Web Anno Instructions

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Instructions for installing WebAnno for annotation, and importing
Discourse Processing Lab
Emilie Francis, Luca Cavasso and Maite Taboada
Contact: mtaboada@sfu.ca
January 17, 2018
Installation for the WebAnno standalone version is the same for both PC and Mac. It can be
downloaded from https://webanno.github.io/webanno/downloads/.
Installing WebAnno
1. Click on WebAnno 3.2.1 standalone (executable JAR) from the downloads page.
2. After the JAR has finished downloading, click ‘webanno-standalone-3.0.1-2.jar’ to
start the server. If this doesn’t work, follow the sub-steps below; otherwise,
continue to step 3.
a. Ensure that the most recent version of Java is installed on your computer. It
can be downloaded from this site: https://java.com/en/download/
b. After ensuring that Java is up to date, try step 2 again. If that does not
resolve the issue, follow steps c and beyond.
c. Navigate to the folder where you installed “webanno-standalone-3.0.1-
2.jar”, SHIFT+Right-click on a blank space in the folder, and select “Open
PowerShell Window Here” or “Open Command Prompt Here.”
d. Run the command java -jar webanno-standalone-3.2.1.jar
e. After everything has started (you should see a line saying “HTTP Listener
started”, open a browser window and navigate to the address below
f. Go to step 5 below.
3. If connected properly, a window should pop up instructing you to connect at
4. Open a window in the web browser of your choice and type http://localhost:8080
into the URL bar.
5. The standalone default login information is:
Username: admin
Password: admin
6. Once logged in, click on ‘Projects’. At the projects page, click the button ‘create
project’ and give it a name. Ensure that ‘annotation’ is selected.
7. Select your newly created project and go to the ‘Documents tab’. Select the format
‘Plain text’ from the drop down menu. Click ‘Choose files’ and select the comments
for annotation. Click ‘Import Documents’ to upload. Depending on how many files
you are attempting to download at once, this may take some time. When uploaded,
WebAnno will print a message in yellow with red text at the bottom of the page
reading ‘File ___ has been imported successfully!’.
Importing the Negation layer
1. Navigate to the ‘Layers’ tab. In the ‘Import Layer’ section, click ‘Choose Files’ and
select the layers necessary for annotation. For negation, there will be three. More
than one file can be uploaded at the same time. The order in which they are
uploaded does not matter. Click ‘Import Layer’ to upload.
2. Navigate to the ‘Tagsets’ tab. In the ‘Import Tagsets’ section, make sure the format
is set to JSON, then click ‘Choose Files’ and select the file to upload. For negation
annotation, there will be only one tagset. Click ‘Import Tagset’ to upload.
3. Return to the ‘Layers’ tab. For Negation, select the ‘NEG’ layer. In the ‘Feature
Overview’ section, there should be ‘NEG : String’. *(This section should be
completed automatically by WebAnno, if not, please follow these steps). If not,
select ‘New Feature’. In the menu, give the feature a name. In the ‘type’ drop down
menu, select ‘uima.cas.String’. In the ‘Tagset’ menu, select ‘NEG’.
4. Navigate back to the ‘Home’ page by clicking on ‘home’ under the ‘Project Settings’
5. Click on ‘Annotation’. In the ‘Open’ menu, select the project you are working on and
the comment you wish to annotate. Click ‘Open’. Comments that have been opened
previously will be linked in blue.
6. In ‘Actions’, select the layer you wish to begin annotating on from the ‘Layer’ drop
down menu. For negation, begin with ‘NEG’.
7. To annotate, highlight the desired text then choose the appropriate tag from the
‘NEG’ drop down menu. To annotate relations, click on highlighted and tagged text
and drag to desired SCOPE. To delete a tag, double click the tag on the highlighted
text and click ‘Delete’ in the actions section.
8. To annotate ‘NONE’, simply change the annotation layer.
Importing the Appraisal layer
1. Download Attitude_Layer.json from the lab’s Vault server (under Discourse-
2. Navigate to the ‘Layers’ tab. In the ‘Import Layer’ section, click ‘Choose Files’ and
select Attitude_Layer.json
3. See the Appraisal guidelines for further instructions on using this layer.
Exporting annotations
To export your annotations in the correct format, click the “Export” button in the annotation
Then select the WebAnno TSV3 (WebAnno v3) format from the dropdown menu:
Please rename your file so that your name and the comment number are in it. For example, I
might rename my annotation for comment 1071 “comment1071_luca.tsv”
Importing an existing project
If you have a project that was already annotated with WebAnno, you can import the data. This
is what you need to do if you want to see or modify our existing annotations in WebAnno.
From the Home page, go to Projects. On the left-hand side, you will see a menu for browsing
for a file. The file needs to be a WebAnno zipped project. Select the file from your computer,
and click Import. You will be prompted for a project name.
Please note that if you have modified the contents of the .zip file locally, WebAnno will be
unable to import. Only projects exported directly from WebAnno can then be imported again.
If you have any questions, the WebAnno manual can be accessed at
https://webanno.github.io/webanno/releases/3.2.1/docs/user-guide.html, or you can e-mail.

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