Bea Web Service Api User Guide
User Manual: Pdf
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Page Count: 65
- BEA Web Service API for Data Retrieval User Guide-NoAppedixes-2017-10-11
- Appendix A RegionalData-2017-06-01
- Appendix B NIPA-2017-10-11
- Appendix C NIPAUnderlyingDetail-2017-10-11
- Appendix D FixedAssets-2015-12-01
- Appendix E MNE-2017-01-13
- Appendix F GDPbyIndustry-2015-12-01
- Appendix G ITA-2015-12-01
- Appendix H IIP-2015-12-01
- Appendix I RegionalIncome-2017-06-26
- Appendix J RegionalProduct-2017-03-02
- Appendix K InputOutput-2015-12-01
- Appendix L UnderlyingGDPbyIndustry-2015-12-01
- Appendix M - IntlServTrade (International Services Trade)-2016-12-27

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BEA API for Data Retrieval
User Guide
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) publishes economic statistics in a variety of formats. This document
describes the BEA Data Retrieval Application Programming Interface (API) – including detailed instructions
for retrieving data and meta-data published by BEA. The API is intended to provide programmatic access to
published economic statistics using industry-standard methods and procedures. The intended audience of this
document is programmers who are familiar with the concepts and techniques of retrieving data from Web
The BEA API includes methods for retrieving a subset of BEA statistical data, and meta-data that describes it.
As additional datasets are added, the meta-data retrieval methods can be used to discover the current data
accessible through the API.
Access to the BEA API
The API is available to registered users on the BEA public web site. Before using the API, users must obtain a
unique 36-character UserID by registering at . To register, API users must
provide their name (or organization name), a valid email address, and agree to the published terms of service.
After completing the registration form an email is sent containing the assigned UserID, and a link that
completes the registration process. Assigned UserIDs are activated when the link has been clicked.
The URI1 of the API is: All API access is through this URI; no other paths
. Data is retrieved by sending an HTTP GET to the URI with appropriate (querystring) parameters supplied.
The minimum parameters for every request include the UserID and the name of the method being invoked. For
would retrieve a list of the datasets currently offered by the BEA API (if the UserID was valid – it’s not).
Statistical data offered by the API is organized into defined “Datasets”. An API data retrieval request always
specifies one dataset by name. Each dataset has a number of defined parameters, and each parameter has a
defined set of valid values. There are four API methods that return meta-data about the API – corresponding to
datasets, parameters, and valid parameter values. There is one method that returns data.
1 Uniform Resource Identifier

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JavaScript Usage
While the API may be used from any language capable of issuing HTTP requests (Java, PHP, Perl, Python, C,
etc. ), two features are supported that allow JavaScript to issue requests without violating same-origin security
checks - CORS and JSONP.
If you're writing a browser-based web application for modern web browsers with support for CORS then you
may simply use an XMLHttpRequest as usual, without any changes. All HTTP responses generated by the API
will include the necessary CORS headers.
If you're writing a browser-based web application for legacy browsers without support for CORS then your
request URL query string may include a jsonp argument. If present, this prefix will be wrapped around the
response, allowing you to capture the result of the query.
For example:
T Y&Year=2013&ResultFormat=json&jsonp=MY_FUNCTION_NAME
Data Return Format
The API returns data in one of two formats: JSON2 or XML3. The optional ResultFormat parameter can be
included on any request to specify the format of the results. If ResultFormat is not supplied on the request, or an
invalid ResultFormat is specified, the default format returned is JSON.
The valid values for ResultFormat are “JSON” and “XML”. For example, the following request would return a
list of the available datasets in XML format:
This request would return a list of the available datasets in JSON
The data returned from the API always has the following basic structure, with some additional structure
depending on the data requested:
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETDATASETLIST" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="
" ParameterName="USERID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Standard NIPA tables" DatasetName="NIPA"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Standard NI underlying detail tables" DatasetName="NIUnderlyingDetail"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Multinational Enterprises" DatasetName="MNE"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Standard Fixed Assets tables" DatasetName="FixedAssets"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="International Transactions Accounts" DatasetName="ITA"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="International Investment Position" DatasetName="IIP"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="GDP by Industry" DatasetName="GDPbyIndustry"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Regional Income data sets" DatasetName="RegionalIncome"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Regional Product data sets" DatasetName="RegionalProduct"/>
2 Java Script Object Notation
3 Extensible Markup Language

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In XML form, the root node is always <BEAAPI>, followed by the child node <Request>. The
children that echo the parameters passed in the request. The root node, <BEAAPI>,
then has another child node, <Results>, containing the results of the request. The Results content is different
depending on the method and parameters passed. In this example, the result of the GetDatasetList method is
shown to be a simple list of Dataset names and descriptions.
In JSON form, the example above returns data as follows (white-space and indentation added for clarity):
{ "BEAAPI":{
{ "ParameterName":"USERID",
{ "ParameterName":"RESULTFORMAT",
{ "ParameterName":"METHOD",
[ { "DatasetName":"NIPA",
"DatasetDescription":"Standard NIPA
{ "DatasetName":"NIUnderlyingDetail",
"DatasetDescription":"Standard NI underlying
detail tables"
{ "DatasetName":"MNE",
{ "DatasetName":"FixedAssets",
"DatasetDescription":"Standard Fixed
Assets tables"
{ "DatasetName":"ITA",
"DatasetDescription":"International Transactions Accounts"
{ "DatasetName":"IIP",
"DatasetDescription":"International Investment Position"
{ "DatasetName":"GDPbyIndustry",
"DatasetDescription":"GDP by
{ "DatasetName":"RegionalIncome",
"DatasetDescription":"Regional Income data
{ "DatasetName":"RegionalProduct",
"DatasetDescription":"Regional Product data

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Error Return Format
When invalid values are supplied for parameters in a request, or required parameters are missing, the results
contain an error message – for example:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="
" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GETDATASETLIST" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML" />
<Error APIErrorCode="3" APIErrorDescription="The BEA API UserID provided in the request does not exist. " />
API Calling Limits
The API has default calling limits as shown below. These limits are meant to protect BEA’s API and webserver
infrastructure from activity that may be detrimental to that infrastructure and/or unfairly impede other API users.
• 1000 API calls per minute, and/or
• 30 errors per minute, and/or
• 50 MB (raw data) per minute.
Any user that exceeds the above calling limits will receive an explanatory error message for each API call until
the per-minute cause has expired. The best way to avoid such errors is to design your application to call the API
within these limits, e.g., programmatically regulate the frequency/size of API calls.
Meta-Data API Methods
The API contains three methods for retrieving meta-data as follows:
et D at
S et
st – retrieves a list of the datasets currently offered.
Required Parameters: UserID, Method
Optional Parameters: ResultFormat
Result: Dataset node with DatasetName and DatasetDescription attributes.
Example Request:
Example Return:
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETDATASETLIST" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="
" ParameterName="USERID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Standard NIPA tables" DatasetName="NIPA"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Standard NI underlying detail tables" DatasetName="NIUnderlyingDetail"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Multinational Enterprises" DatasetName="MNE"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Standard Fixed Assets tables" DatasetName="FixedAssets"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="International Transactions Accounts" DatasetName="ITA"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="International Investment Position" DatasetName="IIP"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="GDP by Industry" DatasetName="GDPbyIndustry"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Regional Income data sets" DatasetName="RegionalIncome"/>
<Dataset DatasetDescription="Regional Product data sets" DatasetName="RegionalProduct"/>

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The RegionalData data set is obsolete and API calls using this data set will no longer function. Users
should instead access the datasets RegionalIncome and RegionalProduct, which provide comprehensive
detail in statistics, industries, geography, and years. See Appendices I and J for instructions on how to
use these two data sets. In addition, BEA continues to add new datasets as appropriate, and while any new
datasets will be announced on the BEA’s website Developers page (https:/, we
also encourage users to periodically call the above GETDATASETLIST discover new datasets.
et P
et er
st – retrieves a list of the parameters (required and optional) for a particular dataset.
Required Parameters: UserID, Method, DatasetName
Optional Parameters: ResultFormat
Result: Parameter node with attributes:
ParameterName – the name of the parameter as used in a data request
ParameterDataType – String or Integer
ParameterDescription – a description of the parameter
ParameterIsRequired – 0 if the parameter can be omitted from a request, 1 if required
ParameterDefaultValue – the default value used for the request if the parameter is not supplied
MultipleAcceptedFlag – 0 if the parameter may only have a single value, 1 if multiple values are
permitted. Note that multiple values for a parameter are submitted as a comma-separated string.
AllValue – the special value for a parameter that means all valid values are used without supplying them
Example Request 1:
Example Return 1:
ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="
ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GetParameterList"
ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="RegionalIncome"
ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML"
ParameterName="GeoFips" MultipleAcceptedFlag="1"
ParameterDataType="string" ParameterDescription="Comma-delimited list of 5-character geographic codes;
COUNTY for all counties, STATE for all states, MSA for all MSAs, MIC for all Micropolitan Areas, PORT for
all state metro/nonmetro portions, DIV for all Metropolitan Divisions, CSA for all Combined Statistical
Areas, state post office abbreviation for all counties in one state (e.g. NY)
" />
ParameterName="TableName" MultipleAcceptedFlag="0"
ParameterDescription="Income or employment table to retrieve
" />
ParameterName="LineCode" MultipleAcceptedFlag="0" ParameterIsRequiredFlag="1" ParameterDataType="integer"
ParameterDescription="Line code for a statistic or industry
ParameterIsRequiredFlag="0" ParameterDescription="Comma-delimted
list of years; LAST5 for latest 5 years; LAST10 for latest 10 years; ALL for all years" ParameterDefaultValue="LAST5"
In this example, the parameters for the “RegionalIncome” dataset are being requested. The results indicate that
the dataset has four parameters: GeoFips, LineCode, TableName, and Year.
GeoFips is a string typed parameter indicating the geographic codes requested. GeoFIPS is required.

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Multiple values are accepted, in a comma-delimited list, and there are special values such as COUNTY for all
TableName is a string typed parameter that specifies what table has the statistic requested. We can’t tell from
this what the valid TableNames are, but we can see that it is required (and therefore has no
ault value
), and
that multiple values are not allowed (and therefore there is no special “all” value).
LineCode specifies the requested statistic in the table. This integer is the line code in the table specified in the
TableName parameter. We don’t know what these line codes are, but we can send another request to find out.
Year is a string typed parameter containing the years requested. It is not required in a request, and if is not
included, the default value used is “LAST5”. A comma-delimited list of years is accepted, as well as other
special values like “LAST10” and “ALL”.
Example Request 2:
Example Return 2:
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="
" ParameterName="USERID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="REGIONALPRODUCT" ParameterName="DATASETNAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETPARAMETERLIST" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<Parameter ParameterName="Component" MultipleAcceptedFlag="0" ParameterIsRequiredFlag="1" ParameterDescription="GDP
component code" ParameterDataType="integer"/>
<Parameter ParameterName="GeoFips" MultipleAcceptedFlag="1" ParameterIsRequiredFlag="1" ParameterDescription="Comma-
delimited list of 5-character geographic codes; STATE for all states, MSA for all MSAs" ParameterDataType="string"/>
<Parameter ParameterName="IndustryId" MultipleAcceptedFlag="0" ParameterIsRequiredFlag="1"
ParameterDescription="Industry code to retrieve from component" ParameterDataType="integer"/>
<Parameter ParameterName="Year" MultipleAcceptedFlag="1" ParameterIsRequiredFlag="0" ParameterDescription="Comma-
delimted list of years; LAST5 for latest 5 years; LAST10 for latest 10 years; ALL for all years"
ParameterDataType="string" ParameterDefaultValue="LAST5"/>
In this example, the parameters for the “RegionalProduct” dataset are being requested. The results indicate that
the dataset has four parameters: GeoFips, Component, IndustryId, and Year.
GeoFIPS is a string typed parameter described as the GeoFIPS code. GeoFIPS is required. Multiple values are
accepted, and there are special parameters to specify a group of areas, like “STATE” for all states.
Component is an integer corresponding to a GDP component. We don’t have the list of Components in this
request but we can tell it is required.
Industry is an integer used to specify which industry is being requested for a given Component. We can’t tell
from this what the industryIds are, but we can see that it is required (and therefore has no default value), and
that multiple values are not allowed (and therefore there is no special “all” value).
Year is string typed parameter described as “Year”. It is not required in a request, and if is not included, the
default value used is “LAST5” for the last available five years. “ALL” and “LAST10” are also available. To
choose specific years, submit a comma-delimited list of years, like “1990,2000,2010”.
et P
et erV
es – retrieves a list of the valid values for a particular parameter.

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Required Parameters: UserID, Method, DatasetName, ParameterName
Optional Parameters: ResultFormat
Result: ParamValue node with attributes that contain the actual permissible values (and usually a description of
the value).
Example Request 1:
Example Return 1:
ParameterName="USERID" ParameterValue="
ParameterName="METHOD" ParameterValue="GetParameterValues"
ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="RegionalProduct"
ParameterValue="Component" />
ParameterName="ResultFormat" ParameterValue="XML"
<ParamValue Desc="Compensation of employees [State Annual NAICS]" Key="COMP_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Compensation of employees [State Annual SIC]" Key="COMP_SAS"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area [Metro Annual NAICS]" Key="GDP_MAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Gross domestic product (GDP) by state [State Annual NAICS]" Key="GDP_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Gross domestic product (GDP) by state [State Annual SIC]" Key="GDP_SAS"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Gross domestic product (GDP) by state [State Quarterly NAICS]" Key="GDP_SQN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Gross operating surplus [State Annual NAICS]" Key="GOS_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Gross operating surplus [State Annual SIC]" Key="GOS_SAS"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Total personal consumption expenditures (PCE) by state [State Personal Consumption Expenditures]"
<ParamValue Desc="Per capita personal consumption expenditures (PCE) by state [State Personal Consumption Expenditures]"
<ParamValue Desc="Per capita real GDP by metropolitan area [Metro Annual NAICS]" Key="PCRGDP_MAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Per capita real GDP by state [State Annual NAICS]" Key="PCRGDP_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Per capita real GDP by state [State Annual SIC]" Key="PCRGDP_SAS"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Quantity indexes for real GDP by metropolitan area [Metro Annual NAICS]" Key="QI_MAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Quantity indexes for real GDP by state [State Annual NAICS]" Key="QI_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Quantity indexes for real GDP by state [State Annual SIC]" Key="QI_SAS"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Quantity indexes for real GDP by state [State Quarterly NAICS]" Key="QI_SQN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Real GDP by metropolitan area [Metro Annual NAICS]" Key="RGDP_MAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Real GDP by state [State Annual NAICS]" Key="RGDP_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Real GDP by state [State Annual SIC]" Key="RGDP_SAS"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Real GDP by state [State Quarterly NAICS]" Key="RGDP_SQN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Subsidies [State Annual NAICS]" Key="SUBS_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Subsidies [State Annual SIC]" Key="SUBS_SAS"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Taxes on production and imports [State Annual NAICS]" Key="TOPI_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Taxes on production and imports [State Annual SIC]" Key="TOPI_SAS"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Taxes on production and imports less subsidies [State Annual NAICS]" Key="TOPILS_SAN"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Taxes on production and imports less subsidies [State Annual SIC]" Key="TOPILS_SAS"/>
Example Request 2:
Example Return 2:

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<RequestParam ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" ParameterName="USERID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="REGIONALINCOME" ParameterName="DATASETNAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETPARAMETERVALUES" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="TABLENAME" ParameterName="PARAMETERNAME"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income Summary: Personal Income, Population, Per Capita Personal Income (Non-Industry) [A]"
<ParamValue Desc="Total Full-Time and Part-Time Employment by SIC Industry (SIC) [A]" Key="CA25"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Total Full-Time and Part-Time Employment by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [A]" Key="CA25N"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Economic Profile (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="CA30"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Current Transfer Receipts (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="CA35"/
><ParamValue Desc="Personal Income and Employment by Major Component (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="CA4"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Farm Income and Expenses (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="CA45"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by SIC Industry (SIC) [A]" Key="CA5"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [A]" Key="CA5N"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Compensation of Employees by SIC Industry (SIC) [A]" Key="CA6"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Compensation of Employees by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [A]" Key="CA6N"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Gross Flow of Earnings (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="CA91"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Implicit Regional Price Deflator (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="IRPD1"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Real Personal Income (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="RPI1"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Regional Price Parities (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="RPP1"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income Summary: Personal Income, Population, Per Capita Personal Income (Non-Industry) [A]"
<ParamValue Desc="Total Full-Time and Part-Time Employment by SIC Industry (SIC) [A]" Key="SA25"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Total Full-Time and Part-Time Employment by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [A]" Key="SA25N"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Full-Time and Part-Time Wage and Salary Employment by SIC Industry (SIC) [A]" Key="SA27"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Full-Time and Part-Time Wage and Salary Employment by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [A]"
Key="SA27N"/><ParamValue Desc="Economic Profile (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="SA30"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Current Transfer Receipts (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="SA35"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income and Employment by Major Component (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="SA4"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Property Income (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="SA40"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Farm Income and Expenses (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="SA45"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by SIC Industry (SIC) [A]" Key="SA5"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Current Taxes (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="SA50"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Disposable Personal Income Summary: Disposable Personal Income, Population, and Per Capita Disposable
Personal Income (Non-Industry) [A]" Key="SA51"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by Industry (Historical) (SIC) [A]" Key="SA5H"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [A]" Key="SA5N"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Compensation of Employees by SIC Industry (SIC) [A]" Key="SA6"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Compensation of Employees by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [A]" Key="SA6N"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Wages and Salaries by SIC Industry (SIC) [A]" Key="SA7"/><ParamValue Desc="Wages and Salaries by
Industry (Historical) (SIC) [A]" Key="SA7H"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Wages and Salaries by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [A]" Key="SA7N"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income (Non-Industry) [Q]" Key="SQ1"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Current Transfer Receipts (Non-Industry) [Q]" Key="SQ35"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component (Non-Industry) [Q]" Key="SQ4"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by SIC Industry (SIC) [Q]" Key="SQ5"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by Industry (Historical) (SIC) [Q]"
Key="SQ5H"/><ParamValue Desc="Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [Q]"
Key="SQ5N"/><ParamValue Desc="Compensation of Employees by SIC Industry (SIC) [Q]" Key="SQ6"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Compensation of Employees by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [Q]" Key="SQ6N"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Wages and Salaries by SIC Industry (SIC) [Q]" Key="SQ7"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Wages and Salaries by Industry (Historical) (SIC) [Q]" Key="SQ7H"/>
<ParamValue Desc="Wages and Salaries by NAICS Industry (NAICS) [Q]" Key="SQ7N"/>

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To summarize, the API includes three methods that retrieve meta-data about the statistics that are available:
GetDatasetList, GetParameterList, and GetParameterValues. There is also a new method called
et P
et erV
ered – retrieves a list of the valid values for a particular parameter based on
other provided parameters.
In our example above with the RegionalIncome data set, it is necessary to supply a TableName and LineCode.
You will want to discover the LineCode values available for a given TableName. The
GetParameterValuesFiltered method is designed to do this.
GetParameterValuesFiltered will return values for one target parameter based on the values of other named
Example request to retrieve the valid LineCode values for a given TableName:
a bleName=SA1&ResultFormat=XML
Example return:
<RequestParam ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" ParameterName="USERID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="LINECODE" ParameterName="TARGETPARAMETER"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="SA1" ParameterName="TABLENAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="REGIONALINCOME" ParameterName="DATASETNAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETPARAMETERVALUESFILTERED" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<ParamValue Desc="[SA1] Personal income (thousands of dollars)" Key="1"/>
<ParamValue Desc="[SA1] Population (persons)" Key="2"/>
<ParamValue Desc="[SA1] Per capita personal income (dollars)" Key="3"/>
All results from GetParameterValuesFiltered contain “Desc” and “Key”. Key is the value you will want to pass
in as a parameter to the data request for the target parameter you specified. In our example, a desired Key will
be passed into LineCode.
Although there is only one TargetParameter, mulitiple other parameters may be passed in. For example you may
want to know what years are available for a given TableName and GeoFips--
Example request:
Na me=CA5N&GeoFips=01001&ResultFormat=XML
Example return:
<RequestParam ParameterValue="YEAR" ParameterName="TARGETPARAMETER"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="CA5N" ParameterName="TABLENAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="REGIONALINCOME" ParameterName="DATASETNAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="01001" ParameterName="GEOFIPS"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETPARAMETERVALUESFILTERED" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="Your-36CharacterKey" ParameterName="USERID"/>

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<ParamValue Desc="2001" Key="2001"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2002" Key="2002"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2003" Key="2003"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2004" Key="2004"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2005" Key="2005"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2006" Key="2006"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2007" Key="2007"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2008" Key="2008"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2009" Key="2009"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2010" Key="2010"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2011" Key="2011"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2012" Key="2012"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2013" Key="2013"/>
<ParamValue Desc="2014" Key="2014"/>
There are many more examples of using GetParameterValuesFiltered in the Regional appendices I and J.
Please note that the GetParameterValuesFiltered method does not yet work with all BEA data sets. If you
try GetParametersValuesFiltered on a data set that does not yet support it, an error will be returned--
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETPARAMETERVALUESFILTERED" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="Your-36CharacterKey" ParameterName="USERID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="1" ParameterName="TABLEID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="NIPA" ParameterName="DATASETNAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="Q" ParameterName="FREQUENCY"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="YEAR" ParameterName="TARGETPARAMETER"/>
<Error APIErrorDescription="The GetParameterValuesFiltered method has not been implemented on this dataset (coming soon)."
Data Retrieval API Method
The API has one method for retrieving data –
e t Dat
Every data retrieval request requires the UserID, Method, and DatasetName parameters. Each dataset has a
defined set of parameters – some required and others optional. Each dataset returns different results that are
documented in appendices to this document.
e t Dat a
Required Parameters: UserID, Method, DatasetName, additional required parameters (depending on the
Optional Parameters: ResultFormat, additional optional parameters (depending on the dataset)
Result: Dimensions nodes with attributes:
Ordinal – ordinal number indicating a standardized order of returned dimensions – note that attributes in
returned data are not guaranteed to be in any particular order. Programmatic usage of attributes should
refer to them by name.
Name – The Name of each data dimension returned
DataType – string or numeric – whether the data dimension is purely numeric or should be treated as
string data

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IsValue – most datasets have one dimension that represents the statistic of interest, and the other
dimensions are descriptive of the statistic. IsValue = 1 for the data dimension that is the statistic
of interest, otherwise 0. The statistic of interest is usually numeric so that it can be summarized or
aggregated based on the descriptive dimension values.
Each Dataset contains different dimensions. There are a few pre-defined dimensions that are common to most
Datasets, including:
CL_UNIT – a descriptor of the units reported for the data value (e. g. USD for U. S. dollars, and PC
for percent)
UNIT_MULT – a descriptor of the multiplier that applies to the data value. This value is the base-
10 exponent that should be applied to the data value (e. g. amounts reported in millions would have
a UNIT_MULT of 6; amounts reported in billions would have a UNIT_MULT of 9).
The specific meaning of each dimension is described in the Appendix for each dataset.
The result then includes Data nodes containing the actual results specified in the parameters. Each Data
node contains one attribute for each data dimension (specified in the Dimensions nodes).
Finally, the result may include Note nodes. Notes (as in footnotes) further describe or qualify any of the other
nodes in the result (or the result node itself). A result node qualified by a Note has an attribute named
NoteRef. If a result node includes the NoteRef attribute, the value for it will always be present among the
Notes nodes.
Example Request 1:
In this example, the GetData method is used to return a result from the dataset named RegionalIncome. The
TableId and LineCode parameters are used to request statistic for “Per Capita personal income (county annual
income)”. The GeoFIPS parameter value is “DE” – meaning the data for all counties in Delaware are requested.
A single year’s data is requested – 2015.
Note that the GeoFIPS parameter could have been “COUNTY” for all counties, or a list of individual state
or county GeoFIPS codes. Also, multiple years could have been requested by providing them in a comma-
separated list, or the special year parameters “LAST5” or “LAST10” could be used.
Example Return 1:
<RequestParam ParameterValue="
" ParameterName="USERID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="REGIONALINCOME" ParameterName="DATASETNAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETDATA" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="DE" ParameterName="GEOFIPS"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="CA1" ParameterName="TABLENAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="3" ParameterName="LINECODE"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="2014" ParameterName="YEAR"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<Results NoteRef="2" UTCProductionTime="2017-03-03T14:37:59.443" PublicTable="CA1 Personal Income Summary: Personal Income,
Population, Per Capita Personal Income" UnitOfMeasure="dollars" Statistic="Per capita personal income">
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="Code"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="GeoFips"/>

Page 12 of 14 October 11, 2017
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="GeoName"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="TimePeriod"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="1" DataType="numeric" Name="DataValue"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="CL_UNIT"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="numeric" Name="UNIT_MULT"/>
<Data DataValue="45284" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2014" GeoName="Delaware" GeoFips="10000" Code="CA1-3"/>
<Data DataValue="36845" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2014" GeoName="Kent, DE" GeoFips="10001" Code="CA1-3"/>
<Data DataValue="48503" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2014" GeoName="New Castle, DE" GeoFips="10003"
<Data DataValue="43710" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2014" GeoName="Sussex, DE" GeoFips="10005" Code="CA1-
<Notes NoteRef="2" NoteText="Per capita personal income was computed using Census Bureau midyear population estimates.
Estimates for 2010-2015 reflect county population estimates available as of March 2016."/>
<Notes NoteRef="Note--" NoteText="All dollar estimates are in current dollars (not adjusted for inflation)."/>
<Notes NoteRef=" " NoteText="Last updated: November 17, 2016-- new estimates for 2015; revised estimates for 1998-2014."/>
In this example the Result node contains a NoteRef attribute having the value “2”, and there is a Notes
node having the NoteRef value of “2”. This should be interpreted as meaning that the NoteText attribute
for that Notes node applies to the whole result.
Example Request 2:
In this example, the GetData method is used to return the dataset named RegionalIncome. The TableName
and LineCode parameters are used to request statistic for “Per capita personal income (dollars)” – as shown
in the result of the first GetParameterValuesFiltered example above. The GeoFIPS parameter value is
“STATE” – meaning the data for all states is requested. Finally, a single year’s data is requested – 2013.
Note that the GeoFIPS parameter could have been a list of 5-digit geographic codes. Also, multiple years
could have been requested by providing them in a comma-separated list.
Example Return 2:
<RequestParam ParameterValue="2013" ParameterName="YEAR"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="3" ParameterName="LINECODE"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="REGIONALINCOME" ParameterName="DATASETNAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="STATE" ParameterName="GEOFIPS"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="Your-36Character-Key" ParameterName="USERID"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="GETDATA" ParameterName="METHOD"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="SA1" ParameterName="TABLENAME"/>
<RequestParam ParameterValue="XML" ParameterName="RESULTFORMAT"/>
<Results NoteRef="2" UTCProductionTime="2015-04-24T14:22:56.983" PublicTable="SA1 Personal Income Summary: Personal Income,
Population, Per Capita Personal Income" UnitOfMeasure="dollars" Statistic="Per capita personal income">
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="Code" Ordinal="1"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="GeoFips" Ordinal="2"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="GeoName" Ordinal="3"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="0" DataType="string" Name="TimePeriod" Ordinal="4"/>
<Dimensions IsValue="1" DataType="numeric" Name="DataValue" Ordinal="5"/>
<Data DataValue="44,765" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="United States" GeoFips="00000"
<Data DataValue="36,481" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Alabama" GeoFips="01000" Code="SA1-
<Data NoteRef="*" DataValue="50,150" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Alaska" GeoFips="02000"
<Data DataValue="36,983" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Arizona" GeoFips="04000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="36,698" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Arkansas" GeoFips="05000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="48,434" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="California" GeoFips="06000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="46,897" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Colorado" GeoFips="08000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="60,658" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Connecticut" GeoFips="09000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="44,815" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Delaware" GeoFips="10000" Code="SA1-

Page 13 of 14 October 11, 2017
<Data DataValue="75,329" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="District of Columbia" GeoFips="11000"
<Data DataValue="41,497" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Florida" GeoFips="12000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="37,845" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Georgia" GeoFips="13000" Code="SA1-3"/>
<Data NoteRef="*" DataValue="45,204" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Hawaii" GeoFips="15000"
<Data DataValue="36,146" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Idaho" GeoFips="16000" Code="SA1-3"/>
<Data DataValue="46,980" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Illinois" GeoFips="17000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="38,622" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Indiana" GeoFips="18000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="44,763" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Iowa" GeoFips="19000" Code="SA1-3"/>
<Data DataValue="44,417" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Kansas" GeoFips="20000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="36,214" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Kentucky" GeoFips="21000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="41,204" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Louisiana" GeoFips="22000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="40,924" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Maine" GeoFips="23000" Code="SA1-3"/>
<Data DataValue="53,826" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Maryland" GeoFips="24000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="57,248" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Massachusetts" GeoFips="25000"
<Data DataValue="39,055" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Michigan" GeoFips="26000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="47,500" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Minnesota" GeoFips="27000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="33,913" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Mississippi" GeoFips="28000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="40,663" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Missouri" GeoFips="29000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="39,366" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Montana" GeoFips="30000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="47,157" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Nebraska" GeoFips="31000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="39,235" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Nevada" GeoFips="32000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="51,013" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="New Hampshire" GeoFips="33000"
<Data DataValue="55,386" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="New Jersey" GeoFips="34000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="35,965" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="New Mexico" GeoFips="35000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="54,462" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="New York" GeoFips="36000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="38,683" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="North Carolina" GeoFips="37000"
<Data DataValue="53,182" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="North Dakota" GeoFips="38000"
<Data DataValue="41,049" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Ohio" GeoFips="39000" Code="SA1-3"/>
<Data DataValue="41,861" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Oklahoma" GeoFips="40000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="39,848" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Oregon" GeoFips="41000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="46,202" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Pennsylvania" GeoFips="42000"
<Data DataValue="46,989" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Rhode Island" GeoFips="44000"
<Data DataValue="35,831" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="South Carolina" GeoFips="45000"
<Data DataValue="46,039" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="South Dakota" GeoFips="46000"
<Data DataValue="39,558" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Tennessee" GeoFips="47000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="43,862" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Texas" GeoFips="48000" Code="SA1-3"/>
<Data DataValue="36,640" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Utah" GeoFips="49000" Code="SA1-3"/>
<Data DataValue="45,483" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Vermont" GeoFips="50000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="48,838" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Virginia" GeoFips="51000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="47,717" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Washington" GeoFips="53000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="35,533" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="West Virginia" GeoFips="54000"
<Data DataValue="43,244" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Wisconsin" GeoFips="55000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="52,826" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Wyoming" GeoFips="56000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="54,797" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="New England" GeoFips="91000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="52,485" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Mideast" GeoFips="92000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="42,192" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Great Lakes" GeoFips="93000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="44,796" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Plains" GeoFips="94000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="39,760" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Southeast" GeoFips="95000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="42,074" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Southwest" GeoFips="96000" Code="SA1-
<Data DataValue="42,391" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Rocky Mountain" GeoFips="97000"
<Data DataValue="47,185" UNIT_MULT="0" CL_UNIT="dollars" TimePeriod="2013" GeoName="Far West" GeoFips="98000" Code="SA1-
<Notes NoteRef="2" NoteText="Per capita personal income is total personal income divided by total midyear population."/>
<Notes NoteRef="*" NoteText="Estimates prior to 1950 are not available for Alaska and Hawaii."/>
<Notes NoteRef="Note--" NoteText="All dollar estimates are in current dollars (not adjusted for inflation)."/>

Page 14 of 14 October 11, 2017
<Notes NoteRef=" " NoteText="Last updated: March 25, 2015-- new estimates for 2014."/>
In this example the Result node contains a NoteRef attribute having the value “2”, and there is a Notes node
having the NoteRef value of “2”. This should be interpreted as meaning that the NoteText attribute for that
Notes node applies to the whole result.
There are two Data nodes having a NoteRef attribute with the value “*”, and there is one Notes nodes having
the matching NoteRef attribute (“*”). This should be interpreted to mean that the Notes node having NoteRef
= “*” apply as a group to the corresponding Data nodes.
DataSet Documentation
BEA expects to publish several API Datasets containing a variety of economic statistics. The Datasets that are
currently available are each documented separately as appendices here.
Appendix A – RegionalData (DEPRECATED)
The RegionalData data set is obsolete and API calls using this data set will no longer function. Users
should instead access the datasets RegionalIncome and RegionalProduct, which provide comprehensive
detail in statistics, industries, geography, and years. See Appendices I and J for instructions on how to use
these two data sets.

Appendix B – NIPA (National Income and Product Accounts)
The DataSetName is NIPA. This dataset contains data from the National Income and Product Accounts
which include measures of the value and composition of U.S.production and the incomes generated in
producing it. NIPA data is provided on a table basis; individual tables contain between fewer than 10 to more
than 200 distinct data series. Four parameters are used to retrieve data from the NIPA dataset, as follows:
Is Required
“All” value
TableName String The standard NIPA
table identifier
No No N/A
TableID Integer
Database identifier;
will be deprecated in
December 2017
No No N/A
Frequency String
List of frequencies to
Yes Yes N/A
Year String List of year(s) of
data to retrieve
Yes Yes X
ShowMillions Discontinued; see
detailed note
Example calls
Percent change in Real Gross Domestic Product, Annually and Quarterly for all years
Personal Income, Monthly, for 2015 and 2016
API Call
to Obtain a List of Available Values & Descriptions
[Details of each are described in the section below. ]
Parameter Name Parameter Value List

TableName Parameter – optional (will be required, December 2017)
The TableName parameter is a string that identifies a specific NIPA table. Only one NIPA table can be
requested in each data request. Requests with an invalid combination of TableName, Frequency or Year values
will result in an error. Either the TableName or TableID parameter must be passed or an error will result.
NOTE: This parameter is newly introduced in October 2017 and will replace the TableID parameter. Both the
TableName and TableID parameter are optional; if the TableName and TableID values do not reference the
same table, an error will be returned.
TableID Parameter – optional (will be discontinued, December 2017)
The TableID parameter is an integer that also refers to a specific NIPA table. Only one NIPA table can be
requested in each data request. Either the TableName or TableID parameter must be passed or an error will
NOTE: This parameter will be discontinued in December 2017. Any request including the TableID will include
a note in the response providing the TableName parameter value to perform that request once TableID is
discontinued. Both the TableName and TableID parameter are optional; if the TableName and TableID values
do not reference the same table, an error will be returned.
Frequency Parameter – (required, multiple values allowed)
The Frequency parameter is a string that refers to the time series for the requested NIPA table. Multiple
frequencies are requested by specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e. g. “A,Q,M”.
When data is requested for frequencies that are not available for the requested NIPA table, only data that is
available is returned; if no data is available for the requested frequencies, an error will be returned.
When calling the GetParameterValues method and passing a TableName value the response will identify the
valid frequencies for that table.
Accepted parameter values are:
1. A – Annual
2. Q – Quarterly
3. M – Monthly
Year Parameter – (required, multiple values allowed)
The Year parameter specifies the year(s) of the data requested. When quarterly or monthly data are
requested all available quarters for the specified year(s) will be returned. Multiple years are requested by
specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e. g. “2000,2001,2002”.

If the request supplies the special value X or ALL for the Year parameter, all available years of data for
that NIPA table returned. Note that using the X or ALL value for all years can return large amounts of
data, and should be avoided when the actual required years are known.
When data is requested for years that are not available for the requested NIPA table, only data that is
available is returned; if no data is available for the requested year(s), an error will be returned.
When calling the GetParameterValues method and passing a TableName value the response will identify the
valid years for that table.
ShowMillions Parameter – (discontinued; October 2017)
The ShowMillions parameter is discontinued. In its place the data response’s MULT_UNIT field now
returns the scaling of each observation. Please consult the MULT_UNIT field description, below, for
further details.
NIPA Dataset Result Data
NIPA (National Income and Product Accounts) Dimensions Elements in Return Data
Parameter Name Ordinal Datatype IsValue Description
o Unique identifier for the NIPA table
Integer identifier for the NIPA table
A unique identifier for the time series of the
data item.
String No Sequence of the data item within the table.
A description of the transactions measured
in the data item.
Time period for the data item in the form
YYYY for annual data; YYYYQn for quarterly
data (where n is the quarter digi
t); or YYYYMx
for monthly data (where x is the month digit).
String indicating the
measurement of the data
item. Example values are
Current Dollars, Fisher Price
Index, etc.
No The calculation type of the data item.

An integer representing the bas
o exponent of the multiplier used to interpret
the data value. For example “6” refers to
millions (DataValue ×
Value of the data item, formatted with
A NoteRef attribute is also included in all data elements and acts as a reference to one of the Notes elements
in the returned data. The NoteRef attribute may have multiple values represented by a comma-delimited
string. Any NoteRef attribute included in the data is guaranteed to have a corresponding Notes element. For
the NIPA dataset, every data element includes at least one Noteref that corresponds to a Note element
containing the title of the table.
Additional Information
Explanation of the estimates can be found in the National section of our website:
Please consult the schedule of releases which impacts data and table availability. Updates and changes to the
accounts are detailed at:
National Income and Product Account
Methodologies can be found in our handbook.

Appendix C – NIPA Underlying Detail (National Income and Product Accounts)
The DataSetName is NIUnderlyingDetail. This dataset contains underlying detail data from the National
Income and Product Accounts which include measures of the value and composition of U.S.production
and the incomes generated in producing it. NIPA Underlying Detail data is provided on a table basis;
individual tables contain between fewer than 10 to more than 200 distinct data series. Four parameters are used
to retrieve data from the NIPA Underlying Detail dataset, as follows:
Is Required
“All” value
TableName String The standard NIPA
table identifier
No No N/A
TableID Integer
Database identifier;
will be deprecated in
December 2017
No No N/A
Frequency String
List of frequencies to
Yes Yes N/A
String List of year(s) of
data to retrieve
Yes Yes X
Example calls
Personal Conumption Expenditures, Current Dollars, Annually, Quarterly and Monthly for all years
Auto and Truck Unit Sales, Production, Inventories, Expenditures and Price, Monthly, for 2015 and 2016
NIUnderlyingDetail &TableName=U70205S&Frequency=M&Year=2015,2016&ResultFormat=xml
API Call
to Obtain a List of Available Values & Descriptions
[Details of each are described in the section below. ]
Parameter Name Parameter Value List

TableId Key&method=GetParameterValues&
DataSetName=NIUnderlyingDetail&ParameterName= TableId&ResultFormat=xml
Frequency Key&method=GetParameterValues&
DataSetName=NIUnderlyingDetail&ParameterName= Frequency&ResultFormat=xml
Key&method=GetParameterValues& DataSetName=NIUnderlyingDetail&ParameterName=
TableName Parameter – optional (will be required, December 2017)
The TableName parameter is a string that identifies a specific NIPA Underlying Detail table. Only one NIPA
Underlying Detail table can be requested in each data request. Requests with an invalid combination of
TableName, Frequency or Year values will result in an error. Either the TableName or TableID parameter must
be passed or an error will result.
NOTE: This parameter is newly introduced in October 2017 and will replace the TableID parameter. Both the
TableName and TableID parameter are optional; if the TableName and TableID values do not reference the
same table, an error will be returned.
TableID Parameter – optional (will be discontinued, December 2017)
The TableID parameter is an integer that also refers to a specific NIPA Underlying Detail table. Only one
NIPA Underlying Detail table can be requested in each data request. Either the TableName or TableID
parameter must be passed or an error will result.
NOTE: This parameter will be discontinued in December 2017. Any request including the TableID will include
a note in the response providing the TableName parameter value to perform that request once TableID is
discontinued. Both the TableName and TableID parameter are optional; if the TableName and TableID values
do not reference the same table, an error will be returned.
Frequency Parameter – (required, multiple values allowed)
The Frequency parameter is a string that refers to the time series for the requested NIPA Underlying Detail
table. Multiple frequencies are requested by specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e. g. “A,Q,M”.
When data is requested for frequencies that are not available for the requested NIPA Underlying Detail table,
only data that is available is returned; if no data is available for the requested frequencies, an error will be
When calling the GetParameterValues method and passing a TableName value the response will identify the
valid frequencies for that table.
Accepted parameter values are:
1. A – Annual
2. Q – Quarterly
3. M – Monthly
Year Parameter – (required, multiple values allowed)
The Year parameter specifies the year(s) of the data requested. When quarterly or monthly data are

requested all available quarters for the specified year(s) will be returned. Multiple years are requested by
specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e. g. “2000,2001,2002”.
If the request supplies the special value X or ALL for the Year parameter, all available years of data for that
NIPA Underlying Detail table are returned. Note that using the X or ALL value for all years can return large
amounts of data, and should be avoided when the actual required years are known.
When data is requested for years that are not available for the requested NIPA Underlying Detail table,
only data that is available is returned; if no data is available for the requested year(s), an error will be
When calling the GetParameterValues method and passing a TableName value the response will identify the
valid years for that table.
NIPA Underlying Detail Dataset Result Data
NIPA (National Income and Product Accounts) Dimensions Elements in Return Data
Parameter Name Ordinal Datatype IsValue Description
Unique identifier for the NIPA table
Integer identifier for the NIPA table
o A unique identifier for the time series of the
data item.
String No Sequence of the data item within the table.
A description of the transactions measured
in the data item.
Time period for the data item in the form
YYYY for annual data; YYYYQn for quarterly
data (where n is the quarter digi
t); or YYYYMx
for monthly data (where x is the month digit).
String indicating the
measurement of the data
item. Example values are
Current Dollars, Fisher Price
Index, etc.
No The calculation type of the data item.

An integer representing the bas
o exponent of the multiplier used to interpret
the data value. For example “6” refers to
millions (DataValue ×
Value of the data item, formatted with
A NoteRef attribute is also included in all data elements and acts as a reference to one of the Notes elements
in the returned data. The NoteRef attribute may have multiple values represented by a comma-delimited
string. Any NoteRef attribute included in the data is guaranteed to have a corresponding Notes element. For
the NIPA dataset, every data element includes at least one Noteref that corresponds to a Note element
containing the title of the table.
Additional Information
Explanation of the estimates can be found in the National section of our website:
Please consult the schedule of releases which impacts data and table availability. Updates and changes to the
accounts are detailed at:
National Income and Product Account
Methodologies can be found in our handbook.

Appendix D: Page 1 of 7 October 11, 2017
Appendix D – Fixed Assets
The FixedAssets dataset contains data from the standard set of Fixed Assets tables as published online. Two
parameters are used to retrieve data from the Fixed Assets dataset, as follows:
Is Required
“All” value
The standard Fixed
Assets table
integer List of year(s) of Yes Yes X
TableID Parameter
The TableID parameter is an integer that refers to a specific Fixed Assets table. As shown above, the parameter
is required, and only one Fixed Assets table can be requested in each GetData submission.
The full list of valid Fixed Assets TableIDs is as follows:
<ParamValue TableID="16" Description="Table 1. 1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="17" Description="Table 1. 2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="86" Description="Table 1. 3. Current-Cost Depreciation of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="87" Description="Table 1. 4. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="96" Description="Table 1. 5. Investment in Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="97" Description="Table 1. 6. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="105" Description="Table 1. 7. Current-Cost Other Changes in Volume of Assets for Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="124" Description="Table 1. 8. Historical-Cost Other Changes in Volume of Assets for Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="125" Description="Table 1. 9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="18" Description="Table 2. 1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="19" Description="Table 2. 2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="42" Description="Table 2. 3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="65" Description="Table 2. 4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="66" Description="Table 2. 5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by
Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="67" Description="Table 2. 6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="51" Description="Table 2. 7. Investment in Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="52" Description="Table 2. 8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by
Type (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="106" Description="Table 2. 9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="107" Description="Table 2. 10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets, Equipment, Structures, and Intellectual Property Products by Type
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="21" Description="Table 3. 1E. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="126" Description="Table 3. 1ESI. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="127" Description="Table 3. 1I. Current-Cost Net Stock of Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="22" Description="Table 3. 1S. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="24" Description="Table 3. 2E. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="128" Description="Table 3. 2ESI. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="129" Description="Table 3. 2I. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="25" Description="Table 3. 2S. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="44" Description="Table 3. 3E. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="130" Description="Table 3. 3ESI. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="131" Description="Table 3. 3I. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="45" Description="Table 3. 3S. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="69" Description="Table 3. 4E. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="132" Description="Table 3. 4ESI. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="133" Description="Table 3. 4I. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="70" Description="Table 3. 4S. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="72" Description="Table 3. 5E. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="134" Description="Table 3. 5ESI. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="135" Description="Table 3. 5I. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="73" Description="Table 3. 5S. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="75" Description="Table 3. 6E. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="136" Description="Table 3. 6ESI. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="137" Description="Table 3. 6I. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="76" Description="Table 3. 6S. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="54" Description="Table 3. 7E. Investment in Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="138" Description="Table 3. 7ESI. Investment in Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="139" Description="Table 3. 7I. Investment in Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="55" Description="Table 3. 7S. Investment in Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="57" Description="Table 3. 8E. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="140" Description="Table 3. 8ESI. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
Appendix D: Page 2 of 7 October 11, 2017
<ParamValue TableID="141" Description="Table 3. 8I. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="58" Description="Table 3. 8S. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="108" Description="Table 3. 9E. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="142" Description="Table 3. 9ESI. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="143" Description="Table 3. 9I. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="110" Description="Table 3. 9S. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="111" Description="Table 3. 10E. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Equipment by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="144" Description="Table 3. 10ESI. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="145" Description="Table 3. 10I. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Intellectual Property Products by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="113" Description="Table 3. 10S. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Structures by Industry (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="26" Description="Table 4. 1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="27" Description="Table 4. 2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="46" Description="Table 4. 3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="77" Description="Table 4. 4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="78" Description="Table 4. 5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of
Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="79" Description="Table 4. 6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="59" Description="Table 4. 7. Investment in Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="60" Description="Table 4. 8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of
Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="114" Description="Table 4. 9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="115" Description="Table 4. 10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization
(A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="28" Description="Table 5. 1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="29" Description="Table 5. 2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure
Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="47" Description="Table 5. 3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="88" Description="Table 5. 4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="89" Description="Table 5. 5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and
Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="90" Description="Table 5. 6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="98" Description="Table 5. 7. Investment in Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="99" Description="Table 5. 8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure
Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="116" Description="Table 5. 9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure
Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="117" Description="Table 5. 10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Residential Fixed Assets by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Tenure
Group (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="41" Description="Table 6. 1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="48" Description="Table 6. 2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="49" Description="Table 6. 3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="80" Description="Table 6. 4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="81" Description="Table 6. 5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="82" Description="Table 6. 6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="61" Description="Table 6. 7. Investment in Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="62" Description="Table 6. 8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="118" Description="Table 6. 9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="119" Description="Table 6. 10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Private Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="35" Description="Table 7. 1A. Current-Cost Net Stock of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="30" Description="Table 7. 1B. Current-Cost Net Stock of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="36" Description="Table 7. 2A. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="31" Description="Table 7. 2B. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="91" Description="Table 7. 3A. Current-Cost Depreciation of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="92" Description="Table 7. 3B. Current-Cost Depreciation of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="93" Description="Table 7. 4A. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="94" Description="Table 7. 4B. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="100" Description="Table 7. 5A. Investment in Government Fixed Assets, 1901-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="101" Description="Table 7. 5B. Investment in Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="102" Description="Table 7. 6A. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Government Fixed Assets, 1901-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="103" Description="Table 7. 6B. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="120" Description="Table 7. 7A. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Government Fixed Assets, 1925-1996 (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="121" Description="Table 7. 7B. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Government Fixed Assets (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="32" Description="Table 8. 1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="33" Description="Table 8. 2. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Net Stock of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="50" Description="Table 8. 3. Historical-Cost Net Stock of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="83" Description="Table 8. 4. Current-Cost Depreciation of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="84" Description="Table 8. 5. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Depreciation of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="85" Description="Table 8. 6. Historical-Cost Depreciation of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="63" Description="Table 8. 7. Investment in Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="64" Description="Table 8. 8. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Investment in Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="122" Description="Table 8. 9. Current-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="123" Description="Table 8. 10. Historical-Cost Average Age at Yearend of Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="34" Description="Table 9. 1. Real Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="95" Description="Table 9. 2. Real Depreciation of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
<ParamValue TableID="104" Description="Table 9. 3. Real Investment in Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods (A)" />
Note that the description of each table also indicates that only annual data is available.
Requesting an invalid TableID returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="201"
retrieving Fixed Assets data. ">
<ErrorDetail Description="Invalid table IDs were requested. " />
Appendix D: Page 3 of 7 October 11, 2017
Omitting the TableID parameter returns this
<Error APIErrorCode="40"
dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request. ">
ParameterName="TableID" ParameterDescription="The
standard Fixed Assets table identifier" />
Year Parameter
The Year parameter is an integer that specifies the year(s) of data for the requested Fixed Assets table. As
shown above, the parameter is required, and multiple years can be requested in each GetData submission.
Multiple years are requested by specifying them as a comma-delimited string, e. g. “2000,2001,2002”. When
data is requested for years that don’t exist for a particular Fixed Assets table, only data that exists is returned.
For example, if years in the future are requested – like “2013,2014,2015”, the most recent available data is
returned starting with 2013. If the request supplies the special value X or ALL for the Year parameter, all
available years of data are returned. Note that using the X or ALL value for all years can return large amounts
of data, and should be avoided when the actual required years are known.
If only years that don’t exist for a particular table are requested, this error is returned:
<Error APIErrorCode="201"
retrieving Fixed Assets data. ">
<ErrorDetail Description="The requested parameters did not return data. " />
Omitting the Year parameter returns this error:
<Error APIErrorCode="40"
dataset requested requires parameters that were missing from the request. ">
<MissingParameter ParameterName="Year"
of year(s) of data to retrieve (X for All)" />
Using the GetParameterValues meta-data retrieval method for the Year parameter returns a list of the valid year
ranges for each Fixed Assets table. Each Fixed Assets table may have a different range of years. For example,
Table 1 (at the time of this writing) has annual data from 1925 through 2012 available as indicated in this
example return data from the GetParameterValues method:
<ParamValue TableID="16" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="17" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="18" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="19" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="21" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="22" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="24" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="25" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="26" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="27" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="28" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="29" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="30" FirstAnnualYear="1997"
<ParamValue TableID="31" FirstAnnualYear="1997"
<ParamValue TableID="32" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="33" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="34" FirstAnnualYear="1999"
<ParamValue TableID="35" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="36" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="41" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="42" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="44" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="45" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="46" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="47" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="48" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="49" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="50" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="51" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="52" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
Appendix D: Page 4 of 7 October 11, 2017
<ParamValue TableID="55" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="57" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="58" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="59" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="60" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="61" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="62" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="63" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="64" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="65" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="66" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="67" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="69" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="70" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="72" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="73" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="75" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="76" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="77" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="78" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="79" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="80" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="81" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="82" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="83" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="84" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="85" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="86" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="87" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="88" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="89" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="90" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="91" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="92" FirstAnnualYear="1997"
<ParamValue TableID="93" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="94" FirstAnnualYear="1997"
<ParamValue TableID="95" FirstAnnualYear="1999"
<ParamValue TableID="96" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="97" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="98" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="99" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="100" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="101" FirstAnnualYear="1997"
<ParamValue TableID="102" FirstAnnualYear="1901"
<ParamValue TableID="103" FirstAnnualYear="1997"
<ParamValue TableID="104" FirstAnnualYear="1999"
<ParamValue TableID="105" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="106" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="107" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="108" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="110" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="111" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="113" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="114" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="115" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="116" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="117" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="118" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="119" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="120" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="121" FirstAnnualYear="1997"
<ParamValue TableID="122" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="123" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="124" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="125" FirstAnnualYear="1925"
<ParamValue TableID="126" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="127" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="128" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="129" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="130" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="131" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="132" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="133" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="134" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="135" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="136" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="137" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="138" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="139" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="140" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="141" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="142" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="143" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
<ParamValue TableID="144" FirstAnnualYear="1947"
Appendix D: Page 5 of 7 October 11, 2017
Fixed Assets Dataset Result Data
The Fixed Assets dataset returns data in the standard form described in the API User documentation. In XML
form, the main structure of a result is:
<Results UTCProductionTime="Apr 16 2013 2:36PM" Statistic="Fixed Assets Table">
The Request node of the result contains the parameters supplied to the request. For purposes of this example,
the parameters are:
<RequestParam ParameterName="USERID"
ParameterValue="GetData" />
ParameterName="DatasetName" ParameterValue="FIXEDASSETS"
ParameterValue="16" />
<RequestParam ParameterName="Year" ParameterValue="2012" />
ParameterValue="XML" />
The result returned from this request would be:
<Dimensions Ordinal="1" Name="TableID" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="2" Name="SeriesCode" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="3" Name="LineNumber" DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="4"
DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="5" Name="TimePeriod" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="6" Name="CL_UNIT" DataType="string" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="7"
DataType="numeric" IsValue="0" />
<Dimensions Ordinal="8" Name="DataValue" DataType="numeric" IsValue="1" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1wtotl1es00" LineNumber="1" LineDescription="Fixed assets and consumer durable goods" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="53,571. 6 " NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ttotl1es00" LineNumber="2" LineDescription="Fixed assets" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="48,723.
6 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ptotl1es00" LineNumber="3"
TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="36,215. 6 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ntotl1es00" LineNumber="4"
TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="19,903.
3 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ntotl1eq00" LineNumber="5"
TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="5,622. 9 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ntotl1st00" LineNumber="6"
TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="11,944. 6 "
NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16" SeriesCode="k1ntotl1ip00" LineNumber="7"
property products" TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9"
DataValue="2,335. 8 " NoteRef="16" />
<Data TableID="16"
TimePeriod="2012" CL_UNIT="USD" UNIT_MULT="9" DataValue="16,312.
3 "