mem128 with the ones’-
complement of two packed double-precision floating-
point values in xmm1. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VANDNPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 55 /r
VANDNPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 55 /r
48 ANDNPD, VANDNPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ANDNPS, VANDNPS 49
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs a bitwise AND of four packed single-precision floating-point values in the second source
operand with the ones’-complement of the four corresponding packed single-precision floating-point
values in the first source operand, and writes the result in the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ANDNPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VANDNPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ANDNPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 55 /r Performs bitwise AND of four packed double-precision
floating-point values in xmm2 or mem128 with the ones’-
complement of four packed double-precision floating-point
values in xmm1. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VANDNPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 55 /r
VANDNPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.00 55 /r
50 ANDNPS, VANDNPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ANDPD, VANDPD 51
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs bitwise AND of two packed double-precision floating-point values in the first source oper-
and with the corresponding two packed double-precision floating-point values in the second source
operand and writes the results into the corresponding elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ANDPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VANDPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ANDPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 54 /r Performs bitwise AND of two packed double-precision
floating-point values in xmm1 with corresponding values in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VANDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 54 /r
VANDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 54 /r
52 ANDPD, VANDPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ANDPS, VANDPS 53
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs bitwise AND of the four packed single-precision floating-point values in the first source
operand with the corresponding four packed single-precision floating-point values in the second
source operand, and writes the result into the corresponding elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ANDPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VANDPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ANDPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 54 /r Performs bitwise AND of four packed double-precision
floating-point values in xmm1 with corresponding values in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VANDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 54 /r
VANDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.00 54 /r
54 ANDPS, VANDPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference BLENDPD, VBLENDPD 55
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed double-precision floating-point values from either of two sources to a destination, as
specified by an 8-bit mask operand.
Each mask bit specifies a 64-bit element in a source location and a corresponding 64-bit element in
the destination register. When a mask bit = 0, the specified element of the first source is copied to the
corresponding position in the destination register. When a mask bit = 1, the specified element of the
second source is copied to the corresponding position in the destination register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected. Only mask bits [1:0] are used.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared. Only mask bits [1:0] are used.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register. Only mask bits [3:0] are used.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
BLENDPD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VBLENDPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
BLENDPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 0D /r ib Copies values from xmm1 or
xmm2/mem128 to xmm1, as
specified by imm8.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VBLENDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 0D /r ib
VBLENDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.1.01 0D /r ib
56 BLENDPD, VBLENDPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference BLENDPS, VBLENDPS 57
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed single-precision floating-point values from either of two sources to a destination, as
specified by an 8-bit mask operand.
Each mask bit specifies a 32-bit element in a source location and a corresponding 32-bit element in
the destination register. When a mask bit = 0, the specified element of the first source is copied to the
corresponding position in the destination register. When a mask bit = 1, the specified element of the
second source is copied to the corresponding position in the destination register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected. Only mask bits [3:0] are used.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.Only mask bits [3:0] are used.
YMM Encoding
The first operand is a YMM register and the second operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit
memory location. The destination is a third YMM register. All 8 bits of the mask are used.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
BLENDPS SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VBLENDPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
BLENDPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 0C /r ib Copies values from xmm1 or
xmm2/mem128 to xmm1, as
specified by imm8.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VBLENDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 0C /r ib
VBLENDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.1.01 0C /r ib
58 BLENDPS, VBLENDPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference BLENDVPD, VBLENDVPD 59
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed double-precision floating-point values from either of two sources to a destination, as
specified by a mask operand.
Each mask bit specifies a 64-bit element of a source location and a corresponding 64-bit element of
the destination. The position of a mask bit corresponds to the position of the most significant bit of a
copied value. When a mask bit = 0, the specified element of the first source is copied to the corre-
sponding position in the destination. When a mask bit = 1, the specified element of the second source
is copied to the corresponding position in the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected. The mask is defined by bits 127
and 63 of the implicit register XMM0.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared. The mask is defined by bits 127 and 63 of a fourth
XMM register.
YMM Encoding
The first operand is a YMM register and the second operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit
memory location. The destination is a third YMM register. The mask is defined by bits 255, 191, 127,
and 63 of a fourth YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Variable Blend
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
BLENDVPD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VBLENDVPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
60 BLENDVPD, VBLENDVPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
BLENDVPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 15 /r Copies values from xmm1 or xmm2/mem128 to
xmm1, as specified by the MSB of corresponding
elements of xmm0.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VBLENDVPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 4B /r
VBLENDVPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.1.01 4B /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference BLENDVPS, VBLENDVPS 61
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed single-precision floating-point values from either of two sources to a destination, as
specified by a mask operand.
Each mask bit specifies a 32-bit element of a source location and a corresponding 32-bit element of
the destination register. The position of a mask bits corresponds to the position of the most significant
bit of a copied value. When a mask bit = 0, the specified element of the first source is copied to the
corresponding position in the destination. When a mask bit = 1, the specified element of the second
source is copied to the corresponding position in the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected. The mask is defined by bits 127,
95, 63, and 31 of the implicit register XMM0.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared. The mask is defined by bits 127, 95, 63, and 31 of
a fourth XMM register.
YMM Encoding
The first operand is a YMM register and the second operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit
memory location. The destination is a third YMM register. The mask is defined by bits 255, 223, 191,
159, 127, 95, 63, and 31 of a fourth YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Variable Blend
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
BLENDVPS SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VBLENDVPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
62 BLENDVPS, VBLENDVPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
BLENDVPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 14 /r Copies packed single-precision
floating-point values from xmm1 or
xmm2/mem128 to xmm1, as
specified by bits in xmm0.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VBLENDVPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 4A /r
VBLENDVPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.1.01 4A /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CMPPD, VCMPPD 63
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each of the two packed double-precision floating-point values of the first source operand to
the corresponding values of the second source operand and writes the result of each comparison to the
corresponding 64-bit element of the destination. When a comparison is TRUE, all 64 bits of the desti-
nation element are set; when a comparison is FALSE, all 64 bits of the destination element are
cleared. The type of comparison is specified by an immediate byte operand.
Signed comparisons return TRUE only when both operands are valid numbers and the numbers have
the relation specified by the type of comparison operation. Ordered comparison returns TRUE when
both operands are valid numbers, or FALSE when either operand is a NaN. Unordered comparison
returns TRUE only when one or both operands are NaN and FALSE otherwise.
QNaN operands generate an Invalid Operation Exception (IE) only if the comparison type isn't Equal,
Unequal, Ordered, or Unordered. SNaN operands always generate an IE.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a128-bit memory location.The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected. Comparison type is specified by
bits [2:0] of an immediate byte operand.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared. Comparison type is specified by bits [4:0] of an
immediate byte operand.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination operand is a YMM register. Comparison type is speci-
fied by bits [4:0] of an immediate byte operand.
Immediate Operand Encoding
CMPPD uses bits [2:0] of the 8-bit immediate operand and VCMPPD uses bits [4:0] of the 8-bit
immediate operand. Although VCMPPD supports 20h encoding values, the comparison types echo
those of CMPPD on 4-bit boundaries. The following table shows the immediate operand value for
CMPPD and each of the VCMPPD echoes.
Some comparison operations that are not directly supported by immediate-byte encodings can be
implemented by swapping the contents of the source and destination operands and executing the
appropriate comparison of the swapped values. These additional comparison operations are shown
with the directly supported comparison operations.
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
64 CMPPD, VCMPPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The following alias mnemonics for (V)CMPPD with appropriate value of imm8 are supported.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Immediate Operand
Compare Operation Result If NaN Operand QNaN Operand Causes
Invalid Operation
00h, 08h, 10h, 18h Equal FALSE No
01h, 09h, 11h, 19h Less than FALSE Yes
Greater than
(swapped operands)
02h, 0Ah, 12h, 1Ah Less than or equal FALSE Yes
Greater than or equal
(swapped operands)
03h, 0Bh, 13h, 1Bh Unordered TRUE No
04h, 0Ch, 14h, 1Ch Not equal TRUE No
05h, 0Dh, 15h, 1Dh Not less than TRUE Yes
Not greater than
(swapped operands)
06h, 0Eh, 16h, 1Eh Not less than or equal TRUE Yes
Not greater than or equal
(swapped operands)
07h, 0Fh, 17h, 1Fh Ordered FALSE No
Mnemonic Implied Value of imm8
(V)CMPEQPD 00h, 08h, 10h, 18h
(V)CMPLTPD 01h, 09h, 11h, 19h
(V)CMPLEPD 02h, 0Ah, 12h, 1Ah
(V)CMPUNORDPD 03h, 0Bh, 13h, 1Bh
(V)CMPNEQPD 04h, 0Ch, 14h, 1Ch
(V)CMPNLTPD 05h, 0Dh, 15h, 1Dh
(V)CMPNLEPD 06h, 0Eh, 16h, 1Eh
(V)CMPORDPD 07h, 0Fh, 17h, 1Fh
Form Subset Feature Flag
CMPPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCMPPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference CMPPD, VCMPPD 65
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CMPPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F C2 /r ib Compares two pairs of values in xmm1 to
corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128.
Comparison type is determined by imm8.
Writes comparison results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCMPPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 C2 /r ib
VCMPPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 C2 /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
66 CMPPD, VCMPPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CMPPS, VCMPPS 67
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each of the four packed single-precision floating-point values of the first source operand to
the corresponding values of the second source operand and writes the result of each comparison to the
corresponding 32-bit element of the destination. When a comparison is TRUE, all 32 bits of the desti-
nation element are set; when a comparison is FALSE, all 32 bits of the destination element are
cleared. The type of comparison is specified by an immediate byte operand.
Signed comparisons return TRUE only when both operands are valid numbers and the numbers have
the relation specified by the type of comparison operation. Ordered comparison returns TRUE when
both operands are valid numbers, or FALSE when either operand is a NaN. Unordered comparison
returns TRUE only when one or both operands are NaN and FALSE otherwise.
QNaN operands generate an Invalid Operation Exception (IE) only if the comparison type isn't Equal,
Unequal, Ordered, or Unordered. SNaN operands always generate an IE.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected. Comparison type is specified by
bits [2:0] of an immediate byte operand.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared. Comparison type is specified by bits [4:0] of an
immediate byte operand.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination operand is a YMM register. Comparison type is speci-
fied by bits [4:0] of an immediate byte operand.
Immediate Operand Encoding
CMPPS uses bits [2:0] of the 8-bit immediate operand and VCMPPS uses bits [4:0] of the 8-bit
immediate operand. Although VCMPPS supports 20h encoding values, the comparison types echo
those of CMPPS on 4-bit boundaries. The following table shows the immediate operand value for
CMPPS and each of the VCMPPDS echoes.
Some comparison operations that are not directly supported by immediate-byte encodings can be
implemented by swapping the contents of the source and destination operands and executing the
appropriate comparison of the swapped values. These additional comparison operations are shown in
with the directly supported comparison operations.
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
68 CMPPS, VCMPPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The following alias mnemonics for (V)CMPPS with appropriate value of imm8 are supported.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Immediate Operand
Compare Operation Result If NaN Operand QNaN Operand Causes
Invalid Operation
00h, 08h, 10h, 18h Equal FALSE No
01h, 09h, 11h, 19h Less than FALSE Yes
Greater than
(swapped operands)
02h, 0Ah, 12h, 1Ah Less than or equal FALSE Yes
Greater than or equal
(swapped operands)
03h, 0Bh, 13h, 1Bh Unordered TRUE No
04h, 0Ch, 14h, 1Ch Not equal TRUE No
05h, 0Dh, 15h, 1Dh Not less than TRUE Yes
Not greater than
(swapped operands)
06h, 0Eh, 16h, 1Eh Not less than or equal TRUE Yes
Not greater than or equal
(swapped operands)
07h, 0Fh, 17h, 1Fh Ordered FALSE No
Mnemonic Implied Value of imm8
(V)CMPEQPS 00h, 08h, 10h, 18h
(V)CMPLTPS 01h, 09h, 11h, 19h
(V)CMPLEPS 02h, 0Ah, 12h, 1Ah
(V)CMPUNORDPS 03h, 0Bh, 13h, 1Bh
(V)CMPNEQPS 04h, 0Ch, 14h, 1Ch
(V)CMPNLTPS 05h, 0Dh, 15h, 1Dh
(V)CMPNLEPS 06h, 0Eh, 16h, 1Eh
(V)CMPORDPS 07h, 0Fh, 17h, 1Fh
Form Subset Feature Flag
CMPPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VCMPPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference CMPPS, VCMPPS 69
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CMPPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 0F C2 /r ib Compares four pairs of values in xmm1 to
corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128.
Comparison type is determined by imm8.
Writes comparison results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCMPPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 C2 /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
70 CMPPS, VCMPPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CMPSD, VCMPSD 71
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares a double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of the first source operand
with a double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of the second source operand and
writes the result to the low-order 64 bits of the destination. When a comparison is TRUE, all 64 bits
of the destination element are set; when a comparison is FALSE, all 64 bits of the destination element
are cleared. Comparison type is specified by an immediate byte operand.
Signed comparisons return TRUE only when both operands are valid numbers and the numbers have
the relation specified by the type of comparison operation. Ordered comparison returns TRUE when
both operands are valid numbers, or FALSE when either operand is a NaN. Unordered comparison
returns TRUE only when one or both operands are NaN and FALSE otherwise.
QNaN operands generate an Invalid Operation Exception (IE) only when the comparison type is not
Equal, Unequal, Ordered, or Unordered. SNaN operands always generate an IE.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 64-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [127:64] of the destina-
tion are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
affected. Comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate byte operand.
This CMPSD instruction must not be confused with the same-mnemonic CMPSD (compare strings
by doubleword) instruction in the general-purpose instruction set. Assemblers can distinguish the
instructions by the number and type of operands.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination
are copied from bits [127:64] of the first source. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to the destination are cleared. Comparison type is specified by bits [4:0] of an immediate byte oper-
Immediate Operand Encoding
CMPSD uses bits [2:0] of the 8-bit immediate operand and VCMPSD uses bits [4:0] of the 8-bit
immediate operand. Although VCMPSD supports 20h encoding values, the comparison types echo
those of CMPSD on 4-bit boundaries. The following table shows the immediate operand value for
CMPSD and each of the VCMPSD echoes.
Some comparison operations that are not directly supported by immediate-byte encodings can be
implemented by swapping the contents of the source and destination operands and executing the
appropriate comparison of the swapped values. These additional comparison operations are shown
with the directly supported comparison operations. When operands are swapped, the first source
XMM register is overwritten by the result.
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
72 CMPSD, VCMPSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The following alias mnemonics for (V)CMPSD with appropriate value of imm8 are supported.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Immediate Operand
Compare Operation Result If NaN Operand QNaN Operand Causes
Invalid Operation
00h, 08h, 10h, 18h Equal FALSE No
01h, 09h, 11h, 19h Less than FALSE Yes
Greater than
(swapped operands)
02h, 0Ah, 12h, 1Ah Less than or equal FALSE Yes
Greater than or equal
(swapped operands)
03h, 0Bh, 13h, 1Bh Unordered TRUE No
04h, 0Ch, 14h, 1Ch Not equal TRUE No
05h, 0Dh, 15h, 1Dh Not less than TRUE Yes
Not greater than
(swapped operands)
06h, 0Eh, 16h, 1Eh Not less than or equal TRUE Yes
Not greater than or equal
(swapped operands)
07h, 0Fh, 17h, 1Fh Ordered FALSE No
Mnemonic Implied Value of imm8
(V)CMPEQSD 00h, 08h, 10h, 18h
(V)CMPLTSD 01h, 09h, 11h, 19h
(V)CMPLESD 02h, 0Ah, 12h, 1Ah
(V)CMPUNORDSD 03h, 0Bh, 13h, 1Bh
(V)CMPNEQSD 04h, 0Ch, 14h, 1Ch
(V)CMPNLTSD 05h, 0Dh, 15h, 1Dh
(V)CMPNLESD 06h, 0Eh, 16h, 1Eh
(V)CMPORDSD 07h, 0Fh, 17h, 1Fh
Form Subset Feature Flag
CMPSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCMPSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference CMPSD, VCMPSD 73
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CMPSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64, imm8 F2 0F C2 /r ib Compares double-precision floating-point
values in the low-order 64 bits of xmm1 with
corresponding values in xmm2 or mem64.
Comparison type is determined by imm8.
Writes comparison results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCMPSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64, imm8 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.11 C2 /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
74 CMPSD, VCMPSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CMPSS, VCMPSS 75
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of the first source operand
with a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of the second source operand and
writes the result to the low-order 32 bits of the destination. When a comparison is TRUE, all 32 bits
of the destination element are set; when a comparison is FALSE, all 32 bits of the destination element
are cleared. Comparison type is specified by an immediate byte operand.
Signed comparisons return TRUE only when both operands are valid numbers and the numbers have
the relation specified by the type of comparison operation. Ordered comparison returns TRUE when
both operands are valid numbers, or FALSE when either operand is a NaN. Unordered comparison
returns TRUE only when one or both operands are NaN and FALSE otherwise.
QNaN operands generate an Invalid Operation Exception (IE) only if the comparison type isn't Equal,
Unequal, Ordered, or Unordered. SNaN operands always generate an IE.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 32-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [127:32] of the destina-
tion are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
affected. Comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate byte operand.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 32-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the destination
are copied from bits [127L32] of the first source. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corre-
sponds to the destination are cleared. Comparison type is specified by bits [4:0] of an immediate byte
Immediate Operand Encoding
CMPSS uses bits [2:0] of the 8-bit immediate operand and VCMPSS uses bits [4:0] of the 8-bit
immediate operand. Although VCMPSS supports 20h encoding values, the comparison types echo
those of CMPSS on 4-bit boundaries. The following table shows the immediate operand value for
CMPSS and each of the VCMPSS echoes.
Some comparison operations that are not directly supported by immediate-byte encodings can be
implemented by swapping the contents of the source and destination operands and executing the
appropriate comparison of the swapped values. These additional comparison operations are shown
below with the directly supported comparison operations. When operands are swapped, the first
source XMM register is overwritten by the result.
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
76 CMPSS, VCMPSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The following alias mnemonics for (V)CMPSS with appropriate value of imm8 are supported.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Immediate Operand
Compare Operation Result If NaN Operand QNaN Operand Causes
Invalid Operation
00h, 08h, 10h, 18h Equal FALSE No
01h, 09h, 11h, 19h Less than FALSE Yes
Greater than
(swapped operands)
02h, 0Ah, 12h, 1Ah Less than or equal FALSE Yes
Greater than or equal
(swapped operands)
03h, 0Bh, 13h, 1Bh Unordered TRUE No
04h, 0Ch, 14h, 1Ch Not equal TRUE No
05h, 0Dh, 15h, 1Dh Not less than TRUE Yes
Not greater than
(swapped operands)
06h, 0Eh, 16h, 1Eh Not less than or equal TRUE Yes
Not greater than or equal
(swapped operands)
07h, 0Fh, 17h, 1Fh Ordered FALSE No
Mnemonic Implied Value of imm8
(V)CMPEQSS 00h, 08h, 10h, 18h
(V)CMPLTSS 01h, 09h, 11h, 19h
(V)CMPLESS 02h, 0Ah, 12h, 1Ah
(V)CMPUNORDSS 03h, 0Bh, 13h, 1Bh
(V)CMPNEQSS 04h, 0Ch, 14h, 1Ch
(V)CMPNLTSS 05h, 0Dh, 15h, 1Dh
(V)CMPNLESS 06h, 0Eh, 16h, 1Eh
(V)CMPORDSS 07h, 0Fh, 17h, 1Fh
Form Subset Feature Flag
CMPSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VCMPSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference CMPSS, VCMPSS 77
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CMPSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32, imm8 F3 0F C2 /r ib Compares single-precision floating-point
values in the low-order 32 bits of xmm1 with
corresponding values in xmm2 or mem32.
Comparison type is determined by imm8.
Writes comparison results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCMPSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32, imm8 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.10 C2 /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
78 CMPSS, VCMPSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference COMISD, VCOMISD 79
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares a double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of the first operand with a
double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of the second operand and sets
rFLAGS.ZF, PF, and CF to show the result of the comparison:
The result is unordered if one or both of the operand values is a NaN. The rFLAGS.OF, AF, and SF
bits are cleared. If an #XF SIMD floating-point exception occurs the rFLAGS bits are not updated.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register or a
64-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Compare Ordered
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Comparison ZF PF CF
NaN input 1 1 1
operand 1 > operand 2 0 0 0
operand 1 < operand 2 0 0 1
operand 1 == operand 2 1 0 0
Form Subset Feature Flag
COMISD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCOMISD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
COMISD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 66 0F 2F /r Compares double-precision floating-point values in xmm1
with corresponding values in xmm2 or mem64 and sets
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCOMISD xmm1, xmm2 /mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.01 2F /r
80 COMISD, VCOMISD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. For #XF, rFLAGS bits are not updated.
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference COMISD, VCOMISD 81
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
82 COMISS, VCOMISS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares a double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of the first operand with a
double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of the second operand and sets
rFLAGS.ZF, PF, and CF to show the result of the comparison:
The result is unordered if one or both of the operand values is a NaN. The rFLAGS.OF, AF, and SF
bits are cleared. If an #XF SIMD floating-point exception occurs the rFLAGS bits are not updated.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register or a
32-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Ordered Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Comparison ZF PF CF
NaN input 1 1 1
operand 1 > operand 2 0 0 0
operand 1 < operand 2 0 0 1
operand 1 == operand 2 1 0 0
Form Subset Feature Flag
COMISS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VCOMISS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
COMISS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 0F 2F /r Compares single-precision floating-point values in xmm1
with corresponding values in xmm2 or mem32 and sets
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCOMISS xmm1, xmm2 /mem32 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.00 2F /r
Instruction Reference COMISS, VCOMISS 83
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. For #XF, rFLAGS bits are not updated.
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
84 CVTDQ2PD, VCVTDQ2PD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts packed 32-bit signed integer values to packed double-precision floating-point values and
writes the converted values to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts two packed 32-bit signed integer values in the low-order 64 bits of an XMM register or in a
64-bit memory location to two packed double-precision floating-point values and writes the con-
verted values to an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the desti-
nation are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts two packed 32-bit signed integer values in the low-order 64 bits of an XMM register or in a
64-bit memory location to two packed double-precision floating-point values and writes the con-
verted values to an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the desti-
nation are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Converts four packed 32-bit signed integer values in the low-order 128 bits of a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location to four packed double-precision floating-point values and writes the con-
verted values to a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Convert Packed Doubleword Integers
to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTDQ2PD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTDQ2PD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTDQ2PD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F3 0F E6 /r Converts packed doubleword signed integers in xmm2
or mem64 to double-precision floating-point values in
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTDQ2PD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.10 E6 /r
VCVTDQ2PD ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.10 E6 /r
Instruction Reference CVTDQ2PD, VCVTDQ2PD 85
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference with alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
86 CVTDQ2PS, VCVTDQ2PS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts packed 32-bit signed integer values to packed single-precision floating-point values and
writes the converted values to the destination. When the result is an inexact value, it is rounded as
specified by MXCSR.RC.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts four packed 32-bit signed integer values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location
to four packed single-precision floating-point values and writes the converted values to an XMM reg-
ister. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts four packed 32-bit signed integer values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location
to four packed double-precision floating-point values and writes the converted values to an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Converts eight packed 32-bit signed integer values in a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location
to eight packed double-precision floating-point values and writes the converted values to a YMM reg-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Convert Packed Doubleword Integers
to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTDQ2PS SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTDQ2PS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTDQ2PS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 5B /r Converts packed doubleword integer values in xmm2 or
mem128 to packed single-precision floating-point
values in xmm2.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTDQ2PS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 5B /r
VCVTDQ2PS ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.00 5B /r
Instruction Reference CVTDQ2PS, VCVTDQ2PS 87
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
88 CVTPD2DQ, VCVTPD2DQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts packed double-precision floating-point values to packed signed doubleword integers and
writes the converted values to the destination.
When the result is an inexact value, it is rounded as specified by MXCSR.RC. When the floating-
point value is a NaN, infinity, or the result of the conversion is larger than the maximum signed dou-
bleword (–231 to +231 – 1), the instruction returns the 32-bit indefinite integer value (8000_0000h)
when the invalid-operation exception (IE) is masked.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts two packed double-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to two packed signed doubleword integers and writes the converted values to the two low-
order doublewords of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination are cleared. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts two packed double-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to two signed doubleword values and writes the converted values to the lower two double-
word elements of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination are cleared. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Converts four packed double-precision floating-point values in a YMM register or a 256-bit memory
location to four signed doubleword values and writes the converted values to an XMM register. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
to Packed Doubleword Integer
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTPD2DQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTPD2DQ AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTPD2DQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F2 0F E6 /r Converts two packed double-precision floating-point
values in xmm2 or mem128 to packed doubleword
integers in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTPD2DQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.11 E6 /r
VCVTPD2DQ xmm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.11 E6 /r
Instruction Reference CVTPD2DQ, VCVTPD2DQ 89
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
90 CVTPD2PS, VCVTPD2PS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts packed double-precision floating-point values to packed single-precision floating-point val-
ues and writes the converted values to the low-order doubleword elements of the destination. When
the result is an inexact value, it is rounded as specified by MXCSR.RC.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts two packed double-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to two packed single-precision floating-point values and writes the converted values to an
XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination are cleared. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts two packed double-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to two packed single-precision floating-point values and writes the converted values to an
XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination are cleared. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Converts four packed double-precision floating-point values in a YMM register or a 256-bit memory
location to four packed single-precision floating-point values and writes the converted values to a
YMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTPD2PS SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTPD2PS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTPD2PS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 5A /r Converts packed double-precision floating-point
values in xmm2 or mem128 to packed single-
precision floating-point values in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTPD2PS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 5A /r
VCVTPD2PS xmm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 5A /r
Instruction Reference CVTPD2PS, VCVTPD2PS 91
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
92 CVTPS2DQ, VCVTPS2DQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts packed single-precision floating-point values to packed signed doubleword integer values
and writes the converted values to the destination.
When the result is an inexact value, it is rounded as specified by MXCSR.RC. When the floating-
point value is a NaN, infinity, or the result of the conversion is larger than the maximum signed dou-
bleword (–231 to +231 – 1), the instruction returns the 32-bit indefinite integer value (8000_0000h)
when the invalid-operation exception (IE) is masked.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts four packed single-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to four packed signed doubleword integer values and writes the converted values to an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts four packed single-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to four packed signed doubleword integer values and writes the converted values to an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Converts eight packed single-precision floating-point values in a YMM register or a 256-bit memory
location to eight packed signed doubleword integer values and writes the converted values to a YMM
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
to Packed Doubleword Integers
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTPS2DQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTPS2DQ AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTPS2DQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 5B /r Converts four packed single-precision floating-point
values in xmm2 or mem128 to four packed
doubleword integers in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTPS2DQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 5B /r
VCVTPS2DQ ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 5B /r
Instruction Reference CVTPS2DQ, VCVTPS2DQ 93
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
94 CVTPS2PD, VCVTPS2PD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts packed single-precision floating-point values to packed double-precision floating-point val-
ues and writes the converted values to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts two packed single-precision floating-point values in the two low order doubleword ele-
ments of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to two double-precision floating-point values
and writes the converted values to an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corre-
sponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts two packed single-precision floating-point values in the two low order doubleword ele-
ments of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to two double-precision floating-point values
and writes the converted values to an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corre-
sponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Converts four packed single-precision floating-point values in a YMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to four double-precision floating-point values and writes the converted values to a YMM
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTPS2PD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTPS2PD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTPS2PD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 0F 5A /r Converts packed single-precision floating-point values
in xmm2 or mem64 to packed double-precision floating-
point values in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTPS2PD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 5A /r
VCVTPS2PD ymm1, ymm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.00 5A /r
Instruction Reference CVTPS2PD, VCVTPS2PD 95
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
96 CVTSD2SI, VCVTSD2SI Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value to a 32-bit or 64-bit signed integer value and
writes the converted value to a general-purpose register.
When the result is an inexact value, it is rounded as specified by MXCSR.RC. When the floating-
point value is a NaN, infinity, or the result of the conversion is larger than the maximum signed dou-
bleword (–231 to +231 – 1) or quadword value (–263 to +263 – 1), the instruction returns the indefinite
integer value (8000_0000h for 32-bit integers, 8000_0000_0000_0000h for 64-bit integers) when the
invalid-operation exception (IE) is masked.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The legacy form has two encodings:
When REX.W = 0, converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a 32-bit signed integer and writes the converted
value to a 32-bit general purpose register.
When REX.W = 1, converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a 64-bit sign-extended integer and writes the
converted value to a 64-bit general purpose register.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings:
When VEX.W = 0, converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a 32-bit signed integer and writes the converted
value to a 32-bit general purpose register.
When VEX.W = 1, converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a 64-bit sign-extended integer and writes the
converted value to a 64-bit general purpose register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTSD2SI SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTSD2SI AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference CVTSD2SI, VCVTSD2SI 97
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTSD2SI reg32, xmm1/mem64 F2 (W0) 0F 2D /r Converts a packed double-precision floating-point value
in xmm1 or mem64 to a doubleword integer in reg32.
CVTSD2SI reg64, xmm1/mem64 F2 (W1) 0F 2D /r Converts a packed double-precision floating-point value
in xmm1 or mem64 to a quadword integer in reg64.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTSD2SI reg32, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 0.1111.X.11 2D /r
VCVTSD2SI reg64, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 1.1111.X.11 2D /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
98 CVTSD2SI, VCVTSD2SI Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CVTSD2SS, VCVTSD2SS 99
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value to a scalar single-precision floating-point
value and writes the converted value to the low-order 32 bits of the destination. When the result is an
inexact value, it is rounded as specified by MXCSR.RC.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of the second source
XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a scalar single-precision floating-point value and writes
the converted value to the low-order 32 bits of a destination XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the desti-
nation are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
Converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of a source XMM
register or a 64-bit memory location to a scalar single-precision floating-point value and writes the
converted value to the low-order 32 bits of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the destina-
tion are copied from the first source XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corre-
sponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
to Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTSD2SS SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTSD2SS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTSD2SS xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 5A /r Converts a scalar double-precision floating-point
value in xmm2 or mem64 to a scalar single-precision
floating-point value in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTSD2SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.11 5A /r
100 CVTSD2SS, VCVTSD2SS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CVTSI2SD, VCVTSI2SD 101
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts a signed integer value to a double-precision floating-point value and writes the converted
value to a destination register. When the result of the conversion is an inexact value, the value is
rounded as specified by MXCSR.RC.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The legacy form as two encodings:
When REX.W = 0, converts a signed doubleword integer value from a 32-bit source general-
purpose register or a 32-bit memory location to a double-precision floating-point value and writes
the converted value to the low-order 64 bits of an XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination
XMM register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
When REX.W = 1, converts a a signed quadword integer value from a 64-bit source general-
purpose register or a 64-bit memory location to a 64-bit double-precision floating-point value and
writes the converted value to the low-order 64 bits of an XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the
destination XMM register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings:
When VEX.W = 0, converts a signed doubleword integer value from a 32-bit source general-
purpose register or a 32-bit memory location to a double-precision floating-point value and writes
the converted value to the low-order 64 bits of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the
first source XMM register are copied to the destination XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
When VEX.W = 1, converts a signed quadword integer value from a 64-bit source general-purpose
register or a 64-bit memory location to a double-precision floating-point value and writes the
converted value to the low-order 64 bits of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the first
source XMM register are copied to the destination XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Convert Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer
to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTSI2SD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTSI2SD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
102 CVTSI2SD, VCVTSI2SD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTSI2SD xmm1, reg32/mem32 F2 (W0) 0F 2A /r Converts a doubleword integer in reg32 or mem32 to a
double-precision floating-point value in xmm1.
CVTSI2SD xmm1, reg64/mem64 F2 (W1) 0F 2A /r Converts a quadword integer in reg64 or mem64 to a
double-precision floating-point value in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTSI2SD xmm1, xmm2, reg32/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 0.src.X.11 2A /r
VCVTSI2SD xmm1, xmm2, reg64/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 1.src.X.11 2A /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Instruction Reference CVTSI2SD, VCVTSI2SD 103
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
104 CVTSI2SS, VCVTSI2SS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts a signed integer value to a single-precision floating-point value and writes the converted
value to an XMM register. When the result of the conversion is an inexact value, the value is rounded
as specified by MXCSR.RC.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The legacy form has two encodings:
When REX.W = 0, converts a signed doubleword integer value from a 32-bit source general-
purpose register or a 32-bit memory location to a single-precision floating-point value and writes
the converted value to the low-order 32 bits of an XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the destination
XMM register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
When REX.W = 1, converts a a signed quadword integer value from a 64-bit source general-
purpose register or a 64-bit memory location to a single-precision floating-point value and writes
the converted value to the low-order 32 bits of an XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the destination
XMM register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings:
When VEX.W = 0, converts a signed doubleword integer value from a 32-bit source general-
purpose register or a 32-bit memory location to a single-precision floating-point value and writes
the converted value to the low-order 32 bits of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the
first source XMM register are copied to the destination XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
When VEX.W = 1, converts a signed quadword integer value from a 64-bit source general-purpose
register or a 64-bit memory location to a single-precision floating-point value and writes the
converted value to the low-order 32 bits of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the first
source XMM register are copied to the destination XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Convert Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer
to Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTSI2SS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VCVTSI2SS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference CVTSI2SS, VCVTSI2SS 105
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTSI2SS xmm1, reg32/mem32 F3 (W0) 0F 2A /r Converts a doubleword integer in reg32 or mem32 to a
single-precision floating-point value in xmm1.
CVTSI2SS xmm1, reg64/mem64 F3 (W1) 0F 2A /r Converts a quadword integer in reg64 or mem64 to a
single-precision floating-point value in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTSI2SS xmm1, xmm2, reg32/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 0.src.X.10 2A /r
VCVTSI2SS xmm1, xmm2, reg64/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 1.src.X.10 2A /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
106 CVTSI2SS, VCVTSI2SS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CVTSS2SD, VCVTSS2SD 107
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts a scalar single-precision floating-point value to a scalar double-precision floating-point
value and writes the converted value to the low-order 64 bits of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts a scalar single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of a source XMM reg-
ister or a 32-bit memory location to a scalar double-precision floating-point value and writes the con-
verted value to the low-order 64 bits of a destination XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination
and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
Converts a scalar single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of the second source
XMM register or 32-bit memory location to a scalar double-precision floating-point value and writes
the converted value to the low-order 64 bits of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the des-
tination are copied from the first source XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that cor-
responds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Convert Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTSS2SD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTSS2SD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTSS2SD xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 5A /r Converts a scalar single-precision floating-point value
in xmm2 or mem32 to a scalar double-precision
floating-point value in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTSS2SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.10 5A /r
108 CVTSS2SD, VCVTSS2SD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CVTSS2SI, VCVTSS2SI 109
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts a single-precision floating-point value to a signed integer value and writes the converted
value to a general-purpose register.
When the result of the conversion is an inexact value, the value is rounded as specified by
MXCSR.RC. When the floating-point value is a NaN, infinity, or the result of the conversion is larger
than the maximum signed doubleword (–231 to +231 – 1) or quadword value (–263 to +263 – 1), the
indefinite integer value (8000_0000h for 32-bit integers, 8000_0000_0000_0000h for 64-bit integers)
is returned when the invalid-operation exception (IE) is masked.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The legacy form has two encodings:
When REX.W = 0, converts a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location to a 32-bit signed integer value and writes the
converted value to a 32-bit general-purpose register.
When REX.W = 1, converts a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location to a 64-bit signed integer value and writes the
converted value to a 64-bit general-purpose register.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings:
When VEX.W = 0, converts a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location to a 32-bit signed integer value and writes the
converted value to a 32-bit general-purpose register.
When VEX.W = 1, converts a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location to a 64-bit signed integer value and writes the
converted value to a 64-bit general-purpose register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Convert Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTSS2SI SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VCVTSS2SI AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
110 CVTSS2SI, VCVTSS2SI Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTSS2SI reg32, xmm1/mem32 F3 (W0) 0F 2D /r Converts a single-precision floating-point value in
xmm1 or mem32 to a 32-bit integer value in reg32
CVTSS2SI reg64, xmm1//mem64 F3 (W1) 0F 2D /r Converts a single-precision floating-point value in
xmm1 or mem64 to a 64-bit integer value in reg64
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTSS2SI reg32, xmm1/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 0.1111.X.10 2D /r
VCVTSS2SI reg64, xmm1/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 1.1111.X.10 2D /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Instruction Reference CVTSS2SI, VCVTSS2SI 111
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
112 CVTTPD2DQ, VCVTTPD2DQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts packed double-precision floating-point values to packed signed doubleword integer values
and writes the converted values to the destination.
When the result is an inexact value, it is truncated (rounded toward zero). When the floating-point
value is a NaN, infinity, or the result of the conversion is larger than the maximum signed doubleword
(–231 to +231 – 1), the instruction returns the 32-bit indefinite integer value (8000_0000h) when the
invalid-operation exception (IE) is masked.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts two packed double-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to two packed signed doubleword integers and writes the converted values to the two low-
order doublewords of the destination XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination are cleared. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts two packed double-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to two signed doubleword values and writes the converted values to the lower two double-
word elements of the destination XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Converts four packed double-precision floating-point values in a YMM register or a 256-bit memory
location to four signed doubleword integer values and writes the converted values to an XMM regis-
ter. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
to Packed Doubleword Integer, Truncated
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTTPD2DQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTTPD2DQ AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference CVTTPD2DQ, VCVTTPD2DQ 113
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTTPD2DQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E6 /r Converts two packed double-precision floating-point
values in xmm2 or mem128 to packed doubleword
integers in xmm1. Truncates inexact result.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTTPD2DQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 E6 /r
VCVTTPD2DQ xmm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 E6 /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
114 CVTTPD2DQ, VCVTTPD2DQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CVTTPS2DQ, VCVTTPS2DQ 115
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts packed single-precision floating-point values to packed signed doubleword integer values
and writes the converted values to the destination.
When the result of the conversion is an inexact value, the value is truncated (rounded toward zero).
When the floating-point value is a NaN, infinity, or the result of the conversion is larger than the max-
imum signed doubleword (–231 to +231 – 1), the instruction returns the 32-bit indefinite integer value
(8000_0000h) when the invalid-operation exception (IE) is masked.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Converts four packed single-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to four packed signed doubleword integer values and writes the converted values to an XMM
register. The high-order 128-bits of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts four packed single-precision floating-point values in an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location to four packed signed doubleword integer values and writes the converted values to an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Converts eight packed single-precision floating-point values in a YMM register or a 256-bit memory
location to eight packed signed doubleword integer values and writes the converted values to a YMM
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
to Packed Doubleword Integers, Truncated
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTTPS2DQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTTPS2DQ AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTTPS2DQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F3 0F 5B /r Converts four packed single-precision floating-point
values in xmm2 or mem128 to four packed
doubleword integers in xmm1. Truncates inexact
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTTPS2DQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.10 5B /r
VCVTTPS2DQ ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.10 5B /r
116 CVTTPS2DQ, VCVTTPS2DQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference CVTTSD2SI, VCVTTSD2SI 117
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value to a signed integer value and writes the con-
verted value to a general-purpose register.
When the result of the conversion is an inexact value, the value is truncated (rounded toward zero).
When the floating-point value is a NaN, infinity, or the result of the conversion is larger than the max-
imum signed doubleword (–231 to +231 – 1) or quadword value (–263 to +263 – 1), the instruction
returns the indefinite integer value (8000_0000h for 32-bit integers, 8000_0000_0000_0000h for 64-
bit integers) when the invalid-operation exception (IE) is masked.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The legacy form of the instruction has two encodings:
When REX.W = 0, converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a 32-bit signed integer and writes the converted
value to a 32-bit general purpose register.
When REX.W = 1, converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a 64-bit sign-extended integer and writes the
converted value to a 64-bit general purpose register.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings.
When VEX.W = 0, converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a 32-bit signed integer and writes the converted
value to a 32-bit general purpose register.
When VEX.W = 1, converts a scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location to a 64-bit sign-extended integer and writes the
converted value to a 64-bit general purpose register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
to Signed Double- or Quadword Integer, Truncated
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTTSD2SI SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VCVTTSD2SI AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
118 CVTTSD2SI, VCVTTSD2SI Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTTSD2SI reg32, xmm1/mem64 F2 (W0) 0F 2C /r Converts a packed double-precision floating-point
value in xmm1 or mem64 to a doubleword integer in
reg32. Truncates inexact result.
CVTTSD2SI reg64, xmm1/mem64 F2 (W1) 0F 2C /r Converts a packed double-precision floating-point
value in xmm1 or mem64 to a quadword integer in
reg64.Truncates inexact result.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTTSD2SI reg32, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 0.1111.X.11 2C /r
VCVTTSD2SI reg64, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 1.1111.X.11 2C /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference CVTTSD2SI, VCVTTSD2SI 119
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
120 CVTTSS2SI, VCVTTSS2SI Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts a single-precision floating-point value to a signed integer value and writes the converted
value to a general-purpose register.
When the result of the conversion is an inexact value, the value is truncated (rounded toward zero).
When the floating-point value is a NaN, infinity, or the result of the conversion is larger than the max-
imum signed doubleword (–231 to +231 – 1) or quadword value (–263 to +263 – 1), the indefinite inte-
ger value (8000_0000h for 32-bit integers, 8000_0000_0000_0000h for 64-bit integers) is returned
when the invalid-operation exception (IE) is masked.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The legacy form of the instruction has two encodings:
When REX.W = 0, converts a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location to a 32-bit signed integer value and writes the
converted value to a 32-bit general-purpose register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the source are not affected.
When REX.W = 1, converts a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location to a 64-bit signed integer value and writes the
converted value to a 64-bit general-purpose register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the source are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings:
When VEX.W = 0, converts a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location to a 32-bit signed integer value and writes the
converted value to a 32-bit general-purpose register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the source are cleared.
When VEX.W = 1, converts a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location to a 64-bit signed integer value and writes the
converted value to a 64-bit general-purpose register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the source are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Convert Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
to Signed Double or Quadword Integer, Truncated
Form Subset Feature Flag
CVTTSS2SI SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VCVTTSS2SI AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference CVTTSS2SI, VCVTTSS2SI 121
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
CVTTSS2SI reg32, xmm1/mem32 F3 (W0) 0F 2C /r Converts a single-precision floating-point value in
xmm1 or mem32 to a 32-bit integer value in reg32.
Truncates inexact result.
CVTTSS2SI reg64, xmm1/mem64 F3 (W1) 0F 2C /r Converts a single-precision floating-point value in
xmm1 or mem64 to a 64-bit integer value in reg64.
Truncates inexact result.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTTSS2SI reg32, xmm1/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 0.1111.X.10 2C /r
VCVTTSS2SI reg64, xmm1/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 1.1111.X.10 2C /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
122 CVTTSS2SI, VCVTTSS2SI Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference DIVPD, VDIVPD 123
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Divides each of the packed double-precision floating-point values of the first source operand by the
corresponding packed double-precision floating-point values of the second source operand and writes
the quotients to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Divides two packed double-precision floating-point values in the first source XMM register by the
corresponding packed double-precision floating-point values in either a second source XMM register
or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Divides two packed double-precision floating-point values in the first source XMM register by the
corresponding packed double-precision floating-point values in either a second source XMM register
or a 128-bit memory location and writes the two results a destination XMM register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Divides four packed double-precision floating-point values in the first source YMM register by the
corresponding packed double-precision floating-point values in either a second source YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location and writes the two results a destination YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
DIVPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VDIVPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
DIVPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 5E /r Divides packed double-precision floating-point values in
xmm1 by the packed double-precision floating-point
values in xmm2 or mem128. Writes quotients to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VDIVPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 5E /r
VDIVPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 5E /r
124 DIVPD, VDIVPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference DIVPS, VDIVPS 125
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Divides each of the packed single-precision floating-point values of the first source operand by the
corresponding packed single-precision floating-point values of the second source operand and writes
the quotients to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Divides four packed single-precision floating-point values in the first source XMM register by the
corresponding packed single-precision floating-point values in either a second source XMM register
or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Divides four packed single-precision floating-point values in the first source XMM register by the
corresponding packed single-precision floating-point values in either a second source XMM register
or a 128-bit memory location and writes two results to a third destination XMM register. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Divides eight packed single-precision floating-point values in the first source YMM register by the
corresponding packed single-precision floating-point values in either a second source YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location and writes the two results a destination YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
DIVPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VDIVPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
DIVPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 5E /r Divides packed single-precision floating-point values in
xmm1 by the corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128.
Writes quotients to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VDIVPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 5E /r
VDIVPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.00 5E /r
126 DIVPS, VDIVPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference DIVSD, VDIVSD 127
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Divides the double-precision floating-point value in the low-order quadword of the first source oper-
and by the double-precision floating-point value in the low-order quadword of the second source
operand and writes the quotient to the low-order quadword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination register. Bits [127:64]
of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the desti-
nation are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. Bits [127:64] of the first source operand are copied to bits [127:64] of
the destination. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that cor-
responds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
DIVSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VDIVSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
DIVSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 5E /r Divides the double-precision floating-point value in the low-
order 64 bits of xmm1by the corresponding value in xmm2
or mem64. Writes quotient to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VDIVSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.11 5E /r
128 DIVSD, VDIVSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference DIVSS, VDIVSS 129
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Divides the single-precision floating-point value in the low-order doubleword of the first source oper-
and by the single-precision floating-point value in the low-order doubleword of the second source
operand and writes the quotient to the low-order doubleword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination register. Bits [127:32]
of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the desti-
nation are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the first
source operand are copied to bits [127:32] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Divide Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
DIVSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VDIVSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
DIVSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 5E /r Divides a single-precision floating-point value in the low-
order doubleword of xmm1 by a corresponding value in
xmm2 or mem32. Writes the quotient to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VDIVSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.10 5E /r
130 DIVSS, VDIVSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference DPPD, VDPPD 131
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Computes the dot-product of the input operands. An immediate operand specifies both the input val-
ues and the destination locations to which the products are written.
Selectively multiplies packed double-precision values in a source operand by the corresponding val-
ues in a second source operand, writes the results to a temporary location, adds the results, writes the
sum to a second temporary location and selectively writes the sum to a destination.
Mask bits [5:4] of an 8-bit immediate operand perform multiplicative selection. Bit 5 selects bits
[127:64] of the source operands; bit 4 selects bits [63:0] of the source operands. When a mask bit = 1,
the corresponding packed double-precision floating point values are multiplied and the product is
written to the corresponding position of a 128-bit temporary location. When a mask bit = 0, the corre-
sponding position of the temporary location is cleared.
After the two 64-bit values in the first temporary location are added and written to the 64-bit second
temporary location, mask bits [1:0] of the same 8-bit immediate operand perform write selection. Bit
1 selects bits [127:64] of the destination; bit 0 selects bits [63:0] of the destination. When a mask bit =
1, the 64-bit value of the second temporary location is written to the corresponding position of the
destination. When a mask bit = 0, the corresponding position of the destination is cleared.
When the operation produces a NaN, its value is determined as follows.
For each addition occurring in either the second or third step, for the purpose of NaN propagation, the
addend of lower bit index is considered to be the first of the two operands. For example, when both
multiplications produce NaNs, the one that corresponds to bits [64:0] is written to all indicated fields
of the destination, regardless of how those NaNs were generated from the sources. When the high-
order multiplication produces NaNs and the low-order multiplication produces infinities of opposite
signs, the real indefinite QNaN (produced as the sum of the infinities) is written to the destination.
NaNs in source operands or in computational results result in at least one NaN in the destination. For
the 256-bit version, NaNs are propagated within the two independent dot product operations only to
their respective 128-bit results.
Dot Product
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Source Operands (in either order) NaN Result1
QNaN Any non-NaN floating-point value
(or single-operand instruction)
Value of QNaN
SNaN Any non-NaN floating-point value
(or single-operand instruction)
Value of SNaN,
converted to a QNaN2
QNaN QNaN First operand
QNaN SNaN First operand
(converted to QNaN if SNaN
SNaN SNaN First operand
converted to a QNaN2
Note: 1. A NaN result produced when the floating-point invalid-operation exception is masked.
2. The conversion is done by changing the most-significant fraction bit to 1.
132 DPPD, VDPPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a single 128-bit encoding.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
DPPD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VDPPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
DPPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 41 /r ib Selectively multiplies packed double-precision
floating-point values in xmm2 or mem128 by
corresponding values in xmm1, adds interim
products, selectively writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VDPPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 41 /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exceptions are determined separately for each add-multiply operation.
Unmasked exceptions do not affect the destination
Instruction Reference DPPD, VDPPD 133
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
134 DPPS, VDPPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the dot-product of the input operands. An immediate operand specifies both the input val-
ues and the destination locations to which the products are written.
Selectively multiplies packed single-precision values in a source operand by corresponding values in
a second source operand, writes results to a temporary location, adds pairs of results, writes the sums
to additional temporary locations, and selectively writes a cumulative sum to a destination.
Mask bits [7:4] of an 8-bit immediate operand perform multiplicative selection. Each bit selects a 32-
bit segment of the source operands; bit 7 selects bits [127:96], bit 6 selects bits [95:64], bit 5 selects
bits [63:32], and bit 4 selects bits [31:0]. When a mask bit = 1, the corresponding packed single-preci-
sion floating point values are multiplied and the product is written to the corresponding position of a
128-bit temporary location. When a mask bit = 0, the corresponding position of the temporary loca-
tion is cleared.
After multiplication, three pairs of 32-bit values are added and written to temporary locations.
Bits [63:32] and [31:0] of temporary location 1 are added and written to 32-bit temporary location 2;
bits [127:96] and [95:64] of temporary location 1 are added and written to 32-bit temporary location
3; then the contents of temporary locations 2 and 3 are added and written to 32-bit temporary location
After addition, mask bits [3:0] of the same 8-bit immediate operand perform write selection. Each bit
selects a 32-bit segment of the source operands; bit 3 selects bits [127:96], bit 2 selects bits [95:64],
bit 1 selects bits [63:32], and bit 0 selects bits [31:0] of the destination. When a mask bit = 1, the 64-
bit value of the fourth temporary location is written to the corresponding position of the destination.
When a mask bit = 0, the corresponding position of the destination is cleared.
For the 256-bit extended encoding, this process is performed on the upper and lower 128 bits of the
affected YMM registers.
When the operation produces a NaN, its value is determined as follows.
For each addition occurring in either the second or third step, for the purpose of NaN propagation, the
addend of lower bit index is considered to be the first of the two operands. For example, when all four
multiplications produce NaNs, the one that corresponds to bits [31:0] is written to all indicated fields
Dot Product
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Source Operands (in either order) NaN Result1
QNaN Any non-NaN floating-point value
(or single-operand instruction)
Value of QNaN
SNaN Any non-NaN floating-point value
(or single-operand instruction)
Value of SNaN,
converted to a QNaN2
QNaN QNaN First operand
QNaN SNaN First operand
(converted to QNaN if SNaN
SNaN SNaN First operand
converted to a QNaN2
Note: 1. A NaN result produced when the floating-point invalid-operation exception is masked.
2. The conversion is done by changing the most-significant fraction bit to 1.
Instruction Reference DPPS, VDPPS 135
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
of the destination, regardless of how those NaNs were generated from the sources. When the two
highest-order multiplication produce NaNs and the two lowest-low-order multiplications produce
infinities of opposite signs, the real indefinite QNaN (produced as the sum of the infinities) is written
to the destination.
NaNs in source operands or in computational results result in at least one NaN in the destination. For
the 256-bit version, NaNs are propagated within the two independent dot product operations only to
their respective 128-bit results.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Form Subset Feature Flag
DPPS SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VDPPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
DPPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 40 /r ib Selectively multiplies packed single-precision
floating-point values in xmm2 or mem128 by
corresponding values in xmm1, adds interim
products, selectively writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VDPPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 40 /r ib
VDPPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.1.01 40 /r ib
136 DPPS, VDPPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exceptions are determined separately for each add-multiply operation.
Unmasked exceptions do not affect the destination
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference EXTRACTPS, VEXTRACTPS 137
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies one of four packed single-precision floating-point values from a source XMM register to a
general purpose register or a 32-bit memory location.
Bits [1:0] of an immediate byte operand specify the location of the 32-bit value that is copied. 00b
corresponds to the low word of the source register and 11b corresponds to the high word of the source
register. Bits [7:2] of the immediate operand are ignored.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination can be a general purpose register or a 32-bit
memory location. A 32-bit single-precision value extracted to a general purpose register is zero-
extended to 64-bits.
The extended form of the instruction has a single 128-bit encoding.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination can be a general purpose register or a 32-bit
memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
EXTRACTPS SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VEXTRACTPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
EXTRACTPS reg32/mem32, xmm1
imm8 66 0F 3A 17 /r ib Extract the single-precision floating-point
element of xmm1 specified by imm8 to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VEXTRACTPS reg32/mem32, xmm1, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.1111.0.01 17 /r ib
138 EXTRACTPS, VEXTRACTPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference EXTRQ 139
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts specified bits from the lower 64 bits of the first operand (the destination XMM register). The
extracted bits are saved in the least-significant bit positions of the lower quadword of the destination;
the remaining bits in the lower quadword of the destination register are cleared to 0. The upper quad-
word of the destination register is undefined.
The portion of the source data being extracted is defined by the bit index and the field length. The bit
index defines the least-significant bit of the source operand being extracted. Bits [bit index + length
field – 1]:[bit index] are extracted. If the sum of the bit index + length field is greater than 64, the
results are undefined.
For example, if the bit index is 32 (20h) and the field length is 16 (10h), then the result in the destina-
tion register will be source [47:32] in bits 15:0, with zeros in bits 63:16.
A value of zero in the field length is defined as a length of 64. If the length field is 0 and the
bit index is 0, bits 63:0 of the source are extracted. For any other value of the bit index, the results are
The bit index and field length can be specified as immediate values (second and first immediate oper-
ands, respectively, in the case of the three argument version of the instruction), or they can both be
specified by fields in an XMM source operand. In the latter case, bits [5:0] of the XMM register spec-
ify the number of bits to extract (the field length) and bits [13:8] of the XMM register specify the
index of the first bit in the field to extract. The bit index and field length are each six bits in length;
other bits of the field are ignored.
The diagram below illustrates the operation of this instruction.
EXTRQ Extract Field From Register
06364127 127
shift right
mask to field length
second imm8
06364127 05
shift right
mask to field length
first imm8
13 8 5 0
7 7
140 EXTRQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Support
Software must check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the
instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain
processor feature support information, see Appendix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
EXTRQ SSE4A CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SSE4A] (bit 6)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
EXTRQ xmm1, imm8, imm8 66 0F 78 /0 ib ib
Extract field from xmm1, with the least significant bit
of the extracted data starting at the bit index
specified by [5:0] of the second immediate byte, with
the length specified by [5:0] of the first immediate
EXTRQ xmm1, xmm2 66 0F 79 /r
Extract field from xmm1, with the least significant bit
of the extracted data starting at the bit index
specified by xmm2[13:8], with the length specified
by xmm2[5:0].
Exception Real
8086 Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD
SSE4A instructions are not supported, as indicated by
CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SSE4A] = 0.
X X X The emulate bit (EM) of CR0 was set to 1.
The operating-system FXSAVE/FXRSTOR support bit
(OSFXSR) of CR4 is cleared to 0.
Device not available,
#NM X X X The task-switch bit (TS) of CR0 was set to 1.
Instruction Reference HADDPD, VHADDPD 141
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds adjacent pairs of double-precision floating-point values in two source operands and writes the
sums to a destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Adds the packed double-precision values in bits [127:64] and bits [63:0] of the first source XMM reg-
ister and writes the sum to bits [63:0] of the destination; adds the corresponding doublewords of the
second source XMM register or a 128-bit memory location and writes the sum to bits [127:64] of the
destination. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Adds the packed double-precision values in bits [127:64] and bits [63:0] of the first source XMM reg-
ister and writes the sum to bits [63:0] of the destination XMM register; adds the corresponding dou-
blewords of the second source XMM register or a 128-bit memory location and writes the sum to bits
[127:64] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination
are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Adds the packed double-precision values in bits [127:64] and bits [63:0] of the of the first source
YMM register and writes the sum to bits [63:0] of the destination YMM register; adds the corre-
sponding doublewords of the second source YMM register or a 256-bit memory location and writes
the sum to bits [127:64] of the destination. Performs the same process for the upper 128 bits of the
sources and destination.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Horizontal Add
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
HADDPD SSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE3] (bit 0)
VHADDPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
HADDPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 7C /r Adds adjacent pairs of double-precision values in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VHADDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 7C /r
VHADDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 7C /r
142 HADDPD, VHADDPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference HADDPS, VHADDPS 143
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds adjacent pairs of single-precision floating-point values in two source operands and writes the
sums to a destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Adds the packed single-precision values in bits [63:32] and bits [31:0] of the first source XMM regis-
ter and writes the sum to bits [31:0] of the destination; adds the packed single-precision values in bits
[127:96] and bits [95:64] of the first source register and writes the sum to bits [63:32] of the destina-
tion. Adds the corresponding values in the second source XMM register or a 128-bit memory location
and writes the sum to bits [95:64] and [127:96] of the destination. The first source register is also the
destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Adds the packed single-precision values in bits [63:32] and bits [31:0] of the first source XMM regis-
ter and writes the sum to bits [31:0] of the destination XMM register; adds the packed single-preci-
sion values in bits [127:96] and bits [95:64] of the first source register and writes the sum to bits
[63:32] of the destination. Adds the corresponding values in the second source XMM register or a
128-bit memory location and writes the sum to bits [95:64] and [127:96] of the destination. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Adds the packed single-precision values in bits [63:32] and bits [31:0] of the first source YMM regis-
ter and writes the sum to bits [31:0] of the destination YMM register; adds the packed single-preci-
sion values in bits [127:96] and bits [95:64] of the first source register and writes the sum to bits
[63:32] of the destination. Adds the corresponding values in the second source YMM register or a
256-bit memory location and writes the sums to bits [95:64] and [127:96] of the destination. Performs
the same process for the upper 128 bits of the sources and destination.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Horizontal Add
Packed Single-Precision
Form Subset Feature Flag
HADDPS SSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE3] (bit 0)
VHADDPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
144 HADDPS, VHADDPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
HADDPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F2 0F 7C /r Adds adjacent pairs of single-precision values in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VHADDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.11 7C /r
VHADDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.11 7C /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Instruction Reference HADDPS, VHADDPS 145
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
146 HSUBPD, VHSUBPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts adjacent pairs of double-precision floating-point values in two source operands and writes
the sums to a destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source register is also the destination.
Subtracts the packed double-precision value in bits [127:64] from the value in bits [63:0] of the first
source XMM register and writes the difference to bits [63:0] of the destination; subtracts the corre-
sponding values of the second source XMM register or a 128-bit memory location and writes the dif-
ference to bits [127:64] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Subtracts the packed double-precision values in bits [127:64] from the value in bits [63:0] of the first
source XMM register and writes the difference to bits [63:0] of the destination XMM register; sub-
tracts the corresponding values of the second source XMM register or a 128-bit memory location and
writes the difference to bits [127:64] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that cor-
responds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Subtracts the packed double-precision values in bits [127:64] from the value in bits [63:0] of the of
the first source YMM register and writes the difference to bits [63:0] of the destination YMM regis-
ter; subtracts the corresponding values of the second source YMM register or a 256-bit memory loca-
tion and writes the difference to bits [127:64] of the destination. Performs the same process for the
upper 128 bits of the sources and destination.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Horizontal Subtract
Packed Double-Precision
Form Subset Feature Flag
HSUBPD SSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE3] (bit 0)
VHSUBPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference HSUBPD, VHSUBPD 147
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
HSUBPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 7D /r Subtracts adjacent pairs of double-precision floating-
point values in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the
differences to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VHSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 7D /r
VHSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 7D /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
148 HSUBPD, VHSUBPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference HSUBPS, VHSUBPS 149
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Subtracts adjacent pairs of single-precision floating-point values in two source operands and writes
the differences to a destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Subtracts the packed single-precision values in bits [63:32] from the values in bits [31:0] of the first
source XMM register and writes the difference to bits [31:0] of the destination; subtracts the packed
single-precision values in bits [127:96] from the value in bits [95:64] of the first source register and
writes the difference to bits [63:32] of the destination. Subtracts the corresponding values of the sec-
ond source XMM register or a 128-bit memory location and writes the differences to bits [95:64] and
[127:96] of the destination. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Subtracts the packed single-precision values in bits [63:32] from the value in bits [31:0] of the first
source XMM register and writes the difference to bits [31:0] of the destination XMM register; sub-
tracts the packed single-precision values in bits [127:96] from the value bits [95:64] of the first source
register and writes the sum to bits [63:32] of the destination. Subtracts the corresponding values of the
second source XMM register or a 128-bit memory location and writes the differences to bits [95:64]
and [127:96] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destina-
tion are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Subtracts the packed single-precision values in bits [63:32] from the value in bits [31:0] of the first
source YMM register and writes the difference to bits [31:0] of the destination YMM register; sub-
tracts the packed single-precision values in bits [127:96] from the value in bits [95:64] of the first
source register and writes the difference to bits [63:32] of the destination. Subtracts the corresponding
values of the second source YMM register or a 256-bit memory location and writes the differences to
bits [95:64] and [127:96] of the destination. Performs the same process for the upper 128 bits of the
sources and destination.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Horizontal Subtract Packed Single
Form Subset Feature Flag
HSUBPS SSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE3] (bit 0)
VHSUBPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
150 HSUBPS, VHSUBPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
HSUBPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F2 0F 7D /r Subtracts adjacent pairs of values in xmm1 and xmm2
or mem128. Writes differences to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VHSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.11 7D /r
VHSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.11 7D /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Instruction Reference HSUBPS, VHSUBPS 151
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
152 INSERTPS, VINSERTPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Copies a selected single-precision floating-point value from a source operand to a selected location in
a destination register and optionally clears selected elements of the destination. The legacy and
extended forms of the instruction treat the remaining elements of the destination in different ways.
Selections are specified by three fields of an immediate 8-bit operand:
COUNT_S — The binary value of the field specifies a 32-bit element of a source register, counting
upward from the low-order doubleword. COUNT_S is used only for register source; when the source
is a memory operand, COUNT_S = 0.
COUNT_D — The binary value of the field specifies a 32-bit destination element, counting upward
from the low-order doubleword.
ZMASK — Set a bit to clear a 32-bit element of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
When the source operand is a register, the instruction copies the 32-bit element of the source specified
by Count_S to the location in the destination specified by Count_D, and clears destination elements
as specified by ZMask. Elements of the destination that are not cleared are not affected.
When the source operand is a memory location, the instruction copies a 32-bit value from memory, to
the location in the destination specified by Count_D, and clears destination elements as specified by
ZMask. Elements of the destination that are not cleared are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
When the second source operand is a register, the instruction copies the 32-bit element of the source
specified by Count_S to the location in the destination specified by Count_D. The other elements of
the destination are either copied from the first source operand or cleared as specified by ZMask.
When the second source operand is a memory location, the instruction copies a 32-bit value from the
source to the location in the destination specified by Count_D. The other elements of the destination
are either copied from the first source operand or cleared as specified by ZMask.
Instruction Support
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
INSERTPS SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VINSERTPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference INSERTPS, VINSERTPS 153
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
INSERTPS xmm1, xmm2/mem32, imm8 66 0F 3A 21 /r ib Insert a selected single-precision floating-
point value from xmm2 or from mem32 at a
selected location in xmm1 and clear
selected elements of xmm1. Selections
specified by imm8.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VINSERTPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 21 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
154 INSERTQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Inserts bits from the lower 64 bits of the source operand into the lower 64 bits of the destination oper-
and. No other bits in the lower 64 bits of the destination are modified. The upper 64 bits of the desti-
nation are undefined.
The least-significant l bits of the source operand are inserted into the destination, with the least-signif-
icant bit of the source operand inserted at bit position n, where l and n are defined as the field length
and bit index, respectively.
Bits (field length – 1):0 of the source operand are inserted into bits (bit index + field length – 1):(bit
index) of the destination. If the sum of the bit index + length field is greater than 64, the results are
For example, if the bit index is 32 (20h) and the field length is 16 (10h), then the result in the destina-
tion register will be source operand[15:0] in bits 47:32. Bits 63:48 and bits 31:0 are not modified.
A value of zero in the field length is defined as a length of 64. If the length field is 0 and the bit index
is 0, bits 63:0 of the source operand are inserted. For any other value of the bit index, the results are
The bits to insert are located in the XMM2 source operand. The bit index and field length can be spec-
ified as immediate values or can be specified in the XMM source operand. In the immediate form, the
bit index and the field length are specified by the fourth (second immediate byte) and third operands
(first immediate byte), respectively. In the register form, the bit index and field length are specified in
bits [77:72] and bits [69:64] of the source XMM register, respectively. The bit index and field length
are each six bits in length; other bits in the field are ignored.
The diagram below illustrates the operation of this instruction.
INSERTQ Insert Field
06364127 0127
06364127 05
select number of bits to insert
select bit position for insert
imm8 imm8
64 63
select bit position for insert
select number of bits to insert
Instruction Reference INSERTQ 155
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Support
Software must check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the
instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain
processor feature support information, see Appendix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
INSERTQ SSE4A CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SSE4A] (bit 6)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
INSERTQ xmm1, xmm2, imm8,
imm8 F2 0F 78 /r ib ib
Insert field starting at bit 0 of xmm2 with the length
specified by [5:0] of the first immediate byte. This
field is inserted into xmm1 starting at the bit position
specified by [5:0] of the second immediate byte.
INSERTQ xmm1, xmm2 F2 0F 79 /r
Insert field starting at bit 0 of xmm2 with the length
specified by xmm2[69:64]. This field is inserted into
xmm1 starting at the bit position specified by
Exception Real
8086 Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD
SSE4A instructions are not supported, as indicated by
CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SSE4A] = 0.
X X X The emulate bit (EM) of CR0 was set to 1.
The operating-system FXSAVE/FXRSTOR support bit
(OSFXSR) of CR4 is cleared to 0.
Device not available,
#NM X X X The task-switch bit (TS) of CR0 was set to 1.
156 LDDQU, VLDDQU Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Loads unaligned double quadwords from a memory location to a destination register.
Like the (V)MOVUPD instructions, (V)LDDQU loads a 128-bit or 256-bit operand from an
unaligned memory location. However, to improve performance when the memory operand is actually
misaligned, (V)LDDQU may read an aligned 16 or 32 bytes to get the first part of the operand, and an
aligned 16 or 32 bytes to get the second part of the operand. This behavior is implementation-specific,
and (V)LDDQU may only read the exact 16 or 32 bytes needed for the memory operand. If the mem-
ory operand is in a memory range where reading extra bytes can cause performance or functional
issues, use (V)MOVUPD instead of (V)LDDQU.
Memory operands that are not aligned on 16-byte or 32-byte boundaries do not cause general-protec-
tion exceptions.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is an unaligned 128-bit memory location. The destination operand is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination register are not
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The source operand is an unaligned 128-bit memory location. The destination operand is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination register are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is an unaligned 256-bit memory location. The destination operand is a YMM reg-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Unaligned Double Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
LDDQU SSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE3] (bit 0)
VLDDQU AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
LDDQU xmm1, mem128 F2 0F F0 /r Loads a 128-bit value from an unaligned mem128 to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VLDDQU xmm1, mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.11 F0 /r
VLDDQU ymm1, mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.11 F0 /r
Instruction Reference LDDQU, VLDDQU 157
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC S S X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
158 LDMXCSR, VLDMXCSR Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Loads the MXCSR register with a 32-bit value from memory.
For both legacy LDMXCSR and extended VLDMXCSR forms of the instruction, the source operand
is a 32-bit memory location and the destination operand is the MXCSR.
If an MXCSR load clears a SIMD floating-point exception mask bit and sets the corresponding
exception flag bit, a SIMD floating-point exception is not generated immediately. An exception is
generated only when the next instruction that operates on an XMM or YMM register operand and
causes that particular SIMD floating-point exception to be reported executes.
A general protection exception occurs if the instruction attempts to load non-zero values into reserved
MXCSR bits. Software can use MXCSR_MASK to determine which bits are reserved. For details,
see “128-Bit, 64-Bit, and x87 Programming” in Volume 2.
The MXCSR register is described in “Registers” in Volume 1.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
MXCSR Control/Status Register
Form Subset Feature Flag
LDMXCSR SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VLDMXCSR AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
LDMXCSR mem32 0F AE /2 Loads MXCSR register with 32-bit value from memory.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VLDMXCSR mem32 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 AE /2
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Instruction Reference LDMXCSR, VLDMXCSR 159
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Null data segment used to reference memory.
S S X Attempt to load non-zero values into reserved MXCSR bits
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
160 MASKMOVDQU, VMASKMOVDQU Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves bytes from the first source operand to a memory location specified by the DS:rDI register.
Bytes are selected by mask bits in the second source operand. The memory location may be
The mask consists of the most significant bit of each byte of the second source register.
When a mask bit = 1, the corresponding byte of the first source register is written to the destination;
when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding byte is not written.
Exception and trap behavior for elements not selected for storage to memory is implementation
dependent. For instance, a given implementation may signal a data breakpoint or a page fault for
bytes that are zero-masked and not actually written.
The instruction implicitly uses weakly-ordered, write-combining buffering for the data, as described
in “Buffering and Combining Memory Writes” in Volume 2. For data that is shared by multiple pro-
cessors, this instruction should be used together with a fence instruction in order to ensure data coher-
ency (see “Cache and TLB Management” in Volume 2).
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register. The
destination is a 128-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register. The
destination is a 128-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Masked Move
Double Quadword Unaligned
Form Subset Feature Flag
MASKMOVDQU SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MASKMOVDQU xmm1, xmm2 66 0F F7 /r Move bytes selected by a mask value in xmm2 from
xmm1 to the memory location specified by DS:rDI.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMASKMOVDQU xmm1, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 F7 /r
Instruction Reference MASKMOVDQU, VMASKMOVDQU 161
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
162 MAXPD, VMAXPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares each packed double-precision floating-point value of the first source operand to the corre-
sponding value of the second source operand and writes the numerically greater value into the corre-
sponding location of the destination.
If both source operands are equal to zero, the value of the second source operand is returned. If either
operand is a NaN (SNaN or QNaN), and invalid-operation exceptions are masked, the second source
operand is written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Compares two pairs of packed double-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Compares two pairs of packed double-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Compares four pairs of packed double-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MAXPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMAXPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MAXPD, VMAXPD 163
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MAXPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 5F /r Compares two pairs of packed double-precision values in
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the greater value
to the corresponding position in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMAXPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 5F /r
VMAXPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 5F /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
164 MAXPD, VMAXPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference MAXPS, VMAXPS 165
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed single-precision floating-point value of the first source operand to the corre-
sponding value of the second source operand and writes the numerically greater value into the corre-
sponding location of the destination.
If both source operands are equal to zero, the value of the second source operand is returned. If either
operand is a NaN (SNaN or QNaN), and invalid-operation exceptions are masked, the second source
operand is written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Compares four pairs of packed single-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Compares four pairs of packed single-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Compares eight pairs of packed single-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MAXPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMAXPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
166 MAXPS, VMAXPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MAXPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 5F /r Compares four pairs of packed single-precision values in
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the greater
values to the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMAXPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 5F /r
VMAXPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.00 5F /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Instruction Reference MAXPS, VMAXPS 167
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
168 MAXSD, VMAXSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares the scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of the first source
operand to a corresponding value in the second source operand and writes the numerically greater
value into the low-order 64 bits of the destination.
If both source operands are equal to zero, the value of the second source operand is returned. If either
operand is a NaN (SNaN or QNaN), and invalid-operation exceptions are masked, the second source
operand is written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 64-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. When the second source is
a 64-bit memory location, the upper 64 bits of the first source register are copied to the destination.
Bits [127:64] of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. When the second source is a 64-
bit memory location, the upper 64 bits of the first source register are copied to the destination. Bits
[127:64] of the destination are copied from bits [127:64] of the first source. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MAXSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMAXSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MAXSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 5F /r Compares a pair of scalar double-precision values in the
low-order 64 bits of xmm1 and xmm2 or mem64 and
writes the greater value to the low-order 64 bits of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMAXSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.11 5F /r
Instruction Reference MAXSD, VMAXSD 169
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
170 MAXSS, VMAXSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares the scalar single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of the first source
operand to a corresponding value in the second source operand and writes the numerically greater
value into the low-order 32 bits of the destination.
If both source operands are equal to zero, the value of the second source operand is returned. If either
operand is a NaN (SNaN or QNaN), and invalid-operation exceptions are masked, the second source
operand is written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 32-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [127:32] of the destina-
tion are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the destination
are copied from the first source operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MAXSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMAXSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MAXSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 5F /r Compares a pair of scalar single-precision values in the
low-order 32 bits of xmm1 and xmm2 or mem32 and
writes the greater value to the low-order 32 bits of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMAXSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.10 5F /r
Instruction Reference MAXSS, VMAXSS 171
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
172 MINPD, VMINPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares each packed double-precision floating-point value of the first source operand to the corre-
sponding value of the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser value into the corre-
sponding location of the destination.
If both source operands are equal to zero, the value of the second source operand is returned. If either
operand is a NaN (SNaN or QNaN), and invalid-operation exceptions are masked, the second source
operand is written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Compares two pairs of packed double-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Compares two pairs of packed double-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Compares four pairs of packed double-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MINPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMINPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MINPD, VMINPD 173
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MINPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 5D /r Compares two pairs of packed double-precision values in
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the lesser value
to the corresponding position in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMINPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 5D /r
VMINPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.01 5D /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
174 MINPD, VMINPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference MINPS, VMINPS 175
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed single-precision floating-point value of the first source operand to the corre-
sponding value of the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser value into the corre-
sponding location of the destination.
If both source operands are equal to zero, the value of the second source operand is returned. If either
operand is a NaN (SNaN or QNaN), and invalid-operation exceptions are masked, the second source
operand is written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Compares four pairs of packed single-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Compares four pairs of packed single-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Compares eight pairs of packed single-precision floating-point values.
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MINPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMINPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
176 MINPS, VMINPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MINPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 5D /r Compares four pairs of packed single-precision values in
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the lesser values
to the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMINPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 5D /r
VMINPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.00 5D /r
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Instruction Reference MINPS, VMINPS 177
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
178 MINSD, VMINSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares the scalar double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of the first source
operand to a corresponding value in the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser
value into the low-order 64 bits of the destination.
If both source operands are equal to zero, the value of the second source operand is returned. If either
operand is a NaN (SNaN or QNaN), and invalid-operation exceptions are masked, the second source
operand is written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 64-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [127:64] of the destina-
tion are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination
are copied from the first source operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MINSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMINSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MINSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 5D /r Compares a pair of scalar double-precision values in the
low-order 64 bits of xmm1 and xmm2 or mem64 and
writes the lesser value to the low-order 64 bits of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMINSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.11 5D /r
Instruction Reference MINSD, VMINSD 179
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
180 MINSS, VMINSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares the scalar single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of the first source
operand to a corresponding value in the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser
value into the low-order 32 bits of the destination.
If both source operands are equal to zero, the value of the second source operand is returned. If either
operand is a NaN (SNaN or QNaN), and invalid-operation exceptions are masked, the second source
operand is written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 32-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [127:32] of the destina-
tion are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the destination
are copied from the first source operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MINSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMINSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MINSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 5D /r Compares a pair of scalar single-precision values in the
low-order 32 bits of xmm1 and xmm2 or mem32 and
writes the lesser value to the low-order 32 bits of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMINSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.10 5D /r
Instruction Reference MINSS, VMINSS 181
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
182 MOVAPD, VMOVAPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves packed double-precision floating-point values. Values can be moved from a register or mem-
ory location to a register; or from a register to a register or memory location.
A memory operand that is not aligned causes a general-protection exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves two double-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
operand is an XMM register.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination operand is either an XMM register or a
128-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves two double-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
operand is an XMM register.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination operand is either an XMM register or a
128-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves four double-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move:
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination
operand is a YMM register.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move Aligned
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVAPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVAPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVAPD, VMOVAPD 183
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVAPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 28 /r Moves two packed double-precision floating-point
values from xmm2 or mem128 to xmm1.
MOVAPD xmm1/mem128, xmm2 66 0F 29 /r Moves two packed double-precision floating-point
values from xmm1 or mem128 to xmm2.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVAPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 28 /r
VMOVAPD xmm1/mem128, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 29 /r
VMOVAPD ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 28 /r
VMOVAPD ymm1/mem256, ymm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 29 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
AVEX256: Memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
VEX128: Memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
184 MOVAPS, VMOVAPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves packed single-precision floating-point values. Values can be moved from a register or memory
location to a register; or from a register to a register or memory location.
A memory operand that is not aligned causes a general-protection exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves four single-precision floating-point values.
There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
operand is an XMM register.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination operand is either an XMM register or a
128-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves four single-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
operand is an XMM register.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination operand is either an XMM register or a
128-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves eight single-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination
operand is a YMM register.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move Aligned
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVAPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVAPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVAPS, VMOVAPS 185
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVAPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 28 /r Moves four packed single-precision floating-point
values from xmm2 or mem128 to xmm1.
MOVAPS xmm1/mem128, xmm2 0F 29 /r Moves four packed single-precision floating-point
values from xmm1 or mem128 to xmm2.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVAPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 28 /r
VMOVAPS xmm1/mem128, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 29 /r
VMOVAPS ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.00 28 /r
VMOVAPS ymm1/mem256, ymm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.00 29 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
AVEX256: Memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
VEX128: Memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
186 MOVD, VMOVD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves 32-bit and 64-bit values. A value can be moved from a general-purpose register or memory
location to the corresponding low-order bits of an XMM register, with zero-extension to 128 bits; or
from the low-order bits of an XMM register to a general-purpose register or memory location.
The quadword form of this instruction is distinct from the differently-encoded (V)MOVQ instruction.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two encodings for 32-bit moves, characterized by REX.W = 0.
The source operand is either a 32-bit general-purpose register or a 32-bit memory location. The
destination is an XMM register. The 32-bit value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either a 32-bit general-purpose register
or a 32-bit memory location.
There are two encodings for 64-bit moves, characterized by REX.W = 1.
The source operand is either a 64-bit general-purpose register or a 64-bit memory location. The
destination is an XMM register. The 64-bit value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either a 64-bit general-purpose register
or a 64-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has four 128-bit encodings:
There are two encodings for 32-bit moves, characterized by VEX.W = 0.
The source operand is either a 32-bit general-purpose register or a 32-bit memory location. The
destination is an XMM register. The 32-bit value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either a 32-bit general-purpose register
or a 32-bit memory location.
There are two encodings for 64-bit moves, characterized by VEX.W = 1.
The source operand is either a 64-bit general-purpose register or a 64-bit memory location. The
destination is an XMM register. The 64-bit value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either a 64-bit general-purpose register
or a 64-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
Doubleword or Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVD, VMOVD 187
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVD xmm, reg32/mem32 66 (W0) 0F 6E /r Move a 32-bit value from reg32/mem32 to xmm.
MOVD xmm, reg64/mem64 66 (W1) 0F 6E /r Move a 64-bit value from reg64/mem64 to xmm.
MOVD reg32/mem32, xmm 66 (W0) 0F 7E /r Move a 32-bit value from xmm to reg32/mem32
MOVD reg64/mem64, xmm 66 (W1) 0F 7E /r Move a 64-bit value from xmm to reg64/mem64.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVD xmm, reg32/mem32 C4 RXB.00001 0.1111.0.01 6E /r
VMOVQ xmm, reg64/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 1.1111.0.01 6E /r
VMOVD reg32/mem32, xmm C4 RXB.00001 0.1111.0.01 7E /r
VMOVQ reg64/mem64, xmm C4 RXB.00001 1.1111.0.01 7E /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
188 MOVDDUP, VMOVDDUP Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves and duplicates double-precision floating-point values.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves and duplicates one quadword value.
The source operand is either the low 64 bits of an XMM register or the address of the least-significant
byte of 64 bits of data in memory. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves and duplicates one quadword value.
The source operand is either the low 64 bits of an XMM register or the address of the least-significant
byte of 64 bits of data in memory. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves and duplicates two even-indexed quadword values.
The source operand is either a YMM register or the address of the least-significant byte of 256 bits of
data in memory. The destination is a YMM register.Bits [63:0] of the source are written to bits
[127:64] and [63:0] of the destination; bits [191:128] of the source are written to bits [255:192] and
[191:128] of the destination.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Move and Duplicate
Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVDDUP SSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE3] (bit 0)
VMOVDDUP AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVDDUP xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 12 /r Moves two copies of the low 64 bits of xmm2 or
mem64 to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
MOVDDUP xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.11 12 /r
MOVDDUP ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.11 12 /r
Instruction Reference MOVDDUP, VMOVDDUP 189
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference with alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
190 MOVDQA, VMOVDQA Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves aligned packed integer values. Values can be moved from a register or a memory location to a
register, or from a register to a register or a memory location.
A memory operand that is not aligned causes a general-protection exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves two aligned quadwords (128-bit move). There are two encodings.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 128-bit
memory location.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves two aligned quadwords (128-bit move). There are two encodings.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 128-bit
memory location.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves four aligned quadwords (256-bit move). There are two encodings.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is either a YMM register or a 256-bit
memory location.
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move Aligned
Double Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVDQA SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVDQA AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVDQA, VMOVDQA 191
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVDQA xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 6F /r Moves aligned packed integer values from xmm2
ormem128 to xmm1.
MOVDQA xmm1/mem128, xmm2 66 0F 7F /r Moves aligned packed integer values from xmm1 or
mem128 to xmm2.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVDQA xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 6F /r
VMOVDQA xmm1/mem128, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 6F /r
VMOVDQA ymm1, xmm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 7F /r
VMOVDQA ymm1/mem256, ymm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 7F /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
AVEX256: Memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
VEX128: Memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
192 MOVDQU, VMOVDQU Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves unaligned packed integer values. Values can be moved from a register or a memory location to
a register, or from a register to a register or a memory location.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves two unaligned quadwords (128-bit move). There are two encodings.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 128-bit
memory location.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves two unaligned quadwords (128-bit move). There are two encodings:
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 128-bit
memory location.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves four unaligned quadwords (256-bit move). There are two encodings:
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is either a YMM register or a 256-bit
memory location.
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Unaligned Double Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVDQU SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVDQU AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVDQU, VMOVDQU 193
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVDQU xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F3 0F 6F /r Moves unaligned packed integer values from xmm2 or
mem128 to xmm1.
MOVDQU xmm1/mem128, xmm2 F3 0F 7F /r Moves unaligned packed integer values from xmm1 or
mem128 to xmm2.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVDQU xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.10 6F /r
VMOVDQU xmm1/mem128, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.10 6F /r
VMOVDQU ymm1, xmm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.10 7F /r
VMOVDQU ymm1/mem256, ymm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.10 7F /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC S S X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
194 MOVHLPS, VMOVHLPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves two packed single-precision floating-point values from the high quadword of an XMM regis-
ter to the low quadword of an XMM register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is bits [127:64] of an XMM register. The destination is bits [63:0] of an XMM
register. Bits [127:64] of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that cor-
responds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The source operands are bits [127:64] of two XMM registers. The destination is a third XMM regis-
ter. Bits [127:64] of the first source are moved to bits [127:64] of the destination; bits [127:64] of the
second source are moved to bits [63:0] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Move High to Low
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVHLPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVHLPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVHLPS xmm1, xmm2 0F 12 /r Moves two packed single-precision floating-point
values from xmm2[127:64] to xmm1[63:0].
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVHLPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 12 /r
Instruction Reference MOVHLPS, VMOVHLPS 195
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
196 MOVHPD, VMOVHPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves a packed double-precision floating-point value. Values can be moved from a 64-bit memory
location to the high-order quadword of an XMM register, or from the high-order quadword of an
XMM register to a 64-bit memory location.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two encodings.
The source operand is a 64-bit memory location. The destination is bits [127:64] of an XMM
The source operand is bits [127:64] of an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings:
There are two source operands. The first source is an XMM register. The second source is a 64-bit
memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [63:0] of the source register are written
to bits [63:0] of the destination; bits [63:0] of the source memory location are written to bits
[127:64] of the destination.
The source operand is bits [127:64] of an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move High
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVHPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVHPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVHPD, VMOVHPD 197
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVHPD xmm1, mem64 66 0F 16 /r Moves a packed double-precision floating-point value from
mem64 to xmm1[127:64].
MOVHPD mem64, xmm1 66 0F 17 /r Moves a packed double-precision floating-point value from
xmm1[127:64] to mem64.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVHPD xmm1, xmm2, mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 16 /r
VMOVHPD mem64, xmm1 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 17 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for memory destination encoding only).
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
198 MOVHPS, VMOVHPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves two packed single-precision floating-point value. Values can be moved from a 64-bit memory
location to the high-order quadword of an XMM register, or from the high-order quadword of an
XMM register to a 64-bit memory location.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two encodings.
The source operand is a 64-bit memory location. The destination is bits [127:64] of an XMM
The source operand is bits [127:64] of an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings:
There are two source operands. The first source is an XMM register. The second source is a 64-bit
memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [63:0] of the source register are written
to bits [63:0] of the destination; bits [63:0] of the source memory location are written to bits
[127:64] of the destination.
The source operand is bits [127:64] of an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move High
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVHPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVHPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVHPS, VMOVHPS 199
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVHPS xmm1, mem64 0F 16 /r Moves two packed double-precision floating-point value from
mem64 to xmm1[127:64].
MOVHPS mem64, xmm1 0F 17 /r Moves two packed double-precision floating-point value from
xmm1[127:64] to mem64.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVHPS xmm1, xmm2, mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 16 /r
VMOVHPS mem64, xmm1 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 17 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for memory destination encoding only).
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
200 MOVLHPS, VMOVLHPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves two packed single-precision floating-point values from the low quadword of an XMM register
to the high quadword of a second XMM register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is bits [63:0] of an XMM register. The destination is bits [127:64] of an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The source operands are bits [63:0] of two XMM registers. The destination is a third XMM register.
Bits [63:0] of the first source are moved to bits [63:0] of the destination; bits [63:0] of the second
source are moved to bits [127:64] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corre-
sponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Move Low to High
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVLHPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVLHPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVLHPS xmm1, xmm2 0F 16 /r Moves two packed single-precision floating-point
values from xmm2[63:0] to xmm1[127:64].
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVLHPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 16 /r
Instruction Reference MOVLHPS, VMOVLHPS 201
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
202 MOVLPD, VMOVLPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves a packed double-precision floating-point value. Values can be moved from a 64-bit memory
location to the low-order quadword of an XMM register, or from the low-order quadword of an XMM
register to a 64-bit memory location.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two encodings.
The source operand is a 64-bit memory location. The destination is bits [63:0] of an XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The source operand is bits [63:0] of an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings.
There are two source operands. The first source is an XMM register. The second source is a 64-bit
memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the source register are
written to bits [127:64] of the destination; bits [63:0] of the source memory location are written to
bits [63:0] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
The source operand is bits [63:0] of an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Move Low
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVLPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVLPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVLPD xmm1, mem64 66 0F 12 /r Moves a packed double-precision floating-point value from
mem64 to xmm1[63:0].
MOVLPD mem64, xmm1 66 0F 13 /r Moves a packed double-precision floating-point value from
xmm1[63:0] to mem64.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVLPD xmm1, xmm2, mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.01 12 /r
VMOVLPD mem64, xmm1 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 13 /r
Instruction Reference MOVLPD, VMOVLPD 203
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for memory destination encoding only).
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
204 MOVLPS, VMOVLPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves two packed single-precision floating-point values. Values can be moved from a 64-bit memory
location to the low-order quadword of an XMM register, or from the low-order quadword of an XMM
register to a 64-bit memory location.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two encodings.
The source operand is a 64-bit memory location. The destination is bits [63:0] of an XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The source operand is bits [63:0] of an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings.
There are two source operands. The first source is an XMM register. The second source is a 64-bit
memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the source register are
written to bits [127:64] of the destination; bits [63:0] of the source memory location are written to
bits [63:0] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
The source operand is bits [63:0] of an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Move Low Packed Single-Precision
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVLPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVLPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVLPS xmm1, mem64 0F 12 /r Moves two packed single-precision floating-point value from
mem64 to xmm1[63:0].
MOVLPS mem64, xmm1 0F 13 /r Moves two packed single-precision floating-point value from
xmm1[63:0] to mem64.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVLPS xmm1, xmm2, mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 12 /r
VMOVLPS mem64, xmm1 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 13 /r
Instruction Reference MOVLPS, VMOVLPS 205
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for memory destination encoding only).
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
206 MOVMSKPD, VMOVMSKPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Extracts the sign bits of packed double-precision floating-point values from an XMM register, zero-
extends the value, and writes it to the low-order bits of a general-purpose register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Extracts two mask bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination can be either a 64-bit or a 32-bit general pur-
pose register. Writes the extracted bits to positions [1:0] of the destination and clears the remaining
bits. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the source are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Extracts two mask bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination can be either a 64-bit or a 32-bit general pur-
pose register. Writes the extracted bits to positions [1:0] of the destination and clears the remaining
bits. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Extracts four mask bits.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination can be either a 64-bit or a 32-bit general pur-
pose register. Writes the extracted bits to positions [3:0] of the destination and clears the remaining
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Extract Sign Mask
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVMSKPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVMSKPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVMSKPD reg, xmm 66 0F 50 /r Move zero-extended sign bits of packed double-precision
values from xmm to a general-purpose register.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVMSKPD reg, xmm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 50 /r
VMOVMSKPD reg, ymm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 50 /r
Instruction Reference MOVMSKPD, VMOVMSKPD 207
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
208 MOVMSKPS, VMOVMSKPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Extracts the sign bits of packed single-precision floating-point values from an XMM register, zero-
extends the value, and writes it to the low-order bits of a general-purpose register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Extracts four mask bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination can be either a 64-bit or a 32-bit general pur-
pose register. Writes the extracted bits to positions [3:0] of the destination and clears the remaining
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Extracts four mask bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination can be either a 64-bit or a 32-bit general pur-
pose register. Writes the extracted bits to positions [3:0] of the destination and clears the remaining
YMM Encoding
Extracts eight mask bits.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination can be either a 64-bit or a 32-bit general pur-
pose register. Writes the extracted bits to positions [7:0] of the destination and clears the remaining
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Extract Sign Mask
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVMSKPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVMSKPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVMSKPS reg, xmm 0F 50 /r Move zero-extended sign bits of packed single-precision
values from xmm to a general-purpose register.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVMSKPS reg, xmm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 50 /r
VMOVMSKPS reg, ymm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.00 50 /r
Instruction Reference MOVMSKPS, VMOVMSKPS 209
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
210 MOVNTDQ, VMOVNTDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves double quadword values from a register to a memory location.
Indicates to the processor that the data is non-temporal, and is unlikely to be used again soon. The
processor treats the store as a write-combining (WC) memory write, which minimizes cache pollu-
tion. The method of minimization depends on the hardware implementation of the instruction. For
further information, see “Memory Optimization” in Volume 1.
The instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to other instructions that operate on memory. Software
should use an SFENCE or MFENCE instruction to force strong memory ordering of MOVNTDQ
with respect to other stores.
An attempted store to a non-aligned memory location results in a #GP exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves one 128-bit value.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 128-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves one 128-bit value.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
Moves two 128-bit values.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Move Non-Temporal
Double Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVNTDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVNTDQ AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVNTDQ mem128, xmm 66 0F E7 /r Moves a 128-bit value from xmm to mem128, minimizing
cache pollution.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVNTDQ mem128, xmm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 E7 /r
VMOVNTDQ mem256, ymm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 E7 /r
Instruction Reference MOVNTDQ, VMOVNTDQ 211
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
AVEX256: Memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
VEX128: Memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
212 MOVNTDQA, VMOVNTDQA Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Loads an XMM/YMM register from a naturally-aligned 128-bit or 256-bit memory location.
Indicates to the processor that the data is non-temporal, and is unlikely to be used again soon. The
processor treats the load as a write-combining (WC) memory read, which minimizes cache pollution.
The method of minimization depends on the hardware implementation of the instruction. For further
information, see “Memory Optimization” in Volume 1.
The instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to other instructions that operate on memory. Software
should use an MFENCE instruction to force strong memory ordering of MOVNTDQA with respect
to other reads.
An attempted load from a non-aligned memory location results in a #GP exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Loads a 128-bit value into the specified XMM register from a 16-byte aligned memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Loads a 128-bit value into the specified XMM register from a 16-byte aligned memory location.
YMM Encoding
Loads a 256-bit value into the specified YMM register from a 32-byte aligned memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Move Non-Temporal
Double Quadword Aligned
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVNTDQA SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VMOVNTDQA 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VMOVNTDQA 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVNTDQA xmm, mem128 66 0F 38 2A /r Loads xmm from an aligned memory location, minimizing
cache pollution.
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVNTDQA xmm, mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 2A /r
VMOVNTDQA ymm, mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 2A /r
Instruction Reference MOVNTDQA, VMOVNTDQA 213
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
214 MOVNTPD, VMOVNTPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves packed double-precision floating-point values from a register to a memory location.
Indicates to the processor that the data is non-temporal, and is unlikely to be used again soon. The
processor treats the store as a write-combining (WC) memory write, which minimizes cache pollu-
tion. The method of minimization depends on the hardware implementation of the instruction. For
further information, see “Memory Optimization” in Volume 1.
The instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to other instructions that operate on memory. Software
should use an SFENCE or MFENCE instruction to force strong memory ordering of MOVNTDQ
with respect to other stores.
An attempted store to a non-aligned memory location results in a #GP exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves two values.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 128-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves two values.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
Moves four values.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Move Non-Temporal
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVNTPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVNTPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVNTPD mem128, xmm 66 0F 2B /r Moves two packed double-precision floating-point values
from xmm to mem128, minimizing cache pollution.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVNTPD mem128, xmm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 2B /r
VMOVNTPD mem256, ymm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 2B /r
Instruction Reference MOVNTPD, VMOVNTPD 215
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
AVEX256: Memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
VEX128: Memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
216 MOVNTPS, VMOVNTPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves packed single-precision floating-point values from a register to a memory location.
Indicates to the processor that the data is non-temporal, and is unlikely to be used again soon. The
processor treats the store as a write-combining (WC) memory write, which minimizes cache pollu-
tion. The method of minimization depends on the hardware implementation of the instruction. For
further information, see “Memory Optimization” in Volume 1.
The instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to other instructions that operate on memory. Software
should use an SFENCE or MFENCE instruction to force strong memory ordering of MOVNTDQ
with respect to other stores.
An attempted store to a non-aligned memory location results in a #GP exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves four values.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 128-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves four values.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
Moves eight values.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Move Non-Temporal
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVNTPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVNTPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVNTPS mem128, xmm 0F 2B /r Moves four packed double-precision floating-point values
from xmm to mem128, minimizing cache pollution.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVNTPS mem128, xmm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 2B /r
VMOVNTPS mem256, ymm C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.00 2B /r
Instruction Reference MOVNTPS, VMOVNTPS 217
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
AVEX256: Memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
VEX128: Memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
218 MOVNTSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Stores one double-precision floating-point value from an XMM register to a 64-bit memory location.
This instruction indicates to the processor that the data is non-temporal, and is unlikely to be used
again soon. The processor treats the store as a write-combining memory write, which minimizes cache
The diagram below illustrates the operation of this instruction:
Instruction Support
Software must check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the
instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain
processor feature support information, see Appendix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MOVNTSD Move Non-Temporal Scalar
Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVNTSD SSE4A CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SSE4A] (bit 6)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVNTSD mem64, xmm F2 0F 2B /r
Stores one double-precision floating-point XMM
register value into a 64 bit memory location. Treat as
a non-temporal store.
XMM register
063 06364127
Instruction Reference MOVNTSD 219
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Real
8086 Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD
The SSE4A instructions are not supported, as
indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SSE4A] = 0.
X X X The emulate bit (CR0.EM) was set to 1.
The operating-system FXSAVE/FXRSTOR support bit
(CR4.OSFXSR) was cleared to 0.
Device not available,
#NM X X X The task-switch bit (CR0.TS) was set to 1.
Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit
or was non-canonical.
General protection,
A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or
was non-canonical.
X A null data segment was used to reference memory.
XThe destination operand was in a non-writable
Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from executing the instruction.
Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while
alignment checking was enabled.
220 MOVNTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Stores one single-precision floating-point value from an XMM register to a 32-bit memory location.
This instruction indicates to the processor that the data is non-temporal, and is unlikely to be used
again soon. The processor treats the store as a write-combining memory write, which minimizes cache
The diagram below illustrates the operation of this instruction:
Instruction Support
Software must check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the
instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain
processor feature support information, see Appendix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MOVNTSS Move Non-Temporal Scalar
Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVNTSS SSE4A CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SSE4A] (bit 6)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVNTSS mem32, xmm F3 0F 2B /r
Stores one single-precision floating-point XMM
register value into a 32-bit memory location. Treat as
a non-temporal store.
XMM register
Instruction Reference MOVNTSS 221
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Real
8086 Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD
The SSE4A instructions are not supported, as
indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SSE4A] = 0.
X X X The emulate bit (CR0.EM) was set to 1.
The operating-system FXSAVE/FXRSTOR support bit
(CR4.OSFXSR) was cleared to 0.
Device not available,
#NM X X X The task-switch bit (CR0.TS) was set to 1.
Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit
or was non-canonical.
General protection,
A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or
was non-canonical.
X A null data segment was used to reference memory.
XThe destination operand was in a non-writable
Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from executing the instruction.
Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while
alignment checking was enabled.
222 MOVQ, VMOVQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves 64-bit values. The source is either the low-order quadword of an XMM register or a 64-bit
memory location. The destination is either the low-order quadword of an XMM register or a 64-bit
memory location. When the destination is a register, the 64-bit value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two encodings:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. The 64-bit value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 64-bit
memory location. When the destination is a register, the 64-bit value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has three 128-bit encodings:
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is an XMM register. The 64-bit value is
zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. The 64-bit
value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 64-bit
memory location. When the destination is a register, the 64-bit value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVQ AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVQ, VMOVQ 223
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVQ xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F3 0F 7E /r Move a zero-extended 64-bit value from xmm2 or mem64
to xmm1.
MOVQ xmm1/mem64, xmm2 66 0F D6 /r Move a 64-bit value from xmm2 to xmm1 or mem64.
Zero-extends for register destination.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVQ xmm1, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.10 7E /r
VMOVQ xmm1, mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.10 7E /r
VMOVQ xmm1/mem64, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 D6 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
224 MOVSD, VMOVSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves scalar double-precision floating point values. The source is either a low-order quadword of an
XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is either a low-order quadword of an
XMM register or a 64-bit memory location.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two encodings.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. If the source operand is a register, bits [127:64] of the destination are not affected.
If the source operand is a 64-bit memory location, the upper 64 bits of the destination are cleared.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 64-bit
memory location. When the destination is a register, bits [127:64] of the destination are not
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has four 128-bit encodings. Two of the encodings are function-
ally equivalent.
The source operand is a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. The 64-bit
value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit memory location.
Two functionally-equivalent encodings:
There are two source XMM registers. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the first
source register are copied to bits [127:64] of the destination; the 64-bit value in bits [63:0] of the
second source register is written to bits [63:0] of the destination.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
This instruction must not be confused with the MOVSD (move string doubleword) instruction of the
general-purpose instruction set. Assemblers can distinguish the instructions by the number and type
of operands.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVSD, VMOVSD 225
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 10 /r Moves a 64-bit value from xmm2 or mem64 to xmm1. Zero
extends to 128 bits when source operand is memory.
MOVSD xmm1/mem64, xmm2 F2 0F 11 /r Moves a 64-bit value from xmm2 to xmm1 or mem64.
Encoding 1
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVSD xmm1, mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.X.11 10 /r
VMOVSD mem64, xmm1 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.X.11 11 /r
VMOVSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3 2C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.11 10 /r
VMOVSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3 2C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.11 11 /r
Note 1: The addressing mode differentiates between the two operand form (where one operand is a memory location) and
the three operand form (where all operands are held in registers).
Note 2: These two encodings are functionally equivalent.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for memory destination enoding only).
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
226 MOVSHDUP, VMOVSHDUP Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves and duplicates odd-indexed single-precision floating-point values.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves and duplicates two odd-indexed single-precision floating-point values.
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [127:96] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [127:96] and [95:64] of the des-
tination. Bits [63:32] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [63:32] and [31:0] of the destina-
tion. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves and duplicates two odd-indexed single-precision floating-point values.
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [127:96] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [127:96] and [95:64] of the des-
tination. Bits [63:32] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [63:32] and [31:0] of the destina-
tion. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves and duplicates four odd-indexed single-precision floating-point values.
The source operand is a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. Bits [255:224] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [255:224] and [223:192] of the
destination. Bits [191:160] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [191:160] and [159:128] of
the destination. Bits [127:96] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [127:96] and [95:64] of
the destination. Bits [63:32] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [63:32] and [31:0] of the
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move High and Duplicate
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVSHDUP SSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE3] (bit 0)
VMOVSHDUP AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVSHDUP, VMOVSHDUP 227
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVSHDUP xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F3 0F 16 /r Moves and duplicates two odd-indexed single-
precision floating-point values in xmm2 or mem128.
Writes to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVSHDUP xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.10 16 /r
VMOVSHDUP ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.10 16 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
228 MOVSLDUP, VMOVSLDUP Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves and duplicates even-indexed single-precision floating-point values.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves and duplicates two even-indexed single-precision floating-point values.
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [95:64] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [127:96] and [95:64] of the desti-
nation. Bits [31:0] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [63:32] and [31:0] of the destina-
tion. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves and duplicates two even-indexed single-precision floating-point values.
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [95:64] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [127:96] and [95:64] of the desti-
nation. Bits [31:0] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [63:32] and [31:0] of the destina-
tion. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves and duplicates four even-indexed single-precision floating-point values.
The source operand is a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. Bits [223:192] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [255:224] and [223:192] of the
destination. Bits [159:128] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [191:160] and [159:128] of
the destination. Bits [95:64] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [127:96] and [95:64] of
the destination. Bits [31:0] of the source are duplicated and written to bits [63:32] and [31:0] of the
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move Low and Duplicate
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVSLDUP SSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE3] (bit 0)
VMOVSLDUP AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVSLDUP, VMOVSLDUP 229
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVSLDUP xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F3 0F 12 /r Moves and duplicates two even-indexed single-
precision floating-point values in xmm2 or mem128.
Writes to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVSLDUP xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.10 12 /r
VMOVSLDUP ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.10 12 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
230 MOVSS, VMOVSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves scalar single-precision floating point values. The source is either a low-order doubleword of
an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is either a low-order doubleword of an
XMM register or a 32-bit memory location.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are three encodings.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the
destination are not affected.
The source operand is a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. The 32-bit
value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 32-bit
memory location. When the destination is a register, bits [127:32] of the destination are not
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the source are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has four 128-bit encodings. Two of the encodings are function-
ally equivalent.
The source operand is a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. The 32-bit
value is zero-extended to 128 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 32-bit memory location.
Two functionally-equivalent encodings:
There are two source XMM registers. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the first
source register are copied to bits [127:64] of the destination; the 32-bit value in bits [31:0] of the
second source register is written to bits [31:0] of the destination.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVSS, VMOVSS 231
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVSS xmm1, xmm2 F3 0F 10 /r Moves a 32-bit value from xmm2 to xmm1.
MOVSS xmm1, mem32 F3 0F 10 /r Moves a zero-extended 32-bit value from mem32 to xmm1.
MOVSS xmm2/mem32, xmm1 F3 0F 11 /r Moves a 32-bit value from xmm1 to xmm2 or mem32.
Mnemonic Encoding1
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVSS xmm1, mem32 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.X.10 10 /r
VMOVSS mem32, xmm1 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.X.10 11 /r
VMOVSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3 2C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.10 10 /r
VMOVSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3 2C4 RXB.00001 X.src.X.10 11 /r
Note 1: The addressing mode differentiates between the two operand form (where one operand is a memory location) and
the three operand form (where all operands are held in registers).
Note 2: These two encodings are functionally equivalent.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for memory destination enoding only).
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
232 MOVUPD, VMOVUPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves packed double-precision floating-point values. Values can be moved from a register or mem-
ory location to a register; or from a register to a register or memory location.
A memory operand that is not aligned does not cause a general-protection exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves two double-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
operand is an XMM register.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination operand is either an XMM register or a
128-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves two double-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
operand is an XMM register.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination operand is either an XMM register or a
128-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves four double-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination
operand is a YMM register.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move Unaligned
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVUPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMOVUPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVUPD, VMOVUPD 233
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVUPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 10 /r Moves two packed double-precision floating-point
values from xmm2 or mem128 to xmm1.
MOVUPD xmm1/mem128, xmm2 66 0F 11 /r Moves two packed double-precision floating-point
values from xmm1 or mem128 to xmm2.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVUPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 10 /r
VMOVUPD xmm1/mem128, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.01 11 /r
VMOVUPD ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 10 /r
VMOVUPD ymm1/mem256, ymm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.01 11 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC S S X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
234 MOVUPS, VMOVUPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves packed single-precision floating-point values. Values can be moved from a register or memory
location to a register; or from a register to a register or memory location.
A memory operand that is not aligned does not cause a general-protection exception.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Moves four single-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
operand is an XMM register.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination operand is either an XMM register or a
128-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Moves four single-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
operand is an XMM register.
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination operand is either an XMM register or a
128-bit memory location.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Moves eight single-precision floating-point values. There are encodings for each type of move.
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination
operand is a YMM register.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Move Unaligned
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MOVUPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMOVUPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference MOVUPS, VMOVUPS 235
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MOVUPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 10 /r Moves four packed single-precision floating-point
values from xmm2 or unaligned mem128 to xmm1.
MOVUPS xmm1/mem128, xmm2 0F 11 /r Moves four packed single-precision floating-point
values from xmm1 or unaligned mem128 to xmm2.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVUPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 10 /r
VMOVUPS xmm1/mem128, xmm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.0.00 11 /r
VMOVUPS ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.00 10 /r
VMOVUPS ymm1/mem256, ymm2 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.1.00 11 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC S S X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
236 MPSADBW, VMPSADBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Calculates 8 or 16 sums of absolute differences of sequentially selected groups of four contiguous
unsigned byte integers in the first source operand and a selected group of four contiguous unsigned
byte integers in a second source operand and writes the eight or sixteen 16-bit unsigned integer sums
to sequential words of the destination register. The 256-bit form of the instruction additionally per-
forms a similar but independent calculation using the upper 128 bits of the source operands.
Figure 2-2 on page 238 provides a graphical representation of the operation of the instruction. The
following description accompanies it.
The computation uses as inputs 11 bytes from the first source operand and 4 bytes in the second
source operand. Bit fields in the imm8 operand specify the index of the right-most byte of each group.
Bits [1:0] of the immediate operand determine the index of the right-most byte of four contiguous
bytes within the second source operand used in the operation that produces the result (or, in the case
of the 256-bit form of the instruction, the lower 128 bits of the result). Bit 2 of the immediate operand
determines the right-most index of the 11contiguous bytes in the first source operand used in the same
calculation. In the 128-bit form of the instruction, bits [7:3] of the immediate operand are ignored.
Bits [4:3] of the immediate operand determine the index of the right-most byte of four contiguous
bytes within the second source operand used in the operation that produces the upper 128 bits of the
result in the 256-bit form of the instruction. Bit 5 of the immediate operand determines the right-most
index of the 11 contiguous bytes within in the upper half of the first 256-bit source operand used in
the same calculation. In the 256-bit form of the instruction, bits [7:6] of the immediate operand are
Each word of the destination register receives the result of a separate computation of the sum of abso-
lute differences function applied to a specific pair of four-element vectors derived from the source
operands. The sum of absolute differences function SumAbsDiff (A, B) takes as input two 4-element
unsigned 8-bit integer vectors and produces a single unsigned 16-bit integer result. The function is
defined as:
SumAbsDiff(A, B) = | A[0]-B[0] | + | A[1]-B[1] | + | A[2]-B[2] | + | A[3]-B[3] |
The sum of absolute differences function produces a quantitative measure of the difference between
two 4-element vectors. Each of the calculations that generates a result uses this metric to assess the
difference between the selected 4-byte vector from operand 2 (B in the above equation) with each of
eight overlapping 4-byte vectors (A in the equation) selected sequentially from the first source oper-
The right-most word (Word 0) of the destination receives the result of the comparison of the right-
most 4 bytes of the selected group of 11 from operand 1 (src1[ i1+3 : i1], as shown in the figure) to
the selected 4 bytes from operand 2 (src2[j1+3:j1], in the figure). Word 1 of the destination receives
the result of the comparison of the four bytes starting at an offset of 1 from the right-most byte of the
group of 11 (src1[ i1+4 : i1+1] in the figure) to the 4 bytes from operand 2. Word 2 of the destination
receives the result of the comparison of the four bytes starting at an offset of 2 from the right-most
byte of the group of 11 (src1[ i1+5 : i1+2], in the figure) to the selected 4 bytes from operand 2. This
continues in like manner until the left-most four bytes of the 11 are compared to the 4 bytes from
operand 2 with the result being written to Word 7. This completes the generation of the lower 128 bits
of the result.
Multiple Sum of Absolute Differences
Instruction Reference MPSADBW, VMPSADBW 237
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The generation of the upper 128 bits of the result for the 256-bit form of the instruction is performed
in like manner using separately selected groups of bytes from the upper half of the 256-bit operands,
as described above.
The following is a more formal description of the operation of the (V)MPSADBW instruction:
For both the 128-bit and 256-bit form of the instruction, the following set of operations is performed:
src1 and src2 are byte vectors that overlay the first and second source operand respectively.
dest is a word vector that overlays the destination register.
tmp1[ ] is an array of 4-element vectors derived from the first source operand.
tmp2 and tmp3 are 4-element vectors derived from the second source operand.
i1 = imm8[2] * 4
j1= imm8[1:0] * 4
tmp1[0] = {src1[i1+3], src1[i1+2], src1[i1+1], src1[i1]}
tmp1[1] = {src1[i1+4], src1[i1+3], src1[i1+2], src1[i1+1]}
tmp1[2] = {src1[i1+5], src1[i1+4], src1[i1+3], src1[i1+2]}
tmp1[3] = {src1[i1+6], src1[i1+5], src1[i1+4], src1[i1+3]}
tmp1[4] = {src1[i1+7], src1[i1+6], src1[i1+5], src1[i1+4]}
tmp1[5] = {src1[i1+8], src1[i1+7], src1[i1+6], src1[i1+5]}
tmp1[6] = {src1[i1+9], src1[i1+8], src1[i1+7], src1[i1+6]}
tmp1[7] = {src1[i1+10], src1[i1+9], src1[i1+8], src1[i1+7]}
tmp2 = {src2[j1+3], src2[j1+2], src2[j1+1], src2[j1]}
dest[0] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[0], tmp2)
dest[1] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[1], tmp2)
dest[2] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[2], tmp2)
dest[3] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[3], tmp2)
dest[4] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[4], tmp2)
dest[5] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[5], tmp2)
dest[6] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[6], tmp2)
dest[7] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[7], tmp2)
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following set of operations is performed:
i2 = imm8[5] * 4 + 16
j2= imm8[4:3] * 4 +16
tmp1[8] = {src1[i2+3], src1[i2+2], src1[i2+1], src1[i2]}
tmp1[9] = {src1[i2+4], src1[i2+3], src1[i2+2], src1[i2+1]}
tmp1[10] = {src1[i2+5], src1[i2+4], src1[i2+3], src1[i2+2]}
tmp1[11] = {src1[i2+6], src1[i2+5], src1[i2+4], src1[i2+3]}
tmp1[12] = {src1[i2+7], src1[i2+6], src1[i2+5], src1[i2+4]}
tmp1[13] = {src1[i2+8], src1[i2+7], src1[i2+6], src1[i2+5]}
tmp1[14] = {src1[i2+9], src1[i2+8], src1[i2+7], src1[i2+6]}
tmp1[15] = {src1[i2+10], src1[i2+9], src1[i2+8], src1[i2+7]}
tmp3 = {src2[j2+3], src2[j2+2], src2[j2+1], src2[j2]}
dest[8] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[8], tmp3)
dest[9] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[9], tmp3)
dest[10] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[10], tmp3)
dest[11] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[11], tmp3)
238 MPSADBW, VMPSADBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
dest[12] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[12], tmp3)
dest[13] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[13], tmp3)
dest[14] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[14], tmp3)
dest[15] = SumAbsDiff(tmp1[15], tmp3)
Figure 2-2. (V)MPSADBW Instruction
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
Instruction Reference MPSADBW, VMPSADBW 239
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register. Bits [127:0] of the destination
receive the results of the first 8 sums of absolute differences calculation using the selected bytes of the
lower halves of the two source operands. Bits [255:128] of the destination receive the results of the
second 8 sums of absolute differences calculation using selected bytes of the upper halves of the two
source operands.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Form Subset Feature Flag
MPSADBW SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VMPSADBW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VMPSADBW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MPSADBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 42 /r ib Sums absolute difference of groups of
four 8-bit integer in xmm1 and xmm2
or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMPSADBW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.src1.0.01 42 /r ib
VMPSADBW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.src1.1.01 42 /r ib
240 MPSADBW, VMPSADBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference MULPD, VMULPD 241
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies each packed double-precision floating-point value of the first source operand by the corre-
sponding packed double-precision floating-point value of the second source operand and writes the
product of each multiplication into the corresponding quadword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Multiplies two double-precision floating-point values in the first source XMM register by the corre-
sponding double precision floating-point values in either a second XMM register or a 128-bit mem-
ory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Multiplies two double-precision floating-point values in the first source XMM register by the corre-
sponding double-precision floating-point values in either a second source XMM register or a 128-bit
memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Multiplies four double-precision floating-point values in the first source YMM register by the corre-
sponding double precision floating-point values in either a second source YMM register or a 256-bit
memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MULPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMULPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MULPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 59 /r Multiplies two packed double-precision floating-
point values in xmm1 by corresponding values in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMULPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src.0.01 59 /r
VMULPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src.1.01 59 /r
242 MULPD, VMULPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference MULPS, VMULPS 243
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies each packed single-precision floating-point value of the first source operand by the corre-
sponding packed single-precision floating-point value of the second source operand and writes the
product of each multiplication into the corresponding elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Multiplies four single-precision floating-point values in the first source XMM register by the corre-
sponding single-precision floating-point values of either a second source XMM register or a 128-bit
memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register
that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Multiplies four single-precision floating-point values in the first source XMM register by the corre-
sponding single-precision floating-point values of either a second source XMM register or a 128-bit
memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Multiplies eight single-precision floating-point values in the first source YMM register by the corre-
sponding single-precision floating-point values of either a second source YMM register or a 256-bit
memory location. Writes the results to a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MULPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMULPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MULPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 59 /r Multiplies four packed single-precision floating-point values
in xmm1 by corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128.
Writes the products to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMULPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.00 59 /r
VMULPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.00 59 /r
244 MULPS, VMULPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference MULSD, VMULSD 245
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies the double-precision floating-point value in the low-order quadword of the first source
operand by the double-precision floating-point value in the low-order quadword of the second source
operand and writes the product into the low-order quadword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination register. Bits [127:64]
of the destination and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the first
source operand are copied to bits [127:64] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MULSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VMULSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MULSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 59 /r Multiplies low-order double-precision floating-point values
in xmm1 by corresponding values in xmm2 or mem64.
Writes the products to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMULSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.X.11 59 /r
246 MULSD, VMULSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference MULSS, VMULSS 247
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies the single-precision floating-point value in the low-order doubleword of the first source
operand by the single-precision floating-point value in the low-order doubleword of the second
source operand and writes the product into the low-order doubleword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [127:32] of the
destination register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the first
source register are copied to bits [127:32] of the of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM regis-
ter that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Multiply Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
MULSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VMULSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
MULSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 59 /r Multiplies a single-precision floating-point value in the low-
order doubleword of xmm1 by a corresponding value in
xmm2 or mem32. Writes the product to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMULSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.X.10 59 /r
248 MULSS, VMULSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ORPD, VORPD 249
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs bitwise OR of two packed double-precision floating-point values in the first source operand
with the corresponding two packed double-precision floating-point values in the second source oper-
and and writes the results into the corresponding elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ORPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VORPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ORPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 56 /r Performs bitwise OR of two packed double-precision
floating-point values in xmm1 with corresponding values in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VORPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 56 /r
VORPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 56 /r
250 ORPD, VORPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ORPS, VORPS 251
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs bitwise OR of the four packed single-precision floating-point values in the first source oper-
and with the corresponding four packed single-precision floating-point values in the second source
operand, and writes the result into the corresponding elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
ORPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VORPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ORPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 56 /r Performs bitwise OR of four packed double-precision floating-
point values in xmm1 with corresponding values in xmm2 or
mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VORPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.00 56 /r
VORPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.00 56 /r
252 ORPS, VORPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PABSB, VPABSB 253
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Computes the absolute value of 16 or 32 packed 8-bit signed integers in the source operand. Each
byte of the destination receives an unsigned 8-bit integer that is the absolute value of the signed 8-bit
integer in the corresponding byte of the source operand.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. All 32 bytes of the destination are written.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Absolute Value
Signed Byte
Form Subset Feature Flag
PABSB SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPABSB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPABSB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PABSB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 38 1C /r Computes the absolute value of each packed 8-bit signed
integer value in xmm2/mem128 and writes the 8-bit unsigned
results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPABSB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 1C /r
VPABSB ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 1C /r
254 PABSB, VPABSB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PABSD, VPABSD 255
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Computes the absolute value of four or eight packed 32-bit signed integers in the source operand.
Each doubleword of the destination receives an unsigned 32-bit integer that is the absolute value of
the signed 32-bit integer in the corresponding doubleword of the source operand.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. All four doublewords of the destination are written.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Absolute Value
Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PABSD SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPABSD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPABSD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PABSD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 38 1E /r Computes the absolute value of each packed 32-bit signed
integer value in xmm2/mem128 and writes the 32-bit
unsigned results to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPABSD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 1E /r
VPABSD ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 1E /r
256 PABSD, VPABSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PABSW, VPABSW 257
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Computes the absolute value of eight or sixteen packed 16-bit signed integers in the source operand.
Each word of the destination receives an unsigned 16-bit integer that is the absolute value of the
signed 16-bit integer in the corresponding word of the source operand.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. All 16 words of the destination are written.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Absolute Value
Signed Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
PABSW SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPABSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPABSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PABSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 38 1D /r Computes the absolute value of each packed 16-bit signed
integer value in xmm2/mem128 and writes the 16-bit
unsigned results to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPABSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 1D /r
VPABSW ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 1D /r
258 PABSW, VPABSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PACKSSDW, VPACKSSDW 259
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts four or eight 32-bit signed integers from the first source operand and the second source
operand into 16-bit signed integers and packs the results into the destination.
Positive source value greater than 7FFFh are saturated to 7FFFh; negative source values less than
8000h are saturated to 8000h.
Converted values from the first source operand are packed into the low-order words of the destina-
tion; converted values from the second source operand are packed into the high-order words of the
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Pack with Signed Saturation
Doubleword to Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
PACKSSDW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPACKSSDW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPACKSSDW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PACKSSDW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 6B /r Converts 32-bit signed integers in xmm1 and xmm2
or mem128 into 16-bit signed integers with
saturation. Writes packed results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPACKSSDW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 6B /r
VPACKSSDW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 6B /r
260 PACKSSDW, VPACKSSDW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PACKSSWB, VPACKSSWB 261
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts eight or sixteen 16-bit signed integers from the first source operand and the second source
operand into sixteen or thirty two 8-bit signed integers and packs the results into the destination.
Positive source values greater than 7Fh are saturated to 7Fh; negative source values less than 80h are
saturated to 80h.
Converted values from the first source operand are packed into the low-order bytes of the destination;
converted values from the second source operand are packed into the high-order bytes of the destina-
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Pack with Signed Saturation
Word to Byte
Form Subset Feature Flag
PACKSSWB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPACKSSWB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPACKSSWB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PACKSSWB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 63 /r Converts 16-bit signed integers in xmm1 and xmm2
or mem128 into 8-bit signed integers with saturation.
Writes packed results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPACKSSWB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 63 /r
VPACKSSWB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 63 /r
262 PACKSSWB, VPACKSSWB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PACKUSDW, VPACKUSDW 263
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts four or eight 32-bit signed integers from the first source operand and the second source
operand into eight or sixteen 16-bit unsigned integers and packs the results into the destination.
Source values greater than FFFFh are saturated to FFFFh; source values less than 0000h are saturated
to 0000h.
Packs converted values from the first source operand into the low-order words of the destination;
packs converted values from the second source operand into the high-order words of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Pack with Unsigned Saturation
Doubleword to Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
PACKUSDW SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPACKUSDW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPACKUSDW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PACKUSDW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 2B /r Converts 32-bit signed integers in xmm1 and xmm2
or mem128 into 16-bit unsigned integers with
saturation. Writes packed results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPACKUSDW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 2B /r
VPACKUSDW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 2B /r
264 PACKUSDW, VPACKUSDW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PACKUSWB, VPACKUSWB 265
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts eight or sixteen 16-bit signed integers from the first source operand and the second source
operand into sixteen or thirty two 8-bit unsigned integers and packs the results into the destination.
When a source value is greater than 7Fh it is saturated to FFh; when source value is less than 00h, it is
saturated to 00h.
Packs converted values from the first source operand into the low-order bytes of the destination;
packs converted values from the second source operand into the high-order bytes of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Pack with Unsigned Saturation
Word to Byte
Form Subset Feature Flag
PACKUSWB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPACKUSWB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPACKUSWB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PACKUSWB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 67 /r Converts 16-bit signed integers in xmm1 and xmm2
or mem128 into 8-bit signed integers with saturation.
Writes packed results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPACKUSWB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 67 /r
VPACKUSWB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 67 /r
266 PACKUSWB, VPACKUSWB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PADDB, VPADDB 267
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds 16 or 32 packed 8-bit integer values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the
second source operand and writes the integer sums to the corresponding bytes of the destination.
This instruction operates on both signed and unsigned integers. When a result overflows, the carry is
ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set), and only the low-order 8 bits of each
result are written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Add
Form Subset Feature Flag
PADDB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPADDB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPADDB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PADDB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F FC /r Adds packed byte integer values in xmm1 and xmm2 or
mem128 Writes the sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPADDB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 FC /r
VPADDB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 FC /r
268 PADDB, VPADDB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PADDD, VPADDD 269
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds 4 or 8 packed 32-bit integer value in the first source operand to corresponding values in the sec-
ond source operand and writes integer sums to the corresponding doublewords of the destination.
This instruction operates on both signed and unsigned integers. When a result overflows, the carry is
ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set), and only the low-order 32 bits of each
result are written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Add
Form Subset Feature Flag
PADDD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPADDD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPADDD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PADDD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F FE /r Adds packed doubleword integer values in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128 Writes the sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPADDD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 FE /r
VPADDD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 FE /r
270 PADDD, VPADDD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PADDQ, VPADDQ 271
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds 2 or 4 packed 64-bit integer values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the
second source operand and writes the integer sums to the corresponding quadwords of the destination.
This instruction operates on both signed and unsigned integers. When a result overflows, the carry is
ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set), and only the low-order 64 bits of each
result are written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Add
Form Subset Feature Flag
PADDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPADDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPADDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PADDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F D4 /r Adds packed quadword integer values in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128 Writes the sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPADDQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src1.0.01 D4 /r
VPADDQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src1.1.01 D4 /r
272 PADDQ, VPADDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PADDSB, VPADDSB 273
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds 16 or 32 packed 8-bit signed integer values in the first source operand to the corresponding val-
ues in the second source operand and writes the signed integer sums to corresponding bytes of the
Positive sums greater than 7Fh are saturated to 7Fh; negative sums less than 80h are saturated to 80h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Add with Signed Saturation
Form Subset Feature Flag
PADDSB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPADDSB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPADDSB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PADDSB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F EC /r Adds packed signed 8-bit integer values in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128 with signed saturation. Writes the
sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPADDSB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 EC /r
VPADDSB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 EC /r
274 PADDSB, VPADDSB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PADDSW, VPADDSW 275
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds 8 or 16 packed 16-bit signed integer value in the first source operand to the corresponding val-
ues in the second source operand and writes the signed integer sums to the corresponding words of
the destination.
Positive sums greater than 7FFFh are saturated to 7FFFh; negative sums less than 8000h are saturated
to 8000h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Add with Signed Saturation
Form Subset Feature Flag
PADDSW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPADDSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPADDSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PADDSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F ED /r Adds packed signed 16-bit integer values in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128 with signed saturation. Writes the
sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPADDSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src1.0.01 ED /r
VPADDSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src1.1.01 ED /r
276 PADDSW, VPADDSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PADDUSB, VPADDUSB 277
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds 16 or 32 packed 8-bit unsigned integer values in the first source operand to the corresponding
values in the second source operand and writes the unsigned integer sums to the corresponding bytes
of the destination.
Sums greater than FFh are saturated to FFh.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Add with Unsigned Saturation
Form Subset Feature Flag
PADDUSB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPADDUSB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPADDUSB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PADDUSB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F DC /r Adds packed unsigned 8-bit integer values in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128 with unsigned saturation.
Writes the sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPADDUSB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 DC /r
VPADDUSB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 DC /r
278 PADDUSB, VPADDUSB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PADDUSW, VPADDUSW 279
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds 8 or 16 packed 16-bit unsigned integer value in the first source operand to the corresponding
values in the second source operand and writes the unsigned integer sums to the corresponding words
of the destination.
Sums greater than FFFFh are saturated to FFFFh.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Add with Unsigned Saturation
Form Subset Feature Flag
PADDUSW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPADDUSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPADDUSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PADDUSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F DD /r Adds packed unsigned 16-bit integer values in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128 with unsigned saturation.
Writes the sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPADDUSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 DD /r
VPADDUSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 DD /r
280 PADDUSW, VPADDUSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PADDW, VPADDW 281
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds or 16 packed 16-bit integer value in the first source operand to the corresponding values in the
second source operand and writes the integer sums to the corresponding word of the destination.
This instruction operates on both signed and unsigned integers. When a result overflows, the carry is
ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set), and only the low-order 16 bits of each
result are written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Add
Form Subset Feature Flag
PADDW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPADDW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPADDW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PADDW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F FD /r Adds packed 16-bit integer values in xmm1 and xmm2
or mem128. Writes the sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPADDW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 FD /r
VPADDW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 FD /r
282 PADDW, VPADDW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
RFlags Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PALIGNR, VPALIGNR 283
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Concatenates one or two pairs of 16-byte values from the first and second source operands and right-
shifts the concatenated values the number of bytes specified by the unsigned immediate operand.
Writes the least-significant 16 bytes of the shifted result to the destination or writes the least-signifi-
cant 16 bytes of the two shifted results to the upper and lower halves of the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the first and second 128-bit source operands are concatenated
to form a temporary 256-bit value with the first source operand occupying the most-significant half of
the temporary value. After the right-shift operation, the lower 128 bits of the result are written to the
For the 256-bit form of the instruction, the lower 16 bytes of the first and second source operands are
concatenated to form a first temporary 256-bit value with the bytes from the first source operand
occupying the most-significant half of the temporary value. The upper 16 bytes of the first and second
source operands are concatenated to form a second temporary 256-bit value with the bytes from the
first source operand occupying the most-significant half of the second temporary value. Both tempo-
rary values are right-shifted the number of bytes specified by the immediate operand. After the right-
shift operation, the lower 16 bytes of the first temporary value are written to the lower 128 bits of the
destination and the lower 16 bytes of the second temporary value are written to the upper 128 bits of
the destination.
The binary value of the immediate operand determines the byte shift value. On each shift the most-
significant byte is set to zero. When the byte shift value is greater than 31, the destination is zeroed.
There are two forms of the instruction.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
Packed Align Right
Form Subset Feature Flag
PALIGNR SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPALIGNR 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPALIGNR 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
284 PALIGNR, VPALIGNR Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PALIGNR xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 0F /r ib Right-shifts xmm1:xmm2/mem128 imm8
bytes. Writes shifted result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPALIGNR xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.src1.0.01 0F /r ib
VPALIGNR ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.src1.1.01 0F /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PAND, VPAND 285
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs a bitwise AND of the packed values in the first and second source operands and writes the
result to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed AND
Form Subset Feature Flag
PAND SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPAND 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPAND 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PAND xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F DB /r Performs bitwise AND of values in xmm1 and xmm2 or
mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPAND xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 DB /r
VPAND ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 DB /r
286 PAND, VPAND Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PANDN, VPANDN 287
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Generates the ones’ complement of the value in the first source operand and performs a bitwise AND
of the complement and the value in the second source operand. Writes the result to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed AND NOT
Form Subset Feature Flag
PANDN SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPANDN 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPANDN 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PANDN xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F DF /r Generates ones’ complement of xmm1, then performs
bitwise AND with value in xmm2 or mem128. Writes the
result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPANDN xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src.0.01 DF /r
VPANDN ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src.1.01 DF /r
288 PANDN, VPANDN Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PAVGB, VPAVGB 289
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Computes the rounded averages of 16 or 32 packed unsigned 8-bit integer values in the first source
operand and the corresponding values of the second source operand. Writes each average to the corre-
sponding byte of the destination.
An average is computed by adding pairs of 8-bit integer values in corresponding positions in the two
operands, adding 1 to a 9-bit temporary sum, and right-shifting the temporary sum by one bit position.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Average
Unsigned Bytes
Form Subset Feature Flag
PAVGB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPAVGB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPAVGB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PAVGB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E0 /r Averages pairs of packed 8-bit unsigned integer values
in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the averages to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPAVGB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 E0 /r
VPAVGB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 E0 /r
290 PAVGB, VPAVGB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PAVGW, VPAVGW 291
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Computes the rounded average of packed unsigned 16-bit integer values in the first source operand
and the corresponding values of the second source operand. Writes each average to the corresponding
word of the destination.
An average is computed by adding pairs of 16-bit integer values in corresponding positions in the two
operands, adding 1 to a 17-bit temporary sum, and right-shifting the temporary sum by one bit posi-
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register or
128-bit memory location. The destination is the same XMM register as the first source operand; the
upper 128-bits of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Average
Unsigned Words
Form Subset Feature Flag
PAVGW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPAVGW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPAVGW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PAVGW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E3 /r Averages pairs of packed 16-bit unsigned integer values
in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the averages to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPAVGW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 E3 /r
VPAVGW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 E3 /r
292 PAVGW, VPAVGW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PBLENDVB, VPBLENDVB 293
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed bytes from either of two sources to a destination, as specified by a mask operand.
The mask is defined by the most significant bit of each byte of the mask operand. The position of a
mask bit corresponds to the position of the most significant bit of a copied value.
When a mask bit = 0, the specified element of the first source is copied to the corresponding
position in the destination.
When a mask bit = 1, the specified element of the second source is copied to the corresponding
position in the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected. The mask operand is the implicit
register XMM0.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared. The mask operand is a fourth XMM register
selected by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register. The mask operand is a fourth
YMM register selected by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Variable Blend
Packed Bytes
Form Subset Feature Flag
PBLENDVB SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPBLENDVB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPBLENDVB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
294 PBLENDVB, VPBLENDVB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PBLENDVB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 10 /r Selects byte values from xmm1 or xmm2/mem128,
depending on the value of corresponding mask bits
in XMM0. Writes the selected values to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPBLENDVB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 4C /r is4
VPBLENDVB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 4C /r is4
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PBLENDW, VPBLENDW 295
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed words from either of two sources to a destination, as specified by an immediate 8-bit
mask operand. For the 256-bit form, the same 8-bit mask is applied twice; once to select words to be
written to the lower 128 bits of the destination and again to select words to be written to the upper 128
bits of the destination.
Each bit of the mask selects a word from one of the source operands based on the position of the word
within the operand. Bit 0 of the mask selects the least-significant word (word 0) to be copied, bit 1
selects the next-most significant word (word 1), and so forth. Bit 7 selects word 7 (the most-signifi-
cant word for 128-bit operands).
For the 256-bit operands, the mask is reused to select words in the upper 128-bits of the source oper-
ands to be copied. Bit 0 of the mask selects word 8, bit 1 selects word 9, and so forth. Finally, bit 7 of
the mask selects the word from position 15.
When a mask bit = 0, the specified element of the first source is copied to the corresponding
position in the destination.
When a mask bit = 1, the specified element of the second source is copied to the corresponding
position in the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Words
Form Subset Feature Flag
PBLENDW SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPBLENDW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPBLENDW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
296 PBLENDW, VPBLENDW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PBLENDW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 0E /r ib Selects word values from xmm1 or
xmm2/mem128, as specified by imm8.
Writes the selected values to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPBLENDW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.src1.0.01 0E /r /ib
VPBLENDW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.src1.1.01 0E /r /ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCLMULQDQ, VPCLMULQDQ 297
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs a carry-less multiplication of a selected quadword element of the first source operand by a
selected quadword element of the second source operand and writes the product to the destination.
Carry-less multiplication, also known as binary polynomial multiplication, is the mathematical opera-
tion of computing the product of two operands without generating or propagating carries. It is an
essential component of cryptographic processing, and typically requires a large number of cycles.
The instruction provides an efficient means of performing the operation and is particularly useful in
implementing the Galois counter mode used in the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). See
Appendix A on page 973 for additional information.
Bits 4 and 0 of an 8-bit immediate byte operand specify which quadword of each source operand to
multiply, as follows.
Alias mnemonics are provided for the various immediate byte combinations.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Carry-less Multiply
Mnemonic Imm[0] Imm[4] Quadword Operands Selected
(V)PCLMULLQLQDQ 0 0 SRC1[63:0], SRC2[63:0]
(V)PCLMULHQLQDQ 1 0 SRC1[127:64], SRC2[63:0]
(V)PCLMULLQHQDQ 0 1 SRC1[63:0], SRC2[127:64]
(V)PCLMULHQHQDQ 1 1 SRC1[127:64], SRC2[127:64]
Form Subset Feature Flag
CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[PCLMULQDQ] (bit 1) or
CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
298 PCLMULQDQ, VPCLMULQDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCLMULQDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 44 /r ib Performs carry-less multiplication of a
selected quadword element of xmm1 by a
selected quadword element of xmm2 or
mem128. Elements are selected by bits 4
and 0 of imm8. Writes the product to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCLMULQDQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.src.0.01 44 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPEQB, VPCMPEQB 299
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares packed byte values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the second source
operand and writes a comparison result to the corresponding byte of the destination.
When values are equal, the result is FFh; when values are not equal, the result is 00h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Compare Equal
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPEQB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPCMPEQB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPCMPEQB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPEQB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 74 /r Compares packed bytes in xmm1 to packed bytes in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPEQB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 74 /r
VPCMPEQB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 74 /r
300 PCMPEQB, VPCMPEQB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPEQD, VPCMPEQD 301
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares packed doubleword values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the sec-
ond source operand and writes a comparison result to the corresponding doubleword of the destina-
When values are equal, the result is FFFFFFFFh; when values are not equal, the result is 00000000h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Compare Equal
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPEQD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPCMPEQD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPCMPEQD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPEQD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 76 /r Compares packed doublewords in xmm1 to packed
doublewords in xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPEQD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 76 /r
VPCMPEQD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 76 /r
302 PCMPEQD, VPCMPEQD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPEQQ, VPCMPEQQ 303
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares packed quadword values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the second
source operand and writes a comparison result to the corresponding quadword of the destination.
When values are equal, the result is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh; when values are not equal, the result is
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Compare Equal
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPEQQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPCMPEQQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPCMPEQQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPEQQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 29 /r Compares packed quadwords in xmm1 to packed
quadwords in xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPEQQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 29 /r
VPCMPEQQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 29 /r
304 PCMPEQQ, VPCMPEQQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPEQW, VPCMPEQW 305
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares packed word values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the second
source operand and writes a comparison result to the corresponding word of the destination.
When values are equal, the result is FFFFh; when values are not equal, the result is 0000h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Compare Equal
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPEQW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPCMPEQW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPCMPEQW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPEQW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 75 /r Compares packed words in xmm1 to packed words in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPEQW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 75 /r
VPCMPEQW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 75 /r
306 PCMPEQW, VPCMPEQW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPESTRI, VPCMPESTRI 307
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares character string data in the first and second source operands. Comparison operations are
carried out as specified by values encoded in the immediate operand. Writes an index to the ECX reg-
Source operands are formatted as a packed characters in one of two supported widths: 8 or 16 bits.
Characters may be treated as either signed or unsigned values. Each operand has associated with it a
separate integer value specifying the length of the string.
The absolute value of the data in the EAX/RAX register represents the length of the character string
in the first source operand; the absolute value of the data in the EDX/RDX register represents the
length of the character string in the second source operand.
If the absolute value of the data in either register is greater than the maximum string length that fits in
128 bits, the length is set to the maximum: 8, for 16-bit characters, or 16, for 8-bit characters.
The comparison operations between the two operand strings are summarized in an intermediate
result—a comparison summary bit vector that is post-processed to produce the final output. Data
fields within the immediate byte specify the source data format, comparison type, comparison sum-
mary bit vector post-processing, and output option selection.
The index of either the most significant or least significant set bit of the post-processed comparison
summary bit vector is returned in ECX. If no bits are set in the post-processed comparison summary
bit vector, ECX is set to 16 for source operand strings composed of 8-bit characters or 8 for 16-bit
character strings.
See Section 1.5, “String Compare Instructions” for information about source string data format, com-
parison operations, comparison summary bit vector generation, post-processing, and output selection
The rFLAGS are set to indicate the following conditions:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. A result index is written to the ECX register.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
Packed Compare
Explicit Length Strings Return Index
Flag Condition
CF Cleared if the comparison summary bit vector is zero; otherwise set.
PF cleared.
AF cleared.
ZF Set if the specified length of the second string is less than the maximum; otherwise
SF Set if the specified length of the first string is less than the maximum; otherwise
OF Equal to the value of the lsb of the post-processed comparison summary bit vector.
308 PCMPESTRI, VPCMPESTRI Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. A result index is written to the ECX register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPESTRI SSE4.2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE42] (bit 20)
VPCMPESTRI AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPESTRI xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 61 /r ib Compares packed string data in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128. Writes a result index to
the ECX register.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPESTRI xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.1111.0.01 61 /r ib
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag that is set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Undefined flags are U.
Instruction Reference PCMPESTRI, VPCMPESTRI 309
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
310 PCMPESTRM, VPCMPESTRM Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares character string data in the first and second source operands. Comparison operations are
carried out as specified by values encoded in the immediate operand. Writes a mask value to the
YMM0/XMM0 register.
Source operands are formatted as a packed characters in one of two supported widths: 8 or 16 bits.
Characters may be treated as either signed or unsigned values. Each operand has associated with it a
separate integer value specifying the length of the string.
The absolute value of the data in the EAX/RAX register represents the length of the character string
in the first source operand; the absolute value of the data in the EDX/RDX register represents the
length of the character string in the second source operand.
If the absolute value of the data in either register is greater than the maximum string length that fits in
128 bits, the length is set to the maximum: 8, for 16-bit characters, or 16, for 8-bit characters.
The comparison operations between the two operand strings are summarized in an intermediate
result—a comparison summary bit vector that is post-processed to produce the final output. Data
fields within the immediate byte specify the source data format, comparison type, comparison sum-
mary bit vector post-processing, and output option selection.
Depending on the output option selected, the post-processed comparison summary bit vector is either
zero-extended to 128 bits or expanded into a byte/word-mask and then written to XMM0.
See Section 1.5, “String Compare Instructions” for information about source string data format, com-
parison operations, comparison summary bit vector generation, post-processing, and output selection
The rFLAGS are set to indicate the following conditions:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The mask result is written to the XMM0 register.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
Packed Compare
Explicit Length Strings Return Mask
Flag Condition
CF Cleared if the comparison summary bit vector is zero; otherwise set.
PF cleared.
AF cleared.
ZF Set if the specified length of the second string is less than the maximum; otherwise
SF Set if the specified length of the first string is less than the maximum; otherwise
OF Equal to the value of the lsb of the post-processed summary bit vector.
Instruction Reference PCMPESTRM, VPCMPESTRM 311
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The mask result is written to the XMM0 register. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM0 register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPESTRM SSE4.2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE42] (bit 20)
VPCMPESTRM AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPESTRMxmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 60 /r ib Compares packed string data in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128. Writes a mask value to
the XMM0 register.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPESTRM xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.00011 X.1111.0.01 60 /r ib
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Undefined flags are U.
312 PCMPESTRM, VPCMPESTRM Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPGTB, VPCMPGTB 313
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares packed signed byte values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the second
source operand and writes a comparison result to the corresponding byte of the destination.
When a value in the first operand is greater than a value in the second source operand, the result is
FFh; when a value in the first operand is less than or equal to a value in the second operand, the result
is 00h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Compare Greater Than
Signed Bytes
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPGTB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPCMPGTB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPCMPGTB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPGTB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 64 /r Compares packed bytes in xmm1 to packed bytes in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPGTB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 64 /r
VPCMPGTB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 64 /r
314 PCMPGTB, VPCMPGTB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPGTD, VPCMPGTD 315
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares packed signed doubleword values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the
second source operand and writes a comparison result to the corresponding doubleword of the desti-
When a value in the first operand is greater than a value in the second operand, the result is
FFFFFFFFh; when a value in the first operand is less than or equal to a value in the second operand,
the result is 00000000h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Compare Greater Than
Signed Doublewords
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPGTD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPCMPGTD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPCMPGTD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPGTD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 66 /r Compares packed bytes in xmm1 to packed bytes in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPGTD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 66 /r
VPCMPGTD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 66 /r
316 PCMPGTD, VPCMPGTD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPGTQ, VPCMPGTQ 317
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares packed signed quadword values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the
second source operand and writes a comparison result to the corresponding quadword of the destina-
When a value in the first operand is greater than a value in the second operand, the result is
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh; when a value in the first operand is less than or equal to a value in the second
operand, the result is 0000000000000000h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Compare Greater Than
Signed Quadwords
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPGTQ SSE4.2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE42] (bit 20)
VPCMPGTQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPCMPGTD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPGTQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 37 /r Compares packed bytes in xmm1 to packed bytes in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPGTQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 37 /r
VPCMPGTQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 37 /r
318 PCMPGTQ, VPCMPGTQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPGTW, VPCMPGTW 319
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares packed signed word values in the first source operand to corresponding values in the sec-
ond source operand and writes a comparison result to the corresponding word of the destination.
When a value in the first operand is greater than a value in the second operand, the result is FFFFh;
when a value in the first operand is less than or equal to a value in the second operand, the result is
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Words
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPGTW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPCMPGTW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPCMPGTW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPGTW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 65 /r Compares packed bytes in xmm1 to packed bytes in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPGTW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 65 /r
VPCMPGTW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 65 /r
320 PCMPGTW, VPCMPGTW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PCMPISTRI, VPCMPISTRI 321
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares character string data in the first and second source operands. Comparison operations are
carried out as specified by values encoded in the immediate operand. Writes an index to the ECX reg-
Source operands are formatted as a packed characters in one of two supported widths: 8 or 16 bits.
Characters may be treated as either signed or unsigned values.
Source operand strings shorter than the maximum that can be packed into a 128-bit value are termi-
nated by a null character (value of 0). The characters prior to the null character constitute the string. If
the first (lowest indexed) character is null, the string length is 0.
The comparison operations between the two operand strings are summarized in an intermediate
result—a comparison summary bit vector that is post-processed to produce the final output. Data
fields within the immediate byte specify the source data format, comparison type, comparison sum-
mary bit vector post-processing, and output option selection.
The index of either the most significant or least significant set bit of the post-processed comparison
summary bit vector is returned in ECX. If no bits are set in the post-processed comparison summary
bit vector, ECX is set to 16 for source operand strings composed of 8-bit characters or 8 for 16-bit
character strings.
See Section 1.5, “String Compare Instructions” for information about source string data format, com-
parison operations, comparison summary bit vector generation, post-processing, and output selection
The rFLAGS are set to indicate the following conditions:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. A result index is written to the ECX register.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. A result index is written to the ECX register.
Packed Compare
Implicit Length Strings Return Index
Flag Condition
CF Cleared if the comparison summary bit vector is zero; otherwise set.
PF cleared.
AF cleared.
ZF Set if any byte (word) in the second operand is null; otherwise cleared.
SF Set if any byte (word) in the first operand is null; otherwise cleared
OF Equal to the value of the lsb of the post-processed summary bit vector.
322 PCMPISTRI, VPCMPISTRI Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPISTRI SSE4.2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE42] (bit 20)
VPCMPISTRI AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPISTRI xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 63 /r ib Compares packed string data in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPISTRI xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.0.01 63 /r ib
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag that is set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Undefined flags are U.
Instruction Reference PCMPISTRI, VPCMPISTRI 323
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
324 PCMPISTRM, VPCMPISTRM Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Compares character string data in the first and second source operands. Comparison operations are
carried out as specified by values encoded in the immediate operand. Writes a mask value to the
YMM0/XMM0 register
Source operands are formatted as a packed characters in one of two supported widths: 8 or 16 bits.
Characters may be treated as either signed or unsigned values.
Source operand strings shorter than the maximum that can be packed into a 128-bit value are termi-
nated by a null character (value of 0). The characters prior to the null character constitute the string. If
the first (lowest indexed) character is null, the string length is 0.
The comparison operations between the two operand strings are summarized in an intermediate
result—a comparison summary bit vector that is post-processed to produce the final output. Data
fields within the immediate byte specify the source data format, comparison type, comparison sum-
mary bit vector post-processing, and output option selection.
Depending on the output option selected, the post-processed comparison summary bit vector is either
zero-extended to 128 bits or expanded into a byte/word-mask and then written to XMM0.
See Section 1.5, “String Compare Instructions” for information about source string data format, com-
parison operations, comparison summary bit vector generation, post-processing, and output selection
The rFLAGS are set to indicate the following conditions:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The mask result is written to the XMM0 register.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The mask result is written to the XMM0 register. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM0 register are cleared.
Packed Compare Implicit Length
Strings Return Mask
Flag Condition
CF Cleared if the comparison summary bit vector is zero; otherwise set.
PF cleared.
AF cleared.
ZF Set if any byte (word) in the second operand is null; otherwise cleared.
SF Set if any byte (word) in the first operand is null; otherwise cleared.
OF Equal to the value of the lsb of the post-processed summary bit vector.
Instruction Reference PCMPISTRM, VPCMPISTRM 325
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPISTRM SSE4.2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE42] (bit 20)
VPCMPISTRM AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PCMPISTRM xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 62 /r ib Compares packed string data in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128. Writes a result or mask
to the XMM0 register.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMPISTRM xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.0.01 62 /r ib
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag that is set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Undefined flags are U.
326 PCMPISTRM, VPCMPISTRM Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PEXTRB, VPEXTRB 327
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts a byte from a source register and writes it to an 8-bit memory location or to the low-order
byte of a general-purpose register, with zero-extension to 32 or 64 bits. Bits [3:0] of an immediate
byte operand select the byte to be extracted:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is either an 8-bit memory location or the
low-order byte of a general-purpose register. When the destination is a general-purpose register, the
extracted byte is zero-extended to 32 or 64 bits.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is either an 8-bit memory location or the
low-order byte of a general-purpose register. When the destination is a general-purpose register, the
extracted byte is zero-extended to 32 or 64 bits.
Instruction Support
Packed Byte
Value of imm8 [3:0] Source Bits Extracted
0000 [7:0]
0001 [15:8]
0010 [23:16]
0011 [31:24]
0100 [39:32]
0101 [47:40]
0110 [55:48]
0111 [63:56]
1000 [71:64]
1001 [79:72]
1010 [87:80]
1011 [95:88]
1100 [103:96]
1101 [111:104]
1110 [119:112]
1111 [127:120]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PEXTRB SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPEXTRB AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
328 PEXTRB, VPEXTRB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PEXTRB reg/m8, xmm, imm8 66 0F 3A 14 /r ib Extracts an 8-bit value specified by imm8 from xmm
and writes it to m8 or the low-order byte of a general-
purpose register, with zero-extension.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPEXTRB reg/mem8, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.0.01 14 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PEXTRD, VPEXTRD 329
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts a doubleword from a source register and writes it to an 32-bit memory location or a 32-bit
general-purpose register. Bits [1:0] of an immediate byte operand select the doubleword to be
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The encoding is the same as PEXTRQ, with REX.W = 0.
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is either an 32-bit memory location or a
32-bit general-purpose register.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The encoding is the same as VPEXTRQ, with VEX.W = 0.
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is either an 32-bit memory location or a
32-bit general-purpose register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Doubleword
Value of imm8 [1:0] Source Bits Extracted
00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PEXTRD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPEXTRD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PEXTRD reg32/mem32, xmm, imm8 66 (W0) 0F 3A 16 /r ib Extracts a 32-bit value specified by imm8 from
xmm and writes it to mem32 or reg32.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPEXTRD reg32/mem32, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.0.01 16 /r ib
330 PEXTRD, VPEXTRD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PEXTRQ, VPEXTRQ 331
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts a quadword from a source register and writes it to an 64-bit memory location or to a 64-bit
general-purpose register. Bit [0] of an immediate byte operand selects the quadword to be extracted:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The encoding is the same as PEXTRD, with REX.W = 1.
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is either an 64-bit memory location or a
64-bit general-purpose register.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The encoding is the same as VPEXTRD, with VEX.W = 1.
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is either an 64-bit memory location or a
64-bit general-purpose register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Packed Quadword
Value of imm8 [0] Source Bits Extracted
1 [127:64]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PEXTRD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPEXTRD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PEXTRQ reg64/mem64, xmm, imm8 66 (W1) 0F 3A 16 /r ib Extracts a 64-bit value specified by imm8 from
xmm and writes it to mem64 or reg64.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPEXTRQ reg64/mem64, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.03 1.1111.0.01 16 /r ib
332 PEXTRQ, VPEXTRQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PEXTRW, VPEXTRW 333
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts a word from a source register and writes it to a 16-bit memory location or to the low-order
word of a general-purpose register, with zero-extension to 32 or 64 bits. Bits [3:0] of an immediate
byte operand select the word to be extracted:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The legacy form of the instruction has SSE2 and SSE4.1 encodings.
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is the low-order word of a general-pur-
pose register. The extracted word is zero-extended to 32 or 64 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is either an 16-bit memory location or the
low-order word of a general-purpose register. When the destination is a general-purpose register, the
extracted word is zero-extended to 32 or 64 bits.
The extended form of the instruction has two 128-bit encodings that correspond to the two legacy
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is the low-order word of a general-pur-
pose register. The extracted word is zero-extended to 32 or 64 bits.
The source operand is an XMM register and the destination is either an 16-bit memory location or the
low-order word of a general-purpose register. When the destination is a general-purpose register, the
extracted word is zero-extended to 32 or 64 bits.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Extract Packed Word
Value of imm8 [2:0] Source Bits Extracted
000 [15:0]
001 [31:16]
010 [47:32
011 [63:48]
100 [79:64]
101 [95:80]
110 [111:96]
111 [127:112]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PEXTRW reg SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
PEXTRW reg/mem16 SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPEXTRW AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
334 PEXTRW, VPEXTRW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PEXTRW reg, xmm, imm8 66 0F C5 /r ib Extracts a 16-bit value specified by imm8 from xmm
and writes it to the low-order byte of a general-
purpose register, with zero-extension.
PEXTRW reg/m16, xmm, imm8 66 0F 3A 15 /r ib Extracts a 16-bit value specified by imm8 from xmm
and writes it to m16 or the low-order byte of a
general-purpose register, with zero-extension.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPEXTRW reg, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.01 C5 /r ib
VPEXTRW reg/mem16, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.0.01 15 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PHADDD, VPHADDD 335
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds adjacent 32-bit signed integers in each of two source operands and packs the sums into the des-
tination. If a sum overflows, the carry is ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set)
and only the low-order 32 bits of the sum are written in the destination.
Adds the 32-bit signed integer values in bits [63:32] and bits [31:0] of the first source operand and
packs the sum into bits [31:0] of the destination; adds the 32-bit signed integer values in bits [127:96]
and bits [95:64] of the first source operand and packs the sum into bits [63:32] of the destination.
Adds the corresponding values in the second source operand and packs the sums into bits [95:64] and
[127:96] of the destination.
Additionally, for the 256-bit form, adds the 32-bit signed integer values in bits [191:160] and bits
[159:128] of the first source operand and packs the sum into bits [159:128] of the destination; adds
the 32-bit signed integer values in bits [255:224] and bits [223:192] of the first source operand and
packs the sum into bits [191:160] of the destination. Adds the corresponding values in the second
source operand and packs the sums into bits [223:192] and [255:224] of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Horizontal Add
Form Subset Feature Flag
PHADDD SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPHADDD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPHADDD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
336 PHADDD, VPHADDD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PHADDD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 02 /r Adds adjacent pairs of signed integers in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128. Writes packed sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 02 /r
VPHADDD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 02 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PHADDSW, VPHADDSW 337
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Adds adjacent 16-bit signed integers in each of two source operands, with saturation, and packs the
16-bit signed sums into the destination.
Positive sums greater than 7FFFh are saturated to 7FFFh; negative sums less than 8000h are saturated
to 8000h.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest is the destination register – either an XMM register or the corresponding YMM register.
src1 is the first source operand. src2 is the second source operand.
Ssum() is a function that returns the saturated 16-bit signed sum of its arguments.
dest[15:0] = Ssum(src1[31:16], src1[15:0])
dest[31:16] = Ssum(src1[63:48], src1[47:32])
dest[47:32] = Ssum(src1[95:80], src1[79:64])
dest[63:48] = Ssum(src1[127:112], src1[111:96])
dest[79:64] = Ssum(src2[31:16], src2[15:0])
dest[95:80] = Ssum(src2[63:48], src2[47:32])
dest[111:96] = Ssum(src2[95:80], src2[79:64])
dest[127:112] = Ssum(src2[127:112], src2[111:96])
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[143:128] = Ssum(src1[159:144], src1[143:128])
dest[159:144] = Ssum(src1[191:176], src1[175:160])
dest[175:160] = Ssum(src1[223:208], src1[207:192])
dest[191:176] = Ssum(src1[255:240], src1[239:224])
dest[207:192] = Ssum(src2[159:144], src2[143:128])
dest[223:208] = Ssum(src2[191:176], src2[175:160])
dest[239:224] = Ssum(src2[223:208], src2[207:192])
dest[255:240] = Ssum(src2[255:240], src2[239:224])
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Packed Horizontal Add with Saturation
338 PHADDSW, VPHADDSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PHADDSW SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPHADDSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPHADDSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PHADDSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 03 /r Adds adjacent pairs of signed integers in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128, with saturation. Writes packed
sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 03 /r
VPHADDSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 03 /r
Instruction Reference PHADDSW, VPHADDSW 339
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
340 PHADDW, VPHADDW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds adjacent 16-bit signed integers in each of two source operands and packs the 16-bit sums into
the destination. If a sum overflows, the carry is ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS
is set).
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest is the destination register – either an XMM register or the corresponding YMM register.
src1 is the first source operand. src2 is the second source operand.
dest[15:0] = src1[31:16] + src1[15:0]
dest[31:16] = src1[63:48] + src1[47:32]
dest[47:32] = src1[95:80] + src1[79:64]
dest[63:48] = src1[127:112] + src1[111:96]
dest[79:64] = src2[31:16] + src2[15:0]
dest[95:80] = src2[63:48] + src2[47:32]
dest[111:96] = src2[95:80] + src2[79:64]
dest[127:112] = src2[127:112] + src2[111:96]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[143:128] = src1[159:144] + src1[143:128]
dest[159:144] = src1[191:176] + src1[175:160]
dest[175:160] = src1[223:208] + src1[207:192]
dest[191:176] = src1[255:240] + src1[239:224]
dest[207:192] = src2[159:144] + src2[143:128]
dest[223:208] = src2[191:176] + src2[175:160]
dest[239:224] = src2[223:208] + src2[207:192]
dest[255:240] = src2[255:240] + src2[239:224]
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Packed Horizontal Add
Instruction Reference PHADDW, VPHADDW 341
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PHADDW SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPHADDW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPHADDW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PHADDW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 01 /r Adds adjacent pairs of signed integers in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128. Writes packed sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 01 /r
VPHADDW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 01 /r
342 PHADDW, VPHADDW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PHMINPOSUW, VPHMINPOSUW 343
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Finds the minimum unsigned 16-bit value in the source operand and copies it to the low order word
element of the destination. Writes the source position index of the value to bits [18:16] of the destina-
tion and clears bits[127:19] of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is an XMM register or 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM reg-
ister. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The source operand is an XMM register or 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM reg-
ister. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Horizontal Minimum and Position
Form Subset Feature Flag
PHMINPOSUW SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PHMINPOSUW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 41 /r Finds the minimum unsigned word element in
xmm2 or mem128, copies it to xmm1[15:0]; writes
its position index to xmm1[18:16], and clears
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHMINPOSUW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 41 /r
344 PHMINPOSUW, VPHMINPOSUW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PHSUBD, VPHSUBD 345
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Subtracts adjacent 32-bit signed integers in each of two source operands and packs the differences
into the destination. The higher-order doubleword of each pair is subtracted from the lower-order
Subtracts the 32-bit signed integer value in bits [63:32] of the first source operand from the 32-bit
signed integer value in bits [31:0] of the first source operand and packs the difference into bits [31:0]
of the destination; subtracts the 32-bit signed integer value in bits [127:96] of the first source operand
from the 32-bit signed integer value in bits [95:64] of the first source operand and packs the differ-
ence into bits [63:32] of the destination. Performs the corresponding operations on pairs of 32-bit
signed integer values in the second source operand and packs the differences into bits [95:64] and
[127:96] of the destination.
Additionally, for the 256-bit form, subtracts the 32-bit signed integer value in bits [191:160] of the
first source operand from the 32-bit signed integer value in bits [159:128] of the first source operand
and packs the difference into bits [159:128] of the destination; subtracts the 32-bit signed integer
value in bits [255:224] of the first source operand from the 32-bit integer value in bits [223:192] of
the first source operand and packs the difference into bits [191:160] of the destination. Performs the
corresponding operations on pairs of 32-bit signed integer values in the second source operand and
packs the differences into bits [223:192] and [255:224] of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Horizontal Subtract
Form Subset Feature Flag
PHSUBD SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPHSUBD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPHSUBD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
346 PHSUBD, VPHSUBD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PHSUBD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 06 /r Subtracts adjacent pairs of signed integers in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128. Writes packed differences to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHSUBD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 06 /r
VPHSUBD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 06 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PHSUBSW, VPHSUBSW 347
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Subtracts adjacent 16-bit signed integers in each of two source operands, with saturation, and packs
the differences into the destination. The higher-order word of each pair is subtracted from the lower-
order word.
Positive differences greater than 7FFFh are saturated to 7FFFh; negative differences less than 8000h
are saturated to 8000h.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest is the destination register – either an XMM register or the corresponding YMM register.
src1 is the first source operand. src2 is the second source operand.
Sdiff(A,B) is a function that returns the saturated 16-bit signed difference A B.
dest[15:0] = Sdiff(src1[15:0], src1[31:16])
dest[31:16] = Sdiff(src1[47:32], src1[63:48])
dest[47:32] = Sdiff(src1[79:64], src1[95:80])
dest[63:48] = Sdiff(src1[111:96], src1[127:112])
dest[79:64] = Sdiff(src2[15:0], src2[31:16])
dest[95:80] = Sdiff(src2[47:32], src2[63:48])
dest[111:96] = Sdiff(src2[79:64], src2[95:80])
dest[127:112] = Sdiff(src2[111:96], src2[127:112])
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[143:128] = Sdiff(src1[143:128], src1[159:144])
dest[159:144] = Sdiff(src1[175:160], src1[191:176])
dest[175:160] = Sdiff(src1[207:192], src1[223:208])
dest[191:176] = Sdiff(src1[239:224], src1[255:240])
dest[207:192] = Sdiff(src2[143:128], src2[159:144])
dest[223:208] = Sdiff(src2[175:160], src2[191:176])
dest[239:224] = Sdiff(src2[207:192], src2[223:208])
dest[255:240] = Sdiff(src2[239:224], src2[255:240])
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Packed Horizontal Subtract with Saturation
348 PHSUBSW, VPHSUBSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PHSUBSW SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPHSUBSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPHSUBSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PHSUBSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 07 /r Subtracts adjacent pairs of signed integers in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128, with saturation. Writes packed
differences to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHSUBSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 07 /r
VPHSUBSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 07 /r
Instruction Reference PHSUBSW, VPHSUBSW 349
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
350 PHSUBW, VPHSUBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts adjacent 16-bit signed integers in each of two source operands and packs the differences
into a destination. The higher-order word of each pair is subtracted from the lower-order word.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest is the destination register – either an XMM register or the corresponding YMM register.
src1 is the first source operand. src2 is the second source operand.
dest[15:0] = src1[15:0] src1[31:16
dest[31:16] = src1[47:32] − src1[63:48]
dest[47:32] = src1[79:64] − src1[95:80]
dest[63:48] = src1[111:96] − src1[127:112]
dest[79:64] = src2[15:0] − src2[31:16]
dest[95:80] = src2[47:32] − src2[63:48]
dest[111:96] = src2[79:64] − src2[95:80]
dest[127:112] = src2[111:96] − src2[127:112]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[143:128] = src1[143:128] − src1[159:144]
dest[159:144] = src1[175:160] − src1[191:176]
dest[175:160] = src1[207:192] − src1[223:208]
dest[191:176] = src1[239:224] − src1[255:240]
dest[207:192] = src2[143:128] − src2[159:144]
dest[223:208] = src2[175:160] − src2[191:176]
dest[239:224] = src2[207:192] − src2[223:208]
dest[255:240] = src2[239:224] − src2[255:240]
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Packed Horizontal Subtract
Instruction Reference PHSUBW, VPHSUBW 351
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PHSUBW SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPHSUBW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPHSUBW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PHSUBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 05 /r Subtracts adjacent pairs of signed integers in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128. Writes packed differences to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHSUBW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 05 /r
VPHSUBW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 05 /r
352 PHSUBW, VPHSUBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PINSRB, VPINSRB 353
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Inserts a byte from an 8-bit memory location or the low-order byte of a 32-bit general-purpose regis-
ter into a destination register. Bits [3:0] of an immediate byte operand select the location where the
byte is to be inserted:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an 8-bit memory location or the low-order byte of a 32-bit general-pur-
pose register and the destination an XMM register. The other bytes of the destination are not affected.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
There are two source operands. The first source operand is either an 8-bit memory location or the
low-order byte of a 32-bit general-purpose register and the second source operand is an XMM regis-
ter. The destination is a second XMM register. All the bytes of the second source other than the byte
that corresponds to the location of the inserted byte are copied to the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to destination are cleared.
Packed Insert
Value of imm8 [3:0] Insertion Location
0000 [7:0]
0001 [15:8]
0010 [23:16]
0011 [31:24]
0100 [39:32]
0101 [47:40]
0110 [55:48]
0111 [63:56]
1000 [71:64]
1001 [79:72]
1010 [87:80]
1011 [95:88]
1100 [103:96]
1101 [111:104]
1110 [119:112]
1111 [127:120]
354 PINSRB, VPINSRB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PINSRB SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPINSRB AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PINSRB xmm, reg32/mem8, imm8 66 0F 3A 20 /r ib Inserts an 8-bit value selected by imm8 from the
low-order byte of reg32 or from mem8 into xmm.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPINSRB xmm, reg/mem8, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.0.01 20 /r ib
Instruction Reference PINSRB, VPINSRB 355
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
356 PINSRD, VPINSRD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Inserts a doubleword from a 32-bit memory location or a 32-bit general-purpose register into a desti-
nation register. Bits [1:0] of an immediate byte operand select the location where the doubleword is to
be inserted:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The encoding is the same as PINSRQ, with REX.W = 0.
The source operand is either a 32-bit memory location or a 32-bit general-purpose register and the
destination an XMM register. The other doublewords of the destination are not affected. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The encoding is the same as VPINSRQ, with VEX.W = 0.
There are two source operands. The first source operand is either a 32-bit memory location or a 32-bit
general-purpose register and the second source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a sec-
ond XMM register. All the doublewords of the second source other than the doubleword that corre-
sponds to the location of the inserted doubleword are copied to the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Insert
Value of imm8 [1:0] Insertion Location
00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PINSRD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPINSRD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference PINSRD, VPINSRD 357
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PINSRD xmm, reg32/mem32, imm8 66 (W0) 0F 3A 22 /r ib Inserts a 32-bit value selected by imm8 from
reg32 or mem32 into xmm.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPINSRD xmm, reg32/mem32, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.0.01 22 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
358 PINSRQ, VPINSRQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Inserts a quadword from a 64-bit memory location or a 64-bit general-purpose register into a destina-
tion register. Bit [0] of an immediate byte operand selects the location where the doubleword is to be
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The encoding is the same as PINSRD, with REX.W = 1.
The source operand is either a 64-bit memory location or a 64-bit general-purpose register and the
destination an XMM register. The other quadwords of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128]
of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The encoding is the same as VPINSRD, with VEX.W = 1.
There are two source operands. The first source operand is either a 64-bit memory location or a 64-bit
general-purpose register and the second source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a sec-
ond XMM register. All the quadwords of the second source other than the quadword that corresponds
to the location of the inserted quadword are copied to the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination XMM registers are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Insert
Value of imm8 [0] Insertion Location
1 [127:64]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PINSRQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPINSRQ AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PINSRQ xmm, reg64/mem64, imm8 66 (W1) 0F 3A 22 /r ib Inserts a 64-bit value selected by imm8 from
reg64 or mem64 into xmm.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPINSRQ xmm, reg64/mem64, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.03 1.1111.0.01 22 /r ib
Instruction Reference PINSRQ, VPINSRQ 359
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
360 PINSRW, VPINSRW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Inserts a word from a 16-bit memory location or the low-order word of a 32-bit general-purpose reg-
ister into a destination register. Bits [2:0] of an immediate byte operand select the location where the
byte is to be inserted:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either a 16-bit memory location or the low-order word of a 32-bit general-pur-
pose register and the destination an XMM register. The other words of the destination are not
affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
There are two source operands. The first source operand is either a 16-bit memory location or the
low-order word of a 32-bit general-purpose register and the second source operand is an XMM regis-
ter. The destination is an XMM register. All the words of the second source other than the word that
corresponds to the location of the inserted word are copied to the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Insert Word
Value of imm8 [2:0] Insertion Location
000 [15:0]
001 [31:16]
010 [47:32
011 [63:48]
100 [79:64]
101 [95:80]
110 [111:96]
111 [127:112]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PINSRW SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VPINSRW AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference PINSRW, VPINSRW 361
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PINSRW xmm, reg32/mem16, imm8 66 0F C4 /r ib Inserts a 16-bit value selected by imm8 from the
low-order word of reg32 or from mem16 into xmm.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPINSRW xmm, reg32/mem16, xmm, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.01 C4 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
362 PMADDUBSW, VPMADDUBSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies and adds sets of two packed 8-bit unsigned values from the first source operand and two
packed 8-bit signed values from the second source operand, with signed saturation; writes eight 16-bit
sums to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest is the destination register – either an XMM register or the corresponding YMM register.
src1 is the first source operand. src2 is the second source operand.
Ssum() is a function that returns the saturated 16-bit signed sum of its arguments.
dest[15:0] = Ssum(src1[7:0] * src2[7:0], src1[15:8] * src2[15:8])
dest[31:16] = Ssum(src1[23:16] * src2[23:16], src1[31:24] * src2[31:24])
dest[47:32] = Ssum(src1[39:32] * src2[39:32], src1[47:40] * src2[47:40])
dest[63:48] = Ssum(src1[55:48] * src2[55:48], src1[63:56] * src2[63:56])
dest[79:64] = Ssum(src1[71:64] * src2[71:64], src1[79:72] * src2[79:72])
dest[95:80] = Ssum(src1[87:80] * src2[87:80], src1[95:88] * src2[95:88])
dest[111:96] = Ssum(src1[103:96] * src2[103:96]], src1[111:104] * src2[111:104])
dest[127:112] = Ssum(src1[119:112] * src2[119:112], src1[127:120] * src2[127:120])
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[143:128] = Ssum(src1[135:128] * src2[135:128], src1[143:136] * src2[143:136])
dest[159:144] = Ssum(src1[151:144] * src2[151:144], src1[159:152] * src2[159:152])
dest[175:160] = Ssum(src1[167:160] * src2[167:160], src1[175:168] * src2[175:168])
dest[191:176] = Ssum(src1[183:176] * src2[183:176], src1[191:184] * src2[191:184])
dest[207:192] = Ssum(src1[199:192] * src2[199:192], src1[207:200] * src2[207:200])
dest[223:208] = Ssum(src1[215:208] * src2[215:208], src1[223:216] * src2[223:216])
dest[239:224] = Ssum(src1[231:224] * src2[231:224], src1[239:232] * src2[239:232])
dest[255:240] = Ssum(src1[247:240] * src2[247:240], src1[255:248] * src2[255:248])
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Packed Multiply and Add
Unsigned Byte to Signed Word
Instruction Reference PMADDUBSW, VPMADDUBSW 363
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMADDUBSW SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPMADDUBSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMADDUBSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMADDUBSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 04 /r Multiplies packed 8-bit unsigned values in xmm1 and
packed 8-bit signed values xmm2 / mem128, adds
the products, and writes saturated sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMADDUBSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 04 /r
VPMADDUBSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 04 /r
364 PMADDUBSW, VPMADDUBSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMADDWD, VPMADDWD 365
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies and adds sets of four packed 16-bit signed values from two source registers; writes four
32-bit sums to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest is the destination register – either an XMM register or the corresponding YMM register.
src1 is the first source operand. src2 is the second source operand.
dest[31:0] = (src1[15:0] * src2[15:0]) + (src1[31:16] * src2[31:16])
dest[63:32] = (src1[47:32] * src2[47:32]) + (src1[63:48] * src2[63:48])
dest[95:64] = (src1[79:64] * src2[79:64]) + (src1[95:80] * src2[95:80])
dest[127:96] = (src1[111:96] * src2[111:96]) + (src1[127:112] * src2[127:112])
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[159:128] = (src1[143:128] * src2[143:128]) + (src1[159:144] * src2[159:144])
dest[191:160] = (src1[175:160] * src2[175:160]) + (src1[191:176] * src2[191:176])
dest[223:192] = (src1[207:192] * src2[207:192]) + (src1[223:208] * src2[223:208])
dest[255:224] = (src1[239:224] * src2[239:224]) + (src1[255:240] * src2[255:240])
When all four of the signed 16-bit source operands in a set have the value 8000h, the 32-bit overflow
wraps around to 8000_0000h. There are no other overflow cases.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Multiply and Add
Word to Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMADDWD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMADDWD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMADDWD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
366 PMADDWD, VPMADDWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMADDWD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F F5 /r Multiplies packed 16-bit signed values in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128, adds the products, and writes the
sums to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMADDWD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 F5 /r
VPMADDWD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 F5 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMAXSB, VPMAXSB 367
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 8-bit signed integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically greater value into the corresponding
byte of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares 16 pairs of 8-bit signed integer values; the 256-bit form
compares 32 pairs.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Maximum
Signed Bytes
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMAXSB SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMAXSB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMAXSB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMAXSB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 3C /r Compares 16 pairs of packed 8-bit values in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128 and writes the greater values to the
corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMAXSB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 3C /r
VPMAXSB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 3C /r
368 PMAXSB, VPMAXSB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMAXSD, VPMAXSD 369
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 32-bit signed integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically greater value into the corresponding
doubleword of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares four pairs of 32-bit signed integer values; the 256-bit
form compares eight.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Maximum
Signed Doublewords
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMAXSD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMAXSD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMAXSD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMAXSD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 3D /r Compares four pairs of packed 32-bit values in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the greater values to
the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMAXSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 3D /r
VPMAXSD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 3D /r
370 PMAXSD, VPMAXSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMAXSW, VPMAXSW 371
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 16-bit signed integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically greater value into the corresponding
word of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares eight pairs of 16-bit signed integer values; the 256-bit
form compares 16 pairs.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Maximum
Signed Words
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMAXSW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMAXSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMAXSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMAXSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F EE /r Compares eight pairs of packed 16-bit values in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the greater values to
the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMAXSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 EE /r
VPMAXSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 EE /r
372 PMAXSW, VPMAXSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMAXUB, VPMAXUB 373
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 8-bit unsigned integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically greater value into the corresponding
byte of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares 16 pairs of 8-bit unsigned integer values; the 256-bit
form compares 32 pairs.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Maximum
Unsigned Bytes
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMAXUB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMAXUB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMAXUB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMAXUB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F DE /r Compares 16 pairs of packed unsigned 8-bit values in
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the greater
values to the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMAXUB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 DE /r
VPMAXUB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 DE /r
374 PMAXUB, VPMAXUB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMAXUD, VPMAXUD 375
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 32-bit unsigned integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically greater value into the corresponding
doubleword of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares four pairs of 32-bit unsigned integer values; the 256-bit
form compares eight.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Maximum
Unsigned Doublewords
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMAXUD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMAXUD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMAXUD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMAXUD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 3F /r Compares four pairs of packed unsigned 32-bit values
in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the greater
values to the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMAXUD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 3F /r
VPMAXUD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 3F /r
376 PMAXUD, VPMAXUD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMAXUW, VPMAXUW 377
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 16-bit unsigned integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically greater value into the corresponding
word of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares eight pairs of 16-bit unsigned integer values; the 256-bit
form compares 16 pairs.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Maximum
Unsigned Words
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMAXUW SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMAXUW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMAXUW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMAXUW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 3E /r Compares eight pairs of packed unsigned 16-bit values
in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the greater
values to the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMAXUW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 3E /r
VPMAXUW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 3E /r
378 PMAXUW, VPMAXUW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMINSB, VPMINSB 379
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 8-bit signed integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser value into the corresponding
byte of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares 16 pairs of 8-bit signed integer values; the 256-bit form
compares 32 pairs.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Minimum
Signed Bytes
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMINSB SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMINSB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMINSB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMINSB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 38 /r Compares 16 pairs of packed 8-bit values in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128 and writes the lesser values to the
corresponding positions in xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMINSB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 38 /r
VPMINSB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 38 /r
380 PMINSB, VPMINSB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMINSD, VPMINSD 381
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 32-bit signed integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser value into the corresponding
doubleword of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares four pairs of 32-bit signed integer values; the 256-bit
form compares eight.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Minimum
Signed Doublewords
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMINSD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMINSD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMINSD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMINSD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 39 /r Compares four pairs of packed 32-bit values in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the lesser values to
the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMINSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 39 /r
VPMINSD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 39 /r
382 PMINSD, VPMINSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMINSW, VPMINSW 383
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 16-bit signed integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser value into the corresponding
word of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares eight pairs of 16-bit signed integer values; the 256-bit
form compares 16 pairs.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Minimum Signed Words
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMINSW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMINSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMINSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMINSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F EA /r Compares eight pairs of packed 16-bit values in xmm1
and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the lesser values to the
corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMINSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 EA /r
VPMINSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 EA /r
384 PMINSW, VPMINSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMINUB, VPMINUB 385
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 8-bit unsigned integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser value into the corresponding
byte of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares 16 pairs of 8-bit unsigned integer values; the 256-bit
form compares 32 pairs.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Minimum
Unsigned Bytes
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMINUB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMINUB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMINUB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMINUB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F DA /r Compares 16 pairs of packed unsigned 8-bit values in
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the lesser
values to the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMINUB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 DA /r
VPMINUB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 DA /r
386 PMINUB, VPMINUB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMINUD, VPMINUD 387
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 32-bit unsigned integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser value into the corresponding
doubleword of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares four pairs of 32-bit unsigned integer values; the 256-bit
form compares eight.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Minimum
Unsigned Doublewords
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMINUD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMINUD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMINUD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMINUD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 3B /r Compares four pairs of packed unsigned 32-bit values
in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the lesser
values to the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMINUD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 3B /r
VPMINUD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 3B /r
388 PMINUD, VPMINUD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMINUW, VPMINUW 389
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares each packed 16-bit unsigned integer value of the first source operand to the corresponding
value of the second source operand and writes the numerically lesser value into the corresponding
word of the destination.
The 128-bit form of the instruction compares eight pairs of 16-bit unsigned integer values; the 256-bit
form compares 16 pairs.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Minimum Unsigned Words
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMINUW SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMINUW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMINUW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMINUW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 3A /r Compares eight pairs of packed unsigned 16-bit values
in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and writes the lesser
values to the corresponding positions in xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMINUW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 3A /r
VPMINUW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 3A /r
390 PMINUW, VPMINUW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVMSKB, VPMOVMSKB 391
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies the value of the most-significant bit of each byte element of the source operand to create a 16
or 32 bit mask value, zero-extends the value, and writes it to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 32-bit general purpose register. The
mask is zero-extended to fill the destination register, the mask occupies bits [15:0].
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is a 64-bit general purpose register. The
mask is zero-extended to fill the destination register, the mask occupies bits [15:0].
YMM Encoding
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is a 64-bit general purpose register. The mask
is zero-extended to fill the destination register, the mask occupies bits [31:0].
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Move Mask
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVMSKB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMOVMSKB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVMSKB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVMSKB reg32, xmm1 66 0F D7 /r Moves a zero-extended mask consisting of the most-
significant bit of each byte in xmm1 to a 32-bit general-
purpose register.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMOVMSKB reg64, xmm1 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.01 D7 /r
VMOVMSKB reg64, ymm1 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.01 D7 /r
392 PMOVMSKB, VPMOVMSKB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv field ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L field = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — SSE, AVX and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVSXBD, VPMOVSXBD 393
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Sign-extends four or eight packed 8-bit signed integers in the source operand to 32 bits and writes the
packed doubleword signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the 8-bit signed integers are taken from the least-significant bytes
of the register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Sign-Extension
Byte to Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVSXBD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVSXBD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVSXBD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVSXBD xmm1, xmm2/mem32 66 0F 38 21 /r Sign-extends four packed signed 8-bit
integers in the four low bytes of xmm2 or
mem32 and writes four packed signed
32-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVSXBD xmm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 21 /r
VPMOVSXBD ymm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 21 /r
394 PMOVSXBD, VPMOVSXBD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVSXBQ, VPMOVSXBQ 395
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Sign-extends two or four packed 8-bit signed integers in the source operand to 64 bits and writes the
packed quadword signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the 8-bit signed integers are taken from the least-significant bytes
of the register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 16-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 16-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Sign Extension
Byte to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVSXBQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVSXBQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVSXBQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVSXBQ xmm1, xmm2/mem16 66 0F 38 22 /r Sign-extends two packed signed 8-bit
integers in the two low bytes of xmm2
or mem16 and writes two packed
signed 64-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVSXBQ xmm1, xmm2/mem16 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 22 /r
VPMOVSXBQ ymm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 22 /r
396 PMOVSXBQ, VPMOVSXBQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVSXBW, VPMOVSXBW 397
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Sign-extends eight or sixteen packed 8-bit signed integers in the source operand to 16 bits and writes
the packed word signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the eight 8-bit signed integers are taken from the lower half of the
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Sign Extension
Byte to Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVSXBW SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVSXBW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVSXBW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVSXBW xmm1, xmm2/mem64 66 0F 38 20 /r Sign-extends eight packed signed 8-bit
integers in the eight low bytes of xmm2 or
mem64 and writes eight packed signed
16-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVSXBW xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 20 /r
VPMOVSXBW ymm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 20 /r
398 PMOVSXBW, VPMOVSXBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVSXDQ, VPMOVSXDQ 399
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Sign-extends two or four packed 32-bit signed integers in the source operand to 64 bits and writes the
packed quadword signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the two 32-bit signed integers are taken from the lower half of the
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Sign-Extension
Doubleword to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVSXDQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVSXDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVSXDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVSXDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem64 66 0F 38 25 /r Sign-extends two packed signed 32-bit
integers in the two low doublewords of
xmm2 or mem64 and writes two packed
signed 64-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVSXDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 25 /r
VPMOVSXDQ ymm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 25 /r
400 PMOVSXDQ, VPMOVSXDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVSXWD, VPMOVSXWD 401
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Sign-extends four or eight packed 16-bit signed integers in the source operand to 32 bits and writes
the packed doubleword signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the four 16-bit signed integers are taken from the lower half of the
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Sign-Extension
Word to Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVSXWD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVSXWD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVSXWD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVSXWD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 66 0F 38 23 /r Sign-extends four packed signed 16-bit
integers in the four low words of xmm2 or
mem64 and writes four packed signed 32-bit
integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVSXWD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 23 /r
VPMOVSXWD ymm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 23 /r
402 PMOVSXWD, VPMOVSXWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVSXWQ, VPMOVSXWQ 403
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Sign-extends two or four packed 16-bit signed integers to 64 bits and writes the packed quadword
signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the 16-bit signed integers are taken from least-significant words of
the register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Sign-Extension
Word to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVSXWQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVSXWQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVSXWQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVSXWQ xmm1, xmm2/mem32 66 0F 38 24 /r Sign-extends two packed signed 16-bit
integers in the two low words of xmm2 or
mem32 and writes two packed signed
64-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVSXWQ xmm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 24 /r
VPMOVSXWQ ymm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 24 /r
404 PMOVSXWQ, VPMOVSXWQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVZXBD, VPMOVZXBD 405
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Zero-extends four or eight packed 8-bit unsigned integers in the source operand to 32 bits and writes
the packed doubleword positive-signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the 8-bit signed integers are taken from the least-significant bytes
of the register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Zero-Extension
Byte to Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVZXBD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVZXBD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVZXBD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVZXBD xmm1, xmm2/mem32 66 0F 38 31 /r Zero-extends four packed unsigned 8-bit
integers in the four low bytes of xmm2 or
mem32 and writes four packed positive-
signed 32-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVZXBD xmm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 31 /r
VPMOVZXBD ymm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 31 /r
406 PMOVZXBD, VPMOVZXBD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVZXBQ, VPMOVZXBQ 407
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Zero-extends two or four packed 8-bit unsigned integers in the source operand to 64 bits and writes
the packed quadword positive-signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the 8-bit signed integers are taken from the least-significant bytes
of the register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 16-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 16-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move Byte to Quadword
with Zero-Extension
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVZXBQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVZXBQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVZXBQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVZXBQ xmm1, xmm2/mem16 66 0F 38 32 /r Zero-extends two packed unsigned 8-bit
integers in the two low bytes of xmm2 or
mem16 and writes two packed positive-
signed 64-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVZXBQ xmm1, xmm2/mem16 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 32 /r
VPMOVZXBQ ymm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 32 /r
408 PMOVZXBQ, VPMOVZXBQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVZXBW, VPMOVZXBW 409
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Zero-extends eight or sixteen packed 8-bit unsigned integers in the source operand to 16 bits and
writes the packed word positive-signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the eight 8-bit signed integers are taken from the lower half of the
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move Byte to Word with Zero-Extension
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVZXBW SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVZXBW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVZXBW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVZXBW xmm1, xmm2/mem64 66 0F 38 30 /r Zero-extends eight packed unsigned 8-bit
integers in the eight low bytes of xmm2 or
mem64 and writes eight packed positive-
signed 16-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVZXBW xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 30 /r
VPMOVZXBW ymm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 30 /r
410 PMOVZXBW, VPMOVZXBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVZXDQ, VPMOVZXDQ 411
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Zero-extends two or four packed 32-bit unsigned integers in the source operand to 64 bits and writes
the packed quadword positive-signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the two 32-bit signed integers are taken from the lower half of the
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Zero-Extension
Doubleword to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVZXDQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVZXDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVZXDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVZXDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem64 66 0F 38 35 /r Zero-extends two packed unsigned 32-bit
integers in the two low doublewords of xmm2
or mem64 and writes two packed positive-
signed 64-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVZXDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 35 /r
VPMOVZXDQ ymm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 35 /r
412 PMOVZXDQ, VPMOVZXDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVZXWD, VPMOVZXWD 413
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Zero-extends four or eight packed 16-bit unsigned integers in the source operand to 32 bits and writes
the packed doubleword positive-signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the four 16-bit signed integers are taken from the lower half of the
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move Word to Doubleword
with Zero-Extension
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVZXWD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVZXWD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVZXWD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVZXWD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 66 0F 38 33 /r Zero-extends four packed unsigned 16-bit
integers in the four low words of xmm2 or
mem64 and writes four packed positive-
signed 32-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVZXWD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 33 /r
VPMOVZXWD ymm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 33 /r
414 PMOVZXWD, VPMOVZXWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMOVZXWQ, VPMOVZXWQ 415
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Zero-extends two or four packed 16-bit unsigned integers to 64 bits and writes the packed quadword
positive signed integers to the destination.
If the source operand is a register, the 16-bit signed integers are taken from least-significant words of
the register.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Move with Zero-Extension
Word to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMOVZXWQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMOVZXWQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMOVZXWQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMOVZXWQ xmm1, xmm2/mem32 66 0F 38 34 /r Zero-extends two packed unsigned 16-bit
integers in the two low words of xmm2 or
mem32 and writes two packed positive-
signed 64-bit integers to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMOVZXWQ xmm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.0.01 34 /r
VPMOVZXWQ ymm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 X.1111.1.01 34 /r
416 PMOVZXWQ, VPMOVZXWQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMULDQ, VPMULDQ 417
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies two or four pairs of 32-bit signed integers in the first and second source operands and
writes two or four packed quadword signed integer products to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest is the destination register – either an XMM register or the corresponding YMM register.
src1 is the first source operand. src2 is the second source operand.
dest[63:0] = (src1[31:0] * src2[31:0])
dest[127:64] = (src1[95:64] * src2[95:64])
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[191:128] = (src1[159:128] * src2[159:128])
dest[255:192] = (src1[223:192] * src2[223:192])
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Multiply
Signed Doubleword to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMULDQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMULDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMULDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
418 PMULDQ, VPMULDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMULDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 28 /r Multiplies two packed 32-bit signed integers in
xmm1[31:0] and xmm1[95:64] by the
corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128.
Writes packed 64-bit signed integer products to
xmm1[63:0] and xmm1[127:64].
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMULDQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 28 /r
VPMULDQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 28 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMULHRSW, VPMULHRSW 419
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies each packed 16-bit signed value in the first source operand by the corresponding value in
the second source operand, truncates the 32-bit product to the 18 most significant bits by right-shift-
ing, then rounds the truncated value by adding 1 to its least-significant bit. Writes bits [16:1] of the
sum to the corresponding word of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Multiply High with Round and Scale
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMULHRSW SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPMULHRSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMULHRSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMULHRSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 0B /r Multiplies each packed 16-bit signed value in xmm1
by the corresponding value in xmm2 or mem128,
truncates product to 18 bits, rounds by adding 1.
Writes bits [16:1] of the sum to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMULHRSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.2 X.src1.0.01 0B /r
VPMULHRSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.2 X.src1.1.01 0B /r
420 PMULHRSW, VPMULHRSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMULHUW, VPMULHUW 421
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies each packed 16-bit unsigned value in the first source operand by the corresponding value
in the second source operand; writes the high-order 16 bits of each 32-bit product to the correspond-
ing word of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Multiply High
Unsigned Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMULHUW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMULHUW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMULHUW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMULHUW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E4 /r Multiplies packed 16-bit unsigned values in xmm1 by
the corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128. Writes
bits [31:16] of each product to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMULHUW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 E4 /r
VPMULHUW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 E4 /r
422 PMULHUW, VPMULHUW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMULHW, VPMULHW 423
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies each packed 16-bit signed value in the first source operand by the corresponding value in
the second source operand; writes the high-order 16 bits of each 32-bit product to the corresponding
word of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Multiply High
Signed Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMULHW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMULHW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMULHW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMULHW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E5 /r Multiplies packed 16-bit signed values in xmm1 by the
corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128. Writes bits
[31:16] of each product to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMULHW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 E5 /r
VPMULHW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 E5 /r
424 PMULHW, VPMULHW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMULLD, VPMULLD 425
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies four packed 32-bit signed integers in the first source operand by the corresponding values
in the second source operand and writes bits [31:0] of each 64-bit product to the corresponding 32-bit
element of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Multiply and Store Low
Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMULLD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPMULLD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMULLD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMULLD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 40 /r Multiplies four packed 32-bit signed integers in
xmm1 by corresponding values in xmm2 or
m128. Writes bits [31:0] of each 64-bit product to
the corresponding 32-bit element of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMULLD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 40 /r
VPMULLD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 40 /r
426 PMULLD, VPMULLD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMULLW, VPMULLW 427
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies eight packed 16-bit signed integers in the first source operand by the corresponding values
in the second source operand and writes bits [15:0] of each 32-bit product to the corresponding 16-bit
element of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Multiply Low
Signed Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMULLW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMULLW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMULLW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMULLW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F D5 /r Multiplies eight packed 16-bit signed integers in
xmm1 by corresponding values in xmm2 or
m128. Writes bits [15:0] of each 32-bit product to
the corresponding 16-bit element of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMULLW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 D5 /r
VPMULLW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 D5 /r
428 PMULLW, VPMULLW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PMULUDQ, VPMULUDQ 429
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies two or four pairs of 32-bit unsigned integers in the first and second source operands and
writes two or four packed quadword unsigned integer products to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest is the destination register – either an XMM register or the corresponding YMM register.
src1 is the first source operand. src2 is the second source operand.
dest[63:0] = (src1[31:0] * src2[31:0])
dest[127:64] = (src1[95:64] * src2[95:64])
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[191:128] = (src1[159:128] * src2[159:128])
dest[255:192] = (src1[223:192] * src2[223:192])
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Multiply
Unsigned Doubleword to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMULUDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPMULUDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPMULUDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
430 PMULUDQ, VPMULUDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PMULUDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F F4 /r Multiplies two packed 32-bit unsigned integers in
xmm1[31:0] and xmm1[95:64] by the
corresponding values in xmm2 or mem128.
Writes packed 64-bit unsigned integer products to
xmm1[63:0] and xmm1[127:64].
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMULUDQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 F4 /r
VPMULUDQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 F4 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference POR, VPOR 431
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs a bitwise OR of the first and second source operands and writes the result to the destination.
When one or both of a pair of corresponding bits in the first and second operands are set, the corre-
sponding bit of the destination is set; when neither source bit is set, the destination bit is cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source XMM register is also the destination. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed OR
Form Subset Feature Flag
POR SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPOR 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPOR 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
POR xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F EB /r Performs bitwise OR of values in xmm1 and xmm2 or
mem128. Writes results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPOR xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 EB /r
VPOR ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 EB /r
432 POR, VPOR Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSADBW, VPSADBW 433
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Subtracts the 16 or 32 packed 8-bit unsigned integers in the second source operand from the corre-
sponding values in the first source operand and computes the absolute value of the differences. Com-
putes two or four unsigned 16-bit integer sums of groups of eight absolute differences and writes the
sums to specific words of the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction:
The unsigned 16-bit integer sum of absolute differences of the eight bytes [7:0] of the source
operands is written to bits [15:0] of the destination; bits [63:16] are cleared.
The unsigned 16-bit integer sum of absolute differences of the eight bytes [15:8] of the source
operands is written to bits [79:64] of the destination; bits [127:80] are cleared.
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction:
The unsigned 16-bit integer sum of absolute differences of the eight bytes [23:16] of the source
operands is written to bits [143:128] of the destination; bits [191:144] are cleared.
The unsigned 16-bit integer sum of absolute differences of the eight bytes [24:31] of the source
operands is written to bits [207:192] of the destination; bits [255:208] are cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source XMM register is also the destination. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Sum of Absolute Differences
Bytes to Words
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSADBW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSADBW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSADBW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
434 PSADBW, VPSADBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSADBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F F6 /r Compute the sum of the absolute differences of two sets
of packed 8-bit unsigned integer values in xmm1 and
xmm2 or mem128. Writes 16-bit unsigned integer sums
to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSADBW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 F6 /r
VPSADBW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 F6 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSHUFB, VPSHUFB 435
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies bytes from the first source operand to the destination or clears bytes in the destination, as
specified by control bytes in the second source operand.
The control bytes occupy positions in the source operand that correspond to positions in the destina-
tion. Each control byte has the following fields.
For the 256-bit form of the instruction, the SRC_Index fields in the upper 16 bytes of the second
source operand select bytes in the upper 16 bytes of the first source operand to be copied.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source XMM register is also the destination. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shuffle
76 43 0
FRZ Reserved SRC_Index
Bits Description
[7] Set the bit to clear the corresponding byte of the destination.
Clear the bit to copy the selected source byte to the corresponding byte of the destination.
[6:4] Reserved
[3:0] Binary value selects the source byte.
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSHUFB SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPSHUFB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSHUFB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
436 PSHUFB, VPSHUFB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSHUFB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 00 /r Moves bytes in xmm1 as specified by control bytes in
xmm2 or mem128.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHUFB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 00 /r
VPSHUFB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 00 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSHUFD, VPSHUFD 437
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed doubleword values from a source to a doubleword in the destination, as specified by
bit fields of an immediate byte operand. A source doubleword can be copied more than once.
Source doublewords are selected by two-bit fields in the immediate-byte operand. Each field corre-
sponds to a destination doubleword, as shown:
For the 256-bit form of the instruction, the same immediate byte selects doublewords in the upper
128-bits of the source operand to be copied to the destination.
Packed Shuffle
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
[31:0] [1:0] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[63:32] [3:2] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[95:64] [5:4] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[127:96] [7:6]00[31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
[159:128] [1:0] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [225:224]
[191:160] [3:2] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [225:224]
438 PSHUFD, VPSHUFD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
[223:192] [5:4] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [225:224]
[255:224] [7:6] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [225:224]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSHUFD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSHUFD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSHUFD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
Instruction Reference PSHUFD, VPSHUFD 439
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSHUFD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 70 /r ib Copies packed 32-bit values from xmm2 or
mem128 to xmm1, as specified by imm8.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHUFD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.01 70 /r ib
VPSHUFD ymm1, ymm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.01 70 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
440 PSHUFHW, VPSHUFHW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Copies packed word values from the high quadword of the source operand or the upper quadwords of
two halves of the source operand to a word in the high quadword of the destination or the upper quad-
words of two halves of the destination, as specified by bit fields of an immediate byte operand. A
source word can be copied more than once.
Source words are selected by two-bit fields in the immediate-byte operand. Each field corresponds to
a destination word, as shown:
The least-significant quadword of the source is copied to the corresponding quadword of the destina-
For the 256-bit form of the instruction, the same immediate byte selects words in the most-significant
quadword of the source operand to be copied to the destination:
Packed Shuffle
High Words
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
[79:64] [1:0] 00 [79:64]
01 [95:80]
10 [111:96]
11 [127:112]
[95:80] [3:2] 00 [79:64]
01 [95:80]
10 [111:96]
11 [127:112]
[111:96] [5:4] 00 [79:64]
01 [95:80]
10 [111:96]
11 [127:112]
[127:112] [7:6] 00 [79:64]
01 [95:80]
10 [111:96]
11 [127:112]
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
[207:192] [1:0] 00 [207:192]
01 [223:208]
10 [239:224]
11 [255:240]
Instruction Reference PSHUFHW, VPSHUFHW 441
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The least-significant quadword of the upper 128 bits of the source is copied to the corresponding
quadword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
[223:208] [3:2] 00 [207:192]
01 [223:208]
10 [239:224]
11 [255:240]
[239:224] [5:4] 00 [207:192]
01 [223:208]
10 [239:224]
11 [255:240]
[255:240] [7:6] 00 [207:192]
01 [223:208]
10 [239:224]
11 [255:240]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSHUFHW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSHUFHW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSHUFHW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
442 PSHUFHW, VPSHUFHW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSHUFHW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 F3 0F 70 /r ib Copies packed 16-bit values from the
high-order quadword of xmm2 or mem128
to the high-order quadword of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHUFHW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.10 70 /r ib
VPSHUFHW ymm1, ymm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.10 70 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSHUFLW, VPSHUFLW 443
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed word values from the low quadword of the source operand or the lower quadwords of
two halves of the source operand to a word in the low quadword of the destination or the lower quad-
words of two halves of the destination, as specified by bit fields of an immediate byte operand. A
source word can be copied more than once.
Source words are selected by two-bit fields in the immediate-byte operand. Each bit field corresponds
to a destination word, as shown:
The most-significant quadword of the source is copied to the corresponding quadword of the destina-
For the 256-bit form of the instruction, the same immediate byte selects words in the lower quadword
of the upper 128 bits of the source operand to be copied to the destination:
Packed Shuffle
Low Words
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
[15:0] [1:0] 00 [15:0]
01 [31:16]
10 [47:32]
11 [63:48]
[31:16] [3:2] 00 [15:0]
01 [31:16]
10 [47:32]
11 [63:48]
[47:32] [5:4] 00 [15:0]
01 [31:16]
10 [47:32]
11 [63:48]
[63:48] [7:6] 00 [15:0]
01 [31:16]
10 [47:32]
11 [63:48]
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
[143:128] [1:0] 00 [143:128]
01 [159:144]
10 [175:160]
11 [191:176]
444 PSHUFLW, VPSHUFLW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The most-significant quadword of the upper 128 bits of the source is copied to the corresponding
quadword of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a
YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
[159:144] [3:2] 00 [143:128]
01 [159:144]
10 [175:160]
11 [191:176]
[175:160] [5:4] 00 [143:128]
01 [159:144]
10 [175:160]
11 [191:176]
[191:176] [7:6] 00 [143:128]
01 [159:144]
10 [175:160]
11 [191:176]
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSHUFLW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSHUFLW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSHUFLW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
Instruction Reference PSHUFLW, VPSHUFLW 445
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSHUFLW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 F2 0F 70 /r ib Copies packed 16-bit values from the low-
order quadword of xmm2 or mem128 to
the low-order quadword of xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHUFLW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.11 70 /r ib
VPSHUFLW ymm1, ymm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.11 70 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
446 PSIGNB, VPSIGNB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
For each packed signed byte in the first source operand, evaluate the corresponding byte of the second
source operand and perform one of the following operations.
When a byte of the second source is negative, write the two’s-complement of the corresponding
byte of the first source to the destination.
When a byte of the second source is positive, copy the corresponding byte of the first source to the
When a byte of the second source is zero, clear the corresponding byte of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source XMM register is also the destination. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Sign
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSIGNB SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPSIGNB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSIGNB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PSIGNB, VPSIGNB 447
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSIGNB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 08 /r Perform operation based on evaluation of each packed
8-bit signed integer value in xmm2 or mem128.
Write 8-bit signed results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSIGNB xmm1, xmm2, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 08 /r
VPSIGNB ymm1, ymm2, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 08 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
448 PSIGND, VPSIGND Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
For each packed signed doubleword in the first source operand, evaluate the corresponding double-
word of the second source operand and perform one of the following operations.
When a doubleword of the second source is negative, write the two’s-complement of the
corresponding doubleword of the first source to the destination.
When a doubleword of the second source is positive, copy the corresponding doubleword of the
first source to the destination.
When a doubleword of the second source is zero, clear the corresponding doubleword of the
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source XMM register is also the destination. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Sign
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSIGND SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPSIGND 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSIGND 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PSIGND, VPSIGND 449
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSIGND xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 0A /r Perform operation based on evaluation of each packed
32-bit signed integer value in xmm2 or mem128.
Write 32-bit signed results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSIGND xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 0A /r
VPSIGND ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 0A /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
450 PSIGNW, VPSIGNW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
For each packed signed word in the first source operand, evaluate the corresponding word of the sec-
ond source operand and perform one of the following operations.
When a word of the second source is negative, write the two’s-complement of the corresponding
word of the first source to the destination.
When a word of the second source is positive, copy the corresponding word of the first source to
the destination.
When a word of the second source is zero, clear the corresponding word of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source XMM register is also the destination. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Sign
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSIGNW SSSE3 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSSE3] (bit 9)
VPSIGNW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSIGNW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PSIGNW, VPSIGNW 451
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSIGNW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 09 /r Perform operation based on evaluation of each packed
16-bit signed integer value in xmm2 or mem128.
Write 16-bit signed results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSIGNW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.0.01 09 /r
VPSIGNW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 X.src1.1.01 09 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
452 PSLLD, VPSLLD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Left-shifts each packed 32-bit value in the source operand as specified by a shift-count operand and
writes the shifted values to the destination.
The shift-count operand can be an immediate byte, a second register, or a memory location. The shift
count is treated as an unsigned integer. When the shift count is provided by a register or memory loca-
tion, only bits [63:0] of the value are considered.
Low-order bits emptied by shifting are cleared. When the shift count is greater than 31, the destina-
tion is cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two forms of the instruction, based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The first source XMM reg-
ister is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are
not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
There are two 128-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is an XMM
register. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two 256-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shift Left Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSLLD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSLLD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSLLD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PSLLD, VPSLLD 453
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSLLD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F F2 /r Left-shifts packed doublewords in xmm1 as specified
by xmm2[63:0] or mem128[63:0].
PSLLD xmm, imm8 66 0F 72 /6 ib Left-shifts packed doublewords in xmm as specified by
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSLLD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 F2 /r
VPSLLD xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 72 /6 ib
VPSLLD ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 F2 /r
VPSLLD ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 72 /6 ib
454 PSLLD, VPSLLD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSLLDQ, VPSLLDQ 455
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Left-shifts the one or each of the two double quadword values in the source operand the number of
bytes specified by an immediate byte operand and writes the shifted values to the destination.
The immediate byte operand supplies an unsigned shift count. Low-order bytes emptied by shifting
are cleared. When the shift value is greater than 15, the destination is cleared. For the 256-bit form of
the instruction, the shift count is applied to both the upper and the lower double quadword. Bytes
shifted out of the lower 128 bits are not shifted into the upper.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source XMM register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corre-
sponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is an XMM register specified by VEX.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is a YMM register specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Shift Left Logical
Double Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSLLDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSLLDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSLLDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSLLDQ xmm, imm8 66 0F 73 /7 ib Left-shifts double quadword value in xmm1 as specified by imm8.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSLLDQ xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 0.dest.0.01 73 /7 ib
VPSLLDQ ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 0.dest.1.01 73 /7 ib
456 PSLLDQ, VPSLLDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSLLQ, VPSLLQ 457
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Left-shifts each packed 64-bit value in the source operand as specified by a shift-count operand and
writes the shifted values to the destination.
The shift-count operand can be an immediate byte, a second register, or a memory location. The shift
count is treated as an unsigned integer. When the shift count is provided by a register or memory loca-
tion, only bits [63:0] of the value are considered.
Low-order bits emptied by shifting are cleared. When the shift value is greater than 63, the destina-
tion is cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two forms of the instruction, based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The first source XMM reg-
ister is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are
not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
There are two 128-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is an XMM
register. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two 256-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shift Left Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSLLQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSLLQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSLLQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
458 PSLLQ, VPSLLQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSLLQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F F3 /r Left-shifts packed quadwords in xmm1 as specified by
xmm2[63:0] or mem128[63:0].
PSLLQ xmm, imm8 66 0F 73 /6 ib Left-shifts packed quadwords in xmm as specified by
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSLLQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 F3 /r
VPSLLQ xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 73 /6 ib
VPSLLQ ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 F3 /r
VPSLLQ ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 73 /6 ib
Instruction Reference PSLLQ, VPSLLQ 459
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
460 PSLLW, VPSLLW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Left-shifts each packed 16-bit value in the source operand as specified by a shift-count operand and
writes the shifted values to the destination.
The shift-count operand can be an immediate byte, a second register, or a memory location. The shift
count is treated as an unsigned integer. When the shift count is provided by a register or memory loca-
tion, only bits [63:0] of the value are considered.
Low-order bits emptied by shifting are cleared. When the shift count is greater than 15, the destina-
tion is cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two forms of the instruction, based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The first source XMM reg-
ister is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are
not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
There are two 128-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is an XMM
register. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two 256-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shift Left Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSLLW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSLLW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSLLW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PSLLW, VPSLLW 461
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSLLW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F F1 /r Left-shifts packed words in xmm1 as specified by
xmm2[63:0] or mem128[63:0].
PSLLW xmm, imm8 66 0F 71 /6 ib Left-shifts packed words in xmm as specified by imm8.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSLLW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 F1 /r
VPSLLW xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 71 /6 ib
VPSLLW ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 F1 /r
VPSLLW ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 71 /6 ib
462 PSLLW, VPSLLW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSRAD, VPSRAD 463
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Right-shifts each packed 32-bit value in the source operand as specified by a shift-count operand and
writes the shifted values to the destination.
The shift-count operand can be an immediate byte, a second register, or a memory location. The shift
count is treated as an unsigned integer. When the shift count is provided by a register or memory loca-
tion, only bits [63:0] of the value are considered.
High-order bits emptied by shifting are filled with the sign bit of the initial value. When the shift
value is greater than 31, each doubleword of the destination is filled with the sign bit of its initial
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two forms of the instruction, based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The first source XMM reg-
ister is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are
not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
There are two 128-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is an XMM
register. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two 256-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shift Right Arithmetic
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSRAD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSRAD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSRAD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
464 PSRAD, VPSRAD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSRAD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E2 /r Right-shifts packed doublewords in xmm1 as specified
by xmm2[63:0] or mem128[63:0].
PSRAD xmm, imm8 66 0F 72 /4 ib Right-shifts packed doublewords in xmm as specified
by imm8.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRAD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 E2 /r
VPSRAD xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 72 /4 ib
VPSRAD ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 E2 /r
VPSRAD ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 72 /4 ib
Instruction Reference PSRAD, VPSRAD 465
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
466 PSRAW, VPSRAW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Right-shifts each packed 16-bit value in the source operand as specified by a shift-count operand and
writes the shifted values to the destination.
The shift-count operand can be an immediate byte, a second register, or a memory location. The shift
count is treated as an unsigned integer. When the shift count is provided by a register or memory loca-
tion, only bits [63:0] of the value are considered.
High-order bits emptied by shifting are filled with the sign bit of the initial value. When the shift
value is greater than 16, each doubleword of the destination is filled with the sign bit of its initial
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two forms of the instruction, based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The first source XMM reg-
ister is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are
not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
There are two 128-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is an XMM
register. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two 256-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shift Right Arithmetic
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSRAW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSRAW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSRAW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PSRAW, VPSRAW 467
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSRAW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E1 /r Right-shifts packed words in xmm1 as specified by
xmm2[63:0] or mem128[63:0].
PSRAW xmm, imm8 66 0F 71 /4 ib Right-shifts packed words in xmm as specified by
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRAW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 E1 /r
VPSRAW xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 71 /4 ib
VPSRAW ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 E1 /r
VPSRAW ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 71 /4 ib
468 PSRAW, VPSRAW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSRLD, VPSRLD 469
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Right-shifts each packed 32-bit value in the source operand as specified by a shift-count operand and
writes the shifted values to the destination.
The shift-count operand can be an immediate byte, a second register, or a memory location. The shift
count is treated as an unsigned integer. When the shift count is provided by a register or memory loca-
tion, only bits [63:0] of the value are considered.
High-order bits emptied by shifting are cleared. When the shift value is greater than 31, the destina-
tion is cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two forms of the instruction, based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The first source XMM reg-
ister is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are
not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
There are two 128-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is an XMM
register. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two 256-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shift Right Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSRLD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSRLD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSRLD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
470 PSRLD, VPSRLD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSRLD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F D2 /r Right-shifts packed doublewords in xmm1 as specified
by xmm2[63:0] or mem128[63:0].
PSRLD xmm, imm8 66 0F 72 /2 ib Right-shifts packed doublewords in xmm as specified
by imm8.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRLD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 D2 /r
VPSRLD xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 72 /2 ib
VPSRLD ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 D2 /r
VPSRLD ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 72 /2 ib
Instruction Reference PSRLD, VPSRLD 471
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
472 PSRLDQ, VPSRLDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Right-shifts one or each of two double quadword values in the source operand the number of bytes
specified by an immediate byte operand and writes the shifted values to the destination.
The immediate byte operand supplies an unsigned shift count. High-order bytes emptied by shifting
are cleared. When the shift value is greater than 15, the destination is cleared. For the 256-bit form of
the instruction, the shift count is applied to both the upper and the lower double quadword. Bytes
shifted out of the upper 128 bits are not shifted into the lower.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source XMM register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corre-
sponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The source operand is an XMM register. The destination is an XMM register specified by VEX.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is a YMM register specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Shift Right Logical
Double Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSRLDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSRLDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSRLDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSRLDQ xmm, imm8 66 0F 73 /3 ib Right-shifts double quadword value in xmm1 as specified by
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRLDQ xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 73 /3 ib
VPSRLDQ ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 73 /3 ib
Instruction Reference PSRLDQ, VPSRLDQ 473
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
474 PSRLQ, VPSRLQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Right-shifts each packed 64-bit value in the source operand as specified by a shift-count operand and
writes the shifted values to the destination.
The shift-count operand can be an immediate byte, a second register, or a memory location. The shift
count is treated as an unsigned integer. When the shift count is provided by a register or memory loca-
tion, only bits [63:0] of the value are considered.
High-order bits emptied by shifting are cleared. When the shift value is greater than 63, the destina-
tion is cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two forms of the instruction, based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The first source XMM reg-
ister is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are
not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
There are two 128-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is an XMM
register. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two 256-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shift Right Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSRLQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSRLQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSRLQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PSRLQ, VPSRLQ 475
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSRLQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F D3 /r Right-shifts packed quadwords in xmm1 as specified
by xmm2[63:0] or mem128[63:0].
PSRLQ xmm, imm8 66 0F 73 /2 ib Right-shifts packed quadwords in xmm as specified by
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRLQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 D3 /r
VPSRLQ xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 73 /2 ib
VPSRLQ ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 D3 /r
VPSRLQ ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 73 /2 ib
476 PSRLQ, VPSRLQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PSRLW, VPSRLW 477
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Right-shifts each packed 16-bit value in the source operand as specified by a shift-count operand and
writes the shifted values to the destination.
The shift-count operand can be an immediate byte, a second register, or a memory location. The shift
count is treated as an unsigned integer. When the shift count is provided by a register or memory loca-
tion, only bits [63:0] of the value are considered.
High-order bits emptied by shifting are cleared. When the shift value is greater than 15, the destina-
tion is cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
There are two forms of the instruction, based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The first source XMM reg-
ister is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are
not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
There are two 128-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is an XMM
register. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two 256-bit encodings. These differ based on the type of count operand.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count is specified by either a second XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location, or by an immediate 8-bit operand. The destination is a YMM reg-
ister. For the immediate operand encoding, the destination is specified by VEX.vvvv.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Shift Right Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSRLW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSRLW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSRLW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
478 PSRLW, VPSRLW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSRLW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F D1 /r Right-shifts packed words in xmm1 as specified by
xmm2[63:0] or mem128[63:0].
PSRLW xmm, imm8 66 0F 71 /2 ib Right-shifts packed words in xmm as specified by
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRLW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 D1 /r
VPSRLW xmm1, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.0.01 71 /2 ib
VPSRLW ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 D1 /r
VPSRLW ymm1, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.dest.1.01 71 /2 ib
Instruction Reference PSRLW, VPSRLW 479
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
480 PSUBB, VPSUBB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts 16 or 32 packed 8-bit integer values in the second source operand from the corresponding
values in the first source operand and writes the integer differences to the corresponding bytes of the
This instruction operates on both signed and unsigned integers. When a result overflows, the carry is
ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set), and only the low-order 8 bits of each
result are written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Subtract
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSUBB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSUBB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSUBB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSUBB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F F8 /r Subtracts 8-bit signed integer values in xmm2 or
mem128 from corresponding values in xmm1.
Writes differences to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSUBB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 F8 /r
VPSUBB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 F8 /r
Instruction Reference PSUBB, VPSUBB 481
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
482 PSUBD, VPSUBD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts four or eight packed 32-bit integer values in the second source operand from the corre-
sponding values in the first source operand and writes the integer differences to the corresponding
doubleword of the destination.
This instruction operates on both signed and unsigned integers. When a result overflows, the carry is
ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set), and only the low-order 8 bits of each
result are written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Subtract
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSUBD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSUBD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSUBD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSUBD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F FA /r Subtracts packed 32-bit integer values in xmm2 or
mem128 from corresponding values in xmm1. Writes the
differences to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSUBD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 FA /r
VPSUBD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 FA /r
Instruction Reference PSUBD, VPSUBD 483
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
484 PSUBQ, VPSUBQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts two or four packed 64-bit integer values in the second source operand from the correspond-
ing values in the first source operand and writes the differences to the corresponding quadword of the
This instruction operates on both signed and unsigned integers. When a result overflows, the carry is
ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set), and only the low-order 8 bits of each
result are written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Subtract
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSUBQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSUBQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSUBQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSUBQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F FB /r Subtracts packed 64-bit integer values in xmm2 or
mem128 from corresponding values in xmm1. Writes the
differences to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSUBQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 FB /r
VPSUBQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 FB /r
Instruction Reference PSUBQ, VPSUBQ 485
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
486 PSUBSB, VPSUBSB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts 16 or 32 packed 8-bit signed integer value in the second source operand from the corre-
sponding values in the first source operand and writes the signed integer differences to the corre-
sponding byte of the destination.
For each packed value in the destination, if the value is larger than the largest signed 8-bit integer, it is
saturated to 7Fh, and if the value is smaller than the smallest signed 8-bit integer, it is saturated to
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Subtract Signed With Saturation
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSUBSB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSUBSB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSUBSB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSUBSB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E8 /r Subtracts packed 8-bit signed integer values in xmm2 or
mem128 from corresponding values in xmm1. Writes the
differences to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSUBSB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 E8 /r
VPSUBSB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 E8 /r
Instruction Reference PSUBSB, VPSUBSB 487
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
488 PSUBSW, VPSUBSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts eight or sixteen packed 16-bit signed integer values in the second source operand from the
corresponding values in the first source operand and writes the signed integer differences to the corre-
sponding word of the destination.
Positive differences greater than 7FFFh are saturated to 7FFFh; negative differences less than 8000h
are saturated to 8000h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Subtract Signed With Saturation
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSUBSW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSUBSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSUBSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSUBSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F E9 /r Subtracts packed 16-bit signed integer values in xmm2 or
mem128 from corresponding values in xmm1. Writes the
differences to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSUBSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 E9 /r
VPSUBSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 E9 /r
Instruction Reference PSUBSW, VPSUBSW 489
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
490 PSUBUSB, VPSUBUSB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts 16 or 32 packed 8-bit unsigned integer value in the second source operand from the corre-
sponding values in the first source operand and writes the unsigned integer difference to the corre-
sponding byte of the destination.
Differences less than 00h are saturated to 00h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Subtract Unsigned With Saturation
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSUBUSB SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSUBUSB 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSUBUSB 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSUBUSB xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F D8 /r Subtracts packed byte unsigned integer values in
xmm2 or mem128 from corresponding values in xmm1.
Writes the differences to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSUBUSB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 D8 /r
VPSUBUSB ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 D8 /r
Instruction Reference PSUBUSB, VPSUBUSB 491
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
492 PSUBUSW, VPSUBUSW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts eight or sixteen packed 16-bit unsigned integer value in the second source operand from the
corresponding values in the first source operand and writes the unsigned integer differences to the
corresponding word of the destination.
Differences less than 0000h are saturated to 0000h.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register or
128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Subtract Unsigned With Saturation
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSUBUSW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSUBUSW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSUBUSW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSUBUSW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F D9 /r Subtracts packed 16-bit unsigned integer values in
xmm2 or mem128 from corresponding values in
xmm1. Writes the differences to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSUBUSW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 D9 /r
VPSUBUSW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 D9 /r
Instruction Reference PSUBUSW, VPSUBUSW 493
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
494 PSUBW, VPSUBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts eight or sixteen packed 16-bit integer values in the second source operand from the corre-
sponding values in the first source operand and writes the integer differences to the corresponding
word of the destination.
This instruction operates on both signed and unsigned integers. When a result overflows, the carry is
ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set), and only the low-order 8 bits of each
result are written to the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Subtract
Form Subset Feature Flag
PSUBW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPSUBW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPSUBW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PSUBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F F9 /r Subtracts packed 16-bit integer values in xmm2 or
mem128 from corresponding values in xmm1. Writes the
differences to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSUBW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 F9 /r
VPSUBW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 F9 /r
Instruction Reference PSUBW, VPSUBW 495
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
496 PTEST, VPTEST Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
First, performs a bitwise AND of the first source operand with the second source operand.
Sets rFLAGS.ZF when all bit operations = 0; else, clears ZF.
Second. performs a bitwise AND of the second source operand with the logical complement (NOT)
of the first source operand. Sets rFLAGS.CF when all bit operations = 0; else, clears CF.
Neither source operand is modified.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is a YMM register or 256-bit
memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Bit Test
Form Subset Feature Flag
PTEST SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPTEST AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PTEST xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 38 17 /r Set ZF if bitwise AND of xmm2/m128 with xmm1 = 0;
else, clear ZF.
Set CF if bitwise AND of xmm2/m128 with NOTxmm1 = 0;
else, clear CF.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPTEST xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 X.1111.0.01 17 /r
VPTEST ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.00010 X.1111.1.01 17 /r
Instruction Reference PTEST, VPTEST 497
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
2120191817161413:12 11109876420
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3 and 1 are reserved. A flag set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined
flags are U.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
498 PUNPCKHBW, VPUNPCKHBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Unpacks the 8 high-order bytes of each octword the first and second source operands and interleaves
the bytes as they are copied to the destination. The low-order bytes of each octword of the source
operands are ignored.
Bytes are interleaved in ascending order from the least-significant byte of the upper 8 bytes of each
octword of the source operands with bytes from the first source operand occupying the lower byte of
each pair copied to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[7:0] = src1[71:64]
dest[15:8] = src2[71:64]
dest[23:16] = src1[79:72]
dest[31:24] = src2[79:72]
dest[39:32] = src1[87:80]
dest[47:40] = src2[87:80]
dest[55:48] = src1[95:88]
dest[63:56] = src2[95:88]
dest[71:64] = src1[103:96]
dest[79:72] = src2[103:96]
dest[87:80] = src1[111:104]
dest[95:88] = src2[111:104]
dest[103:96] = src1[119:112]
dest[111:104] = src2[119:112]
dest[119:112] = src1[127:120]
dest[127:120] = src2[127:120]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[135:128] = src1[199:192]
dest[143:136] = src2[199:192]
dest[151:144] = src1[207:200]
dest[159:152] = src2[207:200]
dest[167:160] = src1[215:208]
dest[175:168] = src2[215:208]
dest[183:176] = src1[223:216]
dest[191:184] = src2[223:216]
dest[199:192] = src1[231:224]
dest[207:200] = src2[231:224]
dest[215:208] = src1[239:232]
dest[223:216] = src2[239:232]
dest[231:224] = src1[247:240]
dest[239:232] = src2[247:240]
dest[247:240] = src1[255:248]
dest[255:248] = src2[255:248]
When the second source operand is all 0s, the destination effectively contains the 8 high-order bytes
from the first source operand or the 8 high-order bytes from both octwords of the first source operand
zero-extended to 16 bits. This operation is useful for expanding unsigned 8-bit values to unsigned
16-bit operands for subsequent processing that requires higher precision.
Unpack and Interleave
High Bytes
Instruction Reference PUNPCKHBW, VPUNPCKHBW 499
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PUNPCKHBW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPUNPCKHBW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPUNPCKHBW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PUNPCKHBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 68 /r Unpacks and interleaves the high-order bytes of
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the bytes to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPUNPCKHBW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 68 /r
VPUNPCKHBW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 68 /r
500 PUNPCKHBW, VPUNPCKHBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PUNPCKHDQ, VPUNPCKHDQ 501
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Unpacks the two high-order doublewords of each octword of the first and second source operands and
interleaves the doublewords as they are copied to the destination. The low-order doublewords of each
octword of the source operands are ignored.
Doublewords are interleaved in ascending order from the least-significant doubleword of the high
quadword of each octword with doublewords from the first source operand occupying the lower dou-
bleword of each pair copied to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[31:0] = src1[95:64]
dest[63:32] = src2[95:64]
dest[95:64] = src1[127:96]
dest[127:96] = src2[127:96]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[159:128] = src1[223:192]
dest[191:160] = src2[223:192]
dest[223:192] = src1[255:224]
dest[255:224] = src2[255:224]
When the second source operand is all 0s, the destination effectively receives the 2 high-order dou-
blewords from the first source operand or the 2 high-order doublewords from both octwords of the
first source operand zero-extended to 64 bits. This operation is useful for expanding unsigned 32-bit
values to unsigned 64-bit operands for subsequent processing that requires higher precision.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register or
128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Unpack and Interleave
High Doublewords
502 PUNPCKHDQ, VPUNPCKHDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PUNPCKHDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPUNPCKHDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPUNPCKHDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PUNPCKHDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 6A /r Unpacks and interleaves the high-order doublewords
of xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the
doublewords to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPUNPCKHDQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 6A /r
VPUNPCKHDQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 6A /r
Instruction Reference PUNPCKHDQ, VPUNPCKHDQ 503
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
504 PUNPCKHQDQ, VPUNPCKHQDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Unpacks the high-order quadword of each octword of the first and second source operands and inter-
leaves the quadwords as they are copied to the destination. The low-order quadword of each octword
of the source operands is ignored.
Quadwords are interleaved in ascending order with the high-order quadword from the first source
operand or each octword of the first source operand occupying the lower quadword of corresponding
octword of the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[63:0] = src1[127:64]
dest[127:64] = src2[127:64]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[191:128] = src1[255:192]
dest[255:192] = src2[255:192]
When the second source operand is all 0s, the destination effectively receives the quadword from
upper half of the first source operand or the high-order quadwords from each octword of the first
source operand zero-extended to 128 bits. This operation is useful for expanding unsigned 64-bit val-
ues to unsigned 128-bit operands for subsequent processing that requires higher precision.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register or
128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
Unpack and Interleave
High Quadwords
Form Subset Feature Flag
PUNPCKHQDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPUNPCKHQDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPUNPCKHQDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PUNPCKHQDQ, VPUNPCKHQDQ 505
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PUNPCKHQDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 6D /r Unpacks and interleaves the high-order
quadwords of xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128.
Writes the bytes to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPUNPCKHQDQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 6D /r
VPUNPCKHQDQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 6D /r
506 PUNPCKHQDQ, VPUNPCKHQDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PUNPCKHWD, VPUNPCKHWD 507
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Unpacks the 4 high-order words of each octword of the first and second source operands and inter-
leaves the words as they are copied to the destination. The low-order words of each octword of the
source operands are ignored.
Words are interleaved in ascending order from the least-significant word of the high quadword of
each octword with words from the first source operand occupying the lower word of each pair copied
to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[15:0] = src1[79:64]
dest[31:16] = src2[79:64]
dest[47:32] = src1[95:80]
dest[63:48] = src2[95:80]
dest[79:64] = src1[111:96]
dest[95:80] = src2[111:96]
dest[111:96] = src1[127:112]
dest[127:112] = src2[127:112]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[143:128] = src1[207:192]
dest[159:144] = src2[207:192]
dest[175:160] = src1[223:208]
dest[191:176] = src2[223:208]
dest[207:192] = src1[239:224]
dest[223:208] = src2[239:224]
dest[239:224] = src1[255:240]
dest[255:240] = src2[255:240]
When the second source operand is all 0s, the destination effectively receives the 4 high-order words
from the first source operand or the 4 high-order words from both octwords of the first source oper-
and zero-extended to 32 bits. This operation is useful for expanding unsigned 16-bit values to
unsigned 32-bit operands for subsequent processing that requires higher precision.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Unpack and Interleave
High Words
508 PUNPCKHWD, VPUNPCKHWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PUNPCKHWD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPUNPCKHWD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPUNPCKHWD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PUNPCKHWD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 69 /r Unpacks and interleaves the high-order words of
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the words to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPUNPCKHWD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 69 /r
VPUNPCKHWD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 69 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Instruction Reference PUNPCKHWD, VPUNPCKHWD 509
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
510 PUNPCKLBW, VPUNPCKLBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Unpacks the 8 low-order bytes of each octword of the first and second source operands and inter-
leaves the bytes as they are copied to the destination. The high-order bytes of each octword are
Bytes are interleaved in ascending order from the least-significant byte of source operands with bytes
from the first source operand occupying the lower byte of each pair copied to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[7:0] = src1[7:0]
dest[15:8] = src2[7:0]
dest[23:16] = src1[15:8]
dest[31:24] = src2[15:8]
dest[39:32] = src1[23:16]
dest[47:40] = src2[23:16]
dest[55:48] = src1[31:24]
dest[63:56] = src2[31:24]
dest[71:64] = src1[39:32]
dest[79:72] = src2[39:32]
dest[87:80] = src1[47:40]
dest[95:88] = src2[47:40]
dest[103:96] = src1[55:48]
dest[111:104] = src2[55:48]
dest[119:112] = src1[63:56]
dest[127:120] = src2[63:56]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[135:128] = src1[135:128]
dest[143:136] = src2[135:128]
dest[151:144] = src1[143:136]
dest[159:152] = src2[143:136]
dest[167:160] = src1[151:144]
dest[175:168] = src2[151:144]
dest[183:176] = src1[159:152]
dest[191:184] = src2[159:152]
dest[199:192] = src1[167:160]
dest[207:200] = src2[167:160]
dest[215:208] = src1[175:168]
dest[223:216] = src2[175:168]
dest[231:224] = src1[183:176]
dest[239:232] = src2[183:176]
dest[247:240] = src1[191:184]
dest[255:248] = src2[191:184]
When the second source operand is all 0s, the destination effectively receives the eight low-order
bytes from the first source operand or the eight low-order bytes from both octwords of the first source
operand zero-extended to 16 bits. This operation is useful for expanding unsigned 8-bit values to
unsigned 16-bit operands for subsequent processing that requires higher precision.
Unpack and Interleave
Low Bytes
Instruction Reference PUNPCKLBW, VPUNPCKLBW 511
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PUNPCKLBW SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPUNPCKLBW 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPUNPCKLBW 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PUNPCKLBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 60 /r Unpacks and interleaves the low-order bytes of
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the bytes to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPUNPCKLBW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 60 /r
VPUNPCKLBW ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 60 /r
512 PUNPCKLBW, VPUNPCKLBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PUNPCKLDQ, VPUNPCKLDQ 513
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Unpacks the two low-order doublewords of each octword of the first and second source operands and
interleaves the doublewords as they are copied to the destination. The high-order doublewords of
each octword of the source operands are ignored.
Doublewords are interleaved in ascending order from the least-significant doubleword of the sources
with doublewords from the first source operand occupying the lower doubleword of each pair copied
to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[31:0] = src1[31:0]
dest[63:32] = src2[31:0]
dest[95:64] = src1[63:32]
dest[127:96] = src2[63:32]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[159:128] = src1[159:128]
dest[191:160] = src2[159:128]
dest[223:192] = src1[191:160]
dest[255:224] = src2[191:160]
When the second source operand is all 0s, the destination effectively receives the two low-order dou-
blewords from the first source operand or the two low-order doublewords from both octwords of the
source operand zero-extended to 64 bits. This operation is useful for expanding unsigned 32-bit val-
ues to unsigned 64-bit operands for subsequent processing that requires higher precision.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register or
128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Unpack and Interleave
Low Doublewords
514 PUNPCKLDQ, VPUNPCKLDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PUNPCKLDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPUNPCKLDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPUNPCKLDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PUNPCKLDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 62 /r Unpacks and interleaves the low-order doublewords
of xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the
doublewords to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPUNPCKLDQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 62 /r
VPUNPCKLDQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 62 /r
Instruction Reference PUNPCKLDQ, VPUNPCKLDQ 515
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
516 PUNPCKLQDQ, VPUNPCKLQDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Unpacks the low-order quadword of each octword of the first and second source operands and inter-
leaves the quadwords as they are copied to the destination. The high-order quadword of each octword
of the source operands is ignored.
Quadwords are interleaved in ascending order from the least-significant quadword of the sources with
quadwords from the first source operand occupying the lower quadword of each pair copied to the
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[63:0] = src1[63:0]
dest[127:64] = src2[63:0]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[191:128] = src1[191:128]
dest[255:192] = src2[191:128]
When the second source operand is all 0s, the destination effectively receives the low-order quadword
from the first source operand or the low-order quadword of both octwords of the first source operand
zero-extended to 128 bits. This operation is useful for expanding unsigned 64-bit values to unsigned
128-bit operands for subsequent processing that requires higher precision.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is an XMM register or
128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
Unpack and Interleave
Low Quadwords
Form Subset Feature Flag
PUNPCKLQDQ SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPUNPCKLQDQ 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPUNPCKLQDQ 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference PUNPCKLQDQ, VPUNPCKLQDQ 517
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PUNPCKLQDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 6C /r Unpacks and interleaves the low-order
quadwords of xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128.
Writes the bytes to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPUNPCKLQDQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 6C /r
VPUNPCKLQDQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 6C /r
518 PUNPCKLQDQ, VPUNPCKLQDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference PUNPCKLWD, VPUNPCKLWD 519
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Unpacks the four low-order words of each octword of the first and second source operands and inter-
leaves the words as they are copied to the destination. The high-order words of each octword of the
source operands are ignored.
Words are interleaved in ascending order from the least-significant word of the source operands with
words from the first source operand occupying the lower word of each pair copied to the destination.
For the 128-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[15:0] = src1[15:0]
dest[31:16] = src2[15:0]
dest[47:32] = src1[31:16]
dest[63:48] = src2[31:16]
dest[79:64] = src1[47:32]
dest[95:80] = src2[47:32]
dest[111:96] = src1[63:48]
dest[127:112] = src2[63:48]
Additionally, for the 256-bit form of the instruction, the following operations are performed:
dest[143:128] = src1[143:128]
dest[159:144] = src2[143:128]
dest[175:160] = src1[159:144]
dest[191:176] = src2[159:144]
dest[207:192] = src1[175:160]
dest[223:208] = src2[175:160]
dest[239:224] = src1[191:176]
dest[255:240] = src2[191:176]
When the second source operand is all 0s, the destination effectively receives the 4 low-order words
from the first source operand or the 4 low-order words of each octword of the first source operand
zero-extended to 32 bits. This operation is useful for expanding unsigned 16-bit values to unsigned
32-bit operands for subsequent processing that requires higher precision.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source operand is also the destination register. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Unpack and Interleave
Low Words
520 PUNPCKLWD, VPUNPCKLWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PUNPCKLWD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPUNPCKLWD 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPUNPCKLWD 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PUNPCKLWD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 61 /r Unpacks and interleaves the low-order words of
xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128. Writes the words to
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPUNPCKLWD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 61 /r
VPUNPCKLWD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 61 /r
Instruction Reference PUNPCKLWD, VPUNPCKLWD 521
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
522 PXOR, VPXOR Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs a bitwise XOR of the first and second source operands and writes the result to the destina-
tion. When either of a pair of corresponding bits in the first and second operands are set, the corre-
sponding bit of the destination is set; when both source bits are set or when both source bits are not
set, the destination bit is cleared.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location. The first source XMM register is also the destination. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Exclusive OR
Form Subset Feature Flag
PXOR SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VPXOR 128-bit AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VPXOR 256-bit AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
PXOR xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F EF /r Performs bitwise XOR of values in xmm1 and xmm2 or
mem128. Writes the result to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPXOR xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 EF /r
VPXOR ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 EF /r
Instruction Reference PXOR, VPXOR 523
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
524 RCPPS, VRCPPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the approximate reciprocal of each packed single-precision floating-point value in the
source operand and writes the results to the corresponding doubleword of the destination.
MXCSR.RC as no effect on the result.
The maximum error is less than or equal to 1.5 * 2–12 times the true reciprocal. A source value that is
±zero or denormal returns an infinity of the source value sign. Results that underflow are changed to
signed zero. For both SNaN and QNaN source operands, a QNaN is returned.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Computes four reciprocals. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destina-
tion. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Computes four reciprocals. The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory loca-
tion. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Computes eight reciprocals. The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory loca-
tion. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
RCPPS SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VRCPPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
RCPPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 53 /r Computes reciprocals of packed single-precision floating-
point values in xmm1 or mem128. Writes result to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VRCPPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.00 53 /r
VRCPPS ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.00 53 /r
Instruction Reference RCPPS, VRCPPS 525
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
526 RCPSS, VRCPSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the approximate reciprocal of the scalar single-precision floating-point value in a source
operand and writes the results to the low-order doubleword of the destination. MXCSR.RC as no
effect on the result.
The maximum error is less than or equal to 1.5 * 2–12 times the true reciprocal. A source value that is
±zero or denormal returns an infinity of the source value sign. Results that underflow are changed to
signed zero. For both SNaN and QNaN source operands, a QNaN is returned.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register
that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand and the destination are XMM registers. The second source operand is either
an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. Bits [31:0] of the destination contain the reciprocal;
bits [127:32] of the destination are copied from the first source register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
RCPSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VRCPSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
RCPSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 53 /r Computes reciprocal of scalar single-precision floating-point
value in xmm1 or mem32. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VRCPSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.X.10 53 /r
Instruction Reference RCPSS, VRCPSS 527
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
528 ROUNDPD, VROUNDPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Rounds two or four double-precision floating-point values as specified by an immediate byte oper-
and. Source values are rounded to integral values and written to the destination as double-precision
floating-point values.
SNaN source values are converted to QNaN. When DAZ =1, denormals are converted to zero before
The immediate byte operand is defined as follows.
Precision exception definitions:
Rounding control source definitions:
Rounding control definition:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Rounds two source values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand.
The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to the destination are not affected.
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Reserved P O RC
Bits Mnemonic Description
[7:4] — Reserved
[3] P Precision Exception
[2] O Rounding Control Source
[1:0] RC Rounding Control
Value Description
0 Normal PE exception
1 PE field is not updated.
No precision exception is taken when unmasked.
Value Description
0 Use RC from immediate operand
1 Use RC from MXCSR
Value Description
00 Nearest
01 Downward (toward negative infinity)
10 Upward (toward positive infinity)
11 Truncated
Instruction Reference ROUNDPD, VROUNDPD 529
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Rounds two source values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand.
The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Rounds four source values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source oper-
and is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand.
The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
PCMPEQQ SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VPCMPEQQ AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ROUNDPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128,
imm8 66 0F 3A 09 /r ib Rounds double-precision floating-point values
in xmm2 or mem128. Writes rounded double-
precision values to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VROUNDPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.0.01 09 /r ib
VROUNDPD ymm1, xmm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.1.01 09 /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
530 ROUNDPD, VROUNDPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ROUNDPS, VROUNDPS 531
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Rounds four or eight single-precision floating-point values as specified by an immediate byte oper-
and. Source values are rounded to integral values and written to the destination as single-precision
floating-point values.
SNaN source values are converted to QNaN. When DAZ =1, denormals are converted to zero before
The immediate byte operand is defined as follows.
Precision exception definitions:
Rounding control source definitions:
Rounding control definition:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Rounds four source values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand.
The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to the destination are not affected.
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Reserved P O RC
Bits Mnemonic Description
[7:4] — Reserved
[3] P Precision Exception
[2] O Rounding Control Source
[1:0] RC Rounding Control
Value Description
0 Normal PE exception
1 PE field is not updated.
No precision exception is taken when unmasked.
Value Description
0 Use RC from immediate operand
1 Use RC from MXCSR
Value Description
00 Nearest
01 Downward (toward negative infinity)
10 Upward (toward positive infinity)
11 Truncated
532 ROUNDPS, VROUNDPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Rounds four source values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand.
The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Rounds eight source values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source oper-
and is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand.
The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
ROUNDPS SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VROUNDPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ROUNDPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F 3A 08 /r ib Rounds single-precision floating-point
values in xmm2 or mem128. Writes
rounded single-precision values to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VROUNDPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.0.01 08 /r ib
VROUNDPS ymm1, xmm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.1111.1.01 08 /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference ROUNDPS, VROUNDPS 533
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
534 ROUNDSD, VROUNDSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Rounds a scalar double-precision floating-point value as specified by an immediate byte operand.
Source values are rounded to integral values and written to the destination as double-precision float-
ing-point values.
SNaN source values are converted to QNaN. When DAZ =1, denormals are converted to zero before
The immediate byte operand is defined as follows.
Precision exception definitions:
Rounding control source definitions:
Rounding control definition:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. When the source is an
XMM register, the value to be rounded must be in the low quadword. The destination is an XMM reg-
ister. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand. Bits [127:64] of the destination are not affected. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to destination XMM register are not affected.
Scalar Double-Precision
Reserved P O RC
Bits Mnemonic Description
[7:4] — Reserved
[3] P Precision Exception
[2] O Rounding Control Source
[1:0] RC Rounding Control
Value Description
0 Normal PE exception
1 PE field is not updated.
No precision exception is taken when unmasked.
Value Description
0 Use RC from immediate operand
1 Use RC from MXCSR
Value Description
00 Nearest
01 Downward (toward negative infinity)
10 Upward (toward positive infinity)
11 Truncated
Instruction Reference ROUNDSD, VROUNDSD 535
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. There is a fourth 8-bit immediate
operand. Bits [127:64] of the destination are copied from the first source operand. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
ROUNDSD SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VROUNDSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ROUNDSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64, imm8 66 0F 3A 0B /r ib Rounds a double-precision floating-point
value in xmm2[63:0] or mem64. Writes a
rounded double-precision value to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VROUNDSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.src1.X.01 0B /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
536 ROUNDSD, VROUNDSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference ROUNDSS, VROUNDSS 537
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Rounds a scalar single-precision floating-point value as specified by an immediate byte operand.
Source values are rounded to integral values and written to the destination as single-precision float-
ing-point values.
SNaN source values are converted to QNaN. When DAZ =1, denormals are converted to zero before
The immediate byte operand is defined as follows.
Precision exception definitions:
Rounding control source definitions:
Rounding control definition:
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. When the source is an
XMM register, the value to be rounded must be in the low doubleword. The destination is an XMM
register. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand. Bits [127:32] of the destination are not affected.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to destination XMM register are not affected.
Scalar Single-Precision
Reserved P O RC
Bits Mnemonic Description
[7:4] — Reserved
[3] P Precision Exception
[2] O Rounding Control Source
[1:0] RC Rounding Control
Value Description
0 Normal PE exception
1 PE field is not updated.
No precision exception is taken when unmasked.
Value Description
0 Use RC from immediate operand
1 Use RC from MXCSR
Value Description
00 Nearest
01 Downward (toward negative infinity)
10 Upward (toward positive infinity)
11 Truncated
538 ROUNDSS, VROUNDSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 32-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. There is a fourth 8-bit immediate
operand. Bits [127:32] of the destination are copied from the first source operand. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
ROUNDSS SSE4.1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE41] (bit 19)
VROUNDSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
ROUNDSS xmm1, xmm2/mem64, imm8 66 0F 3A 0A /r ib Rounds a single-precision floating-point
value in xmm2[63:0] or mem64. Writes a
rounded single-precision value to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VROUNDSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64, imm8 C4 RXB.03 X.src1.X.01 0A /r ib
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference ROUNDSS, VROUNDSS 539
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
540 RSQRTPS, VRSQRTPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the approximate reciprocal of the square root of each packed single-precision floating-
point value in the source operand and writes the results to the corresponding doublewords of the des-
tination. MXCSR.RC has no effect on the result.
The maximum error is less than or equal to 1.5 * 2–12 times the true reciprocal square root. A source
value that is ±zero or denormal returns an infinity of the source value sign. Negative source values
other than –zero and –denormal return a QNaN floating-point indefinite value. For both SNaN and
QNaN source operands, a QNaN is returned.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Computes four values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is
either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Computes four values. The destination is an XMM register. The source operand is either an XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Computes eight values. The destination is a YMM register. The source operand is either a YMM reg-
ister or a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Reciprocal Square Root
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
RSQRTPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VRSQRTPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
RSQRTPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 52 /r Computes reciprocals of square roots of packed single-
precision floating-point values in xmm1 or mem128.
Writes result to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VRSQRTPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.00 52 /r
VRSQRTPS ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.00 52 /r
Instruction Reference RSQRTPS, VRSQRTPS 541
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
542 RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the approximate reciprocal of the square root of the scalar single-precision floating-point
value in a source operand and writes the result to the low-order doubleword of the destination.
MXCSR.RC as no effect on the result.
The maximum error is less than or equal to 1.5 * 2–12 times the true reciprocal square root. A source
value that is ±zero or denormal returns an infinity of the source value’s sign. Negative source values
other than –zero and –denormal return a QNaN floating-point indefinite value. For both SNaN and
QNaN source operands, a QNaN is returned.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is an
XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register
that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand and the destination are XMM registers. The second source operand is either
an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. Bits [31:0] of the destination contain the reciprocal
square root of the single-precision floating-point value held in bits [31:0] of the second source oper-
and; bits [127:32] of the destination are copied from the first source register. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Reciprocal Square Root
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
RSQRTSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VRSQRTSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
RSQRTSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 52 /r Computes reciprocal of square root of a scalar single-
precision floating-point value in xmm1 or mem32. Writes
result to xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VRSQRTSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.X.10 52 /r
Instruction Reference RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS 543
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
544 RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Execute 4 rounds of a SHA1 operation using the 4 double words (A, B, C, D) from the first source
operand, and value E from the second operand. The lower two bits of the immediate are used to spec-
ify the function and constant appropriate for the current round of processing. The resulting (A, B, C,
D) is placed in the destination register which is the same as the first source register.
The following function is performed:
Related Instructions
SHA1RNDS4 Four Rounds of SHA1
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHA1RNDS4 xmm1, xmm2/m128, imm8 0F 3A CC /r ib Executes 4 Rounds of SHA1
B SRC1[95:64];
C SRC1[63:32];
D SRC1[31:0];
W0E SRC2[127:96];
W1 SRC2[95:64];
W2 SRC2[63:32];
W3 SRC2[31:0];
i=imm[1:0] which determines f_i and K_i
First Round operation:
f_ 0(B, C, D) + (A Rotate Left 5) +W0E +K_0;
B_1 A;
C_1 B Rotate Left 30;
D_1 C;
E_1 D;
FOR j = 1 to 3
{ A_(j +1) f_j(B_j, C_j, D_j) + (A_j Rotate Left 5) +Wj+ E_j +K_i;
B_(j+1) <- A_j;
C_(j +1) B_j Rotate Left 30;
D_(j +1) C_j;
E_(j +1) D_j;
DEST[127:96] A_4;
DEST[95:64] B_4;
DEST[63:32] C_4;
DEST[31:0] D_4;
Instruction Reference RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS 545
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or
X Null data segment used to reference memory
Alignment check, #AC S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when
alignment checking enabled and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Alignment checking enabled and 256-bit memory
operand not 32-byte aligned or 128-bit memory
operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page Fault, #PF S X A page fault resulted from the execution of the
X - SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A - AVX, AVX2 exception
S - SSE exception
546 RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Calculate what the next E register values should be after 4 rounds of a SHA1 operation using the 4
double words from the second source operand, and value A from the first operand. The resulting E is
placed in the destination register which is the same as the first source register.
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
SHA1NEXTE Calculate Next E SHA1
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHA1NEXTE xmm1,xmm2/m128 0F 38 C8 /r Calculate Next E of SHA1
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or
X Null data segment used to reference memory
DEST[127:96] SRC2[127:96] + (SRC1[127:96] rotated left 30)
DEST[95:0] SRC2[95:0];
Instruction Reference RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS 547
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Alignment check, #AC S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when
alignment checking enabled and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Alignment checking enabled and 256-bit memory
operand not 32-byte aligned or 128-bit memory
operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page Fault, #PF S X A page fault resulted from the execution of the
X - SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A - AVX, AVX2 exception
S - SSE exception
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
548 RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs the 1st of two intermediate calculations necessary before doing the next four rounds of the
SHA1 message.
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
SHA1MSG1 Message Intermediate 1
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHA1MSG1 xmm1, xmm2/m128 0F 38 C9 /r Calculate Message Intermediate 1
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or
X Null data segment used to reference memory
DEST[127:96] SRC1[63:32] XOR SRC1[127:96]
DEST[95:64] SRC1[31:0] XOR SRC1[95:64]
DEST[63:32] SRC2[127:96] XOR SRC1[63:32]
DEST[31:0] SRC2[95:64] XOR SRC1[31:0]
Instruction Reference RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS 549
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Alignment check, #AC S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when
alignment checking enabled and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Alignment checking enabled and 256-bit memory
operand not 32-byte aligned or 128-bit memory
operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page Fault, #PF S X A page fault resulted from the execution of the
X - SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A - AVX, AVX2 exception
S - SSE exception
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
550 RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs the 2nd of two intermediate calculations necessary before doing the next four rounds of the
SHA1 message.
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
SHA1MSG2 Message Calculation 2
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHA1MSG2 xmm1, xmm2/m128 0F 38 CA /r CCalculate Message Intermediate 2
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Temp[31:0] (SRC1[127:96] XOR SRC2[95:64]) Rotate Left 1
DEST[127:96] Temp[31:0]
DEST[95:64] (SRC1[95:64] XOR SRC2[63:32]) Rotate Left 1
DEST[63:32] (SRC1{63:32] XOR SRC2[31:0]) Rotate Left 1
DEST[31:0] (SRC1[31:0] XOR Temp[31:0]) Rotate Left 1
Instruction Reference RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS 551
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or
X Null data segment used to reference memory
Alignment check, #AC S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when
alignment checking enabled and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Alignment checking enabled and 256-bit memory
operand not 32-byte aligned or 128-bit memory
operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page Fault, #PF S X A page fault resulted from the execution of the
X - SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A - AVX, AVX2 exception
S - SSE exception
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
552 RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs 2 rounds of SHA256 operation with the first operand holding the initial SHA256 state (C,
D, G, H), the second operand holding the initial SHA256 state (A, B, E, F), and the implicit operand
xmm0 holding a pre-computed sum of the next two double word round 2 message as well as the cor-
responding round constants. The resulting SHA256 state (A, B, E, F) is placed in the destination reg-
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
SHA256RNDS2 Two Rounds of SHA256
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHA256RNDS2xmm1, xmm2/m128, xmm0 0F 38 CB /r Execute 2 rounds of SHA256
B_0 SRC2[95:64];
C_0 SRC1[127:96];
D_0 SRC1[95:64];
E_0 SRC2[63:32];
F_0 SRC2[31:0];
G_0 SRC1[63:32];
H_0 SRC1[31:0];
K0 XMM0[31: 0];
K1 XMM0[63: 32];
FOR i = 0 to 1
{ A_(i +1) Ch (E_i, F_i, G_i) + Perm1(E_i) +K_i + H_i + Ma(A_i , B_i, C_i) + Perm0(A_i);
B_(i +1) A_i;
C_(i +1) B_i ;
D_(i +1) C_i;
E_(i +1) Ch (E_i, F_i, G_i) + Perm1(E_i) + K_i + H_i + D_i;
F_(i +1) E_i ;
G_(i +1) F_i;
H_(i +1) G_i;
DEST[127:96] A_2;
DEST[95:64] B_2;
DEST[63:32] E_2;
DEST[31:0] F_2;
Instruction Reference RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS 553
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or
X Null data segment used to reference memory
Alignment check, #AC S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when
alignment checking enabled and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Alignment checking enabled and 256-bit memory
operand not 32-byte aligned or 128-bit memory
operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page Fault, #PF S X A page fault resulted from the execution of the
X - SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A - AVX, AVX2 exception
S - SSE exception
554 RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs the 1st of two intermediate calculations necessary for the next four SHA256 message
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
SHA256MSG1 Message Intermediate 1
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHA256MSG1xmm1, xmm2/m128 0F 38 CC /r Calculate Message Intermediate 1
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or
DEST[127:96] SRC1[127:96] + Perm2( SRC2[31:0])
DEST[95:64] SRC1[95:64] + Perm2( SRC1[127:96])
DEST[63:32] SRC1[63:32] + Perm2( SRC1[95:64]
DEST[31:0] SRC1[31:0] + Perm2( SRC1[63:62])
Instruction Reference RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS 555
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or
X Null data segment used to reference memory
Alignment check, #AC S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when
alignment checking enabled and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Alignment checking enabled and 256-bit memory
operand not 32-byte aligned or 128-bit memory
operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page Fault, #PF S X A page fault resulted from the execution of the
X - SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A - AVX, AVX2 exception
S - SSE exception
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
556 RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs the 2nd of two intermediate calculations necessary for the next four SHA256 message
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
SHA256MSG2 Message Intermediate 2
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHA256MSG1 xmm1, xmm2/m128 0F 38 CD /r Calculate Message Intermediate 2
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or
Temp0 SRC1[31:0] + Perm3( SRC2[95:64])
Temp1 SRC1[63:32] + Perm3( SRC2[127:96])
DEST[127:96] SRC1[127:96] + Perm3( Temp1)
DEST[95:64] SRC1[95:64] + Perm3( Temp0)
DEST[63:32] SRC1[63:32] + Perm3( SRC2[127:96])
DEST[31:0] SRC1[31:0] + Perm3( SRC2[95:624])
Instruction Reference RSQRTSS, VRSQRTSS 557
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or
X Null data segment used to reference memory
Alignment check, #AC S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when
alignment checking enabled and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Alignment checking enabled and 256-bit memory
operand not 32-byte aligned or 128-bit memory
operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page Fault, #PF S X A page fault resulted from the execution of the
X - SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A - AVX, AVX2 exception
S - SSE exception
Exceptions Real Virtual
Protected Cause of Exception
558 SHUFPD, VSHUFPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Copies packed double-precision floating-point values from either of two sources to quadwords in the
destination, as specified by bit fields of an immediate byte operand.
Each bit corresponds to a quadword destination. The 128-bit legacy and extended versions of the
instruction use bits [1:0]; the 256-bit extended version uses bits [3:0], as shown.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Shuffles four source values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. There is a third 8-bit immediate operand.
The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Shuffles four source values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register.
There is a fourth 8-bit immediate operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Shuffles eight source values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source oper-
and is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
There is a fourth 8-bit immediate operand.
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
Source 1
Bits Copied
Source 2
Bits Copied
Used by 128-bit encoding and 256-bit encoding
[63:0] [0] 0 [63:0]
1 [127:64]
[127:64] [1] 0 [63:0]
1 — ]127:64]
Used only by 256-bit encoding
[191:128] [2] 0 [191:128]
1 [255:192]
[255:192] [3] 0 [191:128]
1 — [255:192]
Instruction Reference SHUFPD, VSHUFPD 559
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
SHUFPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VSHUFPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHUFPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 66 0F C6 /r ib Shuffles packed double-precision floating-
point values in xmm1 and xmm2 or
mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSHUFPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 C6 /r
VSHUFPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 C6 /r
560 SHUFPD, VSHUFPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
Instruction Reference SHUFPS, VSHUFPS 561
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed single-precision floating-point values from either of two sources to doublewords in the
destination, as specified by bit fields of an immediate byte operand.
Each bit field corresponds to a doubleword destination. The 128-bit legacy and extended versions of
the instruction use a single 128-bit destination; the 256-bit extended version performs duplicate oper-
ations on bits [127:0] and bits [255:128] of the source and destination.
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Bit Field
Value of Bit
Source 1
Bits Copied
Source 2
Bits Copied
[31:0] [1:0] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[63:32] [3:2] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[95:64] [5:4] 00 — [31:0]
01 — [63:32]
10 — [95:64]
11 — [127:96]
[127:96] [7:6] 00 — [31:0]
01 — [63:32]
10 — [95:64]
11 — [127:96]
Upper 128 bits of 256-bit source and destination used by 256-bit encoding
[159:128] [1:0] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
[191:160] [3:2] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
[223:192] [5:4] 00 — [159:128]
01 — [191:160]
10 — [223:192]
11 — [255:224]
[255:224] [7:6] 00 — [159:128]
01 — [191:160]
10 — [223:192]
11 — [255:224]
562 SHUFPS, VSHUFPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Shuffles eight source values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source oper-
and is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. There is a third 8-bit immediate oper-
and. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Shuffles eight source values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source oper-
and is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register.
There is a fourth 8-bit immediate operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Shuffles 16 source values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand
is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
There is a fourth 8-bit immediate operand.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
SHUFPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VSHUFPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SHUFPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 0F C6 /r ib Shuffles packed single-precision floating-
point values in xmm1 and xmm2 or
mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSHUFPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.00 C6 /r
VSHUFPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.00 C6 /r
Instruction Reference SHUFPS, VSHUFPS 563
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
564 SQRTPD, VSQRTPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the square root of each packed double-precision floating-point value in a source operand
and writes the result to the corresponding quadword of the destination.
Performing the square root of +infinity returns +infinity.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Computes two values. The destination is an XMM register. The source operand is either an XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Computes two values. The source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the des-
tination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Computes four values. The source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location.
The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Square Root
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
SQRTPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VSQRTPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SQRTPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 51 /r Computes square roots of packed double-precision
floating-point values in xmm1 or mem128. Writes the
results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSQRTPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.01 51 /r
VSQRTPD ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.01 51 /r
Instruction Reference SQRTPD, VSQRTPD 565
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
566 SQRTPS, VSQRTPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the square root of each packed single-precision floating-point value in a source operand
and writes the result to the corresponding doubleword of the destination.
Performing the square root of +infinity returns +infinity.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Computes four values. The destination is an XMM register. The source operand is either an XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Computes four values. The destination is an XMM register. The source operand is either an XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Computes eight values. The destination is a YMM register. The source operand is either a YMM reg-
ister or a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Square Root
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
SQRTPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VSQRTPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SQRTPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 51 /r Computes square roots of packed single-precision
floating-point values in xmm1 or mem128. Writes the
results to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSQRTPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.00 51 /r
VSQRTPS ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.00 51 /r
Instruction Reference SQRTPS, VSQRTPS 567
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
568 SQRTSD, VSQRTSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the square root of a double-precision floating-point value and writes the result to the low
quadword of the destination. The three-operand form of the instruction also writes a copy of the upper
quadword of a second source operand to the upper quadword of the destination.
Performing the square root of +infinity returns +infinity.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. When the source is an
XMM register, the source value must be in the low quadword. The destination is an XMM register.
Bits [127:64] of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to destination XMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a single 128-bit encoding that requires three operands:
VSQRTSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 64-bit memory location. When the second source is an XMM register, the source value must be in
the low quadword. The destination is a third XMM register. The square root of the second source
operand is written to bits [63:0] of the destination register. Bits [127:64] of the destination are copied
from the corresponding bits of the first source operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that cor-
responds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Square Root
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
SQRTSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VSQRTSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SQRTSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 51 /r Computes the square root of a double-precision floating-
point value in xmm1 or mem64. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSQRTSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.X.11 51 /r
Instruction Reference SQRTSD, VSQRTSD 569
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
570 SQRTSS, VSQRTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Computes the square root of a single-precision floating-point value and writes the result to the low
doubleword of the destination. The three-operand form of the instruction also writes a copy of the
three most significant doublewords of a second source operand to the upper 96 bits of the destination.
Performing the square root of +infinity returns +infinity.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The source operand is either an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location. When the source is an
XMM register, the source value must be in the low doubleword. The destination is an XMM register.
Bits [127:32] of the destination are not affected. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to destination XMM register are not affected.
The extended form has a single 128-bit encoding that requires three operands:
VSQRTSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 32-bit memory location. When the second source is an XMM register, the source value must be in
the low doubleword. The destination is a third XMM register. The square root of the second source
operand is written to bits [31:0] of the destination register. Bits [127:32] of the destination are copied
from the corresponding bits of the first source operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that cor-
responds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Square Root
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
SQRTSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VSQRTSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SQRTSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 51 /r Computes square root of a single-precision floating-point
value in xmm1 or mem32. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSQRTSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.X.10 51 /r
Instruction Reference SQRTSS, VSQRTSS 571
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
572 STMXCSR, VSTMXCSR Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Saves the content of the MXCSR extended control/status register to a 32-bit memory location.
Reserved bits are stored as zeroes. The MXCSR is described in “Registers” in Volume 1.
For both legacy STMXCSR and extended VSTMXCSR forms of the instruction, the source operand
is the MXCSR and the destination is a 32-bit memory location.
There is one encoding for each instruction form.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
STMXCSR SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VSTMXCSR AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
STMXCSR mem32 0F AE /3 Stores content of MXCSR in mem32.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSTMXCSR mem32 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.00 AE /3
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Instruction Reference STMXCSR, VSTMXCSR 573
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
S S S Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
574 SUBPD, VSUBPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts each packed double-precision floating-point value of the second source operand from the
corresponding value of the first source operand and writes the difference to the corresponding quad-
word of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Subtracts two pairs of values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source oper-
and is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the desti-
nation. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Subtracts two pairs of values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source oper-
and is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Subtracts four pairs of values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source
operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM reg-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
SUBPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VSUBPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SUBPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 5C /r Subtracts packed double-precision floating-point values in
xmm2 or mem128 from corresponding values of xmm1.
Writes differences to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 5C /r
VSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 5C /r
Instruction Reference SUBPD, VSUBPD 575
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
576 SUBPS, VSUBPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts each packed single-precision floating-point value of the second source operand from the
corresponding value of the first source operand and writes the difference to the corresponding quad-
word of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Subtracts four pairs of values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source oper-
and is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the desti-
nation. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Subtracts four pairs of values. The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source oper-
and is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Subtracts eight pairs of values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source
operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM reg-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
SUBPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VSUBPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SUBPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 5C /r Subtracts packed single-precision floating-point values in
xmm2 or mem128 from corresponding values of xmm1.
Writes differences to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.0.00 5C /r
VSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00001 X.src.1.00 5C /r
Instruction Reference SUBPS, VSUBPS 577
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
578 SUBSD, VSUBSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts the double-precision floating-point value in the low-order quadword of the second source
operand from the corresponding value in the first source operand and writes the result to the low-
order quadword of the destination
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination register. Bits [127:64]
of the destination and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 64-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the first
source operand are copied to bits [127:64] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
SUBSD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VSUBSD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SUBSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 F2 0F 5C /r Subtracts low-order double-precision floating-point value in
xmm2 or mem64 from the corresponding value of xmm1.
Writes the difference to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSUBSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.X.11 5C /r
Instruction Reference SUBSD, VSUBSD 579
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
580 SUBSS, VSUBSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts the single-precision floating-point value in the low-order word of the second source oper-
and from the corresponding value in the first source operand and writes the result to the low-order
word of the destination
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination register. Bits [127:32]
of the destination and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has a 128-bit encoding only.
The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source operand is either an XMM regis-
ter or a 32-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [127:32] of the first
source operand are copied to bits [127:32] of the destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that
corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
SUBSS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VSUBSS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
SUBSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 F3 0F 5C /r Subtracts a low-order single-precision floating-point value
in xmm2 or mem32 from the corresponding value of xmm1.
Writes the difference to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VSUBSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.X.10 5C /r
Instruction Reference SUBSS, VSUBSS 581
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: M indicates a flag that may be modified (set or cleared). Blanks indicate flags that are not affected.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
582 UCOMISD, VUCOMISD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs an unordered comparison of a double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits
of an XMM register with a double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 64 bits of an XMM
register or a 64-bit memory location.
The ZF, PF, and CF bits in the rFLAGS register reflect the result of the compare as follows.
The OF, AF, and SF bits in rFLAGS are cleared. If the instruction causes an unmasked SIMD float-
ing-point exception (#XF), the rFLAGS bits are not updated.
The result is unordered when one or both of the operand values is a NaN. UCOMISD signals a SIMD
floating-point invalid operation exception (#I) only when a source operand is an SNaN.
The legacy and extended forms of the instruction operate in the same way.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Unordered Compare
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Result of Compare ZF PF CF
Unordered 1 1 1
Greater Than 0 0 0
Less Than 0 0 1
Equal 100
Form Subset Feature Flag
UCOMISD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VUCOMISD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
UCOMISD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 66 0F 2E /r Compares scalar double-precision floating-point values
in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem64. Sets rFLAGS.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VUCOMISD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.00001 X.1111.X.01 2E /r
Instruction Reference UCOMISD, VUCOMISD 583
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Note: If the instruction causes an unmasked SIMD floating-point exception (#XF), the rFLAGS bits are not updated.
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
584 UCOMISS, VUCOMISS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs an unordered comparison of a single-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits
of an XMM register with a double-precision floating-point value in the low-order 32 bits of an XMM
register or a 32-bit memory location.
The ZF, PF, and CF bits in the rFLAGS register reflect the result of the compare as follows.
The OF, AF, and SF bits in rFLAGS are cleared. If the instruction causes an unmasked SIMD float-
ing-point exception (#XF), the rFLAGS bits are not updated.
The result is unordered when one or both of the operand values is a NaN. UCOMISD signals a SIMD
floating-point invalid operation exception (#I) only when a source operand is an SNaN.
The legacy and extended forms of the instruction operate in the same way.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Unordered Compare
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Result of Compare ZF PF CF
Unordered 1 1 1
Greater Than 0 0 0
Less Than 0 0 1
Equal 100
Form Subset Feature Flag
UCOMISS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VUCOMISS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
UCOMISS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 0F 2E /r Compares scalar double-precision floating-point values
in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem64. Sets rFLAGS.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VUCOMISS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.01 X.1111.X.00 2E /r
Instruction Reference UCOMISS, VUCOMISS 585
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Note: If the instruction causes an unmasked SIMD floating-point exception (#XF), the rFLAGS bits are not updated.
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
586 UNPCKHPD, VUNPCKHPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Unpacks the high-order double-precision floating-point values of the first and second source oper-
ands and interleaves the values into the destination. Bits [63:0] of the source operands are ignored.
Values are interleaved in ascending order from the lsb of the sources and the destination. Bits
[127:64] of the first source are written to bits [63:0] of the destination; bits [127:64] of the second
source are written to bits [127:64] of the destination. For the 256-bit encoding, the process is repeated
for bits [255:192] of the sources and bits [255:128] of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Interleaves one pair of values. The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source
operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the
destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Interleaves one pair of values. The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source
operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Interleaves two pairs of values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source
operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM reg-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Unpack High
Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
UNPCKHPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VUNPCKHPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
UNPCKHPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 15 /r Unpacks the high-order double-precision floating-
point values in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and
interleaves them into xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VUNPCKHPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 15 /r
VUNPCKHPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 15 /r
Instruction Reference UNPCKHPD, VUNPCKHPD 587
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
588 UNPCKHPS, VUNPCKHPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Unpacks the high-order single-precision floating-point values of the first and second source operands
and interleaves the values into the destination. Bits [63:0] of the source operands are ignored.
Values are interleaved in ascending order from the lsb of the sources and the destination. Bits [95:64]
of the first source are written to bits [31:0] of the destination; bits [95:64] of the second source are
written to bits [63:32] of the destination and so on, ending with bits [127:96] of the second source in
bits [127:96] of the destination. For the 256-bit encoding, the process continues for bits [255:192] of
the sources and bits [255:128] of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Interleaves two pairs of values. The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source
operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the
destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Interleaves two pairs of values. The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source
operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Interleaves four pairs of values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source
operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM reg-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Unpack High
Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
UNPCKHPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VUNPCKHPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference UNPCKHPS, VUNPCKHPS 589
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
UNPCKHPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 15 /r Unpacks the high-order single-precision floating-point
values in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and
interleaves them into xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VUNPCKHPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.00 15 /r
VUNPCKHPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.00 15 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
590 UNPCKLPD, VUNPCKLPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Unpacks the low-order double-precision floating-point values of the first and second source operands
and interleaves the values into the destination. Bits [127:64] of the source operands are ignored.
Values are interleaved in ascending order from the lsb of the sources and the destination. Bits [63:0]
of the first source are written to bits [63:0] of the destination; bits [63:0] of the second source are writ-
ten to bits [127:64] of the destination. For the 256-bit encoding, the process is repeated for bits
[191:128] of the sources and bits [255:128] of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Interleaves one pair of values. The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source
operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the
destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Interleaves one pair of values. The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source
operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Interleaves two pairs of values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source
operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM reg-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Unpack Low
Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
UNPCKLPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VUNPCKLPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
UNPCKLPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 14 /r Unpacks the low-order double-precision floating-point
values in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and
interleaves them into xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VUNPCKLPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 14 /r
VUNPCKLPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 14 /r
Instruction Reference UNPCKLPD, VUNPCKLPD 591
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
592 UNPCKLPS, VUNPCKLPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Unpacks the low-order single-precision floating-point values of the first and second source operands
and interleaves the values into the destination. Bits [127:64] of the source operands are ignored.
Values are interleaved in ascending order from the lsb of the sources and the destination. Bits [31:0]
of the first source are written to bits [31:0] of the destination; bits [31:0] of the second source are writ-
ten to bits [63:32] of the destination and so on, ending with bits [63:32] of the second source in bits
[127:96] of the destination. For the 256-bit encoding, the process continues for bits [191:128] of the
sources and bits [255:128] of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
Interleaves two pairs of values. The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source
operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the
destination. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Interleaves two pairs of values. The first source operand is an XMM register and the second source
operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Interleaves four pairs of values. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source
operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM reg-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Unpack Low
Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
UNPCKLPS SSE1 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] (bit 25)
VUNPCKLPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Instruction Reference UNPCKLPS, VUNPCKLPS 593
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Opcode Description
UNPCKLPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 0F 14 /r Unpacks the high-order single-precision floating-point
values in xmm1 and xmm2 or mem128 and
interleaves them into xmm1
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VUNPCKLPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.00 14 /r
VUNPCKLPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.00 14 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
594 VBROADCASTF128 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Loads double-precision floating-point data from a 128-bit memory location and writes it to the two
128-bit elements of a YMM register
This extended-form instruction has a single 256-bit encoding.
The source operand is a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VBROADCASTF128 Load With Broadcast
From 128-bit Memory Location
Form Subset Feature Flag
VBROADCASTF128 AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VBROADCASTF128 ymm1, mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 1A /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
Instruction Reference VBROADCASTF128 595
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
596 VBROADCASTI128 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Loads data from a 128-bit memory location and writes it to the two 128-bit elements of a YMM reg-
There is a single form of this instruction:
VBROADCASTI128 dest, mem128
There is a single VEX.L = 1 encoding of this instruction.
The source operand is a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VBROADCASTI128 Load With Broadcast Integer
From 128-bit Memory Location
Form Subset Feature Flag
VBROADCASTI128 AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VBROADCASTI128 ymm1, mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 5A /r
Instruction Reference VBROADCASTI128 597
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 0.
A Register-based source operand specified (MODRM.mod = 11b)
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
598 VBROADCASTSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Loads a double-precision floating-point value from a register or memory and writes it to the four 64-
bit elements of a YMM register
This extended-form instruction has a single 256-bit encoding.
The source operand is the lower half of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location. The destina-
tion is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VBROADCASTSD Load With Broadcast Scalar Double
Form Subset Feature Flag
VBROADCASTSD ymm1, mem64 AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VBROADCASTSD ymm1, xmm AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VBROADCASTSD ymm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 19 /r
Instruction Reference VBROADCASTSD 599
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 0.
A Register-based source operand specified when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX, AVX2 exception.
600 VBROADCASTSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Loads a single-precision floating-point value from a register or memory and writes it to all 4 or 8 dou-
blewords of an XMM or YMM register.
This extended-form instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all four 32-bit elements of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 32 bits of an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register.
YMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all eight 32-bit elements of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 32 bits of an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location.
The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VBROADCASTSS Load With Broadcast Scalar Single
Form Subset Feature Flag
VBROADCASTSS mem32 AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
VBROADCASTSS xmm AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VBROADCASTSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.0.01 18 /r
VBROADCASTSS ymm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 18 /r
Instruction Reference VBROADCASTSS 601
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A MODRM.mod = 11b when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX, AVX2 exception.
602 VCVTPH2PS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Converts packed 16-bit floating point values to single-precision floating point values.
A denormal source operand is converted to a normal result in the destination register. MXCSR.DAZ
is ignored and no MXCSR denormal exception is reported.
Because the full range of 16-bit floating-point encodings, including denormal encodings, can be rep-
resented exactly in single-precision format, rounding, inexact results, and denormalized results are
not applicable.
The operation of this instruction is illustrated in the following diagram.
This extended-form instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts four packed 16-bit floating-point values in the low-order 64 bits of an XMM register or in a
64-bit memory location to four packed single-precision floating-point values and writes the converted
values to an XMM destination register. When the result operand is written to the destination register,
the upper 128 bits of the corresponding YMM register are zeroed.
VCVTPH2PS Convert Packed 16-Bit Floating-Point to
Single-Precision Floating-Point
dest = xmm1
src = xmm2/mem64
095 63127 64 313296
063 16 15313248 47127 64
095 63127 64 313296128223 191255 192 159160224
0111 95 63127 16 1564 313248 4780 7996112
src = xmm2/
dest = ymm1
convert convert convert convert
Instruction Reference VCVTPH2PS 603
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
YMM Encoding
Converts eight packed 16-bit floating-point values in the low-order 128 bits of a YMM register or in a
128-bit memory location to eight packed single-precision floating-point values and writes the con-
verted values to a YMM destination register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
VCVTPH2PS F16C CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[F16C] (bit 29)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTPH2PS xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.0.01 13 /r
VCVTPH2PS ymm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 13 /r
604 VCVTPH2PS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
FCR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
F VEX.W field = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC F Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD Floating-Point
Exception, #XF FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid-operation exception
F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
exception (DE) F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow exception (OE) F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow exception (UE) F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision exception (PE) F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — F16C exception.
Instruction Reference VCVTPS2PH 605
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Converts packed single-precision floating-point values to packed 16-bit floating-point values and
writes the converted values to the destination register or to memory. An 8-bit immediate operand pro-
vides dynamic control of rounding.
The operation of this instruction is illustrated in the following diagram.
VCVTPS2PH Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
to 16-Bit Floating-Point
src = xmm2
095 63127 64 313296
063 16 15313248 47127 64
dest = xmm1/mem64
src = ymm2
095 63127 64 313296128223 191255 192 159160224
0111 95 63127 161564 313248 4780 7996112
dest = xmm1/mem128
imm8 convert
606 VCVTPS2PH Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The handling of rounding is controlled by fields in the immediate byte, as shown in the following
MXCSR[FTZ] has no effect on this instruction. Values within the half-precision denormal range are
unconditionally converted to denormals.
This extended-form instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Converts four packed single-precision floating-point values in an XMM register to four packed 16-bit
floating-point values and writes the converted values to the low-order 64 bits of the destination XMM
register or to a 64-bit memory location. When the result is written to the destination XMM register,
the high-order 64 bits in the destination XMM register and the upper 128 bits of the corresponding
YMM register are cleared to 0s.
YMM Encoding
Converts eight packed single-precision floating-point values in a YMM register to eight packed 16-
bit floating-point values and writes the converted values to the low-order 128 bits of a YMM register
or to a 128-bit memory location. When the result is written to the destination YMM register, the high-
order 128 bits in the register are cleared to 0s.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Rounding Control with Immediate Byte Operand
Rounding Control
Description NotesBit 210
0 0 Nearest
Ignore MXCSR.RC.
01 Down
10 Up
11 Truncate
Use MXCSR.RC for
Form Subset Feature Flag
VCVTPH2PH F16C CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[F16C] (bit 29)
Instruction Reference VCVTPS2PH 607
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VCVTPS2PH xmm1/mem64, xmm2, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.0.01 1D /r /imm8
VCVTPS2PH xmm1/mem128, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.1.01 1D /r /imm8
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: A flag that may be set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
608 VCVTPS2PH Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
FCR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
F VEX.W field = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC F Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD Floating-Point
Exception, #XF FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid-operation exception
F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
exception (DE) F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow exception (OE) F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow exception (UE) F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision exception (PE) F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — F16C exception.
Instruction Reference VEXTRACTF128 609
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts 128 bits of packed data from a YMM register as specified by an immediate byte operand, and
writes it to either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location.
Only bit [0] of the immediate operand is used. Operation is as follows.
When imm8[0] = 0, copy bits [127:0] of the source to the destination.
When imm8[0] = 1, copy bits [255:128] of the source to the destination.
This extended-form instruction has a single 256-bit encoding.
The source operand is a YMM register and the destination is either an XMM register or a 128-bit
memory location. There is a third immediate byte operand.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VEXTRACTF128 Extract
Packed Floating-Point Values
Form Subset Feature Flag
VEXTRACTF128 AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VEXTRACTF128 xmm/mem128, ymm, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.1.01 19 /r ib
610 VEXTRACTF128 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Write to a read-only data segment.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VEXTRACTI128 611
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Writes a selected 128-bit half of a YMM register to an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location
based on the value of bit 0 of an immediate byte.
There is a single form of this instruction:
VEXTRACTI128 dest, src, imm8
If imm8[0] = 0, the lower half of the source YMM register is selected; if imm8[0] = 1, the upper half
of the source register is selected.
There is a single VEX.L = 1 encoding of this instruction.
The source operand is a YMM register. The destination is either an XMM register or a 128-bit mem-
ory location. When the destination is a register, bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds
to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VEXTRACTI128 Extract 128-bit Integer
Form Subset Feature Flag
VEXTRACTI128 AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VEXTRACTI128 xmm1/mem128, ymm2, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.1.01 39 /r ib
612 VEXTRACTI128 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VFMADDPD, VFMADDnnnPD 613
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point vectors and adds the unrounded product to a
third double-precision floating-point vector producing a precise result which is then rounded to dou-
ble-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field. The rounded sum is written to
the destination register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language
prototypes given below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMADDPD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) + src3
VFMADDPD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) + src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFMADD132PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) + src2
VFMADD213PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) + src3/mem
VFMADD231PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) + src1
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (two double-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (four double-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Multiply and Add
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMADDPD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMADDnnnPD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
614 VFMADDPD, VFMADDnnnPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMADDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 69 /r /is4
VFMADDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 69 /r /is4
VFMADDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 69 /r /is4
VFMADDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 69 /r /is4
VFMADD132PD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 98 /r
VFMADD132PD ymm0, ymm1, ymm2/m256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 98 /r
VFMADD213PD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 A8 /r
VFMADD213PD ymm0, ymm1, ymm2/m256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 A8 /r
VFMADD231PD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 B8 /r
VFMADD231PD ymm0, ymm1, ymm2/m256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 B8 /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFMADDPD, VFMADDnnnPD 615
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
616 VFMADDPS, VFMADDnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point vectors and adds the unrounded product to a
third single-precision floating-point vector producing a precise result which is then rounded to single-
precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field. The rounded sum is written to the
destination register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language pro-
totypes given below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMADDPS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) + src3
VFMADDPS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) + src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFMADD132PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) + src2
VFMADD213PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) + src3/mem
VFMADD231PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) + src1
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (four single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (eight single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Multiply and Add
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMADDPS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMADDnnnPS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Instruction Reference VFMADDPS, VFMADDnnnPS 617
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMADDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 68 /r /is4
VFMADDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 68 /r /is4
VFMADDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 68 /r /is4
VFMADDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 68 /r /is4
VFMADD132PS xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 98 /r
VFMADD132PS ymm0, ymm1, ymm2/m256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 98 /r
VFMADD213PS xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 A8 /r
VFMADD213PS ymm0, ymm1, ymm2/m256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 A8 /r
VFMADD231PS xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 B8 /r
VFMADD231PS ymm0, ymm1, ymm2/m256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 B8 /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
618 VFMADDPS, VFMADDnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFMADDSD, VFMADDnnnSD 619
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point values and adds the unrounded product to a
third double-precision floating-point value producing a precise result which is then rounded to dou-
ble-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field. The rounded sum is written to
the destination register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language
prototypes given below is reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMADDSD dest, src1, src2/mem64, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem64) + src3
VFMADDSD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem64 // dest = (src1* src2) + src3/mem64
and three three-operand forms:
VFMADD132SD scr1, src2, src3/mem64 // src1 = (src1* src3/mem64) + src2
VFMADD213SD scr1, src2, src3/mem64 // src1 = (src2* src1) + src3/mem64
VFMADD231SD scr1, src2, src3/mem64 // src1 = (src2* src3/mem64) + src1
All 64-bit double-precision floating-point register-based operands are held in the lower quadword of
XMM registers. The result is written to the lower quadword of the destination register. For those
instructions that use a memory-based operand, one of the source operands is a 64-bit value read from
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a 64-bit memory location and the third
source is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a 64-bit
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a 64-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. When the result is written to the destination XMM register, bits
[127:64] of the destination and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Multiply and Add
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMADDSD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMADDnnnSD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
620 VFMADDSD, VFMADDnnnSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMADDSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.X.01 6B /r /is4
VFMADDSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.X.01 6B /r /is4
VFMADD132SD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 99 /r
VFMADD213SD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 A9 /r
VFMADD231SD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 B9 /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFMADDSD, VFMADDnnnSD 621
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
622 VFMADDSS, VFMADDnnnSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point values and adds the unrounded product to a
third single-precision floating-point value producing a precise result which is then rounded to single-
precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field. The rounded sum is written to the
destination register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language pro-
totypes given below is reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMADDSS dest, src1, src2/mem32, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem32) + src3
VFMADDSS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem32 // dest = (src1* src2) + src3/mem32
and three three-operand forms:
VFMADD132SS scr1, src2, src3/mem32 // src1 = (src1* src3/mem32) + src2
VFMADD213SS scr1, src2, src3/mem32 // src1 = (src2* src1) + src3/mem32
VFMADD231SS scr1, src2, src3/mem32 // src1 = (src2* src3/mem32) + src1
All 32-bit single-precision floating-point register-based operands are held in the lower doubleword of
XMM registers. The result is written to the low doubleword of the destination register. For those
instructions that use a memory-based operand, one of the source operands is a 32-bit value read from
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a 32-bit memory location and the third
source is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a a register and the third source is either a register or a 32-
bit memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a 32-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. When the result is written to the destination XMM register, bits
[127:32] of the destination and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Multiply and Add
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMADDSS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMADDnnnSS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Instruction Reference VFMADDSS, VFMADDnnnSS 623
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMADDSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.X.01 6A /r /is4
VFMADDSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem32 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.X.01 6A /r /is4
VFMADD132SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 99 /r
VFMADD213SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 A9 /r
VFMADD231SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 B9 /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
624 VFMADDSS, VFMADDnnnSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFMADDSUBPD, VFMADDSUBnnnPD 625
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point vectors, adds odd elements of the unrounded
product to odd elements of a third double-precision floating-point vector, and subtracts even elements
of the third floating point vector from even elements of unrounded product. The precise result of each
addition or subtraction is then rounded to double-precision based on the mode specified by the
MXCSR[RC] field and written to the corresponding element of the destination.
The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given below is
reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMADDSUBPD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // destodd = (src1odd* src2odd/memodd) + src3odd
// desteven = (src1even * src2even /memeven ) src3even
VFMADDSUBPD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // destodd = (src1odd* src2odd) + src3odd/memodd
// desteven = (src1even* src2even) src3even/memeven
and three three-operand forms:
VFMADDSUB132PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src1odd * src3odd /memodd ) + src2odd
// src1even = (src1even* src3even/memeven) src2even
VFMADDSUB213PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src2odd * src1odd ) + src3odd /memodd
// src1even = (src2even* src1even) src3even/memeven
VFMADDSUB231PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src2odd * src3odd /memodd ) + src1odd
// src1even = (src2even* src3even/memeven) src1even
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (two double-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (four double-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
626 VFMADDSUBPD, VFMADDSUBnnnPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMADDSUBPD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMADDSUBnnnPD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMADDSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 5D /r /is4
VFMADDSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 5D /r /is4
VFMADDSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 5D /r /is4
VFMADDSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 5D /r /is4
VFMADDSUB132PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 96 /r
VFMADDSUB132PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 96 /r
VFMADDSUB213PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 A6 /r
VFMADDSUB213PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 A6 /r
VFMADDSUB231PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 B6 /r
VFMADDSUB231PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 B6 /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFMADDSUBPD, VFMADDSUBnnnPD 627
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
628 VFMADDSUBPS, VFMADDSUBnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point vectors, adds odd elements of the unrounded
product to odd elements of a third single-precision floating-point vector, and subtracts even elements
of the third floating point vector from even elements of unrounded product. The precise result of each
addition or subtraction is then rounded to single-precision based on the mode specified by the
MXCSR[RC] field and written to the corresponding element of the destination.
The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given below is
reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMADDSUBPS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // destodd = (src1odd* src2odd/memodd) + src3odd
// desteven = (src1even * src2even /memeven ) src3even
VFMADDSUBPS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // destodd = (src1odd* src2odd) + src3odd/memodd
// desteven = (src1even* src2even) src3even/memeven
and three three-operand forms:
VFMADDSUB132PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src1odd * src3odd /memodd ) + src2odd
// src1even = (src1even* src3even/memeven) src2even
VFMADDSUB213PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src2odd * src1odd ) + src3odd /memodd
// src1even = (src2even* src1even) src3even/memeven
VFMADDSUB231PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src2odd * src3odd /memodd ) + src1odd
// src1even = (src2even* src3even/memeven) src1even
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (four single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (eight single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Instruction Reference VFMADDSUBPS, VFMADDSUBnnnPS 629
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMADDSUBPS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMADDSUBnnnPS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMADDSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 5C /r /is4
VFMADDSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 5C /r /is4
VFMADDSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 5C /r /is4
VFMADDSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 5C /r /is4
VFMADDSUB132PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 96 /r
VFMADDSUB132PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 96 /r
VFMADDSUB213PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 A6 /r
VFMADDSUB213PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 A6 /r
VFMADDSUB231PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 B6 /r
VFMADDSUB231PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 B6 /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
630 VFMADDSUBPS, VFMADDSUBnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFMSUBADDPD, VFMSUBADDnnnPD 631
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point vectors, adds even elements of the unrounded
product to even elements of a third double-precision floating-point vector, and subtracts odd elements
of the third floating point vector from odd elements of unrounded product. The precise result of each
addition or subtraction is then rounded to double-precision based on the mode specified by the
MXCSR[RC] field and written to the corresponding element of the destination.
The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given below is
reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMSUBADDPD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // destodd = (src1odd* src2odd/memodd) src3odd
// desteven = (src1even * src2even /memeven ) + src3even
VFMSUBADDPD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // destodd = (src1odd* src2odd) src3odd/memodd
// desteven = (src1even* src2even) + src3even/memeven
and three three-operand forms:
VFMSUBADD132PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src1odd * src3odd /memodd ) src2odd
// src1even = (src1even* src3even/memeven) + src2even
VFMSUBADD213PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src2odd * src1odd ) src3odd /memodd
// src1even = (src2even* src1even) + src3even/memeven
VFMSUBADD231PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src2odd * src3odd /memodd ) src1odd
// src1even = (src2even* src3even/memeven) + src1even
For VEX.L = 0, vector size is 128 bits and register-based operands are held in XMM registers. For
VEX.L = 1, vector size is 256 bits and register-based operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source operand is either a register
or a memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMSUBADDPD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMSUBADDnnnPD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
632 VFMSUBADDPD, VFMSUBADDnnnPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMSUBADDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 5F /r /is4
VFMSUBADDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 5F /r /is4
VFMSUBADDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 5F /r /is4
VFMSUBADDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 5F /r /is4
VFMSUBADD132PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 97 /r
VFMSUBADD132PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 97 /r
VFMSUBADD213PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 A7 /r
VFMSUBADD213PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 A7 /r
VFMSUBADD231PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 B7 /r
VFMSUBADD231PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 B7 /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFMSUBADDPD, VFMSUBADDnnnPD 633
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
634 VFMSUBADDPS, VFMSUBADDnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point vectors, adds even elements of the unrounded
product to even elements of a third single-precision floating-point vector, and subtracts odd elements
of the third floating point vector from odd elements of unrounded product. The precise result of each
addition or subtraction is then rounded to single-precision based on the mode specified by the
MXCSR[RC] field and written to the corresponding element of the destination.
The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given below is
reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMSUBADDPS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // destodd = (src1odd* src2odd/memodd) src3odd
// desteven = (src1even * src2even /memeven ) + src3even
VFMSUBADDPS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // destodd = (src1odd* src2odd) src3odd/memodd
// desteven = (src1even* src2even) + src3even/memeven
and three three-operand forms:
VFMSUBADD132PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src1odd * src3odd /memodd ) src2odd
// src1even = (src1even* src3even/memeven) + src2even
VFMSUBADD213PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src2odd * src1odd ) src3odd /memodd
// src1even = (src2even* src1even) + src3even/memeven
VFMSUBADD231PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1odd = (src2odd * src3odd /memodd ) src1odd
// src1even = (src2even* src3even/memeven) + src1even
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (four single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (eight single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Instruction Reference VFMSUBADDPS, VFMSUBADDnnnPS 635
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMSUBADDPS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMSUBADDnnnPS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMSUBADDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 5E /r /is4
VFMSUBADDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 5E /r /is4
VFMSUBADDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 5E /r /is4
VFMSUBADDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 5E /r /is4
VFMSUBADD132PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 0.src2.0.01 97 /r
VFMSUBADD132PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00010 0.src2.1.01 97 /r
VFMSUBADD213PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 0.src2.0.01 A7 /r
VFMSUBADD213PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00010 0.src2.1.01 A7 /r
VFMSUBADD231PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.00010 0.src2.0.01 B7 /r
VFMSUBADD231PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.00010 0.src2.1.01 B7 /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
636 VFMSUBADDPS, VFMSUBADDnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFMSUBPD, VFMSUBnnnPD 637
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point vectors and subtracts a third double-precision
floating-point vector from the unrounded product to produce a precise intermediate result. The inter-
mediate result is then rounded to double-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC]
field and written to the destination register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the
assembly language prototypes given below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMSUBPD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) src3
VFMSUBPD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFMSUB132PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) src2
VFMSUB213PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) src3/mem
VFMSUB231PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) src1
For VEX.L = 0, vector size is 128 bits and register-based operands are held in XMM registers. For
VEX.L = 1, vector size is 256 bits and register-based operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Multiply and Subtract
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMSUBPD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMSUBnnnPD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
638 VFMSUBPD, VFMSUBnnnPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 6D /r /is4
VFMSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 6D /r /is4
VFMSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 6D /r /is4
VFMSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 6D /r /is4
VFMSUB132PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 9A /r
VFMSUB132PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 9A /r
VFMSUB213PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 AA /r
VFMSUB213PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 AA /r
VFMSUB231PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 BA /r
VFMSUB231PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 BA /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFMSUBPD, VFMSUBnnnPD 639
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
640 VFMSUBPS, VFMSUBnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point vectors and subtracts a third single-precision
floating-point vector from the unrounded product to produce a precise intermediate result. The inter-
mediate result is then rounded to single-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC]
field and written to the destination register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the
assembly language prototypes given below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMSUBPS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) src3
VFMSUBPS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFMSUB132PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) src2
VFMSUB213PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) src3/mem
VFMSUB231PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) src1
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (four single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (eight single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Multiply and Subtract
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMSUBPS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMSUBnnnPS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Instruction Reference VFMSUBPS, VFMSUBnnnPS 641
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 6C /r /is4
VFMSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 6C /r /is4
VFMSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 6C /r /is4
VFMSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 6C /r /is4
VFMSUB132PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 9A /r
VFMSUB132PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 9A /r
VFMSUB213PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 AA /r
VFMSUB213PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 AA /r
VFMSUB231PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 BA /r
VFMSUB231PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 BA /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
642 VFMSUBPS, VFMSUBnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFMSUBSD, VFMSUBnnnSD 643
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point values and subtracts a third double-precision
floating-point value from the unrounded product to produce a precise intermediate result. The inter-
mediate result is then rounded to double-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC]
field and written to the destination register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the
assembly language prototypes given below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMSUBSD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) src3
VFMSUBSD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFMSUB132SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) src2
VFMSUB213SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) src3/mem
VFMSUB231SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) src1
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or 64-bit memory location and the third
source is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is a register or 64-bit
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. When the result is written to the destination XMM register, bits
[127:64] of the destination and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Multiply and Subtract
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMSUBSD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMSUBnnnSD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
644 VFMSUBSD, VFMSUBnnnSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMSUBSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.X.01 6F /r /is4
VFMSUBSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem64 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.X.01 6F /r /is4
VFMSUB132SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 9B /r
VFMSUB213SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 AB /r
VFMSUB231SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 BB /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFMSUBSD, VFMSUBnnnSD 645
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
646 VFMSUBSS, VFMSUBnnnSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point values and subtracts a third single-precision
floating-point value from the unrounded product to produce a precise intermediate result. The inter-
mediate result is then rounded to single-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC]
field and written to the destination register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the
assembly language prototypes given below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the
There are two four-operand forms:
VFMSUBSS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) src3
VFMSUBSS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFMSUB132SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) src2
VFMSUB213SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) src3/mem
VFMSUB231SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) src1
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or 32-bit memory location and the third
source is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is a register or 32-bit
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. When the result is written to the destination XMM register, bits
[127:32] of the XMM register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Multiply and Subtract
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFMSUBSS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFMSUBnnnSS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Instruction Reference VFMSUBSS, VFMSUBnnnSS 647
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFMSUBSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.X.01 6E /r /is4
VFMSUBSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem32 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.X.01 6E /r /is4
VFMSUB132SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 9B /r
VFMSUB213SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 AB /r
VFMSUB231SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 BB /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
648 VFMSUBSS, VFMSUBnnnSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference FNMADDPD, FNMADDnnnPD 649
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point vectors, negates the unrounded product, and
adds it to a third double-precision floating-point vector. The precise result is then rounded to double-
precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field and written to the destination regis-
ter. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given
below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFNMADDPD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) + src3
VFNMADDPD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) + src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFNMADD132PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) + src2
VFNMADD213PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) + src3/mem
VFNMADD231PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) + src1
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (two double-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (four double-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Negative Multiply and Add
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFNMADDPD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFNMADDnnnPD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
650 FNMADDPD, FNMADDnnnPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFNMADDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 79 /r /is4
VFNMADDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 79 /r /is4
VFNMADDPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 79 /r /is4
VFNMADDPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 79 /r /is4
VFNMADD132PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 9C /r
VFNMADD132PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 9C /r
VFNMADD213PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 AC /r
VFNMADD213PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 AC /r
VFNMADD231PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 BC /r
VFNMADD231PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 BC /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference FNMADDPD, FNMADDnnnPD 651
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
652 FNMADDPS, FNMADDnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point vectors, negates the unrounded product, and
adds it to a third single-precision floating-point vector. The precise result is then rounded to single-
precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field and written to the destination regis-
ter. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given
below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFNMADDPS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) + src3
VFNMADDPS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) + src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFNMADD132PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) + src2
VFNMADD213PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) + src3/mem
VFNMADD231PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) + src1
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (four single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (eight single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Negative Multiply and Add
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFNMADDPS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFNMADDnnnPS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Instruction Reference FNMADDPS, FNMADDnnnPS 653
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFNMADDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 78 /r /is4
VFNMADDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 78 /r /is4
VFNMADDPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 78 /r /is4
VFNMADDPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 78 /r /is4
VFNMADD132PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 9C / r
VFNMADD132PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 9C / r
VFNMADD213PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 AC / r
VFNMADD213PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 AC / r
VFNMADD231PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 BC / r
VFNMADD231PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 BC / r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
654 FNMADDPS, FNMADDnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFNMADDSD, VFNMADDnnnSD 655
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point values, negates the unrounded product, and
adds it to a third double-precision floating-point value. The precise result is then rounded to double-
precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field and written to the destination regis-
ter. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given
below is reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFNMADDSD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) + src3
VFNMADDSD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) + src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFNMADD132SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) + src2
VFNMADD213SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) + src3/mem
VFNMADD231SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) + src1
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or 64-bit memory location and the third
source is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is a register or 64-bit
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a 64-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. When the result is written to the destination, bits [127:64] of the
XMM register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Negative Multiply and Add
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFNMADDSD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFNMADDnnnSD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
656 VFNMADDSD, VFNMADDnnnSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFNMADDSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.X.01 7B /r /is4
VFNMADDSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem64 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.X.01 7B /r /is4
VFNMADD132SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 9D /r
VFNMADD213SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 AD /r
VFNMADD231SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 BD /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFNMADDSD, VFNMADDnnnSD 657
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
658 VFNMADDSS, VFNMADDnnnSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point values, negates the unrounded product, and
adds it to a third single-precision floating-point value. The precise result is then rounded to single-
precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field and written to the destination regis-
ter. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given
below is reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFNMADDSS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) + src3
VFNMADDSS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) + src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFNMADD132SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) + src2
VFNMADD213SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) + src3/mem
VFNMADD231SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) + src1
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or 32-bit memory location and the third
source is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is a register or 32-bit
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a 32-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. When the result is written to the destination, bits [127:32] of the
XMM register and bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Negative Multiply and Add
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFNMADDSS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFNMADDnnnSS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Instruction Reference VFNMADDSS, VFNMADDnnnSS 659
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFNMADDSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.X.01 7A /r /is4
VFNMADDSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem32 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.X.01 7A /r /is4
VFNMADD132SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 9D /r
VFNMADD213SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 AD /r
VFNMADD231SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 BD /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
660 VFNMADDSS, VFNMADDnnnSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFNMSUBPD, VFNMSUBnnnPD 661
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point vectors, negates the unrounded product, and
subtracts a third double-precision floating-point vector from it. The precise result is then rounded to
double-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field and written to the destination
register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given
below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFNMSUBPD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) src3
VFNMSUBPD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFNMSUB132PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) src2
VFNMSUB213PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) src3/mem
VFNMSUB231PD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) src1
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (two double-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (four double-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Negative Multiply and Subtract
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFNMSUBPD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFNMSUBnnnPD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
662 VFNMSUBPD, VFNMSUBnnnPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFNMSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 7D /r /is4
VFNMSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 7D /r /is4
VFNMSUBPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 7D /r /is4
VFNMSUBPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 7D /r /is4
VFNMSUB132PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 9E /r
VFNMSUB132PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 9E /r
VFNMSUB213PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 AE /r
VFNMSUB213PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 AE /r
VFNMSUB231PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 BE /r
VFNMSUB231PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 BE /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFNMSUBPD, VFNMSUBnnnPD 663
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
664 VFNMSUBPS, VFNMSUBnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point vectors, negates the unrounded product, and
subtracts a third single-precision floating-point vector from it. The precise result is then rounded to
single-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field and written to the destination
register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given
below is reflected in the vector equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFNMADDPS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) src3
VFNMADDPS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFNMADD132PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) src2
VFNMADD213PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) src3/mem
VFNMADD231PS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) src1
When VEX.L = 0, the vector size is 128 bits (four single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in XMM registers.
When VEX.L = 1, the vector size is 256 bits (eight single-precision elements per vector) and register-
based source operands are held in YMM registers.
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a memory location and the third source
is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a memory location.
The destination is either an XMM register or a YMM register, as determined by VEX.L. When the
destination is an XMM register (L = 0), bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Negative Multiply and Subtract
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFNMSUBPS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFNMSUBnnnPS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Instruction Reference VFNMSUBPS, VFNMSUBnnnPS 665
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFNMSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 7C /r /is4
VFNMSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 7C /r /is4
VFNMSUBPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 7C /r /is4
VFNMSUBPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 7C /r /is4
VFNMSUB132PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 9E /r
VFNMSUB132PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 9E /r
VFNMSUB213PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 AE /r
VFNMSUB213PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 AE /r
VFNMSUB231PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 BE /r
VFNMSUB231PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 BE /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
666 VFNMSUBPS, VFNMSUBnnnPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFNMSUBSD, VFNMSUBnnnSD 667
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Multiplies together two double-precision floating-point values, negates the unrounded product, and
subtracts a third double-precision floating-point value from it. The precise result is then rounded to
double-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field and written to the destination
register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given
below is reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFNMSUBSD dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) src3
VFNMSUBSD dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFNMSUB132SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) src2
VFNMSUB213SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) src3/mem
VFNMSUB231SD scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) src1
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a 64-bit memory location and the third
source is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a 64-bit
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 1. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a 64-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. Bits [127:64] of the destination XMM register and bits [255:128]
of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Negative Multiply and Subtract
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFNMSUBSD FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFNMSUBnnnSD FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
668 VFNMSUBSD, VFNMSUBnnnSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFNMSUBSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.X.01 7F /r /is4
VFNMSUBSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem64 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.X.01 7F /r /is4
VFNMSUB132SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 9F /r
VFNMSUB213SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 AF /r
VFNMSUB231SD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.X.01 BF /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Instruction Reference VFNMSUBSD, VFNMSUBnnnSD 669
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
670 VFNMSUBSS, VFNMSUBnnnSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies together two single-precision floating-point values, negates the unrounded product, and
subtracts a third single-precision floating-point value from it. The precise result is then rounded to
single-precision based on the mode specified by the MXCSR[RC] field and written to the destination
register. The role of each of the source operands specified by the assembly language prototypes given
below is reflected in the equation in the comment on the right.
There are two four-operand forms:
VFNMSUBSS dest, src1, src2/mem, src3 // dest = (src1* src2/mem) src3
VFNMSUBSS dest, src1, src2, src3/mem // dest = (src1* src2) src3/mem
and three three-operand forms:
VFNMSUB132SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src1* src3/mem) src2
VFNMSUB213SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src1) src3/mem
VFNMSUB231SS scr1, src2, src3/mem // src1 = (src2* src3/mem) src1
For the four-operand forms, VEX.W determines operand configuration.
When VEX.W = 0, the second source is either a register or a 32-bit memory location and the third
source is a register.
When VEX.W = 1, the second source is a register and the third source is either a register or a 32-bit
memory location.
For the three-operand forms, VEX.W is 0. The first and second operands are registers and the third
operand is either a register or a 32-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. Bits[127:32] of the destination XMM register and bits [255:128]
of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Negative Multiply and Subtract
Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFNMSUBSS FMA4 CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[FMA4] (bit 16)
VFNMSUBnnnSS FMA CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[FMA] (bit 12)
Instruction Reference VFNMSUBSS, VFNMSUBnnnSS 671
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFNMSUBSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32, xmm4 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.X.01 7E /r /is4
VFNMSUBSS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem32 C4 RXB.03 1.src1.X.01 7E /r /is4
VFNMSUB132SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 9F /r
VFNMSUB213SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 AF /r
VFNMSUB231SS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.X.01 BF /r
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
672 VFNMSUBSS, VFNMSUBnnnSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
Instruction Reference VFRCZPD 673
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts the fractional portion of each double-precision floating-point value of either a source register
or a memory location and writes the resulting values to the corresponding elements of the destination.
The fractional results are precise.
When XOP.L = 0, the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location.
When XOP.L = 1, the source is a YMM register or 256-bit memory location.
When the destination is an XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Exception conditions are the same as for other arithmetic instructions, except with respect to the sign
of a zero result. A zero is returned in the following cases:
When the operand is a zero.
When the operand is a normal integer.
When the operand is a denormal value and is coerced to zero by MXCSR.DAZ.
When the operand is a denormal value that is not coerced to zero by MXCSR.DAZ.
In the first three cases, when MXCSR.RC = 01b (round toward − ∞) the sign of the zero result is neg-
ative, and is otherwise positive.
In the fourth case, the operand is its own fractional part, which results in underflow, and the result is
forced to zero by MXCSR.FZ; the result has the same sign as the operand.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VFRCZPD Extract Fraction
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFRCZPD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFRCZPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 81 /r
VFRCZPD ymm1, ymm2/mem256 8F RXB.09 0.1111.1.00 81 /r
674 VFRCZPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
XUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0.
See SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE X A source operand was an SNaN value.
X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE X A source operand was a denormal value.
Underflow, UE X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VFRCZPS 675
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts the fractional portion of each single-precision floating-point value of either a source register
or a memory location and writes the resulting values to the corresponding elements of the destination.
The fractional results are exact.
When XOP.L = 0, the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location.
When XOP.L = 1, the source is a YMM register or 256-bit memory location.
When the destination is an XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Exception conditions are the same as for other arithmetic instructions, except with respect to the sign
of a zero result. A zero is returned in the following cases:
When the operand is a zero.
When the operand is a normal integer.
When the operand is a denormal value and is coerced to zero by MXCSR.DAZ.
When the operand is a denormal value that is not coerced to zero by MXCSR.DAZ.
In the first three cases, when MXCSR.RC = 01b (round toward − ∞) the sign of the zero result is neg-
ative, and is otherwise positive.
In the fourth case, the operand is its own fractional part, which results in underflow, and the result is
forced to zero by MXCSR.FZ; the result has the same sign as the operand.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VFRCZPS Extract Fraction
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFRCZPS XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFRCZPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 80 /r
VFRCZPS ymm1, ymm2/mem256 8F RXB.09 0.1111.1.00 80 /r
676 VFRCZPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
XUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0.
See SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE X A source operand was an SNaN value.
X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE X A source operand was a denormal value.
Underflow, UE X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VFRCZSD 677
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts the fractional portion of the double-precision floating-point value of either the low-order
quadword of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location and writes the result to the low-order
quadword of the destination XMM register. The fractional results are precise.
When the result is written to the destination XMM register, bits [127:64] of the destination and bits
[255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Exception conditions are the same as for other arithmetic instructions, except with respect to the sign
of a zero result. A zero is returned in the following cases:
When the operand is a zero.
When the operand is a normal integer.
When the operand is a denormal value and is coerced to zero by MXCSR.DAZ.
When the operand is a denormal value that is not coerced to zero by MXCSR.DAZ.
In the first three cases, when MXCSR.RC = 01b (round toward − ∞) the sign of the zero result is neg-
ative, and is otherwise positive.
In the fourth case, the operand is its own fractional part, which results in underflow, and the result is
forced to zero by MXCSR.FZ; the result has the same sign as the operand.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VFRCZSD Extract Fraction
Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFRCZSD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFRCZSD xmm1, xmm2/mem64 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 83 /r
678 VFRCZSD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
XUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0.
See SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE X A source operand was an SNaN value.
X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE X A source operand was a denormal value.
Underflow, UE X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VFRCZSS 679
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Extracts the fractional portion of the single-precision floating-point value of the low-order double-
word of an XMM register or 32-bit memory location and writes the result in the low-order double-
word of the destination XMM register. The fractional results are precise.
When the result is written to the destination XMM register, bits [127:32] of the destination and bits
[255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Exception conditions are the same as for other arithmetic instructions, except with respect to the sign
of a zero result. A zero is returned in the following cases:
When the operand is a zero.
When the operand is a normal integer.
When the operand is a denormal value and is coerced to zero by MXCSR.DAZ.
When the operand is a denormal value that is not coerced to zero by MXCSR.DAZ.
In the first three cases, when MXCSR.RC = 01b (round toward − ∞) the sign of the zero result is neg-
ative, and is otherwise positive.
In the fourth case, the operand is its own fractional part, which results in underflow, and the result is
forced to zero by MXCSR.FZ; the result has the same sign as the operand.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VFRCZSS Extract Fraction
Scalar Single-Precision Floating Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VFRCZSS XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VFRCZSS xmm1, xmm2/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 82 /r
680 VFRCZSS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Note: A flag that may be set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
XUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0.
See SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE X A source operand was an SNaN value.
X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE X A source operand was a denormal value.
Underflow, UE X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VGATHERDPD 681
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Conditionally loads double-precision (64-bit) values from memory using VSIB addressing with dou-
bleword indices.
The instruction is of the form:
VGATHERDPD dest, mem64[vm32x], mask
Loading of each element of the destination register is conditional based on the value of the corre-
sponding element of the mask operand. If the most-significant bit of the ith element of the mask is set,
the ith element of the destination is loaded from memory using the ith address of the array of effective
addresses calculated using VSIB addressing.
The index register is treated as an array of signed 32-bit values. Quadword elements of the destination
for which the corresponding mask element is zero are not affected by the operation. If no exceptions
occur, the mask register is set to zero.
Execution of the instruction can be suspended by an exception if the exception is triggered by an ele-
ment other than the rightmost element loaded. When this happens, the destination register and the
mask operand may be observed as partially updated. Elements that have been loaded will have their
mask elements set to zero. If any traps or faults are pending from elements that have been loaded,
they will be delivered in lieu of the exception; in this case, the RF flag is set so that an instruction
breakpoint is not re-triggered when the instruction execution is resumed.
See Section 1.3, “VSIB Addressing,” on page 6 for a discussion of the VSIB addressing mode.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit forms of this instruction.
XMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to two 64-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the two
low-order doublewords of an XMM register; the two high-order doublewords of the index register are
not used. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination and bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the second source (mask) operand are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The first source operand is up to four 64-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is a YMM register. The index vector is the four dou-
blewords of an XMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
VGATHERDPD Conditionally Gather Double-Precision
Floating-Point Values, Doubleword Indices
Form Subset Feature Flag
VGATHERDPD AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
682 VGATHERDPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VGATHERDPD xmm1, vm32x, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 92 /r
VGATHERDPD ymm1, vm32x, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 92 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
Instruction Reference VGATHERDPS 683
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Conditionally loads single-precision (32-bit) values from memory using VSIB addressing with dou-
bleword indices.
The instruction is of the form:
VGATHERDPS dest, mem32[vm32x/y], mask
Loading of each element of the destination register is conditional based on the value of the corre-
sponding element of the mask operand. If the most-significant bit of the ith element of the mask is set,
the ith element of the destination is loaded from memory using the ith address of the array of effective
addresses calculated using VSIB addressing.
The index register is treated as an array of signed 32-bit values. Doubleword elements of the destina-
tion for which the corresponding mask element is zero are not affected by the operation. If no excep-
tions occur, the mask register is set to zero.
Execution of the instruction can be suspended by an exception if the exception is triggered by an ele-
ment other than the rightmost element loaded. When this happens, the destination register and the
mask operand may be observed as partially updated. Elements that have been loaded will have their
mask elements set to zero. If any traps or faults are pending from elements that have been loaded,
they will be delivered in lieu of the exception; in this case, the RF flag is set so that an instruction
breakpoint is not re-triggered when the instruction execution is resumed.
See Section 1.3, “VSIB Addressing,” on page 6 for a discussion of the VSIB addressing mode.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit forms of this instruction.
XMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to four 32-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the four dou-
blewords of an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination
and bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the second source (mask) operand are
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The first source operand is up to eight 32-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is a YMM register. The index vector is the eight dou-
blewords of a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
VGATHERDPS Conditionally Gather Single-Precision
Floating-Point Values, Doubleword Indices
Form Subset Feature Flag
VGATHERDPS AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
684 VGATHERDPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VGATHERDPS xmm1, vm32x, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 92 /r
VGATHERDPS ymm1, vm32y, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 92 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
Instruction Reference VGATHERQPD 685
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Conditionally loads double-precision (64-bit) values from memory using VSIB addressing with quad-
word indices.
The instruction is of the form:
VGATHERQPD dest, mem64[vm64x/y], mask
Loading of each element of the destination register is conditional based on the value of the corre-
sponding element of the mask operand. If the most-significant bit of the ith element of the mask is set,
the ith element of the destination is loaded from memory using the ith address of the array of effective
addresses calculated using VSIB addressing.
The index register is treated as an array of signed 64-bit values. Quadword elements of the destination
for which the corresponding mask element is zero are not affected by the operation. If no exceptions
occur, the mask register is set to zero.
Execution of the instruction can be suspended by an exception if the exception is triggered by an ele-
ment other than the rightmost element loaded. When this happens, the destination register and the
mask operand may be observed as partially updated. Elements that have been loaded will have their
mask elements set to zero. If any traps or faults are pending from elements that have been loaded,
they will be delivered in lieu of the exception; in this case, the RF flag is set so that an instruction
breakpoint is not re-triggered when the instruction execution is resumed.
See Section 1.3, “VSIB Addressing,” on page 6 for a discussion of the VSIB addressing mode.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit forms of this instruction.
XMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to two 64-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the two
quadwords of an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destina-
tion and bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the second source (mask) operand are
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The first source operand is up to four 64-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is a YMM register. The index vector is the four quad-
words of a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
VGATHERQPD Conditionally Gather Double-Precision
Floating-Point Values, Quadword Indices
Form Subset Feature Flag
VGATHERQPD AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
686 VGATHERQPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VGATHERQPD xmm1, vm64x, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 93 /r
VGATHERQPD ymm1, vm64y, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 93 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
Instruction Reference VGATHERQPS 687
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Conditionally loads single-precision (32-bit) values from memory using VSIB addressing with quad-
word indices.
The instruction is of the form:
VGATHERQPS dest, mem32[vm64x/y], mask
Loading of each element of the destination register is conditional based on the value of the corre-
sponding element of the mask operand. If the most-significant bit of the ith element of the mask is set,
the ith element of the destination is loaded from memory using the ith address of the array of effective
addresses calculated using VSIB addressing.
The index register is treated as an array of signed 64-bit values. Doubleword elements of the destina-
tion for which the corresponding mask element is zero are not affected by the operation. The upper
half of the destination is zeroed. If no exceptions occur, the mask register is set to zero.
Execution of the instruction can be suspended by an exception if the exception is triggered by an ele-
ment other than the rightmost element loaded. When this happens, the destination register and the
mask operand may be observed as partially updated. Elements that have been loaded will have their
mask elements set to zero. If any traps or faults are pending from elements that have been loaded,
they will be delivered in lieu of the exception; in this case, the RF flag is set so that an instruction
breakpoint is not re-triggered when the instruction execution is resumed.
See Section 1.3, “VSIB Addressing,” on page 6 for a discussion of the VSIB addressing mode.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit forms of this instruction.
XMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to two 32-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. Only the lower half of the mask
is used. The index vector is the two quadwords of an XMM register. Bits [255:64] of the YMM regis-
ter that corresponds to the destination and bits [255:64] of the YMM register that corresponds to the
second source (mask) operand are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to four 32-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the four
quadwords of a YMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destina-
tion and bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the second source (mask) operand are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
VGATHERQPS Conditionally Gather Single-Precision
Floating-Point Values, Quadword Indices
Form Subset Feature Flag
VGATHERQPS AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
688 VGATHERQPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VGATHERQPS xmm1, vm64x, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 93 /r
VGATHERQPS xmm1, vm64y, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 93 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
Instruction Reference VINSERTF128 689
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Combines 128 bits of data from a YMM register with 128-bit packed-value data from an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location, as specified by an immediate byte operand, and writes the combined
data to the destination.
Only bit [0] of the immediate operand is used. Operation is as follows.
When imm8[0] = 0, copy bits [255:128] of the first source to bits [255:128] of the destination and
copy bits [127:0] of the second source to bits [127:0] of the destination.
When imm8[0] = 1, copy bits [127:0] of the first source to bits [127:0] of the destination and copy
bits [127:0] of the second source to bits [255:128] of the destination.
This extended-form instruction has a single 256-bit encoding.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register. There is a third immediate byte oper-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VINSERTF128 Insert Packed Floating-Point Values
Form Subset Feature Flag
VINSERTF128 AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VINSERTF128 ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.src.1.01 18 /r ib
690 VINSERTF128 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VINSERTI128 691
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Combines 128 bits of data from a YMM register with 128-bit packed-value data from an XMM regis-
ter or a 128-bit memory location, as specified by an immediate byte operand, and writes the combined
data to the destination.
Bit [0] of the immediate operand controls how the 128-bit values from the source operands are
merged into the destination. The operation is as follows.
When imm8[0] = 0, copy bits [255:128] of the first source to bits [255:128] of the destination and
copy bits [127:0] of the second source to bits [127:0] of the destination.
When imm8[0] = 1, copy bits [127:0] of the first source to bits [127:0] of the destination and copy
bits [127:0] of the second source to bits [255:128] of the destination.
This instruction has a single 256-bit encoding.
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register. The immediate byte is encoded in the
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VINSERTI128 Insert Packed Integer Values
Form Subset Feature Flag
VINSERTI128 AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VINSERTI128 ymm1, ymm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 38 /r ib
692 VINSERTI128 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VMASKMOVPD 693
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Moves packed double-precision data elements from a source element to a destination element, as
specified by mask bits in a source operand. There are load and store versions of the instruction.
For loads, the data elements are in a source memory location; for stores the data elements are in a
source register. The mask bits are the most-significant bit of the corresponding data element of a
source register.
For loads, when a mask bit = 1, the corresponding data element is copied from the source to the
same element of the destination; when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding element of the destination
is cleared.
For stores, when a mask bit = 1, the corresponding data element is copied from the source to the
same element of the destination; when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding element of the destination
is not affected.
Exception and trap behavior for elements not selected for loading or storing from/to memory is
implementation dependent. For instance, a given implementation may signal a data breakpoint or a
page fault for quadwords that are zero-masked and not actually written.
XMM Encoding
There are load and store encodings.
For loads, there are two 64-bit source data elements in a 128-bit memory location, the mask
operand is an XMM register, and the destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
For stores, there are two 64-bit source data elements in an XMM register, the mask operand is an
XMM register, and the destination is a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
There are load and store encodings.
For loads, there are four 64-bit source data elements in a 256-bit memory location, the mask
operand is a YMM register, and the destination is a YMM register.
For stores, there are four 64-bit source data elements in a YMM register, the mask operand is a
YMM register, and the destination is a 128-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Double-Precision
Form Subset Feature Flag
VMASKMOVPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
694 VMASKMOVPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMASKMOVPD xmm1, xmm2, mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 2D /r
VMASKMOVPD ymm1, ymm2, mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 2D /r
VMASKMOVPD mem128, xmm1, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 2F /r
VMASKMOVPD mem256, ymm1, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 2F /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VMASKMOVPS 695
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Moves packed single-precision data elements from a source element to a destination element, as spec-
ified by mask bits in a source operand. There are load and store versions of the instruction.
For loads, the data elements are in a source memory location; for stores the data elements are in a
source register. The mask bits are the most-significant bits of the corresponding data element of a
source register.
For loads, when a mask bit = 1, the corresponding data element is copied from the source to the
same element of the destination; when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding element of the destination
is cleared.
For stores, when a mask bit = 1, the corresponding data element is copied from the source to the
same element of the destination; when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding element of the destination
is not affected.
Exception and trap behavior for elements not selected for loading or storing from/to memory is
implementation dependent. For instance, a given implementation may signal a data breakpoint or a
page fault for doublewords that are zero-masked and not actually written.
XMM Encoding
There are load and store encodings.
For loads, there are four 32-bit source data elements in a 128-bit memory location, the mask
operand is an XMM register, and the destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM
register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
For stores, there are four 32-bit source data elements in an XMM register, the mask operand is an
XMM register, and the destination is a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
There are load and store encodings.
For loads, there are eight 32-bit source data elements in a 256-bit memory location, the mask
operand is a YMM register, and the destination is a YMM register.
For stores, there are eight 32-bit source data elements in a YMM register, the mask operand is a
YMM register, and the destination is a 128-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Single-Precision
Form Subset Feature Flag
VMASKMOVPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
696 VMASKMOVPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VMASKMOVPS xmm1, xmm2, mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 2C /r
VMASKMOVPS ymm1, ymm2, mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 2C /r
VMASKMOVPS mem128, xmm1, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 2E /r
VMASKMOVPS mem256, ymm1, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 2E /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VPBLENDD 697
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies packed doublewords from either of two sources to a destination, as specified by an immediate
8-bit mask operand.
Each bit of the mask selects a doubleword from one of the source operands to be copied to the desti-
nation. The least-significant bit controls the selection of the doubleword to be copied to the lowest
doubleword of the destination. For each doubleword i of the destination:
When mask bit [i] = 0, doubleword i of the first source operand is copied to the corresponding
doubleword of the destination.
When mask bit [i] = 1, doubleword i of the second source operand is copied to the corresponding
doubleword of the destination.
The instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
Packed Doublewords
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPBLENDD AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPBLENDD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 02 /r /ib
VPBLENDD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 02 /r /ib
698 VPBLENDD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
Instruction Reference VPBROADCASTB 699
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Loads a byte from a register or memory and writes it to all 16 or 32 bytes of an XMM or YMM regis-
This instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all 16 bytes of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 8 bits of an XMM register or an 8-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the des-
tination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all 32 bytes of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 8 bits of an XMM register or an 8-bit memory location.
The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPBROADCASTB Broadcast Packed Byte
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPBROADCASTB AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPBROADCASTB xmm1, xmm2/mem8 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.0.01 78 /r
VPBROADCASTB ymm1, xmm2/mem8 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 78 /r
700 VPBROADCASTB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VPBROADCASTD 701
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Loads a doubleword from a register or memory and writes it to all 4 or 8 doublewords of an XMM or
YMM register.
This instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all 4 doublewords of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 32 bits of an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the des-
tination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all 8 doublewords of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 32 bits of an XMM register or a 32-bit memory location.
The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPBROADCASTD Broadcast Packed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPBROADCASTD AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPBROADCASTD xmm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.0.01 58 /r
VPBROADCASTD ymm1, xmm2/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 58 /r
702 VPBROADCASTD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VPBROADCASTQ 703
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Loads a quadword from a register or memory and writes it to all 2 or 4 quadwords of an XMM or
YMM register.
This instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to both quadwords of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 64 bits of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the des-
tination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all 4 quadwords of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 64 bits of an XMM register or a 64-bit memory location.
The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPBROADCASTQ Broadcast Packed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPBROADCASTQ AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPBROADCASTQ xmm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.0.01 59 /r
VPBROADCASTQ ymm1, xmm2/mem64 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 59 /r
704 VPBROADCASTQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VPBROADCASTW 705
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Loads a word from a register or memory and writes it to all 8 or 16 words of an XMM or YMM reg-
This instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all 8 words of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 16 bits of an XMM register or a 16-bit memory location.
The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the des-
tination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
Copies the source operand to all 16 words of the destination.
The source operand is the least-significant 16 bits of an XMM register or a 16-bit memory location.
The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPBROADCASTW Broadcast Packed Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPBROADCASTW AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPBROADCASTW xmm1, xmm2/mem16 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.0.01 79 /r
VPBROADCASTW ymm1, xmm2/mem16 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 79 /r
706 VPBROADCASTW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VPCMOV 707
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Moves bits of either the first source or the second source to the corresponding positions in the destina-
tion, depending on the value of the corresponding bit of a third source.
When a bit of the third source = 1, the corresponding bit of the first source is moved to the destina-
tion; when a bit of the third source = 0, the corresponding bit of the second source is moved to the
This instruction directly implements the C-language ternary “?” operation on each source bit.
Arbitrary bit-granular predicates can be constructed by any number of methods, or loaded as con-
stants from memory. This instruction may use the results of any SSE instructions as the predicate in
GTD) and VPCMPEQQ (VPCMPGTQ) compare bytes, words, doublewords, quadwords and inte-
gers, respectively, and set the predicate in the destination to masks of 1s and 0s accordingly.
VCMPPS (VCMPSS) and VCMPPD (VCMPSD) compare word and doubleword floating-point
source values, respectively, and provide the predicate for the floating-point instructions.
There are four operands: VPCMOV dest, src1, src2, src3.
The first source (src1) is an XMM or YMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
XOP.W and bits [7:4] of an immediate byte (imm8) configure src2 and src3:
When XOP.W = 0, src2 is either a register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m and src3
is a register specified by imm8[7:4].
When XOP.W = 1, src2 is a register specified by imm8[7:4] and src3 is either a register or a
memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
The destination (dest) is either an XMM or a YMM register, as determined by XOP.L. When the des-
tination is an XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
VPCMOV Vector Conditional Move
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCMOV XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCMOV xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 A2 /r ib
VPCMOV ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.1.00 A2 /r ib
VPCMOV xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 8F RXB.08 1.src1.0.00 A2 /r ib
VPCMOV ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256 8F RXB.08 1.src1.1.00 A2 /r ib
708 VPCMOV Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPCOMB 709
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares corresponding packed signed bytes in the first and second sources and writes the result of
each comparison in the corresponding byte of the destination. The result of each comparison is an 8-
bit value of all 1s (TRUE) or all 0s (FALSE).
There are four operands: VPCOMB dest, src1, src2, imm8
The destination (dest) is an XMM registers specified by ModRM.reg. When the comparison results
are written to the destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field and the second source
(src2) is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
The comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of the immediate-byte operand (imm8). Each type has
an alias mnemonic to facilitate coding.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPCOMB Compare Vector
Signed Bytes
imm8[2:0] Comparison Mnemonic
000 Less Than VPCOMLTB
001 Less Than or Equal VPCOMLEB
010 Greater Than VPCOMGTB
011 Greater Than or Equal VPCOMGEB
100 Equal VPCOMEQB
101 Not Equal VPCOMNEQB
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCOMB XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCOMB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 CC /r ib
710 VPCOMB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPCOMD 711
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares corresponding packed signed doublewords in the first and second sources and writes the
result of each comparison to the corresponding doubleword of the destination. The result of each
comparison is a 32-bit value of all 1s (TRUE) or all 0s (FALSE).
There are four operands: VPCOMD dest, src1, src2, imm8
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the results of the compar-
isons are written to the destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register
are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field and the second source
(src2) is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
The comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate-byte operand (imm8). Each type has
an alias mnemonic to facilitate coding.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPCOMD Compare Vector
Signed Doublewords
imm8[2:0] Comparison Mnemonic
000 Less Than VPCOMLTD
001 Less Than or Equal VPCOMLED
010 Greater Than VPCOMGTD
011 Greater Than or Equal VPCOMGED
100 Equal VPCOMEQD
101 Not Equal VPCOMNEQD
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCOMD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCOMD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 CE /r ib
712 VPCOMD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPCOMQ 713
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares corresponding packed signed quadwords in the first and second sources and writes the
result of each comparison to the corresponding quadword of the destination. The result of each com-
parison is a 64-bit value of all 1s (TRUE) or all 0s (FALSE).
There are four operands: VPCOMQ dest, src1, src2, imm8
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the result is written to the
destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field and the second source
(src2) is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
The comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate-byte operand (imm8). Each type has
an alias mnemonic to facilitate coding.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPCOMQ Compare Vector
Signed Quadwords
imm8[2:0] Comparison Mnemonic
000 Less Than VPCOMLTQ
001 Less Than or Equal VPCOMLEQ
010 Greater Than VPCOMGTQ
011 Greater Than or Equal VPCOMGEQ
100 Equal VPCOMEQQ
101 Not Equal VPCOMNEQQ
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCOMQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCOMQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 CF /r ib
714 VPCOMQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPCOMUB 715
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares corresponding packed unsigned bytes in the first and second sources and writes the result
of each comparison to the corresponding byte of the destination. The result of each comparison is an
8-bit value of all 1s (TRUE) or all 0s (FALSE).
There are four operands: VPCOMUB dest, src1, src2, imm8
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the result is written to the
destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field and the second source
(src2) is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
The comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate-byte operand (imm8). Each type has
an alias mnemonic to facilitate coding.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPCOMUB Compare Vector
Unsigned Bytes
imm8[2:0] Comparison Mnemonic
000 Less Than VPCOMLTUB
001 Less Than or Equal VPCOMLEUB
010 Greater Than VPCOMGTUB
011 Greater Than or Equal VPCOMGEUB
101 Not Equal VPCOMNEQUB
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCOMUB XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCOMUB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 EC /r ib
716 VPCOMUB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPCOMUD 717
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares corresponding packed unsigned doublewords in the first and second sources and writes the
result of each comparison to the corresponding doubleword of the destination. The result of each
comparison is a 32-bit value of all 1s (TRUE) or all 0s (FALSE).
There are four operands: VPCOMUD dest, src1, src2, imm8
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the results are written to
the destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field and the second source
(src2) is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
The comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate-byte operand (imm8). Each type has
an alias mnemonic to facilitate coding.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPCOMUD Compare Vector
Unsigned Doublewords
imm8[2:0] Comparison Mnemonic
000 Less Than VPCOMLTUD
001 Less Than or Equal VPCOMLEUD
010 Greater Than VPCOMGTUD
011 Greater Than or Equal VPCOMGEUD
101 Not Equal VPCOMNEQUD
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCOMUD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCOMUD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 EE /r ib
718 VPCOMUD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPCOMUQ 719
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares corresponding packed unsigned quadwords in the first and second sources and writes the
result of each comparison to the corresponding quadword of the destination. The result of each com-
parison is a 64-bit value of all 1s (TRUE) or all 0s (FALSE).
There are four operands: VPCOMUQ dest, src1, src2, imm8
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the results are written to
the destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field and the second source
(src2) is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
The comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate-byte operand (imm8). Each type has
an alias mnemonic to facilitate coding.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPCOMUQ Compare Vector
Unsigned Quadwords
imm8[2:0] Comparison Mnemonic
000 Less Than VPCOMLTUQ
001 Less Than or Equal VPCOMLEUQ
010 Greater Than VPCOMGTUQ
011 Greater Than or Equal VPCOMGEUQ
101 Not Equal VPCOMNEQUQ
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCOMUQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCOMUQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 EF /r ib
720 VPCOMUQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPCOMUW 721
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares corresponding packed unsigned words in the first and second sources and writes the result
of each comparison to the corresponding word of the destination. The result of each comparison is a
16-bit value of all 1s (TRUE) or all 0s (FALSE).
There are four operands: VPCOMUW dest, src1, src2, imm8
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the results are written to
the destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field and the second source
(src2) is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
The comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate-byte operand (imm8). Each type has
an alias mnemonic to facilitate coding.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPCOMUW Compare Vector
Unsigned Words
imm8[2:0] Comparison Mnemonic
000 Less Than VPCOMLTUW
001 Less Than or Equal VPCOMLEUW
010 Greater Than VPCOMGTUW
011 Greater Than or Equal VPCOMGEUW
101 Not Equal VPCOMNEQUW
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCOMUW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCOMUW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 ED /r ib
722 VPCOMUW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPCOMW 723
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Compares corresponding packed signed words in the first and second sources and writes the result of
each comparison in the corresponding word of the destination. The result of each comparison is a 16-
bit value of all 1s (TRUE) or all 0s (FALSE).
There are four operands: VPCOMW dest, src1, src2, imm8
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the results are written to
the destination XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field and the second source
(src2) is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
The comparison type is specified by bits [2:0] of an immediate-byte operand (imm8). Each type has
an alias mnemonic to facilitate coding.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPCOMW Compare Vector
Signed Words
imm8[2:0] Comparison Mnemonic
000 Less Than VPCOMLTW
001 Less Than or Equal VPCOMLEW
010 Greater Than VPCOMGTW
011 Greater Than or Equal VPCOMGEW
100 Equal VPCOMEQW
101 Not Equal VPCOMNEQW
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPCOMW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPCOMW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 CD /r ib
724 VPCOMW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPERM2F128 725
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies 128 bits of floating-point data from a selected octword of two 256-bit source operands or zero
to each octword of a 256-bit destination, as specified by an immediate byte operand.
The immediate operand is encoded as follows.
This is a 256-bit extended-form instruction:
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPERM2F128 Permute Floating-Point
Destination Immediate-Byte
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
Source 1
Bits Copied
Source 2
Bits Copied
[127:0] [1:0] 00 [127:0]
01 [255:128]
10 — [127:0]
11 — [255:128]
Setting imm8 [3] clears bits [127:0] of the destination; imm8 [2] is ignored.
[255:128] [5:4] 00 [127:0]
01 [255:128]
10 — [127:0]
11 — [255:128]
Setting imm8 [7] clears bits [255:128] of the destination; imm8 [6] is ignored.
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERM2F128 AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPERM2F128 ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 06 /r ib
726 VPERM2F128 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VPERM2I128 727
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies 128 bits of integer data from a selected octword of two 256-bit source operands or zero to
each octword of a 256-bit destination, as specified by an immediate byte operand.
The immediate operand is encoded as follows.
This is a 256-bit extended-form instruction:
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register. Bits 2 and 6 of the immediate
byte are ignored.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPERM2I128 Permute Integer
Destination Immediate-Byte
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
Source 1
Bits Copied
Source 2
Bits Copied
[127:0] [1:0] 00 [127:0]
01 [255:128]
10 — [127:0]
11 — [255:128]
Setting imm8 [3] clears bits [127:0] of the destination; imm8 [2] is ignored.
[255:128] [5:4] 00 [127:0]
01 [255:128]
10 — [127:0]
11 — [255:128]
Setting imm8 [7] clears bits [255:128] of the destination; imm8 [6] is ignored.
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERM2I128 AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPERM2I128 ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 46 /r ib
728 VPERM2I128 Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
Instruction Reference VPERMD 729
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies selected doublewords from a 256-bit value located either in memory or a YMM register to
specific doublewords of the destination YMM register. For each doubleword of the destination, selec-
tion of which doubleword to copy from the source is specified by a selector field in the corresponding
doubleword of a YMM register.
There is a single form of this instruction:
VPERMD dest, src1, src2
The first source operand provides eight 3-bit selectors, each selector occupying the least-significant
bits of a doubleword. Each selector specifies the index of the doubleword of the second source oper-
and to be copied to the destination. The doubleword in the destination that each selector controls is
based on its position within the first source operand.
The index value may be the same in multiple selectors. This results in multiple copies of the same
source doubleword being copied to the destination.
There is no 128-bit form of this instruction.
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source
operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPERMD Packed Permute Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERMD AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPERMD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 36 /r
730 VPERMD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
AAACR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L= 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A A A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A A A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A A A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A A A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
Instruction Reference VPERMIL2PD 731
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies a selected quadword from one of two source operands to a selected quadword of the destina-
tion or clears the selected quadword of the destination. Values in a third source operand and an imme-
diate two-bit operand control the operation.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit versions of this instruction. Both versions have five operands:
VPERMIL2PD dest, src1, src2, src3, m2z.
The first four operands are either 128 bits or 256 bits wide, as determined by VEX.L. When the desti-
nation is an XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The third source operand is a selector that specifies how quadwords are copied or cleared in the desti-
nation. The selector contains one selector element for each quadword of the destination register.
Selector for 128-bit Instruction Form
The selector for the 128-bit instruction form is an octword composed of two quadword selector ele-
ments S0 and S1. S0 (the lower quadword) controls the value written to destination quadword 0 (bits
[63:0]) and S1 (the upper quadword) controls the destination quadword 1 (bits [127:64]).
Selector for 256-bit Instruction Form
The selector for the 256-bit instruction form is a double octword and adds two more selector elements
S2 and S3. S0 controls the value written to the destination quadword 0 (bits [63:0]), S1 controls the
destination quadword 1 (bits [127:64]), S2 controls the destination quadword 2 (bits [191:128]), and
S3 controls the destination quadword 3 (bits [255:192]).
The layout of each selector element is as follows:
The fields are defined as follows:
VPERMIL2PD Permute Two-Source
Double-Precision Floating-Point
127 64 63 0
S1 S0
255 192 191 128
S3 S2
127 64 63 0
S1 S0
63 43210
Reserved, IGN M Sel
Bits Mnemonic Description
[63:4] Reserved, IGN
[3] M Match
[2:1] Sel Select
[0] Reserved, IGN
732 VPERMIL2PD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Sel Select. Selects the source quadword to copy into the corresponding quadword of the
M Match bit. The combination of the Match bit in each selector element and the value of the
M2Z field determines if the Select field is overridden. This is described below.
m2z immediate operand
The fifth operand is m2z. The assembler uses this 2-bit value to encode the M2Z field in the instruc-
tion. M2Z occupies bits [1:0] of an immediate byte. Bits [7:4] of the same byte are used to select one
of 16 YMM/XMM registers. This dual use of the immediate byte is indicated in the instruction synop-
sis by the symbol “is5”.
The immediate byte is defined as follows.
Fields are defined as follows:
SRS Source Register Select. As with many other extended instructions, bits in the immediate
byte are used to select a source operand register. This field is set by the assembler based on the
operands listed in the instruction. See discussion in src2 and src3 Operand Addressing” below.
M2Z Match to Zero. This field, combined with the M bit of the selector element, controls the
function of the Sel field as follows:
src2 and src3 Operand Addressing
In 64-bit mode, VEX.W and bits [7:4] of the immediate byte specify src2 and src3:
Sel Value Source Selected for Destination
Quadwords 0 and 1 (both forms)
Source Selected for Destination
Quadwords 2 and 3 (256-bit form)
00b src1[63:0] src1[191:128]
01b src1[127:64] src1[255:192]
10b src2[63:0] src2[191:128]
11b src2[127:64] src2[255:192]
Bits Mnemonic Description
[7:4] SRS Source Register Select
[3:2] Reserved, IGN
[1:0] M2Z Match to Zero
M2Z Field Selector M Bit Value Loaded into Destination Quadword
0Xb X Source quadword selected by selector element Sel field.
10b 0 Source quadword selected by selector element Sel field.
10b 1 Zero
11b 0 Zero
11b 1 Source quadword selected by selector element Sel field.
Instruction Reference VPERMIL2PD 733
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
When VEX.W = 0, src2 is either a register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m and
src3 is a register specified by bits [7:4] of the immediate byte.
When VEX.W = 1, src2 is a register specified by bits [7:4] of the immediate byte and src3 is either
a register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
In non-64-bit mode, bit 7 is ignored.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
NOTE: VPERMIL2PD is encoded using the VEX prefix even though it is an XOP instruction.
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERMIL2PD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPERMIL2PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4, m2z C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 49 /r is5
VPERMIL2PD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128, m2z C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 49 /r is5
VPERMIL2PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4, m2z C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 49 /r is5
VPERMIL2PD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256, m2z C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 49 /r is5
734 VPERMIL2PD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPERMIL2PS 735
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies a selected doubleword from one of two source operands to a selected doubleword of the desti-
nation or clears the selected doubleword of the destination. Values in a third source operand and an
immediate two-bit operand control operation.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit versions of this instruction. Both versions have five operands:
VPERMIL2PS dest, src1, src2, src3, m2z
The first four operands are either 128 bits or 256 bits wide, as determined by VEX.L. When the desti-
nation is an XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The third source operand is a selector that specifies how doublewords are copied or cleared in the des-
tination. The selector contains one selector element for each doubleword of the destination register.
Selector for 128-bit Instruction Form
The selector for the 128-bit instruction form is an octword containing four selector elements S0–S3.
S0 controls the value written to the destination doubleword 0 (bits [31:0]), S1 controls the destination
doubleword 1 (bits [63:32]), S2 controls the destination doubleword 2 (bits [95:64]), and S3 controls
the destination doubleword 3 (bits [127:96]).
Selector for 256-bit Instruction Form
The selector for the 256-bit instruction form is a double octword and adds four more selector ele-
ments S4–S7. S4 controls the value written to the destination doubleword 4 (bits [159:128]), S5 con-
trols the destination doubleword 5 (bits [191:160]), S6 controls the destination doubleword 6 (bits
[223:192]), and S7 controls the destination doubleword 7 (bits [255:224]).
The layout of each selector element is as follows.
The fields are defined as follows:
VPERMIL2PS Permute Two-Source
Single-Precision Floating-Point
127 9695 6463 3231 0
S3 S2 S1 S0
255 224 223 192 191 160 159 128
S7 S6 S5 S4
127 9695 6463 3231 0
S3 S2 S1 S0
31 43210
Reserved, IGN M Sel
Bits Mnemonic Description
[31:4] Reserved, IGN
[3] M Match
[2:0] Sel Select
736 VPERMIL2PS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Sel Select. Selects the source doubleword to copy into the corresponding doubleword of the
M Match. The combination of the M bit in each selector element and the value of the M2Z field
determines if the Sel field is overridden. This is described below.
m2z immediate operand
The fifth operand is m2z. The assembler uses this 2-bit value to encode the M2Z field in the instruc-
tion. M2Z occupies bits [1:0] of an immediate byte. Bits [7:4] of the same byte are used to select one
of 16 YMM/XMM registers. This dual use of the immediate byte is indicated in the instruction synop-
sis by the symbol “is5”.
The immediate byte is defined as follows.
Fields are defined as follows:
SRS Source Register Select. As with many other extended instructions, bits in the immediate
byte are used to select a source operand register. This field is set by the assembler based on the
operands listed in the instruction. See discussion in src2 and src3 Operand Addressing” below.
M2Z Match to Zero. This field, combined with the M bit of the selector element, controls the
function of the Sel field as follows:
Sel Value Source Selected for Destination
Doublewords 0, 1, 2 and 3 (both forms)
Source Selected for Destination
Doublewords 4, 5, 6 and 7 (256-bit form)
000b src1[31:0] src1[159:128]
001b src1[63:32] src1[191:160]
010b src1[95:64] src1[223:192]
011b src1[127:96] src1[255:224]
100b src2[31:0] src2[159:128]
101b src2[63:32] src2[191:160]
110b src2[95:64] src2[223:192]
111b src2[127:96] src2[255:224]
Bits Mnemonic Description
[7:4] SRS Source Register Select
[3:2] Reserved, IGN
[1:0] M2Z Match to Zero
M2Z Field Selector M Bit Value Loaded into Destination Doubleword
0Xb X Source doubleword selected by Sel field.
10b 0 Source doubleword selected by Sel field.
Instruction Reference VPERMIL2PS 737
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
src2 and src3 Operand Addressing
In 64-bit mode, VEX.W and bits [7:4] of the immediate byte specify src2 and src3:
When VEX.W = 0, src2 is either a register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m and
src3 is a register specified by bits [7:4] of the immediate byte.
When VEX.W = 1, src2 is a register specified by bits [7:4] of the immediate byte and src3 is either
a register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
In non-64-bit mode, bit 7 is ignored.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
NOTE: VPERMIL2PS is encoded using the VEX prefix even though it is an XOP instruction.
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
10b 1 Zero
11b 0 Zero
11b 1 Source doubleword selected by Sel field.
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERMIL2PS XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPERMIL2PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4, m2z C4 RXB.03 0.src1.0.01 48 /r is5
VPERMIL2PS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128, m2z C4 RXB.03 1.src1.0.01 48 /r is5
VPERMIL2PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256, ymm4, m2z C4 RXB.03 0.src1.1.01 48 /r is5
VPERMIL2PS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, ymm4/mem256, m2z C4 RXB.03 1.src1.1.01 48 /r is5
M2Z Field Selector M Bit Value Loaded into Destination Doubleword
738 VPERMIL2PS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
Instruction Reference VPERMILPD 739
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Copies double-precision floating-point values from a source to a destination. Source and destination
can be selected in two ways. There are different encodings for each selection method.
Selection by bits in a source register or memory location:
Each quadword of the operand is defined as follows.
A bit selects source and destination. Only bit [1] is used; bits [63:2} and bit [0] are ignored. Setting
the bit selects the corresponding quadword element of the source and the destination.
Selection by bits in an immediate byte:
Each bit corresponds to a destination quadword. Only bits [3:2] and bits [1:0] are used; bits [7:4] are
ignored. Selections are defined as follows.
This extended-form instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encoding.
XMM Encoding
There are two encodings, one for each selection method:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
The first source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
is an XMM register. There is a third, immediate byte operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register
that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two encodings, one for each selection method:
63 210
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
Source 1
Bits Copied
Used by 128-bit encoding and 256-bit encoding
[63:0] [0] 0 [63:0]
1 [127:64]
[127:64] [1] 0 [63:0]
1 [127:64]
Used only by 256-bit encoding
[191:128] [2] 0 [191:128]
1 [255:192]
[255:192] [3] 0 [191:128]
1 [255:192]
740 VPERMILPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
The first source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is
a YMM register. There is a third, immediate byte operand.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERMILPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
Selection by source register or memory:
VPERMILPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 0D /r
VPERMILPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 0D /r
Selection by immediate byte operand:
VPERMILPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.0.01 05 /r ib
VPERMILPD ymm1, ymm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.1.01 05 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPERMILPD 741
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for versions with immediate byte operand only).
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
742 VPERMILPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Copies single-precision floating-point values from a source to a destination. Source and destination
can be selected in two ways. There are different encodings for each selection method.
Selection by bit fields in a source register or memory location:
Each doubleword of the operand is defined as follows.
Each bit field corresponds to a destination doubleword. Bit values select a source doubleword. Only
bits [1:0] of each word are used; bits [31:2} are ignored. The 128-bit encoding uses four two-bit
fields; the 256-bit version uses eight two-bit fields. Field encoding is as follows.
31 210
Immediate Operand
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
Bits Copied
[31:0] [1:0] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[63:32] [33:32] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[95:64] [65:64] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[127:96] [97:96] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
Instruction Reference VPERMILPS 743
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Selection by bit fields in an immediate byte:
Each bit field corresponds to a destination doubleword. For the 256-bit encoding, the fields specify
sources and destinations in both the upper and lower 128 bits of the register. Selections are defined as
Upper 128 bits of 256-bit source and destination used by 256-bit encoding
[159:128] [129:128] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
[191:160] [161:160] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
[223:192] [193:192] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
[255:224] [225:224] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
Bit Field Value of Bit
Bits Copied
[31:0] [1:0] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[63:32] [3:2] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[95:64] [5:4] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
[127:96] [7:6] 00 [31:0]
01 [63:32]
10 [95:64]
11 [127:96]
Immediate Operand
Bit Field
Value of
Bit Field
Bits Copied
744 VPERMILPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
This extended-form instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
There are two encodings, one for each selection method:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
The first source operand is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination
is an XMM register. There is a third, immediate byte operand. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register
that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
There are two encodings, one for each selection method:
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
The first source operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is
a YMM register. There is a third, immediate byte operand.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Upper 128 bits of 256-bit source and destination used by 256-bit encoding
[159:128] [1:0] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
[191:160] [3:2] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
[223:192] [5:4] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
[255:224] [7:6] 00 [159:128]
01 [191:160]
10 [223:192]
11 [255:224]
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERMILPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Bit Field Value of Bit
Bits Copied
Instruction Reference VPERMILPS 745
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
Selection by source register or memory:
VPERMILPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 0C /r
VPERMILPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 0C /r
Selection by immediate byte operand:
VPERMILPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.0.01 04 /r ib
VPERMILPS ymm1, ymm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.1.01 04 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for versions with immediate byte operand only).
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
746 VPERMPD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Copies selected quadwords from a 256-bit value located either in memory or a YMM register to spe-
cific quadwords of the destination. For each quadword of the destination, selection of which quad-
word to copy from the source is specified by a 2 bit selector field in an immediate byte.
There is a single form of this instruction:
VPERMPD dest, src, imm8
The selection of which quadword of the source operand to copy to each quadword of the destination
is specified by four 2-bit selector fields in the immediate byte. Bits [1:0] specify the index of the
quadword to be copied to the destination quadword 0. Bits [3:2] select the quadword to be copied to
quadword 1, bits [5:4] select the quadword to be copied to quadword 2, and bits [7:6] select the quad-
word to be copied to quadword 3.
The index value may be the same in multiple selectors. This results in multiple copies of the same
source quadword being copied to the destination.
There is no 128-bit form of this instruction.
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The source operand is a YMM register or a 256-bit memory loca-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPERMPD Packed Permute
Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERMPD AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPERMPD ymm1, ymm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 1.1111.1.01 01 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPERMPD 747
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
AAACR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L= 0.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A A A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A A A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A A A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A A A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
748 VPERMPS Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Copies selected doublewords from a 256-bit value located either in memory or a YMM register to
specific doublewords of the destination YMM register. For each doubleword of the destination, selec-
tion of which doubleword to copy from the source is specified by a selector field in the corresponding
doubleword of a YMM register.
There is a single form of this instruction:
VPERMPS dest, src1, src2
The first source operand provides eight 3-bit selectors, each selector occupying the least-significant
bits of a doubleword. Each selector specifies the index of the doubleword of the second source oper-
and to be copied to the destination. The doubleword in the destination that each selector controls is
based on its position within the first source operand.
The index value may be the same in multiple selectors. This results in multiple copies of the same
source doubleword being copied to the destination.
There is no 128-bit form of this instruction.
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source
operand is either a YMM register or a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPERMPS Packed Permute
Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERMPS AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPERMPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 16 /r
Instruction Reference VPERMPS 749
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
AAACR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L= 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A A A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A A A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A A A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A A A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
750 VPERMQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Copies selected quadwords from a 256-bit value located either in memory or a YMM register to spe-
cific quadwords of the destination. For each quadword of the destination, selection of which quad-
word to copy from the source is specified by a 2 bit selector field in an immediate byte.
There is a single form of this instruction:
VPERMQ dest, src, imm8
The selection of which quadword of the source operand to copy to each quadword of the destination
is specified by four 2-bit selector fields in the immediate byte. Bits [1:0] specify the index of the
quadword to be copied to the destination quadword 0. Bits [3:2] select the quadword to be copied to
quadword 1, bits [5:4] select the quadword to be copied to quadword 2, and bits [7:6] select the quad-
word to be copied to quadword 3.
The index value may be the same in multiple selectors. This results in multiple copies of the same
source quadword being copied to the destination.
There is no 128-bit form of this instruction.
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The source operand is a YMM register or a 256-bit memory loca-
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPERMQ Packed Permute Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPERMQ AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPERMQ ymm1, ymm2/mem256, imm8 C4 RXB.03 1.1111.1.01 00 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPERMQ 751
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
AAACR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L= 0.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A A A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A A A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A A A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A A A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
752 VPGATHERDD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Conditionally loads doubleword values from memory using VSIB addressing with doubleword indi-
The instruction is of the form:
VPGATHERDD dest, mem32[vm32x/y], mask
The loading of each element of the destination register is conditional based on the value of the corre-
sponding element of the mask (second source operand). If the most-significant bit of the ith element
of the mask is set, the ith element of the destination is loaded from memory using the ith address of
the array of effective addresses calculated using VSIB addressing.
The index register is treated as an array of signed 32-bit values. Doubleword elements of the destina-
tion for which the corresponding mask element is zero are not affected by the operation. If no excep-
tions occur, the mask register is set to zero.
Execution of the instruction can be suspended by an exception if the exception is triggered by an ele-
ment other than the rightmost element loaded. When this happens, the destination register and the
mask operand may be observed as partially updated. Elements that have been loaded will have their
mask elements set to zero. If any traps or faults are pending from elements that have been loaded,
they will be delivered in lieu of the exception; in this case, the RF flag is set so that an instruction
breakpoint is not re-triggered when the instruction execution is resumed.
See Section 1.3, “VSIB Addressing,” on page 6 for a discussion of the VSIB addressing mode.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit forms of this instruction.
XMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to four 32-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the four dou-
blewords of an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination
and bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the second source (mask) operand are
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The first source operand is up to eight 32-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is a YMM register. The index vector is the eight dou-
blewords of a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
VPGATHERDD Conditionally Gather Doublewords,
Doubleword Indices
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPGATHERDD AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference VPGATHERDD 753
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPGATHERDD xmm1, vm32x, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 90 /r
VPGATHERDD ymm1, vm32y, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 90 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
754 VPGATHERDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Conditionally loads quadword values from memory using VSIB addressing with doubleword indices.
The instruction is of the form:
VPGATHERDQ dest, mem64[vm32x], mask
The loading of each element of the destination register is conditional based on the value of the corre-
sponding element of the mask (second source operand). If the most-significant bit of the ith element
of the mask is set, the ith element of the destination is loaded from memory using the ith address of
the array of effective addresses calculated using VSIB addressing.
The index register is treated as an array of signed 32-bit values. Quadword elements of the destination
for which the corresponding mask element is zero are not affected by the operation. If no exceptions
occur, the mask register is set to zero.
Execution of the instruction can be suspended by an exception if the exception is triggered by an ele-
ment other than the rightmost element loaded. When this happens, the destination register and the
mask operand may be observed as partially updated. Elements that have been loaded will have their
mask elements set to zero. If any traps or faults are pending from elements that have been loaded,
they will be delivered in lieu of the exception; in this case, the RF flag is set so that an instruction
breakpoint is not re-triggered when the instruction execution is resumed.
See Section 1.3, “VSIB Addressing,” on page 6 for a discussion of the VSIB addressing mode.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit forms of this instruction.
XMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to two 64-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the two
low-order doublewords of an XMM register; the two high-order doublewords of the index register are
not used. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination and bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the second source (mask) operand are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The first source operand is up to four 64-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is a YMM register. The index vector is the four dou-
blewords of an XMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
VPGATHERDQ Conditionally Gather Quadwords,
Doubleword Indices
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPGATHERDQ AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference VPGATHERDQ 755
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPGATHERDQ xmm1, vm32x, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 90 /r
VPGATHERDQ ymm1, vm32x, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 90 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
756 VPGATHERQD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Conditionally loads doubleword values from memory using VSIB addressing with quadword indices.
The instruction is of the form:
VPGATHERQD dest, mem32[vm64x/y], mask
The loading of each element of the destination register is conditional based on the value of the corre-
sponding element of the mask (second source operand). If the most-significant bit of the ith element
of the mask is set, the ith element of the destination is loaded from memory using the ith address of
the array of effective addresses calculated using VSIB addressing.
The index register is treated as an array of signed 64-bit values. Doubleword elements of the destina-
tion for which the corresponding mask element is zero are not affected by the operation. If no excep-
tions occur, the mask register is set to zero.
Execution of the instruction can be suspended by an exception if the exception is triggered by an ele-
ment other than the rightmost element loaded. When this happens, the destination register and the
mask operand may be observed as partially updated. Elements that have been loaded will have their
mask elements set to zero. If any traps or faults are pending from elements that have been loaded,
they will be delivered in lieu of the exception; in this case, the RF flag is set so that an instruction
breakpoint is not re-triggered when the instruction execution is resumed.
See Section 1.3, “VSIB Addressing,” on page 6 for a discussion of the VSIB addressing mode.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit forms of this instruction.
XMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to two 32-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the two
quadwords of an XMM register. The upper half of the destination register and the mask register are
cleared. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination and bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the mask register are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to four 32-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the four
quadwords of a YMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destina-
tion and bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the mask register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
VPGATHERQD Conditionally Gather Doublewords,
Quadword Indices
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPGATHERQD AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference VPGATHERQD 757
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPGATHERQD xmm1, vm64x, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 91 /r
VPGATHERQD xmm1, vm64y, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.1.01 91 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
758 VPGATHERQQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Conditionally loads quadword values from memory using VSIB addressing with quadword indices.
The instruction is of the form:
VPGATHERQQ dest, mem64[vm64x/y], mask
The loading of each element of the destination register is conditional based on the value of the corre-
sponding element of the mask (second source operand). If the most-significant bit of the ith element
of the mask is set, the ith element of the destination is loaded from memory using the ith address of
the array of effective addresses calculated using VSIB addressing.
The index register is treated as an array of signed 64-bit values. Quadword elements of the destination
for which the corresponding mask element is zero are not affected by the operation. If no exceptions
occur, the mask register is set to zero.
Execution of the instruction can be suspended by an exception if the exception is triggered by an ele-
ment other than the rightmost element loaded. When this happens, the destination register and the
mask operand may be observed as partially updated. Elements that have been loaded will have their
mask elements set to zero. If any traps or faults are pending from elements that have been loaded,
they will be delivered in lieu of the exception; in this case, the RF flag is set so that an instruction
breakpoint is not re-triggered when the instruction execution is resumed.
See Section 1.3, “VSIB Addressing,” on page 6 for a discussion of the VSIB addressing mode.
There are 128-bit and 256-bit forms of this instruction.
XMM Encoding
The destination is an XMM register. The first source operand is up to two 64-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is an XMM register. The index vector is the two
quadwords of an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destina-
tion and bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the second source (mask) operand are
YMM Encoding
The destination is a YMM register. The first source operand is up to four 64-bit values located in
memory. The second source operand (the mask) is a YMM register. The index vector is the four quad-
words of a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
VPGATHERQQ Conditionally Gather Quadwords,
Quadword Indices
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPGATHERQQ AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference VPGATHERQQ 759
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPGATHERQQ xmm1, vm64x, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 91 /r
VPGATHERQQ ymm1, vm64y, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.1.01 91 /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
760 VPHADDBD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds four sets of four 8-bit signed integer values of the source and packs the sign-extended sums into
the corresponding doubleword of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDBD dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDBD Packed Horizontal Add
Signed Byte to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDBD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDBD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 C2 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDBD 761
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
762 VPHADDBQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds two sets of eight 8-bit signed integer values of the source and packs the sign-extended sums into
the corresponding quadword of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDBQ dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDBQ Packed Horizontal Add
Signed Byte to Signed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDBQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDBQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 C3 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDBQ 763
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
764 VPHADDBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds each adjacent pair of 8-bit signed integer values of the source and packs the sign-extended 16-
bit integer result of each addition into the corresponding word element of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDBW dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDBW Packed Horizontal Add
Signed Byte to Signed Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDBW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 C1 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDBW 765
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
766 VPHADDDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds each adjacent pair of signed doubleword integer values of the source and packs the sign-
extended sums into the corresponding quadword of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDDQ dest, src
The source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location and the destination is an XMM
register. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDDQ Packed Horizontal Add
Signed Doubleword to Signed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDDQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 CB /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDDQ 767
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
768 VPHADDUBD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds four sets of four 8-bit unsigned integer values of the source and packs the sums into the corre-
sponding doublewords of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDUBD dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDUBD Packed Horizontal Add
Unsigned Byte to Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDUBD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDUBD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 D2 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDUBD 769
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
770 VPHADDUBQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds two sets of eight 8-bit unsigned integer values from the second source and packs the sums into
the corresponding quadword of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDUBQ dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. When the destination XMM register is written, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM
register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDUBQ Packed Horizontal Add
Unsigned Byte to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDUBQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDUBQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 D3 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDUBQ 771
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
772 VPHADDUBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds each adjacent pair of 8-bit unsigned integer values of the source and packs the 16-bit integer
sums to the corresponding word of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDUBW dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDUBW Packed Horizontal Add
Unsigned Byte to Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDUBW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDUBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 D1 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDUBW 773
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
774 VPHADDUDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds two adjacent pairs of 32-bit unsigned integer values of the source and packs the sums into the
corresponding quadword of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDUDQ dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDUDQ Packed Horizontal Add
Unsigned Doubleword to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDUDQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDUDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 DB /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDUDQ 775
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
776 VPHADDUWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds four adjacent pairs of 16-bit unsigned integer values of the source and packs the sums into the
corresponding doubleword of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDUWD dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDUWD Packed Horizontal Add
Unsigned Word to Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDUWD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDUWD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 D6 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDUWD 777
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
778 VPHADDUWQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds two pairs of 16-bit unsigned integer values of the source and packs the sums into the corre-
sponding quadword element of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDUWQ dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDUWQ Packed Horizontal Add
Unsigned Word to Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDUWQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDUWQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 D7 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDUWQ 779
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
780 VPHADDWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds four adjacent pairs of 16-bit signed integer values of the source and packs the sign-extended
sums to the corresponding doubleword of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDWD dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDWD Packed Horizontal Add
Signed Word to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDWD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDWD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 C6 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDWD 781
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
782 VPHADDWQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Adds four successive pairs of 16-bit signed integer values of the source and packs the sign-extended
sums to the corresponding quadword of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHADDWQ dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHADDWQ Packed Horizontal Add
Signed Word to Signed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHADDWQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHADDWQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 C7 /r
Instruction Reference VPHADDWQ 783
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
784 VPHSUBBW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts the most significant signed integer byte from the least significant signed integer byte of
each word element in the source and packs the sign-extended 16-bit integer differences into the desti-
There are two operands: VPHSUBBW dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. When the destination is written, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHSUBBW Packed Horizontal Subtract
Signed Byte to Signed Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHSUBBW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHSUBBW xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 E1 /r
Instruction Reference VPHSUBBW 785
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
786 VPHSUBDQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts the most significant signed integer doubleword from the least significant signed integer
doubleword of each quadword in the source and packs the sign-extended 64-bit integer differences
into the corresponding quadword element of the destination.
There are two operands: VPHSUBDQ dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. When the destination is written, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHSUBDQ Packed Horizontal Subtract
Signed Doubleword to Signed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHSUBDQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHSUBDQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 E3 /r
Instruction Reference VPHSUBDQ 787
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
788 VPHSUBWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Subtracts the most significant signed integer word from the least significant signed integer word of
each doubleword of the source and packs the sign-extended 32-bit integer differences into the destina-
There are two operands: VPHSUBWD dest, src
The destination is an XMM register and the source is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory
location. Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPHSUBWD Packed Horizontal Subtract
Signed Word to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPHSUBWD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPHSUBWD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 E2 /r
Instruction Reference VPHSUBWD 789
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
790 VPMACSDD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies each packed 32-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of
the second source, adds the corresponding value of the third source to the 64-bit signed integer prod-
uct, and writes four 32-bit sums to the destination.
No saturation is performed on the sum. When the result of the multiplication causes non-zero values
to be set in the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit product, they are ignored. When the result of the add over-
flows, the carry is ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set). In both cases, only
the signed low-order 32 bits of the result are written to the destination.
There are four operands: VPMACSDD dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination is written,
bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source (src2) is either
an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third
source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When the third source designates the same XMM register as the destination, the XMM register
behaves as an accumulator.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSDD Packed Multiply Accumulate
Signed Doubleword to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSDD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSDD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 9E /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSDD 791
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
792 VPMACSDQH Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies the second 32-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of the
second source, then adds the low-order 64-bit signed integer value of the third source to the 64-bit
signed integer product. Simultaneously, multiplies the fourth 32-bit signed integer value of the first
source by the fourth 32-bit signed integer value of the second source, then adds the high-order 64-bit
signed integer value of the third source to the 64-bit signed integer product. Writes two 64-bit sums to
the destination.
No saturation is performed on the sum. When the result of the add overflows, the carry is ignored
(neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set).
There are four operands: VPMACSDQH dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination is written,
bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field; the second source (src2)
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the
third source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When the third source designates the same XMM register as the destination, the XMM register
behaves as an accumulator.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSDQH Packed Multiply Accumulate
Signed High Doubleword to Signed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSDQH XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSDQH xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.01000 0.src1.0.00 9F /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSDQH 793
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
794 VPMACSDQL Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies the low-order 32-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of
the second source, then adds the low-order 64-bit signed integer value of the third source to the 64-bit
signed integer product. Simultaneously, multiplies the third 32-bit signed integer value of the first
source by the corresponding value of the second source, then adds the high-order 64-bit signed inte-
ger value of the third source to the 64-bit signed integer product. Writes two 64-bit sums to the desti-
nation register.
No saturation is performed on the sum. When the result of the add overflows, the carry is ignored
(neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set). Only the low-order 64 bits of each result are
written to the destination.
There are four operands: VPMACSDQL dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination is a YMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination is written, bits
[255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source (src2) is either
an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third
source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSDQL Packed Multiply Accumulate
Signed Low Doubleword to Signed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSDQL XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSDQL xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 97 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSDQL 795
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
796 VPMACSSDD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies each packed 32-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of
the second source, then adds the corresponding packed 32-bit signed integer value of the third source
to each 64-bit signed integer product. Writes four saturated 32-bit sums to the destination.
Out of range results of the addition are saturated to fit into a signed 32-bit integer. For each packed
value of the destination, when the value is larger than the largest signed 32-bit integer, it is saturated
to 7FFF_FFFFh, and when the value is smaller than the smallest signed 32-bit integer, it is saturated
to 8000_0000h.
There are four operands: VPMACSSDD dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination is written,
bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source (src2) is either
an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third
source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSSDD Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation
Signed Doubleword to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSSDD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSSDD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 X.src1.0.00 8E /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSSDD 797
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
798 VPMACSSDQH Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies the second 32-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of the
second source, then adds the low-order 64-bit signed integer value of the third source to the 64-bit
signed integer product. Simultaneously, multiplies the fourth 32-bit signed integer value of the first
source by the corresponding value of the second source, then adds the high-order 64-bit signed inte-
ger value of the third source to the 64-bit signed integer product. Writes two saturated sums to the
Out of range results of the addition are saturated to fit into a signed 64-bit integer. For each packed
value of the destination, when the value is larger than the largest signed 64-bit integer, it is saturated
to 7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFh, and when the value is smaller than the smallest signed 64-bit integer, it
is saturated to 8000_0000_0000_0000h.
There are four operands: VPMACSSDQH dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination XMM reg-
ister is written, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source (src2) is either
an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third
source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSSDQH Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation
Signed High Doubleword to Signed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSSDQH XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSSDQH xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 8F /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSSDQH 799
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
800 VPMACSSDQL Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies the low-order 32-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of
the second source, then adds the low-order 64-bit signed integer value of the third source to the 64-bit
signed integer product. Simultaneously, multiplies the third 32-bit signed integer value of the first
source by the third 32-bit signed integer value of the second source, then adds the high-order 64-bit
signed integer value of the third source to the 64-bit signed integer product. Writes two saturated
sums to the destination.
Out of range results of the addition are saturated to fit into a signed 64-bit integer. For each packed
value of the destination, when the value is larger than the largest signed 64-bit integer, it is saturated
to 7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFh, and when the value is smaller than the smallest signed 64-bit integer, it
is saturated to 8000_0000_0000_0000h.
There are four operands: VPMACSSDQL dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination (dest) register is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination is
written, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source (src2) is either
an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third
source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSSDQL Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation
Signed Low Doubleword to Signed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSSDQL XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSSDQL xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 87 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSSDQL 801
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
802 VPMACSSWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies the odd-numbered packed 16-bit signed integer values of the first source by the corre-
sponding values of the second source, then adds the corresponding packed 32-bit signed integer val-
ues of the third source to the 32-bit signed integer products. Writes four saturated sums to the
Out of range results of the addition are saturated to fit into a signed 32-bit integer. For each packed
value of the destination, when the value is larger than the largest signed 32-bit integer, it is saturated
to 7FFF_FFFFh, and when the value is smaller than the smallest signed 32-bit integer, it is saturated
to 8000_0000h.
There are four operands:
VPMACSSWD dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination XMM reg-
ister is written, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by the XOP.vvvv field; the second source (src2)
is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the
third source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSSWD Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation
Signed Word to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSSWD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSSWD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 86 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSSWD 803
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
804 VPMACSSWW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies each packed 16-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding packed 16-
bit signed integer value of the second source, then adds the corresponding packed 16-bit signed inte-
ger value of the third source to the 32-bit signed integer products. Writes eight saturated sums to the
Out of range results of the addition are saturated to fit into a signed 16-bit integer. For each packed
value of the destination, when the value is larger than the largest signed 16-bit integer, it is saturated
to 7FFFh, and when the value is smaller than the smallest signed 16-bit integer, it is saturated to
There are four operands:
VPMACSSWW dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination is written, bits
[255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source (src2) is either
an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third
source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte.
When src3 and dest designate the same XMM register, this register behaves as an accumulator.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSSWW Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation
Signed Word to Signed Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSSWW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSSWW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 X.src1.0.00 85 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSSWW 805
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
806 VPMACSWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies each odd-numbered packed 16-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corre-
sponding value of the second source, then adds the corresponding packed 32-bit signed integer value
of the third source to the 32-bit signed integer products. Writes four 32-bit results to the destination.
When the result of the add overflows, the carry is ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in
rFLAGS is set). Only the low-order 32 bits of the result are written to the destination.
There are four operands: VPMACSWD dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination (dest) register is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination
XMM register is written, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source (src2) is either
an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third
source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSWD Packed Multiply Accumulate
Signed Word to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSWD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSWD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 96 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSWD 807
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
808 VPMACSWW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies each packed 16-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of
the second source, then adds the corresponding packed 16-bit signed integer value of the third source
to each 32-bit signed integer product. Writes eight 16-bit results to the destination.
No saturation is performed on the sum. When the result of the multiplication causes non-zero values
to be set in the upper 16 bits of the 32 bit result, they are ignored. When the result of the add over-
flows, the carry is ignored (neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set). In both cases, only
the signed low-order 16 bits of the result are written to the destination.
There are four operands: VPMACSWW dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination XMM reg-
ister is written, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source (src1) is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source (src2) is either
an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third
source (src3) is an XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMACSWW Packed Multiply Accumulate
Signed Word to Signed Word
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMACSWW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMACSWW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 95 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMACSWW 809
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
810 VPMADCSSWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies each packed 16-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of
the second source, then adds the 32-bit signed integer products of the even-odd adjacent words. Each
resulting sum is then added to the corresponding packed 32-bit signed integer value of the third
source. Writes four 32-bit signed-integer results to the destination.
Out of range results of the addition are saturated to fit into a signed 32-bit integer. For each packed
value of the destination, when the value is larger than the largest signed 32-bit integer, it is saturated
to 7FFF_FFFFh, and when the value is smaller than the smallest signed 32-bit integer, it is saturated
to 8000_0000h.
There are four operands: VPMADCSSWD dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination is written, bits
[255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv; the second source is either an XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third source is an
XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMADCSSWD Packed Multiply Add Accumulate
with Saturation
Signed Word to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMADCSSWD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMADCSSWD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 A6 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMADCSSWD 811
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
812 VPMADCSWD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Multiplies each packed 16-bit signed integer value of the first source by the corresponding value of
the second source, then adds the 32-bit signed integer products of the even-odd adjacent words
together and adds the sums to the corresponding packed 32-bit signed integer values of the third
source. Writes four 32-bit sums to the destination.
No saturation is performed on the sum. When the result of the addition overflows, the carry is ignored
(neither the overflow nor carry bit in rFLAGS is set). Only the signed 32-bits of the result are written
to the destination.
There are four operands: VPMADCSWD dest, src1, src2, src3 dest = src1* src2 + src3
The destination is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the destination is written, bits
[255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
The first source is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv, the second source is either an XMM reg-
ister or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field; and the third source is an
XMM register specified by bits [7:4] of an immediate byte operand.
When src3 designates the same XMM register as the dest register, the XMM register behaves as an
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPMADCSWD Packed Multiply Add Accumulate
Signed Word to Signed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
PMADCSWD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
PMADCSWD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 B6 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPMADCSWD 813
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
814 VPMASKMOVD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves packed doublewords from a second source operand to a destination, as specified by mask bits
in a first source operand. There are load and store versions of the instruction.
The mask bits are the most-significant bit of each doubleword in the first source operand (mask).
For loads, when a mask bit = 1, the corresponding doubleword is copied from the source to the
same element of the destination; when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding element of the destination
is cleared.
For stores, when a mask bit = 1, the corresponding doubleword is copied from the source to the
same element of the destination; when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding element of the destination
is not affected.
Exception and trap behavior for elements not selected for loading or storing from/to memory is
implementation dependent. For instance, a given implementation may signal a data breakpoint or a
page fault for doublewords that are zero-masked and not actually written.
This instruction provides no non-temporal access hint.
This instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit forms:
XMM Encoding
There are load and store encodings.
For loads, the four doublewords that make up the source operand are located in a 128-bit memory
location, the mask operand is an XMM register, and the destination is an XMM register. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
For stores, the four doublewords that make up the source operand are located in an XMM register,
the mask operand is an XMM register, and the destination is a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
There are load and store encodings.
For loads, the eight doublewords that make up the source operand are located in a 256-bit memory
location, the mask operand is a YMM register, and the destination is a YMM register.
For stores, the eight doublewords that make up the source operand are located in a YMM register,
the mask operand is a YMM register, and the destination is a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Doubleword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMASKMOVD AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference VPMASKMOVD 815
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMASKMOVD xmm1, xmm2, mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 8C /r
VPMASKMOVD ymm1, ymm2, mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 8C /r
VPMASKMOVD mem128, xmm1, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 8E /r
VPMASKMOVD mem256, ymm1, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 8E /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
816 VPMASKMOVQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Moves packed quadwords from a second source operand to a destination, as specified by mask bits in
a first source operand. There are load and store versions of the instruction.
The mask bits are the most-significant bit of each quadword in the mask first source operand (mask).
For loads, when a mask bit = 1, the corresponding quadword is copied from the source to the same
element of the destination; when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding element of the destination is
For stores, when a mask bit = 1, the corresponding quadword is copied from the source to the same
element of the destination; when a mask bit = 0, the corresponding element of the destination is not
Exception and trap behavior for elements not selected for loading or storing from/to memory is
implementation dependent. For instance, a given implementation may signal a data breakpoint or a
page fault for quadwords that are zero-masked and not actually written.
This instruction provides no non-temporal access hint.
This instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit forms:
XMM Encoding
There are load and store encodings.
For loads, the two quadwords that make up the source operand are located in a 128-bit memory
location, the mask operand is an XMM register, and the destination is an XMM register. Bits
[255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
For stores, the two quadwords that make up the source operand are located in an XMM register, the
mask operand is an XMM register, and the destination is a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
There are load and store encodings.
For loads, the four quadwords that make up the source operand are located in a 256-bit memory
location, the mask operand is a YMM register, and the destination is a YMM register.
For stores, the four quadwords that make up the source operand are located in a YMM register, the
mask operand is a YMM register, and the destination is a 256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Packed Quadword
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPMASKMOVQ AVX2 Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Instruction Reference VPMASKMOVQ 817
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPMASKMOVQ xmm1, xmm2, mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.0.01 8C /r
VPMASKMOVQ ymm1, ymm2, mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.1.01 8C /r
VPMASKMOVQ mem128, xmm1, xmm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.0.01 8E /r
VPMASKMOVQ mem256, ymm1, ymm2 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.1.01 8E /r
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
818 VPPERM Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Selects 16 of 32 packed bytes from two concatenated sources, applies a logical transformation to each
selected byte, then writes the byte to a specified position in the destination.
There are four operands: VPPERM dest, src1, src2, src3
The second (src2) and first (src1) sources are concatenated to form the 32-byte source.
The src1 operand is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
The third source (src3) contains 16 control bytes. Each control byte specifies the source byte and the
logical operation to perform on that byte. The order of the bytes in the destination is the same as that
of the control bytes in the src3.
For each byte of the 16-byte result, the corresponding src3 byte is used as follows:
Bits [7:5] select a logical operation to perform on the selected byte.
Bits [4:0] select a source byte to move from src2:src1.
XOP.W and an immediate byte (imm8) determine register configuration.
When XOP.W = 0, src2 is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src3 is an XMM register specified by imm8[7:4].
VPPERM Packed Permute
Bit Value Selected Operation
000 Source byte (no logical operation)
001 Invert source byte
010 Bit reverse of source byte
011 Bit reverse of inverted source byte
100 00h (zero-fill)
101 FFh (ones-fill)
110 Most significant bit of source byte replicated in all bit positions.
111 Invert most significant bit of source byte and replicate in all bit positions.
00000 src1[7:0] 01000 src1[71:64] 10000 src2[7:0] 11000 src2[71:64]
00001 src1[15:8] 01001 src1[79:72] 10001 src2[15:8] 11001 src2[79:72]
00010 src1[23:16] 01010 src1[87:80] 10010 src2[23:16] 11010 src2[87:80]
00011 src1[31:24] 01011 src1[95:88] 10011 src2[31:24] 11011 src2[95:88]
00100 src1[39:32] 01100 src1[103:96] 10100 src2[39:32] 11100 src2[103:96]
00101 src1[47:40] 01101 src1[111:104] 10101 src2[47:40] 11101 src2[111:104]
00110 src1[55:48] 01110 src1[119:112] 10110 src2[55:48] 11110 src2[119:112]
00111 src1[63:56] 01111 src1[127:120] 10111 src2[63:56] 11111 src2[127:120]
Instruction Reference VPPERM 819
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
When XOP.W = 1, src2 is an XMM register specified by imm8[7:4] and src3 is either an XMM
register or a 128-bit memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg. When the result is written to the
dest XMM register, bits [255:128] of the corresponding YMM register are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPPERM XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPPERM xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128, xmm4 8F RXB.08 0.src1.0.00 A3 /r ib
VPPERM xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4/mem128 8F RXB.08 1.src1.0.00 A3 /r ib
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
820 VPROTB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Rotates each byte of the source as specified by a count operand and writes the result to the corre-
sponding byte of the destination.
There are two versions of the instruction, one for each source of the count byte:
VPROTB dest, src, fixed-count
VPROTB dest, src, variable-count
For both versions of the instruction, the destination (dest) operand is an XMM register specified by
The fixed-count version of the instruction rotates each byte of the source (src) the number of bits spec-
ified by the immediate fixed-count byte. All bytes are rotated the same amount. The source XMM
register or memory location is selected by the ModRM.r/m field.
The variable-count version of the instruction rotates each byte of the source the amount specified in
the corresponding byte element of the variable-count. Both src and variable-count are configured by
When XOP.W = 0, variable-count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, variable-count is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location
specified by ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
When the count value is positive, bits are rotated to the left (toward the more significant bit posi-
tions). The bits rotated out left of the most significant bit are rotated back in at the right end (least-sig-
nificant bit) of the byte.
When the count value is negative, bits are rotated to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). The bits rotated to the right out of the least significant bit are rotated back in at the left end
(most-significant bit) of the byte.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
VPROTB Packed Rotate
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPROTB XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPROTB xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 90 /r
VPROTB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 90 /r
VPROTB xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.1111.0.00 C0 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPROTB 821
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b (for immediate operand variant only)
X XOP.L field = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
822 VPROTD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Rotates each doubleword of the source as specified by a count operand and writes the result to the
corresponding doubleword of the destination.
There are two versions of the instruction, one for each source of the count byte:
VPROTD dest, src, fixed-count
VPROTD dest, src, variable-count
For both versions of the instruction, the dest operand is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
The fixed count version of the instruction rotates each doubleword of the source operand the number
of bits specified by the immediate fixed-count byte operand. All doublewords are rotated the same
amount. The src XMM register or memory location is selected by the ModRM.r/m field.
The variable count version of the instruction rotates each doubleword of the source by the amount
specified in the low order byte of the corresponding doubleword of the variable-count operand vector.
Both src and variable-count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, src is either an XMM register or a128-bit memory location specified by the
ModRM.r/m field and variable-count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
When XOP.W = 1, src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and variable-count is either an
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by the ModRM.r/m field.
When the count value is positive, bits are rotated to the left (toward the more significant bit posi-
tions). The bits rotated out to the left of the most significant bit of each source doubleword operand
are rotated back in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the doubleword.
When the count value is negative, bits are rotated to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). The bits rotated to the right out of the least significant bit of each source doubleword operand
are rotated back in at the left end (most-significant bit) of the doubleword.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
VPROTD Packed Rotate
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPROTD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPROTD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 92 /r
VPROTD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 92 /r
VPROTD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.1111.0.00 C2 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPROTD 823
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b (for immediate operand variant only)
X XOP.L field = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
824 VPROTQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Rotates each quadword of the source operand as specified by a count operand and writes the result to
the corresponding quadword of the destination.
There are two versions of the instruction, one for each source of the count byte:
VPROTQ dest, src, fixed-count
VPROTQ dest, src, variable-count
For both versions of the instruction, the dest operand is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
The fixed count version of the instruction rotates each quadword in the source the number of bits
specified by the immediate fixed-count byte operand. All quadword elements of the source are rotated
the same amount. The src XMM register or memory location is selected by the ModRM.r/m field.
The variable count version of the instruction rotates each quadword of the source the amount speci-
fied ny the low order byte of the corresponding quadword of the variable-count operand.
Both src and variable-count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, src is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and variable-count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
When XOP.W = 1, src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and variable-count is either an
XMM register or a128-bit memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When the count value is positive, bits are rotated to the left (toward the more significant bit positions)
of the operand element. The bits rotated out to the left of the most significant bit of the word element
are rotated back in at the right end (least-significant bit).
When the count value is negative, operand element bits are rotated to the right (toward the least sig-
nificant bit positions). The bits rotated to the right out of the least significant bit are rotated back in at
the left end (most-significant bit) of the word element.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
VPROTQ Packed Rotate
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPROTQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPROTQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 93 /r
VPROTQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 93 /r
VPROTQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.1111.0.00 C3 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPROTQ 825
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b (for immediate operand variant only)
X XOP.L field = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
826 VPROTW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Rotates each word of the source as specified by a count operand and writes the result to the corre-
sponding word of the destination.
There are two versions of the instruction, one for each source of the count byte:
VPROTW dest, src, fixed-count
VPROTW dest, src, variable-count
For both versions of the instruction, the dest operand is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
The fixed count version of the instruction rotates each word of the source the number of bits specified
by the immediate fixed-count byte operand. All words of the source operand are rotated the same
amount. The src XMM register or memory location is selected by the ModRM.r/m field.
The variable count version of this instruction rotates each word of the source operand by the amount
specified in the low order byte of the corresponding word of the variable-count operand.
Both src and variable-count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, src is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and variable-count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
When XOP.W = 1, src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and variable-count is either an
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When the count value is positive, bits are rotated to the left (toward the more significant bit posi-
tions). The bits rotated out to the left of the most significant bit of an element are rotated back in at the
right end (least-significant bit) of the word element.
When the count value is negative, bits are rotated to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions) of the element. The bits rotated to the right out of the least significant bit of an element are
rotated back in at the left end (most-significant bit) of the word element.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
VPROTW Packed Rotate
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPROTW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPROTW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 91 /r
VPROTW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 91 /r
VPROTW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, imm8 8F RXB.08 0.1111.0.00 C1 /r ib
Instruction Reference VPROTW 827
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b (for immediate operand variant only)
X XOP.L field = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
828 VPSHAB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Shifts each signed byte of the source as specified by a count byte and writes the result to the corre-
sponding byte of the destination.
The count bytes are 8-bit signed two's-complement values in the corresponding bytes of the count
When the count value is positive, bits are shifted to the left (toward the more significant bit positions).
Zeros are shifted in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the byte.
When the count value is negative, bits are shifted to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). The most significant bit (sign bit) is replicated and shifted in at the left end (most-significant
bit) of the byte.
There are three operands: VPSHAB dest, src, count
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
Both src and count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an XMM
register or a128-bit memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, count is either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPSHAB Packed Shift Arithmetic
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSHAB XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHAB xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 98 /r
VPSHAB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 98 /r
Instruction Reference VPSHAB 829
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
830 VPSHAD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Shifts each signed doubleword of the source operand as specified by a count byte and writes the result
to the corresponding doubleword of the destination.
The count bytes are 8-bit signed two's-complement values located in the low-order byte of the corre-
sponding doubleword of the count operand.
When the count value is positive, bits are shifted to the left (toward the more significant bit positions).
Zeros are shifted in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the doubleword.
When the count value is negative, bits are shifted to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). The most significant bit (sign bit) is replicated and shifted in at the left end (most-significant
bit) of the doubleword.
There are three operands: VPSHAD dest, src, count
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
Both src and count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an XMM
register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, count is either an XMM register or a memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPSHAD Packed Shift Arithmetic
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSHAD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHAD xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 9A /r
VPSHAD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 9A /r
Instruction Reference VPSHAD 831
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
832 VPSHAQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Shifts each signed quadword of the source as specified by a count byte and writes the result to the cor-
responding quadword of the destination.
The count bytes are 8-bit signed two's-complement values located in the low-order byte of the corre-
sponding quadword element of the count operand.
When the count value is positive, bits are shifted to the left (toward the more significant bit positions).
Zeros are shifted in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the quadword.
When the count value is negative, bits are shifted to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). The most significant bit is replicated and shifted in at the left end (most-significant bit) of the
The shift amount is stored in twos-complement form. The count is modulo 64.
There are three operands: VPSHAQ dest, src, count
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
Both src and count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an XMM
register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, count is either an XMM register or a memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
VPSHAQ Packed Shift Arithmetic
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSHAQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHAQ xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 9B /r
VPSHAQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 9B /r
Instruction Reference VPSHAQ 833
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
834 VPSHAW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Shifts each signed word of the source as specified by a count byte and writes the result to the corre-
sponding word of the destination.
The count bytes are 8-bit signed two's-complement values located in the low-order byte of the corre-
sponding word of the count operand.
When the count value is positive, bits are shifted to the left (toward the more significant bit positions).
Zeros are shifted in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the word.
When the count value is negative, bits are shifted to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). The most significant bit (signed bit) is replicated and shifted in at the left end (most-significant
bit) of the word.
The shift amount is stored in twos-complement form. The count is modulo 16.
There are three operands: VPSHAW dest, src, count
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
Both src and count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an XMM
register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, count is either an XMM register or a memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPSHAW Packed Shift Arithmetic
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSHAW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHAW xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 99 /r
VPSHAW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 99 /r
Instruction Reference VPSHAW 835
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
836 VPSHLB Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Shifts each packed byte of the source as specified by a count byte and writes the result to the corre-
sponding byte of the destination.
The count bytes are 8-bit signed two's-complement values located in the corresponding byte element
of the count operand.
When the count value is positive, bits are shifted to the left (toward the more significant bit positions).
Zeros are shifted in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the byte.
When the count value is negative, bits are shifted to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). Zeros are shifted in at the left end (most-significant bit) of the byte.
There are three operands: VPSHLB dest, src, count
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
Both src and count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an XMM
register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, count is either an XMM register or a memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPSHLB Packed Shift Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSHLB XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHLB xmm1, xmm2/mem128, xmm3 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 94 /r
VPSHLB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 94 /r
Instruction Reference VPSHLB 837
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
838 VPSHLD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Shifts each doubleword of the source operand as specified by a count byte and writes the result to the
corresponding doubleword of the destination.
The count bytes are 8-bit signed two's-complement values located in the low-order byte of the corre-
sponding doubleword element of the count operand.
When the count value is positive, bits are shifted to the left (toward the more significant bit positions).
Zeros are shifted in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the doubleword.
When the count value is negative, bits are shifted to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). Zeros are shifted in at the left end (most-significant bit) of the doubleword.
The shift amount is stored in twos-complement form. The count is modulo 32.
There are three operands: VPSHLD dest, src, count
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
Both src and count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an XMM
register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, count is either an XMM register or a memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPSHLD Packed Shift Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSHLD XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHLD xmm1, xmm3/mem128, xmm2 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 96 /r
VPSHLD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 96 /r
Instruction Reference VPSHLD 839
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
840 VPSHLQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Shifts each quadwords of the source by as specified by a count byte and writes the result in the corre-
sponding quadword of the destination.
The count bytes are 8-bit signed two's-complement values located in the low-order byte of the corre-
sponding quadword element of the count operand.
Bit 6 of the count byte is ignored.
When the count value is positive, bits are shifted to the left (toward the more significant bit positions).
Zeros are shifted in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the quadword.
When the count value is negative, bits are shifted to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). Zeros are shifted in at the left end (most-significant bit) of the quadword.
There are three operands: VPSHLQ dest, src, count
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
Both src and count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an XMM
register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, count is either an XMM register or a memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPSHLQ Packed Shift Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSHLQ XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHLQ xmm1, xmm3/mem128, xmm2 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 97 /r
VPSHLQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 97 /r
Instruction Reference VPSHLQ 841
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
842 VPSHLW Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Shifts each word of the source operand as specified by a count byte and writes the result to the corre-
sponding word of the destination.
The count bytes are 8-bit signed two's-complement values located in the low-order byte of the corre-
sponding word element of the count operand.
When the count value is positive, bits are shifted to the left (toward the more significant bit positions).
Zeros are shifted in at the right end (least-significant bit) of the word.
When the count value is negative, bits are shifted to the right (toward the least significant bit posi-
tions). Zeros are shifted in at the left end (most-significant bit) of the word.
There are three operands: VPSHLW dest, src, count
The destination (dest) is an XMM register specified by ModRM.reg.
Both src and count are configured by XOP.W.
When XOP.W = 0, count is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv and src is either an XMM
register or a memory location specified by ModRM.r/m.
When XOP.W = 1, count is either an XMM register or a memory location specified by
ModRM.r/m and src is an XMM register specified by XOP.vvvv.
Bits [255:128] of the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPSHLW Packed Shift Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSHLW XOP CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[XOP] (bit 11)
Mnemonic Encoding
XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSHLW xmm1, xmm3/mem128, xmm2 8F RXB.09 0.count.0.00 95 /r
VPSHLW xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 8F RXB.09 1.src.0.00 95 /r
Instruction Reference VPSHLW 843
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
844 VPSLLVD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Left-shifts the bits of each doubleword in the first source operand by a count specified in the corre-
sponding doubleword of a second source operand and writes the shifted values to the destination.
The second source operand is treated as an array of unsigned 32-bit integers. Each integer specifies
the shift count of the corresponding doubleword of the first source operand. Each doubleword is
shifted independently.
Low-order bits emptied by shifting are cleared. High-order bits shifted out of each doubleword are
discarded. When the shift count for any doubleword is greater than 31, that doubleword is cleared in
the destination.
This instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPSLLVD Variable Shift Left Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSLLVD AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSLLVD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 47 /r
VPSLLVD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 47 /r
Instruction Reference VPSLLVD 845
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
846 VPSLLVQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Left-shifts the bits of each quadword in the first source operand by a count specified in the corre-
sponding quadword of a second source operand and writes the shifted values to the destination.
The second source operand is treated as an array of unsigned 64-bit integers. Each integer specifies
the shift count of the corresponding quadword of the first source operand. Each quadword is shifted
Low-order bits emptied by shifting are cleared. High-order bits shifted out of each quadword are dis-
carded. When the shift count for any quadword is greater than 63, that quadword is cleared in the des-
This instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPSLLVQ Variable Shift Left Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSLLVQ AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSLLVQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.0.01 47 /r
VPSLLVQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.1.01 47 /r
Instruction Reference VPSLLVQ 847
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
848 VPSRAVD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Performs a right arithmetic shift of each signed 32-bit integer in the first source operand by a count
specified in the corresponding doubleword of a second source operand and writes the shifted values
to the destination.
The second source operand is treated as an array of unsigned 32-bit integers. Each integer specifies
the shift count of the corresponding doubleword of the first source operand. Each doubleword is
shifted independently.
A copy of the sign bit is shifted into the most-significant bit of the element on each right-shift. Low-
order bits shifted out of each element are discarded. If a doubleword contains a positive integer and
the shift count is greater than 31, that doubleword is cleared in the destination. If a doubleword con-
tains a negative integer and the shift count is greater than 31, that doubleword is set to -1 in the desti-
This instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
VPSRAVD Variable Shift Right Arithmetic
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSRAVD AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRAVD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 46 /r
VPSRAVD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 46 /r
Instruction Reference VPSRAVD 849
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
850 VPSRLVD Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Right-shifts each doubleword in the first source operand by a count specified in the corresponding
doubleword of a second source operand and writes the shifted values to the destination.
The second source operand is treated as an array of unsigned 32-bit integers. Each integer specifies
the shift count of the corresponding doubleword of the first source operand. Each doubleword is
shifted independently.
Zero is shifted into the most-significant bit of the element on each right-shift. Low-order bits shifted
out of each element are discarded. If the shift count for any doubleword is greater than 31, that dou-
bleword is cleared in the destination.
This instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPSRLVD Variable Shift Right Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSRLVD AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRLVD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.01 45 /r
VPSRLVD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.1.01 45 /r
Instruction Reference VPSRLVD 851
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
852 VPSRLVQ Instruction Reference
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Right-shifts each quadword in the first source operand by a count specified in the corresponding
quadword of a second source operand and writes the shifted values to the destination.
The second source operand is treated as an array of unsigned 64-bit integers. Each integer specifies
the shift count of the corresponding quadword of the first source operand. Each quadword is shifted
Zero is shifted into the most-significant bit of the element on each right-shift. Low-order bits shifted
out of each element are discarded. If the shift count for any quadword is greater than 63, that quad-
word is cleared in the destination.
This instruction has 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination is an XMM register. Bits [255:128] of
the YMM register that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The shift count array is specified by either a second
YMM register or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
VPSRLVQ Variable Shift Right Logical
Form Subset Feature Flag
VPSRLVQ AVX2 CPUID Fn0000_00007_EBX[AVX2]_x0 (bit 5)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VPSRLVQ xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.0.01 45 /r
VPSRLVQ ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.1.01 45 /r
Instruction Reference VPSRLVQ 853
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
Instruction Reference VTESTPD 854
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs two different logical operations on the sign bits of the first and second packed floating-point
operands and updates the ZF and CF flags based on the results.
First, performs a bitwise AND of the sign bits of each double-precision floating-point element of the
first source operand with the sign bits of the corresponding elements of the second source operand.
Sets rFLAGS.ZF when all bit operations = 0; else, clears ZF.
Second, performs a bitwise AND of the complements (NOT) of the sign bits of each double-precision
floating-point element of the first source with the sign bits of the corresponding elements of the sec-
ond source operand. Sets rFLAGS.CF when all bit operations = 0; else, clears CF.
Neither source operand is modified.
This extended-form instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encoding.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
VTESTPD Packed Bit Test
Form Subset Feature Flag
VTESTPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VTESTPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.0.01 0F /r
VTESTPD ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 0F /r
Instruction Reference VTESTPD 855
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
21201918171614 13:12 11109876420
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3 and 1 are reserved. A flag set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined
flags are U.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
XXXCR0.EM = 1.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X VEX.W = 1.
X VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX exception
Instruction Reference VTESTPS 856
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs two different logical operations on the sign bits of the first and second packed floating-point
operands and updates the ZF and CF flags based on the results.
First, performs a bitwise AND of the sign bits of each single-precision floating-point element of the
first source operand with the sign bits of the corresponding elements of the second source operand.
Sets rFLAGS.ZF when all bit operations = 0; else, clears ZF.
Second, performs a bitwise AND of the complements (NOT) of the sign bits of each single-precision
floating-point element of the first source with the sign bits of the corresponding elements of the sec-
ond source operand. Sets rFLAGS.CF when all bit operations = 0; else, clears CF.
Neither source operand is modified.
This extended-form instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encoding.
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register. The second source operand is either a YMM register or a
256-bit memory location.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
VTESTPS Packed Bit Test
Form Subset Feature Flag
VTESTPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VTESTPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.0.01 0E /r
VTESTPS ymm1, ymm2/mem256 C4 RXB.02 0.1111.1.01 0E /r
Instruction Reference VTESTPS 857
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
21201918171614 13:12 11109876420
Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3 and 1 are reserved. A flag set or cleared is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined
flags are U.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
XXXCR0.EM = 1.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X VEX.W = 1.
X VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Clears all YMM registers.
In 64-bit mode, YMM0–15 are all cleared (set to all zeros). In legacy and compatibility modes, only
YMM0–7 are cleared. The contents of the MXCSR is unaffected.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
All YMM Registers
Form Subset Feature Flag
VZEROALL AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VZEROALL C4 RXB.01 X.1111.1.00 77
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
A — AVX exception.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Clears the upper octword of all YMM registers. The corresponding XMM registers (lower octword of
each YMM register) are not affected.
In 64-bit mode, the instruction operates on registers YMM0–15. In legacy and compatibility mode,
the instruction operates on YMM0–7. The contents of the MXCSR is unaffected.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
All YMM Registers Upper
Form Subset Feature Flag
VZEROUPPER AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VZEROUPPER C4 RXB.01 X.1111.0.00 77
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
A — AVX exception.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Copies the content of the extended control register (XCR) specified by the ECX register into the
EDX:EAX register pair. The high-order 32 bits of the XCR are loaded into EDX and the low-order 32
bits are loaded into EAX. The corresponding high-order 32 bits of RAX and RDX are cleared.
This instruction and associated data structures extend the FXSAVE/FXRSTOR memory image used
to manage processor states and provide additional functionality. See the XSAVE instruction descrip-
tion for more information.
Values returned to EDX:EAX in unimplemented bit locations are undefined.
Specifying a reserved or unimplemented XCR in ECX causes a general protection exception.
Currently, only XCR0 (the XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK register) is supported. If CPUID reports
support for ECX=1 (see table below), then the XGETBV instruction supports an ECX value of 1.
When ECX=1, XGETBV returns the logical and of XCR0 and the current value of the XINUSE state-
component bitmap.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
XGETBV Get Extended Control Register Value
Form Subset Feature Flag
XGETBV ECX=1 support CPUID Fn0000_000D_EAX_x1[2] = 1
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XGETBV 0F 01 D0 Copies content of the XCR specified by ECX into
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
General protection, #GP X X X ECX specifies a reserved or unimplemented XCR address.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs bitwise XOR of two packed double-precision floating-point values in the first source oper-
and with the corresponding values of the second source operand and writes the results into the corre-
sponding elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
XORPD SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VXORPD AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XORPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 57 /r Performs bitwise XOR of two packed double-precision
floating-point values in xmm1 with corresponding values in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VXORPD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.01 57 /r
VXORPD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.01 57 /r
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Performs bitwise XOR of four packed single-precision floating-point values in the first source oper-
and with the corresponding values of the second source operand and writes the results into the corre-
sponding elements of the destination.
There are legacy and extended forms of the instruction:
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The first source register is also the destination. Bits [255:128] of the
YMM register that corresponds to the destination are not affected.
The extended form of the instruction has both 128-bit and 256-bit encodings:
XMM Encoding
The first source operand is an XMM register. The second source operand is either an XMM register or
a 128-bit memory location. The destination is a third XMM register. Bits [255:128] of the YMM reg-
ister that corresponds to the destination are cleared.
YMM Encoding
The first source operand is a YMM register and the second source operand is either a YMM register
or a 256-bit memory location. The destination is a third YMM register.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point
Form Subset Feature Flag
XORPS SSE2 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] (bit 26)
VXORPS AVX CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[AVX] (bit 28)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XORPS xmm1, xmm2/mem128 66 0F 57 /r Performs bitwise XOR of four packed single-precision
floating-point values in xmm1 with corresponding values in
xmm2 or mem128. Writes the result to xmm1.
Mnemonic Encoding
VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode
VXORPS xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/mem128 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.0.00 57 /r
VXORPS ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/mem256 C4 RXB.01 X.src1.1.00 57 /r
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Restores a partial or full processor state from memory.
This instruction and associated data structures extend the FXSAVE/FXRSTOR memory image used
to manage processor states and provide additional functionality. See the descriptions of XSAVE and
XRSTOR instructions for basic operational details.
The XRSTOR instruction may operate on the buffer in standard form or a compact form. The com-
pact form is indicated in the memory buffer with XCOMP_BV[63]=1.
In either form, the instruction creates a Requested Feature Bit Map (RBFM) which is the logical AND
of EDX:EAX and XCR0. Then for each feature bit:
1. If RFBM = 0, XRSTOR does not update the component.
2. If RFBM = 1 but the corresponding XSTATE_BV bit is 0, the component is set to its reset state
without reading anything out of the buffer.
3. IF RFBM =1 and XSTATE_BV =1, the component state is read from the buffer.
4. XRSTOR loads an internal state value XRSTOR_INFO that can be used to further optimize a sub-
sequent XSAVEOPT or XSAVES. This reflects the current privilege level and virtualization mode
as well as the save area's base address and XCOMP_BV field.
5. If RFBM=1, the corresponding XINUSE bit is set to the state of XSTATE_BV.
For standard mode, MXCSR is loaded if RFBM[1]=1 or RFBM[2]=1. It is never initialized.
For compact mode, MXCSR is associated with RFBM[1].
In some generations, the FP error pointers were only restored if there was a Floating point error
logged. In newer generations, the FP error pointers are always restored. This is indicated by CPUID
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
XRSTOR Restore Extended States
Form Subset Feature Flag
XRSTOR XRSTOR CPUID Fn0000_00001_ECX[XSAVE] (bit 26)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XRSTOR mem 0F AE /5 Restores user-specified processor state from memory.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X X X Null data segment used to reference memory.
X X X Memory operand not aligned on 64-byte boundary.
X X X Any must be zero (MBZ) bits in the save area were set.
X X X Attempt to set reserved bits in MXCSR.
X X X XCOMP_BV[i] = 0 & XSTATE_BV[i] = 1
X X X XCOMP_BV[I] = 1 & XCR0[i] = 0
X X X Bytes 63:16 of header are non-zero
Page fault, #PF X X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Restores processor state from memory.
XRSTORS is very similar to the XRSTOR instruction in compacted form with the following
1. XRSTORS must be executed at CPL=0
2. XRSTORS must read XCOMP_BV[63]=1, otherwise it will cause a #GP(0) exception
3. XRSTORS is able to restore state enabled from the IA32_XSS MSR.
All other behavior is the same as XRSTOR with the compact form.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see
Appendix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
XRSTORS Restore extended states supervisor
Form Subset Feature Flag
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XRSTOR mem 0F C7 /3 Saves user-specified processor state to memory
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X X X Null data segment used to reference memory.
X X X Memory operand not aligned on 64-byte boundary.
X X X Any must be zero (MBZ) bits in the save area were set.
X X X Attempt to set reserved bits in MXCSR.
X X X (XSTATE_BV[i] & ~IA321_XSS[i]) = 1
Page fault, #PF X X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Saves a user-defined subset of enabled processor state data to a specified memory address.
This instruction and associated data structures extend the FXSAVE/FXRSTOR memory image used
to manage processor states and provide additional functionality.
The XSAVE/XRSTOR save area consists of a header section, and individual save areas for each pro-
cessor state component. A component is saved when both the corresponding bits in the mask operand
(EDX:EAX) and the XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK (XCR0) register are set. This bit-wise logical
AND of EDX:EAX and XCR0 is known as the Requested Feature Bit Map (RFBM). A component is
not saved when its corresponding RFBM bit is zero.
Software can set any bit in EDX:EAX, regardless of whether the bit position in XCR0 is valid for the
processor. When the mask operand contains all 1's, all processor state components enabled in XCR0
are saved.
For each component saved, XSAVE sets the corresponding bit in the XSTATE_BV field of the save
area header. XSAVE does not clear XSTATE_BV bits or modify individual save areas for components
that are not saved. If a saved component is in the hardware-specified initialized state, XSAVE may
clear the corresponding XSTATE_BV bit instead of setting it. This optimization is implementation-
The MXCSR register is saved if either of RFBM bits 0 or 1 are set to 1. If there is no floating point
error present, some generations would not write out any of the FP error pointers. On newer genera-
tions, these fields are written to zeros. This is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0008_EBX[2].
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
XSAVE Save Extended States
Form Subset Feature Flag
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XSAVE mem 0F AE /4 Saves user-specified processor state to memory.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X X X Null data segment used to reference memory.
X X X Memory operand not aligned on 64-byte boundary.
X X X Attempt to write read-only memory.
Page fault, #PF X X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Saves a user-defined subset of enabled processor state data to a specified memory address, possibly in
a compacted form.
This instruction and associated data structures extend the FXSAVE/FXRSTOR memory image used to
manage processor states and provides compaction functionality for more efficient context switching.
See the XSAVE and XRSTOR instruction descriptions for basic operational details..
XSAVEC is very similar to XSAVE but provides the following alternate functionality:
1. XSAVEC differs from XSAVE by using the init optimization and compaction.
2. XSAVEC differs by only saving a component if its RFBM=1 and its XINUSE=1. XINUSE is a
means by which the processor determines whether the feature is in its Initial state.
3. XSAVEC never writes bytes 511:464 of the legacy XSAVE data structure.
4. XSAVEC calculates XSTATE_BV by performing the logical AND of the RFBM and XINUSE
bitmaps and writes it to the XSAVE area.
5. XSAVEC calculates XCOMP_BV as [63]=1 and 62:0 = RFBM, and writes it to the XSAVE area.
6. XSAVEC does not modify any other parts of the header except as indicated in 4 and 5.
7. XSAVEC uses the compacted format of the XSAVE extended region while saving state.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see
Appendix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
XSAVEC Save extended states in compacted form
Form Subset Feature Flag
XSAVE mem XSAVEC CPUID Fn0000_0000D_EAX_x1[XSAVEC] (bit 1)
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XSAVEOPT mem 0F C7 /4 Saves user-specified processor state to memory.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X X X Null data segment used to reference memory.
X X X Memory operand not aligned on 64-byte boundary.
X X X Attempt to write read-only memory.
Page fault, #PF X X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Saves a user-defined subset of enabled processor state data to a specified memory address.
This instruction and associated data structures extend the FXSAVE/FXRSTOR memory image used
to manage processor states and provide additional functionality. See the XSAVE and XRSTOR
instruction descriptions for basic operational details.
The XSAVE/XRSTOR save area consists of a header section, and individual save areas for each pro-
cessor state component. A component is saved when both the corresponding bits in the mask operand
(EDX:EAX) and the XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK (XCR0) register are set. A component is not
saved when either of the corresponding bits in EDX:EAX or XCR0 is cleared.
Software can set any bit in EDX:EAX, regardless of whether the bit position in XCR0 is valid for the
processor. When the mask operand contains all 1's, all processor state components enabled in XCR0
are saved.
For each component saved, XSAVEOPT sets the corresponding bit in the XSTATE_BV field of the
save area header. XSAVEOPT does not clear XSTATE_BV bits or modify individual save areas for
components that are not saved. If a saved component is in the hardware-specified initialized state,
XSAVEOPT may clear the corresponding XSTATE_BV bit instead of setting it. This optimization is
XSAVEOPT may provide other implementation-specific optimizations, such as the modified optimi-
zation described for XSAVES.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
XSAVEOPT Save Extended States
Performance Optimized
Form Subset Feature Flag
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XSAVEOPT mem 0F AE /6 Saves user-specified processor state to memory.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X X X Null data segment used to reference memory.
X X X Memory operand not aligned on 64-byte boundary.
X X X Attempt to write read-only memory.
Page fault, #PF X X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Saves a user-defined subset of enabled processor state data to a specified memory address, possibly in
a compacted form.
This instruction and associated data structures extend the XSAVE/XRSTOR memory image used to
manage processor states and provides compaction functionality. See the XSAVE and XRSTOR
instruction descriptions for basic operational details.
The XSAVES is very similar to XSAVEC but provides the following alternate functionality:
1. XSAVES must be executed at CPL=0
2. XSAVES can save state enabled in the IA32_XSS MSR. The specific state elements saved are
determined by the logical AND of EDX:EAX with the logical OR of XCR0 with the IA32_XSS
3. XSAVES can use the modified optimization to not save components, even if RFBM=1 and
XINUSE=1 for the stated component. If the component state has not been modified internally
since the last execution of XRSTOR or XRSTORS and the XRSTOR_INFO state (an execution
environment signature created by the last XRSTOR) matches the current execution state of this
XSAVES, the state save can be skipped.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
XSAVES Save Extended States Supervisor
Form Subset Feature Flag
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XSAVES mem 0F C7 /5 Saves user-specified processor state to memory
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X X X Null data segment used to reference memory.
X X X Memory operand not aligned on 64-byte boundary.
X X X Attempt to write read-only memory.
Page fault, #PF X X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Writes the content of the EDX:EAX register pair into the extended control register (XCR) specified
by the ECX register. The high-order 32 bits of the XCR are loaded from EDX and the low-order 32
bits are loaded from EAX. The corresponding high-order 32 bits of RAX and RDX are ignored.
This instruction and associated data structures extend the FXSAVE/FXRSTOR memory image used
to manage processor states and provide additional functionality. See the XSAVE instruction descrip-
tion for more information.
Currently, only the XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK register (XCR0) is supported. Specifying a
reserved or unimplemented XCR in ECX causes a general protection exception (#GP).
Executing XSETBV at a privilege level other than 0 causes a general-protection exception. A general
protection exception also occurs when software attempts to write to reserved bits of an XCR.
Instruction Support
For more on using the CPUID instruction to obtain processor feature support information, see Appen-
dix E of Volume 3.
Instruction Encoding
Related Instructions
rFLAGS Affected
MXCSR Flags Affected
XSETBV Set Extended Control Register Value
Form Subset Feature Flag
Mnemonic Opcode Description
XSETBV 0F 01 D1 Writes the content of the EDX:EAX register pair to
the XCR specified by the ECX register.
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
General protection, #GP
X X CPL != 0.
X X ECX specifies a reserved or unimplemented XCR address.
X X Any must be zero (MBZ) bits in the XCR were set.
X X Setting XCR0[2:1] to 10b.
X X Writing 0 to XCR[0].
X — exception generated
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
3 Exception Summary
This chapter provides a ready reference to instruction exceptions. Table 3-1 shows instructions
grouped by exception class, with the extended and legacy instruction type (if applicable).
Hyperlinks in the table point to the exception tables which follow.
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
Class 1 — AVX / SSE Vector Aligned (VEX.vvvv != 1111)
Class 1X — SSE / AXV / AVX2 Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b or VEX.L=1 && !AVX2)
Class 2 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111111)
Class 2-1 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111011)
Class 2-2 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 000011)
Class 2-3 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 100001)
(unused) ——
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 2A — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111111, VEX.L = 1)
(unused) ——
Class 2A-1 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111011, VEX.L = 1)
Class 2B — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111111, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
(unused) ——
Class 2B-1 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 100000, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 2B-2 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 100001, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 2B-3 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111011, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 2B-4 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 100011, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 3 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 111111)
Class 3-1 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 111011)
Class 3-2 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 000011)
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 3-3 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 100000)
Class 3-4 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 100001)
Class 3-5 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 100011)
Class 3A — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 111111, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
(unused) ——
Class 3A-1 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 000011, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 3A-2 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 100001, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 4 — AVX / SSE Vector
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4A — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.W = 1)
Class 4B — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.L = 1)
(unused) ——
Class 4B-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2)
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4C — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 4C-1 — AVX / SSE Vector (write to RO memory, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 4D — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Class 4D-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2))
Class 4E — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.W = 1, VEX.L = 1)
(unused) ——
Class 4E-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.W = 1, (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2))
Class 4F — AVX / SSE (VEX.L = 1)
(unused) ——
Class 4F-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2)
Class 4G — AVX Vector (VEX.W = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4H — AVX, 256-bit only (VEX.L = 0; No SIMD Exceptions)
Class 4H-1 — AVX2, 256-bit only (VEX.L = 0, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 4J — AVX2 (VEX.W = 1)
Class 4K — AVX2
Class 5 — AVX / SSE Scalar
Class 5A — AVX / SSE Scalar (VEX.L = 1)
Class 5B — AVX / SSE Scalar (VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 5C — AVX /SSE Scalar (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Class 5C-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 Scalar (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2))
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 5C-1 — AVX / SSE Scalar (write to RO memory, VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Class 5D — AVX / SSE Scalar (write to RO memory, VEX.vvvv != 1111b (variant))
Class 5E — AVX / SSE Scalar (write to RO, VEX.vvvv != 1111b (variant), VEX.L = 1)
Class 6 — AVX Mixed Memory Argument
(unused) ——
Class 6A — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1)
(unused) ——
Class 6A-1 — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (write to RO memory, VEX.W = 1)
Class 6B — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1, VEX.L = 0)
Class 6B-1 — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (write to RO, VEX.W = 1, VEX.L = 0)
Class 6C — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1, VEX.L = 0, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 6C-X — AVX / AVX2 (W=1, vvvv!=1111b, L=0, (reg src op specified && !AVX2))
Class 6D — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 6D-X — AVX / AVX2 (W = 1, vvvv != 1111b, (ModRM.mod = 11b && !AVX2))
Class 6E — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b (variant))
Class 6F — AVX2 (VEX.W = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 0, ModRM.mod = 11b)
Class 7 — AVX / SSE No Memory Argument
(unused) ——
Class 7A — AVX /SSE No Memory Argument (VEX.L = 1)
Class 7A-X SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2)
Class 7B — AVX /SSE No Memory Argument (VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Class 7C — AVX / SSE No Memory Argument (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
(not used) ——
Class 7C-X SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2))
Class 8 — AVX No Memory Argument (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.W = 1)
Class 9 — AVX 4-byte Argument (write to RO memory, VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Class 9A — AVX 4-byte argument (reserved MBZ = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 10 — XOP Base
Class 10A — XOP Base (XOP.L = 1)
Class 10B — XOP Base (XOP.W = 1, XOP.L = 1)
Class 10C — XOP Base (XOP.W = 1, XOP.vvvv != 1111b, XOP.L = 1)
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 10D — XOP Base (SIMD 110011, XOP.vvvv != 1111b, XOP.W = 1)
Class 10E — XOP Base (XOP.vvvv != 1111b (variant), XOP.L = 1)
Class 11 — F16C Instructions
Class 12 — AVX2 VSID (ModRM.mod = 11b, ModRM.rm != 100b)
Class FMA-2 — FMA / FMA4 Vector (SIMD Exceptions PE, UE, OE, DE, IE)
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class FMA-3 — FMA / FMA4 Scalar (SIMD Exceptions PE, UE, OE, DE, IE)
Unique Cases
Table 3-1. Instructions By Exception Class (continued)
Mnemonic Extended Type Legacy Type
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 1 — AVX / SSE Vector Aligned (VEX.vvvv != 1111)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
AVEX256: Memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
VEX128: Memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 1X — SSE / AXV / AVX2 Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b or VEX.L=1 && !AVX2)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 2 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111111)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 2-1 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111011)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 2-2 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 000011)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 2-3 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 100001)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 2A — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111111, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 2A-1 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111011, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 2B — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111111, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 2B-1 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 100000, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 2B-2 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 100001, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 2B-3 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 111011, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 2B-4 — AVX / SSE Vector (SIMD 100011, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Non-aligned memory operand while MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 3 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 111111)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 3-1 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 111011)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 3-2 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 000011)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 3-3 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 100000)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 3-4 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 100001)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 3-5 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 100011)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 3A — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 111111, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
Division by zero, ZE S S X Division of finite dividend by zero-value divisor.
Overflow, OE S S X Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE S S X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 3A-1 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 000011, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE S S X A source operand was a denormal value.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 3A-2 — AVX / SSE Scalar (SIMD 100001, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE S S X A source operand was an SNaN value.
S S X Undefined operation.
Precision, PE S S X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4 — AVX / SSE Vector
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Memory operand not 16-byte aligned and MXCSR.MM = 0.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4A — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.W = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4B — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4B-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4C — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4C-1 — AVX / SSE Vector (write to RO memory, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC S S X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4D — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4D-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2))
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4E — AVX / SSE Vector (VEX.W = 1, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4E-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.W = 1, (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2))
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4F — AVX / SSE (VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4F-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
When alignment checking enabled:
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX, AVX2, and SSE exception
A — AVX and AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4G — AVX Vector (VEX.W = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
XXXCR0.EM = 1.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X VEX.W = 1.
X VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC SSS
Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled
and MXCSR.MM = 1.
A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — AVX exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4H — AVX, 256-bit only (VEX.L = 0; No SIMD Exceptions)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
AAACR0.EM = 1.
ACR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
A VEX.L= 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A A A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A A A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A A A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A A A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4H-1 — AVX2, 256-bit only (VEX.L = 0, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
AAACR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L= 0.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A A A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A A A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A A A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A A A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 4J — AVX2 (VEX.W = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 4K — AVX2
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 5 — AVX / SSE Scalar
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 5A — AVX / SSE Scalar (VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 5B — AVX / SSE Scalar (VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference with alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 5C — AVX /SSE Scalar (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 5C-X — SSE / AVX / AVX2 Scalar (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2))
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 5C-1 — AVX / SSE Scalar (write to RO memory, VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 5D — AVX / SSE Scalar (write to RO memory, VEX.vvvv != 1111b (variant))
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for memory destination enoding only).
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 5E — AVX / SSE Scalar (write to RO, VEX.vvvv != 1111b (variant), VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for memory destination encoding only).
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
S S X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF S X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 6 — AVX Mixed Memory Argument
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 6A — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 6A-1 — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (write to RO memory, VEX.W = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX exception.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 6B — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1, VEX.L = 0)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 6B-1 — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (write to RO, VEX.W = 1, VEX.L = 0)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Write to a read-only data segment.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 6C — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1, VEX.L = 0, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 0.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 6C-X — AVX / AVX2 (W=1, vvvv!=1111b, L=0, (reg src op specified && !AVX2))
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 0.
A Register-based source operand specified when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX, AVX2 exception.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 6D — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 6D-X — AVX / AVX2 (W = 1, vvvv != 1111b, (ModRM.mod = 11b && !AVX2))
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A MODRM.mod = 11b when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX, AVX2 exception.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 6E — AVX Mixed Memory Argument (VEX.W = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b (variant))
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b (for versions with immediate byte operand only).
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 6F — AVX2 (VEX.W = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 0, ModRM.mod = 11b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 0.
A Register-based source operand specified (MODRM.mod = 11b)
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC A Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
A — AVX exception.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 7 — AVX / SSE No Memory Argument
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 7A — AVX /SSE No Memory Argument (VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 7A-X SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.L = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — SSE, AVX, and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2 exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 7B — AVX /SSE No Memory Argument (VEX.vvvv != 1111b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 7C — AVX / SSE No Memory Argument (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv field ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L field = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 7C-X SSE / AVX / AVX2 Vector (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, (VEX.L = 1 && !AVX2))
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.vvvv field ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L field = 1 when AVX2 not supported.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
X — SSE, AVX and AVX2 exception
A — AVX, AVX2exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 8 — AVX No Memory Argument (VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.W = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A VEX.W = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
A — AVX exception.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 9 — AVX 4-byte Argument (write to RO memory, VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S X Write to a read-only data segment.
S S S Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 9A — AVX 4-byte argument (reserved MBZ = 1, VEX.vvvv != 1111b, VEX.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
SSSCR0.EM = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
A VEX.L = 1.
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM S S X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS S S X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
S S X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
S S S Null data segment used to reference memory.
S S X Attempt to load non-zero values into reserved MXCSR bits
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC S X Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
X — AVX and SSE exception
A — AVX exception
S — SSE exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 10 — XOP Base
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 10A — XOP Base (XOP.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 10B — XOP Base (XOP.W = 1, XOP.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 10C — XOP Base (XOP.W = 1, XOP.vvvv != 1111b, XOP.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
A XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X XOP.L = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 10D — XOP Base (SIMD 110011, XOP.vvvv != 1111b, XOP.W = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.W = 1.
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
XUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0.
See SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF S S X Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE X A source operand was an SNaN value.
X Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE X A source operand was a denormal value.
Underflow, UE X Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE X A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
X — XOP exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 10E — XOP Base (XOP.vvvv != 1111b (variant), XOP.L = 1)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X XOP instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
X CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
X XOP.vvvv ! = 1111b (for immediate operand variant only)
X XOP.L field = 1.
X REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding XOP prefix.
X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC X Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
X — XOP exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class 11 — F16C Instructions
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
FCR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID
F VEX.W field = 1.
A VEX.vvvv ! = 1111b.
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC F Unaligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
SIMD Floating-Point
Exception, #XF FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid-operation exception
F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
exception (DE) F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow exception (OE) F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow exception (UE) F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision exception (PE) F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — F16C exception.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class 12 — AVX2 VSID (ModRM.mod = 11b, ModRM.rm != 100b)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
A A A Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
A A AVX instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
A CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
A REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
A Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
A MODRM.mod = 11b
A MODRM.rm ! = 100b
A YMM/XMM registers specified for destination, mask, and index not unique.
Device not available, #NM A CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS A Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP A Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
A Null data segment used to reference memory.
Alignment check, #AC A
Alignment checking enabled and:
256-bit memory operand not 32-byte aligned or
128-bit memory operand not 16-byte aligned.
Page fault, #PF A A Instruction execution caused a page fault.
A — AVX2 exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Class FMA-2 — FMA / FMA4 Vector (SIMD Exceptions PE, UE, OE, DE, IE)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Memory operand not 16-byte aligned when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Class FMA-3 — FMA / FMA4 Scalar (SIMD Exceptions PE, UE, OE, DE, IE)
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
F Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
F F FMA instructions are only recognized in protected mode.
F CR4.OSXSAVE = 0, indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[OSXSAVE].
F REX, F2, F3, or 66 prefix preceding VEX prefix.
F Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
FUnmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 0,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
Device not available, #NM F CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS F Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP F Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
F Null data segment used to reference memory.
Page fault, #PF F Instruction execution caused a page fault.
Alignment check, #AC F Non-aligned memory reference when alignment checking enabled.
SIMD floating-point, #XF F Unmasked SIMD floating-point exception while CR4.OSXMMEXCPT = 1,
see SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions below for details.
SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
Invalid operation, IE F A source operand was an SNaN value.
F Undefined operation.
Denormalized operand, DE F A source operand was a denormal value.
Overflow, OE F Rounded result too large to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Underflow, UE F Rounded result too small to fit into the format of the destination operand.
Precision, PE F A result could not be represented exactly in the destination format.
F — FMA, FMA4 exception
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
General protection, #GP X X X ECX specifies a reserved or unimplemented XCR address.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X X X Null data segment used to reference memory.
X X X Memory operand not aligned on 64-byte boundary.
X X X Any must be zero (MBZ) bits in the save area were set.
X X X Attempt to set reserved bits in MXCSR.
Page fault, #PF X X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — exception generated
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
Device not available, #NM X X X CR0.TS = 1.
Stack, #SS X X X Memory address exceeding stack segment limit or non-canonical.
General protection, #GP
X X X Memory address exceeding data segment limit or non-canonical.
X X X Null data segment used to reference memory.
X X X Memory operand not aligned on 64-byte boundary.
X X X Attempt to write read-only memory.
Page fault, #PF X X X Instruction execution caused a page fault.
X — exception generated
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Exception Mode Cause of Exception
Real Virt Prot
Invalid opcode, #UD
X X X Instruction not supported, as indicated by CPUID feature identifier.
X X X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode.
General protection, #GP
X X X CPL != 0.
X X X ECX specifies a reserved or unimplemented XCR address.
X X X Any must be zero (MBZ) bits in the save area were set.
X X X Writing 0 to XCR0.
X — exception generated
In virtual mode, only #UD for Instruction not supported and #GP for CPL != 0 are supported.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Appendix A AES Instructions
This appendix gives background information concerning the use of the AES instruction subset in the
implementation of encryption compliant to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
A.1 AES Overview
This section provides an overview of AMD64 instructions that support AES software implementation.
The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has adopted the Rijndael algorithm, a block
cipher that processes 16-byte data blocks using a shared key of variable length, as the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES). The standard is defined in Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 197 (FIPS 197), Specification for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). There are
three versions of the algorithm, based on key widths of 16 (AES-128), 24 (AES-192), and 32 (AES-
256) bytes.
The following AMD64 instructions support AES implementation:
Perform one round of AES decryption
Perform one round of AES encryption
Perform the AES InvMixColumn transformation
Assist AES round key generation
Perform carry-less multiplication
See Chapter 2, “Instruction Reference” for detailed descriptions of the instructions.
A.2 Coding Conventions
This overview uses descriptive code that has the following basic characteristics.
Syntax and notation based on the C language
Four numerical data types:
- bool: The numbers 0 and 1, the values of the Boolean constants false and true
- nat: The infinite set of all natural numbers, including bool as a subtype
- int: The infinite set of all integers, including nat as a subtype
- rat: The infinite set of all rational numbers, including int as a subtype
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Standard logical and arithmetic operators
Enumeration (enum) types, arrays, structures (struct), and union types
Global and local variable and constant declarations, initializations, and assignments
Standard control constructs (if, then, else, for, while, switch, break, and continue)
Function subroutines
Macro definitions (#define)
A.3 AES Data Structures
The AES instructions operate on 16-byte blocks of text called the state. Each block is represented as a
4×4 matrix of bytes which is assigned the Galois field matrix data type (GFMatrix). In the AMD64
implementation, the matrices are formatted as 16-byte vectors in XMM registers or 128-bit memory
locations. This overview represents each matrix as a sequence of 16 bytes in little-endian format (least
significant byte on the right and most significant byte on the left).
Figure A-1 shows a state block in 4 × 4 matrix representation.
Figure A-1. GFMatrix Representation of 16-byte Block
Figure A-2 shows the AMD64 AES format, with the corresponding mapping of FIPS 197 AES
“words” to operand bytes.
Figure A-2. GFMatrix to Operand Byte Mappings
A.4 Algebraic Preliminaries
AES operations are based on the Galois field GF = GF(28), of order 256, constructed by adjoining a
root of the irreducible polynomial
GFMatrix =
715 816
40 32
48 4755
X3,3 X2,0
X2,3 X1,0
X1,3 X0,0
AES Word 0AES Word 1AES Word 2AES Word 3
XMM Register or 128-bit Memory Operand
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
p(X) = X8 + X4 + X3 + X + 1
to the field of two elements, 2. Equivalently, GF is the quotient field 2[X]/p(X) and thus may be
viewed as the set of all polynomials of degree less than 8 in 2[X] with the operations of addition and
multiplication modulo p(X). These operations may be implemented efficiently by exploiting the
mapping from 2[X] to the natural numbers given by
anXn + … + a1X+a0 2nan + + 2a1 + a0 an a1a0b
For example:
1 01h
X 02h
X2 04h
X4 + X3 + 1 19h
p(X) 11Bh
Thus, each element of GF is identified with a unique byte. This overview uses the data type GF256 as
an alias of nat, to identify variables that are to be thought of as elements of GF.
The operations of addition and multiplication in GF are denoted by and , respectively. Since 2 is
of characteristic 2, addition is simply the “exclusive or” operation:
x y = x^ y
In particular, every element of GF is its own additive inverse.
Multiplication in GF may be computed as a sequence of additions and multiplications by 2. Note that
this operation may be viewed as multiplication in 2[X] followed by a possible reduction modulo p(X).
Since 2 corresponds to the polynomial X and 11B corresponds to p(X), for any x GF,
Now, if y = b7b1b0b, then
x y = 2 (…(2 (2 (b7 x) b6 x ) b5 x) …b0.
This computation is performed by the GFMul( ) function.
A.4.1 Multiplication in the Field GF
The GFMul( ) function operates on GF256 elements in SRC1 and SRC2 and returns a GF256 matrix
in the destination.
GF256 GFMul(GF256 x, GF256 y) {
nat sum = 0;
2 x =
x << 1
(x << 1) 11Bh
if x < 80h
if x 80h
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
for (int i=7; i>=0; i--) {
// Multiply sum by 2. This amounts to a shift followed
// by reduction mod 0x11B:
sum <<= 1;
if (sum > 0xFF) {sum = sum ^ 0x11B;}
// Add y[i]*x:
if (y[i]) {sum = sum ^ x;}
return sum;
Because the multiplicative group GF* is of order 255, the inverse of an element x of GF may be
computed by repeated multiplication as x--1 = x254. A more efficient computation, however, is
performed by the GFInv( ) function as an application of Euclid’s greatest common divisor algorithm.
See Section A.11, “Computation of GFInv with Euclidean Greatest Common Divisor” for an analysis
of this computation and the GFInv( ) function.
The AES algorithms operate on the vector space GF4, of dimension 4 over GF, which is represented by
the array type GFWord. FIPS 197 refers to an object of this type as a word. This overview uses the
term GF word in order to avoid confusion with the AMD64 notion of a 16-bit word.
A GFMatrix is an array of four GF words, which are viewed as the rows of a 4 × 4 matrix over GF.
The field operation symbols and are used to denote addition and multiplication of matrices over
GF as well. The GFMatrixMul( ) function computes the product A B of 4 × 4 matrices.
A.4.2 Multiplication of 4x4 Matrices Over GF
, GFMatrix GFMatrixMul(GFMatrix a, GFMatrix b) {
GFMatrix c;
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
c[i][j] = 0;
for (nat k=0; k<4; k++) {
c[i][j] = c[i][j] ^ GFMul(a[i][k], b[k][j]);
return c;
A.5 AES Operations
The AES encryption and decryption procedures may be specified as follows, in terms of a set of basic
operations that are defined later in this section. See the alphabetic instruction reference for detailed
descriptions of the instructions that are used to implement the procedures.
Call the Encrypt or Decrypt procedure, which pass the same expanded key to the functions
TextBlock Cipher(TextBlock in, ExpandedKey w, nat Nk)
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
TextBlock InvCipher(TextBlock in, ExpandedKey w, nat Nk)
In both cases, the input text is converted by
GFMatrix Text2Matrix(TextBlock A)
to a matrix, which becomes the initial state of the process. This state is transformed through the
sequence of Nr + 1 rounds and ultimately converted back to a linear array by
TextBlock Matrix2Text(GFMatrix M).
In each round i, the round key Ki is extracted from the expanded key w and added to the state by
GFMatrix AddRoundKey(GFMatrix state, ExpandedKey w, nat round).
Note that AddRoundKey does not explicitly construct Ki , but operates directly on the bytes of w.
The rounds of Cipher are numbered 0,…Nr . Let X be the initial state an an execution, i.e., the input in
matrix format, let Si be the state produced by round i, and let Y = SNr be the final state. Let Σ
, R , and C
denote the operations performed by SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, respectively. Then
The initial round is a simple addition:
Each of the next Nr + 1 rounds is a composition of four operations:
The MixColumns transformation is omitted from the final round:
Composing these expressions yields
Note that the rounds of InvCipher are numbered in reverse order, Nr ,…,0. If Ʃand Yare the initial
and final states and S’i is the state following round i , then
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Composing these expressions yields
In order to show that InvCipher is the inverse of Cipher, it is only necessary to combine these
expanded expressions by replacing Xwith Y and cancel inverse operations to yield Y’ = X.
A.5.1 Sequence of Operations
Use predefined SBox and InvSBox matrices or initialize the matrices using the ComputeSBox
and ComputeInvSBox functions.
Call the Encrypt or Decrypt procedure.
For the Encrypt procedure:
1. Load the input TextBlock and CipherKey.
2. Expand the cipher key using the KeyExpansion function.
3. Call the Cipher function to perform the number of rounds determined by the cipher key length.
4. Perform round entry operations.
a. Convert input text block to state matrix using the Text2Matrix function.
b. Combine state and round key bytes by bitwise XOR using the AddRoundKey function.
5. Perform round iteration operations.
a. Replace each state byte with another by non-linear substitution using the SubBytes function.
b. Shift each row of the state cyclically using the ShiftRows function.
c. Combine the four bytes in each column of the state using the MixColumns function.
d. Perform AddRoundKey.
6. Perform round exit operations.
a. Perform SubBytes.
b. Perform ShiftRows.
c. Perform AddRoundKey.
d. Convert state matrix to output text block using the Matrix2Text function and return TextBlock.
For the Decrypt procedure:
1. Load the input TextBlock and CipherKey.
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2. Expand the cipher key using the KeyExpansion function.
3. Call the InvCipher function to perform the number of rounds determined by the cipher key
4. Perform round entry operations.
a. Convert input text block to state matrix using the Text2Matrix function.
b. Combine state and round key bytes by bitwise XOR using the AddRoundKey function.
5. Perform round iteration operations.
a. Shift each row of the state cyclically using the InvShiftRows function.
b. Replace each state byte with another by non-linear substitution using the InvSubBytes function.
c. Perform AddRoundKey.
d. Combine the four bytes in each column of the state using the InvMixColumns function.
6. Perform round exit operations.
a. Perform InvShiftRows.
b. Perform InvSubBytes (InvSubWord).
c. Perform AddRoundKey.
d. Convert state matrix to output text block using the Matrix2Text function and return TextBlock.
A.6 Initializing the Sbox and InvSBox Matrices
The AES makes use of a bijective mapping σ : GF GF, which is encoded, along with its inverse
mapping, in the 16 × 16 arrays SBox (for encryption) and InvSBox (for decryption), as follows:
for all x G,
σ(x) = SBox[x[7:4], x[3:0]]
σ−1(x) = InvSBox[x[7:4], x[3:0]]
While the FIPS 197 standard defines the contents of the SBox[ ] and InvSbox [ ] matrices, the
matrices may also be initialized algebraically (and algorithmically) by means of the ComputeSBox( )
and ComputeInvSBox( ) functions, discussed below.
The bijective mappings for encryption and decryption are computed by the SubByte( ) and
InvSubByte ( ) functions, respectively:
SubByte( ) computation:
GF256 SubByte(GF256 x) {
return SBox[x[7:4]][x[3:0]];
InvSubByte ( ) computation:
GF256 InvSubByte(GF256 x) {
return InvSBox[x[7:4]][x[3:0]];
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
A.6.1 Computation of SBox and InvSBox
Computation of SBox and InvSBox elements has a direct relationship to the cryptographic properties
of the AES, but not to the algorithms that use the tables. Readers who prefer to view σ as a primitive
operation may skip the remainder of this section.
The algorithmic definition of the bijective mapping σ is based on the consideration of GF as an
8-dimensional vector space over the subfield 2. Let ϕ be a linear operator on this vector space and let
M = [aij] be the matrix representation of ϕ with respect to the ordered basis {1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 40, 80}.
Then ϕ may be encoded concisely as an array of bytes A of dimension 8, each entry of which is the
concatenation of the corresponding row of M:
A[i] = ai8 ai7ai0
This expression may be represented algorithmically by means of the ApplyLinearOp( ) function,
which applies a linear operator to an element of GF. The ApplyLinear Op( ) function is used in the
initialization of both the sBox[] and InvSBox[ ] matrices.
// The following function takes the array A representing a linear operator phi and
// an element x of G and returns phi(x):
GF256 ApplyLinearOp(GF256 A[8], GF256 x) {
GF256 result = 0;
for (nat i=0; i<8; i++) {
bool sum = 0;
for (nat j=0; j<8; j++) {
sum = sum ^ (A[i][j] & x[j]);
result[i] = sum;
return result;
The definition of σ involves the linear operator ϕ with matrix
In this case,
A = {F1, E3, C7, 8F, 1F, 3E, 7C, F8}.
Initialization of SBox[ ]
The mapping σ : G G is defined by
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
σ(x) = ϕ (x–1) 63
This computation is performed by ComputeSBox( ).
ComputeSBox( )
GF256[16][16] ComputeSBox() {
GF256 result[16][16];
GF256 A[8] = {0xF1, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1F, 0x3E, 0x7C, 0xF8};
for (nat i=0; i<16; i++) {
for (nat j=0; j<16; j++) {
GF256 x = (i << 4) | j;
result[i][j] = ApplyLinearOp(A, GFInv(x)) ^ 0x63;
return result;
const GF256 SBox[16][16] = ComputeSBox();
Table A-1 shows the resulting SBox[ ], as defined in FIPS 197.
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A.6.2 Initialization of InvSBox[ ]
A straightforward calculation confirms that the matrix M is nonsingular with inverse.
Thus, ϕ is invertible and ϕ–1 is encoded as the array
B = {A4, 49, 92, 25, 4A, 94, 29, 52}.
If y = σ(x), then
Table A-1. SBox Definition
0123456789abcde f
2b7fd9326363f f7cc34a5e5f171d831a5
409832c1a1b6e5aa0523bd6b329e3 2f 84
553d100ed20 fc b15b6acbbe394a4c58 cf
751a340 8f 929d38 f5 bcb6da2110 ff f3 d2
8cd0c13ec 5f 974417c4a77e3d645d1973
96081 4f dc222a908846eeb814de5e0bdb
be7c8376d8dd54ea96c56 f4 ea657aae08
cba78252e1ca6b4c6e8dd74 1f 4bbd8b8a
d703eb5664803 f6 0e613557b986c11d9e
ee1 f8 981169d98e949b1e87e9ce5528 df
f8ca1890d bf e6426841992d 0f b054bb16
M–1 =
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
and σ is a permutation of GF with
σ-1(y) = (ϕ-1(y) 5)–1
This computation is performed by ComputeInvSBox( ).
ComputeInvSBox( )
GF256[16][16] ComputeInvSBox() {
GF256 result[16][16];
GF256 B[8] = {0xA4, 0x49, 0x92, 0x25, 0x4A, 0x94, 0x29, 0x52};
for (nat i=0; i<16; i++) {
for (nat j=0; j<16; j++) {
GF256 y = (i << 4) | j;
result[i][j] = GFInv(ApplyLinearOp(B, y) ^ 0x5);
return result;
const GF256 InvSBox[16][16] = ComputeInvSBox();
Table A-2 shows the resulting InvSBox[ ], as defined in the FIPS 197.
(ϕ-1((y) 5) –1= (ϕ-1(y ϕ(5))–1
= (ϕ-1(y 63))–1
= (ϕ-1(ϕ(x–1) 63 63))–1
= x,
= (ϕ-1(ϕ(x–1)))–1
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
A.7 Encryption and Decryption
The AMD64 architecture implements the AES algorithm by means of an iterative function called a
round for both encryption and the inverse operation, decryption.
The top-level encryption and decryption procedures Encrypt( ) and Decrypt( ) set up the rounds and
invoke the functions that perform them. Each of the procedures takes two 128-bit binary arguments:
input data — a 16-byte block of text stored in a source 128-bit XMM register
cipher key — a 16-, 24-, or 32-byte cipher key stored in either a second 128-bit XMM register or
128-bit memory location
A.7.1 The Encrypt( ) and Decrypt( ) Procedures
TextBlock Encrypt(TextBlock in, CipherKey key, nat Nk) {
return Cipher(in, ExpandKey(key, Nk), Nk);
TextBlock Decrypt(TextBlock in, CipherKey key, nat Nk) {
return InvCipher(in, ExpandKey(key, Nk), Nk);
Table A-2. InvSBox Definition
0123456789abcde f
052096ad53036a538 bf 40a39e81 f3 d7 fb
17ce339829b 2f ff 87348e4344c4dee9cb
2547b9432a6c2233dee4c950b42 fa c34e
472 f8 f6 6486689816d4a45ccc5d65b692
56c704850 fd edb9da5e154657a78d9d84
690d8ab008cbcd30a f7 e45805b8b34506
7d02c1e 8f ca 3f 0f 02c1 af bd0301138a6b
83a911141 4f 67dcea97 f2 cf ce f0 b4e673
996ac7422e7ad3585e2 f9 37e81c75 df 6e
a47 f1 1a711d29c589 6f b7620eaa18be1b
bfc 563e4bc6d279209adbc0 fe 78cd5a f4
c1f dda8338807c731b11210592780ec 5f
d6051 7f a919b54a0d2de57a 9f 93c99c ef
ea0e03b4dae2a f5 b0c8ebbb3c83539961
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
The array types TextBlock and CipherKey are introduced to accommodate the text and key
parameters. The 16-, 24-, or 32-byte cipher keys correspond to AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256 key
sizes. The cipher key is logically partitioned into Nk = 4, 6, or 8 AES 32-bit words. Nk is passed as a
parameter to determine the AES version to be executed, and the number of rounds to be performed.
Both the Encrypt( ) and Decrypt( ) procedures invoke the ExpandKey( ) function to expand the
cipher key for use in round key generation. When key expansion is complete, either the Cipher( ) or
InvCipher( ) functions are invoked.
The Cipher( ) and InvCipher( ) functions are the key components of the encryption and decryption
process. See Section A.8, “The Cipher Function” and Section A.9, “The InvCipher Function” for
detailed information.
A.7.2 Round Sequences and Key Expansion
Encryption and decryption are performed in a sequence of rounds indexed by 0, …, Nr, where Nr is
determined by the number Nk of GF words in the cipher key. A key matrix called a round key is
generated for each round. The number of GF words required to form Nr + 1 round keys is equal to ,
4(Nr + 1). Table A-3 shows the relationship between cipher key length, round sequence length, and
round key length.
Expanded keys are generated from the cipher key by the ExpandKey( ) function, where the array type
ExpandedKey is defined to accommodate 60 words (the maximum required) corresponding to Nk = 8.
The ExpandKey( ) Function
ExpandedKey ExpandKey(CipherKey key, nat Nk) {
assert((Nk == 4) || (Nk == 6) || (Nk == 8));
nat Nr = Nk + 6;
ExpandedKey w;
// Copy key into first Nk rows of w:
for (nat i=0; i<Nk; i++) {
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
w[i][j] = key[4*i+j];
Table A-3. Cipher Key, Round Sequence, and Round Key Length
NkNr4(Nr + 1)
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
// Write next row of w:
for (nat i=Nk; i<4*(Nr+1); i++) {
// Encode preceding row:
GFWord tmp = w[i-1];
if (mod(i, Nk) == 0) {
tmp = SubWord(RotWord(tmp));
tmp[0] = tmp[0] ^ RCON[i/Nk];
else if ((Nk == 8) && (mod(i, Nk) == 4)) {
tmp = SubWord(tmp);
// XOR tmp with w[i-Nk]:
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
w[i][j] = w[i-Nk][j] ^ tmp[j];
return w;
ExpandKey( ) begins by copying the input cipher key into the first Nk GF words of the expanded key
w. The remaining 4(Nr + 1) Nk GF words are computed iteratively. For each i Nk, w[i] is derived
from the two GF words w[i 1] and w[i – Nk]. In most cases, w[i] is simply the sum w[i – 1] w[i –
Nk]. There are two exceptions:
If i is divisible by Nk, then before adding it to w[i – Nk], w[i – 1] is first rotated by one position to
the left by RotWord( ), then transformed by the substitution SubWord( ), and an element of the
array RCON is added to it.
RCON[11] = {00h, 01h, 02h, 04h, 08h, 10h, 20h, 40h, 80h, 1Bh, 36h}
In the case Nk = 8, if i is divisible by 4 but not 8, then w[i 1] is transformed by the substitution
SubWord( ).
The ith round key Ki comprises the four GF words w[4i], …, w[4i + 3]. More precisely, let Wi be the
W= {w[4i], w[4i + 1 ], w[4i + 2 ], w[4i + 3]}
Then Ki = Wit, the transpose of Wi. Thus, the entries of the array w are the columns of the round keys.
A.8 The Cipher Function
This function performs encryption. It converts the input text to matrix form, generates the round key
from the expanded key matrix, and iterates through the transforming functions the number of times
determined by encryption key size to produce a 128-bit binary cipher matrix. As a final step, it
converts the matrix to an output text block.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
TextBlock Cipher(TextBlock in, ExpandedKey w, nat Nk) {
assert((Nk == 4) || (Nk == 6) || (Nk == 8));
nat Nr = Nk + 6;
GFMatrix state = Text2Matrix(in);
state = AddRoundKey(state, w, 0);
for (nat round=1; round<Nr; round++) {
state = SubBytes(state);
state = ShiftRows(state);
state = MixColumns(state);
state = AddRoundKey(state, w, round);
state = SubBytes(state);
state = ShiftRows(state);
state = AddRoundKey(state, w, Nr);
return Matrix2Text(state);
A.8.1 Text to Matrix Conversion
Prior to processing, the input text block must be converted to matrix form. The Text2Matrix( )
function stores a TextBlock in a GFMatrix in column-major order as follows.
GFMatrix Text2Matrix(TextBlock A) {
GFMatrix result;
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[i][j] = A[4*j+i];
return result;
A.8.2 Cipher Transformations
The Cipher function employs the following transformations.
SubBytes( ) Applies a non-linear substitution table (SBox) to each byte of the state.
SubWord( ) Uses a non-linear substitution table (SBox) to produce a four-byte AES output
word from the four bytes of an AES input word.
ShiftRows( ) Cyclically shifts the last three rows of the state by various offsets.
RotWord( ) Rotates an AES (4-byte) word to the right.
MixColumns( ) Mixes data in all the state columns independently to produce new columns.
AddRoundKey( ) — Extracts a 128-bit round key from the expanded key matrix and adds it to the
128-bit state using an XOR operation.
Inverses of SubBytes( ), SubWord( ), ShiftRows( ) and MixColumns( ) are used in decryption. See
Section A.9, “The InvCipher Function” for more information.
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
SubBytes( ) Function
Performs a byte substitution operation using the invertible substitution table (SBox) to convert input
text to an intermediate encryption state.
GFMatrix SubBytes(GFMatrix M) {
GFMatrix result;
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[i] = SubWord(M[i]);
return result;
SubWord( ) Function
Applies SubBytes to each element of a vector or a matrix:
GFWord SubWord(GFWord x) {
GFWord result;
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[i] = SubByte(x[i]);
return result;
ShiftRows( ) Function
Cyclically shifts the last three rows of the state by various offsets.
GFMatrix ShiftRows(GFMatrix M) {
GFMatrix result;
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[i] = RotateLeft(M[i], -i);
return result;
RotWord( ) Function
Performs byte-wise cyclic permutation of a 32-bit AES word.
GFWord RotWord(GFWord x)
{ return RotateLeft(x, 1); }
MixColumns( ) Function
Performs a byte-oriented column-by-column matrix multiplication
M C M , where C is the predefined fixed matrix
C =
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The function is implemented as follows:
GFMatrix MixColumns(GFMatrix M) {
GFMatrix C = {
return GFMatrixMul(C, M);
AddRoundKey( ) Function
Extracts the round key from the expanded key and adds it to the state using a bitwise XOR operation.
GFMatrix AddRoundKey(GFMatrix state, ExpandedKey w, nat round) {
GFMatrix result = state;
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
result[i][j] = result[i][j] ^ w[4*round+j][i];
return result;
A.8.3 Matrix to Text Conversion
After processing, the output matrix must be converted to a text block. The Matrix2Text( ) function
converts a GFMatrix in column-major order to a TextBlock as follows.
TextBlock Matrix2Text(GFMatrix M) {
TextBlock result;
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[4*j+i] = M[i][j];
return result;
A.9 The InvCipher Function
This function performs decryption. It iterates through the round function the number of times
determined by encryption key size and produces a 128-bit block of text as output.
TextBlock InvCipher(TextBlock in, ExpandedKey w, nat Nk) {
assert((Nk == 4) || (Nk == 6) || (Nk == 8));
nat Nr = Nk + 6;
GFMatrix state = Text2Matrix(in);
state = AddRoundKey(state, w, Nr);
for (nat round=Nr-1; round>0; round--) {
state = InvShiftRows(state);
state = InvSubBytes(state);
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
state = AddRoundKey(state, w, round);
state = InvMixColumns(state);
state = InvShiftRows(state);
state = InvSubBytes(state);
state = AddRoundKey(state, w, 0);
return Matrix2Text(state);
A.9.1 Text to Matrix Conversion
Prior to processing, the input text block must be converted to matrix form. The Text2Matrix( )
function stores a TextBlock in a GFMatrix in column-major order as follows.
GFMatrix Text2Matrix(TextBlock A) {
GFMatrix result;
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[i][j] = A[4*j+i];
return result;
A.9.2 InvCypher Transformations
The following functions are used in decryption:
InvShiftRows( ) The inverse of ShiftRows( ).
InvSubBytes( ) The inverse of SubBytes( ).
InvSubWord( ) — The inverse of SubWord( ).
InvMixColumns( ) The inverse of MixColumns( ).
AddRoundKey( ) Is its own inverse.
Decryption is the inverse of encryption and is accomplished by means of the inverses of the,
SubBytes( ), SubWord( ), ShiftRows( ) and MixColumns( ) transformations used in encryption.
SubWord( ), SubBytes( ), and ShiftRows( ) are injective. This is also the case with MixColumns( ).
A simple computation shows that C is invertible with
InvShiftRows( ) Function
The inverse of ShiftRows( ).
GFMatrix InvShiftRows(GFMatrix M) {
GFMatrix result;
C–1 =
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for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[i] = RotateLeft(M[i], -i);
return result;
InvSubBytes( ) Function
The inverse of SubBytes( ).
GFMatrix InvSubBytes(GFMatrix M) {
GFMatrix result;
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[i] = InvSubWord(M[i]);
return result;
InvSubWord( ) Function
The inverse of SubWord( ), InvSubBytes( ) applied to each element of a vector or a matrix.
GFWord InvSubWord(GFWord x) {
GFWord result;
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[i] = InvSubByte(x[i]);
return result;
InvMixColumns( ) Function
The inverse of the MixColumns( ) function. Multiplies by the inverse of the predefined fixed matrix,
C, C–1, as discussed previously.
GFMatrix InvMixColumns(GFMatrix M) {
GFMatrix D = {
return GFMatrixMul(D, M);
AddRoundKey( ) Function
Extracts the round key from the expanded key and adds it to the state using a bitwise XOR operation.
GFMatrix AddRoundKey(GFMatrix state, ExpandedKey w, nat round) {
GFMatrix result = state;
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
result[i][j] = result[i][j] ^ w[4*round+j][i];
return result;
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
A.9.3 Matrix to Text Conversion
After processing, the output matrix must be converted to a text block. The Matrix2Text( ) function
converts a GFMatrix in column-major order to a TextBlock as follows.
TextBlock Matrix2Text(GFMatrix M) {
TextBlock result;
for (nat j=0; j<4; j++) {
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[4*j+i] = M[i][j];
return result;
A.10 An Alternative Decryption Procedure
This section outlines an alternative decrypting procedure,
TextBlock EqDecrypt(TextBlock in, CipherKey key, nat Nk):
TextBlock EqDecrypt(TextBlock in, CipherKey key, nat Nk) {
return EqInvCipher(in, MixRoundKeys(ExpandKey(key, Nk), Nk), Nk);
The procedure is based on a variation of InvCipher,
TextBlock EqInvCipher(TextBlock in, ExpandedKey w, nat Nk):
TextBlock EqInvCipher(TextBlock in, ExpandedKey dw, nat Nk) {
assert((Nk == 4) || (Nk == 6) || (Nk == 8));
nat Nr = Nk + 6;
GFMatrix state = Text2Matrix(in);
state = AddRoundKey(state, dw, Nr);
for (nat round=Nr-1; round>0; round--) {
state = InvSubBytes(state);
state = InvShiftRows(state);
state = InvMixColumns(state);
state = AddRoundKey(state, dw, round);
state = InvSubBytes(state);
state = InvShiftRows(state);
state = AddRoundKey(state, dw, 0);
return Matrix2Text(state);
The variant structure more closely resembles that of Cipher. This requires a modification of the
expanded key generated by ExpandKey,
ExpandedKey MixRoundKeys(ExpandedKey w, nat Nk):
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
ExpandedKey MixRoundKeys(ExpandedKey w, nat Nk) {
assert((Nk == 4) || (Nk == 6) || (Nk == 8));
nat Nr = Nk + 6;
ExpandedKey result;
GFMatrix roundKey;
for (nat round=0; round<Nr+1; round++) {
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
roundKey[i] = w[4*round+i];
if ((round > 0) && (round < Nr)) {
roundKey = InvMixRows(roundKey);
for (nat i=0; i<4; i++) {
result[4*round+i] = roundKey[i];
return result;
The transformation MixRoundKeys leaves K0 and KNr unchanged, but for i = 1,…,Nr1, it replaces
Wi with the matrix product Wi Q, where
The effect of this is to replace Ki with
for i = 1,…,Nr 1.
The equivalence of EqDecrypt and Decrypt follows from two properties of the basic operations:
C is a linear transformation and therefore, so is C–1;
Ʃ and R commute, and hence so do Ʃ–1 and R–1, for if
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
Now let X’and Y’be the initial and final states of an execution of EqDecrypt and let S’i be the state
following round i . Suppose X’’ = X’. Appealing to the definitions of EqDecrypt and EqInvCipher,
we have
and for i = Nr 1,…,1, by induction,
A.11 Computation of GFInv with Euclidean Greatest
Common Divisor
Note that the operations performed by GFInv( ) are in the ring 2[X] rather than the quotient field GF.
The initial values of the variables x1 and x2 are the inputs x and 11b, the latter representing the
polynomial p(X). The variables a1 and a2 are initialized to 1 and 0.
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
On each iteration of the loop, a multiple of the lesser of x1 and x2 is added to the other. If x1 x2, then
the values of x2 and a2 are adjusted as follows:
x2 x2 2s x1
a2 a2 2s a1
where s is the difference in the exponents (i.e., degrees) of x1 and x2 . In the remaining case, x1 and a1
are similarly adjusted. This step is repeated until either x1 = 0 or x2 = 0.
We make the following observations:
On each iteration, the value added to xi has the same exponent as xi, and hence the sum has lesser
exponent. Therefore, termination is guaranteed.
Since p(X) is irreducible and x is of smaller degree than p(X), the initial values of x1 and x2 have no
non-trivial common factor. This property is clearly preserved by each step.
x1 a1 x = x x = 0
x2 a2 x = 11b 0 = 11b
are both divisible by 11b. This property is also invariant, since, for example, the above assignments
result in
x2 a2 x (x2 2s x1) (a2 2s a1) x = (x2 a2 x) 2s (x1 a1 x).
Now suppose that the loop terminates with x2 = 0. Then x1 has no non-trivial factor and, hence, x1 = 1.
Thus, 1 a1 x is divisible by 11b. Since the final result y is derived by reducing a1 modulo 11b, it
follows that 1 y x is also divisible by 11b and, hence, in the quotient field GF, 1 + y x = 0,
which implies y x = 1.
The computation of the multiplicative inverse utilizing Euclid’s algorithm is as follows:
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
// Computation of multiplicative inverse based on Euclid's algorithm:
GF256 GFInv(GF256 x) {
if (x == 0) {
return 0;
// Initialization:
nat x1 = x;
nat x2 = 0x11B; // the irreducible polynomial p(X)
nat a1 = 1;
nat a2 = 0;
nat shift; // difference in exponents
while ((x1 != 0) && (x2!= 0)) {
// Termination is guaranteed, since either x1 or x2 decreases on each iteration.
// We have the following loop invariants, viewing natural numbers as elements of
// the polynomial ring Z2[X]:
// (1) x1 and x2 have no common divisor other than 1.
// (2) x1 ^ GFMul(a1, x) and x2 ^ GFMul(a2, x) are both divisible by p(X).
if (x1 <= x2) {
shift = expo(x2) - expo(x1);
x2 = x2 ^ (x1 << shift);
a2 = a2 ^ (a1 << shift);
else {
shift = expo(x1) - expo(x2);
x1 = x1 ^ (x2 << shift);
a1 = a1 ^ (a2 << shift);
nat y;
// Since either x1 or x2 is 0, it follows from (1) above that the other is 1.
if (x1 == 1) { // x2 == 0
y = a1;
else if (x2 == 1) { // x1 == 0
y = a2;
else {
// Now it follows from (2) that GFMul(y, x) ^ 1 is divisible by 0x11b.
// We need only reduce y modulo 0x11b:
nat e = expo(y);
while (e >= 8) {
y = y ^ (0x11B << (e - 8));
e = expo(y);
return y;
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
128-bit media instruction....................................... xxix
16-bit mode.......................................................... xxix
256-bit media instruction....................................... xxix
32-bit mode.......................................................... xxix
64-bit media instructions ....................................... xxix
64-bit mode.......................................................... xxix
absolute displacement ............................................ xxx
ADDPD .................................................................. 23
ADDPS................................................................... 25
Address space identifier ......................................... xxx
Address space identifier (ASID).............................. xxx
ADDSD .................................................................. 27
ADDSS................................................................... 29
ADDSUBPD ........................................................... 31
ADDSUBPS............................................................ 33
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).............. xxx, 973
data structures .................................................... 974
decryption........................................... 976, 984, 992
encryption................................................... 976, 984
Euclidean common divisor .................................. 994
InvSbox ............................................................. 979
operations .......................................................... 978
Sbox.................................................................. 979
AESDEC ................................................................35
AESDECLAST ....................................................... 37
AESENC ................................................................39
AESENCLAST ....................................................... 41
AESIMC................................................................. 43
AESKEYGENASSIST............................................. 45
ANDNPD ............................................................... 47
ANDNPS ................................................................49
ANDPD .................................................................. 51
ANDPS................................................................... 53
ASID .................................................................... xxx
AV X ..................................................................... xxx
biased exponent ..................................................... xxx
BLENDPD.............................................................. 55
BLENDPS .............................................................. 57
BLENDVPD ........................................................... 59
BLENDVPS............................................................ 61
byte ...................................................................... xxx
clear...................................................................... xxx
cleared .................................................................. xxx
CMPPD .................................................................. 63
CMPPS ................................................................... 67
CMPSD .................................................................. 71
CMPSS ................................................................... 75
COMISD................................................................. 79
COMISS ................................................................. 82
commit.................................................................. xxx
compatibility mode ................................................ xxx
Current privilege level (CPL).................................. xxx
CVTDQ2PD............................................................ 84
CVTDQ2PS ............................................................ 86
CVTPD2DQ............................................................ 88
CVTPD2PS ............................................................. 90
CVTPS2DQ ............................................................ 92
CVTPS2PD ............................................................. 94
CVTSD2SI.............................................................. 96
CVTSD2SS ............................................................. 99
CVTSI2SD............................................................ 101
CVTSI2SS ............................................................ 104
CVTSS2SD ........................................................... 107
CVTSS2SI ............................................................ 109
CVTTPD2DQ........................................................ 112
CVTTPS2DQ ........................................................ 115
CVTTSD2SI.......................................................... 117
CVTTSS2SI .......................................................... 120
Definitions ........................................................... xxix
direct referencing ................................................... xxx
displacement.......................................................... xxx
DIVPD.................................................................. 123
DIVPS .................................................................. 125
DIVSD.................................................................. 127
DIVSS .................................................................. 129
double quadword .................................................. xxxi
doubleword .......................................................... xxxi
DPPD.................................................................... 131
DPPS .................................................................... 134
effective address size............................................. xxxi
effective operand size ............................................ xxxi
element ................................................................xxxi
endian order........................................................ xxxix
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
exception ............................................................. xxxi
exponent ............................................................... xxx
extended SSE ....................................................... xxxi
extended-register prefix....................................... xxxiv
EXTRQ ................................................................139
flush .................................................................... xxxi
FMA.................................................................... xxxi
FMA4.................................................................. xxxi
four-operand instruction ............................................. 6
General notation ................................................. xxviii
Global descriptor table (GDT) ............................... xxxi
Global interrupt flag (GIF) ................................... xxxii
HADDPD ............................................................. 141
HADDPS .............................................................. 143
HSUBPD .............................................................. 146
HSUBPS............................................................... 149
IGN .................................................................... xxxii
immediate operands ................................................... 4
indirect ............................................................... xxxii
INSERTPS ............................................................ 152
INSERTQ ............................................................. 154
AES .................................................................. xxx
Interrupt descriptor table (IDT) ............................. xxxii
Interrupt redirection bitmap (IRB)......................... xxxii
Interrupt stack table (IST)..................................... xxxii
Interrupt vector table (IVT) .................................. xxxii
LDMXCSR ........................................................... 158
least significant byte ........................................... xxxiii
least-significant bit.............................................. xxxiii
legacy mode ........................................................ xxxii
legacy x86........................................................... xxxii
little endian ........................................................ xxxix
Local descriptor table (LDT) ................................ xxxii
long mode ........................................................... xxxii
LSB................................................................... xxxiii
lsb ..................................................................... xxxiii
main memory ..................................................... xxxiii
mask .................................................................. xxxiii
MASKMOVDQU .................................................. 160
MAXPS ................................................................165
MAXSS ................................................................170
memory.............................................................. xxxiii
MINPD ................................................................. 172
MINPS.................................................................. 175
MINSD ................................................................. 178
MINSS.................................................................. 180
compatibility ...................................................... xxx
legacy .............................................................. xxxii
long ................................................................. xxxii
protected ......................................................... xxxiv
real ................................................................. xxxiv
virtual-8086..................................................... xxxvi
most significant bit.............................................. xxxiii
most significant byte ........................................... xxxiii
MOVAPD.............................................................. 182
MOVAPS .............................................................. 184
MOVD.................................................................. 186
MOVDDUP .......................................................... 188
MOVDQA ............................................................ 190
MOVDQU ............................................................ 192
MOVHLPS ........................................................... 194
MOVHPD ............................................................. 196
MOVHPS.............................................................. 198
MOVLHPS ........................................................... 200
MOVLPD ............................................................. 202
MOVLPS .............................................................. 204
MOVMSKPD........................................................ 206
MOVMSKPS ........................................................ 208
MOVNTDQ .......................................................... 210
MOVNTDQA........................................................ 212
MOVNTPD........................................................... 214
MOVNTPS ........................................................... 216
MOVNTSD........................................................... 218
MOVNTSS ........................................................... 220
MOVQ.................................................................. 222
MOVSHDUP ........................................................ 226
MOVSLDUP......................................................... 228
MOVSS ................................................................230
MOVUPD ............................................................. 232
MOVUPS.............................................................. 234
MPSADBW .......................................................... 236
MSB .................................................................. xxxiii
msb.................................................................... xxxiii
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
MULPS ................................................................243
MULSS ................................................................247
Must be zero (MBZ) ........................................... xxxiii
conventions..................................................... xxviii
register ........................................................... xxxvi
octword.............................................................. xxxiii
offset ................................................................. xxxiii
immediate .............................................................. 4
ORPD................................................................... 249
ORPS ................................................................... 251
overflow ............................................................ xxxiii
PABSB ................................................................. 253
PABSD ................................................................. 255
PABSW ................................................................257
packed ............................................................... xxxiii
PACKSSDW ......................................................... 259
PACKSSWB ......................................................... 261
PACKUSDW ........................................................ 263
PACKUS WB ......................................................... 265
PAD DB ................................................................. 267
PAD DD ................................................................269
PAD DQ ................................................................271
PAD DSB ............................................................... 273
PAD DSW .............................................................. 275
PADDUSB ............................................................ 277
PADDUSW ........................................................... 279
PAD DW ................................................................281
PALIGNR ............................................................. 283
PAN D ................................................................... 285
PAN DN ................................................................287
PAVGB ................................................................. 289
PAVGW ................................................................291
PBLENDVB ......................................................... 293
PBLENDW ........................................................... 295
PCLMULQDQ ...................................................... 297
PCMPEQB............................................................ 299
PCMPEQD ........................................................... 301
PCMPEQQ ........................................................... 303
PCMPEQW........................................................... 305
PCMPESTRI......................................................... 307
PCMPESTRM....................................................... 310
PCMPGTB............................................................ 313
PCMPGTD............................................................ 315
PCMPGTQ............................................................ 317
PCMPGTW........................................................... 319
PCMPISTRI .......................................................... 321
PCMPISTRM ........................................................ 324
PEXTRB............................................................... 327
PEXTRD............................................................... 329
PEXTRQ............................................................... 331
PEXTRW .............................................................. 333
PHADDD.............................................................. 335
PHADDSW........................................................... 337
PHADDUBD......................................................... 768
PHADDW............................................................. 340
PHMINPOSUW .................................................... 343
PHSUBD .............................................................. 345
PHSUBSW............................................................ 347
PHSUBW.............................................................. 350
Physical address extension (PAE) ......................... xxxiii
physical memory................................................. xxxiv
PINSRB ................................................................353
PINSRW ............................................................... 360
PMADDUBSW ..................................................... 362
PMADDWD.......................................................... 365
PMAXSB.............................................................. 367
PMAXSD.............................................................. 369
PMAXSW............................................................. 371
PMAXUB ............................................................. 373
PMAXUD ............................................................. 375
PMAXUW ............................................................ 377
PMINSB ............................................................... 379
PMINSD ............................................................... 381
PMINSW .............................................................. 383
PMINUB............................................................... 385
PMINUD .............................................................. 387
PMINUW.............................................................. 389
PMOVMSKB ........................................................ 391
PMOVSXBD......................................................... 393
PMOVSXBQ......................................................... 395
PMOVSXBW........................................................ 397
PMOVSXDQ ........................................................ 399
PMOVSXWD........................................................ 401
PMOVSXWQ........................................................ 403
PMOVZXBD ........................................................ 405
PMOVZXBQ ........................................................ 407
PMOVZXBW........................................................ 409
PMOVZXDQ ........................................................ 411
PMOVZXWD ....................................................... 413
PMOVZXWQ ....................................................... 415
PMULDQ ............................................................. 417
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
PMULHRSW ........................................................ 419
PMULHUW.......................................................... 421
PMULHW ............................................................ 423
PMULLD.............................................................. 425
PMULLW ............................................................. 427
PMULUDQ........................................................... 429
POR ..................................................................... 431
probe ................................................................. xxxiv
protected mode ................................................... xxxiv
PSADBW ............................................................. 433
PSHUFB............................................................... 435
PSHUFD............................................................... 437
PSHUFHW ........................................................... 440
PSHUFLW ............................................................ 443
PSIGND ............................................................... 448
PSIGNW............................................................... 450
PSLLD ................................................................. 452
PSLLDQ............................................................... 455
PSLLQ ................................................................. 457
PSLLW ................................................................. 460
PSRAD................................................................. 463
PSRAW ................................................................466
PSRLD ................................................................. 469
PSRLDQ............................................................... 472
PSRLQ ................................................................. 474
PSRLW................................................................. 477
PSUBB ................................................................. 480
PSUBD................................................................. 482
PSUBQ................................................................. 484
PSUBSB ............................................................... 486
PSUBSW .............................................................. 488
PSUBUSB ............................................................ 490
PSUBUSW ........................................................... 492
PSUBW ................................................................494
PTEST.................................................................. 496
PUNPCKHBW...................................................... 498
PUNPCKHDQ ...................................................... 501
PUNPCKHQDQ.................................................... 504
PUNPCKHWD...................................................... 507
PUNPCKLBW ...................................................... 510
PUNPCKLDQ....................................................... 513
PUNPCKLQDQ .................................................... 516
PUNPCKLWD ...................................................... 519
PXOR................................................................... 522
quadword ........................................................... xxxiv
RCPPS.................................................................. 524
RCPSS .................................................................. 526
Read as zero (RAZ)............................................. xxxiv
real address mode. See real mode
real mode ........................................................... xxxiv
Register extension prefix (REX)........................... xxxiv
Register notation ................................................. xxxvi
relative ............................................................... xxxiv
Relative instruction pointer (RIP) ......................... xxxiv
reserved ............................................................. xxxiv
revision history ..................................................... xxiii
RIP-relative addressing........................................ xxxiv
Rip-relative addressing ........................................ xxxiv
ROUNDPD ........................................................... 528
ROUNDSD ........................................................... 534
ROUNDSS............................................................ 537
ROUNDTPS.......................................................... 531
RSQRTPS ............................................................. 540
RSQRTSS ............................................................. 542
SBZ ................................................................... xxxiv
scalar .................................................................. xxxv
set....................................................................... xxxv
SHUFPD............................................................... 558
SHUFPS ............................................................... 561
Single instruction multiple data (SIMD)................. xxxv
SQRTPD ............................................................... 564
SQRTSD ............................................................... 568
SSE..................................................................... xxxv
SSE Instructions
legacy .............................................................. xxxii
SSE instructions
AV X .................................................................. xxx
SSE1................................................................... xxxv
SSE2................................................................... xxxv
SSE3................................................................... xxxv
SSE4.1 ................................................................xxxv
SSE4.2 ................................................................xxxv
SSE4A ................................................................xxxv
SSSE3................................................................. xxxv
sticky bit ............................................................. xxxv
STMXCSR............................................................ 572
Streaming SIMD Extensions ................................. xxxv
string compare instructions ....................................... 10
string comparison..................................................... 10
SUBPD ................................................................. 574
SUBPS.................................................................. 576
SUBSD ................................................................. 578
SUBSS.................................................................. 580
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
Task state segment (TSS)...................................... xxxv
Terminology......................................................... xxix
three-operand instruction............................................ 5
two-operand instruction.............................................. 4
UCOMISD............................................................ 582
UCOMISS ............................................................ 584
underflow........................................................... xxxvi
UNPCKHPD ......................................................... 586
UNPCKHPS.......................................................... 588
UNPCKLPD ......................................................... 590
UNPCKLPS .......................................................... 592
VADDPS ................................................................25
VADDSUBPD......................................................... 31
VADDSUBPS ......................................................... 33
VADSS ................................................................... 29
VA E S D E C .............................................................. 35
VA E S D E C L A S T ..................................................... 37
VAESENC .............................................................. 39
VAESENCLAST ..................................................... 41
VA E S I M C ............................................................... 43
VAESKEYGENASSIST .......................................... 45
VANDNPD ............................................................. 47
VANDNPS .............................................................. 49
VANDPS ................................................................53
VBLENDPD ........................................................... 55
VBLENDPS............................................................ 57
VBLENDVPD......................................................... 59
VBLENDVPS ......................................................... 61
VBROADCASTF128 ............................................ 594
VBROADCASTI128 ............................................. 596
VBROADCASTSD ............................................... 598
VBROADCASTSS................................................ 600
VCMPPS ................................................................67
VCMPSS ................................................................75
VCOMISD.............................................................. 79
VCOMISS .............................................................. 82
VCVTDQ2PD ......................................................... 84
VCVTDQ2PS.......................................................... 86
VCVTPD2DQ ......................................................... 88
VCVTPD2PS .......................................................... 90
VCVTPH2PS ........................................................ 602
VCVTPS2DQ.......................................................... 92
VCVTPS2PD .......................................................... 94
VCVTPS2PH ........................................................ 605
VCVTSD2SI ........................................................... 96
VCVTSD2SS .......................................................... 99
VCVTSI2SD ......................................................... 101
VCVTSI2SS.......................................................... 104
VCVTSS2SD ........................................................ 107
VCVTSS2SI.......................................................... 109
VCVTTPD2DQ ..................................................... 112
VCVTTPS2DQ...................................................... 115
VCVTTSD2SI ....................................................... 117
VCVTTSS2SI........................................................ 120
VDIVPD ............................................................... 123
VDIVSD ............................................................... 127
VDPPD ................................................................. 131
VDPPS ................................................................. 134
vector................................................................. xxxvi
VEX prefix......................................................... xxxvi
VEXTRACT128 .................................................... 609
VEXTRACTI128................................................... 611
VFMADD132PD ................................................... 613
VFMADD132PS.................................................... 616
VFMADD132SD ................................................... 619
VFMADD132SS.................................................... 622
VFMADD213PD ................................................... 613
VFMADD213PS.................................................... 616
VFMADD213SD ................................................... 619
VFMADD213SS.................................................... 622
VFMADD231PD ................................................... 613
VFMADD231PS.................................................... 616
VFMADD231SD ................................................... 619
VFMADD231SS.................................................... 622
VFMADDPD ........................................................ 613
VFMADDPS ......................................................... 616
VFMADDSD ........................................................ 619
VFMADDSS ......................................................... 622
VFMADDSUB132PD ............................................ 625
VFMADDSUB132PS ............................................ 628
VFMADDSUB213PD ............................................ 625
VFMADDSUB213PS ............................................ 628
VFMADDSUB231PD ............................................ 625
VFMADDSUB231PS ............................................ 628
VFMADDSUBPD ................................................. 625
VFMADDSUBPS .................................................. 628
VFMSUB132PD.................................................... 637
VFMSUB132PS .................................................... 640
VFMSUB132SD.................................................... 643
VFMSUB132SS .................................................... 646
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
VFMSUB213PD ................................................... 637
VFMSUB213PS .................................................... 640
VFMSUB213SD ................................................... 643
VFMSUB213SS .................................................... 646
VFMSUB231PD ................................................... 637
VFMSUB231PS .................................................... 640
VFMSUB231SD ................................................... 643
VFMSUB231SS .................................................... 646
VFMSUBADD132PD............................................ 631
VFMSUBADD132PS ............................................ 634
VFMSUBADD213PD............................................ 631
VFMSUBADD213PS ............................................ 634
VFMSUBADD231PD............................................ 631
VFMSUBADD231PS ............................................ 634
VFMSUBADDPD ................................................. 631
VFMSUBADDPS.................................................. 634
VFMSUBPD ......................................................... 637
VFMSUBPS.......................................................... 640
VFMSUBSD ......................................................... 643
VFMSUBSS.......................................................... 646
VFNMADD132PD ................................................ 649
VFNMADD132PS................................................. 652
VFNMADD132SS................................................. 658
VFNMADD213PD ................................................ 649
VFNMADD213PS................................................. 652
VFNMADD213SS................................................. 658
VFNMADD231PD ................................................ 649
VFNMADD231PS................................................. 652
VFNMADD231SS................................................. 658
VFNMADDPD...................................................... 649
VFNMADDPS ...................................................... 652
VFNMADDSD...................................................... 655
VFNMADDSS ...................................................... 658
VFNMSUB132PD................................................. 661
VFNMSUB132PS ................................................. 664
VFNMSUB132SD................................................. 667
VFNMSUB132SS ................................................. 670
VFNMSUB213PD................................................. 661
VFNMSUB213PS ................................................. 664
VFNMSUB213SD................................................. 667
VFNMSUB213SS ................................................. 670
VFNMSUB231PD................................................. 661
VFNMSUB231PS ................................................. 664
VFNMSUB231SD................................................. 667
VFNMSUB231SS ................................................. 670
VFNMSUBPD ...................................................... 661
VFNMSUBPS ....................................................... 664
VFNMSUBSD ...................................................... 667
VFNMSUBSS ....................................................... 670
VFRCZPD ............................................................ 673
VFRCZPS............................................................. 675
VFRCZSD ............................................................ 677
VFRCZSS ............................................................. 679
VGATHERDPD..................................................... 681
VGATHERDPS ..................................................... 683
VGATHERQPD..................................................... 685
VGATHERQPS ..................................................... 687
VHADDPD ........................................................... 141
VHADDPS............................................................ 143
VHSUBPD............................................................ 146
VHSUBPS ............................................................ 149
VINSERTF128 ...................................................... 689
VINSERTI128 ....................................................... 691
VINSERTPS.......................................................... 152
Virtual machine control block (VMCB) ................ xxxvi
Virtual machine monitor (VMM).......................... xxxvi
virtual-8086 mode............................................... xxxvi
VLDDQU ............................................................. 156
VLDMXCSR......................................................... 158
VMASKMOVDQU ............................................... 160
VMASKMOVPD................................................... 693
VMASKMOVPS ................................................... 695
VMAXPD ............................................................. 162
VMAXPS.............................................................. 165
VMAXSD ............................................................. 168
VMAXSS.............................................................. 170
VMINPD .............................................................. 172
VMINPS ............................................................... 175
VMINSD .............................................................. 178
VMINSS ............................................................... 180
VMOVAPS ........................................................... 184
VMOVD ............................................................... 186
VMOVDDUP........................................................ 188
VMOVDQA.......................................................... 190
VMOVDQU.......................................................... 192
VMOVHLPS......................................................... 194
VMOVHPD .......................................................... 196
VMOVHPS ........................................................... 198
VMOVLHPS......................................................... 200
VMOVLPD........................................................... 202
VMOVLPS ........................................................... 204
VMOVMSKPD ..................................................... 206
VMOVMSKPS...................................................... 208
VMOVNTDQ........................................................ 210
VMOVNTDQA ..................................................... 212
VMOVNTPD ........................................................ 214
VMOVNTPS......................................................... 216
VMOVQ ............................................................... 222
VMOVSD ............................................................. 224
VMOVSHDUP...................................................... 226
VMOVSLDUP ...................................................... 228
VMOVSS.............................................................. 230
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
VMOVUPD .......................................................... 232
VMOVUPS........................................................... 234
VMPSADBW........................................................ 236
VMULPD ............................................................. 241
VMULPS.............................................................. 243
VMULSD ............................................................. 245
VMULSS.............................................................. 247
VORPD ................................................................249
VORPS................................................................. 251
VPABSB............................................................... 253
VPABSD............................................................... 255
VPABSW.............................................................. 257
VPACKSSDW ...................................................... 259
VPACKSSWB....................................................... 261
VPACKUSDW ...................................................... 263
VPACKUSWB ...................................................... 265
VPADDD.............................................................. 269
VPADDQ.............................................................. 271
VPADDSB ............................................................ 273
VPADDSW ........................................................... 275
VPADDUSB ......................................................... 277
VPADDUSW ........................................................ 279
VPADDW ............................................................. 281
VPALIGNR........................................................... 283
VPAND ................................................................285
VPANDN.............................................................. 287
VPAVGB .............................................................. 289
VPAVGW ............................................................. 291
VPBLENDD ......................................................... 697
VPBLENDVB....................................................... 293
VPBLENDW ........................................................ 295
VPBROADCASTB ............................................... 699
VPBROADCASTD ............................................... 701
VPBROADCASTQ ............................................... 703
VPBROADCASTW .............................................. 705
VPCLMULQDQ ................................................... 297
VPCMOV ............................................................. 707
VPCMPEQB ......................................................... 299
VPCMPEQD......................................................... 301
VPCMPEQQ......................................................... 303
VPCMPEQW ........................................................ 305
VPCMPESTRI ...................................................... 307
VPCMPESTRM .................................................... 310
VPCMPGTB ......................................................... 313
VPCMPGTD......................................................... 315
VPCMPGTQ......................................................... 317
VPCMPGTW ........................................................ 319
VPCMPISTRI ....................................................... 321
VPCMPISTRM ..................................................... 324
VPCOMB ............................................................. 709
VPCOMD ............................................................. 711
VPCOMQ ............................................................. 713
VPCOMUB........................................................... 715
VPCOMUD........................................................... 717
VPCOMUQ........................................................... 719
VPCOMUW.......................................................... 721
VPCOMW ............................................................ 723
VPERM2F128 ....................................................... 725
VPERM2I128........................................................ 727
VPERMD.............................................................. 729
VPERMIL2PD ...................................................... 731
VPERMIL2PS ....................................................... 735
VPERMILPD ........................................................ 739
VPERMILPS......................................................... 742
VPERMPD............................................................ 746
VPERMPS ............................................................ 748
VPERMQ.............................................................. 750
VPEXTRB ............................................................ 327
VPEXTRD ............................................................ 329
VPEXTRQ ............................................................ 331
VPEXTRW ........................................................... 333
VPGATHERDD..................................................... 752
VPGATHERDQ..................................................... 754
VPGATHERQD..................................................... 756
VPGATHERQQ..................................................... 758
VPHADDBD......................................................... 760
VPHADDBQ......................................................... 762
VPHADDBW........................................................ 764
VPHADDD ........................................................... 335
VPHADDDQ ........................................................ 766
VPHADDSW ........................................................ 337
VPHADDUBQ ...................................................... 770
VPHADDUBW ..................................................... 772
VPHADDUDQ...................................................... 774
VPHADDUWD ..................................................... 776
VPHADDUWQ ..................................................... 778
VPHADDW .......................................................... 340
VPHADDWD........................................................ 780
VPHADDWQ........................................................ 782
VPHMINPOSUW.................................................. 343
VPHSUBBW......................................................... 784
VPHSUBD............................................................ 345
VPHSUBDQ ......................................................... 786
VPHSUBSW ......................................................... 347
VPHSUBW ........................................................... 350
VPHSUBWD ........................................................ 788
VPINSRB ............................................................. 353
VPINSRD ............................................................. 356
VPINSRQ ............................................................. 358
VPINSRW............................................................. 360
VPMACSDD......................................................... 790
VPMACSDQH ...................................................... 792
AMD64 Technology 26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017
VPMACSDQL ...................................................... 794
VPMACSSDD ...................................................... 796
VPMACSSDQL .................................................... 800
VPMACSSQH ...................................................... 798
VPMACSSWD...................................................... 802
VPMACSSWW..................................................... 804
VPMACSWD........................................................ 806
VPMACSWW....................................................... 808
VPMADCSSWD................................................... 810
VPMADCSWD ..................................................... 812
VPMADDUBSW .................................................. 362
VPMADDWD....................................................... 365
VPMASKMOVD .................................................. 814
VPMASKMOVQ .................................................. 816
VPMAXSB ........................................................... 367
VPMAXSD........................................................... 369
VPMAXSW .......................................................... 371
VPMAXUB .......................................................... 373
VPMAXUD .......................................................... 375
VPMAXUW ......................................................... 377
VPMINSB ............................................................ 379
VPMINSD ............................................................ 381
VPMINSW ........................................................... 383
VPMINUB............................................................ 385
VPMINUD............................................................ 387
VPMINUW........................................................... 389
VPMOVMSKB ..................................................... 391
VPMOVSXBD...................................................... 393
VPMOVSXBQ...................................................... 395
VPMOVSXBW ..................................................... 397
VPMOVSXDQ...................................................... 399
VPMOVSXWD..................................................... 401
VPMOVSXWQ..................................................... 403
VPMOVZXBD...................................................... 405
VPMOVZXBQ...................................................... 407
VPMOVZXBW..................................................... 409
VPMOVZXDQ ..................................................... 411
VPMOVZXWD..................................................... 413
VPMOVZXWQ..................................................... 415
VPMULDQ........................................................... 417
VPMULHRSW ..................................................... 419
VPMULHUW ....................................................... 421
VPMULHW.......................................................... 423
VPMULLD ........................................................... 425
VPMULLW .......................................................... 427
VPMULUDQ ........................................................ 429
VPOR................................................................... 431
VPPERM .............................................................. 818
VPROTB .............................................................. 820
VPROTD .............................................................. 822
VPROTQ .............................................................. 824
VPROTW ............................................................. 826
VPSADBW ........................................................... 433
VPSHAB .............................................................. 828
VPSHAD .............................................................. 830
VPSHAQ .............................................................. 832
VPSHAW.............................................................. 834
VPSHLB............................................................... 836
VPSHLD............................................................... 838
VPSHLQ............................................................... 840
VPSHLW .............................................................. 842
VPSHUFB ............................................................ 435
VPSHUFD ............................................................ 437
VPSHUFHW......................................................... 440
VPSHUFLW ......................................................... 443
VPSIGNB ............................................................. 446
VPSIGND ............................................................. 448
VPSIGNW ............................................................ 450
VPSLLD ............................................................... 452
VPSLLDQ ............................................................ 455
VPSLLQ ............................................................... 457
VPSLLVD............................................................. 844
VPSLLVQ............................................................. 846
VPSLLW............................................................... 460
VPSRAD .............................................................. 463
VPSRAVD ............................................................ 848
VPSRAW .............................................................. 466
VPSRLD ............................................................... 469
VPSRLDQ ............................................................ 472
VPSRLQ ............................................................... 474
VPSRLVD............................................................. 850
VPSRLVQ............................................................. 852
VPSRLW .............................................................. 477
VPSUBB............................................................... 480
VPSUBD .............................................................. 482
VPSUBQ .............................................................. 484
VPSUBSB............................................................. 486
VPSUBSW............................................................ 488
VPSUBUSB .......................................................... 490
VPSUBUSW ......................................................... 492
VPSUBW.............................................................. 494
VPTEST ............................................................... 496
VPUNPCKHBW ................................................... 498
VPUNPCKHDQ .................................................... 501
VPUNPCKHQDQ ................................................. 504
VPUNPCKHWD ................................................... 507
VPUNPCKLBW.................................................... 510
VPUNPCKLDQ .................................................... 513
VPUNPCKLQDQ.................................................. 516
VPUNPCKLWD.................................................... 519
VPXOR ................................................................522
VRCPPS ............................................................... 524
26568—Rev. 3.21—December 2017 AMD64 Technology
VRCPSS ............................................................... 526
VROUNDPD ........................................................ 528
VROUNDPS ......................................................... 531
VROUNDSD ........................................................ 534
VROUNDSS ......................................................... 537
VRSQRTPS .......................................................... 540
VRSQRTSS .......................................................... 542
VSHUFPD ............................................................ 558
VSHUFPS............................................................. 561
VSQRTPD ............................................................ 564
VSQRTPS............................................................. 566
VSQRTSD ............................................................ 568
VSQRTSS............................................................. 570
VSTMXCSR ......................................................... 572
VSUBPD .............................................................. 574
VSUBPS............................................................... 576
VSUBSD .............................................................. 578
VSUBSS............................................................... 580
VTESTPD............................................................. 854
VTESTPS ............................................................. 856
VUCOMISD ......................................................... 582
VUCOMISS.......................................................... 584
VUNPCKHPD ...................................................... 586
VUNPCKHPS ....................................................... 588
VUNPCKLPD....................................................... 590
VUNPCKLPS ....................................................... 592
VXORPD.............................................................. 861
VXORPS .............................................................. 863
VZEROALL ......................................................... 858
VZEROUPPER ..................................................... 859
word .................................................................. xxxvi
x86 .................................................................... xxxvi
XGETBV.............................................................. 860
XOP instructions ................................................ xxxvi
XOP prefix......................................................... xxxvi
XORPD ................................................................861
XORPS................................................................. 863
XRSTOR .............................................................. 865
XSAVE ................................................................. 869
XSAVEOPT .......................................................... 873
XSETBV .............................................................. 877

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