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An Introduction to Electronic
Discovery for the German
Legal Market
An AccessData/reThinkLegal White Paper

American lawyers have found a useful strategy that is gaining increasing acceptance
in Germany: the use of electronic discovery (or “e-discovery”) software in order to
deal with huge amounts of data and to extract relevant information.
“Discovery” is part of the preparation of civil litigation in the U.S. Each litigant is
obligated by law to provide certain data to the other party, which means that hundreds
of thousands of documents are often exchanged. And since most employees now
communicate via email, social media and messenger services, it’s really the
“electronic” in discovery that becomes relevant.
E-discovery software collects, extracts, and organizes the data from all kinds of
servers and devices. The attorney may use e-discovery to redact PII (Personally
Identifiable Information), company secrets and the privileged communication
between employees and the company’s attorney before handing over the data to
the other party. Furthermore, the attorney may review the documents and tag them
as “relevant” or “not relevant” in order to proceed with the relevant documents for
his own work.

No matter which tools an organization uses, at a minimum the
data must be identified, collected, processed for analysis,
internally reviewed and culled, and then processed again.

Even though the obligation to provide certain data to the other party before the
actual litigation is unknown in Germany and other parts of the EU, e-discovery has
vast potential to support the work of German attorneys simply because e-discovery
software is capable of dealing with large amounts of data. These tools organize data
and make it easy to access, not only for litigation matters, but also for antitrust audits,
compliance reviews and forensic investigations.

The E-Discovery Workflow
Traditionally, no matter which tools an organization uses to address electronic discovery, at a minimum the data must be identified,
collected, processed for analysis, internally reviewed and culled, and then that reduced data set must be processed again for import
into to a legal review tool for outside counsel.
Some organizations use three or four different products, one to address each phase. In this case, the data must be processed each
time it moves from one tool to the next—so any analysis, comments and tagging done during the internal review phase are lost when
the data is imported into the legal review product. But many corporations have discovered the benefits of cost-efficiency and risk
management that can be realized by using a single software platform to manage the entire spectrum of evidence collection,
processing, review and production.
A non-profit organization in the U.S. was formed to study and create a model that captures this entire workflow, known as the
Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM). Here is an illustration of that model:

Electronic Discovery Reference Model








Before even entering the realm of EDRM preparedness, an
organization should consider its system management and security
needs. At a minimum, any software the firm purchases should
accommodate flexible user access, including the ability to support
the existing roles and responsibilities of the organization.


• The system’s communication and security protocol must also
be robust and support the organization’s needs and current
configuration. The security feature’s overarching function
should be to prevent unauthorized use of the system or
system components.

Consideration should be given to:


• Workflow steps should be clearly broken out and allow for
tasks to be input into the system without an undue burden
on multiple parties. Further customization to fields within
the user interface should support organization requirements
and changes.


• User roles and access rights should be customizable and not
force the organization to adopt a specific workflow or team


• The solution must provide a rich set of system audit and
logging reports to determine user activity at a specific date
and time. Access to the login feature should be severely
restricted to serve as valid input for establishing chain of
custody, as well as supporting user management activities
by showing who has what access.



The EDRM “Identification” phase includes development of a
plan, as well as determination of sources for potentially relevant
electronic evidence.

The EDRM “Preservation” phase includes data isolation and
notification to appropriate parties that data related to an
upcoming law suit must be preserved.

One of the essential parts of the identification phase is custodian
tracking, because it helps organizations be proactive about
where information resides and facilitates litigation preparedness.
Historical custodian detail should be readily accessible to
understand what other cases/matters a custodian was involved
in and what data was collected in conjunction with that matter.
Commonly stored data will include custodian email, phone
numbers, business unit, case and other pertinent workflow details,
which the system should be able to preserve and organize. Part
of the system’s ability to track custodians should be supported
by structured data connectors, which should integrate between
the system and the firm’s existing programs.

The largest, most important part of the preservation functionality
is the Litigation Hold System. This piece of the software comes
into play the moment litigation is contemplated by the parties
and thus should lay the foundation for a highly organized and
efficient case workflow. Litigation hold functionality should be fully
integrated and not require third-party add-ons. This is because
integration provides the benefit of centralized management of all
custodians and eliminates the complexity and cost of introducing
a distinct system into the IT environment.

The Data Map may be the most crucial part of the Identification
phase because knowing where the data is and its accessibility
level is intrinsic to planning the entire case strategy. Thus the data
mapping functionality should be robust and should include the
ability to record and update potentially relevant data repositories,
such as PCs, email systems, SharePoint®, archiving systems
and other structured data repositories. It is essential that this
functionality be built in so that organizations do not have to
incur the additional expense or complexity of using a third-party
provider. Hand-in-hand with the Data Map is the pre-collection
audit capability, which allows organizations to survey their
information universe before they start the onerous work
of collecting.


• Up-to-the-minute progress tracking of all statuses within
the matter (including custodians and IT specific managers
or data owners)


• Optional workflow approval sequence for attorney or
paralegal review


• Templates and other customization tools to increase


• Distribution and management of attachments and custodian
interview Q&A recording and support


• The system should be able to produce electronic and hard
copy reports for use internally or with external parties

Support for this functionality should include the capability to run
search criteria against a potentially relevant target and provide
results without actually copying the underlying files. The precollection audit option is preferable to solutions that have to pull
data back to index and report on potential search criteria because
it is much faster. This can be a key advantage especially early in
a case or when tight deadlines are approaching. Pre-collection
auditing minimizes system and network impact and eliminates
overhead because it reduces the storage of extraneous data
for early case assessment activities. The importance of the
pre-collection auditing capability should not be understated
because the practice will continue to grow in significance as
organization data grows in size and complexity.

Some essential components of a comprehensive litigation hold
system include:



The EDRM “Collection” phase includes acquisition of potentially
relevant electronically stored information (ESI). Collection should
include the document/file as well as any associated metadata.

The EDRM “Processing” phase typically includes indexing,
itemization and some level of data identification within the
subject data universe.

Collection is a crucial part of the e-discovery process, which
is reflected in the wide spectrum of offerings and definitions in
this area. Many providers offer some level of collection, but few
have years of experience and a solid track record of delivering
defensible results. Collection and Processing capabilities should
be heavily scrutinized to separate inflated marketing spin from the
real thing. Organizations should take particular care to test and
ensure data is not being dropped or missed (open files and email,
system files, large files, etc.) during collection.

The processing phase is the real workhorse of the e-discovery
lifecycle. Within this phase, all data that was collected previously
gets extracted and turned into information that can be culled
down for greater relevance and read by review platforms in the
next phase. As such, speed and accuracy are at a premium and
a great deal of marketing dollars has been spent on claims related
to data processing speeds (e.g., TB/day). The reality is that most
of these claims are made using state of the art hardware platforms
(prior to any licensing fees). The ideal software solution should be
one that can easily and affordably scale using existing hardware to
achieve processing speeds of terabytes per day.

While certainly not a requirement, forensic data collection
inherently achieves a degree of defensibility not available in a
non-forensic collection. Forensic collection has other advantages
as well as heightened defensibility, including the ability to audit
the collection and the ability to collect deleted files. No longer
solely the domain of law enforcement, forensic collection is
rapidly becoming understood and sought by opposing counsel
and the courts. The organization that chooses a tool with forensic
collection capability not only chooses the strongest level of
collection stability, but puts itself at the front of a developing
trend. Whether the chosen solution offers a forensic collection
capability or not, the collection solution must have a certain set
of functionality in order to be minimally acceptable. Organizations
should review and ensure their software tool has the ability to
collect open files or files currently in use. Tools that fail to meet
this critical criteria fall short of being legally defensible and leave
organizations open to charges of incomplete preservation.
Also important, since most organizations have many potential
custodians located offsite and outside the corporate network, is
the ability to collect from employee laptops that are not logged
in to the corporate network.

As always, the best advice is to run a thorough POC (proof
of concept) with your own exemplary data set and a full
understanding of the service level objectives within your company.
The single criterion that carries the most variance across
e-discovery vendors is processing diligence (accuracy), meaning
the thoroughness and accuracy of the processing tool. Because
processing happens “under the hood,” data can easily go missed
and undetected or unreported to end users.
Other key capabilities for your e-discovery software solution

• Integrated Optical Character Recognition (OCR); the ability
to extract text from document images or PDFs so that it can
be searched in subsequent e-discovery phases.


• The program should be able to perform full text extraction
from electronic documents and email to facilitate the same.


• The application should support a full range of document
deduplication (identification of exact duplicates) options and
should flag and optionally remove duplicates, then generate
reports showing which documents/emails are duplicates with
associated counts.

The EDRM “Analysis” phase includes evaluating the collected and
processed data to determine overarching information about key
case topics, players and documents. For the purposes of this guide
“Analysis” is synonymous with Early Case Assessment and Early
Data Assessment.
The Analysis or Early Case Assessment (“ECA”) phase of the
e-discovery process entails taking the large and unorganized set
of data from the processing phase to determine what type of case
you have and whether you should go forward with the discovery
process or look at settling. For this reason, analysis tools support
the functions of categorizing, refining and bucketing data. The
most well-known function is keyword searches and culling. All
software applications and support processes should have an
efficient and effective method for using keywords to analyze and
reduce the subject corpus of data down to a manageable subset.
In addition, your software and workflow should include the
following: in-document hit highlighting, keyword counts and
summaries; data and evidence bookmarking at the global and
case level to support categorization and organization; predefined
“buckets” and document categorization, which allow the user to
apply broad filters, such as file type or a date range to the data
set; threaded view of email is also intrinsic to a quick and holistic
analysis of the data; and comprehensive support for most legal
review tools.
Finally, analysis and reporting in the ECA/EDA phase should be
able to quantify and present which documents did and did not
meet search criteria. These reports and metrics are critical input
to further development of overall case strategy and can influence
whether or not the user performs additional collections. Reporting
can also help to quickly determine if chronological or conceptual
gaps exist in the current data set.

The EDRM “Review” phase focuses on sub-categorizing
documents to identify relevant facts, further refine case strategy,
and reduce risk to the client. Review is generally conducted by an
attorney or other skilled practitioner.
The EDRM Review phase is the stage where documents
receive the most scrutiny by the most highly trained (legally,
not technically) users. Therefore, clarity and ease of use are
extremely important, as these practitioners need to spend more
time on legal analysis and less time on mastering software. To be
ideal, the technology system you deploy must give a very detailed
picture into the evidence and individual documents, yet be
extremely intuitive.
Many successful systems employ a multiple-tier user interface
that can accommodate both novice users and those needing
advanced functionality. This helps to solve the business problem
of requiring clarity and ease of use with the ability to support all
case needs completely within a single tool. The multi-tiered user
offering should be administered via granular security permissions
and grouping structures that allow case managers to be flexible
in creating review hierarchies and strategies. These permissions
should be easily configured at any point in the review cycle
and should include the ability to restrict or allow access to all
software functionality.
Some of the basic components review software should offer
include the following:

• Large and clear document viewer that can be undocked
to move to a split screen


• Flexible review screen allowing the user to design an optimal
viewing area with document summary


• Image and tagging view; a near-native document viewer that
allows the user to view multiple (preferably hundreds of) file
types without requiring installation of the native application,
thereby speeding review time and significantly reducing cost
and installation complexity


• Bulk tagging/coding of document groups and document

It’s also important for your technology tools to provide Unicode
support to enable viewing and searching of foreign languages.
Your litigation support team should be prepared to use redaction
and document marking support, including text overlay, as well as
custom color schemes. Redactions should appear transparent
when performing review but be optionally “burned-in” at time of
production so your team can review the underlying text without
disclosing it at production.

The EDRM “Production” phase encompasses export and
exchange of electronically stored information in response
to a production request between parties.
Production completes the arc of the e-discovery process, but
includes much more than just printing documents out of a review
platform and attaching a privilege log. Today’s productions come
in many formats and some may never see paper. Therefore,
an organization’s production capability has to be capable of
handling not only the traditional production duties of redacting,
printing and numbering, but be able to produce data in its many
formats and load file iterations. The production workflow should
also be flexible and allow for the creation of empty production
set “buckets” to which documents can be added or from which
documents can be removed as case objectives change.
While production is not quite synonymous with export, the way
data gets out of a system is still an intrinsic part of the production
process. Data should be available to export from the system in
various formats, including load files, native files, images or forensic
containers (supports portability or in cases of criminal matters).
Exporting data should not incur an additional expense/fee or
require the use of a third-party application.

Since the European legal world is far from giving up paper,
production features for the classic method should be strong.
An application should include the ability to burn in redactions,
mark-ups and stamps and to Bates number productions
sequentially. The stamping/Bates number functionality should
include header or footer placement, a prefix option and a
starting sequence and padding. The option to start numbering
from a previous production set must be included for proper
data management.
Along with supporting the output of documents from the system,
a good product will also give the user ways to manage and track
productions throughout the life of the case. For example, load
file volume and document options support should be included for
any number of foldering options to support work with an outside
vendor upstream or downstream of the production phase. Also,
custom data columns should be present in the case database to
assist in meeting the needs of existing processing systems, outside
counsel and partners.

The use of e-discovery software is common among American lawyers as it’s the only realistic way to comply with American litigation
rules when trying to deal with huge amounts of data and to extract relevant information. However, this same technology has huge
potential in Germany and other EU countries as a way to make it easier to organize and access data involved in key legal functions
such as antitrust reviews, compliance audits and forensic investigations.

AccessData Group has pioneered digital forensics and e-discovery software development for more than 25 years. Over that time, the company
has grown to provide both stand-alone and enterprise-class solutions that can synergistically work together to enable both criminal and civil
e-discovery of any kind, including digital investigations, computer forensics, legal review, compliance, auditing and information assurance. More
than 130,000 customers in law enforcement, government agencies, corporations and law firms around the world rely on AccessData® software
solutions, and its premier digital investigations products and services. AccessData Group is also a leading provider of digital forensics training and
certification, with its AccessData Certified Examiner® (ACE®) and Mobile Phone Examiner Certification AME programs. For more information,
please go to www.accessdata.com.
The team behind reThinkLegal has been working together since 2005. Their mission is the optimization of legal working processes. With the
newest IT applications, legal expertise and professional project management, reThinkLegal is a full service provider to legal and compliance
departments, law firms and agencies.Their way of operating is not only characterized by the team’s legal background, but also by their
economic understanding. For more information, please go to www.rethinklegal.de.
©2015 AccessData Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AccessData, AccessData Certified Examiner and ACE are registered trademarks owned by AccessData in the United States and other jurisdictions
and may not be used without prior written permission. All other marks and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners. 122015

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