Bea Web Service Api User Guide

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BEA API for Data Retrieval
User Guide
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) publishes economic statistics in a variety of formats. This document
describes the BEA Data Retrieval Application Programming Interface (API) – including detailed instructions
for retrieving data and meta-data published by BEA. The API is intended to provide programmatic access to
published economic statistics using industry-standard methods and procedures. The intended audience of this
document is programmers who are familiar with the concepts and techniques of retrieving data from Web
The BEA API includes methods for retrieving a subset of BEA statistical data, and meta-data that describes it.
As additional datasets are added, the meta-data retrieval methods can be used to discover the current data
accessible through the API.
Access to the BEA API
The API is available to registered users on the BEA public web site. Before using the API, users must obtain a
unique 36-character UserID by registering at . To register, API users must
provide their name (or organization name), a valid email address, and agree to the published terms of service.
After completing the registration form an email is sent containing the assigned UserID, and a link that
completes the registration process. Assigned UserIDs are activated when the link has been clicked.
The URI1 of the API is: All API access is through this URI; no other paths are
used. Data is retrieved by sending an HTTP GET to the URI with appropriate (querystring) parameters
supplied. The minimum parameters for every request include the UserID and the name of the method being
invoked. For example:
would retrieve a list of the datasets currently offered by the BEA API (if the UserID was valid it’s not).
Statistical data offered by the API is organized into defined “Datasets”. An API data retrieval request always
specifies one dataset by name. Each dataset has a number of defined parameters, and each parameter has a
defined set of valid values. There are three API methods that return meta-data about the API – corresponding to
datasets, parameters, and valid parameter values. There is one method that returns data.
1 Uniform Resource Identifier
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JavaScript Usage
While the API may be used from any language capable of issuing HTTP requests (Java, PHP, Perl, Python, C,
etc.), two features are supported that allow JavaScript to issue requests without violating same-origin security
checks - CORS and JSONP.
If you're writing a browser-based web application for modern web browsers with support for CORS then you
may simply use an XMLHttpRequest as usual, without any changes. All HTTP responses generated by the API
will include the necessary CORS headers.
If you're writing a browser-based web application for legacy browsers without support for CORS then your
request URL query string may include a jsonp argument. If present, this prefix will be wrapped around the
response, allowing you to capture the result of the query.
For example:
Data Return Format
The API returns data in one of two formats: JSON2 or XML3. The optional ResultFormat parameter can be
included on any request to specify the format of the results. If ResultFormat is not supplied on the request, or
an invalid ResultFormat is specified, the default format returned is JSON.
The valid values for ResultFormat are “JSON” and “XML”. For example, the following request would return a
list of the available datasets in XML format:
This request would return a list of the available datasets in JSON format:
The data returned from the API always has the following basic structure, with some additional structure
depending on the data requested:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GETDATASETLIST" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
<Dataset DatasetName="RegionalData" DatasetDescription="Retrieves various Regional datasets" />
<Dataset DatasetName="NIPA" DatasetDescription="Standard NIPA tables" />
In XML form, the root node is always <BEAAPI>, followed by the child node <Request>. The <Request> node
contains <RequestParam> children that echo the parameters passed in the request. The root node, <BEAAPI>,
then has another child node, <Results>, containing the results of the request. The Results content is different
2 Java Script Object Notation
3 Extensible Markup Language
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depending on the method and parameters passed. In this example, the result of the GetDatasetList method is
shown to be a simple list of Dataset names and descriptions.
In JSON form, the example above returns data as follows (white-space and indentation added for clarity):
"DatasetDescription":"Retrieves various Regional datasets"
"DatasetDescription":"Standard NIPA tables"
Error Return Format
When invalid values are supplied for parameters in a request, or required parameters are missing, the results
contain an error message for example:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GETDATASETLIST" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
<Error APIErrorCode="3" APIErrorDescription="The BEA API UserID provided in the request does not exist." />
Meta-Data API Methods
The API contains three methods for retrieving meta-data as follows:
GetDataSetListretrieves a list of the datasets currently offered.
Required Parameters: UserID, Method
Optional Parameters: ResultFormat
Result: Dataset node with DatasetName and DatasetDescription attributes.
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Example Request:
Example Return:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GETDATASETLIST" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
<Dataset DatasetName="RegionalData" DatasetDescription="Retrieves various Regional datasets" />
<Dataset DatasetName="NIPA" DatasetDescription="Standard NIPA tables" />
GetParameterListretrieves a list of the parameters (required and optional) for a particular dataset.
Required Parameters: UserID, Method, DatasetName
Optional Parameters: ResultFormat
Result: Parameter node with attributes:
ParameterNamethe name of the parameter as used in a data request
ParameterDataTypeString or Integer
ParameterDescriptiona description of the parameter
ParameterIsRequired0 if the parameter can be omitted from a request, 1 if required
ParameterDefaultValue the default value used for the request if the parameter is not supplied
MultipleAcceptedFlag 0 if the parameter may only have a single value, 1 if multiple values are
permitted. Note that multiple values for a parameter are submitted as a comma-separated string.
AllValue the special value for a parameter that means all valid values are used without supplying them
Example Request:
Example Return:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GetParameterList" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="RegionalData" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
<Parameter ParameterName="KeyCode" ParameterDataType="string" ParameterDescription="The code of the key statistic requested" ParameterIsRequiredFlag="1"
ParameterDefaultValue="" MultipleAcceptedFlag="0" AllValue="" />
<Parameter ParameterName="GeoFips" ParameterDataType="string" ParameterDescription="GeoFips Code" ParameterIsRequiredFlag="0" ParameterDefaultValue="STATE"
MultipleAcceptedFlag="1" AllValue="" />
<Parameter ParameterName="Year" ParameterDataType="integer" ParameterDescription="Year" ParameterIsRequiredFlag="0" ParameterDefaultValue="ALL" MultipleAcceptedFlag="1"
AllValue="ALL" />
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In this example, the parameters for the “RegionalData” dataset are being requested. The results indicate that the
dataset has three parameters: KeyCode, GeoFIPS, and Year.
KeyCode is a string typed parameter that would be used to specify which statistic is being requested. We can’t
tell from this what the valid KeyCodes are, but we can see that it is required (and therefore has no default
value), and that multiple values are not allowed (and therefore there is no special “all” value).
GeoFIPS is a string typed parameter described as the GeoFIPS code. GeoFIPS is not required, and if it is not
supplied, the default value used is “STATE”. Multiple values are accepted, and there not a special value
meaning “all”.
Year is an integer typed parameter described as “Year”. It is not required in a request, and if is not included, the
default value used is “ALL”. Because this is also the AllValue value, the effect of not including the parameter
in a request would be to default to all available years.
GetParameterValuesretrieves a list of the valid values for a particular parameter.
Required Parameters: UserID, Method, DatasetName, ParameterName
Optional Parameters: ResultFormat
Result: ParamValue node with attributes that contain the actual permissible values (and usually a description of
the value).
Example Request:
Example Return:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GetParameterValues" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="RegionalData" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ParameterName" ParameterValue="KeyCode" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="GDP_SP" Description="Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (state annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="RGDP_SP" Description="Real GDP (state annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCRGDP_SP" Description="Per capita Real GDP (state annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="COMP_SP" Description="Compensation of Employees (state annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="TOPILS_SP" Description="Taxes on Production and Imports less Subsidies (state annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="GOS_SP" Description="Gross Operating Surplus (state annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="SUBS_SP" Description="Subsidies (state annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="TOPI_SP" Description="Taxes on Production and Imports (state annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="GDP_MP" Description="Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (MSA annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="RGDP_MP" Description="Real GDP (MSA annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCRGDP_MP" Description="Per capita Real GDP (MSA annual product)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="TPI_SI" Description="Total Personal Income (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="POP_SI" Description="Population (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCPI_SI" Description="Per Capita personal income (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="NFPI_SI" Description="Nonfarm personal income (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="FPI_SI" Description="Farm income (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="EARN_SI" Description="Earnings by place of work (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="CGSI_SI" Description="Contributions for government social insurance (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="NE_SI" Description="Net Earnings by place of residence (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="DIR_SI" Description="Dividends, interest, and rent (state annual income)" />
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<ParamValue KeyCode="PCTR_SI" Description="Personal current transfer receipts (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="WS_SI" Description="Wages and salaries (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="SUPP_SI" Description="Supplements to wages and salaries (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PROP_SI" Description="Proprietors Income (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="EMP000_SI" Description="Total Employment (full and part time) (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="EMP100_SI" Description="Wage and salary employment (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="EMP200_SI" Description="Proprietors employment (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PJEARN_SI" Description="Average earnings per job (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PJWS_SI" Description="Average wage per job (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PJCOMP_SI" Description="Average compensation per job (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="DPI_SI" Description="Disposable personal income (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCDPI_SI" Description="Per capita disposable personal income (dollars) (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="TPI_CI" Description="Total Personal Income (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="POP_CI" Description="Population (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCPI_CI" Description="Per Capita personal income (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="NFPI_CI" Description="Nonfarm personal income (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="FPI_CI" Description="Farm income (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="EARN_CI" Description="Earnings by place of work (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="CGSI_CI" Description="Contributions for government social insurance (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="NE_CI" Description="Net Earnings by place of residence (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="DIR_CI" Description="Dividends, interest, and rent (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCTR_CI" Description="Personal current transfer receipts (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="WS_CI" Description="Wages and salaries (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="SUPP_CI" Description="Supplements to wages and salaries (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PROP_CI" Description="Proprietors' Income (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="TPI_MI" Description="Total Personal Income (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="POP_MI" Description="Population (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCPI_MI" Description="Per Capita personal income (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="NFPI_MI" Description="Nonfarm personal income (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="FPI_MI" Description="Farm income (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="EARN_MI" Description="Earnings by place of work (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="CGSI_MI" Description="Contributions for government social insurance (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="NE_MI" Description="Net Earnings by place of residence (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="DIR_MI" Description="Dividends, interest, and rent (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCTR_MI" Description="Personal current transfer receipts (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="WS_MI" Description="Wages and salaries (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="SUPP_MI" Description="Supplements to wages and salaries (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PROP_MI" Description="Proprietors Income (MSA annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="TPI_QI" Description="Total Personal Income (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="NFPI_QI" Description="Nonfarm personal income (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="FPI_QI" Description="Farm income (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="EARN_QI" Description="Earnings by place of work (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="CGSI_QI" Description="Contributions for government social insurance (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="AR_CI" Description="Adjustment for residence (county annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="AR_QI" Description="Adjustment for residence (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="AR_SI" Description="Adjustment for residence (state annual income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="NE_QI" Description="Net Earnings by place of residence (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="DIR_QI" Description="Dividends, interest, and rent (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PCTR_QI" Description="Personal current transfer receipts (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="WS_QI" Description="Wages and salaries (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="SUPP_QI" Description="Supplements to wages and salaries (state quarterly income)" />
<ParamValue KeyCode="PROP_QI" Description="Proprietors Income (state quarterly income)" />
To summarize, the API includes three methods that retrieve meta-data about the statistics that are available: GetDatasetList, GetParameterList, and
Data Retrieval API Method
The API has one method for retrieving data – GetData.
Every data retrieval request requires the UserID, Method, and DatasetName parameters. Each dataset has a
defined set of parameters – some required and others optional. Each dataset returns different results that are
documented in appendices to this document.
Required Parameters: UserID, Method, DatasetName, additional required parameters (depending on the
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Optional Parameters: ResultFormat, additional optional parameters (depending on the dataset)
Result: Dimensions nodes with attributes:
Ordinal – ordinal number indicating a standardized order of returned dimensions – note that attributes in
returned data are not guaranteed to be in any particular order. Programmatic usage of attributes should
refer to them by name.
NameThe Name of each data dimension returned
DataTypestring or numeric – whether the data dimension is purely numeric or should be treated as
string data
IsValue – most datasets have one dimension that represents the statistic of interest, and the other
dimensions are descriptive of the statistic. IsValue = 1 for the data dimension that is the statistic of
interest, otherwise 0. The statistic of interest is usually numeric so that it can be summarized or
aggregated based on the descriptive dimension values.
Each Dataset contains different dimensions. There are a few pre-defined dimensions that are common to most
Datasets, including:
CL_UNIT – a descriptor of the units reported for the data value (e.g. USD for U.S. dollars, and PC for
UNIT_MULT – a descriptor of the multiplier that applies to the data value. This value is the base-10
exponent that should be applied to the data value (e.g. amounts reported in millions would have a
UNIT_MULT of 6; amounts reported in billions would have a UNIT_MULT of 9).
The specific meaning of each dimension is described in the Appendix for each dataset.
The result then includes Data nodes containing the actual results specified in the parameters. Each Data node
contains one attribute for each data dimension (specified in the Dimensions nodes).
Finally, the result may include Note nodes. Notes (as in footnotes) further describe or qualify any of the other
nodes in the result (or the result node itself). A result node qualified by a Note has an attribute named NoteRef.
If a result node includes the NoteRef attribute, the value for it will always be present among the Notes nodes.
Example Request:
In this example, the GetData method is used to return the dataset named RegionalData. The KeyCode
parameter is used to request statistic for “Per Capita personal income (county annual income)” – as shown in the
ParameterList meta-data above. The GeoFIPS parameter value is “STATE” meaning the data for all states is
requested. Finally, a single year’s data is requested – 2009.
Note that the GeoFIPS parameter could have been “COUNTY” for all counties, or a list of individual state or
county GeoFIPS codes. Also, multiple years could have been requested by providing them in a comma-
separated list.
Example Return:
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<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GetData" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="RegionalData" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="KeyCode" ParameterValue="PCPI_CI" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="GeoFIPS" ParameterValue="STATE" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="Year" ParameterValue="2009" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
<Results Statistic="Per capita personal income" UnitOfMeasure="dollars" PublicTable="CA1-3 Personal income summary" UTCProductionTime="Apr 16 2013 11:16AM" NoteRef="2">
<Dimensions Ordinal="1" Name="GeoFips" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="2" Name="GeoName" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="3" Name="Code" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="4" Name="TimePeriod" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="5" Name="CL_UNIT" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="6" Name="UNIT_MULT" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="7" Name="DataValue" DataType="numeric" IsValue="1" />
<Data GeoFips="00000" GeoName="United States" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="38637" />
<Data GeoFips="01000" GeoName="Alabama" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="32406" />
<Data GeoFips="02000" GeoName="Alaska" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="42713" NoteRef="*" />
<Data GeoFips="04000" GeoName="Arizona" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="33560" NoteRef="*" />
<Data GeoFips="05000" GeoName="Arkansas" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="31688" />
<Data GeoFips="06000" GeoName="California" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="41034" />
<Data GeoFips="08000" GeoName="Colorado" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="41154" NoteRef="*" />
<Data GeoFips="09000" GeoName="Connecticut" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="52900" />
<Data GeoFips="10000" GeoName="Delaware" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="38695" />
<Data GeoFips="11000" GeoName="District of Columbia" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="68093" />
<Data GeoFips="12000" GeoName="Florida" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="36849" />
<Data GeoFips="13000" GeoName="Georgia" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="33887" />
<Data GeoFips="15000" GeoName="Hawaii" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="40242" />
<Data GeoFips="16000" GeoName="Idaho" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="30809" />
<Data GeoFips="17000" GeoName="Illinois" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="40865" />
<Data GeoFips="18000" GeoName="Indiana" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="33163" />
<Data GeoFips="19000" GeoName="Iowa" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="36977" />
<Data GeoFips="20000" GeoName="Kansas" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="37988" />
<Data GeoFips="21000" GeoName="Kentucky" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="31754" />
<Data GeoFips="22000" GeoName="Louisiana" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="36062" />
<Data GeoFips="23000" GeoName="Maine" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="35981" />
<Data GeoFips="24000" GeoName="Maryland" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="47419" />
<Data GeoFips="25000" GeoName="Massachusetts" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="49578" />
<Data GeoFips="26000" GeoName="Michigan" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="33221" />
<Data GeoFips="27000" GeoName="Minnesota" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="40950" />
<Data GeoFips="28000" GeoName="Mississippi" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="30013" />
<Data GeoFips="29000" GeoName="Missouri" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="35837" />
<Data GeoFips="30000" GeoName="Montana" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="33364" />
<Data GeoFips="31000" GeoName="Nebraska" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="38438" />
<Data GeoFips="32000" GeoName="Nevada" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="35919" />
<Data GeoFips="33000" GeoName="New Hampshire" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="42418" />
<Data GeoFips="34000" GeoName="New Jersey" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="49221" />
<Data GeoFips="35000" GeoName="New Mexico" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="32200" NoteRef="*" />
<Data GeoFips="36000" GeoName="New York" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="46739" />
<Data GeoFips="37000" GeoName="North Carolina" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="34001" />
<Data GeoFips="38000" GeoName="North Dakota" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="39372" />
<Data GeoFips="39000" GeoName="Ohio" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="35001" />
<Data GeoFips="40000" GeoName="Oklahoma" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="34082" />
<Data GeoFips="41000" GeoName="Oregon" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="35159" />
<Data GeoFips="42000" GeoName="Pennsylvania" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="39210" />
<Data GeoFips="44000" GeoName="Rhode Island" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="40460" />
<Data GeoFips="45000" GeoName="South Carolina" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="31448" />
<Data GeoFips="46000" GeoName="South Dakota" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="38147" />
<Data GeoFips="47000" GeoName="Tennessee" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="33711" />
<Data GeoFips="48000" GeoName="Texas" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="36595" />
<Data GeoFips="49000" GeoName="Utah" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="31778" />
<Data GeoFips="50000" GeoName="Vermont" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="38530" />
<Data GeoFips="51000" GeoName="Virginia" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="42929" NoteRef="*" />
<Data GeoFips="53000" GeoName="Washington" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="41504" />
<Data GeoFips="54000" GeoName="West Virginia" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="30968" />
<Data GeoFips="55000" GeoName="Wisconsin" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="36859" NoteRef="*" />
<Data GeoFips="56000" GeoName="Wyoming" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="42828" />
<Data GeoFips="91000" GeoName="New England" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="47344" />
<Data GeoFips="92000" GeoName="Mideast" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="45398" />
<Data GeoFips="93000" GeoName="Great Lakes" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="36211" />
<Data GeoFips="94000" GeoName="Plains" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="38068" />
<Data GeoFips="95000" GeoName="Southeast" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="34992" />
<Data GeoFips="96000" GeoName="Southwest" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="35578" />
<Data GeoFips="97000" GeoName="Rocky Mountain" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="36675" />
<Data GeoFips="98000" GeoName="Far West" Code="PCPI_CI" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="40404" />
<Notes NoteRef="2" NoteText="Per capita personal income was computed using Census Bureau midyear population estimates. Estimates for 2000-2011 reflect county population
estimates available as of April 2012." />
<Notes NoteRef="*" NoteText="Cibola, NM was separated from Valencia in June 1981, but in these estimates, Valencia includes Cibola through the end of 1981." />
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<Notes NoteRef="*" NoteText="La Paz County, AZ was separated from Yuma County on January 1, 1983. The Yuma, AZ MSA contains the area that became La Paz County, AZ through 1982
and excludes it beginning with 1983." />
<Notes NoteRef="*" NoteText="Shawano, WI and Menominee, WI are combined as Shawano (incl. Menominee), WI for the years prior to 1989." />
<Notes NoteRef="*" NoteText="Broomfield County, CO, was created from parts of Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, and Weld counties effective November 15, 2001. Estimates for Broomfield
county begin with 2002." />
<Notes NoteRef="*" NoteText="Estimates for 1979 forward reflect Alaska Census Areas as defined by the Census Bureau; those for prior years reflect Alaska Census Divisions as defined in
the 1970 Decennial Census. Estimates from 1988 forward separate Aleutian Islands Census Area into Aleutians East Borough and Aleutians West Census Area. Estimates for 1991 forward
separate Denali Borough from Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area and Lake and Peninsula Borough from Dillingham Census Area. Estimates from 1993 forward separate Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon
Census Area into Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area and Yakutat Borough. Estimates from 2008 forward separate Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area into Skagway Borough and
Hoonah-Angoon Census Area. Estimates from 2009 forward separate Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area into Petersburg Census Area and Wrangell City and Borough. In addition, a part of the
Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area was annexed by Ketchikan Gateway Borough and part (Meyers Chuck Area) was included in the new Wrangell City and Borough. The remainder
of the Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area was renamed Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area." />
<Notes NoteRef="*" NoteText="Virginia combination areas consist of one or two independent cities with 1980 populations of less than 100,000 combined with an adjacent county. The
county name appears first, followed by the city name(s). Separate estimates for the jurisdictions making up the combination area are not available." />
<Notes NoteRef="Note--" NoteText="All state and local area dollar estimates are in current dollars (not adjusted for inflation)." />
<Notes NoteRef=" " NoteText="Last updated: November 26, 2012 - new estimates for 2011; revised estimates for 2009-2010." />
In this example the Result node contains a NoteRef attribute having the value “2”, and there is a Notes node
having the NoteRef value of “2”. This should be interpreted as meaning that the NoteText attribute for that
Notes node applies to the whole result.
There are also several Data nodes having a NoteRef attribute with the value “*”, and there are several Notes
nodes having the matching NoteRef attribute (“*”). This should be interpreted to mean that the Notes nodes
having NoteRef = “*” apply as a group to the corresponding Data nodes.
DataSet Documentation
BEA expects to publish several API Datasets containing a variety of economic statistics. The Datasets that are
currently available are each documented separately as appendices here.
10 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Appendix A RegionalData (statistics by state, county, and MSA)
The RegionalData dataset contains estimates from the Regional Economic Accounts. These include estimates of
GDP by state and metropolitan area; estimates of personal income and employment by state, metropolitan area,
and county; and regional price parities by state and MSA.
RegionalData Request Parameters
Parameter Name Type Description Required
value Default
KeyCode String
The code for the
statistic requested
Yes No
GeoFips String The state, county or
MSA code No Yes
Year String Year requested No Yes ALL
Examples of RegionalData Requests
Personal income for 2011 and 2012 for all counties, in JSON format
Real GDP for all years, all states, in XML format
API Call [GETPARAMETERVALUES] to Obtain a List of Available Values & Descriptions for
Each Parameter
[Details of each are described in the section below.]
Parameter Name
Parameter Value List
11 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Summary of available data
Statistics newly available to the API are highlighted
KeyCode Classification Statistic BeginYear
GDP_SP state annual product GDP in current dollars 1997
RGDP_SP state annual product Real GDP in chained dollars 1997
PCRGDP_SP state annual product Per capita real GDP 1997
COMP_SP state annual product Compensation of employees 1997
TOPILS_SP state annual product Taxes on production and
imports less subsidies 1997
GOS_SP state annual product Gross operating surplus 1997
SUBS_SP state annual product Subsidies 1997
TOPI_SP state annual product Taxes on production and
imports 1997
GDP_MP MSA annual product GDP in current dollars 2001
RGDP_MP MSA annual product Real GDP in chained dollars 2001
PCRGDP_MP MSA annual product Per capita real GDP 2001
TPI_SI state annual income Total personal income 1929
12 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
state annual income
state annual income
Per capita personal income
state annual income
Nonfarm personal income
state annual income
Farm income
state annual income
Earnings by place of work
CGSI_SI state annual income
Contributions for government
social insurance
state annual income
Adjustment for residence
NE_SI state annual income
Net earnings by place of
DIR_SI state annual income Dividends, interest, and rent 1929
PCTR_SI state annual income
Personal current transfer
WS_SI state annual income Wages and salaries 1929
SUPP_SI state annual income
Supplements to wages and
PROP_SI state annual income Proprietors’ Income 1929
EMP000_SI state annual income
Total employment (full and
part time)
state annual income
Wage and salary employment
state annual income
Proprietors’ employment
state annual income
Average earnings per job
state annual income
Average wage per job
state annual income
Average compensation per job
DPI_SI state annual income Disposable personal income 1948
PCDPI_SI state annual income
Per capita disposable personal
income (dollars)
state annual income
Per capita net earnings
PCTRAN_SI state annual income
Per capita personal current
transfer receipts
PCINCMAIN_SI state annual income
Per capita income
PCUNIC_SI state annual income
Per capita unemployment
insurance compensation
PCRET_SI state annual income
Per capita retirement and
PCDIR_SI state annual income
Per capita dividends, interest,
and rent
TPI_CI county annual income Total personal income 1969
POP_CI county annual income Population 1969
13 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
county annual income
Per capita personal income
county annual income
Nonfarm personal income
county annual income
Farm income
county annual income
Earnings by place of work
CGSI_CI county annual income
Contributions for government
social insurance
county annual income
Adjustment for residence
NE_CI county annual income
Net earnings by place of
DIR_CI county annual income Dividends, interest, and rent 1969
PCTR_CI county annual income
Personal current transfer
WS_CI county annual income Wages and salaries 1969
SUPP_CI county annual income
Supplements to wages and
county annual income
Proprietors' Income
EMP000_CI county annual income
Total employment (full and
part time)
county annual income Wage and salary employment 1969
county annual income
Proprietors’ employment
county annual income
Average earnings per job
county annual income
Average wage per job
county annual income
Average compensation per job
county annual income
Per capita net earnings
PCTRAN_CI county annual income
Per capita personal current
transfer receipts
PCINCMAIN_CI county annual income
Per capita income
PCUNIC_CI county annual income
Per capita unemployment
insurance compensation
PCRET_CI county annual income
Per capita retirement and
PCDIR_CI county annual income
Per capita dividends, interest,
and rent
TPI_MI MSA annual income Total personal income 1969
POP_MI MSA annual income Population 1969
PCPI_MI MSA annual income Per capita personal income 1969
MSA annual income Nonfarm personal income 1969
MSA annual income
Farm income
MSA annual income
Earnings by place of work
14 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
CGSI_MI MSA annual income
Contributions for government
social insurance
AR_MI MSA annual income Adjustment for residence 1969
NE_MI MSA annual income
Net earnings by place of
DIR_MI MSA annual income Dividends, interest, and rent 1969
PCTR_MI MSA annual income
Personal current transfer
MSA annual income
Wages and salaries
SUPP_MI MSA annual income
Supplements to wages and
MSA annual income
Proprietors’ income
EMP000_MI MSA annual income
Total employment (full and
part time)
EMP100_MI MSA annual income Wage and salary employment 1969
EMP200_MI MSA annual income Proprietors’ employment 1969
PJEARN_MI MSA annual income Average earnings per job 1969
MSA annual income Average wage per job 1969
MSA annual income Average compensation per job 2001
MSA annual income
Per capita net earnings
PCTRAN_MI MSA annual income
Per capita personal current
transfer receipts
PCINCMAIN_MI MSA annual income
Per capita income
PCUNIC_MI MSA annual income
Per capita unemployment
insurance compensation
PCRET_MI MSA annual income
Per capita retirement and
PCDIR_MI MSA annual income
Per capita dividends, interest,
and rent
TPI_QI state quarterly income Total personal income 1948
NFPI_QI state quarterly income Nonfarm personal income 1948
FPI_QI state quarterly income Farm income 1948
EARN_QI state quarterly income Earnings by place of work 1948
CGSI_QI state quarterly income
Contributions for government
social insurance
AR_QI state quarterly income Adjustment for residence 1948
NE_QI state quarterly income
Net earnings by place of
state quarterly income
Dividends, interest, and rent
state quarterly income
Personal current transfer
15 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
state quarterly income
Wages and salaries
SUPP_QI state quarterly income
Supplements to wages and
PROP_QI state quarterly income Proprietors’ income 1948
state regional price parities
Real personal income
RPCPI_SI state regional price parities
Per capita real personal
RPPIPD_SI state regional price parities Implicit regional price deflator 2008
RPPALL_SI state regional price parities RPPs: All items 2008
RPPGOODS_SI state regional price parities RPPs: Goods 2008
RPPRENTS_SI state regional price parities RPPs: Services: Rents 2008
RPPOTHER_SI state regional price parities RPPs: Services: Other 2008
MSA regional price parities
Real personal income
RPCPI_MI MSA regional price parities
Per capita real personal
RPPIPD_MI MSA regional price parities Implicit regional price deflator 2008
RPPALL_MI MSA regional price parities RPPs: All items 2008
RPPGOODS_MI MSA regional price parities RPPs: Goods 2008
RPPRENTS_MI MSA regional price parities RPPs: Services: Rents 2008
MSA regional price parities
RPPs: Services: Other
Parameter Details
KeyCode parameter(required, single value)
KeyCode specifies a statistic drawn from the regional income and product accounts public tables. Exactly one
KeyCode must be provided.
GeoFips parameter(optional, multiple value)
GeoFips specifies geography. It can be all states (STATE), all counties (COUNTY), or all MSAs (MSA). It can
also be a list of ANSI state-county codes or metropolitan statistical area codes. For example, the counties in
Connecticut and Delaware
GeoFips will default to all states, counties, or MSAs, if not specified. State, county, and metropolitan statistical
area FIPS codes can be obtained from Census at A
16 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
comprehensive list of MSAs and their component counties can be accessed here
Year parameter(optional, multiple value)
Year is either a list of years, or ALL. Year will default to all available years if the parameter is not specified.
An invalid KeyCode will result in an error code of 99, unknown error.
An invalid GeoFips or Year will result in an error code of 101, no data returned.
Additional information
Explanation of the estimates, including a schedule of the release of new regional data, can be found in the
regional section of our website: Definitions of the estimates can be accessed at our
glossary of regional definitions, at Regional Product and Income
Methodologies can be found at
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Appendix B NIPA (National Income and Product Accounts)
The NIPA dataset contains data from the standard set of NIPA tables as published in the Survey of Current
Business. Availability of updated NIPA data follows the BEA News Release schedule as posted on the BEA
web site. The NIPA dataset may be unavailable for a few minutes preceding the monthly GDP release while
data is being updated (as it is for all other methods of acquiring newly released data). Four parameters are used
to retrieve data from the NIPA dataset, as follows:
Is Required
“All” value
The standard NIPA
table identifier
A - Annual, Q-
Quarterly, M-
List of year(s) of
data to retrieve
A flag indicating
that million-dollar
data should be
TableID Parameter
The TableID parameter is an integer that refers to a specific NIPA table. As shown above, the parameter is
required, and only one NIPA table can be requested in each GetData submission. The list of valid TableIDs
may change depending on the monthly news release cycles. For example, after the monthly GDP release and
before the following Personal Income release, a few of the Personal Income tables are temporarily unavailable.
The full list of valid NIPA TableIDs is as follows:
<ParamValue TableID="1" Description="Table 1.1.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="2" Description="Table 1.1.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Gross Domestic Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="3" Description="Table 1.1.3. Real Gross Domestic Product, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="4" Description="Table 1.1.4. Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="5" Description="Table 1.1.5. Gross Domestic Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="6" Description="Table 1.1.6. Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="7" Description="Table 1.1.6A. Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1937) Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="8" Description="Table 1.1.6B. Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1952) Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="9" Description="Table 1.1.6C. Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1972) Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="10" Description="Table 1.1.6D. Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1987) Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="11" Description="Table 1.1.7. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Prices for Gross Domestic Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="12" Description="Table 1.1.8. Contributions to Percent Change in the Gross Domestic Product Price Index (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="13" Description="Table 1.1.9. Implicit Price Deflators for Gross Domestic Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="14" Description="Table 1.1.10. Percentage Shares of Gross Domestic Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="310" Description="Table 1.1.11. Real Gross Domestic Product: Percent Change From Quarter One Year Ago (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="15" Description="Table 1.2.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="16" Description="Table 1.2.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="17" Description="Table 1.2.3. Real Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="18" Description="Table 1.2.4. Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="19" Description="Table 1.2.5. Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="20" Description="Table 1.2.6. Real Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="21" Description="Table 1.3.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Value Added by Sector (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="22" Description="Table 1.3.3. Real Gross Value Added by Sector, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="23" Description="Table 1.3.4. Price Indexes for Gross Value Added by Sector (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="24" Description="Table 1.3.5. Gross Value Added by Sector (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="25" Description="Table 1.3.6. Real Gross Value Added by Sector, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="26" Description="Table 1.4.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross Domestic Purchases, and Real Final Sales to
Domestic Purchasers (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="27" Description="Table 1.4.3. Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross Domestic Purchases, and Real Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)"
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<ParamValue TableID="28" Description="Table 1.4.4. Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Purchases, and Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="29" Description="Table 1.4.5. Relation of Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Purchases, and Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="30" Description="Table 1.4.6. Relation of Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross Domestic Purchases, and Real Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers, Chained
Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="31" Description="Table 1.5.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product, Expanded Detail (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="32" Description="Table 1.5.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Gross Domestic Product, Expanded Detail (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="33" Description="Table 1.5.3. Real Gross Domestic Product, Expanded Detail, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="34" Description="Table 1.5.4. Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product, Expanded Detail (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="35" Description="Table 1.5.5. Gross Domestic Product, Expanded Detail (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="36" Description="Table 1.5.6. Real Gross Domestic Product, Expanded Detail, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="37" Description="Table 1.6.4. Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Purchases (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="38" Description="Table 1.6.7. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Prices for Gross Domestic Purchases (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="39" Description="Table 1.6.8. Contributions to Percent Change in the Gross Domestic Purchases Price Index (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="40" Description="Table 1.7.1. Percent Change from Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross National Product, and Real Net National Product
(A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="41" Description="Table 1.7.3. Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross National Product, and Real Net National Product, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="42" Description="Table 1.7.4. Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, and Net National Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="43" Description="Table 1.7.5. Relation of Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, Net National Product, National Income, and Personal Income (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="44" Description="Table 1.7.6. Relation of Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross National Product, and Real Net National Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="45" Description="Table 1.8.3. Command-Basis Real Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="46" Description="Table 1.8.6. Command-Basis Real Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="47" Description="Table 1.9.3. Real Net Value Added by Sector, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="48" Description="Table 1.9.4. Price Indexes for Net Value Added by Sector (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="49" Description="Table 1.9.5. Net Value Added by Sector (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="50" Description="Table 1.9.6. Real Net Value Added by Sector, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="51" Description="Table 1.10. Gross Domestic Income by Type of Income (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="52" Description="Table 1.11. Percentage Shares of Gross Domestic Income (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="53" Description="Table 1.12. National Income by Type of Income (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="54" Description="Table 1.13. National Income by Sector, Legal Form of Organization, and Type of Income (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="55" Description="Table 1.14. Gross Value Added of Domestic Corporate Business in Current Dollars and Gross Value Added of Nonfinancial Domestic Corporate
Business in Current and Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="56" Description="Table 1.15. Price, Costs, and Profit Per Unit of Real Gross Value Added of Nonfinancial Domestic Corporate Business (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="57" Description="Table 1.16. Sources and Uses of Private Enterprise Income (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="316" Description="Table 1.17.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross Domestic Income, and Other Major NIPA
Aggregates (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="317" Description="Table 1.17.5. Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Income, and Other Major NIPA Aggregates (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="318" Description="Table 1.17.6. Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross Domestic Income, and Other Major NIPA Aggregates, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="58" Description="Table 2.1. Personal Income and Its Disposition (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="59" Description="Table 2.2A. Wages and salaries by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="60" Description="Table 2.2B. Wages and salaries by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="61" Description="Table 2.3.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="62" Description="Table 2.3.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="63" Description="Table 2.3.3. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="64" Description="Table 2.3.4. Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="65" Description="Table 2.3.5. Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="66" Description="Table 2.3.6. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="67" Description="Table 2.3.7. Percent Change from Preceding Period in Prices for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="68" Description="Table 2.4.3. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="69" Description="Table 2.4.4. Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="70" Description="Table 2.4.5. Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="71" Description="Table 2.4.6. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="72" Description="Table 2.5.3 Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Function, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="73" Description="Table 2.5.4 Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Function (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="74" Description="Table 2.5.5 Personal Consumption Expenditures by Function (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="75" Description="Table 2.5.6 Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Function, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="76" Description="Table 2.6. Personal Income and Its Disposition, Monthly (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="77" Description="Table 2.7A. Wages and salaries by Industry, Monthly (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="78" Description="Table 2.7B. Wages and salaries by Industry, Monthly (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="79" Description="Table 2.8.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Monthly (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="80" Description="Table 2.8.3. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Monthly, Quantity Indexes (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="81" Description="Table 2.8.4. Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Monthly (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="82" Description="Table 2.8.5. Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Monthly (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="83" Description="Table 2.8.6. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Monthly, Chained Dollars (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="84" Description="Table 2.8.7. Percent Change from Preceding Period in Prices for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Monthly (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="85" Description="Table 2.9. Personal Income and Its Disposition by Households and by Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="86" Description="Table 3.1. Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="87" Description="Table 3.2. Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="88" Description="Table 3.3. State and Local Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="89" Description="Table 3.4. Personal Current Tax Receipts (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="90" Description="Table 3.5. Taxes on Production and Imports (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="91" Description="Table 3.6. Contributions for Government Social Insurance (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="92" Description="Table 3.7. Government Current Transfer Receipts (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="93" Description="Table 3.8. Current Surplus of Government Enterprises (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="94" Description="Table 3.9.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="95" Description="Table 3.9.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="96" Description="Table 3.9.3. Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="97" Description="Table 3.9.4. Price Indexes for Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="98" Description="Table 3.9.5. Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="99" Description="Table 3.9.6. Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="100" Description="Table 3.10.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Government Consumption Expenditures and General Government Gross Output (A)
(Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="101" Description="Table 3.10.3. Real Government Consumption Expenditures and General Government Gross Output, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="102" Description="Table 3.10.4. Price Indexes for Government Consumption Expenditures and General Government Gross Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="103" Description="Table 3.10.5. Government Consumption Expenditures and General Government Gross Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="104" Description="Table 3.10.6. Real Government Consumption Expenditures and General Government Gross Output, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
19 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
<ParamValue TableID="105" Description="Table 3.11.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type (A) (Q)"
<ParamValue TableID="106" Description="Table 3.11.3. Real National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="107" Description="Table 3.11.4. Price Indexes for National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="108" Description="Table 3.11.5. National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="109" Description="Table 3.11.6. Real National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="110" Description="Table 3.12. Government Social Benefits (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="111" Description="Table 3.13. Subsidies (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="112" Description="Table 3.14. Government Social Insurance Funds Current Receipts and Expenditures (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="113" Description="Table 3.15.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="114" Description="Table 3.15.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="115" Description="Table 3.15.3. Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="116" Description="Table 3.15.4. Price Indexes for Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="117" Description="Table 3.15.5. Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="118" Description="Table 3.15.6. Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="119" Description="Table 3.16. Government Current Expenditures by Function (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="120" Description="Table 3.17. Selected Government Current and Capital Expenditures by Function (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="121" Description="Table 3.18A. Relation of Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts to the Consolidated
Cash Statement, Fiscal Years and Quarters (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="122" Description="Table 3.18B. Relation of Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts to the Budget,
Fiscal Years and Quarters (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="123" Description="Table 3.19. Relation of State and Local Government Current Receipts and Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts to Census
Bureau &quot;Government Finances&quot; Data, Fiscal Years (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="124" Description="Table 3.20. State Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="125" Description="Table 3.21. Local Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="126" Description="Table 3.22. Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="127" Description="Table 3.23. State and Local Government Current Receipts and Expenditures, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="128" Description="Table 4.1. Foreign Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="129" Description="Table 4.2.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Exports and in Real Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="130" Description="Table 4.2.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Exports and in Real Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="131" Description="Table 4.2.3. Real Exports and Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="132" Description="Table 4.2.4. Price Indexes for Exports and Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="133" Description="Table 4.2.5. Exports and Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="134" Description="Table 4.2.6. Real Exports and Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="135" Description="Table 4.3A. Relation of Foreign Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts to the Corresponding Items in the International
Transactions Accounts (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="136" Description="Table 4.3B. Relation of Foreign Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts to the Corresponding Items in the International
Transactions Accounts (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="137" Description="Table 5.1. Saving and Investment by Sector (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="138" Description="Table 5.2.3. Real Gross and Net Domestic Investment by Major Type, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="139" Description="Table 5.2.5. Gross and Net Domestic Investment by Major Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="140" Description="Table 5.2.6. Real Gross and Net Domestic Investment by Major Type, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="141" Description="Table 5.3.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Private Fixed Investment by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="142" Description="Table 5.3.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Private Fixed Investment by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="143" Description="Table 5.3.3. Real Private Fixed Investment by Type, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="144" Description="Table 5.3.4. Price Indexes for Private Fixed Investment by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="145" Description="Table 5.3.5. Private Fixed Investment by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="146" Description="Table 5.3.6. Real Private Fixed Investment by Type, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="147" Description="Table 5.4.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="148" Description="Table 5.4.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="149" Description="Table 5.4.3. Real Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="150" Description="Table 5.4.4. Price Indexes for Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="151" Description="Table 5.4.5. Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="152" Description="Table 5.4.6. Real Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="153" Description="Table 5.5.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="154" Description="Table 5.5.2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="155" Description="Table 5.5.3. Real Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="156" Description="Table 5.5.4. Price Indexes for Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="157" Description="Table 5.5.5. Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="158" Description="Table 5.5.6. Real Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="159" Description="Table 5.6.5A. Change in Private Inventories by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="160" Description="Table 5.6.5B. Change in Private Inventories by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="161" Description="Table 5.6.6A. Change in Real Private Inventories by Industry, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="162" Description="Table 5.6.6B. Change in Real Private Inventories by Industry, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="163" Description="Table 5.7.5A. Private Inventories and Domestic Final Sales of Business by Industry (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="164" Description="Table 5.7.5B. Private Inventories and Domestic Final Sales by Industry (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="165" Description="Table 5.7.6A. Real Private Inventories and Real Domestic Final Sales of Business by Industry, Chained Dollars (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="166" Description="Table 5.7.6B. Real Private Inventories and Real Domestic Final Sales by Industry, Chained Dollars (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="167" Description="Table 5.7.9A. Implicit Price Deflators for Private Inventories by Industry (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="168" Description="Table 5.7.9B. Implicit Price Deflators for Private Inventories by Industry (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="169" Description="Table 5.8.3A. Real Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="170" Description="Table 5.8.3B. Real Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="171" Description="Table 5.8.4A. Price Indexes for Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="172" Description="Table 5.8.4B. Price Indexes for Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="173" Description="Table 5.8.5A. Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="174" Description="Table 5.8.5B. Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="175" Description="Table 5.8.6A. Real Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="176" Description="Table 5.8.6B. Real Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="177" Description="Table 5.9. Changes in Net Stock of Produced Assets (Fixed Assets and Inventories) (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="178" Description="Table 5.10. Capital Transfers Paid and Received, by Sector and by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="179" Description="Table 6.1B. National Income Without Capital Consumption Adjustment by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="180" Description="Table 6.1C. National Income Without Capital Consumption Adjustment by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="181" Description="Table 6.1D. National Income Without Capital Consumption Adjustment by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="182" Description="Table 6.2A. Compensation of Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="183" Description="Table 6.2B. Compensation of Employees by Industry (A)" />
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<ParamValue TableID="184" Description="Table 6.2C. Compensation of Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="185" Description="Table 6.2D. Compensation of Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="186" Description="Table 6.3A. Wage and Salary Accruals by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="187" Description="Table 6.3B. Wage and Salary Accruals by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="188" Description="Table 6.3C. Wage and Salary Accruals by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="189" Description="Table 6.3D. Wage and Salary Accruals by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="190" Description="Table 6.4A. Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="191" Description="Table 6.4B. Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="192" Description="Table 6.4C. Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="193" Description="Table 6.4D. Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="194" Description="Table 6.5A. Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="195" Description="Table 6.5B. Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="196" Description="Table 6.5C. Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="197" Description="Table 6.5D. Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="198" Description="Table 6.6A. Wage and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="199" Description="Table 6.6B. Wage and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="200" Description="Table 6.6C. Wage and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="201" Description="Table 6.6D. Wage and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="202" Description="Table 6.7A. Self-Employed Persons by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="203" Description="Table 6.7B. Self-Employed Persons by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="204" Description="Table 6.7C. Self-Employed Persons by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="205" Description="Table 6.7D. Self-Employed Persons by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="206" Description="Table 6.8A. Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="207" Description="Table 6.8B. Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="208" Description="Table 6.8C. Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="209" Description="Table 6.8D. Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="210" Description="Table 6.9B. Hours Worked by Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="211" Description="Table 6.9C. Hours Worked by Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="212" Description="Table 6.9D. Hours Worked by Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="213" Description="Table 6.10B. Employer Contributions for Government Social Insurance by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="214" Description="Table 6.10C. Employer Contributions for Government Social Insurance by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="215" Description="Table 6.10D. Employer Contributions for Government Social Insurance by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="216" Description="Table 6.11A. Employer Contributions for Employee Pension and Insurance Funds by Industry and by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="217" Description="Table 6.11B. Employer Contributions for Employee Pension and Insurance Funds by Industry and by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="218" Description="Table 6.11C. Employer Contributions for Employee Pension and Insurance Funds by Industry and by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="219" Description="Table 6.11D. Employer Contributions for Employee Pension and Insurance Funds by Industry and by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="220" Description="Table 6.12A. Nonfarm Proprietors' Income by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="221" Description="Table 6.12B. Nonfarm Proprietors' Income by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="222" Description="Table 6.12C. Nonfarm Proprietors' Income by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="223" Description="Table 6.12D. Nonfarm Proprietors' Income by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="224" Description="Table 6.13A. Noncorporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="225" Description="Table 6.13B. Noncorporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="226" Description="Table 6.13C. Noncorporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="227" Description="Table 6.13D. Noncorporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="228" Description="Table 6.14A. Inventory Valuation Adjustment to Nonfarm Incomes by Legal Form of Organization and by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="229" Description="Table 6.14B. Inventory Valuation Adjustment to Nonfarm Incomes by Legal Form of Organization and by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="230" Description="Table 6.14C. Inventory Valuation Adjustment to Nonfarm Incomes by Legal Form of Organization and by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="231" Description="Table 6.14D. Inventory Valuation Adjustment to Nonfarm Incomes by Legal Form of Organization and by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="232" Description="Table 6.15A. Net Interest by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="233" Description="Table 6.15B. Net Interest by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="234" Description="Table 6.15C. Net Interest by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="235" Description="Table 6.15D. Net Interest by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="236" Description="Table 6.16A. Corporate Profits by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="237" Description="Table 6.16B. Corporate Profits by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="238" Description="Table 6.16C. Corporate Profits by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="239" Description="Table 6.16D. Corporate Profits by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="240" Description="Table 6.17A. Corporate Profits Before Tax by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="241" Description="Table 6.17B. Corporate Profits Before Tax by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="242" Description="Table 6.17C. Corporate Profits Before Tax by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="243" Description="Table 6.17D. Corporate Profits Before Tax by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="244" Description="Table 6.18A. Taxes on Corporate Income by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="245" Description="Table 6.18B. Taxes on Corporate Income by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="246" Description="Table 6.18C. Taxes on Corporate Income by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="247" Description="Table 6.18D. Taxes on Corporate Income by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="248" Description="Table 6.19A. Corporate Profits After Tax by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="249" Description="Table 6.19B. Corporate Profits After Tax by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="250" Description="Table 6.19C. Corporate Profits After Tax by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="251" Description="Table 6.19D. Corporate Profits After Tax by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="252" Description="Table 6.20A. Net Corporate Dividend Payments by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="253" Description="Table 6.20B. Net Corporate Dividend Payments by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="254" Description="Table 6.20C. Net Corporate Dividend Payments by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="255" Description="Table 6.20D. Net Corporate Dividend Payments by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="256" Description="Table 6.21A. Undistributed Corporate Profits by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="257" Description="Table 6.21B. Undistributed Corporate Profits by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="258" Description="Table 6.21C. Undistributed Corporate Profits by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="259" Description="Table 6.21D. Undistributed Corporate Profits by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="260" Description="Table 6.22A. Corporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="261" Description="Table 6.22B. Corporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="262" Description="Table 6.22C. Corporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="263" Description="Table 6.22D. Corporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="264" Description="Table 7.1. Selected Per Capita Income and Product Series in Current and Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="265" Description="Table 7.2.1A. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Auto Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="266" Description="Table 7.2.1B. Percent Change from Preceding Period in Real Motor Vehicle Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="267" Description="Table 7.2.3A. Real Auto Output, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="268" Description="Table 7.2.3B. Real Motor Vehicle Output, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q)" />
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<ParamValue TableID="269" Description="Table 7.2.4A. Price Indexes for Auto Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="270" Description="Table 7.2.4B. Price Indexes for Motor Vehicle Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="271" Description="Table 7.2.5A. Auto Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="272" Description="Table 7.2.5B. Motor Vehicle Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="273" Description="Table 7.2.6B. Real Motor Vehicle Output, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="274" Description="Table 7.3.3. Real Farm Sector Output, Real Gross Value Added, and Real Net Value Added, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="275" Description="Table 7.3.4. Price Indexes for Farm Sector Output, Gross Value Added, and Net Value Added (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="276" Description="Table 7.3.5. Farm Sector Output, Gross Value Added, and Net Value Added (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="277" Description="Table 7.3.6. Real Farm Sector Output, Real Gross Value Added, and Real Net Value Added, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="278" Description="Table 7.4.3. Real Housing Sector Output, Real Gross Value Added, and Real Net Value Added, Quantity Indexes (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="279" Description="Table 7.4.4. Price Indexes for Housing Sector Output, Gross Value Added, and Net Value Added (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="280" Description="Table 7.4.5. Housing Sector Output, Gross Value Added, and Net Value Added (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="281" Description="Table 7.4.6. Real Housing Sector Output, Real Gross Value Added, and Real Net Value Added, Chained Dollars (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="282" Description="Table 7.5. Consumption of Fixed Capital by Legal Form of Organization and Type of Income (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="283" Description="Table 7.6. Capital Consumption Adjustment by Legal Form of Organization and Type of Adjustment (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="284" Description="Table 7.7. Business Current Transfer Payments by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="285" Description="Table 7.8. Supplements to Wages and Salaries by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="286" Description="Table 7.9. Rental Income of Persons by Legal Form of Organization and by Type of Income (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="287" Description="Table 7.10. Dividends Paid and Received by Sector (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="288" Description="Table 7.11. Interest Paid and Received by Sector and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="289" Description="Table 7.12. Imputations in the National Income and Product Accounts (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="290" Description="Table 7.13. Relation of Consumption of Fixed Capital in the National Income and Product Accounts to Depreciation and Amortization as Published
by the Internal Revenue Service (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="291" Description="Table 7.14. Relation of Nonfarm Proprietors' Income in the National Income and Product Accounts to Corresponding Measures as Published by the
Internal Revenue Service (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="292" Description="Table 7.15. Relation of Net Farm Income in the National Income and Product Accounts to Net Farm Income as Published by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="293" Description="Table 7.16. Relation of Corporate Profits, Taxes, and Dividends in the National Income and Product Accounts to Corresponding Measures as
Published by the Internal Revenue Service (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="294" Description="Table 7.17. Relation of Monetary Interest Paid and Received in the National Income and Product Accounts to Corresponding Measures as
Published by the Internal Revenue Service (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="295" Description="Table 7.18. Relation of Wages and Salaries in the National Income and Product Accounts to Wages and Salaries as Published by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="296" Description="Table 7.20. Comparison of Income and Outlays of Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households with Revenue and Expenses as Published by the
Internal Revenue Service (A)" />
Note that the description of each table also indicates the frequencies that are available for each table
A=Annual, Q=Quarterly, M=Monthly
Requesting an invalid TableID returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving NIPA data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="Invalid table IDs were requested." />
Omitting the TableID parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40" APIErrorDescription="The dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request.">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="TableID" ParameterDescription="The standard NIPA table identifier" />
Frequency Parameter
The Frequency parameter is a string that refers to the time series for the requested NIPA table. As shown
above, the parameter is required, and multiple frequencies can be requested in each GetData submission.
Multiple frequencies are requested by specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e.g. “A,Q,M”. When data
is requested for frequencies that don’t exist for a particular NIPA table, only data that exists is returned.
The full list of valid frequencies is as follows:
<ParamValue FrequencyID="A" Description="Annual" />
<ParamValue FrequencyID="Q" Description="Quarterly" />
<ParamValue FrequencyID="M" Description="Monthly" />
If an invalid frequency is supplied in the GetData request (e.g. “Z”), this error is returned:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving NIPA data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="Invalid frequencies were included in the request: Z" />
22 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
If only frequencies that don’t exist for a particular table are requested, this error is returned:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving NIPA data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="The requested parameters did not return data." />
Omitting the Frequency parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40" APIErrorDescription="The dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request.">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="Frequency" ParameterDescription="A - Annual, Q-Quarterly, M-Monthly" />
Year Parameter
The Year parameter is an integer that specifies the year(s) of data for the requested NIPA table. As shown
above, the parameter is required, and multiple years can be requested in each GetData submission. Multiple
years are requested by specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e.g. “2000,2001,2002”. When data is
requested for years that don’t exist for a particular NIPA table, only data that exists is returned. For example, if
years in the future are requested – like “2013,2014,2015”, the most recent available data is returned starting
with 2013. If the request supplies the special value “X” for the Year parameter, all available years of data are
returned. Note that using the “X” value for all years can return large amounts of data, and should be avoided
when the actual required years are known.
If only years that don’t exist for a particular table are requested, this error is returned:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving NIPA data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="The requested parameters did not return data." />
Omitting the Year parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40" APIErrorDescription="The dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request.">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="Year" ParameterDescription="List of year(s) of data to retrieve (X for All)" />
Using the GetParameterValues meta-data retrieval method for the Year parameter returns a list of the valid year
ranges for each NIPA table. Each NIPA table may have a different range of years available for different
frequencies, so the valid combinations of years and frequencies are shown for each NIPA table. For example,
Table 1 (at the time of this writing) has annual data from 1930 through 2011, Quarterly data from 1947 through
2012, and no monthly data as indicated in this example return data from the GetParameterValues method:
<ParamValue TableID="1" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="2" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="3" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="4" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="5" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="6" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="11" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="12" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="13" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="14" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="15" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="16" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="17" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="18" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="19" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
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<ParamValue TableID="20" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="21" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="22" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="23" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="24" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="25" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="26" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="27" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="28" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="29" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="30" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="31" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="32" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="33" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="34" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="35" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="36" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="37" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="38" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="39" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="40" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="41" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="42" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="43" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="44" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="45" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="46" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="51" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="53" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="55" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="56" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="58" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="60" FirstAnnualYear="1998" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="2001" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="61" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="62" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="63" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="64" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="65" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="66" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="67" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="86" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="87" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="88" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="94" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="95" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="96" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="97" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="98" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="99" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="100" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="101" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="102" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="103" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="104" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="105" FirstAnnualYear="1973" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1972" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="106" FirstAnnualYear="1972" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1972" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="107" FirstAnnualYear="1972" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1972" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="108" FirstAnnualYear="1972" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1972" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="109" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="128" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="129" FirstAnnualYear="1968" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="130" FirstAnnualYear="1968" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="131" FirstAnnualYear="1967" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="132" FirstAnnualYear="1967" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="133" FirstAnnualYear="1967" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="134" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="137" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="141" FirstAnnualYear="1948" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="142" FirstAnnualYear="1948" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="143" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="144" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="145" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="146" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="160" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="162" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="164" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1996" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="166" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1996" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="168" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1996" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="181" FirstAnnualYear="1998" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="2001" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="239" FirstAnnualYear="1998" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="2001" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="264" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="266" FirstAnnualYear="1968" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="268" FirstAnnualYear="1967" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="270" FirstAnnualYear="1967" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="272" FirstAnnualYear="1967" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
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<ParamValue TableID="273" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="282" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="310" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1948" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="316" FirstAnnualYear="1930" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="317" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="318" FirstAnnualYear="1929" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1947" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
ShowMillions Parameter
The ShowMillions parameter is a string indicates whether data for the requested NIPA table should be returned
in million-dollar units. As shown above, the parameter is optional. Million-dollar estimate data doesn’t exist
for all tables, and data is returned in million-dollar units only if available. When million-dollar data doesn’t
exist for a table, data is returned as if million-dollar data was not requested. In addition, requests for million-
dollar data are always returned with a cautionary footnote about million-dollar estimates.
The valid values for the ShowMillions parameter are:
<ParamValue ShowMillionsID="Y" Description="Yes - show million-dollar detail level" />
<ParamValue ShowMillionsID="N" Description="No - don't show million-dollar detail level" />
Invalid values for the ShowMillions parameter (e.g. “Z” or “cupcake”) are ignored.
NIPA Dataset Result Data
The NIPA dataset returns data in the standard form described in the API User documentation. In XML form,
the main structure of a result is:
<Results UTCProductionTime="Apr 16 2013 2:36PM" Statistic="NIPA Table">
The Request node of the result contains the parameters supplied to the request. For purposes of this example,
the parameters are:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="11111111-2222-3333-EEEE-FFFFFFFFFFFF" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GetData" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="NIPA" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="TableID" ParameterValue="5" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="Frequency" ParameterValue="A" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="Year" ParameterValue="2009" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ShowMillions" ParameterValue="N" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
The result returned from this request would be:
<Dimensions Ordinal="1" Name="TableID" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="2" Name="SeriesCode" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="3" Name="LineNumber" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="4" Name="LineDescription" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="5" Name="TimePeriod" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="6" Name="CL_UNIT" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="7" Name="UNIT_MULT" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="8" Name="DataValue" DataType="numeric" IsValue="1" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A191RC" LineNumber="1" LineDescription="Gross domestic product" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="13,973.7"
NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="DPCERC" LineNumber="2" LineDescription="Personal consumption expenditures" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="9,845.9" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="DGDSRC" LineNumber="3" LineDescription="Goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="3,194.4" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="DDURRC" LineNumber="4" LineDescription="Durable goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,029.6"
NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="DNDGRC" LineNumber="5" LineDescription="Nondurable goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="2,164.8"
NoteRef="5" />
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<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="DSERRC" LineNumber="6" LineDescription="Services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="6,651.5" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A006RC" LineNumber="7" LineDescription="Gross private domestic investment" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="1,549.3" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A007RC" LineNumber="8" LineDescription="Fixed investment" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,703.5"
NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A008RC" LineNumber="9" LineDescription="Nonresidential" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,349.3"
NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="B009RC" LineNumber="10" LineDescription="Structures" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="451.1" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="B010RC" LineNumber="11" LineDescription="Equipment and software" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="898.2"
NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A011RC" LineNumber="12" LineDescription="Residential" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="354.1" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A014RC" LineNumber="13" LineDescription="Change in private inventories" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="-
154.2" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A019RC" LineNumber="14" LineDescription="Net exports of goods and services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="-
388.7" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="B020RC" LineNumber="15" LineDescription="Exports" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,587.4" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A253RC" LineNumber="16" LineDescription="Goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,064.7" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A646RC" LineNumber="17" LineDescription="Services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="522.7" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="B021RC" LineNumber="18" LineDescription="Imports" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,976.2" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A255RC" LineNumber="19" LineDescription="Goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,587.5" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="B656RC" LineNumber="20" LineDescription="Services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="388.7" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A822RC" LineNumber="21" LineDescription="Government consumption expenditures and gross investment" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD"
UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="2,967.2" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A823RC" LineNumber="22" LineDescription="Federal" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,143.6" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A824RC" LineNumber="23" LineDescription="National defense" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="776.0"
NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A825RC" LineNumber="24" LineDescription="Nondefense" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="367.6" NoteRef="5" />
<Data TableID="5" SeriesCode="A829RC" LineNumber="25" LineDescription="State and local" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="1,823.6"
NoteRef="5" />
<Notes NoteRef="5" NoteText="Table 1.1.5. Gross Domestic Product - [Billions of dollars]" />
All requests for the NIPA dataset will return similar results, including the elements that describe the
dimensions, data, and footnotes (Dimensions, Data, and Notes).
Dimensions Elements
The dimensions included in the returned data are:
Within the set of “Data” elements returned in the result, each of the dimensions is represented as an attribute
(name/value pair). All the dimensions (attributes) have a single value, except the Noteref dimension, which can
have multiple values represented as a comma-delimited string. The dimensions (attributes) are defined as
TableID – The standard NIPA table ID as submitted in the request (an integer).
SeriesCodeA string containing the a unique identifier for the line item in the published NIPA table.
4 The Noteref attribute included in the data is not shown as one of the dimension elements. Noterefs may appear as an attribute of any
element in the result data (except other Noterefs), and refer to a particular NoteRef element.
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LineNumber – The line number of the data item as shown in published print versions of the published NIPA
LineDescription – The “stub” or description of the statistic in the published NIPA table.
TimePeriodA string containing the time period for the data item in the form YYYY for annual data,
YYYYQn for quarterly data (where n is the quarter digit), and YYYYMnn for monthly data (where nn is 2
digits representing the month – i.e. ‘01’ through ‘12’).
CL_UNIT – A string containing “USD” when the reported statistic is in U.S. dollars, or “PC” when the reported
statistic is a percent, index, or contribution.
UNIT_MULTAn integer representing the base-10 exponent of the multiplier used to interpret the data value.
For example “6” refers to millions (DataValue X 106) and “9” refers to billions (DataValue X 109).
DataValue – An integer or decimal value of the statistic. Always a numeric value, but may contain embedded
NoteRefa reference to one of the Notes elements. Noteref in a data element always corresponds to the Noteref
in a Notes element. The Noteref attribute may have multiple values represented by a comma-delimited string.
This attribute can appear in any data element, or in the Results element. Any Noteref attribute included in the
data is guaranteed to have a corresponding Notes element. For the NIPA dataset, every data element includes at
least one Noteref that corresponds to a Note element containing the title of the table. Additional footnote
references that apply to specific lines/series/timeperiods may be included in the comma-delimited Noteref string
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Appendix C NIUnderlyingDetail (National Income and Product Accounts)
The NIUnderlyingDetail dataset contains detailed estimate data from underlying NIPA series that appear in the
national income and product account (NIPA) tables as published in the Survey of Current Business. Three
parameters are used to retrieve data from the NIUnderlyingDetail dataset, as follows:
Is Required
“All” value
The standard NIPA
table identifier
A - Annual, Q-
Quarterly, M-
List of year(s) of
data to retrieve
TableID Parameter
The TableID parameter is an integer that refers to a specific NIPA table. As shown above, the parameter is
required, and only one Underlying Detail table can be requested in each GetData submission.
The full list of valid Underlying Detail TableIDs is as follows:
<ParamValue TableID="1" Description="Table 1AU. Real Manufacturing and Trade Inventories, Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 1996 dollars, 1967-96, SIC] (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="12" Description="Table 1AU2. Real Manufacturing and Trade Inventories, Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2005 dollars, 1967-97, SIC] (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="23" Description="Table 1BU. Real Manufacturing and Trade Inventories, Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2005 dollars, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)"
<ParamValue TableID="34" Description="Table 1BUC. Current Dollar Manufacturing and Trade Inventories, Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="45" Description="Table 2AU. Real Manufacturing and Trade Sales, Seasonally Adjusted at Monthly Rate [Chained 1996 dollars, 1967-96, SIC] (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="56" Description="Table 2AUI. Implicit Price Deflators for Manufacturing and Trade Sales [Index base 1996, 1967-96, SIC] (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="59" Description="Table 2BU. Real Manufacturing and Trade Sales, Seasonally Adjusted at Monthly Rate [Chained 2005 dollars, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="60" Description="Table 2BUI. Implicit Price Deflators for Manufacturing and Trade Sales [Index base 2005, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="61" Description="Table 3AU. Real Inventory-Sales Ratios for Manufacturing and Trade, Seasonally Adjusted [Based on chained 1996 dollars, 1967-96, SIC] (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="2" Description="Table 3BU. Real Inventory-Sales Ratios for Manufacturing and Trade, Seasonally Adjusted [Based on chained 2005 dollars, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A)
(Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="3" Description="Table 4AU1. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Materials and supplies), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2005
dollars, 1967-97, SIC] (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="4" Description="Table 4AU2. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication, Seasonally Adjusted (Work-in-process), End of Period [Chained 2005 dollars,
1967-97, SIC] (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="5" Description="Table 4AU3. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Finished goods), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2005 dollars,
1967-97, SIC] (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="6" Description="Table 4BU1. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Materials and supplies), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2005
dollars, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="7" Description="Table 4BU2. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Work-in-process), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2005 dollars,
1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="8" Description="Table 4BU3. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Finished goods), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2005 dollars, 1997
forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="9" Description="Table 5U. BEA Retail and Food Service Sales (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="10" Description="Table 6U. Real BEA Retail and Food Service Sales (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="11" Description="Table 7U. Chain-Type Price Indexes for BEA Retail and Food Service Sales (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="13" Description="Table 2.3.4U. Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product and by Major Function (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="14" Description="Table 2.3.5U. Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product and by Major Function (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="15" Description="Table 2.3.6U. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product and by Major Function (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="74" Description="Table 2.4.3U. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product, Quantity Indexes (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="16" Description="Table 2.4.4U. Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="17" Description="Table 2.4.5U. Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="18" Description="Table 2.4.6U. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q) (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="19" Description="Table 3.4U. Personal Current Tax Receipts (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="20" Description="Table 3.5U. Taxes on Production and Imports (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="21" Description="Table 3.6U. Contributions for Government Social Insurance (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="22" Description="Table 3.7U. Government Current Transfer Receipts (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="24" Description="Table 3.8U. Current Surplus of Government Enterprises (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="25" Description="Table 3.12U. Government Social Benefits (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="26" Description="Table 3.13U. Subsidies (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="27" Description="Table 3.24U. Federal Grants-in-Aid to State and Local Governments (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="28" Description="Table 3.25U. Compensation of General Government Employees (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="73" Description="Table 4.3BU. Relation of Foreign Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts to the Corresponding Items in the International
Transactions Accounts (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="70" Description="Table 5.2.3U. Real Gross and Net Domestic Investment by Major Type, Quantity Indexes (Q)" />
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<ParamValue TableID="71" Description="Table 5.2.5U. Gross and Net Domestic Investment by Major Type (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="72" Description="Table 5.2.6U. Real Gross and Net Domestic Investment by Major Type, Chained Dollars (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="29" Description="Table 5.4.4U. Price Indexes for Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="30" Description="Table 5.4.5U. Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="31" Description="Table 5.4.6U. Real Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="32" Description="Table 5.5.4U. Price Indexes for Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="33" Description="Table 5.5.5U. Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="35" Description="Table 5.5.6U. Real Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="36" Description="Table 5.6.5AM1. Change in Private Inventories by Industry (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="37" Description="Table 5.6.5AM2. Change in Book Value by Industry (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="38" Description="Table 5.6.5AM3. Inventory Valuation Adjustment by Industry (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="39" Description="Table 5.6.5AU1. Change in Private Inventories by Industry (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="40" Description="Table 5.6.5AU2. Change in Book Value by Industry (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="41" Description="Table 5.6.5AU3. Inventory Valuation Adjustment by Industry (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="42" Description="Table 5.6.5BM1. Change in Private Inventories by Industry (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="43" Description="Table 5.6.5BM2. Change in Book Value by Industry (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="44" Description="Table 5.6.5BM3. Inventory Valuation Adjustment by Industry (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="46" Description="Table 5.6.5BU1. Change in Private Inventories by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="47" Description="Table 5.6.5BU2. Change in Book Value by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="48" Description="Table 5.6.5BU3. Inventory Valuation Adjustment by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="49" Description="Table 5.6.6AM. Change in Real Private Inventories by Industry (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="50" Description="Table 5.6.6AU. Change in Real Private Inventories by Industry (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="51" Description="Table 5.6.6BM. Change in Real Private Inventories by Industry (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="52" Description="Table 5.6.6BU. Change in Real Private Inventories by Industry (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="53" Description="Table 5.10U. Capital Transfers Paid and Received, by Sector and by Type (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="54" Description="Table 7.2.4U. Price Indexes for Motor Vehicle Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="55" Description="Table 7.2.5S. Auto and Truck Unit Sales, Production, Inventories, Expenditures, and Price (M)" />
<ParamValue TableID="57" Description="Table 7.2.5U. Motor Vehicle Output (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="58" Description="Table 7.2.6U. Real Motor Vehicle Output, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)" />
<ParamValue TableID="62" Description="Reconciliation of Percent Change in the CPI with Percent Change in the PCE Price Index (Q) (M)" />
Note that the description of each table also indicates the frequencies that are available for each table
A=Annual, Q=Quarterly, M=Monthly.
Requesting an invalid TableID returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving NIPA data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="Invalid table IDs were requested." />
Omitting the TableID parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40" APIErrorDescription="The dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request.">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="TableID" ParameterDescription="The standard NI underlying detail table identifier" />
Frequency Parameter
The Frequency parameter is a string that refers to the time series for the requested Underlying Detail table. As
shown above, the parameter is required, and multiple frequencies can be requested in each GetData submission.
Multiple frequencies are requested by specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e.g. “A,Q,M”. When data
is requested for frequencies that don’t exist for a particular Underlying Detail table, only data that exists is
The full list of valid frequencies is as follows:
<ParamValue FrequencyID="A" Description="Annual" />
<ParamValue FrequencyID="Q" Description="Quarterly" />
<ParamValue FrequencyID="M" Description="Monthly" />
If an invalid frequency is supplied in the GetData request (e.g. “Z”), this error is returned:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving NIPA data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="Invalid frequencies were included in the request: Z" />
If only frequencies that don’t exist for a particular table are requested, this error is returned:
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<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving NIPA data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="The requested parameters did not return data." />
Omitting the Frequency parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40" APIErrorDescription="The dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request.">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="Frequency" ParameterDescription="A - Annual, Q-Quarterly, M-Monthly" />
Year Parameter
The Year parameter is an integer that specifies the year(s) of data for the requested Underlying Detail table. As
shown above, the parameter is required, and multiple years can be requested in each GetData submission.
Multiple years are requested by specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e.g. “2000,2001,2002”. When
data is requested for years that don’t exist for a particular Underlying Detail table, only data that exists is
returned. For example, if years in the future are requested – like “2013,2014,2015”, the most recent available
data is returned starting with 2013. If the request supplies the special value “X” for the Year parameter, all
available years of data are returned. Note that using the “X” value for all years can return large amounts of
data, and should be avoided when the actual required years are known.
If only years that don’t exist for a particular table are requested, this error is returned:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving NIPA data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="The requested parameters did not return data." />
Omitting the Year parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40" APIErrorDescription="The dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request.">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="Year" ParameterDescription="List of year(s) of data to retrieve (X for All)" />
Using the GetParameterValues meta-data retrieval method for the Year parameter returns a list of the valid year
ranges for each UNDERLYING DETAIL table. Each UNDERLYING DETAIL table may have a different
range of years available for different frequencies, so the valid combinations of years and frequencies are shown
for each UNDERLYING DETAIL table. For example, Table 1 (at the time of this writing) has no annual data,
Quarterly data from 1967 through 1997, and monthly data from 1967 through 1997 as indicated in this example
return data from the GetParameterValues method:
<ParamValue TableID="1" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1996" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="2" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="3" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1997" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1997" />
<ParamValue TableID="4" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1997" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1997" />
<ParamValue TableID="5" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1997" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1997" />
<ParamValue TableID="6" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="7" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="8" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="9" FirstAnnualYear="1992" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1992" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1992" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="10" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1995" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="11" FirstAnnualYear="1992" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1992" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1992" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="12" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1997" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1997" />
<ParamValue TableID="13" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1959" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="14" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1959" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="15" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1995" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="16" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1959" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="17" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1959" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
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<ParamValue TableID="18" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1995" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="73" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1986" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="19" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1988" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="20" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="21" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="22" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="23" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="24" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1983" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="25" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="26" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1983" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="27" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1993" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="28" FirstAnnualYear="1998" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="29" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="30" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="31" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="32" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="33" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="34" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="35" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="36" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1997" />
<ParamValue TableID="37" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1997" />
<ParamValue TableID="38" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1997" />
<ParamValue TableID="39" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1997" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="40" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1997" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="41" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1997" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="42" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="43" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="44" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="45" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1996" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="46" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="47" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="48" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="49" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1997" />
<ParamValue TableID="50" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1997" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="51" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="52" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="53" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="54" FirstAnnualYear="1967" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="55" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="0" LastQuarterlyYear="0" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="56" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1996" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="57" FirstAnnualYear="1967" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="58" FirstAnnualYear="1995" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1995" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="59" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="60" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1997" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1997" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="61" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="1967" LastQuarterlyYear="1996" FirstMonthlyYear="1967" LastMonthlyYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="62" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="2002" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="2002" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="74" FirstAnnualYear="1959" LastAnnualYear="2011" FirstQuarterlyYear="1959" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="1959" LastMonthlyYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="70" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="2000" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="71" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="2000" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
<ParamValue TableID="72" FirstAnnualYear="0" LastAnnualYear="0" FirstQuarterlyYear="2000" LastQuarterlyYear="2012" FirstMonthlyYear="0" LastMonthlyYear="0" />
The UNDERLYING DETAIL dataset returns data in the standard form described in the API User
documentation. In XML form, the main structure of a result is:
<Results UTCProductionTime="Apr 16 2013 2:36PM" Statistic="Underlying Detail Table">
The Request node of the result contains the parameters supplied to the request. For purposes of this example,
the parameters are:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="11111111-2222-3333-EEEE-FFFFFFFFFFFF" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GetData" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="NIUnderlyingDetail" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="TableID" ParameterValue="13" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="Frequency" ParameterValue="A" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="Year" ParameterValue="2009" />
31 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
The result returned from this request would be:
<Dimensions Ordinal="1" Name="TableID" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="2" Name="SeriesCode" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="3" Name="LineNumber" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="4" Name="LineDescription" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="5" Name="TimePeriod" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="6" Name="CL_UNIT" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="7" Name="UNIT_MULT" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="8" Name="DataValue" DataType="numeric" IsValue="1" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DPCERG" LineNumber="1" LineDescription="Personal consumption expenditures (PCE)" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="109.004" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DGDSRG" LineNumber="2" LineDescription="Goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="103.105" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DDURRG" LineNumber="3" LineDescription="Durable goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="92.830" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DMOTRG" LineNumber="4" LineDescription="Motor vehicles and parts" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="97.948"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DFDHRG" LineNumber="5" LineDescription="Furnishings and durable household equipment" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="97.811" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DREQRG" LineNumber="6" LineDescription="Recreational goods and vehicles" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="77.352"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DODGRG" LineNumber="7" LineDescription="Other durable goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="110.352"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DNDGRG" LineNumber="8" LineDescription="Nondurable goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="109.177"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DFXARG" LineNumber="9" LineDescription="Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC"
UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="113.366" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DCLORG" LineNumber="10" LineDescription="Clothing and footwear" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="98.765"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DGOERG" LineNumber="11" LineDescription="Gasoline and other energy goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="106.008" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DONGRG" LineNumber="12" LineDescription="Other nondurable goods" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="110.777"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DSERRG" LineNumber="13" LineDescription="Services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="112.157" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DHCERG" LineNumber="14" LineDescription="Household consumption expenditures (for services)" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="112.655" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DHUTRG" LineNumber="15" LineDescription="Housing and utilities" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="113.071"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DHLCRG" LineNumber="16" LineDescription="Health care" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="112.724" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DTRSRG" LineNumber="17" LineDescription="Transportation services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="115.663"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DRCARG" LineNumber="18" LineDescription="Recreation services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="111.000"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DFSARG" LineNumber="19" LineDescription="Food services and accommodations" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="114.211" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DIFSRG" LineNumber="20" LineDescription="Financial services and insurance" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="108.990"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DOTSRG" LineNumber="21" LineDescription="Other services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="113.516" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DNPIRG" LineNumber="22" LineDescription="Final consumption expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs)" TimePeriod="2009"
CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="101.118" NoteRef="13,13.1" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DNPERG" LineNumber="23" LineDescription="Gross output of nonprofit institutions" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="111.062" NoteRef="13,13.2" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DNPSRG" LineNumber="24" LineDescription="Less: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofit institutions" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC"
UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="114.802" NoteRef="13,13.3" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DPCCRG" LineNumber="25" LineDescription="PCE excluding food and energy" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="108.536"
NoteRef="13,13.4" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DNRGRG" LineNumber="26" LineDescription="Energy goods and services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="110.004"
NoteRef="13,13.5" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DPCMRG" LineNumber="27" LineDescription="Market-based PCE" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="109.163"
NoteRef="13,13.6" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DPCXRG" LineNumber="28" LineDescription="Market-based PCE excluding food and energy" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="108.641" NoteRef="13,13.6" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DPCERG" LineNumber="29" LineDescription="Personal consumption expenditures" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="109.004" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DPHCRG" LineNumber="30" LineDescription="Household consumption expenditures" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="109.233" NoteRef="13,13.7" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DFXARG" LineNumber="31" LineDescription="Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC"
UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="113.366" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DCAFRG" LineNumber="32" LineDescription="Clothing, footwear, and related services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="99.607" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DHUFRG" LineNumber="33" LineDescription="Housing, utilities, and fuels" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="113.104"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DFHHRG" LineNumber="34" LineDescription="Furnishings, household equipment, and routine household maintenance" TimePeriod="2009"
CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="101.775" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DHLTRG" LineNumber="35" LineDescription="Health" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="112.281" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DTRNRG" LineNumber="36" LineDescription="Transportation" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="104.857" NoteRef="13"
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DCMCRG" LineNumber="37" LineDescription="Communication" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="99.594" NoteRef="13"
32 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DRRLRG" LineNumber="38" LineDescription="Recreation" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="95.294" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DEDURG" LineNumber="39" LineDescription="Education" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="125.742" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DFSARG" LineNumber="40" LineDescription="Food services and accommodations" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="114.211" NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DIFSRG" LineNumber="41" LineDescription="Financial services and insurance" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="108.990"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DOISRG" LineNumber="42" LineDescription="Other goods and services" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="116.553"
NoteRef="13" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DNPIRG" LineNumber="44" LineDescription="Final consumption expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs)" TimePeriod="2009"
CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="101.118" NoteRef="13,13.1" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DNPERG" LineNumber="45" LineDescription="Gross output of nonprofit institutions" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC" UNIT_MULT="0"
DataValue="111.062" NoteRef="13,13.2" />
<Data TableID="13" SeriesCode="DNPSRG" LineNumber="46" LineDescription="Less: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofit institutions" TimePeriod="2009" CL_UNIT="PC"
UNIT_MULT="0" DataValue="114.802" NoteRef="13,13.3" />
<Notes NoteRef="13" NoteText="Table 2.3.4U. Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product and by Major Function - [Index numbers, 2005=100;
quarters and months are seasonally adjusted]" />
<Notes NoteRef="13.1" NoteText="1. Net expenses of NPISHs, defined as their gross operating expenses less primary sales to households." />
<Notes NoteRef="13.2" NoteText="2. Gross output is net of unrelated sales, secondary sales, and sales to business, to government, and to the rest of the world; excludes own-account
investment (construction and software)." />
<Notes NoteRef="13.3" NoteText="3. Excludes unrelated sales, secondary sales, and sales to business, to government, and to the rest of the world; includes membership dues and fees."
<Notes NoteRef="13.4" NoteText="4. Food consists of food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption; food services, which include purchased meals and beverages, are not
classified as food." />
<Notes NoteRef="13.5" NoteText="5. Consists of gasoline and other energy goods and of electricity and gas services." />
<Notes NoteRef="13.6" NoteText="6. Market-based PCE is a supplemental measure that is based on household expenditures for which there are observable price measures. It excludes
most imputed transactions (for example, financial services furnished without payment) and the final consumption expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households." />
<Notes NoteRef="13.7" NoteText="7. Consists of household purchases of goods and services from business, government, nonprofit institutions, and the rest of the world." />
All requests for the Underlying Detail dataset will return similar results, including the elements that describe the
dimensions, data, and footnotes (Dimensions, Data, and Notes).
Dimensions Elements
The dimensions included in the returned data are:
Within the set of “Data” elements returned in the result, each of the dimensions is represented as an attribute
(name/value pair). All the dimensions (attributes) have a single value, except the Noteref dimension, which can
have multiple values represented as a comma-delimited string. The dimensions (attributes) are defined as
TableID – The standard Underlying Detail table ID as submitted in the request (an integer).
SeriesCodeA string containing a unique identifier for the line item in the published Underlying Detail table.
5 The Noteref attribute included in the data is not shown as one of the dimension elements. Noterefs may appear as an attribute of any
element in the result data (except other Noterefs), and refer to a particular NoteRef element.
33 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
LineNumber – The line number of the data item as shown in published print versions of the published
Underlying Detail table.
LineDescription – The “stub” or description of the statistic in the published Underlying Detail table.
TimePeriodA string containing the time period for the data item in the form YYYY for annual data,
YYYYQn for quarterly data (where n is the quarter digit), and YYYYMnn for monthly data (where nn is 2
digits representing the month – i.e. ‘01’ through ‘12’).
CL_UNIT – A string containing “USD” when the reported statistic is in U.S. dollars, or “PC” when the reported
statistic is a percent, index, or contribution.
UNIT_MULTAn integer representing the base-10 exponent of the multiplier used to interpret the data value.
For example “6” refers to millions (DataValue X 106) and “9” refers to billions (DataValue X 109).
DataValue – An integer or decimal value of the statistic. Always a numeric value, but may contain embedded
NoteRef – a reference to one of the Notes elements. Noteref in a data element always corresponds to the Noteref
in a Notes element. The Noteref attribute may have multiple values represented by a comma-delimited string.
This attribute can appear in any data element, or in the Results element. Any Noteref attribute included in the
data is guaranteed to have a corresponding Notes element. For the Underlying Detail dataset, every data
element includes at least one Noteref that corresponds to a Note element containing the title of the table.
Additional footnote references that apply to specific lines/series/timeperiods may be included in the comma-
delimited Noteref string value.
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Appendix D Fixed Assets
The FixedAssets dataset contains data from the standard set of Fixed Assets tables as published online. Two
parameters are used to retrieve data from the Fixed Assets dataset, as follows:
Is Required
“All” value
The standard Fixed
Assets table
List of year(s) of
data to retrieve
TableID Parameter
The TableID parameter is an integer that refers to a specific Fixed Assets table. As shown above, the parameter
is required, and only one Fixed Assets table can be requested in each GetData submission.
The full list of valid Fixed Assets TableIDs is as follows:
<ParamValue TableID="16" Description="Table 1.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="17" Description="Table 1.2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="86" Description="Table 1.3. Current-Cost Depreciation of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="87" Description="Table 1.4. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="96" Description="Table 1.5. Investment in Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="97" Description="Table 1.6. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="105" Description="Table 1.7. Current-Cost Other Changes in Volume of Assets for Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="124" Description="Table 1.8. Historical-Cost Other Changes in Volume of Assets for Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="125" Description="Table 1.9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="18" Description="Table 2.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="19" Description="Table 2.2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="42" Description="Table 2.3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="65" Description="Table 2.4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="66" Description="Table 2.5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by
Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="67" Description="Table 2.6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="51" Description="Table 2.7. Investment in Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="52" Description="Table 2.8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by
Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="106" Description="Table 2.9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="107" Description="Table 2.10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="21" Description="Table 3.1E. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="126" Description="Table 3.1ESI. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="127" Description="Table 3.1I. Current-Cost Net Stock of Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="22" Description="Table 3.1S. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="24" Description="Table 3.2E. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="128" Description="Table 3.2ESI. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="129" Description="Table 3.2I. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="25" Description="Table 3.2S. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="44" Description="Table 3.3E. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="130" Description="Table 3.3ESI. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="131" Description="Table 3.3I. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="45" Description="Table 3.3S. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="69" Description="Table 3.4E. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="132" Description="Table 3.4ESI. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="133" Description="Table 3.4I. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="70" Description="Table 3.4S. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="72" Description="Table 3.5E. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="134" Description="Table 3.5ESI. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="135" Description="Table 3.5I. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="73" Description="Table 3.5S. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="75" Description="Table 3.6E. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="136" Description="Table 3.6ESI. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="137" Description="Table 3.6I. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="76" Description="Table 3.6S. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="54" Description="Table 3.7E. Investment in Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="138" Description="Table 3.7ESI. Investment in Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="139" Description="Table 3.7I. Investment in Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="55" Description="Table 3.7S. Investment in Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="57" Description="Table 3.8E. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="140" Description="Table 3.8ESI. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
35 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
<ParamValue TableID="141" Description="Table 3.8I. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="58" Description="Table 3.8S. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="108" Description="Table 3.9E. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="142" Description="Table 3.9ESI. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="143" Description="Table 3.9I. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="110" Description="Table 3.9S. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="111" Description="Table 3.10E. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="144" Description="Table 3.10ESI. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="145" Description="Table 3.10I. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="113" Description="Table 3.10S. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="26" Description="Table 4.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="27" Description="Table 4.2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="46" Description="Table 4.3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="77" Description="Table 4.4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="78" Description="Table 4.5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of
Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="79" Description="Table 4.6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="59" Description="Table 4.7. Investment in Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="60" Description="Table 4.8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="114" Description="Table 4.9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)"
<ParamValue TableID="115" Description="Table 4.10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="28" Description="Table 5.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="29" Description="Table 5.2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure
Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="47" Description="Table 5.3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="88" Description="Table 5.4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="89" Description="Table 5.5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure
Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="90" Description="Table 5.6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="98" Description="Table 5.7. Investment in Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="99" Description="Table 5.8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure
Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="116" Description="Table 5.9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="117" Description="Table 5.10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure
Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="41" Description="Table 6.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="48" Description="Table 6.2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="49" Description="Table 6.3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="80" Description="Table 6.4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="81" Description="Table 6.5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="82" Description="Table 6.6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="61" Description="Table 6.7. Investment in Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="62" Description="Table 6.8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="118" Description="Table 6.9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="119" Description="Table 6.10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="35" Description="Table 7.1A. Current-Cost Net Stock of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="30" Description="Table 7.1B. Current-Cost Net Stock of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="36" Description="Table 7.2A. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="31" Description="Table 7.2B. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="91" Description="Table 7.3A. Current-Cost Depreciation of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="92" Description="Table 7.3B. Current-Cost Depreciation of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="93" Description="Table 7.4A. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="94" Description="Table 7.4B. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="100" Description="Table 7.5A. Investment in Government Fixed Assets, 1901-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="101" Description="Table 7.5B. Investment in Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="102" Description="Table 7.6A. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Government Fixed Assets, 1901-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="103" Description="Table 7.6B. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="120" Description="Table 7.7A. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="121" Description="Table 7.7B. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="32" Description="Table 8.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="33" Description="Table 8.2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="50" Description="Table 8.3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="83" Description="Table 8.4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="84" Description="Table 8.5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="85" Description="Table 8.6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="63" Description="Table 8.7. Investment in Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="64" Description="Table 8.8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="122" Description="Table 8.9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="123" Description="Table 8.10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="34" Description="Table 9.1. Real Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="95" Description="Table 9.2. Real Depreciation of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="104" Description="Table 9.3. Real Investment in Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
Note that the description of each table also indicates that only annual data is available.
Requesting an invalid TableID returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving Fixed Assets data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="Invalid table IDs were requested." />
36 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Omitting the TableID parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40" APIErrorDescription="The dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request.">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="TableID" ParameterDescription="The standard Fixed Assets table identifier" />
Year Parameter
The Year parameter is an integer that specifies the year(s) of data for the requested Fixed Assets table. As
shown above, the parameter is required, and multiple years can be requested in each GetData submission.
Multiple years are requested by specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e.g. “2000,2001,2002”. When
data is requested for years that don’t exist for a particular Fixed Assets table, only data that exists is returned.
For example, if years in the future are requested – like “2013,2014,2015”, the most recent available data is
returned starting with 2013. If the request supplies the special value “X” for the Year parameter, all available
years of data are returned. Note that using the “X” value for all years can return large amounts of data, and
should be avoided when the actual required years are known.
If only years that don’t exist for a particular table are requested, this error is returned:
<Error APIErrorCode="201" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving Fixed Assets data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="The requested parameters did not return data." />
Omitting the Year parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40" APIErrorDescription="The dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request.">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="Year" ParameterDescription="List of year(s) of data to retrieve (X for All)" />
Using the GetParameterValues meta-data retrieval method for the Year parameter returns a list of the valid year
ranges for each Fixed Assets table. Each Fixed Assets table may have a different range of years. For example,
Table 1 (at the time of this writing) has annual data from 1925 through 2012 available as indicated in this
example return data from the GetParameterValues method:
<ParamValue TableID="16" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="17" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="18" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="19" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="21" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="22" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="24" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="25" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="26" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="27" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="28" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="29" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="30" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="31" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="32" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="33" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="34" FirstAnnualYear="1999" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="35" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="36" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="41" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="42" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="44" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="45" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="46" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="47" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="48" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="49" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="50" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="51" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="52" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
37 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
<ParamValue TableID="54" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="55" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="57" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="58" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="59" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="60" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="61" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="62" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="63" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="64" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="65" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="66" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="67" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="69" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="70" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="72" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="73" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="75" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="76" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="77" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="78" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="79" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="80" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="81" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="82" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="83" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="84" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="85" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="86" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="87" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="88" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="89" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="90" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="91" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="92" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="93" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="94" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="95" FirstAnnualYear="1999" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="96" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="97" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="98" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="99" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="100" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="101" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="102" FirstAnnualYear="1901" LastAnnualYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="103" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="104" FirstAnnualYear="1999" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="105" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="106" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="107" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="108" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="110" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="111" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="113" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="114" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="115" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="116" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="117" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="118" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="119" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="120" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="1996" />
<ParamValue TableID="121" FirstAnnualYear="1997" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="122" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="123" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="124" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="125" FirstAnnualYear="1925" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="126" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="127" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="128" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="129" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="130" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="131" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="132" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="133" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="134" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="135" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="136" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="137" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="138" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="139" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="140" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="141" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="142" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="143" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
<ParamValue TableID="144" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
38 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
<ParamValue TableID="145" FirstAnnualYear="1947" LastAnnualYear="2012" />
Fixed Assets Dataset Result Data
The Fixed Assets dataset returns data in the standard form described in the API User documentation. In XML
form, the main structure of a result is:
<Results UTCProductionTime="Apr 16 2013 2:36PM" Statistic="Fixed Assets Table">
The Request node of the result contains the parameters supplied to the request. For purposes of this example,
the parameters are:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="11111111-2222-3333-EEEE-FFFFFFFFFFFF" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GetData" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="FIXEDASSETS" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="TableID" ParameterValue="16" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="Year" ParameterValue="2012" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
The result returned from this request would be:
<Dimensions Ordinal="1" Name="TableID" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="2" Name="SeriesCode" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="3" Name="LineNumber" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="4" Name="LineDescription" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="5" Name="TimePeriod" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="6" Name="CL_UNIT" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="7" Name="UNIT_MULT" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="8" Name="DataValue" DataType="numeric" IsValue="1" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1wtotl1es00" LineNumber="1" LineDescription="Fixed assets and consumer durable goods" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="53,571.6 " NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ttotl1es00" LineNumber="2" LineDescription="Fixed assets" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="48,723.6
" NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ptotl1es00" LineNumber="3" LineDescription="Private" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="36,215.6 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ntotl1es00" LineNumber="4" LineDescription="Nonresidential" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="19,903.3
" NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ntotl1eq00" LineNumber="5" LineDescription="Equipment" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="5,622.9 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ntotl1st00" LineNumber="6" LineDescription="Structures" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="11,944.6 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ntotl1ip00" LineNumber="7" LineDescription="Intellectual property products" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="2,335.8 " NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1r53101es00" LineNumber="8" LineDescription="Residential" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="16,312.3
" NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gtotl1es00" LineNumber="9" LineDescription="Government" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="12,508.0
" NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gtotl1esnr" LineNumber="10" LineDescription="Nonresidential" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="12,160.1
" NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gtotl1eq00" LineNumber="11" LineDescription="Equipment" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="980.3 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gtotl1stnr" LineNumber="12" LineDescription="Structures" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="10,108.6 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gtotl1ip00" LineNumber="13" LineDescription="Intellectual property products" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="1,071.2 " NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gtotl1sa00" LineNumber="14" LineDescription="Residential" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="347.9 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ctotl1cd00" LineNumber="15" LineDescription="Consumer durable goods" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="4,848.0 " NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ttotl1es00" LineNumber="16" LineDescription="Private and government fixed assets" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="48,723.6 " NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ytotl1es00" LineNumber="17" LineDescription="Nonresidential" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="32,063.4
" NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ytotl1eq00" LineNumber="18" LineDescription="Equipment" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="6,603.2
" NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ytotl1st00" LineNumber="19" LineDescription="Structures" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="22,053.1 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ytotl1ip00" LineNumber="20" LineDescription="Intellectual property products" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="3,407.0 " NoteRef="16" />
39 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1x53101es00" LineNumber="21" LineDescription="Residential" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="16,660.2
" NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gtotl1es00" LineNumber="22" LineDescription="Government fixed assets" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="12,508.0 " NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gfedr1es00" LineNumber="23" LineDescription="Federal" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="3,121.6 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1gstlc1es00" LineNumber="24" LineDescription="State and local" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="9,386.3
" NoteRef="16" />
<Notes NoteRef="16" NoteText="Table 1.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods - [Billions of dollars; yearend estimates]" />
All requests for the Fixed Assets dataset will return similar results, including the elements that describe the
dimensions, data, and footnotes (Dimensions, Data, and Notes).
Dimensions Elements
The dimensions included in the returned data are:
Within the set of “Data” elements returned in the result, each of the dimensions is represented as an attribute
(name/value pair). All the dimensions (attributes) have a single value, except the Noteref dimension, which can
have multiple values represented as a comma-delimited string. The dimensions (attributes) are defined as
TableID – The standard Fixed Assets table ID as submitted in the request (an integer).
SeriesCodeA string containing the a unique identifier for the line item in the published Fixed Assets table.
LineNumber – The line number of the data item as shown in published print versions of the published Fixed
Assets table.
LineDescription – The “stub” or description of the statistic in the published Fixed Assets table.
TimePeriodA string containing the time period for the data item in the form YYYY for annual data.
CL_UNIT – A string containing “USD” when the reported statistic is in U.S. dollars, or “PC” when the reported
statistic is a percent, index, or contribution.
UNIT_MULTAn integer representing the base-10 exponent of the multiplier used to interpret the data value.
For example “6” refers to millions (DataValue X 106) and “9” refers to billions (DataValue X 109).
6 The Noteref attribute included in the data is not shown as one of the dimension elements. Noterefs may appear as an attribute of any
element in the result data (except other Noterefs), and refer to a particular NoteRef element.
40 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
DataValue – An integer or decimal value of the statistic. Always a numeric value, but may contain embedded
NoteRefa reference to one of the Notes elements. Noteref in a data element always corresponds to the Noteref
in a Notes element. The Noteref attribute may have multiple values represented by a comma-delimited string.
This attribute can appear in any data element, or in the Results element. Any Noteref attribute included in the
data is guaranteed to have a corresponding Notes element. For the Fixed Assets dataset, every data element
includes at least one Noteref that corresponds to a Note element containing the title of the table. Additional
footnote references that apply to specific lines may be included in the comma-delimited Noteref string value.
41 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Appendix E Data on Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)
The DataSetName is MNE. This dataset contains two types of statistics:
1. Direct Investment (DI)income and financial transactions in direct investment that underlie the U.S.
balance of payments statistics, and direct investment positions that underlie the U.S. international
investment positions; and
2. Activities of Multinational Enterprises (AMNE)—operations and finances of U.S. parent enterprises
and their foreign affiliates and U.S. affiliates of foreign MNEs.
API requests for the two types of statistics share most of the same parameters, though the allowable values for
each parameter may be different, depending on the type of statistic desired (e.g., DI or AMNE).
Type 1: Direct Investment (DI) Data Request
Parameter Name Type Description Required
value Default
DirectionOfInvestment String
Outward = US direct
investment abroad
Yes No Not
Inward = Foreign
investment in the US
SeriesID Integer Data Series Identifier No Yes All All
Classification String Results by country
and/or industry
Yes No Not
Time Period
Country String
Geographic Area
No Yes All All
Industry Code
GetFootnotes String
Yes = Include
No No Not
accepted No
No = Exclude footnotes
Examples of Direct Investment (DI) Data Requests
U.S. direct investment position in China and Asia for 2011 and 2012 Your-36Character-
Foreign direct investment position in the U.S. from Germany in the manufacturing industry for 2011 and 2012
42 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014,23,24,25,26,27&UserID= Your-36Character-
Type 2: Activities of Multinational Enterprises (AMNE) Data Request
Parameter Name Type Description Required
value Default
DirectionOfInvestment String Outward, Inward,
State, Parent Yes No Not
OwnershipLevel Binary
0 = Majority-Owned
Yes No Not
1 = All Affiliates
NonBankAffiliatesOnly Binary
0 = Both Bank and
NonBank Affiliates
Yes No Not
1 = Nonbank
SeriesID Integer
Data Series
No Yes All All
Classification String Results by country
and/or industry Yes No Not
Time Period
Country String
Geographic Area
No Yes All All
Industry Code
State String
Two-digit State FIPS
No No All All
GetFootnotes String
Yes = Include
No No Not
accepted No
No = Exclude
Examples of Activities of Multinational Enterprises (AMNE) Data Requests
Net income and sales for Brazilian affiliates of U.S. parent enterprises, all industries, 2011 and 2012 Your-36Character-
Total employment in U.S. affiliates of foreign-owned enterprises, all countries, 2011, include footnotes
43 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014 Your-36Character-
API Call [GETPARAMETERVALUES] to Obtain a List of Available Values & Descriptions for
Each Parameter
[Details of each are described in the section below.]
Parameter Name
Parameter Value List
DirectionOfInvestment Your-36Character-Key
OwnershipLevel Your-36Character-Key
NonBankAffiliatesOnly Your-36Character-Key
Classification Your-36Character-Key
Year Your-36Character-Key
Country Your-36Character-Key
Industry Your-36Character-Key
State Your-36Character-Key
GetFootnotes Your-36Character-Key
44 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Parameter Details
DirectionOfInvestment Parameter – (Required, single value)
DirectionOfInvestment can take on two values for DI statistics and four for AMNE statistics. The two values
shared by DI and AMNE statistics are:
1. ‘Outwardfor AMNE statistics, provides data for foreign affiliates; for DI statistics, provides data on
transactions and positions between foreign affiliates and their U.S. parent enterprises.
2. ‘Inward’ for AMNE statistics, provides data for U.S. affiliates; for DI statistics, provides data on
transactions and positions between U.S. affiliates and their foreign parent groups.
For AMNE statistics only there are two additional options:
3. ‘State’ – provides data on U.S. affiliates of foreign multinational enterprises at the state level. Note that
only data on employment (and for 2007 and earlier years, property, plant, and equipment) are available
at the state level.
4. ‘Parent’ – provides data on U.S. parent enterprises.
OwnershipLevel Parameter – (used with AMNE statistics only, required, single value)
1. 1 – Returns data for all affiliates
2. 0 – Returns data for majority-owned affiliates only
If DirectionOfInvestment = “Parent” then OwnershipLevel must be set to 1.
NonBankAffiliatesOnly Parameter – (used with AMNE statistics only, required, single value)
1. 1 – Returns data for nonbank affiliates only
2. 0 – Returns data for both bank and nonbank affiliates only
Select NonBankAffiliatesOnly = 0 for data from 2009 – present for ‘outward’ AMNE and from 2007 – present
for ‘inward’ AMNE
Select NonBankAffiliatesOnly = 1 for data up to 2008 for ‘outward’ AMNE and up to 2006 for ‘inward AMNE
SeriesID Parameter – (optional, default = 0, multiple values allowed)
Refer to the GETPARAMETERVALUES API call above for the list of SeriesID values and their descriptions.
Note that not all series are available for all classes of ownership and years.
A value of 0 will return data for all available series given the other parameters. Separate multiple values with a
Classification Parameter (required, single value)
1. ‘Country’ – Returns a total value by country only
2. ‘Industry’ – Returns a total value by industry only
45 | Page Tuesday, September 30, 2014
3. ‘CountryByIndustry’ – Returns values for a country broken out by industry (where available)
4. ‘IndustryByCountry’ – Returns values for an industry broken out by country (where available)
Year Parameter (required, multiple values allowed)
Use the four-digit year to request data for a specific year. Use ‘all’ to return data for all available years.
Separate multiple values with a comma.
Country Parameter(optional, default = all, multiple values allowed)
Refer to the GETPARAMETERVALUES API call above for the list of three-digit country and region
identification values. Use ‘000’ for the total of all countries and ‘all’ for all available countries and regions.
Separate multiple values with a comma.
Industry Parameter(optional, default = all, multiple values allowed)
Refer to the GETPARAMETERVALUES API call abovefor the list of four-digit industry identification values.
These generally follow the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Use ‘0000’ for the all-
industries total and ‘all’ for all available industries. Separate multiple values with a comma.
State Parameter(optional, default = all, multiple values allowed)
At the state level data are only available on employment and (for 2007 and earlier years), property, plant, and
Refer to the GETPARAMETERVALUES API call above for the list of the two-digit Federal Information
Processing Standards (FIPS) codes, or the FIPS codes found at this link: Use ‘70’ for “Other U.S. Areas”, ‘75’ for “Foreign”, ‘00’
for total U.S., and ‘all’ for all states and areas. Separate multiple values with a comma.
GetFootnotes Parameter – (optional, default=no, single value)
1. yes’ Include footnotes with data returned
2. ‘no’ – Do not include footnotes with data returned
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Appendix F Gross Domestic Product by Industry (GDPbyIndustry)
The gross domestic product by industry data are contained within a dataset called GDPbyIndustry. BEA's
industry accounts are used extensively by policymakers and businesses to understand industry interactions,
productivity trends, and the changing structure of the U.S. economy. The GDP-by-industry dataset includes data
in both current and chained (real) dollars. The dataset contains estimates for value added, gross output,
intermediate inputs, KLEMS and employment statistics.
Gross Domestic Product by Industry (GDPbyIndustry) Data Request
Parameter Name Type Description Required
value Default
TableID Integer
The unique GDP by
Industry table identifier
(ALL for All)
Yes Yes ALL N/A
Frequency String A - Annual, Q-Quarterly Yes Yes A,Q N/A
Year Integer
List of year(s) of data to
retrieve (ALL for All)
Yes Yes ALL N/A
Industry String
List of industries to
retrieve (ALL for All)
Yes Yes ALL N/A
Examples of GDP by Industry (GDPbyIndustry) Data Requests
Annual Value Added by Industry data for all industries for years 2011 and 2012:
All annual and quarterly data in all tables for the Agriculture industry in 2010.
API Call [GETPARAMETERVALUES] to Obtain a List of Available Values & Descriptions for
Each Parameter
[Details of each are described in the section below.]
Parameter Name
Parameter Value List
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Parameter Details
TableID Parameter – (Required, multiple values accepted, no default value, ‘ALL’ for all tables)
The TableID parameter is a unique table identifier. This parameter is required to query data and does
accept multiple comma separated values. If all tables are required, use the ‘ALL’ keyword.
All tables are published annually, but only a subset are published quarterly. The Descr in the
GetParameterValues result will contain (A) if the table is published annually and (Q) indicating that the
table is also published quarterly.
Frequency Parameter – (Required, multiple values accepted, no default value, ‘A,Q’ for all frequencies)
The Frequency parameter indicates whether annual or quarterly data are to be returned. This parameter is
required to query data and does accept multiple comma separated values.
All tables are published annually (Frequency = A) but only a subset are published quarterly (Frequency =
If a data request is submitted for both annual and quarterly data from a table that is only published
annually then only the annual data will be returned.
If a data request is submitted for quarterly data from a table that is only published annually then the user
will receive the following error:
<Error APIErrorCode="204" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving GDP by Industry data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="This TableID is not published quarterly: 25" />
Year Parameter – (Required, multiple values accepted, no default value, ’ALL‘ for all years)
The Year parameter indicates what periods of data are requested. This parameter is required to query data
and does accept multiple comma separated values. Use the keyword ‘ALL’ to return all periods of data.
If requesting quarterly frequency data, all available quarters for a year will be returned.
Annual data publications begin in 1997 for most tables and 1998 for percent change and contributions
tables. Quarterly data began publication in 2005.
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If a data request is submitted for quarterly or annual data before the earliest estimate period the user will
receive one of the following errors:
<Error APIErrorCode="204" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving GDP by Industry data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="Quarterly data begin in 2005. Invalid year: 1997" />
<Error APIErrorCode="204" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving GDP by Industry data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="Annual data begin in 1997 and quarterly data begins in 2005.
Invalid year: 1996" />
Industry Parameter – (Required, multiple values accepted, no default value, ‘ALL‘ for all industries)
The Industry parameter indicates what periods of data are requested. This parameter is required to query
data and does accept multiple comma separated values. Use the keyword ‘ALL’ to return all industries.
All industries are published annually, but only a subset are published quarterly. The Descr in the
GetParameterValues result will contain (A) if the industry is published annually and (Q) indicating that
the industry is also published quarterly.
If a data request is submitted for an industry that is not published in the requested tables the user will
receive the following error:
<Error APIErrorCode="204" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving GDP by Industry data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="Invalid industry: 111CA" />
General Use
Data will be returned for all data cells that fit the requested criteria. If the request contains parameter
values requesting data for which only part of a set is available, only the data matching the criteria will be
returned. For example, requesting ALL TableIDs for 1997 will return only annual data because the
quarterly publications begin in estimate year 2005. Blanks will not be returned for missing data.
If no data fit the selected criteria the user will receive the following error:
<Error APIErrorCode="204" APIErrorDescription="Error retrieving GDP by Industry data.">
<ErrorDetail Description="No data exist for selected criteria" />
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Appendix G ITA (International Transactions)
The DataSetName is ITA. This dataset contains data on U.S. international transactions. BEA's international
transactions (balance of payments) accounts include all transactions between U.S. and foreign residents. Four
parameters are used to retrieve data from the ITA dataset, as follows:
ITA (International Transactions) Data Request Parameters
Parameter Name Type Description Required
value Default
Indicator String
The indicator code
for the type of
No Yes All All
AreaOrCountry String
The area or country
No Yes All AllCountries
Frequency String
A - Annual, QSA -
Quarterly seasonally
adjusted, QNSA -
Quarterly not
seasonally adjusted
No Yes All All
Year String Year requested No Yes All
Examples of ITA (International Transactions) Data Requests
Balance on goods with China for 2011 and 2012
Net U.S. acquisition of portfolio investment assets (quarterly not seasonally adjusted) for 2013
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API Call [GETPARAMETERVALUES] to Obtain a List of Available Values & Descriptions for
Each Parameter
[Details of each are described in the section below.]
Parameter Name
Parameter Value List
Parameter Details
Indicator Parameter – (optional, multiple values allowed)
The Indicator parameter specifies the type of transaction. The Indicator parameter values usually correspond to
lines in ITA tables at
Exactly one Indicator parameter value must be provided in all data requests unless exactly one AreaOrCountry
parameter value other than “ALL” and “AllCountries” is requested. That is, multiple Indicators can only be
specified if a single AreaOrCountry is specified.
AreaOrCountry Parameter – (optional, multiple values allowed)
The AreaOrCountry parameter specifies the counterparty area or country of the transactions.
The default parameter value (“AllCountries”) returns the total for all countries, while “All” returns all data
available by area and country.
Exactly one AreaOrCountry parameter value must be provided in all data requests unless exactly one Indicator
parameter value is requested. This single parameter value may not be either “ALL” or “AllCountries.” That is, a
list of countries or the grand total for all countries can only be specified if a single Indicator is specified.
For information on geographic area definitions, see
Frequency Parameter – (optional, multiple values allowed)
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3. A – Annual
4. QSA Quarterly seasonally adjusted
5. QNSA – Quarterly not seasonally adjusted
Year Parameter – (optional, multiple values allowed)
The Year parameter specifies the year of the data requested. When quarterly data are requested, all
available quarters for the specified year will be returned.
ITA (International Transactions) Dimensions Elements in Return Data
Parameter Name Ordinal Datatype IsValue Description
Indicator 1 String No
The Indicator parameter value of the data
AreaOrCountry 2 String No
The AreaOrCountry parameter value of the
data item.
Frequency 3 String No
The Frequency parameter value of the data
Year 4 String No The Year parameter value of the data item.
TimeSeriesId 5 String No
A unique identifier for the time series of the
data item.
TimeSeriesDescription 6 String No
A description of the transactions measured in
the data item.
TimePeriod 7 String No
A string containing the time period for the
data item in the form YYYY for annual data
and YYYYQn for quarterly data (where n is the
quarter digit)
CL_UNIT 8 String No
A string indicating the base unit of
measurement of the data item. For example,
“USD” is used when the reported statistic is
in U.S. dollars.
UNIT_MULT 9 String No
An integer representing the base-10
exponent of the multiplier used to interpret
the data value. For example “6” refers to
millions (DataValue × 10
DataValue 10 Numeric No
An integer or decimal value of the statistic.
May be blank.
A NoteRef attribute is also included in all data elements and acts as a reference to one of the Notes elements in
the returned data. The NoteRef attribute may have multiple values represented by a comma-delimited string.
Any NoteRef attribute included in the data is guaranteed to have a corresponding Notes element. The NoteRef
attribute may be blank.
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Appendix H IIP (International Investment Position)
The DataSetName is IIP. This dataset contains data on the U.S. international investment position. BEA's
international investment position accounts include the end of period value of accumulated stocks of U.S.
financial assets and liabilities. Four parameters are used to retrieve data from the IIP dataset, as follows:
IIP (International Investment Position) Data Request Parameters
Parameter Name Type Description Required
value Default
TypeOfInvestment String Type of investment No Yes All All
Component String
Component of
changes in position No Yes All All
Frequency String
A - Annual, QNSA -
Quarterly not
seasonally adjusted
No Yes All All
Year requested
Examples of IIP (International Investment Position) Data Requests
U.S. assets excluding financial derivatives; change in position attributable to price changes for all available
U.S. liabilities to foreign official agencies (quarterly not seasonally adjusted) for 2013
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API Call [GETPARAMETERVALUES] to Obtain a List of Available Values & Descriptions for
Each Parameter
[Details of each are described in the section below.]
Parameter Name
Parameter Value List
Parameter Details
TypeOfInvestment Parameter (optional, multiple values allowed)
The TypeOfInvestment parameter specifies the type of investment. The TypeOfInvestment parameter values
usually correspond to lines in IIP tables at
Exactly one TypeOfInvestment parameter value must be provided in all data requests unless exactly one Year
parameter value other than “ALL” is requested. That is, more than one TypeOfInvestment can only be
specified if a single Year is specified.
Component Parameter – (optional, multiple values allowed)
The Component parameter specifies either the position (“Pos”) or a component in the change of position from
the previous period. For instance, the parameter value “ChgPosTrans” specifies changes due to financial-
account transactions.
Frequency Parameter – (optional, multiple values allowed)
1. A – Annual
2. QNSA – Quarterly not seasonally adjusted
Year Parameter – (optional, multiple values allowed)
The Year parameter specifies the year of the data requested. When quarterly data are requested, all available
quarters for the specified year will be returned.
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Exactly one Year parameter value must be provided in all data requests unless exactly one TypeOfInvestment
parameter value other than “ALL” is requested. That is, more than one Year can only be specified if a single
TypeOfInvestment is specified.
IIP (International Investment Position) Dimensions Elements in Return Data
Parameter Name Ordinal Datatype IsValue Description
TypeOfInvestment 1 String No
The TypeOfInvestment parameter value of
the data item.
Component 2 String No
The Component parameter value of the data
Frequency 3 String No
The Frequency parameter value of the data
Year 4 String No The Year parameter value of the data item.
TimeSeriesId 5 String No
A unique identifier for the time series of the
data item.
TimeSeriesDescription 6 String No
A description of the transactions measured in
the data item.
TimePeriod 7 String No
A string containing the time period for the
data item in the form YYYY for annual data
and YYYYQn for quarterly data (where n is the
quarter digit)
CL_UNIT 8 String No
A string indicating the base unit of
measurement of the data item. For example,
“USD” is used when the reported statistic is
in U.S. dollars.
UNIT_MULT 9 String No
An integer representing the base-10
exponent of the multiplier used to interpret
the data value. For example “6” refers to
millions (DataValue × 10
DataValue 10 Numeric No
An integer or decimal value of the statistic.
May be blank.
A NoteRef attribute is also included in all data elements and acts as a reference to one of the Notes elements in
the returned data. The NoteRef attribute may have multiple values represented by a comma-delimited string.
Any NoteRef attribute included in the data is guaranteed to have a corresponding Notes element. The NoteRef
attribute may be blank.

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